.\? v^. #i ii ( ' IMAOE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fi ■ i 1.0 Sfw in I li& Corpcratto (7U)tn-4909 / ^ CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) i «r firtif •Ion. or IHv Tholi •hoNi TINUI whiot 4lffor ontlr; b09in f\qh\ roquli moth( ^ iit_ □ 32X ; ^■•■^-WT' ; ■■■•ntt«l tlbrary llnl|;;«r«ity of Toronto Tho imof M tgipooffnf fioro tro ttio k««t quolHy pOMlklo •OfwModfif tho ••(tuition w%4 lot IkilKy tf tho oHf Inol iofv whI In koofkif wHfi tho fllminf oontTMt tpoolflootlofio. Oilf Inol toflo* in pHntod pofor flovoft art fllmod bof IHnlnf with tho front oovor tn^ tn^lno on tho loot poff with a prlnto^l Of llluitrtto^ Improt* •Ion. or tho book «ovor whon approprloto. AN othor orif Inal aoploa aro fllmod bof Innl^f on tiM firat pa«o with a orlntad or llluttratad Improa- alon. and andln« on tho loat p9f with a printad or lllvatraiad Improaalon. Tho laot rooordod framo on oooh mierofloha ahoN aontain tho symbol "^ (moaninf "CON> TtNUlO"). or tha aymbol ▼ (maanlng "|N0"). whiohovor appllaa. / , ■ • ". ' ? Mopa. plotoa. ahorta, oto.« may bo fllmod at dlffaront roduotlon ratloa. Thoaa too larga to bo ontlroly Inaludod In ono oappauro aro fllmod boflnTdhfrln tha uppar laft hand eornar. (oft to right and top to bottom, aa many framgir|i raqulrad. Tha following diagrama llluat#|ia tha mathod: ,'' / ■ ^ \ ^' 1 L'laomplptrt Illfii4 M raffb#ylt iriM I !• •4n«roaltA do: ■■■•nuol Library Univoraity of Toronto loa Imagoa auhrantaa ont Ati roprodultoa avae la plua grand aoln. aompto tanu da la aandltion at do lo nottotd do roaomploiro fllm4. ot m aonf ormlt« ovoo loa aondlttona du aontrot do fNmoft. ■ '. ,■ , /■ ■ k ■ . . ■ Ua OMomplolroa or^lnauR dont la aouvartura •n paplar aat Imprlmdo aont fllmAa 9n aomman^ant por lo promlor plat at w^ tarmlnant tolt par la dprnl4ra pago oul aomporta una amprointa d'Impraaalon Ott d'llluatratlon, tolt par la laoono plat, tolon lo aaa. Toua loa autroa aaamplatroa orlglnauR tont f llmda an oommonoant par la . pramlAro pogo i|ul aomporto una ampralnta d^mpraaalon ou d'INuatratlon ot 9n tarmlnant par la dornlAfo pogo gul oomporto uno tollo pniprolnto. '^^ Mn doa aymboloa auhranta apparattra aur la dornlAro Imaga da afuioua mierofleho. aalon la ' aaa: la tymbolo -» algnlfia "A tA^IVfll". lo •ymbolo ▼ algnlfia "PIN". Laa aartoa. plonahoa. tabkMuR. tta.. pauvont *tra fllmda * doa toua do rdduatlon dlff^ronta. Loraquo lo dooumont oat trap grand pour 4tra raprodult 9n un aaul allohd. II aat fllmd i partir da I'angia aupArlaur gaueha. da gaueha A droita. at do haut an baa. an pranant la nombra d'Imagaa ndoaaaalra. (.aa diagrammaa tulvants lllwatront lo mdthodo. <' 6 r ■ " .-.. .f>i. i \ •9f^W^^' :y ' # e f. 4' ►X?T^ 2^ J^. «F> A BOOK OF WORSHIP. •■■' V .' ■ ,-• flp^*' # «•». \ ■*; !4_ _*_: U -• ^■^..- A BOOK or • WORSHIP. -*^i|rt* ■\ 4 jb«t UtttarlM «ta»m i«mt«. , V f ^ I ) i w. HUNTER, ROSE U COMPANf^ MPCKXXXll. TlTF A \ 4»,'i ■"-fJ' / h , N r=tis ■** / ♦ .J THIS Book of Womhip in a raodifloktion of th» ^kK*^ of Ckpmuwk Fiir^ for Chri»tkii Wor- ihlp," wiplM Mid MUA ij ^ lUv«rtnd Doeloit IIatUomu and Sftdler, of Londotti Tl^ MMTUg* Strriot is t#k«i nudniy from » "ChruitiA» Liturgy for th« uic of the Churoh," prtptftd Miiil yttfl ■Uwe by Rev. Dr. Hodge, now of CMnbridge, MM*. .V ■i.>::' . .,»:- .' < .■•■ -V »^' xs ■ "s \ ' . >s ■ » — ^ — . .— OONTEWTe. J ' * VlWMt BSIIV1PK.\.. ..o». rt.. ... • SiooKD HKiivici.\..;;rf .M.» .'...... '!♦ TmiD^fliiivici.... . . a i ...' lifVil FOUATU tiUYICt ......o....> |l J Firra Smvicm.... ••.. ' <• • . Sixth Bwivici. ,.;• ••••••• ^ * ' ■■!' ' ■• ^■VINTU tiKBVlCK .M.*;.r.....»..» •• . EiaiiTii HKRVICI....V* •••• ^ If ■ ■ V . Ninth fimviciry. i. e«.. .....;; Tl ■ V ' . -. ■• Additional Selictionb raoM thi Pbalms.*........ 87 Maebiaoe SEKyict..MM.....«.'.M .•.*.. ••^••f ^ rilr SkRVI<^. ...... *!?.»» t*t*«»»M«i4»» ••« • i » •••♦•^ *w ^ ("* • --t$ FIRST SERVICE. : ■ j^ . f Hi Mirnkkr Jdm tap on» or more of IktMhmintf mmImcm, ■ ^^^m»0ddZtthaU com* a/Ur; att standing. ^WTHEN the wicked man tumeth away from his VV wiokedneoi that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall nave his soul aUve. iEw*. xviii. 27« i The sacrifices of Qod are a broken epirm fk broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wi|t not despise. Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the ][^id your Qod : for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evii Joe^ ii. lo. The hour oometh, and now is, when the true worships pen shall worship Uie Father in spirit and in truth ; for the Father seeketh such to worship him. Qod is a spirit : and they that worship him must worship hiin in i^irit And in truUi. John iv. 23, 24. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not i%.us : if we confess pur sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all. unrighteousness, /. John i. 8, 9. DEABLT t)eloved brethren, the Scripture moveth us in sundry plaeida to acknowledge and confess our manifold sins ana wickedness ; and that we should not dissemble nor doak them before the face of Almighty Qod, our Heavenly Father; but confess them with $, lowly, penitent, and obedient heart'; to the end that we i: -rk FIIWT SERVICE. , after me: AT MTOHTY and mo«t Wroiful Father; we have ^iS and sSSyed from thy way. Uke loet sheej. We haSowed tooWch the devices ^^^ d««j^ °^^^^ A^m KeartB ^ We have offended agamBt thy holy laws, m ha^ft undone thoee thingB^ich we ought to have Jl^A . I^d we have done thoee things which we ought done , Mid we "*^*' """ ., q t^jJ jj^ve mercy upon jiot,to have done. But tnou, u ijoiu, imi^ 4i,^:/f|.„lt« uT Fonrive thou them, God. who eonfess their faiUts. SL*nT^ou them that are penitent; according to thy SSS^t^oS^ merciful Father, that ihroujrh him we ^y OterUve a godly, righteous, and soberlife, to the ^ory of thy holy name. Amm. % Them likiwUe ai€Mdii*ertMl aaif; aU tlandii>0, O Lord, op*n thou our eyes, ^^ J>eopfo.-That w^ may behold wondrous things out of • thy.law. '■ y ■ . ".^■■■■■■. ■,-^:---- jfiiw«een--0 Lord, open ihou srtluMi»i4er: MiriMter^- Piaitw yo the Lard. ' reoj>le.-9\i(i Lord'tt naiiie bo praiMod. f Tkgn thaU h* read hp <*« MitiUltr and ptepU retpontivtlp, tKi fothmimg teUetiomfiwn tht $ixtp-^tk and IwtHtjf-KveiUh Pmlm*. PKATSE waiteth for th«e, O Ood. in Zion ; and unto thee shall the vow be pertbniied. O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. ^ My 'iniquities are heavy upon me ; but thou wiH for- give our tranc^essions. . Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts. O satisfy us with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple. ' -fe , "^ *. By wonderful things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O Qod of our salvation ; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the^^: Who in thy strength maketh fast the mountains ; be- ing girded with power : They also that dwell in the uppermost parts are awed by thy wonders : thou makest thue regions of the morning and evening to rejoice. ^ "^; Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it : thou greatly enrichest it with the river of Qod, which is full of water : thou preparest com, when thou hast so provided for it Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly: thou settlestjk^e furrows thereof : thou makest it soft with showei^^ihou blessest the springing thereof. Thou crowi^t the year with thy goodness ; and thy paths drop fatness. ..^-^„-.._ .._^^.- .^^^,,„^. . ^^^^ ,^-.;^.y^-._^-,_.-^:^^,.. They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness : and the little hills rejoice on every side. ■It ■ A .. . . ' ■ .:•■.- I' •• ' g V fimfft BEEVtCfil The wwturoii art cTotliei wlUi flockn; the valloyi* aUo arJoDve^Tih com : iheyrfiout for joy ; ihey abo «iig. The Lif^ is «iy tight and my salVf^tipn ; whom shall I f Jl iTLni J ZUnrngih olmy )ile;| of whom *all I be afraid? ' ' * ' ^ mi i, > ' One thing I have desired of the Lord, that I wiUsoek ^^afteT th^I may dweU in the house of the Lord idl ^dlyiTSf my.llfe, to behold the beauty of the Ix)rd, «nd to inqnire in his temple. , :■ For in the time df trouble be shall Wde me In »» P»7j- Hoo iX -ecret pla«e of his tabernacle shall he hide ' me : he shall set me upon a rock. Therefore will I offer in his tabeniade sacrifice I will sing, yea, I wUl sing praise^ unto the Lord. fiew. Lord, when I cry with my voice : have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When thou saidst, Seek ;re my face; my heart said onto thee, Thy fiice, Lord, will I seek. Hide not thy face far from me, put notj^y servs^t - fti^ in ange/: thou hast been my he p ; leave me not, nSSer fonSce me, O God of my salvation. I When my father and my mother forsake m^^eix the Xord will take me up. j ^ ,. Te««h me thy way , O Lord, and lead me m a plain path. Ihad fainted, unleesl had beUeved to see the goodness of the Lwd in the land of the living. . ^ /^ / Wilt on the Lord : he of ffood courage ^d he flhall 4rtrengthen thine heart; wait 1 say on the Lord./ , _^ Now unto Omj King eternal, immortal Midinvislble, the onlywiseGod, ^V ' . "^ > - B0 honour and glory, through Jesus Ohngt, for ever and ever. Amen. ~. . _ " _i_„. ■nmoE . r t Tkm tkmU U miv M< f^tUmima Pmlm Vniri, KxvvtWMV DoMUio. OCOME. let 1M nng unto (he Lord: let us make • joyful noine to the Rock of our MilvatioD. 7 Let UB come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalmi. ^ For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. ._._^.___^_:_-__ .:,_ __:^^i„:::_. ; J' : :./ J; _i^;._i __;,_^,„.i.:!:_:,j In bis hand are the deep places of the earth; the strength of the hills is his also. ^ The sea is his, and he made it : and bis bands formed the dry land. ■'■':':.■, ■\A'^,'-1'%- .,■■ ■V.' O, come, let us woiihip and bow down : Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. ^ For he is our Qod ; and we are ihe people of his pas- ture, and the sheep of his hand, j r-j:^ Now unto the King eternal, injimortal, invlsime : the onlywise'Ood; ^, w j | . _ Be honour and glory : for ev^r^d ever. Ameri, ; : If Tk«n tlu Minidtr akaU any theJoUewino fmiftr$, or auch portimta 0/ <*#», Uk$ People retpomdiMg with Ann. orauekexte -T> wer; and ^t that thk day we faU mtono Sbl nitKer run into anv kind of danger; but that all rrS«naybeordereabvth;rgover„an<^^ Sat Sr^h li righteous in thy sight, through Jesus Chri^ our Lord. Amsn. Jii 'tU Oil—, M< Oo«inMr-<'M omI •" <> <"•" '^"*°'^- 0£oRD. our heavenly Father, tjie high uA mighty Bole^ of the universe, who do«t from thy throne hehoM aU the dwellen. upon "J^h^ "°?' K'*;^ thv beMech thee, with thy favour, to behold and "«■ thy MTvant the Queen of Oreat Britain, the Governor-Oeneral JJto Dominion.and all other, in authority; and replenmh AeTwXthe ^ of thy Holy Spirit, that they may STyHncline tfthy wUl, ind walk 1. thy way : endue Sb«n plenteoudy with heavenly gift.; P»"' *«™ " health and proeperity long to live; and after thi. hfe to S "erM jo, wl feUcity. through Jesu. Chnat "^ A IMIOHTY and everlasting God, from whom cometh A every good and perfect rift ; send down «pon aU Mb^iere o! the gospel, and all Con^p:egaUon8 committed to th^ charge, IhThealthf^ spSt of thy grace; and that ihey^ truly please thee, pour upon ^ the ctf^tinoJ sun of thy tlessipg. Grant this, Q Ood, for thy great love in Jesus Christ. 