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Tcus les autres exempiaires originaux sont film6s en commenqant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apoaraTtra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — »>signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole y signifie "FfN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seui clich6, il est fiimd A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en has, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. ta ure. ] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 FORMS, REGULATIONS, AND INSTRUCTIONS i" FOR vM?' MAKING REPORTS, AND CONDUCTING ALL THE NECE: SARY PROCEEDINGS UNDER THE ACT " 7th VICTORIA, CAP. XXIX. ' T*;i AMD rOR THX am^cr'i:-'}- BETTER ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT ^niT or COMMON SCHOOLS *.• IN CANADA WEST. '<>ni :(" • >;/.:'-;!s«' BY THE CHi£F SUPERINTENDENT OF COIVrMON SCHOOLS. COBOURG: PRINTED^ AT THB OFFICE OF " THE COBOITRG STAR." 1845. ■sr- f .-T )^^ ' »" ..'' -t i':"-^'<" a' '*■-•'■: ^•i s^'.f,- i. ,.■• • J .- »„ DIRECTIONS TO DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS, FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE FORMS, REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS. A Copy of the Forms, Regulations and Instructions, should be sent to each District Warden, Counsellor and Clerk, and to each Township, Town and City Superintendent and Clerk, and a copy to the Trustees of each School District, and also two copies for the use of the Teachers in each Township, to the charge of the Township Clerk. The copies for the District Warden, Counsellors and Clerk, should be sent to the District Clerk for distribution. The copies for the Township, Town and City Superintendents, Clerlfj, School Trustees and Teachers, should be sent to the Township, Town and City Superintendents, for distribution. These Forms should be held as official property, and transmit, ted to successors in office, along with the other hooka and papers connected with Common Schools. If District Superintendents find that they have a few more copies than what is required by the above directions, they should retain them to supply occasional demands. ■'#^l/^l»v '^^j -h-i^fim^r^ HI) '^ ■>j^;?ti} yf r ^' H ■ '■ . ...-. . . ... - ... -t" " . *" _ ""'.' t '• ■ -■ ■ 'J t , 4 It ■ •:,;'tu.„-^- Forms, Regulations and Instrnctions. is.JV,'0;l The following Forms, Regulations and Instructions, for m-v king Reports, and conducting the necessary proceedings under the School Act, 7th Victoria, cap. 29, and for the better organi- zation and go\'ernnnent of Common Schools, have been prepared by and under the direction and authority of the Chief Superin- tendent, in terms of the 6th section of the said Act. 1st formula— VIII. Section. Fomi of a Power of Attorney by ike District or County Superin- tendent of Common Schools to some person at the Seat of Go- vernment, to draw the apportionment of the Provincial Grant. I hereby authorize [here insert the Attomey^s name and desig- nation] to receive all moneys now due, or which may hereafter become due, to me, by Her Majesty's Government, and to grant acquittance for the same. ^. Signed in duplicate, j: • At — — — this — day of 18 — . A B , District [or County] Sup't. N. B.— -By appointing the Cashier ofaii)'' of the Chartered Banks at the Seat of Government as Attorn- y, the mone)' can be received at the Branch of that Bank most convenient to the Su- perintendent, without expense ; and so long as the same Attorney is continued, the power <^oes not require to be renewed. But the Attorney cannot rieceive money from the Government until the account, in duplicate, of the disbursement of the money previ- ously received, accompanied by the vouchers, is sent in to tlie Inspector-General. ' • - :. . ,, 2d formula— IX. Section. Form, of IntimaHon hy the District or County Superintendent to the [Township, Town, or City] Superintendents, of the receipt of money. Sit, — I have to actjuainl you that the sum of——— appor- tioned to your [To7mship, Town, or City,] by the Chief Superin- tendent of Common Schools from the Provincial Grant for the year 18 — , in accordance With the {School Act, 7th Vic. cap. 29, is now in rtiy hands and subject to your orders. i am, sir, your obedient servant, A-^-— B— — , Sup't District [or County.] C;ii:=-^ D-*-;--, Sup't of Common Schools, vf/; .[ Township, Town, or City] of » ! '. N. B. — This intimation should be given to all the Superintend- ents within the District, or County, immediately upon receiving the money. 3rd formula— XI. Section. Form of Notice of the apportionment of the Provincial Grant. Sir : I have to acquaint you that the sum of [here state tlie sum] has been apportioned to your [TovmsMp, Town, or City, as the case may be] by the Chief Superintendent of Common Scliools, from the Provincial Grant for the year 18 — , in accord* ance with the School Act, 7th Victoria, cap. 29. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A B -, Sup't District [or Countif\. C— — D ■, [Tovmship, Toum, or City Sup't. as the case may be]. N. B. — Until the Township Councils are established, this notice should be sent to the Town and City Clerks, and a copy of the whole apportionment to the District should be sent to the District Clerk, that he may lay it before the first meeting of the Municipal Council, as that body at present, under the 68th section, have the whole power of raising the Assessment ; and the provisions of the 12th section apply to them. It is also recommended, until Township Councils are estab- lished, that the above notice should be sent to each Township Superintendentf instead of the Township Clerk, as there can be no such Clerk as the law contemplates till the Township Coun, oils are instituted. Besides, it is necessary for Township Super, intendents to have early notice of the apportionment to enable them to make and intimate the division among the School Dis- tricts, as required in the fourth division of the 14th section of the Act, and without which apportionment being made known to the Trustees, they cannot make out the Quarterly Rate Bills. The Superintendents, in making apportionments to School Districts, should attend to the 18th and 19th sections. 