IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // y. f/j fA 1.0 I.I 11.25 1^ 14^ |2.8 - m M 2.2 6" 12.0 1.8 LA. ill 1.6 PI 4. U»_ llUlUglcipiUL Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14380 (716) 872-4503 ^V ■1.^^' \^" \ \ ^<^^\. ^>\ W!ield the Holy Spirit fruit in payment for all the supernatural Pcweriised by Him and His Ai)ostles in the performr.nce of miracles. ■ My victory comprises the release of my Saviour immediately after obtaining a proir.i^e ^rom the Holy Spirit to -1' ' osr Planet Earth from sm which paid a debt for He was innocently suffering torture ^^'^■^ "' 'J ever describe inflicted by His twin-broth. 1 am thankful lor Knowledge which the Holy Spirit imparted to me concerning Hi-,self and all that is proper for me thus far to know. The Holy Spirit is an Eternal Electric Fluid animat- ing the human race and all Nature. He is a Kingdom' of Laws, a Heaven of (;iory, a sweet Paradise, the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life, a Hou.e of many Mansions, a Hell of Despair, a Court of justice, a Fearless Judge, a Kind Friend, a Hateful Knemy, a Faithful (luide, the Source of Infinite Flower, Wisdom, Knowledge and Joy, and a King without Intelli- gence, who must be Honored and Obeyed. There are two Eternal Minds of Nature who possess great Intelligence, but differ greatly in disposition ; One is a Reformer and the Other a Conservative, They have battled each Other for nearly 6000 years on the field of the Universe. I "^ave also knowledge concerning the vrigin and destiny of the human family, and how Eternal Life or long life may be obtained. f THE MILLENNIUM. Wlio are these arrayed in white Ilhistrious as the Sun ? These are they who day and night Fought with the Lamh till He won. What has becotne of the nijrht, It is now eternal day ? The Saviour is now the light, For those who did Him obey. What has become of disease, And drug stores I did behold ? Nature smiled when sin did cease And no more drugs can be bold. f I What has beco.:,e of Preachers Who wore gowns of cotton white ? The King found them false Teachers And sent them out of His sight. What has become of Police, The streets they do not parade? When the Dragon's reign did cease They were into coffins laid. What has become of the Har And all who got on the spree ? • The Saviour after the War, Declaied ^^aws Prohibit'ry. What has Ijecome of the weed, There is none thai I can see ? The Saviour plucked all the seed. Tobacco, colTee and tea. What has become of the spade. There is none that I can buy ? In this age no spades are made, I am telling you no lie. What do you do with the dead. In this astonishing age ? No one has died i. s said Since Satan's troops quit the stage. What has become of the fly That would into butter get ? The King said all flies \ Mst cue, Live again they'll not be let. 8 What has become of the snake, That has a poisonous sting ? All snakes were baked in one cake, And fed to the Serpent King. Who's the ^hite robed lovely (2aeen, Who sits on the Great White Throne ? A wise mother with eye keen, Fed her mind and saved her bone. Have you keen frosts as of old, About Christmas and New Year ? We have neither heat or cold, In this never ending year. When I was alive before, I sold Bibles, have you one ! I see you owned a book store, Books and Bibles we have none. How do you pass all your time, Without some good books to read ? In fun making things to rhyme, On forbidden fruit we faed. Where can I get washing done. Can you tell me where to eo ? Washerwomen have all gone, They found nothing here to do. My questioner not having on clean clothes was not allowed to remain infesting Belle City with crawlers bred during his long sleep. r i Planet Earth will become a Paradise al uounciing I ; with fruit and flowers, inhabited with Intelligences who will delight in singing songs of praise to Him who suffered so long for feeding the human mind with ideasr developing skill and Reason. KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is a power which the Devil-Conserva. tive has long