^> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) c <^^^,% h .^ v^ L i/. p s 1.0 I.I 2.5 2.2 i.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 J 6" — '■ ► ^ "/a m / '>> 1' v KiDtographic Sciences Corporation M \ ^ l " 83.— Wood Fibre, dry, in bales.- Same ea Excelsior. For the Classification Committee. JOHN EARLS, Chairman. // fll %:,^mtamc. ADOPTED BY •Alberta Railway & Coal Co. •Atlantic & Lake Superior Railway *Biy of Quinte Railway Co. Boston & Maine Railroad (in Canada) Brockville, Westport & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Canada Atlantic Railway. Canada Eastern Railway. *Caraquet Railway. Central Ontario Railway. •Central Railway Co. (N.B.) •Central Railway (Nova Scotia). Central Vermont Railroad (in Canada). •Coast Railway Co. of Nova Scotia. Cumberland Railway & Coal Co. Dominion Atlantic Railway. Erie & Huron Railway. Grand Trunk Railway System in Canada Intercolonial Railway. Kaslo & Slocan Railway. •Kent Northern Railway. Kingston & Pembroke Railway. Lake Erie & Detroit River Railway. 'Lotbiniere & Megrantic Railway. Maine Central Railroad (in Canada). Manitoba & North- Western Ra,ilway. Michigan Central Railroad (Canada Division) •Moncton & Buctouche Railway. New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island Ry Newfoundland Railway. Niagara, St Catharines & Toronto Railway Northern Pacific & Manitoba Railway. Orfcrd Mountam Railway. Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Soimd Railway. Ottawa & Gatineau Railway. Ottawa & New York Railway. •Pontiac Pacific Jet. Railway Co. Prince Edward Island Railway. Quebec Central Railway. Quebec & Lake St. John Railway. Salisbury & Harvey Railway. •South Shore Railway Co. Sydney & Louisburg Railway. Temiscouata Railway. Toronto, Hamilton & Buflfalo Railway. United Counties Railway. * Wabash Railroad (in Canada). And other Canadian Railways. Previous issues of Canadian Joint Froifi^ht Classification. No. 1, Jan. 1st, 1884. No. 2, June 1st, 1884. No. 3, April 1st, 1885. No. 4, May 10th, 1886. No. 6, May 1st, 1888. No. 6, April i5th, 1889. No. 7, Feb. 10th, 1800. No. 8, Oct. 1st, 1801. No. 9, June 1st, 1893. No. 10, Jan. 1st, 1896. No. 10 (a), Sept. 1st, 1897. Classification Committee for 1900. JOHN EARLS, Chairman. E. TIFFIN, W. B. BULLING, Jr., F. J. WATSON, J. HARDWELL, W. P. HINTON, W. WOOLLATT, J. H. HANNA, F. ZIMMERMAN, C. A. JAQUES. NOTE TO AGENTS.— Special attention is called to the designation mark (t) indicating items of Traffic carried at Owner's Risk or Released, as the case may be. Rule No. 7 is to be strictly observed in connection with all such traffic. in I. [edto ns of ed,aa rictly c. J, CANADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLASSIFICATION No. 1 1 APPROVED BV THc Govchnoii-General-in-Council, Dec. 19th. 1899 IN EFFECT JANUARY 1st, 1900 SupersediriK previous Classifications and Supplements thereto Explanation of Terms and Characters used The number of the Olaga is given opposite each article :-l, 2, 3, 4, ' \J' • L?' ^9' ^**''*^ ^" fi"*' 8«°*"i^» third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth classes respectively ) 1^ stands for once and a-half first class ( D-l for double first class; 3-1 for three times first class) 4-1 for four times first class | O.L. stands for carload i L.O.L. lor less than carload j 0. R. stands for owners' risk | S. H. stands for set up 5 K. D. stands for knocked down i S. D. stands for single deck i D.D. for double deckj N. 0. 8. stands for not otherwise speoified ; min. stands for minimum. Articles not enumerated should be classed with similar or analogous goodsi ° A star (*) denotes a change or addition. Special Regulations and Conditions *RULE l.-The minimum weight per car for Minimum ?*^i?^ ?^ l^*-' 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class Freights, o.l. " il?^'2S^ *^^^5 ^°<^ ^or 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and "^^^^^« 10th Class Freights, 24,000 lbs., unless other- wise specially st0,ted in this Classification and as per notes ^ B, C and D below. These minimum weig. .s are for ordinary cars not over 35 feet long {inside measurement). If longer or larger cars are required by shippers for freight m classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 the minimum C.L. weight will be 24,000 lbs., and in classes 5, 6, 7, 8 or 10, the minimum C.L. weight will be 30,000 lbs. Carloads to be entitled to C.L. rate, must be from one Shipper in one day, and on one ship- ping note to one Consignee at one destination (see also Rule 2). All cars should be loaded up car. loaded to their full marked capacity. Cars of bulk orin excees of other freight loaded by shippers must not be™*°*™°™- loaded over ten per cent, above their marked camcity. If this is exceeded in any case, the Kailway Companies reserve the right to charge the L.C.L. rates for the excess or to unload all overweight at shipper's expense, and forward same on another car at full L.C.L. tariff rate for the quantity loaded above the mark ed capa- city. Cars without marked capacity must not be loaded with more than 24,000 lbs. Refrigera- tor cars, when required by shippers will be charged ordinary rates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, SS ^,^^ ^^"^^ traffic, but if traffic lower than oth Class be loaded the minimum charge will be C.L. at 6th Class rate, unless otherwise instructed. —8— C.L. iiilii- mtuin for bhort box cars. Kxceptlons. When mlu- Imum weights are reduced. Mixed Freight, C.L. 'Note A.— Unless otherw iHe specially stated lu'ivin, the niiniumtn carload weight to he charged on ."ith, (5th, Tth, Hth and lOth C-lass Freight when loaded in box cars under 1^) ft. long, outside measurement, will be 20.01)0 lbs. per car, and in box cars 80 ft. long and up to and including 35 ft. long will be 24,000 lbs. per car. *N()TE B. — The mininnun C.L. weiglit per car of Lumber, Cooperage Stock (except Hoops and Heading), Poles, Posts, Cordwood, and other Rough Forest Products (except otherwise spec- ially provided herein), also Grain, Flom-, Stone, Sand, Gravel, Clay, Scrap Iron and Steel, Pig Iron, Billets and Blooms, Cement, Ashes, Brick, Sewer Pipe (Earthen), Plaster, Coal and Coke, will be 3u,000 lbs., except cars of less marked capacity, in which case the marked capacity, but not less than 24,000 lbs., will be the nnni- nunn. Hoops and Heading, minimum 24,0(K) lbs. Staves, 30,0(K) lbs. Mixed cars Hoops, Heading and Staves, 30,000 lbs. per v-ar. *NoTE C— Long Timber, Lumber, Telegraph or other Poles, etc., requiring two or more cars for carriage (when authorized to be taken), will be charged a minimum of 30,000 lbs. for the first car, and 20,000 lbs. for each additional car. *XoTE D. — In cases where the minimum weights are specially reduced below those autho- rized in this rule, the reduced minimum will be understood to apply on ordinary cars of not over 35 feet long (unless otherwise specially pro- vided) ; if longer box cars or racked platform cars are used, the minimum in such special cases, for freight in classes 1 to 5 inclusive, will be 25% over the reduced minimum, and in classes to 10 inclusive, 20% over the reduced minimmn, unless otherwise specially provided. *2. Mixed freight will not be forwarded at C.L. rate, but each description must be weighed and charged for as per Classification, except as otherwise provided for herein ; but when a num- ber of different articles of the same class in C.L. (except Live Stock, Petroleum Oil in bbls., crude or refined, including Lubricating Oil, Benzine, Gasoline, Naphtha and Varnish in bbls.; also Turpentine in bbls. ) are shipped at one time, by one shipper to one consignee and destination, in carloads, they shall all be taken at the rate per 100 lbs. for such class in carloads. If the articles provided with an L.C.L. and C.L. classi- fication are of more than one class, the carload rate and mininnun carload weight of the article in the highest class shall apply on all the articles that make up the carload— actual weight to be charged if over the minimum weight— except- ing that when any straight shipment of one class equals or exceeds the minimum C.L. weight, C.L. rate for such lot mav apply, and the other articles take the L.C.L. class rate to -4- S^^^^^it^J^J**''"!'^- In ^'ftst^s "f inix(d cars of 5th and higher class freight, having a inininiuiM of less than 20.(M)() lbs., such as l^irnituie or Vehicles, the nimiinuin for the mixed car will be M,^]^^^J ibs. at the highest class rate. When Special Coiuniodity Tariffs are in effect the rates will apply only to the commodities named, and not to other articles of the same class. In order to entitle a shipment to the carload rate, a quantity not less than the minimum carload weight must be delivered at one station, in one aay, on one shipping note, consigned by one ATn?"""''; a"" «n^f-onsignee and^ destination. Agents at destination will not distribute car- load shipments of property among two or more consignees. Agents will not send notice of arrival to more than one party, and will make only one expense bill for the charges on the entire carload. In case one party vvill not ac- cept notice of arrival as ccmsignee and pay the charges on the eptire carload Snd take rleliverv ?LJ''' T"*"' ^^T^^ '"'^ required to make sepa- rate notices and expense bills, and correct the way-bill and collect on each shipn..... at the k _s-than-carload rates. The carload rates under this Classuication are not applicable on freight consigned to Ry. Agents or to the Compa fy's 4 ^^f^^*""^** lor delivery to various parties. «. • kP^* " more than the minimum carload weight of one article is shipped in one day by one consignor to one consignee, at one destination; on one shipping note, the established rate for a carload will apply on the entire lot, although it may be less; than two full carloads (except as wetb/ nf l*^'"i P.^""^ ^1 ^^}^ ^"^«) ' ^h^' actual weight ot the balance to be charged for at the I..L rate, reference being made on the waybill for the balance of the lot, to the waybill tor the fill carload or loads. The first car, or cai s, must be loaded to its, or their, full capacity, and be subject to the established rules for minimum weights. Actual weight of the balance, jirovided loaded in box car, to be charged C.L. mte. r^.n JT V^^ "°*^ ^PP^y o" shipments of Agri- cultural Iim)lements, Machinery, Live Stock ?m JI'^'r ^"Pi^/,"'^,' Woodenware, Barkers; Trn5^'MfnT^'"^^^T^^^''f'^' ^^°^'' ^'^ ^ron, Scrap Iron Mill Feed, Lumber and other rou/'h forest intlTw*^ -"^/^ Work, Lime, Brick, etc. S ^"Ik freight commonly carried in car lots • ttl"fn ^'^^^' "" ^'"l^y goods which will not load tlaffi /'""'""l'?" ^'^" weight provided for the traflfic being shipped, nor on any freitiht in classes 6 to 10 inclusive. In all suc/cases excess lots tor which an extra car is necessary will be charged at the L.C.L. rates. ' .J- Freight from one Shipper to one Con- 5»ignee, in one car, should not be charged more for -5— More than one C.L. In one shipment. Exceptions. A smaller lot not to be charged more than a larger lot of samefi'ght. VVhfiii no C.L. rating flven. Bulky art'.cles requiring flat cars. Articles at owiier's risk, and released . a smaller than for a great »r quantity where varying quantities of the same description of goods are classed differently. For instance : 129 bl)ls. apples or under should not be charged more than for 130 bbls.; 140 bbls. iiour should not be charged more than for 150 bbls.; nor should an L.C.L. v^eight at a highf" class be charged niore than the sum for a C.L. where C.L. classi- fication of the same freight is given. 5. Where C.L. rating is not specified, the classification given is to apply irrespective of quantity. *0. AH articles, except otherwise speciiied herein, will be taken at actual gross we' ;ht and class rate for each shipment, provided however, that any article too bulky or too long to be loaded in an ordinary box car, and requiring a platform car for carriage, will be charged actual gross weight as per classification, but in no case will the charge for the same be less than 6,000 lbs., at first class rat?. 7. All articles marked at O.R. in this Classi- fi' aiion, must be so receipted for by Agents, and the words OWNERS' RISK ", ritten in full on the Shipping Notes and Receipts. Articles marked RELEASED must also be so receipted for and Shippers or Owners must duly execute a Release in Duplicate on the Company s Forms. Provided, however, that in cases where ship- pers decline to accept such receipts endorsed " owner's risk," or to sign such releases, the goods may be recei ved for shipment on ordinary shipping notes and receipts without above eii- dorsatTon at 50 per cent, in addition to the rates, which would be charged if shipped at owner's risk •^;;;i released, witb the exception of plate or mirror glass, which will be as specified herein. 8. Special attention is directed to articles 'iiarked as "Not taken unless by special con- tract, etc." Agents must always apply for rates, and for permissi:;n to carry such traffic before accepting or receipting for it. 9. DYNAMITE, DUALIN, GUN COTTON, GIANT POWDER, HERCULES POWDER compounds. OR OTHER EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS noc provided for in this Classification, will only be received for transportation at the option of each and every Railway Co. concerned, and under the special rules and regulations pre- scribed by each road over which this traffic is proposed to be transported. &oi«htt>, ^^- ^^I'^'i"' I^»''""' Feed, Malt, etc., in bulk. be raceiptf d '»'»'^' all other bulk Freight, must always be n7\^JuT' ,,^^'^*^'^P^^^^ ^"*' "i"'^i'e or less," and these words Shipper« to ^^'^itfcen in full. Agents, however, must in all declare cases obtain from shippers a full statement ov ^oadea tlt^flfti-ation on shi[)ping bills of the correct -a - Articles only taken by special contract. Dynamite and other jploslve quantity of all bulk freight loaded in or on each car: such declaration should show quan- tity, weight or measurement, in accordance with the common or commercial standard under which such traffic is sold, such as :— Bush. Wheat, Peas, Barley, Potatoes, etc. Tons Bvnn Feed, etc. Square Feet, or Toise, Stone, c!}?. Feet (board measure) Lumber, etc. Thousanu^ Lath, Shingles, Staves, etc. Cords Wood, Stave Bolts, Bark, Posts, Shingle Bolts, Slabs, Poles, etc. — with statement as to description, and whether -'green," " partly seasoned," or "dry," of all forest products. In signing re- ceipts, agents must be particular to note "said to be" as to quality and "more or less" as to quantity. 11. All heavy freight, of 2,000 lbs. or over per Heavy piece or package, of, 1st, 2nd, 8rd, 4th and 5th J.i'*sieift and Classes: also heavy freight and all bulk Freight, Sbe in 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Classes, is to be handled loaded and unloaded by Owners, within 48 hours ^^ owners, after the car has been placed for loading or un- loading, otherwise a charge of not less than one dollar per car per day will be made, in addition to the Freight charges, for Car Service for each day or part thereof the car is detained over the 48 hom^s (except for Sundays and legal holi- days). At points where the companies provide a cartage service, it must be understood that heavy articles, and bulk freight above referred to, also all freight specified herein "to be loaded and unloaded by owners" will not be carted or handled by the Companies, unless by special arrangement, and at the expens;> of the Owner, in addition to the rate. 12. Bulk freight in less than car loads will freight ' not be taken. L.c.L.not 13. When I ruit. Vegetables and other prop- Perisiiabie erty liable to damage by frost, are shipped in proparty in winter (Nov. 1st to April 30th, except as per'"'*"^''- note below), one man will be passed free with one or more cars to care for the fires and pro- tect the property from freezing. No return pass to be given. The stoves, if retmiied to be charged same as "empties returned." When shippers put stoves in cars, Agents must see that all reasonable precaution is taken against damage to the car or train, and receipts in all such cases nmst be given at "Owner's risk of fire." Passes will not be given to men In charge of Trees or Shrubbery. Note.— Perishable Freight for Manitoba and the North- West must be prepaid between Octo- ber 10th and May 20th. *14. Agricultural Implements, Machinery, Height and Vehicles, and other bidky traffic on fiat cars ^'^t^ of must not be loaded to exceed eleven feet sixfl'afca^ra inches in extreme height above the top of the -7- Heaniug of terms "Racked," "Crated," "Boxed," etc. Articles boxed, crated, etc., not fully siiecitied. Packages uozitaiiiiiig' more than one class. rail, and nine feet in extreme width (except by .special authority), and should be well secured by iron rods, wire, or wooden bars passing over the load and connecting the upper ends of the stakes in such a manner as to prevent spread- "ig* When these conditions are not complied \/iththe companies reserve the ^ right to either reuise the freight, or to remove any excess from the car and forward it on another car, at full rates as per classification. *]5. Articles offeied to carriers for transport- ation at the rating provided for same in this classification when racked or crated, must be enclosed to an extent sufficient to hold the frame-work together and protect the property during the process of transportation. Nailing strips on or to the articles, forming partial pro- tection only, will not be sufficient to entitle the property to the rating provided therefor when racked or crated. Freight not sufficiently pro- tected as above should not be received. In all cases, unless otherwise specially pro- vided, the terms "in boxes, barrels or packages," must be understood to mean that the boxes, barrels or packages must be complete with headings of same material, so as to thoroughly protect the contents— canvas or wire headings not being considered sufficient. If not shipped as above the packages will be rated as crates. The term "crated" or "in crates" means en- closed on all sides by wood frame work or slats. The terms " boxed," "in boxes" and "in bar- rels," are intended to mean completely enclosed m wood, unless otherwise specially provided The term "in wood " means liquids in bbls., kegs or casks. Shipments in basket work packages (woven wood and wire) are ratable as crated. The term " nested " means a series of similar articles nested, or enclosed one within the other. The term "jacketed" means an outer covering or jacket of veneer, wood or wood fibre, or tin se- curelyprotectingthe insidecan orother package. 16. Freight provided for in this Classification "boxed, ' and not provided for in crates, bales, bags or bundles, will take when shipped in crates, )ne class higher than in boxes; and when shipped in bales, bags or bundles, one class higher than in crates. When not other- wise specified in this Classification, the rating on shipments in boxes will apply on shipments m barrels or kegs. Shipments provided for "in barrels" and not in kegn, kegs will take the saiiu^ rating as barrels. 