IMAGE EVALUATION T^ST TARGET (MT-3) / O I i.O I.I 1.25 |50 1^ IIIIIM M 1-4 llllil.6 V] I ■% V 4>> ^ <^ V '^O^ ^v^ r^^,.>^ % '1? <> ' signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symbols V signifle "FIN". Mapa, piataa. charts, etc., may be filmed at different redi^ction ratioa. Thoaa too large to be entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginniny in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top tc bottom, as many framea aa required. The following diagrama illuatrate the method: Las cartea. planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent itra filmte i dee taux da rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour itre reproduit en un seui ciiehA. il est fWmi i parttr dm Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'imeges nicessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illuatrent la methods. 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^r, C -jiT cT QUEBEC, i'< MAY, 1821. t" i v^ .t ^ i £ 5 I '^. '^: I' %t\' -Colin Campbell, Wm. Bruce, Alexanden Haddan and others, respecting the Pay- E ^ i = 1" ^ ^ 1"~ 3 N ^ i ment (rf certain obligations, #rcu dji?. on the - ^e 5 c cT S E- >; :* : • ' BuiWing, &c. of " " ' ■ ' ^ "' '' "■ . ^. JOHN'S CHAPEL. "•"^ ^- r.. -i =■-. :^ B. "*' J I. j>' : -- c .X « j; — ^* U; **4 ©n t|)ig firft t»ap of i!Hap> in the yeai^ of our Lord one tli<»usand eiglil hundred and twenty-one, Before us, t!ie undersigned Nolarips Public, duly commissioned and sworn, in and for the Province of Lower-Canada, and residing at the City of Quebec, in the said Province, personally canie, appeared, and were present the several persona next herein-after mentioned, that is to say, The several persons whose names and additions are hereunto subscribed, with the sum of twenty-five poimds, set in a lin« with each of th(!ir rcspecti e Names or Signatures, and who accord- ingly agree to become subscribers to the Obligation contained in these presents, to the extent of the said sum of twenty-five pounds, currency, of the first part ; George Spra»t, of the said City of Quebec, Clerk ; William Bruce, of the said City of Quebec, Merchant ; Alexander Haddan, of the said City of Quebec, Upholsterer; Richard Fielder, of the said City of Quebec, Carpenter; James Penny, of the said City of Quebec, Boat-buHder ; and Zacharias Goff, of the said City of (.tuebec. Shoemaker (oeing six out of nine Trustees of the piece or parcel of ground, chapel and premises herein-after mentioned) of the second part ; Cohn Campbc^ll, of the said City of Quebec, Tinsmith ; and Samuel Brown, of the said City of Quebec, Shipbuilder, of the third part; and llie said Colin Campbell, solely and individually, of the fourth part : Which said parties, before us the said Notaries, and by these presents did and do th?reupon weverally grant, covenant, promise and a^ree, acknowledge, testily and declare as follows : that is to say— Thwt WHEREAS, by a certain Nolaiial Act or llnstrument of Sale and transfer, bearing date on or about the sixteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one Ihousand eight hmidred and sixteen, passed before Jean Belanger and his confrere. Notaries Public in and for the said Province, and residmg in the said City of Quebec, and made, or mentioned to be made, between John Anderson, of the City of Quebec, Merchant Butcher, of the one part, and the said Colin Campbell and Sauniel Brown, of the other part; he, the said John Anderson, for the consideration therein-men- tioned, did sell, assign, convey, transfer, and make over, with guaranlie against all incumbrances, unto the said Colin C-ampbdl and Samuel Brown ; tirstly, a lot of ground therein stated to be situate in the Upper-town of Quebec, in St. Fran- cis street, and to contain thirty-six or thirty-seven feet in front, by fifty or fifty- four feel in depth, and lobe bounded in front by St. Francis-street, and in the rear by Uie representatives of one Dupont, on the North-east side, partly, by a lot the property of one Garenne, and partly by the ground remaining to the said John Anderson, and on the S(mth-west side by the lot in the now reciting Act or or Instrument of Sale secondly described ; And, secondly, another lot of ground, situated in the same r^treet, contiguous to the lot therein firstly described, con- taining thirty feet in front by fifty feet in depth, bounded in front by