-t V '• ■■ CTV. ■■ r — ^ — r— — 7— 4. ' * .^r fi ..- ^Vj' .* «v« tr ciHiyr , Miiirofiche Series (Mondgraphs) .-■*' ^>^ \ - '» ■ » ■ ''■• »' ■■.■^ '- ^' if ---— 1 *". v-ys«. 1- HHHHH .' . ^ iCMH ■ • Collection de microfiches (monograpihies) :/:,f ■■' ■*i4,'; - V ?■.. ^i f - , , » Canadian Inatltuta for Historical Microraproductiona / inatltut Canadian da microraproductibns historiquas i": . •• : - ; ''■■;■; ■'> ' ^ . '• ■ -■ .'.-:■ . ■ , ■ iuct '■■■-•■" ions historiquas /• ■ f ■ ^ . , - \ _ 1 V • ': :■■ ■■■■ * ■ ■■ . 1 • \ ■ , - ;• ' *, iriquM # The tmtitutt ItM atMinptMl to obtain tlM bMt orifiiMl copy aMMbIt for fMmlnt. FotttirM oliMi oopy wfliMi may bo MMtograpMaMy yn^uo, ofbMi nmv oHmt any of tbo Iwapi liiiba lapwidi ici low, or wbkb way lifnHiaantfv ebantfi tba wnal motkod of f itabif, aro .< b i< b aafow. '■■,1'f. ' ./ □ Cotanrod oovani/ Coutrirturodocoialaur. 'r^^i, /•.'■ ,■'-■,■■• v *"-'4- -■,■.■ « 'i' ,■.«■ □ Cbvondamapd/ CoMvaniNtt #v ■li* □ Govart rattorad and/or iambiaiad/ QimrtMraraitBoriaat/oupaNicu^ N La titra da eoiiMftiira ntamiiia D Cariat tiiO|raphii|iiai an ooulaur □ Cplourad bik (i.a. othar tlian bbM or Maek)/ Encra da eoulaur (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol V (maaning "END"), whichavar apfrfias. Maps, platas; charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffarant roduction ratios. TItosa too larga to ba antiraly includad in ona axposura ara filmad baginnliig in tha upparlaft hand comar, iaft to / right and top to bottomr as many framaa-as «aquirad. Tha following diagrams iliiistrata tlia ;mathod: •' Li pl (l4 c< fil P* 9* d< d' pl Of P» d* la ar Ui dc c« •V m Lo rai d« at .d'i ilh f' ■* % > ■ ■ ;^;;.-.i:»-;v ,,^ -^ ^.^-^r' . ■ "^ . ': - ^ ■ " • 1 * 2?.? 3 ■ ."-" ■'■'." .. - t ^ ^^*^* » ^ ' 2 1 ■ 4 ■ ■ ■ ■■■; •■:5::^'..: * iie««l thankt L'«x«mplalir« film* fut r«produit grie* « to gAn#ro8it* d«: ■I.-:' ' ''''-': ' - . ■■' ■ ■ . ■■ ■ . '. ■■'' ■ ■ . : • Y ThomM FMmt Ran Book LNmiy, ; \ UniMntty of Toronto Ubniiy /■ >t quairty I tofllbility rti th« \ art fllmad liiigon . •dlmprM- ■to. All Ing on^f ifiipros- aprlhtod •ficho I "CON- *ENb"», ratatlMi Lm Imogn sulvantM ofit 4t« roproduitos ovoo^to plutgrand aoln. compto t«nu d» to condition ot do to nottot4 do i'oxf nuptoirt film*, ot on conformitA oyoc los conditiont du contrat do flimagovv ; '?;. . im oxomplMroo originaux dont to couvlHuro on papior oat intprimte oont fHmte on cominon^ant par ia pramiar ptot at an tarminam ipit par to darni*ra paga qui eomporta una amisrainta d'iWipraiaion ou d'iHuotration, aoit par la aacond plat, aaion to eaa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux sont filmto an comnnanpant par la pramiAra paga qui eomporta una amprainta d'impraaafon ou d'iiluatration at an tarminant par to darniAra paga qui comporto uno tollo omprointo. i Un dta aymboloa auivonta appar^t ittraturto darnlAra imaga da chaqua mtofoflcha, aaion la caa: la aymbda ^-^^ aignlflA "A SUIVRE". to tymboto ▼ aignifia "FiSr. carta*, Wanchaa. tablaiux, ate.