IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) h A :/ A 1.0 1.25 ■-IIS 1^ us u WUU 1 40 2.5 1.8 U 111.6 V <^ /a '^ ,^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 \ ?V <1? €3 \ •iv*, 4i I'nr tlu- rctiliniicr>. I'o jlis hi.);cellency t\]e 0oVernor-@eneral of (^onoilj in omncil. THE PETITION „r tl,.. rMH';US|(;Nl.:|) „wMn> u ,ui.„t. «'f th.. M.aliiiir II,.,,, „f Vi,.,,„.i„ i„ til,, l',-„vim.i. „f |!riti,.|, CohimMii. HUMBLY SHEWETH: ^ iiiir I'ctitioin'i'K (li.>ir,, tn ,,,i|| nit,,|i|j,,ii t,. ili,' Triliiiiml of Ai-liitnitioii (•(lll^titllf^■ll iiiiilcr .\ili,l,, d of tl i'diu'IikIimI lit \Vii,niiii'v IS!)-^ lictwtvii IJtT iitrr •iH.i |)f,ivi,li,|| as r,ii|,,ws:— iiu'i'ica. Tlii.> awiinl Ami wliiTcas till' afori'saiil ilft.Miiiiiiatidii nf tlic f, (il't'ljdlllir ijiic.-tiiiiis as to tlif .•xclii^ivf JMiiMliclioii ol' til,. I'niffil Sti-tc!^ iii< fioiicil ill Al'ficio VI 1, . til. ■oni'linviK'e of (iivat liritaii Ji'i't ill siicli a |i(i>itioii tliMt llio Ii«'^iiliitioii8 for tlif 1 is rit'ccssarv to tl ic c.-talilisliiiiciit |ii'o|H'r jH'otrctioii anil |ircs,.rvatiuii of tlic fi seal ill Of lialiitiially report iii^r to the IliOinncr Sea, llic 'I liuvillir (l,,cii|,,|| I ly a iiiii|iirifv as to ,,, .Vrti thr f iif^Iillatioiis. »■,,, the saiil l!ar Ic Coiirccl, LonI Ilaii Viscouiiti Vi'iiosta. and .Mr. (iivKciv (Jraiii. ass/ntinir to tli of tlm nine Articles, ilo i l>y the Treaty, that the f, oiiowinj ■Maniiii: ciile anil iletiTiiiinu In the iiioiie jiroviik louiiij; eoncnrreiit Iteirulatioiis oiitsiilu tl jnristlictional limits of the res|ieclivo <;ov,M-iinieiifs are I tiiat they should e.\tend over the vvatei's hereiiiaft ■e lieeessary. and is to 1 niter nieiitioned that ay; Artiele 1. The (iovernnieiits of the ['iiited Stati liritaiii shall forliid their eitizens of G reat and siilije,ts res|ieetively. to kill. ••ajiture or i.iirsiie at any time and in any nmniier whatever animals .■oiiimonlv called fur-seals tlr aronnil the I'riliyloff islands, inclusive of the territ within a zone of fiU orial waters. miles The miles mentioned in the [(receding pHragrajili are geograph- ical miles, of t!() to a dei;ree of lattitnde. Article 'Z. The two (iovernnieiits shall forbid tlieir citizens and sniijects respectively to kill, capture or pnrsiie. in any manner what- ever, during the season extending, each year, from tlie 1st May to the ijlst July, hofh inclusive, the fur-seals on the high sea, in the part of tiie Pacific Ocean, inclusive of the Hehriiig Se.i, which is situated to the north of the ;!."tli degree of north latitude, and eastward of the 180th degree of longitude from Greenwich till it strikes the water boundary desorihcd in .