St. Francis- street, and in the rear by a lot appertaining to Marie-Angehque l)e ('ourmier, on the North-east side by the lot tlierein firstly described, and on the South-west side byalune appertain-ng to the house of the heirs of one Couillard, then repre- sented by George Pozer; together the rights, members, and appurtenances there- unto belonging, as the same are in the now reciting Act or Instrument of Sale more particularly mentioned and described : TO //OLD the said several lots of ground ard premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Colin Campbell and Sanuiel Brown, t'leir heirs, executors, curators, administrators and assigns, to ilheir only proper use and behoof of them the said Cohn Campbell and Samuel Brown, their heirs and assigns, from thenceforth for ever. Subject nevertheless to an hypotheque or mortgage tor the sum of three hundred pounds, curront money ol the said Province of Lower-Canada, being the purchase money of the saiil pre- mises, to be paid by the said Colin Campbell and Samuel Brown, their heirs, exe- cutors, administrators or assigiw, to the said John Anderson, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, in liie course of seven years, to be computed from the day of the date of the said Act or Instrument nfSale now in recital, together willi legal interest for the same, at tlie rale of six percent, per annum. A\U WHEREAS by a certain other Notarial Act or Instrument, also made and passed before the said Jean i ielanger and his confrere. Notaries Public, as aforesaid, bearing even date with the said heroin-before part recited Actor instrument of bale, an(i made between the said C^olin Campbell and Sainuel Brown, of the one part, and the said (ieorge Spratt, William Bruce, \lexander Haddan, Richard Fielder, James Penny, Wiiliam Tcnman, and Zacharias Gott', and others wlio are tiierein-named, as Trustees for the purposes herein-after mentioned of the *l.<. ....%s s.n^ miscs in the said herein-before in part recited Act or Instrument of 'I'runsler mcn- .tioned and described ; Uj)on the trusts, and to and lor the ends, inlents and |)ur- ^ poses ])03esnliorein parliculavly mCutionetl and expressed ; and wluch IruBts were for tlu! nuritose of raising, either biy voluntary subscription, or n\ ai^y other prudent manner, money, for the purpose of building and erecUi'.p, and to build and erect accowlinf^lv, within the space of seven yedrs, to be cortiprtttd ft-ofrt that date, a C'hapel, or'Place of Worship, for the use of the members of U cwttim congrega- tion of Protestants, styhng themselves a Congregation'al Ck*i>rch, there meeting for Divine Worship, according to the tenets and doct/nie of the f, other Act or Iiistrdrht-nt of hypotheque or mortgage, bearing dale on or about 2^d day of November, in the Maid year of our Lord one thousand eight iiundn-d and sixteen, and made or mcntirtned to be made between the said Trustees, in the said last-mentioned Act Or Instrument of trust particularly mentioned and described, Cand of whom thfe said ^^ieorge Spratt, William Bruce, Alexr. Iladdan, Richard Fielder, James'Penny, Wdliain Pen- man and Zachariiis Goff were seven,) of the one part, and'lhe said Colin Camp- bell of the other part— Tliev, the said Trustees, in consideration of the sum of seven liundred pounds, current money of the said Proviiice of Lower-Cdnada, by tliein borrowed and received of the said Colin Campbell, foi- the use and improvement of the said Chapel, and part whereof is therein stated ^6 luVve been then already laid out, and the surplus to be by them intended to be laid out in the building ot the said Chapel, and the improvement of the lot of ground whereon the said Chapel was then erected, for the use of the members of the said Congregational Church, did bind and oblige themselvesand their successors m office, aiid pefsoirdly each ot them, for his share ot the said debt, and for each and every th^V hens, execu- toi-9 and administratoi-H, to pay and reimburse to the said Colin Caifipbell, heirs, executors, curators, administrators or assigns, the said sum of seven hundred pounds, currency, together with interest for the same, at the time and in the manner therein- mentioned: And lor that purpose they did bind, mortgage and'hypolheque all their property, moveable and immoveable, and more esjx'cially the said several lots of ground and premises, in the said