IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // V' Ms OC ^V ^EC Miff ^^ ^ fA *% 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■-IIIIIM IIIIM 2.0 1^ Bb 1.8 U IIIIII.6 .^ °^i Photographic Sciences Corporation f\ ^ ■-X' »'.. ;» ^ » L '-*, .f 5> , iBi ^"^^ '^z «'i THE I MOST REVERE! DR. JAMES r"' ^^ CATECHIS: REVISED, ENLARGED, IMPROVED, AND REqoL EJ/^] By the Four R. C. Archbishops of %M AS A GENERAL GATEGHJSM. *)|M> ADOPTED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF TAB FIRST COUNCIL OF QUEBEC ''^'^ ' AS THE AUTHORISED ENGLISH CATECHISM OP THE ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. TO WHICH IS ADDED An A.bridgement of the Christian r>octrine» THE SCRIPTURAL CATECHISM, BT THl RT. REV, DR. IVIILNER,&c.afrC. This ig eternal life, that they know thee the only true God. vig Jeaua-Chriat, whom thou hast sent-JoAn xtL 3. QUEBEC : PUBLISHED BY A. C0T6 & GO, \ lEX DECRETO OCTATO PRIMI CONCILH QUEBECENSIS DE CATECHISMO. " Catechismus vero auctore, Butler anglico «ermone exaratus, utpotd abHibernise episcopis appro batus, et jamdudum in nostra regione vulgatissimue, pro omnibus Christi fidelibus anglicd loquentibus usu eervetur." In conformity with the above decree of the first council of Quebec, we have directed the present edition of Butler's Catechism to be published, and do hereby declare it to be the only one authorized for the use of the faithful speaking the English language throughout the Ecclesiastical Province of O.K.ebec, from Ist Octo- bernext. t C.F., Abohbishop or Quebec. Quebec, 23d December, '' A. D., 1852. :- < Entered according to Act of the Provincial Legislature ia tne year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- ttree, by tho Rev. EDMOND LANGEVIN, Secretary to his Grace the Archbishop of Quebec, in the oflSoo of the Registrar ffi the Province of Canada. :.; I : ! a.^H44i'ajmFI PRAYERS Zb helaugluio Children alleaslin their mother tongue. t In the namo of the Fa,ther, . and of the Son, and of tha J, Holy Ghost. Amen. XHE LOflDi's PIIAYER. Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. t In nomine Patris, et Filil, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. And forgive us our tres- passes, as we Ibrgive those who trespass against us. And leadus not into tempt- ation J but deliver us from evil. Amen. HAIL MARY- Hail, Mary, full ofgrace ; the Lord is with thee j blessed art thtu among women, and blessed is the Pater noster qui es in coelis. Sunctificetur nonien tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cuejo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidia- nuu^ da nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos di mittimus de- bitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, Sed libera nos a mala jAmen. AVEMARJA. Ave, Maria, gratia piena; Dominus tecum : benedicta tu in mulieribus, e< ben«' dictus fructus ventris tui, S^ ^r^^^T^"'*^' *^®**"«- '^^^"s. Sancta Maria, Ma^ Holy Mary, Mothar of God, pray iot us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. ter Dei, ora pro nobis pec- catori bus, nunc et in hora mortis nostras. Amen, .to, I J LujnECMEb.,:,^ ^redoinBeum. piw ^iT'- k/ ^n ^ ^^'^1 ^^^domDeum,Patrem,: ^ ather AJmighty, Creator omnipotentem. Creatoreia ot heaven and earfli. A..A coeli et terrffi. Et in Jesunv of heaven and earth. And in Jesus-Christ, his only Son, our Lord j who was conceived by the Holy G^hosL; born of the Virgin Christum,Filiura, ejusuni- cum, Dominum nostrum j; qui conoeptusestde Spiritu Sancto,natu8 ex Maria Vir« /': 'A ' ' Mary, Buffered under Pon- tius Pilate, was cruciflod, dead, and buried ; he des- cended into hell : the third day he rose again from the dead, he ascended into heaven, and eitteth at the right hand of God, the Fa- ther Almighty ; from then- ce he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the bodv, and the life everlasting. Amen. THE CONFITEOR. ; R. I confess to Almighty God, to blei*6ed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the saitits^ and to you, Father, that I have sinned exce!eding;ly in thought, word, arid deed, through my faiftlfc, through my fault, tiirou^h my most grievous fault. Therefore, I beseech the blessed Mary ever- Vir- gin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist^ the holy Apost- gine, paeeus sub Pontic Pl» lato, crucifixus, mortuUs, et sepultus ; descendit ad inferos ; tertiadie resurrekit a mortuis ; ascend it ad coe- los, eedet ad dexteram Dei Patria omnipotentis j inde venturus est judicare vi- vos et mortuOs. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sane* tarn Ecclesiam Catholi- cam. Sanctorum commu- nionem, remissionem pec- catorum, carnis resurreo- tionem, vitam ffiternara. Amen. CCWPITEOtlJ R. Confiteor Deo pmni; potenti, beatae Marije sem* per Virgini, beatoMichaeU Archangelp, beato Joanni Baptistae, Sanctis Appstolia Petro et Paulo, omnibus sanctify, ettibi,. Pater, quia peccavi nimis, cogitatione, verbo, ejt. 9pejce, mea culpa, mea ciilpSr,' rnfe& maxim4 culpa/ Ideoprecor beatam Mariarti semper Virginem,^ beatum Michaelem Ar- changel um, beatum Joain nem Baptistam, sanctod. Apostoloa Petrum et Pauf lura, omnes sanctos,. et t^» qui^ Ihe^l't^'lK^^^^^^^^^^ „.„. you, .«- t^ier, tppr.iy to our Lord God for III >. P. May tlie Almighty God be uieciful unto you, and, K>r7n oiu Ave, Maria, &c. — tr— ni. And the "Word was made deeh ; and dwelt a mong us. Hail, Mary, &c. Pray for us, holy Mother of God ; that we may be made worthy of the promisea of Christ. Pour forth, we beseech thee, Lord, thy grace into our hearts ; that we, to whom the mcarnatiou of Christ thy Sou was made known by the message ol an angel, may, by h impas- sion and cross, be brought to the glory of his resur- reetjon j through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. in. r. Et Ver )um oaro factum est. H. Et habitavit in nobis. Ave, Maria, &( . Ora pro nobii?, Sancta Dei Genitrix ; IJt digni etticiamur promi jsionibua Cliristi. Gratiam-tuam, qusesu- mus, Domine, i nentibus nostrisinfunde, ut qui, an- gelo nuntiante, Christi filii tui incarii tionen cogno- vimus, per passior em ejus et crucem ad resur ^ctionis gloriam perducamar; per eumdem Christun: Domi- num nostrum. An en. I GRACE BEFORE MEAT. r. Bless us, Lord, and I F. Benedic, lomi'ne, these thy gifts, which of nos et hcBc tua do la quse thy bounty we are about to receive ; through Christ our Lord. R, Amen. de tua largitate sumus sumpturij per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen. GRACE AFTER MEAT. Jiij We givie thee thanks, almighty God, for all thy benefits j who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to render to all who do us good for thjr name' s sake, life everlasting. Am^n. [tuum Agimus tibi grati? w, om- nipotens Deus, pn> uni- versis beneficiis tuisj qui vivis-et regnas infaecula SBBoulorum. Amen. Ketribuere dignai », Do- mine, omnibus ndbii'bona facientibus propter n omen »■> 'Amen. vitam aetei nam. :u.i om- \rn OF CONTRll.ON, FAITH. HOPE AND CHARIT/. In tU name of Ihc Father, and of (he Son, and of the UoUj (jhosl. Amen. ■ A PRAYEn IICFORE THE ACTS. Lei us Pray. O Almighty and Eternal GchI, grant unto uq An ^™ J^-"„ T . u " ''^" Pron'ised, make us to love and AN ACT OF CONTRITION. tne and I my sms most sincerely, not onlv bee luse by them I have lost all nght to heaven anJ ha,; deserved the everlasting punishment of hdl' but espcially because they displeLe thee, my God 'who art, .0 deserving of all n.y love, forthy i ,^"es8 and most amiable perleotions; and I firmly |Z^e by ( V holy grace, never more to ofTend thee. '^ ' AN ACT OF FAITH. c2\ ?/ ^f?^ ' ^ "^'""^^ ^^'^^'« t^^at thou aXie only God the Creator and Sovereign Lord of &aven and Earn., infinitely great, and infinitely goo • •. • In union with thy holy church and its minister, and invoking the blessed yirgi,n Mary, Mother , of God, and all the Angels and Saints, we' now otfer the adorable Sacrifice of the Mass to thy honour and glory, to acknowledge the infinite perfections, the supreme do- minion over all thy creatures, our entire subjection to thee, and total dependence on thy gracioue .Proyidenqe, ., and in thanksgiving tor all thy benefits, and for tke remission of our sins. We offer it for the propagation of the Catholic faith, for our most holy Father the PopeJ for our Archbishop, (or Bishop,) and for all the Pastors ^nd Clergy of thy Holy Church, that they may direct the faithful in the way of salvation I for ih^ King {or the Queen) and all who are. in Mgh stations— thsLtyvQ may lead a quiet and holy life 5 for peace and good- will among aU states and people; for the necessities of mankind, and particularly for the congregation ; here present, to obtain all blessing we stand in need of in this life. everlasting happiness in the n6i?tt, and eternal r^sf ■ *A the'faithMde mdJlo tj'nA*^( ;j/' X hh >M And as Jesue^Chriet so ordained when he institute^H at his last supper this wonderful mystery of his power, wisdom, and goodness 5 we offer the Mass in grateful remembrance of all he has done and suffered for the love of us, making special commemoration of his tetter Passion and Death, and of his glorious Resurrection and Aspension into heaven— Vouchsafe, Ahmgh f aind Eternal God ! (for lo thee alone so great a sacri» fice is due) graciously to accept it, for these and other purposes, agreeable to thy lioly will. And to render it the more pleasing, we offer it to the throu^ji the same Jesus Christ, thy beloved Son, our Lui\i.i:iJ Saviour, our High Priest and victim : and in the name of the most Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost — to whom be honour, praise, and glory for ever and ever. — Amen. SHORTER ACTS OF FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. AN ACT OF FAITH. my God, I most firmly believe in thee and all thou hast revealed to thy Holy Catholic Church, because thou art truth itself, who neither canot deceive nor be deceived. AN ACT OF HOPE. ■0 hiy God, relying on the promises, and upon the merits of Jesus-Christ, my Saviour, I most firmly hope in thee, tiind trust that thou wilt grant me grace to ob- serve thy commandments in this world and reward me in the next. ^ 1 , J ( ' * k . AN ACT OF LOVE OR CHARITY. ■1 'e and infinite O my God, who art worthy of all my love and i nfihi in every perfection, I love t^ee with my whole and I love my neighbour as inyself for the love 3ai:t , thee h m institute<| (lis power, n grateful ed for the his trttter mrrectipn Ahiugh f . t a sacri* Be and ail And to 3 throu^ji Lurd .laj the iiuiiie Son, and aise, ami iARTTY. i all thou I because ^e nor be ipon the ndy hope ice to ob-' ward me d infinity ^;|)eai:t J. 5 of thee. SHORT PRiVYERS FOR CONFESSION- AND ; /frt/M^ COMMUNION, prayeh before confession and exahination or CON- SCIENCE, ■ 't'v,rr B^Iiold me, Lord, prostrate at thy sacred feet, in order to declare unto thee in the person of the minister all the sms of which I am guilty. • Grant me grace to> Jknow them, to C9nfes.8 tliem all with sincerity and to detest them with my whole heart. PRAYER AFTER CONFESSION. no longer thy enemy, 0, my God. By the^ yjftue of the sacrament wL^ich I have just received, thou hast healed .the wounds of my soul ; thou hastr«. ceived me-mto thy favour, thou hast revived the merits 01 my good -works,, which were dead through sin, and thou hastchanged into^ temporal punishment the eter- nal damnation which my sins deserved. Grant me, bod, the gift of perseverance in thy service. Ah ! let me rather die a thousand deaths than offend thee again. PRAYER BEFORE COMMUNION Divine Jesus, although thou art not visible to the eyes of my body, I believe it is thyself, thou art about to give me. Alas I am very unworthy of so great a favour, atter having dishonoured thee so often, but thy infinite goodness overcomes my rebellious, obdurate- heart, makes me weep over my sins, and fills me with love for thee, and with the most ardent desire of receir- L"? **'^?' - ^^""^ ^^^'h ^ Saviour of the world. DurifV u^l — 12 — ' PRAYEft AFTER COMMUNION. It is then true Redeemer of mankind, that thou dwellest within me, and that I am m possession of thy body and blood, soul and divinity. Receive, Lord, my most profound adoration which I unite with those that the Angels and Saints render thee in heaven. what love, what gratitude can ever equal the favour which thou hast bestowed on me I Accept, Divine Jesus, the offering of all 1 have, and of all I am j dis- pose thereof according to thy good will and pleasure, and grant me grace never to offend tl^ee more. PRAYER BEFORE CATECHISM, In the nam© of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Blessed be the Holy and undivided Trinity, now and for ^ver. Amen. Come, Holy Spirit \ fill the hearts of thy faithful, and ICindie in them Uie lire of the love. V, Send forth thy Spirit and they will be created.—i?. And thOil wilt renew the face of the earth. ^ . Lei us Pray, 6' Sod, who by the light of the Holy Ghost didst instruct the hearts of the faithful, give us, by this same Holy Spirit, a love and relish of what is right and just, and a constant enjoyment of his comforts, through Jesus-Christ our Lord, who, with thee, in the unity of the same Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth one God for ever and ever. AFTER CATECHISM. liord JesuB-Christ, Son of the Living God, we beseech thiee through thy holy cross and passion, through thy death and glo- rious resurrection, be gracious and merciful unto us and all 'unners. Jesus 1 hear us j Jesus 1 save us ; Jesus I have mercy upon us, and strengthen our faith, increase our hope, and make us perfect in the love of God, and of our neighbour ; ibat in this life we may serve thee alone in true justice, and for ever extol and praise thee with all the saints in heaven. I I that thou ion of thy Lord, nth. those aven. he favour t, Divine am ) diS" pleasure, >f the Holy ed Trinity, bithful, and LS, And instruct the pirit, alove ; enjoyment , with thee, eigneth one e seech tliee ith and glo* ' us and all resus I have le our hope, neighbour ; justice, and i heaven. THE MOST REVEREND DR. BUTLER'S CATECHISM. LESSON L On God, and the Creation of thetoortd/ Question, \Vho made the world ? Answer. GOD. Q. Who is God? A, The Creator and sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth, and of all things. 