NUCROCOrV nSOWTION TKT oiAin (ANSI ipnd ISO TEST CHART No. 3) ■v.-.; il ■ ■ ■"■■ . /""Trl: 1.0 1.1 ■|io .""^ , ■■■ Vi Ii2i£'^|2.2 ■lUlk 136 Ih I 1.8 » 1.25 ■ 1.4 I Id •. '-I. I /PP\JEU I^MGE Ine 1633 East Main SIrMt Rochntv, New York 14609 USA (716) «a2- 0300 -ri>hoiw (716) 208 -5969- F' »■ •.■•.•'• • t * of i^?rv^^^^^^^^^^^^8 under tU hand tbftt no /.iv> .8 ../>.fi 2 ■ •••*•:: 1 '.■.,.-- .v.... 7 ...... 7 ni2l nl2l •' 8 4 21 eiofoilO pt e4 5 : eiio ADDITION 15 J 18 J 19 4 Oarapbell, WilUam . Ohenoweth, John . Ohiaholm, bonald ./i.^^ \ ^^ J 20 21 22 23 J 24 J 20 P«fiford, Geoigft . . 1 Daws, James V^ . . 2 Daws, Jas. G. } . . . 2 Daws, Thos. G. ) ...A. 2 Dodge, Thomas .....* l Elliott, Samuel v.... t dc do > .,.,.. »',• •,•'• 1 eJlO J)tW J 1 ■,8:ei>.>.:' vieV2y, ; « w if eit AW pt ^ ;:-J: - ■■ ■ ■ ■> ■■4? 1 1 1 •l I 6 2 3 2 2 Oyrwt Tenant Tanaiife Owner Owner Owner Owifer Owner Owtier Owner s. d. 3 « Owner Owner Owner % : 19 2 2 2 Owner; t U^ner i^ Owner ■ Tentni ' ■■; Owner Fanu^r'ti^A ¥tamf» aon 6wn«p .;. ■; Owner d»(bd.3,3 ■'\ ^ Owft«^ T~2« ffff ViMer, U4{Sb do - db / ■■■^1 v; , , «^ •< V 14 it -*^ ,T— MAlf£ AND P.Q. d« do \ •*••!• WaMuv, llirttn ..;.|. I Walkur, J«niM , 4t;u» 1 WtUMr, W«U«r \ ....#; I 133 J136 Jiae J 138 J139 J140 Wood, ti«drg^ ; '\ M< .. I ■ '■ ■ L I,OT UM n' or IX)T Com A w pt K n w pt 6 I 8 ADDlTIOll; (JWUflV . *' Ktroiai^t;' mftik Own«j . Qwu«r ■ ,' Ow n\ m . 1 Jr^v-i "f. ' Ttri^494^i9d W vote at Mun^igal Bl^tm.f^'^Uf NONE. V -/v 'Ml.: ' .nil V.-' I Persfms entitled to vo0eai Electiom t0 the LegislaHue At' \ Hnbly only: : V a^ ir iji i POLtiH^ SUBDIVI8I0H No. % ■■»;^'t: Compviaiiu Lota One to Twenty-one (inolttiiw) in the foHrtti wil iifth - - Conoeanoiu, and the iEwtliuiifof thu Third »nd the Weet half of the ^ £Hj(th CopoeMiont ext. S It I/)T>OR Pf. if *10T. JllO Jill J119 lU r. MurtfiT, Ken. Mmmy, AI4i. do do Mmky, Qmw ) Mtirriy, nltlMkyi Murrij, Robt. Murby, pAter Movmy, .Ivntm Ifnhlly, .lohn tjr, Georg* V 7 eptofwl y. John ) /,....r 7 ' . • i>t;.\.'7 ndo do '',i.U.. Jl17St4w«re,HugU 3 liaSuthinrland^GeoigiB 1 J119 Sutherhnd, Robi ... J1208uftMrl«nd, RoM. ... J12] SirthMand, Robt. L. da do ... }22J8tltk«tEnd,Wm. W J129Bm^)|rniiid, Dm. 1 J124 SdMiuK^ LMinhlui do ' do ... J126 Sutherland, Wm. 7 Jl 27 Snt^rknd^ Colin ...... J128|8iitlikr]Mid, Don. 2 da dd< ..k... ■ J129 \ Thorntdn^inionuia do do , — do» do—* — D w pkd HA' 18 ne IH w}4 t w cnr 9 .; wAie . •w^l • •iofw^I ' n w !> 1 /••: 3 •• w 8 • W ; f ip>w| 6 i «i5i • w J 7 pte^&w^ll "^ *A ■B ir ^9 nei.l a wr ^3 ADDmOK 8 TniAnlr (. 2 0«««r. r«' >* 9 BnMmi^ •on S OwMr its i^umm'u. aoa Own » d ■' Owli4d 1Wniai» 1 0irto»- ■■■ AuiMi^a •on ' • ' ^ ''.i:i S 9 >l ^? 1 I 1 1 1 3 9 1 3 3 1 1 Taiuintv OwlMl, f Farmer'^ Son OwB«r ^^ If t-l OwMildS •*' r% \.^ Own«r Owner OwUtt t Owh«t>^ * QwlwBJK i< Owttaf^ Own«f Qwheit' t Ownur TMaal Owfaer ' it' , Ownft- /■*> .-?: V 131 Vantlylto, Nicholka....;. 3| pt n e cor 20 Ownav A \ > ♦ -sr » » / ■ ■ A'. - crHM Microfiche ' Series ■ (Monographs) ? *' < » *>)* :> 1^ ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) T C< IT O li cl .[ U. .^t Cwiffdian ln«tltu» for Historical Microroproductiont / Inititut caiMfdfon d#^microropro v J SAJ^flimady, P«t«r r . ' • f • KindntM, AlexMider ... S J 4SBCMifaaU, WiUiun ...... 7 I J 4 J 45 J 46 KoArihur, AzobiUad ... 3 do do MoAiihnr, I>uno«Q: .9 do do MtiBmyne, Arobi' J 47 MoOaul, Malcolm J 48|MeOattl, Robert do do MoConkey, Tbonuw nUi.. 3 7 • • • t V • « • • m McConkay, John ) MeCorqnodale, Akx. ... 9 MoCorqnodale, Hu^h ... | Lot o» FT. or LOT. Com. \ a half 31 ■ half 91 • half t; napt 3 Wbair 9 n w oor 90 ■ wqi, 4 awqr S \" ■ half 4 abaH 9 ptn bMf 90 wiialflO w half 19 • 6 or 9 ptwhalf 11 a half 12 • wootU 49 J SO 61 J 62 . . „ J ISMoGoraaodale, WilUau 3HoCad,Mi|kolm 9 MMeCrorqoodala, Janua... 