IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 7^128 ^ us, 2.5 22 11:25 III 1.4 6" 2.0 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. MS80 (716) 8:i-4503 iV V ^s .V ,.v ..v* \ •»> ^ -JSP^'JWf- ■ 'MM, ■y '4 :/ ^m^mmfmamamm il il ^ I THE Mercantile Agency Reference Book, (AND KEY.) CONTAINING RATINGS OF THE Merchants, Manufacturers, and Traders Generally, THROUGHOUT THE Dominion of Canada. SEPTEMBER, 1879. DUN, WIM^lSr & CO., MONTREAL, Que., TORONTO, Out., HAMILTON, Ont., LONDON, Ont., HALIFAX. N 8. AND ST. JOHN, N. B. ' wmm 1 1 THE MEKCANTILE AGENCY, EatabUsheA June, 1841, by lAwn Tappan ; ancteeded In 1*19 by Tapp an & Douolam j aaeoeeded In 18M by B. Douolam ft Co. ; anooocded In UM by B. a. Dun a Co., the present proprietors— the atyle In New York bebig DuM, Bablow dt Co., and In Canada Dun, Wwah ft Co. Thla inatitatlan aappUea Information In detail oa to the antecedenta, character, capacity, capital, and credit ot every Biulnesa Man in tbe United Btatea and Brltllli ProTinoes. It alao nndertakea the collection of Past Due Debta, for which It has the beat taolliaee. The Branch ai\d Asaooiate Offices are : DUN, BARLOW & CO.. 314 &, 316 Broadway, 80 Waix Street, and 148 Worth Strkkt, New York Citt. Alliany, N. Y.—m * 481 Broadway. AUentryor Streets. Baltimore, Mil.— Cor. B.-vltimore & Charles Sts. Blnghamtou, N. Y.— il c;henauKo Street. BnfKila, N. Y.— 11 A 1,1 W«8t Swan Street Burlington, Iowa— Cor, Main A Valley St«. Charleston. S. C 6 Hayue street. Chicago, 111.— Cor. WaslUiiKton A State sts. Ciudunstl, C— a.W. cor. Tliird A Walnut Sts. Cleveland, O.— 121 Superior St, Rooms 4 A 5. Columbus, O.— No. 22 East Bniail street Dallas, Texas— «« Main .street. [Ass'u HIiIr. Davenport, Iowa— Board or Trade A Cltizcus' Dayton. O Room 5 0ointed as our sub-agents, in our behalf, by the said MERCAirnLB Agf.ncy. T^e said information t« be communicated by the said Mbrcantilk Agbxcy, in accordance with the following rules ar.d ■tipnlations, with which vrf Subscriber!! to the Agency as aforesaid, agree to comply faithfully, to wit : 1. All verbal, wri'^ten or printed information communicated to us, or to such confidential clerk, as may be wtthoriced by us to receive the same, and all use of the Reference Book hereinafter named, and the Notification Sheet of corrections of said Book, shall be strictly confidential, and shall never, under any circumstances, be communicated to the persons reported, but shall be exclusively confined to the business of our establishment. 3. The said Mkrcamtijle Agency shall not be responsible for any loss caused by the neglpct of any of the said ■emmts, attorneys, clerks, and employes, in procuring, collecting, and coumtunicatiug tbe said information, and the actual verity or correctness of the said information is in no manner guaranteed by the said Mercantile Agency. The action of said Agency being of necessity almost entirely confidential in all its departments and details, the said MUGAiniiJi Agency shall never, under any circumstances, be required by the subscriber to disclose the name of any such servant, clerk, attorney, or employ^, or any fict whatever concerning him or her, or concerning the means or •onroes by or fh)m which any information so possessed or communicated was obtained. 3. The said Mbrcantilb Agency ore hereby requested to place in our keeping, for our exclusive use, a printed copy of a Beference Book, containing ratings or markings of estimated capital and relative credit standing of business men, in such States and Provinces as may be agreed upon, prepared by them or the servants, clerks, littorneys, and employes aforesaid, together with Notification Sheet of corrections. We fhrther agree, that upon the delivery to us of any subsequent edition of the Reference Book, the one now placed in our hands shall be surrendered to them, and also that upon the termination of our relations as subscribers, the copy then remaining in our hands shall be given up to the said Mercantile Agency, it being clearly understood and agreed upon that the title to said Reference Book is vetted and remains in said Meecantilb Agency. 4. We wUl pay in advance Dollars for one year's services, from the date hereof, ef said Mercantile Agency, together with the use of the said Reference Book, pursuant to the foregoing conditions, and such other sum annually thereafter for the same as may be agreed upon between us, verbally or otherwise, subject always to the conditions and obligations above-mentioned. 5. The Mercantile Agency are hereby permitted to reserve to themselves the right to terminate this subscription At any time, on the repayment of the amount for the unexpired portion thereof. 6. If the inquiries for detailed reports during the year shall exceed in number, the excess we agree to pay for at the rate of per hundred. ^ H ♦■!» Fob Key see Inside op Oovek, either Ekont o» Back. ointtario and qltebeo. ABB0TSFORO, RoHvllla Co., «|h«. Bp»ure)cantE Hotel. Bo.iiin!»»rd N o. H. K Xi nnnuhiin .lohn 0.8. II 3 Jlsk Abraham Hop8. 3H Hobertc oit>. L 3)s ABBOTT'S CORNERS, Mitiitquoi Co., ^ue. Bnw John Blacksmith. L aM Powera Joseph Shoes. L ABERAROER, Lambton Co., Oni. Cairns Jamci. . .' Oro. K SU Monro Hugh Blacksmith. L ABERCORN, aroma Co., Que. Barnes H.H o. s. L Sk llurlKbt F. C _ o. B. I, JeDne M. h Uotol. Nielli Alfred 0.8. H 2(4 Powers — - Tins. H 3 Shopaiil diaries O Mill, Ac. K 3)4 shepari! E Cabinetware. L ABERFOYLE, Wallington Co., Ont. BtuklorAinos Blacksmith. L 3)4 Couzlns C'hoi'les Shoes. L 3)? Karon Koiiert Blauksmlth. L FalconbrldKe Samuel o. S. U 3 Petur Blacksmith. L Molntyre Allan. .Wagons & Saw Mill. U 3 MoLai-eu Daniel Tavern. I^ 3)* McJ.,ean James O.H. K 3U McLeod Robert Shoes. U 3 Moouej John Hotel. L 8)4 NIxou, Housim &Co Grist Mill. Stephenson Wm. Q CaiTlages. I. 3}i ABINGDON, Lincoln Co., OnL Miller John u.a, u 3 Sprlugstead Isaac o. s. L ACACIA, Norfolk Co., Ont. Graves aeo. A Jollier. L OsiTsnder Henry Grist Mill. O 3)a Bcidmore U. p a. H.& P. M. Stanton Plillip Hotel. K S5i ACYON, Hilton Co., OnL Adams Ransom Wood Cout'r, <&c. E ' AgnewRo))ert Hotel. H 3 Aliearn John A Uro. L Beardmore A Co Leather. (SeeTonmto.) Bennett John Hotel. L Bron-ni&UaU Shingle A Planing Mills. U 2)4 Cameron Hugh Potjish. h Sli Campbell Daulnl Planing Mill. O 2)* Campbell James 'rUveni. 11 3 Christie, Henderson A Co O. 8. O 2'4 Clark Kilns Hotel. L CoatesJohn Cooiwr. II 3 Coleman James D. G., Ac. Crane Robert... Sewing ILachlneAgt. L CnmeT Shoes. L Ci'eooh Itotert Harness. L Crowson SCOrgiin Hotel, 3)4 Druftimond Philip Tanner. L Galloway Robert Baker. L Grant Alexander Shoes. L Hazlett B G. 8. Hill Bros Books A Photo. I, HlllC.T Ore. L 3)4 Hill J. C Tins. Hynes George Jewelon L 3)4 Konney John A Son Shoes. K 3)6 LoithWm Tins. I. J,owery W. xl Physician. 1, 3)4 Malouey David Shoes. I. 3)4 Mann James W D. O. A Ot». H » Matthew.-iE ..Livery. L 3)4 Matthews James G. 8. McUarvin J, E Drugs. L McGinvln ASmlth IJme. F 2)4 MuNabbAFyle Tailors. L 3)4 Moore uamcs Tanner. H 3 Mooro T. A, A H. P Fubllshers. L Morrow John Drugs. £ Morrow Ilobert Physician. H S Nlcklln John Baker. L McklluU. AE MUlera A Bakers. G 2)4 Secord Alexander Gro. h Secord Mrs. 8. A a. 8. K 3k S-nlth Cant.. Millinery, L Snyder Kll Carpenter, h 8)4 Hpjlght John Wagons, Ac. H 3 Speight Michael Blauksmlth. H 3 Stephenson Anthony Blacksmith. L 3)4 Stoi-ey Robert Butcher. I, Storey W, U CanadaGlove _ , Works. P 2)4 ToltonO, JtE MUlers. F ^ ^CTON VALE, Bofot Co., q««. Bonnean V a. H. L Bourgau. ''Yanools :... O. 8. CodereAu„ Bricks. K 8 DalphoF, :i Blacksmith. L Dansercan £11 Carrlagomkr, L 3)4 DesoveA. L D. G. Dion J. F Oro. Dubois A. Q. Boarding House. H .S-4 DubolsN, H G,S. F 2*4 Dubi-eull Ityaciuthe. . . Grain A Flour. DuclmrmeC.. HotoL H 3 Duc:-.u8ueau J. B Flour A Oro. L 3)6 OutaultChai'l.»s Gro. A Bntutaer. <., 3)4 Duncan A „ H 3 Ganthier J. A. F Q. 8. K 3)4 Gray Nelson Lumber, Ac. Grenior Francois UailiUer. L 35* Hebertl. G. 8. L Keroack Philip Hotel LapoluteC Butcher. L Latourello Tavern. L 3)« Mtgnault P, E Physician. K 3 Miguault P. E. V Physician. K 3 Merrier E G. 8. RascomC.AF G, S. K 2)4 RicbeyS, D Sewing Machines A Flour, L 8t, Amour Alfred Oro. L at. Amour 8,, Jr Mill. H 3)4 8t» Jean Pierre Oro. L VienJ.B Shoes. K 3 AOAMSVILLE, Broms Co., Quo. AdamsO.A G.S.ASawMllL G 3 DupnyA. C G. 8, L Gamcy L Blacksmltli. I. Gibsim A D'Aniour Tanners. L 616 GodiUrd David Saw Mill. K 3 Go:ssell Wkgona. L ,>oyceWn Wamns. L PoolW. M Tavom. H 3 Scarlett R. C. .Agent Ag-i Implts., Ac. 1, WatsonJobnJ 0.8. S 2 AQINCOURT, York Co., OnL Elliott Archibald. Carumier. K 3)4 Keat Thomas .Miller. Ij 3)« Kennedy Jolia G. 8. h 8)4 Mllnejolm.. G, B.,Bteam Saw MIU A P. H. H 3 AILSA CRAIQ, Middlatax Ca. OnL Alexander Bros Fonndiy. H 3 Allen James, Agent ..Tins. Anderson D Physician. L, SH Aruold George D G, 8, H 8 Atklnsdn i'lTUik Cooner. Ij 3)4 Atkinson VV K.OcCo (Tb. H sg Bell John Printer, L Bice Francis OrlstMil' BrownTLooMW BootsASboe' G 2)4 fcrowuley A, A Co Watches, * 3% CamerouJohnS Luubei. H 8 Clark H. W Oro. ' Cnsick Christopher HoteL L Diimght Wm Cablnetmkr, h 3)4 EvausJ R Baker, Ac K 3 Fltegerald P. J JIamess. L Gillies Samuel Planing Mill. U 8 Oraham Wm B'smith A Wagons. 1, Gray Duncan U.S. H 3 OunnJohn ^ PhysioloB. K 3)4 Hall W.T JVa., Aa Hamilton James Photographer. L HarrisonJolm Gro. H 8 Hanison Mrs MiUiuery. L Hoy A Ji/icc Grain A Brokers, i" 2)4 Hey 8 Stationery, Ac. o 2)4 g«yT.. Drugs. H 3^ HudsouAlex Pnmps. K 3)4 JetrerBOuJohu Lively. L JpnesThomas Gro., Ac. K 3)4 K<'9,"?<'y Hugh Dentist. K 3)4 McCaUumM .Tailor, L 3)4 McDonald Bros Wagons. 3)4 McDonaldJohn Tavern. K 3)o McKay John Tailor. L 3)4 McKeith Peter Boots A Shoos. I, MlhellGcorgeA Broker, a 2)4 jdimemaker D. C Pumps. Muuroe Angus Tivem. K 3H Mrturoc George W...; livery, K 3)6 Munroe Hector Tavern. K 8>4 i^eviUoT. 0.8 G, S. K 3)4 O'LcaryWm Gro. A Painter. I, Overholt Peter Baker. Li Pemperton John Butcher. L Perry A Son Prov. L Price Oliver E a. 8. U 3 Robson, Cameron A Alexander.. Grain. Q 2)4 Rosser Joseph Hardware. 8 Stephenson Thomas. .Cabinets AG, 8. H 3 Stevenson Duncan Shoos. L 3)4 Stewart Archibald Drover. G 2)4 Stewart D. A Physician. 3A Stewart David Drover. H 8 Stewart George Drover. I, 3<4 Stewart John, Jr Drover. G 2)4 St«wart Peter Drover. H 3 TwedleR.W SawMiU.AaU 3 WaltonN Butcher. K 3)4 WllkleA Harness. L AINLEYVILLE, Huron Co., OnL f «M Bnuiels.j AIRD P. O., Miniiquol Co., Quo. (See ClareneeMlt.) AIB ONTA-RIO A.]SrD QUEBEC. ALM AfRLIE P. O., Simooa Co., Ont. Clieny Blcliard Hotel. L Stephens Klchara BI:ick3mitli. L Zimmerman Daulel Saw it bMiikIo MlDa. K SH AIBLIE STATION, Simeoe Co., Ont. (Hee lAsU J'. O.) ALBERT, Hattingi Co., Ont. KlnaJamea (jro. K S'.j Waile Robert g. 8. K S'.j ALBERTON, Wenhvorth Co., Ont. Dongharty J. I" Blacksmith. K 3)4 Goortbraml Chaa Blaoksmitli. L Marshall Francis o. H. L OiloU Henry Butcher. I. reor Nelson Wagons. II 3 8towbrtdge Levi G. s. K Sh Al""ON p. 0., Pool Co., Ont. (See BoUon.J ALDBOROURH, Elgin Co., Ont. Baldwin John Slues. L UuntorJo.iu liliicksmltli. L :«.. Klrkpatrick Donalil A (i. s. L 3'a Mclutyre Duncan 11 Grist A saw Mills. L ALDER8H0TT, Wentworih Co., Ont. Brown Alexander Forwarder. F 216 Kenny James Tavern. L Koileriok Jas . . . , Tavern A P. O. li 3}^ ALDERVILLE, Norlhumborlin'l Co., Ont. Frost Juhn o. s. L ALEXANDRIA, Glengary Co., Ont. Cattanach Angus . . shoos. Jj Clilsholm Mrs Shoes A tiro. K Contaut & J.eiloux t'arrlagea. 1, Doro Solomon (.'abiiictware. Ij Grant Allan (Shoia. K Jianlsondeo Leather <& (J. .s. G Kennedy Angus Tanner. K Kpunod> 1). U OiUlnetware. H Kerr Costnus G. S. H Leslie Peter Tins A Il'v.are. L Macdonald II. ii (J. .s. j, McArthur D. A G. .S G McDonald A. U Tanner. 1, MeDonaUl Alex. U Saddler. L McDonald Allan J Hotel. K McDonald AnKU.s S u, h. K MeDonahl Archibald Gro., Ac. K McDonald A (liisholni o. h. It McDonald Donald lil.iiksndth . L McDonald Duncan A.. U. .S. A Asherj-. G McDoniUd H CUothli'r. K McDonald Mr,. HukIi J j'averu. L McDonald A McMillan H'sniltlis A L'arriagemkrs. K McDonnell Catherine Hotel. K McGlUlsMrs Hotel I, McKay J. h luB. Agent. L M c K Innon John Blacksndl li. K Mc.MuHter D Hotel. K McMillan Donald Physician. G Mc Phee A. A D ..... u. .«. F Mc't'heeJames (i. s. jt Ml- 1 'hei son D Shoes. I, Sillier A Oamiibell FoundiT A ll'smllht. H Monroe Hugh Carriages. L Murchlson Mrs Hotel. I, Seboret Francois Butcher A Gro. L SlmpsonJohn o » -[i Tomb D Mill, n WallaceThos o. S H ALFRED, Proioott Co., Ont. l.arocquen U.S. L 3'A Lawlerooorgo g. S. II 3 Lawler Jean B Store MoGaunnn JoHepli M ills Nivubert Fliiuln (i. h luesne! P Hotel, k S'i ALGONQUIN P. 0., Qreenvillo Co., Oni. BIssell James Asliory. H 3 McNlsli A McKenzle....Saw Mill.Ac. K ,'i Milks Slicjiurd Ashery. K 3>« ALLANBURQH, Wolland Co., Ont. Boldon Anderson (i. .'i, L 3!* BrlttJohn Shoes, h Baric Joseph D llnnieiis. L 3)4 Henderson Wm Blacksmith. L Hurley VVm Tavern. L MussenHenry oro. K 3)i Musson P. s Contractor, Ac. L Moho.iEdrauaa Shoes. L bcallion Bros on q Tucker r: Jr q. 8. H 3 Tucker B.,sr Lnn-'jer. K 2 Upper James Tavern. O 2)4 Upper James S Blacksmith. L, Upper V,m Hotel. L 3,>ii ALLANOALE, Simooo Co., Ont. Amiltage E. U Tavern. L Boon John Hotel. L 3)6 Brooke Stanley Blacksmith. K 3.4 Brown F.J Baker. L 3)4 BrownJ.M Gro. L 3)^ Burton Bros Timber. ., ,, , , j-eeUnrrie.) CaUaghan Hugh .shoos. L Christie WilUam Shoes. L Cross \V. D Grist Mill. L I- ox A Gower Gro. A Lumber. V''"J''?'"> Jolm Mills. O 2li UariUu Michael J G. s. II 3 Hamlin Patrick Hot«l. L Lanet:. J Tins. L LookerT. J o. a. A Butcher. L S)i MoQuarry Hector Blacksmith. L 3)6 MeeklngK. 8 Eating House. L Price Sainuel oro I, Robins Mrs Milllnurj-. L Soules \\. P Gii). ALLA; ^LF mills, Peterboro' Co., OnL > -eLanj P. o.) f . ,4F0RD, Brucs Co., Ont. Dlnsmoi ..amcs Hotel. Embree John o. tj. „ , (See llclmore.) Poster Cablnetware. Foster Geo. W Saddler. Johnson A Taveru Johnson Jacj)b (iro Kilh(mnu( Levi lllacksmll li. iMcDougiild ll,.;!h L G kS. McDougall J. A D. .Grist A Saw Mills. MeDougall Misses Millinery. McLean Thoiuns Cabinet ware. Kehoneld John si s. Sharp Jam. a Blacksmith. Sharp J as. , sr Wagons. Sparrow J ^laker. Taylor J Pliys'n A Dnigs. L li 3 K SSi K 3!6 (* 2)!, L L L 3Vj K 3I3 K 3)4 L 3)4 ALLAN PARK P. O., Grey Co., Ont. Brigham Henry ...Hlncksnilth. H 3 Can.phell Geo Tavern J, ChittickGuy Tavern. K 3W lensom Itlcliorit Mills L Goodeve Chas. !•' o. S. !•' 2)4 ALLAN'S CORNERS, Chateauguay Co., Que. Banbury A o. 8. I. Blackot t Wm Blacksmith. \-^ 3 Hryson Thomas Cheese. L Henderson Mis. John : (jro. L ALLAN'S MILLS, Lanark Co., Oni. Allan Wm Mills, Gro., Ac. L 3!4 ALLENSVILLE, Mu.koka Dist =01, Ont. MoNlchnl James P. M. A G. .S. L ?i% ALLERTON, Norfolk Co., Ont. ClonseASon G. s. H 3 ALLI80NVILLE, Prince Edward Co., Ont. Bobbins James tl. s. H 3 WiUlaois Daniel Y Drugs. F 'i'i Young Geo.H Hotel A irsmlth. K 3Vj ALLISTON, Simooe Co., Ont. Almim A Allan Butchers. L Aitkin, Knight A Vilsou... Foundry. F Allen .James Blacksmith. It Appcrl.y Wm Painter. L AleoiHon John Builder. L Ueale TlKmias Painter. L Beale Tlios.. Jr Phoiogra"her. I, Beatty Tho.i Agent AgTIinplts. 11 Bell Samuel Physlclnn. II H"'"'.\ raijiii iffiuv. I. llootli Win Tavei n. K BrazeUnmos Hotel. K Bn»vn WllUam lUruoss, L (Campbell P. W Hooks. L t arson John T PnUllBber. L Chappell Richard Tins. CheftJyIl.S Physician. H 3 C ark John W. Blacksmith. K »A CUmpsonW.P Barber. H 3 CouenChaa. tlrlst Mill. DonnoU A Orlffln 0.8. I, .3)4 Edmonds U. B Watches. L 3« Evans P. T Watches. L Faithful JoLd Plasterer. L Fletcher Ooortd l^llls, Ac. E 2 Fletcher John SawMlIl. E 2 Fletcher Samuel IMaoksmlth. L 8)4 Foy Patrick Liquora. K 3)6 Galbralth J Gro 1. Hamilton & Henderson Bankrupt TT „» ., Stocks. Hamilton Mrs. L Dressmkr. L Hand Wm. C Auctioneer A _ _^ , , Veterinary Surgeol O 2)4 Hart J. C Uro., Llq. A Shoes. O 2)4 Hastings J. 8 Organs. L Henderson Robert Hotel. L 3)4 Hodgson Thoa. P Pumps. L Hurt Henry O. 8. A Furnltm-e. K 3!4 Jan . tt A Greenless Planing Mill. K 3)4 Jenkins William Flour A Feed. U Kelly p. D Hardware, Ac G 3 KlnseyA.. Cablnetware. X 3)4 Knijwlton A Co Grist Mill. F 2,14 MadillJohn Physician. L 3)4 Ma'iningACo Hardware. L McDonald Isaac Builder. K ^V^ McOarvey J. A E. Carriages A Livery. K 3)4 McQlrrGeorge Grain. H 3 McOuiganPat.iok Peddler A „ , ^ , Temperance I'otel. L Mcintosh James Ina.AgontA ,, „ „ . Musical Insts. L 3i4 McKeown Edw... .Agent Ag'llmplts. K 3)4 MeLeod.Tohn (1.8. Me Mahon Isaiah Drugs, Ac. K .3)4 MeMylorThomas Coal. G 2i4 McKae liinneth Tailor. I, Mercer : . L Harness. ,,.,. ;Sec Cheltenham.) MIIeT .lames Cabinetmkr. L Mitchell Alex Plasterer A Dairy. H 3 >«'elUK Shoes. (See Barrio.) - Hotel. H 3 Picture Frames, Ac. K 3)4 .Stoves A Tins. L Baker. J, .((. s. u 3 O'Brien .John Palmer Joseph. . J. W P«rr.v George B.. Kayson Joseph... 3)4 .3)4 Uoynoids James Blacksmith; L 3!a ILvan Mrs Tavern. L Scitt A<;o Eggs. Hheppard Robert a. g. K SImmsE Tannery. L Sinclair David Builder. L SjdnkJ AS Mills. O 2Vj Stewart John Drugs. L StrachanJohn Shoos. H 3 Sut.ieiland J. G Dentist. L Thompson Joseph Furniture. L '1 lonipsonM Tailor. L .,™ llioinpson Robert Fancy Goods. K 3!4 \\a ker A Cunningham Woolens. K 3).j Walker J. J Baker. L Wallace A Hart Grain. G aM WnllttceW.S '.Auctioneer. K 3)4 w. •"*•{■; Carriages. K 3)4 Wilson John O. 8 G 8 Wright Bns. Planing A Sash Factory. U 3 Al '.OA, Peal Co., Ont. Harmsworth James 0.8. L ALLUMETTE ISLAND, Poniiao Co., Qua. (Hm CtajieauJ ALMA, Wellington Co., Ont. Bj-era Joseph Tailor. L 3\ GritllnM.t Tavern. K 3!? Harvey Wm Shoes. L Isaacs nnjs Wagons A B'smlths. L Jolinst4>n James Tavern. L Ijodiiigham Jaa Saw MIU. H 3 Loney David Shoes. L 3)4 Milne .las B'smith * Wagons. K 3)4 Humble Henry. . Carpenter A Builder. L 3)4 Struthers John G S L Walker J. II P. M. A Gro. h .3)4 \S allaco James Physician. II H ALMIRA, York Co., Ont. Bruce Bros Millers. E 2 Purvis 4 Sumraervllle... Woolen Mill. L 3)4 ALMONTE, Lanark Co., Ont. Af.klandp. Wagons. L 3)4 llalrd J. A Co : . WtM)leiiB. E 3)4 Ilaruett Wm. . . .8aah A Blind Fai^tory. K 3 BeuDutt Noble Blaoksmltli. AL8 OKTARIO AISTD QUEBEC. AKO Bond J. H Tins. I^ BootU Mrs. 8. J Fancy Gowls. L Bowos Wi.i CaWnetware. Cannon Ollbort * Co Woolons. F 2!. • BelU\W HoteL L n^^^m^.'VV"^ Grist MUl. H 3 Orondln Louis oro L Korvcll Dallas Wood' o 9Vri Porquot Julian :...... ' Asherv' K 3 Tho^W.O.AC>........'.'.-sawMffi: ^ ^ White T. Ii Oro., Wood A Qnany. ANOERaON, Perth Co., Ont Anderson John o. 8. A P. M. L ANDERSON'S CORNERS, Huntingxion Co. <)ue. Anderson James Mill. G 3W Bhicks'mlth! K 3>2 Welsh!' ANOREWSVILLE, Grenville Co., Ont. CHee Cook'i MUU.) ANQELINE, Rouville Co., ()us. (St,\ VAngt Uanllen, JiouvllU Co.) ANOERS, Ottawa Co., Que. (See L'Ange OardUn, Ottawa Co.) ANQU6, Simoo* Co., Ont. Brown James R. A Co. .. G 8 G i Bush John r,.T llote! L Davidson David Blacksmith. II 3 D.1V ( sou John Ttmher. G JJA ]X)ul)le A Moriior ...Lumber. K 2 ioslc Mi's.itebert Tavern. L 8!4 HewlttT.A '.' ■" Driu'B i. LiwJonaa.... Cablnetwaro. L McUrlmmon W. C Wairons L NcHlilttK L Pliyslclan. H Nolan .lohiiW Cfru.. Ac. L Price Charles siooa L bmta J. u u. 8. i miUb. 8tewartIl.A.W JatJSJrkri liamess. L .3)4 ANNAN, Grey Co., Ont ^."""J^.m— Harness. L .IJj Clark Robert Can)enter. H 3 Davidson James Camenter. K 3)4 l^monChas o. a. K M KossBros U 8 F 2)4 SloanoA.O^ Physician. H 3 SpcedleWm. O. 8. A P. M. H 3 Telford James P Bhtckamlth. H 3 ANSE AGILE, L'lilet Co., Que. (Set L' Islet.) ANSE AU GASCON, Bonaventure Co., Que. Achesoii Jos J o.S. A Fish. II 3 Mourant I'hlllp oro. * Shoes. H 3 ANSE DU CAP, or CAPE COVE, Gaspe Co. Que. Ahearn Daniel A Philip Flah, Ac. II 2W1 Baker Christopher llsh A G. 8. K 3 Baker J. AW q. s. k 3 Baker Jas G. 8. A Fish. 3 Cass Arthur «. 8. AFUh. H 3 CassJos G S G 2K Savage Francis .".'.".'.'""'g' s' H 3^ SavageThos Flsh.Ao. F 2)4 ANTRIM, Carleton Co., Ont g»«'npyT Blacksmith. K 3)4 WoolHeldChas o. H. L 3)4 APPELDON, Kent Co., Ont. Shaw O.S. A P.M. H 3 APPIN, Middlnsx Co., Ont Black Malcolm Staves, Ac. L Brock John Blacksmith. L Dewar Mrs oro Doblo James Blacksmith.' L ^ngUshJohn Wagons. L Hohncs Thomns Hotel. H 3 HvudmanMlss Uressmkr. L Johnson Charles Saw Mill. L KeeneA Tailor L Molutyre MalcoUn BlaoksmlUi. K ,S)4 MoRaeA OH ^ Mcllobei-ts John A Sou.... ! Saw Mill! H 3 Mullen John Hotel Kiatcs George A Robert ". . G. s' 'iV. SInipeonJohn shoes. L 2)4 APPLETON, Lanark Co., Ont Arthur Thoiuaa O 8 Q Furmerton A.W "OSL Hcthcrlugton John .". . .Shoos.' L Lclth Jehu Harness L McNecly Thomas Blacksmith! L TeskoyJolin om TeskeyM Flour MIU. Tesky Bros Woolens. O TcskyJ. 8 o. B_ AP8LEY, Peterboro' Co., Ont. Anderson D Temperance House. L t-legK ; '.Physician. L Ool1iorne.Iamea. Grist Mill. L Mcllmovle George Blacksmith. L MoMoyle Arthur Taveni L APTO, Simcoe Co., Ont Calhighan Dennis Blacksmith. L Canl.M. saw MIU. H 3 ' Gallftghor John Tavern. L ??.^f^l!'f V"" ^ Tavern. L O^ "111 Widow Gro. L ARDEN, Fronienao Co., Ont Hayes W.H a. 8 L MUls W. D g! a H OBbonie David Hotel A Farm. K Thornton H. E (i g WUlhuus J. M Haw A Orist ilUta! K ARDOCH, Frontenao Co., Ont Jacobl Ernest R g. 8. i, 3)j, ARDTREA, Simooe Co., Ont ItoblnsonE TavcniAO.S, 11 3 ARGVLE, Victoria Co., Ont Camubell Mrs. William G. H. r, MoKachorn Angus Blacksmith. K 3)4 S!'.".''''.,-';'''"- ; G. 8. ATavorn. I, Mllohell Donald o. H. L ARK XL, Wellington Co., Ont Arlss John V^simnB. T. qu NlohollsGeo. iBh^rksa': K Ig Taylor A Sanderson Woolen Mill. (See London.) O.S. H 3 Watson G. A W. . . ARKONA, Lambton Co., Ont Alexander wmiam Cooper. L Baitrrai A Ferris Blacksmiths. K Beam T Astinrv T. Beck A AtwlU. . . o ^.' ^ BellWm.. Blacksmith!' L Buchanan w. W.. Washing MachlnoH h Cable Jas.. Hotel. L -SjanjU'^.A Foundry. Cliff Charles oro L Cornell W Physician. L Dawes riipmas. Physician. L Dickson Alexander Mills, Ac. H DonlcyJamos Tavern H Dunn Robert Saw MUl A Pumps! K Eastman C. M. A Co. . . . ... O 8 O Everest George M..Watohes A iini'gs! H Fawcett Thos Banker A Broker. _ ,. _ . . (See Watfortl.) Gott Benjamin Nursery. H Gould J. II : Printer. L HaieL. H , Saddler. L Harraer Samuel Blacksmith. L Horn lliomas shoes. H Jackson John W Wagons. K Klnscley John Tanner. H Langel Mrs Milliner L LeamB GS H McDonald Mrs. 8. E !.!!Gro!! »»„T, „ 1, T Shoes, Ac.' L McDowell James (j s McOlbboii Donald Grist MUl! H Jf'V,''"''^ ,^^C .-.Shoes. L MollnnaJohn Oro H Morgan T.... Saddler. L Mora ng.itar M. E Saw MUl. L MornlngstarS. E Orist Mill. H MunroT GS Norton John . gablnetwa'ro! L ^tosciibury PhlUp , , . . . Dentist K SaulHoury MUls A Paint. L Showier A AbeU Tailors H Silver Miss Kate Milliner. I, Smith H. J Druirs H gtcvenson CI. B Ins. Agent, 4 3!s I" 3)4 r 3 3 3 3 3)4 3)1 3)4 ARKWRIGHT, Bruce Co., Ont Brlggs Levi. Wagons, Collunl Joseph Blacksmith. Cunimliig Robert Wagons. HudBon Charles Blacksmith. KnawsG shoes. MoKlni Joshua o s Morriu A. AT.... .'. .. steam SaW Mill. Sithej) W. F (J H Wardnll Paul .".'.'fave'ru! ARLINGTON, Simooe Co., Ont BarberBros q g Brown Thos .'f a've'rn.' L CoumaiTlioH BL-vcksmith. L Henacrsou James... Wagons L Langley Patrick ifotel. F ARMADALE, York Co., Ont Bear John O. S. A Agent Ag'l Implts., Ac, L 3)4 ARMOW, Bruce Co., Ont CBri'onter A Son lllacksmll lis. K 11 Ilea John tj. ^ jj McKeuzIo Donald Hotel! L M.' Kenz'e Geo Wi-gons. L ReokluJolin SawTdlU. H UutlMlgeJ H Shoos. L Scott AOrford Grist A Saw MUls. U 3 ARMSTRONG'S CORNERS, Lanark Co., WIlllamH James .' o. 8. L ARNOTT P. O.. Or» Co.. Ont (dalet VornerH.) Molnnis Thomas Bla«k«ndth. L 3)4 Morrow Johr Tavern L Murray W.O O, 8, A P. m! L 3)4 L 3)4 L 39 H a K L 3)4 9.% 2)4 3'4 3><, 3,4 AEN ON^TA.RIO A.1SIT> QUEBEC. ATH •. T, 1. K 8Vi r. L . T, .SH r, . r. 3)4 . T, . L an . 1. . H n , H H . K. 3!^ an . H 3 ) 3 L, SH . \f . r, u »>« H 3^ J. »4 U 3 T, 3H H 3 1, H 3 1. L S-^ H 3 T, K 3 1. H 3 r, H 3 H 3 I. 1. SH I. I, U 2H K 3!4 1. i. 3)4 r, ir L 3)^' 3)4 2)4 to, L, 3H- ARNPRIOR, RanAvw Co., Ont. frtamsW-H Ag'Umplts. L Allen iVm — ; Tailor L Amstrong Albert I'liynlolan. L BellJiuuea ins. Agent K Bellamy & McKerracher laverr. h BlawleUJ. C, ar Saw Mill. K g''J«o»? Blacksmith. K Bolton a o. 8. _ ., , , (See A. Caaweil.) Butler John... Tinsmith. H 3 CamplKiU Mrs. John Tavera. K 3« Caswell A (i n It Cralgp.. ..".'."I.Balicr; F 2)4 Cianstou Jaa. o Physician. K 3 Cross K. E o. 8. L Belancet James * G* s" L Devtno H. * B ""Hotel' H 3 Doutiguey * Uonghton Woolens' Fanner Wm Shoes L Fletcher Mrs Wajipaper! L SM HarrlngKm Eric tlour. P 22 HaitnoyJas o. 8. D iS Harvey John .-. Conti-actor. « a Heath Joseph Tailor L Herrick Michael Blacksmith; K 3)4 LarlvioOeoitte.. ai,oes. L Lopage Fenliuand .o. t^ L Lepage H shoes, h fyon Robinson Hotel. L Lvon Win. si,oes. I, Mackey * Robertson Timber. C MoUougall Joseph Blacksmith. K McEwuu John Foundry. H McKeiTOclier Jas. H 8a4 ARTHUR, Wcllinston Co., Ont ^field Jamer Organs, Ac. L Alhui Edward Phvsiclan K BallanUne A.iam....::;;:::;„ f.. of g; H Bond Jolm. Booth Robert. Broen E.J Bilstow B Broad ife Co. . . Urodorick J. . Buschlan Antliony. C'limpbell Hugh Blacksmith. H •■•; -•; O. S. K ...Ins. A Loan Agent. L •■.;.■ ••.•■.-■•.-"■■"'•• "So. L ..B'smltlis A Wagons. L ... UotcL L Saw MilL F ..Blacksmith. L 3)4 3 ;);4 Shaw Robert Druss Shepherd C '.".".ShoSs." F 2)4 Smilii Mrs. John.".".".'.'.'.' ""cTs' L Somervllle P. T .'."."Marble: K 3)4 l:SSS!S-^ Marble. L '* f i"'£"J!.'J; *^,v Marble. L Siafforrt B. V Sashes & Blinds. H 3 TienieyJohn o s h i ToyTlios .". ""■A'x'om'kr UphamJ Q SfeiL ^»'{»™eJ°'"' VlOTisU L wffie-^ja'm'es'.'.'.'.";.".":;:""-^^'""-^'^^" S P X'^^^.'i?-.'.'.'.". i"-v..ww^§ Wilson & Hartuey. .". .".".■.■' G s' F 2 Wilson Wm '....." siVwt i, ^ Wolfe Jonathan. . .Cabinetwnro '* Oro." K 3 Young Robert ..«. 8. O 21 ARTHABA9KA STATION, Arihtbuka Co., d"*".'''':..^/^--. Blacksmith. H Bouchard Alfred Oro k Bourbeau I). O. . u u' v JiouHioau J. o ". oh" f Farley Win Leaiher" AU.». F FoisyI.()Ul8 o HI, Ouayll : oh' L LaiivUireA Gro.'An.'o.' L iHsmay (» ,; a f te.'.' .?'•,." Fr'.ilt.*c:L Matte V. H 'riuiiii'i- TT Metevior Etlenne...'.:'.;'.".::;".:.'.8Toc8: L Moreau <» Ttnii i l"«hnr'"•»"» .hJKt. l 'L Diou Almo 'rnitnp r Oorala L. L ijXl' K v/ ^'•'"■"tf^ ..■.'.'Bia;>'k^ffi.' ? ■'■'' rZ'!""}^".^^:::: ..Wagons. L CarlowJ. A Sous Carding A „, , ., Shingle Factory. JI ^ "i™'! "oorge Bhicksral til. K ^larK Wm Grain o Si?^i'^j".tr".".'.' '-'Hi^s EJS^^^jS^S.!-™''-"-"-"-^^^^ Driscoll Daniel Flbiir'AFeod! H DnmmmndW. H ..Shoe* H Edwards Wm . 81 X L FergnsonHugh o» K Ferrier Jas. "piimMi FerrterJohnL J?l?' L Flath T s,'^- f Fogarty Thos Gri." AJiakery.' L Eraser John Harness r FraserABro ::...::saw"llli: H 3 *™8i**»''mer Planing Mill, o 2'4 Gourlay Peter Tailor. H 3 Green Isalab Saddler i, -iu. Hadland A Ogdeu BSJJho^s: K .3^ Uagyard George Printer T^ vZ Hally Morris. !*. Baker A Confec L ^ Haiins A Co. Bankera. E 214 Hathaway Wm Steam Prist MUl. H 3 Henderson W Phys'u A Uitiks g 3 SS!liSf''f,*^"""-A«'*-*8'l !"*"«"• H 3 xioweii Alex Fouudrv T Hudsoa Geo ins AireiiV w ■i Hughes Wm ! "om l Irwin J. AW Builders I Jackson Alfred . «"»"«" L Jebbett """Hotel L Johnston W.F "Livurr K gl'f '''"': Jamns Liquora. L Kidd Wm (In, T KIlgourD. F "iJriiiB' 1 Kirk Bids ...: G H LakeWm ' ""Hot«r r Mason Chas ■.'.'.'.'. .'.'llarbOT: L J}^,Ardell J . . Oyster 8al<«n. L M -^hnV °vJ M,"'"'^ Blacksmith. L McUlll William Builder L Meimosh Duncan i:!. sS: K McKe lar Hectur Saw Mill, ^ MctlulnThos (5 „ Mituhell Jas 'Taimor Mitchell Robert. . . Ins. A Oen'l Agent' ■, Mf>oro A Norris..B'8mith8 A Wagims. H SJlHi^iSlirj-r.".'.':::;::::;; 'fcp Mu"S';;;t.rr';." •«"'«'•«■-: ^ NesgleG ;:;; OS r NevoamO. D. A Co '.'U'wiire; R'S"n".l"i",','" Flour A Few"; K 3 ON" "'Al-' Bhtoksmiths. L ElUottBobert a a r. au. Elliott Thom:i8 "Tavern" K 3)J Grant Jamex Marriage Licenses, Ac." a ali Hawkins A Westlake„ GrirtMllL O aS JJpN»'> John . Blacksmith. L ^ MetzgerJohnO Tailor L StevensJolm h,,.,] t StilesThomaa ask Thompson Wm '.'.'.'.'.'." "hhOM. L w Ji» 5*"'""' Cartllrig MUL L WyattBros Blacksmiths. L A8HBURN, Ontario Co., Oni Barclay Alex Hotel r «»"'«■• »«nlel ......"."."Wagoni: H FSS?iiijjjb"hi".".".-.v.".".-.-.".";..":'!«.'!liti!l-.i: FisherThos. A o s H Lawrence James ...."Harness! K Pearson Wm. A James.... Contractors. H 5 , ..oV- Yi ■ Physician. H |?';™1'J J?''» Drugs A Shoes. L Stephen Wm Carpenter. K 3)4 3)4 3)4 3 S 3 w6 f. K 3)4 !'. 3,'a llendi't^au (* OoiMlhuo James A Hon. Luleunnnsse Laurent.. Liailer CyrtUe Lynch w. 11 a Ciunidn, .Wornt, J! G, H. O <». S. E Tins. L . . Wagons. L Oro. L O'NV"'";-. Livery, k Paisley John iiotel IT Parsons W. P Uiilldor L fwlIlK.if i' «"'.t*'^ "•"'»» Mill. G Petcrkin A Neil G 8 II QiiirtJohnH Biab'kiml'th: ll RiiillganJohu Tins Ac Hiott William ■■•■i«,^":■, Blacksmith. K ^ Ourtls David Bricks r v7 .^±*7,"'i ..carding Mill' L ""* GarveyJohn " oro „,„ . . (See Pe"(ierboro.) Glover Lewis Oro. A Grist MUL Per't"'! '^/""''*'' Foundry. H 8 reck A. H Brewer I. HogeraOeo.C ]'.'. MlUer K avi Rogers J. Z .Saw MUL ^ Ste nbcnson John Boatbiiilder. L HUlllvan J. C Qrn IT Q SwanstouMra. Ann..8al(ion'*,'B"aker.' L Y^SJ'n''„Y'" PlaulnKMlS:u 3 \oung c Oro. I, ASHDOWN P. 0., Parry Sound DIrtriol, Ont. 1i"„n"?i'"' ^^- * Son. . . .0. 8. A Hotel. H 8 Hall Oeorgp Wagons A B'smith. h Sit «■;« "»vrd ....Blaokaralth L ** M2f"°a«'f8e Shoes. L 3)» SirettW. F Saw Mill. L ASHFIELD, Huron Co., Onf. (Sea AmberUy.J ASHQROVE, Halton Co., Ont. Alexander John Hotel K 9U C,H,kUeo,go ...L{iib.r: P aS }{™«lWm Blacksmith. K 8)4 Huffman John Wajroiis i Smith Robert .....".......^ro.' L ASHTON, Carleton Co., Ont. Arque Geo Tanner K" I'ouu JamcsASon ."" o s' O Fiiimlng Daniel ".".'iloteL K FlemlngJamos aiioea K KenneiG- Robert o^ k -■ Uoblnsou Donald Bl'Mksmith. K .3 Simpson Samuel Wagonmkr. L A8KIN, Middlatex Co., Ont. CS'eo Xiw JlrtgMon.) ASPDIN, Mutkoka Diilrict, Onl. Johnston 1). A Son Qro. I, ASTON STATION, Nioolat Co., Qua. r.VM SI, iVenctilcu, ) ATHA, Ontario Co., Ont. Angus Goo D. G. A Oro L 3U BpoarsJohn .1 Haw Mm! H f* ATHELSTAN, Huntingdon Co., Qua. ^fesJo**!"! Blacksmith, h 3)4 Aii"\ni J PaintAp T AndenMUi R. D Caiiiing Mill i, au. U"y* Audeimiu JuM lii«tuknuiilh. Ii :r.i AultI.U.4M G.8.4Mill. F S), Baker H. 8.4 Bro 0.8. 1, 3)4 BamliartE Can-lages. L 3)4 Sronoell Tho«. Geo Tanner, h .lij Bryan J. T Saddler. L 8)4 OookG. H L Cook Guy Hotel. L Cramer Ira J O. 8. CrollJohu... OBrdener,*c. F 2)4 Croll 4 McCullough .O. 8. L 3)4 Cunnlugbam llobert,Jr...Blac';'' K 8 Elliott John, Jr Potter. K 3)4 Elliott Wm Potter. K 3)4 Gogo William Shoos. L 3)4 Hancs II Baker. I. Hunter Pctor Millinery 4 Gro, L HutchlnsWm Hotel. L McConncll Thos Bricks. L Morgan Nelson Shoes. H 214 NiiahA.F .-. Tins. K 3)4 Slmsfr Nathaniel Gro. O 2)4 Snyder E U.S. K 3 Soutbworth W. S G. S. L 3)4 Weegar A. L Musical InsU. 3Xi AURORA, York Co., Onl. Andrews W.Y G. 8. K 3)4 Astatuu Seth B. E. Agent, 4c. H 3 Atkinson John Shoes, h 3)4 Baldwin Geo. 8 Grist Mill. H 3 Bice George Pumps 4 Bricks. H 3 Bond John T. 4 Son O. B., 4o. K 3)4 Boyuton Aiimson..Agent Ag'llniplts. L BoMKlj-Alex Cooper. L 3)4 Butcber Charles Gro. A MlUlnery. K 3)4 Campbell Hugh 4 Sons Koiiemkrs. G 'ihi Cliff J. W Blacksmith. L 8)4 Connor H. E Drugs. K 3)4 Connor Itoboit Ins. Agent. L Dnvllle I"rank Tanner. H 3 DavlsJttmesT Saw MiU. L .3)4 Doan David W Gro.. Drugs. 4o. O 2)4 FaughnerM. B O. 8. Field John G. 8. H 3 FleuryJ Foundry. D 2 Fllutoff Livery. I. 3)4 Forsyth Marshall.. Agent Ag'l Implts. I, Fiy,8tevenson4McDonald.. Printers. K .1)4 Graham Bros Hotel. G 2)4 Gi llUtb II. E Flour * Feed. L , Harris Henry Builder, Gro., 4c. H 3 HanlsWm Wheelwriglit. L 3)4 Harrison 4 Vannosi m Saw Mill. E 2 Hillary n.W Physician. L HoUottay John Butcher. K 3)4 Hunt J. J Shoes. D ,3)4 Hutchinson G. W Grain. H 3 Ijiwlor Cbas Painter. L DemouOcorge Hotel. K S'-j Lepper Matthew O. 8. H 3 Linton W ,.... Fruit Trees. L LloydJohnW Stationer. L 3).j liOUg William 4 Co Paper Boxes. L 3)^ Love Alfred 8ewing Mttcliines. K 3!4 Lunily Bros Pitoters. 4o. K 3)4 Magcr 4 HiUer Soda Water. L Mi^jorWm. H Auctioneer. G 2)4 McCi-rty William Watches. L McCaimiaiid Thos Physician. McDonaldJolm Blacksmith. K 3)4 McNaltyJ. E Ins. Agent, 4a. L Moore G. F Auctioneer. L Morrison O. W....B'8mltb 4 Wagons. II 3 Nr (George Wagons, i I 3 nan Charles E Baker. L 3)4 tliWm Stoves 4 Tin. K 3)4 I'bllllps 1). 8 Brooms. L Phillip* Geo. 4 Bro Sash 4 Door Factory. H 3 Phillips J. D Mill. H 3 Phillips 8. E Furniture, 4c. G 3 Beeves Ulobard Huckster. L Iteoves William Hcstaurttut. 1j Richardson B Watches. L Robinson A Dentist. H 3 Rogers 1). E Vi'terlnary Surgeon. H 3 Rulberford J. R Physician. H 3 Silence Johnson Peddler Flsb. L Stevenson Edwanl... Gro. 4 Crockeiy. H 3 Stevenson Geo. L Haddlur. O 'ilii Tin lino James 0.8. Tracy Jolin .Tailor. K 3)4 Trench R Confcc. K U'a Weedcn Wm Butcher. L MHi Wells John M Dentist. H 3 Wilkinson Goo Foundry. (1 2)4 WUllHWm Saddler. L AVENINO, Simoo* Co., Ont. Cauthers Wm Funilture. L Coulter W.L d. 8. It 3 CulbertFrank Saibller. K 3Vj culberiJobn Weaver. L 3)4 Farley Wm Shoes. L F..U«i i JllHel' fililllMlta. II 3 Fiwter JainiNi Tavern. L Jack Jnlin Tailor. L Lindsay G.D G. 8. H 3 LlMli' W Wagons. L Morrison Tbos Blacksmith. L Moble Andrew Pbinlng Mill, (See Thompson vllle.) SUverthome Isaac Blacksmith. L Stonham Thomas Hotel. L 3)4 AVOCA, Argentauil Co., Qua. Cameron 4 Leannontb G.S. L 3)4 Crawford C G.S. I, Walker John Saw Mill. AVON, IMiddlasex Co., Ont. Andrew John Wagons. L 3)4 Herron Henry Carpenter. H 3 McLaughlin .Shoes. I. Mvnett William; Blacksmith. I, .3)4 WUtsey Henry Blacksmith. L AVONMORE, Stormont Co., Onl. Fulton 4 Wyatt G. 8. 4 Saw Mill. F 2)4 McCleverty Paul G. 8. L Mclutyre Donald Shoes. L .3)4 Shaver Ellas N Blacksmith. H 3 VlneburgU G.S. L AVONTON, Perili Co., Onl. Brown Ales: Drover, 4c. L 3)4 McKellarJobu G.S. L AYER'S FLATS, Stanstead Co., Quo. AyersH. G Hotel. L Harvey 4 Robinson G.S. F 2)4 Parker A. W lYailer. K 3)4 Vaughan C. W Blacksmith. L Vaugban L.J G. 8. AYLIMER, Elgin Co., Onl. Anderson H Cablnetware. L Andrews J Blacksmith. L Arkell John H G. 8. L BiunesW. O Tailor. K 3)4 Bencraft Henry CoiiiMir. H 3 Bingham Bros D. G. 3 BiSKon Mrs. E Fancy Gooils. Bradley John Cablnetware. L 3)4 Bradley Miss Milliner. L Brown A. C G. 8. Brown Henry H'ware4Tlns. (Soo8t. Thomas.) Brown Hiram J Tavern. It 3 Brown W. R Organs. H 3 CaniP'iell John G Wagons. L Campbell Wm Books, 4c. .3)4 Chrlslle 4 Caron Gents' Furn'g. K 3)4 Clark Ui-os Physicians. G 2)4 Close Henry Bricks. L CluttonJ.J. Saw Mill. H ,3!4 Glutton S.S Fulling Mills. K .3)4 Conn A Tins. H 3 CornwcllMlss M Dressmkr. L Crunk A Cablnetware, 4c. H 3 Cronk John Henry Shoes. H 3 Cross Thomas Physician. L Davis A. J Speculator, 4c. O 2^j Davis N.J Gro. 4 Crockery. H 3;o Dawson Robert Carriages. L Durlliig 4 Sou A Tailors. U 3 Klglo Robert Tailor. L (■'lUtblng W. H 1). G. G a«.i t'rrgimon David.. Grist Mill. F 2)4 FoxtonWni 8toves4Tln». G 2)5 tioll'4 Ferguson Planing Mill. It GnodfoUow Geo Mills. H 3 Oundrv L. G Watches, Drum, 4c. K 3)4 llambHdgo J. B Oyster Sauiun 4 Confec. K .3)4 Hays J. A Ins. Agent, 4c. L Hoilgklnson Joseph K Watclnukr. h HoiiklUHtioo Bbicksuilth. L 3)4 Ilutililusim J. W Marble. L K.'niiiMlyT.T Hotel. K 3)4 Kvdd George Blacksmith. L I.ecHon Moses Carriages. H 3 Lindsay Wm Shoes. L Lovett W. W Tobacco Lyon W. M Tcmpeiauco llolol. L Af intn Tbiimos T Drugs. Mttiin Win. H Foundry. I, M Illicit John Gro. M arlet t .N iithan 4 Bon Shoes. O 3 Msrslinli liavid Liquors. U 3 Mdlrldi' Alex Hotel. McCiiusland A G.S. II 3 Mcl'rlsklo James Ll(|Uors. L McKown A Grist Mill. K McGoncb Wm Hotel. McKenr.le A. C. 4 Co U. O. Mcljiy P. W Physician. II 8 JIIIuu A. B raiuir. L MouteUb Wm Bliuksnilth. L Mcmro A. 11 Cablnetware, 4c. L Morrison L.N Cari-lages. K 3)4 MoasU. H G.S. O 2)4 ATL ONTARIO j^ISTD QUEBEC. BAL Mniray Anrtrfiw Q. s. P 2)3 Murray Walter K... Convevancer, 4 Nairn T. M KxpresB AKt^iit, Ac. I, NowcU OoorgP Btetsmlth. L S}6 Pnnkhurst J. C Printer. L Pierces Uvery. .S!4 . Pilce Davia Oro. I, Hayinond Allan . Oro. I. KIclianlHon Peter Uraln, *c. 11 3 llogers Arthur OrlstMlll. H a Kuijlolpli Henry Cooper. 3 Scliooley & J^ur Ag'l Impltd., 4 Walker Bros Hardware. H 3 Weaver A. 8 Watches, Ac. K SH Wells J Dentist. L Whitney Lewis W Saddler. Ij 3)6 Wldritlleld C Saw A Planing Mills. H 3 Wldner Adolplius..Agt Maslca! Insts. L WleslMort A CO Millers. Williams A. D.8 Wiiti'hes. L Wright A Allen Tins. K Si* Wright It. C Baker A Confeo. K 8)4 York Samuel D Tanner. <> 3 Yorko Jc^Uiol Pork Packer. F 2;a AYLMER, Ottawa Co., Qua. Baillle J Cabinetware. I. Church CM Physician. P 2;* Colo E. A I). 8. L 3,'<. Cormier N. E o. 8. CuznerM Stoves A Tins. K 3W Denaut Fci-rler Wheelwright. 1, Devlin Chas ct. 8. Q 2W Dewar U G. 8. I, Fogarty Richard (iro. IC 3!4 Foianjolin Lumber Broker. F 2>4 Clravel F TUis. li Haldaue M. X. A Co Pi-inters. I, Hoilges 11 Fruits A Stat'y. L llolt Alfred M Tavern. K 3)6 HowiirilT. A Drugs. L Klook i:ol)ert H. A J Lumber. D 2 Lindsay Archibald Saw Mill. L S!6 I^chnau W oro. L 8)5 Marclmnd L Wagons. L Martin John , Shoes. L Martin Wm Shoes. L 3)6 Mulligan Jas Butcher, Baker A Wood, a 2!4 PaqulnTlios Shoes, h Perrnult J. B Blacksmith. L PinntissT. B H'ware A Shoes. K 2 Hunger Andre Oro. K 3 ItUey Patrick! Tavern. L Ritchie Mrs. Mattliew Hotel. L Kohert E o. 8. L Itoney Mm. J.J oro. L Bayers li. U BakerAProv. H 2)4 Bmith Thos Blacksmith. Union Forwarding Co Watt John Blacksmith. I, 3)^ AYLWIN, Ottawa Co., Qua. lleidB.N O.B.AIlotel. It 3 Reld Riibert O.S. K SSi Wiggins J O.S. A Shoos. L AYR, Waterloo Co., Ont. Andcrsim Jolm Blacksmith. L HH Baker Wm o. s. E 2 BullJohn Wagims. L ;1'4 Bolton John 01*0. li Bowie Wm Oro. K S)6 Chrlntld Mrs Fancy Ooods. K 3)4 CniHhy Siimuel Gilst Mill. t'liiTv I'lti'r oro. H 3 Ciitliiimtsou Hugh Shoes. L S^ Drvden (ieo Wagims. h 312 Fulrgrlevc Wagons. L 3!4 Ford John P 0.8. F 2'ij Oillcsplo Joseph Painter. K ,1)4 Ouiellu Miinry Stoves A Tins. L 3)6 Oohllo David Mills. I) 1)6 Orletzncr Adolph Harness. L 3)« Hall KoVint CariHintor. Ac. K 3)(| lloiulcmou W Blacksmith. K 3)6 lli'ndi>r«cin Wm Cari)enter. K 3)6 IllllmrnWrn Tavern. II 3 llili Henry Butcher. K 8!6 Hope Thos Blacksmith. H 3 Kay Jas Cabinetware. 11 3 Kiil'.y Henry Brewerv. II S)a KIlKour JiiHiinh Agent Ilardwaru. li K.,o\ i;,i;„ii... PiiiiMm. L I.KiveaWm Ph,yHleian. K 3»a Wntlilo^on Alex Carix-nter. L 3'u McOdoigo Chas Drugs A stiit'y. H :) Meldruui N. W Physician. K 3H UortonAlvx Saddler. K 3)^ I Morton Robert T a. 8. K ,3)4 Murray John Confea H 3 Picket James Shoes. L Piper James, Jr Tailor A Oro. L Porter R. 8 Baker, Ac. L ReirtBros Saw MiU II 3 Reunick John Jeweler, Ac. L 3)4 Senior Richard Money Lender. F 2)4 SmuckJaoxib Tavern. G 2)^ Watson Jolin Foundry, Ac. D 1)6 White Henry J>ntcher. L 8)<. Willison Walter Tailor. K 3)| Wilgley Mrs Fancy Goods. L 3)6 WylieWm Drugs. H 3 A7T0N, Qrey Co., Onl. AUis John Carpenter. L Becker A Builder. L Blaelug Adolph Cooper. L 8)4 Biasing Frederick Tatlur. L 8)6 Bi-ochtB. Confec. H 3 Campbell John. G. 8. L CooilThos G. 8. H 3)4 Ciintj George Cooper. L FinkJohn Shoes. L 3)4 Hiirtmau Fred Builder. L -3)4 Langdale Wui . , Photographer. L Lewis Robert Builder A Baker. L 8)4 Madden Thomas Hotel. L MoLcanP Pliys'n A Drugs. L 3)4 McSherry Daniel Liqnors. L Meyer Wm.... Tins. L Mlfler Chas Tailor. L 3)6 MUlerH Builder. L 8)4 Moran Thos. A Bra Blacksmiths. L Muellar .Tohu C. F Wagons. H 3 Pfeifer Paul Blacksmith. L PtukortonJas Physician. H 3!4 RecklnChas Tavern. H 3 Rlngel Henry Hotel. L 3)4 Smith Robert G. 8. Sperling Wm BlaekHmith. L Watson W. J Saddler. L 3)4 WedmwerGuido Tins. L WeltzF. W Wagons. L Wengerl O.S. E 2 WengerNoah A Bros Gri«t A Saw Mills. H 3 Zinter Jolin Tailor. 1, BABY'S POINT, Umbton Co., Ont. Kelly Edward, Agent Wood, Ac. Kelly Mrs Docks A Wood. G 2)4 McOonaldH G. 8. L MentonC. W O.S. L Btonehouse R. C O. s. K 3)4 BADEN, Watorloo Co., Ont Baumchen A Bro Coopers. L .S)4 BeohtlMunno Coi.tractor. H 3 Bock Wm Cigar Box Mufy. L Becker John K Blacksmith. L S'.j Boyo Krnost A Son Mer. Tailors. O 2!4 Brubnchcrll Wooleus. H 3 Decker Henry Blacksmith. L S'4 DllllnglerGeo Contractor. H 3 Kmerlck Chas Harness. H 3 Ernst Peter, Estate o( Brewer. G 3 Oabcl Jacob Wagons * Hotel. H 3 OabelJuhu Watches. L 8)4 KaiilTman Alftwl Hotel. I, 3)4 Krous Christopher Tavern. G 2)4 Kuiupf Ernst Butcher. II 3 Livingston J. A J Flax Mill, SInlrs. Llusecd Oil A O. 8. C 1)4 LorentaJohn Tins. H 3 Mengcs (Hmnul Shoes. K 3)4 Morrison W. AD Bricks. L 3)6 Morlcy Mioluicl Mill, Ac. G 2)4 Mussel M Baker. L Nowaach Herman Shoes. L WaldenK. 8 P.O. AG. S. K 3>a WeUcrJohn, sr Carjienter. II 3 Weiler John, Jr Woodenwaro. K 3)4 BADJEROS, Qr«y Co., Ont. nellJouadab 0.8. K 3)6 McCluarrle Hector G. 8. K 8)4 Smith Benjamin Tavern. L BAQOT P. O., Rnche(iUtOautiaer)Loais....G. 8. K 3)4 {.iOeAugnste Peddler. L Lemieux Alphonse Cartwright. L genardE ....Blacksmith. K 3 oris Tonssaint 0.3. H 3 PotvinOhas HoteL H 8)4 Potvin Thomas 0.8. H 3 Renaad J. B Tinsmith. L 3)4 8imard TheoiluJe O.S. L Trcmblay Cesar Cattle Dealer. K 3)4 Tremblay Josenh Blacksmith. K 3)6 Verreau Adolphe Painter. L 3)4 BAILEY'S CORNERS, Hatting* Co., Ont tahanic P. O.J Ballev James o. 8. I, Marmora Cheese Factory (See Marmora.) BAILLIEBORO', Durham Co., Ont Butler A McClung Carriages. L 3)4 Dundas Henry Saddler. L Fisher J. H Drugs A G. 8. H 3 HarrtetSam Blacksmith. J., Head Henry Blacksmith. L HenslipJ.J 0.8. H S Jewlson James Hotel. L Kerr John Pumps. L KerrW. G Carpenter, Ac. L 3)4 King Richanl Physlcton. II 8 Lang James Pumps. K ,3)4 PerrlnJohn D G. 8. H 3 Porter John Shoes. L SnUthA Han-ess. L 8)4 BAKERS MILLP, Norfolk Co., Ont (See Langton.) BAKERSVILLE, Wantworth Co., Ont Baker John Lumber A Tavern. Baker John A Co Lumber, 4 Johnson Geo oro. I, McNeil John Saw MllL L 3)4 Simpson Robert Hotel. L BALLINAFAO, Wellington Co., Ont AckertA PumpB. K 3)4 Belgrove Renjamiu Wagons. L Benny Peter Blacksmith. K ,3)4 Flotclier John Wagons. K. 3)4 OreerJamrs Shoes. L Hill David Tavern. K 3)4 McArthur D Blacksmith. L 3)6 Thompson A. P (Jro. L 3)4 Wiley T G.8. L 3)4 BALL8VILLE, Haldlmand Co., Ont (See Oneida.) BALLYCROY, SImooe Co., Ont Beatty Bros Saw Mill. H Bint Thomas Hotel. L McClelland It. J G. 8. L McMoster A. 8 Hotel. L Ital.l XkJm Dla..Vn«.l*h T BALLYDUFF, Durham Co., Ont Morrow T Shoos. Ij Nicholson Jolm Oro. H Porter Chaa. Biaoksmith. !< Z)i BAL OISTTA-RIO ^]Sri> QUEBEC. BAR Ridge Wm Lombor, &o. O 2)4 TempletonK. A J ;.a, B. L WlUlBinsoD Jsa. P Agent. 1 WUllamBOn Jolm C Agent. H 3 BALLYMOTE, MiddlMCX Co., OnL Bboebottom .Tamen B G. 8. U 3 Staoebottom Wm. u Hotel G 2;.j BALMER ISLAND, Renfrew Co., Ont. BolTAlex G. 8. K SM Ii»ckteD , Hotel. L BALMORAL, Haldimand Co., Ont. BethnoeH. F Physician. K A\i CUneAilamH U.S. L 3)4 ColeE a. 8. L Dolgiio Jaa Harness. L DongheEty M., sr Shoes. H 3 Helat Christian Tavern. Hy land Mrs. James Tavern. L McDonald Kobert Tavern. K 3)4 Rutherford Davia wagons. K 3)4 Stamlman David 8ho'"a. L 3)4 Walker Wm Blacksmith. L 3)4 BALSAM, Ontario Co., Ont. Hutchinson Foster O. S. H 3 Palmer Ira G. 8. O 2)4 Wadlngliam JamoB Blacksmith. Ii 3)6 WhiteThos Shoes. Ii 3)s BALTIMORE, Northumberlano Co., Ont Allen Robert Carpenter. I^ 8)4 Baltimore Cheese Manufacturing Co.. L Sii BoydJohn Canlagea & B'smith. K Xa BruwDGeo o. S. H 3 C'h&dman Nicholas Blacksmith. G 2^4 OockUum George Tavern. G 2)4 Davey John H Saddler. L Deacon Wm Tailor. !■ 3)4 Duncan Mrs. Jolm Gro. L 3*4 Klliott JamesE Wagons. L Frood.Tohn Wagims. L 3'4 Oalllgher John CcMiper. K 3)4 Gordon J. A Woolens. L 8!4 Halg Thomas Hami'ss. O 2)4 Hogg Geo. M Blacksmith. H 3 lAwlessJohu Pumps. I. 3)4 Mann Bros Grist Mill. I. McCnlcheou Thos Gro. & Shoes, li MIUi^anThos. J O. 8. Ij 3)4 ParsonsShem Miller. H 3 PI'.nilps John. Agent Ii Pickering Cliilstopher Tavern. U 3 Thompson George Thomas Tanner. 3)4 Turner John Physician. L ■ Ward A. H Grist Mill. L Wimble Francis Shoes. L BAMBERG, Waterloo Co., Ont Ball Joseph Blacksmith. L .1)4 Dietrich Ferdinand shoes. L S'a HaseLorantz Brewer. K 3)4 Kelswetter Joseph Cider. L KroetachJohn Saw Mill. H 3 BchlegelJ Blacksmith. K 3'4 Walter Ferdinand G. 8. O 2)4 Winkler Charles. Piunps. L 3^4 Zimmerman Ileunr Tavern A Wagons. *C .3)4 BANDA, Simeoo Co., Ont Clemenger A Stewart Wagons. L Uowau, Morrisou <& Co. . Blouksiiiiths. I. Hood Joseph G. 8. II 3 Montgomery John Wagons. Ij B)4 Stewart N Cooper. L Wilcox Samuel Tavern. L BANDON, Huron Co., Ont BlalnJohn Grist Mill. K 3'4 Foster Christophor Saw Mill. I. 3)4 MeUevllle Lawrence, sr Saw Mill. K 3)4 BANNOCKBURN, Haatings Co., Ont MaltlandJ Hotel. II 3 McKwiin 8. * W, . .Grist A Saw Mills. H 3)4 Roblln W. A Blacksmith. I. Thompson Chns G. H, I, BARACH0I8 MAL DE BAY, OupeCo., Quo. Jones J Fish, on, Ac. K 3 TappTUos O. S., Hotel, Ac. H 3 BARNSTON, Stanitead Co., Que. Baldwin J. F SawMiil. H 3 Ouodliue A LuvoU G. 8. Oooley P Hotel. L Heath A Humphrey Blacksmiths. L J enks Nathaniel Physician. G 2)4 Noyes John 11 Sewing Machines. L ItenntcktX M O. S. H 3 BARRIE, Simeoo Co., Ont Anderson James Feed A G. 8. K 3'4 Anderson A Tenunnt Lumber. G 2)4 Auderton Bros Brewers. K 2 ArdagU A Physician. Q 2)4 AmallA Hotel. F 2)a Bailey J Veterlnaiy Surgeon. I. 3)4 Ball George Carpenter A Builder. O 2)4 BarrAHcnry Carriages. K 3)4 Barrie Gas Co., The .._.. F 2)* BeldlngW. W Saw Sfill. (SeeCraighnrst.) BcmroseE Saddler. H 8 Bethel Ezra Tobacconist. L BiglowH. G Hotel. H 3)4 Bingham John Butcher. L Hlackmore Jolm Painter. L Blaydeu J. W Barber. L Bosanko Charles Dentist. K 3)4 BothwellJ. M Beeflsman. K 3)s Bourco.v Harriet Milliner. I BrownA. W -■ Hotel. K 3)4 Brown Geo. U Contractor. K ,S)4 BrownJ.J , Seels. H 3 Burk C. S Marble. L HuitinBros Timber. E 2 Bull LTfleld L Foundry. L Bviue Edward Gro. A Carpenter. H 3 CulrusBros..8a8hADoor Factory, Ac. L Caldwell Samuel Fruit, Ac. L 3)4 Caldwell William Blacksmith. O 2)4 Capon W.B PaintsAOils. G 2)4 Carle v J elm Boatbulldei:. L Currthos. H Saw Mill A Lumber. H 3)4 Chapman s Shoes. L Cheesemau John A Co Gro., Fruit, Ac. L 3)4 ClaikC. U lus. Agent. L Clai'kson Joshua Hotel. K 3)4 Coates A Arnold Gen'l Agents. Cook Bros Lumber. (See Morilsburgh.) Cooper J. C Tins. Ac. L Craddock Wm., sr Money Lender. F 2)'j Craig E. J Restaurant. L Crompton E. B. A Co D. O. F 2)4 Crookshank J. 8 Physician. G 2)4 Crosby W.H Llver.r. L 3)4 Culleu J. (VespraTp.) Tavern. I. Culverwell John Barber A Upholsterer. K 3)4 CundleThomas Sneculator. D 1)2 Dougall David Cabluetmkr., Ac. G 2)4 DymentN Grist MUl A Lumber. V 1>4 Edmanson Wm Baker, Ac. K 3)a EdwanlsE. H Books, Ac. K 8)4 Kdwanls James P. M. A Agent. G 2)4 Evans P. T Hotel. L BwBQ P. F D. Q. K .3)4 Farnuharson A Diitton Oro. A Llq. K ,3)4 Ficia Elijah Implts. L SNj Ford O eorge R Auctioneer. L SJo Fra.ser Alex Lively. L Frawlev A Devlin D. 0. 3)4 Frock Wm Bricks. H 3 Freeman W. H Furniture, Ac. K 3)4 Klebel A Co Bakers, Ac. I, King Mrs. D Oro. L King Nathaniel Prtntor. H 8 KlngRobert,Jr Baker. H 3 LaneGoorge ...Tailor. O TH LangmauT. J. (near) 0.8. L Law Mrs Secondhand Clothing. L LawrleAlex Printer. H 3 LawsonGeo Gro. II 3 iHJaden James SDverplater. L Lee J. A Son Furniture. 11 3 Lennox Thos Gro. H 3 ListerW.J Pork. L 3)4 Llvlntrston John HoteL K 8)4 Loan George Builder. L 3)4 LowoThomas Butcher. L 3)4 Lower Frwl Tailor. L Macdoiuild L Dyer, Ac. L MaunASon Books, Ao. K 3^4 Maimin g 8 Gro. L Marrin J. E Gro. A Ua. L Marriu J. AN O. 8. L Marrin P. A Co D. O.,aio., Ao. Martyn W. 8 Gro. L MauudrellGeo Batcher. L McBrideChas Shoes. G 2)4 McCabe James Hotel. L McCarthy J. L. O Physician. K 3)4 Mct'onkey T. D Money Lender. O 1)4 McConkey Thoa. C Physician. E 2 McCutcheon 8. J Painter. L McDonnell A Barber. L McDonnell D Oro. L 3)4 McFetrldgo William Prod. G 2)4 Mcintosh P Lumber. L McKay M. 8 Woolen MUl. L McKenzle Alex Watches. L 3)4 McLean A Jackson Flour A Feed. H 3 McLean Wm Drugs. L 3)4 MiMlllan Donald GrlstMUL K 8)4 McNab Andrew A Sons D. G. K 3)4 Mcllae Alex Tailor. L Melkle Wm Com'n. L M ellanb.y John Painter. L Monkman George Drugs L 3)4 Moore John Gro. L MooreJohn shoes. II 3 Moore Peter Harness. I, Stoore Wm Builder A U ndertaker. K 3)4 Morris C Ins. Agent, Ac. G 2)4 Morrow .Tohn W Auctioneer. L MortonE. D Physician. F 2V4 Morton A Jackson MUllnorj-. L MurchiaonD.J G. 8. G 3 Myers W.H Shoes. G 2)4 Ncill Uobert Boots A Shoes. L 3)4 Ness.lohn M Hotel. L NIrlM.Mon Wm. M. A Sou....Printei-8. L Olhi s. A.....' Shoes. (See Toronto.) OrrW.C Ins.Agent. L Otton A Bro Tins, Ao. L 8)4 OxenhamR. J Confeo. H 3 Pae Peter D. G. G 3)4 Palmer Jonathan Ice. L Palmer William Gro. K 8'4 Parker John Saw Mill. F 2)4 Piiarcy Thomas Painter. K 3)5 Peutou W. C Fruit A Barber. L Perkins Chaa. A Gro. K 8)4 Plaxlon John Tins. Q 2)4 Powell RroH Gro., Ao. L 8)4 Power Ulchartl Liunber. 2)4 PulU'u Joseph Gunsmith, Ao. L Purvis Bros , Hardware. L Qulgley A Gtmsmll h. L llaiiklu Abraham PlaninirMtU. K 3)4 Raymer A saddler. L Reeves Wm. C Photographer. L Riddle Walter Potash. L lUtclile s. A Son Machlulsts. K 3)4 Robertson Wm Blacksmith. H 3 RoMuson Mrs. E. H Millinery. L Robinson Mrs. Peter Milliner. L Koblnson Thomas Mills. Rogers Joseph Auctioneer, Ac. F 2)4 Rosac. II Broker. D H4 8audcrs Bros Ster. Tailors. L 8)4 Saunders L. H. A C. L...Watoh'W, Ac. H 8 Scott A stationer. K 3>i Sevlgney Emellu Carriages, B'smlth, Ac. L 3)4 Sewiy Henry Fomidry. O 8 Shaiiacy Michael Hotel. H 3 Shani Wm Shoes. L Bhorireed G. A J Shingle A Saw Mills. G 2)4 Shortreed A Laldlaw Lumber. E 2 Hld>!W(irtli ,«^ SIdHWorth Bakers. G 2)4 SImmonils R Hats A Caps. Simpson T. W. A Co Brewers. B 3 Smith G. O Cabinetware Smith Geo Marble. L Uommcrset Thomas Hotel. K 3!4 Spencer M. H Gro. O 2)4 SpoouerA. W Tobaccouist L Hteen Alsi Iiia. A"fint. L Stephens John Photograpner K 8)4 Stmng J. O D. G. SuUlvanO. R Pumps. II 3 Sweeney Mrs. A Shoes. Ii TUompsouA.C Liunber. D 3 BAR OlSTTA-RIO ^ISTD QUEBEC, BEA lOr. O 2H .8. I, ag. I. tor. H H iro. H H »r. L ire. II 8 nv. H S ork. li 3!<^ ler. L 3^ 8H 2)4 3)1, 25a 3^ 3 a>4 8^i Ti r. T, H 3 1. Jj an P 2)*l 1^ (t 2H F 2»t 11 HH, H 3 H 2 (i 3 3Vi U 2>* 1. Thorapaon David Qunamlth. TliDuiBim Wm B. J£. Ageiit, 4o. Tolon Oeorgo Utoks. VairWm Nursery. Varley & Norman 'Q. a, WarrtJamoD Shoeii. Warner Ji. 11 Hadmer. Wamica L. B Watches. Watjw>n.Tohn (j. h. Weeks Nonuiin Builder. Wells Samuel M Physlolun. Wesley* King Printers. Weymouth A \Uatson.... Soda Water. Wliilebreiul lUchard WaKons. Wilkinson James MlUg. Wilson John Cattle Dealer. Wright & Alnloy Bnkers. Wright O. F Timber. Zimmerman K. J Dentist. BARRIEFIELD, Frontenao Co., Cni. HuttonWm Tavern. K 3W Strachan Martin Saw Mill. Q 2,'J BARRINQTON P. O., Huntingdon Co., Que. (See JohruUm Stalton.j BARTONVILLE, WonJwo.lh Co., On«. CondyWm Blacksmith. K 3 Ling Frank arc. L Nairn John Tavern. L OUver John Hotel. H 3M Ramsay A Butcher. H 3 Skinner George Blacksmith. H 3 BASIN DU LIEVRE, Ottawa Co., Que. Brady Pet«r Oro. n 3 Burk Oro., Ac. L FiUatrault J. A Tavern. L LoUKh W. & D o. S. Nanuiville F. X Hotel. I, ithoauine John Hotel. I, wiia(m F. r : {». a. (See ilnckiugham.) BASTARD CENTRE, Leeds Co., Onl. KlliottU' SH. L I'HVidee Henry shoes. L Pilco llobluson Physician. 1, Pilost r. H Drugs. I, 3>a HogersChns Gniiu.Ao. H 3 Ro«(^rs Hudson (I. 8. F 2ii Weinp I)\incuu Ilolel. K 3)4 WiUiamsJ Blaeksmitb. L Wright Mrs. E, B Oro. J, BATHURST T0WN8KIP, Lanark Co., Ont. A Uan John Mills. (See Perth.) Bain Alex Hotel. L Caineiuu W Hotel. K 3)4 Funimcrton J 0.8. K 8)a IrelandJ.S Ta;w!pr, X, \r-^ Lees Wllllum Lundier! O 3)4 Martin A Falla Woolen Mill. Pliiyfair John J., Estate of... Lumber. O 2)4 Btieiidau James Fauulng Mills. H 3 Wallace o. A Carding A Saw Mill. L BATISCAN, Champlain Co., Que. AlaluEdwaiil o. s. H 3 BruncUe Uaspard a. B. 4 ^ .. Matoli Factory. F 2)4 DenisMrs.N 0.8. K 3)4 Frechette O. N. A Co Flour. L J-aliayel BlacltonUth. K 3 Lecaire T BoardlJig House. K ,H)4 LeveiUo Autuiue 0.8. K 3 I^veiileH 1 Hotel L 3)^ Marquis Mrs o. 8. H 3 RivardF... shoes, h Turcot N. H Q. s, BATTEAU MILLS, Simooe Co., Onl. Bourchler Wm., Jr Cheese. L Bourchier Wm., sr Lumber, Ac. BATTERSEA, Frontenao Co., Onl. AngUnW 0.8. K 3 Leonanl D. W Carriagemkr. L Thome John Saw Mill. L BAYFIELD, Huron Co., Onl. Barker Robert o. s. K Cameron Donald 4 Son..- Saddlers. H Cameron Widow (i. s. H Clutr Robert Shoes. L Cullon David Blacksndth. K Day John Wagons. L Eberiiardt Mrs .• Confec, Ac. L Elliott E HoteL L Oairdner James ; o. 8. U UamissThos "nilior, L Oemlnhardt John Cablnetinkr. K HaackeyMrs Temperance House. L Uohmau Valentine Tins. L Irwin Mrs. Oeorge Blacksmith. K Johnston Widow Tavern. L King Miss B.J Dressmkr. L King William Temperance House. L LamolJaoob Hotel. L l»ol)y John Harness. I. Marks T.J o. 8. A Fish. L McCannHoui\ Hotel. L McDonald Jam<"< Tailor. K Meyer Charles . . Furu. A Caijicnter. L Morgan John Tavom. H Morrison Roboit o. s. H Parker J Blaokamith. L Pollock John: Fish. L Roth Valentine Brower. H Uutledge Andrew Oruin. P Rutledge John A c. 8. H Stftubury Richanl Pli.vslcian. H Stodart John cai iling Mill. L Thompson A Pillion Mills, (i WliittensJ Carriages. I, Woods Niuiau Physician. F 3)4 3 3 3)4 8AYHAM, Elgin Co., Onl. CaitCT Wni Shoes. L Clark J. O , Hotel. L Flrby itobert Saw MUl. D 2 LalngOeo o. s. A P.O. » 2'4 MauuP. M Physician. H 3 Mltcholl Oeo Blacksmith. L Morse Mrs. William Peddler. L Procunlor Oeo. N. A Sous Mills. O 2)4 Wallace John Wagons. L Wheaton John Tavern. L WoodsABro O.8. O 2)4 BAYSVILLE, Muikoka Disl., Onl. Avery 'l' Fruit. L Beynou Wm o. S. L 3)0 Brown Wm. H saw Mill. L 3)3 Oamenm Oeo, A Agent A (1 8. L OnmmageWm. E OnstMill. L 3)4 HillJuhuA , o. s. L BAY VIEW P. O., Qrey Co., Onl. Bell George Blacksmith. II 3 Campbell Rowland Blacksmith. L Jl'i MacElor John (). H. A Tavern. K 3)3 BEACHBURQ, Renfrew Co., Onl. Buolmuan James Wagons. IJucliauan Ttraotliy MawMlll. K 3'i Oamerun A, A L o. .H. K 3 OracleJoseph Bhicksmlth. K 3)4 Hazlotonjohn Tins. I, )))* Jolmst«n — Hot«l, L 3)4 Little H Steam Saw MUL 3)4 McIJouald Thos L McOaleE...: O. s. r, ".'t.-tr-r^f> P Shoes, h. :J;i Shaw John Orlst A Saw Mills. stokes Henry .Saiidler. L .e Simeon Store. PorcntT. A P Oro. Ileuaud J. B. A Co Flour A Grain. (See Quebec.) Klchard Daniase Cartwright. K 3)» lllchardson O. L. A Sous Tanners. (See Quebec.) Tessier (dit Laplante) Joseph O. S. L 3)4 Vllleneuvo Isidore Gro. H 3 BEAURIVAQE, Lolbiniere Co., Qua. (See St. niles.) BEAVERTON, Ontario Co., Ont. BauldE. II Drags. H BemlMter Jiiuie.s BbK'kHuiith. L llcniii'tt Ilc)l)ert Hlacksuilth. L Brmu Donald Grain, Ac. Hiircliaril Anson Blacksmith. 11 Cauiuruu A Bruce Il'waro, Gro. A Shoes. G Cameron John Tailor. L Cameron A Westcott. ..ll'ware A Gro. H Campbell D. A Ag'l Implts. L Campbell .Fohn Furniture. L (Jooiwr A TIsdale O. 8. (i Drake (ien Pottery, Ac. Dncett John A Butcher. L FraJier John Agent Ag'l Imults. K Glover J. J Harness. L (ionlou Jaiues Oralu. L Graliam — .. Watches. L Grant A nilre w Physii'ian. L Hamimm Alex IIot«l. G Khv^ Fn-tl }JttU-!ten L l^igau Hector Tailor. L McArthur P. D Baker, Ac. K McDougall 11 O. a. L McUwaii Gilbert shoes. 1. McUatUfiJaa Blacksmith. L McKay Alex Physician, a 2)4 McKay Wni Saililler. L Mc.'Cenzle A Kltohle G. 8. O 3 McKinnon Angus ..Hotel. K 3)4 McMillan J.tmes S Builder. K 3 McMillan Peter Wagons. K 3 McNab IJonaid G. 8. McRaeJolin Gro. A Liq. II 3 Murray Hugh Carpenter. L Mun-av' A Son..: Tins, Ac. L 3'i Phillips Wellington Pumps. L Proctor J. A Grist Mill. K 2 Boss Donald O Saw Mill. L Smith Wni. A Co Foundry. D 1)4 Snellgrove James ,. . Wagons. L Todd James H Agent Fruit Tre«s. L 3)4 TreleaveuT Buildar. K 3)4 WaUerH.T slioos. L 3)4 Weeks Alex Shoemkr. L Williamson David Tailor. K 3)4 Young C.F Woolens. K 3)4 BECANCOUR, Nioolat Co., Qua. ArcandDr K 3 Beaachemln Mdme. F G. 8. Beaachene Joseph BlacksnilUi. L Bolsvert Miss D O. 8. L S>4 BolsvertGco Gro. K 3)4 Boyle Etienne Gro. L 3)4 DnlieJales G. 8. I. .S)4 Dubois Pierre Tanner. K 3 Dubord Eusebe Wheelwilght. L 3)4 HallHeni-vB Lumber. E 2 Landry L.E Physician. F 2'4 LeducSevere 0.8. E 2 Lnplen Eilmond G. 8. K 3)4 Raiohe Joseph Baker. L St. Louis C Gro. L 3)4 Varrett Alexis Carilages. L Verret John G. 8. L BECKWITH, Lanark Co., Ont. Steward Alexander G. 8. F 2 BEDFORD, Mistiiquoi Co., Que. Be.-'uchomln II Tailor. L Beck A Tailor. L 3)4 Boucher A. J O. 8. L Burden A. M. A E. W Furniture. L 3)4 ChattiUe A Couture O. 8. L Connor Daniel D. G. A Gro. K 3 CoslettE 0.8. K 3 Couture 4 Coulter J Hotel. DadeJohn H'ware, Tina, Ac. 3)4 Kverull George Shoes. L 3)4 French Shingles. H ,"* Goodycr A Miller Sewing M., Ac. L Grlmshaw W. A Painter. L Uammell llobert Blacksmith. L HlpwellA.N O.S. Q a IIolTman James Barber. L Irwin James P Agent Ag'l Implts. L Jones U. A Bees. F 3 Kirtou Mrs. Barbara Gro. I. Lowry David Wagons. H 3 Lowry James Black.amith. II 3 Marshall Alex Hotel. L MatchattA Bennett Saw Mill. L 3)4 McKce A SIcMaliou Planing Mill. L McKenzle Allan Watches. I> McMlun M Livery. L Melrosa James O.S. K .3)4 Miller Matthew Tailor. L Orr WilUam ahoes. L Owen Isaac Cooper. L Owen Jacob Printer. L Padget Wni Photographer. L Perkins Wui Veterinary Surgeon. L Perkins Mrs. Wni Millinery. L PyeA.C Tailor. L Scott B. A Bro G. 8. Smith Angus llarpess. L 3>!i Steele S. A Agent Ag'l Implts. L Stephens J. 8 Fralt Trees. II 3)4 Stephens W.O Gro. A Shoes. K 3)4 StewartOeorge Oi 8. II 3 Stewart James G. 8. A Mill. II ."fii Stewa-t John Baker. L 8)3 Straugeway Wm. F. . Drugs A Phys'n. L ,3)4 Snnimeraet Robert Wagons. L 3)^ VimslckloA Mann Grist Mill. Q 2)3 Watson Mrs. James A Drugs. L Whiteside Wm. N Pliisiclan. G 2)4 Wray Prank A Drugs. L Wray George Musical Insta. L 3)4 BELFAST, Huron Co., Ont. Loughead John HatoL L Pennington William Blacksmith. L 3)4 ReldTliomas O.S. K 3)ii BELFORD, York Co., Ont. Boyd Wm G. 8. K 3)4 Pouoher Thomas Hotel. K 3)4 BELQRAVE, Huron Co., Ont. Allison Walter Blacksmith. L 3)4 Bell Cornelius. . Sasb A Door Factory. H a Hell Frank Hotel. L Brandon Thomas G. 8. H 3 Duncan Wm O.S. L 3)4 Thomson Wm Shoes. L 3)4 BELHAVEN, York Co., Ont. Morton Noll O.S. L 3)4 Newbuni James Blacksmith. L 3)4 Pollock Wm O. 8. L DELISLE, Two Mountains Co., Qua. Iiellsle David Baker. L Bellsle Maximo Wngima. L Bellale Octave Carpenter. L 3)4 Bellsle Toussalnt, jr Baker. L Bellsle ToussHiu^ sr Baker. L 3)4 Uoutclller G.S. K 3 BELLE ALODIE, St. Johns Co., Qua. .Mf«slerA G.S. L 3!4 BELLEFOUNTAIN, Paal Co., Ont. B.U'ber Wm Tniiner. L 3)4 Brock Meadow C'aliinetware. K 3)4 Brock Robert Cabinetware. K .3)4 Byarn A. A J. F O. 8, A Grist Mill. 3)4 U.irilakev Samuel Shoes. L HewBon Leouanl Saw Mill. I, .3)4 McDonald William Blacksmith. II 3 M oTaggert Peter Wa gone A O ro. L 8)4 Shaw^ Hotel. L BELLE RIVER, Two Mountains Co., Qua. P.i-.a.ii'.r..-. T ( ',arr!,. IC S'4 Boissoau Autolue M ills. F 2)3 LiibrosseJ. B G.S. L 3'4 Poller F sattdler. K 3 Poitras A ITortier Mllhi. K 3»4 Itohertsou Chaa Q 3 BfiL OIsTT^HIO ^]>Tr> QUEBEC. BEL iv-crn. K ^ {otnl. K liitor. 1. sent. Ji Aii rOH it UpltK. Iv 3^ », itC. ;m ^lllHtU. 1, sw iglos. H :* ., <».•. 1. Untur. Ii nriitb. I. . O. 8. (> » ixThe.T. 1. tnpltfl. Ure». 1. F H . liio. 1. ipoiia. H !t miiltli. 11 H lotcl. I. r Mill. I. .'ii-i Mill. 1. tCllOH. 1, [very. 1, .(l.S. K. 3H ■ftlliir. li ShtWB. 1, oopor. iiite.r. 1. 1. ipher. L •ffcon. U iiiery. I, 'niloi-. li .G. S. rpe»s. Ii HMl iipltfl. L Ti-ecH. M H^ iill(H>B. K 3?? .tJiS. II S i. Mill tr JV^ ^akcr li »'■ liys'ii L .SH lUOIlH. Ii H!^, 1. Mill (t 2W )rufi3 Ii SiClttll u 2^ Dniirg Insia li L 3)4 3)4 3 .?!4 3)4 ..Mills. F 2t« ...<1. H. Ii a.i^ Iwlcllor. K 3 ..MlUs. K 3>« a a 3!4 3)4 BELLE RIVER STATION, Etux Co., Onl. Archnnibanlt H Hho«H. L Arclianihniilt Louis Llvory. L BelvUle Mrs. Mary On). L HoutclllHr F. B Planln)! Mill. H 3 Brayiie H Saw Mill. llii)8t!0lt Petur U.S. H S UurnwvWm a.H. L SH Oliarlaml John O.K. L 3)4 Cloutlcr Cliailos WOffOJiB. K ."i!* Clontier Win DlackHinlth. K 3)4 ColUnHO Waguna * B'unvlth. L Coroeteto C. A A MUIb. L .3'4 Cray John o. H. 3)4 UswBun M Hotel. L DecalieE. V C»btnetnikr. L .3)4 Doamoucliollo P o. S. O 2)4 Oauberry FiwVk Phya'n & Vmua. K 3 OautlilcrC. D T.ivcm. L Gawley Uootor Mill, Ac. Hamel A aro. L LftHp«ra!ice Geo Opo. H 3 Lnplon Joseph HailiUer. L Mareiitctto Patrick B, <& H. 4 Belleville Street Railway Co. ........ . Blanrt W. H Melodeons. L 3)4 Blceoker William Lumber. K 2 Bonter Mrs. it. II oro. L Bi-ock J. A. A Co Photogi-aphers. II 3 Brown Alox. 8 ContracWr. C 1)4 Brown A Collie Photographers. L Drown A Dean Photographers. L 3)4 Brown G. A J Foundry. K 2 Brown George Hotel. L 3)4 Brown Geo Shoes. L Bi-own George A Hubs A Simkes. H 3 BrownJohnW TiUlor. K 3)4 Brydon W. K Baker. L Bullon Wesley oro. G 2'ii Bullen WllUam Shoes. L Burilett I). K Plivslcten. F 2'.. Ilunlll Ellis Mnfr. Axes. D Dj Bush James Gro. L Caldwell Joseph Dentist. K ,3V Campliell W. H Grain, Ac. K 314 Carman Thomas S Publisher. F 2"* Carscallcn Jolm..BuilderACarpenter. L Carter WlUhini Fish A Boats. L Cary Peter Brieklaver. L ChaplnC. G Peddler. L Chevers Thos Sllverplatt-r. L ;!'.• Chowu Arthur Ilaniware. (See Kingstown.) Clark Robert M Blacksmith. L Clark Francis Wagons. K 3)6 ClarkJamesA nmclior. O 2'ij Clark James A Co Drugs. K a's Clark A Vermllyoa Oro. H 3 Conger Bros FrultA Oi-o. G 2>ii Courtonay Mrs. John Millinery A Fancy Goods. L Covert John oro. L Coylo Daniel Hotel. L Cronk Harvey (! Livery. L Crothors Jnciib a Confoo. K ,3'.i CuniminnH ( ii'o Wood Turner. L Cnmnilnu JiiDUM Saddler. F 2'n Curlett James F I'hvsiclau. L DavenportN Hats. Ac. L .3)<. DaveyK. W Com'n, Ae. L r.ivv',a Wllllftr,-, Sittldicr. L Deacon William Bakery. L Denipsey M. O... Fancy G., stat^y, 610. K 3»4 DickR Tailor. L moken8Wm.ABon..BakersAConfec. H 3 Dickson J. B Dentist L Doctor William Uro. ASaloon. K Donnelly Thos Ins. Agent. « Doran Miss Gro. L Dorlond Peter V Pliys'n A Drugs. H Downey A Preston.. WareliooMmcu A CoaL K Doyle John Hotel. P DroweryJ. B Coal, Ac. L Duncan Peter O Agent Sewing M. L Dnnnett J. W V. D. G. O Durand Joseph Pawnbroker, Ac. H EakUis Physician. L Kaston Joseph Wagons. L Ellis Alfi-ed Butcher. H Elvius R Oro. A MarketGarden. E EwenT. E Musical Inats., Ac. K Falconer James clothing, Ac. H Farley John J PhyHlclan. L ParreilA. P Hotel. L FInnegan John A Son Carriages. U Fish A. E. A Co Genta' Furn'g A Laundry. K Fltziiatrick Patrick Hotel. H Flint A Holton Lumber, fashes. Blinds. Ac. F Fonl J. H Art Gallery. R FordT. M Gunsmltli. L Forin John Builder. G Foster A Reid D. 0. A Millinery. O Fox Mrs. John... D. o. Fre4 2)4 'P 3 3 3)4 I McArttanr Mrs. NeU, BsUteot...Hftr- nosa. L McCammon John Hotel. L McConnick Bridget Oro, L MoCormlok G. L Agent Sewing Maoblnes, Au. t. MoCreailyB. ASon Tailoi-s. L MoCrearr J.T Baker. H McCrudden James Boots A Shoes. K McCullough A Co Printers. K McDonald C Cigars. Ac. L M V Donald Robert Wagons. L McFee Allen Jeweler. L MoFeo Angus Jeweler. F McOlimls A.,Jr Oro. L McOlvUn Miss K Millinery. L MoOulre Jas , Hotel. L McOulre James Oro. 1, Mclnluch Hemy fllaoksmltli. K McKenzle Miss Millinery. I, McKenile W op>. L MoK eown John Shoesi Q MoMahon Micbael Broker. H MoMuUen Mrs. S. L Gro. I, McMuUen Wm Teas. I, McNeills R Oro. L Mcltae W. R Oro. F Meagher James Pork, Flour A Feed. O Meagher M. P Pork Dealer. L Meredith Mrs. K Qro. L MikelW. V Oro. ALIO. O Mlnore Wm. A Son Cablnetwara. H Mitchell W. U Barber. L Moore 8. A. ASons Marble. O Morrice Alex Shoes. K Moyues Jas. C D. O. U M ulr A Lawrence Hats A Caps. M nlharion Peter Baker. I, Newton R. W Veteilpary Surgeon. L Nicholson J. J Stonecutter. K Nicholson John Livery. K NllesW. P Agent. K Northcott John, sr Buflder. O Northcott Joseph Oro. L Northcott A Allonl Builders. H Northgraves Mrs. W. J Watches. L Nosworthy James Contractor. T Nulty Michael G. 8. L O'Brien liowrcace Livery. L O'Bilen Patrick HoteL K Oliver 8. A Shoes. (See Toronto.) Osborne Richard Leather. K OstromS Woolen i-actoiy. L Oatrom W. A Saw Mill. L Ovierell J. C Books, Ao. L Page Alfred Barber. L ParksJ. B Jeweler. L Patterson R. S Ag'l Impltn. Patterson Wm Wliol. Confec. (See Brautford.) Perkins A'idow E Saloon. K Perkins Thomas Shoes. L Petersoi N. H oro. PhUllpa iVoUlngton Mnfr. Show- , . cases. I, Phlppen J. A Seeds, Ac. E Pbippen Samuel Ashory. O Pltceathly A KeUo Whol.Gii). D PotUE. V Whol. Llnuoi-8. F Potts George j Physician. L Powell Reiiuen R:>ga, Ac. L Powell Wm Wagons A B'smlth. L Pretty George F Hotel. L Pretty Henry Grain. L Price A Co Hanlware. H Pringle A. N Sash FactoiT. G Proctor A. E Washing Machine's. L Punly U Auctioneer, Ac. I, PurdyT. H. B Phmos. L Rathbun H. B. A Sou Lumber. (See MiUpolnt.) Redilick Allan H Blaokamlth. L Reeves Joseph P 8a QUEBEC. BBB ■ » HheulnK<£ Paiiter (Jro. Sleiicha J. F Baker. 8111a John K Patent Mertii. bnittli A. L. Hpecultttor. . Smith C. F Stuven A Tins. Smith Hamuel B Tin. BnellJohn Biitolmr. Bulder Mi-d. Andrew Uotol. 8pan);enb«rg B. A Watches. Stewart J. C. Bhoon. : StirUnirO. 8 Saloon. Stock E Clothing. Stockcrdk Co Tins. Strong C. H oro. Sutherland A I.nmber. Sutherland Jolm D. d. Sweeney P Oro. dt B'smlth. TaugherJ Pumps. Taylor Mrs. John Jeweler. ' Taylor Levi Fish. Templeton Hnbert Dnifta. Templetnn Wni Gro. Thomas Wni. N «r<). Tbompson II. A Sash A BUud _ Fiictory. Thompson Uriah E.. Express Agent Jk „ Broker. ^ Thompson W Ilamuss. Tlckeu U.S. .Auctioneer 4 Furniture. Todd Joseph Blacksmith. Toy RlchanlH Pnlutor, Ac. : Tracy Kobert Physician. . Traunoh Flank Saloon. TugiiottMrs. A Millinery. : Tur.ey Joseph Saloon. L Tu' nor Chaa Painter, *o. L 3)A Urquhart Donald Boots A Shoes. L Vandervort Addison Mufr. Enveloiies. L Vandervort J. W Oi), Ac. L Vandervort W.K...Cljeeso Boxes, 4o. K 3>.j Vaunominn C. a Books, Ac. L Walker Oeorge W Dentist L 8*!i W»jkerIHigh Oro. K 3!a Walker J. M. ACo Foundry. E 3 Walker J. W Jlanlwai'e. H 3 Walker W.H uro. K 3W Wallace J. A A Coiifec. K 3!* Wallbridge A Clark Qro. * Liu. o 2)* Wallbridge Francis Lumber. Walters Thomas Tailor. K SW Wai-ilM.D DentUt. G 2l4 Warham A Diet Burbers. K 3'j Watson A Co Baker. L Watt Wm Ins. Agent i- Wetse ACouKhlin Marble. I, Wliutmough 1) PhotOKiwpher. L White A Pope Patent Klghts. L Wllklns Charles Auctioneer. L Wilkinson Wm Saloon. L Wilson B.S Physician. O a!4 Wilson J. W ....Oro. L Wilson Janirs F Harness. L Wilson Josepli Trmiks. L Wilson MlssM Oro. K ,3)A Woods Oro. K »U VeomanaL. W. ACo Druirs. F 2}i B£LL EWART, Simcoa Co., Ont. prakeP. E... o. s. o Z^i Hagersamuel Butcher. L HonmerE.V Tavern. U 3 Lazenby Robert Butcher. L 354 Rustic Work Manntacturing Co. . (Se« „.„. , F.E. Drake.) Bllllman Jomes R Lumber. Webster S. C oro Wheeler R linker. L BELLOWSTOWN, Ranfraw Co., Ont. (See Westmeath.j BELL ROCK, Frontanao Co., Ont. ColiyMrs ni-o. H 3 Hooper D o. 8. A Saw Mill. (See Newburg.) BELL'S CORNERS, Carlaton Co., Ont. Arnold George G. S P au Corbett Wm.,Jr Tavern. I, ' 3'!» Crow Robert Shoes. L Graham T Mill. Logan Edward Wagfliis L Moodle R., Jr ...ifotel. L S"* O'Qnuly John D Tavei-n. L 3i» Shore R Wagons. L Spettle Roberf Tavern. K S BELMONT, Elgin Co., Oni. Abbott Albert Blacksmith. L Aooott \Vnj.,jr VViwuns. L Bond Thomas Funilt urc. H 3 Boyd A McNiohoi Saw A Oriat MlUa. H 3 Buchanan James Jllitcksmlth. K 3i!i Campbell J. B Pliya'n A Drugs. H 3 Campbell James Harness. K 3W Collie Wm Tailor. L Uavldsngtleld W Carpenter, t, SW MarlattOeo. A Physician. L MoKellar Archibald Wagons. K 3 McKellar Donald A Son G. 8. O 2)4 Mo Phall James Money lender. O 2)2 Mohr Wm Painter. H 3 Nugent W. T g. S. Odell Wm. H Drover A O. 8. O 2J4 Olmstead Oeorge Tavern. K a<* PottsJoseph StovesATins. K 3A Simpson J. A Tailor. L Sinclair Duucan Carpenter. L SM, SmmcerchaH. B Physician. K 3)4 Tlbbets Diiuiol Baker. L SH Wagner lliolmrd Butche>-. L Wullaoe John Shoes. L Watcher Oeorge D.O. AGro. K 3)4 BELMORE, Huron Co., Ont. Anderson Joseph Musical InsU. K 3)4 BellJolm Hotel. L Chlttick John Blacksmith. L CtUlltouJohu Hotel. K 3)4 Dicemsn Alfreil Oro., Ac. L 3)4 Elder John Saw MIU. K 3)4 EmhrceJolin G. S. H 3 Oallagher Robert Tailor. L HallJoseuh Blacksmith H 3 Holmes Wm o. 8. L .S)4 Kay Dr. J. P Drugs. K 3)4 Lamlnbvjohu Shoes. L Lli-yd Henry Carpenter. L Ross Pearson.. Undertaker A Wagons. K S WallaceP.B Shoes. L 5)4 ^ELCEIL, Varoharei Co., Qua. Charland — -. G.s. F 2)4 Daigle .Toseph o. S. Q 2)4 IMiere (dlt Champaigne) L Tailor. L Ledoux Joseph Wagons. K 3 Leduux lA>uis A Joseph Canlages. L Panuet Olive....: oro. K .3)4 Pariseau J oseph Oro. A Hotel. K 3 Profontalue Alex Baker. K 3 Prefontaiue J. P : o. S. L Vezlua Francois Tins. L ,3)4 BELTON, Middlaiax Co., Ont. Oibsuu John o. S. O 2'4 BENMILLER, Huron Co., Ont. Oledlull Jesse .' Fulling Mill. O 2)4 ii"",''."',':'' Wm Orist Mill. Meililell Godfrey Tanner. K 3)4 Miller Jiraathnu. Tavern A Oro. H 3 " Robertson WiUlani Blacksmith. L 3)4 BENNIE'S CORNERS, Lanark Co., Ont Phillips R Blacksmith. K 3)4 8nei>er. K 3)4 Bromm John ■. Bricks. O 2)4 Broughten A Iluck niaoksmlths. L 34 3)4 3)4 f' 3 3 P r 3)4 3\ 3H ~2 5)4 3).] 3), BEB ONTARIO ^KD QtTEBEC. BLA 1^ Rothaemiel Pet«r Baker, h 3' BnmpelO Sllupeni. K S' RohniMt J. a SIincB. I, Schneider K I.ookMmlth. L Bohuhu JoMph Tavcru * C'litUc. H 3 McullrJ.M Insiirancu Aseut. L 8)6 Bbanti Jacob Y Mnfr. lluttons dt Haw Mill. D a SImntz A Kou MillerH. 3 Mliot-makcr Davlil M Saw MUL O 3 Slnipwin. Aiitlies * Co. . Furn. A O.a. D IM Simpson Martin, Jr. . .Confec. A Books, h 3« SImiwon 1)S 8p!i>r8 William Oro., Ac. t» 2>4 fiiahlerj. M Ids. Agent, Ac. O 2*4 Staniaraan J. P Picture Frames. I, Stehle A Bathmanu Painters. U 3 SteuiWm Tailor. L 3H Stneblnc C. A Co Whol. Books ai Fancy Gooils. D ])* Summers John Bowling Alley. L 7>son A o.S. Vaunaiup Limls Dentist. H 3 Vogelsane U. A Co Buttons. O 256 Watfner Johu B WSwons. L Want Qeoree Auctlonrer. 1. Weaver Daniel H Agent, Ac. L Weaver Jacobs Hotel. O 2Wi WoeltteJ. J Plows. F 2« Wright Geo. W Physician. O 2)4 Young Bros oro. L Zelgler Bros Wagons A B'smlths. L Zelglur Novelty Works (See J. M. Stabler.) Zuelsdorf August Broommkr. K 3)« Zuelsdorf Call Brooms. K 3)4 BERNE, Huron Co., Ont Biimlor Peter Shoes. L 3\i 'y.*??" y^TJ; Tavern, h 3)4 Kdlgofer Adam Shoes. J. 3)2 I rwln Wm B'smith A Wagons. I, 3)2 Hmllle A Clark. . a. a. K 3)4 Soilth Adam Miller. H 3 weir John o.S. K SU Wltuier Samuel Tanner. K 3)^ BERTHELET MILLS, Que. Berthelet Oeorge L BERTHIER EN BA8, Montmagny Co., Qua. Bayln L oi-o. L Bclanger Thomas Wagons. I, BUodcau Edward Slioemkr. L Dials Naiclsse Trader. O 2% Boucho Jos BakerAO.S. K 3 Carljonncau Baptlato a. 8. K 3)4 Carboiiucau Oliver, Jr o. S. H 2)2 Cai'bouneaii Oliver, sr o. 8. O 2)a JoncM P. H Blacksmith, Ac. K 3 Lessard Joseph Blacksmith. L Lessard Widow g. 8. K 3 Nadeau Ellen ore I, Roy George «. g. i, KoyN u. s. L 3)4 BERTHIER EN HAUT, B«rihi«r Co., Que. Bayeur GoiWroy Grain. Q 2)4 BayeurP Oro. A Prov. K m Boucher Amable Tavern. H 3 Caron Nicholas Saddler. K 3 Coyl John Flour. E 2 DavleauJ. B Shoes. I, Davleaii Jos shoes. K 3K Deroln Mrs. Joseph (1. s K Desalllor Amable Wagons. L DIxouJamesS Hay A Coal. H 3 DnpulsA. Uot«l. K 3 Fauteaux K G. B. L Ferly I^uls Baker. K 3)4 Fernet Maxlme G. 8., Ac. H 2J« OairtlilerN G S I, OervalsN o. s! K 3 GullmettoO Tavern. HetuL Gro. L ."W Jalbert Widow Hotel. I, S}i Latenlore Maxlme g. H. Lafrenlere(5 Bouchard [Samuel Stare A Hotel. Cliamborland Arthur o. 8. L Ski Chamberland Wm o. S. Cote Theodore G. S. L Dai^ou J G. S. (SOB St Fftbleii.) LagasseJean g. 8. h s)4 Marciiau A G. 8. L PellctlerP «. u Rloux George Tins. K 3)4 KlouxM OS Sylvaln Geo Speculator, Ac. Vlnoelas Jean Baker, Ac. Tj Voyer AutoUie o. s. l BIENVILLE, Levis Co., Qua. Beuulisu Jfis H T>*-.—ai~' ST ~ Uernler Pierre !.i .! ...i'.Baker! H 3 Blanchet lluliort Blacksmith. K 3 Oiranl Hunore Shoes. K 3 LuvenUt.-e A Samson G. 8. I, Mi Iiemleux Eduuard 0.8. K 3 D.G. .Lumber. T, O. H. L- .. Aeent. K 3 0.8. Mortn Paschal Pelletler Zephlrin ThlbanltGeo Thlbault Pierre Venuer A Dlunne BILLINOSBRIDQE, Ctrleton Co., OnL Linton Wm «n>. r Smith wmiam OL 8 H 2)4 urtew ...:o.8.M r BINBROOK, Wentworth Co., OnL Alway £?»«'»■.■ Physician. O 2'i, Bailey Edwunl Hteam Saw A '' „ , , Shingle MlUs. L Brown John Bhicksmlth. K aW Burgess Junies Hotel L BushAAwrey Ilarnesa H 3 Gawley James Waaone. H 3 Henderson James Shoes. L McGannJohn Blacksmith. L McKcn/.leJamesJohn... .Blacksmith. L .3)4 Quaurall Saw MIU A Lumber. B 2 Kussel .Junius Phya'n A Drugs. L S!4 Taylor James Thomas G 8 K ^)^l Wfokett lU.bert...T!..........Hotd" L Wright Wm 0.8. A Tailor, u 3 BINGHAM ROAD P. O., Haldlmand Cc, Miller Nicholas .'..BUcksnilth. L BIRCHTON, CarletoR Co., OnL Wilton ..: Pumps, Ac. K 3)4 BIRCHTON, Compton Co., Qua. 0.8. O 3>4 Hoa ThomasGeorge Wagons. L BISHOP'S GATE, Bninl Co., OnL r*e« Burfori.) BISHOP'S MILLS, Granville Co., OnL ^'iit^l,7ii, SawMUl. 3 uonnell Wm o 8 o 2Vi gaxS"" «• W iHiiniss! L Keating Geo q. g. ,, ^ „, (SeeKemptvllle.) M^Ppnol'J Shoes. L 3)4 WaldrouM 0.8. H 2)4 BISMARCK, Lincoln Co., OnL Beamer John Hewing Machines. H S'ii Sundy Jacob o. S. L 3).J BISMARCK STATION, Elgin Co., OnL (See West Zomej BLACK CREEK, Welland Co., OnL Allen Isaac H g. 8. F 2« BarabaitMlchael Blacksmith. H 3 DeCewFred Miller MiUerJohD Shoes! L BLACKHEATH, Wenlworth Co., OnL OowlandW. o o 8 3 Orassie A Bro. . . . B'smlths A Wagt^ns'. L 3% Hanson John Wagons. L BLACK RIVER, Lotbiniere Co., Que. CleroP OS CoteAmable OS Q 2)/. OllverOeorge .........O. a BLAIR, Waterloo Co., OnL Beaty Frank Wagons. L .3)4 BtatyJolm Blacksmith. L 3)4 BcckC. F Peddler. L Blaschke Joseph A Bon Butchers. H 3 Bowman Allan Prod. P 2M nt!irm:inj Gllot Mill. F 2JJ FreshncyO Tavom. I, sS Kay Isaac BUwkRmltli. L 3)4 Kay Wm.,ar Wagons. L 3)5 McNally, Clemens A Co WoolenB. E a Thompson Hugh o. 8. K 3)4 r*j, BLA 5 i: ONT^HIO xVISTD QTJEBICC. BOL I i I, ■t I 1- i W if ^ BLAIRTON, Patorboro' Co., OnL ArmBtronjt Wiu. W O. 8. O 'ihi Aiinger K. H Blackamltli. L OuHkuyT. C O. 8. 4 WftKoiia. I. 3)i, SLAKNEY, Lanark Co., Onl. McDoujfnll JameB Oro. L 3?4 McDonKall I'eter Woolen Mill. K 354 tjffonl Oeo ClTO. L UaliBrJohu MlUa. K 3 BLANDFORD, AHhabaika Co., Quo. BeigBron I) «. 8. L M nnlaette CuUxte Blackaiultli. L BLANTYRE, Grey Co., Onl. Bell William Blockaniltli. L .S>4 Patterson JamCH O. S. II 3 BLENHEIM, KontCo., Ont (Ronaeau P. O.) Adalv Kilwaiil Seeomllianil Store. L BalnlW Shoea. It 3 BaruHi-il Mra. O. A U. 8. L UellTlioraaaB (>. 8. H 3 Blanett A. Jj... -Planing* OrlatMUIa. F '2^ BurkJohnM Livery. L 3^i Byrara E. A. * Co Bending Factory. *c. H 3 CoxJamea Wagona. K .S!^ C'roi>kahankB Jomea Drnga. L 3's Dainty Wm.H G. 8. K 8)4 Dartv'iCiuT Livery. K 3H Deacon F. M Booka, *c. L S>4 DouKherty Hngh & Co Printers. L .S« DurfyD... Blacksmith. L 3)5 KarlyJ Baker. L 3>4 Jirtison Thomas Livery. F 3 Klllott Alexander Hote.. L SJj Fauat Henry Harness. L Fields Daniel Wagons. L Flator (J. & N Biackanilths. H 3 PordJt Tyrrell Furniture. H 3 FowlenT. W. Barber. L 3)i (4 J auksou , Fuller & Co Brokers. E 2 Johnson Alden Builder. H 3 KlnnalrdF. C Builder. L Labadle Mrs Shoes. L lAue A Blacksmith. Ij Lee James Butcher. L Lewis, McPherson A Co D. O. (See Chatham.) Luinley H Butcher. L Mayhew W. K «. 8. L 3}i McDowell aamuel. ....... Blacksmith. J, McCiregorMrs Tavern. H 3 Morgan Oeorge Planing Mill it Sash Factory. H a MorrisSarah Fancy Oooda. O 2i4 Mountforrt John O Drover. H 3 Miilhollaud John . . Wooilwork Faitory. L Nerl Thomas P Tailor. L Nlchol Johu.Jr Builder. K ,S>4 OldingE Butcher. L Park James Bhoea. L Hau W. A Tailor. L itlggsDavldP Marble. L SamsouJas Physician. K 3^ Samaon A Swausou Hardware. L Sheldon Oscar Tavern. L Khippy John Dentist. L Smniilsa-ic Shoes. L 3^ Hmlili Mrs. Jas. M Harness. Smith P. N.... Or». li SoperJ. N Lumber. F 2f4 Steel Thomas lua. Agent. L Shi Stevens & Uutherford O. 8. U 2!4 Stlrch W. J. A Wagona. L Telfor James Handle Factory. K 3!4 Thompson (leo. & Co 0.8. (i 2>s TniiU'l; John Shoes. L Van Velsor J. D Physician. H ,3H VostorHeo Tavern. O 2)-> Wlxim John Shoes. L nSLOOMFIELD, Prinoo Edward Co., On*. Barker Gilbert Barley Forks. H \i P.cnnet Brick.".. L Bowerman Cornelius OrlatMlll. L 3^,- Bowerman (UilBon Carrlagea. L Bowenna Levi V Cheese. U 3 Bull A Morgan Flour Mills. G 2^ Clark C Shoes. Ji CUntonJohn Blacksmith. K 3"4 Cooper John Saw Mill. DavM Fraucla Harness. L Hare Dexter Harnesa. K 3>4 HiiagChas Harueaa. L Johnstons Blacksmith. L 3}i I.<'«vlns Ilanlel Dro»er. L McDonald Alex Drover. L Morgan Thohiaii Drover. II 3 Noxon Thoa. H Agent Ag'l Imults. (t 2'4 NoxonWni Steam -Mill. H 3 SaylorA. II Gro. A Confeo. H 3 Savior A. H Brlcka. E 2 SaylorA Burr tt. 8. E 3 Smith Hotel. L Sykea Victor Tanner. (1 2(4 V'amoyLevl (». 8. H 3 WatsonC. E Shoea. L 3)4 Wataun W. H. * Co Saw A Carding Mills. H 3 BLOOMINQOALE, Wttorloo Co., OnL BrentleWm Shoes. K 3)4 Erh A Snider Cabinet Factory. O 2)4 BTb Solomon G. S. L KlrclmcrV Hotel. K 3)4 KlemmerChas Wagona. L .3)4 Oberholtzor O Staves. F 2)4 Relllnge'- Joseph Drover. F 2)4 Spesslman Cloorge Blacksmith. L BLOOMINGTON, York Co., OnL Carpenter W .Shoea. L Matliieson Donald BUcksmlth. L 3)4 Patterson (I. W D. O. A Oro. Pattenxm Jaa. M Auctioneer. O 2)4 Vanzant Blacksmltli. L BL00M8BURG, Norfolk Co., OnL Bacon G. S Cheese. K 3 Chambers Charles Shingles, Ac. K 3)4 Dolau Jas <). 8. L UessA O. 8. L 3)4 RuslingJohu Blacksmith. K 3 Smith Walter Wagona. L, 3)4 Vonng John Wagons. L BLUE BONNETS, Jaoquoa CarlierCo., Quo. LarcheAlrteni Hotel. K 3)4 Qulnn A Carson. . Hotel A Kace Course. BLUEVALE, Huron Co., OnL Bruce Alexander Hhoea. H 3 ChnrchlUOeorgo Hotel. H 3 Fowler John Blackamith. H 3 Gray Wra Tailor. L Guest Edward Tanner. H 3 Johnaton Robert Hotel. L Jull Samuel Builder A Cooper. LeechJos Mills. G 2)4 Main Jaa Shoes. L Mosaer John Grain. O 2!4 Messcr William O. 8. II 3 Oliver T ILitel. I, Patterson Frank Builder. L Beading, Dntf A Co Saw MllL H 3 lllcharason M Tailor. L Scott Frank Blacksmith. L 3)4 Sibuald R. F Shoes. H 3 Stewart Duncan Cabinetware. K 3)4 Tlmmons James O. 8. H 3 Tindall Edward Wagons. K 3)4 BLYTH, Huron Co., OnL Aldrlch Marvin Ij Publiaher. L Alexander A Craig Stavea, Ac. Anderson A Elder U.S. H ? Brownlee Robert Hotel. H .1)4 Campbell John Harness. L 3)4 Carder D. D Phyalclan. K 3)4 Chirk Jaa BlncKuniith. L Clegg Wm Hardware. H 3 CooTtJolm U.S. H 3)4 Cook Robert Hotel. L Davirlson George Photographer. L Douglass Robert Rlackamltli. L 3)4 DrunimondW O. 8. G 2)4 Duncan Wm Foundry. K i))4 Emigh Jonathan Hotel. I. 3)a Oroarh G Hhoemkr. L Hall J. B Baker A Gro. L Hamllt^ni Cliaa Anctioneer, Ac. L 3)4 Hawka'iiaw Wm Hotel. H 3 j' bortaon A Frayno Saab A Door Factors'. L 3)4 : J rVma D Baker. H 3 i K<:., Patrick Saw MUL O 3 J l^^f.''i«E'^e A Oracey Cabinetware. K 3)4 i M> iJouaia J. A.."..........r. Liquora! K .S)4 McKinuon DauielB O. 8. 11 3 McLennan David Grain. II 3 McQuanle Hugh Blackamith. K 3)4 Metcjill Frank Jewelry. L Mitchell Robert W. . . . Gro. A Saddler. Muser J. G Tina. K tfH Murdoch Janiea Shoe*. L Nation A Whitehead G. 8. L Nicholson Thiiiuaa Livery. II 3 Phiillpa Koliert Drugs, Stat'r, Ac. L Pollock R.J Hotel. L 8S1 Poulton Henry Tailor. L 3)4 Quarry H. B 4 McKiUan Bros Blacksmiths. L 3hj Moore John A Wagons. L 3)4 Murray Stewart Shoes. H 3 Nixon Andrew Hotel. K 3)., Nvo George Cabinetware. L 3)4 Orr Alexander G. 8. A Temperance Hotel. O 2)4 Parker Joaeph L Gro, Ac. K. 3)4 PetrleJohn , Saw Mill. G 2)4 Road J. L .'. G. S. P 2^ Rea\ ..(lri>. 1., Ac. (1 » -(Iiites. li agoua. L •\^ >riiffH. K •J!, linter. 1. «'., t Mill. 1' KHXlH. II ;t .i 3!i 3!4 3.|4 'tf BOLTON, P.*l Co., Onl. Alexander Robert Cabluetwure. Ii Ati'liemiii II. (near) Klioea. 1. Bell J.)lin Jamea Shoes. 1, IliilUm Jesno N PrinUr, Ac. K Bolton I.. It Couveyanoer, Ac, H Holton S. A J. H Carpentcm A Unaortakera. H Bonner David 1'li.yBlclau. L Booth Itobert n.. Exprvas Aijent, Ac. Ij Bro"ii Tliomas I'unipa. I, Biiioo Wni. H Wootena, Ao. !■ Uurna Jim. It Pot'ery. L Cftiniii .I')lvu C'ontr-.ofor. K roatea (ic.irKe B,i« kHUllth. K OurllsHjohn Temperance Hail. H Oiirllaii William Tavern. H Dlik Win... Fouuilry A Maohlneahop. H DmlilB AilHTt CarrlMoa. K Doiif Alfred Stoveu ft Tins. K EaveaTlioma8....F«ncy Uooda A (fro. L Evan.HtlwiiKO Tavern. G KxUnce Wm Haruetw. I. FlHher Tlioa. A Co G. 8. O Friar John Hliooa. K Uariihoiiao Jolm, Estate of Mills A Urain. E Itardwick Matthew i, Jeffrey Wyatt u. 8. F Leslie Wm AKcnt Ag'i Impits. n MHcafeo Kobert. .. Temperance l£ot«l. I. McDonald Francis Cooper. L McKco Wm Hotel I, Norrla WiiUam Shoes. K Norton David Ilricks A Tiles. H Nnnn Oeo Sowing Ma<'hlnea, Ac. Pearcy David Saddler. K ilumlusMra Baker. L Sanileraon Albert Physician. I, Siiielda John o. S E Smith OeorKeD Fainter. II Snoil Samuel J Dniira L Steele J ciro. It Stork James Druga. Wnlford S. C Soap, Ac. 1, Warbrick Joseph F Tanner. K WataonOeo. if. Foundrv. H Weir Jolm Temperaioe Hotel. L wUson Tosopb Tailor. Wolfe James Bluckamith. H 3H 3H, 3)4 3>i 3 3 .S!a 2i, is 2 3 Si BOMANTON, Northumborltnd Co. >nt. Brinton John Slioea. L Forbes Thomas BUuJksmitli. I. HH Knight Riclwni u. S. II 3 BONAVENTURE, Bonaventur* Co., Que. BaRoiictte Jos Tanner. K 3 Claiipcrton Jamea C Ci. s. K HU, Falrllobcrt (J.S.I, 3Wj pibautF li. s. L r*eey Hiolmn) Bhickamith. L I'oinlcrN o,8. H 3 BONO HEAD, Simcoa Co., Onl. Atchison Wm Taveiu l^ <'nrterA. H (t. ,s. u 2^s ColeF.G.. Miller. K 3'a Dluwoody J o. S. (See Sharon.) Veiiton Walter n.. Agent Ag'ilniBlta. II 3 (.ilkinaon Win Carpenter. L HiirrinKton I'^rancia Plasterer. H 3 Jamicsim W. K hImh-s. J, Jefr Kdward Cattle o 2V LawW.C.. Pliyslcton. It 3 Mccracken Hugh Blacksmith. K 3'6 McDerniott James Tavern, K 3'i McGeiiry J allies Wagons. 1, McNaughtGi'o Tailor, L, 3'4 Morrison Ira W (1. S.,Ao I, Nelson Thomas.. Wn. .m A Foiiudry I, llainaay Wm Haw Mill. O 2M Upnuleli O Hsrnesa. L 3'1 lichaniBOn A Wagons. K xi ItobiiiBon George Shoes. K 354 «™B A. B • • ■ Physician. It 3 St.ClairW.AJ . q. a, F 2>6 Shields noliort Plasterer, K 3'> i 2 ."iVT ' " iJiitchr.r. li. :::i Smith James. Ag'l Implts. O 2!4 Btoveuaon Hicliard Satidler. K S'i SuttouJohn Painter, I, Tobiu Darby Gro I, WilJoughby lUohard BixJk Agent! l. BONNECHERE POINT, Ronfrow Co., Ont Johnson .Vlexaiiili^r H 3 StoUonni'll MarUu O. 8. K 3>4 Voang Isubeiht O. 8. L BOOKTON, Norfolk Co., Ont. Cornell John Biacksmitli. I., Molntoah Peter G, S. A P. O. K 3!a BORD A PLOUFFE, Laval Co., quo. Ciairemont M artin Ciiril womi, A o. O 3 JoiicoeurJ .•....( 'ariwnter. K 3H ijigaase Gniliaumo Coriiwood. It 3 Lttgasso Zephlre Cordwood. K 3W LartnE Baker. II 3;« Ixtniaire (lUt Boarbon) B., Jr. . Peddler. K 3!o I.emalre(dit BonrlM.u) B.,»r.. Peddler. K 3S Lemaiie (dit Bourbon) Philip... Htoi-o. K 3}i Lemay V Hotel, O. S., Stages, Ac. MiUerP Shoes. K 3 Sauriol I.,ouht OS. H 3 Taiilefer Cyrille Tavern. K 3!4 BORELIA, OnUrio Co., Onl. (f'e J'ort J'erru.) BORNHOLM, Perth Co., Ont. Ilaragau Joseph Blacksmith. I, Ishier John Blacksmith. L SiUaJ Saw Mill. (See Mitehell.) Veltor Henry Tavern. L 354 Welsh Misa oro. I, BOSCOBEL, ShsfFord Co., Quo. CopningBros Saw Mill, K 3 BOSTON, Norfolk Co,, Onl. Barber Henry G. S. F 2!4 Cllne John Bliwkamith. I. EwingA. H Painter. L Lutes Henry — Farmer A Cari)entcr, H 3 Lutea Waiter Pliyslcian. K 3!a MillerWm Wagons, L Kobinaon Wm Wagons. I, 3)4 ItouBO O. C P, M, AG, S, 1, 3)4 RusUngDavid Blacksmith. It 3 Tobln Darby Gro. L BOSTON CHEEK, Hildlmand Co., Onl. (Nee Willow (iroie.l BOSTON P. 0., Pool Co., Ont. Clark Neil Tailor. L 3)3 Siwiding Cliiis, D. . Grist A Saw SIllls. BOSWORTK, Wollington Co,, Onl. Gordon John Blacksmith. L Leader Miss M Hotel. BOTANY, Kent Co., Onl, Botanj- Cheeao Factory o 2}i •**■ BOTHWELL, Ke.1l Co,, Ont, AdkinJaa,F Oio, I, s% Avery N,H Tailor, L Beck John Baker, K 3)4 Beeraiah Samuel Tavern. K 3'4 Bodmin Richani Liqnora. L S'.. Boon Thos Cabluetmkr, IC ,3)4 BnulleyJ Slioea. K 314 Brewer George Butcher. H 3 Campbell John Marble. II 3 Clsrli Chaa Prod. A Feeil. G 2)4 OlemanJas Bliieksmitli. H 3 Cnughliu C Hotel. I. CrottyJohn g. s. O 2).4 Dadswoll A Flnlgau Butchers, It 3 Davey U. H Tavern. L DillouTlios o.s, (» 2)4 Edwards Chas, M Saddler, L Gay Waiter Cabliictware, K ,3)4 Gooiding Henry J Baker, L 3)4 Oi-ifflthTIioa Ties. G 2>4 GurdThos 0.,s. I, 3,'4 Harris Thomas Saddler. Ij Iloliaud W. C Publisher, L JoiiusOeo Bhickaniith, L ,T4 Johnat^m W. N G. H, 3 iJiugliton Wm G. 8, P 2'4 Lavin John Ore,, Il'ware, Ac. L I,ebuMutty Uver.v. L 3^4 MalianL Speculatw. G 2)* 31.irc iio ItoDcrt Titvtu u. K 3 ' Martlnltobert 3 M cCraney Daniel Qen'l Agen t. Q 2)4 McGaUyjohn Saw Mill, K SW MoLdhly Dougald Shoes, L McLean Bros 0,8. H 3 3)4 3)4 33 3 G 2)4 K H>4 G L K 2!, 2 T, 3'i H R L 3*4 L ■ I'l L :*)s L SH 1. I., Miller Geo Cooper. I, Mylne John Drugs. L, Patterson Jamea Barber, Ao. I, Peacock Geo Tailor. L Pickett Hoben Oro. A Feoil, I, Poixi F. II Physician, h Poynter Wm Hotel, L Proctor Jamea Wagons, I, llaiidall Edward Blacksmith, J, Kegan Wm G. s. K Hoid Colin Lnmber Yard, Ac. If Hlcharda Ileur)- Soap A Potash. H Robinson John Foundry. Robinson, J. s. A Co.... Oil Weils, Ac. Bosebrugh Wm H'ware A Tins. Scott J, B Tailor, ShoppantJohn Cattle. Sissen Mrs MlUinerj-. Squire A fioughn )r Bankers. Sussex A Gill, Tollman Mrs Millinery. Taylor John li/mka, Ao. Thomas 8. J Vuctloneer, Ac, Thompson Mrs, A. D MUlliiciy Tims Thos Brooms A Prov. TrottL. J. A W, J. ...Hubs, Spokes A B^miths, Tucker Henry Watches. Walker W Photographer. BOUCHERVILLE, Chambly Co., Qua. Lacaille Auguste Gro, K BOUCK'S HILL, Dundu Co,, Ont. Cameron II Hotel, I, FordllenryW G, 8, H 3 BOUNDARY LINE (or Stanhope), Stanitaad Co., Que. Baker A. It Drugs, Ac I, M'llilJis D, A Co G, S. H 3 Nelson o. S, 3)4 Wilson Archibald Hotel, K 3)4 BOWLING GREEN, Wellington Co., Ont. Menary David Wagons. H 8 ^^OWMANVILLE, Durham Co., Ont. Alexander Wm D, G, K 8)4 AUaonWra Physician, C Vn Anderson A Mililnerj'. L Andrews 11, B FancyOoods. h BarkerC Pobllsher, Ac, H 3 Batting Thomas D, O, H 3 BeiUi Alexander Physician, H 3 Beitli Duncan Gro, Borland Fi-ank Slioea, K 3)4 Bounaall Chas, & Son Marble, H 3 Boyle Wm, 8 Physiciau. K 3)4 Brimacombe John M Dentist, L 3)3 Brittaiu Bros Pork Packers, Ao, G 2)4 Buckler Aaron Watches, O 2)4 Bunner Henry Shoes, L 3)4 Bunlen Samuel Com'nA Prod. L 3)4 BuikeAJones Brokers. K 2)4 BurnsACo MlUera. L Buskin Bridget, Tavern. I, Cawker Roger Butcher. K 3)4 CawkerA Young— Butchers. O 2)4 Cheatcrtiold Stephen Auctioneer. I, Christie Tliomas Auctioneer. 1, ClemieWm Musical luata. L Cobb Wm Bruslies. L CornishLewh) Jeweler. II 3 Crawford A. W Flour A Feed, L Darch Richani Blacksmith. H Darlington Tliomas Gro., Ac, I. DavlcH Morgan Teas, F Dominion Org«n Co F Down John Speculator. O Durran U. A Printer. L Ellison A Co D. G, Fnirbaim J, B P, M,, Agent, Ac, F Fielding J Physician, H Fletcher Gordon D Fish, At, G Glover Win, G Livery. H Orililth Jolm Saddler. II Haines George Carriages. F Hamley Richard Brickmkr. It Hlggiubotham J Druga. F Hills, F G."s, L Himes P. C Sewing M. A Pumps. L. Hoar Thomas BhicksnUth. G James Moses Prln.'er. K James R. W Agent. K JelfteyJ TaUor. H Keys Mrs Fancy Goods. W I,ee A KdsAll , Mardwiir*'. G Lyle X Mal'lin ......!... Grt. « Manning R.S Hardware. F Manning Thomas Cooper, H Mason Pranols H SailcUer, L Mason 8, A Son D. O, H Mayer Marcns Caps, Ac. )! BOW 01SrTA.RI0 A^ND QTJEBEO. BRA I '! ^ McClPllaii * Co Coal, Wowl. <6c. H 3 McClclliin John Wharfinger, 2 Porcy John Blacksmith. U 'iy^ Plucli Johu Nursery. O W Porter Wlllliuu t'oumlry. O 2^j ProwcrWm t'ahlnetware. H 3 Quick Ixiwis Tins. II 3 Matcbffe William Prod. H 3 Hold J Shoes. It 8 UlcoJohn Jlnildor. U 2'^ Itneliottom Joseph Hotel. () 2)5 Sanders W. Y Veterinary burgeon. L Bcott William Hhoea. L Shaw K. J Agent Ag'l imiiltn. F 2S) ShawTliuma-s Tavern. II 3 Shenrin TlKunas Painter. L Knuilo John Uoots * SUoe.s. L Moiieh J. &» Millers. Stephens Jonathan .Shingle Mill. C4 2>3 Stenlionson VVni Urlst Mill, li 3 Stott I) Drugs. II 3 Talt Joseph Walclies. h Tate Henry Pliotogr.iplier. L Th'ininson Wm I'rod. I. Tod Charles Confec. II 3 Tolterdiile Thomas ".-vcrn. H 3 TrehiU-oi'k '.'iiul Hooks. I, Tix'h'vaii Mliimel sh( s. (1 2>!j Trewin I'honiaH Shoes. L IhipirCiiuadii Furniture Co E 2 Wi'.icolt it Tiiiwon U'smlthstfe Ciirriagtjs. II 3 White James iloopskiriH it ilromns. L 3'*^ Williams Fred'k Pumps tj Wllllanis Miuk Butcher. K 3)4 WylieJauH's l)a':'n * Drugs. K 3'6 llnrilen W. K Htptel. H 3 CaHhniun Bros Shites it tJro. Chuney 1' linker. Ij Cuoiii'r Joseph Saw Mill it (I. S. Cooper John Barber, Ac. L Croinpdin i'hus. it Co U.S. (See Uarrlo.) DanhisitMay U'ware it. Tins. (I iMt Dariy Wm Blaeksmlth. 1, DeliMU'y John ( iro. I, 1)111 .t Kirk (). s. a 3 lllhhsjolm BHeki, L Ollchrist Uohert Tavern. L ,1^ QmiTi- r . J. t lo I'uhll.'ihrrs. L Haw John B'smith A Wagims. II Igglns Jnljn Uolel. I, llulier Isiuir Books, ite. Ii .Tu Hunt it C'lerlhui' ii. s. F 2'!i Jarratt Stephen Biacksnilllj. L 3!'i Kent D Hotel. 1, 3'» Klnsav W. W Ilamesa. L Laugdun James Livery. L Legnce David Shoes. L I/)»o Diivid B&ker. L McUiU James A Co O. 8. Macleod a Kilinu- J. C Photographer. 1, Luniont Mrs. A 'lins. It Lawrence James Carrliim^s. IC 3! Drover, ite. St rung Wm slioes. stubbing M sliocH. L Sutherland A On)., itc. 1, Walker W. J Unbluetwaro. K 3>4 WnluisliyTli imaa Butcher. H 3 WilicoesJ.l' Jeweler. H 3 WllliamsJ. I'' Drugs. K 3% Wrlglil John H (ini.. Shingle it Pail Factory. K 3'u BRAEMAR, 0>ford Co., Ont. Anderson Alexaniler G. s. L Braenmr (iieese Mnfg. Co., 'i'he L \V'> Burke Wm Saw Mill. L Goiilon Wui.A B'smith A Pnmiw. L McKay Jamt.i Blackamith. t. McKay Wm Gro. I, BRAESIDE, Renfrew Co., Ont. Boohan M Baker, Ac. i. 3'(i Gillies Bros SawMlUA !,umber. D •! BRAMPTON, Peel Co., Ont. Alkens A Whitehead .. Saw Mill. Alexander James A Itobeit Car- pen tore- Anderson .Tames Oro. A Shoea. Anthnnj Bros Cuniagen. Armour Alexander Agent A t kinson J W eaver. BnllautynoO O. S. Bailan tyue John Pointer. Xlaimister it Kennedy Druge. Barker C Tavern. Bates Mrs Milliner. Bates Wm P.iintor. Beamish Francis Hotel. Deck John H. A Co O.S. Blackburn Hotel. Jllaiu Geo Contractor. Brailley a oorgo Palnt«r. Bright Lewis Gunsmith. Bright A Th.tycr Tins. Broibly William Agent, Ac. Bryant Thos Undertiiker, Ac. Burnett Henry, sr Cablnetrakr. Cameron Ewan a, s. Campbell A. F Publisher. Campluil Jauies Ashery. Campbell William Blaeksmltli. Chlsliolm Keuueth A Co G. S., Ac. Clark Wm Tailor. Clarke 10. A M G. 8. Clarke Johu Gro. Clarke Thomas. OIHolal Asiilgnoo, Ac. Clarrldge James ('arpontor. Cole J . W Pbotograoher. Coyne John Shoes. Crawfonl '. M Pianos, Ac. Crowforth Thomas Butcher. Dale 10. A Son Market Garden. Dawson Charles Fruit. Dawson H. W. A Co l^'nilt. Deady Martin Hotel. Dick Alex Prlnt«r.*o. Doxoy J. W Cabmetmkr. D wyor M Hotel. Elliott Juliii Cooper. Klllwm D Pedcftcr. lOuart W. J Shoes. Follls James Drover. Golding James Baker. Graham W. K Dentist. 1 1 aggart Bros Founilry. Harris George Blacksmith. Hawthorn Tlios Shoes. Heggle David Physician Hodgson Josenh Tailor. Hodgson R. II Drugs. llollls Thomas Tailor. I losie A Confec. A Baker. Huntei- Robert Drover. Hurst William tl. H. Jones George Barber, Lebert Joseiih Baker. Le tieiir Lewis Cigars. Lewis Richard H Carriages. Lowes D. T Hardware. Mai;omt) T Gro. A I.lo. Mahtttty Wm Agent. Main J. W Grist Mill. Mason J Carpenter A Lumber. Melliide Archibald G. S. McHride A Edwards D. O. .MeCandii'ss A Fleming Harncja Mctiure Joseph Sewing M. Agent. McCiiUn William A Siwu A Door Factory. Me Donald James Livery. MclCewou 1) Hotel. MeMnllin J4 II 3 li L Ii 1, 3),, 3>4 11 3J1, BRA ONTA^RIO .A.ND QUEBEC. BBA a 24 1. 354 L r. a>ii 3)4 Ij 3!4 L, !)Hi i. L 3)4 T, K 3!i I) ?!? 1. K 3)4 T, H 3 L 3)4 1) 1^ L 3(4 I. K 3 h 3'-i 1. II 3 II 3 1. !l 3 3'4 H 3 T, K 3!* I. J. L I. 3)4 1. 3*4 U !i(4 l» 2)4 H 3 C 1)^ L ;is, 1. 11 3 K 3».i K xt.; J- 3'., (t 2'; H 3 II 3 L S"* 1. I, 3)4 II 3.4 3^1 K K 3)1^ K 3)4 (1 2), II 3 K 3)4 K I, 313 II 3)4 H 3 K 3(4 1. 3-4 K 3', II 3 L h 3'4 1. if n L Xi K 3)J K 2 II 3 K K 3'., « 2)4 L 34 li 3!4 II 3 L K 2)1 II 3 1. 1, li 3)a 3>4 U 3)11 Vollraer Precl'k Painter. L 3)4 Waldo Louis FnUt, *o. L Wallace UeorRO Hotel. G 2)4 Wr.lHh EilmumlJ Mvoiy. O 2)4 WuruM 8. J Fancy Goons. Ji Wilkinson Will Gents' Fiini'g, Ac. O 2)4 Williamson U. 8 Bu&slior. I, 3;!i Williamson Wm. S Cattle Dealer. G 2)4 Wilson Thomas Marble. L Wilson William I). O. H 3 WoodJ.E Barber. K 3'4 ■'oods P. L Stat'r A Jeweler. K 3)4 BRANCHTON, Waterloo Co., Ont. Brown A. W Shoes. L Burnett ks II. P. s Shoes. 1, l^roomoWin. P Tavern. I, 3'.j Crosby John Hahioii. L Culklu Tlios Hotel, L CULUuliighamA Jeunlngs Mnrbl*. L 3)4 CurUs E Skirts A Ladles' Wear. Dalrymple Wm Cabinetmkr. Daniels Jacob Sa 2 L L 3!4 1, iJVi H 3 L 3*4 1. H » G 2-4 (1 ■^>4 1, F •«4 K 3 I. W, 11 3 F 2!4 K 3)4 II 3 L 3)4 K 3)4 L 3<4 L 3)4 K L F 3)4 2)4 F •^)4 L 3)4 I) 2 1) 2 L 3!4 I. L 3'4 L L F !i)4 F 2H II 3 K 3 G 2)4 L 1. 3)4 K 3 L K V<, G 2V 11 3 C I, K I, It lii. 3)4 3 L G •2>i, L l< 3''i K 3)4 L m F •.3!4 J, 3)., F 2W, K 3)4 F 2'4 L L 3m, G 2't L 3'.i U 3 I, G 2!'i K 3)4 L G H'-j F 2V, I, 3'., G 2 'I G 2'4 h' ■■l'< K 2 L }; K ,,,„ K 3)4 L 3li U ■Jot Knox John Gro. I.Aiug Walter Cooper. Lalng Wm. J Brackets, Ac. Laiio J. Colin Gro. Large Thomas Bulldor. Lee A. F Horse Trader. Lee James Dairyman. Iximmou Henry Publisher. Leonard P. It Coal, Ac. Lethbridge John W Ins. Agent. Ac. LivergoodH. J rBuilder. Lonoy James Gro. Long Wm Gro. Long Wm. T Shoes. Loveys Aaron Oatmeal Mill. Lyons Woods Canlages. Macklin J. C. & Co (1. s. Maim John Coal, Ao. Mason C. S. A Co Drugs. Masterson Wm. H Gnnsuilth. Mat ton Charles Gro. MoCollum Wm Hotel. Mc Dernild John Prov, Mc DonahU i CO Gro. McGeary John Gro. McHaftlB Wm Hooks A Slat'y. Mcintosh Vv'in D. O. McKenna John Gro. McLean Thomas D. O. McMcaiis A Gro. McMlclmol J. E. A Co.. Photographer. McMoneagle llnrnabas Tavern. Mouuoen Itlchard Gi-o. MolUsh A. U Gro., Ac. Minor J. B Coufec, Ao. Minor U.W.. Jeweler, Ac. Mluteru Thomas Butcher. Mitchell D.J ..Baker A Gro. Mitchell James IIoteL Montgomery John D. G. A Tailor. Montgomery Jolin D Tailor. Mooney Mrs. Mary Gro. M(HUB A. T. A Co Gro.. Ao. Moricii !•;. U Gro. Morton J. Y llsiilwarc. Miilrhead A. D Coal. Mulrlieail Geo Saloon. NeilcH A. II Ins. Agent. Nlcholl Wm Physician. Nlcholls A Co Berlin Wool A Fancy Go(h1s. Noble John Palmer. Noble T. A Painter, Ac. Nolan Mrs Milliner. Norwood Charles W Barber. O'Donohne Daniel Blacksmith. Oliver s. A shoes. (See Toronto.) Orchard John Gents' Furn'g. Ormerwl John Gro. Ott Franklin Sheepskin Tanner. ott John Tannery A W.iol. OxeinLile Wm Hotel. Palmer John C Hotel. Palmer S Fruit A Fish. I'aik A t;o Photographers. 1'atei.siin William Wliol. Coufec. I'attl.Hon J. Want Cabinet ware. I'earce John T Agt. Ag'l Iniplte. I'eatiuan N. T Tinsmith, Ac. Petire Mrs. K L'mlortui'ei', Ac. Pendleberry H buoes. Petile II. W Machinist. Phalr Uobert Gro. Philip LusUe I) Physician. Phillips Klncald A Co Drugs. Phlpps ASon Shoes. PIckei lug Thus. A Son Builders. Pllkey I, Sewing Machines. Pllkey P.J Hotel. Plewes David Mill. l-oole Caleb 'Tailor. Poole .1. B Shoes. Popple well Fred Painter. Polls ThoniBs Tinsmith. Uulnlan Joseph Gro. A Ltq. ItaiiLHiiy Thos Uiillder. Ueod Siimiiel G Aiiotloiieor. Ilelil .lohn . Builder. Itldilllnid G. E Hroonis. Uolieits .\ltreil Musical Insts. llobson .Marshall Coal. liobsiiii i'liomas tlilst Mill. Uogert. Kdwaiil Hotel. Ilolhwell u. H bm.'s, Ac. Uiisscll Uobert Plnnibor. Sage Alfred ilutclicr. sugiMj.ihn N. Tavern. Savles W. A. ..Agt. Sewing MiicUines. Sclirvers Lumber. 3rnuit-.r, cn.itin iS Co IliiiWeis. Scott James Builder. Sean G, \V..,. Pholographer. shackell Uobert Ilntoher. Hhiiltlewoith J. It I'riilt, i?-c. Slminous Simon Gro. A Prov. Sims Kdwiii U. K. A Ins. Agent. slploKlIasJ Parkilulol. T, K 3!4 1, L F 2)4 H .S)i H 3 » L li K H •^ li li 3)4 F F 2I4 H 3 I, I. K 3)4 (» 3 K. 3)4 F '■''n (* 'H G li 3)4 G 2-<4 L s-? 1. I. 1, 1, L 3)4 1. 3), L 3)4 li G •J)4 K. 3)4 L 3,'4 L F §1? H 3 1. G 2>4 K 3 L 3)4 II 3 I. K 3)4 3)4 li L 3)4 G 2)4 F 2)4 F 2-4 H 3 F s L 3!4 G 2), 1. II 3)4 K 3)4 L .S)4 L 3S, F ■Jh, 1. 3)4 K 3)4 K li L :iii G '•"4 11: 2 L 3)4 H 3 K 3)4 G 2'.|, li K K I L 3'4 3.'4 .3)4 il 3 F 2!4 L 3'4 il 3)4 II 3 L 8)4 11 3 1. »)* il 3 1) 3 ii 1, G ■^ II H li a-Si ■ # BEE ONTARIO ^T^r> QUEBEC BRI i i ! ' ::'! lii y SUDiaby Wm. & Bons....WooleD Mill. L Bmith isBropliy BBdiUoiy, H'warc, Ac. F Hmlth ]Ioiii7J..8econdhau(lCMiitlilnir. L Bmltli Jnnies Butclibr. K Snlclw Hamuel AKPot. L Soiit liwood TliMi Bi«»er. L Bowilen .I-jhii Butclivr d^ uro. K Simuoa A \Vagon« & B'snitth. O Spratt James Hotel. L Sproiile Ofcorge F Diuks. L Slapleton A Agnow Slioiw. () Steele .loliii C Oro. K Hteutlfonl Clias Slicies. t, Stiiwart John Btacksmltii. L BKiclcwoU Caleb Dyer, lio. K Htratfonljolm H Contract4 lis 1)4 2 •A '^ •i 3 8 ■AM, ;< .3 .s .1 OcstorCarl Tavern. H 3 Hamel Henry F. Shoos. L .SW Miehm John Wagons. L 3)4 MoyerM. ACo Q. 8, A Mill. O 'JS4 Rleuer Matthew TaUor, 1, 3)t Bhaefer Frlti Blacksmith. L 3>4 Bhantz Noah Carpeuter. L 3)? Wiatmcr Henry llarness. L BREWER'S MILLS, Fronienao Co., Ont Auglln Robert, Jr O. B. n 3 BREWSTER P. O., Huron Co., Onl. Armstrong Andrew O. 8. I, 3>6 Blake A Co.. Coal, Lumber, Bricks, Ac. O 2)4 BRIDGENORTH, Peterboro' Co., Onl. Crough Edward oro. L Dean M. 8 0. S. H 3 OrayGeo ooper. L KeamsMatthew Hotel. H 3 Kelly W. B Saw Mill A Store. P 2); Martyn H Orlst Mill. I, McCallJames Builder. K 3>4 McCallWm Shoes. L Moffatt Wm Tailor A Store. L MorlandJames Cooper. L 3*4 Morrison Alex Oi-o., Ac. H 3(4 NlchoUs Wm Blai'ksmlth. L Pearson Illchnrd Builder. L 3M Hobertsnu John Mason. L 3Si Stiibbs James Blacksndth. L Watson John N Painter A Tins. L BRIDGEPORT, Waterloo Co., Onl. AlbertJohn Hotel H 3 Beck Phillip Tailor. L Ki Blenstiel Adam Pottery, K 3W Bloso Samuel Blacksmith. L Bowman Oeorgo Shoes. L t'ookc Shoes. L FaiTand J. W Woolen MUl. L Ferrier Thos. L Peddler. I, HoffJDhn Shoes. L 3)4 Ilolllnger Oeo Cooper. H a Hullluger Michael Cooper. L Huff Adam Tailor. L 35* Klehbergor Nicholas Tavern, L 3)4 MUler John D Blacksmith. I, SchledelNoah Brooms. L Scheucnnanu A Sou o. 8. O 2)4 Shantz Isaac E Shingles, Ac. F 2)4 Shirk A Snyder Mills, D 1)4 SmlthJohn Wagons, L WcistJacnb Saddler. L 3''. Werlliio John Wagons. L ZlukauJohn Tins. L ;t,'' Lockhart J. J LockwiHMl A Covin Marshall A stopleton. Martin James Oro. A Food. K ijij MatthowsT. II Carpenter. L McCallum Alex Grain. L 3).j McDonald O Billiards. L McOouegalJ. B Fruit Trees. L :))* Mcl.aren Hotel. Mc \MH* John Blai BRISTOL, Wellington Co., Ont. (See Srltbaju P. O.) BRITANNIA, Carlaton Co., OnL Campbell 1). A Prod. I, BROCKTON, York Co., Ont. .\»lidoHii Josenh Willow Baskets. Atkinson Joseph Oro. Burns Maitin Harness. Hrey John Nursery. Uiitliury Ulcliard... Market Qanlnn ■& Oro. Haiiier John A Baker. Keui'us Patrick Carpenter, &u. Maralmll John Builder. Mc(iregor A iiope. Mcdnii-o lUchanl Oro. Slattery Michael Hotel. HMiyth Patrick Hotel. Vllson A. T Baker Adro. iVoods W 111 Blacksmith. I. 1. L 3!^ K .3)4 H 3 l< 1, I, K 3Wi K 3!<, K 3» Oro. (.See Jas. Browne A Co., Kliigston.) llnni«t.i (1 3 K 3 K 3 K a F 2(4 U K 1k L K 3 F 2'4 K 3!.i lis IJ 1't8 A Shoes. Orillln CO Hats A Clothing. Hageniian John Carjien Ut. Hall James A Co.... Tanning A Olove Factory. Ilalsey Thos. A Son oi-o. Haiinan P Prod. A Exchange. UariUug T. J. B . . . Drugs A Exchange Broker. Hayes D. F Prov. Healy J Oro. Henderson J Butcher. Heron S Furniture. Hinienway Michael Blacksmith. Hort A Co Painter. Howe Wra Oastltter. Ilutckesou Uiwrge D. O. Jamleson P. 11. A Bro... Whol. A Ret. Clothing. Johnson J oshua Barber. Johnston A Son PrcMl. Judscm Joel Palnt<'r. Kaufman F. E Music. Kearns A Marshall Lumber. Kllboru Chas. B Marble. Klncnld Fordlce L Stationer. Ac. Klncald J. E... Pictures A Fiumenikr. King Wm Oi-o. Kyle A BttiT D. (1. Kyle J Cai-peuter. LatayetteO. O Wntelimkr. Ijiwieiis A Davidson Oro. A LIq. I.eggait J. 8 Carriages. iKjunon Hugh Oro., Ac. Lenuon P. Tlu.'i. Lewis C. II Haberdashery. LIpsett Robert Slums. IiOthrop F. L. .Ciiickery A Auctioneer. MacNamaraM. J. A Bin D. O. Mauhaiil A Booth. .Saw A Orlst Mills. Maulianl Robert B CaiTlages. Manly William, Jr Tailor. Mann J. W. A Co Mnfrs. Hee4 L F 2)4 K 3 K L U 2)4 P 2)4 L I, L 3(4 II 3 D 1)4 L 3W! L L 3)4 L 3)4 3 K 3)4 L 3!4 2)4 K 3)4 U 3 K I. 3)4 L E 2 Q 2'4 L L 314 r, 2)4 L K 3 L L 3-4 3 L 3>.i K. 8)4 L K 3 L 3)4 H 3 L 3'., H 3 F 214 L 3^4 L 3)4 K 3 H 3 2)4 U 2)4 E 2 L 3(4 H 3 H 3 L 3)4 II 3 H 3 L 1. L 3>4 K 2 L 1, ayi L L 314 J. 3>4 II 3 K 3)4 L 3*4 Moulson Jas. A Hotel. L Murray O. B Photogranlier. Ac. 1, Murray John Butcher. P 2)4 Neilsor. Mrs. W Milliner. L 3)4 Odell A Bricks. O 2)4 O'Douahoe Bros 1). O. L 3)4 Overell Edwanl. .Stat'y A F'oy Goods. O 2)4 Patterson 1 .los aro. L 3'a PoultonW. H Painter. L Powers A Jents Ferryboats. 3 Price Thos Stone Mason. U 3 Qulgg James Cabinetware. lleynoldsO. W Oro. L ."t)4 Bhodes John oro. H 3 Riley John Saloon. L Ritchey Isaac Tobacco. L 3)4 Bobertson David ASon.... Whol. Teas. 3)* Robinson Amos Hotel. II 3 Shepherd H. A Co o. S. V 2)4 Sherwiwd Thomas Oro. A Prov. L Shields Geo. E I^umber. H 3 Shorey W. C Washing Machines. L .3).j Smart J. A. A Co Stoves A Tins. L 3>ii Smart Jas... Foundry A Machine.sliiip. E 2 Smart A Bhephenl Who!. A Mufjc. MachlDlslH F 3 Smart Thos Com'n. L Smart W.C Tailor. H 3 Smith J. D Fruit, Ac. L Southwortli A I^avett Printers. 3)4 .Sonthworth S. J Bed Springs. K 3 Sparham Terence Physichui. L Sbvgg Alfred Batcher. H 3 StaggJohn.Jr Butcher. F 2)4 Starr, OlUACo Whol. Confec. A Fruit. F 2)4 Steacy John Contractor. F 2)« SteacyT. B Watches. O 2« SteedJohn Blacksmith. K S)J Stephens James A Bookbinder. L 3)J Strong W.P Cheese Presses. H 3 Taylor John Shoes. H 2)9 Thompson A Bell Oro. L 3)3 TUley A Briggs. .Saab A BUnd Factory. 3 Tooker F dm. L Turner Allan A Co Drugs. E 2 VauxH. E Phj'slclan. L .S!* Victor Wringer Co L 8)5 Voliiey Powder Co H 3 Walters A Co Crockery. L 8)4 Wanen Joshua PixmI. L S.i* WatsonC; Soda Water. L Webster Nathaniel oro. K S)4 West Joseph M HoteL K 3)hen A Livery. H 3 WoiHls It. A B. K Tobacco, Ac. K 3 Wright H. B. ,t Co Confec. L 3)4 Wright John Ore., Ac. L 3)2 Young Geo. S Shoes. BROME CORNERS, Bromo Co., ()u«, Caswell O Carriages. L Chiuidler A Smith 0.8. P V:i Chapman Geo Butcher. K 3 Ci.iielaml P Blacksmith. L Vjx John E ;fl,. Kay Dttvld Shoes. K 3)4 Huntley il. L. A E Blneksmiths. L I.Mfontaliio Bautistc Blacksmith. L 3)4 Smith Organ Co p 8 Spencer A. M Steam Saw Mill. L Toof W Bhicksmlth. L 3)4 BROMPTON FALLS, Richmond Co., tjuo. Bolsvert Joseph o. 8. L Clark C. S. A Co. . Lumber A Saw Mill. (See also I'oiiland, Me.) Le Blanc Hubert O. S. L Pope J. II Ltunljer, (See Cooksblre.) BRONSON, Hastings Co., OnL llnmsoii, Weston ACo Lumber. (See Ottawa.) MuUett Fred'k a. 8. L BRONTE, Htlton Co., Ont. AdamsSamuel Blacksmith. , 3)4 Dorland Ill-OS Vessols. 11 8 t'ttrlt-tt M*-.' D. U., ^c. :. Jidiusou Mrs. W. A Oro. L Joyce Joseph TaUor. I, Mecleneghan Mis Hotel. L Mecraney O. K P. M. A O. S. H 3 McCmuey William saw Mill. (See Oakvllle.) I- !i |1 •;H BRO ONTARIO A-ISTD QtJEBEO. BUG PBKn<&Mttcliell Millers, h Tolnile MU» h <). s. h Trlllur JdHepli M Hotel. 35* WUUaraa Uonry Fruit Grower. K 3 BROOKBURV, Compton Co., Que. JoyceJas U.S. K 3 BROOKLIN, OnUrio Co., Ont. Uattle Ut>m»mlii JliiUilier. K 3Hi Ulckell Joules UeiOamln Miller. U 2>a Blcklo Henry....". Orl»t MUl. U 3 lllutT. II WatoheH. L Ulackor Uliiw Ular.kHiiilth. L niHlr Knnk Ilutuher. K 3!4 Ulianilxrlaln (Jharlea Fm-'iltiire. L (UiKiiibi'ilitlu I). F I'nlDtor. L Cuttle J luuwi Printer. K ^^\i ImrllKKt^m Arthur F BookatftUro. L .SHi Dtti'lltiKtim Itobert Agei-,fc P. M. K 3 DaviH Ueo Taller. I. DawH John Druttii. L KmnclHP Mlllg. U»lil8lioruuKl John tua. Agent. J, ]Ialliai\y ThiM. J U.S. U SVi llarriaon H.T..Oonveyaiicer<&L'ao|)er. L afj Hault Wm Cablnetware. L S.'s Jat'-queH NelHon (Iiv. L Kltolieu Alex U'Hinlth <6 Wugoiia. U m t.nke Noah WiigonH. L 3Nj Manning WlUlaiu sTiees. L li.'a May J amen Uurneiui. McBilen William Shoes. I, MePhcnion ijt CaiuiiUell iStoves & Tins. (SeeCanuluEton.) McQuayll fliitcl. I, Murray Wm Tanner. K 3!i Plrrio wm Wagiuis. L itoliei'ts tleorgu BlavkHuilth. !• liohHdU Wm., Agent Plows. Ii 3*4 Bpeneer Alfred Hhoi'S. K 3)3 HweetappUU'. II.. Veteriuaiy Surgeon. L Thomas s.M U.S. K 2 Walsh John Phut«grai>lier. ii Warren Frank Physician. 11 3 WarrenJohn DrugsJ Webb Mrs. Sampson Currlagoa. h Williams a uro. h BROUQHTON TOWNSHIP, Boauoe Co., Que. Ileaudoln D <(. H. K 3 lleainloln Louis (». M. U 3)4 JIall W. H Hliuiksnitth. I. Lomieux ].imls Blueksnilth. 1. BR0U8EVILLE, Qrenvilla Co , Ont. A'.iderson Wm Oro. K 3!ii Bulcun Wm Wagoninkr. L BRQWN8BURQ, ArgenleuM Co., Qua. Hul- BROWNSVILLE, QronvilU Co., Onl. Ilu«hvsUiit (I. H, r, 3'4 BROWNSVILLE, Oxford Co., Ont. Andrews Chaa Carpenter. L 3)a Brown E. B Cattle. K a BrownHvilloCheeseCo. (Limited) It H DIK^IitlelilKobert U.S. 1, ,SH Pursmnii John Wagons. K 3'.j UlbaonJ !i Blacksmith. K 3Hi Uelinka Henry Saw MIU. F 2)4 Heniuilng J. Hotel. L MoDlarmld Kwon U. S. F a!4 McDowell Henry... Sewing Machines. L Mlnshall J. W Physician. I, S'i Parkos 11 HhoesAOro, L »)Z TrIbeJohn Agent. K 3>4 Wood Thos Harness. K .SJs BROWNSVILLE, Vork Co., Ont. (See ficliomberuJ BROWN'S WHARF, PratooH Co., Oni. Duoheno J Hotel. L BRUCEFIELD, Huron Co., Ont. Baird * Cameron Oro. L S!4 Hrlggs J Tanner A Shoes. H 9}t Cameron liuuean Tailor. K 3 Dart Andrew Wagons. L FooleAlex Weaver. L 3hi Hill Wm. * Co O. S. (SooSeafonh.) Kaiser Ileitjamln llot^il. L Kaiser Wni Blacksmith. L KeunuwITIios. J Bulhler. L 3U Marks Koliert W D. O. * Oro. II 3!- Melinimid Duncan Blacksmith. L 354 Mcintosh D Veterinary Surgeon. L 3,'4 Mcintosh John (i. S. Miller Jas Tailor. K 3)4 O'Nell Win Harness. L Humble Fred'k Saw Mill. L Scott Wm. it Co U.S. O 2*4 Stalwart >\c Ilnrlburt Physlohina. II 3 Turner James Hotel. U 3 BRUCE MINES P. O., Algoma Diilriol, Out. (See \ycUiniitonifineii.j BRUDENELL, Ranfrew Co., Onl. C08t»'llo Jas O. S. L Haiyetto Wm Tavern A O. H. Klelly Mrs. Ilouoru U.S. I, 3)4 McNanmia P Sliws. L Payette Mrs Hotel. K 3)4 BRUNNER P. 0., Parth Co., Ont Oropp Chaa Saw Mill. urns Wm Hotfl. L 3'!; Zimmerman Henry B'snilth A Tavern. L BRUSSELS, Huron Co., Ont. Alexander J U.S. K HH AmentUeorgeJ BakerAUro. K 'Jiiu Anderson TIuhi shoes. L Angus John II Butcher. L 3)4 Baeckerueo Uro. K 3)3 Bennett, Smith A Co Sash A Door Factory. G 2)4 Bishop Wm Sewing Machines. H H Umoks A Treble Carriages, Ac. K 3)4 Brownscomlie J. 11 Shoes. I, Buyers Jninos Wagons. Campbell John Hotel. K ,"))4 Olegg Joseph Drover. H 3 Cousins Robert Billiards A Cimper. L Currie Andrew Butcher. I . Davldsim Geo Harness. I, Oeadman Ueo. A Drugs A Htat'y. H 3 rrewJamos Uanlwitie. H 3 I'lkeChas Pumiis. L 3)11 Fletcher Thomas Watches. Fi'cy Fred'k Hotel, il 3 Uaiiick J. A Drugs, Ac. L UoiHlOeo. A Co U. s. Graham A McDouuugli... Physleiims. G 2,W| Hailden Wni Weaver. L Hall Thouitts Hotel. II 3)4 Havcroll A Ferguson Tin, die. K 3)ii Hollldav John C Pumps. K 3)4 Holmes T. U Physician. H 3 Holmes W.J. 11 1'hyalclan. (* 2^4 Hunter A Slunmon lllacksudths. L 3'4 Wel)sterJehn Il'ware, Tin, Ac. K 3*4 Welsl.John Butehor. K 8)4 Wilson W. K Foundry. G 2)u Wright A Ferguson., Oro. L Wynn Jolin Wagons. L 3)4 Wvim Miss Drcssmkr. L BRYANSTON, Middlaaax Co., Ont. Annstrong Leonard Blacksmith. L Bryanston Chet^so Mauufactuiing Co. 3 Cheney John Bhtcksmltli. K 3)4 Uouidlng Joseph Tavi^ni. Oouldlug Thos. B U.S. F 2)4 Grant Duncan Saw MIU. F 2)4 Loveless Wm Shoes. L Stevenson James M Physician. L White Wm ....G. H. O aw Wood George Builder. K 3)4 BRYSON, Honliao Co., Qua. Fraser A MoCauchon Lumber. McKegg Mrs Gro. K 3)4 MerlenuT U.S. II 8)4 Morau Thomas Tailor. L O'Meaia Bros. A Co U.S. 11 3 Pattlson J. T Printer. L Porteous A usburne U.S. K 3 Purvis U. A MUIs. (Sefe Portage du Fort.) llltchle Ilicliard SI G. 8. L 3)4 Shea Dennis Tavern. K 3)^ BUCKHORN, Kani Co., Ont. Atehesiin HUiwart Shoes. 1. 3)i Bedford Dsnlel G. s. K 2 Benedict K. J Grist MUl A Shingle Facton". Campbell A Co lliacksmlth. K 3'4 ClauseJames Fish. H 3 Conlln S Temperance Hcnise. L Corcoran Kdwanl trooper. L Crawford A Bedford Wood, Ac. K 3 Jarvay Cablnetware. L McCuliyJ Physician. G 2$t McDowell Samuel Builder. L 3*4 Meed A llambo Butchei-s. L 3*4 Stanton Jonathan Hotel. L SIHppU. C U.S. L 8)4 Htrip[t . liontiM G. S. Thnmii""" Sol TaUor. L H}i BUCKHORN, Pelarboro' Co., Ont. r.VM iratVi Bridue i'. O.) BUCKINGHAM, OlUwt Co., Qua. Bcrnadlu Isidore G. 8. L Bcrnndlu Joseph u. S. A Shoos. U llulflVurl K Cuiiiages. Il Buckingham Manufacturing Co F Buckingham Mining Co CamiHMiu VhnA 'TUih. L Cluuller J oseph Tavern. L 3)4 BUG OlSTT^iilO AN^D QUEBEC. CAO 11 S 1. K 8 H » U » H S L »H K »(4 I. I. J? an K H H H I. »« O !«H II » I, H « li L 3H I, 1. 11 » K » I. li F •iJ I. 3)4 L I. 3'| W a K H .r I. r. K a 1. u I. Si? I. 3V, 1, 1. 3)4 L 3>i H 3 L K 3H Shi L K 3 I, P 2'.i CossroTe John Hotel. CnuKen Patrick Tavern. Cnrnmluga Uolin Flour i& Fued. Derunln BaptlHte a. H. Ic8. Monin Michael Blacksmith, O'Nell Wm u.s Palmer M. II Baddlcry & Shoes. Plorson Chaa o. 8. KossBi'OS Lumlior. (Hee John Uosa A Co., Quebec.) 8tevcnsi WUsonFieclI u. 8. E a Windsor John Hotel. !■ BUCKINGHAM BASIN, Ottawa Co., Que. (See L'Ange Oardim.j BUCKLAND, Bdlechatn Co,, Que. CoeriveauD u, a K 3)4 Cote Fi-ancois X ii. s. K 3 Uagnon Leou Tins. L Melh'lcrK G. 8..*c. K 354 Morrissette Uunora G. 8. K 3)5 BUCKSHOT MILLS, Frontsnao Co., Ont. UoPhersoD Anjrus. Hotel. L BULLOCK'S CORNERS P. 0., Wsniworth Co., Ont. (See OreentviUe.) BUL8TR0DE, Arthabaika Co., Que. DergleL.... Blacksmith. L, 3)2 Ijemlre Oueslme. . . Saw A Flour MUIh. K 3 BULWER, Compton Co., Que. Hodge A Coats o. H. (WeeH, N. Uodgo, Blrchton.) Banborn Alonzo o. 8. Ij BURFORD, Brant Co., Ont. Adams CImrlps llarness. I< Hecktel John Grist Mill. L 3)o BowleJohn Blacksmith. L. BuiTiettWrn Bhues. 1, 3)4 Cattun Mrs. Geo Gro. 1, Cox Henry. o. 8. O 2)4 Douglass wm mo Ii Dunn Daniel Cooper. Ij FowerGlles Pork * ApiiTcs. K SM Fow er J . M Phys'n. Drugs; ,Sc. O a^o Fowler Wm llumess. I, FungprWin..... Saw Mill. G 2)4 Glbbnid Uichard Cablnetware. 1, Gibson Alex Blacksmilh. h 3)4 S"fV"! y "'. Blacksmith, h Hall Alfred Tavmi. I, 3)4 HarbotUe Jli-bort. . . . Phys'n * Drugs. I, Hathaway Peter GrlHtMlll. H 3 HearnJas Cablnelwai-o. K 3 HowanI Wm. U Tins. L 3,'4 Howiill I.nvi u 8 1, K*"*,'!''""""* haw Mill! H 3 Lightly Geo SluHss. I, M c( am-m- ,rn» Tailor. L 3.'4 McGinn Widow oro L McKentlo Uichanl Tavern, L 3)4 MlllarJuhn G 8 K vt Miller A. II Physician. L 3)4 Plernian Ocorire Wagous. L 3'd Ryder o id.>on Cariwnter. L 3'4 Smith John A itnMuns. It 3 Tfiyl'jr Kd^an! .Klmir -v Vm^' " " WhittakiT'ltobert. '■.".■.■.', '. Butcher. L 3!4 Wooden Wm. 11 Carpenter. L BURQES8, Lanark Co,, Onl. (Set AUan'i MiUt.) 4 Canada, BURQESSVILLE, Oxford Co., Ont Burgess E., sr B'smltb A Wagons. H 3 Comfort Francis Tji. 8. Coventry A Mulling Grist A Saw goxey Adam Shoes. L *;™'n D — ^, Harness. L 'n^."",.'^''™"^ Tavern. K 3)4 Potts W.A Tins. L 3)4 BURGOYNE, Bruca Co., OnL Darling John o.S. H 3 WorthJolm HoteL U 3>4 BURLEIGH, PaUrbore' Co., Ont. Darcy Hot«l. L BURLINGTON, Halion Co., Oni Ac,klttml W T. Florist H 3 A knian Robert P Physician. II 3 Allen Geo Tins G 3)^ Allen James Wagons! H 3 Atkinson Thomas Oro L Bnstodii JobnT...P. M. A F'cyGoods. Bell TIioB Shoes. H 3 Boyd * Stephenson .drain, ma8 G8 H Holwm Robert Dnigs O Haygarth Thomas Blacksmith! L HuraH. H.&Son Nursery. D Kulfe George Painter. L Laffurtyk, omm. H McK«uzioWm Oro L Mc Namara John iiotel MiKOT PaUick Shoes! L 0«« Wm Cooper. K 3 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 8)4 3)4 3 a)4 1!4 3)4 Ogg Harry. Sadifler. L pggJosepliN Cooper. L Parsons Frederick Blacksmith. L .S14 Helton Xdwanl Carpenter. H 3 Hiclmnson Wm Physician. H 8 Rushy I- J... Butcher. L Rushbrooko George Tailor L smlnger A Marlolt Grain. K a Woldio John * Co o. s c IVl WUliBmson Kdward Carpenter. L 3>4 WrayJohn Tavern. L ^ Zimmerman P. M Hotel. BURLINGTON BEACH, WantworthCo., Ont. FairchlldT. B Salooa Hood Bros Ocean House! (See Hamilton.) BURNHAMTHORPE, Peal Co., Ont. AlkinsM. II Physician. E 3 CurrleJunics uii> L JohuHtou David Blacksmith! L Johiintun Samuel Shmm L Siddell Josopli Wagons. H 3 BURNLEY, Nerthumbarland Co., Ont. Dunning Francis Bla4!ksmlth. L Fortau Edwai-d Blacksmith. L l.uwler Wm o, 8. 1* BURNS P. 0., Perth Co,, Ont. Gibson John Wagons. L Frecliorn Bnis g s L McWhlnnio — ■ Tavern. K ,3)4 Robertwni Wni Blacksmith. L BURNSTOWN, RanfVew Co., Ont, HudsonJolm Millwright. K 3)4 McKay Geo . Hotel, L 3? McUaeDimald g 8 3 Posey D Wagons! I, ltochcsterGe.1 MUlowuor. Stirling W.W o.S. »w..... ,..,E..., -,..,vr,tt ^Q, ^ uni, (Set JCinmmmt.1 BURRITT'S RAPfDS, Granville Co,, Ont Adams Abel.. AitaiusEzra.. Shoes. L 3)4 ..Oro. rfc Baker, L m f P m BartonW.W OS K Baxter P !!!!.:.:!! Hotel Brown Robert Carrhuros! I, BurrittUamlet Gro K VS?'i?*iLS-.° Sewing Maofilnea! K DeUH. ATlios Millers. H Erratt Edwin Saw Mm. " Gorion Thomaa Shingle Mill. L KlrtdTf" .Hotel. K Ainu 1. A G 8 H J^ T i- BUcksmlth! L McNainaraM Harness. K S'UJ»£»'n«» Shoes. K Patterson Jomea Hot^ L PWiUe«TUoa ......Vvi^.L. ReodJ. K ....Bpeculotor. L Shannon Jamea Wagons. L ?JI«''™«,P-- Cloth Factory. L WillisJtobert Wagons. L BURTCH, Brant Co., Ont HunterTbos oro w 1 Palmoraton Joabua !oi«' H a RlohardaonWm oro L L ByanThoB oro H s* Scott James oro H ? Taylor Geo O. SAP o k ?»/. WoodleyOeo !!!!.!!. ..7..* o.s! u a BURTON, Durham Co., Ont MoOlU Jas Hotel, B'amlth, O. 8., P. M., Ac. a 254 BURWICK, York Co,, Ont (Set Woodbridge.) BURY, Compton Co,, Qhc. (Utt Bobinim.) BUSH CORNERS, Huntlnrion Co., Qua. (Set Poverf Court.) BU8HFIELD, Huron Co., Ont Newcombe James q, g. ^ 8)4 BUTTERMILK FALLS, Frontenoo Co,, Ont Ohaffey John, EsUto of Lumber, O 1)4 BUTTONVILLE, York Co., Ont BameaJohn o 8 Bliss James Wagons! Calvert Jonathan BlackaSuUi. ChantlcrOeo Grist Mill. Pearce Thomas Shoes Porry WUUam Hotel Thompson Thomas O s' Tomllnaon M. H saw siiu! BUXTON, Kant Co., Ont CouttaOeorge 0. 8 X su EcklinD.C Gro. ifeP o L ^ Olihula James . Temperance House! K 3)4 Oilhuly Jos. H.... Temperance House. L Hancock iCaohariah Wagous L LyonsThomas SawilUl! L 8)4 BYNG, Haldimand Co., Ont Ardorley Thomas Hotel. L Drake Alvin Grist MUL L DrakeThos Wagons, Ac. K SM RetdJohuA HotoL L Thompson James W o. 8. K 8)4 BYNG INLET, Alpima District Ont DlUa 0. 11 O S F 3)A Maganetawou Lumber Co '...'. " K 3)4 K 3)4 G -Hi L L 3)4 K »% U 3)5 2)4 3 3)4 BYRON, Middlesex Co., Ont DufUm John Woolen Factory. O * alchoner Jonas Hotel. L Kenny Freilertok Grist MUL H Hiuldlnr Robert Q. 8. A P. O. L Hisson J. A 80ns Home Factory. F Wa oco Marion Blacksmith. K Wells J. B Contractor. L CACOUNA, TamitooMta Co., Que. CoteF. X 0.8. L UoteALeBel ij. s r. couiiiiail II. H on>!«D.'o! K 3'4 Coulllard (dlt L'Eplnay) W. . Watohea, De VUlera Abraham o.h! II Dube Thomaa Blacksmith. L 3)4 f''?5*'S,''"'- ■; BoonUng House. K 8 Labrie Francola Shoemkr. L 8)4 'Mil: If! OAD O^STT^KIO AND C^U:EBEC. OaM ;ii Hlcbana Sttroia Baker. H 2)i Pelletler Mi-s. Leonard a. 8. SIrolaA HoU)l. K it SlroU Joseph 4 Orantimm Charles Blacksmith. K 3 Gronny Mr.s. MarKUiot Uii)., *c. L 314 Uohson James Hotel. L HiUhiian Hurmau Blacksmith. K 314 Ilott Philip Mason. Ji 3!4 Lawson Uavlil Blacksmith. IC S.'j Maiklc Robert Blacksmith. L Marshall Melvin Mat^'hes. L Palmer 4 Gilbert Joseph Gro. & Hotel. L Haney Hobert Physician. H 3 House Allan Planing Mill. L Kaufman J acob SIkr'S. K JJVj RosicU Daniel 8a4 AmesU. F Tailor. li 3)4 Campbell Peter C G. 8. G 'iiu Crnnston Alexander Haw Mill. H 3 Cranston Thomas G. 8. F 2)4 (llassfiird Thomaa Blacksmith. L 3'4 HaswinlJiilin Tavern. H 3'u Hebdeii John Carucnter. L I.oiighced David Cabluotwarc. L McCarthy James. . . .Grain <» Lumber. G ZVj McOillivray Bros Tins, &c. 1. 3)4 Milbourn WiUiam Grist Mill. K Murphy James Shoes. 1- 3)4 lai.soiiH .Jiihu Carpenter. H 3 Pcae(iek(ieo Wagons. L Peureii Henry Ins. Agent U 3 Holph&io Drugs. BcottJohuT Baddlcr. L 3)4 Tighe Tliomas Hotel. 1.. CALEDONIA, Haldlmand Co., Ont. (Seneca P. O.J Ash Branllla Confeo. L Ash James HotoL Avery * Hon G. H. A Wagons. K 3>a BallJames saw A PlasUir Mills. H 3 Brlerly H Butcher. 1, Brown W G.8. F 2)4 Buck A. c : Express Agent, &c. G 2)4 CallowhlU Wm Jeweler. L 3)4 Dlliabough K. II Physician. K 3)4 Dr'u'-i-eim-f Puliil> PhotogrR}-.h»- f ! "-■ DovleJohu Uro. * Prov. II 3 KlwocMlOeo Slioes. K 3)4 (Jaler Wm Oro., Llq. A It'ware. OarlamlN.AT G. 8. n E. D Dentist. L Ilaunlfln Mloliaol Baker. K 3)4 Harris George Furniture. H .3)4 Haves Tames Hotel. II 3 HeJidloThos Blacksmith. L 8)4 Hinds E.T Hotel. H 3 Howard John Shoes. K 3)4 HowanlM Saddler. L Hull Mrs. Henry SadcUei 3?4 Hull Mrs. J. W. A Son Saddler L Sy^ Kennedy Donald Oro. A Tailor. L 3)4 Knlpe .'Solomon Blacksmith. L 3)>i Lalng Mi's. Abraham G. 8. 3 Lamomls Misses Millinery. L Lawson A Smart Taihirs, Ac. K 3)4 Leach Joshua Slioe.i. L Lelsk John Bhicksmith. L 8)4 Leith Wm., Ir Tavern. H 3 Martineau Reuben Cooper. K 3)4 McBav Alexander Shoes. K B), McCafgowWm., sr Physician. O 2)s McDonald John Boots A Shoes. McKliiuou A Co Woolens. Mclxinum Wm Gro. MeMullin Mrs. Peter Gro., Ac. K 3)4 McQuarrie.Thorbum A Munro.. Grist MUl, Ac. E 2 Mitchell Nelson Painter, Ac L Mntchmore John Gro. Nash Robert Gro., Toys, Ac. L Old F. W Tins & Stoves. K 3)4 Olds Jaraes.Jr G. 8. L 3)4 Patterson Samuel Blacksmith. L Roper John. ...Gro., Books, Drugs, Ac. Ryan John Livery A llotol. H 3 SaulW. T Printer. K 3>4 ScultJohn ACo Foiindiy. Seldiui Richard Confeo. A Baker. Q 2)4 ShirraRobert G. 8. U 3 Shoots George Carriages. Stewart J ohu Lumber A Coal. 113 Sjmington \Vm....B'smltli A Wagons. K .3)4 Trotter James Hotel. H 3 TunibuU D. M Jeweler. I. Walker R.E Stoves. Tin, Ac. H 3 Walker Robert, sr Foundiy. H 3 WiggMlss Millinery. L 3)4 Wifier Reuben Furuiture. II 3)4 Wilson Alex O.S. If 3)4 WUson William Cabinetware A Undertaker. H 3 Young F. W Paluts, Oils, Ac. CALEDONIA SPRINGS, PretooU Co., Ont. Bntler Nicholas Tavern. L 3)4 Carrier H Tavern. K 3 O rand Hotel Co 3 Uochou Joel Hotel. K 3 CALTON, Elgin Co., Ont. McLsiUBhlln Duncan G. S. A P. M. L 3>4 CALUMET ISLE, Pontiao Co., Que. LalleurE. B. D O. fS. I*ttsJohn G. 8. K 3 OuoUotto A Barsalou 0.8. I, CALUMET RIVER, Argenteuil Co., Que. Labelle H Hotel. L Lanagau R.... G. 8. H 3 Walker Wm Mill. vj CAMBRAV, Victoria Co., Ont. ArcliorJohn Blacksmith. L 3)4 Austin James Shoos. L Berkley M.H MiUs. G 2)4 Calder Andrew Wagons. L 8)4 Clendlnnlng Edwin Tanner. L CUir Robert Hotel. U 3 CoataAmos Bricks. H 3 Dilllugham Sidney Saw Mill. K 3)4 Horn A. A Hon Woolen Mill. L 3)4 JarvlsThos G. s. L 3)4 Keith O.G O.S. Lyons Samuel Shoes. L LytloU. J Drugs A Gro. L McNeil Mrs. A Gro. L 3)4 MoBatt James Blacksmith. G 2)4 Held T. W Physician. L Rlcketts Asliton Shoes. L TompklusJohu Taveni. H 8 Webster Wm B'sinlth A Wagons. K 3)6 CAMBRIDGE, Ruiiell Co., Ont. Casselmau Martin Lumber. D 1)4 CAMDEN EAST, Addington Co., Ont. (Nee. Clark's Mlllt.) CAMERON, VIotoria Co., Ont. Bowles A Northcott Wagone. I, Brj-sou James O. a. H 3H Dewel Widow Tavern. L HarshawJohn Peddler. L 8)4 Walker James Weaver. L Well8too QUEBEC. GAB L an H 3 II n K .S!i K a*, K 2 K Hit, F '^^., J{ »!i, (» •2t<> K -.i^ K Hi, 1. 1. H » II » K ,H*A J^ SJ., H » H « K «S L 8!., 1. (i ■2\<, J^ H'i L 3!(, 11 3 1. 3W U I. L, 3)4 tl 3 li 21^ 1. 1. L 1. li 3!., K 3'^ K »)>, 1, L 3*4 () 2>^ J. 3>4 U 2!.l K K 3V^ X 3V, L, Mason T. A. 4 Bro o. 8. Ij 3>* McPlileJohnW Tins. I, MpiijlcsJamps Blacksmith. K 3)4 Vlckcrniau Daniel Wooluns. L WlieUgan Davlil Lumber. K 2 CAMPDEN, Lincoln Co., Ont. AllirlBht Daniel Shoes. Brciliin David Uaruess. t.oinfort Wm. A Physician. Fry E. N Wagons. Orotib Joseuh 1) o. 8. dk P. O. Ilagerman Daniel DlacksnittU. Moyer Israel W i'alnter. MoyerJ. H n. jj sroycr Tillman H PlanluK Mill. Simiison W. A Shoes. Zluunorninu Hotel. CANAPO BRIDGE, Ettm Co., Ont. Broker Tavern. L CANBORO' Haldimand Co., Ont. BalrlwlnacorKe Shoos. L Rlrilwil It. Jt K ((. s. u ^'i Blnlsall Win. H. M. . . Cheese Factory, t' 2)4 Crane Harnabas....Sawi6Urlsi Mills. F 2!o I'ark MfH. Mary oro L KohertH Charles Carpenter. L llozell Oeorffe filackamith. L SaunilurH ( lias Caipenter. L Shaver J. W o.a L Smith Fred'k Tavern. U 3!4 UviierJ. H Hotel. L CANOASVILLE, Lincoln Co., Ont. CuliiJolm M G.s. L Marsliall James uro L Wells Wm Putter. L 3)4 CANFIELD, Htldimand Co., Ont. C'outesJolm BlacksmlUi. K Sd Wlsworth Chas ..Blacksmith. I, 3)4 Hauoy John Kallrond Ties. U Lockie Nicholas o. 8. H McDiinahl James ..o. s. * Tavern. L Rwltzer Mrs. M. D o. s Walsh Fred'k UoteL I, Wlilttrlck Frcd'k Wagons. L CANIFTON, Haitingt Co., Ont. CanlfIA cJro. L Canllf John (ii^o Ij Cauiir Jonas Blacksmith. I., Falrmau lieuhon Tavern. L Morrten George Hotel. 1, Mul cttD. H Tanner. H Najyior Wm shoes. 1, Palmer L. & Son Blacksmiths. U Palmer WashlngUm uro I. Suthorlaml Alex Lumber Mills. D Welch J Tanner. CANNING, Oxford Co., Ont. Alklien Samuel o. m Bly Ih Chas Cariienter. L KlIchcM Daniel Woolen Mills. H I'UxfonlJohuH 0.8 l I'eorWm Orlst & Saw Mills! Robert Painter. H 3 Shier Joshua Shoes. L Sinclair A aro. G 2)4 Smith Joseph UoM. L 34 Smith W.O.* Co Gm). li SJfl Sproul John Contractor. L Taylor Angus Haniess. h Thompson A Bro Ins. Agontn. L a)i TwooyJohn Painter. K 3)4 X»"'r", '?"'"''"' • ■■ ■ Agent Ag'l Implts. I, 3)4 Walsh TI108. JI Tailor, h Whlteshle John Shoes. L W''""'',I"™1''> Butoher. K 3)4 Wilson HuKh D. u. & Gro. WixMlwaril Thomas Blacksmith. L 3)4 WyattAlfred Drugs. H 3 CANROBERT, Rouvillo Co., Quo. (See L'Ange Gardten.) CANTLEV, Ottawa Co., Que. Brown Robert g. S 11 3 Prudhomme Alex a. s! 3)4 CANTON, Durham Co., Ont. BroraellSamuel Blacksmith. L 3>4 IrvlneN J. ... Tavern. K 3)3 Irvine Wm. F oro. & p. M. Km. Jones Jo.seph MiUwright. H 3 Salter (i. « MlUer. (Seel'ortUoiie.) CAPE CHAT, Otipa Co., Que. Ijaniontagne Theodore g.s. K 2 CAPE COVE, Gatpe Co., Que. (fiet Anse ilu Cap. J CAPELTON MINES, Compton Co., Que. Moore J. A Co 0.8 L "we'-I G.S. K 3), CAPE RICH, Grey Co., Ont. Coupler Wm g. k. j, CAPLIN, Bonaventure Co., Que. CyrJos. J G.S. L 3!.i Duncan Archibald MoE Fish. Uarant Francois Carding & ,, „ , , SawMrils. H 3 McKaeJohn G. .S. K 3)4 CAP ROUGE, Queliec Co., Que. Bcdaid (!. Hotel. IC Cap Kouge I'ottcry Co (See also John Boss A Co., Quebec.) fcv.-rlll N orb.'rt BoathiiUder. K 1 rechett^i I^)uls Blacksmith. K llamel Michel B;llx Bhvcksmlth. II 2)3 Ijirlveo Fenllnand Blacksmith. I, 3)a Marchand Alfred U. 8. L 3)m Marcotte I.OU1S Flour Mills, Ac. H 2)i Matte Pierre shoes. L MorasJosiph Tanner. K 3*4 Morrlsette Charles Boarding •r _i ..... House A Shoes. L- Morrissette Isidore. ...Flour A Wheat. H 3 PaquetF. X g.s. RlcliarilGrogolro.. Tanner & Leather. H 3 Valuer Chas Confec. L 3)4 GARDEN, Victoria Co., Ont. (.See riclorta Hottfl Station.) CARDWELL, Peel Co., Ont. (■See Caldwell.) CARDWELL, Prince Edward Co., Ont. Orimmon A. E O. 8. L 3)4 CARILLON, Argenteuil Co., Que. Boyer Godfrey g.s L Brown Wm o. S. , . (See Point ITortune.) DoslnrdhisM Shoes. L ,3)4 DwyerM. ACo o. .S. L 3)4 KelyJohn Speculator. P 2)4 KollJ'T. P ....Hotel. II 8 Lalonde Pierre Baker K ,3'4 Murphy p. Broker. H ,3 Pallsser liobert Blacksmith. L 3)4 Ilochon AmUe Blacksmith. L 3« Sharman A. L Tailor. K 3 CARLETON, Bonaventure Co., Que. ArsonauN d. G. L 8» CireChas g.S. L 3)4 Cullen Charles Fish, Ao. O 3 CiUIen John Tannery A O. 8. DugasPierre g.S K 3 Ciingras Mrs. J. A U.S. K 3 LabellotsC. H o. 8. L 3)4 Leblanc F G S L Verge Joseph O. 8. A Bhi'ngies! ^ Verge Nelson Trader. \ CARLETON PLACE, Lanark Co., Ont. B««ItMrs Drcssmkr, L BellSamuel. Ins. Agent. L 8)3 Caldwell Boyd Steam Saw MUl. „ , , ,, ^„ (Sec Lanark.) Caldwell A Brown Grist MUL D 2 Campbell James Shoes, L S;'oa LoveJohn Gro L ' MacKeon Wm Oro.AD. G. L 3)* Mc.Vrthur A. A Son G.S. C ])4 MoDlannldWm g. 8. G 2)3 MclXuiahlA Brown Woolens. K 3 McEwenF Phya'n A Drugs. K 3 McEwen Mrs. J D. U. L 3)4 McEwon John Gro. L 3)4 McGulreT. C SiMldler. K .3)4 McKay Mrs Baker. 1, McLai'eu D Saw Mill. K 3 McIjirenP SawMlll. ]J 1 McNeoley Bryce Tanner. F 254 MnfTUttABro , , , .Hnuiw.-. r., M(iui^> Douuld Uro. K 3'^ Murphy James L 0.8. H 3 NeellnW '11-ador. P 2)3 NicholAbner 8aw MIU. K 3 Patterson WUliam Cabinetrakr. PedenA. R. (} Gro. I, ,3)4 PooloJameaU PabUsher. o 2)4 I; i I "'■ i : OAB OISrT-A.IlIO i^lSTD QUEBEC. OflD PrlceSamuel Uvery. 1, 3'a Hnbert«on Henry Turner. K 3)4 SlbbettA ftro. K 3 Sinclair Colin Tailor. U aHi Slackbouae C. O Dentist & Mmallwarea. L 3H Bteamfi JanicH Carriairea. K 3)4 St««le Alexander 'rtna. L 3'ii 8tewart& t'uile G. 8. Stnithers Patrick O. 8. * P. M. H 3 .Sumntjr James Qro., Ac. K 3 Sumner M. W D. U. K 3 HwlUer* Bro DruRg, <&o. K 3*4 Taylor William H'ware rf- Tins, (» 2)4 Warren':™ Gro. K 3 Warrfii James Blacksmltli. L 3H Weeks A Chamberlain Oro. I, 3Vj WiltonJos Tavern. Ij Shi Wllwm W G. S. A Phys'n. H 3 WjUeW. U Woolens. II 3 CARLINGFORD, Perth Co., Ont. BabbWm Blacksroitb. L S>4 DaTldsou John lintel. H 3 Dunlop Wm 0.8. li Hamilton Robert Shoes. !■ 3)4 Knott Wm Steam Qrlst Mill. H 3 CARLISLE, Middlesex Co., Oni. (SeefMkirk.) CARLISLE, Wenhworth Co., Ont Asbbcnr WiUtam Blacksmith. L 3)4 Campbell Wm Lumber. F 8)4 Carter D Physician. L Davidson J ames Tavern. H 3 Duffy Michael Farmer A Drover. U 2)4 FosterChas Blacksmith. 3)4 Oreen Freeman Lumber A Woolen HUls. a 2)4 KeullaMrs. It O.8. K 3>4 Millard D. K B'smith A Wasoos. K 3)^ Orr Rlcbanl Shoos. I. Wilsden John Shoes. L CARLOW, Huron Co., Ont. Donongh John A G. 8. O 2)4 Uu^vus WilUam BUcksmith. K 3)4 Martin Isaut: Tavern. L Scott It. B O. S. CARLSRUHE, Bruce Co., OnL BmderGeorge Shoes. L 3)4 Ooetz Albert Blacksmith. H 3 UrupuJobn Wairons. L 3)4 liObsfnger Lnnis Stills. Prlostiir Hcnrv Blacksmith. L Sclmitzler Peter Tavern. K 3)4 Schwau David Brewery. H 3 H«el)er Ernst CI. 8. K 3)4 Wand Lorenz Mason. L WelierXftvlor Wagons. L 3)4 Zittler Peter Cari>cnter. L 3)i CARLTON STATION, York Co., OnL (See Davenport P. o.t CARLUKE, Wentworih Co., Ont. GritmanJacob Blacksmith. L 3)4 llanly Tlios Blacksmith. L Somerville Adam.. .Grist A Saw Mills. H 3 Wilson WUllam I. 3)4 CAROUGE, Quebec Co., I)ue. (HM Cap Kouge.) CARP, Carleton Co., Ont. (See Huntley.) CARRONBROOK, Perth Co., Ont (See Itublln.) CARRVILLE, York Co., Ont CookW. ACo MIIU. L 3)4 MelllshWm O. 8. A Hotel. L 3)5 CARRYING PLACE, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Su Murray.) CARTHAGE, Perih Co., Ont Armstrong John Blacksmith. L 3)4 ijij.»-4;.j. jY _ Tiiii'jr. L 3)^ iilmaKaii Mrs. B Oro. A Tavern. L Melvip David Grist MUl. I, Patterson Alex Shoes. K 3)4 Schneider (Jluw G. 8. U 3 Uniuhart Thomas Tavern. K 8)4 Younger John Wagons. L CARTWRIGHT, Durham Co., Ont Ashton Samuel Saw MUl. (Seo Hampton.) Ashton Thomaa tlarnoss. 1. Ashtou Wm Carriaires. 1. BIckle John Miller. II Br}-au Edwanl Taveni. H Davis Joseph Shoes. H Dewart James Tavern. L FergusimHumuelT Saw Mill. O Fluke James Saw Mill. D Ford John G. s. I. Gray John W Physician. K Henry Kobert Blacksmith. L Henry Wm Blacksmith. L Hodgson J O. H. K Holmes Janu's Wagous. L Jeffrey Nirholas Shoes. It KerrlKan Uoliei-t Tailor. H Lattimer A Houcy Ag'l Implts. K Lattimor W. S Stationer. L Marlow W. T a.H. K May James Saddler. L Mcl 1)4 NTchol u. ............ ...... JSursery. il a" Niohol Joseph Nursery. G 2)4 Northmore Joseph Baker A Oro. O 2)4 PUTrty Miss M. 8. G. 8. L 3)4 IleUly A Blacksmith. L Walker George FaDUlngMUls. K 3)4 H 3 L 3)4 Ont I, h 3!a \, I. 3H i. 3'-> L K ■AM, F L L 2,'a 3)4 • L •A L .m-, 11 :i H 11 c L 3>4 K 3'.., K 3), K 3)s CATHCART, Brant Co., Ont Chrysler Wm. II Physician. K 8)s Hardy Mrs G. S. L llowey James Wagons. K 3)4 HowevS.C Cheese. L 3)4 Kennedy A P. M. A G. 8. L 3)4 Kneal lii'ward Shoes. L MulrlKWl Wm. 11 Blacksmith. L OiserOeorge Cooper. K 3)4 Bti'phenHou John O. S. H 3 VnnilerUp James A Charles Tavern. L 3H CAUQHNAWAOA, Laprairie Co., Que. BnmesJosopU Gro. L 3)4 Bruce James Gro. L Champagne Narclsse O. S. L DoblolsE Gro. K 3 Delorimler George G.S. L Jacques Thomas G. 8. H 8 WUUam Joseph G. 8. K 3 CAVAQNOL, Vaudreuil Co., Que. (See Hudton.) CAVANVILLE, Durham Co., Ont Bnllen Klchnnl Shoes. L 3)4 CalnC. C Grist Mill. H 3 Douglas Rober* Woolen Faotury. L 3)4 Hutchinson Robert Tavern. L Larmer Henry Wagons. L MoOUlJohuJ G.8. K 3)4 Newton James Tailor. L 1«4 Tinuey James Wagons. L 3)4 Ttaney Wm Blacksmith. L 3)4 \\ CAYUGA, Haldimand Co., Ont Balrd Alexander Tins. K 3)4 Baker Thomas Carpenter. L Baiter B. A E Grain. P 8)4 Baxter Benjamin Physichui. O 8)4 Baxter Jacob Physician. F 2)3 BelzuerJohu Cabluctmkr. K 3)4 Bowman BeiOamlu TaUor. L Camenm D Drugs. K ©a Campbell E.C PubUsher. L 3)4 Camubell J Boota A Shoes. L Clark George A G.S. Collins Mra HoteL L 3)4 Davis W. Albert. . . Flour, Feed A Gro. H ffij Douglass Matthew Tailor. L 3)4 Evans John A Joseph Foundry. L 3)4 FarreU John Tavern. L FrayMlSB MUllner. L 8)4 Gibbous J oscph Tailor. Gibson George A D. G. A Gro. H 3)4 GrautPeter Qto. O 8)4 Oratz Michael Fancy Goa BreuiJos Baker. L 3). K 3)4 WlllettS.T Flannel Mill. K 2 CHAMPLAIN, Champlain Co., Qiis. AngerZ Blacksmith. L 3)4 Ballly Philippe g. H. L Beaudoln Mrs 0.8. H 3'4 BrunelleE. O o.s. L DnbordE o. 8. Dnssault Daniel Wagons. L 3)4 GagnonN o. s. E iW Germain Htlalro Blacksmith. L CHANOOS, Petarboro' Co., OnL Knox Mrs O.S. K 3)4 Shaw Wm o. 8. O 3 CHAPEAU, Ponliao Co., Que. Barry John Tina. L Boucher F Hotel. L S>4 CahlllMary oro. K 3)4 Chapat Francola Shoes. L Cunningham John G. 8. (Bee Pembroke.) OrayW.L g. 8. L 3)4 CHAPMAN, Haslinga Co., OnL Chapman Alex D'smlth A P. M. Roblln Cheese Factory K 3)4 CHARING CROSS, Kent Co., OnL Cameron John. ...Temperance House. F '2'4 OlddousWm Saw Mill. L HamblyJolm Restaurant. H 3 Hunter John g. s. H 3)4 KnottGeo Blackwulth. L 3)a JawrleJas.A Woml, Ao. H 3 McEocbran Wm.. Wagons A B'amlth. L Smith Widow. . . . Temperance House. L 3)4 Tapenden W Shoes. L Walker Andrew Hotel. L Sh, White 8. C B'smlth A Wagons. L 3)4 WhIteStcphen lua. Agent, Ac. U 2 CHARLEMAGNE, L'Asiomplion Co., Qus. L'Aaaomption Liunber Co A Al Seguin (lUt Laderoute) G. 8. K 3 CHARLESBOURG, quebeo Co., Que. Bodard Isidore Gro. A Baker. L 3'4 Behuiger Pierre Blacksmith. L 3)4 BlnetJoseph Wagons. L 3)4 Charlie Jean Wugous. L 3)4 Cbartre Jeremle BUwksiuith. K 3)4 CloutlerJeon oro. L aC Grondin Joseph A Phyalolan. K 8)4 Jobln Fi'anools oro. li 3)a Legarre Narclsse Blackaniith. L Legarro Pierre o. 8. H 3 Legarre Pierre Oro., Ac. O 2)4 Nolon Cyrllle Blacksmith. K 3 PlamonilonJ Matches. H 3 Roy (Jeorgo lllacksmltli. L Tremblay Demers Wogims. K 3 TremblayO M111A0.8. K 3)4 Verrette Jacques Baker A Oro. K 3 CHARLESTON, Leeds Co., OnL DuffleldE Hotel. K 3)4 Green P. F 0n>. A P. M. K 3 CHARLESTON, Peal Co., OnL (CaUdon P. O.) Bell Thomas Grist A Saw Mills. IJoddsJ. L Hotel. H 3 Dynes John Blacksmith. « 2)4 Uarns Isaac, sr 0.8. F 2)4 Ilan-ls John O. 8. O "2)4 Keeler Joseph Wagons. L Lake J. W Harness. L MoFadden Duncan Physician. L Phillips Wm Agent Ag'l Implts. L KaybumJohn Wagons. L 3)4 SnilthS.W ...TTG.S. L 8!i Pt-Ht>l>n Wtrt Vrtr^flliitrx' Bitfjrewu. 15 5''a Vngan Joseph B'smlth A Hotel. U 3 Williams Isaac A Sons Pumps. CHARLESTON, Stanstud Co., Qu*. (Hi* Satt Hartt»y.) CHARLESVILLE, Durham Co., OnL (Set Jlaydon. I CHATEAUGUAY, ChatMuguay Co., Qua. Allai\l Joseph Gro. L CwilreD Baker. K 3 Cote Pierre Blacksmith. L uoniers Sallnie 0.8. K TM EUlottThos G. 8. F 2?i Jack A Co. 0.8. H '^S LabergeN.. Hotel. L I.arlylereJ. B Hhoes. L LcJubvreE Blacksmith. L r*febvTeThos 'rius L TrudeauR Blacksmith. L CHATEAU RICHER, Montmorenci Co., Qu*. Cote Felix Tanner. K 3H Dion Louis PediUer. K 8 Donon Leon u. 8. H 3 Garlepy Louis G. 8. H 2)4 Gravel Joseph 8 Cordwood. II 3 Grovel Ixiils N Physician. O 2)6 Ouay Alexis Wagouiukr. L sS Lo Francois P. C HoteL K s3 L'lleut..uxl^ui8 Cordwouil. K 3 PriuioutJos BUwksnilth. H 3 Slnmrd Etlenne O. 8. K 3 Troniblay Onezlme Blacksmith. L 3>4 Tremblay lllolioi-d MUL U 3 Vallluucuuit Juan l CHATHAM, Argantauil Co., Qua. ^ j (See Cuehing.) \/ CHATHAM, Kant Co.. OnL Adams Wm Oro. O M AgurK. A Co Lumber. .,,.„, „ (See Mar P.O.) AhUsSaleniG Lumber. O 2)4 Ai:»n George U Marble. L Allen Jas Weaver, L Allen Robeit Photographs. L Alienor & Turner Brewers. L 9)4 Anderson Le\i Cooper. K SA Andrew Arthur uro. H 3 Andrew Woi oro. L AndrewsPhtllp Ins. Agent, Ac. O 2)4 Armstrong Jas OU Peddler. K »s Arnold Oscar Ag'l Implts. L Baby F Im. Baby Wm Jewelry. F 3 Backus Stephen Saddler, h .3)4 Baker W. P Photographer. K 3)5 Ball Wm Staves A 'rius. G '2^ BarfootS Broker A P.M. F 3)! Barker Dawson Sowing Machines. L Baillam J. L Hanlwaro. L Bartlctt I^wls Builder. L Batchelor Wm Shoos. L Bates P Marble. U 3 Baxtcrllonry Mason. Baxter Jas., sr. . . Carpenter A Builder. O '.M BcaverChas Physician. O 2»6 Beuiiett John A Sons.... Blacksmiths. H 3 BonnuttThos Miller. Herard Mrs. Au.YUStus Hotel. L Berhorst Wm Tailor. L HimrosoM BUcksmlth. L 8)4 BogortA Builder. L Bowuu (i. 8 Oro. L Bowes J. M Oro. L BoyesT. AJ. P Ag'l tniplU. G 2)4 Brady Thos Cattle Dealer. E 3 Bray John I. Physlctan. L BreartyJ.8 Shoes. L Brenuan Bros oro. Bright J. (; Drugs. F 2)4 Brodlu Mrs. John L Gro. L 3)o Brooks Miss Jane Hairdresser. L Brown Brewer. H 3!4 Brown Thos Stona. H 8 Brown A. O. A Co Fruit A Coulee K 3)4 Brown Mrs. J. W oro. L Brown Mrs. Wm. or Jane... Conlec. A . , . Bakur. K 8)4 Buckle Oeorgo Hotel. O 'i^n BortH. C Drugs. L Burton W. B Gro. L Butler J.8 Photographer. L Sit Caldcr ABluIr D. o. Cameron D ConlwoiNl. L Campbell A. A Co Mills. P 2)4 Campbell 1). A (iro. L Campbell K Gro. H 3 Campbell Wm Fanning Mills, o 2Si Cam iib«'ll A Wrtgbt Morble. K 3^ C.'!in-.:-.nwr Miss Ml'lSn-r ?, Cecil Mrs. M. A Oro, L Cliairee A Cose Planing Mill, Ac. u '2)4 Cliarteils C. O Speculatur, Ac. E 2 Cheuulok Wm H otel. L Cloj'tou A. B Physlchui. L Coate Philiii 8 Soap A (Joudles. I, OED ONTARIO AND QUEBEC OHA CEDAR HILL, Ltnirk Co., Out LoweW.Jr Saw Mill. L CEDAR RAPIDS, Ottawa Co., Qua. MoCabe Jamea a . H. 3)4 CEDARS, Soulangat Co., Qua. BtasoDctte Kdriu Prod. K it Caason MelHHlppe Trader. H 3 HartublHe Meraphln Blackmnlth. L 3)i LalODile Antoine Prod. L HaroouxT 0.8. H Vi Pllon Cyprlen Oro. 1, Bear Jobn o. H. WaleraJohnB Tavom. O % CEDARVILLE, Gray Co., Oni. McLacblan J.T O 8. 11 :< RoKem 8ainael 8aw Mill. K 3M Bogeru Thomaa O. S. 4 Grist Mill. K 3)6 CENTRALIA, Huron Co., Ont Abbott Tboa O. 8. O S CalnJamoa Temperance Hnoae. L CotterellWm Hameaii. li 3)4 Fogarty TboB. P (1. s. L areeuwafWm Blacksmith. L 3'il MItobeUWm BlaokHroltb. II 3 MoffltWm Hotel. K 3!^ Robinson Cbarlea Hotel. L 3). K aH WlllettS.T Flannel Mill. E 2 CHAMPLAIN, Champlain Co., Qua. ^n«er Z Blacksmith, h 3)4 Ballly Philippe u. H. L Beaudolu Mrs a. 8. H 3'4 BruneUeE.O o.H. h DnbordE o. 8. Dassault Daniel Wagons. L 3<4 OagnonN o. s. E 2)4 aermaln Utlalre Blacksmith. L CHANDOS, Paterbaro' Co., Ont. KuoxMts Q.s. K 3J4 Bhaw Wm 0.8. O 3 CHAPEAU, Ponliae Co., Que. Barry John Tins. L Boucher F Hotel. I, 3W, CahlUMary oro. K 3)4 Chnput Francois Shoes. I.. Cunningham John o. s. (See Pembroke.) OrayW.L 0.8. L 3!4 CHAPMAN, Hastings Co., Ont. Chapman Alex B'smlth A P. M. Uoblln Cheese Factory K 3)4 CHARING CROSS, Kant Co., Ont. Cameron Jobn Temperance Mouse. F 2)4 OlddousWm Saw Mill. L HamblyJohn Kestaurant. H 3 Hunter Jobn 0.8. H 3)4 KnottOeo Bbicksmitb. L 3)0 IjkwrleJBS.A Wood.icH 3 McEacbranWm.. Wagons A B'smlth. !