e>. ^% a^ ^ ^, SMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) r/ // / :a S'/- fA 1.0 I.I 1.25 It 1^ 12.0 IM 2.2 mm IM 111.6 Vl / % ^> / / W Photographic SciSces Corporation $ m^ M <^-^ V 9> C^ , riinnlii! < '/""(IC lliii.ttr, lvii>t' ,v <'n., rniitvis, 'roiiii.t'., /x.o 7? INCORPORATED -Til JULY, /^;.'^ OBJECTS. TI.e lV.,ti-.stant, KpLscopal Divinity ScIkm.I „f Turonto is ir.t.-n.iod t..!.,,,- vide for tlu! traiiiii.g ^ii) 4 The Real presence of Christ by Faith in the hearts of worthy re- cipjentsof the Holy Communion ; m opiM.sition to the tij^ment of His presence corporally or si)iiitually on the coir ninion table, luider the form of bread and wine, after the consecration ot Jie elements. 6. The Church of Christ is the "Holy (, atholic Church."- (C, «.«/.) " 'i'he Holy Clmrch l'n[\ernii]."—( I'lVi/, r tur ('Innrlt Millfttnt <ii Scrn'rc. 6 ; The visible Church (visibilis ecclesia) of Christ Is a congregation of faithful men, //( irhi-h the /mrr n'oiil of Luid is i,i>io },,,(, and the KiK' III incuts lie ilithj niin.lstired according to Christ's ordinance, in all those things that tjf lo-rissifii di" rniiii.sit,' to the same.'— Artirl,' XIX. 7. An Historical Episcopate, traceable to apostolic direction, as coiidu cive to the ii-raise and honour to them for it- were sending out such men, and the Church of England in these tiays could not aH'ord to be behind. He was pleased to learn that great' carj was being exercised in the education of the young men in this Divinity School. He trusted that through the means of this Scliool much good would be done for the Church, not only in this Diocese, but throughout the country. The report which had been made bv ihe Principal was most satisfactory, and he sincerely looked forward > the time when he would be able to ordain and send out to the missions of the Diocese men from this institution thoroughly well fitted both in head and heart. He wished the School every siiccess and wouhl give it all the fos- tering care he could, so long as the circumstances of the Diocese reijuired that it should be conducted as a separate institution." MEANS NEEDED. It is i,r,,,„,s...i to i-ais,- witliiii tilt- ;t v.'.uw Issoi- , i -t I-ss than slun,,oo. ,u,l al... tlu- sun s'^ . -\^' .;.H..u ,n,.,,t ,.r 1-1^ ..^.- vdvf,; I.: ,vrT :;:;■' ^"'""r ''"'';■'■;■'■'■' '•■■'■■■ li-i\c h■"-'> '-- kr ir •11. (J.mI i^'iv.. t,. .aril nf ns tl.e li^Iit to i-n.-il.Ie ms to .s.v ,,ur drj^ an.l l,k :.r»i;;.',-;^,::^;;r:;;-^l"::;;::;;;-;:::-:;:- . ';:-;;ru;;::,p;!!;:\;;;;t;^E,,;— "W-. H. ROWLAND, ESQ., V/('i,r/i Sh: i t. Ti>,:nif".