4»*f^. ^ . M^ an €fimdUioiu of M€H, V > GOP^ ih^ nr^ator an d Preserver of all mankind, we OGOD, the (Creator ana rreserver u* nii ""»^'r^> -- humbly beseech thee for aUsortsiwa condiuons of TT't tl1IVI0& 11 nmL) ^h^Wm woardMt be pl«Med to make ihy wmyn known unto there, thy «kvUig health unto aU nmtiona. More oMKwially we pmy for the good eeUto of the ^Ch™ UniveitMl ; that it may be eo guided and govenied by thy ffood Spirit, that aU who profew and call thenwelTee Chriiitiani may be led into the way of truth, and hold I the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteouimeai of life. Finally, we commend to thy liatheriy goodnees all thoee who are in any waya alllioted or diatremed. in mind, body, or eaUte flmp^cMUv thorn for Vwhffm our prayen are denrtd ; ] that it may pleaee thee o comfort and relieve them according to their several leoessitiee, giving them patience under their suiTeriiu^s, md a happy issue out or all their afflictions. And this re beg for thy mercy's sake in Jesua Christ our I^ord. [men, ■ , --^ ■ '*^* ■ - ■ ■ . » A' LMIGHTY God, Father of all mercies, we thine un worthy servants do give thee mopt humble anil ^learty thanks for all thy goodness and loWng-kindness > us and to all men ; [pajtioiUarly to thoM who dMwe M^^y^m^ h *'**^ ^ ^f^ ^P ****** praises emd lySJtbUviTIIS tha^nkegwmqafwthyUUefMrrokavow}^ rayad for dmin w aafed unto tMm.] We Uess thee for oar .tttm pr»iM. creation, preservation, and aU the bless- ings of this life ; but above all, for thine inestimable love [in the redemption of the world bv our Lord Jesus Ohrisfe; ~)r the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And, ^e beseech thee, give us that due sense of alT thy merdes, lat our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that [we may show forth thy praise, not only with oiur lipa, but ■in our lives ; hv giving up ourselves to thy service, and, t>y walking before thee in hdiness and righteousness all >ur days, through JcHUS Christ our Lord. Amen^ "^. ErJj.a4 N,yr 'mim. -- A IS % V if-. fiiurr HKRvica ^g§WithM ETERNAL God, in whom the ■piriU of juat nien do. rait in pence from their Ubouw; we thank Ui«« for all thowi iwho have departed thi. life in thy fear ami love, and whoae works do follow them beyond the grav« BleMMd be thy mercy and eUmal goodnew, O God ; and bleMied ba U»e memory of all thy BainU in our hearti.. Teach^»lrho now dwell upon earth to practiae their doctrine*, to imiUte their liyea, and to follow their exai^ple •• they have foUowod Christ and Thee. Amen,. at thi«| fluppli- u» by ALMIOHTY God. who hast f^ven u« „ ^ time with one accord to make our oomm cations unto thee, and hast especially encourai thy beloved Son, our tord Jesus Christ, to make luiown unto thee our humbl^ requesU ; fulfil now, O Lord, the deaires and petitions if thy servants as may b« most ex- pedient for them ; glinting us in this world knowledge SfUiy truth, and in [the world to come life everlastmg. THE mob of our Lord Jesps Chijst. wid ^e love of I Go^ and the fellowship of the Holy Spint, be with yott iJl evwrroore. Avn/tn, 11 Cor. xili. 14, ^ ot. rpHE pe«e of God. which paaseth aU undenitMiding. X ke^ our hearU wid mind* through Jesua Chnit| ^nwfi. /Ml.iv. 7. V \ t TkntkMfiMmiluBemtmi at the eon^mtUm of wJWe* lAaff 6« MM, av n -If «. 1, 1? '■, " 1 fimrr RMivioi. fk, LtHTt frmtm* UK Father wlio art In hiiaTUii. Hal owed be Uiy iiMne. Thy kingilom coino. Thy will »)« aono on arth a. It la in h«aven. Oiv« u* thui day our dally ,TfmA. And forgivu mm our tn«pa««a, aa we forgive them itr«iim«iatfainatui^ And lead u« not Into tempUtion: i delivWurfrom evil : For thine ia the kingdom, and kt 6 power uid the glory, for ever and ever^ AflMBMlwMi I •*|lal|ftfMH«|l -^ - - ■ ' ' / _ ., . .■..«-■ .■■ : ;, ^^- . •'• ■■'■a.-. .■ .. - :-/. ^^A:. ■ ■ -•"' ■ - • ■■'..■■ ^.:-:v;. ■ . '■' * t ' * -■. ■ *°; '■^' , ..v/-- , 'l... ;"■ ''^ ■ ' ^ ' ■ 1: 1'J, iL ■ ^- ' • - -. . ■■ , . ' . / 'MiJzJJ^*^r_:/^^MiSk^' I* •BUOWP HBBVKnL % -> %.. SECOND SERVICE, ' *r T ( 'j w HEN tiie wicked man iamith* away IWwn 1^, ^ , wiokedneM thai he hath cooimitted, and doeUi thii whtoh b UwM and right, he ahall Mve hli toul alive. Et«k. xviii. 27. n» worifloM of Ood are a hrokA jppirit ; a brokeo and a contrite heart, Qod, thou wUt not dwpiMb A.U.17. ^ Bend your h«art, and not your ganoenU, and turn unto the. Lord your Ood : for he4e graoioui and meraifu], ■low to anger, and of great kindnoea, and repentath him oftbeeriL Joelilli! The hour oo^Mth, and now ia, when the true worahkH pan ahali wonhip the Father in apmt and in truth -, for ^iUMf^jklbaraeekethiudi to worship him. Ood ia a apirit : mmkA ihey that woif^p him muat wonhip him in apirit and in truth. JoKn iv. SS, 24. ' If we aay that 'we*have no ain, we deceive ouraelvea, and thil truth it not in ua : if we oonfeea our aina, he ia faithful and iuiit to foigive ua our aina, and to'oleanae ua ikmir aU unr^^teouaneaa. 1 John I 8, 9. qpvEARLT beloved lurethren, the Scripture raoveth ua .1 J^in aundry plaoea to aeknoiwledffe and oonfeaa our anndry plaoea ■ma iad widcf rjedgoj d that naaifelil aba aiMtwidcednMi; and that we ahould Bloi diiiemble nor doak thoii before tho face of Almighty «ft«r 1110 : , A Orn^ ie. ilm^ H ffttnatelf li «i« i*«/*J!i£ ly tk9 MMtkr Mi IA« l*M> Miniiif r — O Lord, open ihoo oor Hf*- ^ J'Mnk— And our mo^ Aidl show Ibrth ihy prmiie. t^lS' u HOOWD MUlTICHi JfiiHiltr -Mill/, Holy. Holy. Umi Ood Al» WMi iMd kL mmI ly. tic lelo comm. *t i|lpM *»» Pidp(«.~>Thmi tri worthy. O Lord, to rto«iy« glonr int hotwnir umI poww. for thou liMt 'larttltd Ml laifig% Mid for thy plMHurtt th«y ani Mid wvfn 6rMt«di MiiUsUr.-^Pn^ y th« Lord, " * « %^ # f MiMMitMBr Mc MM. IMatf. mM mSS^MAm. How \fmlfy Me tky dwelling*. () Lord of htmlM f * Uj aoul lotiffeth. ye«, even fiUnteUi. for the ooorta df the Lord ; n^ Aourt Mid my teh orieih oat for the UTiiig ^ Ood. Even the epMrow h*th found mi houee, and the ■wmUoWi m neat for h^rielf, where she umy ky Iim young, l^ thin« altMB, O Lord of hoeUi, my King, and my God. Bleeeed md they that dwell in thy house : they MVttUI' BtMd iTthe lib whoee Bim^SUt^ : fp^hojf^ h«Mri Mt thy wave. mKW^^ fudog throiigii the vall^ of eorrow they make U futt^ of fiMiitMo% MM the lattet rain oovera it with Ueaiioflgf T|>oy fo from aliMigth to etrength. till all of theoi^ C6d ol hoeta, heM my {grayer : give mm^ Q Qolt- ,. >H O Ood our ahield, Mid look upon the face of thiaa Muintad. tm A dav in thy ooorta ia bolter thMi a th(Ni«iid I bad falhar be a dooi^keoper in the honae of my Ood, thah to dwoll Ui the tenta of wiokadneaa. For tbo Lord Ood ia a aMi and ahield : the Loid will aAf moo and l^oiy; no good thing will he withhold from them that walk nnrigbtly. O L of d of bo gt a, Me M a^ TT^ thee. man that tmatotb iti itoamp iflivNm If I'WM liM wImo lk#y «ii ^ ^^ '^ #iygood. ' ' " 1 li fo a good ihiiwto gire ihmk» unto th« Lord, and to If^ pmiMfi auto thy name, O Moat High. * ^^o show forth thy loving kindiMM in th« morning, And thy fMthfahMiM «rwpy night. 1 For ibou, Loitl, hast niAde lll« gUd thnmgli thy work: t lill triumph In the workii of thy hiuidfi. O liotd. how great ar« thy i^orkal and te Ihoogbta tre %WT d«ep. ^ Tba rii^iteotu ahall lloofiah Uke the pal^-tna : he shall grow liJKa a eedar in LehaacBi . . m ThoM tiiat be planted In the houee of the Lord diall iioarlth in the eowrte df oar QaA ; To show that the Lord le upright: he la my rock, and tlitta k mmBMmmmm In hitn. 9' Now onto the King eternal, immortal, and invldblt. tha only wiee God, Be hon o ur and glo r y, throogh Je a ui Chriet> iotartf ana^ 18 mOOHD SCBTIOl. r^ 8IH0 »nto the Lord » "•'' «»«= ** *"• ^^ ^^ I) Dumrelknu thtam. i,.»l, ootten him the Hii ri^t hMid ma hi. holy »nn : h»tp gowen n. ▼ictoiy.' _.j. Wnnwnhm «JvBti«Hi: hi«ri«*te- The liOrf h»th mide ;"^,„!v7l|-iit of theuUoui- rt^w.hBthheopmty.hjnwdtaMft.^lM^ ^^^ He hrfh rw!benAi>^ ST^of U» e«th h»ve thehooM^ Ur*Bl : Mid iH the eww oi u" *UXi.t^«« K°1^^"^1b<^HS^^LwZ ^ Birfrit, that all who profess and call themioiveB u^&uiB may ie led into the way of troth, «nd hold the fiiih m uniiy of spirit, in the bond of peace, and .At to igOOND ISETlOli oFSJobafwrktfo^ eomfoH wid relieve them e e w ^ il»g to their eeTerml neoe«itiei, dving *^«^S*^5^^IKS their .ufferiiuji, ana •hiypykwe «»^ <^ jg^*^*^^^ ^OQS. And ibis we begTor thy mercy • m^ •• revealeci hy jeene Christ our Lwd. rAimwK .,.:''4i?|f'^.i.f.. ■' ■ ... . ■ . . ■'■..,'■• A rinOHTt Ood. BWiOT of iJl awrolii, we thine A^w^j ^S-^^^ ^^aTffiSan":^ hetfty thMks for »U thy goo3b«M «^,,^^:rX^ tons sndtoiai men [p(ii3icularly to <*o«i ti^ destrs to US ana to wi ™*^^ ^j^ ^^ and the glory, for ever and ever. AvMn, % TkiOMrwiUthaiakig n 4/kr!»eA9ikm,aUwia dmangn ik um l Uftm ; a< IA« *ddit j wBiKMonoiri — :%i THno tn^ioa THIRD SERVICE. lAh/ iffM4 ijMii-g imm tliAi iiitli mito nML Lord, Ix>rd, iball wfllol»yB^tlier.whoiiiiili6ftTWU Ifatt. vital. ^VriMrawiUi thiOl I come before the Uxrd. end bow myKSe He hath jhowed thee, O S^SrS golniBib^ with thy Cted I i«M*vi6.8. Who then Moead lAto the hill of the Lord ? or who 4BLY bdof<»A bMhiea, agMii we leii ftom the Ol irtiUM* M^ i^iflfiilloii, end wnoir our ■«li •* but ohildran o^ th« houMhoU of Ck>d. Wilh h«mia« «ad tnvmi q^riti l«t im offer op oar pmyen to Bikii, who, though he dwelleth on high, yet never faileth to Ueten to the lowlj tid contrite who caU nnoii him. And when we leave thie pkoe, imy we ell with firaeh aanl eaM»ve So on our w»y r^oioing to the UeeMd end wremsting ome. t TUMliikkrtMiamm^iM* TH0(7» O Loid meet High* art onr light end our life, onr etrength end our joy, onr refoge in dietnei, vnr ever^preeent mend end helper. Inepire u% we b ^ee e^ thee, with tbon^te raited to thy moet holypi<».-^They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy oonntenanoe. ^iniieer.— Uluminate, according to thy good pleasure, aU nations with the bri^tnese of thy truth. I^ffk^— O Loidi g^v« the w<9rd,and great shall be the company of preadiers. H THimO tlRTIOB. MimitUr '(h^ «• not ftway from *^ pwttno*. P«ojilA---Aiid 4iJM> nok Uiy Holy SpWt fr(rai 11^ ■ill ilMii fcyvwt t>t iw ^M**^ •^ <*<^ ^***; B |,ltf« tlMLo^Oiiiy ioal: tnd all Ami k witliin SM^ lilM hk holy iUMn«- > BU«i«lit l4«d,0 my lOiiU, Mid forget not •!! KUboodl^: Wlio ibfgiteUi aU thino iniquiUet ; who hodeth all thy Who JwlMmeUk thy life from det^nictkm ; who erown- eth Oiao with lovlng-kiiidiiam mi4 teiidor mordee ; Who MtlirfMi thy month wHh oood ihingi; ao that thy yonth k ranewdi ttka Om eagle 8. 1 The IiordeiectttethrighteownMM and judgment for all that aie oppieiaed. ^ 1 He made known hkwayt onto MoMe.hkactonnto the childieii of IiraeL The liOid k mertiifnl and gradoua, alow to anger»and pknteooa in UMVcy. ]& wffl not alwaya dude; neither will he keep hw TSe halh notdeait with na after our sins • nor rewarded ^a aoooidii^ to onr tniqnillm. For aa the heaVtti k high ahove the earth, so great k hk m«i«7 towme^ thMn that ftar him. 4f tut 90 the eaat k fr«n the west, so fiur hath he re- liMWHt OMT tfi iiy ea ri^ t fnm na. . i IlkMHi a fiifher pHieth hk children, so the Lordjatieui Oww Ihi^ fear hIaiL ■ .■ ;./ ^^ ■ • ■; ■■■■ ; ^ TIIIU> tlRVlOE For he knoweih our frame ; he reoMnbefilli Ihftl w« are dust A« for num. hk dm U9 m gnu; m » ilowtr of ill* field, M) he flooriehetli. For the wind twaeeth over it, aod it ie gone ; and the pleee thereof ihall know it no more. Bat the meroy of the Lord ia flrom everlaating to. ever- laatinff upon tliem that feer him, and hie rightMamMi anto euiUUen'e children ; To nidb M keep hie covenant, and to thoee that reroam- ber hit commandmente to do them. The Lord hath prepared hia throne in the heaven ; and hii kingdom mletli over all. Bleaa the Lord, ye hia angela, that excel in atrengUi, that do hia commandmenta, hearkening unto the voice of hia word. Bleaa ve the Lord, all ye hoata ; ye miniaten of hia, that do hia pleaaare. Bleaa the Lord, all hia worka in all plaeea ol hia do- minion : bleaa the Lord, O my aoul. Now onto the King eternali immortal, inviaiUe, the only wiae Qod,- ' Be honour and glory, through Jeaua Chriat, for ever and ever. Amen, fiftar iJWil- Aatl %e uM or unui tkt ABimliiff JVifW- mU ilmwdlMi , Dam Mnanufm Vtu IsflL /^OD be mevrilbl unto us and Uaaa ua : a&d oauae hia face to ahina upon ua. Uiy wav ma:f be known upon earth : thy aaving health among liil Oia people pmiae thea,OQod: let all the people p i aiae the ci .