IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V MP. 1.0 I.I 1.25 If li^ IIIIM 1^ 1112.2 1^ ^ lis IIIIM 1.8 U III 1.6 V] L\ND ALMANAC, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD [being the latter part ok THK KOUrY-SKVENTll AND THE UE- GINNING OF THE FOKTY-EIGUTH YEAR OE THK UEKJN OF HER PRESENT MA.rESTY (JUEEN VICTORIA.] -CONTAINING— Astronoinicai. SMistical, Gonercial, Local, aM teral liiatioii. DERIVED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES : ALSO, A Post Oie Directory for Newfoiilaiil CONTAINING AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND SETTLEMENTS IN THE COLONY, WITH THE POST TOWNS AND WAY OFFICES. '] PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR BY W. J. HERDER. For sale at the Bookstores, and at the Office of Publi- cation, Gregory's Lane, St. John's, N.F. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND: TELIiORAM PRINT. 1883. rftfft u Carpenters, Contractors, and Undertakers. "EXCELSIOR WOOD FACTORY," Constnntly onliitnd, and made ta ord«^r. in, M NEWELS, HAND-RAILS, BALLUSTRADES, AND ALL OTHER — — BUILDING REQUISITES. ♦ DS^PRIME SEASONED LUMBER of all kinds on hand, and for sale cheap. THOMAS McCONNAN, 201,i WATER STREtT. I^QI^ S2. JOM^T'S, JVI!WF0UJ\r3)LjiJ^I>. THE NEVVFOUNDLAM) ALM&NJLC, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1 :r lie \tf [lIBINU TUK LATTER I'ART OF TUB I'OliTY-bliVlilNTir AN1> TIIIC IJK- OINNING OF THE FORTY-EIGIITII YEAR OP THE RKION OF HER PRESENT MAJESTY rnir.,n- and afternoon, jnemoranda, &c. Colony oV Newfonndlaud Colonial Secretary's Ofllci- Commissioners of Wncked rr<_i;)ei1y (Commissioners of IVilois '. Commissioners of Aflidavils, ic, in Sui'-reii'.c Conit Colonial and Church Soi-jcty Chandler ol Conunerre (St. John's ■< Constabulai'v Consuls Calendar Central District Court Clerks of tlio Veiw. Difl'ereneo of time a,t vmc'i^us places on the /jjlobe. as com- pared witli Si. .loliii : 13istrict Sur;j;(!()ns Kclijisea, IMl Executive (yonncil Kducationiil institutions — l'rnt(.>st;int and Koman CatlioTn: Education Boards Ecclesiastical Departmen;. .'>ic. Churcli of En.t-land Komari Catliolic Chnn.ii Harbor Crrace West NewtiHiiidland Methodist Church, SL. Jolui's district Carbotioar district Bonavista district I'resbytcrian Church ConftTogational Church Tog Signals ''ixed and movable festivals, anniversaries, &c 'financial Secretary's oifice Geological department louse of Assembly 4:1—52 2r>— 2(; :>G-3i <;.",— (14 ."i I ') .".;! .->;'. (;."► Hi' .si> -:.><> •>•» ("iS (•-4 ,s tin <;: i;:i — 7 ! 74~7(; 1 fl — ( / -iS 7.>^ 78 7s 711 <:2 s L'4 .■>:< 2'i V i ;■! f I : •!; tti 4 TME NJriVFOLNJJLAJVD ALMANAC. Harbor Muster and Harbor Dues h2 Hospital ;JL' Health OlUccrs (]3— (;4 Inspectors of Weights and Measures tiK.-u!> Justices of the Peace 07 Judicial department, comprlsiuj; lists of barristers and attorneys of the Supreme Court, Stipendiary Muj^is- trates, &c t;."»— G7 Legislative Council 22 Lighthouses, Beacons, &c r>:i— ♦>! Lunatic Asylum ^2 Light Dues flli Latitude and longitude of places on the Coast of New- foundland <; Medical olllcer for sick seamen (i4 Newfoundland Methodist Academy «]!» Notaries Public (i(i Newspapers published in the Colony (;4 Post Ofllce Department ;}2 Parcel Post :io—'M Postal Iloutes :{3— 3t Postmasters .'32 Post Ofllce Directory 40-41 Wayollicers 32—33 Wayolliccs ... 41—43 Inland Postage 35 Money Orders 37 Rates of Postage 34—35 liegistration 37 Poor Commissioner 24 Public Officers (Departmental) 24 Poorhousc 32 Queen's Printer , . r»4 Royal Family of Great Britain 21 Revenue Department 24 Board of Revenue 24 Revenue Establishment 24 Outport Sub-collectors 24 Preventive Oflkers . . 25 Customs' Department 25 Treasury Department 25 Road Commissioners 26—31 Surveyor General's Department 25 Superintendent of Mercantile Marine 25 St. John's Academy 09 Tariff 78-82 Vice-Admiralty Court 6(> Weather, table 7 ad Is- w- H'2 t]3— (14 UK— G'.t 07 22 flL' ('> U4 ()4 152 :}3-3l ;j2 40-41 32—33 41—43 35 37 34—35 37 24 24 32 r,4 21 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26-31 25 25 78-82 6(J TIfh: X /; [/ FO f XD I A NT> A f. UA NA C. Eclipsos, 1884;. In the year 1mm4 tlior«.' will \w three Eclipses of the Srsand two of the Mdox. I.— A Tftitial Eellpso of the Siir. Mtucli WC, 1MS4, invlHii)le at Greenwich. Bejiins on the Etirth i^oiud'ally, Miu'ch 2i'., 171i. lOni. Ss., Mean Time lit (Ireenwiih, in Lonnitmlt' W'^ 51' E. of riiccnwicli, and l/ititu',» ° y S. Eclipse, Ai)rii 5."), :;ii. Kim. ;'.s. Muu'. (Snn's diam. - 1) 0-7r)S, ill Eonifitnde 4° :;8' E. of Greeinvieli, and Latitude 70° 52' S. Ends on tlie Earth gener.aliy, April 2."'>, !lj. ;!2in.."is., in Lmii^itnde 12° 2.'>' E of Greenwich, and Lalitndc ;:;;° C' S. IV.— A Total Eclipse of tlie Moon, ()r,tol)er I, issl, visible at Greenwich. The llrst contact with the Shadow occurs at -"i^ from the North- ernmost point of the Moon's lind) tow.irds tlie East. The last contact, llx^ towards the West; in each case, for Oii'ici image. v.— A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, October IS, ISSI, invisible at Greenwich. Begins on the Earth j^enerally, Oct. is, lOh. 10m. t)s.. Mean Time at Greenwich, in Longitude 131° ."ii;' E. of Greenwich, and Lati- tude (13° 28' N. Greatest Eclipse, Oct. IS, 12h. 17m. I)s., Mag. (Suns diam. ^^ 1) 0-042, in Longitude 130° 3' W . of Greenwich, and Lat. 71° ;;3' N. Ends on the Earth generally, Oct. IS, Mli. l.'im. Ss , In Longitude 134° 21' W. of Greenwich, and Latitude 33° 20' N. i 1 r THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Latitude and Longritudt of plaois on the Ooast of ITowfoundland. Cnpo Ray ('apt' St (it'orji:!' Cow \h'iu\ roiiit, Uklu«! I'oiiil Koioll." Ci\\)ii Noi'iimu Ciiiirpoii \fi\i\ui\ ('ape Bauld (iroais Ishiiid N<»rili Toiiit CiinatI:! IIijmI Capc^ Si. .lolni Noillj Hill Twillln^'iiU! IIarl)oi-— Harbor Hock. ("!ap»; Fo^io Ofler Wadhnin Fii'ik I^huid Capt! Kit- Is SoiiLh Hill , Grc«'usp'»ml Uland Ollbr (ini)S('lM Tij' Ishuitl Cai)o Hdiuu i>la— (iiiil Islanil Calaliiiii llarlxir— Norili lleatl lIorsi.Mdiopx Trinity llail)nr— eiitrauet' Boiiavfiitiire Ik-ad'calicu Islaiicl— North Point .... Cape St, FraiKMs ('ap . . .-.7 5 47 r.i 117 I> . 55 48 1) .•>i ;{M 1 1 . 55 30 (J r.o (■)'.) . . 55 27 .'.() II . . 5(1 •» 41> .v.» 30 . . 55 25 ■i'.» •M 28 . . 54 41 20 l!l 40 . . 53 54 4!> •,\7 30 . . 53 40 411 44 21 . . 53 7 20 4!» IS 40 . . 53 24 4!) 7 30 • . 53 31 48 l,H 30 . . 53 27 I) 4H i-2 40 . . 52 6!> 20 4s li2 28 . . 52 50 4S 21 ;{0 . . 53 8 30 4,s 22 30 . . 53 11 30 4S k; 30 . . 53 18 10 48 1) . . 52 44 40 47 48 4 . . 52 43 41 47 30 53 . . 52 33 30 47 ;{ 52 . . 52 57 27 4« 4(J 4i; . . 52 53 20 40 3'J 43 . . 52 51) 10 4(J 2(5 33 . . 50 5(i 35 4(! 37 14 . . 53 30 4(1 49 25 . . 54 8 45 47 15 11 . . 53 55 3 47 2 . . 54 52 4G 54 li) . . 55 20 30 4(1 r»4 . . 55 5U 4(> 4U 52 . . 5G 8 44 47 8 11 . . 5(i 19 30 True Latitude of (Jhurch Hill 47° 34' North. Longitude (West of Greenwich) 52° 42' West. Variation of the Compass 32° 30' and in- creasing seven seconds annually. NoTK — The Tide Tables in the Calendar pages may be rendered applicable to various other places on the coast, by simply adding or subtracting, as the ease may be, the difl'erence between the times of Higli Water on the full and change of the Moon at St. John's, and t' e time of the Full tide at any other harbor; for ex- ample, to llnd the time of High Water at any of the principal har- bors of Conception Bay, add 45 minutes to the time at which It will be High Water at St. John's; for Placcntia Bay add 2 hours; for St. Peter's, Ih. 50m. ; forFerolle, on the North West Coast, 4 hours, &c.— See table LVII of Norie's Epitome. 1 o'a Soast of Long. W. 10 :{ 515 5-' :)2 ');5 52 52 52 52 52 52 50 53 54 17 14 51 24 48 :'7 2.> 41 54 40 7 24 •M 27 5!» 5(5 H 11 IH 44 43 33 57 53 59 5(5 30 8 53 55 54 52 55 55 5G 50 20 5'J H 19 ti o 20 20 <; 30 30 10 40 41 30 27 20 10 35 45 3 30 44 30 A' Nortli. 12' West, lo' and in- I be rendered iply adding between the JMoon at St. Ibor; for ex- rincipal har- [at which it Idd 2 hours ; [est Coast, 4 THE NKWFOUyDLAyU ALMANAC. A Talslo For tollingr ilio Weiitlior through all the LiiimtioiiH of rnch Year, Tor cyer. This iabh' Is tlie rcHult of many years' actual observation ; tlic whole boln^ conHtructeil on a duo consideration of tlio iittniction of the Sun and Moon In their several positions rcspcctiiij; the Earth, and will, by simple inspection, show the observer what kind of weather will most probaI)ly follow the cntranct; of the Moon Into any of Its (luarters, and that so near the truth us lo be seldom or never found to fail. d a •■ -''^ 2 1 o a « o '^ '^ « 5' J?e O c* r* H"2 t^ H * •-* 2 to <* m « llj 'fl O — v ft ►1 ■* re B •-< s* ... a _. w So o •-» 1=- » d o 2 '^ ^ p S'w d £ o p po o C d •-1 o o O c » Cfi bb B -^ rt 2 r' '^ O P a (B ^s B'd (6 O «< O »^ ^^ (» o »^ d p p p d d o P ll 3! t^ I n ^ H p '^ •^ a ^ ft '* 2 •O ft ft ft B a p IC H d* ft "d » ft ft o .3 a » - M p «d n ► r* H B '■^• d r*. ftfl •-' ft u d rt — T5 ?d ft O »i ^ Oi ft a* ft B o o d a* p >o ►d ft d ft E o >-« ft a I—' o ft p c:< o d o ft ft a ft O ft d Cf3 a* r^a* tJ' ft ft B >-^ ft t?p 1-1 ft ►1 a 3. ^* a :3? ft n ^" ft o ^^ a* <-► ft a* 1 ft ft S li - ■ , ^ crq 05 ft a' Z a" erf .— • tn (^ 1+ ft - 35 ftp? o a r/5 d ft X 3 ""^ i-s c^ o ©"ft >-i t-i"^ d O a 03 a OS! p d s Ifthr. iV< Quarto ID MdOii, (he. ^''idl Miiiiii, hojijyti.H W !> ft r» ft "fl o a •> n ^ First QiKir- or the L".it W c (-> • ft ft a ft a c a-B o a p p a a i; p p ; a I o =■ V. ^p p o 'K r; c;. i. CL s- c:- r, 4- li ft g y p p a -• a a c S - a 7; n c: *» £■ D" 3 3B'!=!p o o o 5 ■^ "^ a r- a a a -^ c'b"b' "i; S. :^" W 4j "1 't?' p p • c ^ o a" p a fi; ft p : a a :5 a- - - ft p "5 a 5f'5 ■ ^. p O P_ 5 a' £ r-' -.. I- p '-1 o ft •A ft 3 t-1- -1 ^ O W "^ ^Tl ''i p S; p p_ p_ p_ ^ 5' fi' ^' "-5" ^2i" § p p a 72 a o o f/1 3 ^ o o 05:: o a' p u- a a p a B ^ a ft ft O i-« S ti. CL. o 3^ a a" ft 5' H o ri 'J, H a ii TJIE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Calendar. Goltleu Numl)cr Impact 8olar Cycle .... Dominical Letters F E Roman Iiulication 1l' Jiiliau Period Gait? Fizod and Movalsle Festivals, Anniversaries, &c. Epipliauy Jan. *; Septuaji:esinia Feb. 10 QaiuU 22 21 45 018 87 22 40 1 (8^ 5 10 5 43 T • H 7 53 4 21 22 IC 59 olio 0(5 (i 48 13 1 (»01 08' 6 32 w ! 1> 7 53 4 22 22 8 4(5 7 21 05 7 13 33 1 038 57 7 21 Th. 10 7 52 4 24 22 8 4!22 13 7 37 07 1 015 7 40 8 10 F . 11 7 52 4 2.-, 21 51 4 4 23 20 8 2 03 090 8 35 8 59 S 12 7 51 4 L'C) 21 41 34 8:24 20 8 25 50 005 9 19 9 43 Su. 13 7 51 4 27 21 ;51 10 l!25 30 8 48 35 030 10 0810 33 M 14 7 no 4 29 21 21 20 4I2O 34 9 10 58 912 10 67;ii 21 T 15 7 oO 4 30 21 10 30 027 ;;g 9 32 15 885:il40. . .. W. 16 7 40 4 31 20 59 27 3 28 37 9 53 07 857 35! 59 Th 17 7 48 4 '.V.:, 20 47 54 4 29 30 10 1.') 30 820 1241 148 F 18 7 47 4 34 20 35 57 8 30 35 10 32 s5 800; 2 13: 2 37 S 10 7 4(5 4 3(i 20 23 37 7 31 32 10 51 00 770, 3 20 3 26 Su. 20 7 45 ; 4 37 20 10 54 5 32 27 U 82 740 3 51 4 15 M 21 7 44 ; 4 38 19 57 48 5:33 21 11 27 210 709; 4 40j 5 04 T 22 7 44 j 4 40 JO 44 20 2 34 14 11 43 8(5 078 5 29; 5 53 W 23 7 43 1 4 42 1!) ;j() 20 7 35 05 11 50 7(5 040 18 (5 42 Til. 24 7 42 1 4 4.3 r.) 10 17 G.35 05 12 14 89 614 7 07 7 31 F 25 7 41 ■ 4 45 10 1 44 3130 82 12 20 24 582 7 56| 8 20 S 26| 7 40 i 4 40 18 40 50 1 .37 09 12 42 81 540'| 8 45! 9 09 Su. 27: 7 38 4 48 18 31 35 3 38 53 12 55 57:0 515 10 34 10 58 M 28 7 37 4 4!) 18 1(5 5 30 3() 13 7 52 481 11 2311 47 T 29 7 3(" 4 51 18 5 40 17 13 18 050 447 12! .30 W 30 7 35 4 52 17 13 52 140 97 13 28 0(3,0 4121 1 01 1 25 Th. '31 1 7 3;j 4 51 S 17 27 19 4 41 75 13 .38 43 377 1 50, 2 14 Memoranda, &c.- Jauuavy 3, Tort lloyal, Jamaica, burnt, 1703. 0, Epiphany. 8, Battle ol" New Orleaus, 1815. 9, Roman Catholio Cathedral opened, 18.-i0. 10, reniiy Pcstage, Great Britain, 1840. II, R. Bruce died, Kill. 15, James Watt boru, 173(5. IG, Battle of Corunua, lso:>. 17. B. Fraukliu born, 170G. 19, D. Webster born, 1782. 22, Byron boru, 1783. 23, Wm. Pitt died, 1806. 24, Fox born, 1749. 25, Conversion of St. Paul. 20, Dr. Jenner died, 1823. 27, Mozart died, 1756. 21, Colonial Building opened, 1850. I !■: 20 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC FEBRUARY, 1884. i^ MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. First Quarter 3rd day, 21i, 26m, evening. Full Moon ,. . 10th day, Ih, 17m, evening. Last Quarter 18th day, llh, 42m, morning. New Moon 26th day, 3h, Odm, morning. ^' Sun rises Sun sets 0. app. time. 1 s Enua. s High '^ Sun^s Decli- ;5- 'V .\ Water at ^ ^ St.Ji It ohn's. nation. hi.. '-I , time. 1 odd. 1 -- St John's. h. m. h. m / II " ! m. 8. : s • a. in. p. m. F 1 7 32 4 5o S 17 10 28 342 51 13 47 060 342 2 39 3 03 s 2 7 31 4 57 16 53 19 1 43 25 13 64 86 308 3 28 3 52 Su. 3 7 29 4 59 16 35 52 3 43 97 14 1 82 273 4 17 4 41 M 4 7 28 5 16 18 8 2 44 6914 7 94 238 5 06 6 30 T 5 7 27 T) 2 16 7 4 45 3814 13 23 203 5 55 19 W 6 7 25 5 3 15 41 50 1 40 05 14 17 68 168 6 44 7 08 Th. 7 7 24 5 T) 15 23 16 8 46 71 14 21 30 134 7 33 7 57 F 8 7 22 5 7 15 4 28 47 35 14 24 11 100 8 22 8 46 S 9 7 20 T) 8 14 45 24 47 97 14 20 11 067 9 11 9 35 Su. 10 7 19 5 10 14 26 5 2 48 58 14 27 32 034 10 00 10 24 M 11 7 17 5 11 14 6 32 49 17 14 27 73 001 10 49 11 13 T 12 7 16 6 12 13 40 44 8 40 75 14 27 37 031 1138 • « • • W 13 7 14 5 13 13 26 44 1 50 31 14 26 25 062 27 61 Th. 14 7 13 5 15 13 30 1 50 85 14 24 39 093 116 140 F 15 7 11 5 16 12 46 3 351 87 14 21 80 123 2 05 2 29 S 16 7 5 18 12 25 24 1 51 8844 18 49,0 152 2 64 3 18 Su. 17 7 7 5 19 12 4 33 52 37114 14 48 181 3 43 4 07 M 18 7 5 21 11 43 30 3 52 8514 9 79 209 4 32 4 56 T 19 7 4 5 22 11 22 16 4 53 3014 4 43 237 5 21 5 46 W 20 7 3 5 24 11 "() 51 7 53 74 13 58 40 206 10 6 34 Th. 21 7 2 5 25 10 39 16 7 54 10 13 51 73 291 59 7 23 F 22 7 5 26 10 17 3i 8 54 57 13 44 43,0 317 7 48 8 12 S 23 6 r)9 5 27 9 55 37 5 54 95 13 36 51 343 8 37 9 01 Su. 24 6 57 5 29 i) 33 34 1 55 32 13 27 98 368 9 26 9 50 M 25 6 55 5 30 9 11 22 55 67 13 18 86,0 392 10 15 10 39 T 26 6 52 5 32 8 49 1 7 50 01 13 9 160 416 1104 1128 W 27 6 51 5 34 8 26 3;; 7 56 32 12 58 89 440 11 53 • • • • Th. 28 6 49 5 35 8 3 58 3 56 6212 48 06 462 42 1 06 F 29 6 48 5 .'i6 S 7 41 15 9 56 90|12 30 70 484 1 31 155 Memoranda, &c.— Fel). 2, Candlemas Day. 5, Sir Robert Peel boru, 1788. (5, Fish Convention laid hefore the Legislature, 1857. 8, Mary Queea of Scots beheaded, 1587. 10, Septuagesima Sunday; Queen Victoi-ia married, 1840. 14, St. Valentine's Day. IG, Dr. Kane died, 1857. 17, licuevolcnt Irish Society founded, 1806. 22, Washington boru, 1732. 24, Quinquagesima— Shrove Sunday; St. Matthias. 27, Ash Wednesday; Longfellow born, 1807. I 1 ndland. 3iiing. suing. )rning. )rning. High Vater at t John^s. m. p. m. 139 3 03 \'2% 3 52 H7 4 41 »06 6 30 )55 G19 5 44 7 08 r33 7 57 ^22 8 46 )11 9 35 )00 10 24 )49 11 13 38 • • • • 127 61 IG 140 05 2 29 64 3 18 43 4 07 32 4 56 21 5 45 10 6 34 59 7 23 48 8 12 37i 9 01 26 9 60 15 10 39 04 11 28 53 . . . . 42 106 31 155 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 11 Robert islature, agcsima L''s Day. founded^ -Shrove born, MARCH, 1884. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. X' XJ.DU ^yxt Full Moc Last Que New Mo m ... irter on . . . • * . . 11th day, 19th day, . 26th day. 4h, 09m, morning. 7h, 42m, morning. 2h, 48m, evening. KJAJ. ... j^,^,^^^^^ ^^^^^ an Sun vines St. J 1 Sun sets it ohn^s. G. opp. time. Snn\i Decli- nation. . 5 Kqua. ~ i liifA (if < 2 : ^Vater at time. '^ Z '■ '''''• '^*^'"*'*'- as 9:5 10 85 679 10 30 10 54 W 12! G 24 5 50 8 4 5i) 02 9 44 410 691 11 19 1143 'Ih. 13l 6 22 5 57 2 38 31 59 09; 9 27 6S0 702 .... 32 F 14i 6 20 5 58 '> M 14 51 9 ,59 16 9 10 (59 712 57 1 21 S 15! 6 18 5 59 1 51 11 5 59 20; 8 53 48 721 1 40 2 10 Su. 16' 6 IG 6 1 1 27 30 1 59 24 8 30 OGlo 730 2 35 2 59 M 17i G 14 6 3 1 3 48 59 26 8 18 46 737 3 24 3 4s T 18 6 12i G 4 40 5 8 59 26! y 70 743 4 13; 4 37 W 19 6 10 G G S IG 23 6 59 25 t 42 79 749 5 02 5 20 Th. 20: 6 8, G 7 N i 18 1 59 22 7 24 76 753 5 51 <5 15 F 21, G g' G 8 30 59 59 \^ 6 04 757 6 40 7 04 S 22! 6 4 G 10 54 38 7 59 12 6 48 43 7(50 7 29, 7 53 Su. 23 6 2 Gil 1 18 16 8 59 05 6 30 15 762 8 18 S42 M 24 6 G 13 1 41 52 9 58 96 G 11 84 704 i>07 9 31 T 25: 5 58 G 14 2 5 2G 8 58 85 5 53 50 705 i 9 50 10 20 W 26 6 56 6 16 ■) 28 57 9 58 7.'{ 5 35 14 765 10 45 11 09 Th. 27 5 54 G 17 2 52 26 58 00 5 16 79 764 11 34 11 58 F 28 5 52 G 18 3 15 50 7 58 45 4 5.^ 47 7<53 .... 47 S 29 5 50 20 3 39 11 5 58 28 4 40 19 761 1 12| 1 30 Su. 30 5 48: 6 21 4 2 28 2 58 10 4 21 96 758 2 011 2 25 M 31 5 46 6 23 N 4 25 40 4 57 91 4 3 80,0 755 2 50 3 14 Memoranda, &c.— March 1, St. David. 2. C^uadrageshna— 1st Sunday in Lent; J. Wesley died, 1791. 8, William III. died, 1702. 10, Prince of Wales married, ISO.'?. 15, Cit'sar assassinated, B.C., 44. 17, St. Patriclc's Day. 20, Sir Isaac Newton died, 172G. 25, Annunciation— Lady Day. 28, Raphael born, 1483. IJ i V MVj la THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. I '- APRIL, 1884. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. Jolni'f?, Newfoundland, First Quarter 2nd day, 5h, 46m, morning. Full Moon 9tli day, 8h, lv3m, evening. Last Quai"ter 18th day, Oli, 24m, morning. New Moon 24tli day, llh, 27m, evening. ,S«?t ,S'»H (r. rf^jp. flnie.i ^ '•^ KqlK r 1 • 5 ' lliu^i Day of 1 Day of riaea sets at St. John's. Sun Hi o (Hon. " 1 iimt • •*" Wafer at St. Jo/ill's. 1 h. m,,li. m. / II / Wi. •< s ;i. m. p. 111. T 1 ,0 41 (J 24 N 4 '\f< 47 7 ')7 70 3 45 73;o 75r 3 3!>, 4 03 W 2 5 42 (•) 25 5 11 4!) S5r 47 ;; 27 76'() 716' 4 28; 4 52 T'. 3 r> 'U) 6 27 5 31 4(1 3 57 2;; 3 01 741 5 17 5 41 F 4 o :\S 6 28 5 57 ;;(•. 5() 08 2 52 2()() 731 6 OO; 6 30 S 5 5 36 6 30 6 20 21 2o\j 71 2 34 (Mo 728 «) 55 7 19 Su <5 -) 34 6 31 (5 42 5S 50 43 2 17 2(;;() 720 7 44' 8 08 U 7 5 3l' 6 32 7 5 20 6 5(i 13 2 OS'O 711, 8 33i 8 57 T 8 5 31 (J 3.". 7 27 53 1 55 82 1 43 12 702 • 9 22 4(? VV 9 5 2f< 6 35 7 50 55 50 1 26 4<;0 601 10 Hi 10 35 Tk. 10 5 26 6 36 S 12 17 1 i)') ](! : !) 04 680 11 00; 11 24 F 11 o -JA (5 3S 8 34 K; 54 81 5;') 770 (!G8 11 ':10L. ., S 12 5 )i-J () :vj cS 5{; s 2 54 45 37 !;oo 054 1 3S, 2 02 Sr. 13 ') lM> 6 41 I» 17 5; ) () 54 08 22 36 1) 64' •• 2 27 2 51 \l 14 5 \f< 6 42 i) 30 23 5.'! GO 7 16 626 3 1(5 3 40 '1* lo I) 16 6 4: 10 47 6 5;! 2s 7 08 (;io: 4 05 4 29 VV 10 5 15 6 45 K) ') > 1 5 52 xl 22 110 504; 4 54 5 1(5 Th 17 5 13 6 46 lf> 43 5 3 52 I. (> 3<'. 210 578' 5 43 5 07 F 18 5 11 6 4S 11 • ) 5M ()52 00 40 s7() 500: (5 32! (5 50 ^ 19 5 1» 6 41) 11 21 41 151 54 1 3 11,0 542; 7 21' 7 45 Si, 120 5 7 6 50 11 45 12 4 51 06 1 15 ol'o 524 8 10 8 34 Xl 21 5 6 52 12 5 32 1 50 5S 1 2- 260 505 8 .oO !) 23 T 22 5 4 (5 5;{ 12 25 40 1 50 ()M 1 40 KVO 486 48 10 12 u' 23 5 2 () 54 12 45 ;55 8 40 . 6 1 51 58 466 10 37,1101 Th 24 5 (J (5 56 13 5 1!> 40 0:! •* 2 52 446 11 20ill 5- F 126 4 58 (i 57 13 24 40 4 48 40 2 12 07 425 ... 39 - ;26 4 A6 <) 5i» 13 44 6 6 47 o;'. 2 22 03 405 1 04 1 32 Si? 27 4 oo 7 I) 14 .'> 10 2 17 36 2 32 .'10 ;}84 1 53 2 17 ■|28 4-^3 7 '-> 14 22 46 78 2 11 35 303 -J 42 3 OG T 29 4 51 ^ .1 14 40 35 6 46 18 2 40 70 341 3 31 3 55 N\' 30 4 5(t 7 4 N14 5« 5'i 7 45 57 2 57 7.-i 320 4 20 4 44 Memoranda, &c. — April 6, ruhii Siindjiy; Goldsmith born, 1774. 7, "VVood>w«)rth t)orn, 1770. 10, Lord 13:icuii dieil, 1G20. 11, Good Friday, 12, Lincoln assiissinatcil, 18(15. 13, Easter Sun- day; Catholic Emancipation, 1820. 15, Franklin died, 1705. 16, Battle of Cullodc.n, 174(5. 17, Shakespeare; born, 15(!L 1!), Byron died, 1824. 20, Low Sunday. 2;!, St Georgo. 24, Cromwell boru, 1599. 25, St. Mark. 26, riague of Lomlou, 1G55. 20, Joan of Arc entered Orlcan.s, 1429. Fi Til. S Sr. T W Th. I- S r s Sr, M T 1"^ mdland, orning. ^eniug. orning. '■ening. llhjh Vater at •t.J >hn\'i. p. 111. ni. 5 .*)!>, \ m \ US; 4 o2 'i 17 41 J ()(;' G 30 ) 0.') 7 19 ' 44 S 08 ^ M.'ii 8 57 ) 22 y 40 ) llilOJJo I 00:11 24 4i»:.. .. •■{S, 2 02 ! 27 2 5] IC) ;i 40 05 4 29 r,4 o 10 07 :;2i m 21' 7 45 10 s;{i ol) !) 2;} 48 10 12 ;n 1 1 01 2011 T). . 39 04' 1 32 53 2 17 42 3 OG 31 3 55 20 4 44 th born, 1G20. tor Sun- Da. 16, >, Byron ell born, n of Arc TIJE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 13 MAY, 1884. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. Jolni's, Newfoundland. First Quarter 1st day. 9h, 37ra, evening. Full Moon. 9th day ,'■•"- Last Quarter .17th day, New Moon 24tii d;i;y , First Quarter 3l8t daj'. Oil, 37m, eveniuj^'. Ih. 23m, evening. 71i, 06m, morning. Ih, 25m, morninj?;. -~ ^ Hvn Hi'l! '/. '.ii>p. filllC. --. .. Ju/iia -^ 5^ //// //i (If Hf. Jnhll'.-i. ll'i/ini/. ~ ~ '.'/' i; -X- }\' 3 2! 29 232 7 3.' 7 56 M 5 4 42 7 11 u; jr. .-2 7 42 ;'.! 3 L';) (10 210' S 21 8 45 T (5 4 40 7 12 k; -i;] :;9 4i 02 :; :; ! 30 l>7 10 9 31 ^V i 4 39 7 M 17 1;) ;) !() ol 3 3S 50 163: () oi) 10 23 Th. H 4 3.S 7 15 17 .' 3 45 27 116 11 ;;7 S 10 4 35 7 is 17 17 5-^ ;'>S 7-! 3 47 77 () 092 1 20 1 50 Su. 11 4 33 7 19 IS 3 19 4 37 99 3 40 iVJO 0()S 2 15 2 39 M 12 4 32 7 20 IS b; _•:.' 1 37 2;; 3 51 02 044 3 04 3 2S r 13 4 31 7 21 . IS 3 1 '■, .} ;;(; -10 3 51 7.-;0 019 3 5.3 4 17 \v 14 4 29 7 23 IS 1: ;;2 35 (u 3 51 95 1.95! 4 42 5 00 Th. 15 4 2S 7 24 10 1 ■:■■' 7 34 f-> 3 51 53 029 1 5 31 •> .')•) ]•' 10 4 27 7 25 19 15 I'i'. i :ii 07 3 50 54 053 1 20 6 44 S 17 4 2() 7 27 1!) ;.S 51 1 33 25 3 4s [}-, 077 7 (!) 7 3;! Su 18 4 24 7 2S 19 42 2 2:^2 42 3 Hi .-•2 101: 7 5S s 22 M 19 4 23 7 29 10 .54 .'y; a :;i ,-,v 3 14 10 i) 125, S 47 11 '1' 20 4 22 7 30 2i' 7 'S 2 30 73 3 40 81 149 9 30 10 00 AV 21 4 21 7 3] 20 i',; 25 5 29 Si ;; 30 07 171 10 25 10 40 Th •)o 4 20 7 32 20 .;: i 1 9 29 00 3 32 5S.1 194:11 14 11 3S V 23 4 19 ( ')0 20 4 2 ..7 3 2S U ;; 27 (15 216 .... 27 S 24 4 IS 7 34 20 5'3 41 -1 27 21 3 22 19 2;!s 52 1 16 Su .25 4 17 7 <">5 2! 1 24 20 .32 3 10 ■::;:> 25i 1 41 2 05 y\ :.i(i 4 10 7 30 21 11 41 S25 41 ;> 78 27!.' 2 30 2 54 •V 27 4 15 7 3S 21 21 13 7 21 li* 3 2 85 20> 3 lii 3 4.3 ^v 2!-.; 4 14 7 40 21 31 20 4 23 50 2 55! 48 316 4 ()>< 4 32 Tt. . 29 4 13 7 11 21 -13 31 7 22 (;2 2 4rg.67 33.4 4 h7 2 39"'45 351: 5 40 5 21 K 30 4 13 7 41 21 52 21", :;21 (i7 10 S 31 4 12 7 42 N2! .-..) 1 20 72, 2 30 83 3G7{ 35 5ii Memoranda, &c. — ^lny l, (iorcniur (rlurcr .>.•;■;•/;;•/> n>/u nj/irr. 1S76; S.8. I'liillip ami .hiiue.s. .">, Cuvd'ui/r lUirJiiHj .sironi iiih' Oi/ics, 0^55. C, Peaci' piochuunHl OcLv.'cou the iiUied powor.s and Ku.sshi, 1S5(;. 11, ]\Iy.s,'iacre at Delhi, 1S57, I:'. Garjnd Elirdoii iindci' new Coitslitittion, 1S55. 13, First Lec/i.s/u!ii:c (laieral Asson, hhf opcnad : Itiuls i,i Walir Street, ISCl. is, l{o,uatiou Sunday. 2(), Foinuhdion Stuiic li. C. Calhalral la'ui. IS 01. 22, Ascension Dav— Holy Thursday. 24, Birth of ilwww Victorau. M \ I J' 14 TIIH NI-: 1 1 'FO UNDLAND AUJANA C. *li 11 JUISSE^J884. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Nowfounclland. Full Moon 8uh day, 41i, 18in, nioi-ning-. Last Quarter 15tli day, llli, 03m, evening. New Moon 22nd day, 2h , 02m , evening. b'irst Quarter 20th dfiy, 2h. 44:in, evening. T— . 