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Les diagramrnea sultante iHustrent le mAthode. :■(■ :2-v': : 3 ■■.».■.-..-■ -•,-'■ . ■■ ----- ■-/ - , 5 . . . ■ \ . 6 b •■'.■-.■ « ■ MCRocofY moumoN tbt chait (ANSI oAd ISO TEST CHART No. if /APPLIED IIVHGE Ir 1 653 Eott Moln (SIrMt Roch«t«r. NwnYori. 146M OSA {7t«) 482 - 0300 - Phoiw ^^ •(7i») 288 - 5MB - Fo» . 'iPr •'.:>• / ■^■^ ^ a E L t G 1 O IJ S\ L I n L' II T V :^->~ ; A I.ETTEH TO Tlin EDITOIt OF T IIR; " PAlXADlUMr" ijpon THB THANKSGIVING RROCLAMATION OF HIS ^XCELLENCY . ■ . ■■ ■■■ - ■ ■..■<■' • SIR F. B. HEAD, . *•* AND A SECOND TO THE CDITOUS OF THB ' , . ■ ' ' ■ .■ ' 'PATRIOT/ "CimiSTIAN GUARDIAN/: &"COMi\:ERCIAL HlSRALD," IN REPLY TO THEIR STRICTURES. By JOilW ROAF, MIMSTKR IN OEOBOE StREKT CHAPEL TOUONtO. v.- PRINTED AT T^EpAli^pjUM OrflC^, YORK STRKKT, TftRdxTO. 1^09. ' r UB . .1 i ■'.'^ m ■ 1 1 f '» C '' ■ ■ ■■ §• i?.J J V' • ■ { ill : i 'j 'If \ m i 'If If v €l i ^ r I :!■■■■■ V' ■■ ^ N 'ff^-r^m^ F. B. HEAD. PROCLAMATION. VPPKR fJANADA. y VICTORIA, by the UrQce of God, of the Vuilfd Kiitfrdotn of Great Britain and Ireland, Qiieeif, Defender of the Faith, 4«c, ^-f." 4'C. To qII our loving and fjillifur subjects, in our pMvinco of Uppor Cnnada— > GRRrTixa KNOW YG, tlin Inking into our most sdrious consideration, the merciful interposition of Divink I»R<)viDENcii, and thnt it liath pleasrd AtMionTt Gou to deliver us fro n the dangers and calantitios of the unnatural Insuiroclion and Rebellion with w lich w.e have lately bceil afflicted : Wo have ronoivod, and. by the advice of our 1 executive CiMuincil, for our Province of Upper Canada, do hereby command, that n day offlUl.ic Tiianksoivino be observed throughout «ur said Province, on Tilesday,^HiSixth day of February nextv so that all our people therein may Ininible themselfes b<>fore Almiohty Gon, and in the most devout ai»d solemn m inner send up their Prayers, Praises, and Thanksgivings, to the Divine Majest ir, for having removed the heavy Judgments wliich onr iwinifold pruvocationil have most justly deserved ; and for bcseecliing God still to coatinuo to us His| mercies, favor, and protection: and we e/o strictly charge and command, that tlio said day of Public Tiianksgivinq ho reverently and" devoutly observed b^ nil oifr loving Subjects, in our said Province of Upper Canada, a$ they te.kderthe favor of ALMiaiiTv Gob, and would avoid t/ii wrath and indignation, and upon pain of such punishment as wr.tnay justly inflictton all such a^ contemn or neglect the performance of so Religious and necessary a duty. ' In testimony jwheretf, \V^\m\e canscx] these our Letters to ho mndo V Patent, and tile Great fSeal of our said Province to be hnreunto affixed l^Witncss our trusty and ivell-heloved Sir Fiiancii Bond" '*■' Hrad, iBart, K. C. H, &c. dco^vikc. Lieutenant Govunor of our said Province, at Toronto, this Twenty-second day of^an. in the year orour Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight* and ' in the first year of our Reign. By command of His Excellency. F. B. H. C. A. HAGERMAN, Atl'y General. T). CAMmO^,Setretary. • ' j^ l-lH i^il -■A •i Hi f.;''-" \ n I I t IH-I. (■' ■ \ \ [4] I Tu lfili:Uilur of tkt PalLilium. >\ His Kxccllcni-)' ilui Ltoulcnimt < II rdirriolu duly lo •'lionour," •' prny far," '* jiubiiiii to," iiikI pHV ilii" "iiiliiiiK 111" ilin *' iMiwom fbut be," whurovcr I