0» How many Gods are there? '•' A, There is but one God, who will reward the good and punish the wicked. Q. Where is God ? A, God is everywhere, but he is said principally to be in Heaven, where he manifests himself to the blessed. Q. What h Heaven ? A. The kingdom of God's glory, and of his angels and saints. Q. If God be everywhere, why do we not see him ? A. Because God is a pure spirit, having no body, and therefore cannot be seen by corporal eyes. Q. Does God see us ? A. He does, and continually watches over us. Q, Does God know all things ? A. Yes; all things arc naked and open to his eyes, even our most secret thoughta and actions^ Heb. iv. 13. Q, Will God judge oix most secret thoughts and actions ? ^^^ A, Yes J and every idh word that mm shall 1 — u — ^eah, they shall render an account for it. in the day of judgment. Matt. xii. 36. Q. Had God a beginning? A, No; he always was, and always will be. Q. Can God do all things ? A, Yes; with God all things are possible) 9,nd nothing can be difficult to him. Matt. xix. 26. Q, How did God make the world ? A, Of nothing, and by his word only: that is, by a single act of his all-powerful will. Q, Why did God make the world ? ^A. For his own glory, to show his power and wisdom, and for man's use and benefit. LESSON II. On Man, and the End of his Creation. Q, What is man ? A, One of God's creatures, composed of a bodv and soul, and made to God's likeness. Q. In what is man made to God's likeness ? A. In his soul. Q. In what is man's soul like to God ? A la being a spirit and immortal, and in being capable of knowing and loving God. ^ Q. What do you mean, when you say, the soul IS immortal ? ^ ^i A. I mean that it can never die. ^ Q. Why did God give us souls capable of know- ing and loving him ? A. That we might fulfil the end for which he made us. 0. For wTia* t^nA AiA flr^A ~._T « 5; •• - ---i^-.i \ii%A vsvv* ili(ij(vi> us f A. To know and serve him here on earth, and Mter, to see and enjoy him for ever in Heayen. ttj in the Ibe. 'hie; and ix. 26. ; that is, wer and ion, ►fa bodv ess? in being the soul )f know- rhich he :th, and iveii. i — 15- ' io R' 5^^ ^^^ ^^ ^" w ftod . on earth ? ; . ' ^4. By leariilhg the truths he has taught. Q. Where shall we find the truths God has taught ? ^,^^?y^?^•e chiefly contained in th^ ApostW creed' '^ *^**''' ''if^- ...-ffrjif'*./ ^-jr-n^n; * LESSON lit. On the Apostles' Creed. Q- What does the ApostLb' creed contain? A. The principal mysteries of religion, and other necessary articles. ^ ^m}^^^^ ^^® ^^^ principal mysteries of religion? , A. The Unity and Trinity of God, the incarna- tion, death, and resurrection of our Saviour. Q' ^^J are they caJled principal mysteries? _ ;^. Because most necessary to be explicitly be- lieved ; and because all other mysteries of reIi«non 8fe grounded on them. John xvii. 3. '^ "^. What do you mean by mysteries of religion ? A. Revealed truths which we do not comprehend. e.Does^God require of us to believe mysteries ofreluridn ? A Yes ; God requires of us to pay the homage ot our understanding, and to submit our will to him in all things. St. Paul. Rom. x. 10. Q. How do we pay the homage of our under- standing toGod? 1 y^^ ''''"! ' ,^- .% ^^mly beli6vin^ on God's unerring word, whatever he has revealed, be it ever so incompre' hensibl6 to us. . ' , S ; §ow^7 to assist before the throne of God, and to minister unto Mm; and th^ b*ve been often fleot as mosspngera from God to man : and are also (appointed our guardians. Apoc, vii. 9* ffob. i. 7. J/ci«»iv. G.xviii. 10.. Q, Why were any Angels oast out of heaven? « A, Pecause through jjride they rebelled against God. Isaias, xiv. ,. Q, Did God punish in any other way the Anffels who rebelled ? A^ Yes ; he condemned them to Hell, a place of eternal torments. Q, Why did God make Hell ? A. To punish the Devils or bad Angels. Q, Are any other condemned to Hell, beside the Devils or bad Angels ? J4. Yes; all who die enemies to God, that is, fall who die in the state of mortal sin. * Q, Can any one come out ot Hell ? A. No ; out qf Hell there is no redemption. Q, How did God reward the Angels whore- mained faithful ? " , A, He confirmed them for ever in glory,; LESSON VI. On original Sin, r^c. Q, How did God punish the disobedience of oqr first parents? A . They were stript of original justice and inno- cence ; driven out of paradise ; and condemned to •ieath with their posterity. .^.^^„ Q. Did God inflict any other punishments' on' our first parents ? A. Yes J he deprived them of all right to Hjaft..! »««*-'!»% '^O* wuf*"' other blessings intended for them,' JJi'^^ZZ'""" *"''^' '"^"'-^ -*«'°''«'^ «» sin'^^nT^'' Tf «'« all' made partaken, of their Bin and punishments : as we would be all sharers rStTc^rr 'r/r - '^ "^^^ ^-^ ^- ^. What is original sin ? •? A .0 ««/'^^K''!" we inherit from our first parents: ^/t"!^^^^^^ ^"^ born We^^ Q. Why is it called original sin ? ' "'=' ' -V ^. Because it is transmitted to us from our first parentsi and we came into the world infected wiA « . and because it la the origin and source of every evil and misery to us. ifom. V. 12 ^ pin^.V i "l^^"" particular effects follow from the Bin of our first parents? ,, „„/•., V.''"¥r^°"'' »"'l«^«tanding; weakened n uA . '*^' "' "'" '"'""^^ inclination to ^ri], understandnjr, iveaknoss in our will und a Mo! pensity to evil, suU, many oXr t^m poral punishmonts, after .in is forgiven? A lo serve as an occa ion of merit to us • by ^:f. 'T""'^'^ inclinations, and, by bei^rini for thdnii nded for they re- shmcnts of their sharers ad been if kretiis? A S) irents ; vr ur first d with ^ every 3m the ikened eril. n ur 1 pro* ' tern- ren? taring LESSON VIL On JeauS'Christj &c, • Q. Did Christ become man immediately after the transgression of our first parents? A, No; though he was immediately promised to tliem as a redeemer. Gen, iii, 15. Q. How many years after the fall of our first parents did Christ become man ? A, About four thousand years. Q. How could they be saved, who lived before Christ became man ? A. By the belief of a redeemer to come ; and by keeping the commandments of God. 1 Cor. x. 4, Q. On what day did Christ become man ? JU On the twenty-fifth of March, the day of th:» annunciation, he was conceived bi/ the Holy GJwst, Ap. Or. Q. Why is it called the day of the annunciatioH ? A^ Because on that day the angel Gabriel an- nounced to the Virgin Mary : Behold thou nhalt conceived in thy womh^ and shall bring forth a «cm, and thou shalt call his name Jesus. Luke^ i. 31. Q, On what day was Christ born of the Virgin Mary ? A. On Christmas-day, in a stable at Bethlehem. Q, How long did Christ live upon earth ? A, About thirty-three years ; he led a most holy life in poverty and sufferings. Q. Why did Christ live so long on earth ? A, To show the way to heaven by his instruc- tions and example. Q, How did Christ end his life ? A* On good Friday he was crucified .on Mount Calvary, and died nailed to a cross, Ap, Cr» J: — 22 — Q. Why do you call that day ^ooc/, on which Chrfet suftered so painful and so ignominious a death ? A Because on that day, by dying on the cross, he showed the excess of his love, and purchased every blessing for us. Q, Who condemned Christ to so cruel a death ? destef;relSf ^^ ''^ ^^"^^ ^^^^^"^^' ^* *^^ dea^L Jchrfstr '"'" '"" ''^ ^^^"^'^^^ ^^^ A The enormity of sin, the hatred God bears to It, and the necessity of satisfying for it. " dea^tkSikS;;'"^ remarkable happen at the ^. Yes; t?ie sun was darkened, the earth trembled, and the dead arose, and appeared to many. Matt, xxxii. rr ^ ^^ LESSON VIII. On Christ's descent info Hell, and on his resur^ rection and asceyidon into Heaven. Q, Where did Christ's soul go after his death ? A. n descended into Hell. Ap. Cr, .1, ^j ^^^ Christ's «oul descend into 'the hell of the damned ? -lew, 11. Z4, i7. Psalms, xv. 10. Q. Who were in Limbo ? ;^* wk' '^"i'?.u*^' saints, Who died before Christ. ^. Why did Christ descend into Limbo? A, fet. Peter says, to preach to those spirits that were m isrixnn - ihn^ ;« *^ .^ * ^ . * person tl^Ain^-rin-r:/". ?,""."'^°*^! '^ ''"^^^° * ' M .^^ joytul tidin/2;3 of their redempt ion. 1 h Christ 3ath? e cross, Tchased death ? , at the igs and i bears at the earth ircd to ^esur- ieath ? lell of imho, Jhrist s that im in I. 1 Q. Why did not the fouIs of the saints, who died before Christ, go to heaven immediately after their death? A. Because heaven was shut against them by the sin of our fir?t parents; and could not be opened to any one, but by the death of Christ. Q. When d'd the souls of the saints, who died before Christ, go to heaven ? A. When Christ ascended into heaven. Q. Where was Christ's body when his soul was in Limbo? A. In the sepulchre or grave. Q. On what day did Christ rise from the dead? A, Cn Easter Sunday, the third day after he was crucified, he rose in body and soul, glorious and immortal, from the dead. Q. What does the resurrection of Christ prove ? A, That, as by %irg on the cross, he showed himself a real mortal man, so by raising himself from the dead, he proved himself God. Ap. Cr, Q. How long did Christ stay on earth after his resurrection? . ui ',. v A, Forty days ; to show that he was truly risen from the dead, and to instruct his apostles. Q. After Christ had remained forty days on earth, where did he go ? . V , . . - ' : A. On ascension day, he ascended ^toxn. Mount Olivet, with his body and soul, into heaven. Ap. Cr* Q. Where is Christ in heaven ? A . He 81(8 at the right hand of God, the leather Almighty, Ap. Cr, Q, What do you mean by saying, that Chris* sits at the right hand of God ? A. I mi^an, that Christ, as God, id equd tolls rr 24 — Puther ia all things ; and as man, is in the highest place in heaven, next to God in power and glory. Q. What did Christ promise to his apostlea betore he ascended into heaven ? A. That he would send the Holy GhosL the spirit of truth, to teach (hem all things, and to abide with them f>r eotr. John, xiv. LESSON IX. On tht descent of the Holy Vthost ; on the New Law, and the Sign of the Cross. .1, ^^9'"^ ^l"^* ^''^' *°^ ^^^^^ ^^^at manner, did ■the Holy (jhost descend on the apostles ? • d ^l"" ^Vhitsundny the Holy Ghost descended m the form of tongues of fire, and sat upon every one of them. Acts, ii. ^ ^ , ^' Yl'u*^^^;' ^i? Scripture say of those who received the Holy Ghost ? • A. They were all filled with the Holy Ghlst • and they hegan to speak in divers tongues, the toonderful works of God. Acts, u, 0' Why did Christ send the Holy Ghost ? A. To sanctify his Church, to comfort his Apoat- es, and to enable them to preach his gospel or the new law. ° ^ ' 0. What do you mean by the new law ? A. The law which Christ established on earth. C/. Whicn was the old law ? A. The law given to the Jews. Q. How c!o you call the followers of the new law ? A, Christians. Q. How are we known to be Chrisf ;an« 9 ♦«;f; 3^ru'^f ^"T v'^t' ^7 professing the doc- tnne of Christ, and by the sign of the cross i highest d glory, apostles osty the and to New ler, did ^cended t every se who rhost ; ssy the 7 Apost- pel, or earth. law? -28- Q. How is the sign of the cross made ? A. By putting the right hand to the forehead, then under the breast, then to the left and right shoulders, saying : In the naiue of the Father, and of the .^on. and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Q. Why do you make the sign of the cross ? ' A. To beg that Jesus-Christ, by his cross and passion, niuy bless and protect me. Q. Should wc frequently make the sign of the cross ? A. Yes ; particularly in all temptations and dangers, and before and after prayer; and always with great attention and devotion. Q. What does the sign of the cross signify ? A. It signifies and brings to our minds the principal mysteries of religion, Q. What mysteries of religion does the sign of the cross recall to our minds ? A. The Blessed Trinity, and the Incarnation and death of our Saviour. Q, How does the sign of the cross remind ns of the Blessed Trinity ? A, Because in making the sign of the cross, we invoke the three divine Persons ; saying : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Q, How does the sign of the cross bring to our minds the Incarnation and death of our Saviour ? A. Because as he suffered death in human flesh ^n a cross, the sign of the cross must naturally remind all true Christians of his Incarnation and deatii. Q Where are true Christians to be found ? A, In the true Church. 3 ,f -26- , LESSON X. V * On the true Church, / p. What (' i you mean by the true Church ? ^ ^ A. The congregation of all the faithful, who, being baptiz3d, profess the same doctrine, partake of the sanio sacraments, and arc governed by their lawful p'jstors under one visible head on earth; Q. How do you call the true Church? A The llohj Catholic Church, Ap. Cr. (^ Is there any other true Church, besides tLe Holy Catholic Church ? "A. No; as there is but one Lord, one faith one baptism, one God, one father of all ; there is but one true Church. Ephes. iv. Q. Are all obliged to be of the true Church ? A, Yes ;■ Matt, x, 33. Q. Is a person in the way of salvation who believes in the true Church, and says, that in his heart he is attached to it, but through pride hu- man respect, or worldly motives, does not make open profession of it, or does not comply with its essential duties ? . , ^ A. No; St. Paul says: tWith the heariwe osvicve unto justice ; hut with the mouth confer sion is made unto salvation, > Ham, x. 10. ■ I * irch? il, who, partake 3y their rth; des the faithj ihere is ch? mdem" X. 15. i le true lelieve, l deny )remi/ 1 who in his 3, hu- make 1th its rt io€ i — 27 — 0. Will strict honesty to every one, and moral good works, ensure salvation, whatevei church or religion one professes ? A. No; good works must be enliven ediy/aiVA that worktth by charity. Gal. v. 6. ' ^. Why must our good works be enlivened by faith ? "^ ^ A. Because the Scripture says without faith It IS impossible to please God, Heh. xi. 6. Q. Are we justified by faith alone, without good works ? ° A. No ; As the body without the spirit is dead; so also faith without works is dead, James, ii. 26. Q. Must our good also enlivened bv charity ? ^ A. Yes ; for St. Paul says : Jf I shouU deliver m my goods to feed the poor, and if 1 should deliver my body to be burned, and have not cha- nty, itprofiteth me nothing. \. Cor. xiii. 3 Q. AVhat is that charity of which St. Paul epeaks ? A. That pure and sincere love for God, which makes us do his will in all things ; and be obedient to his church, which he commands us to hear. Man. xviii. 17. Luke, x. 16. Q. Which are the narks and signs of the true Church ? A. The true Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apo.toheal. * Q, How is the Church One ? A. In being one body and one fold, animated ojone^pirit, under one head, &nd one shepherd Jesus-Chnst.whQ is over all the church. Ephes u and 17, "^ • i^i — 28 — Q. In what else is the Churcli One ? A. In all its members believing the same truths, having iho same sacraments and sacrifice, and being under one vi^iulehead on earth, Q. How is the Church Holy ? A. In its founder, Jes'is-Chr'st : in its doc- trine and sacranirnts; and in minibcr.s of its chil- dren, who have been eminent for holiness in all ages. Q. How is the Church Catholic or Universal ? A. Because it has subsisted in every age, and is to last to the end of time and is spread throughout all nations. Matt, xxviii. 20. Q. How is the Qhurcli Apostolical ? A. Because it was founded hy Christ on his Apostles, and was governed by them and their lawful successors ; and because it never ceased, and never will cease to teach their doctrine. Uphes^ n. 20. Matt, xxviii. 