4th formula — XIV. Section, 7th Divisiojf. Form oj a Certrficaie of Qualifcaiion to a Teacher from a [TotDn- ship, Town, or City] Superintendent. 1 hereby certify that [here insert the naw.e\ of the [Roman Ca- tliolic or Protestant faith, as the case may be,J having applied for a certificate of qualification to teach a Common School, and ha- ving produced satisfactory testimonials of correct moral charac- ter, was taken upon trial by me, and found well qualified to teach [here insert the branches which the teacher is well qualifed to give instructions in, [and is hereby authorized to teach any Common School within the [Township, Toum, or City] of ■ > for one year from and after the date hereof* Given under my hand this — day of————, 18 — . A—— B ■ , Siip't of Comnon Schools, [Township, <^c.] of' N. B. — It is recommended that no Superintendent do giant a certificate of qualification to any person, unless found competent txD teach English grammatically, Writing, Vulgar Arhhmetic, Book-keeping, and Geography, excepting under very peculiar circumstances, by the District or County Superintendent, as a particular certificate. It isalso rpcommended tlwi. School Trus- tees should be careful to select and encourage t'le best qualified Teachers. (See N. B. under 17th Formula.) 5th formula.— XIV. Section, Bth Division. Form of Iniimalion of a Superintendent's intention to annul a Teacher^ s certificate of qualification. Sir, (or Madam :) It is my painful duty to acquaint you, that your certificate of qualification as a Common School Teacher uill be cancelled on the — day of 18 — , being — weeks from this date, for the following reasons \1iereinsert the reasons'], and that your claim to any interest in the School Fund in this [Toxcinship, Town, or City] will then cease. Given under my hand this — dav of , 18 — . A B-^, Sup't of C. S. . B C , Teacher, No. — School District. 6th FORMULA— XIV. Section, 8th Division. Form of Inlimation to Trustees of a Superintendent's intention to annul tha certificate of their Teacher. Gen'Ti.emex : It is my painful duty to a-cquaint you that the certificate of qualification granted to [here insert the Teachers tmmc] as a Common School Teacher, and who is now in your School district, will be cancelled on the — day of 18 — , being weeks from this date, for the following reasons [here insert the same reai^ons as in the notice to the Teacher] and that your claim to any fijrther interest in the School Fund rn his ac- count will then cease. Given under my hand this — dav of 18 — . A B Sup't C. S. . Mesffre. A. B., C. D., E, P., Trustees, No. — School District. N. B. Care should be taken that these notices be duly fur- nished to the above parties o.t least six weeks previous to the an- nulling of the certificate, at>d also that the charges against the Teacher are properly substantiated, and of a nature sufiicient to justify such a proceeding. I 7th FORMULA— XIV. Sectioic, 8th Division. Form of Memorial by Teachers receiving notice of the intention of the Superintendent to annul their certificates, and appealing their case to the decision of the District or County Supcrin- tendent. To the Superintendent of Common Schools for the District [or Cofinty] of ^' The Memorial o([here insert the Teacher^s'name] Common School i^^. . Teacher in No. — School District [Township, Tou^n, or ^hvi''; City] of , humbly sheweth : That your Memorialist has been served with a notice from [here insert the Superintendent's name] Superintendent of Common " I Schools in this [Township, Town, or Cily] intimating that my cer- tificate as a Common School Teacher shall be cancelled on and after the — day of 18 — , for the following reasons [here state the reasons in the Superintendent' a notice]. Your Memorial- ist considers himself [or herself] aggrieved by their decision, be- cause [here state lie grounds rf objection to the decision]. On these grounds your Memorialist appeals the whole case to your review, in the confident hope that you will see good cause to re- verse the decision of the Superintendent: and your Memo- rialist shall ever pray. Dated this — day of , 18 — . N. B. — The Superintendent receiving such a Memorial should at his earliest convenience inquire carefully into the case, which will in general be most satisfactorily done on the spot. He should therefore direct the Trustees to call a School Meeting for that special purpose, in a legal manner, to meet in the School house on the given day and hour, when he would attenJ. The Trustees should also be directed to request the [Township, Sfc] Superintendent and the Teacher to be present, the one to vindi- cate his decision, and the other to substantiate his objections. The Superintendent having fully investigated the case should either confirm the decision appealed from, or set it aside, as he may see just cause. But if he has doubts as to the decision he should come to, he may send in a correct statement of the case (0 the Education Office for an opinion before giving his decision. 8th FORMULA— XV. Section. Form of the Annual Report by the Township, Tovm, or City Su- perintendents to the District or County Superintendents. Annual Report of Comnaon Schools in the [Toionship, Town, or City] of to the [District or County] Sup't of . I [here insert the Superintendent's name], Superintendent of Comnson Schools in the [Township, Tovm or City] of , in the District [or County] of , in Canada West, in terms of the Act 7th Victoria, cap. 29, do hereby report and certify that ^!5" the number of School disi riots in the said [Township, Town, or CUy] is [here imert the number in worda] and the number of parts of School districts therein/is [here write the number]. That the number of School districts which have reported for the year end* ing on the 31st Decomber last is [here write the number], and the number of pa 'Is of School districts which have reported is [here write the number], and that the following is a correct abstract from these Reports : ^struct from Reports of Scliooi Trustees in the [Township, Town or City] of ir.. to c o» o* OD O o o o o CD W OS c OD O o c; I I tS 09 H- t4 O) o s o so- w O SO 09. o ?s 03 a a o o f 09 W OS •-3 I— I OS ta O H • !