^ . ■ . a2» iito thTjTpW ri^t-ou-ly . «.S govern Ih. ~t«- *%Sa*k«^"^ tti. ««U of th, .«th A.11 f 3!Mnal«li ^ "^ V „. /^_ ^^^^ J,^ gB|N). p^o|rfi.-We do ewn««ay wpent : we srehewmy ^^ MSM^itoT'-O Holy M menjiful Father. iMy »u « e Wnifc i .... * ^^ ^^ij There igS^'^wfW^»«*^5^ ■J tuBD ■nvun. 0BLB88BD mod •Uni«i Ood, •nal^ •• ^w^"^ kiiKlb inoorwiib a iU«i« of dcfoUoB wWch nodlSiiil^ Off MUnMlkaoii. 00 iBifinitT wHhin «r Py;"^ ***^ All tyofli Mk ami w»Mit k Ihj good ptoMM% fellow gy biii •»!bpiM. do tho nowtui .«^^ » •!?'J8K?fir wMd to Qm ini^ of our »»%>t ••"4*.*?v^^*''*!ii!ri OfMii tliAl wt nifty kmo wmloh agalnf tk« omiiilQll of i«# Mffi of our duty, Mia tho iiMfleci of Mjf opportnatty Ww^ thou imniil bo glofilUd; or Miy Wlow-MMi to- ■biMted, tmhiUd, or oomiorto d. ilm«ii. MAY tho gmco ol^Uiy »ly fP^iSJ^*^ our h^ Mwi ftbondMiUy wft~h thorn witb tho fvrooliiMi of porfoct chifcritT, thikt F« n>»y *» wU-p l w rin g In thy tight m true diMipleo ol thy Son. Ammi. ALUIOHTY Fftthor. who«» gifU to Hi on twrth ftfo 5 bring to thoe tho offering of gUd and gimt^ hmr^ for thypMt bounUen to us, whiob m niofo than wocnanma- W, groater than wo can know, ^^.^^f'*™^ ind fiio no 1«M wonderful b««tif^ of tho outwajd worid^ for the ojHunple of the wlae and good ; lor the friendito ol thoee who aw dear to ue : fw the wjelation cl ^y character and wm bT Jew»Cniri»t ; ibr the hjj^^ Spirit and the promUi of the go«pel; for all «»«^»«J»^ oTthy providence, we give thee humWo •Sd.^^j;^"^ tliwfii. *^0 may weehow oittgfatoM^^ klMiMM by our livee. as well ai expteet It with. our wjr, and laiay It be our fiNquent employment now, as we wm ^itVlU heiealUr.to utter the memory of thy great good- uiiilSfta to slnif ol thy pwise. 4wi^ 18 TBiio amvM* . 9 AMBOM SLom aar •MMtonthr nMk th« tan*, wiflly '«»*• «■»««« thMToiir todnd MeofSbr 10 tiM IM> : ana «dka i< nkkr mm) boliiMn Be thou • jbidd to tha Si5r"to*!r'tii» wZ Uv^don. In ouim. Md b. "oto th«.' S.1irth.i2Jlb« eyery work of thr bwd for good; tod TWi th« world in that mewy which tlioii bwrt lo wg- aillj BMAifcttod in JoMw Ohrist ^in^n. ^"mr' fwftfi •nrtfffi. fftUion mkI liwiUirwi. dmr^md Ihk life In ihy fiaih wid iiiilff«ftUoir tlMi4 w« umj h^v* gram to lo Mlov IM* thin wofW, w« nisy b« uniUd w4lh thwn in IIm rmmr^ |«<)iionof Ulm. nnd •p|f|^ undnvtMiding : thnt inereneing in th« knowl«^ of th««, we rony be fruitful in every good work, through our Lord Jeine Uhriat Anun. THE Lord h\em um nnd keep um ; the Lord nmke hie fiuse to ihine upon u», nnd be gmdoue unto ue ; the Loid lift up the light of hia coim^nnnoe upon ui, nnd give ue pence, Am«n. IffimbmWri 24-20. ■' ■,. ^ .... 0^ Now the Lofd of pence himwlf give ui pence •l^nyt- by nil menni. The Lofd be with us nH Mn&i^ S Th0$, iit 16. IT AfUr Ik* Fraytn aiWOI 6« rwd a aorifh^r* Ltmmf t Tkm AaU ht mmg m Hfm%: o UR Fnther who nriin hnnvniL Hnllownd be thy Thy kingdoBi nfnn ThT wi ll bn d n ng a n enrth» m it b in hanvepi. Qive us this dny our dai^ "■ • in nimn uravtrm htmd. iUd fofgiv« m our Ifp iw M •■ w« fm^^ *k«« Uml trmtMii tgmiiMl ua And iMid ua not Into iMunt** Ikm ; btti f ■ wm-m*m „ 1 k '- 'i J i" ' 'i » • J t -iSJ ^ thy way ; ar»t ^'J^^*^ U) thy brother, and then come and offer thy gii». ^oit, T. 23,24. In God k my salvation and mv glory : the rock of my ■trength, and my reftige ta in Oo^l Tnut in him at lOl times, ye people ; pour out your heart before htm : Qod if a refuge for ue. Pa Izii. 7, 8. Surely the Lord in in thia plaee. thia ia none other but the houae of Ood, and this til the gate of heaven. (?•». WTliL 16, 17. DEARLY beloved brethren, let ua draw nigh to the throne of grace in the eplrit of Jeeua Chriit. that we may oBfer to our heavenly Father the liuritual wonhlp wMeh be aeeketiL Bo iHU *" *****^ *^ *** VrOT M Uiwwofihy.lmitniMbigliiaiy U^ JN ll«i^OOSdIno•lHigb.w•dIl^l!;5r^^ a^Toiit olbriiiga Purify 11% we ljM6ch th0#. from aU ffuiH; unite w to one another in the bonde of to^ind penee: pour down upon ni thy. •pirftonljpfte.Mifljptw* Jf$iijfi0r.— The Lord be with yon. PaojifaL— And with thy spirit Jftiiiitor.— Lift up your hewptB. PMpIe.— We will lift them up unto the Lord. EXAMINE me; O Lotd» nod pwve me: tity my thou^te nnd igpy heart ly thy kyving4dbQdnfl«i i^ befora tfiSaf eyes; and I ^lii%tru£ . iwffiwttriiminehands]nifinoe«M7:iOwillIioto thteaHar; Loid : Ml^itMtr liM^voioe of «i^^ ««U of aU thy ..wondioas.wwlm. Iioi^ I im tibe houie wliein thou dott ihide. and ibe plaee when thine henor dweUeOb I^lillltliimlneinl^gfity: nde^ Sfc" ■ / i} yr .♦ fOtfim 8EETIGI. S8 LORD who thftll aUde in thy Ubemado f who ihill dweU in thy hofy hiU f He that wilketh «MigfatlT, And woiketh righteoiiMKQ«» •nd tpMluth the troOi in hit hMurt He th«t baek-biteth not with hie tongue, nor doeth evil wUJi hie neighbor, nor telceth up a reproach againet hie neii^bor. In whoee eyee a vile penon is oontemned ; but ha honoieth them that fear (he Lord. He that eweareth to hie own hurt, and ohsngeth not. ^ He that putteth not oat his monev to ns^, nor taketh roward agaoist the innooeni. He that doeth these things ihall never be moved. THE earth is the Loid's, and the fulness thereof ; the world, aind they tfiat dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon th« leas, and esUblished it upon ihe floods. \ Who shall asoend into the hill of the'Lord T and who ihall stand in his holy plaoe^t He that hath elevihaDdSi and a pure heart ; who Mh not indined his soul unto vanity, nor swom deceitfully . He thall recdve the blepring fifom the Lord, and ri^^t- eoQiMMi from the Cbd of his salvation. ena»dEaith«ieiull: of theMjaeety of thy Gloiy. mgloSieoinpany of the Apw^ V^fj^ Then<*lea«i^pf Mar^.l^ . The holy Chi^ throughout aU the world ; doth ac- knowlfdg* thee^ ThilSllMtfrof aninfi^lWfgr; Thy heloved, true : aiid riowW Son ; Thou ai?the King of Okiiy:tol€Bkwy]0 Thou m^ no^ ""^ * ^y ^*^y One to*» •^P**®'' • Thfltt #S5t him the vlctoy ; over Jin and Beaith; _ Aiid cpeneet th* Kingdom of Heav^; td ^ W ^^^w3k^ wi thither^ ter «» l^?irii o« fdqptoi. _^ liaa^iede^d&i^lpoi^^ iOUBTH anvioK. / Make th«iii to be numbered with thy aainte : in glory eTeribeting. O Lord, Mve thy people, and bleu thy heritage : govern therii, and lift them up for ever. . Diay by day we magnify ibee : and we wonhip thy nama evwr w<»nd without end, ' Yoaehaafe, O Lord : to keep us this day without sin. O Lord, have meroy upon us : have mercy upon us. _0 Lord, let ihy mercy lighten upon us : as our trust is In thee. Lord, in thee have we trusted : let us never be oon* founded. ■ "^ H TkmJlaUbtm»idmiekpariimjOraa<^ik»foUowmgFrm^ iMhmUmg and th^Pe^ntpimd^ with'* Akkk.** s. OQOD most holy, who has abundantly assured US that, while thou art strict to punish those who continue in their sins, thou art a gracious and tender Father io the oenitentt and wilt open thine ear in com p a asion to the TO^ers of idl such aa with heartfelt shame and sorrow confess their sins before thee ; show us, we beseech thee, our transgresftions as they truly are : pardon us for th« evil we have done : judge ua not for the oood we have Ittft undone : work in ua to idll and to do thy ^ood pleasure; that beinff sam^ifi^d by thy Spirit we may serve thee in a reliipoua and holy conversation, as true diiclpiMi of thy Son Jasua CSirist P€opU. Search us, Lord, and know our hearts. Min»§t^. tnr us iMpd know our' thooghta, aii4Me il them be anv wicked way in us. P#op2<. iM lead us in tl^ way everlasting. ■ ■'.^■- .::■■ ■ •"-■ .' ■:■■:■■ .--m:- - Xmoxa Father, we receive %rith aU tlMilikfnliMit tfie ^ jnaraibldteetioMmieit thou haii given ua of iMne uieMff<^hefiiible love and favour towaxda ua tiire>i#r " • — - • - ~ and moat hmnbly we bow M.grfU of. «»J^^ SeiMindi win M y;w> ayk «i««».«a»«i «^ "^ • it jKj Willi iwitlj **; '^^'*'*j'^^SfSiHr4^M>t 4. wovwm umricm. m audi kmX it And we besMoh tbee, niMt dwur Fallior, for all IM •■ labour b tha miniitiy of thy b l atii fi gogpal ; thai H woi4.« ' »>» •■ - 1 ♦ 4g nwm urnnOL n. h«««« ^-hi. 11- ^*>7.1,- ■> aaa is BMk IMfMdt ' . '^'irlsiSfcb'iss-t ct— .***i*«- •nd nr ••*""L"f' », , 1 i,.«u.t4a |, and ipvkible. tiM odgr wtoe CkA BtlioMMiraiMl"' I, tbimi^ Jmm ChTiiit,foreT«rM4 }C • "^'^"'^ ^™'^'^ ^ .ffl^ ^ mmm I'g^KI WOTM (MHIVICM. ; DuMiMOt nrUB Lor Ufe ; yr too nr o 00 MM all ovU ; MMliiy o«r boMto and bo united lo ilioo bv th« elMtfily ; okid Ihnl, nlwnyo dfaroel onr #y o,^litl wo iiy pirlBf iKMid Oil ^■MBOBOi MKl foolltil llM oorgneiono iMBuVbofoii Irof Mo^roB. o iito iiiiiwflhr irt Hkj bMl bolo ovr pn^ftn, whloli #« O Laid, to oomlori ond tiieooiir oil thoM wSo JM thhi JtaMMitory life are in troublo. aotrow, ntod, liobmo^ m •ny othor odveriity. And wo oko Mom thv doom for oil thy tonmnto doportod Ihia Itfb in tt^ holy Isor ; biooodb- te tiiM to gWo 00 grtoo io to MEbv thoir flood oxoHfki, tfil wHh thoM wo OMy bo aodo jpoHokon of thy hiili^ kh^pdom. In thoMoar roquooto wobioooih thoo, Qod, to boor oad to oootpi tia tm tru« dlieiploijf Jhy diic Son, JONS Piriit Ain^n, ALMIGHTY Ood. tho traatoin of *tt tiMon. who knowooi our nooMiitiM bilaro wo ook. oad owr jgiifcMioo In o i lring ; wo b a nnh tboo lo hoito e tf M | iiori wi o» o«r inflraiitlM I olid thooo thfaifi whith lor mm mat wottyiwM wo doro noli oad lor our bliirihwoi wo oinioi oiki iroaohMfo to givo no in tho fnlnoM of that l i ndwr lgf» oad yo lor 01 which thott hoit jnodo baowii to no In vCioo Oirbii* ^in#ii« j^ . #1 WOnfi ttOKfUMk UT''[ ) ^^n^^p ^f^^^mm^^^m p ^^M^Ww ^^^^sW ^w^P ^B^V^^ ^^^^^9 Wp^Mvv V in* llMi. umMMb tad Motbi W« our oAviofi ol «illl«4» ana ador- •ilo^^^iiii wa ivoiOd Mjl^ Hmt b tiM fUbb ami rrUUIjmMof (NurLMd J«ini Obrkt and tlie lov« of ipt au vwwwon, iiiiMii, x cvi*. zni. lai Tha gnlto dl oQi IMI Jeans OuM be wHIt jrtNt Ifi. nl . MjwMt aaw MM« M tMflt0 # JOfffMHt flu IiorfT* IVinyfr. 01JK rattm wliidi ai:|iii W^tm^ JSUfiemtdM % HaipiBk HijT UafiioBi eooM. Xlqriiiulia dopace aavIlL aa ii ia ia liavfaa. Qiva aa lu di% Waad. And femva na eqr kaiyaaee^ aawafaglvatliapii (lMhltNi|MMBagpuBiiiia. Ai4 liad mniit hiio laiiintatifai baidaMvtraafrooiavil: . far ibliiek ilia kiiwdom/m lla jpMPar iMid te 1^^ 4iiiiii. T' jiiab# Mti^&AA flki^ 4m4 ^l^y^^^^^^^^ M^tn ^(^ ^^^^^^f^ ^ ^A«iA ti'*rtlj)il Wl i/'irfJ*'''fc fci'*^'* %' . / SIXTH SE?mf ^^ ■"i '■ T*?SL^:?f^."°"''""^ «" '•"V^ •»<» only 1*5*22*^' 'TISi'i"*. *y*«*j *i«*i«.by eooifiMiid. ^^^e^^ "^ the j^; ior they thiOl inyrit >'• ! ^. ^* ^'f ■■Hf";' thftinumm; liMr iboy liiiai be •Mtd thint ; ( F^opU^Biemed ere they which do h •Iter i^^teouenena; Jfp th^ «hiU if iiHi^-^BleMecl ere Oie teerdftil; lor* they ahellob- ' tamniercy: "^ ^^Bieiied ere the pure in heeii; for they irimll see 'iiSS.jTOr^ ^ *■ v' i_ % ^J^ >'>'>■■'>■' tf^ .'