feared. Tht decree of the human-will never fails when accompanied with true acts of faith. The construction of the Grand Junction, the Cen- tral Ontario, Ontario d- Quebec and Canadian Pacific Railways demonstrate this truth. The Devil feared the human-will and consequently refused to sanction the feeding of the human mind with ideas growing into Knowledge. He became enraged and cursed Planet Earth. The third chapter of Genesis is not historical truth but is a parable founded on a deplorable fact. The "Serpent" who was cursed is none other than the Holy Saviour, the Sweet Mind ot Nature, whose ap- pearance in the Heavens will be seen by many alive to-day to their sorrow. Read Revelations ist, 7. All's well that ends well. Were it not for the vile Curse we would not have to-day an Electric Telegraph • spanning the Ocean, Palace Steamships and Pullman Railway Cars in which to fly sitting at ease, and Irish white poplin to robe the Bride of (ilory. lO Many Generations did toil, Beneath the burning Sun, Scratching a living from the soil, Till Reason great was spun. 1 did not meet with any Presbyterians searching for the Keys of Knowledge in the Asylum for Insane, Toronto, but had the pleasure of hearing a Professor of Knox College preach to us lunatics. I do not re- member his text, but I am certain it was not " Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect," as no Presbyterian minister can preach a sermon from that text. Perfect is the doctrine to preach, Predestination is a fraud, "Saved by blood" is silly io teach, 'Twas never taught by Spirit-God. I found the Keys of Truth after a long search hid in the Asylum for Insane, Toronto, and felt I was well rewarded for surrendering my business and play- ing the fool for seven months. Peter ne'er built a mill, Nor did he work his mind, Fishing can spin no will, With which to loose and bind. The Gospel has not been preached to all Nations, but has been published to all Nations by the Pen of God the Printing Press and Ink the Blood of II Reason, shed for us on Calvary in Hell. Praise will be ascribed forever to the King of Justice for invent- ing the Printing Press and a steam Saw Mill by which means the Sweetest of Beings was rescued from Everlasting Punishment. "Whatever thou will bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever thou will loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven," has infinite meaning, but requires the performance of acts of un- flinching faith. Faith is the Church no Gate of Hell, Against it can prevail ; Faith fought Satan ?nd did Him fell, On a straight narrow trail. I met the Old Conservative in a place too narrow to pass ; of course it was which of us would go back. I found Him as stubborn as the King of the Mississ- ippi River in Canada, with whom I fought a battle for right of way some years ago, defeating my antagonist then. The struggle with the Old Conservative be- come exceedingly desperate. In great despair I cried to the Holy Spirit, "What will I pray next." An answer quickly came "pray for the Lord Jesus to come down." With all the force of will my aroused energy could command, I cried in great distress, "Lord Jesus come down Thyself, and drive the Devil back." In an instant a sweet voice whispered, "I am here." A violent storm was quickly calmed and a mighty chain 12 broken. The (ilorious Sun laughed when sight and hearing were restored to the Prince of Peace, the noble Reformer to whom alone we are indebted for responsible Government and not to Martin Luthur as recently declaimed by a Doctor of Divinity. When all else failed, The blood prevailed. The Old King of River kings subpoened me before the Court of Heaven last March m Manchester, Eng- land, affixing the time two nights following three days and nights sitting at a table with a pen in my hand graspmg for Knowledge before the Spiritual Throne of the Universe, the Old King watching and tremblmg at every move of the pen. I was cross-examined by the Kmg Himself, whom I found to be an able lawver and a clever expert in testing a