> 03 o 09 o O I— I w 09 W ^ 9 I t- 9 I Ui I JS CJi 05 CD O) ~ ra ^ c<5 M H* O o o Oi i >(^ I »- I •P' JO w o ?o ►*! O SO SO QQ O >n OQ o a o o r OQ 50 I— I O 09 8- t^ Mlj-' ^-H- O o a> O OS Jo?' tS 09 to O *:bs CO rfk ts CO 05 CO O) Ui CZ) CO s^ QD w Oi O o o c o 9° bj iO 03 4^ O 1-^ »f^ o o H" to !—♦ 05 ►-" -^ O CC CO OS to H- I M »^ H' I t9 Jo CO I O No. of School DistrictB. No. of Schools Re ported. Time the School has been open. I'ime open under a quali- fied Teacher. Amount of School Faud paid to Teachers on or- ders from the Trustees in each School District., Amount raised by Rate Bills or otherwise, and paid to Teachersin each School District. Total amount paid to quali fied Teachers in each School District. Balance in the Superin tendent's hands belong- ing to each School Dis't Number u. children, 5 to 16, taught. Number of children, 5 to 16, in each School Dis't. Ti mes the School visited by Township, &c. Sup'nt. Times the School visited by District Superintendent Free Schol's in each Sch'l Number of Certificates an- nulled. Numbor oi Certificates granted. ^__„_ I further report and certify that the balance reraaiping in my r I 1 .1 8 hands at the date of last report was £> ; that the whole amount of public money received from the [pislrict or County] Superintendent for this [Township, Town, or City] for the year ending on the 31st December last, is £-— - ; also the amount received during said year from the [To^cnsliip, Totcn or City] Collector [or Treasurer], is £ , [and if money has been recei- ved from any other source for School purposes, here slate the amount and whence received], amounting altotrether to [here write the whole amount in words]. Out of the abovo there has been ap- portioned and paid, as stated in the above Schedule, the sum of £ , and that here remains in my hands at this date a ba- lance of [here state the balance in icords] which balance remains on account of [here state the reasons why a balance remains in your hands.] :.« < Gi'fen under my hand at this 1st day of Jan'y, 18 — . A B , Sup't of C. S. C D , Sup't of C. S. District [or County] of ■ N. B. — The reasons for a balance in the hands of the Superin- tendent will generally be owing to some School Districts not ha- ving complied with the requirements of the Act, as shewn in the above abstract. Where there are parts of districts, as shewn in the abstract, the Report should only give what belongs to the par- ticular Township, Town or City, reported. But in these cases, the Townships, &c. in which the other part or parts of the dis- tricts are situated, should be stated in a note at the end of the Report. Wherever there are Schools in any City or Town established by any By-law or By-laws of the Council, or Board of Police, under the authority of the 52d and 53d sections of the Act, of which there are three classes, Ist class being free Schools, 2d class being Schools exacting a stipulated rate of fees, and the 3d class partly free and partly exacting fees, they should be entered under their respective classes as shown in the above abstract. A Female School under the 2d or 3d class is very desirable. When there is no report from a School district for any year, the number of children residing therein should be given accord- ing to the last Report from that district, and the same number should be used in making the next apportionment. When there has not been a School in operation for a year in a School district, the Superintendent should also state in a note the reason of the vacancy. If a Teacher's certificate has been annulled, state in a note the substance of the ground for doing so. The Superintendent should also give in his report any other information respecting education which he inay consider to be of importance. ^^rr 9th formula— XVI. AND XXXI. Sections. Form of Bond by a District, Covnfv, Township, Town, or City Superintendent of Comrron Schodi. Know all men by these presents, that we [here insert the names of the Superintendent and his sureties] are jointly hehl and firmly bound to [here insert the District, Counhj, Township, Tovm or City to which the Superintendent hashccn elected] in the sum of [here insert the sum agreed upon by the Council, Court of Wardens, err Board of Police, of which sum I,A.B., am held bound for -•; I, B. C, am held bound for ; I, D. E.,am heldbound for ] to be paid to [the Council of said District, Township, Town or City, or (he Court of Wardens of said County, or to the Board of Police of said Town, as the case may Ac] or to any per- son or persons appointed by them to receive the same, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind and oblige ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this — day of 18 — . . The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the aboro named [here insert the Superintendent'' s name] has been appointed Superintendent of Common Schools for the above named [here insert the name of the District, County, or Township, ^c] in con. formity with the [14th or 29th] section of the Act 7tb Victoria, cap. 29 ; now therefore, if ho the said [here insert the Superinten- dents name] shcLll duly and faithfully discharge the duties and execute the trusts required of him as Superintendent of Common Schools in said , then tliis obligation shall be null and void ; otherwise in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and delivered in presen'^e of A.N. D. C. N, B. — When the law, contemplated in the School Act, for constituting County Courts of Wardens and Township Councils, comes into force, the Bond for a County Superintendent will be to the County, and payable to the Court of Wardens, and the Bond for a Township Superintendent will bo to the Township, and payable to the Township Council, as the law now provides, and therefore the contemplated change should be provided for in the Bond, and the form may be varied according to circum- stances. A — - B B— - C C— - D- 10th FORMULA— 18th Skction. Form of Notice to School Trustees of the alteration of the School District without their consent. Sir: In conformity with the requirements of the 17th section of the Common School Act, 7th Victoria, cap. 29, I hereby ac- 11 i! ■s ***iwriaiite*,;*/ '3 u Pi ame of Teacher to whom paid on order from the Trustees. • a 0) a t paid to each ser on order from 'rustees. 