17. Contents of all pn,ckages. as nf>ai' nn »»ri.s- sil)le, must be stated on shipping notes, and any package containing articles of more than one class will be charged the rate for the highest olas.sed article contained therein. —8- 18 Agents at points of shipment will take Contents or care to assure themselves that contents of pack- pckaeesto ages are actually what they purport to be; if Sesc°rib^"' they have reason to suspect that an attempt is being made to deceive the carrier, or avoid proper classification, they will require an exam- ination of contents, or other sufficient evidence that they are correctly described, before or after receipting for same. Should freight be incorrectly described, and escape detection at shipping point, if the real character of the goods IS discovered before delivery to consignee or to connecting road, charges must be collected according to proper classification. 19. Unless otherwise specified in this Classi- Parts or ncation, parts or pieces constituting one or more P'eces con- articles offered for shipment at one time bv one oKrmor^ shipper to one consignee, w ill be rated at the articles, class provided for the complete article, whether set up or K.D., as the case may be. 20. All articles will be charged at gross Qvosh iveight, without regard to weight triven bv shin- ^^^^'s^ts to pers and inserted in hills of lading ; except that for ''*"""*^'"^ when an article is classified to be accei)ted at an esthnated weight, such estimated weitfht will apply. *21. Prepayment of freight charges nuist not Prepay- be accepted upon any shipment, unless the at»«"* of IS satisfied that the article upon which the pay- ''^^'■^«^- ment is tendered is correctly described in the shipping note. *22. Goods in paper packages should be shipped Article? by express; or if by freight must be in oiled or!" K/L heavy paper, well wrapped and corded and be ^*'"'*'^'^- receipted for at Owner's Risk. 23. All shipments are subject to examination shipments and inspection as to correct descripti.^w. Benzine or Benzole, in wood. -Same as Coal Oil.X ^^ v>>v Berries.— See Fruit. ^ •Bicycle Saddles, boxed j 4 * " Stands, Iron, in bundles or crates 2 Stands or Racks, Wooden, K.D. flat or . rr f"'d^d flat, in bundles or crates. 1 + ^ Tires, Rubber, flat, crated or boxed 1 * ."' AvL 1x3" .inflated, crtd. or bxd.,O.R.Dl Wheel Rims, iron or steel, in pkgs 1 ** wooden, in pkgs. (mini- mum C.L. 16,000 lbs.). ......... . 1 4 Wheel Rims, iron, steel or wooden, fin- ished, with rubber tires attached, crated or boxed t) 1 Parts, N.O.S., boxed 1 JBicycIes, Tricycles and Velocipedes. setup.O.Rni 4- Same crated, O.R u "' closely boxed 1^ ^gillets, Wooden.— See Lumber. Billiard and Pool Balls, boxed 3_i —16— + » L.C.L. C.L. )n )n ig In id 8. ...4 ..Dl , , 1 2 3 I. X 2 d . 1.. ..3 . 2.. ..3 . 2.. ..3 is 2 .Dl.. ..4 . 1.. ..4 s . 3.. ..5 . 1 .3-1.. .3 e 1 1 1. 2 1 1 Dl 1 Dl 1 Dl H 1 3-1 .4 * L.C.L. C.L. .. 1 .. 1 Billiard Cues, boxed. . 'Billiard Tables and fittings,' boxed; OJI *»Dii- jr., ., not boxed, not takk\ ^Billiard Table slate or slabs, crtd. or bxd O R «> :rBinders' Boards, O.R "• "^ "xa., U.K. j. jBird Cages, in boxes, O.R. j.? " " ^•£:;/''P'' ^^^^iV"ff and tops and r»- 1 o^ ^ bottoms nested, boxed . i Bir(3s, Stiiffed.-See Stuffed Birds, etc.' ^ Biscuits, in boxes or barrels ... Bi-8ulphide of Carbon :- Taken only bv snecial agreement. ^ • ^^P*^^'**^ Bitters —Same as Liquors. t ^^-cf boards, wooden, crated or boxed, OR '> *Rinoi- Slate, etc. -See Slate. ' •^- - Blacking or Polish Shoe or Stove, in bxs, or bbls. 2 Curriers', in cans, iacketed. .... . f ,. ". , boxed 2 * Black Lead, m bags, boxes, cans, keg.s, or i,bls: 2. 3. 2. fT3i 1 ^ . V^'"t^®' in casks ......." ' Z ^S*".^''.^^' '}} V^'es, O.R., chafing ....:... I..' .i; ." i -See Joiners' Work, Bleaching Salts Blinds, Wooden. Block Shells Blocks, Butchers' ['. :^' Maple —See Lumber. Pulley or Tackle ... ., Blowers, Iron Rotary . [; Blue Stone or Vitriol, in kegs or i)oxe8 .'.'.::':..' 2 *Ri„i,nr. T- -J A*', 1" ^ibls. or ca.sk s i Bluing, Liquid, Cake, or Ball, in cases or bbls 2" iotK^V""" ^^'"'l^n? ^J«th. etc., in bund es [. f' ^Boats, R^cmg^Taken by special contract only. ' " Steam Yachts or Launches, O.K.. releas- ed, requiring a flat car for carriage. ^ See rule 6. » ' * .'<' §*^f.™ Yachts, in box cars 41 * " J^^ctional, taken apart, sections nested .' . D~l Canoes, over 17 feet long, will be rated ^ ,, same as boats. * " pJ^^fV*^*^o«i'ated together, min.TOOlbs. 1 ^^ Jr^anoes, three crated together, mi M.SOOlbs 1 L^anoes, four or more nested together ^ " r^^^t^^^^^se^y'^f'xed (minim urn 800 lbs.) 1 Canoes, O.R., released, loaded in box cars loose, or crated separately, mini- . .. «, .„ mum 600 lbs. each. •. . . . . Skiffs and Pleasure Boats. 17 I'eet and under, estimated weight 800 lbs each, O.R., released . . 1 teet and under, estimatprl weio-ht r....r.i\f^}^?'f^'^^' O.R., released...''... i o A^^i'J*^ ^^ ^ars. estimated weight r..r .^^J^^- ®ach, O.R., relea.s(.d. . . i over 30 feet long. Taken by special contract only. ' —17- 20 .3 .3 .5 .4 .5 .4 .4 .4 .5 .5 .7 .4 .7 _ ^ ^„ , ^ , B-Contlnued. L.C.L. CL. Boats, or Sleds, for hauling stone or clay 3 a t " Liunbernien's, and Batteaux, under 30 "" feet, in box cars, one lK)at 4,0(X)n>8., (!ach additional boat in same car 2,000 lbs., O.K., released i : •• Lumbermen's, and Batteaux, in box cars, > .. f ,C.L.min.20,(XJ()lb8.,O.R., released 10 + ot all kinds (except lumbermen's etc.), !u ""X cars, C.L. minimum 20,000 lbs., O.K., released (j of all kinds, requiring a platform car for ry I.U. ^carriage. See rule 6. Bobbms.— Same as Spools. •Boilers (and fixtures, shipped together), loaded and unloaded by owners (min. C.L. 20,000 lbs.) 1ft " over 28 feet long. Taken by special " '■ contract only. J " Range, copper, O.R o 4. 1 " " iron, O.R q'J * " StockFood Dl ■4 Boiler Compound, in kegs or barrels ..'.■.". 3 ' ' "s Boiler Fues or Tubes. Same as Iron Pipe. Boiler Plates.— See Iron. *Boiler Screens or Lining (perforated Iron) I 5 Bolster Plates.— See Iron. i • • • ■ o Bolsters— Feather, Hair, etc ni Bone Black ' 3 - Bone Dust, in barrels or casks 3 5 Bones, in sacks or casks, less than 10,000 \bk'.'.'.'. 3" ., . ", ," 10,000 lbs. and over . 4 m sacks, casks or bulk, C.L 10 Bonnets.— See Millinery. Books, in boxes or cases j JBoots and Shoes, in trunks, O.R 11 incases i Boot Crimps \ Boralumine 5 •Borax '. ". ^. . . .5 Bottles.— See Glassware. o....b Bottle Wrappers— Paper, straw or wood, in bxs 2 ^ ;; Caps, tin or metal foil , "i oxs. |....5 Capsules or Wrappers, wood, nested, in crates or bundles | -^ " nested, in boxes v 5 *Bovrn and^Bouillon (Extracts). Same as' Beef *Bowling Alley Material- Floors and Racks, K.D q « Pins and Balls, crated or boxed o. . . .o Bows.- Sec Carriage Goods. ^Boxes, ^^'o'.dia, Fnipty— ioilapsible or folding, K.D., or folded flp.t. in hijn/iT«o. « i__ « Empty, nested, or with inside , „ divisions for bottles.. 1 Common, in the white.. '"" i —18- ^ * « t + * LC.L. C.L. . 3. ...6 10 .« .6 2.. ..4 3.. ..5 Dl.. ..4 3.. ..5 1....5 Dl 3.. ..5 3.. ..5 3 4 .10 1 H 1 1 3.. .5 3.. ..5 2.. ..5 2 I.. .5 2.. .5 3... .6 3 1 1 D «r . ^. B-Continued. L.C.L. C.L. Uoxes, Wooden, Cigar, crated ni •• boxed '..]'.'.'.'.'.'..'. 1 ' * " Egg Cases and Carriers D 1 , with wood or pasteboard compart- ments for each egg l , [\ " Jewellery, boxed .......... Dl '* Butter, strapped together with iron or wo' 1 j * i* ** Tobaeco,Blacking and Salt*.!!! 1 * .. „ Butter, Grease, Fig, Spiceor Bail 1 x-zXlCGSC ,. , "I T, " D " ^AJl kinds, C.L.,min. 26,066 lbs. ...10 Boxes, Paper, Empty— " + " •' not boxed, O.R 4.1 " '* boxed or crated 3.1 + •' '• nested and crated, O.K.!!!!! !!!"di + *' " nested and boxed, O.R. .. "*ni : •• •• K.D. flat, boxed, O.R 2 " " Band Boxes.— See page 15. "or Fibre, Butter Boxes, nested or .. i-. J "nnested, crated or boxed Dl Card or Wood Board (or cartons) with tin ends, K.D., flat, ends shipped ^ separately or with the boxes .... 2 or Cardboard, for Tea, Salt, etc., with tin or metallic lids, crated ^ ^^ or boxed j)j pasteboard, for Tea, etc!, with tin or metallic lids or covers, ^ ^^ ^^ crated or boxed Dl + ' "or PaJls, for oysters, candy, etc., „ nested, in bundles, O.R 11 " or Pails, for oysters, candy, etc., „ nested, crated or boxed l " Necktie cases, with inside holders « . . for neckties, crated or boxed.. Dl or Fibreboard, N.O.S., same as ^ ^^ Paper Boxes. or Paper, all kinds, minimum C.L. 20,000 lbs 5 Box Stuff, in bundles or shooks I'm Brackets.— See Furniture. * • • xu JBranand Shorts, in boxes and paper sacks, O.R., ,^ released ' 5 g ** in bags or barrels, estimated 200 lbs. per bbl 5 o Bran and Shorts, C.L.-Same rule as to Min- imum C.L. weight as for Flour and Meal, on?^ iJ^ ^^®^ where car cannot contain rfU,uoo lbs., m which case actual weight will be charged, but not less than 24,000 lbs. brandy.— See Liquors. Brass Bedsteads. —See Furniture. ♦ !.' £*^ Brasses or Bearings 2 5 * ;. Castings, in the rough, over 100 lbs. each s! ! ! !5 ,. . '* N.O.S., in Doxes or bbls 2 4 in Sheets, Rolls, Rivets or Tubing ... 2 ' 4 lis B -Continued. L t' L Brass Pipe Fittings & Valves, in bxs, kgs or bbls > ' ' Scrap ■ ■ o ■ ' ' Dross, Ashes or Filings ..[.....][ 4 ' " iiiauulac'tured, not othervvisj specified 1 ' ; Bread, prepaid, OR ' " ' t' Brewers" Finings (liquid), in casks or 'bi)'Ls 2 Bricks, Conunon . ' Fire .".'.'.'.'.'.".'.' 4 '' Terrd Cotta fire-proofing 4 ' Vitiified, for paving .... 4 ' I '' for stove lining, loose, O.P, ...........'. 1 ' Tj .'! , .,"j w^'\. 'n^">xes or barrels, O.r". 3' Bridge-builders' Outfit, consisting of second- " * R -A "Ix ^. -^'x ''"P^'" P""^-ys, hoist-jacks, etc . 4 *Bridge Material— » i- . *.. Combination Wood and Iron Bridges K D ^ Brijustone -Same as Sulphur. '-^^^'J^-l^- • ^ ■ Bristles, in packages I Britannia Ware, i, \»xed 1 Bromide of Ammonia, in boxes or barrels 2 " " Potash, •' M ,^ ' " Soda, «« .. i- Bromide, in iron drums t" Bromine, in glass, packed in wood \" ^Brooms, in bales, bundles or racks 1 C.L., in common cars H5 feet long and ^^ under; minimum 16,(K)()lbs * - 1" *""V/^t"'' ''^'.*'i^>' ^■^^"'^ ' min.2(),(K)0ibs '. **r> V"^^'^^(*^'^- """"'""ii^'X'OOlbs.) 9 : Broom C\)rn, pressed, in bales, O.K. (C L nVin ' ' mum 20, 0(H) I hs.) 1 ^ " Handles.-See Handles. *" " Kack.s,wooden(C L. minimum 20,000 lbs ) 1 : Bronze or Metal Ornaments. O. B 1 " ^T, " n 1 . " Crated or i)oxed,b.lV 2 Bionze Powder, in cases h^.n. ^... :*Bronzeware, in boxes or cases, (XR. 1 Briish Backs, Wooden, in boxes q Brushes, in boxes 9- Buckets, Iron.— See Iron. ^ ' '' AVooden.— See Wooden ware. Buckwheat.— See Grain. Buckwheat Meal.-See Flour and Meal. *Buftalo Robes. See Furs. Buggies. -See Vehicles. Bug Killer (medicated land plaster, in bl)ls ). 4 ,«ull)s and Roots, in packages, prepaid, O.R . . ' l" Bungs, Woolen, in bags . , .... o Bungs, Wooden, in boxes or barrels s'" , Burial (;ases. Wooden or Metallic, O. H. released 1 " " Burlaps '" ""^ """" '^^'^^''- '^^ ^''"^'"iture. Burr Stones or" Blocks, y.'. .".'.'.'.['.'..'.'.'.'.] f ^Butter, in crocks, jars, baskets or pails. O R i " ' + »ntub.s,firkins. kegs, boxes or bbls., O.R j^ , ol weather >> in crocks or jars, not taken " unless packed in boxes or bbls -20- C.L. ...4 ...6 ...7 ...4 ..4 .10 .10 .10 .10 ..7 .6 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .6 .4 .5 5 3 2. ...4 3. ...6 4. ..7 1. ..4 1 2. ..4 4.. .10 4.. .10 4.. .10 4.. .10 1.. ..7 3.. . .7 4.. ..6 3.. . .5 1 1 2.. .4 2.. .4 2.. .4 3.. .4 1 1 .4 • • • • .4 .5 5 .6 .4 .5 .5 ,4 .5 .3 3 P -Continued, c T, f! T r T. Butter Tubs and Firkins ^ *TCi„f L« T. ' u J T^- V . n<^sted covers in bdls. . 2 R f w w^^^""^ ^'^A'^"- ^^"- ^- L- 20,000 lbs 10 Butter Workers and Creamers, K.l). i Butter Workers, set up U *Butter Workers (steam power) tor factories '.'.'.'. 1 Buttons, m cases or boxes ... j c Cabbage.— See Vegetables. Cabmets,Bath,K.D.flat,orfoIdedflat.crtd.orbxd. 1 4 Cables, Cham.— See Chain. 0....0 Calamine, in packages 3 :*Calcium, Carbide of, inhermetically sealed cans, 0,i\ 1 « J* " in tinned steel cans, 6.R. '. 3 ' " ' 5 " in iron drums " u k * " . in tins, boxed '..'.'.'.'.'.'. 9" ^ This freight is not to be accepted for ship- ment by water, except bv special authority m each case; and should always be kept from con)ing in contact with water. Each package imi.st bear a conspicuous label reading— " Ca hdide of Caloric Engines. See Machinery. Camphene, in wood only, O.R . . 1 This Freight must not be taken for' ship- ment by water except by special cont ract. t amphor Gum I Canada Plate o ^ Candied Peel in cases ...'..". 5' " ? Candles, Tallow .. . s"'"? " Wax and Paraffine.... '.■.'. h" "t Canes, Walking, in bundles Dl ' ' in l)oxes 1 Cane Splints, in bundles ... 1 Canned Goods-Fish, Vegetables, Berries,' Fruit, and Potted Meats '^ x Cannon and Cannon Balls. Taken by" special * ' contract only. Cannons or Mortars (small for fireworks)... l Same, boxed 2 *Cant Hooks and Peaveys, same'as Cant'bogs— See Hardware. Canvas, in Rolls 2 ^ " in bales '.........'.'.. 2 Caps, Percussion ..■.........'.'.'... i 3 .^ '\ " high explosive, not taken. C^apstans *Carbido of Calcium. -See Calcium. Carbon Points.— See Electric Light (^aibons. t.arbon—Bi-Sulpliide of. —Taken onlv by special agreement. *Carb()n, Hydro (Va-l)on (Gas Drips) in ii< .1, drums. 3 .^, 4- Cai-boys, Empty, O.R. (C.L. min. 20,(MJ() lbs.) . . 1 ' ' rj Car Brasses. -See Brass. " -21- li C— ContiQued. L.C.L. •Cardboard.— See Paper. Cards, in cases.— Same as Stationery. Carpenters' Tools, in chests 1 4:*Carpets and Carpeting, in bales, O. R. of chafing 1 Carpet Lining and Stair Pads 2 t " Sweepers, loose, O.R ni " boxed ..■;. 2 Carriages— See Vehicles. CARRIAGE GOODS, as follows : Axles— Iron, cased with wood, finished. . 1 Axle Beds, Reaches, Spring Bars, CutterKnees', Shaft Bars and Bob Runners, in the rough 3 Bows, in bundles j * Buggy Seats, finished, 'rated or boxed . . . * .' .' .D 1 •' •' in white, nested, crated or bxd . 1 Carnage Stuff, not otherwise specified .... 2 Hubs ■ 3 Hub- Blocks 4 Rims or Felloes 3 Running Gear, wheels off. ..... .......'. 1 Shafts, Tongues and Poles, unfinished in bdls. 3 ^ Shafts,Tongues, Poles— finished, O.R. chafing 1 Spoke Billets, rived or split from the bolt . . 4 Spoke Wood Bolts 4 Spokes, in bundles q ' Thills, Finished '.'.'.'.'.'.'.■.■. ".'.". Dl " Unfinished, in bundles 3 Thmible Skeins.— See Iron. ^ Wheels, Finished, without tires 11 " Finished, with iron tires "" 1 Unfinished, in white, without tires 1 Unfinished, in white, with iron tires. 2 in white (minimum C.L. 20,000 lbs.). with pneumatic rubber tires, inflated. Dl TTiri. .^ " i'"bber tires, solid u ^ Whiffletrees, Unfinished, in bundles ' ' 3 ■*"/-.•" ^ , Finished, O.R. chafing ]'. 1 Carriage Goods and Bent Stuff', N O S Cars, Hand, Push or Logging, set up ... . ' " " 1 " ♦* •' K.D 3* * " Street, Horse, Electric or Cable 1 " ' Car Pushers o' ' ( Wtridge Shells, paper 01 metailic, "eniptv 1 Cartridges paper or metallic (when authorized ' ' n.r.f o Q *\H^n), closely and securely boxed ... 1 . . ^t-varts.— See Vehicles. +Cash Registers— boxed, O.R. released .... 1 Cassia.— See Spices. *Castor Oil, in glass, boxed 1 *r« f JL e ' " ^^"' *'^^""»' '" casks, d. r'. leakage 2 ." .' i^atsup. Same as Preserves. Cattle Food, Patent or Concentrated, in boxes, „ „ barreis or bags. ' o Cattle Food Chopped Straw, Hay, " Ensilage: Cattle Taiilf similar common Cattle Food 4. . Caviare ( Fish Eggs)," in kegs or barrels ? Cedar Posts and Ties. Taken by special contract ' ' oniy, —^/i — :c.L. ...3 ...4 ,10 .10 .10 .6 .6 .6 .4 .3 .3 .4 .4 .5 .8 .2 .C.L.:C.L. 2 ..3 ..4 I 3 1 Dl 1 2 3 4.. .10 3 1 3 1 4.. .10 4.. .10 3 Dl 3 H 1 1 2 Dl" • • 14 3 1 . ..6 1.. ..6 3.. .« 1.. .4 3 1.. .3 1... .3 1 1... .4 2... .4 3. ...5 4. ...8 2 1....2 C— Continued. L C L Celluloid, in bundles ' j " in boxes 9 " Goods, in boxes i ' Cement, in sacks or barrels 4 Cereals, not otherwise specified,' roiled pressed" cracked, dried or dessicated, in boxes 4. *.., . Same in bags or barrels 5 *Cham. See Iron. Chalk, in boxes 2 " in barrels or casks 4 Chandeliers— See "Gas Fixtures." Charcoal, in sacks or barrels 3 *r^u " . CJ. L., minimun 20,000 lbs. per car . " '.' +Cheesem crocks or jars, packed in cases, O. R. 2 + in boxes or casks, O.R. from weather . 3 •' Presses— See Machinery. " Safes, loose or in bundles 4_i " crated qi " boxed nt •• Setters .".".'.".'.".'."." ."."■■"■ "l •' or Cream Vats, set up Dl " or Cream Vats— legs and detachjible "parts ^, taken off and crated l Cheese Box Stock 4 Chickon Coops, prepaid . ". * '. \ ". Dl " " galvanizediron, k.b. in bundles 1 „,. . " Same, crated or boxed 2 i hicory, m cases, bags or barrels .... 3 Children's Carriages, Sleds, etc. -See Vehicles." Chimney Pots, Zinc Dl +nu« " " Earthenware 2 . Chinaware, in boxes, barrels or casks, O. R B 1 + „,. " ^ in crates or hhds., O.R. B ' 2"' Chinese Lanterns (paper), folded flat, boxed . . Dl * Chlorate of Potash, in kegs 3 Chloride of Lime, in boxes ........".".'"', 3! '. „,,'*.- „ " in casks or barrels ..' 4." Chloride of Calcium, in boxes or barrels l " " in drums " 3 *Chloride of Aluminum (liquid), in bbls .".""" 3 Chocolate, m boxes " o ' Churns, loose Dl ' *' boxed or racked 1 !! ]90se, barrel, fixtures detached and bdVd. 1 * u Cmdle. -Same as Barrel Churns. ^^(■J .^" kinds C. L. same as Avoodenware.. Cider.— Same as Ale. Cider Mills and Presses.-See Machint^ry. Cigar Box Lumber, in bundles (other than Cedar) 4 Sam<»— Cedar 3 " ' ' "Cigars andCigarettes in cases, securely strapped, or with iron straps or clamps on tiie ends, O.R 1 'Cigars and Cigarettes in cases, not strapped, as above Cinnamon-See Spices. 'Cisterns, Wooden, set up ni K.D.. : 3 -23- C.L. ...5 ...5 .10 ...8 ...8 .7 .4 .4 .10 .5 .4 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .4 .5 .5 Dl C— Continued. L r T r i day, Fire Potters, etc ' j m Clay Birds or Balls. -See Bcills. * • ^" :>^ "^'1"'..'""^ Weights, boxed, O.R i Cloth Boaids for rolling cloth, in bundles '.'.'.." ] in Clothes Lines.— See Cordage -* • • • lo Clothes Pins in boxes ... '^ - Clothes AVringers and Washers.not boxed li' " *" Clothing (not personal effex.ts), irrrnnrs^'^'^'Dl' rn . ] r>, boxed i Clover 8eed.— See Seed. Cloves.— See Spices. Coal, Mineral, and Coke, N.O.S i in Coal Facings t " - JCoal Hods or Scuttles, O.R +••../ Coal Oil.-See Oils. ^ Coal Saving Compounds '-? - Coal Screens, Large -^ ■■ . .o Cocoa, in boxes }, '' Beans, in bags •> f " essence or extract, in glass, bi)xed it * .. ?ssence or extract, in cans, boxed ...■.■.■ ',i " '', ^ ^^ Butter, ni sacks j ., " ". in boxes, kegs or bbls •> Cocoanuts, in bags T " in boxes, barrels or casks •> i (dessicated), in pails \[\\ 1 '. " " I n HT . " in boxes or barrels 'i i Cocoa Matting. -See JVIatting. ^••^ Cocoanutene,— Same as Lard. t'Oftee, roasted, ground or unground, in sacks + .. . ,. ""xes, barrels, or tins, crated. ' 'A r, ui tuis, not crated or boxed, O.R " i green in sacks or barrels ... ± Condensed, essence or extract,' in" glass ""^ packed in u,)xes ' i f- Condensed, essence or extract^ "in cans" boxed ' o Coffe*' Mills .