9 05 MoCorqttodale, WiUittn 2 90 MoDo^d, Robot ..,/t nwi 13 a half 14 abalf of uwqr IS -J-56 MuD u nald, Alaiandar. . . 1 J 07 Mct)o^d, FhilUp .... 9 do do a half of • n wpt 6 ' n w b r 8 irhalf9 II i< APOmON 1 3 3 1 1 1 9 Ownar i. Owner Ow««r 9 {Owner i»- BttbdivbWu Nu. 1.— CoMltftiMd. NAMB AMD P. 0. LOT on PT. •# LOT, Com. IfttDoMdd, WUliiuB.. HoDoiudd, John • 7 aolMoDfiwld, Gooigo 7 Mebttoab, Doiudd MeKtUar, Dunmn if MoKay, Dgndd ...... ijMoKny. WUHmi ...... 66 MaKny. Jaoim M. ...... 9 MolUy. Neil MoKajr, Angus UpJL^j, John, lIoKior* Dondkl, do dd J TOMoKnjr.Oo&rgo 71 MfiKny, Wniiain J 71 McKay, Mntdook J 78iieKny,John lieKio, And. do do I port W hiOl 6 6 I S pk o hdf w hiK n w hdf 18^ w haltlB ^ n • fior SO w hdf 16 w hidfU ioqr 17 w half 10 w half of ohalflO w half e whalf T ADDITIOK Own«' Uwnor OWMf OWBN 2 Ttnaal •■••(• McLwd, William . . BCeLi9d, John ..,..\ 3 76 McLaod, Robert ..... 9 IfoLtod. Donald do do IfoPhonon, John MePhwvon, John . . : . MePhoiaon, AlaMknder Mo^ononv Robert ..... . MoPhenon, Oooigt...... 7 IfoFhonon, Andrew ... " Bf oPhflnontilSagh ... . UePhenop, Donald.'. Mc^henon, David ^... lloiviMnt JuaiM HuriQ, John , _, Mnato, Geoige 90 Munro, Angus iCuwro, JdUa B. do do Momo, William db do .V..17 8 1 it \ I Mionro, qeoige A. d6 do /■ w hdflS iiwqr30 naqrU whalf 16 §§qt\6i. ^ half 1»' w half 13 w&iOflS whalf 16 w half U neqr 13 w part 11 wSofn partahalfU o half 7 8 w qr 8 apart 8 whalf 11 w p«(ilQ 3 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 Owner Fahnev's Owner TmuhMI Owner Owner Owner M Owa«r Owner Owner Owner eon 1 Xenttt 13 a 8 3 3 8 8 8 3 8 8 <• Owntr Owner Owner Owner « Oirner Owner Owner Oimar Owner 3 {Owner 8 bwner ** 8 tOwner 'i . ^ n w qr 8 8 8 3 a 3 8 8 3 Owner Owner Owner Owner M Owiior '»■'■ .•»;.,; *. d. 3 's: 18 ^m^m'f*^ aaldivliU Kit; 4>~Cv ■ I ^tp^, WUUmb ', Akuuidtt..;.. .18 3»4$ MfkslnnMml W«UMiii«l. ..IS M9 0d«wd, MS ......18 . 9 J8W RinAfa, J- ^ J06(l Hililin, DM«1 JSM BM4 Orlifdo JSeOlMl. Will ten J«8tracii,llRl«w J064 Rai^ G«oii| a© do OflSlRcNiyTiMIIIM 060 RatlitrM Wm, JOM SatlitrfoycL Hum. X r 0«781k«l^,Gti)ig« IS 068|ni^;B<«qr ^...18 Ot«, "r—- ......18 Jdi^ \ 48 do d< flt#waH» Abnluun ......i| OTfSikthMM, W. A. O..., 8 J076 BwAttMo/ WilliMn 401 jBwaiMoii, JDaiiMl HI J071 J078 J679 niom(. Angm . J079 TkoniM, j5«Tid .....48 108T^ • wpk91 • epiSl/ 7 Owner llemnt Tenint Wagun M,r wlialf 6 piwbi$ 8 ■ shBfiuAl '*" — i;^:5i»." -^ '^ H S vi k m i imm ^' iM w rtl ww ut IS i ITlWIiil^ll^^Tlir"" ^ ** >V M a«\Ml^llki> %h '"■ ' ■'^^^^''l!Mmiik^a4iii!i^^ MAMIAin) nX* J4TlHiii>|rti|i4lW> 'J:X'B '■! Ww. aUu. 9 WbI. ;<.*..•» 9 J47 ♦Tl 47 J- J48S Imm^ j< .■►;V'<.i»; •■ , *"4 rn]^ '^«.l ul7 27 J4MJMdliitt,Win. ..... 9 )A69i9(flmmAt lohn a* Am 18 ■ wi37 • I 83 1»i80 80 { (!?-■♦.' ^ f 'I ■'■'■ J48IKM, WBK.E J4S7 KtilifMlMh, H«ii^ w....|8 J488 KilMUiaoh, WartMr . . . . 1 8 J490K«^. John ' .18 do do ''^•' * .T491lKfl^, Al«z. •) .1....10 J493KeiT,Kta. 10| J498|littdMy, John 13 db do .■ ['"'■" >, ' . J490 iraaMin, Jai. ......18 509 MtlOM&n, Al«x. .«t^^i. 1^ J49C MeBittiMy, Jamei .;*v* ^ 449iM!!teib, ThomM ..^..17 494 MoEHmld. Jno. & 18 J497 McDonald, Al«x 9 MoDtwald; wl8a ■ir|86 ir pt 86 4 81 178 s 80 s' : 4 Oini«t>;t^ .6- iMOMiit M» O.i Ownar ad S tanatki 84 27 27 SO J499 If (|i9<|iiiild, Jno. « ,. .. .i . . 9 JOOO IfaDomdd, Simon ..v... 9 ' * 'f ' 'd<^ do ' .*.'... J0O4ill«Dm>ld, Wm. ...... .13 *el34 .6 1/8 31 8 1/3 26 a 1/8 36 ^ 6 8 8 7 7 7 8 If aw 1/8 8 6 i34 nwl/8 3- rl/2 2 .0 8 6 Ihnailt Oini«r> • Own« Qwnar Ownar Owneto *. tananfe ' . . >U. Tanii* OwmK ". 1 pwiiar IE Owner 6 6 8 Owiiar Owner 0**er^ Owner *« • , Tenant R I J *\ &r'4i- ION !!„_'„ d.5 1 6 •on f f ia fttUif iaiM Ik 4.-43iMiiM»tMd. 19 jtaHe and p. 0. 