1 9 O > *■* 5 O 1 .. ..Ml. ■ o e o V § S o O d £ Q %M ols in the [Toumship, Toion or City'] of by the Council on the — day of , 18 — . A B— — , IDislrict, Township, Toion or City] Clerk. B C , Sup't of C. S. [District ov Coimtj/] of . N. B. — These notices should be given by the Clerk of the Council making the appointment. 13th formula— XXVIII. Section. Form of intimating a vacancy ir, the Office of' Township, Tmen or City Superintendent, to the District or County Superintendent, by the Township, Tuum or City Clerk. Dated this — day of' 18—. Sir : I have the honour to acquaint you that the office of {Township, Townor City] Superintendent of Common Schools in Uie [Township, Town or City] of , became vacant on the — day of 18 — , by the [death, resignation or removal] of A. B-, the former Superintendent. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obed't serv't. B— — A , [Township, Town or City] Clerk of B—^-^ C— — , Sup't of C. S. [District or County] of . 4 ; tit 14th formula— XXX. Section. -^ Form of intimating to the Chief Superintendent the appointtneni ;f:i^j [District or County] of • ■■;■<■'.; -"■•W'Ai.J ^*'.- ii'V^te'. 17th formula— XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. Sections. Form of Special Certijicate to a Teacher by the District or County Superintendent. I hereby certify that [here insert the Teacher^s name, a Ro- nw,n CalhoU: or Protestant, as the case may be] having applied for a certificate of qualification to teach a Common School, and ha< ving produced satisfactory testimonials of correct moral charac- ter, was taken on trial by nr.e, and upon careful examination was found qualified to teach [here insert thebranches Hie Teacher is qualified to teach], and is hereby authorized to teach any Com- mon School in the [Township, Town or City] of [or, the ScJiool No. — in the Township, Town or City of . ■ ., as the case may be], for one year from and after the date hereof. Given under my hand this — day of , 18—. A B ., Sup't of C. S. ' [District or County] of . N. B. — Wherever the moral character and literary qualifica- tions of the Teacher stand high, the certificate should be gene- ral ; but where they are not so satisfactory, the certificate should be special and limited to a Township; and where they are still less satisfactory, they should be limited to a particular School district, and that too at the special request of the Trustees there- of, otherwise the Superintendent would be usurping the power legally vested in the Trustees. The reason for stating in the certificate the Teacher's reli- gious faith is, on account of the permission granted for separate Schools under the 55th and 56th sections of the Act. (See N. B. under 4th Formula.) l! I 1 I I ^i: 1" ■ t ; : i a Ro. 18th formula— XXXV. Section. Formjbr annulling a Teacher^s Ceriificate. Sib, [or Madam :] It is my painful duty to acquaint you that it is my inteatioa to annul your certi&cate as. a Common School u J i ill) 'iiii Hi Teacher in -^ days from this date, being the — day of -— , 18 — , for tlw following reasons Ihere insert the reasons]. The*- reasons appear to me to be just cause for discontinuing you as a Teacher of youth in ihe [^District or County'} of •■■ \ am, your obedient servant, A B , Sup't of C. S. {District or County} of . G D , Teacher of the C.S. No. — [Totonship d'Clof——^. 19th formula— XXXV. Section. v Form (^ Notice to Trustees hy the District or County Superinten- deht of his intention to annul their Teacher's Certijlcate, Gentlemen: It is my painful duty to acquaint you that it is my intention to annul the certificate of {here insert the Teacher's name} in — days from this date, being the — day of , 18 — , jorthe following: reasons {here insert the same reasons as given to the Teacher}. These reasons appear to atford a just cause for such a measure. I have also to acquaint you that if the said Teacher is continued by you after the above date, you will not be entitled to any of the public money on his account for the support of your School. Your most obedient servant, ■ . •■ A B — ■ — , Sup't of C. S., {District or Countyl of——. Messrs. A. B., C. D., E. F., Trustees of S. D. No. — .' 20th FORMULA— XXXV. Section. Form of annulling a Teacher's Certificate to be filed, in the Cleric's Office, Know all men by these presents, that I [here insert the Super- intendent's name} Superintendent of Common Schools in and for the {District or County} of , by virtue of the power vested in me by the 35th section of the Act 7ih Victoria, cap. 29, do hereby, from and after the date hereof, annul the certificate of {here insert the Teacher's name}, Teacher of the Common School No. ^*- in the {Totvnship, Town or City} of — — in this {District or County} for the following reasons {here insert the reasons stated in the notice to the Teacher}. You are required and authorized to file this deed in your office for preservation, and for the infor- mation of all whom it may concern. And you are further re- quired to give notice of the filing of this deed to the above named Teacher, and to Messrs. A. B., C. D., E. P., the Trustees of his School district, with the least poysible delay. Dated this — dav of , 18—. " '' >:' .^ -■■ v.. -r. 'a B , Sup't of C.S. B. {District or County} of • Clerlt [Toionship^c.