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n d □ 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 r//3/ ■X i i i o THE UNION OF ! TASTE AND SCIENCE A POEM TO WHICH ARE SUBJOINED A FEW ELUCIDATING NOTES By STEPHEN DICKSON Esqr, QUEBEC rKIHTlD BY JOHN NIILSON, NO3 MOUNTAIN STREET 1799 } A THE UNION of TASTE and SCIENCE, When Nature first at Heaven's almiglity \v'ord Smiling from chaos sprang, with sweet accord Through every nerve a secret influence stole, And Gei-yius triuniph'd o'er her inmost soul. From her, untortur'd by maternal throes, Their cldesi-born immortal SCIENCP: rose. Propitious horoscopes announc'd his birth, And gratulation rang ihrough all the earth* Cradled in forests, rocking tempests soothe The wild ambition of his earliest youth. His eyes pursue the planets as they roll, Or with the lightening dart from pole to pole. As riper years confer more vigorous power His busy thoughts to loftiest darings tower,, 10 fi And while almighty wisdom he adores, 15 The vafl out-strctch'd creation he explores, Through all the elements adventurous goes, Though Air, Sea, Earth, and Fire his search oppose. Now with the juvenile whim of gallant skill, (Yet bent feme useful purpose to fulfill,) 20 Sportive the carrier-pigeon's neck he strides, And cleaves with rapid wing th'aerial tides, From Bagdadt to Aleppo speeds the scroll That fans the passions, or informs the soul. Or, with Montgolfier dares coclcstial height, 25 And emulates Elijah's fiery flight, Sees cities dwindle, mightiest states grow fmall. And spies in miniature the whole terrestrial ball. Now^, with less bold, yet more ennobling plans. The telegraphs of naval tadics scans. Displays the colours, that, like Iris, fly. Or whirls commanding rockets thro' the sky ; 30 I i >. -"iea*jE.*i*Smmm V 3 i Informs the mighty soul of gallant Howe, 'Till Glory rides on his vi6lorious prow ; Jarvis inspires, while with address divine He breaks and triumphs o'er th'Iberian line ; With all the magnanimity of Duncan blends ; And succour to heroic Nelson lends. 35 Aye ! let vain France, despoil'd of every flag, Still Babel scliemcs, still impious cunning brag, 40 Still foully hug the meretricious art That blinds the judgment, and pollutes the heart, While Britain's guardian Genius towers sublime. And walks with Science in the starrv- clime. Now, with the dread Monsoon fee Science sweep, 45 O'er the tempestuous bosom of the deep ; Now lightly skim the phosphorescent waves. And now plunge down to Ocean's darkest caves. Condemn'd Leviathan starts in dcspiiir, While prison'd pearls burst forth to gem his hair, 50 B As from Hcraclea he the the magnet tears, And the rich gift to favour'd Florio bears. Full of stupendous projects, SciENCii goes Fearless o'er Arab's sands, o'er Zembla's snows ; Surprises Nature in her loneliest haunts. And a gay requiem over Ignorance chaunts, Now with LinniEus treads th'ennamell'd meads, Where wilv Love botanic sagLiicss leads. And lo ! each vegetable breast suspires, Breathing in odorous plaints Idalian fires ; The genial magic steals from flower to flower, And Science smiles at Love's transcendent power. 55 60 TTow with se\'erer brow, and picrcino- ken, lie storms the tangled brake, the cavern'd den ; Scallolds the elephant's enormous sides, Till caflles mo\e as ^\•arrior Wisdom guides. Anon, of lonely contemplation fond, Surveys the fabrics of the beaver pond 5 65 70 15 Or Nature's policy delights to see In the well ordered kingdom of the bee. There no licentious demagogues declaim, (For self and social interefl: arc tlie same,) No forc'd equality insults the laws Of various worth and rank that Nature draws ; In every breast a k)\ c of order glows, The bond of patriots, and the scourge of foes ; Though rich industrious, though loyal free, And such, O Britain ! as diou still may'st be. Nor clogg'd by earth, nor bounded by t'ne skies, Undaunted Science raging fire defies : 80 The burst volcano to the crater mounts, And springs refreshed from Hccla's !)oiling founts. When lurid lightenings spread dismay around. And tliunder rolls the death-denouncin-j sound, He calmly views the elemental jar, 85 And rears the rnagic rod that stills the Iic:ivenly war.. J ! 