■ Smith Widow. . . . Temperance House. L 3)4 Tapenden W Shoes. L Walker Andrew Hotel. Ii 3)4 White 8. C B'smlth * Wagons. L 3)4 WhiteStcphen Ins. Agent, Ac. K 2 CHARLEMAQNC. L'Allnmnllon Co.. Q... CHARLESVILLE, Durham Co., Ont (Set JIaydon. I CHATEAUGUAY, Chataauguay Co., Qua. Allanl Joseph oro. L CcclreD Baker. K 8 Cote Pierre Blacksmith. I. boniers Sallnie 0.8. K Sit, EUlottTlioB 8. F M JackACo 0.8. H 2J9 f»i«';K*N ••■ HoteL L I.arlyiereJ. U shoes. L feJebvreE BUtcksmlth. I, r«fobvTeThos Tins L TrudeauR Bhwksmlth. L CHATEAU RICHER, Monlmorenoi Co., Qua. Cote Felix Tanner. K 3)4 Dion Louis PeiliUer. K 3 Dorion Leon u. a, u 3 Oartupy Louis o.S. H 2)4 UravelJoHephS Cordwood. U 3 GiavtllxmlH Jf Physiolau. U 2)* Uuay Alexis Wagouiukr. L sS Lo Francois P. C HoteL K sg L'l{eut.,ux Louis Cordwood. K 3 PriuioutJos Blacksmith. H 3 Hlniurd Etienno (1. 8. K 8 Tremblay Onezime Blacksmith. L 3Vi Treniblay ttlohai'd MuL u 3 Valllaucuuit Jean 1, CHATHAM, Argtntauil Co., Qua. ^ I (Set Cuthing.) V CHATHAM, Kant Co., Ont Adams Wm Oro. O TH AgurK. &Co Lumber. (See Mar P. O.) AldlsSalomU Lumber. O 3)4 AUsnUeorgeU Marble. L Allen Jas Weaver. L Allen Robert Photographs. L Alienor A Turner Brewers. L 3)4 Anderson Le\i Cooper. K Syi Andiiiw Arthur uro. H 3 Andruw Wm Oro. L AudrewsPhllip Ins. Agent, Ao. O 2)4 Armstixing Jas Oil Peddler. K Sii Arnold Oscar Ag'l Imults. L Baby F fjro. Baby Wm Jewelry. F 8 Backus Stephen Sigiddler. L .S)* Baker W. F Phot4)graplier. K 3)4 BallWm Stiivna .fr 'niia ri qw /-^ I? 1 ••; \ it k OHA ONTARIO A-ND QUEBEC. OHA ColopTlKM. H Hat«l. O 2)4 Coltart A Nellsou Cablnetware. H 3 Cmiier Robert Rk«. H 3 CoojierW Hotel. L K'a Coupeland W. U. 4 Courtney A Arnold Tonumrtiiioo House. CownnM re. Samuel MlUlucry. I. Cownena James J Sunp, Ac, I, Crartdook Wm Uullder. F 2>a Craii; Robert Weaver. I, CrolMH. <&Cu IJ. (1. H 3 Crump Friiiik Uliu'kamltli. L Cudmore Uictiarit Oro. L CUDulnghHm John Illacksmitli. t. Currier W BlackHmltli. 1, 3!a DalKamo Ja« 811 vcr iiluter. L Dalton Wm Wiiitoiin. L Davis John Btoven A Tin. F 2;a Davis uscar 8oap, *c. h nixou R Baker A C^onfoo. I, Oobbyn A Buchanan Publishers. DoMen a. J. P. <& Co Millinif. K SHi Dowiilo dfc Adam Hnrtlware. V 2(* Dutf Widow Butcher. K S.^i inmiasW. A uro. I, Dunklo.v James Turner, L S!4 EbertH Henry Prod. « 2!j Eliorts Mrs Uro. L 3)1 KUlottiSCo ; DruRs. (SeeTonmt*!.) EscottT.B oro. h XHtt«raon Liverv. K 3!a Hadley Sylvester HasheH,Ac. P 2)* Hall Alex Shoes. I, »'•, Halle R. J Ins. Agent I, Hansboro Levi Pe. A Llii. P 2)4 Hole Wm. A Son .Tailors. L Molilen Isaac Urist Mill. L Holmes James Books. H 3 Holmes Jas. A Painter. L HolmesM.AJ Grist Mill. U 3 Holmes Tccumsoh K Physician. F ■.".■ Hoon John A Oiugor Beer, Ac. O 2>a Hooper John Harness. L 3."a Horsfall Mrs MllUuery. L Howard A North wood Malt. K 2 HuliuO. B Mason A Builder. H 3 Ityslop Mrs. John Dressmkr. Jucksou Ephralm uro. 1. Jackson N. C Barber. L Jackson T. W Clothing, Ac. L 3)a JahnkeAlbert Fnrnituro. (* 3 .larvls A Harper Sewing M;u.ailues. K 3*4 Jollffe liobert Fnnilture. L 3*8 Jones Francis Barber. L 3)4 JonesJainesM Gunsmith. K a)a Jor.lun Klcliard Watchmkr. L J une IlobiTt Miifr. Cattle Food. H 3 KellerJacob Tins, L 3;s Kemp George E Musical Insta. L Kent i.ubiu uro. K S'U Kerr Hugh re James Broom Factory. Morris John Cisiper. Morrlsh .1 Books, Ac. Morrish W. H Fancy Goods, Ac. Morton Robert A Co Hanlware. Mounteer Gro. Murphy H.J PhyslcUin. Murray Nathaniel Shoes. Nlchol Thomas Gunsmith. Nissly M. L D. U. NurtiiwoiMl John SiKculator. North wood Joseph A Son . Lumber, Ao. North woo. Kanule Wm Shoes. ReadR. C Ag'llmplts. Reanlon M Painter. Reeve Jaiues Watches. Reeves Gtwrge Blacksmith. Reid J. It., Manager Clothing. Rice John D. O. A Broker. Richards Wm Baker. Kichardson Wm. AT Tailors. Rlchuumd James Confec. ]tia4 F 2)4 L K 3)4 Scotta.O Auction A Com'n. n 3*4 Scott J. A J. F D. O. F 3)4 SexsmlthO. H Carpenter. L SheaC Gro. L Shea D Tailor. L .Ts Shea P Shoes. L Shehlon W. D . .Livery. K 3)a Sl.reve Victor A Blacksmith. L aide Albert Shoes. K 3)4 HIevewrlght.'ohn P Pliyalelan. L Simmons chas Blacksmith. L 34 Singer Wm Uro. H 3 SmallJ.C Pumps i. Staves. H 3 Smith David (iro. O 2)4 Smith Isaac Mer. Tailor. O 2)4 Smith James M Tanner. L Smith R.O Banker, Ac. E 2 Smith T. A D. O. Smyth Henry Speculator. Su,bert -rins, Ac. L Miller Robert Shoes. L Morrow Allan Tavern. L Partridge John Blaokimttb. L OHA :ON'rA^RlO ANt) QtTiEBJaC. cfltt ra'n. O »* ). O. K a»S liter. L (Jn). L »tl(ir. L :t'» ioeii. L eery. K null. li 3).j iiier*. K »»/, ctHn. Jj iilth. li «H (In). H ;i AViSfi, 11 H {iro. O 2W, illor. U av, uier. I' J.O. a ator. Oro. F ■■i'T plt«. K »'•! Ag'l pita. H :i clan. I* net" .Ac. H ;< 3. H. F '-SH nltli. L , *c. 3. O. rl)cr. L «s Ickii. K 3^ Mill. D ■i lnn». K 'J (iro. II 8 Oro. L lOOfl. >p6r. L ,i£o. Q asu m*n. Ii .>(!., ters. L m. ture. L rbcr. 1. Oro. L Oro. D IV, MIU. D 3 uter. K »(4 1'8'n. 'anl. H » !lier. L Kont lilry. li Oro. L ). O. F 2** I'lllH. Ii Ot«l. II S pltK. Ji 3!» lu'n. Ii Sis Bhor. U iber. Va.) ,*o. F a'.^ illor. otel. F 2H }. O. nfec. K Ht« Mill. I, joal. L (ara. L HK>S. O •2V , Ac. F 2)4 ulth. Ii ulth. H 3 Ont. ?on8. I, rare. L jiler. 1) 2 'cni. lUnr. I, erA •. M. K «'<, Kent L , Ac. I, :.ur«. i. , *c. L nIMi. L liau. li a'l nigH. L :«« lol'H. Ii H*, aiioo nviv. L Cher. Ii a!« ) H. H .s rtiu. » I'lUK. I. loea. Ii .'i'., J. H. K as. .-orn. H « , Ac. IC «t4 lldbba iVitruu...arl8t A Carding MU1». Puifsley A Uftlley p. M. A O. h. o a!4 I'urklw)}! Blackuniith. L, UoHS Joaeph Cubinetuikr. (See Kaluhani Centre.) Sheik Geo Physician. K 3!4 Smyth Jamea Saw Mill. L Hteule Edward E Waffona. L Uriny George Tavern. L Wlderlck John ShoeH. L 3>4 CHEDDAR, Potarboro' Co., Ont. ItllchteH. E U.S. a 3 CHELSEA, Ottavn Co., Quo. church H. A o. B. H 3 UewarC'hat). A o. 8. H 3 Kmojid A HuteL L 3)4 MaxweU W. H Hotel. L McC'luaky M.Jr u. 8. h Moore Tboinaa Hotel. K 3 PreutlnsU.n O.8. K 3)4 CHELTENHAM, Pool Co., Ont. Uuchauan Wm Blacksmith. L 3'a Campbell John Shoes. L 3)3 C'heyne Mrs Oro. li Fiaaer Slinou Blaokamtth. L 3)4 Fraser Tliomaa B O. 8. UftluosO. A Bro Ortst Mill. Haines Ebeuezcr A Oo...Cabluetwam A8UWM11I. K 3)4 Hen. y William Tavem.Ac. O ast KeeBros Tanners. K 3,'.i liOvuUeorge o. 8. MeKlUop John Hotel. Ii 3)4 MoLeod John Sboea. L MercerT. L Saddler. K 3 Sauilerson Matthew Wagons, Ac. L 3!4 Wilkinson MatUiow C'ablnetinkr. Ii 3>4 CHEMIN ELGIN, L'ltlot Co., ()ue. Clioutnanl EUe Cordwoo« Caahll M shoca. L Comnaiis John Saw Mill. O 2!a Fritz Jacob.Jr Wagons. L Uiiitr Peter Brewer. K 3)4 Hauciser J oseph Wagons. L Hanleb Ijiwrence Hotel. H 3 M oNiib Michael G. 8. H 334 Hhulter .Michael Blacksmith. L H« GaiTatt Wm Furniture. hIm u g ^- " ^, urugs. L 3)4 Hill 11. B Wagons. L HusbandUeu Harness. K 3)4 Kelsu Thomas Oro. K 3*4 KlIbornT Ag'l Imnlts. H 3 LegsatB. AJ (i.». McAithiir Mrs Milliner. L McConnell John Gi-o. K 3)4 McDonald J. 8 Tavern. K 3)4 McOUvery A Carruthera Sash A „ , „ Door Factory. K 3)6 McLean D Coopt^r. L 3)1 McLeaiiT. D Watches.Ac. L McLeod c Shoes. L McNaughton iJ Shoes. L 3)4 Kaiuage James Butcher A Feed. H 3 Itainage A Veltch Grist Mill. H 3 RuheBros Woolens. L 3)4 Schroedor Martin o. 8. A Cablnetwaro. L Soott Ohas Tailor. L 3)4 Simpson A Hopper G. s. L 3)2 Smith. Elliott A Co. Sash A Door „ , Factory. H 3 8iie4 Casselman Chester G. 8. 1£ 3 Casselman R Harness. L 3)4 Coyne Catharine P 0.8. L 3)4 Donovan Ooii B'snilth A Oro. L Dwyer Francis Tailor. L 3)4 Kdgerton A Bro Carding Mill. H 3 EaiiottABro Bhicksmlths. L 3»4 FlsherJoseph Carriages. K 3 Flynn John Shoes. L Flynn Matthew Hotel. L aillosle Bros G. 8. I, 3W HarrlsimW Bhicksnilth. K 3>ij Hughes Patrick o. 8. K 3 Markjey John A Saw Mill. G 8 Maiiciey Samuel....... ■.'.■.■.Biaoksiji^th! L 3)4 McMalion James g. 8 MoailH. M 0.8. K 3)6 ghlrkeyOfio Leather. K ,3)4 Smith K. K. . . . .' Tanner A Shoes. L Smith James Boots A Shoes. L Stallnwyer James Hotel. K 8 Sutherhuid A. F Saw Mill. L WIneganlWm Rakes. K 3(4 Wlngardlaaoc D. G. K 3!ii CHEVALIER P. O., Eitsx Co., Ont. (Nte stonu fotnt.j CHEVIOT, Bruoo Co., Ont. McOlarj- Edward Miller. L CHICHESTER, Pontiao Co., Quo. ' PouiHiro W.J Mill, h CHICOPEE, Waterloo Co., OnL Gingrich A Weber W(K(l«n«. H 3 CHJCOUTIMI, Chicoutimi'Co., Quo. Beauchamp Louis EUe Physlctan. L 3)4 Blair KobeitC Physician. K SA Bolly John A Null A Co O. 8. Bolly Paschal II o. 8. BoUy Telesphore o. S. L S!4 Catelller L. N G. 8. H 2)4 DnfourJob Hotel. L Oagnon Joseph O. 8. H 3 (Mgnon Joseph Shoes. L UoudreauAbel Blacksmith. K 3 Guay John O. 8. K 2 llar\ey Andre Shoes. L JeanFrancols Tanner. H 8 Langnviu Jean Miller. K 3!4 liCnileux Edinard O. 8. licmlenz Eucher '. . . Blacksmith. O 2)4 Martel A Co o. 8. K 3 MartelT G. 8. L Martel Thomas Cartwright L Murin Israel Meixihant I, 3)4 Nugent H G.S. Ii OnelletteJnsto Agent. K 8)4 Price Bros Lumber, Ac. (See Quebec.) SavardE 0.8. K SH Talbot Pierre O. 8. H 2)4 Tessler A PeUt 0.8. Touslgnant G. D .G. 8. I, 3>4 Tremblay Neron G. 8. F 2)4 TrembUiy Mrs. Ovldo G.S. K 8 Warren Wn' Machinist. L Sii CHIEN BLANC, Qaspa Co., Quo. Prevllle Geo Fish A Store. (See Point St. Peter.) CHIPPAWA, Wolland Co., Ont. Abi-abam W. H. A Son... Wagons, Ac L Aberdeen Dr. Robert Drugs. O 2)4 BoxHenryABan..O.G.,Oro. AShoes. K 3)4 Carter John , Blacksmith. Ac. O 2)4 ■ Davldsim Thomas Bash Factory. K 3M Flommerfelt William Hotel. Q 2)4 GavUler Edwin A Physician. G SBu' OUmour William Blacksmith. L Gortlon Mrs Gro. L Greeuwooil Wm Shoes. L Herber H Q. 8. K »4 HerboldA BakerAGTO. H 3 HlggtnsMrs. John Gro. L IvesAUred oro. 8 Kelst«r Mrs. Louisa Gro. KlppJohn Shoes. L .3)4 liOgan Robert Gro. A Carpenter. L 3)4 Macklom J. 8 Oro. A P. M. H 8 MacklemJas. F Tannery. O 1 Mater Michael Oil Dealer. H 3 McKeniio Jos. ASon Cablnctware. L S}4 Petei-s Ernest Cabluetmkr. II 3 Pierce Isnu>l Tina. L Sohaclit Christian Painter. L 3)4 Schanbull John Tavern. Schumacher Theodore Cigars. L Speck Jacob Tavern. H 8 Tench W. E Lumber, Ac. Vlnldle Henry Shoes. Ij 3H CHISELHURST, Huron Co., Ont. MoTaggart Nelson O. S. A P. O. H 3)4 CHISHOLM'S RAPIDS, Hastings Co., Ont. Bunco Edward Foundry. L Ketchle Joseph Tavern. L Morgan Daniel Grist A Saw Mills. F 3J4 CHRISTINA, Middloiox Co., Ont. Feuwick Jonn Saw Mill. L MoKenzle John G. 8. L CHURCHILL, Simooo Co., Ont. OreggWIrtow Tavern. L 3)o Ileplnstall Robert Shoes. L I It*' \ OHtT ONT^mO A^ISTD Qtr:EBi5c. on Klriiintrick John BlMlumlth. L 3H Lui:uii JuIlD 8 o. M. o aj* liUncl Rtohara Fhrrilclan. L H,'; HlMuiUeury Wa««nii4 Hyman Mra. Ell ori). K :\\i, Ilymau Ell PMldler. K SMi Juyctxft Hon BlacksmUhs. L Karuey Jusupli Taveni. 11 3 L«Uy Kilwanl HIioeK. L Haditen R Carpenter 6 McUiioldJ. F Onrdfiior. H 3 Pointer Jas. K.<& Rlolianl....Taiiucra, U 3 CHUTE AU BLONDEAU, ProieoH Co., On«. Oroiilx.T. B Hotel. 1. Klrby A Wyiiian Stages. K 3 McAllattr Jainea O. 8. H 3 Tiircutte Mark O. 8. dt Hotel. I. VUleneuve W Hotel. K 3H CLACHAN, Elgin Co., Onl MoColl Dnncan.. Pumps, B'smlth, dto. L iM CLAIRVILLE, York Co., Onl. (m* Humher.) CLANOEBOVE, Middloiox Co., Ont. (8m Irelaml.) CLAREMONT, Ontario Co., Ont. Barry John Saw Mill, Ac. F 2^ Bundy George "...Cablneiware. I. BuuilyJoHliua Stoves & Tin. H 3 Chillis (Jeorffe Blacksmith. L Coop«r Janit'u Tavern. H 3 Ueruslia Edward Hotel. H 3 Digby Junii-s A Son SadiUors. K 3'i, Uowseli A Palmer Wagons. H 3 Forsyth ElUw Jlotel. L Oeniw Oeorge Puiups. Ac. H 3 HeuderMiu A Farmer Shoes. K 3>s Hopkins Thus Butcher. I^ Hopper Uobert P o. 8. K 3!4 HortopThos Blacksmith. O •i}i Johustonu Thomas Tailor. K 3hi MacnabJ.«l> O.8. K 3 MUue Wui Phvs'n & Dnigs. H 3 Morgan Alex Wagons & B'smlth. U iU Palmer John Shoes. L 3)« Palmer ,& Keith Hhoes. H 3 Patei-son Jauies Cablnetwarc, Ac. L 3!4 Patterson John Canieuter. I. 3)a Pilkle Edward Haw Mill. Kumolir Peter Butcher. K 3'4 Kassell Wm...Orlst A Oatmeal Mills. L Taylor Alex Shoes. I, TlH>mp8. A (». H. L Thlvierge A Hotel. L 3'A TytlerJohn Agent. K 3 CLARENCEVILLE, Mistitquoi Co., Que. Derby C. A Co O. 8. O 3 Derick A. H O. 8. H 2M DerickF. U Tina. H 2;* DupulsJ. J. B Phvslcian. K 3H Evans Myron Bhjcksmith. K 3 HlllkcrA. 8 U.S. K 3 Martin P.C Hotel. H 3 McFeeAlliert Harness. K 3!* Noel Emery A Wheelwright. K 3'm Sails Misses Milliners. L Sails Seymour Agent I^ 3*6 SawvorC.H Tl.S. K. 3 Wiitfhi Kobeit o. -t. i£ a CLARENDON, Pontiao Co., ^ue. Armltage W Shoes. L Armstrong B.B ..O. 8. Hobb Hugh O. 8. ^ HiNlglnsK O.8. K sa HotlgtnsJaa Trader A Hill. L Ijuig Humphrey o. 8. H 3 Mon Isim C. H Temperance Hotel. Shaw Jami'S, Estate of 11. S. F 2!^ SomervUle Thoa Lumber A Sleighs. L Waiuman John BUcksiiiith. I. CLAREVIEW, Addington Co., Onl. McDonald Robert T Urist Mill. O 3H CLARINA, Shsfford Co., Qua. Qimux Nazaire Lumber. CLARKSBURG, Or«y Co., Onl. (See alto Thombury.) Bark Edward Wagons. L 3}4 Crozlcrdi'o Shoes. L Uumming David N Saw Mill. F 3J4 Fraat^Uugh Weaver. L 3)4 Hamilton Robert U. 8. U 3 Hartnian C. VV Dnigs, Ac. H 3 Hazard Francis Hotel. L HuutR. H Pbysichui. K 3)4 Huj\tcrSV Gro. A P.M. K 3 Johnstone Wm Gro. L 3)4 Keast Thomas Blacksmith. L 3)i Kelly B. O Tins. L .S)* LoucksThos BUcksmltlu L 3)5 LyneHenryACo G. 8. F 3)4 AlcCauslood John Wagons. L MuClellaud Moses Woolen Mill. L 3^ MoKenzleABro Foundry. K 3)4 Moore Wm i.a. MullerJohnU Tavern. U 3 Pye Charles Tailor. L 3)4 Howe Peter Tavern. I. TysouABro Flour Mill, Ac. 3 VeltchJohn Sartdler. L 3)4 Walters Wm. A Sons.... Saw Mill, Ac. H 3)4 CLARK'S MILLS, Addington Co., Onl (Or Catndm EmU) Benu Clias Blacksmith. L Brown A skinner Wagons. K 3)4 Cook Thomas Hotel. L Duncan, Hugh A Co O. 8. K 3)4 Oreenway Samuel Tins. L 3)3 Hayden A Hyau o. 8. E 2 Hluch Edward G. 8. H 3 H4 1. I. I. P av, (i 3 H 3 L F 2H 1. I. H 3 H 3 L F 2^ H 3 H 3 H 3 r, I. Cantn UavUI Carllue ('has Carson Mrs. Sarah.. .Biacksuiitli. L U.S. WaKona. K 35* .Gro. A Prov. K 3H Shoes. L 3% ...Gro. H 3 Coates William o.S P 2)4 ColeChas..... Hotel. II 3!^ Combe Jas. H Di-uks. H-3 Cooper A Mo Kenzlo Lumber. K 3W Cooiwr w. H.,jr Marble. L CorbettE Carding. K 3>4 Crawford c Organs, Ac. L Crich W. B. A Co.. Spring Mattresses. I, Crulckshauk Charles shoos. L CunnioRhum Chas Oystei-s, , , , . Tobacco, Ac. I, Cunningham John oro. H 3 DavlsAPay.. Hanlwure. o 2ih Davis Silas Tins, Ac. paymond John Butcher. L Dell George Cahluetware. 1, 3)4 Dickinson David Cooper. K 3)4 Diugroau A Humble.. .StaUounra.tto. DoanABi-own Tanners. H 3)9 Doherty W. A Co Organs, Ac. H a4 Dowsley J. W Pliy»lelan. K sS Erwlu A Scaudritt G r»., Plonr A r... , Peeil. H 3 Fair James Miller. K 2 Ferguson James Pnniim. L 3;P"onVV.H Fancy (iuods! K 3)4 g'n|t[' Janies TaUor. H 3 SmiUiJohn.. Tailor. H 8 Snooper Charles Drover. U 2I4 StanburyThos Grain AGm. F 2« Stevens H.u Harness. L SUneuson Thomas Cabliietmkr. G 2)4 g'?"?'t««"-«e Ag'Umplts. L Stralth P. A Son Brooms. L Swartz; George Hotel. H 3 Taylor Wm BooUAShoes. K 3)4 Teusiey James Butcher. L Tliompsnn A Boles oro. G 3 TlpUnThos BlacksmitlL L Twitchell James Saddler ft Shoes. H 8 Wade Bros Photogmphora. K 8)4 WalkerHenryR CkiveoUsT. K 3)4 JK«W* *^»: Drugs. L 3)4 JJ^H"®?,'-^ DentUt L WlsonP.C Drugs. L Wt^'iuftD Bros Bi-okere. K 3)4 Worthlngtou A... Pliyslclan. L Wright O.H. 4 Co D. G. A Gro. H 8 CLINTON FRONTIER, Clinton Co., N. V. estt United Statet SteoriU.) CLOVER HILL, Simoo* Co., Onl. Banting Thos. M G. 8. '' 3)4 Stephens John Blacksmith. K 3)s CLOYNE, Addinglon Co., OnL Bishop Richard g. 8. L Bosely Priincis U.S.* Hotel. K 3)4 Clarke Blbbous o. S. L 3)6 Dayton Wm G. 8 L ^ Keuyon Chas. Mod a. 8. O 2)4 Wlckwlre A. P Tavern. L ^ CLUNA8, Elgin Co., Ont (SetBprinafteld.) CLYDE, Wantworth Co., Onl. CameronJamca Blacksmith. H 3 Nieliol A. R , G. S. COATICOOK, Stanttoad Co., Quo. AdnmsA.P OS Baldwin Chaa. F Palnfs. L guylD.. Shoes. L Brooks John Blacksmith. L BullockASon as 3)4 Cleveland Samuel SlieouUtor. Coatlcook Knitting Co d 3 Coatloook Manufacturing Co. . . Plated- _ , . , ware. Cormier A. J shoes. L Cummlugs A. H Bashes A Doors. L CutUiigA. H.. o.S. a 3 Damon Benjamin Physician. K 3)4 DayisStephen Hotel. H 3 DnbiilsJ.B 0.8 Ktiirartis K. Vv Carnages. K 3 foJiA. K Tt.». o 3)4 HannnnA Harness. L Hogron Joseph Blaoksmlth. 1, Humphrey 8. B Hewing Machines, L Ivest...... Physician. H 3 IvesAHall "..Tina. H 3 8)4 3!» Jasmin J. Pumltnre. gwi'jr O. A Tins. L 3)4 Kennedy(3.W Tins. L SjJ Kennedy John Blacksmith. L I'Smonteux M. H. C o.S (Bee Montreal.) LemlouxG Hotel Ix>vell H. ft Bona ProiL R 3 J/'R*"*-"- ? ii- ■ i- Marble. L McDonoagh Mra. B O. H. L 3)4 MoKeoOeo. W Shoe.. ^ Moore Wm Cablnetmkr. L Moss Andrew Tailor L MoultoD ft Wilson Doors ft .r T»*r» MllUnef: 1, 3)4 KeldJoshua TaUor. L RIvardOeo Baker. K 8)4 Robinson G. 8. ft Co Dnigs.Ac. K 8 Koy— - •■■ llotei. L 2f*!Sr.£-^ 1; Oro. Al'ro.1. 11 .3)4 Bhurtliffft Knapp Furniture. L sS sleeper 4 Aokhurat Machinists. H 3 Sleeper I*wla MlUowner. O 3 Tapllu Johnaon Undertaker U 3 ThonuMN.W G 8 U 3 Trenholm B. O. 4 Co Grist MIIL Trihey Mra.. Hotel. L 8)4 Webster W. c 0.8. COBDEN, Renftww Co., Ont Crawford Mrs Tavern Delaliey John 0.8 Marshall Jolin o a' Murraya 4 Tufl^ n\ n\ (Siee T. 4 W. Murray, Pembroke.) RoMJohn Shoes. K 3)4 I COBOCONK, Vietoria Co., Ont U (8t4 SluMm p. 0.1 COBOURQ, Northamborland Co., Ont Alexander J. W Hotel. L Alexander Wni Hotel. L Andrews Matthew uro H ArUngton Hotel Co BallTliomas Shoe*. H Barruger P. D Gro.. Ac. L BatteflThomiw '^ q BatteU Wm Carpenter, a BeattyJohn Veterinary Surgeon. L Beebe Frederick Books 4 Stat'y. L Bensono.o Music. L Beyan T. O Innkeeper. K 3)4 BolsterT..... HamSss. K .3)4 uxnhanaii Wm. Gro H 3 gn™«Ji U*vl 5g 8 3i4 ri'M. juuu Shoes. L Oillanl Herbert Painter. L OUlbard John Liquors. OoodeveO. M Agent L OonUin Uagh.jr .Oro! L Oowana Alexander CMiliietnikr. K Graham 0.480D t.aboes. L 3)4 3)4 3)4 li' COB OlSTT^RIO JlNT) QUEBEC. COL t^ 1: ^^^^^H ' Hpi 1 » t ^^H 1 fi-; ^^H ' v\ H' 'i ^^Bi ";i HHI ,'1 ^■1 ,!■ r Graham Wm. & Bro D. O. Ginlvo it JuiuiesuD Plumbera . G. HtiniUM'Huii Mrd Fancy QdiHU. H*ihiU'r«ou Wra BulhliM-. Howson & Sons U. G. H iKgiiis Wm. <& Co Shoes. H HI Wm Shoes. Wm Pork. Holiart M. T CaUlnetiiikr. UuUuan & Black Gents' Funi'g, die. Holmes Mrs. A Conl & Wouil. Hooey Mrs. tfe Son Oro. & Lhi. Hough H "World.'' HouHO Franklin Broker. Jackson John Cabinetmkr. Jaciiues WUUani Hotel. Jellrey John Hard ware. Jewell Thunius Q 8oda Water. Kealey Dennis tiro. Kelly J. A Hotel. Kennedy A. M Boots & Shoes. Kennedy B. L. D shoes. Kennedy John Drugs. Kershaw Thomas Oro., dto. Kobold lAsuKtld Butcher. Idiiie Hhilii» Wagons. Lane s. W Shoes. Lawes Charles Photo. A Pictures. Magulre John Wagons. Marmora Iron Ml-ilngCo Martin J.J Stoves A H'ware. Mct'allum P. & Sous. ..Tailors & D. G. McUougallA Ludgate Lumber. (See Petorboro'.) McDougall Robert Fndg., Coal A Lumber. Mcln ty re John D. G. McKeel.nie C. W Brewer. McNaugliton Thos Money Lender. Meehan F. F Saddler. Mlnaker iS Bro u. o. Morrow Thomas Saddler ks. Tutl Geo HoiitbnlhlHr. rMitiiitii i John oro, Walillc .1 olin Conteo. Wall W Tailor. Waters George Phvsleluu. Weatherlngt4m K orlst Mill. Wollor Mrs. ...» Faucy OouUg, Ac. H .3)4 H .3 G 2\<, 1, H H H H G •^v, F '.!'., K «'T 1, L 3t* o •-iV F M F •^(•^ L M'<, H H H a P 2>4 K «s F ,H G '■i^i K •l\^ i. F •i^ f ■i^t 1. 1. 1. I. L L «>i II H G 'i'A 1. 1. L K :j'2 D IVj K as H :< H H 1. I. F •i'<\ (i H'1 1) •i 1. o » T, G 'iy> I. 1, H L I. aii 1. H a O ■2H 1. K »!'. L a*., II a H a 1. K L a'i 1, L IT a 11 a G •iV, II a \, F •j*i L ■A'I, Jl a li a L 1. II a 1. \, G a'i I. (» 'i\ds. H a Young Mrs Hotel. H 3 CnoRINGTON, Northumberland Co., Ont. Bai. lit Stephen Painter. II 3 Kdgeccmibe James Blacksndth. L a'a Heatiui Lyman Wagons. L Hiu KlrkJohn Gm., Ac. L a'j Marsh N Blacksmith. L Martin Thomas Wagons. L MoArtliurW. H Gro., Ac. L COLBECK, Wellington Co., Ont. Colbeck Edwanl P. M. A O. S. K 3)4 COLBi^.lNE, Norfolk Co., Ont. L (Near Htmcoe. ) ICartiD John E Oro. L V COLBORNE, Northumberland Co., Ont. Bailey A Casey Ore. L Bailey L.C G. 8. lloyce Stephen A Cattle A Cheese. P 3)4 BrIntnellS. S Clieese. II 3 Bywater H. K Jewelry, Ac. Cuuipbell John o. S. L Campbell A MUos Coal, Grain, Ac. G 2h) Chapiu Otis A Cablnetware. II 3 Chapnniu John H Wagons. H 3 Coon William SawMlll. L 3!4 Coinwell Vincent O 'I'ailor. L 3)4 Coulson Joseph Orlst Mill. L Coxall Wm H'ware, Oro., Ac. Donnelly Uenuls Liquors. L 3M Drury Charles E Grist Mill. K 3'a Dudley A. W Nursery. L Easton W. D Agent. I. Kiphiek Oeorge Mason. L Errlugtou W., Agent... UncU^rtaker A Wagons. L Fowler It Furs A Pottery. K 3'4 Fuller J. K Speculator. O 2)5 German J. S Hotel. L Oenuau M. It. li Co D. O. Oonlon O. N Tins, Ao. II 3 Gould Edwin Bees. Ac. L GrllHsW. c Drugs. L 3)4 Harrlngfnn J. W 1). G. K Hart Letitia Hotel. L Hawkins Geo. H Shoes. L Hawkins W. A Shoes. H 3 HinmauG. P Veterinary Surgeon. L HuyckS O. S. A HarnesM ]£ 3 Insley W. D Huilikr, L 3)4 j. i-es w. H CanH'-nter. L Keyes George Piluter. H 3 King Adam Bakery A Gro. G a)* Lc -.ko E. W. A Son Bakery A Crockery. L 3)4 Loveless H Tailor. L Males Clias. H Blacksmith. L .8)4 MalesJ BhickHmith. K S), Shannon lllchartl TiUlor. K .H'l, Shannon Wm Gro., Ac. L sliMin.iiis II. I,,.. Hullder. 10 9 smediey 11 contractor. L snider Bros Hotel. L Snider W. II -.Ins, Ac. L Stewart Andrew lllui kniuith. K a'j ThiulMiru lliclmril Plivsiclan. L 3) Shoes, U s' !!e.-.t UsiKi. A Co Clothle. ■-• I), o. K ;r.j BIriilo Tiles. (;.. Caii'entor. L .Shi BlmintMlssT Millinery. L aSi lllueJ. AA Hotel. K 3)» lioweu M.T Oro., Ac. L Bie ,naii Mlciioel On). K 3)4 Brougbam Uvurgo Uunieu. L 3)4 OOL COL ONTu^niO J^NT> QUEBEC, CON Trees. I- A Gro. I. smith. li ulaU)r. l> 2 . 0. 8. U ■i^ 3)4 n a I. (4 « L, «Vi G il^ 1. r. L .if4 i. a^ K ;l!* i, (i •^1^ L 3*4 I. K »!« F 2!., J- 3H U. a't K 3H, L 1, 11 3 2)4 S>4 3>« 1 Brown MlsH M. M StJitlonery.&c. I, Brown ManniDK C'lirilaci's. K Brown Nell .Piiljllsfier. h BiDwn Thoa. A. r WUIlam Cooper, &c, I, FramoW.j o. g o Fiver William Builder. I, Fy 'e J. M. & f 'o Stoves & Tins. K Georgian Buy Lumber Co (See Waubaushlne.) Oeorglan Bay IVansnortatlon Co. ( UDdt«d) I) Gll)aon Allan Gro, Ji Prov. K Glllwm Hiram Saw Mill. Gn™-es .roseiih Drugs. K Hamilton Uobert PUusterer. I, Heltman Henry Gro. * serala. L Henderson Jciathan Hai-dware. (See liarrle.) Henry James Tailor I, Hogg John Ins. Agent, Ae. L ""KK W. A PubllHlior. L HolttThoH Shoes. L Holiiiau, Wattii ife Co Bollernikrs. Howard Patrick Shoes. I, Hunter A Henderson Gro. L Hunter* McDonald (iio. JameMjoalnli Pumps. L Kauady a. C. ACo Lumber. ,_, . . (SeoTiiroiito.) Kirk Kobcrt... Mills . G I, O'Uilen ii. W (In, j, Oliphant A Co Dings. „i . , ^ . !•'**'" ^- "• Steiihens.) Olmstead A AppleUm...Sasli I, Ough.liicob Marble. 14 i;"""'-' ,1'; Tills. I, Patton.iiiH Aiiettimeer, Ac. L Peter ( liarles ins. Agent. L PeUunnui Daniel sash KacUiiv. I, ihi ...Huckster. L Jewelry. K Harness. L G.S. O . Auctioneer. Pomphrey J. L I*ort Andituv.. I'ort I). W Hllev.l. P llolillii J. s 1' ■ on D lto«e A Swick Itowlaml John. Sanderson K. A Painter. L FlHh. 1, Fish .\gent. Ii Kxpreas Agent, Ac. H lllackHinllh. L Piildisher. K lliitehei^. L Hotel. G . Gunsmith. L 3!j Smith Mrs. George Hiicksteiy. Smith James H Coiifoe.. Au. r-mitn rrrcr fi,„|,i Water. Solommi .M. J Hal. Gi»«|s. Seiiieii A.K Phvsiciaii. btepluins Charles A Co... Oru., D. G. A Prov Storey Miss M. A shoes, Uwoiu Wiu. z.'4 .Fruit, Ac. K S.'ii m Sykes Uoyal Blacksmith. O IVIterBi-os Bakers. K Thompsim James C Blaeksmlth. L Tobey, Warren A Co Leather. (See slmw Bros. A Casslls, Montival.) ToihlJohu Wagons. K Toner W. T Lumber A Coal. L Tiott II. F CabliietinUr. (J Watts William noatbullder. I. Weiisley W. II Painter. K Whitney A Cockerllno Hotel. L \/lnt«r laaluh Tavern L Wilght Joliii A Bi-o....Whol. Liquors. L COLLIN'S BAY, Frontenao Co., Ont. Jacnuith li. J CaiTlages. LoBleJos (,• s K S Marsh Geo. Taveni. L ;!« McGulu Anthony Grist MUl. F 2)s COLPOYS BAY, Bruce Co., Ont. Bell W. D G.S. L 3'ii Hhackleton John Tavern '4 G. s. Wood John Grist A Saw Mills. I, COLUMBIA, Peel Co., Ont. (See Coventry 1\ o.) COLUMBUS, Ontario Co., Ont. Aliens Cliarles A Miller. H Beall A llio I) H H Bowcnnan W. D Cawllng Mill. H Hi-lght,lolin Wagons. K Brown UH im,. A(.-ent. H BrycB, MeMurrlcb A Co Woolens, G. S., Ac. ,, . ... , (See Toronto.) Burton Meiiolas Harness. L poulit Wm Blacksmith. L Dunent, William Wiigons. L I* Idler Isaac Shoes I, Gasklii .^tatthow Blacksmith. II Goodman James. ...Saw A Grist Mills. U GoyneJanies.. Bliieksinltli. L Haw kins Jos... Agent Musical Inst.s. T, Hodgson llobert Tavern. F Hngoo Stephen Tailor. K Joynt.Iidiu Asliery. L LyIeChas Wagons. L Nancekivoll Edwin Mason. H Purvis Wm us J, Skurrnh Chna Cisiper! K Smallaconilie James Painter. K Way John 11 Vessels, Ac. L ^4 1^ COMBER, Eeiex Co., Onl. AInsley (ieo. A.Son Lumber. I! Allan ,(i l.iidlum Shingle Mill. K 3!* ;;"ii-a:.'x Hhoes. L Cazan.lohn Hot.d. H 3 Courmr Aiiitiistus Blacksmith. K SH D;inslei' Wm Shoes. L Klllidt .Mi-s. Geo G.S. K HarmerWm Hotel. II 3 Hoiiae A. 11 Blacksmith. L 3,'4 HimhesM. J liiig 1, Hull Joseph Harness. L Lud am Aitliur Lumber. I. •'"'llam Henry Blacksmith. K 3 McAlllnter Duncan o. s. Wail Ah'\ Ulaeksmltli. L tthatkyJas. A Edward. ...oil.-d Mill. H 3 COMBERMERE, Renfrew Co., Ont. Adrian David Ulacksmlth. L I'liiuieiS Shoes. 1, 3'.j Hlznir Will. P I'allor. L Hudson Mrs Hotel L liigllsJohii ii„h! L 3'.j Joliii.stoii Daniel U.S. .Moiiltou Tlios . G. s. L I'old.l Cnnllng Mill. L S'l".''," '■ lllaeksmllh. Waddlngtou William G. s. G 3 COMET P. O., Easex Co., On», GravllUi Thomas a, 8. L COMMANDA CREEK, Mutkok* Did., Ont. Cai r — Haw Mill. Fiver Win. W u. .s. L Parks Wm u. s. Wood Thuuios G. M. h Wiiujit A, A. A li!*" G.S. L COMO, Voudreuil Co., Que. Hodgson John G, s,, Ac. O 2)4 Legler idlt I'arlseau) A Itutcher. L MalliitloGiilllaumo G. s. H 2)4 iUmleuu Luuls Caipuutvr, K 3)4 .Q le. . L H 3 . K 3KI . L . G 3 . K 3M . H 25/, . L 3). . Iv 3).-, . Ii L Wi K ;i L K 3)4 K 3 K 3f4 H His K 314 K 3 K 3 L 3)4 L 3)4 COMPTON CENTRE, Complon Co. Colby A Hotel, Compton Union Trailing Co Deniers M Whoolwrtght. Dridet N TaUor. FarwellF Carriages. I'ling Mrs. Hannah.... Money Lenden Gentilly Moses Slioos. GiiUbertT G. S King 11 A. D Phj'sician. Larue Thomas Ph vsUlau. Lpugee .Soiuuel Carpenter. Montour Joseph Shoes. Miinro W. II Tins. Paige Warren Blacksmll h. Palardy K Blacksmith. llae Charles Carpenter. llaoO. P :. G. S. Uauilall .Stephen o. 8. Uenaud Charles Tanner. Uodrlque Louis HoKd. Boss Seth W Blacksmith. HiiggK Phj-sloian. St. Laurent J. B. M .. G.S. Sanltry Daniel Carpenter. ShurtllJfJoel Agent. WlllettoL Saddler. CONBOYVILLE, Brant Co., Ont. Ai-rellS G.S. L 3)4 CONCORD, York Co., Ont. ChallonerH Gro. J, Cherry Abner Hotel. O 2)4 Loekhart James Wagons. L 3>» MclOlroy Hemy .G.S. H S White Henry Blacksmith. L 8)4 CONESTOGO, Waterloo Co., Ont. Bergman AnRiist Blacksmith. K .1)4 BowmauK.F Wagcuia. L 3*4 Bowman Noah S G. S. O 2)4 ClemmerJohn Shoos. K 3)4 Cole Wm Wagons. L 8)4 Dochcr Philip Carpenter, Gro.. Ac. G llUs Joseph Tailor. L GiKid Henry Blacksmith. L SM Hendry Charles O. S. A Flax Mill, f 2)| HolilsFelix Carpenter. K 3)a KiintaJaeob Cooper. K 8>4 MutorF Carpenter. K 3)5 Passmoro W.J Phys'n A Drugs. L 3,4 PerliieM. B. A J. S Flax Mlfls. ' (See Doon.) Schweitzer Martin Tavern. H 3)4 Siioemaker John .....Shoemkr. I, 3)* Snyder Menno Miller. G ait Worth Charles Harness. L CONINGSBY, Welllnffton Co., Onl. BiirtMrs a. b. L S.'ii CONN, Wellington Co., Ont. Hell A Hotel. K 3'4 FosterJames Hotel. L Hassurd uobert Saw Mill. L McLiihen Wm G. s. L CONNAUGHT, Oundai Co., Ont. (See Morewooil. ) CONNOR, SImooa Co., Ont. Fleming James Shoes. L Leo lloliert o.s. Ii 3)4 Wanl llobert. — Shoes. L / CON ROY, Perth Co., Ont. ^yesJ Shoes. K 3)4 \ C0N8EC0N, Prince Edward Co., Ont. Hotel. L 3)4 Shoemkr. L G.S. G. s. H .S Tins. Ii .. lllacksmtth. L .. Ulacksmlth. \, Gro. L .. Illaoksmltli. Ii Peddler. L Wagons. Ii Hariiivis. L Kiii'iiltiiie. Ii ..BlrtekMiniUt. L G. S. L ....Gllst Mill. H 3;4 Wagons. L G. w. G 3)4 .Wharllnger. llot«d. H 3 H. A Furmor. U Vi iTnliil John Ilootli l.diert Uyei'SiS Johnsini Crane A Moigau (Uiiiiter .Mrs. James Decker ■ Garre try Daniel Geiinan Mrs. II Grahuui Andrew lla.vesChiw Hayes Geo Hlivks John JoUion Ihldoru Kiitiir.y W»-t Maiuli Abi-ahnin , Maisli w. H Miuri son John Osborne A KlUlp Plersoii Joai*ph Poit*T lUilivil UobluBon Wm. J G OON ONTARIO ^ISrr> QUEBEC. OOB r Rolston John Oro. A BtiU^her. K 34 Spencer TlioB. P Uanieas. L Thorutoii T. It Pliyslclan. H 3 Wilder (.'heater Wagong. L 3!i CONSTANCE P. O., Huron Co., OnL (See Xinbum, ) CONSTON CREEK, Rwfnvi Co., Ont. (SeeDaere.) CONTRECCEUR, Vorchoron Co., Quo. Dnhamel AGervals O. 8. O 2^ Oetfranl Dr L 3)4 Gervuls OUvlor Hotel. 11 3 Lacroix P Blackainltli. li Marlou A. J. A Co G. 8. H 3 CONWAY, Lennox Co., OnL Neilson J. S o. 8. (see Stella.) Fblppen Win Cheese Factory & Potash. U m COOK'S CORNERS, KonI Co., OnL (See Charing (yot§.j COOK'S CORNERS, Minitquoi Co., ()u«. BbntUi Henry Blacksmith. K S)y COOKSHIRE, Complon Co., Quo. AldenJohn Taller. K 3 Bailey C.C Watches. L Chatldock Miss P Milliner. L CroteauT Blacksmith. 1, Cummlngs Henry Sash & Blind Factury. syj Donlgan dk Wllford U. 8. K 3}u yreuchH. H Foundry. OarrlDE. T B'smlth ,)t Furn. Gates H.F Wool Carder. H 3 HunlF Marble. L Kyle Thoa 8hoes. L Learned Alden Hotel. H 3 Learned & Taylor 0.8. « S MoNlohol <& Osgoode G. 8. O 2ki Phelps O Saw MUl. H 3 Planche Edward Harness. L Pleasant Francis CavrlaRes. K 3 Pope A. W Starch Factory. F 3 Poi)eJ. H Speculator. K 'i Bouort J Can laves. L COOK'S MILLS, Qronvillo Co., OnL Cook Bros Grist eau Cy i-us Urlst A Saw Mills. L 4 ^ COOKSTOWN, Simoo* Co., OnL V/nnstronpt C Hotel. K 3>s M*ruden Matthew Kurultui'e. L Biiclmuan Charles W Physician. O 2)4 Campbell Donald Baker i&Gro. H 3 Clement Stephen O. M, ColviUe Wni. a Moody J Gro. AProv. K 3)4 NloholH. B Physician. K Sit NorrlsJ. W Physician. L Ralston Hobert Asher}'. L Boss & Co., Estate of U.S. Sloan Henry Blacksmith. (See Churchill.) Spmule Thomas J Contractor. L Slewart P. H Kntiks, iS o. L Stewart Sarah E . . .Sowing Machines. aammcrfrtiit J. i! tiotc;. i. Samui«rvilluDavld..Agt.Ag'l Implts. K 3)4 Talt Wm Taior. L WatsoD Juhji A Co U. S. laeo Buiie.) COOKSVILLE, Po«l Co., OnL Brunsklll Matthew Carpenter. L 3)4 Caldwell Charles wa«ous. L 3)4 Caimila Vine Growers' Association K 2 Cox William Baker. L 3)4 Galbralth John (1.8. (» 'Z^ (louliUuK Thos. G G. S. Lewis Thomas Pltyslclan. L Morley Francis Taveni. K 3)4 Parker A (Jordon OU Retlnera. Pavne James Shlnv^les. L ScfiUlerC. A uro., D. (1. .stTlns. Schiller David Gro. L SmlaJanies Hhucs. K 3.'4 Soch Adum Auctioneer. L Kmpey Brock Gro. K 3 FlttCkBios ..Coal A Mnfrs. Batting. F 2)4 Flack A Vaimrsdale Potterv. F 2)4 Foirg M IS. Walter Milliner. L FultouMrs.C (». 8. H 3 (Jarlepy Mrs. Louis O. 8. L Gauley D Gro.. Ac, L Ollllo A Morilsctte Foundry. K 3)4 Gordon, Woodwai-d A Co G. 8. (See SherbiYwko.) Grant W. A Tavern. K 3)4 Hodite Andrew, Estate of Miller. E 2 Hodge R. A Fannlnir Mills. Hunter John O. . Tinware, Lamps, Ac. L 3)4 JomesMrs.C.H News. L 3)3 Johnston J. C Builder. K 3 Joyce Mltm Confec. H 3 Kewln A Mclntyre O. 8. F 2)4 Kilimnr Jos Furuitnre A u. a. o 2)5 Kiikpatiick Bros 0.8. G 3 Lewis J. W Barber. L 3)a Liddell David Shoes. K 3 LoneyJ. E Foundry. K 3)4 MackWm MUler. F 2S4 MacphceJohn H'wareATln. F 2)4 MaleyA. J Hotel. K 3 MastersoD I,augh]in Hotel. McAdamsJohn ACo Bakers A Confec. L 3)4 McAteerJiu uro.. Tavern A Bricks. L 3)4 McDonald H Saddler. L McDonald Mm. J. A D. <). K 3 .McDonald J. D Hotel. 3 McDonellJas Tailor. H 3 MeDoniicUD. O.S. K 3)4 McDonnellU G. 8. F 2>» McUniry Michael Gro. A I'avcru. F 2)4 McCiliiu Arthur IJvery. L McMlUau Donald U. .S. McKao D U.S. H 8 Mllllkeu A. F Jeweler. L 3'4 Mllroy James Ag'l Implts. L MnrrayJolin Prml. H 2)4 O'Callaghan E G.S. L O'Neill J. T Harness. L Park M. E 0.8. Patterson H.C Books. L ,S)4 Payment Hugh HoteL K 3 Pitt Hiram Ha:'G"n U UiiUl. L Ilugaity Richard Blaeksmllh. L Havers Wm Butcher. L MeUuli-eMllos Oro., Ao. L MlUvi ItsIUTJ Books A P.M. h SH COR ONTA^RIO ^ND QUEBEC. ORE n 2 F 1«4 K a L 3'4 H 3 K H 1. 11 3)4 I. K 3 P F It 1. H H 1. I. K 3>4 K 3H E •i L 3\^ L itti K M M » F an U VIS4 ^i 8 I. HS K ;< K :H F F i^ K 3 Ij 3)i L 3*4 1. K 3 » H H K F F 2)4 Ji H 3 I, 3'4 1. il 2)4 1. L L 8)4 K 3 K 3!4 K 3 1. H 3 K 3 L 3)4 K 3), L •H 1. 1, H 3)4 K 3!4 1. K 3)4 P 2)4 I- H 3 L 3)4 2'4 PeattieWm Cablnetware. I, 3)4 ProctorW. J o. 8. G 2)4 TaylorJohn Wood. K 3 Touan Patrick Hotel. L Watts Wm Shoes. L Zink JosvDli Slices. L CORWHIN, Wellington Co., Oni. Campbell A Saw Mill. L Little John niacksmltli. L Little Peter Oro. JS P. M. L COTEAU DU LAC, Soulanget Co., Que. Beaudet Geo. J Saw & Grist Mills. K 2)6 I'ertrand K Blacksmith. L Blssouette O. 8 G. S. K 3'<( Uauth Gasiiai-d Pliyslcinn. a 2,'« DlxoD Wm oro. H 3 Leroux O Oralu. H 2)4 COTEAU LANDING, Soulanget Co., Que. Daoust J o. S. K 3)4 DriilH J. B.,Jr Uiitel. L Doucot P o. H. O 2)4 DiickettWm G. S. 3 Flllatrnnlt .'Stanislas Butcher. H 3 FlUatrault Thos .Tfiisinlth. K aH, Fiilliun Johu.Jr Tavem. H 24 Hosincr Hiram P CarriafreH. o 2!s Hiirteau Muise Gni. I 3 H 3 I. 3)4 o 21a " 3 3 ^^ 3*4 3)9 3>4 3)4 L COTE ST. LOUIS, Two Mounttini Co,, Que. RuymuudF Hotel A O. 8. K 3(4 COTE ST. LUC, Jtoquei Certler Co., Que. DeoMyBocU DtaclwmJUj. tf 3 COTE ST. PAUL, Jacquee Cartier Co., Que. Aqulii Touasalnt Contractor. L Brodlt) Win. A Co Mills. (See Montreal.) Caron Phlllbert Gio. L Cliam-ler Francois Gro. K 3 Clark O. L. A R. S Bell Founders. O 2 ConllnR. A Saw Mill. U 3 Dunn J Cut Nails. H 2)!j Dunn P Horse Nails. O 2)4 Frothlngham A Workman . . . Factories. (See Montreal.) Galipot Xavier oro. L GUiiionrti Anger Factory. O 2)a Haling W Oro. H 3 Higgli's J. J. A Co Axe Factory. 3 Kinmoud W. L. ACo.. MiiJrs. (See Montreal.) Latour Udmond Tavern A Gro. H 2'4 McDonald Patrick Tavern. K 3 Pigeon Henri Butcher. H 3 St. Oenualu Joseph Cooper. L WcstgateD U. O.. Oro. A Tavern. G 2)4 Hill Mrs. M G. .s. K 3)4 James A Noble Saw Mill. G 2^ Motley Mrs. John Hotel. L 3^ Niekerson J Cablnetware. L Nickersou S. A E Millers. Ij Stewarts Hotel. K 3)4 COUCHE'S CORNERS, Yoric Co., On(. (SeeButtonvllU.) COULSON, Simooe Co., OnL Walker Wm O.S. L 8)4 COURTLAND, Norfolk Co., OnL fllrdsellj. H Shoes. L ConnorThos Hotel. G 2)4 Crabb Samuel Wagons. L 3)4 Cutting George Blacksmith. L Fonnaii Francis .Vgent Trees. L GraydonJa« Planing Mill. K 3!i Oraydou Thomas Saw A slUngle MtUs. H 3 Hansler Oeorgo Slimw. I, UarrisChas. 8 P.M. A(i..s. O 2)6 Herron John C. H Shoes. K 3 HeiTiiu W. J., Agent G. 8. L McKay R. W Tins A Gro. L McKlndsay P. A u.». L Palmer David Hotei. 1. Siiyles Kd»1n Hotel. L 3)4 Stanton John U Saw Mill. K 3>4 stezlker A. J O. 8. L White Thomas Shoes A Gro. 3*6 Wilkinson Henry 8aw Mill. I, COURTRIQHT, Lambton Co., Ont. Beiinet Dennis 0. 8. Cathcart W. A G. 8. 3)4 Cnmklte Nathan Hotel. L Doyle C. F Cablnetware. L 3)4 Uunlop James Lumber. L Hughes M. H G. 8. McGregor M. B Taveiu. McKenzie Bros.. Saw A Phinlng Mills. H 3 Patterson Nell Shoes. L Stewart Oeo WikkI, Ac. K 2Si COVENTRY P. O., Peel Co., Ont. Arnott SlmiMm Rhmia. L Caldwell Jiilin Oilst Mill. ElniciiT Thcmias BliH!kHiiiltli. L Uayiier John G. 8. G 2)4 COVEY HILL, Huntingdon Co., Que. Edwards 0<« Saw Mill. H 3 Gules E. M O. S. L Gates T.C 0.8. L COWAL, Elgin Co., Ont. Carey Ansley Wagnna. L Lipscy TlKiiiias Saw Mill. K SMi Mairh Unbelt Blaiksmith. L 3!« OBE ONTARIO AISTD QTTEBEO. DAN ^1 M ':' m a V n K m 1. S-a HV, K •xi I. K ;i li »'v 1. U L HUj S! at., (I 2H K H'1 K «><, K 3lj K I. It 3?4 3'i Ellhwr J. * Co (1. M. Ellbnr * Brlinfttr Saw Mill. Huitznmn Kred'k o. s. Hlll.I»me« 8t«ivi'« A TliiH. HodKlim Jnnios lilnukHnilth. Kluiiipii John Billies. KrauHO KinniirtUH IliiiMnr. Llojd A Ales Canieiiturn & ,. t'ublnetmkn!. Mclllu Hpiiry Tnllor. Miirlook J iilliiH WiiKiiim. Nell Rlolmnl I'liiiina. I'arsmiH John (>. H. Reeil I'lmir A Feeil. KolUuH Hobi'it I'hvslilnn. Siilinan' & Wllker Flax Mill. Scliwltzcr Iteiiry Mliler. Siulth Mlehmil BlackHinitli. Hpar Bi'ulnmi n Hotel. Trevltlilck John WaKOim. Wolln A iloellner.SasU A Door Factory. Whlt« liiilttirt Asliery. Zloker (JhrlHtlaii o.8. CREEK BANK, Wellinglon Co., Ont. Buikholdor Blatksmltli. L Uraliani Jamo8 o. H. u a)4 CREEKTOWN P. 0., Sitnoo* Co., Harloy P. J v. M. A O. 8. CREEMORE, Simoos Co., Ont. Artaina W. J Hotel. Biuwu Jamen I'uinpa. Carruthoi-8 J oliu J tlrlst Mill. Casey WUlluiu Blaoksiultli. Curbctt W.J JM'UfirH, Ac. X>ackT. B I'hyxlolau. OtUesiiie Alox H. M. & (i. H. OoowCo o, 8. KileliinK Tliomas Shoes. I.alillaw J. (; u. m. Liinrtiy VViu BnlliU-r. Mackay Eilwanl Hlioes. Matcliett Itoliert Hotel. Malliurs Ileuiy Wajtons. McKbo Agent Ar'I InipltH. Mereer James IJ arness. Parsons Wni. T Watehes. Paterson Itobert Haililler. Perrau Tailor. Uuuille James Woolens. Steele llobert BlaekHniltb. Webster Cieorgo Saw Mill. Wilcox Bros (i. a. York J. T PbysUlan. 1, CREIGHTON P. 0., Sltncoe Co., Ont. Cavaiiagh Michael ci.8. L 3'6 CookJ 8awMlll. K SjJ CRE8SY P. 0., Prinoo Edward Co., Ont. Dane W. Jl (1.8. 1j 315 CRIEFF, Walllngton Co., Ont. Becker Henry SUoesAOro. L aJA Urelgor Ixinls tf.8. K HV Hay riiomas B u. 8. I, 8>* Kermclicr Wlilow Tavei-u. L McDimalil William Mlioes. K ,S?a Moffat t (.'hrlatoplier JUiu'ksniltli. K 3Si CRINAN, Elgin Co., Ont. Mclnlyrp Duiiean u.H.,Ai-. K .'I'n McMliluu Uoljeit.'< CUoese. K {I'll CROFTON, Prince Edward Co., Ont. Covert Henry Hotel, Ac. L CROMARTY, Perth Co., Ont. Hamilton Fronds L B'smltli A Wagons. K iHi II uggai til Joseph Bsmri h A _ „ „ u agiiiiB. K H'u Tullln Mrs Tavern. I, Ont. I. L Xl 1. « 2iU F I, h •A'* K .t>4 1. I. 1. K .HVf I. M"-! I. L, 3'/, L Sfn I, K »"* H H L bh, L Mil U. T M-j K a}i I, K «■-, 11 » H » Williams MatlliBW h. s. 11 a CROSSHILL, Waterloo Co., Ont. Frrr Chriniian (J, o. Hllfer J oliii Wagons, h HullowayJoliu ShmisAl'. M. I. 3)4 Kaunemaii Charles sIhhw. L Lolghtuu Wm BlacksmlUi. L McColIam Peter Wagons. 1, Oakley Widow Tavern A Tailor. I, 3,4 Peteli (leorge Wagons. I. SutoUtTo Kilwanl Nursery. L 3!ii CR0S8P0INT, Bonaventure Co., Que. Oraliam Hugh (1. s. It, 3Si Olscamp J08 0.8. Qulnn J ames Boarding A FoiTy. L SH CROWLAND, Welland Co., Ont. (SeeVook't Mil' 1 CROWN HILL, Simooe Co., Ont. Davis Win. II Hotel. L 3'u DniryA Partridge Mills. F 'rti HaitOeorge Wagons. L Luck Charles Hotel. I, iJW Walton Wallace. .8aw A Shingle .Mills. Williams Thos Blaeknialtli. L 314 CROXON'S CORNERS, Simcoo Co., Ont. ( tiet FenmV a 1'. o.j CROYDON, Addington Co., Ont Clancy T. A Cl Cheese Factory, a Fenwlck Joseph Hrlst Mill. I, Hainllt4 Di-eaiiy Uobert Hotel A Htoio. II 3 Voiuig Peter Temperance House. I. VouugHamucl Blacksmith. 1, CUMBERLAND, Ruitell Co., Ont. AllanJ.,Jr a. 8. L 3W AlUiiiJouu ShiMw. K 3 Billion A Watson 8aw Mill. ByruoB H Blacksmith. K 3>* DesseluT Shoes. K 3>9 Dunning A.N 0.8. 1, 3);l:-l "i r. "\Z. CUMNOCKi Wellington Co., Ont. Anderson A Bruce 0.8, Fu'gusuu Dugald BlaukeiulUi. L Fori! Edward saw Mill. L SV. (irimn Anthony Hotel. L A'i Mulr John Hotel. H 3 liiilrt A Keeling Blacksmiths. L Whitley liobert B Wagons. L CURRAN, Preioott Co., Ont. Beaulue Isidore Oro. K S** Cadleiix DoHlthe (1. .'S. n Cliiirlebols A Dupras O. 8. L (lareau Philip u 8. K Lacrolx J. Carriages. L Thlbault A Tin. L Touraugeau Emory o. 8. L 3 3!a 3W, 3!4 3)4 CUSHING, Argenteuil Co., Que. Cushtng J. B U.S. F 3 Douglas John Wood. H 3 Nichols Bobort Blacksmith. II 2!* DACOTAH, Helton Co., Ont. Kirkwood A Smith Orlst Mill. OACRE, Renfrew Co., Ont. Lagreo Alfred Hotel. K 3)4 Morrow John O. S. Viueberg A Benjamin G. 8. 3)4 OAILLEBOUT, JolieHe Co., Que. (He* St. Melanie.j OALESVILLE, Argenteuil Co., Que. CampbeUJohn Mills. K 3)4 MoArthur Peter o. 8. P 2)4 DALHOUSIE MILLS, Qlengary Co., Ont. AvonsOeo Hotel. I, 3), BatliurstWm 0.8. K ,S)a Chlsholm Win 0.8. K 3 Ooldst«in«.J 0.8 McCnalgAlex Tanner. K 3 MoIutoahJohn Carriages. K 3 McLeod D.J Hotel. L Morrison W. F. : u. 8. H 3 DALKEITH, Glengary Co., Ont. McCuskor-— miu. o 3>a Hoberlson Wm G. 8. 3 DAL8T0N, Simooe Co., Ont. BnnlgoII. AJ 0.8. L Caldwell Miles Tavern. L 3)4 Hart Chaa Blackaniltli. K ,S,>^ DAMASCUS, Wellington Co., Ont. Anderson A Bruce o. H. (8oe Cuinnoek.) Chcesoboro Angus o. s. K 3)* Graham Thos. A Son. . .Saw A Shingle „. . ..,, ■ »'■"• H 3'4 Waters Thomas Blacksmith. L 3)4 DANBY STATIONj Drummond Co., Que. DlonuoSevero 0.8. h 3 McueoJas Saw Mill. K 3 DANFORTH, York Co., Ont. Davidson Robert 0.8. o 2)4 DANVILLE, Richmond Co., Que. Andrews A Woodworker. K Barlow 11. T Carriages. K Barlow A Thurber Carriages. 1 1 Barnard — FoumTry. 11 illssouettB A Hotel. K I loiitelle Charles Chair FaeUirv. H lii-owuBms Blacksmith's. K Bmwu Jos saw Mill. H llurbank J. B Churns, Ac. L Burbaiik S. U....: .Mm. u C.iisso DolphU Saw Mill. L Darcho E. K Physician. 1< DareheACu o, s. f Deeota NoitU Bliicksmlth. L Faiwell E, F. A Co Haw M ill. F Flint Henry Caipenter. L FounilorN. Tins. L FoirnlerN Paints. L Frost Samuel Mniblo. L OlbsouoJ. A G. s. L !'ll'i<'" «, Drugs. U GiXHlhun a. U Bulk. F O'.K-dhiie J. L. A Ho!!=, !> 'iftll w. Ji Blacksmith. K llaiiiian M o. s. H HaunlugH. It Btuve Factory. F Houston James Coiifec. K Johiistuu Uobert Bakor. L 3 3 3)4 il 3 !l 2)4 2!4 _3H. k DAB OlSTT^RIO J^ISTD QUEBEC. DEV 3 3J.J 3)4 :a., Qua, l.H. H 3 ■ ill. K 3 ?> foo A. E Ins. Agent. K ?', LeetW . Photographer. L I.viich Michael Sliiiee. L 3)6 MoL'iUluni Aruhlbald O. S. MoCi)y.riw Blaoksniitli. L 3)4 MvCliiverii RilivanI (J. ». H 214 Mct.Bay A. * lUdtlle Bros o. H. K 2'4 Mc>ranu8 John Hotol. II 3 MorilUA.J ailstMHl. O 2% Moiint«ln E. A Blackanilth. L 3)4 Niitthvowu Broa Blnckamitha. I, 3)4 O'Nolll M Tailor. I, OuHlivftoT ThiH. L PaK« W. r, Phyalolan. I'liront Mra. li MillUiBrv. L SM, Portor Kdwanl H'ware * Tlria. K 3 I'^'Mr-Iuniea DontlHt. I, Xi Snillu Tlioa Mill. K 3 Shaw A. K Shooa. I, Shaw A. II (lro.,«c. L Spei'r A. M Phyalclan. L 3)4 HtockwiiUE. F .Tewuler. h 3).. HtockwollJ. C. A W. H o. 8. K HVj TayhirO.S Hameaa. K 3 TriKanne & Boiiriceola (J. S. o 3 DARTFORD, Northumberland Co., Ont. Bailey William O Tanner. I, Puller J. K (i. H. (ScoColboruo.) IlvckoOoo. 1/ U.S. Ij S)* -Marks A Blackanilth. L 3)4 McIIiiKh.Iohn...8aw<&PlanlngMlll». L 3)* Voini({J. S. *C. II OrUtMlll. L Zufilt John Watruua. h DASHWOOD, Huron Co., Ont. Bakor&Co Saw Mill. H 3 t'ocik J. A Co o. H. (} 3 C()i)k Ueynard Saw Mill. 11 3 iniar Jacob Waieoua. L Krecrt Noah OrlstMlll. (i 2H HolblUBCharloa Blackanilth. K 3)4 Kibbler Frwlertck Hhoea. Ij 3)4 Mcl'Hiin Henry Uotol. L 3)4 Urth Henry Hotel. L, I'fatr (iixiVKo Blackanilth. t, Keihni Philip Tailor. L 3)4 HiiMon LoiiiH, ar o.S. K 3)4 Thiini Jiilliw WuKons. L .tk, TlmiiipHOli .tCO Saw Mill. H 3 Weher Jacob trndeitaiier. O 2ii DAVENPORT P. 0., York Co., Ont. Brown Mrs oro. L 3)4 Hull .\: HiiM Wagona. L Bull William , Cariieuter. Ij CaTupbellltUihard Oanlcucr. K 3)4 CoUey John Jlotel. I, Hayilen Pi-nnda Motel. 3)4 lloyce Mrs oro. L Sinclair t'lnlBt«ipbor Blacksmith. L 3)4 Townsley ()eor({« Bricks. H 3)4 Wakcflufil Wm Bricks. \, WarwdiHl Janiea. .Tiles & Drain Pipes. Wilson Robert Tavern. H 2>4 DAVISVILLE, York Co., Ont. Bninak 11 1 W Uo tel. L Davis John, Jr P. O. A Pottery. H 3 Drury Blackamitli. L «!* (llaiicyThos Wagons. I. 3)4 O'Halleion M ifotel. I, 3>4 Sweatimui oro. I, M i!(>aKman John, ar Ore., Ac. II 3 DAWN Mills, Kent Co., Ont. DobbyiiJohn ClilatAHaw Mills. L 3!4 Herbert U(uan Hameaa. li Kelly Peter Shoes. L Liiiilsley Miintonl Cabinet. 1> IjiKiin UcilMTt Hotel, h 3)4 Nel«7 Peters I,. V Blacksmith. L 3)4 WarilW.A 0.8. K 3 DEALTOWN, Kant Co., Ont. Ijonaberry K Tavern. I, Panlo H Tavern. II 3 Parilo T. U A W. A Lumber V 2''j DEANS P. O., Haldimand Co., Ont. (Nm Indiana.) DE CEW8VILLE, Haldimand Co., Ont. Bauinwurt O. fj . .M!i!i>r, k -!l*i DeCew Uoliert J (tristMllh L i'i Fln.lhiyJohn Wagons. I. 3'a Jack J. AW Saw Mill. It 3 MaekleJohn Blackamitli. K 3)4 MatlhewH Nicholaa Hotel. 1, 3.hI WoodAl'uster O. B. H 8 DEE BANK, Mutkoka Dial., Ont. (See Windermere.) OEERHURST, SImcoa Co., Ont. Bolton Wm Hotel. L SutherlauU Hector Blacksmith. I- 3)4 DELAWARE, Middleaex Co., Ont. Ackland John .Saw Mill, /, BauKhart W, A Tins. L Battel W Oro.. Ac. I. 3!a Bell John Hot<'l. 1, Bodkin Unbert O.S. II 3 Elsie Ilobert Coojior. I, Krchenbeger Samuel Pottery. K 8)4 PortnorjDt Ilaniess. L trancls Abraham Pliysiiinn. h Gould (ieorge Blacksmith. J. Hacker E.U CaiTlages. I, .3)4 Hind Plnwa. Jarvla P. C Hotel. L I.awson David Shoea. L 84 MofeoR Hotel. L McLaren Alex Physician. L McPherson Wm waKons. h Parlltt Alblim a.H. (» 2)4 Patrick Josiah saw Mill. L Peacock Charlea Shoes. L 3)4 Kobertaon Cliaa Shoea. L 8)4 SexitlMlRS Milliner. L Snarknmn Edwaiil Black.sniith. L Thompson John H... Carriage Painter. I. \^ DELHI, Norfolk Co., Ont, Bonner J Dontiat. I< Brown Josiali Baker. L Church Joseph Cabinet ware. K 3 Cliue oil ver Hotel. Crysler A. A Bro O. 8. (J aw DeWitt Jonathan L Pumps. I, Wickiuson Henry Tins. L 3)4 Durkee W. W Harness. K 3)4 Farwell George Drugs A Phys'ii. L 3)4 PcmgerOeorge o. s. L 8)a Oai-vey Jiuiies M Drugs A Uq. II 3 Ouuilv Wm. T Tanner. L UillakerH. C Wagoiia. K m, Hubbard John Tailor. K 8)4 Iinmell Fi-ed Tailor. L .lelllndu Charlea Blackamitn. komp Andrew Toveiii. K .3)v Kemp Peter A Eggs. K 3)4 KentOeo Lumber, Ac. V a.j Kitchen D Harness. O 3 Loucks Alexander Wagons. L Massaciu- H. (l Oriat A 8aw M ills. H 3 Mclsaac Angus... Watches A Barber. L MercMllth Henry Foundry. L 3)4 Morgan Edwin o. M. 1, Pettlt II. H Blacksmith. L Power Hubert Auctioneer. O 2)4 Quance Peter Orist A Saw Mills. 3 Quaiice Ulclianl. . . .Orbtt A Saw Mills. F 2!4 Koman Ijiwrnnco Hotel A Shoes. 3)4 Sanderson John B B'amlth A „ , , ,. „ Wagons. L 3)4 SchmldtP sTioes. L 3)4 Huilth Lewis II Peddler. L 3)4 Smith MiasM. A MllllneiT. L Smith T. 1) Furnltnni. L Sovereen Jacob Tanner. F 2>4 Stoddart H Hotel. H 3 Vanderburc Dolincr Blacksmith. L WanlWiu. J Tina. IC 3 Whitshle Jamea I^umber, O, H., Ac. O 3 Wo(MlUeo.W Phyalclan. L 3)4 DELTA, Leeds Co., Ont. Allyn Chriatophor Marble. L 3)4 Bell J. A o. H. O 3 Birch Ilobert TaUor. L 3)4 Ilrown A Cai'sa D. il. I, 3)4 Brown J. E Drugs A Oro. II 3 Bush P. .S Shoes. L i:oletuaii Anson Tanner. K 3 Curtis Widow Ony o. s. J, 3)4 Henaut W. II Mills. 3 Flood A Hotel. L 1 1 niton John Builder. K 3)4 n Irmk Albert Foundry. I, 3'u Marshall V Hidel. I, Moiilson E Photographer. L UllBSell W, A 0. 8. L 3'ii Sinclair John W PliysicUui. L 3)!! singleton Wm. It Tins. L S'i, sievensAlex Blacksmith. K .T? Vaiiarnam Thomas (j. s. 11 3 WeUi! P. Pumnt'.!!::'. X, DEM0RE8TVILLE, Prinoa Edward Co., Ont. Baker Wm Cablnetmkr. K 8'4 IlarKiu Ira PaluUir. L SVi BorUmTlios ....Currlagudikr. K 3)4 Butler A. L Wagons, Ac. L CooUdgelroA HopOrowcr. F 2M DnnningOeo (), 8. Hart Jamea o. 8. .,,„ „, .. . (SeePlctnn.) Hill Richard Blacksmith. L Hunt Samuel Shoea. L Mills Thomas Blattksmlth. I, SH Moore Thoiuaa Phyaician. L 8)4 Nixon Edward oro. L 3)4 KobllnJ. H niackHmith. K 3 Smith John Hotel A Shoea. L Sprngue Noatrand Hops. F 2)4 Stotts Uaphael Fulling Mills, Ac. K m WilgUtJ. O llarneaa. K 3 DENBIGH, Addington Co., Ont. August John Temperance Houae. L 3)4 I-aneSamuel O. 8. A P. M. K 3)4 atelnChaa Urist MilL L 8)1 Stein Paul Saw Mill. I, OENFIELD, Middlesex Co., Ont. Bnrk W HoUd. K 3)4 EdwardaJohn Lumber, Ac. H 8 HiMlgsnn Isaac A Co Wagons. H 8 Jemiyn I) o. s. L LinnleyA Blacksmith. L 8>4 O'NcIl A Kosser Oraln. Ac. O 2(4 Orr Holiert Hotel. Houston Robert W 0.8. K 3)4 DENNI80N P. O., Frontanao Co., Ont. (See Plccadllli/.J DENNISON'S MILLS, Richmond Co., Que. Beauce James Blacksmith. L .I"* Dennlaon J. A J. It o. 8. F 2)4 DEREHAM, Oxfbrd Co., Ont. r.S'M TiUionbvre I DERRYVILLE, Ontario Co., Ont. AllanJohn Blacksmith. K 8)4 Allan Thoinaa Wagons A O. 8. K Sht Orahnm ThomaaC.Jr Ag'l Iniplta. L Jordan Robert Blacksndth. L 8)4 Thomas Fred Tavern. L DERRY WEST, Peel Co., Ont. Armstrong Chas Tavern. L 3)4 DESBOROUQH, Grey Co., Ont. McNabb Oeorgc .Tavern. L Paliner8.J Shoes. L 8)4 Smith George o.S. II 3 SmithJohn Blacksmith. K 3)4 Wilson A Pearce Saw Mill. Wright Joseph A Son Saw Mill. H 3'4 DE8CHAMBAULT, Portneuf Co., Que. Arcand Onezlnio Blacksmith. L ;?)4 Beuoit Elzear 0.8. L 3)4 Dellsle Aiigustln Carriagea. K 3 Faueheroatlen Mlllor. L 3)4 OalMiury iriliilre 0.8. J. Oailepy'i.vnie Flour A MlUer. K 3)4 Ilanu'lin I'luuoae 0.8. H ,S Jullen Trettlii Mills. L Laclievr^ttiere .Albert G. 8. L LenilnM)ne?.luie Sacbller. L Mar.dlle Lion Blacksmith. K 8)4 Matte Samuel Shoea. K 8)« MayriuidA.O N. P. A Tnnler. K 3 Mayi and F. .V Phvslulan. (1 2)4 Nault Dttnuisii Threshing Mill. K 8*4 Nault Uuare Firur. K 3 Pago ( 'eleatln Carding Mill. K 3)a Page Jostiph Blackonilth. K 3)4 PaiiulnOeo 0.8 K 3 PttieN.T o.H. K 3 Pi'irault Zephlrln Builder. K 3 Piiiteau iloiHue Baker A Grain. O 2)4 Itoussean Leiindre Blacksmith. K 3 Tlilbaudeau Telesphore Baker. L DESRIVIERES, Missitquoi Co., Que. (See also Malmadion.) Ci-others James Mill. 11 3 Hannagan John Miller. K 3)6 Hannairan Wni g. H. K 3)4 DEUX RIVIERS, Renfrew Co., Ont. Jlurraj nioa Uolel. Ilamaoii Ilobert, ar lloteL K 8(4 DEVIZES, Middleaex Co., Ont. Little o. 8. L Uosa Wm Saw Mill. L 13 i It t It ■ ^■^9 mM ; i Bl : ;*! i^^i ■^ ■■■ ■ ;i' ^u ' ■« H 1 41 ^^^1 ' ,Ni ^H H «i ^B 1 i 1 h i 1 i - ■' i ?! s; j DEW ON"TA.RIO ^IST) QUEBEC. DRE DEWITTVILLE, Huntingdon Co., Quo. Eaton Tlios.O U.S. K S'j Feenpy Jaa BlnckHinith. L Xiucaii John O. H. L Oliver Miu. J Hotel. L Sheriff P Mills. 1, Te88ler Francois Blackamlth. K 3 DEXTER, Elgin Co., Ont. Parker Nelson O. S. & B'snilth. L PfefferJolin Cooper. K SV5 Rycknian Lester Tavern. !< DIAMOND P. O., Carlton Co., Ont. Walker B.,jr Oon'l Agent. U 2!a DICKENS, L«edt Co., Ont. Bellnnijr E Orist Mill. Phelps O.N Blackauiltli, 6 DON MOUNT P. O., York Co., Ont. BrIghtJas Illacksmlth. II 3 Harness H.,)r Baker & Oni. L Burton THonias II arut^ss. L DeanJamei Tin. An. I, Eberhartlt Nicholas l'ott<'ry. L Helniicli A Co 8hee|)»liln». McKeuna John (Jro. K Miller J aines Baker. Ii Monui I'atrick Coutraclur. K .3)4 Murry Mrs oro. L Sauilers A (fi-o. L jfj SiH-ars H ugh Physician. L Tlilby W Baker. I. 3)4 3;,, Whli ly w (oti oorgH. _ 3*4 . Flour A FcfMi. K Vi DOON, Watarloo Co., Ont. Baer J. A U Ilnllilors. Ac, (1 Beck Frederick, sr I'oddler, Ac. 11 Ditwller Jacob Z Mills. (I JainleMiii Widow Ilotel. I, Jones Jl>HH4« I J, M, I. Perine M. ii, A .1. w Twines A Cordaite. T> Koos Isaac II Cooper. L TUtJohn Bricks, Ac. L Walker Jai) Tailor. K 3'4 DORCHESTER STATION, Middlatax Co., Ont. Chldillck William Hotel. R 3)4 Craig II Pumps. L Donaldson John A Gro. Gee W Hotel. O 2>4 liould E Fumlture. L Graham Norman Blacksmith. L LaiieJohu HoUii. H 3)4 M cCan K Carding & Saw Mills. H 3 Mossip Mrs U.S. u 3)4 Kaney R Blacksmith. I, Richmond Wm Shoes. L ,3'i Shaw R. E. & Sons Mattressmkrs. F 2;a Sweet N Harness. L Tellack A Tumbull Wagons A B'smlt).. H .3)4 Vincent Peddler. 3)4 Waugh Jas. R. I, G. S. K 3)4 Voimg Wm Grist Mill. I, DORKING P. O., Watarloo Co., Ont. Lee Robert Wagons. I, I.lnhiim John 0. 8. L McGuhe Michael Tavern. L MoBcr Wm Blacksmith. L OOUCET'S LANDING, Nioolet Co., Qua. Desilet Olivier G. 8. K 3 Scott Robert Saw Mill. L DOUGLAS, Ranfraw Co., Ont. BolandTlms. II G. S. CaldwellJolin Shoes. L 3)4 Curry W. W. A Co Hotel. I, Uewar Daniel Blacksmith. K 3 McCoy J Hotel. L McEachieu J. 4 S G. 8. K .3'4 MoTavlshArtam Blacksmith. L .3)4 Rltchey Jaa Blacksmith. U 3 Stewart J. & D G. 8. Sutherland J ohn Wagons. L DOUGLAS, Wellington Co., Ont. (See Oarafraxa.) DOUGLAS CORNERS, Napiarvilla Co., Qua. Denaut & Frere G. 8. L Pare V Hotel. K 3 PerronJ o. S. L DOUQLASTOWN, Gupo Co., Que. Kennedy, Francis A Lawrence... Flsb, Ac. H 3 Llnds.iv Robert FisU. H 3 Veltn. AS Fisb. G 3 DOVER, Kant Co., Ont. Becliard John Hotel. L Bcclmrd Joseph Gro., Saw A Grist Mills. L 3)4 DOWNEYVILLE, Victoria Co., Ont. Tracey G. s. K DRAYTON, Wallington Co., Qnl. Tnu Wm Ilamoss. L Armstrong Alfrotl Fouuilry. L Barlow Michael Carpenter, An. L Calkins s Butcher. L Clark Jumes Tins. I. Cosford A Houseman Shoes. K Dales Edward Fui-niture. II Dales S. K G. H. L liiebel Henry Musical lusts. K DoHU Jacob A8un... Artltlclal Limbs. L Ecliliii James Cabinetware. K EuiesS. P Phvsiclau. V I'awcettJ.D Tins, Ac. L Fisher Ueiugo Shoes. L FIslier John Baker. K FllKgeiald W. A Co Drugs. L Fox Mariln Tavern. U Francis lleury Temiicranco House, Ac. L Fulton J. C Lumber. L Uaibutt Wm Veterlnaiy Burgeon. K Goriloii Thomas Blacksmith. L Grant Wm Gro. & Prov. L Guraeau Wm Blacksmith. L Hull W. I-; Furiilnire. L Hawkc J. A Co Hardware. L J1 II » K »!* I. I. K 3)4 I, 3>4 1. L 2>S 1!4 3 3 3»4 3!4 3)i 3)4 f 3)4 3)4 3)4 WatHon Jameii Llvorj'. L Webster II Hliues. Ij WehHter iMtoo B Tanner. L Wi'cs Honiy HtOKes. L WcillH K. 11. Harness * Tins. I^ Werttou Henry it Co VesHel. F White Wllllftui H Huckster. I., WliiiloTBr W. H Uro.. Ac. I. Winters Hnxli Physician. L WilgUtR. P Uro. H 3 DREW'S MILLS, Stantlead Co., Qua. (Or mxMU.) BalilwtuO O. S. A Liimbw. H 3)4 DROMORE, Qrey Co., Ont. Booth Wm Btocksmlth. K 3)4 I^egate Uoberc O. H. K 3)* Keiwlck James Blacksmith. L 3)4 Taylor Alexander P. M. & G. 8. O 2)4 DRUMBO, Oxford Ca.,Onl. Irr Wra. Cablnetinkr. K BaHt«ndor( Jolui P Tailor. K Bishop Mrs. Caleb Hotel. L Brown S. D Foumlry. K Burgess J. L (I. s. o Chlpmau John Tins. L Chlpman John, Jr Livery. L Hanlson Ueorgo Hhnes. o HlckaOsbert Marble. Ij IrvinR Percy Tavern. O Irving Wm Hotol. I^ Kyle Walter Blacksmith. L Markle Alox Blacksmith. K mtcjiellj. W Hotel. L Muuia C. A Uiicks. N evei'sou Nlcholus Hanicns. Patten Judson Painter. L Pentliiud W. K Physician. L Pollock John Baker. O Rogers Janios Blacksmith. () KdimdsBros. & Brown U.S. L Hli iiiienson Wm Bricks. H Taylor John J o. S. II 3)i ORUMMONDVILLE, Drummond Co. Beckett C. O. it, Co Spool Factory. (See Uherbrooke.) Bellslo Isalo o. H. BerardB. A Physician. Blaise (dit Touslguant) Pierre (Iro. Bolsvert Joseph Hotel. Bousquet Augiiste Butcher. Cardln Maxlnie Harness. CarterT. o u. H. Caya Antoluo Baker. Cook J. V SawMUl. Krwln Patrick o. 8. Jones Joseph Blacksmith. MaherF (i. h. McLclsh & Wright Spool Factniy. Hoisan J U.S. Paquln P Hotel. ParadlsM. C , o. 8. PicotinM Shoes. Watts Mrs. 11. N UilstMlU. ORUMMONDVILLE, Welland Co., Blggar John Tailor. BTOWn H oro. Brundage Carson Blacksmith. Campbell John M Tins. Cochrane J Barber. Corwln B Nursery. Corwin Walter 8 N ursery. Douglass James (Ji-o. Duncan (1. J o. s. Ellis Fieiterick W Hotel. England J iiliii Watches & Photo. Flsner Fi-etU-rlck Brewer. Fralick J antes I ' Tavtini. Frallck Uohert shoes. darner Qeo tiro., Ac. Uoldshoro Oeorge Tailor. (frilHn Millinery, Kerby tMj Uro. & shoos. Kick Mrs Tavern. l^nd Abel Drugs * stat'y. Ijitshaw John BulldiT. Ijowell James A 1). o. I.uudy A. J. C Ins. Agent. Mcdarry Jon Physician. McOUley Ijinty Hotel. Mewbtini Frank C Phy sliliui. Millet Bnis •. Piiln t« Que. H 3 K 3 K 3)4 K 3)4 L K 3)4 K 3 (} 3)4 K 3 K 3)4 F 2)4 Ont. K 3)4 K 314 li 3)4 L 3,S, (; 2S, U 2)4 I. 3Hi U 2)4 U 2)4 H a r- .H)4 K 3)4 II 3)4 L H 3'4 K 3>i K ;t,'., O 2)a li 3)8 II 3 H 314 U 2)4 L .S)4 L 3)4 1' 3)4 L L I. X- 3)4 Smith A. M. A Co Nursery, Ac. (See Urlnisby.) Suence William D. G. A Millinery. K 3)4 SteeleGeo Shoes. Ij 3)4 Wlilbra Solomon Flour A Feed. L Whistler Benjamin Blacksmith. 1, Wlllox James Flour A Feed. G 214 Woorlruff Joseph C (!. 8. P 2'ii Woodnilf Theodore W D. H. L 3)2 WoolnouKhUeo Blacksmith. !■ 3)4 Wright Henry Cabinetware. H 3 Wright P. 8 Hop Grower, Jj DRUMQUIN, HaKon Co., Ont. Brovra Charles Blacksmith, h 3)4 Davis Wm Gro. A Hotel. L DRYDEN, Perth Co., Ont. (Set PalmertUm.) DRV8DALE, Huron Co., Ont. nr>-8dal6 Robert G. 8. K .3)4 Hodgson W. R B'sniith A Hotel. K 3)4 DUART, Kent Co., Ont. Cunningham Hngh D Grain A Lumber. F 2)4 Cunningham John Orlst Mill. P 3 Genge I) Cabinetware. 3)4 OIUls J. D. ACo O.S. H 3 Kennedy Wm Wagons. H 3)4 Leltch Colin Grain. H 3 LeitchJas Tavern. K 3)4 McCoUumE 0.8. P 2)4 McPhoilHugh Blacksraltb. L 3)4 Nelles R. A Gro. & Drugs. Peets Thomas Saw Mill. 1. 3)4 Rett^nmire Joseph Tins. H 3 Roycrttft Joseph Shoos. K 3)4 Robinson BenJ Hotel. L 3)4 Smith Charles Tanner. L Talt Andrew Implements. Talt D. M G. S. O 2)4 Wilson James Physician. L Winner Frank A Co Brewers. 3 DUBLIN, Perth Co., Ont. Baker E. H Tavern. H 3 Bean A Hymau Flour Mill. Belt Widow Qro. K 3)4 DelgelGeo SadiUer. H 8 Dunn Patrick HoteL L Flahom' Jeremlab Hotel. L JYeei C. Shoes. L 3)4 Hawkins John Butcher. L Howard John Tailor. L 3)4 Kennedy Cornellue Blackamttli. I. KlddJ.AJ Salt. C 1)4 Kidd Joseph A 80U..U. S. A Saw Mill. C 1)4 King Luke U.S. King Thomas G. 8. G 3 McConnell John...., Cattle. G 9)4 MustonlMrs MiUinery. L 3)4 Page Thomas Hotel. L Pemlegrast Cornelius HotoL H 8 R04;k Oeorge Lumber. (See Mltobell.) Ross Alexander Blacksmith. L X^ Rourk Francis Physician. L 3)4 Ryan Thomas Cattle. L !i)4 Sfraube Valentine Stoves A Tins. K 3)4 DUDSWELL, Wolfb Co., Que. Bishop W. B O. S. L 3)4 Kingsley G. R O. S. L lothropW. H Hotel. L 3)4 McFoildenJohu 0.8. K 3)4 DUFFERIN, Euex Co., Ont. CAM Anderdan.) DUFFERIN, Htldimand Co., Ont. Hurklns William Wagons, Ac. L llei-iMl Alfioil J Blacksmith. L PUFFIN'S CREEK, OnUrio Co., Ont. (IHckaring J'. O.) Annstrong John Blacksmllh. K 3)4 Beall J . H. Furniture. I, Buntin B U.S. F 2)4 Cowan Ueorgo Shoes. L Cuthbert Alex _ Watches. L CuthbcrtJohtt Tavern. K 3)4 Dale Christopher Hani ware. K 3)4 Ferguson Wm Carpiinter. L UonionJohn Cooper. K 'Mi iicnittraon Joseph ciruoniur. L aii Hoover J. U Orist Mill. H 3 Hunt A Flulay G. 8. Juhiist<»n Ueorgo Tailor. L 3)4 Leavens Daniel TemporoncH Hotel. H 3 Linton Jamea Carpenter. H 3 Linton Joseph Shoes. L iBn Logan Wm G. 8. O 2)4 Margach Alex BlaoksmlUi. H 3 Margach J. L Drugs. Molver E Tins. L MoKeown Geo Weaver. L O'Leary Lewis... Veterinary Surgeon. L O'Leary Timothy.. Temperance Hotel. U 3 Pollaril James Shoes. L 3)4 Reed Michael Blacksmith. K .1)4 Spink W. A J Flour Mills. B 8 Storey Mrs Gro. L SuUlvan P Carpenter. L Tucker David Phyaiclan. G 2)4 Wright Edmund 0.8. H 3 3UM0INE, Pontile Co., Que. Bweezey A. A C O. S. DUNBAR, DundH Co., Ont. Allison A. C 0.8. H 3 Barkley P. D. ABro 0.8. L BrownJohn Blacksmith. L 3)4 DurantAlex.: Shoes. L Moran A Tavern. L RoseJ.H 0.8. H 2)4 WhlttakerC, A Shoes, L 3)4 DUNBARTON, Ontario Co., Ont. Falconer George Swldler, L OemonWm Tra«ler. O 2)4 Grainger John Blacksmith. L Grant IjOuIs Wagons. L JaSrayJas. Blacksmith. L Mcintosh Alex Shingle Mill. L OddleJolin G. 8. K 3)4 Parker George 0.8. K 3)4 Seeker Robert Tavern. O 2)4 StorerJ. R OristMUl. 3)4 TrippThomas 0.8. P 2)4 Wood Mrs a. 8. L Yure A MoConooliie Schooners. 3)4 DUNBLANE, Bruoe Co., Ont. Jones Mrs, E O, 8, L MoFarlane Robert MUls. G 2)4 DUNCANSVILLE, Russell Co., Ont. (SuRuittll.) DUNCHURCH, Mutkoka Diit., Ont Kelsey George O. 8. L 914 OUNCRIEF, Middlesex Co., Ont. Charlton Joseph G. S. P 2)4 CharltonBroB Grist Mill. K 3)4 NloholJ Shoes. L Oliver Thos Blacksmith. L Simons C. M Drover. O 2)4 stonebouse E Wagons. L TeUirrJamesS G. S. L 3)4 DUNOALK P. 0., Grey Co., Ont C*ter F. P Drugs, Ac. L Caswell James Hotel. L Chittick Wm Tailor. L Ci-oss R Builder. L 3)4 Davidson D G. 8. D 1)5 Deans James Hardware. K 3)4 Douglass David Harness. L 3)4 Galloway Wm GristMlll. 3)? Uanllner John Tins. L 3)4 Gordon Robert Butcher. L GrabamHenry 0.8. H 3)4 Hanbury Thonuw Shoes. K 3)4 Haney Samuel Gro. A Prov. H 3»? Hicks W.T Builder. L 3)4 Hoggart Robert Blacksmith. L "unter A, G Ins. Agert, Ac, Luinley, Heaiu A Heam Saw Mill. MaiNhall Wm. L Agt Ag'l Implta. L 3)4 McL'ulluueh Samuel Tavern. K 3)J McDowell John.... Orist A Saw Mills. McGregor John Tavern. L McGregor Peter Saw Mill. H 3 Molniies J Gro. L McQuavrieMrs Fruits. L Mlddleton George It G. S. K 3)4 Morrow J, w Shoes. L 3)4 Nelson Wm ...Ins. Agent. L 3)4 Nlxou F. t Veterinary Surgeon. Nixon George 0.8. K 3)4 Nerval J ohn Blacksmith. L 3)!i RobertHon J Stoves, Ac. L HHdierfoiil George Ins. A gent. L TecploF. F Bla>,k8mlth. L 8)4 Whittle Peter Ovsters. Ac. H 3^ \t^ 0UNDA8, Weniworth Co., Ont AllenJames Watches. H 3 Applegortli Thos. U Fancy Goods. K 3 DUN I r ''i OISTT^RIO ^ND QUEBEC. DUN Babcnck wilder Hotel. liaiubtii'Ker Jiiliu Tavern. BHiiiiHtt AlfTPil Baloon. BIckeU Davlil Siloes. BloklnOeo Ovo. BltUiifCtou Julius P :..Ag'l Inii)lt«. Black J C'ariMsnter. Black Mr8 MlUluer. Black wcllJames Painter. BurMiwick * Co BakerH. Bowman JoHcpli [.umber. Brady to George Shoes. Cowi "r U. P Furniture & Undertaker. Cowper WlUonghby Coal. Cruwfoitl James A Uro. Ci-ohUv Andrew Ag.-nt. Davidson H. K fJi-o. Davis John H Boot« <& Shf>es. Dickie & Co Oro. Dlnirle Richard Butcher. Diuiilas Cotton Mills Co Duudas Tool & Machine Co Ma- chines, dtc. Edwards W. A Pianos. Kills Miller. Kuilght J. ue. Fisher P. M Physician. Fisher John & Son Paper Mill. Freeman Mi's. A Confec. ilibsim Mrs. James D. O. Guulil Henry Tavern. OraftoD J. B. (& J. 8 U.S. Orahani Wni Oro. Grant (leorge Machinist. Gray W. K...Implts. & Card Clothing. Greening Timotuy Wireworker. Grewar J Uro. Gurueys, KusseU* Co....Ag'i Iniplts. Hayes Mrs Gro. Hazelwowl Wm Furniture Broker. Jtettei'nan Johu Ore. Hynanl Charles Tobacco & Pork. Jones & McCornican Jewelers. Kennedy Thomas BoUemikr. Kylollobert Peddler. Laing Peter & llobert Gro. Ijittfliaw Isaac Cabiuetnikr. Ijawry Chas Tanner. Lees George Baker. Leonard S. & Sous Hosiery. jA>uan A Barber. Lucas Benjamin shoes. LimiHden Waller B , Baker, &o. MagiU HughT Printer. Mallett W Tavom. MartUn W. B Carpenter. Mason Un>B Sheepskin Taimers. Maw John Foundry. McCardel C Baker. McKavJohn Barley Mill. McKechnle* Bertram... Canada Tool Works. MoKouzle William Cooper. McMahou Jajues Phrsiclan. McMillan A Fnilt, 4 I, 3)4 K 3)4 L L K 3 L L D 2 L F 2H K ,Sis L -.V-i H 3 L C 1 F 2)4 L L 3!4 H 3 11 3 H 3 O 2!4 L I, il 3 L K 3 IT a PowerT. R Oro. L llankln Jolin D. O. Hiley Peter B Hotel. L .SoaeotJeorgc F Hotel. II 3 Smith James F Hardware, u 2)4 Smith W. (I o.s. Smith Wllllnin Cablnetnikr. K 3 Soinerville Jas Printer. Ac. F 2)4 Straitiin Stanley A Co Woolens. L 3)4 fiuter Uobeit w.,Jr Ins. Agent, Ac. L Tapp Wm Canienter. L Townscnd F. B. A Co Teas A Oro. L Walker A. H Physician. 11 3 Webster Jas Flour A Feeil. H 3 Wheeler John Bniltler. L Williams J. B Livery. 3)4 Wllllimis W. B Blacksndth. L WllsouJohn Miller, H .3)4 Wilson K. T AxeFoctiMT. O 3 Wilson B.T. ACo Uro. o 3 Wll.son Thomas A Co Foundry. Wolf Itocli Gro., Ac. Wright M. A Co Brewers. DUNDEE, Huntingrdon Co., Qua. Baker D G. B. FarlliigerN Cheese. G 2>4 FiascrT. W Baker. K .3)4 LongUeorge (}. 8. McCnrtrey E., sr (4.8. H 2)4 O'Kellly Mrs. M o. 8. L O'Reilly W.H. ACo G. S. Simpson D.B Blacksmith. L SH TyoA Hotel. L 3)6 TyoJohu Oro. K 3 DUNOELA, Dundaa Co., On<. Dillahough O. E (J. s. K 3)4 Hamilton Thos O. s. L Moore Heniy Blacksmith. I, .3)4 DUNDONALD, Northumberland Co., Ont. Barker John, Estate of.... Oro. A P.O. H 3 DUNEDEN P. O., Simco* Co., Ont. Honeywell Asa Wagons. L Irwin John shoes. J, Jones Wm Saw Mill. K .3)4 Leouard Joseph Tavern. K 3)4 McGllI John Saw Mill. L MoHoley John Hotel, l Neelands II Grist Mill. L Strachan .Limes o. S. H 3)4 Weatherall Joseph Blacksmith. L DUNQANNON, Huron Co., Ont. Ball John Fumltnre. L Black Anthony HoteL K 314 Brydges A Pointer Wagons. K 3)4 Clendennlng A, E o. S. L Crawford William A Co U. S. H .3)4 Dtslier Thomas Carding Mill. H 3 Hamlin T. A llaniess. L Hanls Wm Grist A Saw Mills. P 2)4 HIscock Robert Shoes. L MaitlnJohn Hotel. L 3)4 •MoArthiir WUliam Builder. L McKay Jas PhyHlclan. L McPlierson Alex Tailor. L Neveiis Win Shoes. L I'eutland It Blacksmith. L 3)4 Ilolieits J. M U.S. O '2)4 Runclman John Saw MllL SaunlivH. B Grist Mill. K 3 Sproiilo Andrew Cablnetware. L 3)4 Stewart W Steam Saw M ill. H 3 Thompson Adam.. B'smllh A Wagons. L 3)4 Wlivanl James Tins. L 3'4 Wilson Mrs. Clara Millinery, Ac. L 3)t DUNHAM, Mistitquoi Co., Que. Beattle Win Speculator. K .3)4 Beniaiil F Harness A Tanner. Church H. A U.S. O 3 Cook Miss Amy F Milliner A Fiuicy Goods. K 3)4 Cullen James It Painter. K 3)4 EiiglaiidJ.T U.S. H •Z}4 Gear Joshua Gro., Ac. K 3 Physician. F 3 Orenler Samuel Wheelwright. L 3)4 u Millet I) (1. s. (J 3 Hill Austin L U111. K 3)4 Jones William Itlacksniith. ]I 3 KlinbnllJames J o. s. 3 Laltodaiil F Blasksmllh. L 3!4 Lewis N. O Agent. L 3)4 Martin B. S Cheese Factorv. O 3 M artln II Speouhilor. II 3 Mllliiit 11,, ,,,.,,. , ,. o, 8, I'aKiiello iienry [ Tins. K 3 Seeley Hiram Hotel. K 3 Southwell Mrs. O. P Tins. H 3 Stevens A. D MlUs. P 2)4 DUNKELO, Brue* Co., Ont. Eckford Jamea C Wood A Bark. P 2M Fletcher Joseph Hotel. L 8)5 Mciilll Maxwell Shoes. L Ross Paul Grist * Saw M Uls. (See Walkerton.) YonngJ. W. ACo G. 8. H 3 U DUNNVILLE, Htldimand Co., Ont. Adam Mrs. Margaret Tavern. L Aiken W. J Tugowner. O 3 Aiilerlay Misses Fancy Oooils, Ac. L 3)4 Armour T. . F'cjr Goods, Stat'y A P. M. H 3 AsherHngh Bricks. G % Aslier James Boots & Shoes. L Baker William Butcher. L BarneaN. A Hotel. L 3)4 Battye James Gro. 4 Hotel. II 3)a Beebe Nelson Dentist. L Bell Johu A Son Iron Founders. H 3 Black Charles 8 Prluter. L Bolger Johu UoteL L BoyleA 0.8. H 3 BraumlWUliam Tlna.Ao. O 2)4 Burrows A Grelner Foundrv. L Cooley J. A Painter. L Cooper Archibalil Laud Agent. L Conilck Samuel Shoes. L Coutts John Oro., Ac. L Crayston T «. 8. K 3)4 Derby Wm Watches. I. Docker Edward H Gro.. Ac. Drake Alvln Grist Mill. L Fant Joseph Barber, Ao. L Ford A. B Tins. Gamble Wm Liquors. H 3 Hall H Liquors. L Hamilton Wm.. Sewing Machine Agt. H 3 Haney James A Co Grist Mill. H 3 HaneyAParry Contracttirs. F 2)4 Harrison K. A Drugs. L Hart C. A. A Son Clothiug. L Holmes C. W Blacksmith. L Hopkins N Physician. H 3)4 Janiiesun James Grist Mill. K 3)4 Johnson H.J D. G. L Johnstone John T Barge. L King B Carriaire Trimmer. L Kltv Hhaw W.J Cabiuulware. li Smith Donald Tailor. K S.'j stowart A MuUlvan Ab'1 Implts. Turner John Furniture. I< Wataon Uoury Hotel. O 2)'i DUNVEQGAN, Qlengary Co., Ont BamlR Saw Mill. Campbell Donald Blavksmlth. K 33s MullttUumJ. F Tine. L MeCiluiuion Blaokamltli. 1. MoCrlmmon A Tannery. 1, 3i6 Mcintosh AnmiB O. S. O 2^ JlcKeiiuel Nell WagonB. L Mc I rf"ao Hector O. 8. K m, McMillan Duncan Watchmkr. L 3!4 Woodllud Joshua U.S. \J DUTTON, Elgin Co., Ont. Bush Frank shoes. L I'amerim Uunran Grist Mill. L SH Duncanson Peter Angtloueer, Ac. H 3 Hohlen W.J . . DriiitH. L HurapldgeT. A Planlnj! Mill. L Jackson W.H U.S. K 3!4 Joiilaii Robert Hotel. K 3!ii I.eltchA.J Orlst.MUl. H 3 McAITruv B. W Tailor. L Mclntyre AClay Grain A it. 8. F 2>4 Mclntyro Hugh Hullder. L McKce Dauler. Saw Mill. L ,S!a McKay JaincH Hotel. L McMillan Archibald Hotel. U ^ McPherson Angus G. H. H 3 Mltteu ACo Stave A Heiuling Factory. L 3>4 Pilgrim Cliarlea 8 Kggs. L 3(4 Itlsdon John Tins. (See Wallacet'iwn.) Shultz Fiirntture. Suitth Byron H'wai^e A tJro. h Soutbwiilil Kilward Unlhlor. L 3»i Thompson Jas. I> Harness. L 3hi Walker ArcliiUnlil Blacksmith. L Wallacetown Carriage A Wagon Man- ufactrirlug Co. (Limited) White James Gro. L WllkluJames Blacksmith. G 2!,; DWIGHT P. O., Mutkoica Disi, Onl. Ooldle Mrs. Janet 0.8. S EAGLE, Elgin Co., Ont. CampheUNell Wagons. L 3)4 Lincleninan Krnest Tailor. H 3 l.lndennian Kred.J Hotel. H 3 Lnidenman P.J G. 8. O 2,<4 Mc K lllop A. A Bro Lumber. A c. (See West Inirne.) Martin Joseph Hotel. L Miller John Shoes. L Mowbray Robert Mills. H 3 Muller I" Cooper. 1< 3!4 sliaw(ieo Blacksmith. L 3)4 8to«nrt J. U Sewing Machines. L EAGLESON'S CORNERS, Carloton Co., Onl. EaglesonWm G. 8. K 3 EAMER'8 CORNERS, Stortnont Co., Onl. McDonald Mrs. J. A Taveni. L EARDLEY, Ottawa Co., Que. Breckenridge Andrew BrUks. L 3)4 Kirwau Wm (f. w. L Mcl^ean A McAllister Lumber. F 2(4 Mclean W.H G. M. K 3 Wilson J. H Shingle Mill. L EAST BOLTON, Brome Co., Quo. Brvant J. F O. a. A 1". M. L Dewev A. 8 Blacksmith. Scott'M Cheese. L 3)4 EAST CLIFTON, Compton Co., Que. Calruall. K 0.8. H 3 EAST COX, Bonavenlure Co., Que. (See J'aspeblac.) EAST DUNHAM, Misiitquoi Co., Que. (See Dunham.) EAST FARNHAM, Brome Co., Que. Buck Curtis Furniture. K Hock Lymim A Soii....AKents A G. H. H llutclilns U. A 11. t' G. a. G Jewell M. II. A H Agents. H Messier Jos Cnnlagemkr. L Vilas A Baulloid Foundry A Furn. K. EAST HATLEY, Slanilead Co., Que. Allen Wm '. niacksmllh. L Chvlstlo Tlios Bhvcksmit b. L Curlls A ICuowltou G. 8. L Harden Jolin Tailor. L iictttcrinfxtuu if Pii.Vr'>ci:tii. Ij Jimes i:harlos F Pliysiclan. L KeniiBilyA Uoweli Tins. L Le Baiim A Ives G. 8. G Parker A . P Cariwntor. H Parker H. W shoes. K Paikor AUowo 0.8. O EAST HAWKE8BURY, Pretoott Co., Ont ManeelyW O. S. A Hotel. H » MiKiuev A Grout Saw Mill. (» "H Waddell J. W. A 0.8. K 3)4 EASTMAN'S SPRiNQS, Cerleton Co., OnL Boyd J 0.8. K 3 EASTON'S CORNERS, Grenville Co., Onl. Davis Mrs Hotel. K .1)4 Devltt Thomas O. 8. H 3 Easton G. W 0.8. O 3)4 l-astou A Walt 0.8. Everotts M. K Cheese, Ac. Fcilford John H Marble. O 2)4 lii-aham Samuel G. a. L Hunt K. A Carriages. K 3 Ireland Aaron BlaokamlilL ]£ 3 Nevinsjohn Hott*i. L .NevlnB R Uamess. L 3)4 Putnam B. L Tannery A Sliues. L 3)4 Warren George Shoes. L W.irren Joliu Harness A Tannery. K 3 Watts Jolm A Son BlackBmlths. U 3 EAST TEMPLETON, Ottawa Co., Que. (See TempletonJ EASTVILLE, York Co., Ont. (Ste HuU.) EAST WILLIAMSBURG, DundiiCo., Ont. Snvder Fliaa Saw MilL.T, Snyder H.E 0.8. K ffl4 WoUsJobu U.S. K S EASTWOOD, Oxford Co., Onl. Beard John Barrel Headings. (See WiHwcMii.ik.) Burrows A OrlstMlll. H 3 Coruisli Nicholas Hotel. L KdiMonils Joseph <1. 8. H 3 Fowler James SlioeB. L 3)4 Haywaiil AUnxl MllL H 3 iliiywai'd I'hlllp.. Wagons A B'smlth. L Platts Joseph Oro. L Robinson Henry Blacksmith. L Robinson .S. G Wagons. Ii EAST ZORRA, Oxford Co., Onl. (See Walmer.') EATON, Compton Co., Que. Aubry Joseph Cbrrlages. L 3)4 Barlow O.T MiJtel. O 3 DraperC. M UeuUst, Ac. K 3)4 Hoifee D. W. B Can-iages. K 3)4 IjikoSainuel Oi-lst MUl. H 3 LebourveauA Hill U.S. O 3 McGee James O. 8. H 3 Picard Oeorge Tanner. K 3)4 PowersG. w Pliysiclan. O 8 RogersA Blacksmith. K 3 atone Hollls Shoes. K 3)4 Warby Dartd Furniture. L ECUREUILS, Portneuf Co., Que. Dusseault Celestln Blacksmith. K 8)4 Ge.riuaiu Real G. S. L Page Reiul G. 8. K 3)4 Papillou A Shoes. L Sewell MUl A Store. EDDVSTONE, Northumberland Co., OnL Thompson Jas Miller. L EDEN, Elgin Co., Onl. Becker Joseph '. Hotel. H 3 Buckliorough Wm Blacksmith. L 3)4 Caulllelii A Dougherty u. 8. O 2)4 Gilbert H. W , Wagons. II 3 Gnice Eiiwaiti Harness. L Grey lidwln Saw Mill. G 3)4 llaliHler tiejirgo Shoes. L NetherexittJohn P. M. A Slioes. L < istrandor Simeon (J. a. K 3)4 Beaiis A Harness. L EDEN GROVE, Bruoe Co., Onl. BushWiU; Blacksmith. L Fennell Win 8hw». Ii McKay Thos G. a. MuunAWebster Saw Mill. H S Plokertou Tboiuas G. H. (See Plnkerton.) Silcr JobQ Wagons. L EDE OISTTA-RIO ^ND QXJJEBKO. ELM EDEN MILLS, W«lllng4an Co., Oni. Clark Halvolm Hhoo. r, Dnian Tnvern. I. HortopWm Miller. H 8 McConnellJaines o. s. L NlcholJameii B'smlthA Wagoim. I, .T6 Taylor Ilichard Tm.H. L h;.. Webb John Cooper. L 3>.j Wilson I'oter Woolens. L »;<| EDOAR P. O., Simco* Co., Ont. Armstrong James Dlncksnilth. L Baldwin * Norrts o. 8. Brazil P. B BawMUl. H 3 Cockbum James Wnuons. H 3 CocklJtim 4 Leacy I.H oro. L 3)4 MoGannon M. C o. 8. 3)4 McLatchieJ Blacksmith. H 2)4 HcPhorson Kenneth o. 8. K 3)4 MlUsBros U.S. (See C. A M. Mills, Iroauois.) ReidJoseph Tailor. L 3)4 EDWARDSVILLE P. O., Perth Co., Ont. Edwards Bros. A Co Saw Mill. H 3 EFFINGHAM, Wsilantj Co., Ont Abell Robert Woolen Mills. L Petty J. H Carriages, Ac. I, Be9 OrtfflthJ. A 11 Tins. L 3« Harris U. B. A Co Shoes. L Hazelton Jos Carpenter L Hlckoy John A o. 8. L Hlgslns Jiiuos Httiuess. K SW HowonlACo 0.8. H 3 Lacey Daniel 0.8. A 8ho<^a. O 8)4 Levi Edward Carriages. L McCaim John Painter. L McDennit James Tim. H 3 McDei-raltt A George 0.8. H 3 McRan John D a. 8. 3)4 McTavish A Blacksmith. L Merrick .WiRs MllUnery. L PorrlgoGeo Blacksmith. L 3>4 Power Edward Bhooa. L Hooves R. A W Furniture. K 3 Ro Martin Henry Carpenter. L 3)4 Meyers J Shoes. L MlkusFriiuk Tavern. G 3 Miller John Wagons. L 3>4 Moser Isaac -. ..Pumps A Pointer. K 3;.j Oppuitheiser Henry Blacksmith. I, 3!a P.atjjHhu (irtatMili, K SU Ruppel A Fenner Carpenters, Ac. O 2)* Riippel John G. S. O 3 Spenth Joseph Weaver. L Siark John Wagons. K Stephen Wm Tailor. L 3)4 StruthersR. C Unaker. F a?^ ELM ONTA.RIO A.ND QUEBEC. EBI 3 3!4 gji 8 3)i 3>i) 3), 3)4 3!3 3)11 3)a i. 314 " 3!a 33 3 Utler Jonathan Oro..dko. I, Vogt George Organrnkr. A , , Tavern. II 3 Wackgniuthe Wm Shoes, Ori)., &c. (1 -ili, Wagner J. F Butcher. .... (SeoFloradnlo.) Wall B Wagons. I, 31* Walmsley I). L Drugs * Lin. 11 3 Wolghcl Michael Blacksmith. II 3 WeUlverC. K Hamoss. I. Wenz Jacob Cooper. L 3'4 Wlnger.tCo Woolens. H 3 Zilllax Ilonry Uotcl. I, 3Hi VA; ELMVALE CORNERS, Simco* Co., Andrews Matthew Blacksmith. Bray Alfred Physician. C'(K)per Alex a, a, Ellis John Shingles. Kills Thomas o. 8. Bmltb A Stevenson Pumps. ELMWOOD, Bruo* Co., Ont. Arrantrong Joseph Blacksmith. Bohnnsack Carl Tailor. Brnarthccker Henry Blacksmith. Fisher Hobert Tavera. Fisher Robert, Jr Tins. HauserC Cablnetware. Ken' John Painter. Lynn Bros Wagons A B'smlths. MiCready Wm O. B. Relnhardt John o. 8. Smith Jolinstou Steam 8aw Mill. Struthers K. 8 Bankrupt Stocks. . Wataon W.G o. s. I ELORA, Wsllinglon Co., Ont. Anderson J. W Patent Spinning Wheels, Ac. Andrick Andrew Butcher. Arkell & Croydon Proil. Auger* Bitt.... WagonuA B'smlths. Balne John Woolens. BIggar Thoe Hotel. Bowes Jol'u G. s. Bums James Hotel. Camiiljell Wm D. O. & Oro. CarglU Uenry Lumber. (See ChepBtf>w, ) Carter A Co Grain. Carter Wm.pjr Ins. Agent. Chambers J ames Cooper. Chlnueck Ilobert. . Tailor A F'cy Uouds. Clark Chas G. a. Couuan Thomas Photographer. Crozler Johu B Sheepskin Tanner. Curry James Baker. Cuthben Alex B'snilth A Wagous. DalbyF jfotel. DalbyJ Tannery. Dalby U Leather A Brushes. Day Kbenezer Carriages, Ac. Demmans Chas I'umps. Devlin Miss H Fancy Oooils, Ac. Duncan A. G O. 8. Duncan Mrs Gro. EUlott W Photographer. Elora Agricultural Machine Manufac- turing Co. (Llmlteil) Fllshle Archibald Foundry. Fitzgerald John Blacksmith. Foot* James Hardware. Fraser J. M. A Co G. 8. Fries Adam Tailor. OarranlS. II Wagims. Mlbb John Oro. A Feed. Godfrey A Son Shoes. Gordon A Haniess. Uonlon J. F DeuUst. Grant James Gro. Hamilum Hugh Blacksmith. Hortop James Grist Mill. Kennedy John Cooper. KlrbyJ.J Liquors. Kransiiiuuu A Hotel. Land Chas. Henry Boots A Shoes. Ijind Kphraini — Temperance House. Lee James Painter Leech W Painter. Macorquodale F. A. or D. 8 uro. Martin Thomas Tins. Maw A Fenwick Tailors. Me Uxighhn James G. S. McMlckiug W. P Books, Ac. Middleton Gavin Canientcv. Ac. Mitchell nobort Saddler. Mundle Johu Cabinetmkr. Murdock HuKh Gro. A HnkiT, Nuwomii liiiw. A Co Hanking, Ac. Noble George Wagons. Paget Arthur H Physician. Perry C. K Drugs. Potter D.M Saw Mill. BavagoW.F Physician. Shaw J. M rubllsficr, Ac. Onl. K a}^, L a'4 1, L K 3^ Ij 3Vi L Ij ■A>., H 3 L 3S I. L »y> H 3 L M 3 If 3 L 3!4 11 3 F L H ■i'i 3 a 2V4 L L 3!4 H 3 F •iV, H 3 L 3Mi 1, K 3)4 11 3 H 3 •i^, K 3'^ L 3W L H K i L F •2\t, U U!, 1, K 3'v 11 3!4 L 3N, L 3M, K 3H G a). II 3 L L ■.i'^, H 3 G •2'(, L 3!<, K 3'5 Watson A Lambert Marble. H 3 Watson Miss Milliner, Ac. L Wayiier Joseph Hotel. L Webster Samuel Tins. G !C4 ELPHIN, Lanark Co., Onl. Mann James o. s. L EL8IN0RE, Bruc* Co., Ont. Geddes James H Saw Mill. Jones J... Shoes. L Manning John B Hotel. L Nelson Itobert G. 8. L ,T'l White Joseph lllacksmith. L ,3!a ELY, Shaffbrd Co., Que. C«« North Ely. ) EMBRO, Oxford Co., Ont. Adams Henry Phys'n A Drugs. G 2)A Anderson J. G (I111. L 3'a BooseyA.M Cooper. K 3'!. BrandA y. s. L 3)4 Burton J. W Cooiier. L ,3)« Calder Frederick Blacksmith. L 3!? CampbellJas Contractor. K 3)4 CodyElllah uro. L 3!? Connor Bros Hotel. H 3 Duncan George Physician. H 3 Forrest George G. 8. Fraser Mrs. Duncan Oro. L Oeildes Wm Wagons. K .1)4 Gordon Geo Orlst MIIL F 2)4 Gould W : Baker. L 3 Henderson Hngh Tins. L 3% Lampman Leo Jewelry. L Mann James G. 8. F 2)4 Matheson Hugh Cheese. G 2)4 McAulayHugh Tins. H 3 McAuley A McKinnon Foundry. H 3 McDouiUd Andrew Blacksmith. L McDonaldJas 8aw Mill. L 3)4 McDonald Lucius H B'smith A Wagons. McKay A. A BlacksnUth. K 3V^ McKay Daniel Shoes. L .3)4 McKay John Speculator. H 3 McKonzleAlex Shoes. L 3)ii McNeilJas Shoes. L 3'a MePherson I). M Shoes. K 3)a Bingham Wm Carpenter. II 3 Kllord Themaa LiiniUr,-,-. (! i'.'. OlhHon W. J Tailor. L Hawkins Harness. L HilUer Solomon Physlchtn. H 3 Hutchison H o. s. H 3 Kenncity Wm. J Hhvies. L Martin John GristMlll. U 3 Mills Samuel Harness. L Mitchell John Physician. L 3)4 Mormiey Patrick Carriages. K m Rogers Fred o. S. Sylvester Richard Foundry A Ag'l Impits. 3 Virtue WUllam Tavern. II 3)4 WofMlMorgan BUcksmlth. L . ENNISMORE, PeterlMro' Co., Ont. Douil Humphrey oi-o. L piinn J.B Oro. L Mahoney Wm Blacksmith. L Smith C". B Oro. L Smith PhUln Hotel. L Spencer William Gro. L Tiavls Nathaniel Blacksmith. L 3'^ Young Tavern. L Young Samuel o. 8. L 3!4 ENNOTVILLE, Wellington Co., Ont. Davidson Alex oro. K Slo Donaldson John Blacksmith. K S«4 Hetfernau P Tavern. K 3)4 ENTERPRISE, Addington Co., Ont. Card Oreu saw Mill. Carscallen A. R Plivslcian. L 3)4 Clancy Thomas Cheese. K 3 i lies George Cabinetmkr. L Jackson Amos Harness. L Keech Amos Wagons. L Keetch Wiley Harness. L 3)4 Ixickwood Charles Blacksmith. L I.ockwiK)d Samuel Wagons. L 3)4 Long Samuel HoU4 Wowl KobertftJuhn Il'waru, Druea & Uro. O 2H ERINSVILLE, Addingtor Co., Onl. Blewett Tlinmaa Blncksniltli. h HareM Michael Hotel. L Mahoiiey It Hutel. L Miirpliv BemanI (i. s. L 3)i Miui)livM. 8 Sboed. L K>» O'Neil Jamea Blaokmiiith. H :^ riielaii Mr». Nlcliulua Tavern. Ij 3>3 Stewart L'liarlea Oro. L WalshP O.S. U 3 ERNESTTOWN, Addinglon Co., Ont. AineyAanin Saw Mill. H 3 Amey L. H OrNt Mill. F SNi Ci'iielanilJames Woulon Fnrtory. K 3.Vj Link Mrs Store. L ESCOTT, Leeds Co., Ont. Abralmm Tlios O. 8. Bocitli lleuben , Hotel. L 'iM D<)WHley (iex* Shoes, h Dowsley Joseph 8ad>Uer. L Sii DowBley Josepb L (i. 8. H ,1 HeasUiiS. A Urlst <£ Saw Mills. ESCOUMAINS, Saguenay Co., que. Larouche Alfred & Co. ... G. 8. * Mill. U 3 ESCUMINAC, Bonaven3 Aiililii A. M (I. S. ]j BelJry J. li Harness. Cave Charles Hotel K 3'a Cowdy Wui Carpenter 4 Matthews A Hlckok Packing Box Mkrs. F Xu (8ee also Burlington, Vt,) ETHEL, Huron Co., Onl. AldsnilCT .Tsmes KlSf-ksmUir. L Coberjohn Wagons. G 2}^ Cruch John Shoes, I, DavlesJohuM Saw Mill. H 3 Kirgor Anthony .Tftvorn. FUher Geo. F Harness. L OIUIMBO Tavern. U SH HelTernan John C Blacksmith. L 3H Milne James GrlstMill. J. Milne William Saw Mill. H 3 .Impson SVin O. H. H .S)4 Smith A. H :. G. 8. L Rpence James G. 8. H 3 .Spence William . . Pottery. L 3H EUGENIA, Oroy Co., Ont. Akitt Michael Temperance House, Gro., Ac. II 3 Gllliland Thos. B G.8. K 3>4 Hambly W. 8 Shingles. L l,anfl llosjuina M OrlstMIII. H 3 l^slleJimeph Shoes. L I'urdy Alexander Phyeiclaii. O !04 Punly U, McL G.8. H 3 HI pes J Hcob Wagons. X. l^doanJaeobS Wuortnp Henry, Jr GrlstMill. o 2^4 Hunter Jos Cooper. L 3)4 LuwrieWiu Blooksmltli. L mi McKemleChas G. s. L ."Pi McKlnnouJohu G. S. H 3 MoouIIeury Blacksmith. L 3)4 Usherwuotl Jesse Tavern. H 3 Wheeler R.N G. 8. K 3)4 EXETER, Huron Co., Onl. Abbott Henry Dentist. L Allen Thomas Shoes. L Atkinson Richard Hotel. L 3)4 BackJohu FlourA Fecil. K 3)4 Bell John Gro. A Baker. L 3)!. Blssett R. A T Livery A Tins. U 3 Blake A Co Bricks, Lumber, Ac. ' (See Brewster P. O.) Bowden A Dew Marble. K S,'4 Bowdeujoseph Butcher. K 3)4 Boyd Andrew Oysters, Ac. L 3)4 Braund Diggory Wagons. K 3)4 Brawn John, Jr Cabluetware. L 3)4 Brawn John, sr Tailor. K 3*4 Brooks G. A J Saw Mill. II 3 BrownH.C Hotel. L 3)4 Browning Joseph W. Phys'n A Drugs. Buckhigham Samuel Blacksmltli. L 3!4 Carliug Isaac G. s. K 2 CavesJas Hotel. K 3)4 Caves Thomas Blacksmith. L S^ Christie Kiiwanl Hotel. H 3 Clark Jolui P,., G. S. 11 3 Clarke Mark Shoes A Livery. K 3*4 Cowan Young Physician. O 2)4 CniukanJohn ().». H 3 CurellyACo O. 8. F 2)4 Davis Richard Blacksmith. H 3 Down James Wagons. L Drew li Crockery A Organs. G 2?a Drew William Calilnetware. F 2)4 Dulgnan Jas. A Bro B'smiUis A Wagons. H 3 Dyer, Oak A Uowai'd Planing Mill, Ao. H 3 Eacrot Chaa Saddler. H 3 EacretGco Saddler. H 3 Fanson Wm Saddler *t shoes. FenwickWm Grist Mill. H 3 FIshburn John... Veterinary Surgeon. L FItton Thos Watches. II 3 Fravne P Harness. L 3)4 Garllekjliss Mlllluor.v, L Gidl'.-v fii-oa Ctttiiitrtiir'KiT, it 3 Gould John Cooper A Ashery. 11 3 Gregg John Htatluuer. L 3)4 Gregg Wm.ASou Tailors. H 3 llanlonl Isaac Blacksndth. L 3)^ llai'. L 3!4 Kline John Shoes A Gro. Lake A Ins. Agent. L S)a I,.eatham A McConbray O. S. IrfjggatK. A Bankrupt Stocks. Lufi. C Phys'n, Drugs A Fancy Goods. H 3 MuccGeoigo Gro. A 1.1(1. O 254 McClelland Bros G. S. McIuiilsJohn Flour.* Feed, H 3 McUiehllu AMcCallum Tanuerj'. H 3 McPhllllp Peter I.lvciy. L .^;4 Moore Robert C Pbysloliui. L NorthmoreGco Baker A Confec. L O'Byrno A Co Hardwan\ OkeJamea Hotel. H 3 O'NeUR. H Bnikor. (8e« Lucan.) Park Augustus Hats, Ac. L Patton A Dorward Flax. PerklusACo Ag'l Imiilts. F 2)4 PlckardJas O. 8., Mill, Ac. C dJ Prior Thomas Butcher. K 3*4 Ranton Bros G. 8. H 3 Ross Bros. A Taylor Sash A Door Factory. H 3 RowcCharlea Tailor. K 3!4 Suuiwell A PIckard G. 8. F 2)4 Senior Charles Pbotographer. L Shears Alfred Ua,iuu. L 3)4 Smith Joseph Wagons. K 3)4 Snow John Shoes. L Southcott Chas. A Son Tailors. U 3 SiMckman Edwin H Tins, Ac. L SH SplcerU.AE Oro. H 3 Sweet Wm Veterinary Surgeon. L 3)4 Swenerton James (iralu. F 'iW Talt Sinclair Toys, Ac. K 3 Thome A Farmer Liq., Gro. A Feed. O 2U Tom John C Shoes. K 8!^ TitibleJohu Bboes A Uamuss. H 3 TnittW. A Shoes. L Verity W. H Foundry. F 2)4 Wauleiw A Btoin Cai-tling Mill. U 3)5 WeeKs Wm. D Marble, L Westoott John T Ginger Beer, Ac, L White A Carrick Job Printers. L 3)4 WhiteJoliU Printer. K 3)<. Willis J Lumber. H 3 FAIRFIELD, Kent Co., Ont Brown Alex Hotel. H 3 Jacobs Sylvester Shoes. L 3)* Ridley Wm Blacksmith. L Swarthont Isaac Saw Mill. F 2)4 West Troy Cheese Mauulacturinic Co. II 3 Williamson Robert Bhicksiiilth. L 3*4 Wilson Abraham O. s. o 2)4 FAIRFIELD PLAINS, Brtni Co., Onl. Buckbenough John Blacksnilth. L 3)4 smith Russell A Son.... Mnfis. Wine. U 2*4 FAIRMOUNT P. O., Grey Co., Ont. Knox E. K Money Lender. K 3)4 Orr Robert G. 8. A P.M. K 3)9 FAIRPORT, Ontario Co., Ont. Flsber Jolm Hotel. FAIRVIEW, Perth Co., Ont NlehoU Samuel Blacksmith. L FALBROOK P. O., Lanark Cc, OnL (Sre Bathunt) FALKENBURG, Muikoka District, Ont. Hay Eilward Gro., Ac. K 3!4 Sevier cbailee Tavern. L 3>a FALKIRK, Middlesex Co., Ont. Ha«kett Joseph Hotel. 11 3 llodgsunJohn Pointer. L Humble A Barr Waitous. L Kelly John Sachlier. L Lambert A Sons Woolen Mill. K 3>4 Ijamout David saddler. L Ship' , Geo. M Mills. H 3 st<",.';jns, WHllT. 1> L 3)i II ;) u ^;» H » II » L, M!4 I. L II 3 F «'i C IV^ K ■A^ U a H a K H'i f 2**, i. 1. aw, K a!. I. 11 a L S(i H a L an V •■On H. a G 2S K a-. It a I. F i!W, U a^i 1. 1. L a^i R aN, U a FALLOWFIELD, Carlcton Co., Out. 0'>f««rnM»rtln Hotel. K 3H WalliiCB 11 o. H. a FARMERSVILLE, LMd« Co., Out. Ann»tmiifl:.\ Hotel. K 354 Ariiiild II. It o.H. I{ 3ia lieucli Cfuo firo. I. MUHliT.W Woolena. I, llvwM MlM Mllllnvr)'. L DiiKKaii Jttines Boot* >fc Hlioeg. L 3H DiiiiHviiii Jiilin llotfl. K av, FinliiM' L)iin('uii...CaniaKeadt IVamltli. K a CJllniy it UowHloy dui-iaueK. K a JuilMiu U. D Oro. K a KBilpy * Canim-onS. M Saw Mill. II 3 Clark Adam O. S. H 'Si llandlum Mrs. Thos Tavern. 3i4 Morrison J. M WaKonnikr. G 2)* Morrison Mrs o. s. L Sii UeldU -...Blacksmith. K 3)7 FARQUHAR, Huron Co., Ont. Clark Wm. J 0.8. L 3H DavlsJamos Tavern. K 3 Oardiier Kobert Cheese. H 3 MoNlchol Uavld Blacksmith. L 3>4 FARRAN'S POINT, Slormonl Co., Ont BakerOeo G. 8. Fr.rlxM C. T. H Civil KnRlnuer. L (illison Wm Tombstones. L UoKoJospph Shoes. K 3>4 llllilardj. W CarrlaKemkr. L Johiiatm 8 Hotel. Kerr Urns o. S. A Saw Mill. McEwau Jolm Blaoksiuitli. L 3'A McTleruau James Shoes. L S*lata 8. P 0.8. K an stiibbsite Hush Marble. L as* Weegar /avbaiian Tins. L FENELLA, Northumbariand Co., Ont. llrtu ton Wm., Jr Blacksmith. H 8 Cruse Henry o. 8. Ij Forjfuson Alex Wagons. L, 3)4 I'liMijou .Mrs Tavern. J. (ii'orKeJobn Black.^nilth. L llnrunutiiu Isaao Saw Mill. I, I lltchlris Frederick Oro. L .S'4 Mackim Kdwunl Grist Mill. O 2'a Williams Avery 0.8. K 3>4 ~" FENELON FALLS, Victoria Co., Ont. Ajnicw James....- Shoes. K 3H Alli'n James Physician. K 3'5 Austin Henry Bnteher. L SW AuHtlnJcdin Oro. H 3 Hrysou W. O Physician. L Hurley \V. 8 'nu. 1. 3!4 CamiiboU William O. 8. H 3 Cochrane M. II Livery. L Cullen Thomas Shoes. L CiinuiuKham Oeorge O. 8. & P. M. K .T* l>avis H o. S. K i«i Daymen Humphrey Furniture. L 1)0 Butcher. K 3W Dewart Wm o. 8. KdwanlsK. U Livery. K .I'A Film J., A(,'eut Slioes. L lowler Hamilton Photofrranher. L 3H Uraliani W. I' Barber. L Green rfi Kills Saw Mill. F H'., llan.t&UttidD Printer. K aii Healy Mrs Millinery. L 3)« HemiUKU. P Hardware. H S Ingram Nuble Tavern. U 3 Jackmm Richard Tailor. Jarvli * MeDongaJl B. O. Konn.>ily James A Builder. K Kennedy J4>hn W...Hanieaai Held O. A Dentist. L Itiobanison Thomas Plows. H 3 Ritchie Win Baker. Ac. K 3?4 Itoblnson John Grist A Oatmeal Mills. RnssellJnmes Harness. L Sherw(HHl Thompson Gro. H 3 SkeiTct Mrs oro. L SnailenJas Flour A Feed. K ,3)4 Spiers Wm Hotet a a?* Steele Robert (Jro. K 3)4 Stewart Alex Shoes. Taylor Alexander Tailor. H 3 Tecvlo E. U Auctioneer, .tro. L Teinplin John Blacksmith. K 3)4 Thompson John A Sou.. Uiiilert«kers „, A Cabluetmki-s. E 3)4 Tindall Bros D. O. A Gro. Ha Tocher James Pumiis. K 3)4 Tistd John PediUer. L Tnivton W o. 8. VanatoneJ Watches. L 3)4 Vickers Oeorge Watches. K 3)4 Walker James Baker. K 3)5 Wilson James Miller. FERGUSON'S FALLS, Lanark Co., Ont. HoUinger John Saw MIU. L Iretonllenry G. S. K 3i4 NagleR. F. G. S. I, FERQU80NVALE, Simoos Co., OnL Cummlngs A Riohardaoa .... B'smiths. K 3)4 Harbour Geo Hotel. K 3)4 Morley P.J O. 8. L Sneath L. A Peddler. L FERMOV P. 0., Frontenao Co., Ont. BottlngB Oro. L Crozler Wm Tavern. L McCue John Oro. FERNHILL, Middletex Co., OnL McColl Donald Blacksmith. L Owen D. H u. s. L Patterson Hector Blacksmith. L 3)4 FES8ERT0N, Slmcoa Co., Ont. (Nee Coldwater.) FEVERSHAM, Grey Co., OnL Bates John Blacksmith. L Brown llob<'rt A Son.... Blacksmiths. K 35a BuckiiiltOeo Orbit Mill. Ac. L 3)2 Kdwiinls Samuel Saw Mill. L 3*4 Hewitt Mi-s. D. 8 HamessAG.S. L Hudson Bros Carding A Shingle Mills. H 3 McOIrr Anilrew G. S. MitcnellHugh Shoes. L 3)4 Pali John Wa«ous. L FINGAL, Elgin Co., OnL Adair Orrtn Wagons. K 3)4 Barnes Hiuor Hotel. K 3}« Blssell Stewart shoes. II 3 Burwell S. E G. 8. H 3 Campbell D Builder. L Campbell Malcolm Sai OialCharlesA Harness. L 3)a Lemnier Jacob (i. S. MeUlenbacker i'reilerlck Shoes. L 3!s Neblo Goo Blac^ksmlth. L 3)2 Otterman C. t6 J Wagons, K 3!a Pugsleyfl. H G. S. Uohrbn Jacob Hotel. H 3 Schler > hola« Cablnetware. H H'j Snliier i i iiiry Cablnetware, Ac. L S,"!! HuiUer John Shoes. I- 3>4 FITCH BAY, Slanttead Co., Que. Doloff H. A O. S. Ji Millwright. H 3 Drew Henry O. 8. L 3)^ House James W....OrlBt*SawMllls. O 'ih OrcottHarley Saw Mill. 1, RadlkerOeo lllacksmlth. L Hand Wm. T Undertnker. L RWcrT. B. AH. M U.S. H 3 Taloey Wm Blacksmith. L FITZROV HARBOR, Carteton Co., Ont. BalnlD. 8 U. s L Daly Thos Tallo.. L Feather8t4)no James Saw Mill. K Frasor Allen Lumber. U 2^ liCarmouth Ut'ftrKJ U. H. K 2 MoFarlane Dav .1 Urn. H 3 McLaren David Lumber «& (>. ft. Moh'' William Lumber. Nicholson John Cablnetware. Saddler R'jbert .Blacksmith. L Scott A Tanner. L 3>a Smith James Shoes. K Somervllle Mrs U.S. II 2,14 Somerville U. C Saildler. L Somervllle Wm Jr U . S. L 3)a Tevens Patrick Hotel. L 3Sii Waile Jhs O. 8. L WorkJames Shoes. K 3!l FLAMBORO', Wentworth Co., Ont. f.Vfi/' HV^( FUtmboro*.) FLEETWOOD, Durham Co., Ont. Morrow Henry Shoes. L Morrow J. T 1'. AI. .4(1. s. L Staples Thonms D Hiilldiir .t Haw Mill, H 3 FLEbHERTON, Grey Co., Ont. Armstrong J. W Conveyancer, Ae. Barnhouse Wm Shoes. Beattlo A Bricks. Bellamy Chus. B Caripent or. Bioilley Wm Mills. Uulnier Wm Photo. * Toys. Campbell J . A N WcMilens. Ohrlstoe W, S riiysiclan. ClayU)n Wlllliuu Shoes. Couk Uobnrt Blucksmilh. Damude Solomon Tanner. Doll Fred Wiitehes. Field John J Coonur. Heard J. U Wagons A B'smlth. Honinhlll James Wagons. Henderson J as. W Ins. Agent, Ac. Henry James Livery. Hogg William Saw Mill A u. s. HiMiiwr A Sous Cabiuetinki s. Large J. W Miison. Leavens J. W Iluvness Leltch ThomaH Talhtr. Merrluio MiiiiehtMter. .. . Cultinct wiiiiv Moore J. i'j caineiiter. M unshaw Aai'on, Jr Tavcni. I'nrdy Kdward u. s. Rlchiirdscm MatUiow u. S. Ulehardsou Wm., Agcil... Drugs, Ac. L L 3V, 1^ a!i 1. I. 1, 3^ L ;i!.i II 3 I. 1. II 3 1, H a L I. 1. ■^•i L 3V, L :!'/ U ■-"a (1 a-i. Sargent Fred Butcher. L SnmiUe Robert J O. S. Strain Wm Agent Ag'l Implta Sidllvan J Tins. L The'iinsou Alex Baker. L T.imbleH O. S. Vogan Wm Tavern. L Whirtaker J. J Uro., Ac. L Wilson Ueo , . Butcher. L WllmmT. w Wagons. L S<.i Wilson Wni Carriages. L 3)!) Wright WUIlam O. 8. FLETCHER, Kent Co., Ont. Barry Patrick J G. S. L 3H Coutt^ Alex Blacksmith. L I'eque A Sinclair Staves. 3 Sandsberry Wm Blacksmith. Stewart Francis B Saw Mill. FLINTON, Addinglon Co., Ont. Campbell Wm Q. 8. & B'smlth. tl 3 Lessanl Moses U. S. H 3 MattliewsE.J Store. K 3 Sedgwick Daniel... Uriht A Saw Mills. K 3 FLODDEN, Riohmond Co., Que. (See Melboum Ridge. i FLORADALE, Waterloo Co., Ont. Gingrich John Blacksmith. L 3)4 UlassJohn Blacksmith. H 3 Urosz Adam Shoes. L 3)a Ur4 Butler R Livery. H 3 Crowell Eberlle Blacksmith. L 3)4 Davison M Physician. 113 DockriU Joseph Wagons. L 3)2 Drake Alex U. 8. L Dunbar W. A Veterinary Surgeon. L 8)4 Fisher James Drugs. K 3)5 Ullles Daniel Hotel. L Uunno Robert Loan Agents Ae. U '2)4 Herson John Temperance L Horton Henry Urlst Mill. L Kerby C. P Shoemkr. L KerbyN. C I.lacksinlth. L 3)4 KIrbv John Wagons. L 3)3 Little Wm Shoee. H 3 Little W. B. A Co saw Mill. H 3 Llvesly Robert U. S. A I'ea B;odleW.F Drugs. L 3)4 Brush Thomas Tavern. Q 2)4 Burnette W. A Co Gro. L 3)5 Calms Peter D. U. A Uro. L Clark Wm Millinery. L Cnlomore H. U Watches. L CoiUtesBros Saw MIU. G 2)4 Davis Geo Livery. L Decker Ueo. B Pumps. K 3)4 Dickey R. B Ins. Agent. L DIerll GristMllflAc. F 2)4 Douglas D. W Tins. L Fisher James ^ Son Sler. L Hutton James Physieian. G 2*4 Jay Edwin Drover. L 3)» Jones Thomas Gro. A D. U. 3)4 Jones Wm Ore. A Llq. K 3)4 Kilbourne Watson P Oro. A Llq. K 3)9 Lemon Wm Haniware. G 2)4 Lockhead Wm Tinsmith. H 3 Mallory Samuel C Cablnetware. L Mason C Builder. L Maylor James A Son U.S. K 3 McBean Duncan U.S. H 3 McCrumI) Mrs MUllnery. L McDonald Wm Hotel. L McDougall John Hotel. O 2)4 M'lntosh A Shoes. L McKellar I'etiT Insurance. L McKellar Mrs. Peter Mllllnor>'. McMillan Chas Harness. L 3)4 McVenn Thomas Confee. L 3Hi MorrisJ. M Hardware. H 3 Munroe Bros U. S (See Park Hill.) Nash H.J .' Physician. K 3 Ody F O. 8. L Phelau John Blacksmith. L Phelau Mrs SUIUner. L t*lerce John Printer. L I'ollyAhin D. O. H 8 Pringle W. E Tailor. L Rawlings A Drover. G *2,^ Revlngt4m Joseph N Saddler. L RviMi M Ichaid lloud. Scott A. AC ' Drugs A P.O. L 3)4 Scott W Tins. I, HcularASons IllackHnilths. H 3 Shannan K Saddler. L Shaw John Lumber. G '2)4 Sherwln Wm Furniture. L 3)4 Sndth Charles F Shoes. L Sn.lth FriMl'k Talhir K 3)4 Sndth J. P Oyster Saloon. K 3)u Smith I,. II. .4 Co Bankers. D 2 Smith Philip Tavern. H 3 SU'ele A. F. A Co Cablnetware. Summers John A... Sewing M. Agtuit. L TrlppN.. Books, Ac, L TuOleldJ Baker. L V\n ValkenburgU Jeweler. K 3)4 Vivian Thos Shoes. K 8)4 West Mrs. Aaron Millinery, Ac. L il)ii Williams Miu'ris Pouish A Drover. H 3 Willing Matthew Miller. Wilson Amos Gro.AFeed, K 3)4 Wilson H Grain. L WIlHiin JiiniiM II I.imilier. K A\t WUKunWni .ui." jer. I. WlnclunanL . ...Tailor. L 3}i Witty Wm Hotel. L Wnm A. A I'u Fimndry A Mochlnesiiup. 3 FOB ONTARIO A.lSrD QtTEBEO. PBE I, L 1. 1. 1. I, K «H 1. H H L. 3)4 I, I H 3 H 3 U 2V, 1. K 3)4 K 3)4 L. a 3)4 li L 3)4 L (i iS? L 3)4 1. 1. 1. U 'i)4 1. K. 3)4 1. V i!)4 L L 3)4 H 3 1. K 3)4 H L O 3)4 a>4 L 3)4 K ?l? K O it? H 3 1. 1. K 3 H 3 1. 1. t* 1*)4 1, L I, 3)4 L 3)4 11 3 K 3 L, i". 11 3 1, !i.'4 L 3)4 11 3 U 2)4 li 1. K »;4 3)4 K 3).j I) ■i H 3 1, 1, I, K 3'4 K »)„ I, 3»« it 3 K 3)4 1. K 3)4 X. 3-4 L Ont. I. li I. L H Ij L K 3!4 3'-i 3 FORESTER'S FALLS, RenAvw Co., Bennett Jolm Shoes. Brown D Shoes. Bryce Henry Uttrdlng Mill. Cnnipboll O. O Blacksmith. Coleman W. 8 (}. s. Gnuily Alexander Shoes. McDonalU Archibald Blacksmith. PetllsTow M Saddler. FORESTVILLE, Norfolk Co., Onl. OlffordH.C O.8. K 3)4 OrtfflnG. W Carder, *c. H i) Johnson Albert Blacksmith. L 3)4 KnappAmos Cooper. K 3 MuncoS Grist rflll. L Mun)liy\Vm Hotel. L 3)4 Petty Oiirtla Shoos. L FORFAR, Leedt Co., Onl. Adrian Simeon Blacksmith. L ,3)4 FORMOSA, Bruce Co., Ont. A iistett Joseph Carpenter. Brudor I'hllin Shoes. Felireubach John Brewer. Frank Sylvester Gates Matthew.. GoBtf. J. B Graf Michael Hill Joseph Kirscb John Cooper. Blacksmith. Shoes. Butcher. Furniture. Shoes. Klein J Tins, iftc. Kramer Joseph F Wa^ns. Lehnhart Lewis Harness. LvnuW.J Q. S. *Mill. Messuer A. &F. X G. 8. Messuer Weutel Hotel Meyer Lewis Bbjcksmlth. Miller John Illacksmltli. Mosack JoHoph Tavern Schell Andrew Waaons. Soltj Joseph Hotel & Ba4 Blmmonslra Blacksmith. 1, Silencer shoes. L 3)4 Wllklns Hotel. L FOXMEAD P. O., Simeoe Co., Ont Hoildeu James.. Saw A Shingle Mills. Q 2)t FOX RIVER, Qiipe Co., Que. Fruing Wm. A Co FIhIi, Ac. t . n , ..., (See Grand Grove.) Lavine Robert M Fish, Ac. Le Boutlllier John A Co Fish. (See Goape.) FRANKFORD, Hullngt Co., Ont AlleyToblas o g BorbourMIss E Mlillner. L l!*"!};^,'-"?- ■;•: Blacksmith. K IliMith Nailionlel Cheese. L Bi«)t.h Thomas Harness. L Brc'inan Denis F Hotel. L Cliapiiiaii John Shoes, h ChownL.J Tins, Ac. L Clark Geo Hotel. K Connors Mrs. E aro K Consaui •■.•!-u Wagons. K Curry Saini-.J oro. H Kmbery Thos Punips. I, tester Tl.js GM. A Baker. H J"'"'"! Blacksmith.!, Goodniin-pii.v Aathony Shoes. L Gi-oaH II D.G. II Hayes Clms Plolure Frames. L HoopleJohn Blacksmith. L Keuney Wm US K Marsh Gilbert Blac'ksuilth; I, Mouldy Joseph Bricks L Mmln Wm Cabluotware. I, ^'fr*?', "!'"'" Drugs. L lettet Pi; Canieiitor. 1. Uoekwell Alliert Physician. I. Sagor Uobort.'.'.V.'.'.W.V.V.V.V.'.'. IMA. K g j«>l' •! ■ Blacksmith. L Sills A llro M''!^ "•' SU-vMiis il. ii '..■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■."." ...Tarhir. i^ Stevenson J. A Physlchui. H Sullivan J. Spe.ulalor. K Hweetr.ui J. Conlroctor. L Swiwtniau Ntoholne Coutracbir. H Turloy K o. S. TurleyPtttriok Speculator. Weese Abner Wagons. L ^^^S;*ii Picture FrSnes. L J^«««W. H Pomp* L WInchell ., Bntcben L FRANKLIN, Durham Co., OM. Brown Jamoe onUa. H 3 ^^MiS^^^- «^ H 3 McUuireWra O S L McLean A 'Taiior! I, FRANKLIN, York Co., Ont Bosworth Vincent q. g. l FRANKLIN CENTRE, Huntingdon Co., Que. AllcblnThue G 8 H .4 Cantwell Wm Q8 E 2 Cunningham Geo .'.'Hotel! L SH Cunningham Patrick ...„o" L HaiieJoliuW o i iyi'SI?," ^\9 Peddler! L 3)4 MfMUIauAlex BlaoksmJtti. L 3)? RowGeorge Carriages. H .3 VoungMra ....BoirtinSlHiSSS! K 3 FRANKTOWN, Lanark Co., Ont ....O. S. O 3 3 %4 3 »4 Cavaoagb Robert.. Clark 'Thomaa oro K EdwardsJohn 'Flour" L OriffltU'niomaa Blacksmith! L McDonald R G S K MotTUJoeepb. Blibkimitb! L Pierce Richard on, r. Shields Thomas oro! K SH FRANKVILLE, La«dt Co., Ont BiilUe Mrs 0,0 L Cliutteruuck Henry Shoes. L Cond Joseph Shoes A O. 8. Conner Samuel Hotel s Dixon GwjrgwA :.^o.a. K 3 Dcwsley David Speculator. H 3 Dowsley Wm ...Shoes. L 3)4 S'J.'SJI^" Hotel. K r KCi'iLiVi'.'.'.';.';.';;.'''.'.' •■••"''^?S' h i^ S?iR?I*n^=.- BUoksmlih! K .3*4 waieao Blacksmith, h FRASER'S MILLS, Riohmond Co., Que. Doyle Wm Tanner. H 2)4 FRASERVILLE, Northumberland Co., Ont Hogg James BUMSksmlUi. H s grVJWn John coop.,r. L 3)4 KeidOeoigB.. Canwnter. K 3)* Robertson Joalab 0.8 L S3 Wright Thomas ......!.?! ^ FRASERVILLE, Temiioeuata Co., Que. (fit* Jiivltre ilu Loup-m bat.) FRAZER'S CORNERS, Peel Co., Ont KlUs Alexander BUcksinlth: L 3)4 FREDERICK8BURGH, Norlblk Co., Ont (Set Delhi.) FREELTON. Wentworth Co., Ont Allan Michael shoes. K Brady John A James Wagons K Campbell Alexander Bla«',ksmlth. L Curilji Gem go Blacksmith. K Davlilijoii Peter Caipeuter. L Hirst KdwanI ...G. 8 H Jolinsten John Wnvonn' T. Moliitimh II. A Gr<) L MoManus M. G Tailor L Metherell George Physician. K Monlun John Tavern L Murray A MoDougall Grist Mill! i''T,.^2!"' *■ M. AG. 8. a smith T Tavern. L Sunley W. H HameHs. FREEPORT, Waterloo Co., Ont Allison A. n Blaoksmltb. I. FREIBURG, Waterloo Co., Oat Andrlch Widow Tavern. H ...-:ur...;is; r.s.^rs-,>---_ shoca. L Jiaiik-— .. Blacksmith, h iTuminJoseph oro. l Halter Charles Uro. A Hotel H Martin I Wagons I, Uombash Widow Tavern A P. m! l Hlohlbaiim Wm UlaoksmlUi. I, Wellor Martin Wagons. L 3h §>« 2)4 8)4 .1 3)4 3»a 3'4 .H w ' FEE ON^TA-RIO A.lSrD QCTEBEC. GAN Qua. If 3 K H F aw 1. K « I. h I, I. V •i^) 1. H'7 J. ax, K K 1. 1. 1. I. H :i J. FRELIQHSBURGH, Miititquoi Co., BenoltO Carriages. BUnu H. A Fumithre. C'bamlKirlaln J Fliyaiciaii. Clement A Kmitli Marble. Dyke Hoiiry N . . . . Harness & Ciro. llopeS. P Oft). IngalU Homer Marble. Jomlro J DnigB, Ac. Kemp A. K MUlintTy. LandaburgJ O. H, L'Eciiyer Laaroiit (^arrlagex. Lntniirneaii P. U Blacksmith. Lortle E O. S. Martin H Hotel. Marvin Geo. B Oro. * Toys. Mercler Michael Blacksmith. Morrison W. A Tinsmith. UeynolilsF. 8 O. 8. EowellKUJah Phj-alclan. FRENCHMAN'S BAY, Ontario Co., Ont. Fisher 4 WaiUeighJohn O. B. D l).j Wenlworth Harmond Carriages. L 3)4 Wentworth lloyal Blacksmitli. K 3Ja FROME, Elgin Co., Ont. Arnold Wm G. S. L 3'4 McLeanA Blacksmith. K 3)? FROOMEFiELD, Lambton Co., Ont. Baxter Bobert O. S. * Wooil. O Hi MaJorJfts Saw Mill, u 2W, Wlualley John U.S. U 3 FROST VILLAGE, Shefford Co., Que. Bownian John Shoes. L Jones Thos Blacksmith. K 3 Parker J. M Tanner. L FULFORD, Broms Co., Qu«. England F. A 1' Tanners. F 'i'a Bt. Pierre I.. N U. H. h S}it FULLARTON, Perth Co., Ont. Day Jonathan I'hvsielan. L 3Vi Ueltler John 8aw Mill, i. Hart Andrew Tnvoni. I, Xi Huxley Wm Cheese. II 3 Manning Samnel O. s. K 3'ii Mnxworthy Wm SIidi'h. L 3\i UlceOeo O. 8, it Hnraess. L HlmsJuhn Blacksmith. L 8'<) FULMINGTON, Fronicnae Co., Ont. HerbertThoH BawMlll. H 3V4 HamiiHim Geo (I.s. U 3 Williams Chas Tavern. I, FULTON, Lincoln Co., Ont. Caun Mrs o. 8. Lee James , Builder, >(:r. K 3}o McKay Walter Phys'n * (Iro. ^ (See Wnodburu.) OADSHILL, Perth Co., On!. Allandoi-f B Wagons. L 3'fi lUjriuyrsLU .la;iiAi|^ v ;..,., = .:., Mi'lS; " (SeeHtrattord.) Kuhlnian Jacob.. Steam 8aw Mill, &r. (See Mlllbauk.) Mohrllaun Tavern. II 3 U'Donuell Thomas O. 8. K a\i Jlati ilourv Stoam Haw Mill, K 3 K JKi L, m II 3 1, 1. H 3'4 f, 1; D l^i II 3 H 3 I. 3'7 \, It 3 i. 3'i L L 3H l>ii L 3^ (1 3 U 3.'i GAINSBOROUGH, Lincoln Co., Ont. DeiiotyJas Lnmber. Q GALETTA P. O., CaHeton Co., Ont. (SeeMohr's Contcrg.) GALT, Waterloo Co., Ont. Allan Dunii'l Lumber & Coal. AlUsouJohn Butcher. Allison ThouLis Untcher. Andrlch Martin Butcher. Arnold 1 leury Klioes. Baruclougli Wni J lot«l. Barbour John Cabinetmkr. Bnrnlmrt Wm 1 lotol. Bonwell James Gro. Berry J Tobaexoulst. Blain 11 Miller, Prolic. Brennan H. A i). O. Brugdou James Brower. Browu John Barber. Brown Pe tor Barber. Brown H. 8 Dentist. Brown 8. or John C Hotel. Cowan & Anderson Veterinary Surgeons. Cowan A Co Foundry. Cowan Miss Millinery, tlll,*c. Hume Gavin U'waro, >: m. <& MilL Jaflray Bros Publishers. Jaffray J lUi Bookbinder. Jameson Mrs Oro., * Jardine A skelly BSncksnilths. Kay John Watolios. Kay Mrs Gro. Kerr Kobert Auellcoeer, LnliilGeo Gro. Lavln Petor Tavirn. Levitt Samuel C Cheese, Ac. LlttieTlios Cauiut,twaro. Lowell Charles . Hotel. Lnndr J. B I'hysleian. Lull wm. II Drugs. Main A 8crln,i.i II 3 I. L 3!v 1. 34 F li'1 iC 3><^ F 2!, K m K •2 1. K ■^a 1, E % B ■J K S'-i L 3^1^ H 34 II 3 I, .,\>y 1. F •iH D l>^ It 3 1, 1, II 3 1. L 1, K 354 F » SI 3 U 3 F 2li) II 3 F V!f4 II 3 K 3', K ,j II 3 L 3'(i L 34 II 3 I. »''. Al.. J Mer. Tailors. G Wilkinson II D. G. A Oro. It v.'oods A Tavlor D. G. H Youmans Calvin W aooks, Ac. L Young, Biggnr A t^o.. Paper Collars A Gloves. G OAMEBRIDOe, Ontario Co., Ont. Gilchrist A McLeod Blacksmiths. L Lttlone Frank Tavern. L McLean M. W Blacksmith. L sunvartw. M o. B. K ^v 3K. 3 P 3 3hi m •Hi 3H 3 2^ 3 3V. 3 3 3'4 a^ 2H 3Hl 3ki 3.>ilN. ( look Erostus Woolen MlU. (;oHan Oliver D Pianos, Ac. Daniton Thos B. A S. A Gro. 1. Darloy T. Oro. I, Darling'o., Prod. A Croukory. H 3 3 8)4 3'4 3'li 3 3!4 3 314 GAR ONTARIO A.NT> QUEBEC. GLA DempHter Bros Butchers, „ Drovers, *o. G Dillon Mar>- Oysters. L Dow Jolm Ak'I Iinulta. (See R. P. Colton.) K2 GASPE BASIN, Gatpa Co., Que. Baker W Hotel. L Carter Mrs Taveni A Gro. G 2',.i Collas J. & E D. U. F 2'4 Eden J. A Sons g. s. 3 Frulng ACo Fish. (See Grande Giwe.) Lambert John G. s. L Laws T. U G. 8. L .1)6 Le BoutUller A Co Fisheries. E 2'5 Le Boutillier Horatio Kish, Ao. F 2'.i Palnchaud Antolue Surveyor. F 2'^ G'ATINEAU POINT, Ottawa Co., Que. Charetto P .Saw Mill. Fraier Alex Saw Mill. (See Westmeath.) Latour Jaun\s Carrlagemkr. L 3'i McGriwly Bms g. s. L 3)4 Smith W <). H. L .^fi Storsrardt Jos. S «. s. K S'a GENEVA, Argenlouil Co., Que. Myuott E Blacksmilh. K 3)4 Todd Andrew Blacksmith. K 3;, GENTILLV, Nicolet Co., Que. Audit A G. S. L 3;-j Barrils E Gro. Beauchene Luc O. S. A Phys'n. urlsmm O j). G. K .3 Brunelle Ludger G. s. K 3 GaudelA G. s. H 3 MalhlotL.P Saw Mill. K 3 Malhlot Louis Baker. Moreau Gro, I, Pepin Agnes n..„.. .^^jj^>^..G. S. L ?i\t, -"■"^ORGETOWN, Hallon Co., Oni?*~ Aruunir N',, Estate of Jeweler. H 3 Austin Wm shoes. H 3 Barber A Ihirday Bllnils. D IJjj Barber A cole WHlljmper, Ac. Bailier Joseph Capllallst. D I'i Barber Wm. A Bros Itlnfrs. Paper, fl 1 Barclay Francis D. <)., Ac. F 2'a Bonnettl,, L Dentist. Ac. It 3 Bennett Hubert Taveni. G 2'4 Black A Dllt Printers. 1, Bradley J anies Millwright. (Seo Glen William.) Brlnkerhofl' H. H Brewer. L Brown Wm. 11 B'smlth A Carrlagemkr. II 3 Clarke. M : Hnker. 1. Clark Thos Tavern. F 2>6 Cinwford Bros Planing Mill. H 3 Creehnan Bros Fancy Goods, Ac. H 3 Culp * McKenjle Carriages. F 2'4 OnvfootJ. B Shoes. G 2'a IViris Mrs Harness. 1, Frau7. A Pope Knitting Machine Co... F .1 Freeman Wm PhyslcUin, Ac. O 2M Gilibs G Hotel. L G(M>denow L. W P, SI. A Urgans, K 3'a Grant, Thompsim A Co 1). G. 3 Grieve Alex Blackamlt'.i. H 3 Marlwell I, Nursery. K 3'i Hayes John Fish, Ae. L Jaidcsnn W. T Gro., Ac. L Kiihin W. H Photogrupher. L Kennedy G. 11. ...Farmer A SawMlU. (J 2!i King B. W Fonnilry. U 3 Laugen John Grain Dealer. Malcolm A Miller Soan. H 3 McCollum W. F Gro. McCullough Robert Physician. E 2 McKay Hugh oro. H 3 McKenzle William Painter. L McKlnley Bros Marble. L McKlnnon Donald Wagons. K 3!^ Mcljeod, Anderson ACo D. G. F 2** McMaster Robert D Gro. H 8 MomeW. P Tins. X 3;^ MorrowG. II Drugs. .1U Phillips Samuel Agent. G a>o Banney Malcolm Physician. L Reed Dugald Hardware. H 3 Robinson W.J Butclier. L RooW. W Auctioneer, Ac. K 2 Rose Lawrence Miller. L RoseARuston Hops. F aW Rose Thos Tins. H 3 RustonThos Drugs A Stat'T. G aW Sparling C Butcher. L Speli-sH. II Tavern. L S'.j sta'idlsh John Physician. L Starr M. H Pliyslclau. L .S^ statliam Silas Tinsmith. StathamTlios Baker, Ac. L Stouteuburg M Bankrupt Stock. Taylor J. F Bmldler. II il ThayerC Cablnetwaro. K 3)o Thompson Beit) Hotel. G «(« Thompson Wm Gro., Ac. H 3 Wataiml). C Boots A Shoes. L Wetherald Jas. C L< very Stable. K ZM Wheeler T.J Watches. K .S>? Whittaker Thos Hardware, Ac. K 3H Wilson John Cablnetware. II 3 GEORGEVILLE, Staniiead Co., Que. Bullock D. A. A Bro G.8. L SM BurbankChas Blacksmith. L 8)4 Chamberlain Miss Milliner. L 3)4 KeyesM Pliyslclan. K S McOowan Wra. W G. S. K SM Merrick Geo Hotel. L SA Merriman F Blacksmith. L Taylor John G. H. H 3 GEORGINA, York Co., Ont. (See Sutton.) GERMAIN MILLS, Waterloo Co., Ont. Snider Isaac Staves, Ac, O Vii 8nlder» AA.B Grist Mill, Ac. O aS Stuebing Henry G. 8. L stuebing Wm Cooper. L GERMANS WHARF, Prince Edward Co., Ont. ( Set Cre»ty r. O.) GESTO, Euex Co., Ont. Campbell Bros Saw Mill. K 3)4 Dunstan M. E. A T Saw Mill. Redd John Saw Mill. WeldouChaa. E O.S. n 8 GILBERT RIVER, Benuoe Co., Que. Bolvln Francois Blacksmith. L Chapman G. W G. H. ForgieJames L S^ I*clalre John Shoes. I, St. Piene Godfrey HaddlerAG.H. L GILFORD, Simooe Co., Ont. McCiiiikey TlKmias. . Saw Mill A G. H. G 3 swan tieorge Hotel. K 3)« GILLIES HILL, Bruce Co., On(. Stevens W. A G 8. L 3)4 GLADSTONE, Middleiex Co., Onl. Jai^kson Henry G. 8. H 3'4 MeCalluni John Blacksmith. 1, McMurray Levi o. B. A P. M. L Timley lllchartl Cattle. F SH GLAMMI8, Bruee Co., Ont. Cimningham Joseph ..G. S. II 3 Harrison H. W G. s. L .3!a HeudryJamea u. 8. K 3)4 McLean Nell Hotel. L Mr.!.-.r.r.!vr. Kennstli !! «. H 3)4 PlekanlThos Steam Maw Mill. K 8)S I'orteous David Blacksndth. L GLAMORGAN, Durham Co., Onl. CorbettE. H Saw Mill. L 3)4 Keuncdi' Kendall «, B. U 8,>4 GLA ONTA.RIO ^N^D QUEBEC. aoD 3)a an 3>a GLANFORO, Wtntworih Cs., Onl. AnnatronK. Cook ds Co. ..Blacksmiths. H Atkinnon John Oro. A P. M. L 0811)11 N Icholas Tavern. L ... Case J. 8. 4 D. O U.S., 40. H 8 ningwallA Physician. K 3>4 PnrwBll A Plivslcian. OiUanDaTld Blacksmitli. L UibbardBela Cari>ontor. I., MoCloment John Hhoes. L MurtfonI Henry Wagous. Ij Murphy llobert Blacksmith. L Nell W. * J Woiniim. L Richards Peter Bullil<;i'. Rmlth Kdwaid H Builder. K 3J.j Smith Joel Wacans. K 8)4 Smith Wm.L Physician. H 3 Tenyheny J. . . .Tavern, Haw Mill, 4o. e 3 GLANWORTH, Middlasax Co., Onl. Abbott Blacksmith. L BIdner Hotel. L Doan Qeorge Harness. 1. 3H Olanworth Cheese Factory H 3 Kiadree Joshua G. B. 4 P. M. K 3M Soott Andrew Carriages. I* TombaUJohn Hotel. K SSj GLASGOW, Ontario Co., Ont. Addison Thos Agent Music, 4c. L Anderson A. W Agent, L lAtoham Thomas Blacksmith. L SU Hanley John. . .Qrist 4 Oatmeal Mills. Parker Benjamin a.B. h QLENALLAN, Wellington Co., Ont. Allan George 0.8. F Barlow Wm Blacksmith. I^ BuggRlchanl Blacksmitli. L Gibson John L o. 8. F ai«n John Blacksmith. U OreggEmmn tiioves. L Qregg Peter Shoes. L Love James Fainter. H Mannell Thomas buoes. L MoKellar K 0.8. MclAchlin Hugh Tailor. L MUlerWm Tins, h 14 lool James o. 8. K Northgraves James Tavern. L Oakey Geo Wagons. L Pefters Nell Cabliiotuikr. L Ward WlUiaiu Wngiuis. K WrlRht James PhvslclSu. G Zllllax Henry Tavern. L 2>i QLENANNAN, Huron Co., Ont. Anderson Wm Oro. 3,'4 GLENARM, VIetoria Co., Ont. Bell John BlAcksmlth. L 3H C'amiibell Alex Hotel. L Hagarth Thomas Wagons. L RlckaliySeth U.S. 1, 8hi Thombury Wm Shoe*, h GLEN BUELL, LtsdiCo., Ont. UllroyC.J Uro. 4 B'amlth. I, SH OLENBURN, Praioett Co., Ont. Anderson 4 Derb> Carriages 4 B'smiths. K S OL^NCAIRN, Simoo* Co., Onl. HtephonsM. N U.S. 4 Mills. K iH Wilcox Joseph...: Hotel. K 3)4 '^' QLENCOE, MiddlMtx Co., Onl. Adams B^llsha Uro. 4 1). U. Aldred Robert Muchlulst. Barclay JI. F Drugs. BaiUett J. W Fruit A CDutec. BoBiu I) cabiuetware. Botlman Diuilel J Tavern. Caiiicroii Mlns Millinery , Csmpiinll JamoH Marble. Campbell & Lindsay CaiTlagcs. Clanahan A 8aHh 4 Door Factory. Clanahan 4 Fergnson Uanlwaixv Clarke Geo. L Hotel. Cockle 4 Uordon Planliig Mill. Coyne Wm Ag'l HnplU. Currle Hobert Agent Ag'l Jmnlta. Davis Bruce O, B. Dixou 11. c iiittacsa. noble Ueorge U.H. EvausTlios. W Flour 4 FcwI. Francis K. K Photegraplier, Froele Ueorge „ Shoes. Fryer 0. J vrugn 4 Uit>. H 3 L S"* I, L 3H L I. 1. I, I, 34 II S H 8)4 11 3 i, I. (1 lis 1. I. u 3 HarrlsJas.4Co..WagonsA B'smiths. H 3 Harrison 4 Rathbnm Bankers 4 „ .. Grain. F 2>4 Uuntlo E SUtloncry, &o. h Lawrence J. C u. 8. H 3 X.eltch Malcolm Tailor. L S'« Lumley W.O Physician. L 3'.j McAlplne M. J Gro. McCrackpn Alex JSaker. L Mclntyre Duncan. ...Phvs'u4 Drugs. <. Sutherland Wni Printer. (1 iii Swalsland W. A Co Bankers. F 2!« Byrnes WUliam Books,Ac. u 'J"* Talt Joseph M G. 8. U 2'o Toon Matthew Buteher. K Walkers. J Cheese. G 2>4 QLENDOWER, Frontonao Co., Onl. ' Howes il.B 0.8. K 8)4 GLENELG, Grey Co., Ont. (See Comabue.) GLEN GORDON, Glsngary Co., Onl. MoLellanA. B Choose. H 3 Smyth Hobert o. 8. L 8'a GLEN HURON, Simoo* Co., Ont. Adanison Thos Blacksmith. L Council James Blacksmith. L 'iH Hamllten James Mills A U. 8. Stepheun Henry Hotel. L GLEN LEWIS, Hastings Co., Onl. Cheeseboro Joshua U.S. L GLENLOYD, Msganlio Co., <)us. (Se* Lytander.) QLENLVON, Bruce Co., Ont. (Bet Balaclava.) GLEN MAJOR, Ontario Co., Onl. EvansJames Orlat Mill. L Little Wm u. 8. L Thonian Albert Blacksmith. £ YoiingC. T Woolen MUt. I, S.'s GLEN MORRIS, Brtnl Co., Ont. Baiter John Tavern, t 3)4 Biiniet James H Blacksuilth. L .S>6 Wiorry Hros Grist Mill. H ..j Klemlngjohn U.H. L 3).j Ford James Saw Mill. K 3)4 UiKldes Ueorge Wagons. L Ueriuan Alva Mnfr. Woolen. K 3 Henderson Wm BUioksmith. L Jnhnsten James Wagons. L LniiiUiu Wm ,■ Hliues. L Murray John Tailor. L S(6 HcottThos Builder. It 3 Youug ItolMirt Shoes. L GLEN MURRAY, Msganlio Co., Que. Davis Fred O, S. H •2!4 GLEN NEVIS, Olsngary Co., Ont. Uolloe Duncan J Ag'l Implts. K 3)4 Al CTkiftlflBftJ Aft, F\t ^«- r* .. MoKoe John Sewing Machinea. L GLENROV P. O., OUngary Co., Onl. MoHocC.J O.B. H 3 GLEN8HEE, Norfolk Co., Ont. BlgcraftWm Blacksmith. L Smith Qiiartns O. 8. L Htewart Noah Blacksmith. L Toms John T UristMlll. L 3)4 GLEN STEWART P. O., Dundas Co., Ont. Anderson R G. S. H 8 Kcnne<)yJohn U.S. L 8)4 Stewart Wm G. 8. GLEN SUTTON, Brome Co., Que. Esty J. A A. L O. S. A Saw Mill. GLENTAY, Lanark Co., Onl. Allan Robert G. 8. L Ireland J. 8 Tanner. L Koanis J . . . B'smltli, Carrlagemkr., Ac. Moorehouse, Dodds A Co Wwilens. E 3 GLEN VALE, Frontenao Co., Onl. Wilson A Stewart Blacksmiths. L , GLEN WILLIAM, Halton Co., Ont. Alexander William Weaver. H 3 Bates Abraham Knitter. L 3)4 Bcauinou t H Woolens. L Brodley James Millwright. F 3 BradshawGeo Biitener. K 3 Cooper D Shingles. L Fraser John 8., «r. .Shingles 4 Bricks. O 3 Johnson Alexander Tavern. Johnston Isaac U. 8. Kelly William Knitter. L I.0W Jacob Peddler. L McCrean. H O.B. Murray JohnAA Carpenters. H 8 Rosstf. W Mill. L Bnilth George Plasterer. L 8)4 Tost Wm B'smlth 4 Wagons. U 3 Watklns Wm U.S. Williams n Woolens. Williams Jos Grist Mill. GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP, Carlcto* Cc, Onl. Cassldy P. H Tavern. L 8)4 QOBLE'S CORNERS, Oxford Co., Ont Oago Bhicksmlth. L OobleJaaporO 0.8. K 8)4 KlppJanicis B'smlth 4 Wagons. H 8 Ijiycock Wm Grist A Saw Mills. K " Lewis James Farmer 4 Lumber. (1 Mc Keruiui Blacksmith, L Robinson Robert. 8ho«4 Mitchell Misses Millinery. L Mitchell A swansou .Oro. H 3 Moore Elijah Builder. L MoMehouse T. J Statlouer.y. G 2)4 Molfon A Cresamau B'smlths A Carriages, h 3)4 Moss Wm Shoes. L Muuroe George Grist Mill. G 2)4 Murray Allttu Fisherman. L Newton UoiTice oro. L Mlcnnlson Malcolm Dentist. K 3 Noble Philo Tailor. L Nolan Peter Blacksmith. H 3 O'Dea Patrick G. S. Ogiivle A Hutclilnson Flour Mill. (See A. W. Ugilvle A Co., Montreal.) OldG.H Gro., Ac. K 3'6 PanonsO. H Hardware. PassmoreJohn Wagons. H 3 Peatman A. H Hotel. L 3)4 Philips Wm Soda Water. Ac. L Piatt Samuel. Halt. L -.^ PoUey A. M lively Stables. F 2<6 Pollocks o.B. F 2'u Proudfoot Robert Oro. L 3)4 BalphJohn Tins. U 8 Reed Wm Tavern. L Held James A o. s. L Robertson G.C Vailety Store. K 3'4 Robertsim W. R D. O. L Robinson Wm liakcry. L Hunclmnu James 8 Foundry. Haundcr" lainei Tins. K 3'a Savage 1 1 oy Hats A Caps. L Savage W.W Ililcks. I, Scott A Vonstonc Marhh'. (Hce Kincanllne.) Secord, Cosiens A Co Luiuhcr. 2'4 Seymour Wm Fwdg. Agent F 2)4 Shannon Q. 1'Tiysicion. H 3 Shannon W. D Linuors. I, Sharmon K Bricklayer. I, 3'4 8hari«>T. H Oro. A I'rov. JI 3'4 BhoppanlGeo Stationery. K 3'4 Shorfir J. Gordon Tailor. I. Kignal Printing Co F 2'4 Silver J Shoes. Simmons Alexander I'rliitiT. L Sloano Samuel l>r(Ml. K Smcath Francis.... Plttuinji^Mill. g Smith Fi-ed'k Gro. K 3' Smith H.H Tailor. H 3 Smith IloMrt it,, Estate of D. G. H 8 Smith William G ..Taitanr. 11 3 Huell WlUlam Saloon. L SommcrvlUe A Uennlug. . . Qrist Mtll, H 3 StcwartMlssJ Millinery. L .3)4 Stitt William Forwarder. Ac. K 3)4 Story John Tina. K 3 StottsWm Liverv. H 3)4 Strachan D. C Gro., Ac. O 2*0 Strachan D. K Blacksmith. H 3 StraubelC. F Harness. L 3)^ Sturdy Mrs. John L Gro. A Baker. L Sutt4m George Oro. L S'4 Taylor Alex Physician. G 2'4 Thompson G. W Artiflcial Btona L Thompson R. R Photographer. I, 3)4 Thompson Robert Blacksmith. H 3 Thomson A Furniture, h Tolsman 8. F Fish, F 2)4 Vivian Mrs Green Gro., Ac. L Wallace Alexander Watches. H 3 Walsh W.T Jeweler. L 3)4 Wamock Mrs Milliner A Fancy „, Goods. L Watson E. R Painter. L Watson James Baker. O 2)4 Weatherald J. W Sewing „ . Machines. K .IM Weller A Martin Pumps. K 3)3 WestFred Billiards. L WhitelyThos HoUd. K .3)4 WlrtKlnsEria Fish. L Williams J. H Barber, Ac. H 3 Williams A Murray Lumber. P •M Wilson .Tames Drugs. L .3)4 WrightJ.J Hotel. L GOLDEN LAKE, Renfrew Co., Ont. Mangan John o. S. K 3 GOLDSTONE, Wellingion Co., Ont. Cooper Oro. L FranklinThos a. S. L Gibbons Jolin G Tavern A G. 8. L Stark Mrs Hotel. L Wane Mai~ Blacksmith. L 3)4 GOODERHAM P. C, Petarboro' Co., Ont. Pavey—-: Oro. L Hadlev Solomon ». (jro. L Way Chas. .Temperance Hotel A P. M. L WhltOger Samuel Hotel. L --'^ GOODWOOD, Ontario Co., Ont. Allcock Simon Agent Ag'l Implta. H Bartgerow Joseph Q. s. K Baki'i- Kdward Shoes. L Barkiy Jacob Blacksmith. K Bcarilsley Nelson shoes. L Bossey John A Bros.. Steam Haw Mill. II Chapman Michael Grain, Ac. G Clai* Hugh Saw Mill. (» Douglas Bros (1. S. K Gould Joseph E Saw Mill. Gregg Albert Ins. Agent. L Hutchinson J. G WimmCac. L Jonra P. John Painter. L Mcculloch James o. S. Miller A Nesbit Saw Mill. G Ottx>well Samuel B'smith A Veterlnan' Surgeon. K Pcarcy James Ins. -Igeut L Saun(lers John Tavern. L Khaw EdwanlS o. 8. Stewart Charles BUcksmlth. L Story Thomas o. 8. K Tuih; James Tavern. K Tmid Thomas Ins. Agent. L Tons KleiihiMi Hnt^l r. MeiiiU.Hilin.r i-ttihter.' L -Munni Jomes Blacksmith. L 3)6 I'atleison Thomiui Hotel. L 314 HiwucyJohu Foundry. L 3)4 Knsa Alexander Blacksmith. K 8)4 sprlnlrtll Wm Carriages. 1, Taylor Michael Palls, Ac. K 3)jJ Sh> m a 3 3)4 r 3 3)4 8 I'* 3 GRA ONTARIO AISTD QUEBEC. GEE t ^^ i GRAHAMSVILLE, Pnl Co., Ont Cook Jolin B'smltU A Tavern. L SM Ijinphler Petor G. B. a aj QRANBY, Sheffbrd Co., Que. Aluxander D TIiih. J, 3>« AuKer 4 VltlvG Watohmkr. J, West John Liven-. K 3 WoodM. P Baker, Ac. K 3 GRAND DENO P. O., Lambton Co., Ont. Boui^kenhour Beaj Hotel. L 3!a Dalxiel John Mill & O. 8. Glanvllle A G. s. 3Vi lluber Peter G. 8. I, .Me Uougall Walter Saw Mill. 11 3 Morris Thomas Hotel. L Tetreau Gnlus O. 8, GRAND BRULE, Chicoutimi Co., Que. Deliicn B. B U.S. K 3 GauUiier O.AJ Grain * Flour. B IW PutvlnOvlde G. S. K 3 GRANDE BONAVENTURE, BonaventureCo. Que. (See Ilunaventure. ) GRANDE GREVE, Gaips Co., Que. Frulng A t'li Fish AG. H. llyiuau William Fish. E 2 I.ilcuJ.M a. 8. L 3'4 GRANDE LIGNE, St. Johns Co., Que. Ifart Mrs. Haniuol Baker A Gro. L .S'ij rUisuuault Francois Hotel. G avj GRAND ETANQ, Gatpe Co., Que. L'tisporance M Fish. F 2)4 GRAND PAB08, Gtipe Co., Que. KIntf Hi-os Lumber A (1. .S. n 2 GRAND RIVER, Qupe Co., Que. Carlierry Thos Fish, Ac. G 2!o GauthierB Shoes. L 3'! Jones Patiick G. H. II 3 Metlmt James G. 8. L (.'. diCo Ushcrtcs. (See I'uaucbiae.) Kirols Octave Jlsli, Ac. uriAriu VALLEY, Gatpe Co., Que. Kliiiine F G. H. K 3)* GRANGE P. O., Peel Co., Onl. McLareu Alex O. 8. A Farmer. G 3)4 ■i QRANTLEY, Oiindas Co., Onl. Mnnro J. C....;7rr.r. O. 8. U 3 '^ QRANTON, Middlesex Co., Ont.^^"^- Amokl Fred Tins. L Blaokwell Benlumhi Oro. A Prov. H 3 Bn)aks Mrs. Eliza f Iro., Ac. L Brooks Francis Wagons. L Cameron Hugh Blacksmith. L SW CulbertThos Hotel. K 3>* Foster J. A J Butchers, Ac. L HodginsT. C Lumber. H 3 Hudson John .Cabinetware. Johnshm John Shoes. Ij Lang H ugh Phys'n A Drugs. K 3 Mclntyre J. P. A Co o. 8. 3"^ McLaughlin George Harness. L 3J'j Middleion Wm Hotel. H 3!i Mitchell Alex Miller. Murray John G. S. L 3H Murray Matthew Tailor A G. 8. L WobbC. M o. 8. O 2)4 White David Shoes. I, 3)4 WoodgatoJ. R Physician. L GRASS HILL, Victoria Co., Ont. Moffatt Peter BUieksmlth. L 3)4 GRASSMERE, Muikoka District, OnL Anderson John O. 8. L Ballentine Robert Grist Mill. L 3)4 GRASS POND, Brome Co., Que. Latendre Paul o. 8. L GRAVEL HILL, Stormont Co., OnL Burnstetn A _.... O. 8. L GRAVENHURST, Muskoka District, OnL Baii CraggT. E Saw Mill. K 3<4 Dusty ICdwnrrt Shoes. ' "' ITiirHnirton II. T. , ij, M_ i.iutim J ohu Jl arni>ss. Melliie Hodeiick Tavern. Perkins David (1. ,S. PlKvnlx Edward... Agent Ag'l Implts, Warren Blaeksnilth. Watson A BomervlUe.... Blacksmiths. L 3)4 L L 314 L 3)4 1. II 8 GREENBUSH, Leeds Co., OnL Foster Robert O. 8. U ;( OlesN. AG Saw Mill. H 3 Young U.B B'smithAGro. L 3)4 GREENFIELD, Glengary Co., OnL (See Kenym. ) GREEN ISLAND, TemisoouaU Co., Que. (Set Itlt Verte.) GREENOCK, Bruce Co., OnL Bnrrts Wm Blacksmith. Ac. L CUrk Michael Hotel. L 3)ii Grundy William N o. s Hawthorne Samuel Saw Mill. H 3 Lobsiuger Joseph Tavern. L 3'a Mosack John Wagons. L WarkThos Shoos. L GREEN RIVER, Ontario Co., OnL Barnes William Saw Mill, Ac. H 3 Burton George o. 8. K s's Hoover Peter n Otlst Mill. O 2)3 GREIENSVILLE, Wcniworth Co., Ont. Baillie John Hotel. L BailentyneThos Cooper. K 3)4 BearFi-ed Tailor. H 3 Black Andrew G. 8. H 3 BrennenJohnF 0.8. K 3)4 Bullock Win Gro. L Clark A. A J Woolens. G 2)4 Clark John Miller. L Cochenour Jacob Saddler. L Cochenour Wm BrickyanL Davison Anthony IHacksmltli. L 3)4 SfascrHugh G. 8. O m Frederick John Tavern. L Green William Blacksmith. H 3 Here F. W. A Co Bending Works. E 2"* Maule Peter Tavern. L Mnnlen Jonathan Mills. F 2)4 Morden W.J G. 8. H 3% Steel John A Son Maltsters, Ao. Q 2)4 Webster Jos Flour Mill. G 3 GREEN VALLEY, Glengery Co., OnL McDonald Mary Tavern. K 3 GREENWAY, Huron Co., OnL Wilson W'. J Oro. L GREENWOOD, Ontario Co., OnL Boyer Abraham Mill A Farm. U 3 ByersJohn Carpenter. U 3 Oleasim Michael G. 8. K !1'4 Graham Geo Blacksmitli. K 3)4 GreenSaniuel J MilL F 2)« Henderson Geo Tavern. K 3)« Lasenby Wilson Harness. L Leunon Robert. . . .'. Cooper. K 3'a Moddatord K Shoos. (See Audley.) McGregor J. R Saw Mill. L McKlttriok Wm Gro. L MitcbellJohn Miller. H 3 Pougelly Wm Tanner. L 8)4 SheaJoseph Cooper. L 3)2 Snell Samuel Carpenler. G 2)!i Virtue J. W Bbuiksmlth. L 3)4 GRENVILLE, Arcenteuil Co., Que. BaranJax Gro. K 3)2 Beswarick W Blacksmith. L 3)4 BurchMrs o. 8. J, BJo CnKiks John (JristMIU. L Gauley Mrs. J Gro. L Gilchrist M. L <».8. L HowardJohn Store. H 3 Kelly J Peddler. L 3)4 LeniyOron Tavern. L Ltmgban John Fruit. L Mclntyre U Saw Mill. M urray James Saw Mill, B'smltli, Ac. II 3 .Nulgle Joseph (j. 8. K ,S)4 Reeves Daniel G. s. K 2 Richardson H. H G. 8. L WodeJohu Blacksmith. K 3 White W.T G. 8. Willhtmson David, Jr o. 8. L 3>!i W!i-anJ:in;es IV^tar. KB Wilson Hubert G. 8. E 2 WiKKlley Isaac J G. 8. L 3)4 QRESHAM, Bruce Co., OnL 2leIeon Allen Saw Mill A Farm. GEE ONTARIO A-ISTO QUEBEC. GUE GREV, HHron Co., Out CV« Cranbrook.) GREY'S CREEK, Stormont Co., Ont. MacilonalflJohn, Jr CarrUgeA. L S^ GRIBBIN, PmI Co., Ont. Kelly Mrs a. R. li GRIER8VILLE, Gray Co., Ont. Biinknian William Uoota e.) GRIFFIN'S CORNERS, Grey Co., Ont. (See LaUma.J GRIMSBY, Lincoln Co., Ont. AlwayJ. W Phyalclau. O 2'4 nalnJolm.C Baker. I, BoamerB Saw Mill. 3 UoWHiaugh A Marsh Contractors <& Planing MIIL H S BowHlangh Wm BawMlll. H 3 Oaliler IraF Ins. Agent, Ac. t'ole w. A Livery. L i;ulp Nelson SadiUer. L .tW Decew Alfred Blacksmltb. I. S>6 Dolmago Kobert a. H. a 2)5 Duval Cai pentcr. FarreUJohuC... BUoomkr. K 3 JiMtchJ. 1> Drugs. H 3 Fitch Wm lire., £0. I. Forbes Wm Oro., H'waie A Shoes. II 3 UlUsoD Itobert C'outrautnr. i' 'i'i Grout John H. A Co Founilry. P 2'ii House D.U Oro. AHhoes. L Johnson Leonard D Marble. L King Lewis Cooper. Ij Kitclii-n W. I) Fruit. F 2'* Kitchen William W Vlneyanl. F 2'| Konkle WllUam Hotel, Ac. Little Benjamin Painter. U 3 Looselj' E. E Tailor, Ac. Maybeyt* Bntcber ife Oro. H S'4 Mihell Edwin Tinsmith. H 3 MiUor Wm Blacksmltb. Mllwarrt Willtnm Phj-sician. II 3 Miiore Charles Cabiuetmkr. H 3 Nelles U. H Canned Fruit F H!* NeUes H. K Agent, Ac. II S"* Palmer E.J U.S. F 24 Ilanilall Andrew Tavern. L IlaudaU R. Thompson Rhnes. K 3>i Riiss James Cattle Dealer. L BmithOeorgo Speculator. O 2H Hnilth A Van Duzer Nursery. U 2)4 Teeter Holonion U Carpenter. L Sk Torryberry James N Caruentw. L 3>s UuderhlUWm llaker. K 3 Van Uuskirk A. M sowing Machine Agent. L Van liusktrk L. M Blacksmith. I. Van Duzer J. W Fruit. H 3 Vandyke (leorge Carriages. Vandyke J ohn Blacksmith. L Walker U. H o. H. Walker Wellington BuU'hcr. K 3 WUittaker Samuel Hhooa, H 3 Wolverton Jonathan Pturalclnu. (1 'JM Wolverton Solon Dentist. S'i GR0NDINE8, PorinsufCo., Que. Arcand Charles Blaoksmith. K 3 Ulals Joseph Baker A U.S. II 3 Coto Pierre U.S. II 3 Uullbaidts Csrtwrigbt. L 3>t UulllmultU Blaoksniith. K 3 llurdy M. Uermaln o. s. F 'i'i Martfneaii A. A Co o. s. L Mayraud Joseph Boarding Housn. K. 3 Portelance V il. H. I, S}i HuuHcliagrin Fi'anuois u. H. 'I'rottler Onetime Oro. A D. O. QROVESENO, Elgin Co., Ont. Cremp John urlst Mill. L Davey Wm Blaoksmith. L OliELPH, Waiiingisn Co., Ont. AdaottCbaa Foundry. II .IVi Allan J. c Qro. AFrult H 3 Allan U Mbocv. L Allan Wm Com'n. L Anderson A Bmahea. L Anderson Hiram Haloon. Anderson Wm D. O. A Clothing. Anilrew Misses Hairworkers. Audrich Adam Pork Packer. Annstrong Andrew Bokor A Oro. Armstrong J. A A Carpets. Armstrong J. B. A Co Carriages. Armstrong James Builder. Annstrong W.J Gro. Atkinson Wm Ginger Beer, Ac. Biiche J. H Drugs. Bain Wm Butcher. Baiber Frederick Gro. Barber Ueo Hardware. Barber >v. T oro. Barker K Cabinetware. Beattie A Dyson Saildler. Bell Matthew Mason. Bell W. A Co MelodMms. Blsh P. A W Flour A Feed. Bond J. M. A Co Hanlware. Bookless A Uayler Hotel. Boult John Builder. Brill Jos. T Pr. Canipbell Kobert Dentist. Carroll Widow uro. ChadwlckP. J Speculator. Chapman F. T Bookbinder. Chase Caleb Wagons A B'smlth. Clark Edgar D Photographer. Clark Jehu, sr Ilfiles, Ac. Cochrane Itobert Drover. Coffee Dennis Llraeburner. CoUlus & O'Connor Ag'l Implts. ConklinT Hotel. Cook David Hotel. Cooke F Drugs. Ac. Con'ery James Gro. Corranck A Keleher Tailors. Coasltt Levi Ag'l Implts. Couch Thos Boots A Shoes. Cowan A Humphries Builders. Cowan W.B Physician. Cowan Walter Builder. Cox James Pictures. , , tSee Toronto.) Crane Miss 8 Fancy Uao4 i) IJa F 2li K S^ K 3H U 3>v F ^2}^, G 2i', I, li 3 II 3 W, L .8!4 11 H L I. H m 3 F 2'4 K 3*1 K 3!« 1. L K l< 3 K ;i G m K .IVi K «^ K an L K s-i 2'4 F •m L F aii U vm. L L K 3X, .S?4 H 3 L 3M 1, L m L 3H, L 3), L 3Vi I. 3H F 2Ki L H 3 K 3!« K 3!^ K .SH S. K 3H 2Ji L 3(1 U 3 K 3!^ L J, L 1, SW, K !)'« 1, K Hf» ir^ II H 1. L L '^H Green A. D Oro. L uriffln W. T Barber. I., Groimi Bros.. Mnfra. Kitchen Kouges. L Guelph Axle Works I, Guelph Carriage Goods Co D Guelph Gas Co D Guelph Lime Co Guelph Patent Barrel Co. (Limited).. Guy A Husband Tailors. H Hodden O. A A G. 8. P Holes Wm Butclier. K Hall John Architect L Hallett J. A Co Seeds, Ae. (See Jackson A Hallett ) Hans Wm oro. I, Harris John Baker A Oro. F Hart A Speais. . . Ins. A Oen'l Agenta Hasnau John Grist Mill. L Hateh Henry Land Agent !■ Hough John Tavern. L Hayns II oro. I, Head Samson L Drover. H Heam Wm Broker. F Heather W Stoves A 'Hns. L lleffemau A Co D. Q. KerodACo Drugs. Q Herod (jeo. a Physician. O Hewer James, Jr Com'n Wool. H Hewer John Hotel. L Hicks James Builder. L Hlgtnbotham A McLagan Ins. Agents, Brokers A Oil. E Hignoll Henry Blacksmith. L Hogg John A Sou D. O. D llolllday Thos Brewer. Hood John K Butcher. L Hood, MoeKenile AOoodfollow.Pork Packers, Ac. D Hooper John Blacksmith. L Hooper Wm Blacksmith. H Korsman John Hanlware. E lIOHkln Miss J. U Fancy Goowry A Dovhison .... Flour A Feed. H Moogregor II. A Co. . . . Boots A Shoos. U Madiloek E. II Builder. L Mahoney A Shephanl Builders. II Marcon Wm. H Seeds. Cigars, Ac. H Marriott J Veterlnarj- Surgeon. L Marsh Geo. T H. E. Ageut L Marshall WUlanl Photo. A Fancy Goods. K Martin J. H Carpenter. L Matthews A Soda Water. L McAstocker James tiro. L McBeau A. A Co Hnnlware. McConncll A Thompson Carriages. L McCrae A Co Woolens. E Mcl'ra«i 1) Coal A Woov 3 3 3 3 3)s 8!4 3!g S!4 3' 3 3f» m GUE OISTT^I^IO ^KD QITEB McTafrneB Builder. MelvlnHugh Baker. Ii Morcer James Flaiiiug Mill. Merllhan J. K Piwl. L Morllhan Thoraaa Tavern. L, Metciilfe Henry Sa(1•■< Philip U. & Co Bankrupt SteckR. (See Wm. Mackllii, Toninto.) Plckard Rev. Wm speculator. f> 2;-. PlKott Michael Builder L PlkeOeorge Bn|l''.or. H 3 Pipe John .Hills. Porter Jaa Di-ovor. H 3 Powell Oeo. 8. 4 Co shoes. Ij PresantK. o. & F Millers. II 3 Prlngle Oeo. I> Jeweler. H 3 Puddy George Butcher, h 3H Porsell Tobias Cooper. Ij 3h Quiun Wm Shlrt<*<& Lauuilry. I< Raymond Chas Sewing Machines. C 1)4 Held Mrs. F. C Fancy Goods. Benton Oeo Bhicksmitb. II 3 Beynolds Thomas , Hotel. K 3)4 Biekaby C Gro. L Risk John Oro. H Roat Miss Dressmkr. L Bobertson A. A Sons.. Iron Founders. O Robinson Thos Plasterer. O Boche John I), o. I.. Howe Mrs. M Oro. Jj Rowen & Shain Auction A Com'n. Russell Win Bankruilt Stocks, t, Rutherford Wm. dt Co Clothing. Ryan Patrick Ashery. F Ryan R Barber. Jj Sallows Wm Blacksmith. U Sauer Wendell PorK Butcher. I, Savage Bei^J Watches. I£ SayersThos Painter. H Bchofleld J oro. JI Scrlven Mrs Hotel. L Scroggle D Oro. L Shaw& Murton clothing. « Shewan C Pic lure Frameo. I, Simpson Allan illacksmlth. 11 BImpsonJ Butcher. I. Simpson Misses Fancy Goods. L Simpson Thos Butcher. K Simpson Wui Baker. Ii Slater John Blacksmith. L BleemanGeo Brewer. U Small F Builder. Smart J. W Butcher. H Smith U U.S. 1, Smith J. F Cigars. 1/ Smith John OfflSlal Asnignee. H Smith W. U. ■£ Co Iirugs. O Snider H Oraln. I, Snoden Wm oro. L i>a 3 3 2H 2', 3 3)5 2)4 3)4 2)4 Soden R.,Jr Cabs. L Soilen Mrs. Robert Hotol. K 3)4 Sole A Johnston Bakers. L Spence David Miller. H Spragge PhUlp Livery 4 Pumiw. H Starr C. E Soda Water. Stephens Oeo. A Son Bnilders. O Stoveuson W Nursery. P Stewart Miss Dressmkr. L Stewart R Saab Factory 4 Lumber. E Stewart Wm. & Co D. O. P Stockwell J Dyer, 4o. L Stone Frederick W D. O., iTware 4 Cattle Bree4 Tovall E. J. ..Ins. Agent 4 Carpenter. L '" Tovell Joseph A saenlcr. L Canada Land Emigration Co 1)4 Dover Frederick Stoves 4 Tins. L 3)4 Dover James o. B. K S)J Erskin BhMJksmlth. L FInlay Rolert o.S. I, Kelso Alex Shoes. L Kllpatrick Thos Blacksmith. L 3)4 McKelvey Robert Tavern. 1, McMillan Angus Tavern. I« Morrison Malcolm O. 8. L FearceJobn o. 8. (See Mlnden.) Roherta Thomas Shoes. L HALIFAX, Megmntio Co., ()u«. Blondean N O. 8. L 8)4 Clouticr Augustin Flour, 4c. L 3)4 Gardner H o. 8. L Oosselln Andre Shoes. L Lambert L Blaoksmith. L SH Morin George Shoes. K 3 PellotierA 0.8. K 3 Polrier D. M Tins. L HALLERTON, Huntingdon Co., Qu*. Blair James II 0.8. L 3)4 HALLOWAV, Hutingt Co., OnL Beckworth Frank Blacksmith. L Cooley Samuel Ag'l Implts. O 2)4 Hallowny Cheese Pactorj" o 3)4 Hopkins J 0.8. 4 P.M. K 3)4 Mccarty Mrs Hotel. L Ostram Oeo Blacksmitli. K 3)4 HALL'S BRIDGE P. O., Peterboro' Co., OnL Henderson Robert O.S. L 3!4 Hunter Mrs. Sophia O.S. II 3 N iciiolls Stei)hen Tavern. K 3,'4 HALL'S CORNERS, Wentworlh Co., Oat. (SetElnbrook.) HALLVILLE, Dundas Co., OnL (See Nurth .Vonntain.) HAMBURG, Wslofloo Co., Oat ( Sm New Hamburg. I HAMILTON, Wentworth Co., Ont. ADerorombie WlUlani.. Patent Broker. Abralmm CbarleB F Piwt. P Acres W Hata, 40. L Adam Jamea Plumber. K AAiliann Heniy ualoou. Adillaon Robert Planing Mill. L ArtiUson William <& Son Builders, (i Aiken W.J Flour* Feed. Altchlson & Co Plaulni; Mill. P AlauHou Jobn Auctioneer, Ac. Alilrldife Oco Gro. L Alexander John Leather. C* Allan B Seoondliand Store. G Allan Thomas Builder. H Allan Wm Builder. L Amor* Co Undertakers. I, Amor John Wagons. L Anderson A C. A Co Jewelers. AndersonT : Confec. I, Anderson Wm Butcher, u Anderson William I'umps. K Andrews C Wlreworker. L An«ru8J.,Jr HatteK O Anketell John Gro. L Archibald Jobn Gro. L Arlanil Henrv A Bro Shoes. K Armatage Mrs. Mary.. .Millinery, &e, 1, Armstrong Isaac GralnBuyer. G ArmstrouK Peter Blacksmltli. Ac. L Arrol Riilicrt Secondhand Store. L Asher Alexander Baker. I, Atclicson Wm Oro. & Llq. L Atkinson Joseph Fainter, K Atkinson Mrs Juveniles' Clotlilng, I, Atkinson William Cigars, Ao. II Aussem J. H Conleo. I. Austin Thomas Builder, K Bailey A Gro, L Bam Alexander Livery, L Bain Mrs, Thos, H Gro. Balne J. W Hardware, BalrdC. C Gro., Ac. L Baker Hugh U Broker, Ac, U Baker James Pork Butcher, H Bakur A Mwartzenburg Whips. H Balfour Peter Carpenter. ¥ Ballantlnn Bros Gro. K Ballou J. M Painter. L Bamberger George Tavern. K Bamptylde Charles H Gro. H Barber A Vale Plumbers. L Bardmau George Tailor. L Barnard U Wood A Coal. K Barnard P. B D. G. K Barnes A Hasklns Native Wines. D Barnes W, C, A Co Stained Glass, BarrJ-A Drugs. K Barr Jobn Agent. H Barry D Saloon. L Bartram Sylvester Gro. A Shoes, L BassettH, D Machinist. K Bateiuan B. W Baker A Confec. H Bateman P. H Blacksmith. L Bates F.W Gro. L BaU's Mrs Confec, L Bauer Henry Wines. O Bauer LcoiMild Brewer, H Bauts, Clay ton A Burton Lltbo. „ ^ „ , graphers. K Beach Geo. L Dentist, L BearmanF. W Hotel. Q BeasleyJ. W Confec. Beatty Charles.. C. H. Broker. BeattyOUver Oro. H Beckett Mrs Milliner. Beer Frank Butcher. F Beig James oro, L BelknauC. M Coal, Bell John Brewer, Bell Matthew Nursery. K Be ling James Jeweler, L Belstou Joseph Furnitute. L Bennett Mrs oro. j. Bore Isaiah Contractor. H BetcoHo Wra D. O. A Shoes, H BewsJ Gro HitkicT. iaoQ Whol. D.ugo. F flllllngton John Shoes. L Bshou J B Tins, L BUicliIordJ Undertaker. H B ack Charles 4 Co Hardware, HlMl' l> Blaoksmlth. L 8 Canada. 234 2)i 3)4 BlackN. M Brooms. T. Blake James 3 L H 3 Frld George Bricks. L Fuller Richard Speculator. O 3 Fumcr, Ltvlngstone A Co Whol. Htraw Ooods A Mllllneix Fumiss E. M. A Son.. Marble Works. K 3H FnmlvaUT. O Clothing. Gage G BootsAShoes. (iatn Bros. A Miller Paper Bags. Galbreaitb Newton D Gro. Galloway Jonathan Prod- Oariluer Hewing Machine Co Garland A Rutherford Drags. Garrett John A Co Whol. Shoes. Oartshore Alex Foundry. Gelger Henry Baker. (lelsa Wm Machinist. Oeldart J Picture Frames. George Robert Tailor. Oerne John W Drugs. Oeti George Jeweler. Olbb Albert Paper Boxes. oildon Mrs. Janet Oro. Glllard W. H. A Co Whol. Oro. Oillesbv Thomas Sabwn. (nilesbv William Flour A ProiL OlUesplo Hugh Gro. Gillespie A Puwts Com'n. OilmoreT. H Oro. GUmore Wm Shoes. Olasaco Wm. H. A Sons Whol. Hats A Fnrs. Olassey 8 Gro. Ooerltic Henry Saloon. Gohlilch Leopold Clothlug. Gonlou Robert Builder. Gordon William Cooper. Oortlukel Muses Pawubraker. Oorvlu John Shoes. Oottorf F Marble. Graham John Gro. Grant Mrs Oro. A Prov. Grant Peter A Sons Brewers. Gi-aut W. W Sailmkr. Granville Chas. E Gro. Gray Thus. A Co , Tailors. Grayson Oeorge Springs. Oroen Edwin Toys A Pundtui-o. Oreen Jolin Vaiiety. Greene E. K. A O. A.. Felt Hat Works. (See Greene Bros. A Co., Montreal.) Qreenhill Walter W Harness. Oreeuiug Beuj. A Co Wireworkere. Greeuiug A Duncan Bros.. WhoL Gro. Greenwood Mrs Gro. Gregory S. E Ins. A Com'n. Orefg John Books. Grimth Wm Whol. Boots A Shoos. Groom (Jeorge Sauces. Grossman Peter Music. Ougel W Shoemkr. Gully T. AW Soda Water. Oui-ney E. A C Foundrv. Ourney, Ware A Co Mnfrs. Scnlea. Outhtfu J. L Mnfr. Coi-sets. OwyderU Secondhand Store. Halgh Richard Bookbinder. HallJacobM Gro., Flour A Feed. Hall V. B Herbalist. Halslcoil A. Y Agent. Ham A Wilson Stovti. Ac. Hamilton Clock Co Hamilton A Co Drugs. Hamilton Gaslight Co Hamllt^m Industiial Works Hamilton Inm Forging Co Hamiltu Mauufactui-lug Co Hamilt^>n Nickel Electroplate Co Haiuilt4>u Powder Co.. (See Montreal.) Hauiiltuu Pi-iutlng Co Handlton street llailway Co Hamilton Suspeuder Mnfg. Co (See B. O. Treble.) Hamilton Tie Mnfg. Co (See S. O. Treble.) HamilUm Tool Co Hamilton Woodenwaro Co Haueock J. A Wood. Hancock Joseph Flour A Feeq B+1 B+1 I. L L L 3)4 L K 3)4 2^ 1)4 F 2)4 F 2)^ I* 2)* c 1)4 L 3)4 E 2 p 2)4 1. F 2)4 U 3 K « K 3)4 1. H 3 H 3 1. L K .1)4 F 2)4 H 3 1, C L ^^ E 2 Harvey Joseph Oro. K 3)4 HawkinsG. D.4Co....HhlrtFactory. P 2)4 Haynes Harmon Flour A Feed. Hazen O Oro. L HeslT M. D D. O. K 3)4 Heai-n WUllam Oro. A Prov. K DW Heiltg George Bricklayer. 8)4 HeniUTsim Mrs. D Hotel. G 2)4 Hcndrie ACo B.R. (Jarters. B+1 Hennesny Hugh Blacksmith. O 3 Hennessy, MoCully A Co B. A S. Hennessy Patrick Locksmith. L Henri Moise Butcher. L Henry Oeorge Patent Rights. L Henry James Boots A Siloes. Herald Joseph A CO Planus. H 3 Hei-mon William Fancy OimmIs. F 2)4 HeiTon Juseph Tailor. 11 3 Hess M. A Photographer. L Hiby Charles Saloon. L 3)4 HIgli Matthew Tavern. L Hill Harry Butcher. K 3)4 Hill Jasper Oro. A Butcher. 3)4 Hill Mark Prov. 3)9 Hill Kichord Mnfr. Cigars L HillT. S Watches. O 2)4 Hill Thomas Furniture. L Hlnchliire James Oro. L 3)4 Hlnchllffe R Foundry. K aja Hlues H. a Butcher. H 3 Hinds Mrs. John B Dressrakr. L HIvst Jsmes Boots A slices. HislupJuhn Blacksniitli. L 3)4 Hogau J. H Tailor A Clothier. 3)a Horcomb W. H.: Painter. L Holland T Wood A Sti-BW. HoUoran P Gro. H 3 Holtun Warren , Nursei-y. F 2)4 Hood Bros Hotel. H 3 H(mm1Ic88 Joseph Furalture. G 2)4 HoopcrA .*..Haker. L Hooper Samuel Baker A G n>. K 3)4 Hope Adam A Co Whol. Hardware. C 1 Hupgood Edward H Pork. H 3 Hopkins Mrs Oro., Ac. H 3 Hornby William Butcher. Howard Mrs. J Fancy Ouwls. L Howard James B.U. Supplies. HowanlRoralJ Black.iiuith. K 3)4 Howanl W. H Taihir. L 3)4 Howaiil Mrs. Wm Millinery, Ac. L Howtck George Gro. L Howies Matthew Stoves A Tins. Hoyle Mrs. J Confec. L Hudson Onnsby Furniture. K 3)4 HumphrevANewbury.. Wool Pullers. F 2)4 Hunt«r Charles Tailor. L HunterOeo. S Gro. L 3)4 Hunter William Brass Founder. K 3)4 Hunt A Roberts Marble Works. C 1 Hutchiscm James A Sun Hats, Ac. H 3 Huton Charles Tailor. O 2)4 UuxtableJuhn Shoemkr. L 3)4 Hynd R. W Oio. L Uyslop Russell A Co. ...Fancy aauds. F 2)4 Irwin John Saloon. L Irwin Thniuas A Co.. ... , Stoves & Tin. O 3 Isbister Malcolm. ... Builder. H 3 lizard Geo. B Bod Bottoms. K 3)4 Jack Wm Oro. L Jackson J Silvcrplater. JamesA.T Saloon. K 3)4 J aines Simon Hotel. Jar\is George Furniture. L Jarvls Jolin Furniture. U 3 Jensen W. A Saloon. L Johnson Goo. C Carpenter. H 3 Johnson Oeo. W Fruit. L 3)4 Johnston A Hill Photographers. L Jobustim Miss Millluer. L Jolinstou Mrs b'rult. L JoUey James llaniesa. F 2)4 Jones C.T lli-oker. P 2)4 Jones Catherine saloon. K 3)4 Jones E. It Fruit, Ac. L Judd W. H. A Bro.. Tallow Chandlers. E 3 Kane Peter Oro. L KaterThomaa Pianos. L 8)4 KavauaghJolm Gro. L 8)4 Kavttuaifb W Blacksmith. P % Kelk J. G -. Oro., Ac. L Kelly A Clark Gi-o. Kelly J. P Shoes. L 3)4 Kelly Thos Washing Crs'StaL L Keuuai'd Henry Coufec. L Kenneily Andrew Flour A Feed. L KeniiodvJohn Plasterer. H 3 Ketiiiedy Mlsa oro. L KentTlBury Crockery. L Kernerjohn Salixm. K 3)4 Ken- A. R. ACo 11. O. O 3 Kerr Alexander f carpenter. O 2)4 Kerr Murray A Glassworks. O 3)4 Kerrigan Bros Clothiers. L HA^MILTOlSr, Ont. 354 3)a 2Hi 3 ^ m KMilWm Gro. I, KUgouT J. i McLellau D Books. H 3 McMahonJ.S.ACo Whol. Oils, Lamps A Crockery. 3 McMillan A Gro. A Ltq. L 3>4 McMlUauJohn Oro. H M McMillan Mrs Gro. L 3)4 McNally Charles Peddler. L 3)» McNVllMrs Hotel. L McPherson Andrew Tins, Ac. L MoPherson John ACo...Mntr8. Shoe*. U 1 McPlde Donald Plumber. G 2)4 MeadTtaomait Carieuter. H 3 Meadows Samuel Furniture. L Meaklns Hairy Machinist. Meaklns James Fancy Gtmls. L Meakius A Sims WhuL Brushes. E 3 Methodist Episcopal Book Room G 2)4 Midwinter J Oi-o. L Miles Alex.O Plumber. L Miller A Tobacco, AC. L 3)4 Miller K.O Butcher. 