^ piliVant fUmAa i daa taux da rMqction diffAranta. Loraqua to ilocumant wit trop grand poiir Atra raproduit on un 8Mil clichA, il aat fibn* A partir da I'angto aupAriauf gaucha. d« gaucha A droita; at da haut an baa. an pranant to nbmbra d'iinagaa nAcaaaalfa. UriiagrammM tuivanta illuatrant to mAthocto. ■••■■'■':3 ■' < '"^■^ { ^■■■■■■'^•:::-- • ' 1 ' ■••.., 4 5 6 1 ^%^^^ / *•»: Iwtm «I •■ ■1?* / t«." •',1 ^Cl* V- *i .«C:*'fe' ■^^Wl ' •^i 'tfiV.'l //^ / ""f^'v % •l->'.' , \ - ;Nl ■#'■ # (•'4 f ^{ J. w ; '*• ,'^ # 'Hl^ ■>* J t i t'« -10 l>'' ;-#■ r1 1^' u* • ''31 )^ -.,A^': 1 1, ■ \k f - >. - k JPnf^iM^ , J '.• 1 ^^i/ I •...•. ■•<•» #/:' BRIEF EXAMIHATION, *r «: ■■■' kMONO the literary curioflitief that have tfmftt / nated from the Press of U, Cooadn, the " Letter of a l^oteltaot of the Church of Scotland/' a(l- \ . drcsied \q the Earl oCJLiverpool, is unquestiona- Wv the laittlMtt''^ ■■"■'''^- ■•'"- :^^:^4^'-- ^■ Who the Author of this production is,Tbelieve i8\iiot ge&ernliy known, and truly he wiiftinanifesC — 801^ prudenc^i^ jretaining his anon^ous char- •cteff iince ht will unquestionably ^^^M^ '^ he has not already, made the cBsicovell^that Bhould.he avow bimsdify he would be likely to reap any thiilg but lultior, althe fruit of nis labors ; and tliat he may not remaimpne moment uninformed of die truth of this asse^ont I recommend liim forthwith to inquire, of tlw Reverend, sagacious, imd disinterested Gentlcmaiu under whose imme- diate superintendance, Me tAtnj^, he has written, was printed, how it iaJces^ .\ i- ^ * Unwilling as I am, to add to uie mortification, with which he will doubtless be overwhelmed, at being told by his trusty ally, that it would have b^en far better for his own fame, and the credit of iliftfiiendsiaswell'ag the interests of the Kirk, hiid ■• ■'♦ J '^-^■#. >% .^^. X / '% 0k ■ 0^ ^ ke never engngo,! in a controvertyi tfi« jbeilti pf ' which he plainly dki not un«lerstand-4h»t in en- •leavouriuff to eitabliih a disputed right, he hai proved nothing clearly, but that he ii both igno- rant and nialignnnt; and Uiat othlr., b«ing un- fortnnatefy idenUfled with him, in hit ill-timed, and fll-ttdvi«ed effort., he haa brought pn them.apoi^ Hon of the odinm and contempt, which must ever Je«u«. hour, m pomting out a /cur, of the many ab.urd.tie., and proof, of malignancy, with which l»8 Letter abound., by way proving to him, and every body else, that has any doubt upon the sub- Ject, that this character of hi. wof%, S. perfectly^ i^^^^^^'-^ "^ beg&i with the ab- it ■ i| ' <^' JT^* .age and W| K«[ed AiJIlior «Ilt the fir.t .ix pages of his Epistle, with proofs fix,™ Robertson's History 0f Charles 6th~theActof Union of England and Scotland, &c. that the l'^^' of the Kirk of Scotland, are Photes- TANTsff Wonderful dis«»very! Doubtless the noble Lord, to whom he !,^ communicated this important information, wiU be overwhelmed with patitude, towards hi. generous and disinterested instructor-^tljrit he will not only, not hesitate to reconim^nd the aUowance df all that is aiked for by thelCirk in Canada, but in the execs, of \M m- ^IP' '"\'% ^\h 11'. r|f* .1 "^ ■**" / ^'tj*. Joy at belnfif onlli^htcned, on lo important n «iib" Ject, will QIC hit utmoitcflbrts, to procure for his benefactor, a grant, of