\rticle 1 of the Treaty of l,St]7 between the United Slates and i.'ussia, and followiiitr that line up to IJehrintr Straits. ^ Articl.. :i. Diifiii^' th,. |,ri'i ,,f tlir iim^ nf Mich (•iiiMM- or iiihUckcil iMM.ts '|in.|„.|l..,l l,v |„i.|.ll,.«, ours .,r ,„iU. „, »'■•' ill "'IIIMI i.f ll> ll>lli||); ll,lal^. Article 4. IvK'ii Miiliiijf vcn-icl mitliniizcil li. li-li fur fur -ciil> iiiii>t lie |,rnvi,|ci| with II >|„ri,il licciiM. i-.ii,.,| fur timt |,iir|Mw liy it- (iuMTiniiciit, iiiel «|i,,|| |„. r,,|iiiiv,| ti, carrv ii .li^tiii^rui-liina Hui, t.i lie prc-criln'.l liy il^ (invcriiiiiciit, Artie!.. 5. The Mii-telM.f the ve.-eU elie:ti:e.l ill fiir .-eiil (Ml illir .-hull enter iiceiinilelv in their o(lii.iiil ln;r |„„,k the ilnte iimI pliice m|' inch Inr -eiil li-hiiiir .i|jeriitiiiii. iiml ,il>,, i|„. nmnl,,.,' ;i,i.l m.\ uf nl' Ihe M.iil ca|,liMv,| iipnii each ,|ay. 'I'lic-e elitrie- -|..,|| l,e n.iii- niiiiiicate.l liy cMch nl' ihe t vvii ( i.iv,.riiiiient.- to the ether at the eiiil 111' each li-liin;,r seii>.,n. Article. Ii. The ii-t. ..r net.-, tire arm-, aii.l e\|,in-ive- >liall he r.irliiililei ill the fiir.,-eal li-hiii^r Tlii- re-lrii'timi -hall imt a|i|,lv tn a|l|i> when Mich tishillir ti,ke> pill l|^i,^. ,,f llelirliie Sea iliiriii^' the sea-nn when il may h(. I.iwfnlly ciirrii'd un. Aiticle T. The two (iinerninent.. hl.all take iiicaMires tn contrul thf litne.-.- i.r ihe men aiilliurizi.| to eij,r,ie.. in riir-.-ei.lti-liiiie, The-e 1111.11 simll lime Keen |iroV(.il tit to liiiinll,. uiih -iilliinciit -kill the "■'•"I ■•* I'V me HIS of which this li-liiiij.r iii„\ |„. ci,iTi,.,| ,„,. Article .S. 'I'lie i;t.;.nilati..|i- cniilaiiieil in the prd'eilinir Article- -hall not apply to liclian- ilwi'liine- on the -t- of the territ..rv of the Tniteil States or .if (iivai liritain. ami carryiiit; "" fnr-eal ti-h- iii^f ill canoes or iiinlecke I hoai, not triiii-porteil liv -.r ii-ei| in eon- liectiiiii with other v.-seU, ainl wholly 1, mMI,.,. ,,.rs, or sails, iiml inanneil hy not in, ire than five per-oiis ea.-;. in the wav hitherlo pi'acli.-eil liy tli.. iinliaii-, provhlcil m,cIi imlian- are not iii the (.inployment of other persons, anil |iiovi,leil that, when >,, hnntin;.r ill caiioi- or iili(leck,.il lioats. they shall not hiim fnr-.-eal- 0111-1,10 07 territorial wat.^r- iimler ,.,intract for tin. delivery of llie skin- to any person. This ,.