08S Wadbad. HMiry 11 Jfl84WidUiid.Wm. M.,«...Mi J5MWidlmd,WiUkm.... J6MVfiM9nUr, Cm. ...... J087WiUw»JMoba .... JMSYooI.Jmbm 689 Youngi^ EdwAiU J580Y«aW , do ,do Aadtiaoni John 9 Aadwtaon, Walter 3 AlMlanoa, Thomaa 6 'do do LOT OB PTS..of LOT. n e cor 30 •t e I 33 S filk 30 13x14 Ipt 31 • i 34 a ] 34 ; pt • i 31 n w cor. ^31 Com. ADDITION 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 OwnoK Oirn« Ownil 41 Owner Owner Owner >v J699 Bagrie, Juhn ...:.. 9 J600 B^, Aadieiw 3 J801 Bi^ iUaiander 8 aaoor 36 • I 23 ^ I 32 4 1 1 Owner Owner Owner '*'. r », ' i!W'W '| |i ' ' , Kviimi n BOO OM 007 006 J009 3610 lfoiiNn,Huah 19 li(^w«n, MakoUn ......19 JOSl 036 J0d3 030 Je87 J088 J039 JOM Molatodi, D«Tid Molntoth, Neil IfoIntMh, John Ifolntosh, Hti|^ 013|Kok-«ntl«, 0«or|« .. 018 M«K«iii^ Rod«Hek. JOli IfoKtoisie, NoniMui. . . do do OlOMoKinsie, A1M.C... 016 M6K«ui«, WillUm.. J617 MoKlnsi^, Q«oiga .. 019 XoKft7, lagui JOl 9 MoKajt TlMiBM JOSO UelUy, P«t«r do do ; • ' JOa 1 MoK»y, ThoniM . . J022 MoKa7, WillUm . 709 MoKfty; Donald J093 MolAod, John 024 HeLtod, Jt^n OSOMcLmxI. Rod«rick .. J026 M«t0«d. Peter 027 MoLtod, James 028MeaduwB, Oharles .. J029 Meadow*, Obai K .. J080lf»ldt>wi,PhilUp .. Meadow^ iTbotnaa .. 033 HeAdown; Walt W., Me^dowa, Rul)en . HilleriJohn ' , Miller, John . Montaith, Andretv .. MoRiai| < -jl. ! l l l ] l |l l| ll)M ll i 'I I ' I ' l ^liSfSMMMfKmXfm \nm'^^'MI^^ «I7S S^tu^M! AlMf. • ••■•■Jiff J888 989 JS4I ll^I>anil^ <^l>^ —•^13'" J$46 MoMiMk>I)|m. {J f J847tt^£tMb,OUlM|rl IS 84«MdInto*h,lKobt,) ......IJ J84I HtfttevK^AItt. j 19. JSSO McFmwIib J^o-y- -W » " 861McKiBil«/Johni < ri * ' ■/ ' - ■ ■ »■■ ' Own** BIcKay, Abgai ) MoKky, wm. / J860 McKriff^'Ai^dVew do do -*8M J868 J864 J805 856 JS87 868 809 u 18 7 • • • • cV '*' ) ttfiKay, CharlM ) ^r J8eAM«KifvIllooild 19 866 867 J868 * ff McK»y, Oooig* ) ;; BfclUy, Donald V H do!>'i ^'^jixh J I ttcKnrvi>bn»l ■ « pU6 pte|ll nwi8 ■ o«i|^ih 4 n ft 4''8 1*6^16 :* pt e |>14 nw(l5 • ^21 ptwi-t a w 1 15 8 e cor. 16 aepif • il7 pt s W- 00x4 8 Ownor Ownor 8 Owner 8 OwB«v,p ii " 8 " 7 Owner 7 Onfiftt 8 Tenant 'i-..-»'ti «' 1 7 Tm 8 0i 7 Tenant OwnaD' fukvunt ,.i Owner Qhrmmii 7 Owner lii ITenatit 7 Ownwi 8iOw9Bar .8i^; OiMfer.,-^. 8 Owner --U- — \' • f IK J877 Mnnro, Alex --Ki / , •»*» * -, A»^ ^ do w / • ^**t3 J378Mttwp,H«ghM. ...f^-n .Vil3 7 7 Owner M Owner ^C\- ^, W'} »'V mo?i It'.'' It Mr at »i • BMt Mttdl lur. rn«t ■ d 2 rner raer out ituni I ow/y- >gti(a|H>« > roiAiiitt MBonmioii m«,v i 4A% MOfAltnuMiMr, jr44St irmsAKDKa Adaa, Utom ...... lM>,Akuiid«r...lS Jmi« 10 , John -.....,18 do do J444 Bttt, ChfUypUr O. ,. JS J446 Bmuw Gooigt .9 do do J447 B«te, TImndm .18 4MBMii,WUliuo 18 ^44»|Bm% WiUiui ;18 J460|BdI, BoirkuMl. If d6 do f J4Mfiaiik,Sdwud Ai J466llR»wii, WiUiutt R. 18 J45S Biowm, John H 18 J4A4 ])Mwn« Hiwrey W 18 446 Bu^jMt, John .^.... J4MClttk.Angu« t8 J407 Cluk, JoiBM 18 J468 Oonnuk, Geot){e M J4A9 ConoMk, John « LOT w FT. ot LOT. IJ J460 DMub. Attoa J461 D«Mii9, Eli J4e9l>MBii^JohnG. J468 DiagiDMi, Povid - ..^..1; 444 QiofiMi^, fiirid ......\ J466 Ohnoud, Bohert I J467 OiiT«l» J^ph % 873 0ixoD, jflKt/^ *..«., e 468|fiia8l«» Honrjr .,:... 18 J470qiMKJwbM J^ do J471|OtMn, Gcofge J472iGann, Angus ♦^"tt * .101 • w qt St tt w or 34 wiMlf 84 • half 81 w hdfSl aootr 80 n w qr 30 plolMlfSO I thairsi I »wqr81 • httt3» •Iaobidf80 nhdfofohdflM) ir hdf38 iwoorflO ihdf80 pt a half 80 nhalf 80 5ohidf 39 • hidf 81 «qr of • half 81 • half 36 ' n w qr 25 n half 33 alalf 33 • half 33 • half 34 • hdfS6 • haf38 Cm. 96 pfca 36^ half 39 ^JiL a « Or 34 a*qV 34 8 8 7 8 4 7 8 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 4 6 6 r 7 ^ 8 ..%. 6 6 7 8 6 ADDRIOH TmmuiI Owaar Tanoak Qmam Kkimar^a OmMt OtnMt Owaar T^liaat Owttar Ownar Oirner Owner Ownar Ownar ' (Jwnar UaroM' Ownar Ownar Owner Ovaiar Owner Ownar l^nuil Tenant Ownar Ownar 6 A <-0»aec- OanMr Owner Owner \ '-^'^ ^^ei*™*"^ rt'WF'-Ws 'i-a '^ >.'• V. »i "s" n • ■ V|>4i * ■< 1^ *-*•* •i.i ''■•tl' --"^s *. 1 «. 'i* •■4-. •*• . :'^# t- 1: \ .rvf .