- 1 ' ■:';' "■ n fkm ilmU k» Mid k9 *U Mim^tkr md f r'r. iigiiijfjxlj. gj ■t ! O ^^ ^/^ V^ ^i^l ^ ? tMktiiM: ny i ■onl tfiinUtli lor tliM, i|iyliMHloiig«lli ftirtlMt in A diy and Ibiiily ImdmI, idtera no i9»t«r if ; ^ ^P thy p ower mmI thy gimry, to ^ I have seen thee ^ thirloviiig^kindne« ife better than life, myUpt piiJae wee. s>:"''\ Thna will I blew thee while I Uve : I will lift 4iittiy hands in thy name. My sottl ahaa be Mtiafled ; and my month shldl praiie thee with joyftd lips : When I remember thee opon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watehes. Becanw) thou hast been my help, therefore in the sha- dow of thy wingi will I rejoice. My soul followeth aftor thee : thy ridit hand upholdeth JThon, 6 Lord, art my shield, my deliverer, and the lifter up of my head. • I ery nnto the Lord with my voice, and he heareth me Oiitof his holy hill. I lay me down and deep; I awake, for the Lordens- tainethme. biMt mercy ^f^ me^ .ley me when! call, O Ckid, my defimcler ; nmm iie when I was in distress ; ^ve owrcn md hear my prayer. .. Hjttfir thai the Lord haftk aei aparl^ldm ttei is iodlT' for himself: the Lowi will luii^ wlum T^n ^i^ii^hfii^'^ '>.» ■f ^JtS^^"^^ ^ righlWiMMi*^ ii|d put your imi Ihv iboQ, ]^, •ad Ifcfttt Adi inilM tfcMii 4ri^ iJ^^ ^^»«* •^^^ fawioftd, ind farUbie, B» teovr «id glorjr. Uifoiii^ Jeioi €%iH for ever «iid TflmAiiBlf li:llijariiMiitk • • ''' .v. •■. llli»lMiille ^im^:'m»m4 Miii^i^iMri^kiiiiMit .-,s .' -4^ ■ '^ '^ t inu tm awtnt wBuk, , w^ ^inp^^ V^VMl ■MBB^V , V^MMWMk ■ 1 1 ^ TliijrlodM 4M» Mb Md wit MMglktMU • «^1lMir lliit • poor "^ i!4^f fiiiidMim \ B$ nam mr io«. Minfiim\'-^M$f wt to raiMiiibtr our liiMi •• to ton§k» JPrnfU-^Vm hqI Mm mt aft our biMhiaf. a4 oar J gw Ii ft r^TIwi, O Qod, lU olMded the miiM of o«r «li; lbo« kMl iwkiMiga Mir m IVlrfi.--0 ghr* thtiiki unto the tord. for ht1i'g|^ Mar U puriiy He lioin ^f^^JVf^¥^ thoao httiveiily Tirtnea whiah ^'^JW!y*¥ J«»i Obriat HbU tlM oa^thal Wo MS^ £i iMpMf^ imtt m ta^ptaftioiia, attd may w^^ a0«MN|# 119^ k^ ^SToorUi^' end •(mpt«rttl^itt^WjN^ and fbr tho \'. iUni' H0IT ICfB. ■ * i . jMj^i moA gMlllMl tfU tUoMMlMn of tiMClMBli ooninimMi%i% Midi^tlM^iBilM f^Mofa hnij wii|ilii|, •ad in matoftl aoli of ohiriiy and ItindiMii. CHi^ «• giMO Ui*i w« mov p oiffi w in Iko vm of fittllHL iad'tliot ot leiurth |V« BMiir oviOy tho ffufi UmmImmoI QipiaMUikiii witC liliiib Md tiS^ % fldi^lM Ban^aiiA wHli oooli oihor in thj otmai. kingdom. Amm. \X7? S^^ ^^ UuMki, d Loid Qod mot^holy, nnd Vy . pnii^ tlij |Mm Mnioilv for (dl l£r^^ diMHid Oilt lil« ip UiQ^ MQii HMiiMiii flili wt nny oamlilo tibdr bofar «iif«nilte» «nd ini% dwoU witii tfhon and with «liilC|og of adMo in ill/ i^ofioiM pvQMooo. jtmoiiw . FHQEE of niMrdii, tho iillr nM^ ^tf woniry oonk iho only joy of iiffvbivfdi^ be m Mond to tho widoi^ and tlio oi|)Kyi; inoeow tlio poor and omnMd ; dpKvir ilM tonpM ; aoat^ jm^t9td!^»Mmm€ifihiigpM^ OQod,ki ii^f hOmtr imd&mm aaiid sattof or ^poiolai&Qpi to all t^jJ^otedrtluroqgli tba aa|A U k|d wJMiilalolmiitelkNi, bai ' poffvir, td lh« florj. ibr «v«r attd tirir. 2m«i». ^' ;• ^'••lli*""^^"^"^ :>v» :,:*,. .. : SEVENTH SERVICH. , ' ■ ' ■ ■ ' • ♦ ■ la iii 4 "'■':t|:* T fka Mim i dtr tkaU mi^mmmr ■nw rf Hi jUhi mil Mr AMtmyMth mmm ^^mtmTmM, OMAQNllT Um LokA wIUi om, «iid 1^ T« Are tlie temple oTlbe HrliMr CkMl;«i CM iMlliWid IwUldwdlin tlMm, and wwXk In Ibeoi; Mid IwmS lhdrOod.iadtii^alMailMim7pM|)ki. f Cbr. Hrt Cbd hAtfi Mnt forlli the nirit of hi« Son into our MMtiV WTfng. aMms FMlMr. Wlieraforo we an no nioi^ through Chriit Qal. iv. 6.7. p* « mqu Behold, what numner of loTe the* father helh heetowvd opoo lie, that we ahollld be cflRd the eone of Oodl 1 DRABLY beloTed brethren, aawmUed in the home of f-^ a2A ^^ T ^ in^^y P»y for tiie mirit of Jtfiiiie Ohriat ; end eo let ne oilhr up to the LoidW heaven an4 aarth our humble wonhip and oBedienee. lfiltMW Ikiil I M Clod: I m ttsallMi MMM tlli9 btnllMii, I un •xaliml in tlM twlli. ^ ^' ^ Th« Lotd of ImmiIi i» wiOi Qt; Om Qod of Jacob ii our mi^ uBlo «hi Kbg ilMiy, teinortal, and imi^ik, ik^mdy wiaa (M, ^ ' ^ Bi iMMNir awl ifiory, Ikmifeli JTim Oiriai, lot avor and aw. ilmaii. t ^/»ira«<,iftflafe«iuIorMMif IM/plloii^Paalm : IiuuAia, Jmn. /Mm flMHkrw. RBJOICn in tlia Lord, O j^ rfghtaont : lor imiM ia mnalyfortiMimr^lil ^ Ibigr hoIm. ■OBg: fjksf rfddAui loni^ •immi imrKi. lA fioff IIm wofil tif lh« liord b r%lii : mhI «]I his worlm ift Q| {otl>» f a \m^', Ul ai llM iMili f tttrliM Loni : lol ftll Om li^biMti^ of ll|t ipofid ■toBd is *ir« of Mm. , flDr hi tBakt^ tfid il Wit d Lord^ dtUmr %§. la all iloM of our irlbalAtioii ; id aU Una of owr Xofxl, b0 lA«ir AffM and ^dlMV* Wo ibuMn do kMMMh HMO lo uEr im. O Lord Qod ; Olid liol it mikf plitM Umo to ni)« ud .fpur^n tliy Churdi UnltorMl in tho ri|^l way ; Iff htmt ek thm iokmmr m§, good Lord, « TImiI i( m^ plMM tlioo !• kmp oad tUtm^f^hmk in ilM knotiroffthippiiivQltlM^in i^^tmmi&m iM KoHaofi jsf ttl%tbjitrT^i,llMQMtii of Qftal Britein and fM OoTtmor-Oonoralof tlikDoMiaioBi , ""' , lf< i i ma fc tkm to 4#ttr lit, jwd Xord. " ^ thai it mar ploMo thot «o mlt tlitir lioarta iii lliy fidtli.fMur.andbTo; and UialUiay say «#ar oMro hava aflaaoo la Umo, and tvar Mok lli|r aonoiir and glorf ; Wi ft i i ii fll <4#t to iUar tm, goodlwd. That it nay ploaoo tliao to bothair poliotor, jprafor^ lag Ihoai in •mv good work, and gifiai thnn WpAnd * — ' tt*^^^ nP tHfvJT and diitfttl^ffiitff i ' — m Wti hmo o c k iki$ to kmr wi, pood iiord. -u/ '4 -^.i * ^ 00 ■tvgmm flUTici. < ThMi H nuijr dImm Him to iUuniiAU all MUimIoti of Ihy Son's goqMl with tmt Imowkdgoaiid undanlMidiiig of thj word, and thai both hy their prtaehingalid liviog thoy majT let it forth, and show it aoMrii^gly ; Thai a niqr ploaM th^^ fa<«M and ke^ aU who a in pnblk tnat apd autlMritj, giving thom graoe to oxe- eatejnatioe and '. L^rdthom mer!B§(i^ Through thy l^tii^-iSn^ess dec^^ to t^ % Xpsmi Christ, hitr 4 ^ 1^. ^ ^^ % ?^ ^ fhwU4o ' tut. U>-;y;:r/\ r/ ■. ^-^ ;.,-; - ,:.: ;y^''':l:%:>-v^'':'-^':: -■- ;■ ' .''■■' :■ ■",•'.' ■ ,"■' ■ ■',. , ' ■■ '■' . ' '■'.: • i,:,;'-';:'-\i^:' ■ ::..■ ■;. • (>■'-;■ ■ i-^yy''] ■'.:/■? M •EVlirrB AtRVtCE. ~ %.' Lei a« pr»j. GOD, merdifol FaUier, ihii d«i|iliMi lioi th* lii^' ii« of A oontrite hMtft, nor Um diik«of tnoh M be ■oROwfai; mutihiSty mdai our pngftn that we make befoie thee in al) our tronblw nad oidfenitiee, whenM>- ever they oppMii m; Midgfuit that we thiriervanta nunr eferniofe gi?e thanka onto thee in tha holy Chtireh • d fiiy Son ^eaiu Ohriet Amsn, ^ f XJLTE hnmbly b eeee eh thee, Father, mereifally to look . W npon onr inflnnitifla; ati41iir wh^ troli and eon- fideililBi thy merov, and overmore lelwhee in holinem and pmeneis ol liTOiig. '4iMn, OQOD, our ht^vmiAy Father, we give thee humble . Mid hearty thanks for all the beneata and Ueaiingi, both «piiH«%aad tenqporal, which in the riehaa of thy great iaeroy %Dm haat ponreddown upon vm ; bateapaolaUy for thy sfMloal bkMU^ Lord, let na not live bat to pnte aiid Wgm^ thy great goodneas. Oraat» we be- ae^ ihee» Sat «U otir tkpi^ta. wotda, and worka may tend to the diidiacge ofoar4afy»aiid giKidof ^o^ man, and theadyanoemeni of thy Son'aldngdom on earth. Amtn. OWKD moat Hi|^, with thy whole Ohaieh throofl^- oat ^ world we eapeeially giva thaaka to tbeie *lbr an thy aainta departed, and for the hope of fotore joy in tha iaaarreetion.>of the jnat. O let the diood of wit- neaieC the innomeiBBe eompany of thoai #hd haye gone bafova and entered into reat, be4o as an eiaini»]e of godly life : avan noir may we njmee in thair hamoness ; and nith pitienee may we so ran the race that is set jbefore OS, aa^ have an entnnce adminiitoMil abondantly into thy haivanly preeence, to be anitedlnth them and the J[iMJasasOhrlrt. Amen. . I i,. •lyMMtB SHIVICI. fV, 61 OTHOU Fa4lier of our spir&i, who art always more ready io haar than we to pray ; often in the midst qI our daily busing may we lift up our hearts to thee ; and. grant, we humbly beseech thee, that those whom thou dost refresh with thy presidnoe may, by a life well- pleasin^ to thee, show their love and gratitude, as faith- im disciples of Jesus Christ Amen. The ffrsoe of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love ol God, and the feUo^Bkip o^ the Holy Spirit, be witl|i us All evermore. Amtn'. ^^Cor. xiii, 14. H Tk$n tktHi U read ike Sat^piure Lumm» H AJImr ttol JMU ht mmlf'^ Aymn. ^ "^It ThmaMifOhw iht Stmwf^ al ihe emdMihn of whiek thaU be . taidf ott jamiHgt y ,Vke Iffdfe Prater. OUR leather, idiieh «rt in heaven, Hallowed beihy niune. Thy Jungdom^^me. Tby will )>e done on ^Mrth, as it is in heaven. (HVe us this day our diuly bveid. |4|id foi^^ve u|'our trespasses, as we forgive th^ise tlM^mipass against ua And lektus not into temptation ; but deliver us froni evil : f*or thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen, 11 !l%mmetifJbUtwQmAfUimikMy(heuuir,^^^^ JQMIIMI* '■ «4 '^: ♦ * "* ■ ■ < t f^ ■ - ^ - .'■' ■,' .« /*» w . ■ ■ '. -^ V " - - • ' ,' "* M navni snViot. ; ;- i... , EIGHTH SERVICE. H 1%« i ffa iii fc i' «M/f My UlpiMfif miiI«n>rd he ii God ; it i> he that b«tb madf iit,eiid not we oQraelves ; ^e^tLte his people «ttd the eheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgivings and into his courts with praise. P«. e. 8, 4. § Diaw nigh to Qod, and he will draw nigh to yoit Jainsi, iv. 8. We have known and believed th6 love that Qod hath to OS. Gk>d is love ; and he that dlrelleth in love dwell- eth in Go4, and Qod in him. IJohn, ir. 16. Thus saith the Lord, the heaven is mj throne, and the earth is miy footstool ; where is the house that ye hnild unto me f and where is the |dace of my rest f For all^ those things hath my hand m*de, and ^ thosc^ thinos. havehSMi, saith ilie Xord) hut to this man will IlooK, even to him that is poor aiid of a contrite ^irit, and tramhleth at my word. /sa.lzvil.S. ■ * ■ " DEAl^IiT beloved bfeihren/in the holy quiet of Uifs hour let us dimw nigh to him who heareth prayer : and let us remember thatlielisteneth more to our hes^ ihm to our words. Let each of us bring an offering of p#llitfliioe, If not of puritjr; of love, if not of holiness ; of Tbtt(Htf% HUetitOfM from M« om hw^dnid amd nuuHmnUh Pmim. BIESSKD ate they whiose ways are, piire.i|rho walk in the law of the Lord. - \ Blessed are they that keep his commandments, and gently. ^i- ■*: that seek him with the. whole heart. ^ , ^ Thou hast commanded us to keep' thy jtteeenta mUy. SI that*lny waji»lrere directed to keep thy statutes I 1 will praise thee with uptiglttness of heart» when I shall have kamed thy l^teous ju^g9ient«. . I I will keep thv statutdKlf^O, forinkfl me iibt utterly With my whol0 heart have I 9ong||| thee : Q^^i not wander Ipdm thv CQmmandments.^^ ^•*- ^ Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might n nin against thee. . BMed ar| thou, Lord : teach me thy'statutes. Open th^ mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous thinirn oatv. '^ . ' r I Am a strangoi' in the earth : hide not thy command^ m^^iromme. My soul deaveth unto the dust : quioken^on m« aet coning to thy i»<))vd; i have declared my .ways, and thou hast heard itfe'; -.1- __ ^t 'itotes; 4. :iv . « m :•■■■,■■ !«i4V ■ T MiOMiiM.ta ondMiuia ilM' Iin9|»iiaiiiii . X • thy MmroandnMilii, when thoti i^'t ^e way of i>^ kt^^tM ; and I flhall >« ' T^B^^W^P^B^^^^^Pf " ; Aiid I mil k^ thy Uw ; yea, my whole h^art, ' mif^oQ in the path of thy dbmiiiiiidnieiits ; for my hearittnto thy teatimQiu^,ik4^a iaoturcove- ^y ■■*.'•; S^'. *,* ■ ■ \^ .^ r ^ ' ;' , Let my aa^ioation come before th^: deliver me ac- *^-'«-'-*-io thy word. ■' , taught me 11 thy com- 09en thy pre- •^ '" oordm io thy word. ' My Bps flhaU utter rnMiiAe, when thou / ;thy itatutee. ♦ • -^' ^ < . My toiigue jhall speak of thy word , Hiitoaineitts.Mjriiteonsnesa. ' Let tUne 4PP b«lp n^ • 'or I » oepUk . jkhave Icmged for thy salvation, islQT delight t 'Let my soul live/and it shall plaise _^.. thy law ^4^d let thy iTowunto ^e King eternal, immortal uid invisible, the only wise Qod. / \ . , \^ , Be honour and glory^ through JeeM|(;jiiist, for evi^r and ^ ever. 'Amen. «»• , -^^ - ■ .