1 1 Sim . ii l>l>- lime. ,~ *_, / luiui. » %^ lliilli ■^ =r^ rises at S(l:< < 7 10 83 1 .■")2 64 42() 51 10 15 Til. ') ■1 10 7 40 • ).) •X 30 1.5 84 1 42 24 440 10 40 1 1 04 F (> ■1 10 7 47 22 43 3!) 2 14 S") 1 3] .3:5 453 11 20,11 53 S 7 4 <) 7 4S • )') 4i) 23 7 13 S.'; 1 20 .32 104 . . , , 42 ^v. s 4 7 48 2'' .>1 44 2 12 \ 02 4!)5 2 45 .3 09 \V 11 4 .s 7 .-)! 2:! S i;() 4 si ;J3 02 504 .3 .34 .3 58 Th. 12 1 s 7 ,-)] 12 • ) 1 s 7i) 21 710 512 4 2.3 4 47 F i;] 4 7 7 .yi 2; J 1.-) ■21 5 ( 77 u •1 .32 520 5 12 5 3() S 14 4 7 7 .->2 2;j IS 10 7 7") 2'-i 520 6 01 (i 25 Su. 1,J 4 (] 7 ')'■> 2; 5 20 4() 3 ,) 72 1.1 02 i).3i 6 .50 7 14 M 1() 4 (i 7 C>o 2;5 22 ol 1 1 ■r 00 2S 7-3 .330 7 39 8 0:{ '1' 17 4 7 o4 2;] 24 31 2 * 1 o:* (J 41 0,3 .340 8 2s s 52 W IS 4 li 7 r>-i 2;> 2.'. ■}0 o o () 2;] 2{; .30 I 1 ,31 1 40 94 .343 33: 67 IM 2;3 4 s 7 ,j() 2.1 ,10 7 2 o\ 1 6!) 05 540 1 22' 1 4C T 24 4 7 .j() 2;j 24 3 1 •i . 1 '17 ■ ) 12 87 530 2 11 2 35 w. 2') 4 7 .">() 2.". 22 .■■;<) 1 4 (U) 2 2o 67 53,0 .3 00 3 24 Th 26 4 10 7 '3() 2;] 20 .->(; ;i .") 03 I) 38 .3:50 524 3 40 4 13 F 27 4 10 7 ijO 2;] IS 2!) (; (i 6.3 2 50 81,0 510, 4 38 5 02 ,--; 2S 4 10 7 o(] 23 l.j 37 1 7 07 • > o 09,0 507' 5 27 5 51 Su. 2i) 4 11 7 00 2:5 12 20 s ,s (iO • > 15 150 4',)7 (5 10 40 I\l ;jo 4 11 7 50 X 23 8 40 9 7J 26 07 487 7 05 7 20 E(|iiatioa of tinu'. 1,0 bo substractcd Trom apparent time to the 14th, and to be added the remainder of the month. _ Memoranda, &c.— Juut; 1, Pentecost — Whit Sunday. 3, George in born, 173S. 4, Battle of Magenta, 18.19. s, Trinity Sunday. 9, Gi'eat Fire, ISlC; Gnrenmy Jjaniierman siri>rn into (>(/ici>. 12, Corpus Christi. 13, Magna Charta signed, 1215. 17, John AVeslev born, 1703. is, Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 20, Acces- sion of Queen Victoria. 21, I'roclamation Queen Victoria, 1837. 24, St .lohii Baptist; Midsninmer Day. 2\), N'lnfh GciieraJ Afsem- 1)1 1/ N('irj<)iintlhiii(l (iissi)l rcil, 18(1!). in. p. m. 24 7 4.^ i;j s 37 02 <) 2(5 ni 10 ir, 40 1104 2!) 1 1 5;5 .. 42 07 1 .•!! 0(5 2 2) 4-"; ;! 00 .'!4 :; r>8 21} 4 47 12 r, ;j(; 01 (i 25 50 7 14 159 8 0:; 2S S o2 17 41 )G 10 .'iO 55 11 10 44 . . . . 33 57 12' 1 40 11 2 '6o )0 ;3 24 10 4 1;] 38 5 02 27 5 51 U) (i 40 |)5 7 20 le 14th, Trinity 15. 17, Acces- a, 18:57. As'sem- TIIE NEWFOUNDLAh ALMANXAL'. 15 JULY, (884. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newl'oundland. Full Moon 7th day, 6h, 49ni, evening. Last Quarter 15th day, 6h, OGm, morninf^. New Moon 21st day, 9h, 23m, evening. First Quarter 27th da3% Gh, 30m, evening. T Th. F S Su, M T \V ,^1(1) I Hiin riiscs I sets at St. Jolin's. J I. ((}>]). time. ~ I Hwvs JJccli- iS ndtinii. : '"' E(j)iir of tiiiif. add. J]i■) 77 450| 9 3;', 42 437:10 22 73 422 1111 (38 407 . . . 27 >) 391, 47 375' 9 5(5 (5 10 5(5 I 00 8 20 51 5:5 32 3 21 45 55 37 8 23 31 10 (5 55 44 23 • 1/ ■7 I 14 24 27 2 24 23 (3' 25 14 3 1 26 04 5,2(5 •.>3i 5^27 81' 5;28 (581 51' 7 (;;5 340 15 58 322 23 (J8() .•J03 39 13 284 3(3 72 205 42 83 245 4S -IBO 224 5 53 59 203 5 58 •_'2 182 (5 (5 41 >| 1 3S 2 27 3 1(5, 4 051 4 54 5 43 (5 32 721! 8 lOl 8 50 1 9 55 10 4(5 11 :)o 24 1 13 2 02 2 5 1 3 40 4 29 18 C 07 (5 5(3 7 45 8 34 9 23 9 4840 12 1: ;;3 It 10 10 3741 01 5 111 137:11 2(5ill 50 .•SO' 20 21 30 8 29 20 ;51 7 30 19 57 12 3 31 22 li) 44 33 32 05; (5 14 10 31 34 32 8G| 15 19 18 15 (li33 OO; (5 15 19 4 38 1 34 45 18 50 41 8 35 24 18 3(5 2G 8 3(5 00 18 21 53 (3 30 7(5 31 ;N 18 7 2 3 37 51 ^^ 03 114 Oil 39 091 (5 13 28 0(50 5S0 041 27 010 .•;(5 00!) Nl 031 71 0()U 95 080 57 112 58 138 1 04 1 53 2 421 3 31! 39 1 28 2 17 3 00 3 55 1! 13 11 '.) (I 4 20; 4 -14 5 09, 5 33 5 US' 22 47| 7 11 7 30 1 8 00 8 25, 8 49 Memoranda, &c.— July 1, Sir 1!. Toel dietK 1850; Dominion of Canada Inaugurated, 18(17. 1, Amciicau ludepcudence, 177(1. 5, Princess lleloua married, ISIKS. 7, Free Trade Act i)a.ssed, IS."}.-,. 10, Cape Rit'l (iiid Capo Breton FJcclrli' L' lau!, 185(5. 1;;, llavelock's victory at Faltchpore, 1857. 15, St. Switlion s Day. 17, Uavelock retakes Cawiipore, 1857. 19, Gorcnior lldl, C.B., arrived iu Neirl'oi'iid/and, 18(;;>. 23, 7V///.r- of }f7fte.'< arrlted at ^7. John's, 18(50. 27, Scruiid Atlantic Catj/e laid, 18(3(5. 29, Freucli Bevolutlon, 1830; St. lyuatu.s Lyola died. 155G, 1 f.l m f.' 10 Till:: yt:]VFOUNDLAND ALMA.SAC. i< r. I ; r AUGUST% 1884. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated, for Mean Time at St. John's, Newl'ouudlancl. IViill Moon Gtia day, 71)., 36in, nioi'ning. Last Quarter .13tli day, llli, 37m, mor.aing. Now Moon ',?,Ot]i day , 6h, 23m, morning. First Quai'tei' 28Lh. day, Oh, 10m, morning. ^ r- ^„ ;'' . natin,. — '"'";- -■- ''^/■'f"l'n\^. ! h. m. 1). 111. '' ' " " I m. a. .s. n. rn. p. in. F 1 4 'lli 7 2i)?;]7 -'U 53 :;;JS 1'} C. 2 OOO 1G4 9 14 9 .'JS s '2 4 41 7 2s 17 ;;<; 2(5 !);]8 ix; r, .-,s 7;jo isi> lo ();5 lo 27 Su. o 4 4.'; 7 ;i7 17 I'o 'i:i 4;;!) cc .'; ;;:; ,v,s() •Jir>ior)2ii ii; M 4 4 40 7 2."> 17 1 •!;> 10 oC .'^ |s .1:^0 1.'40 1141 .... T '') I -IS 7 'Ji k; 4,s lk; oil ()■> .") .l:.' ;j.-, ^G.";, u ;;o 54 W <) 4 -10 7 22 Ki ;Ji .'VJ ,s 11 72 .-) ;>••'» ().S0 ii!)0 1 10 1 4;) Th. 7 4 50 7 21 1(5 15 :) 5 12 ;;- 5 2S 410 ;}15 2 (W 2 ;]2 F S 4 51 7 i;; 15 57 5S (i4:5 o;) 5 20 5(10 -"loO 2 ,j7 o 21 S '04 do 7 IS ].; 10 ;]S 24.'! W' ."> 12 140 ;h;;j .-j 40 ,1 10 Su.'lO 4 54 7 10 15 2;; 2 7 14 29: o :', 15 ;!8G 4 ;35 4 50 M 11 4 00 7 15 15 5 12 ;] 4 1 90^ 4 5:1 (il lOH 5 24 5 4.S T 12 4 57 7 1:5 1! 17 7 4 45 50; 4 4:] 53 401 (} i;j (i H7 \V 13 4 5S' 7 11 11 2y l.s v4(i 09: 4 32 92 453 7 02 7 26 Th. 14 4 59; 7 9 14 10 ir> 14(5 GO 4 21 7^0 475 7 51 « 15 F 15 5 r 7 N 13 51 2S 3 47 23 4 10 14 495 8 40 9 04 S IG 5 2 7 (i 13 32 2>< 2 47 77, 3 5S 00 51G 9 29 9 53 Su. 17 5 3 7 1 i;j 13 15 2 48 30 3 45 37 53() 10 18 10 42 M IS 5 5 7 3 lu .hi 49 G 48 82! 3 ;;2 25 557 11 0711 ;U T 40 5 (5 7 1 12 34 11 G 4!) 33! 3 18 G5 57711 50 .... W 20 5 7 G59 12 14 21 7 49 82; 3 4 57 59G 45 1 09 Th.21 5 9 G57 11 54 2!) 2 50 30 2 50 02 GIG 1 34 i 58 F 22 5 10 G 55 11 34 7 4 50 7G, 2 35 02,0 G34 2 2:5 2 47 S 23 5 11 G 54 11 13 43 G51 21' 2 li) 57 G53 ;5 12 3 3G Su.24 5 13 52 10 53 2 51 05, 2 3 09 071 4 01 4 25 M '25 5 14 50 10 32 24 4 52 07 1 47 3S GS8 4 50 5 14 T 20 5 lo G4S 10 11 29 7 52 48' 1 30 GO 705 5 30 03 W 27 5 n: 40 9 50 25 3 52 88! 1 13 55 721 28, 52 Th. 2S o 18' 44 9 29 11 5 53 2G! 50 05 737 7 17, 7 41 F 29 5 li); 42 9 7 4S 8 53 G;)! 38 19 751 8 00 8 30 S 30 5 2L 40 8 4G 17 4 53 iM 19 !)S0 700 8 oo\ 9 19 Si;.. 31 5 22 38X S 24 37 754 32' 1 43 780 9 44,10 U8 Memoranda, Sec. — !, Slavery aholislied in British Domhuoiis, ]8;'.l. 1, FJrsf Allmllr Telcuruph Cahir la'nj, 1850. c, Duke of ICdinl)iu\ij;h boni, is 14. 8, Caiinin;;' dioO, 1S"J7. 9, Prince ifcnn/ ())' llic Ncllici'ldinl-'i ((rrired in Si. ,J 49 8 54 05 17 440 7i)3 10 3.340 57 T o ,') 2.1 <5 3.1 40 .14 3 .14 90 .30 01 S(M 11 221 11 4(; W o 2C. IS 61 4 55 27 -KJ 05 810 . . . . ' 35 Th 4 r>27 31 •Vi 41 3 55 >-'(\ 1 lb 700 82(5 1 00 1 24 F >') ,) 2!) (i 28; 34 24 5 bb M 1 ■35 7Fo 830 1 4!)! 2 13 « (i ;> 3u (i 2(1' 12 1 2 50 10 1 55 87o s44 2 ,38 3 02 su 7 o :5i () 24 4!) 31 (3 50 '>5 • ) 10 23'i) 852 3 27; 3 51 U s b 33 (] 23 2 ,1(5 2 50 59 2 30 75 858 4 10 4 4i T r, ; -i () 21 "l 1.1 150 82 2 57 42 804 5 0,1' 5 29 W 10 r> 3.-) () 18 11 28 8 57 0.3 ,3 18 210 80S 5 o4 6 18 Th. 11 ') 37 () 1(J IS .37 5 57 2.3 • 1 39 10 872 (5 43 7 04 V 12 J o« () 14 r>i 41 57 42 4 000 875 f^ Ok)' P* ••/. S 13 5 3!) () 12 32 41 457 59 4 21 09 (J 877 8 21' 8 45 8r. 14 u41 () 10 !) ,37 2 57 i ij 4 42 17 879 9 10' 9 34 31 li) f) 42 (5 S 40 29 4 57 89 5 ,3 27 879 59' 10 23 '.[' 16 o43 (5 () 23 18 4 58 02 5 24 38 889110 48T1 12 \V 17 5 44 () 4 2 4 5 58 13 5 45 49 870 10 37'.. .. Til. 18 o 4.-i <; •) 1 .3(5 48 5S 23 (5 57 878' 126 1 50 V 19 a 4() () U 1 1.3 2!) .3 .18 ,32 27 01,0 87(5 : 2 15 2 39 M 20 r. 47 b IS .-)() 8 7 58 39 48 (')0'o S73 3 04 3 28 Su 21 o4!) 5 b(j 20 40 (> b^ 44 7 !) 510 S69 3 53 4 13 A! !22 b bl b b-i N (.) • > (1 23 4 58 48 7 30 3;{ 805 4 42 5 00 T '23 5 o2 b b:', i'i 20 6 58 51 1 51 01 800 5 3li 5 55 \V 24 r, ,54 .1 -jO, 43 2.1 bA 52 s 11 (32 854 20 44 Til. 2b b 4,s' ] (3 49 58 52 8 .32 05 848 7 09 7 33 F 26 5 07 ~) 4(1 I .30 13 9 58 ;m) y 52 32 840 7 58 8 22 S .27 o JS 5 44 1 ry,\ 37 5 58 40 9 12 40 832 8 42 9 0(3 Su. '28 (3 40 21 () 58 30 !) 51 94 814 10 201 10 44 T 30 (i 2 b 38 S - > •> .1 41 4 6S 28 10 11 .35 803 11 091133 Memoranda, &c.— Sept. 2, Allantii' t'ahlcof lSOr> (/rappled ami ■•irrifrrc/, ]8('>7. S, CI rat I L'aslcr)} (trr/rcd (t( Heart's Content ir/tA ISCb Cahle. KSCu. 9, Caiholh- CathvdraJ eonserralcd, 1855. 11, First JC.v!iil>illu)i lichl in Ncnihtinilliinil, 1^72. 10, Moscow burned, I.sJl'. 21, l^ndcstant Cathedral conmratcd, 1«50. 22, Fifth Session Eleventh General Assemhli/ dissulved, 1874. 35, Paci- lic Ocean (iiscoveretl, 1113. 27, Stias'burg falls, 1870. 29, St, Michael— Michaelmas Day. f 4 'i j>. liinc. •)iin\s DcrU- nalidu. quit of iiiie (Id. i C Uiilk 1 Watev at '^ St. John's. 1. m o / " 1 " ' ni. s. s. a. in. |). m. W 1 4 h :',{\ S 11 >) 20 59 1 .-)8 19 10 .30 49 792 11 58 .. .. Tb. 2 r. o 33 3 50 M 4 58 OH 10 49 35 779 47 1 11 F a ') 31 4 13 27 57 90 11 i 90 7()6 1 30 2 09 S 4 (i s 5 2ii 4 .•10 .30 57 83 1 1 20 12 715 2 25 2 49 Su. o (5 1) ■>27: 4 5i) 42 8 57 08 11 43 97 730 3 14 3.38 M (5 (HI 25 5 22 45 ;; 57 52 12 1 l:i() 719 4 03 4 27 T 7 () 12 5 23 5 45 4.". 8 57 35 12 18 4<^0 701 4 52' 5 15 W 8 14 o 22 l> 8 37 9 57 15 12 :)5 10 0831 5 41 05 Th. 9 15 20 .31 27 2 .50 !»512 51 25 <;03 (') 30 (5 54 F 10 17 o IS 54 11 4 5G 7.3 13 9.-. (54.3 7 19 7 43 S 11 () 18 o 10 / 10 50 1 50 4i)13 22 10 021 8 08' 8 32 Su. 12 (5 20 5 14; 39 23 r>(\ 24 13 ;jo 70 000 8 57 9 21 U la () 2 J 5 12' 8 1 49 55 97 l:i 50 88 577 9 40 10 10 T 14 22 5 10 8 24 9 (J 55 09 14 4 45 554 10 35' 10 5!> \V 15 (i 24 5 8! 8 4(5 22 55 39 14 17 45 530 11 24 11 48 Th. 16 6 2;') 5 o! !) 8 28 1 rn) 07 14 29 87 505 .... .37 F 17 27 5 4' 1) 30 25 8 54 73 14 41 09 480 1 02 1 2(5 S IS 28 5 2' 9 52 15 3 ,-)4 38 14 52 90 454 1 51 2 15 Su. in 30 5 10 13 50 1 54 01 lo • > *> 49;o 428' 2 40 3 04 M 20 ;il 4 TjS 10 35 27 9 5,3 03 15 13 4.3 401 3 29 3 53 T 21 33 4 57 10 5() 50 3 5:} 23 1 5 22 72 373 4 18 4 42 W 22 34 4 55 11 18 2 9 52 M 15 31 .35 .345 5 07 5 31 Th. i.-i 30 4 53 n .•',9 5 .3 52 ,38 15 .39 .30 317 5 50 6 20 F 24 37 4 51 11 ui) 57 51 92 15 40 5G0 288 45 7 09 S 2-) 3!) 4 50 12 20 37 ,51 45 15 53 12 259 7 34 7 58 Su. 2() 40 4 48 12 41 6 7 50 97 15 58 98 229 8 23 8 47 jM 27 42 4 40 13 1 24 50 40 10 1 110 199 9 12 9 30 T 28 ■ G43 4 45 13 •:0 29 49 !)4 10 8 510 108 10 01 10 25 W 29 4"> 4 43 r:> .1 21 3 49 41 l(i 12 17 l.?7 10 50 11 14 Th. 30 6 40 4 41, 14 1 5 48 85 10 15 03 105 11 4!) F '31 48 4 40lS 14 20 20 2 48 28 k; i7 21,0 073 1 29 '151 Memoranda. &c.— Oct. 1, Fiiw-f Tc/rf/raph McmujeJ'rom Cape Brelun, 18.5(1; First yteanier on Kiver iliulsou, 1807." i>, Battle Thames, isi,'5, d, .Teiiny 1/iiul born, 1S20. '.), Groat Fire in Chi- cago, 1871. 12, America discovered, ]VJ'2. 14, Battle of .Teuua, 180G. IG, Queen Mary Antoinette beheaded, 1793. 21, Battle ol' Trafalgar, 1805. 24, Webster died, 18.50. 2.5, Battle of Balaklava, 1854. 28, Bcnecolcnt Irish Socict// Incor/)ora!cd, 1839. s lo Su 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 Til. 20 F 21 S 122 Su 23 M 24 T 25 W 20 Til 27 F 28 S ,29 Su '30' id land. 'niiig. iiing. •ning. ning. Ili 1 2(5 51 2 15 40 .". 04 LM), r,.« 18 4 42 07, 5 31 5Gj 6 20 45! 7 00 34' 7 58 2li 8 47 1-2 30 or 10 25 50 11 14 4!) . . . . 2!) 1 51 9)11 Cape , Battle in Chi- .Teuua, Jattle of llaklava, 'nric xr.nForNDLANi) almanac. 19 NOVEMBER, 1884. MOON'S PHASES. Full Moon 2nd diiy, OIi, OOm, ovoniug. Liast (.^uarti;)' Otii day, Hh, liiii, morning. Now Moon IVtli day, 2h, 41tn, inoniing. First Quarter 25th day, Oh, 'irjin, morning. ~ '^i Sun Sun ' ' ■;> ":t:. rises \ sris 5> , -■• at Zi i5| St. Jo/ui'.s, Sim's hi-ili- liutidll. t'J' ; i: I ' HV/rr at lime. ' ~ ^ ! 10 l!> 12 000 3 05 .3 20 15 17 18 3 4(; 47 Ki 18 Mi 028 .3 54 4 16 15 .35 k; 1 15 8J 10 17 7M0 002! 4 43 5 07 1.-) 5.3 :>^ 5 45 10 Ki !5 n7 0971 5 32 5 5(5 Ki 11 55 Oil 52 10 13 11 l:;;) 21 (5 45 5!) 4 20 10 211 35 14.3 ^-4 1(! t) I'.H) lOO; 7 10 7 34 4 27 1(5 40 50 1 43 1.3 10 5 02 204! 7 50 8 14 (5 53 4 54 4 .33 50 4 32 57 4 30 ,) 5 8 10 11 12 14 15 17 IS 20 21 23 24 7 20 7 27 Th.27, 7 28 4 F 28' 7 30 4 S .29 7 31 4 Su.'30 7 32 4 -I -/ 4 2(5 4 25 4 24 4 22 4 l:1 4 20 4 10 4 18 4 1(5 4 15 4 1-! 4 13 4 12 4 11 4 1] 4 m 4 4 8 7 17 17 17 17 5S IS 18 IS 11) 7 l'.> i: 41 i5 5!) 08 241 1 8 ;59 03 .,.,. u u (i;-^ 15 5;{ 47 277| 28 52 37 2(1 4 10 03 15 4(5 40 31310 17 10 41 53 3.» 5-i(; 10 15 38 40:0 340,11 00 11 .30 31 030 37 15 20 (55!0 38511 55 . . . . 25 5 38 57 15 10 08 421' 44 40 25 5.37 75 15 4(50 45(51 1 33 :>:> IX 7;3(S 02 14 5S ()8 4021 57 30 07 14 45 ^(i:() 5201 10 24 12 35 20 14 ;52 810 5(il 10 ;5S 7 2 34 .32 14 18 DMO 505: 10 51 !() \:\^-^ 42 14 4 25 028 20 4 51 5 32 51 13 48 77 001 (i 27 2 22 3 11 4 00 4 40 r. •>« 1 OH 1 57 2 4(5 .1 .1 ; <) ,y > 4 24 5 13 02 (5 51 20 17 40 0.31 :)^ 13 32 510 004' .•10 2.':0 03 13 15 48 725 7 1(5 7 40 8 05 8 00 10 20 0742 57 70 75(5 8 54 18 51 5 28 7012 -v.) 18 787 9 43 10 07 20 20 20 ./-. 21 5 8 27 71 12 10 IMlO 81010 32 10 50 21 10 820 71 lii OOO 845:11 21 11 15 21 2(5 30 8 25 70 11 .30 37 874',. .. 34 (5 21 30 35 4 24 08 U 18 ti7 901' 50 1 23 OS 21 4(5 \ry 2 23 (54 10 5(5 ilO 02> 1 48: 2(12 Memoranda, &{:.-Xov. 1, All Saints' Day. i', All Souls' Day. ;5, Free St. Andrew's Church opened, 1850. 5, Battle Inkermau, 1854. 9, Prince of Wait s born, isfl. 10, Xcufuinidhtud and New York- Telcf/raph ope nci I 185(1. 14, Mo/art born. 1710. 17, Suez Canal opeuec 1, 18(59. 22, St. Cecelia. Steam rrinting, 1814. 30, St. Andrew; Ist Sunday in Advent. I. Mi, uo rUi: A'EWt'()lM>LAM) ALMAS A<\ DECHMBE \ 1884. I I,. MOON'S PHASES. Calculated for Mean Time at St. John'n. Newfoundland. Full Moon liUsl Qiiailor L'lid (l;iy. .s(li (lay. N(nv Moon HJtIi ^hxy, l-'lrst (.iiiiirtfr 'J.'.tli dny, Full Moon ;!lst diiy, ;'>li, 2!>ni, nidniiM^i-. 7li, Odin, (ivrnint;. !i|i. .Villi, cvcniiii;'. I'll, .".dm, cvfiiiiiir. Ill, .".')in, t'\oiiiMU'. ^ ,>: nun nini (ijiji. /ill' 1 'ini'i. '*- s Uiijh "^ i'^ r/.sY'.v ' .v( '■V > 'iiii'.'i Ihili -* -^ "•5 }Y(iU'r (tl ir- ,tf IKltli'll. 1 " t 'inc. ■- - SI John's. <^ •^ SI, John' s. mill. ti. III. Ii. d ■J ' /' " in * t "'* 1. ni. .. .11. M 1 1 .(.) ■{ 5S 21 oo :\<) 022 50 1(1 .'i;; :>\ n 055 2 ;57 001 T •> 7 .'!.-)! 4 .") 22 1 r.i 121 5)5 10 1(1 2!) !)S0 :> 20 50 ^v •J 7 :;(;' \ 1 22 12 i;; ;; 20 lo !) 10 47 1 ( )( )5 1 15 1 00 Til. •1 7 .•;7: 1 1 22 20 41 1 10 . s 1 1 22 00 1 020 .'. 01 5 20 F ') 7 ;;> 4 o 22 28 !;; 1 1> 21) S 57 OS 1 052 17 s () 7 ;?i) -1 '•') 22 oo 10 i 17 10 ,^^ ;) 1 55 1 07-1 42 7 00 Sr. i 7 in .| • I 22 11 5H ;; i(i ON *•! 5 51 1 ( ;'. 15 7 01 7 51 I\I 8 7 42 4 >) 22 IS 10 r 1 1 o'i 7 :j>- 07 1 no s 20 S .14 T {) 7 415 1 ;i 22 :>:', oO 21;! >■•; i 11 00 1 iOl OOi) i» OS W 10 7 44 4 • > 22 -J!) M 5 12 00 Oi ■14 52 I 152 5S 10 22 Th. 11 7 1 ! '\ • 1 2;; I 5 1 1 55 10 07 1 ioo 10 .!7 11 11 F VI 7 4.V J * 1 2-'; 8 20 1 M 41 5 IS 1:; 1 ISI 1! :iO • ■ * * S i;j 7 4G 4 2;i 12 2') 25 .") 10 >•.', I 107 d 25 40 Sii 14 7 47; 4 -> 2:5 15 5;; ■J >- (11 •I 51 00 1 210 1 11 1 ;!s M lo 7 4s: •! • t 2:5 l> .';;; .'; 'J2 ! 21 70 1 "2' ■ 2 ()■■'. 2 7 •V K) 7 4!)! 4 • » 2-'! 2l •_'."» N ,", 7o < ) 52 .'is 1 200 2 52 k; w 17 7 41) 4 1 2.; 2o ;l ^ 4 5!l •) 22 77 1 41 •1 or. 'I'll 18 7 uO. .| ! 2:) 2o () 1 :; -12 5:; (Id 1 212. ! 00 4 •)-! 1- 19 7 .31 1 •1 2;5 20 11 1 ■>. 21 ■ > 2:; 10 I 217 5 10 5 i;; > 20 7 '*1 4 ') 2;j 20 .";; ; ! (.'(•; 1 5;; 12 1 250 08 »i .■;2 Si- 21 7 .02, 1 • ) 2:; 27 5 loll 1 2;i OS 1 25. 57 7 vi M 22 7 o-l' 4 (i 2;; 20 i;s ■' 1 20 d 5;; oil 25 1 7 40 S Id T 2;i 7 oM -1 (•) 2;5 20 .; 2 17 (! 2;; 02 1 21!) >^ 05 8 5 'J W 24 7 o;; 4 i 2;; 21 10 5 ;; 05 I'i 0.. 1 210 24 04s Th .;io 7 o\} 4 7 2;i 2:5 7 7 4 S;; (! :iij 70 1 2M 10 i;j 10 07 F !2() 7 54 4 fS 2;] 20 :,i 7 00 1 t; •", i 1 205 11 02 11 20 8 27 7 o4 4 !) ■Jo IS I'.i (i 7 17 ! .•;o 0(1 i 227 11 51 Su 28 7 oi '1 ii 2;; 15 ]:; ■J s ;;.i J. 5 12 1 210 1 40 •I 01 M 2!) 7 54! 4 10 2:; J 1 . 'J 2 '.» 5] • J ;; 1 t),^) 1 2(t'.i 2 20 2 50 •r ••W 7 0.J -1 11 2;j 7 ;!7 I 10 GO •» .•1 4:; 1 107 ;; 18 12 w .•51 7 o5 4 12 S 2:5 ;; 7 ;i 11 &J •I •■\i 02 1 IS.-, 4 07; 4 -.'A Memoranda, &c.— Dec. 1, BiUAU; oi' Au.stcrlitz, Iso,'.. 2, ,S7. An(ti'( !(')>• A'li'/t' opoicil, IN-IO. 0, St, Niclioins S, ^Soj/.v aj' 'I'vinpcr- ancf organ 1 zed ill Neii:fi>inii//aiii'. lS5d. ]|, (rcori/r S/recl M'c.slci/dii Chin'oh ojMiicif. 's7;5. 21, St. Tlioina.-^. 2.-), (;n'nisT:\r.\.s Day. '20, St. Stepheu. 27, St. John. 2S, Innotcnl'.s Day. THE NEUFOr^DLAND ALMANAC. 21 dland. niiin'. nliii;'. iiiii;;. iiiiii:. Jo/iii's. 11. 1' IK. 1 " II ;ol 1 ". ; oo 1 ".< 1 1 •> 01 .'; 20 (1 17 42 7 (Xl :;i 7 .■>! •20 S 4-1 Od <.» ;j8 r,s 10 'J:.' -!7 11 11 :;(: • . . ■J.'> 40 11 1 .".s ():; 2 7 :/j :; Ki 11 ■1 o,-i .•;u 4 -)4 li) .") i:; ('» :\'2 •")7 7 vi 10 ,S III .)•» S iVJ •Jl '.) 4> i;no:i7 02 11 2(i r,i . . •10 J 04 2i» L* o:; IS ;] 12 07 : 4 ;; 1 Tlio Boyal Family of Great Britain. ALBXANDHIA VICTolilA, by the Grace of (iod, of tliu L'nitea Kiiigtlom of Great Britain aiul Ir( land, (inecn, only daughter and heir to the late Prinei! Ldward, Duke of Kent, fourth son of King George III. Her Mnjesty was Ijoin at Kensington ralaco on the 24th May, 181J); bapti/cd on the 24th June, 1811); ascended the Throne on the demise of her uncle, King William IV., 20tli .June, ls;{7; proclaimed 21st June, !.^;'.7; and crowned at Westminster uii the 28th .hnic, 181)8. Her Majesty was married at St. James's I'alacc, ou the lOth February, 1^10, to her cousin, his late Jtoyal liighuess, Francis-Albert-Augusturi-Charles-Emanuel, Duke of Saxe, Prince of Coburg and Golha, who died at Windsor Castle on the 14tli December, 18(il. Children : — Victoria-Adelaide-Mary-Louise, /V/./fcvv Jiu//al, born 21st Nov., 1840; married 2."jth January, ISaS, at the Chapel Royal, to His Royal Highness, Prince Frederick-William-Nicholas Charles, of Prussia. Albert-Edward, Pvinco of Wales and Earl ofDuhlin, born 9th November, 1841 ; married lOtli March, lisfi;!, at Windsor, to Princess Alexandra, daughter of Prince Christian, of Denmark. Alice-Maud-Mary, born 2.")th April, 184;'. ; married 1st July, 18G3, at Osborne, to Ills lioyal Highness, Prince-Frederick- William- Louis, of Hesse-Darmstadt. Alfred-Ernest- Albert, born 0th August, 1844 ; married 25th Feb., 1874, 1o her Imperial Highness, Alcxandrovua, daughter of the late Ci:ar of Russia, Helena-Augusta-Victoriu, born 25th May, 18 Ki; married oth July, 18(56, to his Royal Highness, Prince Christian, of Schleswig Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg. Louisa-Caroline-Alberta, born Sth Marcb, 1848; married 23rd March, 1871, to the Most Noble the Marquis of Lornc. Arthur-William-Patrick- Albert, born 1st Alay, 1850. Leopold-Georgc-Duncan Albert, born 7th April, 1853. BeatriccrMary-Victoria-Feodore, born 14th April, 1857. !' x\ 2S THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. {See Ap^ • hIIv.) The Ezecutive Council. The Honorable Sir W. V. Whiteway, K.C.M.G., Premier The Honorable W. J. S. Donnelly. The Honorable Edward D. Shea. The Honorable James S. Winter. The Honorable Alexander Mackay. The Honorable Edward White. The Honorable J. I. Little. Clerk of the Council— Roa. Edward D. Shea. I I; iff' Ir ii' The Legislative Council. The Honorable Edward Morris, President. The Honorable Edward White. Tho Honorable Peter G. Tessier, The Honorable John Winter. The Honorable Edward D. Shea. The Honorable Augustus W. Harvey. The Honorable Robert Thorburu. The Honorable Thomas Talbot. The Honorable John H. Warreu. The Honorable Charles R. Ayro. The Honorable Charles Crowdy. The Honorable Phillip Cleary. The Honorable James S. Pitts. Acting Clerk-— llnglx F. Carter. Acting Master-in-Chancenj — Thomas J. Kough. Usher of the Blaclc Rod. — William F. Rennic. Door-keeper — James Walsh. Assistant Door-keeper and 3fcfisenger—JsimQs Corcoran. THE NEWFOUNDLAD ALMANNAC. 2S The Bouse of AssemUy. [Elected 4th November, 1882.] District of White and Bonne Bays - John Hoyles Boone, Esquire. Bistri-t of St. George— M.{c\iVie\ Henry Garty, Esquire. T ^''i^tir^' ^*- /"i"^^' Eastern Division -liohevt Joseph Kent. J. J. Dearin, R. J. Parsons, Esquires. ' cri?ilt'd4'^%^squir^^^ ''''''' ^^^^"^' ^"S««^"« ^r«d- MSiittlf"^ S'^^^^^J^''^ ^"-y- Southern Division-Joseph I. Little Richard MacDonnell, Esquires. ^'itii-, let? Esquire.^''"''^^^'''" ^'•'''' ^^''^'^^^-^''"^''^ 2)/f/*/o«-John Bart- District of Conception Ba//, Harhur Grace JD//v*/o/^— Honourable Ambrose Shea, ana Charles Dawe, Esquire. nonouiaoi* Esquh-e!""^ ''^' ^""""''P^'"" ^"'"' ^"''^"'' -^'>- Di vision- AXftGil Penny, Es'^uire"'^''^^'""''''^^'"" ^''■'' ^''^'^''^^■'^^'''''^^^''^''^'fon-Levi Garland, District^ofTwillingate and Fogo-^mith. McKay, Richd P. Rice Jabez P. Thompson, Esquires. v.mi. jr. xtict, Ai?"'i?'ii''''^-^x-^^"''^"^'" "«'^ -S^. J^/'^'V/"^— Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly Albert Bradshaw, and Michael Tobiu, Esquires. -^"nneuy, Pet^rs,'^'Esquii?.'''''"~^^°"" '^''™'''* Spouiman Winter, John E. P. District of Fortune i?(vy— James Oliphant Eraser, Esquire. vc£'vVi,f/'^T^^ ^a//-The Hon. Sir William Vallance White- way, K.C.M.G., Joseph Boyd, and Robert Bond, Esquires. ,i,i^*"*?^*^4p/-^«««"'*''« ^(V/-JaiT,es L. Noonan, George Skeleton, Francis Winton, Esquires. District of Biirgeo and LaPoilc-Alcxandcr M. Mackay, Esquire. Acting C/e/'/t— Richard B. Holdeu. Assistant ('ler^:— James H. Watson. Solicitor General— lion. James S. Winter. Sergeant-at- Arms— John B. Barnes. Zi7;ra>va«— Richard B. Holden. Door-keeper- John Hally. Messenger — Stephen Ereuch. Assistant i¥•— Benjamin Keeping. Under Door-keeper— Thomas Dull'. Outer Door-keeper— Bobevt Walsh. Assistant Door-keeper and Messenger— John Sheppard. Fireman 1 ' 1 ri 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. il f I Fulslic Oilicsra -Departmental. Atlorneij General— Hon. Sir W. V. Whiteway, K.C.M.G. Colonial Sec)'el/—llou. Edward D. Shoa Receiver General -How. W. J. S. Donnelly. Snrvii/or General - J. 0. Fraser. Chairman of (lie Board of Worh'—^mWn McKay. Colonial Secretary's Ofilcs. Colonial Secrelar^—Uou. Edward D. Shea. Clerks-John W. Withers and G. W. B. Carter. Office-Keeper ami Jfci-snH/ci — Charles Brockelhirst. Financial sccyet?.ry's O^ce. Financial Sccrefar./ - Francis Wintou. CV^ri'— Alexandiv' S, l?ri- Vv'aiter, A. W. Seymour; Brigus, George Gushue; Burin, Thos. Winter; Lamaline, Pittman; Harbor Breton, Philip Hul)ert; Pushthrough (Fortune Bay), Hy. Camp; Engli>h Ilarb-n-, St. Jaeciues and Belloram, George T. Suelgrove; Gaultois, Kiehard Bradshaw ; LaPoile, Francis A. Kied ; Tvvillin- gate, Andrew J. Pearce; Oderin, Richard McGrath ; Channel, Charh.'s Mourani ; Bay St. George, Geo. 11. Lilly; Bay of Islands, Lanreuce Barron; Bonne Bay, A'iuhan N. Taylor; Round Harbor, TUtCoveand BettsCovc, John C. Duder; Flower's Cove, Willuun P. Taylor. North son, Bo hall, of Not r lirigus. liOKt// Fortune Driscol Having Housed Hospit; John Wn». exaucler Georj^c lliu'bor Camp ; ;lgrov« ; TvviUin- Ihaunol, Islands, Harbor, William THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 2.