iirst herein-before in part recited Act or Instru- ment of Sale, mentioned and described, and the Chapel which was then erected and built therecm, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. As, in and by the said three several hereinbefore in part recited Axis or Instruments of Sale, trust and hypotheque, relation being thereunto respectively had, may, and will more fully and at large appear :— AND WHEREAS the said Several sums of three hundred pounds, in and by the first-mentioned Act or Instrument of Sale, of the sixteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and .sixteen, sccvred to be paid to the said John Anderson, his heirs, executors, Administrators or assigns ; and ofseven hundred pounds, in and by the said he.rein-^before in part re- cited Actor Instrument of mortgage and hypotiieque, of the twenty-second day of November, in the same year, Secured to be paid to the said Colin Campbell, his heirs, executors, ' administrators or assigns, together with certain arrears of interest for each of those sums respectivelv, are, and con- tinue ttill unpaid, and there is now also due to certain Workmen, and parti- cularly to the said Richard Fielder and to John Phillips, of the said city of Quebec, Mason, and Robert Gain, of the said city of Quebec, Painter, for work and labour and materials furnished by them in and about the erection and build- ing, and the improvement and decoration of the said Chapel, and interest thereon up to the present time, divers sums of money, amounting in the whole to the sum of three liundred and seventy-eight pounds, or thereabouts, which are more par- ticularly mentioned and set forth in the Scliedtile or Account hereunto annexed, and which together with tlie said sums of three himdred poumls and seven hundred pounds, and the arrears of interest now due for the same r'.'spcctively amount in the whole to thesum of one thousand six hundred pounds, cir. rency, and upwards, as is also more particnlarlv mentioned and set forth in tlie said Account. AND WHEREAS on a meeting of the Members of the said congregation and other friends and supporters ot the objects lor which the said t hapcl was at first erected and establislieii, it halli been agreed upon that the said C olin Campbell should take upon himself the liquidation, arrangemcntand payment ol tiie whole ot lliu other d<'b!s wliich are now due orowina" to other persons than himself, in respect of die said several pieces or parcels of ground and the chapel so thereon erected and built, and which are particularized in tlie schedule ('r account hereunto an- nexed, upon having the securitv of a certain number of the members of the said coiM'-regation and olhei friends and supporters of the objects for which the said ° ° Chapel 4 1 4 Uhapel was ojiginully oreclcd to llic juiiiibcr of sixly-four, to be approve;! of by Jiini»elf to the extent of twenty-live pounds currency each, with interest, thereon to be computed lioni tlie present day for the repayment of all the said several 8un)9 of money, together with lawfid interest for the sime, at the rate of six pounds per cent per annum, at or before the expiration of five years, to be com- puted from the day of the date of those presents ; and Iho several' persons whohc siguatures are hereunto respectively subscribed, witli the said sum of twenty-five pounds set against such their respective signatures have accoi-dingly agreed to become sureties for the reimbinsemenl of the said several sums, together with interest for the same to the extent of twcnly^five pounds currency, for eacli of them, together w'HU such interest as aforesaid, and of ^vhicli said sum of twenty- tive pounds currency, for each of them, it is intended tl»at the sum of five pounds currency each, be paid at the time of their respectively executing these pre- sents, and liiat, in addition to the security hereby given, joint and fleveral Promissory Notes for llu sum of twenty pounds currency, togttlier with in- terest for the st^me, to i)e computed from the dayof tlie date of these presenLs, and to be paid by the following instalments, to wit : five pounds part thereof on or before the lifleenlh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty two : five pounds of the part thereof on or before the fifteenth day of May, one thou- sand eight Imndred and twenty- three ; five pounds of the part thereof on or