3 Miller Henry Flour A Feed. L Miller James Oro. A Prov. K 3)4 Miller W.L FancyOoods. L Mills Charles Oro. O 3)4 Mills Goo Gro.. Ac. H 3 Mills George A Hatter. L MillsJ Carriages. L MlllsJobu Builder. L 3)4 Mills John Patent Furnace. L 3)« Mills John D Paper Doles. L Mills A Sou Hatters A MilMnors. H 3 Mills WlUlam Wagoninkr. L MllUB Alex BiiUiler. O 3?« MllueOeo Builder. K 3)a Milne Robert Photographer, h Minnes Thomas Blacksmith. L Mitchell Thomas Whol. Brooius. F 2)4 Mitchell W. B Tailor. L Molloy Thomas Saloon. L Molzhan Chos Shoes. L Mouahan R Carpenter. L Monro Huirh Gro. O 2)4 Montgomery John Gro. A Llq. L Montgomery Robert Saloon. I, 3)4 MoodleJohn Berlin Wool, Ao. I? 2>» MooreC Secondhand Store. L Moore D. A Co WhoL Staves A 'II ns. B 1 Moore A Davis Land Agents. E 2 Moore G Refreshment RiMims. K 3)4 Miwre Mrs. Hugh Milliner. L Moore Lyman Caidtallst. D 1)4 Mooro Samuel J Mnfr. Tools. L 3)ti Moran M Gro. L Moi-nn Tlina ,,..,,,...... Rlnok"n!lth. L Monten Wellington J Com'n. H 3,^ Morgan Bros Millers, Mnfrs. Whips, Ao. E' 2 Morgan Charles E. . . Agent A Broker. L 3)4 Morgan Frederick Gro. L Morris James Oro. L Morris John Fmlt. Ac. L Morris Lewis Batcher. L Morris Philip Ore. Q 3)4 Morns Thomas Flour A Feed. Morris William Gro., Ao. L Morris Wolf PediUer. L Monison o. C Bollermkr. Morrison J. B Tins. L Morrison Thomas oro. F 2)4 Morton David Soap A Candles. F K% Moses Secondhand Store. Mossman Mark Boots A Shoes. K 3)4 Moyes MissM Millinery. G 3)4 Mulr D. A Contractor. Mulrhead Walter Batcher. E 2)4 MulUnMissU MlUlner. L MuudavJ HoteL L MttudleMrs. Margaret.... Fancr D. U. L Monro, Henderson A Mackenzie WhoL Clothing. E 3 Mnnzinger J. M Bookbinder. K 3)4 MunlocIiJohn Oro. H 3 Murphy M Gro. L ffl4 Murphy A Murray Gro. F ^ Murray A. ACo D.G. E 3 Murray David Nursery. L Murray R. B Whip Mountings. L Murtj Robinson Bros Stationery. li Robinson Wm Shoes & Gro. L RockThos Drugs. O 2)4 Ronald Wm Gro. A lAq. H 3 Ronan Patrick Flour&Feed. G 2)4 RonanJohn oro. K 3 RoseA Co Lard. L RosebrughJ. W Physician. O 3 Rosenthal Ben) Tailor. L Ross A. P. A Co D. O. Rosa Bros Painters. K 3)4 RossThos. S Tailor. H 3 Bouse John Confeu. Ii RousaeauzGeo Gro. I. Roasseaux Woolson & Co Gro. H 3)4 RudellWm.H Jeweler. H 3 Russell Rlchanl Jeweler. H 3 Rutherford A Co Glassware. B 1 RyckmanO. B Jeweler. L Ryckman B. 8 Pawnbroker. Sachs Adam Oro. L 3)4 Safiford, Vail * Blckley .... Wliol. Clo. B+ 1 Saunders John Oro. I. 3)4 Sawyer L. B. A Co Ag'l Implts. C 1 Schmidt J Peddler. L, SchraderF.J Cigars, Ac. F 2)4 Schaoh Gottlieb Saloon. H 3 Schumacher George Cablnetware. L 3)4 SohwarzE. L : cigars. L Schwari John.. Cigars. L Sohwarz Louis Cigars. Ac. H 3 Scott James Fancy Goods. L Scott Samuel oro. L Scott W. 8 Gro. A Liq. H 3 ScrlTen P. L Wooil Eagravor. L 3)4 Seaman S. L Secoudhaud .store. L Secord W. H. C Grain & Com'n. O 2)4 Seildou Geo. U. A Co Knitting. Seldnn Richard Oro. Selvln Henry Hotel. L Semmens Thomas A Bros Baby Carriages. F 2)4 Service Robert A Co Clothe. E a Servos William Saloon. L SewellH. W Qro. H 3 Sexton M Confec. L Sharp David Plnmber. L Sharp E Confec. L Sharp O Builder. O IPi Sharp Wm Baker. O 2)4 Shaw j; Flonr AFeed. L Shearer James Carpenter. L Sheaismith F. G Builder. SUlettOeo Oro. L Silver Mrs Fancy Goods. L Simon A Peddler. L SimonAKeUy Cigars. K 3)4 SlmonsMrs.M Fancy Goods. L Simpson, Stuart A Co.. WhoL Gro., Ac. D 1)4 Simpson WllUam Klro. A Prov. Skinner J. A. A Co. . WhoL Croskery A Glassware. E 3 Skinner John Tins. Skinner John ..Watchmkr. L 3)4 Smale Wm oro. L 3)4 Hraall John Butcher. L 3)4 smallwoodGeo ". Gro. smith A Fancy Goods. L SnuthUonald Tailor. F 2)4 Smith «. B Wood. Hniith George Saloon. L Smith Hampden Crockery. L Smith Jacob J Cigars. L Smith John Tailor. L Hmlth M Baiier, Ao. K 3)4 Smith Mrs. Mary Oro. Smlthltobert Tins. K SHi Hmlth T Bnilder. L Smith William Oro. U 3 Smith Wm Gro. L Soper Itobert Oro. L Spectator Printing Co O 2)4 Si>ellacv Thomas... Secondhand Store. L 3)4 Spiers Mrs. M. J Gro. L Hplncer.r Batcher. .SprlngMtead Jacob Drugs. H 3 StacyJ. B. P Fnmltnre. K 3)4 Stacy J. C Furniture. L 3)4 Staoelman John A Saloon. L StaSbrd Theodore Confec. L Stamp William Painter. I, Stauton John Furniture. K 3)4 Steel John Crockery. L SteoleGeorgo D.G. L 3)4 Stern Mrs Gro. L Stevens J.,lr Gro. L Stevenson Geo. (Hunter St.).. Baker A Oro. K 3)4 Stevenson Geo Gro. L StowartEUza Milliner. L 3)4 Stewuit James ACo...Iron Founders. C 1 Stewart Hubert Gro. 3 StiiiHon Frank Gro. K 3)4 Stlnsou James Banker. B 1 SUusouK. C Hotel. L 3)4 stlrton John Printer. K 8)4 StoneJ. H. ACo Lanterns. G 2)4 Stoneman John Fish. L StrondAlfred Hides. G 2)4 Stuart * Macphorson WhoL Oro. C 1)4 Sturdy Frank Qro. L Stiinly Thomas Tinware. L 3)4 Sullivan D Cro. L Sutherhind Angus Gro. Sutherland Jas. A Co Vlneg-ir. (See Woodstock.) SutterbyJ Hotel. Swayze Abraham Hotel. L Sweeney James utovesATlu. L 3)4 Sweetman Henry. . Saloon. L 3)4 BwlftMrs. T Millinery. L Taffo Edward Butcher. L TatTe Fran-Is Butcher. L TaltAStewart Gro. K 3)4 Tallman W. H Oro. 3)4 Taylor Alfred J Gents' Fum'g. H 3 Taylor E oro. L Taylor Edward Carriage Blacksmith. L 3)4 Taylor Harry Gro. A Llq. L Taylor John Builder. Taylor John Flour AFeed. K 3)4 Taj'IorJohnE Fancy Goods. L 3)a Taylor Joseph Watches. H 3 Taylor H. JT. A Co Drugs. II 3 Taylor 8 Saloon. 3;4 Taylor W.H Harness. L Temple Jolm Livery. L 3)4 ThomE CigaiH. Thomas C.L Pianos. E 2 ThompsonA Veterinary Surveon. L Thompson diaries Wagons. I. Thompson David Watches. K 3 Thompson John oro. H 3 Thompson Peter Gro. L Thompt ju William Baker, Ac. L Thomson, Birkctt A BeU..Whol. D. O. D l)a Thomson Robert Lumber. E 2 Thorley Horse A Cattle Pood Co Thornton James Melodeons, Ac. Tilly J. H Lamps. L Times Printing Co p 2)4 TindaUMrs Saloon. L Tomassek R. P.. Contractor, Ac. Torrance Thomas Harness. L Torrey U. R Tanner. O 2)4 Towersby Mrs Millinery. Treble .Samuel G Oenta' Fum'g. F 2)4 Tremleit WlUlam Shoes. K 3)4 Trovaakis Bros Blacksmiths, Ao. L Truman J. H Herbalist. K 3)4 TrumbnUGeo Saloon. K 8)1 TrusdaleACo Hoes. H 3 Tuckett A Billings. . . . Whol. Tobacca D 1)4 Turner Alfred Oro. P M Turner James A CX> Whol. Gro. B 1 UnsworthA FancyGoods. K 8)4 Upthegrove Edward Oro. L VanAlhknEll Bnilder. H 3 VanDeCarrB.D Hplces. P Venitor W. A Turner. L VerralJ Meat Market. L Vert J. B Peddler. H »" VllaMrs Gro. L 8)4 Vincent A. ACo Drags. L 3^ Walker A Biscuits A Confec. L Walker James Chandler. E 3 Walker JamesA Co WhoL D. O. Walker ll()bert Gro. H 8 Walker William Gro. K Sii Walker William (J Gro. L Wullai'e Johu A Son Tins. L Walmsley Charles Tailor. L Walsh Thomas Oro. H 3 Walton W. o Agent. L Wanzer B. M. A Co Mnfrs. Sewing Machines. B 1 Warren Mrs Oro. K 3)4 Warren Sisters D. O. L Waterman E. S Spring Beds. L WatkinsT.C D.G. Q 3 Wiitaon Andrew Baker. L Watt John Tailor. WatU J. A Agent. 3 Waugh John Carpenter. Waugh W. J Gents' Fum'g. 3 Webber J. A F Builders. P 3)4 Wel)bor J. M Hardware. L WebsterJoseph Mills. G 2)4 Webster Wm Flour, Ao. H 3)4 WeHt Charles Baker. L Whipple E. 8 , Agent P 2J4 White F.M FrultTAc. L WlilteOeo Builder. H 3 White Homer E Trees. K 3)4 White J. C FancyOoods. H 3 WhIteT. W. ACo Plasterers. L White W.C Carpenter. K 3)4 Wlilger James Boots A Shoes. O 2)4 Willian' 1 C. J CHls. Q 8 Wlllams C'harles Flsli. L Williams J. M. A Co... WhoL Tinware. G 3)4 Williams Mlchai-1 Butcher. L Williamson A. P Gro., Books, Ac L 3)4 Williamson James Storage, Ao. L Williamson Richard Ice. H Sii Williamson Rlcliwd,Jr Oro. L Wlllman D .'...Gro. L Wills Jane Shoes. Wilson A. ACo Drugs. K 3)4 Wilson A Co Sewing Machines. D i Wilson Thos Gro. L Wilson Jos. (Queen St.) Pork. H 3 Wilson Joseph Prov. K 3)4 Wilson M-iry Ann Gro. L Wilson Robert t shoes. H 3 Wilson T Gro.. Ac. L Wilson Thomas Butcher A Gro. H 3 Wilson Wm. A Son Tailors, Ac. U 3 Wlnckler Julius tfaloon. L Winer J ohn * Co WhoL Drugs. B 1 WintieldThoma.; Gro. 3)4 Winnlfrith Bernard .Oro. L Winslow & Webber Hardware. O 3 Wlsker Mrs. Joseph Hotger..CardlnfcMlU,'dtc. H 3 Bower James Pumps. I^ 3)4 Brehm HlBraund O. 8. II 3 Copplmter Thomas 8 0.8. H 3)4 Doberer Andrew Tailor & Nursery. L 3)5 EvdtLudwlg Cooper. K 3)g Flood John Tins * Stoves. It 3)5 OoodeveW. U Drugs. L 3)5 OotttvallsAKnechtel..Britannlaware. U 3 Gould Mrs. David Tavern. L 3H HasHeuyager A Millar Tins. L HelwIgO. W Tin. L S^ UolllugerQeo Tannery. H 3 Holmes J. H . . . Agent Fruit Trees. Ac. I. 3).j HuDlnau A Holman Wagons. L Huacher W uTioes. L Jost Henry . . . Hats, Fancy aooort,Jr O. H. A Tailor. O 2)s Jordan Wm Tailor. L Kerr Angus Peddler. L Lumpnian Simon Saw Mill. K 3)4 McKay John Blacksmith. L 3>4 McLeud II. M Physician. O S McIjOdJohn Tavern. H 3 Proctor Kacknor Shoes. I, Hoe Andrew Harness. K SW Sutherland A Son Oatmeal Mill. G 2)4 Welch Daniel G. 8. K 3)ii White Kenneth Tinsmith. I, 3)5 HARRISBURG, Brant Co., Ont Bralthwalte Charles Hotel. I. Galloway James O. S. A P. M. U 3 Orli'c John Bricks. !.■ GrUUn J Shoes. L IlallUiKrge Carpenter. L 3)a Hazel James Tavern. L Kiiuchey Thomas Tavern. K ,3)4 Twomey John Plasterer. I. HARRISON'S CORNERS, Stormont Co., Ont UcPhallBros . B'sml ths A Tavern . I, \j HARRI8T0N, VVallinffion Co., Ont. \ Adams E.'V Physician. L ' Allan Mrs Fancy OotHls. L 3)4 Anderson Geo Grain. F 2)5 Bates A Fancy Goods. (See M. M. or R. B. B. Keeler.) Bell Thomas Shoes. L 3)4 Bingham J. B Butcher. L Blackwoml A McNIven Harness. L 3)4 Bradley John Tailor. K 3)4 BrlsbluABro (J. 8. H 3 Brlstow W Tins. L ,'1)4 Burr John Watches. 1, Campbell Archibald oro. L Carter D. M Speculator. ChamborsGeo UoteL O 2)4 Colllwm John Hotel. O 2)4 Cowan.Samuel Physlulan. K 3)5 Donaldson C. A W. G Grist Mill. G 2)4 •""'"s'"^ '"^'"n"! ^~ iiV.*i«. j7 Douglas Thomas Shoes. H 3 Dowllug A Leightou Sash A Door Factory. H 8 EatloyJohnL Furniture. L 8)4 £aklu8ABro Gro. H 3 Kmpev M. P lAs. Acant, Ao. L Farr A Detwlller Painters. L 8)4 Fisher A Irwiu.. B'smtths A Wagons. H 8 Fulton Elliott Agent Ag'l tmpits. L OarbigO. A J. B Tlaj &4 Hamilton D Veterinary Burgeon. H 3 Horvay Broi, Ilanlware. H 8 IlaiveyW. A Physician. L 3)4 Holman Wm Shoes. IIowe« Joshua Saw MIIL H 3 Jewell A Hoplna Oro. K 3)4 Johnson Wm G. 8. H 3)4 Johnshm Wm Hotel. K 3)6 Koelei M. M. or R. B. B..F'cy Gootls. L Kelly John Marble. L KerrWm Boots A Shoes. G 2)4 Kldd R Livery. L Lambert A Stong Foundry. F 2)4 Lennox Samuel R Tins A stoves. L 8)4 Marhle Archibald G Tavern. F 2)4 McDnugal J. A Agent Ag'l Implts. MoDowi'll Robert (jfontraotur. L McEwnn Misses Fancy 'ioods. L McKonzle John Barber. L 3^ Mcl.ellau W. J.. Sewing Machines, Ac. L MoNlven Donald Tailor. L Sj4 M( iklejohn Alexander Hara ware. E 3 MIchle A Ha". G. s. G 3)4 Miller A Green Qro. A Feed. H 2ik MUler Peter Builder. L MltcheU A Teeple Foundry. O 2)4 Montgomery Robert Blacksmith. L MnriihyD. AJ ProtL « 2)4 Mnrt')n A Harness. L PatmoreM B'smlth A Wat ins. H 8 Pennington H Wagons. L Preston A Henry Qro. A Drugs. Q 2)4 Preston J. B. . . . Lumber A Saw Mills. O 2)4 Rlsberry James Grain. H 3 Bitter P. E Shoes. L Robertson A Dewar Publishers. K 3)4 Robinson A Robertson Bankers. D 3 ScottJohn Lively. L 3)4 Simons T Painter. L Small Wm Butcher. K 3)4 SmlthJumes Shoes. K 3)4 Smith John A ^gent Ag'l Implts. L Stafford Thos. J Marble. L 3)4 Stewart A. J Photographer. K 8 Stewart A Wilson SawMUl. Ii 2 Stone Henry G. 8. H 3 Strachan Thos Qro. A Prov. L 3)4 Tackery Wm Pumps. I, 3)5 Taylor J. B...: Mnfr. Pop. L Taylor Wm Gro. A Drugs. H 3 Thompson John Gro. AConfec. L Tomll'i Charles Bricks. L Veltch Miss Milliner. L Walt A Jobuston... Ins. A Loan Agts. L Wallace Bros f J! 8. L Wallace Hubert Prod. L 3U Wallace W. L Confec. A Oysters. L 3)5 Watson Thomas Fancy Goods. L 3)5 WellandJ.F Tavern. U 3)4 Woods J Bakery, Ac. L Wright Hugh Coniec. A Oysters. K 3)4 Wright Samuel Cheese Boxes, Ac. U 3 Young R. H Wat^^hes. L 3)4 Yule Alex Baker A Conf<)c. L 8^ HARROW P. O., Eatax Co., Ont Alkman D. 8 Temperance House. L Baltier Samuel G. 8. K ^ BestJoslab BUcksmltta. L 3)5 Eby This, Ac. L ^ Ferris Joseph Blacksmith. Graveilne Shoes. Ij HlbboChas Tins. L Hughsou Samuel Qrlst A Saw Mllla. H 3 Londsberry C Qro.AShoea. L McAfee John O. S. L 3)4 Munger John G. . . B'smlth A Waguna. L $4 PosUirois W. A J Wagons A B'nmlths. L 3H Patten J. S Bewlng M. A Farmer. F ^ Quick John B Carjwn ter. L RumbaUJ JriatMilL K 3)4 St. John James Blpoksmlth. L 3)4 Snydnr Hiram Blacksmith. WoughterT. E Planlug MiU. L Wiiijlit Eros Hamsss, L 5P^ HARROWSMITH, Frontanis Co., Oirt. Baker Ira Cablr* wo. H 3 Bertram, CaAUun A Co. . .Blaokunu'Jig. (See Uaitingdou.) Bfl it I; HAB OISTT^RIO j^lSTD QUEBEC. HEI Blackhurat James... ^ Blacksmith. I 3h Davis Worthy Pntnts. L 3)4 Day Horatio Saw Mill. K a DayW. D. P. W Physician. K 3 i'UDham (leo Shoes. L Freeman Robert C'arrlagea. L Grtffltha. A a 8. L 3)4 Martin Clias. H..Saw & Shingle Mills. Bussell William Blacksmith. 1., Smith J. It Physician. L Stewarts. P. A Bro «. s. o 2)4 Sutherland A Canlff Tannery. Thon^p8ou * Clark ct. 8. Walswonh Henry Hhlnalo Mill. L Walsworth J. C Sowing Machines. L HARTFORD, Norfolk Co., Ont. Andrews J. S Sewing Machines. L BarkeJosephJ O. S. & Shoes. H 3 FleldsJaraes Gilst Mill. U 2'^ Hagennan tieo WRgims. L 3S Hitchcock Israel Blacksmith. L 3)^ Hoggartli Wni Blacksmith. K 3 Merrill Kohert J A geii t Ag'l Implts. A Drover. P 2H Plilpps Davlil Shoes. L 3';i Thomas BeuJamlnW G. 8. H ihj Toblu A Robinson Ashery. I, HARTINGTON, Frontenac Co., Onl. Bertram, Cannon <& '~'o. . Blacksmiths. K 3 Camosell BenJ Parmer. Ac. K SH Patterson Wm o. 8. L HARTLEY P. O., Victoria Co., Ont. Barker John o. 8. K 3W Gilchrist Nell Bhicksmlth. I, McG aire Patrick Tavern. L .3H HARTMAN, York Co., Ont. Hlslop OrlstMlU. 3?4 Wood Thomas Boots ,£ Shoes. H 3)4 HARVEY HILL MINES, Megantio Co., Que. Northey John a. S. HARWICH, K«nt Co., Ont. George Tlios. J Shoes. K 3)5 Holmes Demetrius Saw Mill. Hutchison iJ. J o. H. L 3)4 Hutchisim James U.S. G 2>!i McKay Mi-s Hotel. L 3;u O'Brien John , Shoes. L Parsons Jtiscph Blacksmith. U 3 Parsons W Blacksmith. 1. 3)4 Stalker John Pliysiehiu. K 31i West George II — Agent Ag'l Xiuplts. h 3)j HARWOOD, Norihumbarlind Co., Ont. Allan Henry A Co o. 8. K 3'4 Brady Edwar 1 Hotel. K »^ Burns Peter SIum's. L 3h Carvvith James Blacksmith. L GrllUs James Gro, L Uai'sUiUc John o. 8. O 2)4 HIeks Hubert Hoti'l. H 3 Kai.aJ»hn Blacksmith. L 3)4 MclJougall A Ludgat« Lumber. (SoePeterLuiT)'.) Mcintosh John Tailor. L Pinch John 8 saw Mill. 3 Steel Mrs. James Hro. L Ullyott, BadiUer A Co Saw Mill. (8ce Peteiboro'.) Woni,:r Wm Grist Mill. L HASTINGS, Peterboro' Co., Onl. \ jVurtcrscm Divld Broker, Ac. O 2'4 Bailey J ames Wa^uns. L 3>j Ball John Tailor. L Blckell G*M> Pouuili'v. Blucklock A Co Wooleu Mill. Bi-eunau Patrick Tavern. K 3)4 Cliattey Samuel B Drugs L 3)'. H 3 Hamilton Bros Mills A Lumber. A Al Harbec Felix Gro. H 3 HlgglusouJ. O (i. S. G 2)4 HIgglnson John W Sash A Blind Factory A Woolens. O 2)4 Kimball A Ibcrt Broker. F 2)4 LacniixJ. B Painter. K 3)4 LaloudeA. B G. 8. K S.'s Lawlor Wm .■...Perry. L 3>a Lecour John, Jr G. s. L Lortle Vincent G. S. Muti e Nttah Carriages. L MeGowan R Mill. H 3 MoMahonS. J Tins. L McKaeJ.A Carpenter. L 3'. ». H 3 O'Uelllv James O. 8. L Baundersift MoCracken SndiUers. L Butherlaud D.&H Tanners. « 2)4 Tally a Blacksmith. K !i)4 Wanlenll Uarness. 1. 3)4 HEMMINQFORD, Huntingdon Co., Que. Amlrault J. A. V G. 8. K 3 Bai-iduu Louis U Drugs. L 3)4 Beilell A. N. 4 0. N Tins. K 3 Cameron D. A Ins. Agent. L Cameron Wm Blacksmith. L ClaylandJ D. O. H 3 OottlngharaT /...Saildler. L Dorals L ■. Shoes. It 3)4 EdwardsT O. S. G 2)4 Flgsby Thomas O. a. K 3)4 OeltiuH James Oro. . K 2hj Cai^avant .MIhsU Milliner. L Contulx Felix Blacksmith. K 9)4 DemiiinA. 1. llmkcr. F 2>4 Demera Narclue, Jr Hotel. G 2)4 Denis P ; O. 8. K 3)a Deroche A Caningeti. K » DupuUK Cariioges. K 3 Dupnls Hubert Blacksmith. L Lafoudl. H Tailor. L Hoy A Tins. Ii TrudeouS. J. A C U.S. L 3)4 HENSALL, Huron Co., Ont. BellP.D Saw A Carding Mills. L Beverly James Wagons. L 3*4 Blssett R. A T Stoves A Tins. (Hee Kxeter.) Blatchford Richard Blacksmith. I, 3)4 Charters W.C ...Grain, Flour A Feed. K 3)» Dewur James Shoes. L Elbeihaiilt Geo Baker A Cnufcc. Pnlrliairn Sidney Cabinetwaro. K SH Harris Henry Tailor. L 3)4 J ackson Bros G. S. (See Egmondville.) Johnston W. H G. 8. L Kelly A Watches. L KInusen J. (^ Ilarness. L 3)y McKride A McMillan. ...Blacksniitlm. L . McGrogorA Urquhart Grist Mill. U 3 McLennan David Grain. (See BIyth.) Murdoch Thompson Live ry. L 3)4 PatteiHon A Bell Planing Mill. O '.^14 Petty G. C Butcher. K 3 PettyG. AJ Pork Packers. K 2 rickardJaa G. 8. ■ieo Exeter.) Purdy Cornelius Hotel. K 3 Kaniscy Ed win Buthler. L 3)4 lleynolds Hlchard Hotel. H 3)4 .ShuiIs Wm Blacksmith. L Kprague ubed Shoos. H 3 Sutherland James U.S. L 3)4 8weueit4 HIQH FALLS, Ottawa Co., Que. Schnltze Edward Q. B. 3)4 HIOHFIELD, York Co., Ont. Dntchbum Henry Shoes. K 3 Mercer Hubert HoteL Ij HIQH GATE P. O., Kent Co., Ont. Allbrleht Blacksmith. L Armstrcmg HuglLj Hotel. L 3)i Beadle Jacob Hotel. L Bell Henry G. 8. L CreeJohn Shoes. L 8)4 Dccow A Phys'n A Drugs. L Onsnell Joseph Blacksmith. L OosnellWm. A O. 8. L 354 Hanly J Tailor. L Hanly Joseph Tailor. L Johnson John Carpenter. L 8)4 Llttlejohn Furniture. L Martin J. W Carriages. L Mason John Grist Mill. U 3)4 MoKeniie Miss C MlHinery. L McLaren Wm Grain. O 2>4 McNlehol Duncan Hotel. K 3)4 Moorehouse Isaac Saw Mill. K 3)n Minrt\yJohn Blacksmith. L 3)4 Pomerov Phyhiclan. L RaycrattJohn Grain. O 2)4 HiskWm G. 8. I, 3)4 Scott A Co Oatmeal Mill. 3 Scott Fred.,Jr G.S. L 3)4 HIGHLAND CREEK, York Co., Ont. Collins John BlaoksroHh. H 3 Elliott John G.S. L 8)4 Hellewell Alfred Saddler. L HobbsJumes Grist Mill. L LeslleJames Blacksmith. L 3)4 Leslie Joseph Shoee. L MorrishJotin O. 8. K 8!4 .MulrWm G.S. L 8)4 Shockleton James Wagonmkr. L 3)4 Shockleton Mrs UoteL H 3 Stephenson Thomas Oro. L 3)4 Tredwoy Wm G.S. O 2)4 Walsh John Shoes. L HILLIER, Prince Edward Co., Ont (See Pleatant Valley.) HILLSBORO, Lembten Co., Ont. DaleLawTcnce Oro. A D. O. L HILLSBURG, Wellington Co., Ont. Byrne John Blacksmith. G 3)4 CampbeU Duncan Wagons. L 3)4 Carmlchaol Malcolm Tailor. L 3)4 CarWr Clirlstoiilicr Baker. L 3)4 Cunv Archibald Blacksmith. L 3)4 Donaldson A Carmlchoel G.S. K 3)4 Dwler N. F Tovom. K 3)4 Fitzgerald Wm Shoes. L FrankllnBenJ Tine. L 3)4 (iHuil W. H Shoes A Tannery. Hamilton Jas Wagons. L 3)4 How Wm., sr O. 8. A Mills. Kirk John Tavom. It 3 Lacey George A Ins. Agent, Ac. L Lang Mrs. Wm Baker. K 8)4 Mccullough Wm. H G. 8. H 3 MclCenzli' .Stephen Blacksmith, L .McMillan Doiuild G, S. McMillan John Blacksmith. L Thompscm Archibald Shoes. L Till T. M G. Si. L TorrieJames Shoee. L 3)4 Vlner John Cabluetware. H 3 Woiilen Petor Saddler. L 8)4 Yale Frank L 3)4 HILLSDALE, Simooe Co., Ont. Blockstock H Physician. O 2)4 Davis Clark Molr. Pop. L Davis It. I' La'utX Agent, Ac. L Dukle M Carpenter. L 8)4 Dyiueut M Grist Mill. (See Barrio.) Frnwloy Patrick J Shoos. K 3)4 11 111 .\lex Tavern. L llowaith Moses Blacksmith. L Klllhanks Wm Furniture. L MartliiJamcs Money Lender. K 3)4 r.irtiliaJ LUUtUet, Iw M I'l'it'lgh t James Sliiusles, L McDonald A Butcher. K Parker, l.allil.f.Co... .Lumber A O.H. U 3" Siultli Chus Tavoi n. I. Turner James Mill. H 3 Walker Joseph <". 8. 11 8 Waiigh A McJaunalt BlooksmlUie. L 8)4 TTTTi ONTj^RIO A.ND QUEBEC. HUL I *.'• ' ! HILL8QRECN P. 0., Huron Co., Ont IjOvenive— - Blaokamlth. Troyer Churlea aro., *o. L 3;i HILTON, Northumbarltnd Co., Ont. BockorA.A OS McQueen John D Blacksmith.' L Taylor John Blaokamlth. L HINCHINBROOKE, Huntingdon Co., Quo. (Se* iioofcimm.; HOATH HEAD, Grey Co., Ont. McOUllTTay & Doa«an 8aw Mill. Q 2>4 HOCHELAOA, Hoohelaga Co., Que. Belanger Ale.T Contractor. H 3 Brown J. H Gro. Colin A Gro. ConUnBlobardA Lumber. ^, (See Cote St Paul.) Cowan, Dlott & Co. . . .Mnfrs. Sprlnira. 3)6 Crevler J. W • Sash factory. H 3 Demers r,.0 Oro. K 3)« SepatiJ. B Lumber. FeneauE Hotel. HanUman Thos Conteo. L Bochelaga Cement Co Janard Joseph Oro.,4o L I*C08t6A Harrtware. (See Montreal.) Lane Mr». J Hotel. L J*POft« Oro. L LaurlnC Hotel. L 3»i .i*«fc«i jj 3iA Maason Dominique.. ".'.'.".'.■.■.■.■.".Bntchor; K S MUDler Alexis Butcher. O 2*4 Partseau Caslmlr oro. L 3« geiTOult— - Gro. L ^ BudiKer John Blacksmith. K SH BoroiigleWm qto. gouplase A Seneoal Sash Factory. H 3 SouUgny Oonatant Hot^. L TeaslerMrs Tavern. L Thompaon Joseph Gro. a 3 Wilkinson Wm Hotel. HOCKLEV, SImcoo Co., Ont. Beatty Bei^Jamln Saw Mill. L 2"?° S;,- Blacksmith. K 354 Farlev Wm..... shoes. L ^ FlemInK Samuel Hottl. L HackettJohn Boota&Shoes. L 3)4 HaokettJuhn a. 8. L HOQ BAY, Simoo* Co., Ont. rsea VUtoria Harbor.) HOLBROOKE, Oxford Co., Ont. DMtyerJerome .....BUokamlth. L 3H WhftflelilA.M G.B. K 3h HOLLAND LANDING, York Co., Ont. Ayerst Prancla Confec. F m, Bac<)ulIonry BuUdor. L sS Corblere Klf. shoes. L Dennle Vincent Grist Mill. rr.^ ^ ^ ^ . . '8®« Newmarket.) Kitchen Frederick o. 8 L S^ LItUeJohn ...Tailor. L ad Lloyd Owen o. 8. K 3)o Ji»«!«Wm.. WBKona. L sS Mourackon Alei Woolens. L Bedpatli Mrs ora L .S>4 BobtnaonWm Temperance Horel. L BheppanlMrs Tavern. H 3 BheppardThos Oiii L TateVm Blacksmith. L Thompson Thomas oro. L Tobey, Worr«n 8 FALLS, Ctrlaton Co., Ont. MunfordB Potash. K 3)4 HUDSON, Vaudre'uil Co., Que. Emery Seguln Hotel. L lallaS.. Carding Mill. K Graham W ..Vood. F 2)4 HoilgHon E. A. A Co o. 8. L 3^ Ho(gson0.p BUicksmlth. K 8 HojlgaonJ. J Wagoumkr. K 3)4 Robinson O.W shoes. K 3^ Simpson Isaac, jr wood. K sS Simpson Isaac, sr Butcher. H 2)4 VIpondAtbcrt o.s. L HULL, Ottawa Co., Que. BarretteF oro BeauiUn Joseph Physician! Bcueilict Solomon o S BcrtranilE... Harness! Blsson Chaa. K Tavern Carileie Antolne Gro Chovrler Onafave iiotel Dalgiieau Olivier oro DttlnlOvlUa t oro Deijardlns Flor Undertaker! DesiochersP d O lioilcin V. P. Stovea, Tin, Ac! IJucloaA. F Harness, Ac. DumimtlDi' Uonore Blacksmith. Duncan Mrs Milliner EddyE.H Mnfr. LumberA *i „ -. - Matches. Faulkner E.J o 8 *:«"lyO™ Shoes! Fortlcr N oro Ooyette Alexis .".'"'oro' OovBtte Jacques Saloon. Giillbant Joseph Hotel Harrison Jos Oro. Ac H urdiiian Bros Lumber. Isabelle Herbert o 8 Kelly ll-W Hot<"! Lane Alfreil Shoes Jj»ntlortJ. B ;: OS 1 41 iiloiTe Joseph o'ro' Lalour Olivier Lumber' Lavordure J oro' Uml c. w. Lumber iigent! LvonsW. H "oro Msrston o. J., Jr g. 8 McL'onnlck llenry FJour Mlu! ,. . . » „ .. C^o® Ottawa.) McLeod A Esplln . Mllla Mcireau Napoleon Gro. A Tavern Pnid'hommo Ktlenne Tina llani^ir K Shoes Uloher, Dainlon A Co ' 8 atJwauT oh' ahrnn.iii, I,oi,J A Co Mill Vaclmn Nere Tavern. W««libnrMe 8 Axes Wright Chaa. B Comeu'tMUls! B 2 K 3)4 T, I. L L L L 3«i I, K 3)4 L K 3)4 11 3 L 3)4 K 3)4 1. 1. 1. 1, L F 2)4 L 3)4 1. K 3)4 L 3H, K 3 K 3)4 L 3)4 K. L 3)t 3)J L 3h A X L h ' '!w- HUL OKT^RlO JLISTB QtJEBEO. IKG HULLSVILLE, Haldimand Co., Ont. Brock DaTld Blacksmith. L Canaly David Blacktimitli. L Colver* Bro o. S. II 3 Harris W. R Bartdler. L Becoiil Bobei-t Hlioes. I, NUMBER, York Co., Ont. BnttonWm Hotel. L 3W Linton Jas. lb Co O. 8. K S54 SmytliWm :. Blacksmith. L 3)5 HUMBERSTONE, Welland Co , Ont. Ahroff Christian Shoes. K 3W Augastlne i)k Kilmer B'sniitlis & Wagons. O 2}« BarthA Harness. K 3)* BennettC. B G. S. (See Fort KoblBson.) Bull A Boss D. O.. &c. iSec Thorold.) DetfliUngP felhoe». L Bugle & Krueger Butchers. I, Furry EllsliB D. a. & Oro. K 3>4 OangerL Painter. L S!4 Oral Theodora Flour* i'eed. 1, 3)i Grim Geo Gr'>.,&o. L HaueyM. P Physician. G 2^ HartChtts Ice Cream. L Heilbrun Joseph G. B. ii. Music. .Tj Kennardjobn Money Lender, die. G 2'i, Kle« J. i' Tavern. L Knoll William Shoes. H 3 Kramer John Blacksmith. H 3)4 Mellanby Wm Honey Lendc.-, *o. E 2 Middlcstead Augustus Wagons. It 3 Minnes Mrs Tavern. L Morgan Oeorifo Undertaker. L Near Edward B .'"welur. L ,3)4 Ncn&MlHoner louudrv. G 2>!i Uaniey 'jeorge Billiards. L Kecb Mtcliael Tavern & Gro. K 3)4 Koof.h & Deuulson Oro. L RosoJamesO Tins, *o. L Bother l. L HiuitcrBros O. 8. 4 Uvery. U 3 Huntl. K S O'NellGeorgeQ Gro. K 3 PinhayB. P. Saddler. K 3 PolanK o. 8. L 3)4 Polica P Carriages. L BollandH Bhoea. L Boss David Blacksmith. L SeUerBobert Printer, Ac. K 3 ShoncksD Tailor. H 3 Shancks J. C Drugs. L SomervUle Andrew Banker. E 2 Spalding Chas. H Livery. L Stark B Shoos. K 3 Stewart MlH9 Milliner. L 3)4 Third Wm. A Co G. 8. H 3 Tliompson Miss Milliner. L Walsh Wm G. 8. F 2)4 Will James Carpenter. H 3 HUNTINQVILLE, Compton Co., ()ue. Dundun David Blacksmith. K 3 OamsbyJ. W G. 8. H 3 Huntings. A Wheelwright L Hunting W Sow & Gi-lst Mills. O 2)4 HUNTLEY, Carloton Co., Ont. Atkinson Wm Mill. K 3- Brown John Hotel. L Duoloy W Hotel. L 3)4 Evoy wm Shoes. L Falls B Blacksmith. L Humphrey R.Q G.S. L ,1)4 JuhnwuJohn K 3)4 Johnston undry. O IH Brown Tliomas A Son Tanners. O 1)4 Buchanan J. A A Tins. H 3)4 Buchanan John A Sons Tins. K 3)2 Burkart A Llguon. I, By ram John Protl., Ac. Caldwell Erwiu Furniture. 1^ Caldwell O. B Drugs. O 2)4 Campbell Homer.Jr Tins. O 2)ii CampbctlJohn Money Lender. K 'i Campbell A MoBumey Pumps. L 8)4 CarapboUT. H uro. L Carey C.C Barber. L Carroll Daniel W Physician. F 8)4 Carroll F.O Livery. L 3)4 Chambers Wm Hotel. L Chapman A Underwood Confec. A Fruit. L 8)4 Choot David Liver^r. It 8 Clinton E. F Sewing Machines. L OolrldgnJoliD .Ins. Agent. F 3)4 Cook lilmeon Agent Lumber. Coyne liooo V.U. H 9 ..'«.5. ING ONTj^RIO A.NT> QUEBEC. lEB j',',1 prMgCtaarlog Hornoas. L Crisp W.T Fnrulture. i' Cromwell W. A Bboes, CurtlaMrs MllUneiy. L Ditrtijt Murdoch oro. I, Doty Joahuft Unataiirant, I. J)ouKliiK» William llot«L K Diinilan WUllam o ro. U Diitton Walter Bboea. Ii Dwyer Wm Marble. L KaUnsWra. H Money Lender. D Elliott J.N ...CatUe. L Elliotts. A Butcher 4 Oro. Elliott Bamiiel Cheese. ElUsK. Y.* Bro Hardware. P FawkeoT. F , Jeweler. O FergusouC.W lusurauoe, Goblo John, Jr Wagons. L Gordon Alexander Tailor. Grant J. L Com'u*l'ork. Gray B. H. A Hon Bakers. L Orcenaway J. B Shoes. L Griffey W. W Hats, Caps, Ac. L GunicttO.F Printer. JI 3 OustlnJas Billiards. O 2M Ha J.N I'hotograpbor. L HallMrs. J. N Fancy Ooos, Ai\ L James A Jordan Confec. A Fruit. L JohOHOn J. P Couplings. L Keating Bobert Hot«l. H Kenn>sbuU Geo Veterinary , „ Burgeon A Livery. L Kennedy C Dentist, (i Kennedy Petor Hides A Wool. F KerrD. A Co Wagons. Ac. H KtngA Bro MlUers. . Knvesbaw K. A Co Drugs, Ac. i' Kulght John Coal Oil, Ac. K Leach J. Z Musical Insts. L I*e J obn Cattle. G Lennllian John . . Beoondhaud Clothing. L Lewis H. J um A Meal L Little II Oro. L LogleB. P Bboes. G Matthewson A. A Bros. .Builders, Ac. H McBean Wm 1). o. 1, McCiuty AsaJ Hotel. H Mccarty Duvld Grr). 11 MeCHUHlnud M. B Physician. O Mc Donald Kcibert Bjieculator. F McGolrickJns Harness. L Mclntyre J CablQctrnkr. L ?!'^K"Y,^ Physician. L Mc.Mulklus C Hotel. L MuMurray Wm Hotel. L McShcrry Geo B'sniith A ^ „ Foundry. H 3 Miller C. A Co Marble. H 3 Miller J. A H Prod. MlUcrT. D Prod. L Mitchell D. A Carpenter. L MooroC. B Pri'HHi'd Hay. Morrpy Mrs. C Caldnetwarc. L Morris W Books. L MudgeW Locksmith. L Murray A. G. A Co Oro. K 354 Mustard Hugh Patent Merts. L Nanccklvi'U Wm I'attle. F Nichols Kiiwanl.. Tempenince llimse. L Noo Ixiuls Fmlts A Toys. L Nomworthy J. Counter. ... Ins. Agt, A Broker. 11 3 Noxon Bros. Mufg. Co. (Limited), Macblnlnts. C O'Callaghan John Gro. A l.lii. F O'Connor Arthur, Agent. . Oro. A Llii. I, O'Connor H.,lr D. (1. I, ., . Oliver Adam A Co.. Bash Facturj', Ac. I) 15ii O'NoUACo (In. K 'J P»rtiow W. di J MUI«; H 5 P«tt«rm>n Miss Agnes MlUloer. L 854 rerklus Joseph L Oro, K 3 r 35, 254 2H| l^ ■^ 3 3 354 353 8'i 354 154 3'4 Rice Wm HoteL n Rlchanis C Potash. H BIchardHon Henry Jeweler. L Robertsim Wm .Prod. L Ross Geo Lumber A Coal. H Rowland Harry Printer. L Bimisey W. A BjMiculator. D Scholleld A West Blacksmith.^. L Scott H. H PhvHiclau. O Sherlock Jus. F.... .sewing Mailiiues. L Sherlock Jane Fancy Goods. L Rluclnir James llnsmlth. L Slawson C. H Pork, Ac. K Smith Andrew Cigars. H Smith James Mills. F Bprtnger Wm Physician. O BqulreF Auction Rooms. Stepbenstm Mrs ..Fancy Gomls. K Stewart Francis Tailor, u Stone J. W Sewing Macblues. L Stiinit, DonglasH A Co Millers. Stiiftit Peter A Co Oatmeal Mill. O Ktiinrt Hubert Oro. A l!'ee INWOOD, Lambton Co., Ont. \ (Set Alvimton.J \J lONA, Elgin Co., Ont 1/ Bailey Charles Blacksmith. L 3)4 Beedle Robert Biaiksnilth. K 3 Britton Joseph A Son Millers. F 25* Brown Goorgo Blacksmith. L 3>5 Brown Giwirge. . . .Veterinary Surgeon. L 3)4 CauipbellJames U.S. II 3 Cascudun John Physician. H 3 Decow JohnL Hotel. L 8)4 OalbraltliD oro. L 8)4 Greaves James O.S. K 3)4 Kerr Robert „ Shoes. L Lum ey M. W Carpenter. K 3)4 LumleyW. O Carpenter. L 354 McCallum Nell Tailor. L 3)4 McClandrcss Wm Wagons. L 3)4 McGoucby Wm Physician. L Mcknj Neil Blacksmith. K 3)4 McSherry Jamea Plows. L 3W MlllsJobn Hotel. G 'i)* PInneo Daniel Wagons. K 354 Roaotory. K .sS Broiiso l^has oi-o. K 3 Cameron & Hclnnes...8bw <& sningle , ^ ., Mills. O 2J4 Carman J. A. & Co a. 8. o a)6 Carson J. A Cublnetware. H 3 Clark Will Blacksmith. K SU, Colter Thomas oro. K 3 Davy NclBon M Oro. h Denning K Shoes, h Dillaboiigh ,6 Thompson u. 8. F 25* DoranA.Son (j. 8. F 2!a Feader Ocorge Tanner, if 3 itaggJohn ti.H. D 1^ Uamble Wm Tavern. 3« Iroquois MllUug Co F 254 Julian T.H Harness. L Julian Mi«. T. U Millinery. J., Koefe Patrick Bash Factory, K 3}A ICeunetly John uro. , ^ „ . (See «len Stewart.) Landou Samuel Tinsmith. O 2)* I*ntJolui Carpenter. L McInnesJohn oro. n 3M McNulty Edward o.B. L sS j; OTA ■ Marble h 3)4 MlUerMlBsN D. (> i, 31Z Mills C.&M Uen'lMers. F •2'i Murray John Tailor, a 2)4 MyersC Wagons. L Powell Ja» Saloon. I, Robertson John ..Shoes, h ItuUandH BlaclMmlth. I. Boss Bros. & Co o. s. E 2 RossJ. H 0.8. K 3 Seeloy * Robertson Shoes. L Servlss O. Q O. 8. & Drugs. H 3 Shaver Alex ..Blacksmith. L 314 8haver*8on Saddlers, o 2Ja SiermanN. u Carriages. (1 2« Short W. A Jeweler. Bteiiheuson Jamea Physician. O 256 Thompson T. A (Jro. K ,H'3 Tiudale J Stat'yAOro. L Sit Walsh John Hotel. I. 31^ IRVINE P. O., M«|tntle Co., Que. Thnrbor aylvaniis Rlaoksmlth. 1, ISLAND BROOK, Compton Co., Que. Bolduo Bellam Blacksmith. I, French l.iithor Haw Mill. I, Weston James Bbtugle MUl. h W||fordll. H .r^.o.s; li S H llliams 1.. A (J, H. I, ISLAY, Viotorii Co., Ont. TolmeyD Blaokemlth. L Tripp D...., Wason*. J, m ISLE AUX C0UDRE8, Charlevoix Co., Que. Dulonr Boniface ti. S. L ISLE BIZARD, Jacques Cartier Co., Que. Barbean A o. 8. I, 3;» Paquln E o. 8. L Wilson F.X ....Lumber. ISLE VEBTE, Temitcouaia Co., Que. - Bertrand Charles A Co. S. 8. D IS. Bertrand Louis A o. 8. Chabot Mrs Boarding House. L Cote Pierre 0.8. K 3!4 C< to V o. 8. L D«8lorler Joseph Baker. K 3 Go uvreau Jules 0.8. Oienler A. a.... ....Physician. H S I'.earte, Marcenii <& Bro o. s. it 3 ijibrles o. H. L ISLINGTON, York Co., Ont. Dempster Thomas Butcher. L 3>4 Deno4 MoPherson Alex 0.8. (i 2)4 MiisseiiThos 0.8. A P.M. K 3)2 SldiUUl Henry Wagons, Ac. K 3)4 Strelght&iae Carpenters. K 3)4 Sumner Thos Drover, Ac. L Tier llobert H Peddler. K 3)a WooUngs Bros Butchers. (Sen Toronto.) IVAN, Middleiex Co., Ont. OraliamNell Blacksmith. L Molver Wm o. 8. I., IVANHOE, Haitings Co., Ont. EmoThomas o. s. a 2)4 Rutlodge James o.S. H SjJ IVY, Simooe Co., OnL Burton John Wheelwright. L Carruthers Thos Blacksmith. H 3 Hloks Blacksmith. Lennox Ignatius 0.8. H 3 RltohleC 0.8. L 3)4 Rusemau John Hotel. L Speirs James Miller. Stephens T. A Shoes. L Wood A Banting G. 8. H .I JACKSON P. 0., Grey Co., Ont. WilghtOeo. n o.S. L 3»i JAMESTOWN, Chateauguay Co., Que. Gregg Wm Saw Mill. O 3 Winters W.ASons saw Mill. L 3)4 YocumC Plows. K SiS JASPER, Granville Co., Ont. (See Irtth Creek.) JEAN BAPTISTE VILLAGE. (See Montreal.) *• JERSEYVILLE, Wentworth Co., Ont. Bigger A Bigger Grist Mill. 3)4 Bishop Wm Carpenter. H 8J4 DrakeOyrus 0.8. L Hendorshott Abraham o. 8. L Horning John Tinware. H 3 Howell Isaac R Capitalhit F 2)4 Howsll Nelson Farmer, Ac. F 2)4 Howell Obed Lumber. F 2« Miller Andrew Blacksmith. L Petrte George Bhicksmith. K 3)4 Simpson A van Sickle Wagons. L smith J. D Physician. L Bteuebaugh Herman o.S. H 3 Hwartz John L Wagons A Pumps. L Vaiisickle A Hondershott ...Cheese. 3)4 JOHNSON, Grey Co., Ont. Hill John O. 8. H 3 JOHNSTON'S MILLS P. O., Huron Co., Ont. Spencer David G. 8, H 8 JOHNSTON'S STATION, Huntingdon Co., Que. Johnson W.B SawMilL K 3)4 Lyttle Albert o.S. L SH RobertR Q. 8. (See Sherrington.) Winchester A o. 8. L JOHNSTOWN, Grenvilie Co., Ont. HoaohJohn Hotel. K SH JOHNVILLE, Compton Co., Quo. Alger William Mills. K 3 Smith Charles G. 8. H 3 Smith Freeman Blacksmith. L JOLIETIE, Jolietto Co., Quo. Asselln Kusebe o.S. iS 3 Benin Pierre Blacksmith. L 3)4 Bourdon .Joseph 0.8. H 3 tmaitier octave Cairiagemkr. L 3)4 Chevalier P rTHotel. L S>4 Chevigny Olivier Baker. K 8 Clemens Bewell Tanner. H 3)4 Cornelllor Mrs. L. A o. 8. Costello Antoiue Sboee. K 8 Crillv John A Co Mnfra. Paner. Sptiuiai Cauilal tlu.uuu 10 otay 1, IWi. „ ,. . (See also MontreaaTl DalfondJos Tins, h 8)4 Dellale Adolphe Books, Ac. K 8)4 DuoonduACo ,.,„„Har4wM». O 3)} 1'^ .1 ^Ji> JON ontj^rio A.]srr> quebeo. KEN Ferachke JiiUaa Fnrrler. FUkKilwanl Oro. H 3 Forest Frenoola a. H. L 3)i Fouohcr J. U Planoa Mnfra, H 3 JONES' CORNERS, Elgin Co., Ont. (See Corinth.) JONES' FALLS, La«di Co., Oni. (net NeKboro.j JORDAN, Lincoln Co., Ont. BaUG. P. M Saw MIU, G 2)4 Benson Michael Grist MUL L 3)4 Clendenlu & Patterson Wairons, K 3)4 Dean Andrew Miller, G 2)4 DouKbty Isaac Butcher, L 3)4 Ecknardt G. A Harnpjo, L 3)4 FeKan ItobPrt A Bliuis. L HouHHi'r Jacob II CabUietware. L Hunsbeny Albert Hotel. L Iminel C. F Oro., *c. L Imuiel Oeorifo Shoes, L Jessoi) Kllsha Physician, L 3)4 Kratz I,'. & J. 8 m-ult, H 3 Laws John M G, 8, H 3 Miller CiiKiiar Tailor * Oro, H 3 Moftatt Tlios Cooper. H 3 MoyerA. ACo Nursery. H 3 MoyerEll N , Saw Mill. O 3 MoyerJacobH Prod. O 2)4 Moyer William II Brooms, K 3)4 Bittenhnnsc W, B.. Sewing M. Agent. L SchoberC Shoes, h Huiltli David O Oro. 4 Toys. L SSi Sniivo Clark O. 8. U 3)4 Btnrnis Kk'liard Blacksmith. L White James Tarem. H 3 Wlamer Solomon , Cooper. L 8)4 Zimmerman Peter Blacksmith, L JUNCTIONVILLE, Norfolk Co,, Ont. Almas Michael A. .Saw Mill, Cooper A Taveni, H .S)4 Carrol John Cooper, H 3 Cook Henry W 0.8, K 3 JURA, Lambion Co., Ont. Boyd Byron Oro., P, M,, Ac, KAGAWONO, Algoma District, Ont. HeniT W. .t 11 O. 8. A Saw MUL D 1)4 KAMOURASKA, KamoHratiia Co., Qut. Albert Jean Shoes, h Beaunro Louis Boarding Honse. L BlaU^.B G.8. F 2)4 Bo. Gro. L Stanton Thomas G. 8. L 3)4 KENILWORTH, Wellington Co., Ont. McOuireJohu 0.8. H 3 O'DonueUM.C O. 8. L 3)4 KENMORE, Carleton Co., Ont. Hepinstnll C. Tanueiy. MocNob Colin G. 8. L 3)4 McArtliur Donald Blacksmith. K 3 McMaster A Carkener Sow Mill. L ,3)4 McTovlsh Archibald G. 8. L 3)4 Richardson O. B. L Wlshart Uavld Carriages. L 3)4 KENNEBEC ROAD, Beauce Co., Que. CathcortTi. M Mills. K 3 RayJanii ;i Hotel. H 3 KENTBRIDQE, Kent Co., Ont. Arnold Davlil Grist A Sa * Mills. I. OonlonA, G . . G. 8, L I.augforee Yattan.) KEftVOft, C;i--^sr.-; Co.', Oni Cameron John Hotel. 3 Kennedy J. P O. 8. K 3 Slmms — MiUe. KEU ONTA.RIO A-ND QUJEBEO. KIN lUer. H R 3.8. F ^ i.e. B a liro. li ot«l. L on 8. L »)« illor. L Vim. [less. K 3H lUor. L 3)^ urc. K 3^ icry. K i(>es. li SH (Jro. H 3 tei-s. yare, H « iittil. I, Iner. L Tin. li »H Oro. L tUls. U !»« iljer. 4 3H 3*5 3)4 8H , KERRY, Preuott Co., Ont. Olobenakyll a. s. KERWOOD, Middlttex Co., Onl. Armstrong A Canipbell Hotel. Armstrong W. 4 J. Bbkoksmitlis. U HU, Arnott I.ewla o. 8. K 3>J Dagg James Bricks, li Dowding 4 Whiting John B'smltli * Wagons. L KESWICK, York Co., Onl. Draper Nelson Blackm ili. L EwliigWm BUoksii.itb. L a;> Hurst John Hotel. H 3'i Miller liovi Lumber, i. K 3,'4 Dickson David Blacksmith. L George Wm Tailor. Ii UoUingshead Isaac Blacksmith. L 3>« Howe F. W Physician. 3% Judd Reuben. . . .Bash A. Door Factory. H 3 Kaake A Carpenter. I, 3)6 KirbyT (Jrlst Mill, h Longbottora T. B stone Mason, h Moloney John Blacksmith. L Robinson Martin W Painter. I, Towns i KHIVA, Huron Co., Oni. Holt Wm.,Jr Hotel. 1, Lawrence Joseph Blacksmith. L RatzHros.ACo Bending Factory. O 2!4 Simpson John Cooper. L Simpson Robert Cooper. II 3 Van Fleet David Harness. L 3)4 KILLARNEY, Algoma Ditlrlot, Ont. Caniercm D G. 8. li 3)a Egan John O. 8. * Agent L Hammond Charles T Fish. L Noble J. AC G. 8. (Sec T. Long A Bro., CoUlugwood.) TheboMrs G. 8. K 3)4 KILLEAN, WsllJhgton Co., Onl. Fergnson Lewis O. 8. L KILMANAQH, Peel Co., Ont. Morrison Archibald Blacksmith. L KILMARTIN P. O., Middlssax Co., Onl. McIntyreD Ag'I Implts. L MoIutyroHuKh Blacksmith. L McLaity Archibald Hotel. KILSYTH, Qrty Co., Ont. Burkhnldnr ,,,,,,,_,, UArnea*: L Cniii|iimi i)i-u» «»w Mill. K 3,'* Ki'ntoii Michael Wagons. L Uiaham Goo. E Blaokamltli. L HuutJohn Blwkamltl), L 3)4 Redfem James Reld John Robertson Robert. Rogers Peter — Cooper. L 3!4 G. 8. K 3f4 O.S. II S Hotel. K 3}3 KILWr>RTH, ddiMM Co., Onl. Driukwati . c. W ..Woolens. L Murray George i Miller. O S'.j KIMBALL ISLAND, Vicloria Co., Ont. Dunn W. A Co Lumber. O 2W Uarvcry D. W Boots A Shoes. 3 Kimball U.J Sappllea. O 2,'»j Leeds Theu. E Books. O 3 Matthews W Furs, Ac. H 3W RaynorW. P Liquors. G 2)6 TownsendThoa Fish. H 3 KIMBERUEY, Grey Co., Ont. HobbaJuhn Wagons. L PlewesWm OristMill. H 3 Tliurston James... Temperance Hotel. L KINBURN, CaHelon Co., Onl. Featherstone George (i. 8. K aW Frnser Allen Lumber. 3 Grant Allan Lumber. 2i4 LunyW Saddler. L 3)4 McCanuP g. 8. KINBURN, Huron Co., Ont. Adams Pliy»lclan. L Grieves Robert BlackBinlth. L Stanley J G. B. A Shoes. K Stanley Thog ; Tavern. L w Mllains John Wagons. L VuungJohu G.H. L KINCARDINE, Bruo* Co., Ont. Bainl Hnliert Grain, Ac. E Bair.l U.ibert Veterlnaiy Surgeon. L Baker CharUm Khoes. L Barker Mrs Fnilt, Toys, Ac. L Barnes F. A Prov., Ac. L Bartholomew Thos. C.t l'o..Prlntei-8. L Barton A Cablnctware. I. Blssett A Maitiu Oro. A Liq. II Black Hugh Tins. L Bowman Mrs Fanoy Goos StokeB* Lawrle o. 8. TurldOKton Wm. J Weaver a KINGSEY SIDING, Dnimmond Co., <)u(. CroMS.W o. 8. K 3 Doying Patrick Oro. L 8H KINQSFORD, Ha«9 KINGSMILL, Elffin Co., Ont. Ashbnry nroa. . . .B'emltha A Wagona. 3M Pntnam Robert HameaaAO. a K IKa Scott Robert, Jr Qraln. (See Bprlngfleld.) TeepleS ; Cheese. K 3 TamerColln Blaoksmitb. K 3)4 w w Ni KINGSTON, Fkontenac Co., Ont. ''l^ o an K SH H 3 AbernetliyT Blaoktmitli. I. AbruuaUeo.W Afent. L ArtalrA Oro. ik TaTtrn. H 3 ArtaniBWm 8hoM. K 3 Allen Wm Shoea. Allen WilUam Tin. Auderauu i Blrmluglmm .r Anclloneer. L BowenMary Tavern. O 3 BoydJ Baker. I4 3J6 Boyd W. Y Tailor. Brame Henry Cablnetmkr. A Undertaker. K 2 Brand George, jr Cablnetware, BrauulKan John Gro. O 2H Branuifan Widow Fancy aoo.0 3 C(Hik A Son Gro, K Corbett Wm. A Co Tins. Cornell R. P Drugs. L Conigan Dennis Fancy Goods. H 2)4 Cosbyc.S Shoes. L Coualneaa F. X D. o. F 3 Crawford Jamea Oro. K 3)4 Crawfoni K. A Co Wood A Coal. (Bee C. F. Olldersleove.) Cridlfoni John Fancy Goods, Ac. CriitbOTa H. A w. J WhoL Bakers. F 2)4 Cunningham Itonry Boatbuilder. K 3)4 CunniuRham Jolm..Sewin(Maohinea. K 3 CurtlsP Shoes, L 3)4 Uaviit tSAAO Beouudhaud Blure, L 3)« Davidson, Dorsu A Co Foundry, D 3 DavlsJamea Shoes. K 3)4 DavUWm Hotel. H » 3)4 3 OenisJame* FlourAFeed. O 3 OickW. J..„ BooUABboes.H 3 Dllloo Joseph Shoes. DoddsR oro. L DolanMartln Baddler A HoteL O aW DonoKbue Jamea oro, L 3)2 Donoghue Timothy J. A Co. . Gro., Ac Donlen Timothy Tavern. K 3 DoraoB.ACo D. O. K 2 Dougherty Patrick Blacksmith, L Doyle, Hlokie A Co D. O, H 3 DrennanS. T Cablnetmkr, O 3 Drummoud Chaa Prod. Dumble Henry Confeo, F 2)4 Dnnbar John A Co Tailors. G 2)4 Dunlop J. U Oro. L Dunn Wm Tins. K 3)4 Elliott John CatUe I>ealer. F 2)4 Elliott M Drover, F 2)4 Elliott Wm. G. A J Butchers. D 3)4 Evans Henry B Physician. D 3)4 Fallen Domlnick Tavern. K 3 FannerP Tavern. L 3)4 Fee Wm Drover A Butcher. H 3 FeUD Saloon. L Fenwick, Hendry A Co Whol. Gro, D 1)4 Ferns Mrs. C. . . .Shoes A Berlin Wool. O 3 Folger Bros Brokers. C 1)4 Folger A Hanley Forwarders. H 3 Ford Wm. A Bon Mnfrs, Leather. D 1)4 Fowler Fife Physician. O 2)4 FraUck J. W .Tailor. Franklin Jos Flour. K 3)4 FraserA Mowat Hardware. H 3 Froiland J. D Ooldsmlth, !■ Frontenoc Lead Mining A Smelting Co, Gage Bros Watches, Ac. K 3)4 Giwe R Architect H 8 Odi'dner R. A J D.O, K 2 Gardiner James A F Butchers, O 2)4 GarrlganJas lioota A Shoes, K 3 George Joseph Broker, Ac. E 2 Ollwon David Oro.AProv, H 8 Olidersleeve C. F. . . Steamboat Owner. F 3 Ooodwin J. S Acenb L Gordon W. D. A Co Drugs. H 3 Gordon W. S Gro. L 3)4 OowdyJamea Butcher. H 3 Graham Thos Baker. L Greenwood AChadwlck Marble, L 3)4 Oregor Charles Fancy Goods. H 3)4 OrimisonHrs Tavern. G 3 OrimshawH HoteL Oroh William Hats. L Ounn A. ACo Whol. Oro. O 1 HaatAntoni Vinegar. L 3)4 HagartyD Oro. L 3)4 Halllgan J. A Co oro. K 3)4 Harback Horace A. ACo.. Oro. A Beer Bottlers. Harty James A Co Whol. Oro. H 2)4 Harty P : D.O, Hatch C.H Agent Ac, K 3)4 UawleyT. B Confeo. L 3)4 Heath A Ounn. . . Whol, A Bet Drugs. HemsleyH Saloon. L Hendei-son H Photographer. L 3)4 Henderson J. 8 oro, K 3 Henderson John Books, O 2)4 Hendry J, A. A Bro Whol, oro. O 3 Henley A Otton Fancy Goods. K 3 Uewton A Hughes Woolen Mill. L 3)4 Htckey Allett D.O. K 3)4 Hobart George 8 Drugs. K 3)4 Bolcomb A Stewart Forwarders. (See Montreal.) Horsev Richard H Tins, O 2)4 HowlandT Tavern, K 3 Hutcheson J, E Auctioneer, L HymanMorrlsL Hats, K 3)4 IrrlngWm Contractor, O 3 Irwin John Hotel, I, jaminHnn J .,.,..,.,,,,.., . Plumber. K 3)4 J enkins Bamubl Carpenter! K 3)4 JohustnnJamea Watches. F 3 Johnston Jos Hot«il. Johnston Wm Bboea. K 8)4 Jones J. B Saloon. L Jones John TaUor,.H 3 Kane D, A J. P Wagons, Ac, H 3 Karoh J. A Whol. Bpices, Ac. O 3 Kavanagb John Flour, o 2)4 Kennedy Owen Tavern. K 3 Keyes Andrew A Son Crockery. L Keyes Robert Oro. L 8)4 King J. G Drugs. O 8 Kirk Mrs Millinery. L 3)4 Tjiohance F, X Oro. L Laing George 0.8. Lark Edward Contractor. H 2)4 L'Armltoge B. De Pictures. L Latuniey Jas Carriages. L LawE Rope, Ac, O 2)4 Lehup JeremUh Jeweler. Levey Arnold A Clothing, L Lewis Wm Wire Rope A Oro, K 3)4 Lindsay John Shoes. L Little W. B Potash, L Livingston Chailes Tailor, G 3 LyonsChaa Saloon. L 3)4 Maonee A Minnis WhoL D, O. C 1 Magnlro James Butcher, L MahoodW, J Toys, Ac, H 3 MainAdam Cablnetmkr, U 2)4 Moloney John Gro, Alee, H ,S*.J Marine Railway (Bee W, Power A Son.) MartinAUred Gro. K 3 Martin W. C. A Co.. Saddlery H'ware. H 3 McAuleyT Bookbinder. H 3 HcCammon Dr. Jos Drugs. H 3 McCammon B Baker. O 2)4 McCammon R., Jr Baker, L 3)4 MoCammonW,AJ Butchers. K 3)4 MoCanl A Hiscock Fruit K 3 McConvllleT Butcher. H 3 McCorklUA Boatbuilder. L McConnackA Liquors, K 2)4 McCrcoT. W Carnages, L McCumlskey J Saloon. L MoCnt«heon Wm Potaah, K 3 HcDermott John Blacksmith. U 3 McDermott P Cablnetmkr. McEwenD. ASon Machlneshop. H 3)4 MoGinnlsOwen Saloon. K 3)4 McGowan G. A Cigars. L McGuireThOB Pish. L McKay Donald Clothing. L McKay John, Jr WhoL Leather A Hiiles. O 3 McKelvey A Biroh Tinsmiths. F 3 McLeanA Oro. G 3 McMahonJohn Carpenter. O 3 MoMahon Thomas Fainter, O 3 MoMlilanChas Auctioneer. O 3 McMillan Donald Hardware, McMiUnnJohn oro, G 2)4 McMillan Mra, Wm Hairdresser, L 3)4 MoNaughton A Co Clothing, Ac, McNellNell Plumlter. O 2)4 McRae William R. A Co WhoLA Ret Gro. D 2 McRossio W. R Lumber. E 3 HeeC. ACo Mnfrs. Organs. E 2 Mills A Bro Bats. L 3)4 MoUoy Choa. L Shoes. L Molloy Gerald Harness, I, Montgomery J Dyer. L 3)4 Mooers Henry Prod. O 2)4 Moore Joseph Oro, L Moore Thomas Tailor, E 2 Morgan Hugh Peddler. L Morns4 Pipe W SodaWuter. II 3 Plsatl Oulaeppe Sauw.gcs. L 3W PolmnN. O. 4 Co l)ru«». (» 2}i PoweUJ«ii.W PhotoKrauUer. II 3 Power Jolrn <& Son Aruhltecta. O 3 Power W HlUnlraildnr. PrevostZ ClothtDK. H 3 Pard7 Jame8 Melwluona. 1, Qulgley Joiiepli Tavern. H 3 Quinu Michael Prov. L 3H It«y ThomaaB.... Saddlery. Redden Jaa Uru. L SJa Reed Wm Butcher. (» 3 KeesBroa Frultit Confoc. L RoeaWUliam Tavern. L Reld Janiea Pnilt. L ReldJati Undertaker A Mufc. ClmlrH. H 3 Richardson Jas. 4 Son. . . Whul. Prod. D 1<4 RlchanlBnn Wm Plcturea. I, lUohmond 4 Buyden D.O. K 3 RlgneyT LtveryStable. K 3!3 RlKner WlUlam 4 Co Uro. U 3 Houertaon Bros Spice, Soap 4 Crockery. F 2^ Robertson George 4 Son... WUol. Oi-o. U l)s Robinson O. W Carriages. I, Robinson Tlionuw R Painter. I. Robinson William PalnUir. 4c. G 2!« Rockwell Bros U. G. SiJ Rondon Francis Sausagemkr. K 3 RootChaa Ginger Beer. L S^i Rom Edwin Boots 4 Shoes. II 3 Rose John K Hardware. K 3 Koss Aloiander D. f*. Rossltor Edwin A m.s i i T. UoutleyO.B ; miuv i o.^rt. . I, RoutleyW. K T"to;>)COnlDU li. 3)4 Koutley WUllam niti. O 2)4 Rowan T'jA' ;. h RuddT.0 8tOil>,Ciaa.:fy. O 3 RunlonsN.E Oro. L 3)4 Kuttau 4 Balllle Shoes. K 3 Sands Johns TaUor. L .3)4 Sarstleld 4 Dillon Shoes. K 3 Savege Tlioa. 4 Hon Painters. K 3 Savage W. H. G Painter. L 3)4 Scott Mrs HoteL H 8 ScottN. K Oro. U 3 Scale Thomas Clothing. shanahan Ellen Huckster. K 8 Shannon 4 Meek Printers. H '"'. Shaw Felix D. Q. G ., Shaw James Chandler. U 3 Shaw Samuel Bakery 4 Coufeo. L Sheldon 4 Davis Pbotographera. B 3 Sheridan B Gro. K 3)4 Sherlock J. sr Tailor. I, 3)4 Rhlels John Tinsmith. 1/ Sills Donovan 4 Son Grain. Klmroons Gro., 4o. L Slmixwu Isaac Broker. K 2 Skinner Henry Whol.Drugs. E 2 Slav'n 4 Mackln Tailors. K 3 SUkvln Michael Tailor. L Smart Thomas, Jr Iiumber. L Smith Alexander Shoes. L 3)4 Smith Bros Watchmkrs. J, 3)a Smith John 4 Sons Saloon 4 Hides. G 3)4 Hpangenburg Fre>wl» CbalrmkE. K 3 BroadweUaeo Uutulwr. L .fv. CaaUelrt D. W V«g»el«, *«! •" Cooper Geo Tailor. L Devltt6 HjMay James shoes. I. Uhihon P (). s. L 3)5 Moriarty James Postmaster. K 3>v KINL088, Bruco Co., OnL Black John Blacksmith. I, 31., Uumeron A.. Carding <& Shingle Mills. K 3>i Orlfflth George Wagons. L Kaakejolm a 8 U 3 Mcl''ad.veu Noll Mli, Pollock John uou>l. K 3)4 stewartT.j Haw Mill. H 3)4 KINLOUOH, Bruco Co., OnL t'orrlgan Simon Saw Mill. H H P.raney Arthur Punu>s. L X6 Hodklnsou Uobert F O. S. L McDonald Henry W G. 8 L Paxton Kobert . G 8 H S HntherlamlJohn Blacksmith. L »)* rhoms E Hotel, l 3? KINMOUNT, Victoria Co., OnL Bates J'3el Pliyslchiu. J, Bowie Joseph Livery. I, 3)4 BrunkerWm Hotel. K 3)4 BurheeJolin shoes. L OlaxtoiiGeo Saw Mill. L DaveyWiu o. S. L 3)4 Graham Henry o. S. H a? Hunter Isaac O. S. L Mansfield Bros.... Temperance House. McArthnrAlox oro. L McDonald W. H ... B'sml th & Wagons. L 3)4 MoKlnnonNell Tavern L JJ"^!™", V Orist Mill. L MoBattClias Posfmaater. L Pettlt Jolm Jeweler. L Spry Samuel Blacksmith. L Staples A Shields o. s. _ i,~^ Viviuiia Koad Statioa.; Torrance Thomaa shoes. L WUaou Andrew ....Livery. K M 10 CaiuKUu KINNEAR'S MILLS, Mo(>ntio Co., Quo. Ouircttll 0.8. 1, 3)4 Frlizell Kobert G. 8. L 3)4 KlnnearJames O. H. ; Crellln Thompson Stone Mason. L 3)4 baswuWm Postmaster. L i.ldon Robert U. S K 3)4 M'"^.'Sy i"."*''* Blacksmith. L Stralth Wm q.S. U 3 KIPPEN, Huron Co., OnL McClayment Thos BUloksmlth. L a'A Mcintosh ilugli Wagons. H 3 McUesKobert O. S. H 3 Mclics Thos BUcksmtth. L Schaffer Henrv Hotel. K 3)4 KIRBV, Durham Co., OnL Jackson James store A Peddler. L LalugKlchard Carpenter. L 3)4 Uidgedoorge Saw Mill. L 3)4 Scott Frank Bhickomith. L 3)i Thornton Henry Wagons. K 3% Thornton Marshall Shingles. H 3 Thorntou T.JiJ..Shlngle»4Saw&lll. H 3 Wilcox sanmtl.. Shingles* Saw MUL H 3 KIRKDALE STATION, Drummond Co., Quo. Carlisle Jos o. S. L KIRKFIELD, Victoria Co., OnL Butler R.0 Physician. Campbell Hector Hotel. CampbeU K. C u. S. Cllflbrd A Grist Mill. EiusurMrs. N MilUnerv. iCmsur N Tin Fountain Wm Temperance House! IraseiAlex Blacksmith. Jewell J aiues Wagon.'i. King Wm Saw* Shingle Mil H. Levey John Fanning Mills. McDonald John Saw MilL 8,'s MoKonile Bros Shingles, *o. McKeuzle Wm. * Alex.. Contractors. Mcltae Angus Shoes. McltaeFlulay Agent Ag'l Implto. McTaggait J Bowing Mat^hines. Moouoy James Butcher. O'Neil Michael u. y. Staples * Shields g. H. (-See Victoria Koad Station.) Wright Goo Itaruess. I, KIRKHILL, Qlongary Co., OnL BethuneN. D o. S. L KIRK'S FERRY, Ottawa Co., «)uo. Konnudy P Hotel. K 3!4 Kel'l «ui Shoes. L 3)4 KIRKTON, Huron Co., OnL Bomer Henry Blicksmltb. L Callendor J ohn Bhicksmlth. K 3 DulmagoD. W g. S. L 3)4 IrvliigAVm.. Physician. K 3)4 McCuitlyJohn g. 8. (i 2)4 Koadhouse James B Wagons. L KiRKWALL, Wantwsrtn Co., OnL Elliott Jos Carpenter. L 3)4 liapsley David Shoes. L 3)4 MoMtllanWm O. 8. H 8 McQueen Wm Blacksmith. I, Smith John A Shoes. L Tait Walter Wagons. K 3)4 KLEINBURQ, York Co., OnL Armstrong Jas Shoe*. •^alyert Thomas Blacksmith. K OoblelGeo Tavern. L OoughAlei Cooper A Lumber. E HaysteartT note), L HojWn John .. shoe*. L HoUingsbead Robert, o. S. L Holmes Robert Wagons. I, HowUndH. 8 S;Us. C Kennedy Hugh Blacksmith. L LivingHtone James, Estate of O. S. G McCoUumJohu Wagons. H O'Neill ThOMiiu. fRteLL Schlager Christian .....Gro.. Ac. L ShnwChas Tlmi. L Smith Emerson Bntcher. L ?.'rSyi'"5rj'-''^ Physician. H White Thomas ..o. a. O WnrsterC Saddler. L Zoelinski Jacob Phys'n A Drugs. L KNOWLTON, Bromt Co., <)ue. Barton D .'....Jeweler. L Berrard 'nmothy Shoes. L CarrMlssE. L Milliner. L Courtenay * Fanner Hotel. H Enghuid Israel A O Tanners. E EnglandR. N o. S. H Gllmour J. D G. H. OlugriwN. P BUcksmlth. I. Oirard Napoleon Shoes. K Hammonds J. A F. H Mill. K S'l'-V^P^-.^ Tavern. H MlUsE. A Sou MllU. H Moses James Blacksmltli. L Normandin Francois Saddler. L Pettes J. c. A Son G. 8. P HobbGeo Carriages. H .Hodden D. C. A Co ".. oT 8. .„,,.. (See Waterloo.) Tarbell Bros Tins. K VancorO.W Pnmps. K WIlliamsBroa o. 8 G WoodH. W Physician. L KNOWLTON FALLS, Shaffbrd Co., «ut. (Se» Warden.) KOHLER P. 0., Haldimand Co., OnL (Ste BeCewniUt.) KOMOKA, MiddloMx Co., OnL Bett« John Hotel Dewar Archibald o 8 Dunsmore Jas Tavern Falls Thomas Shoes. Finch George Tin Honl Robert P. M. A O. a McDougallJohn Cattle Dealer. McIntyrcHugh Saw Mill. McKeUar Duncan Tavern. McKellar John L Mllla. Sinclair John Blacksmith. Smith Archibald Blacksmith. Steele George Carpenter. KOSSUTH, Watarloo Co., OnL arph John D Tavern, Gro. A P. M. K «4 SohrtyHeniy shoes. L S?* LA BAIE, Yamaska Co., Qua. Beauohemin Moise Baker. K Caya Joseph Oro. A Prov. H Cote Narciese Mill*. Dcroln Ctias Shoes. L Duguay J. N o. 8. Fontaine Joseph "rins L GelinasJ.s gb Graive Thomas Shoea L Lahale J. P Physician. K 3 Lobhuo George o. s. l LemalreF Saddler. L „~ rarent 4 Parent BUoksmlths. K sS SmithMrs.Jon OS L SennevlUeC shoe*. L VlguaultT Tavern. K 3)4 3)4 SHi a 3)4 3)4 3>i 3)3 3,4 8)4 3)a 3 8)4 3 f" I- H » H 3)4 L S^ L U a E 2 K »H H 3 L 3)4 L 8)4 s » 3 3)4 ?H L'ACADIE, 8L Johns Co., duo. Bernard P. D o. 8. L Daniel Simon Tanner* Gro. L PaplneauLuo HoteL h LACHENAIE, L'Assomption Co., Qui. Bonentant Henri BoteL O m OISTTj^RIO ^ND QUEBEC. LAN I t' t n.t: LACHINE, JuMiuM Cartltr Co., I)u*. r5M alto Montnat.) BarreL. dtCo O. H. L Itolanffcr J Lumber. Bounloucle F. P Oro. L H'j BrlDlmU DatIiI HodiUer. K HIu CaiiKnon B Tavern. H 8 C'aron J. B Om. H 3 ChapmanT Blackamttb. K ih charleboU Isidore Hotel. !• Cliai'leboia P Hotel. L Sii, C'onnura Mr« Hotel. K 3 CrevlerBeii) liUH. K SH I)Bwm&Co Brewurg. J) 1}^ Ufcarie Octavo Butolier. K 3 Deflcbampe Cloment Ltuuber. G ZVi IleHlaurlera Hurmiilaa Um. K 3 Uroletto P. A Co Boatbulktem. L iCmondA Uro. 1, Foreat JbYcreB BakorH. UatnorMni «. H. K 3 Uarlnpy oul8 Btaaee. ParkJolin oro. L .'tis PipeouL. B Wood. H 2)4 Poirier J. B Wbeelwright. 3)4 Prevowt Narclase HuteL Robert Placide G. 8. H 3 HuraKUo ]-*. N Hotel. St. Denis Kplirom Hotel. L 3)4 St. Denis KtsiJlien Lnmber. St. Onge lie Metayer O Boatboilder. L SnencoMrs G.a. H 3 W>'nue8aJ Butober. 11 3 LACHUTE, AfEtntauil Co., Que. Allan F.W Hotel. Aiinstrong Wm Blacksmltli. I. Banrord W. & Co O. 8. U 3 BedardJo.sepli Sboos. K 3 Bodord Thomas Carriages. U 3 Benn Alfred j Stewart Thos Mowlnc Machines. K TaUleler J Hotel. L Taylor* Co SawMlU. o 3 LACOLLE, St. Johns Co., Quo. Barker Miss MlUlner. L 3)4 Bralthwaite Jos oro. H 3 Carpentler Thomas. . .Tavern A Shoes. II 3 Cockerllne W Carriages. H 3 ConkrlteC. R. 4 Co Cf. B. L Cotttni^bam Robert Harness. L i,Ttmhr:ttt Albert U.S. it 5 Daggett Lester Tins. L DozMtJoIm Marble. L 3H EdmnniUW. 4 Co D. 0. F.nTiIsS Hotel K 3)4 Foatherstone Thos Oro. K 3 KciaherstoneWni Tanner, 4c. O 3 Force A. A Co Foundry. l''raula Trlmblay Joseph Blaoksnilth. L TnidomiJ. E O. H. I, .")>., VnnvlPltG. M (1. H. K S)ii Vanvliet A Tanner. L Vanvllet J.T Butcher 4 Oro. H_3 Vanvliet W. B Harness 4 Shoos. L Vanvllet W. II Saw 4 Grist Mills. Walsh Thomas G. 8. Woodworth Freeman 0.8. H 3 LAFONTAINE, Simooe Co., Ont. Miirchrtou Joseph O. 8. & P. M. L LAOQAN, G!angary Co., Onl. McOllllvmyJohn 0.8. L .1)4 McNaugtonJ. G Steam Mill. II 3 stiirrock John G. s. K 3 LAQRANQE, Mitiitquoi Co., Que. Chadsny H. E Wagons. L Irish Jed Blacksmith. L LAQUERRE, Huntingdon Co., Que. (Sf« lliver Laguerrf.} LAKE BEAUPORT, QuebM Co., Qua. PnpinJos Hotel. H 3 Simmons Archibald Boarding House. II .1 LAKE DORE, Renfrew Co., Ont. Clarke Geo Tavern. L Shaw John Mlllowncr. O 2)4 LAKEFIELO, Argenteuil Co., Que. AmottAlex Grist MUl. H 3 MoKnlgbt A G. 8. L 3)4 RogersGeo G. 8. F 2 StronsM MUl. O ahj LAKEFIELD, Peterboro' Co., Ont. (See North Dtntroj LAKEHUR8T, Peterboro' Co., Ont Tarllngton John Oro., P. M., 4c. L LAKELET, Huron Co., Ont. Bigger Xesbitt Saw Mill. L Hazlewood W. C Shoes. K S)4 HaxlewiKMl Wm Shoes. K 3)4 Ilolllday George G. 8. L 3)4 Hollidav W. J Oro. L Hubbanl Thomas Hotel. L I.eo John Blacksmith. L Scott John Carpenter. H 3 Smith Charles G.S. L Teskey Andrew Blacksmith. L LAKE MEOANTIC, Complon Co., Que. Graham 4 Mstheson G. 8. I, 3^ McDonald J. U Hotel 4 G. 8. L McDonald John ShoeM. I^ Tnylor II. E Hotel. L LAKE ST. JEAN, Chicoulimi Co., Que. Daniel G. S. L il'-i Dumnts Israel Notarj-. I, JamnieT Mills. K 3 MarcoiixA O.S. H 3 Menard Elotfuo O.S. H 3 Pllofe T G.S. L 3)4 PotvlnC G.8. L ;),'-j LAKESIDE, Oxford Co., Ont. Armstrong Robert P. M. 4 G. 8. F 2)4 Bnrdick Samuel Bhvcksndth. L Dalrymide 4 Trothan Saw 4 Grist Mills. O 2)4 liiciojaincs iiotol. K I!;, Gibson John Blacksmitli. L 3)4 Bporka Tbomaa Physician. K 3it LAKE TEMISCOUATA, Temlaooiiata Co., Que. Bertram! Chas Mill. D 1)4 Cloutier E O.8. L tnoutier I'ierre,Jr Store. L Satre Jos O.S. L LAKEVIEW, Huron Co., Oni. (Set Joftrutmi-t MUU r. ().) LAKE WEEDON, Wolfe Co., Que. Campbell John G. 8. (SeeSherbrooko.) , FoiUnlloml G.S. K 3 L'AMABLE, Hastings Co., Ont. Jai main Bros Saw 4 Grist Mills. G 2)4 Power John lUacksmlth. K 3fi . L Tanner. U ^ MoFarlane R Blacksmith. L I LAN ONT-A.RIO ^ND QUEBEC. #1 LAV Menillca luiuus o. H. Pook HloharU TaUor. I, ItnkertHuu ltob«rt (». H. 1. ! , sllversuin .Iiicob u. 8, , TrslmT .lohu Wioc r,'4 •Valkur James Tiuitt«r. ti j WlUou Ttiu8. A 8uD Hbnon. 'i 3i LANCASTER, Qlanpiry Co., BooorDaulel BlackJ Frinilmau <& Kellert o. s. t) 3 OlUesiilo Wm CorttwwHi. O H Oleniilo Alex Hottl, ;l GolilRteln W I, itiirkiiiw8j.,]r Pliyxtclau. L HH Hill Will Cuirtogi* L 8!a KlngHleyJ. F ...MBrblc. L Jlja Kliiaela Peter UiuUUer. I< Miixwt-ll ArchibiUd Hlioea. U 3 Mi'Artlmr A CanlaRoii. o as MuUruuUeo FJour A Uruln. H 3 McCiliiimon Ixmald (i. h. McCiimmuu ronalil HhoeH. I. SV McCrlmmim Mrs. Donald. . MllUnery. 1, iMi:I)(iiittlil A. S Uiitel. (* 3 McDoiinld Allen (J. H. L 3^q McUlUU Nell Tin, &o. H » McOi-BBor D BlackHFiilUi. L McIuueaA Blackemlth. K 3 McLaclilau Evvau o. H. McLauilu I). P u. o. H 3 Mcl.pauJolm Blaeksmltb. H a"* MiI.iMiiiaii A l.nmher. F a** Mi'Liiiiitin Alexander Tanner. H 2^ McLoiiil Peter Watobea. L 8>.j McNauKlitun Donald... Tailor A G. 8. II 2>a Me Ptiei-Hou A Alexander Coni'n. O 3 .McPlierson D. F. A W (i. s. McPhormin C. M Cbouao Factory. F 2!^ Mellao Kvunder Hotel, McHae Nflhon Carding Mill. L .Meadows John Carpenter. K SW NlcholHon William Baker. L. 3*2 O'Neill IMtiiek Tailor. K 8 HosH Kenneth. . A)?t. Farming Implts, Ij Builth A McLennan Clieeae. K 3 Hutheiland D Carriages, K 3 Toblu AnKUs Tavern, H 3 I'rquhart Jame» Oro, A Prov. VallancoW Harness. I. ,S!o VlulbergH a, 8. LANES, Huron Co., Onl. Iieuouu t'lilln C O. 8. Jj 3>4 L'ANGC GARDIEN, Monimoranci Co., Quo. finreau TheophUo Hotel. H 3 Ueiuuln Isidore BUioksmlth. K 8)4 UouletJ o.H. K 3 -MiirolH Pierre Blacksmith. L S)a Touesalnt B BlueUsmlth. L 3)3 L'ANGE QARDIEN, Ottawa Co., (}ue. lounlce M U.S. I. I.» Itose Leonore A HotoL L Monelou (dit h& Motiolie) I.e(iimnl U. 8. A P. O, 3Vj L'ANGE GARDIEN, Rouvillo Co., Que. Auger Isldoi-e 0.8. x, 3U Uarre A U.S. I, lilen vend J oaeph Hotel. K 3>o HolsvertO Tftvei-nAW. 8. H 3 Chai lionneau J MIU. L LordJulien 0.8. K S"* llolieit U tiro. K ,S LANGFORD, Brant Co., Ont. UanlelsMlss aro. L 3'i Milne Alex Q.a. K 3'n Oles Widow Hotol. h 3;* LANG P. O., Pelerbnro' Co., Ont. lennellAlex Blacksmith. K 3'i Peter BlackHinltli. K ' '1 iMltotaell Tavm. L I itjiuASnilth Blacksmiths. L Heviiolds J. K Ins. Ajent. K Uvan James Blacksmith. K I'lvt'eiUe Joseph Physician. L ■ .lllamsJameH shoes. L LANORAIE, Borthier Co., Qua. Arpin Norbeit aro.,Ac. K 8)4 Uesroaler Basil U.S. O 2)4 Lalerrlere L uro. L 3)4 Picard Joseph ."Viro. H 2»« Kobllllardcims Wooil. H 3 IloljllUiii'd Jo.iepb I'rod., A*!. F 2)4 ^^ LAN8D0WNE, Leedt Co., Onf. ^ Aylesworth U. B Phj-dclan. H 3 Blair A McCrady Saw Mill. H 3 Botsford Oscar IlaineBS. L Co4 WetisterJ, A Organs, Ac. H 3 Webster Jonatbau u. H, H 3 Wilson Hugh Blacksniltli, K 3)4 Young Hemy J Cabinetware. X. .3)4 L'ANSE AU GASCON, BonaventuraCo.,()ue. Atcsou Joseph Trader. K 3 BeenE u. 8, 3 LANSING, York Co., Onl. Bestai-d Kobcrt Uamesa. II 3 Flyun James Shoes. L 3'v Urey William Blacksiuitb. O 2)5 Mcolnshan Thomas 0.8. K 3)4 Hummers Ambivse Blacksmith. L Summers Thomas Blacksmith. L 3)4 Waiklnnhaw Iticluu-d Tavei-n. K 3)J LAPATRIE, Compton Co., ({ut. Gendreau Bros U.S. H 3 LAPIGEONNIERE, Naplervilla Co., Qua. Malbieuf J B O. H. K 3x4 Hubert Flavieu O. 8. K 3 8L Denis Joseph Oro. Beueeal M u. 8 K 3 Trombhiy Pierre Shoes. K 3 Trndiau Coiisbuit Carrlagemkr, H 3 VadebouciDur .Vmablo 81ioes, I, Vancliastlnge Modai-d Carriages. L 3)4 LAPPINSVILLE, Oxford Co., Ont. (tite Alma. I LAPRAIRIE, Laprairia Co., Quo. Barbean Edmond u. 8. L Beauvals Ludger Blacksmith. K 3)4 BlssaillonM Carriages. K 3 Boura.wa Elzear Tavern, h Bounleau o ».». Bourdeau P D. o Bourdon Jacques 8a»ldler. L 3)4 Broiisseau JiUleu Lumber. H 3 Chni'leliuls L, B, A, A Co 0,8. K 3 Defayeite OctJive Blacksmith. L Demei-s H U. 8. L Duraucean Hose Dellma Tins. L Oibeau Leonard Cattle Dealer. HebertA Baker. Q 2)4 I.,aeonibe CanilUe u. 8, H 2)4 '..^".'wlr^ f'jtini!!.* Hutci. 'L Ijinralrlo Navigation Co f 2)4 LeiebvroF. X 8hoea. H 3 Lemleux Loiils HotoL K MaitlnP H 3 MoNell Edward TaTem. K nt MomiaiuUn Loula B. AH. 4 Grey Ulchanl Blacksmith. L LIpsettHngh O. 8. F 2)4 Murnson John UoteL L LAUZON, Levis Co., Qua. (Set St Jottph.) LAVAL, Mor.tmoranoi Co., Qua. Thnniftjuiln MilmA n QrS. I; S5£ LAVALTHIE, Berihisr Co., Que. Boargeanlt Victor Soidptoi. K S)a CalUoux Plert« Trader. I, 3)4 LAV ON^T^RIO A^NT) QXJEBEO. LES .,-»! Charlanrt Jog Oro. L UH Olcuerre Uonls O. M. L Liuoutnlne Albert Tavern. U it LapiniTe Andre O. M. L 3)a Lavinlittte Inale Blacksmltli. L lAviolDtte Theophlle Baker. L S!y Llppine Greffolre (iro. L 3>3 Marrel Xavier i riulcr. K 3>a Martiueaii I) PUyHtclan. L reltltjr Uamase Trader. 1£ 3 Polliiuln Pieri'e Wowl. L RhoChns Sculptor. L Xi Itobttstlie Klmer BlaoksniiUi. I. 'Ah L'AVENIR, Drummond Co., Que. Ilcllerose H Cooper. L Cardln Fraiicola SudiUer. K 3 CntoK Carrlttgca. K 3?4 Dionne Emlras B (i. H. K 3 DiouDeL. H G.H. H 3 Dore Severe Baker. L (laffnon CaHiinlr O.K. U 3 Mallilot Widow Tavern. L MolBonOco O. 8. L LAWRENCE STATION, Elgin Co., Oni. Campbell Cl-as. B O. s. L DowarNcU Grain, *c. K 3)4 Mc Alpine Daniel Blackmnlth. L McDonald R B'gmltli & Carriages. L Xi MeLaclilan Nell Shoos. L 3)4 Sllcox Grant G. 8. U 3 Simpson John Hhoea. Ij Smith Henry Hotol. 3!4 Ijiwrciice r. H..n'smlth dk Carrlnices. L LEADBURY, Huron Co., On). DavlsClias Hotel. H It'., Willis Thomas Blacksmith. I, LEAMINGTON, Eitex Co., On<. Abt>s U. F CabUietware. Askew & Miunls Urlst A Cardlnic Mills, u •i'^ BeeK. M. & Co U.S. a Ki Ulack J O. 8. Jliown & CoHlton Butchers. I. Brown Joshua Butcher, h Ciiambcrhiin Chas Pb5'H'u <& Drugs. K 3SJ Chamborlttiu W. 4 C (1.8. K 3 Chambers Cheese. L Clark W Bakery. 3'^ Conover Albert C Taver.i. It 3!6 Cosseus I\W Carriages. I, a^i Coulsuu C. 1' Oro. Crane Jas.B Cai'iMinter. K 3 Crank Geo. F Shoes, h Curtis Caleb Cooper. K 3 Deeming Geo. W Livery. L Demlng Jiorace F Tavern. De Pew Geo. E Agent Sewing Machines & Organs. 1, Drlng lloury Hotel. L Barly W. F Oro. L Eby Wiu Tui-ner. L KvausJas Oro. H 3 Talr Uobert Publisher. Fenucy James Ot o. £ Shoes. L Jink Wm. A CabUietware. K 3 Foster I'd wanl Tins. K 3)4 Fox Climlcs II AK'lImplts. K 3)4 Krankland U. M Grist Mill. U 3 Gee J. C Hewing MiU3hines. L Harris W. A Sowing M aihlnes. L :t'.i Hartfonl Mis. A Co Mlllluery. L :t\ Hazleton Wm Cablmitmkr. II '1 Henry Matthew Tobacco ,& Cigars. L Hethertnirtim Michael Caritenter. L Holisoii '1 houias Tailor. L I auson it Patterson Lumber. K 3*4 Jackson ,!fc Fuller Brokers, Ac. (See Blenheim.) JeflTeryJolin Llverv. L ,1)4 Kemp J. A Physician. L Laud Michael E Hewing Maohines, Photogmi)lier, Ac. L Lane Sarah Jano Dressmkr. I, Lee Chaa C(M)ner. L Levy J Blacksmith. L Marten, Whyte A Co Hsukers. (See J. Wliyte A c:o., Illdgeiown.) MaitlH Physician. L Maxon O. C.Phya'u A Monov Lender. F 2H J.ToCallum B Ora. A Shoes. L McCallum C shoes. (See B. Mc^Callum.) McDonald D Blacksmith. L MACuualdWlU Uuueas. L 3)4 McKenzio Wm. F Blacksmith. McSween Wm Drugs A Oro. Mutch Wm Cal>lnet«aro. L Palmer C. A Co O. H. L Patt«re.m At'o D. O. PeddleJ.W D. O. (See Wln*8?ir.) Pulford A Coulsou Hardware. G 2^ Pulford Walter 8 Wagons. O 2}u Baudall A Foster Wuslilag Machines. K 3>4 lloblnson Joseph S Tailor. II 3)4 Russell George Saw Mill. F 2)aBk George Mlllowner. V 2)a Ix>ask Jaa Saw Mill. P 2)4 Martin Uobert Shoes. L Oxt«)l)y Uolx>rt 0,8., Ac. L S!4 Shannon James (*. S. K 3)4 Tucker Thomas Hotel. L 3)4 Warner Is.iao Blacksndth. L 3)t*s Christopher Carriages. OUverASou o. 8. K ,<»4 Ramsay Geo, F Hotel, L 3)4 Robeitson D, T Physician. K 3 Strickland P Oro. I. Winter Charles Saddle. K 3 L'FPIPHANIE, L'Aitomplion Co., Que. Beaudoin Tlios Blacksmith. K .S)4 Bhwchanl F Carriages, L 3)4 Charpentler Phllias G, S. K 3)4 ChaussB Severe Blacksmith. K 3)4 DerochesF Blacksmith. H 3 Durant Mederic liotcl. L 3)4 EtlilerDr K ,3)3 Folsy Homildas Baker. L HenaultJ Mills. S HeuaultNercGrist A Carding Mills. O 2(4 lA^tilanc lildouard G. 8. F 2)^ LlardJ Baker. L 3)a Lynch Wm Chair Factory. P 2)4 JIageauJ Tins. L 3)a PauzeOnezlme G. 8. H S Pelh-lhTj. B 0.8. 11 3)4 PelletlerO Saw MiU. F 2)4 I'oltras Oliver Miller. H 3 Poltras Seraphlu G. s. Prud'hommeE (». s. K 3)4 LES EBOULEMENTS, Charlevoix Co., Qre. Audi't Tlbuce Blacksmith. L AudettoF Blacksmith. L 3)4 Bouchard Jeau shoemkr. L DuIourG (j. 8. L 3)4 OodriMult A Hotel. H 8 Mallhoux Joseph Blacksmith. L Martol A Blacksmith. K 3 Marttil Isalo Cartwilght it 3 Nad.'au Zacharlo o. B. L Tlilbeau J (}. s. L Tremblay iislso Shoemkr. L Tremblay Gilbert G, s. L Tremblay Joseph Blacksmith. H 3 T'cmblay (dlt Bolvln) M.. Blacksmith. L 3)j Tremblay Pierre Waaonmkr. K 3)4 LESKARD, Durham Co., OnL Beer A Tavern. L CarvethJohn Grist A Haw Mills. It 3 Courtico Thomas Blacksmith. L Mcl)r)nald John A Shoes. L McPhers(m ; has stave Factory. K 3)« Powers Haitwell , o. s. H 3)v RoundtreoWm Grist Mill. L 3'ii Stalker John, Jr.. Haw A PlaulngMllie. L 3'3 Tlgh Wm Cooijcr A Oi-o. L 3)r. K 3)4 Norton Patrl-^k Bricks. H 3 Pape James Florist, Ac. K 3)4 Pape .1 oseph Florist. Raymef .loseph \V Livery, Ac. L Reading George Floitst. K ,1)4 HusseilJohn Bricks, Ac. F 2)4 St railer J ohn Oardener, I, Swift Wm. It Gro. A Prov. L Wagstaffl) Bricks, Ac. U 3 Williams Joseph.... Market Oanlener. H 8 WiHMls William oro. L 3)4 LESLIE TOWNSHIP, Ponliao Co., Que. ConnorsJoliii store. L 3)4 btevuuo Mrs uiore, L 11 LET ONTARIO ^ND QUEBEC. LIN kw. I- .)/a IIIH. S Ill8. » •iV, . H. J-' •Ai ker. 1. H!., oiT. k' liW Inn. I. HH J. H. H Jl l.H. 11 V^ nil. !'• as Her. il 3 LETHBRirOE, Muikoka Dittriot, OnL Hull A Marter Lumber. (See tiravonhurst.) Lebmnun Gustavnn u. ij. L LEVIS, Levi! Co., Que. AllaiyS. Blacksmith. K 3'i Anctll C I. wither. AnctU D Blgckomlth. L Araunnanlt ThoophUc H. u. L UfliTas <£ Canlor Soap Factory. I£ 3 Doaudet Priiileut Oro. L 3)a Beaiulolu A. E D. O. II 3 Beauduln Thomaa Slineu. DeglD Jjoula o. s. Begin Pierre Tauner .t Saddler. Bollerlove Pierre u. H. J, Bertraiid A Brochu U.S. It 3 Boiirjret P. A U.S. L an Buchanan Jnim Uro. K 3 Carrier Aiit^lne A Son U.S. F 2>a Carrier Ullliert (!. 8. I., (;arrler H iibeit U.S. H 3 Carrier, Luiue <& Co .Foundry. .1^ 3 Cn«» MoscB CJro. Cloutler Ueorge Shoes. I. 3)4 Cloutler Jean CaiTMjnter ilfe (). H. L 3>a Cote Kdward Tailor. L Couture & Brochu (i. H. Couture F Carrlai^cH. L Couture O. & K (i. H. C IH Couture Marc G. H. Coi "ureThoa Tavern. I, Crean John G. B. & Tavern. L DalKnenuO. C G. 8. DalyA Jobln Com'n. L Davidson <& lloran D. O. tSe(» uut'Iiec.) Davy OeorKe T .>5t<'ainboat. F 2>g DlonO. J DruKu, 4 Fonrnler I). U Cariiagenikr. L Uarneau Jon. J Tina. L Glrard Louis Flour. L 3'a Gregolre Matthias Uotcl. L llamei Joseph C G. S. Uamel Laml)evt Otwrge ( ■ , S. H 3 Lamontagne Naiioleon uro. Ijaniontagne Theophlle Gro. Lavnlleni .V G. S. L Luvnlleo A Uoy G. S. Uitulij)pe Damase Boots A Shoes. L 3,'^ Ijjvertu A I.ebon o. S. L 3;a Ijtwler J. A J Uot«l, ]>awler Jolin, sr Tavern. Lecleic J. B Hotel, L liCfebvre Misses Oi-o, il 3 Lemluux Etienne Gi*o. L Lemieuz F. X Tanner A Leather Mer. G 3 Leniieux Louis uid. L 3'ii i.emioux Ludger Tanner. L L'Horeault Itlohard oro. L Lindsay Widow John Hot«L L 3H Marceau s saw Mill. Mnnnet H Drugs. L 3)ii McNeill Wni Oro. L Miclmu'l J. B 1). O. G 3 Paupalou Antolno Mason. II 3 Pariulls Hubert Mill A Lumber. Para O. H. Thompson F. X.. Tinsmith. L S'j Thompson Geo Gro, L Thompson Joshua O, 8, Q 2'/i ThorausonS., Jr G. H. TotleldMrs Hotel. K 3 Tunchette Joseph Blacksmith. L Trudol F Carriages. L 3)6 Trudel J. B. A Books. Ac. L Turgeon Hilalre G. s. Valiiore Aug Shoes. Valliere A Bllodeau Watches. L 3)4 Venuor A Dionne Auctloneei-s. Verrault Henri Harness. L 8)6 Walsh o Saw Mill. LIBBEY'S MILLS, Stanslead Co., Que. (OrlAbbeiiiiille.) Llbbey Harvey Saw Mill. K 3 Malloon LewlsT Slices. L Powell O U.S. L an LIBBEVTOWN, Stanstnd Co., Qua. LIbbeyChaa Mills. II 3 Llbbey Wm HIncksmith, II 3 LIEURY, Middlesex Co., Onl. McKeuzle Duncan BlackHmith. L UossJames shoes. L Smith Alex G. 8. A P. M. H 3 LIFFORO, Durham Co., Oni. Walnsklil — Blacksmitli. K ,'t'4 LILLEYS CORNERS, Middlesex Co,, Ont. (See London JiaHt.) LIMEH0U8E, Halton Co., Ont. Barclay Win G. S. L Bessy J. B Nursery. U VSij FHrqulmr J. A G Lime. (See T(Uiinto.) Gowdy A Moore Lime, Ac. D li, Mallaby Peter Blacksmith. L ;!'.4 NewtonJames Paint Mill, L 3'a Newton John A Sou p. M, A Woolen M!U, H 3 Wheeler U Oro. L LIME LAKE, Hastings Co., Ont. Hi^derson Juliu U.S. K 3).^ 1 LIMERICK, Huron Co., Ont. . I ('See Offa 1'. 0.1 - ^ LINDSAY, Victoria Co., Ont. Adam Tlios Money Lender. Adam Thos. Jt Money Lender. G 3 Anderson John Cauinetmkr. H 3 Arehainbault L Barber. L 3)4 Ayies Parley J , Axeuikr. L Baker C. L Gro. A Prod. BarrC. D Publisher. L 3)4 Bartlett C Butcher. L Bc!ttll George Watches, Ac. L BeirleyJ. AH Chair Factory. L 3)4 BillJ Shoes. L Bell Win Hotel. I^ 3)4 Benson E Hotel. K 3)4 Berry John Huniess. BertramG. H Hardware, G 'iNj Blgelow Silas A ObotUah G. s. E 'J Bowes A Bio D. G. Boyca H. M Pointer, Ac. L Briulbum A Co G. S. Bimly Terence Blacksmith. L BrairW.G Tailor. L Britum Charles G. s. F ij'il BrIttonJ Watches. L Brooks Abraham Stave Factory. H 3 Buri-ows P. P Physhiim, ], Burton B Shoes, L Carr Geo Hotel, L Chaiul>erlalii J Shoes, L Chlshnlm John Oro, A Prov, Connolly James Slices. L 3)a Cornell Samuel Agent, Ac. L t;o8tello John Moner I,eniler, H ,'l'4 t.'oulter li, L Phj'sieiau, L Craudull (.'apt. G . . . .stoanilHiat Owner. CnlUm Alex Blncksniltli. L Dally I<; Hotel. K 3'a DeurasBl A. J. M Physician. H 3 DolisonJohn Uro. A Lin. F a)4 Donley Ceinellus Uul«l. L Duik .liiliu Om. L 3)4 i •■•■"'••— — •-"'•■TTiU Bfos li. o. r iiji Duuuou David Cooper. 11 3 Easton Robert Books. (See Bowmanville.) Puncher Adolpbiis Itestanrant. Foe Thomas Sblnglo A Sash Mills. Fiiiler Joshua Phvslclan. Flood Edwa*;d Publisher. Fluery J Agent Ag'l 1 niplts. Foley Wm Greenhouse. Gilbert C. F Planing MilL Uillinoley George Painter. GllUcs Allan Uestauraut. Gooiiwin Wm. A Pointer, Ac. Uonrley Thos Photogi ipher. Green D. U Shoes. Green A Ellea Lumber. (See Fenelon Falls.) Oreen John C Ouusmlth. Gregory lOdmuud Drugs. Gross \V. 11 Dentist. (4rowdon James Contractor. unlgal Brvan Livery. H alsley James Saddler. Hall Albert ConJcc Haiuilton j amea Wagons. UaiiigX'ovo Micliael Blacksmith. Harris Henry Painter. Hartley Thomas Blacksmith. Haslnni Wm Hotel. HentlerBHii E. E Tobacco. H eiiderson J ■. Hardware. Herlihy Wm Blacksmith. Horriuinn E. A Phvsichin. 1 lottger A . W Toys, Ac. Hlckey T Baker A Gro. Hlgglnbotham Andrew Drugs. Holfwell J. B Gro. Hollyweli Mrs. J Gro. Hollort Henry Cablnetmkr. Howe Will Tins, Ac. Hunter Marble. Hurley P.J Uro., Ac. Ingle Geo Sash A Door Factory, Ac. Irvine J(jhn Hotel. Invlii Samuel lua. Agent. Jack Wm Butcher. Jewett Mm. B. F Confec. Jewett W. Albert Hotel. JohnsUm J. P Jeweler. Johnston Jiis Uro. J ohnston John Tailor. Jones F.J (iro., Ac. ICeevoU. JI., Jr Jewelry, Ac. Keith James Seeds A Ag'l ImpltH. Kempt W Physician, Ac. Kennedy John D. G. Kenny W Veterinary Surgeon. ICnowlson J . 11 Ins. Agent. Leiiiay Fiaiais Tailor A Clotliler. Lisle J Tanner, Ac, Lloyd C. II Brewer. Lovell James Harness. Lyons John Shoes. ^lugulre John Saildler. Magiiire Lawrence Shoes. Makins John Foundry. Murkhum M. M Shoes. Mason Lawrence tJro., Ac, .Matthews Ueorge Pork Packer. Matthle W Furniture. Maunder John Tavern. McAl- ino A Exchange, Ac. fiicBi,4 II 3 F a>4 L II 3 L F J^ 3!^ S)-! L L K a'^ L 3)4 II 3 F Ii K •i)* 8)4 F K ■^ L L L K. 9 L 3Si L 3)v K 31, II 8 1. II l> K ."* It '.iV- L 3)0 K 3){ II » 1. L 3V> V ■it G 2-4 II 8 1. H S 1. .1!« 11 3 K 3)4 L S«i II M L L L SM US ON*TA.HIO ^ISTD QUEBEC. LIT Boblnson I^ A Sana QnnsmlUin. I. 3^ HobaonJiro8 Taniicrj'- (' 'i'i BolMonWiu. M (iro. K SW Kou Hugh A Bra Tulloiu 1. Ruwell Wm. Lloyi Broker, 2;<| Walker David Agint Ag'l Implta. H 3 Wallace 1^ Uuudaa Wooleui), U 3 Wallace II. A Ina. Agent, Ae. !■ WatAon JanuM .•. U.S. F 2'^ WeeaoOoo.A 1). (1. u 3 WelahJiihn Fish. I, 3H. Wethorup & I/Ogau Implt«., iiler. 1. as BlshJohn ortat Mill. () 2}^ Buiinii'rAlf I I'll.. Sewing Mnehino Agt. L ilownian Andrew llutcher. h Oenl«riif Joliu I' Miisuu. K 3'u Clark Thomiis Hotel. L Ertel .Morns .....(.'ui-poiiter. I., SJa Fldenhammer Philip linker. I, Flail Uoliert ¥ Haw Mill, (1.8. A P. M. F 2>n UiM'ti Mlehael Carpenter. I, a.'a OiveuAWye Curpenlera L 3'u Uelmler Ucorge Taller. 1, n«. L 3'j> Dlebel HImim ...Tavern. K 3 ClleboOeo Uiacksmlth. II 3 Pfcler Henrj- Tailor. K 3>i, iStulcauJohu 3Sv LISGAA, Drummond Co., Qua. Mooraoeo m-o. i, 3'.. Woodburu HeniT Wooil, Ae. n 2'a L'ISLE AUr ORUES. L'Ulol Co., Que. tStt Craru /aland. I LISLE P. 0., Simooe Co., Ont Boyd Jamea BlaokHinlth. L 3)4 Coueli A i^ihoea. L Hattun, Wllmot A H. A Saw Mllla. E '.2H Mason U Hotel, I.. MeKliumle John Carpenter. L 3)^ Moore .1 araea Hotel. L Paddlaon Wm Wngon.H. L 3}4 SuiltlLl. B Saw Mill. (See Toronti).) Sweetnian Humuel Harness, L TeeiiloJ. C Blaokamltli. L 3)4 Wade llobert U.S. K 3)4 Wining Oilat Mill. Winning K Tailor. I, Yale, sandfurd A Co snw Mllla. (See Toronto.) , L'ISLET, L-4 Flourdo Wm BUukanilth. L PouUot B tJ. S. F 2'4 St. Pierre Octave Wagons. K 3)ii Talbot F. H c). H. 1, Tliebergo Hubert... Trader A Tavern. I, Tlilbault Blaise O. S. I, A'aUlauoourt Lao Blaokamltli. L VezlnaC Tina. L 3)4 |> \ LISTOWEL, Perth Co., Ont. \J Aduiii lieu Hardware, Ac. H; ff Arinatning Jamea (Iro. A Feed. K 3)4 Barber David Pbotographor. L Barns,!. 11 Fiult. L Beau A Ore Ooiits' Furu'g. K 3'4 Bell A DilvldHiin Coufei., Ac. L BonuewelH Henry Saddler. H 3 Benniog Will BuUilor. K 3)4 lliillltull Lewis Agent, Ac. F aVj Bndley Win (Iro. A Crockery. K 3)4 Brlcker Samuel .'•. I'o llanlware. P 2)4 Bright Jamea Veterinary Surgeon. L Brlaban Jau. W Fancy Uooils, Ac. H 2 Brooks B. F Wiioleiia. Urown Donald (Jro. Bullock Mis Milliner. L Burt J. C U.S. K 3'4 Campbell J olin Money Lender. F 2)a Cliaiillii Ftvd Pork. K 3'ii Clark K. c Tailor. I, (Ulnile «. H. A Sou* StoveaATUis. H 3 Cllmle, Hay A Co a. 8. (» 3 I'llmie J. it. A A Mllla, Ae. (} 3 Cllmle W.M Furniture. K ;'!4 Colllson P Hotel. K .3)4 Congdnn Joseph Contractor. K 3'a Darner Wm Shoes. (HeoToitinto.) Dfliiyes N. U Baker, Ac. L Devlin J. W Agent. DlUabongh A Dlngmiiii . . . Phyaliflain. H 3 Dmpi>r ()«pri(c o.s. o 2)4 Drydnn Mlsa Fancy liooila. L Dryuan Janet Fancy (looda, Ac. L 3'u Diinoan Juiiiea Carpenter. L Edwiiid Bros. A Co Saw Mill. (See EdWHrilsvtllc.) Fennell A DlUKinan Agenta, Ac. 11 3 Ferguson A Elliott Printers. H 3 Flalier W (iro. A Prov. K 3'u Freeman A. D 11. s. H S Oalloway Kdwani Coi-.per. H 3 Uibsoii Tlioiiitia Hotel. L (llliRiin Win.,Jr Hotel. L 3)4 Uoililanl A Ureeu Wagona. L 3)4 (JiKHlfellow Mra Milliner. L itreen Jnines Blacksmith. H 3 (Jiindry C. J Watohaa, liruira, Ac. K 3)4 Hacking John A Driiga. (1 2)4 Humllltin D Bricka. L 3)* Hamilton Donald : ciio. K .S'S Hamilton John J Ina. Agent. L Hamilton A Taylor Haw Mill. U 3)4 Harvev Paul Tailor. K 3)4 Hawkins A KcIIm .. Pilnievs. << a-a Hay D. D Agent. Hiiy Itusaol Llverv. K 3)4 llayW.d Prod. lloatlleyj. I' ... Hotel. L 3)4 lloathera Henry, Jr Carpenter. 1, Heathers Henry, er wagona. L 'AM Henderaou Juliu Htoue Maaon. L lleiiitler Jiuutli CiwitMir ir •] HAMnroe Furniture. E 3>4 lorger V Barber. K 3)4 Klifil WllUam C Lively. K 3)3 Knapp Petor Tanner. H 8 Lalnl J Weaver. I, Large A I J>rge.. Saab A Door Factory. H 3 Lee Jamea Saddler. H 3 LealleMra Millinery. L Utile Bros B'smllna A Wagona. Uvingaton J. A J Flax Mill. # (See Baden.) Llvlnitstone John.Jr . . Drnga. 2'4 I^iveUeorge Painter. I, .S)4 Lowrey Jamea.... Wagona A B'ainlth. H 3 -■-uallgA. F Butcher. U 8 Martin Roliert Agent. F ¥i Maynaiil Oc jrge Millinery. McCoah Broa (). s. (See Lucan.) McDonald A. A Co Bankers. E 2 Molllraith Htewari shoes. L .3)4 Mollrailh Andrew Foundry. H 3 Mclntnah A Molntoab Hotel. (See Stratford.) McKay Alex Tailor. L 3)6 McKelverW. a Butcher. L 3)4 MoKenzIo Alexander Tailor. H 8 McLean Stephen Hotel. L McMillan A Duncan Oro.ALlq. U 8 McMillan 11. A Co (1.8.0 2)4 Mlchenor A Mathleaon Drugs A SUt'y. K 3)4 MIlue Wm Planing Mill. (See Ktbel.) Mitchell Win Marble. L 3)4 Moore J.J Oro. L 3)a Morrow Alex Sewing Machine Agent A (Iro. K .3)4 Morrow A ndrew Marble. H 3)4 Moyer A Brick tirlstMlU. H 3 Murray Thomas Shoes, K 8)4 Nelmea John Tavern. L Newman John P Shoes. H 8 NIoholJobn Phyalcian. K 3 Norman Mra Dresamkr. L OsbonieJohn liullder. U 2)4 Pearson S. E DontUt L 3)4 Pelton Oeo Puinpa. K S"* PeltAiu James Ltvery. L 3!? Phllp John Physician. F 2)a llUeyT. W StrawOoods. L Bolls Tliea Brewers. H 3 Uow A Kuiglit Barbers. I, RoyARigga (1. s. E 3 Sofillm H Sttdiller. H 8 Scott John W Banker, Ac. I) 1)4 service B. B Planoa. K 3'a Smith J. II TluaA Stoves. K 3)4 Smith BolHUt Hotel. L Smith Baninel Photograiiber. 1, 3'4 Soraervllle A Bender. . . . Blacksmiths. Jt 3)9 Sutlierlaurt E. 11 tnirpenter. L S,\ Swan Jamea Bowling Alley. I, 3)4 TalUuan A Leneutliie Oro. A (iliisaware. K 3)4 Tatbam A Co Hardware. O 2) quebec. LON Jom-ey Blohard Carriagm. O aj* Kellcyjohn Wagons. L SM McWatora James narnoss. L 3M MPthernl H. H o. ». K 8»3 Mon4 LITt LE PAB08, Qatp* Co., Que. Aiigloliiut Polyrariw Hlioca. I. Woray Plimp...a. S., FUh A8h(U(jl08. K 3 Uuffiiay Robert Trader. I.a HIllolH.T. B O. 8. I, .S54 MaucerUobert Store. K 3'j Morris Dennis Mbovs. L O'Connor Wm Bbuiksiuilh. L BcmonT Flsb, Ac. Tetii Xavier O. H. h WlndBor Josbua W Flsb. L 3!a LITTLE RIDEAU. (Set Bant Ifawkttbury.) LITTLE RIVER, Gasp* Co., «)u«. Baker John O. H. H 3 LITTLE RIVER, Quebao Co., ()us. (St4 Ancitnne Lorette.) LIVERPOOL MARKET, Ontario Co., Oat. I'lckprlng Harbor Co. (Limited) Taylor A AUlson G. M. LLOYD'S FALLS, Mar^ntio Co., Que. ( Net I'leamnt muff.) LLOYDTOWN, Yo V Cj., Ont. Agncw w. II Dentist L 354 A rin atrone Artlinr Conveyancer. V 'iif, BrownJohn. Blacksmltb. L .354 Byors John >' Pliysiclan. L Cassldy A Hon Itake A Ci-.'llo Factory. L 3)4 Curtis — Hotel. Delaney Kkharrt Shoes. 1. Unggaii Jos Tavern. Q 25.j Hargrave .lolin Hn4 Rose K. A Physician. K 8)4 Hundercock KIcbard Contractor. I. Thompson JanumC Tins. Ij Wonham Jas Blacksmith. L Witt Charl<^s Carpenter A Joiner. K 3)4 Won<1man Arthur Tailor. K 3)4 Voting O Physician. L ; I .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NHMNN LONDON, MlDDi^SEX Co., Ont. if --'^ Is ■nil Abbott Hnilsou u fniTla(fOB. JI iv^ AaaiiiB Edwunl A Co Wliol.uro. C Bu Adams S. A. it Co Oil Il«HnBi-8. F 2>o Ailcock Hlchaiil nutcher. L !)'.j Alills James Carpoiitor. 1, Aloxundiir M. A Wlrowoikur. J, AU«y It.B. B !>.(}. AuileraonJ. I. :i i urnaci's A .. , Sllvcrplaters. II 3 Bolton James a Lnmbor. K a Buim Edmund Hats. V 2Si Bennett Bros School A Church Furniture. Beuuelt A Chester. . . . rictni-e Frames. 1, BeuneWMIss Fancy UiMxlg. Ac. I, Ben-yllichanl Auctioneer. H 3 BKgsJnnies Contiiictor. L BUton JoHep'i Soda Water, Ac. K SVi Bird J. M Barber. L BimilnKhum W. T Uf,. J, lllrroll Jolin A Co WIicl. D. «. c 1 DIuckwell A Phillips Cariienters. I, Bourne Kdwin ilutcUor. L BoweuMrs Millinery. J, 3'!i Bowman A Co Coiil A Wood, li 2 BuwuinuJelui HciUea. K 3'a BoydMobeitAKon Tallora. II 3 Uoyd.Wataou A Co Wliol. Fancy ,, .. ilondH. f! 1 BradfordA (^onfcc. H 3 Bray Henry 'IViveni. J, H'i Brener Otto T Clmrs. I, Brennan Kd Hotel, l. Brr onT Cablnetware, Ac. I, BiliKllnCliBS Butcher. L li'v nildleOUverJ Baker. I. BrisUd Miss M. A Mlllliiwy. I, Bruadbi'ut Nathan Builder. Brock Thoiuao Fish, Ac. K tW Brock Mrs. W am, |, I BroKauMrs. Ann (iro. I, i Brooks Haniuel (iii). I, i Hi-opheyMrs. M. A Uro. II 3 BrounJ Dver. 1, Brown Chas Haldiiu. K :\'(, I Brown J. II J.lveiy. f» 3 < Brown .lames (iro. I, grown A Morris Ilaiitwarc. (I '."a Brown ThoB Bollnnukr. I. ' HrowiiV. A... Physician. F 2!, i Uruinmitt Ueubcn Hprlngs. o 2'.j BruutuQ T. U lancy OiHids. I Briiuton W. Y. A Won .... A iiotloneers. BryanTlmmaR Briishns. O 356 ! BiyanUmW.J Furniture. L 3)a I Bryco John M Om. j, | Bryo.oWm Bmiks, Ac. 4 I flnnlottOeorgo Oro. II 3 Burn Mrs. H Fancy Uoods. L Burnett John Ins. Agent. L BumsOeorge Clothlng.Ac. O 3 Burns James BlsoksmlUi. L 3h BurrldgoJohn Hhoeg. O 214 UurtonJamcsM Oro. A LIq. U iiii Calder Mrs. Jane Gro.. Ac. L CamiMwi A. D Coal.Ao. H 3 , Cameron John A Co Printers. F 2)4 I Cameron Mary Milliner. K 3 Cami>liell Clarence T Physician. I. Campbell Frank Saloon. L Campbell Jehu Carriages. F 3 Caniula Chemical Co u 2 CarliuKACo Brewers, Ac. B 1 CanleW. L Books, Ac. H 3 Carrothers B. A Ilotol. L Carter Mrs. Bobert HoteL I, Cartv George Cablnetware. i, CnatloJamos Blacksmith, Ac. L Cattenuole James Physician, « 2W Cljnpman Charles Bookbinder. O 2*4 Chapnu-n Mrs. F. . . . D. G. A Mlllinerv. G 2)4 Chapman J. JI. A Co D. (i Cluipman Wm Butciher. L 34 Cljiulum lllram Pianos. 1j Chitlick (leorge Tavern. L ChuiclierTlios. A Co OlHclal Assignees A Mntrs. Soap. H 3 CItyGaaCo d XH, Clark Alex Boom A Shoes. K' 3 Clark F. 8 Insurance, Ac. h Clark Mrs. James oro. L I'lnrk Jt Books, Ac. 1, Clark Whlow oro., &o. 1, ^-'loffK Mrs. Jolm GTO. U 3>3 ciliVonl A Co Starch. Cole Abraham Turner, Ac. h Colo J ohn Hot«l. Cole Thomas Gro. Ij Colerlok Henry Painter. I.. CoUett Chas Tavern. L Collins Daniel ice. Collins George Butcher. K 3'a ColUus Kkhard Hotel. H 3 Colwell Clias. F Plauo Agent. L Conklln A Moore Hotel. E a'4 ConncuJidiu Hoots A Hhoos. K 3 Connor Peter Boots A Mhoes. I, Connor Thomas Butcher. I, ConovcrC.A Oll.Ac. I£ 3 Conway A. M Oro., Ac. J, t'oo.kA Oro., Ac. 1, CookJ. n UeutLst. I., Cook Philip Boots A Shoes. G 2(4 CcKiperK, U UoHuery. G 3 Cooiier F Photographer. K 3 Cooper John Photj>grapher. L Cooper W. I) OIIMeftner. G 2V, Coots Uobert Gro. A Feoil. H 3 Corp Albert'. Painter. I, Cousins Jnnies M Pumpmkr. I l.'ounlus Job Pumps. K 3j4 CoaslusJobn HoKd. F 2Si Cousins Wm Oro. I, Cownn James Hanlware. Mills. 1, :Vi Ciadibick A Weeks Architects. I. Crawford A Co.... Foundry A Iniplt*. c 1'4 Cmwley Jeremiah Gro., Ac. L (little Win. H Oro. K :*% Crook John Blacksmith. K 3 Crosby Mrs oro. h '•roRsin A McPhllllps Pianos. cusldUK Wm Harness. I, CultJin K. J Hotel. Darch Mrs. ,Tane Dart Hoger Diuvlll David Diivey Geo Davis Henry A Hon. ..Uomesa. It 3 .Carriages. L ..FoiiiiiTiy. F 3 .... Tailor. L ... Watthe.s. G ai^ Davis Mrs oro., Ac. I, Jhivis Wm. H Plumber. L Davl.HOii George Gro. L Da««(m M. D. A Co Publishers. Deacon A lUigera 4 Dewey Wm Goldsmith. L Dlp.oae II Oro. A Flour. H 3 Dixon Thomas A., Jr Om. L Do.ld A Bros Gro.&Lla. H 3 Dodd John C. A8on... Carpenters, Ac, H 3 Dolbear Hanson. . Flour, Feeil A Prov. H 3)4 Dougla.s II. M Wood, Ac. DoyloJohu F Uot«I. L Imefcr Conrad L oro. l au. Dunbar J. AW BtooksmltJis. U 3 Dundas J. F Oro., Flour, Feed A I'lvery. K 3)!i DunnJamcs Saddler. H 3 Dunne Chas Saloon. O 3 Diiraud William Shocmkr. L Dyson Wm Tinsmith. L Eaton James A Co D. O. 3 Eaton Thomas Butcher. I, Ediestone George Tins. K .S)4 Edmund Philip J Engraver, Ac. L, Edwards John Tins. Ed wants W. D Woodvaiil. L Edwards A McArthur.... PliyslclLUs. K 3'a Eily Bros Photograjphers. li EldridgeGeo Baker. L Eldrldge T. C Conlec. L Elliott Bros WhoL A Ret, Oro. 1) 3 Elliott John A Son Foundry. C 1)4 Ellis Patrick Pork. K 3*4 Ellis Wm Butcher. L Ellis Will HadiUery Hardware. H S Elms George A Son Builders. H 3 Elson llicliard Butcher. L Engleh.^rt J. L. A Co OH lleflners. „ (See Petrolla.) English A Wilson .ReSners. P 2)4 EvanaJoiin Flour A Feed. K 3)4 Falrgiiovo A Co Wood, Ac. L 3)4 Fanning J StHirbulIder. K 3)5 Ponwick A. G Physician. 3 I' I'rguaoii Bros Lumbc - FeigU84m A Co Oro. A I.ti). Ferguson John Calilnetmk r. I'essenden Bros Sewing Ma U . 4 . K aK, . 1. . H s . II 8 . 1, 2H K. 3)6 K l^ 3 F aw K 2*4 1. (. 1*4 U iHi I. I. H H K L «H a 3 H 3 II 3 1. L I, 1. r- 1. i( 3 1. I, I, 1, iSJ F 2*5 11 3 K an I. r, I, 1, L F I. iH L I. 1, Oralism W. L. & Co.... Oente" Furn'g. F a), Grannan Win SecondhaDil Htoi-o. F 2*4 Grant Angus BuUder. H 3 Grant James O Hotel. K 3)6 GravoH Otto B... .Picture Frames, i&c. L Grayson Michael Lumber. H SVi Green Mrs. C Fancy Goods. 3 Green H.C Lumber. P :i OreenJohn * Co Wbol.D.G. C 2 Green Thomas lb Co Planlna Mill, &c. D 2 Green Wm u. q. h 3 Greer, WIgmore & McPherson „ ,„ , Paiutera, &e,. O 2)^ Orlffln James tseeds. K 3J4 (inlUn Thomas Oro. J, Clrimth John 11 Photographer. F 2?4 GrlKK .Samuel Livery S ifotel. G liW Guest ^,.lt". D 2)4 3)4 S)4 Isaac Wm B'.u icr. L SJa JncksimGoo Ag'l I..iplts. H 3 Jainian B on). H 3!4 Jarvls A. S. ACo.... Ualr Goods. L Jai^ls L. O On). H a Jeffrey Joseph Siieoulator. Ac. K 3 Jenvey M. * Co Fancy (Jm)dH. L Jelfi-eys Arthur BaliMHi. K H>A Jenkins Wm Secondhand Store. K ;i Joanes Wm Architect. 11 ;i Johnston's Bank c iw, Johiist<.in J amcs Ilullder, Ac. O a', Johu«t«)nJas On). A Prov. j, i"!'""""'" Alex Loother. K 2 Jl'Ulff" L. Plumber. 1 1 <:;6 K 3!4 K 3)4 G 2)4 L 3)4 E 2)4 Labatt John Brewer. J^-pyR-F Uppers. LaldfyMrs ......Oro. Laing A McPhereon. . D. O. A Clothing. Laiog, Sutherland A Co... Whol. D. O. Lancaster J. J Pbyslchui. Latimer J. F Printer. Law John Brass Founder. Ijawru_jnL ins. Agent. Lee Ed win Tavern. Lee Hodger Butcher. Leo A Wliitworth Corks. I^lgh B Plumber. Lennox Jauies Tailor. Leonard El^ah A Sons Engines A Boilers. Leonard L. C Crockery, ^ ,, Glassware, Ac. Leslie A Nnrseiy. Lester Dauiel Gro., Ac. Levy Max Secondhand Store. Lewis John Hotel. I,ewl8 Hobert Stained Glass, Ac. Li'wts Thomas Prod. Lloyd Mrs. Elizabeth HoteL Loban Mrs. O Dressrakr. Locke Walter Publisher. Loftiis J. B Builder. liOndon Car Wheel Co. ( Limited) London I"ree Press PilutingCo r . „ . (Capil.i! stock, $30,000.) I/ondon Machine Sen Co London Oil Hetlning Co London Paper Bug Factory London steam Heating Co London Street Hallway Co Longan ACo Gro. A Llq. Loughroy * Tackaberry Saddlers. Lowe F. J Whol. Millinery. Loyd Thomas Liverv. Lucas W. J Carpenter. Luxtou Kichanl Butcher. Mactle, Llnd A Co Whol. Hats A Caps. Mftciiamara T. A oro. Magoe Wm Builder. MagUIJohu Saloou. Maun J. A Photographer. Muuiilug I'eter Barber. Mantle Josoi)b Shoo^. Manvllle A Hiown Auctioneers. Murkham Uobert Gro., Ac. Mars David Shoos. Marsh A. J Gro. Marsh T. Herbert Hardware. Marshall Bros Tea Peddlers. M arshal 1 O. , sr Peddler Tea. Marshall A Oouinlock. . Whol. Hats A Caps. Marshall Jos. 8 Llverv. Martuin H Barber. Martin James W Tavern, Martyn Itowland Hotel. Mason A Dudley Wagons A IVsrolths. MasuretM. ACo Whol. Oro. M alheson J Marble. Majiiew John Fancy OocmIs. Mayo William Lubricating oil. McHcai) A. A A g™. MclliWe A Itoyd Stoves & I'lns. .Mcllihle Samuel Tin A H'ware. McIlrooHi T N ursery. Mcllnxim A Woodward Seeds, Ac. McCullum C Whol. A itet. Drugs. Mo( ,'aiin Peter saloon. Mccanii IMitllp Hatter. Mc( 'lary Miifg. Co. ( LIuiIUmI ). Foiunliy. MoClary Thompson Carrl.ige Works, WiUaiil Hage A Co., Prop'rs. McCormlck Andi^ow oro, MoCormlcli Mnfg. Co., The Whol. CuUleo, G 2)4 L L L L L L L B 1 E 2 U 3 L L E 2 L L L E 2 K ,1)4 H 1 L D 1)4 E a G 2)4 G 2)4 F 2)4 K 3)4 MoOonniok Wm Gro. L 3)4 McCueJ. o Tavern. H 3 McDonald A. J Shoes. H 3 McDonald Alex Gents' Fum'g. L McDonald James Bestaurant. K 3)4 McDonald Jeremiah Hotel. L McDonald John D Gro. L 3)4 McDonald John Bevere House. O 2)4 McDonald L Dentist. K 3)4 McDonoughT.J oro. D 2 MoDoweir George Prod. H 334 McFarlane John Tavern. McGlrdy Thomas Shoes. H 8 McGloghlon W. D Watches, Ac. 8 McOrory James Blacksmith. L Mcintosh A. A J. G. A Co D. G. D 2 McKay H.ACo CIgai-s. G 2)4 McKenzle Donald Pmv. H 3 McKenzieJ Sewing Machines. L McKenzle Roderick Gro. A Llq. H 3 McLaren Hugh Dentist L 3), McLennan Lothian A Fryer. . .Pluiub- „ , .. ,, ®™- Ij McLeodMrs Dressmkr. L McLeod It Melodeons, Ac. McMartln Jas. A John HoteL McNeil F Gro. ALlq. K 3)4 MoHaeA Lumber. B 2 Merchant Joseph F Baker. H 3 Meredith John C In.>i. Agent. D 1)4 Merrltt J. C. A Co Whol. B. A S. P 2)4 Meyers W.H Secondhand store. L Millar John Tins, Ac. L MillsJohn Books, Ac. O 2)4 MineMrs. Jas Farcy Goods. K 3)4 MilroyWm Sewing Machines, Ac. H 3 Minhlnnick, Geary A Co BeUnerr. C 1)4 MltohcUB. A Whol. Drugs. B 3 Mitchell B. A. A Son Drugs. B 3 Mitchell James Com'n. L Mitchell John Gro. H 3 Mltohelltree A Lockyer Butchers. L Moffatt Boden Gro., Ac. L MolsseW Harness. H 3 Montague Mrs. Henry Millinery. L MooreC. G. A Son Physicians. MooreW. M. AOo Agents. K 3 Moore Wm. ACo OroALiq. G 2)4 Moorhead Furniture Co. . . . Furniture. Moorhouse W. H Physician. K 3 MoranBros Wagons, Ac. H 3 Morden II. J. P Physician. L Morkin Edward Tavern. K SH Morkin Thoiuas Tavern. K 3)4 Morley Charles A Butcher. H 3 Morphy Andrew Jeweler. G 2*4 Morris O.F Butcher. L Morrison John A Wm B'smlths A >. _, „, Wagons. H 3 Mortimer Wm Prov. H 3 MouleJohn,Jr Gix)., Ac. K 3 MountloyA Pmlt A Confec. G '2)4 Mountjoy Richard Fruit A Confec. O 2)« Mulr A Colcleugh Agents , . . Buildci Materials. F 2)4 Mulr Thomas... Patent ■.\ rlugers, Ao. P 2*4 Mulrhead A Grey Oatmeal Mill. O 2)4 MuUauy Mrs oro. K 3)4 MummeryS. ASon Taxldennlsts. MurdockA. R Oanleucr. K 3)4 Murphy J. B Oro. A Prov. H 3 Murray A. 8.AC0 Jewelers. F 3 Murray R. B. A Co D. O. E 2)4 Mustlll J Blacksmith. L Mutual Oil Retluiug Co c 1)4 Nagle Thomas Oro. L Nalsralth J . II. A Co Drugs. ^, , „ , {"-aStratfonl.) Nash B.J Carriages. K NashO. B Butcher. L NattrassJ Ins. Agent. Ao. L Nelles If. H Dentist. 11 Nelles John A Physician. O Nesbitt James Gro. A Butcher. K Newburg J Tailor. L NItschke John Pianos. F NIven Jas. S Physician. F Noblo A Hargi-aves Painters. Noon Catharine Gro. A Llq. L Nonlheimur A. AS Pianos, Ac. (See Toronto.) Norrlsoeorge Tailor. H 3 O'DyrneJ. P Wood A Coal. H 3 O'Callaghan T. E Fruit, Oro., Ac. P 8 O'Connor J anu's ore. L OdellJohn Gro. K 3)4 O'Flaherty Matthias Hotel. L O'HIggtiis J oro. L O'Mcara Bros Pork Packers. O'Meant Martin Livery A Caps. G 9M tVNellJ. D Vetoriuary Bargeou. L O'NellWm Tuva. L OntanoCarCo D 9 Orange Mary Gro. A Llq. L Orouliyatekha A IKothnnlll, Phya'na, r, uweut) J Uotoi'* It 3)4 3)4 3 j-'wiiMrrfiiiMieri lL,01SrT>0N, Ont. Palmer Darlrt Boots & Shoen. L Palmer Eilniourt Ui;»r!i. I. PantoD Eilwanl Hotel. Ij 3)3 PailHli & Fayue Secondliand Kuru. Jl. » Pat-uJaniea Butulier. L Park Will Gni., Ac K 3)4 Pavey, MoA ulay 4 Pitt Ueorge Wutchea. L PlattJohu FlourAFeeil. H 3 Plewea A Co Oriat Mill, Ac. F 2)4 Plummer Ufurge... Ninety -uluc conta .store. (ijce Hamiltiin.) Plummer A Son Bpukea A Wacoua. F 3 Pocock Broa Klioea. II 3 Pontey A Taylor Niiraery. (S'ee St. Jamea' Park P. O.) Portwoort Wm Cabinet ware. L Powell A. B. A Co D. O. D 2 Powell Geo. A Son Marble. H 3 Powell Heury Bonta A Hhooa. L Prlililla Broa D. O. F 2)4 Pi-lnv Wood A Coal. Ij Prltchanl Geo Oatmeal Mill, O 2Vi Prltchanl U. A Co Com'n. F 2)a Punliim Alexiiuiler Bulliler. (I 2)4 Purely A Greene Fancy Oootia. L QnlnB Patrick J Oro. K 3)4 BacekMlas Fancy Gooda. L Uaualian John Baker. L KauilttU Kobcrt Gro. L 3)a llayner Daulel comlltlon PowUera. L Hulily John Oro. L KeeilC. C Gi-o. Reeves W.J Boota A Slioea. I. Began C. A D. A Hotel. L Regan I) Shoes. E 2 Refil Broa. A Co Whol. Stat'v A Boxca. F 2)4 Reld James 4 Co I luttlware. Reirt John Temperance llouae. i;eia W. J. ACo Whol. A Ret. Crockcr\'. C 1)4 RenilellQeo Coiil. H 3,Hi Rich H Grain, o sij Kictianlaon Mra ('oiifeu. L RliliilcG Slater. H 3 Rlildell J. 1) Waahlng Machliiea. L Roblnaon J olui C Hotel. L Koblnauu John O.. Publlahora' Agent. It 3 KoblUHon, Little A Co Whol. U. U. c 1)4 KoblUHon Wiu. II. A Co Drutfri. u 2)^ Uoblnaon Wm. J Miita, Ac. L Kockett Robert S Butchnr. L RoKei-aC. A CarililKua. L Kogera F.. A Co St4>aiii A (taa Flluirn. 3 Hngera Jamea Tailor. L Roota lIoMiy A Son I'laaleicra, L R(?Ba A. M. A Co Oil RetlneiB. Ac. F 2)4 Hoaa AMrNell Wood. Rowland Alfreil Crockery. H 3>4 Rowland Fred Pork. F 2>ii Rowntree George Gro. II 3 Kudd Choa. W Wateliea. Ac. L Kiidd A Teunaut Veterinary Surguiiua. () 2.'er Robert W Gonamlth, Flahlng Tackle, Ac. L Southam A Brlerly Priutera. L Simtlicott Jamea Oro. K 3 Hparkea Mlaaea Drcasmkra. L Speuce Wm Tina. L spencer W. A Sona Oil Rellnery. D 2 Spry Abraham Tailor. O 2)4 sittutcm Albert Wood. K 3)4 Stevely Wm Tins. Ac. 3 Stevenaon John Saddler. L 3)4 Btoveiia, Tnnier A Biirna Braas Foundera A Engineers' Supplies. E 2)4 Stewart A Co Fanning Iiiiplta. K 2)4 Stewart Samuel 'fiua. P 2)* Stockwell O. A John W Dyers. L StouoA.C Deutlat F 2)4 StiangeiUiUi W. A A Glaitlera. L Siraiitfeinan Wm. C Glazier, Ac. L hlmtton Hlchanl H Wutchea. L .stirct Wm Phyaiolaii. L Strong Wm. T Drugs. L 3)4 Summers B. A K. A Co Butterlck'a Pat'erna. L Summers R i.liue. U 3)4 Sutherland G. O. A Co D. O. O 2)4 Tulbcit John Boots A Shoes. I, 3)4 Tumbling A Jones Builders. U 3 Tuinliii .V iBttac Oro. P 2!4 Tauton John Warehouae. F 2Jii TupiiThimias Oro. II 3 Taj'Ioi'lleivlamln Gro. A LIg. G 2)4 Taylor C Butcher. U 3 Taylor E. A. A Co Hiaik^. Taylor Henry Broker, Com'n, Ac. E 2 Taylor Henry (Oxfonl St.) Gro. H 3 Tavlor Henry ( Palace Bti'eet) Gro. I, Taylor Jubu Pumps, h L til L 3)4 n 2 F 3 H 3)4 I. 2H 3 1. I. L 3)4 3)4 1. 1. 1. 1. G 3 U 3 Taylor Mrs. Wm Shoes. Tl;;>iullni»in Thomas Cutler. Thonipaon A. K IJvery. Thompson P. A Saloon. Thompaou John P Boots A Shoes. Thonipaim Thos. A J. . . Whol. H'ware. Thompson W. J Carriages. ThoM iaon Nliilan Kutcner. ThoinliiUT. C Watches. Thornton Wm Tavern. Tibb« John Plasterer. Toild Gilbert Oro. Toronto Tea Co ( See Toronto.) Tracey John Barber. Tratford Wm Furniture. Tiaher Wm. J Tailor. Trebllcock Bros Gro. Turner J. W Cotifec, Ac. Turner John Canlagea. Turner . Samuel A Co Carriages. Tw obey A Screaton D. O. Tytler John Builder. Ty tier A Rose Auctioneers. Vivian John H Printer. K S)s Waddell Robert Agent. Wade J. H Blacksmith. L Walker Robert A Sons 1). G. (See Toronto.) Wallace Robert Clothing, Ac. Ward Jamea Gn>. Ward Mra. M Gro. Ware U. T Sewing Machines, Ac. Waterman Bros Oil Retinera. Wand John Machlnlat Waugh W. E Pliyalcian. WelibO Butcher. Webb Loulaa Oro. Webb ATenneut Gro. Webster laaao Gro. A Fe«l. Weir J. B Spring Bcda. Weld Wm seeds. Ac. Weat Philip Oro. Western Canada Oil Lanils A Works •_ (See Petrolla.) Weat lake A Ci> Photographers. Weatlake William A Son I). O. Weat land George P Pliyalcian. Wcatlttiid Jamea T Jijweler. Weatmau A Hardware. Westnduater Water Works (.'o, (Lim- ited) Capital ♦2.000. Weston Amos Gro. WeatJ 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 2)4 3 3)4 3K. 3 3 3)4 3 m 3)4 3)4 3 2,'4 graphnrs. »T(i (SeoTorontti.) Wortlilngton James A Co Barbers. L WHght. Durauil A Sona. . Coutraetora. U Wright Jas, A Co Hardware. K Wilght John Butcher. L Wrighton Bros Ilidea, Ac. H WyattW stoves, TUia, Ac. K Wyckoff Mra. A. J.. Fancy OcMida, Ac. H Wyeth Wm Oro. A Llq. L YanI John Prod. Yard Walter Gro. L Yutea K. I. Machlnlat. L YeUand Rdmund Tailor. K YeoN. F CroclLury. U 2 2 3)4 LON ONTARIO A.]SrD QUEBEC, LOW Shoes. Sutler. I, t^ .ivi-ry. ^aUM)u. L sn, Shoes. 'ware. l> 2 lip.KtS. itolier. F S H 3*4 ItcttOi*. 1. ttvera. (J •iV, Hteror. 3 .. tJro. 1. roil to.) larbor. 1. Dtturo. I. «Wi Tailor. 3>4 P 2H L. IC 3!« K. 3Vi IS, L 3W, K 3Vi r, J- 3»t H 3*.;. H 3 1. o !fl4 L h I, 1. U 3 n 3H H 3 r, K 3>(i F 3 L 3 t. 3 (1 3 K 3H K 2 3 awi !•; •J'l K 3)* 1. K 3)i 1. M 3 II 3 (1 HH 1. I. r, 1. 1. I, u 3 I, I. I) !1 K 'i I. 3k, II 3 K 3)4 11 3 L LONDON EAST, Middlctm Co., Oni. Adams S. A. A Co Oil Ileflners. (Hoe Loudon.) Allaster Peter Witgons, Ac. L AUastor Wm btatlonerr. L AUlster J Hotel. H 3 AlllHtor Joseph Baker. L AiHlrews A Andrews Gro. ASlioes. Ii 4ptiluton \ Hotel. L Aiilull .Tdiiathan Tavern. L Baitlett Win Baker. L BlniiliiKhain F. W Gro. 1, itootli W. J Confeo., &c. L Uulllck John Bntoher. K 3)4 Bunowes Albert Saw Mill, u 'iii Burton John Hotel. L Busby James Gro., itto. K CaUlwellJohn Baker. H 3 CaiubrlilKe John Gro., etc. L Clark James Gro. li Cooper K A Oil Refinery. (Sec Loudon.) Cooper W. D on. (See London.) Crowley Jeremiah Tavern. L Crowley Robert. W Gro. ennall CarpuutDi-s. K 3)4 Tii'vithlck Samuel Gni L Wtttcrmiiu Bto*. oil u«t(n»ii". (See Loudon.) WlcksS MachiiilHU u WllsimJ.AW 8<>ap. H 3)4 WIIboiiJoIw, Hutol. K 3)s Wliiiielt K Boiiernikr. V 2)4 Wliinett U. A Son BoUermkrs. H 3 Wl«ll,^y W. U oiti. H 3 Wilirlit .lohu W -riM^ LONDON SOUTH, MiddlMSx Co., Onl. Armttage 8. S Gro. L 3)4 Baldie John HoteL K 3>4 Rrlnstaeaii Mrs HoteL Foreman James Gro. L 3)4 Friend Wllliaio Baker. H 3 Geary J. A W Builders. Grinith Bros Woolen Mill. F 2)4 OunthurMrs O. 8. K 3)3 Hall Mrs Oro. L Hfuncssny John Painter. L HIcksThomas Miller. G 2)4 Hunt William HoteL H 3 Ironsides Mrs Gro. L Johnston James Bricks. H 3 Lo(?an Daniel D. G., Ac. K 3)4 Piatt Wlllhim Gro. A Llq. L Pontey A Taylor Nursery. E 2)4 Shaw George O. 8. H 3 Smyth H. 11 Hotel. L Snari'owhawko Richard Hotel, L Thouias Samuel Blacksmith. K 3)4 Todd A McFadden Bakery. L Waimsley Wm Hotel. L WesUaudWm Painter. K 3)4 LONGFORD, Ontario Co., Out. AdamsJdhu SawHiU. B 3 LONGUE POINTE, Hoohelag* Co., <)ua. Benolt Octave Hotel. L Blutcau P Builder. L Buuchai-d Josepb Blacksmith. L Ucfoy Octave Builder. L DeUmr Blacksmith. K 3)4 La Chapelle Marcel Builder. G 2)4 LauriuL Gro. A Tavern. K 3)4 Leplnel. B UuteL L PeplnXavier Baker. K 3)4 Touplu Felix Gro. A Tavern. U 2)4 LONGUEUIL, Chambly Co., ^u». Beaudry Auguste Tavern. H 2)4 BuuthUiler Joseph Alexandre G. S. Cariiei'B Napoleon Pointer. L ChuguouJ Gill. H 3 CoUlus Adolphe Butcher. H 3 Demei-sli HoteL G 2)4 Uunlf;crCha8 Canwnter. H 3)4 Desuoyer Onuzlme Baker. L 3)4 I>ubuc Toussaiut Lumber. H 3 Fortler A Pbysicau. L Guerlin Narclsae Gro. K 3 Gailbols Julien Saihlliir. K 3 Geliueau— — Lumber. K 3 Olunny Jac(iues Painter. L Uuitcuu iHldore Sph Tavern. L St, Marie St. Andre... Hotel A Coutec. H 3 St. MuUiel Ohaiies Butcher. H 3 TrudeauMuise G. S. Wiml Hotel. L v -— iLONGWOOD P. O., Middlrsox Co., Onl. (Or Melbourne.) Ueauiuuut F.ul>ert Blacksmith. K 3 HeggJoaG G.S. H 3 BoltoaB G.S. K 3.'4 Claay P. H Tailor. L (;onn'll C. J, A Co OS. H 3)4 Fletcher Itubert Tins. L Johuaou A. U CaMnetwui«. L I^lth Ales GlistMllLL McCniium Hugh Shoes. L Mulliiiuu Mus MUllnury. L NUuiiIs II itoti^l. I, Nortlicott J. K Gro., Ac. h Pratt Juhu Slious. L llatlery Alex HlucKsmlth. L Uoauh llar Miulwo w Tavern. K sini'ialr Uwtiai Ph^'siclan. L Troyt«0«io iiakor. H Vail GOO Gi-o, L WMllm&n Wnt I.iintliArA Riiinw r. 3*4 3!s 2^1 LONSDALE, Htstings Co., Onl. BminAHalght Carriages. K 3)4 Casey Patrick Carriagea. L 3)4 Gongh Richard Blacksmith. L Lazier James Carding Mill. P 2)4 McCulloiighJ G.S. H S? MoKolpin Patrick Tai-em. L NashP Grist MllL K 3)4 Nealon Dennis Tavern. L Osborne Wm. A Harness. K S)s Randall W. T Tailor. L 8>4 Redner H. P Physician. L 3*3 Sweeney Miles Shoes. I! 3 West Frank Blacksmith. K 3 Wlldman Rlchanl G.S. Winters Robert Shoes. L 3)4 LORETTE, (Juebeo Co., Que. (See Aticienne Lorette and Indian Lorette.) LORETTO, Simcos Co., Ont. Cosaerly Wm HoteL L 3)4 Bearing W.n Painter. L .3)4 Durham Patrick G.S. O 2)4 Gamble Wm Hotel. L 3)4 Holland James Blacksmith, Ac. L L'ORIGNAL. Proicott Co., Ont. Ferguson Wm Ag'l Implts. H 3 FlyunT. W Blacksmith. FuUui-d A Bates Marble. O 2)4 Fui'ulaa Geo G. S. L Oauthier F. X. E G.S. K 3)4 UttllRobert Tanner. H 3 Johnaou K. P G. S. 3 Kelly S. J. A Co Tins. l^belle Wilfred HoteL G ^ ■ tie Wataon Printer. L Maraton R. H G. s. K 3 McEvoy Jos. F MUler. Mcintosh P. H u. S. Meyette Felix UoteL H 3 MiUarJ G.S. D 2 Ruuaud S. Tins. L 3)4 Wright Wm Shoes. H 3 LORNEVILLE, Victoria Co., Ont. (See also WoodvilUj Dixon Wm G.S. L Edwards K. C Hotel. L 3)4 Mciutyro .<)ouBld UoteL H 3 LOTBINIERE, Lotbinisro Co., <)uo. Beniler Henry A Co. . Foundry A 0. 8. P 2)4 Beruler Haury, Jr G. 8. L BcrnierP Blackamltli. K .3)4 Do Vllllci-s Pniucols JI. G.S. E 1)4 Hlteau F. X G.S. G 2)4 FUteuu P. E G. s. L 3)4 Guurou Joseph Blacksmith. H 3 Grenicr iiUuis L'rbatu I'liysiciau. H 3 Uaiuui B BLlcKsuiiUi. K o UauiulO Caniagua. K 3 Jai'iiHcs Jerome Tins A LJIu Boats. IC 3)4 LaltUel'teJ Siiovs. L Lcgoutlru Uolphls WagouM. L 3)4 L«uiuy Maximo G.S. A Baker. K 3 Moraud J. B fhyalclau. K. 3 Noel ti UoailUUg HtMlsc ot iiaker L 3*4 Noel Luuls U U. » F 2)4 Pa«e A Bhtcksmit^ L Peraamo Shoos. L PorteJHuoeJeiui Tauner. K 3)4 V'idisl lAMii FouuUi-y. K LOTUS P. O., Durham Co., Oat Humphrey Wm Wagua*. L McL.aue Alex G. S. L Mu<^.abe Wm Griat A Suw Mtilils. H 3 Muiliifau Bluoksiiuuj. L Sauudei'sou W^m Curiieutur. L 3)4 Staples Wm G.S. 3)5 LOUQHBORO', FoMtonao C«., Ont (Seo Sy a m tlia m.,' LOUISVILLE, Km! Co., Oat Arnold Louis Tavwn. K 3^ DecowJaaieii G m. k 3» Hare A Uutel. K 3)4 Hart John D iUaekauulU. L Sicklessteel L>., sr u«>. 4 Tevmu. L LOW, Ottawa Co., %IM. Brooks John a. S. H 8 LOW BANK P. O., Haldimand Co., Ont LOW ONTARIO A.ISrD QUEBEC. LYN 1 1 ^'4 n Ir « ' LOWER IRELAND, Memntio Co., Que. FortlerJ O. 8. L LOWVILLE, Halton Co., Ont. Bratt OBorgo Harness. L Uurkbuiaer & MItcbell. . . . B'amitha it Wagons. K 3^ Clearer James aristMill. F 2i6 Cnlloaen Andrew B o. 8. H 3)3 Kmorson Andrew Blacksmltli. L FlemiuK Jameu G. H. L Kleluke Andrew Tailor. Ij 3Ji KleinkeChas Cabiuetware. L McDaid Henry Tavern. L 3}4 Pembroke Jobn Hboes. H 3 Readbead Jobn.. 8aw Mill A Lumber. Rumple Mrs Cabinetware. L Wortblngton JoBboa Wagons. L LUCAN, Middlcux Co., Ont. Anderson P Barber. L ArmitageJ. H o. 8. H 3 Bell Francis 8boes. L 3)* CalnJobnF Hotel. K CannL Books, Ac. L 3% Cntbcart CJeo Bboes. L 3}3 C'atbcftrt Henry Blacksmltb. L OiullnsHenry Tins. Ij 3?^ '.'r>n«lilfln James Livery. K sjj CIU.M v^m Micbael f Jro. F 2)4 DagjvJ.H Baker. L Diamond Mrs Gro. L Donovan A Morrow Foundry. K 3)4 Drought B CaOlnetwaro. I, 8)4 ElwoodWm TaUor. K 3 FarrallJobu Drugs. H 3 FoxJobn Prov., Ac. ir 3 FoxLeonard... G. 8. K 3 FoxK Gen'lAgent. O 2)4 O ear George Painter. L Gibsons Planing Mill. K 3)4 tileeson James Gro. L Goodacre Albert Edwin.. C'ablnetmkr. H 3 Grundy Wra.. Sewing Machine Agent. K 3>« Ouelfovl J Harness. L Guest Wm Uamess. HasketB Gro. A Prov. K 3)4 HaeketWm Saw Mill. U 3 Heraey Hamuel O Grain, Ao. K 3,'^ Hodglns George Flour A Feed. H ,3)4 HodgiusTbos Gro. A Kboes. F 2Wj HoggWm naxMlll. H 3 Hooper Wm Grist Mill. H 3 Hossack Thos Phvslcian, G 2^i HutcblnsWm .'.Grain. I£ 3 Judge Jolin Blacksmith. L KlttMiss Milliner. L 3)4 LeeMlsaM. J Mlllinerj'. L MaraKdward Gro. A Llii. G 'i!i Markey Frank Shoes. L MathoBonWm Watches. K 3 McC'oshBros Q. 8. H 3)4 McFallsAlex .' Livery A Hotel. H 3)4 McQuire Jobn Carriages. L ,3)4 MoLoanll Hotel. O 2)4 McllolM'rta Cbas Cattle Buyer. K 3)<) McKolicrts James H Drover. K 3)a MeamsMrs Crockery. L 3)!i M urdock Thompson Shoes. Murdy John Undertaker A i.'ablnetmkr, L NevllleJolm Blacksmltb. L 3)4 O'Neill K.H Broker. E a Orme J. W Prov. L Poit« Wm.. P. M. A Telegraph Otilce. Pratt Wm Mnfr. Pop. J, IlolUns Wm Gro. Ij SliocbottomGeo Agent Fruit. I., Khoebottom Thos Carriages. L Smith Montgomery G Ui-o. L 3)4 hirault F. 11 Printer. L Stanley Boi-nard G. 8. A MlU. D 1)4 Stanley, Dlght A Co Millers. D 1)4 Thompson Wm Harness. L 3)4 Thorns J. 8 Photographer. K ,3)4 Toohey Timothy Foundry. H 3 Walker Wm Stages A Hotel. L WilsonJamea Baker. L 3)4 LUCKNOW, Brvco Co., Ont AUln Wm Agent. L Anustroog John Saw Mill. L Beaton A Proctur Wagons A B'smiths. L an Bennett A Hunter Fanning Mills. H 3 Bingham A XJttlo 0.8. F 2)4 Bowey Wm Tavern. L Boyd Widow Printer. L 3)4 BurgeJis Geo. T Sashes. Jj Burgess Mark, sr Tailor. L Cain K Speculator. F 2)4 Camcrou A Campbell Bankers. U 2)a Cameron A Miller Livery A Carriages. F Hi Campbell Malcolm u.S.y 2 Clow R. A Fruit, Ac. L 3)4 Council Wm U. o. L 8*4 CorrlgauM Books, Ac. H >i Davidson Robert. CabiuMware. K 3)4 Dean James Paint«r. L 3>4 Dore Edward Blacksmltb. L DouU Wm Saw Mill. L DunoonDonald Wagons. L 3V4 Flndlafer Alex Watches, Ac. L ,S)4 Fhml W. A Bro Blacksmiths. L ?'4 Garner Jolm H Physician. L Gaunt James Saw A Shingle Mills. K 3 GeddosWm Cooper. Q 2)4 (jordunJamea Butcber. L 3)4 Graham Robert Uro., Ao. G 2)4 OraaalckWm Harness. K 3)J GrenecheJ Sboea. H 3 GrlltlnJohn Livery. L SH, Grundy Fred G.S. H 3 Grundy James Gro. Hardv W. G Shoos. L HayWm Shoes. L 3)4 HolmesW.S Oro. A Grain. H 3 Jerome J. C Dentist. L JewottJohn Liquors. G 2)4 Johnson James Conveyancer. L 3)4 KeiT Geo. A Co G. H. A Tallora. H 3 Laurence A Fludlater. . . iilackanilths. Q 2)4 LawreuceThoa Stoves A Tin. Q 2)a Leea A Douglass Woolen Mills. O 2)o Utile J. AW Shoes. K !))l Lyons Wm Cooper. K 3)4 Rfalcolm Robert Furniture. K 3)4 MartinJobn Hardware. K 3)4 McArthnr John...B'smltb A Wagons. L McCarroll Robert Temperance House. G 2)4 McCrlmmon D. A Phjslclan. K 3)4 McDonald A. D Llq. A Auctioneer. L McDonald Misses Millinery. K 3)4 McDonald Wm.,jr 8aw Mill. Q 2)4 McHardyJolm Q. 8. Q 2)4 MoIntyreAlei Q. 8. F 2)4 McIutyreD. AL Hardware. K 3)a McKonzle Donald Blacksmith. L 3)4 McKlbbonS. H Tina, Ac. Sj 3)* McKlunou Mrs. Ann Millinery A D. O. MoKinnonNell Baker. L 3)4 McQuuld Jobn Cooper. L 3'4 Mooney Chaa Oro. A Coulee. H 3),j MomeJohu Hotel. K. 3)2 MorrlBon Alexander Tailor. L Morrison Widow Tavern. K 3)4 Mullen Thomas Pumps. O 2)4 MurchesouD Store A Peddler. K 3)4 Poscoo W. H Hotel. L Patterson Daniel Photographer. L 3)4 Pearcy Thomas Hotel H 3)* PeartJohu Shoes. H 3 UailcllffMra Mllllucrv. L 3)4 Kcdpiith Alex Blackamltli. L Reid Tliomaa Baker. L 3)4 Bo'olusou Samuel Taimer. H 3 Ross A Corrlirou Uarneaa. H 3 Secord Charlea G.S. H 3 Sheppard Chaa. A Dmga.Ac. H 3 Smith G.J Grain. H 3 Smith Mrs D. O. A Milliner. H 3 Smith W.H Bonks, Ao. L 3)4 StultliardJ Wagons. H 3 Kaiiiun Miss Maria U. M. L 3)4 Gray Uanlel...., Blaokstnltb. L llaggerty Wm Tanner. 1, KlikptttrickF Hainoaa. K 3 Paiipr Itupert 0.8. I, ,3)4 ShavcrSlmeoD Shingle MlU. u 2<] Shaver Taj'lor Siwoulator. H 2)4 WoodJohuIt FouudiT. LUTHER, Wallinifon Ca., Ont Baxter J Carriages. L 3)4 BealsG. F Shoes. L 3)4 Collieck Edward G. 8. O 2)^ Gi-aydon Samuel Plasterer. H 3 HalstPd J. P Saddler. L Hamblcy S....: G.S. O S Kitchen Robert Blackamltli. K 3)4 LewlrtChaa. J G.S. K 8)4 McCullocb James Builder. K ,3)4 Ate t'hersou James Builder. L 3)4 OalKiriie Wm Cooper. K 8)4 Richardson Alex Saw Mills. H 3 Robinson John... B'smltb, Stoves, Ac. L 3)4 Scott W. R (J. 8. L Stuckey Samuel Hotel. O 2)4 Westover Wm Shoes. K 3)4 LUTON, Elgin Co., Ont. DooUltlo 8 Cabinetware. L Hill Ambrose Grist A 8aw MIIU. G 2)4 Pressy Henry Farmer A Saw Mill. H 3 Sinclair John Shoes. L 8)4 TyiTeU Lyman B P.M. A G.S. H 3 LYN, Lemii Co., Ont. Armstrong John Blacksmith. H 2)« Bagg Edward Builder. L Bryaon Robert Tailor, Ao. K 3^ Bullock A Co Last Factory. Q 2)4 Caasela A Co Grist Mill. P 3 Coleman E uro. L Coleman Jobn Harness. L Coleman Norman Harness. O 3 Coward L.W Tins. O 3 GllhoolyJ Shoes. L Harvey E., sr Gro., Ac. U 3 Hopkins R....MlllinoryAF'cy Goods. K 3)4 Mallory O G. 8. L 8)4 McNlsliGeo. P Foimdry. L Pergau Peter Boots A Shoes. K ,3)4 Purvla D. N Druga A Oro. L .3)4 RsaaO. A Hotel. K 3 Wl^nWm Carriages. L_ \ I LYNDEN, Wentworih Co., Ont. Bemott Mrs. E. A G.S. L 3)4 Blggar Goo. W Physician. K 3)4 Chapman George Shoea. L Cornell Daulel 0.8. G 3)4 Cox Samuel Baker. L 8)4 Cranston Jobn Pottery. L 3)4 Dougherty J Blackamltli. L ElUottGeo Hotel. 3)4 Oawlor Houry Gro. L 3)4 Kelly Israel Musical Insts. O 2)4 Lemon Wui Photographer. L Mlaner JolinC G.S. K 3)4 Mulholland Jobn Blacksmltb. L 3)4 Nlabot Adam Lumber, h Patttnwm James Hotel. L Pa tlCTsou Robert Shoes. K 3)4 Smith Abrain C Wogous. I, Smith Paul Tins. L Thompson Robert Lumber, Ac. V 2)4 Vanslcki'l n 0.8. K 3'4 Van hiikcl Wm Planlug Mill. L Van sickle Nathan Lumber. L Wing WllUam 0.8. L Wood Robert narneas, L LYNDHURST, Leeds Co., Ont. Copeland B. W Hotel. .3)4 Eiirl E G.S. H 3 Edgar D Saloon. L 3)4 Goilkln Jas Shoes. L Green Henry G.S. E 2)4 Huukina A Davis Tins. NuttallGeo Blacksmith. L ,3)4 Stacey Geo. H Shoes A Gro. L 3)4 Weavers. A U G. 8. L 8)$ ^llli LYNEDOCH, Norfolk Co., Ont Beebo Jordan Tavern. Bottomloy Jolm Hotel A Gro. Bol tomley Wm Butcher, liiyilni Jamea Tailor. Cliai Hon John A Thomas Lumber. Charlton A Roaa O. 8. A Lumber. DowBwell John Blackamltli, Ac. Ellimin Joseph B Shoes. Graves A 8toner...8aw A Grist MIIU. Hagernian W. C Physician. Linn Jamea Shoes. McKay Jam(« Shoes. Mc.Naughton D Grist Mill. Oweu .\uson Saw A Shingle Mills. Parsons Thos. B Blacksmith. Shott John Wagcms, Wlnimer J. 4 Mouucy Miss MllUuery. L MullettWm Harness. L 3'4 MiUlettSylvaniis Tanner. Jt 3 O'Flvnn A O'Hara u. 8. II 3 Orr James A. A Bro I'llnters. t, 3)4 Orr William Blacksmith. K 3)a I'litors N. D tiro. L 3)4 RaweO.D Watches. L KcwlS. A Co....Canlagemkr8. AUni. F 2)4 ItlggaK oro., Ac. L KobertMon John O, s. H 3 tliilMiiHSunmel Orlst A Saw Mills. It 2)6 IlossS.ACo 0.8. F 2)a Sauford A Forcetol Wagons A . , , B'suilths. L Sheltray Joseph Livery. L Simmons Robert Hotel. H 3 Sinclair Peter Harness. It 3 Sutton Hugh U Phvalolan. H 3 T^nliot. Mai,,,i..l Ajr 4 ... .. t^ "Uy Thrasher Cornelius Blacksmith. II 3 Weiss E. L Watches. L Weiss Ivonis Shoes. K 3)4 White John Foundrs'. (Bee Shipman's Mills.) White W.M Cablnetwarn. L WhytockJas Batcher A Uro. H 3 Wilson... O Drugs. O 2)4 Wilght Mrs. Anrlrew Baker. H 3 MAQANETAWAN, Parry Sound District, Ont. Alkeu Wm o. 8. Best James 0.8. L 3)4 FlukiT.lohn Uotel. L 3)4 Holdltch Wm (}. s. Kennedy John o. s. A Saw Mill. L Keece, McDonald A Co (J. 8. ™, . _- .. (SeeHuntsville.) Theadort Chris t*. S., Ac. L MAGOG, Staniiaad Co., Qua. Adam Joseph Blacksmith. K .3)4 Bullard M. A . . . Cablnetmkr. A Hakes. K S Buzaell MIron Butter Tubs. L Currier lenry G. 8. L Drew J. W 0.8. H 3 Sr,'!'' ,''■.¥ Carriages. II 3 Bills J. II Agent Musical Insts. Hitchcock B Cablnetmkr. L Jameson Wm Hotel. L 3)4 Kavanagli James Tailor. L KnowlUin H. L..Mnfr. Scythe Buaths. K 3 Magog Manufacturing Co Saw A Grist MiUs. 3 Moore A. II. A Co 0.8. P 2)4 Norton John Hotel. K .3)4 Phelau John A o. S. L SomersAMoore O. 8. A Drugs. U 3 WilhirdG. W SawMIU. L MAGOON'S POINT, Sianstaad Co., Qua. Magoon Aaron Limekiln. MAIDSTONE CROSS, Esaax Co., ColUnsJ Tavern. Delell J. B Cooper. Halford A Staves, Ac. llalford James Haw Mill. Hlckey Wm Butcher. Jaque V Shoes. Little, Charles A Lludsay... Saw Mill. MoCloskey J'mncls B'smlth A Wagons. McCloskey Thomas Blacksmith. Mc(Jee Mrs Hotel. Moran Thomas A Co 0.8. Muui-ooJolin Grist A Saw Mills. Miiiirdo Johu. Jr Blacksmith. L Totteu Joseph Butcher. K Ont U 3 L H 3 K 3 L H 3 K L K 3)< 3)4 H 3 H 3 MAITLAND, Granvilla Co., Ont. Baker II. F Blacksmith. L Doyle P lloti'l. K Dumlirill John ^ o. 8. o Eldriilge Mrs. Charles Tavern. K Fieelaiid Henry Chandler. V Oanett E Taunor. L Lafontalue M. W Joiner. L M ay berry Johu oro. (See Prescott.) lloblnaon n Shoes. I, Wood J. L Saw Mill. L .3)4 MAITLANDVILLE, Huron Co., Ont. loshaiu Mrs oro. L 3'4 LaKliamWni Tavern. K 3)4 Martin Henry Uotel. O 2'4 MclntyreJ B'smlth A Oro. K 3)4 Stnnlniry W oro., Ac. L 3)o Wells H Brewer. O 2)4 MAJOR MILLS, Ontario Co., OnL (Set. fVIUtevaU.i MAL \XOFF, CaH„lon Co., OnL PierceJohu o. B. K 3)4 MALBAIE, Charlavoix Co., Qua. (Set Murray Say. 1 MALBAir, Of ';pa Co,, Qua. Vardou Thomas s O.S. L VIbert John Msh AOIL L MALCOLiM, Bruoa Co., OnL McDonald MoNevin Laugliliu.. *T«itt^aii Daiiici Tavem. L 3)4 .BlackiiMtth. L 4 Rupert on ver Physician, u 2)« Sbunk Nathaniel Carpenter. K 3(6 Hniith Geo o. H. K SSn Snider Jacob . G s L Woods James BUckamlth! H 3 Wooils Wm Butcher. L MAPLE OROVE, Megantio Co., Que. (See Ireland. J MAPLE HILL, Bruoe Co., Ont. Allan Edwin B'smlth, P. M., Ac. L iterule Wm g. H. Brocklebauk James MUU. Sinclair b o. ». L MAPLETON, Elgin Co., OnL Appleford Wm P. M. ;»"J«liu Ins. Agent, K 3)4 MabeeK.S Foundry. K .H), MatlunvsThoR..Fiirnlturo A Harness. K 3)o MeCuteheon Joseph Hotel K "" MeUougall Allan Harnes.*. L MeKarland W.J G. 8. A Grain. E MclntyreA g. 8. L McNae Thos... sash A Door Fuctorv. K Mon t^omery John Baker. L Noble John Wagons. L 234 3)4 3); ,"»)4 R»f R;.8 Tailor. K UM ReidMissJ. D Millinery. L Reynolds Mm. O. M Tavern. L Reynolds A Wateoo O. 8. RiclianisonM Blacksmith. L Richie* Co Grist MllL Sargent W. B Butcher. L sheyJohn Shoes. L Sparll ng Steam Saw M ill. sproule A Carter Plivsiolans: , ™„ (SeeT.s. Sproule.) SprouleT.S Phys'n * Dmga. H S Walsh John Tanner. L 3H West Henry Saw Mill. Wilcox B. D Jeweler. L SH Wilson T. A pro Ag'l Imiilts., Ac. L SM WrightGeo Cabiuetwaro. K 3)j >•— MARKHAM, York Co., Ont Adamson Weeton Photographer. L Anthony Edmund, sr. .. Stoves A Tin. K Armltago Mrs, David... Gro. A Baker. L Armstrong F. R Physician. L Armatiwig Robert TInsniitli. L Ash A 80U Tailors. H Bambridge George T Blacksmith. H llelerl Chas Cablnetm kr. L Browning Widow Watohee, Ao. K Callaghau Patrick Shoes. K Calvert Wiltre QUEBEC MBA -. K SH '. 1. . L . I, L S)« . I. »i ) . K 3 . 1, 3)4 . I- .IH . 1, !«. . K 3)2 . I, 3Vi . K «>■. . I. . I. 3)4 . 1. . H 3 . H 3 K :?1| K 3H L K 3^ 1. I. K 854 K 3 K 3)4 11 3 L 3*4 L li K 3H It ■J)* (i ''^'l 1. O 8 i. L, K ^ L 3(.i K. 3^ F 2H L 354 (i 3^ K 1. 1. L 354 H 3 H 3 K. 354 H 3 (1 •W, II 3 H » 1-" 254 H 3 J, 35, 11 3 U ■iy, H 35, K 35(1 L li JL 3Kj L 35, I* 25, 11 3 H 3 1. »W I. sM L 354 354 Qilmour ACo Lnmber. (8ee(laelH-a.) Qreeu Jobn Uarstsss. t. Joiim P»nl P u. M. I, Kolly TlMW O.8. L 354 Louukn AilumorF. J n. H. Lyim Win Blaclumltb. L 354 Marmora ClieeHo Factory 3 McNeil Jame* n. . B'Hoiltb . M. H 3 Preston K B'smltb & Wagons. L MARTHAVILLE, Umbton Co., Ont. (Hee Copleaton P. O.) MARTINTOWN, Glengary Co., Ont. Brannan Mrs Tavern. K 3 Itrowu Miss E. K Miilluer. L Bi-owuJohu Blacksmith. K 354 Cliugen M atthew Carpenter. K 35, Couroy Hobert Hotel. K 3 Cuui-uy Willow O. 8. G 254 CrcNsv/ell DaTldT O. 8. F 25, Foiilils Andrew U. 8. K 3 Fuulds John Tanner. H 254 Gray Donald Wbeolwilght. L. Irvine .Mrs MllUuer. L Laniell Charles Carriages. K 3 McAithnr& Kayslde MlUs. a 2V4 McCalluni U. K G. 8. K 35"- McUonaliil) Blacksmith. H 2,'i MolJonaUiy Carpenter, *c. K 3 MoFadden Charles 0.8. K 3 McMartln M.J O. 8. 1, 35, McMartiu •& Mclntyre... Carriages & B'smlths. L 354 McMillan A I, Mo Veau Angus 8n/. M/ & ^ .^"^ / (A '« fA 1.0 i.l ^ us, 11:25 III 1.4 2.5 2.2 20 1.6 v] <^ % /2 / > .V * f^ J Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^% ^ JV ?v 'S^ %^ 'CN* .^_ — <^\ ^\^^ rv^\ ^^ i/.. '« i" I WM MED ON-TA.RIO JLNTD QUEBEC. MID gear John ..Pampg. L 3)4 j™?""*?'^-.- Grist Mill. I, 3^ Olbbon Lewis Uvery. L OloverFred Wagons. L OnhamBros To. S. „ _, , ^ (8e9 Barrie.) S^S?.'"'^°**Pi-i.- Tavern, n 35s Hsliies Geo. dk Co Coopers. L HarknessWm Watches. L 3U HeUstroiie Robert.. . Wagons & Furu. II a geuiyJohn Canlages. I, i'nkeyP Oro. 4 Elq. I, H^fiJ?*"*?; Photographer. G 254 Ire&ndW. K. Books, s SH"?'S f,- **; Patntor. L Mitchell David Hotel. I, ^"elwdsjohn Confec., dko. 1, 3)4 Oliver James. Gro. K 3)5 Paul Mrs. John Hotel. H 3 Perry Mrs Mlllluery. L Baper Johns Tavern. I, Raymiina John Uagons. L Hoblnson M. A Co Gro. Robinson Wm Cablnetware. L 3)4 SewellE oro. K 3^ Sheppanl Chiw g.8. H ,S ShunltC. Blacksmith. L 3)4 "'"Kt'-R Speculator. K 2)s smith Miss Millinery. L Sniitll Peter Ag'l Impm L Stephens J. M. A Bro. . . .Cablnetware. L 3)6 Htophfius W. W. ACo Drugs. O 2)4 Stephens Wm Tinsmith. L St«^WHrlJ. AW 0.8 Stoyel Joseph Tailor, Ac. H 3)4 StubbBjohnW Hotel TaltAinos B'sralth A Carriages. K 3'4 Thompson A o. s. Thompson Elliott Saw Mill. O 2)4 TmutAJay Ins. Agents, Ac. H 3 Jurner A Henderson Woolens. 3)4 VaderAEUis Coofers. L VaudorburgAStephenson.... Agents. O 2)4 Vttiiivycke Gilbert Bhuiksmltli. 1, Wajlsworth J. P Grist Mill. Walker Huniucl UlBcksuiith. L WattChsiliw Foundry, Ac. H 3 WattA Watscm PubUsliers. WUo-ix Thos. C Shoes. Wood Robert Watches. K 3)4 MEDINA, Oxford C«., Ont. Beck J. H 0.8. A P. M. I, Ingles Charles W agous. h 3)4 vdlauoe Mamuel Blacksmith. L MEDONTE Simcoa Co., Ont. {•nnlopjohn Saw Mill. 1, Miller Wm o. s. ,.„ , (See Vlctorto Harbour.) White Benjamin Blacksmith. L MELBOURNE, Middlesex Co., Ont. (See lAmgwood. ) MELBOURNE, Richmond Co., Que. Beattlo Wm a.u. a 2)4 Blake L o. H. L Sii Bolsvei-t Alfred Blacksmith. II 2!a Campbell D TttUor. K sii Canilo Hruoe Cablnotwarf. I. Cote Francis Tin It 2)4 Davis John Tailor A o. .' L,3)s Glhnan W. R u. 8 L HiimulGeo Carpenter. L Hargravo John J I'liiv. K Hethui'ini(tou EUza u. s. G Hoeruer A. H Knitting Factory. I, IrwtnOerard Blaoksmltli. K 3 a)4 3^, K 3)4 K 3 K. 3)4 K 3 K ,S)4 K 3,Vi Ij L H 3 K 3)4 K 3 I, H 3)4 J*»w J. Sashes, Doors- An. Malm James Auctioneer, Ac. McDon.Tld A. 8 Blacksmith. McK.eu7le A. A M o H McMorineS o 8 Pepler Altred Boots A Shoes! Perreganl D.J Picture Frames. Perrigo W. M htoel M Proy Merrill J 8 A Co V.".'.'.' 8 hoes! VlgneaultW. A Hotel. Wo•• *c: L 3)4 Ward Wmiam Hotel A B'smlth. H 3 MELROSE, Middlesex Co., Ont. (Su Lobo.) MELVILLE, Prince Edward Co., Ont. Cooper Ronbon Grist Mill. H 3 Johnson Caleb... r oro H 3 f.*!??." ^■'i."'''"? Blacksmith.' L White Edward B Shoes. L ' MENIE, Northumberland Co., Ont. Atkinson Edward O. 8 O 2' g™ceK Foundry. L. ' Davidson George Blacksmith. 1. 3' rr?K,^-T «"ocs. L Mather James U.S. XL 3 MERLIN P. O., Kant Co., Ont. Ballfth Wm Temperance House A „, . ,„ Clieese. L S''2.'''??3™ Harness. L ColMoldWrn Wagons. L £'""?"T7;->:v Physlchin. I, Marshall G. C. A Co o.h. Ac Marshall J. A J Grist A Saw Mills. 2«'e?,^: -,■■■-■ Wagons, Ac. 1. S"'iH' Abraham Blacksmith. L Smith Thos SawMUl. L 3)4 MERRICKVILLE, Granville Co., Ont. Annstrong James Hotal. H 2)4 Barnes A. G Tanner. I. BartoijJos Harness. K ,^)4 ButosRobert O 8 H 3 Bell Geoigo. . Tailor. K 3 Bottom Alfred Baker. L 3)4 Bower, Porter A Bower o. 8. „ „ (SoeKemptvlllo.) Brennan E Cairlagiis. X, CnUnH. A I'lnatei-er. L Dangertlold W Mnfr. Rakes, Ac. DukoJohu Slioes L EastonHlmm Oat Mill! P 2)4 liaston 8. T. Furniture. L Edwards Thomas lUacksmlth. L EriTftt E saw Mill. : HallDttvld Printer. L ' ,S)4 Harrlscm Robert Gro. A Hai-uess. K 3>4 I'S'lnJ , Gro. I, ^ Juki^H HamiuU o 8 F 2^6 •''"l''™"- W... 'Diims: K 3)4 KirrA Depencler H'waro&Gro. 'X't Ky.i Patrick Foundr H .4 A Pearson Foundiv .) 1)4 McUcoSlmoh Hliotw i! McKlbbou Hobei't Hhoes 1, 314 McCrcttW.H Oro' I. sS Mclkh" T. B 8 t Mi'iilnk P. V Drugs! K 3 MlllsJohii Cablnetwaio. H 2>4 5 Iskclly W This. It 3 >owimin Goo Nursery. L »<, I'liyiinJ Hotel I, ak. Real Daniel . Tailor A Livery. L 3)i Wttlchorn A f^o Woolen Focuiry. Whltmaish F. M Saloon. L 3)4 3)4 3 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 2 1 3)4 MERRITTON, Welland Co., Ont. Chapman John T Drugs K Chapman Mrs D. G. A MUUnery. Cogan Mrs. James HoteL H c'onlan John A Thos Coiilwood. P Dolauey M-8. A Hotel. L DKiherA OS K DlsherW. V ""CoaLF Duuu, Wilson A Co Foundi-y. K Etherlilgo .Tobn Oi^ H Flmilgaii Patrick Hotel OlrvanA Cook Biscuits. Hamilton James Hotel. L Harrimau A Bowman Machinists. L Hartford Peter oro. L IveyACo Confeo. „, ,^ „ , (See Thorold.) KlngADolan Cotton Factory. F Leeson Richard Oro., Ae. K Leo Daniel Gro. A Lio. Lincoln Paper Mills (Limited) . E Lybstor Cotton Manufaeturing Co o ilcArthurJ. c G 's L McCall — - Baker. L McConnnchy George Blacksmith. L Pamell Wm., sr...:. oro! L Patterson H, ACo Carriage „. , - . „ Woodwoi*. P PhepsJ.AP Blacksmiths. P Phelim N. AO. J Lumber. D Riotdan John.. Paper Mills. B Schooley Gilbert..... d. G. K Smith Wm Miller. K SulkeyH oro Urlooker Michael Cablnetware! K Weiss A Shoes. L METCALFE, Carleton Co., Ont. S'"^' .^-.iv.vv.- Blaoksmltli. K Campbell W.P G 8 Q 5',™ /■■%;■;-• Shoes. L HlRglns John Agent Ag'l ImplU. L Iniley ADcUew Shoes. L Irvln John.. Carriages. L lve»ouF QUEBEC. MIL Dennis Deonls L Oro. K l«Kan John Saw Mill. L MoKelvey 8. J o. 8. L McLaren Robert Baker A Coufec. K Futtoi'Hon Jamea carpenter. L MIDDLEVILLE, Unark Co., Ont Crott William o. S. P OnthrleWm Shoes. L MoDiarmUlj. R a. s. L 2>4 3)4 ..O. 8. II a>a V Uclutyre A. B, <& Co riDHURST, Simoos Co., Onl. Sncath t^ooi^e G. 8. h MIDLAND, Simooe Co., Ont. Ball James a, s. Cadotte A JD.a. Carley Joseph L Boats. L Chew GeorKe * Co Flour Mill. H Chews. * Co Shln«leMllI. H Clark Peter Planing Mill. Cook Herman H Lumber. (See Toronto.) Courtemauclie N G. S. O Crawfonl Wm Agent. L Deshaney Fred Barber. L DevlneM Gro. &Llq. Duncan James Tavern. H Ferguson J. W. U oro. L OlaiistoneThos Hotel it ". M. L Grlse Dlilace Butcher. H Howls Davlil Hotel. L Hunlon Francis Drugs * G. 8. !■ Johnstflne J. I" .Watches. L Lauranrteau N shoes. L Myers A. D o. H. L Offer Thos Cablnetwaro. L Pete's Chas Tins. L Phillips Joseph a. 8. 1, Roy J. C (*. 8. L Kuby H. L Baker. L Wallace Simon Builder. L White John Butcher. L 3M Braden B Physician. L 3)s Burley Kmorson Harness. H Clapp Samuel Grist A Saw Mills. G Canningham C. 8 Tinsmith. K Curry J. G Tavern. 1, Dodge Theotlore MiUs. H 'iraham A Boots A Shoes. L Graham Wm Shoes. L Hicks Lewis Blacksmith. K Jenkins &. Crab.. B'smiths A Wagons, h Marlln David Itlaoksmith. L McKibben & ICnox Q. S. O Noxon Allen Physician. H Rose David shoes. Xi RoseR. H Oro. A Shoes. L Jluttan Walter HoteL L ^ ft. Pi — ■ H 3 3'4 3J4 MiLBV, Compion Co., Que. TamMK. A O. 8. A P. M. Wilson John S.iw Mill. L 3>4 B. ichy Iguatz Potter. H 3 Bolsiey O. W Photflgraphor. L Burger C. L Ins. Agent, Ac. L Campbell M P. M. A G. 8. C:ar«oglB William. ..Grain, Cattle, <«o. « 2W Chapman John Grist Mill. L 3'4 Clare Charles Tins. L Cranperlt Shoes. Curie (leeau Allan A Co O. 8. (See Teeswntor.) Mcljean Donald A Co G. 8. Murphy James Phys'n A Drugs. H 3 Murray Wm Grain. II 3 Neubeckcr John Blacksmith. L ;t)i Penuegnat — Watches, L Ple^s!ll^Pet^>r Saddler. K Xi HenlileMlss Millinery. L Rlttcr A Hunst«ln Cablnetware A Httw Mill, II ,SW SalyardsEll Hotel. L SohlelChailes Hotel, L Schneider W, H G. 8. L Stroh A Ednu)nson Grain. G 2\6 Tansley Nelson Tavern. K 3>A ThonmsJ. H Shoes. K 3h Van llrockllu A Prentice.... Foundry. Volgt, Selgnor A Rosenow. . Flax Mill. H 3 WeldnerGeo Blacksmith. Whitiners Baker. L 3\i Zclgler Jacob Wagons. L SJj MILE END. (Ntt Montreal.) MILFORD, Prince Edward Co., Ont. Batten John Tailor A P. M. r, »l»Uej/lrvln Wagons, I. Bond Widow Hotel. I, 19 Oaoada. •eter Charles Blacksialth. L Strieker Isaac Cheese Factory. G Vanalstino P Tanner. L vanalsl 1/ MILLBANK, Perth Co., Ont. Armstrong Christopher Tavem. K A rmstrong Thos Pumps. L liaiTWm Drugs. L Bearluger Cornelius Builder, L Campbell John Cooper. H Coleman Henry Mason. L Crumme.vWm Pumps, Ac. K Dobson Joseph Ashery. K Fink Wm Harness. K Gibson James Builder. H Hawthorne James Hotel. K Henderson V^ldow Tavem. H Johnson James Phys'iJ. G JohUKton J. W G. 8. L Junker Fred Tavern. L Koblman Jacob Foundry, Ac. E Leggatt Samuel Oro. I, Livingstone Peter A Co. . . . FUx Mill. O Martin Tlios Weaver. L Mcculloch Andrew G. 8. McPherson D Butcher. K Mitchell Wm Tavern. L Pattereon D Mason. L Porter J. A B.... B'smiths A Wogons. Bitter John Tins. K Ross Hugh Cari'ent«r, L Rusch Albert Blacksmith. K Russell John Hotel. K RutlierfonlJ. u Grist Mill, Rutherford William G. 8. Schlubrln George Shoes, h Scott A. B Pointer. L Scott James shoes. I, SergisonChas £lack!,mlth. L Steele A. C Dnigs. L Stewart Wm Builder. L Walsh J Tailor. L Witt Louis Shoes. Ii MILLBRIDGE, Haslingt Co., Ont. Blglow Geo Blacksmith. L Gnldlng Isaac Tavern. L Lumb Wni G. 8. L MorrellGco Tavern. L Norman B. M , .G. 8. H Potter Mrs Tavern. L TlvyU. 8 Q. a. h 8H Tlvy U. 8 I / MILLBROOK, Di aV ' aon G. W. H I? Durhtm Co., OnL AYi • non G. W. H Tailor, L A I Wm Shoot. L A irongA.T Ag'llmnlU, K AiuLstrong A Kelts O. H. o Armstrong Robert J Saw Mill, L Armstrong Thos, C Stoves, Tins, Ao. I, Atkins Tl envv Livery. L Bateson * Wllger... Planing Mill, Ac. H Breake.v Jatnes Shoes A Sewing M. L Campbell Henry Blacksmith. I. Carveth J Butcher. K Chambers David Gro., Ac. L Collins Thomas B G. 8. G Coombo A Hiehards Tailors. H CoHgrove James Hanlware. O Crvkor Henry Hotel. G Davey John Saildler. L DeyellJohn G. S. I, De.vell Robert Gro, 1, Duncan G. A Baker. L Elliott J. C Harness. L Fallls A Sanderson Grain. F Fee Alouio Gro., Ao. K Ferguscm Bros Wagons. H Fitzgerald James o. 8. O Foster George Grain. G Ganlluer James Saw Mill, Gnut Mrs. Robert Oro., Ac. L nillntt.Tohn Fnnilturo, H Glllett Thomas Furniture, H GliiBsfortl n.T Builder, L Grsmly S -. Tins. L Greer Samuel Pbotographer. h Guy Riolianl watohM. I, HiyterA. E Printer. I, Howden Richard Prod. O 9}4 Howell Hlciia"d Oro. K 8>6 HunterJohn Physician. L 354 Huuter Wiliiain H Saddler. L 3)4 JuddH.W G.8. KerrJames A Bro Hartlware. H 3 Kldd Physician. L LeachAUred Drags. K sa MasonAWiddis Blacksmltfis. L McBean AroUbald Com'u Grain. L Morrow John Tanner. K SH Needham J. E Painter. L Needlar George MIU. F 2)4 Powell Robert Baker. L Baper Jolm Hotel. L RaiwrMark HoteL H 3 Rrynolds J Hotel. L RlchanU Clios Jeweler. Richardson J. A Ins. Agent. L RuoseliW. G Machinist. H 3H Smith John B Drugs. L 3)2 Sootheran J. W Agent, Ac. h SowdenACo Plows. O S (See also W. H. Sowden.) SowdenWm.H Saw Mill. O 3 Steel Wm Hotel. L Steward John HoteL L Turner Henry Physician. L Turner Wm Tobacco, Ac L Vance aainuel C Gro. A Llq. Vance William Gro.AP.O. E 3)* Webber George Tailor. L WllcoxABro Contractors. H 3 WilUomsWm Shoes. L 3)4 Willis James Carding Mill. L Wood A Kells O. S. I 3)t MILLBURN, Fronlanao Co., Ont. Hopplns Abraham Shingle Mill. K 3 MILLBURN, Huron Co., OnL Allan Anthony HoteL F 2)4 Hortfln Horace J G. S. A B'smlth. K 3)4 Jewell Richard Saw Mill, L MILL CREEK. (Set Oduta.) MILLE ISLEtt, Arcenteull Co., Qua. Seattle Robert O. 8. K 3 Campbell Thos Blacksm 1th. L Hammond Henry Store. K 3 MILLE ROCHES, Slorment Co., OnL Brooks W. Dexter Furniture. K 3)4 Cutler Guy Carriages, L 3)J Cutler Noah Blacksmith. L 3)S Dixon O, I o. 8. Keezar Wliitoomb Q. S. O ^ McConnell Hugh Tailor. L Murdoch Alex Shoes. L 3)4 PhllUmH Peddler A Tavem. K 3 Robertson T. A.J Mills. K 3)4 TaltBros o. s. K 3)i MILLER'S CORNERS, Qrenville Co., OnL MiUerD Q.s, H 3 MILLE VACHE8, Chiooutimi Co., Quo. Plows D O.S, H S MILLGROVE, Wtnlworth Co., OnL Bumey W. H O. S. H 3 Carr Tavern. Crocker SamuelJ Contractor. L Cununlngs Chas. 8 Saw Mill A Shingles. V 2)4 Flattira Lumber. P 2)4 Markle J. R O. 8, L MessBore J. W Blacksmith. L Miller Thomas Blacksmith. K 3)4 Orr Wm Carpenter. L 3)4 shaplandjohn wagons. L 3)j Shuart Henry Carpenter. L Thompson Wesley Shoes. L MILL HAVEN, Addington Co., OnL Amey Levi Gro. A Wagons. L Flemlngjohn Wagons. K 3)i Frankltn James G. 8. K SM Fry Win Mnfr, Gloves. H 3 Henderson Alex. A Bros Millers. L 3)4 Phillips A Shoes. L VancfekeWm Shoes. L 3)i Venton A Postmaster. L MILLIKEN P. O., York Co., OnL Gorvett Widow G, 8, A P. M. L S)t Lamoreux Joshua Blacksmith. L Lamom-oux Isaac Blaoksmltta. L Mllllken Mrs. Norman Hotel. L ^ 'i h. 4 MIL ONTA.HIO ^ISTID QtJEBEO. MIT MILLPOINT, Hutingi Co., Ont. Baker Ktcliard Grain. L Hnttinx Mrs oiv. L BraDtJH4M}bB Uro. I* CaitBiTliiis. N Shoes. L Clinton Oeorge Physlcisn. L .1>4 <'li(aeThos G. 8. H 3 CronlcA. M Butcher. I, S!4 Cronk Asa Pilnter. L DonohoeABro o.s. G 24 Uiyileu J ame» Harness, li 3)4 KKiiiOeo. W DruKB,4 EinpoyA Huff JlluckBinlths. L Farrcll Jnlm Butcher. X^ 3'ii Flelil James Wairons. I, GetliUsK Tailor, 4n. L, ODOdmarphy Cal^b Llvoi ■. L 314 Orauey UilwanI A Co Grb. II 3 GrahamJohii oro. I. Greotrli John Baker A Confec. L McC'ulloughJ Grain. O a"* McGreBorA. P Watches. L aSi McNplf William Blacksmith. 1/ Newton John Physician. Ij Norton Ilolrart Blaoksmlth. L O'Connor Patrick Hotel. O a^a Patto Fraaer J. W Jeweler. L Freeland * Clements Fancy Goods. L ,'<54 Freeman Cliiikson Plij'slclan. F a'a Gillett Anio.s H Furniture. L Hamiant Solomon Grist Mill. H 3 Hatton A Husband nichard Harness. K 3)4 Hustler A Me Kenzio CaiTlages. O a>4 Johu8a Hamilton Hubert S Saddler. K 3)4 Hasenpllug Henry Blacksmith. K 334 Uagenphlfghc Wagons. K 3)4 Hoffman John Ilaniess. L H4 3'4 a Aqniros Jnmea Fliotograpber. 3 Stewart Duncan Tavern. L gtowiiit \V OristMill. gtonenmn John Undertaker. L 354 Kwltrer B!-• K 3?« \VattWtn Temperance House. H 3 Way A Helbln BnlKlera. L JJIiy<«Jol'"i; P"'' Packer, P aw W lamaJ.E Harneaa. L »vl wllUaniaJohn g.8 o 3 SJlll" if; V,- Tailor. L 8!6 WIUsW.O Tina L 3W S'l".?".-',- Butcher. K 3)4 WilttJohn Barbcr.Ao. I, MITCHELL SQUARE, Simooa Co., Ont. Cameron Colin Blat^kmnlth. L yiVl^MxF,-.;;. I-umber. O 3>4 MltcboU William o. 8. H 3!^ MOES RIVER, Compton Co., Que. Brown A. Ij arlatMIII. ir .1 Brown David o. h h 3 Byron E. L Mufr. Rakea. K 3 !;»«yJol>n CarrlaKorakr. K 3 Pallfster Itlohard .Mills. K 3 ParaouaA. W Saw Mill. K SM MOFFAT P. 0., Halion Co., Onf. Wallace Hiram Slioea. K 3J4 MOHAWK, Brant Co., Ont. (See Mount l'lea»ant. I MOHR'S CORNERS, Curlalon Co., Ont. Free*" :; ^ wjtlovfl a. S. Iv somii ^ ..tT. () tJ.H. K 3)4 MOIRA, Hatting:! Co., Ont. McTaKKiirt Allan Fannlnft Mills. K ,3)4 McTiiKwut Royal (1. H., poti,te A Orlst & Saw Mills. K 3)4 LavalleeA Tanner. K ,3)J MONGOLIA, York Co,, Ont BavnouJohn Wokobs, L 3M Calvert Thos. dk John. ...Blacksmiths. II 3 Curtis Robert wiyiice Robert ri .ician, K 8)4 LloydThomaa lluruess. Maxwell Robert CarriaBes, L 3)4 Moljiughlln James V Oi-lat Mill A McLaughlin Patrick Tave'ni! L Modulauce Joshua. Tavern. 3'4 M(H)roJ. J Haw Mill. L Patterson Jolin Bnllder. K 3»4 KyanU. J Tailor. L Slmpaon Isaao Blacksmith, Vortden Robert Tailor. L Whltlani Chas, A Co Saw Mill, H 3 Wllsjui Wm. L Shoes, L ^ MONO ROAD, Pool Co,, Oni! N. Aleramlcr James. ..Gro, A Veterlnaiy , „.. Surgeon, 3).j Bowles 1 homaa, sr Prod, O 3 BowlesChas Bhickamlth, L ,3'4 CeaarWm o. .s, u a Henderson John T Cheese Factory, Judge Mrs oro. L MpNa.vJa« Cariieuter, L' 3"4 Mitchell Uiw Carriages. L ■A\t, Rouutivo David Tavern, H .3 SnnrrowThoa Hotel. K 3)4 Thompson R. J. W Wagons, L MONTAGUE, Lanark Co,, Ont, Livingston Robert.... Prod. A Fiimier, H 3)]j MONT CARMEL, Champlain Co,, Que, Dnchamie Luo o. 8., Ac. Lord J Uro. A Prov. K 3 MONTEBELLO, Ottawa Co., Qua. Bourgols — Blacksmith. L 3)4 Chabot A, (dlt Duval) Hotel, L CharlelmlsB Tanner, K 3 Dagenals Saddler, L Fortlu Lonla Blacksmltli, K 3 HlllmanO Baker, K ,3)4 JolyF CarrUgemkr, I, LacTOlx A o. 8. L LBrocque-— Hotel, L MalorCharlea O, 8, Owens Thos, A Bro 0,8. „,.„,. (SeoStonefleld,) Raalcot Charles Tavern L S*S!"2'^i'"r'"'™'J'' nnteA. L 3)4 TallleferJ, L G 8 L Talllefer Venance 0,8,' Thomas (dlt Tranchemontagne) Mrs, Jo* Hotel, K 3)4 MONTIZAMBERT DU SACRE COEUR, Rimouiki Co., Qua. BeauUen B nro L Voyer P oro, S. MONT LOUIS, Gupa Co,, Que. Uodbout Joseph Fish, K 3 MONTMAGNV, Montmagny Co., Qua. Bacon L. J. Physician. K B Bender F. X Boarding House. L Bender N:uM>leon O. 8. K 3 RcmlangerMrs. A Hotel. K SH H"iil«iiger Felix Wagons. L Boulangor Pusehal Cartwright. K 3)4 Chateauvert Klzear Jeweler. L Coulombe O. D G 8 I/Ion I.,oula Blacksmith. K 8)4 Dion Octave Machinist. L DJouneM. Trader. 3 Flsback Chaa Oro. A D. O. K 3 FIsback ADube Tins. H 3 PlaetAlbert FIour.Ao. F 8)4 Flset Joseph D. O. t.(iro. r IW AiUnw J. I,. * Co Mnfin. ToUavoo. u 8 Ainins.!. U I'cilotllcaU, .to. I{ iU, Mnn\» Jwiioi A Tbcks. r, 3)4 • ',"'" \i; '•**•" «"'ip Jlivker. o sii AiluniH Tobacco Co (; u Adttnin W "iiro' Ii iVi Ailcock Thou. A Uo '. Platiilwaro.' H it ApnowH. A Fancy iKKMlg. AlnlJ. M riHkxr K S Altchlitnn Kobort Hlii|i CHnmutcr! It 1) Aiuenj.AC'ci IlabonlMhory.Ao. P 'iM Akcnuan, K* Ames, HoUlan A Co Wliol. HlioSs. B i^ .... BiwclHl Capttat {10,000 tu ne«. i, 1883. AnilotA. ciro. it .s>|, AniteriMu James U Tailor, u akl Anderson John Haker. (1 3 Andei'son J olin Tanner, K Abdersun, McKeuile A Co Ship. . , .. owners A Mrokom. 3 Am rows H... l^ilnter. K 3Hi Andrews Joseph Tailor, Annus A. ishws. Ansel! Ashcr ■ Tobacco. K S'o Ansell 1). A Wbol. (lerniiin (loodi.. Austle Bros. A Co. . .Sewlnn Mnchlncs. . . ,,. .. ISee hondt)n,) ArahUlM.ACo Uro, L 3>o ArcandMlssKlnilre.K'cy U.kmU, Ac, I. " .Jrcand f « ■ llostaurant, U Aroliuiiiliiiult Alex Saddler. I. Arcliiunbuult F ». 11 3 AnimtiMnK »I. A Co uro. K Arnold Tbt)nius Mlioes. L Ariito!! John J Auctioneer. I) Arseniiult Sirs Mllllnir. 1. Ascher A Co Whol. Oen'l Mors. ABClH'f, Lniirle A Co... Wbol. 1). u. A ... . „ NniHllwuri'S. .\B iby A FeKi»« Ubol. Mhoes. H 3 AsifonlC Hooks, Ac. I, 3H, Ashton Kdwanl Ilutcliiter. I, ;iv, Bean SW ACo. Whol. A Ket. Coal. 1. a>4 Bearilsell W. F Whol ulue. F 8 Beattle 1). P. A Co Leather. .. .... . . .*""' "'»^''*' '"• Bealtlp.) Beatlleliavid P Com'n Beauchamp A Brunei.. CarrlaKes, Ac.' Beancbaiup K iim lleaiiclinnip F. X jeweler! Beiuicluunp ],. Ij, A Co ... Do llettiicbamu W ii air, Ac' Bwuchemtu A Co Thn-HliliiK Muchlues. \Vhol. Hooks, u 3 H 3 3 as, Piilnta. U Soila Wi.,4>r. L .Smla Water. I, Beaiiehemtn Js Valo: Beauiloln Autfllne Beuuiloln A iJliilBi.t: Beuudoln Jos. K ..„„,. „ Beaiuliy A Jeweler' K Beaudry II. A Co ....Do ? Bwiiidiyj. A Palntii, Ac. K Beaudry J ules Pabitor. Bwuii rv A Uirralu I.eaiher.Ac. O av Beaudry M Blacksmith. I. Beaudry ^arri8se A Frere . Jewelers, o 3 Beaufoy Arthur oro. H '1 BeailfoyF.C (;„,. h ;< BiMiufoyH urn. K 3 Beaufoy Hauiuel Hahsin. i, Bi>au ae U Church Urnaiueuts. BeaiiUeu 1). A Painter. Beauiie Andi-e Furdrcsser. I, Boaiino Maglfll:« um. ii au BeaupreC DruKS. L Beauvals E. A Co Boots A B1"«b. K Braiivals Oldeim Haioon Beauvuis I. A Beauvals A Peirault. . . . Beeheivr Carl Beck M. D Beck W. F Beg I, 3 BelalrL.AT ...Fancy (JiVMisi K » Bemir Leon P . . 0,^,. BelalrOvlla (;rookery. Belanfter Adolph Cabluetmkr. H 3 BeUofer Antolos Tlnamltb. 3H Belanftorj Clean L BolanKer Mdine. J MllUnerr, L Belanner Joseph B idlder. K Belanner N Hm L flelill Mg, Paul A Co Mufrs. SoWliig Bilk B'Vl (Also New York Clt.v, Boston. Ac.i Bellveaii Aluie Hotel Bellveau llUalre Ilmilware; n'lH'i'^- Whol. l.lciiiors. P, Be J AT Mnfis. Shoes, D !!" • '^.•',ni»'on A Co.. Whol. Prod., Ac. F e evlUo I, Hotel. K SM llellhfluse, Macpberson A Co Ii-on 1. •■ .. „ ^ ,. Miifrs.' Amenta. II 8)6 1 enidliu* II, A Co HiitJhers, L S? JjciOainln 11. A Co. . . . stone Uuarrles. Ii Bennett A Co Whol, smtlonery, K 3 Ilennett J D. Cal.lnetware. H 8 jjenn c> I dwai-d Waiehoimeman. I, llcnnlnw .tt Barsaloii Auctluneenj. B m Benny, MaopUersou A Co Whol. ii»„ I. J .^ Ilanlware. B 1 BenoltJ, E Tailor, I, Bene Uouu prod, P il'!"'J»; Tobacco, K Bene t Pierre Contractor. K Beiiolt Z Flour L Benson W Fancy Uoods.' L Benson W. T Whol. Cheii-.lcals A ilri-'JiiVj'i.* '■'" Prlnti™: K 8)4 Beranl A Mngor Carriages, K 3 HeiK h, Oen'l .Vferchant BerKor thus .Builder. H 8 BerKcrOe^i; Jeweler. Beriieron Bros. »hoea. K S Bei'Ki'roii A Ca K Blnuley A Clark Teas', Ae. Blnks I'. II. tfi Co... Whol. IiuporUi , .,*5P"'''>'t'«I>ltal#,'i«,U00toJiily3l,ia)a. BlackALoeke Whol. Leather A i.i„ .1, «. I 1 Com'n. F a.Hi B ack A I^iichren carpenters. K 3)* Bhu'kburn John Com'n J), o. a Blakcney J. A Co y[fi, k BjaekiminOeo Ship Chandler! K a'i B aokwiMjd Hubert Ho,la Water, lilalklixk Bros Wareliouseinen. L .Ti I amhetj- Boots A Shoes. L Bleau A MUolte 1) O L 3^4 Blomele.v Kdwin Coal Oil Stores. K 3^ B oiiillii I'len-e Tanner, Ac. Benin A Woral. Biumenilial lleni-y Tailor Blnmenlliai M. A Co Clothiers! I, lloas II. A. ACo Whol. I), o. Ii 3 3 8 3!4 BoeseJoseph.. '.Dyer! K 8 3 3 Bolre A.... Carpenter! L BoU-e Henri ...Oro. L 3)4 3Jt ^ MONTREA.L, Que. Bolamenn Felix Contractor. 3W BolMcaii Bra* D. O. H 8 BolMcitu T O S K MUi BolMl Alnhanae Hlineii! H 3 Bol«v»ri J, II (j„, Bulviu Uiilllanme Whol'.'iiTOt* A go'luoj'-- BlackHinlth. K 8 Bolton John Fruit. L Bond ift Co ilrukorH BomUlmrKe Uents' Fiirn'K.' BonilJolinll I'mv H 1 BonlnA :. ...; • (Vm H 3 Bonncyllli! A Co Alf'vnu'. BoonOjw Kxpro«ii, .tc. L Horrlo J. J. A L'o Coin'n BoMttniso A (Jiinllner Wliol. Iniim. uouc lanl Ainnlilo Fancy UimmIs. Houi'.herA.J Mu»Io. I, Boucher is Fnilt^ K Boucher l8ul« hIuicb. L, Boucher T IlatsAfuiw. J, BouilrrauJ. M d O ji lloulanger (tuatuvo I)ruir». I, Bouprec jtmttn. 1. Uounton JoH. Lumber. K 3 i ounlon U P. O. Tobacco. L BonrKcuu A Uttlhin Wliol. HdIcch. (* IJourifct Thoiiiiui Furrier K BourKouin A Co Lumber. BourKouIn Ityaclntlie Contractor. F BourRouln L JiulWw. BonrKOua BrgKHChaa. A flatter. 1) I'j BriHbol.sJ Saimm L BrlHuetto M. II... Wliol. I'atent MetU). H 3 BrlllHh American DyeUiK Co.. o 2i4 3 3'-!, 3 1 3)4 Browne I*. D. A Co . Gxebange Brokera. (1 2V| ... Fancy (liKHla. II •i\^ 'Hi BnicoChos. Bruce O. c Sewing Machlnca! Bruchenl Paul J). u, y Brule Jean F oni. L BrunetA am K Brunet Alfred Dnuca. K Brunetl) Hlioea. I, BninetF Oa» A hteani Fitter. 1, „„ Bninet Francola X BooUAShnon. K 3'a BrunctJoaeph HliUder. Brush Hwirgo Foundry. \> Vi Bryaon T. Sif. A Co C. 11. Brokitra. L 3'ii Bucbauan U. II, A Co Whol. _ , . , Machinery. Ducklugbani T Carlagea. K BncknallJ. M. ACo..8hlp'g*('ora'n. II 3 Bullngjym. B ..."... Draga. K 3 Burner Henry. Jr Liunber. F 2'4 BumerJolin Builder. P 'i'i liuliner A Mhenpard Bricknikra. B 1 Bunt n Alex ,£ Co Mnfra. Paper. A + Al Burch Frank Wlnea, Ac. L 3;. O. L Bun-ell J..Warelioii8cmaii"A'iixpreH»! L \A Burrell llobort Confce. K 3 IliUTowa Tlioa (;oal. K Uurtondflo !!!! ! oro L Buaaeau A. A Co '..'