^' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. 4d. %' t 1.0 ll I.I 11.25 Uillt 12.5 |50 "^~ III^K 2.0 .8 Miii^ V] ^ /a O I m 7 ■// i Photogi'aphic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4 '.03 \ V^^ "% \^ A :\ \ m 1^\^^ " ^ ^ v^\ ^ ^^'■ r\p ^' ^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canaelure. 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 // SYLLABUS OF EXAMINATION AND AMENDED REGULATIONS ESPECTING THE EXAMINATION FOR Tj^ACHERS' LICENSES. "The Superintendent of Education shall have published, in form adapted ijltr convenient circulation, the Syllabus of Examination, and the Regulations of ■jipjuncil respecting the Annual Examination for Provincial Licenies, this day ililopted ; and shall causc due notification regarding the publicatiou of th« same ^ be given through the Inspectors and other channels of Educational informa- ■ibn." — Extract from Minutes of Council of Public Instruction, D«e. 21rf, 1878. HALIFAX, N. S. Robert T. Murray, Queen's Prutter; 1879. I mmm wmmmmm MINUTE RESPECTING GRADE E. The Regulations heretofore in force regarding the Classifica- tion and Examination of teachers are amended by the omission of all contained therein that relates to grade E License, so called, and no provision shall be made for the further issue of such license. ' r II- SYLLABUS OF EXAMINATION, Agreeably to which the Examinations of 1879 are to BE Conducted. REQUIREMENTS COMMON TO ALL GRADES. Note. — Qiicstions on tJiese subjects will he carefully adapted, as respects scope and diffiauUy, to the Grade of License sotiglit, 1. The School System and School Management (One paper.) (a) To be familiar with the Law relating to Public Schools in Nova Scotia, and the Regulations of the Council of Public Instruction — particularly those portions bearing on the relations and duties of teachers. (h) To evince a knowledge of School Organization under the Pro^-incial Law and Regulations, the grading of pupils, the systematic arrangement of studies, the design and proper |inethods of discipline, and the conditions of physical comfort fin School-room work. fm 2. Teaching. To furnish, in the form of notes on sug-- ^csted subjects of instruction, proof of competent knowledge of the correct methods of teaching. 3. Reading and Spelling. ((I.) To read with readiness, correct pronunciation, and due regard to elocutionary emphasis and pauses. (b) To spell correctly the words made use of. ' 4. Writing. To write a fair, legible hand. GRADE D. i I. Language. English Grammar (One paper.) 1. To classify and inflect words. 2. To parse ordinary sentences, and apply the rules of Syntax. 3. To analyze sentences. CompoHition (One paper.) 1. To explain and illustrate the use of the more common rhetorical figures. 2. To correct sentences involving'- the wronof use of words. 3. To write a brief essay on sonie prescribed topic of a familiar character. II. History and Geography. " , - v History (One paper.) History of England as contained in Brief History of England (N. S. Series) and History of Nova Scotia. •• v Geography (One paper.) 1. To be familiar with contents of pages 14 — 34 of Calkin's Geography of the World. 2. To understand the Geography of Nova Scotia, with particular re- ference to the boundaries, acreage, and population of Counties. 3. To understand the general Geography of Europe and North America, 4. To draw an outline map of Nova Scotia. Mathematics. Arithmetic. To have a knowledge of Arithmetic as con- tained in the first one hundred and HS^mmiHmm pages of Green - ^1 leaf's imm^mJim&m^mmi Arithmetic ; also of Simple Proportion '^^ and Simple Interest. ^ ^ Cai Tei outi Bni reel the catJ Ma A [tnai to for •'?Wf If^ Ahjehra. To understand fiindaniontal riilevS, Fractionf*, and Simple Equations involving one unknown ({uantity. GRADE C. Language. Gvdimnar and Awdijsis (Two papers.) 1. As in Grade D. 2. To analyze and parse sentences of complicated structure. Composition and Prosody (One paper,) 1. To understand the principles of correct writing as contained in Dalgleisli's Introdtidory Text Book. 2. To be able to furnish brief illus- trations of the various leading styles of composition. 3. To understand the metrical structure of English verse and to be able to scan examples in Iambic, Trochaic, and Dactylic measures. VII. History and Geography. History (Two papers.) 