io«ido, — rf/i^'i- »u$, bt'Citimo rtfiuiii'd by /om only, iibt the maldflt/ — and it is u limi; now to ascertain (in good faith) what tlit-roisjii lire |)eopIo or their rulers ih^t his jio early involved this fine eoonlry in tioubfle. (^bd lias saiTered us to be afllicled because ''avc Iiavo provoked the Holy |C|ao CO Imi isiiR'J n ( oi"*' 'rii;ink»- \o Hiiiliority, iiiiurit iiitU lltu oi' yuiir iiuxt '* iiibiiirl to," iisiido, —nlin'i' l)ii» cuiiiiii^ i» ({ cuiiflici uiid 1 ciMiiior, liuw- foru Aliiii^Uly u,vur!i, prabus, iucogiiiy,u tkuy uiid ttuints lu iiur boart t|iu M nut lli:l |>H)- I, ua A woman'')* iihJ ; mill us u vful Sovorgij^n. \/ und devoutly would Hvoid oniMeor(Jiavo any iiiiis ^nd fotirs/ )ioi|e:j^t and isure of God J qI errors — io^ Hs a MiiiUtc disorders ui/o otom only, not lat tlif ro is /in itry ill (roump. he Holy Oao r 3] ./ ufliraul to Bn|(er ;*' and ha now paiiius 10 »ty •' Why iliouM yp b.> ■lrirk"n nay nior«* 1" — " Wash yoiit inaku you t Ii-mii, put away \\\i» ».vil of your doiii|( liuni bufuru mine ••yM, cumka to do evil, lirarii l<» du well." Ili-lor*', ili»ii, we ifjuir$ aiiJ have iliankigiiviiifi:, wii ohould aicerluin wlinilii-r ullowd iehorMnot*, or '^ n husioiobe rich," or any other vic«« ar* tllu ctuMO of iliq diaorganiiMlluii. that ii.ii oriiien. 1 am, Mr. Klliior, ^uurs fi ipeftruKy, ■•■■ ■- ;. ,■ ■ ' 'O' ' ■• . • .' Uiiliop'a Buildings, lat Fob., 1838. J. nOAF. TO TIIK HDITOIVS OF THt: •' l» ATIUOT," ••OUHISTIAN UUAUDIAN," AND "COMMKIICIAI. UKUALU." Gentlemen: M' In your strictiirui upon my letter in the ** Polhflium^*^ you npp<>flr, in several instunriviiVio have mistaken my incaniii>:^, mid in uthnsto have adv«uct<(i principles' in wiTlcli I cunnot silently aquietce. i ilnM-efore b< g leave to siibniii to you n few explanatory reiiiMrks — siiiceiely rejrieiiing to iissiciate your very dissimilar articles iif^nu reply, uhicli, however, is ion>i«ro,very hest the writrr ruuld produce — thai iu the " C'An't/ian &ituous or hostile to him, 1 would at once oiler the most ample iipolocfv. IMie religious bo-ly to which I beloiig has been dii|inguishe9-by n'ptlient and uniform fidelity to tlie present royal family in DrilaLn, and an (>qual dovotedness to popular liberty uiid »'ducation. My intention In my letter was to explain, that in lefusiiig to obAerve February Gtli as a day ct thanks^rivin^, I withheld frdpi His Excel- kiicy only a sjiirituul a|lpgiance — an i)1le{;ianco wliich I mainti)itn»\vas claimed by iliu I'roclaniution, ajid which no m i n owes to nnoiher. So'long us I reside in tiiu Proviircc, its Governpra will liave my full submission iiiHtl matters within their jurisdiction; and if 1 do iiot mistake the character of Sir F. B. Head, he wil! give confidence to somo ^viio do not claim all the loyalty of the I'roVinco, or attcHnpt to insinuate away Ulie innoccnco of their neighbors. With regard to my objection to obsiorvo February Gth as iho day of lhnnk«« giving, lavish to be understood before f\o(irur a furtlior justification. I have before udmitlt'd Uio duty of thunksgivini;; I am ready to ackiiowledgo, too, III i ^ii'; H i' M ^ /■ [0] ;i tint Hit E«f*.|ltnry Jid wdl in ialectlnf n d incon,„,..„.y m ,„yi„g, ,h,., I »»ubmi, ,o'« .,..0 autljitie.. Jd JSt refu..ng subm.M.on in the cn»e of ihe proclamnlion. I •• ,ubmi, ,0 evirv ordinance of ««„ for ,he Lo.d', .