■; ; '^T .'■;.* . ^■ *.,. I . .1 ^ i JI84 AnaMWO, Hogh 1) 4S$BnMw,ClMrifs J386 10 J887 1^4^ AND P.O. 1 \i; 11 4gt (lot Blair, doiN BMdMridf^ Mai 1 do do do do 307 CUdwr, JToKm 304 CUd«r» JuBM J290 CSrauptaS. ^ohn ' 'cfo do do do do' ,do J3»l|Cu*((l, Smuj do 4p do . do SOS OUmI, Cyttta 298Ch«ni9j. BolMVl 293aUrk, AlexQ^idcr 294rV1^Al«xsiid« 295CbrlcAlBHbdd 29^ Clttlt, Matihi»w 297 Cbric, Jobn J2980tti«,JittMt ' J299Cl«'k,ThoinM JSOO Clark, WUliun do/ * do CnMg,John LOft oa PT. or LOT. Coy. • I 19 • ., *■ > i_ w|18 Bwi4 nof 4 I** • -W oor 4 wptll 8 OwiMr ADDmOH J30S V t( OwiiMr ■ d 1 TtmaA II II Ownar Owner Oiniir Qimar Ownar Owner li «< Ownar Tenant Ownir Famat'a Owner Fannai ilo * do JfJt fina, Alnymdor 5 J769|kMi,BolMrt ^J768 tttai Henrjr » J7«4 RoM^ SttUiTMi 766RoM,D«tkl 768 Roradt, SpaQiid 6 "do J769XUilii,J«hnC ...... 6 J770 Baiir«^ Andrew ...... 6 Ooir'. 6,ll,BlkQap I' ri«ld8 BIkI8<» -J ••Isi 16BUtB80 leBIkFSO 7, 10, BQc O 80 J774Skttp,Wmkm 9 ' 77681uttp JohnW. 687 8ldiitter» J«mei A J776 Sinittioodi, Joseph 778|6atlMrlMid^ AAdtew 5 779 J780 J781 • f 83 ADDJ^OK SatiiMluul, G«o(ge .,^.. 6 Sattuttlsnd, Win. .^k.. SOtiMthncC Andtew..... 9 do ' « do dof do J7M^«h6rlaad, Cotin 3 J783 SutiftrUmd, Ebeo L .8 J784Stttherkhd,Win. 3 do do Sutherland, Eben 3 J785 631 788 789 791 Thietle, John 10 Topping, Thomas ^..... 5 y«linatt«r, BenjaiAin...^ 9 J79(l Walsh, John Walsh, Thomas ^d» do do do ...10 .,.10 ,t»twJ31 VeiJfO, w 4 8i w{30\ 1, 5, 12, mk'Q 30 ] n ir 4 61 J a w { 32 pt31 e ^ 24 . lOBIkO 80 n e 4 81 - Lot 19, 81 i 8e|39 niri28 s«i39 1 wl 23 J ' wl.33 A I 23 ' » w i 26 w I s e i 23 • f pi w i 36 nei"32- < en e cot> 28 pt • i 38 4f 4 3 8 8 3 S 8 8 4 .3 -a 3 1 4 3 K- Owiitt Chrii«r«^4 Owttfliriid.4 0^ Ownar Owntr It ' • Owtttr ' Owner Qwtt^ Own«r Owner Owner OihWr . Own«^' ■ ' ' pte 36 e 1^34 1 1 2 4 2 3 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 8 Ownw' ' Fanner's son Own« Owner Owner Owner Ownpr Tenant OWn^ ^ Ownjir Pwip/iiip. «• ' Owner- • • 4 ' Owne^< Owi^: Owjosr Owi^ejr Owner \ >". < I I .« ■ r ;;-i'K»3.^ ''• 6 ttiibdivaikNi NaSb^-^IJoalteitid. I; VjmE Aavv.o. LOToEfXL«rL0T. Jl^S QMBttbdl, Jobn 169 OsBiplNll ^ft^pn JlMC^pM],J«lm 116 OlMnpli^WUIini J166 Ottfolt WilUm 167 Quwlf IMmit 168Clii9in«JMBMlf. 169 CJMfii^ laiwiw do 'da Jieo^M«ao,OMii» 161 CliftoiL/ohii J162 Co4]r, Haitiian do do do do ICSCod/^Mnriii 164 Cook, IfMUiiok J1660ook,JMgh»J. , 16«Cao|t«,^ 168 169 J17S J170 • • • « * • • * < • * r I 7 Uov. } ) J" DftndMa^ Dinrid Dov^daon, Diivid OftVidMn, Wfllkm Diiwd^M, Dicfid J. do do 8 9 6 8 SlUot, 8uku«l • » • • • Faothetitoii, Tbaothy . . ITukKHMlnr • ....11 FluilqriHQA 8 fkkdbnt AjMam .:..ll do do i, BicliM td • . . . 7 Biohaid .... 7 WlMlfl) ' wlMlflS • w^8 ai»|«tl9 PMi4 ■ w pt 8 avoor.7 twi^ 6 pi • w eor 81 a w i 17 «kdf6 • •qr 7 opijr ]i«l£6 ir Mipto biir |it«lMdf6 whdf 6 L w,qr • half 18 ptbfoMfl wlntf 1 pint 3 n wcor 6 a pi 6 wluOf 1 a w eor 81 iitirpt9 wbalfSO a w qr 17 awqrl7 aoftai w.lialfll - w part 9 wlidf 5 airoarehdf 6 8 8 8 8 6 6 » Owaot h 6 6 .« *4 5 S 4 6 ▲DDmov a:, 1 Oiraar Ownar Ilnaiit Ownar ,v, Ovaar. Owaar ' Owaor , Owaar a.d.5 Owaar ^ FaniMit''a Taant . Owaar Owa a d 1, 3 8 4 8 6 •.i ^i *v I OWBK 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 8 Owaar' IWaaal Owaar Owaar OwaartdS Owaar Owaar Owaar it I I H am Or^qr 3 neqr 3 Owaar Owaar 3 lOwnar Jli A MiiMiol-Japiiv^or tn #|riM^^. M ivid ' tU' -^ do J^MttrikV^Jolm J8»61ftthftyfTtfnttld mctor Bosil Hogb 12 i e J 14^ 4YI J418|So«s Thomw SSr^&cir < w ft • ptjl l' ,6irt ' ,7 *.,.. 12 / ; ojia ^ -7 7*1 *7 /'^ Qwner Owner .A -.'nr. Mte Owner Owner: ^^OV^^*^"^ I >.r5^ iW .-^^ 'Y io. 7 I ] — ..i ^ ■ ' "'' 606 607 611 NAKrti AND p. 6. ;W)T W FT. tr ]t^T, J603 6iV9i^ J<^ J60S J604 AlikftDder ^ WUluun bhn Bill, Andrtw BotttidgB, WillW . 608 B«tiD«r, John BbaiMiliMMt, Artlmr do do BM*l,.Jolin 6 10 10 ft C?