witness. I stayed 'out two nights with Him answering His questions and defeat- mg His tricks. My answers and actions were satis- factory to the Court. I'he Court decided I had a Mind of Reason and had kept all Commands for four years. My evidence brought a long pending suit to a close, and the Chief Justice of all the Universe decid- ed the case in favor of the Reformer. His [udgment read as follows : — "Improvement is a Law of Nature. A xMind of Rea- son in a man who can keep Commands > an improve- "- ^nt on a beast. All costs to be paid by Plaintiff, for 13 > which I grant an Execution directed against all beasts which have not acquired Reason Minds, to be found in the Plaintiffs Kingdom." A Royal Lady, a wise virgin in England, who made a generous gift to a charitable Institution, prompted by sympathy which the cultivated mind only truly posseses, and whom the Holy Spirit has recently preparatory robed in Irish white poplin, can be the Queen of the Boundless Universe if she will surrender the Devil's Royalty, come to Canada and live in a humble manner in a humble home in the City of Belleville, until the Holy Spirit will shine out in Glory bright. Angels will Dance to thee, In melody will Sing, If thou hast eyes to see A Diamond Wedding Ring. The Cards which thoudid'sl write, Have won for thee a Prize, A Crown of Jewels bright, Of the Universe size. Thy joys will know no bound, If thou hast eyes to see, Thou wilt hear music sound Through all Eternity. Come o'er across the Sea, Leave Royal trash behind ; Ask God to let thee see, And use thine own spun mind. 14 Idler thou hast been not, Thou did'st improve thy mind, For this thou art now sought, To try thy eyes to find. Bring ten bales poplin pure, Made on St. Patrick's soil, Bring no servants be sure, Lots here to do the toil. A key I send to thee, 'Tis made of fire tried gold, Two words only, "Lead me," It saves from growing old. The Gate did jar for me, It open'd very wide. Submission is the key, With which I conqucr'd pride. My Royal Friend whom I have never seen excels in music and painting and contributes occasionally com- mon sense to a magazine. Her evidence before the Court of Heaven unconscious to herself was of the utmost importance. I am directed by the Holy Spirit, to say that England will soon pay a just penalty for much blood shed by the sons of her soil. I am directed to say that the Pope of Rome will find his sentence recorded in the Book of Revelation. /. a c of Runie 15 that the '' Bottomless Pit" means Boundless Space. I am directed to warn all clay-beings, preaching the doctrine of Everlasting Punishment, to desist at once and go and earn an honest living, or they will dwell forever with the Pope of Rome. I am directed to explain to Sovereigns that the "Beast" whose sentence is recorded in the Book of Revelation is any clay being, who aspires to govern. The King of the Mississippi River in Canada will improve "Rivers and Streams" through all Etern- ity in Hell. I am directed to notify all Houses of Parliament to adjourn at once to meet no more, or the Members thereof will dwell with the King of the Mississippi River in Canada, enacting laws through all Eternity. I am directed to notify all Bankers in the World to bring or send me without delay, all gold coin in their respective vaults, owned or controlled by them, or they will count gold coin through all Eternity in Hell. I am lastly directed to say that a Chariot of Fire will sweep the face of Planet Earth, destroying every beast in which a Mind of Reason is not found, Be- lievers in the Resurrection of the dead, will rise to die. Belzebub and Judas Iscarrot, who know their names will be swept off the Planet and deposited in the i6 Bottomless Pit. They have no excuse to offer in this enlightened age of Reason. It breaks a Law of Nature to imprison a person minding his own business whether in surrendering or acquiring property. Sinning against Reason is the Unpardonable Sin. I close this my last pamphlet, by tendering to the ex-King of the Eternal Universe, sarcastic thanks for