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Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la methods. errata i to t 9 pelure. on i TJ 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 ( PI iii*5aii:iP!^p;:jrPiPiig!??i;';sP!Mg^ ti t»M*: nnawi Btmmwp mmmmm ^F^':;;^,;:s-?:ivn?ai;: :.-■ -,.i.i-.i;ig4^ m THE CONSOLIDATED BY-LAWS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE UNITED COUNTIES OF PETEKBOEOUGH AND VICTORIA COMPILED BY ORDER OP THE COUNTIES COUNCIL BY THOMAS WHITE, Jb. J'RINTED AT THE OFFICW OK THE PETERBOROUGH HLVIEW. 1869; I'* ! Qb:/^0 >i » III ' mi 1942 1 , >. /", — \ •J V ; CONSOLIDATED BY-LAWS OF THE UNITED COUNTIES OP PETEEEOEOUGH AND VICTOEIA. BY-LAW No. I. A By-law respecting the Consolidated By-laws of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria. WHEREAS it lias been found expedient to revise, classify, and consolidate the General By-laws of the United Coun- ties of Peterborough and Victoria, including both those passed by the District Council of the late District of Colborne, and those passed by the Municipal Corporation of the said United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria : And whereas such re- vision, classification, and consolidation has been made accord- ingly, and it is desirable to give to such Consolidated By-laws the force of Law : Therefore the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria enacts as follows : I. That from and after the present session of the said Muni- Effect of Law cipal C(tuncil, the printed roll of the Consolidated By-laws, IdToU.*"""*' deposited with the Clerk of the Municipality, shall come into force and have eflfect as law by the designation of " The Consolidated By-laws of the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria." 9!, That all By-laws or parts of By-laws inconsistent with the incomistetit provisions of the said Consolidated By-laws, shall be and the ^y-^aw* "• same are hereby repealed. pea e . (Signed) M. S. DEAN, Warden. (Signed) WALTER SHERIDAN, Counties Clerk. Counties Council Chamber, ) Peterborough, June 19th, 1862. J BY-LAW Meetip- CoDDC; By-law 2. Standing Rules. BY-LAW No. II. 1862. A By-law to provide Standin*^ Rules for regula* ting the Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria. THE Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peter- borough and Victoria, enacts as follows : THAT the following? RuIcej shall bo, and are hereby declared, to be the Standing Rules of Order, to regulate all proceedings of the said Municipal Council of tlin United Counties of Peter- borough and Victoria ; and all Kule:? and Orders heretofore adopted are hereby declared to le repealed. 1. There shall be in eat^h and every year, two ordinary - meetings or sessions of this Couneil ; llie first to commence on the FOURTH TUESDAY IN JANUARY, and the oihur on the THIRD TUESDAY IN JUNE, at the hour of Twelve of tl e Cioek, noon; but nothing in this Rule shall restrict or prevett the Warden from calling such and so many special meetings o^ this Council as he may deem necessary, according to law ; of all which special meetings the Wardens shall give at least eight days notice in writing to each of the Reeves and Deputy Town- roeves. ti DDtieiofWar- ft. At all meetings of this Council, as soon after the hour ineoVcouncU ^PP^'i^tcd for the meeting as there shall be a ()Uorum prcsemt, the Warden shall take the Clmir, and call the Council to order ; should there not be a quonu.M present at the expiration of half- an-hour after the time appointed for me(;ting, the Warden may adjourn and name the next time (»f meeting. Adjournments in all other cases shall be by motion, naming the time for next meeting. Reading Min< utcs. 3. At every meeting, immediately after the Chair is taken, the Clerk shall read over the minutes of the next previous meet- ing, when errors, if any exist, shall be corrected, and tho Warden shall then sign the minutes. Warden to preside. 4. It diall be the duty of the Warden to preside at all meet- ings of the Council, to j)resei ve order and decorum, and to decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council stating Ihe Rule or Practice on which his decision is founded. Martin debate. !^* '^^^ Warden shall not take part in debate, except in Com- mittee ; but in case of a tie, he may state facts, and give his reaaona for \0ting4 1862. 1863. Standing R*des. By-law 2. 6. The Warden shall be ex-officio a member of all Commit- J^"J"c"^"?' tees of the Council. mittees. of 7. In the absence of the Warden, the Clerk shall call the Ch«i man to Council to order until a Chairman be chosen, which Chairman ^bsence^of " shall preside, subji'ct to the same rules as are applicable to the Warden. Warden. 8. Every Councillor, before bcj^inning to speak, shall rise Modeofipeak* from his scot uncovered, and shall address himself to the ques- tion or motion under di> in i» f < 1862. Standing Rules. By-law 2. with its opinion thereon, in writing, and no report shall be presented to the Council, as the report of any Committee, ji.jojuy „„,, unless agreed to by a majority of the Committee actually concur. assembled, and signed by the Chairman. Provided that the minority of any Committee may present a written report on tlie matter referred to it, but so that such report shall be specially dosignatud as o " Minority Report." 37. As soon as possible after the Council shall have been standing legally organized at its first session in each year, Standing Committeei. Committees for the following purposes shall be appointed for the year, viz : — 1st, County Property ; 2nd, Reads and Bridges ; . 3rd, Schools ; 4th, Finance and Assessment ; 5th, Petitions ; 6th, Printing ; 7th, Appointments to Oflice. 28, When a motion to go into Committee of the Whole is Committee of carried, the Warden shall leave the Chair and nominate a *''• wijoie. Chairman of Committee, who shall immediately take the Chair without comment ; and when the Committee rises, shall report its proceedings to the Warden. it 'Si I 4 ftO, All Standing Rules of the Council shall be observed in Ruiei obserra- Committee of the Whole, so far as they may be applicable, ^^f^l^^ ^o't^iia excepting the Rule limiting the number of times a member may Whole, address the Council. 30. Every By-law, Memorial, or Address of the Council, shall By-laws, &c. be read three times before being finally passed by the Council, ^^^eupon"^' and signed by the Warden or temporary Chairman, — the first time in Council, when the general objects of the measure may be discussed ; the second time in Committee of the Whole Council, when clauses shall be read and put separately, and the third time, after being engrossed in Council, without amendment xcepting that it may at any time be recommitted. 31. No By-law, Memorial or Address, shall pass through Not more than more than two readings on any one day ; but this rule may be \ZV»mtdis. temporarily suspended for a specific purpose, by a legal vote of the Council. 31^. All By-laws passed by this Council shall be designated Deiignation or by Roman numerals only, beginning with number I. for the first ^J'lawg. By-law passed by this Council, and numbering all others progressively. 33. In all By-laws introduced into this Council, each separate Form of Py- enactment shall form a separate Section, and shall be numbered l«w»' progressively by Arabic numerals, beginning with number 1, for the first section of each By-law. 34. 8 By-law 3. Sessional Allowance to Members. 1862 Title of By P«titioDi< 34. No By-law, Bill or Draught, of any By-law, shall be introduced into this Council, unless ti;o Title of such Bill or pro- posed By-law shall contain some express allusion to each and every important matter or thing contained in such Bill. 3«S. No Petition or Memorial shall be read before the Council until after it has been referred to the Standing Committee on Petitions, whose duty it shall be to suppress such as contain indecent, libellous or seditious matter, when prncticable and expedient. Whomayread 30. Every Petition on being presented, maybe reed by the ihem. member who presents it, or by the Clerk. Corporate »e»l 57. The Corporate Seal of this Council shall be in the custody of the Warden, and it shall n'.)t he allixed to any docu- ment, excepting by him or in his presence, or that of the tempo- rary Chairman, when authoriz{;d by this Council. Special Com' raitteei. 38. When a Special Committee shall be apjwinted for any purj"»ose, it shall bo the duty of the Ch^rk of this Council to furnish the first named member of the Committee, with a copy of the resolution appoirling the Committee, and such member shall notify the other member of the time and place for such Committee to meet. m C( is sui up Aeeonntt to be audited. SO. All accounts and claims against the Council shall be audited and reported upon by the Auditors of the Council before being finally approved and ordertid to be paid. when"to'be 40. All accounts and claims against the Council must be preiented. presented on or before the first day of the session thereof. BY-LAW No. III. A By-law to provide for the payment of a Sessional Allowance to the Members of the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria. THE Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peter- borough and Victoria enacts as follows : Allowance to 1. THAT the sum of One Dollar and Fifty Cents be allowed to member*. Reeves for every day they shall sit in Council. — By-law number Ninety y 1855. WardcD to give ccrtifi* cate. 3. That at the close of each Session the Warden shall give a certificate under his hand to the Treasurer of said United Counties r-iSf1!ffiSi8Si3 P»nRj«jniim:(iw««T^rf5!;?ni ^iHii$ir.i«mpm 1862 1862. Duties of Clerk and Treasurer. By-law 4. Counties, stating the number of days, for which each member is entitled to receive payment, which certificate shall be sufficient authority for the Treasurer to pay the allowance there- upon. — By-law Number Ninety^ 1855. BY-LAW IVo. IV. 9 li!^ A By-law regulating the appointment and defin- ing the duties of certain County Officers, therein named. THE Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peter- borough ami Victoria enacts as follows : 1, THAT so muf.h of By-law number Forty-eight of this By-i«w 48, Council as enacts that tlieoilifcs of County Treasurer and County <=o«»t'n"e'i- Clerk bo oonsolidatrd, and the duties thereof performed by one person, shall be and tl)r sanie is hereby declared to be in force. 9, That the said Oirioor, so appointed, as Clerk and Treasurer, Clerk to keep shall in virtue of his said olflcc of Clerk, truly record in a Book, W'd"'**- without note or comTnent, all resolutions, decisions and other procc«Hlin,c»s of the Council, and, if required by any member present, sliall record the name and vote of every member voting on any matter submitted, and siiall keep the books, records and accounts of the Council ; and shall preserve and fyle all acted upon by the Council, and also the originals or eevtihed copies of all By-laws, and of all luinntos of the proceedings of the Council, all of which ho sliall .so keep in his ollice, or in the place appointed by By-law of the Council ; And any person may Minute*, &c., inspect any of the pnrticulars aforesaid at all reasonable times ; j^be open for and the Clerk shall within a reasonable time furnish copies c"opi"sto"be thereof to any applicant at the rate of Ten Cents per Hundred fumiihej nnd Words, and shall on payment of his fee therefor, furnish within ^'""■fi^* ^here- a reasonable time to any elector of the Municipality, or to any other pt;rson interested in any By-law, Order or Resolution, or to his Attorney, a copy of such By-law, Order or Resolution, certi- fied under his hand and under the Corporate Seal. — Con. Stat. U. C. 22nd Vic. cup. 54, sects. 150, 151. 3. And the said ofTicer, shall in virtue of his ofFice as Treas- T/easurerto urer before entering upon the duties of his ofRce, give security 8Jve lecmity. as follows, that is to say : himself in the sum of !^ 12,000, and two sureties, who shall be acceptable to the Council, in the sum of 4,000 each, for ilie due performance of his duties, and especially or duly accounting for and paying over all moneys which may come into his hands. He shall receive and safely keep all To receive, moneys belonging to the Corporation, and shall pay out the same **•*/ ^"* "'» to such persons and m such manner as the laws of the Province moQey i. B and ii ' 10 of Clerk and Treasurer. By-law 4. Duties of Officers. 1862. and the lawful By-laws or resolutions of the Council direct. — Ibid sects. 159, 160, -? That :,ii and singular the several duties, liabilities, and obligations, of any nature whatsoever, wnich now do, or here- after may, by any Law of this Province, or by any By-law or Resoliilion of this Council, appertain and belong to, or are im- posed upon either the Treasurer or the Clerk of the said County, rcs])ectively, shall devolve, est, and be obligato/y upon th« person filling the joint olHee of Clerk and Treusurci- of the said United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, as fully and completely as if the said ofiiees were separate and distinct. — By-laio No. 48, County of Peterborough^ 1851. 1861 RUI PetJ be rl as 111 and I a.id and as a| Dol satiJ Salary of Clerk and Treasurer, Duties of Au- ditor. Auditor's Sh,< ary.* .Salary of Jailor. 5. That the salary of the Clerk and Treasurer shall be fixed at the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars, which said sum the Treasurer and Clerk is hereby authorized to retain out of any unappropriated lands in his hands belonging to these Counties, and which salary shall be, and be taken, as payment for all services required to be performed in both the said joint olUces of Treasurer and Clerk of the said United Counties.— ^^-^aio No. 136, U. C. P. Sr v., 1860. 6. *Thn Auditors, to be appointed at the first meeting thereof, of this Council in every year, shall examine and report upon all accounts aiiecting the Corporation, or relaiing to any matter under its control or within its jurisdiction, for the year ending on the Thirly-iirst day of December, preceding their appoint- ment ; they shall prepare an abstract of the receipts and expen- ditures, and iiabiliticf? of the Corporation, and also a detailed statement of said pa;ticulars, in such form as the Council directs, and report in duplicate on all the accounts audited by them ; and shall file the same in the ohice of the Clerk of the Council within one month after their appointment, and thereafter any inhabitant or ratepciyer of the municipality may inspect one of such duplicate reports at all seasonable hours ; and may by himself or his agent, at his own expense, take a copy tluireof or extrocls therefrom. — Con. Stat. 22 Vic. cap. 54, sects. 168, l';0. 7. That the salary of the Auditors .shall be Forty Dollars per annum, payable (piarterly by the Treasurer of the United Counties. — By-law No. 3, 1850. 8. That the salary of the Keeper of the .Jail in the Town of Peterborough, slu. " be Five Hundred Dollars per annum ; which 'By the 167th Section of Consolidated .Statutes, 22nd Victoria, cap. 54, it is declared that no one, who, at such time or during the preceding year, is or was a member, or is or was a Clerk or Treasurer oi' the Council, or, who has or during such preceding year had, directly or indirectly, alone or in conjunction with any otiior person, a shara or contract in any interest or employment with or ou behalf of tho Corporation, except aa Auditor, sliall be appoiutcd u^ Auditor. sum sii.'i:'.-'.j;<:«i!s:.ij:iii(l.^!" 1862. il direct. — litios, and o, or Ijere- liy-law or :>r are ini- d County, upon the f the said fully and listinct. — I be fixed sum the It of any Counties, It ibr all oiKces of -law No. I thereof, ujKm all f mutter ' ending ap})oint- I exp(;n- [ietailed Council lited by c of the ereafter •ect one may by ■roof or :8, UO. irs per United awn of wliieh p. 54, it ar, is or ) has or iunctioa with or i.uditor. sum 1862. Payment of Juror$. By-law 6. 11 sum shall be paid by the Treasurer of the United Counties of Peterborougli and Victoria, in quarterly instalments ; and shall HUdutieg. be ree(!ivetl by the said Jailor as compensation for such services as he may be called on to perform, in keeping the Court House and premises ch.'an, and in good order, and for making lires in a.id cleaning the Coimcil Chamber, Court Hou^^c, Court Itooni, and other public ollices, in the said Court House, as well as all his ordinary duties as such Jailor. — By-law No. 10b, 1S56. 9. That the salary of the Matron of the Jail shall be Twenty l^l^^^'^^ Dollars pctr annum, which shall be accepted by her as compen- sation for the performance of all her duties as such Matron. 10. That th«^ Salary of the Turnkey of the Jail shall be $150 per annum, which said sum shall be paid by the Treasuri^r in Tui"^ey!' quarterly instalments, and shall be accepted by such Turnkey as full compensation for his services. — By-law 194, 1861. BY-LAW No. V. A By-Law to provide for the payment of Grand and Petit Jurors. BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, and il is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, — 1. THAT from and after the passing of this By-law, Grand jurontore- and Petit Jurors shall be entitled to tlie sum of Five Shillings per "''« ^j^' day for attcndunee, and the sum of Three Pence per mile each per luUe. way travelled to attend to such duties : and that the Treasurer of the said Uniled Counties be and he is hereby authorized and re(iuired to pay such sum or sums of money on the certificate of the Sherill" of said Uniled Counties at the termination of each Court held, which certiiicate shall .state the number of miles travelled each WMV, and the number of days in attendance at such Court, and shall be the voucher of the Treasvuer for th(i payment of such moneys. — U, C. P. fy V. By-law No. 129, Jwnc, ibua. B' BY-LAW 8R'^B!HB^'tiaii•• 12 Timber, kc, on CoiinJy Kn:<(J« to ItR uodfir control of Recvei. Penalty for cnntrav<>n(ion ol Bj'l»\r, Treei An i-»ch tide of I'ottd to be cut dowa< Proceedings in default! By-law 6. Protection of Timber^ S,'C. BY-LAW No. VJ. 1862. A By-law to provide for the protection and preservation of any Tini!)er, Stone, Sand or Gravel, growini^ or boin,'»- npon any allowance or appropriation for any o( the County Uoads in the Uniled Counties of P('tcr!)oroui>li and Victoria, aiul direct ini»' the trees to be ch^ared on each side of the ilii>]iwa^s. WriKrvKAS by llio ylM Sub->r(:tion i>\' liic .JOIsl soction of the i\luiiit.-)p;tl Corporation Act lor L'pi"''* Canndn, County Counrils ure fnipowcrcd to iii;il«* iJy-iaws for prcsovvinc^ or sellini? Tinib'-r, 'I'lccs, Slono, Sniul m (iravi-l, ni;on finy allow- anc(* or appropriadon lor I'liblu; JvoacN. Therefore tlie jVrunicipal Council of fiir l.'nitod Comities of Peterbo'.ouuh and Victoria, cnac'is as follows : 1. THAT iho Timber, Grave), Stnno or Saml, Ivincf n\Hm any County Koad in the United Cou!ities of I'rtcvl) trough and Victoria, >]iall he tinder the control '[\v] supervision of the Reeves of the Townships adjoinin-j; such ('oiuily I'oads, andtlie said Reeves slrdl, and ihey are (Miipowered to ^ell or tlispose of }*ncli Timber, Stone, Sand or Gravel in stich way as they may deem CNpedient, and to ex])(>nd the money so obtaincrd for the repair of such (.'ounty Roads. 2. And be it enacted, that any person or persons cnttincf or carryin'j; away any Timlx^r, ih ivcl. Stone «;r Sand, erowino; or beini:f as afon-said ujion any of tlie said County {{(vid-;, ;;!iall V)e lird)le to a penalty ol' not more than Two Poiuids 'J'en Shillings, nor less than Five S'lillin^s, for each and every olli'iiec, to be rec(»vereil before any .Justice of the i'eaet' havini,' jurisdiction in the said United Counties.— T. C. /'. tV I'. Ih'i-law No. 100, Ftbruarjjy lfi.;G. •5. *And be it enacted, that on ea<'li and every fid*' of a High- way passing through a woo ', the trees, tudcss they form j)art of an orchard or. shrubbery, or have been planted exjiressly for orna- ment or shelter, shall for a spa<-e not exci^edlng twcnty-iive feet on each side ol tlie Highway, ' cut down an-,«n^i«H«MMi.«i''.2SV,fllWS!W'r^l3^'';.'ir!'l!nl>?'!;?^^ '•ni<»'r«>r.H.tH»||l(;j,4j»|.I 1862. ou and 5aiul or owance Uoatis ixh and cleared ion of fhc , County 'n'lna; or II V nllow- untios of itM)n uny li^Ii and 1 of the , and tlio isfxtse of lif-y may I ior the tfinsf or '\vini» or sIkiII he liHinafja, t-', fo be ctiori in ^'o. 100, I Iligh- J)arl of »r orna- iv<^ feet by the iy-law. in^ the whose I thoni R used CoDsoU- by 1863. Inspector of Weights and Measures. By-law 7. by tlic said Overseer of llighwaTs, or County Surveyor, for any 13 purposes ('onne('ted with liic; liighwayM or Bridges* m his division, or >hail ]k'. t^old by him to dcl'ray the expense of said tutting and removal, — C C\ P. Sf V. Bif-law JSo, IjO, June^ \bb\i. 15Y-LAW No. VII. A By-law to autliorlzt; l!>c appointuient of an Inspector of \V<^ii^lits and Measures for the United Onuities of Peteroorougli anci Victoria, WHEREAS l)y the Aet 22nd Viet. eap. 5J, aulhorily is j^iveu to Municipal (.'ouueils to appoint Insipectors of Weights and Measures,— Therefore the Miuii(i[):il Council ot' the United Counties of Peterborough and Vieioria enacts as follows : 1. Tiiai it :.h;iil b-: the liiity of liie (!otnicil onet'. in each year, Cnonciitoap. at tlie mifiiiii; htlil iu iIic mouth i>f January to appoint one {o^r^MchyM'r. Inspector for tlie Ctnuitv ol l*eterl)oroui>h, and tme for tlie County of Vieioria, v.liich said liispictors shall hold oiiiee during" the pleasure t)f thi* Cuun<-il or until ilunr successors are appointed. tj. That ihe said In.-prctors sliaii mak'' two in>^pections of ingpectors to their resp 'dive Divisions in each ve.ir, and shall t two i)h ices ni eaeii ol ilie Mum- ,pecUon, kc. cipalities coiujiriMid within tlicir Divisions for the. purpose of examinitiy and ••ompacini^ with the Standard Wei;^hts and Measures, ail \V(;i:;!ils and iNh.'a-uri'ji that may be presented to iheni for thai purj)ose. 3. Thai where any \Veii(hts or Measures so presented >haU inspectors be heavier or lari,'er than tlie Standard, the Inspectors may {^f^ yil-'" u!""' proeecti to alter tlni saiu: so as to conform them to tiu; Standard, and Measures, and shall be at liberty to chari'i; for each such alteration the >ium of Ten Cents. '1. That in all oilier respectsi tlie Inspectors shall be j:,'o\erried impector* to by the Act 22\v\ N'iel. cap. o», Consolidati-d Statutes, with ^e governed which they are re<|nired to make lhem!«elve»i familiar before ^ "'" ""• entering upon their duties. 