1. To have a comprehensive knowl- edge of British History from the Conquest, 2. To be familiar with the History of Nova Scotia, and the outlines of Canadian Historv. Geograjdiy (Two papers.) 1. To have a knowledge of Calkin's Geography of the World, including the use of the Terrestrial Globe. 2. To be ablo to draw from memory an outline map of (a) the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, with the surrounding waters and chief rivcr,s cor- rectly marked ; or (h) any of the Continents asked f oi% with the chief mountain ranges and three largest rivers clearly indi- cated. / Mathematics. ^^ Arithmetic. To have such knowledge of Arithmetic as "l^miinay be obtained from Greenleaf s Common School Arithmetic --^.to page 278, and to explain any ordinary arithmetical process '''for w^hich reason shall be demanded. \'^ 6 Ahjc'hnt. To have a knowledge of Algebra to the end of simple equations. Geomutry. — To be aljle to solve any problem in the 1st Book of Euclid's Elements, and simple original exercises cor- responding thereto. Book- Keeping. — To be familiar with the principles of Book-Keeiiing as given in Eaton and Frazee's Elementary Treatise. French. — Candidates may substitute for Book-Keeping an exercise in French. This will consist of answers to questions in Grammar, and easy translations from and into both languages. GRADE B. Language. Grammar and Analysis (Two papers.) As in Grade C with corresponding advance in character of questions. |> Composition and Prosody (One paper.) As in regard to Grammar and Analysis. History and Geography. History (Two papers — one for Canadian and Nova Scotian, one for British and Universal.) To be familiar with the His- tory of British America, British History, and the outlines of Universal History as given in Collier's General History or Swinton's Universal History. • Geography (Two papers.) 1. As in Grade C. 2. To draw from memory an outline map of any of the Continents, or of the Dominion of Canada or of any of the five Eastern Provinces thereof, or of the British Island?; or of any one thereof, .\ath the chief rivers and mountain ranges clearly i^ marked. ^^^ m 1(1 of ; 1st J cor- - t iS of ntavy ng an istions 3 both C with !(Tard to Scotian, the His- %ines of [story or Mathematics. A I'lthnctk. — To have such knowledjjo of Arithmetic as may he irained from Greenleaf's Common School Arithmetic, and to state reasons for Arithmetical rules and processes. Algebra. — To have a knowledge of Algebra as contained in Chambers 8 Algebra. Geometry. — To he familiar with the first four books of Euclid's Elements, and to work original exercises of correspond- ing character. Practical Mathematics. (One paper.) To be versed in right and oblique-angled Trigonometry and I the Mensuration of Surfaces, and the more simple solids as given in Chambers' series; also to have a fair knowledge of the [elementary principl(\s of Navigation, on which subject not iiore than three simple questions will be set. Chemistry. — To be familiar with Macadam's Chemistry of hmmon Things, and to have a knowledge of the elementary )rinciples of Inorganic Chemistry. Natural Philosophy. — To be well acquainted with the mnciples of Elementary Mechanics. French. — Candidates may substitute for either Chemistry [or Natural Philosophy a paper in French. The exercises re- I quired will consist of answers to Grammatical questions, ex- Iplanation of idiomatic expressions, the translation of easy sentences from English into French, and the translation into English of brief paragraphs from some familiar work, as Fenelon's Telemaque. To draw nts, or of Eastern any one es clearly GRADE A. • Candidates for License of this Grade will be required to IfVork all the papers of the B Grade, but will be expected to wmmtm 8 shew a proportionate a'lvanc(^ in the character of the work e made to his (or her) average otlierwise olttaineil ; when marked good and fair, an addition of one (1) ; when all are marked fair, or some good and some l»ad, no addition shall he made; when marked fair and bad, the averajjfe otlierv;ise obtained slwill suHer a diminution of one (1) ; when all are marked bad, a diminution of two (2). , and to reijular on. tlistory, nations. REGULATIONS REGARDING THE EXAMINATfON. made to The ensuing Annual E.v.imination for Teachers' Licenses will be conducted agreeably to the following Regulations, and ever3'thing in Reguhitions lieretofore in force inconsistent therewith is repealed. I. The following classes of persons, satisfying the condi- tions h(3reinafter to be named, will ]jc admitted to examina- tion free, of expenBe. (^i.ASS I. College Graduates applying for Grade A, under 40 Vic, Ch. 13. '• 2. Persons holding Provincial Licenses (not local Per- missives.) " 3. Persons having obtained Professional Classihcation at Normal School. " 'i Persons who produce Certificates satisfactory to the Superintendent of Education, 't/f graduation at Training or "Kormal School outside of the Province. 