<2 t^ //^l yj/*' J Papers by the Staff OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY, mggill university. ^ /f- ■- Ij^l ENTERO PTOSIS AND ITS RELATION TO FUNCTIONAL DISTURBANCES W. F/ITAMILTO]^T, M.D., Lecturer in Clinical Medicine, McGiU University ; Assistant Physician to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Reprinted from the Montreal Medical Journal, Se]Hember, 1899. ^;i ..fi^lErtttiafc^.^-^ I f i ENTEROPTOSIS AND ITS RHLATION TO FUNCTIOInAL DISTUIIBANCHS. I'Y W. F. Hamii.ion, M.I)., Lecturer in Clinical Medicine, McGiU Universitj ; AsHist.int I'hyHician to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. The condition described by the term Enteroptosis has been attracting an increasing degree of attention during the past few years. Some years before Glenard's monograpli appeared, Virchow, Leube and others described the anomalous downward disphicement of diirorcnt abdomnml organs, but in 1885 Glenard fornuihitcd liis views upon this sul)jc.;t, accurately describing the condition of the abdominal viscera and the nervous phenomena connected therewitli. Among tlie features prom- inent in this symptom-group whicli Treves is pleased to call " that medley of symptoms," are, downward displacement of the stomach, a movable right kidney, various digestive disturbances and often very typical neurasthenic symptoms. So sanguine was the pioneer observer among the French, and indeed among all writers, that he had di'^covered a 89lution to the diflficult problem of many cases of neurasthenui, that he says at the close of one of his very early monographs upon the sub.ioct in a free translation as follows :-"T can affirm that the i^hysician who will follow my directions and strive to verify my statements in such cases will find in his practice the satisfaction which a positive diagnosis gives to both nhysician and patient from which alone a proper prognosis can be made, ...d that satisfaction, the greatest of all, which directs the treatment and avoids for the patient tlic trial upon him of so many remedies, while at the same time it secures him relief and ^prevents the physician himself from falling into therapeutic scepticism." The next step of importance in the advancement of our knowledge on this subject is marked by the appearance of Ewald's writings in 1890, and those of Pick, Boas, Kumpf, and Hufschmidt in 1893. With Ewald many of the Germans took sides against the French school on several points to which we may refer later. The German school claims that Glteard had reference but to the intestines in his descriptions, while, associated with ptosis of these parts, displacement of other organs was common. By the German school, the application of this term is broadened and more comprehensive. Schwerdt believes he is .iiistified in speaking of enteroptosis when at least two organs are found pro- lapsed. .■t 4>» i ufciaMjM*'> ' i i i i iiiiii«i''i" ' ' I ' "* 2 T f ' It may he mentioned here, however, tliat EwaUl's methods of invest! gatioii were more accurate than the)se of Glenard— for while it appears the latter did not employ any means of inflating the stomach or intestines, J'Avald claimed that such was a necessity and thus by Glenard's method of diagnosis, mistakes were likely to creep in. Treves, in England, has contributed to the study of the symptom- atology and treatment of this disease, while Osier was the first in Ameri'vi to include this subject in a text-book in 1893. Glenard's disease or l-lnteroptosis or Splanchnoptosis, as it may be called, according to Stiller's suggestion, should he considered indepen- dently of those conditions of visceral displacement resulting from former inflammatory process, such as frequently occur about the genital organs, of females and result in pulling down portions of intestine or an isolated organ. This view, however, is open to the criticism, that, upon the normal position of any one organ the position of the others largely depends, and it is possible to have very general ptosis result from such a cause associated with all those signs incident to the true discr..:e. It is acknowledged, however, that in a large number of such instances the signs of the true disease are not prominent in the clinical picture anc. may be absent entirely. Meinert urges that the prominent pendulous abdomen resulting from numerous pregnancies "has nothing whatever to do with Glenard's disease. Such an abdomen holds a dilated stomach, not a dislocated one." However conflicting these views may be concerning the classifi- cation of cases under this head, it may be accepted as safe teaching, at least for the present, that (I.) Enteroptosis may exist without subjective signs, that (II.) the Enteroptosis of Glenard is associated with the most pronounced subjective signs, chiefly of a neurasthenic type, that (III.) in those oases where a pendulous abdomen is present the nervous fea- tures of the case are less pronounced than in thin subjects with greatly flattened belly walls, and that (IV.) Enteroptosis arising from inflam- matory processes in the abdomen may be typically characteristic. — (Treves). The view of Mathieu is thus expressed, that Enteroptosis is of two varieties, (I.) the form which shows itself plainly from without by a pendulous abdomen and is rarely found associated with nervous manifes- tations. The second form (II.) is that in which the abdomen is thin and flat and where the neurotic element is very prominent, — the internal variety. The organs displaced in this disease may be all those found below the diaphragm. Most frequently, however, the colon and small intestines, the stomach, the right kidney and the liver are found in altered rela- tions. It is not rare to find the left kidney also displaced ; the spleen a of invest! it appears oniach or Glenard's symptom- n Ame^i'^1 it may be 1 indopen- om former tal organs, an isolated upon the ers largely from such lihcr.rjO. It 1 instances cal picture ilting from I Glenard's I dislocated the classifi- :eaohing, iit t subjective th the most that (III.) lervous fea- ivith greatly rom inflam- acteristic. — is is of two ithout by a 5US manifes- i is thin and the internal id below the II intestines, altered rela- the spleen very rarely is found away from its normal position wlaie the paiuTou^i has been once recorded as dragged down (Uokilausky, Trevi-s). Al^out the sul.ject of the i-Itiology ol' Enteroptosis much interest cen- tres and numerous theories have been advanced to account lor .Is occurrence. Kuttner and Dyer alllrm that no cases of congentuil ga.- trontosis have been observed. Stiller (18!)(1) ..ays that huterop os.s .s a congenital anomaly. It occurs in tl.ose whose mu.s.Ics are soil whose bony orgamsa.ion is dchcate and upon them hul a sn.all .Ci-osil ol lat ,„ay be iound. 'J here is usually f..una hi such patients a iloat.ng tenth rib. Enteroptosis is found in men as well as in women, although much less frequently. Two of the cases herewith reported wore mde patients although the percentage of men is much smaller in a large series o cases as shewn by Glenard, Meinert, Sclnverdi and indeed by al observers. The French writer reports 404 cases, JOb of which w ut among women ; in Me.nert's series, 88-i.O per cent, were iemale,, while in Schwerdt's series of 95 observations, 89 were in women. 1 1 .- nancies and tight lacing are the chief causes, according to Manges, lor this great dill'erence between the sexes. In answering the question as to the etiology of tlie condi^tion, Ur Schwerdt, of .otha, states that the e^^sence of this disease is to be sough for in an atony of the ^vhole nervous system which affects he muscles of the whole body. As active causes of such a condition he enumer- ates heredity, unhealthful methods of living and working, all chronic diseases, the weaving of corsets and lack of care in he pregnant state and in childbed, He regards this disease as a conslilulional ailment. The abdominal organs are kept in place very largely by a certain degree of intra-abdominal pressure, and wlien this is greatly diminished, ptosis is the result. The corset contributes to this conuition, among other ways (1.) by diminishing the tone of the body walls and suspensory ligaments of the organs, and (II.) by interfering with the mechamcal and chemical functions of digestion thus impairing nu rition. Ihe teaching of Schwerdt upon this point is more theoretical than hat of Meinert, who regards the corset as a means of altering the relation ot the parts chiefly by direct pressure. There is doubtless no one cause or group of causes which will suflice to explain the occurrence of this disease or condition. We may con- clude then that : — 1. The intra-abdominal pressure is altered. 2. Many causes contribute to this end. _ 3. The organs may be displaced by being pulled down. 4. In all probability a congenital predisposition exists in the con- WiiiM.i»ja"^w« i .^',iw -- ir-ri^ 1 1 . 