> rRKVKNTlVK OKITCKRS. Bouavista and Catalina— John Mifflun; Bay Balls, J. Wiliams; Holyrood, Philip Veiich; Ferryland, Wra. S. Carter; St. Mary"s, James Haruey ; Little Placentia, Thomas Freeman ; Bay Roberts, G. W. K. Hierlihy; Hants Harbor, Kobert Belboti ; Burrfeo, John Cunningham; Great Placentia, Wm. G. Bradshaw: Grand Bank. (Fortune Bay), Geo. Simms; Trcpassey, Augustus Simms; Rose Lianche, Richard Furneaux ; Lamaline, James Pittman ; St. Law- rence, ; Renews, Michael Jackman ; Fortune, James V. Snook; Western Bay, Jas. Evans; Harbor Buflett, Wm. Haun; Portugal Cove, W. H. Webber; Salmonier, John Dakin; Presque, Patrick Sullivan ; Codroy, Jolui Gilli'^ ; St. Anthony James Sain*;; LaScie, Daniel Duggan. Cl'STOMS DEPAKT-MKNT. Registrar of Shipping for Newfoundland and- its Dependencies, Hon. W.J. S. Donnelly. Surveyors of Shipping :—Wm. White, St. John's; Alcxatuloi' Clifl, Harbor Grace; W. S. Green, Trinity; G. T. Snelgrovc, English. ]Iar))or; Daniel Murphy, Capo Bouavista to Salvage; William Lang, Salvage to Cape Freels; Geo. Simms, Grand Bank; J. 1*. Snook, Fortune; J. Midlen, Oatatina to Ragged Harbor; Joseph J. Pearce, Twilliuirate to Change Islands; John G.Lucas, Fogo; Jolm C. Duder, Tilt Cove; Richard Furneaux, Rose Blanche: Felix .). McCarthy, Carbouear. rUKAiintV DKIWKTMKXT. Receiver General, Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly; Clerk, George F. Hayward Jj\}ili\uoR—Cu//cc/iou oj' Oil lies /'}i(hr Cudsolidated Statutes. — Sub-Collector, Francis C. Berteau. Sub-Collecto;, Blanc Sablon, Labrador, Richard Corrnack. Superintendent of i\Iercantile Maiiiu; -Rtjber;. Carter. Surveyor G-enerars Depaytmont. Surveyor General, J. 0. Eraser. First Clerk, Thomas Loug. Second Clerk, Cartaret Alsop. Assistant Geological Surveyor, James P, Howley. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Charles U. Harvey. Assistant Clerk, Arthur Wliite. Messenger, Wm. Bright. DKinrv sn;vKYOi:s in oltpokts. Northern Bisfr/rf—GUbcil H. ( ole, Tiiuity. Charles E. son, Bonavista. John T. Oakley, Gnjcnspoiui. Tliom- Henry Mills, Open- hall. Thomas Peyton, Twiliingate. Robert Squarry, North Shore of Notre Dame Bay. G. W. li. Hierlihy, Bay Roberts. John Hearn, Brigus. W. Christian, Trinity Bay South. ktoiitlaru i)/rM/y//-Ja.iies Harney, St. Marys. Henry Camp, Fortune. Philip Hubert and II. J, Haddon, Fortune Bay. Thos. DriscoU, Bay Bulls. Board of Works Department, Having the management and superiutenden^.e of Government House, Colonial Building, Court Houses, Gaols, Custom Houses, Hospitals, Lunatic Asylum, and all other Builtlings and Property i' i^ ' I? 26 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. belonging to the Colony; Lliiht Houses, Buoys, iind Beacons, erccttid or to bo erected, within the Colony and its Dependencies; supervision ot Commissioners 0£ Roads, Highways, Bridges, &c. BOARD OF WORKS. Chairman, Smith McKay; Hon. James S. Winter, "Wm. Boyd, and Hon. Thiiip Cleary. Secretary— Accountant, M. T. Knight. Clerk, P. Hogan. Messenger, Thomas Morris. Superintendent Public Works and Buildings, and Inspector of Lighthouses, John T. Neville. Clerk, W. T. Salter. Road Surveyors and Inspectors, D. Brien, T. Murphy. oirrpouT jJOAKUs of hoad commissionkks. Harbor Graco— John Paterson, Wm. Tapp, D. J. Greene, Mark Parsons, Patrick Walsh, Charles Ilosy, Berjami)i Parsons, Mark Walsh, Patrick Farrell, John Hogan. Harbor Grace (Southside), and Bryant's Cove — John Noel, John S. Stevenson, John Callahan (Riverhead), P. K. Xorcott, N. Par- sons, Edward Parsons, Jacob Noseworthy. Spaniard's Bay — John Baggs, Robert Gosse, Thomas Whclau, John Barrett, ISIoses Gosse, Henry Gosse, Stephen Gosse. Bay Roberts — John Jardine, Azariah Dawe, EliMfU'cer, Charles French, Mark Delauey, Stephen Parsons, Ily. Mercer (Spaniard's Bay Pond), Wm. Woods, Solomcn French. Coley's Point- Eli Dawe, John Greenland, Wm. Parsons, Isaac Morgan, Stephen Bradbury (Country Path). Upper Island Cove and Bishop's Cove—John Crane, I. Gosse, N. Barrett, Joseph Drover, EUel Drover, Herbert Barrett. Carbonear -Edward S. Pike, Robt. Moore, Thos. Finn, Joseph Mackay, Capt. Thomas Pike, Aubrey J. Crocker, Terence Kennedy, John Ryall, John Pearce, Felix McCarthy. Brigus— John Wilcox, Moses Clarke, Munden Norman, John Smith, Nathaniel Rabbits, G. Jerrett, James Brophy, James Tara- han, John Nowlan, Isaac Richards. Cupids— James LcDrew, Alfred Smith, Thomas LcDrevv, George Smith, Patrick Delaney, Michael Power, Samuel Sprackliu, Wm. Wakeham, John Bishop, Edward Butler. Port-de-Gravc— John M. Maddock, William Bussey, Xackariah Dawe, Patrick Kenny, Richard Morgan. Topsail to Indian Pond, inclusive— Geo. Carter, Patrick Daley, John Haddon, R. Parmiter. Toad's Cove— Cornelius DriscoU, Michael Power, Michael Col- bert, Stephen French. Indian Pond, exclusive, to Turk's Gut, inclusive- Very Kev. .1. O'Donnell, Chas. Furey, M. Woodford (Harbor Main), John Veitch (Uolyrood), James Moore and James Wade (Cat's Cove). South Shore of Conception Bay, from Horse Cove to Indian Pond, inclusive— Patrick Daly, ^vm. Tilley, .James Morgan, Henry Hines, Job Cootes, Matthew Nugent, Wm. Swansborough. First Division, Freshwater to Perry's Cove, inclusive— John % THE XEWFOUNDLAND ALMA^'AC. 27 eacons, encles ; . Boyd, )ector of le, Mark IS, Mark Dcl, Johu , N. Par- Whelau, , Charles paniard's UH, Isaac I. Gossc, Joseph Kennedy, au, John nes Tara- V, Geor^^e din, Wni. /Cackariah ck Daley, chael Col- ry Kev. J. lin Veitch to Indian ;aa, Henry ive— John Swain, Gcorse Everly, Wm, Davis, Edgar Kellaway, Thos, Rose, Wra. Lamb, Francis Davis. Second Division, Spout Cove; to Ochrepit, inclusive— John C. Moores, Jas. Crowley, John Diamond, Archelaus Ilalfyard, Robt. Jeans, Joseph Thistle, Geo, Baggs, James p:vans, Wra. Kennedy. Third Division, Smooth Cove to Gull Island, inclusive— Rev. M. llauley, Mark Puddister, Jacol) Moores, John llogan, Michl. Doyle. Fourth Division, Burnt Point to Capliu Cove, inclusive— Joseph Wiltshire, Charles Shano. Wm. Whiteway, Joseph Collins, Thos. Milley, Geo. Cull, Edwin Turner. Fifth Division, Low Point to Bay-de-Vcrds— Jlev. G. S. Cham- berlain, James Moore, Wm. North, Jas. Broader.^, Jonas Garrett, Charles Blunden, Azariah Jacobs. Grates Cove— William Mcadus, Joshua Benson, Elijah Benson, Wm. IL Meadus, Joseph Suelgrove, Old Perlican— Wm. Christian, George Tufl", Wm. Goddard, John Brown, Henry Hopkins, J. H. Potter. Nathan March. Hant's Harbor— J. H. Watson, J. Sheehan, Richard Pelly, Geo. Green, John Short, Robt. Belbin (Seal Cove), Moses Button cRus- sell's Cove). Heart's Content—Rev. G. E. Smith, G. E. Charlton, Reuben Bem- ister, James Piercy, Henry Rowe, Joseph Hopkins, John Antle. Heart's Delight— Samuel Humphries, James Reid, Fred. Wilt- shire, John Jerrett, Noah Chislett. Heart's Desire— Johu George, Matthew George, William Clarke. Norman's Cove and Chappel's Arm— John Piercy, John Smith, Eli Pretty, Elisha Elford, Jacob Reid. New Harbor — Rev. Arthur C. Waghorne, Edgar March, Moses Parsons, Thomas Newhook, Jacob Miller, Edward Moore, Albert George, Charles Crocker. Random Sound, Shoal Harbor— J. S. Butler, Joseph Tilley, Wm. Stanley, Abraham Bussey, Charles Ainsford, Isaac Adey, Thomas Cooper. Random Souad, Northwest Arm, from Cowhead to the Bar — Charles Reed (Foster's Point), Job Pelley (Robinson's Bight), Jas. Reed (March's Point), William Gulliver (Bald Nap), Moses Smith (Elliott Cove). Random Sound, Soutliwest Arm, from Heart's Ease to Blaek- brook— Jas. Drover (Hodge's Hole), Richd. Seward (Gooseberry), James Pond (Fox Harbor), Johu Vey (Claypitts), Isaac Benson, (Northern Bight), and David Spurrel (Butter Cove). Random Sound, Southwest Arm, from Blackbrook to St. Jones. — Wm. Blundell, He/.. Blundell (St. Jones), David Benson, Mat- thew Martin (Northern Bight), Alfred Vey, Benjamin Prince (Long Bight). Random Sound, Northwest Arm, from Couey Island to Cowhead — Hez. Blundell, Charles Bryant, Alfred Blundell (Hickman's Har- bor),|Benjamin Martin, James Vardy, Smith's Sound, James P. King (Deer Harbor), Thomas Mills (English Thoroughfare), Jas. Mills (Thoroughfare), Jas. Toope, Silas Loader, and Nathaniel Mills (Ireland's Eye). Smith's Sound, Northside— Alexander Clarke, Recce William', John Duttett, Thomas Pilley, Edmund Pilley, Aaron Stone. Smith's Sound, Southside, from Lower Lance Cove to Bar— PS THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC -Jl 1. ■' ' , 1 I If ! II H / IMcrco Cun-ie, John S. Butt, Joseph rittmnn, Wm. Smith, Urias Late. Trinity— Rev. Beujamin Sniitli, (i. JI. Cole, Alexander Brcmiicr, Robert Wliite, Wm." I'ittmau, Benjamin Miller, Frederick Gover (Trouty), (Jeorge Fleet (Cuckold's Cove), Arthur Watts (North Side), John Kaiidle (Ship Cove), llobert Lawlor (Northside), W. S. Green. English Harbor and Salmon Cove -J. S. Cellis, G. Barnes, Wm. Penny, John Batston, AVm. Bugdcn, Sprague Freeman, Jolui Goss, Jacob Pitcher (Salmon Cove). Bird Island Cove— Arthur Tilloy, Chas. Trass, Abednego Hobbs, Thomas Tilley, George Oldtbrd. Catslina— W. Norman Snolgrove, Stephen Jeans, John Manuel William Ashford, Geo. Courage, John ])oody, sr., Thos. Martin, John Dutlett, John Slurphy, sr. Little Cataliua— Josiah Stone, Joseph Johnson, sr., Geo. Held. Scilly Cove— Jacob Iliscock, Francis W. Taylor, Noah Hendy, Ellas Ilarnum, Ileury Piercy. New and Old Bonaventure— Captain Field, Moses King, John Ivamy (Cat's Cove), Levi Short (Old Bonaventure), Edward Gard- ner (British Harbor). Greenspond— Frederick White, John J. Murphy, J. T. Oakley, George Allen, jr., J. Dominy, Robt. Whitemarch, John McDonald, M.D. I'ool's Island— Peter House, Job Davis, Wm. Knee (Pool's Is- land), John Iletlerton (Swain's Island), John Hawe, Ed. Bishop (Pinchard's Island), Jacob Kidout (Cape Frcels). Brooklyn— Rev. T. R. Nurse, M. D. Stares, William Stares, sr., Matthew Waugh, Francis Stares, John Ilandcock, jr., Wm. Blun- don, Wm. Handcock, Jacob Taylor. Musgrave Town— Thos. Greening, Thos. Saint, James Reader, sr., Jos. Greening, Thos. Ilolloway, John Oldford, Gideon Way, Wm. Greening, R. Pitt. Salvage— James Burden, Thomas Oldford, John Sampson, Jas. Pike (Flat Island), John Squires, James Brown (Bishop's Harbor), James Burden, jr., Joseph Brown. Bonavista— David Candow, John G. Skclton, M.D., Jabez Saint, Samuel Rowscll, Alfred Vincent, William Brown, Thomas Harris, John Sawyers, Dr. Forbes, James jMifliin, Joseph Rolls, Joseph Brown. King's Cove— Rev. William Veitch, Rev. W. Kirby, D. A. Ryan, Thomas Ryan, S. Brown, W. Monks, Josejih Brown (King's Cove), Stephen Ryan, Patrick Lawton (Broad Cove), ^lichael Aylward (Stock Cove), Jaiucs Aylward (Knight's Cove). Openhall and Tickle Cove— F. Shears, James Long, W. Barker, H. Miles (Openhall), Jas. liyan, Chas. Quinton (Redclili" Island), Adam Skifliugton, John Walsh (Tickle Cove), John Cheavers, Andrew Kcough, James Walsh (Plate Cove.) Keels- Robert Penny, James Penny, Samuel Codin, James Egan. Gooseberry Island— Ambrose Jeans, Edward Sweetapple, Wm. Jacobs, Simon Wells, Jos. House, John Turner, Joseph Hayward. Indian Arm and Seal Cove— John Prince (Seal Cove), Edward Humbey, Wm. Greening (Indian Arm), R. Taylor (Head of Bay), William Tilley, Joseph Brown (Indian Arm), George Prince (Seal Cove). THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 29 \. Ryan, Cove), lylward ts Egan. (e, Wm. iyward. lEdward )f Bay), ;e (Seal Twillingate— Thomas Peyton, Francis Roberts, Elias Roberts, Norman llodgc, Matthias Hayward, John Spencer, James Minty, Silas Burt, George Gillett, "William Lethbridge, John Roberts. Fogo— Dr. Hay Fiudlater, Robert Scott, II. J. Earle, Jas. Fit/.- gerald, Thomas Ilodge, Henry Simms, Thomas Duder. Seldom-Come-By— Philip Newell, Jacob Roue, Henry Penny, William Penny, Patrick Foley. Tilton Harbor and Joe Batts Arm— Rev. James Brown, Patrick Dwyer, jr., Michael Dwyer, sr., John Burke, jr., Wm. Green. Change Islands— Justinian Dowell, Thomas Torraville, T. W. Taylor, John Pelly, Solomon Roberts, James C. Waterman, Henry Scammell. Herring Neck and Merritt's Harbor— Richard Philpot, Henry Miles, William Richards, Esau Blandford, .John Squires, and John Card (Merritt's Harbor). Cat Harbor — Henry Robins, William Gibbons, John Smith, Wra. Butt, George Parsons, William Foley, George Norman. Musgrave Harbor— Geo. Wellou, Albert Gudger, John Wheeler, Jacob West and Ephraira Tuck. Uagged Harbor to Apsey Cove, 1)otli inclusive— Robert Wellou, Thomas Wellon, Benjamin Tuck, Wai. West, Josiah Goodyear. From Apsey Cove to Gander Bay— Henry Scammell, Geo. Camel, R Jiard Gibson, Charles White. Indian Islands— William Collins, Benjamin Lush, James Birley, Ti'.iiothy Collins, Eli Penny. Loon Bay — Thomas Manuel, and Frederick Slade. Moreton's Harbor— Samuel Small, Thos. Knight, Thos. French, Simeon Ridout (Western Head), Mark Osmond, Thomas Lucas, Charles Brett, SilfiS Jones, Edwin Taylor, Emanuel Small. Tizzard's Hoibor— Robt. Boyd, Joseph Osmond, John Forward, Edwai'd Cantwell, William Wheeler. Little Bay Islands — Wm. Strong, Thomas Jones, Richard Mur- sell, John Welmau (Sandyisland Cove), William Anstey and Jas. Strong. Exploits, Burnt Island— Thomas Butt, Thomas Wiusor, Simon Manuel, Andrew Manuel, Matthew Dalton. Three Arms — Solomon Strong, Jas. Norris, sr,, John Batstone. Jackson's Cove— James II. Batstone, Henry Knight, sr., John Manuel. Northwest Arm— James Higgins, Frederick Martin, Ambrose Mills. Leading Tickles— Uriah Martin, Mark Rowsall, George Marsli, George H. Pearce, Joseph Hackett, Thomas Rowsall. Nimrod, Troytown, and Dark Tickles— George Newman (Troy- town). Ward's Harbor— Samuel Short. Lush's Bight to Ward's Harbor— James Parsons (Lush's Bight), John Roberts (Ward's Harbor). Burnt Bay — Josiah Woolfreys, John WooUreys. Bareneed — Thomas Batten, Isaac Richards, James Moore, Geo. Bussey, William Hampton, Richard Morrissey. Harbor Main— Ed. Murray, John Veitch, P. Curran, M. Wood- ford, M. Devereaux, James Hearn, Robt. Connell. I ■ 30 THE NE\VF0U2s'DLAND ALMANAC. iifT ■ » h \yt m Witless Bay— James Murphy, Gregory Norris, Thomas Carew, James Shaiiahau, Dennis Tobin,Jr., Thomas Driscoll (Mobile). Mobile — Thomas Driscoli, Daniel Fitzgerald, Francis Dillon. Bay Bulls— W. G. Williams, U. Mockler, M. Brion. Ferrylancl— Rev. I\I. A. Clancey, D. W. O'Mara, Richard Cashin, Nicholas Power, Tatrick Tower, II. II. White, Edward Condon. Renews and Fcrmeuse— Revds. John Walsh, M. A. Claucey, and Michael Jackman, Andrew Shallow, J. Berrigan, Richard Quiulan (Renews), Michael Lawlor (Broad Covcj, W. Trainor, Thomas FenncUy (Fermcuse). Cape Broyle Win.scr, M. Cashin, T. Carew, M. Green, N. Power, John Badcock, Wm. Gregory, lleury J. Carew. Trepassey— Rev. Wm. Born, Henry Curtis, James Waddieton, George Devereux, Thomas Sutton, S. Kennedy. St. Kyran's— Rev. W. Doutney, Patrick Sullivan, Thomas Sulli- van, John Brown, John Hennessey. Harbor Bufl'ett— Rev. John Kingwell, C. D. Chambers, James Miller, Edward Bartcn, Herbert Willin, John Hollett. Bean Harbor— Rev. John Kingwell, Richard IJadway, Joseph Smith. Oderiu— Richard McGrath, Philip Power, Andrew Murphy. Great Placentia— Rev. Charles Irvine, Tiiomas O'Rielly, Stephen Power, P. Fitzpatrick, John Cosgrove. Little Placentia— W. Phoran, A. Burke, Thomas Connors, Thos. Freeman, Patrick Murphy. Sound Island, Barren Island, and vicinity— A. Blackadar, James Collett, P. Brown. Branch and Distress— Rev. James Whelan, Edward Conway, Richard Kareen, Peter Nash, MatthcAV Londregan, T. Young, Stephen Roach. Salmonier (South)— John Cormack, W. Curtis, Daniel Daly. Salmonier (North) — Matthew Carew, Hector Fraser, A. Nowlan. St. Mary's— Rev. R. O'Dounell, Thomas Bowcn, P. Mooney, Daniel Daly, James Harney, P. Walsh, John Whelan. Branch and St. Bride's— Stephen Roach, Patrick Power, Joseph English, Edward Conway, Bartholomew McGrath. Merasheen— John Hennessey, George Pitman, P. Eunis. Isle of Valen— Martin Gal ton, John Leonard. Riverhead (St. Mary's) to Mall Bay — Wm. Christopher, IMartiu Rourke, Thomas Coaaerl'ord. Paradise — Wm. Brown, M. Brennau, John Pearson. North Harbor and John's Pond— Patrick Bouia, Thomas Power, Patrick Ryan. Holyrood and Peter's River— William St. Croix, M. HoUahan, M. Londregan. Burin — John Paul, M. Gorman, James Inkpen, S. Bennett, John Marshall, S. Brenton, B. Payne. Lamaline— John Collins, Thomas Haley, Robert Bonnel. John Fleming, Benjamin Bonnel, Kyran Maddigan. Lawn— James Walsh, Patrick Murphy, John Tarrant. Grandbank — Wm. Bufl'ett, G. R. Forsey, T. A. Hickman, George Tibbo, George Bell, Morgan Foote, Aaron Grandy. J. C. Burn Poole, ^ Chan Genge, Shor( Burgeo E. Sym Bonn Roberts McKenj Petite Quad, J Bay Barron, Sand} Cashin, Charles Stepli Isaac, I Port- John Le HighJj Andrew St. Joj Richard! Fleet; Miss KiiJ arew, on. Icliard dward sy, aud (uinlan 'homas ecn, N. idlctoii, IS Sulli- Janics Joseph ?liy. Stephen ■s, Thos. r, James Conway, Young, Daly. Nowlan. Mooncy, r, Joseph r, Martin as rower, IloUahan, nett, John auel. John m, Qeorge TIIH NEWFOUNDLAM) ALMANAC. 31 ¥01 tune -J. P. Snook, J. E. Lake, T. W. Bennett, Henry J. Hed- don, Mark Crocker, Thomas Kogerrf, John King. Harbor IJri'oii -He vs. W. K. White, Robt. Brennan, aud T. Blr- kett, V. Hubert, James Hardy, F. Luco, H. T. Hohnan, Dr. C. Fit/.gorahl. Flat Tslamls— James Bishop, Edward Collins, Geo. Miller. ScttlomiMits outside Fortune Bay -Rev. W. K. White (Harbor Briton). T. Bulley (Sagona), John Galton (Brunette), S. Fiander (Coomb's Cove), John Rose (Little Bay), G. Keepin (Rencontre), Joseph Loader (Harbor Mille), Wm Miles (Bay L'Argent). Belloraia — Rev. W. Haynes, John Cluott, sr., John Cluett, Thos. Clnett, George Dicks, John Romkey. Garnish— Wm. Ifeeves. S. Banlleld, Joseph Grandy, T. Urandy, S. Grandy, George Bramlield, Thomas (J randy. St. Lawrence— Rev. W. Doutney, Robt. Pike, John Fitzpatrick, R. Quirk, James Reeves. English Harbor— S, Fiander, Hennis Burke, Wm. Yarn, G. T. R. Snelgrove, Robert Facey, Richard ^Larshall, Aaron Fiander. Ganltois— Rev. Geo. Bishop, John Lee, Richard Bradshaw, H. Sheppard, Dr. E. Thompson, E. C. Gallop. Rose Blanche— Thomas Ridout, John Rolls, P. H. Sorsoliel, A. McKcn/.ie, S. Bounell. Burgeo— G. K. White, James Matthews, George Bowdridge, E, Vatcher, Wm. Dicks, W. J. Davidge, John Cains. LaPoilo - F. A. Reail, Wm. Stone, sr., S. Billiard, H. Jett'ries, J. C. LcSecleur, John Cook, James Anderson. Burnt Island (Burgeo and LaPoile) — Nathaniel King, sr., Geo. Poole, R. Smnrridge, Jeremiah Fudge, J. Small, P. H. G. Brock. Channel— Frederick Cox, William Bragg, Thomas Poole, M. H. Genge, James Mockf'ord, Rennie (Cape Ray). Shore lying between Caju; LaHune and Bonne Bay, district of Burgeo and LaPoile— Jiev. E. Colley, A. (J. Skinner, Matthew Lee, E. Symes, J. R. Walkins. Bonne Bay (West Coast)— Xorman Taylor, Hy. Halfyard, John Roberts, AUVed White, James Marshall, Thomas Martin, Hugh McKen/.ie. Petites— James Arnold. S. Bonnell, George Ellisu'orth, Thomas (iuad, John Rose. Bay of Islands — Rev. J. J. Curling, Thomas Carter, I.,aurcnce Barron, W. II. Bagg, Alex. Petrie, Cliristopher Fisher. Sandy Point— Rev. Charles Jelfreys, Rev. R. P. Phippard, John Cashiu, Hector McDonald, Clias. R. Messervey, Constant Gamier, Charles Blanchard. Stephenville— Rev, li. P. Phippard, Angus Goudet, Dougald Mc- Isaac, Dominick White, Jassian O'Quinu. Port-au-Port — Angus Gillis, Andrew Harvey, John Roinain, John Leitch, Archie J. Campbell, Adolph Laney. Highlands— John McPherson. Thos. W. T. Evans, Moses Shears, Andrew Fortune, Roderick Gillis. PKMTKNTIAUY. St. John's Penitentiary— Governor, John R. McGowau; Warden, Richard Ryan ; First Turnkey, J. Martin ; Second Turnkey, John Fleet; Third Turnkey and Orderly, William Hammond; Matron, Miss Keating; Surgeon, Chas. Crowdy, M. D. ll 32 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC II 1 1 f I' '>■ rf ST. .I01IN'8 IIOSI'lTAI.. AttiMuliiiits— Chas. Crowdy, M.D. ; II«nry Shea, M.l).: MaU-ou, Miss Cowan; Keeper, John I'rowse. ST. .IOHN's I'OOU IIOUSK. Me.lical Attomlaut-Charles Crowdy, M.D. ; Keeper, Edward Mi)rris. .ST. .JOHN'S LINATIC ASYLUM. Uesident Physician— Henry II. Stabb, M.D. DISTJUCT SLltOKONS. St. John's— Eastern Ward, William C Sininis, M.D. ; Tiionias Howley, M.D. Western Ward, Krederieli Biintinj,s M.D. Conception Bay— William Allen, M.D. COl.O.MAI. UUII.DINO AND CillOlNDS. Keeper Mrs. liorii. Post Oi&co Department, ier. Postmaster (Jeneral — . Kirst ClcM'k and General Accountant George LeMessui Assistant Acc<)nnlant--Ge()rge W. LeMessurier. Superintendent Money Order Oilier - Thomas S. Dvvyer Second Clerk and Assorter— John Freeman. Third Clerk and Assorter— John Iliggins Fourth Clerk- Januss Canipi)ell. Assistant Clerk ami Mail -A.uent, Lain-ador— Jolm Kinse Letter Carriers and Messenirer'^— Edward J)evert;anx, .J Alexander Ewiii.u-. Valentine Ei glisli. Assorter - .John Kelly. Ollice hours Fioiii :) a.m. to 4 p.m., Suutlay excep'-ed. I'USTMASrKKS. Harbor Grace, A. T. Drysdale; Carbonear, Nicholas NichjMc; Brigus, Sarah Stantalbrd (Postmistress) ; Bay Roberts, VVil'dani Fraser; Blackhead, ,]. C ~ Ila. as. ([lox, Moores *.^..^. , ^. , Hearts Content, Geo. Moore; Old Terlican, George TiitV; Trinity, Ann Cross ( rostra istress) ; Klnu's Cove, rairiek Murphy; Grandbank, Geo. 11. Forsey; Bona- vista, James MilUeu; Greeiispond, Wm. Lang; Fogo, Jas. Fitz- gerald; Twilliugute, Josiah Colborue; Betts Cove, W. Cunning- ham; Little Bay, Biehd. Walsh; Bay Bulls, W. G. Williams; Bay of Islands, W. II. Bagg ; Kose Blanche, Philip Sorsoliel; Ferry- land, John Morry; I'laeentia, Hannah Bradshaw (Postmistress); Burin, Thomas Winter; llarl)or Briton, Tryplueua Birkett (Post- mistress) ; Burgeo, Juo. C. Cunningham; ilolyrood, Jno. Veitch; Little riacentia: Alexander Burke ; NewPerlican, Francis Ilowell ; LaPoile, Joseph LeScelleur; Channel, Nathaniel Smith; Catalina, Tryphama Jeans (Postmistress). WAY Ol'FICKS. Port-de-Grave, Bridget O'llielly; Portugal Cove, Mrs. Dooley (Waymistresses); Exploits, T. Winser; Grates Cove, William Meadus; Brooklyn (Goosebay), M. D. Stares; Musgrave Town, Gideon Way ; Spaniard's Bay, Leah Earle : St. Mary's, P. Walsh ; Harbor Mai", Mrs. Ezekiel ; Oderin, Kate Quirk; Paradise, Patk. Healy ; Salmonier, Matthew Carew ; Hermitage, M. Francis ; Gar- nish, Sabina Grandy (Waymistress) ; Bay-de-Verds, Charles Blun- don; Lamaline, James Pittman ; Fortune, John E. Lake ; Topsail, Marii Cove, reaux T. Ne Burdt iiedy I Payne Margr Cove, H. Ro Miles; erine ] Bonav Klchar Wm. > Flat Is Fresh V Dovvnc Collett Kelligr tress) ; Geo. C( Ed. Be Perry's Jacob I Camp; mack ( Harbor Taylor; Trinity Broyle, Alfred I Snooks Britann Bay L'l Bay, Wi (Bonavi Islands, VVra. Ba Walsh ; Way; N Rencont Brawdei Brook, : bert Sm Cove, Ja lugle, Ji Adey; I Woodfoi Cross; 1 Robinsoi Edward Whitero( Wintef grews, I «rts. Spa Wednesd Betwe( Harbor, i TIW NKWFOUXDLAND ALMANAC. 