\,.niption shall not he oonstnied t., afFect the ninnicipal lawofeitln.r ,..iiiiitry, nor shall it <..'ct..|i,l to the waters of iiehriii,; Se;i. or the waters of the .\h.||tiaii I'asses. Xothiiijr herein contained is intemled to inti.rfeiv with the em- pioymenl ,,f Imlians a- or otherwise in conn,.,.|i,iii with fiir- sealinj,' M'sm^Is as heretofore. Artiid,. '.I of the said awaril pr,,vi,lei| that iii,-e lii.^riilatioiis slionhl remain in for,.,, until they wm' in whole oi i|, purt idiolisheil or modilieil by c,,|,|„„„| noivi'iiienf hetween the (i ■rniiK.iits of the IJnitcl Statt.s an I of Great Hritaiii, ami thai ,.se IJeiriihitioiis sliuiild he siiliiiiittcl ,-vi.ry five years to a new e.\,, alion mi as to enalile hoth iiil,.|v ■,• 1 C, .v ..rniiients to consider • her in tlie iifrjit of past e.\peri(.i '■,■■<■ .iccasioii for any i ! -m thereof. ,, ,.^ ■ ' '■•""""•'•- »•" vf-.r rn tl,.. Ir^riMati f ,|„, I,„,„,,.|„| Urlhun..,,. «l,i..|, „,.» ,.„ r„, ,1,, ,,„,, ,. ,,,„,,.^,| , J^ „^^, prnv.-n,!,. of tiM. M.i,| Aw,.nl. t„ fl,H)nl..,v i„ <„,„„.il "a,,,! i„ rl,.. i„. ""''"■'".'"" "' "'■"''"''"• "■"'"'' '"'"■ ' " '"I'T""! I'V fl... Hri,i*h "!." ""''''"^ '""'"'■ "''" I'Vi-lHti.M,. un,l ,„ , vrn.n,.,|i,;„,v ..x,H,.i,MM "' ""■ '-^"'l'" • !"■ n I l.v .l„. l-uri, ,.w,.nl. wl,i,.|; I,,.,,. I,..,.,, '■;""''"'' '"'■ '"'I'-'"! I-Vi-Ialinn. Onl.iv i„ C HI a„.| i„Htn,... tluMK. , Z*''';"' "'"'i'i '-^ «onM n.f... in ,l,i „.,,i.,„ „, ,|„. .vnurt- nr|lH.M,.n,,..,,,,||.-i,|,,,i,,, I,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,, ,,r,|,., I) ,n„n„C<',L|„ "'"' '" ' '''^l"'"'l' f' ' '!"■ IJij-'lit n„„o„n.l,|,. ,1,.. S,M.,v.,„-v „r tl„. ';'I"1H.> |„ ,1a. Mn.. II„n.,i,n.M.. tl,,. ( Hnniml Smrtary nfS,,.,,. „f ■■".vi^rn Airni,.«. vvIk.,... i, ,„ „.i,|. ..-,-!,, ,,„,,„ ,„ ^j,..,, ,.,,.„^,^ "'"""*■' "'"' '- '"'*'• iMlli..r..».,„.|lv l,Mrn,.>..,| l.y tl,.. r.,it...| Sl,.t..s ';■■'"■"' ^''-l-'l'innu |V,.,M„„I ISIMI V Im. J,„lp.,| fr.„M tl,o (,w, """ '" '^'■"•»1'-i"Im. l;n,i.|, „.,.liMa ll,.,.t niuMlu.r, nlv (w.-nty. '^v.. v...„.|,. ,|,„.,v.,iv i.,„M.,|i„j,„,,.,..,i,„„ u,.,-,. ,„.rror,M,.,i: „,, av,.'r- !.'-'■"'"""■"•" ''"'n'"'' v..»rl. wliil,. in isi.:, „lH.n a tl,...t „r "7 '"■"'-1'^— N"M>,.„a:,.,.,|. ,1,., , ,.„f l,„anli ,„.,. tn VI. an „v..,.ajr.. „f f,n,r an,l a Inilf |h.,. v,..,,.|, an,| LMsiHi tl,.. !"■""'', "'■'■' "'■ 'i''.^— " ^ I> "-^ «nl,i..,.„.,| in |;,.|,,in„ -.mM.,.,..,,r,,,,,i,,,,., ,,,,,_, Ifiti.l„„.n,.i,!,„in,| """"•"'"■ ••"•'hn^M,|„.,.