1i f i| With not Icfs cafe lie wields terrestrial rays, CoMstrutls the fiiiiiace, and confines llic blaze, riiiu^s to the furious blast the shapeless ore, And strait redeems the i)right metallie store : 90 J'hc sordid world admire the glitterins^ prize, And gaze on Science with converted e\es. So, when the ciiptive Israelites, con&ign'd To bigot flames, appcar'd unhurt, refin'd; Their radiant forms befpokc their mighty Lord, 95 And impious heathens trembled ar.d culor'd. Sucii was the youth whofe meritorious prime, (Years of proud promise and attempts sublime !) From Honour's sacred lips drew pure acclaim, And fiird the trumpet of eternal Fame. 100 At k^iinh his praises rcach'd tlic mod'jst cars Of Tastk ; a lo\vly nymph of tender years, Daiiglitcr of Beauty by a reverend sire. What time declinin-i years and milder fire f Still posscss'd charms to fascinate the fair, And Virtue souirht a solace of his care. *05 Nurs'd in the lap of Elegance, the maid In early childhood with the Graces playU Oft twining sprigs oi" hay and fragrant flowers In gay festoons, she chain'd the smiling Hours : Delighted Fancy hover'd round her head, And flew ohsequious where the virgin led. Yet most she mild Simplicity approi^'d, Her converse courted, and her pleasures lov'd. With her she oft has risen at earliest dawn, And saunter'don tlie dew-bcspangled lawn. Greeting the orient Sun's inspiring beams, Tluit tune the groves, and animate th : streams. With her she oft has cliiiih'd the mountain brow To sketch new hindscapcs iu tlie scene below ; For, at her bidding magic Fancy Hew, And still created as her mistress drew. C no 115 120 I ! 1 y w 8 From yonder hill she par'd a shapeless hump ; That lavvn embellish'd with its tufted clump ; Yon mouldering Priory that naked stood, 1 25 Emboss'd with ivy, and o'erhung with wood ; There thro' a lazy streamlet's oozy bed The lively current in meanders led ; Swell'd the light convex of that bordering height, Yet gave the distant scenery to our sight, 1 30 But not by rural forms was Taste engross'd ; Each imitative Ait her aid could boast. She govern'd Angelo's impetuous soul, And raptur'd Raphael own'd her soft controul, Seduftivc Titian's glowing colours live 135 With all the vivid charms her soul could give. When mighty Handel's comprehensive mind Each contrruous element of sound combin'd, o Exalted Taste rchears'd die choral lays. And peal'd with Angels the Messiah's praise. 140 Yet oft she lov'd to seek the secret haunts Where the mild anchorite his vesper chaunts ; Or Hst, as in the faintly-floating wind Romantic Melody with sorrow pin'd. In love-lorn grief did Philomela plain ; 145 Recording all the sadly pleasing strain, At evening to the Leasowes she repair 'd, And sooth'd her Shenstone, as his woes she shar'd. Hark ! how as thrills the sweet Sto race's note Responsive warblings in the aether float ! 150 Soft Zephyrs waft them to the distant waste, And wondering Wildness owns the power of Taste, But now, (as Fate ordains that heavenly Love Shall every heaven-descended spirit move,) Her tender breast dilates with new desire, 155 Aiul the pure flame is san61ion'd by her sire; For io ! commission'd from th'empyreal sky Young Science beams all-glorious to her eye, As achromatic Truth his form displays In the bright focus ofcoclestial rays. 160 fi 10 The nymph enamoiird smiles him to her arms. And Science pants entrammcll'd by her charms. Abrupt— the clangor of impetuous war Rouses his soul some God- like deed to dare; He flies the scenes where Love and Pleasure smile, 165 And hurls Britannia's thunder o'er the Nile. The