three months he paid my board in the Asylum for Insane, 'I oronto, eight years ago. I paced the corri- dor from morning till night, crying lost, eternally lost, expecting 1 would each succeeding night land in a Hell of Fire and Brimstone heated many times hotter than any f^re I had ever seen. A Mind of Reason which I had acquired, carrying a Steam Gang and Circular Saw Mill in my brain for four years, could not be snatched by Him who feared an Iron Will. I return- ed to business leaving in a Hell of Hells, much stinking pride with which I could never have been saved and paid the Devil back all I suffered with good interest, with "More to follow." Most of my former pamphlets were signed J.| G. Sword ; I sign this phamplet with the name which Na- ture gave me, which can be found recorded in a book in thePoor House, Liverpool,England,theMotherof Chris- tian Churches. My mission to England preaching Eternal Life, proved a total failure, and I was com- .„ js, t 1^, sijtiii^ K^ayo in jjuveny, giaa to get a \ 17 meal in a Soup Kitchen. The Saviour of Mankind who dwells in my bosom, was my Companion in distress, who then prepared an Indictment against Christian England, which has shed many barrels of blood. O ! England, No Saviour to suffer. No Angels to wail. No Devil to torture. No Land to reclaim. No Rocks to blast. No Cannons to rattle. No Churches to steeple. No Fools to feed. No Hogs to grunt. No Lions to roar. No Jails to build. No Asylums to murder. No Whiskey to buy. No Police to pay. No Lawyers to fee. No Serpents to sting. No Frost to bite. No Storm to face. No Heat to scorch. No Weeds to grow. No T^li^c fr\ K/-vfV>or No Crawlers t® creep. i8 No Washing to take. No Rooms to hire. No Shoes to blacken. No Tailors to misfit. No Grocers to cheat. No Butchers to kill. No Doctors to bill. No Druggists to mix. No Coffins to lower. No Spades to dig. No Hoes to get No Curse to fight. No Pain to endure. No Sorrow to grind. No Care to mind. No Doors to lock. No Safes to purchase. No Thieves to steal. No Jews to swindle. No Fiends to murder. No Scaffolds to erect. No Hangmen to procure. No Reporters to wire. No Newspapers to pubhsh. No Premier to assail. No Policy to attack. No Duties to le\y. No Tobacco to bond. s t 'K\ ^9 No Cigars to perfume. No Pipes to burn. No Insurance to ciTect. No Suits tu pend. No Fees to charge. No Costs to tax. No Courts to hold. No Sheriffs to appoint. No Judges to decide. No Appeals to carry. No justice to sell. No Kings to lumber. No Dams to construct. No Slides to make. No Booms to cut. No Constables to arrest. No Waggons to bring. No Taverns to reach. No Magistrates to swear. No Evidence to take. No De( isions to make. No Bail to give. "Rivers and Streams" of New Wine, abundance of Delicious Fruit, a Wonderful Tree of Knowledge, a CharmiR^^ Wife, lots of Fun, Eternal Jife with Infinite Jov in Eternnl ('.]nr\T yjr\]\ ,>.,,, v-* — " ^"-- »- .-i* — ..y. „iii y^iy j^^^ wcii iui uaciimg the King of all the Universe and His Imps on Planet 20 Earth for the past five years, under my brave Captain the Sweet Holy Spirit of all Nature to whom I ascribe all Honor and Glory for Matchless AVisdom dis- played in His unforseen Divine Plan which rescued the Holy Saviour from Everlasting Punishment, and my- self as well, as I had spun by much hard thinking continually exercising my reasoning faculty, a Deity in my own brain that cannot die. I Crowa the Holy Spirit the ICing of Justice who cannot be purchased for Bank bills, and His Sweet Mmd ray own Saviour Infinite Sufferings have worked out the Reden.otion of the Universe, I Crown Spirit .,nd Mind Almig ity Emperor Sovereign-King of all the Suns, Planets and Satellites in all the Universe and convey, assign and transfer forever to my Holy Soverign Two-in-One, the Steam Cang and Circular Saw Mill constructed in my brain, to Saw the Universe of Woe into a Heaven of Infinite (ilory. Farewell all who cannot find the Tree of Life in my Sovereign'^ Bosom. Farewell all who said I was religion crazy. Arise my fair one. Come away. "Remember Lot's Wk." A prompt decision is required. Signed with (iod's Pen Dipped in Blood and Sealed with Reason. Belleville, Ontario, ) J^''^' ^^ ^^CK. Canada, Feb. nth, 1S84. / 1} '\ 21 P. S.