be- fore the fifteenth day of May, one tiiousand eight hundred and twenty-four; and the remaining sum of five pounds being the residue thereof on or before the fif- teenth day of May, one thousand 6ight iumdred and twenty-five, together with all such interest as may have arrived or become due at the time of the payment of each such instalment respectively, jU the same time and togetlier with every such respective instalment, shall be given by each of them the said several con- tributors whose names are hereunto subscribed, together with one sufficient sure- ty to l)c approved of by the said Colin Campbell, payable to him tlie said Colin Campbell, or his order, in the proportions and at the several times lastly herein- mentioned. NOW TIIEUEFORE the said Colin Campbell for himself, his heirs, executors, curators, and administrators, before us the said Notaries, and by these presents Doth covenant, promise, declare and agree to and with the said other parlies to these presents, that he, the said Colin Campbell, his heirs, executors, curators or administrators, shall, and will liquidate, arrange and pay the several debts or sums of money mentioned, expressed and set forth in the schedule or account thereof hereunto annexed, as being due to the said John Anderson, the original vendor of the several ])iece8 or parcels of groiuul hereinbefore particularly men- tioned and described, and which now remains due to hin* or his representatives vendees or assigns for the purchase money thereof or tlie iolerest thereof up to the day of the date of these presents and to the said Richard Fjelder, John Phillips and Robert Gain for the work and labour by them respectively done and perform- ed and materials and other necessary things by them respectively found and pro videdfor and towards the erection, building and improvement of the said Chapel and the '^aid several pieces or parcels of ground whereon th* same is erected and buil. and thereof and therefrom and of and from every part and par- cel thereof shall and will save, defend, keep harmless and indemnify the said Chapel and premises and also the said several other parties to these pre- sentis aud their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. AND in consideration of such covenant and agreement lastly herein before con- tained, on the part and behalf of the said Colin Campbell, They, tlie said several parties to these presents, whose signatures are hereunto subscribed and set as con- tributors towards the payment ot the said sum of sixteen hundred pounds, and upwards, sp now due and owing for, or on account, or in respect of the said seve- ral piece's and parcels of ground and premises and the Chapel so thereupon erect- ed and built, and against each of whose signatures at the foot ot these presents there is accordingly written the said sum of twenty-five pounds currency, do, and each of them doth for himself, severally and respectively, and for his own heirs, executors, curators administrators and assigns only, and not one of ihem for any other or others of them, or for the heirs, executors, curators, administrators or assigns of any other or others of them, oblige himself, his heirs, executors, cura- tors, administrators or assigns, to pay to the said Colin Campbell, his heirs, exe- cutors, cuiators, administrators or assigns the said siim of twenty pounds, currency, so now rciuaiuiiig due from them and each of them respectively after payment of the said sum of five omuls, cxirrcncy hercinbclijie mentioned to be paid by each of llicm unto him llie said Colin Campbell at the time of the execution of these presents making together with the wiid sum of five pounds, the total sum of twen- ty-live pounds, cmreiicy, so mentioned and written ii-^ainst each of their icspcctivc si"iiaturcs hereunto subscribed as a'jresaid as the sum to the amount whereof each of them inten''^ lo contribute for the furtherance of the several objects here- inbefore mentioned ; such sunl uf twenty pounds residue of the said sum of twenty- five live ix>xu»l8 oacl. lu be paid Uv each of the mxA obliffow by four «ovnra IZentH f five uomul« each .m ti.e tiftocMt!. day of'^ay, ono t ,ors..,„l Sa uT.d oc una hve,,ly-two. one thousand cigJU h-Munds3 l..uether with interest for the, f. be computed the day ot LSa e oT the e pixsents, in aforesaid, as also the repay.nent ot al and Pverv thesum and sums