at least one seventh of the remaining uuconceded lauds of the Crown, in 'rovuice. Wm tdi-^In ord<*r to prove, that tlie Kirk of Sdot- lahd is as much the established Church in Cantwla, as is the established Church of England, the Kct of Union of England, and Scotland is quoted, which it appears, that it is enacted, that» **P^«t- byterian Church govemmcntf shall be the cnly government of the Churchy within THE Kixo- DOM OF Scotland." \ - 3d. — ^To show that the Clergy of the establish-* ed Churcl^ of England, have no exclusive right, to the Clergy Reserves In Canada, the Act of th^ Imperial Parliament, 31st Geo. 3d. chap. 31, is cited, by which it appears, that these reseh^es were specially set apart for the endowment of Rectories, and Parsonages, to which, Clergynten of the. Church of England, can alone be appointed, andii.. Hiat the King himself, is distinctly prohibited^ hf the said Act, from aj^ropriating tfjiem to any/ other use, ^ / * # ■■ ■. ■ " •■ ■ ■ '^ :■■' ■ ■■■'■■• ■-r. ■ ■ 4th.— The words A Protestant Clergy in tlie Act last dted, are stikted to signify two bodies ot' <■<«> ■# ■ #,' ^"^'4 «Je al . '**'^*^^^' '■4 ^ 'r^ 6 Protestant Clergy, ^x: thoi» Cliurch«f England; and those of the established Ch'ui^ch of Scotland, although not the slightest allusion is niade throughout the JCct, to any Cler- gy, but those of the Church of Eiiglan^ ■r.rt;i- '^kb.—- To support the lost menttoned inference, an extract is given, from the Speech of Mr. Fox, delivered in the House of Commons, from which it appears, that, tl^at distinguished Geotlemant said, that by the/words Protestant Clergy^ used in the Bill,' he supposed to be understood, not only the Clergy of the Church of England, but aI^l descriptions of Prdtestants. 'v? ; ■ J ' / -4'; if' 6th*^-Fur&er to support the s&M in£efeiic(»,.aiid that M^. Pundas drew ^100 of the clauses of the •Bill, an extract is given from his Speech, deliver- ed on the same occasion with Mr. Fox's, from wUcli tt appears that " he (Mr. Dundas) gave an ' ^iiistprical detail, 6f the mode of proceeding, by which 'the Clergy of the Church, in Scotland, were supported," wluch mo^e he represents^ as being entbely difiereht from the plan propos^, for sup- porting a Protestant Ch'rgy in Canada, ahd makes no allusiott whatever, to any intention on the part of Government, to make provision in the Bill, for an^ Clergy, but those of the established Church of l^^and^ ahhongh himself, a member of the Kirk, and a mimster of the Crovrn, ' \ '»': m'. ** • ■ -.> 1 '. »^\,r:';; 1 lioi»iir&e«tablishcd I . «# ■^, ', .» ''■ .... .• ■•:1#*^ »•■• :-: -.^ ■ ■ ^ ■"'•••-' %-%■'■■■' '••■■'' ■ ■ '■■■'■■ •^•'' Ji'-^m » view of suiTering no doubt to «ttte,a«tothejtt8tnesgoftheaforegftid inference, no mention whatever is madeof the Speechof Mr. Pitt, the avowed author of the BiU, and conse- ipently the person, who could most truly exphiin, H the object of its different provisions. Why no- tice of this important Speech was omitted, wiU ' / probably be best understood by a perusal of it^ it is as follows : •^MntJhaiicellor Pitt said, that he iirst gave the aovemor, and Council, a power, under