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To The Honou^thc COM.l/O.VS' HOUSE of ASSEM- BLY of tho Province of Upper- Camda, in Provincial Pm- Uament Assfmhled. 7 he PETITION of Sundry Merchants connected hi the For- ^ardin^ Business, and Others, Inhabitants oj the J.u.n of Kingston, Jlumhly Shciveth, T1IAT1.V an Act of .he Provincial Parliament "/ ^''^ '[.^^^^ of I ower Canada, pasaetl ni the rorty-cighih year of the leiyi ol Hi C Maiesty. Ki":. Oeorse the -rin^dof ,lor,e,>s — y.^ tuled " An Act to provide a Permanent Fund for the l.nproven.ent. "nf.he I> h ml Na legation of the river Sainl Lawrence," he sad V:t^':::tL J^ provWe of Uwer Canada imposed -^^^^ rnesor duties payable at Chateauc|Uay on all &cons, Kalis, ana cX tlie Uapids between C'haleauc|uny and .\.omreal, tl. t sad "res or .lu'ies were intended to be apphed to the nn- p'lvementof the Navigation of the river Saint Lawrence, belween Liiko' SuliU Francis and Montreal. Tha. in conforn,i,y to the said law, an Inspector of |=co,ys and Rafts has, since its enaclment. exacted iho rales specthed m the sai aw on all Uafis and Scows which have p»ssel.c aceonnts of Lower Canada^'or the year one thousand eight hundred rnd lvventy-one,lhe amount of rates levied by tlio said Inspector atCha- teaunuay, and remainino; unexpended on the h.-.t da.y of iXovember in the said year, amounted to Five Thousand 1 wo llund.ed and Three Pounds, Six Shillincrs and Seven Pence. ^ Tliat of this hirjro sum remaining locked up in the Treasury ot Lowers anada, tvVo-thirds have at least been paid by nmabitants of Upper (^anada, wlio have thus been taxed without their concur- rence, and without derivincr any benefit from the monies sour.jusl.y levied on the transit of their property to market. That the Imperial Parliament, on being informed of tins oppres- sive imposition, did, by the tliirticth section of an Act passed on the fifth dav of Au-vust, one thousand eiglit hundrec asid iwcniy^^ ivvn. ontituled - An Act to regulate the Trade of the Provinces ot «' Lower and Upper Canada, and for other purposes relating to liie « said Provinces," graciously provide, that the " production'^ of '^^m "~mLj""^* I'^ty cr-ff h ''" Upper CMiiJula, slioiild be permillod (o l;o oxj)or(o(1 without *• being iM:i(lo sii!)j(M:t by any Act of the Province of Lower Ca» *' nadu, either directly or indirectly, to duties or impositions on tlieir *' arriv;d in that province, or in passin<]5tb.rou2;Ii the waters thereof," and also, tlsat the "expense of improving the i\avi<2;ation of the wa- *' ters of l!i(* river .Saint Lawrence shall in future be defrayed by *' such ineasures. and in such proportions, as the arbitrators to he *' appointed, under tiie provisions of the said Act, shall determine, " upon the prayer of either province." Viewing, therefore, the rapid progress made towards thecomplo- lion of the ijie Canal, and thedangerof a great part of the produce from the western parts of this province being diverted from its na- tural market, — conceiving also, that the expenditure of the money levied by virtue of the aforesaid Statute of the Province of Lower Canada would materially improve the navigation of the river Saint Lawrence, and lessen the costs of transporting our more bulky pro- ductions to Quebec and Montreal, — and believing that the rppli* cation of the said monies is to be regulated by Arbitrators, under certain provisions, your Petitioners respectfully intreat your Hon- ourable Mouse to adopt such measures for procuring the immediate expenditure of the said monies in improving our water communi- cation with I>ower Canada, as your Honourable House may think €\|)edient: — And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray. (Signed) THOMAS MAR KLAx\D, > and Others. y . Kingston, ? 28th February, 1823. J ^ r ^j '-^^ jK ■ %,^s r ^j i