of .noney which now are or at any or t SerSo na^^^ ""to bin. the sai.l Col.n ( a-upbelljus h^irs executors curators, or assigns, e.ther under the herein- £e ore .n p^^^^^^ Instru.neut ofllypolheque, of the twenty-secon.l day S Nmember one thou^uul eight h...ulred and sixteen, or tor any sm..s o ...oney dtl^raCdyorhereattertobeadv^^^^^^^^ paid, laid out or expcded, by lu.n them or aJw o» them, 'l>r the purposes c r on the accounts or expressed th; acSnt or schedule hereunto am.exed. or a..y or e.t er o Ihe.n. togeti.e IvilhLwful iiUerest for the same, respectively, from the oi the advancement . or ivme Sr Ljectively. by hi.n the said Colin Ca.npbell. Ins exe- cutors alnislrators or assig..s, as aforesaid The sa.d general and spec.a monSiffe or hypolheques. hereby created, not derogat..,g the one tro.n the other nSe o tl^.n to delogate tVo.n the former mortgage and hypoll.eque, ere- Ted by the aid for.ner Act\>r Inslru.nent of obi gat.on and mortgage, ot the ?wenlv-'.econd day of Novem- er, one thousand eight hundred and s.x teen ; but Lwhole of the said several n.ortgages and liypotheques to rema.n and conl.nue nfdlttrceand etiect, without any such derogation ot any of them the one by he o he or any pretext thereof.or of any novation by the subseque.U charge to the preiu ce othe f>r.ner ; and the said Coli.i Carnpbell, Ins, executors, cura- F«.T « tministrators or assi-ms. to remain and be accord.ngly at lull liberty to entorcf "l f to^e^^^^^^^^^ s^^parately. all and every the charges clahns and denSsXchhenowhas, ur shall or may at any hereafter have, cla..n chttKe ovde.nand cither against the said Iwo several P'^^^f ^'-f'^"- :f .^^ flrond^^d premises, and the said Chapel thereupon erected and w. h the SXmncL or any part thereof, or against any of the said he et... ei- Xrundc tho^aid heeinbefore h. part recited Act or I,,it of obl.gah.m and hv^tl uque of the twenty-second day of November, one thousand e.g. TlchirZd sixteen, or these piesents or the several Promissory Notes so n- len fe to be g v n a's a collatLl security herew.lh. until he •'- «-d i o m Camubell his heirs, executors, cu.ators, adm.n.strators or ass.gns shal be tully n J wl.olirreSu\-sed, all and every the su.n a.ul sums ot ...o.i^y ..ow a e o ' 3 o' may at any time or ti.nes hereafter be due or to h.m the ««ll ColTn ckilLll, hish^^ execulo.s, curators, a.lm.mstrators or assigns, m ei o y vk3o tl'saicl herei.ibefore in part recited Act or In^Uniment o o£atio.. or hypoth£que of the twenty-second day of Nove.nber hou.a d ^w'ht hm dred and sixl-en, or these presents or for alreaily or hereafter t?be S ced' aid laidout or expended u.ider or by virtue or unontlie taith or credit t^-eSa^^^^^^^ ^'"'^ i"^^"^ and meaning *;f ,,, «'^^^^ the same. respeclivel>^ u;^r;i m^mcS a d~sal^ of the whole pri.icpal and interest U.eieoh AN D forSe a rangen.e.ft a..d settlement of *.he purposes to which the sa.d Chape laU pre^^^^^^^ to be appropriated, and the general system oi - .•N-,^ epvcrdl IOIi'>illl(l y-llirpe, licdand d\ limy in iiiiin- iiiii^ of collate- poiiiids pounds iiiid liis luMcby id every ly here- having, i, or the thereof, H, titles, tliereof, lypolhe- and the him the ifins, for ' twenty le dav of fall and or times )bell, In3 herein- :oiid day )( money hy hiin, ■xprcssed together Liicemcnt eirs, exe- d special the other ique, cre- ;e, of the een ; but continue lie one by rge to the ors, cura- liberty to laiins and fe, claim, iar;els of , with the hereto, ei- obliuatiim land eigi^ lies so in- naid I olin dl be fully rt Inch now to Ihai the or assigns, ilninient ol" e thousand ir hereafter the faith or especlively, espectively, lesl Uieieitf. ch the said of nianage- nient sax) <-l'»I*^'. '™ Ke {«me .....I d imorovemenl ot the same Ironi Tnainlenancc o» the su.d I hapel, ^''*^[. .^;:^1 ;;' '',,,,| b, veMerl \U a Com- time to lime an.l other -«\^;- . ^^^ |f ,£;^;" ^ or persons Kiiles •"'^ "".^ V.'"' . ^^.,. „r ,„,„e shall be considered as conslilu- C'iT)! m "X^^ "^ ^■-- ^-"«'>^*''"' ••' '"'"'^'^^i ,;'1 "':" ''"' f^niT-nid thirteen oersons, a 'Vieasurer and Hecielary shall also be ap- :«; Led'' t "ch anmu ge'lend meeting of the I'ewbol.Urs in the latter end of r month o April, which said last-menlicned oftke.s shal exercise their res- iectirftlt onrduring the ensning year, under the con Iroul, nianagemen and direc ion ^^^^^^ Slombeis of such Committee ct Management. A„d also ^.