-J. . . .o Cottins.— See Burial Cases. Coffin Trinnn ing3^ plated or cloth covered, boxed 1 Plates or white metal sheets (for coffin plates), boxed i Cogs, wood i * " N.O.S., O.R r 1 -24- ^■■■^ L C.L. C.L. nks. ... 4. .10 ... 1 .. 4. .10 .. 3. . .5 .. u ed 2 . Dl .. 1 .. 4.. .10 .. 4.. ..7 .. 1 . . H.. . .5 .. 1 2. . ..4 . . 2 ..4 .. 1.. . .5 . . li.. . .5 .. I •> . 1.. .4 . 2.. .4 . 1.. .4 . 3.. .4 •*> . 3... .5 . 1 . 4.. .5 S . 1 .. .5 'j . 3... .5 . 1 I 1 2 2.'. 1.. .4 ..4 ..4 C— Continued. I CL Contractor's Plant, consisting of vehicles der ricKs, tools and dredges . ^"^^les, at i - Coopers' Flags ^ • Coops.— See Chicken Coops. ^ Copperas.— Same as Blue Stone. Copperine *Copper Ashes, in boxes or bbis o " " Stills and Worms ^.'f " Bottoms, Bolts, Nails, Sheets, Ruds, and Ingots m packages o ♦ Vessels, very large. Taken by' special contract only. ^ " Scrap and Pig „ Ore (C.L.min. 30,000 lbs) . .' f " Oxide ^ i " Singe Plates .'.'."".■.■.■.■ o Sulphate of.— Same as Blue Stone Manufactured, not otherwise SDecified . Copymg Presses ' '''^"*^" ■ J Cordwood^Taken by special contract onlV " ' Cordage, Rope and Rigging, in coils or packages 3 Clothes Lmes ^ o ' Halters in bundles or boxes o" " Small Cord and Twine o" Binding Cord for Harvesters, in bales ' or boxes o Lath Yarn o' Corks and Corkwood '?• Cork Carpet.-Same as Oilcloth. .^]ork, ground, compressed in packages. . . s : Cornices, Metallic including brackets, facings and fronts O.R., not crated or boxed 4-1 Same, crated or boxed ' " ' ? i Same, K.D. nested, crated or boxed i : <-ornic^s,Metallic,allkinds,C.L.min.l2,000Ibs' iJ.ix "' i*Cornice Ornaments (stamped metai),- nested " ' " crated or boxed ' , *Cornices wooden (C.L. miniinunV mOOOlbs.) " " ' 1 Cornice Poles, in bundles or cases i " " Corn.— See Grain. ^ • ' Corn Cakes, in cases , Pnvl! ^l^''^ n'' Flour.-Same as Flour' and ' Meal ' Corn, Pop Corn ey !! o ". . P'^i'ched or popped . . ... !..."' " T " Sweet, dried !, Corn Cobs, prepaid, C. L. mm lbs! " Corn Husks.— S«me as Husks. ^Corn Poppers.— See Hardw«re. Corset orDrei^s Stays, or Steels, in boxes . . i Corsets in cases .. . | *CottoIene.-Same as 'Lard. ^Cotton, nor, pressed in bags or sacks, O.K. of fire ^ ^^ (C.L. minimum 20,000 lbs.) i H- ^^ raw, pressed in bales, O.R. of fire . " " a" " ^ ^^ raw, in cans, crated or boxed .... " s " ' i^ ^^ V;^w, C.L. minimum 2f),000 lbs. ... Cotton, Domest ic— See Dry Goods -25— CL. ...6 ..5 ..5 .4 .6 .10 ..4 .5 ..5 .4 ..4 .5 .5 .4 .5 .6 .4 10 5 M i'!!; C— Continued. D L.C L C L Cotton Goods.— See Dry Goods. Cotton Seed Meal ; 4 o :t*Cotton Waste, in bags or sacks, not pressed .O.R. of fire(C.L.min. 20,000 lbs.) 1....5 t "in pressed bales O.R. of fire— lots ^» ,, ,, . under 10,0001bs. in same car... 3 in pressed bales O.R. of fire— lots . 10,000 lbs. and over in same car. 4 . m pressed bales n Crackers, m boxes or bbls o 4 Cracklings ^ ^ Cranberries.— See Fruits. ' Crates, Empty, prepaid Dl *n " " ^ .^'V C.L. minirmim2b,66oibs". ...10 Creamers, set up (C. L. minimum 20,000 lbs. ) . . Dl 6 K.D. and boxed 1 a Cricket Bats, Wickets, etc., in boxes i ' Crowbars.— See Hardware. tCrayons, in boxes or barrels, O.R 1 *Cream Tartar 2 4 :::Crockery and Stoneware, in' boxes," barrels or * +« .. .. . casks, O.R 2 ...5 +* .. .. in crates or hhds.,O.R. 3 ...5 ■^ all kinds, min. C.L. ., ^ ^ ^ 20,000 lbs Cross Arms -See Telegraph Supplies. : Crokmole Boards, crated or boxed, O.R (C L minmmm 10,000 lbs.)... '^. K^.i^. Croquet Sets ' f l! 4:Crucibles, O. R., N. O. S. . .■..;;.* | ■ ■ . .4 Crucibles, in boxes or casks q Cultivator Teeth, in bundles ..''....'.'.'.'..'. 2 4 +0 i- o^ " ^^Ji^o^es or casks .'..'.' .'.".'..■*■■■ 3* ■"4 IrCurlmg Stones, O.R 0....4 Currants.— See Fruit. Curtain Fixtures, boxed or crated. 1 '' Poles in bundles, wrapped ..." 4 ^ " boxed or crated 3" 2 TD "„ ^° ^^? white, in bundles ...".'.'.'.'.■■ 3 " " 5 Rollers and Slats, in bundles, wrapped, " ' . crated or boxed .... ^^ ' a 4 gjjshwns. Carriage or Sleigh, boxed! '.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.. m" ' Cutlery.— See Hardware! 3. . . .5 Cylinder casings, pressed steel 3 5 Dates.— See Fruits. -Depr ' il n"'^ "•'' ^J?^"" Lights. -See Glass. + J Jeer, m carcass, O.R j^. *Degras (Tanner's Oil), in wood o r Dental Goods . ';••••* |Demijohn8, Empty, O.R. .....[[[ ,[[/]-■ [ [ ' ' ; ; j^} ^ *T^ • , „ ^^ crusks or cases, O.R. ... 1 ± ^Derricks, Small, in box cars . k a Desks— See Furniture. ^ . . .o DetonatorB.- Same as Gunpowder. Dextrine, in bags, boxes or casks q r —26- ^•■••*' L.C.L. C.L. .. 4. ...8 .".' 2.' .. 4. ...5 ...4 ...7 ..Dl s. ..Dl. .. 1. .. 1 .10 ..6 ..6 .. 1 .. 2.. ..4 . 2 . I. 3 . ..5 ..5 1. ...4 1. ...4 1 3 2. ...4 3. ..4 1 1 2.. .4 3.. ..4 3.. ..5 3.. 1 ..4 1 3.. .5 3.. ..5 a. . 1 . A) 11.. .4 1. .4 2.. ..6 3.. .5 D— Contimicd. L C L Dirt Scrapers, hand . . ' ,' 'MSsTpts.^^' -b-g^'boxesorbbis.:: 3.... *Dress Forms, or Dummies, wire or iron,' S. U ' ! .' 3-1 " " +rv ^^} ?^ ^"^^^^ ^^^' crated or boxed ^' ^" 1 JDressed Hogs, O.R. of weather . q , Drugs and Medicines, not otherwise specified m boxes, barrels or casks... ' i (b or Patent Medicines see page 84 ) Drums, in cases ^ o •/ tBry Goods, as follows :-Any" of the folio Wing named articles, made wholly <,f cotton when specific name of articles and name of shipper are plainly marked on outside of packages and stated on shipping bill and receipt-(marking or describing packages as contaimng cotton piece goods will Sot whuf '''^kV~^u'^-5 Domestic Cottons, white or unbleached; Calicoes or Prints Canton or Cotton Flannels or Flannelettes plam or dyed; Canvas ; Corset Jeans; Cot^ tonades; Cotton Wrap; Cotton Yarn- Crash (Lmen or Cotton); Domestic Check.s Stripes and Cheviots; Cotton Duck Damasks; Denims; Drills; Domestic Ginghams ; Glazed Cambrics ; Osnaburgs ; Sheetings (Bleached or brown): Silicias • Tickings; Window Hollands and Shade Cloth (plain, uncut and undecoiated) ; in bales at O.R., or in boxes . 2d AllDryGoodsexcept articles abovenamed, ' " will be classed as"Dry Goods not otherwise specified," and the articles named will also be classed as"Dry Goods N.O.S., 'unless the above conditions a-e complied with. Anv package containing articles of more than one class will be charged the rate for the ■^r» i^^^T^* cl^'^'sed article contaiiKnl therein XDry Goods, m trunks, O.R j^ t " i^ J^^'^s, not otherwise specified, '^ U. K. of chafing ^ " in boxes not otherwise speciified " 1 ^ Dress Lining (paper or wood fibre) H- in bales or cases, O.R ^ o a Duahn, NOT TAKEN. — * Duck, in bales ,, Dulse ^ Dumb-Bells, in boxes'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. o" • '^ Dye Stuff, not otherwise specified ? *' m sticks or bundles o 4 +T^ 1 • . 1 "^ boxes, barrels or bags " " q " " " ' k Wye, liquid, in boxes. OR. f * t " '' inbbis.,o.R. ...;;::::: i •• f Dynamite, NOT TAKEN. ^. .* *Dynamo Bases (Iron) detached from tho dynamo --i,UUU lbs per piece, or ovei whether snipped with the dynamos or not, O.R q e -27- '^ *Dynamos- lamos. 'Dym -1,000 lbs. p boxed, O.K., K.O.S Continued. E piece or over, O.R. L.C.L. C.L. 1 . .o .4 ^ *Earth, Infusorial, in bags or barrels 3 5 " Closets, loose li " racked or crated.'.'.'.'..' ■■■■ 1 jEarthenware, in l)oxes, barrels or casks. O H •> p; :* " in crates, O.R ' -T"? t " inhhds, O.R 5''''? : " Bottles, in nests, O.R ' ' ' V"5 +* " all kinds (except Drain or Sewer t " Loose, O.R., released, taken in C.L. only ; loaded and unloaded by owners o t*-,^ " , I D^am or Sewer Pipe, O.R.', released 4 .' .' .' io rEavetroughs, Metallic, in bundles, O.R D1 ^ + nested closely, and wired ..* . „ in bundles,' O.R 2.... 5 : ,, „ »|;«ted, crated or boxed. 2 all kinds, C.L. niininnnn 20,0fK)lbs K Wooden 9- ••? Edge Tools.— See Hardware. iEggs, in baskets or pails, O.R. . . jyi I " in boxes or barrels, O.R. . o 4 t " in patent carriers, O.R . . . 2" "4 Egg Ga.ses and Carriers.-See Boxes, empty." Eerg Fdlers, Paper—See Paper. ^ Egg Preservers (powder), in cases .... 1 a Elbows, corrugated.— See Stove Pipe. JElectrical Insulating Conduits, tarred felt or paper, in bundles, crates or boxes, O.R -1 q Insulating Conduits, iron] cement Imed • . . ; Electric Light Appliances :~Arc' Light ' Lamps "* and franies (without glass globes), in boxes + 1^1 /^V '^»1*^' 0-i^-(C.L. mininmm 16,0(X) lbs).. 1 3 + fcilectric Instruments and Fixtures, N.O S boxed, O.R ' ' ' i 3 Generators.— Same as Dynamos ' ;; Light Bulbs.-See Glassware. [^ " Carbons, boxed 2 4 ^" " Globes - See Glassware. + .* J\ Hoods, iron, nested, in pkgs .... 2 4 X '; Meters, boxed, O.R ... . 1 '"3 Motors.— Same as Dynamos. ^ " Motor Trucks.— Sanie as Car Trucks. + ^ Storage Batteries, O.R j 3 Transformers or Converters.— Same as Dyn.amos, *„, '' Street Mains and Couplings 3 fi |L ectrotype Plates, boxed, O.R;, released ' '. '. '. " 1 " ' ' 4:Eleyator Buckets in bundles, O.R J 4 Tin or Iron, crated or box ed 2 4 —28— ■■■ + C.L. C.L. 3. . . .5 . 1. ...4 3. ...5 H 1 2. ...5 3. . .5 3. . .5 3. . .5 2. .6 10 . .5 .o .5 .7 .4 .4 ..5 ..4 ..4 E— Continued. F L C L C L :Elevators,forbuildings,K.D.,cr*tedorbxd,O.R! 2. ' Q .mbalming Fluid.— Same as Drugs and Medi- cines. Emery, in bags or cases o 4 " in kegs or barrels q k Wheels, boxed t" i Emigrants' Movables.-See Household Goods Empties, returned (except crates and baskets) from original consignee to original shipper, and by the Road originally shipped, every package to be fully marked or addressed any quantity prepaid 4 Empties not fully marked or addressed, not TAKEN. Note.— If a C.L. of returned empties be shipped, a greater charge is not to be made than the C.L. classification and current rate applicable to the article or articles shipped. Enamelled Ware, N.O.S., boxed or crated ... 2 ", ^ngiues. Portable or Stationary.— Se(' Machinery Engravings.— See Pictures. ^' Epsom or Glauber Salts.— See Salts. Essences and Extracts, in packages, N.O.S 1 ^Lvaporators (fruit) and Fruit Dryers, iron, O.K. U 4 + Same K.D. flat, crated or boxed, O.R 2 4 t Same, with feed steamers, O.R... ' " i ' ' ' 4 :tEvaporators (Sugar), iron, S.U., O.R ... . " ' u " " 4 :Kvaporators (Sugar), iron, K.D., loose and ' detachable parts detached and crated or boxed, O.R j j^ ^Evaporator Tanks, galvanized iron or tin, 6. R.' 3-l' " "4 -fcixcelsior, in bales (C.L. minimum 20,()00 lbs.). . . 2' " ' 5 •Sa-^ (tt^ ~?c« */ F JFam , -,, N.O.S., in trunks, O.K., released. Dl ^lot otherwise specified, in cases. . 1 t ans, t i^eaf, in cases 1 1 *Faramel.— See Cattle Food. ^ Farina, not otherwise specified. Same as Cereals. Faucets, Wood or Metal, in barrels or boxes . 2 t eathers, in boxes or sacks Dl " pressed in bales ji Feather Beds, Pillows, Cushions, etc., in boxes or sacks jyi " Beds, Pillows, Cushions, etc., pressed in bales 1 1 " Dusters, in boxes .,][[ 1 " Trimmings, in boxes ...Dl '* Quilts, in boxes Dl " " in pressed bales ii Feathers, Feather Beds, etc., all kinds, C.L. minimum 12,000 lbs 2 jFeed Steamers and Evaporators, O. H * " dI Feldspar " " 3 « -29— m i _ , „ • F— Continued. i m n t Felt Clippings in boxes, barrels or bags . 3 5 for underlying carpet ^ i ^ " for roohng J ^ ;; J*""^^' f A^pipe covering ■.:::.■.:;:; * ■ • • • 5 t R "■ ^"•^^•y^^ry purposes *" :::;•••• 7 j " ^"°^«' "^^^"of^°'' Socks. -Same as Boots and " " ' '"'"^a'l^ronl^^"^^^^ ^^^^- ^y special con- Fenders and Fire Irons, in boxes ... o Fertilizers, in bags or barrels f .(. Fibre Chamois. -See Dry Goods. *• " ^" ^Figs.— See Fruit. *Figures, Wooden, display, set up Dl Files-See Hardware. " ^'^ ^''*^''^ or boxed 1 ^Filters, O.R *Fire Arms, in boxes . . '*''"'s£,Tcrtertro^g boxed andmarked to rFire ^^"ginf. Hand-brake, minimum weight r " " *.W0 lbs. each, O.R .^.. 1 ^ O^R ' ^" ^'^^'^' '^^^"*^ weight, ■ ■ ■ fFire Extingiiishers, Cheniicai; set up,' O.r". " ' Dl ' ' " ^ t " .. .'.' i" boxes, O.R 1 -i wheel, min.wght : " u .. 2<)001bs. each,O.R. 1....6 4wheel,min.wght. Fire Kindlers, Com^osfuo"^^"""^^^' ^°"^^' ^•«- g' ' ' ? -w'\ TT "x Wood, boxed::;::: ^■••i .Fish, Fresh or- Fro.en, in packages orfishsafes ' ' ' '^ aiT ' ^'■''P^''^ '''' guaranteed! t " Fi'esh, in packages' or frozen in bulkVpre- ^ •-* " in fi.K P^''^ "*'■ guaranteed, O.R \^ 4 . in fish sates gn whl,^ ^^^^^.^ ^^ ^^^^^^^. 4 T^jci. .^®^^' y-"- *^-i^- minimum 2(),000 lbs ) fi .^ boxes or barrels, O.R. ""^les, ±;ickled m pails, casks or barrels T"'t Canned.-Sce Canned Goods. ^•■^ .Fishing Nets, in bales, O.R. of chafing 1 .. m boxes ^ | F?«^ T»«i •^' i" bundles or cases : : : : : rn J^lag Poles, in box cars ^} JFlags or Banners, mounted or unmounted" "in packages or bundles, O.R. ""^""ted, m Same, boxed }4 "—30— -^ 3. 4. 2. 1 1 .5 .5 .4 .4 2 4... 10 ...6 ...6 ...6 ...6 ...5 ...7 ...7 ...4 ...6 ..4 ..5 ..5 F— Continued. L.C.L. ijiFlax, in boxes, O.R 2 :* " in bales, O.R. (C.L. minimum 20,()6(Hbs.). 3. " Straw, in bales (C.L. min. same jis Hay). . 3. " Seed.— See Seeds. '' " Seed Meal, in bags or barrels 4 •• Waste (for Paper Stock).- Same as Cotton Waste. *Floats, Wood, foi- fishing nets, in bags or boxes. 3. J< locks, in bags, sacks or crates (C.L. niinimum 20,(XM)lbs.) 2 :*Florida Water, in boxes, barrels or casksi O.R. 1 JFlour and Meal, in boxes and paper sacks, O.R. released 5 . " in l>ags or barrels, estimated weight 200 lbs. per bbl 5.. + " " mixed, in paper sacks, O.R. sifting, bacR or bhls Flour in sacks should be chaxgeil actual gross weight— thefoUowing are considered actual weights: half bbl. sacks 98 lbs, quarter bbl. sacks 49 lbs., eighth bbl. sacks 24^ lbs. l^lour and Meal.— Minimum C.L. weight will be 30,000 lbs. per car, unless marked capacity of car be less, in which case tlu; marked capacity, but not less than 24,000 lbs., will be the minimum. Flower Pots (prepaid).— Same as Earthenware. Flower Pot Stands, Wooden, S.U Dl ,^, *' „ " " " K. D. flat 1 *Fluid Beef.— Same as Beef Extract. Fluor Spar, in packages 3 Fluters.— See Hardware. *Flynette (Tanners' Oil), in wood 3. *Fly Paper, in bundles, crates or cases 1 . .' Fly Traps, in boxes D 1 " nested and boxed l 1:Food, prepared for children and invalids, in glass, packed, O. R 1 " prepared for children and invalids, in tin, packed 2 Foots, Molasses or Oil " 3 . :!:Forges, Portable, O.R '. 2 *Forks.— See Hardware. *Fossil Meal.— Same as Earth (infusoiial). Foundry Facings.— Same as Coal Facings. Foundry Flasks, wood or iron 3. Fountains and Fixtures, Soda, etc.. Marble, boxed 1^ Fountains and Fixtures, Soda, etc.. Wooden, boxed I ♦Fowls.- See Poultry. Frames, Picture or Looking Glass, in bdls. O.R.Dl. . . " PictTire or Looking Glass, in (■rates,O.R I4 . . " " '* in boxes, O.R 1... Frames, Wooden, for pyrotechnic displays 1 . . . Same, empty, returned.— Same as Empties returned. Freezers, Ice Cream 1 -31— C.Lu ...5 ...5 ...7 ...8 . .5 ..8 ..8 ..8 .6 .4 + .3 .3 .3 t> m :-n i>l FRUJT8 F— Continued. L.C serves '^^^^' °'' ^aiu.e.-SHUieasPre- AppK Apples, Kv.ipomted or Dried, in bags ii r< , " in boxes or bi)lq Green, only carried at owner's lisk of leezmg; must be prepaid and re- leased between 1st November and 30th .L. C.L. 4.. ..7 3.. .4 .5 April, as follows : in bags or boxes )brs. .^^ l^^^j^. to be taken at 165 lbs.' per bbi". 3. CranlK-rries, prepaid^ O. R Ixrapes, in barrels, O. R. Oranges and Lemons, in packages! 'o r' ' -' ' ' " ^';il^'i^!i^5>-d and ^r^leasel betw^m' the 2. ...5 1st of November and 3()th April. Hnut, Fresh, in baskets, O.R. prepaid. . '• l!^f f f "^ '''" .''^""^^s, O. R. prepaid '^'IpSo'lr" ^^"^^^' •-'"■^^"^ i-nines, Berries, Apricots, Peaches in .^ . mats, cases, boxes, kegs or bl!ls ' 2 n bags or mats not otherwise specified 1 ^^ ^„-i''ned.--See Canned Goods. "P'"^'"^'' ^ - ^fjed not otherwise specified ... 1 .. J?f^"^'d.-Same as Pickles. ^^ t leaners and Improvers, set up. . Di o. . ..8 2.. .4 2. ..4 1.. .3 1.. ..3 1.. ..3 K.D. flat.. ♦Full ers Driers-See Evaporators ;; set up boxed or crated ' .' ." [ [ [ [[" tl ^ iv.u. Jiat. boxed or crated " m Bamboo, Rattan, Reed, or WiHowf not other! ''' w,8« specified, set up. . . . 4 1 ^ame, boxed or crated . t i ^araboo P.asels and Screen Frames -in h^U 'Vi BamW-completelyK.D.and sWppei in^^^^ Bed, Sofa, or Chair Springs, in bESdIi ^^.''; g} «« „ ,, «n boxes or bbis. 2 Bedstejirl*. \\r. ^ "ested, in covered bdls. 2 rsensteads, Wooden, common, set up 4_f (common), finished, K.D 2 .vfr.o '"/^*?;,t^'^-T>. and bundled 3 extra v^aluable, carved or elabor- ately hii j«hed, w lapped or crated . Dl (brass), set up .^J K.D., in bundles .!. i " boxed.... o -32- "^ 1 3. .4 ,3 L..C.L. C.L. . 4. ...7 1. s. 3. ...4 .5 3. .5 o. . .b ..8 2. .4 2. ..4 1.. .3 1.. ..3 1.. ..3 1.. .4 'ci 2.. A 1 F— Continued. L.C.L. C L FURNITURE -Contimud :- * Bedsteads (iion), K.D., boxed 3 * " •' *' in bundles ....'.'.'.'.]'.'.'. 2 " " set up rji " K.D. ^^ 5 Bedslats in bdls 2 *' crated or boxed ] 3 Bookcases, set up 1 1 K. D., Hat '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2 Brackets, Wood, boxed 1 In" o|'StandHforiniages,ornHnients,etc..I)l Bureaus, Wardrobes. Washstands, Dressing Cases, Desks, Sideboards, wrapped, crated or boxed 2. Bureau Glass Frames, K D. in liundles 1 ri K. . ^.,. " K.i>. and closely boxed 2 (. abinets. Filing, crated or boxed U '* Printers', crated or boxed ..'.'. H '• Parlor, wrapped or crated Dl' Same, boxed Ij^ •• Coffee, Cracker, Dental, DrnK.oiove. " Music, Phonograph. Type writer, Cal- t^ . iSraph.ThreadorSpool.crtd.orbxd. U Camping Tables and Ironing Stands (com- bined) K.D. and tied together . . l Centre Tables. K.D., legs off ■.■ 1 Chairs, set up and closely boxed (N.O.S.) 1 K.D. and closely boxed (N.O S.) .. . ' 2 Dentists', Barbers' or Reclin in j,s K.D. or folded, and boxed 1 ^ " Dentists', Barbers'or Reclining! N.0.S.).D1 ^^ Reclining, folded flat, and crated 1 Common, seats nested, legs completely K.D. and bundled ". 2 Common, seats nested, legs nested.!. Arm or Rocker, arms on and legs off, K. D. and bundled Dl " Office, Revolving, tops detached from bases ji " Office, Spring Rocking, witii wooden bases, bases detached U *' Common, wood seat, set up ..Bl " (Common, wood seat rockers, set uj) .. Dl Common, wood seat. Rockers, without arms, seats nested, legs and rockers K.D. and bundled 1 " Leather, perforated, or cane seat rock- ^ ers, set up ;-^.l " Woodframe.leatherseated Arm orRock- ing (rockers off), one chair reversed and resting on armsof chair beneath D] Bamboo. Rattan, Reed or Willow, set up, wrapped 3_i Same, boxed or crated Dl Same, with legs off, seats a iid backs «( ID nested together, wrapped or crtd..Dl Bent Wood, completely K.D. in Inmdles, or crated 2 —33- ■k I" i „, F— Continued. t n t FURNITURE-Continued :- ^•^•^• Chairs, Carpet Rockers, Set up 3.1 * " ^^,1 G /'„ ,^-D. flat and bundled. !d1 M w ^ §®*J' P^"' wrapped or crated Dl ;; Wood Seat, folded flat and bundled 1 Commoin wood seat, completely KD and bundled .. *' -^ ^•^- '* Wood or Cane Seat, in bundles of four .. n or^more-partlyKD ni Cane, Splint, Slat and Perforated, Wood : ;; sai^^ctJ^IL^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^'' -' "P • • g} * " iaSe^'fo?ed^^^-^^--<^-^ed:;::^^^ Camp, in bundles ... . J, " Folding.... }i -' and stf S T^^^^^^""" (combined), set up ." .' [ Dl and Step Ladders combined), K.D in bundles ^ ^., lu II Large Rocking, set up, "rockers on "or oft ' S-1 (not upholstered, wooden framed, with rattan insertion in the backs), set » u n "P' wrapped or crated Dl Cane seat, fb., tops nested and wrap "'"'^ nniof. F^j^'^es. finished but not Cha^Seats",ttL'd™^^^^^^^^ ^'f KSu?l^^^'^«' «^" Stand^isame ^ ^^Pew Se«;f Ph-^^r,?'