<* ,- ^^pWfT •:■ V 08E*ND ooi thy light And thy truth, let them lead me. Let them bang me imto th/ bol^ hill, and to thy taber- Then will I go unto the altar of God -, unto Qod my exceeding jov. What ohaU f render unto th^ Lord : for all his benefits towards me ? y. ^ ^ I win take the oup of salvation: and call upon 'the name of the Lord Lord, truly I am thy servant: thou hast loosed my bonds. V ' I will dRrr to thee the saorifloe of thanksgiving : and will call upon the name of the Lord. 1 will nay my vows unto the liord : now in the pwi- ence of aJl hk people ; ^ In thelSotins of the Lord's house : in the nudst ai thee, Jerusalem. v:i^:^. '. : .•■'•.^.■>: w^ ■''^:-;;/-l''''''' Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible : the only wise God ; ^ Be honour and glory : for ever and «v«h ik^nictt, #1 000, eternal Creator, an^meroifui Father; who hastmadeus iiv^hinoo^ image, and promised thy Hdy Sfnritto those that aeldc W\ wi£tlie hi»tot heaven, and W1& thv faithful senate cud earth, we would cry, ^^Wi^^' ^>^ Oo#AlllighrWr tlUc« ftoin us Alt Impurity uf thought or dMir«; dl «ttvy« prick and hypooriiy ; all lyMhood andd^i; all opv«(kMWMiNk vain-glory, and indblmoe; aH malim and aiMMr; Avwything thai ia eontrary to thy wiO, O moat holy Ood. L^t make dUan our hsatUwUhmvH^. . Sava oa. O hard Ood, fVotn ingratitude to#anl the«/ from an evil um of thy fatherly gifte, from mbtraift in,, thy divine providenoe, from impatience and deq^oildfinqy*. aam m, O Lord. ^ * \ ^,^^ ^ ■ '' J ; ;. ; " [ KnHghten our undentandinga, that We may k^w ^ ilroQderfol Uiii^ of thy law, the gi^tnew of thy Idve in Ohriati iha myA»riea of thy kingdom, and tl|e r>okea of thine eternal glory. Xt0aru$,wehe»etchthse,OJLord, &tM tAftotA thy bve in" our hearta, that wa may love thee above all thinga, and our neighbour aa ourMlves, MBtd hw thttt ohariiy whi^ never falleth, be abundantly reflieAed in our toila and snilbrings. Hmfi„u*, we heeeeek ikee,OJLord. f- , , r Bleaathe Queen of Ghreat Britain and the Qovartior- Oaoeiml of thia Domfauon : endue them with ifawa giaow and l4rl«ea wkieh will enable them to diidriMg^ their aaveiid triMta i^ auoh a aianner as may proi^ote thy S^/Mid'tlto jMpee and p^ Hear ue, mhete$tk t*«, Olcrd. Bhwall ihoia whoare called to the miniatiy of % goepeli f it them gr eat gifta. imd yeat holineaa ; and i^al hmnchea of the ti tlM^ be M \r Jesus Christ. hronchea of the true vine/ our maina ■iavio& rOlM, < rW * s and noflt .wiht '' ©vein b their chiJmn in the nurtore and admonition of tho Lord ; and may ohikk||l)» lova and reverenoe their parents. «-, - , Wjt QFaiherinkmmn^weheeeeehihMtoheturiile. Remember, O Lord, thoae who are in need, sieknean, or jmy advendty : even though they be ^utterly deaiJtute of man's aid, yet let the oomfort of thy Holy Spirit never depart/ from them: give them patience and Qonatanoy, And ill thine own good time turn their lorrowa into joy. '";ri:^ ^'" - ^ ':■■' ^ iibSt- Bear wt^B Lord, and let our eighmg come hefimrtKee, We thmik thee, O God, for all thy faithful aervanii who have, departed this life : mercifully grant, we beaeeeh thee, that we, betng compaesed about with so mat a elond of witne||^|may lay aside avery weight, and the sin which doth gippily beset us, and run with patlanoo the race that is Isi before us ; looking unto Jesus, the attthor and inisher of our faith. Mwaglfu, we beeeech thee^O Lcnrd. lak'hleBa all thy pe^: and ma^ of thy Son itier e» i g ( an d sncw^Mouglwut tha world; ai|d eveiywhere may the song orlugeU;^ heahl^Gll^ to Oo4 in the highest, On etticthjg/^^.gof^wm ,,■ « ASfir V 70 110 > \* «4 «Bi hm«ek Urn, lord, Uie take of Oiy fwai lov« in Smm Oliciii» wt ^ UiM to havtt DMeiy opoo um. iora. ii« »^P««r tli^kMid io flu m fHih blMMngiMid Um »^^1#»<^.^ SJ loviairkio4n«M. Tho« Aitjiafal m a f«th«r, ttijder ^amo^l w« p«y thte to ffll ow iotili with adifp Mnae of Oiylintpiikksbk goodii«», tlmtow thwikfuln^w nMv bo M intftt m oor nood of nwrcy. Wlwitavor we SK oi^twrrtlly OF, Upwardly, I. thy gift Ui thy kSttly lotinf-kindiUi^ P<«iirvi ii^ bl«iior:Ei ihou hMt ho]£p MCjnp «^§ «»>«• f • were born to l^ thy miiw go»M fitli u»lai;our a^ i ,•«**' ?™^^' aIIot we Uve. by thy aid. fought the good fitfhi of faith. ipd flniiOiid oip^wthiy «««;►. ^v**y J* ^^4^ J^imximtm, and have a ^lyftd 1*««tS?2?.,*^^ "»• * ie..,tf»^ t^* f^iiTfniltloii^of 0Km^ thy fjmM$o]&. i«ri|t>tT^^ J^^^ gia^rw3» eMW^ly be«>ech ihii, tl*L tinw aniiopportuWiy to ta^ry in the most plenti- ful pastitm of the holy Scrijpturee, where thou leadeet . mMde tlb eti^ waters, imtirthe dAv of etaraity dawn», ind th« «htdow of jBOirt^ity ii gone down. Amm, G OB, ottT heavenly Father, quicken In n», we betejch thee, every good and jmia thou^t, and strengthen uaittoor devout rewlvea tfiia day. Let no unhallowed wo» PQUute Che ionguea which thOu haii made to^pruae and bl£ii thee ; no evil a<^on defile Uie sanctuaries, which |koa hMt.m thy wdndrotm m«tcy. chosen for thyself. ■ jlemove whatever in us may be a hindrance to holy liv- li^, or a stumbKng-Wock in snother's v»y. M»y o\rc « nMnfn tiRrtoft 71 irmi iu thins ^nd mir kitulnm* to ofi« ftnothtr. luirwr M|. Umy w bring to tliM not only m humbl« spirit of oh«dl* MMM, but aim) groatjofi. O LonI IUhI, uiAk« mm what thou wouldMt h*v«^ |o bi), mnd mmy we do what thoa wouldwt hava im to do : only be thou «vtr with m to dmmo and r^new. to toftch, rul«, and iiuiiUin ua ; till at laat wo ounio to thv«, to dw«y lor wm wilb IMt iMl Uir •aints in light. Xfnefi. — — — ^^|_3^ Jl^iORD, may the wordii ot our moutha.and the medi- \^ tation of our hearte, be a^cct^pUkle in thy night -^ Than, Lord, art our ahephanl ; lead \m iMid feed Ui ; and j||l nothing ahall be wanting whore thou haat folded nit, until W^^^^mmV^ brought to the pasture of eternal life. To thee, O '^^ »H glory and praiae from the whole Chuwh of diriiit. Am^n, . The Lord bloM uaand keep uji ; the Lord make hk faM to shine upon u», and be gracious unto u%: the Lord lift up Che light of his countenance upon (VflMd give us • |)eaco. Amen. Num. vi. 24, 26. ' I . , ir TK$H thall b* nod tks Scriplxtft Umom ^Afi^ thatthaUb* $ung a Hymn, ' * % Tktn ihaU /Mow (A« Shrmon ; al Ou oos^hwMUi a/ tdUflj^ tkatt ht «iW, o^ Joininj, UU Lord' 9 PraiMr. 1 father which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy - ftstme. Thy kingdom ^jorne. Thy wUl be done c^ eiirt^, as it IS in heaven. Give us this day our daily breaid. ^d fdi^fiye us our trespasses, as we foroive them that trespass agtun^t us. And lead us not into temptation : but deliver us from evil : For thine is the kingdom, and ^6 power, and the glory, for ever'and ever. Amen,- T Th*niiui^fiM of lift, and oommtine with him in spirit and in truth. My fit fitlbrnfimfPfw^i M hmUttg mdU^PtopI* r*V^ iufi wiia ^MSH. It 000, who art, mA wast, and art to come, bdort ^ whose face thAaneiaaons rise and pass away; •ga alWr age the tivii^ seek thee, and find that of thy o ■/.. 1 ft iiiihfalnMs Uum k 00 •ad Otir fklli«r« In Uitir pUgrim- AM wmlkMl by ihv fg»idtauM, mmI mtiad on ikfcompmdaiki ttiU to ai«ir chiUlmn \m ihou lh« eUiud by tf»i^ tflttipUUcMM. thou alon« knownti, and aH •¥« oWli ; in aottfam, tiiv uitj rnvi v«t ti|« fmUiUog •oul: in our pt^wptriiy •ndtiiw, U"U thy Spirit only that m wiu oi f^m^ pridt, Mkd kt«i) u« low. O CKou aob Sourtic ol Mm Mid ri^ht«(NiiiiifM. Ukf now th« t^ (mm •vtry bJUri ; tod join uf in on« communion with thy prophoirMid mUiU who hAv« trtiMUle, ' the only wise God,vr- ,--^"i.,- -;-..;:.:._.-.,... J^^^l^ ,; ■ V .■'^"; Be honour and glory, through Jesus ChrisvforeT^r . ever. A & w !* # ,^llll{^ BlBVIOt. •!-'.■ 75 J"^ i»> ' ,h ^ V^'a- liTE priine thoe. Qod: w6 acknowledge.tliile i^bi^i;;' jf V the Lord. r> All the earUi doth ^riMp thee : the JTMher i?erlMt- ' luff. ^ V' ^ ^•^' y- -: * /' f To thee ill Angola cry aloud : the Heavens aod all the'^ ,u .Powers therein^ •;;v ■■ ;■ ' ^'j. ''''^ik'^'l-.. . i''.': ,. . '"' '' To thee Oherubim and Berafyhini:' continuaUy do eiy, Holy, Holy, Holy : Lord Ofii of hosts f . .. ^ Heaven and Earth are full: of the majfjify of thy Glory. ^ • . The glorious Copipany«.of the Apostles : praise thee. Thp goodly fellowship'' of the Prophets : praii^ the^. Thb noble army of Martyrs : praise thee f:' k >. The holy Churchi throughout all the World fd6l| acknowledge thee, i, ' "V • The Father : of an infinite M^jesQr j V : ' Rj^f- ;: ' Thy beloved, true: and glorified<&n j^ , Thy Holy Spirit also : the comforter. * - ; Thou art the King of Glory : [of Glory] God. Thou didst not suffer: irhy Holy One to see* corrup* V tion; -' . ' ^ f ■ ' ' ' ■ # "■ ^^ ' Thou gavest him the victory : over Sin' and Death ; And openest the ^ngdom of Heayen : to aU the iajth- -i- And callest {is thither : by th^jBpint of adoption. / We therefore pra^^ thee, help thy servants: whom thou hast redeemed in thy boundless love. \ Make, them to be numbered with thy saln|a:r int ^^erlasting. . ; .* * .- ' ^'B I^oroi s*ve thy people, and bless thy heritage: ^, gcwem them, and li(t mem Up for ever, ir ^ Day by day we magtiify t^ee: and we worship t^ ^ name ever world 'without end. ^ yptiflfisafe, O Lord : to keep us this day Without sin. ■<^, "■ ,fe.' '«;. ye HINTH 8EBVIC1. ts. « Lord, have mercy upon m : have mercy npoa oi. O Ixmi. Let thy mercy lightan upon us : a» our truit It in thee. , , . », O Lord, in thee have I tniat^^ Ifili me never be con- foundedy. , . /^ IT TUnthtminitUr thaU $ay th» folkyrimg Praym^ofm^ il i, ofth*m,ormuhfxi«mpomn«fm$Prayeri,MluiihaUrf>vided. ^trip m, O liOrd, of every proud thought ; fill lifl with patient tendemeM for others, seeing Uiat wa also are in the same cas^'^'befoi'e thee ; and make us ready to help and quick to forgive. And then fix every gTa<$e, compose every fear, by a steady trust in thine eternal I^B- ilitieci ; h^ind the changes of tidke and the delusion* of men. Thou vfi out Rock : we rest on th^e. Amen, A LMIGHTY Lord, of whose righteous will all things JpL. are, and were created ; who lifted the islands out of the deep, add prepared not in vain thfe habitable worid ; thou hast gathered our people into a great nation, and sent them to sow beside all watcbtt, and multiply sure dwelling on the earth. Deepe^|he rM>t of our life in everjaating righteousness; and let not .i&e tsrowii of our pride be as a uding flower. Mal^ jpfqual to our high tsuats ; reverent in the use Qf frel||^m!Just in tlieexercue of, power, generous in the protdcti^ of weidcness. With all thy bleasings ^^ i^ 9#rvant8 the Qiieen of Great Britain and the Qovei:ainr;;^Giiiier«4pf this Dominion. Fill ^eir hearts with loy^ty to theo.; Toour liegislators and Counsellors give itisight and fai^futness, that our laws may clearly speak the right, and our ^Fudges purely inter- pret it. Let it be known among us how thou hatest rob- bery fpr burnt-offering; that the gains of indus% may be all upright, and the use of wealth consideiat% May wisdom and knowled^ge be the stabiMty of our tim^ : and our deepest trust be in thee, the Lord of nations and the King of kings. Amen. OTHOU whK^v»)r^i8 over all the children of inen, and who hast called them, by thy Prince Of Peace, into a kingdom "iiot of this world; send forth his spirit ^Maiily into the dark places of our guilt and woe, and ^3- Arm it vrith the pierdog power of thv grac«. May H n$ch the heart of every oppreeaion. and make arroganey dttBib before thee. Let it still the noiae of our strife, and ihe tttmult of the people ; put to shame the false idola of •venr mind; carry faith to the doubting, hope to the fearml, strength to the weok, light to the mourner; and more and more increase the pure in heart who M«e their God. Commit thy word.O Loi-d, to the lips of faithful men, or the free winds of thine invisible Providence ; that soon the knowledge of thee may cover the earth, as the waters cover the channels of the deep. And so let thy kingdom oome, through Jesus Christ thy Son. AiMn. ♦?. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christ our Lord. Avnm. tPeterhX Now ^e Lord of peace himself give you peace always bv ail means. The Lord be with you all Amen 2 Tness. iii. 10. , -V ^ Th0H ikail U rmd ih* Scripture Le$$on. ^ ^ H Afier thai tkaiXL he mnfj a Hymn. IT Theti ahaUfoUow the Sermm^ ; at the candviium qf i«Ak^ ^haU be said, all ^itmmg^ rn^^.v- ■■^■-r:^r:-"---7,^; The LordU Prayer. OR Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy _ name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done #» earth, as it in m heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, afl. we forgive themv that t##B]>am against us. Aiid lead us not into temjpta- tion , l/Mfc deliyer us froin evil : For thine is the kingdom, md the power and the glory, for ev^r and ever. Amm, 'k ifim wkkh^0fmkan4C(i(Mlf^^^ o ,^ t> Ml u S u rarm skrvice W %^ M<^. f»ITH SERVICE. -f:^-t~^V m|;. ^ r" % Tk$ Mmi»A«r Amil toy on« or mon of (A« /oUoioitty mnUnpagf md ihtii th* Adthr$t$ whi^ eom0$<;{fter ; cUl ttandmg. "; ri'lHE way of nmn iaSfiot in hfinflelf alone: It Is noi !n J. man that walketh to direct his stepf. Jer. x. 23. ThoughtH of peace, saith the I(orl, do I think towards you : yo shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto YOU : ye snail seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with your whole heart. . Jer. xxix. H-18^ Give flrlory to the Lord your God, before he cause dark- ness, and before your feet shall stumble on the dark moun* taiil, and, while ye are looking for light, he turn it into the shadow of death. Jer. jciii. 16. Let us search and try our ways, and turn unto the Lord : i let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. jCom iii. 40, 41. . Know ye not tliat ye Ate tfte temple of Go3, Aii4 that the Spirit 4 God dwelieth in you ? 1 Cor. iil 16. The tempk of God is holy : which temple ye are. 1 GW J • •••■Hw a«/ m. 17. DEAELY beloved brethren, God, ii;i w:|i6m wciUve api^ move and have our being; jaeVj^c'^ jeaveluis day oe' niffht. But the very nearness ami eiasloin of his prsaittee hide him from oitr infirm and sinful Jbeartti 0^*imAiK cover of this darkness^ 4»iur, inner diseniMniiil * Iwooiiiea; d||^> te«(iptftti<»is gain a sblMao^M pcHfw^and ^ke goodl that is in us %<»2ds^ and/:4d««. Tb ^iiib^^«^ii^p w| % Christita mind, .. '».•■ %■ .'V I « -d- ,1.' '■■ . ' , ■■"■ ' "ii'i". " », '.4 tv - \. io TDITH StIlVfCE. ■.j.^^' jf^^Wmro dtlkd to ^ii day of resnembnince and this hoiiit of |B«W. Eniering here, therefore, we crow the thret- JKp. hold of eMinuU thingi, and oonnnune witii the Father who irr iecth in leerat Let m eliake off the duat of tjraiuiiory ' oare, and every diifuiae that can come beiw^ ua and ' -5;, God: and, remembeHng wkoee diaciplefi w^ »r^, come to ^ t the BinipHcity, though It idloiild be auo^^ t^^ *<^^*> ^ ^■■ -•^r *f Tkt MinMw tKaU (Km My (h« foUowing Prayr ; aU knnling, w*d tk$ J^mpU rtmondiHg with AMWat, ' ^ ^ OPOD, Uneearchable ; Why are we ho blind to thee, who beedtteei Qs behind and before f In the day* light of thy oonstaa^ mercy, we scarcely lift our eye to the infldite heaven whenoe it flows. Now screen ua with ^y hand, O Lord, that we niay not wait for the night of sorrow, but here, under the shade of holy thought, may loam in what a wqi^ we live. Here let us rest from the tnaay shows of i\^^ and converse with thee, the Only Tm^ And thoiif^ tho« reoeiveet higher praine than ours, fe^om nitorM ^luS know thee more and serve thee better, yet tune pur spirits and join our voices with theirs ; and unite us with the ^thful and saintly, there and here, in one light of liith^ pnid J^uty q£ liolineM, one repone m thee. ilm««. »•■'.. ■'"■*:,;,• -f^',,'.' ' '■;../'V":--''- ■;.':■" ^::''' ■ ' „ ■ .'■ '■'■;»- '■' ■ •" ■ '-- ' ,' ■ t». ^ ■ .:■-■■ " _ ■• ■■■; , .-. ir Tkm tkoMU nad^ iht Mintt^ emd PtopUs rtap(m§ivdyih€ fot- l0wm0 t$Ueii4m» ftvm th* ti/f^Oi, ottd ih» om tmitirtd ami f«f^ fiUhPrnUmM. * , -. '< . , . * • OLORD our Lord, how excdl^at is thy name in all the earth ! whose glory reaches above the heavens. Out of the mouth ' m vVi •y If 1 Tli« Lord nph<^d«ih all thut Ui^wHi lh«m that b<^ bowc^l down The ey«i of tJl wait u^a ihmi f**^ ^^^ their nMAl in dtie Mtioii. Thou o|Mmaiit thine hand, and MtbfUmt th« clMiri |f t/wwY living thing. , ' ", The Lord ii right«)ous in aU h|t w»ji, •ad hotf li|li| his work*. ' ■ ''i!; The Lord in nigh unto all them that call upon him} i|r All that call upon him in truth. > * ' lit will fulfil the dwiire of them that fear him r he alao will hear their cry, and will savi- them. ^_ My mouth shall niteak thi» praine of Uie Lotnl; i|M|li all fliah bleea hifi hulv name f<>i-«vor. Now unto Uie King etarnal, iminor|al» and in^risible, "Titem^^i^ Ood, ■ ~ "^ 7^^" ^^""^":'"'^-''- . B« honour and gloiy, through Jesus Christ, for ever ftndavar. Amm. *| tKm ihaU b* mug ihsfoUoufitig Otu^icie : oil $ttmdimg, I WAS glad when my companions said unto me: Come, it is oi|r holy day : , Let us ga into the^'4ioa8e of the Lord: let m take ■ffeet counsel together ;. Let onr feet stand- within his gates : and htart and Toiee give thanks unto him. BMdd hfi the tampie hfllowed by ^ia name . pray for peace wi^juii J<» w^, , - PefMBO to ^UBg and old'' thytt enter there: peace to . %ftit^ soul ftTOdttiJi theretn. ^ ' ' " l*i^ fni^nds' al^l brethren's sake 1 wiH ntreroease to :s , ittn^l^etldi bB'^ithin thee! '** * "■ V^^inMit tjboi^li for Qim who fiileth heaven and oartih : iMei^euuli^ with hancb ; 1^^ deep, and his knowledge too wWdfliimTtoi^ Uiij lOifi before him w^e ai^ as children •WWII li"fP'J'*f^^ Wn^^ n I >v^ 4 .> 1 f' '* I. " ^^ f.. .'I -.' ■»,' 'f '.-' # '■ ■ , I' fli^ touched by the alftwr't Uviog gl«irt lli llin«» HI itt tofluii, to liiip hill tiAin« { JUid try the wings that b«*t for hu reliige : and 0m m • hirtl to th« motintAtii. O I Ami, when we ^cry unto the« fmm the d««|l: ttod Vftit for thcMi as they that wait for the morning ; Them wilt hav« mMd to our m^tmt^i tjf^ aigli oCtM lowly thou wilt not «1(*epiiie. V" Mot Jong. <) Lord, i^al W feel after Him In thme Ooiirtt bdbw t not long wilt, thou hf»arkeii to tkiMi frltct^ log Upe. , . •■ \. . - '■:■■/ • , Our IfttJtimt thcta hMt m\\9>if U thy hf^^ pr«te9{||M| fM-hered to their fathem must all th«^ ehildren he. ' Let the d«ad ami Hying praiflt; ^he«, U Uod, atv^.bs*' low : let all the ffeneratlotwi praifl|M||iee. *" , \ Let the glorifiwi eompwiy of ^6 firiit-bdirr%kiir amnen are in the book of life ; rf* Let angels in the higheet : praitie ttiM, ulio dwefleit iti the he«?en« ; IM th^ Church on earth prai^ tbM : the delight fl wkowi wisdom is the children of then. O Kom» of the Lord's praise ^Peace b« to them tbmt love thee: _■ ■ . ♦. . ■* ^ ___■ ^ __^ If I forstft raay mf ¥tM> hand forget tta ennning : To the Only Holy, the First an^^e LMt: be thiink»» Ipiving and praise ; ' From all kindreds and tof^gues on earth . and the yoioes of satnte in heaven Arns-n. * , V TKm tkt JiMMter thall My ^ ef them^ or $m^ tv^0mpo>r»*Ji wmding tcilA AMKir. o GOD, ever Messed and "towL none but the Angels and thy Redeemed c^ joy On us, «• we look up to tf ance,tlM shadows of shameful rem* all thy mercies we must still answer lee with a peifect it of thy counten- >ranoe fall : and to l^ithjji cry for more. / ySHfH MAYliA .,"■1 OslWd in our tniMMurt to im Mrf«ci m ihuu aH twrfoel^ w« hsvo bMii moat unllko in ihM, anil «m not woriiiy lo \ . %• de^miMl thy chiWren. Thifilii»g with inora«nt»ry ^ . dMdnM. W« hav« foimkan the livinjr apniig* of heavenly irMdom. of which h« that drinkftth nhall never thint IMut. We have been alow to the oalk of affection, he«d- ., Ita M tlie duttea, hard under tha wirrowa, which are (hy gracloua diacipltiM : Vet are opprnwied with oarae thou *{iyeat not on tiui. with eaaa Uiou doet not |)«rniit, and * * ^*" never Weeii. () lionl. regard our ocjin- againat our faithUfui h<)art«. We havt 1, and renounce our prido \m(on> th«lb i to oumelvea. Viait uii with the wn«t- )irii : and lay on us the croM. if we niay wante Uiou plaint : . i nothing^), Onlf lea lings of tliy ^t grow into the holioiim if Qkfiii Awm* ETERNAL God, who committest to us the swia and aolemn trust of life ; since wo know not what m day may bring forth, but only that the hour for serving thee i« always present, m&v we wake to the instant claims of thy holy will ; not waiting for to-morrow, but yielding to-day. Lay to rest, by the persuasion of thy Spirit, the resistance of our passion, indolence, or fear. Consecrate with thy presence the way our feet may go ; and the humblest work will shine, and tha roughest places be made plain. Lilt us above unrighteous anger and mis- trust into faith and hope and charity, by a simple and ■teadfast reliance on thy own wUl : and so may we be modest in our time of wealth, patient under disapooint- ment, ready for danger, serene in death. In all things, draw us to the mind of Christ, that thy image in us may be dearly trac^, and thou mayest own us at one with him and thee. Amen^ ' ' ;~ st.'^, ^; LORD of all, whose balinee trieth the natloni, to M up or to cast down; thon hast planted ns, aM nle, in quiet lesting-plaoes, and stretched out our cbea over the aea, and laid upoii us a mighty trust. trniM, K«vtr through Vftlii oonoeit •hanging etMuliticinji of thy bl fulniMM arn thiiin our (Ktrtioti >/.' m- '.,^■^ MindlolMIlN *h« worUI aiid t|« jf miy w* hold, nioi in watit4iri iwilf-will. but rnvfmntly, m c»f thM ; nu^ifif It th« iitrt)fig hultl of right* Ui« r«lug(} of th« on|irMMid««M]i| ih« modomtor of Uw Umm Ainbiiion. Bl«i« 4l our M«ffi»- ir»tM Ana Kuktm liAll0 Wl ^ho tpftlt Df *el for ihiii nation tni« oi^nii 6i ihlno iMjuity, lluit ihroiufh ihoir wiwloni *nil fftiUifulnfMM thou may nut ha our liAwgtvorMid „ Judgit A.114I lot it 1x1 thiit, «« with tli« KMiti|}l« Mj with /^i^; ihtt chi«f«, M with i\u\ norviint ao with tho maii^r.M with " ihe buyer ao with Uui fMilIer, all may know tUia w«igh<. ,- ing the mth of th« jimt; that rightoouiinoiMi bm^ |m m^ jfiMllo of our powtR, Amm^:':s<3' -■:-^^'';'i-^' ' ' '■^'^f '■..■' i;^;;"" ';:/' _:,«■;),,»" 0Q01>; whft (!!(lii wftd thy 1^ % ip^^ ^IT FrophotH an all tho world ;* raviVi iha iiurity and doop«n th© powwr of lis tenttmony : tod througn the din of oarthly interont an4 thentorm of ' Jiuman paNHicm*, I«t it midtis the •till vniall Voice of thy Bpirit inly felt N«arer and nearor may thy kingdoni oome f ran) age to Age ; inoeting the face of the young 14 ../^ -A riiiing dawn, and brighttuiing the iiong cyf tho old, •* Lord, now letUwtthou thy servant depart in peace." : JUreadylet ite light aba*h j^i|r guilty negligence, and "' louoh with hope each secret aoitow of tne earth. By the eleansing epint of thy Son, make thii world a fitting / fore^urt to that flanctuary not inad^ with haoda, whore our life ia hid ifithjphriit la (akxi. Amen, ■ Vi. /■ iHE Lord blofM us and keep us : may he be gracious ; J|.^ ' unto us ; and give us peace now and for evermore, limm. Kvim. yl ^^, tQ, -. p . "A ^^ i^o# Biiy tl|e peace of Qod rule in your hetr^ : JljL and the word of Ohrist dwell in you ridily in all wisdom. Anwi^ Col iii. 15, 1^, w ^yir-\ rf. . *• ' -- -- V- It 47 ...V.M*i^..^.M.. W 14 V'-- - " [hi Piuun..„...... W :*% i ^^. . ts*. . V. .„,, • I 1 * I ■:, 9^ M '» • ■% ,»• t- mi iW- IMAGE EVALUATION 'TEST TARGET (MT.3) 9- . i 1.0 ::ittiu — mitf <^ $ V w ■*i^. DiotogFaphic .'^'^ ^. <^. nimn mam strmt W »IW ,M.Y. 14ia6 (71«).t7S4SM -^- >^ «■ W- Tumi •nyicBi f AMI dUO li f«Mi At iH^iiirt OURFftlW wKlebaH In hMTen, HiUowad be thy BMM. ThT kingdom oom*. ThT will \m done on Mrtk M it ii m Imi^vwi. Give us this day our daily |iifiid.