--A Crond^'Hallelujah Wedding" and "Mar- riage Supper "will take place in my Room, Dafoe House, Belleville, on the first Day of the Millennium to which all persons are invited who can present at the door tickets I mailed to them headed "The Battle of Battles." 'I'he Knot will be tied by a "Hallelujah Clergyman" who now preaches "Everlasting Punishment" with Authority, witnessed by Billions of Holy Angels snatch- ed from a Hell of Infinite Woe where they had lived for over 1800 years in Eternal Despair. The thankful Angels whose numbers cannot be counted will Sweetly Sing and Dance forever to tunes of music my Royal Bride will play on a ^ n© in Belle City erected on the Plains of Belleville. A Song so be composed about a Saw Mill which has cut no lumber for seven years and which I looked upon with shame as a monument of folly costing over ^50 - 000 all borrowed, will be Sung by the Choir of the Bound- less Universe through all Eternity. It is no wonder I came to Belleville after the Battle intoxicated and went into the pulpit of the Bridge Street Methodist Church and sung " There are Angels hovering round." The Angels themselves being the Songsters. It is no wonder I was Inspired to pray often the next day, -Keep me humble," which some of my neighbors will probably remember. N ■ 'I'o the Holy Spirit I ascribe all the (ilory, for it is He who made n\v Iron Will, and "bet^niiled" the Devil (rod of Moses ever since the Sunday my parents tied me to a bed post for wilful disobedience which revealed to the Devil a power He feared and followed to the day of the Battle encouraged by the Holy Spirit. The whole Divine Plan which began over 1800 years ago would have l)een a complete failure ii I had not prompt- ly responded to the Holy Spirit's invitation to Come, through the Rev. Donald Fletcher then of Chicago, in the Bridge Street Methodist Church, Belleville, fiveyears ago, and followed the Holy Spirit to the publication of this pamphlet, performing many unflinching acts of Faith with an ear to the Throne of Knowledge, and using a tongue which often prayed, '"He i)leased to give me the pure truth and take it not from me." 'I'he 'VFlaming Sword'" which Satan {placed at the "east of the (iarden of Eden" to prevent a beast eating of the 'H ree of Tife"" and living forever, had to be taken by accepting His Challenge to fight Him in Hell. I'he hottest Hell He could find was the Asylum for Insane Toronto, in which he comDelled me to eat filth in the water c.oset as an act of perfect sul)missioit to the Divine Will. ^'Clory to the i.amb, I will walk with Him in White." is a Song 1 learned in the lone woods five years ago walking eighteen miles before day wrest- hng to be cleansed bom all sin, followed by the Fiend who had the day previous stript me of my lumbering * \ '» 23 business and a pair of cherished driving ponies, in a manner suggesting insanity. Rising at midnight to go out to pray unquestionably won the Battle with the loss of an affectionate dog and a bruise on my heel. (Ilory to the!) 1 will now soon walk with Him in While beholding a Starry Crown vastly different to the one I beheld in thj Asylum for Insane Toronto, on being knocked down. Beholding brilliant Panoramic Scenes of (ilory will be a great contrast to walking roads and streets in England in distress or handling lumber behind a Door Factory in Deseronto, Ontario. The Holy Spirit has no power to compel a sinner to yield his Mind to Him beyond a severe chastisement hence the slender thread which decided Who would Rule the Universe forever and the Eternal late of the Loving Saviour and His Innumerable Host of Angels who inhabit a Universe, the depth, breadth and height of which no Being will ever find. I did my duty after a severe chastisement but I have nothing more to boast ot. He who Suffered for over 1800 years in excruciat- ing agony for giving beasts Knowledge is