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NaturM of thia eepy wMeh may bo bibHograpMeaNy uniquo, whteh may altor any of tho imagoa in tha raiiroduotion. or whioh may •^ifleamiy ehanga tfio uaual mothod of filming, ara ehoeliad balow. r—\ Colourad ^nrara/ LJ\Co«i«Mftiiva da eouiour rn Covora damaga » ' , ' '^«r*-" J?' , ■ J, . a ., ■•■ • irrata to palura. % 1-162, [3153- Th« eopy fUincd h«r« hat b««n raproducad thanka to tha ganaroaity of t , AichivM of Ontario Toronto * Th* imagaa appaaring har* ara th* boat quality poaaibia oonaidaffng th* condition and lagibility of tti* original eopy and in Icaaping iMrith th*- filming eontcact, apaeifiea|iona. ' Original eopiaa in printad papor eovora ar* fllmad baginnfaig with tha.front covar and anding on tha iaat paga «vith a printad or illuatratad impraa- lion, or tha bade eovar wrhan appropriata. All ottiar original e o piaa ara fUmad iMginning on ^ firat pa^a with a printad or illu a tr a t ad impraa^ ' alon. and anding on tlia Iaat paga with a printad or Illuatratad impraaalon. Tha Iaat racordad frame on each mierefleha ahaH eontala tha aymbol —«i» (meaning "CON- TlMUeO"). or the aymbol ▼ (meaning "END"). wMefiever appiiee. Mape. platae. eharta. etc.. may be filmed at A f fe ren t reduction ratioe. Thoee too lerge to ba entirely included }n one expoeura ara filmed beginning in tha jtipper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, aa many framee aa required. The following dtaferama iUuatrata tha ' method: ^ -^ i ' i' : ', '3 L'exempialra fHm^fut reproduit griea i la g4n4roeiti do:' ATCMMs or untano Toronto Laa iinagaa auhrantaa ont 4t« reproduitea avae la plua grand aoln. aompta tenu do la condition at da la nattat* da I'aKamplaira fUm*. et en conformfti avac lea conditione du eontrat da fUmava. Lea exempMree originaux dont la cawvartura en papier eat imprimte aont fflm4e en comman((|ant par la premier plat et en tarnUnant aolt par hi dami4ra paga qui compona una em pre in t e dlmpraeaidn ou dlHuetratlon. aolt pmt le aeeond plat, aelon le eae.Toue lee eutree exempleiree ori^neux aant fHmie en eommeneant par la p r am i ire page qui comnMrte une empreinte di m p r eealon ou dlMuatration et en terminant par fii demiAi:e pege qui eomporte une tella Un dee aymbdee aulvanta appanrftra aur la damiAra Image do cheque microfiche, aelon le caa: la aymbola "^ aignifle "A SUIVfir*. le aymbola ▼ aignifle "nN". taMeeux. eta., peuvent itre fHmAe * dee taux do rMueden diffArenta. Locaqua la document eet trap grand pour *tre reproduit en un aeul dldiA. il eet fllm4 A pertir da Tangle aupMeur gauche, do gauche A droite. '. et do haut en bee. en prenant la nombra . Ihmegee nAceeaalre. Lee diagrammea auivanta iv^, Hiuatrentrie mAttiode. 32X 1 ^ z 6 \ ^ ra^ JcuMM J ntlt *-..■ ^ r ^ *'■., * , 1 " ■ -<" . » "• .w ■ \ ^ • # '■..-> ■,- * . * -'4 ■ • * '^■? • • ' : . ' ■' -' -' , ■ , \ '- 1- ■• ^ • > .^. ■' — i ■■■ • ' ■ ■ • '. '■, ■;■■''*' ■ , ■ t . %, • - T> /• ft A (AfKiHlVKs ^ ^. h ) \ TH E ORIGINAL LISTS. \ , ^-v^ •■ • \ ^^n\ — / » .■• * » >■>■* ^ ^>.4V i^ _ .... . .'■:.... \ « ■ ''-■^ :- : ■ V" ^ . - " ' ^... •* *■ '/'■ ' '. ■•** . . - .* ^ r^ n . • -- -'#',. s% • HO '.l^^^ ,< 3A e>3 ■t r ■:-Jl- ^ *:-.' T "^ •<_ ' \ ' r ..!,: \ to the IHcmbfrs of the ^ ^ GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETIES^ OF THE UNITED STATES GV AMERICA, ^ X THIS COLLECTION OF THE NAMES OF THE EMIGRANT ANCESTORS OF MANY THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN FAMILIES, ' . J. t' ' IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED • ■.■■-" '^ _t » .BY THE EDITOR, ■• JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN. 4 ' /■ / .„ -# "\.-' k .^ ^ ■i-y. * ^ ■y ./ / r _-" *>.' > •• J .« x/ i»o< CONTEN-TS. '» '' ': REd'iSTEIl OF THE/ NAM«S Of .ALL THE PASSENGERS ^•R„M London during One Whole 'Year, ending Christmas >-♦ '635 In the Ship BiAtaventurt »» n HopewtU Christian Pianttr .. ■ ■■ J. Ricrofte, Master.. ... J. Romily^ Master.. ... I« Wodd, Master .. ■■■ JJ White, Master 3J, «4S Iaster... ^::: • 73 ... Tfi ... 80 ... 82 . 83 ... 8s 88, 107. - ■.< \ •■ r-^ .,•._:. ._.^, V ■.^ U^ >j. »>,*. i*«fa«|tiki.'i ammmmmmm' ^m7 '«• ♦*, •\ •,) :^ r' ■i CONT&lfTS. J / "C In the Ship Dt/ena... , Blessiug .. , Philip a; : , Amtrica ...\^ Trans/hrtt I'nul Pitd Cov Lavt Alice ... Hofevell A*turati(e ^__^_ Primrose Merchant's Hope Etiiabtih , v Bachelor ... Giott. .:. Safety George Thimeu .... William 5- John Dofiiei ... TmtUve:.. Boml ... .^ y»hm ..t Amity ' Cimil«iiee Abraham £xpedilioH Friendship lo, 123, •V £. Bostocke, Master .... J. Lester, Master ... ... R. Morgan, Master ...* W. Barker, Master ... E. Walker, Master . . . ; ... 4l Betts, Master ... ... Ashley, Master j^ ... J. Young, Mastfr^ ... ... R. Orchard, Master ..'i T.Babb, Master ... .^^ I. Bromwell & I. Pewtier -Masters ... ^Uouglass, Master ... ... M. Weston, Master ... C. Browne, Master ... T. Webb, Master ... ... J. Ulackman, Master ... J. Graunt, Master ... i.. J. Severne, Ma^iter . . . .. H. Taverner, Master .. R. Langi^, Master • J. Hogg, Anuter "... .. J. Ciibbs, Master ... .. J. Flower, Master ... .. J. Waymoth, Master" G. Uowncs, Master ,,. .. C. Campion, Master .. J. Barker, Master ... ,. P. Blackley, Master • ■— — ' — .Master,... Passengers. BY the Commission and Soldiers accord- ing TO THE Statute, Christmas, 163 i, to Christmas, '^32 ' -. ... . .... Entries Reiatinc to America, from the Patent .ROLUS . ... ... Lists of the Liv?ing and. Dead in Virginia, i6 Feby.! 1633 ... ., .,. "^ .... Walloons and French Emigrants to Virginia Musters OF THE" Inhabitants OF Virginia *9. 9', 98.991 'oo. 'O'. ... 93. l'o8 ..... ... .94 ... 95 ioi ,;;,.. ■:• 103 106, 1 10 ... 109 ... 109 130, 1.44 no ... 114 ,..',.6 It 1 » M : w /, ■'» i» n H » "7 tl8 1<9 '-' 1:4 126 129 131 'ii 134 •34 136 '3« •39 •45 147- 1 S4 ISS-168 i6t>-i()6 197-199 201-265 A. fe- i vf v'i»' ^ "%' • -?.:;*^ . ri ■ -m .■\ ti ~fi-,. 1 «" CONTENTS. rAOK Patents Granted to Settlers in Virginia (circa) '626 ... ... 266-274 Returns of those who Embarked from Ipswich and . V'' - Weymouth. FOR New England, 1634 to 1637 . ... 375-286 From Ipswich, in the Ship Fra^ ... jl Cuttinge, Master ... m, ly^ " " » » •£/'***'■'*•.. W. Andrewes, Master 277,280,381 „ Weymo«th„in the Ship — [1635]... , Master ... 283-286 Register of Persons aboIjt /to pass into Foreign Parts, FROM- Ma,rch to Sept!,^^.,. ' ' ... ;.. 387.3^ From Ipswich, in the 7ohH(^J}J^^... W^ Andrewes, Master ... 289 ' J j^A'armouth, in tfie .ffoje "... W. Andrewes, Junr. Master 289 lr-Southamptoii, in the Virgin [ 1639] „ . J AVeare & J. Delahay, Masters 296 / " " °" Bevis\\bi'i,\ ..: I ... R. Batten, MaHer ... 298 The Summer Islands, 1673 to 1679 .., ... / " 301-314 jot Names of the Governor and Council of the Assembly, Aug., 1673 Account of the bjnds belonging to the Summer Islands Company, Uken -^ • out of Mr. Richard Norwood's Survey Book, made in 1662-3 — J04 Monmouth Rebellion of i68s :— Lists of Convicted , REBfLS sent to the Barbadoes andother Planta- tions fN America... ... ... • Receipt for 100 Prisoners to be transporjed fr«m TaOnton, by. John Rose, of London, Merchant ... ... . - ._ invoice of 68 Men-servants shipped on Board the Jamaica MtrcAaHl, Capt. Chas. Gardner, for Account of John Rose & ^mpy., they being, to be sold for 10 Y^ars .... Receipt for 100 Prisoners on Mr. Nepho's Account, to be s«i\t to Barba- does. [Prisoners in DORCHESTKR Gaol to be transported,] ... Prisoners in Exeter ("taol to be transported ... Prisoners at Welus to be transported List of the Convicted RpbeU on Board the Belly, of London, at the Port / ofWEVMOUTIf... ... ... . ... ._ List of 72 Rebels Granted by his Majesty to Gcrome Nepho, with the Names of their Masters in Barbadoes Sir Wia Booth's Receipt for 100 Prisoners, on Account of James Kendall , [Prisoners in Uorcukster Gaol to be transported ] b '" 3«5 316 3'7 3I7« 3"9 319 320 m 3»6 y ,1^'. N. iH.'li##fttlftl -< ■ V '■*■ CONT'ENTS. Ccrtuicate of the Di,po«I of Capt KemJalftftebels.-A List of 90 Rebel. by the Happy Rtturn, with the Names of Sfeir Masters to whom they were disposed ... Sif Wm. Booth's List of Prisoners sent to Barbadoes, with the Names of the Towns in Somersetshire and Devonshire from whence they came A Ust of 77 Convicted Rebels, imported from Bristol in the JolmM.aU h,r Wm. Booth's Receipt for 100 1'risoners-s6 from the Bridewell at Tau.s- luN, 3j from BR.rK>f:WATER Prison at Taunton, and . . from I£xeteh The Sale of 67 Rebels, dqjivcred by Capt. Charle, Gardner, of the 7«- maica Attn-hant '' FAIiE 336 34* Tickets Granted to Emigrants prom Barbadoes to New England, Carolina, Virginia, New York, Axti- tiUA, Jamaica, Newfoundland, and other places- ' 1678-9 ... ...... ' Barhadoj.^ :-Parisii Registers-Births and Deaths — LrsTs OF Inhabitants — Landed Proprietors — Servants, &c., 1678-9 ... .... Parish Registers of St. MlCHAEL's-Baptismi ' " " " » . Burials... List of Inhabitants of St. Michael's, with their Hired Servants 'I'ren- ticcs, Bought Servants, and Ncgroei 449-50 345-4J8 418 4SI 425 List of the Jew/ dr Srpific HAEL's Alphabefcal List-oKandowners^ in St. Michael's, with the Number of^ thoir Acres, Hired Servants, Bought Servants, and Negroes ^r , .50 Owners of Und in the Parish of ST. George, Number of Acres, White Servants, and Negroes [1679] ... f^ t Parish Registers of St. George- Baptisms [1678-9] ... .'„ ' * J^^X ••" " ^ " «'"^"'» 466.8 " " » =''■• ANDREWS— Owners of Lands, Number of Acres .Sen-ants, Negroes, Christenings, Burials ^ Parish Register, of CHRisTCHURCH-Undowners, Acres. Servants N^ groes ... ... , . , ' Parish Registers of CHRISTCHURCH-Bapt,sms[.678.9j .,' '*^^*3 " " " " IJurials [1678-9] .. , g B „ nST. JAMES'-Bapllsi* ..-. ... .. ^' " " " r »""»'» '. 497.9 " . " •• -• Landowners, .Servants, Negroes [ 1678-9] coo-507 Parish Registers of ST. John'.- Baptisms [1678-9] ... ... .J07I V »■ y. CONTENTS. List of Ships CoNVEYirfc Emigrants FORE 1625-6, MENTIONED IN Abigail Ambrose . \Ann Bless|^ Boha'Nova Bonaventurc Bonny Bessie Charity ' ; Charles ~ "' Concord Delaware Deliverance Diana Discovery Due Return Duty Edwin Elianor Kliiabcth Falcon Flying HsR Francis Bonaventure Furtherance TO Virginia be- 101-265 George ' Phcenix Gift Prosperous Great Hopewell Return God's Gift Sampson " God Speed Samuel Hercules '* Sarah Hopewell Seaflower" Jacob James Southampton ^ Jonathan Star John Sc Francis Sut>plv London Merchant Susan Margaret Swallow Margaret & John Swan " Marmaduke Temperance Mary Ann Margaret Tiger Mary & James Treasurer Mary Margaret Trial Marygold Truelove Mary Prt>vidence Unl^ WanHdt Noah Patience William & John WiUiam & Thomas ^ ^ v.. # h^^a!^ '■» ^ 4r r «'■■ t.^».: .■if\ •^r +- O /• 11 " ■ , , ▼ X ■ V,: r- • S - . ,t ij _ 1. _ ■■ -7—-' r ■■; • ■ ». .■J^jJ. .- .A • ■ ' /■ ' > • « , .,-.. / -.': INTRODUCTION. 'A^ IITTLE- could even the most sanguine of the early emigrants to America have contemplated the subsequent effect which their action would woik upon the world's history. Some of them, it is true, were men of position at home, with wealth and all its concomitant ad- vantages at their disposal, but by fai- the greater number was composed of comparatively obscure men^men of little means, but possessed of hearts and consciences of too honest a nature to permit them ^ijietly to submit to the intolerance which was forced upbn them at honi^ But those whose names are recorded in the following pages, with rhany others of whom no such minute particulars have come down to us^ v^rc the seed-grains from which the mighty Republic has sprmif— the' rapid growth of which has no parallel in the world's history-^'Solonization was but imperfectly developed in those early days, and many Itt^^ij^ settlements proved abortive ;, but the first settlers in Virginia, and subsequently those in New England, carried with them the elements of success, resulting in permanent establishments. ' Of the history of the Colonies, and the eventual establishment of Independence, I fiave nothing to say. My object is simply ancf Wicfly to point out some o^ the causes which contributed to the early emigra- tion of English families to America ; and then to estimate the practical value of the contents of the present volume as a jiicans of assistance in making genealogical researches in the mother country. One of the earliest acts of Charles the First,— an act which raised a storm of indignation throughout the country,— was Jihe imposition of a ■'-1 •■-%• .•. • / INTRODUCTION. ■gH forced loan Without the grant of Parliament. The manner in which this unconstitutional measure was treated by those called upon to contribute towards, the assessment, is well illustrated by the events which took place in Lincolnshire; and a relation of the.par,t taken by the leading men of that locality, some of whom were related to, or intimately associated w'ith, the principal agents in the subsequent emi- gration tcfcMassachusetts, under John Winthrop, in 1630, 'will be of some interest to the descendants of the New England emigrarits. One of the richest men in the county of Lincoln, who strenuously opposed the forced loan, was Isaac Johnson, who, as is well known, ^ married the Lady Arabella Fynes, sister to Theophilus, Earl of -• Lincoln, who himself married a sister of' the Lord Say and Sele. These two noblemen tpok a very active part in denouncing the loan as dangerous and unconstitutional. Lord Say and Sele. who, during the civil war, some years later, commanded a' Parliamentarian regiment, openly asserted that he would rather lose half his estate than risk the impoverishment of his posterity by the establishment of so dan- gerous a precedent as a loan without the sanction of Parliament. But Lord Lincoln's opposition to the loan was more immediately pro- ductive of dissatisfaction. As soon as it was proposed he took upbn himself to have an Abridgment of the Statutes prepared for distri- bution ; and it is not unlikely that in the compilation of this document he was aided by his former steiVard, Thomas Dudley, who subsequently went over to New England, and became Governor of Massachusetts. Dudley had received a legal education, under his relative, Sir Augustine Nichol; one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, and was therefore peculiarly fitted for the work. The 1mme- , diate result of this act on the part of Lord Lincoln, was to bring V down upon himself and his servants the resentment of the King and his party, and the Abridgment was rigorously suppressed. Not only was his lordship proceeded against in the Star Chamber, but more com- pletely to crush out the attempts made to incense the peoplei a procla- mation was issued for the apprehension of John Holland, Steward to the Earl, and Robert Blow, the Clerk of his kitchen; and further a Groom in the houiehoid of his lordship was condemned in the §tar ,-* .> . a**"#**- ,- •»* ■:«. y^^^ I^'TRODUCTION. ,JK^. w > >■■. •the ^^wer u^; J ''' """ '°°" ""^^^ ^«"""'«<='l ^ close prisoner to founi r„ ! '■""""''^ '" '^"^^'^y ^- --"« years. I have not ■ PPrlnd H 'f " '^^ "''' "^^ ^''^ ^•^^"" «f the attempts madeTo 2 both e !;';■'''"' ''"°^'' ''"' "•"*= -«^ — f- -PPosing tliat both escaped detection. A R(,„ert Hlow. in all probability the :rsr:rr"\r'^^5T;'^^" ^"^■■^" '- the;e.i„j:?its rit; \ """" ''e^°'* "mentioned. The only trace of rtoL- tAM, we have met with brin^, out some information respecting the resi- y::;:L^"'°;^"-'^« ^^--v"^ the .stimid v^p .. May, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster :- , . / "-RIGHT HOXORABI.E. ' " ^"'^'' '' ^'''^' '^-'7- .ence.espe2lJ::^t;:;f:f^^^^^~.;^- Who attended the earle of lin.olne. hath L„ i ".Vesfb^the^ .t be soe, I doe heare for certeine. that he was seen' dyver' tymes about a month or six weekes past vpon the terras- walkes at SemSam bur smce that tyme it is privatly whi.spered that he is nowTemovedTo ^he hous^^of one Mr. f„oMAS Dudi.ve. in Boston, whoe did alll!^ Jf ,1' tz::^::t:\ '■-'': --'- • -' '^ --^ -^ p-^^bi, berurl Mr v.oKth^raS:tt::?s;t:ts;^^^ weekc together. ♦ * « / , .- ^ ' *°'"^tyme a "Edward Heron. delyvei^'e. ' *"«^e«f ' beseech your honor to direct the ^ ■ 'M / S- f -.2-^* '■ >' '•.''. «^^ :"■" y. „. ■>"'.;,- . ».. ■ "I' - ■■- :> — ■ — »■ .---^ . . ■ * - ■• * ■ » :>.■."■ tlftijiftlltoiiirifi ifee-if*** ■''"'A ■ »!».-;-;''>*.. V^ ■ - ■. > * \ ■■,*■■■--- a - Ui^ii--J>ii^*&^X-M-^-iA!i£iMiUk ' '• ,-.'f (s^vfwyt.i,-. / ■ ' A XVI INTROD UCTION. " Since the writinije hereof, I vntlcrst.-tnde that one Audam Reston, brother in law vnto the s'l Mr. IIollande, came ridinge through our streetc on fridayc in the nyght, the 20th of tliis month, with a gentle- woman behinde him, supposed to be the wyfe of Mr. HoiXANDE, goeyngc towards Boston ; and an other gent, seeminge vnwillingc to be knowne. " You maye allsoe please to take into your consideration that one Beniamin'E Djckoson of Hoston adviscth, that the toune of Boston is able and ought to contribute to the charge and expence of theyre late iiJayor & Kdw. Tii,ls()\, or anye else, that sufW trouble in cause of the loane; and to helpe^ towards thcyrc losses, p Johan Hobson, Collector. . " The same Dvkconson was 3li lands, yet sett vnto ili by the lords at Lincolrj."* t». ^. A long list of Lincolnshire men who refused to contribute to the loan, has been preserved. Ten of the principal of them were immedi- ately committed to prison:— Sir John Wray, Sir Thomas Grantham, and Sir Euvvaru A.scoUGli, to the Gate House ; Sir William Armyn, Sir Thomas Darnell, William Anderson, Esq., the Mayor of Bo.s- ton, and Alderman (EuwAku) TlLsoN of that town, to the Fleet ; and . William Tarold (Thorolu), Esq., and — . Horwood, Esq., to the Marsliolsea. The Boston men who refused to lend, or to enter into bond for their appearance before his Majesty's Privy Council, beside the Mayor, and Alderman TiLsoN, were Atteuton Howuhe (Atherton JIoLGii), Edmond Jackson, Benjamin Diconson, Thomas Leve- RETT, Thomas Lowe, Tho.mas Toolv, John Coppyn, William Cot- TINGT0N(C0UniNGT(JN), WlLLL\M CONUY, and RlCH.\RU WeSTLANI). Of these, Leverett. Coudington, and Hough subsequently went odt to New England, and there attained positions of eminence. The London prisons were soon filled with the more important of the ob- jectors, from various parts of the country, but chiefly from the city of Lon- don, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Essex, and Gloucestershire. The • Stale rape™, Chas. I., Domestic Scries, Vol. 72, No. 36, Record 08ic& taken in the Sta Chamber the decree-books of which are unfortunately lost, or we m,ght readdy have traced many, if not all the suits, citations, fines and r:Sb:„tl"tt- '"• ''^'"'^t^' '>y.the court. The Star'ahambet wa a tribunal taking cognizance of all kind of delinquencies, and there st.n remams m the Record Office an immense mass of doc mcnts ap! pertammg to sUit. before the Court, in which, when they can be sorted arranged and made available to the public, we may ho^ to find some' important information respecting the personal histories of some o the original settlers in New England. . The proceedings, which wete taken chiefly against the Nonconformists caused many English familiesto leave their homes. Unfortunately tte • rd-Tlr ".'f,^-^«^ Commission, which has beeu not in'a^t called The English Inquisition.'.' are very imperfect, but enough remains to show hat proceedings were taken in it against many of the minis^r^ and public men who afterwards became eminent in the New EnXd HAM, recorder, and William Coddington. a memW of the corpo- ■■\t,- # ^ \ I ••^ / * 1 U . / 7* \ — - ■. "'"S P ' .- * ■• ' ' / • , \ '■ -■-:' ,,' .* -— ■• — . ■___ ^^___. — .... ■-;-- "r/^ — ._.: 'fe .. - - ' . ''t * ■ -■■ ■ ( - -.%?.■. ■^ / / xviii i^T^ODUCTlON. ration of th,: town of Boston (co. Lincoln), had been fined for noncon'- form.ty. that they gave up their Enghsh preferments an^d places to oTn he.r fnend, jn Massachusetts. Other instances might b^ adduced of the same result attending prosecutions in that Court The imp<«itio„ of Ship Money was the culminating measure that ^^ orcuts'ts tZ ?t"' ^° ?"' ''^'"^^ '■" ^--ild long other causes, h^ that which most of all contributed to bring about the war between the King and the Parliament. Though. afte7a long a„d no".' Tit"' ''*= '^^ °' ^'"■P "^-y -- decLd to b S enough had been effected to make far-sighted men tremble for impSd .ng troubles, and no doubt the stand made by men of great influence and t^e JeXTJh M "T'^'^ ^^'° ^^' »nti-teV associated :;;h tne Jeaders of the Massachusetts settlement), had an immense weicrht with persons of an inferior standing in worldly wealth. By the Icf o Parliament which declared the illegality of the tax, it V^as ordered that all proceedings which had been taken should be cancelled, and in on 77^:"^''="'''"'"'=*'°"'''^°^"-"^^ --t have taken place which, had they been preserved, would have been of greatvalue to X' topographer and genealogist.as the rolls of assessments were ve"-m nut One vokime of.assessments Only appears to have escaped Z^^^r^ fate, and this contains the names of all the p6rsons assessed T the .8 cxK>, and, without donbt. incluc^es many of the subsequent emigrant who went out ^0- that county to New England, in the ^ears ."r/^^^^ ^ Xatton"'' ■ "^ "^ "^"^ ^"^-"-^ ^- ''^ P-P-ed"' In i860, Mr. Samuel Gardner DrAk^. of Boston (Mass) oub ■shed his '^ Result of s.ne Researches a,no.^ the British A^eTtr tnformatton relative to the Founders of New ^gland." That work first suggested the desirability of making a systematic collec ion of authentic documents relating to the early se« LrT in America, not only to those who removed to the New eZxTaIL but to those also who settled in Vii^inia, the Summer I B ^ ^s, Carohna. amaica. and other places. " It is impossible to ovt estimate the value of these records. anri-,6fe. .r^ ',. V / . •; s. r. / Kgfct that comparatively so fef have survived to the present time. Those that vfc have, therefore, of undoubted authenticity, are all the mgre to be priied. It is a transcript of some of these documents which . is here submitted. The aim of the transcriber jias been to present ^n absolute ippy of the originals. He has not even ventured to «rtect palpable mistaTces in the spelling of names, or otlw clericanfrrors Where such occur, and they are by no means infrequent, he has called • attention to the -facT^lther by.inserting.j|fc correct word in brackets, or by adding a foot-note, but the text is a faithftil reproduction of the orj&jnals. There are some papers iptluded in Mr. DiURE'rvoiumfe, which have not been deemed ddmissible in the bodyof this work, inasmuch as theyare not in themselves official documents, but they may not inaptly be Quoted, here. The first to be noticed "are the foUowiilg lists, taken fro*i the" History of. Sandwich, being transcripts of records bebnging to the corporatid^is of that port. ■ ,-.v ■ — ^:. V ■ A LIST OR REGISTER Of all sjch prrs^ns as ,eml«rke.l th^msc-lves in the g^l ship calW the //^.«/«, of .Sandwich .^ of the burthen of 200 tons, John Wi.herley, n.aster, ami therein tra„,s,H,rtecl from .Sandwich .0 the pla„.at,<,n called New England m America ; with the certifjeaUi^.m the m'inister. , -^ where they.la.st dwell uf th«fr eonvefsa.io«, and conformity ,„ ,h,i,„,ers and discipline of ■ . , tlu; church, and that they had takqn the oath of allegiance and su„emacy. (Th^-rtificate, *» 'WtedFelmiary and March, 1634, are here omitt^.) * ' / ^ M^^ter. of Families. . Children. / Servants -N.VTHANL. TiLDEN ^f Tenterden -yeomaa and , Seven Seven Lyuia his wife . (h^/n,,«„ k I ) by name by name , Jonas Austen of Teftterden and Constance his) wife ' "* " / ^^o^tm. '■ j, - Ri5ii. Brqok of llaidstone mercer and Anne his ) o -wife ^ I ^^^'="- Tno. HEYWARDof Aylesford taylor and SUSANNAH! his wife • * ►' * | Fiv-e. WfLL. WrniEKEUL of Maidstone schoolmaster) and Marv his Wife ' | Three One '■■'■■■ > • ' M' '».. / ) '.] } \ .u ■ « ^ * 'v. • - — —^ — ^^p «* 1 »■, ■ - • 1 .. t • % * ' » i : »■ . ■ ^^ " ■ •.. ■■ ■ ■ *" • ■■',7^..." -, - • ■• ■.■., ■!■■,■ 1 , ^^ / - ■'■ A ^ ■ "; ' ■ * '■ V :>.'•;;'::: * .>.■.■;■«■ *A ^T^m^f- . ^WP' i*^ . ■«/ <► i ^ ' INTRODUCTION. .. Ma«ter« of Ftmiliei. Fannet ....;. of Ashford hempAJrcsser Tho Boney and Hen. Ewell of Sandwich, shoe- makers WiLL/HA^CH Of Sandwich merchant and Jane his ) '" wife - 1 ^'*''«^ VSam. Hinkley of Te„te«ien and Sarah his wife Four ISAAC CotE of Sandwich carpenter and JOAN his) *"'* >i«i I Two. ^ • Chll(lr«n.' Servanit Six '0 Tiro. ChampicJn of Ashford Tho, Besbeeoii of Sandwich - "* - .^No. Lewis of Tenterdcn and Sarah Ws^fe Parnel Harris of Bow London James Sayers of Northboum taylor _ ., . ComfortjStarre of Ashford chirurgion *;• Jos. Rootes of Great Chart. ' ** Em. Mason of Eastwell wid Marpt. wife of Will. Johnes late of Sandwich,' now 1 of N«w England, painter | ' JNO. Best of the said parish taylor Tho. Bridcen of Faversham husbandman and Six One A Servant, three » Three } . his wife. , , ^"^m^f Sandwich, by W. Boys, 1792. pp. ^jo-i. / A TftGE ROLL OR LIST Thomas Starr of antei^u^ yeoman and " 1 child Sarah his wife -^ .^ '^J: J, - /"" Edward Johnson of Csi&i Susan his wife from' the audi - \J &'*^ . 7 children 3 servants . ■ V. *-ifr ^h" f* \ „ \ \ C L I h. -JF' % '<-. >.^ i /^' INTROD UCT/ON: jnii NICHOLAS Butler- of Eastwell yeoman and\ , - JoiCE his wife v_ Samuel Hall of Canterbury yeorcian and Joan his wife. Henrv Bachelor of Driver brewer, and Martha his wife ' , ' Joseph Bachelor of Canterbury tayjor and Elizabeth his wife Henrv Richardson of Canterbury carpenter and Mary his wife '1 Jarvis' Boykett of Chanington carpenter 1; John Bachelor of Canterbury taylor ' Nathaniel Ovell of Dover cordwinder Thomas Calle of Faver^ham husbandman and ^NNET his wife William Eaton of Staple husbandman and i Martha his wife . ; Joseph Coleman of Sandwich shoemaker and Sar4 his wife ' Matthew Smith of Sandwich cordwinder and Jane his wife Marmaduke Peerce of Sandwith taylor and "Mary his wife Certified under the seal of office of mayoralty '9* History of Sandwich, by W. 3 children 5 serv. ^ .3 sery. I child 3 serv. 5 children i serv. -N ■ I serv ^children "3 children i serv, 4 children I 4 children \i serv. A-- June, 1637. , Boys, 1792, p. 752. .f*' I iff^ We have next to notice the record compiled by Mr. Daniel CusJi- ing, first printed^ in Mr. Soloman Lincoln's Centennial Address.-at Hmgham, September 28, 1835. It contains the names of one hundred -and seventy-five emfgrants from the county of Norfolk, who emigrated between the years 1633 and 1638. almost wholly from Hingham. Wiridi. ham, and other neighbouring parishes, and who consequently called" their' new settlement Hingham. But there is something to be said about this emigration, which itrh believed has hitherto escaped notice-that is Jy . ' (V ~ ' « >/' ' ' ' 1 , .-,.■ • ■ . •■ ..-V- - ■■ ■ • . 1 / ■». ■■, ■.-.-,:- ^ "»/■.■ ...- ._^- -L^„ - ■ - -- - r ■ - '- - ■'-Sly' ,...: - -' -;'#'- ,„«.,.; i : 7 : . ** ■ •.'^-- 1 « ■ ■. V - 1 ^^ ■ ' '■ - i t .- , '' ■,■ * / * \ ' ^ / , ■■ - , - • " f^ ^ T-7 / , ,■ - - a " ■ ■* ► \-J ,. ^N >^^; /•^■--. 4. .;..•• , ' " . • ■ '-,-■.' * ^ ■-■"•. ■ ■ .', ■ ■ *'■ . ' "^X ~ - ■ ■■ ;r-.\' ;' , .^. i" V . ,■■ •* "L ■ ' "^.-. ' *% / ' •■:':.. *^ ' "..; % : ' X-'-- ,;' ■ '■ \ _. ~- - , * ♦ ■^ * % . t ' . • ' - • /. -'^ ■ i • ' '» ■ ' ' ■\ ■ . ' . / . « , • ■: V , " i' ,, « r '% i ItfftiiODUCTIOX. \ ' . : __^ * »-» ■^ ■■V. that the movement was largely^fostercd byjri:^^^~^Z^~^' The first name on the list referred to i / The foregoing extracts sufficiently demonstrate the nature of the / Leyden records. Further notices are unnecessary, but the list of those who .embarked in the before-mentioned ships is of sufficient value to entitle .ts mserrion in this place, though it must be remembered that it is not absolutely official. It is taken (com the interesting work of the Rev., Ashbel Steele, A.M.. entitled " ChUf of the rUgrims, or tlu- Li/, and Ttmcs of William Btni'stcr." Philadelphia, 1857. pp. 4O1-410. • Ilolh Ilran: \ t Mis wife ,,n,l«l,ly .lie,. ,h,xtlr after«r.„|.. „,he nam. of Jol,n J«,ny i. given .Ion, in ,he following h»t a, coming over inihc W««, or Zi///, >«,,. "-"ne in ine ■ * 4 '. • _ :^ , ■- ^jaaaa-.- _ : t -V- ■^^- ■- s " ■ ' Ir S, • ■ • V \* b -'■ i^ « ♦ ■" ._, - .. ." . • \ , • »■ INTROD UCTION. <#, .. LIST OF PASSENGERS m THE J//iK^z:<9Ji'£^.. fceiiiH the namts of those who came over fin.1, in the year l6jo, and wet|||le founders nf New Vlymouth, which led t,; h.^, ,ot (h>m I.yden.or of the^ Com- ^ and h fc'"t,r kT/"^"'- ''"^^■''=''' '^-^ -^^'"^ -" ; --fed and had eight children. ^ ^ Isls ^;;^''°'^/"^ "^"'"^V COOPER, two children, their - rSt^sr-""^'"^'''^'^-^^"^''''^-"- ""-"''^ JOHN TiLUE, and his wife ; both died sodn after they cam,/ on shore Fr'::nc;^O^Te"1''T.' "r^'^r' ''''^''"'' '"'*-«' J^^n Howland." I RANOS COOKE ; who hved until after .650; his wife and other children came afterwards; t»ey had six or more children. John his son ; afterwards married ; had four children. THOMAS Rogers; died in the first sickness. Joseph, his spn; was Lvrngm 1650, married and had six children. Mr. Rogers' other • _ children cjime afterwards, and had families. JAMES CmLTON. hi,, wife ; both died In the first sickness. Marv . the.r daughter; lived, married, and had nine chiUred. An^ othef married daughter came aTkr#ards LmvARD KULtER. his wife ; both died in the first sickneS. S;.MUEL their son ; married ; had four children. JOHN TVRNER, two. ««,j(^|amcs not given; all three died in the' t .'■ ■■ 1 ':i- ■ T i #1!' -'-■•■ 'fi-^.v-' ,.4 ?#- .\ ^ i ;'^ rr /NTH on UCTION. xn'\\ 1 I first sickness. A daughter came some years afterwafds to Salem and there married. ^ FRANCIS Eaton, Sarah, his wife; she died the first winter; by a .third marriage he left three children. Samuei^ a son ; married and had one child. ,/ MOSES FI.ETCHER. JOHN GoODMAN. ThOMAs' WILLIAMS. DlGERIF PRIEST, Edmond Margeson, Richard Britterige, Rich- - ARD CUrke; these seven died in the general sickness. The , w.f^ of p. Priest, and- children, came afterwards, she beinff the ^ ! Sister of Mr. Allerton. '' , TetER Brovvn ; lived some fourteen years after, was twice married, and left four children, ^ Richard Gardiner ; became a s?aman, and died abroad GILBERT WiNSLOW; after living here a number of years, returned to £>ngland. JOHN Alden; "a hopeful young m.an." hired atSouthampton. married Pnsalla Mullens, as mentioned, and had'eleven children ' John Allerton. Thomas English. • • .' William Trevore, and - Ely; two seamen; are commonly, but mcorrectly reckoned in the' number of tlie first company of passengers for the Colony ; Bradford himself says : " Two other seamen were hired to suy a year ; • • when their time was out they both returned.". Accordingly he says of the Mayfl.^,er ■ TT'^ V- ^'"^ '""^ ^''°"' ^ •'""''-'» "-'='. came ofcr Z .^ . the first ship. Afterwards he adds: "Of these one hundred • LThL ..''^' "''"' '" *^'' '^"' "•''P *«eether. the greatest - half d.edmthe^ener,l mortality, and most of them in two or three n,o««^^ti]he." Omitting those two hired sailors who returned, and^ounting the person that died and the child that was born while on the passage as. one passenger, we have the exact number-i,«^ hundred of the Pilgrim Company, "who came over in ^he first ship." And. as fiftyone died the fii^t ■ f^'^""' ^*'^ enumeration makes^^md those other words of the Wtonal, that, "the greater haff died in th; general mortality." - ; ,/ :> '' !■'■■' . . ^-^ 1 /-.■■■■' .' ■ ,•' , ■ 'ffti t « ♦ « ^ A ^ > <«:* xxvui INTROD UCTION. LIST OF PASSENGERS THAT ARRIVED, AFTER ONE YEAR, IN THE SECOND SMALL SHIP FORTUNE; Being parts of families with others, left in England or Holland the year before, at New Plymouth, on^the nth of Nov., 1621. They arrived John Adams. ^ /%;!, ^ , William, Bassite (BMsett, probably two in hfs'family). William Beale. Edward Bom PASSE. •Jonathan Brewster ; the oldest ton ctf Elder Brewster. Bennet Morqan. * ' ■ ' Thomas Morton. . ' . "* Austin Nicholas. . William P^aImer (probably two in his family). WiCliam Pitt. Thomas. Prince, or Prenc^ j married the Elder's daughter, Patience- was afterwards Sovernor. ' MoSEii SiMONSON. , * ' - V- r ••'■■■ [:' « . ». C ■> » — *-' • « ^3^^K k % « -^ " .■M^'-i'''. - : ■ K • 1: I ^-•^ *. N INTRODUCTION. Hugh Statie. JA^^Es Steward. William Tench. John Winslow; brother of Mr. Edward Winslow. William Wright. LIST OF THOSE WHO CAme OVER IN THE W AW AND tITTLE JA'MES. V ; Th; vessels paned company « sea ; ,he Ann arrived the lat.er part of June, and the I,aU 7j^s some week or ,en day, later; part of the nuo.Ber were the wWe. and ch.ldrenl .persons already in the Colony. «-uiiuren of Anthony Annabal; afterwards settled in Scituafe Edward Bangs ; sottl|tl in Eastham. Robert Bartlett. ' , ^'^^ TrI™ '""^ PATIENCE B^rewstIr; daughters or- Elder Mary Bucket. v * Edward Burcher. \ Thomas Clarke. This Thomas Clarke's grave-stone is the oldest on the Plymouth Burial Hill. Christopher Conant. Cuthbert Cuthbertson; was a Hollander. Anthony Dix. John Faunce. Manasseh Faunce. ' ' " GOODWIFE Flavell; probaby the wife of Thomas Flavell. jvho came ip the Fortune. Edmund Flood. William Heard. < "' ^»' ^ ^ . Margaret Hickes and her children ; the wife of Robert Hickcs, who came «r the Fortune. %- -,.<, >ffc / ■■- r ^ ^ / ..w.&v XXX lATHODUCT/ON. ^ . [ ^V■'■ ;.-*■ William Hilton's wife and two childr,^. n^^^r^^i:^^^'^t^~^i^\, his death. "* Edward HoLMAN. <-' .' • ' JOHN JENNV; had "liberty, in 1636. to erect a mill for grinding and > beatmg of com upon the brook of Plymouth " Robert Long. Experience Mitchell. George MortoJ^ he brought with him his son. Nathaniel, and four other children. Nathaniel Morton ; son of Geoi^e Morton and afterwards Secretary of the Colony -, > THOMAS Morton, jr.; son of Thomas Morton, who came in the Fortune. Ellen Newton. John Oldham ; a man of some note afterwards Frances^Palmer;. wife of William Palmer, who came in the Fortune. ' Christian Penn, Mr. Perce's two servants. / JosHini Pratt. . ' James Rand. Robert Rattliffe. Nicholas Snow; settled in Eastham AUCE Southworth ; widow, afterwards the second wife of Governor ^ xiradford. FRANCIS Sprague ; settled in Duxbuiy Barbara^Standish ; ,>., second wife of Captain Standish. married after Thomas Tilden. Stephen Tracy. Ralph Wallen. "'°?^- It must not be imagined -that the following pag'es furnish bv an4 means a complete list of the early settlers in Am'erS I^^^tVZ J \ i-l, '«s* u IXTRODUCTION. xxxi -Mayhew was appointed, for a term of twenty-one year^tTkeep a ^oi^ of all those persons who left England « to passe into forraigne partes " but of Mayhew's lists nothing is to be found but the fragment com- mencing at page 287; and that continues but for a few months. It cannot be doubted but that other lists ^vere made, but they ape either lost, or are among the mass of papers still uncatalsgu^rf-arthT Record dffice We learn mcidentally tjiat ships left England almost daily for America' but no records of them, or of their passengers, remain. Thus among the' ' '^uT.f '^'*'''' '" "^^ P^"'** ''^ ^^'' ^"^ Kent, we find that on the -^ of May, 1639. Margaret, wife of Thomas Waldigrauc, bound for New Jjgland, was buried. Who was Thomas Waldigraue, and with what company did he sail .' We know that many ships sailed from Bristol, among others TItt A „gcl Gabriel and Tht James, conveying the Revd. Riclwrd Mather and the -.. Revd. Daniel Maude, but no records of departures from that port remain Again, who' were the companions who sailed in xhn in the Tlu GnfKn with John Haynes and the Revd. Thomas Hooker .> Whefe are thehsts' of Tlu Arabella, and other ships, in which John Wintfirop and the foun- •ders of Massachusetts embarked .' Who went out with the Revd Fzekiel Rogers from Rowley, and with Fenwick, and the Jievd. Henry Whitfield > ■' These are bufa few instances, to show how very imperfect areour records of the early settlers. Further, it should be borne in mind that only the names of those were taken who legally left the chores of England. At page .4^ for example, and elsewhere throughout the book, we find that the passengers , were examined by the minist^er touching their conformity ^' ■"^^^^ ■ " -....-.M^ ..*- *• '■ m XXXll INTRODUCTION. lists, it is stated that so many people were transported to New England, it does not mean that they were sent as felons, as the word, at the present time, usually implies. It simply means that they were conveyed. Those persons, however, who were convicted- for upholding the cause of the Duke of Monmouth (pp. 315— 342), were undoubtedly //-aw/^jiairrt; as we now understand the word. The Summer Islands, mentioned at pages 301— 314, and elsewhere, are now called, the Bermudas. In 1609, Sir George SomerS. or Sumers,' was driven on the islands in the course of a voyage to Virginia, and from' him the islands derived their name. The Virginia Company, who claimed the islands by the right of having discovered them, ^old them to a com- . pany of a hundred and twenty persons, who, haying obtained a charter for their settlement in 1612, sent out sixty settlers, with a governor. During and immediately after the civil war in England, many persons of eminence ^ took refuge in the Bermudas, among others the poet WaIler, who cele- brated their beauty in a poem, entitled " The Battle of-tlte Summer Islands" Enough has been said to show the great value of the lists here given, and I trust that others may be induced to make further search among the documents in the Record Office, to bring to light the treasures there ' hidden. May, 1873. J. C. H. V ^ -• - ,♦. \ ' i' - n'.s^*"' %> ^ •«.>. ♦ <,,[^egi]ster of the names * of all Y" Passin^er w*"' .. Passed from y Port of London for on whole yeare Endinge at Xp-" i63. s ^- M « ^ ^ ''»S»L .*v -. \ ,^_-. __._- ^_. »» '"- S-- J — f< , :^- :. ■ ,• Passin^er w-^" Passed from Y Port of London. Post feshun Natalis Christi 1634. vs^ ad /Mum Na: Christi '635 • J Secundo Januarij 1634 IrtKIS vnder written are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued in y« Merch' bonavcniure James Ricrofte M' bound thither have taken y' oath of Allegeance. ' ; VVltt.MSAVKR 58 Ba/II.I. tikOUKIi 20 •RniiKRT Pkkcy 40 ClIARI.KS HlI.I.IARD 22 EinvARi) Cl.auk 30 Jo:Ogei,l 18 ' MathewMarsTTXix Richard HARGRAVE....f 20 ' W Smith Jo: AXDKRi^ON 20 Fr.vxcis Spe>5cer , 23 Joirx Lewes „.... 23 KicMARO HtV;in;s« 19 i Pe^er Dole ., 2o'' John Ci.ark V 19 _W" Guy 18 JolfS^BUBD 18 James Redding Richard Goui'Er Andrew Jefferies 24 W" Munday 22 Arthur Howf.il 20 Jo: Abby 22 Jamjks M0V.SER '. 28 . . .1 20 Gaijirett Riley .':' - 24 Mii^Es Riley ,.....". 20 WrilM BURCII 19 22 jA^tEs Metcalf J(/rVNDERWOOD , 23 Robert Luck , 25 j/oHN Wood •. 26 iv.\LTER' MORG.\N .■■■ , 23 5—2 V S "^ jni#'d ■ , r- , » .-■** ' --- --- ^^^ iS ■• -— - :. -:-■- - -— ' ■; ■'-- ---,- t ' _JL.. \«. ' -■ •- -.- — - ■ -y •"""'" ■ x^^-- ■ ■ - .f. -" - ■_■■.-. t' ■ -■ f _ ' . •""'"■. ' ■■ \ • 1 ' r ■" 1 • "■ '\ # ' g;i*fggt^ljli[Tr iil'Uliljliilyf,, ••A^ (,.>' '#1 IP '36 Ml M^. PASSAGES IVC» PASSED FROM 20 20 25 25 27 35 *JlENRiE Irish.. ,5 . ....24 W" W,H1TE 30 „ HUMFREY DaVIES ...a,. 23 W" CaNNION 21 Kdwaru Lami'kugh 35 Gi:or(;e Clikfe 26 AllRAM Jn"son 27 Henrie XVells ...• 23 John vsuer 26 Ekmond Kni<;ut 21 Tiio: Rasbottom 23 VV" GRi(i(;s()N 14 RiciiARu Jones 23 MicriEf.L White 18 Rl( HARD UoRTNE 24 EmvARi) Fletcher 20 1'"rancis Sowth John Connv 20 RollKRT Skarvh,!,. 21 EuWitttu Robinson 18 John Holland 15 EuwARi) Ash Tho:Sani)bv 17 Tjio; Greene 24 Mark Theody Jk... . Witt.M Burt ..!...... 22 n 25 26 John Bowes .../..... 23 Henry Cuppledike ./..... 20 RoB^ Stratford / 16 Robert Holland /.. 19 Tho: Borne -..„,.% Edward Robert's. John Carter George Sutton L 19 Edward Jennor ../..... 24 Joseph Glade 20 P|ETER Monk 29 Richard Coke .......;•... ;. 38 IsACK Peter 20 Pna.Lipp SguiER .._. 20 Bartholmew Elude 24 Richard Lawrence... 20 Daniell Smith 20 John SvinEs 17 Robert Kett 22 SuzAN Hudson , 20 Mary Sea .....r^, ig John ShettlewortH 28 Richard Fr||ie 26 RoB^ Holme ^ ,,,.... 22 John More 28 Richard Perce... 45 En^vARD Jones 21 Mark Ellvvn' .■;........., jo '■■'"'"•""■•"•". „ '"''i'ii/.,ii.,ii.^" iiit#l^*ii- r I ^ '634] y POR^T OF LONDON. •i.*- #' Hknry Purstynn l8 Richard Chitting 23 Tho>Marfiitt 22 RiCJIAR!) Edmonu's 18 W^Pricharu 25 Tho: Arnold ,...., ... 18 Richard Chambus .'..... 19 Edward Brunt 25 Geurcie Stokes .....,.,...*• 23 Henry Fookes 21 Robert Granger ..„!.... 21 W" Walter ......'..; 26 John Rods 20 EzEciiELL Clement's 20 Tho: Carpenter 20 Tho: §mith 17 John White ,. y; John Watkinson ^52 Joseph ^ardv 23 Robert Langhidge 20 jNo Etherington 17 George White 27 Tito: Cockey , 25 AnT" BL4CKGROVK 24 John Higgins WiflM Hodgson Tho- Jenkynns JN" GREE\E\V/«w// Captcn Tiio; W(K)D M' bound thither the pawenges have taken the oath of Allegeance f Supremacle. ))VirtM Ric": Hanby yeiw VSIIKR , 23 •••• — ■• '3 RiciIard Jackson \y John Hill t.;. f^, RiCKiSRf) Cl.YNTON \ 23 Jn" Harrison ."^ ^5 \ .■ife" * A 40 PASSmCE/l Wcifj>ASS£D FROM \> "N. « James Read DunstonKember., VV-OWEN '. JnoFree Richard Gane Thomas Richard's John Nicks..'. Martin Perkvnn ... "'►AN.TPBfcADES* '. H6>BERTpVMOND.... -Two: tj^yB5„ V.-^i-Harwood ... f flilnjfp ilkiurqfii* '♦^AMEsPAt^ER- " RICHARD Cl ['634 fi ... 19 ;.. 26 .. 23 •• 25 • 19 ..,19 • 23 • 20. .. 24 I ■ ^ . 21 • 23 • 30 . 28 -21 20 23 20 20 mi' w * 1 ^ jARvncE Dodderidge John Decborn WittMSERIFF ;...| JohnOffword Tho: iIee Robert Richard'h GEORdEHlTER John Dreadd.;.... "..... Arthur Wynd Richard osBORN JohnPhillipps JOHNSfEEVENS John Reddhedd W-GlBSON Tho: Waterman .!.....'. Tho: Jones.... Jo: Nisom ..^j Edward Layton .:.':..;.' WiftM Ben.son JohnWhitehedd........ 2i,.LRichakd Barnard' . 18 . 24 24 30 18 37 3^ 20 20 '22 Henrv Long *K. v.. ;■.'... i^Niicu, jjjRtEg'- :i'..-r. , *Joft:^'TATi,E*;.i..i:..".".''' ¥i;SO«<«P*OifeER.-. y OM^ -Evton: , V. . . . Tub: SMfTHT.;. ; . Joif N JOHN?ON ^ "RiciMiiB .Holmes f Ralph Terrett.....*.... H£nr¥,Tatni;m ...Z .Alekander Smit^h ..'.... }pHN Crapp \^'"" JAhn Faux Joseph Bryan ............ Nevill Hutchins...... W" Walters ,..''.' WlltM PUTTKX \ I Afta„HALDWK;ER"" ' f° f «»«»*T l^ILUS^ NathaniellCobIm:;; '^'J"""^— John vViLKs ... Tho: Wellman . Tho: Gaton .... WiftMALLIN .... Tho: Letteny Robert Porter . John Huohes.... Henry Atkvns.: Robert Kember V John Davies Thomas Crowder. fni4.(W.i.*«,fcfc,ll,»rf,i,n.b„, ' ■"" ""^ """•' *«« cw b. «y d^ii^TI^ 21 22 '9 .... 24 .... ao .... 18 .... IS <■... 17 ... 17 ... 22 • 37 ... 13 ...•28 ■ ^H ... 27 .. 19 •• 23 .. 30 .. 28 •• '3 \ ■23 I . 21 . 22 . 21 • 25 • 25 ■ 30 ' 30 30 33 " 2| '9 25 • ai . 1 . „.:ir..iL. .,» f"! \ =^^"^ • * .:■ ._-..'. - * '■ - ' ' ■ i • "n « ' - -.-5;: - - ,. . . ...M ^^li»^\ • - .. - * » X, J634] K? PORT OF LONDON, Richard- PuRNELL 21 RoBERf Lynley 20 Henry Holmes 44 John Key .? 30 Jqhn Williams 21 JdHN Fowler 24 John Owen 20 Owen Williams 21 Tho: Drew ;... 26 w" bumstedd , 21 EtWAR^) jN"SON -20 ' John Bownd io JohnHaies.. ; 30 John Lj'on 18 WlttM^RSER....'. C4 Thomas Trigg 2*1 Robert NisBETT ^. ig WittM CAbDY 21 John Cassedy 20 Alexander More ,.. 24 Richard Wellvn..; 25 Richard Griff's [Griffiths] 24 Arthur Yeomans..... 24 NlCIJOLAS HOBSON....* 23 W^ Marrow ...-. 25 Francis Dene 21 John Philpott iq\ John Strattergooo i8 W"Cant. ,9 Henrie Speckmrn 27 John Ya.t's „ ,g W" Ran.se ......* 2'4 •George Selman 16 Nicholas Blades .... .- 31 John Clark 24 41 Tho: EvEkiE 19 Tho: Medweli .-.. 31 Jo: Basher 20 James Ellerton 18 Richard Hands :. 19 Medl'sa^a Watt's..... 20 . Tho; H.\mes 19 Phillipp Cartwrite , 20 John Lo^tis 21 MicifletL Rocks. ... .. ..^iTivr.jvr-at— Jo: Li&G 45 Tho: Shermaji 26 W" Jackson ,... ..:.». 30 James GoLBmoHAM , 32 Ric" : Rainolds; 19 .JO:NOKES 20 Franc's [Francis] Svmond's 21 ThpmAS LURTING i ; 21 James Anderson ..«.,. 19 WaLter.«}ago... ,; 20 John Bead 22 John Young ,9 Tho: Hubbard ...20 EtyvvARD Browne ?.. 24 W"SEERE 32 W"* Levvns .....'..<.. 22 JO: Hamqnd , 17 . EbtlTARD.PuLLIN , 37 James Cullimor 22 Jo: de Park .• 28 Richard WXLTON..V .'. 21 Robert Collie 20- Joseph Hepworth 33 ' WittM Walters :•....-... 32 . Daniell Smith 33 ' ?l JT; »v "m^ -M' ^■--^■ » ' ■ '• ■' *» ! #*, ilii*'t>rii»i#itei«6^ ^ \ 4» P^SSJNGER WCH PASSED FROM Richard Trueman ..... W'-Masters 24 I Randall Ogden , „ , 21 Tho: Bko\VNE. .Jo:Clere , 26 [1634. 19 II xj° Marcij 1634 H^(^]}|l"E^Sv„derwrtttennaines are to be tfeisjiortec. to tnppiepte. i mm New England having brought Certificate from the Justices of the fn^ace f Minister of the pish the ptie hath taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie. . Eeter.Howson xxxj yeres f his Wife ELLIN HowsoN sgyeres old. Turns \ Londofi f IHEIS vnder written names are are (sic) to be transpdrled^ I to New-England having brought attestacon f Ccrtific from the Justices of peace e Minister of the pish according to the LLs [Lords] of , the Councellsvorder the ptie hath taken the oaths of Allegeance ' f Supremacie. Thomas Stares ..«.*. Su2AN Johnson ..... • 31 •. 12 16 Marcij 1634 ^^^^ } H"^^^ ynder-written names are to ^k: transport.Tho: Haukseworth. - EdwarivPreston 13 Jo: Cribb ., 30 'George Chappell 20 Robert RoBiNsoN-.'v?;r. 45 ;rEi)WARD Patteson 33 Francis Marshall ,... 30 • Ricf: Heylei .■...*: 22 Tho: Halford '...-..... 20 43 23 Jo: Stiles ..'...TTT..... , 35 Henrie Stiles 40 Jane worden 30 Joan Stiles ,.... 