.!f'l«8rH' K Buaaeau II. Leather. L Buawell Walter rland A. A Frore Shoes' i; lumhlyA Montreal Navigation Co. E ( iHnipagneA Hergenm Jewelers. I, cluiiiipagrB n. JI. A Co.. DO CliiiniiMsau Loula liiiilder! L C inniplaln Marble Quarry A Lime Co. R < liamjHmx C. T shoes 1. chandierc. II. A co..:::::::::co,Irn Chaudler Harlow Whol. Pruv" CliiintWoup W Mnfr. Lampa, Ac! E Cliapeleaud Safest F C'hapclcau .los. A ills p'rlntcrs C lapjlcaii A fAbelle Books. Ac. O Chaplin iCdwanl Broker P Chapman Henry A Co Whol. liro D C'ftl'iit A Furniture. L Chaputt* Llverv H ClmputL.. l.-|laACo .«K' K Chaput Ixjon (>,« j. Charlionneau A (Jontractor! L t^harbonueau J. JI D O (1 Chai iMmneau L. H (jro K t'harlxmneau Jxmla PlaiiVngMlu! F Charbonneaii Mdnie Muliner K Charcftt K (j|.(j Chui eat Joseph ! Contractor! Lhoreat LUrlc. Cablnetmkr. K (mictte Joseph.... H'waro A Painter. Chaioboa A ACo Contractors. (ihttiiebola Alphonae (jrn n Cliurlebola J), it Co. .. Tina' Chorlebcda It Whol. A jVet Oro! K CharielMila M. c. A Co D O II Clmrlebola I* Hotel" K Cliailcl.oU P. (1. A Co. Freight Brokers! Cliarleimls W. A Broker CharlUm K. J. A Co ".' Wimki' Charpcntler Louis Tins' I, Cliarron Felix Boots ABhoea! K Cliarron Marcelln Trunks A ,„ . . „ Umhrellas. I, Char rand F Builder. Chartrandfl Saloon. L C lartrau.l Mrs Millinery. K Clmrtrttud Moise (jro li Charlraiul 1' Shoes L Chartrnnd Pierre Builder! O 3 CbaaoACo Shoes L Cheuetto C. .-. Wood' H 3 Cheuevert A. . Cni^.cuter! L J'r,'"r,>^' *^- * •-'• I'ateuf Meds. L CilldaChas Mnfr. Lasts. P Chllib! (loo v« Co Whol. Urn. D Ch aho ni llroa...Whol. A Jtet. Books. « C ilaliolm C. J Hardware Broker. K Cholelle J. T. C oro £ ClKKliiettt; N . . Tobacco! L Chretien Joseph Mantelmkr. I, c iriat 111 I'hos Furniture. L thrlatlnjos fjro i, Ohrlatln JoHoph 'd q' CUrlatln Joaeph A Co Whol.' Soda Chnrch C. F. A Co Cloth?^! L 3)J Clnnnmra K ]). «] h 3 8H 3 3^j 3U 3)s 3 3)» Clrco Nap '.'.Tal'lor! i, " Ciiiggot A Talt D. O II .1 i^^^^:.:: Broker! U I 3 Clark Edwiu Am t'larkll bU™ f- ClarkA Lefort Dyers' ,S'!'"'S T^ I'; * Co NlckolpUiters! L Clarke P. A Broker Clarke O A W. Hooka A F'cy Ooer, i'alniiau &Co Whol. ,, .„ Uarrtwaru. P 3 CooiwrWm Furnltnre. L Copland Cuyler Shipping Agent. F i'o Copland 4 ilcLarcn .coiu'u A ,, , .„ . . , Founders' Supplies. V !;<. Corbe e.\. U-.J ..loro. K 3 CorbellleF u,.,i j£ -i Corbellle Paul Oro'., jjc! K 3 Corcoran \V. F Launilry. L Cordtugly c. H. A Co Cordials. K 3 Corlstlne James JS Co Whol. Furs. C Con-lgan Henry Suhsm. G Corriveau 1). & A Mufrs.sllk. O corrlveau David, Jr Butcher. L CoBten Thos. A Co Ounsnilths. G Costlpnn John Wood. F Cote Counter Co p Cotton, Conuttl 4 Cu 'wh'ol'. „ , ,, ,. Chemicals, Ac. E ConffhlluM shcres. L Coulllaiil AuRuste Hardware, o Coulllard L Shoes. L CoulBou K. B. A Co Mnfrs. B. A S. Coultry A . B u tcher. Couplard W. F Crockery, Ac. Courcelles Keml s C™ K J. A. I Furniture. ^ CralgJ. W. ACo Gro. L ,Td CralgJas. I' Pianos. H 3 Craig \\ m. B Jobber Sniallwarcs. 3 CraneABalnl Com'n. D i»a Crathern A Cavorhlll...Whol. H'ware. A AI CrathemThos (jro Crawfonl David Whol. A Hot. Oro. F <;rawford A Gonlou oro. ,, . . (See D.Crawford.) CreelmuiJ Gro K creighton W. H Auc'tl'oDeer. an fi 3^ m Orevler Augnstln Trader. H Xi Crevler Francis Shoes L Crevler T. ........ .Wbol. A Ket. Tins! Crevler Zephlrln Tins. Crllly John A Co Mafrs. rtiper. F CM.suph Joseph Shoes. L Crosseu Chad Saloon. L Crossen George Saloon. K CrotcauA aiioes. K Crolpau Geo. A Co Gro L Crowi) John Bla'cksmltb! K Crowe Miss JI Hair, Ac. L Crowhurst Wm Shoes. L Crown John Blacksmith. K 3 Cniickshank Geo Wbol. Pnsl. F m Cudily James n (i h 'j " Cudily Michael ."u u' k 3 CuddyT.C DO L ■lu. Cunningham Bros .'.'Marble.' L Cunningham C. II Com'n 2 Cunningham James Shoes. L Cunningham w Tobacco. Currau John Pork, Ac. K Cumm M Oilcloths. L Cuiran P Tailor. Cumo A luglls Tailors. L Cunle W. A F. P. A Co Wlioi: <-..,™< t. . Hardware. C Currigim K A oro. K PniTT.Vi-fT U.K. Agent. Curtis H. H Druira L Cusack Chas. J. A Co '.'.■.Com'n.' K o Cusack John Caniagos. H aji Cush ng A Co Wh(d. Smallwafes. Cushlng F. A G Wbol. 1). (1. Cus.son Alexis ()r„ g Cusson Antolue Carfiages! O Cussonf,. Tinsmith. K cusson F. Xavier Undertaker. L Cusson.lus (jro jf Cuthbert K. A Son. . . . Brass Foundry" Cutler I'etcr yroen Gii. H Dagenals J. C Dagenais Pascal.. Daiglo Pierre. 2H 3)a 1J4 3 8)^ Tailor. L ...Builder. .Prod. K ,3!,, Daiguault Chas '.'Baker. K Dalglish Itobert Ciuu'u Oalrymplo Jauuw Oi-o' H Daly A. 1) Com'n. Uaiuler A Descotos. . . Picture Frames. Danperlleld W Shoes E Dansercau M. F. A Co Agents' Dausproau T Carriages. L Dauzlgger II Fancy Goods. L DaoustJ. V Druirs Daoust 1,. J. Z ""■" (j?o' Dtt„i .. «, Goods, a Delonne A Frnre Butchers. L Deorme Joseph Tins 4 Gasfltter. L Dt-nneOvld Leather. Dehinno Simeon Wbol. Leather. E S DemersACo Haidware. K DemersFreres Gro. K 8 Demer80e«.,jr Butoher. L Demers L. O oro L Demers Louis Bn'tohBr! H Demers Pierre H'ware A Coals. P Demers T. A H Habei-dashery. L Denholmoeo Com'n a DeobiACo Palnte A H'ware. r, . , ^ ('See L. N. Denis.) Den s Joseph Beer Bottler' L 3H Den 8 L. If. Paints A H'ware. H si {'!»» M Painter. L {J?°'''P- •;■•■; Painter. L Denneau Louis Crockery. L peomAOorand Confec H Depatl Napoleon Tin Roofer. K DepatleJ. B Lumber. ''e''['yO. J.. Fancy-Goods. K Derby W.D Jeweler. L Derome A Beaudry . . . . Boots A Shoes. H™"*? Hatter. Dei-omeLeon,Jr Butcher. L Derome Le<>n, sr Butcher. O Deronln Ephraiui Builder. L pesciamps A. A X Shoes. K pesohamps Albert Gro. A .SaUK>n. L DeschampsL Saodler. L Deschamps N shoes. peschampsZ Saddler. L DesilctsC. M DruEs DesjardlnsC. ACo '.'.'..Hats' Des arrtlns Celina D. G H pes anllns E. U oro. 4 Baker. L pes anllns Jean A. . . Phys'n 4 Drugs. K pen anllns Dr. L. A. E.... Drugs. K pen anllns Mary Ann Milliner. K Des. anUusP. AL D. G K peslogcs Louis, Jr Tobivcco. DesmaralsC oro L I>esma -uls Lonis K Photographer. O peaniarais A Kenaud Carriages. K Desmarteau C. A Co Oto O pesinarteau A Co wiiol. Gro. E Desmartoau 4 Dupro Gro K Desmarteau Jus D O pe Sola Bros. A Collins. ..Whol. ProiL H 3 Pesormeaur J. Z Qiovemkr. DesormlorsP oro. L DesrochersE DO DesrocbersO "Tailor L Desrochers Pierre B Tailor" K pesroches M. A Tobacco, Ac. G t, pe Tonnacour L. C Tailor. O s DevanyMi-8 DOK pevins R. J . . . Whol. A Bet. Druggist! E a Devlin H Dyer L pewsbury A flriggs.... Com'n B. A s! L peZoncheC. C Music, Ac. H DeZoucheOeo. C. ASons Paper. ,,, , . hangings, o i^!"'',,*.'^" Condition Powders. L ii"?- •" ;,■ • Maible. L Dinaliau p Qm j{ 8'™"w;; Tobacco! K DionnoThos G 8 K Dixon W.H. ACo '..'pipes! L pobell Henry 4 Co ....Com'n. F DoildWm Oro G DoddsRobertB oro K Doherty Mrs... Fancy Goods! L Doherty Patrick . oro U J'"|""Jy T. Teas. L Doherty Wm oro K Dolan Francis D o" D Dominion Hat Works.... Dominion Leather Board Co (See Dominion Oil Cloth Co 'hambly.) ^ Dominion Paper Co " jj pomlnlon Plate Glass Insuraii ji'co.'!! o Dominion Safe Manufactory (See pomlnlon Tweed 4 Wool Co. . . !^. .*""' a ai Dominion Typo Foundry 'p od p<«nlniqueA.. culler! L ^ DonaghyC Gro 1)4 ponahuoWm Whol. Oro. E aS ponalsAPrere Gro. A Llq. K 3 Donnelly d. o Ac L 5)« ponnelly James 4 Son. . . . WhoL D. o! D iS Donne y John Contractor. D 8 ponnelly P. 4 Co Lumber. L DonovanM Shoes. K 3)4 Donovao p. whol. Lnmber. K 2 DoDOTBQT. J Tanner. Dorals Joachim Hotel lu porui Patrick Furniture. ^ DorayAmjjble Saloon. F 2)4 Dor«y»PU» q^ h J" 3)4 3)1 3)a 8)4 3)4 3 3)4 m 3)4 3)4 3 3)4 3 3 3 3 a an 3)3 3»4 3)4 »4 .3)4 P 2Hl 3)4 2-'4 3)4 3)4 1)4 Dfeo. L ■IM Kent, h 33 omls. G ■^ hers. 1, Itter. L ther. thcr. E Q pare. 1£ Oro. K 8 3hor. L Oro. L 3;^ Jhfir. H a ualii. F in* lery. 1, lu'n. ysi rare. nis.) tier. L HV4 ■arc. H 3^ Iter. I, itor. h eiy. L sa ifec. H 3 ofer. K 3H ber. mU. K eler. L 3^ oes. ;ter. lier. L lier. O 3 (ler. L 0C8. K 3 HID. L lier. L 3M 3)3 3h! »4 sa m mi 3 8)!i 2S 3>a 3!^ a)i i5| 1)4 P P 3H MOKTREAL, Que. DoroJ.II D.O. O 3 DoreM. <&C0 WooiL K 3 Durion E up .] porlonOeo Fuicy Uu./.ui.' DorviilJ. II n O iJiviRall J. f. * Co Machinists! n.MiKiill Joliu A Co Whol. Leather. F 2?6 UouftluA Alexander Snoea. F 2'i Iiouglmi, r;:(itlior*Co Lumber. K DoiiKlas J. M. >£ Co WUol. Oro. & Douslas 4 MoNolce Cnw'i™!^: F iH, DouKlas William Shoes, o 3 lioutuey w. I, o,.o K 3 IJoutreJos Tnuler F 2i^ Dow William A Co. ... Whol. Brewers! B+ 1 DowrtTllos Qro Q 3 Downey Dennis* Co Prnlt! Downey Hugh, Estate oj oni. K 3!4 Doyle Tims Shoes. DrapeauA Watches. L praiioau * Cliampigue Tina. L 3>4 Drapean Pablen iins. K 3 Draycott Albert W oro. K Draycott Chas. P D. u. L 3% JJ'';''"''X iv^- * *^'' Tailor. L 3)4 DiiscollThos ur» Drouln Octave Builder. Drouy MlHs A Milliner. I, pium&Houle Hatters. L R'^, Drumni William Palutur. K a"* Drumniomi Bros. A Co.Flnancldl Airts. O ^"4 Driimraoud Chas Conrn. I, s** Drysdale Wm. (ft Co Books, u 3 Dube II (jro. i, Dubois Hector ..Kaloou. L Dubonl A.ACo Tobacco. F 2Vi DutxiiilN Tobacco. I., :A gunuW Brokers. Dunne Henry Saloon. S Duperouasol Tobacco. L 3>* pupleasts D Contractor. L DuiwntO Shoes. L ,3H DuiMHit Narclsso Wooil. H '1 Dupraa Callxte <& Co om. F 2)4 Dupi-eBioa Lumljer. K 3 Ditpula Bros D G H "1" Diipuls J.A Paints! DupuisPoter Tobacro, Ac. p 2'« Dupuy Alex. A Co Wliol. Lumber. F 2^ Ducjuet Francois.... Harness & Shoes. K 3 Duquet Joseph Wood. K 3 DuquetteNap Shoes. L 3!4 Durauceau C. T Shoes. K 3'4 DuretteT Watches. L purocher I. B Hotel. H 3 DuroohorJ. B Watches. K 3>a Duroclier o Tins L DurochurP. D Oro L Dussuult Louts Fancy Goods. L 3)4 Duaaault Plen-o Fancy Oohu Founder. Flnlay F. F Whol. Lumber. Finn Martin A Co Whol. Liquoi-s. fJunlV Trader. FlnzelA.... Furniture. FUchel O. A Co Whol. cigars. Fischer Geo Butcher. Plsette PieiTe Gro Pish, Shephcnl A Co Whol. D. O. Flaher V. L. . . Sewing Machine Agent. Fiaher Chrtatian Butcher. Flaher John A Co News Olllco. Fisher Mark, Sons A Co Whol. _, Woolens. Flsk A W anllow Whol. Shoe Fltts, Clark A Co ^Bakws! Fitzgerald Mlas Fancy Oowls. Fitzainmiuus James Shoes Flanagan J Livery. Fianigau A .'ly Tins. glMilffan P Gro. Fleming A Duquette Carriages. F Xi L ."i.'ii F 2\ O 3 B 1 K SJii L 3 (.J H 3 L F '2)4 H 3 C 1 H 3 H a L L 3)i 1> 1)4 H 3 K H 3 D Hi C 1)4 B+1 2!4 D lii F 2)4 D If-j E 2 B 1 C 1)4 L 3)4 E 2 L K 3 L 3)4 L 3>s AAAI K 3 3 K L K 3 L a-s E -^hi F '2 'a 3)4 3)4 3 K 3 L 3!'i K aw, K a II a K 3 L avi L 11 3 H 3 K 3)4 L A A] L 3)4 i' as? L 3S4 L 3)4 li H K If 2)4 FloodF.O uro Ploront A 1) Q Flyn L........ silwii. ilynn Mrs. E...D. O. A Fancy Umicls. IfogsrtyABro Mnfrs. Shoes. JogartyT uro, K lo ay A Laoosse BuUdem. L Foley Janiea u (j jj Foley Michael Pork Dealer! H £,'"'yjf''» MUUnei7, AC. L FoleyThoa (Wu'u Footoer M. A. A Co Fancy i^isau! II Forl'OS.StevonsonACo.Whol. r ,fts. i.cfce Anthony Waruhoii, m. O *>"■<;«•• StockAShaicmokor. lord J. J Cuufoc. rorrt James m,, r ^o"! W. Fancy 'disHu! Fordo ThoB Carpenter. t orgue A Coutu Carpenters. 1. Fonnanjolin Com'n L Forsyth Robert. . Whol. Marble Works'. Fort er FeUx J Cabluotuikr, K tortlerJ. M Cigars L Fortjer Maxlme Cabluetwaie. L Port or Michel Coal Oil A Lamps. K JortlnK. Salooit K Fortln J.T Saloon. !C"''!f" '.'"'''" Forwantar. H 1' ortln Marcel Crockery A Tins. L Fiirtln Nicholas .....Gro L Foster A. M R. K. Operator. C FoaU'r K. L. A Co Mnf la. Boots A „ . , Shoes, Ac. U iostor James Com'n. K I'ournler Chaiies oro L FourulerJ. B Tavern. L Fowler J Fancy Goods, L J,"""*; ■ HatsAi-uiB, L FranthereL. o Tailor L Francis W. A B Whol. Haniwaie. I) JrauevW'm... Salmm. K Frappler Joseph Gro L n-aaerAdamB uro U Fraser Chas. L Sewing Machines! JriwrD ....CoalOU. O Braseroeo (jm Fraser John A Co Who.'fa. o! leaser Win Gro. A Ice, i rechette Clement BooU A Shoes, !■ reclietlo A Vallerand Hardware. irceman AlLin Saloon. J remeau I.puls Jeweler. iriedbergL Hattor, Froldyeaiix F. F Blacksmith. t rothiiighara A Workman Whol. c„ ,., , , Hardware Fruit er Louis Brushes. .. iriiltler Mdnie Fancy Goods. L Fuller A Hhufelt Whol. Prod. I ul er Thos. A Co Com'n Mors. F FiUlum George Butcher. JiinkuF. W Mnfr. Stovepipe. K iiirnlsa B. A Co Warehousemen. Fy fe James Mnlr. Scales. O h an u it I* 3)4 8 8 8)t 3)4 P 3 3 8 A] 8>* 8 Oailbols Raphael Shoes Gaguon Arthur Ins. Agent Oagnonc Tobacco. OagnonChns oro OaguouF. H Painter, Oagnon Louis Canlagea. Oagnon A Meunler do oagnon T. E Eloctriidater! Oalrdner R. J Com'n Oalarneau Bros ' d g' OalarneauM.c Leather! Oalarneau P. M. A Co WUol. D. O Oalbralth A Co Tailors Oalbraith Wm "/m Oallbert A Son 'r'aauers' Galipean J B Contractor. Oa^ agher Hugh Saloon. Gallagher John Bhoetlttor. Gaunu Jamea (jro. Gardner John Drii'ggist' Gardner Jos Contractor! Ganlner Robert A Son Founders. Oareau 1). A Co (jro Oareau K R. A Co Furniture; Oareau F... Furniture, Oareau F. X oro Oareau J. L. A. A Co 'fallor! GareauS Fiinilturo. tlarlepy Damasu Shoes GariepyK oro! (tarlcpy \\ . Builder. OarpnMlssB Stationery, Ac. Garth Chailes A Co Whol. A Rot. „ , Plumbers, Ac. Oarvan Hugh nlioes. Gascon Bros Ofo Gascon U Saloon! Gatehouse Felix Tins Gaucher J. A D.'d., Ac' UMlcher A Tclinosse Whol. Gro. OaudetteJ. A Shoe*. danUrd Aladtii Lemonade*. I. L •!!S 3hi L K L L Vi K F F V L H 3 K 8 I' S)« li • MONTREAL, Que. iii'if '•I OftaUBroii.4 3'!j OoitdesC. & C. o Brokers Oedrtos H. U B. K. Ageuu F 5 pecn Wm slioes. OeUuaaWoorKe Hotel. JI 3 Uenclron J. l- Jeweler, h 3 Oeuereux Uuezlme Oojitnictor. Oentesse C Machlntat. H 3 OeoIMpnTheophUe shoes. K 3 Cjorahlip. S Bestaurunt. Oerber J Saloim, &b. l Oerhardt ft Co. . Model ft Pattern Mkrs. OomialuA Shoes. L OemialnMrs Milliner I, Oerrle Adam whol. Tobacco, it 2)i Ger-ala&Co (lit). K S's Oer\ttl8 D Carriages. 1, Oorvsls Joseph uy Merrals Miss M. ft Co M uitnery.' L, 3!4 S!?P$^^; Tailors. K iC Hiil^ P.. Thomas A Co Com'u. K 3 «'be«uO... Shoos. L Olbeau ft Parent oro Olberton A. ft Co.. .Whol. Genu Mors. C IV, Oidney Tins. I> Gilbert E. E. ft .Sons Machinists. GUlftOecn.. Joiners, ftc. F i^ OUleapie, Mofflitt A Co Whol. „,,,, ,„ ClnniMcrs. B + Al Gllllce W llimlivure. OUmour ft l;o Whol. Lumber. AA Al UUmour J. V. A Co. ..Whol. D. ii„ Ac. c 1 Ojlmoar Mrs. Mary Saloon. O 2W GlngrasA.J Cigars, Ao. Glngras Hoiioro l>. C). II 3 GlngrasL. H Tobacco. I, eirarilA Sllverplatcr. L Olrard Auguste Prod. O 3 Olrard Hubert d. (J Ulrouxft Bernard Hanlwaro.' K 3'^ Ojroux Isaac, Jr Butcher. L 3ii OlrouxJoseph Paluter. 1, SS Olroux Joseph Tinsmith. OirouxP O Druggist. L 3Hi GrouxW.. TaW. I, O adstone Mrs. E Milliner. I. 3!4 Glassfonl A. W. A Co. .Mnfrs.' Agents. Ohiaaford 0. A Co tHnii'n. SS, O enC. Plumber. 1, 3'a G leunyB. Painter. L Olobeusky L. A. A Co... Fancy Goods. K Glover A Brals Whol. _ „ , HaberiUiahery. a 216 OnaetUnger I,. , Son A Co Whol. _ ,, , ^ Furs, Al'. D 2 Oodin Joseph Hatter, o 3 • 'ohlerH.ACo r» Cl H 3H iJoldberg J.. kuis. Goldatein A. ft Son Tobacco. „ .. . . „(Seo A. Goldstein, Quebec.) Ooldateln S. J. .Oro. ft Warehouseman. Ooltman 8 Tailor GootlcblldH Mnfrs." Agi'nt.' K Ooodejobnfi Agent, II Goodyear Bubber Co. of Canada. (Llinlted) y Gonlon A.. Scalemkr'. K GorclonAEgnu Plunibers. K Oonlon J. Alex, ft Co Brokers, h Gordon J. c. ft Co... Whol. Fish Mers. Gordon James A Co Com'n. K Gordon ft McLeod Flour Ac K Gorman Thoa Clothing'. "orrieA- Hairdresser. L Goudle Mrs. J Fancy Oissls. OoudronBros Bolts. H ah OougeonF. X Hardware. K 3 OougeonO.A oii). K 3ii Ooutd Ira ft Sons Mnfrs. Flour. C H« OouldJosoph Pianos. D 1« Ooolden J., JEatnte of Druggist. H 3 2!i 3'3 3 3'3 OonrreJ B Foathora. H 3 GoyetteF Shipwright, fto. J oyetto TroSle Carriages. O 2% traber Jacob Jeweler. K 3 (*ra(wJ' BookB,*o. II u Graham George Oro. H 3 Graham ft Prfngle Krult. L 3!4 Graham T. OlOua, Glass. Ac. K 3 OraiiRi-rN Paluter. I, 3% Grant Henry Jeweler. Mr?"J,?*?? Crockery. L Gnuits. D Shoes. 1. "llJt'™"-. Tobacco. U 3 OravelACo £> q 3 Gravel Frerea Gro.' F 2U, OravelJ N ......silJo": L ^' OravelOUver on> L lu Graves W .. ^I?' fc 'iil Gray Henry It :.;;;:br..gS: r 2^ ;irettvesJ.J FaDcyOouSs. H !' Green K Gro. ft Tavern, h Green E. O. ft Co Whol. Uyiiors. Green Kugene uro. K SH Il!!^"'''Si''"'v-,:, Tailor. L Greene Bros. A Co Tailors. L 3)4 Greene Francis Plumber. K Greene A Maokay Plumbers. 1, 3?A GrccuoMrs Fsnuy Ooo<:s. c}reeueftS<)nsCo..Whol.HataftFur«. B 1 llroenshloUla S., Bon A Co. . Whol. D. O. B 1 Greer J.. Painter. tC S]i Grogoire David Carpenter. K 3)4 JJI^r'ri-* Whol. Oro. K 3 0™«A.N Painter. Orelgjohu Painter. L 354 Grenlcr J. ft Co Whol. D. o. E 2 GrenerM I>. O. A MlUlnery. K 3'A ""■V"'- yjtal- Tinsmith. G 2^ OrbbleW.H Ftmiiture. L sS Orler; eo. A Whol. Lumber. E 2 Jjf'r'Wn* Painter. K 3)4 JHIm" y*.'^'' '*'<»'' Broker. K ij)? OritlluJaiues tWeo. H 2'A OroleauF.,Jr n,,,. r, •" Gro.mieP.M Gro F 354 Gross, Clnru ft Co Mnfrs. Trusses. F 2V4 t.ri> hoJ. M Jeweler. GrotlieL. O Clirars T. <1>A OrolheThe-HlorcA ".".Jew*"™: L 3'1 Groulx M Shoes droves A Sauve Prov' "';""'"';'■ f,- « Painter! K 3>4 Guonctte N Brushes K 3 Guenette A Ferlaud Caiilnetware! K 8>4 ouerlu A Paint. L " Guerln C. 1,. A Co ij. o. K 3)4 OucrinF. AH ""..D.G. K 3? Guest James Whol Liquors. O 2? Guilijohn Picture Frames. L GuillaumeMlsses A. A M... Milliners. K S>4 GullmettoJ.O DO L Oulmunil ft M^or Colliiia! L 3^ GuudlnckA.G ••"•— — ...— t. . "'» Gimu J. A Gunn Mrs , Guun Win. ft Co ..Fancy Goods. L Gro. L .erD. A FaucyOoods. O Harper J. K. ft Co....Mnfg. Jewelers. H 3 1^ ih 3)4 I54 3)4 3 3)4 3)4 3 3 3 3)4 3H 3^ ^^ 3 3 3 3)4 3 .S)4 Harperft McDonald Baloon. L 3)4 "•njni'tou B shoe* H S^ Harris H.C Saloon. K 3)4 Hanls Ijuarus D. O. L HarrlaS. Mntr. HaU. H 3)4 Harrison Thomas D. O. O 3^4 Hart Bros. 4 Co Broker.. * giu-tPJ Oro. Hart l8»ac Mnfr. cigara. L }*'••"[ i; T. ft Son Opticians. L HartMarion A Co Whol. Fruits. O [[■"•'1J-; Gro. ALlq. r. Hurt ASon Job Printers. L Harto J. A DruggUt. O Harthtub, Smith A Co.... Whol. riuus. ,, ., . „ Gennan Goods. O "ftrtley A.T Patent Agent L Uartt Geo. F foal Shipper; Ac. F Harvey Goorge Sewing Machines. HaneyThos .XJoutractor. O H»«'y *<;<>•■• stoves. K HaswellU. ACo Whol. Drugs. E Hattou D. ft Co Whol. A llet. T. ... .. . Oystera. H 3 Hayea Michael ft Co f . Oro. L H^eaftMudge Agents. H 2)4 Haynenw oents' Fiim'g. ^ "ayn™ J Painter. H 3 UeadWm. Cattle. O 3 "ea,le.V Thos . . Saloon. L Healy Christspher D. G. A Coal. L HealyM. C Books. II J}®*'';**' Mnfrs.' AgenL L HearloJ. O Mnfr. Soap. D IJearn ft Harrisou Opticians. F „ HebortChaa Boxmkr. K 3 Hecker Jos Mnalo. L 3)4 Hodge Mrs Tavern. H 8 Heelan Michael Boots ft Shoes. H 3 HeUbremcr J Mnfrs.' Agent L H"}!? ^,VV ;,■ *'""'• t'lilifuons. L He Uwell J. B com'n Mer. K Uclmsley Ulclianl Jeweler. K 3)4 Hcmond P. A Son Boota ft Shoes. L 3)4 Menault 1). ft Co Saloon. Henault ft Dubrule Oro. ft Ida L Uenou tL.H Ice.ftJ. O 3 Henault W. L. ft Co oro. K 3)4 Henderson A . . Photographer. K 3)4 Henderson D. II Lumbe.-. S? HendersonJ.T BooksASUfy. K 3 Henderson John A Co Furs. E 3 Hemic I jiou A Lovelace Coal. E 2 Henderson Wm Lumber. Hemerylt.ACo Sliverplators. II 2>. Hendroy A Cowan Whol. Teas. F 2)4 Heney A L.icn,ix....Sa. U U -it en im »rs L 8H tllH I. lltM (» 3 hlq «rH L 3H rUt U i«* UUM (Mill O snt. 1. al? ibC F m« tor (t 3 rpii. K a XKS. U a tut. in. H 3 Iro. 1. lltK. H SH >'B. kir. H s tin. (♦ 3 on. I, 3H >iU. li Iks. II 3 jnt. 1, ■SH np. I> i)« IIH. K ,s kr. K 3 ■Ic. L 3H ru. H 3 «». il 3 nt 1. CH. 1. «r. K er. K 3H HMl. L a>4 111. aq. L io. (1 3 m. K 3M er. K 3^ e»'. s>i 'r. K 3^ Ta. K a mU K 2 or. m. 11 2>, u. K 2>j| re. U. H 1** CO. *' 2)4 2!4 li svi *' 2i« 3 I. H 2>4 U 2*4 L 3)t n a L f K SJ4 K 3 L »H L 3>« K 3 1. K a B+ T 1 a 3 f* 3 a Vi MONTREA.!., Que. BS5Si?''£* ^- W»<>'' Wlnea, Ac. o |oTk.«a"w.:;:::;:::.::;:;AS,1li"tS?:S Horaeueome StaUoneiC Home ■lyo.. J... Beer flotUef o Howlaon Henry * Co Crockery. «»•!.„ 1 * .> <"*« W- * »• Yiille.) HowIandASon WlioL Prod. „„„,. , (See Toronto.) 523 "^ ^"""^ Contractor. E Howley James Cooner SUfi*,'}',".'"^."""--- Wliol. Leatfier." E S"V^";' "«>• J- * Co Oiitlclnns. I, Uudon J. A AncUoneer. I, UuilunJ.ACo 'Vhol (Tro •• Hudon *Or»all I Who 1. oSi L Hudon V. Cotton MUl Co.... a UiKlon Victor Com'n' nii(l»on(l.H Plctiir™: .Pictures. L 3)4 HudHou Wm. ACo AwuIubs. HiiK M!8 l.ouls Tombstones, Ac. H Hiiglu's A atevonson Plumbers. L SHf™»"B Upholsterer.!, Hulek A... Furrier, t. 2)4 a>4 Humiilireys W. 8 Fancy Oooils. L Huuslcker Jacob E com'n F Hunt, Barnes A.Co Oysters. F Ti..,i.. ,1, <■*■"* Baltimore, Md.) Hurley Wm rjro r. -ru, HuruiuA DO HurtuWse Benjamin aro.AFlo'ur! H 2)4 HuitublseAUlrouard Tailors. L sS Huston C. whol. Clotlilnir. E 2 HustilU F Clotlil.r I- 5 Hutchins J. B. A Co..;:;;;::; L^nihe^ '^ ^ Hutchison John.. .. "^'a"™ n lu Hutton Jas A Co. . . .WhoLHirtware: o 1 illitUs^J^*'* ^?.*'"'?""- ^ 2 1 *fi . Com'n. luglls James Photographer. luuea James Bookbinder. K Irvine W.... oio. I, ItwluA ArinstronB.Missesy.Mliiiuery! l' Irwln Mrs. Edward MUUnerv. H 3 I rwln Kobei t . Saddler. O 2). Ives H. H. A Co.... Mnlrs. Hardware. E 2>; 2)4 2)!, Jackson Alfred H Com'n Jackson Bros MnJTB. leasts: L Jai'ksuu H. F OruKS H Jacobs Abraham.. Clo. A Pawnbroker: H Jacobs*... Chignons. T . (°?'*fa'i»? Jtil'VlH tr flwi T QIJT Jay p. E. A Co .".".■.En^ii^S: K ^ JeDery James Blacksmith. H 3 Jellymau It Mufr. Bandboxes. Jette Louis Saloon. L Joasslu A Martin Bhoes. L J';,';;;^, Trailer. K Jobln U Saddler 1, Jobln A Tancrede ;:;;("», K Juilulu A. A Co Harciwai-e. JodiiluA. ACo Hotel I. Jodoln A A rus Lumber Johnson John A. A Co Oro. A Lla. O JoiiiBou John I Hams, Ac. K Johnson Mrs. Margaret. .. «ro Johnson W Mnfrs.' Aiont; G Johnson Wm. A Co Agents. H Johnson Wm.F Com'n Uialn. H Johnston Bros Com'n, 2)4 3)4 3)4 Johuston Janios A Co Whol. D. O. B+Al Johnston John Qm 3 Johnston John L Fluid Beef: JuhusUinT Uarliln T. Johnston W.P ""shoes' O 2U Johnston Wm....;;; us 3^ JoUcmur Freres V." "d'g' O ? j"'.vo . ::::::::: :8iddier: JoneaArthur Oro L Jones A Burland....... 11.K. eupplies; joiies « Buriana....... 11.K. Supplies. U Jones A Co Hestaurant. L Jones John B. BooUAHhoes. 1. Jones Patrick Cablnetmkr. A Jones Wm.' F M^u^K ^ Jordanueu oro L JosephA Hatter I Joseph I. A sons..... ■.■.■.'.Jeweler* D 13 Canada. a 3)4 3>li 3)4 3)!, 3)4 V4 JosUnC.E Fopoom. L 8)4 JoubertLeon Boot* A Shoe*. Jouirray Camllle J Drun •JoyalM shoSe. H 3 JoyceA C'onfeo. K a joynerj Wood L .iu jujjin cvriiie ::::::;:::;: .T^SS; fe ig JuUenACo BooUAShoecL Juneau A MlUenr Carriages. L 3)4 Junoil 11. E Hatter. Jutiita Joseph Oro. A Llq. K 8 Kane John Tina K 8)4 KappOtto Mnfr. Corks: K 3)4 Kavanagb James Oro. L 3)? Kavanagli Michael. . . .Soap A Candles. E 3 Kearney Patrick Oilder Ac. I, Kearney Wm... Saloon. L K?»"'«tZ. A CO Oysters. K KeamsDaniel oro k iu KeamsNioota«................."'oro H 8^ KeelyJohn Wood A Coai; H 2>4 S®®1*.A™ Tailor. L 3)4 KeeviUe T Mnfr. Pauer Bagt L Kehoe Jas Fancy OooQs. Kel y Henry Butcher. K Kely James Clothing. L 3)4 KeUyJohn Clothing A „„,,_ „ Furn'g Ooods. P 2)4 5*Hy,^;-iv; Or». AI,lq. t. SW K«ly W. A Co Clothing, t KelseyJohn shoes, h Kemp A. E Hardware, h o; Kemp A Co.. Hosiery. B a KenilallG. W Agent L Kemlall Wm :;.;.;; Com'n Kennedy J. u. A Co Clothing. Kenneily P wooS. L ^tS?,^t^S Carpenter, a Kerfut W. H Plasterer. L KeroackA Tanner. Kerr Jas OU, Grain, Ac. H KewKAW Hardware. H Kerrigan A. oro. L KerrigMiJohn. Plumber. L Kerry, Watson ACo.. Whol. Druggists, o KersIiawThos ifroker. L Kliloer James F Com'n D. G. K KlelferJ. Machinist. L KeranF Whol. oro. G k eniim F Saloon. K K Iby It. H Whol. Hardware. F Klmhor James Paints Klinhle Jas., sr Photographer: H KlngAtwell "com'n L King H. G. .......Varoke?; L 5|h« JohnE Saildler. H KlngWm Furniture. K Klngan A Klnloch Whol. Qra. B Klugau A McBurney WhoL. Prod. H Kingston Frederick Whol. Wines, o fefuueW.N Hotel. Klnsel la p. stock Broker. H KiusellaJ. B. ACo oro. L Kluselia Nicholas Gro. A Wines. L. K rk, Lockcrby A Co Whol. Oro. D Klikpatilck Andrew Cooper. E Klrkpatiiok A Cookson Oom'n „.„ ,„. Flour, Grain, Ac. E 5'" Ja«t:----" Shoes. L Kneeu T. A D Contractors. « Know esF. B Superphosphates. L Knowlea W. M. A Co...Vvhol. il'ware. Kortosk M. A Co Whol. Furs A tr^t. c r, Woolens. D KyteS. C Printer. L 3)4 2)4 8 f"w"Jv; General Mer. E LabbeACo Brokers. H LabbeeA Ship Carpenter. L Labdon James Crockery. L LaboUe celiutt Furniture. fa^oUe? Shoes. K Labele Joseph GenU' Fui-n'g. L Labee Joseph Painter. K LabellB A Ixirtle Lumber. LabcllB A Mei-cler Millinery. L LabelleP.E DO H Labelie P. H Fancy ■Qoodg; L Labelle Pierre Tavern G Labelie Severe A Co. . . .Boots A Shoes. Laberge A. A Son Contractors. LabergeL oro. L Laberge Louis D. O L Lablnu JuiesACo D O H Laboute David 'TaHor: H l,abiecho Oiler D. A Co Painter. L Labreoque A Gro. O Labi-ccquo Chaa ■.'....".Tins. L Labrecque Edmund Builder. O Labifcqiie A Mathnrln Clothing. Labrecque Onezlme Contractor. Lacallle chas. A Co Whol. Oro. D Liu'aa Nfilme. Oodlrol Milliner. L Lacliance Isidore d. O. g Lacliauce Joseph Haberdasher. L LachauceS Drugs L LachapelleC Hotel. L LaoliapeUeL. A M oro. K LacostoA.... Hardware. L Latlurantaye C bboe*. I, Ufenrette Fablen Lumber. LaflammeA Trunks. Ac. T. 3!i Lattamme EdEurud Painter. L LaflammeJ Boots A Shoe*. ffSammeJ.B Uabenlasher. ^X 3 LatleurGeo oro L LaflenrB 'Baker H 8 Latleure Honor Artlfloiia stone: I, Lafond M qto L LafontalneAContoia .■.■.■.;Gro: L SM Lafontalne L. T om. I. LafortuneA 'oro Lafortune A Chalifouz .■" ' D. a. t, 8U Lafortune Oscar ciro Lafmnce Jos Butcher' Lafrenlere Adolpbe Tobacco: L LafrenlereC Tobacco H 8 ff^,5f«'2*,^i-S°«® Com'n: F 2)4 . Lagarde Paul A Co oro. G 8 LaliaieLoula. Blioes. K 3)4 LalngMurdooh Whol. ProiL D ig Liueunesse J ules Carriages LaJeunesse A Pclletier DTg' L Lake St Francis Navigation Co S a Lalande Joseph, Jr DO Lalanue A Blanchette Shoes: Lalllierte Molse... Crockery. H 8 LA eniamlA.. Hardware. K 3 L'Ailomand Fred. A Hardware. L 3)4 L^nde A... Hotel. 3)4 i5io"Sk'l2'p"rieii'.':;.^;.-.^'"""«"S?«J- ^ "^ f5Siee"l:::::::::::::::::::^,°kS: t '^ Lamarche, Demers, Prevost. A Co., , WhoL D. O. P 8 X-amarre A LabeUe DG Lamb Bei\iamia Butcher: K 8 ffSJThos BakerAGro. F 2)4 liBmbThos Oro H 3 fambo w B ....:::::::::toS™: ? ^ Lambert Jos Carpenter. Lambsliire A KobltalUe 'fruiika. K 8)4 Lamontagne BeivJamiu Builder. H 8 ■• Lainontagnep Painter. L 3)4 Lamontagne Hector Leather, o aS LamontagneJ.W Tailor. L 3)J Lamontagne Lambert Builder. K 3 Lamontagne Louis Contractor, a 2)4 Lamoureuz Leandre Joiner. L Lamoureux M. H. A Co.... Furniture. Lamouroux Ulrlc Oro., Ac. L LamyAFrero b. O. P »4 Lanclaux A Paqnette Mnf rs. T . ^ , ^ Sashes, Ac. O 2)4 LanototC. B Church Ornaments. H 3 Lanctot J. B. A Co Shoes. K Lander Thos OpUcian. Lane J. B Books f??"?,?™"^' TaUor; K 3)4 faneWm Saloon. K 3 Langevln A Monday d. o. l SH LangevinN. A Stationer. LaugfordJohn Mnfrs.' Agent L 3)4 Lang ands James Coffee Roaster. H 2)4 LanglamlB Thompson... C. H. Broker. L 3)4 Langlola Chas oro. L 3)4 Languedoo Eustache Butcher. H 8)4 Lauthler Augu.ite Tobacco. K Lan tiller ACo Hatters Lanthler David d g Lapliam A Cathcart Carpenters: K 3 Laplerro A . . Whol. Leather A Shoes. B 3 LnplerroB.q Hardware. L 3)4 Laplerre A Pleau Tins Lapleire Toussaint Shoes; P Laplorre Zcphirln Mnfr. Shoes. B I^aplante J. B Printer. L Lapolnte Francois oro I, LaiHjlute Francois, jr Builder. Lapolnte A Jasmin Brewers. LaiwrteA. U Saloon. Ac. L Laporte Francois oro L Laporte Hermldag oro L Lai ante P. Hotel. G ^ fareauE.L oro. K 3« i^reauF orain. Lareau J. E. A Co Com'n, Ac O 2)4 LaiimeeJos. E gto H 3 Larin A Llverv. 3X LarinAdolphe Express. H 8 farinc. Bales Stables. P 2)4 farluF Hestaurant li Larin Leon «. Undertaker. H 3 LarveeE.... oro. K 8)4 Larlvee Napoleon D. G P a)4 LarlvlcroA DoUeie oro. L 3)4 Luilvlcre A Dube , Carriages. P 2)4 liarlvtere A Henault dTg K Lariviero N. A A. C Carriages. P 2)4 LarivleroS Undertaker. K Larlvlere T. C. J Hardware,Ao. L 8)4 Larkin Patrick Gro. A Wood P a* Larmouth A Co. . . . WTiol. Ag'l Implts. G 3)4 LarochelleP. X Shoes. K 3 Latooqoe Jot Tay«iii. Ii i^ 3)4 3)4 ^w^TOiiimi'iililiii ii Mri !^fe MONTIIEA.L, Que. i if: Larne Vranools D. O. P V* L»iu»L«iu,Jr Tobacointat. O »o JjiuilBrT. C OptluUn. K 3)« Laureuce J. B Purulture. lAiii-t^ucello t* Contnutor. LAuraatD Tsveni.Ac. K SVi utureul, LAtoroe A Co Musio. 1' Ki Laurent M. AroUltect. O 2!4 Lauriiiiilt E. L Oixi. H 3 Luurtoult Z Hhuetk Laiuiu John A Bro MocUlulatn. K 3 lAuiler M o. y. K 3 Lauiler * Malo Contnuiton. F iib Lauiier Nitrouiae Sliouj (iro. Lavender Hentr Mer. TaUor, Q 3 Laverty Sewing Mavlunes. Lawrence Antulne Carpenter. L LawrleD. W Saddler. K 3 LawBon J. & Co Cablnetnikrs. L LawaouJohn Blacksmith. K 3k Lazarus, Monla ii L'Ucu) er J. U. >K Co L'oul. L Le£ Co Whol. Flour, 5i Lelaivieu Cuiu'n. H 3 Lelubvre Jus Tailor. L Lefebvru fe Co Jewelry Agents. L Legault LeiHi utu. l, 3)4 Legeudre Mduie. I,, o Shoes. L Lengut, Jiiliusiiu oj Co... Whol. siiiies. Lelcuteuhelm E. uus Stephen uro. 3 MacOonald C. A Co Whol. Hatters' UoiHls. F 2<4 Ma<:donald A Cross Agents. L ahi MaoDouiUd J . B Leatner Fludlugs, die. K 3)4 MacdoualdJ.K Blacksmith. L n HacDonell A. O Sheepsklni. II HacUuugall Bros Brckeis. Ma^dougall A Davidson Broken'. D Machalle F Blackvmltn. L Mackay Bros Whol. D. U. A Al Mackay John A Co Comn. K Maokedle J. W. A Co. .Whol. Clothing. £ 2)4 Special Capital |lS.'283.(j7 to Nov. au. 147U. Mackenzie J. O. A Co Whol. D. O. A + Al Mackenzie, Powls A t;o... Imps. Teas. K 2 Special Capital |l2,5flu u> Ceb. 121 1S83. Maokeuile K Mufrs.' Agent. L 3)4 Mackenzie K K. 11. Supplies. O 2)4 Macklnnon Randall A Com'n. H 3 Maclean Donald Planofortomkr. K MacleanJaraes Teas, Ac. F Maclean John A Co Whol. Straw Goods, Ac. K MaolearW. H station, h MaoNamee F. B. A Co.... Contractors. C MnoTavlsh John Crockery A Coal Oil. H MacTavlsh P. M uro. L Hagnan Jules Trunks. MagorF Com'n. L Magulre John S Saloon. L Mahan C. B Foundry. L Malieu Trellle uiv. L _, MallletElol Carpeutor. K 3'_ Malllet Isaac Slioef. K 3)* Malllet Isale snoei-. L MajeauJos Oro. U 3 Hajjor Bros. A Co D. O. L 3)4 Major AGIbb Wire Works. Mallette Etlenue Butcher. O JJallette G. A Co Saloon. K Malo Eugene Contmctor. F Malo F. X TaUor. L Malo O. A Bro Tailors. L Malone M Glove A Mitt Factory. F Malouey John Oro. P Maloney Michael Oro. Malouey P oi-o. L Mann D. D. A Co. . . .Coal Oil A Com'n. L Manafleld Martin Hotel. O Manton Joseph Mnfr. Guns. H Marcel A Horton Gro. H Marchaud Regis E Broker. Marchbank John Gro. I. Marche Mrs Milliner. L Marchl A. J Crockery. L Marcotte A Arohambnult Auc- tioneers. H 3)4 Marootte B Oro. L Marcotte J. M. A Co n. G. Marcou A Co Furriers. Marlon A. L. ACo Hatters. Mariottl C Marble. H 3 Markuii. John A Co Plumber, Ac. L MarlerA Payne Brokers. J, 3)4 Marsan Jos Tltismith. L 2)4 2 3)i ¥ m 3 3 8 Marsh K .Oro. L Marshall J. C Jeweler. L Marsolu A Son Flour, Ac. O Marsulals A Benjamin D.G. K Martcl Antolne Baker. Xj MartolF. X Shoes. L Martel Joseph Oro. Martin Chas.. WboL Colors, Paluts.Ac E Martin Francis Uialn. L MarUu Ueurge...* Whol. Pliotu. Materials. F Martin J. B oro. H 3 Martin J. It Engraving. K 3 M artln James Cuipenter. G 'i)4 Martin James saloon. Maitlu Johu Plmuber. F Martin Johu A Co Furiloi-s. Martin Moise Builder. L Martin P. P. A Co Whol. D. O. U Martlueau E. A Faucy Uoods. O Marllneau F , Painter. K Maitiueau Jollen Butcher. U Martlueau P Cai'iionter. L Martlueau Wm D. u. K Maa4 3)4 2!il ■■iii 2 3 S 1)4 2)4 MONTIlEA.lL, Que. M«yflrr :. PediUei. K 3H UHyunnU. H Oro. L 3)a MHyuimC un>. 1, Muyojolm Uanlwaro. 1, 3J<> aiHiiiuelUi L. N D. u, 1, MuAiluiii C BookR. Ac. MoAilaiii Jamea D.Q. K T UoAUeu A. K. V Wliol. Twtneaife 8i lallwarea. F 2H MoAnrtrew M.J U| liulatrrar. 8 McAitlmrAC'o Wliol t'aiuta. U 3 MuAniiurJ. ikaoD..Wbul. l>aluta.Ao. D IW McAuloy Hi-oa fluUiliein. L McUt-au A. O Prod. A Cum'n. U 2)* McLum»y A Co Mlllinem. H 3 HpKclal Capitol »3,50U to May 1, 1880. MoCallum Jiiliii A isima I'tanoa. K 3 McL'alliim KnbHi't M Fancy Uuwla. L 3)4 McCanUiililire A oro. H 2)1 MuCartliv A t'o Raloon. L MoCarti;' D .Butctaor. L Mcl'afkull Oiiuoaa A Cuni'u. U McfaulBy Wni Forwanler. UvClaiiiier.n D HuteL O McCIfturif^aii J Baloou. L McClcilau w. w Soapiukr. McC'mikuy Tliomaa L... Millinery. Ac. E MuCoiiuell Bnw Hlilrts, Ao. L Mc'Jiniack MUa MllUner. L Mc('(>riiit<;k A Fancy Uoocla. L McCormlck James Oro., Ac. MoC'reaily J. ACo Mufn. B. A 8. D Mi'Teaily Hobeit MuJr. H. A 8. B Mc iryjaa Oro. H MciiDry A McOoliliick UoaL Si Mci niilden UlcJiard Shoes. L MoCiuctaen W Shoes. O McCrum .M Shoes. L UcOr.ini 8 Tailor. L Mcculloch H Oro.. Ac. h McCuUoch WlUlam Tinware. L McCulloiiKh Bros Broken A Com'n. O McDl.irinlil J Shoes. L McDuuuhl A. P Contractor. L McDonald Alex. A Sons Builders. K McDonald D. I Oro. D McDonald Donald Oro. McDunalil J Locksmith. L McIXiuald James M Dyer. L _,_ McDoualdJohn Blacksmith. H 2)6 McDonald John Locksmith. K 3 McDunalil Malcolm Teas. L McDuuiilil MUtun Who). Leather. McDonald 11 Oro. L McDonalil Uonald Prod. K _ McDiinald W. C Whol. Tobaooo. B+1 MoDoucIl Cliaa. A Marble. L McDonnell Michael Contractor. L Mc Donough John Clothing. L McDonouirh B D. O. L McDuugaU James MUler. McDougall John Founder. D McDougall, Logic A Co. . Mnfrs. Paints A Oils. B+1 McDougallT Broker. K 3 McDiinuough William Laces. F McKlliJiPtto Thos O. H. L McEni'oe Jamea Saloon. L McEutvre Daniel Tailor A D. O. O McKntvre J. A K Tailors. O -^ McFarlaiic A Bain Plumbers. H 3 MoFce Alex. A Co Whol. Prod. L MeOale Bernard B Drugs. K 3)4 McOalB U. L Newadealir. L 3)4 McOairy George Oro. L 3)4 McOarvey Owun A Son.. Whol. A Ret. Furniture. C 1)* Moaanghan P Shoes. L 3!4 McOauvran, Tu( 4 MeKeomi Nell Fonnilry. K McKeown Peter. uni. MoKu.ivn R Coutrmcuir. F .McKmt'icf J. B SUoes. K McKernan A Brttt Ship Ujers. K MoKlnruau C Sahmn. L McKIUop Jaa Urn. L MoKlllopJohn Builder. L McKlnnon J....Hnfr*.' AgL A Com'n. L McKlnnon John Tailor. K McKlnuon John A Son: Biscuits. McKone N.J Oro. L McLachlan Bros. A Co.. Whol. D. O. A Small wares. Ucljtren J. C WhoL Saildler. D McLaren W. D. A Co. . . . Whol. Baking Powder. D MoLrren WUUam A Co.. WlioL Shoes. McLaughlin John Oro. Mcr.auKlilin WUIIara... Fancy OinhIs. McLuuHu A McNlcce Flour. H McOniu Miss Maggie shuns. L aid. . . 3 2)4 3 3)4 3)4 3)4 Mc.Onire Bernard. Saloon. L AlcOulre J Llverv, Ao. L McIIeury Miss SewluK Macluuus. Mcintosh A. O HixikblnUer, Stat'y, Ac. H 3 McIntOBh John A Son.... Inm Works. L 3)4 Mcintosh Win Hardware. L 3>a Mulntyru Airlilbald BuUiler. U 2 Mclntyro, Fivuch A Co... Whol. D. O. B 1 McKay Henry Ins. Agent. McKay Joaepu Tins. K 3 MuKon7.1f Aiex Tailor, Ac. L U m McKunitie D Oro. H 2)0 MuKenailuM Marine Store. F 2)o McKeniloWm Slock Broker. U 2H. McKoowu I>. J oro. UcKeuwu Kdw^rd Wood Dealer. H 3 McI^aJ. A R Com'n A McLean T. A Co Vcl^eUh E. H Paints, Ao. L Mi-I.«nnan Hugh Oraln, Ac. C 1)4 McL'MxlACo Trunks. L 3)4 McLe wnMrs Fane Ooods. L McQuln A Baker. L McHaeF Oro. L McKobte Mrs Fane. QoihU. L McShaue Michael Butcher. McShane Richard Oro. H McVlttle H Saloon. L MeaklnsACo Whol. Brushes. (See MeakinsA Suns, Hamilton.) MeanisRros Enitravers. L Meeker C.J £xchauge Broker. U Melancou Claude (Jro. F MeUlrum J.,Jr CoaL H Meloche E Watches A Tobacco. L Meloche J. B. A Bro Oro. L Muloclio Tonssalut Shoes. Mel(|Ulond Mrs. C. A Co.-.F'cy Oouils. Menard David Oro. L MenardJ. B Oro. K 3)4 Menard L .• Saloon. L Meuardo Saloon. '< 3)4 Mercier Felix Carriages. *X " Mercler J. N Paints, Ac. L Mercier Joseph Carriages, o Merrill A. L. O Cai'pets. H Merrill A Co D. O. (See H. A H. Menill.) Merrill H. AH D. O. Uerrlman M t oro. K Metayer J. A Tobacco. L MetlvlorJ. B Builder. L Meunier Alfred D. O. K Meuuler Charles Oro. H Meuuler David Tavern. K Meunier E .Oro. L Mennler Joseph Hotel. L Heiwler Louis Carriages. Mewhort Joseph Oraln. Mowhort W. F. A Co...Mnlrs.'Agents A Com'n. Meyers 8 Jeweler. F Michaels M Tobacco. L Miction L Oro. L Mlddleton A Meredith Com'n H'ware. E 2 Miliar H.H MaohlnlaU L Millard H.R Watch Materials'. K 3 Millard R.ACO B.B. Fixings. P 2)4 Milieu Henry Painter. F '2)4 Millnn Jolin, Jr «). s. O " Miller Bros. A Mitchell.. ..Machinists. U Miller CD Confec. Miller D o. 8. K Miller David Jewelry, o .Miller O. M. A A Co Furwanlors. Miller R. H Oro. MUler Robert. ..Whol. A Htt. Stat'y A Paperhanglugs. D Miller William SUUonerv. K Mllligan David D. O. H MlllotteC. ACo TaUors. L MllluyJ. J Tailor. U 3 3)4 3 3 3)4 3'4 3 3)4 3)4 ¥ 3 3 2)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 1)4 3 3 Mills A Hutchinson Whol. Cloths. O Mitchell Alexander A Co Com'u. D S Mitchell James Dyer. Mlti'.hHj) James Ship Chanmer, L Mitchell James '.Son Cuiu'u. Mitchell John « Co Com'n. K Mitchell Louis Organbuilder. H MltcheU R. ACu.. Whol. A Ket. Ui-ms .,.. ^ .. Founders, Aa Mitchell Robert A Sous Oom'n. Mitchell W Baker. L Mitchell A Wllaou Printers. U Moat It. A J Brokers. C Moc.on Albert D. O. MocookW Mufr. Axes. (See Montreal Axe Co.) Moeser Fral'k FancyOooibi. L Molneau D... Tobacco A Fancy 0 Montreal Axe Co (See Morland, Watson A Co.) Montreal Brewing Co Montreal Card A I'aper Co O Montreal Cotton Cu o Montreal Exiiii'ssCo L Montreal Ja|>aniilnK Co L Mont eal Mauuractiirlng Co. (Limited) Montreal .Novelty Co L Montreal llollluK Mills Co B Montreal Steam Laundry Co K MooiUe Win , D Moody Archibald Jrockery. K Moonuy A Co oro. MooneyJ. H Hides. D Mooney Mrs Oro. L Mouuey Terence Saloon. L Mooney W. M. A Co Mntrs. Nails. C _ Special Capital *£!,'i3l to May 1, 1888. Moore A Browu Tailors. L Moore E. A Co. .Oro. A Shlp'g Agents. Moore Francis Speciuator. O Mooreueorge Tavern. L Moore J. s Ship Chandler. Mooro Joseph B Contractor. H Moore M Hanlware. L MooreTerenoe Tavern. L Moore Wm Plumber, Ac. L Moqnin Louis Fruit. L Morau John Saloon. L Mor>'au Antolne Contractor. II Moreau Oeorge Oro. K Morey J. T Uvery. Morgan Clias oro. K Morgan K oro. Morgan Henry A Co D. O. D Morgan William Pork Packer. O MorgantlO FlowersA Feathers. K Moriarty M : .Saloon. L 3 3H SJ 3 »4 8)4 2)4 3 »4 3 3 U 3 L L H L L MorlceE. ACo Whol. Liquors. M^rice felmest Uot^l. Mori ce James Cabluetmkr, Moriu C. D Pateut Meils. Morin ACo C>m'u. Murlu Hubert oro. Morin J. AC Plumbers. Monn A Vanler Hair oil. Ac. Morland. Watson A Co.. Whol. H'waie. B Morulnga I'atcr Oro. L Morols A Picture Frames. K Murrlce David A Co Cum'n D. O. A Ice. D Morris A Co Tallo u. L Morris A (Jowan B.R. Supplies. F Morris .Tas Clothier. K Monlsjohn lYuit. H Monl8 A Reynold Shoes. U Morriwm A. A Son Electiiitviiein. L Murrlson Johu Builder. Morton, PhUips A Bnliner....Wlml. A Ket Stat'rs A Hinders. F Mosely A Bicker Tanners. C Moses A Paluter. L MossO. W Com'n TImiails, Ac. K Muss J. L. A Co J ewelry A Loan Moss Mrs Millinery. L MossS. H. AJ Whol. Clothinir. A Moss Thomas shoes. L Moynangh P Patent Roofer. L MndgeN.R Facing Mills. H 8 MulrT Agent Bible Ueposlbiry. K 8 Muloalr Bros Tailors. H Mullarky a Co shoes. Mulligan A Oro. L Mulliu oanlBl Blacksmith. L MulUn J. E. A Co.. .Whol. Oro. A l.lg. c MulUn I'atrick Wood A Coal. O MuUlUH James oro. K Muudurloh ACo Com'u. O UuuroDuulel Maclilulst. F 3 3)4 1>» 154 3 2)4 3 2! 8 3)4 3)4 it MONTREA.!., Que. UimrpJ. B Drain Pipes, (to. L Murphy D oro. K Murphy Daniel Saddlsr. O Murphy John Decorative Painter, a Murphy John ct Co..: D. O. * „ ^ , „ Haberdashers. P Murphy L.r Baloou. K Murphy M. nope. K Murp'-y Matthew y. g. L Munihy P. A. A Co BuUber Qootls. Murphy Thomas B Agent. L Murphy Tim 'oro. K Murray, Brcmner* Co. Whol. Coal Oil, „ Drain Plpss, *c. P Murray David oro Murray James Clothlnit. I, Murray JamiH Fancy Goods. K MurrHiVJohu Contractor. G MiurayJohr. s Pruife u Murray Wn. Jeweler. 1. Murreu Henry Clears, L Mussen Thomas Imp. D. O. C Muth Henry Confeo. K «^SFf ^v-v Jeweler. Myette Joseph Painter. L Nantel Jos Tavern. K Napier It.. Coal Oil. K NarbonneA.. Leather. Narbonue A. ib Co Whol. Shoes. g«fh W Shoes. H NeherM Gro K NellesJ.W Com'n. G Nelson H. A. * Sons.... Whol. P'oy O. B NCTlUoJolm Wool H ■w -■llle W. H. & O.... Carpenters, Ac. - Hocklpiid Slate Co.... 7 D aw ^V. &Co Thread. L Jw York Plato Co »"»». i- j^lohol & Marler Brokers. H Nichols N Coal Nicholson Robert Bn teller. P 5)i!holson Bobort Blacksmith. L NlcoU John Bi-ushes K NleldE. A Cc.Whol. HaberiUshery. E goad J 8.* Co Com'n. NoelAthenls D. O. itsiioes. K ijoel* Ferland Cablnetware. H Noel Thos . Oro. & HoteL Nolan W.P& Co Com'n. L Norman T oro L Norman W.C... .Cigars* Auctioneer. NormandlnJos Speculator. O Normandln A Pare Canlages Normandln APi'lPoe..Mnfr8.Brii8ries. L Norris & Ronth Com'n Plour. c Northy D. R. « Co Whol. Leather. B+ Notman dt Sandham. . .Photographers. D NowellB. L fmporter. L Nugent J. P ;.D. G. K Nurse JomesP Upholsterer. L Nutter J. D. * Co raoklne Cases. K O'Brien A Co d. O O'Brien Cornelius Painter K O'Brien James* Co.. .Whol. Clothln«; B O'Brien John Wiioee S,'SE!*°' '"**'»P8''' >* Co....Mufr8. Soap.' o O'Brien Michael Marble Sift*" S;.i Boot.. * Shoes. L O'Brien Phil Tailor L OjBrlen T. O..^ ........ShoeS K O Brien Thos. P Whol. Butter. O'Brien Timothy shoes. K O'Conneil Thomas oro K O'Connor James Com'n Ptod. p O'ConnorM Shoes K O'Connor Mra.M.... ..:::.. os K O'Donaliue A. 4 Co "Tailors' L O'DonnellC do L O'Donuell P Shoes' O'Klalierty E. J Hatter K Ogllvle A.-'w. & CO .......mK a OKllvy&Co Whol. D.o. B Og.ivy JamesA... D G P O'Gorman James Butcher. L O'Haralt. <» Son Tailors O'Keane M. Of Co Patuters! L O'LaughUu M oro. rf O Leery John Contractor. O'LeeryMra D G K Olivier James * Co Agents O'Loughlln John M....BookgeUor,4c.' L O'Louf. 4 P 0;RenivM Hotel. L 3)4 Sft;-*,®?'""" Wood. L Oabom John, Son * Co.. Whol. Wines Special Capital to ife ''ai, If^ _,„^ ^ (See also New York City.) O'Shaughneasy Jas oro. L 3y- 7 'li.aUjjhnfisyM. &D TaUors. K 3)3 C ,8lJ?>hr Lumber. Oo^ll John T Whol. Pancy Qowls. Oswald Bros Brokers. « ,..„.. '^ee Wm. R. Oswald.) Oswald -ttm.R stock Biokec * Ottawa River Navigation Co"'-..^.*'".*: 8 ^ OulmetA oro OulmetMolse Contractor! OulmetA Ouimet Carriages OutramO. ABon File Works. K 3 Owens Bros. A Co Wood A Coal. (See F. A W. Owens, Stonefleld.) Owens A Goodwin Painters. K 3 Packard L. H. A Co Whol. Shoe P«cvT R Pindlugs. II 3 racyT.B Hardwai-e. o 3 Page Miss Hair A Fancy Goods. L 3)4 PageauC o. S L S"P®'S*/¥,'"8"™".--Whol. Tobacco. O 2)4 Pa^nohard Gaspard Carriages. L Palaado G. . . Undertaker. F 2)4 Palmer John A Son Whol. Imps. .. Perfumery A Faucy Goods. E 2 Papin Adeline Boots A Shoes. L I uplu A Corbell Mnlrs. Boots A n , ^ , Shoes. K 3)4 Papln Joseph Boots A dioes. L Pnpineau A Archtanbault . d g PaplneauJ. M Cablnetmkr! Q 2)4 Paplneau Luc oro L ■vi PaplneauN shoes! K "3 Paplneau Miss Zee. . .D. O. A Milliner. L Payuot A Magnan d. g Paquette AlpKonse Shoes. Pp.qiiettoP Gri/ L Paquette Mdme MlUlnerv. L 3*4 Paquetto Molse Saloon. t PaquotteP. E D G K Paquetto A Robert. . Sasb Factory, Ac! B Paqulul ACo ......'bro. K Para4 Roby R. M. A Co Leather, Ac. L 3)4 gooiJ Slioes. L Rodler C. 8.. sr Tlireshing „ ,. „ ,, Machines. B 1 RoiUer David , Sliocs. L RtxllerJ- B Gro. K 3 Rodler P. A Lumber. D 2 Rogers & King Fouui'.rv. D 1)4 Rogers Furniture. L Rogers Robert Saloon. L Roley James Cooper. L 3)4 RollandG. H. L Agent. L .3)4 Rolland O. L. A Co Mnfrs. .--hoos. L Rolland J Saddles A Slioes. K Holland J. B. A FUs Whol. A Ret. HoUand J. B. L. A Co Shoes! L 3)4 Homau Samuel Cigara. L Romauc Henry... Jeweler. O 3 Houayno Bros Mnfrs. Boots A „ , „ Shoes. Q 3 HonlBros Soda Water. L 3)4 Roonoy Patrick D. O. Rosalie Dominique oro. E 2 Hose Alex Builder. G 3 Rose Honry Primer. K 3 Rose John D. G., Ac. b Rosenheim Bros Whol. Oils, Ac. RoHsAleK Optician. K 3 RoasOeo. D Agent. L S.^ Hoss, llailACo Whol.Tea-s. F 2)4 Ross Henry Watches. H 2)4 Ross Jos Tailor. L 3)J H0S8 Robert Broker A fom'n. Ross Bros. ACo Whol. Hhin „ Chandlers. G 2)4 RoaseauS Tins. H 3 lto.s8i.T W. W Fancy Goods. "ouct A Leather, Ac. H 3 KoiiKli Alex Coufec. Roulliai-d J. B. ACo Banking A Minfiig. Rousseau A Grain. L HouHseauT Shoes. L Roussln A Desluirier Tins. L 3)4 Rowan Peter A Co Gro. (Kj« Thos. Tlfllc A Co.) Rowland Frnncls Hotel. Rowland P. H Butcher. Hiiy F. X Caniages. F 2)4 RoyJns.ACo Whol.D.O. D ? Roy John B Tailor. L KoyJos D.O. L 3)4 Roy L Lumber. Roy Michael Cablnetwaro L .3)4 Roy Napoleenecal Andre Shoes. L Senecal, Cadloux A Co Whol. Gro. O 2)4 Senecal Edouaitl Furniture. Senecal Eusebe Printer, O 3 Senecal J. B , Samog. K 3)4 Siiiceuuea MoNaughton ForwartUnir Co Munett « Co FlalUng faoklii L BintonJobnC Bioker. H 2H Hiniions Josepli C'onfeo. L SkeithJolm Drugn, Star Pegwood Maoufaoturing Co 3 BtarkeJas Speculator, o '2)4 Starke U.O Broker. G 2)i g«<«rrT. Livery. O 3 State John Plumber, die. Stearns A Murray Uot. A oro. L gteeje Mrs Milliner. Steele T. L Paper Mill. Stelnson, Auld* Cc.Mufrs. Biscuit. G 2)4 Stelnson H. A C Mufrs. Biscuits K 2 Stephen Frank & Co Agents. O 2)4 Stephenson J Mnfiu' Agent. L 3)4 Stevens Chus Palntor. L 3'4 Stevens Mrs News Agent. L Stevenson A. A Pilutor, Ac. G 214 Bt«veusr Undertaker. L Thibaudeau Bros. A Co Whol. D. G. A Thlhaudeau A David D. o Thibaudeau M. ACo Brooms. L Thibaudeau O Shoes. L Thlbault J Tins Thlbault, Salmon A Co B. A S K Thivleige Michel Shoes. L Thomas ACo Fancy Gomls. K ThomosJaines Painter O Thomas Jcseph Painter. K Thompson H. A 8. H.. .Com'n U'ware C Thompson Cieo Tea Mcr. L Thompson Jas. C Publisher. L Tlionipson Job C. A Co Hatters A „, , . Furriers. H Tlmmpson John Gro. V, Thompson, Murray A Co Shipping _,, „. Agents, Ac. D Thompson Wm Shoddv Mill. L Thomson A Buckler oro. L Thomson Jos Cablnetmkr. ThoniBoii U. A Sou Machinists. Tliorburn A Baker... Picture Frames. L Thurber Alex JI' ware A Coni'ii. Tltlin Bros Whol. oro. D Tlttlu Thomas A Co Whol. Oro. C Tlsnu Alphonse Gro. L TIson Chas. v. L. ACo Gro. L Tooko Bros. A Co Knfrs. Shirts. E Tookell. J Haberilashury. „ . . (BoeTooke Bros.) TorrJohn Bhicksndth. L Torrance A. H Lumber Torrance C. E. A Co...,Coiu'n AgentA. G Torrance David A Co Whol. Gen'l Mors. Tourvllle I,oul8 Com'n Tciiivllle A Plttute 8h(M'8. L Townsend J. E Mattresses. Traccy D Fruit, Ac. G TraqualrJohn FrUllngu. K Troa*v Martin oro. H Tromblay J. B WikmI. JI Tl-eiiipu J. O i> a TrcpauierF Fannv Goods. L TiTsslder John A Co Upholsterer. L Tiestcr M i:. (1. F Troutlwck Geo Shoes. L TrudeiHi F. X Gio., Ac. L Truilel Narclsse Lumber. I, Trudel Victor oro. iTiiiici,! vmcont D. it. F Ti'Uteau A. C Baker G "■uggey Cliaa. H coal. I'lrcotl Blacltsuilth. L Turcot A Marcluuiil oro. U 2)4 IMi W4 3)4 3)a 1)4 3)4 2)4 ■ja m 3>4 Turcntte Jules Oro. L Turgeou ADagenals D. G. L Turgeon A Dragon Tailors. L Turgeim 1^.0 Tobacco, fto. Turgeon A Labelio D. a K Turgeon O Exchange Broker. K 3 Turgeon T Agent. L Turgeon Z Tailor L Turnbull T. T Agent Hanlware. L „^ Turner Bros oro. K 3)4 TurplnOUvier HalrOooda. L Tuniin W. J. A Co Com'n. 3 Tyler A Co : confeo. L JJl'eyA. J Brushes. L 8)4 H "•''iv'';,- Wireworker. L 8)J UlleyW. H Brushes. L sS Union Macliiue Co (Bee BlchardJeilyman.) UsherwooilJ Painter. H 3)4 VaillancjnrtJ. A Com'n. K 8)4 Valade F Cooper. L .1)4 Vttiaile Moise A Bon Hotel. F 8 ValuileJoseph Shoes. F 2)4 yal04loT Hardware. L 3)2 Vaj (luette A. . . .D. O. A Haberdasher. K 8)4 VaiquetteL Blacksmith. L 33 Vallqnette N. C Funler. K 3 Vii iquetteS :Gro. L 3)4 VullnuctteT Oro. 3)5 VanlerO d.o VaudryClios Painter. L 34 VauxWm SmoUwares. L .3)* Venetto O shoe* L 3)4 Venner F. W. A Co D. O. K 33 Venomeau Isale Gro. K 3 VeiTet., Stewait A Co Com'n. B 3 .„ . (Bee also Quebec j VersallleB Jos., Jr Roottng Mafls. L 3)4 Versailles Mrs. Marie 7. . . D. Q. K Vezina Maxime Tavern. K 3)4 Vi»u F BoottA .^ ,^ Shoes. L Vtau A Frore Whol. Bakers, Ac. Victoria Straw Works Vldal H Mnfr. Jewelry. L Vldiicalro Cloophas Saloon. L Vidrisalrc Alox oro. VlUoueuve Elzear Flour, Ac. a Vllloneuvo Fablen Gro. A Llq. L ViUenenve Felix Tavern. Q Viileneuve A Oorlepy (See .„„ FoUx VUleneiive.) Viileneuve Mathlas oro. L yUleneaveN Whol. A Bet. Gro. D 1)4 Viileneuve Octave oro. o 2i6 Vllmolre Louis Tin. o 2)4 VlucentA Shoes. L VlncentE oro. L 3)4 Vincent A Moroch Lively. VinelHTg Samuel Jeweler. L yinebnrg Moses Hatter. H 3 Vipoiid, MoBrido A Co.. Whol. Fruits. O 3)a ViiKJudT.S. AJ Whol. Flour, „. . , Pork, Ac. O 3 Virtue J Ale. ;i 3 WaildoU S, A Co. . . .Railway Supplies. O 1)4 WaltUeorge Prod. F 2« Wttldron C!luvs Painter. L 3)4 Walker Alex Agent HanUaro. K 3 Walker Alexander Whol. D. G. WuJkerJ. K jiogs. H 3 Wulkcr James Coufeo. Walker James A Co Whol. A Het. ,„ ,, » ., . Hai-ilwaro. E i^ Walker A Muiiday Gro. Walker, Palusclo ACo Engravers. II ,1 Walker W IMns. Ac. L 3)4 S" b" J^ll'.i Hestaurant. K 8« Walker William Millwright. Walker Wni.S Watches. F 3)4 Walker J. A. A Co Com'n. L Walsh A Co 1). (). Walsh A Jensoii Dyeic K 3 Walsh P. F. A Co Boots A Hlioos. Waltersc. U Bill Discounter. 3 Walton Mrs. C Fancy Work. F 2)4 Wand Alexander Builder. G 2S4 Wand P. C.... Hulldor. H ij^ Wiuiloss Mrs. B Fancy i;c/ijds. L WaniissEwan Fancy goimIs. K 8)4 Wanlcss OUbert Fancy Goods, Ac. G 2)4 Ward J. K Who!. Lumber. C 1 3)4 3)3 S 2)4 2)4 U 3 Wttiudntou U. A W...Whol, Tins, Ac. Warren F Com'n „ „ Hardnttie. Warren II. B. A Co Mnfrs. Scales. Warren Manr coal Oil. Warren T. if Bicikei'. Warrington J. T Cheese Buyer. 3 Waterit P, IJ Ship C!i:-ii:t:tl\r. T. K'™ Wai son John 7.T'raiior "~ Watwm John, Jr Mufrs.' Agent H 3)4 Watson John A Co Wind. .... ™ „ Orookerv. D WaUouT. Btaok Broker, h 1 MO]SrT]RE-A.L, Quo. ••>% an an 8 if Watt Alex Baker. Watt* Jamm Uro Waucii David HaberdaBhery. WebuThnmaa Jobber. Webster Thos Tailor. Weir J. A B..... MaclilulBtrt. WelrB. S Bteamboat Kepalrer. Weir Robert A Son C'arn«iiter8. Weir WlUlam Exoliange Broker. Welrton Qeorge Carver. WellsD.Q Haloon. Wella Qeorge Hacmuist. Wentworth T. J Stoves, &o. Westgate Bros O. 8. WethayJS Barber. Wetliyooine Mrs MUUnery. Whalan Patrick Tavern. Wbeeler 4 Wllllarasou J. B Whol. Jeweler. O 2»s Williamson J. K Com'n. L 8)5 Wllltamson James Com'n. U 2% WUIIa A Roy Sewing Machine Agents. L an Wlllison llonry Uro. L Wills Ale.\. A Co Mnfrs. Coffee * Spices. F 2H WUscam Wm Undertaker. L 3)4 Wilson A. A. A Co Paint. 3)4 Wilson Charles Shoes. H 3 Wilson Chas. B Fancy Ooods. L 3)4 Wilson Daniel Builder. P 2)4 Wilson Daniel Coal. H 3 Wilson George Shoes. WUson J. C. A Co Mnfrs. Paper Bags. D! 2 Wilson J. H Gro. L Wilson J. H Hanlware. P 2Vj Wilson James, Jr Slilp Chandler. H 3 WUsonJolin Printer. H 3 Wilson A Kane Com'n. 1, Wilson, Paterson A Co Whol. Naval Stores A Chemicals; B 1)4 (See also Paterson. Downing A Co., New York City.) Wilson A RccroJt Soda Water, Ac. H 8 Wilson Roberto Tailor. Wilson Thomas A Co. . .\Vhnl. H'ware. 1)4 WUson W. .S Coppersmith. WUson Walter A Co.. . Mulrs.' Agents A Com'n. w a)4 WUson Walter G Mwchaut. K 3)4 WUson William Bilcklnver. L 3)4 WUson William Contractor. F 2)4 Wilson William Mason. K 3)4 WUson William Warehouseman. L 3)4 Wilson WlUiom Wood. F aM WinfleldW Contec. I. m Wings te Chemical Co Winn A Holland.... Whol. Hantware. D 2 Whining P. B.. Son A Co Uqnors. Wiseman WlUlam Batcher. L WltheUJ.W Carpenter. H 8 Withers J. PhlUp Broker. WitteJohnQ. A Bro Com'n, Ac. (See New York City.) Wood P. W Jewolry. L 8)6 Woo QTJEBEO. MOU M0NTRC8E, Waterloo Co., Onl. (Ste West 3rontroi$.) MONTROSE P. 0. Wolltnd Co., Out. S'^I,ATf''.'?»''l Blacksmith. 3)4 Smflh W. M Hotel. ___3S MCOIIEFIEl.u, Wallingten Co., Onf. AnAenon A Son Blacksmiths. L BlackJoseph Butcher. L 354 BrortleJolin Grist Mill. BroeniUe John shoes. L 3)4 Brown Charles .Stave 4 Shingle ^ ... „ Factory. Brown Miss 8 Millinery. L S2,?.^¥-vv Cabluetmkr. L Crittenden 4 Jamison. .. .O. S. (t P. o K 3)4 DraperGeorge Tins. K 3i6 GuyJohn... Watches. L Harrlntrton 4 Co Sash4 0oor i» J .,. ., Factory. RodseMlHsM Millinery. L Hughes John Bladksmlth. L HuKhes Jonathan Wagons. L Jackson J. M. Harness. L Kyle James. Shoes. L 3)6 Molcomsun Alex (Iro. L Jlsi'ilstey Henry Physician. O 2)4 McOuUough John Shoes. L McLaughUu A Merllhan Tavern. L NeeleyJ g 8 Kobluson John.... Agent Ag'llmplts. H 3 Robinson John C U.S. H 3)4 KolIs(J«)rge Hotel. L 3)s RowellS OS gol'ellA Painter! L Terrlff James Tavern. H 3 Thoroiison & Foster Wagons. I. Ve U« John Blacksmith. L Yule Alex Tailor. L 3)4 3)4 3)4 MOORETOWN, Lambton Co., Oni. Anderson Wm .,. Physician. L Banker J. Blacksmith. L Bazo Mitchell Shoes K Bolton Mi-H. J MllUnery. L Bowen NclHOii Wagons. L Bowman Br Brooke L,. J Agent L Brown W.48on nonrlilU. O 3 Coulter W. K G S L P,?"°JS?S"° "^ M"ls- K 3H Dire Philip Blacksmith. L 3)a Flewelll^gSamuel.. Builder 4 Planing Humphries James Baker. L Mayes John Hotel. L McDonald Klchard Cheese. K 3>4 Mclutyre Hubert D. G. L 3)o MoKiunon Koderick o. 8. H 3 Morrison John Tailor 4 P. M. Neablt J. 8 Speculator, 4c. KeUly (Jhailns Wood 4 Hotel E 2 Klchmonil J ames. .B'smith 4 Wagons. K 3)4 Hlchmond Wm Shoes. L Thorns John Hamess. L TremelUOeo Harueaa. L MOOSE CREEK, Stormoni Co., Ont. ClarkMrs oro. K 3)4 SayTlins .....a. 8. L VrgnbartJohn Saw Mill. L Valley P o. 8. L MOREWOOD, Dundas Co., Oni. FordC. W Q. s. Glasgow Samuel Tanner. HngiipH Jolm (J, g^ Jordan Patrick o. S. K.vle Joseph 8 Mills Moaatt W. 4 J Saw Mill. K 3 K 3 Shaver L^ Carriages ShermanT O. H »^ , .. SlmpsonR CanllngMlll. L xt Stephenson Thos u. 8. K S)s MORQANSTOWN P. O., Northumberland Co., Onl. Newman William J o. 8. K 3)4 Usher Wm Blacksmith. L SH MORIN, Arganteuil Co., ^ua. O. 8. L O.3. L Brown George. . . Newton John MORLEY, Gray Co., Onf. MoUUlanJ.4W Saw Mill. O 8 MORNINQDALE, Parth Co., Ont. HlckUuJolm Q.B.AMlUer. F Hi MORPETH, Kent Co., Onf. Beva.nJohn Blacksmith. L BriMlley W. H Saddler. I, Cottier Jolm Tailor. K 3>2 Crowder Joseph Blacksmith. L Cinlckshauk Grist Mill. Dickscin Allan S Carriages. I, .3)4 Duck Isaac Blacksnilth. H 3 t''/.f£'^.lL% 9™K»- i- 3>4 3 3)4 3)4 Hlirgs Cwlfs .■.'.Hotel: L Hill Austin Grain. H Jackson J. C y. s. K Kitchen John ins. Agent, 4c. H S I.feJohn Butcher, h 3! LiebnerA Cahlnetwaro. H 3 McCollum Maria o.S L Morris John Hotel. L Nation J. c G. 8. U 3 Payne Bros o S Iloblnaou Wm. F Tailor. L Salman T Harness. L Singer David Bhicksniltli. L Sni th Bros Phinlng Mill. L 3)4 g"'''JI- Hotel. O 2?; Smith J. M Physician. L 3)4 Stiriug U Bricks. 1, layloroeorge Shcms. L 3)4 Tcotzell Jas. D Gro. K 3)4 Thatcher Jas. E Marble. L 3)a Wailo Edmund B.. Agent Ajr'llmplta. h S?'*?™ •'"'I" iJ Ag'l luiplts. L ^MoodW.K Shoes. L 3)4 S M0RRI8BURGH, Dundai Co., oTIt^ AikmanJ. W Confeo. h 3)4 Armstrong W. 4 11 Tavern. U 3 Auerb.^ckM. K Jeweler. L Barry John D. O. 4 Gro. F 2)4 Barry W.N Mlllwi-lglit. G 21.1 B<"i?«ttQeore Carriages. L 3)« BradlieM Fred LK o B 2" BradticIiUt.Bro G. 8. E 2 Breakciiildge David A... .Ins. Agent. L, 3)4 Brader Win Bntter & Ins. Agent. E 2 Bi-ownWIlus PrlSter. h Burils Stephen SUoes. K .S)4 Cameron George Baker. L 3)4 Campbell Thomas Blacksmith. Capell Jolm 4 Co O. 8. H 3 CnrninnF. B Drugs. K 3 Carmau George A Carriages. L (jisselman C. D Bricks. K 3 Chalmers J. C Watches, 4(). K 3 Chamberlain T. F Physictau. P'Ui«Alouzo Foundry. L 3)4 Darills Thomas Exchange, u 1)4 Dewey W.H Trader, h Doran Austin CardUig MIU 4 _ ,, Billiards. H 3)4 Farlinger Aloi prod. F a'a f;''ll8.,B Photographer. L FetterlyJ Gro. H 3 Fltzpnlrlck Jolm Gro. H 3 FlvnnMlss MUllucr. L Flynn Wm Marble, h ionl Walter. Hotel. K 3 OlbbonsJ.F (18 K S Gibson Wm. 4 Co Millers. D 1'4 Gillespie Miss M. J Milliner. L 3)a HallldayJohn o.S. K 3)4 HawRouT. W Tins. L 3)4 HesHlu John SadiUer. U 2)4 HekeyG. 8 o.S. L 3)4 H UyardD. R Tailor. L ^ Hlllyard Mrs Millinery. L Holmes Wm Tins I. Jlolt4l)rew.. Tine. H 3 HowsouThos.W Tina Kellogg Mrs. E. W Fumltuie. L KBUuedyll, C Publlshur. H 3 Kilgour John 4 Wm Furniture. „. ^ (8ee Beauharnols.) Kingston J. M Saloon. L 3)4 Matthews K.C Gro., 4c. I. 3'i, MoCallJ. 4M 0.8. Ij McIJouuell Thomas 0.8. G 2>4 Mooaunou J. J. 4Bro ...Hotel. U 3 MoKeuzIo Wm Fanning MIU 4 »r .• ■ ,„ . , Factory. E 2 MelkloW.4J 0.8. E 2 Meiklcy H, O. 4 Bon.... Planing Mill. D 1)4 Miller J. F... F'''<'n8Mr».J.. MlUluery. K 3 Plant« William A Books 4 Fruit, o 2!4 Pyper John Carriages, i, 1 Joss G WK ^ . . . llotoT. K 3 .t::j;™".I. 'M-.r.r,-,?w. C'MUFdttOr&Brichr. Selllck Levi F Dnigs. L Smith 4 Montgomery Talhirs. o Stickles Mrs. 0. J Tins. ^^ SwapeE... Hamesa. L 3)4 Trlckey A. T.... Drugs 4 Gro. L sg Van .J len Geo. R Agent, 4c. H 3 van Allen J. 4 Son Shoes. F 2)4 VanallenL. H. Shoea. L Washburn 4 Moen Manufacturing Co. AAAl (See also Worcester, Mass.) Watson J. M Gro. K 3 Weagant Harman G Dentist. H 3 Weegar Barnabas G. S. 4 Livery. K 3 >aniiver 4 Albert Gro. h /iiumerman J. G o. 8. K 3ii MORRISON P. O., Simooe Co. , Oni. Cherry Moses ShltgleMllL K MORRISON'S CORNERS, Simooe Co., Oni. (See Cralahunt) MORRISTON, Wellington Co., Ont Brown Bernanl Shoes. K 3)4 Campbell 4 UothermiU.. Wagons. Ac. Elfner George Bhtcksmith. K 3)4 Joley Andrew Hotel. H 3 tuliery Jacob Tavern. K 3)4 OaerJohn Shoea. H 3 IlanulngGeo Blacksmith. K ,1)4 JaincH 4 Barrett Shoes. L .•)« JolMwon P. p. Tins. I. 3)4 hilnor Edwanl O. 8 L si KlHtemieyer Frank Cabinetware. 1, Laing James Wagons. I, Martin Uonnld. saw Mill. L 3)4 Mcintosh Donald Blacksmith. L Mllehell James B Butcher. L 8)4 MorilHiin U. B Shoes. F 2!4 ?,''"" H^haiil Physician. H 3 llossATyrell G. 8. F 2)4 Spott JohnT Saddler. K 3)4 Singular Lot Wagons. L 3S StyneJohn Cmper. I, 3g MORROWVILLE, Complon Co., Que. (See Lake Megantic.) MORTON, Leeda Co., Oni. Carmlcliael Wm. D g. 8 liOakoJamesR G. 8 K 8 MaiiuelDaWd Blacksmith. I, 3)4 Niblock Hiram oro K 3 K'",l;'li5'' James Saw MIU. K 3)4 SmlthZebulon Cooper. L MOSCOW, Addinston Co., Oni. OaiTlsonGeo Cheese. F 2)4 Jacksim James Blacksmith. L Paliiier Walter Wagons. L 354 Vauluven Zai'a o.S. G 2)4 MOSCOW, Bruce Co., Onf. McLean Andrew Grist M lU. (See Walkerton.) MOSSLEY, Middlaaax Co., Oni. Lane Reuben G. 8. A P. M. H 3 MimksJohu Q. 8. A B'smith. L 3)4 MoirJas Shoes. L MOTHERWELL, Perih Co., Onf. Pottapleco John R Gro. L MOULINETTE, Stormont Co., Oni. Annable Miss G S L AnltS. W Carding Mill: H 3 BIsbeeS. W Cabluetmkr. L 3)4 ClearyMrs. R H„tel. K 3)4 Forsyth A. K g, s. l 3)4 Harrison A McDonald... Wood A O. 8, G 3 MauHim Hector Tina. L 3)4 Siietsinger J. G 0.8 D 1)4 SnetslugerJ. 8 Saw Mill. K 354 TaylorW c-. 8. L 8)4 TiompsonH. W Haddler. L Wlnt«rO Blacksmith. L Wood Wm Blacksmith. L Wood J. 4C. H Woolens. MOULTON, Haldimand Co., Onl. VaughnJosse o. S. L MOUNTAIN VIEW, Prinoa Edward Co., „,J „ Oni. W*rW. H Corrtagemkr. H 8 \ I Kjrkliu.r A ^' '^•^w-r,!. Torn vo., vnt. Arfiisti-ong Adam Carpenter, Ac. I, Bell Aaron Wagons, i Brooks JS. U Can-lagea. h MOTT OKTARIO AKID QUEBEC. uov 3;ii 3,Vi 3>4 P 3}* 8 3^ ^ 3 m Cain JwiiM. Tins. L Carter John R o. 8. Chapman W. W Furniture. L 3W ClIlianlM. A PoHtniaHtor. I, Bvaua Prank... Hotel. II 3 Fletcher Jnine* Kaker. L 3ki Fomwt Kobort W PIivhIoIbu. H 3 UrahaniJohn CanUuK MUl. 1, OrrlirJohn .Sailrtler. L SW narman Isaac PeilcUer. I, Huirreter Coojier. L lansun Mm. E Mllllucry.Ao. L 3« JackHonJohnF o. H. JeuningD aamuel Shoe«, Ac. L Let>k John Agent S. M. 4 HeeHor Jesse O Flour Mills. BhIehU James (i. 8. H 3)4 Btwiiier Bros. ...Hash A Door Factory. K SJij MOUNT ALBION, Wenlworth Co., Ont. Cook James It Miller. O 2>4 Dean Mrs. Levi o. H. L Qase Andrew Hotel. it™?.',®, f''"" Blacksmith. K 3)4 Mairill George Blat^krmlth. H 3 Pearson H.* J Butchers. O 3)4 Sterling Thomas Uotei. L MOUNT BRVOOES, Mlddleux Co., Onl. Arnold John Staves * Lmnbor. (i -M BettaJohir Tavern. L 3)4 Bolton A. T Undertaker. K 3 Clark John Hhoes. I. Chtrk Josui>h Orist Mill. P 2)4 CnKlorJ.Il Hotel. K 3)4 Cullon itiim Wagons, r, nainbleJames Stavos. H 3)4 OUlani Hiram Blacksmith, h 3)0 QravesMrs. KaUi...C«hlrietwan-, rfic. si flrlggjolm Ins. Agent, Jic. 1, 3)4 IlauiTy Mrs T....(J. 8. I.eeK... HuUder. L Lindsay U. O Cheese F»«:iiiry. U 2>4 I;attn Ins. AirAnt. aa^ V Au Kioi k Clias. U Pliouiigraiiner. i* Stove) H.U liVHindry. 8iovel A Son Printers. (HeeH. II. stovel.) Btovel Tboma* Auctioneer. K 3H 354 3 3>4 3 2)4 Sii 3)4 3)4 3)4 8 3)4 a)s 2)4 3)4 3)4 Swan Thomas B-imlth A Wagons. R M Tangney Thomaa Organs, Ac. L Tanner A (;o WoarenUllla. O 3 i^nuhartJohn BUekamlth. K 8)4 WaW.:- * Plasterer. L Watt John A Co 0.8. WeltonO. M Tins. K 3)4 Welton Henry H ^xes. L 8)4 Wlnlleld W.'*^ .............Grain: K »J Wood E. C B'smlth A Wagons. L Wright John Wo«l Turner. L \ arlett Henir Carpenter. H 3 Yeomana David . . . . Orlat A SawMUla. L 8M Yeomana Horace P Phyalclan. H 8 YeomuiaL.U DrugsAOro.a 2H York Wm.C Baker. L MOUNT HEALEY, Haldli.^ind Co., Ont Donaldaon Wm. A Co Saw A Plaster MUla. O Ki Ontario Plaster Co "....^^ ^ ThompaouA.W Flaater MIU, Ac. H SH MOUNT HOPE, Wantworih Co., OnL (Set aUmford.) MOUNT HURST, PmI Co., Ont. Benttey Wm shoea. 1 MuTOh James Blacksmith. X WallaoeJohn o. s, i, MOUNTJOY P. O., Soulaarm Co., Qua. (Stt alio SL Polucarp*. ) P»»""tA Q. 8. I, 3)4 JaoobaWm G. 8. H 8 Lalonde Camllle o. 8. MerleaoLouis Blaokamitb. K. SH MOUNT OSCAR, VaudrauilCe., Qua. tapolnte (dtt Oodard) Leandre. . . .Q. 8. I, 8)4 Larooque Pierre oro. K 8 Quesnel Theopbile BUoksmlth. L SabourinJ o. s. H 2)4 Teasler F. D Fanning MIU Mkr. ^ 8^ MOUNT PLEASANT, Brant Co., OnL Bryant Wm „ Grist Mill L 8)4 Bryoeoeo Blacksmith. G 2)4 Cameron James Tavern. K m Cleaver Thus Temperance Honse. L Cummins Jolm Grist Mill O 2)4 Devlin <)eo.P oro. L sS EUlsJ. H Cahlnetware. G 2)4 Oammnn Rloluird Blacksmith. L ,3)4 Heath Hiram Houd. K 3)4 HeaUmC u. s. H 3 Mariiuls Dnnoan Physician. H 3 Mc Laren John Wagims. L Templer A O'Connor Wagons A _ . . B'smtths. h 3)* TowusendA Wagons. Q 2)4 MOUNT PLEASANT, Durham Co., Ont. Best Isaiah Founder. O 3^ Best Thoe. A Co. . . . Grist A Saw Mills. L Courtney Edward Tanner. L Sii Cr«l,i?John Cooper. L Greer John W u. 8. K m McLean Jas <}ro. o 'ii* Pattermm Kamuel Wagons. L Patterson Thomas BlacksndtiL L SlileldsJos Grist A 6BW Mills. L 3)4 Thexton Robert Taveni. L Thompson Johu Physician. K Sa MOUNT ST. LOUIS, Simcoa Co., Ont Flttgerald John a. 8. F 2)4 FltJKlhbons Jolm Shoes. L Frawlcy NIcliolaa Tavern. L Hussoy John i» G. 8. A P.M. L Shanuahau John Blacksmith, h MOUNT ST. PATRICK, Ranfraw C«., Ont (Ste Bhamrock.) MOUNT SALEM, Elgin Co., Ont Culllngworth John 0.8. L 8)4 Uerhart Christian... Sewing Machines. L 31* Hellker George B'smlth A Gro. H 3 MoConn Lyman Grist Mill. Hookey John Hotel. L MOUNTSBERG, Wentworth Co., Ont < Inking WllUam.. Lumber A 8blngles. L 3M MoCormlckJaa 8boea.Ii B*Tcii t'faarics U.S. Q ^ MOUNT VERNON, Brant Co., Ont AikmanChaa.M Pbys'u A Dront L BurtonJolui OriatMlU.£ MtTD ONT^HTO AKr> QttEiBEO. ^aP i Is f IK: 11? Downing; Jon Cablnotware. L UAbloJ'ihn W Tavern. L 3)4 Irwin Mattbevr > Wasont. II a LoiiiislHirry Morrtii Baw MUl. II 3 McWinianin Jobn a Qro. H 3 PerrlnThmiiaii Q, B. L Whltniau Jd.Hiipb Cooper. Q 2^ MU' OY BRANCH, Arganttuil Co., Qu«. Le Blano Eiutaobe O. H. I. MaubertF O. H., Tavern, ... Money Lonilnr, <&o. b' 1)4 BuilH MUBlo, Ac. L OorrloanB. J Uro. A P. U. X 3*4 aart«noreJotui Miller. L PoatC. vv Tanner. K 3H Bheani Georgo Tavern, h BheiilTdtOorri(an Marblo. K 3)4 MURRAY BAY, Charlevoix Co., Que. Bergcnin Louis Mills. II 3 BhervurJ. II Mills. K 3 Bolly Alfred Sboemkr. L Carou FcriUnanil Blaoksniltb. I, 3M CbamnrtU.. M Hotfl. CouturlerJ. (b J MbooH. K 3 Oaaaylva Ctaaa Mboemkr. L 3)4 Demeulo G Bbocuikr. 1. Denieule Onecline Blaokauiith. I, .'lut« Jpan, Jr Blacksmith. II 3 IJIMiliito A Tremblay MJIL G 2)4 Maltals Francois G. B. H •i'^ MoI.<'»M Jonmih B'smlth A Baker. K 3'i Reverin William, Flls Bbicksmltli. L ,3)« Treuibliiy Hyi'ollte 0.8. G 2)4 Tremblay Louis Blacksmith. K 3 Truilelle Anibrulse Cartwrlght. I, WarieuJfdu u. H. K 3 Warren JoHimh G. 8. K 3)4 WarronXavfer Hotel. H 3 MURVALE, Frontsnao Co., Onl. ClarkThos Tavern. L .3)4 Davy Michael G. B. K 3>4 Mciiim Hiram Tanucr. MU8K0KA FALLS, Mutkoka Diitriol, Onl, CUtoTd H. A O. S. F 2)4 iUaotalr Juaea Gro. L MUS8ELBUR0, Ptrih Co., Onl, BurgmanWrn Bhooa. K 3)4 KukIo Geo ...Wagons. I, 3)4 llclm George Blacksmith, n 3 RImiror Goorge (♦. S. O 2)* WaddoUA Cattle. H 3 MYREHALL, Hastings Co., Onl, Doran Chas Blacksmith. L 3)4 Dougherty John Gro. A Hotel. L MYRTLE, Ontario Co., Onl. Brown A llrlggs Gro. K ,3)4 DurettWm Wagons. L .3)4 Ilurlburt Clinton Blioes. I, Kent James Canicntpr. H 3 Pike F. L CniiM«it<. Ji Hooper Kdumnd A Sons G. 8. F Howes James Harness. L HuftMrs MlUiner. L IluffWm Cooper. L HiimnanThoa. A Drugs. L llulett T. 8 Photographer. L J amteson Thomas Baker. L Johns S. T Wagons. L Johns(m Bobert Gm. L 3X Joy Wilder Blacksmith. O »j KenneilyABro Wagons. L Klmerly Ira (4ro. H Kouber V Marble. Lane Charles Asliery. F Lasher Martin Carpenter. L Light Robert Carpenter. K Dowry A Wheeler Blacksmiths. L Madden Androw Gro. L Mai'denG. B Tanner. MairG. L Machinist. K Mallory M. B Patent Mods. H Mallury M. B. A Co Drugs. McD(mald It Hotel. K McLaughllu Samuel.. Gro., Fruit, Ac. L MoI,oih1 Angus Stoves A Tin. H McKossle Alex Bhoes, H Meagher F. F (j, B. I, Meagher J. C. A Co Bankrupt Btocks. Melllng U igh Blacksmith. L Miller D, H Money Lender, Miller A Dryden uro, O Miller Wm Money lender. K Mills Bobert Liquors. H Montgimiory J SIsam Dye Works. L Moore W. It Marble. L Moss James Bhoes. L MundiyM'isB D. G. A Mlllluery. K Na|ianee Brush Co K Otlon A Henley Fancy Goods. Paisley Chos Hotel. F Park David N..Agt.Bewlng Machines. L Parker Androw Shoes. Perry A Chambers Drugs. Perry H. W Hardware. H Perry J. J Drugs, PalnU A Oils. H Perry James Fuller, Carder A Plaster Mills. L Perry, Joy A Co Saw Mill. G Phillips L Organs. L Pluniley James Flour A Feed. L Potter Bros Livery. H Pringle A Bro. .Foundry A Machinists. G Pruyn M. W. A Son. . » Gro. A l.iii. F Kaukins Wm Gro. L Held John A Veterinary Surgwm. L Beunle James (UotUIng A BTiuea. L Rlchanlson Frodeiick, Jr Photo. K Kublln Bros Gents' Fum'g A Laundry. L Rogers M.T D. G. L Rose W. A Shoes A Clothing. Rush A HoUd. L Ru ttan Allan Pliy sioian. G Bchryver Mrs Gro. L Rcott W. C. orL. M Printer. L Hexsmlth J. A Gro. L Shirley Thos Physician. L Bhorey E. R. A Co. .Clothes Wilngcrs. H Biiorey H. A cro. L Blaveu A Ironside D. G., >«c. a BmithF. W Watches. H Bmltli John .' Gro. L Boby John Hotel. SiHiUcer Henry R Taller. Sliuius Jerry oro. L Btiimg K.J Harness. Sweeney Bros D. G. II BymliigUm Thomas Pnsl. II Tenil>tutaslierOeo Llmo. O 2i4 BoottJ. 11 O. 8. A P.M. F 2)4 NAPIER, MlddlcMx Co., Ont Bowlby Alex Cablnetware. li BrunneU John Pumps. L 8J4 Cane Irs Waoona. L Duulii)) t& Richardson Haw Mill. K 3 Ooiigli JamoH Hotel. !• Iliitt^iii Mrs. Mary O. 8. L KuauU)D ('liarles Blioes. L MacKa.v TlioH Brioks. L McTavlHh Wm Hotel L Miller U dhoes. L NIxiin U Physician. I. ni'oliard Jaa Blacxsinlth. T< 3Hi Bundle P Tailor. I. Bherrltr A Blacksmith. I< Bniltta Wm Wagons A B'smltb. I. NAPIERVILLE, Napisrvill* Co., Qua. Bodartl Cnsluilr (shoes, h Bcnolt Leonard Physician. K 3 Boniilt lyoiils Taiiuer, Bwiolt M. V U.H. 1. Bouchard <«: Mlrliil Mills, r 2ii Brassard A.. Jr O. 8. C'atuilal Narclsse A Toussaint Car- riages. 10 3 Courvlllit Narclsse Baker A Oto. H 23^ Ducliesno JitcqiinH Ba^es, Ac. L Oarleiiy A llralii O.B.I. 8H OMranVH Hotel, h 8)4 fi«rval8 * rrero O. M. K 3 (iuay 1) HoteL H 3 liirklandT. W Shoes. 1. 3'i !H;inlii&(llranl G. 8. K 8)5 MlitaUo Fniucou Saddler. L baiilulor AlJml O. 8. L 8)4 Bteuart Walter A U.S. h 3)4 TreniblayK Hotel. K 3 'ITuduau Joseph, Jr Foundry. K 3 NAPPERTON, Middleisx Co., Ont. JuryT O. 8. A P.O. L NASSAOAWEYA, HaKon Co., Onl. BoUJohnT O. 8. L naley James 0.8. K 3)4 Kiwterlirook John O.8. « 3)o Kcau HuyhAAlei Blacksmiths. K 3)4 McMillan .Veil Harness. L Mead UiilwrtL Shoes. L Picket Abncr WaRonmkr. L Itamshaw uoo Blacksmith, h 8)4 Btancombe Jas Boots A Shoes, h NAVAN, Ruaisil Co., Ont. Dolanoy Thus Tavern. L Vessor Mrs. H. U Tavern. I. 3)4 NELSON, Hallon Co., Ont. AdamH itlcliard B Harness. L lluntnnJohn Hotel. U 3 CartwrlKht Wm Blacksmith. li (Jorucr Tliomas O.8. L (Ireer James Wagons. L Ireland Uohcrt Saw Mill. SniltH McUowan Wagons. L 3)4 Smith R.B Tavern. K 3)4 Stewart Charles Blacksmith. H 8)4 NEL80NVILLE, Qrenvilla Co., Que. Barton Stephen Q.B. L 3)4 NENAQH, Grey Co., Ont. Dulgnan Thos P. M. AO. 8. L NEPEAN TOWNSHIP, Carlelon Co., Ont. Bell W. All Farmers A Traders. H 3 Burrows J U< lot. MeConulckMrs Uro. K 3^4 NETHERBV, Welland Co., Onl. Bowers Jacob Tavern. L NEUSTADT, Grey Co., Ont. tiorlotHonry MasoiL K 8)4 C'luistnwu Cbarle* Blaoktmltli. L 3)4 r'lcmens N Blacksmith. Ij Druinmar Jacob Tins. I, 3)4 KuierAdum Drover. H 3)J Fisher A lucksch Cablnetware. H 3>a Flelsrlimun Clulstlan Canienter. L FrantzJohn CabUietware. L 3)-i Oawkel F. W Tins. L 8)4 Uahnel OottWoil I.inio. I. 8)4 Helnbucker A HnlKman Woolens. K 3)4 Helusman John O Painter. L HclborgCarl Shoes. K 3)4 Kerrtuirer John 8a4ldlery, Ac. L Ilernniter Sebastian Butcher, h 3)4 HimlerJolin Tavern A Butcher. K .S)4 Huether Henry Brewer. O 3)4 Huffman Henry Jeweler, Ac. I4 lueksch John Tailor. I> 8)4 Kalbttelsch Oeo O. 8. *' 2)4 Klein John A Sun Printers. I^ Llmliert Caspar Mason. L Lobs lAiuls Wagons. H 3 Market August Blacksmith. L 3)4 Market Jacob Tavern. H 3 MatheHon Wm Fancy Oooils. K .1)4 McKdwards A. 8 O. S, O 3 Meyer Oeorge Hotel. H 8 Nester F Wagons A B'smith. H 3 Niomclr Oeorge Pliyslcian. L Puseliinsky II Shoes. J, Puschlnsk y Wm Locksndth. K 3!4 Hogers Oaiirlel L Dentist. L SchelllleMrs Dressmkr. L 3)4 Schlerschmldt Carl CcMinor. L Sh Schunnan Oeo Tailor. L 3!4 Seng I''raiik Saddler. L 3)4 Viilz Widow Tavern. K 3)4 Wagner John Mason A Weaver. L Walin C. * V Foundry. L WeluertJohn Tanner. O 3)4 Weigel llaltzer....U'8mltb A Wagims. H 3 Whiuieyer Stanislaus Shoes. H 3 WIegand Adam TaHor. I, ,S)4 Winkler John U Shoes. L 3)4 WluklerWm Grist A Saw Mills. K ^ NEWARK, Oxford Co., Ont.. Abraham Thos Cheese Factor. F 2)4 Honsley Audrew Blnoksmlth. L 3)4 SIplesAUBtiu Uro, A Farmer. H 3)4 Smith 8 Shoes. L NEWBORO', Leeds Co., Ont. Bell Robert Shoes. K 8)4 Bhike Ulchard O. H. F 3)4 Boltunli Shoes. K 3 Brezee Wm Wagons. J, Butler Joseph 'rins. H 3 CainmThus Tailor. L Davis K. A Bro Talloiu Donby Wm TallorAOro. K 3 DrafflnJohn 0.8. P 3*4 FliMMl Anthony HoteL L 8)4 Gallagher JamesT D. O. A Gro. H 3 IlartJohu Tavern. L 3)4 Hatleton James Cablnetware. K 8 Uorron John A Wm Door A Sash FacU^ry. H 3 Hopkins Robert G. 8. H 8 KUboni Horace Drugs. H 2)4 Legget Henry 8an Robert O. 8. L Andrews Thoniaa Tine, Ao. L Archer D. A Woolens. K 3 Archer John J Ins. Agent, Ao. L Annstrong Wm Cooper. L Bain Wm Butcher. L Be4iitleWm Hotel. H 3 Brown Mrs MllUner. L Uryden Robert Drugs. K 3)4 Burr John Blacksmith. L ^ Clayson Wm Ouusmlth. L 8)4 Clements Wm Veneers. H 3 (;ooiiibs H Miller. U 3 Cusack H. P Hoops. Douglass James Saddler. L 8)4 Oay John Blacksmith. L Graham Alexander Physician. K D GrayilonAlex Hotel. H S Ouppy W.J U.S. K 3)4 Ouy Benjamin Oro. A Prov, H 3 Harrison W. H ...Furniture. L Kelly Joseph B D. O. A Uro. Laliil P. H. aro.jAo. L 8)4 Lawii'nce J O. 8. 3)4 M cDouald Robert Tailor. L 3)4 McLean James Lumber. !< 3)4 Miller Jacob Watehes. U 3 MiwreC. B Agent Ag'l luidte. L Puiily David A Bewlng Machines. L Roais Wm. B Tavern, AC. H 3)4 Robinson Thos G. 8. A Saw MIU. 3 RoomoW. F Pliyslcian. H 3 SchawaderWm Butcher. L ^ Stokes W Timber A Btavee. O 8 WardA.O Shoes. L NEW CARLISLE, Bonaventure Co., Que. Caldwell James T. D. O. A Oro. P 2)4 Day James MUler. H 8 Day Oswald O. 8. A Shingles. De St. Croix Chas Shocmkr. K 8)4 Doniiellv Patiick Blacksmith. L Hamilton Clarence A Co Pish. O 3 Haugard Ivouis Hut«L L Hnrrflmim l/iuls Painter. L 8)4 JacHibsun Samuel Photographer. L Kempffer R. U O. S. KempfforW.L 0. S. L 3)4 Lalerrler Amable Phy s'n A UpeoulaUir. F 3)4 LnuBler Narclsse Baker. Le Boutiliier A Co Gen'lMers. D 3 Smith Wm «. 8. H 2)4 Winter Bros O. 8. \/ NEWCASTLE, Durham Co., OnL' Adauis J MUlCi. I, AlliuChas Cablnetware. I. Allln Daniel.... Cablnetware A Books. U S Arnold A Biiteher. I4 Arnold Jobn ..B«k«r. L l il l'l i lMJIillUiililili'iiL; NEW ONTARIO AISTD QUEBEC. NEW »^ m •^ an an a.>t 3>4 3)* Rjurfntt John » U'w«r« A ilwMliir. BtettoJ. H U. (I. «Uro. K Bruwn Uno ..T»U1« John BuUilor. K jlnUaoii John J VeMHla, do. K IJolfoJohii H Paint*, Ac L K.»ie I)iivi,l Uro.,Aq. 1, lliwo W. N ... Pliynliliui. L Blinnionii .% Janllns BnUilwn. o a>* gUllwolU'riMl BlnckumlUi. h 3)u mruK«r Lowt* (lro.AI.tu. U » Troleaven JdUn BiiUiler, a a^ UglowJohn Tmior. I, sS Vonnerlho* o. M. « as! VuraUirWrn oni. K 3»S Wdibrhlffe A. U Po»tm»»tor, Ac. F a,? WrichtJamM titore* A Tina. K ai NCWCOMB't MILLS, Northumbarlaad Co. Onl. n^klln U«Q«. 1. rieiuenaJ. U. ACo «. a. h S CraMman John c IlarueM. L a'* KInwHchtvr Henry Uutchnr. 1, a^ J\irom«n Hwiry 8ho,». L 3j« llr48. Ilamean. L All«n t'!'"'.'"* * Canwnter. K 3H CUnoWiu. n MlaokanitUi. h Ooebrape Chaiieo P. M. A Oro. L 8W Ooboe JiwtlcB Cheese, H 3 HartleyOaleb Prov. L gMtJeyJaa... CioeaeFastory AO. 8. H S X1S7XICT Wis. "»'«»MV>iiM> iC 3 HlUJohn BlacksmlUi. « a)i Jf.?9H^. — Pliyalolau, I, OtoaJ.W Ilu.Agph (tro. K »'4 hnlmaii I) BlackumUli. L MliiiicM lloury ii„u,|. i, li l\,'>'L"'."v Blmkamlth. I, Wlllick John Hotel. NEW QLA8Q0W, Elfiti Co., Onl. (Nm AUIhonuah,) V 3H V A ■i1 4) IV. K MW, li •'H o an A At I, 3.>4 H 3 I. iH 2>1, a«t It iS I, »l H asi u asi K sa, (I a^a 'iH a-i) NEW QLASQOW, Terrobonnt Co., «o*. lU.niiettdeorge o. h. h 3 fliirkMoii Joseph Haw Mill. 11 l'ur7.,« Jaiiit's .....n H llule John L. A C0...U, 8. A Tannery! JKlubbluO Mills. Morrlaou Wm 8aw Mill. Murray Juhu u. H. ATallor, S.*"*"!!;; TuniUigHhop. *^ully P Mills. ,. alsh WUllam Blacksmit h. L NEW HAMBURG, Waterloo Co., Onl. Askew John Tailor. I, AsuiiisWni Cider A Tniin^r. II 3 i;n«vr KoUert Hluckauiith. K 3'u BiH'kiTj o.H. Y as; llliisulumute Vluueut Piiiiiim. K '.via BiMMjkner Peter Mtwllihuir. K 3lJ Boehler Xavli.>r Pottery. I, Houlleow. H..jr Dra™; }; Houlloo W. II.. ar Physician. I, Milok,>r Peter I.lvurv. II Itrlll Peu«r : ; n'rlSKi }: BriMlreoht Henry Tins, (l llrouoh Peter Mason. 1, llr;>wii II. a U i^iisi. t, l-olelleinon Uhcks. H CorrU, Kohoit Pe«5,M™ Hotel. K 3^ Flack Henry Jowelor. 1. JlowersUiHi .Sowing M. A«r,!nt. I. Frank (iottUeb Butcher. IJ an Coopi'V. I. »>; UartmiK Kiiist Tavern. K HV, Dehrt lli'ury Haddler. (iiwhrlUKJolin Weaver. 1, (irulTJacob A Co D. O., (Jro., Ao. (f lUaad.. Nmsfliy. H Han Ixnils Siiw Mill. I, ..^ HartUiepJohn Tavern A Bileks. K H"* Hartninn August Butelmr. L H)« Hariintiii Josi'jih Dairy H i Hauseman tiisirge A t:ooiier. H 3 Hclniliwiker Peter Hlaoksnilth. L m, JfwI'erMr* Oro. A FaucvUoiHls. L !)(« IlUuKMrs. Oro., Llq.,Ao. K ilS KiHMilor ,t Co Soap. I. Kllclu.n Jesse Photographer. K 3H, Mi'( alhim Freilorlck Drugs. K SSj MsrtlnlJohn Dakur. I, »^ Meier Henry Tailor. K .S). Merner Fre,} Carrlagea A Flax. I) a Meruer Fre4 f,"'?«I^'l» Btottonar. h RM PletohJohu Unknr. L 3« Pliim.V Mi'l'nlliim (♦. h. K 3S Presspil.h A Ulta Printers. K 8H l«uJ.,^.I Brorors. M a» H.dc.,hiM t Peter Pliotogrnpher. I, Itiirhl.v J. t% A Hnues. h Hohlltroth Christopher Haildler. K Vi* HchnlderV Barber A ( wiifeo. I, sfl Heylor Jacob Tavern, t, M sieguerHi.. Wagonmkr. K 34 H eliilHTg KiM.rgo 8h,„„. K 3W g "'" '»".v,M' J, Watehcs, ,to, H 8».y..r Khioh Physician. O 3)4 Taiilmr llnriihart . . l». 8 H 8 WrtgiierFivd «,„„,,. K 3^ «■'.',?""'■.•.'".'"' ...CarpenU.r. K M Wilki'i I'eh'r Hanlwan- Wjlker ,« Khanf shoes. l,li|,, Ac! JJIiilfHiiild Henry Pluuing Mill. WwHlcharioa Wooleua. K WH NEWINQTON, StormonI Co., Onl. BakerW. M O 8 I, UuvalJos. Saw Mill! 1, torrim c. Mills. (See Farran's Pi,lut.) Forbes llniB (i h R FmIIihIoii Ueo UUeksiiilth! I, MM lilllespleW Harness. L ^ Hawn L fj.H L Johnsou Hugh lloteL K 8M lt»yi dJoRnN ..;!!!; Tlus L ^ Htillhlge ne.irgo . BtaokamlMi. K 8M Weaver ttllaitwvll Hotel. I, NEWLAND, York Co., OnL (St* Mount Albtrt.) NEW LIVERPOOL, Lovis Co., Quo. Atklusim Ueniy Mills. „ . „ (HeeQui'l)iw.) Beg n n U.S. A Hotel. 1, Itegln (icorge o, ». k 3 )|elaiiger Jos CaUiuetwani. h !;••;■»"''. Bros Lumber. F IM llolvUi LiNiiianl B (i, s I, Ciimelim Mrs Ol-o. A Hotel. K 3 5""1<'1'IJ «ro. h Conduit (o.riiijiln o, s |t 8 Deiiiuiilgiiv Adi'lstan Physician. K 8 Doiiiliiliiii Miiiiiiriti'tui'IngCu.,... .. Henry Bruno shoes. K 8 l-nlaiile»u (I. A uro \j Filch, .t Co Match Snihit". Ulrunl Joseph (i. s, K 8 Ooselln Jeau UapUste <|. s. L ;j""yPX.. Baker! Sl"?^, ^''''«''»' Physician. L Z)i 11»)1«-B I.umber. ^ t. ,, ,L ,. (Seegucbec.) llalleAFriiro Bloi^ksiulths. K 3M UHUtlltou Itros I,uiiib,ir. - ., (See Uiicbeo.) JoucnsK.. V ■BlacksiiilUi. L 3M JoiuHsKX Blacksmith. K 8 l4ibi'lo Jiu'iiuos (iro K ji LaiiMlioUeorgeA um. I, 8H I,i>cljilr bYuncols u. s H ait M«',"'V »; Drug^H 8* Mclivmly Mrs (j. n »» 314 Mccroady Uobort! . .. „ ... (BeeMrs. MoCready.) McKeucle John u, s Moicau — - Oro. L O'llegiw P Oro. H 3 Pelletler Kiisnbe (I S U 3 Plcaiil Joseph u. w, llltchlo Bros . Lumber. D a Boberts, Smith A Co liunibcr. a.,.. . ui (See QuHbec.) Sclater Miss (ji,, j, Stinmino Autcustdn Baker! K 3 Swtut<>n David Blacksmith. K 3 "»roC Oro. h 8)4 NEW LOWELL, Simooo Co., Onl. Carter Isaac .Shingles. O a)4 l)iMU»mJj«uo8 Blacksmith. 1, 34 DymenlN Maw Mill. „, , . ^ „ (See Bailie.) Fleming A.A B CouUwtors. L Urahani Juuiea Hotel. U 3 Hay A Paten O. S., Lumber A (See llobert Hoy A Co., Toroutthr lUrueM. K 3 Bowden \y. H., »r llaker. *o. H 3 HrtuMoi] John Wairnuii. li Brlmnon Wm Milodoonn, 4o. 1, m Ciaawm J. B vaiuUiT. *• a»| OamulwllA Tliwnilth. h 3J4 Ciine Wm. « Bonn Haw MIIL o -ai ChwrterA.c (in,. L P*1mT. J Agent MiMtoal Inntii. L UenolsClMw oraln. U 3 IMuuile VUiaent Pork t>aiiknr A „, , ,. . Ui-aln Uealor. P 2H Klerheller A. B on,, i, Flei'hflUer John Ulaoknmlth. h Feury John Ilttiiiejw. f, ''"""'r— ■ — .- C'ou voyaiicnr. L FonythMn. M Hotel. U » OalnaThomaa TnUor. K !M •lonooiune John Biilulmr. I, 3>4 H»nmerctork.._ Tavern. O aS HarrlmuA Uavlaou o. H. 3 Hewitt Hflbon HoteL I, Ho(tnJnhn Tlmmlth. It 8 JJoiHl Anilrnw I'lioUiKraphvr. I, HupheyKllla Carpentor. L 8>« llnliieHenrjr HuK-I. P Z(* BntobcioftaeorgeB WogoD*. L sit JiuinaitDK AKtolmil UiiUiiit'in. K a(i Jackson KnwMia HiM)ka A I'rlntor. Jl 8 Johuwtn Jacob I'laiiing Mill, Ac. H 3 Johnaon NelRon.... HowlnR Machlui'ii. K :i>4 Johiwtniie EUJah An'l Imults. K 3)« Jr.nek William L Phoionraiftiw. I. KelmwJamet.. Drusi. U S l.«wii.Juliiii);.,jr lali,,!'. L m i-luklat«r A. A 3 Cai-rlaKeB. L ssj UoyilT. II Veterinary Hurueon. K 3)J 1-ovelyACo BTioea. L LuuijyA AUen o. M. U li* l;U»i!Wpiieiih._..._. I.lvory. I, sii Maltbr J o*."A Son ..:... iiakeiV. L MannfnRJoUn Ulaoksnilth. L MariNlHn John W I'nxl. A Mill. P Mlllanl Jojteiili A Hou«...Oal,lnotmkra. U MlU^inll John Hotel. K Moiitsonieiy John Shoiia. f, Mortimer UaoTKe C IloDkii, Ac. Ij Uiinua Wm Oio. A Coiifeo. I, 9M Hiiruly K Uimtraclor. H 3 NaaU Uuxene Orlst Mill A Uro. L Naah John Phyalciau. U KM Nuwnuu'ket Hat Co., Tlio. («eo (ireeuo A Hom Co., Motitniul.) Park A Co Tannnra. L PatrlilKe (loo. A J lliiUjherH. 11 3 Pewaon Natliaulel Denllit. 1. PerklnaWni llarnMS. I, SM S?'i',';»"''Tlioma* On>. AU(|. K 3>; P' IUP»9. B- Cheeae. L Phlpua Mm. L D. O. A Oni. H 3 ?."?*,.2!''JI?,'^ «'«>«•• L UailullireThomaa Publlaher. L 3,>4 J}*ll^.?i; Marble. U a>» ReldO. W Marble. (J a2 RowlhouBe Mamuel PiiruUure. K 3)4 ItobwUMiu J. C UariJwai-o, A«. K 3« KoliliiiHiu Martin Mlioea. h Uoclie IJ. A Co CI. B. J}i>clio W.H Gro. h 3H Uo« Albert ci.H. K a HoKera A. C Livery. L HiiMiell 8. A Woolen Factory, Ac. Havase A lluunett Puiiiiid, L SW 8u»U.iijol|u WaUjhea. U 8 HonttHUnlny Hhyalulan. K 3)4 ghariw Mr». It Om. A Liq. k SS aimpoou Alexander Baker. I, HlmuHou Cliaa. U,, Estate at. ...Driiaa. H 3 Hmlth Mlaa h MiUluer. L Hrtgley Uloliard Pumiw. I- Btlokwooil laaao Saw Mill. Hllekwoml Wm Bricks. L Hutherland D. A Bon o. H. BykeaSamuel Brewer. O .1 TJUohC.U Aneut Ak'I ImplU. H 3 Thonuison U Carriage Ti-UuiiilugH. h Waters George Hlioos. I, S*!?""^-.** Jowclcr. I, Pork, Ac. K 3)4 widOos James WWdlBaldJos. U. Physician. U 3" W'.'«on John or P. T nhoca. L Xi^lS*""" Painter. H 3 VoodBtDir Uv«i7. Ii NCWPORT, Bnint C«., Oat. llalneaJotin Wagnns. I. Hartley Kubert niickanilth. L 8'4 Henderaon Wm niacksiiilth. K m HoiildlngThos BHcksAd.H. H 3 Martin James Urloks. K 3»4 Mitchell AmbnMM) Wainma. K .1 Woodley Joslah 71i.». K 3)4 NEWPORT, Qirp« Co., «u*. Becla Zephem Fish. (treuler Oregnlm Fish, Oil, Ac. H 3 UaraoD Itobert P o. H. NEW RICHMOND, Boiwvaniur* Co., Quo. AhlerC.U a. H. K S»4 BacunR.J 0.8. K 8 Campbell Angus Hotel A Parmur. h 3)4 Campbell John Uratn, Batter, Ao. P ■J'Z l)lini>ck Alex o. h. 1, 3S« Oiirthle Widow o. B. L »)« Fair Itobert Hts. L, PoxJohn.... 8i„w,. L 3)4 Uonlon Aithur Naw Mill. 1, Oraliam lUohard Tavoni. K 3)4 Oriiud.v-— - BlHckainlth. I, H), HaunahJohn Bhiiksmlth. L 3)4 PettleO. W (I. B. t, H>« Kuthcrtord H. u Physician. K 8)4 Walkle (loorge. Cablnetwaro. L 8)s WllUausC. MoD o. 8. NEW 8ARUM, El(ln Co., Ont. ElllottHennr Bhoea. I. .1)4 EUlottW. ir (iVs: H 3 Johnston J. B.... Hotel. .1)4 Bauudora Blchanl Blacksmith. L 8)s NEWTON BROOK, York Co., Ont. Agar Mrs (j.s. h 3 Anderson Alex Wagons. H 8 (,'hlldN James BlacksmlMi. L SJj Cooper Jaiiips OrUt Mill. U a»a Cummer W. W (). M. o 'iH Drury Mrs. Emily Coojwrage. L 8)| flJTin Daniel si.oco. L, S"! HalsleyThos... Bhoes. K 3)4 Humbei stone H. Thos., Jr Pottery. H 3 HusbaiHldwirgeH UeuUst. H 3 Johnwm JaiiwB....B'smlth A Wagons. L McDoniildJiw BlackHmlth. Ij Mouoncll Jimeph Carriages. L Mlntorn Walter Paliit«ir. L Belth James Orlst Mill. HtreetJohn Wagons. I, Trover Wm Blaa QuaekantiDsli Mewton Ulaoksmlth. L 8)4 Balnslierry Pranols Mhnas, u Hterling/. Hlumn. Thompson Donald Blaoksmltb. L Tliompson Jumes Builder, £ NEWTOWN, Wolllagten Co., Oal Kay J.T o. u, j, NEWTOWN ROSINSON, Slmooo Co Apperlcy Thomas Mawin. Chantler James U u. H, jiinesJohu HoUil. Mot.^ilhm Andrew Blacksmith. Merrick Johu A Son Curi»>nt«rs. Ogllvle Wm ..TaUiir. putt Johu Carvwi t«r Towns W. C. A Bon *'~»^.'Sr Oal. n I .. Mill*. II »; NIAGARA, Lineoln Co., Ont. Anderson II. I PhyslcUn. L l«esl Itolicn Ilutoher. K jllshopJohu Butcher. K .'}""'l!.," *■'"""• '' Blain Thomas I), o. K Burk Thomas Lumber, u Campbell W.J Blacksmith. I, Cnruochau Jumea 1 .urulwr. u Cathllne PliUlu Bulkier, U Chryslnr II. W. (j. «. Clement H Oro., U'ware, Ae. Daley Thomas Builder, II DavuyA McClelhuid..Otv, A Butchers. L pM'iwJ. J Cimree. I, Diamond Wm Tavern, L DonellyW.U Livery, Jl DuyleJamea Hotel. M Elliott Tlio» Plsherle*. U Ellison Henry A Boob BiiUdeni. Evans Henry Cuutso. L PoUett 8. H :. (LB U Onnott E. A Millinery A U. «. HiMkIn A ugustus H BnMinis. I, Kcrby J. 'r:. Speculator, L Long Mrs. II Hotel. £ i/"Vh ''»H1'=* 88■ liwara 1 lak 1 unulug Co Paffuril lliuiry Drugs, P 3)4 PmU'rwrn EdwanI Baker, L i^r'I'.I.M.V" f :•. •• Fancy OimhIs. L Piatt WUlard Wagons A ll'smltli. II » ItoUHwwi Johu Hotel ItowluudT. M D. O, K 3 Baudo John Fruit, L BaiiUo mephen Butcher, K 8k Henlor Wlllliim on>. L Servos Daiih^l Coal, II VU Mherlock Blchanl (iru. L ^ 8*Uitou David Bulhhir. 11 g Variiy KU Auctioneer, Act Walsli Jamiis Taveni. L Wuters Uaulol Tavern A LIvorv, o ttu WeblMjrW Tills, L KM Wooilluirton Ueo Uro.. Ac. It Kf NIAGARA FALLS, Wollaad Co., Oat (Het ai«o CUfUm.) Oamochan Andrew Dash Fact4,rr. U 8 Colbuiu A UcUmber. . . CUf u>u House. Kick M... Hotel. L .Mcduaiie Thomas Hotel. L VouugA. B Clgartj. L NICOLET, Nioolot Co., Qua. Ueuuchemlu Octave Ilakcr, Ac. If 3)4 llejlveau Denis Blat^ksjulth, L m Uolnclalr Oix> Hotel, BplsvcrtN.. Bh»cksmlUi. L CImret Theophllo oro. L Courchaluo willhim o. 8. L Cresno A. Pierre (i, b, o DitnuuttP oro. L DeslletM Isaie Farmer A B'smith. K Duguay Eitouard o, w, FuutAlUH A Co On). Ulniiixll Oro. II Ouitrtiii Ijobolre O.K. L Lfi/oudU on». L l.ainbcrt Olivier Cariiagus. Ij I.ecomte E (L B. P Uitemlre Troflle oni. 11 Lewis J xiiM. L McCafllDy Charles Lniuber. K M ct'alftey Frauds Lumber. ll.nn .Mrs D. a. A Miiiuiery. ii 8 O'shauKlinessy Mlcliael Mill, Kcueoldeou Hami-ss. L llooliette O Hotel. O ItOHtieau T. J A StzBH Peter ._ Hotel. K .3.>o SpiiimonJainea UiiHt&tlU. K H^ U|iton Oeome Wooleua. 1. NILE, Huron Co., Ont. Ammtrontr I.,uke Saw Mill. L Doilil Houry Stf am Baw Mill. II 3 Jonea Frederick a. 8. h JonexU Hotel. L KiilghtC Sboes. L Manii E Blacksmith. I. Mollwain Robert O. S. L McWlilnney dtUro. ..Steam Saw MUL K 3 NILESTOWN, MiddlOMx Co., Onl. Craig Wm Wagons, Ac. L ,S.j Kiinipt Wm Cooper. L Monlux Potor Blackamltb. L 3!4 NIXON, Norfolk Co., Onl. Andrews Alfred.. Tempeittuce Hoiue. U 3 CrabbF. H G. S. I. Downey Barnai'd Hotel, K 3?^ Nunu Wm Blacksmith, h 3>4 Blorer Samuel Wagons. L U'ootl Robert Lumber. F 2*4 Wood Robert ,& Co O. S. P 2;a NOBLETON, York Co., Ont. Aldeu George Blacksmith. I. Armstrong N.J Auctioneer. L Oodfiy Edward Y Saddler. L 3(4 Graham Charles Blacksmith. K 3« HambleyChas O. 8. O 2»* Hill George Carpenter. H 3 HolUngsheud Joseph Drugs, &c. J. Irons tV Weller Shoes. 1. MuUatl'y John I'hys'n dt Drugs. 1, Mf. I >()uald Thomas Waggus. It PUllUpsJolm Shoes. I. 3>i BUirrettThos Hotel. K 3)4 White Robert Carpenter. I, NORHAM, Northumberland Co., Ont. Balloy Frcrt'k Wagons, 40. K a^ Baker William .wagons. L y>n Beiiuiiiout Henry Gro.. &c. K SH I>(mgla8H Alexander o. 8. H 3 Oeitiw Timothy HoteL L 3)4 HarrlsJacob Blacksmith. H 3 llessJacob Wagons. L Kemp W. K Harness ATlus. 1, M llligau Peter Blacksmith. L 3)a Ryotl K. C Ins. Agent. L Tierney Blacksmith. I. Tleruey Matthew Shoes. U 3 NORLAND P. O., Victoria Co., Ont. Bell Thomas Blacksmith. L Haatlngs Adam. . . . Shingles A Carder. H 3)4 McUiughlaud Bros O. 8. H 3)4 Roj J.C G.S. SlmpaunWm Tavern. L 3)6 NORMANDALE, Norfolk Co., Ont. LnoasP Blacksmith. L FimiJoIiUD G. B. G Sk BohramJamea Hotel. L BhawJohn Miller. G 2M WUoozH. P Forwarder, A*. K wj NORMANTON, Bruee Co., Ont. (Ses Port Elgin.) NORTH AUQUSTA, Qrenville Co., Ont. Bell Andrew Tina, h Bellamy J. B Woolens. Chapman John G. H. H 9)4 Checkley Thos. P., jr Saw Mill. K iui ColborneBeuJ Shingle Mill. G 2)4 Davis John HoteL K 3 DowllngJ. B Organs. H 3 Knnis John Cablnetware A Gro. I. Eyre Bros Grist Mill. K 3 J ohnson C. E Bhtcksmith, L 3)4 JoyutJ. L HoteL H 3 LangstalT James Shoes. L 3)4 Marshall E Wagons. I, McLean Robert Shoes. L 3)4 Norton 8. W o. 8. H 3 Ralph Johns g. 8. H 3 Raycroft «. « G. 8. L stoacvWm Harness. L 3)4 WoolJ Jacob U.S. L NORTH BRISTOL, Pontiao Co., <)ue. (Nee BHttol.) NORTH BRUCE, Bruce Co., Ont. Bruce Peter Hotel. L S"* Mc Kay Peter Blacksmith. L 3)9 Ross Arnold G.S. L Shell Nathaniel Sfjam Saw Mill. H 3 Stephenson Robert Blacksmith. L NORTH BUXTON, Kant Co., Ont. Taylor D.H G.s. H 3 WatkiusJohu BUcksmith. L Williams Isaac.... Temperance Bouse. L NORTH DERBY, SUnalsad Co., Qua. * Wood Judaon Gro. L 8H NORTH DOURO, Petarboro' Co., Ont Armour Phyaiclau. L Amott David Tins. Baptee Peter Builder. L 3)4 Bell Alex Physician. L BerubeUco Hotel. L CaldwellBixw Drugs, Ac. H 3 Casement W. H Q. s. K 3)4 CaverthJ.C Hotel, Ao. O 2)4 Chaulu Rothwell Furniture. L ClarlnJohn Shuea. L 3)4 Coi William, sr Tailor. L 3'.j Crawford Charles G.S. K sU Davis John H Carriages. L EdWHrds John Blacksmith. L .SJi Gonloii Thomas Boatbuilder. H 3 Graliam Robert G. 8. H 3 Griffin Jonathan Contractor, HaiiierWm Harness. K 8)6 Hendron James Blacksmith. J, Hendrou Thos Cariwnter. H 3 Holmes John 1 lotel. I. HullJobn GrtstMill. F 2)4 IsbisterJohn Blacksmith. K 8)4 I.ealir J Hotel. L Mo Williams John Carriages. L .S"* O'Nell Wm. H Gro., Ac. L 3)3 Pntersou Jnmea A Baker. L 3)4 Patterson 11. H Jeweler. L Raycroft Thomas Shoes. L 3)4 BedpathS Tailor. L Saunders W. C uro. Saw tell Edward Haiilware. L 3)a Shannon J. M Printer. SherinJohnC O, 8. E 2 ShieldsO, R Bkicksmlth. I, Smith David Blacksmith. K 3)4 Strickland G, W. R Saw MIU. il 3 Strickland R. A SpecuUtur. Strickland Roland C, A Co Lumber. Sutton John Shoes. Jj Uniuhart Kenneth Tailor. K 3)4 Waldem Frederick Butcher, L Wallace Wm. J G. 8. H 3 Walton E.J. K Dmgs. L Wynne Honrv Blactumlth. !■ NORTHFIELD, Ottawa Co., Que. (Set Wakeneld.) NORTHFIELD, Stormont Co., Ont Allguire Michael Hotel A G. 8. K 3)4 Latrace Nelsfm Hotel. L Weart Williain Blacksmith. L 3)4 NORTH FREDERICKSBURO, Lenox Co., Ont (Be* Ifafmue.) NORTH QEOROETOWN, CkalMucuay Co., <}uo. MoCormlckD Ag'l Implts. K 3 NORTH QLANFORD, Wenlwertli Co., Ont Dickinson Edward BrlokyanU Ao. O 2)4 • NORTH OOWER, Ctrleten Co., Ont Andrew* Tina. L Caves Lewis Cabinetwaru. K ,"»)» CoUander Andrew Blacksmith. H 3 Craig Geo g. s. U 3 Crawford D Blacksmith. L 3)4 Dreunan Hnbert. . B'smlth A Wagons. K 3)4 Duncan Robei t G. 8. L Elliott Wm Hotek K 3 OoodT Wagims. L Orifflth EUiabeth Gro, K 3)4 HloksW Harness. L 3)4 JohnsonJaa HoteL H 2)ii LeItchJobn Blacksmith. L Rntledge A. A Co D. G. L 3)» RutledgeJ. J Saddler. L Bcottlllram 0.8. K 3 WallaoeJsmea Cheese. H 8 Wriglit Edgar Tanner. 3 NORTH HAM, WollW Co., Quo. Filleteau Joaeph MiUa, K 8)4 OaodetOcteve G. 8. U 8 NORTH HATLEY, SlanstMd Co., Que. Bean Joseph Shoes. L 8)4 r^ Baron BeiU G.s. G 2)4 Le Baron Plamley A Blacksmith. K 3 Todd Silas Harness. L Webster John Shoes. L NORTH KEPPEL, Qr*y Co., Ont Lyiubamer Horaoe Saw MilL K 3)4 Totten WUilam G.s. L 3)4 NORTH LANCASTER, QIangary Co., Ont DaoustEmlllen Blacksmith. L 3)4 l.«olalr A G. 8, O 2)4 Lanson (». s. McDonald John Tavern, L MoI.«UDauD BawMUL K Slii NORTH NATION MILLS, Ottawa Co., Que. Cameron John A. A Co O, B. A Mills. D 2 NORTH PELHAM, Welland Co., Ont Cook J.C 0.8. L MoQnoen Mrs. M.A G. 6. I. Thomaa Collard Carpenter. L NORTHPORT, Prino* Edward Co., Ont Crysdale Billa 0.8. K 3'4 Forbes G. O Tinsmith. L Huff Blacksmith. L LesUeA HoteL H 8 Morden R G.S. H 8)4 Qulute Cheese Co H 8 lU)bin8on John Cablnetware. H 3 Weasels Joseph Blacksmith. L .'B-j NORTH RIDQE, Essex Co., Ont. 1\ night Joseph G. 8. K NORTH SENECA, Haldimand Co., Ont (Hee Caledanta.J NORTH STANBRIDGE, MItsitquoi Co., Que. Allalr G. 8. L Dandellne Francois G. B. NORTH 8TUKELEY, Sheffbrd Co., Qua. Bouchard g. 8, L Daviguon Treffle B'amith A Gro, L Gaouette Louis G. 8. K 8)4 NORTH WAKEFIELD, Ottawa Co., (|u*. BnrightJ Tina, L Fanell Patrick g.8. F 2'4 MiltorW HoteL K 3 Morrison D Blaoksmitb. L NORTH WILLIAMSBURG, DundM Co., Ont Algire D., Agent H 3 I'ryan John .'.V.'.'.'.V ." a'."8! K sil UoranJ a. 8. K 3 Emper A , Slioea. L Uanaon Oow. , o.s. K 3)^ / / SOR ONTARIO Aisrr> QtTEBEO. OAK 3)4 3!4 8 8 I ■ It ■■ L 3W I. I. 3» I. I. 3)2 l/ 3)4 3)3 3)!, 3?i I^ganJ. HoteL L MnrkeyJ. U a«wlDg Maohlnea. K Merkley .fncepb o.H, K Holi wanlfeRer Ira BlackimlUi. K HmlihOwi T»nner. I, Hiitherlaiid Geo Coomr. L Whltt4ik«rH HhOM. - SVhltUker J. 8 O. B. 4 Hhoea, NORTH WINCHESTER, Oyndu Co., OnL (Set itoreuood. ) NORTON CREEK, ChalMuciity Co., Qho. DennlKan Wm o. H. K 3 I>eaaut«lii Hotel. I, 8tai'.«7 Widow Hotel. K 3)4 NORVAL, Hallon Co.. OnL ^^ Arthurs Mr«. Rlctaanl Taveni. L 35* BeunilAb Wm HotoL L BiicliaLa.i W. (ft Co (1. 8. F 2)4 OoUopEU SadiUerAUro. L sS Hanibly Thomaa Shnea. Harper Ka)>«rt BUcksuiltli. HewBon Joseph dt Thoa Saddlers. Uulmea John Blacksmith. Noble John Storea A Tins. Noble Robert MllL Ryraal J. W Oriraua. Watsiin Robert Gro. A Bakur. WatMon William Wa«ons. Webster Hamuel PhyalcUn. " Wm BUoksml^b. NORWAY, York Co., OnL- lates Ira HoteL BoHtim Frank g. s. Ckester Matthew Wa«ronH. Coleman C'haa ... Temperance House. Crew K chant Tavern. Fernnison Cliaa Hamesa. Gates Mrs. S Tavern Mllborn Robert Contractor. Mitchell Tlioa o, p. RIpiMin John Hotel. BeaKurJobu HoteL Stevens Thomaa Blacksmith. NORWICH, Oxford Co., OnL '~^ Adams H.J SadiUer. H Adams John Harness. L Ailams Mark Tanner. K Addison Wm. A Son Undertakers. H Ahems A. K Dnutlst. L AlkmanJ. A Pbyalcbui. L A \ cry Oba» Pbulng Factory. I, Ballard A Butcher. G Barr* Collins Grist MllL B BarrGeo Oro. ift Crockery. 1, BaiT James Harness. K Baskutt UeorKe Cooper, t Batty Thomas TlusmUb. 1, Bleaklcy OourKO Cablnetware. L Brady Nicholas HoteL H Brown Wm. H Tavern. U BuHKay A Merrett Foundry. O Carlon Thomas Blacksmith. H Carroll J as riiyslobui. u Carter tsamuol Wagons uT(eC Hotel. H Donald A Nicholson. .Planing MULAc. O DrodKoT. U. A Co o. s. Duncan G.... Fanner A Hnfr. Cheese. O Dj'kouian Albert Contractor, I, Farrlugum Jrvlue Cheese. K George WUllam H Tailor. L Hulght Thomas Carriages. L Hakln J. A Co Gro. A Mlioos. G Hand William Gro. A Shoes. L lugoUbyA Beut Builders. K Laugbm John BlacksmlUi. L l-u»fe U. 8. . . .Farmer A Mnfr. (.'hepse. O Losolng BuUimon Grist Mill. F Lount Dr. G Drugs, H McGko J. V Baker, L Men-Ill William SawMUL F Miller D. W o, s, F 3)4 Morils Robert Haniess, L Paildtleld H Watches. L Palmer Bros Saw Mill A Staves. F Palmer Bro*. A Co. . . Grist A Oatmeal UlU*. F Patlpnt George Shoes. K Poldnu A Sims Blacksmiths, ic Robson A Alkmau Uakers. M Roti Henry D. O., Oro., Ac, H Boliooley E. F Oro, H Smith A Bro Cheese. G Snyder, Potter A Co. . . . Sash Factory. K Stanhoir Geo. E «, 8. L StrrHle Wm Butcher. I, Sutherland Physician. L Sutton O.C Watches, Ae. O TldeyJohB A.,jr Drugs t Books. H Venables J Watches. 1, Walker George Cablnetware. K Walker Wm coaL L WB „ ... Mills. L McRaeMrs.C G. 8. K Morrison A McEwln.... Blaoksmitlis. L, Muuro A. C G. 8. L, Stewart A Tanner. L Tobin John Hotel, ir NOTRE DAME DE BONSECOUR OE RICHELIEU, Rouvilta Co., <)u«. MeUguy Joseph o. S. L 3)» NOTRE DAMP nr L'.a.SSOMPTiQM Rimoutki Co., Que. Astle F Hotel. K 8 Desrosler L. N ,....0.8. L 3)4 i^rtveeJean ....Store. K 8 P»rKJU P O.8. L 3)4 3 NOTRE DAME DES ANGES DE •TAN- BRIOOE, Mitiiaquoi Co., Qhc. (SX DetrUltret.) NOTHE DAME OU PORTAGE, Ttmitoouate Co., Qua. Boucher Bruno Cablnetware. L NOTTAWA, SimoM Co., OnL BrucaJamesou Carpenter. K 3)4 Buck George A Co Slav™, Ac. ,...„., (See CoUhigwood.) BulstD.E Ag'l Inipfts,, Ac, Currlo Alex Tavern. Davis Joseph M Fanning Mills. Furlong W. A Jewelrj', AC. Oenimell Gilbert Oro llauiraoll Thomas iioteL Harris Kilwartl Shoos. Kerr M rs. J ulla HoteL Lsrush Wm HoteL McColemau Hugh. .Sewing Machines. McInncsHugh Blacksmith. MoLeiid William BUtckamlth. Melville, Fair A Co O. 8. A Mills. .. , .,., . „ <*'*'* Colllngfcood.) Melville J. P Agent Ag'l ImplU. Monisou John Agent Ag'l Imults. OvasJ. A 0.8. Ramsay Wm Blacksmith. Rowed Henry Wagons. Smith James Shoes. Watson John Tins. Wiggins H o. S, L 8)4 K 8)4 H 3 L 3)4 It L L, h 8>4 8)4 3h 3 3)4 N0TTAWA8AQA STATION, Simeoe Co., OnL (Ste Stayntr.) NOUVELLE, Bonavtnlura Co., Qua. Arseneau Nicholas o, 8 L Uerthelot Joseph G. 8 I, Cyr Solomon D. G. A Gro.. K GautblerJ Stora. h «^ Oautl'lorM P^ g sg Kelly M.J o. 8. l^iiiJty John U.S. L 3X McKaoJohu oro. L SW Ouellette Ix>uls o. 8. L Rousseau Joseph.. O. 8., Shingles, Ac. U 8 Rudolph W.H ! ..Trader. „ . „ (SeeMaila.) SavoieC. store. K 8 SavoieJohu O. 8. K 3 NOVAN P. 0., Mitsitquoi Co., Qua. (Ste at. Thvmat.) OAKLANDS, Brant Co., OnL Cowles Richard Tailor. K Itusted Goo Bbtcksmlth. L Martin Wm Shoes A Cheeae. L Nobbs Robert Wagons. K Jetrie R HoteL 1. Proper John o.S. O iJ).] Roberts Ellsha Saw MllL '" Robinson Geo Blacksmith. ToyuB Mrs. John o. 8. VauslcklB A Hopkins Grist MllL Vivian stepheu Carpenter. Waugh John o. » Wright Cook Miller. U 3)4 OAK RIDGES, York Co., OnL Bell Robert Tavern, h Curtis Isaiah Tavern. K Harpevoeo CHx,, L MonsAu Thomas Saw MllL G RuUgfige Petor Blacksmith, L 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)s OAKVILLE, Hallon Co. OnL Anilcrsod John HoteL F Andrews George Auctlom-er. O A iTOstrong C, A Co Tanuera. K Bailey Kdward Printer. L Barolaj' J. A Co o. 8 Q Bayne Miss Prnlt, Ac. I, HejmroB Tobacco. L IlelwoodC Boots A Shoes. L Bethel Francis Jeweler. H BIgeer R. D oro, Chlsholm Duncan Tins A stoves. Chlsholm W. B Baskets, Ac. O CooteC. W. A Co Gro, A B. A 8. H Doncrtv Jolui Yr. II Ilelter JameaO Oro. A Un. U UemuliUI K Agent UiulciU Iiixt*. L HowfttWra Bouto 4 Showi. L H«w»on W. U (in> K HUlnierKilwud Butcher. K HiMwe JoMph PhotoKniiilier. L HiiDter /MiM B«k«r. K Johnwin J. 8 PhyiluUii. I. Joyce Wiu ...o. 8. H Kelley Junes B'nulth A Il'traro. H K«iii|>l*wi» BIa«k8mlth. L liwiu Mm. W. H Tovii K M»rUu William .■■.■.Fruit! H NcCurktnibUe John il. ». K MoCnuieyM. a o. h a MoCruiejrWm tUwMUL P Mclntyro A McOlffln Hardware. If Itelboume * Co Taiinein. I, Moore Jolin A Uo btoves, Tlim, Ac. Murriiiuu A Bro Butchers. O OUiihiuit Duncan HoteL H PatterauuTUoniaa..O. o. A MlUlucrr. It PearceC. W. A t-o DruKU, Ac. F Uertiii>n A Dayer Pumps. Ac. K Kuuiaiu W. F. A Co D. CI. A Oro. U Bmlth Kioklel Joweliir. K Staler John . . BUicksnilUi. K bUmrUam W. B Tallnr. L Sntherlauil Thumaa Phvulclau. L Talt Robert B Fuiiiltuie. L Taylor James sailillnr. L Uniuhait Joliu UruKKlnt. II Wareui. iMuc ACo Milrcrs. F Watkiiij i..n^ Oro. A I'mv. Welib Mrs. TBpa Confeo. i. WenhJplin .J Wamua. L w elsb Haurlce.x Hhuea. h SS'"'' WUUani. .i,Hotel, Shoes A Oni. WUUama John A?v oho WjUUma Justus..... Physician. H WUsou Heury .^. Flour* Feea 3H, 3^ 3>i 3!4 Walker C. A ....Hotel. I^ Walkers. J o. 8. O SH WstUAJonea CarrlaiiHsA „ UndertiOiern. K 3 Wycott Andrew ... Hotel. I, Zimmerman John Watches. I. ODLETOWN, SL Johns Co., Que. (! Cattle. F M Cunulnarham Win Tarem. L Frtomlslilp Thomas Wagons. L 354 KaneT !7o. 8. I, Madden John Shoes. K 3)4 Neville Michael. ...Tarern A B'smlth. K sS QuanyJohkU o.s. H 8 Quigley Tavern. L S'i OHSWEKEN, Brant Co., Ont Lnttrldge Isaac Oro. L Whiting A Htyres o. 8. OIL CITY, Lamblon Co., Ont Elliott A. V Hoops, Ac. L Keating Jas. A Co U.S. O 2M Mick Adam.. Stives. Ac. I, 3)« Uslmrne Ue<>. P u. s l Walleu John Tavern! I< OIL SPRINGS, LimMon Co., Ont AilamsonMrs DrugsAOro. L i!!"^i""!!,M*" UaKtiL Is Blaln Thos yro I. Cameron Hugh UoteL K 3H IliuiUeyUeo uro L Keating Jas. A Co o. 8. »r , . . T . '*•• Oil Clly.l MpUster John Cooper. O 2M Millar Misses Millinery. L O'Urady S. o Cooper. L Usbi ,i, Doinan Wm Bit. .« ,iii;, ', Klilriilge A lAtwIs !5i/.ji nh i.t L Kiiglisli Eilward U... .. (j!,io'..,r'Uh ■ English ifeorge it>i'!.ji(e oii) 1, HlKRlubotlmm Wni..Phys'n A Drugs! I. Ivory Thos.. Carding A FulUng Mifls. O Kennedy Thomas Blacksmith. I, KerrTlHimas Shoes. I- kCTr&sruis Wagons. L Kiucnld John SawMili. H KuowlsonC Ins. Agent. Ac L i^ld eyA Shoes. L LaldleyA Waugh Gro. A H'waie. O Ijimboeorge Tannery «» I.anib isamuel Butcher, Ac. 1, Msrs .Mrs Uro. K MfUuiM MtHMAa 1Lr(ni«..~.* > Mccrao joiir.'.^.".'..^."/.^/.'.'.'c»Utaetwar«! " McMeelflMHo 0.8. V 3H 3>» SH S!4 2)i 3H 3M ??!?.*•.¥.•" 8*tillor. Miller Wm Tailor. Morrison Oeorge \it a Neil Wlllhim Btacksmlth. Norrts Unorge A Phys'n A Drum. Parsons Joseph Painter, A Oro. PsasmoreE Printer. Prleur J E... iiotoL lUMlniond A., sr Tailor A Uvery. Sheridan John Shoes. Sherwwsl William Shoes. Stephenson Thomas o. 8. ThnniUm D u 8. WslUu'e James FouniUT. Williamson E. i; Harness. OMPAH, Frentenae Co., Ont Dawsonj.R 0.8. H S ONEIDA, Hnldlmand Co., Ont Bridget Joseph oro. H 3 «f.*-. 'lAl^v " Tavern. O »4 MltcheUFred Blaoksmlth. L ^ MurrayJames Butcher. »,.../ , _ (S»« llagersviUe.) Mntch /ore T. T O. 8. A P. M. F I/O . . ■ I. SH H 8 H 3 H 8 U S . J *H , ^ ' F 2H I. 11 3 Seen Jit »* \y A Wagfins. L ONONOAQA, Brant Co., Ont Biike F. W 0.8 I, };«""'" D.L.... Hotel. I. Ileiter A Poiilds orlst MIU. K Fair Alexander Shoes. H *<'r• ^ MctWgimC... Shoea. h McDouough P Tavern. U MeredithK US K Mordy J '.'.... o!s' 1. O'Doiinell John u s. L Kutledge Joseph o 8 K 5iwm A Co o y h A.O Cablnetware! I, manJos Ilaruess. I. ONTARIO, Wsniworlh Co., Ont (Sw Winma.) ORANQEVILLE, Wellington Co., Ont Acheson Wm. J. or M. O. . F-cy Goods. L \ ken John Fanner. K »• Allen James Ins. Agent, Ac. L Andeiwm Frank Shoes. L Ai-instrong Wm Physician. H 3 Babel" ' Uro L Bailey A Fletcho Ins. A „.,, - ^ Iroan Agents. L ,3)4 B'»"'"3' ' "J!; Builder. K 8)1 Beatij ^ .Nixon Poik Packers. P -jS Bennett Fdwaitl, sr Carpenter. O •& Benuett .lames CJraln. G a3 111 nett John M Gro. A Llo. H 3 Bennett Thomas Tins L Berry James Lumber, Ac. H 3 Beswick A Thompson Under- Bookless A Held ****"'«*5- K li! Brown La«ph Biillilftr K SU. ^^^}^'^ jTliio?; H r 5?,7?" ""{"rt rfiallder. U 3)4 itolUDger J Frutta T. Hunter A 'lam wood. Ac H a HnnterWm.H WcScI K a I rwln Christopher Blaokamlth.' L Irwin Francis (j g il?!!,".*""'''"'*'" Painters'. H 3 Island uwrg* BlaoksmlUi. H a IrvlDH John Tavern K Marstll. Wm PhTricSS" L Mcurue John Grain CraiUi* 40! L Uiiinn John ii,« AsenL r. Wilson John ;::;:.;::::'."ijr*c. L Wi SH ORR JUNCTION, Frgntonao Co., Out. ^J>^e^ 0.8. sa LakeJfr J^ ORII AllTOrt E. D. Jickson Thomaa Baddlerr. I. •{™'^»J"'>n ..Blaokrajft. L {""J'"™"-i-i SawMllL P Kearna John ift Bro Oro. * I), u. h Ketonam ouyer W Pottery. i}"*5'S? Undertake™. 1. Kln« T. T Cablnetware, Ac! L Lawrence C. M Agent Fruit f*w»<»i J ohn Urery. I, LawBon Thomas Builder. K J^J««>"M • ;; Tavern. I. Me»nWm.E SawMlU. h Jf^^eOny- P.M. * Agent K Undaay Johnston « .. - -.«'!"- s- 3)4 3 a 2., uuiuay jonnsion Q. H. A Grain. Q javtaRston Daniel BlacksmlUi. L MlSffSi'Sw^^."* Hardware. H {J?J*?«JJ*^> Harness. L, M*7J»me»,Jr Haddler. H JJ'^'^JJ?™!: "">• * «f«t Mill. H McDonald D. 4 A... Planing Mill, Ac. II SSSSSJJl^n V Auctioneer. L KcKlttrick B. J Fonndrv McKlttrlok B. H... Foundry * AgenV I, McLean Emog^ AuoUoneer. L Menery Robert B'smltb 4 w..._nr Livery. H 3 JJlffioY'Sr.j.v.;.;.v.;.;.-^%t,^t ? L MoleUS""" .......iiiVAgenl: I ^ U™eio'">-- Pumps. K 3)4 Monkmanoeo FlourAFeed.K "^ arw:-j::::::;:;:::::::::.':s?^^ £ MliS!?ki''ll?ii Agent Ag'l Implts. H Murphy W.H 6ro. L Nellson 8 aro I gfwtonf'H IPnblVsher: K Nicholson Isaac Wagons* Parsons WUUam H'waro&Tln.' H 3>6 PaxmanJoseph oro I. Perteot Hoben .Tavern! U 3 PerrcttM Watehes. PerrvJohii Prod.. Cattle. *o. K 3V. Portlock Mrs. Wra Fancy Goods, h Poyntan. J Shoes Poyutz Thomas G Drugs K Presslcy Geo. A Bros Bricks. L Klrti e J. Kulght Physician. L KidilleJamcn K Painter. L KoffeThos. H Confer L KyanO. B G 8 L ByanWm Hotel' Scott GwMge 4 Sons Sa'wMllL G Shanly Ihomas Books. K 2i.?*f .^^ Ins. Agent, Ac. « IteT •'"!'." Tins, Ac. K Bkelton Ilros G 8 L Stephenson John CardingMliln! G 3)4 3)4 3}i 3)4 Stevenson Thomas.. .".■."." Oro. 4 c'rugs! O 2« Stewart F. C. 4Co OHO 22 Thompson James Tailor I. Walrtlck Wmiam Fi^iirAo: L Wallace John Cablnetware. L IJallace Joseph shoes. L Watson Wui Gunsmith. L Weatjohn Baker L WUcoi George Butcher: O Wllklns M Agent L Wllllamspn Thomas Marble. O WlteonThos Hotel. L Witter John Hotel. L Young J. F Stoves A Implts. L ORCHAROVILLE, Grey Co., Ont. Caldwell Honty shoes. L Calvert John ,, ..Blacksmith, o Dotuls jHiues " Mills' IT ?,!i?^S*JjSj*J.- SawMu!:" Irving Mrs. E o. 8. K 16 C« 3!4 3 3)4 8)4 ORILLIA, SimoM Co., Onl. ■*liy>rtEp Ins. Agent. I. kII^S" f <""»»" Physician. L Bailey Ann D G K g^«y Jv L Hub 4 Spoke Fibtiry.' L Bailey John Baah 4 Boor Factory. f^'VKg^rt BulMeir. i, flatemanVni/.VV.V.VV.V.-.VpiJad^; J; genre- unuel 4 Sons Saw MlA H ».<"""■••'• P. A Co Hardware. E bM'^?'^^*^-** Hanlware. Black G. M BnaU. T. "IftlnJohn '.BitSbeSL loiHter George J Oro. 4 Crookarr. Hou.lMrs. W. E Oro L Boyes Hunry Plasterer. H HrochouJohn Huckster. L C'arsa Wm Tailor I, '-,"»°»?h Wm Flour4 Feed! K Chase G. A Grain Q Cherry Matthew .Bameaa! L Cooke Herbert 4 Co . . . dSS L rnr^>"P" PhyXlSn Currai. J d^g An i DeUmey FredeHck H . . . . . . . . . "FliLlug T.~.«, M f. Tackle, Ac. L urewM. C Watches. Dunlop Thomas .Bak^ L gJJ^J"''^- Baker4Confeo. L Eiuottc. 8.'.'.".".'.v.';.'.'.'.';:;;.""piiySiiS: k Ellis Isaac E . . fSJoS?" I Fitzgerald Patrick ..".'.^SS' i Frallck Adam Soda Water. L -^I'i-'" '" ^ ="*«•■ * Confec L GUI Benjamin Llverv L OoffattMrs BklUliier?' K Gordon A. W bS^aJ' OribblnF.J «m«erj .ec. HaleBrns PrintertL if Hammond J 8hoei4HSS MarvleAlox miu h » Harvlo Wm. M faiiS',t ^ |,^ Hatley JamesJ Butcher. O 2? Hcrroii John CardlneMUL K 5 — Butcher. L ....Unckstery. L Passinoro Isaac. geS^lM,™-" ' nuoKste PerryJohn a n n PhilflpsT Tins' L Qulnn James q g fe Ralston Alexander .".Shoes! L R»°'«»y W" Carriages, Ac. G ,v...»*.,t nvfjrrt IIot«I Swidereon O. W Physician! H Sanderson R. J Marble, i: Sanson David L Stoamerg. 3 3,V4 Shanahan James Shoes. L Sheridan Mrs. M. MUllnery. L Slaver w Druga. Smith .uuuel Cablnetware. L Htepheniion J. A prod L Tall .vnilroT. Lumber 4 Shingles! F Tltedeo Fancy Oootls 4 Painter. K r. Thompson, Dunn 4 Co Feed, 4e. H 8 ThomiisonJ. B WafcohMi! Thomson F. W. A Co . DO TodilAPaoe OrUlla Water 'worka! F »4 Tudhopo 4 son B'smlthc 4 Tntton, Trill 4 Co .'^fSSSS^ '' Viiutassel Isaac W Agent sewing vi„v ,1 „ Machines 4 Implu. L VlckOe4 BookBlchanl Blacksmith! L 8J4 ORONO, Durham Co., Ont. Allen Daniel Wigons. L AUenJom BhickHmlth. L AnUrus W Fancy Goods. L Armstrong ABro .Saddler. L ArmstrongWm oro I ^!'''eF Btacksmlth; L o geffOeorKO... Bhioksmlth. H 3 Borland Saninel J (jw, }, CaUnhau David ""shoes' L Crouklto Thomas Woolen Miu! Cuttlojulm Printer r. 11 Doncaster Thomas ....'. iSS L 3! Donnelly John c^j-i^Vji^^ ii St Gaiixmerionn A..".".".".".'.". "^"o s " ^ OamsbyO.A ".""o s' H OamsbyLA Drugs; Q Ganiaby W. 8 Photographer. L 3)4 3)4 3>» 3 8)4 ORW 02SrTA.RI0 ^NO QUEBEC. 08T Ortffln Walter Physician. L 3M Groves John o. 8. K 3W l^N. F TaUor. L 3)4 Hallett James Tavern. H ,")*« HenrrWUilam G.8. H 3 HlURlohard Booto db Shoes. I, KlrUand David Carriages. I^ Knox Andrew TSlor. H 3 Leigh James Machinist. IifDton James B'smlth* T ,..,_...■, Carriages. H 3 Lookbart Allan Pro6 Rutherford James Physician, i 3'/j Selvewrlglit Geo Weaver, t, 3ki blmpsonjohn Cablnetware. L Siii Thomr-on Piuups. ThomsunWm Tanner. G 2W Tourge Lewis Tins, Ac. K 3)4 Tucker Josepli L. . . . Grist MIU & P. O. WaddeUJo'iii Cablnetware. H 3>4 WaldonFmuoia Weaver. L 3H Walters WlUlam Wagons. L Wilson James Shoes. L Winter I«a8c Oro. L Winter Robert Tailor. Wrennlck Herbert Pliyslclan. ORWELL, Elgin Co., Ont. Bancrofts Blaoksniith. Caughell Alonzo Hotel. Charlton H Saw 4 Garth George Butcher. Glbbs&Bro Millers. C 1)6 Olbbs llenry.Jr Oro. Glbbs Tlios. W. Hardware. Gibson James Speculator. K ,3)4 Gibson James A "Stationery, iftc. F 2)4 Gi'-son M, J Confeo. L Glfford Clinton Hotel. L 3)4 Gordon & McChesney Bakers, *c. L 3>a Gott Robert Shoes. L 3)4 Gould Geo Drover. F 2)4 GouldJobn Fanner 4 Drover. F 2^ GouldJoseph Drover. F 2)4 GurloyOeorge Tailor. L Guy Fred. A Flour A Feed. L 3)4 Hackett Alex. . . . Veterinary Surge-in. F 2»4 Hall John J Tobuci'.. L 3)4 Hall Joseph Mnfg. Co Machinists. E 2)4 HallettK. Tavern. L Halliilay Daniel Ins. Agent. L Hatch & Mcams Hardware, Ac. Hawkins Josi^ph B'smlth A Livery. Hepluetall Wm Watches, Ac. O 2)4 Hezzlewood Thomas Confeo., Ac. L 3)3 Higglnbotham J. A Son , Drugs. (See Bowmanvllte.) HindsA Money Lender. F 3 Hlnkson Daniel Ag'l Implts. O 3 HUunan W. J Veterinary Burgeon. L Hobbs B. H Butcher. L Hodder George Gents' Furu'g. Hunter William Hotel. L Hunter Wm. D Agent. L Ivory Chas Gro., Crocker}-, Ac. L Jackson Wm Blacksmith. L 3)4 Jaynes Wm. H Machinist. L Johnston James Photographer. L Keeler J Blacksmith. K 3)4 KeelerJ. P Barber, Ac. I, KlugH Shoes. L 3)4 Klrby Thos Painter. K 3)4 Klrkpatrick Mctthew Shoes. L 3)4 KnappAHare Plows. H 3 LangW. AW.H Tailoring, Ac. H 3 Lankin IjOvI Gro. L Lanklu Wm Tobacco. L Lark Johns Printer. K 3)4 Lawlor Andrew Baker. L 3^ Lcok Wm Plumber. L Little James. . . . Sash A Door Factory. K 3)4 Luke A Bro Cablnetware, Ac. Luke W. H Fruitt Ac. L Lyttlo Johnston Carpenter. L Macklo E. A Gro. Martin CabclE Physician. F 2)4 MasonManufaoturingCo. .Seed Drills. D 2 May John Builder. H 3)4 May Thomas Builder. K 3)4 MoBrlenW. F Physician. F 3 McCullochD Restaurant. L McQIll Mnfg. Co Machinists, Ac. G 2)4 MeOlllARae Surgeons. F 2M McLaughlin Robert. . . . Carriages, Ac. G 2)4 MillerT. R G. 8. 3)4 Morgans. B Drover. O 3 MothersiU R GrlstMill. G 3 MundyE Printer. (£ i Port Parry.) NealeC. L Liquors. L Nunnr.H Oro.AShoes. L Oshawa Cabinet Co D 2 Oshawa Malleable Ii -in Co D 1)4 Oshawa Stove Manolaoturing Co E 2 PatteF Painter. L 3)4 Patterson A Fenton Dentists. K 3)2 Pedlar George H Stoves, Ac. Phillips J. W Marble. Plckell J. N Agent. L Prud'homme Louis Shoes. L 3)4 Rainey John Shoes. Redman J. T Fruit Redman Mrs. J. T MUUnery. L 3)4 Rice George Saddler. L RInnertO Junk. L Hobinsou John G D. G Robson A LauolUand Tanners. E 2 Scott Geo. J Express Agent Ac. L 3)4 SheaJames c'. s. K 3)4 Short J. F Saddler. L SOi Smith C.W Ins. Agent L Smith J.J Carriage Painter. K 3)4 Southcombe R. R Tailor. L ■ Stalter J. (nsar) GrlstMill. Steele Bros Gro. A Seeds. G 2)4 Sykes John Builder. F 2)4 Taylor G.B o. S. L Taylor Plilllp Watchmkr. G S Taylor Wm Hotel. H 3)4 Thomas W. 11 Livery. Thompson M. S Gro. L Thornton John Shoes. L 3)4 TrevallMlss Milliuer. L 3)4 TrewlnSamuel G. 8. F 2)4 X.^IJS- JL--,- DenUst L ^^ all Patrick Cooper. L Wallace Thomas Stationery. L Warren Wra.,Jr Tanner. G 2)4 Webster Geo Wagons. L Wellington 11 Booko A Music. H 3 Westeni Matthew Cooper. H 8 WhiUng A. S. Mnfg. Co (Bee Cellar Dale.) WIgg Walter A Sou Furniture. K 3)4 WIghtman W. M O. 8. Q 2)4 Williamson C Tailor. L 3)4 WilloxJamesF Books L 8)4 Wilson W. H igent L " Woon Wm Drugs. H S OSNABRUCK CENTRE, Stormont Co., Ont. Baker Gordon Q. s. O 2)4 Baksr J. F G. 8. L 8)4 PoapsColbum Jaw Mill. L 3)4 PoapsJ.J G. S. Poaps W. B G. 8. 3 Soufhworth W. L..., o. 8. L Warner A. B ...t o. 8. L 3)4 Wamen Russell Saddler. L OSPRlNGE, Willington Co., Ont. Anderson Chas Hotel K 3)4 CookE Harness. L CurrleA. J (j, s. U 3)4 CurrieNBll Wagons. L 3)4 Fielding Mrs ravern. H 3 HawkiusJohn Blacksmith. L 8)4 Ritchie James Blacksmith. L 3)J OSTR.'iNDER, Oxford Co., Ont. Bearpark Widow Margaret G. S. I' 3 Blakcly R. D Temperance Hotel. L Burn Smlthson Wagons. L S)* f>tubba Robert iUaokiniltli. L Wer. H 8W Ider. K 3)2 1 !lan. F 3 1 rant. L Ac. a 2H ions. P ajij .. Ac. a 2!4 3. 8. 3)4 ver. O 3 nui. a » Iter. 1 Ty.) ora. Ii oea, I, .... D a .... D 1)4 .... K 2 ter. L 3)4 lats. K 3)4 Ac. \ bio. ent. L oea. L 3)4 068. ■lilt. ery. L 3)4 ler. L ink. Ii .0 era. E 2 Ac. L 3)4 . S. K 3)4 ller. L S^ ent. Jj ter. K 3)4 lor. L [ill. eds. O 2)4 dor. P 2)4 .a. h akr. a 3 tel. H 3>4 iry. , 3ro. L )e8. L 3)4 ler. L 3)4 . 8. F 2)4 Jat. L ler. L sry. I, • ler. G 2)4 na. L ale. H 3 jer. H 8 See ■ le.) ■ ire. K 3)4 M .8. a 2)2 M lor. t, 3)4 ka L 3)4 m ■ m Ht. L m ga. K S a 3)4 3)a OTTAWA, Caeleton Co., Oistt. aKJt? Carrlagemkr. AbwJw™ Photograplier. K 3 AUbottWm 8pAi1a TT t Aokroyd Edward ..MiuiJeJyA . ,, „ Hoopaklrta. K 3 ^S5?' Mra. George .Hotel. Aadlaon Cliaa MnfK.Jewelor I. IVi t ;««™ W. A M B&kaSftha. Q 2^ Aliem M om T. Alexander U "Hotel' H 3 •^'lan * Humplirlea Pboaphatea'. Allen R. T Ag'l fmplta. K 3)4 Anderson D Fnilt A Confoo. h Andersou L ... prult A Confeo. L Archambault J. B Qro L ArmstrougJ AP BlaokamltU.' K 3 •Af'nsf^ngMlaa FanoyOooda. L 3)4 Arnold A Oraliam ..Seeda K si* As iBeld James.. Coal OU, Lamps, Ac. K 3« AtkluaonJ 'q^ f '^ Atkinson Peter .' Flonr' K JL „ Hardware. P BlalsA.ACo D O Ij Blyth — :...; D o Q BlythOeorgeB """d'o" P BIytliJolin ;.;: no H SH' V' *, '^"^ Whol. Gasflttera: P Boblurjolui yro ij Bolsao„noau N. F 'Broker' Bookkay Kloliard .' qto K B»«;|'«g Gunamlth L §»» ' i- K-: Mnfr, Lumber. A Booth Robert Lumber H i BorbildKc Thomas. ..D. O. A clothing. P 2« Sl'.i'rr"'' Green Gro. L sg Boiiigot James Saloon, Ac. MouikoS 'ri-n jT Q BouiqueK Tins' I Bower Widow i.'i.'.Oro'. ji 2)4 3 2)6 3)4 3 Boyden Joseph .'.'.'.'.'.'varlB'ty Hall! » Hoycr Pierre ....Gro, L 3 2)4 Boylo Micliuei ............ Butcher O t Bradiiig 1 1 . F. A Co. . . Brewe^i U 3 Brmiy Philip 1-uralture K 3), BrennauU.H Gni F 2« BreimanJ. B Ug Bremuin Patrick Biaoksmith: H 8 J,'™''';'yAl«x HaUiACapa. Brock Mr8.0 coiitio. L Brousons A Weston... Mnfra. Lumber. A+l BrophyT. II Gent*' Furn'g. L JI^'self^A. confec. L Brown Al(r6<\ Laud Agent. L Brown Jolui, Agent Cliandlor. K Brown Samuel Pictures. L Biiiwii ■! loniaa Tavern. L Brown W.K Bboea Bnmut l.oula Cairiaitoa' L Br.VHOu Charles i^uiriagoa. L Buchaunan James ciro' Siiii.ilS'^''^ ■••• WaaWng JialimiiM; L Bureau A Printer L Bunia PatiUk Cooiwr K 3)4 3!4 3>4 BushJohn Sewing Maclilnea. K 3 Butler James Hotel L Butler K. J Watcbmkr L V ButterworthACo ...".StoTerAJ: £ 3 ByefieldThos Milliner. CahiU John . . News A gent L Campbell Miss Jane Milflner L 3^ Cimpbell A McBrtde BoUermkrs. K 3)4 Cardweliv in Painter. L Cr.' ruthers J elm Flour A Feed. L Cai-son Robert BooUAShoes. L .S)4 Casey John nm K 1 Cass John Books' L CassldyJohn Buteher! L 3)4 Cawthryj Wool A Pelt. L CayftD. Watolimkr. L oi?*S"I Adolphe Carriagemkr. L ChabotP.H ClothlUK^ D. G. H 3)4 Chalmera Wm Fancy Goods, Ac. H 3 Chair oagneAntolue Ta err ChampueMFred Jlotei H 3 Champneas Weldon... Hotel A Llvorv.' Cliarjonneau V Hotel. L SJ?*'*?'l-*moa Watohmkr. L Chenet, Taaae A Co DO CheverlerK D O L Cheverier Kdmund Saloon! K Cheverier N D. O. A Clothing. Cl'evHerAlex Tavorn. G 2)4 ChevrierK n g K <»S ChUholmD do L Christie Alex. A Co "Drugs' G Si?r}'H''?,¥"°®' Com'n.' K ChristinCbas Hote' H ChrlsUn J. A Co Soda Water. 3)4 3)4 3)4 2)fl 3)2 BroletJoB Ginger A 1a t Drolet M. ...."s'.^^Wa't;?: L S"!™""""! vm .:::..... cii:SL FlnnJas Qro O Fitzsimons A Browne Gro' O Flanagan Joa DG K FleckAlox Fo'u'ndry' FoiseyAlex Stoves, Ac. L looks Pres A Music. (See Toronto.) NorraandW Tobacco. L Nye L.N Tobacco. H O'Brien DennU, ,,;.,.,, Shoes. L O^C'ouuur J unies. ! ! ! carpenter, H m 01^ I S!&""""' '*■ *>• * Co. Com'n Pork, Ac! O 2)4 3)4 O'KeeleJuhuC Oro, H 8 O Leary John Contractor. Q 3 S,,'''^"'?.^ "y"" TaUors. Oliver A Bon Cablnetware. O UmeJames.. Cigars. 1 8)4 O'.Mcara Edward lOro. L S! JJ'f,';^ ''»."''''k Saloon, O'Xell Gordon Barber. L Orme J. L. A Bon Music, Ac. F Vi OttawaGasCo u i)J Ottawa Street Railroad Co '.!!! E 2)4 Pace Ilonry Jeweler. K Sti Pa en W .. Contractor. galmerH.M Livery. L PaquetTliomas oro, K 8)4 Paquette Honore Shoes, L 3)4 ParentJ,B Hotel. H 8 Parker A. J Crockery. ParkerK Dye Works. L 8)4 ParsousOhas.E, ACo..Whol. GlassA Oil. O 3 Paterson A Law Machinists, o 3 Patterson Thomaa Oro. Pelon Miss 8. M D. a. L Pcnuoi'k A Hnnniim Com'n. Pennock A I'eunock... Ins. Agts., Ac, Percy Andrew Painter. L Perkins Bros Machines. Perklus E, L Foundry. Perley A Pattee Mnfrs. Lumber. C 1)4 genyKA........ Books A Stat'y. K 8 PhlllonA. N. ACo Clgara. L Pigeon H. U. A Son ;....;! PlkeM.M GenU'Fum'g. L PluardL.A oro. 8 Porter Wm Contractor. O «4 PouUn P., sr Saloon. Pratt Win shoes. Powers Miss D. O L Preston O. B Tailor Pritohard A Mungard Engravers. L 3)4 PykeAAugus tiento' Pum'g. Quiimllugh gm. 3)4 lulnnM UotoL L 3)2 Radford J. O Jeweler, L Rati! Bros Gro, Rathler Abraham oro, H 3 §»tterA.M. Boats. K 3 ReardonW.AB Bioom Factory. H 3 Benand Alexis Tavern, Ac. O 8 gen»uaH. Baker. L 8M Richard J. L D. O. L 854 Richards A. D .!! D.o! H 8 Rleffenstelu Oeo. C Agent RobertaJohn Drugs, E 3 Robertson Alexander Cigars. H 8 Robertson John Oro Robertson Peter Blacksmith. Boohe H, O Plumber A „ ^ . , Oaslltter. K 3 Rochester James Brewery, D IH Hochon 1" D.o, RodrlqueChas ^ oit). L Rogers FruBcU Contec. L 8)4 Rogers Samuel Undertaker. RoosJohn Tobacco. H 3 RosH Crawford A Co D. O Rowe Amos Auctioneer. O Roy Damaso , Hotel. K Uuss'iU, Allan A Co D. O O Russell, Forbes A Co Whol. D. O. O St Armaud Leon Oro. K St Gi>orgo Bros Crockery. St George O Fomlturo, Tins, Ac. L Satchell^ Restaurant L Savard N. A Gro L Beaton Thos. J Watohmkr. A Coal OU. L Henecal J . Undertaker. L Scybold A Gibson Whol. Fancy Goods. P Shaver W. H .FnUta. L Sliaw C. 8, A Co Whol. A Ret. Lami>s, Coal 011 A Crockery. SI'awH.A Carriages. L Sheldon O. A Hats L Shepnard John Painter ShoolUred A Co. . . .Carpets, Fum., Ac. F 2)< S!"'"!.,T*i'Si Saddlers. F 2^ Bhouldlce A Herrou Oro. L 3)i SlmsGeorge Hats. L sS Biiiis R. A Wagons Singleton Miss MlUinery. L Bkluuer J. A Co Drugs. (Hoc llonry Skinner, Kliigstou.) Blattery Wm Fruit Confec, Ac, K 3 Hmallwell A Drugs. F 3 Smith John Clotliler, Smith Thos, A Bro. . . .Mnfrs. Lumber. D 3 Somervllle W. M.. Marble, Com'n. Ac. Stariner Thos Shoes. H 8 starmer Widow Jamea .^.Saloon. L st~.sw L-. O.. ic. o a SteelJamos Oro, K 3 Stephen Bros Paints, Ao, Q 8 Btopbeni A. J Shoes, u 8 3 3 3 IH 8 f4 3)4 3)4 2)4 OTT^TV^, Ont. ■o. n. ir. L 0. F .. D .. K iOi iS?:Sf?J°l'."::::::-.: ■••^«: itK'j*R^'gs-.:-. n^- i^ffi3'^;:;:::E:;r--&S^ iJSf?¥Kli::::;;:;:::;:.^^ «^™: StrsttonC pPj aI" Btratton Stephen 8 ..■.■" Dram i^«irA°r^« ■•■™«: Bwltwr Kobert .■...■.■.■■■.■.■."."d.^'. F 3)4 I. li O 3H F 2)4 L 3)4 Thompson Bros Floar 4 ^6 254 3iS OTT ONTA^RIO A.3SrD QUEBEC PAI If Lfeii r X s I If* 3>a v\ OTTAWA (OVE, «u«I>m Co., «u«. Oonnolljr Junes Lumber. (Hoe Quebec.) Connnlly Btephen Lumber. O Xi r»l»ri! au Henry Oro. 8 OTTERGLEN MILLS, Ltnirk Co., Onl. (Stt Smnit'ti Comtrt.) OTTER LAKE, PonUu Co., Quo. Stephens TliOR o. b. OTTERVILLE, Oxfbrd Co., Ont. ' AllenJacob BUckHiiittb. I. Barker James K Nursiiry. i, 3,Sj Uownuui N. B SiiwMlll. L Braid <& MoMurtiie o. s. BuUnokll. E Il'ware, Books, Ac. H 3 Bnrkholder Bros Bttuiip , Mtt(;hlm». *c H a Carter Wm Tailor. L a>a CaUKhnlll! Pliyslolnn. L Church Job Butcher. L Clare KraiicU Taveru. H 3 CokorWm Hotel. I, 3'-i Colver Ailitlson I'hj-slclan. u -iU Comport Thos Saw Ml!l. „ . „ . (See Woodstock.) Coote Roberto Agent Hewing , , SlRohluvs. L Crelghtou William Shoes. L Day Sylvester Lubrioating Oil. L Durkee Asa Tanner. H Durkee Melbourne Saddler. U Eggmau Henry l>hotographer A ™ .. ,. » ... Contractor. H FUh Mrs. J. W Milliner. L UoodwinJobu Furniture. L OoodwlnTtaos Livery. L, UUUar Thos Qro., Flour& Feed. K MoFarlane John tb Son. . . .B'smlths ^ OkesJamos Tavern. L Williams Isaao....8BwMlU A Pumps. L OWEN SOUND, Gray Co., Onl. Adair H. P.ACo Books, Ac. L Allans 0. s. Anderson Chas cool Ac. Anderson Ueorgu Carpenter. Ij Barclay Wm tlvery. K BamUart I'liaa. K Plij-slclan. H BarnhartjDhu Physician. O BlackPeterA o. H 1, Boanlman Thos Ins. Agent. L Boj-dJohnW oro, K Branscombe J. M Shoes. L Brockenridge A Wilson Auction A _ . Com'ii. H Brown Jas BlacksmlUi. (i Buohan James llanhvai-e. ButohartU. M H'warcA stoves. F Cain Mrs.. Millluciy, Ac. L Caldbeck Wm I'ollor. L Cameron Allan Phrslolon. H Cameron A Co.. sash A Door J?aotory. L Cameron D. A Co Drugs, (Bee Allan Camcrnu.) CampbeUChaa ur«. L CatonJames Biinknint stocks, L CtulsUe David Founrtrv. 11 ChrtsUe Wm lllnckaMilth. L Clydesdale Wm Blacknnilth. L OoatsJohn . . SadcUer. L Cubraii Saiinu-I. . . Temperance House, L Conielj- David Tavern. L Corbett (leo, A Sons Foundry, F COWC A UoKeUBlH Uruirunu 1; OiiMj^j, C... .'.".■.■■,■. i'.Turoi L Crawford Bobert, Jr Com'n. Orelghton David PubUalier. K 3^ ■M S}i a 2-4 3 :H 3 2)4 3)4 3)4 2)4 3)4 Crelghton aeo. P. A Sons U.S. O Crelghton James Shoes. L Cuth1)crtB Brooms. L DarrohJohn Turner. L Dodrlck J ciro. L DenoonUix) Weaver, K Dlucs Bros .Masons. L DobleD. n. Auctioneer* Ins. .^gent. K 3)il IWugliiss Jas Tailor, Ac. H 3 l)ow8lcyT. B Wogous, O 2)4 lo,vlell,J Nursery. O 23 Dudgeon Edward Kcstaurant. L Dunn K. A W Tugowners. Ferguson Kdwonl ; ... Oro. K .1>4 Fleming Wm.. Agent, 3 Forhan Michael Jeweler. Fowler James — Veterinary Burgeon. L ioxcimrlcs Plasterer. L 3)<1 Filzzcirihos Shoes, H 3)4 uibb.ins Jessie Hotel, J, «"»f"M.-,. lIiiniPBS, K 3)4 Gould W, J Photograplier, K sS (Irahams Shoes A(lro, S'?«K''-,¥rV Stonooiittcr, K .S)4 IVIffl"'" W J Tanner, H 3 llabbart Thomas Baker. L Habbart Wm Baker. L Hall Charles, Jr Clothing, Ac, K 3)4 Hniinuh Misses D, «, A Millinery, L Harris W.T Tobacco. L Hiirrlson John. , Saw A Planing Mills. F. 2 Harrison Wm Miller. iiftl*";', ""V"'* num. H 3 Hills Mrs, B oro„ Ac. L HouthAIIall Uni. ASecHls, H 3 Holmes (iTOrge Photographer. L Hopkins Hen) flutchor. H Hopkins Nicholas shoes. L Hopkins Thos Hotel. L Howell Chas (ji.,). L ,i McKcnzlc J, 11 Carriages, L MckerriiU James Shoes, I, McLauchlnn James.. Conteo, A Baker. O 3)4 Mc.Mlcken Wm Tavern L McMillan Mrs. John.... MllUnerv, Ac. 3 Mc Williams John Tavern I, Metro. A J Oro. II 3 Melville D. A Co o. S V. 2 Miller Will Pointer. L 3)4 Minor J. W Tailor. L Mirrlson A Dayman o. s, Murray Mrs Hotel, L Newman A Miirphy Jewelers, I, Notter James A Co Oro K 3'.i Owen Sound Dry Dock Co, (Limited)., F 2'ii Owen Souiiil l>rtutlug A Publlsliing Co. (Limited) K 3H Parke James Vessels. L Parker A Co Drugs A seeds. F 2)4 PaynfrC. AW Coopers. L 3)4 Price > ie, Ac, O 2»4 Price \V, If Harness, L PrlttleW, H Hotel. Quiiin James Tanner. Uedfern A l,e Pan Tina, Ac. K Uedfern Mrs Uestaurant. L lie ly Henry Wagons. L lioblnson H. A Co o.S. F Boss Bros o. B. (See Annan.) Boss W o. 8, o . Uuthorford John Printing. H 3 Sanderson James Smldler. L Hrjurc.l M . - Livcrj'. X, Bpldon Wm Hotel, H 3 BiawMrs... Toys, Ao. L Hlmptou David Agent L BloauJ... Melodeoni. K 8)4 f '«»';» John Soda Water. I, |>n'">VW Physlolan. L S^iH- A Shoes. L Sa Sm Jhf B Cablnetmkr. L ^ SmlthLewls Gen'l Trader. H ."))4 HnAara A lav n.-^^i ^ ..." H** 3 h 3)4 8 8)4 3)4 SpearsAlex,, Butcher. O . Spencer AUred J Oro. H 3 Spencer A llutherf onl B'amlths A HPlorsTho, .W^£?:g ''* Sjiilker John Pottery. L Stephens A. M. A Co Hardwniti. O Hteiiheiis A Co. Leather. Stephens Henry Tins H Stephens J. C Ins. Agent. L Sleiihens W. A. . Ins. Agent A Tanner. BtoddnrtD. Tins, Ac. L Sutherland James Grain. E Button A Duncan Hotel. K TayOr Henry Tailor. L Taylor Uobert Sewing Machines. L ThoinpHon James Gunsmith. L Thoniton J. T Brooms. L Tlicirnton Mrs. J. T Milliner. L .S"';^ i.".'"""-.- Oro., Ao, H 3 Toilil Edward Stationer. H 8 Trotter Klchard Bake? H 8 TrotterT. DentUt. L Tucker John Shoes A Oro. VlckJohnP Watches. L WnitesJ Macliinist, Ao. L Want Josse. Fish A Fruit L WaiTllow .John Tavern H 3 WhlteJames Bricks. L 8)4 Wlghtman Uobert Drugs H ' Wjj«<>x lluell,..Bewlng Machines, Ao! K « CV^ *"'?.-.• v-; Dressmkr. L Wilkinson Hlchanl Butcher. L WllsouJamesS. (near) Miller. I, Wilson Walter Blacksmith. K Wolfe W. F OH H Woodheod Charles Carding Mill'. L WontonWm.... Mutchor. L Wright John A Co Millers A „ . . Feedstore. Q a"* YouiigDavld....SaBh A Door Factory. H 3 OXENDEN, Grey Co., Ont Kent David A Orlst Mill. L 3)4 Mallard D.J Oro. ATavom. L Pettman Thomas Saw Mill. K 3)4 KeevoThos. H a. 8 Wnlpolo Klchard R Illacksmlth. K 3)4 OXFORD, Eiiex Co., Oni. (See Oxley.) OXFORD CENTRE, Oxford Co., Ont. Chambers Blacksmith. L Bohooloy Nelson O. 8. A P. O, L 3)4 OXFORD MILLS, Granville Co., Onl. H"« L L 3H K 3)4 L L 3)4 1. If 8Vi r. L 3H 1. u 8 PAR 3 i ONTARIO A.ISrD QUEBEC. PAR Brown Mm. Mary Conf cc. I, Cftmpbcll AloxanSor hiquon. K Comiibell Jiwepli l'liya"ian k oh«nbjr. TuoiSL :::::::::nX': o Clark M Prlntor J 'niS'v"!" ■'V"?!''' Sowing Machines.' l' piaxUm John Qro.. Feed, Ac. 1, l-OlBmau H Hnt.nhnr If « Uanlola Mattiiow.:.'.;.;.' ' BlMklin''"!!' f ' S!l!"P"v.1.'=™ OrtstABawMilu: o PlaherJohn. . Clraln. ], Flohni> i Scott Uobert.. oi5?n i HOTKHon Joseph Booti 4 Shoei.' L Khaunon Hauuuil TLn! ir Hheniiiuitieo iliiJii i Sinclair A Ulackburn..tltoani' Planing ui«..i I. Y> . . MUI, Haahea, Ac. Slnolalr Donalil.... ii s v SprlKKlns I,. H .:.■.'.■.•.■.■. ■■o h l KtarkJaiuea Mllinr P Hl.wleHamuel "oro K KtewartMlaaJ "Miritl.Br' i StSr/V-'f " *•'''' ■■■■■■i.^Vid^^^^^ b strong I. Ij AB'lIiuiilCi r Thomson Edward..... iiJshSegATiu II I.. „ P^KENHAM, Lanark Co., Oat. Bayllii Jiilin Sa'»^'?;i „^ wau,u n. A 00. :::::::::::::::::: A S J"* 3)5 3H 3}i sty, h 8'4 PALERMO, HaHon Co., Onf. Ai-matrongW Tailor H a Iluek Anson PhvalcUn' v Su BurgcrJamea... . ^iloM it 1 ^ Flyi?onbort ..........". "h^i- I; '' Ijawronce Walter A Co...Imp'lenienta: Sheridan lidward o s ir 1 StedefordJolinAEdw»rd..iriiHios(iA Switzer Harvey M "o""' K 9 X |''™J"n 1'?"'"" Hlaoksnilth. L 3W Van Sickle Jainea .... SeWng Machine Agent. ]{ 3 PALQRAVE, PmI Co., Onf. Campbell Ilobert Saw Mill i.V.V.V.'Tm'!''"-,- ■• ToiuiKjrance House. K llobb llloliard Hotel. L /ALMER RAPIDS, Ranfraw Co., Onl. iMPheellroa o. H. ,T Y PALMERSTON, Wallington Co., oTi!" Anderson H. A Harnnna r ■> Batty <;. AC......;: S' •* BrockJohn.s ..." "jeweler *c r 4 Ia Oro. A Liq. U 3)4 PALMIRA, Kent Co., Ont. S'r.W,'™ Blacksmith. Mills John . O. H. PAPINEAUVILI P ruu f- a...;;;;;;;::;:;."'""''??:"^: ii BoUsle K """'oi ::::::::::::::::Ti^h 3'6 2?4 3)4 PAQUETTEVILLE, Complon Co., Que. (Set Hertford.) PARHAM, Frontento Co.. Ont. fJ'rTiS'ffi ?„{»"."."::::: ^Uii^ i'w"a";i;M:»:;.:: ^''^'^Si ! ' Mflud^terM. G ::::::::"HiSie«: l ^''^ PARIS, BranI Co., Ont Adams. Hackland'A Co Mnfn. l;!?r,!r:'!5'".:::::^:r"' * fS I K ^STc?:'.":'.".**"":: '■■■^^- ft t A!;iS?i^,'["4"jo"^iiV;.V.V.;.-.V.-;SaT t "* Baker Ira, listate of.... 'TiiVOTn H aftK"'E""^""nSTl ^ |5?»iLi::::::::;;;;;;:r^gg:f ^ DttvfsWm.lf Oi!,' I a* Dawson Uobert W '."."."."."Luinbor' K ^ D ckson A Beuuing Tobacco F oS Dickson J ames. .... . Physl?S' I *" Du.ican W "stafionore" T au Kuland John :""" Tavern H %^ Kvai.H Thomas ::: :"p£ntS!" L Ferguson W Oysters *r°iTlt h Jlnlayson Hugh, Jr...... Hamesik L F nlay8<.n Hugh i Co TiaSeS: G z» Fulayson James Butldor; K sS K'i'^IK* "»J'"» HaddS™. t "■ 3>4 .??« iv!Z!;,S'V', Stucoowork. L rruhaiiir Adam BulMnr r Galloway A Muir...... no 11 0111 A.M. A Co 'Piaater V f!!!!'.""'"*. Walter ::Akii"Aa F Hayden oeo".;"ar::;::::::::::::ii„^?*A ^ sign PalDtar. h HenilngO. E. ACo... HUbom Wm Hill Fi-edenek HoITmau (ieo Holland Wni Howell Tlios. A "."' Hunter Wm Huson Horace InksuterGtKi IrwluJohn I J» Pierre h. B. D.. :"" Lloyd James A Sons. . MausMrs Maxwell David.... McCalie Charles... Mccausland Alex.... McKwen James Mciiloiy Uodger McKay James MciNal)!) Allan..., McHae J ames, Jr. Pork. L Hotel. „ (See Ayr.) . Flour A Feed. I, 0.8. o Painter. L Dentist L Mason. U Livery, o Shoes. K Coal Oil. U D.«. F .......Wagons. O ....Hucksutry. L 3 •J %4 ait 2>!l a Shi m 2V. MnWav.ia r I ' T«mpf.r«iier Kl- . FouBrtiy. D 3 Uotol. L ...0«y, Ao. K 3>4 ....PnmM.L Blaokamlth: L . . . . Builder, K Oro. L Hhoea. Ii S!',?*".',',"*'"''' • ButohSr £ iSS't'ca?^,1.^» '''«-*S-:h &„%"."M;-i:::'::'^-«^J Morrow Bobert F ..: ."770™: K 3 07^ PAR ONTA.RIO ^ND QUEBEC. PEM Mi:' i J % If MaiT*r&Maa«r Taliors. L 3M Marrur Thos Drover A Farmer. F 3)S NM^hAaron Hatter « O'NeaUThomM PkkL a 2!4 O'Reilly HUea Physician. K ^ Patterson Wm .Dentist K 3)4 PattonABro Hardware, 0. O 2>4 Pentold Edward shoes. L Penman John KultUng Mills. B 3 Perkins Mrs Temperance House. L PoweUW. a Printer. H 3)4 Belth Alex Maaou. L S)S Roberta C.H Drugs. H 3 Robertson jas Painter. K 3)i RyaUThos Ins. Agent H 3 Sauerman Otto Planing Mill, Ac. K 3)^ Bobaffer Joseph 0.8. o 2)J Boholer Henry Patter. K 3)5 SoottO.L Orugs A Crockery. K 3 Sinclair A. J PhysloUn. L 3)s Skeirett John Hhoes. !■ Smith Henry Hotel. L 3)j Smith Wm Carpenter. I. Bmuck Philip Hotel. H 3 Snider Wm Sewing Machines. L Hpear B. F Uq. A Cigars, h Bterens A. J. <& Co Olloloth. C» 3 Stewart Robert Baker. 1, Sullivan Robert Blacksmith, h Taylor A Travers. . Express Agents A Uro. o 2% TaylorW. H oro. L Thompson Robert, Jr. . Bricklayer, <&c. I, 3)6 Thomson A Catou Uro. A Prov. K 3!ii Thomson John Butcher. K Sh Tumbull « Thomson Builders. F 2)2 Walker Mrs. A Fancy Goods. L Walker U Jeweler, h Walker ife Graham Ore. H 3 WalkerJ.AT Blaiiksmlths. H 3 Walton W. AT Aleuts, Ac. H 3 Waterworth Wm Tailor. L Watson John Butcher. K 3>6 Watson Thos.,Jr Tins, Ac. L 3)4 Watts Altied H'wareAOni. (See Brantford.) WhlUaw, BalrdACo Millers. WoodAYounu Tailors. H 3 PARKOALE, York Co., OnL (.See nronto. ) PARKER P. 0., Wellington Co., Ont. Booth Wm Saw Mill. I, 3)9 Burns Uavln Cattle, Ac. I. Dillon Michael Blacksmith. L HcKlm Robert u. s. Mitchell Blacksmith. L Ramsay Robert Hotel. L 3)s PARKER'S MILLS, Hailings Co., Ont. (St» WcUman't rornerij PARK HILL, Middlesex Co., Ont. *"*"' Adams John M stoves, Ac. (See Htaynor.) Allan Bros Organs, h S% AUeii Hnury SawMlll. F ass ArmitagoC. H Shoes. L 3)6 Balrd Jf. C Foundry A Flax, o 2)* BalrdWm Pumps. L 3)4 Barclay O.E Pliyslchw. H 3)4 Baynton Wra Shoos. O 2Si BellOlias. K Wagons, h Bcnham Harry Watches, Ac. (See Tonmto.) Bliss E.C Trees. L BoyceWm o. S. Q 2)4 Bugler Mrs. lUchard Oro. Burns Tliumas Ins. Agent. O 2)4 Caw William Physician. K 3)4 Clianiborlaln K. G Uro. A Hats. Crawford Alex Blacksmith. L Darboy J ohn B D. U., Oro., Ac. Dlt'k8ou Wm Ins. Agent. L Uiuniaii Thomas Tavern. (» 2)3 Dulmauejuhn Hotel. L ElwwMl Wm Oro. A D. O, I, a'i English Jolin Tins. H 3 Fletcher Wm Baker. L 3W Forbes D Tailor. FHllwton James Bricks. Fusaell Francis Blacksmith. 1, Oibbs J. M U. (i. A Oro. U 2'4 (iicesonc Sewlug Machines, L Uraham Wallace i'rliiter, iC 3)4 Hanson J. H Fancy (foods. L Harrison John Mtavo Factory. E 2 HawjHvv John carrlatfes, Ac. H 3 HoustoiiJ....V.'...V.T»ilorAClotWer; K sS Jackson Wm Carding. L 3)» Jennings Thomas Lumber. Q ii)S Keirer Jacob Tins, Ac. L 3)6 KinntstonJ Baker A Oro. K 3)2 KIttredgeH. H Broker. P 2)4 Knaplon James Blacksmith. L 3)4 Magladery Thomas Ag'l ImpltSi I. 3)4 Manes E Blaokamith. L MannH Livery. L Marrin W. O Melodeons. L Marsden James Cattle. L Maybury T. A Ins. Agent. L McAliiiiinA Physician. K 3 McUonahl Leo, Agent Oro. L McDonald K.AJ..B'smlths A Wagons. McUlnnls Dugald Blacktunlth. McInnesJames Orist Mill. L McIntyreMell J Gro. L 8)4 McKenzIo Bros D. O. H 3 McKcuilo Douald Shoes. H 3 McKluuou Noll Shoes. L MoI.e4 Tedder James Hotel. L 3)4 TudorSantord Hotel. H 3)4 Vanwlck A Jackson Sash A Door Factory. Watson Thos Saddler. K 3}i White James E Wlndo" Blinds. L Wlllard John A Son Painters, L PARMA, Lsnnox Co., Onl. Ualt J. B Peddler. I, PARRY SOUND, Parry Sound Dist., Ont. BeattyWm Lumber AO.S. D 2 Boll John Baker. ;. Colder James Blacksmith. L 3)4 CollisO. B Jeweler. L CrichtonAlex 0.8. L 3)4 gowell Frank Baker. L pwollJ. J Watches. L FlsherTbomas Shoes. L 3)4 Qnelph Lumber Co. . . O. S. A Lumber. D 2 Holmes A. L Books, Ac. K 3)4 HuffWalter Painter. L 3)4 Jackliu U. (near) Farmer A Shoes. Jukes Uetiry Temperance House. K 3)4 Kirkman Robert F Temperance .. „ . . H<"«'- ^ McKecJolin Hotel. L 3)4 McMiirray E Publisher. L Moltatt Jinnies Shoes. L Nowtou Wm Butcher. L Nolau Fisher B Printer. L Nolan H Tailor, L Parry Sound Lumber Co J. C. Miller, Mituager. E 3 Spencer Wm Harness. L Strain Francis TinsAStoves. K 3H Taylor Wm Shoes. L 3)3 Tliompsou Robert Hotel. K 3)4 Vantossel E. D....Agt. Furniture, Ac. L Walton Thomas Phys'n A Drugs. K 3 Wsrnlca Mrs Fancy Goods. L WellerMrs Faiiov Goo» I'* pEir OI^TARIO AISTD QtTEBEO. PET iflX.«'° ^..^l-kor .,Llv, Moeliau AuUravv. Mrnzles H MlUar J. AA.... cry. L Mitohflll8. E.. Moil'iiU W..Jr... Uui'Kaii K<)l>»rt.. Oru., diu. i£ 3 .... Baker & Cimfeu. L 3>A O. «.. ItakBin A llutuliera. (> 3 IllHlkH, itc. II ,'j :■•••■, t'uiiiidri-, L Murpliy Will UUck»iiiUn. L, aH Murray Thuiuas A Wiu ">""•". i. J>i, Or uil Uaiiitil .'.■.■.■■■. ■■(Th f iu. l'o[.« i^W^ '^" Saw MUI«. "■' 1 »iwr it. It HiuiiTB r lleMJ. L '^'S- i" „, Bayers Mm. li "■ "• V Bllffi 'mjli;.- ■I'V.otopii.Yier; L HliarllUK J. 8. ...■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■■ ,in,' i BleHrarlJamva ■t1ii« k 8trw:tJolii, JbwVi"?' Hu«.trmnJoIm I".*!" "l',',',',!,uiV Teevcu* BoiuHi-d Tuvuru! L ^HiK!".* ;;;:;;; «|;-;-fc Wliolau Jowjiili E.. ......■.■.■.■.■■'-■• 3H 3 White A. & {■ LuiK' n f^ White Ulclmnl ......" ' (iaw MUl" PENDLETON, Prsicott Co., Onl. Anilereoii & Derby. . . . Jl'smlUis A Saw l^iluc I>l«n-e Hotel' K ■] BulonioiiJ. I'eiiaior. L PENETANGUI8HENE, Simcoe Co., g?!;|« TTTi. llarneaa. L UOUtUCK \V liiikMi- I Buck Chan. A CO v.;." ■ ■ L, mbiT ciialleuA iTm r ClaiKaiiuiJIiaa .' iiot^i 1 Corbler I.. A . . * ; BarbciTliu: L DarliiiK J aiuea 8 l)(>uk» A p. M. L Davldwui Davhl Mill A Lumber, i' iJubeau Hubert Uverv I. fe'"-'"'*!'" iiSl *•"'» ^V- k- bruKn. Ftimi-.w !!*."'.'.-'.'""'"'«'"'iii;',«i'. Firth Janiea Biitcie' i oemlrou A Hm 8hu"e«" A "rm^y; l Clonlcm I'atrlik (uuar) u. a L Haywood o. A .. Biitcl «• JettVey Henry E. .....;. u m' JIaiTiiilibuiJimoph (near) \i'. » r |s^ii;rMl;'|.'^;!."&-..;.-.-.;.;.-^?-^^'„'-S peTiteT"""" ^T;"5' ? Keyuuhlii T. M .""staviia *7i' i 8l)ohu J'hilli, II.... WiyXton' h Tiiouipaou Alfred A oh 1? Tliuiuimoii lleury II. h'm" t. Jvli",?',"r/Il'"" ■ ■ •■■ Watclie«; L wrlKhid. H I'll,- .e,, I S;",e' •}'"""*' ".■. v. . BuTiifo?: ,*; WyuneJamea Uquoiu. L PENVILLE, Simcoe Co., Ont. Bi7»nn Noll PuiiMia r feufleld Albert........ l&l' k" S> ''l" Alpxiitule- Blaeksuilth. H iiiruorJii. I .ti. H PERCV, Northumberland Co., OnL (St4 H'arhwortK.) PERKINS' MILL, Ottawa Co., ^u*. LewU T. D o. H. (Bee Tenipieton.) PERM, SimCM Co., Onl. Oollaugher Jamoa O. 8. A P. M. L PERRYTOWN, Durham Co., OnL Corbett Uobert A Phya'n A P. M. F a). Sleep/iauiiiel A Sou Biackaiultha! k Sif V PERTH, Lanark Co., OnL"""" Al'ISS^^'if.. •.■;:;:;: Harrtwa«. K 3)4 Aliau F. A W .■.■.■."Vbaw Mill! 1. AllauJua ,jrT u A ...It Ik «• fi Oro. K ilut«lAllut4!hera. U Blackauiitha. K Uro. 1. ••.. Druga. u B.H,uua., T. j.....:.;:::;^'"""«""i'"S- ^ Butler F. A W .V.". Tlul! r, Butler UeS^ L Armstrong Wm Blacksmith. L Auburn Woolen Mills Co Jj S» Va'c.;::;::;::;;:;::::::^?;!: t a%'^:'j-.'.'.v.v.'.-.'.'.-'''-"i?.t^||£ Bell Wm ilmJ • r Bertram A Co .'iiwdware: K Best Uonry stoves A Tin. F Beat Jamea D. O. A OiS O BradbuniT D lY p Breeze A Hutchinson. ..,..■.'.■.■.■.■.■ rins' Broult Joseph Tavern." L ii)4 3 ii)4 . Cahlnetmkr. U stA ....Millinery, h »2 Marble. L Oro. H 3 2 3 P Ins. K 3)i McpunougirMary.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'tJt^u Oro.' h '"''' JlcUueuJ.A Distiller. K 3 McLaiim A MeNee (irtstMill. McLaren leter Lumber. B 1 McLiiieu W. A Baker A Couteo. L McLenaghau N Implemeiita. II .%lei,tH.d William Tluamlth. L MegienABm u. h. i, *}«'«!"'" Cliarles Oro., Ao. U Miller J. AC.) Foundry. Montgomery W Tailor. L Molds A McMulllii Bakers 1, Nooniin A McOarrv 08 K NiirtliKraves Wm.! Wntnhns! K P li''w"¥''*' Cahlnetmkr. L S"!; W.J Chalrmkr. L o,, Si''',".' ■'.".1'" Cabluotmkr. II a2 UltuhleWiu um K 3 3 .J)4 3 .1)4 3)4 Brown John.. Brown Mra liryue A8oule.... BullorJosoph urn H «;;™''«"i* Boucher Physiilans.' D BuiiTo".'.^.'.'.-.'.-.-. ''"^""'o^'i: Cameron John .■.".■.'.' ?i J^' tl CainpheU James ; .' ." Xiiiery' h 8 Carnegie John Speculator. V 3 Cavanagh Timothy .....Hotel M i* Chamherlaluueo.. Hah 1: ** Cluunberlaln W. W 'iloujll K Cliambei lln E Money Lender. C Choate T. o ' H.It«i r ChukJobu Watch™: Chirk 4 Johnston ..'.■. TauueS: „, ... (Bee Aahhurnham.) C egg Abraham Cabluetware. L Clegg Edward Oiiat MiU. H Cluxtuu Wm Grain S Coe T. A It Hutchera'A Oro! L t omst«ck Aaron Cablnotware. L t'l.uualPeterACo oJJ S CiHjkJohn Prov' K CossleyJohn .VBirhcr, Ac! L Counney t-ilward Cablnebnkr. L o- }-"^"B"rB« A Gen'l Agent D a Crofts Wm Motel L Dann Joseuh... ..Veterluafy'8urge«n.' K 8)4 Davidson J. Irvine b'tatlouory K ."g DelaneyM saE Millinery. L M P*J^"J' J """ Blacksmith. K SS Denne A Hpeiry Flour MIU. F S2 Desautel D Carihiiri^ i ' Devlin W.J .....: UarSSS' L Dickson Bamuel, Eaute of. . .Baw MUL E a DolanT.ACo Do Donnelly Edward iltiiverr' K la f "' "V » • "; Bankrupt SlocE; L ** Douglas A Logan i;arrlag<-s. O DuniuuJohu l.lverv L DnuiiMp Dreaamkr., Ac! U Eastland Bros us 1 ElderJohu d'o" r Sl"".'f "..■! • 1* ^Y v.; Bl'ackaraltlis: K i-nott lllchard W Agent Musical ErsklneJolm 'd'o o Ksmnml Dr. A Co "liru'irH.' I. Falrweathor A Co do Fee M * an*' t FishorLuke.. v^i — :-^"'- !• ^ 3)4 2 3)4 2)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3). 3)4 3)4 8)4 Flour A Feed. « iisHa&«»i c £j... ., .Carrlaitea FltJgonUd A Htanger B^smltha A Fitzgerald Mra. Tobias Carrlagea. L »4 3)4 omnT u!'.';.':.'.':.'^.«^^!^f;!'.S: S ®* * oy A Campbell 8oda Water, h UarveyJohu tiro p OUwaiolui H ....oro.". aS: I PEt ONTAHIO AISTD QtTEBEO. PBt li:- ic.^ nu'kctt A 8htrl«]r D.O. It SM Hull Ailitiii Tliiis Au. (i 2\i llinlKV UiiiftK). li llHll. IiiiiiwaCu I>. II. N a Hull Miisuiill dm. I. 3»4 itKll >« (.Xitiimi Knkcry A I'niifeu. I. Mull Itlulmiil riimrMIII. V Ti llHil W. .1 ARKlit Ag'l Imiillu. L llttiiilltiiii IVKT Kiiiiiiilry. K a>i lUinlllou Wlllliiiii Fuuiiilry. V 'i^ llwitlry Jiihii A lUH. AKfiil. 1' IlviitliiiiiiK UavlilU I.lvt'ry. u U Ihaliui-tiiKhm Win lUtuskmiittii. I. inilK.i.' oiii. IC 8»4 Illlllniil (iKirite Lumber. 10 'J lloKUII JUIUIIH ««£ ('u llrif. lli>|ill. K »>!i llyiiuui HoliiMiuii Kata A l.'n|>H. Irwlii A lloyil LiimlHT. JoliiinUm ltiiU«i't Uiv. (1 a>ft\i(l t'uiifuo. H asi Lliim'tt It uro. I., Utt(^lll<^ A Bakuiy. K 3.>4 l.ltlUi Juiiioii rhutoirmtiluir. I. IjUvUmrl itu. !