??^' P«^^' B^^ks. i^ew ^^eats, Chancel Rails, Alts* f s tr n crated or boxed.... ' '^^^'^'^' ^'^-^ PuIhIk'' I? n"P' '^f ^''^ "u*" boxed, in box cars 1 rulpits,K.D., crated or boxed 9 Clothes Frames or Horses '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. f " RaJV rk * I'j ?^-^- and boxed..!. 2 n u- ^'^^^•,^' °^' f'^JtJed flat and tied in bdk 2 Combined Table and Show Rack or Shelves o ,P^rt iron), crated or boxed... ''"^'''^^ , Cradles, Children's, Wicker Work 3.1 (wooden), completely k.D. .< .. I" bundles, crates or boxes 2 „ ^^ Iron ^, ,1 , , ,11. , Wood, set UD ni Cupboards (Kitchen), set up ^ SJ tops off, doors detached ' .' 1 -, - _ K.D., m bundles 5 Desks, Office, set up " ' ; f. K.D., crated or boxed. 1 —34— ^ C.L, L.C.L. C.L, • • • * . 0"X lled.Dl ed ...Dl a... 1 K.D. 2 four Dl i^ood ip . . 3-1 Dl • • • • J. 1 ... li ...Dl p.-.Dl ., in .... 1 oft. 3-1 id.. 2.. . ... 3-1 on. ^ith set . . . . Dl •ap- dls. 1 lol- . li md ... 1 lot ...Dl ... 1 me ta, D., .. 2 irs 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 2 Is. 2 es .. 1 ..3-1 D. es 2 .. H Dl ..Dl .. 1 . 2 : }* .4 F— Continued. PURNITURE-Continued :- Easels (^^^egt Bamboo), wrapped or crated. .Dl L.C.L. C.L. -folded. —Same as Dress- 1 li 1 3.. Folding Bedsteads ing Cases. Folding Beds, iron, folded and crated l R^oL w^'^^^^u' ^''^^x^?^^' T**'^^^' Clothes Trfn T '^T^'"'*''''^u^' Whatnots, Hat Racks and Ladders— when folded flat . i Folding Cots or Cribs, folded . f Hassocks and Footstools, crated or boxed " " 1 Hat Racks, revolving, set ud 1 1 ;; boxed ...".'.v.'.*.'.;;;;"" i ** ?■ ^" ^^^*®d ^^ boxed .....[..[.]] 1 N.O.S.— Same as Bureaus. Kindergarten Chairs.— Same as Chairs. Lounge or Sofa Frames, K.D., flat, backs, legs and head rests detached - Lounges, backs off, or without backs, wrapped crated or boxed *^* Marble Slabs for Furniture, boxed or crated.'' Mattresses, Wire, K.D., and securely boxed. „ Wire, Hair, etc., setup Dl Wire, rolled in bundles or bales 1 Hair, in bales, canvassed ... ii Wire, wooden sides and ends. . * li Wire, iron sides and ends ' i Same, boxed 2 Wire,side pieces off,ends"and wire rolled tightly and seourt'ly boxed or Spring Rails, completely K.D. and closely fastened in bundles. Common, other than hair or wire —rolled or baled Night Commodes j^. Rattan Furniture.-See Bamboo," etc.' Kattan, m bundles I Rustic, set up j^| School Furniture, N.O.S.",* K.D. anil packed *. 2 •' setup I Desks, set up '.'.'.'.'.'.'. U and Seats comiained, set up and ,, se.its, folded 1 o " K.D.,cr.'»ti'(l()rboxed 2 Screens, ornamental, packed flat, boxed ... Dl Ihr.rp^^/'^^^' ^ood seat, wrapped or crated .D 1 thZr^K^i^^' extension.-Same as H.-.t Racks ShowTables orShelves, foldedflat, c.t.l. or bxd. 1 Sotas or Lounges, wrapped or crated D 1 Spring Beds, set up. . . gj a« *• u *,' ^folded or rolled in buiuiies '. '.'..'.' l Spring Bed Frames ... ni Spring Bed Slats, in bundles '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. ] [ [ ] ] [ 2 c !* ^ , " crated or boxed .q Springs, Bed, Sofa or Chair, in boxes or bbis! 2 Qi. , ^, " nested, in covered bdls. 2 Stools.— Same as Chairs. —35- (i T Aoa ^ J.' G— Continued GLASS— Continued :— X " <^o^mon window, under 80 united * " SOnn^f^'r-' ^2^^^' ^-I*- released 3 Un.ted inches means the leneth and - " Rp^o'i^^^^*'''^^*^"P^^^^g« added fol^^^^ Insulators, in barrels or boxes 3 ' " ' * " ''°MT„7i'v^^^'-'>''^':' Soda; ' Mineral Water, Brandy, Wine JarsTn' h^r'TiP"™ '^'»'^' F™?t c^t^rc-klll'^l'^l- '":.'""^- o- %?• ni J°a™s» <-'• 1^. (min. C. L. 16.000 lbs \ l Wobes, Stre^j^ ,, «• R- (minimum' '*Ws!r*SL",r^«'-^*'inboxe.°- Lamp Shades, in boxes or barrels; O.R. 1. .5 .5 .7 .6 .5 .3 .5 .5 .3 2. 1 'a,ob r"f'--X"'S^il;'"^^'''-^^^^^^^ Crlucose, in barrels . . } Glue, dry, in bags or boxes ," ; .' i .. ,. .^n parrels or casks... t .. ' barS' .'''■ .*^"'' P^'^'^'^ ^" '^'^^^^ or '' Sf nob J'* J^^^®' V^rreis or casks ! ! ! ! ! 3 ' ., «<^ock or Scrap, in sacks or barrels.....::: l' ! Glycerine, Refined, in glasi or tin ! ! i i " ' t-rude, in barrels or drums '. o ^ ,, INltro. — NOT TAI^TTV Gold and Silver Foil or rl^f (ShouId"be%WpV?d%xpr^^^^^^^ """Tr^aTo^l^r^P^-- T^^- ^TsUial con- GRAIN.— (Same rule as to min ,•»»„„, p t _. . , . as for Flour and MeaF):" " "^'^''^ Barley, Pearl and Pot, in boxes .... 3 " Common.. '!...'"'"'^'^^'^''^^^^«'"- {'- —38- *•• ..3 .5 .3 .5 .4 .3 ..5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .7 .5 .8 .8 L.C.L. C.L. ted ... 3. ...5 sed 1. ...5 md her. lid 4. ...7 m ... 3. ...6 ... 3. ...5 or iSS s).Dl. ..3 ut .. 1. .5 [a, le, lit R. 3.. .5 ..Dl m ..Dl.. ..3 3r 5.) 1.. ..3 s) 2.. .5 Ml Dl.. ..3 3S . 2.. .5 i. . 2.. .4 t. 1.. .3 3, . 2... .5 . 1 . 1 . 4... .5 . 2... .5 . 3... .5 r . 2... .5 . 3... .5 . 3... .5 .7 i 2... .4 3. 4. .5 .8 4.... 8 • G— Continued. L.C.L. C.L. GRAIN-Continued :- Beans, in boxes 3 k " in hiigs or barrels [ 4 g. Buckwheat 4 8^ Corn, Sweet, Pop, etc.— See Corn. '• Common 4 g Malt ........... 4 8 Oats 4 8 Peas, Dried or Split in boxes .... . . . . 3 . ^ . ,5 " Dried or Split in bags or barrels '. 4! ! . ^8 *' Dried, Common 4 g Rye ; 4' " " 8 Wheat 4! ! ! .8 The general term "Grain" will not apply on Pot and Pearl Barley, Beans, Buck- wheat or Split Peas on special "Grain" Tariffs, unless these articles are enume- rated thereon as included in the Special Grain Kates. Granite Ware.— Same as Agate Ware. Granite.— See Marb^ >. Granolithic material and tools, N. O. S.-Same as Roofing material and tools. *Grass Fibre, for upholstering.— Same as Hay. tGrates and Grate Castings, O.R.— See Iron. Gravel 4 j^^ * " Silica Grit, for poultry, in bags or bbis!! 4!!. 10 " Bird, in packages, boxed 3 Gravestones.— See Marble. Grease, in cans or buckets 3 5 " in boxes ' 4] ] ] ,5 ' ' in barrels, with or without heads ..'.'.'... 4 ! . . ! 5 +Grindstones, O.R 4 7 " hand, set up 1 ! . ! !4 ^ " . " " boxed or crated 2. . . .4 Groceries, not otherwise specified 1 Guano.— Same as Fertilizers. Gum, Copal, Demar, Kowrie, Sandamc, Shellac, Chicle, Dextrine, in packages 2. . 4 " not otherwise specified, in packages 1 C^unny 3. . . .5 Gun Stocks and barrels, in boxes l " " in the rough, in boxes or bundles. . . 2 Guns.— See Fire Arms. :J:Guni)owder, common black, O.R., in fireproof iron magazines, wooden or metal ie kegs, (when authorized to be so can ied by the Railways concerned), or in cans or cannis- ters packed in cases. To be marked GUN- POWDER, at Company's convenience. . Dl :J:Gunpowder, common black, O.R. packed as above, in lots of 10,000 lbs . or over 1 Gutta Percha and Gutta Percha Goods l Gypsum 4 jq -39— ml fe n 1 1 I, Hair, in sacks, N.O.S H L.C.L. Pl«!!;li'' P9P^''Pf«sst?d in ijules: .' .' .* .' ." " ' " ' |' Plasterers', m sacks ... , ' in barrels. *iT„ , . , pressed in bales o ♦Hammocks, m bundles or bales ? Hams.— See Meats. C.L. ...4 ...4 .5 ...5 ..5 HARDWARE Bells. O.R. 4. 1 N.O.S. Cant-dogs, Clawbars,' Crowbars! .' i " ' ' ' I Clamps, for fencing, in boxe ^ Chppe,.s^c.^Shears, hair, ho... -rVheep; '^ Corn Poppers . ' * 1 Counter Paper "Cutters ." ." J Cutlery, in boxes . ^ Cutter Bars 1 Drag Tefeth, iii packages: '.'.['. ^ Door Knobs '^• Door Locks ][ Files, in packages Fluters .5 .5 Forks, Hand, in bundles trram Cradles. 2. 2. 2. 1 2. .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Hay Knives, in bundles „* in boxes .^ ^ Hammers, Sledge. ^ o Harrow Teeth, in packages'." fj" • • 'J HoT fn trnTl'ef^^ ^^^*^^' ^-- I^oors," etc! ! 1' : ! ,1 bundles Hand, loose '.'.]][ 2. boxed or crated. .".'.'.'"■■■ 3 .a Pick Axes, loosTor in' biindles '.'. 2 • • ' ' f PlowBeamsritr^^'^^^'^^ ••■••■■■•■■ '-''i Plow ^^asfcings. Plow Points,Mouldboards '^""^ w Shares and Wings, in bundles ' 2 5 Post Augers "^^"^ ^" ^oxes or barrels. .. i i i t:! Punches. Iron (Power).; W .? , Rake Heads, Iron, in boxes. .' .' i • i Rake Teeth, in packages.. ^ "^ «akes, hand, iron or steel heads * in* l\;,V;^i " ' Reaper and Mower Knives ' ''""^'^s Sad Irons, in boxes or barrels o ' Scoops, in bundles ... . '^•• Screws, Bench. Iron, in boxes ? • «nrow a>-°^-°'" ^'^^^' "' ^'^^^^ ' '•••■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3 ■ ' 5 - - ! . w ahu obrap iiinges. 2 •■ '"■ fn^bixer ''^"•'"■^ H"'^^' i" Mis; t/.i Scythe Snaths, in bundles. '.'.'. ? ■ • -^ ^Q 1....6 3. 2. 3. .5 ..5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 HA Ha Ha Ha Ha: *Ha: Ha: Hed *Hec :Her ( * ( ( ( Her Her Hes Hid H Hi L.C.L. C.L. • • 1....4 . 2. ... 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 1 s.). 4.. ... 1 .4 5 .5 .5 ..5 ..5 'P. 1 3.. 3.. 1 1 2 1 3. 3. 2. 2. 2. 1 2. . . .5 ..5 ..5 ..5 ..5 ..5 2. 3. 3. 4. 2. 2., 3.. 2.. 3.. 3.. 2.. 3.. 2 3.. 3.. 3.. 2... o. . , 3 .. 3... 2... 3... 3... 3. 1. 2. ..5 . .o . .5 ..5 ..5 ..5 ..5 ..5 ..5 .5 .5 .5 .5 5 ..5 ..5 ..5 ..5 ..5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .3 .5 .5 1« . . .5 H— Continued. L C L (' T HARD WARE-Continued :- " Shot, in bags i " in boxes or kegs •■■■■........... s t " in small bags or packets, enclosed in , gunnies, O.R jj Shovels and Spades, in bundles. . 2" Skates, Ice or Roller, boxed 1 ' Staples, in boxes or kegs ... 3 Tacks, Iron or Steel (in bulk)," in boxes' kegs or bbls ® ^ " in paper or wood hbre'pkgs.,' boxed.' 2. rn J not otherwise specified.... 2 1 and Band Hinges, in bundles '.'.'.]". 8 . in boxes or barrels 3. Thresher Teeth 3. Wrenches, in packages 3 ' General Hardware, not otherwise speci'fied '. 2 ' ^^S^.l"v.^JI?„&^^«',Hoes, Rakes. Scyth Scythe-Snaths, Shovels, Spades, Gr les, ain . .0 . .5 . .5 ..5 .5 . .0 ..5 .5 . .5 ..5 .5 Cradles and Hand Farm Implements. Harness.— See Saddlery. Hats and Caps, in trunks j)i * .*•' !•' 2i*^^^* ^*J^" ^^^"^^^ ^oods, in boxes 1 Sstraw Hats. Caps and Bonnets » 04- . , ('^o* trimmed), in boxes 1 Cstraw m boxes, bales or crates 1 Hay, hand pressed j 1 ^ '• Compressed in bales. . .'.'. 3 Cars under 30 feet. , min. 18,do6 lbs. ;' 30 feet ol'^iliPfu^^^®^ 20,000 lbs.; over 35 feet ^4,UUU Jbs. (inside measurement to govern). Sj^jl. (L^- <-^ ^- ^Hay, Marsh.— Same rates and conditions as Iiay. *Hay Rope, twisted and pressed in bdls. or bales. 1 . . . Hay or Grass Caps.— Strawboard or Wood Pulp 2. Heading.— See Lumber. *Heddles for Looms, boxed 3 JHemp, in boxes O.R. of fire and water .... 2 " in bales " '• «' " 3 " ' * " C.L. minimum 20,000 lbs. " Seed.— See Lieed. •• Machines.— See Machinery. Hercules Powder.— not taken. Herrings.— See Fish. Hessians, in bales or rolls 3 Hides and Skins :— Hides, Dry, loose \ " " pressed in bales ..,' 3 " " '* Green, loose 1 " ' '* Green, booked or bundled ' 3 " ' " •' Salted or Pickled, in barrels 3' ' ' Hide Cuttings o" 10 10 10 .5 .5 .5 .5 ,3 5 3 5 6 5 \m i ft. I M m % H— Continued. L.C.L. Hides and Skins— Continued :— Skins, Dry— Calf and Sheep, loose 1 " ^ •• " inhales .'.'. 2 •* " Deer and Goat, loose Dl '* " " " inhales ' 2 " Green, Calf and Sheep, and Sheep Pelts, loose I '• '• Calf and Sheep, and Sheep Pelts^ salted or pickled, in bales or bdls . . 3. " Salted or pickled, in bhls 3 " " Deer and Goat, loose 1 ' '• , ". " " inhales .'..■.' 2 Peltries.— See Furs. Musk Ox Rohes.— See Furs. High Wines.— See Liquors. Hinges.— See Hardware. *Hohby Horses, set up 3.I _ " " boxed Dl K.D. and boxed or crated. . , . 1 J " " Shoo Fly Rockers, loose, O.R. . . .* Dl i ; " „" " Orated or boxed, O.R . . 1 XI . ^" ,^ll.kinds,(C.L.Minimuml6,0001bs.) ... Hockey Sticks, m bundles 1 Hogs, Dressed.— See Dressed Hogs. :|:*Holly, Mistletoe and Laurel Branches, or Ever- green Decorations, in bdls. or bales, O.R., p'pd U T Same, in boxes, O.R, , prepaid 1 Hominy, not otherwise specified, rolled, pressed, ^^ cracked, dried or dessicated, in boxes 3 " same in hags or barrels . . 4 ^Honey, in glass, packed in cases 1 * * ^ " in cans, not boxed [] 1 " in cans, boxed or crated 2 " in kegs or barrels 2 + " in comb, boxed, O.R 1" Honey and Wax Extractors, tin, crated or boxed 1 ' ' Honeycomb Frames, wooden, K.D., flat, or tolded flat, in bundles, crates or boxes. ... 3 . Hoots and Horns, in crates or hags, less than 10,000 lbs 3 XT * « T-v " " 10,000 lbs. and over ! 4 Hoot Dressing, in glass, packed in cases 1 " ' TT«>.r, rr- " t:,^",*"? ^^^' ?^ ^*nS' Pkd. in cases. 2 Horn Tips or Ends, in packages ... 4 Hoops, Hop Poles, etc. -See Lumber. Hops, m bags or boxes (C.L. min. 14,000 lbs.) ... 1 . . pressed, in bales (C.L. min. 14,000 lbs.). . . 2. . Horse Covers- Waterproof, green or wet-not taken. Horse Nails.— See Nails. Horse Powers.— See Machinery. Horse Shoes.— See Iron. Hose— Leather, Rubber, or other 2 Hose Reels— Lawn, set up n 1 .. " " K.D. .:: ^^ got Air Drums.— Same as Stovepipe. Hot Water Heaters.— See Stoves. ** " Reservoirs »> C.L. t*Hous( ...3 ...4 + <» •♦• ...4 .5 .5 .3 .-.5 .5 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .10 .0 .3 • o L.C.L. C.L. .. 1. ...3 .. 2. ...4 .Dl . 2. ...4 s, .. 1 s, . 3. ...5 . 3. .. .5 . 1 . 2. ...3 3... 5 4. ...5 1....4 1....4 2. ...4 ^> . . . 4 1....4 . 3 . 4... 10 . 1 3. 2 . 4 5 .3 • o H— Continued. | L.C.L. C.L. t:*Household Goods and Second-hand Furniture, O.R., released, prepaid (C.L. ain. 2(),000 lbs.) 1....6 t: " *• including Live Stock (not over 10 head per car) to be chargedC.L.(min.2(),0001bs.) 6 t Live Poultry, in coops or crates, forming part of and accompanying shipments of Household Goods, will be charged for at classified rating of Household Goods. No freight will be forwarded as a "lot," but in all cases every article must be specified, except when a car is chartered, in which case it must be distinctly under- stood between the Agent and the Ship- per, and so stated on shipping note and receipt, that the Company assumes no responsibility as to contents or condition of contents of car, and that the carload rate will be charged . When a car contains Horses, Mules or Cattle, one man in charge will be carried fr^e (on same conditions as for Live Stock), but no free return pass will be given. With other animals or poultry, man in charge to pay fare. House Movers' Material, consisting of Capstans, Chains, Jackscrews, Pulleys, Ropes, Heavy Timbers, Wooden Rollers, etc. (all second-hand) 6 Houses, Portable 7 Hubs. — See Carriage Goods. Husks and Hulls, in bags, prepaid 1 . . " " " in boxes, bbls. or bales, prepaid 2.. " " (C.L.min. 20,0001bs. percar.) +Ice, L.C.L. in tin boxes or safes, or C.L. in bulk, O.R., prepaid 3. *Ice Boats, K.D. in bundles 2. Ice Cream Freezers 1 +*ImagesandFigures (not statuary). Clay, Earth- enware, Plaster of Paris, Terra Cotta or Wood, well packed in bxs. , bbls. or esks. , O.R. 1 J Incubators, boxed or crated 1 . Indigo, in cases 1 Indvirated Fibre. — Same as Woodenware. *Ink, in glass, earthenware or tin, in cases, or bbls., O.R 2. * " (in bulk) in kegs, barrels or casks 3. Insect Powder, or Destroyer, N.O.S 1 Insect Destroyer, liquid 1 Insulators, — See Telegraph Supplies, IRON :— Anchors, Anvils, and Heavy Forgings 3 5 * Angles 3 — 5 * Awning Frames, in bundles 1 ... .5 * " " crated or boxed 2. , . .5 —43— 10 10 10 .5 .3 .3 ..4 ..5 I— Continued. L.C.L. C.L. IRON— Continued :— Axles, Carriage or Waggon 3 5 Axles, for Children's ('arriages or Elxpress Waggons — in bdls. or pkgs 3 5 Bar, Band, Boiler 4 5 * Barrels, not less than 70 lbs. each 1 5 * Barn Door Hangers 3 5 * " " Hanger Tracks 3... 5 * " " Stay Rollers 3.... 5 * " " Rails 3.... 5 * Beams, Columns, Girders 3 6 Billets and Blooms ^. 4 .... 5 (Note. — To take above rating Billets or Blooms should have combined measure- ment of the width of the four sides of each of not less than 14 inches. Billets may be of not less sizes than above provided they are square— not round, flat or oval — the weight of each being not less than 150 lbs.) Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Washers 3 5 * Bolts, Bridge or Barge, 12 inches long or over 4 5 * Buoys, including Bell Buoys 2 5 Bedsteads. — See Furniture. Bolsters 3 .... 5 * Bridge Material 3 6 Buckets, nested 3 5 Buggy Seats, set up 2 4 nested 3.... 4 + Castings — light, loose, in bundles, under 100 lbs. per bundle, O.R . 1 ... .5 t •' " " 100 lbs. per bundle, or over, O.R 2.... 5 t " " " in boxes or casks, O.R. 3.... 5 X " dressed and finished, O.R 1 4 •' Malleable, in the rough, in boxes or casks 3 5 :!: •' heavy, 100 lbs, per piece or over, O.R. 3 5 Heavy Castings, over 2,000 lbs. per piece, to be loaded and unloaded by ovvnei*s. * Chain, other than cable, loose 2 4 in boxes or bbls. . . 3.... 5 * " cable — i inch and over 3 4 Chairs 2. . . .5 Closet Cisterns 2 * Clutch Nails, in boxes or barrels 3 5 Conduit Pipe, cement lined 4 7 Corrugated Sheet 3 5 Doors 3. . . .5 Door and Window Sills 3.... 5 Drums, empty 1 5 * Elevator Enclosures, iron and wire work combined, crated or boxed 1 5 Fence Stays or (iuards 3 .5 " Posts 3.... 5 Fencing, Railing 2 5 Filings 4. . .10 Fire Alarm Boxes 1 3 -44— IRON F i I * +* t L.C.L. C.L. . 3. ...5 ss . 3. ...5 . 4. ...5 . 1. ...5 . 3. ...5 . 3. ...5 o w . o. . . .o . 3. ...5 . 3. ...6 4. ...5 . 3. ...5 r 4. ...5 . 2. ...5 . 3. ...5 . 3. ...6 . 3. .5 . 2. ..4 . 3. n ...4 u . 1. .5 r . 2. ...5 . 3. ..5 . 1. ..4 r . 3. ..5 . . .5 . 2. ..4 . 3. ..5 . 3. ..4 . 2. ..5 . 2 . 3. ...5 4. ..7 . 3. ..5 . 3. ..5 . 3. ..5 . 1. .5 c . 1. ..5 . 3.. ..5 . 3. .5 2. ..5 . 4.. .10 . 1. ..3 i I +* { + .0 .5 .5 .5 .4 .0 .5 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 I— Continued. L.C.L. CL. IRON— Continued :— Fire Escapes, in bundles, crates, or boxes, loaded in box cars 3 . Fire Escapes, with or without water pipe, — in sections, in bundles, boxes or crates (in box cars) 3. Fire Plugs and Water Gates 3 . * Fly or Balance Wheels. — Same as Castings. Forgin^s, heavy, in the rough 4 . Fountains, K.D 1 . Grates and Fronts, unfinished, in bundles, under 100 lbs. per bundle 1 . '• " " lOOlbs.perbiUKlleorover 2. % " " " finished, O.R 1. " " " K.D. and boxed 2. * Gratings and Doors for sidewalks 3. Hoops 3 . Horse Shoes 4 . Horse Shoes and Nails, in boxes or kegs, in mixed cars 5 Horse Weights, loose 1 boxed ?. Hydrants 3 5 Lath, in bundles, O.R 4 5 " in crates or boxes 4 .... 5 Liquor in wood, O.R 3 .... 5 Mantels and Fronts, set up, O.R 1 ... .4 " " K.D. and boxed 2.... 4 Mast Arms and Hangers, for electric pole!* . 3 5 Moniunents (or other Metallic Moiuunents for Cemeteries, etc.), crated or bxd, O.R. Metallic Ceiling or Sheeting, plain or stamped " •' corrugated, inciudin}^ mould- dings, nested crated or boxed " Shingles, in packages " Statuary and Ornamental Figures, crated or boxed, O.R 2 — 5 Nails and spikes, in bags 2 5 " " in kegs and boxe.s 4 5 Nitrate of, in drums or casks 4 .... 5 Pail Hooks, in boxes or barrels 3 5 Pig and Speigle 4 ... 10 Pipe (Hot Air, Steam or Water-Coil).— Same as Radiators Pipe, Wrought Iron, all sizes 4 .... 5 Cast Iron, und^r 5 inches diameter. . . 4 5 '• 5 inches diameter or over (inside measurement) 4 7 Fittings, N.O.S., in bxs., kegs or bbls. 3 5 " or Connections (iron), such as joints elbows and Ys 4... 