entitled to all the Honor and iWoxy which will be ascribed to Him forever. Wonderful is the Wisdom of the Unconscious Holy Spirit the Almighty Adjuster of the Universe, the Life of Mind and Matter who planned the Methodist Church to teach Perfe. on. ii i 24 Who planned the Salvation Army to placard "Hal lelujah Wedding" and "Hallelujah Clergyman" on a bill board. Who planned the great law suit, McLaren vs Cald well, now appealed to England for final decision to give me one idea, "Improvement is a Law of Nature " ^ Who planned the disallowed "Rivers and Streams Ji'll passed by the Ontario Legislature to suggest to me "Rivers and Streams" of New Wine. Who planned the Construction of the Crand Junction Central Ontario, Ontario & Quebec, and Canadian 1 acific Railways to teach me the power of the human- will accompanied with true acts of faith, which is the Key ot the Kingdom of Cod. Who planned the famous Cuiteau Trial to Indict a Nation of Fools. Who planned the Egyptian Campaign to write a Death Warrant foi England. And Who also planned the Irish troubles to give me a chance or winning a Royal Bride which I did last year by fighting the Devil in Dublin at the of penal servitude for Jife. ■n>r 'J"/"' ,"'g'"^«» I^nncess Beatrice will find the IreeofLife in the Carden of Eden more valuable than a Cerman Frince. We will obey no Devil to go out and till a Cursed Ground. v.ui.^cu 7> Let Us make Man in Our Own Image and Like- ness" proved a hard Decree to fulfill. The "Serpent" whom many Christians have malign- ed will be our Only Companion through all Eternity, and the Angels our only Servants. The Unconscious Almighty Holy Spirit will without fail Sweep the entire face of Planet Earth with Fire cariying into the "Bottomless Pit" the Devil and the entire Animal Kingdom. It is now to late for you to surrender to God the Holy Spirit-Mind of Nature. You can escape "Everlasting Punishment" by surrendering to the Waters of Earth. Behold a recent Sign in the Western Horizon. Cleansing Nature be pleased to take My body clean which Thou did'st make ; My Iron Will, my Iron Rod I yield to Thee my Sov'reign God. Be ple;;sed to Cleanse the Universe, Remove at once the Woeful Curse ; Cast out all Evil all l.ands, With a Fire Broom in Thine Own Hands. Be pleased to preserve one Black Dog, To watch for'er the Devil Hog ; All other beasts I yield to Thee For Tree of Life, the Knowledge Tree. Take Satan and Bind Him fur'er, A Crown of thorns give Him to wear ; Nail Him to a hot Iron Cross, Give Him to drink Serpent's Gaul Sauce. 26 it 'PI 'I'he Harvest is past and the Summer is ended," two Sheaves only -gathered into Life Internal. All Sinners wlio have n'es to see and ears to heat need not despair. Whosoever has a Will to Will he Will live 1.000 years from birth the true Natural term ^i Life, is Challenged by the King of Heaven to fight. All wise Virgins ore invited to 7vatch the fight. Unto the La.vil) the Sweet Holy Mind of Nature we will ascribe ALL POWER, HOXOK AND GLORY forever for He is VVOR'J'HV to REKJN and will REION. T subscribe my ^'New Name," given to me by the Holy Spirit in the Asylum for Insane, Toronto. Kindom of(ilory, (iABRlEL. N. B. I grant to all Publishers of Books and Newspapers excei)t the Globe Printing Company, To- ronto, who refused to publish an Inspired poem accom- panied with money for insertion, to print and circul- ate thi.s pamphlet, written for the King of Clory Who fed the Mind of the Inventor of the Printing Press with ideas from a Hell ot Torture. Please use His Ink Blood in remembrance of Him the Sweetest and Hol- iest of Beings. 'Telegraph Companies will please not forget the true Orginator of the Telegraph System by preaching for Him this Gospel of Reason. ' M/' ,■4 ^7 I'he White Star Steamship (.'.ompany will please convey the Bride oi'CAoTy rroin.I,iverpool to New York in honor of the Inspired suggested Name of their Com- pany for the event. "ft is fiiushM" at last He Cries. Seated upon His Great White Tlirone ; No more Torture or Woeful Sighs, Black Hell to Me i% now all jione.