1 hi I forinily of thorax and tlio chanicter of fibre entering into tlic supporting tissiicH of the organs. The diagnosis of i'lnteroplosis, sincp the adoption of tlie method recoiii- iiiendcd by j'lwiiid and others, is a matter of tM.mparative simplicity. On the inspeetion, the contour of the abdomen may suggest a condition of Sphmelmoptosis. Tiie epigastrium is lioilowed, the two h)wer quadrants of tlie aljdomen, even with the patient in a recund)ent position, .ire often quite prominent— while, as pointed out by Dr. J. C. \V ,.)ster in a personal observation, the recti abdominis may Ito seen widely separated in thin subjects when attempting to assume an erect position. In a few cases 1 have seen the position of a disjilaeed stomacii indicated ity the peristaltic waves extending from left to right. It is nece.ssary, how- ever, to distinguish between a displaced and dilated stomach. In brief, wc may say that it is all im])orlaiit to determine :— Ist. the position of the lesser curvature of the stomach. 2nd. the relation of the greater curvature to the lesser. In all cases where one can demonstrate the lesser curvature some degree of displacement exists, and in proportion as the lesser curvature approaches the umbilicus or falls below it, so is the degree of displace- ment. Dilatation, as the result of atony, is a v..sual accompaniment of gastrojjtosis and a transverse measurement of from four to five and a half inches might still be within normal limits, and would not indicate dilatation. The hypogastrium may present a dull note from the close prolapse of the small intestine. A point upon which Glenard laid great stress is termed by him "la corde colique transverse," — by this he described a small band which ran horizontr.lly across the abdomen about two inchos or 30 above the umbilicus. He regarded this transverse band as the "colon transversura." Upon this point there is much diversity of opinion. The German teachers, led by Ewald, claim that tho French teaching is wrong and that the "corde colique transverse" was the pancreas. According to Frickhinger, who saw the intestine of a patient with Enteroptosis inflated by Ziemsen, it is regarded as the transverse colon, the hard cord, during the process, becoming changed into a cushion-like and elastic body. On the other hand Ewald cites a case reported by Krez m which an autopsy was done and the " corde colique transverse " was apparently the pancreas. In Case No. 3 (Mrs. M.), the " corde colique transverse " was plainly felt and during a laparotomy done upon this patient, it was shown to be the pancreas. Palpation of the abdomen usually reveals movable kidney, methods of examination for which arc known to all. The liver, when displaced, is usually more prominent in the epigastrium and may be rotated upon its longest ax'n, the upper line of dulness falling mucli lielow normal. ! supporting Ihod rccoiii- plictit}'. Oil ;()ii(liti(in of )r quiulranls losilidi), are v. .ister in a ly soparated Hon. In a ndicated by jssary, how- 1. In brief, ature some T curvature of displaoe- )aninient of five and a lot indicate >se prolapse 3at stress is described a two inches land as tho liversity of tho French ! " was the af a patient ; transverse iged into a cites a case )rde colique rs. M.), the laparotomy y, methods displaced, is ed upon its ow normal. Another point upon which Glenard laid special stress, as one of diagnostic worth, and which is to bo applied in all cases ..f Knteroptos.8 he described under the phiu^o '' Vepreuve de sa/t./^'" 'l'"« ^^'"^^ .'" applied by the examiner, standinK I'l^l'i"^ ^l'« I'"^'^'"^ *'"* '''"" " '" the erect position, and with both aaada laid Hatly over the lower zone of tho abdomen, a firm but gentle pressure is made upwr.rds In tlie great majority of cases this all'ords considerable relief to tiie (lislressing dragging pain which is felt in the epigastrium and abdomen and whiclj is one of the patient's chief complaints. At the same tinu' tlie result ot this test is an index to treatment. As illustrative of many of the above points in diagnosis, tlu; following cases may be briefly described. With two exceptic I's tliey an' froni per- Bonr.1 observation, and for these two I am greatly indcbttMl to Dr. .James Bell and Dr. C. F. Martin. Case N... 1, C, male, a-t. 25. admitted . I une, 1S!»!). Complamts were of pain in right side of abdomen, loss of weight, jaundice and of recur- rent attacks of indigesMon. In February, 1898, the patient had his first attack of severe colic, which was referred to the liver—and regarded as hepatic colic. During the past ten years he had frequent pain in the region of stomach, especially marked after waliut two inches above the umbilicus and one could feel a rounded body quite superficially. The right kidney was readily palpable and moved freely on inspiraticui and could he pushed up under the ribs. The usual method of locating the stomach was resorted to and it was found, as in the diagram (Fig. H) markedly displaced. 