5 Galvanized Iron,Tin or Zinc Conductor Pipes in bundles, O.R. Dl . . . .5 Same, crated or boxed 1 .... 5 Galvanized Iron, Tin or Zinc Pipes, over 10 inches diam, in bundles, O.R. . . .3-1 5 Same, crated or boxed Dl 5- —45— 2. 4. 3. 4. .5 .5 .5 .7 Wi\ ^ m I— Continued. L.C.L. C.L * + + 1' IRON— Continued :— X* Pipe, Sheet Iron (not stove pipe), straight 8eam,nnderl2in.s.(liani.,inbdls,O.R. 1^. " Same, crated or boxed 1 . . " Same, over 12 ins. diam.,in bdls, O.R. Dl. . " Same, crated or boxed 1^ . Poles, for electric rys., including iron centre poles and brackets or cross arms for same 3. . Post OtRce or Letter boxes 1 . . Postal Bag Racks or Holders, S.U 1 . . " K.D. in bundles 3. . „ ~ Pots, Pans and Stove Furniture, O.R 2. . ,'K' (Slag) with or without wheels 3.. Pulleys 2 Pumps, hand 2 . . " steam 3 . . Pyrites. Same as Iron Ore. Range Boiler Stands, set up or K.D 3. . Retorts 3.. Rings, or 5th Wheels, Carnage or Waggon, in bundles 1 . . " *• Carriage or Waggon, in packages 2. . Rolls, loose, finished, O.R 1. . " crated, O.R 3. . " in the rough. — Same as Castings. " boxed, or wrapped in canvas, O.R. . , 3. . Roofing, N.O.S 3. . Russia (Sheet) O.R 1 . . Safes, 10,000 lbs. each or over, O.R 2 " underlO,0001bs. each, O.R 3.. Safes of 1,0(X) lbs. each, or over, to be loaded and unloaded by owners. Sash— Shutters 2. . " Weights, in bdls., boxes or bbls 4. . Scrap, (L.C.L. lots in pkgs. or tied in bdls.). 4. . " old wheels, old rails, etc 4. , Shafting— wheels and pulleys attached .... 1 . . " without Wheels, Pulleys or other fixtures attached 3 . . " Hangers and Couplings 3. . ' ' Shipped with machinery, of which it forms a part, mixed C.L. Same as the Machinery. Sheet (Common) 4. , " Corrugated 3., " Galvanized 3. " Tinned or Japanned, crated or boxed 3. , Ship Knees 3. Shoes and Dies (cast iron or steel) for Stamp Mills 3. Same, when shipped with Machinery, of which they form a part, same rating as the Machinery. Shovel Blanks (without handles) 3. Signs, boxed . . .1 3 , Sinks 2. Sleigh and Cutter Gear, K.D., in bundles . . 1. -46— IRON- Si .5 1 « 5 .5 .5 Si St .5 ,3 St .5 .5 ; St .4 St .5 St St .4 St .5 Ti T< .5 T] .5 * Ti .5 T^ T^ .5 V .5 V .5 V V .5 .5 V .4 \^ .4 .4 \^ W Y .5 Isingl .5 Ivory 10 Ivory 10 Ivory .5 j2fly6- .5 Jacks .5 t( Ja Ja Ja par mi 30I 5 Je [lie .5 Jewel .5 6 .5 JOINl .5 B + + .5 E t 1 C I I .5 : I .5 t .4 + .5 L.C.L. C.L It R. H- .5 , , 1.. 5 ..Dl.. .5 • . H- .5 re le 3.. 1.. .5 .3 • • 1.. .5 88 3.. .6 , , 2.. .4 , , 3.. ..5 , , 2 , , 2.. ..4 • • 3.. .5 3.. .5 . • 3.. .5 n, , , 1.. ..5 in 2.. ..5 , , 1.. .5 3.. ..5 • • 3.. .5 , , 3.. ..5 , , 1.. ..4 , ^ 2.. ..4 , , 3.. ..4 ^d 2.. ..5 , , 4.. ..5 .). 4.. .10 4.. .10 , , 1.. ..5 er , , 3.. .5 , , 3.. ..5 it ne 4. ..5 3. ..5 , , 3. ..5 tjd 3. ..5 3. ..5 3. ...5 3.... 5 3. ...5 2. ...4 1...5 I— Contlnuea. J L.C.L. C.L. IRON-Continued:— * Smoke Stacks, not over 12 inches diameter . . Dl " " N.O.S 3-1 ** " K.D. in sheets, flat or round, nested, M. with wire or crtd. 3 5 Spring Clips, Carriage or Waggon, in pkgs. 3 5 Stable Fitting.s. Feed Boxes, Hay Racks, Stall Posts, etc 2 5 Stair Work, Balusters, Hand Rails, Posts, 'iisers. Stringers, Treads, in box cars . 3 5 ; St .cyuary and Ornamental Figures, O. R. 1 4 Stills and Worms Dl Stools and Stool Pedestals 2 5 * Strapping, for boxes, etc., in bxs. or bbls. . . 3 6 Stretchers, for wive fencing, in boxes or kegs 3 5 Tanks or Cisterns Dl 5 Toe Calks, in boxes 3 5 Truck Wheels 3. ...5 * Tubs (Laundry) 2.... 5 " " nested crated or boxed 3 5 Tyres, other than R.R. Supplies 3 5 Tyre tlpsetters 3 5 Valves 3 5 Vault and Prison Work 3 5 Vases 1 4 Ventilators, Caps or Cowls, gal. or sheet iron. D 1 4 " Window (not Wire Screens), boxed 1 4 Vises ... 3.... 5 Waggon Boxes, or Thimble Skeins, loose . . 2 5 " in bundles 3.... 5 Water Wheels 2. . . .5 * Wheels, gear, for ElectricMotors.-Same asCastings. Yellow or Muntz Metal for sheeting ships . . 3 5 Isinglass, in cases 1 Ivory, in packages 1 Ivory Nuts, or Blocks, in packages 3 . Ivory Black.— Same as Ochre. .4 Jacks, Hand, loose 2 *' '* boxed or crated 3 Japanware, — Same as Tinware. Japanese Goods. — Same as Fancy Goods. .Japonica 3 Jellies. — See Preserves. Jewellers' Scrap or Sweepings. Not taken, should be snipped by express. JOINERS' WORK : Blinds, Inside — Door and Window 1 X " Outside, with Slats, racked, O.R. . . . 2 Blind or Shutter Slats, in bdls., erts. or bxs. 3 X Balusters and Turned Work, O.R 2 Counters, if in box cars, O.R 1 Door Frames, O.R 1 Doors, loose, O. R 3 " racked or crated, O. R 3 *' Glazed with common glass, well crated or boxed, O. R 1 —47— ^^ ^ ^-V" > (T V X X + :! it 3i f J— Continued. K L L f! T. r T JOINERS' WORK-Continued :- + Mantels, O.R j t Mouldings, in v/hite, in bundles, V). R..' .'."..■.' i " in boxes or crates 9 Z Panelled Work, O.R ' " 2 Partitions, rolling or folding, crated ...... 2 Same, boxed 3 : Planed and Moulded Boards, O.r! ...'.'.'.'.." 3 * Planed and Moulded Boards for wainscot- ing, etc., painted or stained on one side, in bundles or crates 3 .. gevolvingDoors,insheave8,K.D.crtd.orbxd 2 t" Scroll Work, O.R 1 t Shelving, Baseboards, etc., 6. R I ........ . 3 X Sashes, Glazed, with common glass, well crated or boxed, O.R l t " Unglazed, O. R ' i K. 1). in bundles ' .' '■" 2 :* Sashes and Doors, glazed and leaded, stained or colored glass (not plate glass), crated, O.R Dl t Same, closely boxed, O.R ' 1 t Shutters, close, O. R " 2 :|: Window and Door Screen Fr.imesi with or without wire cloth, O.R l .* ,,^anie,witboutwirecIoth,K.D.,crtd.orbxd. 8 + Mixed cars Joiners' Work as above, also in- cluding Desks, Show or Display Cases, Cabinets, Roller or Stationary Book or Fancy Goods Cases or Stands, Counter or Shelf Fittings, Trimmings or Cor- nices. O.R. —Same as Furniture. J Jomers' Work, not otherwise specified, O.R. 1 " '* all kinds in box cars (C.L. , , , ,, minimum 2(),(XJ0 lbs.) 6 .Junk (old rope and cordage) 3 5 Jute Butts and Lashes 8 5 " Hor.se Blankets or Covers. 9 4 Lt "■■■■ Kaoline, in packages -i ^ Kalsoimne 1 ^ Knees, Ship.— See Lumber. " " Iron.— See Iron. Knitting Machines, Hand, in boxes U Power.— See Machinery." ' ' Lacrosses, in bundles j) 1 " in boxes ] Ladders D 1 6 " Sectional, Telescoped 9 a Stej) I Q C. jj. minimum 2(),0(KJ lbs. Lamp Black 1 1: Lamps (Stereoptical) and Fixtures, O.R., boxed.Dl tLanips and Lanterns, N.O.S., well packed. O.R. 1 4 (See Glassware) *Lamp Burners, brass, in cases . . i 1 -48- *•••* << << << « + L.C.L C.L. .. 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. 2 .. 2 .. 3 .. 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 3. n • • • ..6 3.. ..5 3.. ..5 2.. ..4 . .o ..7 .1)1 . 1 .Dl.. .6 . 2.. .6 . 1.. ..6 . 1 .Dl . 1.. .4 . 1.. ..4 Lard. J^.'^r.'?f^"."°'^1:,.... "-^^ ""t Lasts, wooden, tied in bundles or in sacks 1 S m boxes 2 5 " iron in bundles 2 5 " " in boxes 3 5 Last Blocks ' " Jq Laths— See Lumber. Lawn Tennis Sets, i q boxes 1 Lead, White or Red, in tins, loose .........'.'.'..'. 2 .... 4 \[ [[ *' ;" packed in wood!!! 3!!!!5 .* Ta- o, i"J^egs,cahks, drums or irons 3.... 5 Bar, Pig, Sheet and Pipe 3 5 r ^iP^r'^^^^^''^^^ or Telephone, on Reels . 3! ! ! !5 '• Sheet, or Foil, tor Tea, in boxes .... 2 4 ' Foil, in boxes 2 4 ' Scrap .'.'..'. 4 7 " Ashes or Dross 4 7 ^Leather, loose (C.L. minimum 20,0()0 lbs.) 14 in bundles, rolls, boxes or bbls. (C.L. minimum 20, 000 lbs.) 3 5 * " Board (C. L. minimum 20,000 lbs.) . . " ' 3' " ' "5 " <^'olored or stained, in boxes 3 '5 *• Patent, in boxes i " Patent, in rolls or bales 1 Scraps (C. L. min. 20,000 lbs.) ....'■■ 3 5 : " Belting, O.R ' ; 2 •J " Soles,Heels and Welting, in i)ags, boxes or bbls. (C. L. min. 20,000 lbs.) ... 2. . . .4 Stain.— Same as Blacking, Curriers'. •• Straps, with buckles or other fasten- ings, in boxes or bbls l T 11 Groods, N.O.S , in cases or bbl.-^ l Leatheroid, in crates or boxes 2 Lemons.— See Fruit. Lemon Syrup, in glass, packed in wood ] " *• in wood 2 *LetterFileClips, board, withfixtures, crtd. or bxd. 1 Same, without fixtures, flat, crated or boxed 2 Licorice— Stick, Root or Mass 1 " Mass or Paste, in boxes . . 2 r 'J' X, Powdered, in barrels 3 Life Preservers, Cork 1 4 *Lightning Rods, in bundles. . ..........'! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 " " *' in boxes 3. 4 Lime, Common 4 io Lime Fruit Juice. —Same as Liquors, Native! Linseed.— See Seed. Linseed Meal.— See Flaxseed Meal. +Liquors, in demijohns or baskets,O.R., released Dl ■,. Foreign Wines, Spirits and Cordinl.s, in glass, tins or jr.gs, securely packed in boxes ^ or barrels, O. R., released 1 3 + " Wines, Spirits, and Cordials, in wood, O.R. of breakage, leakage or freezing. 2 4 ■i- " Wines, Spirits and Cordials, O. R. of breakage, leakage or freezing, mixed carloads, in cases and wood 3 —49- ;1 T . ^ ^. , L-Continued. L.C.L. C.L. Liquors— Continued :— t Native Wines, Spirits and Cordials, in glass, tins or jugs, securely packed in . ,, „. boxes or bbis, O.R., released l 4 4: Wines, etc., in stoneware jugs, covered with wickerwork and capped with wood, O.R. of breakage, leakage and freezing 1 4 t •• Wines, Spirits or Cordials, iii* wood, t .. ^J^- 5- of leakage, breakage, freezing 3.... 5 + U.K. ot breakage, leakage or freezing —mixed cars in wood, cases, jars or stonew.^re jugs, covered with wickerwork, and capped with wood, will be 5th class for the wood, and 4th class for the cases, jars or iugs m same car. :::Shipments of high-class liquors, such as Cham- pagne, Burgundy, Mozelle, etc., must be released. Litharge.— Same as Lead, Red. Lithographic Stones, in boxes, O. R. . . . ! . JLIVE STOCK will only be carried at owners' risk; to be loaded, unloaded and fed by owners at their expense and under the following regulations :— In carloads, full actual weight should be charged for, but not less than the following mini- mums : (See Notes A and B). Hoj-ses 20,000 lbs 9 p?-^^!® • • -• 20,000 lbs 9 Live Hogs, S.D. 20,000 lbs 9 Live Hogs, D.D., cars not over T . r?^ "• ^^ length 25,000 lbs 9 Live Hogs, D.D., cars over 29ft. and under 35 ft. in length 28,000 lbs. 9 Live Hogs, D.D., in cars 35 ft. and over in length .30,800 lbs. ... 9 gjeep, S.D 18,000 lbs 9 Sheep, D.D., cars not over 29ft. inlength 21:^,000 lbs 9 Sheep, D.D., cars over 29 ft. and under .35 ft. in length .... 26,000 lbs. . . 9 Sheep, D.D., cars a5 It. and over in length 28,600 lbs. . . 9 (Inside measurement to govern.) Dogs, same as Sheep as to weights, valuations, etc. Calves, under six months' old, same as sheep. " Six months' old or over, to be rated same as Cattle. " Calves, D.D., same as Sheep, D.D. Note A.— Horses and Cattle, when not weighed at shipping points to be billed at 22,500 lbs., subject to correction at scale points, but not less than 20,000 lbs. Note B.— In case Cattle or Horses are not, or cannot be weighed, an estimated weight of 22,5(J0 lbs. will be charged. —50- L.C.L. C.L. n 1....4 I. S 3. .4 .5 ..9 .9 ..9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 be. L— Continued. L C L C L LIVE STOCK-Continued :- * Hogs, Sheep, Calves or Small Animals must not be loaded under large Animals or Cattle in the same car. In all cases where large and small animals are shipped together in sanae car, thev must be kept separate by a partition or by partitions, which must be put up by the shippers at their expense and at tiieir risk as to sufficiency or otherwise This rule, however, will not be applied to milch cows with their calves. Horses or Cattle loaded with Hogs or Sheep in mixed carloads, or Horses loaded with Cattle, to be kept separate by a partition, will be charged at the weight for Cattle in carloads and at the highest rate for either. Cattle and Hogs in mixed carloads, loaded in single-deck cars, will be charged at the weight and rate for Cattle. Hogs and Calves, or Hogs and Sheep or Hogs, Sheep and Calves, in mixed carloads, will be charged for at the weight for Hogs m carloads, and at the highest rate for f either ; Calves not six months old being subiect to the rate for sheep. When shippers are allowed to double deck, or partially double deck* cars, a quarter deck will be charged 2,000 lbs. extra ; over a quarter and not over half a deck, 4,000 lbs. extra; over half a deck full charge for double deck. The cost of putting in part decks to be borne by the shipper. Fowls or Poultry, in packages, in mixed car- loads with Cattle or Horses, Slieep or Hogs (the Cattle or Horses, Sheep or Hogs, to be kept separate from each otlier and from the Fowls or Poultry), will be charged at the weight for Cattle in Carloads, and at the highest rate for either. When more than a carload of Live Stock is offered, the surplus will take less than carload weight and rate. Livestock in Palace and other Patent StockCars, will be in all respects subject to the max. and minimum weights established for the con- duct of such traffic in the regular live stock cars of the roads interested. Owners or drovers may be taken free on the same train with their Live Stock, in con- sideration of their assuming the risks and obligations mentioned in the contract to be signed by them, and under the following conditions : One, two or three cars, one person. Four, five, or six cars, two perspns. Seven, eight, nine or ten cars, three persons. Over ten cars in one lot, four persons. RETURN PASSES WILL NOT HE (HVEN, -51— L^Oontinued. L.C.L. LIVE STOCK— Continued :— : LIVE STOCK IN L.C.L. LOTS, AS FOLLOWS :- *Bull Calves, under six months old. . 500 lbs. each 1 *Bulls, six months and under one year old 1,000 lbs. each 1 Bulls, one year and under two 3,000 lbs. each 1 Bulls, over two years 4,000 lbs. each 1 Cattle or Horned Animals :— One animal 2,000 lbs. 1 Two animals 3,500 lbs. 1 Three Animals 5,000 lbs. 1 Each additional animal in same car 1,000 lbs. 1 Calves : — Under six months old 500 lbs. 1 Over six months and under one year 1,000 lbs. 1 Colts, under six months old 1,000 lbs. 1 Hogs, Goats, Sheep and Lfimbs not crated, not taken except by special authority. Hogs, Sheep, Lambs and other small animals, in boxes or crates, actual weight Dl When small animals are allowed to be taken without being crated, the following will be the minimum weights charged : A single Sheep, Lamb, Pig or Hog, 400 lbs. each or actual weight if in excess of 400 lbs 1 Each additional Sheep, Lamb, Pig or Hog, in same car to same consignee, ^ lbs., or actual weight if in excess of 200 lbs. Horses, Mules, etc : — One animal 2,000 lbs. 1 Two animals 3,500 lbs. 1 Three animals 5,000 lbs. 1 Each additional animal in same car 1,250 lbs. 1 Mare and Foal together 2,.'=>00 lbs. 1 Stallions and Jacks 4,000 lbs. 1 Shetland or Welsh Ponies, one animal 1,2(X) lbs. 1 Shetland or Welsh Ponies, each additional animal in same car 1,000 lbs. 1 When other animals are shipped in cars with a mare and foal, or cow and calf, together, imder the above special weights, the other animals are to be rated and charged for without reference to the weight charged for the mare and foal or cow and calf. When other animals are shipped in cars with Bulls, Stallions or Jacks, they are to be rated without reference to the specific weights charged for the Bulls, Stallions or .Tacks. In no case shall the charge for less than carload exceed the charge for a carloads Owner or agent must accompany each consign- ment of Cattle or Horses in C.L. or less when the distance is over 100 miles, except by special authority in each case from the General or J3ivision Freight Agent. —52— C.L. LIVE Men No r Spec Agei Alls] The Hors Catt Fat: Shee *Ifai Live In c L.C.L. C.L. Dl 1 1 1 1 1 1 L— Contimied. L.C.L.C.L. LIVE STOCK- Continued :- Men in charge of L.C.L. lots of Cattle or Horses, on the same train only, will he charged half the ordinary 1st class fare, iu consid- eration of their assuming the risks and obligations mentioned in the contract, and this amount must be shown as a seperute item on the way-bill. No reduction will be made for men in charge of L.C.L. lots of Hogs or Sheep. Special, Regulations governing the Rates UPON Live Stock given above, and Rules applying to ordinary Live Stock offered for transpoktatfon :— Agents must thoroughly familiarize themselves with the following, and take particular care to acquaint consignors, or their agents, with the requirements of the Company before accepting Live Stock for transportation. All shipments of Live Stock nuist be consigned direct to the party or parties to whom same is to be delivered at destination, and will not be received for transportation when consigned to the order of " " or notify " " The rates and classification of Live Stock as given above, are based upon the following maximum values : Horses or Mules, not exceeding $100 e.ich. Cattle or Cows, not exceeding $50 each Fat Hogs or Fat Calves not exceeding $10 each. Sheep, Lambs, Stock Hogs or Stock Calves, not exceeding $5 each. *If a full C.L. from one shipper to one consignee, entire contents of car not to exceed $1,2(X). Live Stock will be taken at the above Weights, rates and values only when tb.e ( ompany are fvilly released, in accordance with the terms of their special Live Stock Trans- portation Contract, which shall be duly filled up and executed by the shippers, owners, or their agents, and by the station agent on behalf of the Company, and the person or persons travelling with such Live Stock, and receiving free transportation as aforesaid, shall be duly authorized tosign such contract, or contracts, on behalf of the owners or shippers of such Live Slock. In cases where shippers, owners or agents decline to enter into such contract, the traffic may be taken at double rntcs, under ordinary liability as conunon tarriers, on the ordinary shipping notes iiutl receipts of the Company, in which case ship- pers, owners or agents must declare the vahie of the animals ; and in the event of such valuation being in excess of the above figures, the regu^ations below will govern. -53— L— Continued, L-C.L. C.L. LIVE STOCK-Continued :- The Comnany does not agree to transport Live Stock by any particular train within aqy specified time, nor in time, for any particular market and agents must not give receipts containing such guar- antees. Neither will the Company be responsible for any loss or damage occurine by the refusal, failure or inability of con- necting lines to receive and forward the stock after tender of delivery. When stock belonging to two or more persons, or when consigned to different parties, is loaded in same car or when loaded in way- car, a distinguishing mark should appear upon each head of stock. A tag securely fastened to the halter, will be sufficient for Horses or Mules. Upon Cattle or small stock, one or more initial letters should be marked upon the side of each head of stock. Corresponding innitials should be placed opposite the name of consignee on the way-bill or manifest so.as to ensure correct and prompt delivery at destination. And in the event of the owner or owners neglecting to comply with the foregoing provisions, or insufficiently marking their stock, the Company shall have the right in their discretion to deliver the same to any one of the consignees without liability to the others of such consignees. Fancy small stock requiring .special care, should be in cages, or coops, or boxed; and agents will recommend owners to forward such animals by regular express line, which has agents in charge to care for them. Animals known to be vicious, or so spirited that they cannot safely be placed alongside of other stock, and Mares with colts along- side, will not be received unless released. The Railway Company does not assume any risks from the acts of the animals them- selves, or to each other, such as biting or kicking. Such risks must always be borne by the owner. Nor will the Company be responsible for any stock escaping. Nor will the Company hold itself lijible for injury to Calves, Hogs, or other stock from suffocation, exhaustion, heat or cold. Except when shipped in a full car, sucking Calves, accompanying Cows, will be charged for in the manner provided for such like small aninuils. In case of accident, unavoidable delay or other reason, because of which it be^^omos neces- sary to send Live Stock forward unaccom- panied, it will be permissable to do so ; and if for this or other reason, feed is furnished —54- L.C.L. C.L. L-Continued. L.C.L. C.L. LIVE STOCK-Continued :— for the stock by or through the Railway- Company, a charge will be made for the same and collected from the consignee upon delivery. Agents will note such charges or expenses on the way-bill or manifest and advise agent at destination by telegraph. SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR LIVE STOCK AND VALUABLE ANIMALS. Race Horses, Stallions, and other high-priced animals, when shippers are unwilling to have them transported at the above list of values for ordinary stock, will be taken only by special arrangement and at one AND ONE-HALF IST CLASS RATES, calculated on the estimated weights named below, and agent must not accept for shipment such valuable animals without first commu- nicating with the Gen. or Di vsl. Freigh t Agt. P'or two or When value of each animal And is not over:— For one animal more animals in same car, to one exceeds :— charge :— consignee, charge each:— Pounds J'ounds $100 00 $400 00 4,000 3,000 400 00 600 00 4,500 3,500 600 00 800 00 5,000 3,700 800 00 1,000 00 6,000 4,500 1,000 00 1,500 00 8,000 6,000 1,500 00 2,000 00 10,000 7,500 2,000 00 2,500 00 12,000 9,000 2,500 00 3000 00 14,000 10,500 3,000 00 •3,500 00 16,000 12,000 4,000 00 4,500 00 20,000 15,000 4,500 00 5,000 00 22.000 17,500 Animals of greater value than given above will be subject to a corresponding advance in weights furnished in the above table. Cattle, or small animals valued by Shippers at more than the maximum valuations given for ordinary stock and not over $100 each, will be rated at 200 lbs. extra for every additional $10 or part thereof in value until the charge for animals over $1(X) each is reached, when the latter and succeeding valuations in above table will apply. In cases where the owner, shipper or agent of siich valuable animal or animals refuses to sign a special agreement for the trans- portation of Hvich animal or aninuils and msists upon the Company taking the same on their common law liability, in such case the rates for transport without special agreement shall be three times the first class rate as fixed above. —55- S3; * L— Continued. M L.C.L. ^Lobsters, Fresh in casks or boxes, O.R 1 »' in tins. — See Canned Goods. Logwood and Logwood Extract.— Same as Dye Stuff. Looking Glasses.— See Glass Mirrors. LUMBER, common, and otLer to be loaded and unloaded by owners, will only be carried at the convenience of the Company, and at the risk of the owners, shippers furn- ishing their own stakes. Lumber, Com- mon to include : — Ash, Birch, Beech, Cedar, Chestnut, Elm, • Hemlock, Hickory, Larch, Maple, Oak, Pine, Poplar, Spruce, Sycamore, Tama- rack, Willow, Staves, Laths, Shingles, Clapboards, Bolts, Edgings, Slabs, Shooks Heads, Hoops, Hoop and Hop Poles, Blocks, Raftsmen's Floats, Oars, Traverses, Toggles and Withes, Pegwood, Poplar and Pulp Wood • 4. Lumber, common, planed, tongued and grooved 4 Rails, Fence Posts, Telegraph Poles and Ties of all descriptions, will only be taken special contract. Billets, Wooden Blocks, Maple • • Cherry . . '^ Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut, Lignum Vitfe, and other valuable Hardwoods :» Lumber one-eighth of an inch thick or under to be rated as Veneering ; over one-eighth of an inch thick as Lumber. Ship Knees, minunum 24,000 lbs per car. . . 4 Note. All cars, with Lumber, etc., should be loaded to their full capacity, as marked upon them, at C.L. rate per 100 lbs Cars without capacity marked on them should only be loaded with 24,000 lbs. See Rule 1. For minimum C.L. weights see Rule 1. *Lumber,Planed,Painted,etc.-See Joiners'Work. Lye, Concentrated ■^ C.L. M 2 1 u Hi I .- ! Macaroni • • • Machine or Cattle (Jards JMACHINERY (at O.R. in each case) :— Adjustable Lever Presses, projecting parts detached 1 * Addressing Machines, boxed D 1 Band Saws J Bark Mills J Bolt (Hitters } Bone Mills or Choppers, set up 1 " " K.D., crated or boxed 2 Bran Dusters 1^1 Brick Machines, set up 1 K.D 3 * Caloric Engines 1 —50 - MACHI Car Cot Cor .10 .10 .10 .10 ..7 ..6 C.L. 4. .10 ed 4. .10 en .10 • • • H. ..10 ...7 8. 2 1 1 Dl 1 1 1 1 2 Dl 1 3 1 M— Continued. L.C.L, C.L. >[ACHINERY— Continued :— Cards, Cotton or Woollen Dl Cob Mills 1 Cornice Machines or Brakes, Shears, Headers, Folders, Seaniers, Groovers, Formers and Burring Machines 1 Cotton Presses 1 Cider Mill Presses 1 Cheese Presses, set up Dl Cheese Presses, K.D 1 * Condensers, Steam 3 * " or Accumulators (hydraulic) . . 3 Cylinders, for hoisting machines 3 •• Gas, for R.R. car supply 1 Locomotive 3 Steam Feed 3 :}....6 1 3 1 Piunp, loose " in crates, boxes or bbls . . . Pump or Steam, porcelain or brass lined, loose •• Pump or Steam, porcelain ov brass lined, in crates, boxes or bbls. . " Graphophone or Phonograph, paper or wax, boxed 1 Ditching Machines 1 Drag Saws, with horse-power, Sweep li DrillingMachines(hand), iron, crated or bxd. 2 " " (power)— Same as Machinery, N.O.S. Dustless Elevator Separators, set up Dl t' »« "K.D. and boxed 1 Engines, Portable or Stationary 1 " " (not Traction) on flat cars, minimum 5.000 lbs. each; actual weight if more 1 Flour Dressers, with iron drums,8et up 1 •' " N.O.S.— Same as Furiflers. Flour Feeders, set vip H K.D 1 Flour Roller Mills, iron, set up 1 Fulling Machines li Fulling Machines and Clothes Washers (steam power) 1 Gauges, Steam or Water, with or without glass tubes, boxed • ■ 1 Grain Conveyers and Fixtures (fixtun^s bxd.) 2 Grain Weighing Machines & Conveyors com- bined(iron and wood parts crtd. oi- bxd. ) 2 Hemp Machines 1 Horse-Powers. Sweep • • 1$ •♦ " Tread.— See Agricultural Im- plements. Horse-Powers. Bevel Gear, for Grain Ele- vators I Knitting Machines, Power H Lathes, wood or iron j Laundry Machinery (Steam Power! 1 Looms —57— U 111 * ! Uif l.ll ii M— Continued. L.C.L. C.L. MACHINERY— Continued :— Meat Choppers, in frame 1 Milling Machines, Iron Working 1 Mortise Machines 1 Moulding Machines 1 Nail Machines 3 Ore Pulpers or C ushers, set up D 1 " " " K. D., detachable parts detached and l)ndld. or crtd. 1 * Paper-Cutting Machines, in frame, set up . 1^ " " " K D., in pieces . . 1 " " " K.D.,crtd.orbxd. 2 Planing Machinesand Jointers 1 Printing Presses 1 Purifiers, set up Dl K.D. and boxed 1 Re-Sawing Machines 1 Road Graders - Same as Road Scrapers. Road Scrapers, set up, wheels, poles and scrapers off Dl " K.D. fiat 3 Saw Mills, Portable 1 Sawing Machines, Tread 3-1 Saw Tables 1 Shearing Machines 1 Shingle Machines 1 Smut Machines li * Steam Shovels, on own wheels, actual weight of car, trucks and contents to be charged for, minimum weight 30,000 lbs.; man in charge carried free, no free retvirn passage to be given 6 * Steam Shovel Dippers, iron or steel 3 5 Steam Shovel Parts, loaded on flat or gondola car, when forming part of and accom- panying Steam Shov-els on own wheels 6 * Steam Shovels, N.O.S., same as Derricks. Street Sweeping, set up 3-1 " " K.D. .crated or boxed 1 Stumping Machines, K.D., detachable parts removed 2 Swing Cut-off Saws (Iron) 1 Tenoning Machines 1 * Stokers 1 * Water Jackets, for Smelters . 1 * Wool Presses 1 Machinery, not otherwise specified, in frame, 1 i " N. O. S., closely boxed or crated ... 1 '* Heavy, K.D., lu^t otherwise specified, 1,000 lbs. per piece or over, with connections and detachable parts removed and boxed 2 •• all kinds.includinsr engines (C.L. min. 20,000 lbs., N. O. 8.) '. « ^Machines, Sewing, set up, not boxed or racked, O.R., mininmm C.L. 16,000 lbs. 3-1. . . .3 :!: " " set up, boxed or racked, O.R., minimum C.L. 16,000 lbs 1 3 —58- tMachinei + «♦ + + Madder, it *Magnesi Majolici Malt— S *Malt E: Mangles (( <( i^Manilla Manure Maple fi jMapsor Map Ca :*Marbl< it Marble Marsh Masts. *Match( Match Mats 8 Matte, n ii Mattr( Mattr( Mattii Meal.- L.C.L. C.L. .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 3 ..Dl >le d. 1 . . H .. 1 d. 2 .. 1 .. 1 ..Dl .. 1 .. 1 Dl . 3 . 1 .3-1 . 1 1 1 3. 3-1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 .6 .5 .6 ..0 ..3 ..3 M— Continued. L.C.L. C, :Machines, Sewing, K. D. and boxed, O. R 2 . . . * .. " Stands, K.D., in bundles 1. . . + •» Paging and numbering, O.R., crated * or boxed H >- •• Automatic, for registering weight, ' height, strength or hmg power, and for delivery of confectionery and for similar purposes, O.R.,well bxd. li •' Biscuit, or Dough Kneading or Mix- ing (without tubs or vats), set up, boxed or crated 1 Same, K.D., boxed or crated 2 Tubs or Vats for above.— Same as Cheese Vats. Madder, in cases 2 " in barrels or casks ^ ♦Magnesia, in boxes or kegs.. 1 • • * " in bags, bbls. or casks o- Majolica Ware— Same as Crockery. Malt— See Grain. *Malt Extract— Same as Liquors,Native\\uie,etc. Mangles, set up, not boxed Ji " " crated y- " K.D., and boxed ^ • ^Manilla, in bales, O.R • ^- • Manure, Stable, in cattle cars only Maple Sugar— See Sugar. - Syrup-See Syrup. jMapsorCharts,mountedorunmountecl,bxses, + • • • • 3... .5 pur- bbl.," r.^^' f* [ess. ■<.■' • • > • 4.. .8 r long t .K.. 1.. .5 4- .3 ft. . . . . 3.. .5 tider ... * 2. . ..5 ame 1 ems, .1:1 Ball ] lling •ons, ti eelB, ews, ... 3.. ..5 + 1 ORE:— * . , 4 * Iron, Lead, Copper, Arsenical * Matte.— See Matte, page 60. Mica, or Crude Mica, value not to exceed $100 per ton, and to be so htnited by written release '*• Nickel— Value not to exceed $100 per ton, and to be so limited by written release Silver, Gold- Value notto exceed $100 perton, and to be so limited by written release * All kinds, C.L. niinimuni 30,000 lbs. *Ore Crushers Organs.— See Musical Instruments. Ornaments.-^ee Plaster of Paris. Oxide of Iron, in boxes or bbls. , . , • • • % Oxygen Gas, in iron or steel tubes or cyUiulers. i^-v- Y^olcGS :Oysters andCiams, Fresh, in kegs or pails or in ^ ^ cans, boxed or crated. O.K. ..* a " Shells, whole or ground, in bags,bxs. or bbls. , O. II. , p'pd « «' Pickled.— See Pickles. *Oziers (Willow Reeds), in boxes, bales or bdls. (C.L. minimum 20,000 lbs.) ^- P Pails —See Woodenware. [iPaintings, etc., boxed and released, vahie not ^ exceeding $20 per package, and to be so expressed on shipping note . . i Pictures, Engravings, Chromos, etc^ boxed and released, value over JJ>^ but not to exceed $50 per pkg., and to be so expressed on shippmg note. Ul over $50, not exceeding $200 in value, per package, boxed and released, value to be stated on shipping note 6-L over $200 per package. Taken by special contract only. Shippers must declare value. Paints, Dry, in boxes, barrels or kegs ^ • ■■ ■ • •_• • in oil, in cans, jacketed, loose. O.K. Ikge. in oil, in cans or pails, boxed, ciated or iiacked in barrels , , , , not otherwise specified, m bbls., kegs, iron driuns 5' in buckets .10 ..7 .10 ,..7 ...5 .5 .5 < t 3. 1 Palm leaf, in bundles H Dl It 2. 4. Panorama and Theatrical Scenery, O.lx ^'^ PAPER, Stationery, in boxes ■ ; ^r;^ Scrap or\Vaste, in bags, sacks or ciates " "in pressed bales " (C.Lmin. 24,(K)0lbs.). Goods, such as Collars, eU., in ^^-.>j .. Pattei'ns, in cases, prepaid ^ .3 .5 .6 .5 .5 .4 10 10 -63- If it p— Continued. L.C.L. C. PAPEK- Continued :— " Cigarette, in boxes 1 + " Printing or Wrapping, O.R 3. . . * " Strawboard 3 . . . Building and Roofing, O.R 4... Bags, in bundles, V)ales or boxes, O.R. 3. . . Boxes.— See Boxes. Toilet, in boxes 3 . . . Egg Fillers, folded flat, boxed, solid . . 3. . . Tubes or Rolls, for fireworks, etc., li)oxed or crated li t " Printing, patent inside (printed on one side), in bundles or boxes, O.R 2. . . " Lanterns, K.D., boxed Dl ' ' Masks, boxed 3-1 * " Pasteboard, iti bimdles 2. . . * " " in boxes 3... Flat.—Sanie as Printing Paper. :;; " Blotting, in bdls., O.R., crates or boxes 1 . . . +: " (.'aid, or C'ardboard, in bimdles, O.R., crates or boxes 2 . . . " Labels, in boxes 2 . . . I " Waxed or oiled, in bundles, O. R., crates or boxes 2 . . . * " Woodboard 3. . . Papier Mache Goods Dl Paris Green, in boxes, bbls. or casks 2. . . " " Liquid, in bbls 4. . . * Pasteboard.— See Paper. Parafflne Wax.— See Wax. " Candles- See C'andles. Patent Medicines, shipped by manufacturers. . . 1 . . . :!: Patterns, Wood or Metallic, O.R H Peaches.— See Fruit. *Peach Pits or Stones, prepaid 3. . , Pearline or other Washing Powders -See Wash- ing Compoimds. Peas.— See Grain. " Green. —See Vegetables. Pears.— See Fruit. Peat 3.. Peat Moss.— See Moss. Pelts and Peltries.— See Hides and Skins. Pencils, I^ead, in boxes 1 " Slate, in boxes 2 Pepper.— See Spices. Pepper Sauce 1 Perfiunery, in cases li Petrolatum. —Same as Vaseline. Petroleum ('oke \ • Phenyle (disinfectant), dry, in bxs, bbls, or csks. 2. . Phosphate • ■ • 4. . Phosphorus, only taken in tins, hermetically sealed and well packed in boxes Dl Photographic Material 1 Pianofortes.— See Musical Instruments. Piano Legs and Stools, wrapped or crated 1 " " •' boxed 2 -61- L. 5 1 -A- i( 5 1 * (( S 1 F •ict 5 1 F *ict i J: 5 1 I »ict *ig& 5 1 F *ik€ 5 .5 ,4 .4 .4 .5 .4 .7 .3 .5 10 10 ..4 .10 L.C.L. C.L. .. 1 ., 3... . 3... .. 4... i. 3... .5 .5 .5 .5 .. 3... .. 3... .5 .5 .. 2.. ..Dl ..3-1 .. 2.. . 3.. .4 .5 .5 es 1. . .4 I., .. 2.. .. 2.. .4 ..4 .. 2.. .. 3.. ..Dl . 2.. .. 4.. .4 .5 ..4 ..7 .. 1.. ..3 3. 3... 10 1 2 1 Dl . 1 . 1 . 2 10 ..4 .10 p— Continued. LC.L. C. ;: Pickles, in glass, boxed, O.R 1 • •• " in bulk, in pails, kegs or barrels 3. . . » " in stone jars, crated i- - " " boxed 2 . . . Pictures. —See Paintings. Picture Frames.— See Frames. Picture Frame Backing, in bundles 4 . . . Pigs' Feet.— See Meats Pike Poles, in bundles 3 . . . Pillows.— See Feathers. • Pill Boxes ^ i Pile Drivers.— Same as Derricks. Piles.— Taken by special contract only. Pimento.— Se(^ Spices. Pins, Toilet, in lioxts j l:Pine Apples, O.R., prepaid 1 • • Pipe Clay ^ Pipe.— See Earthenware. Pipe, Iron.- See Iron. Pipe, Wooden, N.O.S ••••,;/ ■, • -; ' ' Pipe (Tubing) for wells, etc.— See liibmg. tPipes, Smoking, N.O.S., in cases, O.K 1 " " common clay, in cases ^. • Pitch, in barrels • ■ • • '*■ Plant Boxes, empty, splint or wood, nested. . Ji ;;Plants, in boxes, prepaid, O.^^. . . . . . • ■■ ■■ • • -^^ :*Plaster Board (Composition) tor buddings,O.K., eiated or boxed 4 4:* " " in packages or bulk • • • Plaster, Land • • • , • • . • : • J • • " Medicated (Bug Killer), 111 hbls... 4.. t Plaster Mouldings or Ornaments (not linages) for cornices or building purposes, in boxes, bbls. or casks, O.R , ; \" Plaster of Paris and Stucco, in barrels or bags. 4 . * «« " Ornaments & Images. See Images. Plated Goods or Ware | Plate, Electrotype or Stereotype i Plate, Old Stereotype, returned, in boxes or bbls. when name of article is plainly niai'kert on outside of package, and stated in Ship- ping Receipt and Bill of Lading ;^ Plumbago, Crude , • • '^• tPIumbers' Crockery and Earthenware, in crates, l>oxes or bbls.., O. R • . ' ii 1 «« Crockery and Earthenware, m bulk, O. R., to be loaded and unloaded by shippers and consignees • ♦« Blast Furnaces • }. 1 " Materials. N.O.S. , in boxes i)r litHs.. . Z. Polish, Shoe— See Blacking. Porcelain.— Same as C rockery. Pork.— See Meats. Porter.— See Ale. . ^Polishing Compound— N.OS. .. ,, . r In glass, earthenware or tin, pkd. \v bxs.. u. k. i . t* Same in barrels, O. li .T * In bulk, in bbls ^ — (?5- L. .5 .5 .5 .5 .7 .5 .6 .5 .7 .7 10 ,.7 .4 10 5 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 6 II P— Continued, Q L.C.L. C.L- Potash. Bi-chromate of, in boxes or bbls 2 4 '• Balls, in pkgs 3.... 5 •• Bromide, in boxes or bbls 2 4 " Chlorate, in boxes, kegs or bbls 2 4 " Cyanide, in cases 1 *' Caustic, in sheet iron cans 2 4 •' " in cans boxed 2 4 •' " in iron drums 3 5 " Chlorate of Potash Tablets. — Same as Drugs and Medicines. " Muriateof,forfertilizingpurposesinpks. 4.... 5 in bulk, C.L 10 (For Common Pot, Pearl and Soda Ash, see Ashes, p. 11. ) Potatoes, Evaporated. — Same as Fruits (Apples) Evaporated. t Potatoes, Sweet, in bags or boxes, O. R. 1 " Common 4 8 1 Potatoes at O.R. of frost, and must be prepaid between Nov. 1st and April 30th. *Potato Parers, crated or boxed 2 Pottery.— Same as Earthenware. t*Poultry, Live, in coops, O.R Dl ... .6 * " " Min. C.L., Single Deck, 20,000 lbs. * " " " Double Deck, 22,000 lbs. * " " " Triple Deck, 24,000 lbs. * " " " Four Decks, 26,000 ibs. :}: Poultry, Dressed or Undressed, O.R., prepaid. . 1 ... .3 *Poultry Food, prepared, in ^lass, boxed 1 3 * *' '• " (inbulk),m bxs..bagsorbbls. 3 5 *Prairie Grass, pressed in bales(min.O.L.20,000 lbs) 1 7 itPreserves, in glass or stone, well packed, O. R. 1 5 :J: " in pails or buckets, O.R 1 5 " (in bulk), in kegs, bbls. or casks 3 5 '♦ in tin, boxed 3 5 t " in pails or buckets, bxd. or crtd., O.R. 3 5 Preservaline (for curing meats) 3 5 Printers' Cases, in bundles or racks 1^ '* " C.L. — Same as Furniture. ^Printed Matter, unbound, in bdls., O.R., prepaid 1 3 " " " incases, prepaid 2 3 Prunes.— See Fruits, Dried. Pulleys, Wood or Iron, for shafting 2 5 Pumice Stone . 2 Pump Rods, Iron 3 5 *Pumpkin Flour, in bags 1 4 * " " in boxes or barrels 3.... 5 Pumps, Wooden, N.O.S 1. . . .6 " " common, rough, not less than 100 lbs. each 2.... 6 * " Brass, or Plated 2 * " Ale or Beer 2 " Iron. — See Iron. ' Pure (Dog Oifal), in bags, boxes or bbls 3 5 Putty, in barrels, casks or boxes 3 . . .5 Q Quicksilver, in iron flasks 1 Quinces.— See Fruit. — (W— Quills in (Juilts, E * Quilted J Radiatoi Rags, in " pr " pr *RAILW * Bral + + + Raisii Rang Ratta .C.L. C.L. 2. ...4 3. ...5 2. ...4 2. ...4 1 2. ...4 2. ...4 3. ...5 .s $. 4. ...5 ..10 ^1 p.il.) 3) • 1 , 4. ...8 d L.C.L. Dl ,.D1....6 s. s. 8. s. 1... .3 1.. .3 s. 3... .5 s) 1.. .7 t 1... .5 1... .5 3.. 5 3... .5 I. 3.. 3.. .5 .5 14 id 1.. ..3 2.. ..3 2.. ..5 2 3.. ..5 1.. ..4 3.. ..5 1.. ..6 m 2.. ..6 2 2 1 3.. ..5 3 . ..5 Q— Continued. R , Quills in boxes • • • \^^ Quilts, Eider Down, in boxes or bales Ui *Quilted Moss.— See Moss. C.L. ..5 .10 .10 .10 12c. 10c. 8c. 6c. 5c. 3. 4. 3. Dl Radiators, including ^^i^^'^^P;^ T^ fittings .... 3. Rags, in sacks, minimum 20,000 lbs. . . .^ . • g- " pressed, in crates, minimuni20jC00 lbs. .. . 