^yZlVUl or removaT. the same shall bc^lecuU. ^jon y ot lie Pewholdere or Person, holding at.d paymg or neajs »pel. And nbn that one third oflhemmual revenues to be col k .^ntot lie P ;« fsea": in the said Chapel shall be, from time to u c -s tn buted amongst the said sixty-four several persons vv ..0 -tiires r hereunder written, with the sum of twenty-hve pounds eacl., .1 ten in a li^e wit5^Sof\heir said respective names or s.gnalnres ana .. ^ have ac cordiriv hereby agreed to advance ai.d become sureties tor he .said sum ..f t^eSL^^^^ ll'eir respective heirs, execnlors, curators, achnin.stra. twenty nve P"""" ,' , ,1. ^,,^1 proportions tor ami towards the pay- ml^t'ofTsS inS Tm^y U the tiniof the distribution thereof be due or Se o all m any ot the said^sixty-tonr persons for any muu or sums ot money 3 mav have been advanced or paid by them or any ot them, according to wnicn may imv • f ,i,„„g ,,resent8, and incase the same shah be leThi: tl™ r .* purp.^^ .1,. 's,.rpl..» to go for uv .owards the more tnan sumciciu 1^ « » , j^ severs sums at money so agreed to If '"^^" «red bv tlm CpectivX « H?dresaid. Jnd also that the remaining be advmiced by ^^ J^'P^^J'.^^y,,,,, »„ i,e colle. ted for the rent of the Pews or sImI^IL si d ^t;jZu rpa^ to the Minister of the Chapel for the Uml being, ^nder the direction of the said Committee ol .lanagemenl J d 0^0 thSa^coUection shall be made in the said Chapel once in every CalemUr Month in Sd of the general puriK)ses thereof, and the produce ot which col ec- Uon Ihai unil the wlSle of the debts, charges and mcnmbrances thereon sha\ be fuUvnaW satisfied and discharged, be particularly appropriated under the di- betully P^l"' **"'*""' • ..„,_ committf p of Management for uie time being in IlTe'SHsZe^^^^^^^^^ rinktg S for and towards the liquidation and dis- cLS theS yi«d also that any of the said sixty-four several perscnis, parties wlgflt «:l hereinbefore nIeMioned and described as contributmg to die ex- Ventofthe s"aidsum of twenty-five pounds with u.leiesl for and ^ovvaustheh- tent 01 ine saia su T r j^ ,^(| incumbrances on the said atund preS, Si W^^ there^ part Proprietors or Shareholders fn tlfe p'pe?^^^^^^ interest'thereof. who shall be minded and dcs.rov. 4 In sell •w\ (\x^Vi^ of h'w *1)flre in fuch hweficial inlcfert, shall, heft)re he ilinll so 8cll or (lisno'P of the same, f?ive ono mnAiiH iH)lice in wnlmjf at tlie Ira.t of mvU his iiitrnlinn to the suid ««nretftry w»u. h!iaII thereupon lorihwith k'^' ''o- ticc thoirof to lii(> Coinmill-eoV Man».lher pei^un may be willinir ji'kJ flesirnuH to pnrcha-e the Hauie, anil hucU Sharelioliler i.Mgh» have it in eonteiMpli'lion to clinposo ihe.eof, o'. lor the wholo t4 m'U niooicH as such Sharehohu'r may have paid, laid out orflxpended in or alwMit ihc a Mpnsitiou theriH.f aocordini? to iheHlipi'lations and piiivisions hetembeture (u.i'lametl, with the addition of interest on all «nch Hun«*, reH|«clivelv, at the rate ul «x per Cent. »er annum to be eompuled from the limuol Hie aclnal advancement thereof, and thai in such ease every snob ShaiehoUler, havinn; HO|jf;v«J naliee ol hw intention to dis|)ose of siu-h sbaif,shainH! bound to «;-HiKU ihesam^ toU.o l.ieasnr«r ot the Mi.u'ommittee for the lime l»einj:, ov nudwi Uie Menibeix *.f the ( .Munnttee of Management aH they may apjuiint fur tiuil purjKfte, as IrunUvs. Atid also tliut the said foimnillec of Management nhuU r.'j^-« avly examme the books of the said '^reaflurer, and audit his uccounls and examme l)otli the one ami the other, with the proper vouchers, , four Umes at the least m every vear to w.t, on ihc Hcamd Monday in eve>y wiuulh «)t Am{?«.»h . i\..vemb-T, February at«l ^!av, at wl'icli rosptotively thv aceA>uul»(nl tlw **aul I rea- surer shall be brouf^hl up lo ttelust day .d',l).o Uien preced,nfj;,ni'»<-»A na-lusive, and on their boin"- satisfied therewilii sliall sIku, a cerHticalc lo thai eftect; the last of i!ie said quarlerlv exanunaliiais t)r aiulit^ \ip lo the end (»1 the month it Amil in every year, beiuir to be exunjinod by the A»l'l CununUlee, who shal! have ™ne out of otbce on the lirsl day ;.f May,, and the m^wA (H.umltee who shall have came into otticc on Ihal day taknv coaio|ull.y, /!