5. That the InsjKu-iors, so appointed, shall bo entith'd to Allowance to receive a salary of Sixty Dollars, in addition to all fees to which ln»i>ettors by they are entitled under 'the said last recited Act, and under the^^*^** **'"^' third section of this Hv-la\v, which said salary the County Treasurer i« )ierel)y authorize.!s;^ liSffi: iilE'.ijjiifmi'i^F.'! 1862. 1862. Grammar School Trustees. Ry-law 9. 15 have all the powers granted to them that are granted to similar boards by the several Statutes of the Province in force, and shall be known as Board Number Tliree, of these United Counties. — U. C. P. fy V. By-law No. 75, Juwe, 1854. tS. And be it enacted that the Board of Trustees of the Oak- Oakwood wood Grammar School, with the Superintendents of Mariposa gch^Txrus- and Eldon, shall constitute a Board of Examiners for Common tecs. Circuit School Teachers, and shall have all the powers granted to them No. Four, that are granted to similar Boards by the several Statutes of the Province in force, and shall be known as Board Number Four, of these United Counties.~f/. C. P. Sf V. By-law No. Ub ; January^ 1858. 6. And be it enacted that the Board of Trustees of the Omemee Omemee Grammar School, with the Lo'al Superintendent of the S°"sJh?o?°'" Township of Emily, shall constitute a Board of Examiners for Trustees Cir- Common Scliool Teachers, and shall have all the powers granted cu^t^Number to tlunn that are granted to similar Boards by the several statutes of the Province in force, and shall be known as Board Number Five of these United Counties. BY-LAW No. IX. A By-law to declare Graniiiiar School Trustees for the Several Grammar Schools, iii the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, and to determine their retirement from Office. BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 1. THAT the following persons be and they are hereby J'"*^"' ^^ declared to be the Trustees of the several County Grammar Schooii. Sciiools in the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, respectively; And tliat the said Trustees shall retire from oliiee ^"?*''" "[ '•*«'' in the ord(!r in which they are herein set down, that is to say : — fromoiOce. FOR THE PETERBOROUGH COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. First Year. — Rev. M. Burnham. Dr. Burnham. Second Year — ^Jas. Stevenson, Esq. Rev. J. M. Rogers. Third Year — James Hall, Esquire. William Hall, Esquire. Fourth Fear-^Rev. John Carrol. Rev. John Cameron. Peterborough County Grum- mar School. FOR \ I »i "i >■■] ill t it. ili ,. ! 16 Lindiay Couotv Gram, mar School. By-law 9. Grammar School Trustees. 1862. FOR THE LINDSAY COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. First Year. — Rev. Jamos Farley. George Keinpt, Enquire, Second Year — Rev. John Vickars, Rev. Win. Joliustoji. Third Year — Robert Lang Escjuire. Rev. Mr. Plu;lps. Fourth Year^—J. II. Hopkins, Esquire. James Dunsford, Esquire. FOR THE NORWOOD COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL* Norwood County Gram- mar Scbool. Garwood CiiunJy Gram- laar School- Ometnee County Gram- mar School. First Year.- Second Year- Third Year- Fourth Year- -P. M. Grover, Ei^quire. VVilliaiu Scott, Esquire, -Dr. T. W. Poole. Rev. Wm, Briden. -Rev. Mr. Bowie, Peter Pearce, Esquire. -James Foley, Escjulre. James Beckot, Esquire. FOR THE OASWOOD COUNTY GBAMMAR SCHOOL. First Year.' Second Year- Third Year- Fourth Year- -Dr. Martin, A. A. McLaughlaii, Esquire. -George A. Pyper, Esquire. R. F. VVhitcsiiles, Kstjuire. -Obadiaii Rogt-rs, E.squire, J. R. Lytle, Esquire. -W. IJ. McLaugliliui, i^squire. David King, Esq aire. FOR THE OMEMEE COUNTY GHA301AR SCHOOL. First Year. Second Year- Third Year- Fourth Year.' ■Wm. Coltingha ni, Esquire, Thomas Match ett, Esquire. •Win. Curry, Es(iuire, Rev. Wm. McDowell. -Rev. N. Desb orough. Rev. W. Ewing. -Rev Mr. Coyle, Isaac Mc'uiely, Esquire. A BY-LAW 1861 \ B iiv,.^Vitaiii'i::i>!>iii:i M*Wttll*«l*l!Wtli(V ^■•- ».-».t.'«.NMl»lt w il« > i mil -jX 1863. lAW 1862. County Officers. By-law 10. 17 BY-LAW No. X. (\ Oy-law to appoint County Oflicers, and for otlicr purposes. BE IT EXACTED by llio aulliorily of the Mnnieipal Council of llie United Coumit's of FeterlJorough and Vit'toria, I. THAT the following persons be appointed Local Superin- lendenls of Schools, according to law : — For the Townships of Aspiiodel, Duinmer Local Super- and 3nrlc igh T. \V. Poole, M. D. 'sTjhod^H"'* '' P'or the Township of IJclnionl Kev James« liowie. For llie Township of Otonabee Rev. F. Andrews. Forth*' Townships of Smith k Monaghan Rev. E. R. Roberts. For the Towjiships of Veruliiiu and Som- nierville, Gidwiiy, Snosvdtn, Anson, Harvey, Minden, l^utterwortli, and Stanhope Rev. John Vickars. F'or the Township of Fen(>lon Rev. Mr. Patterson. For the Townsliip of Ops A. LaCourse, Es(|. For tile Townsliip of AUiriposa .Tlionias Beall, Esq. ^^)r the Townships of Eldon and (,'arden.Dr. Clarke. For the Township of Eiiiily Rf Ennismore Daniel Donoglnie. S8. That JanH^s Foii'V -.mi] Chrisioplier Burton be Auditors. Auditais. •I. Timt the following persons he appointed Sub-Treasurers of Sc1k)o1 Moneys : For Verulain and Sonmierville Mr. James Junkin. Sub-Treasur- f L' I HI r I-"'. 11 ersof School r or b (snelon Mr. James t itzgerald. Money. For Asphodel I. Foley. For Belmont and Metjuien u . . . Wm. E. Roxburg. For DumuK-r and Burleigh John Rose. For Otonabee^ George Read. For Douro, Smith and Monaghan. Waltt^r Sheridan. For Eldon and Carden Dr. Clarke. F" GaKvay, Snowden, Minden, Stanhope, Lutterworth, Anson and Harvey..., Rev. J. Vickars. For Bexley, Digby and Laxton Robt. Johnston. For Ops ..'. Michael O'Neill. For Mariposa Thomas Marks. For Emily Thomas Matchett. For Ennismore Mr. James Brennan. 4. That the following persons be appointed Inspectors of jo«i"'cio"'» of Weights and Measures : Measuieii. For the County of Peterborough.. Wm. Sargent. " " Victoria W. H. McLaughlan. — Passed January 3 Is/, 1862. c A BY-LAW i • 1 :\: t I;- I 3»Scava,eon. PitsHcff January .'3 Is/, 18G2. BR IT ENACTED by the MnnirijK.I Council of ili.? fnit.-d Counties of Ppterborouijh ami \ ictoria, and if is licn-bv enacted by the .'uitiiority of lli«" snnv, — 1. That Marcus S. Denn antl .labc:;: Tlmi^ion, Es(juir<'s, Commissioners appoint-nl under By-law nnuiber lf)2, for the payment and expenditure of $ 100 for the buildinc; of a Ikidge at Bob(;aygeon, be and they are hereby authorised to take, cut down and remove tiie Old Bridge at piesent known as Bobeay- geon Bridge. Haw!«er§,Pfd- Uro, &c., not re«i>lf nt< of Countii* to take out licen> ■e«, BYLAW No. Xn. A By-law to impose a duty on, and grant Licen- ses to Hawkers, Pedhirs and Auctioneers, exercising their respective callings in the United Counties of Peterl)orough and Vic- toria. B E IT EXACTED by the autliority of the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterbt)rough and Victoria, — 1. THAT every Hawker, Pedhir, or Petty Chapman, or other persons carrying on petty trades, or who go from place tt) plact?, or to other men's houses on foot or with any anim;il bearinij or drawing any Goods, Wares or Mercliimdize for sale, or in or with any boat, vessel or other craft, or otfierwise carrying Goods, Wares or Merchimdize for sale \villiiu said I'niled Counlies, shall, before it be lawfid for him or them to e\ueli calling as aforesaid, to take out and ol)t;iin from the Clerks of the several Munici{)alities in the said L'nii<'d Counties, who are hereby authorised to issut; the same, a License? to exercise such a calling within said United Counti(!s, wliieh License shall be signed by the Counties Clerk, and countersigned by the Clerk of the Municipality issuing the same, and slinll h( in force until the first day of January in the year next following that in \vhich it was issued : And for which Lie ^nse there shall be paid by such persons respectively to tht^ Municipal Clerk "who shall issue the same, the several sums herinafter mentioned, which sums shall go to and form part of the General Funds of the Municipal Council of the said United Counties. 1. By •iiUJifiaiitstMita-iiib', 18C3. 1862. Pedlars, Auctioneers^ fyc. By-law \'2. 19 1. By ovRky such person trnvelling on foot, the snm of Four Price of Li- Dollars. reute* 2 iiy every such person travelling with one horse or other beast b«?arini( or drawing l)urtlu'n, tin* sum of IVclvo Dollars. Vic- ^ S. By every tiwh pi.-rson tr!lVl!Hi!l^' with two horsrs or othiT beasts hoarinj; or drawiui^ burlhrn, the sum of Twenty Dollars. But no duty shall be iniposcd lor Iluwliinji; or Pedlini^ any Exception!. Goods, Wanes' or Mi^rchaudizc, llic ii:iowth, produce or nianulac- ture of this Pnnince, exc'(;pt Li(|Uors, nieiitioncd in the 2 ICth s<»ctiou of th*'* outLi- mi;; or putting up lor sale, Isoods, Wiires, Mcrcliandi/e or ciliu'ts by |)ubt!c aiKttion, shall, bel'oM- it be lawiid lor him or them to exercise any such caliintj as aloresaid within the said United C«>untit!s, obtain iVom the ('lerks oC tlic several Municipalities of the United Counti(.'s, v.ho are hereby authorised t;Mne inaMner as Hawkers anrl Pedlars, mentioned in the tlisi section of this Hy-law, and for which License there >hall be p;ii.l by >uc!i person t(» the Clerks th'.' J*,'^"."^ '''* sum of Ten DoMars: I'rovided always, that whenever a p(!rson, proTi«o. being a resident of said Unit<-d Coimlies, anf| paying Assess- ment ihercin, shall desire by himself io sell his own stock, goods or eftects, at his residence or place of business, such person shall be exempted from taking out a license for the purpose of .such sale. 3. And be it enacted, — That the Clerk of the said United County Ci*rk Counties be, and he is hereby authorized to procure the ne- for'm oVLI- cessary Licenses required by the first and second sections of cen«c«. this Hy-law, and tr uisiuit copies of the same, signed by him, to the several Clerks of the Munieij)alities, and said Clerks shall make a monthly return to the Counties Clerk of the number of Lice'uses issued by th.em in their several Municipalities, verified by their several Heurthen, the sum of Tw«!nty Dollars nnd costs; if travelling with a boat, vessel or other craft, tlu^ sum of Twenty Dollars and costs; and for exercising the calling of Auctioneer without License, except as iiercinberore |)rovided, the sum of Ten Dol- lars and costs ; and, in default of payment of the same, forthwith to cause the same to be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such ofl'ender, by warrant under the hand and seal of such .Justice or Justices, or one of them, before whom such conviction shall be had ; which penalty shall be applied in the manner provided by the 207th section of the Municipal Act. When By-law s. And be it enacted, — That this By-law shall conu? into fec'tV**''* *" force, and take edcet upon, from and affer the Fifteenth day (»f February, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-nine, and not before. Form oi Li* censes. 6. And the Licenses to be issued by the Clerk of the said United Counties to the Clerks of the several Municipalities shall be in the forms annexed lo this By-law marked respectively Schedules A. and B. Former By. 7, And be it enacted, — That all previous By-laws passed bv laws repealed, ^l^g Council of the said Municipality of Peterborough and Victoria, relating to Hawkers, Pedlars and Auctioneers, be and the same are hereby repealed. — Bij-law Number' 144, 18j9. SCHEDULE A. United Counties of "i This is to certify that A. B. of Peterborough & Victoria, > the of has To wit ; ) paid me the sum of <^ in accordance with the provisions of By-law Number Twelve, of the Consolidated By-laws of the Municipal Council of said c* United ::^ffl!Wti3W'«WlKH.-«Ji*t*tt'9W% ,'" m. 1862. 1863. Public Morals. By-law 13. 21 if and Tnilpd Counties, f(»r a Liconso to (mvol with in thow I'nitrd Coiuities, for the purpose of trading and pcHhllinij, until the first diiy of Jiiimary nrxt, and no Km^or, and this License whereof, is itiarked and docrilH'd Number lettered A. In IMInrss Wfirrrof, 1 havt^ lienamto i^et my hand and affixed the C'orporate Seal ol the said United Countie.s, this day of 186 CD. Countersigned l)y Counties Clerk. E. F. Clerk of the Municipality of SCHEDULE B. United Counties of ) This is to certify that A. B. of the Peterhor()iii;h and Victoria, > of has paid To v.ii : ) me the stim of Ten Dollars, in ac- eonlanee with llie provisions of By-law Xuiuber Twelve, of the Coiisolidaled iJy-laws of llie Municipal Council tif the United (•ouuties of Pcterborongli and Victoria, for an Acctionkkk's LuK.vsK, in these Uuilcd Counli«*s, to remain and he in force until llie First d;iy of ,Ianri;iry n«'xt, and no longer, and this License whereof is njarkcd and number lettered B. In Witness Whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and aiUxed the Corporate Seal of the said United Counties, this day of 186 CD. Countersigned by Coun'ies Clerk. E. F. Clerk of the Municipality of BY-LAW No. XIII. A Bv-law for the Preservation of Public Morals. BE IT EXACTEi) by the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, — 1. THAT from and after the passing of this By-law, it will selling, b(» unlawful in these United Counties for any person to sell or ^".j"'"*' expose for sale, or to jmrchase Wares, Merchandize, Goods, (chattels, or Personal Property, or any Real Estate on Sunday. 2. It will be imlawiul for any person to do any worliUy labor Labour oa business on Sunday, works of necessity, charity, conveying tiJuu*/. ^°'' c* travellers day for- I i I • I 22 By-law 13. Public Morals. 1862. Prorana Un- tnivellcrs and the mails, and HcUing druga and medicines, px<*«'j)ied. •1. It will bo unlawful for any person lo use improper or pro- fane lanjjftiaj^e in any tavfjrn, inn, «j[roei'ry, or house of public entertaiument, or on any street or public place, or any other place. mMuf""""* '*• *^ ^^'''^ '^^* unlawful for any p«'rwm to play at marbles, crii'ket, ball, skitlhfs, rackelt, or any nt)isy g'une, or to gamble wiih dice or otherwise, in any public place, on Sunday. RtoioK 00 ;i. It will be Uiilawfnl for any person to run raecA on foot or on horseback, or in carriai,'es, or in vehicles, on Sunday. D»ociojr, fcc, O. It will be unlawful lor anv person to dance or plav profane on bun J«T. . • 1 !• 1 o 1 lot ' music in any public place, on Sunday. importing on Sunday. mi,'. 7. It will be unlawful for any person lo an out lisli...^, huntlni.', <)r sliootiu;,', or in quest of", or to t:ike, kill, or destroy any deer, or other uanie, or uuy wild aniinal, or atiy wild fowl, or bird, or tisli, or use any u«e«. 15). That it shall be lawful for any Constable of these Coun- ConstsbiKt tics to seize and destroy ail faro banks, roujje et noir, roulette "'"^ ""f tables, and otliur ('evices lor gambhng, lound witlim such place or house. SO. And be it enacted, — That for any cotilravenlion of this Fmaiiy frr IJv-law, or any obnse thereof, or any person or persons "uilty of ci-">'ravcni,on •* 1 .• <• ' .• -I • • .1 •■ 1 11 ' • • ^ "' Bylaw, vu)iation oi any ol the provisions lher(U)t, shall on conviction, on the o;itli of one eredihie witness, heiore one or more .luslici's of the peace, for these I'nitiul Counties, he liable to a line of not more than Fifiv Dollars, i)avahle to (.'onntv Treasurer with costs, to be collected by dislress wnd side of tlie i^oods and chattels of lh(^ oli'endcr or oii'enders. joid if they have n;> goods and chaltels to levy upon, then the oilender or ollenders shall be committed to gaol for a period of twenty days with or without hard hi boar. BY-LAW I i 24 By-law 14. Stock in Monaghan Road. 1862. 186 BY-LAW JNo. XIV. A By-law to authorise the Warden to subscribe tor Stock in the proposed Uoad from Peter- borough to the Boundar)' Line between Cavan jind Monaghan, and to direct the payment of tlie same. ( ,r"!r.i"o rou- W^IIKREAS ccrfain person liave potitiotuNi this Council and ctmct (iinvri * f liave determined to f'orni a Road Coriijv.iny for tlie purpose 'V""' '^^■"'•"' of )nakin" I Plank or Grjivcl Road from llu; Town of Pet(;r- borongli to the Boundary Line Ix'tween the Townships of Cavan and Monaghan, along the present travelled road, according to the provisions of an Aet of the Provincial Parliament passed in the .12th year of the lleign of Her present Majesty, cap. 81, and intituled "An Act to authorise the formation of Joint Stock Companies for the construction of lioads and odier Works in U))per Canad:'.'" And whereas it is permitted to the (bounty Councils for any County, to take "^tock in any such Company, if it shall appear that the proposed Road is for the interest of the inhabitants of the said Countv. foi Hi lo sa r Be it therefore enacted by the authority of the Munici|>al Council for the County of Peterborough, and it is hereby enacted, w,. den nu- |, THAT the Warden of the said County be, and he is hereby •ubKcribe£300 'iwthorised to subscril)c, in the nam;^ of the said Municipal Council, for the sum of Three [lundred Pounds of the Stock of the said proposed Company. ^Vai-deii to ^ivd ordfra on Treasurer. Wardi'ii to act »■ .' ttuck- holder. !58. And be it enacted, — 'i'hat so s(»on as i!ie said Coni|)an7 shall b(^ legally formed, and become incorporated according to the provisions of the before meiilioned At^t, the Wardcm shall give an order on tli»^ Treasurer of the County for such ius'al- ments, on tlu^ said suliscribed slock as may be reijuired, and shall be called n])on from time lotinic by the Directors of the said proposed Company, and the Treasurer is hereby authorised and required to ]Kiy siu-li orders out of any moneys hi' may then have in his hands, not otherwise specially appropriated. ;t. And be it enacted, — That the Warden shall act for and in behidf of the said ]\Iunicipal Council, in all matters rclativi? to such stock, as aforesaid, and the exercise of the rights of the said Municipal Council, as a Stockholder, and shall vote and aet as if he the said Warden was a Stockholder to th(^ amount of th(! said subscribed Stock ; subject, however, to any such rules and orders in reflation thereto, as may be made by the said Municipal Council, by their Bv-la\vs or otherwi.«n is hereby authorised to subscribe in the A.idninnal name of the said Council, for the further sum of Two Hiuidrcd i'-'fio »iib«crib- i'ounds of the Stock of the said Company, on condition that no * instalment ujiou the said last subscribed s'ock shall hi' eaUed for until it shall be made to apjiear to the VV'arden that the whole of the remainder of the additional Stock re(|uired to complete the said Koail, conipuled to amount to Four Hundred Pounds, shall have becai siihseribcd. ?}. And be it enacted, — Thai so soon as the Warden shall be War.tcn maf salislu'd that the whole of the said atlditional stock has been Rr'";;."'-'^'-" sul)scribed, j1 shall be lawiiu ior the VV arden to grant his orders on the County Treasurer, for such calls on the said additional Slock as the Directors of the said Company may, from time to lime make; Provided tle^ first of such calls shall nol be payable before First May, One Thousiind Eight IlnndnMl and Filly-two, and the said Treasurer is hereby authorised and reijuired to pay such orders oiu of any County funds remaining in his hands unappropriated. :i. And be it enacied,— -That the Warden shall act for and on behalf of this Council, on all matters relating to the said addi- tional Stock, in the same manner and under the same authority as is conferred upon him by any IJy-law or Ky-laws of this Council, relating to the Stock hereUofore subscribed by this Council, in the said Company. — U. C. P. ^' V, Bi/-law Ninnbcr 45, Oclobcr, \to]. BY-LAW Aiittiniily nf ^V:^rll'-|l cini. tilillfd. I 26 By-law 16. Assignment of School Lots BY-LAW No. XVI. 1862. Cooinioii School Trai tee«. A By-law to ussij^n two fiycliool Lots in the Town of Peterborouj^Ii, to tlie Board of Com- mon School Trustees.* WHKREAS the Cornmon School Act confers upon the Hoard of Trustees of Coinnion Schools of any incorporated Town, the right to hold and manage all School Property in such Towns. Bf^ it therefore enacted, by the Municipal Council of the CojHify of Peterborough, and it is here.by enacted by the authority of the same, Lot* 5, .sotiia I, THAT the Wanlcn be, and he is herchy authorised and \v°.'t''r.ioree, empowered to execute a transfer deed in tru«i for Coinrnon ftmi JO Nditu School purposes, to the Board of Trustees of Common Schools liior^surcM l^r '!'<' ^!i''' 'I'o^vn of Peterborou^di, of Ly-law. No. 17, iil.^o Irausrorrod to tlio 'i'uv.ti ''(nuicil of Poti'iborou'.'ti, thu Cieiicral I'mtcstaiit Jlurial <;roun(l In suiil 'I'own ; but tlils part of tlio J!_v-iaw was rcjioalod by Hy-Iaw Xo, I'li, piisscnj in .Tumir.iy, 1S'")G, tht; r<'[)t'alii)^ lly-Iuw Jiavinj^ tlii.s I'loviso: — " I'roviilod in;vi'itlie!fss. tt)at it is not tliu ii.tcntiun of tliis i'.y-law ill any way to iiiterl'orrj witli i!ii' control licrcluloiu oxorci.-iiJ by the said Town Council in )C<;uIutin;; or ))^(;ventiu.^' any further interment in tlie said ]5iirial (iround, i)r to |iii:\ont tlio .-;ud 'J D\in (!oum;iI to maintain tlie fi.'iico and ornament tho said (iround, in any manner tlioy may dct'in advisabli', and net ut variance with its character as a Hiaial (irou:;d." tTh's I'ylaw was ronfirmod by a f peoial act, 27 Victoria cap. T;*, in conse- quence ol an informality in it3 rai^?a,!,'e, tho full period of throe months not hav- ing elapsed between its iulroductiou and final rcudiuj;. constracting Xfi.ClO jeqiiir- *d for aoa 186S -MBC U T' M jot i:iiT!i&L:A(i!iiiriJi;;,;^; iKiIir --- ■; ,-W»»' I W Iff 11 V 11 II H! ■■MtiilH*w«.';<;.44t.wiiui:4*MtM^ r .|.i*4< ; * I!, 28 By-law 17. Author it i/ to mue Debentures, 1862. Warden may effect Loan. May JHKue De* bentures fnr that pur|io«e. Be it thortjforo Ptiacted by the Munioipal Council of the United ('ounties of Pt'tnrboroniih and Victoria, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the >amt', f. THAT it shall and may be hiwlul for ilu; Warden of tlie said United Counties, to raise by way of Loan and at a ratt^ "f interest not e.\c<'edini>f Six |)er cent, per anniuu, from any pers^ n or persons, l)ody corporate? or politic, who iii..y be willinij !<< advance the same ujxm th(; cnMJit of the ])ebentures hcretaflcr mentioned, a snni ortiuiiicy not excccdini^ in the whole the sum of Six Tliousaiul Pounds, ;iiul cause liic same to be paid into the hands of tlie Treasurer of the said United Comities. 