35 Henrv Stiles s ,. 3 Jo: Stiles .'....'. 9. Mo: Rachell Stiles ,. 2S • 22" Marcij 1634 . IHEIS vndor-written names are to be imbarqued in y« Planter NIC": Trarice Mr bound For New-Engfand y Certificat from Stepney pish, and Attestacon from S' Tlio: Jay, f M^ SiMON MtJSKETT 2 Ju.stices of the Peace, the Men have tak^n the oaths erf Supremacie f Allegeance. ■ yeres 3AKA u. OSEfiH h Nicholas Davies 40 SarX Dalies 48 Joseph Davies 13 Robert SteveIIs .... ...'. 22 John MoRfi " 24 James Haieward ^Z. 22 Judith Phippin j/* . \(> W"LocK 6 A Sawyer Jo: Maddox 43 Glover James LoNNiN 26 A Sawyer A Labourer 4 servants , , J 26 Marcij 1635 IHfs vnder written name is. to \^ imbarqued in the PeU^ Bonavtn- turc. Tho: Harman Mr bound for yc Barbadoes f S' Christo- phers p Certificate from S' Androwes pish Holbome: And Attestacon from Justice Grimston f Justice Shepparu hath taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie. WiltM Banks. .41. 21 yeeres. 6^—3 .. n . s .4- ' •. ■ » • - ♦ « _. - • * V ■1- ■ ■ ■- ^ '^^T - ■ ; 4 ■ , . , . f ' ■■ , . ■ ., _'~." f.' - " < -.<* \* * ■ > * i ■ « ■ ' « ■' ' ■■■ 1r ■■' i b ,' • . I #, ■&. 44 PASS/NGEH m-H PASSED FROAf [?635 Prima Aprill it^^ |N the Hapc^vcllot Lond m' W" Bundocke v^s New Engtd W- PAKRVER ..... ^7 y"^|- «-^'"ghan,- I the othe of Al.e, G«0:Grigg's 43 lofUnden ^ ^ ^"P'-«-'"'cie [.' Lavenden]* f of Landen ^ [.' Lavendei ) of Sherington J of Sherington in Bucking- hilsBer ,. ' Children of Geo: Griggs aforsaid Pnil.UPKYRTLANp... 21 Na^hRvrtland ...... 19 Tmo.Grigg's .;. ijyers W«Grigg's ,4 EUSA. GRIGG'S lo't, MaryGrigg's 6 James Grigg's 2 J^"'*"*= 42 ys wife of Jo'' Cooper T;^"^"'- 49 ycrs wife of Edmoxu Farrington ■^ ^^ 37 yers wife of W" Purr vERf -, Alyce^ 42 yers wifeWGEO. Grigg's Mary Cooper 13 'Jo-Cooper '" ,0) Tiio. Cooper 7 ^-Children of Jo" Cooper aforsa\d- ' Martha Cooper 5) " "i. s,K..;rrr:'",; ■' ^=" '-- '» ">■ <^- Matuew Farrington 12 "Jo" Farrington n EuzA. Farrington.,. 8 Children of Edw.j Farrington + I" '•P«''»We that thi.U intended for Parrym ■.„.„. kk however, clearly wrilten Purhykr ]' ' ""ivir, a nunc which appears above ; it is ^- *l'^'^''«<^'«[*bu.dp,bU«.U...„d.dfi.rEo„ONo.w.Uch„.„eocc«,..,»ve., ^-'- ■ III - * » . • ^ - ; M I ■V • 1 • .- '"■ ■> ^ . ■ # i '. - ■, •■ - ■ ■ : 1 *' ' ... I ■-; . . ^ •" . . » j 1 i ¥ - ' i 1 < ' ■ ^■Jlf ,' 1 * . .,.. --■■'^=':" ■' ■ '■- \ • .. '■ - : ■ 1 ■r" ^ .,•.-.■,:. .. ;■_.. :■.. v; > » t • ..... V'j .• "■^M'lil l lU i : . ::\ ■\.- t: :-'6iji /■ y^ PORT OF londonSx 45 Marv PURRYER* 7. .: Sarra Purryer* 5 Ichildren of W« Purrver.* Kathren PuRRYER* iSmonthes^ VV, . 2° Apr His 1635 if p^ons •V IHEIS vnder written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued in the Planter NiC": Trarice M' bound thithctitfie pties have brought C^ificate from the Minister of S< S' (sic) Albons in Hertfordshier f Attestacon from the Justices of peace according to the Lca-ds order. ,1 A Mercer jo: TuTTELL 39 Joan TuTTELL 42 John Lawrence 17 W" Lawrence 12 , Marie La WRENCE .. ..'. 9 AbIGALL TUTTELL 6 SYMON TUTTELL ..) 4 Sara TuTTELL 2 jo:tuttell i •Joan Antrobuss , 65 Marie Wrast 24 Tho: Greene 15 Nathan HEFORDf 16 servant to Jo: Tuttell ■ Marie Chittwood ,..( 24 Shoemaker. Tho: Olnev 35 Marie Olney 30 Tho: Olney 3 Epenetus Olney i 22 Husbandman Geo: Giddins ... 25 Jane Giddins..,. .-. 20 Tho: Savage, a Tayler ;;,;;..;;. 27 A Tayjr Richard Harvie . . .- Husb;man Franc's [Francis] Peboddy 2J Lynnen wCver W" Wilcock- SON ,. Margaret Wilcockson 24 Jo: WiLLCOGK§ON 2 Ann Harvie ,3 A Mason W" Beardsley 30 Marie Beadsley - 26 Marie Beadslie 4 John Beadslie 2 JdsEPH Beadslie c. mo: Husbandman Allin Perley Shoemaker WittM Felloe . A Taylor Francis Baker . 27 24 24 • (See note t on previous jnge.] t [This name \i very difficult to decipher.] y •«»"■* ' / v.. » / \ " ' \ - !* ____^^SSmGEJt m» PASSED FROM Tiro: Carter ....^T^ "25"^ ~ — ~ MiCHELL Wn.LMSON [Wfl- ) "-'^MSON] .C... 3or^'^anfstoG£o:GiDDi^sprd Elizabeth Morrison .a 12' ■(i X- 3*' -^/'v// 1635 it u ^ Statinor James JVeauer... 21 v^T^ — ^ Husbandman Wetge in ) Edmovd Weaver '' V i u- Auckstrey in herefordsher 1 Margrktt ■;. ""'' ^ ' "''^' Husbandman Jo: AsnvooD ... 26 „ r... cl iJ ' Jo: RUGGELLS . Martha Carter MAklE ^lliott .. 10 .27 '3 44 30 2 - Nazing in Essex. Shoemaker Jtt Ruggells... I.r..,-BARBARIERUGGELLS Jo: Ruggells Elizabeth Elliot g 'Giles Payson 26 ISACK MORRJS '. Husbandman. Jo: Peat 33 ' . ofDuffiIl»pish in Derbieshier. Edward Keele . jo: goadby ....... Jo: Bill Tho: Greene 14 16 '3 .IS P Cert: from Stanstedd Abbeyf in com Hcrt. ' Husb:man Lawrence Whitti- "OR ...63, .Elizabeth Whittimor . 57 Elizabeth Turner^ 20 Sara Elliott •., g Robert Day „ W" Peacock .'.'.'■.'■■ ,3 Husbandman I^Ii^lSBRouGH 18 of Ell-Tisley+ in coin Cambridge. Eliz: Elliott Lyddia Elliot Phillip Elliot Husbandman Robert Titus of-St. Katherins vxvr Hanna Titus ^ ,. .'. Jo; Titus ." Edmond 30. 4 2 3S 31 8 S ti-- I Sl.il.,l^id '' / ■» *(iW(*'^P^V "^35] K* PORT OF LONDON. Geo: Woodward jj. ffishmonger. P Certi from Sr Geo: Whitmor f S' Nic-> Raynton two Justices of yc Peace in London, f from Jo: Thorp Minister of y« pish of St Buttolphs Bilnngs gate. •■ . ' ' °. i ^ -*'> ' be Imbarqued In the Peter Bonav" dt Lo". m'Capt Harman v's Barbades. Theis pties here vnder expressed haue brought Ceiteficat from two Jusj^ of pace that the toke the oathe of Allega f Sppremacie f Also cer< fro y Mirtfttr of the pishe this 3J AprilJ 163S Ai.CE Mace 22 Margrett Ellgate 24 Margrett HartfordS: ....;. 22 Tho: HATd&HJiE aged '22 W" Morrison .'. 23 Ralph Vaughan 22 f J Jane Maddockes 21 ■-*. 4'* Aprill 1635 IN the Peter Bonav" de Lo. m' Cap' Harman for Barbajles Theis I two pt.es brought Cer. frpm two Justices of peace f the Ministr 01 tneir Conformity accord to order. ' W" Clerke........... 29 yers. | Tho: SERGEANT 23 ycrs. vj' Aprilis le^t, IHEIS pties heerevnder mencioned are to be transported to New- I England: imbarqued in the Planter Nico; Trarice Mr bound thither: they have brought Certificate from the Justices of Peace f .Ministers of y. pish that they are conformable to the orders of y* Church of England and are no Subsedy Men : they.have taken the oath of bupremacie f Allegeance die et An" prd. -~^ A Carrier Martin Saunders ......''40 ; *'-wr Rachell Saunders 40 * }. ,.^.. •■:.-- ^^ ^L It y PASSINGE^ WCH PASSES) FROM ['63% > /-Lea" Saunders ,'. ,© 3 children j Judith Saundr's g V. Martin Saunder.s 4 / /-Marie Fuller ,, 3 servant's -j Richard SMIT15 14 'ric": Ridley... ...i.!!.!! ig Husb: Francis Newcom Jo: Abbott ,5 Jo: Bellowes ,.... 12 "■-"■•- ^ .Jo: JOHNES : ,g ChRTstiom^J^ddington 18 Marie ABBOTT~"rrs»».tj^rtT..„ 16 * Marie Coke Marie Peake ATayler Thq; Pell A Glazier Jo: Bushnell • [Thi. and the three following names tre crpjiti throngh fh the original MS ] - 1 IL' t"^!* ■* ■ " "^ *" " • "•*•*"" °' "'" '^ crowed^t name, in the firrt cohum. J [Probably mtended for Christian. The original, howem, ^ diitinctlj written ] * ^"l: * , n -^■*- ■ » \ ■■ -.—^^.41::^- - fc ^ - » * - * « () . ■^ * ' T^ •**, ' • « \ . .. ,. , — — „.---—- * l'-' V t S , \ '♦ -■." f^'^i) .':' & ^ PASS/NGBJt mt PASSED FROM p the Rabecca of London, M' HoDGES for New-England A Husbandman. Peter vnderwood 22 ,' ISABELL CRADDOCK ^ 30 vij' Aprilis 1635 I HIS pt.e vnder menc.oned is to*e imbarqued in the ;eyiiV bound for New-England, p Cert: from Aldermai/ Fenn of his con- formiUe. he hath talcen the oath of Allegeance f Supremacie. Richard Fenn ..; ,y 1635 At Gravesend. IHEIS v;derwritten names are to be transported to S.Christoph.b th.ther. here was Cert: brought from the Minister of S. katheS' the.r conforms, of their discipline f orders to y« Chu.h of iSS the Men did take ye oath of Alleg: and Suprc" • J^"»i*"a yerei 29 22 '6351 r^ PORT OF LONDON. S« Henry Bagin 22 W''LAinYN 21 Hanna Roper 23 Henry Lee 30 Edward Smallman 21 ■Robert Atkinson ^. ....»,. 23 Tho: Fearfax 22 Mathew Turner 46 Edward Gass .,., 20 Henry Sentence 20 Edmond Davies 21 Edward Barnes 16 Tho: Nott; ig Jo: Adams ; . . , ig Edward Gray 32 Jo: Watt's Edward Fisher RiC: Crowder t. Ric»: Preston .*.... Ric": older -r*.... W-KiNG Jo: Holmes Nico Seden Fra: Stott Phillipp Je^ing's Robert Spurr Tho: Spendergrass Nico: Hollis ..., RiC: Danes. 21 28 21 24 18 22 20 3a as .24 24 20 20 49 they have taken |N the Peter Bonaventure. Tho: Harman M' bound for the Bar- babodoes, theis vnd<»r written names p order ; y« oaths of Supremacie and Allegeance. THO:BpH(jfNN '";^ Jo: WestgarVh^ 28 Jo: Sweeting .% 26 James Townson 29 Ric": Dawson . . . *. 28 . Tho: Greenwood 15 Tho:Iveson Tho: Hywood W" Bank's Jo: Greenly *. Daniell Davies . . ! 26 Robert Braban 29 Jo: Thomas jj RiC: Leech t...^. 33 Ric": Abbott 20 ' Ambrose Huett gV Jo: White ^j Jo: Weston j^ W" Westo^i,. • ./ 16 W"Howseman [, ,3 W Ric Tho Chapman Cutler .. 40 J5 James Jackson ' jj Jo: Smitheman '. ;.'. jj Robert Savage 2\.. 21 Geo: Penny ,. V, \it % -i :i r— »-.• *»'■'?, '"^%' .-;-. 4 r ■ » ■■■ TSa-' , \ / - -- — tk ■ • - - '<9 V - *■ .,* ■->^- - m ■ '■ #■ 'M »■ #.«.^r . . . *, ' . 1 Wf' - * r . ' . .> > ^ *^ '* *r m i ■» f" PASSmCEK mtf PASSED FHOM #'■ \if>li »••••••■ JoPattman 23 Tho: Coke .... . Jo: Symonds . . Jo: Boone . , , . , Nico.- Evans ... JoiWvDHoasE , RlC»: J^OtilNBY , W" Lodge IsACK Pratt ... Jo: Evans ..... ' James RoBARD's. RiC: Clark..... Geo: Plunckett W« Maccowdin . Jo: Alliday . . . Waetsr Gibson., Jo: Wynkles .... Jp:VYNN Robert Roe . . . Maurice WiWms [Williams] 18 Dennis Mortag« 3© Jo: Dukkarth . Ric": Mansfield Gregorie Ogell W" Whitlock Jp; Long Jo: Thomson . Tho: Farmer RiC: Brownley 30 19 13 16 IS 20 13 22 ^1 20 19 f9 '9 20 2S 20 «; 19 *•••••••« »••*«• V-ii(4 , ••••••••■ >•••*••••«« 31 32 IS 31 30 31 33 •9 Mathew Westwoqd ,8 Jo: Mather * ,, Robert Penored .' ♦. . . . ^ David Robinson ,. WlttM^ECKKlTT 36 Tho: Evans Jo: Hynd..... ....] W-Mecham ,.V Roger Wills Tho: Tedder .".' Jo: Sessions Daniell Dennis Capten Jacob Lake Luke Stokes Richard Speed . . , Phillipp Henson , Arthur Watkyns Jo:JoyNER Jo: Dent Robert J NosoN ... Jo: l?AWC0TT Jo:BuNCE Jo: Robinson ,6 RlC: PELL.^„.,rrr Jo: Disherd . , . , . Tho: Lamberd . . . , Gio: Chapman . . . , W" Aston Adr/an.Goke .';.... Robert Philkynn Jno Sympson Steeven Greeuly Mary Lovei,ey .... Ann Lovely Maroaret Lucock's Annis PeAcv 20 24 30 20 19 22 32 30 35 ^S 31 35 25 30 26 18 8 • 2? ■ 22 • 23 • 17 '7 27 25 29 J6 35 10 27 24 '«35] V PORT OF LOUDON. is •^ 8 Afrilis 1635 jHEIS pties herevnder mencioned are to be transported to New- England : imbarqued in the Elisabeth of London w" Stagg M' bound thither: they have taken the oath of Allegeance'f Supremacie p Cert: from the pish of St Alphage Cropplegate [Cripplegate] the Minister there. Tanners W" Holdred 25 j^s Roger Preston 21 _ _ Daniell Brod'ley ..„ 20 . _: _„_ *^ itt^ ISACK STUDMAN» ...,...,.., 30 That ]^^i^s prd are no Subsedie liien : wee whose names herevnto JHM|ten belonpng to Blackwell Hall, do averr they are , ^^^^J^v: ^ Rob" Farrands. ji Thomas Smith. IHEIS pties herevnder written arc to be transported in the Planter: prd. p, Cert: from the Minister of Kingston vpon Thames in the County of Surrey of their conformitie : f y' they are no Subsedy men. A Miller Palmer TiNGLEV f 21 An ostler W" BUTTEKICK 20 , A Miller Tho: Jewell 27 vf Aprilis 1635 . ^ |N the Elisabeth de London prd M' WiVm Stagg bound for New- England ; Thcis vnder-written names have brought Cert- from r Minister of Hauckust % in Kent : f Attestation from two Justices of douL'tHTu U i T.T "*""' '■ "'^ "^""^ """^ ' '"'• "(I" ""• "-"»•«'». » «-H- t [HtwUtont, in the Ullic of Sen/. ] '» ■ It— V. \ t » ' ' — — ---r 1 ■ -■ -; -■'~'^' ■ ----- . * -^ 1 ^ "* — ' 1 \ * ' = ■ 1 * f- • .. 1 • 9 js: "f , W^ >: ,».»' 'K 0- :*;■ .- 54 PASSIJVGEJl W^9.pASSED FROM -\ [•«J5 f-1 ■■.S' » Peace being conformable tothe Ghurch of England ftlwt they 'Subsedy Men. - t . ' ^ A Clothier James Hosmer ''^ /^ FT(»r Ann HosJiER ...... 27 wife f 2 children ^ Marie Hosmer 2 ^Ann HossMER ...... 3! mo: maidservf / ^'^'^'^ Donnard 24 ., t Marine Martin ig ; -^ JO: pTON ^'■. . ^Q . -.. r Edward Gold"*... v.... ig _-_._»-, Geo: Russell .... * . 4, . ^ ig JO:M.USSELL.... ...15 are na iV A'iowt* die Aprilis 1635 N the ^tfArcu M' Jo: HqoGES bound for New-England. Husbandman. jAtOB Welsh ........'.... 32 . j.,^ * .» Geo: Woodward « 1 ■ . . .. «%.; , . HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Ncw-EngUnd! imbarqued in the R(^ca_ pnl. Elizabeth winckoll . . 52 I W- Swayne aged ......' ,6 ^ Jo: winCkoio. ,. 13 I Francis Swayne .;.... 14 I>f the Siisa f AnHem' Ro. Co)*VtR v^s New England* THOfiAa^ufSALL >v. 47)reft ■» * Ty ISr" "^ • St >63S] i' PORT OF LONDON. 55 N the Encrease of Lond. m' ROBERT Lea v's New Engtd a Mason Geo: Bacon* 43 ycrs : SamVell layers") _, jQM g J. Childrc»i of the Said Mason* SUSAN*!'.!!'.'.;!!! lo ^ i^^co^ a Husbandmah Tho: JOSTLIN 43" - <- ^ Rebecca his,wife .v vj Eliza. WARD'a maid seru' ' Rebecca ...... 18 " dorothv^. ii Nathaniell .. 08 Eliza. .. ..' 6 children of the said Tho: Jostlin ,;''«fc . 9 ^ af Aprilis 1635 , JHEI3 vnd'er written names are to beHransported in the Planter . prd Nico: Trarice M' bound for -N^w Engl:' p Cert: of the Min^ster of ^Sudbupe in SuflfoJ^ f from the Maior of the Towne of his conformitie tQ the 6rders f disdjjline of the Church of fehgland f that he ii ao Subsedy man._ he hath taken .the oath "of AUeg: f Suplrem: , /» „ yaw Carrier RiCHARp HASFELLf .......... 54 Y'jvr Martha v.. 42 • ' Marie Haskell '....... 17 v Sara Hxspell ...v..: 14 , \ Martha Haskell ., ; ...'C 8 ' t» A IlACHEkL Hasfe^l..-..4..v[;. 6 ^ • 5 daugRters. -< Ruth Haskell XI , ■* • Ithi» fVn^M ant wrilten Masom, jn miiUke,'tnd then tllcrcd to Bacon i the comctton, ' however, wu nfrmide for the chliaren. I theftfore luggert, in (heir cue, wh>l it d<»)illeM the forrect reading, Within brackeu.l ' ' » . • X (With lonie of the daii^ten, Ihii name app^ to be written HfrrELL; it i<, however ■ evidently intended for lUsnoLi in \ht ftnt name, Aat of Richaro Haitell, it U quite dear.] « \ J ' ^% >% ... _ >--. ■ ' a * • 1 • • * "t . -"i^^B 1 * 1 > * r-> i % !t"'« \*- •■ 1 • . ♦ 1 '» ■■■ 4 '^ ^- ^ ,>>- \ ; ; V 56 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM [y^ii 40 AUCE^MITJK Elizabeth Coop [Cooper] * 1! .' . . '. 24 Jo:SMiTjj^ .^ j^ Job Hawkins ',. "w^-E'xr^ ^' """ T" "' '° '^ ■™-?'"^ ■» 2 daughters EglinHanford ..... r Margaret Hanford . I ELft: Hanford • • . 46 .». 16 14 # RODOLPHUS ElMES ,5 Tho: Stansley 16 N the £/ha6ctA of London : w Stagg M' bound for New-England. WittMWiLD 30 - PeterThorne ....* '/'Zy, 20 . Alice Wild ^- xj' die Aprilis 1611 ^mder written have brought Certificate according to order A Carpenter \V^>Vhitteredd i& Jo: Cluffe . . ,' »'-«^'"' Elizabeth ........ 30 sonn Tho: Whittredd*. . ro^ / . Jo: Wild SAiiiVEL HAIEWARD Jo: Duke 22 17- 22 20 '^ "IIJ'^T ^ • '^^^^ ""''" ^'"'=" ««"«" are to be trans- ported to New-England p Certificate according to order bARAPlTTNEI... „ , MARGARET PiTNEV „ 22 > » 2chifdrenl!*'***''™" •*" 7. lSA>IVELLPlTNEVl:t Rachell Deane 31 fc "' '.< ■ '■^^- '<-W - • > mm •635] y PORT OF LONDON. 57 #. * xiij^ Apritis 1635 ' ' \ IN the£//M*^//4 e Ann W Roger Coop [Cooper] bound for New- England p Cert: from t^ie Maior of Evesham in coin worc'f from the Minister of y* pish, of their Cbnforraitie, Margerie Washborn Jo: Washborne PHItLIP£ WaSHBORNE 49 2 sonns -.*• N the Elhabclh de Lo: W Stagg U>\r(L: theis vnder written names brought Certi. fronf the JWinister of St Savio's Southwark: of their conformitie. Tho: Millet ,.., vxor Marie MiLlkr- . . . ^, VRSULA GrEENOWAY .\.. ( . Henrie.Bull 30 I JosuA Wheat ,7 29 I Jo: Smith' ,,2 32 ' Ralph Chaeman 19N Tho: Millet .' . . . 20 -2 J HIS vnder written name is to be imbarqued Iny Increase RoBKRT Lea M' bound for New-England. . p'Ccrt. from Billerecay in Essex, from the Minister of ye pish that he is no ijubsedy man. Husbandmen W" Rusco 41 ^t ivor Rabecca ■ 40 ^ Sara Rusco 9 Marie Rusco SAinVEL. . ..... ^ - W- Rusco . . i. . . .f. 7 / ,> 4 children. :::: \) ^ \ X ii'. PASSING£/i m» PASSED FROM \)Hl ■N the Increase prd. Theis vnder written names are to be trans- M^/^^'f J"? ^''^ England: p Cert: from All S-'^ Staynink's M«k-lane of their Conformrtie to.the Church of England k A Taylor Tuo: Page Elizabeth Page ; Tho: Page KATjrERiN Page _^ Edw»rd Spark's K AT: Taylor 29 28 2Awifef 2 children.- 22 24. 2 serv** •S'i'- ■'■1$^- -■ I J IS the E/MtA»H ROGER Coop [Copper] 8^5: Theis pties I herevnder expressed are to be imbarqued f^r New-England havmg taken the oaths of Allegeance f Suprcmacie f likewise brought Certificate both from the Ministers f Justices where their abiding', .lathe of their confprmitie to the discipline f orders of the Chu England, f yt fh^ are ho Subsedy Men.' s were^ Church of Husb: Robert Hawkynns .. 2$ Jo: Whitney '..^ „ Jo: Palmeri,ey , 20 Richard Martin 12 Jo: Whitney ...: , ^ Richard W^hitney ........ 9 Nathaniell Whitney ,'. ... 8 Tho: Whitney ..... :v. .... . g Jonathan Whitney i Nico; Sension 13 Henry Jackson 29 W»HUBBARP..,a,. 35 •* Tho: Hubbard Tho: Eaton ^ . . MAR15 Hawkynns 24 Ellin Whitney , Abigall Eaton 35 Sara Cartrack 24 Jane DAinAND ......... MarV Eaton Marie Broomer Mildred Cartrack Joseph Alsopp ,4 10 I 30 9 4 10 . / .•^ ■w. 1635] ys PORT OF LONDON. 59 <\ •*<(- . i 30 28 26 25* 22 IN the Susan f EKn Edward Payne M^ for New- England Theis pties herevnder expressed Have brought Certificate from the Minister f Justices of their Cooformitie f that they are no Subscdy ■ Mot ■ . -». . .; - ■* ■ . Husbandman John Procter . 40 Martha Procter ' 28 John Prpcter 3 Marie Procter... i - Alice Street . . .v. . . . . . . . 28 ; Husb: Walter Thornton .. 36 Joanna Thornton 44 John North • 20 Mary Pynder 53 FRANqis Pynder ^ 20 Marie Pynder ...: 17 Joanna Pinder ............ 14 Anna Pyndeh 12 ^Katherin Pinder ^. .. 10 Jo: Pynder g Richard Skofield 22 EdWXrd Weeden 22 George WiLBY 16 Richard Hawkins ..'. . 15 Tho: Parker 30 Symon BOrd 20 Jo: Mansfield 34 Clement Cole 30 Jo: Jones.. 30 W"Bl;RRpW ; ig Phillip Atwood 13 W-Snowe ,. 18 Edward LuiTius* 24 "Husb: Richard Saltonstall 23 Merriall Saltonstall .... 22 Merri ALL Saltonstall ..9,Mo: Tiio: Wells -...•.....■. Peter Coop [Cooler] . W" Lambart SAinVEL Poufir ...,.., Jeremy Belcher ...... Marie Clifford 25 Jane Coe V.... 30 Marie Riddlesden 17 Jo: Pellam 2d Mathew Hitchcock , 25 Elizabeth NicHOLLs ...... 25 ... 35 ... 25 EdmondGorden ..: 18 Tho: Sydlie Margaret Leach Marie Smith Elizabeth Swayne .... Grace Bewlie 30 Ann Wells DyomsTavler ,. Hanna Smith .'. Jo: Backley 15 W" Battrick 18 ToMAZiN Carpenter Ann Fowle ..... 22 22 21 16 20 48 i9 ^ • It is very likely this lutme may tw' intended plainly wriiten ». „ ' • ■ for Lani(in]u j the lecond letter it, however, 8—2 ^■' / .. \ %■■■ / JUSs/JVG^/t Wrif PASSED FHOJIf 15 May 1635 [•63s PSNELOPY PELLAM 16 yers to passe to her brother plantao" [pla„ta<&,fl xiitj' Aprilis 1635 N the Increase of London Mr Rob" Lea bounde for N land * fTheiAVue Eng- •*f.' Robert Cordell"] Gouldsmith in Limbert Stret* •ent them a Way^ . '''■Mii Samuell Andrewes aged n y" ROB" Naney .... aged 22 yeres ROB" San-key .... aged 30 yeres James Gibbons.. .. aged 21 yeres Also. taken- ^he oathes \of * Allegande f Supremacye, and haue brought Cer- teficat of their conformety w<* are this day filejd J-llSO. E™'wtf.''''^""''"^^'"''^°"^^^^30y«^ AH for„cwl,;,d Ellyn I,onge her s'runte aged 20 yeares I [New End- JANE ANDREWES her daughter aged 3 yeares .... K„ tie /^S Elizabeth Androwes her daughter aged 2 yeares aforesaid 'T XV* Aprill ifi-^t^ N the Eliza, de Lond. m' W- Stagg vn. New Engliid Rich. Walker Jo" Beamond i . .••..... 24 yers^ J -•••',.. ,. 23 W" BeamondL 27 Tho: Lettyne 23 Jo" Johnson 23 theis ptis haue taken Oathe of! Allegane f of Supremacy before Sr w- Whitimor e S' Nicho: Ranton , wittMWALKEIi . ' IVoubUess intended for LomuidStreel.] IS :V- -■ .:.-^- 1 1 III ,^.: , ■■ . • , •^ "■-■■■ . ■! "-''.:■. 1 IIW "'''*i',- -•,-. .. » ,V ■;■ -■ . - ■ - - ■ ■ !' , ' . :.■■. '-Kp-.p 1 li '• '">/<'''■ ;•■'■, ■ ' -.'^ , i ■" ■ '■. ■ - 1 ; . 5#- w iti* ■ • ^ ■ ' -^- ^•#' « "■ ■ , y ■■'■ , *^iS] ■ y PORT OF LONDON. «, ; , — — _ — _„-_ _ ■ ' P -/ - % , . IS'" Aprili 1635 - ^ |N the Elisa. . f An/ude Lon m' Roger Cooper V«8 New England Percy Kinge 24 yets, a Maid seruant to m" Ro: CrOwley: , > IN the Elisa.. dc Lo. m' W- S|AGG vra New England ■ — "•■ -. ' ■ -" ' >. •" — y'^ '- • '■■ s — ' ^' - - — ^-^— ■ — James Walker 15 yers f Sarra. Walker 17 yers: Serut'« to Jo- Browne a Baker e to on WVBjiASEY linen drap in Cheapside Lond p Cert, of their Conformity.*^ xvii/ Aprilis 1635 . '• IHEIS vnder written names are to be transported tol^ew-England imbarqued in the Increase de Lo: ROBERT Lea, M' the ptie prd having brought Certificat's from the Minister f J»«gices of y« Eesceof his conformitie to the Church of EngFand ^^^^ --■ " ■ *: Glover Tho: Bloggett 30 stror SuzAN Bloggett .,....., 37 -%, Daniell Blogget 4) '; Samvell Blogget jj 1 2 children. ■ \ ^\ n >* DN the Increase prd. The ptie vnder written hath brought Certifi- cate from the Minister of Wapping f from two Justices of peace, of his Conformitie to ye Church of, England: to passe in y« said Ship for New-England ^ J|^ Lynneivwever Tho: Chittingden. 51 ^P vxor Rabkcca Chittingden 40 ' IsACK Chittingden lol Hen: Cwttingden ^j 2 children. . # -^. ^' ^ '. . ' .' ,.-^ . \ - * • ' y ' •-■■:■ ^ _^ ^ -:• ■ • *- ' !^ -S; _, •<^ 1^"^ %\ i « A^ / / %■ m A Husb.man Percivall Greene „ lur^r Ellin Greene ..3, / ii -:^:\.. J n- ,V^" •ffm^ #. ««3Sl Y^fORT OF LONDON. ^ JO: Trane •••>.•. .tii^^..,4'^>. as ) , Margaret Dix : J; . . . 1 8 P *'^*'" » ^ Jo: .Atherson , . Ann Blason Ben: Buckley. Daniell Buckley...! ]o: Corrington Mary CoRRiNGTON' sf..^'iR'.i°.! 33 ^i _. ' :i-: ji •4. xiiij' Aprilis 1635 HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to the Barbadoes imbarqued in the Faulcon de London, Tho: Irish M' p Certifi- ' cate froni the Minister of the pish of their conformity to tlje orders of the Church of England, The Men have taken the oaths of AUegeance f Siipremacie. .Js i HtUKVP'M Gabrieli,^ Bolt . , . . . , .V*. . . 29 Owen BliSs .....<•/, ; . .^„/. 30 Geo: Say l.\.. ;».... ...... 26 BassellT)s:rrY\. .).....:.... 22 Marmaduke Turner T 21 / Jo; Bassett ...... X. . .t 19 , Ip: Sheering \. 26 Henrie Biddleston \.... 17 Tho; Lett ...X.. 22 -Samvel Stor* ' .^ . . X. 17 ^James Burt \3' / Charles Fall ...^ i W"Sennot^ ^.. ao Jo: Browne>\ 20 Tho: Webb . . . . y ,8 /-— ^ Jo: HopwooD ....\......... 20 Nico:AVade....;-..v.;.... 19 20 Edward Bull 22 FAiRFORD Goldsmith ...... 22 * Tho: Crispin 19 Francis Sheres ,..<.. 26 John Bathe 23 Smith Baker j . . . ,aj«^^ JitMES HiBBINS W^^' Jo: Belton ..; ^ Nicolas Flitcroft ........ iff W Bingham i« Humfrey Morris ... , 18 o: Dallinger -C... id jW Rogers ; 34 Jo:^pver 32 Francis Smith 20 Abrah\m Halloway ^^^"^ DAVE fts. . . . . . ;> .... t4 I Joseph Oi^Ap [Draper] .... 2 1 • [The lut letter ii verjr'indistinctly written : the name may be lalAu Stor, Ston, or Stow!] , \ 3IK " r t'.P z'. m *f w A '-■■M'- "V a: It .f . ■^ \ A- 64 PASSmCEJi WCH PASSED FROAf ^Ik .♦!•» -«*- Tho: Bromby 59 . Jo: Brombv 27 JESPER GiGGON ,8 John Brumweil RiCDent Thomas GualmaV Richard Snathe ....... RtCHARD COCHMAN ..... Thomas Allin ,.,. Valentin£^ove Robert Haxi^v Tho: Metcalf W" Knight Henrie Gilder , \^ George Lee ,5 _ Ant°: Boldsworth ........ 18 John Church 21 John Scott ,5 Robert Jones ........,...' 25 Nathaniell Write ........ 32 John Jones 24 Tho: Wallis 27 22 '7 22 •9 20 22 18^ 21 20 30 ToBy Hazell , Geo: Clark Tho: Robert's ./,8 Marmaduke Crosbv . . . •Geo: Harris , . Roger^Sawter Marie Perry , , . .- is Elizabeth -Elson .^. ,8 Bridget Gerden '^^^. ,5 Katherin Hill. ,....■..'. 7. .'^^ Marie Newcom "... ij Benedicter Sherhack .... 20 Marie Crew ,q Elizabeth Long j i Winifred Hand ...^. 20 Elizabeth Curtis .". 22 U'LA.,,.LM •• ••■^A W"Sturgis :. ,8 Tho: Knowli^s ,5 Peter Lostell .^ ,4 Walter Holburd 24 ""V- , V xxf Aprilis 1635. . ' |HErS pHes hereafter expressed are to be transpocted to I^ew- .K .u r * ,""^'>^q"'=d '■" r Jx^rcau Robert Lea Mr. havinR taken br^uS^^^^T ^ '■^^'P!'"'^ * "'= Church of England whereof they brought testmiony p' Cert: from y. Justices f Ministers ^^erefierc abodes havt latlie been, (vizt.) Husbandman Samvj^ll Morse ' .., 2_ "-w Elizabeth Morse . . , jrern • SO . 48 • [Crowed ihrougli in die odgintl , ihc aife u doubtful J Nk -. /^ "■^SS" ft <."■*■■" ~>: 1635] Y^ PORT OF ilONDON. Joseph Morse 20 Elizabeth Daniell 2 ^yjTjjncn wev' Pini.KMoy DaltoN- 45 vxor Hanna Dalton , 35 Samvkl Dalton 5 J VV WHitE 14 Husbandman Marthaw Marvvn 35 vxor Elizabeth MarvA'nn 31 Elizabeth Marvinn 31 — Mathew Mar^ynn 8 Marie Marvynn 6 " Sara Marvynn 3 Hanna MarvVnn \ Jo: Warner 20 « IsACK More...... 13 Carpenter Samvell Ireland 32 I'^or Marie Ireland 30 Martha Ireland il Plowritc. WittM Buck , 50 - Roger Buck ....... ^ , 18 A joyner. Jo; Davies ..;>....'..... Jg A Husbandman. AbraM FleiTiiNG 40 Hiulb: |o: FOKAR ' 2r Clothier. Tiio; Parish 32 John Owdie ,...f*S 17 Butcher \V" HoucJirTON aa Husb: VViltM Payne .■<, 37 ^ Anna Payne. « 40 >* W" Payne 10 Anna Pay ii^E 5 "^ , Jo: Payne ° 3 • Dan 1 ELL Pa yn E . , . . ^ ..^ 8. week's. «5 i \ i": « > ■f ^. 'T-K • , . t '. ^' m'* *>• \ ^. '^ PASSmGEX XVCH PASSED FROM James Bitton W" Potter ....'.' 35 Elizabeth Wood ,3 Elizabeth Beards 2^ SuzAN Payne ,, Aymes Gladwell ........':,' ,6 Jo: KlLBORI^E . . James Roger . . Richard Nunn Tho: Barret .'. Jo: Hackwell , .. 18 .. 20 •• ii • • so 32 12 children' Pmebe Perce Carpenter Henry Crosse. . Husb:THo:KiLBORNE.... ti.h.. Symon Ayres t- RabeccaAv^es.. ■•*.... Jane Rawlin ..... 38 •• • •« 16 • • • • • II • • ■ • • ^ 3 5 weekes 7 S .... 3 • 3- mo; ■'■'k' * »3 16 18 [«63S .. 10 . • 20 ..- 19 .. 16 .. 18 . 48 • 38 • 15 • »3 . II • 9 • 30 -; ;"-^-- 'm\ f* W Wr'- . r ■, 5 ^ . ■ . m ■ # •^. 'm • . '^t « » ■ i •. ■ • # • » •1 ■ '■' • * ' -A t .-• ft ^ ' « • ,. ' t. ». 't ' i63s] r« PORT OF LONDON. «7 1 6 Apri^ 163s 4 IHEIS pties hereafter expressed are to be transported to the Island of Providence imbarqued in jfe Expectacion CORNELIUS BlL- MNGE Mr, having taken the Ooaths of Allegeance C^Supremacie: As likewise being conformable to the, Church of EnglFId ; whereof they brought testimonie from the Ministers f Justices of Peac# of their Abodes •"*"* » *"»• •■•.•• Francis Smith Tho: Palmer ^i>,.' Leonard Smith Mathew Hamblen «. W" Lynlie • Christian Whetston 19 W"Cawdle .1 19 Florence'dickenson 19 Jo: Baki^r ^2 Jo: Martin 30 W-^ITH 20 Anto'Dowsell 20 Richard Slie.. .,^. 20 .Francis Dales 20 .Peteb Awbrey 32 Tnoj Feld 18 Edward Hassard B4 Richard Bull 17 Richard Reinold's 16 .W"Eakins .....!..,.....'... ij JOlTOTNELL 16 Edward Horsham V*. 14 lilCIIARD Tr^ENDALL |6 W«Read 16 Mathew Pippiji 30 MARYBAKfeR .;.h........ teLisiiA Bridges . ..'......, WiltM Thorp ...}., ElizAdeth Thorp.. , BtizABETH Thorp. ....... 42 16 30 20 2 JoAN^VER 50 MARGAfifeT ROLLRIGHT , .... 45 Ellin Cooper .'. 24 Llizabeth Coke 20 Marie vHaddock 20 Elizabeth Hamond ... i ... . 25 Alice AwBRin^ .v. 29 Elizabeth Lawrence 26 Ann Noble. # , 21 Marik Harr^igg 21 Millicent Leech .. i 28 Mar|e Goodwvnn . ^ 20 Katherin Webb . .T? 22 Elizabeth §cott \, 20 Marie HCwEs. .,...." ^. 18 t)oROTHY Lawrence ...^;. 28 , Elizab: Horsham 16 Alice Goldham '...t 26 Richard Price ^j^, 14 Richard Lank 38 9— a r L; • h >,T sit,, •■ f — — « .1 ■If :\ .# fe: I < ■: — '■'■■^ ■J * * . , .-: w ,~9^ # * # ' ,* - • \.. -W * ■ * ■ , * » ■* - 1 . V m m 1 1 « -* m' ' <\ J •> ' . • - Y" 6» ^4 PASSINGBK.WCH. PASSED FROM Alice Lane.. Samvel Lane J^Lane 4 OziELL Lane 3 Jo: Atkinson 36 1'6iS Elizabeth Owen Marie Milward ISACK Barton ,;. . Abram Ray , ^ - I Dorcas Horsham ^o Love Atkinson. 38 marie Gri.ffi„n \^ 30 21 ^7 20 '• ,.' % ^ ■ 17 yy>rtlis 1635 IHEIS pties herevnder expressed are to be transported to New- th I ^^ !2^, ""'»'-q"ed in y* Elizabeth W-I^agg Mr '„ Cert: from of England : they have taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie jreres James Bate 53 //,;, Mary Smith liusb: Alice Bate Lyddia Batjc Marie Bate Margaret Bate .... James Batks .*.., Husbandman Edward But' LOCK ELIZABETH STEDMAN ^ 26 Nathaniell Stedman 5 ISACK STEDMAN . . . . , ', Robert THORNToj(^r. ...... 1 1 MaRG.^RET DaVIES 32 Elizabeth i5avies i Dorothy Smith 52 20 »7 12 9 32 •t**faa»ta 45 Peter Gardner ' W"Hubbard Rachell Bigg Patience Foster Hopestill Foster Francis White Joan Sellin , Ann Sellin y-' j Edward Loom Es Jo: Hubhard Jo: Davies Marie Davies JO: Browne >5 18 35 6 40 14 24 50 27 10 9 4 40 .tV' •ii -tes^ - 1^ ,r '635J' s ■ \ y^ PORT OF LONDON. 69' ■t. ■*». ^ . *: --. J HE ptie herevnder named with his wife f children is to be trans.- ^ ported to New-England imbarqued in the Elizabeth i Ann WittM GooPteR Mr bound thither the ptie hath brought testimony from the Minister of his conformitic to the orders f discipline of the Churfh of England f fr&pi the two Justices of peae? yt he hath taken the oaths of j\llegeance f iSupremacie. Alexander B-AKER ,-..28\ 1; yxor ELteABETH. •.....*..' 23 f ^^" Elizabeth Baker .. . . . * 3 Tveres ' CuRisTrAN Baker •. , ^ ; CIement Chapliii; ^ W" SWAYNE Wq 24 Aprilis 1635 ■f IHEIS vnder written name^ are to be transported to the Island of I Providence imbarqued in the Expectacon aforesaid, the ptics have taken ye oath of Ajlcg: 4 i Nicholas RiskyiSIer ^1^ Sam: Goodenuff .......... 22 W" Randall 26 Andrew Leay t 24 Jo: Leay ^ 25 Jo: Bloiball 28 Edward Hasting'.s /% Tho: Hobbs 18 Jo:.Saracole . . .'. ,» Tho: Wilson .. .' ' ,a ^', ■V . XJ> •. 2.1 ■;< .. '» . ^ '■\, - #J , &, ^ Christopher m Owen AndroWe *'P^.(>.>1 , : 18 •Robert AndersSow John Greene. . .'r ;^HS; at Joseph Wallington ^^ ip ;jOHN HaIEWARD . . .^', . ... .'>22 Thpmas Martin ...... . ,. ■,^. ig . Thomas PiER^ J^,.^., J Na^„^^,,,, Bolton i" * WimAM HAYWAXp .V..- :. .8 W-LA^-DON \l ^ THokAs Avery ',3 ,, Tho: Leake \. i^g -■ Joseph Walker .. .\ .....:... g James Tate .\ \^ JohnSmith ,^ % Edward Wilkinson. .-Is .... .^ ,7 feiCHARD Galk^ ^. ^ ,6 Robert Tratt r. ..'..,. . .^H»,2, Thomas Reddman. .• '. ', ig WiltMGRUBB „..„■ ,6 JohnGolding ...... "9^,.. J, Clement Hutchinson. S:.: 30 .■ ' '■ \ ■ ' • Pavie Williams 17 WiitM Harris 23 JohnTurpin. ." 23 Francis Saiewell g^ Mathew Rogers 21 -* M .T^- * , N^.v »63S] \y^ POUT OF LONDON. 7'. I Bryan Bourk Anto. Taylor...., Andrew Carr ...; Owen Garip:t ... 19, [ Robert La YcocK ,3 .. 26 MiCHELL EsTPLYNN ..<-. ig .. 23 James Bell .' ,q ^ •. 20 Frend PicTo' ao John Frazill.... 29 john Whithedd ... " ,, ;6hn Porter ^. ^^ jo: Mallion^ " Xharles PoLfitiGTON 26 Tho: Bedlam . ' Charles Jackson ,8 Tho: Lone^ ' '■! Ei^WARp Bacon ,5 ThoiIias Wazell".'.' ,, Thomas Robinson 3, | Edwa'rdGarrard....'.'.!.'.".';;;;^ John Coke ' " Jeremy Hartley 22 — Patrick Conly [^r Couly]... 21 6eorge GoddW' 31 Arthur RokIer...' 20 Tho: Dale ". ^t.... 28 John Davies*.. .,..,.. 19 Tho: Burton ." ^ 19 Hugh Wynstonlv ; ...."•20 Bartholmew Draper 20 RotiERT Brock 23 ^ Hugh.Tawyer ...-.....". 18 W" Greene ^;..... ,7 Patrick GoNNYER 20 Richard King . . , WittM Barnes '. WittM Taylor 23 23t Robert Sennodd 23 Thomas Perkynn 29 WittM Longwith I 26 •.... 22 •■••• 30 .Gilbert Holdsworth 30 ' Womtn. Katherin Lloyd SuzAN Greene ; MaRGERIE BARRAN 19 ^izabeth Beni^ing.. jg Elizabeth Bruster ,8 Joan Smith : &PZAN Morp Alice Dixon. Jane Stafford ...: 24 Alice Hilton ..*., ,jj Katherin Russell : 20 Mary Pqwelh ,^... «9 20 27 21 21 23 _ ^ - , DEBORA WiNKE 21 ThoGullifer 28 [ Rabecca Bedding .'..■.■ .g NTathew Page *. JohnDavies i •..,:.. ,8 Richard Cawood 25 Richard Dynlev 19 Dennis PeJc^^....,...)^ ,..*;. ^o Nicholas GREENE^ ig 20 Ann SrtcER 26 MwSkii^ Jones 39 "Margery Harding .,..wxv.»,„. .irtRi^ino 20 . 18 Marie KiNoESSLiE 26 i--^ b . ■^_ tP?rh«pt inuitdtd for Lou«, i.t. Lovt.] y \.^ 1 I \ a B tt!j [ Ki l U||l l i| rii >l ii A < ll« i > ii > iii i ii ' i I I >i> Ma^ii fc > , i i ' ii iHii i . ..a^ ^>L^^i, '^: 7» . PASSmCER WCf PASSED FROAt ['63s /' , ?• 2<^' Aprilis 1633 IHEIS vnder Written names are to betrans ported to New-England imbarqucd. in the Elizabeth f Ann Roger Coop [Cooper!- Mr the pties have brought Certificate from tha Minister of the pish f Justices of Peace of their conformiti^ to the orders f disciphne of the Church of England e yt they arfc no Subsedy-men Ric": GOARU ..; ,7 A Smith Tho: Lord..... ^ jb ' «*o^ Dorothy..... ^g TiWfAs Lord..... ..- . jg Ann. Lord ..^....u. i^ W" Lord ,2 Joiry Lord '., -,0 James ComiETT .'... 23 jQSEfH Faberr 26 Tiio: PouNT» ..-. Robert Lord... .^YMiE Lord ... Dorothy Lord" JOSIAS COBBET If Jo: Holloway Jane Bennet... W" Reeve ..... eodem 29 Aprilis 1635 A Taylor Christoj-her Stanley tO-or SUZANNA \ ^ . W"Samond 2t 9 6 4 21 21 16 22 32 31 -Af- ' 4' Maij 1635. OWErS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-Enlland lU .mbarqued in the Eli,: ^ Ann prd. The pties have brc:ught Certificate from the Minister f Justic's of the Peace of their confor^itie f that they are no Subsedy Men. ^ A Tallow-chandler Hen: W1LKIN.S0N 25 _._/____ __^ _ ^"BERt Haies, 19 AsoapcbolM •[It is impossible to decide whether this name "i, Ponnt or PoukvTTi^ U«li„i„ .1 writteiUh«t it may evtm be intended for I'ou.so.jV ' ' " '""'I""'")' *l L .» I \ \ '^'iil^WB^ii^itAniijAiiaa } ■■ ^63S] y^ PORT GF LONDON. V 73 HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England: imbarqued in tf^e Abigail Richard Hackwell Mr- The pt.cs have brought Certificate from ye Minister f Justices Of thei'r conform.fe to the orders e discipHne of the Church of England Tho: BuTTOLPir ,.. 32 J'^or Ann BuTTOLPH 24 W" Fuller ,. Jo: Fuller NaTHANIELL TyLLY .1.. 32 Peter Kettell Tbo: Steevens Eliz: Harding 10 12 12 ^ 1 T ^ a Maij \6is EIS v^iaer-written names are tp be transported to y Barbadoes .mbarqued in the Alexander Capt: Burche and Gilbert GRIMES Mr p Certificate from the Minister where they lafe dwe t the Men tooke the oaths of AUeg. f Supremacie die'et A" prd WittM Rapen Leonard Staples.? Jo: Stanforj) James Manzer Jo: Watts Tho: Clark MiCHELL KiMP Henry Brouguton Geo: Ventimer Robert Hardy ..... Tno:bABB ............ Geo: Norton W-HUCKLE Edw.^Kemi' « ^-i t •*>■ yeres ,. 29 . 22 . 24 • 27 ■ 25 . 26 27 20 20 18 25 22 W»( .^..., Walter Jones I . . ., . , ........ PifELIX Lyne Arthur Write.: 20\Le\VES WlttMS [WILUAM.S] 19- W" Pott .\ r, J9 . 26 . 40 ■ 19 . 16 . 22' • 24 • 24 '9 20 2S 3( -#■■ I« 10. »,* ♦ « / • .# V-,7 lit' V Y^ \ 74 PASSINGEH WCH PAis$I) jf/tOM ['635 yeres .. 21 Thomas GiLsoN Nic": Watson '26 Ol.I.IVER HOOKHAM 32 ClIRI: BUCKI-AND 25 Jo: Hill 23 C Anthony Skooler ^^ Jo: Anderson W-Phillipps Jo: Beskord Henrv Yatman.....^ 2*. 'Robert Duce ..ti...^." 18 4)\VEN Williams ' oig Jo: Write ..". '24 William Clark 19 Edward Halingworth ...... 46 Richard Powell , „ I BEmAM,N"^ASbN HENRf LONGSHA <^ JhO: RUt1|h. Jo: Bush ; ,3 Jonathan Franklin 17 Jo: Phillipps 20 Richard Cribb ,g. Tiio: Browne .... ,3 Jo: Greenwich ; 21 Jo:Nedsom* ; ,g Edward Church ig Anto Threlcatt ..., W" Willis .%. , Clement Hawkins ....... GBD.R1DGLIE ...' '",^1 Dennis m'Brian [MacBrian] 18 '^e);*ussEijL 36 ** Es Driver 27 GH Johnes 22 5: Gildingwater 30 N ASHURST 24 Ja'mes Parkinson ;- 23 WittM Young 21 W« Smith ,8 Morgan^nes ' '••••JI Jo: Rich^d ..;,m.........7.7.... 30 Peter PiiAMiNG.....; ig Miles Earring 24 ' Robert Atkins:. 23 23 «i,. 'Imi.. JO: HowsE Jo: Cole ;:,.. James Watts .;# W-CROWEf......... Phillipp LoVell ^ 34 vxor Elizabeth J^jcell t^. Rowland Math 22 41 20 3, #^7 19 17 Robert Sprite ..!^;......i.. 30 27 A A» Lewes Hughes , John Greene.. Richard Marshall . MathewCalland,,.. Lewes David .v^j, Geo: White .,.,. jj^, :4'Jo ....... ^£ .i...«iv36 ■■If, 2^^ Jo: Weston.. ^.^,.y. James Smith ...... Smith.. *»■• ..,j5j...jv 41 19 19 22 29 20 [Migkt be read u Neeso; Richard LEE.rj..... W'-Seely „>; Edward Plunket.. Xho: Plunkett......;;..^....'.. 2&J Rowland Plunkett ,; 18 j^TtA^ NACTON ...^...fe,.... 28 w. t [Or, periwp?, Crome.] 4^^ ..i"-'' • v. ./ Vf*''. .. r^ ■••..-.,;■•♦■ * iJr IsisrWi ^ !■■ L f m. as %- # '635J y^ PORT OF LOI^DON. 75 ■#' Dermond A Bryan '. 20 Charles Galloway .19 'AMES Montgomery 19 JN° M> CONRY 28 SAmvELL Friday 20 ' Samvell Farron 30 Edmond Montgomery 26 Ol»4VER BASSETT 14 ParSjWt^ Daniell Burch Richard Stone............. Thomas Tayler r. . . . . . 27 "dmond N.vsh '....... 21 2RRINO \. eaTon . Richard Fane Robert Robert's is «S W" Lake »4 IS 14 13 Richard Iveson 16 Humf^ey Kerby ,8 EdwaiBIcokes 17 Henry Morton 20 James Brett ,7 Tho: Dennis Tiio: More ...., Jo: Lawrence .".'.7r.T.^7..., W" Martin Richarp Philpe ^8 24 / 18 33. •7 •3 '7 ANK'S. A ■/ ,-^ Edwa: Tho^-m, ^^2X YiKSW^%\ NCaWRTH ....^.;. 22 W« MATHEW^|Mk . . . .yC,. . . 30 Tymothie GoS^^^. 27 Tho: Penson ....^..1.:.. 20 WlltM Ander^n ......,....(... 36 Geo: Merrjman 41' |p: Deli;Xhay....^... 27 Robei(t Lee i. Jof Jackson 24 27 4 >•.•■ Alexander de la Garde IiFrancis Marshall 26 Walter Lutterell 20 Jo: White Jo: Burton Symon Wood Robert Mus.sell f?,..^ • •««*]!«»• Women. 2y"lBARBARiE Reason.. 3f^r Jane Marshall Diana Drake Mary Inglish AnnisBaiirat 20 Marie Lambeth Ann Mann... Elizabeth Warren Ann Skynggle , ijj Alice Chump* MathewiMay ElizaIeth Cil\mbers 20 Elizabeth Farmer 20 Margaret Conway 20 GraCEWaLKER 34 Edith Jones ^, 2, AliceGuy 20 Mary Spendley Ajkn Gardner _., 20 21 19 17 '7 «7 »7 20 21 •7 36 • • [It IS ixnsible ihis name may be mteiided for Champ J 10— a '%. B ^ fr ^ \ • ' *> .'. *■ . .jr. ' • fi^ / J -^*- JU-, '. I. <*t s« Wi, i Nono die Maij 1635. HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England, imbarqucd in y< Susan f Ellin Edward Payne M'' The pties have brought Certificate from the Minister of the pish of their conformitle fllic t u u the ori4;inal.] -*^ -■ -♦ ;(\ ■f 7fl PASSmCER fyc/f PA<;SED FROM 1 63 si H ''!\; 'iW .ti 6 Maij. 1635 IJIEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued in \)\t Elizabeth t Ann RoGKR Coop [Cooi-iiR] M' the pties have brought Cert: from the Ministers where their abodes were' e from the Justices of peace of their conformitie to the orders f disci- pline of the Church of England, f y« they are no Subsedy Men they » have taken the oaths of Alleg: f Suprem: ' SAMVELLHALL :. 25 VYNCENT PotTER .. 21 W-SWVNDEN 20 RlC»:GOARD ,, tJo:HALSEV* 24 W» Adams ".""""i ,5 tllENRy Curtis* 27 viij* Maij 1635. IN th^ Elizabeth f Ann prd Roger Coop [Cooper] W- Theis I vnder written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued |h the ^ said Shipp: They brought Cert, of their Conformite to the Church of England f y( they are no Subsedy Men. John Wylie 25 ^o: Thomson 22 Edmond Weston 30 Gamaliell Beomont 12 Awdry Whitton 45 George Orris '21 tjo: Jackson* .,.., , 37 Elizabeth Fadin ig Grace BuLKLEY 33 §^ //. ^|If >^.. . \ to the Church of England:> that they are no Subscdy Men. theVies have taken the oaths of Alleg f Suprem: Peter BuLKLEY ..., jo Tho: Brooke 20 f Precilla Jarman ,0 Ric": Brooke Elizabeth Taylor Ann Lieford........ N the Elizabeth t Ann prd Roger Coop [CooJ-er] M' bound for New-England. • Robert Jeofferies '^ {Marie Jeofkeries ;". 27 <" Tho: Tefferies :. j\ . ElIZaIetH JfEFFERlES 6 , MaryIjefferies..! 3 ' Hanna Day 20I ; Suz AN Browne <„, ..-.. 21 1 ^ '"^'^**^'^''' '^ Robert Cahr r:;:-:v.v..,!! at ATayler Calebb CarR i rr-.,, '. ^ RiC: White. :.i..„ .../.. ■^q ..,; ■r"?=DANE .":... 32 I Carpenter's-x, W-HILLIARD ., ,..; 21 J "''"-.-. xj' Matj 167,5. IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported\o New-England I .mbarqued in the Elhabetk f AHn'^ri The ptLs have brought Cerffirtite from the Minister e Justices of Peace of theii conformitie to Tk .'"n5 '"''^P''"' °^ '•'*' ^''"'■^'* '^f ^^"d, e )\« thev aren« bubsedy Men. "hW^*^ \ • " A Shoemaker WittM Courser' .%wXZ.'... 26 X ' A Husbandman Geo: Wylde ......•.:'?.,. 37'lVer» - "^ A Carpenter Geo: Parker .„,.... 43/ Vj "M ■^ . iu_ji .miipv^p^^^^ipnnipiiNiMippHM mm t 7« PASSINGES ffv/f PASSED FROM '— — 1£ [•6« ■> . , -/ ■ f i ' ■■*.' # ^1» xij'Maij 1635 '*■'.- ' ' |N the ■Elizabeth f ^«« Roger CoOPEfe M^ bound to New- England : Theis vnder written names are to be transported p Ccrtj^cate from y-' Minister o{ Bentiandin* m Kent of their Confornjitie to ye orders e discipline of ye Church of Erigland. ^ Jeremy WniTTOiW... 8 John- Borden, „ 28 I'wr Joan.... ......'..-... 23 NiCO; MORifiCOCK 14 , Bennet MoREimcic * 16 Marie Morecock ....r..-...T!.. 10 MATHEW BORDKN 5 EliX: BORDEJlT 3 bro weverf Thomas Whitton i6 Samvell Baker 30 \ I •♦ i '■^ . ' ' "i4'iWi«; 1635 . " . .,,.■, ^ . .. nHEIS vnder-writter/ names are to be transp(;^ed to New-England imbarqued in the £iisa6e//t( Ana Roger Cooi'ER M' the plies Vi have brought Certificatt from the Minister gf the pish of his conformitie *• , to the or4ers f discipline of 'the Church of England. g r A Tayleyiic^/iko Sansom ^ 28 Thq: Atsopp ..'. ^o iUiiA)LDHAM s. r2 Tho: Oldham 10 RobjStandy 22 •^ 't, ■ V 4l\ ■ *-. ■*r lis vnder-written names are to "Virginea : imbarqued in the V/aine Jtoan Richard BucKam K>. the pties having brought Att.estacon of their confsrmitie to the .or(icrs f discipline of the Church of England. ^..-i • [Iknendon it i p^sh in (he Hundiwi of Rolvenden, in the Ulhc of Seniy.J t (Mconing foi clesr.J *» •^ . .»•» J- '* •ft". •, ;3P. » . r^' .?■• - .. ,:«^^ •■ ■■;■.■.:' r. ■ 4 f '^ .m- ' • i. y. 1 . f0-- « - ^ ■ ,' T / I 1 ,ji ^ 7 — ' . . .-V.4 • it. '> %^ -' - f .« mfimmmmmm b >63ST , . V^ PORT OF LONDON. '19 >.''K yere» .. 21 20 '*'K .*> tr ..!^..., 25 , ycres 36 % ••■'• 27 ■^.. ........ 54> W" Collins : 20 nib: Pitcher 1 20 Joseph Nelson 26 FranCis Gray 15 Samvell Young :,....; 14 Robei^Hutt ,-4 ;,„ Jo: Ratbctsh .,.,.„..,.. ,....., 23* -Tiio: By lk LETT . ,.7 x' .. . . ;T.T. ." 33 Robert Brooicte..... ,. |i ; Richard bowNEs 34 20 W- James , ^...... gg ...22 I TvM: BLACKE^y 40 /■^ * ^ W" LaVOR ....... __ ^../»v,ivE.i '''■'. '" ^ »t ^"'«; f>AviEs ..:.... 22 \ RoG}.rkooR^K ZZZ T% CiiKi:TAYLt)k 22 I Ann Perk's......... ^l a '-^v^^S^'^^r^'^'*''-- •••' 33 I Tho: Britt;on ' 26 ^/ ^- *k^ ^'"^'^'^''^^ •■■•:•• 32 i W-CoLLiSs.'.. ....." ,. ,: ^^ - J^&T i^Es ,^ :^...-23!jo:Resburie ..;!:;..^. "30 ^^keTJland ...v. :....... 20 j Henry Jackson........... 24 Jo: Warren 27 Charles m« Cartie '. 27 ■ ihsWard .; r ,8 Owen M* Cartie ,» '' Charlp Plane .'......... ig . Richard Lawrence '^^^^•^1 ■«^ $TUMP* \..^ 32 ■t^ft^^^^RiEK ,8 Wll.i.jrSTEDIMLl 26 QiKr: Thomas ?. 26 Richard FlkiThng • 24 Mathew LEin 20 f^ENRYPERPOYNT. ...... .,,.,..,a2 Tifo: Hall )..*,.;..- ^i . Edward Wilson/.....; 22 .. 20 Tho: Gqdbitt -. 20 Nii:«: Kent ,5 Thomas Wewjtvn 15 Peter Sudburrowe 20 Tho: Lloyd .,..;V. 20 Wf| Hitchcock 27 Francis Barber .: 18 ■Jo:Palhoav .'rrr. ,...,. 33 | PpWA»DWHkEi.ER ...; ,8 J • |M»)r; however^)* re.tlJKrAHj'.J I i . ■ /• ^0 .v'._ #. -r 'fiff' .^. *#' ' V « ,f *: i^ •(f)! ■r ■f: ^' •|V ■ •:>. f 1 M .^1 .', ^ \ ■■ •.. •!©», f.' ""- " ■■* •V * ■- * ■ ■^•; '.«». K -^z -^W * 0. PASSINGEX mil PASSED FROM ['63s James MrLLER^ ...*... ig Jo: Shawe .:........ 21 Jo: Marhhali 21 J«: Aris ,...^...., :.......■ 19 Robert Ward 2j[ Tiio: Viper ...v 26 RoH'^ Shinglewood ^6 Geo; s'hith 3^ Jo: Hughes 30 Geo: Talbott..'. is Robert Gilbert i Jo: Bennet ........^ , Jo: ROLLES 22 JAME.S\\JV'ND .' 23 jNoMARSfl ,y. 26 Ralph Wray g^ "y ;!*:: I'-*' ■.*.„ i .^ if:** •f%. 4i\ '.. Jo:KmE Tho: Garrett Jo: GOSLINN ........,, Tho: Milward Morgan Brint ...... i^ 2S 21 20 30 i8 19 Pierce Stapletqn Geo: Eaton 27 Leonard Hunt Jo: Cave ......... W" Barber Jo: Hoddins 50 Alexander TaDd 38 Rob^^ Woodstock 40 John Offlent .'.. 20 NIC": Watts ,,.,.... _ ^ Richard Brookes... 16 Tho: HaDbie ...^ 22 Tho: Reinolds 18 Darbv Hurlie .... Jo: Milliard Robert Lacie .... Tho: Bell Rowland Morton James Hide ....... Richard Nelme . Tho: Hodges ,• Edward Tjiomsok Tho: Williams .... Ric": Lee Walter Antony 23 Charles Caverlie a^ 17 Tho: Cox.son ^.j,!:. T11O: GOODWVNN .;.!.. Nic": WiLcocKS 21 Geo: Eeke ..' .,, 26 ^ic": Hubbard WiltM Rush .. W"bowN,..,.,., Paul Bottkll Jo: Bosweu. .. .A... •"'"k 18 21 '4 17 22 20 30 18 18 18 -1 21 30 18 20 22 I* \\ f i'. - *•! « I t ' Jk*- ' .-■> ■ . * ■■ ..ri ■/■;\-.>- V.;"... ■• .V.., J ' ''."'■ r ' ^ f . * 4 4 -■. ::.:V *^ ''■:,.:■/...''■• -, t > 1 1 • 11 ' 1 ' ' . *' . J" . •'•'» .0^ . ' ■ "* 1 ' ".V * H \ S> /v .¥- PASSINGER wen PASSED FROAf Jo: WOODGREENE .^ i6 ^iT JO: Harlovve Robert Warrington . Jo:Reinolds Ant"- True-'.. W-KMGHT ;.... «AwiW<^iLtrAMs. 14 ■Jo:Barloe :.,.. 22 W Parker ,. ,7 Jo: Wood...... ,...' ,3 ^o: Payne ./ JDaniell Lee Tho: Po\yELL Jo: Smith Geo: Dodd ... \}(>ih 20 RobtSandlev Edward Mawfrey 15 Geo: Wade ..,.. ..: ig Jo: FULFORD , ,g Geo: Smith Tho: Powell Womett. i8 21 22 17 •7 24 Margaret Prichard 17 Jane BurrIowe 17 Katheri.nf Armstrong . Mary Barker >^„.. Eliz: Speere 20 12 20 ! > S ji; « II ■*-• ,:s^ 28 Maij 1635 IHEISvnder-writtert names are to be transported to Vii^Jnea im- I barqucd In K\,t Speedwell of London Jo: IChappell Mr beinc exan,.„ed by the Mmi,ter of Gravesend of their conformitie to he o«^ers f disciphne of the Church of England f have taken the oath of Henry Beerk ................ Jo: West Richard Morris Nico: TETLr^ W" SHlWfAff _'. Nathaniell faiewrother . Richard BAvr.« W'iSpkncer , James Lr)WDER Chri: Metcai.f ..,,'. , Jeremy Burr ' .... . f^.* 24 30 «9 35 21' '7 30 19 30 '9 33 33 30 WiltM Basford \,„ Jo: Watson Jo: G11.GATE Rob^Spynk Richard Rowland iQ Tho: Guilds '. |* ' Jo: CURDEN..... Tho: Romney Jo: Harris .......; , Christopher Piddington Edmond Clark 30 33~ r9 3b 18 Id; '. ■/ '■■■ ■ . ■' ■ ' .