the instructions of His Majesty, to ^stnbute out of a sum, arising irom Ae tythes for Lands or posses- sions, and set aqplrt for the maintehance and sup- |>ort of Protestant Clergy, in order to give them a competent income, and the second clause, he said, provided for the permahent support of the P^te». tant Clergy, a seventbof the lands^ be granted hi (imre. He declared ^t M meaiM^ of the Act was to enable theGovernor^ttfrndow and t9 p-esentytke Protestant Clergif oF^nm ESTAB>- iiWiEP Church, to siich parsonage, or recf4try, as m^ht he constituted, or erected, within every township or parishrUfMch now wasyor might 6$ firined^fmdtogivetosut^^T^ W€»^4if OP THE ESTAftUSBD ChIIBGH, apart, OF the whoUymthe Governor thought proper, of the land9 appropriated by the Act. m further cx^^ 'rf" ',*. ;^'' t*^ ^^r^v^/ '.' ' •h-'"' "If ■■-•II- ■ • §■■ iW' /• f' ^* V «*!fii 'h ■•■■•■ -,••■. ■■■,■■: . V / ■ • flaitui, that thit m$ dme, to eneowrage THE E8h TABLISHED Chuech, and that probably hereafter it might be pro|>Q8^il, to send a Bishop of the e»- taUished Churdi, to «t in the %i»l«^^« ^oun- «il^r -■: ■■■■■. ■r..':-^;'-\-;";-'::--:;^/; ■>:■...:.■ ■■ 8th.— Because the Clergy of the Kirk of Scot- land, are siud to btf, not specially excluded from a share of the Clergy Reierveft, it is contended that they must be considered as included, among those, for whoic benefit they are set apart. ^ Oth:^--AWiough it 18 shewn to be enacted, that Uie appropriation of the Reserves, to the exclusiy^ use, Oif such of the Clergy of the eBtablished Church of England, as are presented to Parsonagies or . Rectories, cannot be changed, by any Act of ^e Colonial Legislature, even with the assent of the King, if di8appro|i(Bd of by either House of Par- > lianient, it ts contended, th^ the Clergy of the Church of Engfed, have no exclusive right, to the revenues arinng from them. lOdi.— It bemg enacted by the 4tharticle of the Union of England and Scotland, that all the sub- jects oT the United Kingdom of Great Britwn, sbali from and after the said Union, enjoy a com^ municadon, oC all rights, and privileges, and advantages, wBch do, or may belong, to;he sub- * jecu of either Kitogdom, i#iin the said United '^■ ■^.* " Kingdoni, and the dominioM and j^antatioiM thcreumo Monging, txctj^t wKtrt it is othenme txprtisly agreed in then articles,^ U therefore contended, that the Clergy of the Kirk of ScotP land,have a UrthHght claim, to a^art of the profit of the Clergy Reserves in Canada, although it appears, from one of the said articles, that the nghU of the Kurk, are, expre»»l^ restricted to th% Ktngdom tf Scotia^, j^^ ■ ;•" ■' .■■■ ' - . .1 "•■■■■"' ''-:■.■.,■■■■■ • .;..