3. And b(; it enacted, that it shall and may be hiwfid for l!ie Warden aforesaid, to issue any nuuiln'r of jJehentures for sa(^h sum «)r suuis of nioin^y not exceeding in \hr. whole the sum of Six Thousand Pounds, to as many person or persons, body, (H»rporate or j^olitic, as shall nari-v. to advjiuce on tin; cn^dit of the said United Counties: such rcbcntiu<'s to be under .he Common Seal of the said Unilcc. CouuIils, siyned bv llie Warden and countcrsitrned by tlicr Treasurer thereof, and m::de out in such manner and f(»rm, and jiayable at such periods not excecdin" ten vears from and alter the daN' when this Bv-h»w shall come into operati()n as said Warden shall st'c. fit. St. And be it eniu-ted, that thi; interest cti sucli Debentures, shall ho payal)le half-Vfavly, at the oliice of the Treasurer al'nre- said, aufl the sum of Six iiundred l\iunds beini? the Tenth part of the said sum of Six 'I'luJusaiui Pounds, shall also be nnide payable yearly at the; olilei; of the said Treasurer. .Special rate* /f. And be it entietcd !hal the sjx'cial rates ('numerated and overamUbovc nbovc dcliucd, shall be raised, lfvi<'d and collected, over and oniinary rates, above all Other rates for th(; years above mentioned, ujion all tin; ra1;»ble properly aeeonliuiU' to law as al)ove sjx.'eiiied and detined, in the said United Counties of P(!lcrborouv-x^^" '. M(» < .'lot •lnw 18C2. Original Road Allowances. BY-LAW JNo. XVIIJ. By-law 18. 29 A By-law oonfii'iiiiiig certain By-laws of local lAiunicipalitics therein named, tor the disposal of Ori<»inal Allowances for Uoads. WIlERKASby tlio Consolidi.trd Siatnies of Uppi-r Canada, c'liaplcr o t, lilt! Municipality ol' vnrh of tin- Townships of U[)pi'r Canada is aullioiist.'d to s^top up Original Allouanci'js for Uoads, and to sell and dispose of tin; saiuf in certain cases therein mentioned. And whon'as tlic! Municipal Council of the l.'nited To\vnshi|)s HyiawofVer- of Veruiam and SomuierviUe, did on the Twcntv-ninth day of "!;:™.,=;"/^""'" May, A, I). On(! Thousand Kii^Wu Hundred and Fil'ty-ei,ir live. coufirnied. And whereas by the said recited Consolidated Statutes of Upper C'anada, chapter 51, it is provided l!iat stich liy-law or By-laws of a Townshiji Council Ix-fon" they liav(! any force, shall be conlirmed l)y a liy-hiw of tli(! County Council, of the County within which such 'J'ownship is situate. lie it tlierclbr(! euacti.'d i)y the aullunity of th(; Municipal Council of the United ('ountics of I'cterborough and Victoria, — I. THAT a By-law of the United Townships of Veruiam and Souuuerville, nuinl)ered Xldii, passed tht- Twenly-nitUh day of May, One 'I'hoiisand Fiii!;lil JiuiKbed and Fiity-ei^ht, and intituled a " By-law lo close up ilu! Allowance for Roads betw<'en lots live and six in the first conci'ssion of \'erulam, and to v(!st the same in John Bell," be and the same is hereby con- firmed, and such By-law shall hav»' forc(; and talii)mfJMm»>0'im\ ■en ihf anioly, 1862. Original Road Allmvances. By-law 18. Be it thoreforo ena'^ted, ])y the authority of the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, — 10. That a By-law of the Townsiiip of Douro, passcrd the F'ir.>t day of October, One Thousand Eight Iiun(lreje, IbGl. 31 of And whereas, the Municipal Council of the Township of r^.,^"!"\ ■"**['* Otonabec, did on the Fifteenth day of .Inly, One Thousand otonat.^e'to VAr the land adjoining the same, namely : Thomas Fife, provided that the said Thomas Fife do well and truly pay to the Treasurer of tlu; Corj)oration of Otonabee, the sum of Thirty Dollars for the same. Be it therefore enacfcd, by the authority of the Municipal Coiuicil of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, — II. That a By-law of the Municipal Council of the BH»w con- Township of Otonabee, \o. CCIV, passed the fifteenth day of .Inly, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty, and intitrded, a " By-law for tlispo>ing of Original Allowanc(!S for Roads in the Township of Oiunabce," be, and the same is hereby con- firmed, and that such By-law shall have force and take etfect immediaielv from and after the passing (f this Bv-law. — U. C. P. «V V. B'n-law No. 182, Juncy 18()2. And whereas the Municipal Council of the Township of ^7*'"2[ '^''*"" Dumnier, did on the twentieth day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-one, pass a By-law to make appro- priations of an Original Road Allowance as hereinafter men- tioned and described, namely : 13. W*Ni»l*>MjMN»H»l«.il)fci »it«iki)&H.M.i<.--.'..^.(.us.i-,iitii»i< >ig iiimiiiiiiiL 32 By-law 19 Property vested in G. B. Hall. 18G2. Road vested in Vi, " TliQl the Orij^lniil Allowance for Road beiwcon the east Jnme* Finlay. ],alve,s of Lols foiirleeu ami lit'teen in tlie foiiith coneesfiion of iho Township of Dmniner, U* vested in the owner of tli(; land adjolnijijj; ihc same, nauu'ly : Jaincs Kinlay, his heirs and assigns for v\vr, provided the ^ixu] Jiinics Kinhiy shall w<'ll and tridy pay to th'. C. By-law iVo. 21, 1847. BYLAW No. XX. A 15y-la>\ to grant Temporary Occupation of a Koad in Dunimer to James McDonald. ^ii m Passed by District Council, October 11, 1848. WIIf^REAS some years since James McDonald, of the Town- Er*ction of ship of Dummer, in the District of Colbornc, erectiid a 5|i',',Saij"''" Saw Mill upon the concession line between the fourth and fifth recited, concessions of the Township of Dummer, believing at the time that the place where he so erected the said Mill was within the boundary of his own Lot, and the creek upon which the said Mill is situate mns along the said concession line, thereby rendering the Road entirely useless for any purpose of travelling thereon. And whereas this Council at a former session, established a ADnther Road a Road in lieu of the said concession line, and have paid the *'"*'>''"'*^'^* comncnsation therefor. * And whereas the above named James McDonald, is desirous Occupatiou of of obtaining permission to occupy that part of the said concession fj"" aX'd'fo line necessary for his Milling purposes, and not travelled on by by Jara«t ivic- the public, and it has seemed advisable to grant him such i^^"*'**- privilege. o Therefore n I M«Mt»iiti^')])|t, ■'•iW-. ''*'t'W4 .'^e««8ipiMfi)8SWmKI«MpHI)« 34 Ten)|iorary «ccu{>4tion zraiitcd. iDConditent Bytawi «ud R«!ioliitiooi repealedt By-law 21. Land vested in W. Proud/oot. 1862. Thenifore be it enacted by llie authority of the Municipal Council of the Colbome Uistricl, — 1. THAT permission be, nntl it is hrjcby given to James Mf^Donald, of ihr. Townsliip of Duminer, to use ;nul occupy for Milling and olher purposes, tlir concession line between the fourth and fifth concessions of the Township of Diunnicr, from the line dividing lots numbers two and three northerly, to tin; Bridge over the River Ousc upon \hv said concession lin«', and opposite the said Lot, to be occupied by him, his heirs and assigns, until this Council .shall see fit to resume possession of the same. And be it further enacted by the autliority aforesaid, — 9. That any By-law, Order or Resolution of this Council contrary to the Provisions of this By-law, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far as n^lates to the provisions of this By-law and no further.— 2>. C. Bi^-luiv No, 31, 1«48. BY-LAW No. XXI. A By-law to authorise the Warden to execute a conveyance of a Lot of Land in the Town- ship of Cldon to William Proud foot. Passed January 10, 1852. WHEREAS Twenty.five acres of the south part of Lot num- ber Thirteen, north of the Portage Road in the Township of Eldon, in the County of Pt-terborough, was conveyed to tht; Municipal Council of the County of Peterboroui^'li, the sanm having been sold for arrears of Taxes, and i? liaving been slicnvn to the satisfaction of the said Coimcil, that the original owner thereof has paid the said arrears of Taxes, and also Twenty [)v.r per cent, as redemption money, and wh<;reas, it is just the said Lot should be conveyed to the assignee of the owner on his written request. Be it therefore enacted, by the Munieipal Council of the County of Peterborough, and it is hereby enact<:d by the authority of the same, — Twenty. five 1, THAT the Warden be, and he is hereby authorized and "^Tof L^t"'** Pnipowered to execute, in favor of, and deliver to, William &" 13 North Proudfoot, of the City of Toronto, in the Province of Canada, Esquire, and his heirs and assigns, a quit claim deed of twenty- five acres of the south part of Lot number Thirteen, North of Portage of Portage Rotd to Eidon conveyed to Wm. Proud- foot. 1862. W .-j:B'»Wi;ft-K!»!*7f-«r*f8WffiW»i'W«'«««w»wi^ ■• ■ 1862. Warden to re-convey Lands. By-law 22. 85 Portage Road in the Township of Eldon, in the County of Peteri)orough, according to the provisions and conditions of the lirst section of By-law number Four of this Council. ft. And be it enacted, — That the words " County of Peter- int#rpretttion borough," wherever they occur in this By-law, shall be taken to "='■"••• mean the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria. — U. C. P. fy V. By-law No. 49, 1853. t , BY-LAW No. XXIl. A By-law to authorise the Warden to re-convey to the Original Owners, on certain conditions, Lands purchased for the County of Pcterbo- rougli, at Puldic Sales for Taxes. Passed May 5M, 1852. WHEP.EAS it was the intention of the late Municipal CoUiicil of the Colborne District, in authorising the pur- chase of lands sold for Taxes for and on account of the District, that facilities should be thereby afforded for the restoring of such Lands to the Original Owners thereof ; and whereas it is expe- dient to provide more convenient and expeditious means than now exist to re-convey such Lands to the Original Owners thereof. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, — 1. THAT the Warden be, and he is hereby authcr!«!ed and Warden tn»jr empowered on receiving satisfactory assurance fro;n the Coimty [ou^hr/jr'*"** Treasurer, that the original bona fide owner of any lot or parcel taxes to ori^i- of land purchased for or on account of the County at .;ny public °*|,||'*"*ond^ sale for Taxes, has paid, or caused to be paid, to in.^ said tiooi. Treasurer all arrears of Taxes due upon such lot or parcel of land, together with the purchase money, costs of iaic, eon 'cy- anee, registry, and all other expenses necessarily incurred, and interest thereon, to execute and deliver a quit claim deed of any such lot or parcel of land, re-conveying the same to such Original Owner thereof or his or her legal representative, and to affix thereto the corporate seal of the said United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria. — U. C. P. &r V, By-law No. 55, 1852. BY-LAW 4| "■ i I!. li,' 36 By-law 23. Standing Committee appointed. BY-LAW No. XXIII. 1862. A By-law to appoint certain Councillors and the Treasurer ol* the United Counties of Teter- borougli and Victoria, a Coniinittcc. E IT EXACTED, by tlic authority of tli<; Municipal Coum-il of the United Counties of Peterboroiii^h and Victoria, — B .StlDiliDR ('oBiiiiltee rslkUlitlirih I. THAT the Warden and Treasurer, with such other ujcni- bers as may from time to time be namiHl, be, and they are: herclty appviint(!d a Connnittee, and that ihey be allo\\«>d the same waives for time spent in the tlis(!hart;e of tlieir duties as such Committee, us Councillors are while in session. Doii«ipfCnra- H. And bc it further enacted, — Tliat it shall be the duty of uiittca iit-fined. };ai(l Committee to carry out such instructions as may from time to time be given by a resolution of this Council, in the repair of Roads and Bridges re(juiring inuviecliate repair, to make such improvements in the Court House as are necessary, and to act in such other cases of emerjifency as may rc(juire innucdiale ai'.tion, and that in all cases tin; Warden and Tn'asure. .-.lall be authorised, and tliey are hereby authorised to act upon the resolutions of said Committee in accordance with this Hy-lav'. —U. C. p. fy V. By-law No. lli^Januanj, 1SG1. BYLAW iNo. XXIV. A By-law to establish Lock-np Houses in the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria. Lock Dp Ilouies neces* Where eitab* libbcd. Pas.scd 2ordJuney 1855. WHEREAS it is desireable to cstublish Lock-up Houses in tlie Town of Lindsay, in tlic Township of Ops, and in the Village of Omemee, in the Township of Kinily, and in the Village of Norwood, in the Township of Asphodel, Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, and it is hereby enacted by thti authority of the same, — 1. THAT a Lock-up House be established in each of the following places, that is to say : — In the said Town of Lindsay, in the Township of Ops; in the Villagf; of Omemee, in the said Townshipof Emily ; and in the Village of Norwood, in the said Township of Asphodel : Providing the Municipalities interested (tonstruct and keep in repair the said buildings at their expense. — t/. C. P. £f V. By-law No. 95, 1855. BY-LAW , IHG2. -tKir.in-.nnnii i!f+)!RM'*mi'».wa^K!»*&i«iBe<«w»**»HW'«>^^ 1862. 111(1 tllC Pctcr- lil Council Kia, — Ikt UH'in- Un' licr('l>y \^ a.N fiuch !io duty of lioni time ■ rt'pair ol" lake such iiul to act iiiiiu'diuli! . .-.lall 1)0 upon tin* is Hy-luv,'. IHU2. Certain Townships Separated. BY-LAW No. XXV. By-law 25. a? in the ^ictoriu. p, 1855. I {onuses in iiul ill tlic nl in the m Tnitpcl :^Ii ol' the Lindsay, I the said I the said ntf: rested t'.xjK'nse. JY-LAW A Hy-law to provide for the Separation of certain Townships therein named, from the Municipalities to which they have been at- tached, and for other purposes. WHKKHAS by l)i«' twenly-oighth H'ctionof iho Consolidated Statutes orCppor Canada, chapter 54, it is provided, that when a Township ol an incorporated union of To\vnslii|)s, has t>no hundred resident houseiioiders and freehoUlers on tlie last revised Assessmejit Koll, suc^h Township shall become separated. I. Mt; if llmrelorc t'uacted, — That the Township ol Sommcj- Soinmfr»ii'f ville shall be separated from the Municipality of Verularu anil yJ^Viam'! ''"" Sonunerviile, and that such separation shall take ell'cct from and afU'r the lirst day of January next, according to law. 58. And be it enacted, — That the lirst election of Councillors FirnKleciion for the Townshij) of Scutunerville shall be held at Fell's School iiouse, and that .lohn Fell shall dc Returning Ollieer for holding the said Klection.— T. C. P. 6,- V. By-law No. 200, June, \»(H. :i. IJe it therelore enacted,— That the Township of Snowden ^"'l^.'/V'^,"'" shall bo separated from the Municipality of Snowden, Minden Mimi'cn •«« and Stanhope, and liml sitch separation shall take eirect from ^•»«i">i'«- and alter the llrsi jlav of January next, according to law. '1. And be it enacted, — That tlu* lirst election of Councillors FintEliction. for \\u'. Township of Snowden shall be hcM at the School House in Scliool Section Number Five, in said Townsiiip, and that Francis l*eek shall be Keturning Ollieer for holding said election. — 6'. C. P. a,' V. Bif-laiv No. ;207, June, 1862. And whereas, by 15y-law number One Hundred and Sixty-one, Unioixpf i?rx- the Township of Hexley was united for Municipal purposes with '-y.»"^ r.axion I rii 1 • /- I 11 1 • r . •' ' /. . 1 recited, liie lownshi|) ol Laxton, and whereas the mhabitants of said Township of Bexley are separated from tlie Townships of Jjaxton and Diirby by natural obstructions, but have not a sulli- cient iiuml)er of resident houseiioiders and freeholders to form a nuinicipalily by tln'mselves, and are d(!sirous to attach them- selves to the Toxvnship of Sommerville for Municipal purposes, •5. Be it tiiertrloie enacted, — That so nmch of By-law Number Bexiey gepai- One llimdi-ed and Sixty-one as relates to the attachment of »'^'"^'°'"^^*' Bexiey It) the Township of Laxton, and so much of any other By-law as wouhl interfere with the working hereof, be, and the same anr hereby repealed. D* 6. '*.'■ MHMtltlWMlllDAlKitrti'litk. ..u^4...,...„,.Wd„*»>««l.»«HA,t»*»...*««.»i.K«»l*-ili(»>Sltl«lrt^ , 88 AtUchcd (o ■Sommer?illc» Hv-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated, 1862. 6. And be it enacted, — That the said Township of Bexley shall be attaohpd to the Township of Sonimerville for municipal purposes, and be called the United Townships of Sommerville and Bexley. — C;. C. P.8f V. By-law No. 201, June 1862. BY-LAW No. XXVI. A By-law to Consolidate certain By-laws of tlie District Council of the late Colborne District. WHEREAS by Resolution passed on the First day of Feb- ruary, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hund- red and Sixty-two, by the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, it was declared expe- dient to Consolidatethe By-laws of the said United Counties ; and whereas it is proper to include in such Consolidation all By-laws passed by the late District Council of the District of Colborne which are still in force and are binding upon the said United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria. live ces? Thomas J. Dene shy, sur- veyor. Town of Pe. tprbo; 1 jh, betwocn Hun- ter and Brock S(reeti,ea8t of Church lot. Therefore be it enacted that the following are, and are hereby declared to be the By-laws in force relative to the opening up of certain roads in the said United Counties, that is to say : 1. THAT a Public Highway or Road be established on lot number five, in the block north of Hunter Street and east of Hunter Street, between Hunter Street and Brock Street, and cast of Water Street, the said Road lying and being as follows, that is to say : Commencing at the north east corner of the CImrch lot, being number four south of Brock Street, then running .south to Hunter Street, five chains and eighty links, then east sixty- six feet, then north to Brock Street, then west along Brock Street sixty-six feet to the place of beginning, and that from hem v-(orth the said Road shall be a Public Highway. — D. C. By-lau; No. 8, 1842. IP. L.S.John Uei'!. From N. E . angle of Lot 2t), l«t con. Veriilam, to the Kenelon ("alls RohJ. *3, That a Public Highway or Road as above mentioned be established running according to, and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at the north-east angle of the twenty-sixth lot in the first concession of Verulam, then south thirty degrees west two chains and nine-eight links, then .south of fifty degrees west twenty-one ciiains and ninety-four linl '^, then south eighteen degrees west thirty-iseven chains and ninety-four links, then south forty-five degrees west thirty-three chains and twenty-two links, then south seventy-^iix degrees west thir'y-four chains and ninety-five links, to \ho. Road from Bobcaygeon to Fenelon FalN, the .said Road to be forty-feet wide, the marked and posted line to be the centre of the same. —D. C. By-laiv 19, 1842. ». ii.)HHn««W.|f»uTH.(*i'A**» «>(» 1862. |of Bexley Jmunicipal ImmerviJle m. of the district. of Fob- :ht Hund- jo United rod t'xpe- 'ountie.s ; lation all district of the said re iieroby ing uj) of -d on Jot 1 east of and cast 'H-.S, that Church "8 south 1st sixfy- t,' Brock lat from ~/>. a med bo einaftcr rlJi-cast ^rnlani, le-eight ns and K-.se ven 's west nty-six '■ Road •ly-fcet same. 8. I «*l'!fV«1WI*f«i«M«»» 186i>. Road By-laws Consolidated. By-law iJt) m 3. Tlial u Public Highway or Road be established in llie Towmhipof third concession of the Townsiiip of Emily according to and E™''y» •cro»» lollowing the lieremaiter mentioned courses, that is to say : at Lot No. 2. Conuneneing in the southerly limit of lot number two in the fourth concession at a j)oint distant three ciiains twenty-eight links eastwardly from the line tlividing the east and west halves of the said lot number two in the fourth concession of family aforesaid, then south fifty-four degrees east four chains fifty links to a large pine, then north twenty-nine degrees forty- live minutes east four eh-iins eighty links, to north side of eon- cession line ; the described and posted line to be the north side of the Road, and tlie said Road to be sixty-six feet wide. — D. C By-latn .\'o. 21, \^12. 4. That a Public Highway or Road be established in tlie AcroMthe4»h fourth concession of the Townshij) of Emily aforesaid, actcording L°o°iV«Dd!!! to and loilow ing tlie hereinafti'r mention, d courses, that is to say : Cofiii'ii-ncing in the southerly limit of lot jumiber two, in the fourth concession of Emily aforesaid, at a })oint distant four chains twcni y-livc links from tlu; soiuli-east corner of the said lot, then north sixty-nine (h-grees thirty minutes west six chains thirty links, then north forly-fonr degrees west eleven (ihain.s twenty-eight links, then north sixty-two degrees forty-five minutes west thirly-ninc chains forly-Hve links, more or less, to the division line of tlx^ east and west halves of lot number one, then north sixty-one degrees thirty minutes, west twenty-one chains five links, more or l(;ss, to the boundary line of Ops ; the described and i)osle{l linr to Ix; iIk? north-easterly side of the Road, arul tin Road to be sixty-six feet wide. — Ibid. a. That a Public Hiuhwavor Road be established in the Aeronihe Jth lutn con'-ession ol the said lownshipot Emily accordmg to and Lou Nos. four following the hereinalter mentioned courses, that is to say: ftve .-^nJ «ix. Commencing in the rear of the fifth concession on the division line between lots numbers lour an. I five, then southerly along the said division line to the ccntr..' of the said concession, ihen eastward ly along the centre of the said concession to the allow- ance for Road tjftwcen lots numbers six rmd seven ; the said Road to be fortv feet wide and the desi-ribed line to be the centre. —Ibid. «. That a Pidilie Highway or Roa;t«4> iHii-ttk^u*imkn»¥»tiM'l4k< ..^mmm^- ii wiii i I' wm i nm iwi iw.w 10 By-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1863. allowance of Road between lots six and seven ; the said road to be sixty-six feet wide and the described and marked line to be the centre thereof. — Ibid. AcroM the 7, That a Public Highway or Road be established in tho ii'oo in^Lo's twelftii concession of the Township of Emily aforesaid, running tix and neven. according to and following the hereinafter mentioned t'ourses, tiial is to say : Commencing in the westerly limit of lot number seven in the said twelfth concession at a point distant twenty- two chains from the north-west angle of tiie }nteen chains and fifty lirdis, then soiiih forty- three degrees thirty minutes west lifteen chains, then sotuh seventy-lour degrees five minutes west six chains lifty links, more or less, to the centre of the said concession and boundary between lots seventeen and eightijcn to tla; Rlriet of Xewcastle establishing a Road through the seventh and other concessions of the Township of Smith, shall b(> and the sauK! is hereliy annulled, so far as it relates to that part of tli(! said Road that ])asses along the boundary line between lots twelve and thirteen in the said concession, but no further. — /;. C. By-law No. 28, 1842. I.li. annulled. i-.WHH«n<«..,*y»«,to,)|. wi .i . lH | i m i K |i n i iiii i u, i M ||^ fmmrn ^mi'mmmMii- 1; 42 By-law 2U. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1863. cloted Subitttaled Load. Road on boun> 13. That that part of the said Road that passes along the said foT/ia'and*";} boundary shall be closed, and \\w same shall be no longer a in 7ih concei- Public Highway. — Ibid. sion Smilb, 16. That in lieu thereof a Public Highway or Road be established in the said seventh ctuiccssion of Smith aforesaid, running according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing on the Boundary between lots numbers twelve and thirteen in tlie said seventh concession, at a point distant eight cliains, be tlM' same more or less, from the Road in tlie rear of the said ci>ucessi()n where a certain Road as above mentioned, passed at the Quarter Sessions of the New- castle District intersects the said Boundary, then north two degrees east nine cliains, more or less, to the concession line ; the tlescrib