20. * LESSON XL The Church continued. Q. Why do we call the Church Roman ? A, Because the visible head of the Church is Bishop of Rome ; and because St. Peter and Lis successors fixed their see in Bomo. Q. Who is the visible head of the Church ? A. The l'op:>, who is Christ's vicar on earthy and supreme visible head of the Church. Q. To whom does the Pope succeed, as v-isible head of the Church ? A. To St. Peter, who was the chief of the apoaties, Christ's vicar on earth, and first Pape and Bishop of Home. le truths, ice, and its doc- ' its chil- es ia all versal ? age, and roughout b on his [id their ceased. ? burch is and Lis •ch ? I earth_^ s v'isible of the 'ope and Q. What texts of Scriptuxe pn)ve that St. Peter was made head of the Church ? A. Chiefly the words which Christ said to hiip ; ^J^f]kp^ (wt Peter, and upon this rock I will huild my church, — and I will give to thee the keys of th^Mngdom of Heaven. Feed my lambs, feed my sheep. Matt. xvi. Johuj xxi. Q. What do these texts prove ? A. That Christ committed to St. Peter and to his lawful successors_, the care of his whole flock, that is of his whole church, both pastors and people, Qi Whp succeed to the other apostles ? . 4- The bishops of the Holy Catholic Church.. ,.(). Can the Church err in what it teaches ? A. No ; because Christ promised to the pastors of his Church : Behold I am with you all days^ even to the consummation of the world. Mattg l j^xviii. 20. ^ Q, Why did Christ promise always to remain with his Church ? A. That he himself, directing and assisting by his Holy Spirit the pastors of his Church, might teach all ages and nations. Q. What else did Christ promise to his Church ? A. That the gates of Hell shall not prevcdl against it. Matt. xvi. 18. Q, What other advantage have we in the true <;jhurch ? A. We have true faith, with the communion of %aints and the forgiveness of sins. Ap. Or, Q. What means the forgiveness of sins ? A. That Christ Ip.ft to ihe^. r^nsfnre nf h\m ni.»«/.Y* - — ■ I "- i-iit? -w-.3.:LU4vii • the power of forgiving sins, ^t. John, x^, 23,. .) /J LESSON XIT. On Sin, '$. What 18 actual sin ? A. Any wilful thoiii^^ht, worJ, deed^ di* Omission, contrary to the law of God. Q. How many kind of actual sin are there? A, Two : mortal and v* nial. (?. What is mortal sin ? nU C'h , , • A. A grevious oiFenco or transgression against the law of God. C. Why is it called mortal ? A, Because it kills the soul, by depriving it ol its true lifp, which is sanctifying grace — and be- cause it brings everlasting death and damnation on the soul. Q, Does venial sin deprive the soul of sanctify- ing grace, and deserve everlasting punishment ? i4. No; but it hurts the souls by lessening its love for God, and by disposing it to mortal sin.— The Scripture says: He that coniemneth small things, shall fall hy little and little. Fcdes, xix. 1. Q, What is sanctifying grace ? A . That grace which sanctifies the soul, and makes it pleasing to God. Q, What do you moan by grace ? A, A supernatura'. \ ^ \^ j«*\^., A. All sins against faith, tiope and chairity. aid other duties of religion. , .^ ■ Q, How does a person sin against Sfivith ? A. By not f^ndeavourina; to know what GoC^ has taught, by not believing all fljat God Ims tau'ghtVand by not professing his belief in what God has taught. O. W!iO are. they who do not. epdea^four; to _!iow what God has tnuiint r ' . , . ' " Ar l^tey who ti eglce t to lekrn the Cliristian doi^ trine. 1 ', I Q, Who aw they who do not believe all that (jk)d has taught ? A, Heretics and infidels. Q. Who are they who sin against faith by not professing their belief in what God has taught ? A, All those, who by any outward act, profies- sion, or declaration, deny the true religion or church, in which they inwardly believe. Q, When, in particular, are we obliged to maki open profession of our faith or religion ? A. As often as God's honour, our own spiritual good or our neighbour's edification requires it. WhosoeveVj says Christ, shall con/ess me he/ore men; I will also confess him he/ore mi/ Father who is in heaven. Matt. x. 32. Q, What does St. Paul say of apostates ; that is, of those who are fallen away from the true re- ligion or church ? A. That it is impossible for them to he re- fiewed again to pe/iance ; that is, their conversion is extremely difficult. Heb, vi. 4. 6. Q, Why is the conversion of apostates so very difficult ? A, Because, by their apostacy they crudfy again the Son of God, and r/iake a mockery of him, Heh, vi. 6. Q, Which are the sins against hope ? A, Despair and presumption. % What is despair ? A, A diffidence in God's mercy. Q, What is presumption ? making proper use of the necessary means to obtain ~3T — all that J ^ (^l How'^es a person sin against the love of God? ' ( \i by not light? t, profes- igion or to mak? spiritual uires it. e he/ore / Father es; that \ true re- to he re' )nverslon s so very crucify ckery of without to obtain ;il r* A. By every sin, but particularly by mortal {»in. ^. How does a person sin against the lovo of i his neiii;hbour? * jf A, By injuring him in any rosp'^ct ; ai d by rtot assisting hiui, when able, in his spiritual or j! corporal necessities. LESSON XVI. \\ First Commiiuhixent cdWilkiiea, §, What else is forbidden ^ by the firs* Com- mandment ? : .,,(! *4o -oi'-r 1.) ,«'/)pIStilf Jl, To give to any c eature U^ borjour due to God alone. ; ; • "t Q. Are we forbidden to honour the saints ? A. No; if we only honour thera as G»dV fipycial friends and faithful servants, and if we do not give them supreme or divine honour, whieh ^ belongs to God alone. Q. How do Catholics distinguish between the honour they give to God, and the honour they give to the «aints, when they pray to God and the saints ? A. Of God alono they beg grace and mercy; and of the saints they only , ask the afsiatanoe of tneii* prayers. Tobias, xii. 12. ,. r, »; Qi Is. ii lawful to recoinmend ourselves to the saints, and to ask their prayers ? * ,^a, ' ;4,, Yes ^ as it is lawM and a very pious pvactice to ask the prayers of our f. How creatures on earthy t and to pray for them. Thessal, v. 25. JamuiS, v. 16* Q. Why do Catholics kneel befoore the images of Chtisl and of his saints ? ^i;( ^^ 4^ ^0 honour Christ and his saipts, whoflK thijr imagies represent. Exod, xzv. 18, 19, 22. 4 V 11 ■ — 33 — Q, Is it proper to show any mark of respect to tha Icrucifix, and to 1 he pictures of Christ and his Kdints ? A, Yes; beauso they relate to Christ and his Isaints, being representations andmenioriuls of them. ^ctSj xix, 12. Q» Why do Catholics honour the relics of the fsaints ? A, Because their bodies have been the templt s »f the Holy Ghost : and at the last day will be lionoured and glorified for ever in heaven. Matt, ix. 20, 21. Q, May we then pray to the crucifix, or to the images, or relics of the saints ? A, By no means ; for they have n ither life, nor sense, nor power to hear or help us. Q, Why then do we pr^y before the crucifix, and before the images end relics of th^ saints ? A, Because they enliven our devotion, by ex- citing pious affections and desires, and reminding U9 of Christ and his saints; they also encourage UB to imitate their virtur s and good works. Exod, XXV. 18, 10, 22. Sr.John, iii. 14. Q, Is it not forbidden by the first command- jncnt to make images ? A, No ; if we do not make them for gods, to adore and serve them, as the idolaters did. Q, Is there any ♦hing else forbidden by the first commaridment ? .. - A, Yes ; all dealings and communications with the devil ; and inquiring after things lost, hidden, or to come, by improper means. Q, Are crediting dreams, fortune-telling, and fhe like uuperHtitious practices, also forbidden ? , A, Yes: and all incantations, charms, att^ T<1 Bpells; also, Wle ob?ervation of omenw and acci- dents, and all such nonst^nsical remarks. "Q. What do you think of theatrical reprerf- n- tatiohs, in which religioti, its ministers, and sacred rites are ridiculed ? A. They are impious and highly criminal, aod strictly forbidden by the first commandmeni. , LESSON XVIT. On th^ JS^cond, Third and Fourth Commandment*, Q, f« AY the second commandment? A, Thou shalt not take the name of thd h&fd thy God in vain. *^^^'^* i» » •*- Q, What is commanded by the second command- ment ? A, To speak with reverence of God, of his saints and ministers; of relisfion, its practices and oerc^ monies; and of all things relating to divine scr- tke.: '■■■'■ ^'•■^■- '^^ r- Q, What else is commanded by the second com* mandment ? A, To keep our lawful oaths and vows. Q, What if. forbidden by the second command- ment ? A, All false, rash, unjust, and unnecessary oaths ; also, cursing, swearing, blaspheming, and profane words. Matt, v, 34. James, y, 12^ Q. Is it ever Uwful to swear ? A It is J when God's honour, our own or our neighbour's good, or necessary defence, rec^uire it. Q. What do you mean by an unjust oath ?V A. An o«lh injurions to God. to oorBehes^ or to' 0ttr iidighboti^s. . ' AJ 0. Is a person obliged to keep an unjiiBt^Hit' I. I • i. ■ '1' 1 "•« :!? If 4:1 fi — 40 — A, No ; lie sinned in taking it, and would 8U|, viore grievously in keeping it, f Q, Is a person obliged to keep a lawful oath ? A, Yes ; and it would be perjury to break it. ; Q. What is perjury ? A, To break a lawful oath, or to take a false one. Q. Is perjury a great sin ? A, It is a most grevious sin. Q, Say the third cotLmandment ? A Remember that thou keop holy the Sabbath day.' Q. What is oommanded by the third command* ment? fj %ymrr. - . , r A, To sanctify the Sunday. Q. Which is the chief duty by which we are commanded to sanctify the Sunday ? . A, Assisting at the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Q, What other religious exercises arefrtreeom-r; mended to sanctify the Sunday? A, Attending vespers, reading moral and pioUa booksy and going to communion. Q. Wha* particular good works are recommended to sanctify the Sunday ? A. The works of mercy, spiritual and eorporal j and particularly to instruct the ignorant in the way of salvation, by word and example. Danid, xii. 3. Q, What is forbidden by the third comma^dfr. ment ? V , , bv-r A. AU unnecessary servile work ; and whatever may binder the due ol ervance of the Lord's day, or tend to profane it. Q. Say the fourth commandment ? A, Honour thy father and thy mother. Q. What is commanded by the fourth eoxn- ■Miidment ? ■'i-^ >lll Rom, xiii. 1. Q, What are the chief duties of masters to their servants, apprentices, and all others under their care? JL to lead diem to God by word and twf^jfffll^ \f to see that tliey bo exact in tKeir religious duties to treat them with justice and humanitj ; and to correct and reprove them, when necessary. Q, What does St. Paul say to masters ? A. M'thtrs, do to ymr s-'rvants that tohick ■' just and equd; Jcnowi^^ hat you also have master in hedi} en. Coles, 1, v , Q, ^hfiijiTQ the chief duties of sen^ants and apprentices to their masters ? ' , . ^j A, To be obedient, respectful, and faithful io them; tobedih'gent in their work and' ^rvifl(ea» and not to suffer their masters to be injured in i^ir property by any person. Ephts, yi. Coio9, iii. | LESSON XVIII. . j v!v/\ On the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eightii' Commandments, '' i$. Say the fifth commandment ? ^, Thou shalt not kiil. (^. What is forbidden by thefifth commandment? \^'A. All wilful murder, quarreiling^ fig^ingy hatred, anger, and revenge. . Q, What else is forbidden by tbc fifth commaad- iheht ? ^ ^ A, All ihjtfrious words : giving pcaudal or bad example; and not to ask pardon of those whom w^ have offended. .Jlfa«. v. 39. yn v '\ V> M Q, Say th(3 sixth commandment^^ "^^^^ |-',j . ' ' A, Thoii shalt hot commit adultery,^' a *^\^ . \. Q, WJiat is forbidden by the sixth conin^ajiitjine^jb'^ 'i All unchas^ f^edoms wiih anjotberj^.^^, 0^ Kiisband. * » s ' duties ; and td • r ^ which '■' ► have T M , mts and IttfuJlii ifervi(nea» iniheir I ■. '■■••?. dment? Icy mmaftd- Y . L I or bad e whom; A'v ^.^^ , , *. ■ ,■■ • vV • t4r o«m- ,,4^,^[),i^^rvc4e^ lp9k^, wqrdi?, Of actons ;^ pud civery thinp;tIiati8,cjQ|]ilwry tochastiijj, CW. Ui. 6» . jQ. -ilr.c)^qiq4i jit .£9nj4S, di^coursps„play^.,.nov)eK urid comedieg, foi:f)idvl> n by 'I &i;^U cpMinaand , ^'/ Y^-s; r*^ !*' ^^ siw^Lil to join in |theUi,'/io ' ,i^, /What else is fbrbidden Ijy the, seventh com- mandment ? 4i^ A 1 Q;bea,ting ip buying or sfelling ; or any other injury 4onp our neighbour in hi3 property, i Oor, ,Q, \yli;at is commanded by the seventh com- Hiaiidment ? , ,^L /r6p^y oifr lawful debts ; and to grre every one Ms own. Q. What are they obliged to do, who retain ill-got goods, or who have unjustly what belongs to another? A. To restore them as soon as possible, and as far as they are abjeji,0||herwise thftjfin will pot be forgiven them,. /» ,, : • ' Q, Say the eighth pommandment? ,4. J'hpu-^hajjt pot bear false witness against thy neighbour. Q, WJ^5it is forbidden by the eighth command- ment? ^..J^li'^lsq testimpuics, rash judgments, and lirS' Matt, vii. 1. ; — w — Q, Is it lawful to tell an innocent or jocose 11^, or to tell a lie for a good purpose ? A. No lie can be lawful or innocent ; and no motive, however gool, can excuse a lie ; because a lie is always sinful and bad in itself. Johuj viii. 44. Q, What else is forbidden by the eighth com- mandment ? A, Backbiting, calumny, and detraction ; and all words and speeches hurtful to our neighbour's honour, or reputation. Q. What is commanded by the eighth command- ment ? A, To speak of others with justice and charity, as we would be glad they did speak of us j and to witness the truth in all things. , ' Q What must they do, who have given false evidence against a neighbour, or who have spoken ill of him, or injured his character in any respect? A. They must repair the injury done him, as far as they are able ; and make him satisfaction by restoring his good name as soon as possible . otherwise the sin will not be forgiven them. LESSON XIX. On the Ninth and Tenth Commandments^ Q. Say the ninth commandment ? A, Thou phalt not covet thy neighbour's wife. Q What is forbidden by the ninth commandment ? A. All immodest thoughts and desires, and wil- ful pleasures in them. Q. What else is forbidden by the ninth com- mandinent ? A. All immediate occasions of immodest thoughts and desires. ' 1; f Q, What are the immediate occasions of immo- dest tlioughts and desires ? A, Unchaste words and discourses ; immodest books and pictures; and all amusements dangerous to chastity. ^ ,, Q. What else may Be deemed immediaie ooca* sions of immodest thoughts and desires? A, Lascivious looks and touches; idleness ; bad company; all excess in eating and drinking ; and •whatever tends to inflame the passions. Q, Is it sinful to have unchaste thoughts, when there is no desire or intention to indulge them, by any crnninal action r , t A, They are always very dangerous, and when entertained deliberately and with pleasure, they defile the soul like criminal actions. Matt, v. 28. Q. Say the tenth commandment ? A. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods. Q^ What is forbidden by the tenth commandment? A. All covetous thoughts and unjust desire of our neiiibbour'c goods or profit ? Q, To how many commandments may the ten commandments be reduced ? ^ . A, To these two principal commandments : Tkou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole hearty and with thy whole soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thyself. Thin do and thou shalt live, Luke, x. Mark, xii, Q, And who is my neighbour ? Luke x. 29. A. Mankind of every description, and without any exception of persons, even , thope who injure ua. or differ irom us in rehfirion. -. , . ■■i- Q, How am I to love ^hbour as myself ? f neigi A, As you wouldf says Christ, that men shovld da m IKfi-i lift Hi -M- to uouj do you also to them in like manner. Luke, Q. What particular duties ere required of me by thiftrtite^ f' ' " .A. Never to itijure your neighbour by word or deed, iq hi^ person, property, or character : to wish \*re\\ to hlin, and to pray fbr hin; 2nd always to assist him, as far as you are able, in his spiritual iind corporal necessities Q. Am T also obliged to loVemy enemies? A . Mostcertainly . Love your enemies^ says Christ, do good to them that hate you, Mess them that curse ydu\ and pray for them that persecute and talum- niate you, Luke, vi. Matt, v. i • LESSON XX. ■*^; On the Precepts of the Church, Q, Are there any other commandments, besides the ten commandments of God ? A. There are the commandments or precepts of |;he Church, which are chiefly six. Q, Say the six commandments of the Church ? A, 1, To hear Mass on Sundays, and all holy- days of obligation, 2. To fast and abstain on the days commanded. 3. To confess our sins at least once a year. 4. To receive ioor<^i7y the blessed Eucharist at Elafi^lr, or within the time appointed. 5. To contribute to the support of our pastors- 6. Not to solemnize marriage at the forbidden times. nor to marry person within the forbidden dte^re6^'of kindred, oi* othorwise prohibited by the Chtirdh, nor clandestiriely. ^' . ^ .' L/. vv utii< IS uur iii&u iiuu co|ei auty on laijinaiiys aB<^ Jn&ly-days ? M dW^V r. Luhe^ 3f me by word or : to wish Iways to spiritual s?;". ■• sCHriist, ctt curse I Calum,' , beaiides scepts of Ihurcli ? dl l^oly- nanded. sar. larist at — 47 — A. To h ar Mass devoutly ; and in every other respect wo should keep them holy. Q, Is it a mortal sin not to hear Mass on a Sunday or holy -day ? A It is, if the omission be culpable ; and fathers and mothers, masters and mistresses, and all such persons, sin grievousli/, who hinder, without 8ufl&- cient cause, children, servants, or any others subject to them, f»-om nearing Mass on a Sunday or holy- day. 2 Thess. iii 4. 14. Q. What do you mean by holy-days ? A. Certain solemn days ordered by the Church to be kept holy. Q. Why were holy days instituted by the Church? A. To recall to our minds, with praise and thanksgiving, the great mysteries of religion ; and the virtues and rewards of the saints, and to glorify God on them, Q. How are we to keep holy-days ? A. As we should keep the Sundays. Q, What are we obKged to. do by the second oommandment of the Church ? « A. To give part of the year to fr t and absti- nence. Matt. vi. 16, 17, 18. Q. What do you mean by fast days ? A, Certain days on which we are allowed but one meal, and forbidden flesh meat. Q. What do you mean by days of abstinence ? A Certain days on which we are forbidden to eat flesh meat, but are allowed the usual number of meals. Q. Why does the Church command us to fast and A . To mortify our sinful passions and appetitet : and to satisfy for our sins,by doing penance for them. I i ' 4 d — 48 — Q. Is it stricly forbidden by the Churcb to- cat fidm meat on days of abstinence ? A, Yes; and to eat flesh meat on any day oh which it is forbidden, without necessity and leayp f;-om the Church, is very sinful. Q. Why docs the Church command us to abstain from flpsh meat on Fridays ? A, In honour and commemoration of our Saviour*fc dQath. '■' LESSON XXI. The Precepts of the Church continued, ■} Q, What means the commandment of colafes* sing our sins, at least once a year ? A. It means that we are threatened with very tsevere penalties by the Church, if we do not go to confession within the year. ' . ^ Q. Docs a bad confession satiffy the obligation of confessing our sins once a year ? A. So far from it, that it renders us moregmlty by the additional crimtj of sacrilege. ' Q, Is it sufficient to go but once a year to con- fession ? A. No; frequent confession is necessary for all those who fall into mcrtal sin, or who desir^ to advance in virtue. Q, As soon as they are capable of committing sin, that is, when they come to the use of reason, which is generally supposed to be about the age of seven years. ^ Q, At what age are children obliged to receive the blessed Eucharist ? ^'^'•A, As soon as they are able cat ^ day oh ,nd leaye d us to 3aviour*fc if coiifes* Niih. very not go to ibligatito ore gmlty ar to con- iry for all desire to > itting sin, I, which is ^en years, to receive t the hody .apd what should be prepared to receive it wortJdltf, 1 Cor. li. 29. Q. What punishment has the Church decreed against those who neglect to receive the blessed Eucharist at Easter ? A. They are to be excluded from the house of God whilst living, and deprived of Christian burj^j when they die. 21 Canon Council Later. (>. Are wc obliged in conscience and justice to contribute to the gupp Ft of our pastors ? A. Yes; and by a divine precept also. St. Pa«l says: So tlie Lord ordained that they who preach f he gospel xhould live hij the goapeL i Cor. ix. 13, 14. Q, Do tho precepts of the Church oblige under pain of mortal sin ? A. Yes ; He that will not heir the Church, stys Christ, let him he t) thee as the heathen aiid the pul^lacan, J^i^kej x, 16^ und Matt, xvi'iL 17. A. What is necesHary to keep the eommsnd^ meftts of Qod, and of his Church ? A' The grace of God, which is to be obtained chieij by prayer and the sacraments, , LESSON XXIL ' . ■ : Un Jrrayer, Q, What is prayer ? p > / , |o ,^^i Aii eleyatioa, of tho soul to God, to ftd^re hipx,^tQ,f)iess,Jiis holy name, to praise his goodness^o and to return hiior thanks for hig benefits. . .\) "jfiliSsrpfayer anything el^e? k A. It is an humble petition to God for all w^i[ c€s^J5f»%^Quland body, : jjoy m VifV/ X) 4'j W'is*i himself says : We oufkt ^tod^4 f to 0(sj4 Luke, xviii, 1. j 11 i 'i* *. 50 — Q, How can we always pray ? A, By offering to God all our thoughts, words, and actions; by keeping ourselves in the state of grace ; and by praying at certain times. Q. At what pirticular time should we pray ? ,4. On Sundays andholy-days; everymorning and every night ; and in all dangers, temptations, and afflictions. Q, After what manner should we pray ? A, With all possible attention and devotion ; »nd in a respectful posture on bended knees. 0, What conditions are necessary to render on? prayers acceptable ? A. We must always offer them with an humble and contrite heart ; with fervour and perseverance ; with confidence in God's goodness ; with resigna- tion to his will, and in the name of Jesus-Christ. Q, What do you say of those, who, at their prayers, think not of God, nor of what they say ? A, If their distractions be wilful, their prayers, instead of pleasing God, offend him. St. James, i. 6. Q, What prayers are most recommended to us? A. The Lord's prayer, the Hail Mary, the Apos- tie's creed, and the Confiteor,or General Confession. Q. Doos the Church also recommend the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity ? A . Yes ; most earnestly : they are an excellent form of Prayer,^ and remind us of our chief duties to God. Q, What are our chief duties to God ? A. To believe in him, to hope in him, and to love 0. Whv do you make an act of Contrition be- fore the acts of'Faith, Mope and Charity ? A. To obtain pardon of my siu. . and thereby 8, words, 3 state of pray? 'ning and ions, and r? levotion ; ees. ender on? m humble everance ; 1 resigna- us-Christ. >, at their they say ? if prayers, 'ttTweSj i, 6, ied to us? , the Apos» Confession. I the Acts ellentform ies to God, ? and to love itrition be- ty^ , ^nd t^rebf 16' rfende^'iiiy jikyers nioi^e acceptable to God, aiia more beneficial to, myself. ■ ^fi V) On the'Lm'd'i Fra^:rfan(Jf Ji^U Mccf^i q. Who hiddb tiie Lord^s fvf^yeir ? X Jesus-ChVi^t^ Matt. vi. 9, 10. Q, Whoih dd^ydd call out t^aMr^ wh'eti JH3ti ssl^ the Lord's Prayer ? . .. . . £, o JL. Alraishty God, >t(r is the 66Mmbn Farfier of all, $t, «/o/t7t, iii.,!. , , Q, What theans halhw^d hy the name ? '\ . A, By this m bQ|5. that God's na ire biliybe praised and^lorined by air his cr6att(res. Q^ What means' f% kingdom comnf ' A. By this we b%, that God maj( rfel«!tf 1W<}ti^ hearts, by his grace, in this life; and that we may reign for evdrWith htm^ in the neit. , Q» WhAiv^f^di^SfthywiUhedoneif A.! By thiib we beg, that God would enable us, by his grac^, to do' his will in all things oil earth, as the angels and saints do it in l^eaven. Q, What miean^, giDe us this day our daih/hreadf A. By this we beg for all necessaries, fofotir souls and bodies. Q. What means, forgive us our trespasses, as tC(* forgive tfiem who trespass against li^^ '"^ A. By this W(6 beg, that God wouMTorgiVe out offences, as we forgive them who offend lis. Q, WitVGod forgive our offei^ices, if we dO not foFgive our enemies, and all those who have of- J^^oi God ^lI'Bhow no i^erdy't^^i^i'Wa^ilr \ forgive frov Qur hearts , our enemieSi and aU those wha havo offended or injured ns. Matt, XviU, 35 vi 15 • 9*^' a What means, had us not into temptation? 1 By thia we beg, that God would strengthen us against all temptations. Bom. ix, 14. O. What meanS) deliver us from evil f A, By this we beg, that God would deliyer^s, in body and soul, from all evil, particularly that a Who made the Hail Mary ? 1 The Angel Gabriel and saint Elizabeth naade the first part of it ; and the Church made the last. Luke. i. 28. . *, ^ ^ O. Is it lawful to honour the Virgin Mary ? 1 Yes ; whereas God himself so much honoured her ; and the Scripture says ; Alt na^ms shall caU her blessed, Luke^ i. 48. * i j t j i Q. What honour do we givo our blessed Jiady r A, We honour her more than all the other saints, because she is the mother of God— but we never give her divine or supreme honour, which is due UJ God alone. ^ « . ^i. tt -i Q. Why do Catholics so often repeat the Hail Mary and Holy Mary ? ^ i A, To honour the mystery of the xocarnation, which that prayer expresses; and to show tlieir great respect and devotion to the mother ot (jod, and their special cor £dence in her assistance, par- ticularly at the hour of death. tr m nyr Q, And why do you always say the Hall Mar/ after the Lord^s Prayer ? A. That, by her intercession, we may more 3t»ily obtain what we ask for in the Lord's Prayer. liESSON XXIV. ttfVM - ^^^ Sacraments^ and on BaptisfA, V' -By what other means, besides prayer, caft We obtain the grace of God ? A, By the Sacraments, the most powerful of all means. Q^ What is a sacrament ? A, A visible) that is, an outward sign or action, instituted by Christ, to give grace. ^ Q. Whence have the Sacraments the powers of giving grace ? A, From the merits of Christ, which they apply to our souls* Rom. vi. 3. v, 9, Q. Why are so many ceremonies used in the administration of the Sacraments ? -4, To excite devotion, and reverence to them j and to signify and explain their effects. Q, How many Sacraments are there? A» Seven ; Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist^ !t*enance, Extreme Unction, Holy Order, and Map trimony» Council of Trent ^ SS. 7. c. 1 Q. What is Baptism ? A, A Sacrament, which cleanses us frt)ta original sin, makes us Christians and children of Godj and heirs to the kingdom of heaven. Q, Does Baptism also remit the actual sins, committed before it ? A. Yes; and all the punishment due to them. Q. Is Baptism necessary to salvation ? A, Yes; without it orto cannot enter into th4 kingdom of God, John, iii, 6. /I nri l_i.-j i.„ nu-..'_A X i ■tt__ii « ^y >T iiU eirCUppUili tOU U} Vy iii 131. WJ giVU jL^upUoui i ^4[,' jThe pastors of his Church; but in case of tteoessity any liiy man or woman c i ?i 5. •; «m ttiJj 'i| 1, i(i> ml : p. How is BaptiStti given ? ' ' A. By pourirvg witer on tho head of the person to be baptized ; saying at the same, time : Thaptizt thee^ in fhe name of the Fufher, and of the Son, and of the ITohi Ghost. Mutt, xxviii. !().'' Q. What did we promise in Baptism t^jr :\ A . To renounce the devil, with all his works and pomps. LESSON XXV, V:v/ On Covfinu' tion, Q. What is Conlirniiition ? , A. A sacrament, which nirikcs us strOhg and rer« feel Christians. Cor. i. L*2. Acts^. viiiM4, 15, liJ. Q. How do a the BLshop give Coniihiiation ? A. By the iraposi'ioi of hands and by prayer ; thatisjheholdsoutliisliands^ and praysar the same time, that the Holy Gho t in y descend upoii those who are to be confirmed — and then he makes the sign of the cross on their foreheads with chrism. Q. Why does the Bishop give tho persons he confirms, a stroke on the cheek ? A. To put them in mind, that by Confirtnation they are strengthened to suffer ; and, if necessary, ev^n to^ie for Christ. Q, To receive Confirmation, worthily, is it ne* cus^ary to be in the state of jiraco ? A. Yes; and children of an age to learn, should be instructed in the Chnstian doctrine. Q. What special preparations should be made for Confirmation ? ',. A. You should make a good confession ; and by fervent prayer, beseech your Heavenly Father, to sead his Holy Spirit on you, Luhe^ xi. 13, Q, What do you thitik of those if ho reeeim Ccw* firmation in the state of mortal sin ? • '' '" A. They receive no benefit by it— but becbme more sinful, by adding to their former guik'th« horrid crime of sacriiege. Q. What graces are received by Confirmation t ' A, The sevtn gifts of the Holy Ghost. • Q, Repeat the seven gifts of the Holy Ohofiii'?^ A. Wisdom, Understanding, Counstl, Fortituddp Knowledge, Pirty, and the Fear of the Lord. Q. What obligations do we Contract by Coo*^ ^rmation? i^ A> : To proftss our f^ith openly — not to deny ottr iteUjsioii ou any occasion '-.iiatsoevev— and, like ^d soldiers of Christy to btfai'hfalto him unto dtc^ki Api>4.\ihM),' .'irh>y, ■ . •'_ .^-^ ;, $i.i I* it fei sin to lidgleot Oonfirmatiob' ? - 'i'>: A. Yes; especially in these evil days, when Mlh» and mtJrals are exposed to so matty, and such violent temptations. , - .:v,:,,p„L,: - LESSON. XSVI..^_. - ■•'■". .i. . ; ; f 'I ft ' M lOn the hleased Etu-haruf. • '« . ^^^ h iQ. . WliAl? i«i the blesised Euchari^iit ? ' - ' 'n u !"^ A, The body and blood, soul and divinity of Jd^' susTOhi^ist-, urider thedppearanceofbnetd and wine. Q. What' means thse word ivuciiariist ? . > A. A special grace or Gift of God; >nd it raekn^ al^, ansofcoinfaotl of thanksgivin^lo JtiodfoV^ll'-jiis mercie?'. V f.)7?iH| j; ir.a'ij; ? i! nuiL) h iQ^ .'Wfcaft d(t>.« ! y€^wi . m^an '■ fbyi tTae appfciarancei of b«?aidi!ind; Wihi3>? 