33 Cox, rUUarii •loore ; tress) ; Bona- Fitz- Inniug- Bay Eerry- tress) ; (Post- ^eitch ; owcU ; atalina, Dooley kVilUam Town, Walsh; e, Patk. s -, Gar- !S Blun- ropsail, Maria Moysc (Waymistniss) ; Hants Harbor, Green; Cats Cove, T. O Brien; Island Covo, John Crane; Trepassey, M. Deve- reaux ; English Harbor (Fortune Bay), Win. Evans; Newharbor, T. Newhook; Ganibo (Bonavlsta Bay), S. OsniouU; Salvage, .las. Burden, jr. ; St. Lawrence, Alice Vavasor; Western Bay, J. Ken- nedy (Wnyniistress) ; Great LaPolle, F. A. Bead; Bareneed, G. P. I'ayne; Bellorani, W. H. Cluett; Beaubols, Geo. Doble; Branch, Margaret English (Waymlstress) ; Acpiaforte, r*ter WInsor; Tilt Cove, L. N. GUI; Nipper's Harbor, J. M. Jackman; Bonne liay, J. 11. Roberts; Sclily Cove, Jacob Hiscock; Herring Neck, Henry Miles; Renews, M. Jackman (Waymlstress); Toads Cove, Cath- erine Drlscoll; Northern Bay, Mary Ilogan i Waymlstress) ; New Bonaventure, Geo. Field; George's IJay. C. K. Bishop; Gaultols, Richard Bradshaw; Cat Harl)or, Henry Bobbins; Clarku's Beach, Wm. Newell; Codroy, James Hutchins; Fermeuse, Win. Tralnor; Flat Islands, H. W. Craun ; Fortune Harbor, lllchard Hamlltou ; Freshwater (Carbonear), W. Lamb; Great Codroy River, Michael Downey; Green's Harbor, Ht/ekiah Burt; Harbor Butlett, Thos. Collett; Indian Arm, Edward Uuinby ; Jackson's Cove, H. Knight; Kelllgrews, Wm. Tilley; Leading Tickles, 1*. Alcock, (Waymls- tress); Little Bay Islands, John Campbell; Lower Island Cove, Geo. Cooper; Musgrave Harbor, J. B. Wheeler; Northern Bight, Ed. Benson ; Pass Island, Eli/.abetii Strickland (^Waymlstress) ; Perry's Cove, Rachel Kellaway (Waymlstress) ; Petty Harbor, Jacob Bishop; Pouch Cove, John Easterbrook; Pushthrough, Hy. Camp; Rencontre, Joseph Earle; Salmonier (South), Bridget Cor- mack (Waymlstress) ; Sound Island, Philip Brown ; Southside Harbor Grace, Jacob Noseworthy; Southside St. John's, Leah Taylor; St. Jacques, George Snelgrovc; Torbay, JohnMagulre; Trinity East, Reginald Mills ; Witless Bay, Jas. Shanahan ; Cape Broyle, Martin Casliin; Burnt Islantls, P. iirock; Change Islands, Alfred Pike ; Hickman's Harbor, Joseph Pilley ; Sagona, Stephen Snooks ; St. Bride's, J. E. Conway ; St. Anthony, H. F. Moores ; Britannia Cove, Pierce Currie; Brunette, Ambrose Thornhill; Bay L' Argent, P. Snow; Cape Lallune, Robert Keeping ; Caplin Bay, Wm. Johnston ; Cottell's Island, Daniel Turner ; Flat Island (Bonavlsta), J. Sampson; Foxcove, Charles Clinton; Gooseberry Islands, Ambrose Jeans ; Harbor Mille, Wm. Janes ; Heart's Ease, Wra. Batson; Ilolyrood (St. Mary's), Wm. St. Croix; Lawn, Jas. Walsh; Morton's Harbor, Mark Osmond; Musgravetown, Gideon Way; Newbay, Edwin Moore; Ochrepit Cove, Josiah Garland; Rencontre (Fortune Bay), Catherine Giovani; Tilton Harbor, M. Brawders (Waymlstress); Baldnap, William Guileford; Crabb's Brook, Moses Huelin; Coachman's Cove, Wm. Breen; Dildo, Al- bert Smith ; English Harbor (Trinity), Henry G. Batson ; Flowers Cove, James Wilcox ; Cro(iiiet (Grand River Valley), M. OQulnn; Ingle, James Dunn; Inner Island. Moses Davis; Lee Bight, Isaac Adey; Lower English Harbor, Wm. Hackett; Northern Arm, M. Woodford; Openhall, George Shears; Poole's Cove, Henrietta Cross; Poole's Island, Peter House; Russell's Cove, S. Durdell; Robinson's Head, Thomas W. T. Evans; Riverhead (St. Mary's), Edward Lee; Sealcove, Geo. Prince; Valen Island, John Brown; Whiterocks, William Field. Winter -OwQx\m<\, by wagon, for Carbonear, via Topsail, Kelll- grews, Ilolyrood, Harbor Main, Brigus, Port-de-Grave, Bay Rob- erts, Spaniard's Bay, and Harbor Grace, Monday and Friday. On Wednesday, via Cove, by steamer, when practicable. Between Heart's Content, Grates Cove, New Perlican, Hant** Harbor, and Old Perlican, weekly, by Messenger. ' ji M; ( ■* :iii ■nu: .\i:wF()iii\ULASh almanac. Ilclwicn Heart's Coiititnt, Kuinlom^ hikI Sniltli's Sound, on Fri- days, liv l'<»!lL Uitwrcii (;ail)OiK!ar, IJlucUlicad and Hiiy-di'-Verds, l»I-woekly, by jiH'ssciiuiT, (•alllii;^ at Intri'iufdlaii; pIuci'H. I{('tu<(ii Nt'w rcfllc'iii iitid 'rrliiity, weekly. Iiy boat. Ilfl.wocn 'rilnlly and Hon.'ivistii. and lictwccMi Trinity and Kln;j;'s Cov«s weekly, by niessoniier. I5t(,vve.'n Kiii;;'s (Nive \un\ (Jreenspoini. r<»rtiii;,'lilly, by l)oat, lonildii;; al Salvai^e, (ioosobeny, ColU-ll's Island, and Flat Islands. |{(!twet>n St. .lolin'.>. IJny-lo Venls, Cataliua, Kind's Cove, Trin- ity, Hdiiuvista, (;ret iis|ii)ud, Koiro, 'J'willln<,'ale, Exploits, Sealbay, l/ilile \\.\\, MMle \\\\ Islunds, Tilt Cove and Nipper's Harbor, by aslnl > iranK'f, rititiii::litly, on the Tuesday after the arrival of llie .st»'anier IVinn Lheipool and QiKK'Mstown , and (hiring, winter nionMts, overland, via Harbor Grace, Spaniard's Bay, Newliaihor, |{aiid(»ni, ami I-'resliwater. I'ortui.nhtly. H.'tweeii St. .lolin's, Ki-rryland, TrrDussey, Burin, Sr. Lawrence, St. IMerre, Harb(n' Hriton, Hiirueo, I.aroile. Kose Blanche, and Channel, liy coastal steamer fortnivihtly summer and winter ; call- iiii; at Kenews, St. Miiys. IMacentla, Gaultois. and Pushtlirough every alternate trip. Also calling alternately at Fortune and lirjindliiink. Iroin 1st April \o end oi year, weither permiltinj;. Hetweeii St. John s, Bay IJulls, Witless Bay. Toads Cove, Ferry- haul, and Kenews, wi'eklv, l)v wayou, during summer ith.* and lortiiii;htlv \\\ winter, mon I'u'tWi'en St. .lolins and I'laceuila, by waj,'0'), on Wednesday and Fritlay. from thi' :."'th of April to tlifi li'th of November : weekly to the I'uil i>l" Doi'cm'ter, :nul fortniixhtly lUiriuit January, February and Mai eh, aiul tn iiiiildle of .-Vprii. Uctwciu riaccntia and St, .lohu's, by wajiou, on Monday and WediU'sdiiy, \'\o\\\ the l,".lh of April to the l."»tli of November; once a week to "the end o\: December, and furtniuhtly in vviuter. Between SalnuMiier and St, Mary>, b\ tiicssenjiiT, fortnightly. Betui-en Great and Little r.acentia, b} uies.>en|^er. weekly. Between (ireat I'lacentia, I.aManclu', Sound Islanil, Harbor Buf- fett, lud IsUuul, .Merasheen, and liurjjeo. liy b .at. lU't ween Great TactMitia ami Burin, by boat . touchin;; at Nh' VaUii. I'aradise, udt riu. an. I Flat Isl:in«.N. lUtween lUuin and Isle Valen. callini; ar Flat Inlands, Udcriu. and rarailise. Between Burin and Garnish, by nie-seuiier. winter mouths oniy. lutweeu Little ;ii;d Great St. Lawrence and Larualiue, by nies- seiii;cr. Uetwcen G.irni>h and Harbor Breton, caliini at Knirlisli Harbor and St. .Jai. uus. !>v boat. phu I5et\veeu St. .bicqu^s and Bay L Ar_L:oat. calling- al interme liate bv b,->a' Between Harhu' HMtou, Vasluhrouyh, Ueucoutre. Uani»?o, BuMit 1> auv1> ami ret:tc>. bv boat. i:.vr'i:s or rosr.voE, addioscd to tlie United State>, ilio Dominion ws : l'o>;;i,ue vm lelt U Oai;ad:i. Uie United Kint;doin. auvl t'oteis^u Europe, is as folio For iottei: tiona. h uder A o.'.. tlvc ecuts. and live cents fo'' evt-rv addi- uud S( it, cents '!. Il eel, itf opcueJ for thf writt«| and b(| receivl 1 THE SE^FOrmHAND AI.MASAC .T.5 For IkniUKlii. WoNt Iii.lli's, linizll. IVm, ami Ifiiiyiiav. riRlit coiitH uiulor h <)/,. letters, und ,s i .-nts for ovory udtliti.imil i «)/, For East ItidlcM aii.l CIiIiki, .Jii|.;iri add .lava, tm c-uts imr 4 o/.. rate. For Australian Colonies anl Soiitli AlViea, lil'tcen (t'ntH per rate. Newspapcr.s tiiree ci-uts. Local newspapers to Unltctt states, tin' Dominion, West Indies, Foreij;n Europe, and to Enijlanct one cent. Forrlixn Newspapers n'.niail.d I'or t r.Mii .inissiuu u, the nutports are chttr«ed otu! eent each, prepaid liy stamp; two ccMt.s i... oIIht eountrlws. Newsi)apors over two onnues in wei^fht are (•httr;,'eil as Hooks INI \\'i> I'osrAiii:. For letters under A oy. ,...:'. ecuiti. under 1 o/. C cents. Three cents I'or every additional i oz., i)repald by stamps. For book packets, i)ani;)li!ets, iua;;azincs, and periodieai.s under 2 o/.s., 1 cent; no!; c.vceediui; tliree pounds in wei^jht, transmitted by post within the Island, are clunked L' cents for every (piartcr pound of their weight, or fraction ther«M)r. Postage on letters for French Islands, St. IMerre and Mitiuelon— Five cents per K 07.. rate, and registration live cents. i'Ai!(;i;i. r(>.sTA(JK Parcels closed at the ends and sides, l)ut not sealed or clo.scfil with gum, may be posted at any Post Ollic(! in Newfoundland for couvoyanco to any otner Tost Olflce or Way OlUce in the Island at a rate of postage subject to the following conditions : — 1. No letter or letters shall be concealed. iJ. The parcel shall not contain any explosive sul)stances, glass, liquid, or other matter likely to Injure the ordinary content.s (jf the mall, under penalty of forfeiture of th« parcel. 3. The weight of the parcel should not exceed 'i lbs., nor the si/e exceed one foot, iu length or breadth, or six Inches in thick- ness. It must be so put up that the contents may he examined, to prevent letters or other communications being enclosed. 4. Parcels must bo prepaid at the following rates • L'nder j lb 2 cents. Over A lb. and not exceeding .^ lb 4 cents. Over i lb. and not exceeding -jib <; cents ; and so on, adding 2 cents for every | lb., or fraction thereof. .'). The parcel may l)e registered on payment of a fee of three cents in addition to the postage. *). If the name and address of the sender be written on the par- col, it will, if delivery should fail from any cause, be returned un- opened to the sender, on payment of an additional rate of 8 cents for the return conveyance. 7. The parcel should have the words •' JJy Parcel Post " plainly written over the address. It should bo well and strongly put up, and be legibly addressed to the Post Office address of the intended receiver, including the name of the district in which the Po.^^t I t? A 'lii 'M n t ' 1 1 36 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC Oflice is situated. The followiug is an example of tlie mode of address recommended:— BY I'ARCEL POST. To. .Post Office, District of Sent b// District of. PIIOIIIBITOUY CLAUSES. No written communication shall be enclosed in any circular, periodical, pamphlet, book, book parcel, or parcel for the Parcel Post ; and no communication shall l)e written upon any circular, periodical, pamphlet, l)Ook, book package, or parcel. No letter, or any writing, or any marks to serve the purpose of a letter, shall be written upon or enclosed in any newspaper posted to pass as a newspaper. Prepaid books, pamphlets and raaga/Jnes for Great Britain, Do- minion of Canada, and United States, are charged the following rates when exceeding two ounces in weight : For packet above 2 ozs., and not exceeding 4 ozs., 4 cents ; not exceeding 8 ozs., 8 cents ; Over 8 ozs., and not exceeding 1 11)., in cents; and so on, adding 4 cents for every additional 4 ozs., or fraction thereof, when the packet exceeds two ounces in weight. Commercial papers, invoices, &c., are chargeable Avith 5 cents for the first rate of two ounces or fraction thereof, and four cents per four ounces or any fraction thereof over the ^rst two ounces. Books, trade patterns or sami)les, and all printed papers, other than newspapers, not exceeding two ounces in weight, are for, ward«d to the United Kingdom at the reduced rate of : For a packet not exceeding 2 ozs 2 cents. All parcels containing books, patterns, newspaper or printed matter of any kind, must be so put up that the contents may be easily withdrawn for examination ; if sealed, such packets become liable to letter rate and will be charged accordingly. Unpaid books for the United Kingdom or other countries, will not be forwarded. Letters for oflicer^ serving in Iler Majesty's service abroad are chargeable with the ordinary rates of postage. The attention of the pHblic is called to the fact that the General Postal Union Treaty positively prohibits the transmission in the Mails, of gold or silver money, jewels or precious articles, or any other article whatever liable to Customs' duties. Therefore, cor- respondence originating in Newfoundland, and addressed to any of the countries of the Postal Union, whether ordinary or register- ed, should not contain ^>ese interdicted articles. Rules of Mating Letters h;/ British Pacl'et. For all countries — under h oz., one rate; under 1 oz., two rates; Vmder Ji ozs., three rates ; and so on, adding one rate for every h oz,. )rinted lay be become \s, \Till kd are rcneral I in the )!* any le, cor- Ito any Igister- I rates ; \y h 02). • THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. S7 Letters posted in Nowfouudlaud for delivery at any place within the Island, are char;2;ed ;5 cents for every h oz., If prepaid, and G cents, unpaid. RKGISTRATIOX. Any letters found to contain coin, as well as any having the word " Ticgistercd" written upon them, which may be posted in Newfoundlaml, will be forwarded to any partof the Colony, charged with a double registration fee. For United Kingdom, foreign coun- tries and Dominion of Canada, they will not be forwarded upon any terms. MONEY OnDKU BKAXCII. Thomas S. Dwycr, superintendent; James Moore, clerk. Office hours— From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m Money Orders are now interchanged with the United Kingdom, Dominion of Canadn. Prince Edward Island, and United States, at the foUowiPg ratt-s •>?' rommissiou : — Scale fur Inland Oi'(h .■■<.— OviXevii up to 810, 5 cents; from SIO to .S20, 10 cents: from .^I'O to .SoO ; l.") cents; from .$30 to .$40, 20 cents; from .S40 to .S.iO, L'."> cents. Maximum amount of inland order, .S.")0. Scale Jar CnlUd 7i' in stg.. Is. stg. ; from £,') to £\o, 2s. ; fro.n i: to .iji.",, ;'.>. ; troiii I'l.') to .£20, 4s. Maximum amount of Order un the Pr(jvi"ces, £'J0. Scale far Unif'-d Sfufes.—Oi\\v.vs up to .-^10, 10 cents; from .$10 to .$20, L'O cents; iVom .Sl'i) to SM}, ;;o cents; from i^'.O to 840, 40 cents; from ^+0 to .$"'0, 50 cents. No half-pence to be introduced in the Orders. Business of Money Order Olliee closes one hour before closing the mails by steainei-. SYSTEM. 1. Mon''y Orders are made out in forms supplied for the use of the Money Order otllees. 2. Persons applying foi- Money Orders are recommended to use printed "Application Forms," printed fi>r tiiat purpose. 3. Place of Payment of ]\Ioney Order may be changed in accord- ance with instructions [)rovidetl therefor. 4. Alteration of payee's name may bo elfected by issue of a new Order and payment of comnnssiou tliereon. .■». Applicants for Money Orders are expected to observe due care in the examination of Mie same, relative to lllling and stamp, ing; defect in Onkirs, ulien pix'sented for payment, may cause dihlculiy and delay, for which the paying otliee is uot to be held accountable. <;. Postmasters should be particul!)rly careful to obtain from the person who presents a Money Order, whether the rightful owner or uot, full iniormation us to the Christian name, surname and address of the pariy who originally obtained it, unless such party be a firm, when tiie name of the llrm vvill sullice. 7/ie onl// excep- tion it) this ride /v— when an Order is presented through the Bank, in whicli case it will sullice tliat the Order, being properly signed, he also crossed with the IJanker's name. .!! lif \\ 38 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC- 7. As, however, affc oin'c iiai/in;/ a Mmici/ Order, hi/ irJiomsocrar presented, (lie u(}!<~'e il-iH uoi. he li'ihle tu an// furtJur rIaim,X\\Q public are strictly caiitioiiod,— 1st— To t;ike all inoaus to prevent, the loss ol" tin- Money Order. 2d— To ])(! cfircfiil on taking; out \\\\ Order, to state the Christian as well as the surname of the jx-rson in whose fiivor it is drawn. Hrd— To see that the name of the person takina' out tlu; Money Order is correctly known ro the person in whose fivor it is drawn. S. Payment of a Money Oidi'r must l)e obtained before the end of the sixth calendar inontli iifcer that in vrhich It wa-> issued, otlierwise a mnv ()rd(!r will lie necessary, lor which ;i, ,'-ec(nid com- mission will be chai'ucd : ;u!(i If the Order b;! not paid l)eft)r(! the twelfth calendar ui'lect of the I'orenoiu:; iiistiaiciions will risk the loss of the money, besides li';idin;i' to tUdny and troul)le in obtaininu; pay- ment. The I\Ioney Onhv cilic"- ::r.' :— (Jcneral J'ost Oflice, St. John's: Post Ollices at Hay Bulls. r>(U!a\'ista, JBriirus, lUiru'io Buiin, Betts Cove, Bay of Islands, Bay Roberts, ('haniuil, Cari)onear, Ferryland, Fo^'o, Gre(,'nspoud. Heart's Content. IIarl)o;- Briton, Harbor Grace, LaPoile, Littl bay, Placenia, Hose Blanche, Trepassey, Trinity, 'rvvMlliniratc. !), Postmaster.-^ -liould leeotu-icnd the use of Money Orders for the transmis.-icMi tif muney, in prfferenei' to siieii trausniission othcrwi^t!. Facility will \)v. ^yivi.'ii to tiie Pi)>t Oilire in the dischar^-e of its daily lUities, and greater s;;{urity arl'orcled to the pub ie, l)y careful attention to the foUowiiii!; r.couimendations : -- Post all Letters, ','ewspapers, i.*v:e.. as early as practicable, espe- cially wheu sent in lar;j;e bundles. ^yl:en a )Uiinl)er of u(,'wspipers \x\\\ addressctl to tin; same ollice, 1)U!, them up in om; iiarcel. Wlu-n a number of cireiilars are posted, tie them up in abuniUe, with tile add/ess all in one direct ion. .\ddress letters, papers, &c., in a legible and complete manner, always j'iving the uiuiie of the Post Ollice: and if there be more than one Po.>t Ollice of that name, the name of the district in wliicli situated. lu case of letters uoiny- abroad, the name of the coun- try, as well as of the town and city, should be ;;iv<;n in full. Let- ters. JV)r example, iuteuiled for London, Euiiland, if simply ad- dr(!ssed " Lonilon," would be forwarded to Loudon, (Canada West, and thus be delayed. Letters, jtapers, or parcels, for Outjiorts, should have tlie nana' of the district, p(»st or way ollice, distinctly written as part of the address. For iust.ance, letters for Bonne IJay, FriMieli .Shori', ar(; sometimes sent to Bonne Bay, Fortune Bay District, beiiiij;' simply directed Bcuuie Bay. 'Ihere are several settlements mimed Broad Cove, Littiebay, P:nijliah Harbor, Blackhead, Balline, Caplincove, Deer Island, Flat Islands, Fortune, Foxcove, Fresliwater, Lshind Cove, Lcni;.; Harlxtr, Biiryco, N(iw Harbor, Salmoncove, Seal- 8. TJIL' NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. :U) lire cove, Shipcove; and unless properly directed, iire lial)le to ^o to the wroiitj oflice for delivery. The loss and inconvenience arjsin;^ from imperfect directions are caused by the carelessness of the sender, and no blame can attach to the Tost Ollicc. Other places besides those naujed have settlements ■\vith corresponding appel- lation ; hence the necessity of being particular in addressing all letters, &c. See that every letter, newspaper or other packet sent by post, is securely folded and sealed. Every such packet has to be several times handled; and even when in the mail l)ag, is exposed to pres- sure and friction. Unless, therefore, the article Ije light and pliant, it should l)e enclosed in strong paper, linen, parchment, or other material which will not readily tear or break. Fasten the covers of newspapers tlrmly, so as to prevent them from slipping out. Fully pay postage on newspapers, otherwise you lose both papers and stamps, as such are not forwarded. When dropping a letter or newspaper into a letter-box, always see that the packet falls into the box, and does not stick in its passage. Never seal letters for the East and West Indies and other hot climates Avith wax. Such a practice is attended with much incon- venience, and fre(iuently Avith serious injury, in consequence of the melting of the Avax and the adhesion ol' the letters to each other. la ai. such cases use Avafers or gum, and advise your correspond- ents in the country referred to, to do the same. Never send money or other articles oF value through the Tost- oIMce, except either by means of a money onler or in a registered letter. "Any person Avho sends money or jeAvelery in an unregis- tered letter, not only runs the risk of losing his property, but ex- poses to temptation every one through Avhose hands his letter passes, and may be the means of ultimately bringing some clerk' or letter-carrier to moral ruin." Carefully secure every letter or packet containing money or value, lirst Avith gum and afterAvards Avith good sealing Avax, on Avhich mark the clear impression of a seal. This only applies to local correspondence, the forAvarding of such articles to other countries being )rohibited. On posting a registered letter or packet, always obtain a receipt for the same at the oflice Avhere posted. When letters or newspapers are delayed and missing, at once communicate the fact to the Postmaster of the division in which is situated the Post ollice at Avhich the delayed or missing letters were posted. In case of a missing letter enclosing value, state the exact contents, the exact address, and the ollice at Avhich posted; the name of the person l)y Avhom posted, and the name of the person by Avhom received at the ollice. In the case of a delay- ed letteji' or paper, send the cover or Avrapper in an entire state, in order that the place of delay luuy l)e asc .rtaiued by an examina- tion of the post marks. Trouble and loss occasionally arise out o'' the carelessness or dishonesty of parties employed in the Post Office service; yet in- stances are not Avanting in AVhich it has been shown to the satis- faction even of the complainants, that the fault at lirst attrilnited to the Post Oflice, in truth rested in other quarters. Theft by pri^'ate hands, although very diflicult of proof, lias frequently been brought to light; and it is greatly to be desirea.that those Avho suffer loss should in the hrst instance, and Avhile the circumstances 3Ve fresh, endeavor to aiicertain Avith the utmost precision all par- il I.:. '■ il 40 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. ' 'I ticulars respecting the despatch or receipt of tbe lost letters or papers, and lose no time iu commuuicating tlie information to the Postmaster. Indeed, generally speaking, it is only by careful inquiry into minute details that the offender can be detected, whether he be a servant of a department or not. The Post Ortice is a department which admits of constant im- provement and expansion. The public, by sending to the Post- master-General clear and correct information respecting faulty arrangements, may materially benefit the service. It must be re- membered, however, that changes in machinery so extensive and intricate as that of the Post Ollice, must be made cautiously and with much previous consideration. Time is generally rc(iuired to carry out any material change iu postal arrangements; for even when decided upon, old contracts requiring notice of termination may have to be got rid of, and tenders for new contracts invited by public advertisements, before the decision can take cll'ect. New Post Oflices are established by the department wherever it is ascertained that a sufficient number of inhabitants can be ac- commodated, and a suflicient amount of postal revenue collected to warrant such a measure. When a new Post Office is required, a petition should be addressed to the Postmaster-General, signed by as many of the inhabitants as can conveniently subscribe the same. The petition should state the name of the settlement and district in which it desired the office should l)e established ; the distance from the neighboring offices ; whether at the site of the proposed Post Office there is a village ; the number of mills, stores, taverns and houses thereat; the extent of the settlement to be served, and the probable cost of the mail, together with any other facts that may form any ground for the accommodation ap- plied for. Post Office Directory of XTewfoundland. CONTAININCi All Alphahctkal List of the Toiciis, Tillai/cs and S'ttlcmcnts in the Coloni/, with the .'Past Toirn.s and W«if 0(}irf's. POST TOWNS.