-. 1 ' ■" t - „ . / . r ■ ^:'>^- '•■ ■.^:■ ;■■:,: 'v^^-'^A: ■■'-v. (.M •, •■■ • >. ■ - (■■' vv; ■ ', . ,' '." ■ ■>'■■■■ .. ■;" ■ , . ■ ■ T" ;. '^ . , .. .f ;.,/. ,.,, : . ''■'■•''■, ■'. ■'* ■ ^ . ■- "' -'■■; ..,■..'.■■■•. . * • '\ - ■• ' ; . ^ • ' > ^ . ■> ■■■:>■: ■ \- ' \i' ■■■■" -■"■ V ' ■ -:"■'■ .,.. "M ■,\-" * - ;., * L ■ tw, ■ > ■l" f — - -*ii - ^1 V »3 JONAS Smith .... 'W^HVNTON .... Jo: MowsER ^, Samvell Tyres . . W"StEE'VENS Tho: SfjSBY Richard Harvv Tho: Robujs Jo: Beeby Jo: Turner ...... ■ SAlilV£ LL HtJEMES Jo: Bever Jo: Talbott .... Edward Austin , Tho: Greene Richard Browne W" Appleby Robert Parker.., W" Ct'NNfNGHAAI . 4^ >••••'*'• • • 22 2S 22 21 22 '9 12 «7 '■9 20 24 27 26 24 «9 32. 2f 21 Tho: Willis ig W"ST1tAUGHAN 2i Geo: Sympson ...I. 19 Richard Phillips 20 Arthur Saiewell . . V. 25 Melashus m* Kay 22 Richard Thomas 20 Katherin Richard's i^s Marie Sedgwick .......... 20^ Elizabeth Bigss .......;.. 10 Dorothie Wyncott. ." 40 Ann Wyncott .,... .,...■.. 16 Phillipp Bi«(is. . . ; 6. mo: Elizabeth Pew 20 Francis LangwoRth» '•'•f^^t^ Chri; Reinolds Ip'24 AjRAM POORE. . ... ..... .... 20 Elizabeth Tuttell ....... '2 J vj' Jmij 163s IIIEIS vnder:K.rittcn names are to be transported to Virginca imbarqucd in\% Tliomds f 7olm Richard Lamdakd.M': being examined by the KJhijstdr dc Gravesend concerning their confgr- mitie to the orders f discipline un ,. 18 JO: Singleton . ..^.... 18 Gfeo: DiCKENsofJ^ . , . ^^ . , . ,g Gtou Hawkins . . r>iv^. ..... 18 H^nrvRastell ..,..i:>^, 30 II — i -N I w A ' ■■ ■ . ?'-, ■/■">'■ , 'm-r:: ::■=■■*■<. t--:-^' >"-;■ .-, --."■ . ■'■%■ -„,Xi^v., .'^ i . --. , ■ ):\.^.^ — ^l.^J-.aL^g-4'ff-^i:^ .' :tf V^- i' ' ' .->- , : ' . a -Ua--^--,^-- ..;,,. -.^i-iion ■..,. .-;: •.iWi-V.^-i^.i ■'.■•<• -, ■ ;,,. • , ,;.* -v V,-; \\ ^\J *,4 PASSmpEH IVc/f PASSED PROM [«635 #5 Fra: Spicht ♦.».i,. W" Aymie . .', W« HVNTON , . . }o: E9WARDS0S ..... Trfo: Mann . . Rob* Aldred . . ,. . .' Zachary Tavi HUMFREV Gr W" White Joseph MoNNvs..:^-'t ~ W-Vard ......1.;., . ^ Christopher- Wheatlv ~ Robert Heed.... , EpwARD Coles . . .Morris Jones....' WaRdin Fossitt THO: CHAMBEkLIN Jo: Shorter . . . . Ant" Terry ' Robert WittMS [William Tho: Rosdell . . . , Thomas Terry Charles Wyn9ate Jo: Hampton Jo: Evans Robert Sewar .... Richard Berry Owen Hughes .m Jo: Sutton W"STONHOySE .... W-Clark. Jo: Dickinson ' Tho: Bell .-,.,.... W"Bett ..,., James Cross ...... rv» is]. « i'6 20 22 '21 U 24 2.!: 32 21 21 28 ^7 .20 . 28, 1 V 22 . 20 I . 26 ! • 50 ' ^44 • 23 25 . 22 ■ 30 22 23 23 2; 24 43 -18 22 •7 20 Svlus Poster Edward Mountfort Henry Newby , Jo:Eeden ,..•., Tho: Sherly Jo: Thomson Henry, Warrek...... Jo; WiLKENSON ...... Ralph Hudson.;.... Thp:_^Allin I W^JONjis ' Tho: Sharples ..... I W'Crooke.. : WittM Bead I Lawrence Pi.att .Robert Spencer .%.. Samvelt. Walden...!. ' Henry, Morley....... Ben:E^sy Jo: Moss Jane Wilkinson Ann Brookes Katherin Wiseman... Jane Scott Jane Catesby James Powell , W" Mann , Tho: Warner Tho: Ram Griffin Jones . ! . . Tho: Tollie W" Jones .* Morris Parry Marmaduke Young.... a; WiltM White . ... 22 ..'. . 20 .... 24 . ... 19 .... 23 . • . . 24 .... 15 ' ... . 2o ... I/'t ••-.33 ... 17 ...20 ... 23 ... IS ... 15 ...21 ...16 ... 2S • • r, > 3 ..21 . . 20 .. 18 .. 19 .. 19 .. 30 .. 12 •• 25 .. 26 .. 19 .. 21 •• 17 . ai" .. ••.% V • •'.v 'V- •» iJ>. :^;v' ■i:^;. ^-.7--.hr-t-T^-i ■ V ■ 0.; p " » ■ - - ' -" » ..: "':-ti- ^UW- A. .V ■. ■ .V-'m; -^» -:■'■!, ■ 1 'V *>• - -•* ... * i;lil f7- ^.._„^.^ ■ ft; ■A-*< c"^ 1635] Y^ PORT OF LONDON. jAJfETS SHERBONE W" Gardener ....^.. Jo: Robinson . . . , Robert Turner , Tho: Cl^rk , . . Giles TerrV t..., Edward CressItt . . . . . Tho: Waggitt Mary Ford ; Katherin Waterman . . SuzAN Sherwood.... .. Grace Bycroft ........ yeres • IS ■ '5 . 19 . 16 . 16 • 33 . 20 ■ '7 . 22 . 20 . 22 20 85 / Francis Hunter Francis .^SHBORN. '. W" Dixon .: W" Smart Lawrence Preston . . . . W» Wheatlie W«Lacy .'.,.. ,8 jAMts Bank's Geo: Cobcrafte Geo:. Kennyon ..*. Jo: Kennyon yeres 19 20 I8l 20 21 7 30 22 25 21 ' . ■".■ "^ ^' ^\ ^.r ^ .- . - -'-'-.S — ■ ■» ■ .-. ...■ ' ^.■■ ■^ ■■ ■■ ^ -,— » ' * ~~ '--'V.^:, .. ^ . i" '.-.v . ■ ^ .-. ?. ■■ ■■ V ;■•:-■> -J » ' ■" .:■■•' * x" yunij 161^ IHEIS vnder-written names are to J>e transported to the Bormoodes- or Somer-Islands, intbafqued in the Trueiot'^de Londdn, Robert Dennis Ms being examined by the Minister of Gravesend concerning their conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England as It now stands established : , And tooke the oath of Allegeance. Henry More ..] '. ^ig W«HOLT» ,,9 Jo: Norman 19 ANTo GiLLIARD ,.., 38 RoB^ Stock ; 26 Tho: Foster Robert Hai^t 27 30 W" Pendleton 27 James Tayler ..♦....;...... 28 Chri: Hart 20 Richard Anderson 30 Tho: Richards '«^ Jo: Norri^ ,-g David Huswith ..-,.. j .. . .'^'32 Henry Hill .............. 24 Jo: Warren .............. 19 Zeveriij Viccars .......... 18 Geo: Norman 25 Gabriell Stockwell l| Tho: Toolie . . . ; 2f . v» < >•«••«•• Edward Goddin Tho: DoRilE^.L ., Richard Cai^on •. vxor. Elizabeth Cai5on , . , Barnard Colman .... ,,ti, Chri; Tuke 16 23 m ^^ M Its i ■'■. ) ' • ".i.* ' . "» -^w^ H r I * 11 \ I V ^ ' '^' ■«t) 8« PA&SING£/i m/i PASSED FRCfM ■Jrero . 20 W-Paul , \y-BATES ..... ....; ,7 SaiTivell SilORT 24 W" Hooper..' js Richard Hurt ..'. 17 WiltM Wells T^o: Dene ', Jo: A Negroe Jo: RlClfARDS ....... Anto'Bullock Thomas Basmt Edward Aleworth* Edward Vvncent. . . , Jo: Trippatt ..-..,... >7 17 18 21 '9 18 13 18 '7 Anto Cooper !• Jo: Lake Ric«: Tayler Tho: Mordin Edward Sell feoGER WfttMs [Williams] Jo: IUylie ..\........„. FRANCIS WoODCOTt ....*.., Jo: Bee.... /. vf"<. iJ .16 16 18 18 16 r8 16 Ric«; Greene Geo: Palmer' '.'..,. 18 Tiio: Smith , Nathaniel ,WiftMsON [Wil LIAMSON] 17 PlULLIPP WHARTON W" Henry Geo: Saires, 13 , NlC; GaUCHTON Edward Heuley W SAItfiii '7 '4 '4 18 t < i • i t it k. '4 IJ RoB'f Poole Tho: Jones Tho: Ewvnn Symon Barcott , Geo: Calverlie . Edward Parnell. W-Lee W- Tayler j Edward GAus ... \ James Reason ... Jacob V^iLsoN .. . Ben: Strange ... Ralph Vennahle . , Tho: Bloes Tho: Hedley Tho: Thomson ..., Hen:'Stonword .. SaiTivell Hubuaud Thomas'Bull DaNIELL HAinOND. . Geo: Morgan j Jo: Barnes I Abraham Claxson , ' James AsVon Ric« Daughton...., Mathevv Steevens Tho: Larkynn ..... David Jones George Hanmer ... Roger Hodoks W" POWKLI Sampson Meverill . Henry Carter ..... Jo: Yates.'... • tM«y, howww, b« re»d n AiW«th.] yerts 20 ..y 17 .. 16 ... 16 .. 14 ..16 %. 18 .. 17 .. 17 .. 27 ..,18' .. 18 . . 21 , . 10 . II • '7 • '3 • '<5 • '^ . 12 . 12 . i6 • '7 .32' • 13 - . 12 '5 '5 24 17 «S 20 42 48 « V . ;/v-. ft ' .- «- « 1, ■ « '« « " ■'"■V: --P/ I;- V '1. ' _ / . ■ • ■ I '■• . "" ' \ ( -/•• » 1 \, < - y ^ ■ . • ■ ' » ■'- :v ■■» -tL • , ■ /? \ « . ^ I • ^ t--' ^■■ . » '635] 1^^ PORT OF LONDON. »7 Jo: Browne ""g Francis Rmxne {or Ravmie] lo Francis Hedges , 13 Davie Morris '„ jg Tho: West Hugh Wentworth Ann Taylor Elizabeth Groves 35 Jo: Groves Blanch Robert's ; . "^"'V" JosiAs Forster 43 Tho: Hall k... 24 HuMFREV Smith •4 17 44 24 iqr . 20 Francis Watson ,6 K/VTHERiN White is Elizabeth Clark is Ellin Burrowes 30 Jo: Page f 33 TlIQ: JENNICOM .....^ ; 21 Sara Pagk^ 31 Sara Page .'. 3 3- 'no. 2 Ministdrs. Jo: OXENBRIDGE.; 24 MaRV PaGE Henry jENNiNG's .24 Richard Harris ^ : I JEFFERY Wright lig Beniamin Miller 30 SamVell Mayo ,0 Henry Fletcher .....35 : Marie Goffe -...,..■ ,8 17 Edward Staughton ,...50 \ jo: Brookes 12 :xv° Jitnijiti^ \\ . HEIS vnder written names are to te transported ta New-England' I ..mbarqucd in the Abigail deLo: Mr "IT: HackWell: fheptic hav.ng brought Certificate fronrJthfiOIinister of Thifeselworth* of his conformife to the orders f disoJ^ne of th^Church of England. Hc^ath taken the oaths of Allegeanc/eSuprcmaciej . - > ' DennisGeere 30 ; Anns PanCrust ,6 Elizabeth Geere . 22 -El^z: Taselie., 55 tx w'fe e 2 f children l^^^^^BE"^" Geere. 3 vSARA GeIEKE , 2 Gonstvnt Wood. ; V in it po»ikfc lh« lhi,J, mtended for Islewortu? I cim fi«d „o T.iisselvvokth.J ■f'- v:'^"v H '. :'\-' jJ' • ■■;■■ ^. rf *'v ""*• m.%. ' «.^. ■".-.■' SWTii^ *'^- 88 * — PAS^fJ^GEJt H'C/f PASSED FROM (.635 ' \ 19 7«««/ 1635, igHEIS vnder written names are to be transported to New-Engllii^d h K.'r^«" V" ^ ^*'^'''-" H^^KWELL Mr the pties having brough Cert,fi<^te from the Minister of the pish of the htk Miniries of his conformitie f opinion of the discipline of the Church of England, , ^H T„.LY ^....L.r..:.:...... 28- Charles11es\.. Robert Whiteman,.. :...; 20 I lIddia Browne, :"■ >, : ^ \ -~ - 'Ml.: 21 16 BOARD the Barnes Jo: May for N.Engla Tayler Tho: Ewer.I...! 40 ,Sara Ewer.... i... 28 iLiZABETti Ewer ..i , 4 ^W: EwfiR .....A... J...; ../ ,j ") 1 . !' SaraBBaU^,L, 28 E.feABETH^. :... .4 jo:skudder .?!!!:....,;. ,<5 ■'i . -.5,!"^ X!^'' yune 1635 ||HEIS ,mder Wri|en names are to be imbarqued in the Abbigall U de Lnd [London! m' \ Hackwei.l f bofid to New Enrfd* J^ r Ch as p,CeC^m K^o Justi^ of feace f minst^ of S- Lawr^ci ; ^HENR^OCKE,. ^y,,3 ,„3,^„,^^^ f Susan his wife 42 ^Henry g I-'- i "J I ■;■ 5 Children -j Mary ...V g y , . - \ \ 1-f \% ^^^ * ^ '^•5SJ ' V PORT OF LO.WDOy " go " — — -<*^^iBfct '•« W m(7;'f xx^^ 1635 Hl^^B N the iU-fn,ce de Lon.t m" Pi.arce f bod for New EnJBjfr ^ Cert, fro ij Justices of Peace f Ministr of All Saint's homan *& Northapton. W« Hoi MAN 40ycrs husbandman I hi', wife VViMi Riu ... xi AiCEAsniitV 20ycrs aiiiaid Scruant. } . f HWNA "s 5 Children , , » . (JlKlMY 6 Mahy ,,. 4 S\RRA 2 • AURAHAM I qrtr ' T XT'* y7<«^ 1635 N the Ahbisall de Lo. m' ' HacKWELL bod for New Engfd ,> ' Cert from.f of his Conformity from Justices of Peace f Ministr Eaton HrayJ in Co Bedford. ' 1 Jo" Houghton 4 [•' 40] yers old. .■■ ' T" Jully 1635 , > \r ..u IX , , BOSTOCKEII ' N the defence de Lond. m' Ed\VARD§ Pkakcl' vrs New Engtd p Cert fro ij Justices of peace f ministr fro Dunstable in Comt Bedfordsher: \ Robert LoNGE. 45 yers inhoider/ '' Eliza: his wife 30 ,* • [There .is no plac* bearing thUnarae in Northampton. Query, is it a mi^peJlinB of lh« na™e Hokm*.n ■„ next line, wrongly written in here, and no. afterw^^s IrasliT ' ^ ' T \Sk. The word must be omitted, to make sense.] : [Eaton Ilray^ is a Township in the Hundred of Manshead]' ~ S \Or Edmond. The wonl is blotted in the original ] .inc! wrfin'Mh"^""'' '''l'7"°"'''^'='-''"'°''»^'^"»«"'"»««han'oneshipc.-,lIedthe/),/«„. - mKt as tr^ T 'T •""'■■""' -— •»- '» »'»P» » nam«l : Emv.K,, Bos! ' (J^y 2)!r '"'" - '^'=*'"-''= <-'""''='°>' '^'^"■^"'^ li"^"-^"-^ (June a.); Thomas B.sto.K ' ' ■ ■, r2 L- -. * - . \ . r : .'.- . .'' 1 z. -^ •». * '■ \ , » 1. \ ^ 1' / • • 4 "■'" r 1 V k 1 '-' •r --— ■ — ■* ,, ^ , «■ — - " - ~ -' - *! % • - « 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ Bl JH ^H| ■ " P F . « ■J-" . ^ ■ (- .'"- \ ittsf - ■7" ■: I, ' * * ^ ' . y ■- ," t •' • ' „ " ., - « • ' \ ,. • • ■ ■ 4^ 1 « V. ^^ ; i ^ ' , i . \ > ^ . ; f. ' ■.-V . • ■ .:' ■ A ■ ::/ - ► ,-/■ 'Wi iS' IMAGE tVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) » «. A. 1.0 t^m us 12.2 lU a- I I.I ... 1^ m^ i4 ♦■ ^ V Photographic M WIIT MAM sTMhrr WnSTH.N.Y. 14SM (n«) 171-4901 « ) » • . . * ♦■ ■ . • • ■ . ■ • '■■> '■ ■■,•. » .^ * .. ■ / • •. ... .-.4,; , ■ ■ - '^ -■■*' v" "^ ■ ^ • ■'■" .^ : :- ."» .^ ■ J 7^^^ /■* «■■*! ►«^! W^, *- c\ \ . <> 5?^= "• -1 * '-"" • / S * - ' • s t -. »■ ■^ f ■ . t _ « % , A > # , ' f_ • J. «t ». » 1 %M, . ' "■- .a^.. ..^■s^^S^ \ . .} "ia 90 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM ['635 5> fMlCHELL.... . 20~] Jos Sarr^.., .*^8 Robert . 16 I,U« Eliza . 12 X Children ' Anne ...•••..^.:.^rf.^... . 10 • Mary ....... ...1'.:^^.. • 9 Rebecca T . 8 , 't ■ '-■"■ Jo- .-..:. . 6 ~- ._ vZACHERY... • 4-' , .-.. ■• Joshua 3 qitrs old IjUCE Mercer... 18. aseruant i»».- . -J"^ June 1635 ■ '^ ■ * N l^RfiDefeHM de Lond m' Pearce vrs New Engtd p Cert fro two Justices of Peace f Minstr of Towcester in Co'- Northampton Jo" Gould 25 yers husbandman %,. Grace his wife 25 yers """• — , * ■■ ' xxif* June 1635 N \!i\t Abbigall de Lond. m' Hackwell'vts New Engtd p Cer« fro Minstr of Cranebroke* in Kent. ^ Edw.Wijxte 43 yers husbandman f his wife Martha 39 " ,._..,. (Martha 10 ^ Children {j^^^^ 08 Jo" Allen 30 yen husbandman '• ' his wife Anne 30 p Cert hemehil* in Kent ' [Both Cnabrook tad lIvne-HiU u% in the Uthc of Scrar] / r"\ -*4^ •f»'- r635l Y^- PORT OF LONDON. 91 p Cer< from Justice peace f Minist' of Stepney. * Geo: Hadborne 43 yers Glouer, , ' his wife Anne 46 „,.,' (Rebecca 10 2 Children < . ^ IAn]?a 4 ji Joseph Borebancke 24 y Seruant's to Geo: Had. JoANE JORDEN 16 j BORNE. ' ■ '^ . ■'- ■ • ' " ,.. , V T~~ -:.-:-—. ■ j^« ....,._.___^.,..^_.._.. __..__.._..: N the Defence de Lo. m' Ed\V: BqsWELL vrs New England p Cer*. ,from Sf Henry Mildmay f Ministr of Baddow^ in Essex. Jo" Browne 27 yers. Taylor. /•Tho: Hart 24 his 3 seruant's -J Mary Dennv ..24 - . V Anne Leake ..19 ^- ■ ■ / \ ^-^'T^ ■ ■ , 26 yun ij 1635 N the Abigail Robert Hackwell M' to New-England p Cert: frotn Northton Tho. Martin Maior f 2 Justices Shoemaker Jo: Harbert..... ;.,.,. ....*. 23 Bricklayer Richard Adams j.... ....... 29 Suzan Adams .............. 36 4'* yully Henry SoMNER iS , Elisa. Somner r8 * [There uc two BmUowi, Gnat tnd LitUeu in the Huadnd ol Chelmifonl.] 13 — 2 •'%^' ■s-'S*^ • >. /? -J :0- '■ * 9* PASSINGER won PASSED FROM [»6iS. IJ yuttij 1635 IHEIS vndcr written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued in the Aligall Robert HackWell U' p Cert from ^ the Minister f Justices of Peace of their Cpnformitie, being no Subsedy Men. they have taken ye oaths of Al|^1 f Supremacysbeing all Hus-- bandmen yeres , Ralph Wallis ., v.. »...,., 40 Ralph Rootb , 50 Jno Freeman ; 35 Walter Gutsall 34 Richard Graves .......... 23 Robert Mere . . . . , 43 Samvell Mere .... ....^.,. 3 Edmono SIaWinu ^. 40 Tho: Jones 40 Geo: Drewrie 19 W" Marshall 40 ' Thomas Knore 4 ^i John H aliMack \% George WaLlis i\ Rabecca Price, . . . s' 14 Marie Freeman 50 Jo: Freeman 9 SvciLLiE Freeman 4 Jo: West 1 1 Mary MoiJing's . .yf^. 30 Mary Monning's 9 Anna A^^nning's 6 Michelaliell Mowing's . . 3 Elizabeth Ellis 1$ Ellin JOnes 36 IsACK Jones 8 Hester Jones ,-■/. * .. t .■ — — .«• -. '» 1 -^1 **■■"*" •"■■ • - • \ * • : *■. ^■"i y 1 - ^ \ \ ■ . -^fK" ■ ' «i> ■•■..'.-. •:^^:.-t.-..-,:--.:.:/,--^.-.%:.: ■.-•■\ t ^^ <# ■..x.:..^ Hk '^ ^j^i^x^M^iii,.^-. ^ . * \ •^-^•^^ ^ -a .?*•' ■r. » 635] Y^ PORT OF LONDON. 93 IRabecca Foster ' . . 5 ' childrenjNATHANiELL Foste|i 2 y o: Foster *?i Edward Ireson . 32 W" Almond 34 Mary Jones 30 Awdrv Almond 32 Annis Almy . . .-,T. 8 Chri: Almie , 3 John Strowde 15 Edward Rainsford 26 RoB^ Sharp 20 John Rookeman .1 ] 45 Elizabeth Rokdkman 31 ■ Jo: Rookeman' 'i...^ 9 HtJGH Burt T.j.'... .. 35 Ann.Burt 32 W» fiASSETT .' . . . '. (J EIdward Burt 8 Tho: Freeman 24 W" Yates '4 Elizabeth Ireson 27 Jo:Fox„, ; 35 Richard Fox 15 Jo: Payne 14 Edmond Freeman ' 45 HEIS vnfler-writfen names are to be transpcft^ to New-England imbarqued in the BUssing ]q^ Lkiester, M' the pties having brought Cert from the Minister f Jusi^ceOf theilconformitie being no Subsedy Men, tooke ye oaths of Alle^:#SuprAiiSeic. WittM Cope ...... ; 26 Richard Cope "^4 Thomas King 21 Jo: Stockbridge 27 Robert Saiewell 30 . W" Brooke 20 Gilbert Brooke .. ...., 14 Nathaniell Bvham : 14 Jo: Wassell . ., 10 W" Vassall .., ..... 42 Ric": More ; . .. 20 RoiwRT Turner 24 Eliza! Holly 30" Ann Vassall.. e M ARftARET Vassall ........ 2 Mary Vass.\ll i Elizabeth Robinson 32 Sara- RoBiNsoiii 1.4 Nico: ROBERtSON 30 Jo: MoiiY , .. 19 ClURLES STUCBRIDGE - i James Saiewelx. ..'........ \\ i % l^d.W>K'^-^^^'S^>^>'^4iHlfV«W>Ml^\j^K^j%!iL»'*!^ »i itiM.t^f Wr JfT ■i;l. /94 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM [■6JS Jo: Robinson 5' Ann Stocbridge 21 SuzAN Saiewell 25 Ann Vassall 42 SuzanKing .....y 30 J upiTH Vassall . . . .„ 1 6 Sara Tynkler 15 Fra. Vassall 12 ThOMAZIN MUNSON 14 Kat: Robinson . , 12 Mary Robinson 7 Rob^Onyon 26 ao ^w^Sr 1635 IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea im- ' barqued in the Phillip Richarp Morgan M' the Men have been examined b>r the Minister of the to\wie of Gravesend of their con-/ formitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England: And tooke the oath of Alleg. die etrA" prd. i -^ _ John Hart 33 John Coachman 28 John Reddam 32 John Shawe 30 George Hill 23 George Bonham 31 W" Rogers' 35 Edward Halock 22 Ric": Dawson..., 31 Peter Johnson. , 36 WittM Bransby 34 Nicholas RlPPiN 31 James Quarrier 22 ISack Owdell 22 W" Taylor 36 James York 21 Thomas Gorham 19 Nathaniell Disnall ...... 33 John Taylor. ...... John Gorham ..... Richard Wilson . . . Robert Morgan ... SAifiVELL MiLNER . . . . Tymothie Featlie . , W" Arundell ...".., Alexander Leake . . John Mason WiftM Enson James Habroll Thomas Trumball . . Richard Jn"son . . . . John Lawters Thomas Edwards. . . . Robert Davies -. Richard Vppcott. . . . Thomas Poslett . . . . . 16 18 19 Zl 18 23 32 22 16 33 22 22 19 17 20 28 26 33 .■ ;/ /' ^ . ) H 1635] ye PORT OF LONDON. 95 Women. ^i-l^ BuRGis 45 ' I^Xthe^I^ Bowes 20 SUZAN J^H [or Trask] .. 25 M ARCIE LaNGFORD ........ 24 Elizabeth WiLLERTON ;... 18 Sara Shawe 18 Marie BakbI^ 25 Ann: Barnie 23 23° Junij 1635 IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginc.i iml^irqued in the America WlttM BARKER M^: p Cert: from the Minister of the Towne of Gravesend of their conformity to the orders f discipline of the Church of England. • Richard Sadd 23 Thomas Wakefield 17 Thomas Bennett 22 Steeven Read 24 WlttM Stanbridge 27 Henry Barker '.. is James f'osTER..... 21 Thomas Talbott 20 Richard Young 31 Robert Thomas 20 John Farepoynt 20 Robert Askvn 22 Samvell Awde 24 Miles Fletcher 27 William Evans 23 Lawrence Farebern 23 Mathew Robinson 24 IsACK Bull 27 PHILLIPP REinlNGTON ; 29 Radulph Spracing 37 George Chaundler . » 29 RlCHAUD Hersev 22 John Robinson '.32 Edmond Chipps >Q Tho:Prichard 32 Jonathan Bronsford . ." i . . . 21 WlttM Cowley 20 John Suawe .• 16' Richard GuiTiy 21 Bartholmew Holton 25 John White 21 Thomas Chappell ». 'a Hugh Fox 24 Davie Morris 32 Rowland Cotton 22 William Thomas 22 John Yates «,. 20 RigHARD Wood 36 James Somers 22 Davie Bromley 15 WaltehijBrookes . . . . . 15 Symon Richardson 23 [The original hu been altered, uul i> not dear ; it 1* poatible the •i;;e should be i j.] Ai i -.! u / p if; U ** 96 PASSINGER WCif PASSED FROM [■635 Thomas Jnoson 19 Jo: AVERIE , *... 20 John Croftes 20 Thomas Broughton .' 19 Beniamin Wragg 24 Henrv Embrie 20 Robert Sabyn 40 George Brookes 35 Thomas Holland 34 HuMFREY Belt ' 20 John Mace 20 Walter Jewell .......... 19 WittM BuCLAND 19 Launcelot Jackson 18 John Williamson 12,, Phillipp Parsons .......... 16 Henry Parsons 14 ANDREW Morgan .....V.-.,v. 26 WiltM Brc^kes"*; \. 17 Richard Harrison ic Thomas Boomer 13 George Dulmare g John Vnderwood i^ WiJtM Bernard ...;....•. 27 Thomas Dyihett Ryce Hqoe . Thomas PRAft i.:, 17 John Eeles Richard Miller Robert/Lamb.... •S'^ 16 12 16 23 36 John Carter 54 Women. Elizabeth Remington .... 20 Katherin Hibbott's 20 Elizabeth Willis. 18 Joan Jobe jg Ann Nash 22 Elizabeth Phillips 22 Dorothy Standich 22 Suzan Death 22 Elizabeth Death -3 Alice REinmcTON 26 .DoROTHiE Baker i g Elizabeth Baker rg Sara Colebank 20 Mary Thurrogood 19 ", 29 yunij i6g5 IBOARD KYi^igall, RoB' Hackwell, M^ for New-England. A Baker Joseph Flupd .... 45 vxor Jane Fludd 35 Elizabeth Fludd 9 Obediah Fludd..... ;. 4 Joseph Fludd j Edward Martin 19 Suzan Hathway 34 -^WHf^^ Charles Wallinger 24 .">i«., "3^, %- \ .> , ■, ' ■ ' ■■ ■ . . <» . 1 ■ ■ ' i ■■-■■ : - . ---^; ,-.. ^ . --—--■ - - - . \ . '■ '" ■^--'; -'^ -• .-: \ . ' • , 1 '*■'- : "'.-"" < J h ' ■e , \ 'i i ■ - ■ ", ■1:., ..- "'*■ ''^' / ■tsr ■ --: V- '-"- 'Y' ' V < .-■ - .^fc;i;- - ^ : .# .. ' >\- .gJ^*T^§#^- ^mrv^^i-^ '^'^^_ * T* >*35] yi^ PORT OF LONDON. ,; vltio yunij 1635 -< ■■ ' BOARD the .4%a// RoBiiRT Hackewell M' p Cert from the Minister of Stepney pish' of their conformitie : f that they arc no Subsedy men. Starchmaker Henrt Collins . ; ^29 (7 vxor Ann Collins 30 f Henry Coli-INs 5 3 children ■< Jo: Collins 3 - , ^ Margery Collins , , . . 2 _: . ■- JosuA Griffith 35 v Hugh Alley 27/ Mary Roote ..i 5 T senjaiit's ^^ Jo: Coke 27' ' Geo: BuRDiN 24 ' |N the Abigail prd p Cert from the Minister f Justices according to I order. ycrfs Edward FouNTAiNE 28 . Ralph Sheppard ...*.... 29 Thankes Sheppard 2n „,•» ^T^ SARA SHEPPARD 2 } ^'^^ ^ ^^'^'''''' Printo die Julij 1635 „ N the /4 *«;;?■«// prd. ANff GiLLAM ...28 sonn Ben: GiLLAM i Husbandman Thomas Brane 40 Tho: Launder 22 Husb: William Potter 27 iwor Francis Potter ....' 26 . ■ .^ '3 ' « -^ I ", - ■ • . -J-- 1, - . . ■ . \ ^■. ' , -' • 1 > « 1 '. 1 , t '*■■'- -. « t * - - - - ^ ■■••"■■^ , .-» ■ -T.-«V' ■ -»• ^-^ ■ - - "'- *- > rr^- : ■' ■",7'f".. -;■:■'■ « '■;-#^-'-' ■ :'".',. ", ^ ^ ■ :' . ;. ': - ;,,■-■, ;..,; ■■ y ■ 1 1 / • f . '• -> " ':^ ^^1 •. • « • 98 PASSmOER Wcir PASSED FROM [1635 Joseph Potter 20 week's. Ric,: Carr 29 W JvINu • • •'.• •••••■•••••••■ 2o George Ram \ 25 Jo: Stantley 34 James DoDD 16 Mathev Abdy IS Husb: Edward Freeman . . 34 vxor Elizabeth Freeman . . 35 Edmond Freeman 15 John Freeman 8 Jo: Jones .■ ;.... 15 John Cooke .... 15* Edward Belcher 18* Ann Wu.uams ....'..'. 10 ' servant Phillip Drinker 39 vxor Elizabeth Drinker . . 32 Edward Drinker 13 Jo: DrinkJer ....« % Margt: Tucker 23 Ellner Hillman 33 Jo Terry 32 Jo: EniKRSON 20 Ric": Woodman 9 Elizab: Freeman 12 Alice Freeman 17 Hugh Burt 15 AnnisAldcock l8 Tho: Thomson 18 Secundo die yulij |N the Abigail prd. p Certificate from y* Minister of Shorditch pish, f Stepney pish. John Deyking 25 Jesper Arnold 40 Alice Deyking 30 Ann Arnold 39J Alice Steevens 22 Margaret Devocion 9 Ruth Bushell 23 yeres. bound to New-England QHEIS vnder written names'are to be transported to New-England , imbarqued in the Defence Tho: Bostock, M' the ptie hath brought testimon y from the Justjces of Peace f Minister in Cambridge ■ y ■ ' — ^ * [Thcte figoret «re not clear in (he cnigiiul.] r • • . •"■. « * * «. •^ •' .m « «. ' — ^ — * ■ " ■ i- ■' • . . • ...-., ...^^ ,, . ■ ;' '.. ' ' ""■-'■: '"■■- ♦ i ■ -; ■V ■. • - . - - ■ ' ■•■■_ \ ■ ' ■' ■ .'■■■■ ,i ______■ . *■ y ■ J ■ ■» * \ \ . m «t i « * ' ^^ » ^^^^ ^ m ■ Ik r- — ■."T*S'"'*»T^y ■^ '635]' ye PORT OF LONDON. 9» of his conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England; he hath taken y« oaths of Alleg: f Suprem: i A Taylor Adam Mott ^3^ \ ttr*;*- Sara MOTT 31 Mason. Henry Steevens 2! ^ Husb: John Sheppard 36 Margaret Sheppard 31 . Tho: Sheppard 3. mo. ■ Jo: Mott i^ Adam Mott 12 Jonathan Mott p Elizabeth Mott 6 Mary Mott ...,., 4^ 'Children, N the Defence prd Tho: BqSTOCK M' for New England, p Cert: from the Minister of Fenchurch of his conformitie f c. Tho: Boylson .'20 yeres / • 4'* yully 1635 |N the Abbigallde Lo: p Cer< from the of S' Oliues Southwarke: f Justice of peace ;• RaLph Mason "35 yers Joyner his wife Anne , 35 y„s #• ' /■ Richard 5 yers 3 Children i Samuell ■ 3 yers V. Susan i yere N the Defence prd: Elizabeth French 30 Elizabeth French 6 Marie French ....- 2\ Francis French 10 Jo: French 5. mo. * a r*. •'^ .^x I : V • / PASSINGER ivc/, PASSED 'FROM, y'\ [««3S iiij"' yully 1635 >' r IN the Defence de Ix,nd m' Thomas Bostock-e vrs New Engtd p r. . .S . ,"''*'■ ^ J"' ■!'" °^ ''"'"■ °f ^'^ Conformity to ye G6U mt [Governn,ent]„o,f Chu.rche.of Engtd f No Subsidy man. ■ . J°f/\"^«;:^''^ND'^N aged 23 toke oathe of AUegance f Supremacic £iLIZA his wife ."■ 18 . - Mable his sister ' 21 ' * • , * - Anne M{oOD his seru' ,... 23'' Samuell Shepherd scr« Joseph CoCke Geo: Cocke.... W" French jq Elisa. his wife .' . .i , . r 32 Robert a Man ser«: . . . . w « • • • •'•j( ■ . 22 ,25 SARKA SllilES • S,. ....i....^ 30 Seruan«'» to y« afore said Roger ) " Harlakenden.-" I .'< IN the Defence de Lond. m' Tho: BosfoCKE vrs New Epgtd Jo » jACjcsON 30 yer? whole Sale Man in" Burchenlane p Cer« from & Geo: Whitmore f Ministr of ye pish -x-yuHj 1635 IN the^*,:f^//R,C„ARD Hackwell W p Cert, from the Minister John Wynthropp ^ ^ Elizabeth WiNTHROPP .... 19 , Deane Winthropp It Tho:GoAb».^..., Elizabeth Epp's., Mary Lyne ...,. 'S 'J 6 t • i .^ ■«. 33e. V. ' f> . ' "' . ' * ^ ." •' ' ". ^ ■, 1 - t «" ■■■■■•-*,■ ' ,-^' ' " f ■ .3 ' ■ ■ * « ** . ■ * '•--■ ..'•,■■ »■ * 4 ' ' k - . ■ • ~-—r--~ ■■ - ■.r- - - 'X ■ '"''*" "."" ' ^ . ■' ■ '■ ' '\ • ^' V,; " , ■ ^ ft ■ ,.-,. --^_. " - ^ ■ . f ■ ■ '•/ • ^Ig: ._ ^. • • V < ^ -^' y . (• ■' ! • - , , , ""■.-■■»". 1 i - * ■ » 1 ■ ' 7 € ««35] T Y'PORT OF LONDON. ^ |N the Defence prd. p Cert frAe Justic's f Minister of his con, formitie to the Church of EijglaUd. A Taylor James Fitch ...... io\vxor Abigall Fitch ... 2^ \/ * 4* 7«/(>' 1635. V-* i HEIS vnder-written names aPe to beTransported to VIrginca im- barqued m the Tramport of London Edward Talker Mr „ Certificate from the Minister of Gravesend of their confor,Stie to the orders ediscit»hne of the Church of England. ' OlUveIS Van Heck ., '"^ vxor Katheimn ^AN llECK . . 34 Peter Van Heck .7 Richard Maton ^3 W.'i'I'AGE.... ,8 iROBERT KeVYNN : ,9 Peter Smith !. .^ . .\ .;..'.. . 25 Brian M' Gawyk 3 Daniell Sympson 17 Patrick Breddy 21 Henry Castell 22 Steeven Block ,3 GowEN Lancaster .•. 28 Robert Farrar Bryan Glynn ......... H umfrey H adnet ..... Jo: WoddXll : WlltM^ALLINGTON ..... RICHARD Sharp... -,,,, Marmaduke Kidson ...f^'. ,8 27 21 20 25 24 20 22 18 32 Jo: Godfrey .*- Richard Ct^itch .,..., Hllis Baker , . , Jonathan Neale :;..;.. Jo: Bush ;; W-Nesse , ..^. Jo: Spreate Tho: Steevens Jo: Waters... ^.^ ROB'^ FuSSITT .* 26 Waltlr Dojtnes . . . ^. . . Symon Jones ;..;. Rohert Jenkinson" Franc's 'Clark...., Francis Bick Thomas C'rankield Tiio:PAyNE "... Phillip Jones. .......... John GobDsoN ...., Steeven B^ane * .. 24 .. 40 «,. 1i« .. 28 •• 23 .. 14 " ^^. .'. 21 .. 20 i ^^^ f-J 'i-?^h^ I ■ ' ■* ^ msSSSS^-. :Mi.l ^ ^ r •K Iv ^ { lot J PASSINGER WCf PASSED FROM ['635' Geo: Barber 20 Richard Wheatlie .^,... 32 . Richard Lloyd 28 Henrie Barnes...... •.22 Tho: More...,.?. „..'..... 21 John Harrison.. .a 30 20 30 21 30 20 18 38 24 >•%•••••«,•«•••• ....V r W Hudson '^ W" Mason Mark Briggoll. ..". j Henry Porter .... Patrick Woddall ._ John Gee . Richard Cooper'..;. • Richard Eggleston W" Harbert ..„. IS John Wise 18 Tho^ias Coles 32 Tho: Wilwams ..^. 18 <» George! Ashon 22 Peter SexstoI* y....... 20 THo:tf||iftsoN 23 Thomas Saunders 2q John Lee 16 e> Robert Farest 20 * Richard Bick ♦.. i8 WittM Hard;s$e '..... 22 '. Daniell Rose 25 ^Ricitard An'derson,. 17 ^'JAMES Phillips .!,..... ...^26 Robert Tynman 21 Pejer Waller 24 *• Richard'Petley ...'....;......'. 22 Roger Hollidok , 19 W" Re^dman ...,j4i...... 18 "RcftERT Greene •,.... 20 . Henry Medddwes ^0 /George Johnson .-. igr John Voss 22 "Andrew Adams , 18 John WiLsoN/w 32 ' Nathan Ai7 •' >7 •• 17 •• 17 .. 18 . 16 .22 . 20- • 24 . 18 . 18 . 20 . 26 . 26 • 27 ■ 2S > 22 . 28 . 16 .26 25 16 30 15 22 16 32 30 40 31 30 34 18 3S » ' -. ■'■ ■ ■ • . . * ■ '!'\» ' B' :-— ; -: -•■'---^- __i - , -.. ■- .... . .„ ..,._., * 1 .- ' ■ J -'%■ . 9 \ • \ » . ■ _•* t# t. t. J-iT^-^-^S^ '635] y pour OF LONDON^ Margaret HiNDE 30 AUGUSTIN HaRWOOD 25 Katherin Wilsox 28 6 5 22 22 los ...,r Robert Wilson . "^^ I Richard Wilson . Leonard Wood W" Postell Charles Ford 33 John Scott 26 Thomas Flexney 23 John Heron ig Tho: Baker ig WittM Hughes „ 20 Jo: Coxshedd 14 PeTer Pryer 26 BeniaminUooke 20 Jo: GiBBs ■ 35 Geo: Dawe 23 Hugh Beacon 25 Jo: PisHOPP ^3 22 20 22 Samvell Davies 24 Tho: Warner., 12 Women. Grace Alderman.. Mary H usband ,. Alice Fuller Elizabeth Raynton \ 16 Elizabeth Collins 20 Dorothie Bradlie 18 Grace Jones 24 Sybbill Courtney 33 Joan Bowden 2± Annis Seeden , 2j Joan Colchester 23 Elizabeth Stacie Dorothy Day Ann Emmerton 20 Martha Holland 24 %f' • jl V die Julij 1635. IHEIS viKkr-written names are to be transported to New-England Imbirqued in the Defence of Lndon [London], Edward Bos- TOCK Mr p Certificate of his Conformitie in Religion f that he is no Subsedy-man. " ., ' ■ A Miller Richard Perk 33 IIIargery Perk ... 40 Isabell Krk 7 Elizabeth Perk... 4 ► yercs | HeNry Duhurst 35 14 Tl ■\-' ■ '} ko6 PASSINGBR WCH PASSED FROM l«635 14'* 7u//y 1635 |N ^t Defence de Lond m' Edmond BosTOqKE yfa New England p CeH from the Minstr . ..' Robert Hill, 20 yers seru' to m' Craddocke. \ xviij' yulij 1635 IHEIS vndcr written name is to be transported to New-England imbarque^l^ the Pide-Cotue p Cert: from the' Minister of his conformitee f from S' Edward Spencer resident neere Branford that he is no Sub/edy man. hath taken the oathe of Alleg. f Suprem. \VittM Harrison ssyeresold Jb: Baldin 13 W"Baldin<. 9 / HEIS vnder-written names aYe to be transported to N. England imbarqued in the defence prd p Cert: from the Minist's f Justic's of their conformitie f y« they are no Subsedy Men. { Sulk Jones ..;....... 34 Sara Jones le Ja Jones 1 1 Ruth Jones 7 Theophilus Jones : 3 Rabecca Jones a Eliz. Jones | Tho:3:)onn 35 SifZANNA FaREBROTHER 25 £uz:F£Mnick 35 W"Sawkvnn a; Husb: W" Hubbard ,'. 40 Judith Hubbard 25 John Hubbard 15 W" Hubbard 13 WxRead 48 Mabell HIead 30 George Read % s 6 Ralph IIead ; j Justice Rkajj .'.r 18 Mo: r I ^ /* "TfWW^BP' ¥•• «635] K« ^Oifr OF LONDON. r loy DoROTHiE Knight 30 Nathaniel Hubbard g Richard Hubbard 4 ^AIartiu Hubbard 22 Mary Hubbard 20 Robert CoLBURNE 28 Edward Colborn ,7 DoROTHiE Adams 24 Francis Nutbrowne 16 W" Williamson Marie WiltiMsoN Luce Mercer.. Jo: Fitch Penelope Darno 29 Martha Banes .. Jasper Gonn ..'..... ;. 29 Ann Gonn Febe Maulder .. Sym: Roger Jo: Jenkynn Robert Keyne ... Eliz Steerer ,8 Sara Knight 50 Ann Keyne jg Ben: Keyne ,5 Jo: BURLES 27 Mary Bentley 20 •t- 20 2$ 7 26 40 13 7«ly 163s HEIS vnder-written names are to be Mansportod to N. England I imbarqued in the Jams jNo May M' for N. E. p Cert- from the Mmistersoftheirconformitiein Religion f that they arc no Subsedy Husb: W« Ballard ; 32 Elizabeth Ballard...'. 2& Hester Ballard 2 Jo: Ballard , Alice Jones 26 Eliza: Goffe 26 Edmond Bridges 23 Michell Milner-™-. 23 THO:'ftRRr 28 Robert Terry 25 R,ic;' : Terry ,.....' \y Tho: Marshall '22 W" Hooper ,3 Edmond Johnson 23 SaMVEL BENNET 34 Ric": Palmer 29 Anto Bessy..... /. jg Edw: Gardner 25 , W- GOLDRON .,....." ,6 ' Henry Bull ' 25 Salomon Martin ig wheelewrite. W" Hill 70 Nico BUTTRY 33 Martiu Buttry 28 14— a . •^ • ' t> \\ ._-^^' ' r k i ■^V io4 PASSmGER WCH PASSED FROM Grace Buttry ; i Shoemaker Jo: Hart ,..-40 Mary Hart ....^ 31 Shoemaker Henry Tybbot ,i. 39 Elizabeth Tibott 39 Jeremy Tybbott 4 Samvell Tybbot 2 Remembrance Tybbott 28 Cloth Worker NiC: Goodhue 60 JaneGoodhew. 58 [1635 26 John Johnson .; SuzAN Johnson ; 24 Eliza: Johnson 2 Tho: Johnson 18 mo. Barber Ralph Farman 32 Alice Farman 28 Mary Farman 7 Tho: Farman...... .' 4 Ralph Farman 2 IHEIS vnder written names are to be transported' to N. England imbarqued in the Blessing John Lester M' the pties have brought Cert: from theMinisfs f Justices of their conformitie in Religion, f that they are no Subsedy Men. fisherman Jo J Ackson 40 Margaret Jackson 36 John Jackson 2 Jo: Manifold \j John Burles 26 Jo: Fitch .-.., 14 Nico: Long 19 Christian Buck 26 Barnabie Davies ^.. 16 SuzAN Danes [or Daues] ... 16 Robert Lewes 28 Eliz: Lewes 22 Edward Ingram 18 Henry Beck ; 18 Jo:Hathoway 18 Richard Sexton 14 Mary Hubbard ,.-,^. 24 Mary Spratt ...20 RiC : HALLlNaWORTH 40 Suzan Hallingworth 30 Christian Hunter 20 Eliz: Hunter ig Tho; Hunter i^ W" Hunter ,, W" Holungworth 7 Ric": Hallingworth .4 SuzAN Hallingworth 2 Etiz: Hallingworth .... Tiia Trentum Tho: Bigg's...'. jj Jo: Brig'g's ;.... RoRT Lewes* '..'. 28 Eliz: Lewes*..., ; 22 • Ih wiU be obtCTved that these nune> Jw.ppear in the fiist coliunu.] 3 '4 i9-\. -.'■■ '. •:,;■' ,...• v.: %- ■..".'.-.".• -- ^ ■ ,.]'■;-■ y « ^. . -- -. ^ * .'r.V *■■"" \ • . • • ' • ■ - % ^ .9 ■ ■■ 'i *-■""■ ." . • *■ ■ m-Jt -^ ^^• • ■ ■..-\(-^'-' 7*7 pM.i'- .u4¥e%li<|^.. j^ jf if^-f-5^s^^^5^ '«3si ■~^ y^ POUT OF LONDON. ' 109 HEIS vndcr-written imbarqued in the Love Joseph Young M Baker WiltM Cherrall Vrsula Cherrall ... Jo: HarHian Francis Harman names are to be transported to New-England 26 40 12 43 Sara Harman i© Walter Parker is fisherman Wittia Browne'. .. . 26 Marv Browne 26 I HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea. im- barqued in the Alice Richard orchard M> the Men have taken the oaths of Allegeance f &uprem: Edward Hughes 21 James MoRFY ., 21 ROBERT Haggar 33 Tho: Askew 21 RlC»:COOKE J 21 Miles Atkinson .<. 22*! Rowland Vaughan 19 Richard Natt ig ' Fra: Jenkinson 28 WittM Kendridd 20 Jo: Wilson , 29 Rob^ Baxter 21 Jo: BENTLEY 34 Jo: Holdsworth 20 Jo: Wright 21 Charles Peacock 28 f 30 20 20 35 Chri: Hudson Jo: Smith 20 Jo: Coop [Cooper] Edward Waggitt Jo: ViccARS...... Tho: Atkinson 27 Rowland Sudgerjjjer -21 W" Massingburd 23 Jo: HuTTON ..' ,7 Elizabeth Dew. 32 Ann Dew ,. 9 mo. Rachell Adams 16 Avis Deacon ,9 Hanna Clifford _,.., 20 Eliz: Blanch.. 20 Sophia RoTTRiE 16 as / \ • ■ ■ • • * ^ __ . »-. - f ■ ■ • . " * I !i 1 / » MO PASSINGER wet PASSED FROM ['63s . • 23 7uly ; JHIS vnder-written name is to be transported to New-England ..nbarqued m the Pide-Cowe, W , AsHLEY: the pUe hath brought Certificate of his confonnitie in Rel gion f AttesUcofi frop, the Justices that he IS no Subsedy man. ^C . Husb: Robert Bills. . . ,32 <*. 28 July 1 63] HEISpsonsherevnder expressed are to be transported to New- Englajid, imbarqued in the HofAell of London Tho- R*nn MH^Certificate, from the Minister of S^es CrippCe'that ly are oi Allegeance, f Supremacie. yen A Smith Thomas Tredwell'so Mary Tredwell 30 Tho: Tho: [24 July-f Blackly '...J^ Tredwell , JHEIS vnder-written names are to u barqued in the Assurance de Lo Pewsie Mr examined by the Minister ol their conformitie in o' Religion, the men geance f Supremacie. bt transported to Virginea im- ISACK Bromwell f Geo the Towne of Gravesend of liave taken the oaths of AUe- RoteRT Brian ...'^^ Maudlin Jones go AnnShawe 32 Jo: DUNCOMB ^6 SiTH HaIEWARD 30 * [There U no dMe lo thi. list j but . lUt of (root, u, eedM It in the origimJ MS., U thu. dated.] Richard Hamey \pr Hamdy] 38 W»P[OLLAND 35 Heni.ySnowe ^. ,. 26 MaRI E SOUTHWOOD 22 Fran|cis Rowlson 29 tramforltJ It Flanders, which pre- 1- ' * ♦ . . " ■"■ " '. ■', • "■.:'■ . .„ -' -"— - .- -■ : - \r ; - - ■ ■- - - 4 ■■!■-■-■ ■ '. " ,'■ •'"-' '■ t (»- . - « . "■ ■ • -■■ ■ ; ' ■■ ^' •* \ ' f * , / F ■ ■. ■ „_.>^ . 1 1 ^ ■ -.^ ■ 1 4 '. . -' • ' ^um^ 'h& *-4 % ■ ' • e| **T'^*^^^^*r«*5^'*f^fiSI<»?ff^ / »635] y» J>OJir OF LONDON. Ill .. 22 .. 22 •• IS .. 30 . 29 . 40 • 25 • 36 • 23 • 36 • 19 • 23 . 22 • 19 ■ 24 41 21 22 35 24 19 21 23 23 24 Jane SowTHERN , , r,^.: Rogers ... Margerie baker 39 R,,. LocKLEv • bARA RaYNE ,8 Andrew Vnderwood Philupp Johns Henrie Marshall .... Henry Heiden Elizabeth Sherlocke Tho: Hurlock SAmvEL Handy Jo:Gater .'.r, - Joan Gater W" Lee JosuaTitloe Jo: Middleton .« Robert Hai WARD Samvel Powell Richard Glover Tho: Pagitt Mathew Holmes Elias Harrington Richard Smith...: Tho: Robinson Evan ap-Evan ,, Jo: Browne Robert Frith TjHO: Wilkinson Dennis Hoggin ^^[^r^'^l- ••"• 25 I WaZ^er chapman RiuiARD Ridges Ei^ard Davies Theodorus Bakewell Jo: Dermot ;.., Jo: Morgan Tho: Baycock •. U [ • SecoDd letter not dearly wriu«o , Uie^, ^^^, be re«l CosoN,] 48 5« 20 «9 22 Jo: Jakes Tho:More Jo: Baker Nehemiah Cason* 21 Robert Mayes i,.. ag Richard Barnes 38 Jo: Buttler W-Rebbell ...........".. Robert Wyon Mathew Dixon.... ^^ John Wheeler Jo: North , Mountford Newman .. Robert Steere W-LakY-... 35 HUMFRE^ WiLKINS AntoStilgo Tho: Deacon RORTRiGGUE Beniamin Pillard ,8 Robert Davies ag Jo: Smith, Walter Merridith Tho: Phillips James Kingsmill ,8 Jo. Bowton 50 ^9 22 23 24 27 J7 '9 21 »9 «9 30 24 19 27 21 21 27 SOLD 20 44 17 JAmjes Ar RiChWd liJEAKE ,g Tho:Edvi/ynn HantoVte Baker Jo: AfikotK Tho: Mll '3 22 20 1 ■ H 'I ' I fl ^ . ■:k :^V.._-^- l&Jt^ ' ^gijtJWlM» ! !.y»W « w -' *|-!>»-" trt,»Sp^ Its PASSINGEM WCH PASSED FROM \}(>ii 21 21 James Edwin , ig Edward CoiniNS 28 Jo: Gater ,5 Nico Gibson . Jo: Robert's . Geo: Mosely . James Ravish . Jo: Hales . . . Warram Tuck Jo: Jones w" colture . Robert Silby. Ric«: Bruster , 26 Jo: Swanley , W- Charles , Anthony Lee 21 WiJh^ Williams 28 Henry George 19 Jo: BILLINS 21 W-Write ,8 Robert Lovett . . . ... .V. ..." 20 JobJefferie jg HenrieHaler 22 Richard SvMONDS 30 James Spark's > 57 - Richard Kirbie James Hingle . . Tho: Saunderson W-Spiceji .. •WiJtM Thomas . Henry Madin . Edward Ednall Tho: Jefferies . Nico; Jackson... Tho: Spratt ... 18 24 24 23 '9 32 40 24 -2cr 19 30 21 22 22 23 Tho: Leonard Tho: Beson... Chri: Dixon . Isack Kemp . Jeremie Slie . Jo: 6 Mullin ,8 Anto Procter ,5 Robert H andley ig Jo: Aymies 18 Jo: Tayler J . ... 21 W-Roffin 18 Ric«: Halsey ,3 Antoqtland 18 Robert Oldrick ig W-Hall...., Jo COPELAND , John Goad , {^ Jo: Pooly Francis Gayer JE"HQ;_CaAVEN ,- Ric: Lucas '.]| ,5 Geo: Cullidge .,: ,.. ,3 Lawrence Barker ........ 26 Jo: Bowes Jo: Woodbridge Jo: Johnson ... Jo: Chappell ... G eo: W hittaker ... Richard Liversidge Henrie Wood , Rob^Max r. 21 19 17 18 .<.. 20 32 20 3? 32 24 20 J2I Jo: Warren ,g Tho: Turner , JO: Garland Jo: Humfrey 18 19 23 f f"' ;. ■ . f ' ' » - Ti ," - i ' .( -^"i * ' : - " • •^ • ^ \ . '. ^^121 ' - ' » it t 1 « '# • 1f^^?f'*' V /• 4. y ^iiS\ y PORT OF LONDON "3 ISABELL HaKESBY 23 JoanVallins 1.. 17 MAR15 Chambney.,. Elizabeth Allcott 2aJ-ftn»fcis Bakewell^ .- 30 19 "■ - 2t 22 ISACK Ambrose .' ig W" Huncote *....; '. .v.... 35 Tho: WiLLii^s .-^...1. ,9 ThO: FOXCROFTE ,q THO: Hobbs., Charles Collohon, Henry Donn.....\^. 23 Roger Qi»NTijf...y. 21 W" Small ' ,3^ W" Coleman jg AntoAndrowe 21 Jo: Richardson .^ jg W" Claddin :... ,7 ThO: Gudderidge .^..4 ^f Roger Burley ....... ....;..bf.. ,7 Tho: Bard^ ^ ,5 Henry BuTLEB ^. 14 JofBuDD ..i ..; ,: JN<*" Marshall' 35 W- REAp..„.,.....,. ■, „' 30 Edward Mitcheel ^ ig Robert Drewrie .'". \. is RiC: Wells V. ,7 Jo: Cotes ..:,...,, 17 Jo: Stubber ." : ^,., ,- Henry Lee jg Ric«:Ball 17 Rabecca Parmeton ,q •Jo: Cooke .,..-. .7 Mar^e Middleton ...:;, J Tho:^yer ; )_ ,^ k-a^. i7,„„^„ '' '7 20 23 2* 22 20 20 20 21 Alice RuLL ,« H Jo: Partridge ,g Jo: Johnson 24 Kat: Fulder Eliz: Dick's , ,g Sara Green? Margaret Rickord Winnifredd Conorave . MATHEWPLANf ,sbEllDavies .'. 22 |jo:Mqre IVomm, 20 20 22 23 28 ■ > J5 '""--*.., j «^ Elizabeth Payne Elizabeth Hughson Marie AvERiE 2i Sara Alport 2- Marie Lee 22 Elizabeth Bateman ,...,.... 23 Thomazin Markcom 26 Ann Goldwell 17 Ann Griffinn 26 James Brookes .'^...,.. 28 vro^. Alice Brookes...., ig Dorcas Mercer .: '. 30 Ellin Davies Alice Harris EedJe Holloway:.. Sara C6ggin ; Elizabeth Baker.., Dorothie Dav«s 17 ' EIizabeth Rayi^ard ■?:. Marie Olliver ..i '., «! w- ^ / . % . ( « • — ' -' - • 11 •J- . ■■• / " • —— —TC i « • * - , "»■ > • • . ,_ ^ ^ *■" ' IIJ '■*■" ;. -. " ■'• » ■ V" ' . t #- / ■1 % . ^ ;* » » ." ' V •• - • • V ^ * ' 'iaaM , |LI % • '■- • ' " ^^S^* k a oj "w- .114 PASSIIfbEJl mv PASSED FROM [«63S ELIZABETH POWELL 17 I MaRIE LeE I4 we^ Marie Shorter • ....? 26 I Mathew Clatworthy ' 25 188 33* ..+-- ^ t ■ V Wurau. • 27* j^'w^ 1635 IHEIS vnder-written james are to be transported lir Vii^iriea im- barqued in the'/'«Vww« Capten DoudLASS. Mr p Certificate vndcr y Ministers hand of Gravesend. being examined by him toyching JheireonformiUeto the Church Discipline of England _Jhe Men have taken the oaths of AUegeance f Supremacie. W»Alderton Tho: Clifton..!.... ,... W" Browne '... Alexander Masie Geo: ;.ee jg Tho: Beane „.... Jb:PEW ". George Cottingham .... WiLLiA)ti Sprawson .: 28 fetch off br Jo: Symond's ig WindtbMk, RicnAif^D Webb 36 u;.. IxSYA SNODEN .}. 21 W" Starling...'. ,8 Lawrence Whithorse 17 •Robert Nuttall ig Jo: Hall 2% 35 25 21 27 Mathew Burr 23^^ jStb:' Swifte^ Tho: Daggett 21 ^eo: Fowler... J".BO> Farraby Robert Sharp W" Evans ...... W- Harris ,...., ~^^S Thojias COIJEf. 24 AbRAM SWiFTEi ., verFAyrie). ON . Jo: Baldwynn Tho: Bruxstow 20 Henry BanSridge 18 Nico: Petting u,....^.... 24 Robert Williams ....C».* 21 W" Thorncom^ ig Tho: Wiggin ! ...^ a, Chri: Legg Henrie Robinson ' i^ Jo: SHEiRlCK ,9 Jo: PalJier .^. ,8 * (Then are aai namea ia the list' together, will jieU aai.] ' 21 16 20 23' 22 26 21 25 25 30 "t^'*' ■ .». ^'^ A^*;- 'i,'lf''. ■■*'.;;«5Cf-^»'Wl^J?,' ■■■*>! * y • '''.. y» /'(7^7' O/- LONDOK u_ "S / ALJpR MARSHALL' 17 Jq: Shh»ley. 21 THd:SMiTH. ,g Jo: Johnson 3, Jo: Wick's 26 Ric«: West .'. . 21 Geo. Wade... ,9 ^W- Perce . ,„ 21 26 Jo: BeetiSll \ 20 Francis Ratford \ Jo: Morfin.* .., Jo: Lee ^, Jo: Balme ,* Jo: STRdWDE \ \j W« Fox ..■ ,...,.., Tho. Pynch ...... RiC^GiLL .•;., Menrx Dikes 33 W- Shawe., '.. 25 HENRr Smith .' 22 Ralph Hunt ....". 22 Jd: LUPTON 25 James Rydie ...... 45 Garret ^OKE ........ MtffeiE "Olliver Clifford ig WiltM White 23 Tho: Mortimer so Jo: Ridge ,g ThO: Vinson ,5 Francis DELLitAT 20 Tho: Ridge...,. 23 RichardCary 17 Tho: Manning's ...^ ,6 W".Parry ,6 > h • • • • • • 20 ^7 A James Hall ig * Robert Benton ig Tho: Mason ./ . Tho: Saker . . . Jo: Marsh -./ 3, F«iA*cis Mursh* Tho: Adams . . . Philip DAvies . EawARD Dannell . .' t I'g Henry Chapman ..* Jo: North Charles White ,...,.». John Parry 27 Godfrey Hundley 24 Richard Watt's .......... 24 CLEifENT DONN 22 RiC" STANfOkD 25 Ben: Gregorie 24 Edward Mills Robert Eelie RIC^ Kellum ,6 Robert Page 17/ Jo:Baldwyn 21 . Ellis Harman .../TT...... ig Jo: BOTTOMLY^...-..'. ,9 W"MORE...... ,6 Sam YELL BOSWELL c»...„.... 23 W* SWIFTE W" Griffin ... Jo: Norman . . . Richard Wards Francis Jarvice {a Tho: Thomas 20 Luke Richardson Jo: Fletcher. . ... «9 16 28 21 2,5 '9 18 30 14 21 21 20 »3 •■•••••• '7 18 [So in the origin.1 j but probably intended for Mauh.] \ - :#', 1 i i -'^', .J , -^ « ■ •• A^ .*i^^H ♦ « ;«,. — "f — ~ , « ■ - ^ ■ • " » * * ■s/' f| - ** ■ fl • *lM^' - - K - . ( -^ -^- % ■ ■ X J « ' •vli t -kr * t ■ '- : t '. « w^ % ' . ,_ " ' " ■ " - ■ *■ • ■ ■ ■• • 12 ,-, . • - — # ■■iH-"- \>. _^— —-__., ■ ■■' -L - • - , --.-■-.■-.' fftl.lHll • . • . • .% .;"':'' ■■ . ■• :- ♦ ., :'~^- ■. " -* . .* -■■> 4 ■ .*• * '« » » . ,■ * '*. *. -^ ^^^^H ^^^^H ' . jlllll ii- . m ' ■. ■ t « t iste-^fir? -^ V. V . \- *c .■ ^ V * '\i'''^ '.-*** • . n H ,1 : 1) ..^ tr6 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM t«63S SoB'- H/Rkis 20 Robert Feat's ....,;.... 25 Jo: Saker .1 30 W" JdiiNSON 26 Jo: Weekes i8 Edmond Ardinton "20 Christo: Banbridge 19 Eliz: Maynard 22 Ann Jackjson 23 jft5(J°i-Mocm ,... , 30 • MaRGARETXlARK 21 ■ 'W-ClarkT. , •Ellin Haly 55 20 19 100 38 SiaLLiA Weston 37 Jane PryS ,3 Ann Visher Kat: York Dorothy Jakes '.. 29 Aymie Humfrie : 23 ' Margaret Jnoson 20 Marie Saker. ..« 24 Ellin Sutton Jo: Saker , Tho: Poole.. Jo:Whetston 20 Thomazin Mills 38 20 I 43 vnder-wri^ Vltitno yulij i^^t^ " "»•"" are to 1« transpor^to Virginea, im- . . ,^^t'T^ -^nrJtferchanfs Hope HuG& Weston M- p examinac^ J *.'!*.^'""^'°fGravMend touching their confemitie to the Church , disci{)1inebf.EngIand e have'^aken the oaths of Alleg: f Supn . Edward»Towers 26 HfeNRY IVOODMAN ^ 22 Richard Seemes 26 AlLIN KiNG ..'....,..'.... 19 Rowland Sadler.. v. ...7 19 Jo: Phillips 28 VYNCENT WHURTElf.. .'..... v.. . 17 James Whithedd .' 14 Josias Watts 21 Peter J-oe 22 Geo:'Brooker ,7 Henry Eeles 26 Jo: Dennis a 22 Tho: Swayne 23 rem: •Charles Rilsden 27^ Jo: Exson '. ,7 W" Luck .....'.'." ,^ Jo: Thomas... ,9 Jo: Archer ; 21 Richard Williams 25 Francis HuTTON Savill Gascoyne Ric": Bulfell Ric»: Jones .^. jg Tho:Wynes 30 ,. 20 ,^29 29 Humfrey WittMs [Williams] 22 Edward Robert's Martin Atkinson 23 33 /• . *': # '■ r • • ' * ' • • .*»• i,^ , . « , •»• • % * • * ^ ~:' V ' ■ ■ *■■ L"" . ■■", . *. . *- -' » 40 ... . ,^4V ■' ' ■ ■ ':-:"• - ■ - "•'"-- ■ \ ■' ' ar' • ., -* • ^ : - ■■„ ♦ '- ■•--s . • •1 * ssi^- /• ^^l^ V POET OF LONDON: >«7 Edward Atkinson W" Edward's NA'THAN'^BRADDOeK Jeffery Gurrish . , Henry Carrell . , Tho: Ryle Gamaliel White .. Richard Mark's .. TH6:CLEVEie\,.... Jo: KiTCHiN ; Edmond Edward's . . . . Lewes Miles Jo: Kennedav , ., ^ . . . . SaS : Jackson ...... ,^ . Daniell Endick ii^l^i Jo: Chalk ,' . . Jo: Vynall Edward Smith Jo: Rowlidce W" WestTlie .......... Jo: Smith Jo: SAUNDfeRS.... Tho: Bartcherd Tho: Dodderidce Richard Williams . . . . ; • • • • •' • 28 30 31 23 16 24 24 19 16 16 20 19 20 24 16 25 20 20 19 40 18 22 16 19 18 I 66 Jo:Ballance 19 W" Baldin 21 W« Pen 26 Jo: Geerie 34 Henry Baylie ..-.. 18 RIc^ Anderson 50 Robert Kelum 51 Richard Fanshaw 22 Tho: Bradford .'. 40 W" Spencer 16 Marmaduke Ella 23 Women. Ann Swayne 22 ••••••••■•a. 22 ELIZi.COTE (Ryce 23 Kat: Wilson ; 23 Maudlin Lloyd 24 Mabell Busher 14 Annis Hopkins 19' Ann Mason 24 Bridget Crompe , 18 Mary Hawkes 19 Ellin Hawkes \^ n, *%■ Prima die AugusH it^t, IHEIS vnder-written names ar? to be transported to Virginea, im- barqued in the Elisabeth de to: Chr^istopher Browne M' examined by the Minister of Gravesend touching their conformitie to the ord" e discipline of the Church of England the Men have taken the oath» of AUcg: f SuprerJiacic. ,**. ■^ » ' ^ t * • % . -_,-;^-^"v---;'-'-~^----' -r - ' -- '^r « r" * ■ ■*■ '"-Wi,: ,"' v'.r ■ , : ^ ' ^ 't^ ■* N ■.■■;■ . ■■*,. ■--. . , r \ r «'8 PASS/NGEX . Jo: Benford LODOWICK FLErCHER Jo: Bagbie ROB^ Salter Edward White Steeven Pierce Ric": Beauford. Ric»: Chapman ^drew Parkins ^Baker Jo: Wakers J(5: Vaughan Yeoman Gibson Tho: Leed .\ Geo: Trevas W" Shilborn SAmVEL'GROWCE W" Glasbrooke Kdward Dick's Jd: Bennett MiCHELL SaUNDBY WCf PASSED FROM 20 20 »7 14 18 30 18 18 18 16 16 17 16 16 18 20 38 21 30 18 35 W« Thurrowgood SAfiiVELL MaTHEW Tho: Frith.. i..... Jo: Austin Paul Fe.