    , closed. On Loti 5 and 6 ill the Otii contcssiuD. 17. Thiit u lerlaiti Order of the Quarter Sessions of the District of Nt^wcastle establishing a Road through the ninth and other concessions of the Townshii)of Ops, shall be, and the same; is hereby repealed so far as it relates to that part of the said lioads that passes through the said nin'! oncession on lots five and six, but no further. — D. C. By-law x\o. 30, 1842. IS. Tliat so umch of the sai(' Koad as passes through the said lots live and six or either of them, shall be closed and the same shall be no longer a Highway. — Ibid. 19. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the said ninth concession of the said Township of Ops, running according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing on tlie northerly limit of lot number five in the said ninth concession, at a point distant lifty-one chains fifty links from tlie north-east angle of the said lot, then south fifty- three degrees west two chains, then south Ibrty-four decrees thirty minutes west three chains fifty links, then south fifteen degrees west three chains, then south sixty-four degrees west three chains twenty links, then south forty-two degrees west three chains thirty-three links, then south forty-six degrees west finir chains thirty-one links, more or less, to the concession line between the eighth and ninth concessions ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, the described and marked line to be the centre. — Ibid. On Lot 1 in' tite 7tb eon. i80. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the seventh concession of the said Township of Ops, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing in the westerly limit of lot mnnber four in the said concession, at a point distant two chains fiity links from the north-west angle of the said lot, thence south eighty-three degrees eight chains, then north seventy-one degrees east nine chains fifty links 'niTOiiiiagmai)W!wwiBHiM»WHHi«aMwiiii]M«i,a»^ •2*:W!?T'T"»!*?"''t^?Trr!'W«M^<*!WW+lfW»^ 1 a] 1862. le said inger a 'ad be •t\said, itioned itweon pssion, \mi thn Koad New- ll tVVd [e ; the tube 1862. Road By-luws Cmisolidated. By-law 26. 43 links, thence south forty-nine degrees east three oliains, tlien south fifteen degrees tliirty minutes east eight chains tilty links, to tiie centre ol the said lot, then along the centre ol" said lot north seventy-lour degrees thirty minutes east to the line divi- ding the seventh and eighth coneessions; the described and marked line to ))e the centre, and the Road to be lortv I'eet wide. —fbid. 21. That u Public Highway or Road be established in the p^°^'"J**J" sceond and third concessions of the said Township of Ops, 3rd con.' aeeording to and following the hereinafter mentioned eourse, that is to say : Commencing at the south-east angle of lot num- ber lour in the seeoud eoneession aforesaid, then south sevenly- f«)ur degrees thirty minutes west along the boundary of lots three and four eleven eliains, then north thirteen degrees west thirty chains to the division between K)ts numbers four and five, then north eleven chains, then north four degrees tliirty minutes west three eliains eighty-four links, then north two degrees east six chains, taen north fourteen degrees thirty minutes cast eleven chains, more or less, to corner between lots live and six, then mntli twenty-two degrees thirty minutes east ten chains, tlu^n north tifty-two degrees east thirteen chains ten links, then north seventeen degrees east six chains forty links, then north nine degrees east eigfit chains lifty links, more or less, to a Road established by the Quarter Sessions of the Newcastle District; tlu; said Road to be lorty-nine and a-half feet wide, and the described and marked line to be the centre. — Ibid. 'i.r 4 2*2. That u Public Highway or Road be established running 7n'ami"i7 i^"^' according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, the Sni con. that is to say : — Commencing in the easterly limit of lot number of Kldon. .seventeen in the third concession of tlie said Township of Eidon, - ■ • ,. 1 • • 1. I 1 1 ,• ' 1 , Surveyed by at a pomt distant s(!ven clunns sixty Muks northerly bom the south p. l. a. Thoj. east angle of the said lot, then s ,aUi seventy degrees we.st four •'• l^«n"«i>y- chains seventy links, then south forty-six degrees thirty minutes west sixt(.'en chains, more or less, to the limit between lots sixteen and seventeen, thence westerly along the said limit to the centn; of the lot, then southerly on the limit between the east and west halves of lot number sixteen to the allowance for road between lots numbers fifteen and sixteen. — JJ. C. By-law No. 31, 1842. 9Jl. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the From Fenelon Township of Fenelon, running according to and following the 2rf,h"Lot'i'n hereiuiifter mentioned course, that is to say: Conuneneing on the Uth con. lhenorth(?rn limits f)f the twenty-sixth lot in the tenth concession of the said Township, at a point south seventy-six dei^recs west fifty-four chains liftv links from the south-east ani;l(> of the «. ., . , 1 . . i- , , . p , . 1 ,■■, , . .Sur»eyed by twenty-Sixth lot in the eleventii concession oi tae sanl lownsnip, i'. L.s. Joim then south nine degrees thirty minutes west eleven chains ten **•'*'' links, then soutli twenly-eight degrees thirty minutes west nine chains and eight links, then south three degrees thirty minutes east i^i H«i:..'WMtV!-M>»!tM<1l' miMii^ipffininni^wiivtvotiii^itaa 44 By-law 2(>. Road By-lawn Consolidated, 1862. east c'lcvcn chains and twenty-five links, then south six degrees jiftcen minutes east eight chains and forty links, then south four ii" ««^w«,TOi,,pMwnir»i:('WKi«(.Kwii»^^ 1862. Road By-lawn Consolidated . By-law 26. 45 Itxl Ith 1th fen fen Iks he Is; J2, nranch Road through |/art of the Town- thipc of Veru- lani BDil Ffre- lon,toFeDelon FulU, and eighty links, then south eighty-three degrees thirty minutes wciit one hundred and iilty-eight chains and eighty links, then Houth seventy-six degrees \vtM>\ sixty-sieven chains sixty-nine links, then south fiity-eight degrees west three chains and eighty-six links, then soutli tliirty degrees west twenty four chains and ten links, then south seventy-six degrees west forty- eight chains and eight links. Mien north fourteen degrees west seventy-eight chains, then north seventy degrees west one; hund- dred and lifty chains and eighty-six links, tiien north seventy- nine degrees thirty minutes west forty-one cliains and twenty links, then south eighty-two degrees west forty-lliree chains, then north sixty degrees west thirty-seven chains and t(;n links, then soutli forty-two degrees west fourteen chains and seventy-five links to the junction of Head Street and Colborne Street in tlic Town Plot of Fenelon Falls.— Z>. C. Bij-law No. 34, 184^'. 26, That a Brancli Road be established to run according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, thai is to say : — Commencing on the Road above described and at the post between lots numbers eighteen and nineteen on the line between the third and fourth concessions of Verulam, then south fourteen degrees east three chains and ninety-four links along said line, then south forty degrees west thirty-six chains and tliirty-eight links, then south forty-nine degrees west forty-six chains and sixty-four links, then south seventy-six degrees west twenty-seven chains and fifty links, then north fourteen degrees west three chains and ten links, then south seventy-six degrees west sixty- one chains and eighty-eight links, then north fourteen degrees west one chain, then south seventy-six degrees west thirty-three chains and eighty-three links, then north fourteen degrees west fifty-four chains and fourteen links, then north nine degrees east five chains and sixty-one links, then north three degrees west nineteen chains and seventy-three links, then north two degrees west eight chains and ninety links, then nortli tliree degrees west twenty -eight chains and thirty links, tlien north twenty degrees west fourteen chains, then north fourteen degrees west twenty- two chains and fifty links, then south seventy-six dijreeswest twelve chains and sixty-two links, then north fourteen degrees west fifty-eight chain* and twelve links, then north forty degrees west thirteen chains, until it strikes the above mentioned Fenelon Falls Road ; and thu» the said Road be sixty-six feet wide. — Ibid. ar. That the Order of the Quarter Sessions of the District of AD"utiingr«>««i «T I 1 !■ 1 • -n t !• -r. 1 T-. 1 from Holicay- Newcastle, establishmg a Road trom Bobcaygeon to t enelon geou lo Fene- Falls, shall be, and the same is hereby ..nnuUed, and the said '*"> ^■"*' Road shall no longer be a public Highway, excepting so much of the last mentioned road as runs from Bobcaygeon to the north west angle of lot number seventeen in the ninth concession of Verulam as hereinbefore mentioned. — Ibid. 98. !i SurTeyed by ti P. L. S. John r* Reid. 1 !■ f i f r •ti'i»llMJlH-ithe*^-iiiu VH). -|ll((Ml(;."i;»t4i''i!,')|ll^;( 46 By-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1862. i Iii5 hi Road through Lofi 20 and SI oih concei- •ion Emily, aonulltdi Road brtweea 21 and 2-2, 5(b concetsion Enjily, eatab- lithed iu iieu thereof. 2S. Tliat a certain Order of the Quarter Sessions of the District of Newcastle, eslal)lisliing a Road through lots twenty and Iwcnf y-one in the fiftli concession of the Township of Emily, be, and the same is hcn^hy repealed ; and that so niuch of the said Road as passes through or between the said lots twenty and twenty-one, or either of iheui, shall be closed, and the same shall be no longer a public Highway. — D. C. Bij-law No. 35, 1812. 29. That a Public Highway or Road be cstablisjied in lieu thereof, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Running from the Road in front of the fifth concession in Emily aforesaid, to the Road in rear of the said concession on the division line between lots numbers twenty- one and twenty-two ; the said Road to be forty-feet wide, and the described line to be the centre, taking half of the Road iu width of each of the said lots. — Ibid. From Emily 30. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Towns\"i|) of Township of Verulam, running according to and following the Veruiamtothe hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing in Harvey."^^" the fourth (concession of the said Township of Verulam on the alllowance for Road between tlie fifth and sixth lots, at a point south seventy-six degrees west thirteen chains from the conces- sion line between tlie fourth and fifth, then north seventy-six degrees east seventeen chains and forty links, then north six degrees east nine chains and thirty links, then north twenty-three degrees east twenty-six chains and sixty-seven links, tnen north four degrees east ten chains and fifty links, then north fifty-six degrees east twelve chains and seventy links, then north thirty- one degrees thirty minutes east seventeen chains, then north sixty-two dcgr»u;s east ten chains and eighty-five links, more or less, to the conc(!ssion line between the fifth and sixth conces- sions, then northerly ah)ng the said line eight chains thirty-five links, then north forty degrees east sixty chains, then nortli five degrees east twenty-four chains, then north twenty-five degrees east twenty-four chains, then north twenty-five degrees east twenty chains and seventy-seven links, to the Road between the sixth and seventh concessions, then along th(! said concession Surteytd by line to the Boundary between lots ten and eleven, then north RiTd!'^ "'*''"' seventy-six degrees east thirty-three chains and thirty-three links, then north fifty-one degrees east thirty-eight chains and sixty- eight links, rnoni or less, to the Road between the seventh and and eighth concessions, then north eighty-five degrees east thirty- seven chains and twenty links, then south seventy-seven degrees east twelve chains and fifty links, then north forty-three degrees and thirty minutes east thirty-two chains and ten links, more or less, to the division line between lots ten and eleven on the concession line dividing the eighth and ninth concessions, then along the said line between lots ten and eleven to the centre of the said ninth concession, then southerly along the centre of the said concession to the south-west angle of the east half of lot number eleven '•©rflilt! m HtWWH***»!A««t«.ifhil:(i«^ y.-?i?r:v:>!*'!^!;f,ti«!'#r?'!^''^"'W"n''«'''''«^^ III II liiiiiiiiiliiMdiiiiiiiiBiiiiliiii iili. 1862. Road By-laws Consolidated, By-law 26. 47 lio Jy» he lul ai JU eleven in the said ninth concession, then easterly aloncf the line dividing numbers tun and eleven through the remainder of the ninth, and the whole of the tenth concession to the Boundary Line between Verulam and Harvey ; the said Road to be sixty- six feet wide, and the marked and j)osted line to be the centre. — D. C. By-law No. 37, 1843. :tl. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the T.^'^'J^V"** Township ol Duuimer, according to and lollowmg the heremalter the fir»t four mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing on the Road f»«>ce"»o"« «' leadmg to the Warsaw IMill, through Jots numbers eleven and twelve in the first concession of Dummer aforesaid, in the limits between lots numbers eleven and twelve aforesaid, then north seventy-five and a half degrees east twenty-five chains, more or less, along the said limits to the second concession line, thence through the second concession on the lim'tr; between lots eleven and twelve aforesaid to the centre of the said concession, then south sixty-four degrees east nine chains, then south seventy- seven degrees east two chains fifty links, tlien south seveuty-four degrees east three chains fifty links, more or less, to the limits between lots ten and eleven, then eastwardly on said limits twenty-three chains fifty links, more or less, to the third concession line, then commencing again on the Road in front of the third concession, at a point distajit seven chains and thirty links northerly from th(^ south-west angle of lot number eleven in the third concession aforesaid, then north fifty-eight degrees east seven chains thirteen links, then north sixty-two degrees east nineteen r^hains, then north seventy-six degrees east four chains ten links, th'm north sixty-one and a half degrees east six chains, then north fifiy-two and a half degrees east two chains and seventy links, then north sevtrnty-five and a half degrees east three chains, then north eighty-eight and a half degrees east six chains and fifty links, then south fifty-seven degrees east three chains thirty-five liuks, then south eighty-four degrees east two chains and fifty liuks, then north seventy-two degrees east three chains sixty links, then north sixty-five degrees east five chains, more or less, to the line in front of tlie fonrtli concession coming out at the centre of lot n imber eleven, the above courses being according to the present magnetic bearings ; the Road to be forty feet in width, and the described, marke'l aad posted line to be the centre.—/). C. By-laiv No. 42, 1842, T) 1 1 li 358. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Between 7 Mil Township of Monaghan, according to and following the herein- concMiion'' after mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing in front of MonBghan; the eleventh concession of the said Township of Monaghan, then running northerly between lots seven and eight in the said concession to the Road in rear of the said concession ; the Road to be forty feet in width, and to be all taken off lot number seven, the line dividing lots seven and eight being the easterly limit of the road. — Ibid, 33. ^•ln«l.^li|i,^«^W^to!*l«4i^^^ll^^tt*I^8(b:I*•W^t!ii^ilt« y i ij i| jpjyH) ii i i i iiiip ;;» i fy f yw^iyr"^yy y ,| ;? [i|'l i yL i B I f if h 'I ft iM! 48 On the i5th lot ID tlic3r(l nntirrasioa of Emily. Wy-iaw 3C. Road By-laws Cansolidatcd. I8G2. 3St. That a Public Highway or Road be establishod in ih<; Township of Emily, accordini? to and i'ollowiug the iKTcitialttn* mcuiiotu'd course, thtit is to say: Coinrneiiciiis^ ou tlio Road ia front of till! third conccsjsioa of Emily aforesaid, at a point tli?;- tnut three eliaiiis atid thirty liukfs from the .*!outh-W(!^'t angle of lot immlier fifteen in course of north sev«'nty-foiir degrees east, then north seventy-three d. .,:;.•; c.-. west fonr chains, tiien sonlh eighty-iliree and a half degrees west fonr ciiains, then sonth si\ty-5;i\- , to the allowance for Road between lots numbers ten and eleven, the above courses in the above mentioned Road being according to the present magnetic b<.'aring; tin; Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the po-»ted, marked and described line to be the centre. — Ibid. 3*1. That a Public Road or Highway from the Town of Peter- borough to Buckhorn Rapids, be allowed and estabished accord- ing to the ])lan and specificatioa of John Reid, Escpiire, Deputy Provincial Surveyor, hereunto annexed, and that the said Road or Highway shall, after the passing of this By-law, be deemed and taken to be, and shall be a Public Road or Highway.* — J), a Jiy-law No. 1, 1813. •16. That a Public Highway or Road be established on lot number twelve in the sixth concession of the Township of Emily, running according to and following the hereinafter men- tioned course, that is to say : Commencing at the easterly limit of lot number twelve in the sixth concession of Emily aforesaid, at a point distant twelve chains and fifty links from the north- east angle of the said lot, then south seventy degrees west eighteen chains and lunety links, more or less, till it intersects another road on the said lot, leading to Cowan's Bridge ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide and the marked and described line to be the centre. — D. C. By-law No. 9, 1843. From Peter- bornugh to RiiRkhorn Haiiida, On lot 12 in the r)th con. oi Emily. *Thc diagram and field notes aro attached to the Origiual liy-law and iiiiiy be fouud ou record in the oiUce of the Counties' Clerk. ^m^ :; ■,*,lKlf:;jHf'l)t.',y?ryi-'y»»'TW ) iT :" "f 'r "" M.»<»ni»'i»«.i>|." II in the iuafttu' oad itt ul tlis- It.' of '.s east. HMa iMMMi 1863. Road By-Utws Consolulated. By-law 2fi. 41) 37. That certain orders of tho Quarter Sessi(nis of tlic Dls- ffj^;,',!';,;',',',!',''.? trict of Newcastle, cstablisliinfr a certain line of K«>a(l from lot i.iriiiv'i"'i'ii"i- nuinbcr two in the fourth concession of Kniily, to liindstiy, in '■"^' """"""'• Ops, be, and the same in hereby annull"d, so far as relates to tlio ^iaid line of road from the said fourth conc^.'ssion of Kmily, to the line dividing lots lifteen and sixteen in the seventh concession of Ops, and no farther.— 1>. C. Jit/'law No. 13, 1843. 38, That a Public Highway or lload be established in lieu '^'r",'"J",'.",'|]'' thereof, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned toiii"'H!li'.m * course, that is to say : Commimcing in the southerly limit of lot I',',',,,'o|,'sI"!;mII number two in the fourth concession of Emily aforesaid, at a i"i'«'i""'in''- point distant four chains twenty-five links from the south-east angle of the said lot, then north sixty-nine degrees thirty minutes west six chains thirty links, then north forty-four degrees west eleven chains twenty-five links, then north sixty-two degrees forty-five minutes west thirty-nine chains forty-five links, more or less, to the division line of the east and west halves of lot number one, then north ^'ixty-one degrees thirty minutes west twenty-one chains five links, more or less, to the boundary lino of Ops, seven chains northerly from south-east angle of lot number six in the eleventh concession of the said Township of Ops, then north fifty-seven and a half degrees west from the cimtre of the said boundary line fifty-one chains twenty links, then north fifty-eight degrees west tiiirty-one chains ninety-seven links, then north forty-nine degrees west thirty-nine chains fifty links, then north thirty-five degrees west thirty-six chains, then north forty-eight degrees west eleven chains fifty links, then north thirty-six and a half degrees west eight chains, then north twenty nine degrees west twenty chains fifty links, tjien north fifty-nine degrees west ten chains, more or less, to the line between the ninth and tenth concessions, and eight chains so. therly from the north-west angle of lot number eleven in the tenth con- r«\ssion, then north seventy-six degrees west eighteen chains fifty links, then north seventy-seven and three quarter degrees west thirty-five chains to the west side of the ninth concession and at the angle of lots numbers twelve and tiiirteen in the eighth con- cession, then north seventy-two degrees west twenty-six (chains fifty links, then north fifty-eight degrees west one hundred and two chains and fifty-eight links, more or less, to the allowance for Road between lots fifteen and sixteen in the seventh concession, then westerly on said allowance thirty-four chains fifty-links to within five chains of centre of concession line dividing the sixth and seventh concessions, then north twenty degrees west three chains eighty links, thett^ north forty-eight degrees west twelve chains seventy links, then north sixty degrees west thirty-six chains and fifty links, more or less, to a creek, then north sixty- seven degrees west forty chains, more or less, to the road running through lot number eighteen in the sixth concession of the said Township of Ops. — Ibid. E 39. 1^ Hi k, I l«t III ' 1 1 i ■ It' b •^ V J a fl 1 tW»'l«<(friMlrt»!<^'vr4.'MM«M«mMM>'■<•>^ .■>www«»«.|i »iiiiifin> n »' •r,->t>minfn^u^ -^7 1862. ihc said ?cd and her or fensation [through ill pass, [Council -six feet be the 1862. Road By-laws Consolidated. By-law 26. 