«(/ (»i*o Uiat a ^ene- ral McHina- of Ihe Pevvliolders and ShaseholdeVH shall bo ,convei|pl annually on on the secinul Monday in every o; une l])>:,lhe .purpone ^l examunng' the accounts of the preceding year up tpthp end of,ll>q w.' -eilent month ot April, and reccivmii- Iherepi.rts of IheoU! t OiUiuitteewhn hll^U have »one ^ut ot ofheeon theHrslday5uiepr'redinj.nmntht.f^iay.m»dofllu!,Mewte»inMlt^evvlH)Hhalllhal dav have come into olHce, Iherecn W lelaliye tylhcatlaii^ol the said Magregation in Lroneral and dclerminiug- .hereon, and, thai ou 11k3 >iuul accnuulh be»ng passe.l bv the maiorlvuf voles alsufl.t;av.'ial meeling and uol br|ilh U>e ;sauM'umnpHt?e.,up l^. the termina- tion of ll-e preceainir monlh 'uApri), f^ha',1 , Uedecmeil, ajul tukpii U. be tmally «etlled and adiusled. 4uhftH «nd,nyiy be la* id, tq and lor the Kuiil ConunilloL- of Management, fur tjw t^me. beiUg> U> make HUch.Hv-Laws Hides and lU-t-'ulations :w^ lU^v.uray,coMWivv U^l^^L'Xiied.q^it.^s well tor.lheu- own m.vernmcnt and lh.:l of Hie Trt'awvrer, ami Sej^rplary iur Uu; lime, bqiny as.lso for the ti-eneral mwernuiiint and manatiemeiU .ot,l,he uiians ul Uip saul t onj-re- UtioualChurel7;-^uch By Uvv., llules.a,HlM^gulaUim^,huv.,.{.-^ee^j,rc^ S tinned and established by a general Meclmg.ol ;U.eJ\yv;holder,s m.d Shjre- bolders Ihalis to say, oilher at one ot Uie t>vu gener4,W«eU"gTi,herein- before menlioned, to be holden in the latter end uf.vpriW.aydu. the bggmmg ut June or at some other ^«ieral nieQUng IP ,be^wcn% .called lov, Ujftl purpi^se ot which 'en days notice at least shall haw l)eeu,prt?yiOMS ygfve\» I9 each ol the Irsotvs entitled to attend the ^me,.u,Ml li-o.,» yyluuU ulliuiat^ apw-obalicm by ^ch general «.eeUng-.wly, the ^fuw shall bp, hpldfiir^q^take^ #cl, and lo be ieaitinTate By-Laws,. Rules and Uegpktauns tpr thegoveyno^nt^ IUy^kI Com- „,kleeuf maU-euKentorofAhesaid Conpv^gal.p,). Pi^OJ/^^ED always, that "either anything UQveiu.l>e^i;e coutauJe^l,MUly^w4H■• W^.iltiles Pr,,fcula ,on. tobe adopWoi passe.d.Uy,,thp CV.unnl.tcc,oCiMa^Aagifn.^it,oi:,l?yJ|icJ\'whulders and Sluirdiolders or olUer nienvb-:.s uaiiq .^HlVvng^^^^^^^ tldiig whalsoever, (save :,nd e^cpl lb-.Act,oi-: l>q?fl ofjl .?aid Colm.|anipbell, I is heirs executors; curators, a(hniMi.«lralMr3;,>r„;asfi,gns, acUnff for.nmsel or themselves,' solely and individually) shi^ll |ia:Ugldijn,,d9C^vecV (fop»tvu^d or taken oderooale in any manner v. luUsi^^ypr,. tr^>ft^iu,pt ,the „r.gbls,,;»y|pcli he, they oranyoflhemcan, shallor any timp or times Jie.reaf^tur mssess^ clam, challenge or demand, under or by virtue, of thepwwns, sUpulfKons mid agreements, hereui-beforp contained pr, Hip, severj, i*rui^.|ssm ]Sq^, liere.n- Se mentioned to be given as a collat^ral securdy.Jl!e.:^.>^..Ui, or ,t he luorl- g^^es or bypolheques grant.1l. .^at^cl,o, ^^^m^^^^^^^X^^!^ fai'dherem-beforeinparl recilpcUcl oi; .J^sU'^Mi.vf'r *?i,l^iW/S^c ^W Uji'";'" ^i''*' oHhe Iwenly-seconU day of Nc^veuiber, .ui»R U.o4^a,,^^,.e^£(^t7Hi!^di-pd,fU,^d sixteen or Ihese presents or anvollm- security, ^^toevu• tor i^i^,^^ ^y>,x-iiUvum of money advanced or iiilendea. lube advanc^if l^yjum.^s,.^ Lereiu-liptore men^ t.fU ■4- tionfrt for th« ppneril MiSfefit and advantage of ti»e «ald thnjiel, but »Jiat ha the said 'Colin Cuinphe!!, hU hein, cuial at ftny time i>r tinier' be or become -belore mn^tioned, ariyof the other xtipnlatlouH herein-l)efohJ cq-.taii^wt telaling to the itiatiagemenl of the said ChapH, or any By-I^ws Rules <.i Reguklir -i to be DHsflejtl as af».'*e*iaSd, or Mlier act, niatler or thing \Yha^H!V^,^,(^X3q^)t ti.c Act or -1. lirestents. that the whole of th^ pn Pt'ty »"<' l)enefiilii Inlcrwt i^ tin; said several pieces of ground rtnd nreinjses, aiid tlie said CMiajH'l thcrininoi) orecled and built, M'ilh the ^ppurteni ncefi, chid I be consukicd as vf-Mod, aiuT the>iune is accord- iiifefy hereby 'HemVddMf^ 'Be v«?8ted,,»ubjevt, to 'i(a'*'t^^;'iral^^n\o;;l|^ges, hypo- ■ tlikjueJ?, cliarget cJf, fnciin^l^fances tliereon fie^('in-^beforeJiu»^ntioneUj in tlk* said ' stioralsixty-tofii' persons, whoRe nar. es or sinu(itu)(!s t|j-»; lierc-iiYiler written, witli the finni'^if twtentf-fivv|il|;,aTiHe Witii each of their said re-^pective nnnVes or fiig'.iatiircs,' end who have a€coi*dingly hereby agreed to advance and become surelic«< for the said s-iiii of t\iKfenty-five pounds ; each, their respective heirs, executors, cnrators, adniinistralora or. assigns, and that as well the trustees oftlie said several pieces or parcels of ground mentioned and described