\rne Thomas Royston . . Jo:Tavler........ , Women. 13 14 17 24 24 25> 18 Katherin Jones 28 Eliz: Sankster Ellin Shore . . Alice Pyndon ••••*••* I 24 20 Sara Everedge 22 Margaret Smith 28 Elizab: Hoeman 20 MOULES NAXSTON .......... 19 Marie Burback ,7 Eliz:Rudston ,... 40 Eliz: RuDSTON ■. 5 36 \ ^•'*^«/'i635 1^ ^^^''^^^'JeLo:™- Tho. Webb v« New Engtd ^ LYON Gardner 36 yen, f hfe wife Mary 34 ye». f Eliza. Coles 23 yen,, their maid Senian. f W- Jope 40 yen. who are to passe to new England, haue brought Cert of their Conformity. /^ ^(>ii\ K' PORT OF LONDON. 119 >,' vi/' Augusti i6i^ IHEIff vnder-written names are to be" transported to Vii^inea imbarqued in the Glodt of London "JEREMV Blackman M^ have been examifled by the Minister of Gravesend of their Coriformitie. f have taken the oaths of All^: f Supremacie. '!^'^*^f Minister John GoodbaRne ... 30 '^ ' J^ Edward Lewes 21 Jo: Whitwham 26 '■^'•..^^^^ Jo: Babington 20 W"Satchi^ .„ y; 22 Tho: GowEN , 18 Symon Moody , 20 ^ ThomasTucker 21 J0:WAfT0N 20 Jo: Ramsey ,....30 Richard/Bates 16 Wl»M B^whER 14 . Henry Hopk 23 W"Barnes..V 22 Henry SmithiW 26 Tho: Grigg....|. 16 Christopher Lego 18 Randall BuRNE 20 HuMFREY Buckley .'. 18 HiilNRY Ston 27 Phillipp Sherringham 17 Tho: Sharp....'. 17 W" Savory ,..,. 25 Edward King 21 Nathaniel Rogers 17 MlCHELL VICTOR ig W-Sharp ...I. 3, W"0SM0THERLV *... 14 Geo: Nettellford 19 Tho: Parker ,. 22 Philip Meredith 12 Robert Coppyn j 1 1 W" Browne '20 Robert Yates 25 W"Griffith ,8 Olough Berne* 19 James Copley 22 Tho: Blithe ^ 20 W-Howard ,6 Jo: Hale .' i^ Nicholas Tayler 17 Benedict Rolls 16 Martin Perkins 18 W"Ennis 22 Davie Vaughan 18 Jo: Seaton 19 Tho: Bowyer 19 Abram Bentley 20 Ric>: Adams : 22 John Russell ■ j W- Burton 20 Mathew Bateman 20 Jo: Bynstedd 20 Michell Haynes .'..... 21 Tho:Jn«son 21 John Whitfisld.... 20 i ' ' 1 t \ r ^ 1 . ■Vi- no iXPASSmCER wen PASSED FROM ['63s Henry MosTON ../.., 23 Allin Hamock' 32 pEORGE Forth 27 Charles Smith 22 Mathew Morton 19 W i_.EW£S •••••••••«•••••« 25 Robert ARNOLb 30 Jo: Thatcher '......., 22 PeterPayton 22 Robert Saldry....... 18 Edward I.ANGSTEDD ...... 18 James Sc6tt , .21 « ^V" Androwes ........r... 18 Jo: Bland 26 Philip WcsTLAKi.. •• 20 Jo: MarwoOd . . .T^^ 17 Jo: Griffith 20 JO: H6WGATE . . . . j^ i ... "17 .Luke Hanes \pr Haues]. . . . 27 Jo:Stibbs 19 JeffervWynch .' .26 Richard Abbott .......... 25 RlC»rSTEEVENSo'N :...,. I... 19 Tho: Smith 30 Ant": Carter .; .....2a Geo: More »...., 25 Robert Gannock 20 juc^cooke 46 Richard TowNSEND 28 Nicholas Jernew.' 28 Tho:Walus.. 32 WittMSCARFIELD 22 Samvel Stringer .......... 17 NIC": Reinold'8 ............ 38 John Peter ^ Richard Wollman Edward Cleiborn Nicholas Bate . . . , W"Bate Richard WEj,Lg . . Richard Guy.. Jo: §WANN ...« Edward Lene , Tho: Sawelj- .'.1 Tho: Whaplett Mabell Eaton . Sara Cleyton , ••••••••••«■ •••••••■ I •••••• I »•••••■ •••! • •■••« •••••«.•■ Ann Levynns Mary Willis . . ... Ann Cre^de . . , ^ Julian Merideth Lu^iE Buckle . . Joan Jernew.... Eliz: Jernew .... Robert Scriven* Robert Isham Jo: Armsby . . . W"Lennon* . MicHELL Whitley Jo. Manning's W»Barloe „. Edward Hollinbrigg W" Manifold ...p. Gregorie ALLii* . . , , W"Talbott GEO: Hawley Edward ftoDGSKYNNS Mark Gill Tho: Harrwood ••«••••••• 20 . 22 . 20 , 24 . 26 • ?3 . 18 32 29 21 ' 27 27 31 22 23 38 18 30 2$ 18 14 30 »9 23 20 »9 30 »7 H '7 31 13 26 IOtLmmoh. TlMitrokctorUielctlcnu«Uiick«ndcIiuD^ r :^k M" r .' ». % ^. r .■■\ 1 « • 0'^ f b^ ♦ ■#>? *,*■ 1635] K* poxr OF LONDON. Ill ABRAM W/VTSON.i....^..... 17 Allin RiPPIN.,.. 28 John Hobson 33 Tho: Chapman 26 Robert Vass ; 19 Richard Ward 23 Geo: Aldin ....20 W"Warner .,, 25 Geo: Grace -..,.. 25 Christopher Hamond 32 JacoIb Averie 33 Geo:Averie 23 Francis Bullock 26 Richard Vpgate ...; 21 Ann Willett -. . . . 23 Joyce Robinson 20 Margaret Baylie ..20 Mary Brackley 20 Francis Townsenp . i , Francis Townsend . . . Tho: Neeqham Tho: A'xstell ...^... Jo: Redqman Robert Mascrie^ .■...., Robert Crouch , Jho: Owen Tho: Knjbb... ..., Robert Waltum Debora Barnie Jo: Tylee Tho: Gregorie .' . . Tho: Tate > . Tho: Hancock Fra: Pepper W"Saund»s 2t 2 >3 35 46 32 15 23- 26 23 16 IS 22 - IS 16 19 HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea, imbarqued in the i'ij/^0', Jo«(N Gmaunx M' John Hardon 27 ' Richard Haieward ,.. 33 BARTHOL: HOSKYNS ..'..... . 34 Anto Haies 24. Jo: Catts ^\. 2j Jo: Waz^ ,.."..'.. 19 Henry Gadling |6 R^HARU Hopkins..',...' " 25 Robert Su,t,TON. . . . . .... . . . 17 Robert PiTWAY... •f • ' 27 'Mary Pitway .'^ Jo: JoneS " ".., 29 MaTHEW GOUGH \, J2 Robert Bo'dpy ........ .' . .' 19 Jo: Carter . .\^ . ! , . , . . 22 Thomas .Hi^h,.... 23 Jo: HORNWOOD 21 Francis Barker ....,.....' 2t W"TfGHT01i ♦. 24 CHRISTOniER WYNN...^,;. 20 ' 16 / . ■ . H I • . ■■ ■ / » * ^^ • , ■ * ■ ^ ■ ' %■■ \. ■A: , . . . , ■ '. ■■» ': , » « - ^^ - - -- ->■- » ■ t .. . • • V /- - - ^- ',. • I t- # ' t . \ 1 * • < - , k 1 — i»— ' ■ *• 1 1 %■■ -■ft PASSmCER IVCH PASSED FROM '['635 f ^% ^■^ J David KiFFy*.. W-Symonds y^. : Tymothy TraLlopp . . Henry DuGDELL .... John Lovvnd j James Atkinson- Nico; Watson ......'........ ,6 Jo: Taylor 18 Arthur Raymond 20 Edward Spicer 21 Robert Harrwood RicHARb Foster ,. Jo: Bell Gabriell Fisher .. Tho: Browne ,'.... 18 Cornelius Mai£^s 12 Steven Gorton Jo: Gloster ..". JOSflGEON '.. ,i V 17 16 30 36 35 23 T«OMAS Thorne Jo: Write l^rCHARDPilESTqN. Andrew §TREtcHER 14 Alexander Harvtie. Edmond Jenkins 15 Nic: Morton . . " Jo: Bay James Pattison IS 21 ' w-ilowther ., 24 ^ Edward Saunder? 49 James Bethell 27 Jo: Browne.'. ;.\.....,,.^.. Jo: Gibson ....'... .V. '. . , Tho: Belk Geo: Tucker Tho: Jennions Robert Perkins -. Jo: Martin . . .". Edmond Farrell ....... W" Hassell Edward ,Gifford ....... Roger Gilbert f , Richard Allin Jo: Wilkinson ..: , Francis Vyons WittMlJAVIES ., Richard Alderley 26 Henry Dalleper jg Rich: Hudson ..a 30 Jo: Hill 22 Edmond Mulleneux * 20 Humfrey Blackman i6 Richard Cotton ,.: 20 James Allin ,9 Martin Church '. ,5 Henry Gilbert W-Q'NY*.. ........... Brian Kelly Lewes Smith Tho: Doe 25 30 37 22 24 25 23 20 24' 30' 16 22 14 25 27 •' 34 . . 20 ,. 20 .. 22 LClearljr m in the oritjioal.J Thomas Saunders . . . , 13 Ed\yard Saunders g Thomas Carter 25' Thomas ap Thomas 30 Richard Caunt 36 .^ , 7 V- • s * " # ■>'*• • . .... '.1 .. WT- 1 1 'A « ■ •-». 1 ' J» * '• ■ ' ■—^~. ' J ' ■ ■ ■ ■ * --# • # 1 t 'r"-» <«- , ♦ --.. • I ^^^^ ^^ '■• < • 8' ^ r^f fAt^^'T'^v^^; V' >63S] J"^ PO/!r OF LONDON. IJ3 Richard Moss John Perryn , Hugh Le Roy Thomas Reinolds Jo: Curtis ...'. 21 Robert Glenester 25 Henry Buckle 30 Jo: Newman 20 Thomas Gardner 22 Jo: Newman 24 ' .RoBBJU^ Frist^r 20 Richard Field 20 Geo: Habbittell 26 WittM Karsewell , 20 W« Grasson 20 RichardWrigut 23 Jo: Butler -. 21 Jo: Hendry 24 Richard Brookes 20 Jo: Martin ,« Geo: Castell..., JO: BiLLINS Tiio: Wrenn Robert Piscer Marie Lerrigo . 21 26 20 44 19 Margaret Homes 23 Alice Ashton 20 Hanna Waddington Elizabeth Holloway Eliz: Gold Elizabeth Frisby Eliz: Smith . : Margaret Gard .... Margerie Smith Elizab: Piscer , Elizabeth Ward Joan Griffige , Eliz: Turner , Joan Allin Marie Booth , Jane Cutting , W^HlNDSLEY Katherin Smith . Thomazin Broad Ann Waterman Joan Turner ., Jane Foxsley Rose Hills.... Ann Croft's Grace Tubley Margaret Snales . . . Ann Holland ; Ann Fossitt . . .' Dorothy Movle . . . . . 16 ■ 26 • 17 24 50 , 24 . 22 , 16 25 35 44 . 20 , 19 17 ■ 23 . 18 . 24 . 18 21 25 22 16 20 22 34 24 21" ^«/' 1635 N the Hopeivc/ide.-Lo: m' Badb, yr^New Engfd HENRY Maudsley ,4 ycrs hath brou^t Ce;rLm the Ministr of hi. Conformity hath taken the oalhc of ^gancc. 16—2 *• /- J ■■ ' • - - •* » - • 1 , ■ ■ , . : . ■ 1 ' M * : ._ « ■ . J ,-. — * . . ■/ # — ■ * -' - - - - ■ ~— - - -i Ir "• W s E-< -' t i' ,. ' ".,; ■; , » ' '.:. ;: , .;.; ,'■ ■' ■^' ' ! i ^■i. ms; J ^\ '^ PASStNGEtt WCH PASSED FROM -T-^ ■ ar « [«63S • 'iiAug^' 1635 IHEIS vnder-written nattes a^e to be transported to Virginea, imbarqued in the George Jo: SeverneM' bound thither p .examination of the Minister of Giavesend fc MiCHELii Masters ....."....^'21 ThO: MORECpCK 26 JO: GiLLAM , 21 Tho: G^llam .,.i r 18 HUMFRJEY HiGGINSOK 28 MaTHE;V SiLSBY.... 31 THOrBtjLLARD ...J 32 Tho: Rogers jj NowELL Lloyd if, Ann Higginsojj 25 Francis Foster is 39 ■iA- Robert Scotchmore Jo: Evans i^ Rabecca Palmer ig . ARTH» BODILIES 19 Feter Maning .^ 25 Daniell Bowyer 30 MicHEi,L Williams 18 Chri: Kirk , 23 Richard Genney 20 Christopher Thomas 21 Walter Walker 23 Jo: Pope , -_,_ jg Anto Hodgskins John Bell Ann Lay^ield .. r . 2\ 30 Jo: Hutchinson ^7 Alice Levitt^ 16 Mary Burtwezill Vil Alic? Watson 30 Joan Ludcole 18 Nathan: Wilson 23 Theodor Rogerson '. 20 W" .Thomson 22 Jo: Jones ,7 Michell Hedly 24 Edward AiBs..< 37 W" Golder 22 Tho: Hand George Fox Jo: Daynie 20 W« Hawkes , Ralph Cleyton .'. Tho: Best Jo: Hunt ; 23 Jo:Feld 20 Eliz: Bristowe 17 Mary Robinson ELIZABETrf WOODBRIDG* Bryan Hare Roger CuTTs 20 W-DlCKENSON w" mitchell... Marie Neele. Ann Cooper 20 14 22 20 33 18 22 27* 21 IS 13 20 S Geo:Tayler 20 f \'4- ,b:ti.. •■ /^^ ^ -^-a V- ^'f^-^^j^fV^J ^^f^*^ '635] y^ PORT OF LONVOM. "5 •1' r^ ■">-,. • • • •. • •-« • Henry KiLBY 27 Jo: Fynch 27 Geo: Quithor 25 ThO: MOTHROPP 21 James Horner — 24 Jo: Ray 21 RicV Dixon 20 Tho: PEACoik . . Jo: Rogers Griffith HuofHES Ann White .... Jo:QuYLE ■yno: Allin...... ■^m-. Butler ...... / Tho: Purnell ...... Valentine Bishopp .. W" ClowdlsLie* ..". 26 Richard Verdin ....1 24 Jo; Baddam 40 EuAS Wiggmore 24 SuzAN Hare 24 Richard Hide 24 . RoBERf Dunham 30 Jo: Goodridge ig Jo: Tiffing 19 Henry Cutling 40 Leonard Richardson 43 Jesper Hodgskyns 24 Jo:Wynn 25 Tho: Howell. 20 Lawrence Barwick 20 Jo: Musgrave 37 Edward Lillie 19 Jo:Goodson 25 MiCHELL PRYNN .... 2S Alexander Greene James Bankes Oliff Gibbins Constance Fister . , W" Scott Ralph Browne RoB-f Morrison Edward Greene .... Tho: Bank's Eliz: Bank's Jo:Allin Lewes James Tho: Wiggins ..;.., Sara Merriman Arthur Figiss W" Hinshawe Roger Nevitt . . . . i . Mathew Price Ric: James W" Neesam Tho: Buck Geo: SMith Joseph Mills Tho: Rogers Jo: Richards W"Saie Geo: Cranwell Jo: Weston Francis Blake Tho: Maynard Jo: Price Peter Starkie , James Hawkins , Joseph Warrwell ... Francis Young ....... ,. 40 • 35 . 18 • 23 • 24 ■ 23 . 21 . 6 • 4 I mo. . 21' ■ 30 . 20 . io • 40 . 20 . 20 . 20 • ii • 2' ■ «7 . 20 . 20 , 16 17 17 23 20 18 22 34 22 »7 •7 21 [So ia the origiiua : doubtlesi intended for Clowoisue.] \ i I "?^e. S' ij6 PASSINGEH mif PASSED FJiOM THO: CONNIER 22 Tho: Perry ,, 18 Jo: Staunton 27 Tho: White 16 Ric": Phillips • .-. . 14 JaneSwifte 23 Margerx, Carter .......... 23 Gressam Parkins 19 W" Block ... ., 23 Tho: Gadsby ,9 Minister. Richard James 33 Vrsula James -. 19 Arthur Figiss 33 Francis HAver£amp ['63s 17 34 19 29 19 29 153 Edmond Jones 22 — - Henry Hawl^y Robert Burr W" Miller W" Curtis Tho: Beomont Jo: Covell ... ,; jg Mary Lovett ig Joan Vizard jg W" Steevens =. 22 Tho: Horrock's 22 Mary Soanes 26 •^ / IHEIS vnder-witten names are to be transported to Virginea im- barqued in the Thomas Henry Taverner Mr, have been exan^ned by the Minister of Gravesend touching their conformitie in o^ Religion, fc. , Jo: Lewes jg W"' Greene ••!«:••• '8 Walter Smith '%.^^^ 20 W" Burton fV..'!. 24 Jo: Hill ..............;... 15 Joseph Browning 20 Tho: Fouch " ,6 Edward Sawnders ........ 20 W" James ,8 Jo: Tullie Mary Ciiadd . Jane Colerack Alice Wiiight 20 Jane Gibbs 27 Edward Erle Richard Crane Adam CROwp Jacob Denton Hugh Stanley ,5 Beniamin SviTlES Mary Jolly ^Liz: Ayres •. HuMFREY A\VDRY ... Edward Johnson ., 28 Jo: CoLlopp . 17 Peter RicARD 22 Henry GE\r .. 21 W" Adams..., 45 32 '9 20 '42 21 26 21 22 19 20 24 \ •* 9 ,12 58 Secundo die Sepiemdris 161^ IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to S« Christo- phers: imbarqued in 'the William f yo/m Rowland Langram Mr. have been examined by the Minister of Gravesend f tooke the oaths of All^: C Suprem; die et A° pd •James Lampley 19 W« Greene t8 Henry Daniell 20 Rowland Davies 20 W„ Reddish 20 ED\yARD Broomish 20 Robert Fitt 13 Richard Lewes 26 Richard Corie ': 18 Richard Crisjie .^H»-2o Jo: Brunt , 24 W Williams...' 21 Christopher Steevenson... 19 Tho: Barnes .• 20 Rober*i\Watler 20 Andrew Young 40 Francis Hudson .....;. 36 Jo: Parr ig W" MORLEY 24 Ric:Gavyn 21 Tho: Phillipps 35 Jo: Willard :. 16 » ./ •V N — *)-. '■* .' 4 t ■ V ^ '" ^ • * ■1 lb *i ■ - -. ^Hl ' . ,- " •- « "■— -----■■- -.. . *.. — # - -'-- , ■' :*. \ ' ^'--- - - ■■^' ■* ■ '^ ^ •■ . * • ; k 1 p 4'' i \ •>:#. .» '" -■ i'-f ^■''■; * * . < < Jiiii^A. ■ V ■' * V "% .. > J. ■ . . • ) . , > •f "'' .: «' - A' ■ itS PASS/NGER Wctf PASSED FROM ['635 A ^-' Tho: Hanmer ;.... 14 w" burmiam .».....%. 21 Walter Wall i6 W-Bathoe 18 Tho: Tapper 21 WBaylie 23 THOiJROOKES .-f. 21 Nathanieijl Bernard 22 *Tirff: Price .- 20 Geo:Frie '.: 19 Tho: Hart 23 Mathew Addison^. 17 Theobald Wall 18 Robert Richardson 33 Robert Leake 38 Barnabie Brooke 20 Jo: Cock 18 23 27. NIC": Cobb 24 Jo: Hinson 21 Tho: Ekkersoe 24 Geo: Carter 28 RIC^ Harris 26 Henrie Nokes 27 Tho: Thomson 28 « SAinvEL Knife , 23 Jo: Watton 25 :Jo: Byrall 29 Morris Parry 30 Jo: Nayler 20 Edwa;id Nayler 21 Geo: Noble 22 W" Cock's 20 Martin Sowth 19 W'^Greenelefe * 26 Jo: ^awnders '. 17 ThoT: Hames \pr HainesJt. 6 John Pinkley .30 Robert Thomson 22 W-Davies 30 Richard Beare '28 Geo: Ford '. ,„ Tho: Lowynn .*.... 20 Jo: Drake ,3 Robert Outmore 38 Hugh Hilton .'. Tho: King Lawrence Adderford ...;.. 26 James Dockkie 17 Ezechell Rennam #13 Tho: Haiden j- Edward Brunt ". 26 Tho: Reinolds , jg W-Benn ...; ' 24 Phillip Skorier 26 W-WORRALL Jo: Benson Henry Bugland Jo: Morton Jo: DiTCHFIELD NaTHANIELL SiMPKINS 26 W" Procter 36 Edward Gressam 17 W«Steevens 2t ThO! WmtHEDD Tho: Clark W" Stiffchynn '16 Jo: Bonn ,g W'lDUNBARR ,, Jo: MoRRiSH ,8 Alexander Glover .37 23 27 '21 24 22 24 25 [Originally written 15, but afterwards altered.] t :!■::.,. ■ , . * ' ■•w #rt5J tf^^^B^ -y > ■^: ^ . y^ PORT OF LONDON. 129 Edward King ; 25 Jo: Kent 23 Robert L'ynt.' 21 EDWARt) Bellis 21 Tho: Gill 30 W«Grove 32 Richard Mason '. 29 MaNLEY RiCIIAJtDSON .... IsACK Belt John Pickering .....;.... 25 Tho: Archiiold.. 19 Mathew Wells '28 21 23 ►103 |HEIS vnder written names imbarqued in the Davyi Jo ■the Minister of Gravesend, Cq.^ Edward Browne 25 . Samvel Troope '17 W«Hatton .'.. 23 Daniell Bacon 30 ^ Robert Alsopp 18 Tedder Jones 30 Tho: Siggins 18 Abell Dexter ..■25 / Ric«: Caton 26 Henry Spicer 28 Tho: Granger 19 Jo: BONFOLLY-t 21 . Roger Mannington ..'. 14 J0SU.J Chambers 17 Henry Melton 23 David Lloyd Jb DONOUGH GoRHIE 27 GEr: Butler 27 Addam NuNNicK 25 Jo: Stann 27 Edward Spicer.... 18 Jo: Feelding ; ....19 are to be transp(jrted to Virginea Hogg M^ have been examined by Jo: Morris ....^ 26 Richard Brookes..' 30 Robert BarHon is Jonathan Barnes ............ 22 Henry Kendall 17 Tho: Poulter 31 Jo: Lamb j, 22 Tiio: NUNN i J 22 Jo: Steevens ....\ 19 Edward Crabbtree 20 W" Barber 17 Ann Beeford \pr Bedford] . 25 Martha Porter 20 GURTRED LOVETT 18 Jane Jenning's =...... 25 Margaret Bold 30 Mary Rogers 20 Margaret Walker 20 , FreesbJ^roouan ., 20' Eliz: Jones.... ^ 20 « . 4' [It will he observed that these totals are not always correct; (here are 104 names in llii> t. The next ■ ' t [Possiblj dot above it] list. The next, too, is wrong.] t_[Possibly Bonfillv. The fifth iMtef is indistinctly written ; it looks like' an o, but has a (! .J > ■^ I; \ --\ 17 N;:. ■-'■S.' -■ > \ iP^' ^ m .r^ ■"' «3o - PASS/NG/iJt n'cn PASSED FJimf ,[1635 »- ' > xf Sept: 1635 PHEIS vnder-writtcn names are to be transported to New-England imbarqucd in the Ito^rwdlTnb: Bajjb, ,nr ,, Cert from the Minis- .ters e Justices of their conformitie in Rchgion to o^ Church of England- e y they are no Subsedy Men. they have tak-en ye oaths of Allee- f Suprcm. . . ^" *■ m.' •' > M^ - *fe Httsb: Wi% -Wood \ Elizabeth W(X)D^.... Jo: Wood.... Robert Chambers Tho: Jnoson Marie Hubbard Jo. Kerbie ... Joi^Ftiomas I.SACX RoftlNSON Ann Williamson ...... Tanner. Jo: -Weekes ... Marie Weekes .^. .:.... An^Weekes SUZAN WiTHIE ' Robert Haylie Marie Withie' . SAinvrX,T^UNGLOVE . Margaret Younglove • Samvel Younglove.... Andrew HiftLs...... Anthony Freeman •TwiPoRD West Roger Toothaker MaR(«\RET T ^635] Ks jPOHr Of LOl^DON. Nathaniell west Jo: DoNN ■:....,. Edward Edwynn . Jo: Seli, Tho: Ireland .... Edward Davies . EdvvArd Simpson 13 JEdward Ald^n* ,7 Tho: Atkins 16 Tho: Riley ,5 W" Barnes ,j Jo: Day ,6 W" Barrith r ,6 Jo: TusTiN ,g Edward Grubthorn Jonas Goldeniiam- Judith Bagley j^ John Glassenden.. W" Harding vxor Sara Harding Henry Rosse Tymothie Pynder 26 Margaret Pynder Jane Dart Minister GEO: Turk Ezia vyncent «'X(7r Marthew 14 i6' '4 30 30 31 T XT I Minister Daniell Wite Jo: NiCKLiN...... ,7 I sa„p^w \ A -~i ■'V. ■\ 1 '34 .•« ' -il?'. V pass/ngeh tycff jyjss^2) from [•635 m' 2° die Octpbris i<^2,i, . .' BaARD the 7<,//« of London James Wavmoth Mr bQund to ^'^Christophers John BAJOyELLER ;.^^.,., SAiii Vfcb PARKiX, . :.'?'.';..;;». . . . Tiioi^AM^^..:^..^..:;*.,:;;^. CnRi: Thomsoi^. . . .• „ ,, . . ,". .^ . Alexander F^BEtwgon Walter ♦ei^^'JI^..^.." .Edward ponsoN , I Tiio: Walker.....; 19, Jo: MULLENEUX 24 OsvWl Metcalf 22 Edward Cooke... ; 22 (Jo: Sherlock; 20 'Tuo: Frost .' ....28 • ■Lewes Evans 25 GlLUEI^T. CMRIt.,,,;.,V^.4.: b|^' Jo THOMtoN ' ,' GEC^HejllS, ;..4..^.*,.^..-i^r.I9t RICHARD TgWNSEND ." ■" .a RlCHARl) Eu^fE^*" '■ •■•!-•• •.... ly Richard SMiirn"',..',r:f.^r;-.*^, WittM RjfCHARDsciilf; r.V»;;:*. ED>VARO,iiiEKIN^ ,! . ; .,.'^ [ ,. . . . • j6:cLY»t^.„w:.:;i:i^.:.... .Richard EiTANsr..'..'....;' HENRiE'HtELO ;..:.'..,,*. *JH ENlliK Riuf ORD^V: Jo: y ENMAN' .......... 2H 22 ■24 18 30 JVlARYjIl^ODWINN .....'....^ i8 Jane Goodwynn 20 Martha LiLliot 20, ELI^ABliTH MURRIIf 21 21 «r Joan Hill •I*, ao 19 Elizabeth Freeman 21 18 3 J ,iy die oc/o6ris i6;iK iHOARp the Ami/ie George Downes M' bound to s't Christo- ph" ■ ■*« V IsACK Drake 45 Richard IvEsoN 24 Robert Barne ., 33 TiioiHernden ....' .;: 33 Edward Farr WxBURRgWE T«o: Brewynn Marmaduke Borne . 38 '9. 24 at k J .-\. ' -i •swr *^ ^ J >635] K^ PORT 01' LONDOPf. '35 * ' \.\ . ■ \ >i4 1 J Vif ?2 Wltt.M Creswell , HENRIE HODGSKYKNS ig Robert Payne 21 George If ATRELL ..'. 32 Jo: HlPPSLEY ig WittM Stanley ..,....,,... 22 John Snape 22 IsACK Buck ;.. WAL-rkR ELLitT \i.,.. . Aymies Halfyard 33 20 19 Oliver JoHNEs 25 •^^• JcTuN Smith Hamblet SankeyT. 22 pDWARD Porter' 21 Tho: Galley . Tho: Pitt's jb: Thomson Richard Webster L£wes Jones 20 JotiN COOMBES ,1 George Coop [Cooper] Mathew Prestt^n .' John Pynkston.^ VVGeies ,8 ' WittM Vbank ... CHARLESvPaRKER James Leachman W" Cartwrite ". . 18 Richard West-Garrett ..20 W" HARR15 • 16 Jer: Njcholls ig Tho: Rodes 20 Jo: n()U(;ni:i Edward Grindall jo: Vaughan 23 23 20. 24 25 24 26 2Q 22 27 20 18 22 21 21 Jo: Goddin Richard Larkynn , Richard Boeman . . . TlIO; MOLTON David Owen ....... Henrie Rowles . . . NIC": Alford..j_^. Samvell Sakeli^, . .". Robert Jones ».... Jo:BRcnvNE.^,;l^,,.^ Peter Salmon Jo: SaundersOn . . , RoBEliTROLTE ..... John Jack Tho: Yott .." .' John Teirrbk ..... John Farmer. W'^Daucjhton .. ... Ric>: Skynner ..... W" Egerton .......' James Makvnn .... . W« Harris , Bastian Petite , John Warren Ric": Phinnei^ ./.. James BriogV... . .-. .. John Mlsick Jo: Griddick W" Davies Rob^H-eatii ./. Tho: Baggei.av William Yateman .. Richard Grjnd W" Gali.er ROBEJi'r DOWNE .'•....., . . 20 .. 32 .. 23 . . 20 .. 26- .. 22 ,. 28 '.-i3 ■ ■ 30 • 33 . 20 • 23 • 23 • 27 . 24 . 24 . 24 . 20 . 20 . 20 • 20 . . 20 • 23 , 20 • 30 , 25 19 16 4b 30 24 25 II 20 35 i . r * -4U-. \ X \ > ■36 PASSINGER HV/f PXSSED FROM ■{^^l^ John ^ye ..'. 36 Edward Webb 17 James Johnson :..4. ^8 JohnAverV „ ^..,. 22 DanieLl Cannelly 20 Rice Poke 30 Roger James : 29 James Curtis.. V ' i8 Element Hames 22 John Fynn 22 WittMGOFF 30 Andrew White John Bilungiiurst Mo'rrice Davie....; W» Rule 20 II 24 24 'Mary Wynd jg Margaret Coles 21 Marie MERRiTorf '. 21 Kat:Brewett ig ELLIIf ChAuNc'e [(^rClIANNCE] 21 Ann Palmer 29 Alice Barker 30 Patient White ' 44 ISACK f I ^ jXcoB... P"^""^v- •■ 2- Judith Lloyd 18 Marie Maxwell 21 • ,.' IDS 24" Octobtis' ibiK^ BOARD the Constance, Clement Campion' M' bound to Virgi yeres John Wade .♦ 21 Garret Nicholson , 23 John Burrowes 18 W*Bett ;.. 21 Thomas Simpson : 24 Tho: Patrick .^ \ 22 John Till, 20 Joseph PkicnA^Ro if Be^nermaii' 18 RicVtayler .L..,.. ,8 iRIFFIN \ 26 jAckiK^ ar inia. Geo? Atkinson 16 . RobtSexston 24 Tho: Purseix .i...... 26 Davie LupToN^ '„.. 23 Henrie More ' 20 Michell Sucklii^f ;. 18 Georg« Atterborn ; 20 Ric": Steere 24 Tho:Le«;r .• ^ ,8 W»Prichari5 34 James CaTEs 22 James Revell 20 t: mm:^-. ■ : ^ \ '' - , ' » ■ . i - ' H . r « f • \ 1 - • ■ ■ 1 " "■ • • ■ I - -— t 1 ■ • i 4 » '"^'■':- ■ '^ *■ / > * • • % 1 • \ ^ ' -• ■ » • -^' ' .*■ r • » •♦ % ^ " j, J s. . %: ■ ♦ ji. « 1 « 1 Mi>^l^ ^Ifei^^^csai- 9 > - ♦ ' . i A f. «63Sl y PORT OF LONDOA'. W"Andr0we,s Symon Garr" W" Hunt Tiio: Jackson MlLIiSCoKIi CHRI: ClIAMIiERH Davie Williams Nic":HucGiNs '. Jo: Davies ......"., 'WiltM Jones Henrie Richardson ., RooER Williams '.. 19 Jo: WvTjiiNS ....:.. 24 Tiio: Jay .' ;■ 25 Elizabeth Brewer 17 yeres 20 ; 14 21 ; ^^ 23 24 24 24 20 Jo: Palmer..... ...... rRlFKIN MaYMOR ea^ Francis Marsuen ". u '37 21 IsACK Beyer 24 Alice Brass ,5 Tho: More ....'. 26 W"KiNG ''''''■! 21 Jo: Mitchell ,. ■<. i4 "Tho: Hall .....'.. 21 Robert Ellis 22 James ITaies 28 John Hancock 17 Ric":'Grav 21 W-Tyse ...,...; 20 Tho: Wathin...../..: '.... 35 Charles Hughes 50 James Symonds 20 Jo: Clark ..'.:...: jg SteEI'HEN I'ACK. Geo: Davie 22 Henrie JoHN.soN 27 JO: ASHCROFTE 33 MVTIIEW GOWGH*." 28 Tn&. DiGGLIN ... 25 ^Robert B.\skervile... Nathaniell Voung.., Tiio: HoBsoN... SaM4'S0N Alkynn 22 22 20 20 24 Jo: Coke ^24 John D.E Cane ■ 20 Jo: Elliott... 36 W"Gillam Tho: Smith....' An:5jP Miles ._, Chri:'Bovce .....^ 38 Tho: SaddocK Mary Parker W" Hulett 27 24 11 Geo: Dyos 38 -••■ 17 'S -f^ '9 Walter Jenkyns. 30 Eijmoni) Porter 35. Edward Herrott 35 Hugh Douglas.... 22 Walter Colly jg Joan Carraway ^2 Tho: Hart., ,3 85 • [There i» »/ « V • • * ■ » < .- 1' / • -'-■ • 1 • • * V , . « ♦ ' • « r'"" ^! 1 i ' . .' % •\ • . n *■ M - ' • t • '■ . « ■ ^ ■* ■ J i ' '■-.- V ' ' \y » * • f ■ to ' » T T * » .... ^ , « • • -'^.. - . ■ T' ■ •,■ '■* #■■ J, L ' ■ ' ^ 1 mi wm ■ _ ^ ^^ * * -' ..... 1 -*..;.. ' i Mi V '38 PASSINGEX IFCJf PASSED FROM [1635. W: BOARD the Abraliam of London John Barker Mr bound to Virginea, TOBIE Sylbie 20 Robert Harrison 32 WittM Lawrence . 22 John Johnson 35 W« Fisher 25 Steeven Tayler 7 Tho:Penford ...... ^. 30 W- Smith 25 18 17 Tho: Archdin ■RiC: Morrice Walter Piggott jg Richard Watkyns 20 •Jo:Braunch 13 Jo: Clark 20 Gabriell Thomas 30- Davie Jones 21 Alexander Maddox 22 'Francis Tippsley ...;......' 17 Emanuecl Davies l^ W« Williams ; 25 Roger Mathews I 28 Jo: Masters 23 WiLLM Mathews .; 18 Jo: Britten ,. 18 GeorgePreston •. ..i. 20 Robert Toulban 23 26 42 Henry Dobell 20 George Brewett r8 Francis Stanley 23 WittM Freeman 46 EdwardjGriffith 33 VVlltM MANTON 30 Owen Williams 40 Tho: Flower 32 Jo: Bullar 32 Jo: Clanton Alexander Symes .*. . . Anto Parkhurst Jo: Hill 35 Alexander Gregorie ^r-^ Martin Westerlink i© * Patrick Wood 24 ; . Tho: Kedby ; ^5 Roger Greene 24 WittM Downes '*..... 24 Jo: Burnett : 24 J-Jl^HO: Allijj 3 , Simon Farrell 19 ^ Tho: Clement's 30 W"HUNT Katherin Aldwell . . 20 33 $1 "s*^ "-v.. • ■ ?'-■ ■■ ,^ y. „. -.i " ■ .--*_- -■ - . - - ■ - <• ft- # / ■ • «- « ; ' . * * ' ■' i -' . ' - ---.---- •-- -■ ,.- .- ,-■: f -"•"■■*. . ■ "■ ' ' * - » ' .' # ' . ■ :!f''^-,ri:k- : ■ A' *^ ^ ' • ^■iiiiifWtri' t' \ L . ■■*■ t '^. if.. • ''' f ' "V " 'ifKlF V *''*»,'',>»''i«K^5WfS'^s?g8S^ ' V;. ^ .'635] YF- PORT OF LONDON. '39 ^ ' 20 Novembris 1635 ■^^ IHEIS vndcr-written names are to be ^transported to the Bnrbadoc»!>v\ imbarqued in the Expedition Peter Blacki.er M^- The Men V have taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie : And have been examined by the Minister of the.Towne of Gravcsend touching their Conformitie to the ord^s f discipline of the Church of England die et Minister Nicholas Bloxa [Bloxam] ats Ingles AitRAM' Holland Thomas Hudson Blackw'ell Lawrence , LEONARD BriGGINS Thomas Clark MoRGAfi Jenkins Ric*: Pratt .\. /f HO: FreeMiAnV WiltM Greefeson .' . . . Richard Wartumbee Henry BrI'an Hugh Dawson Mathew Beads Charles Lambert Jo: Lake Jo: Smith Anthony Hutchins ...^... WittM Gibson , Jo: Williams William Steward John Pierce Hugh Evans- yeres 31 19 16 , 16 17 27 '32 18 «9 26 21 21 18 •9 23 18 18 32 •9 •7 21 18 18 Brian Aston \'. '^Ti' Nicholas CoLLON... 19 Henrie Field 24 Richard Smith 20 John Knowles' 27 John Dickenson 24 John Mann 21 Tiio: Peacock 17 Edward Steevens 53 Thomas Weekes 23 Hugh Cheswood 21 Jo: Coert ," 21 John Pike 30 George Blacklock '. 32 John Coleman 40 W" Watts 28 John Bonner 18 WittM SiNGNELL 1 8 Tho: Hobin 20 'Francis Barnit 23 WittM BUCKLE.Y 26 John Clark 16 PHILLH'I' MORLIN 21 Henry Rawlins 25 18—2 •, A . ,iV.- _ ~^ V T .. ■ y ■-- „ - / / . . ' M ■'-■-.^ « /^' •» V ■■" \ . -N . .- -.,--, «- . - * ■ ' , ■ - 'i ■ - - ^ - .... ' : :yt '•• • ■> . -'■ ': ..';■, > I ' 1 '?"■' * I ..■I ■ ?; 140 PASSINGEH IVCH PASSED FR ■Rmf ['fi-as Jo: RuDGE , 42 Edward Evans 22 John Hownsefield . . , 20 " Tho: Davie.... 20 Henry Govvde' *... 19 W" Mellison 25 John York.. ..... W" Carpenter John Wynter '. . , Jo: Waller JoujfSumEs 20 John Heron 20 WiftM Tayler . . . , .' 26 JohnParlin. 21 VV" Jack.son ; 33 John Medgley '...". 21 W-Wrench ...-. ,.21 Robert Hurt 19 ' JameS Farebank 26 Henrie Berrisford 32 If aMes Nettleton 22 Thomas Armetage 24 Francis Mann j 19 John Felkynn 20 John Jones 20 Richard Lightbound 22 Christopher Hartlie 19 Tho: Wood 19 23 Henrie Godfrie 36 Tho: Palmer.. 19 Jo: Humfrey 20 John Smith 22 Ambrose Greene 23 JO: Hilliard 18 Jo: Browne 26 WiWm Warr f Mathew Wilkinson 18 Mathew Gibbons 20 W" Awdley I James Kingston 22 RiC: Smart ' . . 20 W« Walters 26 Tho:Davies 23 NATHANIELL NORDIN 46 W»Pitt 25 Jo: Chater 17 Jo: Chapman 24 Geo: Sterry 24 Abram Cheynei 22 Jo:Stu'rton 18 Jo: Edens ig Lawrence BRO(?k 18 Ricv Best js Robert HoBBs .,.• 26 Peter Jones 30 W^Topleife 18 Jo: Robinson .. • 19 Morrice Jones 21 Henry Stint 18 JosiAs Weston 25 Francis Birkenhedd 24 Edward Jones ELtis Williams 29 18 W«Tayler ... , 40 Tho: Burniiam ...\ is Joseph Boyce ., ., 24 Jo: Rainsecrofte 23 Henrie BosTocK 19 Jefferie Ship 24 W" Brooke. , . ... . . .^26 ■"ST ^ « Y 1-^wit ;*'•■''■ '.7".i»'f»W5aS<»«''ii'i t ' .<','n «'v«"-'»fi.>^' y^ pour OFZONDON. »4» Launcelott Lacon 32 W" Plomer J 23 W" Sheicrofte* ,7 W'-COKE "' ,8 JO:jENNING's ,8 Tho: Ossebrooke 27 Jo: Davenport . . , Geo: Burton . . , . , W« Morgan*^. . . , Davie Thomas Ric„: Hannis .....t? Peter Croningburk Jo: Hall^... ....... Jo: Compton CLtMENT BAGKFb,RD . Robert Browne ) \i John Key \. Howell Prvce . . EpwARD Aston , RdB'^ Edwards Richard Ash John Medley .^21^ Thomas King. . , , , ...^a Richard SnovvE' 28 Robert Filborne x% PiERCf Morgan 23 Jo: Williams ' 17 1 Nic: Brogan .• 28 Ant": Smith ,8 John Spencelev 24 Mathew'Shore; 46 THOMAS SPARLIJlf 19 ■', POROTHY SvmoNDS 40 Mary Lupton 30 I^IC«: HoRNE 2B John Newton 29 Thomas Cowdell 17 Richard Gibson ; 25 Nicholas Nevell 19 GEiORGE TaYLER 20 W« Goad "..21 W" Marritt i 26 Roger Eritage , , . . 22 Davie {Do'dderidge George Kullwood .... Ricr: Hamis Ralph Webster ...... Tho: Robinson Joseph Thomlinson . . Baltazar Dederix .... James Smith Nico: Flatter. NIC": Whithedd W»HlNKYNN ..." Thomv\s Gilbert a 26 Richard Seabright.' 21 Robert Greenewood 18 ,ANTh'oNY ASH.MORE 33 Launcelott Bromley. . Peter Spencer Thomas Phipps Davie Thomas WiltM Greene Jo: Watts W" Lock Georqe Leas 20 19 21 20 M 26 26 24 27 24 26 44 15 '5 20 23 20 21 20 iOj-SiiEKCRont. The fourth Icttrtis not clear.] . s(Tj ll^:.T '" ''"" ''" "■^""^ "^ ""= "'^"^ ' '"-"'^ ^'^ ^'^ '^ intended for '.i Xt ■ * '9 ■"---:, :,■■,/„..,;,:: •^^ ■■• V >*• ■■" ■ ■ ■ ■'#■■-■■'■ ■- ,'.• ^- .; :.■ • '^ \ .. ^» 142 PASSINGEJt WCH PASSED FROM JoAn SpeS^cer .' i, 19 Henry Antony 19, James f assitt 34 Henry Ellotts 23 Henrie Coke 2% Richard Benes 25 W" CpssoN... 20 W" Thomson 20 Thomas Vsherw6od 28 W" Haning 30 John Goad 22 :RlClIARD MoNCASTER 33 -^ ['635 V 21 35 20 21 JOHfl CHtSTING... RoGfiR Sanford WlJtM CORNWELL , W" G0.SSELIN Jo: Coop [Cooper] 2f^ W" Price Sam: SKYNNERf..... ROB^DUNSTARR-i^.. Richard Buck ..;. Nic: Lyntun \. L ■■ ?2 .. 22 •• 34 . 24 . 22 .si "20y 19 Dec: 1635 \ -^ ■ ^ jHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported fo the^Barbadoes ■mbarqued in the />,/<:«« Tuo: Irish M' the /Men Ifeve been exanuned by the Minister of the Towne of Graveserid touching their conforipitie to the Church Discipline of England : And also have taken the oaths of Alleg: f Suprcin. Die et Ao prd ' Arnold ow^sTEDD .^... 30 Tho: SKYDDELLTr7nTrrr:Trr..... 28 Ant" Cadwold 23 Phillipp Miller 21'! Maximillian Prichar,d.L... 20 I Tho: Tiffin-' \ 28-1 Jo: Butler 21 I Phines Trusedell 18 Bryan CowLY 30 I Jo: Mason .„ jq j Robert Harris 42 i Abram Shawe Jo: Basnet \.....^ ./"^ James S>encer/....... 25 Jo Chubnell a , .» 21 W" Gunter X 22 Jo: THURROGOpD jq . Tho: GREENEi ,6 Richard RicpARDsoN 36 Rabecca Bui^is ' 17 Richard PaSk? m Leonard R0BINSON. .-. 20 Francis Buck 20 •••■^ 20 I John Hogg 21 GiiO:SABYN 21 I RobertS^per . """ 20 W" Cartwrite 23 Tho: Page' ' 20 Nathan: Murfitt 23 I Dennk BkiTTiN [<,r Britton] 20 \ 7:""^%: -/ * '^^h- "J^ K. f -1 i * \ ■tt '63s] V^ PORT OF LONDON. •43 \ ^^: Rogers jAilES WOLTON JO: BURI^ITT Tho: Harrwell Gregorie Booth ...h ,3 Edward Howe \ iq RoB^ Clark ......"", jg Francis Martin |.. ig ,Tho: Webb '.: ." , 22 Jo: Sco^T ^2 Tiio: Ea^ns 23 W" PINUPS Mmes Cotesworth Ellinn Robb filia Elizabeth Robb .... 'Tho: Clark 28 21 27 7 27 46 25 Decembris 1615 HEIS vnder-witten names passed in a Catch to the Down were put aboard the aforesaid Shipp, es : and 20 31 17 19 W" ROFE Jo: Lawnder * ,g W" Atwell Hugh Perry Jo: Stotter- Ric: Hughes... 28 Tho: Davies Henry Benson Jq^ Welsh 35 Henry Southwaud 20 Ric«: Newbolt 28 Lawrence Keysie 28 James Robinson jj AntoPope , 28 Jo: Lee Griffinn Evans James Terrill \ ^.Elizabeth Cossen .,.„,, .25 Jane Hickles He.\ry Van Luccom \\ Jo:KmG I ■;. 30 W" Flatter .1 ,g Jo: Weston .1 Tho: Clauk .jl W" CONISBY*. . .i Robert TissA^L "...,.. . Tho: Vnyon {U Unyon]. Tristram Fo^d Elias Carpei^ter Richard HaiIes .f..... Thomas STniTER "; 27 28 31 30 «9 21 20 .18 21 3D. 40 20 25 James Lee . i 28 .»'#■ I. V* 32 )"^h all . . 78 ■^T v> x.r \ "m rt. IDpilUI NIUIHpMM * ■'W'^. / \ •44 PASSINGER mn PASSED PROM [•635 *>. 11' July |ANE GIBBS of age. 25 yeeres resident in Virginea to passe to- Flushing about certen her affares. 29 Augusti 1635 IILLIAM NORTON xxv yeres old *s to transport himself to New-England f to imbarque himself in the Hopewell :^ Cert: , from the Minister of his conformitie to the Church discipline of EngUnd : ,he hath taken the oaths of Allegeance f Suprem. die et Ao prd i? _ -\ . , m" Sep" it^s im|6l?ERT EDWARD'S. 27 yers who is to passe tq Virginia hath ||(S. taken the oatjje of Allegance Robert Eu\vard.s: ^ die Septetnbris ;? IHOMAS TURNER of age xlij yeres to pass? to New EngMd- imb^qued in the Hopewell hath brought Certificate of hisOen- formitie/f , tooke the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie. J* .viv , '; . * Thomas TiywiER 't- 't :' ^V- V 'Tumer ROBERT .PENNAIRD bf age 21 yeres f Tho: Pen- NAIRD X yeres old are to [be] imbarqued in* M' Babb bound to New-England have brought Certificate from Doctor Venison of his conformitie. he hath Uken the oaths of Alleg f Suprem * (Si» in the urlgliul \ nunc ofibip omitted.] » f^ M 1636] VS PORT OF LONDON. '45 I "fu^^z."^"" ^'^"''^ "^-"^s are heere vnder written belonginge vnto reue .^/''"•''f ^">°f London, nowe ridinge att An Ankere in the reuer of Themes bound for Vergenia: March 1636 ' r -;^ Leonard Betts Master JChn Goodwene Masters Mat John Chambers y« other Mate Samvell Lawsone gunner Dauey Slawcome Carpenter John Yonges botsman Richard Daues Cooper kAR«NCE WnXKISSON q': Mtstcr JOHjy*HucHENS Carpenters Mate JotiN Lee . William Blokke » John Pollen • Richard Bonner Thomas Rteeues Nicholas porte Richard Frve Beniamone Willkisson John Blake ♦ Thomas Griuell Cooke Henerv Joyce and A boye 1^ *!;, uy ( * ". J , •, ■■ . , ■ r .1" .*,' ,. * \ - - v — V --■- * * • - : ■. A:' -■ '■'''■ T». ' »■ ':'., • J • * i 1 4 ;'"• » ■-. » — 9 <* -. - W ' '- K - ■ /^ > f ;pr- - ♦ ■■# — • 1 'Wt ^ ' * - t - " ^ - ...■ .■J^; * w ^Ru--J DiKS • - ■^^■^^Hi 1^ \ / !dBi,.^i,. «l. »• ! Mi t^ \ >S^:.. ^ A BobKe of fintrie for Passengers by y Comis- sion, e Souldiers accor- ding to the Statute passing beyond the seas begun at Christ- mas 1631. and ending at Christmas . 1632* » [Th,» .s .he till, .m Ih, cover of the original. I, re.lly refer, ou^y ,o the IxK.k from «h.ch Uie miner in the next two ,«gc» lm» Ih*„ eMracle.1 ; tat (br rnnvenience (he Ksts PI. H I H4. have l«n .rr.nKe.1 under it, Hte " «„,l' J \ f #' V ■%. •C «?! v '» «• H. .., 4 ^t , V \ w *■ .' ' „rft - * 1. v| .\^ ¥ \ * Jk #■ \.^ A Booke oif Entrie for Passengers, vi}° Marcij 1651 ' ames of such Men as ar< to be tr be ^ic] transported 4o * ^ ^_^^^-I^ngl%nd to be rfisirfept there vp^on a pli,<,ta^ ' have tendredf taken'the oath of ;,„egcance accordi^'^to t^e J ft" \ Thomas Thomas 'tjk Thomas WoodkorD; John SMAkLiE. John Whetston. ' W" Hill. WiUm Perkins W,y.TKK Harris rjJ MANNKRINq ' Josln , vizi; • ■ ' ■ \ . John Levins J Thomas qlliver! ' ■»' . John oli^iver. TiifeMAs HaEwxrd Edmond Wynsloe John HarY • WittM Norton.' " ■ ' RohertGamlin ■\, ■«»■ •I* •■■3 si , — r- »r" «M »# •^■''MiitejaiQa X Mf- x'N 't\ i " A \. ^-/f ^ BOOKE or^. NTRIE 1632 3cij' Aprilis 1632 I HE names of such Men women and children wch are to passe to New-England to bo resident there vppon a Pllntacorf have tendred f taken the o^th of allegeance according to y« Statute' John Barcroeje. John Greene. ■ > Jane Barcrofte: Jacob Greene. . ^ 'HucjhMqier. , . Abigall Qre'ene • ■ Henrie-Sherborn S'ara. Johnes madservf. John Greene . .' Joseph Greene. Perseverance Greene! « ' il: :^.. : xxij Jimij 1632 WE "names of guch Men transported to New-Engknd to, the Plan- I tacon there p Cert: frotn Capten Mason have tendred and taken the 6ath of tvllegeance according to the Statute William WADswoRTir John Tallcott • Joseph Robert's. John Coxsall JoHN/ Watson. ' Robert Shelley/ WittM Heath. Richard Allis Thomas Vsfitt isack murrill. John Witchfield . ' Jonathan wade Robert Bartlett JO: Browne.' John Churchman. TOBIE Willet William Curtis. Nic": ClarIc. Dajjiell Brewer Jo: Beniamin. Richard Beniamin. William James. Thomas Carrinoton. William Goodwvnn. John WHfTE. James olmstedd. William. Lewes ZE'rtSf G*AUNT Nathaniell Richard's. EDwy,^ Ellmer. EdVvard Holmar. Jo: TOTMAN.. Charles Glower. r 'w- V #, / -■st—W ■ r '634] ^O/i p:4SS£NGERS. >5' ., ^'"P'-'sDAniell Powell of Curmcr. ^Si°^f TTu ^"^ ^"'•"=^'"^^. of those psoas wch are bSund for Ti^""" " "■""" ''*-"•'"'"■"'"■ '^'-"^ '' ^-'r. " .here. VliiLL.AM GURCE or ExOli a Shoemaker atcd ,o Ytarn. „, ,1 -.., cars or :s ■s or. or fProbahly intended for I'miliii-aI ■ *■ ' 0^ >.. ' \ .;>: ^ ^- / -^ . - - . ■ '^ C "S iT ^tTf fti iHilnif iiii tiji i fll i i ii i ii fl ii inm -;?■ '„ ' w iS» H BOOKE OF ENTRIE ^i- ^ .|P' ['634 Will YAM May of Myniard in Sorhersett a sea man aged 32 Yeares or therabouts HUTINNE OWETH of S' Steevejis in Cornwall a husbandman Aged 24 John WiIls in Barnstable in Devon a Fcltmaker Aged 35 Years or thereabouts "* Symon Weeks of ExoiTa Worsted weaver aged 16 years or Hieresbouts Thomas Jermayne of ExoTi an (!!!stler aged 30 Years John French of Washfbrd in Ireland a seaman 26 years . I' Will" Hill of grekt Torington in Devonshire a husbandman Aged 28 ■ Years .John Hocksley of Stoke Cannon in Devon a Tayler aged 28 Years , James Rosman of London a husbandman aged 2 1 years. ' . ' ' Elizabeth Reed of Exon a Spinster aged 19 Years or thereaboirts Mary Harte of Lyme a Spififetcr aged 18 Years ox there abouts Mary HoppIne of Exmister a spinster aged 20 Ypares Maryes Harries of Stoke Pommeroy in Devon aged 23 Years or therabouts ' • , , •* Elizabeth Quicke of Barnstable fh Deji^on aged 18 Years Elizabeth Hi^l of Brixam in Devon aged 24 Years JOANE Shorte oPExcHi Aged 20' Yeares. " '^ JOANE Laners \pr LAqERS] of M(}dbury in Devon ag?d 19 Years Jane G6uldinge of S' thom. the Apostle in Devon aged 16 years or therabouts ' • > •. '* , JAMES WORTHY Deftity. • ■ - * for Mf Thoroughgood ......—-*-,• The Name 6/ such as passed did 0/ tlu Poart of Plinmorth jino Dnie 1634 •Plymmlk Ftkr: 1633. N the/?<)ij«i > l»ASSENGERS. for S' Christophers. George Ford of Exon a^ffd 30 yeares. Stephen Wi^ittington of Lincolne 20 yeares. John TuoMtAS of S' tissey 26 yeares. 1 'si-s ►?^ :>>*■ « /•- «<«■ V «'>34l 9 J^O/f PASS/NGkRS. '/ -*r / . w 'Si John Liddicott of S' Cullum 22 yeares. ■ ' W" Clarke of Truro 20 yeares. ^ ♦ Tho: Frethy of Perintho 24 yeares. MiCHAEi.L BowDEN of Hclston 27 ycare.s. '■ John Badland of Northill 22 yeares. Richard Slavelie of Stonehowsc 46 yeares. •f^: Richard Cocke of Wincklye 33 yeares. * ; • Henry Rejjsby [or Reu.sbyj of St Stephens 28 yeares ' . AnthonV^Webi) of Lapce.ston 20 yeares. GregorV Sam of Chidleigh IS yeares. '» ' "'■' ~ CHRISTOPHER Carter of S' Gilt 45 yeares! ~'^' MaStin Rooby oCGuindiron 23 yeares. . W„ Curke of Monteratt 24 yeares. Henry Thomas of Luxulian IS yeares. * Stephen SVMON of Plimpton 18. yeares. s Mathew Arthur of Plimpton 18. yeares, . . Jane Trewhj of Plimpton 26 yeares. ' •, \^" Johnson of London 32 yeares. • V , Reignold Frost of tottnes 15 yeares. John FARjtEN of Peter T^ny 2 yeares. WMVade of Bodmin 33 yeares: " NicH.\? Dabbin of Si Stephens 40 ycarcif ArtDREVV PicKE of Great Dalby 34 yeares. / ' John Penwgton of Symon VVard.40 yeares. Tho: Pollard of Parancuth 23 yeares. , Ellin IMancarro of Eenryn 20 yeares. Rawleigh Edye of Bodmyn IS yeares. W»> Dun of Truro. 16 yeares. Antii: Pearse of S' Breagc 16 yeares. Edward Tri^mineere of Hclston 18. yeares. Roir Tkeneighan of Hclston 34 yeares. Tego Leane [or Leaue] of Corke in Ireland 30 y" Rec. for these All husbandmen bound to serve there some "3 and some 4 yeares. 29 \ •Ij )■ JC/J S" •I ' ■ t 4 \ /< \. !* •#; '\ 154 A BOOKE OF ENTRIE EOR PASSJNGERS. 'tiSi^' '<»■ ['633 « 1633. I'tnciJl^Marck]. N the Margarett for S' Christophers. '' Thomas Roseter of Washford 20 yeares. Tho; Martin of Cardinham 24 yeares. John Duston of S' Cullqm 26 yeares. Richard William.s of S' CuUom 30 yeares. John Newdon of S' Tue 28. yeares. JoiiN Hewbrayne of Josias Newton 20 yr* ' ■'•■• Anth: Burrowes o6-Jacobstow 20 yeares. Robert Oliver of Crediton 20 yeares. ' - Barth: Cornew. of Crediton 18. yeares. Clement Barry of Exon 22 yeares. Francis Pedler of S' Breage 28 yeares. Roir Pedler of S' Breage 23 yeares. , John Merry of Withiell 28. yeares, ""^ Walter Burlacy of Luggan 22 yeares. Samuell Forgiue of Wallen Lizard 26: yrs Richard Edward of S' Vivian 28. yeares. '■ Richard Symond's of Wantage 28 yeares. . Rob'^ Paine of Marrozion. 29 yeares. W« Badcocke of S' Hillary. 20 yeares. Simon Martin of St Ives. 18 yeares. John Martin oCS' Ives. 18. yeares. George Griffin of Marozion 18 yeares. Tho:' Sleman of S' Hillary 18 yeares. John Sanders of Marozion 18. yeares. Thomas Borinthon of Helston 22 yeares. WMViETT of Marozion. 17 yeares. / NicHAS. Waterman or [of] Marozion 15 yrs ■jSamuell PUREFOY of S' Ives 13 yeares. George Mathew. of Ludswan 23 y" Teage Williams Irishman 18. yeares li * ,t reed, for them o. 150 All husbandmen for the most pt as the former. , . JOSEPH BOOLE is Debutie ther ..'# i • ■'&.:. ft ■# f' > .#? S- -m /^^ \ 't. 'f^' ■ f »l \- \ :vifS: JExNTRIHS RELATING TO AMERICA, &c.. TAKKN PKOM THK * INDEXES TO THE PATENT ROLLS, . ■ COMSIENCING 4 JAMKS I. (1606), AND E>|DING .4 WILLIAM III. (1702)] « i^ <, ao— 2 > gf •*;•* J 4-. V ■'Mfef- % . f H ^ :K ^ ^ ,S^ ■■^. A# ti "•.•^^'. fr ^i^ WM^ .'( 1 • i- X k 1 ^-, .-. liw . , ■■—... ... - .^ - - - . . X . (The following entries; (j;p. I55-I68'). relating to ProcUmatioas, Commissions, an^nuits of Offices, taml,&c.,.in different parts of- America and elsewhere,.are taken from the Imi^es to the Patent Uolls in the Public Record Ofiiee, commencing in 1606 (4 James I .), and ending i^ iyo2 (14 William III.). There are several entries of the ap|K,intment of Commissioners to ad- ^ minister oaths to per.«ms .leslrous of passing beyond the seas, (officers l«ing stationed for this-' purpose at the pons of London, Harwich, VVeymou.th, Kingston-Mpoii-IIull, the Cin.,ue I'orts '■%^.) ; and the student rfiU find among them valuable hints upon which to base more detailed rcsWches. These entries must enib.xly very many memoranda throwing light ujion questions of settleft^nt m Anienca. We may ad,- , t » m-.^ • -- • a • H ■ 1 . ■'■■-. ^ \ ■ 1 • * 1 m' \ 'j:::; jat * _ ' 1 • - *^ '< - - V - i ♦ « \ • i, _ /-- 1 K. / L i^m^u'wpw' * ;. m * k \ -,« \: • ^Sp X. ^ . «• ,( ^' "~^ <• • [ENTRIES RELATING To'ameRICA *c1 • (!•«. 4 Jac. I. ,;„ .Ig™" *' ""^ "(-"""Poh of Lo„5„X": Commissions granted to tlio H^vnmV w ' ' tonic^ and Co°4fe,CTthe iTf^^^^^^^^ *»"= ^Us- or hav6n of Weymouth • to admVnt? H\wich ; the port under the age of ^One!!5!d-twcnty XarT T'^ '° '" P'^^'^"'^ Seas from the said ports ; also to fLTv r!""""' '"^ P'*^'' ^^e AMI'Tox, to appoint Den..fin?f^ JJ^-^' ^^^^' OF NoRTH- . ;-°fco„ven'le'„r4?X;\£??'S:^^^^^^^ (4 Jac. I. p. 12.) ' ""^ stas at the Cmquc Ports j; SeaT-ti^Iaa. I. ^ ™'"^t'°n «f iHcm to pass beyond the April. Grant to Sfr Thomas n jttc e- r- / |nd others, speir h^i^^^^^KO^^ SOMER^T Knts, "^"^riSStlS^^SiS^r^ --Chanced Hull. (P«. 4 Jac 5. p 34 ) ' ^'=>""°"'h, and Kingston-upon- the Seas, (j Jac. I p -.2^ °' '"""''"^ ^"'='' *'so beyond such as pass beyond the E^THf.tl. p ikf '^"'-'^''■^"" '" .# \ ~^- 'jV' ^, Pr&e 10 20 July. -1^, "0' "^i i' .-i'y-. T *■ «^'^ vT ~ • » . / •56 ElVTRlliS RELATING TO AMERICA, 6-r. 1-& I May. 3- May. *t* 21 May. pant to Henry, Earl OF NoRTIU^^r^^i^^^^ii^i,ii^^ by his De,n.fes, to examine alf such a.s 'shall ^as ?rom the' ^ Cinque I>ort.s beyond the Seas, &c. (6 lac I n inT aL fi ofthciothOct.(sam*eyear),p. 30. ^" •'^'=- '• P" 2°> Another 7 October. Grant to Thomas. Lord Ei.lksmere, Commission soecial • Port'of'r'''H' ^r ■"'-'"'"' directed to seveVaf pe . Z ^^rthe ' Jac I p. 3a?""' """"^ P"*"'""^ ^°'"B ^'y'^^^ "'^ Seas. (6 Grant to Sir TifOMAs Crompton, Sir Thomas Smyth Knts inSrihS^r-'T ^P^"'^'- *" '"'■"'■^'- an oa™' to all passengers that desire to pass over the Seas at the Port of London, and to examine them. ((T Jac. L p. 37 ) >S',T. u° .^'""^'^T. Eahl of Salishuky. Thomas, Earl of OF P ■Mm.'o.^ '"!i ^^^""'^ ^-Southampton. WH.L.A^,.< EarT Oh I KMnKOkK and divers others, to plant and inhabit in Vir- ginia, and to incorporate by the name of Trea.sur^ and Com pany of Adventurers and Planters of the City of Lndon f^r the first Colony in Vii^inia. (7 Jac. I. p. 8.> ^"""°n. 'or nl? "* on"corpo.ration. by the name of the Treasurer and Com- pany of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London °^d hmtol, for the Colony and- Plantation in Newfoundfand (8 Jac • '^"''^laSrsU';h''r7"'^';r'^''';^"^,^°"'P»"y "f Adventurers and at f h/ll . ^'*y "'^ '^°"''°"' ^""^ ^'^ first Colony in Vir-inia ' all the I. lands i„ any part of the Oqean, borderhijr upon the' S-f -h u°^°"y in Virginia, &c.. t^their heirs and succe ! SOTS ; wrth full power for keeping a Lottery. (9 Jac. I p '4" 28 August. Grant to Rohert HarecoURT. Esq., Sir Thomas Cmai ' '^>N'^«: Knt., and John Rovenson Ksq and to the hd of the said RoiiERT. ail that part of. Guiana or continent of , America ly,ng between the «!iver of Amazons artdtleRver of Uessequebe, et alia.. (1 1 Ja^I. p'n.) ^ ^'^'^ Commission to En\\>KU Lord Zouch. Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, concerning the examining and liccns n^ of « pas.sc-iigers. with Instructions touching the^same. (.3 jTc. I 20 June. Incorporation of the Governor and Society of the CiryofLondon : V t^^XV'"^' Summer Jslunds. &c/ (,3 Jac. ^^Jg, "' .November. ^J^^mg grants, o^ain.e.ablijhes 9 Aug. 4-()r)o\VK K nirkr? ,w iuM^ v A' '^"*'°"»"" an" confirms that T.*I, I ;• ?^ LkNO.\, GKOR(;E,MARyi;iSOPl3uCKING- II AM and divers others, be the first modera an Aresent Coun ^c.l established at I'lymuuthin thecou^evoTforthepC- X ¥7^ I . X I?. :f^I^!t'j^^/y^^oro^M^^,c,, ^. and no more/to be of W r"" ^,° ''^'•' """^ aBti.shec' ■ "■ 3i^ec ••A >• forthegovcrningofxVewKmUnA •'''-''* at Plymouth 24 January. Grant to tL v ! "'"■ ^'** ^'''- '• P '6) ^ |'^^^ ciSeLnii^is^r ;^'^S^T ^^«-- ^Pec^a,, to Mm.stcrs. and to such ports of thi^R ■'l"'""-'' 0'^<^<-'" and, convcmcnt. for the taki,?j „f J o^' u^f '"' '^ h<-- ■■^hall think' ;^g?;^^-^^''^^--^i"^!t:nthC5 VEKT, on the 7th Aprir % 7ac i „ '^*""' ^" ^••-"'<'''- "-'a'- Proclamation af,rainsf irrcRular ,nd V .' r ^^■ ^ . trading into Ncw'Engla„"d. in'-Xtti^ TT ''?' '^'-^^-'r .C£mmi..sion directed to the Supcrv sor r i ^"^ ■'^'' '• P' "5^) • '' I port of London, to eximbe "uch'".::!^' °' "'^ ^^"^'"-"-^ '" "-■ • - . W Sca.s, and to minister untrthem ai O T ''^ P""^^ '^y""<' "t^' ' •Pranted to John, Bishop of L,^1?;^^/\'', ^^'"^"ar VVarraM Commission directed to Sir VViu i u, Inv J ^''- '' P' ''-*' "' '^^'"'-^ 'l^-:. Knts.. and olher 't^\l r^..^" ^/^"'""^^ I^O" Vo- ters Letters I'ateht, I'ricIamatTon* ,r^y r"'' '"""''^'-•^ ■■»» '-"•^'r- "ig the Colonies or Planto^C^ns ?n V • ^"'""'■^""'•s concern- fommission directed to Hfvrv v ^^'""' -^'^ J*^"^' ^ P' '9) > - rity to take into their con«irlr 5 *- J'''''" »'""'" and autho- and Plantation in Vi^in'a and'^' con m' '''?'