6. « ' pressed in bales, minimum 20,000 lbs 4 . RAILWAY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES : Brake Beams ••••••••„ • , t Cars, on own wheels, O.R., released :- ' Sleeping each, loc. per mile Passenger ,.•■ Mail, Baggage or Express . . . Freight Box, VansorAuxiliary Platform and Coal. • • • " 4- Wheel Box, Platform or Coal Mininmm charge $6.00. Railway cars requiring transporta- tion on other cars, taken by special contract only. .„ , , Cars, on own wheels - One naan will be passed free in charge of each shipment of passen- ger cars on their own wheels. No icuirn passes to be given. _ ^ „ ^ * Car Brakes and Fittings, N.U.b {^flT" T^mcks Car Springs,' Riibber, Spiral or Elliptic * Cow Catchers, set up '< K.D., in box cars • ^ t Engines,Locomoti ve. and Tenders, also Snow Plows, on their own wheels, actual weight— Shippers must declare weight — O.B., released. . . . . • -^ ; i :,' " .V, Locomotive Engines must he ac- companied by a person fully compet- ent to take charge of and travel with them, who will be passed tree under the same conditions and regul;itions as in case of men traveling ui charge of live stock. p.. Headlights, not boxed, O. R ^^ + '« boxed, O.R i Iron Cattle Guards . •••••• — • • ■ • • •.,•;: V\..pi, " Fish Plates. Spikes, Bolts, toi tiacK laying purposes . • • " Frogs and Crossings T" " Car Couplings ;. • • • ' ; a" * " Car Replacers (iron castings) *••• " Chairs, Tyres *•• " Wheels, Axles, Rails *• • • .. T -1 Tt^-^r^a . , O. . . Snow Plows, N.O.S., K.D., in l>*>>^,;;;".^^^:,^, ^ • Switch Gates, Semaphore Poles and Signal Mpterial. iron or wood ^ • • Raisins.— See Fruit. Range Boilers.— See ••Boilers. Rattan.— See Furniture. -07— .5 .7 .5 6- .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .& .7 .7 l!(l III' ' 1 \i R— Continued. S L.C.L. Refrigerators, set up 1 K.D 3 *■ " C.L., in common cars 35 feet long and under ; minimum 16,000 lbs *• in furniture or racked platform cars ; minimum 20,(X)0 lbs Rennets, in wood 2 C.L ..4 ..4 ^Retorts, O.R., N.O.S. 2 :t*Retorts, Fire Clay, O.R 3. . . .5 Resin 3 5 Rice, in packages 3 5 Rice Flour 3. . . .5 Rice Meal 3 o *Rice Root in bales (min. C.L. 20,000 lbs.) 2. . . .5 Road Scrapers. — See Machinery. Rooting Composition, in barrels or casks 4. . . .7 " Material consisting of sand, gravel, tar, cement, and roofers' implements . . 4. . . .7 Root Beer Extract, in glass, packed 1 3 Roots, Garden. — See Bulbs and Roots. Roots, Senpna, in boxes, bbls., or bales 1 '.i Ropes.— See Cordage. Rosewood. — See Lumber. Rubber, Crude 3 5 Rubber Goods, lM)ots, Shoes, Socks 1 " Belting, Hose and Packing 2 4 Old Rubber Scrap 3.... 5 * " Shoddy, in Imgs or barrels 3. . . .5 •' Springs.— See Car Springs. * " Stibstitute (Vegetable Oil Fibre), in bags or sacks 3 .... 5 •' in packages, not otherwise specified. .. . 1 " Rollers for Clothes Wringers, not boxed. Dl . . . . 4 •« " " " notbxd.orcrtd. 2.... 4 Rugs, in bales 1 Rum. — See Liquors. Rushes, in bales or boxes 1 *RusticWork,lightandbulky,C.L.min.20,0001bs. Dl. . . .6 Rye.— See Grain. SADDLERY : S X* Saddles & Harness, loose or bdls,N.O.S.,O.R.. Dl . . . .4 intnmks 1^...'3 * " " • in boxes 1 4 * Saddle-trees and Sweat Pads 1 * Hames, in bundles 1 5 " in boxes ^ Sawdust and Shavmgs (unn. C.L. 20, JUO lbs. ). . . . rf. . Sawbucks, Wooden, packed in bundles ^ Saws, loose or on boards ^ " boxed " • ■ " Buck, in bundles ^ Sawing Machines.— See Machmery. Saw Mills, Portable.— See Machmery. Scales or Machines, automatic for weighuig,bxcl. N.O.S., and Scale Beams, not boxed .... N.O.S., boxed • -, ; - ■ " Hopper, stationary or portable, iv.u., boxed (with Hopper) ; ', i- ri ' " Hopper, stationary or portable, \\.u., boxed (without Hopper) . ... • '^^ • " Poitable Platform (with or without wheels), K.D., boxed .,, • ' ' 1 ^* " Portable Platform (with or without wheels). O.R , not boxed -• ■ " Waggon or Track, K D. „ • • ^ • " Warehou.se Platform, statumary, K.J'.. ^ • Scale Beams and Weights, boxed ;] " Boards, in bdls " Weights, nu'tal, boxed ■ ?<■ " loose, .50 lbs. eanh or over.— Same as Castings. : Scientific Instrun»ents-Barometers Therniom- eters. Cameras. Pocket (Compasses, eye- glasses, Graphophones, Kinetosco])es, l.or- gnettes, Opera Glasses, Phonogniphs, Phonograph Cabinets, Stereoscopes, Stere- opticon Lanterns and Fixtures, O.K., b^i^^^i : Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, N.O.b., O.R., boxed. •■■ •^■' ', "■" Scoops. Spades and Shovels.-See H'lrdware. ^Screenings of Coffee & Flour Mills (chicken teed) —69- L. .5 10 10 .5 .5 .5 10 .5 1. 1. 10 .5 .0 .0 .5 3. 8. .5 .5 .0 .5 1 H 4. ...8 It* m \ S— Continued. L.U.L. C.L. Screws, Wooden 2 5 ^Sculpture, prepaid, O.R., released Dl Scythe Snaths. — See Hardware. *" Stones, in boxes 3 5 *Sea Grass, pressed in bales 1 — 7 Min.C.L., cars 35 ft. long and under 18,000 lbs., cars over 35 ft. long 22,000 lbs. *Seed, Bird or Canary, in boxes 2 4 " Hemp— Canary or Bird, in bags or bbls. . . 3 5 t " Garden, in boxes, O.R 1 — 4 * " Blue Grass or Orchard, in bags or barrels, O.Ro leakage » 2. . . .5 X " Clover, Timothy or Red Top, O.R. leakage 3 5 •' Flax .* 3.... 8 J " Field, not otherwise specified, in bags, boxes or barrels, O.R. leakage 2 — 5 " Tares 3.... 5 X " Hungarian and Millet, O.R. leakage 3 5 " Garden, returned unsold (by same road over which originally shipped) 4 * " Wild Mustard or Kale 3. . . .5 Sewing Machines. — See Machinery. Shavings (Brewers') in bales 2 4 Shellac. — See Gum. iShells, Sea, in packages, O.R 1 Sheep Dip, in kegs or bai'rels .... 3 5 Shingles, Metallic, in packages 4 7 Ship Bread (Hard Tack), in bags, boxes or bbls. 3 5 Shirts, inpaper bxs. , crtd., or wrapped (seerule23) 1 *Shoddy, inbgs., sks. or crts.(C.L.min.20,000 lbs.) 2 5 Shoes. — See Boots and Shoes. Shoe Findings 1 " Pegs, in bags, barrels or casks 2 5 * " Shanks, wood or steel, in boxes 2 5 Shooks. — See Lumber. Shop Fixtures for Druggists, etc., with glass doors — Same as Show Cases. Shorts.— See Bran. Shot.— See Hardware. Shower Baths Dl $Show Cases, O.R., released, boxed. N.O.S 3-1 + a a Fruit Display Cases, boxed, O.R . . 1 X " " O.R.,boxed— 3 feet long and under Dl X " " Wall, upright, with drawers for display of cutlery, biiverware, etc., O.R., boxed Dl X* •' " Glass Counters, with wooden bases, O.R., released, securely crtd. or bxd.Dl C.L. — Same as Furniture. ^Shrubbery, loose, prepaid, OR Dl :* " inbdls.,O.R.,ppd.(C.L.min.20,0001bs.) 1....5 X* " inbxs.,O.R.,ppd.(C.L.min.20,0001bs) 3.... 5 ^Sieves, O.R Dl " nested, crated or boxed 1 ^Sifters, Ash or Coal, hand, loose or in bdls, O.R.Dl Same, nested in bundles, strapped li " Crated or boxed 1 " Flour and Meal. —See Sieves. -70— (C L.C.L. C.L. ... 2. ..5 ...Dl ... 3. ..5 ... 1 ..7 3S., ... 2. ...4 i... 3. . . .5 ... 1. ...4 3ls, ... 2. ..5 ige 3. ...5 ... 3. ...8 S«' « ... 2. ...5 ... 3. ...5 ... 3. ...5 sad ... 4 ... 3. ...5 ... 2. ...4 ... 1 ... 3. ...5 ... 4. ...7 bis. 3. ...5 i23) 1 bs.) 2. ...5 ... 1 ... 2. ...5 ... 2. .,.5 .5 .5 S-Continued. L C.L. C.L. Sign Boards.— Same as Advertising Boards. *Silica Grit.— See Gravel. Silico.— Same as Common Soap. i*Silver-plated Goods or Ware, N.O.S., bxd. , O.R 1 Sisal, in bales • 3 5 Sizing, in sacks or barrels 2 Skewers, wooden, in boxes or bbls 2 5 Slag, Mill, and Cinders, prepaid 10 Slate, Blackboards, crated or boxed 3 5 " Floor, in barrels, casks or boxes 4 5 " School, in boxes 2 4 : •' Roofing, O.R 3. ..10 + " Manufactvu'edandMarbleized,wellbxd.O.R 1 4 + " Slab, Manfd,not Mar bleized, well bxd, O.R. 4.... 2 : " Slab, Manufactured, not Marbleized, not boxed, O.R 5 X " Wash Tubs, Sinks and Tanks, loose, O.R. . 2.... 4 " " " •' nstd.,crtd.orbxd. 3 5 SledsandSleighs,Children'sorHand.-SeeVehicles. Sleigh Stutt'.— See Carriage Goods. " Shoes, Iron and Steel 3 5 Smoke Stacks.— See Iron. Snowshoes, in bundles Dl " in boxes 1 Snow Shovels, Wooden, in bundles 1 Snuff, in jars or bladders H '• in boxes, barrels, casks or kegs 1 Soap, Fancy, Castile or Toilet, foreign, in boxes 1 • • • -^ '" Toilet or Fancy, Domestic, in boxes 2 5 " Oil or Soft, in barrels 4.... 5 " Show Cards when shipped with Soap.— Same rate as the Soap. " Common in boxes, or in barrels with or without heads, at valuation declared by shippers on "fehipping notes and bills of lading of not over 7 cents per lb. 4. . . .5 " Valued at over 7 cents per Ib.will be rated as 'fancy' or 'toilet.' Soapstone, Crude • • • 4 ... 10 + " Slabs and Manuf'ed Articles, O.R. . . 1 " Dust "* * Soda, Bi-Carbonate, in boxes, kegs or barrels . . 3. . . .5 ' ' Ash or Sal Soda, in boxes, barrels or casks 4 .... 5 " Acetate of ?"k " Caustic, in iron drums J o * " Hyposulphite of, in kegs or bbls 3 5 " Nitrate of, in iron drums g 5 " Nitrate of, in bags or bbls 'r ■;« " Salt Cake, in casks 4... 10 " Silicate, in glass 1 '* " in wood * ^ " Water.— See Mineral Water. " Pearline and other W^ashing Powders.— See Washing Compounds. Solder, in packages _ ^ Spark Arresters ^^ Spars.— Taken by special contract only. Spelter ^- • • '* —71- M'., - ■' I"' i i. i'^ .5 .5 .7 ,5 .5 .4 S- CuiiLiraicd. L.CL, C.L. *Spicos— Cassia, Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, All- spice. Nutmegs. Pimento, etc .. 1....3 Spice Meal 2 *Spindies (Wood or li'on), boxed S 5 Spinning Wheels 1 Heads Dl Spirits.— Sc'e Licpiors. JSpirits of Turpentine, in barrels, or in cans secnrely boxocK u.li <>f leakage ii. . X " in tank cars, O.ll, of i( aI:.agM +This freight not to l>e taken for shii>nient by water. Spoke Drivers " 14 *Sponges, boxed Dl Spools, in crates 2 . . " in cases 'S. . in bulk " Paper — iron or wood, empty, 2. . Springs, with Axles attached, wheels off 1^ " Hiibber, Steel, Volute, Spiral. —See Hail- way Equipment, etc. C'arriage, Waggon and Seat 2. . Wire coiled in bundles Dl AVire, in boxes, barrels or casks 1. . ^ " Wire Twist, for Mattresses.— See Wii-e. Stamped Ware, nested in crates, boxes or bbls. '.i.. Stamped Ware of Tin or Sheet Iron to be enti- tledtorate as such shotdd be nested solid : that is, when the outside and l)ottom surfaces rest against the inside and bottom of the article below, without any interveni ng space between the outside and inside surfaces, and will ex- clude articles with ears, handles, spouts, etc., attached, which nest, but not solid as above described. Starch, in sacks, boxes, bbls., or casks H. . Stationeiy , in trunks 1^ . " in boxes 1 . . Statuary. — See Sculpture . *Steam Gauges, with or without glass tubes, bxd. 1 Steam .Jacket Heaters 2. . Steam Jacket Kettles 1 . . Steam Shovels. — See Machinery. Stereoptical Lamps. — See Lamns. Stereotype. — See Plate, page 05. Sterescopes, boxed 1 Stearine 3 .... 5 Steel.— Same as Iron. Steel Castings. — See Iron. *Stock Pood Boilers. — See Boilers. Stone, Polished. Carved or Lettered, not boxed, NOT TAKEN. Polished,CarvedorLettered,bxd.,[)pd O.K. 1 ... .5 Slabs, Blocks, Spires, Polished, not carv- ed or lettered, in boxes, O.R 3. . . 5 Slabs or Blocks, Unwrought 4 ... 10 ( 'oursine and Dimension 4 ... 10 , .7 10 .4 .4 .4 .4 + + +* Tiling (Floor) Rubble, Cobble and Field. —72— It •4- »t + •t- t< H- -t- »» + -t- t« + + ii + •I- + * + (I + (( (t ti * ..C'.L. C.L. l- . 1. .1^ . 2 . \i. . .5 . 1 . Dl H. . .5 . .;> 3r. H Dl . 2. . .5 . 3. . .5 ..7 . 2. . .5 1- . 2. .5 .Dl . 1.. ..4 k ^ >. .1 . . .i> i- t t e n H. ■ 1^ 1.. .4 ..4 1. 1 2.. 1.. .4 ..4 • 1 8.. . .5 I, R. 1.. . .5 /- H.. 4.. 4 . 4.. . .5 .10 .10 . .7 .10 S -Continued. L.C.L. C.L. Stones, Grind. -See Cirintlstones. Scvthe and Whet 3.... 5 : " Mill, Finished, O.R 2.... 4 " * Hougii '^ 5 Stonevvare.— See Crockery. +Sto!ieware, in Vmlk, O.R o :Stone Wash Tubs, loose, O.R............... ... 2 .... 4 ^; " " nested, crated or boxed, O.R. 6. . . .o J*Stoves,Ranges,and Stove or Range Fiuniture of cast {)r sheet iron only (not tinware) .shipped with Stoves or RangeH,O.R. 2 4 +* " Cremating Stoves and Fire Closets and parts of the same, O.R 2 4 + " Sheet Iron Ovens, O.R. , K.D 1....4 t " Sheet Iron Ovens, O.R D1...4 + " Oil, packed in boxes or crates, O.R 1 : " Gas, O.R ^ -f •' Furnaces, K.D., and Furnace Castings 2 4 + «' FiH'naces, O.R 2. . . .4 +* " Plate Warmer- orSteani Tables, O.R. , crated or boxed 1 .... 4 +* Same, with Steam or Hot Water Pipes &; Bettings, complete, O.R., crld.or bxd. 2. . . .4 + " Portable Steel Ovens, set up, O.H 1 4 " Hot Water Heaters.-Same as Fuviu>ces. :|: ♦♦ S 3ve and Furnace Castings. O.R. breakage, under 100 lbs. each 2. . . .4 X " Same, 100 lbs. per piece or over, O.R. 8 5 tStove Boards, loose, O.R i" • " " S + «« " racked, O.R ^ o " Brick or Lining. See Fire Brick. " Ovens, Portable, K.D 2. ... 4 : " Plates, O.R i^ " " boxed or crated • o . . .5 t '• Pipes -Corrugated or other, loose or in bundles, OR , released 4-1 ... .o " Pipes, in crates or boxes,O.R.and released, Dl . . . . 5 " Pipes, not jointed, nested and ciatcd. . 'S-1 5 " '• manufactured in sheets, fiat or roimd, nested, crated or boxed 3. .5 * " Stovepipe Drums.— Same as Stov(i)ipes. * " orFurnace Pipes, with Deflector Castings attached ^ '^ t " Pipe Elbows, loose, O.R Dl 5 * '« '• " securely put together in rnigs, crat' d or wired } ' ^ •' " Iron, manufactured, flat, crated 2 o " " Thitnbles, stone, cement or aslx'stos. 2 * " " " tin or iron.-Same as Stovepipes. * •' Pipe and Stovepipe Elbows, finished, C.L. minimum 20,000 lbs ;, /\' u > ' 5 * " and Furnace Castings.loose or ui bdls., O.R 2 4 X " same in boxes, bbls. or casks, O.H d. . . .5 •■ " Polish. See Blacking. *Straw, packed in crates la " in pressed bales.— Same as Hay. * " Board. See Paper. " Goods.— See MilHnery. -73- ! < HI S— Continued. T L.C.L. C.L. •Street Car Fare Boxes, crated or boxed 1 I* " " Registers, boxed, O.R Dl * " " Fenders or Guards, K.D. flat or folded 2.... 4 * " " '♦ •« N.O.S 1....4 Stretcher Stock, in bundles 4 7 Stucco and Stucco Work.— See Plaster of Paris. :J:Stuffed Birds, Animals, Fish, Heads, Horns, etc. boxed, O.R. released, prepaid 1^1 Sugar, in boxes or kegs 2. . . .5 " in bags, barrels or hogsheads 4. . . .5 " Lemon or Maple 3.... 5 X " and Syrup, mixed, in boxes, bags, bbls, kegs or hhds., O.R. leakage 5 '• Grape. — Same as Glucose. *' Evaporators. — See Evaporators. *Sulphate of Alumina (used in manufacture of Alum), in bags, boxes or barrels ... 3. . . .5 •• of Copper. — Same as Blue Stone. •• Iron, in boxes or kegs 2. . • .5 '• " in barrels or casks 3.... 5 *• Zinc, in boxes or kegs 2. . . .5 " "in barrels or casks 3. ... 5 Sulphur, in bags, boxes or kegs 2 .... 5 " in barrels or casks 3 .... 5 " in bulk 6 Sumac. — Same as Dye Stuffs. Sundries. — Same as Merchandise. Superphosphate of Lime, in barrels 4. . . .7 tSurgical Instruments, O.R., boxed 1 Swings, Wooden, K.D. and tied in bundles 3. . . .5 JSyrup, in glass or jugs, boxed, O.R 1 ... .4 X " in pails, kegs or barrels, O.R. of leakage 3. . , .5 t " in tins, not boxed O.R 2 4 " in tins, boxed 3 .... 5 Syrup of Hypophosphites, in boxes, bbls. or casks 1 »• T *Tacks.~See Hardware. Tags.— Same as Labels. Talc 4. Tallow.— Same as Grease. Tamarinds, in jars, boxed 1 " in barrels 2 *Tampico and Tampico Fibre, pressed in bales. . . 3. *Taps.— Same as Faucets. Tanks, Water Closet. — See Water Closet Tanks. Tanner's Scrap, in packages 3 . Tapioca, in packages 2 Targets, Iron or Steel, for shooting galleries, or sportmen's use, boxed or crated 3 . Tar, in kegs or buckets 3 . " in barrels 4 . " in tins, packed in cases 3 . Tarpaulins 2 —74— .5 .5 .5 .5 .7 .5 * n C.L. C.L. 1 Dl 2. ...4 1. ...4 4. ...7 3-1 2. ...5 4. ...5 3. . . .5 ..5 .5 .5 ..5 ..5 .5 ..6 4.. 1 3.. 1.. 3.. 2. 3.. 1 ..7 .5 ..4 ..5 ..4 .5 4. ...7 1 2 3.. ..5 3.. .5 2 . .5 3.. ..5 3.. ..5 4.. ..7 3. . .5 2 T-Continued. L.C.L. C.L. Tarpaulins, areen or wet, not taken. Tartaric Acid.— Same as Acids Dry. Tea— Condensed, essence or extract in glass, pkd. 1 5 '♦ Condensed, essence or extract in cans, bxd. 3 5 Tea— in trunks li *• in chests or boxes 1 ... .3 * ♦♦ in tins, not crated, O.R 1 3 X ** in tins, crated or boxed, O.R 1 3 * " Boxes, metallic— Same as Tinware. Teasels Dl i^Telegraph and Telephone Instruments and Fix- tures, O.R 1 Telegraph Supplies, viz.:— Top Pins, side blocks 4 7 . Cross Arms, in bundles 4. . . 7 Insulators in barrels or boxes 3 5 Tents, Awnings and Fixtures 1 Tentpoles, in bundles 2 Terra Alba Clay, in boxes ?• • 'I " •♦ " in bbls. or casks 4 7 :Terra Cotta, O. R 1 + It 4» Architectural, for building pur- poses, O. R 2 4 Terra Japonica — Same as Japonica. ^Theatrical Scenery, O.R Dl * Thimble Skeins— See Iron. Thread, in boxes 1 Ticking— Same as Cottons, Domestic. Tierces, Empty— See Empties. Ties— See Lumber. tTiles, Drain or Sewer, O.R 4. . .lU " Encaustic or enamelled, glazed or un- glazed, for floors, etc 3 5 " Roofing ^ ^ ' Tile Machines— Same as Brick Machines. Timber and Logs, under 28 feet long— Same as Lumber. " Mast and Spars, requiring two or more cars for carriage-when authorized to be taken, will be one-third more than 10th class rates. (See Rule 1.) Tin Crystals, in boxes or barrels 1 3 " Foil, in boxes ^ * ' " Pig, Bar or Slab o" " ' ? * " Plate or Sheet ■ -^ ^ * '♦ Pipe.— Same as Galvanized Iron Pipe. (See Iron.) " Troughs— Same as Eavetroughs. " Scrap, in packages in " «« " or bulk AU " Sheet, Japanned, boxed 3 — 5 " Signs, boxed ;. ■ ' V, " « " ' * ^••^ " Straps, Fasteners or Buttons, tor Koohng, in boxes or barrels • •• ^ — ^ * " Butter Pails or cans, three or lour smaller cans nested inside larger pail or can, crated or boxed — v " ' " J o * " Tops and bottoms (cartons), crated or boxed ^ -75— ii -' k T— Continued. L.C.L. C.L. JTinwaie. loose, O.R Dl 6 : " nested, N.O.S., O.R li...4 X *' in crates, O. R li...4 N.O.S., in boxes or barrels 1 4 * " Butter Pails or Cans, three or four smaller cans nested inside larger pail or can, crtd. or bxd. 2 * " Tops and Bottoms (Cartons), crated or boxed " Cans (not exceeding one fluid quart in capacity), packed in cases 2 5 ^ , . •' nested, solid, no other goods in same «W^<^v-"<^ >r^ package, in crates, boxes, or bbls. . 3. . . .5 + " Oilcans, loose, O.R Dl +* " " "inbdls. O.R li J* " " "in woodboard jackets rovmd the body, loose, O.R. IJ " *' " in wooden jackets or boxes 1....5 * *' " " crated or boxed 1 * " Sap Pails, nested solid, wired in buiuLcs 3 5 ^ " All kinds, C. L. minimimi 20,00(3 lbs.. . . Tobacco, Unmanufactured, in covered bales ... 1 5 " " in unco V ered bales . 1 .5 * " " in hogsheads and cases (C.L. minimum 20,000 lbs.) .... 3 ,5 " Cut, in pails, loose or tied together. . . . Dl 4 «' " " two or more strapped to- gether with metal or wood 1 .... 4 " "in boxes or barrels 1 5 " " " repacked in cases 2.... 5 Cuttings 3.... 5 " Phigj in caddies, loose or tied togetherDl ... .4 " " " two or three strapped together with metal or wood, or firmly tied together with cord of not less than | inch diameter 1 " Plug, in caddies, four or more strapped together with metal or wood, or firmly tied together with cord of not less than J inch diameter, or sewn tightly together in canvas. . . 3 5 •• •* in boxes or barrels 3. . . .5 " "in caddies, crated 3 5 " in skins 2.... 4 " Stems in cases, bbls. or hogsheads. ... 3. . . .5 *Toboggans, loose (C.L. mininmm 20,000 lbs.). .3-1 8 * " tied in bundles {C.L. min.20,000 lbs.) Dl . ..3 Tooth Picks, in boxes 1 Top Pins.