51 links, then south fifty-three degrees west twenty chains, more or less, to the line dividing the ninth and tenth concessions of Ft-n- elon, then south twenty-five degrees west sixty-four chains, more or less, to the northern boundary line of Ops, tJit-n along th«; said line westerly twenty-seven chains twenty links, then south forty degrees west fifteen chains forty links, more or less, to the lino dividing the eighth and ninth concessions of Ops, then along the said concession line southerly forty-three chains fifteen links, more or less, to the northern limits of lot number twenty-seven, then along the northern limits of said lot number twenty-seven westerly four chains fifteen links, then south twenty and tiiree quarter degrees west fifty-five chains, then south thirty-four degrees west twenty-three chains and forty links, then south seventy degrees west three chains and sixty-five links, then south thirty-nine and three quarter degrees west twenty-eight chains and fifty links, then south fourteen degrees west forty chains, then south thirty and a half degrees west fifty-five chains and fifty-six links, to the concession line dividing the sixth and seventh concessions of Ops aforesaid, northerly two chains seventy- five links from the northerly limit of lot number twenty-two ; the Road being according to ihe present magnetic bearing and to he sixty-six feet wide, except that part of it on the northern limits of the east half of lot number four in the second concession of Vorulam, which is to be forty feet wide, the marked, posted, and described line to be the centre. — D. C. By-law No. 15, 1843. 43. That a Public Highway or Road be estabjished in the Across lot n m Township of Dummer in the Colbome District, running Dummer.'" " according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at the eastern, limits of lot number seventeen in the second concession of the said Township of Dummer fourteen chains and twenty-five links from the north- east angle of the said lot, thence south seventy-six degrees west four chains, more or less, to the bridge over the Indian River, six chains leave the River eighteen chains, then south forty-three degrees west four chains and forty-seven links, then south nine- teen and a half degrees west seven chains and fifty links, then south fifty-four degrees west fifteen chains, then south forty-one degrees west thirty-nine chains and twenty-five links, to the south west angle of the seventeenth lot in the second concession of Dummer aforesaid ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and posted line to be the centre, and the line of road laid down and described by Deputy Provincial Surveyor Reid, attached to this By-law, shall be taken and deemed to be the line of Road hereby intended to be established. — D. C. By-law No. 16, 1843. 44. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the ^r°"A'^^I"','' •n 1 • r -rx • i ^ ii •»•»•• • t lot ill tlie 2ild 10 Township ot Dummer, in the Colborne District, runnmg accord- tueisth imiie ing to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is pummel'''''"" to say : Commencing on the northern limits of the twelfth lot in the second concession of Dummer fifteen chains from the B* north-east It ii I i t ' '!!S'l ! yyi*SiM{!l li! B!H ' . ' >. '' : ! i!'VJ ! !'?!"y"^f ! '" ' *""l'l: '' ""! '!' !""^ ' j! ' ''"i'j" ' 'I'^'J'lir.iff v'Y^j '1 V r 'I :. By-law 2G. Road By-laws Consolidated^ 1862. nortli-cast angle of the suid lot, then north .seventy-three and throe quarter degrees east forty seven chains thirty-three and a half links along tlu; northern limit ol said lot number twelve in the sc^eond and third eonc(.'ssions to the centre of the third con- cession, then north seventy-live and three quarter degrees east thirly-three chains and eighty-three and a quarter links, along the northern limits of the twelfth lot to the concession lin(^ between the third and fourth concessions, then south fourteen and a quartc^r di'grces oast fiftiien chains along the said concession line, thim north eighty-live degrees east nine chains and forty-five links, then north sixty-four and i\ half degrees east one chain and thirty links, to caus(nvay threr chains, leave causeway .'ive chains, then south sT(MS»**Wi*l»Ww»*iKWmr»**'(MMNJ-^^^^^^^^ . .<.W«»«w^i*w*''ii.JB'Hi'l-i !ifrnte^'„^^W*1y»■''^^^!«'^W^^'!^«^■ ll 'W .ll| l |l > W ■ W ^!' ^ l W ll' ^ W I)l ^ill^ 18G2. 18G2. Road By-luws Consolidated. By-law 2G. Reid, atlacliixl to lliis IJy-law,* shall b(j taken and din'mcd to ho ihu line of Road liercby intended to be cstablisshed. — Ibid. 4.1. That a I'ublic Ili'^hwayor Road be established in the Ti'n.m.h ikiu oi I -l-v • 1 el II !»• • In'lllll ;llul Ulllll townships of Doiiro and Dniinn(;r, in the Colbomc! iJistrict, m.i. riinnini^ according to and following the courses described :ind inentioncd in tiie survey and report of Deputy Provint;ial Sur- veyor D<;nnehy hereunto allaclied, and marked nuuibitr Threo ; and that tlu'; said Road sh.all be sixty-six feet wide and the marked ami posted line to be the centre, and the line of Road laid down and described by Deputy Provincial Surveyor Dennehy, attach(Hl to thisliy-law,* shall b(5 taktai and d(!(;nie(| to be the line of Road hereby intended to be established. — Jbid. 46. That a Public llighvvay or Road be, and is lu^n-bv »!.iwr.Mii!5iii . I ■• I 1 . 1 rty 1 • C ti •.! 1 - .1 . <•,■■/ mill •J»illl 111 lllt^ established in the lownslup ol Smitli, between tlio twenty-hlili in. cnn. smnii. and twenty-sixlli lots in the seventli concession tif tlni >:i'h\ Township of Smith, according tf) the i)lan* laid down in ihc; rej)ort of Deputy I'rovincial Surveyor Reid, hereunto annexed, and marked Number Oiu;. — D. C. Jitj-law No. 8, Ibi 1. 47. That a Public Highway or Road b(!, and is hereby .H;''w.'oir29ami ostablished m the lownslup ol Otonabee between llie twenty- oi.uiuiife. ninth and ihirtielh lot in the third concession of the said Town- ship of Olonabec, according to the plan* and descri[)tion of Dtpiily Provincial Surveyor Reid hereunto annexed, and marked Number Two. — Ibid. 40. That a Piil)Iie Higiiway or Road be, and the same is '''"|;';'^ii"i' hereby eslablislied in Hie J ownship ol Otonabee m the IweiUy- < 'u.iiaijfp, seventh lot of tliu fourth conc(!ssion of the said 'lownshij) of Olouabee, according to the plan* of De))uty Provincial Sur- vevor Reid, hereunto annexed and marked Number Three. — Ibid. Hi}. That a Public Highway or Road bo, and tin* same is A'-r-f^ ii>e sii. I 1 1 !• 1 1 • I ;7i 1 • <• rx 1 1 ■ •. mill ''III iim. mill liere.ny eslablislied m the lownslup ol Otonabee, across the. liltli iiii...itir.'itiiii,i I ■ il • r .1 • I '|i I • I .t 1 I . '»! Ill llif Till cull and Sixth concessions ol the said lownslup, anc. Ilirough lots ulmiuu.- numbers twenty and lw(!nty-one in the seventli cf/ncession of the: said Township of Olonabi'c, according to the plan* of Deputy Provincial Surveyor Reid, hereunto annexed, and marked Number Four. — Jbid. !il. That a Pu))lie Highway or Road be, and the samt; is 'ninMUfii -ju nnj I 1 . 1 I" I 1 • i1 ' rl^ 1 • p i-\, 1 ,1 1 VT III llif 3rJ roil. lierehy estahlislied in the lownslup ot OlonalxM", through parts t;i..ii;iue. of lots twenly-six and twenty-seven in the IhirtI concession of the said Township of Otonabee, according to the plan* of Deputy Provincial Surveyor Keid, hereunto annexeil, and markeil Number J''iv(!. — Jbid. I t ki i?ion of the said Township of Emily, accord ing to tlic phm of D(.*puly Provincial Surveyor Dcnnehy, liereunto annexed, and marked Number Six. — Ibid. tS3t That a Public Highway or Road be, and the same is hereby established in the Tcnvnslup of Asphodel thrf)ugh lots numbers nineteen and twenty in the fourlii concession of the said Township of Asphodel, according to llie phin of Deputy Provincial Surveyor Dcnnehy, hereunto annexed, and marlved Number Seven. — Ibid. Between 11 and {54. That a Public Iliglnvay or Road be, and the same is 8th'con!A«pho. hereby established in the Township of Asphodel, between lots "**'■ numbers eleven and twelve in the seventh and eighth eoncessyons of the said Township of Asphodtd, according to the plan of Deputy Provincial Surveyor Dcnneliy, liereunto annexed, and ~" Ibid. marked Number Eiarht. Through 80 in the llthcon. ArphcMlel, and part Im llthcon. I)uinmer. SSi. That a Public Highway or Road be, and the same isr hereby established in the Townshij)s of Asphodel and Dummer, through lot number twenty in the eleventh concession of Asphodel, and a part of lot number one in tlie eleventh conces- sion of Dummer, to meet the Marmora Road, according to the plan of Deputy Provincial Surveyor Dcnnehy, hereunto annexed and marked Number Nine. — Jbid. Allowance be. 56. That a Public Highway or Road be, and the same is jnTh^iaih^con. hereby established in the Township of Smith, near Young's Smith, altered, ^^jm^^ j^ ^^^^ ^,^^^^ Townsliip of Smith, being an alteration of the Allowance of Road between lots numbers thirty-six and thirty- seven in the twelfth concession of the said Township of Smith, on the west side of the pond, according to the plan of Deputy Provincial Surveyor Dcnnehy, hereunto annexed, and marked Number Ten. — Ibid, RlveJwhe^eit *^^* '^^^^^ ^^^ V^^^ ^^ Dcpuly Proviucial Surveyor Reid, here- cuu Uaihousie unto annexed, and marked Number Elevc^n, be, and is hereby BueeirmPeter- established respecting the diversion of the River where it cuts in borough. Dalhousie and George Streets, in the Town of Peterborough. — — Ibid, ff 8. That a Public Highway or Road bo established in the Township of Fenelon, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at a point south forty-one and a half degrees west forty-fivo chains from the Fenelon, ap- proach to the bridge. *For the description of Koada referred to horein, see Appendix. north-west f yf,"^: » i i 'i W <' .ii'" WT;'wuyy»y- ,i,i.» i.«»;.'Mi'j«.»'-.'; (u jifc*!* '. 'f •! , n-.Mi H ^ wiii i H M M ni»'B|»ufmntii-»iM.aww lli 1862. ime is in lot.s \ti said .'jncial it Six. 1863. Road By-laws Consolidated. By-iaw 26. north-west angle of lot number twenty-three in the tenth con- cof»sion of Fenelon, being the centre of tlie south end of Fcnelon Falls IJridgo, then souih tlircc and a lialf degrees west one chain and thirteen links, then south forty-five degrees west one chain and forty links, then south eigiity degrees west twenty-one chains and eighty links, more or less, to the main Road leading to Lindsay. — X>. C. By-law No. 15, 1814. 55 I 50. That another Public Highway or Road be established Acrowiotss^, in the said Township of FentHon, according to and following IfhccnlFenebn! the hereinafter mimtioned course, that is to say : Commencing on the westerly limit of the Allowance for Road between the sevenlh and eighth concessions of Fenelon, at a point southerly five chains and forty links from the north-east angle of lot num- ber twenty-four in the seventh concession of the said Township of Fenelon, then south twenty-six degrees west fifty-nine chains, • then south twenty-six degrees east nineteen chains and thirty- five links, more or less, to the Lindsay Road. — Ibid, 60. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Through ioum Township of Otonab'.jc, according to and following the herein- mII. oioiiatee. - after mentioned course, lliat is to say : Commencing on the east- erly limit of llio Alk)wanee for Road between the twelfth and thirt(.'enth concessions o'' the said Township of Otonabee, south- erly seven chains from ti norlhw(ist angle of lot number twenty- five in the said twelfth conc^ession, then north twenty-eight and three quarter degrees cast two ciiains and ninety-two links, then north six degrees cast three ciiains and sixty-one links, then north seven degrees cast nine chains and ninety-two links, then north forty-two degrees west four chains and forty-three links, then norili fil'ly-four and three (juarters degrees west seven chains and nincty-thnn; links, to llie easterly limit of the aforesaid Allow- ance for Ron d, northerly seventeen chains and forty links from the south-west angle of lot number twenty-six in the twelfth concession of Otonabee. — Ibid. I k 4 01. That a Public Highway or Road bo established in the onioisa misth Township of Otonabee according to and following the herein-"""*'"'"***''' after mentiom.'d course, that is to say : Commencing on the westerly limit of tlio Allowance for Road between the twelfth and thirteentii concessions of Otonabee, northerly eleven chains and forty links from ihe north-east angle of lot number twenty- two in the said thirteenth concession, then south sixty-six degrees west two chains and sixty-six links, then south twenty-five and a half degrees west five chains and fifty links, then south fifty and a half deiifrees west four chains and sixty-six links, then south seventv-lour degrees west twentv-lwo chains, then south eleven degrees west three chains and sixty-five links to the north-east angle of the west half of lot number twenty-two, thou south seventy-six degrees west thirty-three chains thirty-three and a ..^»jrf;^i . . W i m i i . H i»iii/, i»lil iS"!UI'":!l. Ill«"(!!l»l ""'SllI!."'|(]fT- .iM. ven and a half degrees west ton chains fifteen links, then north fourteen degrees west seven chains fifteen links, then norlh two and a half degrees cast thirty three chains, then north forty- two and three quarter degrees west ten cliains lurty-five links, then nineteen and a quarter degrees west twelve cliains lifiy links, th(!n north five degrees west seven chains eighty links, then norlh twenty-nine degrees cast eleven chains fourteen links, then norlh twenty-(Mghl degrees west seven chains twelve links, more or li;ss, to the northeast corner of the (Jrist Mill ; the Rcjad to b(; as surveyed by Deputy Provincial Surveyor John Reid, to be forty feet in width, the courses being according to the present magnetic bearings, and the posted, marked and diiseribed line the centre of the Road. — Ibid. From Collxiiiic Siml Io the laniliii); in lliu Town riiii 111 l''eiicloii Kill!.-. 61. That a Public Highway .)r Rond be established in the Town Plot of Fcnelon Falls, and Township of Fenelon, rmming ae(;ording to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say: Commencing at a point bearing south thirty degrees west and distant five chains and four links from the south-west angle of Town Plot nuinlwr om;, north of Fnmeis Street and west of Col borne Street in the; Town plot of Fenelon Falls, thence south sixty degret's cast two chains and fourteen links, then south twenty-one d(!gr(;es cast two chains to the landing; the said Road to bo sixty-six feet wide, and tli(; marked and described line to be the centre thereof. 1). C. By-law No. 1, 1815. 65. .may!W::'iffltiWJ^y«.VHW-'-;^H >>,:.:.;r !jVSrtrtV;g.SlVi!W':;^^ ^^ :'i(f'!t«'Si itrtiiniiiMtiWiili i*«l«'itMWttP.;lH)«i;»«>»« 1863. |:ilf lot 1862. Road By-laws Consolidated, By-law 26. 57 6«Si That a certain line of Road be established in the Town- a^m" 'o«h con. ship of Otonabee, commencing at the south-east angle of the *nd28,*oiou»bee. twenty-eighth lot in the tenth concession of the said Township, then south seventy-five and three quarter degrees west thirty- three chains seventy-five links along southern limits of the east half of said lot, then south fourteen and a quarter degrees east one chain and fifty three links along centre of th" ''onces- sion to the .southern limits of the west half of said lot, then south seventy-five and three quarter degrees west twenty-one chains fifteen links, along said southern limits, tlien north four- ' en and one quarter degrees west four chains and thirty-.seven links, then south seventy-five and three quarter degrees ,vest twelve chains and sixty links, to the Allowance for Road between the t.^nth and eleventh concessions ; that the Road hereby estab- lished be forty feet wide, and the posted, marked and described line be the centre of the Road.— -D. C. By-law No. 7, 1845. V i, sa. 06. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the oniotiomihe the Township of Mariposa according to and following the here- "'^""" *"'"' inafter mentioned course, tiiat is to say : Commencing on the soutliern limits of an Allowance for Road i.i rear of the fifth concession of said Township, easterly three chains and nine links from the northwest angle of the nineteenth lot, then south twenty-seven and a half degrees east forty-four chains and sixty bnks to a point bearing north sixty-two and a half degrees -^ast distant thirty links from the south-east corner of the Flour Mill on said lot ; the said Road to be forty feet wide. — D. C. By4aw No. 8, 1845. Iink> es. 67. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the cominuotion of Township of Monaghan according to and following the herein- p*,'Xr™K^!'to after mentioned courses, that is to say: Commencing at the Jj- ^'-.-^^''T^ o*" 7 . r . 1 1 rr. i r- "^ • .1 rr, i f Park l>il 8. Ill junction 01 Aylmer and iownsend Streets, in the Town plot of loiti 12th con, Peterborough, then south thirty-eight and a half degrees east six •'^^°"'f'"*"' chains and fifty-six links, then south fifty-one degrees and six- teen chains fifty links, to the Park Lot Number Eight in the fourteenth lot of the twelfth concession of said Township ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide. — £. C. By-law No. 9, 1845. 68, That a Public Highway or Road be established i^ the Fromth«N,E. Township of Otonabee according to and following the herein- Slh'!.';„','.'\o*s w after mentioned course, that is to sav : Commencing at the ""'^''',';;"**i ^L"* north-east angle ot Jot number twenty m the lourth concession, then south seventy-six degrees west along the boundary between lots numbers twenty and twenty-one sixty-six chains sixty-seven links to the custom limits of an Allowance for Road between the fourth and fifth concessions, then southerly to the north-east post of lot number eighteen in the fifth concession, then south seventy-six degrees west, following boundary between lots eighteen and nineteen in the fifth concession, sixty-six chains sixty-seven links to the Allowance for Road between the fifth r nnd J i!»Sli 8*^Wf !W ! '-" '' """' ' '»' "'*! ■? ' "ip.«T^«IHI.)WF.' ' 58 By law 28. Road By-laws Consolidated, 186l». il arid sixth concessions, then southerly seventeen chains seventy- five links along the Allowance for Road between the fifth and sixth concessions, then south ^seventy-nine degrees west twenty- four chains fifty links, then north fifij six and a half degrees west three ( hains twenty links, then north ibriy-one degrees west two chains, then north twenty-seven and a Jialf degrees west four chains five links, then north fifty-seven degrees west nine chains, then south thirty-two degrees west six chr.ins ninety links, then south fifty-eight degrees west twenty-eig'at chains to the eastern limits ol Allowance for Road betwe^'n the isixth and seventh concessions northerly fourteen chains fifty-five links from the south-west angle of lot number eighteen in the sixth concession ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the centre. — D, C. By-law No. 10, 1845, Commencing on Allowiiiioe lor Road tietwten lots 7 iiiul 8. N. Jiuiiler street K. Water Street, to Ilall'j MilK Veierborough. 69. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Town of Peterborough according to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, thai is to say : Commencing on the Allowance for Road between lots numbers seven and eight north of Hunter Street and east of Water Street, thence north one and a half de- grees east four chains thirty-four lin' s on said Allowance, thence north forty-six and a half degrees east seven chains eighty-two links, thence north ten and a half degrees east four i-^nd a half chains, more or less, to a line produced westerly from the south side of Mr. George Barker Hall's Grist Mill ; the Road to be forty feet wide, and to be on the west side of the posted line. — />. C. By-law No. 12, 1845. at tiie E. liiiiitH of Allowance tbf Road Iji'tweeii 4i)i and 6th cod. Douro. ri>^iotri;i3rd ^®* '^^^^ ^ Public Highway or Road be established in the con.' to boundary Towushlp of Douro, accordlug to and following the hereinafter andi^rWih^on. mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at the south-east angle of lot number three in the third concession, thence south seventy-six degrees west following boundary between lots num- bers two and three, twenty-eight chains fifteen links, then north thirty light degrees west nine chains, then north twenty-one degrees west seven chains fifty links, then south twenty-six degrees west twenty-four chains ten links, to the eastern limit of Allowance lor Road between the fifth and fourth concessions, then from western boundary south seventy-six degrees west following boundary between lots numbers two and three in the fourth concession thirty-three chains thirty-three and a half links to centre of concession, then north fourteen degrees west seven- teen chains fifty links along centre of concession, then south seventy-six degrees west thirty-three chains thirty-three and a half links, between boundary of lots numbers three and four in • the fourth concession to the eastern limits of Allowance for Road hetween the fourth and fifth concessions ; the said Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre. — JO, C. By4aw No, 13, 1845. ^5ii;-'T^T :!ai,i!!! ! |nf ! ! !i! i ' | | j|| ii | i M| i |l j |ui i U l t|l|i i ymi'^M^^^^ i iitmMv d m tmtrfiamimHti^-i-!iiK,u.'.jMt'- '•">• t'+»1«*« WHel(KK4t!HH««>»WIW«l«. C. By-taw No, 14, 1845. 7fi. That the Allowance for Road upon the north and west Aiiowjneeon n. sides of the east half of the said lot number twenty, be, and the loi'aosurrrndcr- same is hereby surrendered to the owner of the said east half of *''• lot number twenty, in lieu of the Road hereby established. — Ibid. 73. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the ^"^^^^^j"' " Township of Dummer according to and following the hereinafter Dummcr.aitered. mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at the westerly limit of lot number seventeen in the second concession of Dum- mer, aforesaid, at the centre of said lot, then easterly along the centre of the i?aid lot till it intersects a Road formerly established by this Council on the said lot ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the centre thereof.— Z). C. By-law No. 15, 1845. 74. That as far as relates to the south-west quarter of said fStnea!*' lot number seventeen in the second concession aforesaid, tho Road formerly established through it shall be, and is hereby abandoned and annulled ; and the Road hereby established shall be taken and made in lieu thereof. — Ibid. ft 7S. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the ^ZTm^ou^ Township of Douro according to and following the hereinafter J^X'of6t'"con. mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at the centre of mi n im^rNects the sixth concession where a post has been planted at the north- {aulrouth!