} of . ^55^! N. B. — Although the law permita District or County Super, inteildents to annul the certificates of Teachers afVer ten days' notu^, yet as this is the very shortest notice which the Statute permits, it is recommended, except in cases of gross immorality, that the intimation should be given six weeks previous to the certificate being annulled, as required of the Township Super- intendent. It is also recommended that ihe Superintendent should inquire carefully into the charges against the Teacl>er, and if he sees cause, to institute an investigation of these ohargea before the Township &c. Superintendent and the School Trus- tees, in presence of the Teacher, giving the Teacher an opportu- nity of defending himself, previous to issuing the intimation of the intention to annul the certificate. This is nothing more than what is due to any of Her Majesty's subjects, and cannot surely be denied to the Teachers of youth. before they are discarded from their profession, and a charge filed against them in a pub- lic office. ;>',:••,...-■ :3 ■:- -'''Z .-- -: 21sT FORMULA— XXXV. Section, Form of Notice to a Teacher that the Deed annulling his Ceriijicate has been filed in the Clerk's Office. Sir, [or Madam :] I am commanded by the [District or Coun- iy] Superintendent to acquaint you that the deed annulling your certificate of qualification as a Common School Teacher in this [District or County] from and after the — day of 18 — , for reasons previously intimated to you, is now filed in this Of- fice. . I am, Sir, [or Madani], your obed't servant, A B— — , ITovmship, Town or City'] Clerk of ■ C- — D ., No. — School District, [Township, 4*c.] of • '"■ 22kd FORMULA— XXXV. Section. Form of Notice to tlie Trustees that the Deed annulling ihe Certu ficate of their Teacher is filed in the Cleric's Office. Gentlemen : I am commanded by the [District or County] Superintendent to acquaint you that the deed annulling the cer- tificate of [here insert the Teacher s name], Teacher in your School district, fr-^-n and after the — day of 18—, for reasons previously intimated to you, is now filed in this Office. I am, Gentlemen, your obod't servant, A—- — B , [Township Sj'C.]C\Bx\ioi . Messrs. A. B.,C. D.,E.F., Trustees of School District No. — in — ' — . N. B. — The Clerk should date these notices at his office, antl forward them to the respective parties without delay. Mil! ■ ■ w ! # » m i;r„v<^.^^,,,E 23d FORMULA— XL. Section. -,;* M Form o f A nnual Repo rt hj Dist. or County Stipt. to th» Chi^ SuperinUnd'i . Annual Report to the Chief Sup't by the Sup't of the IDistrict 9r County"] of -for the year ending on the'ilst day of December, 18 — . ^ Total in Diet, or County. Portland, Total, Loborough, 1 Total, Pittsburgh, Total, T'n Kingston Total, Kingston, Total, Name of the Township, Town or City. ' hO*-' tS^ K>i-' K)<-'' ta 1— No. of the School District. r- ?- ?- fa. Pa Titne the School has been open §"- r- r- ?- Time open under a qualified Teacher. ^ 05 g O o Number of Children from 5 to 16 taught. >— • O o Number of Children from 5 to 16 in each School District. CO to Oi Amount raised by local assess- ment in the several Town- ships in support of Schools. CO 1— ' Oi c en OD o CO OS op Amount of the Scbl. Fund-paid to Teacher on order from the Trustees in each Schl. Dist. It-' to cc to 24 6 8 en g CO Amount raised by Rate Bills or otherwise in. each School District. t— ' en «o CO Oi 00 en S CO Amount paid to qualified Teach- er from Rate Bills in each School District. 17 7 5 r- Balance in the Township Su- perintendent's hands for each School District. r^ Balance in the District or Coun- ty Superintendent's handefor each Township. K- M i— 1 l£ CO No. of times the School visited by Township Superintendent *-< H- I—' h- »£ No. of times School visited by Pist. or County Superin'dt. ►-J ^-t H^ h-* h- No. of Certificates granted bj* Township Superintend't. >— h- )-■ lir' 1— ' No. of Certificates granted by District or County Sup't l-J No. of Certificates annulled by Township Superintendent H- No. ot Certificates annulled by Dist. or County Superin'dt. • •8 • '5* cm o oq o g. Opinion of district or County Sup't of the manner Schools are conducted. In the preceding Formula, all the School Districts in each Township, Town and City should be entered, with th*? particulars required, and the total given. The balance in the bands of the District or County Superintendent should be given in the line, showing the total in each Township, Tow.i, or City, and not op- posite any particular School District. If a Teach'jr's certificate has been annulled by the District or Cou,nty Superintendent, give in a note, the name of the Teacher, vthere he taught, and the reasons lor annulling it. Give also the name of Teachers whose certificates have been annulled by the Township, Town, or City Superintendents in your District or County, the No. of their School Districts, and the grounds for that proceedinnr. State also, if any, and which of these cases have been appealed to you, and wiiether you have confirmed or reversed the decision, and why. State also whatevp- you may conceive to be of advantage for promoting the more perfect es- tablishment and organization of Common Schools. The Annual Report should be sent to the Education Office, West, on or before the 10th day of April in each year, and da- ted on the 1st of January of tiiat year. ^ ^ ;•• ' 24t^i FORMULA—XLII. Section. Intimation hy the Superintendent of a School District Meeting. By virtue of the power vested in rm as Superintendent of Common Schools in the [Township, Town, or City] of by the 14th and 42d sections of the School Act, 7th Victoria, cap. 29, i hereby call upon the Freeholders and Householders of School district No. — , to hold a School meeting at in the said School district on the — day of , 18— r, at — o'clock (a.m. or p.M,,) to elect School Trustees fortheir district, of which the following is the description [here insert the description of the School district:} Given under my hand this -^ day of , 18 — . ' A. B..