— Those marked thus "^ are Money Order Offices. Nj*.me of offick ♦Brigus *Bay Roberts. .. *Bonavista *Betts Cove . . . . *Bay Bulls , *Bay of Islands . *Burin *Burgeo *Blackhead *Carbouear .... Catalina ♦Channel *Fogo *Ferryland . — *Grand Bank . . *Greenspond.., DISTUICT. IXAME OF OFFICEU. Port-de-Grave Harbor Grace Bonavista Fogo and Twillingate. Ferryland North-West Coast . . . Burin Burgeo and LaPoile . . Bay-de-Verds Carboncar Trinity Burgeo and LaPoile. . Fogo and Twillingate. Ferryland Burin Bonavista Sarah Stantaford Wm. Fraser James Milllin Wm. Cunningham W. G. Williams W. II. Bagg Thomas Winter F. A. Parsons John C. Moors Nicholas NichoUe Tryphcena Jeans Nath. Smith James Fit/gerald John Morry Jonathan Hicknian Wm. Lang TIIK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 41 in the NAMB OK OFFICE. ♦Harbor Grace "Hearts Content . . . . Holyrootl ♦Harbor Briton Kings Cove ♦Little Bay Little Placeutia ♦LaPoile New Perlican Old Terlican ♦riacentia ♦Rose Blanche Shoal Harbor ♦Trinity ♦Twillingate DIHTJUCT. FLarbor Grace Trinity Harbor Main Fortune Bay Bonfivista Fogo and Twillingate. . . Placentia and St. Mary's Burgeo and LaPoile Trinity Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's Burgeo and LaPoile Trinity Trinity Fogo and Twillingate NAME OF OFFICER. A. T. Drysdale Geo. Moore John Veitch Tryplut'na Birkett Patriciv Murphy Richard Walsh Alex. Burke Francis Howell George Tull" Mrs. H. Bradshaw Philip Sorsoliel Ann Cross A. J. Pearce "W&j Offices. NAME OF OFFICE. Aquaforte Anderson's Cove .... Burnt Islands Brooklyn, Goose Bay Bay-de-Verds Bay St. George Bareneed Belloram Beaubois Bonaventure Branch Bonne Bay Britannia Cove Bauldnap Bay L'Argent Bay of Islands Brunette Change Islands Cats Cove Cape LaHune Cottells Island Cat Harbor Clarkes Beach Codroy Cape Broyle Caplin Bay Coachmans Cove • . . • Conclie Crabbs Book Dildo Exploits English Harbor English Harbor Fortune Fcrmeuse Flat Island Flat Islands DISTIUCT. Ferryland Fortune Bay Burgeo and LaPoile. Bonavista Bay-de-Verds St, George's Bay . . . OFFICE KEEPER. Brigus Fortune Bay Burin Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's Northwest Coast Trinity Trinity Fortune Bay Bay St. George Fortune Bay... Twillingate and Harbor Main . . Fortune Bay . . • Bonavista Twillingate . . . Fogo. Brigus St. George's Bay Ferryland Ferryland White Bay White Bay St. George's Bay Trinity Twillingate and Fogo . Fortune Bay Trinity Burin Ferryland Burin Bonavista Peter Winser Benj. Thornhill P. D. G. Brock M. D. Stares Charles Blundon C. 31. Bishop G. F. Payne iW. H. Cluett George Dobie George Field Margaret English John 11. Roberts i Pierce Currie I William Gulleford P. G. Snow iThomas Carter I Ambrose Thornhill Alfred Pike T. O'Brien I Robert Keeping John Turner 'Henry Robbins Wm. Newe'il James Hutch ins Martin Cashin |Wm. Johnston AVm, Breen jEUen E. Dower Moses Hueliu Albert Smith T. Winser T. Moulton H. G. Balston John E. Lake W. Trainor H. W. Cranu J. Sampson I ;j \l .♦ 42 TJIJ-J m: WFO UNDLAND ALMANA (J. NAMB OV OFI'ICK. DISTRICT. 'I ! ;? ii : m OFFlCi: KKEI'KR. Fox Cove Fortune Bay Charles Clinton Fortune Harbor Tvvillingate Richard Hamilton Freshwater, Carbon'r Carbonear \V. Lamb Flowers Cove Bonne Bay James Wilcox Wm. Meaclus Sabina Grancly F. A. Head Simeon Osmond Richard Bradshaw Michael Downey Grates Cove Trinity Garnisli Burin (]reat Larolle Burgeo and Lal'oilc Gambo Bonavista Gaultois Fortune Bay Great Codroylviver.. S^. George's Bay . . Greens IIarl)or Trinity |IIe/X'kiah Beach Gooseberry Islands. . Bouavista | Ambrose Jeans (irandlliver Valley.. St. George's Bay Im. O'Quinu Greguet White Bay B. Crocker Harbor Main jHarbor Main [Mi's. Ezekiel J lermitage 'Fortuue Bay M. Frances Hants Harl)or Trinity |Mrs. Green Herring Neck Twillingate and Fogo. . .Henry Miles Harbor Bullett ^Placentia and St. Mary'sJThomas Collett Hickman's Harbor . . Trinity Joseph Pilley Harbor Mille 'Fortune Bay J. R, Courage Hearts Ease [Trinity jWm. Balson Holyrood St. Mary's Kvm. St. Croix • ••••• John Crane Edward Humby John Brown James Dunn Island Cove iHarbor Grace Indian Arm JBonavista. Isle Valeu iPlacentia.. Inglee White Bay Inner Island Bouavista iMoses Davis Jackson's Cove , Twillingate and Fogo. . .jllenry Knight Kelligrews Conception Bay iWra. Tilley Lamaline !Buriu j James Pittman Lee Bight jTrinity Isaac Adey Leading Tickles 'Twillingate and Fogo. . . Phoebe Alcock Littlebay Islands .... Twillingate and Fogo . . . John Campbell Lower Island Cove . . Bay-de-Verds George Cooper Lawn Burin James Walsh Lower English Hr. . . Fortune William Hackett Musgrave Harbor. . . Twillingate J. B. Wheeler Musgravetown Bouavista Gideon Way Mortons Harbor 'Twillingate Mark Osmond New Harbor Trinity It. NcAvhook Nippers Harbor Twillingate and Fogo. . . : Northern Bay Bay-de-Verds .....". Mary Hogan Northern Bight Trinity ;Edward Benson Newbay Pwilliugate and Fogo . . ., Edwin Moores Northern Arm Harbor JNIain Mrs. Woodford Ochrepit Cove Bay-de-Verds Josiali Garland Oderiu Placentia and St. Mary's K. Quirk Openhall iBonavista George Shears Port-de-Grave 'Port-dc-Grave Bridget O'Rielly Portugal Cove St. John's East Mrs. Dooley Paradise iPlacentia and St. Mary's Patrick Healy Pass Island jFortune Bay Eliza'th Strickland Perry's Cove Bay-de-Verds 'Rachel Kellaway Petty Harbor St. John's West Jacob Bishop Pouch Cove 1st. John's East [John Easterbrook Pushthrough Fortune Bay Henry Camp I'ools Covp . , ^Fortune iHenrietta Cross Li Adams Amher.' Amhei'f Apsey Af(uafo Admin Angels Arnold! Ann's Belleis Balliue Broad i Blackh Blackhc liroad Bacon Burnt Bull Col Blowmf Bar(;iie( THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 43 NAME OF OlFICK. DISTIUCT. OFl'ICK KHICrKU. Pooles Islaucl Renews I Uenconti'u Kencontre lliverhead, St.Mary's Kobiuson's Head Ilusscir COVH Spaniard's Bay St. Mary's Salmonier Salvage St. Lawrence Scilly Cove Salmonier South .... Sound Island St. Jacques Southside, St. John's Sonthside, Ilr. Grace Sagona St. Brides St. An^.hony Sealcove Trepassey Trinity East Topsail Toads Cove Torbay Tiltcove Tilton Harbor Westeru Bay Witless Bay AVhitcrocks Bonavista Ferryland — Fortune Bay Burgeo and LaPoile Placentia St. Georges Bay Trinity.. Harbor Grace Placentia and St. Mary's Placentia and St. Mary's Bonavista Burin Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's Placentia and St. Mary s Fortune Bav St. John's West j Harbor Grace j Fortune Bay [Placentia j Bonne and White Bays.. ! Bonavista 1 Placentia and St. Mary's iTriuity j Harbor Main .Bay Bulls iSt. John's East iFogo and Twillingate. . . iFogo and T\viiliiiiia:e. .. iBay-de-Verds I Ferryland 'Trinity Peter House Margaret Jackman Cathe. Glovaiiini Joseph Earle Edward Lee Thomas Evans Stpphcn Dnrdcll Samuel Earle Patrick Walsh Mattluiw Carew James Bui den, Jr Alice Vavasor Jacob Hiscock Bridget Cormack Philip Brown Geo. Snelurove Leah Taylor Jacob Noseworthy Stephen. Snooks J. E Coiiwav II. F. Mot)r.i George Prince E. Devereaux Reginald Mids Maria Moise (Catherine DriscoU John'Maguire ;L. N. Gill Martha Brawdera Jane Kennedy IJames ShanaluHi i William Field List of Towns, Villas'es, and Sottlomsnts. NAMK OF PL.VCKS. DISTIUCTS. POST TOWNS. Adams Cove Bay-de-"Verds , Amherst Cove (Up'r) Bonavi-ta Amherst Cove (Lo'r; do Apsey Cove Fogo A quaVorte Ferryland Admirals Cove St. Miry s and Angels Cove do Arnolds Cove , do Ann's Cove I tlo Belleisle St. John's East Balliue I do Broad Cove \ )o Blackhead |St. Joan's West Blackhead iBay-de-Verds .. Broad Cove IHarbor Alain .. Bacon Cove • r,4 do Burnt Head (Cupids) Brigus Bull Cove ! do Blowmedown do Bareneed do Placentia do do do Blackhead Bonavista do Fogo Ferryland St. Mary s Placentia i do ■Great Placentia .Portugal (Jove do . st.;[j()hirs ■ 1 ;;iio . I Blackhead jHar!)or Main . iBrigus .| do .i do . |B:iy liohcrts .1 ■ do ! r; t, il 44 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. NAMK OK l'I,ACK8. nri^ftis Hry.intH ('ovf Hishop'H Covi' Ki'iicliv Cov<' Blovvmodowii nroiid Cov." (N. Sh ) Hlackhoad Huy-do-Verds Bird Island Cove Birchy Covo ....... Burrow Harbur Ih'oiid Hov* Back Harbor Brooinclos(! Bonavistn Bni;i!;j,'s Island Burnt Island Bonnott's Island Bayly's Cove Berniotli Island Bloody Arm Bpavnr Cove BMrd Islands Blackluvid Cove Black Islan t Burnt. Bav Bircliy Bay Bi'tts Cove Bay Bulls Burnt Cove Baulino (SontiO BriiTUs (Sontlil Biscay B;iy Bariswav Beckford (C. Shore) Braneli Bordeaux Blaek Kiver Barren Island • r.etts Hole Bnr:j;eo Bona Burnt Island Bauf Harbor Boauhoix Buriu I^runette Islaml .... Bay-de-East Bav-ile-Noitli Briti.>li Harbor Barrow Bellorani Blue Pinion Bav L Aliment Bay. B inibuiii's (">>(■ . . . . B-ixv I)I.STniCT.<*. I'OST TOWNS. Brians Briffus Harbor Grace Harbor Grace do do do do Blackhead do do do do do do Trinity Bonavista Bonavlsta do do Kings Cove do do rwllllugate and Fogo. .. Twillingato Trinity Trinity Bonavista Bonavista do Greenspond do do do d I ilo uO do do FojTO Fi>go tlo Tilicove 2s.\:.lV. Or' I'LACKS. DISTJUCTS .'Fortuv.e' Bay I'OST TOWNS BlanciV.olt ... Harbor Briton Bay ;t(! ., . !s • • • J ^. 1 ' 7 ... Briuus (";ow]iea(l T\vii]in^'.ate and 1- ego ;T\villin:!;ali' Colliers Harbor Main ... ...Brii'us Cupids Bria;us ... do Caplin Cove do do Centre Tliirliei- Grace ... ...iJIarboi' Graei' Coosh du ...j do (.^oleys Point .. do .. Brif/us Carbonear Carlioiioa.r ... C::rbone;'.r Clouns Cu\-e Bav-d■-^'e^d>■ do l.'ai)!in Cove .!r, 'Clackhead <^hapel Ann Trinity ... IIarl)or Grace ^'hanee Cove do do Cat Cove d"' ...Trinity Cuckolds ('ove do do Catalina do do f.'areless Harbour do dn Castlecove di.. (1.) Coltrells ishmd "ona\ist;i ... Kin.'^s Cove Cobblers Island do ... Greeusnoiid Cape Island .. ... du do' Cape Freels ' o do Cat llarl)0!' Po'^O ...i UO Can Island do 1 y ...A: o;;xj Cape l'o{40 do ...! do ('lian^'e Islands do ...' do (~!aplin Cove do ... Tiltcove (Caplin Bay... Ferrvland ... Fei'i'v!;ind Cape Broyie ... '" do' ... Bay 'Bulls ('ape liace... St. ;\rarv's ;.!:(] P! leen* In Fcrryiand Cape Pine [''. dr.. do Trejjassev Colinet do ilo St. Marv\s Cai)i> Do.";- ''" do do (Jo (^uselt do do Gi'eat Piaef.ntia Claiticell!!rbr;r.'.! do do i do i.''or1)in Burin ...IBurin Conn '' Fortune; Bav ...Harbor liritjii Cinque .Serf. LaPoile .; . .. Jlose Blr.nclic Corbon do .. En;j;lisli Harljor (^m Harbor.. do . ..llarbo; Bi'iton i I t S !! I 1 y i i n: riii: \i:\VF alm.wm ami: <»i ri,\ci>. ( 'orhdii • • • • ( !()iiiiil)> ("iiv<' ('.iiiliiui"' ll'i>' Cull di' S;ir.. Ciipc I,llllllV< ( 'mm Kivriucib. I'D.M I i)\\ N' prtt Coltcilll ( 'liMinicl I). 'orl-ilt' -(J I'M i)(i(-k|ioint, . . DiUiicls Cove Dildo (;iiv(^.. Deer Islillid . |)(':i(liii;iii"s \V.\\ l)()liii^C(i\ c. Doyhny • • • • Distress . . • • Davis ('>i\ (■ . Diiricil-' •••• Dawsiiii' ( 'i>vf Despair !'>ay DdcIo: Mar nil' Drii.n'on IJav Deer I^iaiu! Kimlisli HaihiM' Kxploits, riiiriil is Kii:;;li-ii ilai'ii'ii . Kiii;i:>li Uailinr. ii r.e!l:.raiii.. Ka^teiiirviiul Flat rock, I'tMl'ay. I'"ri'sli\\atei .. l''oxtrap Fre.sliwater. . Ki>\ Harbor.. l"i-i(lays Cove !'\)ol> Islam! i-'resliwater Uav . Flat, Island. Kiowerlsland l'\rir Island. . Ko:.;i) liar, aiul Is]; l'"oriune llarlior . I'hirrys Hi^lii Keriylaiid . . Keniu'ii-e ... Fox llartuM . First lU-aeh \ I'le water Flat Island.. l'o\.euve .... I'\! n .... Furby's C»)ve Fox Islar.d Haib,)i Fraueois ... Frene!i;nans (.\n-e Lal'oili' •. Harbor Biiton do • . liiir^ieo and I-aPoile e) Briu'us liU'^eo ( 'liaiinel Hay i;()l)erl' Harbor CJracc Harbor (iraec 'rinii V Hearts (!onteii ti Foriuni' i;av IJuruco aiid LaVoile Si. ,lohii ,N Kasl . .. Harbor .Mtiiii l?;iy-de-Verds I'rinitv II; 1. 1.> ov WxxU no 15i)n:i\ i>ta I tlo I'.iinlisl. Harb( Lal'oiie St. Jolm'.s llO ne Twidi'm-ate iMid Fog( do do do St. John' s .;\: 1 opsad Carbonoar Trinity ilo do viroeiispond Kin;:s (\»ve do Fei'rvland do riaeentiii and SI. Mary's Little riaeenli. (Jreenspo do Foii'i) Kxiiloi!'. iiriu... . do Fortnno Bav do do lUu- eo and LaPoile Great riacentia do liurin do llarl'or llritou do Burueo Ilirbor Britou Biirin Bii nil Grauti Great! (Jroh Gripe) GaultJ Great! Grancl Gana Gull l\ Ilall.^ J lorscl Ilolyrf Harbol llialLv Ifibb.'. ifarbc Hauts ficart.j Heart.] llearti Hcan.l Ilarc'bf IlarlK Herrii HolviN llarVy llarbc llaystj Harbol / J I E SK W FO I y l)LA MJ A I. MA A. i n XAMIC or OITICK. (ii'.uips (rppcio (iiillics ( lA)\v('r) . . . ay . Goose1)erry Graudy-s Point Gallow.-Marijor Glovcrto-vii Goldscovi' Grandbaiii; Graudbeach Garnish Grandjolin Grants Cove ( J roat Harbor (Jrole Gripe Island Gaultols Great Jcrvois Grandys Brook Gana Gull Island Halls Bay llorsecovc Ilolyrood (N. & S.)- Harbor Main Hiallstowii llibbshole liarbor (iraee Hants Harbor Hearts Ease . . — . Hearts Delight Hearts Content Hearts Ease llareljay Harbor Islam! Herrinp;neck Holy rood T'ond llarrycovi' Harbor Bulictt Haystack , Harbor 3nile niSTlUCTS. I'OST rowxs. Harbor ^fain TopMal! do do Hri,i;us Bay-de-Veid> 'Ihlnity do do do d(. do do do lil'i,i;il> Blackhead Hearts Content Harbor Grace do do Trinity ilo I. .. Greciispond Kiuj,'s Cove- do ilo TwiHiiii>at • and roV(; (slaiid CdVi! (I.oW(!r)ilJ!iy-uiiavi CIO •••• •••• T\viliin,L;-ate and Fo.L';o... do do riaeentia, ami SI. Mary's Fortune IJay linr^eo and LaToile.. . . I*ori.-ile-(Jrave .. . . .. Harbor (irace .. .... nay-de-Verds Tv,illinL;-atc and 3'o.;;'i>... do do I'lacentia and St. Tdary's Trinity . . . . IJurin .... Fortune IJay do Keels Kinji's (^ove Kiuiis Hnrl)or hoiiybay Loniiponil I;aueect)ve iiOnubeaeli Lower ISiuallpoint. . . liOwpoint Laneeeovi^ Lower Amherst Cove Lions l>en liOonliay Leading Tiekle (lO .... 'rwiliini^atc and Foi;o. ^ Piuru'eo and Laroiie.. St. .lolm's Kasu. Harbor IMain do Tort-ile-Grave . . r.av-de-Vcrds . . do Trinity Bonavis'i; .... TwiHingale ai do' ilo Fon'o . . . do do Learscove iriaceutia and yi. Mai'v'^ do do do llO Little riaeentia ' LaJlanehe \ (\o Little Harbor do Littlebay Burin Lawn do Lanialine ' do Lounge de ISerf l-'orlune Bav Lobstereove do LoUveove i do Littieb.iy do rOST TOWN.S. Uiubor Briion do do do do BurLCco IIo>e Blar.clio do Harbor Craco Blackluad liearts (.'ont; lit T'linity do do I^'oi^o Kxplolts (ireat riaconli.'r Harbor Breton Cluinnel Driiius llarl)or Crrace Blackhead Fo';o Nippers Harbor S.'Unionior iTrinity I Burin •Havbor Bicton do St. Jolin's Trinity Pionavirita Iviims Cove do Tiltcove LaPoilo St. .Tolm's do & KcJligrcws ilo d) Briiius Blackliead ' do Hearts Couteu'. 'Bonavista Focio Exploits- do Great Placeutia Little Placeutia do do Burin ilo Laniaiiu'' Harbor Brilou do English Harbor do N.r.ii, oi' i'LA\;i:s. I/uU(;I)ay I/Ulli'l);iy [sIiiihIs. . . . liiuulii'lls l';(s>;i.ii;i.' . . . LiUlt! liivcr LlUl(;l);iy. l.iil'ollis.. i/il'oilc Liil'huiti' Maddoxcovf iMkklU'bi'ilU Alauiiels Middh; Ann Aliddl".' Cove .Mergers Covc! jM<»m|IiU<) Alai-.sludl.s Folly .... M id leys Co V'.' Miuldyli()l(! McTfioUs Ihubor . .. ^loioldiis llav')()r . . . ■Miuiscpoiiil xMobllu Mo.s(iuLLo Island Mallbay .MotluT I.\:i'.s Middk'lioiis'' MuHselpoiul Marguiso Mussel Harbor M(!rushec'U Malionoys Cove Murphys Co\ e Mortier JJay INIolyer & harrisway Ambrose Miller's Passage Mos(juito Moons face Margarce Xorthcni Cut Xortlieru liay .New I'erlicau Xewharbor Xew lionaveiilure. • . Xormaus Covc .Vewharbor NcwclLs Islaud A^ev/maiis Cove Nogsiiicove New bay Ximrod Nippers Harbor North Hari)or Noi'th Harbor Xewharbor Newharbar Outcrcove Ottcrbury Ochrcpit Covc Tin: \i:\\'l'OUS'l>LAM) .lA.I/ 49 i»i-.i»;icr.s, Twilliiiicati! MH(l Fo'j:i». d't d(t Kortuiie IJ.iy .... do ■ • ■ . liiili^co and LaPoile ... iUi do do do St. JdIiii's West IIarl)or Main do • U) .Si. .loliu's i'la^t Slarbor Grace . . Carbouoar l!ay-de-Vei(l>; .. do Twilliuijatv! and Fo^^o. do dr) do do do do Ferrylaiid I'lacentia and Ht. Mary do do do do do do do do d.) I'osi ruvvNA. do do do do do do do do do Burin .... ilo Fortune Wwy . . . do Burgco and LaFoile do do do do Port-de-Gravo .. Hay-de-Verds . . Trinity do do .... do .... tlo .... (ireenspond Uouavista Twill ingatc and Fogo. do do do do do do Placentia and .St. Mary do do Fortune Bay • . • • Burgeo ancl LaPolie .. St. John's East Br.y-de-Vords . . do • ' • ' LItflfbay LlfJi'liay Inlands llurlMir Briton do .i La I '..lie I do . I Potty Harbor . Kelligrows Topsutl I[arbor Main . vSt. .lolm's . Bay lloburts . Carl'onear do . IJlackheatl .'Greensponil Twillingat(- do do . Bay Bull,^ sSt. Mary's tlo do Holy rood St, Mary's Little Placentia : do do Great Placoutiu do . Burin . ilo . Harbor Briton do . Burg(!o LaPoile do . Brigus . Blackhead . Hearts Content . Harbor Giaee . Trinity .,Harl)or Grace i . I do . . Greenspond . Bonavista ■•Fogo Exploits do Nippers Harbor '.s;Salmonier Little Placentia . . Harbor Briton . . Burgeo ..St. John's . . |Carbouear . . Blackhead ! ') u HO TN/J yEWFOl'SDLAM) ALMANAC. N-AMK (;F IM.ACKS. Old rciliciXii .Trinity Old ]kni;iv(.'ntnri> I do DISTJ'.ICTS. oldisliop Olivers C<;\(> . . . Oduriii < >kluui!r.s .l];t' . . . Patis bdtuid roiiclic'ov*.' I'ortns^al (.'ovl- . . . I'cltyllnrbor ... i'on"-de-r.n!v;- ... r'jrrys Cii\ r riMtucove Pouciicovu i'ools Island . . . Piuchards Island. IMj,' Island Pondlieatl l'ortnp,-al Cove . .. Point JrJilavc . . . Patricks Cove . . . L'oinL Verde Plriccnliti I Croat') Placeuti:nLit*l(M. PointP.Ia'l Presiiue Paradise (, Great ) . L'aradise ( Little i . Paradise Sound . Petit Port Pickaree Petites (iuidividi do Bunavisla Placcnlia :Mid St. Mary' do do Burgeu andi I/.i.Tnil" . . . Fortune Pay St. .Joliu's East do do West Port-de-Grave . . Bay-de-Verds Bonavista do Grecnspond do d( do .... Pla ontia and SI, do Koekside Cove. iTrinity i[0 do do do do do ilo do do do Fortune Bay Bnr^ijeo and St. .iohn's East Marv do " do do do do do do do do do do LaP iiiprap Redlieail Co\- IJandomSouud Trinity Pendcll Harbor ,1,, ' Riders Harbor ; do liussells Cove I do Ua.ugcd Harbor iTwiUin Port-dc-Grave . Bay-dc-Vords . T:inity jBi'Uavista T\\ iUingale 'Ferrvland Uajrj;ed Harbor uedclille Inland . Pound Harbiir . . ileucws iJams Isiand Red Island rtai,'i;ed Tslancj.--. ituslioon Jiarboi !{ed Harbor ';oel': llarljoi' do iJenconIre For)uii> IJoiindcovc dr, 'Jayniond i^.lilnd do iJouuij Hariior do Kiehard.H Harbor Biii.:4eo Kcncontre do -^■•ite ;nivl Im.) and Fo:;o. I'laeenti,' do do do Burin and St, Alar' do do P,!V MUi LaPoiK; do I i'OST TOWNS. .'Hearts Goutent . iTrinity . Harbor Grace; • livings Cove sjPlacentia i()tlerin • Bnrgeo • Harbor P>riP)n .iSt.Jolms,PouchC. . do Portugal C. • Petty Harbor • Bay lioberts • Carbonear • Kings Cove • ^Bonavista • (rreeuspoiid do do do s Trepassey St. Mary's iGrcat Placcntia ! do do Little Placcntia do Great Placcntia ; do I do do do . .jHarbor Briton . . Rose Blanche ■ •'St. John's . . Trinity . . Bay Jioberts . . Hearts CoiHent . . Trinity . . ; do . . j do . .|Hearts Content . .|Grccnspond ..Trinity ..Kings Cove ..|Tiltcove . .JFerrylaiul 's^Litllc Placcntia do do Great i'laeentia . . Burin ..' do • JHarlior Briton do do do do do •/■///; .\i:\Vh'i)l Whl.AM, M.M.WM M MK OV l'I.\waiiis iHlaud ... t'hip Lslaud .... SeldomcoDieliy .... Shoalbay .... Sealbay Stock iug liar bo I'. . Snook.s Arm Slioocovc ..... St. Shotts ^t. Johns Sliipcovc ..... St. Lawrence (Great. Burin St. Lawrence (Little- do Spencers Cove Seeverley.'^ Cove . . . Soiitliern Ilarlinr. . . Sound Island St. Brides Sandy JIarl)or St. Kyjans Soutlieast Liijfli;, ... SpauisJi Kooni Burin Sai;-ona Island Fortune !'. Stones Cove St. .lacques S. W. Bainsway Sam Ilitelies '. Soutlicrn Cove Swoir Harbor iJni Seal Island Karbor.. do do do . Harbor Uiwm. . Bay-de-Verds do . Trliiilv . do . do . do . do . do do do . Bona',-i.'-ta do do (h) Greens;.) do do Twilii! :. do do do I'iaeentia SI. Jo]in".s Plact'iitia ,id '. 1 : ' I Slid and I'os-i' row.vs. . Biii':jCo .' d<: . LalAjiie . 'liose BlaiH.'li(> . Salniouiei- . i\ (.■!]!;; re \vs . ilaihor .Main . Bricrns . !;av IJolti'n-; do . jliiiroo;' ("Ji.'M'e . C'.'ii'boncar do . lie;:;'!..- 'imlrp,!' do , 'i'rii'i; V do r^O ' do do I do ■lJona-,-i.-.;a i do : do ;!\in;'.:-, ('\iW jGrei/iis; o;jI i do i do iFo;;-o do Sealb.;y ,Xil)per,s i!:i;'; or do 'Tikeov<' do ....I do St. Mary'si'i'n'pasvcv St. .roImV St. Ma"y"s Gi'eat I'iaecitiia • • ■ • f^rca! S;t.ija">vi'c.'nri !'og do ilo , I. . I'laceiiiia do do do do ( ii I do do do do ! 1 1 ' 'ji d' ) do and al'odr do )iii,\ I..'i]' "' 1 i (■• H2 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMAXAC k'i- XAMKS OK ri.ACK:*. DISriUCTS. Topsail Elcirbo:- Main Turks Gilt l.\)!av(' Turks Cove Trinity Tic.ldc! JhirooL' , do Trinity ' 'lo Trouty do Thorou^rlil'aro ; do Tilton IIurl)or Twilliugate and I' n-u i Vo'ro I'OST TOWNS. St. Joii)r.-S Tops'.ul Iiri.irus lloaVts (":onlt'nt li;irl)or (Iraci; Trinity do do Throe Arras T\villini;ate Torytowii Ti//ar»ls llnrNor Tiltcovi! Triton Island-^ . Torbay Trepassoy Tacivs I5ci\cli Tossc'Io Tlu: Brook Turnip Cove . The llcucli Upper Smalipoiiit do do do do do do .I(M)ii's <:;o .JNip|)ers Uaihor do 'Tvvil!in.y-;itt> do ' do do I do d<> JTiltcovt! d'' 'Exploits St. ,iol)ii',s !iSt. Jolm's riactiutiir ;i:kI St. Mary'slTrepasscy do -'" Littlo Placoi\ti;i do do ;Great riaccniia Fortune Bay 'ilarlxjr Bnt'n; do d.o do . Bay-de-Verd.-< 1 do IBlaclchcad Upper .A mlKM'Pt Gove Bonavista .. !Bonavist;i V'iryins Cove; Piacentia r.wA St. Mary's LRUe riacei.ti: Victoria-town Bonavist;; Vittei's Cove Trinity Wliite Monday Hill.. Harbor Grace Western Bav ' Bay-d.-Y-'vds White roi'it Trinity Witless Bay do Warren's Uarlior Bouavlst.i Wesfn Ann, JlkyBay T\vi!liii;.rate a Western Bay lio Wildcove, S-coinc-by du Wards Harbor do Waldrous Cove ibi Witless Bav Fiirryland Woody I;dand Piacentia and St. i\Iavy'sjLittk' Placenti Wreck Island Bui'^eo a)id LaPoile iBurue i'' I '!.;<-• (!o do... do .. . .Boiiiivista ..Trinity .. IJarbor Gi';a«' ..;BI;K;kliea.l ..Trinity .. do^ta iGrccu.spoiui . Tw;illi:-a'<- Fo,!j;o . Littlel)ay l.