^' "' ^^'^ ^olon ■ cernmg the people's safe y their str.n^lf'' "{ •'" '"'''"'''> ^•"> Jac. L p. I.) "^ "y- "'^" strength and government "(22 20 December. Grant to Geor(;e 'Dukk ,«• »„ o thecinque I'ortsrComS, ^Sl^E^ ''r'' '^"^''^^ tpexammeupon oath all passen^r^ ,' '^•"''''^^ « * * ' ^ .si' \ i^yg^^ ' i^ 158 ENTRIES EELATIAG TO AMERICA, &-c. ^ «*. • ^ > into this Kingdom from forei^ parts, except from Virginia and the Summer Islands. (22-Jac. I. p. 4.) " IVoclamation for the settling the Plantation of Virginia, (i Chas. I. p. 4.) J 3 September. Grant to Thomas Warner, and others^ the Custody of the Islands of St. Christophers, the Barbadoes and " Moncerat " [Mountserrat] in the Continent of America, (i Chas. 4% p. 6.) 19 May. Grantto George, Duke of Buckingham, William, EARLCtf Pembroke; Phillip, Earl of Montgomery, James, Earl of •: Caklislp, and divers others, that they shall be one body politic and corporate of themselves, by the name of GbvemW^nd Company of Noblemen and Gentlemen of England, for the (Plantation of Guiana; ajid that they shall have perpetual "succeSsioni (3 Chas. I. p. 5.) J 26 March! Grant to John Harvey, Francis West, and di^^ifs others, Commi.ssion special, to be the present Governor and Council for the Colony and Plantation in Virginia. (3 Chas. I. p. 3.) 4 March. Grant to Sa.muel Aluersey, Thoma.s Adam.s, and others, all that part of New Klngland, in America, lying and extending between the bounds and limits in an Indenture expressed, with divers liberties, juri.sdictions and royaltfes; to them and their heirs for ever. — {4 Chas. I. p. 11.) . ,' ' '' 30 September. Grant to George Archbishop of Canterbury, and ~~'; Others, ^qmmission special, to reprieve and stay from execution such persons as stand convicted, or»hcreafter shall be convicted, for small offences, who for strength of botly or other ability shall DC thought fit to be erriployed in foreign disooveries, or other services beyond thfc Seas. (4 Chas. I. p. 23.) 4 Feb. Grant to Sir WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Knt., and btjiers of a I Commission .special, to make a voyage into the Gulf and RivJr ., of Canada and the parts adjacent for the .sole trade^f Beaver W00I.S, Be«»ver Skins; Furs, Hides and Skins pfyVild Beasts. (4 Chas. I. p. 34.) 25 May. Grant to Patrick CRAFORDand Mathew BvRMBJtiEAD.the office of clerks for the writing and entering offlftences and , 'passes grantvd by any Commissioners to persons going be- yond the seas from the por^» l^f Bristol, Beaumaris, Chester , and Liverpool. (6 Cha.s. I. p. 5,) 19 Nov. Commissfon special directed to all Mayors, Recorders, Cus- tomers and other Officers within all port towns, ports and * havens to cxaniind and minister an oath to all passengers be- S yond the seas, except merchants and their factors. (6 Chas. I. ' p. 6, in dorso.) j(».» „ ife •»%* -■#, ..« *^ % ^ 9 ■1;' / ■Em^fES RELATING TO AAfERlCA,.C^c. ■4. ^<. ■^ 22 June. 27 June. 11 May. "3 April. \ %' 4 December. Grant to Robert, Lord BRooitif T^^7~I T^" '~ by tlie name of the Governor LhT' °*''«=f • *« mcorporatc . the City of Westminster for H,.^'".P^"y °^ Adventurers of Providence. HenrkUa and thJ.H-'' ^"^*'?" °^ ,^^^ I^'a"d "^ Coast of America (6. Chas I p^'T"* '^'^"^=*J^'"g "?«" "><-• . Navies in fhose and oThe S^&^'^S; '!^^ ^r'^^'"^ °^ *''«= 'with wtapons and habii^l^^;^^;^,^,^'"^ 19N0V. Grant to EmvARDTHORoWGoqp the office of cLwr •• of hcences and passes to betrayed bvCnmlP^ forwntmg -• person ,oin, out of this RealX^^arr 6 'E ,%"^^V antc:rpa^n^"^o?^Afvt^n['u?e';s^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^-- ^-rrnor " the plantation of the IslandTrf ^ ^ of Westminster, for adjacent Islands, tinruponlhe coaS'AL'""'"^?."'^ '^' distance through all the^afd La Ll^ "^^^ "''"^" HKKiity may be raised in thos"e p^ts^^^^St 2?)' '°"'" p. 34, (wl,ich see). (9Chas.Ip.7f^'"*'^*'t '^■••'#'^-^- 23 September. Grant to TrroMAS Yoiivr-p „««f r- • • (9 Ch^ I P I) ■*f»"u "Otjicr parts thereunto adjounf^ Co™„..,,„ l,p^^ jl^^ -o .;= Rccordo„„k,. c„y or l^^ ^, jK i. ^^ rYMjK.R K.nt.. and others, for the takint? of oath< ,>f ...ii. ^Tn '■\t''»" ^5»'^«= 'o r '^y^'"'^ "'<= «ea .^ndTor U e , i' ' \ L- 1 « .^■■v f'^^ -r- » •. . •60 , £NTJ{/ES RELATl^TO AMERICA, &^c. y ;/ 10 May. % I i ■•<♦», 2 April. Grant to S>r John Harvye. Knt. Commission special to be . ■ . :: J^fesent Governor of the Colony and Plantation'^,^ vU^S^ '■ ^ cfc iT'J.Tr "r' '""^'^^ '''"<='" mentioned^ ( 2 ., «^na.s. i.~p. 21, til aorso.) X - , ^ .id April. Grant to Wiuj.vm. Archhp. okVnterbury Thomas ,. - , Lor,, Coventry Keeper of the G^^Seafand o'^^heT Com-' mission specia for the government all persons wihi„ the' • ^llTLTc ''r"'^*'?n« beyond the seas.^^ccording o Se Laws and Constitutions there; and to constitute Courts as Grant to Thoijas Mahewe. the office of cferkiof the passes and hcences in the Outpo/s, and the writing and reg storing of the same, and of the nam.Uf all thoseWat shall go out of ?1^ SS; \Z '*'"^^°'- ^' >-- ^ -version; (,. 13 November. Grant to James, Marquis of Hamilton Hfnrv hbndorR^.."''^^"'='"'^,°"'^'^' ^» *hat whole Con^n^t; UDon the Sr ^°";'7"'y.",lled Newfoundland, bordering Elp^)^^"""""'*" '''•='" ^"'^t'^'^i^^'eirs. (,| Proclamation against the disorderiy transporting his Majesty'sVsubjects to the plantations within thejlirts of America. (.3 Chas. I. " ^^""^?:hi^;^"''°^^^S'^^"'''WVATT, Knt. Commission special. SeaLS^rctaf I.^p°'°;5 ^"'^ P'^"'^"- '" ^'^^inia d^uring 29 March^ Grant to Richard Morison. Esq.. the office of Captain or ship'^? V^^rS.-.^T'L£^"/'°>'"*'= Comfort,•^vithin the Lord- ship^ of Virginia, Ax0^ pleasure, in reversion. (14 Chas. I. Proclamation to retrain the transporting of passengers and provisions to New England without licence. (14 Cbas. I. p. 6. /', «A»rj«.) 16 December. Grant to Henry Ashton. Esq., Peter Hay Esq and hers Commis.sion special, to declar^ in his Maje^t/s namein all public assemblies and places of the Islands and Jro^fncc 1 ieuSl'^r ^^-r\^^r^''. "^*'''^^' t° "c GovJ^nor or Lieutenant General of the .«aid Island; and to charge and rc-qu.re h.m and his' Deputy or. Agents under his and thefr Allegiance, forthwith t? yield up tL said office and place of fl'™!':"'' "r'' =*' '^'^ '"'''^'"'^ 'hereunto, unto ?Sry nil ^ 1, 11°'' •'!"''' •"■■'''^" "' P^'^'"^ "^ "'e Karl oe Car- l-isLh shall app^t. (15 Chas. L p. 23. ,« (forso.) ^W0 ' •Si '%. '1 f r- « ^fi -■■^^^.^ \ i<^.-« ■^ ■<.s 3 April. '£^r^/!/£SJf£z^^/JVG to America, 6-,. «5s9* V' T 3< July. Grant to Sir Ferdij^and Gorof« K-„f n .u . / '' ' and portion of the ma n IrfnH ' ' ^" '^^' P^'^' P"'-P='rt Commission to Jame.s, Duke ok I kmww ■ , -:. women/and chi'idrenUnd sailors. ^06 Chas I „ AT' """^'P' 9.August ;Grant to Sir William Berkei fv k-nf T , ,, Commission special, to be the pre ent Coicn"'^,f''"Tr°"^T' ^ ,_ colony and plantation in Virginia and fo^ll '''"1 '^°'' *'"-" * , he places, powers, and authori^ L; incid «t^ r ' ^""^ '■^'="""-- . (17 CJfas, I. p. 6.) •'"^n°"t'es incident to a Governor there. Grant ttt Sir William Berkeley Knt •,„ 1 »u special Commission to i^niTter LrOath ^ "^ '"**i ''"^ ^^'^''^^' ^ ■ se«ral Courts thS during ^i^eTfr'^n ''^'^ "^''^ "' '^'^ ^ and to be made, to any^^r^on or .^^ * . ^"'P"-^" '"»'!«'. . . P-t-; places' beyoTd^herSX^^^^ [Registrar] of the names of all thVsaf, fwrc^^V "/ ^'">^"*''' 21 year^ in reversion. (,.2 Chas 11 n ,'T ""-" '"'"' "^ 26 January. Confirmation of several I n..c' * ' "*■ . > ' ', New4ndland, and u^n the Ja\T"™'"''' ''''^ P'-^^^^^^^ creeks and fresh rivers t < , a Chas'Tl" T', ^f' *'"" '''^y^: ' January. Richard Povkv .r^;J..l ' ' ' '^^ ♦ ■ 1 "■ »' if ■:''""x.ri""c£:'f,' •-?."- ^--" («2 Chas. II. p. 30,) of and for Jamaica m- % 21- « ,.-%" ^ dischaiged by his MiSjgt>^^or taj , ,^ (''- ^1^- II- p- 27-) fo^? ' -sr , ., , ' '. _ ^ iJ.JSarclj. I.iJKAsHMOLE^Esq., anointed g<;cret«ry;o^^^ „- \^^^ ' ' "•?■"»? ^^clerk of IjjeKingVqaurtstSeKie.. (13-^^^ ■ ', . '^'^^ 27 Sept. TW)!viA^ - • . • ."'- •• ,^#*.''"""Mf-^3Clias. II. pV^^^^ ' . , ' 13 May.' Qimt to jo I^^ ar'l'Of.BatIi, of iMB acres of 'land in the' ^^ » parish of $t. OTSHk, Barb^does, to hm and hisj heirs, fii „ - *' ■ ■• . ^has- rj. p. 40.) ^^^r'' ^' . - :■ , *» . ' 't 8 February. Commisston a]^^^-||^AR© DoYi.EY to be Govenwr' ' *. ^ of Jamaica, withinstiiaijl^. (V3 Chas. II. p.4.) » , \ , I February. John Manne, geiU^pointed Chief Surveyor of Jamafcfa- ' r . . during pleasure. (g.Chtis.^. p. 8.) , * ^ Proclamation for the encouraging 0/ Planters in Jamaica. (13 Chas. II. ' jf ^ < ^ p.-ij.mdorso.) " • ■ • >Augus't: TnoMAiU^o^^M^iNDSOR, appointed Governor of Jamaica. - (13 Chas. Iri|p^4^.^ ^" ' 10 June. Revocation pf Letters Wtent appointing, Ti{OMAs* Brekdon • , Governor of Laccadj^ and. Nova Scotia." (14 Chas.. II. p. 6.) '-15 March., Grant to Vyii.LlAM D4||ds'oN. and others, licence special to , dig for all mines of gol^i^ other metals in Jamaica, for two ' , & years. (14 Chas. II. p. it.f = , 17 Feb> JAME.S, Duke of York, appointed High Admiral of Dunkirk JP New England, Vlrgi^„&c. (14 Chas. II. p. 12.) , 23 April, Grant' to the Govei»ar, &c., of the, P:nglish Colony of Con- /^ ' necticut in New Englartai 6f an Incorporation with divers privi- leges. (14 Chas. II. p. II.) 7 Feb. Grant to the Company for propagating of the Gospel in New England, an Incorjjoration witli divers privileges. ( 14 Chas 1 1, p. II.) Wi!.' \ ' '•>'■ •'■'^",: £^rr/!/£s: RELATING TO AMERICA, i^c. M ^%l- • '? November, ^ant to Francis, LomMi»ioi.r,...v ".ii f. r '' '''"''L0KSsH.°Ev''aKh °"'^fY^'^ ALBEMARLE.- AntHONV ^ '^'"'''' nSal" Vf° J"""^' r^'^''^ ""'^ °t'"=«- ^^e office of Receiver Ge Orant to the Governor and Compan/of Rhode IshnH nf r ^ privileges. (isChas.II. p. Ts.) l?land of divers , 2 June. Grant to Franus: Lord WillougIibv. and 'others of th for7years;.andaftertheexpi'ration oftKwf'^IrsS grants it tp.^he said John for 31 years. .(,6 ct?l!'pVo" 26 April. James Drebble appointed E.scheator of tfte Isles of Bir badoes and Caribee. for Iffe. (,6 Chas. II. p •, ) ' ^ "^'" 12 March. Grant to James, Duke gfVoRk,' and his heirs all thit nart S^Sa&|sa^»?^;^SL^^r;.^^ Grant/'to S^r George Carteret, Knt. and loiiv Tk.T„»^ 17 Feb. 29 May. 3 April. 4i ton,sfbrth.sp.c;;i^;™"/;;;C-^^',i ■Hv lETi < 4 \ ' 'J. '■ ' •' i. ■ ■ ■ • ii * ■ TT i.t ■ ^ 1 : _,. _ ■»• . t V 1 * < 1 : t l62 ■fj 4 ;■ . i • \ . ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA,.&'c. ;zo December. Grant to Sir James ModyfOrd, Knt., licence to dis-' tinguish the Island of Providence alias ^t. Katherine, into counties, towns, manors, lordships and other privileges (i8 Chas. II." p. 4.) ^ ■ 4 I^ebruary. WiLLlAa.WiLLOUGHBY,-^sq., appointed Captain General of the Caribee Islands for three years. (18 Chas. II. p. 4.) 19 March. Edward Scarhurgh appointed Surveyor General of Vir- ^ ■ ginia during life. (19 Ch^s. II.'p. ii.). 8 R^y.^ Grant to Henry, Earl of St; Albans, John, Lord Berke- ley, Sir William Moreton, amd Joiyj Trethewey, all that . entire tract, territoiy, or parcel of land in America,' and •> . bounded by 4nd wij;hin the head of .the rivers Tappahanocke, alias Rappahanocke, and Quiriough or Patawomack rivers, to them and their heirs. (2 1 Chas. II. p. 4.) ■• 1 November. "Grant to Christopiier,.Duke-qf Albemarle, VViLLiAM r ,EaRl of Craven, John, Lord Bei^keley," AfiTiioNY,- Lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, Sir Peter Colliton, &c., r^ ajl those Islands called the Bahama Islands or the Islands of • .,Lucayo5,lyinginthedegree,sof 22 to 27, and all ports, havens, : creeks, &c., to their heirs and assigns. (22 Chas. II. p. 9.) 1 1 January. Grant to' Edward, Earl of Sandwich, Richard, Lord Gorges, Wjlliam, Lord Allington, Thomas Grey, and Henry. Blouncker, Esquires, Sir HuSii-'HRY „WiNCii, Sir John Finph, and Edmond Waller, several yearly salaries ! viz': to the Earl of Sandwich, 700/. per apnum, and to the rest ,(to each) 500/. per annym, they being of the Council for ^ ■,. Foreign Plantations. (22 Chas. II. p. 8.) ' m 6 August. Gr,ant to Francis Raynes, all the lands ancj estates of one HEfiRY 1j;dlyn, lying and being in the Island of Barbados escheated to the Crown by his being executed for the murder of his wife. (22 Chas. II. p. i.) 8 July. Edwyn Steed appointed Provost Marshal General of the Barbadoes, for life. (22 Chas. I L p. i.) 9 Sept. Grant to John Strode to farm the Imposts upon the growth of the Leeward Islands, for 7 years. (22 Chas. II. p. 5.) 23 March. Si? Ernest Bryan, Knt, appointed Escheator in the Barbadoes and the Caribee Islands, for life. (23 Chas. II. p. 3.) 4 April. Commission for James, Duke of York, and others to be of the Council for Foreign Plantations. V23 Chas. II. p. 2.) 7. March. Charle^VVheeler appointed Captain General of the Canbee Isljnds. (23 Chas. II. p. 2.) '■■■'''# \ -'. '. " ' .' ■/ " ^ ■ k ■■ '. .•^* .', ' ■ i 1 \- ; \ , 1- . : '" • *'■ f 1 «' r-" "^ . » -.1 ■ ■■ ' (■ ■ ■ ' • './^.^ ■fe: ■• "i H i^-*rf- ■ ■■ ■ * : 1 \ - ' -■ «■"•■-■ . -, ^ ----- ' ■ - ■: . . fc .*--.■■■-" • -vi - - . ■ 1. 1 * n ■' ' * » ■''> .r% \' :'■■-* • ■ - ■'. ^' ' ; 1 ^Sl» .. ■^- i ,^j ENmiES RELATING TO AMEJiICA, &^ to be •9 July. ,..HP-- ^ Mc. (24 Chas. II p 3 ) " "'^ ^'- ^^g°' '" Jamaica, during at ho.e and Tor thrS^ f SLtX Sas'lf p ^ one annuity^fS/.Jcr annum L'fir^*'" *'''; Caribec Island* four and a hajf per cent Cus^om« f ^'^^r'*° ^^ P^''^ «"* °f 'h*-' the expiratiod of five y^ar. S,L'°'" ^l:"^^ ^^'ands, and kfttr • tobepaidforever/(SchIs.V^pT''^°'^ Chas. JI. ^. 2.) ^wcrnment of tlie Leeward Lslands. (24 pleasure. (24 Chk Up ^^''^'^^ «?"» Canbee Islands, during " ^'"- thfX^^Si^.^S-f- and ^'-r ^^-^-- Esq., ^c.. imported into raniaicafoHr (rcM"o'2?'^"'^''^' 29 June. Grant to James Dukf op Vn... r P' ^'^ land, near New England n J- i^" "^ ^<^^^^al Islands and main , heirs, &c. {2lS.U%^fT y ''°""''*=''' '" '^■■"> =»"d his 28 Match. RlCIIARn \fnur ,-,. r-*^ 27 January. The Kinedcci^Btn c people in N.^^fJwKiTdJ^cl tr"' ^".^'^ ^^oncerning fii* Chas. II. p. It.) W^ ■ ^^" ^^'^ ^^^ adjoining, &c, ^ (27 % ■■ i- * ifis) .-f « '%.' *■ rWft 1 1 "■■ ...■•* ." J ■, « 4 '•; -1" •■• 162* ENTRIES RELATING TO AM^filCA, &-c. ' m of the Barbadoes, for ted Provost Marshal of . it;, appointed Clerk of the oyal, Jamaica. {2J Chas. II. Proclamation to prohibit commodities into Foreian" Plantations, but from England only. (27 Chas. II. p. iq;);^^ .^ 1 1 March. John Richards appointed life. (27 Chas. II. p. 2.) 25 ]^. Robert Thornton, gent, V Jamaica, for life. (27 Chas. II 3 September. Harbottle Wingfiel. Court of Common Pleas at Pol P- 3-)- • " ■ 4 " 27 January. Ralph WvATf appointed derk of the Market in Barba-' does, dunng pleasure. (27 Qhas. II. p. li.) 1^ 10 October. Commission granted to Sir William Berkeley, to pardon the Rebels in Virginia upon their submission. !^28 Chas. II. p, 1.) 10 October. Herbert Jefferv, and othefs, Commissioners appointed to enquire and report the grievances of the Inhabitants of Virginia. (28 Chas. II. p. i.) 10 October. Captain Robert WALToptoCommi^sione^ppointed Go- vernor of Virginia, jn the absent- of HERBER-l*Jla'FEl^ ("28 Chas. II. p. I.) f ., ■' 'i^: \ 9 October. HERBERT JeffeSt^ appointed Governor of Virginia in the place of Sir William Berkeley. (28 Chas. II. p. i.) ^ 11 November, Commission granted for Herbert Jefferyes to be J Liedtenant Governor of Virginia. (28 Chas. 11. p. 3.) 9 March. Garrett Cotter appointed Secretary and Marshal of tl»( Islands of NeVis, Teago, and Mountserrat, for three M|e|| (2 Chas. II. p. 5.) ■ «K» V 10 October. Grant to the Governor and Council of Virginia ; ^^ecial pardon for passing Acts of State to the Rebels. C2&Chas 11 P-I-) % . ' " ^^ Samedate and part,, the King confirms,i|iid grants to the IfthdiBffli * of Virginia, privil^es, &9. y!^ .;,'*» Commission to John WiLLOUGHBT.'and others, to administer an oath to Sir Jonathan ATKiN(|,,^ppointed Captain General of the Caribee Islands ; another, t«J>.RANDOLPH Ru^ELL,.and others to administer an oath to WlLLlAM Sta^leton, appointed Captain General^f the Caribteifslaftds, lying leeward of Guad4- loup, and for WiMiAM Stapleton to administer an oath to the Deputy Governors of the sAme,-^--p()^C^ H. p. 10.) S 4, Apr ^ Charles HERBERT apopinted'Cftief Clerk in the town of St lago de la Vaga, in jgpia. (^9 Chas. II. p. 4.) \ I March. Charles, Earl of C^SCisle, appointed Governor and Cap- \ _ » tain General of Jamaic*fc|,(3aCH'as. II. p. 6.) * ■■■ ^'>''. ■- IT ■ ' -. « »" » I *iK . ^ 'A «0- M *% -4^' J, » *. !?^ ..\ • '. * % '^-.. */ ■4 c * *a. ,f.' • '^■" ^^• m t I ft». I «!* f 1^' ^^7»/^5 RELATING TO AMERICA, &^c. .6t 3, ■* 3 April The King confirms divers Laws made irilniaica.""7^ha3 RfflsTa°„rai,d^'^r^ ^-r o *^- -Fc' r , Providence Plantation ; to lofiN Leverftt % -Esq., Governor of Massachusetts Bay ; and to WlLLUM Leet' ^ Esq.. Govemorof theCorporation of^Connectku!! (joChL h' rlv « Chn^pher's. for seven years. (30 Chas! II. p. t) &fKSl 'an^S 1 '^"'•''^?^ ^^^^'^ Chief Clerk, ce^ i« nVrh^H i' ?u -v^ Exammer in the Court otCharf- cery m B^badoes for ^leir lives. (3 1 Chas. II, p. 5.) / Jnr°r^''' LORD CULPEPER, appointed Lieutenant and mor General of Virginia, for life^ (3, Chas. 1 1. J 2 ) " IsIand^evfs^St vtfPf 'r' ^""^'^"^ ^"'^ Marshal of the fo;Th'r«^'^(3^*cSri\t 6 ^"'^^"^' ^"'^ '"'''''''^^^'' "^nieS.'^^?3^SflTp%r^^---^'-"Vi^^^^^^^ . ^^^^^^^.ioSiS-^rjr^rs;?)^-"'- ---- ^'^^'^7mai£™(3?2hTITp'^.f""' ''^''' °'VHe Markets in 6 March. ^^J/^g^^C^g™ appointed Escheator in the LWrd Islands. 19 May. WiLLiAM^ATHWAiTE. Esq., appointed Survey^ Audi »l n . J : ^^^" *'' ''^^^""" ihTmerica.^ (T2 Chart i.^'p"',' j 28 Fcbruaor. Grant made to William Penn. Esq.. of a tract of^and 21* !??' \. •% »' ~I^^~~ ■:,ft,* #- ^.i. W -•Jtpj- % '% 1 '- •1. - -1*- * ... Si, J ^' ' ' ■ *■ 9 « ^-. ■^- ...,/. 164 ENTXIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &•(. I ' S^f S'liS^^S-^S Saii? tT'' '-'"''"' ''" ^^ \ .'"''''Tscui I^ZI '-''"" ^PP°'""--'^ ^"^^"'^ °^ J---' ' ''^'^- iTT34''chaY i'l p' f ?■ ^P''"'"'^' ^°^""- «^ New Ha.p- vice I.HARLE.S Jones, deceased. (34Chas.II. p.8.) " '^^'j^bhal'Tp";)'''"'^'*"''-^' of Barbadoes.created aBaronet. 22 March. The King doth give and grant to James. Duke of York - - - h,s he.r^ and ass.gns the town of Newcas le, alias Delaware' • Newt^sev'T„7.1l1rr.^' "''"f f '-■'^-- MaViand and t.^M2 Z7 ' u *" *hat tract of land within the circle of twelve miles about the said town, situate upon the river De laware ; and all Islands in rthe said^ver? ^5 he slid nVer tract onand upon Delawajre rfver, beginninc I i miles south from the said town of Newcastle, alias Delaware aS extend Efst Greenwich'^r J^r- /° "^ '*°''^- of the "maSr o liast Ureenwich co. Kent, m free and common socaire anH nnf m capite or by knighfs service, yielding and reSL therS Zirr ^^^1-^°"^ ''"^^^ "■'■"^ ^>'«=" the same shalf be dT- o?SirT3s'S',?7r;«^ P-ost Marsha. Gener., V; always excepted. (36 Chas. II. p 7 ) ^ ' ^ sa.d Islands 2i Nov. :// »n^^ m 'v. /" -V. 2 July. f^^TRm^LATING TO. AMERICA, ^c. ,63^. ''S:^'^':^lS-^^^^-^t ^'^^"^ °^ ^''^ Markets of St in the BaiJ (f jIcT' p '';';' ^°""' ^"'^ ^" '''^ Towns - '^ ""''"td&er ^ortrcii^rn^^LPP.Si-^^l,^''"-*-- Purveyor. England which office wfTeX;^!," the colonics of NevJ .with a sliWof .0^ pe^aL fac n "ll^^'' ^^ ^''"^- "- ^ ' """^t^^^^^^^T^^^ apS a President and England, coS^on'l^lafi'L^sYaXTetts"!^^^^ °^ ^^^ Joseph Dudley Esn tnfv.7h„ c . ^. y ; and appoints .28 October. FRANcrs. Loko'^h;;^;,'^^^^^^^^^ '--"tandG^vemorSenlrlurViS^^^Trr^^^^ 21 October. Nicholas Sppmppp t? ' "^ "^'"'a- (' Jac II. p. 8. (I Jac. ully''^^ Esq., appointed Secretary in Virginia. " """^ i^TS^^, Esq^. aUted Wyor Genera, depending thereon, (i Jac Tl p ,o5 ^^ "^^^^ territories ' ""^""te sh^aro?s^;:iRf ;d^f r ^^^'-°^ ^-^-. "^^ Summer Islands ah^'Bermuda to h^^l^nT' f • '^'r '" '•>"= To be held in free and commoh'sL'^^ltt^ '"^T^ ^ II. p. 10.) mW' /V^^I^'V on'y. «c., m the Colonies of America. (3 Jac. II. p. 2.) k ■ 12 August Ratification of the Letters Patent madp to the DuKF of . ' ALB^iAiaEonthe4th March. (3 Jac'll.i!;.) ■ '^^"^""tiS^V l''^'^^'^'^ or ALBEMAw;E;Ve sole use of saw ' ' fi 1 m the plantations of America; (NpwEngland excepted! ^■^ the terra of 14 years. (3 Jac.ll. p.$5 "^ ^"^"'New^FnS ^'TJ^X °^u" °';?l«vost Marsh* General, of .(3 Jac if p 8) ' ^""^ ""* "'^ *° Sir William Phipps. i:. November^ Henry Hc^oesne.l, E.^'., appointed Justice, or Chief ^udge of the Bermuda or Summer Islands. (3 Jac. 11. p. 5!) -\ ,jt^i January ^O;^ IVoclamation for the mo j effectual reducing and suppress, ing pirates or pnvateersjn AlSicrica. (3 Jac. II. p. o) ' , ,.> *' ^' ■J» .'■ ^ •« v* V ^.A-l ."*•. '*. «*s? J' .i I' i' ' * rf^ r. ■:-.;,■•■■.••■■..■ » * - . ■ " . 3(1* ■ . ■■. / -/ '■ -J ». • — :*: T"; "•": ~ I • - -. ■ - -.1. ■. , -.»*- » j •■■••'.'.' 1 ■ ^ ^ ,. • .,-■.. , , .1- ♦ " . .■-' - • , , /.,!• *. K ii^ JJVTfif£S RELATING TO AMERKA, (n. f'V^ */' ■/■ ~ i6j TEN. (3 jac. IL^^ ^ ^^ *"""■"• ^'" Lucas San- 20 October. Grant to the Ea^ISpsFeversham «f ,n ixr , .. .. ., America, bcik^n tL iSmldL iS °?. 1 "»"' "" f2" °'' ft. ■Vv ' 1 ;*" -V^:*! # •>""'? 1 ^^ ' 1 •R '■ - \ '•■ '* •' • '• x*j . ' '^-i'"^oJ'^e!.;^ty[RS^^^^^ «?« of secretary a^l - ,' : , office toVutSKSc].^i-Ei"%^^^ ^ 27 September. The- King confirms to Jhomas Lord r.t L-n ; 'T'^'^St^S^.^Jl.T^^"^. LO.U .- , "ffii",'if'"«»'^"=S-U'.!™/!;ir4«\t 3AugKEM6A'M.. Esq., appointed Ca.M r . r / A ■} ^, »i __ ' If ~t ■ •?*■•% J. . '» U '.K .* •.# ^' ^^ ^V .;r •-^v *j«:1 '^^■"■.V^ s •'.!^': ^>f.|i ^^.S'^^^-^. ^iL V ..A,-- » ■ . -r . .V \x- > ^^ * ■*'- ' tl % Xjf IT J* •"%- '/ .^ ,i(h ^H :\ I'- ■;>' Al 4- *Vk v^- nti •* r « : < l£Arrji/es relattng to ame/iica, a-c. ' ^"""^ aSriii;^??;: appomted^lerk of the Navy in^aica. «^e:n^.^ If^^-Jf ^PP«-ted Governor of Bermuda. &c (,- 83 Decemi>er. Wil^am, Earl of Inchiquin. Lieutenant Central nf *2 December. Richard Lloyd appointed Clerk nf fK» r Jamaica, (i Will. & Mary. ^8) ^'"'* "^ *•»«= Crown m 6;Noyember. The^ King erects an office ' to be called' the Sccrtt'arv of ' Winr'^Vatrst'^ """"'" CLARK.or.^^!7„°/ --.. -.-..-...« C.CI.IS an omce to be ca ed the Sccnitj Wii;r'^Vatr80"^ """"'" CLARKso;^o':^Lme. 25 November Joui, Stede appointed Clerk of the Markets of St Michael, al.a^Bndgf-town. &c., in Barbadoes (fw?n ^ Ma^: '^""%i.rSry!';;^ir '^"P^'"'"^ ^''^-^ of New York. ^ (. '^^-^t?„d:^;T^£s^j£- rcj^^^ °^ - "^-t^eJST=KStSKS^^,rsTs:S ^^'""?;wSKa^;';:'9T '?" '•'^'"'"^"^ '"'^^"'^ \V''«'"^- 31 December. Christopher Codrington CaDtaiA»r.^n-«i r *f • ,.. jppcjinted Vice Admiral of the ^^^iS^^AIITJ^, ^ a;. V *. \ ^ ^ ^ I \<- J^^^^^^T^ TO AMERICA, *w 165* S November. Francis. Lord Howard of Fffln„», I ^. , vernor General of Virginir'fwlSat'"'?^^^^^^ -'°"°%;,rr„'feXTr soft's- ?,"?—. ' "^"^o, .ifiS^^sr ssr /r°« «--' <=-- HAUlilimv. (3 Will. X^i )"■• "" EWIBKOWTUS , Sjuly. Grant to Thomas Neale' of all Wreck, A-r „ .1. /- * Bermuda,, o, within .0 League.' U StMal^ ''; s'^r "^ . 10 July. Grant to Thomas Nkai.f of ail Tr;^,,,.. t ? .■* .r --/ ■''• . • .-«* ^ ' a » * • \ «J* * *■ ; * ■♦'« ; ^ , t ., * J*:.- . ti» i^ !«■■ 'I V*" 1 66* BNTJilES REL4T1NG TO AMERICA, &^c. '\ "'^^'^tL^'S^^;?^- ^PPointcd Governor or Ja! .. paying a sixth part. (4 Will. & Maty p ef ' ^ ^ "'^ •"'"^"7i,e,it~^S2^°4°-; College ,„ *. We., p.„ o, . u u ;. ' f»rt,eu]arly mratfaned). (j *ili. t Mary, p. , p™„e. „.c„ed ,0 .ha King a„/Q„eir°(5 fe 1 Ma*! and betwixt 40 and 50 Decrees of Ch I Mif J^'« °f^^'=»'''". l^tc« of the said LEISLER and Mjlburne, executed ?or * *.■.. ^ .* ' :■ 1,;-#;.V„.. : v";-'/'^V- .•■;•,,■.- . » , \ ;: ^, ■ ,. \ .. - .•'v ■ . •f ^ ^ *" ■' ■<' r ;■ 1 t ," . \ 17 1 > 1 « t • ' .* ' 1) '\. *'• V- \.»;^^ ^!V$ /• .^\ S Wn? ^^^l '— ■ "'the Colony of N^. y..,,. wrouglit in the said VSs on H ^'^^^■'°'^f^'"'^ '"''1 «^ , Loldcn of ti,c manor of St G o nu ^f •^"'- ^■^■"'■'>-- "T" ^ cap.te. nor by kni-^hts cn^ke T^ vill V'"^f '"'''^■- ^""^ "'" '" -^6 December. Fraxcs RLssn , I t, ''"■^■' ''■ ^'^ Oovxrnor in Chief Tttt1;;nrTlf?^f'''"^™^'"'-^' Uomin CO, St Vinc.-nf. .«, /'''■'nd.s of Jiarfxuloes, Sfa. I uci-, & Mary, p. 5) ^ « winuward Irom Guadalt>upe. (5 Will. 7^. ,^1 lands, ly.W and bdiVa f':;S^'>''""'."'""'>' ""«' ''' & Mar/;]p^sY'' '''"'« towndward from Guadak,upe ■10 June. JJlM.ASirN FlKiTHir. 'P,^ n "^ . Pennsylvania. toU^^n^^TT^fy!""'' '^'^^"^ -^' ' 8 March "r ' ^' '' '"• '" ''"■>•' I^' 7 - li)"- """"^ ^"' ^'"""-''- "March. Lnw.ARi) Ckanitmi) K.„ ■ : Barbadocs. vice A, u i, ^T ^ ^l^^^;:^!" ^lerk of .the ^^vy in cluru,fj plea.sure. (6 U'ill. ^ Alan' p V •'• '' '-'^'l- deceased. -January. WaUon oft, .^,,.,„J,j,,^^^^ I^landsVf St.'ci;;^^.;rf nLw'm^* I^'-^Ik.I General of the ^.;. ,.,ea.re, vice\v„;;,.^-i;:---^^ ■■ "'^'^"'^J-:s^;d^;i^;;Kr:"';^ !?r--r ■ ■4 January. SvMi'it lUv r . .. Jii. p. .\j 2-' lebriiar)-, I'DWaud I>V|>c,,vc 1.- « . '' . t'iirist(,phers nJ'm ,..;:'''■• '"'I'l"""'"' Secretary of St" ■; ■ " ■ .=;..v,^ '■■■■ .". ■ ' ■' % 3f*# the office of IWom' '.''>"* "'^ ^'' '"^ Ja.MkS 1I.\\va, I-: ^ ■■""i;'"^' ."f "arbadocs, ., , '•'■•^'^"•'^''q- to the said office. (; W "^ Apri . loiivPi-i.,.,, I,- . ^^ I .May. 2fijune. m m ■■*■ ■ '.X -. ^• vji.^-.. -v ;. ■■ * ?.■'' J — :: , fti: — L_: — :_: 1^ u... — :- i — — ^..i — i — r^ i-ii. ■l .ff. ' -■ ' , ^'--T ^^r ■• • <•■ ■ : ■ • .. - •I"'..- ■ , ,,.,.., i • V V "" i -■ "•'/ ^ ■ ''" ',,,?■■" " '■'• ■ *''*■■-/■»'■ , , .,. .: ," - ■ *.- > * ''j!?,. ■ -.'^j •'•..-.J «.» •'.",' »i- ■"»» ,:.•■': -V 1 r.^'., >,!.',„« m AiLf ?5^'T' ^PPO'"'ed Captain General and Governoi* .n Chief of the I^s of Barbadofc, Sta. Lucia, Doniinico ■ c-,ili'".K'"f^'' i'- Ir'^" '''' "f '^' 1^1='"^^. &>= commonly called the Canbee Islands. (9 Will. III. p. 7.) ^ •7 July. JoiiN Bauer, E^., appointed Secretary of Jamaica, and Com- ^ nmsary of tltb Stores and Clerk pf the"^ Enrolment of Deeds - &c., dunng pleasure. (9 Will. III. p. 7.) ' "'''^"^'"■l.euTJn.h^'") xeleaseth unto Sir William Bee.st^ Knt.. Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, all oflTences and neelects - bTth r ^°''^'' ""/ l^^r^ '^'■' ''^'^'' ^PP«'"t'^d to be faken (.0 Will, in!"?) °^ ^°'""''^' '" ^"^' '^^"''' '' ^'-'"'^^' " ^"'''"'r.l nfT""-- ^'\^'^'.^«' «=^q-. appointed Provost Marshal Gene- ral ot Jamaica, during pleasure. (10 Will. III. p. 7.) '"■'"''' iJlrSv?!^ V-'"''^' ^S'^P'^™"'^'^ Lieutenant andGover-.. ' Knt w^. \ k/ Virginia. (He succeeded Sir Kdw.uf^:E, Bart, of the 5th Sept.. 3 Will & Man^ »re revoked.) (10 Will. III. p. ,0) H'. J vvm.a. Mary,, ""^'^ Sili'^h^'^""^?"^' '^'^T'"^ ^■'^^•^ "f t'''^ Crown and »-lcrk of the I'eace of Jamaica, during pleasure. (1 1 Will^ Jlf. 25 March W.LLWM Weliiv, E.sq., appointed Secreta.) „f Barbaaoe* ~' during pleasure. (iKWi.L 111 p. 1.) "aroaaoc.*, 7 June. HmvAKn Jovj.^ gent. a,,pointedSecrctaH and Provost Mar- -- HI rr Ji--nnuda.. alias ijuiiimtr Islands. (1 1 \\jH,, %• ! « \ ^ ', "■''■■%." * * ■ *• •' ^ v:^-"'^-V;^: ,;^ • ..' ■ ■■ ■■■.,-■- ■:' ■■ a' '■ 1 - ^ t 1 ' t. , ■'■;•'■ • t ■'. '■*';■" -""V .■ ■!•,; '■ " » «^^ ' ■• t .■',. ' , ■„ ' V, " _ V^"" -■'■ ■'" #* '\ jr' , . 4 ".'v.v'*'' ■ < fi' ( '*"',:.. -„•: '■ V ■, ^ « < ," ■ ■ * ft ,i -■'■ ,: ■ u '■'* -'■ 1 ■ ■ , ;. " .■ ■ ' .■ T''^ ■ ■* • . > ^ & 4 ■ "V* ■ - ( -■ '■■' ' ., ■■: 'i- ■ % ■::'.: ■t"'^: '„-'':"»"- . ■ ■ -' :, ■■■", : ; >* «■- ■ - * * ' - ,1 " . fl' ■ "' * •- 1 . ■„ .. )! ,,: n ' '"■ ■ ■■ .(. «« ■,■ .,., .;■ •- : -: /;-!■ ' ". ■ • i" . ■ *■ ^ . _ • ■> . ,»>*- ■'■■*' :■ :<■ \. ji-'V',' ' ■ ■ „V'n • 9 . * ^ ■ ■' ^ "■ „., ■>., ,r »„ -■! ■ - •V - '",. ' }. "-•; :,<'' ' « «^ > ' • ■' ■- . • ^ ^ i " - i >' V „ . ■' ^\ •■• ' ■ . -ii,,_2--i- f ' - Vr \ • s. ' t- ■..■■. ; ."..'*■ ■'*-', "V ',■.'.' t.'. ' . • W-;:-'^- :», 1 ■ I _ ■' "- '■' .•»^^ l- / ' • • . ■ ■■ . ♦* ■■V.-' ) ' " i« _, - . , '^ '.'"'■ '''^v f* tf •>« ■A ■^T: y *^i ,v.f| r ■ ' -_ ^''^^^ fi^^^G TO ljf£^/CA&.. ,67. p. 6.) '"^^^'^'''''^oes, during pleasure,' (11 Will. III. •''''''rtJf;;^^'^,'^'- C'-X. Esq., appointed Clerk- of the Navy Office "1 '«rbddoes, during pleasure. (r2 Will III p, ^ ^ "''^ "-^""ct • ^4 .Septemlier. Bk.viamin HKVTtfPT-r tr^ j • ■ . '' ' .,, . Inland,, d:rlnc,,fca,,uS(,, Will, if!'/"'"''" °'^"»>">«' • > ,•.. at*»-,3 ,*■ ■•■■. . -iJ * '■...'^ ^!yJ ',' J.-;.!-^^ -"?'., -■ ..>;•,; ■ A,-'. f<4-;. ■■■■;.'" """ -. " .%.■ - ■'■' . . . , ■ ■ .% - ■ '- , ■ ■ ;* ^ .■■^■"' ■' - 'r' A'A^ - A -:".": ..s'v: . , \ ■ .'1. • "^ ' * Av ' ■ 1 ." ■ ■*-. ■V ..1 ':-■ %, V: ■ ■■■ -''■..•■■■. .;■■ - ;'♦ ■ .?- k ,A - A ■ "' ,'\ '--i ' ^' ! A-„. • ' ;* ■* 4 , '''\ • :-. "7 ■ ^■^ '■■: ■ ., .* (.- ' ' • ■■• .* ■-' i" '. * - ^•ii^ :^--#Ar - Ov/ ' . ■• . . A. * •" ' -.1 "A.- 'I'-. — rr •jv-^;^ -A'-A • -;'',^ -.•^,' .;W-.A.>>"'-ft j^*"--: >'v-.K*:, I! \? ' w 168' ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &-c. , i.-l ''■'""■ cSnLlnScJT ^PP°'r. ^^*-" General And III^^p^ill'/JL) '^ ^'"'"'"' ^"'■'"S P"'-"^^"'-'--- ('3 Will, Net Vnnf ^?^''''"" G™"'"*' »"'! Governor in Chief of '^'^^v Vork, during pleasure., (13 Will. III. p 2) ' ^""^' °' 27 November. Hfxuv rADPivTi-o' t- • , „ Island/nf *;/ ri: 1 u »*' J;*1- aPPO'itcd Secretary of the D^minico. St. Vincent, &c. (14 Will Ilf , i ) ' ^""''' '' '"'"?!^er;l::'i;;'^t;:;/^:;f ^ I-q: appointed captain General and - : alsorjel? an Co SerTn" cSd^' V^'V/"' P, -'^ = during pleasure. (.4 VViriirV",S'tJ)^'" """P'^'""-^'' -:;::r7- ,\' "■ <.- "^ \ Lists of the Livi Dead nge and Virgi in Virginia Febr: 16^'^ 1623. V • : <■ ['•<•■ 104?,] a?: m. '^ ^ - W' ' • — I ir ,_^ < i., ' i4X** •f t« f ' • « ■ . 1 , ■, '\ - — -I- .^ ' • '.''■■'■ 1 " -■ " h " 'I ■ 1 «% . A 'i V ' ■ ». f ■ ■ ■ ''' 1 ^.., ii "ife ' ■^ ! S ' •v ^ i « f A List of Names;, of the Living in . Virginia " , r February the 16 1623 "//« X Collcdg La'tid. Thomas MAkLiiTT Christophkr Branch • Francis Boot. William BrowTng [Browxing] ' Walter Cobp [Cooper] William Welder Lkon'ard More D.VNIELL ShURLEY PeeTER JgRDEN .; • Nicholas Pers4 William Dalwe ' ^ KSAIAS P.AWTON " ^ Theoder MoiSES". P Robert Chamfer ' , Th6mas Jones David Williams '- ■ ■ William Walker' . Edward Hobson Thomas Hobsox ■ John Day : William Cooksev Robert Farnlll "Nicholas Chapman Mathew Edlow William Price Gabriell Holland John Wai rsov Ebedmelcch Gastrfll Thomas 0>,BoRM j Att y Neck of Laud Luke Boys M''* Boys ^ Robert Hai \m JosEi'H Royall John Dod\ Mfs Dcm's ' Elizabeth Pi rmnsox M'll.LIAM Vl\( I M Ivi;? VixcEN 1 /' o> ; ■i-,- > , ..... I ■ Hi m HI ^^^^r " . • ■ " ■' Ik ft 4 ^ ■ ;- L 't - 1 - ■ ■» i - ». ^.. ^ ■ i- ■ ■ ' . ' ■f ■ ■■'■■-• ,• ' ■ /* - ■° • t s ■»■-""- ■— — --y ' ■■ '^ , '1 ■ ^ . ■ ' ■ 4 . ^\ ' ''■ ■. ^' " ► ';/ •/--: . /i A ■ < ."^I^^HHH r w^ ' • ./ Ih- // .*f^ 'T"^-" -' k: . ^•^•-' IMAGE EVALUATION V TEST TARGET (MT.3J 4 fe^ '■jf' ■c 4^ ^6^ ■ '•-':* 1.0 ^laiife H* lU 12.2 N Ufi 12.0 I.I > >/ PhotograjiiiG Sd^ioes Corporation / ■ -rik 0- . ..* "S; \- n wht mam strmt wiMTM,N.Y. USM . (71*)|n-4S03 . -V N J W'A^ V.A ^^r%^ If :% y ■T 'V J . n- ■■f ■"''%fm • 4 ,^«l^ N ►*■' •«*- X- $ W ' 170 ZJW? LIVING Allf.xander4J«Ad\vaye hiti wife Uradwavk John PRrcE his wife Price RoiiKRT Turner Natiiamell Reeue* [Reeve] Seriant W" SliAKi' M's Sharp. RiciiARU Ravvse Thomas Sheity William Clemens A Thomas Harris "^ ■ his Wife Harris Ann- Woodi.ev Marc; RETT Herman Thomas Farmer Hugh Hilton RicriARD Taylor vx. Taylor JOSUA ClIARI) CllRISTOl'IIER HkownE Thomas Oage Vx: Oaoe _ iiifaiis Cage Henry Coltman Hugh-X'rice Vx Price iiifans Price Mf" Coltman RojiERT Greene vx. Greene infaits Greene. / infanus [ '"'^'^TT' y PARTTr IN VIRGINIA. Liviiig , , Att West and S/ufiiKu /ifindrci ~ John Harris DoRiTHE Harris in/auts \ "'^'^'^'^ ■' y Harris TnoM.\)Si Floyd Ellias Lon(;e William NichoLlas Roger Ratclike Robert Milner RofiKRT Parttin MaRGRCTT PARTTIIft PArttin rN Henry Hens^n Nicholas Plackman Nath.vnei.l Tattam Mathew Gi.oster Symon Turgis Nicholas Haley Ann Haylev Elmer Phh.i.iis Tllr)MAS PaULETT TjiomaS/Havgh. . Thomas PAtjKER Jonas Ravley John Trussei.l Christopher Heane John Cartter .^ Henry Ha(;wei.l Thom.vs Ha(;well EmVARI)OARI)lNEI« Richard HiGG.s % f [Mi|,'hl iwMibly W- rcail as KKf\f^ 1 -- .•4-f iJ?' \ M" Biggs William Biggs -> -' Thomas Biggs ifit RiciiARn Biggs ) ' William Askew Henrv Carman Andrew Dudley James Gay Anthony Burrows Rebecca Rohse 1 Rosse Petters, a maid. /if Jordatis Joniey SiSLYE Jordan Temperance Baylife Mary Jordan Margery Jordan William Farrar TiiwMAs Williams RofiER Preston Thomas Bru<)kes Joiirr'l'EEDE John Freme Richard Johnson " William Dawson John IIei.v "'- THE LIVING L\ VIRGIXIA Living '^ Living M» Palm£r filia Palmer ' , Richard liNQLisii Nathaniel Causey ' M" Causey Lawkance F.vans \ Edward Clarke \ J'j: CU^RKE infans Clarke John Giiuis John Da vies i William KmErson Henry Williams %'x Williams " s» - Henry Fisher vx Fishee ijif litis Fisher THOJIAS CHAI'MAN IT Chapman infans Chapman Edhh Hoi. lis. ^\ 4k ';■% ■ At fli/irdicn hmdrai I'f' RICHARD Gre(;ory ' KtJWARIl Al.lKJRN Thomas Dh.lim.um.k Thomas H.u h Anthonv Jones RohertTVIanuell [oz-Mannell] ! Roiiert Guv Ann Linkon William Basse Mr» Basse CHRLSTOI'HKK Saicird vx Sakord John Caminge Thomas Palmer William .Stracihv John Hkowne Ann IS Bocl.T Wii i.iAM Baker Theoder BEkisnw Waiter Blaki Thomas Watts 2i seM. ^ ■'*■ * ^• ■7' 1HE LIVING IN yiROINIA. ■ ■ Living-. TutJMAS DoUOlt TV Gi:(ii«;k Dkvlkkli. RiCllARI) Sl'L'kLINCJ * John VVoouso.v . VVlI-I.IAM SrUAUNCWC* TiKIMAS Dq^NK John Lanuma.v • Lkoxaki) Yica is Gi;uk(iK I,i;vi;r >Tiif)MAs Hawjav T»if)MAs Fir.ExsT KoiiKKT Smith TiKXMAS GUINUliK Thomas Gasko JoHN{3i.iui„s[0i,ivi;sj Cin-Ntegors men, Anthony anr Nc-jjors woman tlie rest at West, htindred Cap: ISACKE MAIiUESON Mary Madheson* Thomas Wattson ■jAMfjs Wattson FrajIcis West RuiaiRi-LKwis RlCHAKI) f)oMi;LO\\ Wh. I.IAN HAtEEILTi Thomas FosseIt Ann Fossett JkNKIN OSIIORNK William SisM ORE Martha Sismore Stephen Hrahv El.l/AllETH Hraiiy N ft.^m^f^07. if mm X ■k ^ <* ' ,, THE LlVLXd I.V VIRGINIA. '7.? \ ^ Living Edward Temi-le " DANiEy, Vergo William Tathill boy Thomas Haii.e boy Richard Morewood . Edward Sparshott Barnard JackSon William Brocke James Mavro • " At Chufflaius cltoise^ ISACKE ChaI'LAINE ■ M" Chaplaine John Chai'laine Walter Priest ^William Weston John Dieev ' - Ann Michaell' T|((^iAs PiiiLi.n's IfENRV Thorn E Rf)iiERT Hudson . i^ISACKE BAN'OTON.I-Or UaL( Nicholas Sutton William Wiiitt KDWAKt) Butti.er Henrv Turner Thomas Lev . John Browne John Tra( hern Henrv Wh.lson TiioMA-s BaliAvvne Allkxandek Sanderson Davh) Ellis Sara Morl ' Ann 4.Maiil \ 1. tviug ton] At James Cittyc and u''' the Corpof-acoh il^r»f< Sr Frances Wvatt Goveno': ■ Margre:tt Lady Wvatt Hant Wvatt Minister KaTHREN Sl'ENCER Tjkjmas Hooker John Gather John Matiieman EpwARD Cooke 'GfcoRc.E Nelson Geor(;e iIall Jane BurTt Elizadeth Pomlll Mary Woodward Sr George Yeardlev Knight Temperance Ladv Yeardlv Ar(;all Yardi.ev Frances Yeardlev- Elizabeth Yeardlev KiLIllETT Hl( HC(i( KK Austen Comhes John Foster Richard Arrundei i Susan Hall ^ Ann Grimes I Elizaiieth Lvon i — Younge ! — Ncijro ) . i " f wonK-n j — Negro ) i Al.K E DWlso.v viil: Edward Shakplei t '-*■ / ,X 3- , .m-- ■^ ^ X ■'^: '74 TJ/£ LIVING IN VIRGINIA. Living JONE Davies Gewrgf. Sands Trasu' Ca;p: W" Perce JoN'E Perce Robert Heixjes HucHi VV" [Williams] Thomas Moulston Henry Farmor JoitN LiGHTFOOTE THOMAS Smith Roger Ruese Allexander Gill John Cartwrkmii' rodert austine EowARU Brickf;^ William Ravenett' Jocomh Andrews' ^ vx Andrews Richard Ar.riER liSTER KXEKk Angelo a Nc^'al- Poc: John Porr Elizaiii;i'h I'ott Richard Jownsknd Thomas Leister, John Kullawav RANDALliHoWLEfT Jane Dickinson Fortune Tavlor Cap: RoGKR Smith M"^ Smith Living Elizabexh Salter Sara Macocke Elizabeth Rolfe Chri: Lawson vx.pr ciits Lawson Frances Foulj.er Charles Waller Henry Booth Cap: Raph Hamor M« Hamor ' J EREME Clement Elizaiieth Clement Sara Lang ley SisLEY Greene Ann Addams Elkinton Ratclife Francis Ginsoi* James YemansoN , John Pontes *^.' Christopher Best. \ Thomas Clarke Mf Reig^old's Mr HiCKMORE vx HlCKHORE Sara Riudall Edward Blaney Edward Hudson 7'x Hudson. William Hartley John Shelley KOHERT Bksv William Ward V. '- ■ \ ■' --■■. '., • * \ V • • » f > ■1 \ %« ■ * » f ; - . 1. - 4 • * • » • ■■* \ % * * > ■•^i. V V. •5) *■> ^- ."^4 .'75 ' .f~ J-'ivtng 'Tii(jMi\s S'Ii:,\Tis {or Miani!- RoitlfRT WlIITMoRl. Rddert Cmalntkki:, ROKKRT SlIKPI'ARl) William Sawiek"' . Lansuott Dami'mkt Math: Lovd Tii6mas Ottwav Thomas CrolcH » Eli7.aiii;tii Stark i:v IvI.INjlR *'> **• M'- Tlrry 1)1 fans ri;KR\ Fkancls C'iL\r.\L\\ fiLoiua-: Gralics* [(iiii\ M' John IkRK(j\\s M'- Ulrrow^ vj'^ Living A.NTiinw Burrows John Cookl I NlClKiLAS Goll.DSMlTII Kll\s Gailk AnIdrlw Howkli. I An\ AslH.LV «, j J'liiN Sih:tiikr\ I Till iM AS Tasmori-: i Andriav Rai.vl j Nath; Jlikkrvs i'.r Ji;ih:'rvs Thomas IIldhs Ci.LM' pILKL M'vDri.KL John IIin ion Rl< riAkil SlKI'lM-.NS ■ W'asskli, K\\ nlr* Tfl R WM K jiiiiN Jackson Kdwari) i'KK i: t)sii N Smith TH' I.MAS Si'll.MAN Mrv\ an C aw r ^■*~- GlOROL MlMIA M'ivi:s'Sn)V Ca||i: lIoLMJs M'C'Al.CK'Lk M'- Cai cf;! u ^ifiitts Cam KLR \ 't' / J .r't' , ^ f.-^-RSjr \ f *■ ' ' 1 I 76 T//£ LIIING IN VIJiGlA'IA. Living Peceable Sherwood Anthony West ' Henrv Barker Henry Scott Margery Dawse W Cann Cap: Hartt ■ Edward Spaldinc; vx Spalding pner SPALDING Pudla Spalding John Helin vx Helin //«•;-• Helin iitfaus Helin Thomas Graye ct vx ' ~ JoNE Graye 'WrP^i'«(^T"'<»**''TT"n'""" 'J~RT Hutchinson Thomas Jones' i'.r Jones • Reignold Morecockl ei r I Richard I5rid(;wattek (/( M"^ Tho: IJUN M^N TlMfc* Smith ELulfeETIl'jIoIXiES William Kemp vx Kemp Hugh Hai.dwine iuUai.dwine I John Wii.mcisl ' Thomas Doe GrooRGE l"RM;k vx Frver .V^TEI'IIEN Wl.llli iP ' IClf^rly so ill llu' un(;iiiiil. | • , •»+ |A|i|.ariiillv ,<, ; |,ut u miglil al-.j \k rea.l a, (;iMt>,. -' •♦ ' ' ■ » ■ - '. a ■' ' . ■ - , '■ :•■■ ...■■.' * ,. ' - '»■ ■ >■ *"■- : ■■.'■* !■ -■ ,.,■■* • « '. *■ ■ '« ^v» • - . ' fc MJ^. '^^%*i(' '73 T///- /J I /AG IN VIRGINIA. Living in Jams Hand John Oshoukn fjr OsltOVRN [OSHOURN] George Pope Robert Cunstaki.e VVillJ^m Jones ■'X JONEH John Johnson r'^ JOHXSf)N infans (Johnson (Johnson JohnHau, vx Hall William CooKsf.v vx COOKSEY infans CrKJKSKV Alice Kean RoiiEKT FiTI s vx FiTTS John REnnisH Jdiin Grevett vx Grevett JDHN West Thomas West Henrv oi.ovkr Goodman Sr)iks* vx Stoiks infans Stoiks W Adams MrLEET [I'irM wrltl « Living William Spence vx Spence infans Spence James Tooke James Roberts Anthony Harlow Sara Spence George' SiiURKE John Booth Robert Bennett y neck of land. Mr KlXGSMEAI.E vx KiNGSMEAI.E ' infans | Kingsmeale j ' KlN(;SMEALE i Rapii Gkiphin - .< I Frances Com n on I John Smith ! John Filmek I Edward a Negro j Thomas Sullev vx SULLEY Thomas Harwood •George fedam 1'i:ter Staber ' Thomas Popkin I Thomas Sides ' Richard Perse :-.i Perse Al.LEN his man \ Isabei.l Pratt .11 S[.i. K>, ilicn allcrccl.] !?■' < » n '.yT'.' "A THE LI Vise, r.\ riKGIXIA. "79 Living TlIOMVS ALVLTir r'.r Al.NUTT RocKK Rkdks El.INOUSl'KAI) Oucr the River John Smith . iuSmith /■///(wj- Smith ^Ji>H\ Vkw.o' \Vh.i,iam Richardson RlJllIiRT LlNDSKt f RitTIARI) Dol.l'KXil! John Hottam ' John lU.LIOTT I SrsAN Hakhkk Ti.io.MAS Gatks .OAtks kcivai.l Wood Anthony. Uurkin Willi a.mJ}kdk)ki) WlI.I.IAM S.AND'S John I'KOtTOR M" Proctor I'Hi-rripi.ACK Closk Hlnr^v IIornk Rl( HARD HORNN Thomas Klowkr ,,, ^ r UH.LIAM BUI.I.OCKE lU.LIAS HinTON John Foxkn JiiiWARD Smith I ' ' -• Livmg John Skinntr AIaktink Di; Mooni; ■ WlI.I.IAM Naii.i-. TiioM.vs I'rns h-.\.\7,\\\\:\\\ AuiiiiT Alici; Imtts At y I'liVitiXioit oner ii^' Janus Citlic ^Capt: Sa'm; M.\niK\vs Hkmamin Owin Rick ai' Wii.i.ia.ms JiRO a N'.-;iro Wai.tkk Paknioi.l William PARNKlfi. MAR(;kL.\T ROADLS • • John Wkst^ t Francis Wi:st I'iJ ' j i'TlIOMAS UAVIILRsr t' I ROBKRT MatTiKW^. > ■ ! Arthlr Golt.ds.mith' RoiiiiRT Williams MORKK Lovd' Aron Con WAV ' Wili.i.vm SurioN ■' RlCILMH) (iRKLNK Mathicw IIaman " ^ •' Sa.mw Kl.I. Daviks . ' John Thomas . -, John Docklr AliR.VM Wool) MiCIlKALL LufWORTH ' "^ John Daviks - * ^ Llwis Baly - «, "\.-' ) ^ C V /. #* '•^1 ^^ r. -\ ^ ^y y. .1^ 'i8o' THF. I.iriXG AV riRGIXIA LHi'iiig James Dakiks Ai.ic;k Hoi.mks Henry Baki.ow TnmiA.s BynoN EdSionu WiriTT -Zacharia Cki'spk 'Joii'^ Bl'rland'* Thomas Hawkins TiipMAs Phillips I'At'LK Rkinold's Nicii: Smith El.IZAHKTII WlhLIAMS Hu(;ii Cruder IvpwARi) Hudson Roni;t ,1*. ■ ■ ^ ,■ , . > ' « J - ■ c , 1 » ' ' -r ♦ - « ■ 'v ^ p ■ ■- / • • f , i . ■ . ' -, > *% » :_. ; . > ,<» « *. - - • ^^^ ^[ • ■ i '' • 1 ^ ; •,i. — - f I- :_-.i-j j:iL. ' ; ■ - ' • ■ ,» k • ~^- - ■ / .. "' * r- • .^ /. A ** *' ' . ' f . ■ "■■*,' e .■ ;. •■ t- ym^'^rf.rwfr. ■ , '-jvs^ip^^p i» '^0C' >/ r THE iir/xc /X rjKG/X/,l: ,v .>v ,iSi '\ . * / / rr ;■ — \ John Ki.isoN » I'.r liLiso.v Gkor(;e San'ukk^ . " ' > Thomas Cokdkr '■'Josicpii Johnson GK(2ri(; Pkan John HprroM _'f noM.is Fari.y I'.r Kaijti.ey ; ' achii^ ; , Nicholas SiiOTTON " ' ' 1 A t Hogg Hand' UavjL Sanu"' nii'ister [minister] JimifVTi* [ifi-Hi] , .^.M'^-Vth-: ' i John xTrn-; iufnas \i}ifa)ts\ ' Wh.uam-Tvi.kr lU.l/.AHKTW TVI.KR Richard Wihtdv ''• '\Vh,ija.\["Ramshaw Rick VVatkins Thomas Foskkw lost HliNKR fii.'swoRp Thomas Causiw „ (ii:(n ,',. ♦"* ^v N '' ■ ^ -^. / ^ * >'J • ' ■"^•l, , i - ^ - - " ■ .- ? " , • ■ * *• \ ' ^ - ^ » , -^ - ♦ ^^ ' ^■' m ^ -"■"'^ %' /» ■ t ^ \ . \'; m . , • ', ' ' .^ ' **k • ^ . ' » ' y ^ ' • -<*■ 4^ ■ -*- "'♦ . * , u '' \ . ' •^ •• . ,• * 1 \ .*-*■' -^ * % ^ ■*-* • f , . _ " iy^-N " \ , ... * . mr - .,-."-.-.-, __. . ' \ » ' , - * ■" «' . ->- • •f. ■ _ • ^ ■ ' ■ * ■ ~\t .-■;_. •» / s. ': , fc . ■ *^ . ■ * ■ * ' -, 9 ' . -•■■■ ■'■'■ %. ■' ■- r i^ (f:;, »**w?7i?!!^^^^-^'"^^t'T J * / / ihi y f% i8i Living .1 frcnch riiiiri et iir TlKJMAS SllJERY ynvVarwick Squcakc TlfE I.iri.\-a IX VIRGIXIA. Living ,;Hi:nrv W.oodwako ; TiKtNiAS Sawyer Thomas a Ijoye John Batt HeNRV PiXFFE , Wassei.e VVehi.in' ^ ANTHONY Read Frances Woodson ^ Hen'ry Phillips Petter Collins Chr: Reinold's . . Kdward Mabin John Maldman Thomas Collins . 0EOR(iE RUSHMORE Thomas^ Si'ENcer (iEoKi;^: Clarke , Rich: Bartlett JPranc's Banks John Jenkins ; Thomas Jones 'I VyiLLIAM DENIIAM. i Peter \ Anthony \ ,\ Franc's >"<=«'-es Marcrett ' John Bennett Nicholas Skinner , JiUiN Atkins John Poi.LENTlN Rai HEI.in'oLI.ENriN Marurett Pulleniin -s J4AKY a maid At the Indian tlnckctt^ - , Henry WooiMi.L . Gre(;ory Dory ' John Foster j John GLw^ene I JohnAV*!) i C11RIST6: Windmill - Richard Rapier Ci'i'itERT Pmrson Adam Rumei.l Richard Robinson James a//cnch ma . #■ At Elizahith Cillyc Cap IsACKE Whit i a'k eks MaR^' NVllITTAKIiKS Cii A ki.ks Atkinson' . Charles Calthkop John Lankfeild BRiiii's F"reeman Nicholas VVeslll Ki>\v\Ri)^,ovi) TlIojirAS J^^)RTJI AntIioNY MiDDLLJDN *; RiCl ARD POPELV , Tho|l\s HaR1)I\(; VVll.^.lAM JoV Ra|'||| OslKikNK. KDW'AkirHARMs Thomas riioKNL.t)oD •X, % ^ V. i. V 1 M* 1 . * ' ~J" - * • • • ma r '■••■la ■ —1 ■b^w l$|^4^il" -^' ^p a"«? , Living ■ Ann Attkinson Lankkkii.d Micnci.Ai.ii;* CiroRcii;, Xucii I'.I.'l^U^TII WllITTAKiRS (ii:(|Hp Roads "I'.mv.vki) Johnson William, FoLU-ER Rkinou) Goodwyn Jamls I.akmounl John Jackson yiit's Johnson viit's FoWLKR 2 frcncli men Glok(;k Mi;iha4.ii-: Waltkr Klv 'I'HOM as LaNI, HaKLHKLMKW Hol'KlSS John Ji:hi;uson KoiiKRT Tiiki:sni.R John Ro\\i:s . M' ^^\ ii:s * R(»-I1I;KI' (JOODMAN 7M I'J.V ill fans F.LV Cap Rawllk.h Ckash aw RoiiKRi- VVkichi' JaMKS Sl.KltiMT John Vi'LLt hman John MoRL Ulnrv I'oi ilk M' Ros\v^.LL VVUJJAM GAWNTLLTr /- it'ing OsBOKNK Smith I'-r M(JRL vx \Vri(;ht vx WRK.iir filia \Vru;ht Thomas Dowsl Samvvkli. Bknnltt William Hkowne William Allln LlwisWli.chman RoiiLRT Moki-; M" DowsK. ' I'.r Hknnkit ( 1?i.nni;tt' pue I 1U:nj.i.tt t ■ • y At IhklUfRo-M Thomas Flinit ' John HAMrroN" ■ Richard I'tJKSicv William Rookins Rowland Wii.ijams I Stkven Dixon ThoMas Risiiv j Hknkv Whlli.lr '^ Jamks Urooks I Samwlli. Klnnlll I Jf*iiN Caknim. Thomas Ni:akls -•• RoiiKKT Sai^v;a1^<;e ' William Har.ry ,, JosLi'ii Haiku I d I'.DWARD Marsh mi. ! Amhrosl Grih iih ' (l.imMy Ml i.< \i IK. Src IMclvf linv« Wluw. ' vy^ f '%".. 184 r//J^ I.IVIXG I.WH-rRGINTA. french men Living Pkttfr ARRUyOELI Anthony Bonall La Gal'rd james bonall J<.)HN ARRUNDKLL John Hanie \pr Maine] NicH: Row Richard Althrop > _ John Loyu " vx Hamk* !'^ Hampton Kl.IZAHETH ArRUNDELL MargkeatArrundei.i, . , At Basse Chaise Cap: NetKaniki, Basse Samwei.i, Basse Bkniamin Simes Thomas Sheword Beniamine Handcleare VVh.i.iam Barnard John Shelley Nathaniell.Moper . . Natha: Gaumon Marorett Gh.es Richard L6n<;e vx Lon(;e ii^ns 'LoNOE Richard Kvans William Newman John Army * Peter Lanuden * • (Il i» [iimiljlc ihai 1 d0l may liavr khnulil 1>« read lU.Mi ut llAlvt ; »lic aljovc] Living Henry Andrew Rawley Petter ' more at Elisabeth .Gittie Liuetemrat Shei'I'ARU John Powell i John Wooley I Cat;iiren Powell I John Brads'ton i Franc's Pitts I Gilbertt Wjuteeilu' PiCTER FiEREFORD THOMAS Faulkner ESAW De la WARtf William Cornie Thomas Curtise ROIIERT BrITTALNE RotiER Walker Henry Kersley KdWARD M(»R(.iAINE Anthony Fiiswoktii Aones Khswortii Ki.iNOR Harris • Thomas Addison William Lonu'e William Smith William Pinsen Cap W'-TucKLR Cap NicH: Marteaw Lcftennt Fd: Barkly Imnmi omiltcl from Ihis word, «nrt Ihm the In.ly', „,„.,.• may have Iwi-ti wife lo ilic nun im.,iii,Mu,l r,,„r |„„., ■ • i \ ■ / • > • .„.- -..- -^ 1- , --. ■-.. 