'MOiS Hoal u t-.' ,'w: ;;; ,' iMjiiiilt #^4tt %h^ fmpy colonti, and: forii d? biead atil wine, which still iiremaiii^iiifller the bitei^lridii)Hft«*» are ohanged into the body and blood of Christ, Q. AreWH the body and blood of CKrist under the Appearance of bead and under the appearahee of wine? A» Yes ; Christ is whole and entire, tnie God and true Man under the appearance of each. Q, Are we to believe, that the God of all Glory is under the appearance of our corp ral food ? A, Yeg ; as we also believe, that the same God of all Glory suffered death, under the appearance of a criminal on the cross. Q, How can the br^ad and wine become the body and blood of Christ ? it. By the goodness and power of God, with whom no word shall be impossible, Luhe^ i. 37. Q, Are we assured, that Christ changed bread and wine into his body and blood ? A, Yes , by the very words which Christ him* self said) when he instituted the blessed Eucharist at his last supper* Q, Which are the words Christ said, when be instituted the blessed Eucharist ? A. This is my body — this is my bhod. Matt. X7i. Q, Did Christ give power to the priests of his Church, to change bread and wine into his body and blood ? A. Yes; when he said to his apostles at his last supper: Do this for a commemoration of me* Ziukey xlii, 19. Q. Why did Christ give to the priests of his Church so great a power ? A, That his children, throughout all ages and nations, might have a most acceptable sacrifice to pnmuB food to nottnsh their souls U'at'hA'w ,„ A«%^ A1«<« .igll! ' ( bnn Yhod '-ilt otffi bc^-iikido Slfi — OT — «Q. What is n sacrifice? . « r • A. That first and most necessary act of religion, ^^hereby we acknowledge God's supreme dominion t)ver us. and our total depen lence on him. Q^ What is the sacrifice of the new law ? A The Mass, 0. What IS the Mass ? . J. The sacrificeof the body and blood of thnst. which xirc really present under the appearance of |) and wine ; and are offered to God by the priest for the living and the dead. ,, * # Q. Is the Mass a different sacrifice fr©m that or the cross ? , . , tr a A No • because the same Christ, who once ofiered 4iimself a bleedin- victim to his heavenly Father ou the cross, continues to offer himself in an unbloody manner, by the hands of his priest, on our altars. 0, Was Mass offered in the old law? , r A. No : so great a sacrifice was reserved Tor the new bw, which was to fulfil the figures of the old law, and to give religion its full perfection, Q. Atwhatrartofthe Mass are the bread and Wine changed into the body and blood of Christ I A At the consecration. , . •. a Q, By whom are the bread and wine changed bto'the body and blood of Christ? A. By the priest; but in vir*'»e of the words ot Christ, whose person the friest represents, at the awful moment of consecration, . Q What are the ends for which Mass is said f 1 To give God honour and glory ; to thank uiJA for his benefits ; to obtain the remission of our \i _iv ^i.1 ^««««a anA hliftayners inrouffr K>ins ana 'dii ui-ii^i j^tawc «»,- ^-__— „ -^ J^MHis-Chrbt. M, I - r.8 - 0. For what other end is Mass offered ? _ A. To continue and repcsent the facnfioe of Christ on the cross - Thu do B.p Chnst, /or the commemoration of me. 1 Cor. ii. How should wo assist at Mass i , A With great interior recollection and piety : and wi^'every mark of outward r'^H^^^-^^XZ? Wtioh is the hest manner of heanns Mass . 3' To offer it to God with the priest for the^same purpose for which it is said ; U, meditate on Christ « ;;uffering8, and to go to communion. LESSON XXVII. On Commnnion and Penance.^ WhXt do you mean by going teeomSinnion? A Receiving the blessei Eucharist. , Q. Is it advisable to go often to commuuion ? A It is ; as nothing can conduce more to a holy Vfe He that eate,.h tkU hread, says Christ, .A«H live, for ever, John, vi, 50. . O How must wo be prepared for coTnmumon ? A We must be in the state of grace ; penetrated ^ia; a lively faith, animated with a firm nope, ami inflamed with an ardent chanty. 1 Co, . xi -S. i What means to be in the state of grace ? _ A. Tobefrec, at least, from the guilt of mortulsin^ Howarewetobepenetratedwithahvelyfaith? 1 By firmly believing, that the Blessed Eucha- ri t is Jcsus-Christhimself, true God and true m_an, h^ very flesh and blood, with his soul and divlfu^y. Hor are we to be animated with a firm hope ? V' '^ir . . _ i «.!„.,«« in thAeondness of Christ, who lives himself to m without reserve, in that banquet of love. ifice of for the ty : and jvotion. Mass ? be same Christ's htmion " fiuuion ? to a holy ist, shall nunion ? enetratcd bope, and r. xi. 28, ace? lortulsin. relyfaith? id Eucha- true m an ^ I divinity, m hope ? B giDodness at'reiBerve, Q, And how are we" to he inflamed with ardent hilarity f»v3 J<^V« hi\\& f?80^»\^>) ^ . v ^ '" -A^, By ^eturnin^ love f r love t^ Christ, and by '■ devoting* ourselves in earnest to his service, all the daysofour liv6s. ^ *' <• ^ '"' •^''; ^^ -^'^ . Q. Is any thih^f else required before cdttilnuni i/vOvM. i .f. it. Yes ; to consider that the son of God died I forgive, yo\i, shall Q of our are for a to make urselves id of his icalarly jsofour hat, and *d, deed, i,liope, slves ' to sill, for 1 of 8in- trition ? ration : iifeitude tod tbo y gdod >d died — f;i — for our Bins : and that 'vfe crucify Mm again at , -4. They must truly repent of all such bad and sa- ordegio^s confefc-ions; and make theui all o eragain. V. Wat IS the surest sign that our con fessioas were good.J ^^d that we lidU a sincere s.,rrow fof our sins ? Ai Th6 amendment of onr live-. . C What sl^auld we do lifter confession ? A, WcBhonldreturn God thanks; and diil^n n^ly perform the pepance enjoined by the confe^^Sr. Q. What do yoa mean by tbe penance enjoined by ithe confessor? ^ , tr ,. '' A. The prayera and other good works which Ka enjouw on ^niftents, m satisfaetion for tl^eir sins. 'I Q, Will the penance, enjoined in oonfession, always satijffy for our eins ? A. No; but whatever else is wanting maybe gupplied by indulgences, and our own penitential endeavours. ^ " Q, Wh;it does the Church t^ch concerning in- dulgences ? A, That Christ gave power in the Church to grant indulgences; and that they are most useful to Christian people. Cone. Triii, xi. 25. Q, What is the use of an indulgence ? i A, It r leases fro a canonical pt nance, enjoined by the Church on penitents, for certain sins. Q, Has an indulgence any other effect? A, It also remits the temporary punishments, with which God often visits our sins — and which must be suffered in this life, or the next ; unless cancelled by indulgences, by act of penance, or Cthej: good works. Q, Has the Church power to grant such indul- gences? A, Yes ; Whatsoever, says Christ to St. Peter, thou shall loose upon earthy it shall he loosed also in heaven. Matt, xvi. 19. 2 Cor. ii. 10. Q. To whom does the Church grant indulgences ? A . To such only as are in the state of grace ; and are sincerely desirous to amend their lives j and to satisfy God's justice by penitential works. Q, An indulgence is not then a pardon for sins to come nor license to commit sin ? i4 . No ; nor can it remit past sin — for sin must be remitted by penance, as to the guilt of it, and the tJQXu.^1 paiii3um6nt uUe 10 JiiOriEi Biu, D6i0re au^ indulgence can be gained. 1 Cbr. v. and 2 Cor, ii. TOO T't fessiott, mdy b^ itential ling in- irch to ■> useful njoined imentSy I which unless Qce, or indul- Peter, ^d also ;ences? (o; and and to br sina oust bo 'kd the ore aiv 7or, u. — 03 — 0, Why does the Church grant indulgences ? A, lo assist our weakness, and to supply onr insufficiency in satisfying, the Divine JuS^ our transgressions. fA'r ^ ^'^^^^.^'^^ssion and communion, and a faithfu comphanc^ with the other good works which the Church requires on such occasions ' Chi'rni!. T ^^^ ?iher good works, which the gences? ^"^ ^^''''" '^ ''^'' '" ^'"^ '''^'^' ^A ^'i^f' ^^'*» ^""^ almsdeeds ; which good works indulgences promote; and on this account also they are most useful to Christian people. LESSOiVXXIX. On Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. Q. What is Extreme Unction ? A. A sacrament which gives grace to die well • and IS instituted Chi, fly for the spiritual strength and comfort of dying persons. Q. Is Extreme Unction given to all persons in uannjer of death ? *^ ■ A. No ; only to such as are in danger of death l>y sickness. ® ^*oam Q. How should we prepare ourselves for Ex- treme Unction ? A . By a good confession —and we should be truly sorry for our sins : an i resigned to the will of God when we are receiving that last sacrament. m^ ^f^ T "PP?i°*^^ ^0 administer the flai;^a. meat of Extreme Unction ? lii^ if! A. Th^ priests of the Church, as St, JiHnes teaches^ and as the Church has constantly practised. Is any man sick among you ? Let him bring in the priests of the Churchy and let them pra\f over him^ anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, &c. James y v. 14. Ik Q, ^Yhat is Holy Orders ? 1^ A . A sacrament, which gives bishopjj, priests, and inferior cergy to the Church ; and enables them 'to perform their several duties in it, Phil. i. 1. Q, What is Matrimony ? A. A sacrement, which gives grace to the husband and wife to live happy together; andto bring up their children in the lear and love of God. Matt, xix. 6. Q. Do they receive the grace of the sacrameni of Matrimony who contract marriage in the state of jnortal sin^ ? ^ . ■ ■ \^ ;: .-A-i >., \ -.m^^s%i!A ^•^ ' A. No ; they are guilty of a very great sacrilege, by profaning so great a sacrament ; and instead of a blessing, they receive their condemnation. Uphes. V. 32. Q. What should persons do, to receive worthilif the sacrament of marriage ? A. They should make a good confession, and ear- nestly beseech God to grant them a pure intention; and to direct them in the choice they are to make. Q Should children consult their parents on their intended marriages? A, Yes ; and be advised by them according to reason and religion — they should also give timely notice to their pastor. Q, What is the reason that prove unhappy ? so manv mama^s . J$mes ractised. ng in the ver hiniy he Lord, ests,&nd them to . 1. husband : up their !. xix. 6. kcrameni i state of lacrilege, teudof a , Fphes. worthily and ear- itention ; to make, on their )rding to re timely aarriaaea ■ - rm .... — 65^ ^^nLrf^.^^''^^^^''^ ^^i®' ^°*^ *^^* ^'>h State from iCre^IfC-'""''' .'"^ ^^'^ S""*y /onsciences^ theretore their marriages are not blessed by God broken ?"'' ^''''^ '' ^' '^ marriage be ever W n!^ T^'';.^*"^ ^^* ^^ *^® death t)f the bus- band or wife Matt. xix. Bom. vii. an^ 1 Cor. vii. V. tan the sacraments be received more than once r , ^. All can, except Baptism, Confirmation, and tioly Orders, which imprint on the soul n character V^^'^wu ^'^'^^ "^^'^^ °^^^^ ^^'^ b« ^tt^'ced. ' ^ A D sacraments are most necessary tons ? A. iJaptism and Penance. '^Q. Why did Christ institute the sacraments? ^. i^or the sanctification of our souls, and to |repare us for a happy and glorious resurrection. LESSON XXX. OntheGeneralJudgment, Q. What means the resurrpction of the body t A, That we shall all rise again on the last day with the same bodies which we had in this Jife Q. What do you mean by the last day ? ^- •' A. The day of general judgment; When we must all be manifested be/ore the judgment seat of thnst — and then will be rendered to evert/ man ac- cmdina to his works. 2 Cor. v. 10. Mate. xvi. 27. C. Will our bodies rise united to our souls V A. Yes; to share in the souls eternal bliss or xaisery. .. - ., tivjTT aiw mc UUUieg OT luQ BttiUUi tO nSC ? A, Glorious and immorta.. Q. Are the bodies of the damned to rise glorious? 66 -- A, No ; but they «liailr Jrk« immortal, to live for k legions of angels, and witji great ^iper and ma- jesty. Mutf. xxiv. 30. ^ ,^ ^ ,^. As ivery one is judged imniediqielj after death, what need is thereof a general j^d^ilipat,?^ A That the providence of God/wl^iph of^en here permits the good to suffer/and the wicked j^ E^^P^^^^yy^PP^rjvwt before all nu.^^ : ' ? ^9' VTMt will CbrM $»y to tl^e good ou the hit day ? <' A, Come, ye blessed of my Fatjier^ ppmess^ the kingdom prepared for you. Malt, x^v, M, g,^ \ytijit shall. Christ gf^y tp Ijhe i wicki^d /ou. the lasVday? ; ' \ ' \^ .4r Depart from me, ye cursed, intu) eMrlcuttlnf fire, which was prepared /or the devil and hu angels. Matt,xxv,%l, • '-^h^ Q, Where must the wieked go" at the last day ? ,,^. They shall go, both body ai^d soul ixtto everlasting punishment, ' (, Q, And where shall t^e just go at the last ^ajf J? A, The just will enter, with glorio^s qnd im- mortal bodies, into everkis'ing life. Matt, jxixvifio C. What means life eerlastinfj? * ., A. It means, jf we serv^ God faithfully io^hU hfe, we Phall be happy witji him forevef:. in h mm^ Q. What is the happiness of heaveu,? , . , A, To see, love, and enjoy God,i|i.theknig4om of his glory, for ever and ever. Amen. ^j (>. WMt iifiemis Amen ? ,i ' A. S O 06 AC. n. '■'•>, .Iv li i« tiaiifiu^^H,ujtl -.liii/'iA .y Air ABRIDGEMENT OP THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE, EXTRACTED, WORD FOR WORD, JROM THE MOST REV. DR. JAMES BUTLER'S CATECHISM FOR THE USE OF CHILDREN. M.i. 'I ALL PERSONS, OLD AND YOUNG, WHO HAVK r TIME, OPPORTUNITY, OR CAPACITY TO LEARN A LONGER CATECHISM. QUEBEC : BLISHED BY A. G0T6 & CO., THE ri\ r < i » KOi- Ans and ea (>. ] good, I (?. ] A. • «qual i ^. 1 p. I son of; Q. I A. 1 of the ] p. T A. A person ( A. c A. N THE MOST REV. DR. JAMES BUTLER'S SHORT CATECHISM. LESSON I. On CM and the three Idwlne Persons, Question, Who mad '. the world ? Answer^ God. Q, Who is Gixi ? A. The Creator and sovereign Lord of heavea and earth, and of all things. 0' How many Gods aje there ? A. There is but one Ood, who will reward the good, and punisl the wicked. Q. How many persons are there in God ? A. Three divine persons, really distinct, and equal in all things. Q, How do you call the three divine persons ? A. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost Q. Is the Father God ? A. Yes; the Father is God, and the first per- son of the blessed 'I'rinity. * , Q, Is the Son God? A, Yes; the Son is God, and the second person of the blessed Trinity. Q. Ts the Holy Ghost God? A. Yes; the Holy Ghost is God, and the third person of the blessed Trinity. f r! Q. What means the blessed Trinity? ! A, One God in three divine persons. Q, Are the three divine persons three Gods ? ♦Jv ^* ^^ 'j — ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^°® , ^ having but one and -^^e sasie uiTiue nature ^ aud they «reiJrom etjerniij, Mr * ' ri: m m LESSON II. On the Incarnation, Q, Did one of the three divine persons become xaan ? A, Yes ; God the Son, the second divine person became man. Q. How did God the Son become man ? A. He vms conceivd by the Holy Ghost ^ a/nd lorn of ih*'. Virgin Mary. Ap. Cr. Q. What do you mean by saying, that the Son of God was conce'ivfd by the Holy Ghost T A. I mean that he assumed human nature, that IS, a bodj and soul like ours, by the power and operation of the Holy Ghost, Q. VVhf re did God the Son take a body and soul like ours ? A. In the chaste womb of the Virgin Slary - and mas bom Man of her, Q. How do you call God the Son made man ? ^l. Jesus-Chris.t. Q. Did Jesus-Christ remain God when he be- came man ? A, Yes ; he was always God. Q. Was Jesus-Christ always man? A. Only from the time of his conception or in- carnatit>n. Q What means the incarnation ? A That God the Son, the second person of the blessed Trinity, was made man, Q. What do von believe Jesus-Cfarist to be ? 