^r ■*f* J61S Biewn, Enumuel D. J6U 717BoM*nett»Henx^ 615 61^ J617 "^618 J619 Bmwi^ JafiMB • »., Vft' 20 J621 166 682 J628 ;r624 J626 CMODpbell, John .., Ckeiiow«ih, Thomu OhtDomtfa, Willum ClUrdHr, DAniel ... Cilifwd, John 4o do ' Clyn«,Int Cl7Be,\John . C<>ak^ Thorn w Oonway, John Coddington, John H. Ooddingtou, Jatoes S. Corr, George J627 632 J638 J634 J635 ^636 J638 t)arling,G«oige 6 Dixpn, Jamee '10 Dixon, EliM 10 Duncan, PhUUp '6 Duncan, Biol^ 5 DuTwa^, William 6 do do Dunwri, Alfred « A 689 640 J641 8642 J643 if half 28 w half 28 w lidU:2f whitlfof«lialf34 wh*lfof«half34 p«ehalf80 ' ptwhalf 30 1 block F SO 17, 18 bik I 30 Iff blk £ 30 a • I 38 naqr 32 pt w half 32 ;. 31 : e half 26 8 e qr 27 • pt 36 w half 35 w part36 ^ w half 24 '' yr half 24' ptn eqr28 n e qc.35 seqr 35* pt a e cor 26 W hjOfSe::: pt36^ ept 36 8 w qr 31 .^w half 33 2, 3 blk 1X30 pt31 • half 33 ADDITION 33 i1otch«r,£dward A. '.*.. fleieber, John " Forbes, George , 5 Ford, Charles ..■••■ 5 Perd, Ohaneey 6 27 644 Glendinning, James ... 3 Q^mage, Jaxnea 9 w half34 w half 34 2 3 lot 31 8 half of n e qr 27 g e qr 27 J* w haif34 ptehalf 26i 1 1 2 4 4 2 8 a 2 \ 1 2 Owhar Owmt' Owttat Owner d#ner Owner Ownat i« Owner . owner OwttAr Ownar 4 3 8. 2 2 8 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 1 4 ■*4 1 1 2 2 1 Qwjttr ' Owner Owner ^ Owner Owner «« . , Tenant Tenant Owner ad 2, Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Tenant ' Owner \\ t Owner Fanner's eon Owner Owner Owner Owner a d Ir Owner SI ^ fiajNttvWoB Kik &.M)biittett«d^ ,.// 1^1 i KAlfS AMD P. a gytjiiiftiMttB, Joiti^ ... MOVU&mmy!fdlm ... 681ifittMbii, WiUiiift>. J6a4 MiHitwon, Jamwi %.. J685 IMiMm, ilexuider /6M MUthMQB, WiUiam .,. do do do do J687 MatlMMii, Hngh ... J688 MHdiMon, BiAmH' ... tX)To»Ptio»LOT. J6a9 J097 ^96 J699 TOO 701 J702 J703 MalhMciii, JamM J090 MMftfton, Poaald J691 MwKm, ThoiuM do do J692 Bfuvlul, BoUrt t^SUtOoiahfJSitay 6 do do J694 MieComb, Jol»n 6 690 KeOorquodal*, Comdiiu 4 696 MoOilUmy, Dunoan ... d 704 J705 706 J707 J709 710 711 J712 J713 766 J714 716 J7I8 Molittoch, John Meiiitoth, Bobart .. McIntoBh, WiUiuif;. Holntokh, G«otg« . MoInto4h, Colin . Mclntoe^, Kenneth 6 1 whOtn ff !• w half 39 6J WhalfSI 9 stqr, 35 6 ] w half 38 29 • half/38 ■ wqt 39 n«qr 27 ft w half 80 S w half 22 3 V half 23 8 w hdf 23 ^ aw qr 30 v pa]rt36 w1udf28 u e qr 26 8 e qr 27 a e qr 26 nwpMl4 ptQjmtf 24 w half 20 w half 20 ahalf 26 «half 20 »qr 34 eqr 34 . . . 6 . .10 :io I McKay, do do MeRa;;, McKay, McKay, McKay, McKay, do McKay, McKay, McKay, McKay, McKay, James, do dc Alexander . . Donald James' JbUn • .^ Donald do_ Donald , Donald James , . . John Alexander . ', . .. .. ,. .. .. 8 McKenzie, Alexander... MoKenae, Muidoofc ... McKemum, William .. 5 Oov.AD iii.i> ' II ' i > III CHrnar Owiiif } w half 20 pt e half 24 ptw^pteJrSO 9 qr 27 • ' 3blk£ 30 6, 10,blk.T30 . 1, 2, 16, blk E 3p n half 22 n e pt 20 10, 11, 12 blk B 80 e pt w half 30 ' ir half 26 w half 27 0, 6, 7, 8 blk C 30 a w cor 28 h w qr 27 ptwhal|S2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 I 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 OwmsX Owuit Owner Oimar Owner It " Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner - Owner Owner Owner . Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner a d 4 Owner Owner Ownw Owner Owner Owner Owner ^ Owner Tenant 11 ^ ' ^kt-« y • 318 ItoK*};, Jo^ y *"" MblUiiiU. Afas. ,.* do do ¥«KMuio, Boutd T McK«wto,q „ Mitohebon, 0«i. 7 Kunio, JuDM do-f^i. //^ ' 92 387 J388 399 340 Mtt]it«ff » -^Mwii^Qio.' \ ...... 7 ;^43 Moa^, Wm. JS44 PtaMw,'V*l«atiae ....;. e do ■ do ....a Pelton, Hentj j J348 101 J845 6 Owner 6 Farmo^s mu OinerJ It Owner Oihief < Xbttiinl-. > Owner 1- '3V0wtM»' ' J346 Row^09ki»->1 . 6 Faitaer'«Nilofr 9 mvK 3 jOwner • d I Owner Owner • d 3 ^ Farmet'f soft F«nttw*«.