4., / , » ft # *> • 77//; LIVIXG TX VIRGISIA. jSs DaMKI.I. T-ANNKR Joiix Morris Georc Thomson Paui.k Thomson WiLMA-M Thomson Pasta Ciiamtin STKI'HKN Siikrk Jkkkkrv Ha I.I, Rich; Jokks WlI.l.IA.Nh HLTCIIINSON Richard Ai'I.kton Thomas I'Aans Wkston Browne Robert Mounijay STIiVEN CVI.I.OE Rai'ii Adams Thomas I'hii.i'.u's v Francis Barrett Mary Tucker Jane Braki.ev Ml.I/.AllETII HiGCINS Marv Mol'nday Clioil'oUKE an Indian Anthony ). », \ Negres ISSAIIEI.I.A ' Lcftcnnt Ll'Po puii.lip lui'o Barthoi.mew Wetiiersbv* Henry Prater "jOSEI'Il Haman . Ei.iZAiiETii Luro A1.UIAN0 Wetiikrslv* . Jqiin Laydon * L iving Ann Laydon ViRCHNIA LaYDON Alice Laydon Katiierne Laydon William Evans WlLUANtJl'MAN William Kemp Richard With'e [WitheUe] John. JoRNALL Walter Mason Sara Julian . Sara Guuldocke John Salter William Coale, Jereny Dk kenson Lawrance I'>:ele\ John Evans Marke Evans ' George Evans ^ John Downeman Elizabeth Downeman William Baldwin John SiiisEV William Clarke Rice Griehne Joseph Mosley Robert Smith John Cheesman Thomas Cheesman Edward Cheesman Tetter Dickson John Bavnan Robert Swt;!;? [Slo in orig.] S»: / "fiB'^^-i'fi'^VTtM'f^pi'^f «v5f'^ ') jS6 r///' i.nixG i\ \-iRc\xrA. 'H Living John PAkKKir WlI.I.IAM FOL'KS John Ci.ai kson John Him, Wiu-iAM Morten Wh.uam Ci-arkk Edward ST()CKi)i;r.i. Ei.izABinii Bavnam GKriitcii Davies' ElIZAllE'Pu IKVIES • Ann Harrison John Curtise IWiN Walton INWARD AST'ON ToBV Hurt Cornelius Mav^/^ Ki.iZAiiEiH May] Henry May. cKild Thomas WiLLowpEY Oliuer Jenkinson/" John ChAndeler NlCIIOI.Ai UAVIEli^ JoNE Jenkins Mary Jenkins" Hknry Gouldwell Henry Pricharu Henry Harhek Ann Barber joiin hutton Elizabeth Hutton Thomas Bai.uww , JofiN Billiard Reynold Booth Mary. .■ ' ^ Living I-;i.IZABETlVP(5pTII child Ca|): TiK;: Davies John Davies . ; Thomas Huges . ' I William Kildridge j AlE.\ANI)"M()UNTNEV Edward Bryan / PKRSIVALL IllOTSON / John Pexrice Robert Locke Elizaiietii Ibotson ASiN Ibotson Edward Hill Thomas Best ». HANNAfliLL -' " Eli^uetii Hill Robert Salkokd John Salkokd Phillip Chapman Thomas Pakter Mary Sai.ford FKASCIS C.IIAMKERLIN William Hill '' William Hakkjs' William W()Kliik;e John Forth Thomas Spii.man Rebecca C ham ber Lin Alice Harris PlIARfJiV PlII.INTON Arthur Smith Hugh Hall [lERT SAIIIN oiIn Cooker .'''■ , .)\ t > _fcL ■.■-iikinlia ^^l^fWVSflt^P™^ ■^jSW* )^|*WffI^'"i«% I^PW^'fK*''^?^ .5^g!^p<«j!^->^^' , • J . . -■ 4\ ■ ■ .-. i ■ ) •• • » ." ■ t f » - «_ • *• \' • -■■■/■ '- '- ■- '■. : _...;y [ ff. i8S 'JJlIi JjyjAG IN VIRGINIA. »4 Living Thomas Hktiikksai.l William Dol(;las ; Thomas Dojutiiokn Elizahilth- Douthorn Samwki.l Douthorn a bo[y] Thomas an Indian John Hazard . - JoANK Hazard Hknry Frances Mason MicHKAI.L WlI.COCKS WiLUAM QUKRKE Mary Mason . Maudlin Wilcocks Mr Kktii mister , John lUsii John Coop [Cooi'Kr] JONAlMli ILLETT Juhn IUrnaiiv John Seaward RwilLRT NlC\V>L\N„ . Wh.liam Parker •TiKJMAS SNAI'P Clement Mvans Thomas Spilman ^"HOMAS Tarrish At t lie Eastern SJwn- Cap'WlLLIA.M Eri's 'M'* F.ri's I'ETTER El'I'S William — KdMoND Cl.OAKE William Biubv Living Thomas Cornish * ■ John EisriER William Dry Henry Wilson Fetter Porter ClIRISror'CARTTER John SuiTifill Nicholas Graunger James vocat Piper Edward John Thomas Geor(;e Charles Farmer James Knott John Ascomu RoilERT Fennell Phillip DaNIELL CoffI.EY William Andrews Thomas' Graues' John Wilcocks TII()^Lva Crampe William ^(xjmes John Parsons John Coomes James Chambers RoiiERTT Hall Gof)DWHE Hall Thomas Hall , ISMALE-ljJiLLS ' John Tyer« Walti'.r Scott GooDWHi; Scoit u ./ / y^'tSl' . U /: r/r£ LIVING IN VIRGINIA. 189 Robert Eumond's Tfiomas Hiciicocke John Evans Hknrv Wattkins Per^gree Wattkins , Daniell Wattkins John Blower- GoDY Blower » John ' a boy of M^ Cans \or Cal's] John H(>w * John Butterfeu.d WiLLLVM D.AVIEH Fetter Lon(;.\ian John VVu.kins goodwhe vvu.kins THOifAs Powell GoDv Powell Thomas Parke 'Living William SXirrii / Edward Dkew/ NlCH(JL.\S lIosJvINS and his Child WiLLi/m W|tLIAMS (J3|Mrs WILLLVMS JoIlN TllKCMJMORTON B^'SANINE* KNKillT C-flAD Ql'NSTON /^IIRAM AnaLIN [('»■ AL'ALIN, y />. Avalin] \ Thomas Placklockk John Barnett Thomas Sa\ aikie ' • William Bean.e Saloman Greene John Wasdorne William Ouills. ° * fEviclcuiiy ^i •iiiis'-|)tltin(; r Daniell Francke William Lambertt Cap: Nath West At tfie neck of lat id Christopher Harding kild Moses .Conyers George Grimes At flower de hundred William Clements John Maypr Thomas Fernlev kid Edward — [killed] WiLLiAjvi Waycome Thomas Prise Robert Walkin At Jutdains Jomcy John FetheRston Roger Much ' John ap Roberts Mary Reefe • Richard Jones Robert Winter Richard (Jriffin "Robert Wood's Richard Ranke \pr Rauke] William Edger Richard Shreife Thomas Bull . John Fry John Kinton , Dixi Carpenter Daniell — William Smith At west and Slur low hundred James Cinduare* Samwell Foreman Edward Temple Zorobabell , Sara SalfOrd • [Spelling not ve ry daai may U e read Cindnare or CiNnVABE 1 ^ .v^ N^^^SflP^^ ft^ffKP^;, 'V* l^-Sf'SBSPSf «-JS^» ( f t THE DEAD IN VIRQINIA. 191 Dead John Stanson Christo: Evans At Jaines Cittie w sotiiey John Dlmpont Thomas Browne Henry Sothey Thomas Sothey Mary Sothey Elizabeth Sothey Thomas Clarke Margrett Shrawley Richard Walker Vallentyn Gentler Fetter Brishitt Humphry Boyse John Watton Arthur Edward's Thomas Fisher WlLLI^IlM S PENCE ) . M"^ SrENCE ) George Sharks John Buth W Collins vx ^ M'' Pegden Fetter De maine , Goodman Ascomb Goodman Wjtt!5 William Kerton ' W AtjvIns -, Thomas Hakes « Fetter Gould V Dead Robert Rakfe Ambrose Fresey Henry Fry John Dinse Thomas TiNDALL Richard Knight* John Jeffereys* John Hamun* . John Meridien* " * John Countwane* Thomas Guine [<)>-Gunie]» Thomas Somersall William Rowsley Elizabeth Rowsley amaidofthers Robert Bennett Thomas Ropfek • M-^ FlTZIEFJEflYS; ■ Mrs Smith ; Fetter MAR,yTiN jAMpS JaKINS Mr CrappLace 'John Lullett Ann Dixon William Howlett Ml FuRLOWs child Jacob Pr(jphett. John Reding • Richard Atkins his child John Bayly William Jones his sfvant John M'Fearns servant Josias Hartt Judith Sharp [See next page, wheM these names are repealetl.] ^— — — """ ■ • • % • p - ■ ■• / / ' • ' . ' • , i - '^ * ■- ■' / / ■.. .'.' • ■ >*■ '■ * - ■"- ■ ., . -. 192 r//£ DEAD IN VIRGINIA. Dead' Ann Quailk Reignold's William Dier Mary Dier Thomas Sexton Mar\- Bawdrye Edward Normansell Henry Fell Enims [or EUIMS] Roger Turnok ' - Thomas GuiN£ [t^rGurftE]* John Countway* John Meriday* BeNIAMINE VSHERf r John Haman* ' John Jefferyes* ♦ RlCJIARI) KNIGIlt* John \Val+;er '' , Hosier William Jackson William Ai'leby John Manby ' '. Arthur Cooke Stephen ^ . " At y Pla^ttacon omr against James Cittie Humphry Clough Morris Ciialoner Samwell Bktton John Gruffin William Edwards William Salsisury • [It-nill he^oticwl thai these names, given above (sec previous page),] Dead ^ Mathew Griffine ' Robert Adward's John Jones Thomas Prichard J_ Thomas Morcjaiicj^k^ Thomas Biggs A Nicholas Bushell Robert Williams Robert Reynold's I Edward Huies j Thomas Foulke ' Nathew Jenings Richard Morrls Frajjces Barke John EwiNsf Samwell Fisher John Ewis /ames Cartter Edward Fletcher Aderton Gj^eene Moric'e Baker Robert W Ewins man Robert Pidgion Thomas Triggs James Thursby Nicholas Thimbeeby Frances Millett John Hooks Thomas' Law^on William Miller Nicholas Fatrice John Champ John Maning although in some cases with dilTerent spelliii^ t ( Repeated on next page. ) - I • s \ t t^ K • " ,' -rv • ' * ^ • "■ - - «t ^ , — '.• — — ■^ , -/ 1 - , ' r * . * > \ ■ ■■ " "" ' , -. '' .1 .- A - » ' % » ; - ■ .. ' *^- t . ■ . '(» ■■:-:^:,...> / '" ♦■"■ 1 i - < v. S , ■ : . ^ « * ' ' .'•is ^.^VA--I 1 t*^ I • S •■^IT'- 'ATM?" " JJ-i- <»!«f|«.5!^»r>^^1'tp»',J^pp»' "■ *1 ^ 1 , 1 » - - 1 • 1 A 1 ■■ i r . ( " y TJIR^ DEAD IN VIRGimA. ) '93 Richard EdmoVds David CcJLlins Thomas (iuiNE [or C^'nie]* John Vi^^s * John MKltiDii:*, . Benv Vsher* John CAkTWEi.i, -^ RiciiARn Kni(;ht* ROHERT HeI.I.UE » Thomas Bariujw John EuIines* Edward Price RoHEKT Taylor \ ' Richard BuYterev I Mary Lacon Robert* BaiMes . Joseph Archer _^ ThomasM-iVson -^ John'Beman ^ ChRISTO: PlTTMAN Thomas Willer * Sam.\vell ^ulshaw . ; John Wametitions. E I Mathew Staiei.ini Thomas Xiciioi.ls 2 Childrcns of y>^ frcnch men John Pattison • s vx Pattison ' \ kild Edward Windor J Thomas Hoi^ner John Walker Thomas W^v. Richard Si\>n ^. John Catesbv Ricuard SteI'hens William H,\xris Christoi'hi(r ™)odwari k Joseph Tlrner/ At Warwick e Sq\fcak JosiAs Collins Ce'eM^NT WlLSCJN William Robinso"n Chr: Rawson Thomas VVinslow T'^yVlNSLOW infans WiNSLOW See previous, page. ] \ 1 M < Y ■ • X- .• M § \ "«»!>-, # ^1^ 194 THE DEAD IM VIRGINIA. \ \f . ^- ■\ Dead • Alexander ^ussames Thomas Prickett Thomas Maddox John Greene "Nathanel Stanbridg John Litton GifRisTo: Ash VX ^SH infdks Ash Nethaniel Lame [orLAiNE]]^.^ Jane Fisiier , Phill»» Jones Edward Banks John Symons ■ Thomas Smith' Thomas Griffin George Cane ROIiERT Whitt Symon an Italian " At Elizabeth Cittie • ' CHAltLEMARSHALL William Hopkicke DoRiTHiE Parkinson |»\yiLLIAM ROBERTTS JokiN Farrar ' ' NIartin Cukfe tudSiAs Hali! Thomas Smith ' IMristoph' Robertts ,'NE* . I J ,«^' '^■'l. ~J '*W|l|r '' ' Dead Innocent Poore ' EinVAikD UUIM'ER Elizabeth Daviks Thomas BDwEN ^- A.NN Barber WILLIAM LUCOTT Nfciio'u^s kild Henry Brid(;ks , HenT\veli. Harvie ■ John Box Benianine Box -Thomas senrant" > ; Frances Chamberline ..Bridgett Dameron. . Isarell KNdlvi'.ES _ . Edward BEiaDiGK^ WiiiLiAM DAWn';s i John Phillip|. ^ * I Daniell SaUescell. , j -JVh-liam Jones * ' Robejjt" Balls irife ' Robert Leauer j HUCH NlCIICOTT I John Knkmit. • ' - 1 -s^- X' [Sic in orig.] % -'3 ,. ^ J'^ w,fflj^ V V* * t '^ ■■^' ■V i'*4 > ■» I ,*; 77/^; nz-AI) /A' VIRGINIA. UT of the Ship caki the Furtlicranci John Walkkk ,- lloSUiK U'li.iji.vM Ja<:iv,S(in WU.I.IAM Al'I.l.llV John Mamiv ARTiri>K CodKl Sti;\i-..\ UT of tlu- C,o,h gift - - - - j\I' Ckake master Wll.l.lAM HKNMCTJ' UT 6f the M.nxirtt (iinl Jiijtii. Ml Lan'ui.i.v - . ' M' VVkj(';iit tlie gtinner of tlie iri//i,im ,ii/,/ JdIih. r \ est) /' D ^ ■ ■ • • ^ , > - ■ • - ■ . . ■, . -" ■■ "" I' ■ ^'^ ■' " '■ ' ; ' I I I r II — . —— I I •* ' II I , 1 I — II-— -II. — II — .1 — iM— — I — — -■— I ■ .1 — 11 — - .' ■ ■■ . '* • . ' , ■ • \..,\/> ; ■■ V ., <' "- ■ "'.-■■. ■ ' — ' ''' '' - ■ ■ ■ ■ ''* _^- ._ ■_.■■.■■"' (-t-^^fJ^Si^^S^-^ V ■^'"1"^*^*^' v^' ^ ^■*'^»r^spfe?[^^i?i^;f^r??^^^gw|^S9^i! i £-£) ■'3'*-. [r62i; Promise of certain " WALLOONS and FREXC/I ' Emigrate to V/RGIN/A.] to [IN tlie centre of a large sheet of paper is written in French, "KV promise my , Lord Ambassador of t/ie Most Serene Kiiij; of G rent Britain to go tmd mlfabit in Virginia, a land under His Mnfestyf obedience^ as soon as eonveniently may be,: and titis under :t he eonditioiis to be carried out in the articles xm tuive commiinieated to the said Ambassador, and not othenuise, on the faith of which ive Itavt iinani- moiisly signed this present with our sign manual" [The signatures and the calling of each are appended in the form <.f a zound robin, and in an outer circle the person signing states whether he is married, and the number of his children, /indorsed by Sir Dudley Carieton, " Signature. «f such \YalI*is and French .is offer themsclfs to goe into Verginia/'- The names wi'ih an * have only signed their marks, Total Ji), including .55 men, 41 wonuii, 1 29 children, and two servants. As stated above, the original d"tu ment is in French. The versi«[ri' here given has the autlir>rity .i( Mr. Sainsbury, of. 7 ler xMajesty's Public Record OtTice. /7ie sign,i- tures are very rndistinelly Written.]* . r- ■'^- .'_ ' " MousMEk l)E LA M0NT.\GNi;, oicdical student; marrying man. . MiifjiXIKK Dli lA Mo.vr.\(iNE, apothecary and surgeon ; marr)iti- ni,\ii' jACgut; CyxNK, tiller of the earth ; wife and two children. -' - ■ — # ' * [The Answer of ihe \ irginia < .iinpany is d.-iud .\vi^. 1 1, \(>x\, jiid .i L..nu.uii«'t.iiy . .,\\s .. (irfMrvftl in the Suite I'aper l)e|>;iitluenl iif IfiT M.i|e»ly's fuljlit Kcmnl UlliA- ll i- ,ij;ii, I liyJiiM.s iKKKAK, Deputy. Tlie Mil'stiuue I). ii> ilii- .■in-it. ili.it ilu- i.'.ini|«ny .1.. nnc u.iirenc •my iueoliveiilenec, |iriiviileil llie mmilier iloes licit eitecil (oo, ami Oiiy Like the .kiiIi i>( all,-^, ance m the Kinu ami aml'umi m the nile.. "f ({"vciiiineiil e>lalilishe * » (1 ii' ■ :i ', -' ^ ■ • * ■ t t m --■ . A ^ ' "■' ■* 'i s , , . _, iT • > kM . i."" 198 ^A'LLOONS AND FRENCH. -- ,' HiiNKV LAMHKHT-wooHen draper ; wife. *Gkorge BLWA, porter; wife and one child. „ " Michel Du PoN, hatter; wife and two children, Jan Hullt, labourer ; wife and four children. Paul DE Pasak, wcavcf ; wife and two children. • Antdine Greniek, gardener; wife. Jean Gourde.MAN, labourer ; wife and five children. Jean Camimon, wool carder ; wife and four children. *Jan' De la Met, labourer; young man. *Antoine Martin ; wife aijd one child. FraN(jois FoURDRiN, leather dresser; young man. *Jan Leca, labourer; wife arid five children. , ' Theodore Duf'oijr, draper; wife and two children. *GlLLAIIsBRjr)<,)LE:, labourer ; young man. * • George WaOtke, musician ; wife and four children. ' . *Jan Sage, .serge maker; wife and six children. ♦Marh.: Fi.it, in the name of her husband, a miller; wife and two children. ■ P. Gantois, .student in theology ; young man. jACQUics i)K LKCHifiLLE.s, brewer; marrying man. *Jan Le Rou, printer ; wif^ and six childr'en, *Jan de CRov, .sawyer ; wife and five children. »CllARl.ES Chancy, labourer ; wife and two children. ♦Francois Ci.ITDEU, labourer; wife and five children. •PlULII'PE Campion, draper ; wife and one child. ♦Robert Bro^jue, labourer ; young man. Philippe Di; i.K Mer. carpenter; young man. ♦Jeanne Martin ; young girl. Pierre CoRNII.i.E, vine dresser ; young man. Jan DE Carpentry, labourer; wife and two children. ♦Martin im: C arpentier, brass founder ; young man. TllOMA/FARNARcguh, Jocksmith ; wife and seven children PliittRK'^A^PAR. . • ♦GreIjoiri; Le jEi!NE, shoemaker ; wife and four children. Martin. Fi<.\»ihRiE, musician ; wife and one child. x: s.*^ ■* -, H.tjlt'^ 'WIS -F^a * -^ > ■W WALLOONS AND FNE^'C/f. 199 Ptekre Quesnise, brewer ; marrvingjnan. , 1/ I'oNTUS Lk Gean, bolting-cloth weaver ; wife and three children. •Baktiiklemv Dic.Ai'i), saw>'er ; wife and eight children. Jesse m Forest, dyer ; wife and five children. ♦Nicolas De i.e Maki.iek, dyer ; wife and two children. " ;. *Jan DAMONT.'labourcr; wife. *Jan Giele, labourer ; wife and three children. *Ja\ W. Tkou, wool carder ; wife and five children. i'lllI.Il'i'E Maion, dyer, and two servants ; wife and five children^ Anthoixe liE Lh:i.ATE, vinedrc.s.ser ; wife and four children. Krnou Catoir, wool carder ; wife and five children. Antikmn Desendrl, labourer ; wife and one child. AUKL DE CreI'V, shuttle worker ; wife and four children. ♦Adrian Harhe, dyer ; wife and four children. '♦MlCHltL Leusier, cloth weaver ; wjfe and one child. ♦Jero/ie Le Roy, cloth weaver ; wife and four children. ♦Claude GliisEl.lN, tailor; young man. ^ *].\^ DE Crenne, gla.ss maker ? [fritteur] ; 'wife and one child. ♦L(')Uis Hroque, labourer ; wife and two children. - ^ I 'W W'^ ■w/'^^'^S^Z t'i' {;»"i»»f' "?«''^™^"'=f«"'*'~rT|''P'^^E *»''*»'*'^Cf;^*f'W!^-5pjrr«ji**«^j^J!^1 ™^^i?^^^ (••"^••■WWW ■«•■ \4 > "K nil-: . INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. I62}.] \p •■ » « II ■ -V ■ '■ ■' -r- * % ' t r #' ' , * / ' ^ f , - # f » I' fc — \ r ■ ~ n ■* • • * ' ' 1: ■ • 9 • , ■ / ■ :'' * ■ * y^ • • 1" ' 1 4 > '-i -. 'i .... "i ■ 1 -4 ■ » ' 1 <■ : . 4 • < » . . '■ * * /'':' V ft .>^ ■/ 45^ ."-** t^ '-\' " ^'*r^jP"i ^^ •■♦'F="MWi "^ '''^'f'^;-^*^'^ ''^rafg(9|^^r^^i^*'*'?3^^ / /• w-s LM USTl-RS iif riiK I N H A H I T A N T S I N V I R G I N I A. Henrico HE MUSTKR of the Inhabitant's of the Colledye: Land in Virginia taken the 23"^ of January 1624.' LiuctenntTlKi.MASOsiKiKNK arivcd in the Imiia .W/jw NovL-nibcr 1619 Servant's ^ DANtliLL SlIl-.Kl.KV aged 30 yeres came in the Homi Xuvn 1OI9 I'KETEK JoRDKNaged 22 jn the London Mardwint 1620 RiCIlAKU Davis aged l6 yeres in the yot^mtlutn 1620* Robert Lai-whrtii came in \\\c Abigailt John Watson came in the WtllMnt & Tlwiims - EliWARb IIousoN came in the Bona Nova 1619 CURIsTiirilER Branui came in tlie Lomioti Mon/uviiil - Makv his wife in the same Shipp Thomas his sonnc ;iged 9 Month's William HRO\v,iNt«; came in the liona Nova Matiiew Kijlow came in the Niftum 1618 , \VillIAM WeluiiN came in the Bona Nova iGkj 'f, X'Fhc short mtfs ht-re and hen-nfler in tht^i* " Mii ni.iit'alc thi (.niivvion lit lii>t> iTilx klutn brought by pa!i>vn|;t'rs, uivui in llu iiricinal, l.ul .uniuil la n a» i.l im (,, m lal inli r»l j 26 I ■ is , *i (^ :o2 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS AV ; IRGINIA. Fran-CIS Wii.ro.v came in the Jmathan K^KKIAII RAa.;HT<)N' came in the/i,w.i Nova. ' ^ Marcrkti- his wife in the Wamnct. « _, . " William 1'rici: came in the Starr Robert Caaipkjn came in the Pwiia Nova Lkonari) Moork came in the Bona Nova Thomas Baugh came in the Supply Thomas Park i;R came in the A^<-/»/«w ' ' TiiiiODKR MovsKs came in \.\\q London Marchaunt \ 1 co^irai'oroi '^'^^ MUSTEJi of the Inhabitant's of the Neck-of- ciuHcCuy. i^a„a i„ j,,^. Corporation of Ci.arles Cittie in Virginia taken the 24'!' of January 1624. I.UKK Uovsic u«cd 44 yeaies arived in the A,fovV/,- in May iGiy */\l.LlCK his wife arived in tiie Bona-Noua in Apiiil 1622 Servant's RnliKRT Hoi.l.AM a«ed 23 j-eares in the AV«,n \ '*\^^&'Uii lOJO The MUSTi-lRol" John- I'ki, 1; John Prkt. aj;;td 40 ycarcs in the Sldir in May Ann his wrfc ajjcd 21 ycarcs in ihi:, Francis Jwn.nvinmr Aii-^ust 1 620 Mary a Child as^cd 3 Months Tlic MUSTKR ol" 11l;(.h Huton. Ill.i,H Hn.loN aj^cd 36 ycarcs in the Edwiiic in May lOhj Thc-'Ml'STHR of Rk harl Tavic' Kl.LHARIi TavI.or atjcd 50 ycarcs In the Mary M.ir,;r'll Scptcnil.jr lOoS DoRol in his wif^- aj,'ed 21 )c.ircs in tlie Loudon Marcltauiit Ma\- 1O20 Marv tlieirc Child aged 3 months, Ser\ant's ' ClIRISTOI'llliR Hl«j\\ Ni: aged 18 ycares in the Piitu In M-a> lOjo 'Ihc MUSTKR of Tiio.MAs (J.u.i Thomas Oaok aged 40 ycares in the Sta. <• ^- * -.-■■ ..!..rs^„'.' ,-^ik-i.-::.- \ ■••'- ■-,■ - -..- -■- .,.""' ^. ..i'a.-.,.'.: . ^.>4. ,.vi,,. ■' .. .■■. ■ , ■■,, ,^r:-»..w ■ '' -i ' ■ ■ f 204 AfUSTEA ? \ Neck of-Unil. .^-. ^■^-'^^a.,ie The MUSTER of Robkrt Gkkknle^ke Z^T""7' '''" '' ''="'' '■" *"<= ^OW/ August .6.0 SUSAN h.s wfe aged 23 ycres in the 7o,,afAa„ May ,6^0 ^ HOMAS theire sonn aged 3 yeres Ann a daughter aged 22 week's The MUSTER of Hknkrv GoLiMAr^ Henerv Coltman agecf 30 yercs in the La Augusfcyr^^ '' Ann h.s wfe aged 26 yercs in the Z.«<^.„ ^wj.r^^^p ■ The MUSTER of Hugh I'R.d. Z'iTn'hr'r" 'i ''"" '■" ''"= "''^^'"'"^ ^"^^ j--y .6,8 Zh ■ ' '^; '^ ^"^ '■" "^'-* ''^"'^^'^'^ May ,6,9 JOHN his sonn aged 2 yercs. • . . '■'*;^4;' . • _^-_ ■The MUSTER of TuoMAs Farm, R T.lOMAS FARMp aged 30 ycres in .the Trj^aU ,6,6 " , The MUSTER of Th„mas S„k,-pkv THOMAS Shepphv aged 22 yeres in th. Su/>^fy Januar>^ ,6.0 n he M USTE R of Allexander Bra,>wav - ' AllexandEr Bradwav aged 3, yeres in the W/ Janua,;.. ,6^0 SI..KV h.s wife aged 28 yeres in the >.../.„ X'^T ADR,Athe,re.dajjghtcr aged 9 Months. ^ ^-° . ~\ j»/6/.97-^A-.9 OJ^ 7///r /.V//^^/7:.,.A75 /.V //^cW ^ f%tf\ a: > ■].. ^- <;?.^ - - ■ ' ) \ 1 i ■ ;^ » • « , . ^ * " 1 • - ■> - ft t . .• • ■ f.. • t ■ ' ■ i. *' \ y ■ * \ » . . ' • > V K ■1 , ■ - • , ■ ' * tat-^— "- -»•- V * ^::. -,^ . .. ■ . - . " ,,,. . , *., ^ f ' .> ■ .1 > j"'?^' t^ , ;- " W r^f!^ s iJ ^ ■ i ••■^ -.n"" ■ • ^, MUSTH/iS OF THE IMIAKITAMS I.\ IIRGIMA Neck of-i^d.' The M U ST E R of VViLli.vm' Sharp Charles Littie *\ William Sharp aged 40 ycres in the Starr in May Elizabeth his wife aijed 25 yeres in the Bonavcnture August i^jjo ISACK. his sonn aged 2 yeres ^^ ■ * • ■ Samukll his sonn aged 2 Months . v Servant's - * „ j Richard Vause ai^cii Jo yeres in the Jonatlum \\Iay I620 ^ ^05. wesi&shericy THc M UST E R Off the Inhabitant's of \Vest ami'- hundreil. * Charles citiie Shcrlcy Hundred taken the 22'" of January : 1624. , . ' ' Richard Bigg's his MUSTER RJCllARD Bigg's aged 41 ycres arivcd in the Stvann in AuguS^ 1610 Sarah his wife aged 35 yeres in the Marygold May 1618. ^ ' " ' Richard theire Sonn aged 3 yeres ;' ^ Thomas Turner his Cozen aged 11 yeres in y'^ Marygold 1616 Susan Old his Cozen aged 10 yeres in the Mai^gold 1616 • » ^ Servant's ^ *' ," James Guv aged M yearc.^ in the i/rtry^f/'/ 1622 ^- WlLI.lAM Brock aged 26 yeres in the Mar^rett in May \C>22 Edward Temple age 20 yeres in the .J/(z;-i''/-f« May 1622 Mary PkivTERS aged 16 yeres in the London Marcluint May 1620 William Bavlevs MUSTER. William Baley aged 41 yeares in tiie Prosperous in May i6io Mary his wife aged 24 yeres in the George 1617 "■ TH(>mas his Sonn aged 4 yearcs' 'H «) • -^ 1 % \ #■ j. i % N-' 206 AfUS7f,/iS OI' THE JMfAB!TAX7\S IX VIRGIMA. West t'v ^lit-rlc'V liuixlrctt. RoiiKKT Pari'Ins mustier KoliiCKT I'AKTIN aged ,36 ycarcs in the BUssiiigc m June l6at> Maugkktt his wife aged 36 in the Gtvri^e 1617 RoHKRT . u ,agcd 4 Months. Iiiidren-; ; Avis theire Children -J aged 5 yeares. RlMilXCA ) Uged 2 yeares." «■ Servant^s T'lloM.vii Hale aged 20 yeares in the Geori^e 1623 inOctober V.\.\.\\ Cooke aged 25 yeares in the London Maixhawit June [620 CiiKisToriiKK WooDWAkii's MUSTER ^- Cm*I,STOHn;R Wooqward aged 30 yeares in the Tryall iv) June 1620 John Hig(;ins | j,;^ ^^j^., j age^J 21 yeres in tiie George 1616 lilLE Howe ) I aged 26 yeres in the Gijte 161S Servant's MaTIIEW Gl.o.sn er aged 20 yeres in the Wanciek iCji Wn.EIAM- ToTLE aged 18 J-eres in the George 1625 J()U.> Canon aged 20 yeres in t]^ Ahigaile 1O22 The MUSTER of Amia.s Bolte Amias lioETE aged 23 yearesrin the Keflunc in Aiigu.st 161S The MUSTER of John' Collins JwiiN Collins aged ic yeares in the Siiply 1620 Si SAN his wife aged 40 )cres in the Treasuror 161 3 Ann Vkuer aged 8 yeares bdrii heare - ■' - #.. '' ..« 4 t .. > h ^<.^ ; ■ v' ■• * , » » - . ' , - '■ » '- ,'f *■■ - -.,,, ';• f ♦ ---- -.—' — ; — ■ f ' • . ■* r ■-'■ -• , - ^. --S^ * • , ' 1 •- ■* r-^ ■ ; -^ ;,..:„,... ~~~ — ' ' y •.; •" *■ > ■ *', - V'' ( -p ■ •■ -J ,|; • \ -y .UIS77-:MS of the JXn.l/HTJXTS /\ VIRGINIA. 30; West i ■ *■ i''"'--^'', The MUSFHR of Hknkry Bk.vson- Henkrv UknS')\ a{jed 40 yc.iros in the Frvuis BjiMWulitre \\xg\iiX. ^ , 1620 ' , Nicholas Hi.alkm an his ptncr a^cd 40 in the same Shipp Wc^l & Slicrltyi chKL uT-l-.toMAsPAwum-'sMUSTKR -^f. Thomas I'awi.Pit ai^ed 40 yearcs in the .Vc/>//(7/> in Au;^'u-it lOiS Servant's John' TrIsski.i, aged IQ yeres in tile South.im^loii 1622 Tilt MUSTER of VViliAm AsKKW ■ William Asklw a^ed ',0 yeres in tlie Prosperous in Ma>- 1610 The MUSTER of Rkhkcc/Rosi; Witlilow ;ed 50 yearcs ua tlie Maryi:^oUmn^h\ I- I ''^^^ ! in the .aniJ Sfii Jam-; Hill -i ic --anie Miip|) The MUSTER of m'^ Marv Maddison Widdow Mary Maduiskn aged 30 yeares in the TriasiirvT\\C)\'^ Kaiiikuin Lamjln .1 Chikl. aged 7 yeares —■ - _ Ser\'ant's JamI'.S Wai'son aged 20 yeares in the Givri:^c- iGij.^---''"' RocKk Li'Wi;s aged 19 yearesjn the /;\/,v/*riTi May 1617 - • I ^ . \ \ -"^ 1 s ''v(' ' •, •&.. '^ .'% <*•" ■'■A ■«r- 2oS '_ MUSTER!; OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. \V(st & Shertey , . Iiuniirt'd ,_, rt-aricic.tie I he MUSTER of Rouekt* hAGwiij. f Hknery* Bagwell aged 35 yeares in the Dcliuerancc 1608 SVMON TURGLS aged 30 yeares in the WillUtn, & flwmas i6r8 Servant's Randall Bawde aged 30 yeares in the Due Kcturnc \62i , Charlks ayed 19 yeares in the yrtrc/; 1624 y « -- \ sf chaiiesciiiie The MUSTER of Robert Milner f*" . » Robert Milner aged 24 yeares in the/><7«mZ,Wrttv;///wAugust 1620 J■• •- The MUSTER of Roger, Ratlife ' Roger RaTLIFE aged 44 ytiires in the Georg in May 1619 Ann his wife aged 40 in tlv-- George in May-tGig I SACK his Sonn aged 9 Months '....- ._, , ■' • - " • ' ' '*- • (So in the originol. • It. will luve iKti. olwrvixl. ihui uein-rall) ilie name »i. ihc i„^.l,», \% the same u the fimt itaine in the li^t.l ■^: ,'', »•« IN I «■* -W,^ ^»' SSs, '* Y ■1 Mi'STEJiS^OF THE IXHABITAMI^ /.V VI KG I MA. 209 _ '(Lrk-, Littie' The MUSTER of, N \tii.\nii;i,i. T.viam NATIIANILU. Tatam aged 20 >xarts in the George May 1O19 The MUSTER of m'^KATHERiNH lii;M.TT Widdow Kati1[ERINE Benett aged 24 yercs in the Abigail 1622 William Ben ETT her sonn ajaid 3 week's , Servant's ' , Ranuai.i, Crew aged 20 ycres in the T/wf/cj 1621 ■# 7 »> 7 DEAI) at WEST & SiiEkLiv. and at SiiEui.iiY Ulnured. J624. Andrew Dudley, came in the Trudottc 1622 Rapii. Frf^:han. in the ^/rt/ycW rtW 7('/r« 1C22 m' William Benet Minister in tlie Siajioun- 1621 Cap' IsACK Maudeson James Crowder in the ^^f/tti^w 1623 JAiJs.lELL ViERO in the George 1623 Baknarij JacKson in the Margrett ^ yolm \(iii •Thomas Weston in the George 1623 James Rolfe Liuetcnnt Giuii's Man John Mjciiaell • I slaine by the Indians. Francis , Cap' MA'iMsoNs.Man. J / V j'.'.niry!' The MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of JokdaNs J<. km v ( liarlci Citlie taken the,2i"' of January 1624 The MUSTER of m' William Eerkar f m'- Jordan WH.L1AM Fekrar aged 31 ycarcs in the NeftuHt in August iT'if* SiSLtY Jordan aged 24 yercs in the Simu in August 1610 ^ cf-^ ■m.' i . ♦ 2IO Afl/ST/iRS OF THE /.V/fAM/TA.VTS /.V f/KGLi'/A. Jonlans Joriu*y. ' ' ■ .^ '* Charles C'illie \ Mary Jordan her iJaughtcr aged 3 ycarcsx Margkktt Jordan aged 'l ycarc \ borne hearc Tkmperance Bale y aged 7 yeares j Servant's • William Dawson aged 25 yeres in the Discoucrji March i6n Rohert Turner aged 26 yeres in the frynl/jwc 16.9 John HELV'aged 24 ycarcs in the C/mr/cs November i6m Roger Preston aged 21 yeares in the Dbcoucric March 1621 R.JI.ERT Manuell aged 25 yeres in the C/.arks November 1621 Thomas Williams aged 24 yeares in the Duik May 16 18 Richard Johnson aged 22 yeares in the Southampton 16- William Hateeild aged in the Southampton 1622 . John Pead 35. yeares old in the same Shipp John Freame aged 16 yeares in the same Shipp The MUSTER of Thomas Palmer Thomas Palmer arivcd in fi^ Ty^cr November 1621 JoA^^E his wife in the same Shipp Prisilla her daughter aged xj yeares Servant's Richard English aged xj yeares in the ymms 1622 /- W W Tfi MUSTER of RoHERT E.sher Robert Fisher arived in the /ihabcth May 161 1 Katherine his wife in the AfartnaiJuk October 1621 SiSLV th«rc daughter aged I ycare Servant's * IDVL'IIAI.LIKRS a Maid servant agbd 30 ycares'in r Jmathan .619 PE< *T (Pit /: I i ..I ^ MUS'JI-KS Of'' THE /.\7/.I/!/Ta\7S AV I'/RCJMA. i\\\ Junians lorlu-y chariiscmic the MUSTl!.R of JoiiN Clavk Joii\ Cl.AVK arivL-il i^thc 'Jirastiror rcbnuiry 1O13 Ann his .wife in the ,•!«« Au;^ust 16^3 Servant's William Niciioi.i.'s ajjcii 26 ycrcs in ilic Duiit- in May i6i4 The MUSTER Of CiiuisToPiii.R Saikorh ChristoI'III'k Sam nun arivcd in the Treastiyor 1613 John Ghib's his |)tncr in the Stiffly 1619 Servant's Henkky Lam: aged ;;o yeres in tlie Soutlitimftofi 1623 -\ ' The MUSTEK of Hi.mky Williams Hknkry Williams arivni in the Traixnror- 1613 Susan his wife in th'e lt'i//i. Henery Thorne a;ed 18 yiarcs' JDIIN IM'IKII.I. aged r4 ycarbs I VIE BAnion a Moid scrvanjt -' Ann MrdHii.l. a Maid servant arivcd in the Gforge.\'6\() -aVived in the Jitims 1622 s/ / ♦ \ • ^. A W:!'' \ '\- -4' ^^i^r.RSOFTlh^jr^},,TANTSINVlJiGIN,A. , Chaplains Choi»c. . - -. cl,ark,e,,.i. J he MUSTER of Waltkr I'r.ce f Waltkr 'price arive'd in the mh»> & Thomas ,6,8 ' ' ' H^:nkhv Turner arivcd in the ykn & Francis ,6,5 ' Servant's Ldward Fallowes aged 30 ycarcs in the' Hopca.ell 'icz^ The MUSTER of Thomas Keie.' bARAii his wife in the Tnieiouc 1622': -' The MUSTER of John Browne John Browne aged 28 yearcs in the Z.W A'.,^ April! ,62, />. . . The MUSTER of John Trehearnk . JOHJ. Trehearne aged ii yearcs in the Trucloue ,622 ' '♦ , ' .- .._'_*,_' - ■ ' ♦ The MUStER of David Jones I>AV,D JONES agca 22 yearcs in the Truclcu, 1622 The MUST£R of John Box John Ik>x aged 23 yearcs in the Tntchue 1622 Murderers for the forte ■i J .\fUSJfiJiS OF THE /N/lABriAXTS I.V VIRG/XJA. 215 V^^ DEAD at Chai'lins Choise 1624. f He^^kry Wilson came; in the Tr'mloite 1622 slainc by y Indi.in< Nicholas Slttom in the janus 1622 siaiive by the Indiahs Nicholas'' Ualpwin in the Truchmc 1622 slaine by the Indians William Harnett in the Trmloiic 1623. Pierseys- jhc MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of Peirseys nuiidrcil. ^, . ■► DREli taken the lo"" of January 1624. Samuell SiLVRfE arivcd in the Scavcuture 1609 > Elizaueth his wife in the Margrett and John 1621 , ^ Servant's Henerv Carman aged 23 yearcs in the Duty 1O20 -. «*».. The MUSTER of m' Grivell PooLev Minister Qrivell Pooley arived in the James 1620" Servant's John ChaMders aged 21 yearcs in the Bdina Nova 1622 Charles Maoner aged 16 yeres in the George 1623 -•/ HUN- The Muster of Hvmfrev Kent HUMFREV KEVT^irivcJ intiic GWrge 1619 '^ .JOANE his wife in tiie Tygcr 162 I ^ MaR(;rett Arrundell aged 9 yearcs in tlic Abigaile 1621 ■> • Servant's 'Christoi'IIKR ijEANE aged 40yeares in the Neptuiu iTjk'JJ (* V 2 1 6 AfUSTEHS op I HE INffABITANTS IX VIJiGfXJA. I'icrseys Iiundrttl, The MUSTER of Thomas Dougi.tik Thomas Dqughtie arived ift the Marigold 1619 ' Ann his wife in the Marmaduh 1621 The MUSTER of Edwarp Auhorn Edward Auborn arived .in the Jomt/utn 1620 The MUSTER of William Baker William Baker arived in ihe yonat/uin 1^09 ' The M USTBR of John Woodson JohnAVoodson ) . , ^ SARAii^wife I'" the (7..r^. ,6,9 The M USTER of Edward Thret^orden Edward Threnorden arived in the Dtana 1619 Elizabeth his wife in the George 1619 The MUSTER 9f Nicholas Balv Nicholas Baly arived in thfc yomt/ian 1620 Ann his wife in the Mamtofluk 1621 The MUSTER of John Lipps John Lipps arived in the Lotidon Mardmint 1621 ■' - ir-Tit.'J.'"^ .-> .'"-■i'^'i'S! i . ' ■■■«. ■ ■'% /■ ,■ t> . , .-■■ ;t r ^ 1 - ■- ■■ ♦ ■ ■ « < /■ i , .> ' " ^ - ■ji *"' ■■■■ '\, v; % * \ -■ "■"" " ' ' ■ ■ • ..• j » ' ■ / ...^■■. " 1 ■*..'■'■■ - *?■- •V- • , - ^■L-'\ '*' r ^ * ^^ __ ■ -'-^' k B- ", — .^.,,._^.._, . -Sj -jv- -^-ye-j^ f?^ "/ •^Jl*''^ "-<-. ^-^ « *?-tf.-;y^Tgj{, -*if^> 5 -*-j." . ■ I' V AfUSj-ZiXS 01- run rXllAlilTAMS I.V VIRGIMA. ' 2,] I'lcr^cys huii'lred. ^ » " The MUSTER of m' Akraiiam Pkirseys Servunt s. Thomas Li:a '...':. aj^eJ 50' A>iTlIO.NY PaOITT ...'^.:. 35 SaLOMAN JACKMAN ^jv,. ,?0 JOHN Davif.s aged ......lis^i 45 Ci.i:mi;nt Roim-.k V..... J5 JilIIN BaTKS ;i:4Cil ■'.• 24 Ti II )M AS AnnK , -20 Thomas Brook's 23 Wn.l.IAM JoNKS 23 Pi:i.Tl-.K JoNKS, 24 V arjvcil in the Soullmui(>t, rnau'i: Wfr.LiAMS 23 ROHKUT GrAUKS 30 liUWARI) Hl'lililRSTI AD 26 John Lathroi' ,.. 25 Thomas Chamukrs 24 Wai.tkr Jackson 24 Hi:nkrv Sandkrs, jo William Ai.i.KN .^ 22 Gkorc. Dawson '4 John VI'ToN aged 26 in'thc Uonanova 1622 John HaMI-ORD aged 23 yeai'e.s in tlic Jiiiins 1622 William GaKRKTT aged 22 in the (iior^c l6ly Thomas SaWLI.I. aged 26 in the Gcorgi- i6iy Hknkkv ROWINGL aged 25 yeare.s in the Jcmpa-am< 1621 ■ Nathanikli. Thomas aged 21 yeres in the Tcmpiraiii, \()2l RrhakI) Hro.VDSHAW aged 20 yeares in tjie same ShiiJ|) RollKRT Oklly aged 1 9 yeares in the William 6- T/wtmn lO Negro Negro ',,'■' , 4 M'^i' '// 1623 :S ■■M •m-' K\ •\ 2,1 8 'j ^MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. I'iirwys hundred. ' . * Allice Tiiorowden 1 . , , Katheki.ne LliMAN 1 ""' '^'^''"' ' ="''^"' '" ^^'^ So„t/,omp,on 1623 ^ ^ Negro Woman. , Ne^ro VVotTlaa and a yongnTTT S' Sa.muki.i. Ar(;all's Cattell 1 '■: \ * . DEAD at PkIrsf.y.s Hundreu John Linicker. IU)WARD CarLOWE. ROHKKT HU.S.SVE. J.vcou Laruee. '' Anno Dfii 1624 John English. CiiRisToi'iiKR Lees Wife. Klizahetii JoNIS. <\>rPa'',ion . Tile MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of Pa.shkiiav.s cS: 'Vrr ^^"^ ^^^^''•- '^"^en the 30'" of January 1624 bebnjj- . ing to the Corporation of James Citt) Ada.m Dixo.\ arived in the Margntt & John Joseph Ryai.e arived in the Wiliiam & Thomns George Frier arived in the William &■ Thomas Vrsula his wife in the London Marchant Ai.LEN Keniston arived in the Margrctt & Jolin . Robert Paramour arived in the Sikwi ** WiLi.Ev.M Kemp arived in the (J^wr^^ ' ' MARGRliTT hfe wife in the George ^ Antiio.w liis Sonn aged 7 week's .^ 9 RICHARD Bridgwatter arived in the Loudon Marchannt- IsBEI.L hi.s wife in the same Shipp Hugh Haward arived in the Starr SrsA\ his Ayife in the Georire. • «:; )*-.. «. ■> MUSTEJiS OF THE INHABITAATS. IN VIRGIXIA. lU, Hknkrv Turnkr arivcd in the London Manli/lnnt , JoSKI'U Ckkw arivcd in'the London Manliannt Thomas Jonks arivcd in tiic London Marchannt . MAKiiRKir his wife in the same Shipp * >• Edward Hdukiiicth in the I^ndon Manliannt Rkvoix MORCOi K arivcd in the Jonatlian El-IZABETII his wife Thomas his tjonne aged i yearc. i;' Edward Fishkr arived in the Jonatluvi Sarah his wife in the Wanvick /Edward Kildai.IC her sonn aged 6 yeares Clark Ren a girlc djjed lo yeares. '■% John Moonk arivcd in the Ritnrne 1623 Servant's. Jli.IAN Hai.I.IlRS aged 19 yeares \ Gh.KS Martin aged 23 yeares Sin the TiHtioue 1623 Clin ION Rush aged 13 yeares ' RicifARD Smith arived in the l^ondon Marchannt The- MUSTER of the GOyernors Men at I'asbehaijihs Tho.MAS JcjRDKN aged 24 came in \\vi.^Diana. John MlLNiroL'SE aged 36 in the Loniion Marchannt Richard San.DERS aged 25 in the Francis Bonarcutiirc. Griffin Winne aged 28 in the Francis lifjuavcntiirc. ARriiuRE Chandler aged 19 in the 'Jonat/ian. , -, William Dorrkll aged 18 in tire Tnulone)\ ClIRIsiorilER RlI'I'INi; 22 in the Francis Bonnirntii.w Thomas OsiioUN aged 18 in the Francis Bonaixnturc. Georc;,e NELst)N aged \()\\\\X\«. Francis Bonavcnttircl Francis Butler aged 18 in the Francis Boiiavcnttire. ■ \ ■ 28—2 K' -■.' •■ ^■' •■.^- 1, '•■»•; - X.■ 220 AA:STr.R5i OF THE IXHABITANIS IN VJRCIAIA. 'ManiL-s (."ilty 'I'lloMAS-Bl-ANCK's aged 17 in the Frauds Fouaveiiliiie. Hknkkv Dowtik QKcd 19 ill the Jonathati. John Swakukck came in the llif Maim-. jaincs ( 'itty, Thomas Maklue came in the /)V/w.Vi/r-a'/r>t.. * i'. Robert Likce came in the Treasurer. Hi-GH BAimv'iNE came in the Tryak _ ' SX'SAN his wife in the , , ^ % --'Si. - # ■*-■ ■ .ik^'*- ""• ' ^'^■T' , Ta-^;^vj - 1 \l- *t 1% ■■'■' (J f ■ ' " » ^ fff I T-*S'7f«i >"?' ^/ MiSTJ:/"p came] in the (}tyre<- \f'-i Si.-r\pnt'-i j K()(;i;k Kii>1) a^^cd ':.\ \-carc-i in tile (,\;>ix,- 16J3 \ ■ Rulil-.KI ClKil.MI.I. JaMI.S SrAM)!.--!!.. ; c.inic in tho C/iari.'i, The MUS1"1:R of dJctci' roir's M.t.-n in Uicl-Malnx Thomas Li:isti:k a^^od 33 \x:yrcs 1<.0(;kr Stam.kv agcil 27 IAS PunCHARD aged 2» j J S;i:ry CuocKKK aged 34 / l came in tlic J\Hgaili- i6;o . Thomas Ckossk aged 22 John Tryk aged 20 VValtkr Bi;ark aged 28 RaM>41.i. Hol.T aged 18 ;/enres in the George 1620 The rest-Qf liis ser\ ant's/ Provisions, Anninition &ct. at Jami.s Cn j V. DEAD at PksBEHAicilft & in the Maim: 1624. Joachim Annijriws. / Hi:n'i:ry-Scott. Richard j^Mei RlCHAKlJ ' enfaf m' BuNNs. ,,{'#• lames The MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of, James Guru ^'"'' ifalscn the*^4''' of January 1624 The MUSTER of S^ Fi^\ncis Wyatt K' &ct. S' Francis Wyat/- K' Govcrno' f' 'cai>»tin the GiVrge 162 1 - . Servant's ^ CHRlSTorHER Cc/oKE aged 25 in the Gforf^f \6h -J-'Tf' & ,«:.- Q J ,f-( \ "^ -i^S.* •^ MUSrtRS OF THE INHAlifTANTS IN VIRGIXIA. James Citty. Gkorg Hall aged >3 in the Siiply id'20 Jonathan Gills 21 in the Tnall 1619 Joira Matheman 19 in tiie Jonathan 1619 Jane Da.VIS 24 in the . Ibigailc 162.' ■ '% ' 'fM:M^ The MUS -/eR of S' GKoKtiK Yearlkv K' &ct. , Sf George Yearllev JC' f ■ came in tiie Deliiurauu' iCoq . Temperance Ladv YLAKr.i.EV came in tlie Faulcon 1608 » III' Arcall Yearllev atreil 4 yeares ^ ■ m' Francis YEAKLLH^ aged i yeare , J-Clliidrun borne lieaic m's EliZAUETH Yeaki lev afjed 6 yer(;,s i J -^_ ^ •' Servant '.s. at James cfrrrv Richard Gkecorv aged 40. '-ik . ' • Anthony Jones 26 ■ / ."'••' TlioMA^S Dl^NN .4 can^^mtlte r^niHranmc 1620 ^ , THO\L\S PUHIU'ST 15 'jj^ Aj^ Thomas IIahm 17 in tiie /:'*j^||^9 KoHERT J'eake 22 in i\\(^,0ar/ir// ir JuJin 1623 ' Wii-iJAM Stran(;e i« imf^c Ccoi-ge 1619 RoOer TwoMVsim ^o'mLoiuioii Marchannt 1620 Ann his wife ;i|* , •Richard ARRiNDHiirJn the ,;/;/;iW/ 1620 • ' Geoki; Devekh.V^i« in the Tnnf>tranncc 1G20 Thomas' HARNiiiT'ifi iii the Etsahctlt 1620 - • THEol'HILj:?i IftvRlsToN 23 in the Ttrasiiroi 16)4 Ne^'ro Men, 3 « , ' , ,. Negro VVoemen. 5. - • ■ SUSAVH/VI.L in the William ^r Tlioiiias 1618 ' Ann VV^illi^! in the Tinif>iroiicc 1620 I'j I/.AI)E;J"H ArrundEI.L in the A/nj^atl l6jo. * ,. • Tlic rest of Ins ser\ant's at Hoc; ILAND. V,' ( ■■;ltb. AtUSTEKS OF T/ff-l /Xrr.lPlTAMS /.\' /'/AY/V.W./. iis _ « James Cilty, The MUSTER (rf 1 )o( To' J< .1 1 N I'oTT Docto' John roTT ) . , ■ .1 ^- ,r,^ ■' ' anvcil in the (jii'ri^r 1G20 m'^ I'J.IZABKTII ToTl ) ' ' Scn'ant's. . KIcHAKD TowNSIIKNl* agcii 19 ycarcs i'n the Ahigaik \C)2Q Thomas \Vii,so\ aged 27 >carc-s in the .U'/xcii/i- 1620 Osmond ^SHTII aged 17 yeares in the h'oiiii Xova 1O20 ^^--""'^ SrsAN Bl.ACKWooii a Maid strv'ant in tlie-;//'/^rt/y<' 1622 4 {j The MUSTER of Cai' R.h;i,k. Smith CapV,RoGKR Smith f'amc in the W/'/^^rt/Zf 1620 ni's JoANi; Smith came in the />/<««//,fr • Kl.IZAliLTTl Saltkr aged 7 ycaies came in tlie Siaflourc El.IZAUKTH Ro.,FK aged 4 yeares | ^^^^^^^, .,, ^j^^,;,,;^^ _^ Sakau M acock aged 2 yeares. ) , . Servants; Chaki.KS Wai.LKK aged 22 came in ihc A /ni;/iwll 1623 - , Tlie fest of his men iheire rmvisions Armes , Servant^ '■ John 1,1(111 Ti'ooi I, in the .Vc"*- I'ncucK his wife in the Bh-ssitiff,- Servant's ' Thomas Smith a^red i; yeares io the Aln<^aile IlKNtRV Hkadkoru aged 35 yercs in the Abigaile • IvsTKU IMJKRIKK a maid servant in the Jonathan AN(;ki.o a Nej,'ro Woman in the Tmisiiror. The rest of his servaiifs ; Provisions, Armes, Munition &ct at The MUSTER of m' Aiiraiiam Pkirskv Marchannt m.AimAifAM Pkirsky came in the- Susan 1616 r-:ijZAnii TH hi*TiTnijrW?i^.ri.d 1 5 yeres ) ' Marv his daughter aj^ed 1 1 yere* * '"'""'"' '" ""-" ^o"'^'""'/""" ""'-M Sej^'ain's ClIKISToi'iiKK [.1:1.; ;,}jed 30 yeres x \Ci yeres ( Rry(AKi) SKkriiANT aged 36 came in the Southampton 1623. Ai.ici-; CiiAxniKRs ) . , ( \»i-. c. r '"■"" servant's. 1 ANSIS bllAW > • -' The. rest at I'eirscys I'lundred. The MUSTER of m' lit.WAKi. Hi.ankv. -iV i:i)\S.\RI) ni.\Ni;v came in W,e franc's /iouairnlun- Servant's K<>iil.KiHi;\v aged .;o came ill the />«//,■. , ' JnHN KlNSKI.I.aged i.jinthc A'wrt.V<>TW , ' The rest of his Servant s Armes &ct at his I'iant^cn Over y- Wattcr. KoliKKr i'oni 1, came In the J AM Ks if K MO n came in the /•'««,»!<»•«/«/-/ " * iiis wife in tile , ^»" =^ '^ i J, Jm mm H ' h-- -4 MUSTER!^ Of THE INirABITA .\TS IXWRCJXJA. , ■*- ' fame-, ("ittie. John Soutiikkn came in tlio Givri^c 1620 Servant's. Thomas Cuusr aj,'ed hmwc '\n \\w Giorg^' xdzo Randai.I. S.MAl.i;\vooD cami; in tlic Gl'.oudK (iKAl'K came in tiic Scavnitiirc Kl.NtJK his wife in the Susan John Grauk tiicirc sonnc ajjed ro ycarcs Rkbkcca Snow | , ■ , . :• her daughters. Sara Snow ) Kdward Cadci-: came in the Mivmaduke Nai HANri;i.i. Ji;i I Ri:vs came in the (7///. John Jackson came in the ^^ John Jackson his sonn ajjed <) )eaie'? GlCRCIAN Bltck aged io ycarcs ' Thomas Ai.Nirr came m the Gi/tt- his wife in the J/tirjX'>M Servant's, Ko(;kr Ror.li's aj»cd 20 yeares in the /nmj' /nss. Pkki KR Landman came in tlie lyiKkm & Thomas. MaR,V liis wife came in'tlie I'l.i; ri.R AscAM her sunn ajjed 1 )eares AuKJAIl.i; As( AM her d,lui,'hter atjeil 4 yeres. <■ HKNomv lU'i K a^;ed K yeres l'l.i,i:(i lUcK aged 4 yeres Servant's AliRAHAM PoUlKK aged 36 yeares in the Thomas Sawikk aged 23 yeares in tile \\\ John lU KUi'iWKS came in the BRHHiKTl' his wife Mara Buck aged. 13 yeares ' 39 "S \ « .^ ^ « \. ' « 1 L_.^^ ♦ ' . . ■. » » V . ■- 4 X .• ."■s^ * » • « • 4 ' ? * -* . - i ^ . % f \ \ ^ ^ 2»6 ,. MUSTERS 0J-- THE INHABIIANTS IN VIRGINlJt. II* ' ~"' ■"" ~' ■ , »— ^* — ■ ' — .- . ■ Janfcs Cilly. • - ". Servant's ■■ » JilriN CoQKKdRctl 27ycarcs ' " -- ' Nil iloi.As Goui.DriNcii a^cd h9 y^rcs John HuADSTON-aged i*yere9» , .,' TiimiAS Tii/jUdWciooi) a(,'u, ' « William Mrra I canH-iji the i^wM/Zw;/ * • , •^ Marckuv his wife in the r;fwy<-f<)23 * , KlciiAKDSTKKPiiLNscamein the 6vJm- 1621 'servants. Wasskli. Ravnlr a^icd 28 yores came In the TiK.MA.S Sl-ILLMAN a^ed 28 yeres in the Gcorq-e 1623 , ' EdwaiU) i'Klsi; aged 29 yeres in the George 1623 ,9- , J»ANERaYNKR wifoof-WASKELLk-AVNEk , Gf.okgk MiNli'it! arivcd in the Samuei/ July KJjj Servant's John Gkii-ii\ aged 26 yeares in the lVi//iam 6- John 1624^ ' KdwakI) Willl\MS aged 26 > cres came in the same Shipp. John Barnltt aged 56 yere» came in the Jonatltau 1620 • lITitH I'rawd in llie oriijiiial. ) ' t . ) \ |/#' #^ >*K * I ■ iiiU..,.,,,JllMJ mmmmmn i.'*' 1. -^ r^ :1- '^ ■5». ^:-' , AfUSTERS OF THE ISHABliAMS:.JN.VlKGL\fA. f Jttnics Ilcanil John Stoak's ) Ann his wife 3 ,). ■ came in the Warickk'. ■f I -y^ kiCHARI) TKKK came in tiie George . John his Sonilevagecl 12 yeres ''. Servant's SllA'lisTKR Hui,l.i:j« afjcd 28 ycrcs came in the WltlM Lasky ) N'. , ,. , ' ^ Susan his wife ) - --i « John VVkst came in the j9(7/^ ^cw Thomas Cromi'k came in the^^'. * * * John &RKEVKTT came in the ■, » Eli4^ his wife in the « ■ , ,' . ' - — 4x / )- THO.MAsTaSS.NK)RK ) . ,, ,.'\' '■', ' r came m the ('/,, »•?«■. ■ > Jank hiH-wife , N. 3 *^- » ^ Servants. .\ ,,\ '■ ■ Thomas Kj-rR^-na; aged 24 yeares in the NojIim//- , Robert Juman aged 20 yeares in the yacol). '-p John KucKMl'SiiKR aged 20 yeros inthe //f/>ti'i^. Christopher H,\i.i, came in the ' RoiiKRB4'i if came in llii (Iivm: • -ANNJiii* wife in tiie Ahigai/e - '(ti:oR(;H Onion came in the, /'"«»//<■/> bona venture. Eu/.Mm:\\i his wife in the same Shipp. - V Francis 1'AI.[. a boy aged 6 yeares ' • TJiomas Pali, a boy aged 4 yere»-' • ' . ' J.»nN Hail Camom'thc JoIih &J'raiiiis. ' Susan ^is wffe in ihc^I.omien Jfitrefiiuif • ■ * \ . "•- i I . * » J^t /- ' \ X '** 1 % ...'' \ 1 '.' h-f ( ■ 228 ^^ MUSTERS OF THE milAIilTANTS m VIKGJ^U. James Hand. ■ ' . RoBKRT Marshai.I. camc in the George { "Ann Ws wife in the same Shipp Thomas Gru^B came in the George ' John Osborn came in the ^. Mary his wife in the 1 William Spencer came in the Snra/i. ; AlIice his wife in the \ AX.UCE theire daughter aged if. yens. Thomas Grave came in the MARtiRETT his^vife in the William theire Sonn aged 3 yerc's JON£ theire daughter aged 6 ycrcs.' Gauriell Holland came in the 7o. Rebecca his wife in the same Shipp* & Francis. JosiAS Tanner aged 24 ypres came in the Andrew Raii.ct came in the William Cooksey Thomas BAt;LEN William Carter John JoHNJioN ' Ann his wife ^ John his sonn aged i yeare Ann his daughter aged 4 yercs •►^■■. Alice Kean a Maid servant. ■ John Hitchv .' '''Thomas de La Major. .;.*% ■\ (( f. m-' .' '•> -d- ' «.; .*r w- A- ■ \* /" MUSTERS OF THE IXHAPITAXTS /\ l/SG/.X/A. •DEAD at Jamks'Cittii: S:"-!!! the Ii.anh 1024 , - Rkiiaki) Mumk6ri> ,• Geowjic Ci.aukk BARTI.oMIAV Bl.AKh " ! W.ILI.IAM WaUKKToX, ,- SiHli.l, ROVALI, . • GOODWIIK Jkffkkkvs Thomas Popkin . ' • Thomas Sidks t Thomas \Vi:sf '* . , • W" Si'KNCER a'Child ^ , • a servant of- ni' KktHs ' ^ m'* PEH Edward a Negro • ( • ^' IsuELL Pratt cfame in the 7(»/w//w« ' . v •John Smith came in the 'Awwiifw/wrf, „. TiioNfAS Bagwell came in, the ft I • »' \ > V3- 4^ m x:y: ' :'.■ . , 'i • • • ' , ^ . •. ■ " ■ . It , \ ',, * .' t 1 1 ■J8. ' ■ - ■ . b ' - , .. , rJ . * N ' * / f' ■* ■ " 1 ■• i. • '^ - ' / ■ ■ • \ - , / •- < \ _\ , ■ ' ■b i V ^ ' • ■1 - ^ -■- ^ - ' f . • K f- ■ *" / ' ' ' 0* ' -'. _^„_.. .- -_. ;-jJ- _ *\ '^f" 1 t 1 ■ . " . - '. ^ 1, * t k f' ■ ":■'■'■■. : •■ --t. - - V ' ■ . / • 1 7 \ *■ .V - ' ( • • (/■ 1 1 1 ^ 4 * \ / 1 ■ .,V W "thf r Vv './ •J 230 A/cs7EJis OF rni: inhabitants in Virginia. Neck (>r Uintl tiea^^' » ~ ^ ^" ' James (illy ' ' ■• TlKWiAs HKNKiTcame in the^o«a'iVyi'rt* ' • Maiu;i:ry his wife in tlic Guift Sarah «ROMKi.(; n Child of 2 yeares old. " John RKUDisai came in the • ' ■ m- Al.NUTT and his servant here I'lanted rccom:d before in the Muster of JaMKS ClTTIE. ■ * ■ ■ . . ■ j^ DEAD in this Plantacon 1624 ' _ — a Man servant of m- KiNGSMKi.L's. - ' •' ■■,.\) ' , ■'■ • ' • LIUING " . . ' Rltlh\K[) PiKRCi: Ei.i/.A.n..TH his wife I "'"" '" ''■" ^'^"""' .Arohcis llc,|,c. T ■ ■ ^ JaiiKN ('itty -Thomas Bran-suv came in the Charitie ' • * - * Servant^s- ' * \ Ninioi.As GREKNHtLi. aged 24yeres ■> " C.iA,nvAU.AOKR JONES a.:ed .2 ^eres [came in the Alan.a^ui- .623 Kf)lii:RT Cri:w aged 23 ycarcs J - Jdiin- Ki.Llsov came in the /';-w/tvw<.f lu.l.lN his wife in the C/wnV/'f .. ' ; i Servant's 1 John Haijklev aged 24 yeres came in ilicJ/o/r,c'c//'i62i Thomas Fari.kv came in the Ahc 1C23 " ^ Jam-, his wife in the same Shipp. Ann a Child ' . ■ " Servant's ,, Ni< HUMS SIIOTTEN aged 40 yeres in the A„h 1623 / ^ ' . >. _,!#, J V I ■;# 1 l "^y J"*; .'^0f \ MUSTERS OF TlIF, r.\/fAP!TA.\rs IX l/RO/X/.-l. .-31 Archers Hope. James fKty JosKl'lI JdllNSON came in the Wi/Zhtiti & Thomas MAKtJKKTT Ills wife in the Ahigaitc Georgk PK(JUSK came in the Diana \ ■* DEAD at AijciiEKs'H.oi'i. 1624 Gkorck Ellison a Child ^ Maid servant of m' HkANSHYKS. WiLIJAM 15k(j\vm;. # •.■^. ■ Burrows Hill ■• " James Cilty ' ' "^'' . . m' BUKROWKs; and stx of his men w^^'' are phinfed, heare are rcti)ncd ' vv^'i theirc Armcs Provisions ^'^. at jAMKh ClTIlK ' " John S)#rni came in tile /:V/br sc;ini<} in the Soiithsam ......... 27 William ikild 23 i'eeter mon iix'ue 21 ^ Robert I' i.RN.M.i. 31 i« t)\c Lomion Maichaul i6i.j Walter Coop [Co(jper] H in tlie Jonatluin 1619 •a 4 6iS w- in the Cliiiitis 1621 William Walters 27 in the ,/>.<;/(» .