'I'he pelvic organs were normal. Case No. 4. Mrs. L. C, a3t. .'IS. (Hospital No. G,r)15.) .Admitted June, 18'J7. I'atient complained of gastric distress consianlly present, constipation, aching back and palpitation of heart. 'J'lie j)atient be- lieves her present illness began three years before and during the past few months it had been greatly aggravated. Although always of a highly neurotic nature,, she ad been specially so during the past three years. In Murcii, 1897, her menstruation ceased. (JuHtric (.listress, thitultMu-e, pyrosis and constipation describe her digestive disturbances. i'resent condition:- — 'i'he patient's nutrition was only fair as she show- ed signs of emaciation; her facial expression wa.s trouhled and she was decidedly neurotic. x\nxious introspection characterised her mental state. Vasomotor instability manifested in visible flushing of her face and body, was a feature of her case. There were no stigmaUi of hysteria. The respiratory and circulatory organs showed no signs of disease. The generative organs were not diseased; she had a left inguinal hernia, 'i'lio abdomen was very lax with tenderness on pressure about two inches below ensiform cartilage; the liver and spleen were not displaced. The right kidney was palpable and movable to a slight extent. The chief interest centres upon the stomach. A test breakfast was given but no contents could be gained thereafter. Gastric inflation revealed downwarci displacement of the stomach, the greater curvature presented three inches above the symphysis pubis, the lesser curvature was seven inches above this point, thus showing a transverse measurement of the stomach of four inches (Fig. 4). Remarks : — These two cases, Nos. 3 and 4, illustrate in the most striking manner the neurasthenic symptoms associated with this con- dition of the abdominal organs ; the facial aspect, the complaints, the introspection, the self-observation and the results of treatment were typical. In No. 3 treatment consisted first in nephrorraphy which ^ itf i inMHT>hw»* *»- ir III I III m 8 avuilo.l n..tl.in«. Tho " .ordc c.li.iuc- Irai.svcrHe " wuh well markKl in tl.iH iu8.' uii.l wus misluucling, inuHinuih ua it WU8 movable and associated with loss of IK'sh and the absence of free hydrochloric acid in the stonmch ronleiits after the test breakfast, it was stn.iigly suKgestive ol niaii-'iiant disease of the stoinacli. but an explonitory incision bowed it to bo the pamroaB. The wound healed but the patient was not improved. Tlie treatment in Case No. 1 was more satislactory, although no operation was done, under massage (general and local), suggestion and reassurance, tonics and mild aperients and tiie wearing of a ban.lage, much improvement was made and though she has not continued as well as ever yet she is leading a fairly active life in ccniparativc comfort. Case No. 5. Mde. St. D., let. IH. (Hospital No. (i.r.Ol.) (!omplaints were of pain in loins and a feeling of weight and distress in upper abdominal z-ne wbieh was wrse on the left side. The patient had borne thirteen children, and at tin. second pregnancy twins were hern. Ever since this event the abdomen has been pn.minent and flabby. During the past twelve years llatulence had frequently troubled her ; during the past five or six years vertical headaches and distress in upper part of abdomen were complained of. While always nervous sho has become much more so during the past few years. ^^ ICxamination of the abdomen showed it to be one of '• hdrKjehauch, the walls were very tlaccid and pendulous, the recti abdominis were widely separated and between these muscles one could readily feel the prolapsed contents of the abdomen. On examination of the different organs of the abdomen one found the normal area of liver dulness a resonant one. This organ was movable and could, at times, be easily felt hetween the recti ; again it was with diiliculty made out, possibly becoming rotated upon its transverse and longest axis. The left kidney was felt on deep inspiration, while the spleen and the right kidney could not ho felt. The stomach, on inflation, was dislocated downwards, while the measurement of the organ when distended with gas indicated some degree of dilation as well. The lesser curvature was three inches above the umbilicus, the greater four inches below this, giving the trans- verse measurement of the stomach as seven inches. (Fig. 5.) This case illustrates a ptosis of the liver with gastroptosis occuring in a woman with a multiple of pregnancies and in whom the recti were widely separated, the stomach dilated and nervous symptoms manifestly exaggerated. _ ,. , , Case