potent spell strikes impious Folly dead : Wisdom awakes from her primaeval bed, And hails the valiant chief by sacred Science led. J I But who can tell how gentle Taste deplor'd 170 The fate that sever'd all her soul ador'd ! For oft, though many a fond and pleasing art Play'd 'round her fancy, none e'er touch'd her heart : Like the smooth ice refletling lunar rays, Her breast was cold amid the glittering blaze ; But when the fervid sun of Science shone, He swell'd her bosom, and unloos'd her zone. 1 , ] II *■». From court to cjiirt she flew with anxious baste, And the gay footsteps of her childhood trac'd ; The solemn pile, the gay arcade explord, 1 80 The polish'd drawing-room, the festive board : Now, all seem'd pompous pride, or gaudy glare, Or flippant folly, or vohiptuous snare. When Memory, (to grief as kind as dear,) Whispers reviving counsel in her ear, 185 And proudly points to the sequester'd scene Where Canada enjoys her lov'd Vice-Queen, ''Ah! there," with transport, *' there," exclaims the maid, " How oft with Prescott have I fondly stray'd ; " Caught from her lips the precepts that refin'd, 190 " And stamp'd a value on my opening mind ; »' There from the wife, the mother, and the friend, '* Learn'd Elegance and Love with Dignity to blend!"* Then bright and rapid as the nothern-light, Across the vast atlantic sped her flight, 195 The skiff Velella crowded every sail To catch the convoy and enjoy the gale ; D 12 'i The pilot Phaeton stooping flew before ; And fluttering Halcyon hail'd her from the shore. Dione 'spied her 'mid the joyous groupe, 200 And flew to launch her elegant chaloupc, That matchless conch in which young Venus lay When first she sprang from the yEgean spray. Scarce the light form of Taste the barque had press'd, When in the Chateau shone the much lov'd guest. 205 Here, as invisible to vulgar eyes From room to room with rapid glance she flies, Amaz'd she sees, while rapture thrills her breast, The genuine soul of Science stand confest. The veteran warrior, o'er whose iaurel'd brow 210 The olive loves to shoot its foliage now, Had rais'd the veil that hangs o'er future years, Where Science fostering Public- Weal appears ; . Then with his Consort lent a willing hand To honour Taste and Science through the land. 2ic^ .:M^..Mmsi^k- 13 Plain, proud encomium ! worthy those to share Who make a people's happiness their care ! For not to arid land more vigour brings The confluent bounty of redundant springs, Not to the lingering germs that frost conceals Breathe more auspicious spring's etesian gales, Than Taste and Science o'er th'untutor'd mind Shed the best benefits of human-kind. 220 And lo ! the grateful ministers prepare Whatever exquiste, whatever rare The tributary elements supply From vasty ocean, from encircling sky. From teeming earth, or from transmuting fire The sage solicits and the world admire. The curious ark, by labouring Science fiU'd, Enamoufd Taste delights with charms to gild. 225 230 There in their native garb obscurely shine The rugged treasures of the unwrouaht mine t ■^ -■: ill ! .11 H '<■■ 1 ' ti Like the first natives of our hardy climes Who scorn'd the poHsh of refining times. 235 Here, where the sun descends in mid-day blaze, Prismatic crystals put to rout his rays ; The scatter'd host, as in bright troops they fly, Arrest, and dazzle, and enchant the eye. Ah ! were to it alone the power confin'd ! 