\'( Nicholas Cuai'man 31 in the Jouatltan 1619 Grec.orv Sl'Icr.K 22 in the Triall 1618 NlCIlnLAS Peirse 23 in the Folcou 1619 Robert Pknn 22 in the Ahigaitc 1620 • - ' '"" \yiLLIAM UaLBV 28. i|l the l'iirl/uiiimc\f)22 ' il^oMAS J+rri'soN 13 in the Hoiia Xcvit 161.S ' ;, AvUUAilAM Wlioij 10 in the Miiignti f Jo/in i62o § *- 3SSt • T^- - *:. # ▼ a^'^ ■ ^f.^^vv^tl^^w^*' I r ^- r » # 2J4 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Cap' Mathews Plant James Citty William Kingsley 24 . I, Thomas Briugks ,2 )'" "-^^ ^^'"'""'d'^k .623 Artiiure Goldsmith 26 came in the Diana 1618 % m,Crow(lers Plant. ^ ' . ' James Cilty _ . m" Hugh Crowder came in the Bona Nova 1619 Servant's Richard Ball in the Ci-tf/y^ 1617 , :{toMAS Hawkins in thq yames 1622 P^iutK^ENALLES in the Tryall 1619 , ," NrcHOLAS Smith a boy of 18 yeres in the Bom Nova 1621 John Vp*IN a boy of 14 y cares in the George 1623 m' Treasurers Plant. The MUSTER of m'-GEORG Sands Esquiiy-^ m- Georg Sandis Esquire Treasuro' e^*came in ti.c George i^Pl K Martin Turner^ George Bailife John Spark's John Dancy v John Edward's Nicholas Tompson Rosamus Carter John Stone a boy Nicholas Comon Nicholas Eyres a boy ■pAviD Mansfeild \ ■John Claxon I Thomas Swifte John Baldwine Servant's >-cama.in the George 1621 ■,»-/ j; in the Gui/te 1622a in the Bona Nova 1619 hired servant's . !■ in the Tyger freemen. ^622 s. ...-; f^'. ^ 1P^ I 'p. -^^f^ \ }' MUSTERS OF THE IXHABfT^NTS IN VIRGISIA. 255 \ ;11lLL Poole a french man "of thcircs 111' Treasur.ors Plant, jaiucs filty m- Th^MUSTER ofthose that Line in y^ Tk7Casuroks .Plant. Robert SiiiiAi'ERD ca'mc in tlip 6' -f^a^ ^^"ff^s^^^ii •RDi;c,rv Knk.iit in the William &7oh„ Thomas Doi.kman in the Rettime .Kl.KlNTON Katlikfi, i,n the .SVrr/w/r Thomas PovWl in {he S.ajloiire. Thomas Cooi'Br in tlie Rciumc John Daviks inthc Guifte. The MUSTER of Luktkp«St Darkle^-. Liuetciiht Edward BAKKfliV in the Vmtic. ni'- JANK RaKKI.KV in the Srnputy. Jane Uarklkv his daughter. ^ Servant'.s TiiOMAS^in.i.ip's I . , , FRANCIS- UARKETT ) '" '^C A,«a A'«<, $■ .■ f^. % » / -^ i ' ' .' * ^^f^' if 5Jt-w5^'i- t t^ AfUSTKKS OF THE I\J/.4JUTAX7\S /X l/A'a/A/.l. Hog I bill I R(.>iiERT Martin in tlic (j^pr^c. Kathkkin 1),VVIi;s in the Smitlmmfton. Srg jp,r> JiiliN Vtv came m \hc' Fraiuis iiotMlviiliire Ann his wife in tlie Scaflniirc. JdIIN Ills Sotin in the Sia^oiire. ' Sonant's ' WILLI A^Ulii:KT lin they;,„y, ^,^v William Sukkkr ) . Rk'IIAru Hk ki.ky in the Ketiime. John Ciilw came in the Cliaritk. SAraii his wife ii) the Scnjloure. Servant's. R()(;Lk Dklk in the Southampton. Samuli.i, Parson in the Hopmcll. " Waltlr Hasllwood \\\\}a& Due Rcturtic. Hknkry Klwooi) ) ■ William Ramsiiaw ) .John Stonl in the Swaun ".SiSLY his wife In tlie Seafloure. tlKNF.RY Crocker I'n the Marygold J ONE his wife in the Swan. HenerV Woouwaki) in the Dia^a. , <^ANE his wife nioMAs lliTtKOCK in the Marygold Alice his wife K()(;er Wi'.iisTER J DANE his wife i JoANE Davis. ,-.; n the Francis Bonavcnturr. 1 4 • » • * ^^ . ' /■ \ ' ■ !■ ■ J^ ::S--^ ' ■ ..» — • \ S™ * ' /■ "' ~ * • '• ( ( ■r s ' 1 k . J / , ■ — 1 V \ - t - _ \ ' * ) I • m^ '* :' f ' . * , t ' / • »•• ■ ' • '' ^ , 1 t ' d " . , ,''■ / m .A' 1 f4 , Jj^ ^^^■1 L_ ^tfiV.*-?^^ * ^ !&■ V «* .«».» ' -' "' ■ - ■ . - ■ ' 2.<.< A/i sr/-ffs OF Tin: j.x/li/i/taa'ts av i/a'g/.\/.i. a lloj. II.IH.I. T\w. MUSTER.of S' Gkokc Ykaki i.kvs Mcii M.vximH.iAX-STnNK aKcd 36 cameTntlTe r««/m.;,r,- ifiio- — " Eu/.AiiKTU his wife in the same Shipp. MAXiMii.i.iAN his. sonn aped 9 months. - K()|)i;kt,Gi;v 22 in the .Saw//// r6i9 . " lUiWAHi) VATii.s 18 in the l!>/ifj' 1619 Cksak I'lCcjiiTT 20 in tlie Z)/rt//a iCig __, _ _. /\i.i.i;\AVl)lCR S^NDKRS 24 in the rrudoiie 1623 ^ ^ Wii.i.iAM Str.uiikv 17 in the rm/mz/za' 1*620 ' 1%. GiiORGK WHiTfcH.WD 24 in the 7V;///*c/-a«f<. 1620 HiNKRV Ki\f; 22 .in the Jonhtlian 1620 ' ' ^v JOHN DaV 24 in the Ai/W,»// J/,jrf//r////// 1620 ' ' The wife. )f John Uav in the same Shipp ■ . J OH \ Rt )oT in the Unift ..,..'. j Wai.tir Hi.AKi; in the^Kv/// i Duellers. Tin >MA> Watt's in the Treasiiror} . • '• , . / . ■■: > .- iikAVIU DUTTON ) , ■ / ' t., ... "ii h Deac '^ Rich: Hakkr ) , ^ - , The rest of his senant's, I'lovisions ''' >' Amies &-ct reconed at James Citty - . - M.itflns UuiuIkhI. * \^ ^ ,, The MUSTHR of tlu. Inhabitant's of M ak nsO 1 1, nhkh, J tiiken the 4"' of February 16*24, , 'ni' Wll.l.IAM HaRWOud eame in the Irnnas Ifo,,,,;-, uun- Hi' y-^ ,Scn ant's ' _ '■'» . ^ lln.ii Hl'(;ii's came in the Ct/*///, . ' • %\nn his wife...... ' THOMAS D-nUiriTIK aged 26 | came in the .//v.,,// John H.\si.i;v i^jjed 22ycrcs ) - ■ Samuki.i, VVkavkr 20in the A,.;/r /v.>.r /, . I-I.UAllKTIl Uvc.RAll, iji.iniv in the Huiltlrcil • luj.is EMi'.ksfJN > # Ann iiis wife '-caiu>- in the (7 Ricu.VHl) Smiiii a^ed 24yeres camc'iin the George 1O23. ' ." Si i;i;i;ilKN Bak-KKR came in the Janus _ HUMI'llKLY WaI.DUN in tlie Urtr;i7W- . ' . .|n>..N Jackson '. came in the ;r<,rT«r/.. ' Ann his. Wife. ■' A Chi|B aj^^'d 20 week's y, ■ 'Servaiit'a. ', TlIOM*VS**W.VRb aKed47 yeres ... ) ^v. wr i b t/ / came m the Wdrutik '.. JoHN^TEKi'ilKNS 35 yeres ...».., ' .• . <^ Samuki.l Mascii came in the Willta\ii & Tlwmus. '^^^■M- Cnl.hici: hislffe in the/I«»; ifiij SAMUKbL Cut. I.KV came in tile /,('«(A'// yJAiz-f/ww// ■ r- ■ . RoBKRT ScoTCll.viftHi; an^l his Company now planted heare-an rccciniictl' before in the MAIN i: • DK.'^) at Martins lk'NURKL)\;his ycarc Ali.IC^^ Emkrson a girle . . • . ' RuiiKkt a boy of m' EmarjjoNs , ., a niplt-'oCXglrN Jacksons >■ ' ■ a c%iiti o^.SAMUKI.I. NrARcii. y .<■ •*• ♦• *k •^ \^ 'all 240 MUSTERS OF T/n- I.XirAHrTAyrS l\ VIRGIXl.l. Mulhurif Ilan.l. The ^IL'S^I•:l< of the Inhabitant's att Mli.ulkv Ii.And taken the js'"! of January 1624. q"he MUSTER of Cap^ William PikkCis servant's . Rkiiaki) A'tiki.ns aiied 24 came in the London Marc(^nt Aiti(;Ai,L his wife \ .,•<,,, ,,, ,, , >canic 111 the Ahit'i, \Vii.Li,\M Uaki:r aged 20 . J KoiiLKT AsnyN 29 in tho./;vrtJ7/n/r Hu(;ii \ViN(;*5o "| \, Ronmv La rifoM 20 [ Kic.iiAKi) Ai.DoN r,, p-"""' '" ^'';-' ^^"""^'' ";-'J Thomas \V(h»I) 35 J ' ' RofiKk RUCF. came in the Charles AlllxaN'Dlr (iii.L 20 in the /;,»<>■ Axf Samulli. MiiKKis 20 in the Ahii^.xll Thomas Rose' 35 in the yonal/nvi Ruuiik r IIeduks aged 40 yens in the John Vir(;() came in the Ticasiiror Susan his wife in the sajnc Shipp John Gaitkk came in the Gfi>rge 1620 William Rpchardsov came in x\\i^ P.dwint Richaiu) Fink came in the Wptnn,- JoHNiTVoWLLL came in the Margirti i'- y,,/,,, Rk iiIki) DowNKScame in the Jomulun , John Ckanilii came in the Mair^^oU ' • . Tlki I'VALi \VV)oi) came in the Grorxi- Aw his wife' in ihc Genial: ' Wii 1,1 AM Ravmont ciinu- in thr X.ftniif Whi IAM lilLLoi k i.uiu: in the l.tiatluiii \ . ^^ N 3^ ■ \ ■ t '#.- ^- nBlHI fi^' , >••'**• '.:J^. t "» ■ A V ■ . CjRack his wife .in \.\K(h'oi'ge '"' . ' ■ Servant's. ., TifiiM'vs Ri;ai) aj^e'd 65 ycres , . i }r% j«o _AVarisciiyack, ..- ■ .-_#.: i|The MUSTER of the InhabitaiKs at WAKiscqy^c k * " , . taken the 7"' of Fohr 1624. '^ The MUSTi"!R of ni' ICdwakd I?i.n\i r[\ servant's-;^ llr.NKKY PiNKE came in thc/.c« Francis iGji" IJIWARII MAVHANK > John A'itki,ns i ° ; William D).nu,m Jin the Ciiif/,^ Frani IS Bank's ) Marv a^'cr^'ni Woman in the A/ari^ff & .7<>/i'! ifcj [Itassi.', Ounsil - .-^ ♦ _ _i IJSTFR of the Iphabitana- f)f JUhsks Chov'sl C;\F'NAriijft|L HAssKhis MrS'l NathaNH-.LL Hassk ajreit 35 in X\\c fiirllurnHCi {ft22 William Barnaru aged 21 in tlie furlhiraihi'iCKi EuwARl) WKi(;E aj;ed 22 in the Abigail 1O21 f J!-^')*-- ■**■ ■\ Mi* A., . '■ v^. "*. I,; " Ricif\Kr) LO'ngi/ his MUSTER; x. RU^IMU) I,()N()3 dfjccl, 3^ iir the . Al II 1 LoNi.l .ifVcl 2i iritju- I'onddii ^larclmiit 1620' ' RoiiAKr L().\(;h \ L[iilil*torni,; in Vinniiia * ''■ «< . Wariijcinack * RlV;ii.\ui(' jfij^'AJn'H iiis -M USTER *'■•■ lUXjIIARii I-:vANi)-'s4'*-'J 3sNn th<.\iy>^(//c l6|^^i '. ' VVii.Li\\M Nkwman his MUSTER A VVii.i.iAM NI:\v^^\^- ;k^tU 33 in \W l-„r1lnmua- xGii ' , JoilN Akms- aged 35'ln the //W/mi//,,' 162.' HiAKii; \Vo^)WAki. his MUSyiR HtNKiK WiiiiinvAKi) ayod 36 in the Jt)li\ HkowMNi.!-: a^d 22 jn the .\bigall 1621 • Servant's ^ Ami)K XvniASIKI.l. H.\i:fC.\V.)irni [./>■ N. ,^'^^'ll-^^'"-ll- ,' Son-.int's i. IlA.VKWORTIl] TitOMAS * TioM 'fs SiiKwori) of M' lii;\.\i:r's"nif]i I v ' l}i \l\M|\ HWD'I, i:\Ri: slaync hy tlic'Imliaiies ' / [ Allw-i' Came in]l\\c f/^i' I 'Jj,-r //•'//< f i6.-;i: . -' mvv^ ^ ' Mr Danniku-l Gi) M'U.STKR' ^^^ Sorvatites \\'ll.y,\M,SV'ADS%voRTll aged: ,26 Vi'Al.I.lAM KdocKKs af^cii: 24 T/iioNiAs Curtis a^ecl:*24 'r.KTKR Siikrwooi) aged: ib ("iIlliKRl" XVlHTHr.uagcd: 23 f RiM', Or 11 UN aged: 24 '. ! Wii.i.iAM Smitu aged: 23, ' | "An I'll' IN u-. KitsUDRTii atred: 26 J JSAVlliDl.l.VWARR aged 22 ,'H|-.N1»IK CaRSI.KY aged: 23' Rj )(■,!. K \Vai..KI;r aged: 22 I'DMoND Mokgun' aged: 22 t% ^Wii.i.iAM Cf.ARKK aj><^; 25 Jiisl I'll Mosi.rv aged: 2^1 j,^ ' Jill in PaRRAI'T aged: 36 K' ii;art SmiTII aged: 22 Wll I lAM Crdni.v aged: 24 W'll 1 1AM I.nN(.l. aged: 19 An SI. I'-liSWdRIll aged; 44- lU.l.NiiR II ARRIS aged: 2 1 DHAD in this I'lanmi ' J one Armi:siriiNi.i 111 siftlJiiiVlhi'- rcf.-r« 1.1 Ihi; viUyllj of lln- ri.inii.. Inni Is no '■ I'lato" HI llu' Mn^'iti;il.| ill thr Proiiiiitiur X, '''-3* ;i- i. / •« 4 ^«^ .v ■-■hi^ mj »!■!'; j-**3 - -i^ ^ "/T Z"-'"^"- ■JfTt-Wl^'J 5r,- 11 S^ 244 MUST/iRS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. * ■ * l-.li/alH.'lh Citlii- ,. y !f Citi-r William TccKKK.his MUSTER Capt William Tucker: a^jcd: 36: in the Mary aud James: 1610 ^>Ir^ Mary Tl'CKKR aged: 26: in the G'.'^;;^'-^; 1623. ,Elzabeth Tucker- ix>mc in Virginia in August: , ' .'^■George ToMsoN aged: If ' Pauj.E Tomson aged: , 4 : f ,„ the George 1 623: WiLLLWt Thomson — 1 1 ) P.^scoE Cha.mpion agcd'23 1 Sl-RENGIIT SUKERK aged: 23 J '" ""^ ^^''"""' '^-' = Thomas Evand'.s aged: 23 ^ Stei'UE.vCollowe aged: 23 [ jn the George: 1623. ROUART Mlnuay agedriS J Mathewe R()IHN,so.\.\ aged: 24 in \\\c grcatc /loPcue/J 1623: RjCHARU Al'1-LETON aged: 19: in the James 1622. J(JHN MoRRLs aged 24: in tlie Bona Nona: 1619. * Maky Morri.s aged 22: in the George 1O23 William Hutchinson aged 21: in the- Diana 1618, ^ Peeter Porte R-^ged 20 in the 7jyi and Francis: 161 1-: Elzabeth Downkman ai;ed; 22: in the War-Miei-e 1621, MOYSES Stones aged; 16: in the Bone Bcs 1623 -\ 'i- " J""-" Laydon his MUSTER John LaYDox aged 44: in the 5//W// 1666 Anne LayDoN aged 30: in tlie Mary Margetl 1608 \ \ * I' ^i*"! t # '■7' . i "•if I ? • 1 ' ' . *•, ' ■ ■ ■ . ' r ''■'■■' '■ ■ - .1 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA ^ i;iK\licth Citlic ' . I . Virginia Laydon -, | AlckLavdON ••••jbornc in Virginia. Katiipvrin Lavddn ^•■•l . . , Mar(;i:rf.tt Laydon ../ \ / «<■-«',■» William Coli- l;is,^lUSTER William Colk aged 26 TiTthe Neptune ifjiS Francis Cole aged 27 in the Susan ,i6t6 • Roger Farbrase aged 26 in the Ehaheth 1621 Miles Prickett and Francis Mitchell thciuHH^ 1 Miles Prickett aged 36 in the S.turr: \(>\o W^% Francis Mitchell aged 38 in the Ncptwu- i6i'.s ' •" ^ Maudlin Mn( hell aged 21 in the Bona Nona i6jo John Mitchell borne in Virginia 1624 Richard Yonge his MUSTER Richard YoNt.P: aged 31 in the George 1616 ■}. \ JOANE yoNGE aged 26 in the Gidfte lOiS • ' / JoANE YONGE aged 2 bomc in Virginia . ^ ' , Si SAN '■ aged 12 in the .V:cv;« 1624- i. j|^g ||^^ \ — "" ^ ^..', "\ i - ' LeiueteS-: Albiano Lti'o hi^^*M IS ll'-R Albiano Luro aged 40 in the Szcan 1610 1 Kl.l/ABETH Luro aged 28 in tlic George 1616 ; Temperance Lupo aged 4 borne in, Virginia Ser\aiit's | ' Henrie Draper qged 14 in the George 1621 J(JSEP11 iL\M aged l6^ui the ll'arwiAe 1621 V = ■45/ EKS. » * V ^^. '"•r~ ju^ .Hf' - *'-i .\ -f^ ne "* ■'*■-■/ •f^Hl'' ifjf' C ,^,i(>.- MCSTE/iS 01- THE IMIAIUTA^'TS IN VIRGINIA **-■ (_" ■■ ^ i*Jf ' — John P,mi.i,i. his MUSTEK • ^v" 4?V|*f'^' l'"Wl-l.i. a-cd 29 in t]^c Swaltoxce 1609 &^K",\Tni''J""^ l'|)\vi:f.l. borne in virfjihia ',* _ Servant's ^ '■J'' '^' ^^JyUu/ John 1620 WH.l.IAM-^Ilrti aged 30 in the Jacob 1O24 '. -'ri^oHAKT Hkittin his MUSTHR ' R'lliAKT »RlTTiN»aged JQ: in \\\^£Jwiii 1618 ~-4' % f '^^"" '■'■ ^^^^''''•^''^ft''.J"""i ■''jft*-'^ ,4!ieij< MUSTEK MilU-,l,], \Vll.(:()(.^^^ged'^n the rn^i'ous.'xCAoy' . ",/ 1:1 /AiiKTIl Wll.j.CiM Ki;s a^jed 23 in the Concord 1621 \ ' - JoiiN Sl.ATi:»ih"^4;d 22 in. thO hvi>/y<' 1617 .' '* * • '' Anm. Si .ati;r ai,'ed||j&Stthe Gnfjl 162 A,. A -^fill^ , .^ ■, • ■*» • 1 ■ Sei;\-ant'.s ^J%, .J \\ii:> iM.ii.i) age4^20 iii.thq .%J«// 1624 %■ aSiM !>.■' V;* • JoM.i'ii Coiiii'^s "MUSTICR J'Ki:ni CoMI! .igeet 25 in tlie Tnasoror lC>\i i:i.ZAm;TU CoDii aired 25 in-^he /; . John SnoWmciu a.4ed 25 in the ' . i#^:'- ii 2|?^ ■'""■^ J'iKNAi.i. aged 20 in t4»e ./«// 1623 ^Mr"*"^-*^ '''•"i, '''"'•'"""■^'- J""M.s age* ir*in tlig^^B|;;v»// W^/V'-jfeo » *. " '^■■i> • # -*- iJi ^^ \ ■■»•■ /^ • -v %s '# w t "■y!.. •^Ml^^TO • ^ .)/rS77:A\S Oh TIIF. IMIMUTAXrS IX VIRGIMA I'.l/aln-lh CitliL- ft • CoRMi.us Mav his, muster 'HKi.irs M.wi; a^'cd 25. iii.tlii-' /Vw(/ Sara J l i.ian aged 25 in the Xiftnm- KliS Wll.l.IAM Ki:M1' aged 33 in the ll'ii/ium and Thomas 161.S .♦. . Thomas Sli.I.Y aged 36 iO'^the Sara 161 1 M/WDLVN Sui.LV aged 30 in the London Marchaitt iG.'o Servant s Thomas Flowkk aged 22 in the 6V<%c 1623 Wv.vTT M.\soNN aged 16 in the .///« 1G23 • Lkiuetkn TiioMA|pPiPK|^hisMrs=ri;k Thomas I'iri-kv aged 43 in the ^Sj^Wgmi ClIRlsrol'Hl.K COLKllloKl'l-; ageclMpPie I-'iirllunvia V .:2 #t)ANNUa£ TaNNLR aged 40 in ih^Satn/^soii l6i,S . Servant's Hknrh: Felldks aged 26 in the Jacob 1624 William UAULDWiN ,%; JoiiN' Barnahi. his MUSTER H.N U.\RNABIE aged 21: in the London Marchanl 1620 ■Si"'i' . m^ •ips 7C --v.. >■ N? A *4 p > ii^ „^. ip- '^r ^ ■* , H ..^, ■ "^^" • '♦ - • ''M 248 MUSTER^ Of THE IXHABITANTS JN VIKGIXIA^ Klznlieth C'iiiif v 1 -•' John HAZARB.his MUSTER John Hazard aged 40 in the William and Thamas 1618 , Servant's ", 1 Abraham I'elteare aged 14 in the Siuan 1624. Jkkimiah Dickinson his MUSTER.' \ Jerimiah Dickinson aged 26 in the Margctt and %hn\62(x' Ki.ZAnETH Dickinson aged 38 in the Margctt and John 1623^ Phillip 1.lpo his MUSTER '■ • Phillip Lupo aged 42 in the George 1621 ExsiGNK Thomas WiIloisy his MUSTER Thomas Willodv aged 23 in the Prosporanse 1610 Servant's John Chaundler aged 24 in the Hercules 1609 Thomas aj^ed 20 lii the greate hopnvell 1623 Robert Bennett aged 24 In the Jacob 1624 . NicCOLAs Davis aged 13 in the iI/aniyo«/ ' ^ - ^ C\i>' Niccoi.As !Vi.vRTui; his ML'STI'. K NlCCOl^^s Martui; af,rcd a in tiie Fnt?,ds llon.irnifiuu. Peter Eccali.uwe aged 30 in the Si>ut/uvn/>tt»t f William Stakforu aged 17 in tlie////-///m;//ft' M' John Ba\um and Rohakt Sw lite their.- M I'Sri-; jo»\ IVanum kged 54 ill the Rkii.\k.d IVIiNTRENE his MUSTER Ricii.VKU MiN- iKKNii a^'cd \o in the Margctt and John xGio VViLUAM BKA\i;'a;{cd 25 in the Z>w«'J 1618 Edward -MiNnucNK ,i.rej 12 in the Mitrgtt{ and John \Gio JoH.v.fXM^N agcd^e inahe/«/«« 1619 ' ' ) jj, William BRow'sKaged 14. in the SoUt/iamton 1622 ■* 4' *Antho\i:v Bi/RROEs his ^'IU^rER AsiUQNliY HUKKOKS ajjcd 44 in the George 1617 4- ' / •>s^ i .. JiMiN VVain-i his MUSTER John Waini: aj^ed 30 in the i^//«//r 1618 ' " , AMVTf. Waim-: aged 30 in the ^j^ivj;/ 1610 (iKORUK ACKLANI) aL'ed 7 !,'>.' . .,. ... '■ "«' „ ., . borne Ml Virginia • .'. . , Mak)' AcKi.AND a^'ed,4 ) 't, John Harlow a^jed jS in the 6'r»w/>j(?« 1G19 „ ' ROUART.SaiiYN a^Jed 30 !n tllc w/alyW tind John \fi22 ^ FlJILLIl' ClIAI'MAN aj^ed .'3 in !he flyingeJIari 1^21' jI . ?.-. <»; ' ■' ■. S' it'*.* f-v^ .'' tf *j.' ,<■' ' **».»• ^^ . V:-' -'»v ■ .> , ->. " 1 < .,' ,c**f- ■■J 4 ^ ^ •. -t , , Ml.', RuHAR4 SAi.inKii his MUSTER and-J()ii\ Salkoku. ^\^ JtoDARl Salhird aged 5O in the !)^w and Francis. \fit^\. ' ' Joll.N Sai.IOKI) a^ed 24 in the (/Vo/^v 1616 ' ■ ' ' '\ Mary SaU'iri) ajjed 34. in the /^(wa AV/M 1620 ' ' Servant s , , , William t:LLrsi,)N at;ed «i4 in the Swnu 1624 . ' • , Thomas Fal lknkr at'cd j8 in the Jlfary I'lvhidcksc 1622 ' ' #■ ^ '«•' . ■^ ij* ■'^ -^ .«-■; >*' --1 H^ ;• J /■ f ■it ". .i'i ton t}^(.-ir ' MUSTERS S' Uartikii.kmkw \VKTitKksl!ii:,agcd 30 in tlie Pnr^iiUnic \()\t » DOKVTllli: -Wktiikrsiui-. at;cd 30 in the /•«,»', v ^linLtnt \C>20 ^RlJ-IIARD Uf^JULTON afjcd 28 rn the Mary and jfunus 1610 - "' ■^Richard J ■ '-a^v-d i| in the .Siiwi 1,624 '' :„ \- %. John Gunoi^ik Ws MUSTllR John Gundrik aged ^t, infftc Starr 1610 MARy-; GUNDRIi:»aycd -aain the G't'cri.c lOuS . JNUKIE aged 2 borne in Vjfgint.i '%;' Maru-; Gi •1 ».. .,.' -• «> .i: ,*• "* . Francis Ma'son Jiis Ml'STKR- Francis Mason aged 40 in the J<>//« avd'fhuuis t6i j ^^ Alick Mas/in 1632 Fhancis Masdn, borne in Virginia „ * " ' ', Servant's ^^ . •■ . . Wn.I.IAM QuKRKi; aged 30 in tile M^KiaJiiUr \(,:i Tiio.Ma's \Vi)R1 llA»t. aged 14 iji tlie 'Wiriiiadiiti., \(>zt *' VVlI.I.IAM StAKlDRI) aged 16 mXlfb/nrf/uraHci i02i Ul.Nlill- Ganv aged 2ijn ■the /'«/»> 1619 » John KoHrs^iON aged 21 iij the Alargrlttl'id J'^lm i(>l'2 I'ARRAK In.intun his M^^TllR ' "•'■ * ' ■ , . ' ' . FarkAK Fi;INT()N aged 3O in the /:7;rt*(/A lO^ilV ,,„,, ^ » JoANE Fl.iNTON aged 38 in the /I'fojAiM 1612 . WlLilAM HiNTiiK aged j6 In the Jacob 1624 \- >> / A ■'♦ « ; %^^ V H. «. •f /^ ff ^Sb?5 # 4- y ^ m \ i» %* ■' > ^ k t "♦" ) ■'■^l L^^- '\ t .u{ srr.i's OF the ixhabitakts i.\ \^ikc,ima y>' '^* ■■ - , I ! ,,).r||, ( ,111.- : \ ^ Sen'.int's * % • '' " -' m \\\c Maint and Jolni |6_'2 nri.ii (lAi.i. a-cd ij i • ■ *• M ATMIA\ H.VRIKAH'l-.I.i. afjfd 20 in tin.- .7rj(V)/' 1624 111 NUli Nam 1 U II af;cd 19 in the Sxcau 1C24 *■ ••• ' >■ - I AMI s Si I 11,111 aq-d Fkancis Him- tlunrc MUS'riU< J'kam IS I(\ II ■aj,'ed 20 in »c .S'livw 1624 ' ' J\MIS Sl.I.liiirr ai^cd 42 in the Tryall \6\o~^^ ''•■ , 1,1 11 I ii.N Juiin' Ci|i!^rA\ his l\f L'STKR J' I' IN (■|||^M,\■\ a^;cd j; in'the 7?lW.i'-|- //lvM I Hkhw.ni .lyed 2; in the .V,iir'\(.>ii/i/ ]C>]S * M>-\'i I ' \ liUcHVM aj^ed 24 in llie Snu/Ziam/ifoii |62J Tii'M \> I'AUKisii n^^ci\ 26 in Ihe C/itti!ty ir}j2 JiiiiN 11 snuis a^'ed 2r in the 7ihfll> 16^4, i\%iT| Oi iMK jiM.iM:S his MLS'l'l-.R I M inr.iT I IN k INI s a^;cd 30, in the tn,iiy Joiiui \(>m Ji'VNt JinkTm.s aj-ed 26 «i the (Icoixc \6\j Ai ! I \ \N|r jiNKTOts borne 111 Vin;ini.i t 'A ^; J; ■■I '4 I . ^ IS .■■.\- '4.--y' J" ^^ ■■■:C ■ >1 . ... •^^ \; ■>■ ' * ■/.■"*v ^} ^€^«P^i>/*.3»ja^ I ■ I- ■* ^.. MrsTl-RS. or THE IMlAIilTAXTS \\^ \ 1 1<(S l.\ IJ': Wii.i.iAMi; C.\\ Ni; aiiil RiiiiAKT Nkwman thcir.'M rSTlik K'HiAUT \ljiVMA\ a^'ccl 25 ill the A'(/>/////i- iTjiS . \\il.l.l AM Gavnk ,ii,'cd 36 in the //<)«,j Kona ifi.'o ■ Ji;llN Tavi.dk ajTcd 34 in the ,Sr.w« 1610 ' ; UllilXCA TaVI.oK aged 22 in tllc MilrgHt aild yoliii\U2\ Jnl|VCOKi:k awd JO» , ■ * > KuilAKii I'Ac Kl. aged 23 in the Wanvkkc i6.'i ^^ -^ ' 111 the /:/j((Ar// ifijo < Ai; AvKi.iN* aged 2C) " ^ ^_ ' * TiiDMAs Goi)i!v his MI'S rfCH '' TiHiMAS (jdiiiiv a^'ed 3» in the DtliuaiianCxti , J HANK GoDliV af,'ed 42 in tlie Flyiiii^i' llait 1621 JiMIN (-'ukTis atied.22in the I'tyiui^t' tltirh \(>2\ . CllklsT('ilMll,lt SlIlTJl aged 23 in the RcitiriieriG'2^ , M' Ui.((aki. WajivK? Ills MUSTl'lk l:uWAKI) W A I I k> ^d 40 in ^le /'iidmir fiO.S . (iuX'ci-; yy.w IKS ageT2i in' tlic f>i:iiki. i6i,S .WiiTiANi Wailks I, |V.,. ^. ,.,t bornt in \ irgrni";*^ M\K(,i.ut:rT\\'A^i;i^ ) •'^ ".,.•' W'll I JAM 11 \Mrii«N..4i(,'ed 40 i:'• \|ii\\J. IIamiimn ag(d 25 in the . l/>i[^iiU 1621 Tlhi/IAS I.AM .aged 30 in the Jinisoirr 1613 * Ai.iiK I. am: aged 24 in the />'('//,» A'i/«<; 1621/ TlliiM As I iKiKStiililA' aged 20 in the (ii-o^-g,- \{<\i, KervanVs " , , 1 "1 the/,4»//(.». Miji Nmxoi AS, IlKiiwsc aged 18 ) f: j'AL'LlvllAKWOyD agtd 28'ij»the lioua X^ua lujj SKikfUKN ktri)E a^'cd 17 in th>' Cicor^'e '\h\^ f / ■; r j*«r_ / ■^Ti k *■■ rTB.-, ' . .. „ .r ^ ,,, • .,, /^\ \n inc Bona Nona 1622 VVii.l.lAM Wokl.ii)(;i;aged 18 J sroNiai* Rowi.sToN aged 30 in the God'sGuiJtc 1623, ' R'ici(ARi) UuKTON. aged 28 in the Swan 1624 \' ^>> '^1 ■ ■ ■ ' . ■ ■, >*vt.t t - . / : Percivau. tijoTTsoN his MUSTER I'i/rcivai:i. IiioTTSON aged 24 In the AV/Cw//^ 1C18 f/i.ZA1ii:th Jikjttson aged ;?j in W\c Fiyingc Hart 1O21 oHN Davis aged 24 in iiycjolm and Fniuas 1O23 \ *■ , J Selrvaht's Wii.iiAM Greione aged 28 in the JJo/vtirll 1G23 R()HAI«;r L()( Ki; aged i« in the llamicke 1621 . M' I)annTH|,i. Cookins his MUSTIER \Viij,lAM Wahswokth aged 26 j Thomas Cl'rtis aged 24 ' Peeti R Sherewood aged 21 WiiMAM FoLi.KE aged 24- ■■m. ' (So in Ihc ortgifMl 1 probably intcntlnl fur 1 ,lo^^ 1 1 , | . i V -A ■ < » '^•-V.'-^^' ■m- i',v^ v;-.-^ '^, T^r \ ■ ■ '' -il ■ * * a ^ ■3 • 1 m _^ 'i. •^ \ M \ m >. -1 i.> \i ' l^A • . •' '- ft < \ / 'jT" t^Il 'J *' ' t ■\\- ^ :,\ ;.( li ■^.. \ w • .^\ AfUSTF.JiS OF THE INHABITANTS ISXIRGIMA. Ki.ahciicu.e 'J'noMAs BouLDiNOK his J^IUSTER ' Thomas Hduldince aged 40 \n\)\c Sivan 1610 William BoLi.DLVGK'borne VVil'llvm C()X.E aged 26 in "RiCHAun Edward's aged 2,\ Nic.aiLAS Dalf. agpd 20 -'55 in Virginia. 1 c Godspcaie 1 5 1 o I in the Jacob 1624. I RicvNOLi) Booth his-MUSTER RiCYNOl.l) H )t,)TII aged 32 in lUie Hercules 1609 l".Li/.Aiii:rii.B(|orii aged 24 irlthe/J«« 1623 ervant's Gr.ORGK Levktt aged 29 in \\\knona Hoaa 1619 Thomas Si;v TiiomAs an ImJian IJoayiv- /•/ .^ ■\ , \ f ■ '^;../ KUAliETH )oo"NESagV"d 304n thcPrt/itviff iijpy Sara Joones aged 5 borne in Xfirgihiiw ■ V ■• ::*■■■«,!*;■■: ■•.5^i /<■"■ ■ ■ *fc;^-^ ' *'-■ ♦i'- ' ^'■^.."^.■■■■■^ j-:v ■ ■v'-;'.,-"*^; ir V f, . '«> •. ) 'M ":.t ' > ' a. .»- ». ':^'^ ■ Jr\ ■y v * ».: , I* -7^': 'i>- i.''-*' jf- ■i .-I.' *^ ' »■ !■ •«> * I 1^ \' ■ . f f ig/.iheth ciitic' AtUSTF./iS Of Tirr. rXHAIUTAXTS }y r/A'C/.\7.'l. Thomas Stkpnkv hjs MUSTER,- f^l Thomas Stki'mcy ;tl>igali 1O21 John WUIl^HT ;igcd 2C) William Clark d aged 20 HaTIILK TciMSON aged 1 8 TjioMAS Savaduk aged t\ . in fijc Ambrose \62i L,-^"*^ ./■ > . >• ^ .^ ^ W^ I 1 < . , . «. 1 -^ — ") \ T # wr « 1 1>*^1^ ( . >X: 1 ' • „ .1 I .urs77:/i's OF THE imi.mhtax is r\ \ik(:i\ia^ \:\i.\W\\\ (11111- Aj.i.i.xamu K- Mc icii MM V liis MI'S ri.K Al.MAAM)' MyUNTM-.v a-cd 3.; ill, the Mtvy j.fims l6lo. , 1.i:miri),M(h:Vtni.V aijcd 21 in ihi: /!v>i,i Xoiio i/oo John WAkTov.a-L-d jNiii t!u' I'Uah.lh niii /' Hu\ AN RocKK?; agi;d 18 in the /:7j,r/j,7// ifoi '' John Wasuikjk.NI; ay;ed 25 in the j(W/rim •; rrhis.nAiiif hill Uri-n .ihsrwl Iiliii .yini,., (Mreviuim sjlcllliit; : Iml fi is aiin-il. ^t i,,,,,, ;',, , . ' ad "'■J ' ''. ■ . , '■ ^. . - . •! _ > ■ :j^<. , 'Y' •. '. "-/l- / ; .i — ^ •X ' . -r. ' \:-'. ■ T5 ■* ' ' % - # 4_, ■ ■'* iS • ■ .-.'vV. *!• 'fc.' } f "^ • :-:'f=\ -;' ' s* tl< V.' M, •» iTT" M i! ^ .\. -•5.S .UCST/INS OF THE IX/IAIUTAXI S l\ \ !R(;r\JA - . X ■ '"''"•'■;"""■ . .^ .. ' SiTvanfs ■ . ' Ji)\\r. 1'"\IIii[>M< \v^ i S\r-KKOK1)WKTHi:KKI.I.a;;cd :;[ f ;• '*'*'' j'liiN Smith a;^'ol w \\n the.*!-,-,.-," \r,2^ J 'li\ ll'iWAKli a;;ca ..'.I '.'" J"H\ Amtionh; a_;od jj J' (iKouch Ml,I.(^\I.M■. his Ml'STER '^ Gkcikck Mi;r>rAi.Fi; afjcd 46 ' , Sar \ Jkli-.DCAi.Mc a^'cd .30 ill -the /A-/,<,-.v// ir,j4 ' •Joan 1: A Child. i^''»\MoN iiis \irsri-R i.l.w \Kn joiiNMjN at,'ol ;() in the .)%«// loji in the Holla Wnui jdji A ( hlld ll.q lU III \'il.M;||.i ^ \^— , \ ^• Joii ^ \.\\( KMLf, a-cd .'1 in the Bona \oua \Ui\' - 'Ai li I l-MCKKII U at;i\l J4 in the .lli/n^i^a// k,.'j» SVMMIM 1, Ki Wtll ;,.-.! jo in thv ,/'••..,'/ i(,j 1 •^1 ^ • ' ML'STF.KS OA ■nil- IXHAISIIAXTS I.\ / 7A'C,7.\ /. /, : = J.- \^ \ l.l/alcl!i ( illii WiiiiamFowikr ills M IS TIIK Wll.l.lAM I'liWI.l.R a-cd 30 ill the Abi;:;nll Kui MAK(,Ki;T-r I'liWI l.l; aL;vd jO ill the Ai>ij;,i// l6j| W'ai.tii; Hi V his MUSTHR W'Al.n.R I'.i.v ' I-!l.ZAllhlll \'A.\ a-VJl 30 in tiic IVnni-ickc \o22 .' ■ Ann I'.I.^' bomc, in \'ii"ini.i ■ " * . Wii HAM Til IK his ^^ustl;R fhlJAM '111 I'i-; in the /'niiuis Hotiiii-i/ti'iiir l6jo . la.l/Alii;i 11 '1 11, 1,1; in llic J-iiii.i'i^ JniiiaViiil/di I'.Ju > § Servant's in the Piuiiiihiu;- \(>.22 '■ 1 26 in ihc /'ni/i'i/, lur 16 in the //tfiur// \C>22 _. .-. , „,.. iSiin the_//i/..'(7/ I-62J ■"Samii 1 1. I'.l \M.ri ,Li;ecl 40 ill tile I laiuiiiiii: \Uz\ Ji)AM|; t^.l.XNKn in \.\\tz l^routdmic i6jj ' ' - , . . 'I'iniMAs Im.vnt his MrSTl.R Tho^iIAS Im.VA'T in tlic /V"'' l^'l*^ '■" ' TllnAiAS ^T.KKKS ai^cd 21 in tilt /-'/(W/rw /A //I/ I ', , ■ '^ RutiART SAVAln.i-; a^cd iS in \X\<2 Ehabctli 1621 ^.•," '#' ■^^ „-Ui.,^_,t>.-V'** ■■■' • 1. .{ > . ^-.p ^. -W 'V^ J" .\ \ ; '/: i'\\ X^; lyf' 4» « ■■:-^>" y ( j» 5li«*jB!-" * A^f I^^^*^, V,' .-- *!i3 ^f^^ J/6^-7/fA'^ OJ. 7/j/i JXnABJTAXIS LY VIRa'/MA. jiiiiN VVArd his jVftJSTER \ John VVaki) in tlie /:7;^*,/// i63r ' " -.Adam Himwki.i. a-cil 24 in Wk Rojui' u\ma i6ry ' <• riiKisjoriiKR WVNWH.I. aged 26'in the Boiu, Xo„a 16,9 Ol.IlKK JPCNKIN aired 40 ." JoANKJiNKiNf a iihell Child ■ %, ' ; ^ Hk\rii-'|>()tti.:k aged 50 .''.", ^ ^•^^V.^yyxvMmW^^ [umdoiiMflrcluvit • A ' KoHARfeoODMVN .ik'cd 24 Jft XhcBona N^a ifillA '% i?iK'a;uiK DoRii. his M(.;s-rh;R ;,'L'd 36 in thcAVj/w No^ix i6_>o. - Child borne in Virginia. s , J'«'^ MoRj; his mDs'ii;r JoTIN MoRK adge j6 in the /.'o/w Nona if)2o :' I-i./ai!i:tii Mori; in the W/vW/iG.'^.' ' ' Sarcixt Wji; jam, Hakrv his Mi; Wll 1 lAxr JUrrv in the I'nma ^Youa 46,9 ' " . KiniAR., I.-R,si„K a^'c.l 34 i„ the JmltluwxC^i) ^\^,^.A.M K,„,KlN,.;s aucd 26 in the Bono X'cua ,6„ JnsK|.„ llATTN,.,, aj^cd 24 in the^.W .V;,„„ „.,„ ( liKKRl- Skirs.,n„.;.,| ^, ,^ the /fe//<, A^v, , ,/,„ JnllN GniRKS a^cd 24 in the .;/;/>„// ,621 I'KANcis lliM.aKcd 22 in the HonaNoua lOjy John VA.ri.AN a-eti 2,3 in )he*/.'„/.„ Xoiu, lOU) l^'-UAKi. MAii^HALI. a-ed 26 in the J^^„// ,(;>,' S'li-; / r . «. ;'--f ; 'h »l! f. W' "i|^:. *!, V vrsTJ'KS 'Qmgtm iNiiABriAxis i\ \ircim.i. m .'^ / -\ I 9 '^' .JKliabcrli eiui^;,' \Vri.lJ.\.\t J^VCK at;cd 26 in the Al>!t;,il/ 1621 Wll'.lJAM ICv.WD's n^ad 23 in the lloiia Xnua i6iy Kai.iii OsiKiKNK aged 22 in tile />V«(i AWv i6ic) MoKkls Stani.KY aged 26 in tlie /u>/ koljARI 'hlRASHKK his Ml 'ST Koi;A';t TiiKASiiKK age 22 in the Pntiia Xoiia 1620 K01..VVI), \VlM.IAMl> age 20 in the yonalltiDi \(,:\. _ ' V ^ ^crvant JoilN SA(.KI;k age 20 in \.\\i Marf;it and :ydlni ir',2; John llAM-.v;.agt 2; m ihn Margetl ami Johu 1621 ^^^ ,_^_i »•*•.*•,**. «.^ p^^^»,^^ ,^^ ^^^^ ^»,^^^^^,, ^•.^•.^t. *.«^ A*. *^*- '^»- " »^ " / •f^ _:^.^ -:-. I r ■*■ { .' * •% \ , . ^ * •t ■■ .J. ♦* "w^ - -■■# • • ^-v^.;--. ■■ ...",.' » "' ■■•i/ • \* ' / "* 1 V ■w. . u ' ^' , ^ ;. '"v " ■ ♦ ** * V- ... ; V. ,,;,.. ' .• { ' ■ ■■ ■' ' ■ 4 V . , ' \ > o t ..,..-; V • ' \ . ' ■ ; t. a ■ " i . ■ -,.v , . •■ :^ / ■ :- f ' '• - / • .it -■ ■■■V' .' ■ '■■■'■ :. . . ' ■■ :-^, ■:''" ': - ' ■ •- . ■ , '. " ■ ' , • •-». '- .-'^■'' ■ )* ■ " ^< ■'■■'; ■ ■ ■ "* * - ^' \ > *.*' ^ N JS A. .i^; .4' ^■' ,*> -^ IMAGE EVALUATlbN^ ^EST TARGET (MT-ai^"^ * ,rS. 'V t • // * 5> ifSf t /^<^ ^^4^ 4(a ^ 1.0 1.1 1.25 ltt|2i| IM ut Uii |Z2 S l£& 110 ^ ■W" 1^ -^^ » - ^; rih'"*' ^^^ -^ 6" K. ^^Photographic uQ60C6S Carparadon n WMt MUCIN tTMtT WIMTn,N.Y. USM (7\*)t7S-4S03 V-i 4% w < r^^ '*:. •' *-->r^ o ^ '. "! < 1^ . c \ \ 262 MUSTERS OF THE TNHABJTANTS /.V VIRGIXIA. KIczalwth Cietie i**'- Kkzauktii Hanik In the Abigail 1622 Nicholas Rowk in the Ebabetlij.621 V Maky Rowe in the Loudon AJarchant 1620 Thomas Moreland RALPlt HOODE Servant's ELAND ) • .. ^ , . „ , \ age 19 m the Abigail 1621 A'list of the DEAD beyond Hampton Rivtr of M' Bon ALES Servant \... 1 . M' Dowse his men ^^ 2 ' M' I'EETER ArNDELL ' ' *' J, ""'sh^r'" ^ MUSTER of the Inhabitancc of the Eastcrnc Shore ouer the Baye. . Cap- William Epe8 his MUSTER. ^nt\i^lVtlliatnandrhbmas Maucrett Ei'ES in the 6Vo/y<- 1621 Servant's NiCCHOLAS RayNberd age i3 in the .S«w// (624 ■ William Buruitt age 25 ia the Susoh 1615 Thomas Cornish age 25 in the thitie 1620 Peeter Porter age 19 in the 7>;fU0RNE age 20 in the A«w/jo/i i0i9 Nicholas SumERriLU age 15 in the Samfsm 1619 ■\ -^ _ii -f^ i*' AfUSTJiRS OF THE I.VHABITANTS IN VfHGh'^rA. iSj "'sium!"" Cap^ John WiLLCocKEs his MUSTER Cap' John Wii.i.cockks in the Bo>m Nona 1620 ,Hi:n'rii-; Charlton age 19 in the George 1623 Ancient Thomas Sauauk- his NIUSTEIn. TiigMAS Savacje in the yo/in and Francis 1607 Ann Savage in the iiea Floiver 1621' ■ '. *■* ~~ Servant's ;" ' •; J()if*\VASijBORNE age 30 in the 7<"''"'>'«»'' 1620 Thomas BiXSON age 12 ■ Cap^ Tho: Graues his MUSTER, . Cap' Thomas Graues in the iJ/arya/ii/ .1/arfr<7/ 1607 *' ' ft ^' Walter Scott his MUSTER Walter Scott in the liircnUs 1618 Apphia Scott in the Gift 1618 , . "* I'Kkcis Scott borne in Virginia ' flj Thomas Powell his MUSTER Thomas Powell in the Sampson 1618 Wh,ll\m Smith his MUSTIER \Vn LLVM Smith age 26 in the Samfinm 1618 Edward Drewk his MUSTFvR Kl)W-^D Drewe age 22 in the Sampson 1618 * .', < '■\- »64 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. K«teme shore GhARLES H ARM AN his MUSTER Charles Harman age 24 in the Furtherance 1622 John Askume age 22 in the 1 ^. Robert Fennell ^e 20 in the .' "^ James Knott age 23 in the George. 1617 Nicholas HoDGSKiNs his MUSTER Nicholas HoDGSKiNEs,^e 27 m-x^i^ Edxvin 1616 Temporance Hodgskines in the Jonathan 1620 Margrett Hodgskins borne in virginii * >' SoLLOMAN Grp:xe his MUSTER SOLLOMAN Greene age 27 in the Diana 1618 Thomas Gaskoyne his MUSTER Thomas Gaskoyne age 34 ip the BmaNoua 1610 William Andros at the age 25 in the Treasurer 1617 ^ ^ Dannipll CUGLEY age 28 in the London Marchant 1620 \ John Blore his MUSTER' ■ ' John Blore age 27 in the iVar 1610 FrAjjcis BloRE age 25 in the London Marchant 1620 \ Servant's John ParraMORE age 17 in the Bona Venture 1622 John WiLKiNEs . h" 5? *PP^ '< :-»fc«wHl^ I ■'^. "K .~^*^ . ■ / 1 * * \>r«N. MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIHGINIA. 265 Kasteme shore , RoBART Ball his MUSJER .^ RoBART Ball age 27 in the London Atarchant 1619 > William BiBBiE his MUST I:R William Bibbie age 22 in the Swan 1621* Thomas Sparkes age 24 in the Susan 1616 ^ JoiArvH^oMEhis MUSTfeR John Home age 25 in X.\\c Afyrgercti and John 162 1 John Wilkines his MUSTER John Wilkines age 26 in the Maij gould 1618 Briggett Wilkines age 20 in the Warwicke 16^1 Per^eqrim Watkines his MUST|ift. PtRREGRiN Watkines age 24 in the George i62i » • • William Davis his MUSTER William Davis age 3^ in llie William and Tliomas 1618 'DEAD in this Plantation 1624 Thomas Helcott. John Wilkines. [Not quite dor : miiy be 1610, blottnl] 34 ^' ^^ ^ ♦ iJ^^aHMMi ^^'^'^^'^J^SKP^B^^tT"'*'' ''"'' ^ ..?^■^• MJ-- M' J [PATERTS GRANTED, &c.] THE CORPORACOIV OF HENERICO* . [1626.] 'On the Northerly side of James River, from the Falles downc'to Henerico. Contayning about x Miles ifflftngth, are y« publique Land's, reserved f laid out, wherof 10,006; Acres, for the Vniuersitie Lands, 3000 Acres for the Compaiiys Lands, wth bflier Land belonging to the Colledge ; the CoiTion Land for the Corporacoii I SOD Acres, .»l^' dfc.the Southerlcy side begining from the Falles, their are-^these PATTENTS graunted (viat , . . • John Peterson '..... 100: Acres i^NTHONV Edward's 100: NaTIIANEI.I, WORTON lOO: John Procter ......;.... icxd: Thomas Tracv 100: John Bh.liard..* loo: " Francis Weston 300: Phettiplace Closse too: John Price 15b: PETTER NKVMARTf 120:^ Whxiam Perry loo: John Blower ido: Surrendred for the vse of the Iron Workes. Edwaru Hudson loo: Thomas Morgan 150: Thomas Shekkield 150: , • [There is a ilupliote of thi'« list, hul it agren in ihc nuin ! Wc have indicmted in nofn •U diflerences of any iin|i(>rUnce in the ipelling of nanrai.] « t (NKWMAkr in lhct.} • b t [Apparently IK^ thougG'Vlotled ; -but m tlie duplicate li»l ii is ^oo.] •' 1 - By Pattern. ■«'., > ■■■■;/* -v -M.- .'<*>■'♦ ■4 , y PATENTS GRANTEDt-^. t67 '1- ■ ' ' In CoxENDALE, ^*,in the saliie Corporacon of Henekicu. Edward Barkley. Richard Bolton . 12 Acres ^100 Robert Aukland* ... ......_ 200 JOHJ4 Griffin i ;,.,jo PETTER NEtNNEARTt '..'...i'.. /'4O Thomas TindalL loo I Thomas Readk •••••• loo joriVi LaydeN „. f..... 200 ■\ '-■■■" • - ,.• *-v \ . ■ ■■ / -^ ^v By Pattcnt. THE CORPORACON OF CHARLKS CITTIE George GrinesJ jo Acres planted" WiLOAM Vincent loo RiciiARD Taylor "loo RobeIrt Partten 50 Thomas Douse aoo GeorQe Cawcott 160 IsACKE\ Chahjline :....^^.... r.> 50 Thoma^ Rosse .^v^-.-fe^jr^iteiiOO John Owlye ,........f.v,..T^» t^so JOSUAH Charde ..,,..;.. ...a Joo John Dopb's . . . . . , ...\.. . . . . . 50 William Sharpes ^. .-'....,... 40 James Vshur 100 William Cradouke ..... — \ao John OwlV ,......, 150 Theoi'Hilus Beriston ...^f. 100 planted planted '*' > Hy l'atl«;nt. * [AcKLAdD in the duplicate list.] { [CiRIMKS in the duplicate list] t [NkimarI' in the da|iKc«tc li^t.) '•* ': ■f, . ** « _fl ■'^ 168 PATENTS .GRANTED, 6-^. John Harris 200 Acres planted Robert Parttin 100 NATHANIELL CaU.SEY 2QO John Cartter 40 Captaine Maddi.son 250 Richard Biggs 150 Francis Mason 50. Henry Bagwell 50 SAMUELL J.^liRATT* 100 John Dade 100, Thomas SwiNHow ....'., 300 Thomas Hobson 150 Symon Fortescue j" 100 Thomas Oa(;ue ,100 William Baly iqo John Writters 100 Leift: Rich: CRUiKiE 250 John Carr. ,00 Richard Taylor 100 Robert BouRNi- ,. 250 planted planted planted By Pattfnt. planted J Uid Qwt for the Company Land belowe Sherlkv hum.rkd Hand 3000 Acres ' Claimed by Captaine Francis West, att Wesiouer 500 Acr Vppon Apmatucke Rivkr William Farrar 100 Acres HgNRY MiLWARU Z50 Charles Maunor ,;... 650 Samuell Sharfe...; 100 HuMPHERV Kent 50 , * CJ MLRATT in (he duplicntc list. ] ► By Pattent. m- ( \_. \ PATENTS GRANTED, ii'i 169 M' AnRA: Persey 1150 Acres RlCHARD^SVMONS.. lOO Arthur Antonye 150 Acres ^By Pattcnt William SizEMORE 100 Acres William Dowolas 250 Acres Here is Land laid out for Charles Cittie, and the Comon Land. The Territory of cjreate Weyonoke. Christopher HARomo 100 Acres William Daily. 50 Richard Pratt 150 William Jarret* 200 Capt Jo: WOODLIFFE 550 - Temperance Baily 260 r ^^ Pa"»-i>t Samuell Jordan ^50 Temperance Daily.... 200 1 sac p,,c«Arr.TNr r-r-X) .... 200 ^ eat>'t: Nathaniell Powle ... 60O -Apres Mf SamueCI Maicogkes Diuident. ' PerSEYs hundred ...... ,000 Acres planted. planted planted planted Tan*s Wayonoke ouer against) PER.SEYS hundred I 2200 Acres, Captaine Si'lLLMANS Diuident ' ----- ^^ . ^ Marttin Brandon bcK^ging to Captaine John Marttin by Pattcnt I ' out of England (planted). 1" * Vppon the easterly Side of Chapokes Creeke, is appointed 500 Acres, belonging to ye place of Treasure by order of Courtt ■ ," - • ' John Marttin 100 An-M i " ■ ' A * ! V ■ tfl Georoe Harrison 200 ' h« i>,ft-.„f Samuell Each ?oo J • (jMRATHin the auplicate litt.J ■ V, ' .•.■'.': • i — -!s4~ • . ,. ■*•■.• JJ. _■. , v_ ^ . ■ 1- • ■ ■■ : t ■ '■■*■■- ' " . ' " ■ . ■ •• ■ . -■■*", • •TO PATENTS GRANTED, or-c. On the Northerly Side, By Pattent planted planted planted planted planted ^ By -Pattent planted ■-CSv [PuWUi ill each cue, in the duplicate list.] ^ •^ ' . t PATENTS GX ANTED, . »7' f ■/•;■ In Hog Hand Mary Baily 500 Acres plantejd (by pattent Southapton hundred in Hog Hand planted Captaine Raphe HAMAii*, by Clame in ^log Hand. 250 Acres planted / •,' ^'«'. > byorder of Courtt; By Pattent. Archers hop« Capt Roger Smith 100 Acres plant^ Richard KiNGSMELL 200 - M'W" Claybourne 250 Ensigne W» Spence - --^i^^jofx^cres plant Jd f John Fowler /..... T^ John Johnson 100 Richard King.smell .,. 300 William Fairfax '^ , 200 JOAKIN ANDREWES lOO John Grubb 100 John Jefferson ..; 250 ^ George Perry ■■. ■jg^.i 100., Richard Staple^SR*..'] 150 Richard BREWSTlt^r. 100 Marttins hundred Contaii#ing as is Alledged 80000 Acres part . planted Nel-e Mulbery I land Nathanill HUATTf 200 Acres Capt W« Peerce ^ Mf John Rolfe with someiijoo: Acres plantedjf ^ a"cnt others •' • [Hamor in the duplicate list.] ' __ - t [Apjiarently so, though the second and third letters are blotted ; bat it is clearly Hi^ir in the duplicate list.} ■ \ ¥^ :y^ 272 PATEN f^ GRANTED, &-c. " X r WiRosQUOlAckE PlantaconContaynelng downe ward's, from Hps / , . ^ Hand xiiijten miles by the River side, in wch are these pattents ' (ojlowing (vizt) : • . John CTarter........... ^.., ,00 Acres Christopher d'anieLl :*... 100 ' ■Adam DixsoN ,oo ' Jp^^^• Berrv , 100 , ' THb»fAs Winter ,00 John PqtLiNGTON • 600 , J- Bj^ Pattern Thomas i'ooLE...." loo - ANTHdSY BARHAM 100 , ' CaptNETHA: Basse'. ;,...: 300 planted Giles Jones • ,50 ^ pj^^ted I, Blunt Pointe MrW-CLAYBOURNE ."..... ,5Q0 Acres by orde' of Court " J*)hnBainham : 300 Acres by pattent Capt Raphe Hamer* :.'...':... soo.Acres by order of Court GiCBERt Peppett : JO Acres panted ) ' Francis Gieford , . . ,V. jo^Acres piantedi ^^ P*"'"* ■ Captaine Samuell Mathews his Diuedent by order of Court planted ThomXs Hethersall 200 Acres Cornelius May '. ' iqq Richard CRitijtot Richard TreW...... ' ISO SO ' I Richard Domelawe ..-..,.... 150 . Persiuall Ibbison ..:.....7r.; so . " Edward Watters '..[ 100 Acre» ■ , -— — -, ^ '_.. _ * (•lAMOR in the duplicate list] By Pattent. >^. V / •^ f rl I T-e". t > ">^ >^. V PA TEN j;^ GlifANT^D, iVf. »73 -^jr }by Order of Courtt / ,. BeloMce bl.Cnt b6;nt - Capt JoiMBtlURLESTONE" . . ."*^"Cbo Acres a Robert HUTCHiNS loo Acres J. ^ ^^ ^ , ,,. »-^r John Souther;c^ by'pattcnt ^ by pittent THE CORPORACON QkV ELIZABETH .OITTIE. Newport's Newes '. \. 1300 Acres plantd The Gleab LAND ;J^ too _, planted Mf KeYTH* ifto ' jjlantofl Thomas Taylor ...TT. » 50 planted 1 ^. JOHN-'POWELL .". 150 planted > Ca^WTucKER. .~ . 150 5 J Richard Boulton r..»... 50 Acres Claimed f planted^ John Salford , .50 Acres planted " Robert SALFORDf idb .ptanted Robert SALFORDt 100 Miles Prickett ...-. ,150 John Bush ^00 William Julian ....^ 150 Leift: Lupo „^' 35^ Elizabeth Lupo „..a.... 50 Thomas Spilman .'.. 50 Edward Hill : 100 Alexander 'MoiAntnev...... i V\^illiam Cole./ - 50 William BfeooKS.. /TTie GLE/VB land 100 Eliza: DonthorneJ 100 William Gany ro& planted planted planted' planted '.» planted planted planted, planted ....... 100 »« 'plaatcd »' . ' tl ►by"j)attcnt planted planted planted planted 1 by pattent • [Keth in the duplicate list.] .- t [Thus repeal«l in the original. , . t [DUNTHORNE in the duplicate list.] j» ^" ', ' ... ; - 35 -■, fAl ■% r- ^■ 1 ^J >• ^ "5 — ar ' .^ '■ - - ^, ^ t ^ - V "yj. ' " « t» .. \. /^ l.-:J-., ,-. * » » • '"■ / •. ' V* * ^ e J 1# . ^^^^iM ■ 9 ^ 'V'^^ r "^ J 274 v^ Patents granted, ^-c. >■ William Capps divident planted WlI.I.IAM Landsdkll ,y^ Mr W^tLAYBOURNE 150 John GuNNKKY ,50' Mary Bouldin 100 Thomas nolif.DiN 200 M' Pettkr Arundell 200 Baktholmew Hoskins ipo Capt Ratoiil v^ Cuo«iAm po Acres plantd planted planted l#nted planted by raltcnt. betweene Fox hill f Pe- 1 500 . monkey River ' .. ; , ° \ % Tho: Wll.LOWSAItY about 2) mile.^ W>'.in tije mouth of [ 200 Acres, by order of Court Pemonkey River- ' " On the Easterly Side of Southampton River, their arc 3000 Acres be • longmfTto the Company at K Uzabeth Cittie, planted, And .'coo* Acres Coition Land, , ■ -^ _ ^ .. •> On r South Side of the ma^ne River apai'nst Hli/ahkih Cittii Thomas Wii.i,oi!(Jiii)VK. ' 100 Acres 1 f Thomas Chapman 100 Thomas Bre wood ; 200 John Downmani .% icw Capt VV^' Tucker 650 John Sipsey 250 I.EIFT: Jo: ClIKKSMANt 200 - by pattcnt v^ The Easterne shore <0iier the Hay jQHNBuytrER 140 Acres Knsignc Sai.vaix;e his Diuident Sir George Yardlv at Hangers 3700 Acres by Order „f Couri - Certainb others have planed their, but no I'attents haue bene grai^ted them, the Companyes and the Secretaryes Tennants. we* alsexflheir Suited but no land ordered, to bee laid out for them, as in the 5>tJ«r 4 Cdr^racons. ; •■ rt.5omthi;dupiic...,)tTT^- tjn.»vy«Y'""''''"j"Tii^»<''«ii' , - hoiino's order) that the bonds in tiiat bclialfe given 111. i\ bee delivered back to yo' f)cticon's. . - /• * .•* And they as in dutie boinul will tlaylic praye for > "' \ 1 ti % honno's heaithes f happ> nes »W|rSWICH A Note of all the names .iiul ages of all those wliiiii Bfl did not take the Oath of Allegiance or .Siipioniacy being viuK 1 age shipped in our Port In the /'Vd/zi/j- of Ipswich M' JiMiN Cl iiim. bound for New Kngland the la.st of Aprill 1634 W.L..: WESTWOOU- ^ 1 J;""' ^l^ ■'^\ '3 >-- (Grace NiiWKLi. ...aged 13 yeres . ! ■% • 1 1'hf " l.mcos " are no( in the original, but havr liorn Iii«rnn1.fur llir vik.' iif i liiimm ; Jk t ! # ' • •■ ■ w > y \ -"'^ i35 • % _ ■" . > "^ ■ <'' ,..-•■ •1. . - :..^ ■,'.■' • "^: • ft ■ . _ . • " . - I • ^ ..,..■■• ■■'""'^ ' ■ . \ \ ^' 'J ,* • .••-■'■ •' V^^'^^J" '} il» i . ■'. *fe- Rob': Rose: Will: Fkkkbourn:. Jli*: Bkrnaku:^ ABRAHA: NEWpLL .. Edward: BuynY..,.. Jon^';^p•E/u>■^;: ROWLAND: SlKIilNc;: MarV: Kl.ossk: I'lin: SlILRWOOD: .. RoH':CooK:- J RRII: I'Ll'MiK; < liMIiARKKD FOR NEW ENGLAND. J- John Rose aged 15 [yeeres] I RoiiERT Rose ...aged 15 Eliz: Rose aged 13 ; - J Mary Rose aged n ' Samuell Rose aged 9 Sarah Rose.- .' aged 7 .•■ Danykli^ Rose aged 3. - Darcas Rose aged' j Mary Freei!01'rne ..aged 7 • Sarah Freicuou.kne aged 2 JpHN.ALi)iii;fcn....;.aged 14 V,w\\\ Neweli aged 14 HeisrV f^AWARl) aged 7 AiiRAiiAM Newell... aged John Newell.; aged I.sAACKE Newell ...aged Sarah Huohye |r:^..aged 4 f" Fayth Cleakk ^. aged Rodert PkakK.. aged Darcas Greene. TnmiAs StEiiiNc Sarah Sti;bing . F-liz: Stebinu.... John Stebino.'... Mary Wlnche.... Rk'hard Blosse. Anna Shlrwoou Rose'Sfh.rwood.. Thomas Sherwood, agcii 10 R iiBlacA S 1 1 i;k W( )od aged 9 JohnCooe .; aged «. Robert Ci nil.; ,,,". ....;aged 7 Bl.\L\.\I^N Cool ...... agfjl 5 TtURY PkI'p t-l'Ei'i'ERl aged 3 and \ycj/P\ ?'BEt KE 1 1 . , .agetl agetl I i ■ / ' :.) ■ ( aj^Lil 15 [ycercs] . ' Sakaii Hamonu afjcd 10 ' JoiftJ Hamonu aged 7 Ipswich Customcliousc tliLs-xiji'' of Nouciiibcr l6j4 I'lIIL: HROVVNK EUVV^MANN Compt p Custr. , ,• ' PSWICII A Note of the iiani,£rand ages of all the Passenijers which tooke shipping In the Francis ij{ Ipswicli M' JoilN CUT- TINC. b6und/or new England the last of Aprill r6H yceres John Hektks .......aged 40 | RoniCRT PliASK Hu(iii Ma.son Ffi:sTKR his wife .. RowLANu S'ii;iiiN(; Sarah Iiis wife Thomas Shi;k\V(ioi Ai.r< K his wife Thomas Kino ..,.. lyccris] ..aged 27 I aged y 28 i aged ] 22 ) aged , 40 I a-ed I 4? I aged 48 ) aged .aged Whi.iam Hal'i.ton aged 23 Nicholas J K.N N INI. 's ...aged 22 Wii.i.rAM Wkstwoouic \ aged ) 28 HkH)(;i:iT his wife..!... / aged I 32 Cl.K.\Ri'; DKAp [Drapku] aged 30 R(il)KRr RoSK J aged ) 40 .MaK(;i;rv his wife.!.... j' aged I 40 John Hkknaru ) aged ) 36 ' John Mai'Ks .igcd Marv his wif* j aged ) 38 Marv Hi.ossi: .. WH,i.iA.M4^Ri-;iiouRNK ) aged ) 40 ROHKRT Cool. .. MAKv'his wife i aged * 33 Anna his wife .. Anthony VVhitk aged 27 Mary On(;k EUW.VRU IJUOUYli I agcij ) 40^ THO.MAS H()VUI.X .. ) aged 1' 32 RlCHAKU W'ATTt.lN a;.;ed <28 .. I' aged I 50 Joi;N LvLKKMoKI; a-ed 2S .. j aged I 40 RlCHAKU l'i;i'|>[ri.i'ii.Kl | aged 27 aged 23, Mary hrs wife I' aged 30 aged 2J Rl(H.\1iU Hon.uiNt, ...agi:d i; JrUICin GaRNKIT ' aged 26 Ell/: IIaMoNU aged 47 47 "i 21 aged 40 ..., j .iged) 38^ ■ ■ • ' agtd )^g^»^^ ; I'riuy CounccH: This xijil' of Noucmber 1634 Ipswicli Cust.imehouse - TUG CLeAi scr I'lIIL liROWM: ^ Custr. 1:DW: MANN Compt \ •A. \.- / SWTCrt A Note of the names and ages of all the Passengers wiiich tookc shiijping In the Elhabcth of Ipswich M' Wili.Ia An1)K1.\vs bound for new EngLand the last of Aprijl 1634 John SiiKRMAN aged 20 John Hiirnaru (aged JOSKPH MossE aged 24 Pllliuii his wife .., J aged R[(HARi) Woodward | aged 45 Thomas Kilhorm-; ... ) aged k- )SI'; his wife . . . . : , ( aged 50 Kl.IZAIunn his wife . . . t aged 1:dmond Liavis... , aged -33 John Crosse ^ aged Marv his wife I aged 32 A.nne his wife j agei! John Se'RI.\(; (aged 45 Rohert Sherin aged El.I NOR his wife » agu.l 46 HUMI'HRV UraDSTREET ) aged 40 40 Brhigett his wife j aged 50 30 24 20 50 T1IURSTON Ravnor KeizaDETH his wife ... I*' aged Thomas Skott. ) aged IvElZABETH his wife ... ) aged Henery Ke.mhaee Susan his wife Richard Ki.miiai.e \ K>t E.\ liis wife 1>.\.\(:ke.Mi\eu Sarah his wife ...... .Martha Scott ... ( aged ...I aged ... 1 aged ...,(aged- •-jf aged .r.'l.aged ■...*.a^.ed (iEo(0 ICeizADETH his wife ... ) aged 37 'Tiio.\ias Il.\,sTrN(.'s ... ( aged 41 S USAN his wife ) atred 24 30 -'■> 30 28 20 30 ■ 28 32„(. hi 29 .*i lY^JS^fi*^-^ EMBARKED FOR iXEW EXGLAiXD. J SlSAN MlNSON ... M.\RT1N VNDKKWMiift | at,'cd M.\RTII.\ his wife i ajrcd H\;nerv GouLi)Sf).\... ( atjed Annk his wife ) aged aged ,25,! John 1'.\i.M);k a;.;cd ..a-ed ..a^^ed ..a-ed Ri;iii:ccA Is.vackk a 'ed 38 i D.vxviiLi, l'ii:u( i; .. 31 j John Clkakki; '43 JolhN Fh<.min .*. ^3 Annk Goii.dston •/■ Annk Uorhai 1. 4'' 3<' -"4 .45 .aged 18 William CuniNc; aj,'cd 26 , ©1 These |)s<)ns aboue named tooke the Oatli of AUe'ijeance and .Supre- macy, at his Mat's Custome hou.sc in Ijjswich before vs his .\Iatiest)tFicers according to the order of'the Lords & others of his Mat's nvist I lono''*^ I'riuy Councell : This xij''' of N'ouembqr, 1C34. ^ V, * T'lO CLICKI Ser Ijjswich Custome House ^' ' ■ I'lIIL. BROWNE ■ V I'lDW: MAX J) Custr Compt irSWICH A Note of all the name.s and ages 'of all thosv which diu not take the oath of Allegiance or Supremacy being vnder age sMpi^ed in o' Port In the Etisaluth of Ip.swicti '^l' ^V'M.l I A An- UKKWKS, bound, for New I^ngland the last of ApriU 1634 * I''.li; Lk\\"i>: Rlctk \\'ooi)\v.\Rl):... ji 'HN; SilUNi.: Tiiuu>ri\; Ravnor: j John Lkxvis: aged 3 yeeres { TIIoma.S LK\vis:"agjed 3 quartc^^ ) Gfor(;k Wool )\varii: aged 13 I John W()()l)\v.\Rl); aged 13 Makn Si'RINi;: aged 1 1. • flKNRY Sl'RING aged 6 I John Sl'KINc, aged 4 4 WlI.I.IA.M SrRIN(. aged 3 quarters - 'TllUUSTON R.WNI U aged 13 JosKl'Il RaVNoR aged l!~^' liLIZAIiKTH Ravnor aged <) ■{ Sarah Ravn^u aged 7 LiDiA R,\YNOR, aged i liDVVARl) li.WNOR aged lO "^ Iu.i/.ai!i;ti"i Kkmiiam. aged 13- i ~'.\ »**. ^. 