-^, [Township, Totvn, or City,] Sup't of C. S. N. B. — This notice shall be posted up for at least six days previous to the meeting, in so many public places (not less than three) within the School District, that all interested may have due notice thereof. It is recommended to Township Superintendents not to sanc- tion the subdivision of their Townships into too minute School Districts, thereby depriving the inhabitants of the power of sup- porting a Teacher properly, without imposing a heavy burden upon ihtm. ii Id 26th FORMULA-- X LTV. Section, 2nd Division- Form of agreement with a Teacher. *- We, the unHprsi^ned, Trustres of School district No. — , in' the [Toumship, Town, or City'] of , in virtue of the power rested in us by t!ie second division of the 44th section of thB School Act, 7th Victoria, cap. 29, have elected [here insert the Teacher^s name'], who holds a certificate of qualification, to bi the Teacher in said School district, and we do lereby contract with, and employ him at the late of [here write the sum in cur- rency] per annum, from, and after the date hereof, and we fur- ther bind and oblige ourselves, and our successors in office, faith- fully to employ the powers with which we are legally vested by the 3d and 6th divisions of the 44th section, and by the 47th seo- . tion of the aforesaid Act, to raise and pay to the said Teacher, «o long as continued the Teacher in the said School district, tb« sum for which we hereby become bound. Given under our hand this — day of , 16 — . ^.,- 1; A. B., C. D., E. F., Trustees. N. B. — This agreement should be entered in the Trustees' books, and a copy of it given to the Teacher. The School Trustees are a corporate body, and therefore their agreement with a Teacher is binding on their successors in of- fice. The above agreement with the Teacher does not make tha Trustees personally responsible for the salary promised, provi- ded they have faithfully used the means which the statute give* them to raise the same. As the bill which p'ovided the oath of office did not pass intp law, there is at present no oath of office required of Trustees a* alluded to in the 43d section. 26th FORMULA— XLIV. Skction, 3d Division. iPorst of order on the Township, Town or Ci'y Superintendent, tuff the School Trustees. Pay to [here insert the Teacher^s name] the Teacher of No. -*- School district, in the I'/'ownship, Town, or City] of , the sum of Ihere write the sum] currency, of the School fund appor. tioned to the above School district. Given at this — dav of , 18*—, by A. B., C. D., E. F., School Trustees. To. D— A— Sup't of C. S. ITcwnshp, Tcwn or City] of . N. B. — When the Teacher receives the amount of his order;, he should write on the Lack of the order the following acknow- ledgment :—" Received the within in full, this — day of. , 18 — , A—— E— — , Teacher." This indorsation makes the order a voucher for the money to the Superintendent, but he should take another receipt to lay before the Council, in tcrm# •f next formula. 16 27th formula— XLIV. Skctio.^, 3d Division. Form of Receipt by a Teacher on receiving payment of the or(hr by his Trustees on the Superintendent. Received from ^here insert the iSuperintcnderfs name"] Superiii- lendeni of C. S. in the [Township, Town or City] of , the sum of [here write the sum in words'] currency, in payment of an order on him by the Trustees of School district No. — in said in my favor, dated the -—day of , 18—, and paid this — day of ,18 — . A B ., Teacher. N. B. — Superintendents are not warranted to pay any part of the School fund of tlieir respective Townships, Towfis or Cities, to any persons but Teachers, and that only in payment of orders jjiven to them by their School Trustees. — See 41lh section, 3d Division. The School fund of a Township, Town and City, in- cludes the apportionment from the Provincial giant, and tlie Township, Town and City assessment, at least equal thereto. — See 14th section, 3d division. The only School money whicli sliould come into the hands of tjje Trustees is the sum raised by Rate Bills, and that only when collected by themselves, and for that sum they are personally responsible to the Teacher. — See 44th section, Oih division. For these reasons the School Trus- tees are not required to give security. 28tH FORMULA— XLIV. Section, 6th Division. Por7n of Rate Bills. Rate Bill of persons liable for I'eachcr's wages in School Dis- trict No. — [Township, &c.] of , for the quarter ending iho _dav of , 18—. Name of the N umber Number Am't of Am'i ol Amount Total am't on Parents or of T)f rate bill rale bill of Rate Bill foi \ Guardians of children days in for for Collcct're the above } Chilriren. inpcho'l echool. tuition. Fuel Fees. Quarter, j £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 6. d. £ 8. d. A. U. 3 200 12 6 2 6 9 15 9 D. C. 2 150 9 4A 1 lOj 6^ 11 9A B. C. 6 350 1 1 9i 4 4i 1 ^ 1 7 5J E. F. 1 50 3H n 2 3 \U. &c. &c» ! Total, Given und er our 1 lands til is fi rst c lay of - , if S— . A. B., C. D., E. F., Trustee:*. The following warrant .should be attached to the Rate Bil! authorizing the person therein named, to ccllect the same : We, the undersigned Trustees of School district No. — in lh<« \Toionship, Tovm, or C7ty] of , in the County of , by virtue of the power vested in us by the sixth division of the forty-fourth section of the Act, 7lh Victorin, cap. 29, do hereby authorize and command you [here insert the name and residence r_^^^L^mii.«d ■f^^'^^'f^ 20 i ofihepersim appointed to collect the Rate Bill] that, after ten days from the date hereof, you proceed to, and collect from the several individuals in the annexed Rate Bill, for the quarter ending on the — day of ■ ■■ ■, 18-^-, the sum of money oppo- site to their respective names : and that within thirty days from the date hereof, you pay the amount so collected, after retaining your own fees, to the Teacher of the above School district, whose discharge shall be your acquittance for the sum so paid, and in default of payment on demand by any person so rated, you are hereby commanded to levy the amount by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person or persons making default. Given under our hands this 1st (or 2d) day of ■■ ■ 18 — >. 