**'' east angle of the west half of lot number seventeen in the sixth concession, thence south seventy-six degrees west thirty-one chains seventy-four links, to the eastern limits of an Allowance for Road between the sixth and seventh concessions following boundary between lots seventeen and eighteen in the sixtii concession, thence south seventy-six degrees west thirty-three chains thirty-three and a half links, thence south fourteen degrees west two chains fifty links, thence south seventy-six degrees west twenty-two chains following boundary between lots num- bers seventeen and eighteen in the seventh concession of the said Township, to eastern limits of Road leading to Peterborough ; F* the — '^rTnTrTTTf— ••'W-n»Tm»rTT!*«ff'TH'?Tin tTi7! "?m;t;ffl.^a<;i M 60 By-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1862. the said Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked and des- cribed line to be the centre. — D. C. By-law No. 17, 1845. Between lots 23, SSandSO, iiilStlt and 13th con. bmith. lir r 1 3 I 3 I •n 76. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Township of Smith according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, tiiat is to say : Commencing on the Allowance for Road between the twelftli and thirteenth coneessions at a point easterly five chains thirty-two links from the south-east angle of lol number thirty in the thirteenth concession, then south thirty-two and a half degrees west fourteen chains ninety links, then north seventy-nine degrees V/est fourteen chains seventy-live links, then north sixty-eight degrees five chains, then following the Allowance for Road between the twelfth and thirteenth concessions to the southwest angle of lot number twenty-nine in the thirteenth concession, thence north seventy-four degrees west three chains ten links, then south fifty-two degree? west three chains eighty links, to the northern limits of Allowance for Road between the twelfth and thirteenth concessions ; the said Road to be forty feel wide, and the marked and described line to be the centre. — D. C. By-law No. £0, 1845. Road between lols 11 and 12 in nil and 8lh con. 77. That a certain By-law of this Council, chapter eight, passed on the fifteenth day of Mcty, one thousand eight hundred Asphodel, closed ^^^ forty-four, entitled " A Gy-law to establish certain new Roads in the Colborne District," be, and the same is hereby repealed, so f^v as the same relates to the establishment of a Road between lots numbers eleven and twelve in the seventh and eighth concf ssions of the Township of Asphodel, and no farther; and thp*t from and after tlie passing of this By-law the said Road shall cease to be a Public Highway. — D. C. By-law No. 22, 1845. i^'uumme^a'd ''^' ^hat K By-law establishing certain Roads in the Town- Uouro, repealed, as ships of Dummcr and Douro, be and is hereby repealed, so far as the same relates to that part of the said Roads running from a point south-west of the east half of lot number two in the ninth concession of the Township of Douro, thence northeasterly across to the north-east angle of said east half of lot number two. D. C. By-law No. 23, 1845. Hoad ninninu throuffli K. half lot 2 ill 9th coil. Douro, cliaiigcd. 79. That a Public Highway or Road be established in lieu thereof, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say following Commencing line crossed dividing the into lot on the ninth and tenth concessions, where the former number two, thence south thirty-seven and three quarter degrees west twenty-two and a half chains, thence south thirty and a half degrees west twenty-one chains forty links, to the limits between the lots numbers one and two, being to the same road again ; that the said Road established hereby, shall be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line the centre. — Ibid. SO. :>;^i!R;p!!r!' !:IBt'ii*JJ|t!liyifflS»?!!t!J»^'S»eft^<^ji!f^ ••"'-•'— -■ - — ■ T | - }i-'ff|T 'f tTT"r H ■r|lll i ltlH >)IIII Pip i H iiii 11662. des- m the mfter ^'ance ut a h-east (isouth |link!»j^^i.M■lri.w«^Mtlvjt■^il»,h^B^ -.l,lLl...n". iJ, : l!f7f^1'J!!Sf5ira!ra5!T5 7^2 By-law 26. Road By4mos Conaolidated. im. II ii ■[►■ { 1.1 1 •»i fifty*one links, then north twenty*six degrees forty minutes east ten cliains, more or less, to the margin of lot number fourteen in the first concession aforesaid, then through the said lot number fdurieen north twenty degrees thirty minutes east thirly-nine chains fifty links, more or less, to the line that divides the first and second concessions, seven chains fifty links distant from the north-east angle of the said lot number fourteen westerly, then across the said line and through part of lot number fourteen in the second concession of Mariposa aforesaid, north twenty degrees thirty minutes east fourteen chains, more or less, then through lot number fifteen in the second concession of the said Township, north twenty degrees thirty minutes east twenty-nine chains, ihen north eighteen degrees east thirty-six chains, more or less, to the line that divides the second and third concessions of the Towi.'ship aforesaid, coming out at the nort-east angle of the above mentioned lot number fifteen ; the said Road to be sixty-six Jeet in width, and the marked and described line to be the centre.—/). C. By-law No» 2, 1846. TTiroufth part of lot 34 ill 4lh con, to tlie GUI Road Icmliiii' from Linri-iay to Fen- •Ion, in 0{>«. !t 84. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Township of Ops, in the District aforesaid, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing on the Allowance for Road in the rear of the fourth concession at a point distant two chains twenty-five links south from the south-east angle of lot number twenty-four in the fourth concession, thence north fifteen degrees thirty minutes west along the said concession line twenty-six chains seven links, thence south seventy-eight degrees west eight chains forty-six links to the old Road leading from Lindsay to Fenelon ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the south-side of the Road.— >i>. C. Bylaw No. 4, 1346, Old Roftd, an* nulled. 8tl. That the old Road on lot number twenty-four in the fourth concession of said Township, be annulled, and the land revert back to the owner^ Alexander Logic. — Ibid. Through part of §6, That a certain Public Highway or Road be established «ihcon."iX)uroI" in the Township of Douro, running according to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : Commencing at a point thirteen chains fifty-five links southerly from the south-west angle of lot number twelve in the sixth concession, thence south sixty-two degrees east fifteen chains fifty-two links, then south thirty-three degrees west fourteen chains fifty-two links, to the eastern limits of Allowance for Road between the sixth and seventh concessions three chains eighty links southerly from the south west angle of lot number eleven in the sixth concession of said Township of Douro.-r-A V. By^aw Ho, 7, 1846. 87. ■Sit. iii-.' .' P!i!#»£s!lS!!lfi*«'S-s»«»!?»'i»W««*WS»'k+^^^^^^^^ '^ie4-'fttft^:iimtitiifUi^,ypti^rt^v<»>t. C. By4eM No. 12, 1846. 90. ;iRnitit?:?'r;m'nH' »rJ U W 7>f»tn^{t«W ^: : > ■ 64 Road on lot 6 in 3nd con. Uinily. cloicU. By-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1862. 90. Tliat a certain Road (.'Htablislied on lot number six in the second concession of the Townsiiip of Emily, shall, from and after the passing of this By-law, be closed and shut up, and the same shall be no longer a Public Highway. — D, C, By-law No, 15, 184G. hi'' t 'H 1 1 ': Nf w Uoftil r«> liihlisht'd on lot 6 in 'ind con. Kmily. Bosd thrniiijh part Idts I'l uiid 18 ill Itli ron. timith, closed. 91. That in lieu lher«'of a Public Highway or Road be established on said lot number six in the said seconil concession of the Township of Emily, running to and following the herein- after mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing in the centre of the second concession aforesaid, on the e.-isterly limits of the said lot number six, then soiuh seventy-four degrees west alon£j the centre of the said concession twentv-nine chains ; the said Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the centre. — Ibid 92. That certain orders of the Quarter Sessions of the Dis- trict of Newcastle establishing a certain line of Road through part of lots seventeen and (jighteeu in the seventh concession of the Township of Smith, be and the same are hereby annullfd, .so far as relates to the said lots numbers seventeen and eighteen, and no further, and that hereafter the said Road, so far as relates to the said lots numbers seventeen and eighteen, shall be closed and shut up, and shall cease lo be a Public Highway, and the land shall revert back to the owner or owners thereof. — D. C. By-law No. 2, 1847. On lot 12 in 1st con. Eniily. 93. That a Public Highway or Road be established on lol number twelve in the first concession of the Township of Emily, running according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing on the Allowance for Road between lots twelve and thirteen in the first concession of Emily at a point north fourteen degrees west fifteen chains sixty-five links from the south-east angle of the said lot number twelve, then north forty-six degrees fifteen minutes west two chains eighty links, then north eleven degrees forty-five minutes east three chains forty-two links, to the Allowance for Road between lots twelve and thirteen ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the described line to be the west side of the Road. — D. C. By-law No. 3, 1847. From Smith to 94, That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Sic wan SlrretS, _, r r» i i • i i-.- • c *-. n across lot 12 ill 1 own 01 rctcrborough, m the District oi Coiborne running I'eterborougii. accoi'ding to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at a point bearing south sevenly-six degrees west one chain ninety-five links from the north-east angle of lot number twelve west of George Street and south of Smith Street, in the said Town of Peterborough, then south thirty-three degrees east three chains fifty links, be the same more or less, to the western limits of Stewart Street ; the said Road y ret!iSi^lil^iM%mSSM !Mi!S« ^l!liil P'> :l!lffiJ!l!^ ' ^ ;ifn" '»Kii0i'li'l----ri:'^iai^-i*-^-' mm 1862. in the in and jnd the \iv No. lud be essjon icrcin- lin the limits west ; the 1862. Road By-laws Consol 'dated. By-law 26. 65 Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the western boundary of the RoaJ. — D. C. By-law No. 5, 1847. lots 53 9S. Tiiat a certain Road established by the Quarter Sessions J',;;',' .ll7„';„, ,,.,„, of the Newcastle District on or over h)ts tuenty-thrce and twenty- oiouubte.cioii-d. ionr in the fourth (tonce.-sion of tlie 'I'ownsliip of Otonabee, be, and \\u'. same is iim-iiby closed and stopped up, and lhc« same shall, fron-' and alter the passint( of this fiy-law, cease to be u Public Highway.— 7J. C By-law No. 22, 1847. 90. That in lieu thereof the Road surveyed and laid out by r„„,i in lieu ofii James Bird, one of the District Road Surveyors in the Townsiiip ""a^i,,"';,'"!','^,. of Otonabee, as appears by his Report bearing date October, otonuUce. 1817, across the west half of lot number twenty-four in the iourtli concession of ihf said Township, be, and the same is liereby established and coniirmedas a Public Road or Highway. — Ibid. 97. That the Road surveyed and laid out by Thomas J. j^''^';?;',;;'','^,','; Denni;hy, t)ne of the Distri.-i Road Surveyors in tiie Township of con-niui Otonabee, as appears by his Re|iort bearing dale the fifth day of /ju, cuu!" October, 1847, across lots numbers eleven and twelve in the "*'"-'' thirteenth concession, and across part of lots numbers fourteen and lifteim in the twt^lflh concession of the said Township, be, and the same is hereby established and confirmed as a Public Road or Highway.— />. C. By-law No. 23, 1847. 9S. That from and after the passing of this By-law, the part ^,;7i,7,;,'3,',^ ^^ of the Road which was established upon lots thirty and thirty- <"" oiouubec. one in the thirteenth concession of the Township of Otonabee by an order of the Newcastle District Quarter Sessions, made on the twelfth day of July, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-two, that runs along the line dividing lots thirty and thirty-one, shall be, and the same is hereby so changed, altered and diverted, that the line dividing lots tnirty and thirty-one aforesaid, shall be the centre of the Road ; and that the said Road shall be sixty-six feet wide. — D. C. By-law No. 24, 1847. 99. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the fifth ;\''J°"rt'No!^4;.n concession of the Township of Dummer, in the District of Col- enwon-Uummer. borne, running according to and following the courses herein- after mentioned, that is to say : Commencing where a post has been planted at the north-west angle of lot number three in the fifth concession of the said Township, then south seventy-five and three quarter degrees west fifty links to the centre of the conces- sion line, then south fourteen and three quarter degrees east two chains ninety-eight links along the concession line to the Bridge over the river, then south fifty-four degrees east seven chains, G then ^« ( 1 of lots i JJI l.llll 1 iiiirl 111' 1 IS ill Otoii- ^i i \ \ \ i I pi. M .i ff . Mi.wii ti ti iati'i v iiiii. n in ng iiiii' cajiSiiiiiiiiija'.fSip ■ 'i 66 By-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1862. then south ten and three quarter degrees east twenty-two chains forty-five links to the southerly limit of said lot number three, then south five degrees west seven chains twenty-eight linlvs to the centre of the concession Road ; the said Road to b;; forty feet wide, and the marked, posted and described line to be the centre of the Road : And also commencing at the soiUh-west angle of the third lot in the fifth concession of Dummer afore- said, then north fourteen degn s forty-five minutes west seventy- five links, then north seventy-six degrees east two chains and fifty links ; the marked and described line to be the eastern and southern limits of the Road, and the same to be sixty-six feet wide.— X>. C. By-law No. 12, 1848. pi} From IM COM.' Verulain to S'ur- fi;''oii pdiiit, ill l-'eiieloa. m »■ Roaris in Fciie- loi) from i'l'iic- loM Tails 10 TowiiRliips of Lldoii ttiid Ops, aliered. 100. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Townships of Verulam and Fenelon according to and following the hereinafler mentioned courses, that is to say : Commencing at tlie southern limit of the Allowance for Road between tlie fifteenth and sixteenth lots in the first concession of the Town- ship of Verulam, twenty-fmr chains thirty-three links distant from the north west ingie of lot fifteen, then south fourtecm degrees east seventeen chains eighteen links, then somli thirty- three degrees east nine chains ni"'^ty.threc links, then south twelve degrees west six chains thirty-seven links, tlien soutli thirty-two degrees thirty minutes west twelve chains twenty-nine links, then south thirty degrees thirty minutes west twenty chains fourteen links, then south twelve degrees west four chains fifty links crossing the boundary line between Verulam and Fenelon, then south twenty-two degrees lifleen minutes west eight chains seventy-eight links, then south three degrees thirty minutes east five chains twenty-four links, then south twenly degrees west thirteen chains, then south thirty-five degrees west twenty-six chains seventy-two links, then south twenty-five degrees west fourteen chains, then south fourteen degrees east twenty-eight chains thirty-six links, then south three degrees west thirty-three chains sixty links to the water's edge of Stur- geon Lake, on the tenth lot in the tenth concession of the Town- ship of Fenelon; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide and the marked and described hnc shall be the centre thereof. — D. C. Bylaw No. \3, 1848. 101. ThaL a Public Highway or Road be established in the Township of Fenelon according to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : First — Commencing at the south-west angle of lot sixteen in the second concession of the said Township, then north seventy-six di^grees east along the Allowance for Road between the fifteenth and sixteenth lots to the Allowance for Road, between the second and third conces- j'ions, then northerly along the said Allowance to the Old Road one chain eighty-four links from the north-east angle of lot sixteen in the second concession. — D. C. By-law No. 14, 1848. 109. *'fSlfr^.*^W'^^*****^*''''*t'^^ '.r*'tf't*(»(fiis'.l(;v*.-/t.'.y«***" -'•■^ -r *>*w»W»»!«««»w*^^ Si's m m 1862. chains 1862. Road By-laws Consolidated. By.law 26. 67 roe. Jr th lliiiks to i'-i forty Jo ha the (uh-west ir afore- Iseventy- jins aiid Jtorn and [six feet in the >lIo\ving iicneing een the i 1 own- distant fourteen 1 thirty- n south n south nty-nine twenty 'ir chains am and OS we. St ^s thirty I twenty ses west mty-iive ees east deforces of Slur- ■ Town- ido and I in the •inafter a at the I of the >ng the lots to 'onces- 1 Road of Jot , 1848. 103. lOS. Secondly. — Commencing at where a post has been planted on the Old Road in the east half of lot .seventeen in the third concession, then north forty-six degrees east twenty chains forty-six links to the Old Road. — Ibid. I0S8. Thirdly. — Commencing on the Allowance for Road betw(!en the fourth and ftftl- concessions at a post between the twentieth and twenty-first lots, then along the Allowance for Road between the said lots to the centre cl" the fifth concession, then north fourteen degrees west fourteen chains eighty-three links, then north seventy-six degrees east along the side line between lots twenty-one and twenty-two to the Allowance for Road between the fifth and sixth concessions, then north fourteen degrees west along said Allowance to the Old Road ; the said Road or Roads to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described lines to be the centre. — Ibid. 104. That such parts of the Old Road as are hereby altered and amended, shall be annulled and cease to form part of the Public Highway. — Ibid. 105. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the "'"'^r" iT'.^ nmth concession ot the lownship ot t,mily according to and sihcoii. tmiiy. following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : Commencing in the centre of the ninth concession bet\veen lots numbers nine and ten, thence northerly on the said division line till it meets the concession Allowance for Road in the rear of said lot ; the Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the centre thereof. — D. C. By-law No. 17, 1848. 106. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Hcmecn \o» 20 seventh concession of the Township of Emily according lo and srirfTih'coM.'"** following the- iiereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : Com- ''^™''' mencing at the south-west angle of lot number twenty-one in the seventh concession of the said Township, thence north fourteen degrees west nineteen chains sixty links, following boundary between twenty and twenty-one, thence north seventy- four decrees cast twenly-nine chains to western limit of Allow- ance for Road leading to Peterborougli at a point northerly nineteen chains sixty links, more or less, from southeast angle of lot number twenty-one in the seventh concession ; the said Road to be forty feet in width, and the marked line on the eastern boimdary as far as it follows the said line between the said lots, and on the other part of the said Road, the marked line to be the centre of the Road.— />. C. By-law No. 18, 1843. 107. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the I^'o^^l'a'in'hV' Township of Eldon according to and following the henMnaftcr stUcon.oiKidon. mentioned courses, that is to say ; Commencing on the eastern concession line in the centre of lot number eleven in the ninth o* concession 68 By-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated. 186S. is 1 concession of the said Township, then south fifty-eight degrees west eleven chains fifty links, then south seventy-four degrees west eight chains twenty-five links, then south forty-one und a half degrees west eight chains fifty links, then south seventy-five and a half degrees west two chains, then north forty-s^even degrees west six chains fifty links, then nortiuhirly-throe degrees west five chains, then north nineteen degrees east five chains, then north forty degrees east four chains, then norih ten degrees west fceven chains, then north twenty-two degrees cast five chains, then north nine degrees east fourteen chains, then north twenty degrees east eight chains, then north seven degrees west five chains fifty links, then north twenty-five degrees east five chains fifty links, then north thirty-five degrees cast three chains fifty links, then north five degrees west twenty chains, then north two degrees cast ten chains fifty links, tiien north forty-two degrees east nine chains fifty links, and ending on concession line five and a half chains from tiie north-east angle from lot number thirteen in the niutii coucession of the Town- ship of Eldon aforesaid ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide and the marked line the centre. — D. C. By-law No. 19, 1848. Through lot 4 inOthvon.Douro. 108. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the ninth concession of the Township of Douro, in tiic District of Colborne, according to and following the hcreinafler mentioned courses, that is to say : Commencing on the casicrn limit of the Allowance for Road between the ninth and tenth concessions of the Township of Douro southerly thirty links from tlm north-west angle of the fourth lot in the said ninth concc-sion, then north twenty-six degrees east two chains, then north twenty-seven degrees thirty minutes east fifttjcn cliains and tliirfy links, tlien north fourteen degrees west eighteen chiiins and seventy links, more or less, to the southern limit of the Allowtmec for Roatl between the fifth and sixth lots in the said ninth concession, and at twelve chains and fifty links easterly from the north-west iingin of said fifth lot ; the Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked and described line the most southerly and easterly limit thereof. -—D. C. By-law No. 20, 1848. AOTOM Xhi Township of Fenelon from Ketielun Fkliii to Op*. 