^Uid fbifive m ooriraipMMi m we foigive them ^Im ^ tiniUM agdnit oe. And lead tie not into tempta- tkNi ; 1ml deliTer vi from evil : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen, Mtfrt Xfymik _ ^ _ ■ ,. ' .^ . 1. ." « . ' i •..., t ^ r ' *--- .f, *<^-;,.-,*- *r ** '.. %^f.'.- ., ^>;' '/ ■ ^ " •''>... h ,* '"'*')■ .M - '"".' i' ■" • I- ' ". /' « •• t^^^-i r *#'• i'^ '• :_^,*'^ ^fif ' '», 1? j„ * J|^V ■ • - • • ' . Vi • - i , , "' * « f ■* 1:79',. /■ » ^ , > I /, «fc '' 16 ilij done r daily » them Amen, If" ..; ■■/.•''If " ' ■,;f ■ ■■!(:■• % m .u- %<* /ADDITIONAL SELECTIONS FROM THE PSALMS. ."■■,''■■■■' I ■ „ ■ ■' r' "''■'''■■ '#. ■■■■' ;-■ . •' •■ .. .-I' ■ " ■ UNTO th«e, O Loid. do I lift up my ioul. my Ood, I tnitt in thee : let me not be Mhnmed. Lei none that wait on thee be aihamed : let them be aahamed whioh trai^gren without oauee. Show me thy wi^k^ Lord ; teaeh me thy patha. Xead me in thy tratt, and teaeh me: fbr thai|j^ the. God of my Ralyation ; in thee do I tnift all the^ Ramember, O Lord, thy tender merdea imd thy* kindnew; for they have been ever of eld. Remember not the aim of my yonUi, nor my timnsgye*- ■ione ; aooording to thy. meroy remember thon me»for thy goodne«i' lake, O Loid. '- . Good and uprigfat is the Lotd : therefore /will he teaeh ainnen in the way. / < The meek will jie guide in judgment : and the meek willheteaohhisway. ' / AU the paths of the Lord are meroy and truth unto such as keep his oovenanl and his testimonies. / For thy naue'a sake^ C^Xord, psjrdon my iniquiiy ; for it iijg reaftfe^-^ 7 _ what man is ha that feanth the Loid ? him/shiOl he teaeh in the way th^i he shall ohoose. The seeret of the Lofd is with them that ftarlMm: and he will show them his oovenani • V H tiLKmomi lfi]Mey«M«tv«r toward IheLoid; for he aluai plaok aiy f Ml out of the net . _ T^ib^mito ma, iiidlukveiiiWBJ «!><»»•; forlim dmolitt mmI AlBiotML lil^tiii tbo torrowt of ««*««^ hU Wui ittwlyeYwy mi . S^^™7 P^yw. Loird, and gire ear unto my ory ; Jjold oot thy DMoe at my teals: for I ama ttranm with «i«eandaiojonrn«»,a»aUmyfath«wwere. ^ U. spare me that I may rsopver strenffth, befora T so nenoe, and be no more. is word t watch d there lyisible, Ter and More of aillMD. 9tecdth; Biyman r Lwpd thou haH been oor refuge hi all geneiationa Before the mountains were brought forth, or erer th6u h?i e^SiiSi:^^^ •^^ y7^^!^j:^ *" destruotion; and sayest, Reton.; wh^'i? «^^^^ ^^ ^ thy ^t Me but as yesterday when it is pMt, and as a wateh In the night Thou flwrriest him away as with a flood ; he is as a dream ; he is like mss which noweth np in tlie moniing. In the morning it flouijsheth and groweth np ; in^e •▼«^n« >t i» cat dawn, and withereth. F » *« «>• I Ix^i^^^ iniquities before thee, our seeret sins in tne ugiit of thy eountenanee, ,v ^ rsaaonof strtegtb they baJooisoore yean, y«t is their v^i wearinewand sonN>w; Ibritswiftty yanUieth. and weflyawiy.-^ k -m»«„«, wmi ,v4 \»u^ 90 BtUKftWHIk ■I, So toMk at to wamh&t our d*jrs, tkat we idaj ^yp^ our hiMkHt unto wkdom. BotQiii to us O Lord, and lot it ropont tboo oon O orninf thy ttfTtnti O, MtldPjr M OArlr with thy morqy ; that w« may ro- joieo Mid bo glad *U our d4yi. , ^ , cm tlur w(^ •W*^ onto thy Mrvantt, and thy gloiy imlo thwr diildrMt And lol tho bolMiiy of Iho Lord oar Qod bo upon uat and ottaUiah thoo tho work of our handi npon vm ; yoa, tho work ^ oar handi Mtabliah thoo it ^ Now onto the Kii^g otamal, immortal, and inviuble, tho onhr wiio Ood, So hoooor and glory, throogh Joaaa Chnii, for ovor and ■ vwvtn Amm^ ." -. - -■ TTEAB my ery, O Ood; attend unto my my or. tl from the end of the earth I cry onto ihee, for my heart lioyerwholmed: lead mo to the roek that is higher thanL Vm thoa art my eholter, and aatrong tower from tho I wiU abide in thr tabemaole for ever : I will trart in the ooTort of thy wuigi. For thoa, O Qod, wui hear my towi, and giye me the heritage of thoee that fear thy name. Ill thoo, b Loid, do I pat my troat.' deliyer me in thy jAMa .^w down thine ear to mo; daliTor mo speedily: be tfioii BUT lIvoQg fd(Dk»for anjioase of defenoe to sat^ mo. I^rthoa art my rodE and ni7 fortress; tharefinre for thy name's sake lead me, and gaido me. •lUKmOMI. it O how ma k Ihjr goodnMm wbioli thou IimI kid tip for thMB that fear th«e ; which thou showort lo thorn that truat in thoo. , Thou hidttit th«m In the Mcret of thy pretonoo from Uio prido of man; thou thelUreot them in thy pavilion ftom the strife of tonffuet. Bleiied be the Loid : for he hath ahowed me hie mar- Tolloae kindnees In a strong city. O, love the Lord, all ye his sainU : for the Lotd pw- jwn^eth the faithftil, and plentifuUy rewaidath the proud Be of good ooarsge, and he shall strengthon your heart. ^ ye that hope in the Lord. •!,:.♦ :<■ "i :*■■• . •■* ■ Bow down thine ear, Lord, hear me : for 1 am Door and needy. *^ that troeteth in thee. Bemeroifti]nntoine,OLord: for I ery nnto thoe daO^. • B^ioe the eool of thy servant: for anto thee. O Lord, do I lift up Bay soul. Tor thou, lird, art good, and ready to fonrive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Give ear, O Lord, unto my pmyer; and attend to the voioe of my suppUeation. In the day of my trouUo I will caU upon thee : forthon wilt answer me. ^ Among the gods there is none like unto thee, Lord: "w™' « there any works like unto thy works. All nations whom thou hast made shatf oome and wor- •■>XDeforethe^,OL9id; «nd shidl glorify thy name, art iSLl^SLi^ *^** *^ doest woij^us tWngs ; thou Teaeh me thy way. Lord ; I wiU walk in thy troth ; unite my heart to fear thy name. y*™w* If ^nuKTioiri. I will firtUnt iW. O Lord mj (M, wftli at iy Imirt : Mid I will gloriiy thy daim for evMtiiore. But thou, Ixm( Mri « Ood full of oompMdon, sad gmoiouA, loiif -■uftiinf , and plmit«oai in merqr and truth. O. turn unto me, and have merojr upon ni« ; gi^e thy •trvogth unto thy Mrvant, and Mve th« ion of thin« hMidmaid. Now unto the King etmliiU. lmroort«1, and tnyifibk, the only win* Qod, B« honour and glory, thnrai^ J«eiia Ghrltt^for tT«r and tvar. Aman, IT. m(0^ <««■ ■; 'j. ' "L ' g^"_f *.« OQIVS thanka unto tha Lord, for he ia good : bia meroy endureth lor ever. Let the itMleemed of the Lord mj m, whom ha hath ledeemed from the hand of the e^mri And gathered them out of the landa, finom tha eaat,and fiom the weat, (h>m the north, and (h>m the aouth. They wandered in the wildemeM in a loUtaiy way ; they found no oi^ to dwell in. Hungry and thinty, their soul fainted id them. Tfa%n tney cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he d^rered them out of their diatmeea. And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a dty of habitation. ^O that men would praiae the Lord for hia goodneia, and for hii wonderful worfca to the children of men. PlNte ye the Lord: for it ia oood to aing praiMa unto our God ; for it ia pleaaant ; and praiae ia comely. utacnomk »a 'JudnMo ^Vthmhlh Um iMokMi in hMrt, and bliuUth up UmI, o^^tnK^t*^'' bo«i.,^ -Ki muth 0- with — 5!!°"*!lt '"^ hi; 'eoiBiiiMdmwH upon «wlh: hia I wort niniMlh v^ry iwiftly. Us wind to blow, UKt'dM watan «ow. M« hatli not dMlt K) with my nUion .• totf M jjlhil *™— ♦- th«7 hav* not lioowa thwn. PmIm^Um Lort, thooh^btw, favonrabb qnto thy land. f^Z ^ *''y ""•"y. O Lord, and giant na thy lalvation IwiU h.ar what oil th. Lori wifl^ ; hi CSl^ -.KklMii til*"' "^ ■' -^ '^'~-«- U.S*iW3dhStS22.*^ whiAtagood; «.do„r = ''^PHf'^^ 'T\-"f«iri»w^ N i ttUBOTIOIfi^ Now BBlo Um Eiag tlMtial, imnoriAl. tnU iaTiiibkb lilt ooljr wk« Ood. . ^^ Bt lionour and glory, Ihivagh Jtttn Chrbt, for tvor ■Bd ovvr. Anion. ▼. ^ . PmlmlimhmJndMU lUrUntk, /utmlnd ni ' PRA18K y«,Uio Lord. Pnkm, y MfVMili of tho Lord, yvnim iho namo of th« Lord. BlitMd bo Iho Domo of iho Lord from ilifai Uliio forih * and for ovormoro. From iho rioing of iho tun unto iho going down of i^ •MM iho Lord's namo k io bo praiaod. Tho Lord io high aboYo aU naiiom. and hii glory aboro- • htarona. • % h Who ii Uko nolo Iho Lord oat Ood, who dwolleih on • hiffh, WlMhttaUolhhiniMlfloboholdiboihingiihaiaroin iMaToa, and in iho iarih ; Ho raiooih up iho poor oui of iho duot and UAeih iho Boody oui of tho ground. . ^ Thai ho may aoi him wllh princoi, oTon with iho prin« *^ •Hofhispooplo. Ho ihai dwoUoih in Iho looioi plaoo of iho ICooi High ■hall abido under iho dhadow of Iho Aimighiy. I wiU lay of iho Lord, Ho it my rofugo and my for- tfiM ; my. Ood, itt him wiU I irust Ho ohaH ooTor ihoo wllh hit foaihora, and undorlik wilupi ahali ihoii4ruii ; hioiraihohaU bo ihy ahiold and Thoo ihali noi bo aftaid for iho ionor of iho nighi ; Borforihoinowihaifliothbyday, Nor for iho DMUkoM thai walkoih in darknoM ; nor for iho doatmotiion ihai waoioih ai noonday. Ihy righi hand : hut it iJiaJl ii ttiaa in all thy waya, r- . ^^ Thay ahall Wr thaa op In tfi^r Kin^. f«^ Aon dadi thyfoot agminat a atone. Thott ahalt traad upon the lion and adder : the romMr lion and the dragon ahAlt thou trample under feet Btoauae he hath aei hia love upon roe, therefore will 1 deHvtr him : I will aet him on \igh. beeauae he hath known my nrnme. i_ *?! !T* **" "P**" "••• •«*<* ' ^" anawer htm : I will be with him in trouble ; I will deliirer Kim, and honour him. ' ■^tt" With long life wiU I antil^^im, and ahow him mTaal- ▼lition. ♦ , , .- ''' I will lift up mine ey«i onlo Uw >Ula, whenc* oometh my nelpt, Ifcr help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven nnd He wil! not raflbr thy foot to be moved : he that keep- •th thee will not alumber. *^ ^^hold, he that keepeth larael ahall ndtlier alumber nor th^ W*^^ ^-^' : the Lord i. thy rfudn npon ^^^ mm ahaU not smite thee by day, nor the moon by The Lord ihaU preaerf« thee ftom nU eTil : he ihiOl pw«tnre thr aouL In, fitmi thtt Ume iorth, and evi fcJ avinnofe. ™^ Nov Mte y^ Kliif tlitMl. iMMMPt*!. ftwt biH^yi. ^ •i llliili Mid ^qty. UifftMiib J«iMClirkl,iif «nt ■■ i » ft •-#• #'l ' * •. •f'fc . ♦ ■ » ■*^.' 77" *«'r '' ' ^••«.,^>. .•• », IJk«i; tflu^ ». • ▼Ma » . MARRIAGE SERVICg. f ' £mi|»iUb ol UiU iM Md Uiki wo«M. irhTZL to biMM o«i4 in holy w%dhfk. sMfiat iMr amliMnyilL for^ IW« logHlMr. ai«r ^ l iiiTllliii|^TA^l_r!!j For wtdbok it Um of^aiaM of Ood, wfco itw Oiiki U nMuikiwd. for Um i^ Jii unto Wf wilt. Mid Ui^ iwo ilMai bo om ftS. And tWi MUto o«r Vo^ raUgioii Iim Bi4do tlio iymbol ITl^tn, «• fOHifi «i *• iMiM in i M. And N^— To olond koro HQteAUy betiY^httd. oad wt sn:t;2i:L*tLiS' •til'' ?^*^ «^ IJfcAaij ''^^M • r { • • o , • « 1 • 06 mmiUQB SIKTICI, , ^M ' tfiiA to another with hohr afleotion and unwavering oon- ■taney ao long •• you both shall live. See to it, there- fore, that ye are folly persuaded in your own mtnda, and that ye know of oo impediment by reason of which ye may not be lawfully married. V Th0m aliaU iK* Minidtr «iy io flU iimh» / M., wilt thou hare this woman to thy wedded '■ ''.fe rife, to live together, after God's ordinance, in the estate of matrimony 7 Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in nckneas and in health, in good days and in evil days, and, knowing no other as wife, cleave only onto her so long arfye both shall live I > / . • % Tkm tht Mimttm afcog my to <*< wmamt' v "^^ K., wItt thou have thift man to thy wedded ^uahaiid, to live together, after Qod's ordinance, in the estate of matrimony ? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and ke^ him, in sickness and in health, in good days and in evil days, and knowing no other as husband, cleave only nnto him so long as ye both shall live f Y Btrf M« SMM imU haniio^ MinitUr HU rvM, nAo, cffter r^eeimng ii,wiU htmd U Uuik to th* man, «afcd vmU plact H upm ike thiri Jl^noir qfHu woman*9 ^ft hand; «eMI« kt ia domg to ih* MumUr '■ hei this emblem of eternity, presented and received as ^ a loken of mutual love, be a cherished memorial of the TOWS this day l&ade. And now, in further indication of the purpose of your hearts, join your right hands. '^'TKm Am (e mudiktfaUauyigpfayer, or *uek otKtr a» Vu MmitUr afcoii be muvidio uHer : ."' .,.:.