4 A. B., C. D., E. F., Trustees. The Rate Bills shpuld be dated on the first day of January, April, July, and October, when these are not the Sabbath day, in which case they should be dated on the second, for the quarter ending on the last day of the month immediately preceding. The warrant should be dated on the same day as the t^ate Bill, and delivered to the person appointed Collector. The name of parents or guardians of free scholars should not be entered on the Rate Bills. All who pay their Rate Bill to the Teacher before the expir-. ing of the first ten days after the date thereoJ", will save the Col- lector's fees, and the Teacher should give to the Collector a list of those from whom he has personally received payment, that the Collector may be saved the trouble of calling on them. The Collector in virtue of the warrant from the Trustees can- not force payment of any Rate Bill from a person who has re- moved beyond the bounds of the School district, and has left no goods or chattels therein^ but the Trustees may, and ought, to sue for, and recover the same in any competent court, by their name of Office. — See 47th Section, If there have been more qualified Teachers than one in the School during the quarter to which the Rate Bills apply, the Trustees should instruct the Collector in writing what sum of the Rate Bills is payable to each. ., '• -' , . > 29th FORMULA— XLIV. Sec. 6th Division and XLV. Sec. Form of Receipt to he granted hj the Teacher or Collector on re- ceiving the amount named in^tlie Rate Bill. Received from \1iere insert the person^s namely the sum of Ihere write the sutn pi coords'} being the amount of his (or her) Rate Bill for the quarter ending on the — day of-. — - 18 — . Dated the — day of.. , 18 — . A. B., Teacher (or Collector.) N. B.— If the Collector should ask payment of any Rate Bill after its having been paid to the Teacher, the above receipt being shown to him will be satisfactory evidence that the bill is paid^ ti 40th PORMOLA—XLIV. Section, 5th Division, oae ■ I tn I in M fiC ^^% 1 . • -^ J eof ■ o 1 '^ ffl ■ .s w ary, ^ 1 S iay. O < ner The 1 and, •^ Q ♦§ I not cSJ J :A\i ^ H xpir-. ^ < Col- tv.» H a list 1 that § *-s Pu 'y o can- |5H ts re- oi ft no ^'^ < >— 1 It, to -1 Q their 1 Q CO iz; 1 the -4J , the ^ c4 im of 1^ '& W j^ o . Sec. "^ 071 re- s J [here 1 § Rate Dated >r.) :e Bill .' -}f'f being r^P' •aid. (-.'■I' W.S> ^ * S.-0 •T3 ~ J 60 m ^ j^ ja ■ Monthly I gj o ^ o « 2 ^ i:; 2" CO I O I <-H m i-H i-H I— I ,_t ,,^~ CO ^S •-9 (ji ^i ■I E-" ^ Ceo |S 1—1 <1^J eo Sis £ « O « CB »- ^•aoo'-o'^oot^'faD m 6 •< ^: "« d •^ « a; ^ 22 In the above formula every day llio Pupil is in Sotiool i» marked, and when not in School, the day is not maiked, and the monthly attendanco is given at the end of the month. In the Annual Report {jivon by the Trustees, to the Superin- tendent, the number of Pupils bptwpen 5 and 10 years of ago only is given, but in mak ng out the Rate Bills, the whole Pupils * are taken, whatever* their age may be, for no age is excluded from School, and therefore no age can bo exempted from bear- ing their proportion of the Rate Bill. Teachers must keep a regular Register similar to the above formula, otherwise the Trustees can neither make out the Rat«> Bills legally, nor give in their Annual Reports correctly, and this may lead to the entire loss of their salary. * 31sT FORMULA— XLVI. Section. Form of the apportionment of Fuel. We, the Trustees of School district No. — , in the [Tovmship, Toiim,oT City] of , do hereby certify that the persons whose »mmes are hereunto annexed, are severally liable to provide the proportion of fuel opposite their respective names for the use of >jaid School for the quarter ending on the — day of , 18 — ^ wid to be delivered within one week from the date hereof. 6 ■hi, O ^i ■3 o ^•z O o o cs j:: x:m '^ o ^ri a « 09 cd "^ -^W 2± 0) 'B. 3 04 o ood an ed tor ame of p provide fi Cm v."© 41 C ■5 -^ c m 3 ind of W be prepar )^ ^; O^ ui 1 A. B. 2 * Dry Piiie — inches long, split fine. B.C. 4 1 Dry Maple — inches long, for stove. C. D. 5 H Do. do. do, do. do. D. E. 6 H Do. Beech, do. do. do. ^ years, from and after the — day of — l-i8_. .- ^;,..v ,,.- r^^i ...---^ The said By-laws also provide that the sum of [Jiere inscrttJie sum, u'hich cannot he Jess than £40 currency for each Model School] shall be annually appropriated and paid from the County Rates, for the payment of Teachers and the purchase of books and ap- paratus for the said Sciiool, for the above term of years. I have farther to acquaint you that the above sum of' has, during the current \ear, been expended in the paytment of [a Teacher or Teachers^ and in the purchase of bcolcs and appara- tus for said Model School, and therefore request that you would lay our claim for the sum granted by the Legislature toward the support of such Schools, before the Governor, with the least possible delay, that His Excellency's warrant may issue in fa- vour of the Superintendent of said {District or County'] for a sum equal to half the amount so expended, so that the same may be received and expended during the current year, as the law di- rects, .,..»,.,,, 1 am, Sir, &c. &c. •: ., . .- . ■ (^ist- Clk., or elk. of the Court of Wardens.) m 99 N. B.—sThe above a.pplication is reconimended to he sent through the Education Oliice, in order that it niay he acpon:\pa<. nied with ^h^ information necessary to enable His Excel lencv to grant his warrant without farther inquiry or delay, and also that the sums thus granted may be known in that oilice, in order to their being taken from the Provincial grant previous to {h^ annual apportionment^ !i;.rfv .t^' ■, ..'•J '.-'v* INSTRUCTIONS. said day ^•14 > The following additional instructions for the better organiza'- tion and government of Common Schools, are given under the sanction of the sixth section of the School Act, and recommend, ed to be carried out by Superintendents, Tru£;tees, a,nd Teachers, in so far as practicable. ;■ > .