1 i Trne Goci and true man". ' r ; o^ t. A. To redeem and save us. Q. A, ciation Ap. C Mary i A, ( Q. I A, 1 life in j Q \ A, a Btructio A, C Calvary G. "^ death oi A. T to it, an Q, y^ A. Pi the Jewi c. w A. It Q. Di the dami A. N< Q. W become I person >st^ a/ad ihe Son; ii X} re, that per and nd soul Mary ; [nan? he be- 1 OP in- I of the u r — 71 — .o' n^ V^ snffenngg and death on the CrfogJ- ".«.£)» what day did Christ bteoome man^ - «ation. 7/« ^,, '^ncemed^l^t,^ Soy gU,t. ■ LESSO.V III.' '.<■.'< ).K On Jesm-ChTut.\ it,,,,,,!';,'"' Ma^y?"'''""*''^'"^ Christ born of the'vilgia' A. On Christmas dav ; in a stable at Bethlehem ' Q. How long did Christ live upon ear* ?, .■ ,.„4- ■*''»•" thirty-three years, he led^ a mo«t hbW hfe in poverty and sufferings. !. t, "'^ ? TnV*^ ^''"l* ''"^ "* ^»g O" earth ? f a. xo show us the way to heaven bvhisi iiu^ structions and example. , ^ , 'f^ f- Ho'i^did Christ end his life ? > •' Calv;n,"»nH''-f- ^""^ly- *««>«*«=""«/!*c ^irii of Truth to teach ^em afi thingi^^s^ abide with them for ever, John xiV^. 2^^ . '^^^ >iJ Q. WhJ did Christ pend Ikb Hdy Ohorit 7 .0 A. To sapetify his Chweh, «o con4f^i*t .kis ApostUd, aOd ta leilaM^ the^ lo pieaoh hiia l^sp^l, or the New Law. .huum^.h ojf : 0. How d^ yott eaE the foUowferaof theN^wLa*^? A. Christians. '.' . . :i jic OTOvr oiiVY .V) ^. How are we known to b« Christians ? A, By being baptized, by professing the doo*- trine of Christ, and by the sign of the Cross. Q, How is the sign of the Cross made ? A, By putting the right hand to the forehead, :|Ji^a;i;i^der the ^rcast, then to the left and right shoulder sayinir, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. An^en. {),,,;§* Why do you, make the sign of the crosfl* *,, j4v ?^o bog, that Jeaus-Christ, by his cross and passion may bless and protect me. Q. bhould we^^ frequently make the sign of the cross.? . -,.,t 5j^:r. .:i A, Yes; particularly in all temptations and idaftgors,, before and after prayer \ and always with great attention and devotion. Q, Where are true christians to be found ? > 4. Only in the true Church. -,» 0* .How do you call the true Church ? (! A. The Rohj Catholic Church, Ap. Cr. §. Is there any other true Church, besides the -Ilgfy CatlioUc Church f ' ^? ' uil No ; as there is but one Lord^ one Faith^ rime JSaptiism, one God, and Father of ally there ifl J)ut one true Church. Ephes, 4, a-^uQ.H Are all obliged to be of the true Church ? A. Yea, none can be saved out of it. Acti 2 ; 'Lukk'l^ ; ^^^^^ ^ ; ^^'^' 18. Q, What means the .Communion of Saints f ^ ki'A, ilii Biwjans, that ail who belong to the true Church by their prayers and good works assist %aoh o^ber..' • .iw <»y X'-'^^' ^ Q, What means the forgiveness of sins ? Ap. Cr, .Xi.. l£te^ power of fiirgiving sins. r • LESSON- T. C>- r'i and Purgatory, „. Q. What is sin? i A. Any wilful thought, word, deed, or oraissioii, fjoatrftry to tho Law of God. ' • ' Q. What is original sin?' A. The sin wo inherit fi'om our fii-st parents and tn which we are conceived and horn Children of wrath. JSphes.ii.S. • i ynitr atiK-^r^] C. Who were our first parents ? A. Adam and Eve, the tirst man and woman, Q, What is mortal 8in ? A. A grievous offence or transgression against the Law of God. ^^^ sHij Q, Why is it called mortal? • ? A. Because it kills the soul, hy depriving It of its true life, which is sanctifying grace; and be- cause it brings everlasting death and damnation on tho sool. ' Q Does venial sin deprive the soul of saiioti- fyi»g grace, and deserve 'e\erlasting punishment? A, No, but it hurts the soul, by lessening its love for God, and by disposing to mortal sin. The scripture says, he that contemneth small things shall fail by little and little. Eccles. xix. 1. Q. Is it a great misfortune to fall into mortal sin ? A. It is the greatest of ' U misfortunes. ' Q, Where shall they go who die in mortal sin ? A. To Hell for all eternity.; .| i- Q, Where shall they go who die in venial sin? A. To Purgatory. ^ ^.ii / Qi What m Pur^'ator^ ? ' t;--, A, A place of punishioent M Iheioth^r' li^ g it of nd be- nation sauoti- ment? ng its 1. The things 111 sin? a fiin ? i\ 8in ? - ''^ — where some souls suffer for a time, before they can go to Heaven. Q. Can the souls in Purgntory be relieved by OTir prayers and otlier good works ? A. Yes; Being children of God. and still mem- bers of the Church, they share the communion of saints; and the scripture says, i7 »> a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dean that they may he loosed from their nn, 2 Mac. xii 46 Q. Is it sufficient for Salvation to be members of the true Church ? A. No, we must avoid evil and do good. Q, What Liood shall I do that I may have life everlastinor ? A. It' thon wilt enter into life, says Christ, keep the cornmmaTidments. Matt. xix. i7. Q, What c mmandments am I to keep ? A. The Ten Commandments of God. LE-SON VI. the Coinmandmentx, Q. Say the Ten Commandments of God ? A. 1. I am the Lord thy God ; thr i shalt have no other Gods but me. 2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 3. Remep bor that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. •' 4. Honour thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal Beighbour. ^ 4. • - -+8- 9. ThovL shatt not covet thy neighbour's wife. 10. Thou Shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods. jExod. XX. Q, Is It necessary to keep all, r*dd every one of the ten commandnients ? A, Yes ; the scripture says, whosoever sluilloffnid in one, is become guilty of all : that is the obser- vance of the other commandments will not avail to salvation. James, ii. 10. Q. To how many commandments may the ten be reduced ? A, To these two principal commandments, which are the two great precepts of charity : Thoa shalt love the Lord thK Ood^with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with all thy strenyih, and with all thy mind: and thy nelghhouras thyicl/ This do and thou shalt lice. Luke, x. Mark, xii Q. And who is my neighbour ? Luke x. 20. A. Mankind of every description, and witliout any exception of persons, even those who injure us, or differ from us in religion. Q. How am I to love my neighbour as myself ? A As you would, says Christ, that men should ui) to you, do you also to them in like maimer, Luke vi. 31 Q. What particular duties are required of me by that rule ? A Never to injure your neighbour by word or deed, in hia person, property, or character : to wibh well to him, and to pray for him ; and always to assist him, as far as you are able, in his spiritual and corporal necessities. Q, Am I obliged also to love my enemies .?;;, A* Most certainly. Loveyour enemies^ says Christ, o p. i — 77 — do good to them that hate you, blest them that curse i/ou, and pray for them that persecute and calum- niate you. Luke, vi M^ftt. y. Q. Are there aiy otlv^r commandments, besides the ten commandments of God ? A. There are the commandments or precepts of the Church, which are cliieflys'x. Q. Say the six commandments of the Church ? A. 1. To hoar >iass on Sundays, and all holy- days of obliiij.ition. 2. To fast and abstiin on the days commanded. 3. To confess our sins at least once a year. 4. To receive worthily the blessed Eucharist at Easter, or within the time appointed. 5. T6 contribute to the support of our pastors. ^ 6. Not to solemnize marriage at the forbidden times nor to marry persons within the forbidden degrees of kindred, or otherwise prohibited by the ■ Chuich, nor clandestmely. Q. Do the precepts of the Church oblige under pain of mortal sin ? A, Yes ; He *hat will not hear the Church, says Christ, let him he to thee as the Heathen and Publican. Luke, x ; Matt, xviii. Q, What is necessary to keep the command- ments of God, and of his Church ? '. A, The grace of God, which is to be obtained chiefly by prayer and the sacraments. LESSON VII. On Prayer and the Sacraments, Q, "What is prayer ? A ■i-a-m r^ ->,i-„7ai4Vii ui i/iio syui to vxoci, 10 adore him, and bless his holy name, to praise his gooJ- 'J- ' i'f — '^8 — r.esfl, arifUo vctiivn him thanks for his , l)eTiof!tg. Q. Ts prayer anylhinireise? A. It IS an humble petition to God for all ne- CGHsaries, for Houl and body. O. After what maniier fshould we pray? A. With all pos.-iblo attontion and devotion, aTid in a respcctfal j)Ostnrc on bended kneen. Q At what particular time sliould wo jiiay ? A. On Sundays and holidays ; every morning fin. Why are so many ceremonies used in the administration of the Sacraments? A. To excite devotion and reverence to them^ and to signify and explain tfieir effects. Q, How many Sacraments are there? A. Seven ; Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, and Ma- trimony. LES30N VTir. On Bijjjtism, Confirmat:en^ and the Blessed '. Eucharist, Q, What is Baptism ? ^ A, A Sacrament, which cleanses from original sin, maked us Christians and *»chi»dren of God and heirs to the kingdom of Heaven. Q. Is Baptism necessary to salvation ? A. Yes;^ without it we cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John, iii. 5. i - Q, Who are appointed by Christ to give Baptisnt ? A, The pastors of lis Church; but in case of necessity any layman or woman can give it. Q. How is Baptism given ? A. By pouring water on the head of the person to hfi hantizpd •. iSnviiny ui i\\a canio fitv>A . 7 7...^<.*_- ::v .- 80 — thee, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matt. xxviiL 19. • Q. What did we promise in Baptism ? A . To renounce the devil, and all his work» an^ pomps. Q. What is Confirmation ? A . A sacrament, which makes us strong and per- fect Christians. Q, What special preparations should be made for Confirmation ? A. To make a good confession ; and by fervent prayer, to beseech our heavenly Father to send his holy spririt on me, Luke, xi. 13. Q, What do you think of those who receive Con- firmation in the state of mortal sin ? A, They receive no benefit by it; but become more sinful, by adding to their former guilt the horrid crime of sacrilege. Q. What graces are received by Confirmation ? A. The seven gifts of the Holy Ghost. Q. Eepeat the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost ? A. Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and the Fear of the Lord. Q, Is it a great sin to neglect confirmation ? A. Yes ; especially in those evil days, when faith and morals are exposed to so many and such vio- lent temptations. Q. What obligations do we contract by Con- firmation ? A . To profess our faith openly— not to deny our religion on p.ny occasion whatsoever-— and, like good soldiers of Christ, to he faithful to him unto death. Apoc. ii. 10. — 81 — Q. What is tho bicssed Eudmrist ? 75 ^, A, The Body and Blood, ^oul and Divinity of Jesus-Christ, under the appearance of bread and wine. Q. What means the word Eucharist ? A. A special ^race or gift of God ; and it means also, a solemn »ct of thanksgiving to God for all his mercies. Q. How can the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ ? A. By the goodness and power of God, with whom no word shall he impossible, Luke, i. 37- LESSON IX. On Mass and Commuriion, Q, What is Mass? "'' V ^^ A. The sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ, which are really present under the appearance of bread and wine ; and are offered to God by the priest for the living and the dead. Q, What is a sacrifice ? A, That first and most necessary act of religion, ' whereby we acknowledge God s supreme dominion over us, and our total dependence on him. Q, What a/re the ends for which Mass is said ? A, To give God honour and glory ; to thank him for his benefits ; to obtain the remission of our sins and other graces and blessings through Jesus- Christ. Q, For what other end is Mass offered ? Jt. To continue and represent the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. This do^ says Christ, in re- membrance of me, 1 Cor, xi. ^a h — 82 — Q, How should we assist at Mass ? A. With great interior recollection and piety, and with every mark of outward respect and devotion. Q. Which is the best manner of hearing Mass ? A . To oflFer it to God with the priest for the san^e purpose for which it is said ; to meditate on Christ's suiFerings, and to go to communion. Q. How must we be prepared for communion ? A. We must be in a state of grace ; penetrated with a lively faith, animated with a firm hope, and inflamed with an ardent charity. Q. What means to be in a state of grace ? A. To be free, at least, from theguilt of mortal sin. Q. Is any thing else required before communion ? A. Yea ; to be fasting from midnight; and we should appear very modest and humble, and clean in dress ; showing in our whole exterior the greatest devotion and reverence to so holy a sacrament. Q. What should we do after communion ? A, We should spend some time in meditation and prayer; an-^ particularly in act» of thanksgiving, Q. Is it a great sin to receive it unworthily ? A. Yes; WhosoeverreGeivesunworthUjij, shallle guilty of the body and o^ the blood of the Lord ; and eats judgment, that is, damnation, to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. 1 Cor. xi. 27, 29. Q What do you mean by receiving unworthily ? A. To receive the blessed Eucharist in the state of mortal sin, Q. What should a person do, if he be in mortal sin, before communion ? A. He must obtain pardon in the sacrament ^ Penance. 'Ti>CT •*■' !T r • : ■• ■ ' .• . ! . V, ■ ,. .,.,;.■ ', , LESSON X. , , ■ ihi On Penance cmd Confesdon, f)5..^; What is Penance ? '" ^1.^1 "^ sacrament, by which sins are forgiven which are couimitted after baptism ^ ' "Tjnf '• 1'^ ""''* "^^ ^^' *^ '^^^^^^^ Par^ioa of our 8ins m the sacrament of penance ? A. We must make a good confession. C^. Which IS the best method to prepare for a good confession ? ^ ^ * 5. i;/""'*^'/^?'^^^^ *^ ^«g God's grace to make «iln ^^^^\«^«^--2ndly, to examine ourselves paietully, on the commandments of God and of his Church j oa the seven deadly sins ; and particularly on our predominant passions; ah d the duties of our Btations m hfe : that we may know in Tvhat, and how often we L^ve sinned by thought, worxi deed or omission. Sitlly, to Act^ of 5^17'^ a«d €h.nty ; and 4thly, to excite our^eC^' sincere contrition for our sins. ' ^Q, What is coiitritiou ? ' • * . ^'^. A hearty abrroi^ and aetdstatlon of sin ' for having offended God, with a firm resolution of sn' Hin^ no more. '- ^- What must we do at confession ? ^ We must beg the priest's blessing, say the Confiteor accuse ourselves of oar sins, list/n at^ ^iv^y to hi.'ir..H^ctions, and renew Lur s^rr^ \thfln he gives bgolution. Q What do YOU think of those who conceal a mortal sin in confession ? »^"^«i" » ^ ' -i. *h6y commit a inost grievous sin ., ;dliruj a — 84 — lU to the Holy Ghost ; and iostead of obtaining par- don theyincur much more the wrath ot (rod. ^ctsv, Q, What must persons do, who did not carefully examine their conscience, or who had not sincere sorrow for their sins, or who wilfully concealed a mortal sin in confession ? A They must truly repent of all such bad anU sa- crilegious confessions, and make th^m all overagain. Q What is the surest si^j^ii that our confessions were good, and tliat we hud a sincere sorrow for our sinr ? A. The amendment of our lives. Q. What should we do after confession ? .i 1. Weshoali return God thanks, and diligently '' perfprm the penance enjoined by the confessor. LESSON XI. On the other Sacramenfs, < •■ i Q. What is Extreme Unction ? :w\w y*^'- > A A sacrament, which gives grace to die well, and is instituted chiefly for the spiritual strength and comfort of dying persons. Q. How should we prepare ourselves tor JliX- treme Unction ^ , 1 1 1, a i A B V a good confession ; and we should be truly sorry for our sins, and resigned to the will of God, when we are receiving that last sacrament. 