< H^ ,1-iiuil Will Bakur. L a'u l.uiiilyJ..I ;..MuiHu Mct'liilhuiil J Jewelor. F a>i McDoiiulil (.'linrloa BlaukmiiUli. I. Miiiiml(Uolin Uiiw Mill. L MvlhMiKiill itt l.mlHaU) l.uuibvr. MuKhvIu'IIi Mi-h Fancy (IrnMln. 1, MvKwIiU'ii M Cubluoliukr. t, MiiKi't' Jt DhvMihiu llaiilwai'u. F 3)i MiiKlV"!' lllim Uiii. Ii Mut.uultii. L Meuiloa TIiuiuuh llMika iSC ExuhiuiKtt. D a Mercer K. A J ClothliiK. L H'4 Muiwi' wllllaiii, KaUtiuit Tailor. U M>.j Httiiicrall wtlUaiu Carrlaiciia. L Mllulirllu, I. Uiv.>cLli|. Iv aSi Mlluht'll Will. II tiiuliUin-. I. MoiKUii AlUi'ilP Hulol. U .S M.iiunv u ().». I. 3!* MiiiiuaaUir A HuiiilcnHiu. .Juweliy, Jta. L MiiiinivV AloxiiiiiU'V I). (I. 3^ Miuiiiii Uiibvrt UKiiUnt. L 3!v Ollvir S. A MiiM'g. (St'oTuniiito.) OniioiKlJaiiiOA I< WaU'lma. O SSi Onuuuil A Walali IJriiKOi Ac F asi Untixmi 11 Clio, li U'eiulllvaii Joliu I'liyaldaii. O i^ Oweim Henry I'liiiiiia. K 3*a I'aiiptii J Ulackaiiilili. I. ratuinum Walter A Hon Tauiiem. F 2>6 I'aj'iie MtepliHU Uni. 1 I'eiHliv W. H Aiictloueer, Ac. I. roiiaeMv J. It MaibUer. li IVntlniiil Uavtil UeutJat^AO. K 3 Peterboro' llau Co K *i tlieUu Kilwanl Hotel. F aj* Puravr Mi-a Hotel. Ij UU'iiaiilmiuCliaii uro., Ac L 3>ii Itubei'tMin W. II. A Co I'rlutein. Ii ltuliliii«>ii lauacAlHi D.U. F 3>4 ItoUiiiminr. W. ACo Oni. U ais Htxlilv a. N Hotel. K .tMi Itoiimlii U llili-kM. MoHcll Uiilliler. I) 2 UublilKe* wlinw Tuliaico, Ac. I. ;(Hi Illl^ll « Kllliiii mil. i» aS) UiihIiuiii Tluiiiiaa Driiftrt. Itullierloril .vi'lliiir HnllUer. K 3Hi 8awfrH AuK»'*tua WikiIcuh. 11 3 Boliiieliler i*e»ii(to Uro. H aVj ISeiii|ilv Mla«!S. A Mlllluery. L 3,Si Hhoitly H -■ Haililler, Ac L biul III Hotierl riioUiumiilier. li Buyiler W lu I.iiiiiber, HiiMi-i-y A Khllliili'f*. (I Ql.^ btauiuu, ituiwru H kuUierioiti. . .'C ar- jieutent. L Suulcton CliaK Auctioneer. « 3^ BtUlWUUjai>.X UUtHM. U 3 Btethmn OeoDte Ilarrtware. o ll<4 Mteveumiii Jaiiioa Cmil, I'nal.. Ac C l^i Hiock Will Maker. I. 3Si Hl.ine.I..S urn. I. Htnittiiu .Ina. It I'libllalier. J. Hiilllvitii Joint ...Tavern. K .tit Tninirr iiimiiku CaliUielwaie. I. Taylor (I eoruH rmiiiia. II 3 Taylor Dr. SV. II DniKa. <» ajj TlioiomMi W. O II. (I. TokerACo Piilillnliera. P 8 Toole Win Flaiilntr Mllla, Hanliea, Ac. L Trimiiiini Wni. . .Honing Machine AKt. >< Tally J. II. A Co Driiint. II » Tnlly Itobeit Hm. K 3]i V lyott, Siuliller A Co Lunilier. Wallll n riKllt C lllllclier. I. Wulloii llobei t. . . HUivea. Haililler, Ac U 3 WiitkloaJ. I. Flour A Fewl. 1. Wiitaim II. W I'lilnler, Ac. L Wall llnm tiro. I. Webbertleornu Drover. F 2)4 Wiwcolt It INitteiy. I, WliiUiJiihii Mlioea. L 3)4 While lloberti I.lveiy. H 3 Winie .Muiituel HhiMia. I* WhyteJ.Afo Foiiiiilry, Ac. K !»H Wllnoii A IhivlH Htalhmery. I, 3>ii Wllnon A V. ilHon Fiiriiliiim. Ij Winch H.C lliilcher. K 3)4 WmkiiiiinT Portriilt I'nlnter. L WrlKhton W. II (Iro. F 2^4 YollanilWin lllaokanilth. F 2>« PETER8BURQH, Waterloo Co., On(. nowerl^ Illiu'kanillh. h !H INielle I'eter UliiekHiiillli. K 8'4 (linelln Henry llniiieaH. I, 3t« (lotl«clinlk KIIhh Wiifroiia li 3*4 llolwell Freilerick Tavern. K 314 l.ana ('oiiriiil Weaver, li 3(« I.I|i|HMtJohll Weaver. It 3 Meeker Fi-e. A llrooniH. II .3)4 Haililon Itoliert t)io., >vc. Ii JoncH Itoliert A tiro. L l.awu>ui:e Walter A Son Turnora A tilla. L 3'4 I.ealle Alex Niiraery. <) a)i Uiiifihnanu P Hotel. L ijiuKhivy Win tiro. L McUonalil Jerry Hotel. (Heo liOnit'in.) strafolil U I'lJiatorer. I< swirt John r. t)., Ac. I, Tlllomn Mra tlio. IE 3 WiMMiwurcl Itoliert Butcher. 3 WrlKht Uroa tlw). li PETHERTON P. 0., Wellington Co., Onl. HInil John..... Illaokainlth. L LhiikiIoii Jnniea 1'. M. A (I. K. II 2)4 Zeas Theodore Tavern. H 3 PETITE CHAPELLE, Torrabonno Co., Quo. IllBiaaJ lllackainlth. I. 3)4 t'aiii|Ntan Jnaeith Hol4'l. It 3 Faiiulla C tiro. L PETITE COTE, Hooholaga Co., Qua. Jein^yJanKMi lllaokHmlUi. K 3 PETIT MATANE, RImoutki Co., Quo. Iioniv (I. H. I, 3)4 MaiiiiilaM Illackanilth. K 3 Mailivull L (I. H. K 3)4 PETIT METIS, Rimoutki Co., Quo. McUiien .\ H. H. H 3 McUirenT O. 8. L 3)4 PETROLIA, Limbton Co., Onl. ArtnmaT.I. Oro. Ii 3)4 iMvher Kilwiinl iV. Hooka. Ac. II 3 liiuchiy I'atilck mat'y, 1*. <)., Ac. H 3 ji..i, Joiiij !! ,,,,,,,,,,,, oil. Ac. iu'iiiley a. J lioa. Illnhop It U.S. F 2)4 llooaey J. K.. Agent 1)11. L S\ BrakvJuliu UU. U 3 Bny Wm nruga. K S HnrnaT. K Ina. Agent, Buruin Mra. Allao tiro. I. Caiinoir II Watohea Jt till. II 3 ClianilHirlalu O. W till. II 3 Chryaller A. II dro. L Ciaifoy II Oil Wella. CiHiley, FerkluaACo llaHuera. O 2)4 CiNiiHirll. M II 8)i Coiity 11 llutel, IMryell KlUall It Ull. P 2M Dale Win. 11 Dniin, K 3)4 Uenhiun (leorge Liruga, U 3 lieni-oi^he Kilwaiil J . . . .Ull Agent, ttic. L. 3)4 Doiik Win Tavoin. li Howling Mia* MUlluery A U. «. h Dnuler Krncat f)ll. H 3 DniiierT MauhluUt. II 3 lliincun Alex Cariienler. L X^ Duncan I'. A Co Gro. A Feed. linnllulil Hugh Ki-u, K 3)4 DiiHiani Jna. K Haker. h KnulahurtJ. !>. A Cu Rellneia. C 1)4 Kri Ington c. H Taveru I, Fali'Uank J. II OU Oiwratur. C 1 FiiirClmrlea A llutel, Ac. F 2)4 Fleicher Alfrml Oil. I, Fruaei' Jiimca 11 ^huea A 1>. U. Ii FiiinerJohn U. H. II 3 Fmner William A 8un Fouuilry. L Olbaon W. K Oil. l» 2)4 (lilleaiilo A Hnutley Oil. II 3)« OleiiKon 1>.... fill. H 3 (Irahuin t;harlu« Uentlal. I, Oiiiiii It. M Tailor. L H ui'ket t Joaepli Livery. L lluinniou A Falrbank iwanery. C 1 Hartry Airivil Wagtnia. t, Heri'liiKltlcliant Publialier. K 8)4 HcHHcy Jutiiea Oil. HiHlKnon Joatiiih Oiti. L lloioeOll Worka ii 2 lluaaioiJ. II Howlug Mavhinea. L HiiKgaiil Joaenh llot^il. U 2)4 H'lnuui A Auuerauu Ulackanittlia. L Hvilu Itobeit Oni, I, lalilater Ailaiu tiro, A l.tq. Jenklnachaa OIL O 2)4 Keck I'eter W Hotel. K 3>» KelUi A WuuiUoy OU, () -a))! KenipJ Hawing Maehlnea. I, Kennedy I). M OU. K 2 Kerr J. A J liiimlHM', Ac F '2)4 KIngTIionwa Hliuea, h 3)i l.aiiciMter H Photogruplier, Ii I.ancey — Flax, A«, O 1)4 Uuiuey 11. Warren UU. C 1)4 Ukwaun A buu Uetluery A oil. It 3 liBwyerH OU. H •a>4 linwia Wm Watcliea, Ac L l.linlany, llarleyA Cte Iletlner)'. U 214 l,. II. L McKeii/.le A Knox Maohlnlati', II 3 McKenzleW. C liUniber. H 3 McLurell Tailor. L MoMUUu Joho Oil. (See Montreal. I McQiilen Kwon 11. H. L MeiiinaJohu Pliyalclan. II 3 Wlli-oy J'.liu Peddler. 1, Monurlel (leu OU Wella. t> 3)4 MiMiio K Livery. L Morndl K.J Painter, h MorwiKMl 8. J Oixi., Ac, L Mott (iiviige 1) Pbyalctau. L Moxley ThoR 8hoea. L Miintoch John Ilni. K 8)4 Murriiy Mnrtlu OU. L Miiiiciy Wm Oyatera, Ac L tsi'Al Henry Walchea, *0. ('^ee 8ai'liia ) Noble John D oil Oiwialor. O'NeUI Mlaaes Uruaamkra. L 8)4 Oliver A Farley i.ll, C !,>» t'uliiier tiiuirue Oil. Ac. O a^ I'avne W. E.". 1>. it. H 3)» Peat Janiea loa. Agent, Ao. K 3)« Peikina Mra. A. U Uro., <«c l>erlUua Jai. * tivna OIL 3 t"^ "M: PET 1 8)4 ONTAKIO A.lSrD QUEBEC. PIT Potmllii Criiil« * Tanking Co . w t JtOIIH A MlNH'H. Halinoii Tliuii... Haunciii uoo. Bljuikwiilth. oil. p (ifo. 1, ftni, K Hmldliir. L H"nrM«yHr,«;:::::::::::--«'tiS^^^^ Ss:;;S.^;{']{^..(^w:;::::-"»'-«h KS"VJ^;::::;--"Ou«^£^ Ht..Mi),i, w .; HV,;Si- , «*"» Mn« ;:oinW>;in,'7A TliflMutimlOllCo... Talloin. K Vniialntvmi A. M oiV " wMnar''.":^"' """^"SP Jj;?5r".'.l •.'"!"»« ■.■.■.■.■fiiiV«re. Ac! L HIllMM. 1, WHtwiiiiiihii... \yiil)iihir Unvid ,,„, „ Woi'iig«, L Tuni|i»rttiiiio tiimon W. A fUn r Crtruir A I'ugh 'rin. i Oaiu-r J. N iiftiiiwiifo *« w CiirUirWm •••■■inmwttro, «o. j. CiwoR II •. }.""■ ]i Vnm M. II VlVo I lloiin WalUir, iir n n Hviui Kilwanl aliKikiiiulth' ft. 8. I, . Blavkaniltlu L G. 8. SUU3klHHIIH! Uonry.'.'."."."." flmini' I bUiuklioiiHO* Myfveater. .■■.■.■ .■.■.■..MiiS; K PHELP8T0N, Simoo* Co., On«. I'lioliiii N. 4 O. J HiiwMlll. (Hoo MerrlUiu.) 0.8. H Piatt Hubert H.. PHILIPSBUROH, Miitiiquoi Co., Quo, BriBlmm J.8 riiysictan. a V.U1IJ.I 111... f Cilltwin L'lurk ■B"liuli«iiiitii t Mrl.,..«! .I»m«. .■.'.■.■.■.Vi'aluUir; L (l.H. L Hotel, u Nyu I). T. It Hti'lU) Mm.. PHILIPSBUROH, Waterloo Co., Onl. J orbur A NelbeijpU Tannwry II Sl^r-V".':"!::::: '""""aU Hinip«)u K ■■;■•• lii^ii; ' , ,, , !* W«gumll«nry....V.-.V.V.-.**.'^Nt"„;i'i{,'i:i: PHILIP8VIULE, L..di Co., On«. Algiiln) A WllUiiuis... ciiOBM) Factory. F ]ll::.';:.;Vr.■^.:•.:•..•. ""-"-f^:! Ua..ikliiN Huluniuu IS.V.'.V.'.' ' ' i4uW Mill i Kloliiil I'liuljin 3)4 ;V"!ffV," AK'Vimpiii: 5 "l">"- " iir.i. i, PICCADILLY, FronUnao Co., Ont. P"*;'''''"^ •»»"»•» Hotel A a. a. K Luslle John y^ J PICKERING P. O., OnUrio Co., Oaf. (.Set Duffln Vretkr) PICTON, PrInc* Edward Co., On». AUnnTn' ^- " • ■ Blackanilth. I. AlllM.n.ts Wu.Kl Vl.m,?' I Aiichown liimalil .""uiiiitraVt ■ i Antiim fmncU HU 1 iVid' I iiay "f Uulniu A at. l-awi-«iioo Xam: WMil Cu Btutjut Mrs. H '. 2)4 Ixnliiiiil Qm. K 3,'S .UeuiUt. I. ij'l"'' *i'l*'>nV."....8i;UW«tor A iitJ; L B^miott J'li I- '•'•'"»>"• ^ Beiiiuimjai^di\:::".;:;.."."j^,{S2J-:^ ; u. '.""'"^y «ro. A t;,,nf.,o. L lli? nKilir":;-:-; '''^;^^ t-'oHKcr N. H. A M. W,...::;'Ni„VrJ' 11 ('■DKwrH. 1,1. A u™. ...... i'nbXi^ 11 rTiirbliiilulii A r k« _. • uuiinnma. 11 Corklniittio a. I.. Manamr. Ouiilfhlln Wni... * Umuilall W. T... rug». gmi)hcr. I, a)4 AKunt. U ■■;■■■■ 'l"ai ly. K a»v . I'hotDKraiilier. K S!g .....rina. U 3,'a I'h.valcliui. 1.1 Mllvur))hit"ii-. li Irving A IMwns rtaw Mm a I'lunlng FauUiry. (I l(l,K> OriKfi'l'l- ."j I^ke Mra. Rlrlmnl......-.::-. . iiifui i l^kii 8uninol K I'hvMliair ir Ijiwmni Wm am iler' I lnwlerdw). I •.•.•."•;. ivitllr it Mtvi* Janiea Coiiiiiu'tiii. ii 1-ynn A Hnbba... . ■_"w.i-i' K K::!"!» i- ?.• VeWl Owm" Ac; Mn ■; I! .1 y.:}- •••.■■■•• War.,lL(Mi»enian. MulJiMinlilCI IM. A (iro A I In McO.IUvray John .... . .hi, «1 i, McOoH-an \Vm h, .w ir Ml«..ker H. J' "vo: 11 Muiden Mia.0. O Mllilii,,-. A,, \. \['!u^Z ■"■"Ir " I'liy-lidan. F Miirttfinivi) llmiry .'.*""wmMi«r T. 5"t' «';»•" ..Mim„I:,'y:{ Noru,an u. A.jr.:...::;;: Mijis;!''.!; " Ontarl., A Qneboo Navl3,n"'c„'; '' (ljli<,lteil) o; K.-llly .laa .".•.■.■.■.■.■, ii;.,V j, OHh„,i Michael h|,m,V, i. »irvi"'' ''''" •"'• •«*>"•: '- :'"." •{(, M ■ .■.■i'h?:iei,'.r.; t 1. hi-T •• Waiehuiki'. II ICS*n;?.::;.r: '-"".n K i;«wemJan,H« ,,,., .".".c;.nti-kt..r: " lt«.linmidj.weiih.. "'-"kwi.Ao. K ItrhlKUen ..." " a.' O Held Itnbert Twnm- I lleynul.U J. T. A H, 8. bo ,t,iSL: i 3 2*4 ''•4 3 3,4 3 3 3,4 354 ii,",) 2»s 3 3,4 3,4 3'4 ;(>.., ;< 3 Vanbhirlooia T. N-.-.V.V.V.V.-.Ji.V.nltri Vanrtn«uB.H..... ^'""''"VfS!' i" vS:«'r: :':::-: ••■ SS^ Walt laaao N... ti ,i' « Wordeu Wm . V "T i White It. I) FeMi".* Jil^^ ' {' Wllllama 1-. A.:.;... '^""" hi ,'!«• I' ^1!?;;» Jv S """"er 4 •shii.iiniLte?; h w in^ i" <. -V "*"«laniant. I, wil:; H. F.*.':": c^Mai^.- X, v.^r'^iK^'T'^^^ ij'nSS Vouniai.aAithnr..... '■■■•-• "'-'-'!''^' " ^ oi,ng Mra. Uawald O.. PIERCETON, MiMliquoi Co., a««. Oage Allans HayllakM. K PIERREVILLE, Vamuka Co., «»«, (flee m. riwiiuM lU I'UmvUlt.) PIGEON HILL, MlwiKiuoi Co., Qua. llnngerford it"/^' }' lltUimoroT. W WI.MlVrtiM: i. PIKE FALLS, Unark Co., Oat, diet l-on SlmtUy.) PIKE RIVER, Miuliquoi Co., a^t, Bfirnard.! if,,,.,. , li^Mii-v;.-v "^i-H i lUco A. V^. C SaWi (iliiV MiuS; K PINE GROVE, York Co., Ont. Bunt J. F HAW \riii t Klder ll,i,a (irilTtM,!,' ii oooilerham A Woru::::::ii, h"" Mill HarrUB """ '"' lioU.V L .«eClnro J. H Haildler t. w'i'i'7"'".' •''"','' Blaekmiltl,; i Wlgglua Joseph Haruuaj. £ PINE HILL, Lambton Co., Ont, (Hte Wldder.) PINE ORCHARD, York Co., Ont, Mufit^VlSI'" C;,ir|,onl..r. I, tJIHu. i llhuiKannth, U ^*>''" A 8ttWMlU, L PINE RIVER, Bruoa Co., Oaf. Halliek Thi'ran i£„r„| r. MelJnin.yTlma Waffn,H A Hull Mia Oiii. I. llki'ilii Jiuiinn llouil. I, Howuril liavlil Himiim. i. Kuwiiii KtHI, I' BlllURll' Mill. I. BUovtmnl Jttinon Buw Mill. L PLAINVILLE, NoHhumbirUnd Co., Ont. Uwiill Jubu Bliiwii, CIru., Jki'. L PLANTAOENET, Proioott Co., Oni AUun Ailulpliua CiknUiiK Mill itt Hiiilillor. IJloml C. 1) I'lMldU'i. C-tuiiuburlnlii W. A H. a. C'httrlHiunvttii H. O <<. M. Chculcr II C»rrl»«oii. Uucburmu I' lllttCkKiuUli. UufonJ. n SiiwMlll. HaKur Allwrt . .'riiiiber ,ft 8»w Mills. Joliustoudk Mnntuii U. ". Joly P ■■ Hotol. McMmUT Uunuu KarnoHii. I'olHoii J Taimur. Ituuhon V HoU'l. Y«in Mia lliilcl. PLES8I8VILLE, Mapntle Co., ()uo. (Ste Ninntritl.l POINT ABINO, Wolland Co., OnL (SteMilgewai/.) POINT AU CHENE, Arganlauil Co., Qua. (Set Ameaj POINT AU PIC, Charlavoix Co., Qua. BuucbHi'dJua O. H. L POINT AUX ANGLAIS, Two MounlaintCo. Qua. I Hat Kt. lleiwltj POINT DU LAC, 81. Maurios Co., Qua. Blnm JiiMBiiU O. H. L a'i lipiiii'niilt Mm lli-o. 4 U'auilHi. K 8 (ktrviMkii KvikriHto ". **. K 3 PLATT8VILLE, Oxford Co., Ont. Bttkcr M l88 M imm>ry. 1. Uiiki^r Ni'lsou Holaitli. 1. BIliM (Ifoi'Kn Ulackamltli. I, Hrkknr iS l)l«bcl <■>. H. F llrown Jiimua I'liVHlclau. L CaiilUiK HtvpUou M UUckamltli. L Craiiip Wiu lliiiclior. L DavuyJohii llakur. K Fbuu Ciiuvwl llutuliiir. K Fiinl Michael Bluioa. II (iauka AiiOrcw Mlioea>« l.lvoiy. U Ouriiiau L'. O Wntrlii-a. L lluirmaii U CuuiHjr. U Kaiimuaii Alluu....SVooli>ii Kautoiy i cabliiutiukr. K Kirk 1). A UriiKO. i. Lake Thuniua O. et. K l.uvau Sttuiiul I'umiia. I. Monmw Mn» Tlua A Ui-i). Ij Mothonill Jua Sliooa. L Nlo.Uol Johu .stovoa. K FatU)U iiilwani I'liyalcbui. L I'umiii-oy * Foster I lulol. L UuyiuiUla A iJru.,.to. I. lllolltolJollll Wauoua, L ilobliiMou vt Kllboiiru Swla \S iitor. L Bauer HwiiRo Ilot^'l. 1. Helii Kilwlii.. llfttiu'iw. L Hiiiart Jolm 1'. M. .tt ii. M. F Biiyiler JUiis UrtKt Mill. l« •IHiw A Miiinhall MilU'in. F Velteh A Neal H. f». K Wuru TImiiiaa I'lilii tiir. L Wauxb TUiiiiuia 11' waiv, Mtovaa * Tina. I. Workman Win Cii-o. L S.Vi ahi PLATTSVILLE STATION, Oxford Co., Ont. f..S'«! /trlyhLj PLAYFAIR, Lanark Co., OnL I nee Jiathurat.) PLEASANT BLUFF, Me|*nlio Co., Que. WaikF ct. S. 1. 3>4 PLEASANT HILL, Norfolk Co., Ont. Clirlatniaa Dcorgo Wutfiiua. 1. Onmk Uvuula Sliiiea. L Flab 4 Palmer Henry Clro. "L Pye KoUert B'amlUi A Carrtaicea. L BUuvaon W. W .O.B. 3)j rilganW...ranllngAFulllnKMIIl». « a"* MiuNamVra Jaiiiea;:;;.'.."....V.;;.. Uii.. K V. ,/*loNell J Clro. 4 1.1(1. K POINT EDWARD, Umblon Co., Ont? ^ "~' " Beyer AuKUat Hlioea. K 3)ii lloimier A Co. liliiy Henry.... routloe Crawfonl F. H Cruiieh Win... Kruat LoiUa — I'l'iwer Ue«» Frnaer P. C — (lllllua 1). POINT tT. CHARLES, Jaoquoa Cartlar Co. Qua. nellefeiilllo Leon . }- lleilhluiune F. i; •'''"• !l Uuimiue HeriuuLia Uutolivr. K Ciwiy Jua "rii. u Oiiiuor John Ui'". 1" I'oniHiy Ml'.! <"o. I. I'lPiiKliIln l>onla •H'o. K DaiiMirimu J na Hio. H lii'Kantel .M Uiu. 4 Cuutravtor. k Diibuo PleiTO Uro. K DuKKun Patrick U"'. K I'oley MiH Tavern. L (lliaril Olivier Baker. H < I iiei In 'riieoiihllo lloota 4 Mhoea. H HeniieHaey M ContnieUir. U lurillu P il 8>« 8 3 » H 8 3 8H (J. B. I. Baker. J, Tavern. I. Carpenter. I. sluwa. L 3!4 On>. 4 P. M. F ii>!) Oro. 4 Oyat«ra. L ...ti.B. II 3 ...D. U. 4l.'luthliiK. I, .loiiler Mra. Jamea Iloti'l. K 3»4 JiKlKeUobert Hotel. L Kaiipu Joaepb Butcher. F 854 l.lvlUKatone U "ro. 3 McAvoy Mra. John Saloon. 1. Mefellum Mra Millinery. L MeUmialilK d. M. I, MeUiCKorMlaa l>.0. L 8)a MelJiieuAUo Dniga. L 8)ii Merlin William Bboea 4 Clotlilnit. 1. Mitchell KilwanI Uro. A Uq. PiirklUHon Thoa Hah, Ac. L Pari-ott Win Hotel. L Biiunilera C'onteo. 1, Blutrp Michael Batvlier, Ac. K Shi Shaw John Lumber. (Sue Fortwt.) HiietiJacob UotoLAc. K SMi Tiinmpaun T. W. 4 Co Iloti'l. WhimuW. P Tina, Ac. (Boe Barulo.) POINT FORTUNE, Vaudrouil Co., Quo. Browu Wm O. B. MoivettO lloM. K 3 BU Deula KriiuHt u Hhlppcott riio.i Tina. I, HiH'araA Mcl'atilff Dlaukamltlia. I> Hiitimi-hui,! lioualil Tailor. 1. Tyler Fnuik litu-ucna. L POINT PELEE ISLAND. (HM PMm Itland.) Nolan Jua ,Jlro. O' Urien M Ichoel Bulhler. O' By riio 12 o ro. 4 Tavern. II O'KelUy T. B Coutiiietor. O Oat«ll J Lumtier 4 Mllla. (Bee Montreal.) Pepall Win. 4 Bon Chairs. K Petltle Heiila Butelier. L Iteihly John. Oro. 4 Uq. K Beilmonil Pet«r Oiti. K llutherforil John Tavern. K Bt. Ptuiro Urlmln Illilea. K Shoaror J Haah Factory. (Bon Montreal.) aioott«Clia» Blackaiultli. I, Htuibl Michael ...tiro. L BulllviHi Patrick Uro, f, SutlltluK 1>. U. H Toiijaa lleinl Uro. L Turgeon Ki-ueat Uro, I, Turner John • • . ., !• Turner Ulcharil Uro, h V iiilonlown Johu Uro, K §>* 3 3 3)i 3 3 3!t »)* 8H 3H % 3)i 3!4 Wai'uvJuhu Taveiu4U.B, U 8 POINT ST. PETER, Qaapa Co., Qu*. AlOTiinilcr Mra. Jiinic8..FI»h,0ll8, Ac. F Hi CollaaJ. 4 E •'"lab. (HeeUiMpe Baalii.) FailvelJohn flab. F 3 PivvlUeUeo Flah4 0.H. H 8 POINT TRAVERSE, Prinoo Edward Co., Ont. MeUuiKhlln ueo t». ». K 8|4 UatramVerdeo U.B. K 3)t POINTE AUX TREMBLES, Hoohelac* Co., Que. Aroliambault A '. Blnjtea. H Ai'cliunibaiilt 11 Blackanilth. K lleuiiilrv CanilllB Butcher. K llluir Fiwlerluk lloU'l. tl llrl.aiJ. II BUuskaiulth. K. Iluiivtl4i I. -Uiii. Colleii>tti Devi-iMUiBiriole Flour. K 3 Uemliim Uainiuie Cai'twrlKbL L Ui-enler LcKcr BoanlliiB llotiae. K 3*4 Lurlvru Hubert Bluukamltli. I. Lefelivre l. QUEBEC. POB DaMhaloeaa Tlioniu Tnular K nu ili'j'ri'^r ■""'•'' -•••uiiifflth; K iS iAKOtiO r llttkftr It '< Loclero lA,n[» ' ,,?J' L wiSlJv * ...lllaok«uilth: CI 2*4 UtaJUfV .... ....F»iiii«r*Bmkur. K a PUuii l'ro.p«r ic„t„i. o a2 VHoUWerrs PLydclan. K 3H l»OMONA P. 0., Orty Co., On*. KolKlitF. J UiUtMlU. I., P0N80NBY, Wtllington Co., Onl. HftllyJiu, L O, H A P O F 2U MnltUudJolin Bl»ck«iult»i. Ac! K Si PONT CHATEAU P. O., Soulingoi Co., Quo. HnancrJ. n OHO 2i* Uoiirboiiuata LuuU UNO ai« CiiUloilor AiiitMlue Ulackiiiultli. II 3 roi-e«t j.c... Toiiiior. K 3)4 {*l"U1ilii lUtUiiy U. fl..* .^.-iilitiili Ku ,\ky: RiHMlUiXJrKB ij i SauvoJ. B Wiiuiliiukr.' Bayera .1 aiiiua . Uakor, Jio. Mlvplioiia W. II. A Co (i ,4 HtuvuiiHuu Oeo ■■■()■ m' 8 wall ivul ( ii«)ri{u UabiuetiiiKr! TaiiKUuy JcKkipU 'I'lii, TliaokiU- Tliin Bluckamltli.' Tbuiupauu Johu l,uiuUBr. PORTAGE ROAD, Victoria Co., On». Muiiro Ui-oa BiiUdora, Ac. K 3>.j PORT ALBERT, Huron Co., Onl. Omhani Itolwrt Ulackaiultli. I HawkliiH Tliuiiiaa Juhustou Juliii Mahalfv Jatiit^a Otlwoy Uiiuiy K Pulluw Wm YuuuK Ulvuaiil Qut. li F ^ II 3 L i. IC •A I. L L 3H I. K •i II 3 K avi I. L K s L o.». K 3)4 Uut«l. L -...Mllla, ,£u. o 3 U. S. L Tavmu. i, miU4^a. U PORT A PERSIL, Charlevoix Co., (Jut. Oautjilur riavl.ui Blaokaiultli. L Oiiei1iiS.ii-ai.lilu U.S. u 2>!i lUrvcy U O. 8. ot B'amim. t, 3)5 PORT BLAKE, Huron Co., Onl. ( fite Brewster 1'. o.) PORT BRUCE, Elgin Co., Onl. Bnwinnn T. J Hotel L Mitchell Samuel ul «. ^ PORT BURWELL, Elgin Co., Onl. Abbott Kubiirt o s Baukjiuuee llutlor Slioea! L BaukliDuau Wiu wrareliouitemiui. t. 3)4 ^"""W Tina. Ac. L "•»""■« •{»,•"«•«• Wandiouaeiiiau. L Kaklua MlaaE. L MlMlii.iry. L, Kuiery W. v.. . . o. 8. ?\""'n '»"<• i> iiutoi. k a'i, HuiitJoliii illackaiiiltlj. H 3 tfS" ?,'"•;■••,• .....Mllllmiry. U McColluniCJ Diuui ir M N..I1UC. K.. ....\.\\-.\\\-:;:.-,iai'X [ ^ Payne Ki.hriilm Haw Mil 1. L BuBlKrovu Wm Waxuiia 1, BtepTiuiin Cliarlea Baker' r. S'.. ^Ki'."^".'. Blackaiult,.: J: "^ Turji "■" Hi-iiilNKMra. A l>. o., ..So. L Oilrtlu Kclwaid Illackanillli. K :V;W Pliyalelan. K !)).. liloWm .'«lmi.ii I. ^ Beuket Hnraiiel Bui'Bar WUllaiii Buiwell M. o... garew llolmrt. . . liiiteD. M Cllute Jiuuea K. CulUaaJoiui.... . . Tauuer. L -■-,,-,... ll'ltul. I^ Printer, il Hlioea. L Oaliluutware. L . Agont Ar'I Iiuulta. K Talilur. 1, 3>4 3)4 3)11 3 3)1 Ulioea. L PORT CARLINQ, Mutkoka Diilriol, Onl. Bealey ( (i. H. A Haw Mill. TliuuiaaJ. W ilousl I. V Vamlerborii f. M. . . . O. 8. A Haw Mill: ■* P^RT COCKBURN, Parry Sound Dial., Onl. Maaerll O. H. A lloteL K 3!4 V PORT COLBORNE, Wetland Co., oiJlT"' Aniiatrungbuuuan... Butclior. L au, AiuiatroiiKK TiiKuwiiw. H 3 Bilker HI'.... Jowel.r. L Baltiiur Hubert o h n "^.*^'" B.0..5^ E a Ctti'ter W. II Qf0 Q ..w CIiiuHi Oe* KlaluhaiiaJolm BlackaiiUth. II a.-u ""•^"•IJACo Oro. O 2^a Olbboua Peter U'waro A Ltn. a a Oorilou Ml.ia Martha M Bruui. K "n* OieMiw,«,l It. « J. W...Butclier», ij L '* Ore, uwoojlThoiuaa Butcher. I. lliuiullurjl Oeo Haluou. u 3)4 iiai'i IL. o Printer llauu A Matliewa Oiii' F IjecUir A McKay., acuta' FufiiV. Ac! •■iH PORT OALHOUSIE, Lincoln Ce., Ont CailhamJiihn xina Ac CiiiMlilliieJuliu W.... Phya-u A UruK«! L Corcoran oweu Towluir peiiUill John ;;■■ Tiillor' K HU Beuum W. a Talh.r L Blxou lUcliaiHl Tavern A or,,: Bwyer tiugcno F BtaUouer, Ac. K 3)o teiBua.mJ bro. L 3)1 3)4 2)4 oii)Kaii Jaiiua..:::'.::::: ""Tuvei-ii' c "^ Ilemv Kobeit AM,m BiaokamllW o Hiitchiaoii A flarU Fuel Joliuadu Jowph jtHoii .". "siiotw' O Joiiea Mrs. Mary .o,,,.' l Kuiv Mrs. Jamea (m, |, {.arklu A Co Contractora' F Lawi le John A Co . MlUera . ,, ,.. , (Hce St CatUerliiea.) I-on« Mm. Ulchari Hotel L Met nith llrnmiil .to" Iuk MciliilruMiH Taverii K S)* McNally Mlaaee D. O. A MllUuory: K 3)2 M lUr A Broa UlilpbiiUileii. U 3 Murphy li .'„„, ^„ ^ Ij, N ee ,111 A J iillan Tugow leia. K f Neolou Bylvcater ... Mill. „ ,,, (Bee St. Catiiorluoa.) Nowul Oeo IJviiiv r Phllllmore Chiia :..::i.uuiber' liua>;keulju»h A Steamboat' L lleail A Me.Mahon Towliia Ho(,'Bia.l. KurlKhlJaiuea ..i-2h O L Laii^IolHOreKolre o « t ^ hS'ltt-'A'J::; "f"***".^ k m M?{;:ri?'"'::;:;;;::-r"^^'V.^: ^ s Mcl'huinon Wni..Jr. .. . o' h' K 9 Wiilnh John Bi;i iVifi: ft S Wlia>.lyItlverIJmoCo...... . . ^ " ' 3)4 3 iV'liiUvly Itl "^PORT DOVER, Norfblk Co., Onl. Abel Davivl P. M. A I na. Agent K 3)4 AUau Oe.,. F AlUnoli Julin. Allli a.'i f Au-.i,y A Allan I Auc; Helsor A Scboru . , WoKoua. L 3<; i i< "iiiiy l-.Ti !};;;;;|c.i«^ii A Ai™itage...Muicii!, Ac. u » . .•«"J' .'■"'- iey Henry W Hopklue stmiui;!, Jr. . . .... l)outl.-.„. L . Tii.ifowuer. F 3 HlllH'8. h Bi'iiiia. 1, .. Carpenter. K 3)4 B. o. L Tavern. H II. B. U ■.■•, Oro. I. . IVIogruph Axoiit. L I'hysleliin. I, P. Ciiiumlutfs, MaiiitKer. ...BUllaril Halooii. L Hotel. H i> . „ I •- Muchlulst K lt,ia<.li Buvht Huioo,,. L Milckluiitt Joaeph ship Carpenter. II H iiie John A Son. . . . Blackaiiilllis, Ac. L Sill til.,, Book-, Ac. L Smith llobert B. O. * WlUluery. o strtuuhm Mra Hotel (, Thill esaon F. 1) Driiua L. Ti-ope Peter orlat Mlu: F 2>4 r>voi^ Jamoa Tavern. II 3 Hoiiklim Huiniiel. ar Biuilli) A I larlilnou LuKs'leu Chaa McCain 1>. W MeOllUviivy Donalil MciNutI CoMioUua Meltoe Johu Mornau J. I) NiilsiullhTliomoa. .Neirj.B Ontario Liuio Co. . . Kae John Ime Mra - Itlcluirilaoii M. . 3 3 3)a 3Hi 3>a 3 3)4 itattersby Chaa... Bllbeek T Ciiley Will Cliambei'lalii C. J . Cdleiuan Alex Cullvcr a. N Co.>k A. H. A W.. I'liau Jaiuea Bunlop J. LI Vessel. K 3)« Hotel. K 3)9 •; Fish. H 3 ■ .UrugaA Uq. K 3)4 oro., ijtc. U 3 ... Pliyaicluu. L, 3)4 Saw Mill. L .1'a HhooB. K 8)4 Oro. K ;>N| Butcher. U - Tins, AC. L Orlst .«UI. a i'luiiiur. 11 . . . . Baker A c,>uf,)C. L 3)a 3 TwohiK A.M„iau.... Waliliim Thomiui Walker Wm Westnino Itotiert.... WisMla Fre
  • rlck Zavlti ThaililBLiH ...Oio. II 3 Shoes. L 314 Om. L a}n Hiiker. 1, .. Hlaoknuiltli. K a'.i .Cablnetiukr. K 3)a |.;Xelb.v Johu. .Agent AK'l Implu. 1, ► larciiihlsChiistoimer w,.Jl.,^ J I'ciiUils Clii'istopiier. FielilaCollu I'leuiiUfi .Mrs. John.. Fi,liii«ueo L. B Katle I'hos UllleaT. L ailller Uoboit aoifmuu Lewis Holileii a Howell Tliomaa llusteil Oeoixe l.aiiKs N. L 1.UWS011 Peter. Main ..Waicuis. Ij imtel. K an Milliner. L 3>i l.iVBiy. H 3)1 la very, li aii WaKoiis. O •2ii Coiiru. 1. 3)« .Cttbinetwaro. H 3 AkcuI. L Paiiiter. L .. Blaoksiiilth. K 3)4 Uvery. II 3J« J"»'«i«i- Tttuuer. F 2)2 VVni Wat€-lti-M I Miiimtt Peai'ce ::;;;;::; auiet ■McHI'llleJolm Hniira: f» 9U McUUvaryCliaa .:..;; shX B ^ Mc Lean John Physician. 1> Mcliueeu Heuiy 7 Hotel I. lu -M.s.lellavlll... Hah K ^5 Muuu Bn.s B'auilthaA ' Waguiis: 1, ^ .Nau«ht.m riionias B«uta A Smwa. L 3)j NewiiU P. I'.. PORT CREDIT, Peel Co., Onl, Blakely A . . . Car|ieutor A Shipbuilder. I, 3)4 "la'toiiM IS. Thomas .Tavern, l! MclJauilffPttU^^^^^^ i. ^"^ McCuUy Paliick ishoea. L a.«lniou, Tliomiia Blackaiultli. L HhawJ. a ii.H Jj UlrougMoaea TAvem. L 2)4 V. „ V, , ; uainesa. L, Niiriiuiiy Kdward um 1. au PaiKorA. F raliiir' I Vt PetrleJoliiiASou :...;;TaUo,i H T rt"l7{;r.V.i:iV. BokerAoro. L, 3)4 u!dtli1^.ir;i;:;;;;v-'-^VSiJJ?'? ^ l'"»»'M"V;,- oro. A Butohor: H 3 Uouth L. ACo Wuoleua. ByeiBim Oeo. A iit.u r, BohoUeUlN.fl Q 5' F 2)4 POB ONTARIO AISTD QUEBEC. POB u- BmlUi Jobn Blacksmith. K 8tuwikrt Jmiie* W I'hyHlvliui. II TuriiiiiillA ltiitlur..Uro., tl'wuiis ,«c. (i Vary JcKi'iili llllllnnla. L Wiilkitr NtttliaiiiHl O Fhy^ldiui. I. WIlHuii John MoK dm. i, WiKKliiiiA Matthewi Koiuidry. K PORT ELGIN, Brue* Co., Ont. "" AlKlfi JuinoH I'liyalrlun. I. Alli'ii, McMuliim JkUu luuikvim. K AllllulXIII Al»x ttnw Mill. I. Auilcmuu P. W t). H. II Uuckvr IlHQry Tailor. K IWiiiK'r II. J Piilillahtir. U llowex Jomph Ilakurjr. L Iluwniiui A Khy Um., ttc. L Boyd A Mt^Uuiigal Mvuiy. U Ui-icker UUiuau U. ± Co (]. H. A (train. BiirBAaa Win..Jr Carjieuter. I. Huxhlim Sttmiicl I'limiM. I< CttiiK'nin wui loa.AKuiit. K Cainphull Diiucau lli>t«l. L ('aiiiplixllJuliu Tailor. I. Carroll Cyi-iut UruKK, *c. K (?r»lK Win. J u. H. CrvKaJolin II Bruahm, tltc. I. CiiHiknian Mlsa MllUncr. I. C'unlB Annua Blnckaniltli. L (Hirrlo Uiiniukii Hullilcr. I. l)t>an Janira Ilia. AK«nt. Ac. I. Duloyor Juoepli WailiUiT. 1. DooKluaa Ku(icrt,Jr I'liyatclan, &o. U Duulop Tliuuiaa (1. 8. K KaalwiaalJ. II AKvut, Ac. I. lOalou Jauioa Uutvtier. I. Kliy -— Barbi'.', t«c. 1. KUy Maitlu F Dniva. H Kby MoaiM Books A Fancy UiHHla. K Klllott Haw Mill. L Em»Mr». A Mllllucry. L Fnllim Kilwanl BuUilvr A (.unfco. UwuKo J. «J uni. A HiKMia. F CiwirKti Wni Marlile. L lln>cn Bniuk PliutOKruplivr. I. IlarrlUKtou U. A Hon Mlllcra. II IlanlmiTA Sewlnit .MaohUics. h liPniiMli-eet Win lilackaniltli. 1. HIcka HoUert Wulcliva. K lluwv, Uwlilvii A Co CiirrlOKO^. I, llnltou Bi\>» Hnniraa. L liter J Carponlcr, Ac. 11 JoliUhton W. a I'ubllalicr. L Kiinneily J.C Waivlioinw. K luaey u. a Cablnutmkr. h I-aviiick Uuucan ii. M. II I/>»iy II Itlackanilth. L Mollrlilo M. A J.. WttKims A B'auiilliH. II Mccaiinol Alex n.H. K McCariy Lowla Wooloua. K McCliii-B Itobeit.Vuterluary aurKUin. I- MvKiirlaun U cjlioi-H. 1, Mcullllvriiy A Caaality u. a. K M oKiilnlil Clioa HlKH-s. 1, McLaivu, UuoiKU A Co Ilaitlwuiv. F McNeill 1) BookM, Ac. L W llan Jiinica lloU'l. MlUholl VVui (fro. A l.lo. K Mulr Juinca Uudurtuker, Ac. H Mulvony Wm Auctioneer. L NeultiniU Andrew ((ralu. (I KaA'iuund llcniy.Jr Illackaniltlt. L Iluby A Ullkcr t). 8., (irulu A Wai'oliouaonicn. K H*4 Busli A MuLaclilun Ilotfl. K bclii'U J. A N 1'lnulnK.Mlll. II ^cliiiuik JoUu 8liiH-n. L Scott K Flour A IVcd. L frcoti Juliu I'liotoKrHplicr. K Mnulalr A. C UruKH. L Hutilcr A Millinery A F'ey (jooda. 1, tiiillUbury U. B I'liluti'i-. L (■lairoixl Fnil lloti'l, Ac. (I stiiilonl.l. w Uukcr. L Urqnliart A Co Foitndiy A Ullclllnlntx. II , Wiinibold Toblaa W (Saw Mill. L Wliltii Win Kurultuiv. K Wilson Jiu ThiB. K VlMuiT J. II Niiiwiy. 1. \Mtlniiiun A Tailor. I, Zlukaii, Cn'jw A Co TummrH. K Zliikau Jicury Leather A Butcher. O PORT ELMSLEY, Lanark Co., Oni. Allan Tlios .saw .Mill. K Fnwt A Wuoil Saw jiiiib. (SeoSioUh'a Fulls.) Uomniell A Fuligruve Mnti a. Woolen Cloth. iiiint<>r Wm a. a. L liObiMtwin John (iiv. I, W««k8 Alex Oni. L POHTEH'S HILL, Huron Co., Ont. ETanaii. A li. a. h 3.'a 3^ 2H. a 3!4 S-i POKT rRANKI, Lambtoa C*., OnL Bell John Taamatnr. I, II ailewoiMl Jobu Tavern. L PORT GRANBY, Durham Co., Oat BraiUey Wm BlackaiulUi. L Si* V PORT HOPE, Durham Co., OatT"^ Adams A. A I(ot«l. Adclis llniudett A McLeou Tina. K llrunet I'etcr Ilarber. L Undue Kilward ClothlUK. U KM BurUin K. J Hllverplater. I, CnU'uttJames Ilmwor. (I 'i<4 CaraimJohn uro. A Bakor. I. 3^ Carson Thomas Koiamiar. I, 3.'4 CarvolhJ.8 Butcher. K 3>8 f :arveth Joaepb Di-over. CiMuier J. .s Veterinary aurKoon. L chalk Uobert Wairoua. (I 3< 1)^ C'ralk Jamea A Co 1). O. F 'iSn Cunimlutfa Uavld FanulnK MlllH. L 3)ji Davey Chas Flour A Feoil. L l)Kvi,t MUa Millinery, Ac. L DeeriuK A aon blioea. (Me« ColMuirK.) Deyell Uobert Drutra A Uooka. L 3)4 UlUKwiiU Donald It Watches. L 3)^ DluKwall A lioaa Uunlware. K 3)t DoeblerChos Fura.Ao. K 3>J Bimdua Miss Uruuiuikr. L Dunn Ulehanl ACo. ...Btovea ATlua. L I'^urlTlioa Haddler. II 3 FvauH James Hardware. Kvaus Wm BUwksmlth. K Sii Fosler A Uaiuble Mtovea A Tlu, L Front John uro. A Tailor. K 3)3 Oeorne J. T Cubluetware, Ac. L (ioiniaii J. W Hotel. 1. Ulbson Wm Oro., Llq., Ac. U 3 (Jlttanl Wm Confeo. L (liana K, <) uyait M ra Fancy Uooda, ac. L 3)v Hales II. B sajhUer. H 3 Hall Mra. U Uukery. L llamley John BuotsAahoea. L llauiuui Mrs. Jane Om. L 3)4 Hun- l.uwreuvo Tuvoru. K 3Si Hawkins J. Ii Tavern. L llaydeu Thos Founder, II Slj Helm A N IchoUs Foundry. U '2^ Herr Henry Burber A F'cy (liMabi. L Herrlinan W. L Phyalelan. U Vi, llocklu N u. H. K 3)ii 1 1 oilman J Fancy (j(X>ds, Tobacco A Clgavmkr. () 2)4 Holmes John ahuepaklns. L H cKiker (ieorife. ., Coufec. L .S.>i Hooper Jimepli Marble. U 3 lluweU iUiberta., tstutoof. .Com'u A Uro. Ilumo Uobert, Estate or....Uralu. Ac. F 2)3 1 1 outer John Cooiier. L 1 rwlu A Boyd Lumber. (Sec Peterboro.) Irwin J. L lua. Aueiil. L Irwin Wm PholoKraplier. L 854 Kellawuy Philip Builder. L Kelly Wm Shoes. L .1!4 LanibertU. W Tavern. II 3 ■.eeJohii Tavern. K 3,'4 LeeaJaiuea aiioea. L 3;.^ LeUsui aamuel i>.U. F "2)4 LtKiuHitl Thoa Blacksmitli. L I.evrieh James 8 Lumber. II 3)^ Little J OH. A CO U, O. II 3 Ic"-l.".r.-"l r t>j,tcrh*li iint. L Lry. K MIUilielKl. A Drugs. K Mllehi^ll John Uro. L Mitchell John It Druifa. L Mitchell W. U (lanlouer. Ii Mulholland A Bn>wn Hardware. (Hee Uobert MulholUuid, Cobourv.) MulllKau It Uro. A l.lo. . u. UowUtnd Wm Painter. L lUisaeU U Weaver, L KuaseU H. C CablneUnkr. Itusaell J, L u. 8. Saltern, B Miller. Bciiltliorp U. K uruln. O Sculthoi'iie Maniuel Klevutor. II Wliephuril A Bryaun u. 8. L 8hephenl K D. U. L 8heppanlll Baker Auro. L 81mpsou,it Iteail Uro. A Uu. F Mklich Wm. Aboua Talluis. u Suilth Mrs. John A Fmii. L U. c.,Jr Lumber Vunl. L Binith HubertO Baw MUL 8«!veus Mrs, John Coulee. K Btvveuatm Jobn W Hotel, L Mlevcuaoli W, O TulUir. L Thonipstm John L Buddler. L Thompson Ulclwnl Pumps. II Trayes Jehu B .'. . Publisher. II Trick John PUuiilig Mill A Carpenter. L Turner J. J Bailmkr. L Vanhoni J BlockHiulth. L V ludeu UUmuud h Forwanler. F WiKle Henry lus. Agent, Ac. U Waikir John Cabluetmkr. F Walbicejohu W Builder. U Walah J. J. A Co I). u„ AC. WurmluKUm J soilu Water. L Wui'uer Uoliert Bndoler, L WhlUuun John Uiv.,8uusaKea, Ac. K Wlllhims J Barber A Fancy (JoihU. L Wll'lulusB. A Co railolD. H WUlluniaim It. B.... Bowing Muehiues. L Wllllumaim W Uiaika, ,s:e. F WUaou Oeiirge Publlaher, II Wlntei-a Hilae Bulliler, L Woodley ACO Butclieia. II WWHlaU, A Tttllur, (I Wright ueurce Coal, Au. F 3)* 3 an 3)4 3)4 3 ■H 3)4 3)4 31; 8 8)« 3,4 at 3)1 ■i 3 3)4 a)4 8)i 3)4 I'* V sa 3'* 3 Vi *a *a a*4 3)4 3)4 3-'a 3 3J4 •2)a 3 3 an a.s, PORT LAMBTON, Umblon Co., OnL Cain Bernard un>, L CiiickerMiTt Baker, L Heuderaon Jamea II WoodAd.B. It 3 Jackson Pliysiclun. L 3)a Jones Amos u. s. K .Marsh chas laveiii. L McAvoy Diudel Wagons. L HM McDonald Joliu U UrlatMlll. US zi-.'iy.:ys-^:r:zs tiro. A Llii. H 3 Miirpliy Peter Oro., Ac U 3 O'Leiuy Jmum Woud. U ^ 3 3}i 3M r < POS 03SrTARIo AND QUEBEC. POf Kownll r. J. A Co ^.^.^^(.•liM Wowl f « m. ..Saw Mill. nhiNM. I, Hutol. L l>ORTLAND, LMd. C... Out B-tiwii noiM-it OnlliDrlHT Altwrt!'. •'llllHKlHTj. H ClallttgluT Win. II J»»iit It. L KnlMiyH MoDuiinlil juwpii' Miirriiirt ' Hno 11 htiivlllBHttinuel's" Tiiiiu,r 11 ■ -■.CUTlMmi. K tt.|. Peildlor CoQfM). I, LIverjr. I[ Soott A HtKiirtiit Umii Ntramn Juim a TaUor. I, ..M. ». a T«T«ni. H J{? Wlr^;E"5^^g ' Hotel. L ■ HXotvA P.O. L PORT NELSON, H.lton Co., Ont IJoiiirUs W. J.... K._ „,„ I.Hiiil liin.m »»WMI1I. MillBr Jolm.- •. ' "W- L MoHlcf Bmomulu.. •.•.•.•.•.•.■,•:;;;• ii,i^',or U PORTNEUF, Portnouf Co., Ou. A,vamICl,.vl. C«r..Koi.l, UlKUB Oviile.V.V.V.V.V. t;S w {* IIbIImImW.... "•"• V KiHiiiiliT Nazulre. 3H r Fnuvy Miirimii Join, O....... ... ""''1'," ' - K Nolt w I A'v: I'l^U'lHl. li PMUnTiiliV. llanlHure. p"u "1 w *? 'Vi W ' '"l-l'™""'* K Fiictorjr. o :il4 »■, 3)4 a I'HporMlli. Tliio. K Om. L -■<■>»■ L ...Tav«ni. K J'ulPMlU. II lUk»r. H Mui c,>t-ui j, *c. Jl Tailor. L llamniM. II 8 Uralu. R 2 ■■■■ <». H. E 2 .. Pli.ralcUo. H .1 ...... t'wiiwr. K S"* .Coniracliir. L -...Oyatflra. f BluckMiiiltli. K 3>4 Plaulllir Mill: I, su llot^l. It 3 D.(». Hlioon. K 3)4 • Om. * Prov. u It' " K wai-e J. «::_;•;;.;. ""_'.",] liynlclnn. Watkis J. L. Wllluix w. M. (Hee Priiire AlbPit.) Keml * I oul. L Hvooulator. wrigi.tjo.i,ui:::; h,,,^,. imbo PMnosAlbflrt.) PORT ROBINSON, Woll.nd Co., Cnt Abbey .Milt. A.. / %it;r"'"-"-"-----~^^^^^^ « 3^ p*!."'.. wiv.::-.:::::-.-. "'^"rr'iii- K §? l'"li.|ulu IxwKlre.. !,*h u "'* i'ii>i«iiii Kiidiiani r"'.;;.:.;. ' f •'k'SSftT K ■* .WurUilB c. A w NallActo™ ^ .Nail Factory! PORT PERRY, Ontario Co., Ont^ M KB ow A McMlcUaol o X' lln.vvu di fiiniB "lymuan. L "'",';.V...T,'»'.»'»- Hlo_:e.i-¥int " ^ AUIIIBWH H. 11. Brfaty (Stephen.. llBiiiu'tt I.;. B.. lluiiiiBtt Juhn.. ('iillttliam M. J Coulter J. A T. . . .".'..'." ' " " CnNliinan . Klllott ileoi'KO Klllott Itiibert. Es'tiitoif. ,, „ „ Peem-y Kilwanl Tiior } FlBhla William J,~J°r {' lul l,.t,« llOtOl. I, •••• "ro. J.'. blilpbiiililer. ■ .OrlatMIU. o i O.H. II 3 Hotel L Tiua. H Uro. L Slioen, L Coal. V Wallerlmuae Cha.. . . . Baker it "iilf "; L PORT ROYAL, Norfolk Co., OnJ. Anilenton II. w 11 m w Pick Thoiuaa A p.; Ji.'"'- J' Pick Will Miniltiii'e. L PORT RYER8E, Norfblk Co., Onl. iMei^",,;. Ac^'-*-'* "■•■Ji'th. L UuttliiK Jaiiien.jr.. .....•.•.■.-Ti,^™ r Shall. Wuvlil...: iirali;" 5 «>»* •""'» .....■."•.•-■..•.Mml,": *^ Smith J. F. A Co. . . '** *''''™»"'|»'«-> „ PORTSMOUTH, Frontanao Co., Ont Campbell Mm (,_, , Plnliiir w. M. M,:;„S"^ " I-lii.l»iiy II. p ui**"- , MoCiifiuouT.. v. ■.-.•.•.■.•. ^SX;- fl McUunliy J«a "V; "«w- Jf Mcl'omieUW H™- i^ yuiiiu Patrick .■::.•:.•: ri^iiz i? SclinKler .(luiies. ... ..•;.•.■.■.■.■.■." Saurn^ F Short Jamoa ^^S?" f ................. uro, ij PORT STANLEY. Elgin Co., Ont. Allen OBs'irBK... n.rf,ii.. t Arkull lleiiTy... Sartilior. L Ai-iiinti-oii^ A Cavaiiah. JlakeTliuK llattJohn UoyloPeU'r l"«l Charlea... KdKBCombe Ulcban'l'" O. M. _ lIotBl. Buteher. L ..Specubitor. F Oro. K Oro. K ...Wa|{ona A gifc'?.^*^"'"" B^ri'tHijc 3H n Vi 3H 3 3 3 3 3 3)4 3>4 3 KlUaon John. i)|i|»on ;„ n . 'n"!;!!!! J ' i-Mt'T Wni... • iuimh Wni.... <-iii:)illHK A. St)4 3)4 3h, Contractor. H ai .Contiaotjr. h 3)i Miller. 3 II iteL F 31* Blaokauilth. h <».«., Ac. L • .Orlstklll. H 3 OrBenwMMlJolin '"•"»" 3)4 I'tdlilck A pediick T. H. A io very. 1, , -chBr. K ■ ■ . Cablnotware. L Tins. a!l'^F££^E-:---^^:K^ Jalicbil.iH w.c I,","?- h PmnkUu W.B ■ L^ ■ if ollfoiil B M ••' "JMiclaji. H KiKSrr.N ^sn^h}:-f"'-\i I-"uli;ii J amea " ' '"" y'.'^.VAr' f" li^Wm"' """»"'«'* Moriin (7. s: P «y«. J»n.oi-.V..-.V.V.V.-.-.-.V.V.V.Pan L Tavlo-rF """' Forwarrter F K!i'ii;„V.-.v.v.-.v.-. -S? W lutermute A Eilgecombe .'.■.■ '. '. '. WoJii WlutcrmuteA Jone8...Woo. r. 3)4 Uruiuuleyl. U U"*?:!- Uruwu Saw Mill. UniwiiollS. C stationer. Bnniw) W. H PliyBlclaii. K 3 Mriiiiulng W. Ueorge Uotel. K 3 Biiukley James itt J >'•■"*• •>' ?, Cairuthero John Ag'l Imiilts. A CbamUorluliiT. W.ittOo.l'uteiitMuils. F 'Z^ Oliaimiaii (J. . SliluglB ifi Ci.rillug Mills. L 3)4 CottlBsTlimui'M rill. II aJii CoousB. il. ci Uo Cabliietwai-e. 3 Cooiis Mrs. W. J Milliner. L C'uuttlillii Patrick SaiUUer. H 3 Daulel K J Uarroom. L Davis Albert * llro..D. O. & (Jlotlilug. UavlBuu S CaiTlagus. DutryJulm "''."*=*• !^ ^^ Duuu W. H Tailor. 1, EasUmJolin Pliyslelaii. K 3 Ferguwm Wm Oro. I, FolHiSAtklus Hotel. L Furgiisoii Autlrew W...l:'liotogi'aiiliBr. U 2)4 GallaglieriS McAuley ...Uro. 1} 3 UanlUigA.O Drugs. K 3 HayileuJolin P ~'^1; "• }', „ UaJ-ueu Joaenli TaUor. (J 3 Healey Uavlit uiv. 1' Heyilen JoliuP .-.•v;-- ^ ., HluesC. J..... '^'''l',";^- V 2 HluosJanies&l'o i>.0. K J HoUiugsworth a Uveiy. II 3)4 Hoiigli Alfred Cablnetware. b nunlliigdou John Hotel. L SVj Johnston OiHirguE "• «. K :i Jones A Uuwsloy Fouuilrv. K 3 Jones J. S Dentist I. JonesW.J Phyalelan. O 'J^j Jonlan Ai tliur shoe* I, KavnuuKhT.,Jr Shoes. I. Kavaimgh Thomas 1>. O. i Z Kearus oe MaiHhall Uiiinber. (See llroi;kvllle.) Kecler&Co Coal, &o. H 3 Keeler&Masou Tins Ji stoves. K 3 KeUty Marcus ........Uro. K 3 l/aiitfer (I Uliteksniltli. K .H LareyJohu Uvuiy Stable. K 3)4 Malloi-yN.B Painter, iv 3 ulayberiy John Uto. F 2)4 Mucarthy John & Co lliewers. K 'J McCarthy John P Toimixo, Ac. U 3 y. earthy K. Jk Co I'uiu'n. Au. F a'a Meioy M.A ...lliis. MeCrua P Tanner. 3 McFaul Arehlbalil Malmm. L 3)4 Mourory W Baker. I. MelJiiighllu Johu....Confeo. Jt llaktr. h MelvlUeT. B Drugs. K 3 4 Miller J. V . 1).U. 3^i Miller .NorKm Htiitloner. L .I'j Morrow W. F. A... flowing Maelilnes. L Moss S. II i'mv. .tt lira L S'n Muwatt W I otel. L Munille lidwaiil Clolhlng. I, KolanJohu •...Hlioes. L : h) PlaeuThomas ;-''13'^- H •!■ Plumb IsiuuiW.. Butcher A Cliaudhu-. K 3)4 PiMirMis Tavern. I, 3'ji Presccdl llrowlng A Malting Co h 3 llanklu 11. A T. w Harness. Kobeitwni, liieenlilU ACo U.S. K .T4 Koblimon John Paints. K ah Hoblusiiu W. u .'Iliis. K 3'!i Boss, Cuiuintng & Co llanlwaiij. U .! Kyan A Hotel. J; HavageJohu tiro. (1 2'a Beolt fc'rM'inan Prov. H 3 Scott W. II -I'ro. 1, BmlihK •.;',"!''"• r, i<. bmlthJaiucH Painter, o -i't 8t«|iheu8 Chas Ojsters. 1/ _^ tswcuiiry r.. J. IE Co *••"■ ■* •* Tannei J Jeweler, *c. L TvrteJohu Baker. H 2H WarilN Bricks, *c. VVaiTlor Mowing Machine Co Wells A. ACJ oro., Ac. Whitney C Flour, Feed & Oro. L Wllkliisim Mrs. David SaUsin. L Wlllard Nelsim Hardwai-e. F Wiser John P Distiller. C Wood II A Jeweler. L Wooil W. H L Wri; t N. J confBC. PRESQUE ISLE, Gr«y Co., Ont (See Sarateak.) 3)4 y. •^ PRESTON, Watarloo Co., Ont. Abbey Mo-nesA Uo|>«. II 3)4 Barber 1.. A Hop.vard. 1. *a Bauman Pet«r....Machlulst A Sashes. U :i^i Uaumau A Wesomauu Moulding Miify. II 3 Baumgartncr John Brushes. L 3)4 lleeKer A Wurster Oro. A D. O. K 3)ii Boriiharilt A So'i Brewers. F 2)a Bleth Jacob Palmer. L BlothJoseiih Baket. L Chapniau A DolKlelsh Millers. F .1 Claro.rolin Foumlry. H aht DelsJohu Butcher. II 3 Detwller A SUautJ Foundry. O 2)4 Dobbin I. r O. «. Doeruer A Uro. A D. O. L ElllsA Hunt SVoolHu Mill. H 3 Filedland Chrlstlmi Shoes. I- Ollles Wm Tlus. II 3)4 UmellnJohn P Saddler. L 3)a Oinelln Phldp Tailor. L 3)4 GrtHs Henry Hotel. K 3}a Uilef Henry B'smlth A Eggs. 11 3 (Uigiflsburg Bros C'lnilr Factory. II 3 Hel..(e Henrv Cablnotmkr. U 3 Heunlng Joseph Oro. L 3)4 liennlng Michael Shoes. H 3 Hepburn W. D. A Co. . . . Whol. B. A 8. P 2)4 Hernmnu Join Butcher. L I! Irseh A iidruw... B'smlth A Wagons. K 3)4 Jones .\ndrow Pnniiimkr. I. KhitzOtto Hotel, Ac. F 2)4 Kivnior Charles Fui-ultnre. I, K ns.! Chilstuiihor Hotel. Mahler Win Unie. L , Miillov Nelson Physician. H 3)4 Nalc Voah i'annlni Mills. II 3 NIsp' iinul DrugsifeV.M. H 3 .Msiic'l vVnrstoT Musical I nsts. H 3 Ploethmr August Weaver. O 2V4 UelmannWm BlaoksmltU. H 3 Keluhart Christian Shoes. L. UhodeCharl,)s.. Agent, I, nice Ell ward P Soaii. K 3)4 Hoblnson, Howell A Co ..Woolens. D lio Uoos August Bak T. 1. Boos Geo Tavern A Brewer. P 3)4 Koo-iOoorgf M Tavern. U 3 Ht.Chilr Wagons. L Sclilueter W. C... D. U., Oro. A BiHiks. H 3 SImii.Hon A Hamacher Carriages. L 3)4 Wneniplle,rohn Liquors. L 3)4 MineriierCarl Painter. L 3)4 Uttech Frederick Cigars. II 3.'ti Von Elide Herman Cigars. II 3 Von Uunten J. A Watches, Ac. L Winter Ambrose Lime. H 3 PRICE'S CORNERS, Simcoa Co., Ont DogeerM O. S. L McCuB Paul Tavern. L PRICEVILLE, Gray Co., Ont. Atkinson Thomas Hotel. L .S'j Benneil H Physician. L 3'4 Chapman Kobert Pumps. I, Ointcy W Shoes. L 36 Evans lUdicrt H Carriages. L 3)4 lil.ont Byi-on Pliys'n A O. M. H 3 Hail A. E 0.8. K i'.'i JamesC.C Tannery A Harness. H 3 Llvlugstnn Alex Tavern. L Me.\rthnr Charles tiro. A Lhj. I. .McDonald A Wagons. L .I'a McOlllvery A HIacksmlth. L Miltiie John Blacksmith. I, ,S)4 .Mchoiri'llcis U. H. H 3 Itlley Michael BlKckHinlth. L 3'4 Simpson John Cablnetwaro. I, S'a Tivon .NelHou Stuvos&Tln. L TrVon James ..Cooper. L WiiUFiamls .Money Lender. O !'4 Watson Wm Wagims. H 3 Webster Alex U. •'<• H .1 WiH)dOeo O.H- K 3)4 Wuisl T Orlst A Haw Mills. pnilVinSSE, Simcsa Co., Oni. 11' iloy Wm Blacksmith. L 3)4 .>oy le Thos Blaokamltb. L Dodds Ovrge O. 8, O 2H 8he|i!uM-.i A O'Flyuu Grist MIU. U a>4 Wlls John Tavern, L Noble Wagons. !■ 3)4 PRINCE ALBERT, Ontario Co., Ont Bongard Abraham Drover * Butcher. H 3 Bnngard Jocolj Butcher. L 8H Bongard Mrs Milliner. J. _ Poster W^. J Dentist. H 3 lleanlJohn Blacksmith. H 3 Hlscock Charles Baker. K 3 Hugo Ulchanl Tailor. L Jury John Agent Melodeims. L 3)4 .McDomildJohn Millwright. G 2)4 Parks-,'. H Hotel, h _ (lobsonM.O Broker.Ao. E 2*4 SquelihJ. W 0.8. H 3)4 Stephens E. Tins. Ac. L Ware J. E Physician. L 3)4 Wright Joshua Tanner. K '.* PRINCE ARTHUR'S LANDING, Alfoma Diilricl, Ont. „ . „ „,, Blsland James Hotel. K 3)4 ChlveretteM Hotel. L Clark Bros Drugs A Fancy Goods. U 3 ClavatO.O. P oro. K 3)4 Cooke -\. M., Agent Watches, Ac. L Covenev 1) Blacksmith. L 3)4 Dickenson James Butcher. L Duncan Mining Co Eades Wm Baker. I, 3)4 Flaherty James Hot«l. Freeman Thomas Oro. Ii French A Kennedy "Hns A Stoves. K 3 Oehl C Brewer. L Hale Mrs. John P Millinery. L Hale John P Baker. L 3)4 HasklnsJ.C ..Hotel. L 1 1 ebert J Billiard Saloon. K 3)4 Lautenschlager G Builder. Marks Thos. A Bro O. R. B 2)4 McCallum James P. L. Surveyor. L McDonell John A Physician. L McVlcar A MoAdaui Publishers. (See Sarnla.) Parkhnrst J J Hotel. L Peltier E Shoes. I. Pratt J Shoes. L Preston W. A 0.8. K 3)4 Satterland John Hotel. U 3 Siultli A .Mitchell Butchers. L 3)4 Spronle J. C., Agent G. s. StewartJ. F. A Co Flour MIU. Street M. A Bro O. S. F 2)4 Tall J. B Painter. L Thompson A. W Watches. L 3)4 Thompson James Barber. L Three A. Mining Co Thunder Bay Flour Mill Co Th under Bay Mining Co VigarsJ. P Hotel. K 3)4 Wlllcocks H Tailor. L 3)4 Williains N. P Photographer. L WiMidThos,, Estateof Wharf, Ac. L ^ Wright Anuis ,. Agent. 3 PRINCETON, Oxford Co., Ont. BftlmerJolin Physician, L 3)4 Benham George Physician, 113 CheesBwright Fred Tailor, K 3 Conklln B Hotel, L DakeJei-emlah Hotel, II 3 Davis Clms Tins, Ac, L Davis William Bhicksmlth, II 3 Forsyth 11,0 P. M, A Shoes. L Fowle-G Blacksinltii, L 3)4 Oalbralth Fnnicls U.S. G 2)A KathJolm nniinVS" t oi? Richardson Thii :■..;•. Tavera K ?2 1'4 3H QUEBEC, Quebec Co., Que. Alexander & Fiillartan...Boatbuliaera & Mast & Spar Mkrs. AllairBUenno Ore. Alloir L. N. A Co Com'D. Allaire Urbaln Tanner. Allans, liae JtCo Blilppers. (8ee U. >& A. Allan, Montreal.) Allard&C'o oi-o. AUardJeaii C(»iifec, Alnieras L Carver & Glider. Amlot lA)aia Builder. Aniyot (ieo. E Com'u. Amyot Joseph &. Bro Smallwares. Andrews, Ulnsett 4 P 2>4 L as* U 3 L ,SH E a II 3 O 3 a« F 214 L Xi D 2 3 a 2)4 Baby W. W Com'n. L Balle John Coals. F Baillargeon Dr. P Dentist. Baldwin John Blocknikr. K BiUdwin I'cter Shipbuilder. U Kullontj'ne Fldele Mnlr. Cravuts. L BaUer Bros Pork Butchei.s. K BanUeld A. F D. o. K Banks W.J. dkCo OUs. 1£ Banlen A Moss Fruit, Ac. L Barrow Edmund C Broker. U Barrow John Books. L Barry A Gro. K BaudoinT Gro. L Baxter James Walobmkr. L Baxter Mra John Gra. L Beauchamp A Co Fruits, Ac. L Beaudoiu Antoiue joiner. L Beatilieu Joseph Sliip Chandler. Beaulieu(dillludon)Maxlme.Bullili'r L Bedard Eile Jenilcr. L Bedard Blmon,Jr Jeweler. Bedard Blmon, sr Tinsmith, Ac. F BcpinBeiiJ Broom Factory. H Beiian Bros D. U. F Belaud Ferdinand Gro. K Beluuil, Garaeau A Co I). < i K Belauger A Stonecutter. L BelouKer A uaclet Carver A Gilder. K Belauger Francois Pork. K Beli^jiger J. A Marble. L B«l»n)(er J. L. A Maidware. Beliuiger P Carilages A B'sniltli. G BeU W. A David... Pipes, Pott«iry, Ac. G Belleau Jacques Flour A Om. II Belleau James F. . . Ins. Agent A stock Bniker. II BellerlveLoon Mnfr. Gloves. L Bennett A Co Lumber Bi'okers, Ac. II Benson Bros Lumber. (See New Llveriwol.) Bergevln Charles A Co D. G. G Bernard Allaire Piano Co Pianos. (See L. N. Allaire A Co.) Berrouanl F. X Shoee. O Bertrand Wm oro, K Bouchuer Georgtk Stationer. L Bewjohn J Lumber Agent. U BIdogare Elizabeth ]).(). K Bldegtire i^lerro Leather, F Blgaouette J. E Hardwai'e. G BlloUt^u L'Mavien Moccasins. L Bllodeau Joseph Sitoes. K Bllodeaii Umia Shoes. F Billet GOO Blica. BIssett George Founder, Black Henry Founder. Black WlUlam Carver. F Blals Jacques WUaitowner. fj Blais Jean B Gro. L thus L. E oro. F lalaP. E Oro. Q Blaklston Kaymond Sailmkr. F Blancliard O. A K Hotel. Blondeau A Gravel ^. Tanners. H I3iunih:irt j: ca Btationcra. Blumiiart A Klverio Qro, L 3H Boiloy Edward Oro, 4 Calvin D. D. ACo Timber. (See Kingston.) CampbeliBenJ Gro. II 3 Campbell John Shoes. O *J)4 Ciinaila Packing Co O 3 Can tin Ferdinand Lumber. <■ i itin I. A U Jewellers. K S>4 (,.iiUu Widow Gro. F '.i)a Cai bray A Kouth. . Com'u A Shipping. 3 Caron Achllle P. ACo D. O. Caron J. E Tailor. Carr Thos Saloon. CaiTler Jos Boots A Shoes. CaiTler Louis Leather A Harness, Carrier Wm Flour, Grain A Prov. CaiTull, Cummlngs A Co Oro. Casey A Co Auctioneers. Cazeau Edouard Flour. Cazeau Edouard A Co.. Wheelwrights. (See Edouard Caieau ) Chamberlain TheopUlle Tavern. Chniupiouc. P Ins. Agent. Chnmiilon A Bosso Ins. Agents. Charest Jos , Sikliller. Charlesfui J. B Lumber Broker. Chartre Zi'iihlrln Tinsmith. Chatl^fuy Miss D. O. Cheriicr A. B. A Co Publishers. Chiiilc, Ileaudet A Co.. Whol. H'ware. Choiiliiunl A I^iHilnte Gliders. ChiMiUiiu'd Norman Gro. Clark I'Mward Gro. Clint John U Lumber. Clogg A Co Prultjt. Clouilur Charles Undertaker, cmr;;..->n siaurlco W uro, A Ltu. CoUlu Loula A Fi«r« D. u. L O 3 O 2)4 L K 3 K 3 3 L H 3 H 3 K 3 K 3)4 3 3 H)4 3)4 3 3)4 3)s K 8 li 3 ColTln Jas Grain, Ao. H Connolly Jas Whol. Lnmber. Connolly A I^atuUppe D. O, H Connolly Stephen Timber Cove, G Convey John Butter, H Convey Wm WhoL Gro. P Cook Bros Lumber. (See Morriaburgb.) Corcoran C Fedaler. L Cornell Chas Saddler. L Corueil Samuel Pointer. L CoteC. T. ACo Whol. D. G. Cote Joseph Shoes. K Cote L. A WhoLU. O, CoteL.G Gro. L Cote P. J D. G, K Courodeau F Crockery. L Couture Shoes. L Coveney Edward Oro. K Coveney Jos Oro. H Coveney Wm Potash. K Cowan Jos Cablnetmkr. K Crawfonl Alex Beer Bottler. H Crawfonl Wm. A Sons WhoL Coal. P Cremazle M. L , Books. K Croteau A Frere Gro. L DolkenH.S.ACo.... Lumber Brokers. L Dallalre Antolne Koofer. L Damlen M D. G. L Darlington John Tailor. F DarveauC Printer. K Darveau Francois Plotiue Frames. L Darveau Jacques Tobacco, L Dassylva (dlt Fortngala) Autoine Shoes. K Davidson A Horan D. G. F Davis Wm Confeo. K DaweAJarvis Saiimkrs. H DawBonA Co Books. G Dawson Samuel J Shlpsmlth. L Deblols Joachim Gro. L DeBiois Widow D. Q. L Dechene A. A Furrier. Decheue B. M. A Co Gen'l Agents. L Deohene F.M D. G. A Clothing. G Deegau J... Gents' Fum'g. DehtneyJos Butcher. L Delaney John D. O. H Delaney Thos i.'utoher. P Dellsle A Gourdeau Curriers. L DelurierO Tins. K DemeraJ. A Frero Flour. K Derby W Plumber. L Dery Isldoro P Stationerr. H Dery J. E l Com'n. L DeryJos Saildior. K Dery Joseph Painter. L Dery P. O Smldler. K De Woif A Powell.. Ship Brokers, Ao. DiguarsP. A Co Com'n. L Dinning Henry ACo.... Shipbuilders. Dinning A O'NeU Ship Chandlers. Dion A Carrier D. O. Dion (^has. E D. G. Dion K. A Co Hotel. K Dion E. D. ACo Prov. .L Dion J. B. M Gro. K Dion Jus O ro. L Dion Jos., Jr Hardware. K Dion Joseph A Sod D. G. Dion Miss D, G. A Millinery. L Dion A Turcotte Oro. K Dtonne D D. O. K Dobell 11. R. A Co.. Shippers Lnmber, Doherty Thos Baker. L I>oi]aldHoii .\irred Millinery. L Donati Joseph Jeweler. K Donoghiie Thomoa D. G, H Dorlon l,oiils B v Broker, Dorlou Isaac Builder, F Doyle A IJeiiiers Hardware. K Doyle Wm ointterBeer, Ao. K Drolet, Audard A Gucrard....Macliln- iat«. L Drolet Geo oro. L Drolet Joseph oro. Drolet Ull vler, sr Groin A Ilnur. G Droiut Mtaolslos Oro. P Drolet T Watches. L Drouln L. A Frera Stationers. K Diuiu iiuig, Cu Fui-uiiui-o. Drum a. W. Broker, «e, O 2)4 r 3)1 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3 8 3 8 3 •J^ 3)4 3)4 2)4 3 2)4 3)4 2)4 :M QUEBEC, Que. DuoheneThoiua. ghoS' k ESffetskmnii*"^ •-..BtoikaS: K x^uiiot Samuel Sawed l^iimiunp v SSg^Alftedl, Q ^Str^Tc K SSfSilieS^;:::::::;.::: ''S-SnUS gngM J. victor SewliiirMtt4 3 3 3)i 3H 3)4 3 3 3 3)4 3)4 GlnquesP n ii v qi^ Glrouard*Beaurtet..;whoi;Lumber D 2 GlrouxBdmond* Krere... Chemists* QlroaxJ.ASon "™lSllte g ^>4 GodboutpfK.;..:. n« Goilln A De Varennes jninB^' t Goldstein A. A Son.!" ir-^JS^fJ- i; ^ Oourtreau Felli . Lea?hOT K ?* 3)3 3)4 a)» Forrestl. Q |i<'™yJl'*Dalkeri..i,umber\Vcom^n K 1 »/B5Silg*er':»::^'-'^™Si I porttnootave..... ..::.:; o^ i? § Fortln Coutant 4 Co. ... M liifs' b' as' p 3 Ponin 8. * Co. . -Gro. 4 Mn ™. B." A H p 3 Pournler Thomaa GlWor T Foy Michael "5^"?^ J- fraser Alexander a~ ii ™, |:««erAlex.4C0....Mol8;e;piii;S P ^ vii^l^'^\:c--: Match Factorv. L &tr?t*''»".''.-.-.v. -^ffiS- 1 L Frechette Ovlde 4 ci....".;::Bffi *' * ^'^ French 4 Co ... oils 4 Phos^hLC ^ '** own^i. TT J^S®„"' W- French 4 Co.) Mte"6^.-.*.^".;;.-.':rfii^X!l"rS' f ?!* Furiey Heirv::.;;.":.";;."; 'i'j"^- f Oabonry Leon Gro H q OBEnouHonoreACo.... D h" h 3 XjSilL'AjT stationer. SS5fZ%-. «»<»>"•'-' owner. GaiueauN '. fj' X- ? J Gariieaii P. 4 Prere. . .■.■.■.■.Vwhdl I)' o' c li aa«]onK,.a.v & Co ." "° Vlour E ' OasUmguay T!ieo Photographer H 3 Oauvreauj.s Books/ Win "s'a 0.uvroan4Klrou£,'!!'^t?"?ir?,!J|^' ^: I' oSSSUIf.^""'' MUllner41).C}. K | ue^als 4 Turner Sewing gl.lUp^,':"*''" "h"''"™: o 1 fgllS^'^i.'L,,■ol■^::.^^^•«^^.^'|--iir.™• ,, l O gumt) JMimanl i « 11 V 01guL>rro Fxrdlnand Do Qllmuur A. 4C0 Whol. Lumbe™* ^ »^'^'5SS''^c•o•:::::.■.^ •■ 3f' » &/™?;: Vegetables-i'-iX H Grehlerr.X.. .::::: ^^' ^ Orenler Ovlde ;.":;;: ??£?• ^ arenohlgj jjiockmk?' n gSS ?„•.- Ci^S4 SaK: K uroUUln Jos ins Atrnnt t Quay Desire TaSSSr H QunyLoula . TwlSer i GuayM ii (j*^" o,m^S? i","^ -■-".".Cablnetware: L Ounn P. 4 C- Ship Chandlers. O hST^* cV if ^P Broker. K HlSBio^rgfi'di:;:;-""^-^"",??;- ^ Hftlle T '•'^'^ Beoancour.) . HJSiVc:-.-.-.:-.-.-.-.:: "**'»SiZ'-J' HamelP. E.. iiit n^?" h gamel Joseph 4 FreriiV.-.Whii: D.' o. u MSS'.'i'?" ^■?* Shippers Lumber A Hardy Joseph :.. jie^ D u F m hJ1t£ Hm.W Wines, Books, 4c. P 2)4 KnhrlngCarl TaUor. L IjibboMrs. J D « it faberge Narclsse y"'\im a Laberge Pierre BiUmot K Labrecque Francois .Tanne?: H ^?,';™"I"«J- K. Undertaker iT lAbretiiuo Joseph Watchmkr u Labrecque Mdme Mil Iner L Labreque Louis Baker i Labrouase J. B. amSV t Lachauce F. X. ^«(t"r- h Lu.nanee Jos Jj'"- 5 f':;;:l!?,'5£i,^'.?eP'' Xishoes'L 3 f' 3 3)4 3)4 Laci-oix Felix ....Tobacco. L 3 3 334 Latiammeiurrtre;-.-.:-.:::::::" "^s- h <. LattammeF.X flSkor a L LaforceN S^Jtkin " w 7* Laird Joliu .Com'n. H 3)4 3 3)4 I* 3K. Haugh John.... .. ::;:.'^'""*''^E!- 1; gaWkinSAbel Gm a -HpecuiatS?: f HenchSy Patrick::::;::::- HreL p Hethrlngton Thos V. ".V.Baker P 21* Ilill''wel"c'E' Barbeir4a H 3** Howl Wm Agent. 1* HoBsacku. 4c ::: oi?- if ^ Hossack widow Ja«. A :cunfec' L MU Hossack, Woods 4 Co. . . Whol. ("w, a ^ '*'* hSS!!^S*v.- Tobacco pS??: a L HoudeB.4Co Tobacconists. ^ Hough C. 4 sons. Car^fageivJiK 4' HudonBarth .„r."Wco K ?^ HudonMaxIme BuUde?" r 'ii? HudonTheophlle... ;-""^'*,5- k ^-^ Hudson Klchard Saiimkr K i^ HuntVVe«tou4 8on...Whol WlS ^'* Liyeunesse Napoleon.'. ■.■.■.■.'.■.■.■.■ Tln^ L £StiS?.Bv:::.v;::.-.TaWSI LauibJoIm aawiEiTirs. P LSZKSr.."*" ■•".•.•.•.•watc£:? Lane John, Jr .'.""■LuuiViir' Ms^i.t:::::::::::::---i^nS-?L &erSs::::::::«a»?S!sS| 3 Laiitlor widow Amable;....*SS?' L 8M l.apolnte L. M Rmlrnr li Sz LapolutoLouisA ....■Hate 4o" L *" Laml8eMrs.B Millinery L <»)* f?Ei;if™ Thomas Money'Cden E 3^ Laroclie4Co Flour w 5u Laroche W.H jj'""!- ^^ a)* farueACo VpianSa" a Lav^Antoine.... ^^k Lavole 4 Marquis Flour I? I^wlorJ.D Sewing MMlS: I .„„!„. T (See Montreal.) Lawlor James cwii L i:^S'ist^?."..* ^» ^^"'^"Sz- H i^ieli;p::::::::::::::-"---'iiC?-i; LeBruu J. B vS I Leuioru Cieophas ::.'"'Bhoea' K Lecjorc Lwiwit jiX K Leolerc A Lctciller 0^ « Ledrplt Theophlle WholVoro: C 2)4 3 3)4 3)4 Lee Wm.. 8)4 3 iiS uingraslgiiii^ >> GlngrasJeK lae Gon'l Mors. uro. Ik Prod. H ...D. O.,*o. Qroi Hunter John Lnmber t uSSt'o:ib:.:::::::-.:: a™"*!?- h i HuotPhiaime............-aro 4P.«v S S Huot Philippe :.:N«t^yPub|i'?S " iTiiriav -». * r.. Speculator. E a Hurley AI.4C0 Painters. L tS5!;?"i'?..?,'?'^'° Lum ber Broker. L Jacot Kuiile Wati^llo• ir o Jacques K. 4 Co.... ...•.•Booi«l''BhoM ' Jeuulugs Patrick . Sm' a » Jiiiolicroau Kdward ....Taiiuor" Jobin Francois Undertaker ir T Johnston Peter Baknr w ov jSivlTtA"" ::m«"iu.K: l ""^ J Olivet A PninfMru ¥ joS™ »• ^■- ''*^'"' UndTclothir: L JSSSS^.'i.v.VLidiei-Jil&Wlir;: l^ ^ T w . (See E. H. Jones ) Joseph Abraham 4 Sons. . . Whol. urd c 1 JulloH A Fivre Jmiic Vr « Julien&ouay ciiniera' H ? Juneau VloSr ....QriuiAGro; K 3 Kane .TnniAA n ^.^ ._ _ KerrDiivluT.V.V.V.V.V.V.'. Painter' ir 5 KirwinWm HoZ' ^ Knight A. F. A . . ........... •.• ■ Lumbw" lUJ«Ut4Youn, IciVrtw^S: O 2)4 3)4 Lefebvro Leoiianl.V.V.V.V.V ' finsmlth' \r 1 Letrancol»Mrs.J, B........MimSry: L Lcgare Jenmiie BadiUer I Leger A Hiiifrei : wiiolD O E Lcmelin George fim LemelluJolm .' ■■■■!}«,' ir Lemesurlcr Edward '. .' ■cidm'n H ^ Lemesmier John 4 8ons...Wliol. ToS: E ijOIUltMlX £j Tail II Ar V Lemleux N Restiiumnt r LeiuleuxA Noel.. Ham w2?e' P LemleuxOcUve4 ci::AuctlSnSA fomleuxT BookwS' II m'* Lenfesty lUhiry (Vro *J' }5 L Le, L Potjuet Zophirin D. G. E 2 Faradis E oro. H 3 ParadlsLouls D, o II 3 PareO. E SawMUl.Ao. G 2'4 Pare II. A Gro. Parent Chas. A Hardware. L 3H ParentChas. I Cooper. L .SiJ X*— rv"l -. " Gi.,. L 3Ja Parent Thoodule Gi'o. * li.i, H » Paris Joseph Canlnges. K 3 PaikuJaiues A8on» Auctioneers. K 3ii Parko W. H. A Co. . . .Com'n A AgenU. L H 3 1, L H 3 L 8)4 H 3 H 3 IT 3 G 3H F K. L si K 3 L L H 3), 2H II 1 H H O 2!^ 1, H 3 F 2H 1, H 3 K m K H i^ K 3 L L K 3 L 3H L 3Xi H 3 O 2!4 1 I, L 3)4 H 2!*l L 3V b' 2)4 3V, K I, K 3 L 3).', F 2y, H 3 L 3)« F L T) 2)4 2 O «i G 2)4 a 3 i. 3)4 K 3 1. L 3S4 F 2)4 V 3 L 3!.-, K 2H K. 3*4 PartrldgeP. M Broker. H PatonT. A Maohinlst. L Paton Mrs. T. A Oro. (See T. A. Paton.) Patterson Klohard Peddler. L Patten A Eppes Lumber. H Pelletier Pierre D. G. K Polletlor A Son Gro. L Pemberton A Co Brokers. K Peudergrast Chas...Ship'g A Lumber. L Pel ittulb L. A. A Co Shoes. L Peters Simon Contractor. PovoHoy A Co Crookert . PfelfferE Dyer. H Phillip J. J FnUt. L Phillips Goo. T Plumber. G Phillips A O'SuIllvan Plumbers. L Plcam L. M Photographer. L Picanl Narclsse Insoles. L PlcardO Tinsmith. H Plddlngtou T. A Son.. Soap A Candles. O PInoombe Itlchard Saloon. K Plnsonnaolt Q. L. A Co Gro. L Plon A. A Co Tanners. L PltlC Com'u. L Plamondon J. H. E.. Sewing MaclUnes. Plamondou Joseph D. Q. 11 Plamondon Jos Tins. L Plamonilou Miss LouUo D. G. II Poirler Joseph A Co Shoes. L Poltras Jos Hotel. G PoUqnln Honore Tanner. P Porter A Co Bellliaugers. L Poston Thomas Gro. PotvinO. ACorrler Drags. K Potvln Olivier Hotel A Gro. L I'otvin Thomaa Hotel. K I'oulluA Soloon. L Poulln Louis Gro. O Poulln P.E Jeweler A Engraver. L Poulln P. A Son Watomnkrs. L Poullot P. O Gro. K Prtce Bros. A Co Whol. Lumber „ , „ Mem. O Prouls E Bookbinder. L Provan John Confeo. H Quebec Cravat Manufacturing Co (.See F. Ballautyne.) Quebec Fire Assurance Co C Quebec Gas Co D Quebeo A Gull Port« Hteamslilp Co C 3)4 Racine Jacques Blacksmith. Rancour A Carriages. Rea»l Samuel D. G. Reaiime P. F Hardware. Held James AW Miilrs. Paper. Reuaud A Co Whol. Crockery. (See J. B. Renaud A Co.) Keuainl J. B. A Co Whol. Flour A Prov. Renfrew G. R. A Co Furriers. Rheaume Alexis Lumber. Rbeaume Napoleon Trader. Richard J Hardware. Richard J Tanner. Richard L.J Tanner. Richard Olivier D. G. Ricbanl A Plamondon Tamiers. Richardson O. L. A Sons. ...Leather A Shoo Findings. Rlckaby David Cablnetmkr. RInfret P. F Drugs. RIonx Narclsse oro. Ritchie John Mnf r. B. A S. Rlverln A. D Flie A Life Jus. Co. Roberge Uennaln A FUs D. G. Roberts, Smith A Co.. Whol. Lumber. Robluet Francois Tanner, Roliitulllo Ktienne Gro. Robltaillo A Frere Hardware. IlobltalUo Ja. , ,.,..;.. ..Tina. liOUSStMIU ilJ .".'..".'."." fj, g! Rousseau A Tremblay Flour. Roussello 1). 1) Gro. Routler Widow Jewelry. Boy Charles, ir Bhooi. I. n'4 K 3V. F 214 a 2)4 E 2)4 c 1 c 1 K 3)4 1, 1. 1. K 3)4 3 G 3 F 2!4 K 3 L »)4 E 2 H 3 3 <»■ 3 C IH H 3 1, L 3*4 II 3 K 2 K 3 L »)» L 3)4 K 3 H m 1. L 3)4 L ,tH 1. L AAAl 1 C IH L H n !. K 3)4 T, K m RoyChos. E Shoes, Ac. L Roy A Co Fomltore. L RoyEUse D.G, H RoyF. W Oro^ Soap A Candles. F Roy George TaniieT A Cmrier. K Roy Honore Photogiimlier. K Roy Simon , D. O. H Russell Hotel Co .HoteL Ryan John Drover. K Ryan A Keraghan Planrbers. !•■ St. Hilaii'e Xavier Watohmfcr. L' St. Laurent F. A Coafu 1» St. Laurent F. X D. (3^ St. Lawrence Steam Navigation Co... Sampson A Co Brassworkers. Samson Charles a. s. D Samson Honore TEumer. L Samson Isaio Tanner. L Samson J. A J. A Co BblpbuUders. K Samson Pierre Tanner. K Sanders Michael, Jr Fruit K Sanders Napoleon Fruit L Sansfacon Francois Oro. H Saosfacon Louis Qro. K Sansfacon Widow Louis Tanner. L BassevllleJean D. G. K Savard Amadee Watchmkr. L Scott George Confeo. F Scott H. S. A Co Whol. Hardware. O Seal's John, Jr . Painter. K SeebergL Ship Chandler. L Self crt Ouatavns Jeweler. G SeweUH. H Ins. Agent L Shapera J Tobacco. L Sharpies John, Sons A Co Whol. Timber A Shipping. B Shaw P. A Broker. H Shaw Samuel J. A Co Whol. A Ret. Hardware. D Shea James A Bro... Butchers A Prov. F Shoe John H Whol. Crocker}'. H Sheridan John Peddler. L Sheridan Wm D.G. L StmardF D.G, F Slmard Gaudias Tins, t SimardO Tinsmith. K SimoneanN. A Co Gro. Suuons A Foulds D. G. T SlmonsonM. W Tobacconist L Smeatou A Co stampers. L Smith Joseph Butcher. H Sr">> R... Fancy Goods, Tobacco, Ac. L Sn. . Thos. A Hon Barbei-s A Toy s. L Stanley Wm. A Co Stationers. G : Sullivan Cornelius Junk, H TaltW Ship Chandler. Talbot A Co Indian Curiosities. T. Talbot Ed wan) V Confeo. Taugiiay Bouonl Saddler. Tanguay G Prov. A Fish. Tanllvel J. M Painter. Taylor E. A H Oro. Terroau Mrs. Charles Foundry. Tessier Vincent Oro. Tetu CIrlce Com'n. Tliibaudoau Damase A Co.. Prov.. Ac. Tlilbaudeau Freres A Co . . Whol. D, O. Tiilliuudeau A Oosselln Fruit. Thltiaudeau Mlsael Gro. ThlbaultB Tinsmith. Them Alexander Plumber. Thomas F. T Whol, Crockery. Thomiison A. A Co Bookbinders. Thompson, CodvlUo A>, Thompson Mrs. (Jeorgo Tailor. ThoiMsou Donald C. A Co Timber, Tlnnn J os. A Co Hemp. Timmons Martin A Son Cider. Tlmmous P. F Tobacco. Toussaint Arthur Gro. Toussaint A Frere Gid. Tozer A Co Butchers. Tremblay E Confeo. Trudelle A Carter A Cordwooil. Tucker James Gro. Turcot to Arthur J Oro. Turcotte Jean Hotel. Tuicotte liazare Hotel A Gro, Turcotte Narclsse Watches, Ac, Turcotte Nozalre Whol. Gro. Turgeon D Shoes. Turgeon Edward Oro. Turgeon Kile Tanner. Turgeon Miss P MUllnery. Tweddolljohn Shlpsmltn. VadcboncoBur £ Leather. Vallee L. P Photographer. Vallerand F. O Lamps, Olf, Ao. Valuer Celestin Cunler. fi 3 S}i Valllero Philip Cablnetmkr. Valln&Co Hides. VallnP. V StapbuUder. Vaudry A Belangor D. Q. Vaudry Josepti Com'a. H a)4 H 3 K 3 F 2)4 U 2)4 H 3 L A Al L 3H il 3 K 3 F 2)4 H •A<^ F 2)4 :*)4 E 2 L 3)^ L L H Oii » II » F » 1. H 8 y •m H 3 K 3)4 F 2)4 K 2 1. K 3 E 2 K 3 H 2)4 H 3 G a)4 L ir E 2)« L B 2)4 L 3)4 3 ?H 2M QUEBEC, Que. VMidiy Z Veldoii J. J Vernier P. B VennorF. W VennorW Vernier James Verret Prosper Verret, Stewart A Co! VerretteA. *Co VeztBuA.AJ Vezloa Alfred VednaA BeiUrd VezlnaOha* VeclnaOeorge Plumber. Dmm D. o, • ■•• D.O, . Money Lender, Dm)». Gro. Whol. Fish, &e. OuTlages, Mnslc. K 3>9 ...Blacksmith. " "•■ ....Whol. D. O. Tins. Broker. H sS H a ' L O L , H , K K 2?i h. K 3)4 Vezlnal,. D Joiner Xf«i°»Plen'o BlMismlth.' L. SH Vincent Elzear Printer *n tt 53 Vocelle Olivier 'oro F qS VomBenJamln ■-iioptician: H 3^ ^ajsUJolinE Stationer. L 3)4 Watson Wm SaHmkr K «3 WattersAdam Gro O ?2 Wattors D. & Co... ConfqcViGro: H T w«hh tn^^"^ Catitai *2,QMU, April 30. 1881. wlS?t^?^°M:*ci::::--«^'i'Ti'j|- g i Welch II. W Brokw ft H White Alfred 4 Co.... :::::::::.c™m*n h % Whitty ^ * '''°™*' WhoL Oro. D WilUama Jolin Barber T Wilson 0. W ; : ■nmbl? Wilson WlUlam Ma^n H Wlnflel.1 Joseph V. cim^!*"" L JJ^^HeWH.- CODfeo. 40. F Wright A Co BooIm! r; w™*^.* ^' wiioi^iSS: ^ WyseACo Engravers. I, YonnK Herman Hardware H Young William O ........Pita"?: H S 97Q iH 073 QT7E ONTA^RIO A.N1D QTJEBEO. BIO QUEENSBDRO', HmUks* Co., Ont. DUunond Abraham HoteL H 3 JelftT. W OS L 3V1 McLean M ."....... G 8 ^ NIoolJohn Grist MIU. L WUsonJolm Blaclumltli. L qUEENSTON, Lineoln Co., Ont. Armstrong Wm Prnlt. FlBlier (J. li 0.8. L 3J4 Forrest P. K ..Hotel: L ** Hunter John : Carpentor. I, Klrkland George WagoiiB. I. Pahner William Tave;-n. 3)4 «UEENSVILLE, York Co., Ont. Arlwwd James H Drugs, io. Q gdeUJoseph Shluglos, &c. H Flannagan^homas Hotel. L Fogg George. Harness. L Fogg Wright Shoes. 1, GarriokJames g, s F HIU Wm Butcher. L Kavanagh James Drover, ;.!■•„•; Bhioksmith. K Barr A Wright o. 8. E BroaseauJohtt Saddler. K CwneyJas Oro.AIjQ. L Clark James Drum. L 8M CosUiUoBros Gro KanW Carding HilL ffl, Mayhew Elkanah Mnlr.AiefcK M* Mayhew Jos orS: K ffl? MoAndrewJohn OSES McInnlsM Tanner' H JOi, Mclutyre A Bannermaii; ....: .t.^m! ** Mclntyre, CarsweU A Co O.S. F aK Mclntyre Duncan Carpenter. L McKay Wm . Q 8 o lu McNamaraJ . stlo^ j, "* McMicholD. AJ Bash Fa< iiirv K sw MoBaeJ. AP Mile? H T Moran J-- Lumber. L " MuirT. B Tailor H O'HaraJohn Wagonmkr! K Parker A Tr.Shoeg. L PeaiDonOeo Agent L PlaunteJ HoteL O Heed B. A Bona Woolen MUL L g»»« >!"•" D. G. A MUlinety. H 3 goaMUML Lumber. H 8 Scottc. J Saddler. I, blraardjos Shoes. H |>nal"leld Alberii .'Printl?: K SmithJohn Hotel! Smith John..Tanner, Shoes A H'ware. D Statrord Tobias. Agent Ac. K Stovcnaon J. A H Cabinetware. 3 3 8 Stewart Bros G 8 O Stewart John R .".".'.'.'.'" o'ro' H SKSfl'/r.*^- * *;? Hardware. D Tlustle A CarswoU Lumber D Walford L. A J. H Druii Ward James tK H a Wheelihan John HoteL RENTON, Noriblk Co., Ont Anderson Arthur Blacksmith. L REPENTIGNY, L'Auomption Co., Qna. Momcrf) Blacksmith. L Meunier Joseph G. 8. A HoteL Rivet Bem ........ Butcher, HoteL Ao. Thouln Gaspard o. s! RESTIGOUCHE, Bonavantura Co., Qua. VorgeThomas o.S. H 8 RICEBURGH, Missisquoi Co., ^Ha. ChandlerCyril Lumber. H 8 Chryslur Gro 1/ Lambkin P. A L CablnetWare! SiJ;! Jfu; Saw MUL h a R100M.W Foundry. L 3H RICEVILLE, Praioott Co., Ont Franklin Henry A Sons Lumber A LendrumR. W q's ' MetcalfeC o's'h a VlnebergA :!!!!:!""a'8 1 Wells Robert Cabinetware. L RICHBY, Compton Co., Oua. (See Jlrvokville.) RICHELIEU, Rouvilla Co., Qua. Blsaetto ZoUque Hotel. L Loiselio Wm o B i. Masse H.i:".A Co... .■.■;.;. "'Ti'.cSSS' ^ a2 Metigny Joseph .:........ a a. i. ^ Vigeani F, M Sewing Maohlnea A HoteL K a I- S>i JmL^ULO. " B' ^i" ' ■ ■liiiMaii BIO ONTARIO A.]Sri> QUEBEC. BIM S 3 a «4 3 in 8 RICHMOND, Carltton Co., Ont. HopUnsD... . . Q. 8. H 8 tfifJ-SIiSJL'y:::---.- l McDoi^ Mr.. d::;:;::;:;b?S 4 ^' MoElroy Henry ^"^^ly gi}!^l^ :::::::::;:::::s£;5: 1, Howftotniun' j". pV.V.V. confei}" f ^ Boott Jaraes .J " ' ' Biuito Ac k BmituMr.. D :.::...... ""*"'o^- ? St«w»rt Jm B'smlth & Cariiiges: L RICHMOND, Elgin Co., Ont. (SeeSayham.) RICHMOND, Riohmond Co., <}u«. bSST"!' ^''" • ■ " • ■^'"^« Machines. L 3)4 iS^k^'""'^^^^ H 3 iiedanl Charlea Carpenterdk BedanlDF Undertaker. K 3 Cleay"aind W. T....V.V.V.V.B'8K & ^ Coi Michael H c'StafS; K Crewe* Meagher ..roSTd?? o Deaanlulera cEui. N . a h l ^r^^i±::: -i-iiySgli Fttatet <& Campbell.. "<» s k unmtn £ o s ir HargraveJohnJ .■.■whol.Flom; * 'Jraln. Ti...».«. u »>. (See Melbourne.) HuratJ. c. Agent....... :.:;.;*' as ^ '^ jSSur" eawMill. L Locki^rt Davia •.:::::^':'.''t,1S: ? ii^ J^o^hJJ^"!^ ::::::ifo|:giH Lang8toffjSie8.-.:v.-.::":::ifSi'S^„'i! uoNalr Matthew Camenter « MUler Henry Pnm™ Moodle Alex.. Naughton A Bros.".'.'.'.'.' Pnmpa. L ..0.8. L .G. 8. K pX*rr.i°^.?H;;.- ^HoteL O 2*4 Moody John r t CoustaUle & SomervUle ■.'Printer' i; %M. Cunningham 4 ■l>itch.^:;.".^.'.'."i"umuer P 2v* gSX'lifn'i?.'!^'--:---^'*£:| '-^ Ffs" 2.-W'.":;::::::::::; "HhSSj' if ' Grant James ""Gro'4lJS" w „ , Hummel L. J .V.".". "Watrh™ t ^ HunterOeo "iBjtehw K V* Ingraliam 4 McLean.... •■•"'"*ner. K 3)4 Jofiusou Duncan ilHarness' ir lu Johnnou Ueniy Li?!??' r ** feVaJlS -• UBtaikimlS I s^ Oil-van u a':.:..;:;: - "^ „ „ Her8hey4I«am SawMUL 40! K Sit. KruiiiJolinM ShoSS: ? ** McLeod John dro'AHotSi t MStthei'sVi- ••■■■ --W^^ Niell •--.-...Agent. L Orre'r^-o"hn;;;.'.'.'.-Miiiin^i'l!;fi,*«« tSST^h""* *"''"' blacksmith.- L T^ ariih".'.".".'.'.".'.".".-.V«'»«?SS{^- ? yoX")^hi^::.':;.';:''-"-""-"^Si''.?:£ ZavltzJos. I Vi"a' ir zavit^sua. ::::'.;".:"."chSi^; H SBi 8)4 f* a.^;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;^'"'-f?"- K 3!4 " 3'4 3)4 3)4 ^S3^^HF-"""""-'^&^^ S»e.:::E":"^Sp 3. fS^a^".-.".*""' .*^''' «^„«iS^' i; 3§ ajLJj::::;;::-;:-«'^-Sfl Ma. .Ion Miss C ;.";:Milliiwi" I M2!7oSmbwm-.H-.-."dr;r4c,'j;S'k"i??- f* ;L McDonald Malcolm .pi^toKroSK' K afe Mc"^rHi'?rv:;::;::"' ^'^*^ * &';r,^ i ■o'i McKerrachor James. . . .■.".".■ Veterinary McJvean 'i'lngm. i, MoMarttn D. c iVir'nTfT.™ t MoMaster J. *Co....".'.".".-.-..*C'„'S:S- ^ MePherii.;n Jo*hJf°-;;;;vEv"^""^^^^^^ h Z MlUerMiMei .........iim^iy. " ** RIQAUD, Vaudnuil Co., Que. BetJge^-Aritto'6:::.v::;::'BulSS?S- i i Boutin aeitom . ^S" S I 8ffiri?^cVi"Sor.';;;.".S°«i I Cheverior L HnS.i " C''»verter L. J. o 'waterworks H 3 8So"Kn'-..^!'.'!°r -1 i- 1 L Oool Emlle, Jr .....".•. S" h S f* DesJar.Uns/uleaA.4Bro.'.'Fo"uidi74 FagnautFranooU ^'™hSS? ? FlsetteD T«m?^' t SSSi??^":::::::::-""---S I M!S;^Siilste::::::::r&S| McMillan ilugh.... Mm Q,?ZTa'' --jPhyiiclaS: £ &b'afA'toe:::::::::;:.«'»«%Cl-f; TliTvlergo L. . . . Grist A Cardiilg MluS' K QXJEBEO. EOO r-' '( ConUlud, Frere* A Co O.8. G 3 SlonTbos Ting. L DnpMU JulM A Co G. B. Fortler Charlea Baker. O 3)4 FtoaniierIjoiilsifcFrex«a....8hoem)CTg. K 3)4 aasne A BonvlUe Oto. A Liu. h LaSeUeF. X PUoto(frapher. L Iianglola £lzear Oro. I, LavoleI,.E HoteL I, Lautier Wm oro. I, Iiepa«eMn.A HoteL L Lepace A Larlvee o. 8. K liyBob Ulobael 8hoeiiikr. L MartlnJ. A o. 8. L O'Ooherty Maiy D. o, Unellet J Gro., &o. K Ouellette D o. a. Perron Ovlde Blacksmith, h BlognetM Oro. L St. Laurent Fntnoola Hotel. L St IjaurentJ o. 8. H 8 8t I.aurent Hdine. J Milliner. K 3)4 Simard Ze^ilrin Cabinetware. K 3 TUerlaoltP Tins. L TherlanltZ. T Gro. li WelohOeorite Confeo. I, Sit RINQWOOO, York Co., Ont. Baker A Jameaon. . Shingle i& Planing Mills. P BiownsbergerJaoob Harness. L Button Newbury HoteL G Fisher Charles Tavern. H FooklerGeo Blaoksmltb. L Grove A. B Cheese. G Grove Je^nbS Blilngles ib , ^ , Grist MUl. H Leebnian Abraham W Carriages. L l«mon£S Carpoutcr. I, Hacklem Philip W Builiier. I. McPhersnn Hugh Builder. L UltchellU Mason. H Mitchell Wm Mason. G Reoman Bamnel Blacksmith. L Silvester G. H g. S. g Wideman Philip Marble. F V'akle Jacob Shoe*. X, 3)6 3)4 RIPLEY, Bruo« Co., Ont. Barnes Bobert Grain & HoteL K Craig James Shoes. L Holland James P cabinetmkr. Irwin Dana Blacksmith. L Lament Mrs. Sarah Gro. & Llq. L Leeaon George Grain. Long Thomas Shoes. L Martm John Blacksmith. K MoCne John HoteL L McDonald Alex Gro.*Lln. L McDonald <& Hnmberstone O. 8. K McGregor Norman Fhystolan. L Mclnnea P. D o. 8. L McKay Angus D. G. & Gro. L MoLeod James Oro. K Miller David Tailor. L Huiin Angus Gro. L Bobertson John Wagons. L Soobie Wm Grist A Saw Mills. K Smyth Geo. D Tins, Ac. L TlohboHrne Henry Hotel. L Tweed & 8mith o. 8. „„, „ (See Luoknow.) Wilson n. A Drugs' L Young Andrew Boddler. L RIPON, Ottawa Co., Que. Chenler Hercule g. 8. Hotte Louis o. 8. H 3 Neveaux Jacques O. S. A Farmer. H 3 RIVER AU SABLE, Chiooutimi Co., ()us. Broasard Xavler G. S. A Lumber. H RIVER AUX LIEVRE8, Ottawa Co., Qua. McCabe James Trotler. (See Cedar Bapids.) RIVER BAYONNE, Barthier Co., Que. (SteJBerOiitr.j RIVER BEAUDETTE, Soulangas Co., «u«. AsaollnA.J HoteL K 3 B»^e,-r-- ■•:••,■ MiUs. L 3)4 Langlois Paschal o. 8. U 3 Martin Alphonse HoteL K 3 McNown Archibald A Co Q. S. G 3 Ripsteln J. A D G. 8. RIVER BLANCHE, Rimoutki C«., Qua. Paroit H G. S. RIVER DAVID, Yamaska Co., Qua. Wurtele Charles... Grist A Saw Mills. O % RIVER DESERT, OHawa Co., qm. BeehanT Shoes. L CavanaghP Blacksmith. L CoerigleJ Blacksmith. L 3)4 D' Amour A Blacksmith. L Fitigerald Thoa o. 8. I, LogueChaa o. 8. G 3 LogneJames HoteL H 3 Logue Patrick o. 8. H 3 McKay Blram o. 8. L Moart G. 8.. 40. K 8)4 RIVER LAOUERRE, Huntingdon Co., Qua. McDonald John 0.8. B 3 RIVER MAODELINE, Gaipa Co., Qua. Vacbon E. A Co Lnmber A Mills. F ^ RIVER QUELLE, Kamouraika Co., Qua. BeUeau Jean G. 8. K 3)4 ChamberUn Andre G.8. K 3)4 Dlonne ACo G. 8. K 3 Fraser Alexander (Widow) G. 8. L Gagnon Antoine G. 8. K 3 King Bros SawMllL D 3 Letelller C.Jr a. s. Letelller C, sr E 8 Levesaue George .Fish. H 3 Telu Ludger. Physician. F 2)4 RIVER RAISIN, Glansarry Co., Ont (See ZancatUr.j RIVERSDALE, Bruoa Co., Ont. Anderson Francis o. 8. L AmottJohn. Wagons. L 3)4 Hnnter George Tavern. L LeesFrancis O.S.ATavem. L 3)4 Miller James Mills. H 8 Miller A McDonald G. 8. a 3)4 PrieeWm Painter. L RIVER8T0WN P. O., Wallington Co., Ont Cobaln Thos. ., Blacksmith. L MoGuire George o. 8. H 3)4 Sanderson Chas Blacksmith. L 3)4 Thompson Hugh Shoes. L RIVER TR0I8 PISTOLES, Tamitoouata Co., Qua. (See Troie PittoUt.) RIVIERE DU LOUP (en bas), Tamisoouata Co., Que. Bellemare Lools Hotel A Store. L Berube Gulllaume Saddler. K 8 Bouchard C.F G. 8. H 3 Bouchard Jean Baker. L Degulse&Co G.S. Deslaurier Chas G. 8. L DeslaurierJos Prod. L Dion Napoleon Tins. L Dugol Louis, Jr Tanner. F 2)4 Dugal Pierre Blacksmith. L ISdmondD Butcher. L Fontaine Joseph Tavern. L 3)4 Fortin Alfred G. 8. H 3 Fraser Wm MUls. F 2)4 Oaudry Charles H G. 8. A P. O. K 3 Orandbois Paul Etlenne. . . . Physician. K 8 HudonL. Emlle .7... G.S. L Jai-vls A Son Gro. F 214 LagasseBdouard Bhoss. L LarocbcUe Mrs. Eugene Hotel. G 2)« Lebel Acliille Blacksmith. K 3 Lebrun A oro. L I^mleuxGeo. ACo G.S. L 3)4 Lcnileux Nazaire HoteL L Levosque J o. S. L Marohand Widow HoteL L Nadeau Alexis BUoksmith. L Nadeau Pierre Blacksmith. L Nadoau Polycarpe Trader. L Oulllct Zepfiirin HoteL K 3 OulUctte Jos Oro. L Paquet Francois M o. S. L PaqnetL. N G.S. L 3)4 Parent Celeatln Carder. L Polletior A Lebel O. 8. D 3 Polrtcr Fabien L D. o. a IM, •J""""", r. i (i.e. ]i_ jjij SavartlB CarrUures. K 8 Smyth WUliam Foundry A Prov. G iM VaQlanoonrtBenonle Blacksmith. L Z% RIVIERE DU LOUP (an liaaO, MMkinaas* Co., QiM. Ange Antoine a. B. O Kt AugeEdooard o. 8. AugeC. L Physician, o At Barribeau Louis O. 8. G 3)4 Basin A O. 8. L BelandJ. B Shoes. K 8 BonlangerD Flour. L Boulangerp Carpenter. K 8 Bourret Edonard Baker. K 8)4 Brlssette J Flour. L Carle P Blacksmith. L Caron Edonard Hay, Ac. F 2)4 ClaremontF Tavern. K »5 ClementH.F Fnmltnre. O IBS Cloutier J Q. 8. L Damphousse Maxlme G.S. H 3)4 Derosier A. A Frere Planing Mill. K 3 DesaulnlersA G.S. K W4 Desrosiera G. A Sons Shoes A „,„ . Foundry. H 3 D'OrsoninsA G.S. L 8)4 Durant Honore Tavern. L Dnval Philip Printer. L Fortin Alme G. 8. L 204 Gagnon H Grist MilL H m OelinasM Hatter. H 3 Grant Sweetln oro. L 3)4 QravelF.X Blaokamlth. K 8M GrenlerL. D G. 8. L Huuterstown Lumber Co (See Hnnterstown.) Lambert J. B o. s. L Lambert Baphael o. S. F 2)4 Lamirando O Carriages. K 3 Lamirande Qodetroy Shoea. L LamotheT Blacksmith. K 8)4 Laurie W. ACo Spool Factory. Lavigne Joseph Tiusmitn. L Lesagea Jules Shoes. L MarfInMrs.D D. O. A Saddler. H 8 MlneauAFrere G. S. L ^M MineauThomaa HoteL H 8 "iqulnT Gm. K SH StJeanLonls Watches. L 3» Sander A Verbonocsnr Furniture. L 3)4 StantonJohn Mia G 3 TherlenH Carriages. Trepanler Francoia .Wns. L Trepanler A Frere Tailor. L Verboncoenr Engene G. S. K 3)4 Villeneuve Moses G.S. L YaleG. H Tanner. F 2)4 ROACH'S POINT, York Co., Oat (Se* Kemiek.) ROBINSON, Compton Co., Que. ChabbeyE Blaokamlth. L Delaney Lewis Saddler. L Graham M. H Marble. L Hunt A Stokes B'smltbs A Gro. H 3 Lefebvre Archibald Blacksmith. K 8)4 Lefebvre John Sash A r ..... X, ^""O"' Factory. K 3)4 I^ckettE Flour, Ac. L 3)4 Molver I^iBwla G.S. F 2)4 MunroT. B o. 8. PopeF. M MUL O 8 WardG. P HoteL ROBLIN, Lennox C«., Ont. Armstrong H G. S. L 8)4 Datoe Peter W Wagons. L 3K Donovan Andrew HoteL H 8 Ewolngs John Blacksmith. L M Hall Wesley Blacksmith. L McCutoheon Alfred Shoos. L S'iS,"^?' G.S. K 8)4 O'Brien James HoteL L Paul William O. 8. A Shingles. Biobardson Geo Blacksmith. L Spencer W. A C... Grist A Saw MUls. H 3 WoodStephenL..SawAShingleMUbi. K 8 ROBLIN'S MILLS, Prince Edward Co., Ont. Coleman Isaiah Harness. L Oerrow Wm Gro. L , Johnston J. Q Gro. A Temperance „ , ,, „ House. L Bqblln Owen MlUerAG. 8. F a)g SpraguoE.ACo Carriages. O 3)4 SpragueJ.AA .0.8, O 3)4 ROCHELLE, ShelToni Co., Qua. Busslere C HoteL I. DesautelA. „ o. 8. __ 8 rrtit M vim? IsiaCSSffii^X. IX s ROCHESTER, Eimx Co., Ont (Set BelU Bivtr SUUlon.) ROC ONTARIO A.:!SrD QXJJSBEO. R0CHE8TERVILLE, CrMo. Co., Ont. (Heealto Ottawa.) M»y 4 Fo.ter.. :..■.■.•. farineSI: Scott Mr. "^ *""■'»' ""''• ""»,rt' T Htltt aamael .■.■.■.'.■.■.■.■.o.' b! k 3)i EOIT ROCKBURN, Huntincdon Co., Quo. Farquhar « Oliver Tin« if Gibson Widow o g' £ ;,?,'5'e»1. J»n>e» Harneg«: L OUverAnrtrew o 8 H 5^i;"iW Blftok-,-^th: f SSI,r*^H»rter»on::;::::i'Wt'm ^ WUKP.C c'a^Ss'il'a H ROCKFORD, Norfolk Co., Onf. f«5™^e« Blacksmith. L ; J?™?? WUllam. Blackamltli. K ! Shajiilioldu Jacob OrUtMill. L UppcrJaoob (j s ii ' Voung wmiani OrlatMlu: L ' ROCK FOREST, Sherbrooka Co., ^u*. Nagle ACo q. g. j{ ROCKINGHAM, R. ifrew Co., On*. Martin T Hotfi r wauwo J. 8 ..i.....".:;:::. o s. ROCK ISLAND, SianttMd Co., Quo. (Set alto Stamtead.) Bangap.W..... CaiTlagea. g»"yA.A Salooiv Books 4 K O. U 3 B»te» i' C SUveiTlator, Wh^s & Caldwell M "'S,«- ^ ^ CMS A Whltclier. . .■.■.■.'.■.■.'.■.". OS a Fuller Cbas lllai.knmiri, r. JS nii.„„.,, .*!? ■ • •.• ■•■vv Blacksmith. 1, S.n'iP^T^'i""''" Hai-ness & Leather. H UalldtJondi-o Shmiii it Hay James, .■.".Fiuid^: L Hludman Timothy o S L. f PS^ * Hunt Butchera; k KatbanC. U tt » n UbbyD. C Ciii^ntar it 5."^SrL^°xTc^.;.-.v.v. •^"'•^B H SK-b"^.'!*"!^.-; •■•■•^'Si porteriwiiey.. ..:.;::::: o s p BoblnsonL. k"^ ......Printei: O ROCKLAND, Ruuell Co., Ont. Kdwarrts W. C. A Co Mills Robllllard J. B Hj,teL I Wood James 4 Co FirwoXrs (See W. C. Edwanls 4 Co.) ROCKLIFFE, Renfraw Co., Ont. HoIutyreW.II o. 8. H ROCKLYNN P. O., Grey Co., Ont. f';*?"' James Saw MUl. 4e. U {'<>•*"'>"'• D BUoksmltJi. L PerrettJohu n a t K«daeo ;::;.";;.tavera. L ROCKPORT, Leeds Co., Ont. Cornwall Cbas o. s. 4 Wood a Darling Thomas... Wood, Lumber, ToIf i ROCKSIDE, Peel Co., Ont. (See Salmoiuville. ) ROCKTON, Wantworlh Co., Ont. 5™wn wli'ua*m".^;;::;"'"'"'%'^- ^ i",v,!;.i^°n"'""^ BiMksmith: L Madden Henry '. siiom' i Patrick George Taveni pi«.towjam&D..:::::::::::::.'o™ii go^'n^oWm Blacksmith:" StewartJohn urojM*.... r WooU Wiiiiam... . O. 8. K 3)4 ROCKVILLE, Ruttall Co., Ont. KvauaMlss 18 CamuU. ... G. 8, 1, ROCKWOOD, Wallington Co., Ont, Bailey Beth Gro. 4 Shoes. L Barry James Cooper 4 Staves. H 3 Cummins John Tavern H ? FrfS','^hIiI;*'i ■-.Physician: K hi £dRarTnos.H Shoes I. S**«n«"Ml8s FaneyGoods; L 3M Farrlah William ..Miller P 52 5S,£''*S*^ OristMlU. H 3 {j!S1* S £". .- Car(Uug, 4o. P 2U Uartnett iCdmond Tarnm Jago Wm oiotm: K Blacksfflth fe M""™!? P D^gB^Gro^'iS: L Moore Mrs MllHnBrv t Morris 8. B. 4 cV.: Munoerg. L ff.''J'?."''"***ederick..Biacksmltba: L PartsOeo Badillnr t a^ii.^'"**" ■■-■-■■«£ I ROEBUCK P. 0., Gronvllle Co., Ont 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 ArmstrongT. M Phyuolan. F a ",™J"Jol"> 0. 8. 4 B'smlth. K a Clark James Hhnoa i Cumberland Jamea. ...:::;:::: iian 22; rSSSSn^r? •'"''" Black«rolth.L Camming Oeorge a,u n a FoucarA Tii,. f S Henderson Thomaa. trvr™ Huiookjohn. .."::::::::::: 'iffi' l « J^ekey Bobert Blacksmith L " Leunoxjoseph HarnHiu i McBrldeWm... . : u^' r « McCartyGeo Tavern' L H^mT/T'^ ••••''& ? « Thompson R Wiitiiiea'A On,; L S) ROSENEATH, Northumbarland Co., Ont BenhfmB Blacksmith, h 8)4 Dawlsaac shoes. K "^ DropeWm siw l^U K ?i^w "£? A>e»»1er- Blaokamlth. K XAy w.u Cabinet ware, *o, L HampshaThos Saw Mm L Kennedy Alexander . a s o Kent Hugh ;.;a.8;L Lean Thomas Physician H Leeper James Hotel L Llsoum Ix)nU.... .: WMon. L McPheraon Joseph ;....;wagons' L NodenWm ". . Druii I. Thaokery John. .Sewing Maciune ASt U White JosiahC SawMlU; L ROSEVILLE, Watrrio-i Co., Ont BartonJames SawMUl if ClemensJacob Tavern H CochnuiWm o m K ?fn';s?'?,''j?-'*^-*«*-*'"™'°'«iV'S; K Gingrich Moses O 8 H f'»'»e'.*V — V, BlackVral'th; K Light 4 Pennell Waaoua. K Shoemaker Henry Taveru K »i 8)4 8)4 8)4 Brown Oro. L Burke Alex ;::;::;:;:;:8awMiu; ii ROLPH TOWNSHIP, R.ntVew Co., Ont More John, sr Lumber & Tavern. L R0NALD8AY, Gray Co., Ont (See Hopevau.) RONDEAU HARBOR, Kant Co., Ont Brigham Robert o B MaUary Charles Speculator; K RONDEAU P. O., Kant Co., Ont (Set nienKetmJ RONSON P. 0., Norfolk Co., Ont Burnett John Builder r Burnett WilUam...... oro L Cowan James d. 8.4M111: F Granger John Blacksmith. £ ROSEBANK, Brant Co., Ont AlinostA Blacksmith L German O. 4 Sous. . . .Woolen Factory; F R08EDALE, Viotoria Co., Ont HiUJoshua Tavern T Hooey Wm o^' k McNeU Moses "uroVip;?:!, ROSEDENE, Lincoln Co., Ont Lambert E q. g, j_ ROSE HALL, Prinoa Edward Co., Ont KcithMrs. E. B uro rr Usterhout John D ""MUler F V anaistino ilcnrr J Carpeuter. L 3)4 an 2)4 R08EM0NT, Simoos Co., Ont Aberdeen Jamoa Blacksmith K <»u Ames PaulO . . .""h^' H P ROSLIN, Hattlnt* Co., Ont CavanMls8Aimie..D. G. A MUllnery. K DopkBt«^erThoa.O Hotel H FoleyThomas Slio^ L Hewltt4ComUh...;... . "^8" ir Hudson Chaa ""os II HurtsonS.T PhVsiolan tf Hudson Wm B'smlth 4 Wagons; O ROSSEAU, Parry Sound Diitriot, Ont Clark 4 McDonald o 8 Wtohburu Henry BoatbuUiier; L ; DltchburaWm... Postmaster, Ac. L Halghton Richard Shoes. L Kirkland James HoSl t, LundyE ai'v ' McBrlde David ■.■.'.■.■sairMiS; L ' MoEachreu Bros ...:. UH L Pratt W.H HStel' ReidJ. B oh'- Shuttleworth Bobert '. Prov' ir » Snider 4 Co Saw Mill. ROSSMORE, Prinoa Edward Co., Ont LairdJ.W G S I Post W. W PlaniugMUi; L ROSS TOWNSHIP, RantHw Co., Ont (See Foretltr'e f\iUe.J ROTHSAV, Wallincton Co., Ont f!lP|^l&n■d:;;:;:::.^.'.'^^lJ!;S'^.:■fe ralrK „ O S L Fraaer 4 Anderson it ft' H S Oi-ogoiT Joshua OristMUi; L Haus Mattliew Tavern L Holmes Thomas.. Shingles 4 Cardln«: H Kllpatrlck D. C ....Blacksmtlti L Lowes W. H Conveyw "r, 40. K MoKenzle Kenneth ..B'sm/th A OgjlenJohn CimlStSJ; H My^^^.;::;::::::;:;:»Si55;" ROUGE HILL, Ontario Co., Ont UolbomeTboa.... Temperance Hotel; 2 ROUQEMONT, Rouvillt Co., «ii«. UardenWm Carrlaaaa. r Fregeau Alfred . . . ..;.::.;.. ..^TfTtf^ f 3,4 3 SM H If' Iff 1' tootf ONTARIO AISTD QtfEBEJO. Bft. A Fregeaa Michael dk Flls. . .C'lieese, Ac. O 2^ Lerouz (dlt Cardinal) Israel. . . Tavern. K 3 McBrideJ.F Sewlna; MaoUnea. K 8 Measler Ulderlc Ora K 3 HtandUh Jamoa Miller, II 2!^ ROUND PLAINS, Norfolk Co., Onl. Cable Wesley BlackanUtb. V ljUni(tieorge Tavern. Ij 3}i Liiteii John Blaolumlth. L Murray J. F BlaokamlUi. L PeKgWealey P. o. A Qro. H 3 ROXBOROUGH, Stormont Co., Ont. (Sie Monkland.) ROXHAM, St. Johns Co., Quo. Hlbbanl J. O G.8. ROXTON FALLS, Shslfbrd Co., Quo. Beaucheiuin Falgeuoe Baker. K 3;^ Bieuvenu Felix Sboea. L 3)4 Blenvena Ludger Uro. K 3)4 BousquetE O. 8. H 3 Caagrain A. C O. 8. L Cullette AUred Blacksmith.!.. 3H EUldge » Lavroix Caroline C .Sftg. K 3)4 LavaileeJlM... ....... .■.■.'.'J.'.'.T.T.'SPi) L S)j Levassour Hugh 'JOliV, K 3)4 Vlgent Pierre aTs. L 3,'i ST. ALBAN, Porinauf Co., Qa«. Beaucage George Contractor. K 3 Chateauver Elzear 0.8. H 8 Olgnac Lazare Fulling 4 CardlBg. IC 8)4 Leolerc Slfruld G. 8. Savard John Baker 4 Gro. L ST. ALBERT DE WARWICK, Arthabaika Co., Que. Lainesse Prurtont G. S. 4 P.M. L ST. ALEXANDRE, Iberville Co., Que. BonneauB o. 8. L 8)4 FonmlerM o. 8. K S GosseliuF 0.8. H 2)4 MorrlsThomas HoteL L 3J4 Oulmiitto Francois Prod. 3)4 Remillard Jos Tavern. K 3 WatsonD 8aw4Griat Mills. L ST. ALEXANDRE, Kamouratka Co., Que. ForllnRegnent O.S. H 3 Pelchat Francois O. b. L ST. ALEXIS, Chiooulimi Co., Qua. FortUi Frederic G. 8. K FortlnN Blacksmith. L Gagnon P 0.8. H 8 Grenon A Blacksmith. L Price Bros. 4 Co Lumber. (See Quebec.) ST. ALEXIS, Monioalin Co., Que. ArchambaultL Harness. L 8)4 BuvalO BakerAStore. K 3 LeonardP.R a. 8. L 3)4 ST. ALPHONSE, Chieoutimi Co., Que. CoteOnesime 0.8. F »4 Hudon Damase G. 8. 3)4 PUoloOctavie 0.8. L 3)4 Potvln Alfred O.S. 1, 3)4 Potvin Andre O. 8. F !84 Pot\-ln Chaa O. 8. L SImard Job 0.8. K 8)4 Thomas H Hameaa. K 3)4 TremblayAbel O.S. K ST. ALPH&NSE, Joliette Co., Que. PurceU Patrick Oro. L ST. AMBROISE DE KILOARE, Joliette Co., Que. Genereox Joseph o. 8. L 8)4 LaporteOeo Tavern 4 G. 8. K 3 Loisean Joseph Tavern 4 O. 8. L 3)4 RoUand Gabriel Saddler. L Sr. AMBROISE DE LORETTE, Quebeo Co., Que. (Set Indian LoretU.) ST. ANDRE, Kamouraska Co., Que. DesiJardina Alfred Ag'l Implts. L SH DumontPaiU Boarding House. L Diimont Slfroid O.S. F 2 Marohand HermigUde 0.8. K ^ Marquis Alfred O. 8. H 8 Morln M BnUder. L Hoy (dlt Daalardin) A O. 8. L 3)4 ST. ANDRE D'AVELIN, Ottawa Co., Que. Chene Niohohis G. S. 4 Trailer. K 8 QuesnelEmile O. 8. G 2)4 Quesuel P. A G. 8. L Baby H. N G. 8. K 3 Banger D Hotel. L Richer I Tannery, Ac. L 3)4 ST. ANDREWS, Argenteuil Co., Que. BeattieF. N Oro., Ac. Caution Wm Cabinetware. K 8 Cloutier F Baker. K Dnwar Alexander G. 8. K 3 Dewar Duncan, sr Drugs. L Dotion Ferdinand Tins. K 3 Ki>>iply Henry O. 8. H 3 Lad uceur Charles Oro. K 3 Lero'Alox Blacksmith. K 3)4 Mayi inrt Wm. M Pliyslclan. H !»J MoMartin Flnley MUler. H 3 Morrow llobert Carriagemkr. L PaUsser Joseph Bhicksmlth. L Paquia FelU Painter. H 3 ni'jzi j'j^r^i: shoes. L Baymond (dlt Labroeea) A o. 8. BlddeUMrs.E Coufeo. L Bobortaon Patrick Phriloian. K 3}i ^jjBfr'^^y*^^^ ST. A 01SrTA.RI0 A.N1D QCTEBEC. ST. B 3)* 2 m 3 3M ¥ 3)4 nobertaon Wm HUler. H«iive Igniel HoteL O V* iiS=,nM:::::;;::; ^^s'- ? 1^ W»Uii;;;:;;':!'°«^«ji i ^ W»l.>(. (J. T. A Co as H 3^ wan less Martin B«ker' II 3 Sm,'.'.''*'" ?.•"*'■•. Tailor.' L 3W Wllll»ni» aeo. A Watohen. Ac. L sS ST. ANDREWS, Starmeni Co., OM. Moateniou I.aokle o 8 L MoDonaldWm Oraln it Prod, a »6 McDonnellJ.A HotolAoVs. H 3* 8T. ANDREWS, York Co., OM. ("««« ThUtleton.) ST. ANOELE, Rimoutki Co., <)u«. Martin Aitffiistln O. 8. K 3^ ST. ANOELE, Rouvilla Co., Quo. OnlUetA a a L Ix>laeUe Benoni u 8 K 1 SUbln Timothy ......'^Gro: L ST. ANDES DE LA BEAUCE, Baavoo Co., 4ue. BliwonOeo Blaokumlth. L 3 3H ?>4 3)« 3)4 354 ST. ANICET, Huntingdon Co., Quo. AubluJ. B Blacksmltli. K Bonrgeault F. B a. 8. 1, Brennaii Patrick CorrUwes. L CanmnS. B. B . Oro. L C'batelle Joaoliiin Waxons. L DupuUAnt«)ln« (i.8 H DiipulB Aogmtln w. s. H 3' Ilnmey Eif^ard ..O. 8. H 3)« Laparro Adolpbe sboea. L lAtourJ Ting. L fantonThoa Blacksmith. I. LeblnnoChaa UotoL L LeeThomiw HoteL L I*chy Patrick W K Marion Aut«lne .'cifi" j, Ma«8onij.N O 8 O 1 McLean D Vos Percy Samuel Hotel & Stage.' K 3 8aumlerJ, B q^ t, ttulUvanJ Hotel. K 3)4 ST. ANNE, Chiooutimi Co., ^ut. Cote Marcel A Co Store K a\i GagnouAFrerc ... Traders, Ac. Tremblay Alexis o. 8. L ST. ANNE, Jaoquoi Cartlor Co., Qua. Brown P. E o. o. ., , , , (See Hontre U.) naoustj. L ( ro K 3^6 Desuhamp Plone Blackam. \h. K 3« P1"M1»«- MUllr jr. L 3^ UautblerA ' . 8. It a« oner J. A B SawAClu: ** , , . , . . (See Cnmberlanil.) Laniarclie Adolpbe un>. L J*rivoJo8opb Shoes. L t^Ueaa Uolphls Oro. K 3 mSte Physician. K 3).j Pilcbat Hotni K i2 PIlonMlss Oio". ABaker. K sg Pllon Octave oro Kaympnd Toussalnt Shoea. L 5il»n|,D.-. Hotel. K Tremblay J «. g. ji 8)4 a)4 ST. ANNE OE LA PERADE, Champlain Co., Qua. Angora E Carriages. L 8)4 OotoLouta Blaoksmltb. L FrenetteT. H c.S. I, aarneaii Or. J. B u -ju "•uai'rJos Boarding House. L 3)6 OraudlmisJ. E o. 8 H 3 Hamclia Francois o.S L Hamelln (dlt Lajanlere) L Match „ . „ Factory A.8tore. H?"'?.?-;; «■». r- Maroottej. u '. o. s' K .«i« Maroottejos j;::;;...; oia h r PleauEljear oro. L 3)4 groteauH o.S. L Bom J- J Physloiaii. H 3 ST. ANNE DE LA POCATIERE, Kimou- raaka Co., Qua. Berubo Napoleon a. 8. K 8)4 Dastou* Pierre O 8 K 3? DoaJardin Uoaplco Physician! K 3 Oaron Itnille o.S. K 3 Lemlem Naxaire Tanner r. Ixjvesque Cyprlon o. 8. K Queilette B Prod Ac I. OnelletteOdolf .::.... .n a k PaiiuetteL. A (i s' u Pelletlor Leon a a PlcanlLuke Tins. L Pf»"l?,F- H Publisher, Ac. K Richard Misses D. O. A Gro. L Hoy (dit DctUardin) Jos o. 8. K 3 3), a>4 3)1 ST. ANNE DE8 MONTS, tiatpa Co., Qua. Oondrcan Louis.. Fisheries. K 3 Lamontagne Theodore o. 8. (Sco Cap Chat) ST. ANNE DES PLAINES, Terrabonna Co., Qua. Bohemler Chas BawMUl. H 3 Forget Ben). G. 8. H 3)4 Gaudet Junols O. 8. A Phys'n LabelleJ.Bto U8 K LatonrF o's'k i;?'},^?,.^"!'''' Blacksmith! K MallU Charles.. siioes. L Mercier Kdoiianl HoteL L Therleo Isidore G 8 L Therieu M Tanner! L Therion Zotlque Saw MllL L ST. ANNE DU NORD, Montmoranoi Co.. Que. BolducMaxime Blncksmltli. K 3 Bouchard Edmond Blacksmltb. L Deljlols Mrs o. 8. A Flour. H Uodbout B Physician K GouletEdonard . „stcrtS! o Laberge— - o. «. ^ LachanceE oro. K iflJ"leT.. BlacksmlOi. L Mfchel Thomas O. 8 L Morrelle Francois G s' H g»n>fX u.s!h Pare Louis. B'smltb A P. M. K Pare Theotlore «. g u RacineNarclHse G 8 L Slmanl ProueoU Tanner! K Siniaiil Nazalre oro Slmanl Xa\'ler G s' L 3h 3-4 3)4 3)4 3)4 ST. ANN'S, Linooln Co., OnL Badgley; — Grist Mill. Havens A. M o. 8. L UeasUpJaa. D Tr ler. L Luniiy Jolin L BossWm.N Shoos. L HnyderJo8.H Carpenter, Ac. K Spence John H Vinegar A Cooper. ST. ANSELME, Dorchastar Co., Qua. Audot (dit Lapolnte) Nichodeme. . G. 8. E 3 Baillargcou Octave u s K 3 Fllteau Marocliu Blacksmith. H 3 Foitler Ansclme o. 8. L Fortler llonw Baker, Gro., Ac. K. 3 Fortln A Labrecque UoteL L Founiier EUenne Bhkjksmltb. H 3 Fradetto Job Store. L aia«8ouJeau HoteL K 3 Gullmet Fenllnaud Blacksmith. K 3 lAcasne Pierre o 8 L Ml"!"'/ D Hotel, Ao! H 3)4 OuolletJ. M OS Potvlu cyurien Tins A Toys. L 3% TurgeonN o.S. K 3 ST. ANTOINE, Varohares Co., Qua. Cartier Joseph o.S n 3 CodereJoseph o.s a 2)4 PhaneutMoiso G. 8. A Wagons. K 3 ST. ANTOINE DE TILLY, Lotbiniera Co., Qua. BelandK o.s. H 2)4 Berm-ron EU«e o. 8. L S}i Bertrand F Blacksmith. K 3 BourreF Mills. K 3 UiUisaultC Carriages. K 3)4 HoudeB cf. 8. L .S>4 jiKTijtc iciaoTO (J. s. K 3" LefcbvreJ Tins. L .S"* LegendrcT Carding MliL L Sin MethotA Saw MllL L 3H NoelF....„ Carriages. L 3)4 NormandPlem cf. 8. H 3 8)4 3h 3 3)4 3)4 3 8)4 ST. ANTOINE L'ABBE, Huntinrlon Co., Qua. (See Startutboro' P. o.) ST. APOLINAIRE, Lotblnlara Co., Qua. 5^.i,?j.'B'.'.'.-.'.'.'.'.-.-.'.-.-.'.-.- "^o'^'s' I f' LefebvreE Giis'tMUl! K 8)4 ST. ARMAND STATION, Misiisquoi Co., Qua. tf ?,^J^>* *•" Grisl A Saw MUIe. O 2)4 Hill H. J (}, s I. Kirs'.?!'.'!'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '-'"^'s"' \ Peltier N. L .■'.■.'.'.■.■■.Ho'teL Smith Peter as Vandewater A Blacksmith! I, ST. ARSENE, Tamiieauate Co., Qua. £',°.?"J5ft^™^ Tanners. D 2 Gilbert. Honore a s IT itu Label Pierre A Son OS H 3 PelletlerFenl ........O.s! L ST. ATHANASE, Ibarvllla Co., Quo. Bartl Henry q. s. j, Baris Louis G s' K 3 Bissctte Auguste a. s! K SH Bissette J. 4 8... Threshing Machines. H 3 Bissette Pierre Shoes. L Bouclier Joseph Carriages K ClmumelleF wines! L Dacierjobeph O 8 Q FlorentT "o. s' L Lalwlle Joseph, pere Baker. L J^'",etl Joseph HoteL H MfOlnnls P Carding M ilL L Mercier Jacques "Rivern. L Pwu^onC.*.. Pottery. L Koy Mdme. Isale oro L RoyTbaopbUa O 8 H Kyder Jos. W Lumber! L Sears Octave Pressed Hay. H Seff"lnj,-X HoteL K Thnot Alex Tins. L ThuotP uotcL L 3)4 ThuotT Coal A Lumber. H 3 ThurstouO Grist MUL K 3 Vlgeant Ambrose HoteL L 3)4 ST. AUBERT, L'lilat Co., Qua. BlalsAJeils... 0.8.APifld.H 3 Caron Francois G. 8 K 3)4 ProteauJ.B Mills. H 3 ST. AUGUSTIN, Jacques Cartiar Co., Qua. (See at. HenH.) ST. AUQUSTIN, Portnauf Co., Qua. BrunetT HoteL K 3 Constantln Mrs. Edouard G. 8. G 2)4 OagnonPlerre v.Cartwright. L JuueauC Wagons. L Jimeau Michel Blacksmith. L Larue Prailde Physician. H 3 Lauriot Narclsse o. 8 L LucOllbart G 8 K 3 Mart^lE .V.SjS: t ^ Voyor Fordlrand Blacksmith. L Walters O. D. B Physician. L ST. AUQUSTIN, Two Mountains Co., Qua. Champagnes Chas Tavern. K 3)4 Deiijardlu A o. 8. L 3)S Ouellette Jean B o. 8. L 3)4 RochonM HoteL L 3% ST. BARNABE, St. Hyaointha Co., Qua. Bouvler Alex q. s. l Lariviere B Blacksmith. L 3\n Lar'^lCTe L. Wagons. L ^ Blcliard Armldas Shoes. L ST. BARNABE, SL Maurice Co., Qua. Bald A. P o.S. H 2)4 Boucher Theo Gro. A B'smltb. L 3)4 Bournlval Antolne, sr o.S. H »S Ckimeau V Blacksmith. L Farley Paul Saddler. L Orcnier Adolphe Hay A Oats. K 3 Lacertu T. E. A Co .....D. O. (SaeThreeRlrert.) T>ln«...1 ft »-"B ST. BARTHELEMY, Barihiar Co., Qua. Barrotte Edouard Shoes. K 354 BlbeauB. Saddler. L S)4 Bmnet Octave o.S. I, mi ST. B ONTARIO AND QUEBEC. ST. C :fl ill i n I iH ^i' 'I DralnTlUel. aN.... Pbyt'nADrng*. F SM Dutreane A Frere O.H.K 3 E»rl>'yJ ■ HoteL K S Kailtnill H (i. 8. It 3 (Iravelle U Hlioe*. I. 3^ LnferrlnraJ Nhoe*. K Sk Mprcurn M o. H., *o. K SV. MKfbre Uajrmonil TMiDer. K 3 PInanJO o. 8. K 3 Bacln« J. B Blackainlth. L Rouleaa Uteudonne BakerAUro. I, 3}^ ST. BA8ILE, Chambly Co., ^u*. lAloiinlere EuKbe Sliavs 'kJohn Confec. K 3 Badglcy c. PUnlugMlll. L Bain Alexander Hotel A Livery. K SSn Banm Wn^ Marble. P 'J).J flarr James I), o. L Barr Wm Broker A Millinery. Ilau^s W... Millinery A QeuU' Fum'g. L Battle Matthew Leather A Findings. L Baiter Thomas Wlmworker. L Beadle A Dunlop Nurserymen. K 3 Rean A Upholsterer. L BeamC. O Demist Seattle Tbos Shoes. L Becker H. A P. J Blacksmiths. Beeton Wm. B. A Co Drugs. F 2)» BegyFrancUP Painter. H S>4 Begy AVm Cooiwr. H 3 Bell* Booth Coutracturs. F 3 Ben-yman John.. Saw Mill A Vinegar. K 3 BlggarJohn 8 Oro. O 2)4 Blsbopiick Jaa Chandler. Bissell A I^gan Furniture. K 8)u BUbyD. W Stationer. H 3)4 Black John K Flour A Feed. L a)a Blaikwell William Architect L Bliike Urcm. A Campbell.. Contractors. Blake A Moguess Boots A Shoes. L Blakeslee IlomerC Contractor. F 3 Bllgh ACo Pfdnts. Bolton Wm Sa4ldlei'. L Boomer A Co Whol. Llnuors. BornMlalUe A Son Motel. Bowman Wesley Coal. H 3 Boyle ueorge Pointer. H 3 Boyd Samuel Uro. A Baker. K 3 BoyleJas Hotel. L Breen Patrick Hotel. H 3 Brown Edward Ins. Agent Brown U. W. A Bro ButoTiers. L Brown Richard Tailor. L BuUlvaut Thomas... Propeller Owner. Burgoyne A Sherwood Printers. L 3)4 Burns Chas Fruit Ac. L Burrow, Chatfleld A Co Tins. U 8 Caliia Arthur Bakery. K 3)4 Calvert Mrs Hotel. L Camp AHopklus Ice. L 3)« CampL. C Ins. Agent L 3)a Campbell W. A II Shoes. Q 2)4 Carba Collanl L. H Broker. H 3 CoUlnson, Burch A Co Mowing A Reaping Maohtne Knives. E 2 Colver A. P. M oil. L Cr.nifar* ' " . _ _ _ FliVnirirtu. G Sri Conley, Larklu A Co Contractors. E 2)4 Corbln David W Bricks. Coy John W Hardware' Coy A RobeaoD Vrsael Owners. Craig Wm Pbotograplier. L .T)o Cram J. W Contractor. Crawfoni Thomas Shoes. L 3)4 OrawfonlJas Watchmkr. L Ci-onin MIchat'l Uro., Aa L ('nilckaliank A Cuddy Gro. CuthbortJobn Bookbinder, Ac. 11 3 Davidson Alex Tanner. Davis Saul Anotion Rooms. (See Clifton.) Daw» QUEBEC. ST. C 3H as an, Ki SH 3 3 3H 3)4 3h »4 3)11 H 3 1^ KellyTio; PiUiitor. L Kfimpll. H Blxkamith. L JJ J""r Butcher*, h 5 ".K Vi!t\^y Fcirnlture. 4o. L Konkle WilUiuii Hotel JfJiV-';.^' Cintniotor. L I.«rkln !• Veanvlowner. P I*wrte John A Co Flour A Peed B Leavenworth E. 8 Printer H ;-«fven worth H. F OH A Reflnerv. L I.elt«h N Ph> ilcU^. I«nb«)orf ACo Fancy OoimIs. L Lepper Knbert Clothlns. iJivl A Tin*. Ac I. lAnd»»y Nathaniel A. siidiS. 1. LlTlngitone Mrs MllUner. L F'K.^y*"'** Tlni! A Stoved. P loob, Dawson A Mnrmy Cont'm. ii''^"-J'"""»' Furrter. L MackT Physician. Jf»fe«W.D FanwD.O. K Mahony Thomas bailor O Maloney P Ufo JJJUk'V;? Restaulwit: H Il»"hall John Oeuts- Pum'R. H j;"">»w» J •, Photomnhs. L MaxweU Alexander .^Baker. H May Andrew Dentist. May ueorce Llrery. L MoCaUnmP in«. Agent McCarthy Thoinaa Hides" 4o. H 3 Mccarty Kjlwanl Blacksmith. L MoClory Wm Crockery, Ac. I. 3H McComb Thomas J bro .Sit MoCortUok Wm. It Tanner. L McComiack Matthias Builder. Ac. O 2'4 McCrauey William. Lrmber », .^ ..»,, (SceOakvllle.) McDonald Thomas Oro. A Saloon. MoElroy Mill (JaiiilyHhou. L JJoElror Nell Ulacksmltli. L MoainlesMlss MUlluery, Ac. L NoOlade Peter Secondhand store. L MfiOUshan Alex Tins. L, J}«0«™g"» ; Liquors. L Jjconlre Francis Uro.,Ac. H 3H McUnlre Michael oro L Moaulre Patrick Shoes. L Melntyre A Son Undertakers. L MoKefyey James -nna. L MoKlnleyH. H Mnlrs.' Agent. L McKlnnon A MItolieU Hardware. H 3 MoLaugh In Eilword ShtMjs. L MoLaughlln James ... . Boot* A Shoes. L 3)4 McLean Junes Butcher. McLean John, Estate of oro. O a>» McLean 8amuol..„. Butcher. 3)4 McNamara Klchart Pork. K »5 McNamwaS shoes. K 3 McSloyBros Bakers if !S'"*i9° * Qonton Machinists.' K SU Miller Mrs Milliner L Mills Charles P. A I'o Pump*. Ac. 3)4 Mills James Dmifs. P 28 Mitchell Archibald cbalVSo: E 2 if £5li?^*'7,'l'^"'f Publishers. H 8 Moore DonlelD Broker. E a Moore Edwanl uro Morrison Mrs. M UlUlner.' L MunroJohnR Tea A OUi«»ware. U 3 Murray Capt James Vessels. P 3 NayJolmACo oro 3 Needham Michael Pinmber.' L Neelon Sylvester. . . . MIU* A Shipping. B 1 ^•'■""^'•.C SodaWatir^Ao. L Neablt Alexander Saloon. L NessH. B. Builder. L NlckleaonP Contractor. NoWe J C... Jeweler. L Norohelmer A. AS Music, Ac. „ _, , (See Toronto.) Nonis James Miller A Shipper. C O'Connor Thomas .Oro L O'DonneU T.. Painter. I. O George N Foundry. E 0111eL.s Phyp'-lan F Oliver 8. A. A Co Boots 4 Shoes. -^■r .... „ . (Soo Toronto.) O'Longhlln Bernard Soaoon. F 3)4 3 3 Orr Thomas. .■.■.Vsaddler: L Palmer Joseph Ounsmlth, Ac. O 3)4 3)4 Patterson A Corbin Carriages! It 3 Patterson J.... ButcFier. L 3)4 Patterson J. W oro J. Pattlaon A. P '.Agent,' K 3 Pawling N. B Sewing M. Agent L Pawling Wm .....SsifdlerL Pentland Samuel Shoes L Peterson Ulchard Butcher. F 7\i Peterson Robert A Co Oro sS gettenon O. A Co..^ Cpntractcrs.' Phelps N. A O.J Lumber. „, , . (See Merriton.) Plumsteel Mrs. H. J Fruit, Ac. L PuvookBros Bnliders. L SH 8)4 3)4 3)4 a 8)4 8)4 1 3!4 a 3)!1 !•"»'• E Photographer. L C»™f I*A Watcliw, Ac. L Potter J. M Speculator. PnrvesAdam Mantle*. Ac. H «'">nj .. Oro., Ac. L Qulnn Patrick Hotel. P lUeAC.i Fainter*. L Ramsey (leorge Drug*. Knsoii T. 11 .... ...Confeo. A Prov. L Katcllire A PameU Tlnamlth*. K Kathe w. L. Saddler. L ReosJolinF Hotel A Uvery. H R«m W. (1 Hotel A Llverv. Rellly James Shoes. KeynolilsB. F Saw Mill, Aa E Reynolds John Tailor. K Rlildell A Bessey Tin*, Ac. Ridley Mm Fancy Ooods. L Riley Oeorge Vessels. L HlontouJohn Papermkr. B Robertson Donald Tailor. L Robinson Starrs. Auctioneer A Joblier. It Rodger* Elkanah. . .Coal A Woealer. L Vine James, sr Butcher, o VolsardB.D oro Wales George Blacksmith. WalklnshawS D. 0.,Ac L Waltace Bros Batchers. H Wander Geo o].,, k Weavers, s ms. A^nt' L Welch John StaUoner. L Welch T.J Tailor. L Welland Vole Manufactu ^ng Co. . . . P Welsh Mrs. Patrick Oro. A Lin. L West David Baker. L Whltten Thoma* Saloon. K WlliianisJohn Saloon A Oro. L Wilson A. o. Shoes. L Wilson H. A Co Oro JVolfe Joseph Auctioneer. L WoltoMrs Millinery. L Wooti James Tanner A Leather. O Woo.' L ii'oUe-c.F;:::::;:::::::; ""tr^t Thibaudeau Alfred '.!!!;'.ii! s! £ •T. CESAIRE, Rouvilla Co., Qh*. Arpln Joseph Bhwksmlth. K HoteL L 3J4 8)4 3)4 3 3)4 '-t)4 3)S 3)s 1^ Dame A DesautelsJ. B O 8 H Dupont (4 o'fo' DnsseaultF. X Hotel' L PrechetteA HoteL L Frc'P'"'"** SadiUer. K 3 LolselleX OS L I'alardlnL Hotel', n .1 ST. CHARLES DESTANBRIDGE,Miui*quoi Co., Que. Couture Joseph Saw A Woolen Mills A O. 8. 3 ST. CHARLES ROAD, Quebec Co., Que. Bell WUllam A David Pottery. (See Quebec.) ST. CHRISTOPHE, Arthabaska Co., Que. (See ArihabcukaollU.) ST. CLAIRE, Oorchotter Co., Que. CMabot Jude Blacksmith. L Fortler KroMiols O .S L Fournior Mnrclen Mill' L llebert Napoleon O. 8., Ae. I, Uon.iud Edward U8 k 3Hi 3)4 ST. CLEMENTS, Waterloo Co., OnJ. Boegel Casper Blacksmith. L ^h, Buochp Joseph Painter. L S"* Daub John c Blacksmith. K 3)4 Oreyerblohl A Co O. S. O 2U, rireverbiehl Joseph Viv^r^ " o* {J"S''ir^""" '.'.-'.'.■....... ...'shoM; L sS Hell Simon Shoes. K 3S KochJacoli Plows. K 3'4 L.raemer Qeorge Cooper. L 3)« Kan Jonn Shoes. L 3)4 11 ST. 01SrTj«LRtO A^KD QUEBEC. ST. P ■ i^ BoMnbtettJabn Obinetware. L m Bohummet Pet9rF aro..*o. L 3)* HkiMtakTFrancla Tailor. K 3)5 8t»ivJonn Waeons. P 3 StrobJobB Hotel A Bricks, t 3)4 ST. CLET, 8«ul«ng*( Co.. Qua. Bonrqne Acdrew a. S. L 3)4 Campeau Bail o. S. K »» Canunal Cyrllle Shoos. I. MenardS Blackgmtth. I, .1)4 IlaveryLeon Mill. K 3'6 StDenlsU O.8. K .3)2 Bt. Denis LoiUa Hotel. K 8 ST. CLOTILDE DE NORTON, Arthabaaka Co., Qua. oelinas CamlUe .: a. a. K 3)4 aelinas Olivier G. 8. K 3 ST. COLUMBAN, Two Mountaina Co., Qho. BorrtJ.AW Mllla. H Sii WUllams D. P Tannery A, Store. K Hii ST. COME DE KENNEBEC, Baauca Co., Qua. Carter Etlenne MIU. L 3)* CUohe Pierre Blacksmith. L Donovan Michael Hotel. K 3 FoitenThos Blacksmith. L 3)4 MarcoiiOeo Mills. L Morln Abraham :.. Mills. L Paqiiet Telesphore o. S. L Poallu John MlUs. L 3)4 Boy James Hotel, Ac. L .S)6 Boy Wm Blacksmith. 1, 3)4 ST. CONSTANT, Laprairia Co., Qua. Lanotot Alphonie o. a. H 3 liOngtln J o. 8. L 3ii ST. CROIX, Loibiniara Co., Qua. Auilette Mrs. Adele O. 8. K 3 Bolsvert Joseph o. 8. K 3)4 Couture L. O G. 8. L FraserJohn Blacksmith. L HamclJ.B Flour. H 2)4 Hainel Josaphat O. 8. O 2)4 liOUberte Pierre Blacksmith. K 3)ii Lemayuormaln C'arrlases. H 3 ST. CUENEGONDE. (See Sfontreal.J ST. CUTHBERT, Bsrthiar Co., Qua. Koberge D o. 8. H 3 Bt. Uermaln Gro, K 3V> Vadonals lionls «.s. G 3)4 ST. CYRILLE, Drvmmond Co., Qua. DlonneJ.B o. S. K 3)4 ST. DAMA8E, St. Hyaointha Co., Qua. Beaudry Antolae G. 8. Petit L.P O.8. K 3)4 Phanaof Mrs. C. D G. 8. L 3)4 ST. DAVID, Yamaska Co., Que. A lanl KilonanI a . 8. ObamberlandM Foundry. K 3 Q.8. L Dnlwls * Frero. Dumesnll — FortterJ. J.o .G. 8. . O. 8. K ST. DAVID'S, Linooln Co., Onl. Burnett David Ortst Kill. K Kills George Mill. K Henry Wm Brewer. Little John Hotel. L Mowers T Blacki>".ilth. L FondergaslJ Wagons A B'smlth. K HeldHamuol Harness, &c. K Stuart W. W Quarry. Wlllnx Edward Mill. K WoodrulT George a. H. G Woodruir Henry o.S. F ST. DENIS, Kamouraika Co., Que. • hatiala A Dioune ( 1. H. liloune A (1. 8. K ST. DENIS, 81. Hyaoiniha Co., Qua. Archanibault A vellne Haw Mill. K ^ictitttiibauii; Juiwpii — Wheei.vnKlit. H ATOhttnibault Pierre ci^ H L BonUiO Tlnd. K Bourgeois Adolphe Blacksmith. K CartlcrABt. Germain o. 8. .W Cheral Clepphaa o.S. H 3 DuhamelHeuri O.a. K ,S)4 Durooher Btantolaua Saddler. K 3 Frldette Reronia Tanner. H 8 Garean Victor Cheese. K 3 Oaudet J. B.,Jr Baker. K 3)4 GirpuardC Batcher. Ij Ijiflamme Toussalut Saddler. L S"* I,enf<»r, I, 8)4 Itoutter Francois BlacksmiUi. I. 3)4 Slraard Henri Tanner. Ij 8)4 ST. EMILIE, Loibiniara Co., Qua. Beaiidet D O. 8. Bernard Cha,*. K .. .0. 8. L Filtoau D. Ii o H. Hitean H./////"///.'.'... ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.a.H. L UomolA G 8. L 3)4 iMlalreM Blacksmltil. L lA)rd J Blacksmith. H S Parrot — o. 8. L ST. EPHMM OE TRtNO, Baauoa Co., Qua. Begin OUrier a. S. I, Boldnc J. F Blacksmith. I, Hamet Oonitniqne Mill. I, Lemleu r Arthur Carriages. I. RoyElzwr Ckrriages. L ST. ESPRIT, Montcalm Co., Qua. Archambault J. B Oro. A Trader. U 3 Arcliambault Narclsse Wagons. H 3 Dalpo(dltParlseau)Cha8..0ro.AMlll. H 3 Mailou J. B. L Tavern L UloneUe Alme O. 8. A Farmer. F 214 Teller ((lit Paye) Narcbwo Gro. K Sii TulUer(dltPaye) Simeon.... Carriages. I. .3>4 Vesina HotcL H 3 ST, ETICNNE, St. Maurice Co., Que. Brunei U o. 8. H 3 Desaulnier Joseph G. 8. K 3)4 Bemlngton Simon o.S. K 3 ST. ETIENNE DE LOUZON, Lavit Co., Qua. BUodeau Xavler Peddler. K 3)4 Nelson Wm 0.8. A Hotel. ST. EUGENE, PreseoH Co., Ont. (Set ttUo But Hawkeebury.) BertrandLeon Blacksmith. K ,S"4 Brassard B Q. «. i, Constantineaa George G. S, L S>4 penaultj. B Cooper. L J ollneau Joseph Blacksmltb, L ,S)4 P,"?,Pi;---- , Hotel. K 3 Labolle Cyrllle : Tins. L Ijjbrosse Bros Saw Mill LabrosseE o. a. I^brosse Siraon 0.8. (t 2)4 LavaUneF. X Tanner. K 3 Mallet*«Mra. Hermfalas Tavern. L .3)4 McKlnnon John 8 Shoes. I, .3)4 Po»tatancoA Blacksmith. L 3)s Pronix F. Xavler bhoes. L 3C Quesncl Hllalre Tavern. H 3).1 UaiigerPaul Carriages. K 8'4 Bay mond (dlt Labrosse) Miss U... O.S. TouohetteN Carriages. I, 3)4 VUleneave RegU Tavern. K 3)a ST. EUSTAGHE, Two Mauntains Co, Belalr D. A. P o.S. Binette Theodore Can-iages. Bouvrette Clitophaa Blacksmith. Do Bellefeuillo E. A O. 8. Dori^ .- T Phys'n A SpecuUtor. Durocher Maxima Tins. Ethler Daniel Coffins. Gautliier Isaie o. S. Goulet Joseph M Hotel Grognon K. X Tins. Laliaie Pierre o. S. LaplerreF. X. H Baker. Leraux (dlt Ronoson) Oullbtume ^ . Tavern. Limosgo Alfred >. o. S. Macon J. B o. S. Marl:ioau C Hotel Marsil Da-id Physician. McKay Miss I) D. G. Miller Dnmlnlque Bhoemkr, Poqiiet Olivier Hotel I'aqutn J. A 0.8. Payment Joseph o.S. H oniuid A dolpue Trailer. lUibinson Wm Blacksmith. Roclion Leon lllttcksnilth. Rooliim Victor Blacksmith. TherlcnF Blacksmith. Vanler Alexandre Carriaces. ■ Que. F 2)8 L 8)4 K 3), a 3)4 I, L 3)4 K 8)4 K 3 L H 3)4 Jj J. K 3)( K 3 I. H 3 L L K 3 K 3!4 II 3 K L O -iii H 3 I, 3)4 ^ ST. FABIEN, RimouikI Co., Qua, Beaublcn Ix)ula Blacksmith, L Cote Arsone Store. I, (,'ote Alliouaso Blacksmith. 1, Danjou Joseph o. 8. F Gugnon Autolne Mill. F 3 Oeiidreau Charles Wagons. II 8 ST. FAMtLLE, MontmorancI Co., Qua. (Or leU A'Orleant.t AsselinF.X o.S. II 3 I.emoin<>A Physician, I, Marquis Ttaslle 0.8. H S Mill-end Augustin Wogonmkr. K .3)4 Miirin Antoinc o.S. K S"., I'uradls Plen'e o, 8. I, M)* ■.•=r=Mr= S«=nsS B.a. K .TO ST. FELIX OE VALOIS, Jallatta Co., Qua. Assi-UnSadaM D, O, K 8 UMMlUaorgv O, B, K 8)| sit. I" OKT^RIO> QUEBEC ST. a ST. FERDINAND, Mannlia C«., Qu*. fSes Halifat.) ST. FEREOL, Montmoranci Co., ()h*. Lauhance Joseph O EL E ^ MiireuclEUo..: '.o.S. 1, 3H ST. FIDELE, Charimoix Co., «u«. Desbiuna David Shoemkr T. Qauthler Douta .7. .o.»! ST. FLAVIE, Rimautki Co., ^uo. BBauUeu B uoteL L L/OW A OSL D'AiKfonA Flavle.;.'.'.'!."."'.' o's' DoclienoCba* 'o s' t OaRDonJoa 'Tavern' I. Oaenon Plpvro OS K v^ r^amoHtaracN .'. as' q T> no88 A. o s r. VJ. Voy»r a '.'.'.:'.'Hot5: L ST. FLAVIEN, Loibinioro Co., (luo. Bnlartl Lazare u H n au Hatteoctave .'■.■.'.■o.' s.' " 2*4 ST. FORTUNAT, WolA Co., Quo. Qogaelln Louia O. S. 4MU1.K 3 ST. FOV, QuolMo Co., «ue. Blonilcau Josepli Blackamlth. Bolvln Joaepli Ofo P™'«'P-:-: B'lio'ltiinlth: Hat lel Aiitolno o g JuUeu Mo»e«.... Hotel. *o! JuumiiJoseuli Stote. Laioche J . B. 8 if'Ka"'J« ■.■.CartwrtB'ht Mcl,c.l.ih Alex Blaotowatli. MoHtTOull Edoaanl Wheelwright Nci.'n Joseph Cart Wright. Noleu Joseph, Jr WaKODs Wokeham Oeo Inebriate Asylum; ST. 'FRANCOIS DE LA BEAUCE, Bmuioo Blason Aohllle .?*.' .T.".!'. Carri»«<». L 8)4 Dclerv Alex jJJug. j, ?» Uiival Joseph Blacksmith. K Duval " ■ "laeksml Ml. I, M' iieufaiit Alphouse Tlii,,mltli. L S;;"'"!^; BlacksniltJi, I, . ,1 u , u2 Osullu Prauools X Ulaciiuuil^ 1^ OnlbnntteN JoDcas I, « B A. 3 if™?,°"i»U V BUo'ksmith: L 3)4 Martlneau Mrs. L Gro., Ae. K SW Boy J. B O 8 n 2bJ Slmard Xavler o, s. L sg ST. FREDERIC, BoauooCo., Quo. Jb*^?''S">'8«-, OriatMlll.K 3 Na Rudel Philip .....'. iSn" L Saner Nathinlel....!!!!:!!!!!:. hS k Skluiun James Puundrv' k^ Kmmball William !.Waimni' K Stanllaud 11, W :.'...'.'.',8Xer. L Thouiiisuu Jaiuea Palutor. L Thompson Tbos Mason K Twld James II jfj™,' L i'alnter Ij wll"" '»"["'''■ VL- Blacksmith! L WUi'ox A Forsyth 0.8. H Wood W.B Grist Mill. 11 ST. GEORGE DE LA BEAUCE, Bwu^ Co., quo. Bolsvert Francois G.8.48hooa. L 3) BulducJos G s I "» F.X !!!!!!!!!!„&!»! k 3)| ST. GREGOIRE, Niooiet C9., Que. Be llveau Uaianl Wagons. L Sf ™ "" ^""OP'' .;,-, BlacksnUth. U 3 OuUmetteN... '.■.'.■.'.'.'.'.".".".! o' 8 H 8 Hebert Antolne .".'g. s' L 8)4 "•"'•«rt '>■;■••■;.• Blacksmith. L ^ I*ilvtero L. 4 P Mill L OuellettcJ. B . ■nii L Plchctto Mrs. J. B "o 8 F 8X1 Plourilo Augustln ilakar! K .3« Prince Octave Carriages. L .3» 1 V™?,',','',?' ■. Blackanflth K 3^ 1 otrault lluclor Wagonrnki' 1. Thlba Shoos. I. St. Denis K Baker. H 2)4 Ht. Oermutu (ft Benolt Gi-o., Ac. K a^ SInocal Fablen WheolwrlHht. K 3)4 BplndluO Baker A Coiiteo. H 8 Therlen A 8a4ldler. I. Trudel Narclsae Builder. G 2)4 VInoentE Blacksmith. L WUaeam Adolphe Tavern. L ST. HENRI, Levis Co., Qua. Bertranddk Brochn ,. G. 8. (See Levis.) Cbabot Alex Painter. K CoUetP. A. A Phrslclan. L Demers Oeorire Flour, Ac. F 2)4 Ferland C Wagons. L 3)5 FerlanuF Wagons. L .S)4 FIchand Ferdinand Gro. K 3 Francujur J Hotel. L OouestL.T O. S. O 2)4 Gosselln L Currlagenikr. L Oulnette&Co Ora Laehanoe Stanislaus Blacksmith. L 3)4 Larocbelle Leon G. 8. L Legare Francois Baker. K 3 Lemieux Boutamlu G. 8. L 3)4 Lemieux Ixjuis Wagons. L 3)4 Marccau K. H O. 8. Murean Frederic CarriagOR. K 3)4 Morrisette Frououis Hotel. K 3 RoyMaJoriijue Blacksmith. K .1)4 SInelalrT.J Physician. K 3 VaiUancourt Jean Charles Baker. K 3 ST. HERMAS, Two Mountains Co., Que. AubryJ. B Carriages. K 3)4 Deslardlns Joseph G. H. A, Tavern. H 3 Robertson John Q.s. H 3 ST. HILAIRE, Rouville Co., Que. Authler Mrs Hotel. L BIrs (ditDosmarteau) N Baker. K 3 BrouiUette A Blacksmith. H 3 Campbell T. E Agent. Clieval (dlt St. Jacques) G O. 8. F 2)4 Ducharnie EdCBse Woolen Mill. Q 2)2 DucUaiine Joseph Woolen Mill. K Fontaine (dlt Bleuvonu) F. . . Gro., Ac. K 3)4 OandetteH Shoes. L Germain Pierre, Jr Blacksmith. H 2)4 GouletE o. S. G 2)5 LagardeT.. Bbicksmlth. K 3)4 Leduc Olivier Carriages. H 3 Martin & Co Brewers. H 3 Prefontaine PieiTe Hotel. L Vlgent Louis Carriages. 3)4 Vogoel Louts Blaoksrolth. L ST. HILARION, Charlevoix Co., Que. (See /ieltringtoixj ST. HONORE, TemitoouaU Co., Qua. Morin P G. 8. L ST. HUBERT, Chambly Co., Que. BrouBsoau Louis Carriages. H 3 Charon Francoix, Jr IK 8. 3 Cliaron Francois, sr Tavern. F 2)4 Patcnuudo Damase Blacksmith. K 3 Robert Francois G.S. U 3 ST. HUGHES, Russell Co., OnL (Ste OumbtrlandJ ST. HUQUES, Bagoi Co., Que. Bolanger Andre Gen'l Mer. U 3 St. Germain F. A O. 8, 3 ST. HVACINTHE, St. Hyaointhe Co., Que. Barboau Jos Contractor. K .S'4 Boaudry Ltiouard Watches. BcdardJ. li Founder. II 3 Bornord P G.S. I, Beruiur A Casavaut Gro., Ac. K 3)4 Bertrand F. X Safes. L BhinchctF.X D. O. L BlauchotP.A Harness. K 3)4 Bouclianl J. B o. 8. H 2*4 Bourgeois* Bolvin G. 8. K 3)4 Bilnll Tailor. Broileur F Baker. K .'«>4 Brmli'ur Joseph Oro. H 3 llnnlour L Hotel. L BiiHU'ur O Oro. L Bn>uss>mu A Bro G.S, K 3 (!al)ana Jos Tailor. C'ttty Kusube Blaoksmlth. L 3)4 Chaumm A Ma<5hlnlRt. L Clialifoux H. T Wn.«r L 3^: uiiiuuuuxullvier Jl'snilth cS Threshing Maoliluos. II 3 Charlionnoau J Tobacco. L 3)4 Chlcolue P Hotel. L Clapin Mdmn 1), o. I, Cormier Charles Carriages, K 3 CoteLoulsACo Mnfrs. Shoes. F 2)4 Oote Victor.. Leather, O. S., MlUs, Ac. Dalgneault Jeremiah Bark. E M4 Dandelln J. B Hotel. L David M. O. A Bon Tailors, Ac. L Deoellea Paul Music. K 3)4 DohertyH.J D. O. H 3 Duclos A Fayant Tanners. H 3 Dufort E Baker. L 3)4 DumalneABro KoteL 3)* DussoauH Foundry. K 3 Dwalne T Plumber. H 3 Flibotto J Kot<>l. L Frechette Isale Machinist. L Oervaia F Ice, Junk, Ac. H 3 Gosselln Ign&ce Planing Mill. L Guertln MTrs Hote). L Horlbell Cablnetware. K 94 Jacques Clement Shoes. L Jarratt A Laperle Cablnetware. K 3)4 Kerouack Mrs. M. A Books. L Lachapolle J., jr HoteL La Compagnle do Chaussures do St. Hyaoluthe La Compagnle de Fondorie de A. Chagnon Laferflere Mdme Fancy Goods. L LafrancoJ. a Fruit, Ac L LaloieP Tinsmith. K 3)4 Lamouroux H Q.S. H 3 Langelier Francois G.S. L 3)4 Langolier Mdme Napoleon.. Milliner. L Laplerre C^;as O. S. LapierroP U'wareAGro. K 3 LariveeCuas HoteL L Lariviero Jos Contractor. Lavigue A HoteL LedouxC Soda Water, Ac. O S Ledoux A Morin Grain, Coal, Ac. E W4 L'Hereux Mrs Milliner. L 3* Lusslcr L. N. A Co Slices. L 3)4 Mariu F. X Milliuer. L 3)4 MarseraultV Oro. K 3)4 Maitcl Napoleon Hats. L Matthew g. 8. L Menard A Sarazin Flour, Ac. K Moison Mrs n. g. L Mouaxt Frederic D. O. L MoilnKdward Gro. A Flour. H Morin J. A Watches. L Morin Jos Oro. H Morin L. P Sash 4 Door Factory. L Morin A Lamotte G. 6. K New City Gas Co Pagnuelo Bros Oro. Pagnuelo J. B., Jr Tin. h Pai-iscauT HoteL L PerraultJ. E -. D. o. Plamoudon Leon B'smlth A G. 8. H Poulin L. N. T O. 8. ItaymondACo Wines, Ac. H 3 Raymond A Frcro Q.s. H 3 Reeves Emory Baker A Oro. H 3)4 RenautI Francois Builder. K 3 Richer E. H Books, Ao. L Houloan C Grain. L 8)4 St. Oomiain Dr. J. H. L Drugs. H 3 St. Hyacintho Manufacturing Co E 2)6 St. Jacques Charles O. S. F 2)4 St. Jaques Dr....e Drugs. H 3 8 3 I** SiootteL. v.. D. a. K 3 Swan H. 8 Eggs. 3)4 ST. lONACE, Montma(ny Co., Qua. (See Cap St Igtuue.t ST. IRENEE, Charlevoix Co., Que. Fortlu Huj?h Blacksmith. K 8)4 i.fossolln Mrs o. 8. Lt| Leasanl Fraucols Blacksmith. L S!4 Niileau Antolne O. 8. B " I'luti Auiablo o. W. K Poluhat Telesphoro Blacksmith. L Turgeon Joseph MlUs. H 8 ST. ISIDORE, Lapralrie Co., Que. Buurdeau H O. 8. L 8)4 Poltrns Trnfln ,._..... BlftCKsmlth. L 'iougas IjouIs G." s. L Treniblar A Hotel. L 8)4 ST. IVES, Mlddlciex Co., Onl. Powell Henr}- u, 8. L 'im^ ST. J ONTA^RIO A.ISrr) QUEBEC. ST. J 8T. JACOB'S, Waterloo Co., On». BerbBrick Joseph Baakcta. L 3W Bowman Isaac E Tanner. E 2 Bowman Moses Q Blacksmith. I, 3W Brubaehcr David Waeons. It 3 Cress Peter Wood Turner, Ac. H 3 DehlHeury oiuo. l EbrMra. Millinery. L Erb A. '1'" Blncksniith. L 3'4 Vallaincourt I. Blacksmith. I, Iteiiaud Octuvu U.H, K 3 ST. JEAN BAPTI8TE, Rouvilte Co., Que. Coletto A !4 jj ,11 Gimlet I^oula I). H U it HotteCcsalre Hotel ]j llenuudl'.... g. h! I, ;m Jolinson Clovla Hhoes. 1, Thibaulto Hjid(Uer. I, ST. JEAN BAPTI8TE ECUREUILS, Portneuf Co., Que, (See MureuilfJ ST. JEAN BAPTI8TE VILLAGE, Hoohelaga Co., Que. Beauchami) Plorre Uui., ic. K ,T6 Ki'Hihlry J. !•; (iro K ,.« iti-a\illiiu Guillaumo Gro. K ah, llernnU:. «,,„„„. f, jJ ^ MoL^iiiomi Luke, sr oro. it a)« Iniwn A Ijniir Pianos. J, ""■ "Ilito Hutul. Jv eiiicm K X.. Roifpr, *o: F 2'^ CliiiilMiMMiaii Isalo Hotel. Coiliellle Adolphe .!!.... "Gro' K 31* CorbellloFerdluand.............. gS5; ""* yjy'lF. X Tobaeco. L David L. Builder, U 8 Dawson J A Drugs, h 3)4 10 Caniula, Durand Ollvlor oro L Durooher F D G H 3 DurocherL. L Watoliea! I, Duaseault Uctave Butcher. FafardJ. B Gro H Fautoaux E. A Co b. O H , Fauteux Leandre Grain & Flour. F 3 Feiland Edoiuttd Cablnetwarc. L J iUutiault G Tobacco A P. M. L, ioutalne Felix Tavern L Founder Antoino.. Wood. L 3W Oauthier Emanuel Gro. h 3« Gauthlor Francois, sr Wood. G 2V, GeenGeo. S oro L S'i GervalaCvrUleA Limekiln. F 2'a GlngrosE jj. g. k 3"^ Godmer Alexander Gro G 3 GortmerFellx.... oro H 3 Godmer Jna (iro' H 3 Oruttou JOiisebe&Co .....'.'Flour' I. ' Gravel Jldme d. O. Ou.).non Edouanl Wheelwrlcht L OuiibaultHudolph Gro K Hebort Eugene Blaeksmitb". L Heuaull E. E Hardware. L HogueAntome Gro X, 3 3 .314 3!6 ^r'^r^/*"T'*"" ulu. It 3}5 H";>t M™. Jos Boots A Shnoa. K S Jot'eO; Tins. I. ,3!<1 J?"'™'^i; "™- " 3 LAbboP. Tin Mooter. I, 3M LabosaierP Tavern I, ^ Ijictiance Naimleon Undertaker. Lapierre Dr Drugs F 2W Laporte Alfred Hotel A Oro.' K .S'i Laurence Alexis oro H 3 I.iivioll,.ttB P. X Butcher.' L .SM l,avlollitle,Io8eph Butcher A Gi-o. L 3'a I-cduo P. M Carriages A Llvcrv. H 3 (fS'WeWl'noon Hot^l. L MuUie F. X. E. A Co Paints, „ , . Lamps, Ac. L ,3)A MarlnoJ '. Gro. li 3 McCaughan John Shoes. K S Meunler Pierre Hotel. K S'4 Neldon W.J Hardware. '' Oulnuit Cleophas Hotel. L 3>A Paquct Francois Gro. A Wood. H 2»2 PmiuetPlerro Gro., Ac. G .3 ParantI g. a H 3 Pare Jos ' u'ro' ic 3 Parlseau Joaeph Oro. A Carriages! H 3 Pariseau Staidala8....B'8mlth AFeed. H 3 Hoblnsou Mrs. T t'onfcc. L bprliigjohn j). a, _ ; „ ■ (Boo Montreal.) TcsslerP; shoes' K 3 ilsonJ.U Window Bolta. K Valuer Antoine Shoes L Valuer O Tavom A Oro. F yalllorlloch gto. F 2)4 VaunlerE Gro. A Baker. H -A \aiotte Adolpho Hotel L Vary .Simeon Blioea. VlUeneuvnJ. O qia. e 2 ST. JEAN CHRVSOSTOME, Chateauguay Co., Que. Bon-ettoF. X Blacksmith. K 3'A 1 ergevln lleiO Tanner. K - Brown J. p n. h. f Deln Marl ilUer Henry Physician. L Iieliale I'Vancola Hotel 1, Doiala Aiiliilne Hotel H IJumtiucliille Uvido Baker. L liupuls Ihimluluuo CaiTlagea. L loliy Uebeit Puridture. K 3'4 iMilay Israel Illacksmlth. L .3W Olngnia I'mncois... HaiTOMs A Hhom. L :K MelMirlaueW 1-ejldler. L wf. Si 3)4 .3)4 MclVe* Boyd g. S. F 2)6 McKeeM .. Ollst A Saw M ills. G 2)4 lloNultyJ. H G.S. L sS MeaslerE..,. Coriinges. L Morris Patrick Marhle. L Pulnohaiul Eugene Cnrrlivges. L Painchaud Henry Canlagoa. L '!»'•>•» M-i- Shoes. L BaseleotM Gro L Uualcot O o,.„ Ac. L Hantoire A. T. Z H'ware A Agent. L Santoiij) Suigis I'lns. L KeiTftF ']■(„.,, f HK'wart H G H Turcotte CyrillB .'.Oro! (8oe UusHelltown Flata.) ST. JEAN CHRVSOSTOME DE LEVIS, Lavii Co., Que. Olmux P rj s I, m. Kliijj I[oaiy.& Co., Katutv ut. . . . Lum- ber A Mills. (See Quebec.) LemleuxA O.S., Ac. L Lemloux ISllse g. m. L NoellJos G. H K H TrudelCluie Phyalolan. L ST. JEAN DE MATHA, Joliatte Co., Que. Geoffi-oy Paschal G.8. K 3)4 Leaaard Edouanl G. 8. St. Jean Maximo Hotel. K 3 ST. JEAN D'ESCHAILLONS, Lotbiniere Co., Que. AurtcttoM QS U 3 Charlaud Miss '.'o 8 Lalllierie Joseph Gro' F 2!« Paris A Gailepy G 8 K iR. Poneaiat Plaofde OS t PicardJ. A G S Sirola g!s! K 3)4 ST. JEAN ISLE D'ORLEANS, Monimorenci Co., Que. Bernard Hubert OS K 3 Blouiu Nestor oro L Lachance A Dugal Traders. K 3 TurcotteF. X g. S. G 2)4 ST. JEANNE DE NEUVILLE, Portneuf Co., Que. Bordeleau Lazare B Oro. K 3 BuasierAmhrolao Btaoksmttli. H 3 Garncjiu Joseph Tins L JullenJoaeph g b' liiirlviero Thomas, jr 'wore' Parent 11 Hot«1 Veziua Francois .. O. S. K 3 3)4 Qua. >r 3 K 3 1, H 3 H 3)4 F K 3)4 L 3)4 K 3)4 K 3 1. L 3)4 1. K 3 K 3 U 3 ST. JEAN PORT JOLI, L'lilet Co., Audct (dit Lapolnte) Louis G. S. Babln Firiuln Trader Bolanger F Bhicksmith! Belanger I»uls Trader BlliKleau Augustin Oro , Ac! Bourgcault Alexandre G s Carou Alexis g S C^ron Germain. g! s! „ , „ (See Trola Saunious.) Decheno F g 8 Dlonne H G 8 DuboNoel Tins Oauvlnp !.'Tra3 Lllblo AugUHtln O. a. K 3 IdKlmnco UliMi|ilin« Cartwrlglit. L 3H Marquis I'lemi C'artwrlght. K SJi Mfttliurln Louis I'eiUUer. II .S Puriil.ouls (1.8. ]£ 3 Ilajnuoml Kugono (1. 8. Ij Bliminl Isalo G. 8. Ci 3 Slinairt Louis B'smlth ln V Droker. O Arpln K BtatloLOT. *<■. " Amlet 1 . 11 Bakor. MartleltD. It Howl. lioauvals Davlil a. 8. Burtraiul A Prcsseil Hay. lUsalllou A.,)r Hotel. H Blssctt Juiuos, Katato of Wood, Coal, die. Black J. A II Bankers, Ac. Bolvln J.T Watchmkr. Bolvlu rierro Butcher. Boucher Chas 8hoe8. iloudreaii 11 Hotel. Bourgulgnuu Isauo 8tatlouei'. Bousuuet l^oiils..8aw A PlaulUK Mills. Brault 1*. I. riiotOKi'apher. l Brault A Mliuard 1). u. Brissctto H PliystcliiD. L Brossuau Wolfred MUUnery, Ac. H Buck 11. F. ACo Lumber. Catudal K L'arrlaKcs. Jj Chaguou J Contractor. L Clianut Louis Canicntor. L Clailt H. K Knitted tlowls, Ac. K Cloniout J. 12 U. 8. Clement O. u Tailor, Ac. I- Cooto William AKent, Ac. Cote, Arulu A Co Wliul. Shoes. O Cote Felix Builder. 11 CourvlUe (illt Ij>idaute) E il. 8. L Cuiutneau Uuils Slioi'S. L UuvlKiion A Frore U. 8. L Dowar Mrs Confec. H Dion Isidore Baker. L Doiiohue Mil*. 1' llro. K DouKlas K (U-o. L Dubois J. B UoIeL Dunn A Maguiro Confec, L Duval Leon Crockery. II Folsv U Oro. A I). U. L Forgue Louis Hotel. FredetteO Broker A Lumber. II UervalsC. O (I. K. UllliMiile A Co Furniture. I- <)4 F 2Sa Mc lJuls Baker. K 3 U'iiiVeu Wm......'..".V.'.bhlpOiiairia( Co., Que. Aubrey Olivier Blacksmith. I, 3)4 cattaforrt J. U O. 8. L Oultjird Samuel Hotel. L Lailouceur Etleune G. 8., Ac. G 214 Koy Moise 0.8. K 3 Trottier M Gro. & Hotel. L ST. JOSEPH'S ISLAND, Al^tnt Dist., Onl. Rains Bros O. S. A Wood. H 3 Bains Evan O. 8. A Wood. K 3)4 Richards John O. S. A P. M. H 3 ST. JUDE, St. Hyaointhe Co., Que. Gendron J. P O. S. Lemay H G. 3. H 2)4 Wilson WUUam G. 8. L ST. JULIE, Megantio Co., Que. Beaudoin Charles.. Grist A Saw Mllla. II 3 Contois Bros Suoes. L 3)4 CoteJos G. 8. L Deiiiera Kdniond Carriages. K 3 Deiners Kilwanl Can lagos. K 3)4 DemersJ.B Tanner. K 3 DIouBenl Shoes. K 3)4 Dusacault EUenne o.s. L 3)4 Founder Geo BlBoksraltlL L 3)4 Oagne It Contractor. II 3 OonestC.0 0.8. K 3)4 LccleroZ Lumber A Prod. 3 Lemleux Joseph L. F G. S. K 3)4 Paradls lx)uls Baker. H 3 Uoberge Limis (I. 8. U 2)4 Houaaeau Francois Mills. Savul Joseph Blacksmith. L 3)4 TurcotteOeo G. S. K 'i ST. JULIE, Vereheres Co., Que. Colette Joseph Baker A O. 8. MaloI.o(m 0.8. H 3 ST. JULIENNE, Montcalm Co., Que. Corain Alexis... Baker, G. 8. A Hotel. H 3 Mageau Thomas Tins. L 3)4 Provoat Olivier Gro. A Taveni. K 3)4 lllvetchas Grist Mill. H 3 ST. JULIE STATION, Megantio Co., Que. DoyonJoan Blacksmith. L 3)4 Johnson Hotel. 3 MarqulsF Blacksmith. L TurgtMinJ. E 0.8. L 8)4 Vachon A Shoea. L ST. JUSTIN, Dorchester Co., Que. Omlbout Louis G. 8., Ac. K 3 ST. JUSTIN, Maskinonge Co., Que. Clement Adelard G. s. L 3)» Lalreuigni J. B. O G. 8. I. St. Cyr I/)ui8 B'smlthAG. 8. K 3,>4 STE. JUSTINE DE NEWTON, Viudreuil Co., Que. Bedard Veuve Tavern. K 3)4 Chartrand B. J Blacksmith. K 3)4 Danis Alex Tavern. L Diiroclier Duslte Builder. L Oodaid Alfred Grist A Saw Mills. L .1)4 H(ii>eJohn Haiiieas. L Lereri ler Antolne Bhutkamlth. IC 3 LegHult Xavler Carpenter. L 3)4 McCualgJ Saw Mill. U 3 McDonald llonald Shoes. L 3)4 Menard Molao G. 8. Piilie J Tailor, li St. Denis Joseph G. 8. L 3)4 Taylor A UaUenne O. 8. F 2)4 ST. LAMBERT, Levis Co., Que. Brochu Magloire 0.8. H 8 Couture Octave O. 8. L 3)4 L.£bi!!itc T!i02 - . O y. L S^ ST. LAMBERTS, Chambly Co., Que. Irving > Saloon. K 8)4 Holulusb 11 a. B. I-»%«v.«r*.S»*!WS«W ST. L ONTARIO ^nSTD QUEBEC. 8T. M ST. LAURENT, Jaoqun Cariler Co., Qu*. BeaiilUeaa Auguatln BlockBmlth. L 3^ Boiifrie J. Israel Tavorn. u. 2)1 Houdld Dolphls Blacksmith. K a iloyor Boitjamlii Hhoea. II 3 Cnivlur EuHoUo (Iro.. H 2J6 DHCiiiTlo JOHepli Bla«kamlth. K S>5 I)e«ul«e Fnuicola Wheelwrlgtat. K 3>2 Ooiwolin N .Gro. K 3 lludou Firmln Hlimts. iC 3}i Laplnrrt) r.auruut Builder. LcciiVttllerX Builder. K 3 I/Mcours Antnlne Blookamlt^u L 35i I.oKaiid (dlt Ulslurler) II..Blaokamltli. U 3 1.4M>iiurd Frnii<3<)l8 Gro. H 2^ Massou OUvlor Wheelwright. L 8)4 Mtgaerou Antolue UotcLBakerA am. H 2)A Miller David O.8. H 2)4 Oullletto Ambrolae Wowl. H 2)6 Pepin Elol B'amlth A Oro. H 2)2 Pi-eiievoHt E Wheelwrteht. K 3)4 RochoDA Baker. K SH, Serre (dlt Bt. Joan) Clovla Wood. K 3 ST. LAURENT D'ORLEANS, Monlmoreno Co., Que. Dellalu Baptlato Blacksmith. K 3)6 DumaaC O. S. 3 FlllonP Waffona. K ,3)4 Ooattelln Joseph Blacksmith. K 3 Lnpoluto Pierre Blacksmith. K 3 ST. LAZARE, Belleohuae Co., <)ue. Aiiilotte Kphralm Bllwluau Audre. . LeU>urneaux F... O. B. li (1.8. U 2)4 O. 8. K 3)4 ST. LEON, Maakinonga Co., Quo. OaronU o. 8. JO 2 Chevalier Ulrlo.. Shoes. L 3)4 D'OrsBiinlns Alfred o. 8. I. FliMirtoll Physician. U 2)4 Jjafroulerii H Blacksmith. K 3 ljitiillpiM\.loa 8addler. 1, 3)4 Iii^rnvge Kdoimrd L J.0H»«« P o. H. L Martin Norliert Blacksmith. L 3)4 Thompson, MUman A Co Hotel, 3 ST. LEONARD, Nicola< Co,, Quo. Bradley E. A Co Bark JSxtract. Dttveluy Adolplio O. 8. O 2)4 UuHllets l.udgur Coin'n. Devoy Thos Mills, ST. LEON DE STANDON, Dorohoiter Co., Qua. AmlctChaa U.S. L 8)4 Oagnon Oneslme G. 8. K 3 ST. LIBOIRE, Bagot Co., Qua. Biiuhand * Oliard Lamber. L 3)4 Bachoud II u. H. I. CbaputKusebe Baker. L 3)4 Deamarals U n. h. airaitl — .saw Mill. 3)4 L'Uenreux Udoimrd iiro. K 3 ST. LIOUORI, Montcalm Co., Qua. Anderson Carder. Ayot I'uiiUnaud o, H. Barrnttn Maglolre Q. 8. L BcllNliUlctave 0.8. II 3 Dntresno Liinla Uro,, Ac. DnKiis Flrmin Ullst A 8aw Mills. 3)4 1)UK1188 (). H. L IMirochor Ulrlo ti. H. K 3!4 Oulbonl P IloUd. I, PlotC. P uro. L 3)4 ST. LIN, L'Aiaomption Co., Qua. BeauilolnM DliickMmllh. I, 3)4 Chapiit Kiisebe (ini. K :i'a I'orbellle II Jllackmulth. K 3 IiiivlsThwiplillo Tavern. J£ J Deliingchnmp A Vlger (i. 8. I'.ijiler Horace il.». F 2)4 Oautlor llerniWiui 1). (i. 1, .sk Oauvrnn (lllbert Hotel. K 3 Lambert .1. A (). 8. H 3 MartPl.r. II o.H. K 3 reltlcr Jon(3ph (1.8. H 3 Pidiilx Maurice (J. 8. L Therlcu Pclrua Bloeksniith. I. 3>i> ST, LOUIS OE QONZAQUE, Baauharnoii Co., Qua, ArcbnmbaultU Uotel, L 3)4 BouglBj. H MlUer. K 8 Uougle Joseph o, U. BrlsbnlH Antolne Ba4dler. I. Coutlee L. P O. 8. V 2)4 Dame Medard Tanner. I, 3)4 Facbon L G. 8. BImnuaJohn OrlatMlU. H 3 Vachon Leaudrejr G. 8. ST. LOUIS DE KAMOURASKA, Kamou- raaka Co., Que, (Bt* Xanwuraika.) ST. LOUIS DE LOTBINIERE, Loibinlar* Co., Qua. fSM Lotblniert.) ST. LOUISE, L'lilet Co., Qua. Belanger C. T o. 8. L BolanKor L G. 8. L Caron Nazalro O. 8. H 3 I.eve8<|ue Brimo G. 8. H 8 MarlerJ G.8. K 3)4 ST, LUC, Champlain Co., Que. Boandoln J o. 8. L Barua Mrs 0.8. li DeaoroauM a. 8. K 3)4 ST. LUC, 81. Johns Co., Que. CoUette A. F. A Co Wax Candles. H 3 ST. LUCE, Rimoushi Co., Que. CoteE. Jar O. 8. H 3 Cote Heverln o. 8. h 3)4 Danjou Jos. B O. 8. 1. Uamol Auj^uatln u. 8. 8)4 ST. MADELAINE, SI. Hyaointhe Co., Qua. Balnvllle Isale o. 8, L Tetrault Gro, L ST, MALACHIE, Dorohettar Co., Que. Oosaoltn E G. 8, L Lantagne CyrlUe G. 8. Wilson Widow G. 8. H S ST. MALACHIE, Ottawa Co., Que, Bnrk Anthony Hotel. Callahan Iiaufel Tavern, Ao. L 3)4 ST. MARC, Veroherea Co., Que. Desmarals Hegislppe A Oro. K 3 Duuharmc Mate Cheese. G 2)4 LerouxJ. L Physician. U 3 ST. MARCEL, Richelieu Co., Qua. Anger Geo g. a, L Archambault A G. 8. K 3)4 Plamondon A O. 8. ST. MARGUERITE, Dorcheater Co., Que. CmlrinJ 0.8. K .S)4 Uenest(dltI>abaiTe)J.AEu8ebe..0.8. O 2)4 Lecoiirs L'ftUxte 0.8. L 3)4 Norniaud J o. H. ST. MARGUERITE, Terrebonne Co., Que. liiVlennesso Chas o. 8. K 3 ST. MARIE, Rouvitle Co., Que. Archambault Joseph A G. 8. F 3 Jlenucliluiln C. F Straw GowIb. G 3 llonuvcutuie llobert Carriages. L 3)4 Ciulli'iix Kdouard Oro. I, 3)4 I'laiu'bt're Jne4 3H Is sh 3 a ;i 3)'J Thompson A Jamieson "The Journal." H 3 Thompson Mrs Oro. L Towers John Photographer. L VlcoG<« Furniture. 1, Walsh Hany Hotel. L WalshJohn oro. H .1 Waring ( harlea Cooper. L S}i Waring Kingston Cooper. L 3!'> Weir John M Di-over. O 2!o Weir A Weir Flai. F 2'!, White A Co D. O. A Shoes. E 3 Whitson A Sclator Ume, G SW WlUard John Pabitor. I^ Willis C Hotel. L Willis John Lumlier. H ,S Wilson C Brooms. L 3W Wilson Daniel Physician. L Wilson Ge- baska Co., Que. AlleA Carriages, Ac. K 3 BarelChorles Carriages. L 3)4 ClouthlerI.ouis Carriages. L 3M FournlerC G.S. L 3)6 LariviereP. D G.s. L PolssonH 0.8. L an RobergeV a. 8. L 3)3 ST. OCTAVE DE METIS, Rimoutki Co., Que. BonrgonlnE G. S. L KImpert G. S. L Langlais L G.S. L Martin A Labelle a. S, K 3 Koy F o. S. L 8)4 ST. OURS, Richelieu Co., Que. Allaire Victolre Tavern. K 3)4 Arcliambault J. B ....Shoes. L SW ArplnH G. S. H 3 Bourque Edouard Wagons. L 3}6 Canm D g. 8. Chapdelalne (dit CoUettl ) E G. 8. K .S)4 Clmpdelahie Leon G.S. P 2)4 Codero Alfred .G. s. L Oomeault P Gro. L G0(tai-il Arseno Blacksmith. K 3 GregolrAbram Fomiilry. H 3 LacliambreJ Gro. L 3)4 Laeoature Adolph Hotel. K 3)4 Marcliessault Theotlmo G. 8. G 2's MatthleuJos Bhicksmlth. K 3 ViilersChas D. G. K 3 ST. PACOME, Kamouratka Co., Que. Dechene Elzear Gro. I, 3)4 Dlonuo Mrs. Norbert G. 8. L 3)4 LetclUer Anifuste G.S. L Levesque Germain G. 8. L Mtchaud Misses 0.8. L 3)4 Rolleau Napoleon o. S. L 6T. PASCHAL, Kamourlska Co., Que. Bloudeau Clias Hotel A'Spoculator. Chai)eleau IC. A J G. 8. Dancose Joseph Blacksmith. Dcchesne B Blacksmith. Hattou Daniel Mills. Hudon (dit Beauileu) Xavier G. 8. Lebel N G.s. Letiirte Edward G.S. McXell N G. a. MorueaultM Blacksmith. PcUetler E 0.8. I'oUetler Pierre, 1 Q. s. Richard George Trader. Thenlault It Mtllg. II 2)4 ST. PATRICK DE BEAURIVAOE, Lotbi- niere Co., Que. Bourgejinlt Damage G. 8. A Potash. II 3 BrochuN U. ». A Shoe.^. L 3*4 Camden P Caiiling Mill. Haney James G. 8. L !»4 Melavey M. (Black) G. S. L Mehivey M. (Red) G. 8. L Neil W. T G. 8. II 3 RoBsA.D Mills. F 2)4 ST. PATRICK'S HILL, /rihSbaskaCo., Que. (See rinuwM:) ST. PAUL, Arthtbaikji Co., Que. \ .'•:cc vhcsxcr Mat.} ST. PAULIN, Maikinonge Co., Que. Rials Gilbert O. 8. L 3)4 Chretien Elose O. S. L Laurent Louis Contractor, Ac G F P. K 3 K ■S 3 F K n L H 2)4 K 3'4 F 2), H 3 ST. P ONTARIO A-NT) QUEBEC ST. S ST. PAUL L'HERMITE, L'Atiomption Co., Que. Aroliambanlt C .7 Hotel. K 3)6 I^ttcliaiwUd Ulrio Oro. 4 Tavern. U 3 XjaroseJ.I) G. 8. o 2W Marchand Oaspard Foundry. K 3'i Meunler Joseph Tavern. (See Kepentlcny.) Begoln (fUt Laderoute) U. H. K 3 ST. PERPETUE, NicolatCo., Que. RoiMBeaa O o. s. I, ST. PHILIP'S, Laprairia Co., Que. JL'Eouyer Fredoolu G. S. L 3W L'Ecuyer Liidger Tavern & Gro. L 3J<( ST. PHILLIPE, Argantauil Co., Que. Le Ulano Eusobe. G. M. L 35* NaubortF G. s. (See Muddy Branch.) Wilson Bozllle Tavern. S'J ST. PHILLIPPE DE NARE, Kamouraska Co., Que. Cbamberland J. O Q. 8. L SoucyL. B (1.8. L 8>4 ST. PHILOMENE, Chataauguay Co., Que. Roudrlaa Clias G. a. U 3 Cote-^ Wagons. L 3)4 D'Amour J. B G. 8. L DoraU Alplionse Blacksmith. L BoratsJ. L Gro. H 2!(i DoralsPlene O.s. K 3)a Snranceauu Tins. Ij Dliquet M G. 8. Ij Ijiberge Edouard Physician. F 2)6 JLeRouxF Blacksmith. L aHi Lolselle Maximlu Slioos. L NormundiMiu Dolphls Blacksmith. K 3H Prlmeau Narclsso lIotel&G. 8. K 3)4 TestevidB Kraucols o. 8. K S'i Tromblay Pierre Wheelwright I< ST. PIE, Bagot Co., Que. Auger P. L. G... G. 8. Beaucheuiln Uoml Baker. Ij SJj Beauohemin Htaiitsliw a. 8. L Beauregard Michel WhoelwilgUt. L 3VS Bemlor A Gro. Ij Chloolne & St. Pierre Carriages. K 3)^ DandoUn Francois Wheelwright. L 3)6 DrolottoP .Shoes. I, .HJo Dupout ElpUege Tanner. K 3 DuvalJ. B., sr Wagons. K 3 Gauthler Theoplille Stuliller. L Gendi-cauJ. B Hotel. K 3 Glrard -M Gro. 3)^ Olrouuitl Andre Wheelwright, Tj 3)a Gobellle Joremle Baker. 11 3 HeUurt>iih Tailor. K 3)A JaiTy Godfrey G.8. 3 Lebrun M IcUol Blacksmith. Ij Morel .lohn G. 8. L 3)A MorlnA. ct8on Saw Mill. L KormaudluM Wagons. II 3 Palarily A Baildler. Ij Flaiite Etienne Car|K>nt«r. K 3 Pianto Narcisse (Jariieuter. K 3 Hoy A G.8. G 3 Koy P. E G. 8. E 2)4 RoyP. E., Ills G.S. F 2)1) ST. PIE DE DEGUIRE, Yamatka Co., Que. CartiorJos G. 8. L 3'i CotoK Shoes* Gro. L Lor J Gro., &c. L MoDougall Wm Smelting Works. (See Montreal.) ST. PIERRE, Beauca Co., Que. (See Broughton Church or West Brouyhton.) ST. PIERRE DE CHARLESBOURG, Quebec Co., Que. Bolvln J Ilotol. li 3)4 Frechette K. 11 Tobncio. (BeoQucbic.) Plaraondon I,ouls i iro. Ij VUleuouvoE Baker & B'smlth. L 3'a ST. riERriE S-0r:i.Ei\r!3, fnontmoranot Co., Que. AssollnB Flour. T. 3'a Blttls Prudent naker*()io. H 2)5 Cote J . . . . Flour, Saw A Carding M Ills. K 3 Ferhind L (.'abluetwaro. K 3 HoulelP G, 8, U 3 Leclero Francois Gro. A Shoes. L ,1)6 LezotteThos Boarding House. K 3 MorencvT Blacksmith. K 3}« PlanteFeUx Cablnetware. K 3)? ST. PIERRE LES BECQUETS, Nioolet Co., Que. BarriU T Gro. L BoaudetteT Gro. <& B'smlth. K 3)4 Oliandonnet L o. 8. Domers Kucllde Saddler. K 3)4 Dery Michel Store 4 Wood. K 3)4 Dion A G. 8. L GmllnWulow O.S. H 3 Marchlldon Joseph Wood. F 2)4 Montpivs Telesphoro Baker<&Or«. K 3 PerraultOeo O.S. K 3)ft St. Pierre Pierre Flour * Wood. Toussignant M. O o. 8. Tousslgnant Ovide O.S. F 2)4 ST. PIERRE RIVIERE DU SUO, Moni- magny Co., Qua. nouttardE BUicksmlth. 8 Boulet J Q. 8. L Gagne Goo Wagons. L Ijetflurnean Adolphe Shoemkr. K 3 Mathieu Oro., Ac. L Plcard Joseph Gro. & 1). O. L ST. PLACIDE, Two Mountains Co., Que. Borfrnml * Lalonde IIotclAGro. I, 3)4 DechaineM o. 8. ], GIrouard Miss H (}.8. K ,s;4 HabyEph Wagons. K 3)0 BaymondZ G. .S. K 3 ST. POLYCARPE, Soulangus Co., Que. Berlai: Francois D Blacksmith. K 3 Claude Jules 0.8. K 3)4 Daimst Xi Hotel. L Lamarre E Tins. L 3)4 Lantler * flaln G. 8. P 2)4 LavergneF Hotel. K 3 Lucas J. B Blacksmith. Ij 3)4 MonetteMolse Carriages. K 3 Phaiiuid Aiitolue Bricks. H 2)4 Taylor John a. a. F 2)4 Viilllalucourt Jean Painter. L ST. PROSPER, Champlain Co., Que. FrlgonJ.A G. 8. K 3)4 ST. RAPHAEL, Belleohasse Co., Que. EernardX G. 8. K 3 Boutin JoanB G.B. K 3)4 ButeauJ D. o. L 3)4 G,ignon Xavlcr G. 8. K 3 Ijabrecijue A 0.8. K 3 Laorolx it o. S. L 3)4 Merrier Elzear Blncksmlth. L 3'.u MorliiN Blacksmith. L 3!4 Koy Ferdinand G.B. U 3 ST. RAYMOND, Portneuf Co., Que. Oeudrou Thos Piiyslclnn. L 3)2 Ooulet Jos store. L Lachanco A Physician. L ParentEugene Store. K 3 PoUetlerll. & Frere ."... G. 8. II 3 Plamondon Pierre, Jr G. 8. K 3)4 Severy FertUuaud O. 8. H 3>.j ST. REGIS, Huntingdon Co., Que. Cooper Henry B Hotel & Gro. K Leahy Daniel Gro. 4 Llq. L I'owellWm 0.8. L 3)4 Solomon Alex o. 8. K ST. REMI, Napierville Co., Que. JlenoltCherl G. 8. i, BiHHiiillouA Carriages. H 3)4 nialuo CanlUKCs. H 3 lilalsF. X Tins. II 3 BouuevlUoj' Fomidry. L 3)4 BrlsaouJ.B Shoes. L 3'4 Carrier K Painter. L 3)a Colette Pierre A G. 8. DerivagoL Hotel. L 3!4 Fillo cTierl Tanner. K 3 Hebi^rt Laurent Canlages. Huhert Manuel Coutmclor. H 3 Uifori'o salime Shoes. Ij 3)4 l.etebvre L. i) ilotol. 3)4 Lepage A Wagons, L ullgucysS Saw Mill. K .S)o Paquetto & Fiero 0.8. K 3)a Patenaudo I' saddler. PerrasJusenh Tins. L 3!4 PolrrlerJ. B Tanuer. L 8>i Poirrler Theodole ^ U 3 I, 3)4 t. 3,'4 L K 3 Ji 8>4 H 3 U a)4 Oregnire Cbarlea Qro. Uar|ie L oro. JollcosurO Trader, JollBD Louis Oro. Iiaberge Octave Oro. lAborge Octave, Jr Oro. I^berge P. N oro. Lacliauce Nazalre uro. LAnsluIs Pierre Mftchinist. Luplerre * Co oro. liWUlre Mrs. Joseph Sliooa. Maroottx Joseph M Watclmikr. Mo Lauglilln Terence uro. MoOBRlMUl J Oro. Moore Wm Oro. MorrisetteA. H Uatter, Morrlsette Mrs. U Oro. O'Rlloy Charles Oro. Parent Victor Wheel wrinut; Patry J. H Hanlware. Pelletler Joseph Oro. Peltier P D. O., Ac. Plamonduu Joseph 1). O. Plante O Oro. Plauto Pierre Oro. PytraaZ ott>. Iloodeaul. Oro. Itoosseau D Tins. Boy Pierre liiiker. St. Pierre F oro. fiauolor Joseph L Fancy Ooods. Sftvaiil Vilbou D. O. Tremblay T Oralu. Vennor J. B. E oro. Veanor P. E D. o. Vennor Wm oro. VectiiaD Oro. VeiinaE : Shoos. VezluaH Hro. Veaina Louis Oro. ST. 8AUVEUR, Terrebonne Co., Qua. deary O. A a o. 8. L C'lontisr Baslle o. 8. F Hi Flllalrault L. A o. 8. h 3'^ ForgetF Blacksmith. K Sk t:loan Wm o. 8. ST. 8CH0LASTIQUE, Two Mountains Co., Que. BelangerA Baker. L 3!^ Courier E Tanucr. L CurbelUu Francois ITov. 11 2)4 CageuaiH N Carriages. K 3 Desautels P Hotel H 3 Dore J Hotel. K 3 JolleA Hotel. K 3M LacrolxA Hotel. L l^aframbolxe F Oro. H 3 LafraniboiHe M Tanner. K 3Jji LafraiubolHe Molse Mills. K 3 lianglois Joseph, Jr o. 8. H 3 Idpurte Joseph Tanner. L Lavlgue Hotel. K 3)o Leduol.. O U.S. H 3 Leduc <£ Valols Tannery, o 2)6 Legault E saddler. L Umoges Joseph Blacksmltii. L 3)4 Matlileu Nicholas Saddler. L. Murphy P. A U.S. 3's Prniu Misses Oi-o. L FUou A o. H. Bt. Amour Marcel Tins. ST. 8EBASTIEN, Iberville Co., Que. Bergeron J. B Blacksmith. I> I«oucli8nl J Carriages. 1. 3)6 B.-aultJ. H Baker. 1, 3>.j CatMeuxlI o. a. K 3 Uunuureux Philippe.. Tavern ibHtoro. L 3)6 LewleW.O o.B. I, 3)v Tetrault Alpbonse i, ST. SEBASTIEN DE AVLMER, Beauce Co., Que. (Se4 Valetorl.) ST. SEVERE, SI. Maurice Co., Que. Grenler Adolphe B'smlUiAO. 8. K 3H HCTOUX Joseph U.S. I, 3W. Heroux Pleri-e U.S. T 'i'Z I.amy Adolphe FlourAU. O. K .S' ST. SIMEON, Charlevoix Co., Que. OuerlnS o. 8. H 3 ST. SIMON, Bagol Co., Que. l>0^uoiii*ljiji AlttJuUtilie u. rt. F 2W BeaucUanip U. A Baker. L 3^ BraultHtmil Blacksmith. I, 3)., BrIenA o. s. BrnnelleU o. 8. L 3)4 CeteMolM Saw Mill. K 3 DenisD O. 8. K 3 Duhamel L Blacksmith. L Dnrocher U Btacksmlth. L aiaree dt LaUamme Architects, Ac. F 2)6 Lcdoux M shoes. L St. Oermaln O Hotel. I, 3)4 ST. SIMON, Rimoutki Co., Que. Belanger R Mill. L 3)4 Bernler Eugene 0.8. L Clianiberlnnd Pierre Blacksmith. L 8)4 Daujoii Maglolre o. 8. H 3 Uasion Charles Blacksmith. K 3 Foumler Ferdinand Tanner. K 8 Maroeau TheophUe Wagons. K 3)4 ST. SOPHIE, Terrebonne Co., Quo. Allary L Shoes, Ac. L Belanger J. B Hotel. L Uandet P. A uro. L Labreehe Blacksmith. L 3'4 Lsvesquo Ulrlo 0.8. K 3)4 Maitof Blacksmith. K ST. SOPHIE DE HALIFAX, Megantio Co., Que. Belleau Simeon o. 8. CloutlerS o. S. A B'smlth. K 3 DoucetM Saw Mill. L, 3)4 Uossulin Uulllaume Mills. H 3 Normand Ooorge o. 8. L VlgneauJ Saw MllL K 3 ST. STANISLAS, Champlain Co., Que. Lafontalne T a. 8. 1, MarcUaudF. N o. 8. K 8)4 Price Bros Lumber. (See Quebec.) RlnfretMrs o. 8. O 2)4 VilletT a.S. L ST. STANISLAS DE KOSTKA, Beauhar- nois Co., Que. Cardinal Felix Baker. 1, 3)4 Cliallfoux uregolre uro. I. 3)4 CourvUle Theophlle Hotel. L Kelly James J o. s. L 3)4 VacuouE u. 8. I. ST. SULPICE, L'Aisomplion Co., Que. Bouthlllier Douls O.B. n 3 Plclie Jos o. a. H 3 Piche Lonls U.S. O 2)4 Roblllanl Joseph Ag'llmplts. o 2)4 ST. SYLVESTRE, Lotbiniere Co., Que. Bourgeault John o. 8. II 3 Donahue P o. 8. L Faliey Tlios O. 8. Letuunieaux Unezlme o. 8. K 3 O'Uouuell P (4. 8. L Paquet Antolne o. S. L Valllancourt L u. 8. L ST. TELESPHORE, Soulanse Co., Que. f.VM Mount Joy.) ST. THEODORE, Bagot Co., Que. Larlvicre Alplmuso o. 8. L ST. THEODORE DE CHERTSEV, Mont- calm Co., Que. Morln Pierre o. 8. K 3)4 ST. THERESE DE BLAINVILLE, Terrs- bonne Co., Que. Arbour J. B o.B. K 3)4 Beauulmmp Joan Tanner. K 3 llloudiu P uio. L Bolveuu Felix Hotel. K 3>4 t^hapleauo Tailor. L 3)4 Chartrund Amedce Saildler. L Cloutior Alexis Blacksmith. L 3)4 CuUBtaut A Oro. K 3 CouBtant David Blacksmith. L t^'yre L Cartwilght. t, Descliambault IxmlH BlackMmlth. L ,3).j Dejilorler Benjamin Cabluetwiue. K 3 DIonJeau Hotel. U 3 FiUonJ Blacksmltii. K 3)4 uauiletM. H. E PhyBlclan. K 3 Grattou FranclH Hlacksmlth. L S'li riiit>nr>tt«. M Hliickiimitli. 1. HS;- uulmond Joseph. ."[.ii^oraludTHTioes. U 3 ' Jiuimlu Arthur Baker. Ji'i-ume(dlt Ucgamhol) F O.B. I, JuliluvllleP Painter. K 3)4 Labelle L oro. L lAbouteO Blacksmith. L 3)^ 3)4 3)4 Lapolnte T. WlUred It O. 8. Ijcclair Chaa Phvslelau. 1, Leguerrtor J. A Palnta. L lieguorrter Victor Carriages. H LesnKo NarcUse Carrlagns. L Maille AInie Jeweler. L Marcotte J. H Hotel. K Martlu Nllle Drover. L MathleuA Hotel. MathleuD. I, D. O. Matte A Blacksmith. K 3)4 Matte Plilllbert Blacksmith. L 3)4 Morris David O. B. A Distiller. E 2 Ouimet A Charbonneau o. 8. H 3 Pa<)uet Felix Tins. K 3 Pafjuetto Loandre G. s. K 3 Pare T Woodworker. I£ SM Payette (dlt 8t Amour) t, Mason. K 3)4 Thlbault J Butcher. K .S)4 Vollquet Joseph Oro., Ac. H 3 Vincent Alex Shoes. K 3)4 WaddeOeJ. B Butcher. H 3 ^ ST. THOMAS, Elgin Co., Ont "^ Adkins A. II Painter. L Alexander Wm Saloon. L SA Badgley Wm. H Mveiy. L Barnes Daniel M Livery. K 3)4 Barn(3t A Dcoew ; Ooi. Ban- Walter Tailor. K 3)4 Beattle John A Bro Builders. L Begg Chas Secondhand Fumltuie. L Bennett Oeorge Blacksmith. H 3 Bennett Mrs HoteL L 8)4 Bevier D Hotel. H 3 BevlttW. R Painter. L »4 Bishop Bishop Nursery, Ac. L Blacx J BlacksmtUi. L Blackmore J. J. A Co.. Stoves A Ulns. Bond E Confeo. L Borbrhlge Henty Saildler. « 2)4 Bnxlerlck A Bro D. O. H 3 BruuicUtA Mcintosh Butchers. Q 3 llromell W. A J Hotel. L Blown Henry H'ware, Tins, Ac. O 3)4 Burke Charles Publisher. L 3 2)4 !P4 3){| BurUB Akiuzo Dentist. H Cttlver Thus. R Fruit, Ac. L Campbell L Auotioneor, Ac. H Carpenter John Mone> ader. o Oanj toher. L Carrie James D. u. F Casky o. S Oro. Chan-ilerR. L Books A Btat'.v. L Cheeses-right A Hedler Drugs. L Claris Ueo. T Broker, Ac. « 8 Cliii-lB Walter J Broker. Clark Thos. A Hotel. L Clueves A Smith Painters. L Cole Robert BuUder. K 3)4 Cole Thomas Painter. L CoUlnsou Win Tanner. Cimiloit iili-am Money Lender, Ac. E 2 Corbet Mtopheu Shoes. K 3)4 Coills JoHiali Phys'n A Drugs. K 3 Cmlias MlBs Milliner. L Coyne Wm. A Co »D. o. O Crelghtou Ueo. K Drags. L Crlpps A Doggett Marble. L Crulne James E Tailor. L Cruise, Sterliug A Sharon Planing Miin Ciisock Bros Pork, Ac. H 3 Cusaek H Butohor. L Darby Zacliarlah Piotui-o Frames. L Davis Bruce oi-o. H 3)4 Davis W Barber. L DeeewE Hardware. H 3)4 Dennis U Shoes. L Dexter Whitwam Mnfg. Co. . Turning. F 2)4 DIerW.A D.G. K 3,S DlsherW. W Hardware. F 2)4 Diiylu J. A Co Oro. K 3)4 Drake Daniel Lively. Dubber Samuel Butcher. L Dut ton 1 1 eury Carriages. K 3)6 Ellisuu Freeman Lumber. O 2)4 Ellison Rlchai'd Builder. L Epps David Wat<;hes. L Evily U Veterinary Surgeon. Ij Eveudeu E Cabinetware. L Evciiden Mrs. E Mllliiior. L Fuirbi-other A Hetheilngtou. U'sniiths A Wagons. U Ferguson D Oro. K Ferguson Francis H Tobacconist. L Fitch C. M Pianos. L Fitzpatrick Joseph Builder. II Fraliie Samuel Tailor. L Fl:l!:!:l'.;:, !i".!'