^ = 1st. Tliat every alternate Saturday should be a, holiday in the School. 3nd. That there should be a Vacation for eight days at Christr mas, and another of one vveek at Easter, annually. 3rd. That there should be a Vacation for two weeks, at such time as the District or County Superintendent may annually di- rect, during some partoflha quarter ending on tho 30th of Sep- tember. 4th. That Teachers should not be obliged tc make up the time thus given, nor should their Slalaries be diminished on account of these Vacations. .:■•.•■ ,•;;/. 5th. Tiiat Superintendents when visiting the Schools shall be at liberty to give a play-day to the children for regular attend- ance and general good conduct, when they see cause. 6th. Trustees should be careful to urge on parents the neces- sity of sending their children regularly to School, without which little progress can be made. 7th. Every Teacher should be instructed and enjoined by the Trustees, when a child has been absent, to require on the return of the child to School, a Certificate in the following form — "[Child's name] absent one day or days with leave [signed by Parent or guardian]," and that where such certificate is not given, the day or days the child was absent should be marked in the Teacher's register as if it had been present. This would prevent ch'Idreii being improperly absent. 8th. When one child is sent in the room of another, the n. me should be entered in the Teacher's Register, and marked as other Scholars. 9th. Teachers should encourage their Pupils to ask for an ex. pi"nalion of whatever difficulties they may meet with in th^'r .|. .-. *. '■^■: s ■a 80 lith(}Je9, and shouH endeavotir to explain the same clearly an^ satisfactorily, anrl by ilieir affable manner ofdoinfj so, to induce them to make farther applications. Sijperintendentsshould, da. rinn; their visitations, endeavor to ascertain the Teacher's ability- Id give such explanAiiryns. 10th. The discipline of Schools should be of the {iaternal kind The moral rod sho-ild be used freely and frequently, endeavour- ing the "e by to impart to the children such a high sense not only of the propriety and beauty, but also of the advantages of correct and obliging conduct, that they may dread the shame of actinjj improperly, more than the Corporal punishment commonly inflic' ted on its account. The Teacher sliould be affable without be- ing familiar, grave without being morose, the kind friend and not the overbearing tyrant in his School. Teachers should alway* treat their pupils as rational beings, and be as ready cheerfully and faithfully, to impart the instructionss which they have enga- ged to do, as they would wish their employers cheerfully and faiihfully to pav them the reward promised for their services. The rod in School discipline should occupy the place of capi- tal punishment in the civil government. It should bo applied only for correction in cases of the grosser descriptions of school- boy crimes, or for the repetition of smaller offences after reasoiv- ing had been disregarded, and warning given of the consequen- ces which would follow a repetition, but no Teacher should strike a child on the head under the penalty of having his certificata annulled by the County Superintendent on ten days notice.— Teachers should take cognizance of all offences committed by llie children on their way to and from school, as well as when in school. Children taiight and disciplined in this manner will not onl^y acquire double the quantity of knowledge of the branches they are studying in any iriven time, but will also insensibly acquire habits of correct thinking and acting vvhich will be of vast ino- portance to themselves during their whole life, and tend directly k) the improvement of domestic and social society. 11th. Teachers should neither countenance nor pefmit their papils to discuss matters connected with religious or political opinions, and they should L^ careful to keep as strict a watob over their own conduct when out of school, as they do over tha conduct of the children when in school, remembering always that fhey are expected, by the young at least, to act upon the rule* which they lay down to them. 12th. The law having vested the nomination of School book* ftxclusively in the Trustees of the several School districts, sub- ject only to the approval of the Township Superintendent, there- by excluding the Chief Superintendent, and his assistant, as well as all the County Superintendents, from any control in tliat raat> u f •< ter, il may appear ihat the kind ofbooksjo be used in Schoot» it of very little iniporiance. But liiis is cntainly not the case.-:* All who are conversant w\V\ the education of youili, know well, that the labor both of the Tt achpr, and the faufjjht, is very muck diminished, and the pirgrrss more than doubln^l, by the" use of judicious books. It is tbprefore eainesily recoirimended»||^a* Township, Town and City Siiperii tendents should be vigilaWI in the use of the power with whicli tliry are vested by the 7th di- vision of the 44th srciion of the Sil.ool Act, and not tft opprove of any books for the uso of S^^onls which will not enable Teacher* to arrange their pupils ioio clas.'^rs from the alphabet up. Foit example, in the tarne S( hcol, all learning the alphabet should use the same authoi, and all in iho hame stage of advancement in reading should upc the ^nlnp author. The same rule should be observed with r^aid io Gianmiar and Geography. As littl« advantage is derived ficm cla-s^sf s in Arithmetic and Bookkeep- ing excepting in so far as rr ^-ards the principles, the above rule is not so important. Bilt in ihe heUci ion of Looks due regard should be paid, not only to the contuils, hut also to the price, fo* it would be injudicious to cai!se parents to purchase expensivS School books, if the Ftime jnd run he attained as effectually au4 66 expeditiously by less expensive productionsi '•*• W f' '■.'\ Mif: . •*■':- --' -•> ■■ . .v -. ..''^, ..5'. (•'.J . , •• ■■*:--.J.V-W: ■■^^'.