No. G. Mrs. K., ffit. 10. (Out patient.) Showed displaced stomach, freely movable and tender right kidney, with occasional vomit- insr ; epigastric pain and tenderness with pulsating area on the left of the middle line ; some frequency of micturition. L'Epreuve de Sanole was most satisfactory in her case, and the wearing of an abdominal support was found very helpful. (Fig. 6.) «w. iirkcd in rtsociiilod il ill llio ;eslive «>l' liowud it mprovod. Ollf^ll 111) (tilin and lmiiilaj,'o, d as woU i'ort. )m|>laints in uiipcr Lii'iit had t'lT born. ,d flabby, ded her ; istress in rvous she inis wore y feci the I dilferent dulness a be easily t, possibly eft kidney it kidney oiwnwards, I indicated iree inches the trans- ) iccuring in recti were manifestly displaced )nal vomit- the left of } de Sangle abdominal Uotuniing now to the Hccond part of our subject, wo may say I hat the chief functional disturhaiict's to whicli Knten "ptosis is rchiti'd are : — 1. Ncurauthcnia, including digi-Htivc distiii'l)an('eH. 2. Anaemia. ;{. Constipation. 4. .laundice. r». (iiislric (lihitatioii. 6. Myxiudi'nia, Sclorodernia and Kxophthiilniic (Joitro. The theories concerning the syinplonis associated in most instances willi I lie altered position of the abdominal organs are numerous, but for convenience of consideration we may classify them umler three headings : — 1st. There is the mechanical theory from Olenard. 2nd. What may be termed the neuro-nieehanioal theory of Meinert. 3rd. 'I'he neuro-intoxieation theory of Schwerdt. The first theory, although not purely a meehanical one, i.s chielly such. It does not ask for any antecedent nervous cause, but it implies a weakness of the suspensory ligaments of the transverse colon, cspeci- nlly the colico-hepatic ligament. The descent, Cilenard claims, begins at the hepatic tle.xure iind the other events ineiilent to the disease follow. viz.: — The entero-stenosis due to a kinking of the colon at tho point of prolapse, the corde colique transverse, the gastroptosis, the constipa- tion, the auto-intoxication, the neurotic manifestations, etc. The second theory, which we may chanicteriso as the neuro-mecliiini- cal one, is advanced by Meinert ; in short, Meinert attributes the symptoms associated with "dropping of tlie viscera" to the constiint stimulation and irritation of the sympathetic nerves, as a result of pulling and stretching of these nerve fibres. This has its deteriorating efTect upon the blood, through the blood-forming organs, and the general nervous system, and hence chlorosis, neurosis and all sorts of vasomotor disturbances. The third theory is that of Sehwerdt already alluded to in speaking of the etiology of the disease. The nervous system is primarily at fault — the fibre of the individual is toneless ; the functions of the abdominal muscles, both parietal and visceral are not normal, intra- abdominal pressure is lessened — ptosis takes place. There is stasis in the blood and lymph vessels, the bowel contents decomjiose, the excre- tions are not carried off, absorption of poisonous products goes on and auto-intoxication results — dyspeptic manifestations, neurasthenia, head- ache, anosmia, lack of energy, palpitation, etc., etc. Polyuria follows as a consequence, while Graves' disease, scleroderma and myxcedema, are theoretically possible as results of visceral irritation and intoxica- f =1 'I 10 tion. However obscuxe the causes of the three diseases may be, few aro ready to accept this as au explanation oi their etiology. When we consider the altered relation of the abdominal viscera m a condition of ptosis, the interference with the motor function of the intestine, the great tendency to constipation, the resulting distress and pain, it is not dillicult to understand how a state of mental depression or nervousness and of general nerve weakness may result. In whatever relation these two conditions may really be, it is not hard to understand that enteroptosis may be a direct cause of the neurastheni- Chlorosis and enteroptosis are doubtk'ss related in both respects. dhlorosis on the one hand has been regarded as due to a neurosis, on the oilier as an intoxication, and it would seem that in the teaching ot I^lcincrt some ground for both these theories existed. The left-sided pain is common in clil(.r.)-aiia>mia, and 'I'aylor refers this pain to dis- tention of tlio colon in an or-an displaced downwards. In one of our cases of marked enteroptosis tlu' pain was constantly referred to the lett side of the abdomen in the upper (quadrant. Jaundice in ..ach cases may be due to :— 1. Passive congostioi! of a displaced liver and its results upon the bile passages. 