■ •^.:- I tppi^cpd thJit it fdH not be considered ne- cessaiy^that I should add to the preceding list of absurdities, to prove the ignorance of the person, who ll« ^^«|y» to prove the r^A^,"^ the ^J^f^^m^^ firom the Clergy Reserves iii Canidaj and I feel quitirtonjlclent that the truly i^^ectabfc, and ewmplary Gfergy, ofthe «tabl Iwhed Church of England, residing in these Pro- ^^ V^^' ^^ degree e%^ by the fldsfe representations aiid scnrrilokis iii^ctiv^s, of a wri- ter, who has proved hiibsetf, s6 destitute of uiidfeic standing discretion, and even decency. _ It M thei^re wittf i,^ ifttentioh^to defb^ r ^J"^ ""y examination of this petsoni Pamphlet, but chiefly wfth a view, of drawer the |^tenuon.rf««AafUie^iniste«oftheW^^ ; hadnd8hare,inprBah W fancied, or real claim, on property, that 9^ never to have been made, the subject oTp^hc contfoversy, in the hope, that in tiie «piri| of manly ^ candour, they wUl not hesitate, opeiOy ^^"^ their disapprobation of a measure,80|itae^^^a^ ted, to advance the interests, /*r reipecuM^# the mstitmion to w^ch they belong. 5^^ more iiecessaiy en ^^ «»»'^» f'f .^^ J^^ ally VeU *8posed, and fight mmdfed part of the community, it cannot foil to eicite feeUngs^he deepest regret, to be informed, that one of thejr wu^r, a Miiuster of 5he Gospel, aman ^^mtr ^ riien, has been actively engaged, in promowig strife and discord, by using his eflforts, to circulat^ ft production, beai^g a chai^cter, such as ^ I .^Jve described. Sach an ^owal^ th^ " »liriitrfsoh«vethee«feet,of causing tlielUver^ G^tifeftA^ tt^ wh6m I liUade, ^n spi^ ^ Minpet«i«ttiyandt«eUlcoliceit)to ^ 10 te coBvinted, that ht has done the tiung* whjch V W ■^' . IS ii^righis an^f^cted by thii adyke of those, who have more discreUon andnunre eiperiencei a hope mi^ be indulged, that he will not again, ha$^ ^ tily lend bis aid, towardi the advancement of « measHfe^at can be productive of no good, bni oi^ the contrary must result in hit own disgrace, and to the disadvlu)tage of those, bis iiyudiciiotts icfd may have made him desirous of 8erving*-^But to prooecd—v :■. :.>r--,v^v-..-\;:' / ■; ■..x^^;.: t ■ "HiThe Letter of a Protestant of the (mtth of Stoilaild, begins with an assertion, not only illi- beral i^ priticiifklib, but false in fact. After stating, Ibf^ventb part of Canada is reserved, for fuppoft' and maintenance oU a Protestant 't ^^roceeds as foUows:—- ' They style Jtbeimsillvei 2%e PrQffttant CUrgi^ as if they were the only P^te«b|^^ Clergyi their CJlMirch, 7%e£st0bH9k>» tii Ghtff^tfthe Mather CmUry^ aiif it were t^ «»]y KstohlMifd Cfhpi^b o^ try^-.-aiid they chus^with Protestant dissenters^ dMr bretiii«n of the C^un^h of Seotland^^ ■'.!••■ . ■ , ■ " ■•' > •^■. . ' ■■'■ ■ ■ •■ '■■ ■-■: '■■'" ■' f !rW u^i^iniis fpirit, maaiftsted in this parAv gragh, j»: siiflidemly apparent, but itsValsehOod comisii'ia.thps, tto although the mam^ of ikl 4y ' % I' .1 m] % ."'■■'..■ ■'■■*;•,.' ,'i ••.'■ ■ ' . • '* ■ -.. '■■■■■.. '■ ■ . : ', wm»' ' mm '' ' ' ■ —/ '•'■'. . ^ " W Hit Mijcsty,^en entruited to the Clergy or the Church or the England^ yet they derive no pfdfit whatever i)roin them— jthe whole of theie profits iM^ng in reserve, for the purpose of being applied, towards the endowment of Heetinies an^'Parto- nagett whenever they ihall be created, and to whoie wtj^y are exprenly limitti, by 31 Geo. 8, af alrffluly stated, and I defy the Protestant of the C|||drch of Scotland, or any other person to# point out an instance, where a Clergyman of the established Church of England, derivM a^y tpiiiv tion of his incom^ from these reserves. • / ; ^ . .