-I; do ..iBav Bnlls lid.s Western Point. . Bi lens Cove Coachraaus Cove Flower de Louis llawling Cove. Bears Cove . . LaCroix Lockdrawei' Min<,'s Pac(iuet Sealcove or do T\villiii;:aU' do ' du do do .!<• d<.> do on iid FoiJio Mil . do .. do do . tlo .. do .. do . do .. 'LaPoile Tiltcov* do do i do do do ' do do ' do rf: Cjiamccr of Oomisioico, Ct. Jolri:.'}!. T. K. Sniiili, l'r.>i(ient: lien. P. G. Tessier. and J Ion. U. Thor- burn, Viei'-lMesidt.-nt.s : Jas. Goodfellow. Seciotary; W. B. Grieve. Hon. A. W. Ilarxey. .lohn Synie, Wui. Pi;ts, A. F. Gor.vxi>. ^«H,. A. .intcIn:::;;?S,!;:i";j'';;„|^;!!?'^«^^^^'^"^' Jas. GoodA.llou'. Ilo^ry^x cJ;;';''!",''?""/;^^^', Hemy Cooke, accountar. ard teller- Wni. Ilewanlinj/tv^Ae; "' ^^'^ ''''"'- ^•'^""><<'^ and solieil,,,-. ,, ■•vvt.Nij.s' iiAX;.;. White, 1', (J. iJC^^ ':;„;;" '■ "-^ '-^ ^i^^-^emoly. Jfon l>I,s EdWard 0. Tes.sier. ' ^^ '"^''^^•'y. -■!>• A. Shea, ■■ml JIo)!. i>. G/,v/^/r/-— lion. L..;\va:d ^', ;•;,■ i , . -, ;nu. i^ank is open ,,,,v :' i^alm'^'^r;"?'-'^'''',:'^'''-'''- o clock, rorde;),-.sit,,,i.s !)■ ■ ! "'-^^^'-^'•' !'i»J lioiil.-^ oi' 12 and 2 ,, /. . ./"-^-<''f -, nA;;no;: (hiac;.: E. Cro.icher. Fri-rv). m; :. .^ ';; ' ^^ IMrso.,.. I'lacenri.. Jas. I'. ^orth)..Io^n Mi/lli„: O...^; ^ , '''""'^' '-- ^'-eh. Tn„n, W. P. Taylor !>:; r;i; -:;,.^^--,Quiu.on to Poin^KJIS ] May 1,0 Lawn ^(dM F ^ '.•" '"''^?' '"^^'•i-"^ ^- Haddock. Pcmu I^:Mice, Jatiics ilar.i.v. ("aiu. Do, ^ ■ -„. ; ^ -'^''■*"'' '-" ' "'"^• <;;i.msh t.. (voe ].;jr,,::^V ;'■'.''' '''^'^'■''^■'-e, — >™^««,,„..»,„..,„„,.,. ^^___ 1 ..I.. j\i,iioa\, .i^iDs (,. \vaf,xo;; ^'(^v-cy O/;/.. »;.,/ Mu.n:>,- AI.!,ei,a>Uin Buildiii- /.''/m-A.,,-- AloxiiiulorMiitTay, CM.,;., F.G.S A^e^'■, tigiicivo'as:j3, xieaco:: etc. L'lijli'^ I 'I ilif J'iil! ■>([''! iiij I'.'s! arc r.cJt'ih'rcl from .su,i. 1 1 ice I. 1)1 tics sc: (.11 siDiri-sc. ,7/.v/ (• ;/i.':!if;icc-f arc all m iinii II •Z ' .\un!..- of 5 !^ :• I'lac DcscripLion cf Liiilif, y. I ! o / /' I'lS^ il.: ■ Dllil, Toil 1 in- i ^iitjt. i 1 I87i Civ\i\ Is- : •!: l;:n 1. S(:a!.i!;i- , Oor.i-. -in'- :> \x:,-' Oiler w.ul-' -\'.'. ;;,■ ham Islam!. (SLiak'mji- , Ishliui), ■ : Bav. lolo Tiiiii.: ■V^^l^. O I II 4.47.'M Cato-Dioptricrevolviii^ ,';•// nil.- ;i\.'aic.'st 7 / / c liilliaiicv i/Vfiy .")(,) iriii;iit(-s. o.-i fx.-.j r I. .1 ir si,h iM\i('r Diop liic. ['>.l2\FJr '■ ly/z/tc, 4ili oi'ilci' Diop- tric '1.21 IutiM•^llitl(.' '|^ ir/ii/c, *kli ordci' J)ii>p!ric', i:u).kii5<:j oin! com- i'li'to revoliition in a minuto, ;:i>.;:i!;!)-i!)u- aljout 11 se/.i>iuls i:;,!i:,, and !) Fi S'.-cOiUls ilai'i Lsl; ::m> Boiiavisia. Cr i\i; ;{ Is :u, Citali! l,s7-!,i\MM' ISSl Haat:; Hi !)J JO ;v<.'', -I til oulur Diop- i I ic (visii)!c iVoin N. by E.. V i:ou.u!i South to W. l>yN. hy i'.iiipass). Caloplric; revolving J i g ii i . ••licv.iag aUeriiately a tcJiilc i:kI rc'l ii2,'ht a' intervals of '.;:) ■seconds. Fl rcJ i!'Inl( . kh v<;\iri' Diop- tric, (visible \\. S. W., to -N !•; [s ::! >jy:A\F .()!. Triiiitvl? u^,-.:) r, caiic and. -.J •' .!" /■•;// Fi nil Ic: •~^'h order Diop. •:tli urdergDiop- |ls7S C'a;lio;;car: 47. i i. i Island. l|l«oG ll.uiit.r 47.'iL: : (iiaee ; IslaiKl. trif. "i.vcA trie. Cat.o-D;»»ptric revolving irhilc liglit. shewing a ilash every L'U secouds, "This light is (••fteii obscured iiy fog when the lowf^r part of the ishuid is I lear. Fivc^' ;r/n'lc. ^th^Jorder Dio]) I trie. .i.'S-lliCatoptric revolving I i g,li t . shewing two ir/uu lUishes. ' f)Ilo',ved by on(! /yV ilash. I eacli attaining its greatest i brilliaucy iu ;]() seconds. .o'J.22 92 76 Go 44c) 151 i ^il> ^ Ufiht.- oo ^'"- (fi'^^-ctiirc^ (ire (ill hi }un>in.„J ar/cK. /';//',' vr. m Sit xjt! JiH«A'n=>wrr«-5-»-r :.i o „. ■; . m a ^ Kiucl ol' Lamp. "^ OJ ■^ i-H t—i . — , .—„_ ft. iMls. 331 ' 21 All No, ,s s c'av^'•!n•d Ar^rands. Descriptioi) of BuiUlhi';. i^5 lO-i 100 Hi- 10 o 270 300 ;!(;o lA'j}\\. to\vor painL"(l rod, square in loAver p'U't,, cli;in'.;-i»£c to octa^o'i and iini.'du,Hi i>y ;i circular drum," .U-alloryaudlauceni. Keeper's dwel- liiror square ,'vortical parts wliite, roof red), distant, 2r> fc. iVoai tower 1 Ar-;;iJd. ]?iiiidin>v,,^ -wood. Li,t,'ht tower ris- iniy from the •^;-xh\(i of the liouse— (vertical parts pniuted wlntc, roofs red ) 2 wlcic COUCCM- tric. 2 Wick COUCC!'- tric. Roun.-i red iK'icK- tou'er. Keener'.s dweUin.ii: wood —- (vertical parts white, roof red), ;;o 11. from tower. Iron li;,nit tower in centre of a square Avood l)uilding-, lioofs Hat; sides I)anded horizontally, red and vrhite alternately. S5 ml -70 L^Oi 15 !>2. 11 Go 443 10 {) 24 Ail Seaward o 202.'. L Wick i5alklino-j granite, rooted v/ith ,aud. Wooden h.ouse, painted white, and roof red, from centre of which rises the Lintern. For fo^v alarm see list below. \yood tower, paiutetl white. No. 8 xlrgand-s. 105 151 15 3(i0 3fi0 Octagon v/ood tower, j^ainted white, A small store nt rear. 'Round red Irrlck tower. Jveeper's ! dwelling detached square white I building with a red roof. TIk; ' liuildiugs r:re on the northern part ; of the island. The southern *eud ' obscures the light for eiirht miles wlien bearing N.N.E. v, E. 1 ArU'and. inii;liliii;;s wood. ij-Iit towci- riuii^- iroiii ilii> I k:i1)1o of tlio lioiisc-(vi'i-t!c:'.l parts" v.-liito, roo!' :Squa]-e wood house (^sides paiutei! white, roof rc'i), from centre of Avhicli the lantern. Xo. (! Argaud>-. If ! .,(! 'nil-: X j:\vfounjjla\jj almanac. Li;i"ht!h.o-j.sos, Bo?.cons5, etc. /J(f/i/s ill liif j'lilhnriii'i I'l-'' (i)'(' (.cinhiit'l J'rodi f.aurhc to UKuset. J'lic 2.47.10j^'V.m'' a p prox i in ate . ' trie. I !■( .1 4th order Diop- 7.3;;. ! 7 .'.2.40.20 i'V.m/ wh'ik, 4th order Diop- i trie, visible from seaward between W.S.W. and N.N.E. ISi;! Fort Am- herst, en trance of St. .lohn's. St. John's Tici li1.0t'. i^/.rf!/ irJiifc. J'-rd order Diop- llead. It^.'x; Cape Kace 4G.tUi.24 trie. 5o.0't.2i}Kevolviug rhiu light (with silvered reilectors and annu- lar lenses) ; tattains greatest brilliancy every half minute. Visible between E.X.E. to w.s.w. 0-: o 'tOrt Ud ;'64 180 \-> THE NEnFOiNDLAND ALMANAC. .57 lights llargcst .1 (lan- [itc, at- lUiaucy Y Diop- (with Id auuu- lreate!«t luiuute. k.E. to LightliOTisss, Boacons, otc. I^iilltla 111 l/ic J\)lh)n'in(/ //'si arc cf/ii/ji/yt/ J'rom. iiuisct !ti>.i o — _j2 CO s> . ■4J r-l tDfJ •4-J '7 •7! « 73 ,i v^iCO /^ > ►-< 1— ( ft. Mis. 40 :i •;2 >- Kiiitl of Lamp. l)i'5C2'ipliou (>r Bnilding. Ai'^jjaiid ;IIexaj:;oiKU \v'> 16 15 All Seaward 180 .No. 7 Argand s. i3 wick Concen- tric. No. ;♦ Argands. Buildings oi' wood (painted white); roofs'flat. Ou the higher roof is the lantern, elevated above it on a square block. The lower building is the fog alarm house. For par- ticulars of alarm, see list below. Buildings stone (whitewashed). Ou the roof is the lantern. For fog gun, see list below. This light is in a drum (painted white) on the roof of the Custom House. This light (400 yards in rear of the lower one) is in a small octagon tower (painted white), with coni- cal roof, one side of which is paint- ed white, as is also a disc that sur- mounts the roof. The line con- necting these two signals shews the middle of the channel. Wood house, banded red and white horizontally. The lantern rises irom the centre. For fog alarms see list belcw. Kound red-brick tower, 28 fctit from keeper's house. Keeper's house I wood, painted white, with red roof. Round iron light tower, 40 feet high, painted red and white in broad vertical stripes. The keeper's house is feet distant, square (painted white), red roof. The light tower is connected with the alarm house by a covered way. 1 For fog signal, see li st below. ■u i I ffSr G8 TJlfJ y i:\VFOlh\nLAND ALMANAC LighthousQs, Beacons, etc. Lh/IiIs ill the Jollou'hiii list an; ('.rl.ihilc'lj'i'itm suns-rt di sunrise, 'llic tlistanccs arc all in nautical mill's. u s a 1851 Name of 2 "g pliice. "^ o o I n Cape Tino IC.Or.Ol i 188;') roiut ■i(i.r)i.20 TiiiHayo, St. IMiiry's I Bay. 18G0 Cape Kl.lK.ul jSt. Mary's o Description of Light. O / M r,3MAri\ white (Catoptric). Tlie iiitervoiiiiii;' land bciuj? low, the li^ht can be seen over it from St. Mary's Bay. 'u\:M)AQ Fixed u'liilc. Gth order Diop- tric. .")!.Il.;'.l Revolving' Cato-dioptric of 1st order, shewing alternately a red and n-Iiite light at inter- vals of one niiunte. 18791 Point Verde, Placeutia. 1858 Dodding Head. Bnrin. 17.11.11 15.00.19 7'7.m/ white, Clli order Diop- tric. ■I7.00.2() 1879 Allan I Island, j Lamaline, 18G5 Brnnette I Island, I Piercers JHead, For- ! tune !?av. 4(;.51.00 approxi 55.08.40_Seconil order rcvolviiKj vhite light (Silvered reflectors and a u u n 1 a r lenses) ; attains i greatest brilliancy every minute. In conseqnence of the great height, this light is often obscured when the coast is clear. 55.45.;')0|7'7,ir(' white, Sth order Diop- mate. ! trie. 1875 18 to 18731 Garni.-h, Fortune Bay. BelU>ram Fortune Bay. Kockv Point, Harbor Briton, Fortune Bay. 47.11.00, 55.L'4 00 approximate. 47.29.00 47.1 5. u2| 55.51.50 PowerfulCato-dioptricyZai'/^/^// r'hifr light, which attains its greatest brilliancy every ten seconds (obscured by the land from E.S.E. to S.) Fi.ird red light (metal retlec- tor). This light is only in- tended for the fishing craft, of the locality. 55,27.15 i<7ar(/ n-hite, Sth order Diop- tric. 47.27.uO 55.47.45 Eighth order Dioptric, /i.rcd u-hitc, except iu a line with , Harbor rock, in which direc- I tiou it is obscured. ir -» ft. ;!I4 ;'.90 4;J0! 04 ' 4 OS i 20 ;. 08 sininsc. ;ht. ;). Tho iuj? low, 1 over it ;r Diop- lic of 1st rnately a at inter- er Diop- in8 11 4;50 L'l Gt 4 OS 20 !» i o All Seaw;nc1 No. 1, Konnd iron li^ht tower, ."0 'eet hi"!) Argands. pui.iLed with red and white horl- zonltd !)!uuls. Keeper's dweilui"- , , wood, eoiHK ted with the tower oy a cov(!re(. way. I Aruand. Round iron tower, painted with three : J"*;^l and two white horizontal bands ' The bands are c()iitinued°!iroini:ir .i7.;;(;. t'j .">: I i.slMIIll, I liiiri:i'(). trie. A /ixcd ml Vv/Ml, Ctli oi'diT Dioptric, is jihu'cd bc- l(i\v Uic uiiiU' \\'jS\1 to (lis- ii'i;',ui>li the roclcs and U'fi-; ; i.'Xt«'iidiii;z' iVoiii WoJt'Kofiks iuariiiij;" (tVoiii li.'j,Iil lionsc) S. 77 4 1 \V. to Dii'sc^ 'rcrrc "I'liiut h^. CI, :!;'., Tliv ncl" Mvcr tlic WoirK(!cl< !•■ nlioui. 1 '. iiiiics I'lDin tti<.' i,-Maiiv'i. At, a ;l!sliiiicr ot a''i'Pt 4 mil. s I |;r t w'l li:!?;!ns vii(';'!:i' iiitn oil'.'. ' /'V.iM' / ••'.''• ''iI. "iilrr r»ic(i. trii'. 207 207^ ; noacdii. 47 -M.yi ns.i::?.(is lu'laiid's KVI'. I'l:- t taiu'i' oT i/ar.'iir Hav. , '2 \^:\ Kosr \::Xk\^ :,^^.,\.::\< !•':.■■;<' /-/■//'. Ivh oviUv Diop- j5l.^n.l,,, iiir sl.fwiiiti li'diii a In'ariiii; I'^jjn^ ,.;\V. !)V N if'und l>y mirtli 1 US7:. riiamici 17 .■;;;.i!) .M'. ('7. ():'/•'■■,•■ ./','■ ■'. ctii '<)■>]»->■ Dn^p. Head. '■••'■• ruri-aii- Bas()iu'. 4 !8.s;> ^ai.dv IS.L'7.1'7 .'.s ;;().;'.l ;■",■,(./ .'■,■//'(', . <''th "riifi Di^p- Pohii. ' ■'!•■'■ Uay St. In'OIiie !)0 ■^' ^'1 1 MCP- riii: n/-:h-/'oij.\jjla\/, j/.j/ r.nM^' n. '1'cm.nn, lis, ore MUcd fro,, s,nr.' I. ,....;.. .. ±!^' ilistanres are all In .Huilira' u.ilr.s: 3 ,.-.• « Si" o »*'^» "»»,.»», ,fc,„«,„ Kind of Lamp. Doscriptiou or niiil,iiii;,r. rt. iMis.l o :^«1 MJ) I MOO 207 • i;i(i 2U :.'07 11 ■ 270 . wick Woo, ,,M l.o.iMS Mdes pnii)t-(I uliiU' tie. cpal l:uil..n) siniuh. Tlu- on • 1 A,-a.,d. shmyi„;j the ml li,l,t is r;;;,,-!"' '•iiildiiii!;. I Ai-iind Bnddin^^s u'uod. L,;.hi, ,„;,,, ,,-, in,i,MV()Hi the ,i;;i),|,, <„ ,,,,(, j„,(,,^,,. \^^rt!fal purls j.ainlc! wliit,.. ,■,,<, i \\iiitc. Willi three; black ban.'s Jr ».^ snpjiortcd by Tour chains, l)M'.p. ])i"li- 9*' 11 KW-,' !)0 2vviH< B!n!.U.u:s;^rn;,iu.. r„.i;, I wl.h :.;„!.. tunc.ui- Li^.'hMnu-,-r .'il ,.„,. ror-ic- trie. S.-nvLl' ■^'''''"''- '''''''r'"f'\;'^'-'-v.r,n.!r;,.|...,,,. •"''"' '■'■■'- •IwMliini;- arr ■'l:, ,| : ii„\. arc o( wood. 1 Ar-and. Round iron louar, inaiiitcd wii Ii ilirco rod juid tliru- vvid;.- lM<,i>;o)ilal "!>'irM>LA.\t) alma.sac •cti VV/fwr »■/'// A ::nii,i Icil ilotf (tiiif tiiff/ii' tdiriiii/ (lie cniiH.iHitui'e if th'ii'k ii\-'it!!ii'i' irr .•moil' ■ifiir-n^' I'la. \-u~ <'':i\)r Naiilr "f Dcsciiptiiiii 111 Hlcfniil Iiil(irval> III' S nihil. I'owcrl'ul Soiiii.l il live mt )iii.h, sijcut Fruuci's .Sir.-ti '/y.nn/L-t. llvo •■(.'CoikIs, ^nuilik'il live si-('uiitl-<, :uiil silent iitfly-iivi- sccamls i:i r.;c!i iniiiiiti-. l''.'."!!.' (ii'i'i'ii Is- I 'fi rfi,'in , /'' ;/ Soiinili'il Co;' l!v,' i.crDiui ^ \vi!li land. (\ir,:iliii:i. //. int<'rv:'.l • ul'.-il. iw.' o;' tlilil y- i VuVl .Viii!i!Tc>1. '«'■■;;•''' ;»'!'■ II Dii! i;i,:;'il;i\iii.':'nl a.i(! Wiicii Uapi \):'V'j:i' lV'>!!)a .■;•' j SMi>a)' i'^icavi'loM'.-il in to;;' ;lii. n ii'i!(i":' '•:;:!. wJl! be i|i'-''?vinA'<'*l cN cvy iiuii!' A vi'.-^c! s ;:ii!i will l.i .mi-- Wcreil 1> ' W,/ ;.;l!)l>, . ■';,'.'',/ . ■ . ■M'('.!i:,| . lii v.'.cli mil; 1 ■• I!f.;;sM (ioo vai'ils .\ X.Iv •nil/ ivMltCiMU-'r Tli:- aUtiiu IS scl.foii! Iii'aiil to tli" xnit'r.varil i', it^ ra..>'.;i iun. IS7:M'i!M'Ka<- ,'." liil Iii-!;:r!i houili. •! ,! ':,■■ ' M •••■I'tiijii.^, wil '•. > '',, , ; ;i;s !,:,./; Ill I 1 ' • ■. I 1 ; K'lili'iii I' (■'■'.'■'is Ml ca'p i;::ii'il, N ]■;.. tli-linii ]'_■ miles, c'lilic I'ilic W ', S., l''r( ~!n\aU'i' I'liiiit s.i;. .'., K. Tlii- l,i;i>v ^^ iil In' ; ili> ii In .il llu- i-Miniiiciici'- iiii ut III uiiihr, :n.(i ir-ini'cti'ii! in tin- ^jniii; ■.irl\ ;i- :.H'\\( ;ill.«'i' w ill |irri:r ill ii'l|i:i ;i\ calii'ii 1I :■'■ illl.i . i'.ial tiiat iiiav DiU ili'.'il (! 1)1 'I'T I'C I- .■!■ I wr. ;:iii!'s. ••i:: I'oiKiiiion > i>(' i'H'. al iiiu.-pin'ic uujI'i.- tli: in' (illu'i's I'cu' ■i'. NKVII.lw- .■(uity .11' M)iiii.' imlc: •A ;' i.l'l!l'!iii:'sc i.ii/i,! I)ii-. — Oil!' -hiliiiii;' j)('i' !.()!! (Ill al! ',('.>.sei.s eiileriii^' any colony, except, ('.'a.^tini;'. si'ulinu oi" (isliiuj ■ 111. (i; liTih' !• oi ' 111 \ I' It lie levied nio! nnee in one year. Scalinu A-a\ roas'. ,n: sixp'i.ce \)i-r 'on on rei;,ei'ecl vessels c>l' ID ,i>'is a,'i(l !ie.\va,ii-^ ; liP.ecii :-!iilIiii.",< yvr 1,on on all ve.-sels less tlinn 4 I !•!),.. Till' i;) h I'l' \' ■ ii!!i ;;i:in J.: {■' oi'iii e:iii. .1. 7-\:r, -i, i.n;'.!' .) >l -r:Hi. lie m .iiiv ^e:'.^ 'ovieu !■ i)!v;.;., iii'l ',•.•(•( and ent ..'"I'iii ■.11*' \n rii-.r. no .uT'ater I'of iir.lit, due.- o;i ei-.leriu;; any port ol" tlii-; (!olo;iy: a.iii no n rj'.i'<>pe ;in(l any ; on; of Xortli .\nu'!'iea. iia, e>r lliiv Colony. :i^ a ]»ori ol' eaii. .siia.ll b,* an: pay any liuii!: dues or .other port cliariv<':< eNi;i;pi, piiota.'i'o. .•// .1/. i-,!e\;iii()ii :nc'' ;\i wh; lijiii '.vate!'. (i ^■^ / \;''T A V/hite Flash Li^'lil. tne imlit metre's ,-l()l Kni.!;-!!:-.!! feet . l)is- l< visible — l.s mile.-'. The liu'h; i> liiihlen al the ! loi'i I)'.-, aid ii'i ihe ITmh hind of Si. IV tlie V, or .\( A 1)0 \ liilio seeo) stuui twenl TJu leeL Ji stand.'- wJiite. TJic lan)])s A ro thick. in eac] l)last. Uia •St. JoJ Urace. Jingale J.)r. i;. A, ]Iol Dr. Ski Duar i>OIl]K'l '//,■'•/ sll-nt 1 live i,y-iiv<' I'. I wit It lhi;-i.v- y liuii!' r Ml-- iii «.'.'.cl\ ;i!"tN ."«•' •, Tlii:- ; to th" 1 '.;tn. . Nvii;, w' rut;. II. . ,.. i;,iui. , K. 'nii- inilirlU''- r. il in tin- uill i.niM ; ;i;iy 110I n.' th'.'.ii .•'/,o.'.yf>. ;!?: :Hiy iiNhiii!.'; ',S ol' 10 .-; than (Inc,- i>n Aim-vii-;''. iiot.Uii'C.'' !i Li'j;lit. . l);s- ^ iruhU'ii 77//i' .\i:\VI'(n'.\I)t..\S!> M.M.W '('. T.'nih' a! Ihtniiiih r)i!,-t!ii(\i'l' ^1. /VVrr'v.— Siiici' tin- I-; iictolnv, l>;(;2. \\\i' cntiimci-ol'ilic li!irl)0!* of S'. I'rl<'r'.-s, <';Ulcil Sotitli Cliim. iii'l. liiiM hccn iiiarlii' I hy l'.v.» sirial! llxcd lights, oiw; «.!' v.iilcli i> :i Wliitf IJtrlii. Unvr-iVmnlis n'tln' li(»rizoii.;iiul |ilacvJ • 111 M:(: b.iMrry. mal ih,. oHk-i- a red liivht . nn t!i<' iihilti at, tlio iioill'. • tCtlic t'lwii. 'J'lii' wliitc lliiln. has ail 'ilrvation u\' 11 imi .v,-,, Mid is vlsIhU; .six iiii!( s. TiiiMt.'i li.Lflit. is flovatcvl iii.i. t'.,.:i met,;-, ... visiljli! ihi-iA! mill's (Ii.-;t:i!ii. 'I'ln- line counficliim' 1!;."- • two liirlii-', imiicalc^s tli'.; niiililli! Chajiiu'l. Till' pii^ilioii cil'thc n .1 li:i1if, ha,>, also hct^i m) di.-l.t'rmi[,o(I, tli;,t. a.s souii as it. is s(!cii 011 tlin lell tij' Ca;-.«! Kau'lc, vuh.scIs cjiiiiii-' n-om Coluiiihlci', in;; iiili) tlu- Nm'thcnsl, iMitiM-nv, will \^x\Z. iiothliV'.^ Id Tear tVom \,\\f\ sIkkiIs ol' Caio Koiiyx*. ^' /rrow/r.— From the Isl, Auuns't, 1874. a liulit Jia.-t baiii oxhlbit'c.l on tlu' S()iilliiV("^L I'oint ol" I lui [-laiul of l)oi;s, at, rhu placo callcil i'oiiito a li''('oi!tf, at loo iiiclKs { !;'.: Kii^lisli rcci.) u'dovc tiio levi-i ol'tlinsca li will !)(> scon i;i chtw \^•^'ath(■l• seven miles. Tiu' '•Mtcnt. of the li.iiht is (•irciims<;ril)iul ii) a socMm ol'Ki.'i^. prcs^.nliii:;' t\\ > cones o)' iii^ht : (iiir wliitc. ol' -K)^, will li;rlit tin.' pns.-:a'.',(Mi('ih<' Soi'-'luMSi, .'-o as to liui'iiiit vessels, v.hicii iiiaiiilain posiliomvitliin tliis cone to avoid at the riLflit tli;.' shoal JiaL:iill(', and to lliu Ivli the )• ck ol" Cape Noir and tlie iMu-k Jlertrand. 'Vlwi .voeond cone i.-; v ', ol" 1L*;W. It should 1)e avoided hy v.fv-<(.'ls eiitcriii;;- Ijy Hi.' Souiti. ,ist passaije, and will e.'iab!',' Iheiii, wliim llusy have (luitted the u.iitu cone, to coaie to anclKH' in tli',' roadsteail, or iu the l!ari).':.ioi\i, in J'ollowing tltu iim; oitae wiiite li^'ht Ccoia Point vux I'aniuMis, ,*.nd of tli-3 r.;d ii-^'ht lVr>ni t!io iiiterior i>i' the eily. .\ li.uht lionsti has beon erected by ilij Governnnmt of Camnla oii liie v.'t'.stcrn side oi' ('ape Kay, on tlu' ^.unth west coast o;'tli(( Islaisd ol" Ni!\vl\niiidland -laMliiie 'c^ 1,7' Xortli. lonijitude .".'.i^" Is' We.-L. A povverfal llasli wliito ii.^lit is e.\lubited, niakin;;- a complete revo- lution ill two and oiu; ([iiaitei' minutes, and lla.^hioj.'j every leu seconds; ai: ■'. loin^C di>ta!ice, ln:e,vever, it iias tin; a])near:!.nce oi" a iteatly liy:lit. TIk; ii;;ht can pr;>bal)ly b; seoi at a dist:'.!!C(! of tv.'enty miles, in clear weatlicr. Tlie tow(,'r is a Avooden bnildin:^-, hexaij;onal iis .■>iiape, I'orty-oiic I'eet lu,^'h, and painted while. Tiie Iieetx-r s dw^dlinj;', also of wood, stands at a little distance iVoiii th-: tower, and is also p:.iiitfd wliite. 'J'lic ilhnninatin.'j;' ai),s is ('at"M'!'i<', tuid con.-i-.; •^ i;'.' tuclve lamps and relleetors. A fo'j,' whistli! is in operatimi ai, Ca[)i' Kay. I', will be ijiowii in tliick and foggy wcatlier, and during snow storms I'or leu seconds iu eacli minut(.', li:aving an interval o)' llfty sciconds between each bhist. It can l)e heard from tliroe to ill'tcen miles. Bsardy d Jliai//! n(Jirf:fs~]b-}AYy Shea, I'-LD.. : ud Tliomas ilowley, M.D., .SL, Jolm's. Wni. Alla.iil^ .AI.D.. ;;nd Thomas \l. iJennett, ilarbor (irace. Francis Moran, ."\I.D., liiiiid. Vv'n!. Stirling. ]M.l) , Twil- lingate. llayrindlater, M.D., Togo. Kobt. Vrhite, jM,1>., I'rinity. !:'crald, Fovtmie Bay. l)v. 11. lJri;:ii-< ;iii(n'ort-dr;-Gi;;ve. r. i: i-y. J.)r, II. M. Nel.von, Cariionear. I) A. ]|obi!iiard, Cii'innei. Dr. ,\n(Iers() Dr. Ski.'ltoii, Creen.-poud. Dr. Akxander, Tiltettve Uoanl of llraUh ami Il'ralU' \Vai'd" 'J 1)11'.; (tin I i) i.sirii- o/'^Sf. Jy//.M"\ -Judge rrow-so, cliairmau; 8. ]vendell, lion, W. J. S. i)0!ineilv, Hon. v'.'G. Tc.'-s:er, Hon. U. 'r!i'.M.-bnri;. ilobert Alexan- (J4 Till-: XE I \ FO I LVULANI) AL31ANA C. ii ■ t > llr. i (Icr, Ilcuiy Slica, JNI.D., and Thomas Howley, M.D. (Health Ofli-; Hon. Chas. Crowdy, M.l)., Frederick Bunting, M.D., Wm. C. Siinins, M.l)., and 11. 11. W. Lilly, secretary. Boavd i>l"JIi(iltli, Harbor Gract — Israel L. IMcNei], Wra. Allan, .Jiimes L. rrondergast, Geo. llutherlord. Board < f Ilrallh, Qtr/Mncdr.—'Jolin Korke, Edward T. Tike, li. T. H. Goiild, IMichael Bulger, Wm. P. Taylor, Israel L. McNeil, Dr. Nelson, and IMicliacl Dwyor. Medircfl Oljiccr to Board of Trcnlc !\rr SIc/i' Seamen, Fori of S(- JJ/>}t'.■<—^Yln. C. Siuims, iM.l). Foreign Consulates. Forli'r/a'—C. ¥. Bennett, consul-general; Thos. 11. Smith, vice- consul, St. .John's. Kobert S. Muun, vice-consul, Harbor Grace. G. II. Cole, vice-consul, Trinity. J. Ileury Clements, vice-consul, LaPoile. II. .1. Ilolinau, vice-consul; A. ¥. Hatch, consular-agent, Harbor Briton. Thomas C. Duder, vice-consul, Togo. John W. Owen, vice-consul, Twillingate; Kichard Goodridge, vice-consul. Renews. Francis Bertean, vice-consul, Burin. i>v;rr/';y/— Published daily (Sundays excepted). Harbor Grace /S'i'(/»(/'j)i-ci>it' Cunt't — P. Jimerson, Q.C. Reyistrar Soat/iei'n Distrirf.—lhniTy 'i\ B. Wood. Ci'iev iift/ic S/ij),-rme Q/iirf o.'d TipfttcfU^'— John Burke. Barristers (h/'t Atluvnefis <,f tin- Supreme Courty at St Jolius, ac- ei)rdin'/— Spring Term, commencing 20th May to con- tinue three weeks ; Autuum Term, I'Oth November, and to con. tinue three weeks ; with power to tlie Judges to prolong the term from day to day, not exceeding six days in all. Sessions after Term — The first INIouday in February, March, April and July, and to continue lor a period not exceeding six days. Commissioners fm- iss/'iny Mesne and Final Proeess and Supcencs returnable ii, to the Supreme Court, /'or takinrj Affidavits and Se- cognizance of Bail i,i any suit pendimj in said Court. Central District— llauvy T. B. Wood and Prescott Emerson, Q.C., St. John's. F. F. Fnrneaux, Kelligrews. Northern District anil Hugh W. Trapnell. Harbor Grace. Israel L. McNeil, Carboncar. J. Wilcox, Brigus. John Lewis, Lov/er Island Cove. G. AV. R. Ilierlihy, Bay Roberts, Wm. Iloldeu, Harbor Main. J. Veitch, Holyrood. Wm. Christian, Old Perlicau. Richard Penny, Heart's Content. Wm. S, Groono 60 THE NE I VFO UNJJL. i MJ . 1 LMANA C ^ ^ \% and Gilbert IT. Colo, Trinity. Moses I'ai'sons, X(nv TTarbor. .lolin Million. Ciitalina. John G. Skolton and David Caudow, Bonavista. riiilip Leve.sconn;, Ki:i;^s Cove. Jiis. linulfjii, sr , Wm. Lang, GnnMispond. Jainos Fit/c;eralil, ro.:io. F. Ucrtean, Twi!- lingato. JoliM Diidor, BoUs Cove. d. 15. i^.huidlbrd, J/ittU» JJay. Gideon Way, ^Musgravetowii. Jolin .M. iNIaddoclv, rort-de-Gravc;. Sot>l/%m y;/.v//'/r/— David \V. O'Marsi. J'\'n'yland. Tlio.-^. O'Rielly. Hacentia. ,Ianics IlaiMicy. SL. iMai\v"s. Jamt's rittman, Lain;dinc. Georgo Sininis, Grandbaiik. John (Umninyliani, Buvf'-oo. Philip Uubert, llaiijni' Broton. Thomas Winter, Burin. A. McKen/de, Channtd. Geo. Sutton, Tropassey, Thos. Driscoll, Toad's Cove. Henry Camp, Pushthrougli. Nathan X. Taylor, Bonne Bay. L. .f . IJarron, Day ol" Islands. George li. Lilly, and ^lichael E. Dwyer, St. Georjie's Bay. Jiicliard Bradsliaw, Ganltois. C. ]). Chamber.'^, Harbor Bnll'clt. ,Iolni Gillis, Codroy. \ICK-.V1)MI1!.