2. To obstruction in the duodenum. 3. To direct pressure upon the bile ducts exerted by a floating kidney. 4. Other causes. Constipation has already been explained. Gastric dilatation was at one time thoujjht to be due to obstruction to the duodenum and pylorus, caused by the floating kidney so com- }v only found associated with it ; it is doubtful if such can be the cause. 'J'iio position of tlie stomach and the lack of tone so common in such cases doubtless extends to the muscular wall of the stomach, and m these conditions one finds sufficient explanation for the dilated condi- tion which is rarely pronouced. The indications for the treatment of enteroptosis as originally recom- mended by Glenard, are as follows :— 1. The intestines must be elevated and kept in their new position. 2. The abdominal pressure must be increased. 3. Tlie bowels must be regulated. 4. The secretions of the intestinal glands must be increased. 5. The digestion and nutrition must be regulated and stimulated. 6. The whole organism must be strengthened. These indications, in many instances, are met by the body binder po applied as to exert upward pressure and thus support the prolapsed organs while it increases the intra-abdominal pressure. It may be made by ordinary grey cotton pinned flrmly about the body. !> Jr \ I 11 e, few aro scera in a on of tlie stress and depression I whatevor mdorstaiul respects. L'urosis, on caching of left-sided ain to dis- one of our to the left upon the ng kidney. obstruction ey so cora- i the cause, on in such ch, and in ated condi- ally recom- jsition. sed. imulated. hj hinder so e prolapsed lay be made ^i Then mild purgatives are neetU'd. Massage of tlu; abdoim-n olU'ii does good in stimulating the movements of Hie bowel and giving tone to the abdominal muscles. The same may be said of electrical (Faradic) applications. Then the use of alkalios and the choice of such a diet as is most nourishing and easily di >ied arc of importance. Recently both hot and cold baths 1- vo conu' into favor as giving general tone to tlie circulation, and Buxbaum recommended the cold Sitz bath as inducing favorable results, especially by reason of its action upon the intestinal circulation and secretion. He advises that they bo +sken daily for two — five minutes. The chief advance in the treatment of the condition since 1886 has been in surgery, by which some brilliai.t results have been brought about. Eecently reported cases liave come from Treves, in England, who sutured the liver to the abdominal wall ; Bernhardt, Ferrari, Ter- rier and liartmann, in Europe, and Byron B. Davis, Stengel and Boyca, in America. Gastropcxy and gastrorrhaphy liavo, in dill'i-rent cases. given good results; while in Stengel's case, operated on by Dr. Beyea. the gastro-hepatic omentum and gastro phrenic ligament were shortenctl by a tuck made with multiple sutures, thus bringing the stomach up towards its normal place. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fi. 7. 8. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 48. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, 25 Glenard— Lyon Medicalc, iaa5. Glenard— Revue de Medicine, 1887, p. 7.5. Glenard Kiiteroptose et Neiinistlu-nie, Soeiele Med. de.s Ilopitaux. Purls, 1880. Schwerdt-EnteroploHe u. Intra abdoininale nnick. Deut.sche M. Woclien- schrift, 18H0. Meinert-Gastropto.se niid Cliioro.se, I)eutsi-lie M. Woclu'n.sclinft. 18!M). Leo "Giistroptose und Cliloros.-. IVutsche M. Woiliensclirift, IHiKi. Meinert-Volk, Saninil. Klin. Voitran-, Nos. 115-lK), 1S95. Treves— British Medical Journal, ISlHi. Treves-Systcni of Medicine, Alllmtt, Vol. III. Einhorn, Max-Medical News, September, 18!«i. Kuttner und Dyer-Berliner K. Wocheii., 18!»7. Pepper and Steugel-Tlie American .Journal of Medical vSciences, 1897. Taylor— The Medical Press, December, 1891. Langcrhans, (Leipzig)- Ueber Euteroptose, Monatschrift fiir Geburt.shiilfe und Gyniikologie, Band. VIII. Stengel and Beyea— The American .Journal of Medical Sciences, June, 1899. Buret, M.— Revue de Chirnr., p. 421, 1S!K5. Fleiner-Miinch. Med. Wochen., 1895. Schwerdt-Beitrsge fur yl'^tiologie ; Symptomatologie u. Therapie der Krank- heit Enteroptose ; Basedow Myxiedenie Sclerodemie Tena Fisher, 1897. Lancet, Editorial, May 1st, 1897. British Medical Journal, Epitome, 377, Oct, 31. 189(). Ewald -Diseases of the Stomach, Mangos, 18i)7. Einhorn— Diseases of llie Stomach, WW. Osloi— Practice of Medicine, 2nd edition. Fitz and Wood— Practice of Medicine 2nd edition. Schmidt-Ergebnisse der allgemeineu Pathologie und Path. Anat. des Menschen. u. Tierc 409, 1890. I \ a it %