>lon Omierj ^ Omwr ' Ovnod 1,3 ' } e Jptw.J10 pkw|9 w pt 9,10 J849 aoee^ QMict^n W. aZM 7 R«M);r,^«ttb, A rrir e%9 »i 15 5 5 €> Oirser a d 3 Owner Owner , 5'-Qim«r Owner iX-v A%- ,'»<. Th« copy fttm«id h«r« has b««n raproducfd thanks ;.fo ths asn«rosity;of:. ' -'-'\.-.v y ^^-m^' ■'■■■ IN.: ;:* ArahlvMolQntSrio ths imsgss Sfips^ng hsrs srs ths bsst (^usiity posafbis considsring. ths eonditJon and lagibility of tha originiil oopy and in kaaping with tfia fUming c|ona«ct apooHieationa. ppraa* th# Original fopltm In printad papar eoMra aralf|lma'r. ■■-'■-■:',■:■■''■.■'''■:'-::■''■■:■ J",.:-^'. Laa axamplaJraa orlginisux doht la couyartura (iti paplar aat impr^ihte sont film4a an commandant par la pramiar plat at, ah t«rminant soit par la . damlAra paga qui eomporta uno smprointa dimpraaalon ou dliiuatration. soit par la sacbnd plat» salon la eaa. Toua las iuttaa axamplairM origlnaiix sont flimis an common^aht par la pramlAra paga qui eomporta una ampraiina dimpraaalon ou d'jiluatratio'n at an tarminant par la d'■■ r ■-.''■■:-■ ■■■■., /. ' "; '■r'^" '■'^. ■'''■: if-'- ., ■!' ' ■ » 1 1 2 \ .,.■ >.■ ■ . -. 1 •' 1 • ■-< '-■.■..-.!■ - ^» " * ■;-•■.■:•%;;: ' 1 \/..-v:- ;-i • • '2\ ."'■:"'"■■■ * '■>■■■ b', ■ '-" • > » ■ »■■-' -• 1 ■■■ . \ t 1 • ■ 3'.- I _-l "■::-i-\;"^ t : • , : " 'f^, ■ " ■ .•.' .■;. ■ .1 :. • »' 4 '■ ■ ■ ■■ ■':'■' * ' > ;.-; . 1 :Jo -iWiV::-; 3 ■ ''■ / ' ^ » • ■Y'^^ • t '' ■ ' \ ' • " Jl S . _ J. - -m 4 *•> ■■'■■'■vf^^^^ 6 4 -; « ■■'..,'- ''-■ 1 ■ - ■ ' !■■■-> : A I J : SnbdivUM No. S^-ContiniMd. 35 s 803 NAME AND P. •.U 1l( lOTwiFT. orLOll. Ooir. 79i Wdoh, ThoniM 795 Wdeh, War. J7d4W«loh,DaTid 79D Whwlpy, Hitgh 796 WhMUey, Jmdm J797 White, Ken. _J798 WWte, Wiu. J800 WUliuae, Gjbo. Ao do JSOljWihoii, Wm. 802 Wilaon, Alex. "... . n • • • • w 4 4 YoungM,^ Edwin 4o do ■MiiiMa«»rHMniMH 0^80 • {36 p^o|33 iBkrso I Bk C 30 13 Bk I 30 I>ot 83, 31 e|23 34 wi26 »wi27 23 23 ADDITION 1 1 rj 4 3 3 2 3 1. .1 Owaer Fermer'i eon Tenant Owner Farmor'e eon Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner PertdM entitled to vote at Municipal Eleetone only. Oelj mm 9 Elk H 30 10, 11 Blk H 30 4 Btk M 30 3 3 3 Owner Owner Owner , David ..I.. 5| i4fe;Wm, .... 6 /John ..L. 5|, I ' ' i| ] ' , II - I'A.Kun II Jt. Fersonf ^entitUd to vote at Eleetione to the Legislativif AseenMy only: — ^NONE. The foiegoing liet contains the names of four hundred and fifty-niue (459) -eiwme qualified to aenre as Jnrora — Gsorob Ivnbs, C^rk. BCHS^ULE OF POBT-OFnCES. 7 EMBRO, 8 YOUNGSVII,r,E, 9 BROOKSDALE, 10 FAtRVIEW. 11 WOODSTOCK 1^ BRAEMAR, 13 MAPLE WOOD, 14 KINTORE, 15 STRATFORD, 16 HARMONY, 17 LONDON, 18 CONROY. -^-mm^. ImtBs, gierk of the Munioipiality of West Zorw, .in Oxfoid' f^l»y ciertifyrthat parts one and three of the within list con- liitifd^ my U J33d|McDuiuiId, Alex. 8. do do M>8i 'If (WovtUl # REPORT OF CLERk WHEN APPLYING FOR CERTIFICATE l|NDER SEC-iJ ■■;>• ■t-;. :\- ^4' ,1 ■M To tiu Judge 0/ .-,..:■ do hereby tertlfy as follows: That I did. ob Ibe Ji***-** '^^***^^ day of ^<^^ **''*:^ ' ISy/ , post up, and for a period of thirty days next thereafter keep posted op, in » oonspiouons place in ray office at ^/^"^t^e^i^^^ {i/m^ j^m^ , » tni« and corrected printed copy of the Voters' List for the said Municipality of \ 0€^ ^ i^rr^«-r^^'' -^ forisr/ .made in pursnaned-of "The Voters' List Act," with the certiQoate required by section ttroot the said Act endo . :th0reoO.- ■■ ''':'■■:■' ':\' -y ■■ -'V That! did also duly deliver and transmitby ^•/^^ * : ■- registered, the required number of similar printed copies of the said Voters' List, with my cerliflcate endorsed, to each and all otjihe persons entitled to the same under sections three and four of said Act- - !Uirc^/iJ' H^v,^ dav of ^2**^«*«t/ 18 5^? X': . \._ :.:.]