.Wi-»T.i .*. Prirrtfelm BittM- ers. li FraserAlox Broker. F _,- FraserD...., Blacksmith. K 3)4 Preek M. C Bricks. L Oardtner David Baker. L OiatnWiW .....Faaoy Goods, Ac. L S)i 3!4 3)a 3)4 ST. T ONTA-RIO ^]S"ID QUEBEC. ST. V Olllmrt, BUTke A Co Brewers. P ailllnKham bamuel Sewlug M. L Clmldard li. J Flour . K Pcuwarden George Hotel. O Peny J. U D. O. I'etors Samuel Plasterer. H PetUner J. B. A Bro 'Tanner. L TuroottZoel o. S. II j| Watzo Samuel Oro. L ST. TIMOTHE, Boauharnoio Co., Oho, BergevlnE Mill. BordeanAlei.,Jr Hotel, K 8M Cote Antulne Blaoksmltb, L sAi Daoust A. AB Fura. Jnllen o. H, L L'Esperanco 4uguste G. H. L .3)6 Letimrueux S Woolen Hill. Malllonx Francois O. H, U 3 Paplneau Narcisse Speculator, D Hi Polrier Alex ...Tanner, K f^ Raplu F. X.,tlLj Uotol, L SauvleF. X Blackamttb, II » Soguln BeiUamln BlackamlUi, X. mt ST. TITE, ChampUtn Co., Quo. Bnist J. N a. 8, I, SH L'UerouxD G, S. A Hotel. L ST. TITE DES CAPS, Monimoronoi Co., Quo. Ferlondlsoie O. B. L 8H ST. UBALDE, Porinouf Co., (|m. Denis Jos O. B. K 8M Trottier A. O, H, L ST. ULRIC, Rimouslcl Co., Qu*. (See Elver Blanehe. I ST. URBAIN, Chtrlevoix Co., Quo. Bolvin Alf rc(, ST. VICTOIRE Riohtlieu Co., Qua. Paul Herctilo a. H. I, S'i ST. VICTOR OE TRINQ, Beauo* Co., Quo. BlRmn Joseph IllackHniith. Boliluo Mlofii'l BliiukBiiilth, Foutalne I.<>.)n I'arrliimM, Fonln Fonlliianil Blackaiiiltli. Furtln Honrl CarinmU-r. Fortin JniH'ph ('ai|i«iitcr. Uaniie AiiftUHtiii lllttukHnilMi. uafmo Irancola Taunnr. Ooaelln A mIIU. (lowllii FranculD o. 8. ,4 Hotel. DoHnUii rinrip MlllH. Uoule A Boldiic Mills. Jacqu«a K. X Tmdnr. Lantler Jcmeph Hlacksinltli. Lonnart llrbiUn Hlacksinltli. MeiTlor Luiila alums. I'millii Owngo t). H. Poulln Jvaii Potash. PoHlIn Josiiph Blacksmith Ponlln Tlios C'ariiemw. Vachon Joseph I), o. VilleuxChas Potash. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, Laval Co., BIsKon C'yrlllo o. h. CharlMiniiuau A J lotol. Corlwllio K oro UuyniomI J Hliocs. OuyuiouilL Hhoea. HuotO Uutchor. Joubert ZcphlTlu o, a. f««o"r P Butcher. Lavoto Mrs uio I«blaiio Fraucols Blutjcamlth. J^ca" A Blacksmith. Mafsoiiueuvo U tii.,x Moiict-aii Isaac .Hhom! Oulnu't Aiulre Cabluetwari>. Pare Joseph A C. K o B. PoiiiliivUlo Jean T Physician. Pratt Josi-ph Physician. Quovllllou U Prov. QuoTlUon Joa BlackumiUi. SeKouIn A Oro TaTunJ. n (iro i Tanllf B. Z Tins Truteau A Hotel. ST. WENCESLAS, NIoolai Co., Que. Chapdolaiuo c) s OouJombu David u. M. I^ Forest Hubert A Co Mill. H OueUette Allen uro. I, ST. WILLIAMS, Norfolk Co.,Oni. Davis Iiuuic Ilnincss. L Deaae Janu>s A g a K Fero John T lllacksiulth. I, Flshette Isaac, Jr Hhwksnilth. L HortonJohn Bakor* Feed, h Huyck Jaiuos Shoes. L Mater B. F 'lunsmlth. I, MoBurney •& McCall Saw Mill * „ „ ,, Lumber. F McCall D. A. A Co (4. M. F McKlnnon Ijachlan bruits. li 8U Williams I'hTOse Co i, 8t Williams Planing Mill Co ' F Terhuuo Kdwaiil Hotel. L Tliouipsou John Hotel. 1. Ungor Henry Blacksmllli. K ;t)i Whlt«M. *Co G. 8. J£ 3 White Hlclmnl Shoes. L ST. ZEPHIRIN, Vamatka Co., Que. Arel Loon Saw Mill. L Beanchemln & Co Lumber. Bolsvert C O o. S L HartTh08.N O. 8. H 3 I^asaondeA. L g. h l Pepia Uonore Hotel. ST. ZOTIQUE, Soulanget Co., Que. Benolt Gasnard Joiner. Chai'lnlmis alary. , , , _ Baker. L 3.H FuuruierJ ' ...'.."."."..".." o.^s' L "" J«JondeF Broker. G 2H lalonde Joacblm oro. Q 3t6 PHeurO. F o.B. F UVj L 11'-, 1, i. ll^i 1. 1. 1. L a\^ L :i'i K :< (> •■i'4 K L 3«a I. 1. Ji :t'', I. :i'., K »'., I. L 8).j Qua. K .1 L m L :)v, 1. Iv n K ;tH a !t 1. ^ 1. 1. Iv a\i 1. i, K 3 K ;t G :i K H K H K H'* I, xi G H'^ K •tHt Ji s 3)4 3>4 3 3 Ah in SACKVILLE, Euaa Co., Ont (Nft CoUhmter. > SAINTFIELD, Oaiarie Co., Ont. Brown Joseph Hotel. L Camimm Georite Hhoea. S, FeriiUNon John B'amlth A Tavern. L 3)4 LenchW.O Mhwa. I, McCllnt^in Nathaniel Physician. H 8 McKay Donald G. H. F 214 stone Auum Dniver. F a,"!! WiK)uJabi'>!B Wamms. L Yoiinu William Blacksmith. U 3 SALEM, Elgin Co., Ont. (See, Mount Nalem.) SALEM, Wallington Co., OnL Alton \Vm (1. 8, o 3)4 BellUlchuid Shoos. L UlKner I'has. It OiKana A Pianos. O V* I'laik lIuKli Uhicksnilth. L Davidson Will TaUiir. L .T4 Doi'ilii'cker Conriul Brewer. O 2\ FiiHlliiy I- 1). O. AGIO. L S'.j J'Isiher Christian Cahlnetwai-e. II 3 FlBaueoixe Temperance House. K ;i!o Ghulstoue James I'ejt Factory. H 3 HoriilierKherOotUlob Shoes. L 3)4 Johnston Ale:; Jllacksnilth. K 3 Kiel John Cooper ,t Uolol. K 31.. Kllpatrick II Wagons. K 'M IauhX 'rhomua .Shoes. L Monroe James WaKons. L 3',4 MonroeJohu Blacksmith. H 3 Mmdoeh Hugh Baker. ^ , , ^ (BeeKlonv.) Qiilnhm D Shoes, L ."i'4 lleuter Jacob Brewer. H 3 Khortread Thomas Mills. I. Simpson Itobert Waj^ons. 1. 3'.j Slnibe Murtin Tavern. L Wallace SuuuKd B I jist FacU)ry. L Vance Ijdward Di-over. H 3 Wlaaler J. A K a. S. A Mills. K 2 Zclgler Caspar Harness. K 3 SALFORD, Oxford Co., Onl. Doiuphrey Jus O. S. K SHi I>awBOU Jim. W Cheese. G 2). Lewis Corrldon CtM>per. L Maborry Friuik niacksmlth. G »!i Malicrry James WaKoiLs. IC 3'.. Maberry It. A Sons Blacksmiths. G 24 liler J. F. ■■ ■ Sniil .G. S. K 3'» WlUlams James, Jr Cheese. K S'.l SALINA, Durham Co., Ont. Awde Francis lilncksmltli. L 3'4 ColwellWni WUKoiis. L 3)ii Groat J. C G.M. L 3ij Hooper Ueury Shoes. L SALMON LAKE, Rimoutki Co., Que. (Heern. Octave. Maltpediaj/oad.) SALMONVILLE, Peel Co., Ont. Harvey Miller. G 3 Smith G.G (1.8. L 3'-j Stewart Kobort C04mcr. L 3!^ Wiley W.J (•)„,. I, "^ WrlKhtWm Blttokamitli. K M, SANDFORD, Ontario Co., Ont. Best James Blacksmith. L Cnthbirt James Shoes. L Flummeifclt Sylvester Saw Will. K 3)4 Hill vey Stephen Blacksnilth. L Harwood Uohert Bhicksmlth. U 3 Hutohinsmi L Hotel. L .3!4 Bear Win Physician. L 3>s starkJohu *agoii8. L Taylor KdwanI G. 8. A P. o. G 2va Todd Win Blacksmith. (See Goodwotnl.) Urquhnrtaeo Ag'l Implts. L SAND HILL, Mittitquoi Co., Que. Goudrault Isale g. 8. K ,3)4 SANDHILL, Peel Co., Ont. Burbridgo John P Wairous. L Colmer W. G Smldler. L Dean James. ..._.. ..Agent Ag'l Implts. O 2!4 KlUott James Builder. It 3 Elliott Joseph Shoos. G 2)4 Huert,Jr Blacksmith. L UugliesASon 0.8. H 3 Itllo Tliomta Hotel, n 3)4 Ml"«-r Tailor. L '"'■tor. lames Fruit Tree Agent. L 3)4 Scott Thomas BlacksnUth. L 8)» SANDHURST, Lennox Co., Ont. (See Conwau,) SAND POINT, Renfrew Co., Ont. Derenzy Kdward g 8 McDonald lUmald Blacksmith'. K 3)4 SjilersThos g. 8. L ^oungjamca.jr inn. H 3 SANDWICH, Etiex Co., Onl. Asklu John Lumber. 2)4 Bolsinter Joseph Liverv T. wZ Clark- Wm. A J. B Sluws. L ^ Daleldcu Mrs. J Baker. II 8 J.UIsA. C Saddler. L 3)4 ter/nisouT. 11 oro. i, ^ (iaiilhlerC. W Fish. ^ ^, , , (Sool)eti-olt, Mich.) Oaiithler J. B O. 8., Ac. F 3)4 Gluus Ueliihold Tanner. H 3 HendersimMrs Gro., Ac. II 3 Jeasupueorgo Butcher, Ac. L Jolllebeyao t^audro Wagons. K 3 LaforeAlex CaiTliigoa. L LaaallneA Sim Furniture. K 3)4 Lobcoul Baslle Blacksmith. L 3)4 Mason U.W g. S. F 2)4 McKee James Flsli. 8 Neshlit Kdwaiil Physician. L 8)4 NIeluilsA Dent H. s N Icliols J ohu Hotel. Penuegiiol c. F H'wore A Gro. L SideisJohn Gro. L 3)4 Stuart Jiinies A Hotel. 3>4 ToddAmbroso Tavern. L 8)» \Vest«way J Blacksmith. L SANDY BAY, Rimoutki Co., Que. (See Notre Dame de VAetomption.) SAREPTA, Huron Co., Ont. Key »plds Henry Tavern 8hu»k J. H G. S, jhuak Meiai SARNIA, Lambton Co.. Ont. Ale\anderA Hotel. Bally It. A Banker A Broker. Baker l"ix>dorlck W Tavern. Ban- David Watches. Banie James B g 8 Ban-on John S Photographer. Bassott Kdwanl, Agent. . Cabfiietmkr. B|";',','!">•,'' 'Ji": Woolens. Clark W. B ti. s. ClaikW. D ..Gro. Caytim Hotel. Clements Johu J. A Co Drugs. Collier A Peterson oils, Ac. Cook John Shoes. Copeland Jus Baker. Coryell Klljali 11 Clothing. (See PctroUa.) C'reigh ton Thomaa Lumber, .^ Cordwood, Ac. DalKicl Androw-^H Insurance. Dandy Johu Gro., Ac. Davis Jehu Uotlnerv. I>ell F.J Oro. A I.lii. liowJ- C Agent. Duncan R. A D.O. A Millinery. DiiuiIhh TliomiM l.lverv. Elliott Mrs, J. F MllllnerV. Klliwm Joseph IloUd. KlUson '! Iiomaa Builder. Kvuiis Kdgni- Anotloueer. l-.VHiis A Wood... Agents Ag'l Implts. i-yviTii .t (jornian Pilutuis. Fan- Wm Wagons. Fleming Michael Broker, Ac. Foster Charles Carpenter. Foulds Jas Baker. . K H . II 3 3 D 2 H 3 li .3)4 G •■f!*) K. 3'4 L SH G L ^ K L I, 8)^ G 8 II 3 F •-i.Hi F 2!4 F •i)i I, F •■il*i F L D H-Si 1!4 li 1. L 3'.ji V ■i^ L 3!, F ■■iH, 11 3)4 II 3 H 3 11 3 3)4 H 3 H 8 a 3 K 3<4 O 2)1 SAB ONT-A.RIO A^lSrr) QUEBEC. SEA Fowler Thoa Bntohsr. K Fruer AnioD PhyilclMi. L Geary T. J Druipi. OlbwiiT. V oro. L Olle* Jntin llutolinr. Oleeaon Tlmothr Oro. A LIq, B OlynnB UuimnilMi. L Oordoii A CImmlwrlalu.. Oil Holtuera. II Omy Duvlil A Son Hhoes. F Gray Muxwull VVaffciiiD. I. Ouelph Luubor Co Lninbitr. (Seo Parry Bouiiil.) UniUn J oro. I, OuBtIn U. J luatttiiraat. I< Mall BroB Tanuors, Ac. F Ilarkuou Robert Livery. Kloklubotlian aoo..AKt <& Furniture. K IIlKbwardenH SecomUiand store. L Hill ACo uro. A Llll. It Mosklnn J. H Planing Mill. 1. Uagtuion J, O. A Co Lumber, Ao. (8wi Albany, N. Y.) Ireland, Cliaumaii A Co fiullilom. F Johnaon T. (1 Pbya'n A DroKH. K JobQBton John BlackHmlth. K Jobnaton Wm Oni. Keojra W. J FwilK. A Oom'n. Kelly Jamea Oro., I'rov., Ac. L Kenny D. A J MUlluorr. O KennyT. * 11 Oro. F KliM A Vldell Clgara. L Klnx Jaa Miller A CoopnrHgo. F Lambert Ja« Tailor. K I^usan John Mhooa. K Lnati J. F Oro. I, Laiindy T. ACo Marble. L Lawrence Tkomaa Barber. K Leya Alex D. o. cj Leya Oeo. A Co Tallora. F Jxickhnrt Jamea Lline. K LowrloJoa B'amlth A Wagona. (» LucwiOeo., tr Saddler. 1. Lu8r«mbe wm. Butcher. H Mnlionoy Jobu Stovea, Ac. U McCiillVv. a Broker. K MeCurt Uaiilol uro. H MeClellau VVullttCO W Tavoni. MoCraoJulin () Stationery, Ac. U McDonald Duncan Oro. L McElhcrau Hotel. L McGlbbon Flnlay Lumber, Ac. D MoKenilo A. C Waahlng Machlnea. L McKenzle Choa. A Co. .liardware, Ao. D McKmizie Daulei O. H. K HoKunzlo K. A U Cablnetnikra. F McLauan Chft». A OrlatUlll. McLean Archibald Phyalclan. K McLean (feo. H Uruga. K McMoater David Booka A Jewelry. HcMullen U. C Agent, Com'n, A«. h MoVlcar A McAdnra i'ubllahera. (Hue Canadian Printing Co.) MerrtttO. II Agent Oil. MorrlaC. J Flour AFeol. U Morriaon John Tailor. L Neal Henry O Watchca. Nell Wm. ACo Hhoea. F Northweat Tranaiwrtatlou Co O'Oormnn M Boatbullder. Oliver Holiert H Builder. H Ovington J Oro., Ao. L Parker F. T Oro. Patton Oeorge Wo Wowla J Dentist I. 8M WoodaS. S Agent Ag'l Implts. L Woraley Joseph Carpenter. L ',\}^ Yard Ilenry Painter. L 3){ SAUQCEN P. 0., Bruo* Co., Oni. (/See Houthampton.) 8AULT AU RECOLLET, Hoohtlac* Co., Qua. Chalut Arthur Oro, L Cliapleau Oeorgn (I. H. K 3 CorbolUe J Blacksmith. L CorbelUe PaiU Blacksmltli. If 3 CyplhotF Tavern. It 2;^ OuboisJos BUuiksmlUi. Iv 3 LiOeuneHae Narclsao UoUil. 3 Leonard Luke Tavern. 71 H Marcotte Jonohim Tavern. II 3 MoNevln Daniel MlUa. Paquotte CyrlUfl O. s. F 3>« Pepin J Oro. K 8»4 Riviere Joaeph I Hotel. TeaalerMolau Baker. L SH 8AUUT AUX M0UT0N8, Chlooutlmi Co., TetuN. A Co Lumber, Ao. (See Kacoumolna.) SAULT STE. MARIE, Algoma DitlricI, Ont. Ableson William Rhoea. L Blggluga lOilwnrd Publisher. L 3}i Bradley Nathait Oro. A Prov. L Brown Wm Blacksmith. L 3>4 Cameron Mra Hotel. K 3)3 Camp Robert Saw Mill. L Sii Cook John Phrelulan. L FerrlaJ. O IJutcher. L Ferria W. F BuU:lier. L Henderaon J Orlst Mill, KectchWm O. H. (See Newmarket.) KellyJohn Physician. L 3'A La Liberie P. C Oro. L Lond ry 1.0 ron 7,0 Oro. Luscombe W. O O.K. MoDougall John Tanner. L PaiT Thimiaa Tavern. L Plm Harrj- Tina. L Plummer A Mark* O. S. A Wbarflngera. B 2 Ralph W.B Saddler. L Hmllh A Benedick Milk, Ac. L aia Turner John Shoea. L Turner Wm o. H. J/ Vaughan William Tailor. K SH VIvlauT.O Oro. A Shoea. K 3>a WattR Butcher. L WatteraF. C O. 8. Wlbion K. F Shlngwauk Instltnto. Q 2>i SAVAGE MILLS P. O., Shefford Co., Qua. Savage Broa Saw Mill. H 3 TaniUu II Mill. L SAWYERVILLE, Compton Co., Qh*. Calms A Drake O. 8. O 8 Coombs Peter Carriages. L 3H DrewC. W Furniture. L 8» OeddcaJ.O O. 8. H 3 JoucaA.B 0.8. K 3!4 Pope Luke Hotel. L RIchanbion Blacksmith. L Sawyer Wm Mills. F 2)4 SCARBORO, York Co., Ont. Brlttnn Henry Shoea. L Chester Oeorge O. S. O 2)4 Koaeliusli Wm o. 8. L l))s Taylor Archibald Blfickamlth. L 8)4 SCHOMBERQ, York Co., On<. AdaraaT. B Tailor. L Armltago EU Undertaker A Cablnetware. L 3)4 Atklnaon Jaoob Pnmpa. 1, BreretonW. H Phyalclan. H 3 Bond J. R., Jr Drugs. Ac. U 3 Brown Bros Woolens. (Seo Keenanavllle.) Brown laaaoN Woolena. L 3)4 Campbell J. H O. 8. L Clarke O. J Watohmkr. A Jeweler. K 3 Crawford Andrew Taller. L .3)4 DavlaChaa Tanner. K 3)4 llnniiin L.evl ;...;.. = .^, .,.. Ml!l«r K 8*4 i!.aatwood Altrecl iiroga. K 8)4 Fanning Barney Shoea. L Foucar J. P Tina. K 3)4 Oray JameaF O. S. A P. M. L 8)4 Hope John Hameaa. L Honrlgan Daniel Shoea. L 3ii Hughes O. L Ina. Agent. L llughi'Hj. S Oro. A ir ware. II 3 Hughes Jamea. ..Veterinary surgeon. L Isaacs Henry ilotul. K 8)4 Kavauagh Matthew BrlckUyer. L 3)4 Kiiena Patrick Hotel. L Kitchen Wm BUcksmlth. L 8)4 Kline W. H Pointer. L 3>J Lea'herlaud Samuel Cablnetware. L 8)4 I«iinard Sydney O. 8. O 2)« Mcdarrety Fraucli Tailor. L 8)4 MlllnJesse BooUAShoea. K 8)4 Morrison Vrank Pi1nl«r. L Murray Robert Blacksmith. L 3)4 O'Reilly .lohn Temperanoo Hotel. L Potter William O. 8. Hanisiiy Francis D o, 8. O 3)4 Ilolierbion Thomas Wagona. L Sli Roblnsim Ilenry Dentist. K 8)4 Sharp John BUwksmtth. I. ShilsuM Robert Cooper. L SklnnerOeorge Oro. H 3 TuKgrn-t Anderson S«tdler. H 3 TeuchChas Saw Mill. O M Walton Wm.M Baker. L Wood J. W O. 8. K 3)4 SCONE, Bruoe Co., Ont. Beamuin Thomas MlUa. F 3)4 Couch Jamea O. S. MoOaw Joseph (>. 8. Pinch John Wagona. L SCOTCH RIVER MILLS, QIangsry Co., Ont. Urqnhart Alex Mill. K 8)4 SCOTIA P. O., Muakok* Dittriot, Ont. MoOUl II Orlst MIU. SCOTLAND, Brant Co., Ont Bonghnor Patrick shoes. L 3)4 Kddv J. A a. 8. K 3)4 Fonist Wm Hotel. L Fo.hUt Wm Cablnetware. L 3)4 UUIeaple Robert Tanner. L 3)4 Haireinan James Blacksmith. L Hall George Tavern. L 3)4 HiH)kor Albert Canlages. L HnnterSamuel Blacksmith. H 3 Malcolm Andrew Harness. L Malcolm Oen Carpenter. L Malcolm Horace F Foundry A Orlst Mill. H ^ Malcolm Hugh Shoes. L Malcolm John R Pliys'n A O. 8. II 3 Malcolm Marcus A Son. .Wool Cnr QUEBEC. SHA !h1 > [I BroadfootA Box Furnltarb II Broadtoot John H Baah Counter M.B Watobca, 4 Thomson Walter A Bru. Oatmeal Mill. (See Walter Thompson, Uitchell. ) TrottSamuel Cooper. K 3H Van Egmond Auguate Carder. O 2!^ Vercoe H. L PlivslcUin. H 3 WaUh James Canienter. L Ward John Saddler A Livery. K 3!4 Watson W. N Agent. L 3'i WelrJames Tavern. L 3>5 Whltesldes Thos Oro., Ac. I, 3!4 Whitney Mrs. F. A TUls. 11 3 Williams James Painter. L 3H Williamson (Iraham Oro. A Baker. U 3!4 Keutch Conrad Shoes. L 314 QuehlJohn Weaver. L 3>5 WUker Peter Blacksmith. L 3)4 SEBASTOPOL, Renfrevn Co., Oni. (See Vambu gh.) SEBRIGHT, Ontario Co., Ont. Herring Edward U G. S. A P.O. H Tallman Lumber A Shingles. H Taylor Percy o. 8. SEBRINOVILLE, Perth Co., Ont. AshM. H Blacksmith, Ac. K Bennett Isaac Horses. L BoosMichnol, sr G.:rdeuer. K Davis J. A W Butchers. L Dickert John Saddler. L Esch Michael Wagons. K Escbee Frud Stonemason. K Ooettler Antliouy, Estate of. . Mill, Ac. F OrundbergerS Shoes. L Henry Robert Ins. Agent. F Hill Bros MUls. H Iloch Bernhardt Blacksmith. L HochGeo Blacksmith. K Hoffman Geo Saddler. H Jacob Michael Sashes A Doors. II Jolms J. A J B'smlths A Wagons. L Kastner ACo Tannery. E Kaatner John, sr Lumber. E Kastner John W Tavern. H Kastner A LItt Saw Mill. D Kastner M Hotel. L Kastner Peter Brewery. Kreh Nicholas Tailor. L Kruspe Wm Cabinetware, Ac. H Lawreson A Yarmouth Drugs. 11 Matbia Jacob L Boot« A Shoos. L Meuniug F. L Vinegar, Ac. H Merkeus L Hosiery. L Patton James Weaver. L Pearson John Saw MUL O Rau John Oro. A Canienter. H Rohftelch Theobald.. Tavern A Ctttle. O Scarth A Bro O. 8. O Schmidt Ernest Tins, Ac. H Sclimidt Geo Physician. L Schmidt W. L. C a.8. O Schweitzer Michael Horses. L Seebach Bros U'ware A Gro. K SeebachC. E Hotel. H Shaver August Pointer. L BuehrlngOtto Stono Mason. K Thompsuo X'.'Uutor. L Werner Miss Dresamkr. L YauchC Oro. O Yeo Miss Dressmkr. L ZiemanJotm TaUor. L SEELEV'S BAY, Lm4 McKeuzieC HoteL K ;))• Miller W. H o. 8. K 3)4 Qulgley Francis Shoes. L Uokiuson Geo Gro. A Shoes. K 3)4 \1 8HAKSPEARE, Parth Co.. Ont. Battran liurnab, s O Blacksmith. K 3)4 Bell WiUlam. . . Dr ver A Flour Mill. E 2 OttlrnciWB K. A u. 8. O 2)4 Colrucross James Carpenter A Builder. Callln Jeremiah A Shoes. L Clappeiton A Thompson B'smlths. K 3)4 Douoltlsou James Caruenter. H 3 Eilei Juliu liiiaiiiith. H ,3 Fisher A. M Saw MIU. G 2)4 Flyon John Tavern. FlyunS HoteL L OeltzFranclo Shoea. il 3 jimnjuij SHA oNT^^Rio a.:nt> qxjebec. SHU HlllX. h Tailor, h 3J4 Holwell Thomak Tailor. H » liehinann Charles Tavern. H 3 KlatthnwHuii Mamuel. .Blaokamltli, Ac. .L MliichltKimiKe WoRoua. 11 3 .Mm. D «. H. L O'Kourke Patrluk Cattle Uoolur. K 3H Uo(M) Wni Shoes. K 3)ii llutherfimlJ U. H. 1, Hmall Will O. H. L TratihBel Uavlil Flax Mill, 4o. K Sii Trow Thitmaa Couveyaucer. H 3 Wlghtuian Kobert Physician. H :i WlJllamsThiw Shoes. I.. Vi SHAMROCK, Renfrew Co., OnL - OonnanSlmon Tavcin. K 3 PHANLEV P. 0., Grtnvitl* Co., Ont. Anderson Q O. 8. LowdenJ Oro. A Hay. I, 3)4 SHANNONVILLE, Htttins* Co., Ont Appleby I.. A MUler. K %{, Appleby N. 8 Orlst Mill. KaiTiilge VVni Oro. L ChlshoTin IXiiiald B Hotel. K SH Clark Chester IS Shoes. K SJg Creeper TliOB Shoes, h DeiiilU Daniel M H'ware A Tins. U 3 Doiiiuii James Hotel. L IXiieenJohn BakerAHotel. K S)4 EarlWni. A Blacksmith. L 3>a FuUerton Kobert A O. 8. h 3>5 Ouusolas Widow luu. K 3)5 HoUlen Hiram G. S. V 2)i Williams Peter Hai-ness. K 3^4 Vounfc L But Cher A Tavern. L SHANTY BAY, Simooe Co., Ont. Crawford George 0. S. L Noble David Tavern. L 8HARS0TT LAKE, Frontanaa Co., Onl. DoranWin ^ Barnes Samuel Barber. L Barr A Norton PhyeicUuis. (See Homing's Mills.) Beatty J. M Oro. L BellA. iftU Blacksmiths. L 3)4 Berwick* Co G.8. F 2)4 Besley Kobert Shoes. L Uoiighman Clias Carpenter. L 3)4 Bowes E. F O. a Bryan James Hotel. Calbeck Wm Ag'l Imulu. H 3 Caiiiei-on James PubUsher. L Campbell FnxL A Gro. MorrisbJohn SawUilL I. SHERBROOKE TOWN, Shorbrooko Co., Quo. AokleyRobvt , Millwright. L ^ Adams C.H Blaoksmlth. L ArtliurJ.ACo Oro. L 354 A uthler Isidore Oro. L 3)4 Beaureganl C Shoes. O 3 Beckett C. O. A Co. . . Mntrs.- Matches. F 9i Beckett Henry R Bi^liderA Brlokmkr. O 3 Beckett W. W Whol. A Ret. G. S. F 254 Bergeron Francois Gro. L Birs Eusebe Baker. BUls T. T D. a. Blanchard H. T Photographer. L 854 Blue Walter clotting. L .S)* Boucher E Tins. L 3)4 BouleJns Blacksmith. K 3 Bcwen A Woodward Contractors. BrwlfordBros Printers. Q 184 Bradley B. B Undertaker. Broaeur A Shoes. L 354 Brown D. W.ACo Bark. Bninelle L Sboea. L Buck F. P HoteL G 3 Camirand Frederick Hotel. L 3*4 Camirand H Hotel. G 8 Canada Paper Co (See HontreaL) CarUsleM. 1, O. 8. L CsaeaaC Painter. L cate Oscar U ...Oro. L 3)4 Chamberlain Wright Hotel. E SI Champigny Mrs. C. D Gro., Ao. Cmlerre P 'I'iiu, Ac L CormlerZ. P HatsAFnrs.H 8 DaleFred O. 8. L 3)4 Dougherty John HoteL DowIinL.W Dentist. H 3 Draper M. A. A E O. 8. K 3 DabocBros ..Oro. DuffABurton Oro. L ^ OnpontS Tailor. L Supny Lonls Jeweler. L Busseanlt A Co Clothing, Ao. L Edwards John O. 8. B 3 Farnbam Miss H. C Milliner. L Farwell, McFarhine A Co..Orl8t .Vlll. B % FisettoE Saloon. L 3)4 FlaetteJos Gunsmith. K 3)4 Fletcher C. H WhoL Brewer, Baker A Conteo. O Vi FortlerH Tobacco. L 3)4 FossS. J Broker. G 3 Fraser JohnD G. 8. OendroD J. H WhoL Grain, Ac. a 2)4 Gendron OctaTe D. G. OUbertASon Physician. O ^ Gordon Clark Contractor. H 3 Gordon, WoodwardACo.. Contractors. D 2 Uossellu Napoleon Blacksmith. I, Grlndrod A. L. A Co Woolen Mill. B 2)4 OuayL.H 0.8. L 3)a HamUtonA.Q Carriages. K S HarknessJ Livery. K 3 Henderson P. O O. 6. L 3)4 HopkinsonW. C Oro. L 3)J Hosking N O. S. Ibbotteon Wm. E Drugs. 3)4 Jenoks Sylvester B Machinist. K ,3)4 KathanJ. H Marble. L 3)4 Kerr Kobert Gro. L KllgourJas Baker. H 254 lADiganC. AD Oro. L 3)4 LaulnanO. A A O. 8. L 355 Le MarquisE. A. E Ssuldler, 3)4 L'EspenuiceE. O H'wareAOro. K 3)4 '.omasA. ASon Woolen Factory. B 2)4 LongE , Painter. H 3 LongWm Sash A Planing Mills. E 2)4 Low A Wilson BuUders. H 8 LuckeA Mitchell Crockery A H'ware. Q 3*4 Mann D O. 8. Martin George R Tavern. L McBainJ. R Drugs. U 3 McDougalK^uarlesL HoteL U 3 MoKeoUnie Mal>.olm O. 8. H 3H MoManamyD Shoes. F 354 Mobt/sH TaUoress. L 3)4 Moodr, Bros...... File^otks. ^ ^^ Moiency W. M ... i !.. I !..!.„. ! T.'. orsi L 8§ MorkeU ^t. D. A Bon WhoL A Ret. G. 8. D Vii Marray B Auotlonier. L Murray Wm Qro. U SHE ONTA-RIO ^ISTD QUEBEC. SMI iv'h ii; Ifl m m*n #«' ffi^l" Si i? I i; ' '«, " 5.1' .44. 4' - 1 it Myers H Hotel. L 3)4 Noel AUBUsUn Uotel. K S^'S OdellibCo G. S. I, OclellH. A Jeweler. Oliver Bros 1). O. L 3!4 Om-lei P Oro. K 8 Parker It. C Saloon. K 3>4 Patoii .T. B Sfwlnp Mcrfshlne Ageut. L Paton Woolen MonufacturliiK Co n 1 PellcUer rirmin O. S. L 3Ja Preeby PhotOKraiiher. K 3 BenDiei& Song Shoes, r, St-AublnJ.C O.S. K 3 St. Ijiurent, Dupont & Co Tine, h 3Hj Sax Michael O.S. H 3)4 Shea -John Confec. SUcrhrook A Dnr.»well LI mo Co 3 Shcrbrooke Water Power Co E li Skinner c Jeweler. L Smith Rlkins Manufacturing Co Tracy Jaa Tailor. H 3 TackT. J BooksAMeds. F 2\i, TwoseSamuel Cablnctmkr. h SJu Union Typhoflfraphlquo dee Canton do L'Est (* 3 Waterhouse J. C. . . Sewing M. Agent, I, WetherellO. T Hotrf. L Wilson II. C Musical lusts. H 3 Winter A Saddler. H liHj SHERIDAN, Peel Co., Ont. Kelly W. II o. 8. a 2)4 LongGeo Oro. iS Shoes. L 3S Long John A Wagons. L OugctrcdStoiihen.., Blacksmith. L 3',4 8HERKST0NE, Wetland Co., Ont. Vanderburg John A Shoes. L ZavltzU. B U.S. L 3!.j SHERRINGTON, Napierviila Co., Quo. Coolahan Patrick Tavern. K 3 FaubertMolse O.S. L 3)4 Fontaine Johoyh Carriages. H 3 Uadua Jules Baker. L OagneP Uro.A llaU'l. U 3 GlrardluA Hotel. K Bobert HcjTUond ay, O.S. U Xi SHETLAND P. 0., Lambton Co., Ont. (SeeEuphemia.) SHIQAWAKE, Bonaventure Co., Que. McDonald Isaac Blacksmith. L 3Mi Travera Benj Blacksmith. L Vouug Andrew S O.S. L SHIPLEY, Perth Co., Onl. Brlstow Edward Saw Mill. U 3 SHIPMAN'S MILLS, Haitingt Co., Ont. Chlsholm Wra. F. . .Qrlst A Saw Mills. II 3;6 McLaren John Tavern. L While John Cheese Factory. K 3!ii Uallulio Kdenue Oio, L 3<.j Dallnlre Hllalre 0.8. L 3)4 Falardcau 1) Gro.,iSc. K 3 Flnuegan Matthew Blacksmith. K 3V, Blagul^-e Anilrew Oro, L Mclnenly James Luiuhcr. H 3 Potvln Isidore 0.8. K 3)4 SILLERY HILL, Quebec Co., Que. Dallalre Augustlu O.S. K 3 SILVER CREEK, Halton Co., Ont. Britton Rlihard Stoueii Clark J ames Tavern, L SILVER HILL, Norfolk Co., Onl. KcmpChas Hotel. L 3)4 Me Burucy James Haw Mill *. Oro. V 'i\man George Hotel, Black J., Jr Hotel, Bond Joseph Hotel, Bray .i LambR. G Tailor. I, Layng Henry Oi«. L Lewis Robert Blacksmith. K 3)3 Locke Richard Builder. K LockhaitS Grlsi Mill L SYj Maasle J Drugs. May Alexander Baker* Oro. L McCall'im J. 8 I'hyslelau. K 3 McDon.-ldOoo Blacksmith. K 3)<) McGlU\TayJ.,Jr O. s. H «.j Miller Blacksmith. L MlskellyA Boyd Tins. L 3)i MoorhouBO Jos Gro. h. 3 Morrison Thomas TinsmllU. 35g H 3 i) a 1, h 3 11 ;( II 3 li ;i u a LaUcT Martin U.S. F 2!i Lvnnbnrner liouben Watches. .l)j McMurchie Duncan Physician, n 3 Murgatrovd U. * M Mill & G. 8. F 2)^ RoberU Curtis Blacksmith. L Itobeits M. I Ashery. H 3)s Rughl Andrew Cablnetware. I, Beavers Knoch G Prod. L Tanner John Harness. H 3 Teeter A Baker. II 3 Thompson Robert Postmaster, &c. O 2)4 Walker Bros Wagons. L Walker Thomas Cooper. L SMYRLEVILLE, Dundai Co., Ont. Keating Geo rA'-^- (See Keraptvllle.) Kenny J CatTlage.s. L 3)4 Kerr "Samuel 0.8. L ReldWm SawMlll. K 3 Shaw James* Co SawMlll. K 3 SniyrloJolin Blacksmith. H 3 VauallanJohn Shoes. II 3 SNEDDEN'S MILLS, Lanark Co., Ont. (See makney P. O.J SOIXANTE, Iberville Co., Que. (flee Versailles.) 80LINA, Durham Co., Ont (See Hampton.) SOMBRA, Lambton Co., Ont. IJaxtOT Isaac Oro., *c. L Buruham M. L Cablnetware. L Burv Henry Grist Mill. H 3 Cattanach P.,jr.,&Co G. S. U 3 Cody Patrick Shoes. L 3*4 Cullen Peter Tavern. L 3}a Dawson James Lumber. K 2 Hart Samuel Blacksmith. H 3 Myers A.A Wood. K Xi Roberts J SawMlll. H 3 Smith Andrew Wood. H 3 Smith & Fulsom D. G. * Gro. H 3 Stanley M Oro. * Wood. G 2)4 Stover* Buruham Fwdg. II 3 White Jeremiah Lumber Agent. G 2)4 Whitely Samuel (jro. * Hotel, xl 3 SOMERSET, Mogantio Co., Que. Beaudetto J. C Speculator. Belauger Wllfieil u s. liertraud X Mills. U 3 lletU^/.J Physician. G 2)4 BolsvertP. t) Cabluotware. L Brunelle A. K G. H. L 3)4 Chevrellls R C. P Physician. L Comder Napoleon Chas U. 8. H 2'4 FortlerN Blacksmith. IC 3'.^ Fouquet Fi'aneois Tanner. L 3)4 Oalarneau E Shoes. L Shj Garneau F. X Tinsmith. Oreliiir F. X. B G. S. K 3'.j HudimJ.O Butcher. L 3'2 KellvThimias SawMlll. K 3 Baker&G.S. K 3 LalDiupiignlodelaFonderlB G 2V4 MartlmsauJes Saddler. L 3'a NadeauW SawMlll. H 3 Palnchaud * Frere Factory, (t 3 Paijnet Magloire Cablnetware. K 3 Parudls A Carriages. I, Parent o Blacksmith. L Pellelhir P. R G. S. It 3 Prince J oseph Hcdol. L RichaidC tiro. K 3 Rossean & Cunuleer 8aw Mill. H 3 Hoy A. A G. 8. Thlbaudeau I,. K G. 8. L 3'u Valice Antidne Saw Mill. L Vlgneau PieiTB Tailor. K 3 Well Aaron G. 8. F 2)4 SONVA, Ontario Co. Ont. lUiiek Alexander G. S. II .3)4 Deunlson U. 11 Hotel. L Melionuld Alex BlsekauiUh, ^, Parish Charles GilstMiil. G 2)4 Stii Boivin Jos Baker. O 3)4 BonlnL Shoos&Oro. L 3J5 Boudreau Jos^. Blacksmith. L Bourdelals Eugene Saddler. L Bourdelais Louis Saddler. L Bourque F. B. E Hotel. K 3)4 Bourret David , Gro. K Bramley K Cool. SH Bramley G. H. . Steamboat Agent, *c. Bruucau A . . . . Crockery & F'cy Oomls. K 3 Bnsslere Jos Butcher * Prov. L SJ4 Buteau Louis Tanner. L Cartier Sophhi D Gro. L Cantara Pierre T Contractor * Gro. H 3 ChagnonEli Oro. K 354 Chagmm * Frere Gro., *c. K 3 Chapcdelalne Andre Carriages. H 3 CharbouneauA Gro. L 3)4 Charlaud Ilermanlgllde Gro. K 8)4 Chretien Miss Milliner. K 3*4 Clement Chas Butcher * Uro. Courchene Edouord Tins. K 8)4 Coumoyor J. B G. 8. K 8 Courtemanohe Oysters. L DellsleMlss Milliner. L 3)4 Desroslers Ouezlme Blacksmith. L 3Va DroletteH Carriages. F 2)4 Duckett B. J. * Co D. G. DuplescisM. T Hate. L _ FInlay David Tailor. G 2)4 Fish James Tobacco * Saloon. K 3)4 Foitier Boliert Saddler. L 3)4 Francoeur A Gro. L 3)4 Frechette J. E Shipbuilder. L Oarceau Mrs Tinsmith. L GeliuasChas L Germain John D. G. 3)4 GorrlB A Barber. L Grenler David Gro. L Grenler G Gro., *o. L 3)4 Ouinard Felix Gro. & Butcher. K 3 OulvermondD.,Jr Gro. L 3)4 UuiveniKmd D., sr Trader. Q 2)4 Guiveinmud J. B Hotel. L 3)4 Gulvermoud Simon Wood. H 3 Oundlack A. F Restaurant. L Hardy U Stationer. HebcitM Hotel. K 3 Heroux E Drugs * Phys'n. K 3)4 Hunter J. H G. 8. L 3)4 Jobin li D. O. Johnston J. E Physician. K 3 Labelle CyriUe Gro., H'wiu-o, *c. F 3)4 I.abele * Frere Gro.* Prov. II 3 Lamere Uulliaumo Gro. K Langevln Mdme Crockery. L IjuigliiisT Shoes. L SH Lajiulnte Felix Taveni. H 3 Lalraverse Joseph Butcher. L Latravorse Paul. Butcher. K 3 LeelairJ.B Tavern. K 3 Lecomte Mrs Oro., *c. L Leduc Leon Tanner. O 3 Lefebvre Jos Foundry. L Lemolne K Saloon. K 3 l.emolueMdme Milliner. K 3)4 Levi Harris D. O. * Auctioneer. Lunan Wm. * Son Gro. * Bakers. F Lussler Eusebe SlUp Carpenter. U Lussier Misses MlUluers. L 3)4 McArdloA Gro. L MeCartliy D. * J. A CcShlubnllders. C Menard Goo Watchmkr. L Mongeon Cyiille D. O. H MorencyJos Gro. K 3)4 Morgan Edward Gro. K 3 Morgan Jas U.S. F 3! MulllnJohn Gra. F 2] G'Heir Edward Auctioneer, Ac. L Paiadis* Bio Uro. H I'aradis C. O D. G. L I'atenaiido N. F Foundry. H Pa«letN.,.|r G. 8. L PerreanltC. A llat«. L Pleho Hubert Hotel. PlereeC Milliner. L I'loull'e F Shoes, h Pontbrillliint G. A Mneldnlat. G Poilelaiue Mrs. Augustln.. Machinist. H Rii|(itte N anisse (ii 0, Biehard AUIdo Cablnetware. K 2)4 St. Cyr Mrs Ore. L St. Jacques Joseph Shoes. L St. Jacques Louis Shoes. K 3)4 HaxUinJohu Wood, Coal, *c. O 3)4 H.eliecal L. A . . ,Co!ltl"ftOtor; (See PlcrrcvUlo.) Seneenl I.iu'tanoo H'waro * Gro. O Shephnid James. . . .Bricks * BawMlll. Sincemies MeNauglit«)n Fwdg. Co .... Sylvostio Isale Cl-ockory A Drugs. H Terilaull Pascal Carpenter, TubUiTUos SUoei. L 1)4 3 3 3)4 |4 K 3 a SXi nr Hnl 'KM- sotr ON-TJ^RIO ^ISTD QUEBEC. SPU ',1- i \ Trempe J. E Pnxl. T, Trempeli. T oro. K Shi ValUanoourH oro. I, 3)a VanasseJ Hotel. K ;i " VlgneaaJ. B Lumber. L H'a VlUnalre Catilmere Carriages. K n WoolyWnr. Baker A Contec. 11 :J WriKlitJ. H stoiv. Wurtele A Bi-aulac Wooi\. F 2^ SOUTHAMPTON, Bruce Co.) AniniaA. A P Carpeiitern. II 3 BoDtlion Thos Fish. II 3 UuclUey Riulianl Hotel. L .H)4 Bual>y Widow Tavoi-ii. I, 3)^ BuBbyWiu Livery. L ByergJohn Smliller. H 3 Caaoailen David C'oiirn. 11 3 Davis T.E Cablnetmkr. K ,S>« Denny Joliu Miller A H. S. E 2 Eby J. E Canllng Mill. ;iy, FruodThomas Dru^s, .i Hefferuan Patrick Taveni. K ;ftn Hunt Isaac Flour*Feed. K a}Z IJndsay Andrew U.S. (I 2'* Llvlnfrstime W. F Hotel. L MoAulcy Donald Flali. L a\i MoAuley Malcolm Fish. L 3^ McDonald J. A Tailor. L ,li.1 McGreKin- Peter Sboe«, <$c. O 2S McKenzie Malcolm Flsb. H S UoLennan Flnluy uro., 4 SOUTH DURHAM, Drummond Co., Que. AuthlerL. U o. 8. H 3 Cote EuKeue li. a, i, Cliunh L'lmrlos Wood, Ac. E 2'.i UlonneAiDutur u. H. K 3;a OuuterHiHi Hotel. L It'i Kelly James Tanner. 1, 3'.j Prelontaine F ii s F •i'.j Railh • John Tanner A Shoes. I, IiunklliiBei;) I'iiyslelau. K Gimdwln Mrs. 8....D. G. A Millinery. K liracc. .hihn — si,^ih."", I. Gii»ii J- D Hardware. JI llawas Samuel.... Agent Fruit Trees. L Henry Mrs. KebeCca SUoes. K HeiTU'k Samuel Hotel. L HiMg Thou Unrdware. L Juoksou David Uutel. h 3)4 3!a 3)4 3)4 3'a 3)4 3)4 3'4 «'» 3!? 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 SPE OlSTTA-RIO A-N^D QUEBEC. STE =n: Lamliort James Hotel. L Lambert James, Jr Livery. L S)i Murr W. & J lilaekHmitlis. L 3\u Me Arthur Thomas Butcher. L McUouald Kichard Blacksmith. L SH Mcintosh Wm Broker. U 2>4 MlUsJ. B I'hyslclau. K Xu Oliver Alex Siloes. L 3>a Patience Daniel Baker. L Porter Mrs. J oseiih Gii). L 3!i Bemy K. 11 Watches. L Koblnsun U Hhoes. L Roche W. K CU'lst Mill * O. H. BampeyK. D Tins, *c. L 3H Bamiiey Thomas AgentOrKaus. U 3 Bcott Uoljeit,Jr Orain. L SlslerJ (iro. L .3'ii Bojier J Cahlnetwaro. H 3 Summers Wm Drover. U iVJ Weir Alex Oialn. K 3)4 WllUston D. D Conveyancer. Wilson John B.. Haw !i Wiltons Uro. K SJi WUtsey M Hai icss. L Yoder Joshua Cablnotwaro. K 3H SPRINQFIELD, Peel Co., Ont. (See Credit.) SPRINGFORD, Oxford Co., Ont. Anstlce Fred Cheese. H 3 BowlbyJoslah Tanner. IC 3>!i Hundursuu Henry U. M. <> lila Hicks Dennis Oro. H 3 JcHvey Wins Bricks. U 3 McAulcy itobert Shoes. L McMloken Thos Blacksmith. K 3 Oatman Wurron Shoes. H 3 IllceJam(v< Tavern. U 3 Scrlvou Samuel Tailor. L 3!4 Spencer Adam Mills. G 'iiu Wilcox Ambrose L CI. B. H 3Hj Wilson David Blacksmith. L 3.'. O.) SPRINGTOWN, Renfrow Co., Ont. Ualllday F Lumber. L 8PRINGVALE, Haldimand Co., Ont. Kenner John Blacksmith. L 3>4 WanlcU J acob Wagons. L 3>3 Etty Wm Hotel. L JouesA.C Shoes. L 3»i McFaulKdward O. S. L 3)9 MoTttVisliA Physician. H 3 WebbK. U., Jr Orfst Mill. H 3 STAMFORD, Welltnd Co., Ont. Bowrn Charles Hotel & llakery. L ColUus (ItHUge Illacksmitli. K 3H Cornell Phujbe Auu Oro. Deunts Adam ShticH, L Henry William DlHtillBr. L Muhoni'y Daniel Hotel. H 3 McDuuHhlHimiuel Oro. & B. * s. L 3's Pev; l,ewls W Om. L 3''j lledhedChus Wagons. 1, 8TANBRIDQE, MJMiiquoi Co., Quo. AmloinonO. It '11n». H 3 Baker J. C Bauker& Kxchaiige Broker. D Vi Beranl J. H shoes. L Uriggs J. U. j: en u. rt. L Chandler IS Haw Mill. H 3 ConiellK Uilst Mill. F a!4 Dunn John <& Bra Tanners. L KarleJos. H Hotel. K 3'4 Uarvey Mn. O. M Tuvmu. L Jones J. M Shoes* Oro. I, 3H Lake W.J Agent. L LanthlerA Millinery & D. a. L 3^4 Pierce F H'ware&Oro. P '2>5 Uobeit Charles Shoes. L ScagelE.J Oro. K 3 SymsJas Blacksmith. L 3!4 Welsh AUaU Tanners. STANBRIDGE STATION, Mitiitquoi Co., Que. Uonnean Isale Shoes. L Demers J Hotel. K 3H Hauver Philip HoteL H 3 Uuugei-fora U. H Carriages. O 3 Latteur H Hotel. L LaguoNoel Hotel. H 3 I^udiy Isale (». S. L 3)4 Mitchell U.E Physician. L 3)4 Selby Uonj Prod. H 3 Senesivc Bros Hardwai*. 3)4 Senesac J : O. S. Taylor C. P Prod. L STANFOLD, ArihabMka Co., Que. Allard J. B Bark. L BarrilJoseph O.B. K 3 Belanger Octavo Shoes. L BelUi/.J Shoes. K 3!4 lli-lsset Joseph Foundry. H 3 BrumielleB Blacksmith. L 3)4 Carron A Tailor. L Collin L. J.&Frero O. S. L Dalgle liOUlH Shoes. L DouovauT. J. A Sou Tauncry. 3 Oermaiu S Blacksmith. L Oravoi L Physician. K 3)4 Ouay F. X oro. L Ouay Simon Tanner. L OuUmette D Prov. K 3)4 UustonJames O.8. F 3 MarcouxJ. D Builder. H 3 Martlueau Joseph O. S. L Morel Octave Tins. L Moriu F Shoes. L Orleoui Victor Peddler. L .S)4 I'acaud C. A Flour. L PivcaudJ. O Flour. D 2 Pellerlii F. X Carrmgemkr. L Peulu Francois Blacks"iith. L 3)4 Pepin Mrs. L Milliner. L 3)4 slmard Arthur Tins. L Thlbaudeau Alphonse t». S. L 3)4 STANHOPE, SUnitoad Co., Que. (•See Jloutularu Line.) STANLEY'S MILLS, Peel Co., Ont. AUlstonJohu Shoes. K 3)4 Annstiong Wm Carriages. L 3's lilackbiirn Uobert Blacksmith. L 3)4 Large J ames Hotel. L 3)4 Mlddletou James Orlat Mill. K 3)a Thurstfui James Grist Mill. L Ward Geo U. S. U 3 STANSTEAD, Slanttead Co., Que. (Nee al«o Jiock Jelaml.) BallcyJ Shoes. G 2)4 Blssimnet •& MuUiu D. o. L 3'4 Burns S. C Marbl,). K 3)(i Chanuei H. A Flour. IC 3 Clark G.W* Co Carding Mill. H 3 ComstockChas Mill. II 3 CowlesC. W Physician. K 3 Daley John B. dt Co U.S. H 3 FiiiHlA. B Baker. K 3 Hall A. C Tinsmith. L Hunter H.8 Saddler. L 3)4 Irish C.F Uvery. L Lunctj 314 PapliuMiuJ. H CarrlHgemki. L 3Nj I'apluoan Louis Ulac.ksndth. L 3'ii St. l'len■l^J Carriages, Ac. IC 3 Snow s. W Saddler. L 3'4 Stearns L. A. 4 Co Flour, Horses, Ao. 3'4 Btudderl J Hotel. L WymanT. W Watchuikr. E 2 STANTON, SImooe Co., Ont. BoattyWm Hotel. II 3 Cauthers Andrew Blaoksiuiih. L 8)i UeiuluD. W UriitMill. HaH Wm Carpenter. I, Love Jolin A <>. 8. (i Similes John Builder. L WUsonW. H Woolens. (See Mnlmur.) 8TARNE8B0R0' P. O., Huntingrdon Co., Que. CassidyJamos O.B. K 3)4 Constant Joseph Hotel. L Demerse Jacques Baker. L 3)4 Ooyette Carriages. L 3)4 Larleheller Joseph Blacksmith. L IlobertMolso Oro. & Tavern. K 3)4 Bouth J.,1r Saw Mill. Bupernault Noel Shoes. L Tiierrieu Pierre Q. S. & Tavern. K 3 STARRATT, Muskoka Diitrlot, Ont. OoodlJlF. H... Starritt A ootUyi I i&vrttt ..a. a. K ...O.B. L 8)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3 3)4 8)4 3 3)1 8TAYNER, Simooe Co., Ont. Adams J. M StovesATins. F 2)4 Adamsou H Honey. IC 3)4 Allen Henry Grain. K 3)4 Beattle John A Wagons. Beeshey Jared Blacksmith. L Bell A Perkins Blacksmiths. L Blair Malcom Photographer. L Brett Thomas Cooper. L Briggs W. A J Woolens. K Bnie Donald Harness. L Camerim A Hotel. H Cameron llobcrt Hotel. L Cockburu Joliu Blacksmith. L Colemau Mrs Tavern. K Cotenmu A Perdue Drugs, Ac. L Collwell JalKW, Tailor. L Connoy Andrew Marble. K Cruickshauk W. J... Oro. A Crockery. L Davitt John , Cablnetware. Develin Samuel L Ag'l Implts. H Doau J Agent. L Elliott Joseph Snooa. L Ernes Miss Millinery. L Faulkfiur Charles Shoes. L Flrstbiooko A Bon Saw Mill. (Sob Toronto.) Galloway Wm Agent Ag" I mplts. IC 3)4 George T.H Lli|Uors. L 3)4 Ooldiug Thomas Hardware. H 3)4 (irayJohu Tailor. L 3)4 HarxluM. A Liquors. 3)4 Henderson Hugh Gloves A Shoes. L 8)4 Henry William Uamess. H H ill Andrew Tailor. Jakoway A. A Sou Tinsmiths. H Johnston t harles Oro. L ICeuuiv A Bulo Tannery. L Lahilaw, Nicol A Co G. 8. Lake U Ins. Agent, Ac. L Long Bros. A Oortlan O.B. A OrlstMlll. (See Long Bros., Collliigwooil.) MathorsJohu Wag QUEBEC. STR ■■'if ?; ;; Wi • ' ■*-, ' T" . '-^ ' ,„ ^ STELLA, Addington Co., Oni. (Amherst Mitnd.) UenilerHim Gen lUiioksinltli. I, 3!n». Ij Hiitcboon U. A lliitnl. 1, JohnHonJiilm AsIhtv. L 3'(i KroiriK. W OiiUn, .«o. 1, TiimiJamos II LnnibiT, ito. L W'aa JjAWHun llroo... Lumber, SlilnRlea. t^o. K a Maaou Bios Tavern. 1, Nlxou Kilwonl !:>iMliller. K Xi Stflwnrt .1. M iiro. To8t llciiry Itnilder. I, YounKWiii .sliooH. L I STEWARTVILLE, Renfraw Co., Ont. Y (Hee JIatmer Island. ) Vj S"' nLINQ, Hatting! Co., Ont. Barlow Joaae Tanner, Jie. II 3I Berry \Vm. 11 Barber. J. Black John a Ins. Aiceut. 1, BoUlrUkJna O. S. & Tailor. II 3 Bonller 14.11 I'liys'n * DriiRs. (1 a^ Brydon Andrew BakertViciro. II 3 Butler Sasliea* l)0(n». K ;!'.i Duller Joliu Ins. Affent. K 3'v Chant Albert clieew'. t. CulllnaJolin Bloekanillh. 1, 3'.^ Uonleyjohn SuwInK MatlilncH. I, 3*.j Uonley Newton Ulackanilth. 1, Conley Newton, ar Uro. I. 3'ii Oonley I'hlliii IIuruiwH. K :i^: Cralir ChaHia >t Bro U.S. (t y'.j Uemlll<& Allen 81ioei<. I, 3>!i UcnioroatB. U. U I'liyakliui. (.1 '.".j Uowna Thomas K Tavern. I, Faulkner & Younkcr I iriiKs .fe I'liya'ns. P 2"* FldlerB. 1> u. H. II 3^j Finch Klohanl Hlioea. 1, OUueii Mi-a. K I), tl. * Millinery. 1, Olnlwmid Win WaKona. 11 3 Clomlmuriiliy W Uvery & MtaK«». H il Uraliain John Konndry. (I H'n Hart Anthony OrlstMlil. II 3 Uuugli JohnV.WaKoiunkr.ift B'amlth. K 3'% Jouea Uobert Hlacksmlth. K 3^j LaKroo OeoiKO (Iro. * Baker. I, Llnn.lohn Blaekamilli. i. 3« Buah....Wa)( Mq. K 3'a Bine Kreil'k Carjienter, i«e. II 3 Bmlth James Ak'1 Imiilta. 1, Hmlih \V. W Watolu'a. I, Uprajjui) JameaS PhysuJau. I, 3'<; Ttitnfr^!- H '▼ itnt.. cct". i. VanUervoort Wm. E Waanna * B'andth. K 3^ Warren Ilenrr Tins. 1, 3!* Wbeeler A MoTaggart Wagoua ,& B'amllUa, U 3 Whito David (5.8. I, Willlama Ira : U. H. H 3 WllaonJohn Confeo. II 3 Wright Urlal Tiuiner. II 3>i 8TIRT0N, Wellington Co., Ont. Drown L Tanner. H 3 DIebelJohn Shoos. I. 350 Itiuubly John (». S. & P. O. U 3 Uendiy Cliaa..U. »., Flax i« Saw MUla. (See Coueatoga.) Jotliam Kr4 Champtigue 1. On». L Chevalier 11 U.S. II 3 Deschamp Joseph llhickanilth. I. lies Jatilius Henry U.S. U 2"^ Desjarillns Israel Hanlwaro. U aju liuloltA. U Wagons. I, Fleming James Cabluetware. h lluilawchaa Blackaiulth. I, 3'ii Malloux Joseph Butcliei'. K 3!u M union Bros U.S. K 3'a MiU'HlmllJ Agl Iniplla. I, 3'.j MeKwan M Ag'l Implls. I. iMeUiiire MImon Carpenter. H 3 Mcuitmlul I.eoii ir. I, 3!(i IMrquetteU Ujiruess. L 3,'a Hibardlo Chas Daker. I, HobertJ Wrtgo'la. I. 3'ti sarieth P Shoes. 1, 3'.^ SouvleJohn Blackamltli. I, Swensmi Mrs. U Tavern. K 3'ii WalHli W Cord wood. I, sTOKNOWAV, Complon Co., Qua. (iSce Winslow.) 8T0RRINQT0N, Frontenao Co., OnL Young WUIlam saw MIU. L STOTTVILLE, St. Jolini Co., Que. Borland B. W O. 8. K 3 Salt Daniel a.8. h 3)4 I / 8T0UFFVILLE, York Co., Ont, ~ Aden John Watches, h SH Bray S. V O. S. I, Brown W. U Carruwoa. L 3Hi I)urkholderSamuolAJ..C'abluetnikra. U 2\u DaUey James sbona. L 3*4 Iialley ,t Shaw shoes. O a>4 Uavies Philip C'ublnotwaro. I. 3*5 Uongall Thomas J Photographer. K 3)5 Dougherty A Sllvoater Hardware. At: it 256 Fent4m Samuel U. S. I. Fox Mrs. I) u. H. L Fn'ol Sylvester Phyalelan. tJ 2!a Ulbney & Hon Foundry. L 3)4 urahumd Tlus, Ac. I, llarlney W. P Bait, Lime, Ac. 1, 3*6 llopklnsJ U.S. K 3,^4 Hunter W. It U.S. L JermanJohn Blaekainlth. K 3'4 Knillll Tuvoni. H 3 I .ewls - Wngniis. 8!4 MeCallumUeorgo Tailor. L Ult Mcl'aithv 1) U. H. I, McMurehy Daniel Tanner. L Miller Klljah U Tavern. Mtms Misses Mlllluery. h Miindlo Wm Marble. L U'Hrlen Daniel Blacksmith. L 3!^ Parks Bros Planing Mill. 3;} Peunock Henry Ur»)., Ac. L I'rico J Drover. L Kae James J U. s. o 2)4 Unyincr Jacob FloufMill. K 3)4 Uowaii 11 Druga. K 3)u Sauni'ers W. II u. «. A Tallortiig. U 2)ii Ballanlyno Thomas Cheese. V 2)4 Itaruer Henry T Uro. A Shoes. II 3 llai nhariit John Barber. L Itaitoii David Broker. F 2)4 Barliui Thomas U...H'waro A Btuvus. a Hit JJi-'atlio A. A t'o Uro. (See St. Mary's.) Bcattlo Samuel Boots A Shotw. L Berry Joseph Uuckatoi^. h Blcklo Jacob Butcher. L BlrcU Plilllii Tiuaiultb. h STB ONT-A.RIO A-ND QUEBEC. STB r Bolfter W. H oro. o Bnswurth N. A Dniits A Stat'y. 1£ liniwn JdIiu Agent A Rniker. u ButlwH. T I'llnter. !■ Uyduld Julin KnlUInK l''iict<>ry & Uewlug Miu^hliir*. L Bynira Miss S. M MUUiiur. K Calu Thiiiiio* Uro. L Campbull A Alimlutiii... Oabinetvraru. K Ciiruy M. C. ift C'u (iro. II *;»rtwilKlit O Dflntiat. H CMieliil) Tailor. I> Chew J Bnrber. h Chiiwen U > Uot«l. K Clark A (.'iirroll tiro. Ij OhIiI Jnlin Pork A Llq. II Cnllliia Kilwnnl Biiteliur. K Colliua W. O Tanni'i-. L (iilti'rH. H BnlWor. K 'Joiiii J. U CBttlo Doalur. h Conpur Joliii Krluka. H Corcnran JniuM Wliul, dm. A Haw Mill. I) Coninll Plilnoai Hutul. H CdiiihUW. I' Ina. AKKiit. L Coiilit Joliii Hpeoulutor. K Oiiultiir Mattliow JeWBler. L Oimltuii Abel Tlua A Nluvea. L Ciiiirl lllclmril Bukor A (,'iint«u. L Cowan w. a Ina. AKi'Ut. L Cowan W. W Ag'l liii|>IU. It Crlaulu Wni Palutvr. L Daly P. F. AOO OH. L DaiiuT Wiu Hliooa. (HeeTiirouto.) DnvlaU Oro., Ac. K Dawsiv I> Oro. L DoiiaMmin II Tailor. K DiiiiKhiHi Tbos. J Tina, Ac. L Dciwjanioa Ak'I IniplU. F Craiinr Tlioa, W Blackaiultli. K DiiKou A Myora WiHiUma. (Hue 8t. Mary'a.) DnKKan John Blavktiuiltli. L Duncan 11 Illdua, Ao. K Diiulittni Tlioa Uro. L Dunn l(. P Cari1nK«a. K Dunn Jani«a Hotel. K DnixMiiw Cliaa Ulackanilth. L Dinnt Polar, Jr Oaiper. I< Dutton Jolin DruK*. IX Uasauu WlUlBiu (Mw Mill, Haali Factory, Ao. F Fur«u«on W. J D. O. A Oro. K Flliiy Abraliuni Coutractor. L FlUlKMiry Joaepli ItoUil. K Fl.vnn Frank Baker. I. i'lynn Jaiuua Naraery Afri'nt. L ForbuH J. A K f.lvory. F Fonniiu Oeorge II. K AKrnt, Ao. F FiiiTi'nt Mlaa DrcHHUikr. L Fioai'r 1). II Phyalclan. I. Frawir 1). M PbyMlclau. 11 Fittmir John R Tailor. L Franer A TurubnU..BewlnKMacliluM. U Fra?.«r J. M Fancy D. O., Ac. G Fi I'cniantle J. F Uuuaniltli, Ac. L (milaby A Hharnian Marble, vi OatiiliouHAjolm W Uro. A Pitiv. L 4 Lupton W . . Drover. O 'iHi .Mackav A. U Uonta' Furn'i?. Maboney Mrs. Mary TcinperHuio HouHe. Ij 3>a Maltlnuil O. F Pliotogriipher. 1, Maralittll W. It Piwl., Ao. Mai Hbttll Walter Pital., Ac. Martin Wni Butcher. L ;\hj Mathmon Alex Booka A Puli'r. F '.^^.i MatthewD lintel. K JlHj McBetli BenJ Carpenter. II 3 MoCauley John Bulchcr. L 8)4 Mccracken Frank Potaali. (See Kt. Mary'a.) McDonald Donald H Builder. 2H McDonald, McPlieraonACo. Foundry. F 21{| McFarlanu AMcItuo ContrucMia, U 2 McFeo 11 Boanling llouHo. L Mclntoah A Hodglna llottd. II 3 MclntyreJohn Flour A Feed. L H^i Mc I jirtv A Wright llutchera. L aja MoLauuhllnC. H Flour A Feed. L McNalrA.ACo D. (J. It 3 McPlioraon A. J HataAHboea. K S)i McPheinou 1). U Oro. K Htu M cTuggait Pliyalclan. L McTaviah D. U BlacKHnilth. L 3<>i Menier John Hotel. K H^ MlilerThoa :...Ina. Agent, Ac. U 2^ Milne John F Hliuea. L Moderweli C. II DruKS. i, Moutelth Jolin Sliooa. Mowat Wui. A Hon Baukera, Ac. B 2 Murpliy Kiclianl Oro. I, Myera llobert Um. O 2H Naaraytb J. U. A Co Dniga. II 3 Neeiihani W Cooiier. L Necilbam Mra. W : Uio. L Nel Oaulel 1>. (*, L 3>i Niirawonhy J Oro. L O'llrieu BruH Bakery. II 3 O'Connell Mlna Dreaanikr. L OdbertJ. J Tina. O 2H O'Donnell Mra, Mary Fancy O., Ac. K 3)3 Ultou Ueorgo Painter. L Orr Tlioa Com factor A Builder. II Oabomo A Wrefor4 Itiuiklii Jmepb (;(iuleo. II 3 lleuiiJoliu Contractor. H 3)4 Itlce John Harueaa. L BichmouilJ.L Hmker. II 3 lliebe A, F Wfttidiea. Ac. It 3 HIgga laaao D Haw Mill. L KobbJauioa Printer. K. S.Mi KobeitHW. II Watcliea. L 3»(i Koliorta Wm. Ilrlcka. L 3)4 Uubertaon A Dawe Cimfec. A Mnila Water. II SWj Robertann Ullbert Biaekaniltb. L 3!iuaa Pianoa. L Tn)W Jamea Conveyancer. C Ti.nierJ.O „ llllliaiiU. K U behicker A Larkwortby . . . Bntcliera. u VanatoueJ Wagnua. L VentonWm. h. Saildler. K Walker Harwood K.J Wagona A B'ninith. L Lapulu Jaiuoa O. B. A TAveini. II 3 McKay Donald BbtckamiUi. K 314 8TRATHBURN, Middieiax Co., On(. Couithard O. J. A J. B Mlilera. L ForgUBuu Robert Bla<:kamlth. L 3!i Mclue llugli 0.8. A Tavern. Bt^imtr Jacob Shoea. L 3)4 8TRATHR0Y, Middlnex Co., Oni. Alexander Jamea HoteL L Allhoune Ailretl E Btavea. L AuUi Adam Orii. A Pniv. L i Aulii Mrn. Ii. W Milliner. O : llaliey Thomaa, Agent Klackamlth. I, Biiuglinrt,lame8 hixU Water. K I Bangliart John Hutei. L { Barber Mra Finn. I> BanieaJauiea Pumpa. K I lUnioHjohu Livery. K BaHkerville J. A J. W....Cabluelware. L ; Hell J aniea Polaab. L Bell Itichorrt Tailor. K Bentlev A Kent Oiii. A Ki iilt. K Bettrldge Win Phyalclon. O BiillugUiu Oeorge Pbyaiclan. L lliaiiop Joaepb Hotel. K BiHliiip Wm Livery, K Blxel M Brewer, F Biilen iKaac Barlmr. K Boley Juiuea Builder. K Itonil Jolin Baker. K Bradley Mra. M Fancy Oooda. L Bui'ton K. A Tina, Ac. Cuiueruu A Sou 8hiie«. O Campiiell A. U Hotel. Campbell I). A Btlcke. a '-'arnitliera .v Oro^Ac. K Cawraechaa Urain A Piiid. Ciialloiiiiv I' Pholujfrapber. L CliaimensJBIuea Tina, Ac. U Cievenlon I, CbeeaeA Prod. Ciniiccr Ch;i3 iJaitfai. H Coutta Broa MarbU). L Cox Jamea Btitclier. U Craig F.J Fouudry. Criapln Tbomaa Tina, Ac. O QauualngaWm Ukruea*. L 8TR ONTARIO A.NT> QTJEBEO. SUT ' , ! i ii •' _;■ M CiirrieD Oro. L Dowan Jnmes D Oro. Dickcnsou Hlcbard Book*, -ko. Q 3 Diem Albert Pottery. K 3W DlfTKliiBj.U Jeweler. 1, Dlnginau A... Printer, Ac. H 3 DlpriiseK Gro., Ac. K SVj DumbrlU 11. A Co Uttrdwure. H 3)4 D.v»aW. J Dmm. EngllHb J. A J. H SawMiU, Ac. K 2 EwerW.H Booka A Crookery. U 3 FawoettWm. F Sash A Door „ , Factory. E 2 FergnsouU MtlUnery. Fllmore Wm Tavern. L 3^ FItipatrick Thomas Blacksmith, L Foe Amos Punips. L Francis Geo. M C'onleo. H 3 Fullarton James Printer. K 3!4 Oowlwin Abraham Gro. A Ldi|. H 3 Gontan George MusU.. L Gott Wm Cablnetware, Ac. L Graham D. A Co Flbur A Peert. Grant Bros .D. O. H 3 Urlst Charles Hardware. H 3 ?H 3H 3)4 3)s 3 2)4 Uanlcy J. H EggsA Prod. F _, Harrison Fred. L Cablnetware. H 3 Hartj Buckamith. li Heard John A Co Patterns, Cement, Ac. F Hoare Wnlt«r Physician. H HodKklnsou Wm Tins. L HosklusF. G Livery. L Huwo HBDiUton Fumltare. K 3)4 Hnn)i)bries 8. A Bon Wagons. K '" Irvine Thomas Liquors. Irwln John Ins. Agent, Ac. H IvorH. A. A Co Gro. O Ivor.'uhn oro. L Johnston's Bank Alex. Johnston, Prop'r. C 1 Ketchum H. E Kake A Handle Factory A Jeweler. G 2)4 KlttrodgeA. H Capitalist. (,' 1 KupiR'lburKer H. fl Oro. L LawloiJ. 15 Carriaices. K 3)4 Lee William oro. L 3)2 Lyon A McClellan Planing MIU. L 3»4 Maorault A Parker o. 8. F aja HalUand Edwin Auctioneer, Ac. L HaUon Wm Blacksmith. K 3)4 Mann George A BootsA Shoes. L 3)4 Manning Charles Gro. L sjo Mansfield Geo. A Co Grain. E 2 Manson Junes Broker, Ac. D 1)4 MoBride John Wagons. L McBride Wm GristMlll. H 3 MoGarvoy John Wagons. L MoKeowu George Gro., Ac. L McLarenAiex DeuUst K 3'4 McMillan J Gro., Ac. L McNeil David Sewing Machines. L MoPhersou John Bricks. L McekF. W Drugs. K 3)4 Meeklnson A. A Sou Gro. F 2)a Mills Mrs Gro., Ac. L 3)4 MilnerBdward Pumps. K 3 Mitchell John Cooper. L Moore Isaac Tavern. F 3)4 Morrison Peter Tailor. L Murray W. H D. (». F 2)4 Napper Charles o. 8. L Nicholson Henry R. E. Agent, Ac. H 3 Niculsou Uobeit Lumbrr. F 2\., Ac. L a'n MoMuUin A Shingles. L 3)4 McDermottJas Pbys'n A Drugs. H 3 McPhaddou M Tins. L 3)4 McPhaddenNeU o. 8. L 3>o Molr J. G 0.8. L Moore Wm Fiimiture,Ac. K SH Oliver wuilam Carriages. Patleraou Wm Wagons. L Peer A Ferbeller Grist MUL Porritt A Richardson Gro.. Ac. O 3 QuigsL. B Baker. L BayJohnC Physician. F 2)4 Reynolds John H Livery. L 3)4 Richardson John C Veterinary c. » 1. , . Surgeon. H 8 St. John James, Jr saw Mill. H 3 Shannon Mre. A. V Conleo. L BlmonJohu G. 8. L 3)4 Stonehouae Jas.. ..Agent Ag'l Implts. L 3)4 SwltzerLuke Shoes, L 3H Tucker Thoa Hotel. L Willhima Miss MUUnery. L SUNNIDALE, Simcoe Co., OnL Jackman Blacksmith. L an O.S. L Pretty Hozeklah SUNSHINE, Huron Co., Onl. Crittenden R o. 8. A P. M. L Rogcrson Isaac Steam Saw MUl. H 8 SUSPENSION BRIDGE, Wetland Co., Ont. (Ute Clifton. I SUTHERLAND'S CORNERS, Lamblon Co., Onl. •Fonuau Wm Shoes. L 3)4 Gage J. A Shoes. L 3)4 Mi^wanJa8.W Gro. A Shoes. K 8)2 MSNell M Hotel. I, - ner John BuUder. H $ UTTON, Brome Co., Que. •fiorlghtO. H O.S. H Boright Sherman N o. s. O Curley Wm Hotel. H Cutter F. A.,Jr Drugs. K Cutter F. A., sr Physician. H DoroyA Cote Foundry. L DyorG. C. A Co G. 8. E Dyer O. E Farmers' Implts. H Flannery James Carriages. L Goodhue A. A W Wagons. K GriggsACo Steam SawMlU. K Hamilton R. F Physician. L Hawley Marvin G Millinery. K HolmesN. W Hotel. L Hiiard Peter Photo. A Gro. L JordonO. W Machinist. L KempE (}. s. G Ijctlour James Blacksmith. K Logiu) DomUilqne Oro. AShoes. K Mi^Ncll Jas Blacksmith. L Miller Blacksmith. L MUls tt UristMUl. H PageF. H Furniture. L Parsons K Cheese. L I'olrierLeo Blacksmith. L Sweets G. S. W/K)d & Bodoln Tins, » 8 3 3 3 8 iattJohn Watches. K WlK)( Wfca , I SUTTON, York Co , Onl. ^^ (See alto aeorg(na.j Armatrong Robert Shoomkr. L Ash J. T Jeweler. L BaUey James Wagons. H Barnird W. A Co .G. s. Q Bateman Goo. A G. 8. Bell James Baker. L Blanchard Alex Cablnetware, Ac. K Brooks C PaUiter. L Brooks Wm., Jr Shoes. L Cailleux Cyrillo Cooper. L Cole Warren Tinsmith. H Colllcott Thos Blackamith. L Foster Charles Butcher. L Orifflthtj Blackamith. L KnifKtuni Jtjhii flhocs. L Hawklna Bros Snddlera. K HoranP Hotel, K Kemp GeoBge Butcher. K Miller I«vl Speculator. E McCardell Jaa o. 8. O McDonald A Vroomau Stoves A Hotel. 3)4 3)4 :t)« a 2)t an SWE OlSTT^RIO j^lSrr) QUEBEC. TEE Nloliol nobert Tailor. L 3^u NobloC.T Physician. F 1»4 Paget A MoulDgton Saw Mill. O . SH KaeJohnM ? Photograpbei. K 8Hi BamsA' W. n. ■ Saw Mill, *c. G 2>5 Bager A Tavern. 1. Bheara iiroa. AVo O. S. (Bee Dowler Bros., Bradford.) Sheppani JoHenb Hotel. L Hheppaiil W. E Harness. L SpoonerH.B Physician. L 3ii BievenionJ. R...uralu, Prod.dkO.B. B 2 Thompson John Grist MUl. !• Townley W. D Fancy Oooils, 4 WUUamsAlex O. 8. K 346 SWEABORQ, Oxford Co., On<. Cody J. A O.8. K 3 Flood H»n-ey G. B. O 2)$ MoLeUanD.AM Blacksmiths.!. 3)i 8WErr»BURQH, Mitsisquoi Co., Que. Batohelder U. T Hotel. L 3;^ BorightC. B Gr<). K SHi BorlglJtChaa. H O. 8. K 3 Bowki'i IJr. E. C Magic Lotion. L Bowker L. D Harness. I, Bray W Shoes. L Uulman Jas. D Watches, h Desroclies Doslthe Tanner. K 3 DesrocbesM Blacksmith. L GalerMis. O. .N Milliner. L Go, M« Mi'l.i'Hii .1. K , (1. M. II » Mliltiml \V II. H. U ;i Mllllim ili'o WiKotiK. !• NIml Jkukmi o. H. K .IHi NIvmiii Hliiina. I, aw oilv<>r Jiilin (In). 1, ;!>« rin J»lH« (Mulillm'. I, :i>« UmiH'iNinl liMi«o Mlllowm'r. I, SwltV ItKlMMI riiK. I< HKyimmr .« Hlw.l DiilliliMn. I, Mlmniiivn I'Iioiiim riirnltiiiv. I. iShHw lUvlil Mvoiv. !• Mllllck tMwii tiii>. !■ H>o tktn\y H niAeicmi«i', i) 'Jig Ht<>|ilioiiiiTli«niiM...HiiiMU>i'>« l.lvorv. K iPj TImokixr AmUixMfl lllaokKiiiith •« Wkkiiiiii. I. :)<« Tlmckor Jolin Witmiim. 1 . Thiiiiiiimin \Vm. U (NxmiT. 1. Tlmrwll It, N ; ririim, .««', I. 3>t WBkofliMil uiM>rm' .. ItiitoluirA oni. I. W«lilii H»mm>l H, M. II 3 WlilU' >« KiMiiiBily SiiwhiKMiiPliliHW. K S^ WUmin Aliiiilmai Mlim-o ,t stul'y. I. ,'t'u TCETERVILLE, Norfblk Co., Onl. Ilnniiplt Aloxiuiilur llnrniMw. I, '.\\ Oitx Jiwoi))) Tuvwn. It ;t IloMiiii Wni Ilikkcr. I. KItt'lifMi Annin ('ihiium-. I, Mmmi'l DlMHl Poiiiiiliv. I. Mi'l'HlKl.M ori). I, !l>t Mcdinnrll Will lliilivl, K aSi MH'llllKllOll will NIllHW. 1. Mi'Kiilitlil .iRimw Maw Mill. K 'J MIUv. MliwSHwMi Mllltlicry. 1, I'lilliinl A. K Tiilliii-. I. lVi« i-m John Iliillilpr. Ii IIU'kTIhw lllnvkmiilMi. IC .1'« KiililiiMiii W ((. M. i« l>. M . u a\ Hrlmiilii'lilo >t Hnu 0»liltiKt»Hii>. Ij a'o Si'iillJ.T TliK. ,«ii. I, NiHiltMliw Mlllliipiy. I, ;iVj Htiiiw NU'lioliu WftKiiiiit. I, KlMnnivv jolin W I'tiyKtilnii. t. T«>«iHT llnw t). H. A (irfiit Mill. K a*^ Wliwlw i: llHU'l. K li'd TELFER, MIddlMtx Co., Onl. TeltprJiiIin U.8.Ar.M. K !l>t TEMPERANCEVILLE, York Co., On<. JoliiiMtiiii IiavUI n.N. K ;1S) iKiiiiltoiitalp Win Witffoiiii. I. ^'i Uutilumiii John niiick«iiilth. L 3^ TEMPLETON, Ottaw* Co., ^uo. . Brmvii J Tavurn. L Uw Kilwnnl I). «. a 3 (iiu'ruiil J. II II. H. I. l.«wl»T. I) 11. s. Mi'Iiilyro A.. Xlortv I, McljimliiA MlAcklMiru 8aw Mill. 1) 3 ThouiiMHiti Wm 11. 8. (8iii. L TENNYSON, Unirk Co., Onl. 1>«tUii ThumiM llUckiuiilth. L TERREBONNE, Torrabonn* Co., Quo. AlUnl AirrtsI llluckmulth. K S Ilt>lHOK»r l.<>iuulro I'lU'iiiun'ii. K 3't llcriiHiiUii J. II li. w. HrliTO t'liiia Illackaiiiith. K :t'g llixwxanl lltMiil Tins. 11 :i I'hiiiili'Hii U Him. I, ;ii« riiamUi A Mill. U ;i DutiualH Thrtnloro Tiuiupr. 1, IH'iiovor I'nwiHT »iifta« « llakur. K 3Si iUiKiitiy v^ I.MI120U TiuuiiM-n. II ;{ llovu'aii CallxtA) Hotel. K IX Ju«lM». K •J', juiciin vhos u. ;■•. i, IUt«U«LutlU U. S. TESTON, York Co., Ont BateaThoniu Shoo*. L Laud JoMDli, Eatato ot O. t<. « Wacou*. S ,,^ MrKohmn lliiKh niillilnr. I. McMulllii Mliiawi llrpaainkr*. I, 'I'aifKan Will Tavorii. I, \\ alKir Hiiiiiiii.| Cariioiilpr. I, Wnlkor Thoiiiiia Htoiiu Mitmiii. I, Wllaiiii (loiiruD II. H. u 'J>4 TEVIOTOALE, Walllnnton Co., Onl. llarhor (ii>o irHiiilth ,» Waitiiiia. Carthow — I'hVKkihin. I, lioliiiaKO Jaooli Tavorii. K ;l>4 Mlllir M. H t). H. II ;i Ninth MhiihipI .. I'iiiiiiik. II M PliuiHiiMi WaitoiK. 1. !1>6 Wntt.t. llnm ilrtatAMaw Muia. J| ;i THAMESFORD, Oxford Co., Onl. llalii Jiiliii dm. 1. lilrkhiiitJ. I. IMiya'ii A DruK". I. llllH'k A. W. ,« Uwi (1. M., .nu, lliMOk John (.ni. 1^ IliMwii J. II Klax Mill. (Hi'o llvat'hvlllo.i Cnwthiiiiio JiiHii|ih Mill, (» 'i^ (•ow|ii'i- Miitlhow lowiMiT. Ii l)«,v I'ri'il llliiiikHiiillh. I, Il'ii Hull llitiMiil Haw Mill, I, :<>{ KiMiiiiMly lliiith... irHiiilUiA VVHitiiim. (I 'i>u Ki'iiiiiily Jniiioa llotol. U 11 KoyH Mri». .laiiioa 'I^avrni. I, Mallii'noil I'olor Hotol, I, .T* Mi'iiiiiy N. I' (1, M. K a Mot'arlv 'riioiuan Ilakor >t (Ihi, 1, :i<« riitlmoiv JuK TaiiiiKr. I. ;l>o NliopiMinl A..S Hailillov. U !))« Nljvwan Jiiliii Mliora. " ' yj THAME8VILLE, Ktnl Co., Onl, Ailiilr UiilHMt Hhooa. K IliiUor Homy HIai'kaiiilth. K H^ t liliiniaii II. L I'l haul' >K tifo. I, !i)\i t'mfl Wm WaKiiim. I. 11,'wiw .loliii iim., Ao. I, llraA'loii ('ooiHM', I, liiilTlH Uoliorl Mlavoa.t Naw Mill, II » lllllll'llll J., Jr IllHIlM iV HhlHW. K 3\ KiltlhiKton Ii I'aliitor. I. Koiitiiaou J. * U Naw Mill. II I Kox f Oio. .4 I. Ill I, itiaham Jonatliiui I'ai'iioiitor. I, (IravoH Jaiiiort tiro. I. '.\^ llariiior Jom«|ih (I. rt. K ;)iy lloaKAllimlW Driiiia. I. !I(J lloiiuh (loinito Ilulol. Ii lliihlioll 10, M Tina, .«o. L llviioa .laiiiim Tailor. I, Koniioy >« CiiiuilUKhiun Mill,t«o. I, UlWU'lll'O l''UHl ilni. II S MailiU'ii J. w Cahliioliukr. L Mavhow AliUn Hotol. II » MivjIiowK.J H. M. H ;i Mi'i'at'laiin 1) h. s. b' • , MllliiJ. II Ilarlior. I, .Mliiiimioh Wllllaiii Waxoha. I' Mowaltdl Ui'u...irniultli« >tt WiiKiiiia. K a>i iMiivvJ I.lvmv. I, ;i\, I'oliwkt JiMi'ph C'aliliiotiiikr. It ,1 I'linii'l iNolaim W »aihlloi-. I. ;\\ Uliihn-M. II ui-o. L 3)» (Ml. II HllMI tl. ». Ii .ShiiiTii ili'orito . .WittchKa A H'waru, I. A'i swiahi'i llli'liai-il I) I'hvnhlaii, I, Nvoi' I'liiMiiaii .M (lialii. It ;| Iwli' liiiK On). >li I'liiifuv. II .1 Tyo I iKvi I'liyalulaii. II H I'los. A liniKa. K a'a Walln Wllllaiu Iliiiol. II ah, WilRht UavUI Maihllor. L THEDFORO P. O., Umblon Co., Onl. (.Sft Hiid/iT Sliitlon.) THISTLETON, York Co., Onl. (Or si. Anilrnt't.l nniirko William Hotel. I, SSi lliinika Jorviuliili Ulat'kHiiillh. K :i>ii I'avoK. r Cai'iH'iitor. h 3hi iiivoJohii .Simon. I, .'■Uvliw JoBno UluokamUli. I, A^ I'lillllim Wanior HatiioHH. I. :t>]i HouiUnH> JiMi'iili Minor. I) a KftiiKKtil .Vlox Wa«illl». I, Havaip. now I'hynlilaii. t» «*« Hlowait liavlil ..(♦.«. K IHo Walt Duvlil lllaikmiillh. 1, !I>d THOMASBURQH, HutinK* Co., Onl. iMiiloy lloiijaiiilu SadiUor. J, t'liilH'tt Ali'X Shooa. 1, 3*4 CorlH'tt Mra. Margttrul MlUluery. h KlUuttE U.S. K 3H Kiiibury ueurf(« uro. L UUtvy Wm a. a. U S . Omhaiii John ti, h, t, IIH ()i'aliamThi>»....iraiultha llonry lloivj (l. K A Aahiry. it M llolliort Nathniitol Illaokaiiittli. K I Jitohronl Jimu|ili Hotol. f > H MliiiiHi. I, TliiiiiiMliiirKli ClioKM Kaotory 11 3H THOMPSON'* CORNERS, Wonlworlh Co., Onl. Amtoraoii Charlo* «, H. I, su Itiibvrt 'r»v«ru. II 11*4 lliihliiaon 1 THOMPtONVILLE, aiaioo* Co., Onl. ('i»i|iorTnniiiR« (l.M. It 3 Mllla .\'. II Illaokanilll', I, it<4 Nolils Aiiilrnw..HHah A Uiiur Kaolury. K il)u Noliiiilotoiiilorf John T.. .. M, It ,1 Thai'kolhiiiy John Haw Mill, K a,>* Traill Wni Maw Mill. K a>4 WallUoo Juhu Hliiiea. I, 7 THOHNBURV, Qroy Co., Onl. (lift alto ClarKuhurg.) AnilmwaT. it J. N..lli'lal Mill ,t (l. H. K AniiltaKii tUH)rito...Howliitf MaohlnoN. 1. Ilatoa J NowliiK Maohiiion. Ac. L ly llliikoll, (?ro\va>* ^u HhliiKloa. Iloyil Ihtvlil Ilaiiiiiaa, 11 Itonry I'iiiii|ia. a** „ 314 l'. 3*4 rofrtiiDiMirgo Watohos. U KaivwollJ I>llllll^hor. I, .n>^ roi'Kiiaiiii llohni't J Tavoi II. |< aiu l<'oiiror Thiiiiiaa It CaiHllnuMllla. I, hA Kraanr A Mer, Talliir. L (lUaou >» (.<» 8 (irlor Anitraw Iiia. AkiiiiI, Ac. It llaiiilllon KilwanlT (farrliigoa. t. Ilaiiillliiii J. II IllackHnilth. K l.aiiilion(ioo Drain. II lAwroiioo J anion lliiU«l)or, L l.omy I'olor t'raiioli Hotol. ti I.OIIK A Hill O. H. (HOO ColllllKWIHHl,) l.yiio K MhiMW. L Miwton Joaonli liinithw. I, McKoiiiioy A Itiii'Uiun liniKa. It 8 Mc K liiliiy W Tmvoi'II. I. Miaiio I,. M i'hyalclitii. L l'hllll|w J. II (iro, I, riilwoll llimry. li'ar'ilth A Macliliilat. I, Uuthurlonl Jaiiim Mlimia. I, :i>4 Htoiitvnhiirx I'. ,« J Fiirnltniv TitHlKiilil Ii; HowlliK Miirlilnm. Wi«tV,T II. N. Whoalloy HriM Tannorv. Yoi)ili( Juhu Tluaniltrli. Voun 3)4 8,** 334 THORNDALE, MIddlnox Co., Onl. Koat«'r M I'hyalclan. H Kiilciicr L'laiiior. (larnor Hubert ilni. K < iraiit Alox Iliilhlor. h tli'llllth Auruu tjitnvo Kactnry A ChooMU lloxi MuCounoU Jotui PbjraloUut. K 3 a>4 3 8>4 a)4 3*4 3 8 3;« a*ti a>.4 3*4 :i,*« f aaaaa THO ONTA.RTO AND QTJEBEO. THU aaai Mralil Mm . DrKMmkr. MiililiMiii Arthur Ildlohxr. Miiiiily .liMiiuli illitokaiiiltli. Niirii-f Wiii.W, O Driiun, (1111., Ar, I'lirklmiJiiiilHli a. H. A I*. M. Ili'lil .iDliii M fliyitlulnii, Kllny .riihii UlMkulillh, Hliiitnr JiiiiiK* (t. H. HI vol a Hiilii'i'l MliiHiii. MIimI .riiliii Tavorii, MmliUl.y Will Tulliir. TliiiiiiiiM in Julia Hliufim. W«l«m Will WntoRoii. 'VKlmU'r I 'liKrlo* Uiitolmr. , Vi'Kt (tiiliurt A «.8. /WIUuWiii 8I1UM, THORNTON, •ImoM Co., Onl. Illiwkxliwk M . . VKUirliiary Hursnoii A Ilyrni'rt Kilwnrrt Illiwkiinilllii ('hIIhkIiuii llli'liiti'd I'liriloUtn. (''iiiiiiliiKhuiii .Ikiuoii nwliUnr. Diiiii-xii llMi,m-t Urnlii. (ti'iituiiii John WftKotin. (liiiMK ItoliKi't Iliitnl. llli'kN Jiiliii UlMikainllli. 1 1 li'kH Will WuHciiiit. JkiiiiIiikh uriiit Mill. I.iiwi'i.iii^ii (lourgn llKkitr. l.hiimHiim I) .Tnvmii. Miiillii W. II HhciM. M Itrlii'll Imuu Nhiinii. Hmti Jiiliii 1', M. A (I. n. Hciiit Tliim c:»lituittiiikr. RrniUMlK.lllllKM III*. AKKIit. /Hcytliiw A Ayuriit HIiIiikIkii. |N|irimli< J, A J Ilulldvi'it, THOROLD, WciUnii Co., Onl. Ariiiilit A (,■« dial, Ac. liniiil Jiiliii Mlllur, Kluur A FiHxt. lliiilii'itii i„ 1< (iitt, lliil till J (iliii Viumiilii. ilitlhiii .luliii lliiUilini'. ItiuiKi'i' A iMiiiiiolly lIlwikniiiltliD. Ilnll I'lliillliu i:iH>ti«r. lli'i'liiillKi' Jiiit HkiKaiiiui. Illi'iiitrk Kliiliarit Htuvcii A Tin. liiiim W. It I'rinttir. lliiylK.I. A A IJ, II. lli'iiwii .liilin, KHtJiU) nt .OunlriMit'ii'. ill null .It WillUiiK Urery. Hull Will, AlUl I). (I., NiKHM, AU. llllNll (IwilUII IIUtOllDI'. rmiiiiiii'l I UiNlori»k llulul. C'lUT Miittliiiw X UiHikii, Ao. I'uitwiill WllUitui tin). (Iluy .liiliii TiiKH, C'uiin Juliii TnrHrn. Coiiiitirunl llloliM'd I'lMiinic Mill. i'lil vi'i'lioiiHO I'J I owtiliir. CiiiTy A iluwHe OliituillHi'ii. DiiiiuiiU A Jiuiknun C'uulriu!t4ii-H. Dulililii Aiiililliitlil ITniiiiitry. Duuxiiii Uul'iirl (Ii'ii. Diiiiiiiiiiiiiil J iilin (ill). I luuiliiH .liiiiiiia Cki'iiiwiHii. Kiiily Uulii'i't Mliuva. KIIIhhuii Wllllitin V KlUliinta. I'^yituii (Jliui'luH Ut'ii., Ao. Kliiiioiy iMiiLtiiow IMUiitiT. Fi lility i'hiiiiiaa Mwlillur. iluliltui .1 liitiDif Tavuiii. (iiiiilil IliuOituilii Iliitnl. (Inuivlllu uuui-tfo t'lioUiffiiftuhur. KiiuivllluT. A J llliwikamltlia. 1 1 III t .M uttlic w Hitloon. Ilinlluy Wlllinrn K (Ji«l. Jliknlii), A I.IIIIK FutKnlMcrauiir*. )li'nloii WlllUni HAitiUw. liiuniiu A llHtllu 1). u. Kunili THliut Wni. M...Stuiie CiuarrlM. Iliiitk Will lltilclior. iluwoll AHuu Olialra A Wikmi Tiiriini'*. 1 1 11 wlAiiilH A Hjiluk Mllttini. Ivi.y ,j iiuitti. i.'iciiti .« I'nwtou itotni. l/iiig W Hlioua. Miuiiiitiipy W.J DriiKa. M anil Vuluxy UoUil. Molnrty Mra Tavoni. Mcv'lt.iiiy L^ MuLean tiumbvr. Miiliuimlil J. I) Contractor. MoUuuougli Jobu IIAWICUI. I. ■TH M » II » 1. :>** (1 'Jif / 1. K SIJ K H)t II H ii 1, 1, 1. m I. I. K 3Hi 1, II n 1. :i>4 1. K il*« K ;i>: K 1. 3<« II H K •i II :i ah K »iii K illv K il.S L II :i B 1 1. !l 1. II n u ■i^ :i\ I. J. 11 ih, ;i »S4 11 HSi *• •2Si L I. i. ah K 1. 1. »K, 11 '^M, H :i K HUi its K :i'u 11 n H I. I.. K ■3!? I. ».>♦ I. U Al K ilH, !l>1, 11 a II x J, Wi U H U a C I H U 8 ^ MoPayilnn John Bonta A Mhiioa. Muillll.lohn Illaiikanilth, M u Kuaviiii Null lluUilmr. MdriiniKuii .liihii A. A Cu II, ^. Mol'linrwiii It, II (iriat Mill, Millar J itniua Tallur. Uurlny Mia. T Hhuna. Miitiro Jamim U. (I., An. llKK.Iamiia H ... Ilnkur. IMiUliiait Hull MliiHM. l>tkir liniHa. lliiliior Ailolplie Hat* A Kiira. Iiiilviird JoliUar Fau(r Janina Wattihoa. Ilimuiliy I,. /, I). (1. Ileaullnii lunula (iro. Iliiauniliir Kiianlin liro. Ilcaunilur riii«|iiir (iro. A Cuiit'r. Iliiitlii J uanpli dm. lit^llufuiillh^ K. A llro Kouiiilry. ItorKuroii tiUiila llulvl. Ilouiihiir Mm IIut«l. Hum III vitl Tliuinaa (i ro. Hi iiiiulln Hrua (iro. Ilni iivl lu Kiluiiaril ( Iro. Kniiiullii Ixinia A llru dm. HulKaoii I.. K. T I). (1. HiiaBluro A.AP (I. H. Canada Thniad Co Huiaila. IHiio Itaiiklii, lIuattiB A C'o,, Montrtml.) Caron MIohnI Oon'l 'I'rnder. Curuu Octavo TlMHinltli. Carrl|/iiHii (Inczlina dn>. CathHia 10. H llaa. Chilr Loitla I'lihliahor. Conioau J. II dm., .to. Con tola Cillhin HliiH.A Hnokiter. 4 »(« 3 1, (« a** K 8 8>« I. I. 1. 1. 1. It a K a L an U •Ah, L 8HI I, II .1 K H>4 II .>yi| H 8 II 8 K 3)4 I, K ilS U 8 (Ixllnaa n LlKlitnlnf lloda. K 8)4 ((•illiiaar If. dl. r (tnlhiaa Molao dro. L 314 (Mliiaa NariilMHi (I, M, dliiird Mra. Joaet')) Ilala, L (llmrd (lutavn Hllrnriilattii', 1, (liHlln liaphlo* MIIMuor, I, diHlln J. II Tina. I, (KxllnJ. IS Hhoua. 1, dodlii Juanph N I). H, If 3)4 OudlnJoanph «• I). II, dodlu Mlaa Mlllliiar, L iluiiln (loo, A CuutranUir, dmolnr J. A Ilotxl. 1/ iliilllinrtA dm, K 8)4 dnillntt M. A Co dro. 1/ 8)4 llariiola William Ilakiir, II !M Hart A. n. ACi iim. d Hfi llartKM. AHnn Ilmknra. I) 3 llnrtM. U dro. I, 8!4 IIIllJ 8)S HiHininr A Wllllaina Driiaa, K 8 lloiilUUin deo. U Jlunkor. V 3'4 Ja('i|iiiiaC d, H, K Hti Joiirdaln I'hillp Uro, A lioathnr. (I 34 Laharrn A Kniri) dro. II 3 IjMii'itoT. K. A Co II. (I, l.alulH A Frnro ||. d, II 8 Lajulu l.iK'li'U I). O. I., 8)4 I .am lull t ( liiiir.lnin Hliiaia. h Laiiiiithn .1 . .V Kroru dm. I, 8I4 l.iwliiiir chiia IIatt«r, t, l.iKikvi'hoff llroa I'luuilKira, K 8)4 l.upliMi K. 1. dro. It 8 LynihoiiKirT WaMona, I< 8)4 Mai'uniii Mra lliuikalHr. t, MnaaliMiltnN lliiukabir. L MoUiMiKall d, A A iroiaua. MuliimKnll JatniHi dini'l Mor. McDooHall John dro., Ac. Mi'KitlvIo John UlaGkamlth, U Muivaii A Trutllor (I, M, t, SI4 Moniaantto l^iiila Culiliiotwaru. MuiTlaanttoA Nliiulair TliicahliiK Miu'.lilupH. K S>4 Mnaa d lloukliliuliT, L Naiilt Ja«(iuuii dm, h Nrll A Mac.htolal. NIvorvlllodoorKO Um, AMtiiMw, U NourriB P d, M, If 3)4 l'a«eJ. U Iioutlat, HhwIiih Machlliea, Ao. K 8 I'anulla Mra. M. L /i. 11. U 814 I'ontbuid W, C I'nal. I'olliinin H Ilnt«d. 8)4 l'.ali« I,. K. S Orffana A I'lotorna. Kunilllard iu lllnard A. A II liro. H 8)4 lUihui tH A HkriMlar Hpiwl Faotory. K 3 Itulili'lHiii I'mllo a, M. lloltltttllloMra. 1,.J H 8 lUiohiiliwn Fiaiioola Tailor A II, d, IKiiiaaiuin J, c (im., Au. K 3 Itoux Uadraa Haloon, I, Ityaii John Auittluiiiwr, It 3!4 Ht. I'lHne P. A Frero Hhcu-a. Haraxlu I, Um, A ll'ainlth, I, 194 HloKulJohn Tuliaviui, K 8 HIiiclBlr A MorrUwtta ThrnaidiiK Maohliiua. 1. 8)4 nhibhadoo, Frnderliik Ilinika, II iil Thurltiu II, A II I.«atli«r, (Hoe 11, Tliarlen,) Thiiilonll I'hyalolau, tt > ThlvloranJ. H Madillar A dm, H 8)4 ThriM> lUvdradaaCo F 3)1 Trunlinan Mlaa A (MufiMi. K 8)« Tmnlnian Thoiiuu Uaker A Cuiirov. U Ti-Hpannltir 1 11. d. TrudolU IKMika. K 3 Valuntliio C, A Hon I.rfwtliHr. K il>4 ValloJ dro. K 8 Valine lNiinlnli|UO Jewalar. K 3 Vnllluro riorro Hhooa. Ii VIgorAHawyor Knnndiy. I, Whltuford Win. A. J Wal^hna A AiictloDiMir, tj THUNDER BAY, Algoma Diilrie«, Dai, r/VM Prinf4 Arthur"! Landlrtg.) THURSO, OtUwa Co., Quo. lllankJ, AU 0,8, II 3 lllack, Caiuomn, Morrlwiu A Co. . ( irlat Mill. 8 Dnntl., Tavoru. I, 8)4 Kdwania urargo £ CQ <;. u. r 'itk dray JaniiMi 1... Aiidu Tina. U 8)4 (iriMiiilwB Win Hliiwa. K 8)4 Mr.U''i M " ThoiniMui W tj .-.,.■ A TILIURY EAtT, %an\ 0*., («M. M»i'Mn .« Hinttli !tuw ^!:",. .1 :» HtibloMiii ThiM lilaiiliiiuilUi. li Hniltli Uiilicrt 11. H. 1, TILSONBUHQ, Cl»fl>r« Araiiit nxir Itubvrt' II I'liinio. I . AHllJ.M I'lO'RtplMI, (( 'il* MkIiiT. II U.H. K •! llraiiiirvTIiimiM bI«h>». K it'* m«ix>V N. K P»twit MixU. K its, lliii liu\il K I'urilBJtPii. K »)% How iM'K Altnxl I'hotOKi'Olinpi'. ti Urwlr II. A W.. V«(vrln«)-jr NiirKKoiin. K :i llniwii T T (I.N. u tlit lln>wii W Wiitclmn. I, IliioliiiPr ('liitrl(>« Cimuor, 1. HuckU-yT •IW I. 3H Km kp lllolmnl 11 Tliiit. I, lliiru MiUUiKW I.liiiioni. K .'r. I, ;\K lliini Wiu Iliit<'hi\r. K an lliirvllln T ('Ai'|Hr. I. (.'ni'iwnlpr M. U. W rnriilliuv. Ii ;t>^ flmmlicni Win 'IHMniwmnci" llDiinr. 1. Oiw»ii .\lex T»vnni. O 'J>» Ciiwrll W. W I). (I. I'liiokrr M. I) llpiitliit. I. OiinnilugK Win. A Jolin Tiinm>ni. I< a)« li«m>»r w IXnimlry All'mnllh. K aSi DnvMiuin Wni Vuriilniiii. I. l)«\TiirJ(>lin TiUlur. 11 H^ Di'WMii'i ,4 Mi>Uutr« ITliitorci, I. imiUm It. \V Ulmikniiittli. I. »>« KlllnMiK. SiumKil Hii>. K i\\ t'ttiUy riilllii ToinpenMidv llmiao. o a>s Kr»«or Jikiii44 Htuiim, I . (lolilliig Kilwunl IIiiIpI. I, (inUiiklu IHitrr ll\«r. I. (li'AVM URorm (Ii'lat Mill. I. 3)0 1 1 Hitciwk K. H IMiaUwraiilivi'. I ■ IlitmUloii Jnhu Mlllit. II 3 llMU'y Jiihii W ('(Miiwr. I. H"* Xanlj- W. It. . . Ant, SuwIiik Maolitiipn. 1. aSi lUwkUm F. U .C-oiitriwl«r. II S Ma)-«« UMilnl tliv., Ac. K a>« HUik« ilabert Murliip. (Moo llriinilHi.) Ilofran llnw urn. 1. lltiftRrUi II. J FuriiUiir4 Koiincv Mlc'mol Uontlit. Ii Klliio Aminsw A Hon Hutchnni. K 3>t l.hwimiiii J I.lvcrv. K a** I.*w w. s I'ulill.ihcr. l^AwriMico Thoiniu* HlnckAnillli. L LiHwIiiKStoiilipn .Hhw AOrixt MIIU. F 'i<« Luko Jiwpplw^ Hon.. . . .Iln'wcm. 11 a Mitr.'lt KiwloH.'k MlllUiprj. II 3 M At litohm Atlani THvcru. K aVi MciMllumW. A nriign. F a'j Mcrmo II. K MucliluUt, M«l)iinAlil Wm TAllor. O a"* Mc»i)ualil Wm., Ir UriiiiH. i, av« Mph-HrlAUo 1). A A Black aiiiltRH. K a McluuroJubn li.O. U 3 Mc K».v J iwejih < I no. 1 ■ Mi'MooliAn im Ulkckainlth. ;. 3>« M.'irlll AMon Hotel. K 3*4 Miloa llolmrt CarrljMii. V vSi M niini t, IlkrlwrrAr. I. Novliiiry JobnU iHintnti'Viir, \, i\^ NnwullJ MliiHM. I, North Wm (HMbllfir. I. Noi-ibwAjJ niioM Atallor. L «Hi oalmnili>r JantM I.lvi>r». 1. I'Hrkor (I. (I ItlAckainllTi. I. IVillnnI .IKIIIM MlAlloiirrjr, Ac K 3 ItAniiiiAgc A. II Aiictlun. Ac. 1. Huaacll JAniM WAoniia. K a,"* Hcolt It. (' (ln>. Al'iim'nTnHl. K HH Hlii<|ilicn1 J. M. A Jlro Fiirnlliira. I, 3*» Wncl»trl,.0 Phyalotiin. F «>» HkclUinWm roimdry. K 3;« Skcm<.t»Iil> . . Bonka.Ac. K »,^ Hi'ii;. ,1 ...lira Ilullitvni, Ao. K ai« UiJoh 11. «. P alt MiiillbM.H O. M It 3 soiwr Wm.... „ Ao. I. HtoimrtI HMldler. !• ai* •riioniAa W. o Fnniltnre. I> Tliom|>a4 Tlllaoii K.. I) I.umlinr, Ac B IH Tlllaon Mra. Ht«|iliiin Bmika, Ac. I. Turner laAAC tln>. K 3 Vhh Nornmn Joaciili I.lnic, OMI A IMMUtr. I. n\t Vah Nnnnan W. I), tint. A Cmokwir. K 3*J Vivian Wm Mlllwrlcht. I, 3HI Wnlkcr.lHinn (iro, I, Wiillcr lMuc» Wlilt4> Thomaii uro. K 3^ WIliioxW. B BAkN A Uiindw. K 8 WililernJob tim., tlnUn, Ac. I. 3'* WllllAma Itlclwnt tln>. A Hbnca. F 3 Wllaon Ale« Ilutuhcr. I, Winahcll A Konloii Jewelry. TINQWICK, Arlhalwaki Co., Qua. ncAuaetle J. B <1,H. A Tannery. 11 3 lllnin KilWArrt Hlu>ea. I. 3'* ChnpinKn John (I. H. h liAxciiAlaO.. t'byalolAii. I. 3$t |ii tl. 8. r a)* llonic Wm Blackamlth. L an NA4leAn F Mw A (IHat Ullla, It 3 JUmU T BUwkmnlth. 1, Taj'lorjA* MUl, K S>4 TINTERN P 0., LIneeIn Co., Onl. Itomp jo>".. J I'liatniaater, Ac, 1. Hinltii :Ame« M It. u. AUro. Ij TIOQA P, 0„ Bimeo* Co,, Onl. l)eiiu.vT HAW Mill. (Meo Toronto.) TIVERTON, Brue* Ce„ Onl. Ballantluc Itnbert A Butcher, L Jlvutun A MoFatlyou WaflMU, h Biwlley Jiilin Hotel, t. I'Ainenui liiinean Book a, Ac l> (.'hApnmnH. p Agent. Ii DewArJolin tl. M. II A FeeJohnJ Dniver. It 3 Flfettoi. Blaokanilth. I, 3)* lUiClirlat Mm Millinery. I. Ilalloek W. Il.,t J fanler*. I, JolinaUm Win Maw Mill, L l,ealiln>l Fi'Annlai; Cablnetnikr, I, 3>t MAmlmll M. M lintel. McAiileyJohn Tina, Ac. II 9 Melloiiulil llngh Itarneoa. I, 3H Melionnlil John Tanner. It 3 M e I loniilil J ohn II lllAoilimllh. Mi'Doiialil Kenneth Wannna, K SH McDooaM a rilMgle .Planing Mill, Ac I. MeUougall Pet4 Illackamlth. I. Melnnca N tl, 8, O 9H McKiiy Angiia II Piimm, Ii McKay Malcolm . . Agent Ag'l Implu, A Mrery, L MeKcllAr Jolin.» F (Iru., Nhoea, Ac K »i MeKtnnon MHtcolin Ilarneaa. !< McUiim muiAliI IllAckamllh. Ji 3)« Mc|j«renl'.M ItontrACliir. F a>t MclKuinan ItiHlartnkI) Hlinea. l> Mel.wHl A Maw Mill. I. an McLcml A McKIm MlUa, )i 'iSi MeUneMra, II Ullllnery, I, Mnnr.wlt Tailor. I, 3)t MualAitlJohn Uflal Mill. It 8 ParkhouaeJoalAh Tailor. K 3^ PAttcraon lit. Jaa. It Iiniga. It 8 PollAnl lolui Printer, t. 8M Itoliertaon Archllialil lllatikamlth, 1, Hmlth W l^ablnetinkr, I. 3)* Win, I) TInainlUi, I. 8)« Ntephenatni Itobert. llArneaa, t, Tnrner JAmea tl, H, L TiinierMm Hotel, It 9 Welch Wmi Baker, Ac I, m% While J . W Watchca, Ac, I, TODMORDEN, York Co., Onl. Benna l-hlllp Blaokanilth. I. MAtthewa iIavIiI Hotel, U a}* Yonng jAinea (Iro. A Kolel. U 'iH TOLEDO, ttMia Co., Onl. BcechnrN. II (I. M. M 8 licllAmy ciiAiiiicey Haw Mill. Ohnpiiian John (i, M, I< 3M tliMlcA llAll (1,8. US liny urn John It Canting Mill. K 8 Hart I' ..U.H. K 8 nulla I'lioa I'lKiper. K 3,>t Hnilnon 11 Ii llunlerJohn Tavern, K 84 McCrum Itobert Hhoea, X "' Mccium Wni Hhoea, h M c 1 iiuiiililj ohn Tanner, NIcliol lllriim (1. M. K 8' Pepper I'. F Illaoknmlth, L Pen\lvAl fleorgo Npooulator, K 9 HInglclon I'hoa Tina, K 8 Htrattim It. .« Br«i Wagnna. K 8 Hwect M. II Hpooulatar. L TORMORE, Paal Co., Oni Itoblnaon Robert Veterinary Hnrgeon. O IM HhutUaworlb Tboa HIaokaiulth. U 9>t i I»t 2SJ an ilS a an l^ 2^ Si TORONTO, York Co., Ont. J«w*trr.*e. Atitu /n!in Ord, ATnnI, Alplm W. ,», Mno Hiiknra. AtiPlI Ucilwrt W MkliKin. AiUin Jkiiinii lliHikn. AiUniRA Hurm Wliul. (ira. AnMim II. n (Iiui'l Aici'iit. Ai|*mii(l. M IliHika. Ailnniii iimi PawntmikBr A 'I'lilliir, A clftiim Jaiiiihi dm, Ailiunii Jbimoa Httlliiikh Aitniiiii Jitmnit Htiimi, AciKina Mm. Jiiiit Ilntvl. AdhiiiH .lim(*|)h nt<>vnn A KuriilturK, AdkinaTlina Illrila. *n, AilRiiia Tlina lliiliilmr. Aituna W. Ilitiitlat, AiUm* Wm Iliillilnr. Ailwna Wni. M It'wikrnATIiia. AilMnaon Jwniw Wnrnliiiiiaomiui, AilMiiaim Win WlmrfliigBr. Ailaniann Wm. A Vo (Ipo. Ailillaon (liMirun Hulwr. A tiniini M Inhiutl 'I'lirnni. Aliiier Olmrlea t'tgikni. AlkniihsMl * dtiiiible iliinlwiini. A Ihf iia J (ilin H I'rii». Alkliia Jaiiini (Jiml A WimhI. AInl Mary Juiit I), rj. A Orunknrr. Akin TliiM dm. Alilinil«ir Wm JiiwKh A I.«uiiard I 'outrentora. ArdBKli William lluUder. Arkaiiy A Oliver ButohBra. Arkaejr U Uro. ALIq. >t 1. 1. I. V d a ^ H 1, d 1. d »)1i a-* 3>* 1. II I. f* K II K L L 1. (1 d II 1. l' an a an 3)4 ? t, I, K I, 3>4 an 1, II II H It K IH J^ 3 a *• an 1) d K a a K (i li 3)5 an I, h 3n It I, 3 8)v t. 1. K I. K 1. n I. I. a «n a an 1. 11 I. K a an ArmltMcOm .,...ltMbla.a AnnltitKB Wm^....a«aondhM)nl|il4irB, K Aniioor W. A T Amta. d Aitiiatiiing AdMn nhiiea. I> ArmalronH lloiiry fainter, An. I> Armatniiiii J. It roniidry. Artiiatronii John Htiom. K ArinatronK Win IllaokanilUi. I. Armatrona Win Hotel. II Arnott Mra. Amiiroae Ii. d., Ao, l< Aniott llBTiilACu Whol, fi. 0. 10 Ai'thnraW AUo Ii. d. K Aaliall Mra Jewolrr. d AahlBB M BlaBkanilth. I. Aaixlou llonrjr dro. I< Alklna Win Maker. Alolii'aon Jamea Oarnenler. K At^^howMi John 'rnriiBr. I, Atklnaon A llBanle.OrRan <'a"n Mkra. Alkliiaon John W AkpmI Hewlnn Maulilnea, h AiiatlnR, K MaM, 1. A iiatin Janiea 'I'allor, I, AvIaJ, II hotel, V Awde Win Hntoher, d Ayre John llotBl, K. BaoliB Arthur Uro, L Banhley Wm , I), d. A dro. K BaokaaC. A Wliol. A Hat. Htatloner. Ilanim ACo PattBiiiiiikra. I, llHUfta 10. d Carpenter ilr ('oiit'r. li BallBy KrauulaU Hlallonor. Bailey It Mwinc Maiihlnea. I, Bailey J. K. AOo Ooal, Ao. I) Bailey John TivBni. II Ballny John T Barber, t. Ballpy Jimoph Hhoea, I< Jlnilry Mra Hlivea A Mtnt'y, L Biillny II. A Mavk dro, BalllM A llowule riuur Mill, r BalllBj Hardware, Jl Batllo WallaoB dro, I. BallllnJ.K C'oni'n A I'nid, I. MhIIIIo AHon 'rallnra. It Balx Jainea A Hon BiHika. U Bain John Baker, d Bnin I'atrlok.. Hlioea. li lliiliii'a icdn aril A John t.lquld I'alnta. Bnlnxa W. Ad.. Broker* AH. R. Agtn. (« linker deoriie 'I'aVem. I, Baker Mra. Jubu Uru. K BnkorWm Kurdreaaor. I. Balfour A. K Uar|iBUl4ph Hhoea, BbhIIv Hniriiixl A Hon Paliitera. Ilrally Win. (Alien Ml.) dm, llBBlty Win. (Toraoley Ht.) 6ni. llBBty riinrlna Uro. A Baker, Bxnly Jiinina Hhoea. Ilnnty lUihnrt A i'n Broker*. Ilpitiii'liniop I'hillp John Iiruva. Boaono A. A Co Furdreaaoia A liyera, MBhhp A Bonn Hoapa. llBcknttC. c dro. llBckntt nd want foundry. MBoknlt Wm . Fruit, Ao, llmldow A Ifreil 'Mn*. Bwlley K Fruit, liedaiin J, W, dro, Bbb liavid , llakar A dro, llnni A Hon 1 PalUteia, Beer Jame* I Ilatel. Bellhy Jamea dro. Beldeii II. A l!o ... Atlaa I'obllahera, BBirord, t!l»rk A Co I'lihllaliBia, Bell AlBX BuU^hBr A drn. Boll Anthony It I'niv. Bi'll A ( ,'o I'rint«ra, lli'll lianlBl draana. Bell Kdmiiiid I'lnaterer. BbII Kdward d t'om'ii A((ent. Boll Uoorwe niiaoilth. Bell Jame* l^liithlim, Ac. Bnil John dro. Bell Mr*. John I'rov. Ilnll JiMeph Ooal A Woixl. BnllThomaa Coal A Wi»»l. Boll Wm Taveni. BollliiKor Thoa di«. Bidliiinnt M rti^ .ciKnra, Bnllniurn Aittmiuy dro. BelUm John ..l,eathBr. BeiiKoiiKli llroa rulitlah<. iMiiUohti >* iV II. (I.. >»v. IcDMlrll \V. tl. A I'll Wliol. Krini'X iUKHtn iV WtMMi'iin, Mlwk II.AiSt \Vhi>l..t Uri. Jvni'liv, >%l>. illKKK <* WllUti llllll'llPI'll, UwimHiKhM Uliuikiimlth. Iinlilr .ImiiviH I>. tl. il<>ilil.v Will «lfii. liMH kli cimrlMi it Hunt...... nrimlioii. {tolniiil Min fnwliprv. Ii>ll limiilli»n Hliixtil. Itiillmi Jiilm t' , Orm ilouil .« Klilmr. Il'miillliii .« W'njtiiiin. ., Fiiiiilliinv Viili'i'liiiii'r Hiiiiitmii I* HiMtniliia HIllMOH. .. irmullli •« \\iiti<»i*. I.IVI'I)'. .»iv ltiiiii;alU>,t. I) (till. lloiihi'M \V 111 (Suii'ii. Iliiiuii'i' Jiiliii n. tl. lliniiM'i' 'riMiiiiM IMIt'viiiAii. Ilollllll'll JtMH<|lll II. I' llllll'llKI'. !l<>iitlii)(>i>iin> I'uliilfr. llHlIll HKIlUlol . .. l'ni|H, liwlxick tlim. K fiml .» WixHl. llllllWI'll U. t' .. KhIIO)' tlOHK Illllll^>l1l I', v 0. tl. {liitH'iiitlixirnt' Hnwm loltlloll IIMM lllllfllVIK. Iloulloii llimi'jr I*., .HtH'imtlliiuiiHiit. ll«iiKl('i«IJ. 11 Iim. ,\iri'iil. it»«i>ii .uiK bi vuMfj II, tl., nmiy l.lllttll, i«tS lloni'ii Kniiili lltw llimtw M. \. ,« «M tini, llii«.w U, II liovKll iiitirn Itim, tti\ iliiviill \v. ir Tluii,.«o. Itiiytl liMvliI oii-nr) tl. N. Ilti.t 1p Juliii Ir. Iliitic I'Htiiuk I'lili'r A IliHikit. ll II. \V Iliiiicii. ill iiiUixtl Mr». M. J Kl»iir.« bVttl. lliniUiinlUHlicii lliHlii.Ai'. lirailli'V .liilin |.'iiMitiiiiv. >s»\ llrHilulm w IliMi lltilltWi'N. Ill nilalmtT \V. A tlm, lliTtlil A Hlim-m llratil II Hlim*. Ilralii A. W HkwIiiii M, ll«|>iiln>r. HiKIKloll ('. r. vt! I'll I'lltllUlK Mill. Ilntiiilmi >« ts> Wlml. II. tl, IllltHll'f .V tmll> (tllltll tllHMlll. llmiwluKtoli Kli'liititl lini. Ui*i II. J iiyiitti|i\ KniK, .i!o. iui>.vli>.v Jnmt'«* I'll wiihI. n. ti. Iltllbiliiu Tllll*. . .11111. IIIIM.II.lDII »'iuiu lltti'ii o\vi>ii KriiU. UllH»ll Slllioll till*. Ulvt^llll M I'lttHin. Iln>tt It. U IliMkur. »nv» T 'I'nUiir, ,«i>. XlVWIM' t'llHllM IMi'k lliilotiiir. Ill VII 11' J Ollll l^HVKIil. «iviv,.r.l. tl. Iliiilittiiiiii J. \V IVrlratI INIiilrr. liilfiK" l'»ii><'l.** • l.iimiior. Urlini* i< liir Iiiitii>« t'H|>«. liUtifio Joliii Ilitlilirr, tVi-. IKlKiin Will ItiilWr. Itiiitlil .litiiirn lllDi'kMiiltli. Iliiiilil Tlimi. iJ v'liiilUlH. Ill UiiiT Joliii 'I'mitir. llUlll.sllu Mi». A LMIlttH'. lliiiiiNilii J t.'iilh'i'. Ililsim' WIUlMll llllKtkHllilUi. llilMii'v Will. i« Him IliiUilmn. Hi tlli'ii Jitiiii<« Iliiti'lii. UnHik* Jitwiiph ilni. ItixHtni J Aiutm II. II. llMlll-llll>.l«IU«» Till*. HixiiKii w 111 tlm. linMitilitiin W. !«. A I'll ...MIiiH>». ItniM 11 A. .M I*ulnut I'll UllllUllt. Ilnivru l.'riuiol* II. O. Hruwu t) BulolitirA I>imv. BniwnUwuc* UutaL IH !N K t ¥ .1 K t K 1 MS. K «W K 1. V L K »>« !•• US 1. 11 •t K !•'« K Ill, Ic II II ,1 U «<» V «'« ,, 8 K «'♦ K .'» 1. '■H K '!'« 1. as 1. 1. lis 1. K •ii. t itSi K !!>» II » 1. tl a II :i II aSi It u II .1 II :l II ,1 (1 1. a>» 1. t) sSi K 1. u |. K ■■*'» L, ;lSi i. S'li I. S-n li as, II IS) K a't tl •i\ 1^ ill It a I. F «!» L nruwii U. tliilii|i»r, llniwii llKiiry . , Iiiiuilint'. Ilniwii Mr*. J. T. It Hiiiinw, llmnii .liilin l> rhot4>iit>r, Itiiiwii Jtuii*|ili tirti., All. llMiwii >l l.iiv* Iliilliliini. Iliiiwii llMlinrl llHkfr, llniwii UiilHUl liintliiM lli>ii>i>. Iliiittii Will ('»iiiiM(«l<'iUir>. Illliwil Will 11. II, llniwii Will. J JnWKli'r llhiwim Jan, A I'lilllu ..Ilhiki'ia. lllVWIllUW i'lltW. .« Co WlK'l A lint. II. II. llmwiiMMiii iin>, llriiiK J . A (Hi . riiiiloHiHiihnia. Ilriitr. Hni'i> Mi'Miiri'li'li A I'o . Wliiil. nil. Ill VIC I hiiiiiiw A lliiM l.iiiiilH|ih lllHiaa AUn>tl I'liiiiilii'r, lliii'iioaa.liiliii TuvKiii, lliii'ko Will 'iikliaitt, lliinii'aa II. A Hiiu Iliikii I Nnitiiiul ChI llt> lii'Alnr. Iliinia A NimIm WhIhi'. Iliiiiiat'liiw, (KliiK Mt, ICuatl (liu,Ai<. Iliii'iia I'liiw. iviiiiH'U MU Wiwt). . . (Ini., At'. Ililiiiatl. A, A I'll Mqiiiira, (NM AilMiia A lliiiiia,) lliiriia Jiiiiiiiii Willi) tini, Itiiiiia Jiiltii Kliiiir A KiimI. Iliiiiia Jiiliii . tliii. Iliiiiia I'uliluk . t'iNil A WiKi'l. IliiiiiaWiu I'liiil., Ai'. lllilllKlt'lii Mia* K rmiiy lliHiilx. IliuiaH'" W. It ru.illalli'l', lliiiiviliHi Iliillilvr. Hull Mia. M Illli'kalil'V. Iliiiiiiii .iHiiiii* Iliilliliii lliiali t'lma Tiilliir. Iliiatpial Joint Ditlryiiiiui. Iliili'liorJ tlm. Iliillaiiil It. R MiiHk'. Iliitlvr Altml HiHika A ^ ►'lUicy iliHHia. Iliitlpl .lolili, Ir iHliiH'a. lllKlKI' W. II U. K. AHt'lll.Ali. Ilult t'nli'li Iliilliti'r Unit Kiln til Afviit lluta A t'«|ia, Hull Kiilinilin WuMiiiia. Ilyi>r* AllKii Cllti.. AO. Ilyi'ia MhivIii tiro. Ilyriii'a IUI|ili tllM. I'mli'in ,lixii<|ili IUrlH>r A flmira. i'ltilow |.;. W .lowrlrv. t'»lH|{liiuii M, W Miitlri'iwi'a, t'nIiti'i'Mlt. Iliirloii ,« t'O . Whol. Ii. il. ihIiIwi'II i« IIiiiIkIii* tini. t'lililwi'll IIukIi lUni'kaiiiltli. t'lili'iiili'v lli'iiry .. IImIi'1. t'lilliiii ,« t'i> t'liilliliiK. t'nIllMliiMi t. .» .1 tiiii. t'nliiw Mia. Mlliy . lll«. t'tiiiioiiMi ,\iiiiiia t'Miiioniii Mra. Jiiiiii>* tirii. ('i«lll|il>i>ll A. II. A Co ...l,lllllll<>r. AO. (^ Miiakiika Mill A l.timUnrt'o.) l'iiiii|ilH>ll MiK. A. M Kitiiry II. tl. t'HIlUllll'll I' till'. t*Aiii|ilit*ll ('. A Pliolotfi-tiiilinr, ('aiii|iiH>ll Kilwanl U Vitn'rii, l'aiii|ilii'll iiiMi llDllon a A Kiirifiw. ("•rttiirbrti i. W Crorkrrr, iTt*. ClUII|llHvUJlUI. A Null Wllill. HtaUuiinm. t'»mi>lit>ll John Wi«kI. I'miiplu'll I'. J OHitmi. CwuplHill MHinuol Tkveni. *.'uu)ili>u JiNMiiii ButsliMr. V li ('■uiMlnt'iilllii t'o, (l.lnillial) |Mi<« \V»lB J ollll AlUHiiiiilnlil, At<, t'liit'v I'ltli'tKk I'oiidM., Ar. t'lirli^A , Ii'iuiiiim, (.'*rlylK .1 ollll ( uliliiot WHin, Citrlvlo Mlaa M MIIIIiimi', t'ai'lviK Will llHkir A i'iiiilm>, t 'ni'iloiilK t'liM Wmi'lioa, Ao. Citliilnil Jila Ji'toiirA KiM'il. t'mr Mi», M. A H, tl, CArrli'K Mra, M. A llni, A IlKkKi', t'*rrli>i', MnraliKll A Cu |.WIoil. Jiiwi'lry. Ao I'airoll Tliiiiiiaa. . ...... k.... t'*rriilhir J , II M nil*. Ciiiior.loliii II , II, u, t»ii.rM,AA MUlliior*, Cmlor M(«|ilii>ii Kiiriilliiro llniki'i. C*rti'r Will Molla.' Alll'llt (.'»avl V'liii'iro. i'iarhr i'aviii iiuichrr. t'lniko lliiKli A Co Mntia. I'Hiiila, tilitrko Jaa. K Kloiir A I'liiil. CInrkaon II. U (liiUu AConi'n. Clarkaou 'I'lioiiia* (Iru. Cliitvrortlif ilmrga luilliliir. Cliu ton lliiuuaa Uualual luaU. .'|I4 St n't ■It K a n: It L ■H K '■H tl •J»» 1, 1^ ai, 1. «»» K 1. Ki 1 a K a hi a ai« 111 a 1. L X. II H K ai« K a^ TOHONl'O. Ont. St: ciwrtuit ThMMM Wm Hiru Jiiftn kImiih J. A Mm f' 'iimiiiKi' Jiihli ll'llUdlMI, II nnu 'I'liiiiiiiM I i|tlHHiiii«r it ijliliv ' I I'. II. it III ■ . ,hi'r J. II >,\.. "liilT.|(»m«» .» W(l|( Inin. , Mulnhiir, ti ., , <% I'll t'lili'iiinti iiiHii'iiii ('■illllllllll JliIlM (I Ciili*nil. II. 11 llhi, I. I, I. II 2 'H illg ll'i, Illlllllll'l' MiMllt, iVc, ,.,.-,'■. -.. riiiiitli'M, itiv Wl IK IIA,V UlirilllKit l''lil«,llillllK I'll, riilhim Illllllllll Kiiiii V iiiuNin. It: a i 11., I«l', riiiiiilii'r, I, .. riiiiiiiKiii|iiiiii', I, . . l'liiiliiHiii|ihii|. I, ..Ji'lllll'V lliHiiln. I, HlliiUH. ilm. Ii llrniiK I'liiiiiiliir. || . . Iiiiiiilinr, (til, HltllHill. I. lliiM, II iim. I. r.iinilinr. Aaiilll.itn, K .. CiHilA WkmI. 10 .I'mil. iV riiin'ii. ilUli (Niil' I'lMilH'l- Klnili'ilnli ('iHi|iit Hou I.iiiiil»ir, II . I''uiiry IIihhIii, itii. I, HilllHlll, . Iliilvuiilr.iiil Iriiii Wmki't', III'IIIIN, I'ltl'IIKIlllil. Ii i'lirjii'iili'i'. u I'lllllll'l', Ia 1I1M1I11' li'iirii'K. K .. I'lipiT llliua, •»!•. I, lliilt'ilriiMHiii, I. . iliiiiln' I'liiii'ii, iVii. 11 hlilim. I, Tlim it rriM-kiM V. I* ll'wnii'. Hmlilliiiv A Jimnlrv, if 11111. V .. Uiiti^liiii-, ^11. I, um, u lliiiwur, K flUlity lliniilH il^ Hull. II lllNlkll. Ami. I! . Kliiiir it KhkI, Ii rnliil4iiii, fl't ■i^ H>|i ■i 11 1 !«ll Cork K (Ill,, 1, !!""'" •'il .'.'.;,■ : Iliiliiliiir. I, Cm null W, K Uiiikni' A Vum'u. K aw l'!!ruU!s !.'. 4 V.a. ijia.ta * Jilnirii. H 3 CiiiiilHli Mm, M l''i»ii('y iiikhIh, I, a)4 Ciiliiimll Jiilili llitiWHi'. 1^ Kit Ciiniiir Kil Willi! Moulivi A l.'luiuii, K 'ii* Cornoi. |.;. J .1,,,,, I, Uiwifriivo A Hoiii Uruwom, y ji* OiwgniveOwoii TBVoru, O SlJ roMiiitMni FMioy UihhU. I, CmMUu Jikiniw K r»ea. 1, UH CuuwtH. ()iHit«rW, H. A I'll riiiiinjiiiiii., riiiiii' I'lillmll Wli'tiiiii 't'lliii, An. II I Illllllllll .1. li IMiiiiiiiKi. h < Illllllllll A HiiiiiiiiiiifiiliH . Atfi'iila, ji t'liiilinr.ljiiiiiii. , I.Umy, I, rmilllmrii J. Alfii, WillriiA IJii, h riiiiiiliiiiil llniiiy K (Ill,, I I'liiiti'lllnr lO.M, M I''i'»l|i..m, K I'liiiliii Mm. Mary Ann Himiiiimry. |, I'liwmi II. A I'll riini'ii. I'' ^^""'TV.W: f( I'liwnii J, ,1. A I'll Ciiwitn .1. W, it I'll I'llWl-.l II. I I'liwmi iiiiiinii Ciiwli'y Mmiiiiiil .,, I'm JiiiiiKii I'lK JmIIIIUI A Hull I'li'lmi' ■'"rniiiin. VVIml, Titiia, All. V I'uli'iil lliHiniin. HIhmih, K I'HM'kjify. Ii rii'Miri'ii, I, Cimti'ii. 11 8.. ii't II >« •i't 'it HI, I'lmiii iiim iii^ii, i, I 'iimiii ,liihii i, I'm Willi lllllln llHiii, All. i. ll'llllH, j, iiil|i».■ .& K#..i...i H'« ■iH liiiliiiti It. II I'lily lima I inly Wliliiw... Iiiiiiiui J. A C'li tiitiiiiii Will lliiiiip Jiiliii lliiiM'y Jiilui liuiiry Will lilKiui* A Mi'liHliiiiiiR, 1, j)i, lllllllllllK. "Ill, I. HH IliMila A Milium. K a .Wliul, lliHitaiti NliiHM, K 'i Illllliliir, All. 11 H Illlli'.lior. L lt)4 J "••• aw IIBIlll'lK llllllllla WlKllI A (Ullll, I, llllllli'la .1, (1 Coul, WlMHl, Ac, I, ImilliiK A,.tT. J, ACii Whiil. llitnlwiirK, li AI ncnaiisn ivni. I>arllii,< •& i 1,., Miiutmiil.) . .. oiiMHriiai. rmrtlnK, Ciiokaliul t A Cn W Iml, Woiiluiis. Iiai'llnit Win liailliiKbiu W, II..., Ditviiy t), A (Jo liaviiy Wm IMVlll* JlMOpIl A Co Itulliliir. ii4M>ftfr. ..Mnira, (iriaad, ,... tlliiallwkraa. Drug*. 1 IHivMomCiAfM lI'viLiii, All, I'nal, , Ntniianiilltira. l,iiiiilH Will ■ ■ • Hay HtaiilHy lii'Hil.lnlili AM»n lii'Hirriiiia Ili'nii Mlaa Kllmi. Iiiiitii 'riiiitiiiw lii'Alia Aliift. I Hill T ; ." - ■ ■...'. Ill', m. riiiiiinr. Iiiiiirlnii Win liiaiia A Mlim'a, (Mim iMwrtnii * (;«., I'lilKiiirn.i inanri- Will CmpiiiiU'i-. I, iii'iii'ii w. II I,, (I. 1; liiilmmy I'linniiw ilni, A Ciaiunr. (i 111 l.apliHiUi M MiiiililliiHa. K A. V. ACii Pi-imI. k, lln Mnlii.liilin III.,, ) liiiiniiat^rJiilin Ilni. A ilHknr. i, jii'niiliik c. It. « lliillilni'. Iippiiy T I.iiiiiiitir. '.[""""^Xj.i llllllitlT. I, liiivi'r Wlllliini Iliiiiilim. |, I'lVliin K I'l'liilni'. I, lAiiln lliMirim In una. I, liiiwiiiliui Ciml A WiHiil. I, lilKiniinil.l.M ,1'liya'ni liiiiHaA liniiia. I, lilnk liimiuli Wliiil. mil. Iiliiklii.l.i W Uiillilnia. K HmKiiiillmiiil HUfTn. I, I'lilnlnr. (I "hi. If CiMl A WiHHt. K Iil'iiffa. II ....llHllnra. f liliika Airiml... lillLliilin Iillliiii .liiliii .... Iillwiirlli Jiianph IHIwiirlli .liianpli llllimiM W. A ll I'liiKiiiKn, Htlckncy A Co . . Hiiivii riillali. All, ninnla Itlolinril niillilHr A (Ihi, l( ll|aa«ilt« J, J Illllnl. I, lilnaliitA II ||iit,.|. K iliMtnttn 'I'tiiMi, K lUU ACniia. I. > noil A. ,11 . , Mh.iw ( HI ila, I, liliiiM K, K, ACo . . . . liiiHtliiir llnlllnit. K II «iiii A Jlopklua MiuihlnlHta. K Dlkun .liihn CHril»Ki<™««iin. Him:*. Ilouglaaa HriM TliMmltlia. I, Ihiiial Uavlil H.... Law HUUiini-r, Ac. J, UowdaUJauuMO CIgan. Au. h H'k aVi Auolliilirnr, An, „ Iiriialiwi. Ilniiaii Ktiru'K, I, "III. i, Mraaa Kniiiiitnr. Ii lliiianaliiH'i'. I, 'irii. A i-iiliilar. It tllv 5!J HIJ 1 US »>♦ ait Hltl s It M 8 an afi ¥ a mi Vi mi ».'♦ 8 a 3H ^iit^mms^ TOROISTTO, Ont. L L L F 3 Sowiiaril Oeorfca oro. I, Soniiie D. <& Co Pnblisherg. „ ,. ^ (See Montreal.) Downey Hugh Lumber. L DowKou Ell ward Tavern. K Dowmvell Tlii)8 oro K Doyle Michael FJah, I Doyle Mrs Hotel. H Doyle Patrick. ...Crockery, Books, <&c. L DruiisllolilJ. M Law Stationer. I. Draper Wm Hotel, Drew Mi-8. A Sraallwarea, Drew .Altiwl Confoo. * Milk. Drew .Uutlhew Builder Droulllaril Felix Clsars grysdale Thomas Seeds .j Essun Jolm Contractor. Ettlcston U Halrworker. L Evans Alfred Butcher. L Evans A Co Machinists. L BvansO. AE VIns, Ac, K 3!* KvausJame8....8econdliandClctlilng. F 'iii Evans John A Co Mutrs. B. AS. gvaiis Jiatuciv TuVeiu. U 3 KvausJ. LA Co MnbikRhlrU. Ellis p. W. A Co. Ellis Patrick Ellis Robert B.... EhUBllo E. W. Evans Simeon Prov. L Everstnn P. A Co..; Fmlt. L Eves Jarap.a Soda Water, Ac. H EwUig AC.!.. Pictures, Mouldings, Ac. K Excelsior Hat Works.... E. Bogeraon, _ , . Manager. Excelsior Lumber A Drying Co....... EyorL. F C\)ntract«r. L Eyer Rlohant shoes. L 334 Fagg A Moran, Misses Millinery, H 3 ralrTiaIrn James bakei, L Fairbrotlier H. L. A Co Leatlier Ueltinj;. „ . , ,^ (See Pawtncket, R. f) F!\ircI«thO. a. ASon Palni'ers. F 2!« FMiHeldA. E Gro FalconerE oro. L 3H Faingher Thomas Watches, Ac. L Farley John oro, I. Farley W, W. AOo Bankru .t _ , „ . „ stock's. E 3 FarquharE. AC Llmo AStoue, _ , . (See Duudas.) Farqu!iar James A Geo Lime, Ao. E 2 FaiTT saloon. L larrance James Peddler Cool OU. K ,1!* Farrell James Plasterer, O 2'4 FaiTBll Samuel W Com'n, Faulkner A Co Baby .t.lnen, Ac, H Faulkner Oecrgo Shoes, G Pawcett J. ft O Tailors. L Feddery John oro. L FeoJoseph Gro F Fee Lucas.... Speculator A Huckster. It I'elltsJohn Fruit. L Feuu .Mrs. E Newsdealer, L Feuncr Mrs. E. C!...D.G. A Millinery. Fensim John Machinist. K FevguHon Mrs. M. J Hucksterv. L Ferguson Thomas D.H G Ferguson W. li. A Co oro. Ferry Thomas Gro. A Liu. H Fie .1 Charles Maclilidsf, L Field Edward Gro. A Lin. Ilero Peter Barber. L Finch Jnim Can)enter. L Flnoh W.S Tailor A cfnthler. IHndlay A Co Canmllan Library. {■IniUay James Machinist. L FluuJohn Gro H Finn Wm Gro. K Flnulgan M cjro. L FlminnE.J Gro. A Butcher. K Urstbrook A Evans Saw MUl. UrstbitokJoUn Boxmkr. A ^. ^ ,„ , Lumber. F shor E. J. T Phys'n A Drugs, n 3 Fisher r. 8 Woolens. H 3% * iske A Co Siispendeiu. Flskcn John A Co Com'n. D 3 P 3)4 3 3 3!4 Fitch J, C FIttfl W. H Fltzgemld Jolin. Fitzgerald John. Fltzsliiiitimis (■, J. Whol. Gro. D ...General Agent. L BliK'ksniitli. L SuliMin. fj Mnfg. Jeweler. K Pltzsliumuiis Mrs. Isaac. Fancy Goods! L f aheity James I'liimlier. L FlauiKan C( iriielius Drover. FlHulBiin Mrs. s Gro. L Flaiiiilgnn Mrs. John Gro. L FlauiilKiiu Peter Bulhier. L Flavell John (ii'o L Fleuilng Alexander Marble. H Feniliig James Seeds. D HeiiilngJolin Electrotyper, Ac. K FeinliigH. J W.Kiil A Coal. H Kleinliig A Ward. F;et*diur George. ..Pawnbrokers. Baker. L Fletcher John BuUder. G Hetcher Joseph Books A stat'y. L RettABallllo Com'ii Flight CIms Piov. L !• int A. H Com'n li. G. L UlntRidiert Builder. 11 Hoyd Wm Picture Frames. L FoiOies D. C Shoes. H Forbes Duncan Uouler. L Forbes George U oro. K Forbes J. C Portrait Painter. K Forbes A Lowusbrough Exchange , , ,„ Brokers. F Borbes Wm Hiillder. tl Ford John Builder. ForsterJohn oro K Forsyth George Buihler. L Foster David oro. L Foster James Optician, Ac. F Foster James A Sons Hardwaro. G Foster Thomas Butcher. L Foster Wm, A Barber. L Fox* Co PlanlngMIll A Sash Factory. F Fox Mrs. Margaret Secondhiind Pox w. fi. A On Watches. Ac! I. Frank AliKTl.'.'.'.y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Tobacooldst! h FnvnJi Jubn Drugs. L 1>4 151. 3\ ah, 3!4 2)4 3)4 3!, 3)4 3)!) 314 2>4 1«>4 3h 2(4 IS O 2)4 L> P s K 3(4 L 3.<4 3>4 3 3 3)4 FrankshJ. E Fruit, Ac. L Frank and O.F Biit«her. H 3)4 FntDkUuAbram Secondhand __. ^ „ Clothing. L FraserACo Brokers, Ac. L Fmser Duncan Bottler. L .1)4 Fraser James Ins. Agent. " ~ Eraser MiuM MllUuer. Frazer W. H Broker A Com'n. Fieel Mrs. Mary aro Fremliii Mrs Fancy Goods, Ac. FrenkelS Jewelry. SET''.?''.''.* ?■ * <-" ^'"ws. Frlchette Joseph Blacksmith. Frieml Edward Mnfr. Shirts A n-, u o . Overalls. Frlsby Samuel Tailor Filth John Furniture. JroglerBros Jewelers. FrogleyC. J Baker. Frogley Thomas H Baker. ^ Frost Mrs oh> L Fryer Mrj SI. J HatsACaps." g'.ver A Sterling BuUders. FuUertou Wm Plumber I. Fullerta tJIbsim Mrs Fancy Goods. L Gibson Thomas oro H 3 Gibson ■I'homaa Hotel. 3)4 Gibson Will G ...Printer. L 01)8011 W.J... Plumber. Ao. U 3 (» lesplc. Mead A Co. .WhoL Uafs, Ac. K 2 J ,'■".'.', *"■"• «■ » Confec. L H ""i,"??',;,- BHibor. L 0}>'>»n>H.T Teas, AC. L GllmourWm. hIiocs. L 354 Giinsou J. P. A Co Jobbers, Ac. K •/ < I'ltyJ-v Contractor. 3 GIreuxW Gro. L GIrvlnOeo CoalA WihhI. L OlaokenJohn oro L Olassfoiil Richard Sawtller. L Gdbai't A. L l>n)v L Godaiil A Canister Uphoisterers! H 3 Godson A. W Flour A Feoil F 2)6 Ootr E. A Co..GasflxtiiTOS, Stoves, Ac! « 3 OotlJohn shoes L Oohlrclch r,eopold. . . Fancy Goods A _ , , Clotliuig. K 3)4 OooiIJamos oi^i h 3 Good James A Co Foundry. Goodall Jamea Seeds A ,, . , ^ ... t:om'u. O 314 Gooderham A WorU Distillers. Aa Al GiHNlmau UeixJaiatn linker. L Gisidnian Thos WIreworker. L 3)4 tloodworth L. B. A Co ThI eiuls A .. • ^ .. „ (Join'u. H 3 OonlonE. ACo Whol. oro. F 2)4 Gordon Hugh oro. L Gordon, Maekay A Co Whol D. O. B 1 Gordon Win Carpets. D a Gorrel A.H. ACo.... I.ltho/rninners. H ,1 0!»set«lrs. Lucy.... Berlin Wool, Ac. i, ,3)4 OoughK4 TORONTO, Ont. -¥^ Qoalding Oe'iicu<& Fancy Gooils. OowauH. Kentfe Feed. Gi-ay R. H. A Co. . Jliifis. Hoopsklrtw A OverallH. Oray WlUlara liutclior. OreaveaT. VV Bricklayer. Oreeu Aliraham A Ouufuc. Green Oeo. C Patent Meds. (See Woodbury, N. J.) Green John Blinea. Green JoRlali Urufcs. Green Mrs. M Fancy Gooiu. Green M.J D. O. « Olotblng. Green Thoa. O Orsi. Green W. II Barber. Oreeu Wiu W Tobacco. Greenlaua W Tavern. Greenleeo .[olm,Jr Lumber. Greeualilolda J. ft Oro. Greenwood, UanleU Prov. liuigliuni It Shoes. ] laiiii's .1 allies Clgani. Ilalo(iei). W Dentist. Hall Fiancls A Son Mutra. Gloves. Hall Goorge Haker. Hull AJuUusou Mnfrs. Blauii. books, Ac, Hall Mark Builder. JISU Tiiuiuas Buithei. Hall Mr*. Wm D. «. Hall Wm. (UueenSt) .. I). O. UaU WUUam VeuaU. R 2 1) ■i 1. I) ■i H « I. L »^ L H s h a. 3J4 F 2H K a)J L H^ 11 a K L T, 3)i U » L 1. L L L SH L L K 3Hi H 3H L r. K SH L aj. 1. L »H 1' L L 3H 1. L 1. L 1. L L H » F asi L L !t>4 L F •■i'on Mrs. Mary Confec. Ac. L Hart A ItnwUnson Hooks A St>gs Mrs. K oro. L Hastl gsOeo Butcher. L Hastings A Peterkln.. Wood Turners. F HawtlusA Co Printers. L Hawliliis Wm l.aiiudrv. L Hawloy Bros Com'n Eggs, Ac. U lliiworth Geo. F.Agt. Leather BeltUig. L H«y Alei ..IJ. u. K Hay Alfred Plasterer. H llayJohn Tavern. L Hay liobert ACo Furniture. U Hayden II Picture Frames. L Hayes Mrs, D Tavern. L Hayes Daniel Timber Mor. O Hayes lliiunls Oro. A Prov. L Haves Joliii Gro. L Hayes William ShiH3H. L Haalltt Saiuiiel (Jro. L Heiul rhimias Tina. L llealey Wm Flour A Feed. H Heimuy Patrick Butcher. L Heath Jolin Bhicksnilth. L HelimiNl Ernest SaliMin. H Helntzman T. A. A Co Pianos. Henderson Andrew... Auctioneer, Ac. Henderson Andrew M Saloon. Henderson ACo Whol. MllUuery. Henderson George A Co Gro. O HendiM'soii W. F Tea Hroker. Henderson W. K Cariieiiter. L Henry J esse Sheepskin Tiuiner. G Henry W. A 11 Lniiibisr I) II eibert John Builder. O HerbertJolm Painter, I. Het'Ker Max A Co. .Agents Books, L Henliigttni Chaa Builder. L Ileniin David Bonta A Shoos. K Uenuu J Butcber * Pwrk U««lrBssmkr, Ac. H 3 Kay John n y j, ji, K™™«yJ. P Fruiterer: L S}Z Ko'ible Henry Hotel IC i ^^\i\' ^'^.'''t**- * ^•" ■ • • Plimibors, Ac. F 8 ^"Jl'O.AJ CoatAw'ocl E 3 Ke th OBorgo. .... Whol. A Ret. Seels. K a ^y '7. ?"■",■ ^ *»«"■"" WooI.Ao. K 354 Ke lyliugh Butcher. I, •• i>« vJanicH, «r Tavern A 0. 8. H 3 lnO.II *^"1C'l ' - " D..Sti»w6J.;,liAi:i: Johumm Mrs. II. Johnwin Isaac B. Johnson J Johnson J Johnson J Johns(lon R. AJ Fewl r Jolnwlon Robert lini. i Johnston .M. W Oruos t Jobn«t,.n Mis. Samuel ..ButoliSr; h JohuBlun ,r lomas Jewelry. L Jidinston Thos. ACo ' .."■>■ '^ Johnston SVm Johusum Wm. U.. Jolltm ACo JolllfTe James Jones Chuniplon Joue» Kdwaiil JonesGeorgo i-MVMni i':.T ?""."• " .•.".■.■.■ MiiSuS™: JoueaJ. L Confmi Joue. Mrs. Jane ..■.•;;.; CoK Jora 3*4 2!4 an Keliiiylf rJ; Martha.V.V.V.sionndhimi ^ Jvont Bi*oA. .......... JowhIbm V Kenyon cha». H si'iu' Pi-csses A K00WUH.J **%%"• ?i kIpi^JhS Bobbins, Ac: H KcnmWP .-saloon. H Kcrns w. p Harness. I, 5®" George Stonecutter. L J>S™^*'.'""' Bhwksmlth. L KerrJohn Hnker v Kerr John :::::::::"' oro o Kerr W'm Blacksmith: L Keretemau Jihw... Stock Brokers, Ac. u-„...n,H. „ * r,„ .Bakery. Kettenrlng A Co. KlddJohn Kldd A MoKeggle... Khid ^Vni. A Co KllfederE., Agtnt... KlIfederR..." Kllgour BiHjs K liner A Co KImlrigs Diivld M.. Klncaile John KInvade R Painter. L Painters, h Cigar Boxes. L Harness. U Wagons. I, Paiwr flags. P Coiii'n .'lers. L ..Carpentir, Ac. L Glasswaiv. i, Shoes. G King A llrown..Whol. BootsASiioM: u KbigMrs, Robert CrookeiT L King Robert.. Secondhand Fuiultuii. I, Ul"',?;'^^ Butchers. L iV!"" i":;' Socouilliand fsnire. K King A Yorston. . . . Secoudbiind stole. H Kugsberiy James Hotel. H KUineurA Idling (if,, l, KlnueurWlllluui ;.; Ci'ittie Kinsman Will Giti* H Kluzliiger Will : Bakei-. Ac; 1, feK-V^ '"•'■ttdou.. Undertakers. L Kirk Tlioimi.s B'smlthA Wagons. L jj "klaiiil Mrs Fancy G.MMls. J, Klikpatrlck Joseph (ji„ k KltsimJohn Joiner II Kjeiser Albert.. Watch Materials, Ac; H b\T7 f*\ir Watches, Ac. G Klliict J. W Builder, u 1? '"*'■',";•■'• ° Phys'n A Biugs. Khi ip Wm iTotiil I KiiigitFred. :::H«J-ue^; ^ Knight Geo. A Florist.. I Kiiipe Thoma., ;;: "i„ KnowlesH. A 'iinigs' KnowlesJaincs .. Flour A Fe.'i: Kiiowles Jessie A Sou Hardware. KiiowUoii R.J Presseil Hay. Kiiowlton W. H. A S. . . . Fhmr A Feed. fc"«", '»■■'!<'""«, Shoes A Cigars. Kupltz Kdwanl fi h i/^}'"5 •'.'!""" ....BiitchW; Kyle Arthur Baker Kyle John Com'u Piwi; 3.>4 3 an m ^ ^ 8 Laldlaw Adam. !'»)U..a I,alley Thoiiius A Co I,alley Wm. A C Ijilttl John Isllll A JBubarta ...I). G. H 3 !1H Whol. Oluthlug. C U.Jl. H ...Pictures, Ao, L {*!;<' W.H HardwaT<% T ^akerC.W Confeo I Lahir Thomas A Sons Machinists: Lamb Mrs. John Shoes. Lamb John A Co Com^ Lamb Peter R. A Co BtacWng, Ao: D Lamb Wm. A Co Prov a Ijiiubo R. A Bro , ---■'-n.v. u Laudervlllo Mrs. E LaueJauies ACo Shoes, it Langfonl H. P.. Sash A Dooi' Factom 1 LanjStonT Cariienter. h Laugton Tlirmias Boots A Shoes. L Langtrtie Henry Confoc, AC. L Lanklu Robert Fruit *e I. uinuiugcha*.ACo ;;;...: f)f», Lapp 8amneJ" H Ijiwson KlU Kith :" "oSi L Lhwhou N. H.stafy A Tobacco. L jAVton Henry W HoM K Uytou Wblow Hotel L Lea James D ,,^- '-' Leailjay Kdwanl Vvool A Skins; Leaillay Geo u u I*ak Wm. A Oo LiimiAw, Ac: SH an 3)1 33i 3)4 3)4 3)4 ah 3)4 Lean R. C l-ear R. H Istor John Pedill'eV Coal Oli; K Lever Mrs. B Desk Factory, Ac. L P^LMax Secomlliaiid Cl.iililng. L L"wf''AI>'ertT Comu Harrtwaro. E Lewis D Com'u Agent Lew « George .'.". „ IgUJ „ i*t)wU J Barber, L lA'fViiH J, II C'ftrut^iitfir L L»,wls Hlco A Sou... Whol. UuiMwui-e! U I A) Wis w. J j(jg f'I!m''iw?'. V ■•^■"°''" WOTdonwar.); L LIddell Uolioit (1-,. I LIghtfoot Will PrVntor L LImlsay Henry ; Oro, Aa li Line A canilee ^ '-rl:^ !'!"." Alexander Tobacco. L !' ?h"' A^l? t 4^, Butcher; L HH, ^'i.* ^ Flour, Feed A WihhI. Little Johnston Baker I. LItiloMrs. Margaret yfuv I. Livingston J. A Oralis, Aa F Livingstone, Johnston A I'o Who). Llvlngstoiie A Wright Bi'ilVde"™; S 'L Lloyd Fred'kSecondheud Furniture. L Loader Mrs. 11 Kniitu h LoaiieS. R ■".•SaliHin o Ixibb James M iifis'. Agent, Ac; H Locke W. H " 'i'lus L LiMJklngUin T. A Furniture; K aXi S'4 3)4 3 3)4 3 Loeb A Co.. Agent* Foreign I). G. (See New VoAcity.) 0111. Frulloicr. Qro. ■■,;•. (See King, Detroit, Vlloh.) Butcher. Caipeuter. an Logan Mrs, E. ■.Aigan Mrs UigleChailns.. Ixnidon Tea Co. Win. .V .. Lnngnoltl Joliu B. Ixird I^.ilmer A. R llonTjs, Ac; I l-orsuh David... 8eoondli«nd Clothing. L Louibin Wm. J Fiiilt: T. IjVni. A I'lmtnuroiilier. K 3)4 Lyuus & Alexander. . . . l'uoU)Kraiiliei'»' Materials. 3)^ MacrlonaW Bros Trov, T.i ?M Mivodimald Uavld Tinware, h Macilimalil Flnlay Oro. iS Fruit, li Xv Maiiilnnalrt Jolin A Co Whol. D. o. B+ Al Mavdouitlil Petor Oro. F 2)o Maciliiuell A. J SiKies. L MKOdonnell A. E Tolmccimlst, I., 3(.j Mace Alfreil Wouilenware. L Ma«rarloue Malcolm Hotel. H 3 Mackay A. o Pnbllslier, Ac. Mackay W Brashes, Biat'y, Ac. L Macklusou Mrs Hotel. L MaokleP a. S. L 3)4 MaulearACo Books, Ac. h 3)4 Mwtpeok James H B.iUder. II 3 Macrae Alex. 8 Com'u Akhih. MaillRsn Patrick.^ sSoes. L MaKUlm John Qro. h MivuuinJ. U Pub'r Books. H 3 Malially W.J Painter. L WatuwarhiK Arthur Stonecutter. L. Malcolm lloben isaildlcr. H 3 Maloolm Wm. B Oasdtter. Ac. F 2)<, Maldraum James C '.Oro., Ac. L 3!a MaUliiiliuoJ Uro.ATavern. U H Mallou John A Co Butchers. (» 2)6 Mallord James Tavern. K 3).j MaloneyJ.M. ABon Tailor. H 3 Maltmanc. W.... Mute Paper Boxes. K 3)4 MaltmanJ Coifeo. L MunijerW. u Japauner. L MnuleyJohnW Tailor. L Mauley Klchard uro. L ManlevMrs. 8. A Laces. 1, Mann I'humas Builder. L Maunlni Juuu's Knofor. L MauHiield Jo>tt'ph (4ro. L Mauton Geo Teas. Ij Marks Uobert Oro. L Marples.Mis Contec. 1, Mariim James Barber. L Uarrliitt.lohnO Butnlior. 1, Marsden A Moore Hotel. Marsh .Mrs. M Gn>. I, su Mareliall John S Baker. H » Marshall Hubert Biwks. K 8)4 Uarsuall Wm Painter. L Marshall Wm Itope. L ,S'4 Mavston W. P (luusmllh. O 2)4 Martin ChiU. A Co. . . Talloi-s A Geuts' „ ,. „ , Furu'jf. O 3 Martin F. ' Ml.ion. IX 3)4 Martin r 1 oil Fancy < 1im,, Matliewni A DruKs. Mathew U Cim-'n. 1* MattUesou lluah F i'A Matthews II. J. ABiu ProuieiiA „ .. I'luturns. G ;i 4 Matthnn-s James 8mla Water. Ac. L .I'J Matthews Jas. A Bou Uoblnsnu „ ,,,. . , Uou " v^, Veaael*. V »)•, Matthews John uro, K i) Matthews H ^ UoufM. U HaiiisrTrj \v. i>. ± vn rrpd. r r : luttioajolm Builder, L )kz MauKlioD Nloholaa Bnllder. fJ Mauthio Mrs Oi-o. L Maw Robert Coal, Ac. H Maxwell Kobert Oro. L May A Co DriiKs. a May Samuel.... Mnfr. BllllanI Tables. O Mayo John. . . Bowing Machine Aitent L Maysnn John Builder. Me Adam H. A Co Stationers, Ac. H McAdoeT Prov. L McAllster H. A Knlttwl OoiHla. L McArthurRroa Timber. Mc Arthur James Oro. L MoArlhurJttS. D.... Leather Belting. L McBcanOynis Crockery. L McBean James Builder. L McBean Wm BuUder. McBride A. C UruKS. L McBilde II Hoteh L Mcllrlde Flunk Uutolier. K McHHde Jolin Fnilt. K McBrlilu John Tavern. L Mc Bride .Samuel Coal A WomL McBrldo Wld.7w Tavern, McCalio John om. McCabe MIclmel Cndertaker. McCabo P Shoes. McOaheS Shoes. McCaffrey Miss Sarali 1>. O. A ., „ Millinery. McCallum II Gn>. McCarrou .Tames Tavern, Mot 'arteu Reruant Oro, McCartor John Bntcher. McC'arvillo J. A Bankrupt Stock. Mc('aii«lttHdJo9 Painter A staluor. McL'harlos A Phtuos A OiKaiia, Mc' 'leary Joseph Oro. A ,. MoClnary llobert A Cu. .Mnlrs. ClKars. P McClelland William Drover. K McClelland Wm. J Drover. L McC'ill Bix)8. A Co.. Machine Oils, Ac. K McCoukey George Coufec H McCimkcy T Photographer. L McConnoIl M Saloon. V McC;onnell N. A Co Coal A Wood. U McConuBll Wm Sewing Machines. L McC'on vey Patrick Drover. K McCord A. T.,Jr., A Co Brokers. McCiinnack fli\is oro. .t Uq. F Mccormick Artlmr BuUder. o McCormlck John ... . Furniture Broker. L McUrea David Paluts. L MoCrca W. J Books. Ac. J, McCrossnn A Co Hats. McCunlgJ Com'n Prod. H Mcculloch Peter om. P McCnllouKli Joseph W MUllnery. L McCullouKh "aiuuel shoes. L Me^ully All irew Hotel. L Mccui ry James Machinist. L MoOoloN Oro. L McDonald A Booth Dominion Tin „ . ., Works. 1) Mc Dminld A Graham oiw. McDonald H. J uro. L McDonald Mrs.(Queen8t.)..MIliliierv. 1, MeDouKull J. C 'Minb.f. 1.. McDouKull W S..jtloUi)r. .McDouKuU W. H. A Co Bitters. McDowell Wni Saddler. M c Kacliren N ell Tallo- M „ Gro. A UK], McFarlaiid P. J Wagons. L McFarlaiie John M. A Co A"" Mc'-'arlano A somerviile. tloncers. Pal ..t ' lers. L .I'nxl. K :>olcl, ... Hotel. I, .'s Uotuiuait 'er&avu i-rwi. K. MalBlMlh D near A reed. F 8H 3)4 2)3 3)4 3)4 3 3)4 2 3)4 a ait MoJannett Robert Oro. L McKay Angus A Co Wringers. K 3H McKay H.J oro. «{ McKayJ. n.ACo Com'n Prod. McKayJolin Egg Merchant. Ac. McKay Kenneth News Agent L McKay Mnbert D. O. H 3 Mc Keln; Joti;i o Blacksmith. L McKeuzle Angus Tins. L McKeuda Donald Oro. * Prov. L Sit McKenzle, Miisson ACo Varnish. F an McKenzle Widow Oro. L McKenzle William (cor. King A John . Sts.) Oro. L McKenzle Wm. (cor. York A Bolton .His.) Oro. a 3)4 McKeown Edward D^ O. H 3)4 McKeownJnhn Shoes. L SM McKeown Thomas Prov. L McKlehan H. F Paper Bags. L MoKlnlay MIsaC... Fancy Ooutls. Ac. L McKlunon, Proctor A Moi 'alt... Whol. -, „,.. , , „ Mllllnoty, Ac. P 2)4 McKlttvIck Bros Gro. McLaivn Daniel n. O. McLaren Thos House Purn'g. L P)4 McUtiighllu Jd'ia Tavern. H 3 McLaughllnit non Flour Mill. O 3 McI.oaffD I.«ath«r. C U* MoI>ear Mrs. T Mllllni ly i. MoLea; i'honuu Wf.'ons. O 2)4 Mcr»ln tsCo Printers. McMan iChwles MllUuery, Ac. I. MoMar 1. Thomns Artist. K 3)4 McMasur A. R. .'•. Bn>.... WiC. p j. fl AJ McMaster W. J., McClung '.; >;o., Whol. D. O. C 1)4 McMaster Wm, ir D. O. O 3 McMillan Jol 1 .'.....Confeo. A Baker. L McMllhwA ;«rham v Gro. L ,1)4 McMlllainhos Oro. H 3 McMullen A Morrison.. Ci.Kikery, Ao. K »)» McMrllcn Tlios Funcv (joihUi. L 3)* McNali Samuel Blacksmith. McNali-n J. H Com'n. K 3)6 McNIchol A. B Stationer, Ac. h McNultyJoUn Qro. L 3»4 McPhatl Hubert Whol. Stationer. E a McClulllan J Furniture. Mcltaii John A Hotel. Mc Itoborts John Flour A Feed. L 3)4 McVeanK. ACo Tailors. L Mead Owen Painter. L MiiailowsS Plumber A w . ,...,. ^ „ Oosfltter. L Me. O. D 3 Mitehell (ieo Mitchell Oeo. A... Mitchell James.... Mitchell James MItcJiell Julin ... Oro. _ Oro.. Ac. . Carpenter A Oro. K D. «. K Lively, ti Saloon. Drugs. S ^;^"")j^-"i>'"' ' siS Mitchell w. J Dnura. Mitchell Wni. oi Co Auctlomwrs. »'"''«' ly J'. \v Contractor. Molr A McC'all Cari>eulersA Builders. H Cruckerv. K . . Fancy OwhIs. L ■••■■ Oro. K Pro4 an s 3 3H 3 3H. Murray James.. Miiiray Martin. Murray S. s Mim'ay Thus Munay W. A. A Co Slurray A W.atts Potatoes L Muskoka Mill A Lumber Co. . " .'*"^- g Mussen Oc«. A Co Oro. A Prod' MussouT ^""o""- Mutton S. S. A Co. . Lumi)er,'coai, Ac! Myer Mrs. U.... Secondhand Clothing. L Myers Charles Cisai;. o Myers Oeo Painter 1 Myers Wm ..D^tStK ""li'nA Contractor. Nairn A. AS ooal *n u Vi Newman a Wedd. Newton J Newton Samuel... Newtou Wm Nichols C. s. A Co.. Nichols Henry. Nichols John... Nichols John Nichols UlchardC NlooU Friilerlc.'i Nlcolis Itobeit Nlcoils Simuu NlKhliugalo W. H Nlmmu A Nivlu Malcolm NUon John Noble Andrew . Noblo George Noblo (Jcn-unt Noble Thiiiims U... .'.'.." ,. ,» ,„„ Jiiilan Michael Cmleitaker! o.-a No an Bros. . . . f,econdhand Furniture. K sC Nolan W. P. Butter A Kggs. ■* NoiamlMrs. J Fancy OiSAs. L O Connor Kn. Ellen Tavern. O O'Connor M.,Jr on L O Connor Matthew Painter! F OConnorTho».J Tavern. O O Connor Wm Photographer. H O Doa John Confec, AC. K O'DonohueJolm Tavern i SSi'i^i^™ ..■.■.•.HuckHtSrL OgUvy&Co Whol. D.O. r,,,, ,, . (See Montreal.) O Ooripan Mra. Ann oro L O'OradyJ Uotol (i 0'HaganJame« .!!:.. Om Q OHiHornn Michael liaker! U D'Hai-a Itobert Hotel O'Hcara A Olynn Tinsmiths." L O Koefe A Co BrewenLt* oiiiham wm...:.. !:::::::::::"'not3: L O I-eary.T., StalrbuUder. K OLeary James Oro., Ac. L R.r '■^i'i''" Tavern. L O' Leary Thomas O S O O'L'^a'T Timothy Hotel! n O^B'-.rohuAOo Lumber. F OllverA King Druira Oliver Stephen A Whol. Shoos a' n.\r.n„„ I . Bankrupt Stocks. C 9,*fa',ey ■'«''?.••• D. O., ae. o O'NpUI Joseph P rtro L O'.VeUIT. H HotS JI Ontario i'limp Co.... ^otel. u Ontario »tr,»w Ooods Mufg. Co '.■.'.'. ! ! ! ! F Mi OntarioTeaCo f O'Rell' ' Patrick ■'.■.■".■."Gfo' L Onwn^ Saloon. L OTrH.J Tobacco A r>..»„ u r) Newsileiiot. L Orson 8. B Paper Boxes. K OsbomeWm Hotel L Oshawa Cabinet Co (See'Oshawa. ) Ovens Johu^ Fancy Omxls. Owe" ?»■": O- ; ■ v: ^^^ Stationer. L Owen Klchanl, Estate of Drugs. O Oxenham Wllliani BuUher! H 2)4 am U4 3!ii 3)4 P 3 3 3it 3Hi Mortson Jimcph. Moses Frank Moses J -MoHniuiii Jaiues. JltOHSlip J MosMop Thomas.. Moulds Wm Mowat Wm Mulr J. F. ACo.. MulrW Mulr Iter. Wm ! V airhead Mn. M. Noiiihelmer A. AS.. Norman Addison. . . Norrls Henry NoiTls Mrs Noriis Wm. A Son. Niiithcutt B. L Northrop A Lyman Norton . Niimui Miss Norwich J.. Nutmaii A Fraser Music. A Sillies. J, Bulchel. 11 ....Fancy OoimIs. L Planus F U. o. L ....Whol. Patent Mernv « Park W. W. A Co, . . . Mufi-s. Confe ™a' \'iUt3tfIU* F* Parker J. O Brass Founder! ParkerMrs.s Do L Parker Itobert Steam Dye Works! K Parker Thos. y Builder O P"'" wrW. K Wool. L Parson.: Chas. « Co Leatlier I'aisons s s ur-y L Partridge Alf"c!. m 3H % 3)4 3)4 a>4 1)4 U"4 .Tavern. L ........D.O., Ac. L ... Flour A Feed. F D. O. L . Whol. Crockery. K . BiHltjl A Shoes. K .... Oro. A Feed. K Oro. II .. Millinery, Ac. L ...Com'n Drugs, li, — Fancy OihhIs. L Coutract4n', Painter. O n -.-.,- Paints, oil, Ac. F Peuicn J.*, Marble. Jl Peai sail Oi-orgo Hanlwai e. K I'attiusou J. II Patlun ACo Pattea'"''i Mlssh Peai.H... Mrs. K.. I'caison Jfi. A Co. Pearson John Peurson M. A W. ■'eirce Felix.. Fancy Ooods, Ao. h Mlllluory. L D. u. Butcher. L D. o. O I'ork Biilcher. L I.'''!!"!.''!""! r'*''™'"""""' Filruiiiiri! l PeUatt A Osier Acwiuntauts A i>..ii„ * r..... 1 **'*«''• Brokers. E PollsApodds..^ Caiiienteis. li r„..,_r .Tirs. i;. J.... Jiciau Wool, Ac L Peudletoti U. H CimSi. t. PeudrsUoUu ,! . rto It 3 3)4 3>4 3 3.'i 2)11 't 3,'4 3)4 TORO]SrTO, Ont. PeiKlrlthJ. 11 Bl£j)lt«niltU. K 3M I'oiiiHiiiD A Langan Tnluicco. a ajJ PcoiilesO. U LI.|Uor». a aS P(!|>ior Jan. . . . Skinn « Stock Bniker. PMlMilut Phlll;. Uuoomlhiiml Htore. L Poikluii, Ince A Co Wliol. Oro. B Al PerkiuH Joliu . . . . , Bollomikr. PerkinHS ..Cabliintware. t. PorryCliarlPs Forwarder. K Perry * tjrnud Iliwka. L Perry Jainos Pioturo Framiis. I, Perry W. o. 4 Co.. ..Spring Bedii, rt:c. P i» Perry ^V. II. ! ,)„,. L 3)6 Perryman E D. o F 'ii pBtch Wni Carpputer. L Peterkln Jamea P. . . .Carver * Picture PeterklnS. M Ploturoa. K a'a Peters Mi;*. C Crockery. J, ;!)« Petent K<>1)ert.. Qro. ift Ship Chaiiiller. II 3 PeterBon naiilul Fiuur * Feed. H H Petcrwm Mru. Jamea oro. h 3!t. Petli.vbrliiKo Wm Hotel. L SS Pelter CHiat. E Oro. I, Pettvitrew Samuel Builder. I, Pliolan Brag ...News Ageuts. „^,,„ ^ „ (BCB Montreal.) fl?) .'•" ^ Kiraus Furniture. L PIdUlpB Fi-wl Builder, <£o. PtilUlps II. A Painter. L PlillllpaH. W V.U. Pi'i!!'l"*J W Builder. PliUllpa JOBttpb 4 Price Mtoplum Variety Bture. L 3Ji i'rtildle Sfark Cablnetwiire. J, 3)i PrltsHliuan Mrs. K On>, h PrluulK John W Barber. 1, Pi obert M i-s. J. T Fancy A U. U. I> PuUenairs Brushes, Ac. K 3)4 PulleuWm Furniture. I, 3)2 Purdy Mrs. Margaret Tavern. L Punly Mrs. Mary jj. O. L Purse Alex Saloon. F 2)4 Purney I). ^i» jk r»^..~^ Rogers JTV '.y.'.'.'.'. ".v. ."."■ Mnfr. Siioei! RogBiTi Jas. II Hats, Ac. Hugura John (ParlUmentSt.). . UuUder. H » H :t L '.i^ 1. 1. L F 2H 1, B 1 1. 3)4 L an L 1, It n K •i L If 3 1. L 3)4 1. O 24 K L. 3)^ 3'^ (1 I> F 2)-j 2)4 F 2)4 K .S)4 1. K 8!4 L B 2 L O 2)4 O 2)4 P 2)4 L 3*4 L L 3)4 1. I. L. h 3!4 T, 1. H 3 L O 2)4 O 3)4 U •2>li C 1 r. K 3)4 I, H « L .<))4 F •iX> L 1. 1. H 3 3)4 I. L 3)4 L :hs4 L 3>4 1, L 3)4 I) 1 r, L 1, a)4 L L 3W, K »)4 I, K 3-4 K a.'4 F 2H H I K 3)4 1. U 3 Rogers Samnel 0U». F %i Rcigeni 'Ihos. K FlotirA Fre Painter. I. Rohleter F. W Butiilier. L Rolsocorgo PlQture irranius. 3)4 Rolph Benjamin Fnilt L Kolph, Smith A Co Engravers A „ , _, „ LltJiograuher*. E 3 Rooke TliOh. 8 Drugs. Roome T. P Organs. Rooney Jas. A Son Flour A Feed. O 2)« Rooiu>y Tlios Shoes. L 3)4 Ronlans JoBiiua I«w Statlcmer. O 2)4 Rosar Frauk Undertaker. H 3 KimbachOeo A Butcher. Hose, BoUonl, Pub'g Co. (Limited). ... Rose Henry J Drug*. H 8 Rose Rev. Samuel. . . .Agent Wesleyan Book Room. P 2H Rose\\m... Butcher. L Rosenbaum J Furrier. L 3)4 Rosenbloom Henry Peddler. L RosouthallK Clothing. K Ross A Allen Haiilwaie. H 8 IlossA Donby cloihs. ''"»» V®H''«* Furniture. L 3)4 Ross J. P Tinsmith, Ac. K 3)s KossJohn.. Florist. U 3 Ross John......./. Hotel. L 3)4 RossJohu W Hotel. H 3 Rosa W. P. A Co Jewelers, «c. Ross Wm. A Co Gro. L Rosslter A. A Sons Hrushes. Rosslter A Co Washing Machines. Rostlichllds A Co Jewelry, Ac. Rothwell Eei^ Shoes. L Rouse Wm FnUt, Aa L RoweJas Builder. L Rowland John a. o. »• au KowlandW. H Drugs. L RowntreeJohn Butcher. H 3 Rowsell A Hutchison Books, Ac. E 3 Box BernanI oro. L Roy A Patterson Palutei-s. H 3 Roy le Mrs. Louisa Dyer, L RudlliiOeo Plasterer, Ac. H 8 Ruf Vincent Shoos. L Hundle C. R. A Co Plasterers. K ,S)4 5""''leJ Butcher. L 8)4 KuseChas Oro. A XJu. o 'ift Hnili P Oen'l Dealer. O 2)4 Rush Mrs. P MUUuery. L Russell Francis Butcher. H 3 Russell J. 8 Mnft-s.' Agent. !»4 Russell James Carpenter, Ao. L RussellJohuT Crocker}-, Ac. K 3 Russell Thos. A Son Watches. D 3 Ruthertord .Miss Jennie ....MlUlnerv. L R.vau J. & T Oro. L Ryan James B Hardware. K 3 Ryan John... oro. H 3 Ryan Michael Shoes. L Ryan Patrick C Cablnetiukr. L Ryan l'«u>r imp. Woolens. E 3 Ryiiu Thomas Shoes. L KyanWm. Onm'n. K 3)4 R.vnn Mrs. Wm oro. L RyderThoa Carrlagea. H 3 Uy lie Jamea Jewairy. L 3)4 gfMJ;";;; Tobacoonlsi. P 2)4 St. Croix Wm ; Bullder.« Plaster Mill. 3)4 St. Oeorge, Quetton A Co. . Wlnea, Ac. K 3 St. Lawrence Foundry (See „, . Rice Lewis A Sou.) St. Loger O.J Boots A Shoos. K 3)4 Saker John Barber. L Salmon Henry Canwnter .t stoi-e. L Mauii> J as. H Fdrnil ore. .Sample Henry A Fancy Oi».ds. I, Samson, Kennedy A Oemmel. . . . w bol. Samuel M. A L U'ware A Metals! b 1)4 SaiHlorsim E. H BcmKS a shows. Sanderst Co Brokei-s. 3* SoartJi W.B Timber, Ao. K 8 Mchadel Chaa Tobacco A « L ■ . c;^'«io. IX s Bonaofer Jacob CUnra. L Soliaeter John H Butoher. L SehMter Matthias oio. L ^H| il- Ej , t 1 ^^^K ^^^9 ■\ • w "f " > f TOHOlSrt'O, Ont. Soliell Ei-Mnius Gro *c IT HcMller J. K Hotef' H Solimiiit Eilwanl Biiitetmkr L BcUiuldt Joliau Cooimr i. ScllOlKS & OoUKbU " " "Salimn If ^^['"'"''"rKHcnryA.... Cablnitware. HCliuch Mfh. Cliaa. Oiirani An r iSfl.S'o.-; Co„tr«,|««.H 8o»ttJaiue» ■.■.■;.■■. D H n SoottJiilm ACo.... Viro' 8c>tt F.'tw A LViifiller' V Scutt, Sutherland 2!li 3M( 3^ 3.«S Tavern. JL. Fancy D. O. L I'rult, Ao. Clears. Iv ....Coal AWoml. u 8 ... Uq. AOlKani. H 8)4 Tavern. K 8 Dyer. H 3>4 Auctioneer. L Smith F. b: ACo::::.\\oenti"F"i°ir*i' a t Sm S STV^.*-'" WhtKOiS: B+ AI smith u. B. A Co DrniTH r. ^u Smith O.B. A Hendersoi:.. •.;.". Whol " ** |";|Jh oe"- W... Barber A Baths. £ ^ Sni th Mr«. H. T Plumber, Ac. Smith Uenn' Gro ir Smith Henry.. PaVuter " Sl,^;.. •?• ii ■ ■ •^u"'l>er A Planing Mill. D sS 1,1 ■{• !* v.-,v Contractor. S.Uu.'I'?*'^'' Mnfrs. Ink. P S.!-!- l^-**-" K. E. AgenU. K S^.'^f""'"* Carter. K Smith James Coni'u I. Smith James "i:. oVa L S!,1IJ!l ^'',"'*" Ites'taunint. K Smith Jotiu CimiiHr W "■"jll'-}"!'"-,- :::;;piii'S; 1^ Sm »•{'""''"•; Turner. L Smith Joseph A Fruit, Ac. L sll! f h f ^'K"">'y Whol. Cro. c 1 iSmith I., w Talloi" L Siiilth MiM M. U Faiicy Goods.' L 3>s Paints. Brushes, h 3}i Dyer. L Painter. L .. Hotel. L Lumber. B+l 3 3)4 2Vi 2' 3 2 3,<4 Smith A .Nelson Smith Kobevt Sodth Hubert Smith Ic 01 1 II.. Smith Ihoiuas Sinltli Thompson A Son Smith VV Hiit^i I »!U{»1> W... :.PU^s'nA Dr"u^ L Smt w£ Builder. L §m Ih S^- if Builder. L g"'"h W. 11. Fruit A Coufec. h 2m f ^ «',",!'"' Pla«U-iciH. H Smith A \\ llby imps. Caiilages A Upholoterers' Furu'gs. D Saloon. L Wagons. Canienter. U 3 Uul'ler. . Sewing Mr ilne Attachments, Au, L I.lver.v. II ..Dentist K Stark R- W. Tobacconist I, Staitup David Secomlhiiud .store, h Staunton Jas. A Co.. .Berlin Wool, Ac. O 3 Mtuuiiton M. A Co WaUpaper Ac. D M sf^rner"^^".!-.-.-;;;;.'.;; S^aX ¥ ^ StephoiiHon K A Co 'Biiiidei^ Ac! P SM'phoMson Wni Tavern I, Stern Samuel Vanov Oooi1«' i' Stevens Miss .. . .^ffiluS^w L Steward \v. U Dmim K Stewart C. A ...Fancy Ciooeller Norman Spence Hugh „ Spence James (Queen St) Silence Thomas Spence Will Coal A Woimi; Spence Wm. (Chestnut St) om. S''!!'."'.«l.«">» Mnfi-8. Clgam. Spltial Wm Spoimcrslaines Spratt Kolieit Spi-uul' Samuel spnrgwm John... S([ulivs Thomas. . Siiulnvll o stack Mrs. John Baker. H Cigars. F Flour. ..Agent, h Boots A shoos. L Dyer. U -■ .....Hotel. II Seoondlmnd Store. L Stuait John C Stuart Wm stubbs Ulchard. ... Suekllng J. A Sims Siilllvau liermird.. Sullivan Iluith uoiei So Hi vhu J allies oni . Siilllvau Jeremiah 'filli.r L «;; 'van f.M UndertSkef: L Sullivan .V Son UndertakeB. i. Summei-s A Husband... ^"""'"*5«™- ^ Sutherland Bnis cjm t Sutherland Bros. A Co. . Gro' o SutheiiHud u aent8'"Puriiv' T sIl'rK^,':-'"'"'--*'?.'^'*'."'"'''*'' SwaltoJ. c Swallow John... Swan Bros .'.' Swiintou George 8f4 3 sa ^ sa s ... BlucksmiUi. Tins, Ao. Gro. Gro. Contractor. Sweetmau llewy".:::;- •■-"""»"•";• •' Swhler^kl P. F........ o,™- ? Switzer Tobias '""Bulhl er' Swlt^erW. F o. H. B^ker, Aa •Sykes James Lniiiber H Sylvester Bros, A Hickman.".". Vessels Syme Andrew f u'lnhfe?" k Syiiious John 'Biitlcler I Syneburg s Secondhand "dothlug! L Tabi-aham W. C. . Tackaberry, Josellu A Vo. Tadforil John 3?4 3 3H a)* H)a ■raggait Mrs. C.'.'soco'iidlliuii "ciotiilug.' |"KK«'« Charles Bakery, a* Tall Daniel ii',.„. Builder. L D. G. A Com'n, G Gix). L L ..rsiiiHMl, L Baker. H Bloau Jas. A 2!!;!!H.'t'i"L^'»'''-''"------''.'8U^^ Oiu U 8 V i\ Small Daniel....'. Bliui:i A SUlrUr. . ■ na», AC. I. ■TkvwB. L — uro. 07S m Slalker A Co D g Stauhury James " ' ' " '(jon'ru staiieland Samuel "'Saloon' Stanley Kobert J PiSntei' stall too A Vlokem.... Photog'rHpliers.' gSi.'Ti'V """■■«« Tea Broker Star Menrv ci..,,....! otark Mnii....".V.'."."..'.V,.."..'...".'."crim'u BUrkChM JeweliT S«»rkH.J :..:...... cwn." an Tall Daniel Tall JuHi'pli uanei- m Talbotlleuiy 'BiaJhSr' I X ..'. "V"''\S ^y"""" But,.hei-s. L 1 UI lt'l4)ll W, .1 , , PlUV IC tT.^H. l*"i"'y ■.'.'Fauiy Giwds! ta.\iorA. P iiiii-iii*i- I Taylor AUiwi Tal Sr r Taylor Archibald "coal 40' Tavliir A Co iJm' tr '^&L f » ArViits' Culms; " Ti?;;?|:i;"G;;;:;:i-;;ba„^r?ffi:Jj Taylor F. p. g a (•o...Miif,H. Babbitt Tavlor Geo. vJ":''".''*' ''*""'■ '•""','r;0 Taylor llenry !;; JJJ:'' Taylor J A J FlreiMtrnf Safw. I a.\ -ir Mrs. Jane S ewwlemit Taylor Joseph (Colborae p-t).. Hotel TayiorJiisepb (^onge St.) Hot»i; Tit ;ir m""'J",'.„- Tobacco. L layiorM. ACo yj(, 'i»> !"i' Mrs. (King St East) .■.■."."om; I, Taj' or Klchard sci'ap Iron. Ac L Taylor Uobert F. A Son... ....TaiuT™ r TayiorT. i) ::;;:; vSS?" f Taylor Tho». A Bro Papir Mm B Taylor WaUou ;. .f.?^T«5or: 3 «4 ?>» 3)* 3)a an an T. 1. C» 8 U 3>? F a?4 TOROIsTTO, Ont. T»ylor Wm am. K 3>i Tvlor Wm. 4 Co OyBtera.Ao. U 1)» JSr8. Thompson Dr. Davlit L Drum. K 8JA Thompson Kilward (jro. K 3*i Thompson, Fahey A Co K. K. _, Brokers, Ac. 3 Thompson A Flannlgan.. ..Butchers. O 2,iii rhompsim James Contnu)t«)r. It 3*4 Thompson James oro L Thompson Johu (.'arpenter. II 3 Thompson John Coal A VVoihI. K 3 Thompson John fl Shoes. H 3)4 Thompson Poter Plumber. L Thompson Uobert Oro. F 2i4 Thompson Itobert Piiiv F 3 Thompson Hamuoi Cooper. U 2V, Thompson T. A Hon.... I). O. A Shoes. D 1)4 Thompson ThoniKB Baditler. H SJi Thompson W. B uro Ij Thompwm Wm. A Son Wairons. (» 2^ Thompson WlUlam A Co Com'n. h Thomson James Wallpaiier. a IH, Thomson Wni. A Co.... Whol. H'ware, „. , ,, , Crockery, Ac. C 1 ThorleyC.J Tailor. H 3 Thome Alfred Fumltnre. r, ThorneChas. E. A Co Whol. _,_ „. Crockery. O 3 ThorneThos Om. * Bricklayer. L 314 Thornhlll Mrs. A oro. I, Thornton A McKay Marble. L. Thornton Mrs Fancv GoihIs. Ac. L Thorold W. H Novelty Agencv. K 3Si Thorpe W. A Tobacconist. L xi Thrush Mrs. Mark. .Secoudlmud Store. L Thurmnu Mrs. E liakerv, Ac. I^ 3'o Tidey W.J B-tti(„,n. L T,loyC .Shoes. I, TlUlson Thomas Jlotel. L 3U Timm Herman ^)m. h Timm Mrs. Mary Oi-o. L TlmmsJohi Kestaurant. F 2H Tlmon Mrs. A udrenr Tavern. L 3>u Tiuipson ThoB. B .Musical Insts. L, T uiiliiK It. a Jiro Wl.liu!ob ir. Builder. „ ToppluK C.ileb Peddler, h Toronto Bi-enlng A MalUiiK Co It Toronto HiiiiKe Co Toronto Car Wheel Co Tontuto Cn-oisn-atlve Cluar Mnt(f. Co. (See Uuuter A Co. I Toronto Eniniivlnff Co ic Toronto Lime Co W. H Soutt, _ , MauiH^r. Toronto Lnmlier Co d Tonmto News Co. (Limtteall K Toronto oil Co Oils, Au. H Toronto Uiiina Co Orirans. Toi'imto Keape AMowerCo c Toi^mio Stcuiu Laundry (Bay St.) I. Toronto Tea Co tsei Kobevt Oeorge.) Toronlo Transfer Co.. A. Fisher, Man- after . UOKgHKe Kxpress. TiMiwy IJsnleJ Oro. A I.lq. K Torrwicc Ttmma* ] I uckster. I, T.1W Samuel Shoes. L Townsend J. E BuUder. h 1 owuseud John Ting. 1, Townsend W UphoMerar. h Towns. O. Walker David '.HoteL Walker Mra. E. C Fancy Goods. Walkor FiiMlerlck . . Builder. .Walker I ieurge Builder. Waker George F«noyOooo Dr. Frauk. Waiksuo Mrs Walkace Samuel Wauis Charles H... Waiijrt George Wsaiis V. J Walls Thos. A Sons Walsh ACo Walsh J. J. <» CO.... I'eas. Drugs, Ac. ,.Frnll.«: Conrec. Physlcuu. Livery. Tins. «c. Pluntber. kucUou ACom'u. .Soda Water. Lumber. t*ee i'ort Hope. ) Builder. Walsli James. .. Walsh James. Wool, Sides, Pork. Ac! WaUhJohn Huckster. Walsh Johu Tobatomlst. Walsh M Ichael l'lasHi 3)4 354 2H Warwlok Wm .' Books, Ao. D », Waterhouse It Tavern. H 3 Waterloo YeastCo (See „. .,_. Waterloo, N. V.) WatklnsR. B barber. L WatUns Robert Builder. L WatstmChaa Marble. L W»t»9 Wh te A Co Ijices. P "■ w hite oe Dyer A Frininmikr. G W lite Oe<>rge Taveni. K White A Jones Cool A WissL L SIK'* 5."^" Jewelers, A«. L White Thomas Coulw,, L .White * Trotler Carriages, *r. L W 1 tecar H Bullrtor. wc, F V\ hltebend C. J Stoves A has. L Whltehouse Nathaniel, Estate 01 , Mnfr. DIarie.i A PucKetbisiks. H 3 Whiteside Tliuii.. Wood, coal A Feed. G ■• WhltUeldJohn Miifr. Chains, Ac. K Wiatten W. J. A Co Tins F Whyte James saloon, o WckettS.ll Leather. WlcKwrnHeury Batcher. L Wldiler Chos Butcher. L Wddowson Andrew. . . . PoliiM A Oils. L Wtdgery Johu, Agt.. . Mirtt A Contec. „ (Sec Wm. M vvidgcry.) Wldgery Wm. M Fruit A Oysters. Wiggins John Hotel. L Wl liy Ell win .... Children's Carriages. wiiby Mary 'Ann Foncy \ Joiidt L Wild Joaepu ralntw. L 2',!!'!".y;.^v-8«wU>« Machines, Ao. L WUdenoh-N, P Confec 2! Pro.t.Ao. U 8 WinniWth Bros Statlnnerr, Ac. L ISA WnstanleyO. S Physician. L Wire E. E Carpenter. L Witlimw A Hillock Carpenters. D 2 WojJBros .I'aiiors L Wolt!! Bros. A Co Jewelers. F 2)4 WooiJChas Huokstery. h WoiHlH.J Tins. L 3)4 Wood J. O DruKS. L Wooil John A Son PUning Mill. K S)« Wood R A BruKs. Q 2g Wood Thomas M. A Co Window ,.r • „,. „ Shades. L SH WoodThos. n Ins. Aeent 3 Woodbridge T. A Co Saddlery „, , Hardware. H 3 Woodhum Christopher Builder. L Woodhouso 11 BlaoksmlUi. L Woodhouse Thos D. G. WoiKllandJ. o Printer. L Woodivw Mies Annie Millinery. I, Woods A Co Mnf rs. Ammonia. Woods Geo Carpenter. L WiKHlsJiihn Oro. F 2)4 Woisls. Patrick J ., Bat«lier. Woods T. A a : Confec. L WcKMlsThos ; D. O. I, 3)4 WooilsWiu Hotel. L Woodward A Chwld Cablnetware. L Woodward, Grant A Co I.ithOK- rapbei's. O 3 WoflllngsBros Butoliers. I, 3)4 Woollngs F... Bntcher. L Wooton Frank Printer, h Wooton wmiara Bnteher. I. Wonjen A Tayfor Builders. K 3)4 WornlerWm. M Butcher. L Worrell Bros Bricks. L Worth Benjamin Builder. U 8)4 A orthey Francis T Painter. L Worthinfctoa Mrs. A RUitloner. L Wray James Khoes. h JX'T'PJft'" Tavern. H 3)4 Wrlglit Henry Blacksmith, h WrtghtMr8.J D.O.A81ii«a. L Wriftht Jacob Bnllder. L 8)4 JK!l«DH»™*» i^^v; H"»«l- K )s4 Wright James A Son Builders. L Wright John Plumber, Ac. G 2*4 WrightJoseph Drugs, H 3 Wright 8. A Shoes. L WrightThos HotelAGro. O 2)4 WrtghtWm Frult,Ao. L Wright William Tavern. H 3 WrtgleyG. F Shoes. Wrigley Wm.. Com'n A Waste Dealer. K m WyattK. W Coal A Wood. O 2>a Wyatt (»eo. H Com'n Agent, Ac Wyld, Brock A Darling Wliol. *■ ^- ^" Woolens. Ac C 1)4 Wynn Thomas t Slippers. H 8^ Wynne John H^tel. I. Yale Sandford A Co Lumber. F 2)* Yorke Lionel Bulliler. K 3» YoungMrs. A Oro. L 8)4 Young p. A Builder. K M YoungJames prod. P 2 Young John, Agent Undertaker. Y.iung John A Co Com'n. L Young John, Jr Gro., Ac H 3 Young John T Gro. L Yonngw. 9 Paintor. 3 Young Wm. A Jeweler. Yuhr Herman Tailor. K Sii Zimmerman, McNanght A Co. . . WboL „ w ,. „ ^ „ Jewelers, Ac, O 2^ Znrborst C, A Co Gro. A Pork. L 1/ ki li, SH 2\i l^ 254 3H !Si TOT ONTARIO A.NJD QUEBEC. 3)i 3)i TOTTENHAM, SimaM Co., Out AnrteraonJamM CaUnetware. L Andenodit. J. 8 Vetertuary AnsUn J. H. Agent Ag'l Implt* L. Bmwlev Prank BBiokamltli. L Brown ^ioben Hboea. I, Ca»|terlyM.J.. Tavern. K Chllila Wni Wuona. L Eaxan Ttaomaa Haw A «rirt If lilt, a Fouoar tswla P Tina. L Oi'eenway Nuble E Baker, dke. I, Haokett Jamea Shoea. I, Uarablayw.a ;„c»ro; K he«ferTlioa. D Phyaietaa. I, Kldd John o. 8. , .. ,„ , (See Atliloue.) LaverookW.P 08K Ledgerwood Hugh Htovai, Ao. «.— XV '^** Tuam.) MarrW WatronH. L Martin B ga?™ t MoyabeF Planing Mill. 3«4 ^PiS' t^'wge Andrew Grlat MllL F 2}4 (^Brleu ./m.J 'ravern. K sS g»nfonlW.H Drn«.,SK sg Soanlon Jamea Tiivern. G 2)a btone Henry... Agent AConVKyancer. K 3>!i HtuueJ. B Ageut L Stones. O Blackaniith. L 3H SydleJohn..... Hameaa. K 8)t TuruorThoa. E Tailor. L Veruey W.J Furniture. SH W son Alex Corpontur. I, sH WUaonJobn Canienter. K 3H TOWNPLOT QHEV, Huron Co., Ont (Set anil. J TOWNSEND CENTRE, Norfolk Co., Ont EvansJohn BJackamlth. L Klae J O.8. L TRAFALGAR, HaHon Co., On<. ' ArphorThomaa Wagons. L lJ»'"i''.V,'^>'Ke Tavern. K 3>4 CUna Ulrani Qro. L at Ciiulwin WUUiuu Blaoksmlth. L aA Fisher Geo BUckamlth. L McLeman Edward Blaokamith. L Htokoe Tbomaa Butoliar. L TRALEE, Perth Co., Ont J"»'i'l«ln» Tavern. L bcott John Tavern, h TAAVERSTON, Gray Co., Ont Hal'.Wm. Grist MIU. O 2)6 Kennedy Emery Woolen MllL Somera o.8. I, TREADWELL. Prauott Co., Ont (See Brovm't Wharf.) TRECA8TLE, Perth Co., Ont Carroll Tboniaa Wagons. L Conciueat tt. II .^. 8. i, Morgan George Blackanilth. U 3 U TWO TRENHOLMEVILLE, Orummond Co., qua. Niinns it Treuholni MUlHAGro. O 3!4 Treuholmll OriatMUL 3?i 3^j 3herAIiali'yni--' K BiymilJcwepIj slioea. L Burton Tims Tins, ,ttc 1, Biirtt floorKe Uvery. L ChilsUoJ. b BtafrAKaehauira, H Coulry Kmory Brluks. H Cmiut^s llt^ury oro l^ Cuinwell F Talkir K Cnuiivtou/nios MntaL X. V- -::=;■ z;.._i BhwinniMim . L Crowe George. UoutnMtt. H " laukXewla BMHr. L ^^ Crutks'i Cnantngbant Bfua litMy 254 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3 3 854 DatoeBmannel Oro. A Teamster. K Day H. W Physician. K Day Joseph Speimlutor. K Kmpey Jacob Waguua. L Ferguson Miss MUUnury. L FlUon Adolplie Hotel. K FInkle Geo., Agent Planus. I., FItxpatriek Wm Fanning Mills. L FUndall J. F Brewery. G Ford A Gordon Mnfrs. Paper. F Forest Mm. John halimu. L- Oemialn Wm Blacksmith. I. Gilbert Wm Hotel. O OIU Henry Oro. A Uo. L Gllmour 4Co Lumber. „ . (See Uaebeo.) Gordon Geo. H O. 8.* Mill. F Oraliam W.H Oro. K GrIISs Andrew Oro., 4o. L Halnoa A Lockett Shoes. „ , (See BeUevllle.) HawlevA. W Drugs. L Hendrick A Palmer G. 8. Hill Miss A Millinery. L Htluin lUclianl Haiilware. G Holbnwk Mrs. T. A Hotel. L Hughes tleo.T Shoes & Uverv. L Hutclilusou Joseph oro. K Ki "y|i»-'- W-vi Shoes. K 3)5 Ireland W.H Gro. K 3>s Ireland W. M. y,ahlii'u J. H Harness, L Wod.lell H. & A MachliiiaU. H Whiteoeo. A Hardware. F Young George Publisher, 4c. L VouugJ. B Boots* Shoes. Young Jamea Jeweler. H Lnmlenx Lonta. Martin O. H. O. 8. A Baker. I., .,.0.8. «K 3)4 3)4 3)4 a"* 3)!i 3)4 •15ii ah: 3)4 3)4 ■p 3)s 3)4 254 354 2)4 3)4 254 3)4 3)4 254 3 U 3 TR0I8 PISTOLES, TamitcouaU Co., Qua. BelangerChas D. 0. L BertrautI David O.S, F 2) Chaiett«(< Blacksmith. L D' Amour David o.S. K 3 D'AmmnJulos Sahion, L 3) Dechene P Blacksmith. 1, 8) Dube Maglolro O. S. * HoteL K Lauglals Francois Physician. K 3)4 Larivee Maximin D. O. H 2)2 Leliiil Hjiiollto Blacksmith. Le Blouil Joa BhMJksmlth. K Leclero WhIowOou D. O, K PelloUor Thus. P o. s. F Itej'Hioud Octave Blacksmith. U Iteuouf Cyprlcu o. 8, F Ueuouf Oouzague Carriages, L Kloux K O. 8. K Hiuux O o.S. K .... Kousseau J., tils Wagons. K 8)o TheriaultPaul,Jr Blacksmith. K 3)J TROIS SAUMONS, L'ltlet Co., <)ua. OuouGeimaiD o. 8. H 3M DofhtElMOr Sak«r. L 254 8)4 354 254 2 3)4 Mercler Samuel Wagn'na. L Touaaaint Jacob Blaokamith. £ TROUT RIVER, Huntln((lon Co., Qii*. (Bee South Hlncliinbrooke.) TROWBRIDGE, Perth Co., Oiil. Brew.^ Henry Orlat A Saw ICIIla. L 3)4 Cormlck Andrew Shoes. L Mcoownu Adam Wavoua. U Muura Willow Tavern. L Pommy T, K.... Drags. H Quiun James o. 8. L Uee^ ABcLeud Mrs. Wm Jlotnl I. Jffif ifjbyiuuker...;.';.'.";;.;:;; a g (8m Poii t MiKi- m.^ TYRCONNELL, Ergin Co., Ont {;j°"='»-I?l»" Handle Factory, *c. L 3'^ HarruAHalnea OrtM, "aw * ^' „ _, _ , CarcUnif MllU. L 3^ Harria Samnel <} s n §2 Uborty U. ...SawMlu: H T Mooie W. J OilHt 4 Saw MllU. K u.™"?" * Bro-Wagojia A B'Bmltlm. L HaBeJnmes. Blackaniltn. L 8V. Peai-ce Joseph Cheese. K S>4 TYRONE, Durham Co., Ont Bingham Samuel cnoiw^r f (ju ^L^f'^"" -.Wa^ntA^ h 8^ Sn f^t-l-.? Orsftiis, 4c. L AlJiuttJoa G H H 3 Knioraou Goo ilW'kHnit'th' it « SKy'Sr..-.-."- ••«'-^-S^: K |j4 Hell.varJohn Hhiti-' ir Hicks w;illiam BidtoAsKs: L HucklnJohu Saw Mill H Slmpwrn UuKh Hotel H Htoclc Oliver Harae^ I ValHtoneJ. C Qrlat Mill. L VareseJohn Hotel } Welch H WaioM I Welch John TaUor A P m' ] WlUUims Thomas. . . . „. WamSt L Woo,lley Richard tiav?Mlli: li Younle Abi-aliam Cooper. 1) TYRRELL, Norfblk Co., Ont McGregor John J 8 L Wilson John BUHSkami'thi L UOORA, Ontario Co., Ont Davidson Peter Mllla. t Dlllou Puirlck F Blacksmith: h *■«««■ Ji'hn Blacksmith. L i."','.'i" n ^^'." v.; Car|«nter. L McClelland Wm Mho™ i Phillips WUliam ..'.."."."Pun«S: L tmplirey Mlcliael Saw Milt O Urgiihatt Alexander Cai-pcmer. L Webnter 11. s 77y_ 8_ q UFFINQTON, Muikoka DiiJricf, Ont Dougherty John. . I'. M. A Contractor. K SU, FoslerJuliu (I s L Matthliw W. J......8awAGiut Mills. L McCullough John u H Uoiluriay Kobeit Hi UNION, ElgiK Co., Ont B«)j»y Richard, Jr o, isi Mill. K Bailey Win Saw 4 Shinnie MUIk. K CumbH A. I, Blricksmlth. I, Davldsou James Blacksmith. K Uaunou rt ^^f^ f" Johnston A Monger.. ..■.::.■. .■.Handles; L Kelbeck Wm WairuiiH^ I KeRhum Marvin .:;; WhM L McKenile James ' " o s' H MellurThouias Woolen Miil, 4o.' L Norman A Son Tallora. H Old Thomas ...:: CIiwm l WUson «. O. . . . Grtst 4 Woolen xHIUs.' (i UNIONVILLE, LMds Co., Ont Forth John Hotel. H UNIONVILLE, York Co., Ont Bell John Carpenter. Ac I, Braithwalte M. M P'u'er.ato. i. Burkholder Daniel.. Agt Ait'i impits.' u B'amlth A Veterliiuiy isurxeon. L Caldwell «.c. Chant V. H CiDsliy H. P Davidson Mrs. E.. Kakin Wm KchanltT. P Feu nick B. 3 UTOPIA, Simooo Co., Ont Kdmpndsou 4 Russel 1 O.8. H IM S"' «'• f"™'!' FannerA Tavern. K s2 Spluk s. 4 I tirist Mill. (See Alllstou.) UTTERSON, Mu* •J>3 3)!, Jiall Thomas :......... Hotel L Johnson David .■■"shoes, t ^{ellcrBrcs ^f , IjimuHbourough Thoniasii^.'i^'shoea: L McDowell A ilaui Uarnasa! L McDowell Kohurt iSSeF i McDowWl Thomas " Shoes! L Nlchulsou Anilrow 'cooner K vl Plugle Albeit .PhyH^Kir H ?^ Piuglo 4 stiver H'wi™4C:vei " .1 fiVVIS*?" "'!"''«• Carpenter. L 8! Smith Joseph Marhlu T S SuU.erlaudJohu 'Watchee L ' Tri-v.thau C Tailor K ti WebberJohn ............HottL U 3 SH Ueudersou Bros. 3 .O. S. O 2)i Martin James Agini'Ag'l'impita: H sg ULVERTON, Orummond Co., Qua, Alexander James n h u Atkinson Wni "shoes.' 1 Beuaid onezlme - "^'f.?- ^ Bulnvert I'eter Mill K ''"J'pli"," Wm Grtst 4'Ha"w Mills: h Qodilard Geo. A Mil h i Miller James .V.: o H K MooueyJamesS ■"Tanner n MooueyJolm .: /j s u Porter John :::::carri«g"eS: L K,S. 4r..^» ""»«'■ *■ BCOtt Alex RflilfllMr V WmUeiah J. M .....:.. ■.•.-. os g Weare Jiilin Blacksmith' v Wharton o !:: ::bS™H K' ^ UPHILL P. O., VIotorii Co., Ont Calhoun John Tavern K lu. Calhoun Joseph :...::..Vo.™: U 3 UPTERQROVE P. O., Ontario Co., Ont CiTlngJohn Taveni r Fl.vuu Peter Taven' r M. Uouahl Widow '.■.■.■■•■ HotoL I qw MulviUe Thomas U. H. A ■B'smitlh K a' 3 2!» an, 2Jii whit^^"ii:::::"-;:;:"l?£*»iS:S|' UMFRAVILLE, Hasiingt Co., Ont Kavauagh Dermot... q.s. h 3 UNDERHILL P. o., S'.tr.c=s (in* Nieoltton.) Cs., OM. 3JS Sis 2)4 UPTON, Barot Co., (}u«. BrisetteO. Saddler 4 Lumber. K ii?.""j'.'',''^-V. Gro., Tanner, Jcc. K FitJKlbbonsM .'i „ ff Foitlu A Marcchal '"h'mh HetuQeo Hot'.d I Kemack u J :::;::; ^s}^- v l.atortuue Arthur u n , Ijiiose W. A o'u' f irafe-'/."':^'!'-. ••■•••■■■■{]•' S'f MUler J . 4 J . A Oo' ."." "sinf ri; Bark Miller Jas.,jr '^''^'^f " PlantoJ. B ■iio'ifl^' ir St Jean Chorlea ; sui^-Geo: 3 3!4 Bray joiav.v....:::::;.".".".':::.'.':": tIuS?: i. Joliustou Auctioneer. L Biirchell Thomaa Cooner. L Bustlu Wm. S B,m& t BuilessJ. p Painter. I, Button A. T o. 8. A Furniture. K taniiibell D TaUor. I, Charles J. f, yvuH. 4c L Chlun Freileriok HotoL <> R',',",'"''','".}.?'*!'''™ B'askots. h Colcock Thos Baker L C'omlie Wm Tailor' E Con boy Daniel Carriairea' H 1 Craig .7. 4 w wSfS?^' L Crawford 4 Trick ... LIverv H 3 Cii,:,by M. D :: Butohei' H 3 Dale Thomaa W. . . . Sewing Muchiiies: I, •avidson lleiOamln.... Fanning MUls. H Davis t i-.iukliu i'J. . Agt Musical 1 118(8. F Douglass Bros (), 8. r. , „ , (Bee Goodwood.) Douglass Robert Baker L Do vvUij^' Daniel CjsiiMir: H 3 DykeJomACo...Saw4Gri8tMUs. K SH tMiilttllobert Bhicksmlth. L ioi»yth Pumus L iYalIck Wm Boarding Houae: 1, Galloway John Agent Ag'Tlmplta. L Sh"" «"•'',"■«" ..Weaver, t Ollpm Arthur Watches. L Goiihl Iiuiac Saw MilL K Gould Joseph, »r Bpeciilatur. C UaimanK. P ^Sash 4 „ , -. , Door Factory, Ac. H Harrison Mrs. Jaa Milliiiery L Hiirrlsoii James Saddler. H Heuiy Wm d U 4e K Uickey BeiU. J [it D lii Hillock T.B Veterlnaiy Surgebn: L, 52 HoskeuThumas Tins r. Ho« .11 j> Tassie ,1 « ^ ou HiinlerJohn Butcher: K 3,2 """ '"W...... ..Watches, h Huallugdim Wm CohIAWikkL L 3)4 James William Blacksmith. K 3? Jones Henry. Haixlware. F SS Kellar Francis Printer. L Kennedy J. J.... Organs 4 Bewiug M. H l^l'l'Wm Marble. K Loii« George Ma«m. L i..*jiii — - Kitilt Ij mViI,-'"' m ■■lii8;'A"geiit, 4c: Macklem Thos uro T. ueiirv :::;;; "„ Marsh 4 Degeor Painters: K Matthews J.N u « Muuudei 8 Mivuiiel Brickiavei-: K 3)a McLauu Joui. F Sadiaer K 8)4 M c( aim M 1 8 Miulneiy. h *},«* ""'j;''" ,« "' I'hotognipher. L o» {IcUiatiauThoa 'I'liis, 4o. O 2)2 Mclntji.. Bros. ACo o M P Stl McKluiiells. L....... ON f, ^^ MiHireJohn d. G Au'ro'K ^''';'"'"1,V A-^ Blacksmii h: L Nat lou Miss c. 8 Milhuery. L Naliou Joiiu l"h> diiaii 11 Nel».m Koheit {jmvtr' I Nevisonwm :..::".iiarueii: t Nokes James Livery! L an a 3 3)4 3)4 2 IH 3 8)4 a 3)4 3)4 3)3 3)4 8)4 3)4 2)4 F iht 11 3 8)4 2)4 8.»4 j'ajl.h Samuel Com'n 4 Grain: I'atterHon 4 Ueal Tauuerl H l'alter8ou4 Fouton iMjuliats. 3)4 8)4 i.o«,„ ,-,. <**•* Gshawarj PeorsGeorgo Flour Mill K lu Pembeit^iu W Piliiter 1 Hemes Jimepl: Shoes: K 8)4 KeutonJamos u;o»..i..„ ■ " iChime8 .Fosuph. Hii^7 wra: 4"co::::::;;."o ^Ta"^: '^ "^ ot«l. O 3)4 VAO OlSlTJLTlia AND QUEBEC. VBE SJi 3 3 3>a 3)4 3)4 3)i ii)A Bmelt A Bona Cabinetware. L BomervUle John Ortiit MUI, H Mt«w»rt W. a Hardware, o htlukney I.. P DruKt. K Bu/nlen, WatarliouM (ft Co W< >lea Siitherlaiiil David Bluvkitiiltli. L Thumpmrn Hwirgo P Blaokjmilth. L Thompsun Hoiipy... U'ware «nla o. P PalulH A I'liotn. Deaiwcaa lunula Blaokamltb. Ueapocaa M. C u. h JJewltt John o. 8. Dion K Oil* Durneu Joa SUoea. Flltatraull CyrlUe Blackamltli. Ouayj. B om. lAberge JhoIo A (J. 8. I.Mn>c(|ue U. I) o. 8. Jjarocuue laldore Hutni. IJiiuiii it hUiuKsmiiii. Leaer Ktiuuiio Blackamltli. liOlaelleL Hotel. Uijl.Q Physlolan. I, L 3)4 H 3 , t 3!4 , ■ §5? , , , 3>4 U 3 K a.S, j Qua. 1 F an H s L 3 H 3)i 1. I. 1. 1. L s.-a 1, 1j Sk, L Hii L 3)4 K 8 L K 3)4 H 3 K 3)4 K HJii K 3 K 3!4 1. 3), 14 K 3 R 3)n I. U a)4 MoBalnDr. D Dmca. I.. Mocnalgj 'S?a.t MotvorJ. ACo 0.8. H 3 McPheraon Dr Dentlat. I., £???.? "vP-.? •* "S. H 2V, PlillllpaO. a a. H. .■)>* Pltrel) oro. L PlanteMolae O.B. V 2'A Polrier A Iphouao IVivern. Jt 3 Polrler Kile o. H. L 3'4 PoltraaL Jeweler. L NtOngeJua Hotel. K 3 BauveJoa oro. H '.'k Ktewart H 0.8. Tlilbaiideiiu J. A Oro. Tlilbault M Oro. A Carpen tor. K 3 Todd A Nloholaon Oro. H 3 VaUeeP am. L Jr'l?.'"*?,'^ "'"»"• L 3'4 VUlBgE Tina. L 3)4 WataonMra .Oro. L Witaoo HanJ.WBro. VANBURG, Ranfraw Co., Onl. UalionJohn o.s. H 3 VANOELEUR, Orey Co., Ont. SpaiUug Jaa.' p Haw Mill. L VANESSA, Norfolk Co., Onl. Alrev Henry Blnckamitli. L Bartlioloinnw J. A H Saw Mill. <1 2'4 Cliiuch A ilartholomew....orl»t Mill. F 2'4 Suaaex Alficd T O. 8. 1, VANKLEEK HILL, PraaeoH Co., Onl. Barlean Frci oa o. S BftirettJ Undertaker. 3 ■BBattu A. A Blackamltli. K 3 Boyd Jamoa Lumber A O. 8. CUlrmoucO UotoL K 3 Cregan A Mclutoah 0.8. K 3 Derby C Photographer, r, I)urantA8on Pumpa. K 3}i, Gruavoa — Saddler. L OreggThomaa Hotel. O S HarklnaWni Physician. H 2)4 HunieH , TiiUor. L Jamleaon D.J O. S. u 3 Jolinaton John Tanner. 3 Kelly Bernard Hotel. H 3 JjibriMseL. P.. oro. K 3)4 McCualg Malcolm o. 8. O 3 McDonald Iiuucan Druga. K 3 McDciualdJiilin A Oro., *o. H 3 MclJoiigall Archibald Hotel. McUieevy Richard Hotel. H 3 McIntOHh Broa Phya'ns A Druga. II 3 Mclntoah Jamea Shoee. K 8 McUiunn John R u. 8. P 2X1 McLeiKl A McKenile o. 8. K 3)6 McMaliDu Albeit TInamlth. L McVieiir Alexander Blackamltli. K 3 ModeJohu O 8 K 3 Pli'kei-lng Win. H Cabinntwaiv. K 3 Potter Samuel Badiller. K 3H llobi'rteou John (i. h, (j u Iloutliler FeUx Foaiidiy. K 3>4 SauclerP Watcbea. K 3 BmltUBroa o. 8. K 8,Si VANNACHAR, Addington Co., Onl. Connor Robert Blackamltli. L BwectmanOoo o. 8. L VANVLACK, Simeo* Co., Onl. Vanvlack J. B 0.8. VARENNES, Varoharaa Co., Qua. Bertram! T BlackaniUli. 