„ V rnl„.,l S,a„.s v..,,.,|, ,l,„ ,,|„,|,, """■'::' "I'"""l'' .It in »l,n.|, i, i. , k..,|. an,l ,.:„.!,, kin ™,vlnlly,.xa,M,n,.,|,an,|,l„.nl,.|M„ l„. ,.„.,.|„.,| „„| ,,, „„.^, ^, ;'■.""■ " ' '•"""^' ^■— •!• ~ '• i'l-" ":■■.>• I„. r„r,n,.,|„/, .„.»', I"wl,n.|, ,lu.„,>,.,.a,i„„s„f,|,,,,,„|i.,^, „,.,.. ai-,. m,I,j..,.|...| ,„ a,.tiv,. "'""•'"■"""• iti'i'l'lili-i, t„ tl„. I„>s ,.„„,,.,| ,|„ I, tli,, ,,„„,, „|. ,1,.. ■ ;'""^';;". ^■'■""■"'-rtl„.s„.an,-|,atn,|v,.,,..|J„ ..,,,in. ,| ,U ;""':"."'"•:"":"■'■ ""-'-1—1 -i- ■ •.. ,i,„., i,v II, T .Ma|i.>iv > .sliiii-." Vonr ••■,it|,.n,.,-> an- aM,. t„ t.^stifv t„ niiMH.r„ns in,tan,...~ «l„.r,. Mi>trn,.tn., : n,.,l l,_v l,.„l, (;„v,.,.n„„.„ts ,.„n,.,.n„.,| I,. ,|„. ,1,1,,- „r "Ml- an,i n.,v,nu. ..„f„.,.s. I,.v.. ,„.,.„,i„. „r„n...,n,.nl .,( ih.. |;..,r ."""" '""''■'■ ""■ """•■'I "• !"■ '■■Mri..,| „nt in a ,n.,>, s..v,,.t. a.MJ :"''"^1 """;'"■'■• ■'■^■"■■'1 '"'ii'^' I'-l t" s| ia; .■i,vnn,Man,...>. „,„■ iiKlivl t„ il„. „Mml in,.i,l,.n,s in all niarin,. v„vaa,.., „m.|i a^ .„vs, „f w,.atl,..,.. f,.j,-, a,h..,-M. wi.nis. ,-nn.,.nt> ami a,.;.i,U.n,>. „^,., „l,i,.|, „„ '"''nn,.r l.,,u,.v,.,. .Kilin.l is ,,1,1,, ,,, ..,,,,,,i,,^, ,,,,.,.,,,,,., I ,,,,^^,^^^^ . "' ""• i"t,.r,„v, n „r ,1,.. auanl l„. Hu.|, ,l,a, n,n,„al , ,..nt ,"■ :' '•'""I"'"" I'lvv,!,.,,, ,„ ,|„. n, H,.ati„M ,„• ..hanuv „f ,|„. i:...,„ '"' ^"'■■'•'-"■'I- V,.nr l',.,i,i„n..,.s s„l„„i, that ,1,.. tin,.. |,a. a>-,.ir...l wla.n >uv\, ,.,,n>..nt -li,,ii|,| h,. ..htaiiif.l. "''""■'■ "1 ii'M'"-'''!'' t'. ol.fain till. ,.nn>,.,„ ..fth,. Knit,, j ^."".''r'"'' Ii'i''.'"i"» "? tin. l!„|a,i,,„ ,„„|,,,. ,,„, ,,^^.,^,.,|_ y„„, I i.t,t,„n..,., sninnit i„ vi.w „f tl». fa,.ts .....'..nv.l t,. in tl„. hv ,i„.r pi-a-ra,,!,, „| ,l,i, |...,i,i„„, h,,. In,,„.,.ial Anth„.i,i..s sl„n,M I.^ :"7"' '." '•-"•" " l'"l'-n"l l.-Kislati„M. (),.,l., in and liisti iii'tion^ al',ii',.>:i >n;,st,,,.,.||,„~ 1,. V„i,r IVti;!,,,,- "" '' •!»• 'liiiiK.T ,.r tl„. mmJhm uihI „.»,.,•.■ ,„ ,..,r.m..| t., '" ""' '"''V'iMU |mn.n,»|,l„ | tint .Utunt «ifl, all ^-,„h| faith '" ■' ""■ •^"'"■''- iii-""'''i r,.,,„.,.|fMlly IV|,lv.,.Mr tl,„l ll„. ti„„. I, ,„. «Im'M thr iMipniiil i.M.lM.riti..- .lioiiM «ill„|n.u t|„. ,.,...i,,r,> «' •'■'' ' ' ""•''■ ''N|"'n-.'aM,| tu tl,..i, ,l..t,.i„„.,il h,mI In,, t,. tl,.. .,|S.ul.... i,„.hHi„n tl,.. ,.i>r|„ tu aiMJ .nuvl, valMin >,..,..U IM ll.lMii,KS..a«lM.| t.i.i.M.fth ■.linarv triTilurial lilMJtK. ^ ■ •■'■'itinlh.i- - i, ,|,;„ ,1„. ,,„„. I,a, ,■„„„. wl,..„ ||„. ||„ ("•'■i"l "Htjinrlti,., ,|„.„|,| »ii|„|,.