■ That I did on the H4*f^ day of ^2«r*^«*«t/ (»use to be inserted in the newspaper called the " ^^r/y*^ /n^^/t-^^t published in />»*^>^-^ --'-'f, K V the notice required by section Mven :of8aidAot. .■•.';;■; . ' ■.■\'' "' .^■::' '.'.': That iio person gave me nor did 1 receive any writteS notice of complaint and intention to apply to the Judge or Junior or acting Judge of the County Court of sWd County of ^./^-r^^ <, . in respect to the said Voters' List, within ' thirty daya after I, the said Clerk, had posted up the said List in my office, and trans- mitted and delivered the copies thereof as directed by the provision of the said Act. A»D that to the best of my knowledge and belief, 1 have complied with the several requirements of the said Act, so as to entitle me to apply for certified copies under (he eleventh section of the wild Act ; and I do hereby, in pursuance thereof, now apply to you, the said Judge, to certify three of the copies of the said List received by you as beiiig the Revised List of Voters for the Municipality of (be said J>*^' ^ ^y^ of Witness my hand this y^^J^^Z/^ day of y/iJiA Clerk of the MunicipoUity, of -W- P.O. «» * * SnWitiiioli Ko. 9;^-CoiitiiiiMii u ■«5S 187 IM m J198 300 J20I J202 J204 VMMZ AND F. O. LOTobFT.oaIXIT. Hodf^rinaoB, Adam.... 7 Hod^mhn, John 7 Innei^ David ' . . . . ^ do do -.* * J190 K«m, Jolui / do do J193KM%FMtr J193Knii,WiUi«m do do do do J194 KniMdy, Doniad do do J190 Komsc^, William do do do £ do 199 Kant, BalfSi J197 Kair, John Land, Edwm Leonard, Gaoige Laonaid, John LoT^ft, William do / do Mathaaon, Angna 2O0|MiathaKm, Hn^ S06 Maihaaon, Donald 207 lIa«h«aDn» John J208 Mathaaoii, Donald J, 209 Maatara, John 8 J210 45 MoBwritQj, Hngh do do McArthnr, Dnnoan Cov. 879 McDonald, Adam .... J211 BleDonald Akzander . , do do aa410 a e { 16 n apt 10 w half 10 . « wqr7 pt n w or 6 " w haff4 nwpt6 i>t n e qr 7 pfc n w qr j5 . a,hal£rt :< iBrff 9 Sir hidf 20 ne} 1^ V n w qr 18 ir halri9 ' a e cor 21 w half 4 6 half IS ehalf 4 ■a a pt 10 w pt 9 aeqr 7 w half 19 w halfl9 ohalfie a half 16 obhlf 8 a half 21 eh^20 • half 9 .ahalf 3 e half 15 ■8 tr qr 18 3 4 5 6' 5 5 4 6 4 4 I 3 5 4 4 *3 '6 3 4 4 4 3 3 5 f 3 4 Taoanft ADDEnOiK: Chrnar Ownar Ownar Ownar II II Ownar II Ownar II « OWntt Tenant Ownar Tenant Tenant Ownar Tenant Ownei Owner Fannai'a eon Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner ad 1 Ownar Owner 912 MoDonald, Donald 7 21S McDonald, Donald . . '. , 7 215 McDonald, William .. 8 neil5 ept4 part e half 20 4 5 Owner Opner Tenant ■"ps^'" I, an Subdlf iiiioii No. 6 — Continu«d. 21 £1 NAME AND P. O. LOT OB FT. or EOT. (1^ Chusuoaga. William ( 'tf 646 Oill, Charlia 647]Oi«Mi, Jamat do > do J648lOraan, Adam J660GhMii, Joku do do J6dl Qawi, Hugh Com. n w oor e 1 30 3.4,6,14,16,16, bk 1 30 n a qr 23 pt ir^half 2S w half 26 2a 27 80 ae na •.V J662 J664 666 J666 Heion, Thomaa 9 ttildaily, Stephan 9 Hinyaid, Robart 6 Qonke, Geoiga 6 do do J688 661 662 663 J666 J66r J668 669 J670 671 J667(IiuMa, William 9 tnnaa, Jamaa 9 do do 660|tiuiaa, Alexander 9 do do ^ , AleJlGuider 6 , Alexander < 5 do^ do do Innaa, Itioes, lonea, n a cor 26 n qr e half 29 B w qr 29 n e cor 31 16, 17, 18, blk B 30t ADDITIO Owner :«, Ownar Ownac Owner Ownar. Owner *1 George do ! ] Johnaon, William 5 J6S6|jordui, William 6 Ealbfleisch, Henry 6 ^albfluBch, John 6 SLarna, Samnel 8 Kerr, Angua 6 Bittmer, Charlea 4 J672 J673 6;f4 J676 J676 J677 J678 / Lampman, Simon >..v.. 615, Lawaon^^exander ^ Lee, John 6 do do- Lee, William Leslie, Peter eh|Klf27 a e I 28 ' n e qr 20 - w half 27 n w qr 26 aw'i2» n e^qr 29 n e qr 28 l)twhalf'28 ' pt se (n.26 ptehalf26 u e qr 30 1, 2, blk B 30 nwpt31^ 8 w qr 32 8 half 22 6, 6, 7, 8, blk C 30 e'wqr 28 ,16,17,lB,Main8t31 w half 32 14, blk D 30 22 lot 31 3 blk M 30 ' n w qr 32. ,4 4 4 n 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 2 1 2 4 2 2 '9 "H. Owner Owner Ownet Owner « Ownrer a d 4 Owner < OWBMT It Owner Farmer'a son ti Owner \ Maoaon, Archibald 10 Itf^maon, George ,10 X e half 32 e half 33 Tenant Ownte Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner. Owner Tenant Owner ' Owwff ) Owner '' Owner* Owner '1^* 9i^fi«km.l^ 5,-od» Hagh )JlHl9M:«LMMl,Hugh 9 J739||foLM, John 6 ,do ' do do do I 734|yoLMd, John ft 720 727 726 '» t . McMillan, Donidd fi J7t6 MoRmi Alezaadtr. A ICoIUe, WiUiam 9 IMUfr, Thomas J729||M«!rtii, Anthony , do do J73(dMeinfl, John . J731 Morrii, Matthaw J732 Morrii, WUIiam 733 ^xtmJ, Robert ^79i Mnnlfty, Alexander . 