■■ ■ • ■•■■■/ ■ ■ ■ •'"■■^-■' - • : ' ■ .'• ■■ ■ . .■''■.■''. ■ ■■- '- Trae it is, ^at When tfaose>^^ ^i'mf ^ termed, are bestowed, th^y can o^ly be giveii, i^/ CUrgymtnpfthe EitaBluhedCkiirch ^/Engkmir who arepretented to Rectorietir Ponra^ef ; at pre8eBt>however,there are none such iitU.6l«iidii, nor, as is umruly asserted, by the Letter Wrfto*, in another part of his pamphlet^ has tM title of Pariofi or Hector been atntmed unalltlibji'ise^, by any of the derg^, of that venerltlbl^^tiid veA Berated ettablidlinent, i^eidier of the Provhicet. At page 14 of WirlP^n^et, t^^ u4e«ited wrih ter, after hiifing in a triumphant manner declared, Aat Ae had provec^, that the Clergy of the Church of Eiigland, were iio^ entitled by the Quebec Adt, to the whole |)ro/^« of the Cknrgy Reserves, with an «ir of self anffidencyi proceeds t^r^mnit, that # L t i .1 /• %$ '■» ', . '•■. "if Au jHTdo/,, have proceeded further, and fhown that they are not eitahlithed in thii country m- cordlng to the letter of the qiiebec Act, eachW- toiy not having atsigned to it, a particnlar portion of land, and are therefwe n6t an utahluKed Chp> gy in Ctmada, much lets the ettahlithed Clerg^ to the ezduiion of the Chnrch of Scotland, they arnit blame themselves for ezcitiit|^ this discussion, by their oreeoinebs and intolerance." Tru- ly It is no easy matter, to silence the emotions of contempt, and derision, ezcited h^ the pfpaial q( this troiky invective^ j. ' v -.'m 'i If my Minister of the Kirk of ScotlJmd, reaUy Adopts the opinions aii^ sentimenUexpressed in the Ibf^going extra^ I pHy him for his ignorance, and laaanit his want of charity, aadl>y way of endettronriog to recover him llrom his delusion, Wift bag of him to inquire of himself cahnly and dispassionately, whether there is, or is not, an u- tMnk$d Proteitmt Churchin Cofiarfa^U-tnd by way of aiding him in his reply, % recommend him flrrt, to read over the Speech of Mr. Pitt, (pievi. ously quoted,) explanatory of the views and inteo* tionsi; of the British Government, when the present Cohstitntion of the Canadas was conferred by the' Imperii Parliament, aDid then let him bring to mind, the meatures admted in pttnuaace of thoae JS» t*: v*| ..J* 4» '^' -- V % . ?i'*" % •" ■» ■■• Ml li^'V 14 IS ^i«irt tad )lit«ntiQDi. Will he not lee that a Bith- • ^ • .ilaace, tO^ i»A«m or wAefe, the Clergy of the % ' ^ ;jihliihnl Churcl^ oTEngli^id, have maoiAniadi»» Mirmici, or on what occai^n they have oppaead, or attempted to oppoie, aiiy religioui sect in^Cft" j3^ Mda, in ttie ^Ecicite of^their^eligiout wortldp, or fin the ittghteat degree offered by any act of per- '^iacntioii, to disturb them in the free practice, and I Observance of their religious ordinances, and rules . of Faiih^f If this cannot be proved, wherein con- nstt the intolerance of tl^ Clergy of the Church of England in Canada? Too plain it is, that the ' ignorance^ or malignity, of the author of this ac- ,^ eusMioB, iias betrayed hhn into the use of a w^, ^ the meawog of which, he did not understand. ii tirtle delicacy,! and regard for truth, W ma- oifested in the assertion^ that the rigkUf J^^ - f * -"t »■ 9 . V 