10 m II. Other persons will be admitted, who, besides satisfjdng conditions to follow, shall pay when admission is applied for, f.ivsat the following rates: For Grade A, $5. Grade B, S3. Grades C and D, each S2. 2%e8e candidates shall he knoura for the purposes of the Exarfiination as Class 5. CONDITIONS REQUIRED OF ALL CANDIDATES. Each candidate shall forward to the Inspector of the County, {not to a Deputy Examiner othe}' than Inspector) not later than June 10th, an application for admission to the Examination in the form furnished in the sequel. This appli- cation shall be accompanied with certificates hearing date within three months of time of application, signed by a Min- ister of religion, or by two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, to the effect : {a) That the Candidate, if a male, is 18 years of age ; if a female, 1»3. (6) That the Candidate is a person of good moral charac- ter. (These Certificates will not be exacted of Class 9.) ADDITIONAL. 1. Each Inspector shall fcrward not later thwtu June 25th to the Superintendent of Education, a list of the applications received in a form to be supplied from the Education Office, transmitting therewith all connected certificates, vouchers, and moneys, having duly classified and checked the same in the form aforesaid 2. Each Candidate whose application is regular, shall re- ceive from the Superintendent of Education, through the In- spector, a certificate of admission to the Examination at least one week before Examination begins, and a list of such Candi- dates shall be furnished to each Inspector. Candidates may ■ S¥r^-, iisfying lied for, ! B, $3. hnoivn :s. of the ispector) 1 to the is appli- ,ng date a Min- 3 of the ; age ; if charac- ications Office, ouchers, same in hail ra- the In- at least ti Candi- )es may 11 l^enter in their application sucli Station as best suits their con- Mvenience, but in respect to those (JJounties which liave had two Examination Stations, the riglit is reserved of confining the Examination to the Central Station in charge of the Inspec- tor, if expediency shall so dictate ; in which case due notice of the change will be given to all concerned. 3. Candidates in actual attendance at the Normal School iduring term preceding Exannnation are not required to make ■individual application. Instead, the Principal of the Normal School shall make a general application in their behalf, clearly ffcating all required particulars, collecting fees from those not xempted as included in Classes 2 and 3, and stating that he 73 in possession of required certificates of age and good moral character. (See Note to Condition 2 above). 4. Both Candidates and Inspectors are given to understand •^l^that the dates above specified are to he strictly observed. The latter officers are not to receive applications after date. Candi- dates are in r c:ase to be admitted without the certificate of admission above referred to (2). ^ 5. Form of Application. (Place arid Date.) To the Superintendent of Editcation. Sir,— I hereby make ajyplication to he e^xartikwd for Ucerise to teach in the Public Schools of Nova Scotia, accordiny to prescribed Syllabus for Grade at the Examination to be held at , Station, on the day of July next. I make application as a Can- didate included in Class in published Regtdations of Council . of Public Instruction, arid enclose certificates of age and character. I also enclose vouchers* to substantiate my claim to Examination under ■Class (If the Candidate belongs to Class 5 he will substitute for r clause last preceding : / also enclose the required fee of $ — ). * Candidates belonging to Class 2 will simply state the number, grade, and date of license, and the Examination Station whereat obtained.