0. What is Holy Order ? . . j A A sacrament which gives bishops, priests, and inferior clergy to the Church, and enables them to perform their several duties in it. a What is Matrimony ? , ^ v j 1. A sacrament which gives grace to Oie husband andwi ohiidr( ofiMa! mortal 'A, : by proi blessing V, 32. ^^; 1 the sac A. 1 nestly I and to intende A, ^ reason i notice t broken 4. 7 or wife. e. ^^ A. F prepArG Ap. Cr. A, T with th€ and wife foUve h&pp^ together; and to hnngub their J 2^ 1>othey receivp the grace of the sacrament oft Watnmony, who contract maniage in the state of mortal sin ?- .1/;:.' ° voiawv* '-A, No; th^y ate guilty of a very great sacrilege, by profaning *o grSata Sacrament; and instead of a blessing, they receive their condemnation. Ephes. _ ^. What should a p^son do to receive wortMlu the sacrament of marriage ? ^ A. They should inake-a good confession, and ear- nestly beseech God to grant them a pure intention : an. to^direct them in the choice they aie to make! ; • V- f^iiould children consult their parents on their iiuended marriages? ' ii. ^¥es ; and be advised by them accordinc to ' reason and religion ; they should also give timely nOtipo to their pastnr. '^'^"^^ ■ ^ broten^^" ^^* ^^"^ or the tie of. marriage be •4. ./^ never cdn,U^hy the death of the husband ^""T^^J '^^' ^'"'^' "^"^- ^"^ ^ ^^^' vii. y Why did eiirist institute the sacraments ? A. Hot tfie sinetification of our souls, and to prepare ns/ora^hrpp^ and glorious resurrection. LKSSONXtl. On the General JadgmmU ^ C. What means the resurrection of the body ? r.d\I^'^^ "^V^^" ^" "^® ^^^*° O'^ *^e last day. With the same bodies which we had in this life. 1 \lh ;ii 1 ! r. « ., Q, What 4o you mean by the last day? A. The day of general judgnient, when m BUtot all appear before the judgment-seat of Ohriet, and then he will render to every man according to mift works. 2 Cor. v. 10, and Matt, xvi. 27. Q In what manner will Christ come to judge m f A. In the clouds of heaven, with great power and majesty, and aU the angels with him. Matt. xxiv. and xxv. xi. i * Q, What will Chrisfc bwy to the good on the last \, Come ye blessed of my Father, possess the kingdom prepared for you. Matt. xxv. 34. Q. What shall Christ say to the wicked on the ^A. ^Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and bis angels* Matt. xxv. 41. , i x j r) O. Where must the wicked go at the last day ( A, They shall go, both body and soul, into everlasting punishment. , ^ j o Q And where will the just go at the last day ( A. The just will enter- with glorious and im- mortal bodies, into life everlasting. Matt, xxv, 46. Q. What means life everlasting? Ap. Cr, A It means, if we serve God faithfully m this life, we phall be happy with him for ever in heaven. Q, What is the happiness of heaven ? A. To see, love, and enjoy God, in the kingdom jfhis glory, for ever and ever. Amen. O. What means -Amen ? A. So be it. THE MANNER OF SERVING THE PRIEST AT MASS. m p. iNTnoiDO ad altare Dei. (7. Ad Deumqui laiLihcal juvonlulem moam. P. Jiidica rac, Deus, el (Jiscerne causuni mcam de gentc non sancla, ab Iiomine iniquo ct doioso erue me. C. Quia lu OS Deus, fortitudo mea, quare me repu- listi et quare tristis incedo dum aHligiL me inimicus. P. Emitle lucem tuam el verilaiem tuam; ipsa me deduxerunt et adduxerunt m montem sanctum luum, et in tabernacula laa. C. Et introd3o ad altarc Dei, ad Deum qui laetiflcat juventutem meam . P. Confilebor libi m cylliara Deus, Deus meus. Quare Irislis es anima mea. et quare conturbas me. C. Spera in Deo, ([uoniam adhuc conliiebor illi, salu- tare vulius mei et Deus meus. P. Gloria 'rain, el Filio, et Spiritui Sdncto! C. Sicui erat m principle, et nunc, et semper, et in B83cula saecuiorum. Amen. P. Introibo ad altare Dei. C. Ad Deum, qui leetilicat juventutem meam. jp. Adjutorium nostrum m nomine Dommi. C. Qui fecit coelum et lerram. P. Confiteor Deo, Ac. G. Miserealur tui omnipoiens Deus, et dimissis pec- calis tuis perddcat te ad vitam peternam. , , ,., P. Amen. - G. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beata? MariJB semper Virgmi, beaio Michaeli Arciiangelo, beato Joanni Bap- tist83, Sanctis Aposiolis Peiro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi Pdter, quia peccavi nimis cof?^itatione, verbo et opere, mea culpa, mea culp^i, mea auixima culpa. Ideo precor beaiam Mariam semper Virginera, b^atiizo Mi- chaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam,, sanctag- Apostolos, Petrum el Pauluin, omnes sanptos, et tQ Pftter, orare pro lUQ adl Domiaum DQum^^oatruni. 4 i -88- K7. Amen., C. Amen. p. Misereatur vestn. &4. P Induigentiam, absolutionem, &c. p Deus tu conversus viviftcabis nos. C Et plebs tua Iselabitur in le. p. Ostende nobis Domine misericordiam tuam. C Et salutare tuam ila nobis. p. Domine exaudi orationem meam. C. Et clamor mens ad te venial. p. Dominus vobiscum. C Et cum spirau tuo. , ^-KreSn C. ChUe eleison. D* r?r^L P Pison C. Christe eleison. p. Christe eleison. ^ Vvr\P olpison P. Kyri3 eleison. ^- ^^^^^ eieison. P Kvrie eleison, p Dominus vobiscum, or flectamus genua. C. Et cum spintu tuo, or levate. i> Per omma saecula sseculorum. (/• Amen. At the end of the EphUesmj, Deo graiias. P. Sequentia sancli Evangeu, &c. C. Gloria tibi Domine. rv^^ictP .It r\^«si«i* ^* aomi-kPr VObisCUHl. C. >men. C. Amen. C, Amen. t Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Dominus vubiscuiu. C. Rt cum 8i*"itu tuo. P. Pnr omnia spr ,rum. ^. Amen. r. no missa esl, ©/ entdicamus DomJno. C. Deo gratias. P. Roquip-^aut in pace. ^ Amen. PRO FIDELIBUS DEFUNCTFS. P. pe profundis c) lavi ad le Domine, Domine exaudi vocem meam. C. Fiant aures tuiB intendentes in vocem denreca- tionis meae. * P. Si iiiiquitates observaveris, Domine, Domine. ouia sustinebit*? > h => C?. Quia apud et propiliatio est et propter legem tuam sustinui te Domine. ^ i*. Sustinuil animt mea in verbo ejus ; speravit anima mea in Domino. C\ A cuslodia matutina usque ad noctem, speret Israel in Domino. ^ P. Quia apud Dominum misericordia, et copiosa apud eum Redemptio. ^ C. Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus P. Requiem apternam. dona eis Domine. €. Et lu.Y perpeUia luceat eis. ' P A porta inferi. €. Erue Domine animas eorum. P. Requiescant in pace. 0^ Amen P. Domine exaudi orationem meam, C. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum spiritu tuo. M IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) Y ^ ^ m^ 1.0 [1111= I.I 1^128 Ao 12.0 2.5 2.2 IL25 ■ 1.4 1.6 yw ^> (^ '^y ^ ^/ /A Photograptiic Sciences Corporation ?3 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 M^^ L^ -90- THE CATHOLiO SCEIPTTJKAL CATECHISM , : ■ "i. Q. What is the Catholic Rule of Faith? A, The Revealed Word of God. ^ \ Of what does the Revealed Word of God consist? A. Itconsistaoftwoparts: the Written Word, caie«l the H«.ly Scrii ture, and the Unwritten Word, called Divine Tradition - ^ Q Are thcso two parts of ccjual authority ( A. Yes; beciuso they have been equally re vealed by God. , n .i. *i. 9 Q Which of th393 p irts was b- fore th« ottjer r A The Unwritten Word was before the Written Word, with respect both to the Old Testament and tha New Testament. ^ What divine traditions existed before Moses wrote the first Books of the Old Te.-tainent ? A The duty of sancnfying the Sabbath, {^(xen. ii 3*) the prohibition of eating the b ood of ani- mals, iGen. ix. 4 ;) the rito of Circumcision, (Gm. xvi 10 •) and generally, the whole history ottte- liaion before the time of Moses, during 2500 years. °0 What traditions of the* < hristian Religion existed before the several Books of the New Tes- tament were promulgated or written ? J^ A The substitution of the Sunday, as a Holy Day* for the Sabbath, or Saturday ; the abrogation Qf the necessity of circumcision, and, generally^ the whole system of the Christian Religion. Q, Did Jesus-Chriet write the New Scripture . X No, he did not write any part of it. ni ~ ■^* ■% •/=«.. K ■ 'O . -^- $. Did lie>it inV time before his AscensioD,-^ coi^imand bis Apostles to write it f , ^ A, No : though some pf them wete inspired, on enbseqnent occasions, to write the Books of it, which bear their names. . , if^^ ^i Q^ In what rutinner then did Christ commission them to publi: h his doctrine and i)Tecepts ? , A. By preaching: his last words to them/ ac-; ' cording to ^t. Matthew, beiujr these : Gping, ther6f^ /orBj teach ye all natmns, baptizing thefm in ih<^. name ofthe.Father^ and of the Son, and ofthe^ Holy GrlwH ; teaching fheni to olcerve all thingSy wKatsoever I have commanded yoiij dindy heholdy I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. Matt, xxviii. 10, 2H. ^ Q, Did the Apostles observe this precept ihr converting nations to the Faith ? A, Yes, they did: for St. Mark testifier of them, that after Christ had commanded them to Preach the Gbspel to every creature :■■- they ^ going} forthj preached every where ; the Lord working withal, and confirming the word by signs that fal- lowed. Mark, xvi. 20. Q, Did the Apostles instruct their disciples to follow the same method ? A. Yes; for St. Paul writes to Timothy: The things which thou hast heard of nie by many wit* nesses, the same commend to faithful men, wh^^^ shall befit to teach others also. 2 7\m. ii. 2. . . **'' Q. Has no Christian Nation or Province, shic^ the time of the Apostles, been converted by rea- ding the Holy Scriptures ? . ^*/' A. No; they have all been converted by PiNJi-' ^ 4 — 92 — cliers,, succeeding, by due authority, to the above- mentioned commission, given to the Apostles. , ^. Did uot, Christ tejl the Jews to Search the Scriptures ? (John, v. 39,) and did not St. Paul commend the Bereans for Searching the Scrip- tures whether these things were so ? ActSy xvii. 11. A. the texts in both these instances referred to the Prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the Messiah, which were evidently fulfilled in the Person and actions of our Saviour ; not to the doctrine of Christianity, nor to the New Testa- ment, which was not then written. — The same isi^ t9 be said of St. Paul's commendation of Timothy,.'^ for having Known the Holy Scriptures frorn hii infancy. (2 Tim. iii. 15.) Reading the Old Tes- tament with suitable disposition, no doubt was profitable to this Disciple for instruction ; but the,. Apostle plainly signifies that Timothy had Zeaw* . his faith in JesusrChrist from him, St. Paul, (y,^^ 14, 15 ;) namely, when he preached at Lystrai^ ActSjXW, 14. Q, Are the Scriptures, of themselves, easy to.^, be understood ? A. No: tbcy contain Things hird to he under' stood, which the unharufd and unstable wrest to their own deMruction. (^ ^^^^ i"- i^-) The same is evident from the great variety of Sects, who profess to build tlicir Faith on the Scriptures alone, and yet differ f ro n each other on the fundamental articles of Christianity. Q, Has Christ furnished us with any means hjv which we may learn with certainty, the sense of the flplj^^W^^f® i;i all peces^ry points ? A, Yes; lie lias established a never faifeng tri^*' bunal, both to preserve and to interpret his divine Word in bdth its branches, namely, his Holy Church, Q. How do you prove this ? . A, Iti every State and Society of Mankind, theif^ are and must be Judges and Magistrates, tomaiot ' tain the Laws, and to decide upon their meaning. Accordingly Christ, in founding his Church, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail^ (Matt, xvi. 18,) commands us all to hear it^ under pain of being considered as heathens and publicans, (Matt, xviii. 17.) In like manner, having sent his Apostles to teach all Nations^ he promised to re^ main with them for ev^f, and to send them the Sprit of Truth which Stiall teach them all truth, I John, xvi. 13. I Q. How does the Church deliver to us the Sense of Scripture and Tradition ? A, By the decisions of her Bishops, and espe- cially of her Chief Bishop in the Chairof St. Peter ; by the Sermons and Instructions of her other Pas- tors, and by the approved good books, especially the Catechir^ms, which she puts into our hands. Q. Is it not morally possible chat the doctrines of the Seven Sacraments, the Real Presence, Tran substantiation. Invoking the Saints, Praying for the Dead, &c., which Catholics term Divine TrOr ditionsj and the True Sense of Scripture, may hsiX^ sprung from the fraud of the Clergy, and the ere • dulity of the People, at some former period r A. No; this is morally 'impossible: since these doctrines have always been held, both by the Clergy and People of the whole Catholic Chureh, spread, as it is, and always has been, throughout the whole \ world. Besides this^ these doctrines are, and always have been, held by the ancient heretics, who were separated from the Catholic Church in the fifth and the following centuries. Q, In what does the word of God, contained in the Holy Scriptures, properly consist ? A, Not in the mere words of the Sacred Text : but in the meaning of it, as the Holy Fathers teach. Q. What follows from this ? A, That many persons who are the most assi- duous in reading the Bible, yet do not attain to the truths of Religion, taught by Jesus-Christ, and arc really isnorant of the Word of God. Q. What else ? A. That others who have learned the essential truths of Revelation, as to what they have to be- lieve, and what they have to practise, from their Pastor's in>trnctioiiis and tlieir Catechisms, havo really attained to the knowledge of God'fl Word, even thougli thoy should never havvj read any por* ticn of the Bible. Q. Is there any obligation of reading the Scrip- tures ? A. The Cathol c Clergy are required to read and to pray out, ot it every day. A more strict obligation of studyinir both the Written and the Unwritten Word of God, lies on the Pastors, whose duty it is to inculcate it to the faithful. But there is no such general obligation incumbent on the Laity: it being sufficient that th y listen to it from their Pastors. Q. Is it lawful for the Laity to read the Holy Scriptures? A. They may read them in the langaag^in whiok . ihey were written, as likewise in the anoient V^iil- gatQ TranslfttioQ, wUoh the QhuFch vouches to be^ authentic. They may also read them in approved f modem versiona; but ijfith dpe suhmi^ion to tl^§, , int^irpr^tion and auUxprity pf the Church. ^r -f stuiqted readjbg of the Bible, in yi^lgar languages, bj>thei^?