17 "j%k ga: ma dJhmoigu of Oi mM tfrnoiUni, %mfn been taken iVom H, \n.i^ North AjMrican *Coloiii«i, by an and fhjimntt. Let m$ \m^ •gain call on thii caklnhlator, fnitead of nakinf IVtrtioni, fldte ai they are indecent, to point l»ut the instance, in which, either the right!, pri» "vilegef or advantages of the Kirk, have been d»* ■led to it, in these Provinces/ If it has ai^ lights, who has opposed them ? Is it toieant,. that teeanse the Laws of the Imperial Fkrliaaient, have prohibited the Government of Canada, from granting to the Ministers of the Kirk, a share of propehy, specially assigned for a totally di/lereai :hody of men — men who by the express tonus of those Laws, never ian /^Bisf in the Presbyterian €bgr«h, -Via : Pafwn$t and Recton, Chat therefi»re the rights, privileges or advantages of that Chnrch, have been token from H^ hy art, ata H^^kepikm 'Cm that'be taken from it, which it never Mt%m BhanM! to the man, who ibr the gratification of imhallowed hate, could li^ance such unfounded assertions— 4did still greater shame! "1p those, whosecalling should have suppressed, ritther than frocnred, the publication of such j^eWmioiii oC Hie truth* ■ -'^ir^n' '"'■■'•■^t-. -iikf'] "^t #■' .;'■;■,%■ " ,■■..■■.,". ..■;.''«•■'.■ ,V'" ..■■■■ ; % IV^fitiitte thffi wrher thrci^li Bis w^^ ilid t» expose the still numerous vitaperations, ;m i * y-*' *llt :.V., 'V, 'W M^'.'f > • r*" '"P^tlT' with which it AboaiiUi, woulf^ f lil #i|| twufd ■niwer no irety uieAil purpote. It mutt bt .pp^ lint 10 every one, that indepen Jent of the coam- MM of hit ttyle, he doet Aot pottett taflklent / ttiMlerttandiiig to tee. that 4 akiott mry ttep he tiftw, inttewl of tupportii^ Hm potitloo. he pro. r^^^ ^"rou. or (NUdilithiog, hit eflortt . hart.iUwiietricdly oppglit te,,deoe> ; hut thei* . art tome lew mnarlit, MiMt the clote of hit * P^^VWrt; maoifettly detigned. to biff^tcredit on the Cfergy, of the ettablithed ChuVch-of Eiig. . laod fa Canada by underrating their influence, and iitefuhiet.^ which at I happen to be aware. ^^r l^^tion. io a very particular manner ft«Ungt a^f ChriiUan, thould have forbid hit e«. <«1ng on tk attempt to incontittent with hit cb^^cur, that I Ma induced thut par^^ly to ooilcJt them. At page 17 it it ttateXlhat in Kftigtlon, the iiumber of commuiucantt of the ZT^^^^ l«t year. wa. 114. and in ^ "* ' JMne Church in GJengary •1.^ w , -aigMP i ^i"^*^ ** 'Mtated. that ^ommunicMMEhur^f England at Independent of die fa^, that the number of coro- municantt, at the two latter placet, were nearly if ftotqujte, three timet the numberttated, whyitm'av *e wkcd, 4id the ikverend Gentleman, who tup. • ■ 1 U n « • t* tl ^ " • • ' w Wk W ^ P ai n CI u h n 81 ™ir|s ■¥*-^fl ir^. ■™|B?P" "X pt^ t^<* iP«Smicomnut two of tlw 1^1 tm*:'. "Miv*jMBeMo^ of Um Charch oT EngUm^ fiilfdd'NS; ^y/ii^fiMi fNMMmtf, ortiiQ#. .' ' *»' ' / v ■ 1 '•,, ■V ■■^' wS'^ i .. i Mi iAeiiM«<%«i4ir tht tmie, ^woper fy, them to enter -^i;^ *»*^ I^Wnk it bat >.t, « %niein- )k«^of owiof tlie«NigMgatiaBf ^y^ whkliihey cfiwidef :t0 lieaf ^stittotty to thew iiwftAitoeM .