„ke"-but a matter of fai.h or co«,donce U not properly „n ordinance of m„n. Every separate olTicer in .ociety I a. hi. own JPpropr.H.o jorisdicon; „„d uh in "the Churcbof the thirty-nine aJticle.7« (.overnor wonld not be allowed ,0 perform clerical act.. .0 In the C lurch of ( hri. he .hou Id not be allowed to exercise .pirl,ua| authority. The v^r/ MHB„tra,o, and Emperor, in ihing. .piritual, and died a, mar.yr. to maintain t m. do iSir f '"• '", *''"i '••" ' " " ""•'•'"' •« «^'' •'«<'" «" J « P^«i»e to them tim do Wll -., „ ,n \mjudmal capaciiy. and not ». a Ipirituallogi.Iator or nxecu.ioner. In .Ul, ,ho case .ee.... ,0 Im, tl.is-.ha, if "the power, that be" ■ arc to judge of l^oly day., o, form, on bohalf of their peopirtT.en Chri.^. .urt.or,ty H no, «,ngle and nb.olu,e in his Church, our 1^1,11^ II e."q.^ro 1 wha,.ai.li,lio.cnpiuro,r' but " what iMlilh .he proclnma,ion.1"%f ,Cy diZ^iT w' ''"^'."'^^ -nay appoint tu,o, or Jifiy, according ,0 tkeirZi d,Bctetwn Wo must look ,0, and submi, ,0 ,hdr au.l,ori,u,ivo dictation instead of employing o„r personal jud.on.en, on tho Christian canon ; and thu.Prc^ te.,«n. .m w,|| he „ mere .ubsti.ution of King, and Governor, for Pope, and Chr....am.y .villi be (a. infidel, have urged) only a political engil '^^ .«.«// IIn,r7 ^* *"* »crttpuloa. in the,e milters ? Because I would not let th« ma// end of ,lie wedge be inserted, lest the larg, end .honld too soon fo low l^A^r^" T7 • "."^ " °^ i-Portance-and a quick .en.itiveni,*^ the fim indKation of a healthy conscience. Besides, amidst the confusien and Sence incKledt-upon the outbreak of a polliical co„fl.gr'a,io«, Cl.ristia^^ gu^dian; I^^^^ 10 / ■: in [»• on the ilert to prottcl mJ rnicue rttigioui princlplit aiiil riiiliii, •lilch arc liablu lo b« r«mov«d bjr •cclMi««tic«l robberi. Our ruleri du not wiih ili« ■pirU of roligion or riligiou* liberty lo ba bu»«d down iind cr.uhtd, by ihu iiieiiiiire* nniployud U) quell inaiirruciion ; nnd llioio (hul du witU H wHi And con».. Mtabiishtneni rubi and de^a Jt-a bM that do not belong to it, f nd ftll ftra drivM ' intofnncunimoii aititiuJc of defonctf. And if somo (jen«ral resisttnee be niott ■doptf^ here the tyrant-chnreii will sniM the public property, lift up hor mitred fnrat in cauria and parliaments, and tiie deapotism of tlie Gngliab villages wilt ImI iprvad o'er all the land< Uut why do church piRople blaine ua dissontera for coalesciag^ with men with whom they themselves unite inaapporlingthe church by lithea and church-rates, and whom they nre obliged to admit to the sacra-. laent, MrheMver required. The ohurchpublicatiOn^ were larely clamorous in thuir deanDGialipns uf the recent appointment of laJvUls to Profeta&r$hips and Qithoptickt^ andyet all are goin« on together in the church. Sjiome men (like Dr« Fatey). cannot afford to keep a good conacience. Wo love mudi of the spirjtttel part of the Cpiacopal Church, but are driven from her secM/areata- Misbnient'-we aay, " take away her battlenoents, for they!, are not the Loi^d'a." I renwin, OkNTLtMeK, Youra in the cmuae of Religion and Religious Liberty, Bmhof's BviLDiNGii, Feb. 13. 1838. J. ROAF. 'l-tV/ ■"■-■•■(I • '-■■■"'■\^' : ■ .■■■ '''■.■''•■' ■■. ' ' - ■■•.■- ,■ ■: .- . ' ■ ' ■■■ '■ 1 ■.V" p ■ ■ "■ ■ " . „ ■• ■'* " '" ■ •■ - - ■ « ■ ■' ■■ ' ■ '■■".■ -. • . ' ;.■■ '. -■ ' ■ .■ ' ' ^ ' ■ • V •■ '■ '. ."■ '.' ' ; . ■ ■•■■■' ..'■■ - '.■ .; .' ..-•:*:. ■%/ ■,