„w Mil ,.,MM-,.,,i„„» a,„l |,rn||,.y.., iMivtol,,,,. ^rmnt,.,! in a.l.Jiti.Mi tn ||„. |,n,vi.ioii, ,,r t\w I'aii, Awar.l .■\,v|it .1,.. ri^jht „„ tl,.. |,a,.t nrtl„.|,r„|„.,.v..,„.U„rtl,.. r„it,.,|Stal..^ t.. h,k.. „.„l M.|,.,. ItniUI, „.ali„^r v..,,..N „!,.•., K„il,v „ra„ ,„f,.,.,.,ii„„ "I Mi,_v l;..^nil„ii..„ |,r,..,.,il„.,| 1,^ ,|„, I',,,.,-, ,\„,„,| ■ If it I... i„„mI,|,., y,.ii,' l'..ii(i ,- ,|.,,i,.,.: I „ , 'I.,,,,, „„, ,;,, ,^^.,^, /.,n.. ni,.|..r lli,. |'a,.i, .\«,„.,| ,|,„„1,| l„. ,..., | ,„ :|„. , ,, , .,.|,,,, j,^^, '■'■'" " ""■'•'"i-t "1 M Im. ,.M..,„|..,i t,. tl„. Ut ,,r.h,i,... (,. I Tlinf any v..,,...||n,i,„| i„-i,|,.t|„. „„„,„,. |,,„|,||,i|,.,| ^^.,,^.,. ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Um..r..,| „.• i„l..,.f..,.,.,| will, ,||,|,.„ „.„,,,||y ,.„j.r,,u,„| i„ ,,„,.i,i,„, „,,|,. el) I'ailiiin tl,.. |„„vi,i„i, la>l „f,„| that any v,.,-,.| ,mv,|,.,| witliin ll,.. z,.„.. M„.l not ,.a,i^r|„ |„ ,i,,. ,„., .|,„|| ,.„j,;^. ,|,^, ^^^^^^^^ ""'"I"""'- "f ill"' I"'". "M'l I IIhw..,I tl„. iM.m'lit ..f tl,.. „l„a| man.,.. ..x....|,liu„> »,- ,if,,|.,.,ai,|. „i,.|, a- ,t,-..„ ,,r nvatl,,., fn^r,, ,„|. vofM' wii,il>. ..|,|.|...iit, a,,i| a(.i.ii|(.|,ts. Vnlll. I',.|ili,,„..|.s ,|..^i,... t,, >t:,t,.tl,at tl,i, M,. 'ial is i„,t t., I.,. (•oi.Hi.l,.,...,! as i„ a„y way ii,l..,r,.,.i„^, with tl„. f,.,„„r pwiti..,! ,„■... HciifL..! ill ihi.ii' l.|.|,a|f. ' .\iiil \nnv r.lili,,ii,.fs. as ill ,l,iiy l„,ni„l. will ,.m.,- pi^ay. ,.|,.., Datnl at Vi,.|,,na. 11. C. tl,is l.StI, ,lay „f .\,,v,.|„l„.|.. 1MI8. L'.n. i nrvin Oi-ucirs. Ctao. E. nuiiro ilallif/iopf?! «• CO. orrnorB Thor.ias Earle '•Ti. l.^lnf3lo Laur;hlin McLean 3o:ir. E.C. Lavender I.'". Peppett ahaa. Hackett Potert '"'ard & Co. Ltd. '•'.A. "'ard j-'-'.nt 'i.a: rv,OT " T!.?. sievrerd " R.P. Rithet & CO. Lt'.. » R. geabrook Vice President Acont for C.J. Kellay A' Ross ^lliam TTiriiel D. Conbell (}h^t ^.i:. A.J. Pechtel Por A. p. P. A. BaMrijf^ton "^11 ian Grant J.D. "arren Hana Horold Sprat t Balcajc T. "'alker 71otorla Vietox" JacwObcon R.B. . nrvin Triur:p]i C.G. -^ox A.C. Pant Ada liar/ RlleJi 'j.P. R.^nd Geneva Ocnnn ?ell FaTTr. Oflcnr «• Hat tie Viva Otta A:.-i4ti.-!c 'nV' of san lUeno ) Favourite Allie I. Alc?^r ir.nbrina Libbee LiepMaid Enterprlae liora SiiJV.'rird and Ma Root Hatzlc Tiiroctor Carrie c.^. Ida Etta Venture Ocean Rover Florence 1!. puith saucy Lass P.J. Korse ) Hecijorus ; Sadie Turpel Ptoneor l.'ary Taylor Diona Teresa Ainoko Penelope Peatrice Kate Aurora Doroa.Lia Zilia:'. May li'ischief "^innle.