\I.TV lOri.'T. .yji(A/<:—Cliier. Justice for tlie time lieiu^r. Rcfii^'/rar—li. li. W. Lilly, Ci.C. Mc(n'/f((/—A. O. Hay ward, Q.C. Surrogate.'; -^^. W. Browse, B. I{, Vv'. Lilly. :uid H. T. B. Wo-nl, St. JohiVs ; , Havl)or Grace. CKXillAl, DlsTlilCl' CUUlll. Judi/c's—l). W. Browse, Q C, and James Gerve Coiiroy. C/r'r/r nj' ffic ro"r!-M. B. \V. Lilly, (^),(\ XOTAIUKS IMIU.U'. (S7. ./(//'«'> -Honorable Georu-e IL Lmevsoii, Uobeil IL I'rowse, Bobert li. "W. Lillv, Hon. Bdward jMorris, Wni. H. .Alare, Thomas J. Kough, Sir W. V. Whiteway, K. J. Binscnt, Bielul. B'. Ilolden. A. O. llayward. Wm. O. Wood, lion. ,1. S. Winter, B. J. Parsons, John JL Boone, A. J. W. NcNeily, John T. Gillard, D. J. Greene, John Maher, John A. Kochlbrt, G. 11. Dickinson, AVm. I), llalley, James J. Collins, Geo, M. Lilly, Geo, AL Johiisioii, T. W. Spry' Francis Berteau, E, M. Archibald, A. E, Bown, and M. E. Dwyer. Rarhor Grarr-ll. A. Clift, Jas B. Dry.^dalc, Andrew B. Dry:- dale. ('a,'l)'j)icai — Israel L. 3lcXei!. T I'-i 11 ii,"ial, —,]o\\n Peyton. Bdif lio/)i'rfs—G. W. B. llierlihy. /'bv.;— Jas. Fit/.gerald. Brli/i's— George Gushue. Soui/tcni i)/v/j'/VY— James Carter and Henry Bennin;::. srirENDIAIIY :\IA(iLST]{ATr.S. iSY. Jo/ius—DnnM Woodley Prov/se and Janu-s Gerve Conroy, Judges Central District Court. Conceptioit Jiff//— T;.;)mas B. BenueLi, District Judge, Harbor (5 race. Israel L. IMcXeil, Carbonear, John AVilcox, Brigus. Trlnil!/ 7i(v/— Gilbert H. Cole, Trinity. William Cliristlan, Old Perlicau. JioiiavisUi—DiWid Canilow. J«o/7u-— Jamet. Fitzgerald. Tirilliiiffafc—Vrauclii Berteau. i'>r/v//a";u/— David W. 0':Mara. Ploccnfia and St. 'l/c/r/Zv— Thomas O'Hielly. I'laconiia; James Harney, St. Mary's. jB/fr/n— James Hippisley. Gram^hanh — Georiie Siniiu -, st;i. ,Vm. 'vvil- n;iy. i'(V clly, Ihic. hilip iv/M', I^ovc. L..I. kvycv, ibcvs, ^Vood, homas lolilen, U'SOlli^, Jrocno, llalloy, Spry, Dwyov. l)ry>- ?eyton. :;oiu-oy, I Harbor lus. Ian, OKI .huiies 777/; .\/::\VFU UXDLAyi)^.^. {LMA S. 1 r. H7 V rc^-f// ]';itrick Su'.lh-ai). /;«,/ -Micha'.!l K. Dwv. San(f// Point, Si. frcurij: LaS(''u\ N.E. C(A'(.v/— Da'.iiol Diiggau. Fortune Zy.r//— Philip Iluberl., Harbor Uritoii. /?(;/v/fr*— John Jonlaii. CJlUDHcl — . Li!t!eh(i//—'ian\(is B. BlaiuH'ord. .S7. ■i,/t/l'.>-,i>/, XE- C'v^fv/— -Tamos Saint. ^Oi (lie C'>lijiii/ i; .irsTur.s OK riir. pkaci; I'jDiiii'Jhtilil — Til Corrl, t ic nicnibers ol' tlio Kxeciitivd Cousicil, a>i(l Sir Arn'omse Sli/«•,'; .V/—St;'pi'icii IJcndell, Hon. J'jiin \Vint,ei'. XiO'lIn.-.i /;.'.v/',',v'-.T<)iin PivVtOi). J()!)ii '1'. Oakley, .loiiii Tilley. Win, Chiisti.'Mi. Alexander P»ri'TTiuci-, John (i. Skellon, David f:iu- dow, Wiiliam S, GreeDi;, ,Jolin Porlu-, James [;. i*re!)dec,'4a'>it. Jolm WiU-iiN, Pliiiip I.(Vcsconte, Jamos Pit/.nli'-lriel \)\\\: Winsor. Robi Mnnt i; li J.iUK^s IJiirde.ii. .laiue-^ • !')ii'i IMittleu. S.'imnel .James Gardner, Daniel F.vans, William Lelhbridae, K. < '. \V';i'- (ireeii, Vv'iHiam Mcadns, .Ip.o S. Lockye", 'I'liomas "VVinser. Goof-ue Vardv, JMlcIiael Bokrer. Glia l':es Dawe.'Mas. Alex uider, M.D.. I)r Whin Tlio 1)11 HIT, Jas. H. White, Frederick, Daniel Mnri)hy, JohnSnuth. Goo. Giisliuc, ]{icliard Penny, -losiah Manuel, AdoljJi Gn/.nnm, Johti Diiiiei-. .losoph Godden. Patriek Deverenx. Aaron Tilley, .losiah ('<)nH)r!ie, AUVed S. Pike. K/.ra Weedoii, Win. .!oyce, Lav.reiiec 1^1 h'. v. tM.di.x J, I^lcCarlhy, .bdiii PaLLei'soii, Jas. li.'Elandlbi'd, Josi.'ph -'- . Piiilliiis, Mark Osmond, ,Iolin .McDonald, M.l).. -I. C. Dominy, U, J). Hodge, J. P. Tobiii, David Currie, Tlios, M-Cormac! D. A. Ilvaii. .Jam.':^ Saint, Daniel Diii^Lran. Franeis Peiry, Norman Siiel;;rov;', Wm. H. Tlioinpsc.n, iJ. 1[. Taylor. K*. McDonni;!!. Sonlh Ui I'll Dls'i lioma> lienoui iJdwanl Kvaii.--. Owen Pine iiichard Marslndl, P.amk .(''uri oh/a, Thomas WiiitiT. i'hilii* Sorso- liel, John W, Pn,a;lish, John .lordaii, Rd. jMcGrath, riiilip llolman, Thomas P K<.'at,-^. Fram'is Read, 'i'liomas O'Rielly. James Pittmaii, Henrv Peni.iiiu, J WldLe, .Mielia'd (Jormaii. Jo'.m Fnivieanx, Thos. Driscoll, Gharles F. Gossmaii, ])a\ id W. O ?Jaia, \Viiii:i.a Piioran, :\Iose.^ Tdley, Tiiomas Hod:re, James Harney, Piiilip lfn'>er|,, Cliaa. D. Gharribers, Josiali Small, Patriek Suilivan, Jas. llin|iis!ey, Jolin P. Piradsliaw, Natirin Sir.lth, I.'obt. 11. Carey, .M. I)., William St. Croix. i i.i;ii oi 1 hi: I'K.srK St. Jn/iii'.; (For Ceiilral Dislriijl)— Robert R. W. Lilly. Hurhor (,'i\u'f — UWr^h W.Trapnell. (\ii'hoHcy/r«,v/.y --Patrick (3oa(1y, Peter McBay, Pliilip Lnci'V. Caalrii .SVrr/dv/w,' — Jolni Squires. Medir-al -^//r//(A^//~^){•. Crowdy. Bay St f7«-w/-(/e— SorjLcoaul Jos. Kiclly; Constable G. (iooLlland. Bay of Ishvulx .Sei.i:«'a!it Isaac Ifutii.'tr ; Cf)iistabie J. Badcock. Btitt< C%/'e-Seigeant Thomas Friiru's>;y. Br»r/«A' -Acting Sergeant Will. GiIiik's. (.'unstable M. Brine. 2?«/'^fo -Constable A. KoUand. Z?ay /I't/it-rAv -Cou.stablc John Foiix's. Bay i?/Uj. Wni. L.>i-cn/.L-ii. jBTc/r/^r^r fTrc"'''—li'.'ad Constable K. Dovli'. Scr^icnn; F. Williams. ffolyrood —Ai'i'Wf!: Si;rgeaiif D.r i"l F:'iM'i)i;iii Hearis Cuntfnt — Constable Jam.- ■ IIuLcli. r. Harbor Afain — ('onstaMc (ico. (;. olipluMi;. A^a/rta//«r -Constable Kdiiar I\"ll,i'! i-n. Salmon Core (Brijuns Nortli) — C()!i-,t;i''i!i' .i isrpli Tr/niVf/— Constable James lin: M K VSIKK.s. Thomas Brine, St. John's; J.iliii Brace, ilirbuf (icace .rarbonear: Wni. Horwond. Biiuns; Johii Miftlen, Kaggeii Harbor to Spiliar - Cove iiin:lii>ivc!. disliie-. orTri;;ity: Consta- ble Httininond, liiiriii: lleniy Camp. Cioiii I'ass Island to Cape LaUune, dLstrlet of Bur^co, Ciiarles ilani-^, (;'i<)- ; Mai'maiiiike Clow. Dirr n. Bonj Miinji. John Ih Kichanl Israel jj Ai/V(,'(l }| J. A. U([ Iiicorpi -ilist, '>i>'lioj) i* -the j^rJ Uvo vicil THE XKWFOUMH.AXn AL)L\XA(J. ei) district of Forrylaiui ; Ai;)c'Vt .Stcrlitiii, disLi-kt of Foituuo Bay. Frederick Wyatt, Greenspoud : Gcoru-o F.Christian, Graudbank: •James i'cyton, I'wiirmu'ato; Juiiii lloi^erts, WanUs llarljor; John Collin, Jvinuseove : .lolui ('oUis, 'rrinily; CliarJos Kandu!!, Hearts Content: Kdwavd O'lJi'ien, Ilarlior ^,Iain ; Alex, iiiirke. Harbor Buttett; Goo. LeMoine, liose JJlancli"; Gcor^'e S. >ieU], Boiiaveu- ture; Juhu Sinnott, eastside o\' I'laeoutia Bay; \V. C. Pittman. Lamaline; Constable {>irnk, (Vl^iriu. ST lOlIx's ACADEMY Dhy^rfurs ((.;iinrc;li of Cnj^land Board)— Tlie liiyiit licv. tlio Lord Bisliop: Hon ]>le the Chief .luslice, Sir F. B. T. barter, iC.C.M'.G: Sir W. V. AVhiUiway, K.C.r^l G. ; lion. A. W. Harvey, liev. A. C. F. Wood, Jnd.ii'e Browse, Henry G. G;K)dridyo, GL'or;^e LcMessuriei'. Head .Master : Bcv, Jos. b'. riielps. Seoond I\[aster : Geo. iiowe. Third Master : Wm. O'Coinior. Church of Fnj;Iand Girls' Scliool : Miss Nuttiiu;- As;-,ist;int teachers: ?dis-es Co'..ii ;incl A. N'uttin; E UtlKUI. Calk llM) J - liTost iJev. \)r 'owe IV .Most iJev. Dr McDonald, Bi<;lit K-iv. ]\lonsi,i':nor Hilars. IJev. ^Nl. A. Fitzr.\M> MinilODIST A'.Alil'MV. Direct oi'y — ]>ev. Job. \ lacli. Rev. W. W. Pevciviii, Rev. .Ja'- Dove. .). J. Rou-orson. Mm. C. ]?. Avr\ W . Pit' J(ihn Bemir-ter. A. J. W. McXeiiy, ii.A.. ileury .1. P.. Wood-^ K. HoUowav, B..A., r'.C.S. Seeor.;! JIii'^Lm'; J 'n:!cip;U ;is,' Robert Tlilrd iMastitr: J. W. Tsicho]>. liiicvnu'di;!* :d ^L B T;'.vlor. J'l'imai'v and iCai-wC ai Model School : A. - Board of' E.viiii;!, W. W. Pcrcival, B. E. Hobowiiy, B Rev (1. S. Mill] ?,1.A., 1,.L1).. Rev. n .8. 6V llV'i'tl I Pr:>f (■■■o\ Sevmonv Prin Cl'l al: K. [ian ICuCK X an; Chaiiccv, H. W [Mi- ld Hert. I, Ua.t?ged Consta- to Cape and ad- [). Cross. like Clow. Din rtt UAKiiO diii-h AV :a(: '.MM.'.i'. ;-Cii()Oi. Auell, John Rv;i;i. ."dark Parsons, Tiio- R. I'.cnuelt, P;ilrie;; 1X.\ Muiui. eren X, i{oi)eLt S. :vA\:!;n. Mastc Janu I Al D H'rClm's i; ;oxi;Ait <: J. Hovic lAMMA; •:>0i W . ilav.-l:er, John :arce. and •lohn Ryall, Church cf Bn.;i;land B:- Richard McChirtli v, ll^nnan Catiiolir Brain; y. .1. < > Connor :ind R«,'V. (,ieoi'.;jii; Vater, Lsrael].. Mc^'ell. B. T U'. Gould, Janus Rorke. Wm. Joyce, and Alfred Penny. Methodi^t Branch Principal (Methodist Branch), .1. A. Robinson. Assistant: A. J. C.'oi.'ker. COIONlAl, AX!» < OMIMNIAV, i\W Incorporaled ls:,L'-.lnstitnied ori,L'-in:d!y School Socii tv. : ;(li su< iKiv ;i.- tlu ■.e wfoundland /).,/,v;,,_.II,H- Most Gracious IMajesty tlie (^ueen. Vice-1'atrons —His Grace the Archbishop iA' Canterbury, lli>^ Grace the Arch- l)ishop of York, His GnJcc the A vchbishop of Arnnv^'n- I'resident -the Most Honorable Maniuis o! Cholniondeley ; andseveuty- two vice-presidents, consisting- 1 f l'eer.> of the I'uited Kingdom, I 'O I III-: y /•; i r/v > i njjl . i nd . i /> m. i a' .4 c M & 1- En:?Hsh and Colonial I]i>sliopy, Deans, Colonial fiovcruors uuchid- in,«; tlic Governor of NewfoumUinu! . members of I'arlianionf , Ac. Ciii'i'(Si)unilin(i Coiiniiillcc ni Si irj' hnul —Vxiis\(\\i\\i, llijilit IJev. the Lord Bisliop of Newfoundland ; Vice-president, Sir W. V. Wiuteway; treasiirer. Kev. William I'ilot; secretary, and in- spector, jT. W. Marriot; : Jlon. .Tuo. Winter, Tlieodore Clil't, 1). W. Prowse, 1'. Emerson, Jlon. .las. S. Winter, Commander Robinson, Hev. H. llcvftate, Sleplien Rcndeli. Svhixil 2''c/r//p/'.s—St. -lohnV (Central Scliool) — Daniel Carrie, boys: Miss ILoplvins, girls ; Miss Pride, infants; Training- I'npil Teachers of the Society — Misses Sterling, Fnr/.e and Holdeu. Hello- ram, Miss Wilmore. Petty Harbor, Mr. and Mrs. Bishoj). I'ort- de-Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Maddock, and Miss Andrews. IIari)oi' Grace, Mr. and Miss Ward. Hearts Content, (i. Adams. Trinity. \\. Collis and Miss Locl\ycr. Salvage, Mr. and ISfrs. Tulk. Greeus- pond, Mr, SkiUingtou. Swain's Island, Edward P>ishop. Great St, l,awrence, Mr. and Mrs. Pitclu-r. Bishop'^ Cove, Miss Gonld. IJrigns, Mr, Cliafe. Bona vista. Miss Gent. Portugal Cove, Mr Webbei-. ClUKCll Ol' C.Ndl.AM) t!(>AI;l>S ()l I.DL'CA TH >\. Si ./<)// ti\s-—\{('vs. Edward Boiwood, A. C. F. Wood, Ambro*;"' Heygate, T. G. Netten, and SirW. V. Wliitevvay, Hon, Dr. Winter, Hon. A. W. Harvey, Juilgo Prowso. Dr. Crowdy, George T. T?on- dell, .1. L. Duchemiu, H. J. Stabb, ilobt. Carter. Hrl(/u)>-lWv. 1{. H. Taylor, Kev. T. Colley, W, Anderson, M.D., John Smith, .folm Bartlott,, Hobcrt Wells (Salmon Cove), lOlijah Bishop. /',;;■/., A-fr';v'/T- liev. .1. C llavvcy, .loliii Andrews. Thos. Batten, M. Dawe, Geo. Audrcw"^. liai/ EoJt' ,'is-\i^\. W. C. Sheai's, ( 'iiarles Dawe, Isaac Bartlett, Dr. Wm. Eraser, Eli Dawe (Coley's Point', 1{. H. Taylor. SiHintard's B(fi/-\\'/»//// (Proper I— Hev,<; H..I(ihn almanac. !• h n/fi'i/ih—MQV-i. John Ciinnhif^lmn. E. Cvilloy, and Dr. G. Hunt, OliiirU'.s M. Dc<>iiit.\ill(', Jolm .lordan. Stciplici Vivtclicr, Williiini Anderson. ;-r rj'Pol/e—liv.y. T!ios 1'. M;;ili, \\ 11. iSorsolio!, Francis lioad, Tlioinas Jtiilout, ,'i. llolls, (leo. LfAroiuc, rlamcs Ai'iiohl (IVlitcs), F. J. Tsvocdh,'. (7/'j)!„'rI—nrv. T, A Cood-, Rev. 'l\ P, guinL..:i, J. LoMoliit', \V. T. Dicks, Josopli ymall, "Wiliiani V'ardy, F. ,1. 'i'wccdlc'. hsprrhr—Ui'W W. rilot. Mi'.riioDisT i'.'JAi;i» u;- kdiu'Atiox. iSV. r/y//w'.v~K«ns W. W. Pcrcival, (h'ovj^v. Bond, 15. .\.. Tiios. 11. James, and J. J. IJoacrson, lion K. Wliite, .lolm Ktiei', Geo. Gear, ]{ E. Ilollowav, n A.. A. ,J. \V. McNeilv, B.A , liy. J. B. Woods. >;. KuiyJit, .1. W. I'itls, Geo. ^V Mews, M. T. Kni.r-lil. Pui'r// Crc-Rvy. lJol)t,. Brumlitt, Clcnicnl Hudson, Chas. Tippy, Kzra ChnrchiH, Jolm \). Fa.- leri)n;ok, John Moulton, Matthew Bntler. Jj\-/i/!rs ■ R'jy. .io!in (ior lisi,n, A. r,;'.rt]i'tt. (i;'or;;c Gushue, S. AVhci'an, Geo. C- Cro^-^)ie. ,lo]in Bartlett, II. Roberts. Ci'ii'nJ- — Fev. Jaiiuvs Dove, AllVed tSniifli, Geo. Smitli, Samuel Spraeklin, I'rancis .:>use',vortiiy. Porl.,l,-Gyar,-\lQV. F. C. WiUey. Win. !u'l;nnl. A. Biirscy, W. 1'. Boone, -lolm Ilaniptoa. llt/l RiJ),rl.^— Mow Kd.u'ar 'J'ajlui', H.iac .Mer;.er . oi' Benjamin i, Aljner Snow, Samuel Mercer, Soloiuou French. ILtrbor CJf(((f — Ficv. G. Boyd, John Bemister. Bernard Parsons, Williri Parsons, AVni. Slepher.son, John T rapnei!, Jas. Parsons. C<(i-/ji,!/ah'-nox. Gt;o. V:der, John Forko, J. L. .AlcXell, B. T. II. Gould, liobci'tMaddock, Wm. Guy, F. T. Bouiister. h'(r/.,U-Vrr(h—ncv^. Wm. Svran, T. W. Atkinson, and William Jcnuiiiii:s, John Lewis, Wm. Lacey, Thos. Iliilard, J. Diamond. Trhiitii ilaii (Sonlh)— T'ev. G. Paine, Wm. Christian, Fbene/.er March, Ellas March, Bev'i. .Benson, James Burt, Eli.jah Benson. Hduh IfiO'hi'j — Fo\'. Jos. Parkln>, Niehola-* Short, Chas. (ireen, Wm. Single, Feubeu Bonuster, Janus GuIHibrd. .T/v';?/7//7A7// (West)— Fev. John Beay, Ilcnry March, F. New- hook, Samnel F>rt:te, llc/.i-kiali Burt, Ai)salom j'>Iarch. i?(^//'>'";,7— Revs. Jesse Ileylield, j\Iark Fenwick, and ,1. T. New- man, lle/eki;di lilnndell, "Matthias Martin, Xehemiah Frost, Wm. Blnndell. T/td'tlji Bill: (Korth!-Uev. F. W. Freeman, -John Cross, G. F. .Stonemau, Geo. Christian, "Wm. Biii':deu. Tr'in'itifViiiji (Fast)— Fev. George P. Story, Benjamin Snelgrove, Wm. Norman, .Jolm Ilicks, (.'aleb ])iamoL,(h Bonari.'iUi Jkti/ (South)— Fev. Jolm Pratt, .iaiicz Saint, James Saint, Stephen Abbot, John Sv.ires, Abeduego llobbs, Rd. Cole. Bonitci^la Iht// (West) — l;ev, W . II. Edyvean, John Oldford, sr., Flias Brown, .Fnnes Oidlbrd, .lolm I'erry, William Pye, William •"Matthews. (iO,/r.vistif Bnj/ (North)— liev. Solomon I\lati hews, George Allen, (ieorgcDowden, George W. I!;;:!!. James lUirry. ?klark Dowden, Japhet Sainesl)urry. i'ovo— Revs. Jabe/, Hill, \V. ,1. Dunn, and Robert Scott, Thomas C. Duder. Joseph Waterman, AllV^d I'ike. Wm. Perry. Sana (Bonav John a ( Openh: BolKti (Gotten sr. (P,ui THE Ni: I VFO CrXlJL . 1 A7.' AL. I MNA (J. 73 Musgntvr ITavho, — \W,\. Juims Wilson, James Illcks. K. Wellon, Thomas ]-;ili(jtt, WiiiU'Oii (tiiy. Tii'iirnig(ilt'~\W.\. Jerc'iuiali Kmlirct.', I\:l(!r HmnwayH, W. Hod- vlor, Klias Uobcrt.^, Isaac Mooms, sr , John Miuty, A.'Liiitlt'ia. Mn)\li,n'fi Jl\i.'lii,)' (1,1,1 I-:.ri)>(,;is—\{v.\<. Anthony Mill, Jos. Pin- cock, !UKl Mark Osmond, Josuili Manuel, Henry Kniglit. Nod-c i)'imr lidfi (N'oitlO IJcvs. Jos. Lester, Henry Abraham, and Henry Kniuht, James rttron;;', \\. I'.alsLone. Fhtrcufiit /;,(■'— \lrv. J. IJ. Smith, 'I'honms Giles, James iloUett, Kdmnnd IJoad, Jam(;> Williarai. li;'r/'i. — iiii\. William K. iKioll, liev. Ciiarles Lynch, Owen Pine, Kichard i'anl, John Weare, Geo. IJishoi), Benjamin Hollett. Eii'/ti,n—\H.'\. Samuel Snov-den. J:'.s. 1*. Snook. John E. Lake, Win. P. Lake, Jolin M. Jlickman. Grii)ii/fji(i/.{—l\.v\. James Nnrse, ]Mor,uau Foolo, Georjie Forsoy, John Forscy, Tlionuis A. Hickman. /j(J'ul/r~'[W\^K Geo ('. Fraser, Saimiel Kcid, and Saul Uounel, W'm. Sloii(!, George Ellswoith. 0//a)h.c/-~ilcv.Wm.Tvii\\, John Poole, 'J'Jiomas Poole, William Hickman. John Butt. Siiprr/nfri/(/r„! — Mew Gijoi-f^i.- S. JMiliigau. LI^ ]). UO.MAN (JATIIOIJU SCirOOL.S. S/. .J'(t/f/(/:'^ i-y'/foo/ (boys)— ToacherH, the Cliri>tiau Brothers. Sf. Fiif,'/r/,-'-:, y?/rr/'/cr,'^'/ -Teachers, William Carroll and Denis Cantwell. Ilnrl.ur Grcur—i^t. Patrick's Free School (boys)— Teacher, Michael Scnlly. i;t)M.\N ( Aiiior.ic r.oAni)S oi' kdication. ^7. ,/o//,/".v— Most Kev. Dr. Power, Hon. Ed, Morris, Hon. E. D. Shea, John Casey, J. (i. Conroj', II. J. Kent. Hitrhui' Gi\'(;; Car'jo.Kitv, JJa//-(f(-J'ir(/.s\ (tn. Bulger, A. Dry.sdalc (Harbor Grace), Uicharil jNlcCarthy and -Icseph McKay. Jin';/ii\—ilev. L. F. Walsh, J. Tarahan, Jiunes Moore, Richard Delaney, sr., Patrick Brophy. Hurl)'..- MF NEWFOUNDLAND. Bt« Ber. Llewllyn Jones, D.D., Lord Bishop uf Newfouiidlaud. Commissary in New/bundland-Rey . Edward Botwood. Commissary in England— Wox. W.Jones, MA., Buruside, Kendal. Commissary in Bermuda — Rev. J. Lumley Lough. DEANERY OF AVAI-ON. Rev. Edward Botwood (Rural Dean), St. Mary's. St. John's. Rey. Edward CoUey, Topsail and Foxtrap. Ecv. Joseph F. Phelps, Church of England Academy, St. John's. Rev. Arthur C. F. Wood, M.A., St. Thomas', St. John's. ////•; NKWFo uyuLAsn wlsiaxac. 7.5 cholaH houias , Thos. iuuott. rou. I, Alex. n, .lohn iVillUvni I. Deve- [arshall, fshall. '. Burke, L Byrne, Vfattlicw dUu Pat- BuUey, :enry W. spectorN lexauilur M. Ciooil ; DLAND. »aiidlau:iltk( Harbor, Labriulji'. Wfv T .M. TiMiipk', St riorn;. IIIi;«)[.(Ji,l(,.\I, C'OI.LKJIK. Visitii, — Tlic l-'»iil I5i>.li'i|). (Juinicil — Tl'i! Loril lji>lu)i). iiiid Krvs, V\ Uotwood, J, IT. IMuilps, Rev. A. C.F. Wood. A. llc.Vf-ii'e. Pi'i„rli,IO«'KSAX ^^ N(H> Ol' NKW I'or.NDI.AM). Prexlddil -Ml. Ki-v. the Lord Hishop ; cloiica] scci'ctaiy, licv. A. Heygato; hiy sccrctiviy, G T Kcndcll; iroasuivr, Hi-iiry (^iok<.>, auditors, Rev. A. C. F. Wood and .lolin Goo(lrul,ij;c'. F..ariitirr Cn„niiiftri —'I'ln', l-ord IJishop, lU'V.s. K. Uotwood. K Colley, J. F. IMu'lps. A. llcvyalo, Wni I'iiot, A C. F. Wood, and Hon. A. W. Ilarvoy, Hon.. I S. WinU r, (i. 'I'. Kench'll, C. '.'rowdy. Henry Cookf. .Secretary: (J T. liendcll. ROMAN CATHOLIC OHl'IJCII— DIOCESF OF ST. JOHN'S. NEWFOUNDLAND I Subject iniinedht.t ly to the Holy See J Former Pr(ht(cs—\\\. Kev. Di". O'Donnki.i., consecr.'ited 171i(!. dicdlsil; lU Rev. Dr La.mbkim, tiled islT; lU. Kev. Dr. Sc.vx- i,AX, died Ls.'JO: Rt. iJcv. Dr. Fikmixc, died IS,", i; }II. K'ev. Dr MuM.ocK, died isc'.t. Pi'cs<;il f{in/ti>/)—}losi lUwil. Vlnnnas .loso^tli i!'.)>v Fiui- nence Cardinal Oidlen. rir(ir-(i( iimi/ — Very ]U'\ . Aicliileacoii O'Connor, 1' 1'. />m»— Vacant. ( in I:<1U> AM) I l.llKliY. St. John's Catliedral, X'ery lic;v. Wni. I'orristal. Adiuini.'^li'alur : Rev. Patrick Delauey, Rev Dr. liowlcy. St ratrick's. l{c\. .John IJyaii. St. Peter'.s, liev. John Scott. St. Josejili's, I'elty Harbor, i{c\-. .Joliu W'.-dsh. rortujral Cove and Torhav, \'erv li^-v. T. O'Cuiiiiov, I'.i' ; ]{ev. M. J. Clarke. Bellislc, Rev. L. \'t icker. Topsail and i\clligre\vs — Kev .M. i'. Mortis. Witless Bay, Rev. X. IJoach, IM". ; Ki!v. M. I'. o'Driscoll. Ferryland, Rev. M. A. Clancy, I'.i'. Renews, Kev, John Walsh. IM'. Trcpassey, Kev. AVai. Horn, IM'. St. Clary's, Rev. R. o'DonnelL IM', : !;ev. W Aliern. Sslmonier, Rev. J, SL John. Vlacentia and St. Biide's, Rev. Charles Irvine. I'.I'. Lrttle TlacenMa, Kev. K. Brennan. P.l'. St. Kyrau's, Rev. Wni. Doutney, I'.I'. Burin and Oderin, Rev. V. Keardon, J'.l'. : Rev. Cliarles o'ifeil. St. Lawrence and Lamaline, K'e\. -lohn Walsh. of !\I. I'., //'/ tr Ua, St. ,;. Sf. .' Super; Thoin;: I'oiic i^'iri' i'orr;; ivti;, Cham riiu yr:\vrnr\t,i.\M, .ia.h/.vj.-. ; IN.-HTfTION;:. )'';u), l!,'v. l:. Ti<'ri;c\ : l'ror.'!.sr»:v..-!j,.v n (ni,;., ,/,,.,! i i i i<).s\!:m <.!iil>-Vi I. I5i others, :; schools ii.,.lrr pati-oi,;.-.! of Uio cU.Mrv .•iH™:':^u^!«'=,l:;';%.l?•• '" '■' ^"' ■•■'''■■ ■■""-■"' r'ail)oiic}'.i\ ': V. U. Wahh, C.C. iirl«iis. Rev. l-\ 'vVnl sh, V.(}. llnrbci- Mail! :ui.l ilolyr.Mj. Vory L'-v. .1. , .'i>..mi..|l. !> v i'.v Conception llarlidi-, u^.y. I', o Domicli Northern .U;iy, 1,'cv. M. llui'cv. i5!iy-(.h'.VcnIs, i;,.v. j. Dosmci'iv lion'ivista. i:,v. ,) ('.■■.rol n Kin-'.s ('ov<;, i; ;. v,-,.), Vfnd,, Jjcv. F. Lviich ' i.tDii Ihirlxif, J,\'v. .T.unrs IL'own. 1' p ' IJct.t.s Cove, T{,.v. ",;. ;'.v'r!i;i!i. • ' ' Ki)rtiiiii? llafiiur. ij.v. .'s !" Imd (/iCdiU'i...'. \li-\ ;• J/T!'!!. i-;ibra(lor ^Attor^hnl by IM.sts r/nm Uiwbor ( irace -';/^.7v/.v Ibree .-;'ii.(. iV(--:!l:'!iullOuier. un 1 two.. (i( ^.(t-rcy. I" the Older |"irj:-,:ii;: ; wd ci.vmi.y. Ii>:\ . I'. Mii (l)l!i, :. St. Cleoio-es, l:ev. 1>, Vhipi.irU. I3;iy of islniifH, JCev. .M. Tareliiui. METHODIST crfri'CII. Rev. .f.u;jivs D.'iv.', Pixv-id-.'.-i^, of C'uif.'renee Rv\. i^. .?. i5i)::d. -J.A.. S, crc-uuy. "■ " re'val. ;i ui (rco. .). 'lui'd. IJ.A. St. ,JohnV; ;;.\x. w. W ^, Sr. Johns ^V^st-^^.^■;,. T. n. .lanje., Go S. Milu-u,. l:l.i; ' ;> or Day S-!r;o!s (by ),ermi.sion of Conierence' lhi»:n;!.s Im)x, ,sU!)eni!ii!:c!;:!V ' ' oneli '"ovo, Mj'v. h'oh..i-;, Diauilir,! i5:!rin. Rdv. V/il'iairi Keiukd!. Orandli.uik. ];l",- J.-inies Nu- :•. Fortiiiie, L'"v. ;-aru;K'l 8iio\vae;i. liUrfe.,, i;. V. .Sa-.nir'i ]Jced. rotUt's, Rev. Oeor;--; (,'. ) "ra-a-- Channel. R(-v. WilliarM J{. 'I'raM. M . * \i I I ii 7S Till-: \j-:ivrr)r\j)L.\ yj) alman'AC St. (ii'orac's liay, llv'v. Win. \{>.'\. St. ricrt'c- One waiitfti. Flat Nl;tii(l-^, U<'\ . Cliarlcs lyiicii. Smiiul Nliiul. IJcv, .). I). Smith. Flowers Cove — Ati :u,'('ii'. St. .'\iUli(iiiy. ivtjv. !a'\ i (?iirLis. l?()\ii!(,' F.-.iy, \\i'.v S:i:mi('I Jt'iiiiiiiUN Lal)r:nI()r,"li('V. Uvnvv ('. il;it,r!ii\-. ('h.'ir.,! r.!- Mv\. \V. W. I'crcival. I'^hi<(iic'\i! S"'i'.ii'.'j.(' Boyd. I'.iitiiis, Kev. ,luiin (liJOiii-o;). Cupitls. IJev. -Janus I>(>\ i> rj\'.-ii!ei;i of Confeionce. il:iv llo'MM-ts, Kev. IM-ar T:>vlor. I'', Kev. !•'. (i. Willey. Pila'-khcad -Kev. Wm. Swani! • TliiMna-; W. Atkinson. \\'l!l. J;".l!lill'.;> . i'li'o t'.iiin'. Wesli'rn Kav. K'\ Island rov(\ K.'v. Old Kerliran, Kev Hiuils ilaibo;'. K'V. .lo^ci)]! I'arkins. Hearts Content. Kev. lleiirv J-ewis. >,^jravlie!d. Kandoin Xoriii, Kev. ,!< '^- Kando'.ii S<>iuli. li". . 1. l-' Britannia (.'ove-, Kev. .'■!. I'' ii C^reiMrs Ilarl'O)- — \\"\ . .',)ii;) 1; ".' .'•.', 've.'ic i-av, iin Goodison. IJonavist.i. Klvs. l.ii h Catalina, Kv. . ( ; 1'. Moj y 'rriuity, iiev. K. Vv'. Imh ei.::;!; (ireen^po;;*!, K< >: V\ ISl A Di-Tiucr. 1.1 lie! (leorue iUilleu. rii..Mn,.ii >n J M. ; 1 1 1 e w i'\vi!ii!iL;';iti' Kxiiloits, K I', ev Mils:'." 'aVfi.oW'i. 1\ (ilovertowii .MisNieii v,->. -(..'••ijiiii'd! Krn'rie." and F. K. Dnllill. Anili-ipy Itiil. ;;.;.■ , \{ ;.-. Wii.Uiat 11. I'. Ivvo.'in. 'V. Vv*". I). I'rowuiii!.;'. .Miisu'i-ave \i\ M-, K .laaie;''\Vil'.oii. Fojfo, K(.'\ . Jal)"/, Hi I nerrhi.untcic. li'ev. ^loretoii's liar!).)!' Wu 1. > . jMinn U'S l'I ncock. Liltiel)ay Iskiiid, lle^', .lo'^eph l/i-'tor r>ettsc:ove ;iJid T'iU tre Littlehay. ]f.'\. .). \V Whit •1);1V, o.if L»> l)e s::?iiL, JJev. Hi!-.i''y .Ahraliam. ( 'ntir iiitii - i\- .hn c:iii;i!i iiml>ree. /. I it a ill' -.•CI n, (2iii' \\\:<. :\\ a-'iio; lloi':.o.s, inarc's, &f., c;i Pius and calvos, each Ale, puller, eider and jieny. tii Apples, Die barivl Apples (dried), the lb Baeou, hams, 1:onr:;nes, siiutked be'.t, and s;!nsa,:u''s, llio evvt, Beel", ))ii,'sheads, feel, ami lioelcs (>a,U'd and eiir;d), llie br!. of 200 iljs Biscuit and bread (not iiuUnUn:^ s,', rd, <•;■ liuiey bl.seuits , the cwt I'uttor, the ewt I 'asks— empty, secuud-hand, under 4.") ^alloiis, vm:\\ 'asks— empty, .second-lKi-d, u/e alloi' eacii kSecoud-har.d cask ,stave.s (;n;!iiii!';cturi li), (Moiible of laakiii^' casks of I". ;;alli)ns and upwards, per K.o The same. eai)ab!e ol'makhiic e.iisks uiidi"; I."" i^allons, per JOO Cheese, the cwt Chocolate and cocoa, the 1* Cigars, ."i per cent, i.d Vidoiem, aiii! 'hv/':,] Colfee, tht! lb Coal, iuiporteil or brou^'Ut into liie \iov\ i.i' Wt. .lolin's. tlu; Ion Coi;;ectionery, the cwt" Feathers and feather Iieds, 1 he il) FJonr, the barrel Fruit, drit-d (exci'pr. dried apple.-. ), the lb Indian meal and, tlie l.iajivl Leather, the • dUO liUmber, one iueli liiick, and so in prt^p-nliou for an^-^'-i.ater thicknes.