^i^me(;^anc^i«fi«ta^^^\)yj.J ^ , y4*..¥^s; pumberles&heresiei and impieUes; as r afiq.n^a^y rebellions and civil wars* ^j^av^^d 'i ^^mpoi^' Br. Ghallo&tr'i Cathotio Christian Instrnotod.) V Oi BiokqiSMS, AND BENEDICTIONS, 6r BLESSINGS [ ^OTC^EAiui^llS IN THE CA.TttOLI0 CHURpH, ' ' ; f ^^ '\ Alii); of; THE USE 6f lEtoLT WATER. , ' ^ , . ■"W' Txr" '" -. ' -. -n. .i^Hli moil HifriT WPAT do you mean by Exorcism f ?; , fit .ii;4'>Tto9 rites and prayers instit)ite4 by. lie, ChurcJ^ifor <>he casting out devils, or restraining, them froBa Imrtipg, person^ disq^iieting places, ^or abd^ipg -aiiy of Grod's creatures to our harm. . Q, HaSjfflirist given his ghi^rch^aiiyjij^h power over the devils ? '^hrf. 7*>?'J -v/ft f^n^Hv-tv'..,, ^^..J^i^-p^ he has : s(8e St, Matt, x., 1. j St. Mark, iii. 15. St, Luke, ix. 1. ;' where, this power was giyei^ ta ilie .^postles ; and to the seventy-twp dis- cxpleSjvSt. I/uke, x. ,19.; and to other believers, 8j^, liiarkv ^^* 1*^) 18. An4 that this power w«a not to die with the Apostles, nor to cease after the ApoBtoUo agc^ we learn ^om the perpetual practiee of the Ohurot^ a;id the experience of all ag^« i!' to Qc jWfe^tii if the meaning of blessing SQimaiiy iNngs in the Catholic Chuiclii?-)^, jg ,v.iiiiU igiKni) / ^rf/ tVe^Mfefe^ciiuMieB, a^^ other pl4o« Wt^stjacf > f6r divine fiefViee ; iltare, ehklicfts, vestmetots, i&o.,^ byway of devoting them to holy uses. W© blei«' our meals and other inanimate minge which (Sod [ has given tiis for out use, that wfe may use Uifeitf in i moderation, in a manner agreeable to God's institu- tion ; that they may be eervieeablc to us, and that ; the devil may.have no power to abuse them to our ' prcjudiee. We bless candles, salt, wateir, &fc., by way of begging of God that such aiS religiougly^use^ them may obtain his blessing, &o. Q» But does it not savour of fiuperstitioft to, at- trib^^e any virtue to such inanimate thin^Q^^i^ bless^ candles, holy water, Agnus Devs^ &c. _^ A. It is uo 8uper3tition to loott for a ^p94 effect from the prayers of the Church of God; and it is in virtue of these prayer? that we hope for bfen^t from these things when uiied with foith, anii daily experience shows that our hopes are ndt VaJdi * "^^ ' Q; What do you mean by Agnus 2>*i'« f ' -^ '^^^^^^ A. Wax stamped with the image of the Ii«ftft'« of God, blessed by the Pope with ^oleinn prkjr^, and anointed with the holy chrism. ; ^ '' ^' '> Q, What warrant have you in scripture Ibr-W^-. , ing inanimate things ? : , ; .[ . i A. 1 Tim. iv. 4, 5, Every ctectture ef Ghd ia^ goodjand nothing to be rejected tUat is receiyeS^ with thanksgiving : for it issanctiJieiihytklBWord' of Qod, and prayer, ! ; ; i ir ■ n . (.' Q, Why does the Church make tfse of'thb sigA^ of the cross in all her blessing and bbtf Seei-atldnB t "Jl; To signify that aH our good Alifet/ooiie through Christ crucified^-^ oiln3:ti^l) odi m b-o ifc 'i ( !l - I Gfod I stitu- l tha<; 5.) H to, at- eitect 1 it ia ^n^t daiiy ■ i 'i > /O bleb- fed m long ?^> /ooide (^.^J^^t do you met n by Holy Water ? , .of»*4v Walter sanctified by the word of God and /payer; ^^/-jo., iKti? v^oR .v) (>. What 13 the use of Holy Water ? .,, ,i|| fj^ji -4. It is blessed by the Church in solemn' prayers, to beg God's protection and blessing upon those 'that \siso it., and in particular that they may be (^jefflnded from all the powers of darkness. • IrQ, Ja the use of Holy Water v^ry anqieiitip .UM>iGh»rph of God ? h very ancient, since it is mentioned in 4he ; Apofttolio Constitutions, 1. 8, c. 29. An4 as i' A. PrUd^ic*, justice, temf^eraiMje, arid fdrtiWde. Q. How many sorts of alms or works of tafilMj arethcre?- ••'•'' ' -^ \:^f^[ )> ' j1. Twof i!s(yrp6rt»l and spir(hial."^J'« ''- ^' .»^- fiP/: Q^ I H<)\v itiany corporal works of meroy ?^' ^ «>^ ■ A, Seven —1. To feed' the hun«jTy. 2. To'gi^e drink to th« thirsty. 3. To cloth the nakedv 4i'To harbour pilgrims or travelfcrs. 5. Ton^anioul'pri- sonners. 6. To visit the sick. 7. To burythia deiwi. « i 'Oi' How many spiritual works dfmerey'? .^-^ ^^^ A. SeVen— 1. To give good c6un8el.s2. iTo itf- Btfuct the ignorant. 3. To admonish siniwirt. 4. ^o .♦comfort the afiicted. 5. To pardon injuTies. Gvj^Tb 'bear wrongs patieatly. 7. To pray fdrtiieMiig and the dead. ^ ^ »i .v. nnnhiniJ r,] I. Slessed are the poor in spirit, fdr tbaifftts the kingdom of heaven. n 11. Blessed are the fneek, fdr thejr rtall pctesess •|he earth.' ''■■'- "^^'^ '■-' '" '''-■' ■ ■'■''•■ "* ■''^'■; * ' III. Blfe^S tfreriihfey 'tUat mdtMflo, fbr tiiey shaU be c^forted. '^ • i . •'■■■ ,[' IV. Blesfied ai^ Ihejr ihst hunger anithttit after justioe, for they shall be filled. ' ■<■ '' ^' * V. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall ob- ^iniueroy. ']•■ VI. Blessed are .the clean of Jieart, for they shall see God. "■' ' VII. Blessed are the peace makeriS, for Ihey shall be called the children of God. =' '^ ' ') ^ • VIII. Bleased^ tfte they* that fiUtfef T»erdeo*tion for righteousuead* sake, for theirs is the kbgdciifl^f heavens 'tii!;ade. meiNi(y \^ r onl'pri- ?./- To -iil- elimg I .^^ ! pciuess t^y shall ilbbit ■ .1 .I'M shall ob- ■ Matt, xii. 22 A. Because those, who are guilty of the five first ot those sms, seldom or ever do repent of such sins and are with great difficulty brought to be sorry % them ; and those that are guilty of the last, or final impenitence^ never can repent; but dying in mortal guilt, and enemies to God, are incapable of lorgiveness. Q, What are the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance ? A. These four :—l. Wilful murder, 2. The 61U8 of Sodom. 3. Oppression of the poor, and 4 Defrauding labourers of their wages. * What are the four last things to be remem- bered ? -i ^- T • ^»*h- 2. Judgment. 3. Heaven. 4. Hell. mn{l. Is the frequent remembrance of these things ttsefoltoihesottl? . i4. It is a most, powerful preservative against sin ; for the scripture says, « In all thy works remember thy last end ; and thou shalt never sin. i Eccles. vii. 40. TH^ FIFTEEN MYSTERIES OF THE BOBABY. S'lij the Jive Joyfiil Myiteries, 1. The Annunciation of our Lady when the Son of GOD was conceived. 2. The Visitation of St. Elizabeth. 3 The Nativity of our Lord Jesus-Christ. 4. The Pre- sentation of our Lord in the Temple. 5. The (Indmg of our Lord in the Temple among the Doctors. Say the five Sorow/ul Mysteries. •■ 1 The praver of our Lord in the g( den. 2. The ' whipping him'at the pillar. 3. The crowning him with a Crown of Thorns. 4. His carrying of the cross to ' Mount Calvary. 5. His crucifixion and death on the Cross. Say the fi>ve Glorious Mysteries. 1 The resurrection of our Lord. 2. His ascension into hea'ven. 3. The coming of the Holy Ghost. 4. The As- sumption of our Lady into Heaven. 5. Her Coronation above all angels and saints. APPENDIX. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, As found in the XX, chapter of Exodus. An© the Lord spoke all these words : 2. I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out ©f the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3, Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 4*. Thou shalt not make to thjrself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is m heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of thos# things tbat are in the waters under the earth. Dst bId ; nber thy vii. 40. JARY. le Son of llizabeth. The Pre- inding of I. 2. The him with cross to Lhe Cross, i'.il ' nsion into . Thtj As- oronation odtis, b thee out bondage, elbre me. a graven hat is in r of thow irih. 6. Thou BhM not adoiiB them, Ttrtf fl«^A fj^^^f^ , I amtheLw-dthyGod, mightyjcalous, visiUng the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me • b And showing mercy unto thousands of them that lor^e me, and keeja my commandments Wk rT^^"^ ®^^^* ?^* *^^® *^® ^""^^ of the Lord thy God m yam .for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God m vain. 8. Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day. y. bix days shalt thou labour, and sh-^H do ail ' thy works. i .10. But on the seventh day is the sabbath, of the Lord thy God : thou shalt do no work on it, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man^geS vant, nor % maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger that is withm thy gates. Z 11. For in six days the Lord made heaven and «arth, and the sea, and all things that are in them atid rested on the seventh day : therefore the Lord Wessed the seventh day and sanctified it 12. Honour thy father and thy mother, that tiiou nmyst be long-lived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee. '13. Thou shalt not kill. 14. Thou shalt not commit aduJtery ''*^*^^ 16. Thou shalt not steal. *= I"; * "^ 16. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thv neighbour, ^ -^ 17. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house • -neitber shalt thou desire his wife, nor his ser^ vant nor his hand-maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, mt anything that IS his. ^ '.^:ih FESfriVALSrFAST DAYS^&o*' r ,(: '^^'trstivals OF ouuGArroN THuoLbrtocT THE ECCiJi»U'. fst: All Sundays in tho A^iar. ^^» ^'''^^*^\' . The Circumcision of our Lord, JasU^rt 1st. The Epii)liany of our Lor I. January 6th. r -^^ The Aununcialiou of Lhc Ble&sed Virgin Mary, March 'imi. Wliea Hut feslml is bansferred to my others than the THh March, it ccxscs lo be of obh^im. .^^^ Ttie Ascension of our L'jrd. r . : , , / Corpus Gbristi Day. f^^^ ';^ ^'^ 81 Peter and «l. Pliul, June 29th, '>/n >.i ,« AH Saints Day, November 1st. / ;- o • The Conception of the B.Y. M., December 8th., , . Christmas Day, Dj-^cehj^eu 2jth. . *,*,i Oiii. *'>■»■' — ifia — ff?: A«h w^'f^'^? "^^'^^ ^ ^^** '^ commanded. 4 h. Ash Werlnesday and the three following days iirs't^e'^^eCc^tnf >' ^"^^^' -^ «^turdfy oTfhe 2nd ??nf iwh ^l^^^T °^i^"* ®^^«P^ Pai'n Sunday. m the Is , 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of Lent • hiit under the conditions that flesh-meat be used at one m^ ,, ^^^- pnthe Saturdays throughout the year exceot L aua&^ '"' ''''''' '' ^^"'^ ^ '''' ofobiiS Fnfi^' On St Mark's day, unless it should fall on a Friday, and the three Hogation days. 1 he solemnization of marriage is forbidden from the first Sunday of Advent till the Epiphany inclusiVer and from Ash Wednesday till Low Lnday al^oSsbelj^ MANNER OF BAPTIZING A CHILD IN DANGER OF DEATU BY LAY PERSOxNS. of l'h«';hnlf Ti7 'IT"'''" '^^*®'"' P°"^ it on the head pi the child, and while you are pouring it sav the fnl andJrl' '■ ^^rv4^^^ *>* ^^^ nZeoflll Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy GhosL ^»*'*«r. ,mnn^^; Ji^ Catholic Church commands all her children upon Sundays and holidavs. to be present at the gT^at ^r^t'f'^^ s^«^^?«^' whicfi we call the Mass, and to rest 2dlv l{;r^' "^"'^ ? ^^"'« ^^y.^' ^"^ keep them h% dflln?fnc?''"''"^'i'^',^^^."' tb abstain from flesh on aU fn If [ f ^'"^ ^"^ abstinence; and on fasting dava. f^fth^/i'^"'."'?^^-- ^^'y- ^^« commands them W con^, fess their Sins to their pastors, at least once a year ♦thiy. She commands them to receive the blessed * fe — lOfc — sacrairteitt at least once a year, and that at Easter, viz • between Palm-Sunday and Low-Sunday. , The fourth council of Laleran, Can. 2 1, ordains thw every one of Iho faithful of both sexes, after they come to the yeai-8 of discretion, shall, m private, faithfully con- fess all their sins, at least once a year, to their own pas- tor, and take care to fullil, to the best of their power, the penance en)oine(l them ; receiving reverently, at least at Easter, the sacrament of the Elicharist, unless, per- haps, by the counsel of their pastor, Ibr some reaspname cause, they judge it proper to abstain from^it for a time ; otherwise, let, them be excluded from the Church while living, and when they die, be (ieprived of Christian burial." •Iff \) -■^^n! THE christian's DAILY EXERCISE OF MORNING AND NIGHT PHAYER. i n'f! , Rising from bed, make the sign of the cross, saying: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and ol the Holy Ghost, Amen— and otfer yourself to God--then dressing yourself, modestly acknowledge the goodnesa of God, who gives you this day to labour in it, for the salvation of your souL; and consider this day may be your last. \Vhen dressed, place yourself in the presence of God, in a respectful pokure, on bended knees, and bdessing yourself, adore him with the most profound respect; give him thanks for his benefits to you, espe- cially for having watched over you during the night; and join with all the angels and saints, in blessing and praising his holy name. a- a a nr.A Afterwards recollect yourself, if you offended God : during the night, and what were the sms you com- mitted the day before ; and with an humble and con- trite heart, begging God's forgiveness of them end of all past transgressions, firmly resolve not to oUend him any more, and earnestly beg his assistance, to spend the present day in his love and service, and to guard you particularly against your predominant passpos, and tl findy The your blessii and c Apost accust friend! gingg conclu cessioi by rec( to thos devotic Evei is desii portun nour ir Christ, hear m becaus IS that same ti of true estly to improv( And^ works ( secret 1 eyes of speak, I jiidgmei walk w of God, your he his hone Z Xr.»&' '^^ '»'"»««' '» which you Messing on them, devoutly recite the acts of fSuh We and charuy, the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Marv X Apostles' Creed, and whatever ither praye " you ar^ fri^nHcT!? '" "?*'• "^^^ should also'^pray for yo™ friends and enemies, and for the living uid iead W gmg grace, mercy, and salvation for all manS'- and conclude your morning prayer by invokins -he intrr cession and protectioaVthe blesld VirSuVarv and ter'"'?'^'?^ y''"'-^^'' '» yo"-- Angel oSaS, 1^ Every Christian, who has at heart his salvation an.-< ZhZT,'"^^?"^ '^°'^' ""Shi, if he has t me aSd 01^ ^rfn^^f'^^^l'"""^ n>orniug,orataconvenie^ Chn, ni nn''"^' "" "^^ "'^'- '""^' "'• «» lie passion of onnsl, or on some pious an( serious subiecl • and in hear mass with all possible aUenlion and reverence" f^^TJi^ ■'"'^'""^ ""^'•^^' '"'« ^=-«""«« of he Mass ' IS that which gives most glory to God, and is at tha same time most prolilable tons: the reading of boiki plMvTn?"""""" l'"''^' •■""' '^'"'"1 "i-rality is also earn! ' impLvemenT"™"""""'' "' '"'' «°"""'='™ "> ^P'"""' And in order to Paiiclify each day, and the eood works o/,t, considor ll,al -all MiV/*, even your most :^^^odTe^s:„^t^^^^^^^^^ ■- i^rsi KS X^lor^ °'""'^ Voursf'^-^acti^nTtf 7 — loa — J / WIGHT PRAYER. If it be so necessary a duty lo begin the day by- prayer, it is of the utmost consequence to conclude it also by prayer ; the graces receiveil during Lho day, and special protection vou stand in need of against the dan- gers of the night, should engage you to humble your- self before God in prayer every night, which necessary duty is never to be omitted ; and sliould be always most religiously performed, and in the same manner, and with the same dispositions, as in the morning. Every night, therefore, before you go to be