|toe^, Ifceir imceaMBg Wboufi, ib«iideav(wrifl|r to ■ -w^mme^ ilgfat di»ni^ hafiiioi^ that «aghttoe»«,gniongraJIdcnoniinatiomofClirt». />i"" f**^ let them pnme the iame course^ ^iia^ hidierto Mitmed, the^evil coiueqaencee^ ^"T*'^^**"*^ be diargeabfe upon ^ rTLiV" ^^V^^^vain boasting, of Pharisa. jcal 4«hiimw«, tha^ tfeiip chaeactew can be inju. Mov^ and mpected, throughom the CUadas^ Iwtwithstanding the-aisertion, Aat Me ientti* of At tMUAHthU^ Chmrch, to Mfkid^ ^ heUnur i Mieonmte»t with the gerUut of the peopled a^. leition^w^ tonmmnity,) is best proved, by the anxiety wlach ■niveriaBy prevails^ to, procure the benefit and con^tt, of their letigioas uutruction, and socie- ^j and they may rest perfectly satisfied? that the ^ fights which belong to them, will never be taken !^ Hiem, to soothe the damoiuf oT worldly, and tBvions cevilers* ^ y -« lUidaretlie em to enter 1 88 %jneiii^ whklifjiey lineis, tliefit voiiriflgto te -^lirit of rHierefcM^ nHon^rthiit lefCJirt^. ne course^ iieqneiice^ Abie upon f Pharisar B be inju* they are Cabadas^ ganiui of fr— an as* the whole Jty wWch. Defit and nd socie* I that the betaken %, and ^ ■'# ■ i*^: In condlusiofii, I widi it to lie ^eartymideritoo^, that I have not taken up my pen, to prove the right of the<>^rgy of the established Church of England, to the exclusive enjoyment of property, which by the bounty of a gracious, and goo4 King, and his Parliament, was appropriated to their sole use and benefit—Hiudi an act would hi my opinion, be an act of supererogfttion-Hniy ob» ject has been, merely to eipose the vidonsness, and absurdities, of the pubUeiitioii alluded to, io my title page* a publication, which in rty dprnion, cannot fiiil to bring upon those, who li«ve had the wickedness and folly, to promulgate it, the indig» nation of all wise tmd virtuous men. If it be diought expedient; to pursue the subject, beyond, the boundflby I have stopped at, the field it open to such as wish to enter it^-^ was not my design. . to occu^^it. ■■ :/..-'■• •■; ' f ■■^; ;,4 ;^^|;/ I . OfiheEstabtUhed Church ofEngUm}. Torki July 1, 1826. •3' "i "-/#- ^ / ^^ '^■a IP- i~y • >1^: ^';-t. ■*• ' .*• '<# ■ ■i^' #/ "**, ^. ** Hji I) Si" HI*" # ,#': t I ¥ •' * •• !«•>■" .■•i ^■^^m! \> 1^ 4 -* m .f -» *f5-'.S 4"^ M -*- H^ fl J** 4 *-• J^ p5- «. Ir / \ 3****; '<■■;•-:'■■■ Vt4 . -'U-^ - ■ - * ■ r .\' ■ '. V' v'y - ' ^ - ■, - '•■'■■ "^ " , ' ;. ■ . • ' •■ ■ ■:*■ ' ■ . '- ■' ■" -' '" V '■ ':'-■'" ■■ '''. wk '■'.'• . . '- . ., , * .' ' :•'_ _' ■ . ' % .' ' ■'■ ■■■'■'•■ ■ •; '' ■■ ■ , «■ " ,1 , ■'» ■- • •M ?;■ ■,':•.."'■ ■ •*." ■■: , ■ ■" '■ . ■ ..' •■ ' .. . '* '""'■/ '. •■ ' ■* ■'■■m - •■■-/■•^;i''-'. ■■*. .-■■■•■ * '."■',"''' 1 f - ■ w > ■ ' ■■'' ■'. ' ■" • \ . ■ ■ • ■ - : '>■'- V-- ■ ■ 1 * '■ . -Nv-' " ■ . ' "«» ■' ■ , " , * ■ '. ■ ) ■ ■ ,. ' ■ ' " '■■it .'-' /i '- ■ ■ .- i'"- ■ ■■■ . ;" .:', ■ ,-■ ' ,' •■■ ■ y ;" ■..'• - .m ■ jm^mt ^^H m ■ r A .^^^^Bj^^^H r "i :■-;; .-• ■. r > . t ■ „ • • IT . ■ " «r - t :' ■^'■;-^;r' - .-.■■' .-^.^' ''''■' '"-t: " - • '.-■■-'/. " \ :.■..■■■■:■';-';■■;■■■■■*■ ■.- ■C--4"n -' 1 '/ :;':■'•■■".• ^v-' « ' i •■■■^1 . ■' r- ■ '■ -f .:. ', ■ • ■Si " ■■|;:.;.--|;^,;:.;;: >fi;» , ^ * ■7 ■ '■■ .'. -';* V / t 4% ^