735 M^may> Geotge J736 ^uria7» Daniel G. J737 Mnmqr, George 738 Murray, John J739 Murray, Robert J740lirufray, William 74 1 Murray, Donald 742 Mor^y, Donald J 74^ Murray, Daniel Jr7i4 Mutray, Robert ^ 74S Murray, John 746 " 543 Murrfty, Michael Mum^, William 747 J748 750 761 763 J754 ...10 ... ft ... 6 ... 6 ..vft ,.i/ 5 ... 5 .^H ...f ft ...ft ... 5 ... 5 ... 9 ... 9 ... 9 ...3 ...I* ...18 ...13 LOT ahalf 24 ' 20, 31 Iota 31 ' O.blkO 30 , 8 Uk O 30 . a^oor 31 14bIkE 36 ,|i w qr 3ft « half 2ft w part 2ft I Nimmock, .Tames ....... ft Northey, William ft Oliver, William 3 Oliver, William 3 Pitt, John Pitt, David ptw half 8ft irpt36 a half 34 ' a half ^4 pt e half 33 wjialf26 w half 26 *. ptw half 28 • half 28 3,10,n,12,blkB30 s a cor 30 w htlf 29 e half of w half 34 w half 24 w half 24 a half ^22 vr half 24 • half 36 • half 36 ptehalf 30 nw qr 28 e half 29 ^ n e qr 22 nvi 21 pt e half 30 pt e half 30 i 4 8 4> S 3 1 V 3< 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 Oirwr--f Taiia|\t II Owiitr Oiwitar ' Owner II, Omwti :( Owam OwMf Fannys wn Olvntir II Ohmer Owner Owner OwlMor . , Fanber** son Faimaifi son Owtterit ' Ownar- Owner OwnM Owner ~ Owner Farmer'a son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner s d 4 Owner Owner OwnM Farmer's son Owner Owner '* Jl Ttchnical and Bibliographic Notas / Notas tach^niquai ef bibltoflraphiquat Xha Inttituta harattamptad to obtain tha bait original copy availabia for'filmiAt- Faaturat of thii copy which maV h* biMiographicallv uniqua. which may al^r any . of tha imagat in tha raproduction. or which may significantly changa tha imial math««l of filming, art chackad balow. 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Commentaires supplementaires: 1 This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ ^. Ce document est f i)mi,au taux de rMuction indiqui ci-dessous IPX , MX. 18X [ sx 26X 30X S,., ' <«1 "-*" M ■ ■ -!■■.■./ ■ ,^ Kit; ■ ?■ ' /^ ■ '-'■.. 12M 16X 20X * .-,...-^. 24X . .>K. v~.' ''''":' 28X 32 X / i,a II i 'z^mtm,t% S9d 2 3 Ja67 U ai J201 Boh, John .do do , , . , ...... aubdiyiiUjf ^^^^^Hyfr^ S ' . f\V^ eT C^"^ ' ^ ^ ^ff^^ tCAtttt* t^ do do ..,A,\v. . w.l..>'tt ' V W; «jiir\ |ri^ o\ xuf iAj#v^ Rms, John Ha ^gs;g£ '^"^.^J M'T'" 6 1 do SutiherTfuidt Oeotge 26$ J261 296 J262 SothorUbd, tOMn .,8 Jm" - • - - ' " J264 J265 J267 J309 J270 971 J275 276 J277 J278 28; J28 iitiuel M. ...... 8 Rom, Walter ■ 8 Snoxmll, William i 8ut^|^l«j^t Alex. G 7. 9 itjoa 9 •1 n w 09r. 20 SpUraHwad, Hugh didPi^i^anl J^^ m 84tIier1|(Dd, Htigh 7 SntkerWd, John 7 8olkerIand,l1ionia8...... 7 Suthu-land, Donald 7 J2T2|Tat8,'1rt.M(deu« 7 278T«to/tfalteif ...... 7 pt6jD|w|l wf '14 " HIT 4 1,6 nwJlV e|19 « |1'' -'el? w ptof e'l 10 \ w i pt e 1 16 / wJdUIiS e'^ re 7 Wilkenon, John L>. .'. . . . 7 Wilk«noi)» John B 7 WilkerioQ, J«8. £. 7 Wilker«on, Mor, |<.-. 7 J280 Wiltofl, ^WiUiam 6 J981 Youn^ps^' ^ohn da . do do do, ^ foji|^ J'othxia 8 ounga,.Kobert W... ... 8 6 .9 It i . u epi5 n pk^ 8 w cor. 16 ptwli6 pt w tl6 B«jtl6 e 0^ J^l •4 4 4 4 4 6 5 Ownar Qwnar Owner Owiier ' ' Owniir 8 d 3 ^4' "'« 4 4 ff Owner ff Owner* 1^ pWnerj 6 'Owner ^ 6 'Tenant 6 ?rner «( II Ownei^ 0«n«r «i Periom entitled to voti kt Municipal Elections anlff: • . NONE. Persons eintitled to vote ai, Eleetidns to the Zegislativf Assemblff on/y;— NONE. i\