1. Brodeur Chrysostome (in>. K 3"* BriKleiir Houoru o. 8. H 3 CiMlleux L. A (i.8. Choquet Azarle Blockamlth. K 3Hi DecelleaL. P Hhiiea. L Ui'n"iy C BUoksmlth. L Dumuyl^. BlackHiulth. h 3)4 liiirHiid Francola Saildlur. I, OeolMonC... Blacksmith. K 3)4 ulntnl Theophlle Blacksmith. 1, Jodoln Jean shoes. L t^*"*!"!' H.V "•»• 1- I-augliila Kile o. 8. L Liuwler J., ar Peildler. L LuawlwJoseph, jr Peililler. L Maiuiiurt J. B .V iT^Tau'iier! K 32 Payettu Alalia Carilagee. L 3)4 Thomaa LouU Bla<-,ksmiOi. I, 3)4 Totmuxeau HypoUte. . .0. B. a Baker. K a VARNA, Huraa Co., Out. Aniiatrong Tho.4 Jucitues Jerome on>. K 3 Miilo Alexis iiUicksiiillh. K 3 Maichuiul 11 CaiTlages. K Mattlileu Michel Sadifier. K 3)4 Mou(,'eiiu Hector I'auiicii-. L Pare Sliotw. L 3!4 I'Bi-rou F Siloes. L 8'a PiKCim .t Frtre o. s. 3)0 Kaeiue Isaie tiro. H 3 Robelt J. D uit). L ihi Robert Jean Ulacksmltli. L Seiiecal A Laroso o. s. F 2)4 ValolsZ 0.8. If 3 Vealna F Blacksmith. II 3 VERNON, Carlelon Co., Ont BowT. ({. s. L 3h Campbell lima Oilst A Saw MI1I.H. Howell A Howes BlacUsmltlis. L 3H, Keiineily David UUcksiultli. II 2.^ PhalrJuhn Shoes. L 3)« VERNONVILLE, Norlhumbarland Co., Ont Blacklock James Wagons. L 3)-. Boyd John O o. B. I. 3)4 L_ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // 5i' .^^ fc ^ ^^ M/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 |iO ""^ B^ 1^ ill us US lAO 2.5 22 M 1.8 U IIIIII.6 — 6" * ;>^ .V Photograohic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (714) 872-4503 \ V fv QTJBBKC. WAL MoCaDnArtliur shoe*. L Mcliju3DM.„,Tn Blackiimith. K d Southon Caleb, Jr oio. L TeuneyThos Blackuiitb. L VERONA, Frentonto Co., Ont AbramsJoR Store. I, AbraioHWm Ilotaj. L Claxtoii W10.D PhyDlcliin. (.eralrtl r, Hotel. L Hplilen M miu r, Marttii Wm Gs L MoMnllon Jomnh , . 8boe« 4 Q. 8. '''"•V'j'r Ow. W Lumber. O 3 M«4 VICTORIA, Simooo Co., OnL (Stroud P. o.) ChantlerC.K Bricks, 4c. I. 314 ClittutlorJoUu. o.a. K »>; l)o S H .S SS?,'{"tJ»';|,J'>!»n Wamins: L 3' White WUUam Hotel. L 3; VICTORIAVILLE, AHhwbuka Co., Q«j. (Se* ArOutbatka atatUny.: VIENNA, Elgin Co., OnL AdMijJihn Tannery. L ^W'lwtong-. Btaoksmltfi. L BalcombH Plamua Mill. L Brasher John stioiMr IL g™»herHamaol P.M. * Tailor: H Brasher Wm Talloi r7 Burgess John Slioci! 1 Cauliem H. A Co Fumltiiri L Ohutft Urn Blaoksmlths. L Dra«8«keChaa o 8 Forsyth Tlios '.Saw Mill! ?.'?J12S, P"""" Bhioksralth. X. Jackson Ueo HutAl r Jenkins Thonuui o « ^ S*'"l?"iP2?®'^ Fonnrtry! L Martin B T. . . Cabinet ware, t McCaUy Bobert I., U 8 K Oliver Isaac Tanner L PutmanM.M Lumber t SSf"?/ Bros WMlen Mia K Sells If ugh. Foundry, dko. Sheldon C. L Maohlnhit r. Stratton Uenry Chees* * RlUer. „„_ , _ (Bee SHatfordvUle.) SunelOeorge O 8 K TItomtnu tieorge .".' Shoeii! T. Watto Wm....!V:...V.V.-.-V.Ore.4LliJ: h 3H 3!li P 3H 3>« 3h, 3 ¥ 3H S>4 3)« 3H .3>i Ifebb Wm Hotel. K H)a weinLwHii^::'.;".::;:"*i5S!j5-f wlLte ^ • V ■■ Phitilpwiher.' L wKrfSSP*"**' ...Shoos. L w'ldem Isaac Drugs, 40. K Wilson Jamea A .T«otel! L VIGO, Simooo Co., OnL laghor Dennis o.S. L 3)i J VICTORIA, Wolland Co., OnL AUen It o.S. L tuiorlck Henry BuUiler. K S)a Holaiy J<«eph Hotel. K 3)4 Loveiidge Tnumas Shoes. L 3)0 IMwior-— Hotel. BhenuanMrs Hotel. K 3ki JVeokterLjC Gro. 4 But^iher. Hllhemly Mrs Hotel. L VICTORIA CORNERS, Ontario Co., OnL ^■VV -;- Blacksmith. L Budiljr James 8aw Mill, o 'i4 KoiuAlex Shingles. H 3 KeauJuhu fl. y L Mavkle James Hotel. U Miller Wm o. 8. H 3 Powers itkhard Saw MIIL (See Barriu.) VICTORIA ROAD STATION, Viotoria Co., Ont. Boden William Blacksmith. L C'ummlngsJohn Hotel, u Vox Peter Hotel. L Humbly William Blacksmith. L Heapuy Mlilimsl O.S. 4 P.O. L Marllndalii .Matthew Mhocs. L McC iijuu Wm Wagons. 4c. L McKuy James. ...O. B. 4 TemtHiraiire MoTaggai t, Tluimsou 4 Co. . . LumlMr! F Btebles 4 Shields O. 8.. Ao. O Taylor Wm Tailor. K ?' 'oiiipi"m Tho!uas., Grist Mill 4 ore. K Washtngtou Andrew Lumber. Wilson Hugh 1). o., 4o. or..-.. . «. (8ee»^amilnglhii. L Nor'-^ireil liukur L §"'« J*""" Butcher. L smith O.M Queoulator. F S.HV!"?" Archibald .W^mZ;. L TUttleJoa., Tavern K voung P. it j:::::::::::::::^'^™: k VIVIAN,Vork Co., OnL MoCormlok Bobert 4 iSous. . . . MiUa 4 BandaUHaacah . ..Tavern! L VROOMANTON, Ontario Co., OnL Austin Oenroa Shoes k va Jobt.stonRo'Eirt.... .•.•.•..•...•.■.■.;.«& ? l^ i?rdanJohB.... Bh»cksmlth. L 3)4 McKlnnoo Haotor TWIor L a« MoKtnnonJohn .os l sS Speiran John, jr Wagons.' L Thompson Jwph. BlackSinlth. L 354 ,-;homp«i>n* Williams Grist Mill. L White Wm Tavarn. H »i WAINFLEET, Wolland Co., OnL (Utt MarthvUlt.) WAKEFIELD, Ottawa Co., Qua. ArdlsJas Shoes. L 3)4 Uammoml Jamea Hotel L aS Hasty Wllltom :!:: o 8 L KIrkupThoa Hotel' K vj. McLaren Jamea 4 Co.. ....... ■.•.'.Muu: ** Pool w™ "'** Buoklngluun.) PoolWm Baiiaier. H 8 WALDEMAR, Wsllington Co., OnL BarkeWm oa Groh Aaron Wagons. 4o! L, ' Hicks Bobert ^."."^averi Jolmstim John Shlnirlai K Johnston TUos ....8 a K Kelly John '.."■sWs.' t i5'.V£l''JiS '*^'" Btac'kainlth. L Salter Wm sihmm i. TateCharles I...::. iTavS^' L iS^Sis^iJ.'H.v.-.-.'**'.':".*"'.'.^"^:' ^ 3)i 3)4 3)4 I** 3)4 W» 3 3 3 3)4 3)« 3 3 3 ■'i>4 .S)1I 3>4 as. •^'4 WALES P. 0., Stormont Co., OnL fiakerw. lUnuu o.S P BennettB.O Tins K Carey Mrs. M. C....Furnlture'4 U. o! L GamoQ Mrs. W Mlllliior L HanesW. W. ..Hoieliuq; K S^ifSwrnwl Grain. L Markle l,evl G 8 K M"'" W. E • ■ • ; cabinet Wa:re: K Morgan Mo Kansle Agent. K Ransom Da/U .ore k Shaver J.N A s ft o Sheets IhivlU "shJi'm L (Jierwoo H Chamber.4 John Motel' F Clendinnlug 4 Brewn Millers F CochmneA... Bijues! H Cowlo4 Stead OHO Cravrfoiil iti» Fancy (i.mds! L Cunli) Prefessor Barber, 4o. H Oorapsey 4 Co I), o. * sikk «. (HeeChrisUr, Henderson 4 c'o., ,. ... AOt enny M Iss A Uressmk \: r, uleuiiiit Joseph A Drugs L '!{,;'.''. i:i„v -.J".™.!'". 8)4 «4 3)4 3)s 3)4 3'» a>a ■J 3 3,4 OH •J>4 Aamn A Printer. L 3)4 3Hi JafrhalrjiJamea Saddler. K sS j;»';ld»A.J Nursery. L FIsbw* PuM«iiNi.".'.'.'.".'!!.".'.'.".'F OjWKOonM B»ker,4o. nilixon Thiinus TlDa I< Glliiiore Riehard Oro L Qrahlll John BUwfcralth. Onmner John .• Uiwon. L 3!4 Oreen II. H oro. Q 25j OroBU >V. A Drum. (J aw, on. .lale II. u Photogrophnr. L ag llallf'rankJ Uardware. K 3)4 Knr^reuveii James Ploalnir Mill. Harris C\H Iiotel. ^ 2H }{»"™y,Oeorge Contractor. F a.-S HolliM-nan Patrick BUIIanta. 1, KeujUj Mill T. B Tailor. L HoWi'rniwa Austin Shoes. K '"-' HoovrrVV. H Tavern. K HugheaBros Om.U»f. K Hume r.&J H„f,i. Hunter John 0.8. IVylneW.A Bnilrter. L J iliniton J. P Baker. Johnston Oeo Hotel, h Renuwty A Bunaton. Woolen Factory. K Ker. Manuel R BUoksuilth. L JjcCiinuaok W. R... Carriage Palnt«r. I, MtiDonalil E (iraln. MuUi-egor Bros Haiilware. « uiOregor Duncan o. 8. L McOrPjjor A Todd Oro., Ac 3 McKay K.H Fanning Mills. H 3 Mo Loan Andrew IJvery. F 8)4 McLean W. A Tailor. Ho.Vamam Mlohael Jeweler. H S McllaeAMcUlaruild SawMllLH 3 MefrellP.A.. Fruit, *o. L Mlddaugh II. H Uvery. h Moore IMvld MllUng. F Moore £ Maion, K MoplenMra, MlUln<< to. K Moycr A. A Co u. 8. H S?'l?''.-!J?i"' • Hotel- H 3 Mtchol Thomas Cablnetware. L Natter J. H Oro. A Uq. H 3M Odnisky Anthony Wearer. L Parker H Photocnipber. L Philuott James B BaKer, Ac h Poultou J.u Fumltnre. I, Present E. O. A F Orlst MU) (BeeOuelph.) BamseyWm.. Furniture. I. Relchenbaoh Joseph Butcher. U Betuuger J. A Printer. K lUuhards W. F Blacksmith. L RIchanlson James Tina, Ac. L BIchantson Thoa Sblakles. L Klcliftntson William TTKgn. K Kilo A Sous Uvlry. I, Rivers Wni. A Son Painters. Ii RolMirtxnii 11, II Books, Ac. h RoetlbrimChrlatlaa....- Shoes. H IJolstouJohn Carriages. H 3 UoM K. W Jeweler. Ross Paul Hop Orower, Ac. F R4ithw«n Benjamin Uraln. H Rotliwi'll A Todd Q.8. L St John A Fruit, Ac L Hbarji 11, R Ins. Agent H Sheltfeld Bros ..........fhR. K ShuurrO Butcher. L Shortt O. S Ortst A Oatmeal Mills. K Slebert David BuUder, Ac. O Smith James Flour A Feed, U Smith W. M Offlolal Assignee. O St«vmin Calvin.... Agent Ag*! Implts. h 3)4 m 3)4 3)4 3H a 3)4 3)4 3)4 ar 3^ ;»4 HUivoil Charles.. ...^T7..~r..~.'!.'.Pumna. H 3 Hwarti PhlUi) Wagoiis. 1, TiMUMliilo A MnOiragal... PlanlnjfMllI L Thomiimm Anilrew Tanner. O a"* Thompmrn James o.s. H 3 Thompson Mnlcolm Stumping „,„ „^ Machines. H 3 TllleyChaB Furniture. L Twill H.W ,..0m. K »4 TiHld Peter FlonrAreed.L ToUon James Oraln. O 3 Tolton Johns uraln ACom'n. Toombs UsoarF Coufec h Truait K. ACo Planing Mill, K 3)4 Usher Itpnry Physlolan. H 8 WadeJuhnj 0.8 K 8M WallaMAfiln.s BbOM, K Sg Watt B. D „ OniL 1. n'mwiv SJMik <» M) sutiMa, u w* T. f. U 2)4 H 3 1. F «4 L L Weeks Physician. Whitakor U .7.Tallor. Whitehead Thos Oro. WilUson John W Organs. Wlaserchaa Tns. Agent Louis Tailor, WnoaingU I,ockHmlth. Young Henry Tavern. Young Josepli Stationery. Youug Philip Butcher. WAtKERVILLE, Esssa Co., Oat flfear mndior.) Ccimpeaa Joseph Blaokaniith. K m CionlngerA Parker.. .Mntn,. Hesters. (See TolMlo. o.. U. S.) Dominion Syrup A Sugar llotluing Co. D li* Faster Jchn , . . . . Bufirter. 8 JaquesOeo Hotel. H 3 Kerr Bros Fmtnd.y. McAfee Henry u. h. H 3 Montretiyl Alex Oro. A Rntober. 1. Walker Ltlram A Sons... Distillers, Ac U+m WALLACEBURG, Kent Co., Ont.l Aber Joseph Tavern. O 2\i .iniipld Robert (iro. L Ayres Albert Livery. L 3'ii Mre3 Wm. N Tailor. K 3S4 Booker Wui Blacksmith. K <•" Brabaut F. X Blacksmith. L Burgess John A Shoes. L Campbell Mrs Temperance House. L Colllugo Samuel Karneas. L Des Laurlors J. B Wagims. L Dobble Daniel rb. 8. L Duggau Dennis Urlst Mill. L' Duulop Mrs Millinery. L Fawcett, Livingstone A Co. .Bankers. „ „ „ (See Dresden.) Ferguson Nell Prlntar. L Finlay John « oro. L Fisher Arthur Stationer, Ac. K Fisher John Carpenter. H Forhan Peter oro. F Forhan Thomas Harness. K FiTWer A. W Lumber. L OilUrdT. B Agent I.. Grant B J I&tel. L OraaonJohn Blacksmith. L HalnlnM.. Baker. L Harley John. . . . Saali A Door Factory. L Hay Alexander o. 6. F Heath w. H Planing Mill. L Henderson David Stoves A Tins. L HUlOeorga Hotel. H Johnson Daniel 0.8. K Johnson L. U Htationery. L Juilson Lester Painter. L l^onde J Furniture. L Udoude Severe oro. L Langstsir Miles Oen'l Agent L LeeUeotge Watches. L LeoJohn.... Machinist L LlttleAlbert Oro. A Prov. L Little Hiram WoodAO.O. H LlttleJames ButcherAOro. L MannlJamael Livery. I., Martin Chas Shoes. L Martin Louis Shoes. L Martin Reuben (:»., i, Martin Theodore Tanner A 81 F MoCannOeo.A C L McCoy Joseph N Luiu ii. F McDonald Albert Bueonlator. R McDonald Alex. T Oro. L McDonald D. P oro. H McDonnell Widow uro. L HcOregorA Carr Oro. Q Mooregor D oro. L Molntyre Henry PUntng MUL McLean Wm. 8 Wood, Ac H MoPhailN.C .....Oro. L Mlaner H, M Lumber. K Mitchell George Physician. H Morris Harvey Saw MllL Newman J. -B PItysiclau. H OBrlouJ.S „8h4 WALLACEVILLE, PsHh Co., Ont Bond John Saw MIU. Homer Henry 0.8. L 8)4 MarkleHenry Hotel. '< MoLea. William Harness. L SH Steele HenryT BlaoksralUi. 1. m WoltohJaaou Wagons. L WALLCNSTEIN, Waterloo Co., Oat. Coleman James Hotoi. L OtMxIJacolio Blacksmith. L ScbalrarAdam Waguns. L SH WALMER, Oxlbrd Co., Ont. HoKentle Alex Blackanlth. L 3)4 WALSH P. O., Norfblk Co., Ont Buck Peter Tavern. L SM OlUbrdU.C ..o.Sh m Mccall Thomas Lumber. O «» MoDouald Robert Blaocsmlth. L Sit Owens RohertD Baw MUL K 8)2 Walsh A. H o. S. K 33 Watts Johr V P. M. A 0.8. L ^ WUson Jacob Cooper. L 8>4 WALSINOHAM CENTRE, Norfitlk Co., Onl. (Setlleatantmu.) WALTER'S FALLS, Gray Co,, Onl. Brown David, Jr Woolens. L Campbell James Tavern. L Carney Charles 0.8. H Clark A Stewart Orlst MllL Deleree John Btacksmlth. L Olmstead Richard Saw MI'L K SH WALTHAM, Pantiaa Co., ^s. London John 0.8. L BoohoW. P 0.8, L WALTON, Huns Co., Onl, anmes Wm BoteL L Campbell James u. 8. K Fulton James Btacksmlth. K OrlmboUy R Wagons. L McDonald Louis A Chas Saw A .. „„ ■■ . ™ bhlngle MIUs. O 2)4 Mullholtand Wm Blacksmith. L Patterson Robert G. 8. It 3W Sage Charles HoteL U 3 gujltlj Alex^.^.^^ "°«!V«.?- y 8)4 itowait win .... Agt ToinlMtonW^c b mmmm WAN oNTj^mo ^isrr> quebeo. WAT WAN8TEAD, Lambton Co., On». WUklna lb MusRrovo iklils.' L Sfi WARBURTON, Leedi Co., On«. KeatU'gJm «. s. l 3H WARDEN, Shofford Co., Que. Curtis P. A ClieeMB Pactorr A Onlway Wdi Tannery. I. ■* MaraKiiiOeo UarDonter. K S McljiuKlilln\ Son.... Saw Mill. H 4 Browns. H Blackniulta. h Hii Conioil Adam Wbkous. k 'M CuthbcTtA ex Slioes.1. """,'/". "i^J "• S- * ''• M. U a Fiitkelum Olias. A Tuveru 1. M(.. OllllsZachartali i) s h i Maiiimouil VV. D. A Co '.Vo.' s! u 2W, Mttri)«i-.t(jlbb GilatMlU. K •/ Shoes. L 3)4 — Foumtry. F au . Speculator, o 3^ — Wiwoa.i. L 3.!a UairoUlTlios Henilei-Hon Heury. Jell Horatio :.. I.ll!ey Kjlward wiujom. i. SlarkteJoliu Uotel 1. HcC'owan Alex ' uro.' H 3 ^uDlarmld J. & A. .Drugs A PlVy'sus. I, McIntyroAlex Tailor ll MoKaedt Fltzpatriok Mill.' 1. WulUKanTlms. A Blacksmith. K ,% MuiiroeM. U (j j^^ ^ Murphy W V. . .... ' Books' I, Palmer John M Farrier! L 8M Pottj) Henry Tins, die. L Purdy H . . . .Agent Sowing Moiliines. (J 2V, iluthertonlMlss 7.. MllUuer. L ehoppaiil Wm. lliuuess. H 3 Siultfi Uonalil..'. Blacksmith. L Siiiltli James. Paluter. K 3h Waiil Mis. John MllUuer. h War. Jolm.tC'0 Fuiullme. Ward W. u Hot«l. L WARKWORTH, Northumberland Co., Ont. Allnghsm Hugh C'ooiwr. I, 3)a Beintoliert BlacksiuVh. I£ a BennosoK. Harness, h 3'i Burton Kaluh shoes. H H Carlaw Davlilsou.. Sowing M.ABt..iiie. It 3 CarlHton Jj.lm F Uro. Aljuker. 1, 3W, CloHsouJohn Wajmns L ' S""'''i H',"''*' Cwper.' I, Covertlllram Tailor, d:c. L 3)4 Covert Wm Cooper. L 3S CunimlugsJohu uro., Ac. K 3^ Curtis It.. Sewlug Machines. H 3 Dully Uavl.l.. u^UH. U 3 DougiiHjolin.Jr SUives. O 2!* JJunnlKun Tims BakerAOro. H 3 Enipey .N. A Bon Drugs. *"!,'"". * S"^"'' BlucksnilllTs. I. aw OulluK'icr P s 11 3 Oohlsmlth P. D Ph.v'slolan.' « 2V, p ruttou Oe4 Jordan Kdwaril.Jr (i, s. S;'.!'i?"!.5- •,;■,; Cablnotmkr. ir a PlokworthD.S Builder. L aS, PotterJuraus o 8 K '<2 Hlchanls N. D PiivilcUu L llupert -Mrs. B ! sJltK" t 3>4 MaulHiru AI1.QX0 M .....Agent. Ac L * 2,''.V!l"rM-'»r* " ■....Blacks^a*h: k a Smith Charles MlUer 1* aw, Si!;!"' ?,'""■'««* Co. . . Kultte.1 Gooila: a •*! Smith Frank A Bro Carriage* & ^ Smith Nlchola. BlaokJmufc L ^^ wi I'Ljft'"."'".- Blucksmltli. L .-)>, Walker Kobert (j. h h a WorfmanB.8 Shuiglot' {; WARMINSTER, Simooe Co., Ont Ball Henry B'smlth AGS. I, Deacon U«o P. M. A Druirs. L lu Deacon Wm ...;;.. Saw MflL h ^ Donnelly Peter A Co. . . .0. 8. A Mills. « S IJUlerMrs Tax-«rn 1, Thompscu Robert .'saw Mill.' (See llamUtoii.) WARNER, Lincoln Co., Onl. Porter Mrs nr,, t, Shaeter C. Grist A 'saw Mills: Upper J. H Hotel. J, WARSAW, Potorboro' Co., Ont rS\ ^?V Shoes. S. LaldcrJuhu Taunor I. ■A Tailor. L G. H. L ..HoteL I, Wawin Bros '. .■"■.'. . o. s. h 3 WARTBURG, Perth Co., Ont Bcnnock Jaines saw Mill. r^ (See Bastock.) Fronihnugen Mrs. Edward Oro. A k1.s.^^?1"??» Blacksmlt°h: K f^ ivastnor A JLItt saw Mill Miiio, t. 'S*" SebrtngvUle.) Miller E Saw Mill ir qu Keymonjohn....:::...::::::'.r.'liXi: l U WARWICK, Arthabaika Co., Que. HarblnO Hotel L Beauchenilu Philip :.:::B«kor: L Beaudelte iohlllo Oro L v^ Beaudetf) Mwlesto Blac'k'smlUi: L S .i'",^;;; Prov.Aoruin. i, Uellsle Misses G B l! lu OencstN. A .....:. ; o 8 ^ LafondA "o'ro' I, Mereler Arthur Caitlibg' MUK U 3 Penln Henri G 8 K a PelitOlivier ...Blac'k'sml'th: L ' POiird b Blaoksmtth. h IllclianI Arcaile Baker L Kichardson T. R. A Co Tanuerv: Hou8.s<'au CyrlUo Shoes, r, Thibault J..,. Blacksmith, h irlganne Louis G. H. A P. M. o 2M ValoourE Physician. K 3^ _ , ,„ (Bee Frankfiiril.) KonnwlyWra (i s F l.Bue C. T. Canllng MIIl' J, Lawiwice Hlmui D.. Trees, Pivd., Ac. H 3;i »!4 ?^ Miillju'y Albert. y.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'pirysieian: K jli^ HaybeoA. A a s u y" MavlieeThoa .SmliUer ATlns. 1, 31* MatherT Tailor II 3 McCanmion Henry BlseiUtA ,, _ „ „ t onfic. I'lvldlor. L .3!o McEversOeo. E..VetoituuryHurgwin. L 5f?,")"',f ';?• ^ PliysPdau. « 8I4 M «»• ^V-',- I'lasi.rer. 1, MllclK.ll \Vc;Bloy Butcher. K Sh Mix Jay N. A Co Tins, h ^ NewBouWm Harness. I, WARWICK, Lamblon Co., Ont ilumsJomosM a 8 L Charlton Ta've'm" I, Clark J. W ChewS' L llnrper Thomas Ca'nil'ng Mili; H 3 HumphilcsJohn Carriages. 1, ^n;V""' '','.7,' Grist A l-;aw Mills. K ahu M^^^ %". WllUam Bhws. K S-^ Morris T.G o H r. ■t* Brown ABaker Bake A ,,, , „ Cradle Factory. H 8 ?. .IK"!*?? *'™ Tavern. K 8)4 CoUier Henry Butcher. L »« Cooper J H Tavern. H 3)1 Creeu John Lumber. COMiker W. H Drugs. Ac. a a Dftvles David.. ::::: ."cWer L 3)4 Eager James E (5. s EuKllah E. L Ag-1 lintlU,: L PoijiesJohn Planing Mill. K 3.4 Jortar riiomas WriUKers. Ac. h ■ tortuerj... Grist Mill. Foster Joseph Blacksmith. L George Wm O. 8 L Gilnumr Wm Implemente; H 3 OreenSaumel Blaciksmith. O 2)4 Oriffln J. K L Uanimond Uonry..; Hotel. L Heisse Wm Tavern H S JarvtsC.M... Musical Insts; L KnowlesM.J om L Leather W. B Fanner A FriUt Mccuily—- Physician. H 356 McMonles James, J r Com'n. L Mlsener w. L) Carriages L WynuilGeo., Jr.. Flouring A Grist Mills: 3 golater Fenrtuaud Carpenter. H 3 Seeley Charles Lumber. K 3 SImmnnsJames Blacksmith. L 3J4 Stewart James TaUor. L 32 BtockJohuT O 8 H S Thompson Hugh Sai'ldler: K 3'4 Th(mips(mJ. B Gro.. P. M Ao K ai Truesdell HIel ..™ . Waiona' L ^ ■ Van Fleet A. P .......Ha^ISS: L VoungJames Wagons. L WATERFORD) Norfblk Co., Ont Ashley J. F Wagons. L 3)4 Barber I». Musical Insts. H § Barber J L. Cablnetmkr. G 2)4 Beeiner Lewis Taveni E 2 B07.Z0 A Purcell Tailors: H 8 Bowll.vA Physician. K a Camniell tt Gro. A Butcher. H 3 C uiinbers U J 1 ictlat. K 3)4 Chambr .s Phoebe A nu . . F'cy O ikmIs A ^!i:?i'lf,*=T" •'''^''»^: K 3^ CliiFol- J. J >.a.j Joyee James, Jr Bhoe? AGro. us KT^^"'.'.'.'.:-". »*"^„«"?- h m \ Mart««rO. p .'.'.'.'.Coal' o * Matthews Edward Drugs U 3' }J"g?,'na''l AJex Blaoksmilh. L McMlcliael Aaron Dentist. G 3!4 JJfJ!X',^/"»»i'>; Physioiaa. h —J — I — 2a. «. ...n ,,, jjivscrt. is x^ WAT ONTA.RIO A.lsm QTJEBEO. WBE an 3J* 3 » 8 3J4 L !»« H H * •i\i tt ■i H a n; ■i If » K 8)4 K 3M K K 3)j !! 2 , 3«^ <• av, ) n i »■? f •ii an SS^" *J<*^«> Hardware. L S PUIbean w. 8 xins Ac L 3 PnrgeU LemuaJ Caljlnetwaro.' K 3 BammageBLB P.M.,8tatY,Ao. H 3 5«<'kerJobnP li^iior. K 3 no-kThonuw BuUder. K 3 1^' araOeo Qro L Bu ,nnon R. A J..; Grmln' F •/ ShilKley W. O. R . flSer' L s' DWthtB. G G 8 H s Itell'I fr^nian Hotel! H 3 HlafflitlvH O 8 H 3 SaaonWln - Grist' Mill' H 3 SpS™*!. Oro. A Butcher. H 3 51"???'^®" SawMlll. O 2) YeatmanWm Wagons. Ac. L Yooara Jobu Plows L York I. E. A Co Drug^ G 2W WATERLOO, Frontonao Co., Ont (Or KlngtUm. SuCataraqui.) 3Hi WATERLOO, ShtiTord Co., 4ue. AUeE, Tarlor A Co o.8. A A.h».»« T Foundry. D 1% g««adryI,.V q g S?!tSJ"£AlP!'on«> Hotel: i22S.*f'*ll MUlluer. L SSSWW? Hotel P 2SSiil*i.*1^"; BlaoksnUth. L Bonobard Louis , o8 carpenter A Hubbard .brags! t, JiS*? ?®S; sipolair.V.V.V.V.; Miiiiiinls , ContouHugb , Bakei K Cousins Biohiid !!!!Tallor t iSSSl^?:^ ;,: Furniture! L SSSS'fS!!™'' Tanner A B. A 8. S"5?'»JM Marble. K S2S^rS?-'f Physician. K FarbarW.J G h i. |:«|»eg«enW.M ::!Tins! L FUk N.... Dentist. H g^onro , V O. 8. A Drags V HaUC.8 Hot«l F Hwveyc. K.. !piiiipmkr! K 5R?Sr*-*^°*f"-""* Uvery. L HUlsO. W Baker. F ilSiy*"*^** Physician. H Jany q ^ ??»?',ton A. A. DonUst! H LabonteJ. B. D Saddler. 1, I5 wlyKI/* * *'■"•'• «• 81' YoungUeo Plaaterer. H 8 WATERLOO, Waterloo Co., Ont I Atteman Cbarles 'Vatoheft. L Blnfloja 0«o. W 1 ..yslolad. K „^ Boblender Andrew.. HondsliiRhs, 4o. K 3)« Bowman Daniel I *. utotel! H 3 Brloker Jacob Foundry. F 2)4 Oonrad Jacob Tlnsmltli. O 2« Dralg Jacob. Blaoksmllh. I, Soering A Bellinger G. 8. U B DoersaniArtam Tuvem. H 8 i£jfi„:i- v; •-, %'"'-«'•. I- ™, » »»_« .orRlRj Ftfra, Kc. « iJ4 raoada. 2>4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 I** 3 a)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 8 3)4 8)4 3)4 3 a 3)4 .T5 Oerraann Julius Saddler. H 3 Helmbeeker Henry Photographer. L 3)4 Helmbecker A Roesch Sflllers. G 2)« Sfml^fS' °«o^«» Wagons. O SBJ HllllanlThos... Printer. H aS Uomnan John George Blacksmith. L HoSman, Wegenaat A Co.. Furniture. F 2)4 gohmelor A Froellob Tins, Ac. K m Huetner Ohrlstopber Brewer A irot6L F s Huffman A Trelsoh Painters. K 3J4 JamlesonR Raker I, KalbHelschJoacliim Printer H .1 KUler Nicholas A Son H^Awan. O 3 Koehler Henry Hotel K 3)4 KumpfChrisdau Stationer. Ac. G 2)* KuntTiUavld Brewer B 2)4 Mercantile Fire Insurance Co 'p 2)5 Merner Absalom Foundrv H 3 MemerACo Cami™ „(See Fred. Merner, New Hamburg.) Miller Charles Cooper. L MoBkC'a«|.er Shies. L MooreOeo Hons P iiJ Moore Wm EgS?! H i* MoyorA ............""" G.'b" (See Waikerto'n.) Marsoheimer Jacob Shoos. K 3)4 Noecker Charles Tavern O 2)4 Oetzel A ToUor Ac H vi Ontario Mutual Ufe Insurance Co Pepler Geo. 0". Blacksmith! K 3)4 Peiiuegnard Bros Watches. i>»o» ra^ <'^''® BerUn.) Plaff Geo TaUor. K 3)4 g»™,o,Wm Blacksmith. L S? Randal George Capitalist C K KamliUlACo O. S.. if HI, Ac D 2 Kockcl Andrew Puniltni«. I, 8)4 KoosJacobS Shoes H 3 Roschmau A Bowman Mutrs! o... < .r ., Buttons. G 2)4 Schode Martin HatsAFurs H '» Schlote Frederick. Butehw O 2)4 Schwartz A Hohoffer .Oro., Ao. H 3)4 Shuh John A Co G 8 E 3 BniaerChns. D SaiuUer. H 3 Snyder OBc:g6 Shoes, li 8ny(U.r A KroJt ! . ! MHiers. F a-i Snydor SImim Drugs. U 2)* Sti-oh Jacob O Tonuerv K 52 8tn«l,lUK Wm .•.V.-.'^^f.S?: H 3^ UrHtndt Henry FnUts.Ao. K Volnmi August Tailor. L WaMouWm Physician. P WaltorJncob Shoes L Wanless John. . . Sewing Machine Agt. „,.,-,,, £ Fancy Oooila. I, Waterloo Mntg. Co Woolens. F WebbJoseph 6 Phyhiclan. H WeUs Walfer bentist. H Zoeger Louis Tavern Howrten David oro. I, «Zi?:L°5? 8hoes!H 3 HughosF.J Painter L Humpidge William Flour A Feed! L Jackson B.F Barber L Kells Robert... Cooper. H 3 f"^™"™ Jacob lumber, o 2)4 Iia,vco«k Thos Wagons Ac K tZ Lenfesty Jolm :::!!."("fl'«t jfin! P IS f^JjSfl N J Physician. L ** lAtveii John Wamnifi. If *tu 5i".^Srifeer.: ---nigi^ Marshall Thomo. .'^^^^I^.V^ffi j, JJSJ^!"™^°'*P''. Hoops, Ac. H 3 McClure Samuel Hemps Jf SRSII5'1A'*5*'"'*'' Saw mIil r McDonnell Andrew oro H t McGlbbonP..... Lumber! Ac! iLr„tr, ■,-, . (SeeSarnla.) McKlanoo Hugh Hotel L. McLaren W. P Books A Drags! G McI«ayM 8 MoLeay Mnrdooh OS _ McLcay Robert Bentstuir. Ac! U 2)5 McLeUh A Humplilge. . . .Sash A faoor Mcwatersjolm cI^^Z' H 3** SlSSf.'}}';**'"^ MlUlue'?y,°^S ? l^ n.v„'jfr'^°*"' WaKon8,Ao. H 3^ o Nell J. D.. Grain. 3 3)4 8 854 O. 8. H 8)4 3)4 2)4 3)4 I"* 3 zoeiinef h:a!::!::!!!::!::::::.'dJ^" h I** WATERVILLE, Campion Co., Qua. LoomlaP O 8 L OsgooueJames Harness! L 3)4 S*,''"'J:A- .• Blacksmith. L ^ Wrman A Swanston o Pattenden Jotiii !..!! mih' h PhllUpsW F , ...V.Furaiture! L Fottenger Samuel Pork Packer. H 5^M"- Henry Tavern. H RemeyA. B Jeweler, Ao. L RenlerMlss MiU ner L Renter Peter Tailor K Restorick Francis .".'.Drover' O Restorick WiUlam IJvorv H Roach David oro L Robinson Thomas Graiii, Ac! K Rodgers Wm. H.... Hotel K vZ. «»f«""Hv G~.-A'cm"ke'i^: L '*'* ^l?iL'i'£^-.'.'.'.'.'.-.'.'. "^Il; RuddJoel ....!:!!::: FarrterL |«,"nrte"A..- Sow Mm g"!i"yj"iT. D Millinery. 1. Symington Alex Shoes. L Tfaylor T. B. H Piiotogriiher L ly"/""^: PSbuSher. L Watt Davia • o s ir Williomsa AM ■.".".'.".■ Mihlno'iT! L WIlloughbyA Saunders Wagons. K Wright Geo Di-over. O 3 r 3)4 3)4 3)4 3 3)4 8 3)4 2)4 «!*1 yl WATFORD, Lamblon Co., Ont Abbott Cahrles F SadcUer. L Baker HerraauO Hotel Baker John Baker' L Bambrldge J ohn .... B'smlth 'a 'u verj'! L flavlsAlluU Coufec, Ac. g«''ey Hehiy- ■ ■ ■ Harness. L Bole, btlokloACo Foundry K Boyle Mrs. John.. Temperance House. L Brown Arthur D. o. A Shoes. K BuriUckJ.N GH K CampbeU Bros. . . . Grain A Bnikorairn! o Clarft Joseph 1). O., £o. H Cook H . Cablnetwsre, Ac. H Cook John. Butcher. L Cook Joseph Butcher. L niSSiVV Urover. K 3)4 Cook R A Tins, Ao. L 3» Dodrts Peter U'ware, Gro. A Tins. G 2)4 Doherty Thomas Foundry. 11 sS I ratter J... Agent Ag'l Implti. L KwerW. M floolis, Ao. ,, _ ,„. (See Btrtttnroy.) iBWcettThos Broker A Banker. D 1)4 F niayson Mrs. J riotel. H 3 Fletcher A Moody Marble. go^flTB™" Butchers. K 3>4 P""pr * """e ovnln. H 3 Gonlon William Tailor I. Harvey L.D.... Physician! H 3 | Hawkins Mrs. ..F'ov Goods. Wnoi.AA i. 'jLt I IIOUoG Kiiiouu '. '....Uoopi. u 2)4 j WATSON'S CORNERS, Unark Co., Onl. Olles Hiram Tavern K vj. Jfsi"^^,.^""" :::!::! sK I *"* HunroJohn G s « !JV4 Park Duncan !:!:!8awMUl! §3 PenmanA saw Mill. ^ WAUBAMIK, Parry Sound Distriot, Onl. Morkle Manuel Saw Mill. L HehlMrB.M. E g. 8. L \J WAUBAUSHINE, Simoo* Co., Onl. *"* Anderson Mrs. J. B Hotel L Clu-lstle Peter Lumber o Georirlaii Hay Lumber Co ' n ««™'»»'-» Shoik:L Morrison — — Tavern L Polkenhora Edward !!!....Oro! I, WAVERLEY, Simooa Co., Ont. Adams Robert Wagons L Anderson Robert...; liUigles! K Bayciiitt Thomas Bl ..ksniith. K CockwiKe Juseph Hotel. L Latch Wm Lumber. „„ „ (See Toronto.) Moses Max GS F Thompson Edward .".".'.".■.■.V.'g! s! L WAY'S MILLS, Stanstoad Co., ^u*. SouthmaydeE o. 8. L 3 1)4 3)4 WayL. B. AA. .Woolen MUL r* WEBSTERVILLE P. 0„ Simooa Co., Onl. (See Cy«tnor<.; WEEDON, WoHb Co., <}ut. Bectudry Edmond G. 8. K 3 Bitere Prank as L f"t«f F O. b. A Hotel. /iSl.'JilSi'!";:.^ vgwnter. L BJi Tangiuiy CUM. .MUler. U 3 WEI ONTARIO A.NT) QUEBEC. WES ■iT- WEIMER, Watortoe Co., Out (Se4 Banibtrt,) WEIR P. O., WanlworiK Co., Ont. (St* Zynden.) WEI8ENBURQ, Waterloo Co., OnL Friedman Ignatz Waoons. L i Hill Wm P. M. & Shoes. L, Hoberta Thomas Wagons. L 3?i WELDON P. O., Kent Co., Ont. FlemlngtouE Blacksmith. I, WatMon David Blacksmith. L ""eldou Jan. K Hotel D llarneaa. L Chambers 1. B a. S. L 3)4 Gi'ant Lewis Blacksmith. L Kerr Alex Shoes. 8 Lindsay C.G o. S. K 3)4 Martin Stephen Saw Mill. WELLINGTON, Prince Edward Co. Babbitt G. M Shoes. Ballllo Geo Harness. Baker Jftmos Gro. Brice John HoteL Brown J. T Ins. Agent. Campbell Donald O. H. Chad Geo. J oro. Chattersou W Blacksndth. Clark David E Warehouseman. Clark J. E. A M. A Tina, Ac. Chubm David Foundry. Clintonlra B'amlth A 'Vagons. Conger A UolUngsworth Htoves A Tins. Day Ji'hn G Ins. Agent. Flagler A Clark o. 8. Foues Daniel B Millwright. Ganett Amos Cablnetware A Undertaker. Garrett Townsend Tavern, IlBlght Wni.G Baker. Ilnrfia Gitri-rtt CafFlngca. > OnL L K 3; QUEBEC. WES ii>i 3 3H 3 aht a asi SJ4 Merezd ValeoUne Mllla A Uro, u ^ OulmetAlez oro. K ff Paradig Hubert SawMUl. K s' ProToatMluA MUUnei'. I, QuInnWm Tin*. I. 3! Roblrtoux Nortwrt Hotel. K 8 |«nt?J™C O. 8 K 3 Smith E Bli«ck«mltli. L Smith Jo* CBblDetware. Starke Alex., Estate of. .Woolen Hill*. F TIeraeyjjmeaB PhyBlotan. L Tnidean AUo o. b. VBllquetA Co o. 8. VVllHoa C. A Son. . . . Sboea A Tannery. H 2>4 3 WESTFIELO, Huron Co., Ont. Jofferaon John B Wafonii. L McLauKhUn Thos... .Hotels B'smltb. L MoPhennm-Ncll o. 8. K 334 Robinson Wm 8aw MUl 1, WEST HILL P. 0., York Co., Onl. (Sft Highland Oruk.) WEST FLAMBORO', Wontwortk Co., Ont Br«V Carding Mill. I, ElllottTrcd Wheelwright. I, a>4 Hltohdock P. e Baron E.H Blavksniltb. K 3)4 Rtepheuson James Shoes. L ,d Duncan g. 8 H 3 OlUies Colin o, s! L «ray John uro. K 3!4 ihoiulUi« iv S>a Paris Walter Harness. L BoomeMrs. A Tavern. H Sohlelhauf O Lumber. H Stafford A Hotel. I, Storkey Staves. Thompson Alex Grist Mill. K Trigger JBS BuUder. H WeTlsJ. H... . . . Watches. WEST MoQILLIVRAY, Middlosox Co., Ont. FroserWm 0.8. H 3 McDonald Nell Saddler. L, MoHaun Hubert Hhoos. L Patterson John Wagons. L SmlthJohn Tiles Weir Wm Blacksmith. L WESTMEATH, RonfVow Co., Ont Atcheson Archibald Tavern. H 3 Frazer Alexander Lumber A O. 8. C 1)4 uoddard Edward Wagons. H 3 Leitch Geo Wagons. L Hobtnsou J. C .0. 8. WESTMINSTER STATION, Middlotex Co., „ ., „ Onl. Hall George Gro. H 3 Klndre Joshua Gro. L ShawUeorge Oro. A P. M., H 3 WEST MONTROSE, Waterloo Co., Ont. Gordon W Drover. Mlohenor A g. 8. m X \/' WESTON, York Co., Ont Aiken Edward Physician. ,. Banks J. H Drugs. H BortonJ.U Nursery. L Bolton Isaac g. h. i Brown Bros Carriages. K Brown Joseph Pottery. L Brown Wm Gro. L Caldbeck James Cari)enter. K Conron James Buteher. F Coulter James Machinist. L Crulkshonk James Wagons, Ac. H Dale George Painter. L Dale John Butcher. L Eagle John Tavern. G Fleming Robert Tailor. L Flyn Robert Shoes. L Forsyth Charles Millwright. U Irvine James Blacksmith. Johnston Itobert Gro. A V. M TjilorH Mnfrs.' Agent IjtugstBff K. A W Pumps. Little John Tavern. MahorMrs. E oro. M;illabr Peter Blacksmith. ,. MayWm saw MUl. H „ McDougall Thomas. . . Mills. McGulre Dttvld .Shoes. K 3)4 MoMasterD Olovomkr. L 3)4 Morrow H Oro. L 3)4 Nflson William 0.8. o 2'4 Noble Jesso Quae Lamps. L Peacock Matthew Harness. L PeorsIIngh Mi'tcher. I, PluwmauMciiJaraIn Foundry. H .S)4 Rountreo David Butcher. K 3)4 Russell Honry Tavern. H 3 Scott Wui. W Gro. L 3)4 Sloane David Millwright H 3 Bmlth A Wllby Mnfrs. Shoddy. (See Toronto.) Sturzaker J Saddler. L Taylor Robert, Estate of Bakery. K Toronto Tea Co., The... (See Toronto.) Tyrrell Wm Builder. O Wa«l8W()rth Chos. A W..0. 8. A Mills. D Wood George Tinsmith. L Woml Robert 'IHns. L WEST OSGOODE, Carleion Co., Ont. Borthwlck D. J Saw Mill. L ClellondHugh g. 8. K 3 Kealy James Hotel. L WESTOVER, Wsntworth Co., Oni. Barren George g. 8. Fry Christopher Wagons. L Herbert Jolin Lumber. G 2)4 Law Thomas Shoes. L Lindsay Jolm Grist Mill, o 2)4 Mills James o. 8. Patton Robert 6.8. PunlyThos Blacksmith. K 3)4 WESTPORT, Lssds Co., Ont. Arnold U.J ..o. s. H 3 BniinAt.t Patrick bh'jee :& Grr! I^ Ijiniwm.r.' '.'.'.'....'.'.T.74 CarberryACo Famlture. L ClorkJoel.jr CordlngMIU. K 3 CurtlsP TTTHoteL K 3 DlerE BUoksmlth. L DIer .Tomes Blaoksmlth. L 3)4 DlerWm B'smlth A CorrUges. K 8 Foley Deolan o. s. P M, Predenburgh W. fl MUlo. E 2 Fy'eWm Wagono. L 0™y,J- ■■-■■■■•■. Oro. L Harrington Denis o. B. L 3)4 Jeaklea Geo Tavern. K *4 Kelly Henry TaUor. l^ 3)4 Kelly Mrs. James Oro. L 3)« Lockwood H. W Q. 8. L McCaffrey Eugene Saddler. L McCannH Shoes. 1, McOuireJohn Tins. H 3 Scott M.W Mnfr. Leather. H 2!4 ToggartA. Foundry. L 3I4 Wardrobe D Hotel. Jj 3)4 Webster W. J. A Co o. 8. O 8 Whelan A Wright o. S. L ffi4 WEST'S CORNERS, Porih Co., Ont (8*4 Uttvtrtan P. 0.1 WEST SHEFFORD, Sholford Co., Quo. BeUBjE.. Marble. K 3 Bootillon J Blacksmith. L Coucke Alfred o. s. L Curley Robert HoteL K 3)4 DlonOllvler Carriages. L OilmonrO. W a. S. A Drugs. „ .^ .-. ^ . (Se« Waterloo.) MoAdam Michael Peddler. L 8)4 MlllsJohnN Prod. Robinson R Blaoksmlth. h 3)4 Robinson Wm Wagons. L 3)4 TaltOeorge .To. 8. H 8 WEST WICKHAM, Orammond Co., Quo. Courchene Mdme. D o. 8. L Leonard Michael 0.8. K 3)4 MoOindlay James Contractor. L PrinoeJ.T 0.8. H 8 WEST WILLIAMS, Middloun Co., Ont McIntyroL. C o. 8. H 3 WEST WINCHESTER, Dundas Co., Ont. Alexander James 0.8. K 3)4 AnuableA.AI Speculators. I. Beach M. F. A Co Mills. E 3)4 Blssell H.S Ttos! £ Bow Wm O. S. A P. M. O 3)4 BowcnP Hotel. X. Boyd Mrs MiUlner. L BroderASweot O. 8. E 3)4 Brown Samuel Harness. L CassJeremloh o. S. L CbalUsJoa.O Undertaker. L Chambers J. A B'smlth A „, . „ „ Wheelwright. H 3 i'",'.^*i'*„''^ Mills. H 3 EUlottOeorge Blacksmith. L Sfi Gagnon Antolne Shoes. L Gardner Wm Saddler. Henderson Geo Tanner. K 8U HolmesBios Tta»,Ac L Hughes A Ross 0.8. K Sii Kerr Joseph Shoes. L Latlararae J. D O. S. P 3)4 MorclU Henry Carriages A B'smlth. H 3)4 OrtoiiO Carriages. L Roddick Robert Physloiiui. h 3)4 Ross John 8 Carriages A B'smlth. K 3)4 Royce Richard Gro. A Baker. I. sg ScottJnmos Specalator. K 8)4 Sharp Thuron Hotel. 3)4 Shaver Mrs MlUlner. L Scott Wm.. TaUor. h m Storey Joseph Cooper. I, WESTWoOD, Middlesex Co., Ont. (Set Park mil.) WESTWOOD, Potorlioro' Co., Onl. Breukonridge John Saw Mill. Brown Thomas Wagons. li Burnett Frank BawMtU. L CurrloWm Weaver. L 3)4 fox iloury Peddler. I, Oalvln Garrett Tavern. K 3)4 Powcl A Farrar g. 8. U 3)4 PowellJohn Orlst A Saw Mills. O a>4 S?l'i.Tl'?JS!!?iii- -i-.-.-vShOM. L g4 8ha^'wm...7:r...B'aiatih"*W<^m»; H s" WEX ONTAKIO ^ND QUEBEC. WTD WEXFORD, York Co., Ont. Amiatrong laaao Carnentar. K sn McItnthJuuHB aro. £ P. M. L 3% Mllno John A Son* MlUs. 3 Saumlera CbaH Blarksmltli. H 3 Tlng'.o Jolm.Jr O. 8. K 3)^ WHALEN, MiddltMx Co., Ont. Miloon John 11 0.H. ,fcP, M. L . WHEATLAND, Dnimmend Co., Quo. (Sot Wett irutkham.) UuTTigtia a. H O. 8. L 3H WHEATLEY, Etux Co., Ont. AtwellChas. O D4 Charlei) Eilwln llarneas. h Dales Thomas o. 8 K SM Dales Wm Wagons, 4 Uodglni ThnmM Carpenter. H 8 ¥S?^'i$^ Weaver. L S"W^ Wagon*. H 3 WairWm.. SawSlUl. O 354 WUioBW. J Shoe*. L WILKE8P0RT, Umbten Co., Ont. EvttTbmrM\ Waapns. L 354 Hooper Un. J. W 7b. b. l Kenny Arthur o. 8. Ktal-aU WUUam o. 8. & Staves. MoNauchton John Shoes, L MoRneWUUam Blaoloinilth. L 354 IfnmrJ.S o.B. Parkinson Jamea oro. KedpathThos Tavern. I, 3% Btnbbs WaffouR. I. WILLIAMSBURQ, Durham Co., Ont (8t Cartmight) WILLIAMSFORD STATION, Gray Co., Ont. (SaalioSulUvan.) CalUnderDavlA Blaokamlth. L Ualbiralth K. M Tavern, h lugemoll Samael A Tannery. L Ireton James oro. L Price Caraon o. 8. L WUllams Alfred o. 8. WILLIAMSON'S CORNERS, Waniworlh Co., Onl. (S—Lynilm.) WILLIAMSTOWN, Qlsnpiry Co., Oni BarrattW Carriages, h Cashlon D Uotel. K 3)4 CalderJ. W Sewing Machines. K 3 Cattennoh I, B'snilth A Wagons, h 3)4 Klderaeorge Blacksmith. H 3 Sr^™""./A V 0«- L 354 McDonald D. J Blacksmith. K 3)4 McDonald John A o. s. H 2*4 McDonnell John. . . .Tavern A Saililler. OS McDonnell Thomas Uotol. o 3 MoLeUanD o. s. H 3 McLennan Munlook Wood. K 2 O'SulUvan Andrew linsmlth. L RousslnUott Canwnter. H 3 Biunmeis James Asbery. L 354 WILLIAMSTOWN, Gray Co., Ont (SetUeaOicoU.) WILLIAM8VILLE, Ont. (Set Jangiton CUy.) WILLI8CR0FT, Bruce Co., Onl, PUKTlmJ. H Blacksmith. L WILLOW OROVE, Haldlmand Co., Ont. Incell. J Auctioneer. L Kerr Andrew Blacksmith. L .3)» WILMUR P. O., Frontenao Co., Ont. Sloueas James o. 8. L WILSON, Norfolk Co., Onl. BIndeu Foster GriStHUI. L White D. W 0.8. I, WILTON, Addlngton Co., Ont. Ovens William Wagons. O 2)4 Thompson James Contractor, h 3)4 Warner D. 8 o. 8. F 2)4 WIMBLEDON P. 0., Essn Co., Ont. Harshaw Joseph Blacksmith. L WINCHEL8EA, Huron Co., Oiil. Brown Henrv Blacksmith. L Buoklnbam Wm Blacksmith. Ij Cook Thomas Cheese. H 3 Qodbolt Frederick 0.8. H 3 SSStSSSftiH?!! H-WWns.L 3)4 WINCHESTER, Dundas Co., OnL (■««• CluttervttU. ) WINCHESTEfl SPRINGS, Dundas Co., Ont. g»ffiSv.v;.;. ••■•.•.■.•. ^'I'f^; h ^^ Sutherland A. F Mills. Taylor J, w ...a. s. L WINDERMERE, Maskoka Dittriot, OnL Barber Daniel 0.8. L 3!a BreizeAngost QrlstMiU. 1, 3)4 Dinsmore Arthur Ins. Agent. 1, Fraser John &. h. I, S)i WINDHAM CENTRE, Norfblk Co., OnL Baker Frank Hotel. H 3 Bennett 8hcea. L Forbes David HoteL Ij Lawrences. F Blacksmith. K 354 Lyndaberry Jolin o. 8. L 354 Robertson James. . . .U. H. kes Timber, 254 Mann Francis H Gro, L Manning Michael Saloon, O 254 MarentetteA Gunsmith. Ac, K 354 Marentetto Joseph Barber, L MaikH Jo.seph Oro, Q 2*4 Mnilln James J Tailor, L Mason vllle Joseph UoteL L 354 Mayvlllo Jean B., Jr Blacksmith, L McAllister James Lumber, L 354 McAllLiter Jos. L Lumber, MeCrao John A Son Agent, K 3 McKlilowney J Brooms. L ' McUreKor David, Agent Livery. L MctJregor W.. Grain, Ac. L MolCce William J Lumlwr, S McLean Daniel.... A gent Ag'l Implts. H 8 McLcod J. 8 Crockery. Mcltoy Thomas Oro, H 354 Mero Joseph Tavern A Wood. L MoonoyJohn Gro., Ac, U 3 Mundy Wm Oro, L Murphy M. Oro. MussenTlios. H Brewer. K 354 Napier A. aro. K 8 NashC. H Gag. Nelson Jas Leather, , ^ Wallpaper A H'ware. H 8 Neveux Joseph A Bro. .Hardware, Ac. Odette A Wherry Fwdg., „„, , Coal, Ac. O 254 O'Gorman James CoaL O 2)4 Ovlngton Geo Temperance House, H 3 PageauJohn Oro,, Ao, H 8 PalmerC G, 8. L ParentAlex,J aro, L Parent C, L Tailor, L Parent Fred Painter, L PareutNoah ora K 3 Parry Sound Lumber Co (See Parrj' Sound,) Patterson J, C Speculator, Patterson, Shuck A Compton Bottlers, Pearce George Cai-riages, Peddle J, W D, 0„ ClothlngTAc, G 3 Pcri-ault A Ouellette Lumber, letors Alex Broker, L Peters Peter Wptches, L Petrie Oswald Mufr, Lubricators, Plant John Butcher, Pouting P,C Grain, Ac, 3 Port Mrs Temperance Hotel, Prlddy R. .S Drugs, (HeoChatliniii.) Pulford Henry T, L LtnnborA Bankrupt Stocks. PurserASons 'Hnamiths, H 3 llao Mrs oro Rattray J Baker. H 3 Reaume A Murphy Ag'l Implts. K 3)4 Reed David Fruit, Ac. L 3)4 Rice AlfnMl E. ,,,.... FamUurev L iiice J^'nxl, X' i'uniltui«. wm .4 ml 01SrTA.RI0 ^ISTD QUEBEC. woo lUehanliClisrlMO Baktr. H 8 lUohanta Jnlm Bakur. II 8M HtciianlA MrB. Mark dru. i, Boohplean Jacqiina D. o. K SM Kochfonl Michael Bimanlii. H 8 lf"!JJ!; H....8t>wliiKMHoliliiB Agpiit. L Kolir Wni Il'warv, 11 Idon A Wo.. «o. Shipley ci«) Tailor. H^ Shortlaml llobert oro. II II Hhorlsnd Walter Marble. Smith * Diiok Oro. n» Fr«l Tareru A Cooper. gtover Samuel Tobacco, Ac. O a)* StrouUJ. I) Oro i, Hutheulanrt J. fl Hotel ThorbuiTi John Hro. VaU'iitliio Josephine Books. L Volhum KitwaWt. . .Temperance House. II 3 \ ol Innx TlioHiaa Miller. Wc'.istcr James Tailor. Wolxiter Mrs. Jane oro, K S Western Comet Works a 3 WhIieJ. ico. Liquors, *c". » huson Alexander Drover. L Jj;!'!t*)»MI"sKUxa Millinery. H 3 Wli tsoiiMra Millinery, h Whittaker John Tailor L WlKlo Mlmeon l.uniber. O aW \ . indHor Furniture Co., The Wlnilsor Uasco Winter Albert H Butobei-: H 3 Wrong J. W o. B. L J^'',""'J,V;?',?''"» Plumber. I, Zeiss WlllUm * Co Varnish, &k. H 3 WINDSOR MILLS, Richmsnd Co., Qu*. Brown Henry J o. 8. L 34 Canada Paper Co (See Montreal.) Conly 11... Oro: K CrosaanJohu Shor«. h Ijeardon A Blacksmith. K •>«>n!onJohn Blacksmith. H DeardonMrs. M.J Milliner. L Hopkins A. J Grain A Flour. 1, McC'abeJ. A. U o. 8. K MuCreeJaiues O 8 K McMlchael Thos Butcher! H gami»H)n J Carpenter. 1, ^'anlU8ou W. H U. 8 K TrudoauA u. g j. 3'» 3J4 » 8 3Hi WINFIELO, Wellington Co., Ont. AudHimm Jamea Shoes, h CornlHh TbomiM (1.8. K Hambly Thomas Blw^ksmitb. K House Thomas Wagons. J> Potter H o. », K \ ouugor llobert Blacksmith. L WINGER, Lincoln Co., Onl. DevlttM. D Saw Mill. I. Marr Enus (j. s l 8wayze Wm. H o. 8. o WINQHAM, Huron Co., Ont. Abraham Thomas Shoes. L AndrusO... SadiUer}-. L Arthur Wallace 'iaker. I. Bai-klcyJos Tins. K Bai'De Wm. U Uo(ili», Ac. BellJohn Baker. L Bennett A. H Dentist. I, BetbuueAlex Physician. K BilUugsby Thos Watches, Ac. L Blrtchlt U SewiuK Machines. L Jlrtcli Wm Shoes. 1, Black E. P Jeweler. H Ulack a. A Oro. A Baker, o Brace U J Saw Mill, u Bray W. F Brennau John A Co , . . . Tannery. K Buchanan F Harness. L Burrows Oeorpe Photo. A Oro. L I'hapmanJohn Tanner. L CliHR SVm Hotel. K Cochrane .V.C Pliotographcr. I, Cox Samuel O Stoves .t Tin, I, Cniwsum Joseph Butcher. L (Jummlngs Jas. B Agent , . • Sewing Machines. L CunulnRliam J. H u i-o., Ac. 1. Curry James Liquors. 1, Davidson James Butchev. L Dawson Alex Tailor. H SH 3 SH 3'a SV, 3;4 3>S gr~?™Wm Cflopor. H S Olnsley J Hotel. K 3U IKMldsAlex Pumps. I. Elliott A Talbot O. 8. A lX|. O a>4 E}»h0T P. A A,. Carding A Saw Mills, a » S. .?*•■* Tannery. L 8>» Fleuty James. Printer. L 8)S Fowler A Amieraon Saw Mill. O 11)4 Fnuwr A Olllls Foundry. „ „ .,. . (See Teeswator.) Oalbraith 8. W Printer J, Gannett \Vm Blacksmith. L S^ ClordonAScott Hiirdwani. O 3 Greens. A ||„tel. GregorvThos Grain. O 3)* OucstH.. Harness. L 8>J Hamilton A MoL'onnell Grain, Ham.»l.John *-«%*5- ^ ^'i Heayn James Carnenter. I., 3)J Hersdman Mrs. 11 Mifllnery. H 8 HomuthJ. J Clothing, Ac. 11 3 Houston ('has Livoiy L Uutton A Price orlst J'lll. O 2)4 ""'tflhWm Hotel, r. Inglls John A Son Woolens. II 8 Ireland Isaac Blacksmith. L Jackson T. o G 8 L KeuneilT A H>'»P ". Va. si li 3 Mi'Nulty K. M Shoes. ^i\\'",'l "'"y Barber. L Mills Thos. A U.S. K Mitchell T Painter. L ^aylol' James Blat^ksmlth. L ^ewanst^^f DG L JjIchollsJMeph Builder. L Nlcolfcrsklno Shoes A Oro. G \,f\}T *^iWH Bilcks. L !! '■ '"P'U,^"*'^ Tanner. L Ll!'""^?''"""" Tanner, h Price Thomas Shoemkr. L PrmitorOeo. B Pumps. L QulKleyJ.W. Friilt:i' Heading Joseph Books. UhiKliiiUH F. H shoes. L Jtldd WllUam.... Veterinary Surgeon. K 3H ;;;»nKR. 8. Drugs. L Sylvester John Oysters. L Tamlyu J. E Physician. O loylor.1... Harness. K Tayh.rT. A W Blacksmiths. L 1 enuuut A Patterson Livery. II 3 Thorn H. P Cabluetware. L 3)i Thorn Jas o. 8. K 3 an 3H 3»4 3h 3 8)4 3'a 2H 3)0 »4 3)4 Tippling Jas "...Biackanilth; H 8 w. B Phyoician. H U.S. L Planing Mill. K Tailor. I, Towler Wade J. II...... Watt A Carr. . . Webster A. W. Wllklnion Miss Millinery. L WilllamsJohu Drugs. H Wlllson B. A Co Bankers A Brokers. K \omig Joseph Liquors. L WINONA, Wsniworih Co., Ont. Cai-peuter George saw Mill, o Carpenter Gersnam Milk. I. .3)4 S)» ajs Carpantar Joseph HawMlU. i^'?"*Ly»; Tavern, h King Theodore B g. 8. I, OakesG.. Blacksmith. H 3)4 £f*!' J»«»b.;;. Blacksmith. L ^ Wlllson John W Grain. WUlaon It. J. A Bro Oraln. K ,1)4 WIN8L0W, Compten Co., Que. f^fl«l4 sis 8H WINTHROP, Huron Co., Ont. Cook Wm Blacksmith. L .S)« Govanlock Andrew O. 8. A Mills. F 2'* Herman John Hotel. I, HornoF. A J Wagons. L l.eydcn John Tavern. L Merchle Alex __---_-- I'ethrlck 11 8l3 . O. 8. A P. M. K S'a . . BUoksmith. L WOBURN, York Co., Ont. Bowden J. Wagons. K iM Closalii I, D Physician. H 8 FawcettE C4 8 I, Jbhnstou Widow Tavern. K 8)t Lapsley WllUam FbyslcUn. H ,1 WOLFE ISLAND, Barrett O.T Baker E , Baker Miss Bolton Wm Cattenac'i Donald Davis Bros Dawson P Dawson T. II lOcdes Theo doings Hitohcook H HomeT. D Mcllae Jas Tory P FranlMao Co., Ont. Miller. I, 3)4 O. 8. H 3 O.8. K 3 Wagons. L 3U, U 8 O.S. sa ...Cattle Dealer. H 3 Vessel Owner. G.8. L Grain. Tavern. L Hotel. a. 8. H ....Fisherman. L 3.Si 8 WOLFE'S COVE, Quobwi Co., Qua. Hawkins Abel oro. H 3 Staley Martin k 3)j W0LF8T0WN, Wolft Co., Quo. BorgOToii A.O O.S. li 8)4 KoyNorbert o. S. L WOLVSRTON, Oxfbrd Co., Cnt. Bawtenhclmer Crysler... Blacksmith. K S'a Dawson. Silas A Co D. (I, A Gro. U 3)* McPhersim John J Saw Mill. K S^ Megg.i Frixl TemiRM-ancK House. K 3 I'litton Walter C Wagons. H 3 Walvertcu A McJannet........ Miners. G 2)4 y\ WOODBRIDGE, York Co., Ont. A_/ M (Or Buruiek.) ^^ AbeU John Machinist, Ac. C 1)4 Allen L'avld. Gro., Fce.., MuikleAWatt G. 8. K »^ Miunu George SodiUer. I., .S)i Miittliews llobert, Jr Carpenter. H 3 Mayiianl Amos Wagons. L Mclutush John A8on Woolens. L 3!6 Prentiss Oliver Wagons. K 3)* Itowntreo John, Hot«.4c, u 'M \y ;voo Mill. •oni. I. II. H. I, iillh. H SH iiltli. L nitn. rain. K .1)^ Que. mill, u a liiu. H a taru. K Hi^ t. U. 3 iitel. iltli. I ). M. r. mi I. 8. P 2)4 :o., Ont ;ni«. F a)4 ittii. 1. i. 8. L a^ : O. L 8!* i. 8. L 3h> eni. K SH, nna. L iwr. I, iltU. L ova. ti 8)^ }nt. ilth. L B)« llla. F 2)n )U>1. I, >ua. I, SHi em. L 8I4 M. K S'a ith. h It. ma. K »)« Ian. H 8 L S. I, !ni. K xa Ian. H 3 o.i Onl. lor. I, 3*4 . 8. II 3 . 8. K 3 ma. L 3!a .... U 3 .8. 3>i ler. H 3 ler. .8. L tin. irn. I. tol. . 8. H 3 ■ an. L 3'k iro. H 3 ... K 3), Qua. . S. L S^ H. L PnJ. th. K Siji ro. U 3)4 111. K 3\u »e. K 3 US. 11 3 ra. a 2)4 y Int. \y ko. C 1)4 tc. I. 3)s tr. h 8. I, •n. K 3)4 th. L >b. 1, 3)4 el. L in. L 3)4 in. It .M JH. I, 3?!1 >r. i, 3>!i ;c. K a's, h. K »>, 8. K BS) ir. I, .3), w. H S IB. I, i». L 3)4 la. K 3)4 c. U ^ WOO ONTA.RIO ^ND QUEBEC woo J_ Shaw Jiilin Watohca, L Klewart Haviil Mlioea, K 3!4 Thiimpaun Jamea Mtlla. I> 3 Vlvlaii E Cablu«twaie * Unilerukvr. L 8)4 Wallacollnia u. H. V ii)I WaMaceU«<>rK«....8hingluait Cooper. U 3)g Wllklnaon JuimthaD Pbyalclan. K IKi wrlKlit Janioa Oro. K S.'j WOOOBURN, Wantwortli Co., Onl. Uilniunila Rb«nazur 8a« Mill. 3)4 Kilmiin<1a John (Mat Mill. O !»4 McdlMloMildy Jorrtan (i. h. a 8 Mo K ay Waller. . . . Phjra'u * Haw M III. O 3 KoljorU John Blaokaniltli. L WOODFORD, Gray Co., Ont. Cavcra Wm Blaokamlth. L l)<)!i Anthonr Ccmfec. H Dtmaldaon William nrover. P Doui^laxa Joliu Saddler. F Dunlipj. I) Baker. L Edon* lUma Marble. K Kdwania Wlllhun, ar Painter. H Falconer A Co i^rioka. K FuiTcll Patrick Hotel. L Fltznlmiiioua U Barber. L Forbea John BilUarda. U Fonvat A Hall Mill. P Prancla A. W. A O. F Printera. G FraaerGeo. U Tavern. I. Fuller A. H Fruit, An. I, Fuller R Agent Sewing MachUiea. L Furv Mioluwl Oni Ao. K Ualnlaer A Huoe Carriagua A B'andtha. F Gamlln Jamea Uooka, Ao. I. Olondlunlng John Butcher. II GouBh Marian Milliner. 1, Gnint J. AT 8hoea A Tannery. K GrtlHtha A Woat Bullilera. <* Ounnll Saddler. I. Gunn Jamea Gro. G Uuppy Edwanl Hlioea. K Hall Alexander Shoea. L Hall J. J. A Co Druga. K Halter A. J Pork. L Hammett George A uil Dealer. HanlvW. C Punina. L HarrlHon John, Jr Cahlnetmkr. L, Ilarw'iHHl Gn>rge Coulee., Ac. K Harwuod A Murray Mhoea. L Hay Jamea A Co Cabinetrakra. K Hay wikhI Preil Hotel. K Heath Jonathan.'amltb A Wagona. K Hcndermm John D. G. I. Hill A. S Phyalclau. I, Hill Mra. J Piult, Ac. I. HUlJ. M Ina. Agent. K Holmea Donald Cattle Dealer. F llolmea Jamea Hanlwore. P ..lood John D Official Aaaignee, Ins. Agent, Ac. E Huggart A Stewart Grist Mill. H Uugglna Enoch Machlnlsf, K Hyde Henry Flour A Peed. K Jackson E. T Ilanicss. L Janea Jamea K Butcher, Ac. 1. Johnston P Baker A Cou Jeo. 1, Kam D. W Orgons, Ac. G Klrton George Photogiapher. G Knlitht II. W Ins. Agent, Ac. F I.aldh>w, Pntalln A Co Printera. U tAudon Wm. II Oon'l Agent. L Lane Thomas Oro. H Lawson P Baker. K Mackay John O oni., Ao. G Mac.kay ,:; McKay -. D. G. H Martin E Fancy Goods, Ao. L Martin Jonathan Coufec. P Matthew lleniy Tuvem. H Maycook Etlwanl .... Fancy Goods, Ao. U Mftycook J.AJ.S Palnteifl, Ao. H MeOeeC. E Tobacco. K Mcintosh A.J CoalAWoud. H Mclntyre John Gro. H McKay Aloiiander Tailor. H McKay Itodortck Tailor. H McKay Wm Saddler. L Mo Kenzio II ugh tiro. K MoLay Archibald Physician. L Mcl.K>od W. C. ACo D. O. B Mclxiod W. C. A Co Il'ware A Oro. fl McPluirson Donal M.. Contec. A Feed. L Miller Lyman Woolens. Mlllmnn W. H oro. A Crockery. U Midaakoy David Organs, Ac. L Morris KIchard Tailor. L Morrison John On)., Ac. L MunroE Shoes. L MuiTfty Alex. A James Cariwuters. L Murray 11 Physician. L Nasmyth ACo Grist Mill. P Nasmyth George Tailor. K Naamytli Wm oit). II NoablttBnis... Whol. ARet Liquors. F Newton Andrew Tailor. II NIsbIt P. A Co..8tat'y A Fancy Good*. O jktlkT^llt » " " T-y T-f-.-a gt (t*Mntn lian 3-4 3)4 ist 3)4 3 3 8)4 3)4 3)4 3H 3)4 3)4 3 3)4 Onfari" Mplnnlnf Co. (Umlted) F O'ltourke James oro. H Parker Henry Com'n. O Parr Gwug" I'onfec. Paaeoe John A George HuUdicm. G Patrick A Powell Tinsmiths. K Paul A Ncalwt TInamlths, Ac. K Peacock A Love.. D 3)8 3H| 3)4 woo ONTARIO A.3SriD QUEBEC. YOR »* 7\i ■"i M jMhrwt Wm Oontr»elor. I, MavtK«,t CTroiiter o. H MoCimiiKMUIe it Mol'inkln Aa'! MoUlm«le BriM LnmtM-r * 'Ah.'iI ' ' j;«l*V;> »,;■■■•■•••■ lUkerAdr.). H MoMlllui >» McLWNl (Vh MrVttlib Miinoau I.imilior. K Mcl■hl^n«ln Aiiilrow ICot*l. H Mi'Swiiyim l'eu>r Tiilliir 1. MItohi'll J«». A. 4 Co O.8. a l.lii! 11 Mwrimiu An.lrojr Cnlmctor. I, M™, K. A Milliner. 1, UiHilom AI.1X. ln«. Aiteut, (» Nc«mraon Bon). A ifotel. L Hmltho.c Uiilch«r. I, at«w«rt.Janir« HixMUir (1 S?h" ;'„•!? ■^'- " ..••■•r ■•^'•'''■'•■^"•■^ " V, hltfl * Hro. . . . I>>iunili7 * | i"«MutK :::; ")•„■ , " Klclianl Henry BlWkniiilUi." I. hTH. ■■•■WW Cabluotwarw. L 8t»o«burK H. I. »lioc«. I, WOTTON, Wolfe Co., Quo. BollnloA.C JlllliL 1, BelUIo IMcrro C Mllla I, llenr>run Jimppli aHoen! I, tlwrlftmi ihiiiiMO BlHoksmltli. I. Jnnnlnn Antnliie Bnknr I. lAJolo J1W..11I1 II. c ON K iJiuiln AiiiMpo Haililinr! 1. if Ml'".'?'",.''-".''"'? BlackMMlUi. K P lenli Mailnie Taimnr. I, Plamourtou .loan E Coulrnctor. II 3}i Homll A Taaat*. o. H n Johnatnn Jnwph Tailor K v'i'!V".':,r'-"i-- ......MiiKf: K Miiltan Xelanu O. H. cf Hnwilim II. M Hho^ 1, Hwal-laiiclA ;.HoSt t Trliip Hiram Hotel L WallMoe Tlioroaa u^nSmi. L Wllllama John T .WoUSl L WYNFORO, Wollinfton Co., Oat (•HmSaltm.) WVOMINQ, UmMon Co., Onl. An.lBr»onD,D Uro. A p. M. K S"»"r M'" MiUlnory, Aa L •' ' Am raw Blaokinlth. K IlimeatBroa BUokanUUia. K S!^'H'^'"Vi '^ Book,., A«. L Hrooh W. I) Tliii. I IlriKkThoma. Nuiwrr: L ('a»«>y .Simon n,i j} riSiV''"*^ .iiutihS?. L ( lark Thouian ShoAa. r '-llmle * Smith ", « Jj 3S f^fendro Ptom. . PitllMlar Victor. , Kolililatix f, 0.8. (I Blaokamlth. K ?!* I^altt John B Davla A Knnla..., Itowoll J. J , Duncan Allan Dunoan Mra Fawcott Thumaa. "anwoi J ".'.v.". Saw Mill.' WRIGHT, Ottawa Co., quo. Kllar\l Joahua o 8 Uiiico Patrick "o e,' MoL'oiuber Wm li u' NauUBMNi ""o 8 Thnmaao Hotel Wooilrow James " Hotel' H 3)* 1) a 3>4 3S, S WROXETER, Huron Co., Oni. A llou Nathan Cablnctmkr. I. lloneAilam sTioca. 1. Brawu W. H PliyalS L Brokenahlre Wm Photoarauhfr. L V''"'^,"''l*t- OristlilU. K Davlilaon John BUkckamlth. I. Dlckaon Ilobert Tailor A P. M K Kvaua Rnui (1 8 K t« Foinjth Kobert Woolen Ml'Ua! K 3*, '?'h»on A. L Oatmeal Mill. F -2^ UottonJohn Hotel H 8 Hemnhlll Thomaa Blacksmith.' K .3;* IlooilUarld LIvorv K "iOI HoltantloharleaW ::;.';; w,li,mV i. ^^ J011.8I0UW ifotel. K i"'fc^"» Foiiurtry. I. Kaie A. . . Jeweler. L Knnteaon John Tailor K HarksA Barker Shoea. 1 S-cljauKhlln Thoa '.'..TiJJ i, MUllu Kobert Saah A »._« ..... Door Fact«)ry. MotnittJohn O 8 H Orr Allen Hotel! L OrrJames. BlaokamlUi. K PathmAnitrew, Agent Hardware. I, 5»>; ''J*W Tinsmiths. K FauUn H oro T Paullu W. H aro. ABiker! I, Bob nson W. M Drugs, h Sanderson John us F S^umlersThOfc B Saildlor! H Sliohter Bnw. A Co Saw Mill. Smalcs. M Physlolan. O ?,'*''5".'. George Painter, Ac. H i**i?\. v.- Furniture. L Vogt John B OunsmltlL H WYEBRIOGE, Simcoo Co., Ont Cronklilte wuiiam Wcwiicns. K Iwlwanjs W .». Liquors, Ac. H Klerj-John.. Blacksmith. L vluF. ^,'"!'>"!' I'atilaet ware. L Uliott Robert BlacksnilUi. L Froata Oonlvn Cabtuetrnkr. h 8<9 3>6 3?» .3»i Vmn. K UrlatMllL H Jeweler. I, .H'wtm A cini. H MUllnerjr. r. ... Banker, Ao. i;i."r!:S"?.f f', 8"^ H*aS?SS;! I. rurbes Itlchunl Hotel I Oord(,n WllUam Hboea A i'lam™..' 1, HalLIamoa Bricks. L "ftf ""j; A. K Physlolan. K .,^''*'^ MualoaJ Insta. H Hunt I Tins. L ;-«l"(f A oni., Prov. 'a ■(jmlu. F l.uc4wAKae Shoes. I, I.ucas Wm Shmw. i, McAualan Kobert (iiw Mill. K McOarveyACo OS Miller David 'Tailor H Mustard Bros Oriat Mill H Prltchard 11. 8 «ro. B.S", Ao.' L Pyellonty BakerAOro. K I'.'iZ'i?'?" """ Harness. L UlceK.c... StaUonery. Ao. I, Kogers Jacob niitel. H Scot t Samuel (^aroeuter K 2"'}"' K; W . . . FuffitU^ h X™> V^-f Lumber. H Waril F Kafluor IP Westland Alftwl A Co. . . (is p u-I^"} n"K.''*.- BUrekainl'th.' L WoodUobert Shoepaklna. K WYVALE P. O., Simooo Co.. Oat }l?X\'J ''■•'rt'.V'P''*'' Tavern. L Williams J. R Wagons. L VAMACHICHE, «t Maurioo Co. <)uo. Bi\avcr Lumber Co « S>;j!';'»"lj' ,.... B'tao'liiniitii; L 3)4 Bolliuid Michael Store. II " Caron Kdimard aro. K uit>w Wm ;;;; o s 5 Duel, me K.. .'.'shews.' K oXi?i'.T.''.'.-.v.-.'. """^S "clings Z.^ff'T'.' "^Ti ? "","■»" ™ '..taniier; K UlwHU^Mra uit>. L Lacerte K 08 P LwloHx EilouanI Blaekaiul'tb! H Ix)ranKiT U «„,. A Baker. L J}"";!"'",'' Fnuieols Carriagea. K Milot .Mdmn (T H i. Pelleiln Pierre .....' 'shoM: L K"»nl1- B'amltiiAaSSlK Koy Jacques O 8 K s St JacquTO Arthur Blackaniith; L Stanton John Mills. P a Trahan Cliarlea Cabinetmkr. K 3 3H ^ 3 3H 3>» 3 3H vu.;.."^" '' •■■"">. A Carrla^M. K VIgeutT Khan. V vaausa. iTolaL K Hhoea. K YARKER, A(i4in(te* Co., Ont Amny A Htaiitey Wi Ashley fleo W. ... {JjinJ*"}"' •"•o Blacksmith: I, ournsj. V «f n H (•ambrldgo Hugh '■.'fallor! H (onnoly A Benjamin tJrlstMIII. R Connolly. BciOamln* t j..... Huba* s;2a"',''K'* *"' KoKld^. ? Drew John Tina. L .^'IV' '^""' Wwlm Mill. K Uordun Wm Tanner H Oraham Itobert ' mjoea.' L Shibley John A.ASon.:.... CI a S;'!'" ■*»'««> Blaeksmlth; L Vauluvou A Hamaaa. I. VARM, Ponllao Co., ^ltt. MoJauot Robert ina. Agent I. YARMOUTH CENTRE, Elgin Co., Ont ..Chaoae. O Shooa. I. a 9 YAMASKA, Yamaska Co., Quo. Beaupre Philip o 8. K BoUaudB. H.. . q 1 K C*nili;eO Saddler A Gro! H It."* Baker. H Dalbec A .".*.'" Hotel K ^U H I^'i?*""'' Backamlth. H 3 LavalleoH q. S. H 3 Brown AOrey Chudley J Couse Ueorgtt Dennis C'has MarlattJehlBl MarltttJoo Newoombe Ueorga Newcombe WlUlam Norman Ueorge. . . . Norman John Parker WeUlugUm. Parleu (ioo. A Ssuiiilers Wm Small Natliau .Ph/slolan. H Ha SJ uaruesa. L Baw UIIL U HoM. (> oner. H ".8. H Wagons. K ....Blaoksulth. L . ...BUoksiuith. Q Money Lender. K Joiner. K ... Blacksmith. K 8 3*t 3)li VATTAN, Wolllnglon Co., Ont uii"". "S,?'T^ Blacksmith. L Hofferty Thomaa l>. M. A B'smltb. L YEOVItLE P. O., Groy Co., Ont Bnnston Joseph P.M. A 0.8. L Irving Mrs. E. {» 8 M....... .. (8eo Orchanivllie.i *•»"'"' """"^ Blacksmith. L SulcerThoo Blacksmith, h Wll^n So^S*- ■ ■ •*"' * Sblngle Mills. Wilson John..- Carptnter. L YORK, Haldlmtnd Co., Ont Baker Colin. Maw Mill. Buchanan John Blaokamlth. L Clark William Warona. L Cutliir William .:: HSSa K Davis Adam A Grist Mill. O Uiivlc Kobert H Physician. O puggan H. A. A Co .T. TlVS K tarmerJ Wamna L FulUm Jns .ViKtei" l Hai-ris A Clark. . . ............ ..Jo. 8 K Martludale Thos Plaster O Mellon Joseph A Co Bladksmiths". L MnrtonGeo. W o s H 1 WeirAHennle o s " " wlSSSJJ Nathaniel H BntcLer: H 3 Wlckett Wm Hamesa. 1, Williamson Andrew, Jr Shoos, h SM WUUamson Andrew, sr Shoei L ^ Young John Raker L Young WUUam HouJ: K S^ YORK CORNERS, Addington Co., Ont (Se4 Jirtntvtlle.j YORK MILLS, York Co., Ont ArkellJohn Oriat MUl. Botham Thos Btooksmith. L CarsonJohn HoteL H 3 £^l!'ri" WW '** Blacksmith. L EnrlgitWm u, s. L Gray Hobort Carpenter. H Muuro Hubert .Alices. L Rumble A Calvert Hlllen. Stti Squires Oeorgo o. 87, Ao! L YORK RIVER, Hailin(a Co., Ont Flint Hou. Billa O. 8, A Mill. Kavauagh Patrick. . . . o. s. A Tavern. O SH 3H i'* YORKVILLE, York Co., Oat Al»>erry John Hamesa. Allen Walter Butober. '015 OIVTABIO JLNiy QUEBEC. ZUJi 3}i Andnwitf Tailor BurlUJplin.. WhoelwrighU K Banlea Utcbael mlorZ L lUrtloUWra 1) ,r K BcMlejrMn. p. A dmni. L BrawBlIwrj (jr„. i Bulmar Ium, KataU of Brick*, d Ompbell John W. MUUnS^ L "'— onO.H Painter. K gS!l . u .- Faotoiy. K 3)6 DariMi MannelN o. H. a P. ta OIlberjT. W PUysiolan. L Jones D. F WagoSs. L 8iig.leuB.... Blacksmith. K 3H Wluwrstean Ueo Painter. L ZETLAND, Hnren Co., OaL Adams B. W MUl. ZIMMERMAN, Halton Co., Ont BowmanAibun BoiiU * Mhiie*. H 3 Crawford ii(x).u..HawABhlhgleMlllii. u m Mcl.ennii: Mnxandor mack.nilUi. L jfl* PBerDuuv.m Blacksmith. L Held Aiexuider (I « L auuson John Blackamltli. L ZURICH, Huron Co., Oat Beohtel Moses Saw Mill. L 31a Bnc.haiian (Joo Phys'n A Dtnmn. U 8 CrelmanChas tjiovt^s A Tlus. L pecbcrtJohn Blacksmith. U 3 OelchortN Hotel M 3 Ernst Christian FijSr » . ^ «... <'^"* •'*""' U«mbnrg.) FanstAKbnes o. s H 3 Fenwick Thomas OristMlll. H 3 OalsterBvl- Niter Weaver. K 104 Hess A Ua s. . . . B'amlths A Wagons. H M UessOeo WaUslv'n A I'fioui. 1, m Hnltsman Oauriel Kurnltuio Johnson A Bro Woolens A 1 ura. K 3)4 KalbHelscb Henry A John C Saw .■..„. Mill, Ac. KloppWIlMiun. Saddler. K 3)* MorilxJ. Frederick Tannery A „„ , . Shoes, a 3^ £™",*,f'!!f" Tavern. O -^ Bandall Henry ...Painter. L HoedlngJnstu* Shoes. K 3 Suhuelloian ChrisUan Tailor. L Slpuell Philip BUuksnillh. L 3)4 S?eU,Henry^.... Wagims. L 3H Steinbeck Daniel O. S. ATIim.u 3 TliellLouU Bhicksmlth. K 3)4 Wamer O. F. A Co o. 8. O -M WellH Uarueaa. L 'M ZeUerAHUl Pum^. t ^ Zlmmemua Henry Tailor. K 9t an % lis' MANITOBA. ALEXANDRIA. kclnnan Tboir^as G.8. I, 3h BAIE ST. PAUL, M(rqu*>lclan. U 3 Benson J. A Furniture, L BlUyard Wm Hotel. L Broder James Baker. L 3)4 Bi^ooka V/ Wagons. L Cameron D. H Pbyslcian. 1, Carman Joseph dt Co Drugs, Ac. I, 3Hi Carney Thomas Agent. (8s;e Clark * McClure, St. Cloud, Minn.) Carney Tlios. A Hon Btovos. H 3^ Chalmers A Carney Hardware. 3 Connor Mlasea Millinery. L DouKlaaC. H Publlaber. I., DureACo o S. a 3 £manl A Koemer Butchers. Jj SH Kvana A Mortimer Tailors. K 3)4 Faulkmir A Bocbeler Painters. L R)g Felacn F. W Harness. K 3>4 Flexon C Drugs. K 3)J Foster Robert Harness. L, ■3}Z FrasorJ Jewelry, t, 3)4 Oorle Robert Veterinary Surgeon. 1, Grant IS. A Pamtor. L HcwBou J Fees KoauACo Fruit I, KelKbley Henry J Oro. APi-ov. Kelly £. U Agsnt Ag'l Iniplts. (Bee E. Kellv, Winnipeg.) ^Arfoot Miss M Pbot^>2rap!i:jr. I. Keri- v'l- !;'.".".T.. ""jewelry. L Kenicb A Baskervllle Tinsmiths. L 3!4 Lawrenson D Furniture. J.enuon A FuUertuu Hotel, L 3)4 UiugChnrloa Painter. L MortlnF. A H. E. Agent. I, McInnesD. J K, E, Agent. L McHneK Blacksmith. K 3)4 Muultou A Kean Feci Babino A Canulchael Vogona A „ , . ^ B'Hmltba. K 3)4 South Andrew V'agtmmkr. K 3)4 Ktauffer A. R Oilat Mill, h Btephenaon o eorgo Baker, t 3)4 8utfe'W. J G. s. TcTott A Teanant Livery stable. G 3 Tweed W.E Deullst. L Waltou A Bird Uaiilwaro. 3 Weabrook A Falrcblld Agents Ag'l Implts. (See Winnipeg.) Whitman A Bigelow o. B. .3)4 Winkler £ Lumber, Ac. Q 2)4 WoolnerD Plasterer. L FORT EDMONTON, Norihwnt Tar. RoasD Tavern. L RosaW.G G.B. L 3)4 FORT FRANCIS, Kswatin Tar. Fowler A Dennla o. K. GIMLI, loaland Colony. Frederlckaon F G.B. K 3>4 JonnaaonS Publialier. L QLAOSTONt, MarquaHa Co. Brown C. P G. B. A Mill. Davldaou A Hamilton 0.8. U 3 Hatch J. AW .• Grist Mill. Ix)gte Jolui L G, S. HEADINGLV, Selkirk Co. FranaiaF. H G. B. Gray George Hotel. L Morgan Joseph Blacksmith. L BtlUBOu Alox Tavern. L Taylor John o.s. F 3Si HlQH BLUFF, MarqueHa Co. Al()ock Mrs. M. J Hotel. K 3)4 Bowles Wm Oarrlagea. L 3)s Cadniiiii (Jeorge. . . .Agent Ag'l Implts. H 8 DulzeUTliumas.... Agent Ag'l Iriplts. H 3 Uruninioud J. A. K. A Co &. 6. A P. M. H 8 Tavi rA(;o BawMUl. H 3 Turner John lUnokamlth. K 3)4 LITTLE SASKATCHEWAN, Norlhwstl far. MalhewHou Dr Grist Mill. MlUerThus. B Hotel, h LOWER FORT QARRY, Lisgar Co. Clouston Joseph Blacksmith, K 3)4 Hudson Day Co (See Winnipeg.) McPheraou Alex G. 8. Morrison Norman lllacksmltb. H 3 Porter W. J Hotel. Voung David Pbyslolan. H 3 Young Peter R G. 8. 3)4 MAPLETON, Lligar Co. Black George o. 8. MORRIS, Provsnoher Co. Bell A Mackiiy Furniture, Ac. llallle Wni g. 8. O 3 GliuesG. A. A Co o. S. 3 MIekloJohn Blaoksnilth. K av. liUBBell W. A u. 8. L MOUNTAIN CITY. Alderson W. C O. 8. L NclsonU. A. A:jous Grist Mill. U 3 NEL80NVILLE. BlowerrJ. T Furniture. L ,3)4 Healy A Sutton o. 8. L 3)4 McBTay David O. 8. McKay A Davis Grist Mil'. H 3 Stewart J. W Hotel. L • NIVERVILLE, Provenohar Co. OroenlngA G.e, L Hespeler A. E Grain. Penner A Bobultz G. 8. G 8 WlttlchJobn Hotel. L OAKLANDS, Marquoft* Co. Huddleston Tbomas OS. L PALESTINE, Marquatto Co. r«« aiadttont.) PEMBINA. (Se4 NelMnvM*.) PIQEON LAKE, MarquaM* Co. Flsber George G. S. O 3 House Cbas. H Tavern, Ac, L Hudson Bay Co (Sea Winnipeg.) M«oortetH.W Srs. L 3)4 POINT DE CHEVNE, Provanohsr Co. (See St. Ann^t.) POPLAR HEIGHTS. McMiUan Archibald Blacksmith. L POPLAR POINT, Marquatta Co. Atkln Alexander Blaoksmltli. H 3 KaatleRobert G.8. F 2)4 UudsonBayCo (See Winnipeg.) MoLeao LaolUau Ssloon. L PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Marquelta Co. Bates George Books, Btat'y, Ac L BeUuster George Surveyor, L Bell A Blake HoteL O 3 Bwly T. W Oa/penter. H 3 Bucliuuan Joseph Shoes. L Cainiiln'U A Fulton Furniture. L 3)4 Caiiipbell A Marlatt..D. G.,«hoes, Ac. G 3 Collins Thomas Printer. L 3)4 Cowan Janica Phys'n A Orugs. E 2 Doherty J . H Photographer. Dtinoou Jnuiea .Tailor. L FauulugJ Pl»8t«rer. L 3)4 Fc! lis Tliomaa Livery. L SSi Forrest I'bomaa Painter. L Fultou uoorgo Baker. L Gurlkud Thomas 0.8. O 3 OlllllaudWm Bhoes. K 8)4 GraUauANell ...Harness. L 8,>t Harris A., Sun A Co Ag'l Implta. (See Brantjfo-), Out.) Hossiuik James Blackamltli. K Zii Hudson Bay Co (See Winnipeg.) Kelly Edward Agt. Ag'l Iiiiplts. (See Winnipeg.) Kuowles J Carpenter. L 3)4 Lnkemau A. B Uniga. K 3)u Little Joseph A Wagons. L Longden wm. A Jamea..BUuksmlths. L .3)4 Lyons Wm H»t<'i, H 3 MoDormld J. B Baker. L McDouald Archibald Hotel. L MelCaj-W. C Livery. L 3)4 M e 1< en zio A M c K enile Butohci*. 8 Mel jtrou Andrew Tina, Ac. K 3)4 Me.MlllaijU Wagons, Ac. L MvUuarrle John Hotel. L MIllerThoa. U Hardware. (I 2)4 MltchellJohn Auction, Ae. u 3)4 Pa<5kett James Pumps. I , '-"-** '•^' • " Vrait.*i«rttnt:. F r'Ti Remey Bros O. S. RisleyJoliu Hardware. K 8)4 UossJohn Ilbuiksmltb. K 3)4 Smith Thompson Machineshup. H 3 Smith Wm Miller. G 3 FBI MANITOBA.. WIN 3Hi a ■6 3,14 2 3)ii 8)t §'* Smith WilUam Saw Mill. mi Stalker B Harnean. (See WlnnlpoK.) Sutherland Hu^li A Bros Lnmber. TllBuiy 4 Co !?Ait'l lln^Si! Wat»or. ;:Co .*Ag-l'lm^&. (Bee John Watson, Ayr, Ont) WataonK (jtlatMiU. K S>4 Westbrook A FairchUd. . Ag'l Implbi. wv.. T . r (See Winnipeg.) WhlUJoaephJ floteL L Wa-xlW. 8 Watches. L Young J. P Blooksmlth. L 3)a PRINCE ALBERT'S, Norihwni T«r. Ashdown !k Anew O. 8. K 3)« Baker A Hurct O. 8., *c. Carey Joseph Pnotographer. L Currlo B. W 7.. .U.S. Uvrmaln ife OlUis G. 8. K 3J« KulghtE Blacksulth. L Lindsay J q. s. Malrcharloa 0.8. P 3)« Moore U. Stewart Mills. P uii Thompson Chester Blacksmith. L Sh Whitlook A Trotter Bestourant. L RAPID CITY, NorihwMt Tar. Uarralt Jamus G. 8. L TOTOQAN, Marqustta Co. llallJohnC Q. 8. L 3)4 Biirnell A Banian Hotel. bnUUiAPratt .GristMUl. F 3)4 WESTBOURNE, MarquaH* Co. Burnett Edward HoteL K Hudson Bay Co (See Winnipeg.) Smally A Chantler JSTfe. WEST LYNNE, Provanohar Co. HndsonB^yCo (See Winnipeg.) Sutherland Hugh A Bros Lnmber. (See Winnipeg.) WHITE HORSE PLAINS. Marquett* Co. (Stt Pigeon Lake.) WINNIPEG, Selkirk Co. Artams Joshua Carpenter. K 3)4 Adams A Schneider Lumber. H 8)4 AllenCha8.W B. E. Agent L AllowayW.P Forwarder.? 3)4 Anderson O. L Baker. L Andrews G Watchmkr. K ffi« AndrowN Misses J. A J Milliners. L sH Aimsii-ong D Wagons. L Ashdown George, Agent... Hardware. (See J. II. Ashdown.) Ashdown James H...Whol. H'ware A . . ., , _ _. Tins. D 1)4 Asslnlboine Brewing Co. (Limited). .. K 3 BannatyneA. O.B Gn>.ALIq. s ih, BarberC. A Architect. SM Barber E.L Ice. L Bathgate Wm Furniture, a S BawlfN Com'nAFeed. K 8)4 Beall Wm Mntrs.' Agent. K 3)4 Bell Bros Gro. L BellMrs.W Fwoy Goods. L Beneteau P Gro. K 3)4 BensonEdward Physician. K SU Benson J. L .Dentist. L BensonJohnB Livery. Q 3)4 Benson A Taylor Books, Ao. L 3)4 BertrandA.H b.G. BesentWm.,sr Uullder. L Bishop ASbelton Furniture. H 3)4 Bissciuette Bros Carriages. L 8)4 Blackmore A Cadham Contractors. K %4 Boss A McLean Butchers. U SM Bowler Wm Gro.ABaker. L xi BoydAndrow Milk, L Boyle Samuel TaUor. L Bradt A HoAlplne HoteL L Broiiso A Chadwlck Saloon. Brouse U.J Hotel. Brouse A Humberstone Brinks. Brown H Hotel. L Brown John A Co. . Gen'l Com'n Agts. Brown P Taflor. L Brown A Butbertord Contraotora. H 8)4 BiyantO. G Newsdepot. L ffiZ Brydon Wm Builder, h S^ Butters James Hotel. L CalderA Agent Carriages. (See John Campbell, London, Ont) Caldwell J. F. A Co Dnigs, Ac P 2)4 CameronACIo 'Rdlota. L Cameron A Co Gro. CamplwU A Co Tailors. L Campbell J. B Boarding House. U 3 CannilTM. B Tobacconist L Canton J. H Uameas. L Cailey Wm Com'n. L Carrla E Hotel. L Canuthei-8 O. F Ins. Agent L HH Chadwlck Henry A Co Livery. a Chambers W . B. A Bro Biscuit A Conlec. Ciiapman A Tinsmith. Cliovrler A Co Tailors, Chlsliulm James Blacksmith. L 3'4 Donahue J. W ,,...,.Hot«J, L 8)4 '.'If WIN MANITOBA.. WIN Donaldaon H. 8. « Bro BookiiA „ „^ . Fancy Goods. F 2V, S''?J^ S^'"'"' ^' Brewor. K 3^ Dufflelil Henry Sales Stable. H 3)i DulUnACo Photographera. H 3 Dunn Thomas botel. H 3 Dtisohencau A Co Gro L Efle D.... Marble. K 8J4 Kmpfly A. S. & Co D. G., &o. H 3 Emslte James H Customs Broker. L KnillshJ. B Feed i Germain N. <£ Co Hardware. Gprrle B. & Co D. O. A Furniture. E 2}4 giJlosA Hotel. L Oilmore F Gro I, Glrvln J. W. A Co Hiiies, Ac. Glen A Nebergast Butchers. 1. Goldstein 11 Pawnbroker. I, 0<»5J-,^JJ Physician, h SJi, Gordon Wni.. Agent Ag'l Implts. L 3,'« OouliUng Walter Painter. L 3W GrayThos. S Pea Johnston Henry Bhioksmltb. K .3)* Johnston John J Builder. K 3)? JolinetouW. P Blacksmith. L Jones R.L.... Shaving Parlor. li Kahler Joseph UoteL H 3)6 KeelloK A \^eldon Oro. iT ^ Keith liobertH Seeds A Implts. K 3)4 Kelloii.l George H. . . . Undertaker, Ac. L Kelly K<1. Agent Ag'l Implts. O a>« KenuyALuxton Prlnfers. G 2)4 KluseyD.C. . Lumber. L Knight A Crawford Flour A Feed. L Knudson K. K. Foss Palnt«r. L I*ppD orain, H '~ude- ■ - ■ — - Lauder James Baker A Confoti. K Lecklo A Koblnson Painters. L Lennon A Demmlck Hotel. H .S)ft Leslie A McGlnley Shoes. Uuklater A Campbell Tina. L Ixickhart George D Dentist E Lundy Wm. T Undertaker. L Lynch James Physician. L Lyon Wm. H WhoL Oro. A Prov. D Lyater J ^....OenfsFurn'g. H ^acaulay A Jaryls. ... Saw A Planing UiU£ F Magwood Charles Gro. L Manitoba Powder Co (See Cooper, Falrman A Co., Montreal.) May Robert Bhicksmlth. L MoArthur Peter. . . .Steamboat Owner. O McBalnHngh Oro., Ac. L McCasklll Donald Kestanrant. L McCaskellM Tailor. L McCroHKsn Thomas D. (J. O McDonald A Henderson B'snilths. L McDoaald A McGregor.. R. E. Agents. G McPadden David Contractor. McFarlane Wm Shoes. K McGregor Bros Sales Stable. McQr«gorJohn o. s, Mclntyre A Campbell Hotel. L Molntyre John Printer. L Mclntyre A MoCnllough...Whol. Llo. E McKechnle, MoMUlanACo.. Foundry. H MoKenzle Kenneth Builder. K McLaren Alex ., Shoes. K McLean Hector K. E. Agent. L McLean M. A B. E. Agent McLenaghan James D. O. F McMahoTi A Co Gro MoMicken Gilbert.... Ins. Agent MoMlllen D. H GristMUl. O McMuUen A Gumett Oro. L J!"?;'?,';,^^- '"' BUcksmlth. Mcl'hllUpsG. A F P. L. 8. L Miller A Maxwell Artesian Wells. L MolKou J Machinist L Muntgomeiy Bros Blacksmiths. K MonjuE.. B.E. Agent L Monls John Boatman. K Monld J. E Plasterer A Bricks. Mulhollnnd Bros Hardware. Mulvey Robert Machinist L Nagy E Furs A Milllnerv. Nasmith James Hotol. NovinsJohn HoteL K Moxon Bros. Mufg. Co.... Ag'l Iniplts. n.n, ,„ , (SeelngersoU, Out) O'Connor Wm. J Hotel. L O'DonnellJ. H PhyaloUui. L Ogilvie A Co Orain. f...j • .. r, , (See Montreal, Que.) O'Houlahan Daniel Mason. L Orniond J. R Jewelry. O Oseubnigge Fred Prov. H ottey W. J Nursery. H I'arsons A Caiil Photographers. L Parsons A Richardson Books. H Patcrson Robert i'ur Buyer A „ ., „ Contractor. P Patterson Henry S oro. K Patterson R. D ContractorA Builder. L PattwoUE. F i'rov H Payment Louts Hotel. L PayneA Leo Painters. L {'''""'soJauies ','attle. O Perkins Thomas.. Wagons A Tismltb. L Phillips D Tins. L PhllUps K. N Hotot L I'hilllps \y. H Engraver. K PoUock H. A Co Jowelry. PouUuP..... Llnuors. PrudhommeC Hotel Oflr^'i---: -.-.-..Il.otel. L 3)4 3>4 3 3hi Ugar A Erb. . . DlsUllory. Kadiger E. F...Whol. A Ret Llqnor*. Reynolds H.L Oro. Au«i. K m 5P,.®/S^E»"y GiX). A Liquors. BttobfoS. W Sashes, Doors, Ac. L Robson ACo Oro. G 2)4 S"'P.t^^''\'?? Oro- K 8)4 RouthA. R. ACu Agents FUmos, • Sawing Machines, Ac. K 3)4 RyanT... ghoes. L 3)4 Sannders A Grant Painters. L sS Sehults John C. . . Dealer Fnrs A R. E. D a Scott A Cai-son Gro. A Prov. H I •S'^H }?; * *-'" Furniture. SoottWm Grain. K IM Shore A Biggs Lumber. HhoreK.ASon o. 8 Sinclair Bros^ Hotel A Livery, O 3 Sinclair W. B Btages. O 3 Smith A 8to. L ""•'fi'iv,- Shoes. L Smith J. H Gunsmith. L Smith A Ritohio Hotel. L Smith W.P Oro. t Snyder A Anderson Oro., A a. O 3)4 Spiing John D. O. Stalker Robert Saddler. H 3 Stunilanl Printing A Pub'R Co., The. . 2 HtiMnhoff Louis Harness. K 8)4 StovonsonWrn Tinsmith. U 8 Stewart James Drugs. K 3)t Stewart Mrs. James MUUner. c.,.^ ^ „ (See .Tames Stewart). Stitt A Parsons Mntrs. Soan. Btobart Eden A Co Whol. A Ret ^ ,.P-,.9- * Oro. A Fur Traders. D 3 Stone A Wellington Nursery. „ „ (See Toronto, Ont) Strange. P ..O. 8. L Strang Robert Ins. Agent H 3 Symonds A.J Furrier A Jeweler. Tiilt Itobert Ferryboat (Sea St James Parish.) Tarai I V. Hotel. L Tay "' .r- W Bookbinder. L 3)4 TaylorWm AgontAg-l m. .-. , .. Implts. H 8 Thomas Celestlu Brewery. L Tiffany ^e Co Ag'l Implts. H 8)4 TraynerMrs .Millinery. L Trott S. W. A Co "..Drugfc 3)4 Tucker W.H PlaatetS?: K sS Turner, MoKeand A Co. ...Whol. Gro. (See Jas. Turner A Co., Hamilton. Van Rensselaer S, J. . Express Agent VUllers A Pearson. .G. 8. K 3)4 WollbandWm .Show. ^ west, A Stanley Hotel. H ,<1)4 Westbriiok A Falrohild. . . Ag'l Implts, O 2)2 Whan G. F Barber. L White T Baker. L Whitehead J Contractor. Wh tehoadW Dnigs, K 3)4 WhlllaB. J 1>. G. F 3>4 Wilson Henry |i„tel. L 3'| W l«»n 11 Sales Smble. L WjunfitJ, W Cabinetware. L Wtunlpog Fuel Co 2?4 Winnipeg A Western Transportation Co jj g WlshartQ. A Bros Gro. ■.,„ ^ . „ i KnowltouWm BhIpowaMr. u 2!* Morris Erastua A Bon o.B. Morris Nathan B Shipbuilder, o SM Buthergreen J. E Vessels. H 8)4 Suttaertfreen W. S Vessels. H SA AINSLEV OLEN, Invomeia Co. ■ CSe4 Lakt Aimlee.) ALBERT BRIDGE, Capo Br«, 1. K 3H K Hit L 3»1 1. 1. 3)4 Hlokman Jamea S o. s. c Hi HlllaonOtuM CaipenterA Dudertaker. Hodgson T MaohlnUt. Holmes A Hicks Broa Carriages. Hutcblnaon Robert uro. Lamy J. A J. R Flour A Llq. Main W. D. A Co O. 8. MoElmon D. B Jeweler. MoFarlane tieorge Oro. MoLeod Angua A Co a. S., Ac. MoSktt A Moran O. S. Mofflktt A Smith O. S. Oabome A Morse Organs, Ac. Page J. B. AgT Implts. Pattci'Hon James Tannery, Ralston B, W D, 0„ Ac, Read William M Saildler. Rood 0. P o. 8. Rhodes, Currle A Co... Mntrs. Sashes. Bobb Alexander A Sons. . . Stovcu, Aa Rogers O. P.., Painter. Sharp Robert.. BadiUer. Skimming David B'sinltb A Machinist. Sleep W.M D. O., Ac, Stewart Mrs. Wji MUllnery, Upham A Tucker Flour, Ac, warmunde Chas Watohmkr, White J. W oro. Wilson Frank A D. o. AMHERST SHORE, Cumberland Co. (Set Amhertt.) ANNAPOLIS, Annapolis Co. A ndorson William Hotel. H SH Buddou AKlug TaUors. (See Arthur M. King.) < orbltt A. W. A Son o.s. K a UomweUQ. W Organs, Ac. K 3*4 CroweJ.E Tins, Stoves, Ac. L 3)s Cummlnga J. R. A Co Oro., Ac. I, Cunningham A, B Urugs,Ao, H SH DargleCtaas Carriages, K »% Delap Laurence Shipbuilder, B 2)« Oavaza Norman A Com'n, 1, OUmoreA Shoemkr, 1, S"* Hamilton Mrs Hotel, 1. HardwlckA, B BoatbuUder, H 8!4 Hardwlck Robert L Jeweler, H 3 Hardwlck Wm. A A Blacksmiths. H Sfi Harris Augustus Tanner A B, A S. KlngArUiurM Oit>, F. 8)4 LookettR. F O.B. L a>« MoCormack Wm. A Bon 0.8. iSee Wm. McCormuok, OranvUle.) Cay James Blacksmith. 1, 3)4 Mcliftuglillu Bros D, U, , . (See Yarmouth,) McI,eoil John Hotel, L McMllhiu Miles Harneas, L 3)4 MorrowJaa. oro, L Murray Hugh Tinsmith, 1, OdellOory Oro., Ao. U 3 Perkins Cyrus A Hotel. Pick els A Mills O.S.ABhoes. F 2)4 Randall, lllgglns A Co Flour, Ao, Rlordan Anthony H Hotel A Oro, K Rlonlau Mlohael Tailor, L Roach W, U Oro, K Ruggles A :... .Blacksmith. H Rundman A Bon G. B. B Shannon W.J o. 8. K SuenceD.ACo Foundry. H Steele Samuel Blacksmltli. L Tobias S. D Photographer, Ac, I, WeddletouC, K Sollmkr. Whitman Thoa, 8. ..Bank A Ina. Agt. WllnsJohn Hotel. L Wilson J, B Q.s, L I 2 f 3)^ 2)4 3*4 ANTIQ0NI9H, Antigonish Co. Archibald Leonard C. A Co a, 8. O 2)4 Bishop John Carriagemicr! H 3)4 Cameron D, A Uqnors. L Campbell Ai-chlliald Blacksmith, H 3 Chlsholm Angus Saddler. K 8)4 Chlsholm Daniel O.B, O 2)4 Chlsholm Valootlne Saddler, U 3 H 3 a m O 2)4 H 3)4 K ^4 O 2H H 3 K 3)4 Copeland J, D Dmga, Cunningham A, M d. U, Cunningham F. S Limiber. Cunningham John Blaokamlth. Cuntdngbam Mrs Tavern. Cunningham W. E o. h. Cunningham W, B Tanner. Cunningham W, H,, Jr., A Co... Boots, DlckaoA Robert o. 8. Forrestall Mrs O. B. A Llq. Oraham John R Sldpa, Ac, (Bee Cape Oeorge,) Grant W. T Grist, Saw A Canfing MUls. Harrington Bros O. 8. llarrtuKton C. N o. 8. Haley Jolm Tanner. Hellyer Jolm R Watchmkr, Kennedy Miss C Confeo. KingT, M Banker, Ins. Broker A Com'n, Kirk A. A Co G, 8. Lindsay T. 8. A Co Stagea. MaoIUrelth Miss J. R Statlo^iT. MoCunly, MeMtUan A Co O, 8. MiUonald Allen xi. s, McDonald Angus Blacksmith. Mc Donald Christopher o. S. (See Pomquette Forks.) MoDonald Hugh Blacksmith. McDonald Jolm Physician. McDonald R.C Btat'y A Musical Insta, McDonald Ro 2 L 3)4 L H A L T. I, E 3 8t Mnxlnuin D.Q.,a SH, 3)i 3J4 iOii 8)4 3>4 «i 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 SJii AI 3)4 8)4 3)4 8)4 3)4 MoAdamHugh McDonald John ARISAIO, Antigonith Co. ..G. 8. H 3)4 ..O. 8. I> 3>4 ASHDALE, Htnto Co. VaughauJ. A Q. 8. A B'smltb. L 3)4 ASHPOMOTOQAN, Lunenburg Co. Boutlller Peter A G.8. L 3)4 A8PV BAY, Victoria Co. CampbeU Kobert D a.S. L SU Challoner Janies Fishing, Ac. H 3 ATHOL, CHmberland Co. Baker Beed Tanner, Ac. H 8 Dodswortli Thomas Blacksmith. I. ;iw Doukin F. A o. H J, JStterSainuel fllacksmlUi. J, Fltzslmmona P Ilutcl A Lin. 1, Tate Robert HIacksmlth. I, AULOS COVr yiboro Co. ForrestallJobn u.S.AHotel. 3)4 Forreatall Patrick a. 8. L 3)4 AVONDALE, Hants Co. Allhwn J. W O. 8., Ac. O 2>4 AlllHou A McDonald Plaster, Ac. K 3(4 Beat Freilerlok Physician. I, ;vi Cunle Ciujt. Fred Shipping. U 1 UaiTle John A. A Co Shlphuildeiu D 2 Masters Mm. Wm Mlllluery. Ij MoslierF.AT a. 8. L 8)4 Mosher JumoB... O.S. AShlphnllder. F lifa Muslier Jehu A Co G. 8. H 3 Moance William Shipping. K 'J Mumford J. A. A Co (See John A. Uarvle A C'o.i Simpson Wm . . Blacksmith. G AVONDALE, Piclou Co. MoDonald Joseph g. 8. AVONPORT, Kind's Co. (See Lower Jfvrton.) AYLE8FORD, King's Co. (Alio l^utoryOale, mn/ilonand Moratn.) Bums Capt A Flour, Ac. « a'd Chut«8UaaP....Hntr. PlowsAPnIls. ciDwryBros Flour. H il'!, iravr:— jn Jfathan H [,. a. U m JSttUin ueorge W . ; 0.8. II 3 Famsnuith Tliomas Tanner. G 3 Fisher A. Stanley U»(e«B.a,*E OristMiU. a 3 2M, OordonASons Saw Hill. H 3 Graves P. H o.a. i, gu Or.wesWaUaceJ g. 8. H 3 H-.r-'s ThomaaB ; G. S. P 2)4 H'ltchlnaon John Chains. H 3 J'^cqnea George O o. 8. L 3)4 I.eddy Leander Shoemkr. K 3)4 LeeAndrew Tanner. K 3)4 I.,oomer A. W Ti-ader. Mclntyre Wm. HoteL H 3H MoKenzle Frank A Cordwood. MorseA. q Blacksmith. L 3)4 4JortonJohnF Tanner. G 2)4 Nelly 14.0... Trader. K 3)4 Palmer Joseph Speculator. Patterson Amos K Wood, Ac. H 3 5"y,.''?ii Trader. L RnokwellJolm Flour A Tanner. H 3 KUBsell Wm Flonr. K 3)4 Smith Henry piour. K 3 Stronaoh Geo. L G. 8 L Tayli>rC. A Trader. H 3 VanbUHklrk A. C. A Co G. 8. H 3 Willlainaon O. A. Hamesa. K 8)4 Woodbury Fairfield . . . Picture Frames. L Woodworth David P Saw Milla. BADDECK, Victoria Co. Archibald James W Tanner. Atwater Stephen Blacksmith. Campbell C.J o. s. Crowdla James Hotel. Dunlap David Hotel. Elmsley Robert W 0.8 HartJoaeph g.S Jones, Leaver A Co G S Kennedy Nell Tailor Matheson Malcom Teller McCurdy D.-A Son o. S. MoDonald Alex Fish, Ac. McDonald Charles Gilst Mill. McDonald Philip gs McLean WlUiam Blacksmith! McLwMl Mrs. John Hotel A Llii. McI.wMl John P G. 8 McI.(H>d Mrs. Malcolm Liquors.' McUaeD. F G g Mcllae Donald J ijqumn! 5i.''.S*°„^''"'P Blacksmith. Philip R... Carriages. Rice J oseph Tanner. BAIE ST. LAWRENCE, Victoria Co. Zwicker A Nichols O. 8., Ac. K 3)4 BAILEY'S BROOK, Piotou Co. McDonald O. D. A Co 0.8. G 2)4 BARNEY'S RIVER, Piotou Co. Brettun Thomas G. 8., Ac. H 3 Dewar Robert Furniture. 3)1 Henderson Jamoa Hotel, Ac. L McDonald Daniel Blackamltb. L MoKensle Adam Surveyor, Ac. H 3 McKenrlo J. 1) h.H. I, S^ MoKenzle James W Hotel. L Muiry Angus GS L Stewart Andraw Miller II 3 K 3)4 1. i> 2 H 3)4 K 3)? 1. F 2H JI 3V. L 1. 8*4 V 8 K .8)4 K 3)4 l< H 3 K SH, 1. I, K 8)4 L K L s!t L BARRINGTON, Shelbume Co. Banks Mrs. Nehemiah G. 8. (J Ci-oweil Mrs. Leah G. H. H Crowcll S. W G. 8. AShlpning. O Dowie Warren Shipbuilder. G Fcnldal Wm Machinist, L Ferguson \i. T Carriagemkr. L Hogg John K i..a. 8. AHotcl. L Ifogg Robert Shoes. K Hopkins Josiali Shipping A ,r , , ,.- „ Trader. H Hopkins W. B g. S. L Kendiick Solomon Stoves. H Kenny H Vessels A Oen'I Trader. Lawrence John U o. R. NorUm C. O G. 8. L Riiburtson Thomas Blaeksmltli. H Robertson Thomas W 0.8. H Miirgeut Wlulhix* Oro., Ac. O Schiage John .1 . . . .Phys'n A Druggist. H Seaman Frederick Blacksmith. L ShandJ. M.. Lobsters. biuliU Geo. D Oro L TrcfreyA Robertson Wagimmkrs. L Trefiy Joseph Livery. L Trefiy Joshua Shoos A Leather. H Wllmm I. K PhyaloUn. G Wrnyton Michael .Trrader. BARTON, Oigby Co, (Het SI. ilary't B»y.) BASS RIVER, ColohMtor C*. Union Fnrnttnre A Merchandise Co.. 3 3 8 2;4 m BAXTER'S HARBOR, King's Co. Baxter John a.S. Ij 3H BAYFIELD, Anligoniih Co. (Sm Lita* Xivtr.) BAY OF ISLANDS, Haiifex Co. Smith Samuel GoM Mine. L BEAR RIVER, Annapoiit and Digby Cos. Blakslee Uenry g.S H 3 CI'utell.H Shipping, AC. D 2 Clark W. W g 8 „ , „ (See n. H. Chute.) Ellison Dr. J. R Drugs. H 8)4 HsInesA Kelly Saddlers. K 3)4 Halllday Wm G. 8. K Harris Albert G.S Marshall A Hardwlck G. 8. A Shipping. D 3 Marshall W. F O. 8. A Shipping. E 2!« Maxwell A. Physfolan. K 3)4 Miller Geo. P. A Co. .G. 8. A Shipping. (,) 3 Miller Nelson A Son ..O.S. H 3)4 MorseAbner Blacksmith. L 3)a NlcholWm Fumltnre. H 3 Plnkncy Chas 0.8. „ ^ (See Deerbrook.) PurdyCfereno Blacksmith. H 3)4 Purdy James. . Furniture A Carriages. H 8 Reed Wm (f s. RlceAClark Slilpirtng. F 2\i Rce David. Shipping. E 2 RIceEdwanlE Bpeculator. P 2)4 RIceMoaesB G.S. K 8>s Rce Robert HoteL L RiceW.B G.S. F 2)4 TupperB. E MacWnist L Sh Tumbull John W... Carriagemkr., Ac. L Vroom Isaac D O. 8. K WadeE Fnrmture, Ac. H Waile A Harris Livery stable. U Walsh B. A Co U. 8. A Lumber. E 8 BEAVER RIVER, DIgby Co. Harris Johns Physician. H 3 Porter Zepbaniah G. 8. L Raymond Forrester 0.8. L 3)4 BEDFORD, Haiiflix Co. Church A. F Mans, Ac. H Corbin JolmG G. S.v Ac. L Curry James W g. 8. Moir, Son A Co Elevator A Flour MIUh. ... , . ^ „ (See Halifax.) Richardson A Mason Sash Mn(y. 3 8)4 BELLIVEAU'S COVE, DIgby Co. Belli veau Reuben Shipwright. O BranaganJ Hotel. L Levitt Wm. D O. 8. A Shipbuilder. (See Yarmouth.) Melancon John B TiiMler. L BENTVILLE, Annapoiii Co. James S. D. A Co o. S., Ac. BERWICK, King's Co. Anthony Thomas g. H. H Beanlsley Wm. W Hoots A Shoes. L Bent Israel A Hotel. L Berwick steam Saw Mill Co (See J. M. Parker A Co.) Campbell A Carey Bouts A Shoes. L Chlpmau, Chute A lllsley O. 8. A ,„ . . „ Foundry. O ChuteJ. N Trader. F Chute Leander Flour. L Condon n. F 0.8 K Ell ton O eorge W Blaoksml th. H Ells Josonh CaiTlages. O "el'lert h\ u u. o.Tac. L H»ll A. J Bowing Machines. L Hutchinson Frank C)arrlagemkr, L IllBlny Chas. P. A 8. A Co o. 8. F Lya 8)4 3 8)4 8)4 3|4 S)^ tern iSroVA SCOTIA* CAJS a 2 an 3 8« 2,' Gang MiU. G 3 nillsJohnE O.8. L 8)4 HlrUel.J O.S. L Hunter Robert Foundry. K 3)4 KeetlerTIiomasT G. 8. F 2)4 Little Henry g. 8. L Logan R. A. A Co. ... G. 8. A Lumber. H 3 MorganHlram Tinsmith. H 3 Mullock Joseph Carding Mill, Ac. a 8 Nelson Alexander A Co 6. 8. Nelson W.J Gro., Ac OinerJ. L g. 8. L 3)4 Porter B. H Drugs. Barney James G. 8. K 8)4 Ramey Samuel G. 8. H 3 Rhodeuhizer Edwanl Shipping. U 3)4 Smith Godlrey Lumber. Smith Lewis o. 8. Veniot W. K. A J. E Wagons. K 3)4 Waterman J. E. A J Tannera. Wentzel Hllklah Blacksmith. K 3)4 WouUoll Jacob Carriagemkr. K 3)4 West Robert G. 8. G 3 Whitman Robert Plows, Clarpentor, Ac. L 3)4 Wile Dean 8aw, Gilst A Carding MUls. H 3 Winters Robert ?r. K V't BROOKLYN, Hants Co. (See Newport.) • BROOKLYN, ()u**n's Co. Buchanan W.H Hotel A Gro. L Dexter J. V. A J. H Packet, Ac. H 3 Gardner Fred. T o. a. L Gardiner Nathan Blookmkr. H 8 Gardiner Rupert H g. 8. L Ganliaer Thoa. A Sons Ship. „ _. builders, Ao. K WA Gardner R.D ft. s. L 3)4 Hall J. R O.S. A P.M. H 3)4 Marshall Isaac W Blacksmith. L 3)* Mor.eod 0. A Co o. S., Ao. K 3)4 McLoiHl E. A J Lumber. H 3 McLeod Geo. A Sons Shipowners. H 3)4 Williams Wm f?.8hoea. L BROOK VILLAQE, lnv*rn*is Co. Frlziel Robert o. S. G 2)4 McDonaldAlexanderiTalloch)...0. 8. L McMastor Ronald Blackamlth. L BRULE, Coiohotter Co. (See Point Brule.) BURLINGTON, Hants Co. SantordLS Trader. K 8)4 Vaugha.T Bros G. S. 8)4 CALEDONIA, Guytboro' Co. HatUe Jas. L G. 8. A 8aw MUl. K 3)4 CALEDONIA, Quean's Co. Andrews C. T Phys'n A Drugs. H 8 CuahlngJ. E Mllla. H 8 Freeman W. T Wheelwright. L Harlow Chas Carriagemkr. L 3)4 Harlow Jos. B Trader. L HuntJ.B Blacksmith. K .1)4 Lovelace James Blacksmith. K 3!? McGlntyJolin Gro. O 3 Mlddlemas Charles E G. 8. K 3>4 Mlddlemas George a. s. 8)4 Mlnard Robert L Trader. L Moore Thos Carriagemkr. L Smith Susan MlUlner. L Telfer Richard Carpenter. K 3)4 Telfer Thos Wheelwright. L CAMBRIDGE, King's Co. ColweltJohn Trader. K 8)4 Neely Alvln Shoos. L- 8)3 Webster John Blaoksmltli. G 3 CANADA CREEK, King's Co. Baton A Bawdtng o. S. G S CANARD, King's Co. Borden Chas. II Cabluetmkr. K 3)9 Dickie C. B. A R. C Floor. E 3 Dickie E. B Trader. O 3 Dickie JamesB 8peonlator. G 2)4 Eaton D R. A C. F Shipping Ac. D 2 FamhamB Cablnetware. L 3)4 Franklin George Blacksmith. L 3)4 Hamilton C. C Drugs. H 3 Hardwiok W. H ..Trader. H 8 Lookwood Jaa. E G. 8. H 3)4 MolUe David S'oemkr. L RaudR. M.ACo O.S. F 2)4 WaltouJaoob Prod. Dealer. D 3 CANNING, King's Co. BalnosG. P. B Tailor, Ao. K 8)4 Baxter Amos B. A S0U..0. 8. A KoleL Beckwlth E. M Flour. G 8 Blgclow E.,Soua A Co Traders A Shlpownora. E 2>4 Blenkhom James Blacksmith. L .1)5 lilenkhorn 8idnuy. Blackamlth. H 3 Borden Chas. E Drugs A Flour. K 3)4 Borden P. W Dnigs. O 3 Clark Edward o. s. L Clark John H O. 8. A Shipowner. D 3 Cox Daniel G. 8. A SlUpplug. U 3)4 Dickie C. B. A Co Hardwaro, Ac. Eaton Geo. E. .^.O. 8. A Hotel. K 3M KI15 H^UgllM Im CttiLiUM^juuiitim. L 3)^ FamhamWm Blacksmith. U 8)a Harris RopertD. O O. 8. 3 Ueunlgarjaraoa Watchea. JostL.K. ACo D. G., Ao. L 3)4 Kennedy J. K O. 8. H 3 Can NOV^JL SCOTIA. Dab m "f ; : ■-**■ 1 ' 1' . ^ - -•.*■..■■ .'*.■'■;:■ 'I - : li I F 8 a 3 H 3 K 3H K K 3»4 L 3)s K I. K 3H Kerr 8. a.: Speoalator. KiiumaaHlM .FaLoy OoodaA Lookbart Jacob Sbtpownor. Lookwood James E Trader. Miller Jamea 8 Pbyalcian. Mltobell Hennr Carrlagemkr. Newoomb W.M o. 8 Payiant W. H Shlpuinir, Ac PleroyDaridA b7a Power Albert Uameaa. Sheffield A Wlokwlre Slilpf: in* WardJohn A CanWea. Witter J. 8 ;.„:!8.s; CANNONVILLE, Cumbarlanii Co. (See JHUgtnt Xiver.) CAPE CAN80, Guyiboro' Co. Cahoon Solomon Supplies. K CameronA O.B K Cook TbonuM C G.8. L HartAUrodW G. 8. H 3W Ogden Alfred HermetlcaUy Sealed -. ,. r Goods. F 3 TaltJamea Blacksmith. K m WlUtmam Abraham N U. O., 4o. CAPE COVE, Digby Co. ElUs Wbltfleld o. 8. H SH CAPE QEOROE, Antigonish Co. OrahamJobnB Ships, 4c. F 2)4 urantUoUn u. s. H 3 Molnnla James (j.s. H 3 CAPE ISLAND, Shelburn* Co. (Set Cape Negro and Cape Sable IsUmd.^ CAPE NEORO, Shclbiirne Co. BwainDavld o. s. K 3>s CAPE NORTH, Victoria Co. (See Atpy Bay.) sa Co. H a F U 3 L 3)4 K 3)« H 3)fl 3H, 3 CAPE SABLE ISLAND, Shelburna L'olqnboan R Trader. Crosby T. B c). 8. Crowell Eleaaar o. 8. A Shipping. McGrayBros G. 8. A FlaUinS. HoOrayJohu o. 8 Newell Ephraim o. 8. Smith Reuben Trader. Smith W. B Fishing. CARIBOU COVE, Richmond Co. Malcglm William G. 8. A Supplies. H 3)4 Proctor Kobeit V U. 8. K 31* gteel J»hnR o. S. L 3? Walker James Supplies. K 8)4 CARLETON, Varmoulh Co. TeUerB. F Carriages. I, CATALONE, Cap* Breton Co. Dlokaon George g. 8. H 3)4 CENTRiiL ECONOMY, Colchester Co. (See Hconomy.) CENTREVILLE, King's Co. CTookshauka Charles G. 8. L Thorpe Beubeu 8 g. 8. 1> CHELSEA, Lunenburg Co. Keddy James Lumber. K 3H CHESTER, Lunenburg Co. Anderson W. M Cooper. Barry Wm. A Thos Traders. Butler Edward o 8 Church Charles Trader. Church W. F os Corbin Wm G. S. A Saloon. DeWitteUeo. Physician. Dunoan Daniel . o. s. Fader Artvmus J. A Wagons, Ac. Fader Cornelius Trader. Honeberry John Uquora. Hlluc. W Physioian, Ap. HuttGeorge G. k KeddyN ; g. 8. Lordly Charles Lime A Lumber, MUlet Chariea C. ...'......■.■.. ■.'.■.cSiper." uznerLeTl Hotel A 0.8. I. H 3 1, H 3 L 3)4 1, H 8 K 3!4 1. L 3)4 1. K 3V, 1. L 3)4 L « 3 L 3)4 L Portland Packing Co Lobsters, Ac B+1 „ , . (See Portiand, lie.) Redden Jaa Trader. K 3H Richardson George o. s. K S)» Robinson Wm 0.8. H 3)4 SUverJ.B as! L ^ Smith Robert A Sons Blaoksmilha. U 3)4 Smith A Stanford Tanners. L Sit Stanford John ...Tauaer, H 3 WhelanWm Trader. H 3)4 WitfordD Hotel AO.a. a 8 CHESTER BASIN, Lunenburg Co. (See ChMter.) CHETICAMP, Inverness Co. Hamilton J. R 0,8. L Lawrence Walter 0.8. F S Robin PhlllpA Co Fishing. (See Arichat.) CHIGANOISE, Colohester Co. (See ItligonUK.) CHIVERIE, HanU Co. Bancroft L.B o. S. L 3)4 Bradsba« B. O Shlpbidlder A SawMiU. H 3)4 Glenn Wm Q,8. L 3)4 MorrlsJ.W o. S. K 3)4 Rose Bod'k Shipbuilder. 8 SmllhLewlaH Trader, L 3)4 CHRISTMAS ISLAND, Cape Breton Co. MoDougall Malcolm Trader. O S CHURCH POINT, Dlgby Co, BurrtllW. A Co.. Shipbuilders A U. 8. (Soe Yarmouth.) Le Blanc A. O U. G. A Ore. L Melancon C. Mande A Sun Traders, Ac F 3 Raymond N. A J Ships A G. 8. CHUTE COVE, Annapolis Co. Foster Harris M o. 8. H 8 CLARENCE, Annapoin Co. Jackson Samuel N G, 8, K Morse John L G, 8. O Nichols Daniel. t)4 3 ..O. S. K 3)4 CLARK'S FER.IY, Annapolis Co. WlllettWm. P o. 8. H 3 CLEMENTSPORT, Annapolis Co. Ditmars A. D G. S., Ac K 3)4 DltmarsChas g. S„ Ac. K 3)! OllUatt W. A. A J. E 6. a, F 53 McNabbR. C Boots A Shoes. L 3)4 rotters. ACo O. 8. O 3 itoop J.'jmes P O, 8, A P, O. O 3 Shaw W.C..„ Carriages. L 3)4 VroomWm.H BlaoksStb. J^ .sS Wright W.O Tq^\ l 3)4 CLEMENT8VALE, Annapolis Co. Banford Richard a. 8. K 3)4 CLIFTON, Colohester Co. Alexander John j O. s. F 2)4 Burgess Colllngwood Plaster. L 3? Crow James ShlnbuUder. O 8 MarshaU Robert daw Mill. K 3)4 YuiUJohn Blacksmith. K sS CLYDE RIVER, Shelburne Co. Coffin Thos. A Co.... Shipbuilders, Ac OoughW.H o. S. L 3)4 McKay Jas... MUls A Lumber. H »« McKay JosephH Lumber. McKay Lewis Lumber. H 3 Sutherland Henry 8 Lumber. H 3 SutherUnd Robert A Peter.. Lumber. Thomi)sona«o G. 8. L ,"1!^ CODDLE HARBOR, Ouysboro Co. SangsterJ. J o. 8, K 3)4 COLD BROOK, King's Co. Jackson IsaaoB Saw Mills. K S4 r;," .. CGiiiu J. c... CarriaMea. L Porter Henry H o. 8., Ac L 3)4 Porter M, A o. B, L CON9UERALL BANK, Lunenburg Co. Buekmaster James o. s. L Hebb Leonard o. 8. u SM Hookswortb Easton Blacksmith. K sSi Jenkins Richard 0.8. H iM KaiaerJamca G.a H 3 KeelerMrs o.a L McGregor-— Phys'n A 0, 8, O 2)4 MoKean Albert o, a H ffii Parks Peter Trader A Flaherman, K 3)2 Ratuse A Cocknnr o, 8. Blouse Daniel A Levi. .Bricks A Lime. L Bafnse Joseph arc L COUNTRY HARBOR, Quysbera' Co. Ounn AHudson SawMUL L 3.'4 Sweet Kinsman g. 8, (See 8. Sweet A Co.. Isaac's Harbor.) COW BAY MINES, Caps Breton Co. ArchlbaldACo G, 8, . ...., ,., (See North Sydney.) Archibald Isaar 0.8. L Block House Mining Co. Cecooui Anthony Trader. L DavWUou James o. s. l UlovauettlL Q. 8. H Gowrlo Mines coal. (See Archibald A Co., North Sydney.) Johnson Lewis Physician. H JonesThos. P O 8 o MoArel David 'q. 8. H 3 MoAuleyJobn Blacksmith. K 3) MoAuleyM Grc L McDoniSd Annie o.s. L McDonald Hector o. 8. L McKinnon Archibald 0.8. L McPherson Joseph Saddler. L McRuryJohn oro. L MuVloarA Q. s. L Peters Samuel E Hotel. H VH Rees C. E. A Co oIr L ^ RiceASpencer g. S. H 8)4 COXHEATH, Cape Breton Co. CTarkP.T o. g. L 3)4 3)4 8 3 3)4 fit CRAIONISH, In I Co. Cameron Allen (Stonehonse) A Sons, McMasterHugh u.S: L sS CRAWFORD SETTLEMENT, Cumberland Co. Crawford James T Carriages. K sa CROSS ROADS (COUNTRY HARBOR), Guysboro' Co. Sweet Kinsman o s (Soe 8. Sweet A Co., Isaac's Harbor.) CROSS ROADS (ST, MARY'S), Guysboro' Co. Jordan John A q.b. k 3)4 CROSS ROADS STEWIACKE, Celeheslar Co. (Set Upper Sttwiaeke.) CROW HARBOR, Guysboro' Co. Ehler John J„ 3 g, 8, L CROW'S MILLS, Colohester Co. Crowe Alex Trader, L DALH0U8IE, King's Co. Ganl Lawi-enoe g. B. L DARTMOUTH, Halithx Co. Adams Goo Machinist a Allan R. A Son Tanners. K Allen Joseph W Lumber, Ac Beck A, if. TaUor. L BeU Isaac d. O, K Bettinson John oro K Bishop John W BiaoksinlUL H BuroheUE Shoemkr, L Cnlenmn Ed want o. 3. Courtney Danl«l g. a h Crichton Peter Sldpplng. D Dakin G. W.... Butcher A Green^: L Dartmouth Bopework Co. . . . (See Wm, Stairs, Son A Morrow, Halifax,) Donovan Dennis Gro. A Lla. L DooleyJohn orlst MUL O 3 m 8 fJK"" Thomas G BnUder. Elliott Wm BoapAOra. ParreUD,Oeo rr!:..!:o.l8. 9 DEB NOVA. SCOTIA.. GAB Co. an 8 3 3 8 9 S4 FarreUPaul Oro. H 3 UentlMThoa Baker. O 8 Oentloa Tbos.Jr uro. K S** OlondennliiR Broe. .Boda WBtor A Ice, K 3% OnluunUapi James... Bonta A Sboe8. K 8!« OreenJolin Watcbes A Clwks. K 8 ateenWm. H Uq.AUveiy. H 3 Harriaon MlM MllUner. L UantWm Gro. L 3H Hurley Michael oro. K 3)4 Hyde T. A. A don Oro. F 2*3 Lament A McDonald GriatMllI. L 3% LaaalB Uamuel Qro. L Lawlor James E. A Co Orn., &o. Lawlor John Baker. I, Leadley Jolui E 0>o. A Hotel. L L.loy Alex Uix). A Lin. H 3J' Maclean J. B Qro. AProv. L 8)i McCartney J. O Oro. A Uq. I. McDonaliT Allan Ltquoni, L McDonald Wm Blacksniltli, McKay Adam Boilermkr. (Bee Uallfax. i MoNab Peter Oi-o., Ac. H 3 Miller Edward U Hhoes. L MlHlner O. A Undertaker. Mnaeley Ebenezer Sblpbullder. 3 M osoley Hoory Boatbollder. L 3)4 Moaeley Kobert Copper Point, Ac. L 3}^ Mott John P. A Cu. . . . .yplces A Cocoa Preparations. (See Halifax.) Mnnitord Francis A dons B'smltlis. O S Murphy John Blacksmith. L Olanil H., Sons A Co Brewers. (Bee Halifax.) OrmanJamesR aro.ALlq. U 3'(i Haggles Bt. Clair Oro. I, 3'^ Knsaell Nathaniel A Co Stoves. L Boart F. A Co Bashes, Doors, Ac. H 3M BmlthWm. M.B Harness. U .SH Btarr Manufacturing Co Ska<.es. C 1)6 BtemsLuther D. O. F 2)J Hterna Wm Qents' Fura'g Goods. L 3)4 HtevensWm. H Drugs. L 3)4 TuftaJamesW D. (i. K S)a Turner James W Tauupr. E 3 WaildeU Duncan Contractiir. 3 Walker Edward Uro. a 3 WalkerHenry oro. G 8 Walker John Builder. H 3 Warner A Harrison Faintem. l, 3)4 Watt Henry BuUdor. O 3 White A Bimmonds Btoves, Ac. (See Halifax.) Wisdom John A Bon Gro., Ao. K 3)4 Wrl«htJohnV Uro.AUq. h 3,'4 DEBERT RIVER, Colohastcr Co. Mcculloch James. . . .a. 8. A Shipping. F 3 Peppard John Mutr. Woodenware. L Holey J. W Turner, h 3)4 DEEPBROOK, Annapolis Co. PtukneyCbas a. 8. I. s;4 D'ESCOUSSE, Richmond Co. Oruohr David A Sou O. B. E 3)4 Joyce Peter Trader. K a\i Levlaonute W Flahlng. D 3 McNeil Angus o. 8. K iiJs DIQBY, Digby Co, AymarWp a.s, H 3 Buklu John B G. S., Billiards, Ao. K 3)4 Beman EUcnezer Uro., Ac. H 3)4 lllden 10 Coutec. L 31^ Bouuell Isaac B Flour. L 3)4 Burubam Um. John Ueataumut. L 3)4 Burnp A lAmgntaff G. s. Cbaluuer J Drugs, (SeeSt. John, N. B.) ChurohiU A Taylor Flour, Ac. O 3 CUiitou J. A D. O., Ao. L Conwell Blmou lIot«l. H 3)4 Cossalwom George Bbickamltli. H 3 Conslh!) James W FlHh, Ao. H 3 CoiinliiH Mitry H BiMiks, Ao, L, 3)4 Daklu llnw Tlusmlths, L 3>.j Daklu Jawb Bbtcksmltb. H 3 Daify Joliu Uiitel. H 3'4 DtlianJas FluurAGro. L 3)3 FeiiwlokT. B Ageut, Ac. H 3 FltzrHDitdlpb Hubert 8 O. 8. 3)4 UairlsJ. W Physician. L Uawkesworth W. B. A Co Boots A Bhoes. Hughes Charles N Gro., Ao. KtHMi it Vleis Fish, Aa Luttimoy G. I. ABro G. S. ^uMulfiuMrs Millinery. H 3)4 •>.;hrr t? . i; Physicwn. Paywm Klbiba,Jr Gro, a 3 QiurkHros Tanners. L Bice John O Carriage*. L 90 Canada. Richards James Bbtcksmltb. K 3)4 KuddockThus Vessels, O ^ Buasell John A Saddler. J4 8)4 Bannders J, P Millinery. Banuders Stephen Gro. L 3^ Smith Peleg W PhyMclan. Stalling Geo. ASon..Livery BtablesA Htagcs. K 8 Stark J Watches, Ac I. 8)4 StuneO, F O.S. H 8)4 Titus Heniy A Bro ...0.8. H 3 Titus TImoiIiy Butcher. K ,3)4 TumbulIEber O.S, H 3 Tumbull W. F G. 8. O 3)4 White Geo Watchmkr. A Photo. L WrightMlss D. O. h 3)4 DILIGENT RIV£R, Cumberland Co. ArmatrougT. U O.S. L 3)4 Mccaboctas Mill. H 3>4 DOCTOR'S BROOK, Piotou Co. GilllaA McDonald MiUs, Ao. I, McDonald Stephen O, B. J< DOVER, Halifkx Co. WinsorOeo. T 0.8. I< DURHAM, Piotou Co. (See alto Wttt River.) Cameron Margaret Gro. L 8)4 McLean Isaac Gro. I, 3)5 Stewart John W Trader. L EAQLE HEAD, qutan's Co. Bagley Thomas A CO. . . Tanners, Ao. B 8)4 EARLTOWN, Colehoitor Co. CrowAlmon 0.8. I, 3)4 Marsh C.L 0.8. H 3 ItossWm 0.8. K 3)4 EAST BAY, Capo Breton Ca. Curry Angus O. 8. L 8)4 Olllla Ronald a. 8. 1. SVi McCulabAlex G. 8. (See 8t Peter's.) McDonald Allen O 8. L 3)4 MclBsacD.J G. 8. L Mc.NeUBros M. S., Ac. (Bee Irish Cove.) EAST DUBLIN, Lunanburg Co. (St* Nea Dublin.) EAST PORT MEDWAY, Queen's Co. (Se* Fori Medway.) EAST RIVER. Piotou Co. Cameron AFraser G. 8. li Grunt Duncan G. B. H 3 McDonald Alex e. B. L Thompson Archibald MiU. H 3 EATONVILLE, Cumberland Co. Eaton D. B. A C. F Lumber, Ac. (Bee Canard.) ECONOMY, Colohattor Co. Bates A. C Hotel. L 3)4 BeattloC. F Shipping. L 3)4 Duusmore W. H Farmer A Shipping. K 3)4 FulmoreW. A G. 8. &P. 6. L 3)3 L,awlor Patrick Blacksmith. L Lewis 8. A it G. 8. F 3 Marsh W.M Shipping. K 3)4 MoCumbio Bros Carriages. L McKenzie Dauiel A Sou G. 8. A ShlpjUig. O 3 McLollaii John A. P o. 8., Ac, D 3 McLcud Hobort BlacksmltiL K 3)4 Moore A. K BhlpbuUder. H 3)4 Moore Woodbury Hhlpplug. K 3)4 Murphy J. M Lumber, L Smith A Stewart Mills. Soiuy JoslaU Sblpplug, H 3)4 WoiMiA. L BlackHmlth. L 3)4 Young James u. n. K 3)4 ECUM 8ECUM, Quyaboro Co. Ashton Joseph Trader. ELLERSH0U8E, Hante Co. DunUpAWelr ...0.8. H 3)4 KlIeiDhauHou Francis Lumber. B 1 Jr.iiiim'.ii Jr.riiC^ (.,. s. .& r. O, IC 3)4 M lUer Snuiuel A Bon 0.8, L Nuva Scotht Land A Manufaoturms Co, (Limited) 3 ELM BANK, Aniitronish Co. (See South Kiver.) ELM8DALE, Hanto Co. Andrews John K G. S. L BargesaJ Blacksmith. L Dunbar Alexander Saddlety. K 8)4 FUher James Carriages. K as-j McDonaldJobn Tmiuer. L McDouell Angus Blacksmith. L Meek Wm. F u. H. _ (See Shubenacadlo.) Thompsons o. 8. ACatUe. K 3H Thompson J. A O. 8., «o. K 8)4 ENFIELD, Hants Co. Donaldson Henry Liquors. L Donaldson T. B G. 8., Ac L Smith AKaye Pottery, (See Halifax,) ENOLISHTOWN, Victoria Co. (See St. Ann':) FACTORYDALE, King's Co. (See Ayletford.) FALMOUTH, Hanto Co. Hatcberd James Trader. K 8)4 Blley Edward Saw Mill. O 3)4 FIFTEEN MILE STREAM, Piotou Co. HaUW. O. ACo MUl, Ao. L FIVE ISLANDS, Coicheitor Co. Adams David O.S. L 8)4 Boyd Wm Mill. K Bro4 FiascrJohu o. a. H 3 FOLLY LAKE, Colohottor Co. McElmnnJohuN Saw Mill. FOLLY VILLAGE, Colohnter Co. Cameron Wm. P Shipbuilder. Cummlngs Chas. N Flour, Ac. 3 Faulkner Thus Shipping. O 3)4 FraserJohnA Motel. K 3)4 McLean Henry Carriagomkr. K 3)3 Morrison Jonathan Blacksmith. K 3)4 Morrisons. F o. 8. K 3 Weir Johu Flour, Ac. 3 FORKS MARQARIE, Invsmui Co. (See Margarte.) FOURCHI, Richmond Co. Hooper Albert B Supplies. McAskill fonuau o. 8. K 8)4 Severance William Supplies. H 3 FOX RIVER, Cumberland Co, (SeeI\)rtarevUle.t FRAMBOISE, Richmond Co. (See FoureM.) FREE PORT, Digby Co. Ci'ocker Mendal G. s. H 3)4 Eldridgo Jaa. W G. 8. A P. O. L 8)4 llaiues Bartholomew K U. H. O 3 llalues JciIju M 0.8. L lIoruerA. H 0.8. L l..eut Abraham Trader. iC 3)4 Lent Wm G. S. L Teed Captain Samuel Trader. H 3H» FRENCH VILLAGE, Haliflw Co. Butler Peter FisblngAG.B. L 3)4 QABEROUSE, Caps Braton Co. Bagnall I'hUlp «. 8. A Taimcr. L Couko ticury Lobster Packer. L 01 (Alii. otiiiii4«I A Fish. L Hall Hector G G. 8. L Morrison Roderick G O.S. L Sa BtaceyWm Trader. K 8H ..;3 , GAR iSrOVA. SOOTIA. Hal QARDEN OF EDEN, Pietou Co. MoDougaU Roderick o. g. >#.»■_. ■.,, (See Blue Mountain.) MoKeniie Wm.... Oro., Surreror, Ac I, GASPEREAUX, Kinc'i Co. Reia Duncan D. C Tanner, Ac. L 3] VauKhan A. A ..G. 8. I, 3] 1^ QAV'S RIVER, Colehettftr and Haliftx Cof. AnaaQil D o s r* ^u Annaud Jolmjr Mufi; g f AnuandWm Saw MUl. H 3 Cook John A Son Carding A Baw FnuneUatthew 0.8 H 3 McQulnnWm BUckamlth. L Newnuui George Q. 8. ALIq. h WoodworthJaa SawMlfl. K SH QETSON'S COVE, Lunoabyn Co. Baunden D. O Physician, Ac. L 3>^ GILBERT'S COVE, Diyby Co. JfSil'tH.S ?-av6m.L HelanoonAlex O. 8 L Melancon John J Trader. li GIVAN'S HARBOR, King's Co. fSa KarborvttU.) GLENGARRY STATION, Pietou Co. Graham Dand o. 8. L 3)4 GLENWOOD, VarmoHtb Co. Allen A. E o. S. L Frost A. H G.B. h GOLDENVILLE, Quysboro' Co. Anderson Alexander Hotel A usher Alex ^'"SH' ^ ^ MoQuarrteNell O. s' L Sinclair Marshall a. s. o 8H GOLD RIVER, Lunsnburg Co. HolnumJohn 0. 8. A Peddler, h GOOSE RIVER, Cumberland Co. HeusonJohn Blacksmith. K SH Hunter Wm o.b. j. sS MlJlaDavld WVo:^] £ ^ GOSHEN, Quysboro' Co. Blnclalr David o. 8. I, 314 SuioIalrHugh Blacksmith. I, 3K 81nclair Joseph o.s. L sS Sinclair Simon Carrlagemlcr. L GRAFTON, King's Co. BestLeonard Shoes. O 2)4 BesantaonW.H.ACo o. 8. K sg BovrlpsOeo Blacksmith. H 8 Buckler ASon 0.8. a 2)* White feeniT o. s. K M GRANDANCE, Richmond Co. McLean Hugh Woolen Mill. K 3>S GRANDIQUE, Richmond Co. Clongh Daniel O. 8. A Lime. 3)4 gouKhJ.Qoo D.O. H 3)4 Fiaser David O. 8. A Lime. H »H GRAND JOOGINGS, Digby Co. Welsh John Trader. H 3 GRAND NARROWS, Cape Braten Co. McNeil Mrs. Josephine C a. 8. K 3)4 Mokell Stephen.. ...M.K L M GRAND PRE, King's Co. (Set Lmott HoTton.) GRAND RIVER, Richmond Co. Mnlay«onA.*E Traders. K 3)4 McAuley Angus G. 8. L McKUlop D. J G. 8. A Fish. L Mnrchlson John Blacksmith. Aa L 3)4 QRANTON, Pietou Co. Adams Thomas M Mills, Ac. L FraserNell o. 8. L GRANVILLE, Annapolis Co. Amt>ermanA.£ o.S. L BentLevoso O 8 F BohakerJohn Trader. H Clark Mrs. John u. 8. L CroscupWm. J Tnuler. V 2' Delap Kobert 0.8. F 2' KatonOUver Carriages. " HaU Samuel HhlppTng. Johnson John Shipping. Letteney A Amljerman o, 8. MoCormnck Samuel Ships, Ao. MoCormackWm G.k, Ac. MlllsJolm Q g Mills Robert ShipDlng.' Pickup Samuel t) 8 Porter Capt. Asa Trader. Beld Fletcher Uatel A Llverv Shafner James E o. 8 Troop A Irwin o. 8 Troop Wm. B a. S TurpelAlex leader Wllfett Walter OS Winchester John K o. 8. L D D G D D O D c 1)4 O 3 F »4 O 3 G 3 L .S,i4 H 3 K 3)4 GREAT VILLAGE, Colchester Co. Blalkle J. 0.8. U 3 Carter R. 8 Jeweler. L ColdwellW.O Bhicksmlth. L 3)4 DavldBouB saddler. L WletcherH.A Carriages. L Hill Amos A \{f, 8. u 8 Layton A MoDorman g. 8. H ,1 Llndsav Samuel Carrlagemkr. H 3*4 Lyons M. . . . . . Llq. A Butcher. H 3)4 MoDormanl.F Blacksmith. L sS HcLanghlan Albert. . . . UoLelan A. w. «Son.. Q. 8. L 0.8. u I 1 -J.SwMcLelan A Blalkle.) MoLelanA Blalkle Bhlpplng. O MorachH.G •Rffi? H gWRcej James M.... Foundry A llns! K YnlUMrs Hotel. H GREEN COVE, Yarmouth Co. (SaMamand.) GREENFIELD, Queen's Co. nSwt?""^ Blacksmith. L Robar Wm Blacksmith. L GREENVILLE, Cumberland Co. BettsWm Hotel A 0.8. L DoyleJames G 8 L Henderson J. M "■ o a' 1. Miller B. F. 4 Co Trade™ L 3)4 3H »4 3!4 GREENVILLE CROSSING, Cumberland Co. rSw (7rMnii4 Forsyth Enoch A Fionr! 5 3 GROSSES COqUES, Digby Co. L« Blanc M.AC o.S. H 3)4 QUYSBORO', Quysboro' Co. Atwater Joseph Tanner. L Boyle Peter 0^. L """Sfy ?*"• *^;i Physician. H 8 Buckley James H Q. 8 H CameronWm Flour L Craig Thomas L Oro. A Lin. L Cnnmngham Herbert R. A 8on..D. G O Falconer A. P Physician. L Gaets JohnJ ..G. 8 Gallagher Chas g. 8. .r,— »,,.„. t"^** Isaac's Harbor.) Grant John W.C HoteL H S"!fi*'i»'™l-v:-vBlacksmlth, Ac L Hadley Joseph W. A 8on....D. G. Ac. HartWm. D. O. AGto. G Hull Joseph B-smlthAG. 8. L 8)« 3 3)4 Hntcheson John Gro.. Ac L Jo8tB.AO OS O Mahoney John O.s'f M«?ey PeiOT. _ Oro." L McDonald Thoa O 8 K McGregor Donald o. s" K PhelanThoa Oro. A D. O. L TprvAIei Carriagebnllderr H Welch Jalrus Tailor. L 8 3)4 8 8)4 HAINESVILLE, Digby Co. Haines W. H o.S. U 8)4 HALFWAY RIVER, Cumberland Co. Young fi. A Son MIU A Lumber. (See B. Youhg, Parrsboro'.) Hal Sit sa, . L . t, . H 8 . U 3H . li . a s . H 3 . I. , O 3 , L 3>i . L 3H , O » . F 3 . L . K ■K 3)4 I Ij rU 3 . L 3>i HALIFAX, Halifax Co., N. 8. Abbott Rlcbard.. Block dfc Pomp Sttr. Aoadla Powder Co . Aokbunt Ocorca BiiikM-' i fekharst Wm-.-AuotloneeVicSi^ H 3 3)4 Ajnsley Bobert liverr BtablMT « AUen Jolm * Son.. . . ! i" ^0^^?^^- " A im«. u B • • *^«'> I>e»ler». O 3 AfSSSr'^.^B'A':;;; - '"•"~»2i*"t: r, Anderaon Arthur.. ..:::;:;:;•— ^'Sro H i;* aS&S'c^s^.*.".*:-.v.-.^'^»*-S- " ^'J »4 Oro. A A . (BeeEaaon ACo.) AnderaonJu BntohS *n t :iJ^'SSo'ss£.l.*.°»-*^*^Sg^ Areblbald P. P.'."r."'"''"'~^„»^L' L Archibald Wm o m fc Artiw'n^- * ""— Bi'^^taiSh^ L Atklnaon Wm.'.f.;.:.;:.".coii'n^!Snt: " 3w Auaten Broa ..R.B 4 cSiCr ^ Aiiatln Mm. Robert F .*! cCflS: H 3)» Baker-David.. .:.::;;;:: ^,'^- ? * Baker F. H Hermetliiuy HeaSi BaJdwlnAlfred A^St f ^^ B»{<}win4Co. Eirth4nlS?^K 2)4 Balawln John A Co. . TmnArtAvw ^ Baldwin Randolph I.FiS^y'oSSS K Bamaby. Heslylft Co .™^ oro Bamstead cTw ~ •_""»• . Barnstead J. H Banut«ad A Sotberland Bam«tBartWm.F „,.er Bmon waiter * Co oiotWeS; F |S28^*?.-.v.-.v.-.v.v.v.v.-.v^5SX^ Bateman Thoa. W LookMnitii ' r Beokwlth B. N Com'nA^eDt: Be|<>horJo.epbB r.l.r.'^S.mU.f&a g^jj^i^ Hardware. H 3 Bo."A'j'„'>,^¥"*='"'----"-'^^^^ ^ 8^' Bei;JiC8",,!fHV.v.v.-.v. ^SSf ? ?' BeuUeyTWj ' BiookmS-' I Bertram JFrederiok.. ..... pi^'ulSS: H ■Tanner. U -Leather 4 Flndlnira. D.U K .... Baker. L 3 Brown Henry w Oro H 3 Brown M. 8. * Co Whol. * ^ uw... J. iir ... ,.^'**'- Jewelers. E 3 bSS{?;2%" .p-.-.-.-.BSe?: Jf i BSS![ilJfv1^"^.-:.:.-»-^«*«»;^ I " Bnokloy Mlaafe. M .....:.„D.*a K 2.™°"^ ?."""• Sewing Maehlnea t Butler Jiuiea « Co B BuUerJohnE 8pamSr; K Cabot Rlobard CatuUane T. . D. o. H rfmllSf^S*''^''*- ■■•■-• "BiMkaml'S; t Cameron Wm Camenter t. CampbeUWUUam .TlTiSto?: 3 3 3)4 Beteher Jai:w."::."Pre8erV«IF?Slta: S ^ BI»^„n'-Sr'S{ --ClotblnBiHSteL F 3 JJianop »Vm Mnrhln T Black Bros. b BBdldBr BrackettAUudJr ..: Fish H »!* Brady Mr«. Margaret............. dro ? '^ BraudorJolin...". FuMHtnnv T BramlcrlloUert FuSltSJS" I BremnerAHart.. .. w ImSJ.' r iu Hrcnuan W. C. A Co. . . Biot. ASh^ ^ ^^ Breniiau Wm ""uKcanoea. Brlaml Alfred d « S Si? BrliiiB Aloi. A Son.... Brawdi^ ^ Brookuiui Br.s... •.•.•.•;.•.•.•.■. MbS^A _ Brookfleld8amuel.i'.°".'".':«?'li'Sld1? E 5** Brooks James On" AUa t L. Brown Bros. A Co "n'-^^uq. l^ 8^ u~._„r> . (See Erowri A' Brownaeo.A b t Cane James oru. * Lid.' H Carew Mm. Stephen d (i 1, cSraiujI ****"" „-B'i"'lefi K 3)4 CarrJames ■jeweiBr' I qS Carroupanlel "".iid^Aulk 1% J;»"»>J^n«» Uro.ALlq. L ag r5rt2?S«^ Watches. H sg (.arterAlex Hotel CarverTlioa Oro o i nfHi'lJUS""*' * Sou ...Lumber, Ac! B+1 Cwey WUUani. Livery stable. O * Cashman Mra. Catherine...... Gro L CawseyJohn Builder H Cecoonl Thomas Hctiire Dealer! L ChambemC Flour Ac h Ohai>UnR.ii L 3h (i 2tt U 8 P 2f.j 1) l)ji H .SHl O 3 L 3H Ij 1, H 3 2)4 F 3 L 3Vj L H 3)4 naatonguay A Domplenu Uro. A Llq. F 3 OanlJohn oils, Ac. L GaulWm o. H. O 3)4 Gibson Chas. J Cordials. F 2)4 OlaHeiiw H. A Co Jewelry, AC. K SXi Godfrey Patrick Liquors. K 3)4 Oodkln Kcojamln Mer. Tailor. II 9^ Qooley I.n n inuce Oi-o. A Llq. K ."iij OooleyThonas Oro. A Llq. II 3)4 Gordon James R Drugs. L 3!t GonlonA Keith Fumltuiw. D m Oossiii William Books A Stat'v. F 2)4 Uouph Thomas UcjitaQraot. OoiildlngM Ualrdrosser. L 3)4 Graham Cli.irles A Co (n-o. A Llq. D 2 Graham James IC Heal Estate, Ac. F 3 GrahKm it Newlauds Bullilers. Grant Uouald C Liquors. L 3*4 Oraut'John N PlourACom'n. P 2)3 Gi-auvUle Mrs. Anne Oro. A Llq. L GrltUu M. J Marblecutter. L 3)4 GritUn A NorrU.... Ship Blacksmiths. L 3)9 Gunn A. A Co Flour A Com'n. P 2)4 QwatklnJas .<.. Blacksmith, a 3)4 Ilnlifax A Dartmouth Steamboat Co.. D 1)4 llidlfax UolUug Mills Co F 3 Halifax Boap Co 2)4 Halifax Steel A Iron Co Hall VV. S StaUonerv. L HamllUm A McUuInu 'i'allora. K 3)4 Hamilton T. F. A Co Gro. Xj Hamstead George Hamessmkr. L Hancock E. H soap, Oil, Ac. L 3)4 Haurahan Thos Oro. L Hare William Com'n A Ins. Haivld J. A Co WhoL MlUlnery A Fancy D. G. P a« Harrington E. It Agent. K 3)3 Haiiiutftou WllUam U Oro. F •i'i Hanlngton Wm. M. A Co Gro. K 2 Ha' lis A Co i. Hardware. Harrlsoco. J Plumber. K 3)s Harris Henry J Caiiienter. Uai lis Herbert N uiflery. P 2)4 Hants J. A F. W Music Dealers. L 3)3 Hart Levi Com'n. IS '2)* Hart A Murray Fishing Supulies. K 3)4 Hair R. I. A Co.. Com'n A w. I. Meis. B 1 Hartlean Bernard.. Liquors. H 3)4 Hayden Dennis D. G. K 3)4 Healey AOrlfflu Shoes. L HeiUy T. 1'. A Co Prod. A Com'n. Hecliler Henry Llq. A Tobacco. L 3)4 Ileckintui J. W. A Co.. Boots A Shoes. L Hemswo.-th Thomas Gro. G 3 Henderson George Gro. fl 3 Honnessy Michael Liquors. H 3)4 Henry o. 1'. A J.C Butchers, Ac. 3 Hermes Henry Mer. Tailor. Hessiein HenryA Sons Hotel. D 3 Hesson William A Tailor. F 3 Hlckey Patrick A Son...Cablnetmkrs. L HUIF D. G., Ac. L 3)4 Biliis James I<'ounilr.v. H 3)3 Hirsobfeid Geo Pork Dealer. U 3)4 HobreckerA ClgarsALlq. H 3 HogauJohu Gro. A Llq. U 3)4 Hoeau John A Son Gro. A Lumber. K 2)a Holland John Blacksmith. L Holland Tuhn U Sollmkr. L Holland Wni. Blacksmith. U 3 HuUiuMy uaViii & Co. . COolS A SilutiS. HoUoway Thos. AHon Mutrs. Blocks A Pomps. F 3 Hope Francis Fancy Goods, L Hopgood A Crease Uro, F 2)4 HortonW. T Builder. Ac L nouI«ttL.ACo D. O. F S Houseman Cbas. J Builder. Houseman George Plumber. I> 8)4 HouHomauJohn SalUnkr. K 8)4 Howard M. A Sons D.G. C 1)4 Howell J. n B'ounder. L Howell W. W. A Co Poundi-y, Ac. L Hunter Elizabeth Clothing A „ Fancy Oofxls. L 3)4 HunterJames Uosdttlngs. D 1)4 Hunter John Oastitter, Ac. HurloyWm Undertivker. L 3)4 Hutt James W. . . . K. E. broker A Ins. G 3 Hyde W. E Com'n. Inglls Chas. U Liquors. L Inglls J. M. A Sou Oro. A Llq. F 3 Irish A Brine Bankrupt stocks. G 2)4 Irish A Smith.... Carriage Hanlware, P 2)4 Irwin George Drugs. L JaokJames Accountant. K 3 JacksimWin Gro. A Llq, L 3)4 Jamleson A Co Com'n, Ac. JenklnsT, K. A Co Auction A Coiu'o. G 3 Jemtett J. H. A Co Crockery. Jennings Kester D.G. F 3 Johnson A Caldwell Builders, K 3)4 Johnson Thos. C Watchmkr. F 2)4 Johnson W. H . . . Sewing M. A Pianos. H 3 Johnson Wm Feed, Ac, L JonesA. G. ACo W. I. Mers. B 1 JouesOeorgeW Com'n A Ins. L 8)4 Jones Wm FancyAD.G. H 3 JostEdwonlB Cablnetmkr. H 8)4 Kalzer Alfred O. . . Hair A F'oy Gomls. L 3)4 Kalicr C. »t Hon Hats A Furs. F 3 Kandlck Wm Whol. Uro. Kearney Mrs. Mary D.G. K 3 Kearney Mlcliael D.G. F 2)4 Keatlmj Michael nutclier. L KcatlnRA Rose Mntrs. Brushes. K 3)4 KeefeM.E Carpenter. K S.Si Keith Alex. A Son Brewers. D 2 Kelly E SUUonery, Ac. L Kelly J. F Hamessmkr, L 3)4 KennedyF. A.. Secondhand Clothing, 3)4 Kennedy John Liquors. H 3)4 Kenny T. A E Whol, D. O. A „ Shlp|)lng.«A Al KentJ. E. ACo Bulhlers. L 3^j Kerr Edward Nova Scotia Anchor Works. H .I"* KingAndrew Urery Stable, Ac. O 3 KlngDavnd Plumber. U 3 Knight Jas Bottler. K 3*4 Knight Wm.F Saddler. F 'iit, KuhnP. J D.G. Lambert Bros Cabinotrakrs. LamphlerA Carriages. U 3 LauiiUard Henry G Tjdlor. F 2)4 LawHou Caroline D. G. L Lawsoii, Harrington A Co Com'n. K 2 Lawsun Henry Com'n Mer. D 1)4 Lawson Thomas Furniture A Secondhand Goods. L Leahy D.J Flour A Com'n. G 3 Leary Mrs. Mary Oro. L 3).j Le Blanc Jetfley D.G. L 3)5 Le Pine John Gents' Fum'g. Letlibrldifo Hairy Tailor. Jj 3',i- Levy A Michaels Jewelers. H 314 Liuds.'iyJohn Oro. L 3,'3 Lindsay M urdoch M Carpenter. H 3 LiswellJohn Baker. E 2 LouganI Bros Plumbers. G 3 Louifanl J. T Ballinkr. L LoiiUy & Stimpson Gro. 2)4 Ii<«iU(lsWm Builder, n 3)4 Lowe Win Gro. 3 Lowell W. L. A Co Bankers A ExQltange Brokers. C! 1)4 LynchThos Gro, A Llq. K 3)4 MabeeW. D Painter, Ac, L Macdonald A Co Brass Founders, E 2 Macdonald Jas. S, A Co Bankers A Exchange Brokers, 2!4 MacIUrelth SI. A Co Mer, Tailors, Mackasey A Co Oro. A Llq. Mackiuiey Mrs. Mary Oro. Mackliilay A. A W. .stat'y. Books, Ac. Mackintosh Ja;9. C. . Banker A Broker. Mackintosh A Mclnnes House A Ship Jolliers. Maclean John S. A Co. . .Whol. Uro. A Com'n Mers. Magnus A Louuds Tinsmiths. Malum Bi-og D. G. juajitiu Itiis. Margaret Liquors. Malcolm A Johnson Contraotors. Malono Patrick D. G, A Clothing. M aiKeson R. N Blacksmith. Markle J. A Flour, Marshall Mrs. B lUUuer. L L 3)4 D 1)4 F 2)4 C 1 F 2)4 V 2W a 3ja o 2)s G 3 K 8)4 Uarsboll A Smith n, o. 8 MartorF. B Drugs. L Martin RIclianI Hamessmkr. K 3)4 Miirtlu Thomas Liquors. H 3)k Marvin John W Bnlliler. Ac. F S MasouJobnJ Boot* A Shoes. L Mathers Isaac H Agent, (See Francis CarviU A Sou.) Matbeson, Harley A Co D. G. S4 Mayflower Tobacco Co (Se« Smith A McI.Anghlan.) MoAtrrayJas Cooper. O 3 McAlplne David Directories, Ao, U 3 McCarthy f :iias Qni, L McCarthy Mrs. Dennis D. O. L M'.Coonell Andrew Hotel L 8)4 f.ctMiUoch Isaac ..Oro. L ^ ifcDoiiald Mrs. C Millinery. L Mcllouuld D Clutbiug. Ii MoDimald Daniel Com'n. McDonald J. J Oro. Mcl> Junk, Ac. Oallgban James Oro. L Overy John Carrier. Oxley BufusB Broker A Com'n. PaoeB.T Trartor. L Paint Henry N Com'n A Insurance. Palli8t«rW.H Oto. ALlq. B Palm Carl Pork Batcher. K ?arkor F. O Flour, Ac. P arker John, Jr Victualler, Ac. F Parker A MoHhee Prod., Ac. Patterson Jolin BuUermkr. H Payzant A King oro. PeakesJ. D.A Co Uro., Ac. F Pearman W. M. O. A Co Com'n. Peart Mrs. Hannah P. . . .Fancy Ooods. K Peart BupeitC Fancy Uoods. (See Mrs. Hannah P. Peart.) Peddle Wm Oro. L Peters Henry. . .Contractor A Builder. C Phelan Jas. F Com'n. Phelan Wm Confec. L Phillips O. A T Bookbinders, Ac. O PhllpX H UaU. L Pickering Wm. F Tailor. L Picktord A Black Ship ChaniUers. D Piers Oeorge Uralu A Feed. L PltM J. W Ship Chandlery. Plenty Joscphua Builder. Power Edward Uro. H Power A Higglns D. O., Ac. 1. PjwerM. J Uro. Alila. H Power Michael Liquors, Ac. K Power Patrick A Co Whol. D. U. B Power Thos Drugs, li Precourt A. V Hotel. H Priest U Hotel A Uq. L Pugh John A Son. ..Whol. Oro. A Uq. E Qnllty Wm Painter. L QuUinWm Oro. H 3 Uuirk Mrs D. G. L Beardon James Paper- hangings, Ac. F 3 Beardon John Uro. AUq. L 3% lledden Arthur W Boots A aUoe.t. H 3 Beeves C. W. A Co Oro. K 3)4 Bold Hubert J Com'n. L Kellly A Davidson Plumbers. O 3 IlennerBros Uro. AUq. K sni KeutUeonre Stoves A Tinware. F 3)2 Benwlck J. K Watohinkr. L Reynolds Fred. H Gents' Fum'g. K 3 Biiind'wiliiiun7.'..'.'".!".'."'..'..V.7.'!'.TGro^ P 55 BhulandJ. W Builder.Ac. H ^ Richardson John R Carpenter. F 3 3 S 3 I 3h 3H 3), Blohardaon Wm. K FUb, Ao. Robertson Wm Hardware. E Robinson Thomas Livery Stable. Robson Charles A Co D.o. Rocbe Wm.,Jr Coal. O Badgers Jas. A Co Tins. L RodgersWm Ounsmlth. I, Ronnan Francis A Stationery, h Hoome A Co Bottlers A Com'D. Ross J Photographei. I< Boss Wm Hats A Caps. K Ross WUIiam O. A Co Jewelers. H RoneJohn Hairdresser. U RoutleilgeM Uro. RuRKlesM. H Crockery, Ac. Romsey, Johnson A Co Prod. A Com'n. K Ryan J. W Gents' Fum'g. Ballls Isaac Uquora. K Salterlo J. W Trader. L Saiifuni George A Marbleoutter. G Sarre A Sons Tobacco A Fancy Ooods. O Saunders A SeedsA Glassware. H Scanlon Matthew D.O. G Bchaellbr H Jeweler. H SchwarU H. A Tins. K Sohwarts Wm. H. A Sons Coffee Grinders. O Scott David Oro. Scott Frauoia J Baker. Scott James Oro. A Liq. C Scott Jas. 8 Fish A Com'n. Scott Mrs. Mary Baker. H Soriven John J. A Son Bakers. BeetonJ. AR.B Whol. Oro. A Com'n. C BhandA Clay Hardware. (Seo Thos. Clay.) Shand Jas Auctioneer. Shoir Dennis Fancy I). O. H SIchelB. ACo Pianos, Ac. F SievertJ. O Uq. AClvars. H Silver John A Co D.O. D Silver W.AC D.O. D SlnheldMrs. A MUUner. I. Slteman Joseph B Gro. A Uu. u Slattery Patrick Uquors. L Bmedley Samuel Oro., Stat'y,Ac. L Smith A. AW. ACo WhoL Oro. C Smith B. A D. G. E Smith Bros D. G. O BmlthC. F BooUABhoes. BmllhD. J. ACo Coal. Ac. H Smith EdwanI Capitalist C Smith Geo. ACo D. O. G Smith J. G Drugs. K Smith Joseph D Photographer. L Smith A Kaj-e Enlleld Pottery. S SmIthAMoLaughlan Tobacoa C Smith Mrs. Rlobard Gro. A Uq. H Smith Wtlllam Baker. L Smith Wm Gro. AUq. h Smlthet* J. B Locksmith, Ac. F Snow John Boots A Shoes. L SpeilmanThos Corrlagemkr. H Spencei'W.B Oro., Ao. O Spike Thos. D Jeweler. L Spry Thos Prov., Ao. L StackpoleJ. H. ACo Wool. L Stairs John H'ware A Shipping, a Stairs Wm., Son A Morrow... UVare. A Starr John Iron A Metal Broker. Starr Joseph Broker. K Starr Manutacturlng Co Skates. (See Dartmouth.) Stayner E. O. A C Com'n A Fishing Sui>plles. D Bt«phon Alex. A Son Furiilturo A Woodeuwiire. Q Stevens F.C Coal. H Stewart Daniel S Carriages. L Stewart John A. A Co 'lus. L BUrsky Frank Watclimkr. L Stone Mrs. Jonas MllUnery. L BtoryD. M Oro. H Stuart D.C Mansion House. H Sullivan Daniel Brewer. O Sullivan James Oro. L Bnllivm John Blacksmith. H Sullivan Michael Victualler. L Sullivan Thos Oro. L Sullivan Wm Butcher, Ao. O Sutcllffe Mrs. M. A.... Coffee, Tea, Ac. L SutcUffe Richard L .1). G. L Sutherland A Oro. Sutherland James Oro. H SwalueWm 'Tobacco, Ac. L Swf^t ;i, ,T Cvm^h, H Bymonds W. S. A Co Stoves, Ac, F Symons John K Tolmooonlst, Aa D Symous Tboe TtUor A Clothier. L Taylor Henry A Drugs, o M Taylor Mrs. J D. O..A0. H 3 Taylor J. E. M Painter. K SH Taylor John Blacksmith. F 3 Taylor John A Oo W. I. Mere. Taylor Robert A Co Mnfrs. B. A S. D 3 Taylor Wm BnoUA »,_.,_. Shoes. P an TeiTlo J»m«y, Jr Barber A _^ , Tobacco. I. Theakston A Angwln Hardware. H S ThoiiiM^Co Hats A Caps. H 3 Thoin iiHou David Cwper. H 8 ThonipwrnUeorge Mud. Uruonis. U 3 Thoiiisiin Cathcart Teas A Com'u. 8 Thomson ACo WhoL A Ret. D. U. D 3)4 Thomson John A Confec. L S>t Tobln John A Co WhoL Uro. A Cum'u Mers. B 1 Torrey JohnH Plumber. L TownsendsUos Junk Dealer. Tracy James uro. L 3)4 Tracy Stephen o ro. L TriderWm Trunks. II S>i TuckerACo BrokersA Com'n. TnllyW. H Oro. TuiiperUeo.P Uro. L 3)4 Twining E. C. A Co Com'n. O 3)4 Tyler C. E. A Son Mnfrs. Brushes. O -J)} UmlHh Ben) uro. H 3 DrquhartR Oro. AUq. O 3)4 Verecknr Mrs. John D.O. L 8)4 Verge Wm orj. L Viguers A Cotter Plumber, Ao. I. Vlnecove J. L Painter A Paperhanger. O 3 Vogel Hermann JewMer. L Vou Malder John Painter. Vose Chas. F. A Co Wines A Uq. O 3)4 Walker J. F Hoy, Ac. Wallace Edwin J oro. L 3)4 Wallace Mrs. James Uquors. H 3)4 Wallace Robert Sewing M., Ac. K ^ WalHh Bartholmew Prod. B 2)S Walsh Edward Painter A Otazler. U 3)4 Walsh Mrs D. O., Ao. L WalshPatriok Hardware. O D4 Walsh T. ACo Painters A Glaziers. F 2)4 WalshThomas Ora F 3)5 Walsh Thomas Phys'n A Drugs. K 3 Warner Hrs. O. C Millinery. Ac. L 3)4 WaisonAMyers Uostttters. O 2)4 Webb Mrs Halifax Bazaar. L 3)4 West A Bonleu W. I. Com'n. WestJ. T. AA. w W.I. Mers. D 1)4 WeHtJoRepbU Drugs. H 3)4 Wetmore it. A J Picture Frames A Gilders. L Whelan James Crockery A D. U. L 3)4 White H. A. A Co Flour A Com'n. B 1 White A Minmonds StovesA Tinsmiths. G 3)4 WhiteUw John Uquors. L 3)4 Whitman C.H Flour, Ac. K 3>t WhlttierWm. A Llnnors. G 3 Whytsl John L Boots A Shoes. L Whytal Wm Ixiatlier A Finding;. H 3)4 WIerJ. A. B Real Estate, Ac F 2)4 WlllUras Alexander Peitdler. K 3)5 Williams A Leaverman Piano A Cabinet Mkrs. H 3H Willis Wm Carriages. L 3)4 Wills Wm Uquors. H 3)4 Wilson J. K Stoves, Ac O 3)4 Wilson William Hats. O 3)4 WUsonWm Paper Bags. L Wlnsor 1.. D Gro. L 3)4 WlswellW. O Builder. O 3 Woo4 K SU Innea Wm MoUovan John A Co. Tanners, u ulioea. u Shaw BenJ. A Son.. 8hawWni T^TorlhnA:::;;:" «'"S^^°'!i5- f woiaver John B. .:.;:.. •:;.;;Bi?£iut?: i; U.S. K Yeaton Uuo. 3 3 3)4 O.8. H ...Tradera. O INDIAN BROOK, Victoria Co. MoLellan Donald n.s. ap. m. I. INDIAN HARBOR, Halifkx Co. RomkeyA!ex Tmiii-r o. 8. O 81iatrui-d Jamea E '. 3!* »* Harlow A i)iai; jr. "■■.■.■.■.■■: Trafl'i.?' « -tx^ KeelerThomM. .......■.■.■..■. .a a H ^ HARBOR 80UCHE, Anticoniih Co. Anderson Donald o n ir o Crtsno Michael WddIIm: p L HARBORVILLE, King's Co. Bolser E. B ii n tr gJSSr"fe:'r?::::::::.^!«;*«'n:k HARMONY, baton's Co. Freeman John jjui r ' .-..;"'.;;!6rt«tMiu; h 3 3 8nJth>r HARRIOAN'S COVE, Halifkx Co. Smith 8amuol Trader A Mine. (8ee Bay of lalanda.) HASTINGS, Cumboriand Co. S™5.1^y»?:I ...Shoemkr. L Blaokamith. L Blackamlth. L, Seaman Robert! Seaman ^Vm... HAYS RIVER, Invtmoss Co. (SteLalctAintlie.) HEAD OF ST. MARGARET'S BAY, Halifk Co. (Sm at. MarganVt Bay.) HEBRON, Yarmoiith Co. (AU-: Ohio.) CahanCha».,jr Mer Taiinr k 'u tahau Charles, sr...... ,, I' '^ •' > Ci-osby Oeorge 8hiH«; l^ o «nf;£.f.:.;.iiooi"S-SSI k ralteii H.&oo Mnir, t-^S; "•rt«UngW.H ^^Sini:::':i ^ 3^ HERRING COVE, ^uct,,',, (,«. (See Brooklyn.) INGONICHE, Victoria Co. Burke John w 8iiiinli«. CowBu Heujumln Msh' ASupii lies' Auuu Nathan . .O.S. K 8H INGRAM'S RIVER, Halifiu. Co. (Set alto St. Jtargaret'e Bay j ColpB. AE Saw Mill A Duncan A Whitman .°".%^'?- Ji ^ Webber Anthony Limber a2 Webber John P.'' .......finiliL *** INTERVALE, Guysboro' Co. Cameron George Mnfr. Woolens. K INVERNESS, Invernen Co. (Set IFhyeocomali.) IRISH COVE, Riohmond Co. Caali John A Colin CarrlaireR I, McDonaJd Michael BliSffffi L tie^eti Bros Camagemkra. li'amiths A O. 8. II ISAAC'S HARBOR, Guysboro' Co. Andrews F. S. A Co lobsters. GaUl^her Charles ''"* ""^f^' „ McJflUanJohnABra "' "• " McMillan Stephen McPlit'i-Hon David Sinclair Potor ".■'.. laimr Sweet 8. A Co ! .;!!!!;! ISHG0NI8H, Colohoster Co. (Alto Chiganoht.) Crowe Alex Tnuler r Deyarmond LeanUer ' ' 'Trunks. I KEMPT TOWN, Colchastor Co. UingleyA. S miii., Kioh«riisonjohn....::::::Buik^S;: t, KENNETCOOK, Hanto Co. Wler ^felson.... ...■.".■.■.■.". ■.■.".•.•..•.^^1*^; ^ KENTVILLE, King's Co. Arnold J. W Can»nt»r u Be<*wlthA Dodge.. . •■■'^"^S^- K Bennett Chaa. K.' " " iiii^ii: ? BlaiichardJ. R.AO. F...... S^o" g £...a. A 8. A Hats' ACapsl L D. o..ia J) Com'n. L Harness. L Calkin A _ Culklji II. H Calklu (itM. is C'aiupbell It. o Chlpman F. W. . 3 9i 3f4 8 3»» 3H Davidion I), u... ::::: "' TSf^JS" Jf -»<_ Be'\i%"ji;;,^-^«''--"-*«;"™:K Uloklo A Oltford..' Dixlge Ueorge . O. a F .Harness. I, 8)4 3 3 Q. 8. O O.8. O .Blacksmith. L Tailor. K O Lliittsay Thos. . ...O. 8. Shaw U- •• .. Shaw J. Stead Rleliat.l. . . strung Itaio.... Thortie Hif) 'j7 i Ward^ 'I ^ Wood ,... , •""""J"i inrcraBJi Va. (See Mabou.) JEDOORE, Halilkx Co. Mnskell Peter W os r MlttheU A. A J SawMin i Mitchell J. O. A W..... SawMUL sii ley Henry y.::::::^^^. « J0QGIN8 MINES, Cumberland Co. BoggsH. B o „ JoKKlua Cual Milling Co. ••"•■^ Melonaou A .".'."o'.'s L JORDAN RIVER, Shelburno Co. Frfi.iuau Stewart Jt Co. . . Lmnlier. *.•. p Lomber, H m UiKlge Thomas L. A Co. (jh S L l)<)lierty W. H .T..'.;; V,,S' K i^ Lydiardu. w. Aco.':'::.'; "d S' H 1/onsJainea " "ilotei' it fas r^f ;:;:;; ^^^S.1 Mcl'aniiyD. H JrTT t McInulBA .■ T«iin, Ti 5!" Mclnt«»h Mrs. D...... ■.;.■.■ J^\- " 3"* McIntflHhJas ,J"S- ^ -^ &a.filr^::::::: "-S?" ?o!^?lU;^"--''-'-"-'S QuerallJohn iinV^^^i- }' ^ Kedj^u. wim«„..;.v.v.v"v.y.n".!',SI; h a^ "°" "' --Photographer. L Physician. L ••■ Shoemkr. L •v.-v, Baker. 1 ;ju .^•:.0t.<.QgAB. AS. I. <»0 O, 8. SawMlU. I, Saw Mill. K .SJi KINGSPORT, King's Co. KINGSTON, King's Co. (Stt Aylenford.) LA HAVE BRANCH, Lunenburg Co. ( Stt Bridgewater.) LA HAVE FERRY, Lunonburg Co. (8*t Cmfiwralt .San^t..; LAKE AINSLIE, InvsrnoM Co. Miiier. H SM Fi-aaer Charles. U.S. L Mccormick AiiiM.'.";.."".".; •Tmdar r McDonald ChaiL .........Tola u » ^^^Wil fS^b^^S^^ * lak 3 3h isrov^ SCOT LAKEVILLE, Kinc'i Co. Bluliop Cll»«. W Mill I Butgenii C. Hnfua Bhlpbwner A ■ ii,,„„- „„ . "peouUtor. B a "-".iSTs^^'f..'* '^%- H « u«^nc.w.B..;;;;;;;;;.-v.;x^Vr: " i,.^ L'AtlDOiaE, Riohmand Co. UaUieaon Jiwiuh.. .. r» a i- MoLellaujohn vt^' f ""'KZU'JTe :"^Vk;£lS: £ H^Vf 1). Null m 9i O. B. /, D. U., Ac H 3 LARH\"8 HIVER, Oiiyibor.' Co. MolianeyF.A q g j^ LAWHENCETOWN, An.itK>ll. Co. Balcom Mra. R. O ijotol r P»ui«i, _i.ra«i ::::::. ::'-^^i^. fe f;» CanipbellJohoJ atn i rarrcl) Michael ;.:.::. o ■.' K OannouJolin an v "jwo B»y Mininj ci: :;■.:;:;:::: : c«5- " itmier ju,«ph..." •.:■.•.•. jfS: i^ &owe„v;..v.v.v.«"'-*{;g{: Moj>«.,f^.,.u„....;....;..-.^-y*|:g MUUrd Winimm Wheol»Tl«ht. 1. Moren A. W Sblpnlnir^ ' am"n MulhallK. R ■■••'™'W™«« Mn.n. iet Mulh»ll H. P (w2' I MulhaU J. U. .... : OH At J' s;".'=„Tr'g.-'.r ''■■■■■■■■■• ^^^ * ta^jii^r « ■-■.•.-•.•.■.•.■&„■» ^ nurUuK Kenbeii bV.V.V.V..." Flour 4o K ilfii'ef&iiiit BlackH^lth JaniMH. T James Jdliu w... I-eavlttFml Margesuu Blliui K ....O. 8. K ....0.8., Ac. 1. ■■ O.8. K Oro. A Flour. I, Taaner. K a^ ill 3J4 LITTLE HARBOR, Pie(>« Co. MoNeU Robert Orlnd*- .eo. V LITTLE LORRAINE, Capo braton Co. MoAlplneB.8 r» b i MoUoo«ld Mr». hncy... '.:..:: ... {J; g- i" MiDougnIl John. .a. Si L LITTLE RIVER, Aniironitli Co. Keajr June* Randall EUMu W Strople Cbaa «>* Molntyre John CarOiuBMUL K «£ Morse Br. 1,. K ;. _ B,^„ « 52 Primrose Ur. 8. C nfnSi: k t? Mtarratl James shMmki^^ t Stevens Kdmund. »i"»mkr. L TomUnsoiij. w ...Vu.ij io * Vusp, Harmon ACo LiSiiiier i.- 9Li A^iS^ickw^^ y.Buikriu^: t ^ wK^4'M?i:L.c-"'^«-"«6*8- 5 ?2 ^»Vj^::::::::;:":S|;I^^" LEQUILLE, Annapolis Co. {{SyTAffl^;::::;;; «wpb„.Mer. n s^ Lockwood Arthur.. .."..■.'.■.■.■.■ Saw Miu' K v gm';5b!ii.^-.-.-.v.v.'*.''«| i k LINOAN, Capo Braion Co. McDonald Ronald o a i, «■, MoNeU AUKus ui- J^ ^^ Muiiin, Mi5&i.....v;;;;;;;;ij-.*J;^ f Voung Mrs. Brlilget iJquo« 4? K 1U. Youn* Walter. 7m.&'uq. L " LISCOMB HARBOR, OHyabera' Co. Hemlow James, Jr Tra/lAr r ait HetilowWm.H......; : iSdlr H vt PyeWm.H TrJdS' ** Todd, Crelghton A Co. .". .■.".VMIllirAS: 'c m LI8M0RE, Piclou Co. McDonald D. o q ^ j^ LITTLE ARICHAT, Richmond Co. (SMArtehat.) LITTLE BRAS D'OR, Capo Braton Co. Christie John H a. 8. * 8lilDninr R o Howetson Joseph .7 Blickami/' " KUi McGregor John "'»<'«»™'"- jj 8« M osgroTe Joseph Harness, Ac. t LITTLE BROOK, Oifby Co. (SMMtUghan.) LITTLE FORKS, Cumbarl4nd Co. (Stt AOtol.) LITTLE QLACE BAY, Cap. Braion Co. ArohboldK. P n n Arn»i t» i U»rtdl«BnJamoa..:.;....;.7..::.*o?8: O 8 '.".':e!^; {? O. 8. K LITTLE RIVER, Oifby Co. ("**< H'ufpart..; LITTLE RIVER, Halifkx Co. B.7J2? uJi''"'? Blacksmith. L oJlowST*' Blapksmlu^u a U1UUJS,.*A bK,-.-.-. Merchant P S'^^vKe^x'''";.;.-.;-""-^^^^^^ ^?a/?!is.5e?:j;:;;::;-:::^l« LITTLE TRACADIE, Aniigonl.h Co. (Set Traeadlt.) ■ LIVERPOOL, Quoon's Co. Allison Miss Elizabeth MUllnerv 1, Anderson A Bill d. U., "to 4b" F Anderson Chas Oro A r?.n£^' i Arabian Jolu. B«bir,'co?fS?4S: l^ SJL"? ««•,• W Auction Acili^S L I, ..G. 8. K Trader. H 3H 3H 3^ ReesTliomas Ritchie James ■•r«i«f. v, Ryan Patrick.. rTuar ? 8e^...^on..oodD .O^i^la'- L 8now Charle. K. D. .. . .■.•.M.'lpK^i ^ SnoHACo... Stage Ag*«t. Timmpson f. T nLji"™ iS" fr wSfl «'/p»""c--- •••• Hwl;if.Sfde?: 1 "^*"*'*-'' CsruenterA West A. I, ""«"«•? Wetinore N. 8. .■.■.■.'.' nS'b Whitman c. H. 4 Co ..... . . Tinnon WUeJas P «'ioe« A HaddletT. K WiJlhfniSi" •>; Bla. ksmlth. I, WrtghtCliaa Can. tcv* Builder. K «4 3hi 3>ji 3« 8), LOCHABER, Anti»oiii,h Co. Cameron J. D n a t Costv Alexander '.'.::'....' Ti£-~ g ou HultertJohn MUler ' v JS MaMonAJeiauder cirtwS: H S SeeraJohn Sinclair Ueonte. . Barss J. K.. .. «iw. F 8hoes. L JlartUnK James C oro.' .BaiterJames lih^ BUI Chas BlMirSiiSh- V Boole Isabella........ .■.■."miIuSw Burke Amasa Uveivitiliu' CaUln Thomas P. . . . . . '^"''^ '"s"£- „ ^SS^te!! ■i/ohlbald J..p:M.48wtV L CampbeU Mrs. M. M Uoiioii. i Campbell Thos. F '}» 3" i Chesiey Miss Sophia. .".".".V Mllilni^ a CjementaCh*,. H.... LoS'p^SkS?- t Clements 8. P. . ■^"••"r ™f »'• ^ Cole JoSpi, ..•.■.•.•.■.•.•.■; ^^alSS- ^ Cowle Andrew A Sons. .' .' ." ! .Tiinera A Drew M. J... Mntra. Trunks. D Dunlap David..;.;.'.'.;;" ■ *n T MK»r John ....;.'.•; • • • \vlh^ f SHah Henry o...: 'Ph"^l?SSS' v Forbes Dr. Jai^es F " 'b'raeSt *S' Foster Chas. A. . . . ;.FiiurrPro? ' At T Fraser Thomas . . „ ' ™Taltor f Freeman J. H.,Jr . " qZ fe Freeman H. N. 8tatiniep5' T Garrotte Joseph. oiationery. i, Godfrey Wm.......; Si- Jl ,,. OreenXlex... t"iV;S;~ ? ^^ HaUettHB. .•.•;.•.'.'.'.'.'.'.•. "a?S"- ^ 3!, »4 »4 LOCH LOMOND, Ri.hmond Co. ChlaholmWm jflll. K »4 LOCKEPORT, Shalbuma Co. Allen Charles Painter T Allen (.has. A w.J^k"?!- f len (.has. A Watohmki' i AJIen Ja». o 6. 8 '4 'W I rlSdJ: ^'Zi^^ Shlpowneri'TSdS?: H ~!?S^;---VH-Ware'Jk^'^^ 3 Buhi,- Samuei: ! ! '. ! ." .-*" f hy ^uS" v ^ lapstlckEdwanlE... w.i.^w' H mX CarteijJohn ■•■ "■ i. iraner. H 3)t cteji^teki; ■""•■■^BiiUmkr: H f* cSMTaS"^;.'.'.'.'.'; -^2^^^ g ^ grSu'8T'4'co.;::;;;;:HSgJ « ' Eldrldge 8«nuel T. . '^™ Y'™.-?!*..) IdgeSi FlskeA. H Hammond A Cu. 3H 3)4 Hotel. H 3 ■ FiVhiig'i'-^!! « ''' HammondRoss *'o*8 5 Hardy Bros Fishing A Or Mu! O Hupman Aleattider....Hofel AShSot K Hupmau Joseph LItotF L .....G.8.i W. I. Mera. O ,-, ....Tailor. L fioyd jo-seph-B-'.^::::::" °' Vl' k Locke charoIUU...^._..^.^;;.'sh','„'^' ^' ^ Johnson 4 Chr Kel Ker a Sit, 1)4 liOoko H. 4 A W. r; Thrie dE fi §■ n o an 3>a .Cooper. H 3 Payzant Freeman.! Hard^irgMlis"'.'.'.'.';.'.'.';."'C^g'«(f-^ Harrington A '.^'^^I.^.' f |sssss:^'L^.':''-."^»*tt: I HfinS^sl?""^ C ••-■"• •■••^TgS'r': h fcVJS^pt:::::: ''•°' *^'2' ^ Jackson Wra .■..■.'.■.".'"c'arrtai«: i Johnson John aVS *fS^ t KllcupH "uT.iiT h Knautwi. ...;.•'.'.'; LrtJSKS: ? Mol«ii5id"Ed;fiSi ■'iap^g. JJsaL"»i*A .'.;b."o.'A"c,S:.S: o «'"«^J'*» .•::.■ •w'hi4i;^K:fe sh I ifo'SSy'S"^"" 2H 2)4 254 3)4 9i I«)ke 8. A Sons; W. I.'OiSiii: K o J^e„nW.ks......^Fo„2:§i ckeport Iron Works.) McKenale Donald...!?;. "™JS.' »• 3^ 3)4 pay^antEd^^^Si* .■.•.•;;.•;;;; 'T^STf- i .Lobster Packer dc Tinsmith. peteiaonjamM: ::::::::: cSSSS* l Richardson J. E ..V i?2J- i Snow Mrs. Ann.. "n «' i Williams John C. . /; 0.'8:;8'lUj^|^ f ^ WuiiamsMrs. Wm .".ltoS[; £ 3)4 3)4 3)4 »4 3 LOQANSVILLE, Piotou Co. 0.8. H 0.8. K 3 3)4 LON NOVA. SCOTIA. MAI LONDONDERRY, Colehntor Co. (St* Oreat ViHage, Folly Villaof, and Acadia Minn. ) LONG POINT, Invernen Co. ChiBhnlnD Grist Mill. H S"* McUonnell Duncan O. H. L 3H LORWAV MINES, Cap* Bratoii C*. (8m Rtttrvt 3Iinta.} L0UI8BUR0, Cap* Braton Co. Ciuin Isaac O. S. I. Leavltt H. C. V Trader. 1, KoAlulne W. II G. 8., dkc. McOuWiA O. 8. L Hlatteiy Hlohsel >1h1i <». BuppIMs. U 3 Townaenit Bluoher O.8. K 3*4 Townscnd Cnpt Tlios Trader. I> WoodlUBeivl Contractor * G. 8. (Beo Sydney.) LOUIS HEAD, Shalbuma Co. Unrrlelt G 8. H 3H HerklnsWm O. 8. A P. O. L LOWER ARGYLE, Yannirtith Co. (See Argyle.) LOWER BARNEY'S RIVER, Piotou Co. (See Batney'i Biver.) LOWER GRANVILLE, Annapolis Co. (See OranvtlU. t LOWER HORTON, Kinc's Co. (AUuAvonport, Orand Pre, and Jlorton Landitig.) AUlaon Fred. D Trader. L Bonlen J. Wni. (Landing) Trader. L 3H C'liluman Dr. U Urugs. G 'J^ Ciirry F. W Q. 8. L 3J4 7aulkncr Tohn B'smltb A Fluur. K 8)i MacomUek Kmory G. 8. L 3!^ Kewc'umb Kdward P. Trader. NewtombW. F G. 8.. Ac. 1, Mortli A Curry (Landing) G. 8. 3 RaiUbum Anius Floor. K 3 8hawU. B Bboemkr. L Wallace Isaiah Hotel. L Watson Wm 8boes. L Woodwortb John A O.8. L 3>» LOWER LA HAVE, Lunanburg Co. (See Conqiurall Bank.) • LOWER SELMA, Hants Co. (See MalUand.) LOWER STEWIACKE, Colohostor Co. Bartley Jotau Blacksmith. Boomer W. J 8hoos. Goudwlu Wm 8boes. Guild Matthew A O. 8. HllU Wm. M Lumber MUls, &o. Lower 8t«wlacke Foundry Co (See 8. Blbley A Co.) MoNutt John Hotel. Parker Tbomas U. 8. Pollock W.J Trader. Sibley 8. dkCo Foundry. Smith Anthony Blaclumltu. L SH LOW POINT, Cap* Breton Co. Carland Jamwi Trader. K 3)4 Fortune Thumaa Tra9 Conrad John Liquors. L Curll Tbiimaa Tailor 4 MorashJohn Bboemkr. U 3 Morash Wm 3oatbullder. H 3 NaasJas Butcher A Lively Stable. H 3Hi Naah F,. I Dmn. L 3)4 Powers Frank Tinsmith. KnfusoJameaE Wagons. L KissB John Tanner. O 8 P.ookwcll J. B O. 8. I. 3)4 Honikey William L O. 8. I. Kudolph J. J G. S. K 8)4 Uudolph Joseph, Jr Q.S. H 8 Scott R O.8. H 3)4 8ell«Wm Blaokamlth. K 3)4 Silver Charles shoemkr, U 3 Silver Geo. W MUltnery. L Smith Uitvld Shipbuilder. K .?)4 Stevennan Dr. Joseph Dmgs. H 3 Trask Mrs Millinery. L Voung Joseph SUpbuUder. K 3)4 YoungWm Packet Q Sj ZwlokerA(3o W. I. Goods. (See Wm. N. Zwloker.) ^wicker William N 0.8. R 3 MABOU, InvsmasB Co. Black Daniel.. Blackamltb. L 3)4 Cameron Flndlay Carriages. L 3)4 Cameron J. D O.S. Uwyer Bernard Miller. L FraserThos Mills, h FrUsle William 0,8. G 334 Hawly Alexander Saddler. K 3)4 Ueni-y tt. P Butcher. (See Halifax.) Hunt .iseph O. S. L 3)4 MoDnnald Donald G.8, H 8 McDonald Hugh...... Tavern. Q 2)4 McDonald John, Jr llsblng. L 3)4 McDonald Neil SbipbnUUor. McDtmald, Waiter A Bro. . . . Dyeing A FnlUngMill. O a)<) McKcen I.ewls Trader, Ao. H 3 MoK('i'uLewls8mltb..0.8. ATanner. H 3 McKien A McKlnuon Tanners, Ao. (See Lewis Smith McKeen.) MoMUlanAilAD G.8. H 3 McNeil llonald O.S. L 3)4 MeNoUl John 0. 3. Mcl-lievsonM O. B. A Llq. K 3)4 Mciluanlo JohnO G. H. L 3)4 MuiTny Alex Hotel, L 3)i Munay Hezeklah O.S. H 3 Pushie Alexaudur Carrlago*. K 3)4 Smyth Peter, Jr 0^8. L MACCAN, Cumberland C*. Atkinson, Smith A Co Woolens. ileunutt William MUl, A«. O 3)4 Fruouuui 8. K O. 8. L Gould James Hotel, h lluniHon Isaac E... sewing Machines. L 3)4 Ilunlitou M. B Flour. Lawrence Charles G. 8. L G'Bileu Jutham Bblpbnllder. E 2)4 Tucker M.Ii Lumber. JI 8)4 MAH0I4E BAY, Lunanburf Co. (Alio Oakland.) Chlsholm Alex G.8. L 3!4 KiHonhnur Ambrose Carriages. L KlM>nlmur (lasiior Blaoksmitli. L 3)4 Eitia'; Ell A Co G.S. K Aii Ki-ust Jacob A S Saw Mills. 8 LacglUeA Tinsmith, Ac I. LanglllBT Shipbuilder. L LanuAusnstns Coaster. Z^ 3)ii MaderCbas.U G.S. L MaderG. A Blacksmith. K 3)4 Sader Hiss Louisa G. B. L oLean John O. 8., BoatbuUderA Photo. L MoLeodBros Foundry. K 8)4 5"UsJ. W G.S. L 8)4 Mills Joseph Shoes. L PleklesOeo Fhysioian. H 8 Pickles Jacob A Son G.S. O X4 Bbuland .lacub Tancor. U 8 Kowbar Lewis a. 8. L Schuare Henry O.S. A P. O. Slaoghenwbite B...G. 8. A Carpontor. Slanghenwhlte Frederick Builder. G SmelUerMra O.S. L Strum Nathaniel (Oakland;.... Black- smith. H Veniott Reuben Coaster. L Vlnoo Garrett. . . Blauksmltb. L Weathaver Geo. Alfred. . . CJablnetmkr. L Worthylake Joseph. . . .Carding Mill A Tanner. L Wynacht Edward J Lumber. L Zwlcker A Butcher. L Zwicker Aitariah G.S. O Ki 'wicker Charles A Hofel A TradeJ'. L MAIN-A-DIEU, Cape Breton Co. MoDongall Donald Fishery A Supplies. H 3H ScottGeorge O. B. A Sliipplng. K 394 MAITLHND, Annapolis Co. Baxter Edward G.S. L .3M Sao tord Richard O.S. ! (See Clementavole.) MAITLAND, Hants Co. Brown 8. D Phys'n A Druggist. O Campbell Capt.Jas G.S. H Cochran Lewis B O. 8. L Cox Capt. Charles A Son . . Shipbollders. D CreelmanF. 8 Physician. K Creelrasn Wm O.S. K Ourrle William Tanner. G Douglas Isaac Blacksmith. B DunglasJas BUtcksmtth, H DrUiloJohn SaUmkr. L Eaton It. B G.S. K Frame Archibald G.S. H Friese Frederick B'smith A Shipowner. G Frieze A Roy O.S. E Bedtler John Blockrakr. L King Robert Tins, Ao. L I.awrence William D Bhipbullder. c MoCallum Archibald Shipbuilder. C McCurdy David Carnagemkr. L McDonald Findliiy .Mnlr.Sboea A Harness. B McDottgall Alex. A Shipbuilder. F MoDougu'l c. Putnam G.S. L MoDougall Gilmuru O. 8 L Mc Dongall Wm Shipbuilder. B Molhtush Andrew Tailor. H Mitcbell Ed wan! Boots A Shoos. L Monteltb Josopli Shipbuilder. E Murphy Samuel H G. S., Ac. G Ptrker Joseph Harness. I> Peppard D. Foundry. L Putnam Alfrul Shipbuilder. F Putnam Hros O. 8. > Roy Alexander SlUpbuUder. S Scotnoy Fred Blockmkr. L Stuart C.H Saloon. L Thompson Miss D Milliner. L Thompson Frud'k AT Joiners A 8t«ani Mill. K Tiuhoy Wm. 11 O. 8. White C.J FenyAUotel. II 3)4 §** 3)4 8)4 2 8 3 3 3 m 3)4 3)4 3 8 ¥ 'A 3)4 3)4 MAITLAND, Yarmouth Co. CannChoa Trader. L 3)4 EiUsJoaiah I'raiter. U 3 Ooudy T Cablnetware. L Peiry H. AA O.S. K 3)4 Porter W. 8 Ilanlware. Raymond Eleaser Shipbuilder. 8)4 Sluulatr.Johu Uallrakr. L Stculo Obos Tanner. G 3)4 MALAQAWATCH, Inverness Co. CrowdisGeo. H O.S. K S MoAuley MolUilm Mer. AJ. P. O 3)4 Matbeson Frank U.S. I, MAL NOVA. SOOTIA. IfAP 3hi S ^ .sa 3H 3 sa 2 8 f* S S •i f 3)4 3)4 sg 3^ a>s S)« 3 3 3H ill 3H sa MALIGNANT COVE, Antigonlth Co. RouPeter ^....o.S. O 3 MANCHESTER, Quytbore' Co. {Stt Boyltton.) MARGARETVILLE, Anrapolii Co. (Set aim Wilmot.) Downey Francis Blaoksmitti. L DowiiloT. J Trader. :% Harris Simeon O. 8. O 3 HiiilgiO!! Uels Prod. H 3 Margeoon T. A O. 8. a 2H Phtnuor Walluce... Q. B. K Ray James c*. 8. L Bay Nonuan Trader. K S)4 Strouaoh A.B Sblppinfc. Q 3 MARGARIE, InvernMS Co. Campbell Donald Tanner <& P. M. I, Crowdla John u O. S. U 3J4 Doyle Matlicw & Daniel U. 8. « Tannern. K Frizzle HenryT O.8. L Filzzlo Jamen O. 8. I, 3)4 GillU Jam«a <& Co (J. 8. L liawrancB & Taylor U.S. Q 3 McDonald JBS. U Blaalumlth, <&c. L MoForlane JohnP Q. s. L McLennan A Pliys'n & Drags. L McLennan Jobn G. 8, L .')?4 MoLeod Malcolm Q. 8. K Sit MoIlauFainithar O.8. H .S>s MuurooJ.C O.8. K 8>4 Murray Geo. P a. B , i)t;o. O 3)9 Boas J. A a. 8.0 3 Boss J. WoBley Woolen Mill. L Tanipkina Thos O. s. K 3 MARGARIE HARBOR, Invornett Co. i'6'M Margarlt.) MARIE JOSEPH, Guytboro' Co. HawboiaB Trader. L Hawbold Samuel o. S. L MARRIETT'S COVE, Lunenburg Co. Ilawbolt David O. 8. A Cooper. L 3H MUlett BeitJamln Trader. K ,<^ MARSHALL'S COVE, Annapolli Co. Foster JameaP 0.8. (See Port WllUamB-X MARTIN'S RIVER, Lunenburg Co. Langllle Edward ^TlUs. O 3 Langllle Jacob Siiu M>1L O 3 Langllle Jaiuoe Lumber. H 3 Btrum Joeupli Hotel A U. 8. L MA^STOWN, Coloheetar Co. atevena Uuurge O a. 8. K 3)4 MoLELLAN'S BROOK, Pioiou Co. Fraser Walter Hcott....Clotb Factory. H 3)4 Fiiuier WalUir Smith MUlor. MoNEILL'S COVE, Digby Co. (Sm St. Marifi JIay.) MEADOWVALE, Coloheiter Co. (See Upper Sttiolaekt.) MEAGHER'S GRANT, Halifax Co. Tillman Dauli'l 0.8. K 3)i MEANDER, Kanla Co. Carter Thomas Blacksmith. K 3>4 MELROSE, Guytboro' Co. CnmmlDger Alexander Tannery & CI. S. H 3>4 Grant Samuel Tanner. L MattaUll George Blacksiuttli. L SiewaitJaa Hotel A P. U. H 8)4 MELVERN SQUARE, Annapolli Co. Jacques F. H Blacksmith. MERIOOMISH, Plolou Co. Rmvrn Tl.jUort H'suiltli i Miller. H ?.H Dompsoy A-tuur II uiacksmitfi! L ForltoH Juliu Mill. Mitchell .lames U.S. K 3)4 Oltliiig Michael U.S. U 3 Smith Jaa. W Bhoei. L U7 Canada. MERLAND, AntigenUh Co. (8t» Tracadte.) METEGHAN, Digby Co. AymerC. R Q. 8. & Llq. Babine Joseph U. s. Blackadars £ Co MiU. Cumeau Augustine B Tanner, Ac Comeau JotanK .:...MU1. Comeau L. O. )uilth, L Krasur Jahu._._...Carria|cmkr. 4 Hotel. L GiUboiiH Wiu Canlagumkr. k 3>a Mack Allwi Lumber, i&c M 8 Mack HeuiT G. 8. & Saw Mill, U 3 Muck Herbert H..F'oy Goods 4 P. U. h 3)4 Mack J. D. 4Sun U. 8, U U Mack J. Newton a. 8. K %4 Mantbome Joa BawMIlL Reed Wm. A Fnrsltnre. L Bteadmau Enoch G. 8. A Lumber, O 2)4 Walsh MoTTi 9 A Sons . . G. 8. A Lumber. (See E. ATalah A Co., Bear Wver.) MILTON, Quean's Co. BeU George Blacksmith. K 3)4 Bumaby L. H. A Co Lnmber. Cook Joseph U Lumber. Coons J. A J Lumber. H 3 Ford Joseph A 80ns Lnmber, u 2)4 Fordl^eauder Blacksmith. L Freeman E. AT Lnmber. Freeman J. M Lumber. L Freeman J. P Lumber. U B Freeman Jabez ;. o. 8. H 8 Freeman Joseph B Hotel. H 3H Freeman Jnseub N O. H. L Freeman Natlutn B Contractor. K SH Freeman 8. A Co G. 8. A Lumber. _ (See Jonlan Btver.) Freeman 8. L Lumber. L Freeman Samuel o. S. Freeman W. H. A E. H Lumber. O 2)4 Framan Nathan R Contractor. K sS Harlow Abner Lumber. Q 3)s HarlowC LumberA Mills. G .S HariowJ.H Lnmber. H 8 KemptonE. A Co U. 8. Q in4 KeroptunG. AL Furniture. Kempton 8. A P. A Co Tnulers. Miltwn Store u. 8. Minard El.lrb.1 Lumber, Ac. L Morton 8>- 1 \ anus u. 8. Murray James.... G. S. K 3)4 Nlpkeraon James H Shoemkr. K 3)» |«VW'9'P'v Packet L Shields Francis B U. S L Smith Jamee Lumber A Trader. K 3)4 Tupper Freeman A Sous Lumber. F 3)4 Tupper Nathan o.S. H 3 Wall J. Winslow Boots A Shoes. L Wear W.H.. Shoemkr. L Wyman Joseph B PhuilnK Mil). MILTON, Yarmouth Co. (8t* YamunUh.) • MINUDIE, Cumborland Co. Seaman A. A Co U. 8. D 9 Vernon E. (» Saw Mill. Vernon M. P u. 8. I, MIRA RIVER, Cape Breton Co. Burke Wm o. B. L Hill A8iu MuKeaiiUeo o 8 K MUler Oarrclt ...... .0 8 o .S Oxner NJoUolM. Lobster Paoker. u 3)4 PiiUltoover Jeffrey W O 8 Ken!|>t,Wni Btackinaui! K 3K BmtUiThoii Q, fl. ^ NEW QERMANV, L«nanbur( Co. ftuMHobert BtaoksmlUi, K SH S?*!?'^^""' O' »•. Mo'ol, Ac I, Felndlo Caleb o.s. M »M UtoRiUe NaUukulel Carrlama. H .5 MorganKdwaiM .....?lra " Morton Bennett o. a L BobertaonW. 8 PbjrBioUn. L NEW CLA8Q0W, Plotou Co. BentUeJobn. Block A Pomp Ukr. I, BeUAdam C Lrum u Cameron A. O otS l' Cameron Andrew Hotel, II Cameron D.K Canl«K«i(. L Cameron H.J (?8 CameronJohn O 8 K CampbeU Peter 4 Son. . . BUckamtUie. H Canuejr Jamee on, s. CauUey Tbua. & Co Cruokery, «c. (Soo R. MoUregur A rtons.) CarewJohn o m k Carmlubae U. W. A Co Shiiv ,,■, . „ „ . „ owners, dkc B Chambora 8. G. 4 Co M.H D Chlaholni Angiia an, F Cbisbolm Duilel Mntr. Trunks rJaii.H Furnltuns 1, Ac. L 3(« Qur.lon Wm Waichmkr. L Uraliam Jos. O om K HM OrantAlex OrlstMIU. K 8}! OrautMrs. MlUluery A Oro. K ak ar"S»- ?•■ 1^ SewliiK M.iclilnt's. K M«rlplBOUtt«r. 1, .Pliyslolan. L Muirav Tla (>;.;.6V8."Aan liavUl (»■■«■ f .Ju '•"l""" Wm ...".•Bullde?: H »S "«*'«"i» Watches. H 3^ i_.ra8 !Junm"."f" • Undertaker. K H Hiiilih John Butcbur I, " 8nilth Win rt i NEW HAVEN, Violoria Co. MoLeod John Trailer. 3J4 NEW LAIRQ, Piolou Co. Sutherland Hush o. 8. I, NEW MINAS, Kins's Co. BlahnpAlbort o B IP <)U SoanumT.L V.Mirblf; L 8)? NEWPORT, Hants Co. Cochrane James P. A Son o. 8. K a B Woolen Mills. 8 Ueuulsonj. H Physlelau. O 3 Msli Wui BbuilumtUi It ^ UK)kimitix>viR.......::::".r" 11." " «>* Ross Robert. . Tradoi. H sS Spouco Nathnnicl OS U 8 2;;;),''! ','""'T famior; h a Biith J.wunh Tauuer. 