240 Did the gay brilliant ne'er sednce the mind, Then e'en on earth had Virtue founded thrones On the bright pediment of precious stones. As, yet, when worldly time shall pass away. And sun and moon be lost in endless day, 245 A wondrous city shall the blest infold, Its walls of jasper, and its streets of gold, Its bright foundations evermore to last With ruby, sapphire, and sardonyx grac'd. While every gem through the sublime abode 250 Shall multiply the glorious light of God. But 'till tiie soul fling off" this nymphal coil And rise transform'd, like Psyche, from the soil, ii f 15 Let humble Prudence from Temptation run, And even the extremes of Virtue shun. This sage advice, that suits Rehgion best. Has modest Taste by emblem here express'd. For though no diamond glitter from afar, Yet not excluded is the ponderous spar, Magnesian daze, calcareous stalactite. Or mild Argilla's boasted zeolite. Here from the causeway fabled giants rear'd Tlic proud Basalt his tribute has preferr'd; And wild Niagara her foam return'd. Like weeping Niobe to stone transform'd. ^55 260 265 But say, what trophies from the vast profound With various magic ravifli or astound ? The scor'd volute, Amphion's favourite shell ; The virgin Bulla, Th.-tis lov'd so well ; The coral house, where polypes yet adhere ; The leopard-cowry, to the Gnidians dear ; 270 E 4 . ■1 I 15 And justly dear, who Periander wreck'd When the proud foe their liberties attack'd. With these contrasted, how we smile to see The cataphratled fish in panoply ; 275 Or the huge Echinus, whose hedge-hog spines Must choak the whale v/ho on such dainties dines ; Or, as sly Humour points, in separate niche, The wise-savv'd owl whom buddiir; horns enrich, > While the dumb marble boasts the bacon-flitch ! J 280 But vain th' inadequate description, i^ain The skimming comment of the Muse's strain. How can she body forth her rainbow words To paint the living colours of the birds ? How conjure up each floweret to the eye 285 Its form delineate, and revive its dye ? How, most of all, the v/itching Grace convene That breathes a matchless magic o'er the scene Wlierc mingling Pleasure and Inflruclion lurk While Taste and Science own it as their woiii^ 20a i 17 By Virtue favour'd, as by Wisdom plann'd, Long may the honour'd union blefs the land Of Taste and Science ! wide may they impart The influence that refines and cheers the heart, Yet nerves the soul t'estabHsh as to feel The public glory, and the public weal ! And long may Canada exulting own Prescotts refle61.ing lustre to the throne. 295 y^^^M. i NOTES. From .he nature of the (ouguus poia,. .ome .llu^ion. ne«..«ily ,ro,e which m>y not begc„e»lyobv.ou, To clucdu.e the.e the author ha, .ubjoined . f,w no«,. for which If he .hould r.cnve .he Uigh.ci. .h.nk. fro.n any of h.. fa.r rca.ler.. h. will be amply .a.i,. M. The learned ph.lolopher. for whom ihey arc not m.cnded. .hould oai, them by with- out ipleen, as he doei the toy-.hop, or the perfume warehouse. Lin,ii^Carri,r.P,g,. .] These pigeon, used to arrive at Aleppo with expres.e. from Bagdad., or from Babylon. (30 day. journey,) in ,i« hours. Wuhin the.e few years p.lt thi. rap.d po.i ha. been brok .n up j the Curds having learned 10 rob the mail, and kill the courieri. L. 2s.-Mcntgo/Ji^r.-] The balloon of Mon.colfier. (the fir.t mere mortal who explored the ikies.) wa, elevated by fire. S.nce hi, .ime balloons have hcen generally cous.rudle.Ui.h inflammable air. which i, about twelve time, lighter than an equal bulk of the atmosphere. L. 3..-/r».] The rainbow ; the messenger of the Gods, and generally employed on hostile occasion,. ' L. ^7.-Pho,phor„ant.] The beautiful and astonishing brightness which the agitated ocean sometimes exhibit, ,s known to aenvc itt origin from ihe phosphoric light of myriad* of minute animals who inhabit its waves. Z. s\—H gone beyond il» umal limits. Thus, to K Im, wIicm .Kaillng undrr the aus|>icc» of Sciih ■ 11 10 Canad.i, it presented itself on the ail.intic in 4..^. north laiiiu.lc Thus aUo Laih.nn inciiiii'ni one having been »een on the »;ime ocean in 47;" north latitude 1 and thii wai. prob.tl.ly the very pilot here commen'orjicd. 