^J, the M ^iolasses, tlic fialloa ( )atmeal, tlu; bai rei of L'UO ll)s Kerosene (ji', the i^allon Pork, the barrel of 200 lb.-. SaU, the ton Shiniu;les, the M Spirits, vi/,. :— Brandy and other spirits, miL lunin delined or enumerated, anil noL exceeilin:!; the streniitii of proof by Sykes' hydrometer, and so in proportion for any .greater stren:ilh than the strt-n.^-lh of proof, the ,i!;allon. . All other spirits of ui'ea'cr streniilli than foMy-tluee jH'r cent overproof, shall be d< enud lo be luuleiiued .■•pirils, and be subject to duty accordmiily. Kum, not exceediuij: tin' ,-^tren^tli of proof i)y S\ke-' hydro- s2 ;!u 2;'. 10 ;;o 01 2 CO o Co I (J 1 12 i .', 1 2M .') do 1 20 ! no 01 2 CI o (i;; 25 ;; .^.0 (>,". o 2(1 m <> ]:, 1! 01* I Co U 01 i 21 » (I! 1 (10 I'O o |() 1 (lU meter, anil so in proportion for.'iij; the streuLrtli ef proof, the gaUon . i'.'n'cth than 0() so THE XLlVFOUyVLAyiJ ALJiAXAC li ! 1 h ^ '^ (liu, not t'-xccodliur the sLrcnr^Ui of proof l>y Sykos' Jiydro- motc'i', :ind ;:o in proii'irtion foi" any ;_'ri':il;; rolronu,'th tliUM Llii; ^tfcuirth of [)''oof, i;f; ':iiIio;i I i/O Vi'liiH'uiy, iioi; cxcL'i'iiiii"; t'.i;- slr.-.iu'i h cf "■'•()■•' Uy f-.ykv.s' Indroind;'!', ;:ii;'i.s(» in !)rMt..-i-;!:oir v. ir ;'My ;;i'(.';iti_T s*,i"'., iiL;'ii tl!-i!i lilt! b' nip;;;;! of o ;•"•;'. t .i;' ;'i';;lU)n 1 ."''' Uordiai^. siir;'.!;. :m:l oi'h v . f ri;-:, ij.,.'i!,'j,' •■'..■'■■ I> ;■ d :■: '.[•]:-. d ^o th:;t tiK' di'uri';; oi" ;■; iv^'M i i-i'!;i.;:^ 'i--j. ;: -fxi'iai-U'd. liv; yLdloi! O ,-(1 Siluar, !';:d' iiiul •.•diiic- 1, '!;■: '■\ ;; .'ii) .Siu;;ir, mm lined ih;- '.\.'. . J 00 Sii'-',a'", b;[st;ti'd, the c ,vt :'.:><) T(;:i, the il) (i ".-, Tiinbcr, the ioii n :]^< Tobacco— niamil;i(.'U!!-»-d !.\;i;;l:;. ; i- ;:■.' i olMct' ;, :-.ivi;ii)"d v'l partly laaiuii.ict'ind, tli> 1') o I -i TobaccJ, Icr.f and sIl;,.;. ;' (i I^.''. Viuc'irar. the svnil. ni o ]0 WiiK's, vi;';. ; Cii::;;!:;;;^,!;'' >'. v ;r:.i;u;! 2 00 Port, a 'd JIau'i!-a. ih;.-V' •• = ;'• -■ 1 -'^ OlaiX't. ti: • .uall.)., '. ;',ti 8paiu:-!i i.d, D.'i.l.t, ^!:''iii!'Ui.]-.^. b.d Lir-ij^-;; a;id Capi', iji:^bo!i cuh)!!!!'.!, il ■■ !i':;i'.ii:] <) ;;o ?iIalaLra and Moutilla, CO •'i!-^ ;.:. :i a;, i' ; '-Mucii! i:!i!i.n';-) ceur.s .1 jjaHi-r, I'.'.u ;:..iit''.i o .;■) Hoci:, jlnr;.;imdy, a::d )i:Jiu I'! !'M'^'i \'.!ui:-. Hu; ;:•■■l'■^•1 i ';;) ilala^u .:ud I\i«Mdi!i;i, (•mii';; at ;>:;j-;. (^f : liiiMiuiM ^>ii coiUs a itailoj), ;\;hI aay (^v-v i!:at ; rJi^', a"d Tla- zanii'a an! ,sh<;n-y, IL'A |i(_-r c-jnv. a.d \a!or;aa, aii.t ;.i'' ...'i '.!■,,.:; o :»0 All otl eiMviiics IL'A pel" i in .il valo;-i'!M, ;,.,! i !i'^ '.'.dioa n L-0 Fruit, utJifr ■.Jiaviubove (■inuaera'' d, *' t.-'i i..." i :i;;d ^'oultiy. oxt'i: ;.!;d <'o\vs, tadov/ ;.;vi paiai (.■i', t;;^' ; i'!i) ;, oO Caiidii'::J. ij'UTia;;;';, aiid w;"^;;^';),-; ; V. ;..! ■ -laad • v li^l'-i.r;, vjv ; CiiatH, jackets, Iroiv-'; .' , W":. ;■•:;. ;ual:-:, a; d :y.uui>.. (.■.■'; crs, jaaiUlc-.;, (irc^i::c•^:, clo.,!:r. :;.;d -auc-;; inaMUIucdr. >. I'l wood (L'xcept cab:';U;L \,-:v :, . ;:■ :ta' in.-' : iJUK'nt.^, a^'ii- cultnrai i'UidoiiiLnl-;, ; :*if.i '.vlcu:; •:.;:.•> :a v,]'.ic;i nyy .ii'oous arc inr orU'u), ilie f- lOO Htavcs, inanufacliUTd and u! :.- d: .lOi^Ai: '.::-, ;hi'-;.s a^'d di'ti\vt'r.s (oau:*! 'ly liaad :.<...[ ^m. v.ovcii), ihv, .-doo •Vuclioi's ami ch.di! ca'.l:.-, '■!.]. pi :■ r.rd C'DI^ osiTitai la.dal for ships, \ i/ : bar, i)al:, aadoac.i.bu;:; ij;:ii:- , ijjcad-ba;;; iji'Jn or'ia;;-, c.aiW.;.-; a.iii ■ .id i >.*•■) i->" :•;!;;< s i. ><;; cordaa'c, vj/. : — rop : aad ;. ii,p, c Ir :.. a! -'.i-.:.:!la cabli's ; cirks urd i:oric',; ood, Iiii.'ii-ii:,,i. j',..hi.;;., ...r^v'c. iV-rA nt ad kind.->, in barri, boiis, !-!■.'.;., }. tdi; . lUc:. : lai:: hiarvy and parts oi inar]d;u:ry ; lA:; ■■ > . .at S;:.;:, aicdiciac a iudly, oai;uui, oai: , tic. ii. a.'.ii c •.•', I .•!•; y, tuaa, pdldi, tar, rc;>In, raw luipi'i.tiac, ^l. ■•;•;. t . . .'--/kl r, bi' ck tin, ;- tavcs finidic.-scd), \,o';,-tiu aii.l w^/.i.j.; y..a'n tro?i;;t'a than 1 ho sireuglU of proof. \ lie Ji'allon .'. .' -\ - . i '.'i i y I G'l > JO (!M .iank, Llvr r Mauui! JvLatcrl., per Jbil. •Musi'- {'a.s:,ci, Jl0lI>(Ml in 1 j'hilo- imp .l'i;,'iro: T'iantcfi i''ri:;l!n'j aaul J'rini.Hi Ucfu.M; ;>P<;cini' ;:>n!piiur ■Steam V Water w Stl-l'. ('."> Tu'iii iV ork..! tend Vitrei a 1 t) ;;■) 1) '•.■.! () ','0 'I On •JO (in (III . ]•:, 0(^ 77//; \'/; i 17 •<; / -.V D LA XJJ . 1 /.J/J .VaL'. S7 (iiii, uu; I'xcci'' tiiu .••t,V(';i".ViIi i;!' |>r.) .>' liy Syki's' liydro- incUi', aiii.i s'> ii: |l:^^|l•»)'i^'lll I''*/ :\:\y v.ic;it.(!r str«!i)i;1.1i than I ill- •'! i'-.';„L' 1 I !!'• i^i/, 1 in: :::il!o;i 1 nil \V!risk(.y , 1. >L iXv < 'lii.'.; ',])>• .-•I iT'.m' it Hi' 1110(^1' i)y Sv'kc^' iiy(ii M);u;'.' r. ■'. u ■•' iit SM'cuoj'tiiiii I'.r lU'.y ;.)i»or hy Syki'N' iiydiu- liu.'li'C. :\\u] '.i.. Ill i!:i-;' .!!'>ii r>r:::!y viri'U'r si,iviiu;lli than Lhe : ;.r"!''/! ■ - i' 'iC' • '. \'i-- ;|;i'i ■:; n 7;, 5*'v>^-'ill :l'i i'" iiii! ii)'!;. ; I! - •'.■<>i;i;j li!: i'.-- , 'Ju'if >li;ill l)v {lUJil lii'- LeL'U po!' (•(.■n; . ii;!..!i \['i' .,:,.(,:;ii; ii;!y;ili;i :<> siidi iliifn's in rt'spoct t.ii' 1:ii' M'\ V t i' ;il'l iri. .■ "m iw r:ii-:i,T;il" i .\;.;i'!i.iiiL;,i;i.l i .i,i(!.',;\', ,;• s ii'Vl i;i,K'iiiii(M'y, iiupoi'lMl i>\' a,!;i'u;ulLui'al -■oci. 1 !'.< /.i." (!n i'Hi (.i";,ui-icuU.ui'i> AniH, i:!a!{'. Arlicli'.- ofcvciy vli's,-; iil.iua irMpoitcLl Joi' the use ol'thc Govonior. A7"tic'e-' 1 );■ Uv: Mlifhii !!-•• •;!" ii>r!'i;:;n consuls. ikiil, l);!r;c i'>'.' 1.i!r).'l..i; ]c;i!h('i-. hoik r plaU'- Ooal.s, v.l.'i;i i!0;, iiiiiw.rK'il <>;• I>roti.:dil into ihi- pv;rL o!' Si. Johir,'«. ('(.i!u airl bii'liuii. CokL'. cjliO!) y;;i;i. cdLIou (!',i\v;. Corn ibr Ihi' iri.-'.iinKu-.iurc oi" luuonis. » 'tijshlii.^' iMilh-; To;; laii;;;)::; piuTn-'.i.'s. '•onaLioiis ui y;!. oj! » :>i.iKi- :ii:d voinpo.-:t!o}i metal. Llvv .'ir.'cp, i.ii];uu;iii.:'..tur'..'il ^^•i;o!. AlanuKs [atcTi;r;;i I'o:' shL':'thiii!;' the io;tor.:> <.>!' M'.-sels, sucli :i.s zinc, cop- per and eoiiipo-iitioii ii;etal, tni^vti;.. ) witli nails and i)apor. or jVit, \vliieli iinv l;e u.sei! /"or or uuiler sucli .shcathiuu'. Mi: ■!'•, v/iitt* u or i I'iiue l'a.s;.ierij.;crs' Ijairaau'-'. llouseliuid f'lUiiJL,.;:'.; ;uul vviukin;; tool?^ aiid iuiplenieiits used and in til u il-e o; i;(.'i'.-i<;'' airivinic in tlie coloiiv. I'll! hilo-ophie;,I iu.-l.ruiiK'nL^i inul a'pparatus, ineludini'' j;lohes, when iniporied iVi" ilie v.:,<' t-i' c<.>l loses, scie'itilie or literary 'societies. i/i!.;iron, plan!'-!, tr: r I'nntf'd iniiLie;', iiwt ii'u iid shrvibs. Uiied to be V.'riLle.i OB, J''ii:irin'j; ir:: ■.^es. 'pvinliii.'C p.;i)er (roy d ;iViil demy), printing? lypes. a.v.i 1 all otiier p.inlin',' i!i;;;,eri;il.-,. I'rinL.-d l;ook--, j/ainiiiiiiil.^, in;i:).s i>\u\ cliart:' iiefuse rii'e, J^and. '■i!'. 11^; ibr a''i'ieu!Lnr;i! so'.'ictie ;>p(;cini*'us idustrativ.' ol" Natural Ilistoiy. ;>n!phurie iieiil, wliea used lor the niauufactnrc of niauuve. .Steam onijsiues, hoilei:', ;iikI propellors. Watorwheels and saws, wlieu used in tlie original con.structiou of ; teiv.-aboats built i;i this e )lony. and of mills and factories. Twines to be useil in niannf;i(:turin'j; nets: im tins colony. \Vlie:^.t. ]■/.. ; ■■;)\;;i;i\ Inus. piiintbiu-; and '-t.'ituary. not bi- >rl \» oru .; <.i :•)■ tended for Vii^clnbles of ad ';Oi'i- ; ;h 92 THE y/:\VFOiu\JJLAyD ALMAiXAC. Fish of all kinds, and oil ofUio prnduro of lisli. Plousrhs, liurrows, n.apinu", iiikiii;'', niuwiiiir, iiloughiiij;' and seed, sowinjj; niiicliiiics, to uc usod in tlii 4 cuhM'.y. ft shall not l)c kiwful I'or any imporU'rordrird lisli lo wai'i;]iou.s(j the same in any oi' the porl.s ai' lliis colony (v/ irs d^'pendtncios, withont the payment ol" the duly lier;ini)elore imposed: and the provision ol' any Act of this colony wiUi roirardto the warehousing of goods on the lirst entry tiiereol', or to th(! allo\v;incc ol" draw- backs upon exportation, sliall not in either case apply to or be con- strued to apply to lUicli ll'»i! : rrovid(.'ii, tliat tlie section shall not apply to sucli lish of jU'itish catch ar.d cure, unl«ss otlierwise de- clared l)y proclamatioi. o!" tlie oi'ds ')!' Ihi- Admiralty, or belouginu' to tlie Jioyal Yacht Clid), ,vl)al! Iw exempted, ou view of the said warrant, from payment y)i aii "I'-cal duties whatsoever. Board of lS2j::imin0i:3 1^01' iji^iiiltiiii L'' rl/iici'.hs /■■ M(i: f l':; III! '/((/(■■■ 111 the Me>\'!iaiil Sercicc. — Stali'-Conniiander J.'.)bjnsou. \l. N., exaniiner-in-ehiei'. Assistant examinei' -Ildward Jhi.'.',!!^!!, late master in tiie ]Mercau- tile marine. F. .1. Doyh'. pu'.oarer ol' eaniiidales. i-U, .Juim's. Har/iof J/r/.-7( / — Slali-Commariuer Jv):)iu-u;i, J:.N. Hnrhoi' Jjt!i>t—'\'\\(i I'ollov.iiiic annMints, as liar'oor dues, shall he paid l)y vessels urriviiii: at the port o;' St. John's, at the time ol' their bein;;- entered at tlie ('ii^tom-l!ori>e, except ships of v/ar and vessels eu^i^aged in the cua.sting trade and lishing, viz.: Every vessel of sixty ions and upwards, and not more than one iiundred tons, siL^ Every vessel of more ihan inie iiui'.dred tons, and not more than two hundred tons, $;\. Every vessel of moi'e than tvt'o luiii'ired "unS; and not more than three hundrtd tovis, .s4. Every vessel ot' more than ilucf hundred tons, aiul uoL more than four hundred tons, s;."). Every vessel of more t'.iau rour iuiniiv. d ton.-, '^"i, Providetl, that no vessel shall be to jtay harUor dues more than once in every half-year, vi/,. : Once between the lirst day of January and thirtieth day of .fune, avid once between tne thirtieth day of June ;ind !ii-.-;t day of Jaiuuuy. Made /)// lliv G'jr( riior in C'/", w'/, Jot' rai-n//,iS i'l-hria, Coj). I. Sf.JohnK, Nen'fonndland. (iKNKKAL lU 1. All applicants lor examination sli^U pay, previous to exami- nation, to the Colonial Secretary, the loUowiu;- meutioaed fee- : — For a certiilcate as muster, ten dollars ; for a ccirtilicate us mute, five dollars; and iu the eveut of any applicant failing to procure his certificate of (lualification ou his lirst oxumiuatiou, he will be \essei t.'n; ca found as ma api)lic I ally ,: rank o (led In vess(-l", irrade. •'; {<>) mate, they 111 sailiii- In : mate, rigged vessei.-l aft-rii;-.^ the hoi A cai vessel - grade, in a S(| tion anl 4. ( I exajniul ">. cf room ])■ II C'f tiou-roj 7. Ill iiig in, ol sue' I he AvJ.l s. Ill anotlicJ !». nJ a slate w * THE \r:\VF()lISI>l.A\ I> ALMAS AC. 55 ontitltMl lo M ;^('(oii(l ( xiimi.Kition wiilioul- iniymeut of any addi- tional leo: l)iiL if he fail to prdciiro lii.s cortificatf of riualilicatlon on siU'li sc.'coiul cxaniiiuition. li;; .sliull paj- tliu saip.i; fee previous fo any subscMiufUl tx;imin;'tion as is liorcby n (iiiirod to he paid l)ri'vioiis to :; [\y'-\ examination ."oi- tlic (•(••.•tilicate lie seeks to [) roc lire. •J Testimoiiinls of cliarat tci', .^ohriely, experience, ability, and ,i;()0(l coiuiuct oil Ijoanl ship will tie rcciiiired of all applicants, and without proiliieinu' them no ;)ci'son will be examined: and as sucli tcstiaionials may reciuiie exai-.iiiiation, it is cW-siraijle that they shouUl b(! lodij;ed as early as possiI)!e. .".. Services of soaineii tiiat an- not voriJied by the jn'oduclion of a certificate of diseharue, or a certificate from tlu; shipping master ;,t St .JoliiTs, or ll,e assistant collector at Harbor Grace, stating- tlrit >ueli seamen did serve i!i such vessel specilied, and in the capacity, and for the period i.daimed, will not be accepted, un- less the applie;i'.;t proiUice satisfactory documentary evidence either IVom the muster he sailed With or from the owners of the \ essel In- sailed, in, ^tatini;- 1!>e lime he served in tlu; vessel, and the capacity in which he served. Service a-s second mate in New- foundhmd registered vessels will on no account be allowed to count as mate's service, indcss liic vatii'.u' be conelusivel.v shown to be applicable to ti.c e!a-s of vess( 1. Whenever a ma.i) has been laiiy promoted. < .-i a vacancy iii the course of the voynge, to the rank of niastei' or iiiati.-, sucli lu'omotion and its ilate mu^t be veri- lled by a certitlcate either .'Votn the master or the owner of the vessel, to' him to receive rr^dit for his service in a higher irrade. ."> (^'). — Candidati > mi- the o^din.iry ein'titicate of master, first mate, only mate, or second mat-', will be lenidred to prove that they liavi; serv<" at sea ai le:.---! iv.-elv.' i..o!.i!i.-, in ;i ^.l|ua)•e-rigged sailing vessel. In a <'nse wIk ri' an appiic.".ni. for a certiticate of master, first mat).', only male, or secoml nnit',', iias ordy M;rved in fore-and-aft rigged vessels, and is ignorantof the management of s(|iiare digged vessels, he ma.yobt:iin ;i ceriiticat ; ou which tiie word.-< " i"oi'e-and- aft-rigged"' v(s>el will i"- writ'en : this c.riilieate will not entitle the holder fo act, i.i a Mi'iare ; i'/LnMl vessel. A cautlidafe possessing a (Miiucjitv; \'o\- " fun. ajul-aft-rigged " vessels, and (k>iiingto obta.iii -wx o)'dinary ccu'tillcate of the same ^•rade, must prove that he jias si'i\ cfl at s^ a at leas': twelve months in a siiuare-riLrgc'.i .■ailing ve.-^sel, ana will be exaininei' in naviga- tion and seaniaashio. He will be leqiiired to i)ay hali. the usual fee. \. Candidate ..■- for < \ainiii;i*ion r-ust ui\e iii their n.'imes to the examiners three days !>elor^; i!'e',i'ii me. is. .'.. Candidates will Ik; nMiuirvcl 'i .appear at ilie evamiii.atiou- room i)unctnally at 'he time a;3[)oiuteu. (I Candidates ai'.; prohilji'.ed IVoni in'isigin.u' inli.' tlie examiufi- t ion-room book.-- or pap is of a.ny kind. 7. in the event ol any eandid;a.e being detected defacism-, writ- ing in, or blotting any iJook belonging U) the examiners, the papi;r« ol sue', candidate will be detained nntil the Imok is replaced, but he wid not be permitl'.'d to r.-t.iin the damaged book. s. In the even;, of any eanili late being '.iiscovered copying from another, or allording .'issLstance. he will sub.i(H't hiinsell to a failure. ;». No eandid.a ! will b > permitte.i to woi'k out his problem on a slate or waste paper. f n4 'I III .\i:\v !■(>', \ni. . ! .\n . i lma \.\( \ 1(1. No f.'indid.'ilc '.vill \'v. iMrmit.K'il l.) Icnvr Ihc ro'im nn'il In lias ;::ivi-n up t.lic p;ip(*f ')ii wliitli !u' i.i cliii;;;..!!. 1 !. Ciuididntc-. wi.l ! . al'.nwi'.l n \V( s liicv I'livr- I;, cu ;ic.i;..!oiU(;d lu list\ ;)',h will l.nj .'iliowcd six l)(iv,.:; m) pf.'l'. .rni llii' 'voil.. Al IIm- cxpiiiilioii ofUie six l:nui:-. llicv wi !k;v liiiM' i;'>t li^ii^iifd, hr licclnrcd t.(i ' avo l;ii!i-d. iimIcss llir cxiiiniii'.Ts '-.•■; ;il lo ('\t'.';i'! i; 1l'. ( iiiididatt'^ will 'mc ('xpccrtd t,<> viivu'vi t in; di'rii'jiiliou and other el<,'!iu.'nts ol' ti!(> iiiiui ic;il ;'!iii;iri;ic '•>■ iln' " Iioai'Iyd il'iu'encos,' :iikI will i;()t !>!• pcnnil ii-d lo u>t.: iii.'-pucLi-.Mi lii'-'^s ['•)v l!i:it puriiosc. Kverj' correction must iipp«Mr on t!'..; [t;ipor of I'l'.' '.•antliilat.'.is. 18. CandiiiaU'S arc cxpci.':! (i 1" hrlnu' tluii- answers t>all pio- •ccd a niai!'.in of die Hmwi a (•■iia'ccL hlcms within or ),'>t, r<.'snlt. 11. In liinlin.:- tlic iuii^itudc liy clironi^ni'/l''!', iin- io^-ari timi.^ used in lindin.4 the Iionr anu'h.' .siiuukl Ik' ;:'k;'ii out. for seconds oi arc. l."». In ad otlicr problems tlie hi,.;:u itlin; • .d tin- ne;ir(>st n;innte will bo s'Jiricieutiy correct foi' all uradc- t'X(ei)t. master. l.*! •(!■, In csery case the exaniip.atioi), wii- tiier for ( male, second niati nnister. is to comnniice wi'h the (Id ly mat •, » ileiTiS foi 15 (/,). In all cases of fail n re '. le; c.'m.iid :1 O, '). ,1, il' a candidate t;iiis ia ined iinii! alier the lapse nf y.\ ■ j; expcnei MT if he f,dl e IP re-oxamincvl nntd aWer a i ni.. the last i'aiiir.":. or,! hs. I , are ,) a.. •I,'. lli'L i) I !. -cxaiuine.! • '.•■ -i'X:iM- 1 a > i : n! 1 line t <> tiain. i:. (' ll an ail' I ■ i-.\ I !!.;;!" I I' nil jiM^^i's an fx;:n;in. I t ifie'ati' ace a .:>■ tird;n''a\-, hui. n' » ;:..r imAMI !!■ ATION - lOl; < ::;; 1 I ; ii \ , I u' o 1 M . If,. A ,vee;)r,v: nnite mi. have Ocon i''iur vear^- at si I , /;/ y< 'll, ie \\\\\ ):' ai illini >\ I i:e he will n'lt be •-.■A I h ^ date of •v\\>' a e '>:: \ r.'i;!:ii, IlUe a:;d nr.if'rst'.'nd the lir^t li\(' rales ( must be ab'e lo work a (i:iv ;e ll •..' c; I •arii.!! limr tl e.'>. i i';;;!r^ in US and dist/na-u' of tiie pni'f lie !■, i,e;':! ; > by i"."r;-a»(ir s iiicl hoil : to correct the .-nn s d-ei!. n' '\u i-aejiMu'-. .;;;.! li-, ! Ins latitaie liy iricridiaii aitimie o;' tl!.; >an: and W' : I; -eeii u! 'er easy nro- bhims ola like nature ;(s miv I^.. pnt, ii lii:;i. lie -.a-' !:;;d r-tanfl the use Ol i::" se''f;ir;!. and be 'Je • ; > ob-e:'-' e v.'itli , ■■liul .< .ai oif the arc. /, • lihllj!)"!! I )>■ He niP .;■!■ "W i; I'iLCli'ii'ii' and nnriiiuinu" crf --t: ilerstand the me'.'isnrenieiit i f (;;<■ ''''Ji: convers.'Un wirji the ladeo;' '.'ue :ii'!. -•. .-.:)ilin:; ves>ris, .ami tie- ii::;:ts :ir:', lie must pass n s:itisfa( I ry e'.aaiim III' siirn;d-« 17. .Vn tiid; live vears \\\. \- V ;: a -v, ■■ ■ I . • ' ( U . A ; lo.u,' .-i'.-;a- a t!ie I ;!•• ;■' the nn- • ■•! ic'idlive: br b >■ \\ -lea.mers ;ind c;ir.i,d i>v I lien";. i!e' wi ioiial <:ode ale w nn>eie,M ^ . :jrs o Mill ii;.\e lioen I, S iUKta! ii),i ll I a loiti"n I ' ifcond mate, .an univ mate mus:, b ■ ab i|il;'..l!:e;i' ii;n r' i|nir^ d I'^r 1 1 > . ivSi '\ I' ;ll!i| e lleuUUe the an;plitudo of the sun, and deduce' th \ariatii.>ii of I he comp.a.s- dent I V.K liavo been In ■ to Jitall fO il C(f Gained I '>o ex; enable th e de is Ills re oi' Wi\ in !it:d th e ex: He tod u Jus ere Jo^; a: JU.i,' the ]r -iV jjartv. filUsL bi| I"' Ji Fr u ales' oial the pn <^xamini v7iA' x/jjw r<^r:\ ULA \d almanac. Sh nil.-!, :1 f. : ■ ,i w\\\- •V:-t ;ni(i ■ ' 1 lis- \j\ '.od : .'.\\\ \.\\W SV II r:)- (':• 1:u;'l . ( ,' .; .>!; > tllC V'.S t mi- livi •: 1h- •,lf! -. niiii >v hciii. p. '.' v'OvU' (Mirlllilt!' thcrcfroii!. and li- .-dilc i ) iiiti ijs; loiiLiinidA- liy tin-oiiouiel»!r by tlic iisutil iiicl tods, lie ijii.'sr, know how lo l;iy .■.li'Uu! pl.'ioi.- of i.lic .ship oil the cliiiif. h()Mi l.y W'iU'in ;,'.•; ui' known' t.l)_ii;cLs niul l>y latitiidi- ;iud l();'..'.;il,iUic. li.- ),iii>[ \>.-. ,jjli> i,.) (ic^'iiuim' the (;n-tioi', d ;i< to (1 ro( l;iio'.vU'd.i',\' of tiic use aud Miles ill case ot'iht-' strand- tiKina.i;i'rj<;iit of tii'j niortiu iii.y; oi";i vt'^SL''. is. A Ills: DUilo nm.^r, l->c iiim lv"U years n?' ;i';c; and liaxr served live j'lMi's ;:r, - ( ;t, <•{' which oik* year must h;".\ c Liccu as eiclicr second or only iu:ite. /,/ Xarijic' ,o,i.- !:• aildi'.ion to im; ({ualiiicalioiis required for au only mate, In; kiusl h-,; aule lo uliserve aininuths ami conipnle tlic vari;itioii ; to compave chrononieters and keep their rates, and liud the Itjivuitiuiv iiy thcan IVoni an oij.serva'ion oi' the sun to work the latit'uio by slnyle idtitu;!;; of the ;;mi oil' the nieiidian : and be able to use and a(ijn,>t tlie sextant by tli;; siiu. lit S(ah;::i!^/tiiJ.— ln ailditiou to liic (jualitiealious required for au r.uly mate, a more extensive knowledge of seaiuansiiii) will be re- (juirt'd as lo t-liil'tinii; laii;e sr.irs and sail-., nianayin,i< a .>hip iu stormy Avcathor, lakm.-c in and niakiui? sail, .-hiicin.ii- yards and masts, .and .i^ettiu;;* heavy Avei^^hts, anchors, &v., iu and out: cast' in.!;;' a ship on a lee sliore: s^■|;ul■i!il.'; ihe nn^is in the event ot'acci» dent to tlie i)ov.'sprits. V.I. A master (ordinary 1 -.nii^t l.'f t-.venty-nne years ol" av,e, and have been six yetr.s at se:i, oi wliieh at lea.^t one year must have been as lirst or only mate, ;indi one year as second mate. In addition t..> the (^luditication lor a iirst mate, he must be al)le to lind tlio latiliide by ;; .-tar, .ice. lie mu-t ai-o bo al)le lo answer to a ceiiaJn number o!* Iho iiiie-^tioiis on eomnass deviation con- la.ined in' .■•17, ;:->iii.. ]Io Avill be qiiestioned as to hU kuowled:',e ol' iiivoices, charter- liarty. Lloyds a.:.?ent, and as to the nature ol' bottomy; and he must be acijuaintcd with the leading light.^ oi'tlio channel or coa:^t he lian been accu.stomed to n:ivi:i'ate or whii.-li he is going to use. From the LsL of Angu:.-t, candidates for .-econd. only, ilrst mates' and master.^;' certiticatos ol' competency will, in :Klditiou to the present requirements foi" these grades, be rcciuired to pass au examination in ' an altitude and al>n I'roin the •• time azimuth tables," and with tlie variation ;i'iveii compute the ileviatlon ; to tiud the laii'.nde fro:-n a .e of MercMt(U''s cIkui, and hi; able to llnd, on either a //'■u- or oiki/jicU- chart, the course to steer, aiul the distance from one uiveu position to another: t.> lind the ship's iiosition on the chart, from ci'oss liearin;,^s of two objects; from two lieariiiijs of tlie same ob'n-ct, the course :uid distanc' bi'tween tli(! l)earinijs l)ein,i; ••iven ; and .also t(» (lud liie distinic.' of llic ship from the object at the time of t:ii .i li ! lie vari.-irion niven couj- puto the d( \ iation, and woi k "iii liir ini< problems, on eitlier :i /ri'f or ,iiii(/,n^/'- cliart. a< a'.f I'l'ijiiiriMl Irom ihe teiiy or 111 si. mate. He will !d>o bi' retpUVid to jiinl liie coiii'm' t., steer l\\ compass, in order lo connteiact. the eti'eci oT :i .'^i\«ii cuviiiil. an. I to lind the distance the ship will make ^ooil imvard^ a li'iven p jint in ;i cer- tain time, and to iri>r/.- nul soundings taken at a i^iven lirm ileptli marked on riie clnirl. /,'//.•/ the correclio'i to .apply to anii ph'.ee to comtvire wit li the Tsrai'l ''//■, Kichi k rWi ^rard ^lurpJjJ Burko.' Carl, J'»stnf every I Bri^' Over/ J Omitted! THK NEWyOftyULASlt ALAMNAC. S7 The foUowlug appolutmeuta have been made since the foregoing; sheets went to press ; — oovKRNon or Newfoundland and its dependencies; HIS EXCELLENCY SIR JOHN HAWLEV GLOVER. K.C.M.G. Mr. Joseph Thorue (Ncwharbor), to be ii member of the New- harbor Church of England Board of Edncatlon. OITPORT llOAl) HOAKDS. Gnitrs Cure Tlionuis McCarthy and Ebenezor Vey. Flat /.v/u/((/v -.lames Bishop, Edward Collins, and (Jeo. Miller. St. Lawrencf -Ray. John Walsh, Alex. I'itcher, Henry Slaney, Alphonso Fit/patrick, David Murray, John Fitzpatrick, Knianucl rikc, and Thomas Beck. /v'/"v/ -John Edwards, Josoph Connors, I'eter Co; nors, Martin Strong and Patrick Tarrant. TrrpiTss-r// -licv. Wni. Born. Klii(/s Cura-Mr. John Dovim- Xrovrfnn's Jlar/jor William Taylor, in room of Thomas Lucas. Upper Island Corf -—YAwX Drover, Archil)ald Drover. Jas. Nouni;, Israel Smith, and N'u(haniel Barrett. I'ui'/inir J/(ri'hi,r—^:unwA Gillespie, Michael Bryan, Miclii. Hyrne, |{ichard I'lamiltoii, Matthew (ilaveen, and David Lyver. .\V?<'/;^V/ -Adolplins Yeatos. Jacob .Manuel. David Speneur, ImI- ward Boone, and John Mooro^;. LUth Pht/'/''r»/ Vnhlh — Robert L. ^^arl•.