11 S UhlmanJoIm Drugs A Millinery. L 8)4 Weeks B.M Phjs'n A Driws. O 3 JohnsiuuH Jss. A Bon... Butchers, Ac! k LawBon Miss BiHiks L. Linton W. t....Oyste«A8h»opaklns; L Marshall Davlu Tujiuw K Mathenon Mm. Catherine oi-o L Matheson luaaoACo Foundry. D McCollJi'inw Shipowner. K Mct'unly lUilmrt S. A Co. . . . O. s., Ac. o „ McUlarmd A Turner PaUiters, L 8>4 HoUonahl,, . «. a r * M cliuuald J uhn F. A Co. . . .'.'.'.".' 6.' b' F MoOrefforACo 0. 8 F MeOroKiT J. A Itoderiok Tanners! F McOreiiiii Roderick A Sons Whol. Mcintosh Mrs. Wra Mllllneiy! H Mc Kai-cher ijuncau l.iiiuui«. NEW ROSS, Lunanburf Co. Boylan Edward Hotel A O. 8. h Keddy Michael y. h. jJ NEW TUSKET, Digby Co. Sabean Henry c o, a. L NICTAUX, Annapolis Co. BaloomW.J.Il ^ o8 Barteauj Ubadlali "'"o' s" Sulmieyc. li Flour, Ac. vidllo James Tuuuor. 3h NOEL, HanU Co. MflKi4l-ntuir I.I11IA Mcnaroherjohu Hotel. McKay Alex Carrlaiisa. 1. McKay John A.. ......... .....7?al! 8 Mol'^euile Jobu Shoemkr. K 3H O Brlon Imiac . .Sowing .Miichlnce. L 3!4 O'llrlfu Oaiuoiiil "..0.8., Ac. F aij StorlUiif lllcliaiil dra! K S)J NORTH EAST HARBOR, Shelburnt Co. Oreenwood Alex, u o. s. A P. O. K S)> UregorThtw ub M s^ Perry KllshaW .■.flider! NORTH EAST MARQARIE, Invsrnaaa Co. cutis Maruarle.) NORTHFIELD, Lunsnburf Co. Feeuier Caapar ., O. H. H 3 NORTH RIVER, Colohsstsr Co. BlalrDanlel os Stewart UolHirt .'.".'.' o. b! ((See i'ruro.) NORTH SYDNEY, Caps Breton Co. Arohlbold A Co Coal, shlm-lta A B".wnp,a8 ."""A'^rB- ? KlIliloilT^PatHikV.^!-."".''!'..*}^!^ Coleuuui Joseph Blacksmith. H Conners James Hotel I, Couutrs Mldiael dm* ijo t Copnew Wm ...VTal-eVii t. Connors Mrs. Thos...........:..„G. 8 V CoiielandAOo Dnim. H Dobsono. H c.m'3^ i; Dunn Kenneth ■•■■—.:■.■ -.'■•ma. L Finbes A Co. an ......Watches, Ac H 3M oannonAnthbi.v:::;::.^.'!^.'!,''^. *• fe m Oaiitton Joseph Oenllo Robert .. OoldlugACo.... Hart lima Henderson Oeo. . Home WlllUm.. (j.8. K iU ...Bblp Brokers. Jj .^........Tanner. H SH Painter, Ore. Ac L rimhii^'jShJi w".:".:".v.:"."..*f.'.%*§- K S** K'V'y James Butcher: H H IJimleJas I,ln. A Oro I*wlor Daniel Talhir' n < •fWJxAlei TaSlier: 11 s McDonald Bros Mufrs. Kninlture. K McKay Alex Com'n A Shipping. McK.en 0c<). K. A Co Hanlwai?. MeKenuaMm o a K MoK*n»le K. R ••••.^■.^u..n. k MOKeusie K. R 0.8,. Ac K MoKensleWm.. flM&Aci; a"* K an MeloneyBanmel. ...... ...v.'. . ."'Smner; L MofflsttChas. P Tanner r. Mofflitt Jas BiiikaSdfh" MooroWm.H.ACo.. ..":"", 8 F 8 MnrrayACo .0 8 K a^i Musgrave Bartholomew Llver.v ^r.?ffiT',5 niRokMulfe {:' ii* NIsbetACo Shlplmllders, F aW g«'°:::::::::;:::is:l",ij^iji Phorai. Martin J. A Co..:...8Sl"nllr, '. Proctor Wm MnfrlHhoeS: '' Routledffe Thomas Bhlii Broker. I, ' H '.W , ^"'■' MoanUHBA Mq. K SmlthJohn UauorH K au TraceyM.A . UqS L ^ vooghf Bros ..;:o.b: U 1 OAKLAND, Lunsnburf Co. flMMalioiuHaii.) OAK POINT, King's Co. (StJCinetport.) OQILVIE'S WHARF, King's Co. (Net JlarbonilU.j OHIO, AnHgonish Co. McDonald John g.8, H 8 OHIO, Lunenburg Co. Russell Andrew Q.8. L OHIO, Varaiouth Co. (Utt Htbron.) OLD BARNS, Colohaslsr Co. (St* t'Hflim.) OLDHAM, Haliftx Co. Pearson W. (i Hotel i, 8hem)rW,K .(I. si u 8 OSBORNE, Shtlburns Co. Harding John lloatbullder. K 3)i OUTSIDE ISLAND, Invsrnsss Co. U.S. H 8)4 OXFORD, Cumberland Co, (Hmmwrl'hmp.) PARADISE, Annapolis Co. Bent Ambrose A Co O. S., Ac O 8 ni»h.,n Wm, Henry CarriaK™. H 3 Coveit Charles Tanner A bIkws. k 8)4 3!( atlU'aiiUi John h.H. K ii J'twtpU M. * Bon U.S. H 3^ MoMllvrBy A a.H H a MuUllviay UiirU O 8 L HW; McKwui A.M.. Sahiler K a2 KoNaninni B»via Hotoh L 3)4 O'Kogwi * Co TiuioS. Aol ^ «liT.1'/T^™ • •Hotol! 11 as, lleetl U. ti O B L 3*6 UbWMImA-C Mtatiinery. L 3? UylkogteaL Wlml. cim Sk Smith Thompwiu Ag'l Iiiipln. I, TreilcoAimm... TIiiwhiu h SW TilokMr llnnry A llolwrt U'gmltliii. K sS ytuknry Joimtlian o. b K Waiiwiu J«uitw 0.8. L Yorka nw.1 o. 8,, Ac VouugB Hinilwr. D 'i PEaOY'S COVE, Htlihx Co. B»k«r F, U UenueUoally BKuled Fiah, . ,„ , (Heo Halifax.) On»k« WMley O. 8. * Kliililug. K 3H OroijksWm Trailer. L aarriaon Ueorce U. M. A FlaUluff. u 'fii PETIT DE ORAT, Rlehmond Co. (flet Artohat.) PETITE RIVIERE, Lunonbury Co. J)rew I,ninuul W o. B. n 3 Drew W. 8.,Jr u. 8, h hi i)iww.8.;ir :::::::«; S: u ^ Jlol.lim Will Slilpumiilor. H SS lilitiiy Join. Bhucs, 1, BpoiTy Jului U 0.8. F ^ PETPItWICK, HalUkM Co. AAdsrsunUeo BatrMUl. a Kt PICTOU, Pioloii Co. AlUrtl Win. A Co Flour Mero, Aiiilontoii Mr«X)aul«l «. 8, K lliilimiii l)m» Fi»li. Kiillllii Alex. C 1). o H jUyllijHJoliii... Carpenter. U lUiuttle JiiliuMoK 8t«tliiiiery. I, llwitlle lliiliert Bloiiiupa. I. Jliiiwii Cliailee 81iiie». It Uiiiwn Juiiieii IlouU A Nhiiea. K Browu.te Nitiifflit i'nluUirH. I, II111W11 i'KUir AHou...uni., Flunr, Ac. i( IJiim 111 iH Will BhoiM. H t amp be r lloliert A Bou TiuuinM. JO <'uiiipliiill Will i'„ai. n t miiill I Bter Auctloueei'. J, JttiHuu Will Thm, Ac. L taiteii Aiiili-uw W Watehon. toiiimllyumj Uquoi-a. I, (lerar iJttVia shipa k CrmarW. U ..hiiIiu), (i Ci-oekfiml Jolm , Ballnikr. L Curry riiiiiim» uro. l DiivlfH W. u, A 8iin» Kiiiinilry. Duwwiii, ilunliiu A Co llanlwure. K linwniin Jaiiien oro. L Dftwmiii John A llaiitwaiti, E Dawmm U. A Bon ...llaniware. /Hen.lithn A lluw ...... v I;ewulH.«CO. '.:.".:.'".. ...'".T..'.U. H. h llewar Mm O. 8. L IMekii Geo. J Ballnikr. K UiMiifliWH WW Ulaitkauiltli. L I>oull ACo BlllppUltf. M Uw/er C. A C«..AuoUooe«n * Cuui'n. V 3>4 3 3<« 3 n.Hi 3H. 2'' 3'(i 3)« a FltohJaniea Patont Uoila. L FoeterB. A i|ro 1. 8M Fiiwer Donftid tailor. K 8^ Finner H Irani CarrlnBeini'r,. Ao. 1, H«4 FniHurJiimes A Mlilp ChuiiillBr. K 3!* Planer .IniiiUH I), II. A Hon I)i iiuii. <» 3 FiMerl'. u l-iimlier. I, Fmner Freilerluk W t'lciiir, Ac. L Fii jertjin r>avM Fiimltint, Ao. U 3 Fullerwn John D... Bewlug MaoltlnBii. L Oai-vlii Mm. Alex.. oro. I, 3)4 UBJdeitD.M... Livery Stablei.. K S« Glovur Tlioniaa A Co 0.8. U 3 llonton J. Wm Blilp cliamUer, Ac. « 3 a rant I nana A iJ. o. u OnuitJ. FlHlier O. 8. H 8 HanaiUiiiUe(>.J. «8«u» Uakeni. O Hi Harper M. ACo AuoUibimibA Uarrlsaeo, P ,""'„"] k 8)4 Ueiiclerwin A. A 8ou... Bootn A BIhhmi. O K^ Hemlnriton Wtlllam B Coufea. F 8 HUlop Auilrow 1> (4 lllnlopj). T Luiuber. L 8)4 lUnloiiJaniea n. o. « aij Ilockiu A Co 1) (1 (1 8* Ives Arthur oro, K 8)4 IVOB Owi. 1) 1). (). ui; IveB John T.p Kalats ot u.O. 3 IveaWiu. ABuna 1). u. A „, ^ , „ Bhip Ohauillera. U ii K rk weort Henry Pliyalolaii. L 3)4 KItolieu Jauiea Bhlpliiilliler. ,,.., , (8oolllver.rolin.) Llttleiemm shlpbulliler. II 3)4 ).ii«»u David .....Mm. K 3 j.oK»ii.Icim.. TaiiiiBr. 1) 'i I.oriulii Win. J Lumber, K Maliiliinil Ja«., Katateof... Ore. A Uii. 3 Mut-HhiillJaii. A 80U VIotnalera. h »H Mill abo Oei> B'anilth A Carilauua. h Muciinly a. PhetoKrapGor. L 3)4 MeDoiiiiiil Angus V.. O. B. h MoDdimlcl ciiHH Tailor, h 8)4 Molioimlil .I.ihn l>. Tailor. K SjJ MBDiinnlilJohn It. ACo Oro. f, Hi MoUenahl John H. A Co. . . tiro, A LIq. U 8 McDonald Juliu A Bou It'aniltlia A MoDenald Mra. MpI..... Union Hiiiiae,' I, MoDoimlil A Uunm'll Blaekamltha. U 2)4 JJ"!"i>"';A"K'i» Bhoea, I, 8)4 McKay MiH. A, H U, B. J, McKean Ailam ArchlUwt, Ac. O 3 UoKoau Adam AHi)Na..HUiue<4iiarry. , (8eo AdamMuKiian.) McKemiBMni uni. I. 8)» McKeiiuoAlex Painter. L MoKeuKetliilln.. Confeo. H 8 MoKBiir.lo KclwaiVI A Co (1. H. it 8 MeKcucle Klloii.. Hotel. I, OH McKeii?,le()eiiiKeI Ph.v»lcl8n, K 8H1 McKeliliUi K. J Drug*. Mc l,«ien (ieorde Cublnetwaiv. 8)4 McAwii William Funilture. O 2*2 Mcl.mui Mia. (Jiaee Millinery. I, 8)0 Mcl.i'un,liiniua Mlalloner. H 3 Mcl,«lliiii K Tinaiulth. K 3)4 Mcl,«nMiui.lauieB P Painter. U 3 McLoiMl Ucoige Tailor. K 3 McMllliiu Oftulel A Oro. I. 3)4 McMllliiu Dr Drnira L alt Mcl'hciBOii Mliw Maggie. :::.;. ..(".H. 1, " Meaiilier A. DohBity Bntulieni. IC R'i Meagher ThiiiiiaB I.lvery. H 3)« MeaKlier Wiillueo Tnider. K 3)4 Mi>lkle.lniiii'a Baker I, MeirlniiiiiJ. U UelluWBnikr. I, MoiTlKiiii.1. W MnrUleciilter. L MurrlNoti M H. N. A Co Ilarmwa. L Nan-ttway H. It Tina irl,(iilHlilplmlldliigCo F 3 i; Maiiilee Bhoii'. H 3 Pi niiiiHe lli«» C'oiu'u A Bauklng. () I PrliiphU.. Talli.i-. L 3)4 Hotel. I, 3)fi tiro. I. .3)4 Confeo. K 3)ti Watehm H 3 TInnmltli. K 3)4 „, , Coiii'n Agent, Ac. 8)s Mho Jiimt;».;._..^ ....^.oro. i, .,.t;:;-.;^;n — ..,.«r,i "I'aiilir. X. Hklniier J. A ori,. l stalker JaiUB* A Bou o. 8. F Mtalkor John A. A t'o (irn „ (Bee Jan. Stalker A Bon.) Hutliorlaud Daniel..... tl, 8. a 8 TaunerlUACu D. o. a 3 ItiHHlcliuileii. .. ftiwe John ItOBrt Jehu KiMM Wni.,Jr ItoHH Will., ar. .. HoHH Wm. H... 3)4 3.'i 3 i<>4 »H T8iincr«lohanl*9on..Boota48hi>«i». O 3)4 Wakwpeo.W Baddler. L ^ Wall Kdmmid Hameaa. I, 8)4 Wlaonchaa CaWnatnikr. h IW Wllwrn Mlaa. Milllunry, L ml Wolfcliiui, K Barber. I. 8)4 YoratonJ. AJ MarlnoBUp. F 9^ PICTOU LANOINQ, PlotoH Co. (8ft IHcUm.) PINE TREE OUT, Plotoii Co. Weir John MUlor, U 8)i PIRATE COVE, Quyiboro' Co. Hartley JonatlMm O. 8. A Ontflti. B 8 PLASTER COVE, InvornOM Co. (a—ilirtlttuttnai,) PLEAtANTVILLE, Lunonburf Co. fA'm VoiurutntU Bank.) PLYMOUTH, Virmoulh Co. (at yarnwUK.) PLVMPTON, DIsby Co. (SttStMary'iBay.) POINT BRULE, Colohoator Co. Caaaldy Jamea W o. B. L 3)4 Koilica John O. 8. H Sfi MocklcrCaptW O.i: ^ MoiroU Broa Founders. L POMQUETTE rORKt, Anliionlah Co. ChlNholm .f olin Blaokamlth, h I' laHer Archibald u. B. K M Mnliiiiiuld Chrlatoplier 0.8. F ai! McDonald Dunoau Flunr. PORTAUPiqUE, Colohatlor Co. Crowe F.I)... 0.8. I. 8)i PORT CALEDONIA, Capo Broton Co. Martflll Arnold Hotsl.Ao. L MoAuIoy Peter fa, 8. K SH PORT QEORQE, AniMpella Co. Elliott -laley Hoy Jaibda Blooonib Jamoa H .....^1.8. K W4 O. 8. F 3H PORT QREVILLC, CiimboriMd Co. Elderkin Mra. Jane «. 8, H Mrahniii W. O.AL. K Bldpiilng. U Hatfield Albert F .0,3! 17 Hatflehl i:iia« Blllpulug. G llatllelil Janiea BhluuluS. V HatdeldJohn W Bhlpplng H BmlUi A HatUeld BUlpptng, Ao. F PORT HABTINGB, Invomon Co. Bhoeo. h ....I»batiin> ...D. U., Ao. U 3 .Uq.AOn;. U ^ Hotel. ....U,B,. Ao. Bhoea, L U. B. Ii Agent. Cum'd. a. 8, A Uq, L nalllle (leorge Hifiwu N.J. A Co , ClilHlioliii John <;iilnbuliii Nell (Illlla Aiidrow Law I eiice Gbo. C Maniii ciiHudler Mi'Diiuiilil llouald J.... McKnen J. O MiiKeeu W, J Mc^Liiaii A <;amuiH)ll u, o, s idu ,McUuaiTlellB«uir... Tailor A Tavern. L Mkliiuor A. B 0.8. L Mutlierlaud A, U Fhiur. ii PORT HAWKEBBURY, Invoraota Co, AnderaonJohn (i. 8. K ■lain Alex Uuttd. H lleaM.n Colin Uqnora. L lihuMitt Heiiiy Phyalelau. 1, lilauehai'il I'rfiDk U U. 8, K (Iniut Align- «i;o Uro.,Ao. H HuglnlhoN Blaokamlth, K l*niy John Balliukr. h Maluolm Win Flah.d.B,, Ao. „ , . , ., (800 Caribou Cove.) Mctntoah Alex .^....11. a. (i jlcji.t.»,r. J«^. i: luiauiiiM, it Molntyre Jutin (,».«, ., , (BeeJnhn Uolutyro A Bro.) McIntyreJullu ABru... Hlaekamlthit. H McKav Wm UhuskawlUl. L Paint Peter, Jr u. 8. K Paint o. B. 9 »* !»* 8)« Si P6b ISrOVA. 800TIA.. EOS !tl Proctor Kdwird A Co O. 8. K 3)4 KMiveaJiibu A Hotel. H 8)4 Smith Stephen (}ro. L SW Btapleton John 1' tel. 3 PORT HOOD, InvarnaM Co. OampheU Duncan Physician. K 3H QllUsAugua Uqiiors. L 3>4 Mack ACu G. 8. (See J. M. Mack, MUl VUiage.) Mlnaojohn o. s. o .1 Moi-lne Asa A Son O. S. H ;i Seeley E. C Shipping, Lumber, Ac. F 3>4 BmltliC. V Hotel. L 3)2 Tanner AUred A Son Fish, Ac. L PORT MOUTON, Qumd's Co. ColeJohn BUcksmlth. L 3)4 Curray U U. S. A Lobsters. Uantliier Gamaliel G. S. L 3)4 Lloyd John Trader. L NovlUe Hluhael FishAO.a H 3)4 Smith Mrs. Daniel Uotel, Ao. I. 3!4 Smith Mrs. John M 0.8. L 3)3 PORT MULQRAVE, Quysboro' Co. CUncey Mrs Hotel. L OdokF. C HuppUes. UtUia Duncan Liquors. L HadleyUeo. B Saw Mill. L Keating Michael A Co 0.8. Leet Jolm BUcksmlth. L May ThoB Liquors. L McDonald P. A PliyslcUu. L 8)4 McLean Murdoch O. S. A Liuuors. L 3)4 McLcud Hoderiok Hotel. L Moore Wm Hotel. L Murray David 0.8. L PurcellJas O.S. AFlsh. U 3)4 Wylde W. H Supplies, Ac. PORT PHILIP, Cumberland Co. Cameron Archibald Saw Mill. MoN utt Hazon Blacksmith. L Mockler Patrick. .0. 8. A Hblpbuildor. F 2)0 Port Philip Fiwstoue Co. (IJmlced) .. PORT WILLIAMS, Annapolis Co. AnthouyJohn Tra«ler. L 3)4 Foster JHK.P O.S. U. 3 Graves Joseph G. 8. K 3!4 SloounibH.ii 0.8. L 3)5 PORT WILLIAMS, KinK's Co. Bishop W.H O. 8. AFlonr. L 9)4 Chase A. A W. U o. 8. O 2)4 Fnllfirtou John, sr Flour. F 2Si Fuliurum John W 0.8. L 3)6 FuUerUm W. Y Physician. L 3)4 NowciimbeW. F G. 8. L Smith Wm Flour. H 3 PRINtiE PORT, Colohettsr Co. DartJobn Shipbuilder. F 3 K .PTJlt i^ant. ai.i..H.,n.,^.. PROSPECT, Halihx Co. Christian John D Fish, Ao. 8)4 CbrlaUau NloholRH P Fish, Ac H 3 Christian W. B O. 8. H 8 ClansoyA Blley Traders. L 3)4 SellgWrn. B Fish, Ac. L 3i4 Welsh Edward Trader. L S!4 PROSPECT, King's Co. Chlpman J. P. A Co Lumber. (See Kentvllle.) PUBNICO, Varmoulh Co. AmuroLonlsV Trailer. K 3)4 Barton W.O Physician. K 3)6 Belllvcau Loon A Co G. H. L Carland John SDtel A Trader. D'Entremout Chas 0.8. L 3)4 D'lSntrouiiiiitGeo. D G. 8. H 3 D'Kntrwnimt Louis A U. 8. L D'EntrenioHt Louis B G. 8.. Ao. K 3!* D'Entremout Matnrtne Shoemkr. K .S!* n'Mnlifmout 8 O. S„ Ac. H 8 Fox Chas PhysicUn. L 3)4 Goilet Mrs. Maiia G.S. L GiHMlwln Jeremiah G.S. R 3)4 Harailton Bei^amiu Blacksmith. L 8)4 HlndHBouJ Trader. H 3iA Hinds llynm G. 8. H 3 Larkln Clias G. 8. L Ijjrkln JohnF Shoes. L 3)4 Larkliin Walter A Co O.S. H 3)* Murphy Jeremiah Oro. H 3 PUGWASH, Cumberland Co. AshJohnA 0.8. O 3 Benjamin James O. 8., Ao. h Bet» 8)4 Wood. Ulckiuon u. Co ....G. 8. H ...G.S. K RIVERSDALE, Colohsilsr Co. Marshall J. B o. 8. I, Primixiso Bros Mills. (Hee Pictou.) ROCKLAND, Piclou Co. Frasor Alex Dyor. I, 3)4 Froser Robert Fulling Mill. L ROCKWELL, Cumbsriand Co. Brownell James W Tanner, Ac. L 8)4 Rook well Charles D Blacksmi th. K 8)4 ROGER HILL, Plolou Co. Young R. AT G. 8. A P.O. H 8 ROSE BAY, Lunsnburg Co. BIsser Samuel 0.8. H 3)4 Healuiyer .Jumeji _ G.S. 1; SJi R088WAY, Digby Co. Ollllland C. E O. S. L Read Joshua Shoemkr. L SH iROU NOV^ SCOTIA. SHU »4 mi 3)1 3 3>» 3)4 ..US 8. L. 3)i 0. K »)i) 1-. (» 3 8. L 3H ID ROUND HILL, Anntpolit Co. - Ueair A Ploklea SawMUl. P 2)4 LeorfnWm Bboe«ATann«r. K Bparr Chaa Flour. H S>4 8parrB.J a. B. H 3^ •T. ANDREW'S SETTLEMENT, Antigoniih Co. Cbiaholm DanoBD «. s. L 8)4 ChUholm John a. b. h Mof;i»rl»ne Angu» o. 8. L 3)6 HoMlllan John (». B. (BeeAutlflonUh.) ST. ANN'S, Victoria Co. BIngliam Wm q. s MoUuualrtJohn o. 8. K 8)4 McLean Wuncan U u.s. I. UcLeod Norman G. 8. McRltuhte AUKua o.S. I. 3)6 Morrleun Angus B o. 8. K 3)4 ST. CROIX, Hanto Co. (St* Ktwport.) ST. MARGARET'S BAY, Halifkx Co. (AUc St. MargareVt Bay Road. ) BouUUer qjmg ( Koart) Saw MUL K 3)4 PaupkiaeuUeo UoteL H 3 Danubinee Thos Flour MUl. Jj Uubley £duiund (Road) KotoL K Sio HubleyJaa Trader. H 3h HaharTUus FlHliiug, dlo. Uaauu Cluu-loa Shuemkr. <& Q. B. L 3)4 MaaoD Martin HoteL H 8)a Maaon MaUuuitel Blackamlth. I. SluUunl Bamuel ( Uood) Trader •& UoteL U 3 Todd, PoUeya •& Co Lumber. 2)4 ST. MARGARET'S BAY ROAD, Halilkx Co. (St4 St MargartVt Bay.) ST. MARY'S, Quytboro' Co. (St* Crou RoaOt or St Mary'i. ) ST. MARY'S BAY, Digby Co. MltP Barton, Brighton, ifcifttU'i Covt, and Mymplon.) Abbott Capt. Jaa O.S. K 8)4 Bond W. M u. 8. L Uunbar Woodruff. iilaukauiitb. H 3 KveitJtt Charles Ifi U.S. JL P.'k Everett Udward BUIpbnllder. IlUtun Ixivokln u. 8. K S)4 Hutcliuoou Iiiaao 0.8. U 8 HuUonuldO. K O. H. L MoUonaldLewU U. 8. A BbipplUK. K 8)4 McNelUUeo. U .U.S. h sS MoNelllJ. 8 Ti-ader. K ViC Mur>)bouae Jones u. 8. K S* Baudei-Huu Bros Fumlture. BmltliJohn Mbi)«;« it Tauuer. K 8)4 Van Blarcom BonJajuJii... Shingles, s ST. PETER'S, Richmond Co. Cameron Duncan D. U., tiro., Ac. H 3)4 Kempt John u. 8. K sW linoiay T. 8. A Co Btogea. (Bee Antlgunlsh.) Hatlieson J. D o. 8. L Mi'ABklU Augus 0.8. H .'))4 McCulHh Aluxaudur u. 8. McCulah AlulLlUiUa D G. 8. K ,3)4 Mecutiplc Noll 0.8. K 3)a MoDouoldJ. A a MuNcll Allan J Bliiiea A uro. 1. MuiTlHun John Hotel, Ac. 3 MunlsouJohu Wliuolwright. K 3)4 MiinlBou JtiHlertok u O. 8. A P. O. O'Toole L.} o. 8. 3)4 ST. PETER'S ISLAND, Rlohmond Co. (St* St. f^ter't.) SABLE RIVER, Shslburna Co. Dexter John 0.8. L Diuilup Wui.,Jr Hotel A 8aw MUl. U 3 Fcuemaii Uios Haw MUl. U 3)4 Uarlow Mrs. John MilUuery. K »^ SACKVILLE, Halifkx Co. (St BtilJorA.) SALMON RIVER, OI(by Co. Raymond 8. P. A Co Btalpplng. F a!4 SALMON RIVER, Hajifluc Co. Balcom Henry. ;...o. 8. K 8,'4 Balcora Bamuel 0.8. I, ,S)4 HarUlugJobn ; 0.8.1, 3)4 Jewers Leonard 0.8. L SM Parker WUliam 0.8. O 2)2 gernr H. C....^ 0.8. L 3)4 Whitman Jaa. H o. 8. L SALT SPRii.QS, Pioiou Co. BeUJohnB , 0.8. L 3)4 MoLeod John A James 0. 8. H 3)4 SAMBRO, Halihx Co. Baker P. H HermetloaUr Sealed Fish. (See Halifax.) SANDY COVE, Digby Co. Eldridge Capt. Harvard 0.8. U 3)4 Frost Peter W O. 8. L LareyJohu Bblps A O. 8. K SM Morehouse Chas., sr Coaster. L Morehouse J. Hantord Trader, Ships, Ac. K 8)4 SANDY POINT, Shelburna Co. (S** Sheltnimt.) SAULNIERVILLE, Digby Co. Crosby A. J 0.8. L 8)4 LonerganJohn u.S. L Lovltt J. A J :8hlp8, Ao. , , (See Yormonth.) MnseJoseph TaUor. L 8)4 SAW MILL CREEK, Annapolis Co. Wells (}eorg« G.8. 8)4 SCOTCH VILLAGE, Hants Co. KshOeorge 0.8. K 8)4 PlehJosegj.. Flour. H 3 Baiter H. H. A Co o. 8. K 3)4 SCOTS BAY, Kinit's Co. EUsAbram Shipbuilder, o ah, Jess David o. 8. L 3)4 Bheffleld A Wlokwlre.. . .Shlpljulldera. „. , , ... (Beo CanulnK.) Steele Jonatban Shipbuilder. H 3 SCOTSBURN, Piotou Co. Carson Wm O.B.AP.O. K S)4 McKay A.T 0.8. L 3)? Sutherland Angus G. 8. H 3)4 SEBA8T0P0L, Lunenburg Co. (St* Briigtwattr.) SHAG HARBOR, Shalburns Co. CrowaU Wan-en o. S. U 3)4 SHEET HARBOR, Haliftx Co. Chlsbolm Wm MUls A Lumbor. ,, _, „ (SeeHalirux.) Currleoeo Tra BlKKM. K \lo(axnhMT Watches, o 3 Irwin El. G o h Jackson R. 8 Blacksmith. K 3)4 Jackson Robert oro. L 3S Johnson J. P Tailor Ij Kelloy Wm. T. A Son 6.8.,Ac. O Si, KlngtJ. C. Shipbuilder. L 8K MackJosepbF o.s l ■' Matthews John A Co. . Boots A Shoes. *^™ Bower A MaUiews.) McOlll Bros o.s. U 8 Mc(Jin Jos Blacksmith. K .<»o McOowau John A.,Jr D. O. A Gro. G 2)4 McOowun John A., sr Shoes. G 2)4 McKen?loMra MiUlner. U 8 McLean \ym... Packet. G 2)4 MbUou Kdward Harness. L Wul'' J- 8 Livery 8tal)le, Mulr Samuel, Jr Shlpbullilw. Mulr Samuel, sr Slilpbiilldcr. G 2)4 Mulr Thomas SlilplM'IMur. Murphy K.J Bliliiowuur. F 2)4 Pumcy J. A., Jr. . . . Pbys'n, Drugs, Ao. O .1 PumeyJohn Flshlug Supplies. F 2)4 Ryer Thomas E & otel. H sS Bheppanl DttVld 0.8. K 3)a Strickland John A M Sallmkrs. L 3yl Taylor E.D mns. L Thompsonlt. H Trader. Q 2H Walters Josoi* FlshUig A O, 8. F isj WUlettL.M.M MhlppUig. . »r „ ,. . . • (See Yarmimth.) Young E. Peter A J. .. .BhlpbuUdlutt A •.r , ™, . Flshlug. Young J. Edward atv. I, 8)4 SHERBROOKE, Guyiborc Co. u ■> ,.. (MtoSoMra.) Bailey Wm o.s. n 8 Cameron Alex Shoemkr. L .S)4 Caiiictixm AuBusASons..HotelA G.8> K 3).i CaiiiDi-on John Tailor. K 3)4 CampboU Jus. Mou Pbys'n A . ., ™ , Drugs. L 3)4 CampbeU Thomas StaUonery, Ao. L 3)4 Crulodiauk W Tailor. L CumudiiKir Bros G. S., Ac. G 8 Deohmnii Adam Tannery. H 8 UattloDaulHl Speculator. G 3 LewU W. K. A Bros Lobsters. „ „ . , , (See Boston, Mass.) McCutcheou James (Sonera).... i). s. H VH, McDaidisl John Hotel. O 3 MclJuulel W. II o.s. K 3)4 McDouald Donald Tailor. H 8 McDonalil Jas. W SaibUer. L 3)4 UcDouoldJohnA. ASon B'sinltlis. H 8 McDouald Katio MUllnery. L McKay J. J U.S. L McKay LaohUn Saddler. L McLoau D o, a. L 3)4 McLean Henry C Bluuhsmlth. McLeunJoscph Blacksmith. K SM McQuaiTloA Flour, AO. U 3^ Murdoch Capt. Wm Flour. U 3 Sears (iiwito Carrlagemkr. L 3)4 Slncluir llobei-t Flour, *»rJ. B Tinner. Oh* Henry C Buddler. L OueJaniea uro..4c. H 3>i ^-?^'ffi"5A-i Boots dt Bhoon. I, Kirknatrlok Andrew.. PuaUuutvr, Ad. u 3 lialiiriiwJoUn Y Tinamlth. L 3!A fMg OeorRB 4 Co Brloltyiinl. Lynch EMwMtt Triuler. K m Lyniili John o. H. V 3 Maloan C. W Tinsmith. Sii Mcculloch Capt. Oeo Hotel, Ac (i 3)2 MoHeffevr l» .. Shoemlir. 1. sg McKen»[eTI»ofc4 8on.. BlaakanUtha. H 3 UoLiioshlaD ik Co Ume, Ac. McLean Bom Painter. L SH Miller jMuee Brtokyanl. H 3)4 NBliwii Mlw L. A MUllnety. L sS Ke.t«" W.K CanlagBs. K 3>4 KtaherMattheir Biwm*. H a Parish M. IS Blacksmith. L 3^4 UklnnerWm Flour, *o. O '^ SONORA, Guysbarv Co. (Stt Sherbrookt.) SOUTHAMPTON, Cumbariand Co. (Si ifaccan.) SOUTH BROOKFIELD CORNER, qmaa't Co. (Su BrooKfltlA.) SOUTHEAST MABOU, InoeniM* Co. (Stt Mabou.) SOUTH POINT MABOU, InvemM* Co. (Set Southeatt Afabou.) SOUTH RAWDpN, Haute Co. Creed Geo o.s. L SH SOUTH RIVER, Anticeniih Co. (Set SoutA River Lake.) SOUTH RIVER LAKE, Aniigonlih Co. (Alto SotitS Jiivir and Upper South River.) Kouiicdy Hugh Blacksmith. K 3)4 .McKiumm Uuuuiui Miller H SsJ McMillBU Donald mIUb. 11 sS MivNellUugh Flour, «c. H aS SOUTH SYDNEY, Capo Br«ton Co. (See Sydnej.) SOUTHWEST MARQARIf.. (Stt Margarie.) SPENCER'S ISLAND, Cumborland Co. (Set Advoeatt Harbor.) SPRING HILL, Cumberland Co. Boss Nathan A Son o. H. * P, o. Cove J. W Drugs A I'micy Uoods. K Kldursdo Union Bloro o. 6 Kttuliis Amliutv I.lquoni. L iraser AU. Ac H 3)« p. 8. K S>4 fe'c^S^.i" Tob«,c.^ AC H 3! Blttir ACutten '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.v. UlHiiutaanl A Co. '. . u. o jiinuuiiaru tR uo. ... n ** Bnuo Hector BbS^t H <'ii!«iiuini 1". J. A Co... .:;:;;."::f|ol8; S Nelson SMrael 8. A tow a. 8. a Nolan J. U Tina. I ?X/^Sw:a. Aco.-.v.-.v.^^SSrr: "" *^ B«» w. w .'!'.~'^'»'"^SS£! iffiSltc^:;;;;:;;;:: nb'T^l «.?^?'S.':::;:::;Mi^/;i-iS»« | arD^'.rr; ■■^l-^l 3^ TruiT) Farnlture Manritocturtni Co' W. E. MoKobort, Manai^r. P 3 SJi OrookeUWm Mill r. mssn.^^ ^M^ll Fulton Geo o « S g«?«ft;.JD :::::::::::::q:s:S tAys wm Miiia v Mamhall George. :...... •; Vs ? MoOonalil John C. . . BhMmkr i Smith Bobort B Phyalolan. L »4 3H 8)4 Tamper H......:."::~"°'" htSsS: l Union M«nnf8cturtnKCci.":.;."w4SeM: (See Cook, LltUe A Bklnner.) ( 'lilnhDlui Itobert. . . .'.'.". .'.'.' Viro '* Ijn' C'hilHtio John D 8ai?Ml3" Cock C. N Gro A PIntiinU T ^ Cock, Uttle A 8klniier~: .* wSffS P m Craws. H Blactoimtb;4S: K ^ Ce«lraanAGunn..Anctlo5AcSi?£^ 3)4 CiiPdscup James H ij S ir aJ* Cn.wB Ueur(t« F G 8 IT si Cmw« s's" *■ • ""»'' * J""™!' Mkr! " " i-ioweM. a BuiifiAr fi ™"l!l"'v»>'' ^P"™ * Sons:.;, .as: k BlckluJolluB 8hiniVln? R Dlokw.u Lucius.. "Ha„P£'^- * DowuIkC. P "bonV«n *.V r KaioH A Black...::: ; ^o""*"- *«• j- EfU'I^erWm.ASons.LiiiibirAO.s: O K^^8::::::::: ^"^"J"? Fox Bobert L MiThiT i S"o;jS"o^7«e«:::::::"--"-'-«"n^^^ 'Hyde Ulram Ci«i'A'»«>nt' t Jamlesou John... :' in^ij" ^ Joliumrti AU.I1W .: ... " iffiidc?' Johnston J. W (1 H IT KSS^HTiVn yV.-.MliUner: If Kiiler w. H BootaA8havs Ac fawrcucf H. T . Si,lierv' L lJ»ytr Mrs MillltiArv i Yum W,0.... AnctloriiirA wkSSS: L TURN'S BAY, Halii tt Hanung Smith. . . :.. ;::;:: a'^ « (See Parker, Eakiiis A Co.i HatfleldForman ?'"t?24ot H 3 Hatlteld Mrs. Isaac 8 o a r 2u. HlDl Leal VALE COLLIERY, Piotaa Co. igley W. F... By ACo O.a K 8U O. 8. See Stellarton.) sa ^ 3)a prbVThomM.::v.:::pi,yi;iADSJS; g »2 LoBlanoManda .^....rTtSte? H i^ Murphy John .V Hhl^ng: * p.,,.- T II * ^ <^*» Yarmouth.) HSffiS,{'/f;**^ •■••"•8*'»'>liiplHg' O Bobbins Asa Qon'l Tra. F G. 8. L 3?* Bai^li\y llobert 0.8. H 3 Marrinon W. F Htaicea. 1. I.ivtiigaton» J. K Hotel, Flour, Ac. Rcia Johu O. 8. I. Si* butliurlaiid Alex U.S. L HH WENTWORTH GRANT, Plotou Co. nolmea Duncaii o. H. L WEST AKICHAT, Richmond Co. (See Ariclutt. I WEST BAY (HEAD), Richmond Co. Matheaiin John u. 8. L ,<<4 MoDonaUlJoa U. 8. & P. M. L 3H MclunesH.AJ Corrlagemkra. Ij S)i Meliitrre Alex (i. 8. L McPbeeAUKUa MlUlnx. II 3?^ WE^T BRANCH RIVER JOHN, Pioiou Co. (SeeJitver^lm.J WESTCHESTER MOUNTAIN, Cumborland Co. PorrtyKdwlnQ Trader. Ac. F as WEST DUBLIN, Lunenburg Co. (See A'eu Dublin.) WE8TP0RT, Digby Co. (AUo Tlvertvn and LittU niwr.) Banoron Joseph E Shlpiiiug. O 2M Bowers K.C U.S. I. 3!4 GlavluU. H O.a. L 8)4 Hairy Uenianl 0.8. 1, 3Mi OuthouKe Wesley Tiader. 3)a t'eteiv Isaac o.a. H 3 PeWiM TiKimns C Trader. 1, 3^ KiiKKles Aiiulo HUlinery. I4 MugslesK.W ii John Edward Flour, Ac. F 2}^ Jones C. P. A Sous G. 8. H 8 Jones Forbes Hotel. K 3)4 Jones St. Clair O. B. A Shipping. E 2 JoumeyOeo Mifl. L 3)4 Journey John Woolen Mill. L Le Blauo Jovlte B Shingle A Com MiUs. L Lent, Newoombe A Co. . Shipping. Ac LeutWm Blocksmltb. Lonergan John O. 8. (See BaulniervUle.) IjOTett Jaa: O. s. A Liq. K LovettMary O. 8., *o. (See Jamea Lovett.) Mlldon Susan U S. (See Tbos. Mlldon.) Mlldon Thomas O. 8. Moore Wm Blacksmith. H 3 Morse Chne.H Pliyslclan. K 3)4 NicUuls Ezektel M Harness. L Nichols Jamea Carriagemkr. U 3)4 OakesB. L .V^B. G. O 3 Cakes H.E O. H. O 8 Rico Mm. Grace FlonrAO. B. a 3)4 Buggies Dr. Henry O .....Drngs. H 3 Taylor Geo QTS. K 3)» WHITEHEAD, Ouysbore' Co. MunroeW.H Fish. K 8)4 WHYCOCOMAH, Invsmoss Co. Austin Thomas Saddler. L Cauiphell Colin G. 8. L Carmlchael Duncan ,0.8. L HartJacobS.&Co O. 8. K 3 Matheson Norman Blaoksmitb. L Mo Donald Mrs. Peter G. 8. 8)4 McDougall Wm ....O. S. L MoDougall Lachlan O. 8. A P. M. H 3)4 McFarlane A Campbell O. 8. L McKinnun Murdook G. 8. L Mcljcan Donald Blacksmith. Ii McLeiui Peter BUioksmitb. I< 8)4 MoMUIan Edwanl O. 8. L McPhail James G. H. I, MoPliail John n. 8. L Watters I. Carriagemkr. L WILLIAMSTCWN, Annapolis Co. Bishop Ingram Carriages. K .t^ Morse Asa G. 8. H 3 WILMOT, Annapolis Co. Crocker James Lumber, Ac. L 3)4 Cumminger K G. S. G 3)« Darragh Mia. J U. O. A MilUnery. L 3)5 Kgan I. 8 Agenu K .s*a Gates Bros Organs, Ac. G 3 uatesCaleb Drugs, Ac. O 2)4 Gates Enoch O. S. H 3)5 HawkinsO BlaokamitiL L MolrOeo. P Pianos. 11 3)4 Munro Albert L Hotel, "i 3)4 Pomnroy W. H O. S. ]. Shaflfuer C. W. A Co O. 8. II ShalinerH. C Flonr. O Spiuiiey Benalah A Son O. 8. A Lumber. O 3 Van Buskirk William.. Booto A Shoes. H 3 WhiteChas. W Tins. L 3)4 WINDSOR, Hants Co. Allen John O. S. L 8)4 Allen Wm Carver A Glider. L Archibald Kll Saddler. L Avon Grange Avon Mill Co Lumber. B 1 Bei-funl Ben] : Tailor. K 3)4 BiirgessA Wood Oro. O a)a Can! Capt Elisluk G. 8. L Coakley T. J Tailor. L Cox John, Jr Hotel. L 3)4 Oro. L 3>» CuiTy ijcvi B'smltb A Plaster. Cuny A Sbaiid .........Oro., Ac. G 2)4 biiifvm.'.'... ...'.■.'... Wheelwright; Ai L ^^ Dimock Henry C Bouts A shoes. K 3)4 DimookShubal Shipbuilder. B 3 PlmoiikWm Hardware. E 3 DodgeF.T Carver A nUder. Ii 8)4 DoranJohn Hotel A Oro. F 3)4 Dore Robert Baker. Tj Edwards John SaUmkr. L 3)4 Fielding W. H. A Co D. O. (See Neal, White A Co.. Halifax.) FraserReixl Pli . s'n A Drugs. D 3 OibsoDThomas 0. 8. A Hotel. G 3 GossipC. J Phys'n A Drngs. I. 8)4 Graham James E Gru. O 3)4 HaiiUugT. 8 D. O..AC. K 3)4 Han-is ElUabP D. O., Ac L Hei'liin John Jeweler. L Jackson Kbeueser. Tinware, Ac II 8 Keith John Shipping A Liq. R 3 Knuw)esC.W BooksAStafv. H 8 LynchJohn Gro. H H McHelTey W. K. A Co P.O. H 3 McNeil Joseph.. ». O. S. K 8 O'Sliaughnesy James Hotel. O 8 Palmer Wm MilL K 3 Pattison Oeorge Tinware. K 8)4 Panlln H Hardware. 8 Payzaut Oodfrey P Shipowner, Ac B 1 Riokanls Joseph Gro. F 3)4 Robluaon Miss A. £. Millinery. L 3)4 Scott Johu U Bhippiiig. F 3)4 ShaudA. P. ACo G. 3. D 3 Slutw C.P G.S. I. Shaw J, A Drugs. E 3 Smith Bennett Shipping, Ac B+l SmlthJesseP Ore L 8)4 SmithJnhnW Leather, Ac K 3)5 Sterling R.M Watches, Ac L Thompson Miss E Milliner. L 3)4 Thompson Jamea Carriages. L Von Mslder J Pamter. L Ward Frank...., Baker. L Webb John W Drugs. O 3)4 WllooxBros Hardware. H 3 Wilson C. AG O. 8. F 3)4 Wilson H. O Trunks, Ac I. Windsor Foundry Co K 3 Winihior Furniture Co n 3 Wood Andrew Saddler. K 8 Wood Jas Marblecuttor. L WINE HARBOR, Guysboro' Co. Irwin Geo O.S. K 8)4 Lncas Tbomas G. S., Ac K 3)4 WOLFVILLE, King's Co. Boras A. Do W Bonk Agent, Ac H 8 Barss A. K o. 8. K 8 Bigelow James W Speculator. E 3 Bhihop Edward L Hotel. L Bordeu Samuel O.S. H 3 Brown F. AH Hardware F. 3)4 Caldwell A Murray D. O. (See Burns A Murray, Halifax.) EvanaOwen Flonr, Ac H S FarrellH. D Hotel. L FranklynJ. L Blacksmith. K 8)4 Hamll ton Miss Seraph Millinery. L 8)4 Higglns W. G. A Son Cuufec. A Syrups. L Knowles B. S Books A Stat^y. McDonald James S O.S. H S MorseJames^ i O.S. H 8 Muuro Daniel A Carilages. K 8)4 PatrtquluJ.O SadiUer, L 3)4 Puyzaut E. N Dentist. L PiueoJohnO Trader. F 3)4 Rand Geo. V. . . Drugs A Fancy Uooits. L RuuusofcU Wm Carpeuter. L UouusfoU D.Henry D. G. L Shaw D. B shoemkr. L 3)4 Sleeps. R Tlnsmltb A Stoves. U 3 Smith Charles Tauner. Ii 3 Wallace George H oro. H 3 WaUacoWm Tailor. L 3)4 WestouJoseph Tailor. H 8)4 Wilson James Harness. L 3)« Witter Burpee D. o. (See T. H. B. Witter.) Witter H.B G.S. K WitterT. H. B D. O. L 3)4 WOODVILLE, King's Co. Kinsman BeiO G.S. O 3)4 WYE'S CORNER, Halihx Co. MoMnlllu Johu ,0.8. I, YARMOUTH, Yarmouth Co. (AUo Milton.) AllenE. ACo. (Milton) Oro. K S!4 AllenG. F. ACu Mufrs. Brooms. H 3 AllenJ.G.ACo GristMllls. F 3)4 A::"!t T'r'niia:;, jr Cti-u. L Bully A Conn D. G. H 3 Baker Mrs. J ames MilUuuiy. L S)i Baker LurauE Shipping. B 1 Beuler John A Co Millers. TAR 3SrOVj3L SCOTIiL. TAB sa S1;W J«oob BMnplng. Ao. O BletliiuiN. W aiilDawner. D Brown Charle« K ompuwirer. g Brown Kobort BaUour Hot*! n«nto K. Z Crootory Ac. Cro«b.r * Rverson Books, *o. a Crowell K. C Hot«l L Crowell Henry W Boots & Slmes. I, CroweU 8. A. A Uo Harrtware. O Carrier Wm. dk Son Mnfra. Blocks. H Due Thomas B. dk Co Tatloi's. E Davidson Oscar MaU Contractor. F Davis Boo;! BpeouUtor. F DenulsA I)oane....j» Hliipplnir. O Doane BenJ Carver 4 Ofirter. L Dodda* joUy D. a E Dryixtale A. W Drans. L Kalon Arthur W oro Kjdrlilge J. Harvey Badrtler. K KUenwiHHt Berjitmln oro L IM'&^-^v.- Physician. K Forish Jos. a Drugs & Shlpplnij. F FUnlB. A. * Co Statlonera. L HKl°»fg- « Boatbullder. H Oediles Thoitaa O Surgeon. K godfrey Bros Toro. O QontVy Aaron & Co. . Fishing OutflU * OouayI.H.*Co ."'"T/.'S- Oounyz.. Sallmkr. AShlpbollder. F SHI!!"' W'" .V Blacksmith. L Oridley Wm. H Blacksmith. F Quest _Bros Halt. Guest Thos Jeweler Q S*iS*}'J 3fr»S- ^ C""' Dealer. Sf.*.^*'!^-',; Fresh Fish. L Hilton dk Crosby Qro, L 48 Canada. i'4 504 I** J'* 3!4 Romer A. W Confeo., Drugs. *c. Hood A. 8 Photographer. L Hoo.1 8. C.. Jowoler. L Borton Charles E «ro. Horton Dennis Shipping. Horbm James D.. Pump A DlockMkr Q 2^6 Horton Jonathan Hhipplng. RoeaUs Joshua Furniture, *o. O 3 Hatohlnson Mr*. Alice. Confeo. L i?'!f'''%,f^ Burton Undertakers, o 8 Kelley Chos. B oro. Ktfjey L. J. dk Co HootM dk Shoes. L KeUyB.K PhyslcUn. K 8)* K'UMn Broa. .Shipping A W. I. Otoods. O iS KlUamJohn Bookseller. K 3? KlUam 8.,Jr.. Com'n. B a KllhMn aamoeli Shipowner. B+1 KlUamWukA ....Fishing. Kinney, Haley A Co. .Hashes A BUnda. E 3 KlnueyJ. B Shipbroker it: „. ^ „ „ Uou'l Agent. K 3 Kinney dk Hoaray .uro. O 3 Kinney 8. A. dk Co PaperBags. L 3H Lavere G. E Gents' Fum'x aooda. I*voriiThoa.B Trader. I, LawB.B.4 Lewis A Co Shlpuing. Lewis * Hattteld .^orS. H 3?4 Lewis Nathan. Tanner. Ac. K 3« Lewis Nathan B Shipping, Ac. E 2 Lewis Sheldon A Co Oro. O 8 Lincoln A WlUlams llnplato- , ... . . workers. O M Lovttt Andrew ships. B 1 LovlttGeo. H.. Ship Builder A Owner. O IH LovlttJ. B. Shipowner. F 2)2 LovlttJ. AJ Shipping. B 1 JfvlttW.p ....8hlp,rinel. B 1 Jf "Sfli S;.'' Boots A Shoes. L Mcom Oliver Marbleiiiitter. L MoIJMighlln Bros D.O.,Ao. D IM MoMunn G. F Gasatter. I. Mlldon F. B. S. A Co WhoL Oro. MUdon W. 8 Gro MnodyCbaa Fancy Goods. L SM Moody J. W Ins. A Sliluplng. D a Moody Wm. H. A Co ..Yj.i. E a Morrison \Vm Baker. L Morton A Allen Plumbers, Ac. L 3H Moses J. Howard Gro. L .SW Moses A Sterrltt o.S. H 85a MossMyer Watchmkr. L MoultonE.D Pictures A Picture Ftame*. L 8H Moulton JohnC Furniture Murphy John Shipping. B 3 Murmy, Ryorson A Co ArflUclal « .. .... Stone. L Northnp Stephen C Tailor O'BrlenJohn Hot«l L Parker, Eakins A Co MTioI. Oro.', Auction A Com'n. Parr H A '"** ^- ^' ^W""*-' Fattens. Aci:'.::::;;:;::::::""8iiSS' ** PendrlgtaA Crawford Brass „_. . __ . Founders. H 8 |<»rt«*Trefry Tronks. L Potter A. W.. Blacksmith. H »4 PowersChos. L Orol K »* Randall W. AC PhyiictoS^ L ** Hay Bros A Co Corrlagemkrs. L !IU Richards O. C. A Co......ZJ!^1^Dnm K *l RltcWeJohnE Tinsmith. L xi Bobbins Tanner Bobbins A. O Shipplnir. B 1 Robbins Ben]. O... Gro. A Speculator. RoMqtu.J AP0HA9UI, Kinr'a Co. CampbeUJas. A Blaoknnltb. L SH Cathoart — Carriage*. L 3>4 Fanwlek Hattbew .a.H. F -M KelrsteadJ Carrlaatea. L KelrateadJ.A Trader. U 3 Eetratead T. W Trader. L irumj Jobn O. 8. K 3M Patterson J. A Mowing Maoblnes, Ae. L BInnntt J. A. ife Co a. 8. 3U Smltb B MUl. L WlUlams Robert Carriaces. K 3 ARMSTRONG'* BROOK, Roatigeuoh* Co. Barolar Wm Hotel. K SH Barola3rWm.M O.8. L Bent John C Mill, Ao. H 3 Cameron John Trader. L Be* Brlaay Solomon a. 8. L SH Doyle Jas.P 0. 8. AMill. L ARTHURETTE, Viotona Co. Camber Georve A Blacksmith. L Hutchinson Ezeklel Lumber. L UoDougall Alex Lumber. L AVONDALE, CarUton Co. Titus B.H O. 8. L 3X BAKER'S BROOK, Victoria Co. CUrePeter ! .Trader ifc HoteL L aagnon Prudent G. 8. L Ulcbaud P G. 8. L BALTIMORE, Albari Co. Irving Geo Trader. L BARACHOIS, Westmoreland Co. BabineanP G. 8. L BARING, Charlotte Co. Murphy Martin Oro. A Llq. K 3 Murphy WUliam G. 8. L BARKER HOUSE STATION. Carlaton Co. TaployJobnW Saw MUl. L BARNABV RIVER, NorUiumbarland Co. Dalton Thoma* Hotel. K 8 BARNESVILLE, Klai*! Co. Bell Samuel Q. 8. H 3 Curry James A Tanner. K 3 Curry Bnmnel J CarrUgemkr. L 3M Cusick Hlohael. MUL L Dontielly John Blacksmith. L Simpson Robert 0. 8. K 8 Steele Wm Blacksmith. K 3 TaysJ Blacksmith. L 3H BASS RIVER, Kent Co. (Set WtVoril.) BATH, Carieton Co. (St* alto Fiel.) Cummins Simon O. 8. L BATHURST, Olouoesisr Co. fSt aUo at. Ptitfi Vttlagt.) Armstrong John Harness. L Armstrong liobort lyibstera. O 3 Armstrong Thos .Flsh.Aa K 854 Baldwin * MoUoy. ...Fish A Oom'n. L Barclay Hugh Hanieismkr. L SH Bishop Henry o. 8. L BishopSamuel o. 8. H 3 Boss A Southwood. . .Stoves, Tins, Ac. L Bums, Adains A Co a. 8. A Mill. F 3M Buttlmer James o. 8. H 3 Carter John T Hotel. K SH Dawson Mrs Tanner. H 8 Donnelly John Saloon. L DoncettS. R Saloon. L Duncan O.M Phya'n A Drugs. H 8 ElUsJohn G. S. L Ellis Robert O. 8. 1, Haohey Htlarlon o. 8. K 3 Hachey Joseph M o. 8. L HodnottE Harness. L 354 Kearney Thomas O. S. L 354 Kerr John Tanner. H 8 Leahy Thomas, Jr U.S.AUq. L 3)4 McCulloughH O. 8. (See St. John.) McElhatton Peter CarrUges. K 8 McLean Angus O. 8. K 3)4 Mc.VannsF. T Flour. K 3)4 Heahan Francis Hotel. L Meahan Hugh o. 8. L Meahan James o. 8. K 3 Meahan John o. 8. (See Hugh Meahan.. MlRer AGatln Fish. L Miller John Fish Dealer. L Miller Miss Milliner. L 3)4 MullinsMrs. P o. 8. K 3 SinchklrJohn Baker. L 3)4 Smith Geo. A Co o. 8. (Sea HaUfax. N. 8.) Smith Geo. M G, a. L SialthJames O. 8. K 3 Smith Orlo Lumberer. L Sutherland A Fish. L Thompson James M o. s. L Tobln John Oru. L WaittMIss P. O. AStat'y. H 3 White Henry Gro. A Llq. L 354 White Jacob Llq. A Flonr. H 3 .Wilbur J Harvev HotoL K 354 BAY DU VIN, Norihumbsriand Co. Graham Jaa Lumber. L Wllllston J. A F Fish, Ac. K 3)4 BAY VERTE, Westmoroland Co. Black Charles A Pliyslclan. K 354 Casey D. A Sons Tanners. H 3 Chapman Harris Carriages. L CraneF u.e. K 354 EUlottAWood O.8. L Faulkner W. H Q. 8. L Fields Anthony Blacksmith, L 854 GoodfiuE. C Tnuler. L Gnmlnn Frank. , , , , f>; 8. L ilaiuiiton James ....U.8. U 3 HoLeodWm. M BUcksmlth. X^ 354 Prescott A Harper G. 8. L 3)4 ReadJohnASon Mills. L WlUett Geo.B G. 8. L BEAR'S ISLAND, York Co. MurohJ. H O, 8. L BEAU BAR ISLAND, Northambariand C*. CampellA.ACo Saw MUl. L BEAVER HARBOR, Charlott* Co. Ash Wm G.S. L 3)4 Best Leonard Trader. L Hanson J. L Tnuler. L BECKAGUIMEC, Carlaton Co. (Stt Jfartland.) • BELLEDOUNE, Qleuoastor Co. OhalmeraJohn HoteL B 3 Chalmers John, Jr G. 8. L SH Clancey 8 Tavern. L DohertyS. J. AM. W....U. 8. A MUl. L BELLISLE, King's Co. Brlntnell John shoemkr. L Brlttoln John TaUor. L Case George F Orrlage*. L Charlton Wm .Mia H 8 Crawfonl Abram O.8.X1 854 ipalrweatlier Abram Blacksmith.' 8 Farmer Wm Llq. A Gro. L Gauong Francis D U.S. K 8 Kelrstead Bdmnud MUL H 8 KelrsteadJ, A. 8 Q. 8. U 3 Kelrstead Jas G. 8. u 8 McAfee Wm u. 8. L Sherwood Wm MUL O 3 VailEilwanlt Carriages. L VailMoses Fumltuie, Ao. L 354 BELLISLE CREEK, Kind's Co. McLeodC.F Gro.ALlq. H 8 Ri^rmond Samuel B Uro. A Llq. U 3 BELLISLE POINT, Kinf's Co. Davis W.C MIU. n 8 OiUlesE. M MUL K 3 Jones James G.S. L BELLIVEAU VILLAGE, Wastmoraland Co. (Sit Donktiter.) BENJAMIN'S RIVER, Rastigoueh* Co. Morton Alexander MiUs. G 8 BENTON, York Co. Parsons Gibson A Saunders.. Tanners. F 254' BaddUre R. C : G. B. L Teed A Tanner. K 3 BERWICK, King's Co. (Stt Millttrtam.) BLACK BROOK, Northumboriand Co. (8u alto Chatham.) Loggle A. A R O. 8. L Molntosh Donald G.S. L ,3)4 McMnrray James Liquors. L Sinclair John o. 8. L BLACKLAND, RMtigouch* CO. Hamilton D 0.8. L BLACKPOINT, Rsstigouoh* Co. Connaobor Henry O. 8. H .3 Dickie AJexaudnr Tavern. L BLACK RIVER, Kant Co. Flaunagan Patrick Tavern. K 3 BLACK RIVER, NerthumlMriand Co. FowUoO Mill*. L BJiA 1^7EW BRITlsrS^WIOK. GAB 3H 3 1** sa an BLACK RIVER, •!. John Co. MoLeod J. « R Shipbuilden. U 3;^ RLACKVILLC, NoHhumbariMd Co. Kehbsters. , . (See Dominion Paoklng Co.) Myers Chas. A o. N. L Potts Rol)ert Saw MIU. L PnlUotE.A. W Phys'n 4 Druita. L Renaud A oTs. L HoMjohnU o.H. H 9 Smith AlbertM OS. * Mill. U 3>4 gralt^ Mrs. KUen IJqttors, 4c. I, Smith H.B MIUownerA Mtore. L Walker John Btaoksmlth. L Wllber Wm. 4 Bro Tanners, 4o. K 8)i BURNT CHURCH, Nortbumbwluid Co. Anderson J. W. * J. A O. 8. H 8 I.ogKle Alex. 4 David a. 8. L 3)4 Morrison Donald o. 8. (See Kewcastle.) BUTTERNUT RIOOE, Kiit(>s Co. S'^JLf,"?"^ Shoes. L KellhO.I o.S. L »!4 Keith William Saw 4 Grist Mills. US Lnii-'ley C. L Oarrlaaes. L JJ^Jr-'^'i^ !V Blaoksnflth. L Miilllu lilrtin o 8. L PriceJohn C Hotel. H 3 UeKttnJolmll Wasons, 4o. K 8)4 Taft 4 Laugley TiTradeis. L CAMBRIOOE, Quaoa's Co. FeiTlsJolm Lumber. E 3 Humphreys >Uram o.S. L McAlaryJ. W o. s. K ,S)4 WWteW. II Q.a, H 3 CAMPBELL SETTLEMENT, Kind's Co. CampbeUB o. s. K 8 CAMPBELLTOWN, Rsstifouoh* Co. 8)4 3)4 8)4 3^ Andrews John Saw 4 Grist Mills. L „™ Asker u. E llnsmlth. K 8)4 Ba^n Daniel shoes. L Balcom Dr. O. A Drum, 4o. L Botuford George oro. L Christopher Robert o. 8. H 8 Couuorse Bhioksmlth. L Cross Fred. E , Carrtaaes. L Dalley William TeSor. L Dawson Richard Hotel. L 8! Decker Mrs oro. L 8' OohertyW. W SawMIIL L FarrerJohn OakBayMlUs. L Ferguson WUllam (j. 8. L Frailer David J SadiJer. L i'lll'sJ-,;;-; Sture4I'l8h. L Olover Walter o. a. L Olover Wm 0.8. L Graham Hugh 'I'rader. L Ueuderaonjohn .a. 8. K 8)4 JaiilinoJohn Hotel, 40. L Ken-Tliomaa 0.8. U 8 Ij«-,aaii8e Joseph 8 Baker. L McK(>iulrlck Allan G. 8. 4 P.O. K 8)4 McKenzlo ArclilUald,Jr O.S. L McKouzlu JiuuusB 0.8. H 8 Mcljtywi Ptitor 0.8. L MeMlliauJohn Blacksmith. L McNoll Kdward Saddler. L MoNvil Jolm D. O. L Meiizli'8 James 0.8. K 3 Modutt John Trader. It 3)4 Mowntt John Fish. H 3 Mowatl Jolin P Froten 4 „ „,. , Canned Ftoh. K 3)4 Murray Charles. . . Auctioneer 4 O. 8. L O'Connor Francis Sa(o Daulel Tavern. K O'KrafeHngh Tavern. L Paiker* Andrews o. 8. L Patterwrn Malcolm B'sraltb 4 G. 8. F Pelkie Jumcs A o. 8. L goweibyj. D MIU. L SmoulJaraes Royal Hotel. L 8)4 Veoiior Alfred G. 8. 1, Von nor Dr l VvoGeo KesUiurant K 3 JK^'J SV.V.'!''' BooU 4 Shoes. L West William Innkeeper. K 3 CAMPO BELLO, Charlotta Co. BatsonGeo. B. 4 Co , 0.8. H 3 Byron Luko... o.S. H 3 Johnson O.M Uq. 4 0ro. K 8)4 Sbarhind John 7... .0.8. 11 8)2 CANNING, Qusen's Co. 3)4 3! 3) CANTERBURY, York Co. Dow David Mille. L 8)4 Gelding James W. . . . Tanner 4 Shoes. I, OrosTeuorc, B q. b. I, MarstraA.41 0. 8. K SM Moore Fred Lnmber. 13 W}lUlr« Matthew Blacksmith. L WlUlamaon John BootsABhoaa. L CANTERBURY STATION, Yarh C*. Dennett Alexander Trader. L Cunningham Jas 0. 8. L DenewE.. O. 8. 4 Llq. I, «< Dickenson John Tanner. L flS EdwanisTheophUus...Boots4BlMos. L si Falconer Thomas 0.8 GtantD.W. Trader. L tH UaU Samuel shoea. L LawsonLuke. 0.8.4Hotel.H 3 LoudonJohnC Shoes. L 3)4 Price William 4 Sons Blacksmith. K fSi PurvcH W. C o. 8 8 llolitnsou 4 Main G.8. F JM Wrights. F Trader! L ^ CAPE BALD, W««bnor«land Co. BnfkoA. HoteL L M FrlelJohu Trader. JL Gaudet Edward o.S. L Larklns Mrs. 0.8. L LoBlanoOeo.p Loboten. L CARAQUETTE, QleuoMtor Co. Alexander, Rive 4 Co Fish, a %4 Blaokall Richard HoS L ^ Burke Amos Trader. JC DafuurO o. 8. L ^uoetB Trader. I, Poulln Samuel Trader. L Robin Chas. 4 Co Flah^ AAAl nyanPatrickO Tannw^ nV Bewail Barnard Trader. L Young A. R. 4 O O. 8. 4 Fish. L Young R... FlsbOU,Lumber4Stora. F St CARLETON, KonI Co. Thtbodean Peter 0.8. L CARLETON, SI. Joba Co. Adams James 4 Co D. Q. . , „ „ (See St John.) Ailam»R.C. SawMUL L AiUunsT. U MlUman. 1 Allan Bros Foundiymeu. AM „, „ (See St. John.) Allen W.C D. O. L A ndrewa Andrew F Brushmkr. L Appleby B.H .„ oSi H Armstning George E on*, r BasklnW.D....?. O'i^.i Beatteav John miu. o BelyeaC.E Boots 4 Shoes. L BelyoaWm oro. L BrtltalnW. W Gnx L BuUtA AuoUoueer. L Clark Bros. . . . Steam Saw Mlfi. E CUrk Daniel W Bullder,4o. Clark Thos. W Btaoksmlth. 4o. K ColweU Wm Fish K Connors Thus. 4 Sons...'...Ropewalk. „ „„ , (See 8t. John.) Corrall Samuel g. 8. H Davis Daoielo d. Q. l Dodge4Ltnde Oro. 4 ConUals. H Donovan T Butcher. K Dunu B. O MIU. Emerson Charles Tins. B Finch 4 Andrews.. .BAkers 4 Confec. L French J. Purdy Builder. L Glasgow H. A Gro. H Graham Thos.4 Son Drugs. K Gregory R. A BawMlB: (See PorUand.) Hamm James E Livery. L Ha) ford 4 Stetson MIU. T. . .«. (See St John.) Hunter Thomas d. Q. L Hurst Richard oro. L Knight B. S. Apotlieoary. L Leonard 4 Wetmore Lumber. LltUehalnJ.C Fishing 4 Store. H MahoneyT, O Gro.4Llq, L Marsh Hamiinl StovS. L Mccormick Bernard Baker, K McLaohlln 4 Wilson Lnmber. O MoI.«anJ.J Boots4Shoes. L New Bruiiswlok Red Granite Co F NobloF. P FUh. H «>RPyJ-J;v Oro. H Halter A. C. A Mill. L Hftrvnna fT. tt Uftii^.... r suarpTsaac. ...'.".".".".".".■.■.■.■.■.".".■.". .... .oTo. k Sharp L. L Watches. L Smith Albert O. 4 (;o Hay, 4o. L Stackhuuse R Jeweler. L Taylor John K Clothing. G ThealLevlA Qrv, j. 3 8 3 OAR NEW BRUJSrSWIOK. DOV CARLETON STATION, Northumbariud Co. MtlUrC. ACo Bopplle*. 8^ CENTREVILLE, Ciriclaii Co. Alexander J. E Blacksmith. L Buitir'. « Tanuer, Ac. K Clark A Welib ShoeDeolera. L Ur«Kg Nathaniel Flour. M MarKeeun Thoa. A Tlnn. 1, Mvrrltt Kvelyn Coufeo. I, Parent Chas. Ji:....WaKoaa« B'anUth. K WfpttOhai!, A Blackaiulth. K White Broe u. 8. While O.W o. 8. CHATHAM, Norihumborland Co. AllanJaniea oro. n 3 Analow P. H O.H.. A Pi-ov. a Xi Crane Cathfcilue Hotel. L DavliUou Duncan Tanner. U 2?4 Desmuuil Daniel Uquurs. L 3i« Desmond Juiuea Oro. ik Lin. I, 3)4 Deamuud Mis. P uiu. X, 3^ U»0'erJoho 0.8. L Uwyer Malaohy D. O. AOro. H 3 EttearJaiuHi Blaoksmlth. K 3 FUuacau Hognr 0.8. H 3 Flauaioui Tfaos o. 8. k 3 FlelRher Thos. H Flub Dealer. H 3 Fountain T KvsUumut. H 3 FraserAlex oro. L >"ra»er J. W Foundry. Frceker W. H D. O., ic. L Fivtherlngham A Co 8hi>es. K SH OhegOD Cornellua Oro. L OUlesple Thos. F Foundry, o 2)4 OoitglnJ. K Hardware. K S)i OrautJohn Trader. L OrlHluJas. T Uamessnikr. O 2)4 QuunChaa Blacksmith. L 3)4 Ouy, Bevon dt Co Merchants. (Bee Ht. John.) Harper W. N. .fc A Watches. L Harris Isaac Tobacco & Jeweli7. u 3 tlendei-Hou Mrs.A. P oro. I, Hlckey M. 4J o. s. H 3)4 Uocken Richard o. S. D 2 Howard W. B o. 8. I, Johnson Geo. M Oro. L Johnson John 0. 8. O 2)4 Johnson Wm HoteL U 3 Johnstone John IJvery. 1, KcaiyT. F Uquois. K 3!4 I.awler Wm MarblecutUT. L«on Francis J o. a. q 2)4 LoggleA. J. &Co D. O. , _, ., ,. (See Wm. Murray.) fORRie Alex. K Ti-ailer. L I.«KKte D. M. & Co D. O. (See W. 8. LokkIo.) LORirlo Oeorge W Mill. L LoKfe'leJ. L' iigii. I, Ix)B«lo I'eter o. 8. L LoKKieW. *A Traders. I, Uiifgle Wni. 8 o.«. O 2)4 MarmUsHugh o. 8. H 3 Marslittll A Hotel d^ Livery. L McDonald John Carpenter. L McLaughlin Donald Tobacrx>. Q 2)4 McNutt James (j. h l Mills Mrs. Wni Llqm)rs. L Murau ISenJ. M (j a. l Morris W.8 Tailor. L MonlBtmAlex Lmnher , v 3 dliliei Wiu 'ii-aiier. L DOVER, Wostmortland Co. Barks V.B Mill. L L U 'iH K » i Co. Br»nnen John BUwUmlth. H 8 £"'»nWm-- Mill. 4 «. 8. L MMAtee Andrew o. 8 o au MoAfe«BMna*l ijo-jom. K 8)4 MooreJamoii MUinian. II S SluuTM MlUowner. H 3 EAST FLORENCEVILLE. (Sm I'lorenetvllU.) EDOETT'S LANDINQ, Albcri Co. BMereoOeo «. 8. L EDMUNDSTON, Viotoria Co. EEL RIVER, Rorticouoho Co. Carrie John. C'anla«e«. L OiUTte Ronald Bl»ck«ulth. h Molutvre Alexander Trailer. L Iteed Ttaoa. * Hon Woodenware. U 3 EEL RIVER STATION, York Co. Dow Asa. Flour.ito. F 2)4 S?!*'""?.,^"* TraAere. L ""••onWiu Lumber & o. 8. H 3 V urotale Jame* A Sons MiUa. (See MIU town.) ELGIN, Alberi Co. Alton Jamee Trader. U 3)4 Blakeney J.C miU. 3 Chapman A. T...Carriuoa A B'Hmlth. I, FowneeJobn Lumber L Hullett * Bright............ ...otS^A Mntm. BpooU, ^■11 ^ ., (SeePoUettKlver.) KlIlama.M G 8 L Mann D. 8 Blacksmith. L SH BteeveaBroa. AOoddanl..: o. 8. H ■ai ESCUMINEC, NorUiumlwrland Co. WyaoWm Fl«h. (See Chatham.) FAIRVILLE, 81. John Co. ■ArauitronK F. » Davis OH. A C\> ,jcv^ t U Dennis Mrs oro K 3 Dover Bros D O F 2)4 Doherty Frank ShoesAUau! H 3 Dykeman A Vanwart Oro, L .Knn riiomas u. o, o ju IxittlniHr Anilrow Boota A shoos. L Lucy Daniel...'. Boots A Hhoes. H S Lucy Thos BooU A Shoes. L Macheiu J Oro. H 3 Mackay M. A Son Gro., Ac. L McCarly Timothy oro. f 3)4 McCatherlue A Uandolph Sewing „ „ , ^ „ Machines. K 3)4 McCansUnd Chas Jeweler. L McCredle H.C Tlnsmltli. L McDonaldJohn D. O. F 3)4 McDer.6 McMulkln... Hololdto. 8. i> Dlugee W. B. Grist Mia L Fenis John Lamlxr. (See Cambridge.) OAB ISTEW BRUlsrSWxOK:. HOP 1^ L L H 8)4 fmguaan Jitnli q g H»™"tonJolui BUiok«nlth. Knox U. H oa IJkwaonD Vis KoDennaUWm ".■■"as Scott C. Ij Carriwrea.' Hrott Dr. Joseph .TSruSi WuftHm.E.4 F Lumber: QARONER'S CREEK, SL John C». WnlIaeeW.AB ShlpbnUder.. O 3H OMPEREAUX STATION, ^umii'i Co. Burpee Ijaop o. S. L Mooiiey P..Jr Lumber. L GIBSON'S. Vor< Co. FLro^*cbv.v;;--7 ""Sf " " Oardeu JU.U "... ' (iro. r. OibMD Lenther Co n o 8 I, va a Sra-.:::-.:.-.-.--. «"«'pa'^- 1{ ?'» MjFarlaneE. p os' t. 'i^ Mclean Hugh ' ' " a 8 H T' BnUthHBoriA G B L ai* wtmrins Henry ....,..■.■.■.«: a L GRAND MANAN, Charlotte Co. Bia>leyj q g UmSKKU Kihuund HuM Ulion KlUabeth ll Trader £l.'?S''f.''Vl"' " "• >*■ "» *i»h: ln*y6 D. H ti a *.>LnHt;ii 1^ Kialittin Hr»""«''• "•A.t-'o Tanners. Hanies Miss Kebeoca MUllnerv Hariii'8 T. O. A Son. . . is <:iO({t'u Daniel .s, / DuTlue Patrick ' ' u is' Karle James , . BtilrbuUd'er: FliwoUIng J. & Sou O.S Fowler H.J „ S' Frost W.8 ;:::'Buiider' GanongA.W Blacksmith. Haywunl Geo HotoL Uuinphruys Chas. Caniaires. 8mllliJo»Ijua U«ei Smlih Tlioluas Butcher. 4o: Stewart W. O. 4 Co ha V^" «• W Bl'Mka'raith: HAMPTON FERRY, King's Co. BeltUne Samuel 4 John Tanners. K Bovah-rt John Blacksmith K FiowciiinKG. 4 G. ::::::::. ilSTwMiu: o J}?.H;'"a" *""«• ^'^ Matches, y Sat'eSffi'.'.'.:::;'.v.'.'.^;""lSk^if ^^;S?^^rmS:^;:::::::;:::r'.'Sf MANFORD BROOK, St. John Co. UphnmN. H MlUownor. L HARCOURT, Kant Co. (Sf IVcWurd UtaHon.) HARDSCRABBLE, Carleton Co. (Ne4 H'ooilttock.) HARTLANO, Carleton Co. BamettBros qh Uoyer AmosL : o'g' Ki-i^e'r:;;;": ^"^•g^h Caniplwr John A ::: n' 3' {? Can J. T.G (is- ? IMi'.konson John 11 faaner' L Haumm Iwiac...^ Ilaruoas. L K 3 L L K 3!4 f^ 3 3.«4 AjttUi iiW'TOn"iiruii''wh:::'.'it'iackiu,'ith: k 3 HomlZnIl.';.-.;.;.;; ■■ ^"«"»3"g- }; Traoy Gideon .:::.'::::.:.'a. §: l 3>V HARVEY, York Co. BeckMr8.J.A G a I CobumThos rt' 3' i OlendennlngD q 2' ^ OowStuart "Trailer T pi2i*„-^i°„'i"n'' :..'.'.'.T^ef:K FaganJohn o S L qm1?h x^f^v. Woolen Mia L Wilson Alaxanaer:;:..::.....*fafs: i 8* HARVEY LAKE, Albert Co. Calhoun 8. J ... . Saw 4 Canllng Mills, en „. (See Hopowell HIU.) FlUmore Hiram... ...iSaw Mlli. L HAVELOCK, King's Co. (S*» alto SutUmut JHdgeJ AlWttlllU. 4Co GMT Keith K. A ; (TS- ^ Lyman W. B :;::'.'. MUiR T MiUlhiKlden...... o 2' r Stockton K. 4 Co.... '.".".' Jf" g (SeeC. I. Ktith'/petYoodlao.) l"" 3H an I'* f an HILLSBORO', Albert Co. •*|l'«rt Manulacturlng Co PUster. Albert Mining Co.... ■'^•^uoi. BeattyJohnA 'Driiii: w BSi^'.-;::''.-.';:;-«nSf£ BrayThomasK o s k Dufh P. 4Son Mills, "o.'s 4c G DuirSrKobertJ .T^Bli^fedt"' II Dugay Samuel JUniSiril r Gtuss K. T. 4 Co. 'S b' g Gross W. M Miil'own'ar n S?n*SiTut.".'.';::.';:.'''-""Si a'^r"^:::-: •■•■•<^^|h iaSfw:D:::::::"'>"''°*'^i^^^^ WortiB 11. O Ufiiuim T n^nSrjoim::::::;::::; "'SSSSS^- h Stecws Albert ^^ffs' S Stet'viH Bliss '""Co'ntl'-irtnr I StcovesOoo OB Steevos J. M. iTo'^'^'* ^"S*!' G Sleeves Jordan .' qh H StoovesU. K.48on ::.""g"b H Stevens Wm.lS HariessS TlnjlcyE **""fK- "- HOLOENVILLE, King's Co. fS4t Wngtton.J HOPEWELL CAPE, Albsrt Co. ^ jbort Brick, Lime A Cement Co L Blacker Wm Brinks An r Bray l)„n).™... . •.■.•.•.•.■.•■f""*5' *^- f ,^ Dlotnon /auies E : (? g t ** l.vinlsHUas 'Klo'ur K 9 MUlmmo™. ., '8h'ot>8'4 U s" I ?Ui M.''.r,'"'"J?'?''«'* Freestone Uuarry b©: '^ U Urine 15. J i*BrHa»«« t Peck Mil,-, .......•..•.■;: ""ifS: K Stowart James itlaoksmlth L Stewart Samuel ShcwS i Tiugiey John c..; :;:;;;Mi3.Sit a Tlngleyjoslah MMbto: L 3 I** 3 in HOPEWELL CORNER, Albert Co. fNdU nljin XM.V Allan Chas. p Jarnwis, L Anderson uwen Blacksmith L Atk nson 4 MoGormaii T^u.B t Atkinson 4 Hun. . 8)» AuuiiBouoenun o. S u stt Barber John iuiu: H |^ &of» a-i 3it, SH SH NEW BHtri>r8WJOI^. MAtr Barber A Wood O B 1. T Brown Jamse A TlnimltS." £ BlloUle Freemen ■.■.""■."■.■HoieL fe Stevens Simon A o a ir m ImIS?„Z«J -v.-.-.Tiiie?: O ^ SUlesJohnA Btaoksmlth. I, 3} HOPEWELL HIL;., Allwri Co. BacoD & arcAImon O 8 (» C'albnunS.J Haf Ao u (iamey Franola A . .7bfs H MoureJuhu MlUa^ L O'Kegjn D. F . ".laiSsS; L Peck Allen VlotuallS L rtxceraAlex .OB o KogenUamea uav <» 8t.urtHou»tor BU»kar.1tS L Woodworth Kira TaonSr! H HOVT STATION, York Co. Uoyt dk Ueudiy J Q. 8. L INDIANTOWN, St. John Co. Brown W.Q (im. a Carle * Vaughon ..;.":."g.8: l Colling Joim.. Lambert £ (.■owan Joehua E o 8 £ Cowans MiitieaE Lumber! 1, g«»r°ey George Shoemkr L FnlI«rCban.B ^Sro L OodnanlJ. W om L uoi'ham ueorge Bube Dealer! L aranvllle * McLean 0^8 J OulltorAC" Qro. *n' If « Ha.umMattl.i« ....r.LllSS.'IS! L ' Horouaatie Jiklward Butcher. H S HomoaeUe Joseph Hanlw«Si;*o o "Ji* LawrenoeT.O Prod. Ac. L MahoneyK. J Ornirs K 1 Mathews A. T ofS' l MoUiare James Llo. *(iro K Sii Ifase Philip fjrii. w «u PattorsjuS bo o 3)3 P«tt«iw>|i H. M aro! K 5 Plclgeon C. B CloUiliig, Ac. L 8M §S1SS?T.'!»:!!.::!::.:!:! ligSS ' a™s'i?iS^!::::::::!:!!:::!"S| Rowan Joseph Shipbuilder. SImpsonJames .' oro L Stevens LeB Prod I. Tapley Bros ! -rJiS' u Tapley E. A .......oro.X H Tapley John Surveyor. Jf VaiiWartBros aro.ATtaders. H waring Bros.. Foundry A Machinists. L JACKSONVILLE, CaHslon Co. AltertoD James C'arrlaces. L OnymJoalah ..h^lsK L UUj-'-V il Carriages. L Seeley j. u Wagons. L JACQUET RIVER, RMtl(ouah* Co. Counaoher Bobert o S a CiUllgauO .o!b! JANEVILLE, Qleuomtor Co. CaleKobertC O. 8. * P.O. Jennings B.U Lobsters. S'i SH II 81 JEMSEQ, «uMn's Co. CaldwoU John, Jr o. B K CotUeA. B.. ..:... 8 K gyfXwm'"'*-" !tMi;er!L Knight Wm Q. H. L Sorlbner Kllaa. .o. a! L JERUSALEM, QuMn t Co. Short Albert M Carriages, L JOHNSTON, QuMn's Co. n uiQonngton Tho*. , Hecord John Starkoy B. M ..0.8. K ..O. 8. K ..0.8. L SH SH JOHNVILLE, CariatoR 0*. UoKlroy Roger q. g, h JOLICURE, WssimeralaiHi Co. WTB-O O.8. L KENT, Carlsioa C«. Bonan Thomas... n n w OtbersonD. M .'. .LnmbOT I r ih22S5.**?"'«* -^ *"» * 'i"*" Mills! L GIberaoD's James Sons MllL L OlbersimJohn H<3ii r M?}!.^^*"* ShiiiifMlll! K ?£{l!f?s'i;^!K.v.v.v. ^ri!? Phillips Jas. A.......... OS a PhllUpd Matthaw L. . . . . . .".V ". "" ■ 8ho(5! L Kog?r» Moody . ,. LiSSbSf. SM 3)4 KESWICK, York Co. SS;*!?i"- P Lumber. K Hallett Wm . O. 8. L 8!4 KILBURN'S LANDING, Violoria Co. Kllbum B (j 8. n I 3!4 1»4 r l^ 3H, KINGSTON, Kwtt Co. BowserWm n i! v oi BraltJ. AW os* V » BurkoP ;. A'g- £ f CuiTanCH Llauora I Dfckjnson John........ ....-.'.•."^(Ts O 2' Dickinson T. O Floi.i io K i » Sb^ert.;::;::::::;^!'.^!!^: i^ " a??Sll"eliito.;.":.":.*«'«n'"S- 1> 3 Olendlnnlug Jauies u' h i OrahainSimon o's' i Orogap Joseph !!'""Llaud«! l! M»m¥uFrank..„........:;.-.-;.;:.G:a K -' Marsh Mrs ;.. o u* «• HoAlmon David HoIgL k MoArOiurWm. ir :H Trader. K S LAKEVILLE CORNER, Sunbary Ca. Tapley Miss Frances o. 8. L L'ETETE, Charlotta Co. fc-^^grwird:::-.!!!!!;!::.-!*?^- h McLean A. A J !!!!!!! o!8! LINCOLN, York Co. ('^Ml'niUrMon.) LITTLE FALLS, Victoria Cfc iSSS^n'."^'!-.:.-..-. "S^"-!; Dayton Milton .■.■.■"■■"o'b L iSS^SSkr.".-.- ■■*^: t »* Lovegue JiuSitV: o 8 L Lvnett Patrick, Jr o" «' w tJ. Rloharda T. Meaey.....6.s!"AHotS: L ** LITTLE RIVER, AlberiCo. Wright Abraham Blacksmith. L at4 LITTLE RIVER, Violoria Co. BakerC.W.S o^ r Orser Mrs. Fred'k W oS' t whittierN. p .:.!!!:!!:;;:!::i£u8! LITTLE RUSSIA, Gloueoslar Co. CSe* Maditeo.) LITTLE SALMON RIVER, St John Co. (St* Alma, AlbtH Co.) LONG CREEK, QuMn's C«. SecordJohn n r ir q secord A Murray .■.".■.■.".".■.Lumb^! § §)« LONG ISLAND, Quaaa's Co. PalmerAlbert a H h a suppE. w !!!!!!!!! I'o 8 Woo U.S. h METAPEDIA, Restigouoha Co. Frasor Daniel o. 8., Ac. L MIDDLE 8IM0NDS, Carlston Co. HatflcM Abron O. 8. L 3!d lufduhum 8ai'(urd Tanner. K SH MelvUleUeo. W 8hoe8. L Mills John oro. K SJj Mills William Hotel. H 8 Moores JamesN o. s. L MILL COVE, Norihufflbarland Co. Clark Geo Trader. L MILLERTOWN, Northumbariand Co. (See Derby. I MILL8TREAM, King's Co. , FenwlckB. F Wheelwright H 3 Fenwlck James A O. 8. A Luuilier. Fen wlok Joel UrlstMlll. O FolklusH. W o. 8. L Folkins Isaac 8hoemkr. L KltkJ.T o. H. h MILLTOWN, Charlotte Co. (See alto St. Steplim.) Andrews Jfilm D....MnIr. Edge Tools. U 3 Uimrdniuii c. Edwin U. 8., Ac F 2)4 CaawuU Thomas J Furniture. It 3'^ ClMiroh lOuHtaoe 8hues. H aj., Coi'liett Jumes uro. I, Doyle William 8lu>es. L Eaton Bi-oa l.uiubei-. _ , , „ „ (See St. su^piieo.) EatohC. H Lumber. C 3 Katon Heury F. A Sons Lumber. B 1 Haley John Drugs. K 3)4 llonulKiir dt Hay Mnlrs. Saws. K 3)i McDonald Daniel Tailor. O 3)6 MuuaKliaii John lllacksiulth. L Murcuie James * Sons. . . Lumber, Ac. t) 2 Bweit 8amuel B Carriages * tiiv. L ToddO.F Lumber. K 3 MILLVILLE, York Co. HaUett*Ryan o. 8. h HayWm mUL K 8H MISPEC, 8t. John Co. Brown Jamea Cabluetinkr. K Malone Jolin uuouer. K «r«wur iv. oi, J HiUiucu. ii TbomasU«org« Wouleoa. 1/ 3)i MOLUS RIVER, Kant Ca. WalkarA juUa. I MONCTON, Wastmeraland Co. Babang A. J. A Co Flour. O 3 Baggs William Hotel A IJO. L BeatunN o. s. K 3)4 Brown (>. H „.. O. a L Brown Kufua HoteL L ByeraThos. W BtationetT, Ac. L 8)4 Cameron Mitchell J U nderbuter A Cablnetware. U SH ChrtatloWm Baker. L 3)4 Cochrane George H O. 8. H 3 Cochrane Itobert Shipbnilder. .1)4 Cole K. C Q. 8. H 3)4 Colpitis W. H... B'smitb A CarrlMes. K 3>4 Crandall ACo ..3.8. 3 Delahaut Pierce Hotel. L Divan Wra HoteL L Dowd James Liquors. K SH Dowd John Gro. K 3(0 Edgett C. W Phetograplier. L EUfottJohn Hardware. L Elliott John B Watchea. L 8)4 Elliott Wm O. 8. L Bnman P. 8 Drugs. H 3 Eatey E. M Drugs. K 3 Flanagan J 0.8. H 2)4 Fleming W. F Oro. K 3 Forbes E D. O. L 3)4 Forbes A Fergnaon D. O. A Furn. H 3 FiHttT J. R Millen* Aeont L (iiillttgher W. C. ACo VlctuaUen. L UetobellT. tJ Sewing Machines. L 01r\-an Alex u. 8. OlvanWm Mnfr. Soda Water. K 3 Ooortore John F Tailor. H 3)4 OiniiiluB Harry Harness. L Hallett Uobert. . .A uotioueer A Photo. L HanlsJ. AC Gen'lUers. (J j Hayes Tlmotliy Restaurant L ,'3 Heuderaon A 8teadman Oro. L llcnnosay M. AP Shoemkrs. L Hlgglns L. ACo Boots A Shoes. L Uigman Kleliard Druge. L Horsmau John W Liouors. L Hoyt H. C Confco. L Humphrey Jolin A HlUuwner. D 2 Jouea Abner MUls. O 3)4 Jones K. C Confeo. L Jones F. A BawMiU. h 3)4 Keith John Mason. L Keith M. B Barber. L Kiilnm A. E CoDtlautor. .Vlarks John H Carriages. L Marr A Colpitta Boots A Shoea. K 3 Miirr Henry O Fancy Oooda. L MaiTMlss Milliner. K 8 McCleavo D Hotel, Ac L McKlmou D. B. A Co Jewelers. „ „ (Seo Amherst, N. 8.) McKay A. 8. Shoos. K 3 McLaughlin Broa v. o. iSee Yarmouth, N. 8.) McLean A. L Tailor. I. MoLeouAlez Mer. Tailor. L McNaughtou D. A Co Uamesa A „ „ „ Taaaenr. L 8)4 McSweoney Bros Q. 8. F 2)t MoSweeney Peter.Jr D. a. K 3 Ko8weoney Peter, sr Speculator. K 2 Milissteuhen Blaokamltb. H 3 Moucton Gas A Water Co E 3 Neal Alex Tailor. L KickorsonJ. H Jeweler. L 8)4 Olive K Dmga. L O'NellACruo Shoea. K 8 O'ltegan D. Uquon. K 3)4 Uultuu Frank Physician, Ac L UultouJamoaW Oro. K 3 PeaiaonT.T Carriages, h Peters Comblnatlou Lock Co Peters Joshua Builder, Ac H 3 Hlohmoud Joseph Butcher. L 8H I'opeC Restaurant L Ueoord A Buyer Foundry A Tinware. O 2!4 Ross A Botatord. . . . Phya'ns A Drugs. K 3 Boss J. M TalKr. L BaugsterOeo. B ReaUnrant K 3 Solnvarts W. O G. 8. K 3)4 Wowerby Wm Hotel. L Steevea D. M Liquors. L Sterns H. L SUttoaerr, Ac L Stevens IL r Publinlmr. H 3 Sumner F. W t.i. 8. L Taylor Ewktel o. 8. 8)4 'laylorT. &E O.8., Ac O 3)4 TooleJamesT oro. L 3)4 TorrieW.s Tallow Chandler A „, u . „ - rioar. a 3)4 Trenholm Oeo. C .........0.8. I, 8)9 TT.'^y^-." '^ "L^^ nzzz Si vs:^^ L oJm Weir Jonathan ftiunUrr. K 8)« Weldon W. J H0I..I A0.5 O SS Weldon W. MoK 0.8. L Whlt«E. H 0.6. h Wilbur IsaaoM Uquora. h Wilbur Susan Hotel. K Winter J. AS Stoves. K 3 Wortman Jacob Oro. H 8 Wright Miss E.... A Milliner. L SH MOORE'S MILLS, Charlotte Co. Douglass Wm Trader, n 3 MOOSEPATH, St. John Co. Coldbrook Rolling MiUs (See St John, N. B.) MOUNT WHAYELV, Wastmeretend Co. I.owerson Martin O. 8. A Llo. G 2)4 Uolr James O Tanner. H 3 MUNlAb, Viotoria Co. Patterson J. 8 0. 9. I, MUNQUART, Carlaton Co. (Set Kent.) MUSQUASH, St. John Co. Baloolm J. A Oro. K BaloolmM.P HoteL K 3)4 Chittlck WUIiaiu BootsA Shi«s. K Clinch Cluis. F. A Son Lumbor MIU. D 3 Kulglit ACo MUlmen. (800 T. H. Jones A Co., 8t John.) MoOowan William Hot«l. H S Molloy WiUUtm Blacksmith. K RobsonJotm P Trader. K NASH'S CREEK, Reatigoueh* Co. Harvey Robert Q. S. H 8 MoNaIr A 0. 8. L NASHWAAK, York Co. Blden Cbas O. 8. L Gibson Alexandei , Lumber. (See Olbson's.) McLean John Lumber. > Richai'ds Wm Lumber. _ (See Frederiotou.r Tnmey Manier G. s. L NA8HWAAKSIS, York Co. Johnson W. E fl. s. L MoFarlaue Geo Carriages. (See Douglas.) Thompson A. ..Lumber A Cloth r 3 NAUWIQEWAUK, King's Co. Aldon Washington Tarem A O. a H SH DodgeOeo Blacksmith. K 8)| NEOUAC, Norihumbarland Co. Allen V 0.8. L Martin Alex «. 8. I, Petrie David 0.8. L NELSON, Norihumlwrland Co. BurcbUl George '....O. 8. A Mill. Daley Timothy Liquors. : Flett Knoeh Tanner. < Flett John .•... Saw Mill. Oetchell H o. 8. Hayes Joseph Llquoni. i Kain Jolm o. 8., Ac O'Brien John o. 8. Robinson Jolm B a. 8. Sargent Chas Saw MIU. ' NEREPIS, Quaan's Co. HcLaughUn Thomas Lumber. L Murray E Liquors. L NEW BANDON, Olouooiter Co. HUlsKdwln Carriages. H 8 Bead, Stevenson A Co Griudstoues. B 3 NEW CANAAN, Quaan'a Co. 0.8. H «t 0.9. K 3% C0TC7 Jacob Humphi^ys Alfred NEWCASTLE, Northumberland Co. Anslow W. AJ Printers. L AtklnsonO Cairlages. L BUiboii W. P Drugs. L BuurueC. P Watchmkr. L Brander John «. m, q Blown JiuiicHf 0.0. If CaUR. H Bhip Broker, _ TugbuatH, Ac F Carter Frannis oro. K Davidson Jamea W ti.H. K Davidsuu Ulchard o. S. L «l. K ea. K n ni. H » er. li SM 3H 5>» NEW ISTETV^ BRU]Sr@WIOK. pdR Elliott Walter J Shoemkr. L Futrnum KlchurU Foumlrr L *»ye Joan j ; AntAi t- Ferguson JoUn ::": as. K 3 JTlHhJohu "d'o' a 21* S?*;?" ^*^'!2 N Kedtanrant. L OrtmlwrBobert o.K K 8^^ HaU Henry « k ^ HMiUtonO. C MlUman.' Sl^e5'jJiipu:::::::::::::*""'"S"«^-^ Henne««.p S^^^^Wk HoMBWorth W.C .".'ConJM. L 8!i 3H KetbroJa Baiber. I. iiiiir -r t: Barber. L 3)4 MoAlilsteiJohn Confeo. L MoEvoy Dennis Uquora. u 2U SJSfr"*!"^'^"®" Tavern. H sg MoKeanCE Watohmkr: I, Mpl^aan Broa Saw MUl & a. «. u ij* MitolieU James Capitalist P 2 Ultohell Stephen Y Hotel dlUu; K H Morrtaou Dojialri Fi»li*0.ri. K 3 M""?«^ f a'rtck Harness. H 3 MnlUns & Itrjusay Llunebuniein. H 3 MurphyJoIiinA aiioes. L Murray James Heola Foundry, u 3 g«X'"u,n'i?" Tanner. *• S ggr'j WUnarn Mei-oliaut. V a n5S."'*''i¥r Tinsmith. H 3 Bimsay T. U U H K 3 lUtohie D. 4 J. A Co .v. beils! B+ Al Hobertson Jas O. 8. & Boom. L 3}^ itoblusonWm Carrlag- " •■ nuuiusou wm carriages. H Bnssell John W Blaoksmlm. I. KussoU James B Uyuors. L Baixeut Moses M ..U.S. ti g^IffMl" Fancy Oooils. L 2 " .V':*-A;i- Piiysiois... l HtewaitAlex ".'.... Hotel' H SS gtotharau.S .........cki^St^t. K M HtreetJ. Lee Lruini 1> ^« Sutherlanil * CroagUan ..'... «,« H a* Thompson M.O Uamess, L 354 Traerwm GSli Vye Thos .finner: I. JZ!.^"^- Tanner, h WattC.C 1) H Watt Wm 4 «eo D. G. A Oro.' WhSS*l ^T- {?*^ Liquors. *o. K 3 Whltnov Bobert P Lumber. « -JM WyaeUeury Ore. dk Baker. L 53 NEWCASTLE, Queen's Co. CoakloyA Coal A O. 8. L LarkiuK James Trailer L Robliuiou John Trader. L BoottUeo.f o.u r. Yeomaua iUohard P Saw MUl. L NEW NORTON, Albert Co. (Sm Haneu.) NEW MILLS, Rsstigouche Co. Bain John B.. Lobsters. L Hoegg U. w . 4 Co Canned Goods. O HoMfllan Jolin. - - - 3)i 3 Windsor Jos. T .'aVsViaiUlsi K NEWTON, King's Co. (8t* alto Smith- 1 Crttk.) Pearoe T. U. 4 g»"n«nHol{e«i Merchant. L sS BrownUoaL O. 8. A Lumber. L Bjyson Robert Hotel A Lin. L Bryson Wm LWuors. L OogsweU C.. .coutractor. L go*«rt J'"''" 8 frailer. AO. L KaneHra O 8 L MoKlroy Terence '..'o.s" L 31< Mcpherson Charles Harness. L m Morrowp.AG.D Lrjil^^AS ^ Nowlan James o. s. L OSSEKEAQ STATION, King's Co. CA'ou Hampton.) PAM8IC, Waslmoraland Co. (Set Motuton.) PARISH OF LINCOLN, Sanbnry Co. Olasier Duncan D. A Son. .steamboats. (8ee Frederictou PARISH OF WOODSTOCK, Cariaton Co. ChandlitrNoah «. a, F 2 PASSEKEAQ, King's Co. DennisonWm G s. n <]u Mathewa AUi^ed ."...V Shoos; L SS Mathewi T^.omssl Grist MUl. 3 PEEL, Cariaton Co. Harmon Charles A ..P.O. AG. 8. L 3M Harmon WB Btaoksmlth. L ^ I JitliBM Oooree Boots A Shoes. L Heaps Thos. M Peddler. L PENNFIELO, Chariotta Co. ?"'*»'? Jomes MUlman. H 3>i MeOlO Jamea Mnfr. Cloth. L Poole Enoa G 8 K !i Uoardon Timothy .V.HoteL u SH Speer Geo '. muJbE L " Bpinney JamuH A o.8. H 3 PEN0B8QUIS, King's Co. Anderson lloiiry H G 8 L Fi-eeie E. a. A Bous 8 KcevorlluJus Caniaiioa' I. tu, Mcl*)d Weleloy „. os" L f* McMiuiosP. m: LliiOoii L MlUmore Patrick Carrtaires. L Morton Wm Harnessinkr. K KM Murray John.... Blacksmith. H 3^ . New Brunswick Paper Co isee PUKSley Bobert Tanner V "JU weidouBiohanic...:.:;.:::: hiSSSm; h p PERTH, Victoria Co. flalrdo.T o n K xu Carrlngton Wm ^i^MlS; K sj PETEHBVILLE, Quaan'a Co. .'^eonard Thomas Q8 L 'lu Uiigley P o 8 H a MaluueJ. P. A Co '.Traders! L O'DomiBll Roger Hotel. K 3 H"»" Jjros Lumber A G. 8. L gulun William Lumberer. L UllMAnll JfkmAj. .1. • » wooils rranois. . . Limiber A BuppUss. H ^ PETICODIAC, Wsstmofvland Oe. (Set alto jPollM Xtttr.J Allen J. B Blackamltli, L BlMMBairO.MUaa .TtSiS. L Brown George L o.8. I, p >wnThom«! Millineiy. I, m I ohorane John JO o. 8. L M CoipituJohn W Carding A Fo;rterB.AP....TanneraA'c2rtSS;H f* Humphrey A Trites o. 8. F a Keith M. .O.8. SM SJiSS/SiS!** BliolMiltb.K »» I.«UKleyKllM Carriages. L 3)5 I.«wreae«JohnP (J.b. L Lewis jrohB '.'.'.'.'.'.". '."."."8 ,;^' L MoBalth Wtlllam TuUor. L Morpfy F. J. Fundtura. I, |Mi&v.v-Vc.?S5SSS: I K&Uii'oL'im.^if'cb^'!^*:".* ""•«•• fe a Ritew/as ....; nStS ' ^ StevsnsN Stoves. L ^ 3^2llf°'*S BlauksmitS L ^ Teftkjo?^ Hotel. L m Wilmot James Harness. L PETIT ROCHER, Giouowtor Co. fSa Madttco.) POCKMOUCHE: Qtouoattor Co. Barry Francis o.s. L SH Herbert J .Tr^ L SewaUJoaeph Trader. K 9 ButherlandAdam TradS: K S POINT DE BUTE, W'tlmorsland Co. ^I'Snaeo-K Flour, Ac. K 3 MoQucenAngus g.8. O 3M Onlton Thomas E Tradw K 3* Westmoreland Cheese MnJg. Co K 3 POINT DU CHENE, Wsstmoraland Co. BumsB Lionora. S'-'K*?,'* ^"^^ 8Wp Chanillars. Keith Us Hotel McDonald Edward .Baker. McDonald Jraies. . . .Steyedore A G. 8. HoDonaldJohn g 8 UcLenncnUrs Milllnerv" gohnnnaa Peter Hotel. Sherard Thos. O Btoueoutter. POINT SAPIN, Kent Co. Vantonri o. a L POLLETT RIVER, WastmerslMd Ca. (S»» alto I^tieodtae.) CranOall John B Mill Hallott A Bright O.E.A „ . Mnfra. Spools. L SM jNegnaJ GriatMlU. L leS Steevea A Colpitta .".Miu: L POPLAR QROVE, QlouoMtor Co. Aube Joseph o, g. L PORTAQE RIVER, Qlouosstor Co. (See Tracadle.) PORT ELGIN, Wastmeraland Co. (See Bay Verte.) PORTLAND, SI. John Co. Anderson Alexander Ropemkr, L "•'y.e?/' NeweXgont L Ilund IlKury Liverv K 3W IJ.mnell A Cowan Llmobumoii L ""yoJ^T B<*er. L i "'■••'» C.F L»mp»,Ao. L Ily ere A Hoy er Sashes A Doors. L SH CaluAuthony Oro. A Llq, K »» Cain Jamea... oro! H C,ai Uu .T P BooU A Shoes. L Carson Wm Oro. A Llq. H "'wsley Bros Molr. Iron Knees. F Cohoiane John Uro. A Fruit Corlittt A Mills ; .".„ . " oVi L Court Brp8.^...Meata A Vegetables. M Culbert. Robert GrcAHanioss. L Cunan Mrs Uonnrs. K m hic^fn: 'A'srii'.-.'.-.'..-;.".'!^^: k K'^Ki" Liquors. L Du^JainjsiHtralght Shore) Llq. L Dul^ I'atrtok. ..Liquor!. L Sft?*»ar'y'iy»'"> Ota. I. 8 S 3^ 3 s 8H PEI ]srE"W" BRTJi^rRwioK:. ST. O SjnJoy W.T.. Onxl, Kt Fanner Rioluad Lumber. U 3 Flaher S Timber. « ■ „..-.„ '*>« St. John.) Gordon Robert O Uqiiont. h S>« ai«ham Jamea Oro. if » UrayASeott aro. n 3 OregnryR.A , Timber. L Hamilton James BpMrmkr. h HmtJ" J. »■-••-■■ Hata«Capa. L Harrlaon Rlobard Phyalotan. L 3W gataeld J. B ProdT* 0?S. L »J HawkerWm Dnun. I. H}!?*yJ'''77'rl Llouora. L 3)4 HUtonEMklel Oro.^kPn)T. L 8)4 HlljranlBnw..., ShlpbaUdera. „ . (See Bt. John.) Hogan J.. oio. a 3)4 HufthesB Llqnora. K 3)4 JoneaR Oro. £ Llq. K S Kelly « Murphy... Carriage Builder*. K 3 Llvingaton W. u. A Co «ro. L 3)4 lookhartJolm 8tov«a •& Tins. L LoRan J. M Palmer. L Lynch Uavld HhlpbuUder. ., . „ (See (ft. John.) Mahorllenry o«. P 3)4 MoAOVje Joseph Foundry. F 9)4 If oColgMi Thomas Uuuors. K 3)4 Nccreaily a. F .VrwL l MoGlniy H.J D. O. L 3)4 MoBlroyThns Oro. O 3)4 MoUrory John P oro. L 8)4 MoKeever John Shoes. L MoLeiMl Bnm Oro. L HoMurray Terence Oro. A Uq. K 3)4 HoSherryJohn Oro. L Hlllen Wm On). L 3)4 Moore K.H Kdge Tools. K 8 Palmer John B Oro. K 3)4 Peuder James HoraenaU Factory. H 3 Pitt Davl.l L Oro. L 3)4 Poithuid HoUlng Mill Co (See James Harris dk Co., St John.) PrioeAShaw Ctertages. K 3)4 Pnnly Daniel J Oro. F 3 Roberts Johns. D. O. A B. A S. L RobertaT. B Oro. L 6c4 Smith Bros oro. L 3)4 Smith James Oro. K 3 Stnbbs Samuel J CotUeo. L 3)4 towerC. P Liquors. I, 3)4 WataonJames oro. F 3 Webb W. Bdvrard Bopewalk. .-,■.-,„ 'See St John.) WeeksT. B D. (J. L 8)4 Vr'Uliams James oro. D 3 WlUlams Samuel Llqnors. L 3)4 WUson John Tinsmith. L Young Wm BootoAShoes. L 3»4 PRINCE WILLIAM, York Co. Morris Wm. H Saw Mill. L Scott Kober« 0.8. L 3)4 QUACO, 81. John Co. Anderson Bros Shlpbntlders. L Berry James A Co ShlpbuUrtera. H 3 BradshawBeiiJ .MWMIU. L BiatUihaw Reuben V oro. L Brittalu D. F Shoes. L Brown Ulram 0.8. K SH Brown Simeon S oro. K 8J4 Brown W.K Shoes. L BumettUr. J. W Drugs. K 3)4 Calhiiuu Wm 0.8, L 3)4 CassldyTlios 0.8. O 3)2 Cranilall Joseph o. 8. L Crauilall Y. 8 o. 8. L DavlesT. P. A Co Mnfrs. Wooden ware. L Dimook John BlacksnilUi. L Dolierty U Hotel. L Flutter Arthur y,8. K 3 Kelly M oro. L Ixiokart Wm. A Blacksmith. L MarrCapt. John 8hlubuiMsr. F 2)4 Melvin lR«ao A Co Shipbuilders. MUler CuiUlp Butcher. L Moshcr Isinujl Saw Mill. H 3 Miiaherj. l- Saw Mill. L 3). Hurray Mrs Tavei-n. K 8)4 Myers A 8 wrk Blacksmiths. L Nugent Btlwsrd O. S. AP. O. L Nugent Patrick Hotel. K 3 Nugent Thos o. s. A Hotel. K 3 FariisArohibaia ABon..8hlpbulldera. _ Bouriii H^H. A j...,....V:;.i;umbOT; ^ ' —..,. ■.. Flour A Oro. BklllenBros 0.8. L akllleo A D«U(li«rty O, B. L SmlttiWm Oro. L ^4 TaylorSamnel Shoes. K 8 TltilsJ. AJ.S 0.8. H 3 yaughan David. Merohant. \p 3 Vanghan Wm. A Co SIdpbulIders. B 3 QUEEN8BURY, York Co. MorrlsJohnS 0.8. K 3)4 RED BANK, Northumlierland Co. \\ .ttney Robert P Lumber. (See Newcastle.) REN0U8 RIVER, Norihumberland Co. (Bee aUo Indiantownj Mc I ..tugiain Daniel Lumberer. L RICHIBUCTO, Ksnt Co. Bell Dim H Lobsters. 3 Bliu k Joshiut O. 8., Ac. L Bixiwn Wm Tanner. K 3)4 CaSo Itobert Shipowner. O 3)4 CiarkAlbertV 'Tailor. L Ouohrane Jolm Broker. O 3)4 pa^le Henry Blacksmith. W 3)« Davids Johu.Jr 0.8. K 8)4 DiivUMlssK ,.. o. 8. L 3)4 Furgusoii Jacob 0.8. H 8 Fltipatilok Michael Blauksmlth. L Flanagan Munlujr Liu. A Oro. O 9)4 Forbes Kouuoili B. 0.8. O 3)5 Foster JaoiusW Flour. K ^ Foster John Blacksmith. L Orogan James Tavern. L 8)4 HannayMrs HotelALlq. L 3)4 Hudson Wm o. 8. K 8 MoDermotl Donnelly Liquors. K 3)4 MoDousall James Watches. K 3 McLeud Oeo Lumber. (See St. John.) McM Inn David Tanner. O 3)4 MltoheUMrs 0.8. L 3S MoojlyJ.C Phys'n A Drugs. K 3 Mudge Thos Blacksmith. L Noble U.B Fish. K 3 O'Brien J. M Blacksmith. L O'Leary Uaulel o. S. H 3)4 O'Leary Henry Fish Packer A Shtpowuer. O 3)4 Phlnney Zocohons Ttusmlth. H 8 Robertson John oro. L Roxtrarough Alex 0.8. O 3)4 VautourJTC O. B. A P. O. K 8)4 ViersE. ACo 0.8. L Wbeabm Wm Hotel. H 3 WlilteWm Olt). L 8)4 RICHMOND CORNER, Carlaton Co. Campbell O o. S. Mclntyro Robert o. 8. K 3)4 Mclntyra WUIlam H Blacksmith. L TraoeyO. E Moroluut. H 3 RICHMOND 8TATI0N, Carlsten Co. HallSamuelP Bawksmltli. K 3 Lelghton J. 8 o. 8. A Lumbiir. (See Woodstock.) Murchle James A Bon Mills. (See MlllUiwn.) ParkesOeorge HotcL L RIVER CHARLO, Rssligouohe Co. Calderwood WUUam JJq. A Shoes. K 8)4 FarwallJ. U KUh. I, Uamlltun James Shoes. K 3 Hamilton Peter ilhtoksmlth. H 8 Hamilton Peter.Jr O. 8, H 8 MoLcan Donald O.S, L 3»4 ReeilJas., jr..-. O. 8. K 3 RIVER DE CHUTE, Viotoria Co. Balrtl Henry Hotel. O 3)4 CaiTAniUew Blacksmith. L Porter Joseph B o. 8. L Smith W.K. 0.8. L RIVER L0U8I0N, Rssligouohs Co. MoNair Johj), sr Mills. Ct 3f4 Stewart Donald 0.8. K S.-J RIVERSIDE, Altwri Co. Anderson Wm. I o. S. L Beuiiott, lames Tanner. L 3)4 (laniwunit James 0.8. H M Ji'';S''.*"'4 MoCouvy Robert .'....Blacksmith. K 3 Moorotty Fanny Fancy Ooods. K 8 HoKlnney James • Tailor. L McLaughlin P tJro. L McLixHlMis 0.8. K 8)4 Moore George Tinsmith. L Miirilson Wm Llq, A Hotel. H 3 MuUlgau James, Agent Confec A „ „■„ Books. L NeilHenryO Prov. A Butcher. F 3 Odell A Turner D. O. O 1)4 PolleysE. 8 0.8. K 8 Robinson A Olenn Oro. F 3)4 Ross Robert Ship Broker, Ao. F 3)? aaundera E4 8t LyuoltMni . .OiS^ H 3 l.,Tnott Patrick . Oro h MaOTB RithanI ;1">"- Bros Prov.* Oom'n. a 2H flarbourau MUliuery. L gaS^'ey Bn>»vv- HataA Caps. L Barker, Beed (& Co Drugs Baiker Tliomis B. 4 Son^.^'riTrutS.' D f^ gjojesAl-'o ••■■,- Stationers, fo. *• 2)4 Barnes Jowph W. « Co Kiit I) ti B.n.mnA.ox.....'.""'.!'.'^'''* Ws! U 2 BarnhiU & M,ut.y Saw Mlli: F a-i BarteatixB. J Bnllfl«r T vii Baruicb A. J. H . . Watoliii"* j"^^] "* i> ... „ . (See J. Walker A Co.) Bayai-d Eobeit Bricks i ■.».~, ..tT . W. I. Uouds. Beard A Venning n a Bell Bros Painta™ if m BeUT. Wm. & Co..:-.-.::::liqSo4, Ac! BelmoreA. A BootsAaioss L BentOeo. B Musical Insta/A BeutaUlwrtASons.. .. Flour A'prov; K a** BerryniftuC.O llardwaio. L Uerteaux Geo. K Vessels. K 2i/. BestNorris Metais I Beverly Fulton Haidware: H 3!« S^ Wm saipOliaudler. » 3!, Hl'SStJn'M*^"^ crockery. L a.i? SSE./L*' Coaches. K 8 SlSfi^T1l:;;:;;:;:;.;:;-^'S?i'gT ? "« sif"»5^ ^- ^ ^U"''' wt^S: L B}}»»I2 Stephen O Lumber. U 3 BUtardWra FishPaoker Bond Anthony B... ....... ".Builder L BostwlckC.M.*Co..Flour, Pork,Ac! F at BourkeT. L « to. A Liu. 11 3 Bowes, CMupbeU A EUls... Tinsmiths. F aw BOWmuu I, C (n T •liZ Br«iieyBros.-.v...;.;.;;.-.v.v.VBVockA ^ -'^ Carrlll Georcv IrouMer B+Ai CarvU!. Molfean A Cc / ^;ti"pli!i4 ^^^ Case John n '-'ZSj- T" Causey Wm iuUdeJ' o aVi Chalouer John...;:;: .. ■, iS^' li y* Chick Isaac :.Sew.Mi • iohtaS" L CUlsliohaPeter... ;;. „:7 ura o a;* chrtstleJaa. J Shoe Flnillum H au ciiubbH.Aco ::8u5oueliTc: K r ,. o!? 'iJ""' ')i.i:. Htalrbuilder. L J;!'"^, Kprr&Thome Hardware. E a Claike Clement P Drugs. F a)i C ementsou F. A Co Crockery, c 1 Clerke James A 8on Mnfrs. Lasts. L J^'^yJ"-- Photo. A Fi-ames, K 3 Cochran A Bogerson Carvers A Cochrane G "stt L sS Cobolaue Dennis ".".■.SchwSiiS: ''^ Coldhrook Boiling MUla Co Kllfi^Jn Candles A sdip: G a(a Collins D Ilotw K 'I CoUins F Leather; FincUugs A Colpltto Thomas B Photographer: *^ "^ Couuell David UvJot ii L Cashing Andre A Co Limiber: C 1 Brass EdwimI J Breeee Dudiie Pump Mkrs. L ;% Builder. E a . Uij. AGru. a;a Brown David Harness, (i aJS Brown John C... com'u: L ^ Brown A LiMitch Teas A Coffee. L Browu A N ug.iut Uouora. L Brow u .Silas H BiUlder ""•Y, ^Vvi' ::...BiiPlltT L }j,™oV"'*^'!'-i iloildlnga. H '.I', Brundage A Jackson Sullmkrs. K i) Bryden Jiros. A Co. iiuiinrii r. Bullock Joseph. :....;::;:; out d h. Bumhom C. fc. A Co Fiirnlture. L '^ SSfH?^-^ Musio A Library. L m Butt John H Mer. Tailor. K 3 Calkins Jeremiah Cotton Mill. K 8>4 Camei-ouChHs. K.ACo..MUiauTy,Ao. K 33 Cameron .r. u Lamps, Oils Ac. K 3 Campbell Bilwanl (Ifo H a CttiupbeU A Fowler Mufiii. Car c-p||2.a;»^ ;3!?^«I* candiTmB'roa."."..... ...'.'Sou'oS: L "^ Cardlleniy Sewing Maofdue* L SSS.Ti''a*.S'' Stoneouttem. L Carroll DavlU PliimUr. L RJSI"}*!^- *",- Bestauraut A Lin. L Daniel A Boyd D <5 h I)avid84 2."4 '^ lff5?H.'?'i°*" Baker. K HammJ.B Liverv K Hammond John Vshoeiukr! h il^?'JF>,? <-'»;; Book* A Partodloalu. L . HanfordOhM. N Com'n. li Uanlnirton Bros Drnm^ K HanlnRUmT. B....Auotloneer*Tob. K Harding ChMlesK Lumber: H Harding A Hathaway Flour, «mmeon Brewer. „-, Jouea «lmeon A Co Baukei*. BH Jouua T. R. A Co Whol. D. O. C Jonys Wm TaUor A FlorUt. L J»«!l»»-'«mie*U SlUp Broker. K Jordan Wm. W .....D, O. Kane A Co. Prtnter*. L kaiiu A Muluemoy Htouecutter*. i, Keania Anthony cf yro K Koo James Baker, h 5* l'.'i!""i;*ii -. Shoemkr. L Keltlilln A Macanlay Wagon*. 1, fe" "y J»""«?E Painter. I, 5" Jy * UnUlyau LlQuor*. K KtilUeJ. H (jpQ n Kennedy J. T. A Co Cuutraotora.' F Keunwty Jiuiill»A. Marble. L «|fk A Dajilel fSawMIII. F K rkpatrick Brtw Clothing. L KIrkpalrtck A Dean .^ro L Kno ..»..._ .. ,. . Founders. D ] McCalTerty A Daly u. o m ' McCafferly Hugh Liquors. L McCarthyACo I'lanoa H MoCKthy Michael ShoeS. K f SWf:.^„:.:.;.:.;Mer.-A"S;f.t g \ MoColgau Joseph Restaurant. L ! Mi'dinncll James tsiioes H 5 MocormackD. w ::.;:::?S: l Moconnlck Jame* Clothing. II i Mocoflkery John Hole" L McCoskery John Louis.... Stationery: L MoCroaelii n oii 7i ■; Mccuiiough H. A H. A....::::;; d!™; f s McC miough Thoma* Oro. i, j MoualrmaldM....'..:.:"/.::.. '"n'rnia' f' " McDermott Alex BaHMt: McD"""!"! i "■ * t'o Contractors. McDonald A Walsh Stonecutters. «.T. L"?? ■'• <*• McDonald A Co.) MoDononghM Clothier L MoDonongh W U^uor* L 3H 3H McDuflbe J. W. A Co Jeweler*. L I{og»*»ln •»2»euu BootsAShoe*. L McFarlane 4 Ilunbrack... Plumber*. K a MoFarlane John K. . . .Soap A Candles. H 8 UoFateJohu Prod T. McFeetore W. Vir Clothing' O 8 McOlbbon W. H c^ i. ' MoOlvernR. P.. cim'iMer: K IH McOourty Cornelius Contractor. L McOourty John Contractor. McIiiDl* Jamea A Tailor L MoK»y W. Malcolm LnnTb"?: MoKcoElcD ..atiHKiciitU-r. L MoLachlan D. A Son* HriUormkrs. L MoLauoh Ian C. A Son. . .Ship Brokers. O McLaughlin D.J FlourACora'd: McLean I. D Millinery. L McLean James. Builder. K McLean Wm.M Com'n L McLcodUeorge Lumber A », T ^ ,, 'ddimwner. O MoLeod M cigar* A 'I'obacco. K Mcl-eod Hanniel P Com'n. L McMann Lawrence A Suns. . . Com'n a ling. Si a MoManu*J.N ciotKinS' O 8* SS^}ISii?x^.-"-.:-.-.-"'»'''iS-"''^ McNamee J. T. A B. S ::M8rblel McMaughton R. D ''"'d'"' q « MoNlchol Jame* A Son Clothing. O M MoNlcholABu»»eU Clothing. O sS MeSorley John Oro. A Lin « SS Melick John. . . .Ship Broker A Com'i' F Sj 5t*52l^yJY- •;• K™" * I"'""? Mkr. L Michaels Moaa Clinir* Ao! r. Mllle,lgoThon.a*E :±T^S: O 3 Mllli'r UroH Limn Su Mlllor J. Oliver . Confoo K S Miiiiganj.&K ... ::-.v.:.'-S: ^ *^ >r.ii .,.„*'«'''>'e Work* A Shipping F JH MlUsAlfred Chronoiuot*in S '* MlM*Samuel Mnfr' AiS' if » M"'!"" f ,( Bmssell* St: k!^: Bak * O 3 MltchellJohn ..Carver A JHSEI'.^"*'"'!'"-"' Meets AShS: H ^ Moiratt Andrew Miller ii ST Mollen* T. E. A Co 'Tldi.- Oils X' L ** Montgomery J. W Clot itor (i au Moo«SyB.&8on*..::::::conVrSiti™: a r Moore E. « Nail*, EdgeTo.ila, Ac •• , . „ (See Portland.) Moore John B oro L Moore Wm Bion F^ter I Moriarty oiie* ::::::."r!!L^5iS: £ Morrison Ueorge, ]r ilro Ac o ou Morrieaejr Patridt . . . . . ....... .Lluu^J' M S! Morrow lt.A.U fiooE K v^ MonlaonJame... ...:::::.: .•.-.■.TSro l »S M"rneli«n Daniel Shoemkr K M Mullln Bros Clothlnir ir « M,.iiiujeremiaiij::::::::::::8iothSg: " ' MuUiiJohn BootsAShiMW. L MuUlnJohn Liquor*. L M.'Iiir*/;/ Mnfr. Trunk*. MunjoohO Book*, Ac. L Muidoch John oil A Lamp*. L Murphy Wm. Musical Inst*. L Muriay Christopher A Co oro O MuiTayJ.T Oro L w Myor»Jacob Cariiagemkr: II 8 Ncall* Hugh DO Nojsou Cha*. L. . . .Paper ilagPaotoiy: Nc wm K. o HtatlSnery, Ac. Nelson Liml* uro New Brunswick Paper Co. ::::.! '. (See «... , •'""• Harris A D. Breeze.) Nicholson J. W Com'n A », « Wine Mer. |f»:::,:::::.'KI'Wc5: Noble dtVradenburgh oro. Nordhelmer A. AH Phino*. Ac. ., „ (Hoc Toronto, Ont) Normanscll H. 8 Victualler. Notnian Wm. A J Photographer*. (See Motinan A Snndham, Montreal, Nugent John ."i'gto. O'Brien T. ACc.Book* A Periodical*. O'corman John JTro Olive W.H Amni. O'ReganBro* ."lIoK Osgood B. P Marble Work.. 3)4 k SDi L K 8 B+AI F 'J)i H 3 L an F S4 L sa H 3 L K SH UV./aA A**Utt., .ompownera. PaddookM.V Drag* r EST' ??*"y.? Fergu*on..Watohe*: H ?«;a:£:-.::::-..:.-...:v..i;|§SS:£ I ST. JOHN. N. B. PaMeraon WlUtam U... Watohmkr. A PuttlTOi. oeo ■mSJith 1* &&i::::;:::::::--;iJS|«j Hmy7T;.^; i?™ff- fc 8|4 Peu,™ Aibiitv;;";;;;;;;-: -t,"™,"- k an, Pet*™ Oliarloii H /" " " " ■Tmmor" 5 t Peter. Oilbert H ::.•.•;: siSyi'i ^ ^ Pet«r.ASatl.orUmt.... Mnf™.Bwu ^ p|f«Swi.r"^ *^kS?: c 1 PWliwOwirKo ExcfiMm 3l! »irr::;::::::-^«^*Sf: p2«S m5^L? :: ::;:uudertiSS: l Pullen Jaiues H .pilntOT * '^ PurvMOeo. T.. ......... ._"'^."u'* f; 2S1SS.Vh.v.:.-.v.v;.^'°«'.'"«*,^«; g s 0?HSir ii''"* * son* Bake!^ E JtamieyH. K ing. Bii)kor. 854 gUrJ'i?.''" ■.::::::.::::::::Jiutiao"; » 8 Hh^ j^Tw.v.::.- '^"^•^'SSS f aoerawn A. a C'an>et« * 8U«™to«R.S Mau'ri^- g ^ H mina T. s. A Co .. BruihS' *• S* Sbiulair AiclilbalU .... Oro a ? SklnuurA.U iiJmiV. 1} 3i^ 8lBt«rJoHii, Jr.... TailS' {* *^ Smlt 1 A. a. . Jewuirr A Panovuooiia 1 ^ gSlfM'r*",!*"— •■•••• 8^^^^ K a* ISltu JiLfA^".;;;:;.^'""'" kl'JSD?!- £ ISithiotn^u IreicirulcXi^i: sSlUl"')?.?:;; coubutbU™. o ig.%TeV«!f:::;:::::----«-~ Stouton J "™- ^W f 8 8}* 1 i» R«2,?^? *«*" L'lothler. H sg aiSk'fo£,'".V..;.v.v cbS-n ^ Bolwrtwm George „" Wh*Co..Mnfr9!B"A'8P 2J! Koliluson Thomas W ^t AW. I. *■ RojnraJ. H pSSto? n t Koue James... ..:;:: p^S- f ;towanAroWl)aia....::;:'.:;::p"i"umbor t lu . Sancton p. Fre<1 BteamTum *n t 8ch..rtel^' n Tumbull A Co.... . •*""'"'^'Si *2- /? Tnmbnll j. Si.........V.V.V.V82hSJ: o Turner .1 A swir i Turner Ja.. D OyitinrAo L VaUanoeAlex. n.k«. t VaofthanJobn, ir Boot* AShoM^ r Vaughan L. U. A Bro.rr!eSD OutSS: Vennln«Jas.H aUSi^!' S 3 VioomAAmoW 8hlpBroko«.0 ^ wata°y™*H^ii-,iii,-;''"g?:|i'e K aw ^i\«»'Af:p--SS«=' ware O. R !^ "MSSSfxSSSi! r. WarwokO. H. r^wl!' n £., watorburjr wm Uanlwan^ H su wS!22?„t^l Stotloner.. K iMS"i«Ai:.;.v.v;.«'''''^!Sl^-c l^:sJ^o?JJ^'^^-•••«"«l^ Stewart A White ;: AnctloneiraA Stoi-eyJ.K FurnUaw. K 8t„rrle D. F....'.'!"''- «'J°»«»* i^) , gKs?,«»ff"'.«' :".:".".Ftonr a-^Ih'S: S Street A. B. L .Wine Dealer. U Suirorau^rge .•. Wat2h« **S: r Sullivan KluSan A cir.Ltau^ K 'i?",/S"'l"' On»' * Butcher.' lI 8^ OeWoHA o,v, T, Ve Wolfou. It CarruSea: L Ui>yl« KKmlieu LInuS™ t KatllliH>n U8 F uu Iluriiu Martin Uiiuora' H q Kelly «"»"t :...:-.:-.„.To5.- g » Ke>R BniH Llverr H. a KluK W. U. A Co..... ii-Js^-^V- S- § LawIurThouiaa I^vo, c'Imk t« Co Mazwiill ,r. H. T , McAlllHtOT lleury.... McComl) MBnuiof..... MoKlniy Isuno HciCh'Dy Jitp. 11....... Mctluwou M MoUratli J. A W MoKuiiuaU MaK«nr.liUi. H.. McKtMin I'BtorO MoWlimty J .Merohanta. J) _ UuteL K 8 Druga. O 8 .....oro. L 3H Hameaa. L .BbMkamlth. h ..Oro. AUq. F 2 Llnuoni. L Sf* Clothing, II a.Si ...Oro. AButohora. U O.H, L a,N. I, Tailor. L j;r."."V;ri'. "„■ BlackamlUi. K MltrlicllT. Jl oro K Moodwuoo.V Je^r.S 8 an a 8 3H S a Price Rdward an Revan Daniel ." Tlir Hoblnaon Wm. A Son* l*aint«ni. B^. (See CnlnlH, Me.) «?««Broa. Watchmam, a/'Ll'' •'."''",• •■.•.•••: Harneaamkr, StHtephen'a Bank Sawyer A, H... 8»w Mill. ai„, „.„ ,„ (Seo Calais, Me,) gSJhglH.j Booka. Smith Frank Druva oSitl! i '*'*""''•• *«<»'«» "» Tinware: BmUh A Murray t) o SponcoA, B Oro. AP^v' SteS? r* 2"?"'* MllUnory, Strange J, A J BUokaml tha. Thompa llotol, I, ■ . Carriagea. h iT.H. B 3 a 8)» 3)i Smith Alex Taylor A flreunan Thompson Kdarnnl Wheabm Bllaha SVood Mariner A Bona. SALISBURY, Waitmoroland Co Chapman Geo Carrlav ra ColplttaO, u. W....: J'."™"*"' Cuablug A Clai* Duhy M (»alliiglmr Timothy! '. flowliiu« ^ '^ Mill, L Hloba^ iMra,. O. H. K 8 SALMON RIVER, 81. John Co. DavldaonWm Mllla F^torKdwln !*.*!!. ^^'.'o'lii H 8 SALT SPRINOS, Klnfa Co. Campbell Peter Miller. L LangleyJoliuU Orlat MllL L SECOND FALLS, Charlotto Co. OUmour A. It. A Broa I.nmber, John«n, SMunol « cfe".*: ^^.TrngS.! a,^—^ « (*«• 8t Ouorge,) Stewart M Blaekamlth, L SHEDIAC, Woalmoraland Co. Aberoromby K. W a. 8 L AndrewaO, B iirod r Colder John oh F ' Chapman Mlaa A. D ■.■.■.■.■.■.Milllnor; K DeaonuW. B . iVraS i Dickie. Qonlon A Co Flour^ Diokie John mIuw 'ao l i»* DI-.igoI'«cklngCo.....V..;."i"SJif,J; '' ^ ,,™„„ ,.„„ Ilnial t nu ::::::::;:. U.8: it SU . . u. 8. L an IS willing E.J. SHEFFIELD, Sunbury Co. BurneoChaa.J o O ' ■"" .■...'.■.■.■.O. : . L I.tlmlmr I. Clark John. Fulton Wm 8 .{^'•IfllAiJredS LuiibifA ttS. i; iajior X. r O.S. Q SHEMOQUE, Wodmorolaml Co. (llHSrUtol.) SHI NEW BRTJJSrSW^ICK:, WES 8HIKTEHAWK, C«rlt<«n Co. PMuipi j»me» A....;....:.:.:;;.:cTs: RmPatrtokA ^'^.^GKh! I, •HirPAQAN, QloaoMtor C«. Alexander F.W o r r DearMMHi "■HotBi* Iln T :n»yiorwini»m i:..:::: "JShi S Young A. H. ft o auppUei (See Caraquette.) SMITH'S, Wtttmoreland Co. (■«•» Th4 Captt.) SMITH'S CHEEK, Kinf '• Co. MaoeWIUbun MIIU. ij MaoeWllllain,ir ^if K Bbarp Jee^li y_a_ ^ SMITH TOWN, King't Co «SlJ£w"?? Shoes. K Smith W.B Limebnnier. K SOUTHAMPTON, York Co. fSJ'S.^d-":::::::: «|-|; Uroavenor Qeorge '.".V.V " "d ' g' K H«uliton Samuel Blacksmith. L IngnUiam Jared Tauuer. " PluderJameaK iimuer. «. 8. »1 3 3 3^ SOUTH BRANCH, King's Co. CUlnO.L Q.s. K 3>s SOUTH ROCKLAND, Wntmorelind Co. (fitt Sonhetter.) SPRINGFIELD, King'* Uo. wnnter&M r> h it q OfUTyOeorge ".".■.■.Miiliim: " SPRINGHILL, York Co. SKi'^SJ^i B'wnlth A MUler. L MniTKrW.H O. S. * l^umber. R a STANLEY, York Co. i'SJ"^!" Hotel i G. H. L banaonWm a h r! TurnbuU Henry iiquoW L rerzax. D qjo. ^ SUSSEX, King'! Co. Arnutrong-— Tailor. L AtklnaonHufua Hamesa. 1. BarttaBpUert "rSS. L ^^'/^ Bhoemkr. I. Bjrrn/amea.: Uquore. o JB* SproiUJobn Ilolal K su sfabba JohAnna ..... H« *S: F 8^ BuseoxBootAShooCo... *'• S a TeakleaH. AM Blaiikiimlthi' n a ^te°H'e"^^AV.v.v.v----""44?E White A Humphrey. . . . .■.■.".;.■ ' " ' ' u s E a^ WlUtP. Upham'A N^lilte Tainoii O If* TABUSUITAC, Nerihumboriand Co. McKenzle A. J. W Trader. I, TAYLOR'S VILLAGE, W*.lm«r.»» Blackamlth. V Vii^l\*% Carnagei. I, lltllaJohn Tunnm* V Titus Jamea W., jr ...."ciiASg* WlerJaa.W..: ...^i'lA £ ConnoraJamea Ore. A Un i. Feuwlok K. B. A Son. ™ • ^' ^ t Uq. gha A Blell. _ Fowlers. O Black'im^th' i' Tlluac. AG..... "lacitamltli. I, Tltua Jacob ". H'a' r Tituawm. Ason*....::::;;:;::::.Mju; g ;, UPPER GAQETOWN, QvMn'i Co. (St alto QagtUtvm.) %7y^^:. ^'""^'gi: Hunter Jamea.... ".-..•.•.■.■.BiSSfi.^th; " * UPPER HAINE8VILLE, York Co. Smith T.W. .... O. 8. L 3H 3 3 UPPER WOODSTOCK, Carloton C* (Sea WooiUtock.) VICTORIA CORNER, Carioto. Co. Bowser J. B obi. Boyer George W .'gV8.A faiiuer.' L tei.i?2'^;i^ TaunorAShSS!: G Zii Smith Geo. ft!^^......... ■.".■.■.•■.•;:.•;.■ 0.^; t WASHADEMOAK, «u*«n'a Co. Doney W. H. . . West JohuJ .., 0.8. K O. s; K S WATERBOROUGH PARISH, Quoon'a Cfc BraDvoomb Jaitius A O. S, 8.14 3!i 33i Card Levi ....Tailor. L 5.Si!!2.° i?}^ Blaokamlth. L (oggen George shoea. h Coggen Thomas Shoes, h CongtoOeo. U Unuora! K CulbortW.H..Harneaa A Fruit Trees, h FalrweatherChaa Urugt L gllrweather George M HoUiL F &Jl?l<»»e'' Wro G. 8., Drugs, Ac. L FltersAlez IJquorH, Ac L n^iiS V^^ Blacksmltli. K uranamJohn Preserved Meats. K HaleyALawaon Carrlago.t. L HauualilXm Tavei-n I H^lyoilrer ..Vrwrtag™; ^ UeffeTThoa Biiokiukr r. Hendoraon Wm. . . . . . . . . ...fiSikSSlth. L H oraebroakyohn W Carriages. K 3>i TOBiqUE, Violoria Co. BartlettOalob Blacksmith K 1 Beevridgo W. B. A H. B. .^t^Tlo! 8 f 2 Caniorun Mrs. Jamea G. 8 I. ?»■;,'«""» Samuel A Uquora, Ac L FlIutJauiesA o s r l''ra«\r I'otcr O .'FufnituV*.' i^ Hethorln«[ton WllUiun. . . . BUokamlt£ H 3 KellyG. Leouard Slioea L KeuneyBras Tanue™! K «u Larleo Daniel . . SawMm: K IS MoVoetera Mrs. WU'!'to... mmnerr K s^ MUler Wm.H ™ : HisS" K ?u NewoombeMra Hotel o «* mretJi'?!"::::::::---'""---*^^^^ Uniuhart D. W ;." Uniora. Ac.' £ Waltes. P. ACo b 8 1 Walker Jas Phyalolan: L TORRYBURN, SL John Co. Hombrook Qeorge Ume H 1 M*.r'?^^"ii Umebume?; o 3 MclTOwan Mrs Hotel. I* TRACADIE, Qlouoesior Co. Davidson William G. 8.. Ac O Jaylo Hobort Boots A Shoos. L Furgusuu William O S H Yoiiiifr John A KIchanI 6". H. A Flslilug. F WATERFORD, King'a Co. (St* Dutch Valley.; WATERSIDE, Albsrt Co. Anderson M.C o s Andor«m W. Chesley . "»«' Ha^jay-) CoppKdwln . « S H « Peek Valentine BiiiJiVnVr.K ? ^ y^iS^i"^ .■■.■.BlaoksmlOi. S 8tiat«Aitred~.....".".v.;..-.-."';r;7.°'S'.a: i< an WATERVILLE, Carloton Co. Barker J. w o a i Ulark A MoOready Mnig w S Davis J. A W.J. .:.... Bliikamlih T Ferguson Charlei H...:.:-.!_ " o"S; l ,?pr«u»on Thomna " « S* u TUleyU. L .......; Q. s! j. SM WEBSTER'S CREEK, Violoria Co. (Be* St. Francin.) 2)4 Howard T.O.... . Blacksmith. H » JeflMes Hugh Mills, li 2 kJS «"»"• *■ P'V»'n A Drugs. L 3!4 iKr^" ,11L Carriages. L H't UoImmui Arthur Uouora. U bC MoLeod McKay ACo........ „.'g?s: P K SSJiS?? **•„?• ** t^-Mnfra. Cheese. K p McMillan Wm Tinsmith. K H McMona«le Hugh Uotei F 2SA S^?32fl'5*#^'''"' -L- Oriat Mill « a(| PltfleldAFalrweather Dooro, Ac. K » .Boas A MuPheraou FumitnrR. k .Su iSjig^Tx:^:^.^::;;;::^;.^ SmlUiIln.W. A. o. 0.8. K » O 2H ■za TRACEY'S MILLS, Carielon Co. Adams J. F. A Sons GST. Sliwt, Hons A MUler '.MuSi ii 3 TRACY STATION, York Co. Tracy Jeremiah, Jr h. K. I, TURTLE CHEEK, Albart Co. Wallace A Carlisle MlUmen. I, TYNEMOUTH CREEK. St. John Co. '■"Tot Robert E Shipbuilder, t Parker J. 8 Shlrbullder X 9 UPHAM, King'a Co. Burnett Joshua w Physician. L Oi ClanoyHugh Tavam* OaieiiwM: £ WELDFORO, Kant Co. .^fPi'S},^'"''* 0. 8. A ShlpbuUder. CallThoraas 8uw Mill n qu. Clarke Thomas li.. ^^"i; f Cunan TeiDuoe MlUowner' u -lu »y4U«.'!««.~ '^Sg i Keawlok John :.■.".■.■.". ■LumbeT t, ai* McKendriok Mrs. Daulil g b K a2 WalkerEilward Saw Mill. F a)* WELOFORD STATION, Kant Co. Bailey B. 8 Stagea. L Dnuu Andrew LuniTier M MoDonaldDunoftii... :. Howl' I, PildeWm L Stodhart aobert .■.o.s.'i WELLINGTON, Kant Co. McNaren Wm q, g. H 3 Vj/ELSFORD, Quann'a Co. Donovan Andrew Lm ibeiev. E SH WESTFIELO, King'a Co. 2>eij>eitD, W o. a. I, ■ WEST ISLE, Charlott* Co. PattarT.K q, L ». r, 1. 1. an i. <» H i. L »)« 1. H a 2)6 WIS ISTEW BBXJ^TSWXOK. woo WESTMORCLANO POINT, WMlmor.l..4 Co. fS— JWnt Dt Bute.) WHITE'S COVE, qiiMn'f C«. (8n Orcmd Lakt.) WICKHAM, 4uMii'« Co. OoldlDU George N a. 8. L VanwMt I«0Dard H o. g. £ ^ WICKLOW, CtrMon Co. Mliw^T^h^ BlncksiDlth. h .V4 BmlthMamhaU A ...BiiikS^ffi: K 8)J WOLF BROOK, Klni'e Co. Waltoaoeorse Haw MUl. L ^, WPOPPOINT, W*«(mor«lM««t«W I. S2*f "yJ Soi"^<"^'-'-'-"-'- ■■•■■■■■ D^^ I. SS^^.^'a'^.^::-:; ••■■■■•Sil ni.,vw T <8<>«P"<«Hofwiiditook.) oiarKB. J o_g jj 80 CuuMla. 3U golweU W. H o£ i C«nnMjrWm WwrnAUmSSia ^ LaaoeA.B. liOaaeJobn uiMiejonn CarrluM.' i ifSAiSiikfc- Cablnotmkr. h MSc£Xj2ii:::::; ^^Si; M«Conn.«k^toV.;.;.V.V.;.V. .?iSSS: ^ au ,uor«. L iJc^"ga^"D^;::"-'-"-----""-"-H MUlmore J. C. Mer. Tailor. I, .. Trailer, t Mooera W^. .■.■.V.Photomfhw: L a>4 Munro Pacteraou 0. 8 3 Pajmon AUnion Oro L PerklnaT. F g^S' r pwuiw D.TW ::::::::iS5S: « »« KeUl Jamea D..........V.V.V.Vh2s5S: f; 31* i^c-SaUfc":::::::::::: -^3 J ** BlaaonW.H...„. (f T o 8Upp o«). W. * Co oro S isifh^^u-"™"^-^^!! ajggS^Vco.-.vr-- Bmlth Dr.etephi, •.•..•.■.•.•.AWtii^: K |g?»0; H«"«S<». n«Si*t L Starratt R. S. A Co tin li au. Taylor Wm .7......... a^ ? ** ?llS'«?airc&^::.;.::;:---"^^^ I , Van Wart GUbertWm...:...Biik?/** ' ?S;^i.o;::.;::.;;:"™^- KStS^SJlH VciwiirtS?: L walker Jonn tbiiav v oi^ SK!!5?'A^''»^w... gi^o »* S)4 3 3M ^ WUaonI>.A.. I PKINCE EDWAKD ISLAND. ALURTON, PriMa'i C*. Beansto JuDM PhyiioUo. MeHBoUwt.. Trnder. K SH Burka EdvMnI 0.8. L &,"\'.A-^,^ Truder*. h i\>Jwr MloU»ol oro.. Ao. (ikvfn Peter o, 8. OonlpnJ.S... Trider. K Mowlanueo. W a. 8. HuotarDATia CinlMoe. I, SH I^'S!"* i:^- Carrtages. K J-fJl'n* W. 8 FlahlngTAo. L MaUiewD Walter. o.a H .<»« UoLaoilAlex u. H. h sS Hv.. Lobster Paokem. BIDDEFORD, Prinoa'* Co. OorelBdwam TTader. ~ Blohards Wm a. 8. A ShipploK. B 1^ BIO CAPE, King'i Co. (See Lot -a.) BON8HAW, Qaaan'i Co. Hobertaon Alex O.S.,othe<:aries' Hall Co o aVi Arthur L. A Co Uro., Ao. K 3>t llalileratuue Bon Un>. ACom'n. U 3Hi Baldwin A. A. A Co Hardware. F aw BearAtloir Uro., Fruit, Ao. « aSA Beer J. A W D. (1. li! 2i» BecrAHons u.B. C 1 lioUmne Uavld Painter. L Uovau J. J Qlnger Beer. L Blake Bros Victuallers. E 2'4 Borehum W. R Boota A Shvea. K 8)4 Bourke, Son A Co Hardware. D 3 Boyle Wm Tannery, a a!« Bi-acoOeo Shoes, Ac. H 3)a Bmc.o K. K Trader. 1, Bremncr Bros Stationers. O ;i BrldKua Robert Butcher A Trader. Brown Boborf (iro. fliDwnW.AA G.8. D 1)4 Butcher Mark Furniture. O Sh BymeJaniea Oro. A Llii. K 3)« CalmsCharles Marble. .S)4 CallbeckH.J Agent P a;,, Cttmerou J.inies M (ii-o. L C'aniorou John Baker. L Cameron John Bottler. L Camplwll Tlios Hallway House. Carroll Jolin Saloon. L Carter W.F Contec. L .3)4 Cathrao John H Agent 3 Cartmlll John (Jro. AUq. L CarvellBros Ck)ni'n. ChappelloT. L Books. L Clarke W.W Coni'nAUro. Coffin W.M uro. H 3 Colwcll W. P o. 8. 8)4 Connolly Oven A Co Grain A Pork. B X ConnollyP Livery. H 8)4 Cookfi.J Photographer. L Coombs (?eo Prod. H 3)i Coombs U o, 8. 8 CurbettJohn y. on.Ao. H 3 CosteUoJohn Xdquors. (» 3 Coyle Peter Liquors. K 8)4 Coyle Philip Tobacconist F a>4 Crabb Robert Hotel. U 8S f 'rttUh M_ ur O.K. T. ?^Z currle J. D.M."I!'^!IiI."X!'.!.l!!oi8~ L '" CnrrleJaa Oro.ALtq. O 3 Curry John... Oro. K 3)4 Uari::ih AFowle Oro. O 8 Davidson A Co Oro. B 3 Davie* Daniel ShlpptDg. O Davie* QeaAOo U. S. « DavleaJamca Hotel. U Dawaou A LePaga Oanlennrs. Dawaon Wm. R. a Co Uardwam. D Koan F. T. A W. L Prod. L 1)» llloladeo. W Ina. Agent E DeaBrbuiyJns .(1.8. F 3U UUmwollWni _ Hotel. L IHHid A Kogers R'ware A stoves. D LHxld Dr. a. W Orugglat O l) u s » »* as s3 3 3H -isstTf.-'t^riH OHA PKIISTCE EDWA-RID ISL^ISTID. LOX {^""'•''•'^ i; Tinner. H MaoeMlinn A Oo ItaUu WkrahouiM, Qro. * Uq. K llHonJ. D ...I>. (i..4o. M»y. Kelly * Cu^^ 6.8. McUosMilJ. C O. 8 F JI«Do«ur»U Kw»a CM)ok»ry A Uq. I, JJ'J'U Win- ■ ■ Com'n, dlo. O Mclntoeb A Uawer Contrao'-on. (HeeJuhnMaiutoeli, KoI»a»o Dnnnld Hotel, i, MoKujrJ. *;..... Wntohmkr. I. M..K..111I0 MreC). Oro. A Uq. O MuKBHiia icicle Ore. * Uq. O UoKenua Juliu A Uouun. L MoKenxleA. H. ACo....- .T!;u. Jl H MoKeii»le Atoxmirter Uontec, h MoKlnnoniikco Twnere. K ^oKlDnuuD. U Cloihlujr. I, M«Kliinon.Preiier*Co CarrtoJeS. K MoKiumiii « McLean FomuTry. H Molxiaii Joliu Trailer. II McUhiUJ. n D. O. i»OH>. O MiiMiiiT»y HunnelW D. H. I, McNeil A Anotlnnoer, An M'.PhalJolin OeiriMMukr. F Kc(4>iBl.l Mr* A ^liwu. I, 5i««u»UlM... siiuefc K McUiiUUn John Oro. A Uq. H UuHiieMamttet Trurter. F UlUerBrue aewtnc Moolilun. «,.>, ^ t"*"* MWtlfiton, N. 8.) MUler D ...o, B. O M}|!neraeor(ieE. 'Hue. L MH''i*''.,'','K"*» ^ Tinware. II IIIt«liell Wm i>nid. o MouiMbsn Uosh BUlnUaliaer. U MorrU A Uyntlnuui Brlxhnm •r _-, » ^,« Brewery. E J{""1»?,- * T. com'n. D MorrU Wm. F Mhoee. K Mon'jiwty K Founilry. V MiiriitiyA. J TaUor. h Muri>liy Julin Palattt". h MuiTuyAjlam Baddler. tt Munuyw Baker. F Mutoli Hamuel PriKl. O Nelnice 8. T. „ Bookn A Stafy. L Newbernr F. T. A Co. . . . Coinn A lue. JJew»onJ. .... FunilturB. O O'Conuell TluMitliy Vailety. L OJorA/'o Biimlthe A Carrlaireii. L l^.'S',.'?? Ho'el- O O'NelUJ. H Uquoi-e. L Owen A. w i'..i..-i. ft Vi a 3 „ , W.,... OlIlll'U. Owen l«iuuel C SUluuluij. PeakeBru8.ACo,.81iipbtiUdei'»A«l.o'. B+I Vi Peanlou J. P. Porkliia A Hteroe .«. 8. L D.O. F 3»i 8*» i 1 3)4 I {"oHlKrew MI'S Saloon. L PlilllIpsA McUoeon... Marble Worka. 1, Plukaid John W Haititlor. PoUaiil Jamns B Crot.kory. H PuiH) JaniMi C. .Bhlpbuihler A Brewer, Prfnuo Edward Island Bteam Navlua. tloii Co Puiily E. F. Stonooutler. K Quirk Charles Tobacco. I, Qiiirk John Baker A uro. ItwiklnC. U OniKS. h UaUouburs Wm Spoculator. U JUkksW. N TiUlor. L Hlley Chas TobaocoAOro. L KouertMUC Tailor. O 3 Itoas Bros Photographers. (BeoTrnifl. N. a.i ficanthbnry Geo U'siulth A ^^.. Carriages. H 8] Soanthbnry Ueorfie Truulcs. II a' HootiJ. Alt Canlagea. O si Heller John o. 8. A IJmo. SheaM.O Qro. H SlmmouB Georiie Olnfcer Beer. Ac. II Bliupsim Albert Oro. A Flour. 11 fmnll David Sailrakr. K Sroallwnwt A Bovycr MaoliluUU. gndth Kdward W BooU A Shoee. U Sraltiui. M Hotel. SuoKstun ItolMtrt Watohee. Huejlgi^ve Mrs. Ueorge Contoo. K 3!a guel'Krovo Wm o. B. K 3ia BurluK Park Brewery Co Btalre K. D Cablnctware. L BtanlBV Jamea Shoe*. H 8 BUiiitlford A Taylor Palnl«rH. 1, SM BteviiiMni M TlDsnilth. Btowan W. IJ A notlou A Coni'n. mumbles Jotin BaddlatAa.' "^ "" Htumblos W. W a.». L Taylor E.W Jeweler. L SJj TaSlorF. B PbyaloUm. U a Tiionie Blobard Oro. AUq. u a K a L 8)4 I. «S L s.)* K. k I. L Ki L O n i> M J. m 3 3 a a 3-4 TralaorP. II Palnur. L Trayner MIohaal liquors. O 8 WaiiaoottJotan tlhoee. L S4 Watsun W. II r;ruK«. K « WeaksW.A AOo C hI £ 3 Weeks Wm Hoots a Hhoe*. F »i Wulimr W, W.... Watches A Juvplry. H a Welih William tihlpplnir. J> a Whll« Archibald. Machinist « » Wrtaht A MatiioWBB L. .Trail. r». U aXi wriKht I! (iro. li Vatvs AlbeitU ri, 8. 1, YeoJoho...... BooUABho-js. F iii^ Youni Bobert D.O. o 8 CLYDE STATION, «ua«ns Co. CrabbK. J Tradar. h COUNTY LINE. JtnahosJ. W o. b. L UnUanu James o. >*. h CRAPAUD, QuMn's Ca. Brtne -Angus Tmder. Cooku Ja». i* a. B IliHxl Wantiu IMnsmlth llowalt Ouorfte o. s' McponalilP BailiUer. Mul4HidJ.J.. Tailor Nj-wsou Pet«r Haddlei-. Nicholson Oeurpe Blacksndth. Palmer ixmn WW Trailer Beld Wm Canlaaeii! Iloliertaon U. W Pliyalot.n HtHKht Wm CaiTlBiws. BtordyJ. W. AOo Uro..«° o. • r ,(?«iJusopl« W. BM.wly.) Btoiily Joseph W Trader BtriHly John MI'lor Tromatne L Pbyaloian Tro«'s>lal« Thomas ...0. 8 Wadman Henry A Bon 0.8. OUNDAt, -zinc's Co. rATss alto Lot is.) Bordett Richard o.f. ,. „ .. . . (BeeSourls.) Mo Uonald Hamuel u. h MoOoumllJohn Blilpbullder. H SM McK;';hn l>rugKl«t. L ^ l«||Taos Koter L MoKoBuld A. A. A Bro O. B. K MoDonald Allou f ». »., Ac. F McDonald Mrs. Mary, . . Hotel A O. H. K JJogonad H.H Hotel K MoDonaldA Woaleway iJWBiiwners. 1) Molionalil Wm....Carnent«w»c«Ber. H MolteowBJohn •J....l'hy»'>i* OlTifa, L MoI*anAnitns.... HAJiTlar. L Mol*»n Noruian K Boatbulliter. h McUwd Wm <>wDer. L i«'>5Jab«.l! fl. * B. A TraSer. L MoPhall Anirrs. Blookmkr. H Mnnni Koildok Flci;r* PrmV O UuthcrfonI Jamaa A Foutdtr. L 'jaudemun Wm Ai,i<(limeer O «J»uaab«U3lt V'ta Shipbuilder * F'our. F BralUi Jolin... Blocksuillh. H Btewart John M Bllpowner. F Waauiorbu K BlaoVsmlUs. L *«>:»:« ^0 Tanner, o 8 Wtghtmna J o. 8, Wufhtntan Wllliain U.K. L GEORQIETOWN ROAD, Klitcia Co.«Kdward U.8.ATtBa.Z • CiNAND niVER, ICIa(<( 0« (8t» DvndtB.) HAZEL OHOVE, Qviwa'a Co. Bbitnell Blohard RoM. S Ora'jl) Kilmund A IloDa UjtKira. JC HEAD ST. PETER'S SAY, KI. 8. Z, KENSINOTOK, ««oan>s C^ Bentley O. W ,a.8. L (.'arrntl;ers Mrs a, 8. Johuaim .Vrs. 'JatUarlno...Cbth W. O MoLeod Hugh. Talior. L MoLeod Johu j> ii.H. .. . !»«• FtMioh Hlvw.) p'tjonnor ilngli. Uuuom. L 81ms Thos. U. ABou Auofu-n A ,...■, ... Com'n. H TupUn A Bowneaa a g. O LITTLE SAND9, Qoaon'o Co. MnunOuncan Lobatora, Ao. 7. LONG C.-;EEK, Qiiooa'a Co. (Set Wul JHvf.) LOT 3, Priaoo't Co. HamellJamea Tniiet. L LOT«. Carroll Oeorge -BhipbuUdv. LOT II, Prinoo's Co. F-rbes&Cole o.s. K SM < OallagbanAuirnsUne....... .'.Jquora. H 8 LOT 14. O'Connor John Prod. K Sa LOT 34, llaoon's Co. Stewart Alex BawMJU. I. LOT 4$, king's Co. MoCurmaok /lAga* o. S. L LOT 49, ^aon't Co. HcBaobna Joba ..„.,... tWPMT. R t !»♦ » r* LOT PRIN-OE EDWA-RD ISLAND. StTM I.OT$S. (8ti Z>untUu.) LOWER M<^«iTAGUE. (IM MoiUa0u4 BHdg:j MALPE^UE. MoNuttHarry .......T^e?: L " MARGATE, Prinoc't Co. wigginton George. :::::;:;:.^"™tfl: ? »* MAR9HFIELD, ^uMn't Co. Kobertaon W. B q. a. r, MISCOUCHE, Prinot'* Co. Oerroohe Gilbert o. s. L S)4 MONTAGUE 8RID0E, Kln('« Co. AltkenB OS K ^S*"^^**- N..8adiUer <& Aiiotioneer.' K 3H bSi^^i?"** ;....a.a. L 3it CampbellJoeepb Trwler L OewarJotanT Tnuter K 7(H Forbes Doaalil ...OS K S J™«»Cli««.B CBrri«ire«; K 3^ 0»nl Plnroe DistiUer UcCalln.j Junes A '..'...Drags.' L SSt. MoD|m«Jd Austin C. A Co ...o.*s^ b ag HoDonald Donoan G.S. o ,, Jfofe^Jolin Carriftges. K Sii MoI«odD..... TMner. K sS MoLooil Doaalrt BUoksmltb. L MoPbersou Hugh tTT^tor McQueen A. A fi o.a L Poole Charles D (, a Sptague Rlobanl .'!."!"u:8" „ (fee Beer A Sons, Charlottetown.) S}?,yS"»«>» W. T Blaoksmlth. L 8>4 Wlgbtnum George o. s. q 3* MONTAGUE CROSS, QuMn's Co. McCabeJaraes O. 9. H S MORRELL, King's Co. OoxFnmk DruM. i, CoxRobertN O T L sKSwm- BlUpbiJld'er; Hterns wm o r tt 4 Webster W. II ...:ii,^e?: L 3)6 MOUNT STEWART BRIDGE, QuMn's Co. ,%i??''^^'J'' a. B. A Mills. ClarkJ.R a a Clark 801.C "a I" L Coffin J. B : G B L Coflln James. BblpbuUd'er.' L Douglas A Coffin O. a. Ao L Egaa David... o. 8. A Shlpbul der. O 3 Fletcher John J o 8 L NewbaryBros Tiiiden' i. pheian 'S'aiter :::::::..'.'.';S^uS"; t »oMJamo» ..a.B. H 8 MUODV CREEK, Prinoo's Co. Dickie Cbarlos R «. b. I, NORTH TRYON, Prinoe's Co. (Set Ttyon.) NORTH WILTSHIRE, «uMn>s Co. McLean Bros.......... Tailors A D.o. I, O'LEARY'S ROAD, Prinoo's Co. (St* Port Htll.) ORWELL, QHMn's Co. Cl"k Donnls K. A Co o. 8. K CirantJ.M G8 a Mo Lood Norman o's Ross David .".'.'..'.'.■.o'.a L PISqUID, Queen's Co. QtlltaA o,8, L 3^ Brine J. F.. PORT HILL, Prinoo's Co. Sii '^ MURRAY HARBOR, King's Co. ClemeaU Wm (1 8 E a Clow James g. 8. Ac H 3 MoCl jre Biw. SLlpbuUdem, Ac. O McFadyeu Malnolm G b Mclnnos A. J. M Cu (j h (See Austin C. McDonald A (io.i ___ „ , Montague Bridge.) Pronse 8amuel .T. iT.h. e a NEW ANNAN, Quson's Co. Tuplln James. Carriages. H 3 NEW 0LA8C0W, ^uson's Co. Bagnell WUUam O. 8. A MlUer. G 8 KliinsJohn o b H 3)4 Mnulsliaw Dr. H Drugs! H sS pre«,or An guj, Jr Ag'l ImpKa. ^ UitolJ«inos.Jr fi.s. o 3 NEW HAVEL, QuMn's Co. HoMUlau Jugb o, 8. H 8 Forbes Acoie.".::::'.'.'.'.:'.'.: "^o^-^ McCallum Duncan ".'.'.' o.' s" L Richards Capt. W Shipbuilder: „„ , _ "^ee Blddetord.) vS2 T^„** ShlpbuUder, Ac B 8 VeoJohn 8blpbuUd«r. D 2 POWNAL, Quaon's Co. Campbell Francis H o. 8 L Moore J. R o 1 i. Smith Rlohanl iilliois.' t PRINCETOWN, Prinoo's Co. (Sm Malptqus.) REOPOINT, King's Co. BruoeA.W Trader. L 3)4 ROCKY POINT, QuMn's Co. l2 Sterns J. O :..:... .'.'o 8 Q T atone Wm Llquoii L WalkerJ. M .5,8; £ SOUTHPORT, QuMn's Co. Aylward Capt John BlilPDlne. F Beer Henry ..&. I. F Farquhaiwu W. H oro L Kounwly Jas. W Qro. A Saddler. L Kennedy John Saildler. U 8)4 STANLEY BRIDGE, Quoan's Co. (Stt WhtaOty Slvtr.) STURGEON, King's Co. ColllngsJohn O 8 n "M Fraser Duncan OrU'tMUl! K 8)j SUMMERSIDE, Prinos's Co. AuldWm qto I. BakerJohnF 'o 8 o » Baker P. R p}^' Jr S iJifi'^.^*IPl?™ C^n^! L Beairsto Peter Physician H 1 Bealrsto Wm. A Son. . ....... ..^Co^! H 3 Beck Vere Marble. L BornBi-,lCha8.E... .Sewing Machines. L ■Urazu Jas Prnd n a Br<)wu Patrick Tlnsmlto! O 3 CaldwellJames CoalAProiL L Calhoun JohnR .::.:.^ ef^Ao! K a Camnbpll I) Hotel Ao L Kl^.'t A"V.'",1S" Photograpters! L 8)4 C'laike ife Kobbloe G 8 K siZ Compton A Webber O. 8 L CootfiiJolm Blookmkr! K Davis H. W HoteL L Doull Mrs. A. F FanbV'aoods. L Doull qoorge Oablnetmkr. L Doylo Andrew -....SaUmkr. r. 1 »■ „ (See Charlottotown.) Doyle Pierce F Contractor. G 3 ga^'lngP. F Shoemkr. K 8)4 Farrow FI Trailer K 52 FrlzMlThps Boiti'AShSS.' K ^ 'lalTup;- John Flour H ?« J«Klwlu Jacob L .'Hotel L sS Gourlle J. A. ACo t... .. Dtoot H S^ Grady David A Hon Gro. A l5q H 3)4 ""»» 'i,A Grist Mil L ^ ilall T. B Q B ||a"T'"»,-. Threshing Maohlnos! H 8)4 Harvey Chas Liquors. Holman Robert T O 8 D 2)4 pcfi! Patrick Tavern! L foy '^■■■ii. Blaoksmlth. L Lefiirgy John.. O. 8. A Shipowner. B 1 Ll.ikle(terAbs,"lcmp Tins. L 3)4 McDoimld A.C Hotel L MoUoiiald Ronald Uquors. H 3)4 MclIalH JaiiieK Baker L Mcli.lyro Norbcrt BUcksmlth! L MuKi'iixlo John Talloi L MclCiuuun BiMB o H* McLennan A MoCarvel o's' L McMlUaa Angus o. s'. A .r ..T ... ^ » . ShlpbuUder. »* MoNutt A Beairsto ".. Q. s H 3 McSween Angus Tailor. Mills A. P G 8 L Montgomery David Coal A Prod. Morris I^roouard Books, Stat'y A „ , .. .. . _ Fancy Oiioils, L 3)4 Mnlrhcad James g.8 o a MunooyS.A Orstera K a Muttartoeo .•....'.'.'.'.'.•.•.•.■.' HqiSS L ' Pickering W B'sm\th * I..J . TV Oarriagomkr. L 8)4 ? 'fPl- • V>- irv; Physician, H ' 1 ,d John D. A Bros ....o.S. B S iwgoreriayld.".".'.. '...■.".■.■.. .. Oen-rMw! D a BatindnrBC. B Harness. L Snliuniiau Jtoob Com'n. L Sk BharpJamesA 0. 8. A Oysters, F »i TIG PlillSrOE EDWA^KD I8L^Isri>. woo lis •M Shrove Dr. C. J DrnM. I. Ht«utUordJohn Contno I, Strong Frod'k W. A tii ........:. o.^! wiiKiit Bros O H O A YounaJohn Blwkmi?: K TIQNISH, Prinoa't Co. AnenaaltJ. J o S L "iv. Cam)UB.M Trader I ^ Gallant A Arseuult .V.V. . o s t HaokottBro* o 8 l^ su Myrlokl. H K,h ii 52 Kfciu»r«y M Pertrtler. I, Held John D Woolen Mills. (Bea J. D. Rold A liros., Summerslde.) TYNE VALLEY. (attZotii.) VERNON RIVER, Quoon'i Co. KS??^""- Trader. H m uaydenj. L Miiinr n <* HaydenJaa. (Yankee).....eawMm4 MoKen«toJ.O O I' L " O-NeUlOoa HotiiiasiL VICTORIA, QuMn'i Co. (Bm Orapaiut.j VICTORIA CROSS, King't Co. (Se4 Montagu* BHdgt.) WELLINGTON, Prince') Co. (Set Bumntrttde.) WEST CAPE, Prinot't Co. KlnlerJamea Trailer i. Klnley Samuel....^.......... Tralor L MowflUame Alfred? :":::: Miller: g « MuWUllaniB Amos a. 8.. MIIU Ji Ramwy Archibald ftt"cl'.%': ** ^ WEST RIVER, «»••»'■ Co. Bnrdett Rlohard a H v soj. Stewart Bros iiiiloia K 8H WHEATLEY RIVER, Qiioon'* Co. MoMUIanAlex n n « MvMlllaugo.) Koll« Jumcs A Son FIslilnK. cf. F SM Hierllliy O. w. K .' .0. s! L ^ JanUuoJaiiie« u. 8 CSoe Ueo. Elinsloy, St. Julm'a.) Paraoua Cant. Stephen 8uppUo8. 3)4 Hliopwm Robert : ci. 8 L Taylor R. II a. 8. K 8>4 BETTS COVE. Belts Cove MInlug Co. . Copiier Mines. IW Squarry R. T '...Trader. L BLANC 8ABL0N. GaaiUnC Flsli,*e. L I* BoutlaiUer * Co BuppUes. 1) a Staion PUlUp SuppUea. 3 BONAVISTA. f^lio Poole'i UUtrut.) Ktxui Wm. (Poole's Island).. SupiiUos. F aW Knue Win. ( Poole's Island) . . Supplies. MS "W J ""»■» ■: • ■ ■ Jupplte* J) a Bal»tJami-8i&8aus Huppllea. H ai4 SkeltonJ. o Dru(t»,&o. K a.? BOONE BAY. OoxF. ««'- Vessel Owner. II H HnilthJ. A(J o. 8_ J. .^u Tiu-elian James (i B ir 'V Winters Mrs.L, a.H. K 3>4 BURIN. Kvans Kilword Nnnnllcs V '2>a F;dleRl<.h«nldkCo...FUhA8uS,K: I, 3'* O'Brien James u. 8. K 3}^ CARBONEAR. Brown Thonins Uro. A Llii. 3 Ooniiellr John u. (1. H 3 Duff A liiiltnur D O P '.i'l. Furlonu Tliomas '.'."o.s £ M°2!!,'i?'''"' Tailor. L floffThouias Tullor. L Ooum a. T. II Cuin'n * Supplies. Jo}-..« HiiM O. B. * Supplies. F 3 Kelioo James.. O L pr","L»^„'V;..!'ii '''*'*'* "'■.•P'.'!'^",??'"- *' '•'H i'owiM Matthew ..."..! i.iqiwVni ii 3 RourkeJolin Meni.ant U S Tucker A Camerou BuppUos. 1, 3)4 CATALINA. BowrUiR Bros Supplies. ., ,-, , ^ „. . , (See St John's.) McCormaok A Wolsli 0.8. O 3 gnellgrpve Bem O . s. * SuppUea. O S StoneTbomaa ^ . . . .SupiiUos. o s CHANNEL. ''oo'eJ •... Trailer. H Si4 CONCEPTION BAY. Hayden Richard Supplies, Ac. CUPIDS. (Net Urii/ut.) EXPLOITS RIVER. Wliisor * Vallence Saw Mill. U aJ4 FERRY LAND. Whlto John Supplies. O 3 FOQO. Dudei-Kdwln Snpplles. „-. .... , (See St. Jofin's.) Owen Jt Kaile o. 8. „ (See TwUUngato.) Scott Robert BuppUea' Watoruian A Co Buppllos. iSee TwUUuicate.) FORTUNE BAY. Burke Bros Supplies A FIshlnr. 3 KwiienOeo Ves8el8,*«. K 3,'4 **»*Jolin 0.8. tftFUb. F '^ OAMBO RIVER. MunihyJolmJ Saw Mill. Remtall Stephen Mill (See Job Bros. A Co., bt. John's.) GREEN'S POND. Vlrff,'"'t •*•■&■* *'*"' Supplies. L White Frod'k O. 8. ABuppUcs. 3's HANT3 HARBOR. Wataou James II Supplies, ll 3 HARBOR BRITTON. Newman A Co SuppUee. AAA! HARBOR GRACE. Anderson Robert I'rov 1. Black wua...'iell Mrs. Maurice Mquors. F 2>4 Dearln J. J., sr ". . . . Druifs, Ac. , , , , . . (See St John's.) Urysdale Aiidrow O. H. A P. O. L .IW DrysdaloJ.B (iro l^ ^ Ijwyor Peter. Supplies. 15 2>.j J arrell Patrick Oi-o. A Lbi, L aji i ie.. o. Ij JnrvlsJnnios 0.8 I, Jlllanl Bnw. . Watchoa, Ao. K 3 Jones Mlcbae o, 8., Blwks, A(!. a 3 hoolo Miss Alice Llnuors. (i 3'.I,.. Tlusmltli. It 3 McklnuonMui'doek Tailor. « 3 MunnJohnACo Muivhauta. A Al j3urp:iyjn:in 0.0. L Parsons Kbeunier Uro. A Lid. L Parsons J, A B u. (}, Parsons Mark BuppUea. o 3 Patterson A Foster Merohanta. D T Qulnton K. W. A Sons a. 8.7 Ac F Vt, RossC. \V. ACo > jS. o 3 Riitlieifoiil Andrew Flour A (itml. K 8)4 Rutbertonl A Taylor I). «. Si™l'j; •''.'''," Supplies. II 3 gtraltlo John TlnsAtfioves. L SheaDennls I.lininrs. (I 3 ?i;s's^ro'':'.?'.-.v.v.-.v.v.-.!!!:'.T.i: ° "* HARBOR MAIN. Furey Charles o. « L Holden WllUam A Co ..q, a. L HEART'S CONTENT. (See Trinity Ban.) ISLE VALEN. Le Mesurlnr Uenry Hi:pplles. I. LANCE A LOUP. (Set St. John't.) LA POILE. Ciwk John A Co ].K>bster8. 3>4 a »;» Do Uruohy, Jteuouf, Clement A Co., „ ,, , , I'ish. D Small Joseph SuppUea. L NOTRE DAME BAY. Wlnsor A VaUenoe Baw Mills, (See Exploits River.) ODERIN. Power PhUlp SuppUea. K POOLE'S ISLAND. ( See Bonavlila, ) PORT DE QHAVE. BuUorJ G. 8. A Flshlnn. E 3 ROSE BLANCHE. Rolls James A t:o SupjiUes. ROUND HARBOR. Ooultou John '. o. 8., Ao. L ST. GEORGE'S BAY. McLean Daniel l-rader. 3,14 ST. JACQUES. (See f\irtuiu Hag.) OT. JOHN'S. Allen. oiiudle A Co TUisniltlis, Ao. Arrhlbald K. M I'om'n A>-«!'jjiald John Miifp. -robaiw.: Ai-chlbald MelvlUo Uih)U A shoos. Ayro J. II. A(i Bakers Ayio A Marshall iT™' lluUie, J. A'n.d; Baldwin Joseph Oiti. A I'rov llitriisteail Cluis., Jr Leather A ,, ,. „ ,, Shoe Finilliiirs. BnnnottC!, F Biewerv HunnettC. F. ACo MeicbauW. Ilerney A Fltiallibons. i) " Herrldon Patiluk 'rulior' BlackwiKHl A. A R Perfumery, A«.' Bowdoii F. W Sewing Maclilnes. IloWIKIlH). F t'lHll'u i!"*''';'* B'JJB MtmllHllls: lloycl J. A W Lumber lloydA McDoukbU Mercliaula! Itiftniiiin l..j £_!.. ,^ i; ti itniwiiing (iiiiiert. .'."...". ..'. . . ."''. Tiiikn' BrowulugJas. ACo..TajmersA 11. as! „ , , (SeeailboitBrowuluir.) BiTdenJaa.. .„,..., i^.ijjj 11 3 1. F 3 K 3)4 U 3 C A i'T Iti a l> a L »!» I. B 1 B 1 K •T'l (1 H 1. L B- 1 K a F •/'4 F an, F a'« 3H ST. J 3SrE2wB^oxJlsrDt.A:iNrt>. gRllKlmn Jvnci prov. A Oro. H Sii irlHirnr Jiuusa AHoMonoer. L OarewJolm.. .. .....UmlwtBknr. K 8<4 Oani«U Hnmuel O WlioolwriKlit A Carter John.. IJq. * Cniokiiiy. H 8 O ilnliolm J. F .?. ji,M)ka. o 3 Olltt, Wootl Ik Co AuotlDH* „ , _, „ Com'ii Mors. m CnnThoa. H Fiiitiltiirc. L CiiiMiuiii MIhh Fancy UoiHta. h Collltii'jniiii w Painter. K S'4 CoMliiH MlKHCH H. ». L ;)>^ C!ollMMr«.,liu). H llanlwan), Ail. U H>J CiHiniim Michael Hiitchur P a'-o Codk Wiu UiiU'her. (1 ;i C<'»,J'W Tailor, fl ;) CriilKiVt t'ohou HotHl. 1, CrulKahaiik A. ift Co I)y»r, &o. K S\ Ciillim Will t'niv. K V! CiiniiiiJohu Dlothler. L il)« lliiyiiioiiil Will (.'nliluuluikr. H H I>;uir II J. J.,Hr Oiiinn. O it liliikliiBoii Jl. K <'oiii'ii A liiiiki-r. (i :; IJckiiJ.&.r HfltUnkrH. U H lilokii lUiliort. ..Htat'yA Fancy UooiIh. L H'i Down Uuhuit Hlioiiii. J< Uown iloKcr HhoTOi. K 3>ti Dryw A Ciiiioii Ciini'n *o. O i) UiichuinlnJas. L UunlKniu, <«u. rt a tluilMr Kdwiii I). ().,*o. I( 1 l)uOor lli-nry Butcher. (» H DiiKKAU lltmry (Jro. A Llri. II a Diiiiiiiwwcal* Whiilo KlMilnit Co ..... a I'lHiUi n. H Watuheii ill Jowulrv. I, Uilimit.'. A ProV. Kljtott Jan Tlnn.diu. K 3! 4 C I'll V 2)1, F »h. K «** a m 3'.| 3 a K 8)4 hi ■J D IH .1 K 2 K 3)4 1. H m, F 2)i I, 8)4 BowasMra Books. Bt JohnMra. Eilward Baker. Bt. John's Fonnilrr Co — «~. Bt. John's Oa« Co Bolater David ...b.o. Hoott James Watohmkr. Beymour Henry W Oofc 8harp,K"lIyAOo ixo. Shea Ambroae Com'u. Bhlmui, Plppy A Co .: a l": .. ,. . ('*•"> Ayre A Maraball.) Blllers A Calma r». o.. ao. BImms Johns Com'n. 2"'!H' A'<"""«I'T Marble Works. Smith Edward * Co Oro. Smyth M. F. . sewing Maclilnoa. Smyth Uobert .....Boots* Sonthnott J. A J. T Bulldera.'Ac! Hpfy T. W, A CO Prov. A dm. S •"['PS."'!'''; J ..Merchiuit. Hlabb Nlchohia A Hoiia... Coin'u Mere. Htabb, How A lIoliiiwooil..Morch!.nts. Hteiir John Fish Sunplics, A ,, . . Outfltter. C 1)4 Deanonee £dward o.s L SetcbeTerry AnQtole «. 8. H 3 Duquaanel Mdme q. 8. O a Diirleux JoaoDh a a FItzcerald Mdme ""a a Folquet A FUa O. 8.' A Llo.' Fontfllno K a. £ A Lin FrobUl It. M ..;.8upnllM GauUer Uuatave Hhlnjring A «.,—._ T. ■ Outflta. uorman J oaepb o g Oiilbert Veuve M. A 8onB...'."Fla'h, Ac! HiinielJacquea O. 8. Ac. KeraultJoa ...O. 8. ALlq. Htrmoiik A BHboa Flab, Ac. Herpln A I'opln FlahAO.S. Ilouiliice E. A A o.s Ac Hubert KuRene o. a Hubert Jo84'.iib "TrailHr Hubert IX.U1H ::"::a, v;f i"^; Jnquot Alpbonalue Baker .laquet A liardy .o.s. , , , (8eo Alpbonalne jaqnet.) Jyalne J G 8 Lainuaae Jacques. !!..!!.".'! o' s Landry Charles Traiier' Lavleslere J. M Tina A II' WAIY) L« Breton Peter Trader. O 2)4 a u SH K !«>4 3 h C IH BH I. <1 3 H 1 C i«4 U m I. K 3 « 3 U 3 F 2)4 F I'H 1.0 Charpentler HypoUto. O.S. B Vi Lecbartler Oliver a B f lii Lertret A Miller '"o 8 H S LeFever Pot«r Trader! O 3 Le Franoola Victor as r , , . > Flab A Uq'. B 1 Lcfroue Lonls Baker, o 3 I.e((o«aeSt. Martin Ti-ader. K a"* Leniolne O. 8., Ac. B 1 M.izlor Francobi O. S. A U(i. K 2 Mcnier A l>. V. MclUa Fish. D 3 NeablttACo () 8 L Paturel (Dalgremont) Mdnie.V.o! .s'. A Pejilii Emanuel ci 8 E 'i Poulain Veuve A o. S. F •i'i Pourpoint FH» KlsIilnK, Ao. 2 Rlotteau A FUs Flah A Supplto. AfAl 8emery Veuve o B (1 'l Uheoau R. U. A Co I'o. 8. A TalvandeE O. S. A Uq F S"* Tbomazeau Veuve E. A Clo. . . . Flab A VdartJ.B fiakor. E 2)4 MgneaaA Clucks A Watcliea. U 3 BEITISH COLUMBIA. BABINE POST. Uadsou Bay Co.. .(See Victoria, V. I.) BARKERVILLE. BlbleyJolm Stoves* Tin. F Chli)p Dr. Jolin Drum. CuiiloN Brewerv povlln A Brandenbaoh o. 8 Hanwr Thailileus Butcher, o Uurtaon Bay Co. - 1J4 „ „ ~ — (See Vlct»i-1», V, I.) Kelly A Saloon. I. 'Ja""»*0»ly|r-- Bentanrant H 3}i Nenfelder F. A Co O. 8., ., .r j^.., ~ *"" Francisox), Cal.i Mood.^Tllle Saw W 111 Co. (Limited). ... 2'A BaymurJ. A Manager Hastings „ ^ Saw Mill Co. D 1J« Rogers J Logger. H 3 WUBonB.H ifotelio 3 CACHE CREEK. Campbell James o. 8. F 2H CAMERONTOWN. (See SarkervilU.) CARIBOO. (See Barkenille and lUcliJlelA.) CA8SIAR. (See alio Dtete Creek, McDamet Creek, and lilei/raph Oreek.J Foster N. F o. 8. 3 CHILLEWACK. AshwellO, R o. 8. 3 CLINTON. Foster F.W o. s. COMOX, Vancouver island. BotlelloJ a 8 HomeA.O '"'o's' Hudson Bay Co. . . (Bee Victoria; V.'l.i CONNOLLY'S LAKE. Undson Bay Co... (.Sec Victoria, V. I.) COOK'S FERRY. Neladn 8. M a. .s. * saloon. D IJi OrdanoO. B.. COWICHAN. ...G.H. F i)i DEE8E CREEK. Calbreatli, anuit A Cook . . . Packers & , . ■ „ . Traders. r I ... (*'"<• Telcgrapli Crock.) I>lBerBimon " o 8 (See Victoria, V.'l.) 31 Canada. * ESQUHHALT, Vanoouvar Island. ^'*"Jtfm««„; Saloon. Q % Howard John T Saloon. Saunders Henry Oro., 4a Belllckw .*.^.X!?!"'\1^'. wa^^:.Y.v.v;.v.v;;;.?."^BSSSrr: I ** FORT OEORQE. Hudson Bay Co... (See Victoria, V. I.) FORT RUPERT. Hudson Bay Co... (See Victoria, V. X.) FORT SIMPSON. Hudson Bay Co.. .(See Victoria, V. I.) FRASCR'S LAKE. Hndmn Bay Co. . .(See Victoria, V. I.) GLENORA. Lowell John B o.g. q 2)4 GRANVILLE. MageeBros d.O. 854 Manion Joseph Saloon. K ffl? Robinson J. A Saloon. O 3 HOPE, Hudson Bay Co... (See Victoria, V. I.) Worth JohnO TT-.O. 8. F »S KAML00P8. Hudson Bajr Co... (See Victoria, V. I.) Mara & V/llaon Q.8 G a"* Molutosh, MoPhadon * Co O. S. O aS Nlmmo Robert A a. 8. K ,1)? KEITHLEV CREEK. Voith 4 Borland a. B. E 3 KOOTENAV. l;onglasR. H. Flour4 SawMlUa. L Ualhrolth T. J. 4 Bro o. s -3 Kinsley John B Carpenter. I, MyersX.J FlonrMIlL K %i LADNER'S LANDING, Frtser Riv«r. DeltaSalmon Cannery Cannery. E !I>4 LANGLEY. Hudson Bay Co (See Victoria, V. I.) LIGHTNING CHEEK. (Nee alto Van WliikU.) Bendlxen Mrs Saloon. I, Foatherstone ir. V. . . Smith 4 Eastman LILLOOET. O. 8. F 2)4 U.S. G 8 Boucherat J... CoxonOeo LVTTON. 0.8. F 2H 0.8. H 3 MeDAMES CREEK. Lelser Simon o. 8. (See Victoria, V. I.) MoLEOD'S LAKE. ""'*-" — .- *-* ■ '^""-^ rft'tvnit, V. I.; MAPLE BAY. Beaumont W Hotel40. 8. MA8SETT. Hudson Bay Co.. .(See Victoria, V. L) sa NANAIMO, Vaneouver Island. AbramsJ... BootaAShoeS. L Akenhead A Butcber. L BruntonJ.W Saloma^ L Dnnsmulr,Dl^e4Co^.........Cqrt; B U6 „ .^ San Francisco, CaL) Galbralth 4 Umitii BreweiyA Gibson R... I,. 0.,aS^ K ^ GoughMrs. E ....Saloon. L Gray A. B. 4 Co b O Ti .■• ^« ^, (See Victoria, V.I.) Hamilton 4 Bradley .^Saloon. I. 8W Harvey Jamee .°!a. s! F f* HiratJohn G 8 B 3K Jenkins John E Hotel 4 Saloon! 1, Jones W. MoNaugbton Physician. L Levy 8. D Bntoher. Mao Donald Soncan Stewart G. 8. L Mahrer J Bestanrant. L MayerA G a H bia Mllburn T. O. 4 Co. .Saloon 4 Bdg. H. ^ Parkin Wm Oro. K 8)k Benniofc4Homo BlaoinmlThs. o P BomanoJ.Q g ^ (See Jota QuogUotti, Viotoriaiv.I.) BmithD ■.■.vlStoS: h Vancouver Coal Co c iu WaUTOm l..'.'." Saloon" L ^ Sl"?^' Cl»a8...Drugrtst4 Variety. K »« ^ISg^m;;;;:::;.;.^".''"*'''''-^^ I f! ^i^^^^-"---sS;i ^ NEW WESTMINSTER. ^">$P Liq.4Hotrt. Beers J Cooner H % Blaokle Walter Biaoksnfltlu H 8 Brown E Saloon. X a BudlongF.L HoteI4Bar. L Crawford James Agent Adama Tobacco Co., Montreal, Que., Cunningham 4 Co O. S.^fH'warS; D S DeageTB^W H'ware4SaH ^ DeBlnHenry og g SM Dickenson Robert Batcher' L Eckstein Mrs. £. M 08 ElokhoSF a a a >i»«H- w ;;:;;;;;rSg; t Hoaan Henry Soda Water. L Holurook ilenry os Holbn>ok4Co Fishery' „ (See Henry Holbrook.) Howlson J. W. k Co ' " a sl I, SH Hoy Henry Carpenter. K 8^ Johnston wm.... . Boota. L Keary W H Books48tat* K 8M King A Co Salmon Packing. Lane, PikeAMelson Salmon Cannery. O 1)4 Lewis W. R stage 4 B'smltS. G »S MiOorC.G a 8 G »Z McColl Wm. 4 Co U 8 H 8 PeeleA Drugs, L SJ"!'?''^?'""®" saloSn. I, Walsh Thos a ft K SU. Willie lAniis ......T.Baker K 8M Wintermiite Joseph Carpenter. O «2 Wise James o. 8 Q 3)4 ' Wlthrow David Carpenter; L PARSON'S BRIDQE. PrlceBnia Salmon A Tnn. F Tit I :^0B BKlTISIi OOtitTMBlA, YAL PORT EJ8INQT0N. Hudson B«y Co. . .(See Victoria, V. I.) «UE«NELMOUTH. Barlow Abrabun a.B. L Brown AQllUa Hotel Olrod I a.B. F HndKon Bay Co... (Bee Victoria, V. I.) ReldJaa O. S. A Ck>m'n. F RICHFIELD. KlrwlnsF Saloon. F MoIntlieP BlooksmlUi. I. 8APPERT0WN. YonnsH Saloon. L SKENA. Cunningham R o. e. L 8KI0t:Q.Vr INLET. BUdegat Oil Co SODA CREEK. Uunlevy Peter C U. S. <£ Hotel, a 3 McLeese Bobert u. ti. A Hotel. O S SOOVOOS LAKE. KrucerF q, s. a 3 8PENCE8 BRIDGE. Uurnur John O. 8. H 3 STUART'S LAKE. Httdaon Bay Co... (.See Victoria, V. I.) 8UMA8. jmiarD. W o. 8. £ 254 TELEGRAPH CREEK. Oalbreath, Qraut erhanger. H 3 HarristmWm BooksAStA'y. K SH Hayward A Joukinson.. Contractors A „ ^ , .. Undertakers. K 3)4 RaywoodJoseph Pork. F 2 Heal D... Tinsmith. L 3)4 HeathornW Boots. G 23 HedlnJohn gi'o Ij Honley J Bakery. L Hlbbeu T. N. A Co BookseUors. Uodgea Mrs. Thomas Baker. L Hudson Bay Co Furs&Q.S. AAAl Huxtable W. H Gro. L JaoksouH Drugs. K 3 JatiksonW Drugs. K 3 Jameson Mrs. M. M Fancy Goods. L 3)4 Jaulon n. C Com'n. (See.R. C. Jdnlon A Co., . „ Portland, Ore.) JayOeo Seeds. L SH JelTree Wm. J Pum'gGoods. G 2Hi JenKinaonGeo oro. L Jewell Henry.. Secondhand Fiimlturo. H 3 Johnston P. T Seeds, Ac. K Xi Jones \V Toys A Fancy Ooo. A Son. ...Ship Chandlers. D ])* Mo Tleruau P 0.8 H 3 Millor James BlacksmiUi. I, Mittlii'llG dn). K 3)4 MltuliHll Thomas R Painter. K 35™ MoiitoliloG D. O., Gro., Ac. O 2)4 M(M)r,> A Co., Estate ot Drugs. F 214 Moori'Capt. Wm ....Steamboats. E vi Morlsou OBorgo Drugs. H 3 Mulrliead A Maun ........ Contractors. F~V:tiT:2:::ur: Oractcr iractory. K s MoutelderF. 4 Co Com'n. (Also BarkervUle.) Nicholson Thomas Qro. A Proa. NorrlsFred ,. Saddler. H 8 NomsW.O BeoondhandBtore. a IM Northwestern Commercial Co. ... (See Oasterbout Peter H^aie, r, ,. . ^Crockery 4 Furniture. K 3)4 Oppenbeimer Bros 0.8. O aS (Also Yale ) ||'}}!}P»*Bojjlon 8^ Water. L Phillips Charles J Saloon. L Plagglo Onlllo 0.8. F 2)4 ??t'r«''i^ TiSlor:i, '"* FlttsS.J Gro. 3 liireUJ-W Physician. E 2 Price Thos TTTallor. L QuagllotU John. . B. O., Clo. A B. A B. F 2)4 Baga»»onJA8on.. BestBurant K 3 Redan A Hwtnaglo Driard House. L 3)4 5**'®TC9;w?v Jewelry. F iOt ReynoldsFred Butoher. Q 2)4 Khoder Joseph Gro. A Baker. F 2)6 Rhodes Henry A Co Com'n. Blohards F.6 Boarding House. L RloHman A Otoer.. .Whol A Ret Gro. F 2 Roberts Richard Tailor. K 3)4 Romano J. Q. . . . (See John QuagllotU. ) Rome Andrew A Co Whol Llq. A OlffftTSi Hucfr Jnlcs A Co Whol. Gro K 3 BatlandMlssS Milliner. L 3)4 Sanders F Saloon. L Saunders Henry oro. E 2)4 ^ ... _ (-^l"" SsqulmaU.) BaywoodW. P .Lumber. K 3 Soil Frank ;... Saloon. F 2)4 Sehl Jacob, .w Furniture. E 2 Soy inuur O. T. Fnnilture. G 3 Sliakespear Mrs Berlin Wool Ac. Bhears A Partridge Ret D. G. A „. ^ „ MiiUnerv. L 3)4 Short. Henry Gunsmith. H 3 Sliotbolt Thomas Drugs. F 2)4 Simpson Donald Tailor. Smith M.R Baker. L Spencer 8. A. Photographer. K 3)4 Spratt Joseph Ironworks. 3 Sproat ACo Ins. Agents. Stahlschmldt A Ward. . . .com'n Oro. A =^ , „ i'lQ. Q 8 IJOflef Saloon. K eteltiBros... Restaurant O 2)4 Stommler Louis Mnfr.ColTeeA _. ,....„ Spices. K 3 Stevens John A Co Saloon. K 3)4 Stewart A Bradden Plumbers A „. , , Gaslitters. H 3 Btraghan James Saloon. K 3)4 Stimiss C. A Co WhoLD. O. E 2)4 Stuart A Koast Brewers. 3 Tawor T. W saloon. L ™"tlewm Saloon. K 8)4 Todd J. H u. 8. J,, if' Tomiikinso Blacksmith. L TrchaitClias. H.... Saloon A Lodging, L Tumor. Booton A Co DO O li* Waitt M. W. A 90 Stationer}-, Ac. O P Wall John 'fallor. L Walther Henry A Co Brewery. H 3 Warner H. ^Restaurant. L Warner A Harding Saloon. L WeUer John . . . Upholstciy, Furniture, nr.i.k Di.i, * ^ „ Croflkery, Ac. H 3)4 Welch, Rtthet A Co Com'n, Ac. (See Welch A Co., San ,,r .„■,_.. , Francisco, Cal.) JXf ?J '^?'^**"PJ'*'' Saloon. L 3)4 Wb nJamosA Saloon. L WlllUvmsJ. W Liverv. F 2*4 Wilson A. AW Oasttttera. O 2!4 jy. '™iV""-; 8alo!rr t. NuIsuoUiiaii G. M. K Oppenhelmer Bros g.8. O (Also Victoria, V. I.) 8 3)4 HAWAnAN ISLANDS. HILO. MlllllJ.D O 8 P Beeil ., Com'n Mcr. A ^. , „ Plantation Amnt. Sfi!?""? M........Phott>)rru|)hattfiary. 1, DtUIUffham 4 Co H'waie A o. S. nonuBJlM.T Fnmltnre. L Eckart Max Jeweler. L Khlei's B. P. 4 Co D. O l^ 2!i P*?",.'. ' -J^ ,L Jeweler. Foster T. R. 4 Co Bhliwwners 4 _ , , ^ „ , : Builders. E 2^6 Friel 4 Bush. . . .Oro. 4 Prov. Dealers. Gnubaiim M. 8. 4 Co o 8 3 Haukfelil H 4 Co Imps. 4 Com'n. B+ 1 Rail £. O. 4 8on Q. S. 4 H'wore. E 2 ""^S^'t A .;... Hotel. K 3)!, Hnmnan E...... Phys'n 4 DruKS. P 2)4 !{"ff!"''''i'<'Ke»"E.ACn..lmp«.ACom'n. C l>i Holllster 4 Co. . .Mnfrs. Soda Water 4 'Varleti' P !2V Bntchinson Dr. P. B Uruin. 11 3'' Hyman Bros Clotlilng. t™.„-.„ .-, (See San Francisco, Car) Irwin W.O. 4 Co Com'n. JaKer4Co d. G. ak, '!°"2%?^"» Tailor. O 3 Lack Thomas MaohinlstA Dealer , , SewUiff Machines. H 3 ' Lemon JameeS Kct, Liuuors. P 3 Lowers A Dickson Lumber. Palnra, „, , . Oils, Ac. D IW. Long Charles. . .Wines, Ales 4 Spirits. F 3 IflvelVibertABro Bakers. O 8 Mclnerny M D. O.. Clothing, ,r T » ^ „ . Fancy Goods, Ac. P 2V« MoKlbbinK Dnigs. P 2)2 MoL«>«n J. II Stoves 4 Tinware. K sS McWayne A Drugs. O 3 Macluiione Geo. W. 4 Co.... Shipping Com'n. 3 Maofarlane A Co Uanora. 8 Haguin Simpson ..U.S. F May UenryACo Gro. E 3 Mellis 4 PIshel D. G. 4 Clothing. 3 MoBsmanT... oS S°JI*r"i'',; ™ Tobacc©: B SM Nott J. 4 Co Tinware; Stores. 4c. P S& PeriyJ (j a tc mr Phillips M.4CO :.::::: a.H. » |* Pierce A. SV. 4 Co. . Ship Chandlers A _ .. _ ,. Com'n Mers. P 3 Pratt F. 8 Planter A Com'n. P 3ii Kichanlaon Ira. ... B. 4 8. 4 ClotbiiiK. E 2>4 Sojuiefer P. A. 4 Co imps. %. ^ Segelken 0. 4 Co 'nnsmlths: O 8* smith A. L Notions. L 3)4 Btangenwahl II Phys'n 4 Drugs. B 8 StretzE. 4Co Drugs A' _. „ „ Fancy ao«r. AlmonlB Meroli»nt«'B'kCanad»...K, A. W. Listen Amprjor Bank of Ottawa D. M. Finule. Aurora Federal B'k of Canada (ieo. Malr. AO'lmer Rxohan«re Bank Cauada.J. O. BlUett. Barile Bank of Toronto J. A. Strathv. * S*™* Canadian B'k Commerce . J. S. CameRT. ieeton.- Bank of Hamilton E. A. Oolqalioun. Bejlevllje Bank of Montreal R. Rictinrdson. BelleTUlo Canadian B'kof Coramerce-B. Thomm.u. gellevlUe Mercliants' B'k Canada... T. E. r. Trow. Berlin (.:anaiiian B'k Coranieroe.*! as. Yomior, M'lti'. Berlin . .^ . .... Merclian t»' B'k Canada. . . Cliarles CrookaU. BownianvUle ..IJonilulon Bank J. a. Codd BowmaBTlUe ..Ontario Bank Geo. McOill Bradlord standard B'k of Canada.. T. Dewson. Brampton Dondnlon Bank K. D. Gamlde. Brsmptou Merclian t«' B'k Canada. . . F. CressweU, Jr. Braatford B'k Britlsti N. America.. .A. RobertsotL BranUoTd Bankot Montreal w. L. crelgliton. BraoUunl Canadian B'k Commerce.. W. Roberta, M'ger. 5E?¥Z}!i"* ?."»'£ o' Montreal W. j. AudmBon BrookidUe The Molaona Bank J. w. B. Rivers. Brnsaeto Exohanm Bauk Canada.. John Leokle. Can^ngtao btandaKt B'k ot Canada.. John Houston. Oba^am Canadian B'k Commerce.. W. S. IreUnd. Onatham FedBral Bank of Canada . R. N. Boirers. H'sr. CbaUuuii Merchants' B'k Canada. .. Robert N. Itocen. Cobonrg lUnkol! Montreal C. Brougb. Cobourc Bank of To-xjnto Joseph Henderson. Cobourg Dominion Bank W. D. Biun Colbome ...... ntandanl B'k of Canada.. C. Larke, Aofg Agt. ColUAKWCod.... Bankot Toronto O. W. Hodietta. ColUr;,«rood . . . .Canadian B'k Commerce. .John MoMaater. Oorawall Bank ot Montreal Nell McLean. Dundas ( anadian B'k Commerce. . D. H. Cbarlea. DDnBvllle. I anadian B'k Commerce . P. O. Cross DonnTllle tuipertal Bank Canada. . .Wm. Ker, Manager. JJ"™ Merchants' B'k Canada.. .H. Blakeney. M%er. S"ter Kichanpe Bank Canada. . W. A. HaatlngL M'gr. B"ter-. TheMoVsons Bank H. C. Brewer. fertti" Imp.irlal Bank Canada... J. F.Patersen.M'irer J*»|J Can8dlanB'kCommeroe..W. A. Sampson. Q»lt Merchants' B'k Canada.. .J.S.MenxUtli. Oanonoqan Merohants' B'k Canada. . . A Petrle. Georgetown.... Bank of Hamilton J. o. Mowat. Gooench Bank of Montreal c. R. Dnnsfurd. Ooaerloh < auiMtian B'k Conimeroe. . A. M. Ross Ouelph Bnnkof Montreal James H. FlnlJW. Onelph Canadian B'k Commerce.. Win. Bmith. Uuwph Federal Bank of Canai1a..T. V. Greet. «n«lVh Ontario Bank K. Morrta. UamUton B'k British N. America. . .Thomas Cnrsan. HaaUton Bank of Hamilton I u'c?h''*'^''^'^'"* Hamilton Bank of Montreal J. n! Travels, ai'mr. Hamilton' Caimdlan l!'kCornnioroe..JohnC. Kemu. HMnllton Merchants' B'k Canada... A. M. Cronibte. Ilairiaton Btandsrd B'k of Canada. .John a. Loudon. U«er*oU Imperial B'k Canada c. H. Hoarc. M'ser. Ingtrwll MerchantB' B'k Canada... Cloo. c. Baston? Int. ™. . _ Manager. ..The Molsons Bank W. Dempster. MerchantH' B'k Canada... G. C. Tyre, M'ger. .:vk BritiKli N. America. ..Georgo Durnford. .Binkot .Montreal R. M. Moore. .Fcii^ral Bank ot Canada.. George Malr. M'ger. .Merchanta' B'k Canada... D. Fraser. -Bank ot Montreal C. K. L. Porteons. Ontario Bank 8. A. McMnrtry. Inaersoll. . . Kincardine. Kingston... Kingston Kingston... Kingston... Linnmr Undsay _ „.,„,.., Listowel Bank of Hamilton W, Corboiild. Liverpool Market. . Dominion Bank J. Haytln Horsev. f«ndon B'k BrltishN. America...James Kobertaon. Londim Bank of Montreal F. A. Despard. f«n«lon Cimartlan B'k Commerce. .B. E. Walker. J^ndon Federal Bank Canada ...Charles Murrar. London MertliaiitH' B'k Canada... W. F. Harper. London The Molsons flank Joseph Jelferr. i'n'"»Ji Ciuimlian B'k Commerce. K. Cowdry. Markham Btaiidard B'k of Canada.. P. A. Heeeor. Meaford Ihe Molsons Bank P. Fuller. Millbrook I he Molsons Bank J. G.GMldes. }}}l««n,- Bank of HamUton H. M. Watson. Mitchell Merchants' B'k (Canada. . . E. P. Hebden, M'«r. Morrisborgh ...The Molsons Bank C. W. Clinch. Mount Foreat.. Ontario Bank J. p. Peilde. £1~J-*^-^*' £'*—"'"""'•■ Ilszil^ Ih. A. Hmiitteu. napanoe Merchants' B'k Canada... Alex. Bmltli. NewoasUe Stuidaiil B'k of Canada . .James K. AUen. Newmarftet . ...Federal B'k of Canada. ...Joaepb Cawsbia. ONTARIO. •''•*»• .Wi»m« 0/ Sank. Managtf or Agm*. Norwich Canadian B'k Commerce.. H. J.J. Campbell, OrongerUle Canadian B'k Commerce. . B.'*'r.'fi8un?'"' 0"B»» Dominion Bank.; H. B. Scoddiog. Oshawa Dominion Bank w. H. Holland. Act Oshawa Ontario Bank W. M. Belth? "^ Ottawa B'k British N. America ..Wm. Grindlar. OJJ»32 Bank of Montreal A. Dmmmond. Ottawa,. B^>°' Ottawa > j. MaoLaren, Pres. _„. I'aW up Capital ♦600.000. ! P. Robertson, Caab. 0™w» ('anadian B'k Commerce .Robert GUI. Ottowa La Banque Nationalo Samuel Benolt Ottawa Merchants' B'k Canada... David Kemp, M'cer. Ottowa Ontario Bank J. H. WoodSan. Ottawa Quebec Bank H. v. Noel. Ottawo.........i;nlonB'k Lowert'anada.J. O. Leitch. Owengonnd — Merchants' B'k Canada...!). Miller. Owen Sound.... The Molsons Bank li. W. Ktrathy. Pm™ Bank British N. Amcrica.Johu Cameirie. £»"»•--• Canadian B'k Coiumeroo . Parkhill Exchnnge Bank Ciinaiia..T. Xj. RoEors. Pembroke Merchants' B'k Canada .. Pembroke Quebec Bank .. j. Walker K*™ Bank of MontreiU :R. J. Drummond. Perth. ....Mcichanta' B'k Canada... James Gray. Peterborough . . Bank of Montreal F. J. Lewis. Peterborough .. of Toronto ;J. H. Ropdr Peterborough ..Canadian B'k Commerce .W. Manson. Peterborough.. Ontario Hank George E. Shaw S*«;"° Bank of Montreal K. J. B. Cromhlo. {.'Cton-.-. btandard B'k of CanmUk.. George P. Itcid. K°« Colbome.. Imi>eilal B'k Canada Kdward Hoy, M'ger. Port Elgin Bank ot Hamilton H. 8. Steven! Port Hope Bank of Montreal C. L, Thomson. Port Hope Bankot Toronto W. K. Wadsworth. Port Hope Midland r,oan & Snv. Soo.Stauley Pateraon. gortHope Ontario Bank O. H. O. MoVlly. Port Perry Ontario Bank A. A. Allen i^.ontt Merchant!!' B'k Canada.. .J. F. Harper. Pr. Arthur's L'ding..OiitJulo Bank D. F. Burlt Upntrew Merchants' B'k Canada. . .c. O. Morgan. Rldgetown The Molsons Bank K. Roberison, Aot'g St. Catliarine«..Bank of Toronto K. ^."SosweU. St. Catharine*.. Canadian B'k Commeroe .U. C. Berwick. St. Catharines.. Imperial B'k CooaiU C. M. Arnold, M'ger. 8t. Cathannes.. Quebec Bank l>. B. Crorabl " ' 8t. Marys Ban* of Montreal. H. Hlllyard. SI- Jf,*''y " Feiloral Bank Canada c. 8. Rumsey. Ht. Thoma.i Imperial Bank Canada. ...M. A. Giibcrl gt. Thomas Merchants' B'k Canada... John Pottenger. St. -Thomas The Molsons Hank ..Geo. Kemlal Morton. Bamlo Bankof Montreal >.B. Tassle. Sarnta Caua»■ Prloe. M'gr. Toronto Federal Bank. . i S. Nordlielmer, Free. (U.S. Strathy, Cash. Toronto Imperial Bank Canada. J \lf^- xyiikw'c'aih**' Toronto Merchants' B'k Canada. . . Wm. Cooke. ' Toronto Ontario Bank } ?' S^i"*'' ^*°'L*''«' Toronto Quebec Bank .'.^i,!'l"!'SS^i.*' «^- Toronto Standard B'kof Conada j T' f'-?,'!!.!!' • ?[*?• l?I?Jiy?- ?2;« Molsons Bank '1. H. Itobertaon."' Cxbridge Dominion Bank N. H. Cowdry. wajkerton Canadian B'k Commerce. . D. J uat. Wolkerton Mercliunte' B'k Canada... j. Gaalt. BA.NK:8 IN^ the DOMIlSriON of OA^M^IDj^. 1, let ah. get. I ger. 11. ot'g ter. ton. res. 9r. 're« p. int. tah. rac lb. re*. T. ONTARIO. i'loea. JVonM o/ .BanAc. Jfana^n- or Agmt Waterloo Mercbanto' B'k Canada... D.M. Honnao. WeUand Imperial B'k of Canada... .Faa. McOlaahata,M'BT Whitby Dominion Bank H. B. Tarlor. Wbltby Ontario Bank TbomaaDow. Windsor Canadbtn B'k Commerce .J. K. Thomas, M'ger. Windsor Merchants' B'k Canada ..A. Wlckson, M'ger. Woodstock Canadian B'k Commerce. .A. L. Dewar. Woodstock Imperial Bank of Canada Vorkvllle Federal .B'k ol Canada. . . . R. J. Montcomerr. PKIVATK BANKERS IN ONTARIO. Mace, Name of £anle*r, IT. r. Corrupondent. Allsa CraUt «ey A, Junes Smlthere & WaUon. Allso Cralg.....MllilU(H>umoA Exch. B'k of Canada. Alvlnstou Fawcett's Bank C. F. Smltbers at W. Watson. Amherstborg.. Johnsons Bank Mar. Bank Canada. Arkona Fanoett's Bank c. F. Smltbers dt W. Watson. Belleville Thompson t'.E Metropl'n Nat. Bk. Bluuhelm Jackson & Fuller Mer. Hank of Canada, Chatham. Dutbwell Squire* Boughner Federal B'k Canada. Braiittord Botham Thomas A. M. Kidder & Co. Brigrten bu.;a8, Suacook dfcCo Brighton Kotclium 11 . l> Fourth National B'k. Brussels Uanlsoo's linnk (A. MoTaggart.) Chatham 8. F. Gardiner's Exch. Bk.Oanad'n Bk. of Com. Chatlutm Smith R.O Geo. OpdykeACo. Chlppanra Maclem Jas. F W. B. Hunter A Co. Clirton Plor<;e, Howard A Co White, Morris iicoBBiiuk(W.8wal»tond Windsor Essex County Bonk Wlugbam Scott C. Tnlt Meobanics' Nat'l Bk. Wlnghom Wilson U, A Co Wyoming ..Fawcett'B Bonk Smlttaera A Watwm. QUEBEC. ntee. Nam* of Bank. Manaptr or Agtnt Coaticook Eastern Townships Fonk.B. Austin. CowansTllle — Eastern Townships Bank. J. McKlnnnn. Oaspe Baalu.. . .La Banque Natlonale I. !.« BoutllUer A Co. Granby Eastern Townships Bank. W. H. Robinson, Agt JoUette Banque D'HocbeTaga....H. N. Bolre. Montreol B'k British N. America. { "jiJii^J^^*'' °*"'' Montreal Bank of Montreal W.J.Bachanan,L.Mr. Montreal Bank of Toronto J.M.Smith. Montreal Banque D'Hochelaga Montreal Banqne Ville Marie Pierre Aime Fan tens. Montreal Canadbin B'k Commerce. .W. Simpson. \rnntr«ai i Consol Bank of Canada . 1 Sir F. Hinoks, Pres. Montreal j ^^^ LlquldaUon.) J Arch.Campboll.M'»T Mnntnoi t Exch. Bank of Canada., i M. H. Gaiilt, Pres. Montreal ( ,i„ Ijquldatlon.) I Thos. Craig, Cash. Montreal Lallnuque Jacques Car. ) A. Dealanlios, Pr«a. tier ) A. de Martlgny.CMh. MO"*™" LaBanquedn Peuple .. j X. a.^tSJ^Sw;^. Montrsal La Bauquo Natlonalo J. B. Bancer. ^O'^*^ Merchants' B'k Canada, j g™A„SiT(r?aS: Montreal Ontario Bank c. Holland. Montreal Quebec Bouk Thos. McDongall. Montreal The Molsous Bank; j f" w.TbimSi.^oSS.. Montreal Union B'k Lower Canada. P. Nash. Naiilerrllle Banquo de St. Jean M. Catudal, M'gr. Uaebeo B'k British N. Amei'ica..C. P. fsmlOi. Uuebeo Bank of Montreal J. Portooiis. Qnebeo.....,...LaB»nqaeN«Uomae...|g»Ss?e*?bS^cSi; Quebec Merchants' Bank Canada. H. M. Price. «-«"« Quebec Bank 1 Jk^ste^nSTcash. onnhttn ( Stodacona Bank, (In) Ab'hainJa«enh,Prea. *'"""'** J Liquidation.) ! W. R. IJoan, Ouh. Quebec Union B. Lower Canada. } f ; uolSJSn.'cart1ier. Richmond Eastern Townships Bank. A. J. ClevetauO. St. Cesabe La Banque St. Uyaclnthe.Cesalre Pepin. St. Cnthbert. . . . Ville Marie Bank C. N. Pagnin. Caah. St. Hyaolnthe. . LaBanque St Hyaclnthe { ^ SitJa^^^'^^ St. Johns Banqne de St. Jean Ph. Bandouln.' St. Johns Merchants' B'k Canada ..W. L. Morler. St. Souveur — Stadaooua Bank James Raflbrty, Agt. Sberbrooke .... Eastern Townships B' k . j ^ ^amSE'caif"*' Sberbrooke La Banqne Natlonale P. Lafrance. Sorel Merchants' B'k Canada. ..A. A. Talllon. Sorel TheMolsons Bwk George Crebaua. Stansteail Eastern Townships Bank. A. P. Ball. Three Rivers. . .La Banqne Natlonale Union B'k Low. Can. Three Rivers... Quebec Bulk ,..-....F. O. Wothertpoon. Three Rivers.. .Union B'k Lower Canada.C. A. Boxer. Waterloo Eastern Townships Bank.W. I. Briggs. PRIVATE BANKERS XK QUEBEC. JPtOM. lfameo/Banle*i^. If. Y. Cotretp9itdmt. Huntington Somervllle Andrew Montreal Browne P. D. ACo.^.... CentnJ Nat. Bank, Mtmtreal Marler A Payne National Park Bank. Montreal Weir William ..Jas. B. Colgate A Co, Montreal Weir Wni. H. ACo Uonnell, L. A Co. Quebec Barrow E. C National Park Bank. Quebec McGlo Daniel A Son J. G. Uai-peiand . J. B. Ooodley. St Johns Arpln Charles Imp. ATra. Nat Bk. Stanbridge, E. .Baker John C ; Three Rivers. .. Hart tC. M. A Son Three Rivers.. .Houllston Geo. B. A Co.. MANITOBA. Maee. Name of Bank. Ifanager or Agent Winnipeg Bank of Montreal .C. Sweeny, Agent Winnipeg Merchants' B'k Canada... D. MacArthur. Winnipeg Ontario Bank Heorge Brown. NOVA SCOTIA. Amherst Bank of Nova Scotia... ..J. M. Hay. Ann^iolls Bank of Nova Scotia Tlios. H. Whilman. Annapolis Union Bank of Halifax... Alex. Shearer. Antigonish Merchants' B'k HaUfax..T. M. King. Bridgetown Bank of Nova Scotia T. D. Ruggleg. Bridgewater ...Merchants' B'k Halifax. .Anilrew uow. DIgby Bank of Nova Scotia Geo. Henderaon. Halifax B'k British N. America .-JoliYev Peufold. HalUax Bank of Montreal F. Onndrv. H-lta B«'kofNova8ooU«.... j ™»''j,^lSS.JP?S^ =«"'«« H.^ B-""'-* CO... j s;,n'?rS.''S?^£iX: Halifax MerobanU' B'k UaUfox. | ?.^. kot^'PiS!'' HalUax People's Bank of HalUax j S?^'„^'J?^.^."?l!JS!'* «•««« O"'"" Banko' Halifax. J }^\.^^;i-«' \^ KeotvUle Bank of Nova Beotia L. De V. Chlpman. UTarpool Bonk of Liverpool { jaliVl^wS^ Pm! BA.NK8 IN THE DOMINION OF OAN^D^. fVut. NOVA tCOTIA. New oj!3K!r;.Th?M"'»a B^*^ •"* W.C«mlclueI. "r" K"™»Sfn^'fl'^^:;^?K/v^«»* P"""" PlotooBank. J Jolin CTerar, Pre*. BtelUrton Pictou B < J". Wataon, CmJl ^•"'l'"'' Co'merctol B. Windsor 5 Walter Law»on,C.'iih. TumooUi Kxohaofire Bank. lA.c. Uobbiua, Vrea (A. 8. Murray, Cash. PnrVATK BANKERS IN NOVA SCOTIA «««. Ifami 0/ Banker. SlS,;" Almon 4 Mackintosh.... H«"*« MMfion^rt J. * a'co:::::^' ^"O'^*^ * '''°- NEW BRUNSWI Pta«. JV^otmeo/aanfc. Campbollton ...The Molsons Bank gSfex' Bank of MoDti-Sl Frwlertoton ....B'k Bntlsli N. Arnerici' Frederloton ....People's Bank of N b Sf„tS?f,"* *""'* »' Moutrcil . : — BackvlUe pictou Bank... 2H»{™ B'k British N. Amirtoi" "t- '<»"» Bank of Montreal.. ..„. StJQiui B'kNowBninawlok..!! ..JaniAs Mnrray. a; Y. Corretpondtnt. CK. Mdnager or Agent. --.A. A. O. Denovan. ..P.E Wlnslow, Agt ..H. Napier, i o •,?; """(loluh, Pree. i S. W. Batililtt fcasU. .-P. M. Cotton, Agt. ..R. Mackenzie. ..W. c. CosswelL ..H. Steven. . .E. C. Jones. 1 J. D. Lewin, Pres. I Wm. Ulrvan, CoaMer. NEW BRUNSWICK. -^ B«.^"r4Vo:sS: /rZiTn""' 8t. Stephen St Stephen'* Buik I *^- «• Todd, Piws. I K. Waiaon, CMhiar. PBIVATB BANKKRS IN NEW BBUN8WI0K SaSTlie Gog.'l'eTl Co"""*"- f' ^- ^r"^""*""- St. John Joners *co Jesanp, Patton A Co. St. John .Mmi'^aci; National City Bank. St. John ... .. Pl^MoSoVm ■ f^''E' K**"" •* Co- SackvlUe .. . .WnoS M^ion £■»;.?• Col«»te *Co. Woodstock .....Allen Johnr Bmltheni * Watson. PBINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. Charlottotown .Bank of P. K. Island J •'• Hensley, Pre*. Charlottetown .Merchants' B'k UAiirl. «-'■ Brecken, Cash. "'^'"'"" ^£?"""'™ »(ftKS."Vp,. i-Jaw. Hummerside"".::85mme™weBi,k"""TC('m5?L'2?W^«,.'' Sommerslde . . . Union B'k of pfS! iiiiiidiN^ MbK^I^'J*''"^ ». TK NEWFOUNDLAND. lounoiand I Handel Oreen, Cash. w«r . ," ""'TISH COLUMBIA. T.Stoa.v.v.v.v.oiSSh6;Gr^^i2';!;'^'«'rtB»'»»:M -••r D^. or Agent. ilnaon. ir. nvMXe, Vnt. r, Uanbler. a, Pi«8. I, CMluer. 'lOK. ruponOmt. kttoD A Co. My Bank, onife Co. mte •& Co. J WatDon. tttOD
  • lly. Selll,A(tt. reTt,Ca»b. ivle. tm. M'rar. D, Caab. her,Agt. a, M'gar. IS, Sl'(9r. •s^lfll ! KEY TO THE LEFT-HAND COLUMN. . ESTIMATED PECUNIARY 8TRENOTH. AA A4- A - B+ B - C D E F - G H - K L - «1,000,000 or over. - 750,000 or over. 500,000 to $750,000 - • 300,000 to 600,000 150,000 to 300,000 75,000 to 150,000 40,000 to 75,000 20,000 to 40,000 10,000 to 20,000 5,000 to 10,000 2,000 to 5,000 1,000 to 2,000 to 1,000 TO THE RIGHT-HMD COLUMN. -m GENERAL CREDIT. Al 1*1 2 2i 3 Very High. ffigh. Good. Fair. The absence of a Rating indicates those whose business and in ve8tment« render it difflonlt to rate them satisfactorily to oui-selves. We therefore prefer, in justice to these, to give our detailed report on record at onr offices. BuUinger's "Shipping Guide" contains the locations of 60,000 Towns, the Railroads on which located, or the nearest Railroad Stations; Express, Telegraph, Post Office aiid other information. The retail price is- Four Dollars, but Subscribers to this Agency can procure it firom any of our Offices for Two Dollars. ■ft^