'Ihe jppeaiaiin: of this biul indicatei to s.iitori that land is dt no great dittaiice. L. 199. Hafiui.l The kingri:.hfr, a beautiful andbiilliant bird, tno* of a retired dil- posilion, and ihielly h.iuniiiig the b.inkj of livers, is fu;ipolca to be llie tiue halcyuii oj the •niienu, proverbially the type of happy days. L. ioo. Diont,] Venus Dione, so calUd after the supposed mother of Venus, ii « native of the american seas. This exquisite biv.dvc, iiiootid in the Chateau by the hand of Taste still experiences the shcliei of its hoipitable roof. The curiosity o( kucli oi have not seen it may probably be inilnned by the fullnwinn ciiioinium of the ulcbr.itcd nittuiali&t Dr. Shaw. " This rare and curious shell is numbered iimongst the most v.lu.iblc ariiclcs •• of the conchyliplo;;ical cabinet ; and is indvCil coiibiJcrcd, when in its tcinpUtc and un. •' blemished state, as one of the ciineha of nioilcni museums." L. tin— As, v. J This alludes to a wonderfully splendid and sublime description by St. John, Rev. xxi.— X. 251 Nyml'hal coil.] The greek Psyche originally signilied .1 butteilly. The an- cients, obierving the suipribing trjnofurmation of this insect fiom iti coiled and torpid slate of nymph orchtysalis to thjt of a bii.^lu iierial h.ing which sron vanished from their sight, employed the same name metjphoricilly to denote the soul. The general idea was ligured, according to the principles of their mythology, under the representation of a beautiful young female, fiom whose shoulders i-sued the wings ol the buttcrlly ; and of whom they tcijincd that tupid, who swayed all the rest ot the world, was hiinscU enamoured. /,. 258— /)(«wonf/. ] Of the five piincipjl kinds of earth, the diamond and almost all the precious stones belong to the siliceous tiibe. /.. 2^()— Ponderous spar.'] Clusters of regularly figured spars of the barytic order. X. 260— Magnesian daze,] 'Ihc tiansparent muscovy or pnic iiiica, one ofi.'ie mos' elegant forms under which ihemagne.jan eaith presents itself. I, 260— Cakareoii I stnlat^i/,-.] The stone icicle, or drop. stone. V' X i KOTKS. L. ibx-ArgM, 6o,„tH uUu.\ Tl.- .vu.. .tonr. or Upi, |«uli. Thl. beautiful m.ner.l ticompolcd piincip-lly of ursillaci-ous e.nh, wiih lo.ne iilver and iron. L. ztt-mfauM'w., /uhUgiaHU r,ar'J.\ Th. celcbratrd ba„.luc eolumni In tli« north .,f IreUud. the nobl.^t produ.lio... of thu kind in the >.orld. a.e com.uouly tailed the S<-'i>t tcauieway, ' j68-7/-.i,. .•tingiii)cd Ly the liilc loiui or cone. L z6.).- Tht ri^rg.n Bulla.] Thii marine proj^aion (called alH, bucelnum vir.inrum by Linna:u.) d..tin«u,l},ccl by parti clnure^l. dou'.U b4u,l».a.. I ii, purpU-, truncted column i» con.iJtred aione of the mollcleg-nt of the Jingic-mlycd, tunvouica Ihelfj. I. a70.-.7/i« ioral h:.f:\ It i. n,Mv esublinud .ha. the variou. -peelc. of coral, owo tlicir exillcnce to cert-in marine animal, termed polype., by wh.M.i .hey arc iuhabued. L. 27<.-7*/ Uop,rd..,iury.] The cyprea tigri. of Li..,,,, i, al,o called cynr*» pardulii 0. Ifoturd cowiy, f...m the da.k.i.iow , ip>n, will, which it i. ,o s.rilti.igly divert.. f.cJ. Ihoiijih not uncommon i. i, ex.rcincly l..,nd».,me, and derives from na.ure ii, .ingula.ly high pol.lh, 1. wat formerly honoured wi.h tiic title of Vcnu^'i Ihcll. for the i„„y ,»„ .h^ the tyrant I'criander having attacked her favoured votaiic. in .he ille of Gnido., Vcnu. is- .ued her command, to the.c trua.y agent., who a..cmbled m con>idcrat>le number/ and wrecked ilia veiiel. ' L. 27s—Ca,„phral}iJ fjh.] So called by Ichthyolosifls, f.om it. being clad in a com. pletc coat of mail, which this truly h.ird word implies. L. 276.-.£c^/,«i.] The sea-urchin ; that here alluded to is uncommonly large, and formidable. L. tSo.-^Marblf bca/l, the iucon-fach. J This allude, to a specimen which bears a whim- sical resemblance to that far.fam'd prize of co.njugal good-huiiiour. L. 2%i.^Thi .<\irn! Jlrain ] Sup .ficially indeed ha. (he touched upon a few, a very f.w of the curious and valuible aiiidcs f this elegant cabinet, which adorns, like. 1 ui.-..'hcfamaranth, ihe tUftged brow of the gig intic rock of Quebec,' %■