in the said herein-befoie in \yAri ipcited Act orlnstrumenl ot Trust, ©•"the sixteenth day of March, one fl.nnsand nghl inmdred and sixteen, liiei- h rs, exc-Julors, curators, administrators or assigns, as all and every otiier person ant; persons whomsoever, in whom 'he legal interest of the said m^veral pieces or parcels of ground and premises, aim tlie C'hii\^A liiereupcm erected and built, with the appurtenances, shall or may at any time or times hereatler be vested, r-'iall be hjiden, deemed aiul taUeil to be so }M)sscssed tliereof. In /mvt only %>• i** proper use and benefit of thenv Itio said sixty-four several persons, parties s.ieto, * whose names and signatures are liereunto subscribed, as conlributiiig, and wh<» liave accordingly hereby agreed to contiyHOe tweoty-Hve ponTlrts-rae^; ITfr the eslablishujent and improvement of Ihd saici Cliapel, and the liquUlatioii and dis- charge of the incumbraiices at presdnt existing thercoiv in maimer , and form aforesaid, their respective heirs, executors, curfito' admiuistratoi-? .md assigiu, in ecpial parts, shares, and pix>poi tionn, and to or for no otiier ilsc, ti-ust, end, interest or purpose whatsoever. PROVIDED also, tliat upon paymentfey the said Colin Campbell, his heirs, execntoi-s, curatUTJii administrators or assigns, of any of the debts or sums of money mentioned or alluded to in .the accoliiits xir schedule^ hereunto annexed, to any pei-son o.- persons \fho may possess any lien or security^, by way of Mortgage or Uypotheqik?, or any ol^er incumbrance upon the said two several pieces or parcels of ground and premises, or the Chapel thereupon eitct- ed and built, with the a})purtenances or any 6art Ihe.eof, every such pepon or persons shall forthwith assign, transfer and maUe over every such Hen or security, mortgage, hypotheque or incumbrance, »into him tlie said Colin Campbell, hitj heirs, exec ators, curators, administrators or as^gns, and that upon the ultimate payment to him the said Colin C^'npbel!, his heirs, executors, curators, adminis- trators or assigns, of all such sums of money as now are, or shall or may at any time or times hereafter become due or payable to him, them, or any of tliein, under or by virtue of these presents, or the several other securities herein-before mentioned, or the said several Promissory Notes intended to be given as a colla- teral security herewith, together with all interest and arrears cf interest, respect- ively, and every part thereof, he the said Colin Campbell '.tiall forthwith assign, trensfer, and set over unto such person or persons, not exceeding five in number in the whole, as may by any joint Act to be passed before Notaries Public by the said sixty-four several Shareholders, or their legal representatives, be nomi- nated and appointed as Trustees, in trust for the general benefit and advantage of the said Shareholders, through the intervention of such Trustees; — so that they, the said Shareholders, may become equitably possessed of and entitled to all the same rights privileges, remedies and advantages which he the sa' t Colin Campbell, his heirs, executors, curators, administrators and assigns might have antecedently possessed or been entitled to, under or by virtue of these presents, or the several other secu.ities herein before-mentioned. And also, that when and so soon as the said Colin Campbell, his heirs, executors, curators, administrators or :"n ',.1^- - I X" ■ ■ .1 . 1 " tu 1.-' ■ or .assigns,, and e^ch apd every of tliem, ^ml a^o tlie^P-i'ul Shaielioltlers and their Iffral represeulalives, and each «)f theiii, shuU have been fully and vvhojllv reiinburs- ec pounim i John G1b«», iweniy-h»e lliiis iwoniyiivr pounds ; William Phillip*, inentv-Hvc pound.; Thomas ,lan.ieM,n, iweniv-five p.Minds» iiy-Hve iiounds ; John Miller, iwemy-Hve pounds ; Bobl. Richardson, iwenty-li»r pound, i ■ Robi. Had.lan, David Bell- SmilUe. cwrniv-tivepo:ini(M' I'lmhv Mnnn.cwenlv-live pounds, Joseph l)a.irtlon,iHenty-Rye ponnds; Thomas Davison, l»enly five poinds: KobprlSymes, >»e poonds., Joseph AJurrin, ,lw.)«iy-live pound.; AIbiI|Cw M.lJ«re, u,«u»y^ve poundsi Joskua Miulite, «wmv-t.Ve pounds i 'SMiliam liicVf, iweiity-fttc .pooods ; Juhn ilimtey. iwenly-lite pounds ; Fhoma* Gibl.,iweni,'"ve pounds; C. HUOT, Notary I'ukUe, AliCHo. CAMPBKLL, Notory P,l,Uc, » »Wiean by tbe soms remaining ot TTCord In myOfflcc, ^^-Zf""^