-....- ■ ... "'- . ,■ •■ . :-.:_-^„_; OETERNALGk)d;0reator,andPre0erv«rof all man- kind, command thy blessing, we beseech thee, on *. tiheaatl^Mrvaiita, whom weblessinuiy name. Enable them ' |a liilfil aiwl obey the oovenant which they have now made - ■<* -4 in d ai o( tc II re ic ai tl h< tl tt ■e lii ■'''"''£■ th tl) th ; Wi • pi ,»-'-:■ yc i an in ev ; * ^r^ MiEBiAot enivicc. 99 .1-.. > ' '■ ' y: fe, to te of *'^M riMid f ad in only f '^h- '■ V' 1^. ' bMid, i kieof mour in thy prewnce. May their heart* fit tiilHcd in the oloiett bondi of love, may they be counsel and atienffth, and light and eomfort one to another, tharen of Moh other's Joye. consolers of eMk other^s sorrows, and helpers to each other in all the ohliAss and chances of the worid. May the^ so discham the duUes which belong to this relation into which they have entorad, that it may not be to them a stato of temptation and sorrow, but of holiness and comfort Give them grace, wheroby they may serve thee aocentably so lon^^ as they live. Hand (n hand, and heart with heart, trusting in each other and in thee, may they tread together the path of life. Be thou, dear OoO, ' their guard and guide ; give them griMW to know and to serve thee aright, and lead them through tlys timnsitory life unto life eternal, according to thy rich weray in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. * i.-'' :'■■■■■■.,.:. . 1 TkmMmuMinitUrmv: Tofumneh as M. and N. have consented together in wedlock, and have witnesned the same befora Qod and tois company, and thereto have engaged and pledged themselves with the rift and acceptance of the nng, uid the joining of hands, I pronounce them to be husband and Wife. And what, God has joined together, let not man put asunder. ^ ■ ■ - ■ • ■ ..' • ■■-■■■ •%■ -■ The fuwd (W Almighty bless and preserve and keep you, the U»id look mercifully upon you with his fiivour, ".i^'*i??"T^*^.^,8WM», *h*t ye may so live together in this life, that m the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Ameti, ^ _^^ „ _ 100 iPWAI. UUIVJOI. ■* :f,.:?r M BURIAL SERVICE. H tU O in i dm r , wmHug Uu Oorpm ol Hu mtnmM^ifAt Ckwrtk, and §^tm§ k^^ it, fkall my om or man l«IWP'ii»'.,'«HJ)Hm' M BvniAM, suvroi. '101 lUmove thv stroke away from me : I mh oonsumed by the blow of tliiiie bMid. / When thou wiA rebakee doet eorreet man for iniquitr. Uion mekeet hie beauty to consume away like a moth ; Surely ereiy man is vanity. ' V H**"* "7 P^y^^» ^ ^rd. •nd give ear unto my cry ; hold not thy peace at my tears : for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O sp4ro me, that I may recover strsngth, before I go hence, and be no more. Doxnf B Rsvooiinc PmUm mmtittk. Lord, thou best been our dwelling-place in all goner- Before the mountains were brought forth/ or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the worW. even from everiastiiy to everhwtinff. thov art Qod. For a thousand years In thy dgfat are but as yesteidar when It is past, ai|d as a watch in the night , Thou earliest them away as with a flood ; they aro asa Bleep : in the morning they are like grass which groweth In the morning it ilourisheth, and groweth up : in the eveubig It is cut down, and witheieth. / We mend our yean as a tale that is told. Thj^ys of our years aie thveeeooie yean and ten: ?^l^^iT!i^'l ■*'^**«** ♦'^^r be founcoro jea^ » their sinngth kbour and soifow ; for it is soii cut o^^ and we ilv away. * cm^hiSf ^to^^^Sd^ ^ ^ "^y W^ 4ii!!?ll?*l^'.?^'^»**''*^'^*<>^^ ^y wherein ^h^JS^uB, and thT^Sn whenii 1^ ha^ ^JS^LmS^ilm^ Mia (Shy 1^ Aadietthebetatyof the Lord our Qodbeuponus: StXi^V^sTdTT*' r5i^bl^^f^£it^ lOS BUBIAL SBmVIOI. M- ttsd Mtablish thou Um work of oar band* upon ut ; jea, tlie work of our hands, MUblkh ikon it ? , i,'',*< 1 (Mr, XT. 90L , NOW is Christ risen from the de«4, and bMOOM the, flralHfriiit^of them that slept For sinee by iumi oame death, by roan came also the rasurrMtion of the dead. * \ /it,.iu., ,.,•,. ..,..,,) ^jv; For as in Adam all die, «v6n so in Ohrkt shall all be madealiTe. Bat e¥«iT man in hir own order : Christ the first*fruitt| afterward weir th|it are Christ's at his oominff. llien eometti the end, when he shall hav6 delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rale^ uid all authority siid power. For he must reign tiU^he hath put all enemies under hisfeet The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. '^ ' For he bath put all things under his feet But when he saith, all things are put under him, it is luanifiBst that he is ezoepied who did put all tbinm under him. And when all thinga shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also hmiself be subject unto him that put all U^ings under him, that Qod may be all in all But some man will say. How are the dead laiMd up ? •nd with what body do they come f t Thou fool, that nfhidli thou soweet is not quicl^eaed ex- cept it die : And thai whieh thou sowest thou lowest not that body that shall be» but bare grain, it may duuiee of wheats or of ioBie other grain : BatOod |(iveth it abody as it hath pleased him, and tu evenr teed its own body. Au lUth ia not the aame flesh : but there is oo« land of fleah of nien, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, aiiotherQf biida. -vA- bu( ^ ter -^ 'kieiii&.,^MMiiMii3i&isi^mif^'ftii 1 1 \k:. h "T'wr^ BtTmiAt IIKVICI. 108 -'■■,fx^ .•" There are deo oeleetUl bodiee, Mid bodiee temetrkl : Vbut the glory of the oeleeikU la one, And the cbry of the ^terreetrUlb another. There it one glory of the tun, and another glory of the moon, and another gUwy of the itan : for one tUr diflbr- •th flnom another star in glory. So aleo if the reanrreotion of the dead. It ii town in ' oormption : it ia raiaed in inoormption : It ia eown in diahonour ; it ia raUdin glory ] it iaioim in weakneaa ; it ia raiaed in power: . * nJ^ ^ ^"^ • nAtuml body; tt ia raiaed a spiritual body. There ia a natural body and there ia a apiritual body. And ao it ia written, The firat man Adam waa made ^ ^vtog aonl ; the bat Adam waa made a qniokentng apirii Howbeit that waa not firat which ia 4>iritual, but that ^Wch ia natoml ; and afterward that which ia apiritual. V The fira^ man ia of the earth, earthy : the aecond man 18 the Lord from heaven. Aa ia the earthy, auch are they also Ihat are earthy : «ndaaia the hearenly, auch are they alao that are hea- venly. Andaa we have home the image of the earthy, aoahall we alao bear the image of the heavenly. %. 1 ?^ ^^J "V' **«^'«n« ^** fl««h »nd blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Ood ; neither doth corruption in- herit ineomiplaott. Behold, I ahow you a mystery: we ahall not aU aleep, but we ahall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the laat Uiimp{ for the trumpet ahall aound, and the dead aAiaU be raiaed inoomipUble, and we ahall be changed. For thia cormptible muat put on incorrapuoni and ihla mortal moat mit on immortality, , So when thia oommtible shall have put on Inoonup^ T^ ?4 *^ J"®"*^ "^^ ^v* P«* on immortaUty, th^ ah^be brought to paaa the aaylngthat ia written, Death 18 swallowed up in tictory. ■/ — T ■•••"■, \ m' , ]■', •:}■'. .....L-.y . ■« i I * *•■ -. -■ cmr*- f"m>'wmi^ fc3fc«>V>*'=ii4U:''''-ti.V.*i ■ ... . . . m-' >-^. ' ..;■ i .v j' ■.■ij~^^ i,LijS jWiaitiliigiii'^il^teff of lAff/bOpMtef iVayifrf, or mi«A " M mmmmI to <#«r. OMC at Aa^ ALMIGHTY OOD. with whom do UVe the iptrita of them that depart henoe in the Lord, and witK whofli the aoula of the fiUthful. after they are deUvered fhmi the borthen of the fleah. are in Joy and felidty, we thank thee for having given to ns oar dear \mlOm whom thoif halt now taken away ; and for the ble«ed aeratanoe that» ihooflfa Ae will not return to ua, we ihall go to Aiww O mat, we beaeeeh thee, that we. with all thoae iHio are departed in the true lUth of thy holy name, may hava oar perfect oonsuounation and bliae in thine eternal glorjr. Or, / V -v: LORD OOD. Holy Father.lEe thou bhwod both now and evermore: for all that thou doeat it good. 'naa haat aeen fit to take away one who ia dear to as : |ive a% we baieeoh thee, the ^irit of filial sobmiiiion. Koalde ua > aiy It ia waU. for thou didat it May we foal thai thy wjU ia better than a^ifl^ we eaiidMiia for OQtaelvae, and find oomfort in holy and happy thoughta aftheunMenworll Bringhome to our hearts thy Son'a pimniaes to those who foU aaleep in him. "^ ^ ^> 5;!k^/ , *i*!)!^;;-''^i!^7(^fmK!f» mJi-Ml^^^ ti.lil^.{^ J»A J- -' '.' ^.■': % X'. BUIIAL SniVfCL 108 OLotd,UMhiwhowtoUir«toMtopl«MtUi«t. May nothing omim im to fomt that we mn pilgriina and «>- chief tlfcotioiw^ thoiie thinm wW Mmi' aH J; «?.?• r"*^.!? "f *^l ^'*'' •»** "^. M from the OMth or tin to A life of righteounnM. WniSfJ?^' ^ *^"^ **^ "^ ^[ruatude for thy graat toTjnt-WndneM to vm. When tbo» tek«t away, w? mt how much thou hMt given. We thank thee for ihe tweet memory of blevinn which are for a leaKm withdmwn from ue, and for the many Ueninge which yet leBMOn. ^ for hopea which no earthly troublee can overahadow w«!m ^^' ^ ^.r^^ *'"' P»yer^ which w^ ^ a!^ to thee in the iiath and spmi of J«sus Chriet. OUR Father whlA art in Hearen. Hallowed be thy ^•♦J. "^. ?*y^WBr*omoome. Thy wUl be doneji i!!S''*A"*/i **••''•"• ^'^« "• *^" ^y o«f «ny *u!t '^°** '^"V^ '^ **"' ^''•V*"^. •■ ^« fcfgiye them *}^*2y?».««^«»tue. And Calui not intS temnti^ tloo ; but dehver ue from evil : For thine ie the kinmfom •nd the power, and the gtery, for ever and ever. Anun. MAN that is b<^ of i^^oman hath but a short time .^ • ^. ^^7^* •»!» ftM w, and neveMontinueth in one stay. .^;^^^^ p]^.^ God of his mil ^rey pim<^ wruierdpre oommit ku body to the groiikid- «aiiai tM«rth,^ashM io ashes, dust to dost; in wmud ^Tr ■ P?^Li ""?*Mtioii to eternal life, through our iJesos Christ; who will change this corrnptible body. :i!iH£^^:«r.' ill 106 WnJMWL MllViCI. thtA it nmy \m like unto hia gloridus bodj ; Moonling to ih« rnighW working, wheroby he U able to «ubduo all ihliifi to hioiMll. THE diut raturiM to duet, Mid the spirit unto God wIm» gave it ; therefore do we now eommit the body of omr dear depnrtwl ^r^ik^ to the gmve ; in the Meiaed hope thni M A« has borne the image of the enrihy, ao aim Aif ahdl bear the image of the heavenly, through our Lotd Jeans Ohriat IHfAKD a voice froM hsaven, aayti^r unto merWritir^ From henceforth bleMMd are the dead who die in the Lord ; £ven io. aaith the Spirit; for they nat from their. Inbonia, and their worlu do follow them. OOOD. our heavenly Father, grant that we eorroir w>* •• tfcoae who know not the proroiaea of thy^ hohr mMl; but may we look forward to the greai . «^tt«tiQg oT thy laithful eeriaala and lOiUdren intollieirr c^rwlaating home. O thou in whom we truat. help ua by Ihy gmee. that weinny live aa the heira of thia blMaed •nd i^orioua hope, whidi thou haat aet boforo ub in thy Sob, our Lord Jeana Chriat Amm. , . , THE grace of our Lord Jeaus Chrirt. and the bve ol God, and the feUowahip of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, evrnmore. Amen, % ^c\ ^■',i- '.: 4 \ / . ^l < . . tM V I ' ■ ,^* n ^>« -I f % ■ t *'.' ' '/ ' t '•' ■P': •m ^ jv. :•.. A. s«s v^» %.rf I^M i^ " ' • 1 _ „ - - «-' - ,- ^ ^^^^ ■ ■.■ i ^ ^^^^^^^ ', > , \ •» 1 ^^^r \ \ .',? ■■ ■ \ <* \ 4 • s '■■■V. . t . . ■ ■ ■ •■f . ■' i •^ ' •- i'. - ' , ■ * • » r ■ ^ - r^;^sv^'v ^^ - . -=■ ^ ■ ' *- « nil m i 4*1^ * MHt W^- i «fl»* , l^tjtl li '^-^l 4r ^' f hw \