— See Telegraph Supplies. tTow, in boxes, O.R 2 * " pressed in bales (C.L. mininnun 20,(K)01bs.) 3. . . .5 * ' Waste ( for Paper Stock ). —Same as Cot ton Waste. Traps, Animal or Bird, flat, in bundles 1 4 " Fly, in boxes Dl " nested and boxed 1 boxes or bbls 2 .... 4 ijie, —7(3- C.L. C.L. 1 Dl.. ..6 1.. .4 ..4 ..4 1 2 1 2.. ..5 3.. ..5 n 1.. .5 1 3.. ..5 1.. . .5 1.. . .5 3.. ..5 1.. ..4 1.. ..4 1.. . .o 2.. ..5 . 3.. ..5 . 3.. ..5 . 3.. ..5 . 2.. ..4 . 3.. . .5 3-1.. ..8 )D1.. ..0 . 1 . 2 ) 3.. ..5 n . 1.. ..4 .Dl . 1 . 2.. ..4 T -Continued. U V L.C.L. C.L. Traps, Mouse or Rat, in bundles J^ " f " " " in crates or boxes 1 ... .4 " Steam, loose 1 " '• crated or boxed 2 :tToys, loose or in bundles, O . R 4-1 + " in trunks or crates, O.R Dl + " in boxes, O.R 1 Trays, in racks or cases 1 Trees— See Shrubbery. Tricycles.— See Bicycles. Tripe, salted or pickled -^ 5 Tripoli •. • V • ■ Vr' ■,". J " tTrunks, empty or filled with V alises and Satchels, O.R 1^ * " C.L. connnon cars 35 feet long or under, minimum 14,000 lbs 3 '• Furniture or hay cars, or racked plat- torn? cars, min. weight 20,000 lbs 3 Trunks containing wearing apparel and per- sonal effects will not be taken as freight unless with shipment of household goods. When they are offered for shipment. Agents will refer parties to Express Cos. :l:Tubing, Cement, for wells, O.R ^ » + " Brass or Porcelain Lined, O.R p o * " Wooden, for wells or pumps 3 5 Tubs, in nests. -See Wooden ware. •Turiiuric, Powdereil. in boxes \ a '' ' ' Root, in bbls. or bales 4 Turned Stviff.— See Joiners' Work. Turnips.— See Vegetables. Turpentine.— See Spirits of Turpentme. Twine.— See Cordage. ^^ Type, in boxes * • • • • — • • • "- '^ ItType writing Machines or Caligraphs, boxed or crated, O.R. released I U Umbrellas, in boxes ^ V tValises, loose, O.R ^' t " in trunks, O.R • •• • • -: * " C.L. common cars, a5 ft. long or under, - mininmm 14,000 lbs. per cur 3 •♦ Furniture cars or racked plattoim cars, mininmm 20,000 lbs. per car i ' 4 <' incases • { • * tVarnish, in cans when boxed, O.K ^ t «' in wood, O.R. of leakage ^ •••.• ^ • + This freight nuist not be taken fm ship- ment by water. ^Vaseline, in glass, O.R * *' in cans. l)oxed ^ «♦ in bari'ls ■ • • • '^ Vats, Empty.— Same as Cheese \ ats. —77— It;!' + V— Continued. L.C.L. C.L. Vegetables, Evaporated. — Same as Fruits (Ap- ples) Evaporated. * " Green, O.R. prepaid— Beans, Beets, Cabbages, Carrots, Cauli- flowers, Cucumbers, Celery, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Tur- . nips and Tomatoes, in bags or crates 1 ** "in boxes or barrels 3 *' "in packages or bulk 8 " " not otherwise specified 1 8 Winter Onions in sacks or bags, O.R., prepaid 3 8 " Turnips (winter). — Same as Com- mon Potatoes. : VEHICLES— At O.R. of chafing and breakage in each case, and subject to Note at foot of this article ? — Ale and Beer Delivery Waggons. — Same as Ex- press and. Peddlers' Waggons. * Ambulances, set up. — Same as Hearses. * " K.D., crated or boxed (except shafts or poles), in box cars IJ ^Automobiles (Horseless Carriages), set up, mini- mum 5,000 lbs. each * " Taken apart (wheels detatched), in box cars 3- *Larries, or Lorries, set up, 5,000 lbs. each * " K. D.— Wheels, Shafts and Poles separate, actual weight .... Omnibuses, Stage Coaches, 5,000 lbs. each Hearses, Waggons and Sleighs, extra large, 5,000 lbs. each •♦ Children's, 4,000 lbs . each 2-Horse Buggies, Carriages, Hacks, Sleighs, Waggons, Express and Peddlers' Waggons, 3,000 lbs. each 1-Horse Buggy, Carriage or Waggon, with CovereclTop, 3,000 lbs. each 1-Horse Carriage, Buggy, Chaise, Waggon, Ex- press or Peddlers' Waggon, Cab, Gig, Phaeton, or Sleigh, 2,000 lbs. each 1-Horse Cariole, Calache or Cutter, 1,000 lbs. each 1-Horse Carts, 2 Wheels, 1,000 lbs. each 1-Horse —dump, coal or contractors, K.D 1-Horse Sulkies, set up, 800 lbs. each Sulkies (Cutter), 800 lbs. each Sulkies and Road Carts, K.D., crated or boxed. D Sulkies and Road Carts, Wheels ol?, not crated or boxed, finished D " same, unfinished, in white H ** and Road Carts, wheels, shafts, whiffle- trees and baskets off and shipped in separate pieces li -78- L..C.L. C.L. ?- s, i- 7* V- ?s 1 , , 3 • • i! ...8 ...8 s, .8 li V— Continued. L.C.L. C.L VEHICLES— Continued :— Sleighs or Sleds, common carters', without bodies or stakes* or bodies and stakes, K.D. and bundled, shaits or poles off Bl Sleigh and Cutter Bodies, in white, crated Dl Democrat Waggons, 2-horse, set up, 3,000 lbs. . . 1 '« ♦' 1-horse, set up, 2,000 lbs. . . 1 " ♦« K.D., when loaded in box cars — 2-Seated-l,200 lbs. each... 1 3-Sea,ted-l,500 lbs. each .... 1 Lumber Waggons, Common, set up, 2,400 lbs. each 1 <« «« K.D.,wheels, axles, reaches and poles separate, actual weight 1 •* " Carts and Sleighs ; mini- mum 20,000 lbs Farmers' Waggons, 1-horse, set up, 2, 000 lbs. each. 1 " 2-horse, set up, 2, 4001bs. each. 1 " " K.D., wheels, axles, reach- ' es or poles separate, actual weight 1 (min. 20,000 lbs.) * (Farmers' Waggons, Luml)er Waggons, Carts and Sleighs, in box cars 35 feet long or un- der, may be taken at min. 16,000 lbs. 4th class— same as other vehicles -in cases where 16,000 lbs. or over at 4th class would be charged less than 20,000 lbs. at 6tb class.) Buck-board Buggies, set up, 1,000 ibs. each ..... 1 " K.D. and crattd, wheels, shafts^ etc., removed and shipped separately, actual weight Dl Baggage Trucks or Barrows, set up H Bob Sleds, set up, actual weight Vk «' K.D., iu pieces ■ A Buggies, Carriages, Cutters and Sleighs, crated (wheels, shafts and poles taken olf ) ■••••• ^^^ Buggies, Carriages, Cutters and Sleighs (wheels, shafts and poles taken ofl), all completely and closely boxed V ' j Buggies, Carriages or Sleighs, tops up, crated or boxed (wheels, poles and shafts ott), and all shipped together • •. ■ '^^ Buggy, Carriage and Sleigh Tops (shipped separately), set up, boxed or crated 6-1 Buggy, Carriage and Sleigh Tops (shipped separ- ately ), K.D. fiat, canvassed, crated or boxed. U Buggy Bodies, in white, r-rnted . . . . Ul Buggy, Cutter and Sleigh Bodies, uuhmshed, in white, closely boxed ^ Hose Carts or Reels, 1,500 lbs. each . . . • • \ » " " K.D., actual weight i Hook and Ladder Waggons. 5,000 lbs. each .... 1 —79— 6 6 m U V— Continued. L.C.L. C.L. VEHICLES— Continued :— Waggons or Carts, 'L'ank or Sprinkling, K.D., and loaded in box cars Waggon Boxes, ends off, K.D., flat 1 Warehouse Trucks or Barrows, set up 1.^ K.D 1 * " Basket Trucks, not nested 3-1 * «' " '* nested, in bundles. .Dl Wheelbarrows, set up, wood or iron 1 " K.D. and nested 8 »* common in white, wheels off, travs nested (C.L. minimiun 20,()00 lbs.) :i....6 Note. — The classification asabove, at actual weight, applies to the complete Vehicle or Vehicles, including wheels, shafts, poles, running gear, etc. When, finished Vehicles are shipped without the wheels, running gear, etc., they will be charged fifty per cent, over the rates applying to complete Vehicles. * Note. — Above estimated weights are the min- imum for each Vehicle (actual weight to be charged if greater) and are for Vehicles not tt»o large to be loaded in an ordinary box cai-. Any single Vehicle too large to go in nn ordi- nary box car, and neces-sitating a platform car for carriage, will not be taken at less than 5,00() lbs. 1 Children's Carriages, set up, loose 4-1 " " set up, ciated or boxed ... 3-1 •' " handles, wheels, etc., de- tached and tied together, canvas^'Cd 3-1 •* " K.D. and crated Dl " " K.D. and V)Oxed 1 * " Bicycles and Tricycles. — See Bicycles. " Sleigh or Sled Kiinners (Iron) 2 " Carriage W^heels and Handles, in bundles oi* (urates 1 •* Carriage Bodies, Wicker or Willow, nested D 1 " Sleds orSleighs, setup, loose ov in bdls.Dl •• Sleds or Sleighs, crated or boxed . . 1 " Express Waggons, set up Dl '* Express Waggons, nested and rack- ed, wheels separate 1^ " ExpressWagg " " one-eighth inch thick or under to be rated as'* Veneer;" over one-eighth inch thick as " Lumber." *Veneered, built up or combined woods, in hdls. 2 5 * Same, in crates or boxes 3. . .5 :|: Venison, pre^ ^aid, O.R 1 .... 4 Ventilators. — See Iron. Vermicelli, in boxes 2. . . .4 *Vinegar, in demijohns Dl -^ :J:* Vinegar^ in demijohns, boxed, O.R 1 -^ Vinegar, not otherwise specified. —Sanu' as Ale. Vinegar Shavings, in bales 2. . . .o . Vitriol, Blue.— See Blue Stone. Vitriol, Oil of.— Same as Acids. W Wadding, in bales or cases 1 Wads, Gun 2...H Warp, in bundles or bags 1 " in boxes, or pressed in bales 2 .... 4 " Beams, Empty, not boxed Dl «' «' " boxed 1 + «« " Wrapped with Warp, O. H 1 4 «' ' ♦« Empty, returned from (l,O.K. li...i) (< «« «« boxed or crated 2.... 5 (( ♦« " K.|)..('i'atedor "^ slattwL O.R. 2.... 5 Water ( Closets, iron , lo( je _ • • ■ • J • • • • J it «• '« jii crates, boxes or nl)ls. .i....5 II «^ '* Porcelain lined. Same as Water (Jlosets. iron. Water Closet Hopper." and Fixtures, won, loose 1 . . . .o (( .. " ill crates, boxes or bbls 8. . . .o -81— W— Continued. L.C.L. C. Water Closet Tanks, iron, loose 1 . . . " " iron, in crates or boxes ... 2. . . " " wooden, lined, loose 1)1 .. . «» ♦• wooden, crated or boxed. . 1 . . . «♦ '• wooden, not lined, crated or boxed 1 . . . Same lined, crated or boxed 2 . . . " Cases or Seats, wooden or iron frames, set up H • • '♦ Cases or Seats, wooden or iron frames, K .D. , crated or bxd. 2 . . , Water Closet Crockery or Earthenware.— Same as Plumbers' Crockery and Earthenware. Water Lime. — See Cement. Water Pipe. -See Iron. Waterwheels, Iron.— Sec Iron. Wax, N.O.S., in boxes or barrels 1 " Bees' 1 " Sealing 1 ' ' Shoe or Harness Makers', in boxes or bbls. 2 " Tapers, or Gasligb^ers, boxed 2 + " Figures, boxed, O.K., prepaid Dl " Paraflhr.e 3.., *Weather Strips, in Inmdles 1 . . * " " in boxes 2.. Weights. — See Scales. Well Augers, or B«;ring Machines, set up IJ . " " ♦' " K.D. in pieces 1.. 2. 1 " " " " K.D. and boxed Whalebone Wheat.— See Grain. Wheat, Cracked.— See Cereals. Wheelbarrows.- See Vehicles. Whips, in bundles '^1 ' ' in boxes 1 *Whip Stocks, in bundles 1 * " '• in crates or boxes 2 Whiskey. — See Liquors. * Whisks!— Same as Brooms. White Lead. —See Ijeads. * White Metal Wpto, N.O.S.. boxed 1 Whiting, in boxes 3. " in bbls. or casks 4. J Wicker Work, not otherwise specified, O.R 4-1 Wicking • • • 1 Willow Ware or Work, not otherwise specified 4-1 " Reeds.— See Oziers. Window Frames.— See Joiners' Work. " Shades and Cvu'tains, boxed 1 . " " mounted on rollers, complete, bxd. 3. Windmills, K.D., in bdls 2 +* " Towers, K.D., in bdls.. O.R. * " Pipes (iron), — Same as Iron Pipe, Wine.— See Liquors. * WIRE, Barb, Fence and Telegraph (iron), in coil :!: " Brass or Copper, O R. 2 " Binding, for Harvesters 4 " Cloth.. 1 -82- .o .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .o .4 .4 .6 .6 .6 3. 4. ,.7 ,10 .4 .4 6 .6 .5 .4 .5 WIRE i Wirt << it (( t ( <« (( (( n w< w .C.L. C.L. 1. . . .5 2. ...5 1)1. ...5 . 1. . . .5 1 . 1. ...5 . 2. ...5 1 . n ...5 1 I. 2. ...5 e 1 1 1 2 2 Dl 3.. .» 1.. ..4 2.. ..4 14 ..6 , 1.. ..5 [ 2.. .6 .. .^1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 3.. ..7 .. 4.. .10 ..4-1 . 1 BCU-I .. 1.. ..4 cd. 3.. ..4 .. 2.. . 6 .. 3.. ..6 oil 4. ..5 ,. 2.. ..4 .. 4. ..5 .. 1.. ..4 o .5 .5 .5 .5 W— Continued. L.C'.L. C.L- WIRE— Continued :— i Wire Cloth, in rolls, O. R • ■_ ■^ f- " in crates, boxes or casks, (J. K rf. • Clothes Lines .••;•, ■ • A'W •■V"'l Common, in coil or m bbls., O.K. ot wet and rust • • • • • * • Coppered, galvanized, tinned or steeled, in coils, bundles or bbls, O. R. wet and rust f • Fencing, N.O.S., OR • \ Flower Pot Stands, S.U.,O.R .......... ^-i i<. •' " nested,cratedorl>oxedUl for Fencing— Cut in lengths and tied in bundles - ■■ ■ y '^• Guards for Vapor, etc., baths, flat, m crates or boxes } Insvilated or covered, O.R • ^ • Keys for opening bottles or cans, m boxes or barrels ■ ';■ Lath, in bundles, boxed or crated ^ • Mattresses.— See Furniture. Netting or Fencing, rolled m biuidles (min. C.L. 20,000 lbs.) .4 .5 .5 3. Netting, in sheets. 3 .5 .5 .5 o Pant Stretchers, in bundles ^t " " in ci'ates or boxes . . i '• Picket Fencing (with wooden pickets) . . 2. . a " •' (with iron pickets) o-- " Rat or Mouse Traps.— See Traps. •• Rods, in coil, unfinished, not drawn through a die • • • * • " Screens, Door or Window, in bundles, crates or boxes, O. K 1 • " Staples, Clamps, Stretchers, C^runpers^^ Fence Guards and Stops, shipped with wire for fence construction only.— Same rate as the \\\vi\ " Truss, Fence, in coil or on wo()d<>u spools. Same as Barb and Fence Wne. «' Rope or Cable, in coil Z' % " Truss Hooping, in coil • — - •* ** " Twisted Spring— in lengths tor Mat- tresses— in boxes or bbls g ^ " WovenDoorMats,inbdls.,crates()rcases^. . . .* " Work, not otherwise specified 1^1 Wood Board.— See Paper. \_ " Cuts, in boxes, O.R ^. • • | ' ' Dishes, oval (> fc,-- /( / rj:,- • • ^ • * " Fibre,chemici.l.V.Q^.Vf.V".... >•••■/•••• ^• Preservative, liquid, in wood J- " Pulp, wet T--^ " dry *••• * " " Stones.— Same as Mill Stones. * " Rollers, solid, with or without Iv^n bound ends.— For moving buildings, logs, etc. .5 .5 .5 .5 .10 4... 10 i^ipirits or Alcohol.— Sanie as Li(iuors. Turned. — See Joiners' Work. *Wooden Plugs, for paper rolls or sp — oo — o ols. 4. .10 W~C'oi,tinued. Y Z L.L.C. C.L. Woodenv/are, Buckets, Pails and Tubs, nested. 1 " Buckets, crated 2 " Butter Plates, nested and crated 2 Small Pails for Oysters, Candy, etc., nested, crated or boxed , 1 " Bowls, nested, crated or boxed 2 ' * Wooden or Fibre Buckets or Tubs, nested 1 " Pickle Cans or Tubs, crated or boxed ... 1 " not otherwise specified 1 " " all kinds, minimum 20,000 lbs a Wool, Domestic, in sacks (min. C L. 10,000 lbs.) 1 2 " Compressed,in bales (min. C.L. 20,000 lbs.) 3... 5 " Waste.— Same as Cotton Waste. Woollen Goods 1 Woollen Mill Clippings or Sweepings, in bags, sacks or crates • 2 .... 5 " pressed, in bales 3 5 Wringing Machines.— See Washing Machines. tc Varn, in bundles or bags 1 " in boxes or pressed in bales 2 .... 4 ^'east, liquid, in kegs or barrels 1 " Powder or Cakes, in boxes or barrels .... 2 4 hi Zinc, in Sheet or Rolls, in bundles 2 .5 " in casks 3.... 5 in Slabs or Pigs 3 5 Pipe. — See Iron. Scrap 4... 10 Ashes or Dross 4 7 Zincs (Bfittery), in boxes 3. . . .5 84 .c. C.L. 1 2 2 ] 2 1 1 1 . . .o 1. ...2 3. ...5 1 2. ...5 3. ...5 1 2. ...4 1 2. ...4 2. .5 3. ...5 3. ..5 4. .10 4. ..7 3. ..5 Table of Estimated Weights to be used when Actual Weights cannot be ascertained. Lbs. Ale, Beer and Porter, per imperial gallon 10. 60 »< •' " per wine " 8.85 Lager Beer, per imperial gallon ^q'^} " " per wine " 8.7» (Weights of barrels to be added. ) Apples, Green, per bushel 56 Barrels, Empty :— Ale, Beer and Porter, per butt IW " " " " hhds 12.} »» «' «« " bbl 75 it " " «' 4 bV)l 50 *» " «' " I bbl 35 .i " " " j bbl 20 Lager Beer, per bbl '^ '' " " i bbl -52 " I bbl '^^ " " " I bbl "^ " 1-16 bbl 12 T^o-prtplc a,. Barrels of Empty Pint Bottles JOO Barrels of Empty Quart Bottles 100 Cases of Empty Pint Bottles oO Cases of Empty Quart Bottles oo Brick, Common, each jii " Pressed, " ' i t Fire " Charcoal, per bushel ^ Clay, per cubic yard '^•'^"" CorJ, Anthracite :— _^ Nut, per cubic foot . . . .^. ?" Stove, " •' ^ Egg, " " '^ Bituminous :— ^o Blossburg, per cubic foot '?^ Cumberland, " " JJ Pittsburg, " •' t? Clover Hill, " " *g Pictou, " " ll Coke, per bushel *" Grain :— aq Barley, per bushel ^ Beans, per bbl '^ Buckwheat, per bushel ij Corn (shelled), per bushel ^ - (in ear), " " ,^ Flour, per bbl ^^ Malt, per bushel "^ Oats, per bushel ,^^ Oatmeal, per bbl Z^ Oats-, rolled, per bbl ^ iPeas, per bushel ^5,. " (whole), per bbl f}l " (split),^ ^ " ^*g Rye, per bushel «^ Wheat, per bushel "" —85- TABLE OF ESTIMATED WEIGHTS Continued. Wi Lbs. 3,500 Gravel, per cubic yard Ice, per cubic foot 57 Liiue. per bushel *5 Oil, Petroleum, in bulk, in tank cars, per im perial gallon Onions, per bushel Potatoes, Common, per bbl 180 " " per bushel 60 Salt, per bushel ^^ Sand, per cubic yard 3,000 Seed, Blue Grass, per bush(>l 14 8 m Clover, Flax, Hemp, Hungarian, Millet. Timothy, 60 5; '' Shingle Bolts, per cord. -j^.^J Slabs-Hardwood, per cord ...... o,lUU Slabs-Pine, Spruce and Hemlock, per cord ^'^"^ Telegraph Poles, per cord 4,000 Ties-Hemlock, Pine, Spruce, Tamarac, each about ••••••••••; J'f' Ties— Cedar, Sawn Pine, each about iw Hoops, Hoop Poles, Hop Poles, per ^^ cord ' '^ ALLOWANCES IN TRACK SCALE WEIGHTS FOR ^ LUMBER, Etc. Allowances in Track Scale Weights for Lumber, Bark, Sdwood and other rough forest Products : Platform Cars, Summer ,^'^ "/f* Winter -''^ .. 3,500 4,000 4,500 350 325 245 235 525 3,000 3,375 3,925 4,500 1,125 3,000 3,000 4,000 3O0O 3,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 :^25 300 225 210 450 2,400 3,000 3,500 4,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 3,000 2,400 3,000 150 120 130 100 3,250 3,000 Box Summer i mn Winter ' Summer period. May jst to October 31st. Winter " Nov. 1st to April 30th. -87- i TABLE OF ESTIMATED WEIQHTS -Continued (JEDAR POSTS. The following quantities of redui' posts. 9 feet lonjr, are estimated to weigh 24,(KM) lbs.: 28 ft'ct car 4 ft. 9 in. high '^ " " 1ft. (Jin. - '^ " *' 4ft. Hin. '• 'f " " 4ft. Oin. " •^ " " :ift.lOin. •• GRAIN IN BULK. * The quantity in a car can be ascertained, with suffici- ent accuracy, by nuiltiplying the internal length and breadth of the car together, and then by the height of the grain. Multiply this product by 1728 (number of inches in a cubic foot), and divide by 21tj0 (number of cubic inches in a bushel). Thus :--Car 27 ft. 6 in. x 8 ft. 7^ in. x 2 f t. 1 in. =494 ft. 1 in. 8 pts. Multiply by 1728, and -f 2150 -4(3() nearly. ROUND TIMBER. 1st. When all the sizes are in feet, multiply the length by the 8QUARE of one-quarter of the mean girth, and the product will give the volume in cubic feet.- 2nd. When the length is in feet and the girth is in inches, multiply as above, and divide by 144. Hrd. When all the dimensions are in inches, 'multiply as above, and divide by 1728. Thus :— 50 ft. long-girths 81.5 and 02.9 inches. .„ / 31.5 + 02.9 A ^^ „ 6962 ^Ox ( 2 ^*) = ^^ ^ 11-^' = *^962, and j~ - 48..347 feet. „ 31.5 + 02.9 + 2^ ,,, 111392 ,,, 50 X j-^ + 144 - -^"^ 144-48..347 feet. The mean girth of Round Timber may be obtained by taking the circumference at both ends and in the centre, adding them together and dividing by 3. The girth of Spars should be arrived at by taking their diameter at one-third of their length from the abut or laige end. SQUARE TIMBER. 1st. When all the dimensions are in feet, multiply the product of the breadth by the depth, by the length, and the product will give the volume in cubic feet. 2nd. When one of the dimensions is in inches and the other dimensions are in feet, multiply as above and divide by 12. 3rd. When two of the dimensions are in inches, and the other din^^nslon in feet, multiply as above and divide by 144. Thus : 20 ft. long and 15 in. scpiare :— 15 x 15 x 20 = 4500. and 4.500-^144 = 31.25 cubic feet. The following are found to be average weights of Round and S(|uare Timber:— White Pine 48 li)s. per cubic foot. Hemlock, Spruce. Red Pine 55 '• " «' Ash Elm, Maple, Cherrv, Birch, Beech GO " " «« Oak, Hickory 05 " " " _.W8— » i / I I -aTlUlWillllMH ^"itma:'') - f ^ mutmmm 0'