100. That a Public Highway or Road bo established in tho Township of Fenelon, in tlie Coll)orne District, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned course, ihnt is to say : Commencing at the centre of the south end of the Bridge across the river at JPenelon Falls south three degrees west two chains, then south thirty-one degrees west forty chains seventy links, then south twenty-seven degrees west nine chains seventy-nine links, then south thirteen degrees west three chains sixty-five links, then south twelve degrees west eighteen chains, then south one degree east thirty-five chains, then south eleven degrees east thirty-seven chains forty links, then south sixteen degrees west ten chains fifty links, then south twenty-one chains twenty-eipht links, then south fourteen degrees east seventy-two chains fifty f, -v-wwrt-TIV!--*- -rnjIHT*! ■»!'"!' m"!-*''-^*'*^'^'-'*"''! < P«nMP! M^iW'!Wi»Sfi/W«*IOT«*»''»'«''«'' '^' '*"'""''' •■''•••■■ 1868. legrees legrees und a Inty-five ]y-.^»hMau.>HwU»wo?»iffwi.N^ mhlWlt>l | l | ||rliW WB>tWWWW^»f m i l l | i i.i ...i i . 1862. Road By4aw8 Consolidated. By-law ea. 69 Mi fifty links, then south forty-five degrees west sixteen chains twenty-three links, then south seventy-two degrees west forty- four chains forty links, then south seven degrees west one hundred and thirty-two chains, then south eighteen degrees west fourteen chains thirty-four links, then south thirty-eiglit degrees west twenty-four chains thirty-eight links, then south twelve degrees west seventy-ti\ree chains fifty-eight links, then south thirty degrees west sixty-two chains twenty links, then south twenty-tive degrees west three chains seventy-six links, then south (sixteen chains sixty-seven links, then south twenty degrees west seventy-iive chains eighty-five links, then south thirty-eight ■ degrees west forty-six chains seventy-four links, then south twenty-three degrees west fifty-four chains seventy links to the line between the thira and fourth concessions at a point northerly six chains eighty-six links from the northern limit of the second lot ; the said Koad to be sixty-six feet wide, and tlie marked line to be tlie centre.— />. C. By-lo^'J No. 21, 1848. 110. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the AoroMpsnof third conce^ssion o*" "he Township of Dummer, in the Colbome llmand w'Tn* District, running according to and following the hereinafter 3rd coii.Uununer mentioned courses, that is to say: Commencing at a point in the eastern liu-its of Allowance for Road between the second and tlie third conc^essions of Dummer aforesaid, bearing south fourteen degrees east and distant six chains from the south west ani^le of nviuiber eighteen in the third concession, then norih sixteen degrees forty-five minutes east eight chains fifty links, . then north thirty-three degrees west six chains twenty-five links, crosrjing the Indian River, then north twenty-six degrees west eiglu ehnins fifty links, to a point on the eastern limits of said Aiiowanee for Koad, between the second and third concessions, and distant fifteen chains forty links from tiie south-west angle of lot number eighteen in the third concession aforesaid ; the said Koad to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and deseribi.'d line to be the centre of the Road. — D. C, By-law Mo. 22, 1848. m Smith. 111. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the AcroMpartor Township of Smith, in the Colborne District, according to and il^'c^Jt 'si following the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Commencing at a point on the north side of a Road between the third and fourth concessions, bearing north seventy-six degrees cast, and distant filteen chains sixty links from the south-west angle of lot number ten in the fourth concession, then north fifty-six degrees east nine chains, to the north s'de of Road ])assed through the centre of the seventh lot on the west side of Comnnmieation Road, and distant three chains ten links from the south-east angle of lot number ten in the fourth concession, und bearing south thirty-one degrees oast from the said south- east angle of Lot number ten ; the said Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked line being on the north side of the said Road.—Z). C. By-Uiio ^o. 23, lb48. 119. .iy:iir;t^»*::K*i.gi.TM»t:i' 70 By-law 26. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1862. AeroM part of lot 39 in 3rd con. Opt. u. 113. That a Public Highway or RdsuI be established in the Township of Ops, in the Colborne Diritrict, according to and fol- lowing the hereinafter mentioned courses, tiiat is to say : Com- mencing on the southern limits of Allowance for Road between the Towhships of Fenelon and Ops ut the third concession of the Township of Ops aforesaid, distant from t'le north-east angle of lot number twenty-nine in the third concession of the said Township of Ops, three chains thirty-eight lin'is westerly, then south forty degrees east through the said lot number twenty -nine seven chains five links to the Allowimce for Hoad b(!tween the third and fourth concessions of the Townsiiip of Ops aforesaid, distant from the nor'h-east angle of tlie said lot number twenty- nine six chains fifteen links ; tlie said lioad to be s-xtv-six feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre. — D. C, By-law No. 24, 1848. Klnmfiu" *'3* That a Public HigliAayor Road oe rsta])lished in the Towu oi- I'cier- thirteenth concession of tlu; Townshi]) of Mon;iglian, in the "*"* ■ Colbornc District, accord! iiij to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : (.'oniini'noing at the norlheni limits of the Allowance for Road in front of the thirteenth concession of Monaghan, eighteen chains easterly from the north- west angle of the thirteenth lot in the said thirteen concession, then north sixty-live degrees nineteen minutes east (true cotirsej eleven chains and fifteen links, more or less, to the western limit of Park Street in the Town of P<*terhoroiigli, at a point one chain northerly from the sonMi-east aui'lf? of the af- D. C. By-law Vo. 25, 18 18. Acrf»«» part of the w»'st Imlvt'H of lots 16 ai)() 17 in nil rnnce.s^ioil Otoimbce. 114. That a Public Inghway or Road be established in the Township of Otonaltee, in the (.'oiborne! District, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned ccturse, that is to say: Commencing on the eastern liinils of Allowance for Road between the sixth and seventh concessions at a point bearing south fourteen degrees east and distant five chains and sixty links from the north-west angle of lot sixteen, then north eleven degrees forty-five minutes cast three chains forty-six links, then north thirty degrees west three chains ninety-one links, then north twentv-ninc deforces w(>st one <'hain thinv-two linki?, then north forty-seven degrees west one chain thirty-live links, then north seventy-one degrees west one chain thirty links, to the eastern limits of Road betwt.'cn sixth and seventh conces- sions, thn^e chains and fifty links from the north-west angle of lot nundier seventeen in the sixth coneessicm of the said Town- ship ; said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre,— X>. C. By-law No. 26, 1848. 115. MW«||lj|i||lllll.lj«l IjWIUlPW*^''*'*' .JhmimiS-l'M»h,UliMMf.nr '" ' '■■i!2!!!i5i^!!''^?!1'!1*R'W'^^ i*-< i iiwi wiiN'i n i Wii i',. 1862. Jin the (nd fol- Coin- I'tween ■sioii of le suid ', then ly-iiine •n the [•esaicJ, fventy- iiy-slx iy-law 1862. Road Bj/'laws Consolidated. By-law 26. 71 llti. That a Public Ilidnvay or Road be established in tlie Prom r/>Mur- followiug the hereinafter nienliuncd courr^es, tliat is to say : K'""^^"- Cununoncintf at the |)o^ts nmnbers five and six on tlie south concesssion line of Fetielon, liien north twenty-two degrees east twenty-three chains liliy links, then north seventeen degrees east thirty-six chains and liCty linlcs, then north fitty degrees west four chain;?, then north live degrees east two chains, then north tiiirty-two degrees west nine chains and fifty links, then north twenty-seven degre(.'S east six chains lit'ty links ; the s-^'-d Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked and described line the centre.— />. C. By-law So. 20 ^ lb48. 116, That a Public Highway or Road be established in the f,';[riS';Jo Township of F'enelon, in the Colbovne District, according to and in 4tii con. Fene- followjng the hereinafter mentioned course, that is to say : Com- mencing at a jioint d'.-tant four chains north from post nineteen and twenty on tlie fu -'h and fifth concession lines, then south fifty degrees west twenty-one chains, then souiii forty-five degrees west four cliains, tiien south thirty-four degrees west fifteen chains, then south fifty degrees west three cliains : the said Road to be .-ixty-six itet wide, and the marked line to be the centre.— Z>. C. By-law No. 30, IbiS. 117, That a Public Highwny or Road be established in the From Hunter Town of Peterijoroutrh, running according to and loUowing the str.-tt.iu Peier- herinafter meniioned course, that is to say: Commencing on ^'"'"s'"- the southern limii;? of Hunter Street, in the said Town of Peter- borough, easterly llr.ee chains and nine links from the easterly limits of Water Stroi-t, thence southerly parallel to Water Street, five chains and eiglity link.*, more or less, to the northern limit of Simeoe Street ; the suid Road to be fifty-eight feel wide, and the marked ami descril)od line to be the western limit of the Road.— Z^. C. By-law No. 4, 1849. 118, That a Public Highway or Rnad be established in the oniotsn.is. rr, I ■ i- 1., M '• "^ !• . 1 .• 11 • 1 19 and 20 111 the. Townsliip ol Lniily, running according to and lollowing the 4111 ooii. Emiiy. hereinafter mentioni-d f.our.-^e. tliat is to say : Commencing on the northern limit of Allowan :e for Road in the front of the fourth concession of Kinily ea-terly eight chains and /-law No. 7, 1849. On lot 16 in 6th con. Aaphodel. 132. That a certain Public Highway or Road be established in the Township of Asphodel, in the Colborne District, running according to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : Commencing at the south-east angle of the west half of lot number sixteen in the sixth concession of Asphodel aforesaid, then north seventy-five degrees forty-five minutes east thirty-three chains thirty-three and a half links, more or less to Allowance for Road between the sixth and seventh concessions northerly three chains and fifty Links from the southeast angle of the ri^RJIttW«?^("r.*(»VHIl'' :^^j«^»IH^«^»»i'^^wWl^^i^^jil^^'rt'^'l'«'^^''i < ' ' ^ » >'' " X' lii*'.- iMH 1862. 18G2. Road By-laws Consolidated. By-law 26. tli(; said Int number sixteen ; the said Koad to be sixly-six fet-l wide, and llie niurked and docribctl line the northerly side of the Road.— i>. C. Bij-luw No. 8, 1849. 73 I'ssioji 1)1" the ilum- ), and I»J:I, That a Public Hi.^rhway or Koad be es^lablished in the jV^r^J,";?;,;/'''- Township of Sniitii, in the CoUuirne District, running accordiuiir '"'i"; i"i\v<"ii . ' ' , 7 o ~ |j,|^ oj mill y*' to and following the hcrcinaflcr mentioned courses, that is to say : rr.mi ti,.- u:i\H- Conniicnciiii,' at the in1(;rseelion of tlie western limit of lot ji'iV/uu.' nuuil)cr twenty-lwo in the tenth concession of the Township of Smith witli the Mud liahe Koad leading to Peterborough, then north foiutfen and a (piarler d(>grees west lW(.'n1y-one chains and sevenly-two links along said limit to the Allowance for Koad in the reav of said concession, thence along the western limit of lot number twenty-two one hmidred and r^ixty chains, more or less, across ihc eleventh, twelfth and tliirliM'nth concessions of the said Townshi|) to tlu; sliore of Mud Laki; ; the said Koad to be forty feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the eentre thereof. — 1). C, Ihj-law No. 9, !8 19. 1*21. That a Public Highway or Road oe established on lot j;"'.;;',/;^;';'-^/" number thirt(!en in the seventh concession of the Townshlj) of ou.uube*-. Otonabce, in the Colbornc IVistricf, running according to and following tlie hcriMnal'ler meulionetl courses, that is to say : (,\tmm('nci?ig between lots nmnbers thirteen and fourteen in th(? centn^ of the concession liiu; m liicth divides the seventh and eighth concessions of Otonabce, then south thirty-two and a half dcgnH's east live chains, then south twenty-one degrees east fixe chains, then soiuh six degrees west live and a half eliains, niore or less, to meet the said concession line again ; the said Koad i-.> be sixly-six feet wide, and the marketl and tlcscribed line io bi" tlu; centre of tin; l^)ad. — D. C. By-law No. 10, IS 19. Via. That a Public Highway or Hoad be established in the on i„i is m ii»- st!venili coneesMon ol liic; lownsnip oi SinUli, m the ( (ilijorne DiMriet, running according to and following the hereinafter menlioni'd courses, that is to s;iy : Commencing at the south cast angle r)f lot number iifteen in the seventh concession of the said Townsliij) of Smith, then north fourteen degrees west eight chains forty links, moi*? or less, till it joins a Road passed by th<* (Quarter Sessions of tlu^ District of Newcastle, lietwcen lots liflcen and sixteen ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line to be the centre of the Road — D. C. By-law No. 11, 1819. IJC That the Road which eropsei? part of the south end of *"''""»'' '''"■"^■-'• lot number sixteen in tht» seventh concession of the said Town- ship of Smith, shall be closed and shut up, and shall cease to be a Public Highway. — Ibid. 137. H iswsrwEjj." 71 Hy-law 20. Road By-laws Consolidated. 1862. ii ' H f 'I, On lots 30. 31. ami Xi, ill titli ctiu. Utuiialioe. V27, That a Public Highway or Road be established in the sixth concession of tho Township of Otonabee, running accord- ing to and following llio hercinultc mentioned course, that is to say: Com icneing at a point en . e oouadary line between Douro and Olonubec, bearing nortli Ttv-'^ix degrees east and distant nineteen eluiins lilty links i; , th j morth-west angle of lot niuuber thirty-two in the sixth con. xssion : " Otonabee, then south seven degrees west eighteen chains ten links, then south two and a half degrees west ten chains tui: 'inks, then south twenty-three degrees west twenty -two chains fili> 'inks to the eastward limits of Allowance for Road between the sixth and seventh concessions of Otonabee ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line the easterly limit of the Roixd.—D. C. By-law No. 20, 1849. J? t ?i"il»"haM,rr5." 1^^' '1'^'^^ ^ Public Highway or Road be established in the COM. oionabee. fourteenth and tiftecnth (!oncessions of the Township of Otona- bee, in the Colborne District, according to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : Commencing at a point on the base line bearing north seventy-six degrees east and distant thirty-eight chains from the north-west angle of lot number sixteen in tlie fourteenth concession of Otonabee afore- said, then south thirty-four degrees west eleven chains fifteen links, then south sixty-three and a half degrees west seven chains ninety-six links, then south sixty-six degrees west sixteen chains fifty-six links, then south seventy-three and a quarter degrees west six chains sixty-five links, then south eighty-eight and a half degrees west sixteen chains eighty-five links, then north fifty-nine degrees west thirteen chains nine links, then north eighty-seven and a quarter degrees west nine chains eighty-two links, then south forty-eight and a half degrees west six chains sixty-five links, to the base line, and distant twenty-eight chains from the north west angle of lot number sixteen in the fifteenth concession of Otonabee ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet in width, and the marked and described, and posted line the southern boundary of the Road. — D. C. By-law No. 21, 1849, On loi.« Niis. 1 aiiitS. in 11(h CUIl. livllIiOllt. 129. That a Public Highway or Road be established in the Township of IJelmont, running according to and following the hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say : Commencing on the north-east angle of lot number two in the eleventh concession of Belmont, then south forty-three degrees west one chain fifty links, then south thirty degrees west two chains fifty links, then south six degrees west two chains fifty links, then south four degrees west ten chains fifty links, then south two degrees east ten chains, then south eighteen degrees east four chains fifty links, then south nineteen degrees east two chains, then south thivty-six degrees east five chains fifty links, then south seven- teen degrees cast three chains, fifty links, then south twelve degrees tst)l^^;^8W'.t>i!«i^'r«-i>!«U-j-. mam 'ftiimAT—'"^" "■-***■■ 1862. itween St and gle of , then south south to the th and xty-six limit 1863. Road By-laws Consolidated. By-law 26. to degrees east five chains, tlien south fifteen degrees east three chains, then south twelve degrees cast five ehiiins, then south seven degrees west eight ehains to the boutuUiry line of the Township; the said Road to be forty feet wide, and ;hc marked line the east side tliereof— />. C. tiij-law No, H^ 1» lU. 130. That a Publie Highway or Kuad be established in tiio <)ni..si2. i3.i4. Township of Belmont running according to and following the slin'mi'iilm '^'''' hereinafter mentioned courses, that is to say: Comiiieneing on '^^"'"'•"'"'' Imoiil. the eastern limit of the Allowanee for Koad belwt^en the ti-nth and eleventh concessions of Belmont norllieily eight chains from the south-west angle of llie twelfth lot in the said tenth eonetjs- sion, then north seventy-six degrees east seven chains iifty links, then north fifty-seven degrees east three chains, then north ..ixty- one degrees east four clri'iis, tla^n north lilty-four degrees cart three chains, then north sevenly-tiiree degrees east two chains, then north eighty degrees east live chains, then north si.\ty-six degrees east three chains, then north eighly-fonr degrees east two chains fifty links, then north sev(!nty-tliree degrees east three chains fifty links, tnen north thirty-eight degrees east three chains fifty links, then north fifty di.'grees east lil'teen chains lifly links, then north twenty-nine degrees east seventeen chains, then north twenty-three degrees east four chains, then north thirty-six degrees east two chains fifty links, then north forty-live degrees east three chains, then north sixty-eight degrees east foiu" chains, then north thirty-one degrees east five chains lilty links, more or less, to the eleventh concession line, then north thirty-three degrees east five chains, then north fifty-three degrees east ten chains, then nortli seventy-nine degr(!cs east three cliains fifty links, then no;th sixty -one degrees east six chains, then north fifty-nine degrees east ten chains fifty links, then north sixty-live degrees east four chains, then north forty-nine degrees east one chain fifty links, then north twenty-nine degrees east three chains, then north twenty-two degrees east three ehains fifty links, then north thirty-one degrees east seven chains, tiien north forty-threes degrees east ten chains, then north eigiity degrees cast twenty- two chains eighty links, more or less, to the nintli eonc.-ession line, then south fourteen degrees east two chains, then south eighty-seven degrees east five ehains, then north sixty-seven degrees east three chains fifty links, then north lilty degrees cast seven chains and fifty links, then north sixty-eiglit degrees east two chains fifty links, then south seventy-two degrees cast three chains, then south sixty-three degrees east four ehains Iifty links, then south eighty degrees east live chains, then north tive chains and thirteen links, more or less, to Hound Lake ; the said Roud to be forty feet wide, and the marked and ilcseribed line the soutli side of the Road. — I). C. By-law No. 23, IH49. 131. Tiiat a Public Ilighwf^y or Ht)ad be-establisjied in the oni..i<2i>. nnd Township of Otonabee, runn* ■ according to and following the ot.":ai.'Jc. """' hereinafter mentioned cour.'< , H' lit is to say : (.'ommeneuig ut a noint t I jp: 7(> By-law 20. lioaU Bif'Unva ComoluUtted, 1863. point on lh«; bonndjiry birtwcen tln^ v;nsl lialvos of lots nnnibcrs twenty-two an«l Iwcnty-tlirce in llie ri,ti[iiili oonci'ssion of tlu' said Townsliip of Otonubee, and boaring n»)ii!i scvcniy-six dt-urt'os cast from the nortli-wrst angh^ of lot number iwrnly-lwo, distant twonty-srvon chain:';, fifty links, more or Ics.-;, from t!it; said north west angle of lot number twenty-two, then north fifty-one degrees east fourteen chains, more or h.'ss, to the boundary between th(^ east halves of said lots numbers twenty-two and twenty-three, in the, (iightli concession of Otonabce aforesaid ; the said Koad to bo sixty-six feet wide, and the marked and described line the centre of the Road.— I). C. By-law No. 21, 1810. '90i000iSi APPENDIX :•• ■ ■■ »fr.-.-»Tw»m««jm t^mmm NMlkaUNMMMa 1862. iiuhcrs Ih' Slid )i'.y:r('os distant north |lc\iL,'r('(\s •vn the frcf, in loiwl to Ino the APPENDIX. DESCRIPTION OF ROADS REFERRED TO IN BY-LAWS. SECTION 45. Commencing at Clear Lako shore, in lot nunil^rr twrniy-Tiine in first concession of Dumnicr, thtni south twcniy-nino aiit three and a half chains, then south forty-onu degrees west three and a half chains, then south seven degrees west three snnl a half ehains, then south twenty-seven degrees est six and a half chains, then south fifty-five degrees west five ehains, then sontli fifty-six degrees west three chains, then south twenty-five degrees west four and a half chains, then south forty-seven degrees west twelve and a half chains, then south eighte«Mi degrees west six and a half chains ; then south thirty-five degrees west four ehains, to Boundary Line between Duuinier and Douro, and coming out northerly ten ehains from the south- west angle of lot number twenty-six in first eonei'ssiou l)inuiu<'r. Again commencing at the Village of Warsaw thenc(? to Peter- borough, beginning at the south-east angle of \ illage lot number eight west side Peterborough Road, thus : South eighty-(»ne and a half degrees west four and a half chains, south forty-two iunl three quarter degrees west eighteen chains to corner lots number eleven and twelve of Dummer on the Boundary line, thene<^ through Douro thus: South forty-one and a quarter degre»'s west eleven chains, then south thirty-seven and a half (h^grees west thirty three chains, then south forty-nine and a half degrees west six chains ninety-five links, then south fifty-five degrees west twenty-three n 78 Appimlix. 1862. \v 1 'Ml :ll twenty •three chains tt) AMowancL" for Road l)(!twe«'n lots num- bers l(.'n and eh'vcu in lirst conce^isioii Duuro, then on said side line south sevenly-live anil a hall dci^roL's west seven chains to centre of concession line Ik-Iwccii Jirst and second concessions and between lots numbers ten ami eleven, then tiirongh second concession on said concession two ami a half chains more, then south sixly-six degrees west seventeen and a half chains, then south lifty-onc dei^rees west twelve chains twenty links, then south nineteen and a halt th-grces west twelve chains, then south thirty-two and a half dei^ree.; west cii(hi chains tifty-five links, then south lil'ty-six dei(rees thirty-thii'e chains tw(.'nty-seven links, then north sev»'nty-nine degrees west fourteen chains forty links, about ten chains I'orty links of this course coming on centre of line dividing the second and third concessions, and northerly six cliains from the south-west angle (»f lot numbc'r ten in second concession, then south seventy-seven and a half degrees west twenty-six chains thirty liidcs, then south fjfty-onir and a half degrees west nine chains, then south twenty-two and a half degrees west live chains ninety-live links, ending on line be<-./een third and fourth concessions, then south ten degrees west nine chains iifty links, then south thirty-four and a half degrees west eleven and a half chains, then south forty-two and a half degrees west eighteen chains, then south forty-seven degrees west four chains, then south sixtv-seven dci'rees west seventeen and a half chains to creek in ravine ; then south fifty- six and a half degrees W(.'st three chains eighty links, then south seventy degrees west five and a half chains, about one chain ten links on this course crosses line of fourth and fifth conces- sions, then south eighty-six degrees west four and half chains, then south sixty-('ight and a half degrees west nine chains, then south forty-nine and three (piarter degrees west seven and a half chains, then south seventy-six and a half degrees west eight ciuiins, then south iifty-nine and and a half degrees west nine and a half chains, then south sixty eight and a half degrees west eight and half chains, then sovUh seventy-four degrees west seven chains ihirty-fivc! links, then south forty-five degrees thirteen and a half cliains to line between the fifth and sixth concessions, and one chain twenty-fiv(! links north of tlu; south- west angle of lot numbc^r eight in fifth concession, then south forty-three and a half degrees west two chains eighty links, then south thirty-four degrees v.'esl twenty-s(!ven chains twenty-five links, then south thirty ilegrees west seventeen chains ten links, then south forty-two and a half d(;gr(M's west thirteen chains fifty links, then south sixty-two and a half degrees west twenty chains ending on a erossway and at sixteen chains thirty links, crosses division line of the sixth and seventh concessions, then south sixty-eight degrees west five chains, then south forty degrees west nine cliains, then twenty-nine degrees west fourteen chains ending on side line Allowance for Road between lots numbers five and six and five chains eighty-live links east of the centre of the lot, then south seventy-five and a half degrees west thirty-nine chains eighteen links along Allowance I)assing 862. 1862. Appendix. ;9 fiassing by Leahy's Tavern, to uosl .«itle said roncession on said imits, then south Ibrty-lwo (h'i,'rei's west fourteen and a half chains, tlien south twenty-two degrees west seven ehains, soutii thirty-four and a half degrees west twelve chains thirty links, then south forty-six degrees west four and a half chains, then south seventy-three degrees west seven chains thirty links, then south seventy-seven degrees west eight chains ten links, then south fifty-four degrees west six chains eighty links, then south twenty-two degrees west five chains sixty links to side line between lots numbers four and live in <'ighth concession at Mr. Gibbs clearance, then south forty-one degrees west eight and a half chains, then south forty-four degrees west eighteen chains, then south twenty-nine and three cjuarter degrees west nine chains fifteen links, thcMi south fifty-eight degrees west three chains fifty links, wending through ravine on old Road; then south forty degrees west six eliuins sixty links at four chains leaving Old lioad till couiing on it again west of Couche's clearance thus : south nineteen degrees west two chains ten links, then south ten degrees west three chains forty links, then south nineteen dc^grt^^s west two chains fifty links, then south twenty-nine degrees west live chains ; then soutli sixty-nine degrees west sixteen chains at eleven and a half chains on this course is centre of Creek, tlnMicc ascending side ridge, south fifty-four and a half degrees three chains eighty-five links, then south thirty-six degrees west thirteen chains, then south thirty- five degrees west eighteen ciiains ending on line dividing ninth and tenth concessions and southerly one and a half chains from the north-east angle of CoucIk^'s lot number two in tenth conces- sion, east half, then south thirty-three and a half degrees west thirty-five chains, then south lil'ly-seven degrees west four and a half chains to centre of lot on ide line, then on side line between lots numbers one and two, thus : south scvinity-five and a half degrees west thirty-four chains iifty links to within two chains of the south-west angle of lot niiubcr two in tenth concession, then south thirty-nine degrees west twenty-five chains sixty links to near Log Bridge over Creek in ravine, then south fifty-one and a half degrees west two ehains sixty links to west side Log Bridge, then south twcntj-nine and a half degrees west eight chains ten links, then south fifty-one degrees west eight chains ninety links, then south thirty-five degrees west six chains to Boundary line. SECTION FORTY-SIX. Commencing at the south-west angle oi lot number twenty- six in the seventh concession Smith, then north fourteen degrees west sixty-nine chains and forty links along the western limits of said lot to the Allowance for Road in rear of said seventh concession ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre thereof. SECTION 80 •tf Appendix, SECTION FORTY-SEVEN. 1S62. Commcnfing on ihc -vcMlern limits of ll'e thirtietli lot in tin- third concession Otonalice, at a point northerly four chains and sixty links iVom \hv. sonlh-wefc* angle of said lot, then south eighty-live degrees fii'leen minutes east four chains nineteen links, then south three chains and six'ty-links, then south iifly-two degves ihirly minutes east three chains and fifty links, then south thirty-seven degi\:t s thirty minutes east seven chains, then south thirty-nine degi-ees west eight chains, then south twenty- nine degrees west two chains and twenty-one links to the Allo\vane<' for Road l)et\\een the third and fourth concessions ; tfie said Iload U) \h; forty feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre. SECTION rORTV-NINE. Commencing at the north-cast angle of lot twenty-seven in the fourth concessioi) of. Otonahee, dien south seventy-live degrees forty-live luinutt^s west seventeen chains and sixty-seven links along the n»*rthern limits of said twenty-seventh lot, then sout' sixteen (Ici^tcm's west nine ciiains and seventeen links, then south seventy degices west one chain and sixty links, to the east bank of tlie Indian llivf^r thirty-three links northerly from the middh: of the IJridgt; ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and tiie marked lim- tin.' most, northerly and westerly limits of the Roail. SECTION FIFTY. Commencing at the north-east angle of lot number twenty in the fifth conc(_'ssio!i of (3tonabee, then south seventy-five degrees forty-live minutes west sixty-seven chains and seventeen links along the northern liniits of the said lot number twenty to th(j centn; of tlu! Allowance for Road between the fifth and sixth concessions, then south fourteen degrees fifteen minutes (;ast fivt' ciiains and sixty-live links along said Allowance, then south fifty-one degrees Avest nineteen chains and fifty links, then north • 'ig'ity-four degrees west fifteen chains and forty links to the Indian River, then north thirty-two degrees west two chains and si\ty-lliree links to the centn; ol' the concession at the bank of the River, tlieii north fourteen degrees fifteen minutes west seven chains thirty-eight links along the centre of the concession to the northern limits of the west half of the twentieth lot, then south sev(.'nty-live degrees forty-live minutes west thirty-three chains thirty-three mid a half links along said northern liuuts to the Allowance lor Road between the sixth and seventh concessions ; the said lioad to be forty-six feet wide, and the marked line to be the cent re. "section "■«^!Ssrs««^ligsp8«»«ipip|K^^ ;;-v-.;'^-!tf- i,ii».| |H|'i W ! W>! ! i >» .i|> iH ■" ftJHrthJ tf l> lOtttliiOftIi fli?^^ 1S62. in tlic ns and south inoleoii ty-Uvo 3, then , then wcnty- to tlic •«ions ; le to be 1862. Appendix. SECTION FIFTY-ONE. 81 Commencing on the centre of the Allowance for Road between the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh lots on the eastern limits of the tiiird concession Otonabee, then south seventy-five degrees I'orty-live minutes west twenty-six chains and fifty-two and a half links along said Allowance, then north eighty-one degrees thirty minutes w(!st fourteen chains, then south seventy-five degrees forty-live minutes west twenty-six chains and fifty-two and a half links along aforesaid Allowance to the Allowance for Uoad between the third and fourth concessions ; the said Road to be sixty-six feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre thereof. SECTION FIFTY-THREE. Commencing on line dividing the third and fourth concessions of As])hodel at a post between lots numbers eighteen and nine- teem, then north fourteen and a half degrees west six chains thirty links, then north twenty-three degrees east five and a half chains, then north thirty-two and half degrees east thirty-seven chains, then north two and a half degrees west twenty-three chains, more or less to the Boundary line between Asphodel and Hummer ; the said Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre. SECTION FIFTY-FOUR. Running on the division line between lots numbers eleven and twelve in the seventh and eighth concessions of Asphodel ; the said Road to be forty feet wide, and the marked line to be the centre. SECTION FIFTY-SIX. Commencing on the River side Road in lot number thirty-four in the eleventh concession, then north ijighteen and a half chains to north side of concession line which divides the eleventh and twelfth concessions and crossing said line five and a half chains westerly to the south-west angle of lot number thirty-four in twelfth concession, then north twenty-five degrees east seventeen and a half chains to Old Road, then along said Road thus ; north eighty-seven degrees east four chains, then north sixty-nine degrees east si>: chains, then north sixty-tb'?e degrees cast fourteen and a half chains, then north eighty-seven K degrees rfi.'((iSW»l*Ootu-« »n r;!;! I ^ fi I. I': .«2 Appendix. ]862. degrees east ten chains to the Bay, then north sixty degrt'es east two and a half chains along the Bay, north seventy-eight degrees east sixteen chains to tlie Bridge over the Creeic, ending on oast side thereof, then south ftity-three dfijrees easi six chains, then south eighty degrees oust four chains, ending on line with Grist Mill, then on Allowrmce between lots thirty-six and thirty-seven in twelfth eonce.^sion winding from Allowance westerly around a large pool of water till it crosses on Allow- ance again four rods from the waters edge ; the .-^aid lluad to be sixty-six feet wide, the marked line to he tlie centre of the one Road, and on west side of the Allowance on the other. — '^^(Sm:^ — INDEX. •*ll!:t;'"!-i1-)l»**«IM»I«?«»<»!' MM . ..Ui.^^XiOJ---'" 1863. EBRATA The following Clauses have been omitled from By-law No. 25, of which they form a part : — BE IT ENACTED— That the Townships of Galway, Snowdea and Minden, in the County of Pcterboro', and Lutterworth and Anson, in the County of Vietoria, be, and they are hereby formed into an independent union of Townships for Municipal purposes.— i/. C. P. Sf V. By-Law 1 19, 18j9. Be it enacted, Uiat the Township of Garden shall be separated from the Township ofEldon,and shall be a distinct and separate Municipality.— (7. C. P. ^ V. By-law 162, ISJJ. Be enaetcil, that the Township of Stanhope shall be attached to tl .uiited Townships of Galwav, Snowden, Minden, Lutter- wort.- and Anson.— (/. C. P. Sf V. By-law HU, I8GI. Be it enacted, that the Township of Galway shall be separated from the Municipality of Galway, Snowdcn, Minden, Stanhope, Lutterworth and Anson, and shall be a separate and distinct Municipality.- C/. C. P. d; V. By-law 178, 1«UI. Be it enacted, that the Townships of Lutterworth and Anson shall be separated from the Muni(Mi)ality of Galway, Snowden, Minden, Sianhope, Luturworth and Anson, and shall be here- after a distinct and sejjarate Municipality under the name of the united Townshi|)s of Lutterworth and Anson. — U. C. P. 8f V. By-law 180, 1801. In By-law No. 9, pai^e 16, for " William Scott, Esquire," under the head of " for tin; Norwood County Grammar School," read " Waller Scott, Esquire." 13 1 i: ■ ft ' I: 1^ 1=3 1 '-m^^ \'»l'^i'!'|w|MHW.sted in Thonia« Fife 31 Between east halves of lotw fourteen and fifteen in fourth concession, Dnnimer, vested in James Finlay 32 BOARDS OF EDUCATION ESTABLISHED 14 Lindsay Grannnnr School Circuit Number One " Peterborough, do " Two " Norwood do " Three " Oakwood, do " Four 15 Omeniee do " B'ive " BRIDGE AT BOBCAYG EON— Removal of. 18 BY-LAWS CONSOLIDATED 3 COUNTY OFFICERS 9 Clerk, Duties of « Treasurer 10 give security " " Duties of. ...*. ,, " Clerk and Treasurer, Salary of 10 Auditors, when appointed e " do Duties of , ♦...,.... " do Salary of , . , " K* Jailor 'lie^'Mi-L.' 'm^ if; !■ i i( i) 1 k '^'1 11. Index, 1862. PAGE. Jailor, Salary of ..*..• 10 do Duties of 11 Matron, Salary of. " Turnkey do " Local Superintendents of Schools 17 Auditors " Sub-Treasurers of School Moneys. " Inspectors of Weights and Measures " COMMITTEE, STANDING, appointed 36 DEBENTURES,— By-law to issue 26 Amount required to pay loan 27 Value of Ratable Property. " Special Rate fixed " Interest payable half-yearly 28 Special Rates to be levied over and above ordinary Rates . " Appropiiation of Money ^' GRAMMAR SCHOOL TRUSTEES APPOINTED. ...... 15 Cider of retirement from ofiicc " Peterborough Grammar School Trustees " Lindsay do do 16 Norwood do do " Oakvvood do do , " Omemee do do " HAWKERS, PEDLARS AND AUCTIONEERS 18 Required to take out License. . . . . < " Price of License 19 County Clerk to procrrj form of License " Constables may seize Tlavv'uus, Fcdlars, &c 20 Proceedings thereupon , «, , " Form of License 21 HALL, GEORGE BARKER,— Street vested in 32 Exchange of Roads » , . . . 33 INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 13 Council to appoint each year " Inspectors to make tvi'o tours annually " do may alter certain weights '' do to be governed by statute " do allowance to *' JURORS,— To prcvide pay for 11 LANDS SOLD FOR TAXES, to be rcconveyed to Original Owners ..... 35 LOCK»UP HOUSES, where established 36 MONAGHAN MO Mc] PU PI s: tro-MtyijwJilw m i I [ Wn iiiiiMmi H i i i . i ii i i ti mum 1862. PAGE. 10 11 (( u 17 (( u (( 36 I « t 26 .. 27 u u 28 ary 15 (( (( 16 u (( 18 (( 19 (( 20 u n 32 33 13 « <;< (( (( 11 i)i^^M>. vumfVuumHHimiim mttnmta mt* 1862. PAGE. C (( 7 (( K (( (( « U 8 i( (( (( (( (( «iiwwi""iw™r» ti. ind*x» 1862. 'I PAGE. £MiLYt — Road in lot six in second concession, closed 64 do New Road established in lot six in second con. ..." do Oil lot twelve in first concession " do Between lots numbers nine and ten in ninth con. . . 67 do Between lots twenty and twenty-one and across twenty-one in seventh concession " do On lots seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty in the fourth concession • 71 do Road in fourth concession stopped up 1Z F.NNisMonE. — On lots eighth in the fourth and fifth cons 50 Fenelox — From Fem^lon Falls to the twenty-sixth lot in the eleventh concession 43 do Approach to the Bridge 5 1 do Across lots twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four in seventh and eighth concessions 55 do From Colborne street to the landing in the Town Plot in Fenelon Falls 5U do From Allowance of Road between lots twenty- five and twenty-six in fifth concession to Fene- lon Falls Road on lot twenty-three in sixth con. 63 do Roads in Fenelon from Fenelon Falls to the Townships cf Eldon and Ops, altered 66 do Across the township from Fenelon Falls to Ops.. 68 do From posts five and six in tenth concession lo Sturgeon Lake 71 do Across parts of lots nineteen and twenty in fourth concession • " Mariposa. — From lot twenty in third concession to the Grist Mill 56 do On lot nineteen in the fifth concession 67 do From the southern boundary line at the south- west angle of lot thirteen in first concession, to the north-east angle of fifteen on line be- tween second and third concessions 61 do Through lot twenty and part twenty-one in seventh concession 63 MoNAOHAN— Between seven and eight in the eleventh con. 47 do Continuation of i^ylmer Street, Peterborough, to north-east corner of Park lot eight in lot fourteen, twelfth concession 67 do Adjoining the Town of Peterborough • 70 Ops. — Road on ninth^ concession through lots five and six, dosed '....,.... 42 On lots five and six in the ninth concession. " On lot four in the seventh concession " Order of Quarter Sessions establishing a Road through ninth and other concessions, annulled " On lots four in the second and third concessions 43 Tiirough lots nineteen and twenty, in tenth and eleventh concessions .•«...... • . . > • 61 Ops. UtHH 1862. PAGE. » • . • 64 (C • • « • [t > • • n... 67 :'ros3 • • • • tvin .'. . . 71 • • • • I C .... 50 In the •••. 13 • • . . o t -four .... %JO li'own .... 5() enty. '"ine- 1 con. 63 the .. 66 :)|)s.. 68 ion to 71 fourth " 1 Grist 56 67 south- ssion, le be- > . . . * 61 ne in 63 con . 47 oufrh, in lot • . . * 07 ...• 70 J six, .... 42 .... (( .... rough . • • . . ... 43 and . . . . 61 Ops. 1862. Index. I'AUE. Ops. — Throngh part of lot twoniy-fonr in fourth conccH- sion, to the old r«)!ul leailing froui Lindsay to Fenclun 63 Old Road annulled " Across part of lot twenty-nine in tliird conc'essiim. ... 70 Otonabee.— Across second concession l)cl\veen lols poven- teen und (.'i^^'hleen 41 Across ninih concession between lols seven- teen and ei^'liteen 41 Between twenty-nine and thirty in third concession 53 On the twenlv-sevenih in tin! fourth concession " Across tile lil'ili and sixili eoncessi»)ns, and through twenty and twenty-one in seventh coneession *' Throni?!. tw< nfv-six and twentv-seven in the third concession > " Throuij;li lots twjnty-livo and twenly-six in tweli'th concession 55 On lot twenlv-two in thirteenth ecineession. ... *' Acro.^^s l<'nili concession iu'tv/een i<»ts twenty- tC'ven and twenty-eiL,r|it 57 From the noiiI:-eusl an-j^le lot twenty in fourth conception to vouth-west an:r!e lot cii'liteen sixth eo:l'.".'^':°icn " Road on lot twcnly-ilir.'c ami twen'y-four in fourtli eonet.'s^ion, closed 65 Across west half of lot twenty-four in fourth concession . " Across lots eleven and tw«'lv(> in tiiirt(;enth coneesMitin, and fourteen ami lit'ieen in tweli'th conce.-.vion '* Between lots thirty and thirty-one in thirteenth conceission by takin;^ tliirly-tliree feet olF each .' « Across |)art of the west halves of sixteen and seventeen in tlie sf^'enth concession 70 On lot thirty in thirt(;enth concession 73 On lot thirteen in the seventh coneession 73 On lots thirty, thirty-one and thirty-two in sixth concession 74 On lots sixteen and seventeen in fourteenth and fifteenth concessions " On lots twenty-two and tweniy-thne in the eighth concession 75 L l*KrKUBOROUGH vu. 1>I n IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. 1.0 I.I I4£|28 |2.5 1^ Itt |2.2 lU lU 140 2.0 1.25 1.4 16 ■* 6" ► ^ V] <^ /}. m /: e^. > .0^ 7 ^ Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 eifli!p|.«IWW«-ti»iJW!iJll I. I ( 11 ♦ I li nil. Index. 1862. PAGE. Peterborough, (Town) — Between Hunter and Brock streets east of Church lot 38 Diversion of Rivor where it cuts Dalhousie and Ueorgc Streets 54 Commencing or^ Allowance for Road be- tween lots seven and ci^'lit north Hunter street, oast Water street, to Hall's Mills.. 68 From Smith to Stewart streets aeross lot, twelve 64 From Hunter street to Slmcoc street 71 Smith. — Order of Quarter Sessions fur Road througii seventh and other concessions annulled 41 Road on boundary betrvcon lots twelve and thirteen in seventh concessiui , closed 42 Another Road substituted " From Peterborough to Huckhom Rapids , 48 Between twenty-lifth and twenty-sixth in the seventh concession 53 AUoWiUice between thirty-six and thirty-seven in the twcU'ih coneession, altered 54 Between lots twenty-eight, tweniy-nine and thirty in the twelfth and lliirleenth eoncessions 60 Road through pari of lots seventeen and eighteen in seventh concession, closed. . • 64 Across part of lot ten in foiuih concession 69* Across tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth eon- cessions between lots twenty-one and twonly-two from the travelled road to Muil Lake 73. On lot fifteen in the seventh concession . . . . " Old Road closed up " Verulam — From north-east angle of lot twenty-six first con- cession to Fenelon Falls Road 38 From lot eighteen first oonc(>ssion Verulam, across lots eiiiiiteen in the tenth and eleventh conces- sions Fenelon to Sturgeon Lake 40 From Allowance of Road between lots fifteen and sixteen on the boundary line between Verulam and Fenelon to the shore of Sturgeon Lake. .. " From south-west angle of the east half sixteen in the second concession, to Sturgeon Lake at Sandy Point " Through part of lot number one in the third con- cession 4t From Bobcaygeon to Fenelon Falls 44 Branch 9ifei«^!«!w-«'(i(i«ftaw«afeB«t!!ilW5'WV* rasiiiiiisii 48 63 54 60 186^. ^^<^^^' PAGE. Vkrulam— Branch Road through part of the Townships of Verulam and Fenelon to B'cnelon Falls 45 Road from Bobcaygoon to Fenelon Falls annulled " From Emily Creek in Verulam to the boundary of Harvey 4S On the eleventh lot in the sixlh concession, Ver- ulam ' 43 From the north-oast angle of lot four in the second concession acri)ss an angle of Fenelon to the twenly-third lot of the seventh conces- sion of Ops 50 From the Bridge at Bol)caygi'on to connect the Road leading to Fenelon Falls at post sixteen and seventeen in ninth coneossion 61 From line between eiglitli and ninth concessions, at post seventeen and .-ighteen to the line be- tween fifth and sixth concessions at post six- teen and seventeen " From first concession Verulam to Sturgeon Point in Fenelon 66 IXi 64 69. Priuted at ihe Office of the " Peterborough Review." 73. ". 38 (( ti