282 TiK KM BARKED FOR NEW f.XGLAXD. J- , Elizabeth Scott aged 9 [yecres] J AUTCAII tTiVirr o,T..,l ^ 6 ScoTTr -J Abigail Scott aged 7 ' Thomas Scott aged 6 Hkn: Kkmuall Rich: Kkmhall Gkokok: Munmngs:. J I ISAACK iMiXKK aged 4 ElJzaiikth Kkmhall aged 4 Susan Ki;.mu,\i.l aged i and halfe RiC,iiAMi|CuTTi.\(; aged 11 HeKkv- Ki;mi!all aged 15 yeeres RiciiAKi) Kemiiall aged 11 KIakv Kemdall aged 9 Martha Kemhall aged 5 . Joiix Kemhall aged 3 ■ •- Thomas Kemdall aged I "' . John Lauekicke aged IS - "' f Eliz; Munning's aged 12 .* ■ L Abigail Munning's aged 7 Y John Bern Aki) aged 2 ]v:Ueknaki,: ] Samuell Bernard aged I \ Tho: King aged 15 . _ Anna Bradstreet aged (J. . . John Bradstreet aged 3 Martha Bradstreet aged 2 Mary Bradstreet aged 1 Sarah Blomfield ag(f'd i SAMUEi^L Smith aged 9 Mary Smith aged 4 Eliz: Smith aged 7 Phillh' Smith aged 1 i r Mary Goodale aged 4 ' (jOODALE- J a b t i Abraham GooDALE aged 2 ,, ISAACKE GooDALE aged halfe a yeere '"•-'^ t'-^'-i^soN: Mary GouldSon aged 15 Ipswich Custome house this xij.l. of Nouember 1C34 '""^••"'^O^^E. , THOCLERfsc. <) Custr. EDVV: MAN Coni|)t Hump: Bradstreet:., WllLI:|j^jir)MFIELD: Sam: iJMiTH: Rob' 1 Sif- «^^i«e^WvJ^nSHn■f^'■'* 'f 'V.*^ i.-^e^^f^-^t^pfTf^'-'W^'^'^ilifp'^ • • / \r A.u/i.iA'K/i/y roK NEW /■:.\af..i\n. BOUXD FOR NEW I'NGLAND AVMOufll - '"^■'' ^ ^ y^ 201 1' of. '. M.'irch 1635* ' 1 Jt>SKi'il IIai.I. of Sonicrs' a Ministr atjcd 40 yiar 2 AdNis IIAI.I, his Wife (u^cd 25 y , 3 JoANK IIai.I. iiisilaught' a.^'cd 15 Yuarc ' 4 Jt'SKPH ilAl.l, his Sonne ajjcii 13 Yearc. 5 Tki^stkam hisson ancd..:......ii Ycaro 6~- KUZAHI.TII llAI.L liis daiighf a^'ed 7 Ycaro 7 Tr.Mi'KKANCK his daugiit' ai;cd 9 Ycarc ..' •' H fiUissKli. llAi.i.f his daunhf a^'cd 5 Ycarc 9 1)1 iR, rriiv HAi.i.t his dautrhu aged 3 Ycarc . . 10 Ji ui.rn Im \ - ■ , ". * » - * . - 1 * % -i i B ■ ■ . ■» ^ \ ■' ■ ,■ . . ,' ■■■■ / \ . - : ■■■ ' ''% f *■ •'^'i f-^ti^-lKKED FOR XfiW F.XGI.AXn. 2C> WiftM Fkvkr his s'vaunt aged 20 Ycarc 27 Jx": WlllTMAKCK aged39ycarc ' 2.S Al.CL WlllTMAKKK his Wife aged 35 ycare 2y JM"* WlIlTMAKCKi; hissonne aged II ycarc ...... .i.VlcUig...,. \Vayn10iJth30 Jam; his daughtf aged 7 Vcare - 31 Olsei'ii [or Onsepii] VVhitmarkk his solmc \ " aged 5 ycare 32 Rich: WllYTKMARK- his Sonne aged 2 Veaie y^ VVlttM Read of HatctJrnbe Tayjor in - 34t Som's" aged 28 Yeare — : 35 Susan Read his Wife aged 29 Yeare 36 Hanna Read his daugh"" aged 3 ycare i7 Ll san; Read his daughf aged i yeare .VS RtGO: Adams his sViinte 29 Yea,re ^ 39^ -M-viiV his Wife agedjgyeare^ "'' ' ~ 40 Mawv. Qieame his daughf aged l yeare 4' /^ACHAKY BiCKEWEI.L' aged 45 Yeare 42 AcMS BiCKWEU- his Wife aged 2> ycare 43 J N" BiCKWELL his Sonne aged II Ycare 44 J^'" KlTCllIN his scrvaunt 23 yeare ~>6^ George Allin aged 24 Yeare 47 Katherih,' Allvn his Wife aged 30 yeare ^^■ ' , ., - •"—- 48 Gi;c)Rc;e Aelvn" his sonnc aged 16 year.o 49 WiHm Allyn his^onneagcd 8year ' ' 50: AtjjS^lEW Allyn his sonn^ aged 6 ycare '.^ .51 p^WARD Poole his sVaunt aged 26 ycare 52 J^ENRY Kikgman ' aged 40 Yeares " ' '•. 53 JOAN'E his wife beinge aged 39 •*«•':> 54^ Edward KixgmAx his son aged 16 year J ' S'S JOANE his daughtr aged 11: ytcare- , " •[Sic, But ilouljticss inlcmlcil for Jiiltx.) . ', , ~ ' : (I'rolMl.ly inlendcH for Si-sax.) " j [jHcre ,s no N„. 45.] * '' ■*>£,■ r-^ r" f^^TfW5'^^^I^T^«f'gB!g^«^5*^g^?5TW^^ r / ■§ \ \ V j'.;irmif Li^VLLLJj^is sonne agtd 8 yeare Ellvn his d.iught'^ aged ... i yeare • So j/\MLS his Sonne aged J." i yeare ^\ JosLl'H ClIICKIN his ser\'arjw6 year ^ \ ■ S2 y\l.ICi; KlNHAM aged. .,....[. 22 yeare - 83 Angli.L HoLI.ARD aged ... 21 yeare 84 K.vniKRVX^iis Wife 22 ydare 85 George Lax\j his scrvaunt 22 yeare 86 ■ Sar.Xh Land§ his kinswofnan 18 yeare , - - ( • ■ ■' . f ^ ■ \0r io. One li;;ure i^ vvritli-'ii ovi:r llie otlicr, ancj I cannot tell vvliich is llij UliT.) [Thus in the orit^inal. Jhis nuinlicr should cvidJntly r^^jarn>t the next Ime. | [Tliero is no No. 77 ; lull il will be observed thai tAwinus below there is a name wnhoiit I.H ' ■ , ■§ ftOri^jinally ivriiien LvNd.j ] i% \ «! - / ** n -=^ \J /■■ 1 , / ,-#-■- f-w: ,.„, ,,.», I i J,s6 Dors' ,s,s .% 91 92 93 94 95 ./, 97 ■ <).S« 99 100: 101 102 103 104 '"I \ - EM HARKED WR i\En'. EXGI.A.Vn. Richard Joani.s of Binder.-....' Roir Martvn of Badcombc husbandin 44 HU.MFRKY SHI:1'!1EARI) liu.sbandifi.!. 32 JdilN Vi'HAM hu.sbandnian 35 .,.. JOANK Martvn Bl.IZAIir.TH Vi'HAM Joiix Vpha.m Jufl .; „WlU,IAM GRAIiF. [GRAVK] Sarah Vpham 2G NaTHANIEI.L Vl'HAM ...,•. 05 Elizaukth yPHAM '. o.^ Richard VVadk orSimstuly Cop [Cooper] a?f;d ;.." El-IZAIiETH Wadf. his Wife '. 'fit. Dinah hi.s dauglir ,■ 22 Hf.nry Lush his sVant aged' Andrewe Hali.ett his sVaunt •0 *i 07. 17 40. John iioble husbandiTi 13 H<'B' HusTE husbandiTi John Woodcooke ^Rjf 11 PnRTi;R husband 3 ..... . ':• . • .' JOHN PORTER Deputy " ■ ^ Clcark to EDVV:* ' '■ THOROUGIfGOOD • I'i-hi- iiMmlH:r should [k in tlii; line alwve.] ! -.1 .ti[.'^ic in'iri.i;. \ ■->w -^^ .» i .,♦. » . t • . >- T .-■"f I **> f>R .. ,■' I, . « >. ' 'if" • ■ - . "^ . ^ '*^ I. ,.«► ''^ M,- .'M: / • <•» A Register of the >>i •. of §uch persons a . . , • . . . .^ . and vp-wards and haue L ..... ,. < to passe into forraigne partes from . . march 16^7 to the 29"V* day of [S]ept. . , by vert.u of a commission granjted to m'^thomas mayhew gentleman. . r ift^i ' tTli<;H« (te'isqot go beyond the igth of .Scirtember 1637 ; the above il.ne mu>i lliirifure lie an error. It shoulil, l)c men(ionea-?^ t-:i^ .i *-^^tA .::f r^^ '■■..:■ ■'> .'■ ■ii ■" oL-^c 1 U .r-. * . - V . >•»• i '..■; ■ • ,i^ * ■ .. \ ,X y >- ' t \ - .X I [A REGISTER OF PERSONS AHOUT lO PASS IXTO EOREICN- PARTS. HIvSlvpcoplc went to New Kiit;land: with \Vii.I.IAM:*Am)KI.\vi:s: of Ips;jvi^» M' iif tilt: Jt'hii: and Donlhcy: of Ipswich and Willi Wll.I.lsai 5\'NI)KI.\vi.s his SoiTc. M' nf the A'o.K.- of Yarmouth. A;irill the / .S'l' 1O37. The examjiiaction .of Ji iii.v: 1S.\K1.U: borne in Xo'wcli in Nofffoltk (Irocar a^;eeil ;;(> > eres and KlJ/.Mil.TII: his U'ife at;eed Jl yeares \vHh 3 Children lu.lZ.MlKTH: JhHN; and TllnM.\>!'--aiul 4 .Sariiant>. ".M.VKIA: Al.X.VRSo.N; a^'ed .'4 yeare.s ""Anm.; Ai.,\\US(i\." .a^'ed , 20 yeares Hkiuul.l I Hul I.l.t: a^'ed , 32 >ear(.'s and SaMIKI.I.: ARKKii; a(jed 14 \eares ar all desiroues -to I'oe for -' ('ljai;K<»i Towne in. New F^ni^iandtlur to inhaliitt and Iveinaine Aprill. the S'li 163;. riic exaininaction of Nil lln: HiMili:; of NoHvlIi in NoM'f W'eauer at;ed 50 yeares ami HuilK.t.ri: his Wife ■'U^-'^' 53 yeares with' 4 Children. N'lriiti: Juiin: .\iu<\ii\\i: 'J % V and .SaK.\III: ar desirou«to ].;oe to boston in New lji^;laiid to in habitt V April!, the Sii' 1637 The e.xanunactitm of ,\I» iiii.i.: .\! t k \) M : of No'wch Dw'nix Wcavicar » ajjci). .\^ yeares .md' S.\kk \li: hit Wif;at;ed;3yyeareswith. 'SChiWhtn Mniiri.i. riii.MAs! \ * ■ - - '" ' M VUKV: S\ki<\m: l".i I'/Ar.i 1 II; Mauiii \. Jiiwi :and Ui i;i.i A; '7 ■ f^ 1 , • • [\\c (mIIuw (la III) lJO.iiii.1] I'lilr.Ui.ili'l'l uf iIm^ li-l iIm"U,;H..iii 1 % ■ * ' \7 \ ^ ■ \ • : .,. **■."'•- * , ' * * .. ' • . • ft •1- 1 ^ < - ' , ' S| ■ ■* '"V- 1 . -^ ■■ - ■ ,^ • 1 ■,, ' ■ ' . h ■■■ :''V -;\,,-.V'-' ■■ ■ ■ • iie ■ ■■ r- A -'<;o .UiOrr 70 PASS J.\TO lOKF.lGX /',lh'7S. Slid his Siiruant TiIdmas Comiikmiac il; atjed . 16 ycar^;;, .n desirous to passe to boston in New i;ni,'l.ind to inhabijtU^:*' ' ' Aprill. the / S'l^ 1637 The cXAminaction of JuiIn: 1'kks: of Xo'wch in" N'orff Weaiiear agecci 49 yearcs ,, anct lu.lZAlil'.TII; his Wife aj^ed > id yeares with 4 Cliildren. JoUN: ISariiki;: l';MZAIii;Tll:and Judith and one Samant / J(j1|.\:Gi;u.vkv a^ed / 19 yeares. are desirous, to passe to boston in New ICn^jland to inliabitt Aprill. the ;8>l' 1637- 'I'lic e.xaminaction of WlI.l.lAM: LuDKKX: of • Xo'wch in No' ff / Locksmith ther bo'ne / a^'eed 33 yeares, •, V(, and Ki.iz.\iii;tii: liis Wife , at;ccd. , 34 yeares.' With oncChild i'lid one Saruant / Tihimas: II(.i.\ii.s': are desirous to jroe to Hostone in Newe IJi^dand there to inhabit! / and Reniaint ; ■ ■ ; ■ *i-s: of No''wch in No'fif/ Cordwynar ayed / 28 yeares and. / ' _ _ 'with / 4 / Children Samli.i.i,: JoifN: Ki.i/,AHi;r1i: and Di.iika: ■ • Ns: aged / 18 yeares and A.NM:: . Wll,l.lAMi;s: aged 15 yeares ' ICngland to Inhabitt ;,,' • KANcis: La\vi.,s: boi^ne in No^wch in No'ff and their huing Weauear / aged nd Liddka: his Wifg ^ agced , 49 yeares Witlwontf Child Maki V: and 2 saruants. Samii.'I.I.: LlNroUNi;: aged 18 yeares / and An M-: Smi I II: aged. 19 yeares ar de.sirous to pas,se fo' New-I'.ngland to inhabitt • ...... S 1637. The cxaminacti'on of Wll.I.IA.M: NiCKKRsoN: of No''wch in No'ff , Weaueaf agecd 33 yeares. and. A.NNi:: his ^^'fi-' ;igi:'l , 2S yeares with , 4 Children / NiilKi: Komartt: l-.l.U,\l!l.lll: and Awi;: ar desirous to goc to liostone in ' New Kngla'nd ther to Inhabit! ' Aprill the / 81I' ' 1637. The examinaction of Samikli.: DlX; of No'wch in No'ff Jnynar ageed 43 yeares ; and JdANl.: his / Wife / aged 38 yearcs with 2 Children I'Kl.sKi.i.A: and Ani;iii:i.i,; and 2 Saruantc-s William: / Stokkv: and Da.niki.i.: Li.nsi.y: the one aged ,' 23 the other / 18 yeares/ ar all desirous to pass J to lloslon 'l^ New llngland there to Inhabitt/// ' 1'4 la- iliilfini' (TuVafttr iiuliiaiv pBrii, of lliv or.Kiiiiil liSTiaiwiTwBy by ngu or ilamfT] .,uioLT TO I'.iss /.\ro rOK/i/GX PA/as. -'\.\i.: aj^ed ' iS )'earcs. / ar desirous to passe for New Hnyland to itiliabitt T .., the ' I I'l' ' 1C37 The c.\amin;»clion of Joii.v: Moci.ru.N: t)f Ornisl)y in N'onf husijandnian. a^'ed. 38 yearcs., and. AnnK: his Wife aijccd , 38 yuares with 5. Children. Hi:\kv: M.vui,\: Anm:: Jam:: ami Hkh.x.ktt: and ■ -^ Saruants. Adam: GooUUliNs: a-;ed. JO ye.ires.and A l.-l.Ks: Ij.k^; ajjcd 18 ycrs ar all desinuis to passe, to New Ijigl.uul tiiereto inli.djitt and abiJe the II''' I'. 37 The e>^aniinaetion of Mai;i;\-: .Mi u i.ImN: <,f t)nnsL^-in Nd'ff W> dow, aijeed / 30 ycares and .' Saru.mts. JnllN : Mastun: a-ed / 20 yearcs anil .Mkkkkan: Mdri.iov: :it,'eed J3 yeares are desirous to -oe to New iln-land to inhabitt and dwell tile u'l' io »• 'xij^^: examiiuctioii of I\l< ll\Kii: f \i;fl.AI<; o( S!Aekl,: II \km: a^ced, J.> ytares and 1 llnMAs: Fl.I.oi:: aj^ed Ji yeares, and one .MaHAHI.I.: \'\l)l KWiMiii: a mnyd. Saruant a^eed, JO yearev tjoes all for New i:ii;.;land to Inhabitt and Iveinaine the , I'I'I' 1637 'I'he e\aiiiinaelion of kt 111: MdII.KiN: of ^ Ormiiby.in N'o'lf. .Siiij;lewonian, atietd 20 ) earcs. is desirous to passe firr New •En^jland tlieie to Inliabilt and dwell the I I'l'; 1637 The exiiniinactiori of Kmuuii: I'Ai.f: of Ormsbyin No'll. husbandman, a^^eed 33 jeaivs ,ind I.i ( i,a: his Wife. aKinl JO ) cares with, 3 Children, I'K.WVL.s: Maki.ki. 1 i: ami Si sAN\.\: and 2 Saru.mts , Wll.j.lA.M: .M(Hi|u\: .md /\n.Si.; W'aihi: the one a^jed 20 ycres the other i j je.ircs. and arc all dcsirou-s- to pa.s.sc fc New liiiii^ki'nfl to inli.ibitt mu\ KeiTiaine. . • 1 1' mil), .'i (..irl „f l>iu,-li, J \ V - ^ I -')' ,f -^i^orr TO PASS ixioroiajcx PAR IS. Anriil. the \0\ . he cxamiiKicticrn ,tf IIk'xkkv: Dowk: nf -Ornisby in Xoiff luishandman, agcuil, Jy ycarcs. and. J(i.\.\i : his Wife atjccd JO yearcs with 4 ChiUircn, a*id one Saruant . '■■ A\\i::.MamN(;, ayued 17 yea res. are desirous to passe int.. New i;ny;!and to iuhabitt /,' ' •Aprill.thc, iT'i>; i6j7 ^ The.exaniinaction of liniu.K it: ...". Siiifjleman. is desirous to passe . . . .' The cxaininaction of Ei.i.k.n: Kc.nKNsoNi;: of . desirous to passe into New I';n,;;land tlier to Aprill.thc_: ii'ii / 163; V.----- in' April!., the,' I lil> / i(Jj;. The examinaction of \Vii.1,i.\m: \Vn,i.i.\Mi.s: of yneat yarm 40 yeares. yand At.hi.s: his Wile /agccd. 38yearesuith 2 Children .. ..h'. .,r desirous to goe fo^ New I^nj^land to inhabitb . Aprill. the / I I'll 1637 'i lie examinaction of T;i,I//aiiktii; \Vn.l.l.\M|„s: of Ya'niouth. iij Noiif Sin-leuom'an ayecd 31 yeares is desirous to passe into \ew ICn-land fher to inliabitt and Remained • ^ Aprill. the 12'!'/ 1637 The examinaction of K.miirkn: RAiii;vt ,.f \arniouth , a Watjermanes. W'ydow. ayced. 6y yeares. is desinms to j.a.sse into -New ilngland therit to Remaine With her Sone . Aprin. tlK', l-fl'/ 1637 The examinaction of Rk'uamu: Lkkhs: of ^reat ya'mouth. Marmiar. aj^eed 32 yeares. and J. iAi, i::l^ Wife aueed. to passe fo' iNew . 2^ yeares , with one, Child / are desirous En|,'Ian(l and there tij inliabitt , and djvcH , Aprill. the / 12'!' I 1637 T^e.>4miinaction of Jli;.\r'♦ AliOVr TO PASS f.VrO /OR/JGX PAA'JS -'9,i .. CSC people went ti) Xcw l'.n;;huul uitli W'll.MAM:. Go. i--i.;m' j;. Tlii;v.\;uiiin:iclii>n of TllnMAs: I'aim;: of Wiciitoiii in SuffolcWc" WcaiK-ar agi^nr 50 ycarcs ami I'.l.l/AMKTIl: llis wife / ag^i-'cil -53i)-carcs with 6 CliiUlreii . 'riliiMAs: John: Maui;V: . I'.t.l/ \r.i;ril:^ l')ol<|..'llli:V: and Sakah; are desinjiis to t^oc ifor Saiilnicln New l.iv.;lanfl to inhahitt Ma\: tlie 'io(''; 1657 The e\aniiii.,u;tion^)f MaI^' ;ki. It: XliAl i:: -of ' t;reat yarniouth in Nii'ff Wydow. /_ at;eed 5H ycres ,lnd Ra( lll.l.l.: IJlXSON": her i^rand Child is desirous to passe into • "New I'jigland to inliabitt " May: ih'c • lo'l' "1637 ■. The Oxamiiiaction of Hi;MI.\I1:n: CooI'|.:R: Wife ayeed. 30 yearcs With J Children i'l; I ill;; :ind l.l.l/AI;l Hi:, and one Ma):d .S.ini.iiu Anni : (ii iouin: a^;eed_ IS yeares ai\di?siHins to |..isse tw New I'Ji^l.iiid to Inliabitt , May: the 10''' 1637 The e.xaininaction of Wll.l.lAM: TlloM \-~: of ' f;reat Cotnbert'>n in Wo'stershire iuisb.indin.m .Siri;.;kni.iii ■ . aj^'eed c6 J'e.ires. is desirous*' to passe lo Kxerdin in .\i w I'ln^land to inliabitt the loi'' , \Cr^ Ihe exaniinacfion of Jmiin:-'! hi ksliiN: of 'W rentoin in Su'Vl^ 'Carpeniar ayeed, 30 \ e.ires. and M.\l;- (.Ul.TJ: hisW itv a;;uid.'32 yeares. Witfi J Children I IIomas. / and JoilN: ar desirousto j)assc to Ne\v I'.njjl.md to inli,d)itl May:'the • 10''' 1637 The examinactimi of I.l c 1.; I'oV 1 1 l: of Nu'uch S[)insti:f. aj'ied. J3^'eares is dil'Mo.Mis to pa^i. into Ni\\ ■ ' lvu„l.ind and llieie to ULiu.iiue , , -1. M:i>: t •> X Jt'. 294 a^ut\o pass into foreign parts. \:: r -s^ i' May, the / ,o.h / ,637 TAcxamu^action of John: Borcwk of yarn.outl, Cooper / aged 28 yVares. and Anne: his / Wife / agecd / 40 > yeares .s dcs.rous t\ passe to^lam in New England and tber to mhabitt 1 ^ '. ;: 'May: the / ,,.1. / 1637 The examination of William: Gaui T^ of -^^ . mouth Cord«ynar / Sinf^ejii^ /agcc^ 29 / yeares is desirous to" ' I"»''«fti' New England and- thereto Renialne./ May:the/ ,,.../ ,637 The examinaction of Jcuxic: Amic^: of yarmouth Wydow / ageed / ^o yeares with / 3 Children K iniL agecd ' 1 8 ■yeares William: and J.. tin: arc desirous to passe for. New I'.ngland and there to inliabitt and Remain^ ; / May: the i |.h /..fi,, \i^^ exam inaction of AlGSTi.x: Call". •••■•• Al.I.i;s: his Wife ' agecd , 40 / yeares desirous to goc to Salam in New Eng "....' Maj-: the , n>l. / 1637 The exaniinaction of John: Darklu".' of. ....'. .■. . .passe into Snlani in New Ijigland and there . . , > Mayyhe . ,.1, ; ,637 The cxaminaction of J.„.V: Gldnlv: of No^wch '11 Noiff Weaucar. ... to passe for New Jingland « ith his Wif, > ■^■^■^•"'■■^''^^cl -^5 -yeares. . .'. ■ i.,,„,^ ,,,^^„. •"Id John: ,nor. ,, , Saruantes / WlLIlAM: Walklk: agced'.... " •-..., •....-.... HUKGKS* agecd / 26 yc;n-es , ar desirous _ ^'iKissc f()i- Salanv , ' May: the 1 ,ti, ,637 The cxaminaction of SAMULI.I,:'AlUi;s:'of No'wch an apmtcs / agecd /Ms yeares is desirous 'pto] passe into New I--'>k'land to his Mr John: 1Ukkk:\s he had apointcl l,„n / Tlic cxaminaction of.Jniix: Voncks: <,f Si Margrctts: Suff . Minister :igced 35 ycare.s.and. / Joan: his Wife ngrcd 54 - yeares with '6, Children /Joilv: Tiio: A<>m;: Rmiilij : M.wn -■l^'i'. Jiy. tl , '*• 'ininii-^'.iun' not. fh. Ill, yiariimilh ''^ ^'i^^ ' '^ ^t •"* ^'^^^^^^f^ ? T-5^> ff^?f^' 'J^^'-^''W^^'^^^^*'^^^^^'^W^^^'^'7^* '^'.^•iif^^ Ai: cif VA/.nv^ ' in N'o'lf, Bucliar Sin^lcnian , a^'ccd. J5 ycrcs i.-^.tlcsirous to passe into New Kn^'land; and tlicre to'Kcmaini- May: llic 13"' 1637 The cxaminaction of Tiidmas: Oi.i.hik: nl Xo'uch Cah'nder /agccd 36'yeaiLS. and MakKN: hisjk\ifc aj;ecd. 34 yearcs, witii 2 Cliildreii. 'riln: ami JmIIN: :ind 2 . Saruants TliuMA-^: D'4i;i:i): a^'cd, 3,0 yearcs and M.VKi:v;SAri;: af,'eed / 12 yeafes ar ilcsirous to passe Uv New Ivni,'land. to inliabit May: the / 15"' ' 1637 The exaniinaction of VVll, 1.1AM; CmKRAM: of ^uthould in SiitV Marinrar , ageed 2S yearcs. , and CllUl.sri;N: his Wife a^eed. 26 jeares with 2 Ciiiidrcn and 2 .Saruantes desirous to passe for new england to inhabitt [ Then follvi^' more f'cKisac^cs for Iloltaiul: and the wliou is sij^rmi/ .] IF1:N'RV: IIII.L Deputy for m' TrntMAS.MAVIll.W (Gentleman r I- w. ■ ,■ r » ' 1 • *1 - , r 4 ^ » 1 *■ \ * / ■ "•*■■ I- • >• • 'l!r . , * . •'!• 1 ■ -t i . , • ' _., ■ '. --f ■ .^ ,' / * ■ 4 \ •i. V .' % ■ • V' . ^■■V ■ 1 ^ 1 • ....-,,•• "., '^^■>i .;-,. -iff-, ..v" . '^ ; . ' '-■ :'■'*■*■' '■-- .i ,.___ ^- ,' ■--..-•:. >-„.-f. .y-\ ' -.". . I , ■«sw/"j! C- . . / X SOUTHAMPTON. ORTUS SOUTrlTOX. A List of the Names of such I'asscii-crs as were shiijpcd^in the Virgiti of Hampton of 60 tonnes John Wkaric M^ for the Riirbathoes, S John di: i.a. Hav merchant who haue taken .the oathes of Allcfjiance & Supremacy tlie 301I' of Marclie. 1639 ['640]. Viz'. Aged. •57. yeares. 28. 29. 25. 20. 20. ' 2 "> 24- \<'>. >5- iS.. 16. I7- I V 16. MlilIAI.l,l,J-;iiMiiM)'s of Crawlc)- Coin Soutlit husbamt Jkkk.MV R((|;i.\.so.n of Sm^'leton Coiu Su.ss hoopniaker John' VknM.I.I, de eod Cordwaj ner. \V" Francis of Catterington Coin Sbutiit .ser^jweau'. [.scn^e-ueaver] ' Jamks W'^i.so.V of Glascowe hu.sbandin,- W" Harnks of \Vimborne Coin Southt shoemak' Xkiias Bariun of Soutliton Smith Ani)Ri:\vk Druih; sf Southton p'd luisbandni AjiKAll.VM S.\l) of Soutliton p'd sergevveau' Jamks IiARKi:s- of Dorcliester luisbandni - JiiH.N SlKVKNS of Rinijwood Coin Soutlit luish.iiulin (Ivi.l.s \Vi:i:ki:iiam of lUnstotd Com Surr hnsbandui. I'KIKU W'odDi.AM) of Soutliton Ropemakcr. KicifARl) SlllNci.i: of lievis hill iiere .Soutliton. Jami;s IIacKKU of Andiver Com Southt, W'iHm Til ki; of lIusboriTc nore.Andi\er p'd. John JlLDi.u k of Newport in y Isle of wi!,'ht taylo'. Jamks Hi.ANciit: of the Isle of \Vi.'Ti^^B^ ff pf »Y ^i^^ji^isr ^i^»i' ••' ":\^ Aged. 14- 12. I.'. 14- I-- 1 1. J-Afll.lKKF.D FOR 77 f/- nAK/iADOKS. Roir Cl.ITSON of Andivcr pM. IIkNKV llAKkl.Sof SinitlUoii p'd, VViHm Dkcki; of Wimbornc pM. Wai.tick Sm.m.i.i-; of the I.sic c)f Wij^ln pVt. John ]{.\,ssi:Tr i)fCIiristcliinch. Roir 'iiRUToN of Aiulivcr p'll. T/iisc si.iv viidif ycarcs, & not swuiiic: J97 |1 Aged. 24 l<> 14 '4 23, 45 JO 24 -4 25 26. 2-9. It 14 1 !•; names of .such as \vcrc>iworiiL- the .S'l' of Aprill, & passed in the same Shipj). yeares. ANDKKWr. Hl'l.L.AKKK of .Southuin b.itboi. Mk;iI.\|;I.1. ().\I()KI) of Hovis liill luishanclrii, Kim' M.\IJf)K of S(niti;ton. Ch.uuullcr. TiiuM.vs Gki;tui(k f Run. W'.Vkki'.N scrv''^ Tkom.AS TlKNi;i< x-nder aj^'c C not swoine. D.WII.l.l, 111'; I..V ll.w seam.m. JoiJX Ni;\VM.\N of Blading in the Isle of wi^hl TlloM.vs IIiil.MKS nf S'-ntlilui) Currier. ^ WiHm C(^Ki;Kia.i';; Com Staff Tfiylo'. llKNRV 6.\INrV of IJymesf Coin Dors' .shnenial Ari-s. I ■ John Frey of Basing wici write, [vvheelwriglit] his wife ( 05 — & three Children. j 40— RiciiAki) Austin tayler of Bishopstocke. his wife 05— & two Children. , ' ^ . Ru) i;kt KnIght his seruant Qarpenter « 5> m: r [Three qntiies of passengers fur Jer ie* nn.l Guernsey precede lliis. in the <» "A ■1> Tywp-^"^'^- * *' 4 'A AJIOCT TO -EMBARK J-^K NEW ENGLAM) l.\K>-l ♦ I 37— Ciikist()|'|Ii:r]5.\ti- of Sarirni Tiinncr. )* ' 32 — Anni; his wife. J 20— DfiKorillK liyiT there sister. & fuic 10 . & vnilcr. .Children vnder tcnnd ycarcs. 24.— TiiOM.vs Good , 22. — Kl.lZ.A: lil.ACKSTON I s.— K i;i)i;ccA Pond XmU O2.— Wlt.l.l.VM CaKI'KN'IT.U 1 L,, -^ i „, , [■ \ . -<& [T HE SO M M E R I S L A N D S. > 1673—1679.] ,|| # -^ \ J^ •r V A [T H E S O M M E R I S LA N D S] 4*. August the 23^ 1673 niE' Names of y>-' Govern' & CouncilPlrf y^ Assembly J HevdoN: D. G. [Deputy Governor,] Hknrv TbCKKU seni'. RiClIAKD WOLRICH Henry Moore John Muiuiard John Wainwkkjut seni'. Thomas Wood JoNATJiAN Turner scnjf. TTiomas Lecraikt CoRNFXIUS WiiiTK !iccretary ClWRI.ES VVhetenhali. Speaker John HjjtisTow Juni'. Samueel Hrangman HoAZ Sharp Thomas Shaw James Farmer John Welch Thomas Stow Kdwarj) Sherlock Sen". • ROIIERT DiCKlVNSfjX •.- S'» GEORO TltKEK Thomas Kersey KuwARi) Chaplain . Geok(; Basciimh William Hasden Phillip Lea John Rawlins sen'. Nicholas Tiihrnion J011.N Arthur JoJIN SHjW John SgikE John Fiurc/iiNs Ri( HARD IFanoek Geiiki; HuiiiiAKi) William Mildorn' Lawrence Dili JOHV Cox JolIV SOMERvM.I. J>cn', RiCHAKIl JENNIN-- RlCHARI) I'ENlsrON • |II>il |>usMl,ly S", , /. Sir] 'r\ *-- 4 :^i '104 r//e SOMMER rSLAXDS. SiA'KKN VicAks ■ /:; William Rioiiton Scni' Thomas Hall " 'Gl.OKC Uall . Jons' MouKici: Seni'. Witt. ni:K(ii Thomas Kokstkr Richard Matiielin Natmanikll Hi'tti:kpii:li) IIamond Johnson Clerk of y Assembly . . «, -♦ N" |N Accouipt of the Gciicrall Lands belon<;in^ to the Soiner Islands Coinp'' t.tken out M' Richard Norwoods, Survey booke by him made in the yeares 1662: i66j: (;i:nt:rai.l lands* Hegininf; with S' Geor^^es Islind „ The Governo' ht)lds- of the llono'''^' Comp-i as. belonLlin" to his J)lace Twelve Shares of Land / at the Last End of S' Geor;;es Island C^ontaine- i ing |> I'-i^imacon .-...' • Namely in the Oecupacon of ^ I).\\ iD.SroKKS |) ICstimation .... ...;.."....!: share JosLi'll (iooDlAnil p I'^.stimat l: sha: John Mills p Kstiniat ..^ :.-... \ sha; John liLDWLi.i, p Kstiniiit ivij John Mii'.ls p l^stinmt i sha: Roiii-Ki ro\vi:i,i. p I'.stitnat i' sha. Cornkmi's Kvans Matthkw Norman ) , yl 1 sha and Ko(;i;r Hrowne p I-lstimat .|| Ali.XANDKR Smith p Kstiniaciin ..'.l sha; John Wllsh J<)HN. Bkisjowf, Maksiiai.l, Rodi.K Havij|y Hannah Hollou.w, Ldward MH)Di.i.inN, Tiio: Shaw J.ifiN Hukr, the.se seaven hold p l-Lstimacon 2 sha; The resiilue of these twelve Shares arc in the Occiipaeon of the Governo' hini.sclfe. • rriuTi' .iry l\v J cfmii-s (i( tliTH lin, imv Kuinj; iltixoi (■> Nii. i6 tmly (hcc p. .^07), (hf I'tlttr |., ilu- <'n iiiiptirtaiu vaiialu'iijs in tla'in,>u Uir as iht) l"'ih iaUhiI.I -" \ X. ■; ..,„.-. t ^-^^ J 'Tllli SOMMER ISl.lXDS. (ilcabc in tlic Tenure of m': Sam" Smith the iiscnt 305 Minister there Two shares Containeiii^' p stiniat. - 50 cx) txi {estimation] ' 3 Tile SlicrjileMr John Xiciioi.I.s as Ijelongin-^ tohis| Office Fowcr Shares of Land containein;^ p - 100 c» 00 Estimat ; ,' 4 The Secrary iM> Hknkv Tli KKR as beJongin^; to . Ills Office holds of the llono^'l>= Comp-' 2 shares V 050 — — Containeinjj p Estimat .\ ) 5 M'JollX V.MGll.W 111 ildetli b)' Lease fronimf Case- \ \Vi:i,L of the Conip'' Land i Mia: containeinj* J- 025 00 00 p Estimat ^ •' 6 Leut: lunvAKI) Ukacki.KV hoUleth of the lIont)''l<-' J ,- ,,..,, , ■. . .... \ 050 00 ou ^ Comp''' at W 111 2 slia: contaiiw-mg p Lstmiat ) 7 AL John lJKi^-ft)\vi; Marshall holdeth of the Hon"''i'' Comji" as bclongiiit; to his Oiflice 2 sha: Containc- ' 050 00 cxj iiig p estimat J 8 M'» SiAi,vi;i<,s holdcth of the Ilono''!'^^ Comp»^ as belonging to the Ferry 2 sha: Containeing >■ 50 00 OQ E.stiniat J Suiiie 27: shares Jiut the wiiole Island (as formerly measured) contc)nes /cXJ; acres that is ^8: slia: and Six acres. The Small Islands ncare S' Georges. 9 "Two Islands against tJie East End of S' Georges | Lyeingjn Conion .containeing i lu I'agetts I'ijrt whereof Captiiine I'UANCIS TUCKER 1 is Coniander w''' the Island vvhercun it stands sometimes callcil I'cnestons Island .■nid a Teneni' or Dwelliilg huu.sc there in the Occupacon of <" -^ " Leivt; JoNAtilAN SniKls as telongiftg' to the Fort cont 39 4 \ •1 ■A II- ■ '.ife 306 THE SOMMER ISL/LVDS. W'\- 12 ■N. i N^ General! II Smiths Fort whereof Captaine Godhkako Aser is Comandcr the Island Containeiiig ..:. Smiths Island in the teiiurfc of Captainc GomiKARD A.sKR from the Hono'iie Comp^a.s Cojnander of Smiths Fort con t ..'.., ., An Isljind Called Ilen-IsUind neare the West End of 1 Srr;iths Island Lyciiig in Conion and Contaificing J .^l^.sHiittl Island Lyeinij bctwcene J len-Island afore- •> ' r* . . , „ '^said antl Smitlis Lsland Lyeing in Comon f Con- r ;:,^-l>,.\^^S •• .;...; :.......,.-> ^'> ' • " ,*i4Wi>nlj-liir cKtiinat ■. .' — 25; 00: 00 ' • " 21 2"* \Vil.l.l.\M Al.l.KX lioUls a.s aforesaid i share cont |) est 25: Capt RiClI.VKD JiNNVNds of Smiths tribe comandf of Southampton fort iiolds of >"•' honol''"^ Comi'a as t 00: V ' ■ ., '■ , belon^'in;; to y l-'ort f in y<-' occujjacon of JoIlN ^ ■■ ■ 2? Gka/I!UKV f Rani)aJ. Davis y estim 2 slia: oP ^^ Land cont ^O: 00; CX3 - 1 " * Lievt Tlio: ,Hii.T(jN hdlds qi y« hono''V Compa p est .. 2 sh; con: :. l....,>^.. ■:^^'- 00: 00 1 24 Roi'it. lUiKCII.lCK holds as aforos'l p est 1 sh: cont.-.TT^r 00: 00 -^ J^ Lievt Kdwakij yRAN(iMAi<.and his sonne S»\ML'KI. , j . •■ ■■ HKA.N'f.M*AN hoMs as aforesaid {) e^t i sha: cont ... 25; 00: (X) i , • ■ # ■ 26 Wil.i.iAM Hia.i. holds of the Hono''''^' Compa two \k<:\\^ J « ■of Land namely one pcell on the South side cont p e.st 13 acres and- 'another |icel] on y North sidenejyt ■ , )t' Hay cont p e.st 12 acrcK both pcells coijt, p, Qst ^y^ one Share or ....'. :.-.'i'.^:.. 25;/^; ixi :< il 1 he suinc of these Lands in S Davids called y^ CoraJ^anyes 310: c»: to If'cr: rn... I'ci Till' Laiuls in S Daviils Island i:;ivfn by )<■ liono"^' . Com pa nv to 1 l^rrinLjton at.s Hartiilton tribe 27 Tiio: Si AkKK of Davids Island holdcth freely a |kM1 of land w^'i formerly belonged to two shares in • • Hamilton tribe that sometimes were Capt John HlliNAKDS and are there t\iark«;d (No: Uj) cont |) est imat ■■■'> 28 Tim: Sl'AftKKafores'l holdethof m' John Mll.MK as ► , belongintj to y«^ two shares in Hamilton tribe where , . he ilwells i^nd another share In y<^ occUpacon of SF*. Cox widdow .In all threo Shares bcint; y Land.s of ^1' I'KKIKNT Tuorr f numbred. there: y f 20 he " holdeth I say as belonginj; to Ijiese 3 sh p est 15: oy: .1 39-2 , '* / (K): 00 \^^^^ ) 3oR 29 30; 6 31 S^ 33 34 35 36: n 00; 10: 00: 00 \' 77/^ SOM.yijfAjSI.AXDS. ' "" — - - (P- ~- - ■' to'^'""" '' ncr: r(.(,: William Auan'is hoklcth of J \roii Axtdn as bc-^* • lon^nnj; to y^- Share of M' MAtTili;\v ,WlCK.s in J. Hamilton tribe (No there 11 1'') pest '05: 00: ' M'- Makv MountaiNk (f'ormerly Marv'StoW) hold- ' • eth a jicell of Tenn acres belijiiginL; to two Shares in Hamilton trijje now M' Sou I'IIKKN'ks (No: 21) Item another ijcell of l'"ivc acres bclon^ijiug to a share in Hamilton tribe in yc free tenure of JoiIN ■ Place (No 30: both pedis Jyeing together- f cont |i estiniat [c Mak\- Mountain'k afores' holdeth as belonijing to two shares in Hamilton trjbe being the Shares of ' ' Capt Gkdrck Hbhdakt of Devonsheirc tribe\ (No 12) a pcell cont p est , , Leivt Joiin'Fox holdeth' of Capt GoniiEARi) AsSLK as__appcrteyneing to y 3 shares fh Hamilton tribe whereop he the said Cajjt Assi:r cKweMs w'" were Late i\L' DklukIUi;!-; A pccll cont p estimat HlXRV SlIARl'i; holdeth freeij- a |itcll of thirty acres of w"" 15 acres dij, fornurI>- belong -to >-^' three shares of Capt CuN'lJ.I.S in riamiltnii tril)c (\o 27: 28) the whole lycing together f Cont p cst.T. 30: John Lvij'i)A(,k hdldeth of M' Sam' Wiiitnkv of Sandys, tribe as apteyneing to j;<^^ Land .A»ri»ierly ni' DvKI'.s ,in Hamilton tribe a |)cell Ci3»t p estiniacon -. ^q: M' John Moouk holdetir Oeely a pcelji w" was here- t'ofore John- UAv and apperkeyneing to a sifarc In Hamilton tribju now M' VVLlius (No lO) cont p i-«timat, / .' o5:r qo: John MoorlV afores'' holdeth of M' Mlllll. Hlk- KofcIMiS a/ parcel! ef Land api)erteyneing to Two' shares in Hamilton tribe in y<-- occupacun of y<^^ said ' MllUl. Bt'RKoWKs.C^So 22) cont p est 10: 00: 15: 00: CO £■ • .* "'jriiF. so. \rM /■:,',' /s/..i\ns. \QI) 3« 39 40 05: 00,: 'j■>■ Stocks poi(ite belontjin.L; to FiVe shares i;i Haniil- ton tribe wliereof I'ower were yv I'.arle of \\'\In- WICKS (Noni': 23 24 25 26: t "ix-" >'' I->'es at y Flatt-i No: 36. the whole pcell herc*L\-eiiii; to;,;ether { Cont p eslinwt .-. The sunic of these lands Hi Daviils Island be- longiiij.; to: 40: sh: in Ilamilt tribe is p estiin •^ Soc y whole IsKin.ls of S Da\ids di\ided as afnres;iii_l cuPit p'estiinat 510: acres ]?ut as it was formerly nn-.rsurei it -cont 527: acres The Islands in Soiilliani|)t()n hall")' als Castle llarhor 25: 00: 200: 41 4-' Certaine small Islands. ti) y-' Xomberof Ti.-iin l\c.n;4 iii ^Colnon neare to Davids Islands, and on tin; .;south side thercpf (for the most pt) cont p c^t,fin.it oS: ^h.>: The Island called Coopers Island \\\. the tenure a;i^» occupac'on of Da\T1) Minc w"' he liold-i of \< bono'*' Coiiip'' Ctinte)-iieiii^ JJ: 1. 43 I;"oiire srr(all Islands lyein^; in Coinon bctueem 1 > ivids Isl.'indf Coopers Island cont- p estimat .■ oj: _•: 44: Five.other"*small Fslands lycin.; in Coiiioii :' '.in- )■■ South end of Coopers Island cont p ifstinial../*. 02: 2: ( \ \ \ ' > ' \W' ' T •, / 310 *S THE SOMMER ISITAXDS. .: \ .^ / ' 45: The Island called \onc-such lycing in Conion coiit ... 1^5: 46. Three Small Ishinds about Xont-such iycin^f in Cfimoii .- cont ; 01: 47 South-hanipton I'\)rt vnder y^ Coniand of Capt Rich Ji;nvN"(;s u'l' y-" Lsland whereon it -sfand.s cont p eDfimat 01: 48 The l"ellow of it l)-eing ne.\t toward y'^' Northeast in Conion 06: 49 King.s Ca.stlc virder y-' Coniaml of our hono''!'^' Govci- no'Capt l•'I.(lKI;\TI()Sl•;^■Ml,)R, w"'yi-- Island whereon it stand.s cont ; .' 03: 50 ClArles Fort now decajed (oncly there rcmaine two '' peeces of ordniance dismounted, y>i Island cont p est i mat ; 03 : 5 1 Three Islands lyeiili; neare Gliarles Fort Island cont |) est iniat ^, 01: 5 J Some other Snialllslands lycin}.^ in Comon in South- . ampton harbor als Caslle Harbor cont p e.stimat ... 01: Sufnc of these Islands in Southampton harbor... 120: N° 1 he Cencrall Land at Tuckers Towne. 53 Gicab Land in tl>c tenure of m' Abo=Cromby w'" the Gleabc hou.se cont p estiniat 2 sha: 50: 54 M'VV" MdCiKKf M' J()si-.i'll MooKK his .Sonne holdeth of y honol'i' Compa two Tencm''- f two shares of Land cont. p estimat '.. ...• 50: ■55 Sam" Atkin.son holdeth of the Hono''''^^ Compa a Tcncnii f 1 share of Land cont p estimat .^ 25, 56: 1)ami,I, Makkciw holdeth as aforcsaid-a Tcnem' and ^ Cnu sliare of Land cont p est 25: 57 Nai riANAi.t NoKTH holdeth. of y? Honoi''"-- Compa a T'cnem' f one share of Land cont p estimat 25: 58 rAKNKi. VViLKlNsoN Widd holdeth of y-' honoi'i'-- C"■■ occiipacon of himselfe and his saiiJ^assi^nes cont !> estimat 'h- 5°: oo; r exj 60 Tiii> Ci.ivV'ii \V"Nkwm.\n J. mix IIkownk ea(,-h of otiiem a Tenem' C *>i»«-' I'C'-'"'^ "f '-''"J W" to^retlicr w'" yi' wast CComon Land extendinL; from Tuckers townc bay alhnost to y Castle cont p estiniai 95: qo; do ' Suiiieof these Generall Lands at Tuckers toune and extending' thence toy point neare >'■ Custie is ,545: '»; »J „ * Touehinj,' soiny of)"' Lands at Tuckers tuwne as alsoe in liiivids Island I could not bee throu^jhly Informed thoUi^h I made seu'all Joiirnyes f Imiuiries, but iiave : sett them downc according,' to y best Informacon I ■ could Gather. , Thelsland called s Gcortjes conteyneinu; b>- es-timat 27 shares but by measure ,••■ 7^>'^>'' ^'- '*•' The other Lands in y^' lowne Harbor C sue to liurnt pointe cent * "Jj: -'■ ^'' Davids Island cont by eslimaeon 510 acres but by measure ■ S^7- X- > ^ Coopers Island Nonesuch and the other small Islands there cont...'. :'■ '-o: ;• '^7 ^. The Generall Land at Tuckers Toune and extenduH; to y-'-liointe neare y-' Castle contesnes b>' e-timacon 345 acr but there seenies to be near^; one shau; more by measure namely ■•■ h7^- '-'->'■ I'u ■ ■<■'■ <■■ )'<• ' Suiiic total! of y>^^ General! Lands iS./J.-Hi; 3 = i '" ">^f^"^' "S" I a '///£ SO.MMliK /S/.,IXDS slamis 1 n C oinon No: t ^ 3 -4 Tiio Islands in y^ Great f Little ^ vl-rrt-infiT in Coinon to all the Tribes .icr; ro. per : I The 15ij;gcr Island at y^bottome of yi^^ Little Soiiinl against )"-■ Lands of m' Juiix HuiiiiAKT cont p '/'^t'""*"-- ■ oi: 02: 20 The Two Lesser conteyneiiig p estimat 00: 00:, 20 Another Small Island in- y>-' Little Sound nearg to Diggs his Dale in S'miths tribe Cont !> e,stiniat 00: 02: 00 An Island Att Bailyes Bay on y^^ North side of' ' Hamilton tribe cont p estimat ;■.., 00: 02: ^o Another there moKc Wesferiy cont p estim.-it cxD: 01: 00 'The Greater of y^ Island.s in y'^' Little Sound called 1 runck Islands in y<^ c'cciy)acon of JdliN' Roukkts ' •'^""l .• 03: 00: 00 The next there to yf Nortlnvards in y^' occnpacon of yi- said John RoiSERTS cont p estimat 01: 00: 10 Tuo other sm.-.U Islands there contcyneing p estimat. 00: oy. 26 ' In the Create fiound 9 An Island in Crow Lane (lyeing against y^' Share of Sch-jole Land given by il' CoI'EL.wd) in y-- occu- pacon of L\A.\ OwKN for yearely rent w^i' he payes tp y^ Gpvcfno' or Shcriffe for public \ses as doe y-- rest of these Islands yi*ire Lett out this Island cont i^^^*'"'^7-- ' «- 03: 00: 00 10 Another l.s/and.. in Crow lane over ag' M' Sro\vi:.s ^ hou.sc to !>•' Southward lyeing in Conion C and cont ^^^''^^■^- 03: 00: 00 1 1 Six small Islands at y-' Lntring of Crow Lane Ijeing over from M' Stowics pointe to Salt Kettle pointc ' lyeing i(i Conion f Cont p estimation .' 03: 01: 00 ■ I M- -■K^-^ ^-T;S|lt_grft y-*" ^^i^-^^'w / :K THE SQMMER ISLANDS. No. 13 6 18 '9 20 21. 22 -'3 24 25 To all the Triples: ac Another Island there in y« occupacon of Tlio: Ack- l.ANi) w''' the Tcncm' thereon cont p estimat 28: Two small Islands lyeing betweene y' last before cntred and warwicke tribe cont. p estimat 00: An Island in Bosses hole lyefng as aforesaid in Coiiion and Cont p estimat 00: Another Island there at ye Mill or Mouth of Mangrow bay fc cont p estimat 00; Another more Southerly Lyeing in Coiiion f cont p estimat qq. Another there more Southerly lyeing fc f cont p estimat ' ; q , . Another there more Southerly lyeing fc f c^nt » estimat .., ' qq- A Long Island at y<-- Entrance of Daniels bay w" a smaller further into ye bay, both lyeing in CoiTion ^ Cont p estimat ■'.; qi: A IJiggcr Island lyeing agt M' SjOWEs pointe shares to y^ westward lyeing in Conion f Cont p estimat 03: Foure Smaller Island.s' to y West^vards lyeing fc cont 01: An Island w" a bay on yc South side of it w" another Lcsscr'Island toward's yc Northeast both in y^- oc- xupacon of Lazarus Owen w"- the Tenem' there Cont p esti;nat , ' 28: AhothiSr Small Island next y^ Two former lyeing in Conion f cont p estiniaf ,.... qo; Three small Islands to ye Westwards of L.\/.arus OwF.N lyeing in Comon f Cont p estimat 01: A Bigger Island Northwest from L.vzarcs Owkn in y" occupacon,of Nathanai:l V]:.\zey or his assignes . cont pest ^^ ^y Another Island near? adioj-^i'^igto j"-- West end in y^ ' occupation of y .said ,Nat Vi:azi:y or his assignes cont p estimat.... ^. qq: 39* 2,^1 per- 3: 00 21: 00 30 oa: 00 I: 00 01: 01: '10 2: 00 '3: 00 2: 00 ^N^; ■i-?* -*iw» > iwa i(i B>t »i»i» iM>iii|tiiiiin»i«iM'in^*)»««««»H»>y ••««■»' ^ T^^ w id ' hi 3 '4 No 27 28 29 30 ■3' 32: 3i 34 Is. Elizabeth Island w'" a tct of JdllX BUKT cont |) c y/ZA SCAfMER ISLANDS. Isl.in is in (.'onion cm' there in the occupacon timat 21: An Island at y^^ Xorth h<;ad of Elizabeth Island lye- ing in Comon f cont Another Island at y<^ Nortl :stimat 00: nest end of Elizabctlj Island ly(7ing in Comoij f ConI p cstimat ^... 01 The Island called pearlt Island at Spanish point Elizab''' Island lyeing in Another Island there more cont |) cstimat ..\. .. Three small Islands more. estimat : An Island called Roundhil IIlCMU- W^SfB cont |) c A smaller Island w"" another small (".another nearc Ireland all lyeing in Gomon f c( iit p estihiat 02: An Island to y^ Southw istward of ye West end of Comon f Cont p cstimat 01: Southerly lycing in comon 02: Southerly comon cont p ..^.... 0-3: Island ir y-" occupacon of timat [6: last cntnal in \\-!¥t*» cont pc.'tnnat Island to y Soulhuard df y' la pacun of y^ saia llKXRY^W.' 00: 10 03: 20 02: 00 01: 00 02: 00 01: 30 cxd: 00 20 VRi^ cont P 00: 00: 00 T>7 38 39 40 41 y^ occup, "cstimat q,. An Island called Tuckers Island w'" a Tencni' there in yf occupacon of Natiianikl Conyard cont p cstimat >.(...... 21 : The next on y; Northside called yo Lesser Tuckeifi Istd in yc occupat of Tiio Ward cont p cstimat ..."07: 03: 00 Two Small Islands to y-' Westward of ye Two Last lyeitig in Comon f Cont p cstimat 00: 02: 00 An Island bctweene Tuck-crs Island f Brother Islands , sometimes called Graves Island . lyeing in fcomon f cont .-. 06: ThS Westermpst of y^ Brother Islands lyeing next to Georgts pointc w"" a Tcnem' there in ye occupat (J^^' John Rivers cont p-estimat 20! The eastcrmost of y^ Brother Islands lyeing in comon fCont J) estimat 13: CX3 02: 00 01: 20 f 3: 30 ^ t i I -u .-y (f -^jr^ •■ i 43 43 44 45 46 THE SOMMER ISLANDS. Tij all lliL- Tribes; acr;* nxi: An Iskincl ncarc y<^ Shore at y<^ I'.irtition line betweenc ' the Lands formerly y" Earle of Southamptons f M' Scotts lycing in Conion f Cont |) estiniat 02: 01: Two small Islands ncare Jews bay lyeing in CoiiiDn cont p estimat "..'. o\. 00: Two Islands before y<^ Entrance of Ilearne bay one in )'^ occiipacon of JOHN Helvn y»^ other in y occupncon of his mother w'li a teneni' both Cont p estimat 17: 01 : Two other small Islands w'Nn While hearne bay l>cing in Comon f Cont |)cstimatinii 01: 00: The suiiie of these Islands lyeing in Comon to all y^ tribes is 253: acr: 2 roo: ,^6 per; The totnll of all y<^ shares of land sett apart for publicjue use as p this booke are eighty six shares vera Copia Kx p " HKNRV- DANDG ^ ' . R,I: PANN'ER.. 20 c» 10 \ J [Indorsed:] *lr w ,"Rcc'' from X^ IJannku Sccry to y^' Company :?5 Sci)t 16S4.'' ' j • « / J '■$ . * '. r * • ^._ - ' V * • « ^.. .',# ^^: ^ * J _w* . , y "" ■'■■ / ■ ,* " ■ .. -.f 1 ' 30*— 3 A ^ ■. . ^ ■ X i - \ y "f \ ... . V ,/ .»: ,. *> t ' V t » ■- *i • J * '■■, . ' /' . f": * " ' , .. ^ *. ■ ■ I . , '. '1 • xl ..' „■ ' , ; . . ^ . !■ V, ' ".V ' •■ . • - 1 s- «to> -aiy>gi'^it"'»'?.?i»fj*'<*'<4aMf(P^»tf>^^ Iffvmmim A :% I •f i|i' V ■ :i^ ■ A* ■.■./ #\ »'.v TT i ^ 4 ■m / ^ ■ » -'■ . -^ .. - "' ■^, ■ ■ ' ' . ' * ^ * f ■■■■—■ ' ' [MONMOUTH'S REBFXLION OF i685. y LISTS OF THE "CONVICTED REBELS" SENT TO THE BARBADOES ANP OTHEH PLANTATIONS 4N AMERICA.] ^ ft • * m , • 1 • • ■ # • * " * ' « * ■ ■ / - . r- . y ;:. ■ ^' : ■' . * -:i* ■ 'fe^"*"- ' '"•Tit" — y * f . ■■■?.■ M' \ •\ ■ \ »' ; ■ \ . ^ ■ II " " ■ y' ' ■• . ' H ■ * -• " ■ B ■ ■'-., \ ' • m n : * / ■ "".'■• ■"'".■ * ( ^ ' _ ' 11 - * - 1- ■ >• ■• ' " - ' \ i • ' \ » . . ■ ■ , : ' '. ^ • - / <-■» »- « ■ ^ • ,,?:>. > ' * . .. •-^ • ^ ^ ' .^-' -■ ■ I • ~ \. t^ .. . * * • > « 4 # * „# '■> 1 / -^y ■ ' i ' . , I * ^ ■ '^. ., * ■ ^ \ ■f - '. ^ 1 *■* ' -; n f ■^.:- 1 . * X m ' '* < • . • • . $ 4 :-. - :-'' ♦ - » « / ' iy/ BfT • ■ • ' ' ■ — V. % -■ - - --- - - -,» ' -;■- m- r Si- . ■ ■ f ■ ■sT .-^ _ 1 s » \ « ' • '., 1 .■I'l "'" f ' Ite t' I- '^f*" -^' Jggi illONMOUTH'S REBELLION OF 1685.] Somcrscl.] IXIi^IPT for one hundred Prisoners to be tran.s[)ortcd from Taunton by JoUN Rl)SE of London Merchant. * D.XNIELL RUTTKR Ji:k.i:mi,\ii Pooi.i; John Hakkr ROBKRT Pk.\kce Leonard Staim.i. Edwaru Kent Cii.vRLES Bennett John Par.soxs John Gibus John Dryer TiioM.vs GooED John Hartev VVh.eia.m Pitts James Weiiu NlCMOEAS CoEEINS jun' Richard Kino Em an I' Ei.E M .\ Kni AN r William Marciiant " John Slade Samuele Bond John Rogers '. Bernard Loverii)(;e Percivall Nowis Wii.i.iAM SaOnders Wieeiam Veiyard Henry Chamhers TllOM.\S RfOWSEWEEL Mathew Cooke John Crane Charij s Hurrage William Ley John Rouins Li KE Po'rter. , Thomas Pkeist I Cornelius Kadkokd. i PiiiLLir Cheeke I Robert 1-arle I JoiinMo(;i{ii>i;e I Henry Randall ! James M.wnakd I Joiin„Cl'i.ver\vell Geo ROE Truubs ^YLVKUTI R LYDE William 1'iieli'es « .<»■ \'-^' aj* '^mmtiiftmMlttm IJiii»lMn > i i!M ■ Hen'R^Preist Knock Gould ■• • John Hennett * * John Uaker Samuell Moun-kstephen Thomas Buglai^ . . .^ "Stephen Jeefreves John Morse WiLLLVM SCURRIER John Enoland jAcon Powi'i.L ^ * John 1S.ODSALL John An^rewes « Samuell Swee-^ing George RinvsELt" , Edward Bellamy. VVh.ll\m Cros'^e • ' Jonas -Browne JojiN- Crosse Christopher KNicirt- Thomas Meadi: Jo.HN Needes •" Thomas 1>itts l/STS OFCONVJCTED HEBELS. Robert Richards CiiRisroPHEii Row Matiiew Craft jun\ Richard Peircv' ;l John Miller •; ' George Snow Samuell Collins •j, John Cockram I James Cockram Christo^pher Ho'blyn John Marwood John TimoItiv- . Thomas Austin ' **- Moses oI^borne Walter Hucker Randall BAiiiNO^ON JojiN KnigHt „ Job Hunt ■. William Woodc'^cke • John Adams v ThoSias Pomfrett ' i'jAMi-^ Patten ! Thomas Bamburv ' ■ I James Clift I Thonl\s Chamberlvnk Hu.HKKEV Justine. Isack Dver Richard Svmons 'Rcc'ciucd according to his Ma''« order the warrant from the Lord Chcifti Justice w'l' a Schedule thercvnto annexed of one hundred persons attainted of High Treason xv^'' are by John \iosE Merch' to be trans- ported into his Mali" Island of Barbadgcs ^r otlier his Ma'ic' plantacoas [plantatiorfs] ^ America according to a CondiCon o"f a Recognizance tntrcd into by me for that purpose In VViltnessc whereof,! haue heiic- / . f • / / V * 1 U. m LISTS OJ- C0.\17CTED K^Jil.S. 3" 7 vnto put my hand tliis 121I' day of October iii.tlic firsks^yfiarc of his ^^^I»"i» Raignc. Annoi], Ufii 1685' Wittncsse hercvnto ROH^ HYDK . J- GILES g6aRK1'^. .M« Rosf/s Listf ''.^f J'NUOICR of Sixty Eight Men Seruants Shippccfibn buard Cap" ClIARI.KS Gakdniik in y* Jiiiiiiiua Aferc/uint "fur ^cco' of Ml JiiiiN R(isi;^& Ct)nipi, they being to be SoFd foXttn YearesTthcirc NjinTcs as followctli Viz: . \\ > ■ ,, ISAACK Dyi Jamks VViviHi ■. ,!«.'.;'.... iS WlI.l.lAM WoyDCDKl-: '..*... \S}^.„ HuMPiikv JiHrt:^ •■•' -17 RitflARi) PkakclV '..•..;. ' ^o-^,, jAMr.s'CnCkRAM' .., ,. 21 „ DaNIF.I. feuTTKK 20 ■ „ °Jamf,s Ci.iF;r , ....'..,. 20 „ Xol'MFR tlwi.lilN ^...'..r 40 ; „ TllOMA'S'PlTT „ ,.;...';'. jS " „ John Tjmotmy........^ .I"..-.. 29 Enoch Goui.D '. "...'.... 15 ■jKRi.MiXnT!)()i.i-; )...:. .'..' 30 „ WlI.I.IAM SciiRRiiirt' '.. 2i '„ IlMANlMX MjvlU 11.VNT '..! 20» ,, KimARi> ItKi.i.AMv,...^ i-; John" (j(»nsA^,i ....;...> ■ 27 • „ i,Gk<)ki;f RiJLsf.i.i '.'.., ^o i,, A(;l' Tl ;ii Ic 23 year C i;r> !; iiicluT • W i|olkCoitTb< r • [It will W ii.'tH.il ll.;il II fj( ls1mrlIC^ iiu- luntiilU'l, tl^tlisl |, ni I.uin- p.ul ^u-jr • ' ' .".•'. 4'-'* I- ■>» • ? • • '•Si ■ mm i. * 1 .I, * .:^r \ ■^l' M' ■ . .^- :^ ?, '-I ^ 3'S /./SrS OF CONVICTED KF.BEL$.. 2cS -3 20 1 ■> Thomas Gould a ^■■^ LiKK PoRTKR •. 20 John Ma(;i;kiik;i-: .» 23 John Cross -^ i+5 John Rogi:rs 3*^ RoHERT Richards .jAMi-.s Mavnakd ROHICRT I'liARtE '. NicHtn.AS Colli Nt;s John Giiiiis , t hom as m k a he Richard Sim'ons .■..,...*. ■■■'^11 John Cockram i>S BkKNARD Lol'KRHMJK ■ ,. 22 RoIlKRT Kari.l : ?4 SAMUKL HoNI) ..^ 20 I'LRCIia'LL NOWLS, '... 23- William Li;k 20 William Phillii' 26^ Sin'KSTLR rooLi;.". : 24 , Edward 1\i;n*i' i9\ William Sanhlrs 19 CORNLIJIS RADI-i)kl) ;;^ 20 . Charles Hlrracl .; 27 JoBK Hunt , 26* :V^'i* ' Trailes , JSyt-'ai"^ --i Taylcr Showiiiukcr 20 25 20 35 16 Leonard Si-xi'Les John Slade .......^.. ^N as BR( )\iNJS". ..'^ • . . John BAk'Eir _. I'i 1 1 i.Li r Cheei^e, ^ Thomas Prei-st ' 20 William Verrvard ._ 17 Mathew Cooke "ii Mathew Cr/UT 19 John IMker y". .'..... 27 Wcaucr Plowman ..'. tlotliicr .....t... Tayler Plowman Clothier .......... Wcaucr Plowman > ..* ! Gloucr Wtaucr , .!«....'... Comber Sopc boyler Plowman Serge Weaucr Halter. Plowmaq Plowman liouchcr / I Clflthicr / wVcr / Comber Carrier Plowman Sergeweauer Plinvmjin_ Sergeweauer Plowman Sergewcauer Carpenter Plowjnan Weauer Mason /■ V -^., 4 / \. ^"jisnif^y /5«*»-'"'r-'y,'^j,"'"^i'»^^!||?ys? /./S.TS OF coxvicrpn rebels. ;»7* 'V JnllN CllAMlU-.KI.lN SlI.UK.SJKK L,Vdk 27 JOIIX ifurKR...'. .-. 25 GkorBK tRu'llliS 28 William Pitts 28 RiCHAKIJ KiNc; '. 18 John Axdrew.s v..-.:''.." ;; John Mh.llk 33 Henry I'ulist -..,12 Gkor(5E Snoav... \f.., 19 1m,ias"Lockkm:ai< 18 Xt()imu:r R(|\v... 34 ll»^RV ClIAMIlKR ..." '... 25 ''fillU.MAS AaUSTIN 27 Am- Tmrto ;^ 20 yt-'ars... Shovniaker' 27 „ .'. Houchcr [ill (lorso) 9 />(■(■; 16S5 Ma.scui IMouiiian' Wodllocomcr Plowaian Wooll.ecomcr Plowman Ditto Comnicr Tanncr# Wcaucr " WooUcomur Mcixcr , The nicTi whose names arc contcincd 'in the witliin written list .ire -i^iipt upoh the ace' of J(»I1N K \V^' Mathiavks • I Thi-U' .irv llirut- c^Vil•^«lf ihis li./, .is well as iIr' CL'?urii-nlf.nnin irt j jjo, kkIi (IfrtiTing in somr |«lmls fiyni llii- ^iillicr. Im|>.iil;\iil \;iri.llicms arc mi-mifinoil ji ihe fiKPlnotcs ; the (life- rulKL-s III' stti'llmi;, ixtiiinuni at that tini<-,* I haxe nul imiicalccl. I Iia\c ili"s'n a's' *' iopy ' that \\Iik1i apitfars, frujii llic siylmtuiis, t,, Iki\c tjtfli llic urit;iiial iliKUnit-lit. ] *^ \ •x^ c- .. / A. ■y "N -*?*fiM ' . -• V' ^ ' ' 1 jl8* //.SXS (?/• COXVM^ED REBELS, '^JT Jdiin Hakkr . , » . SaMUKI, I'lNSON RonKRT Clarki:- ' ' GK<)K(;ii HiiUON "• 'Samukl Dui,i.ui;i:r Benjamin^Viiicrkr* . . John Wiiickkk John llnciH-OTT ' Thomas FoRci;\' W^' Gv[,Es Joseph Gac;?: , RoiiKRT M.ra.i.iA's.. Roger IJrnan'T Charles Urouohiox • R1c:HAR1) I'ARKEK JoHN.llAVNE ■ ' h)llN CoNNETt ■' ^ • •\ .: lURNAKDf LOWMAN ' John IlEATHiElED ' KuwARi) Venn ♦.. , . .'RrcHARU i'lNE Tno^iAS PksterI [not fouiul there • and so not deliucred to me] * John Sam . , Henry SiMes^ VVDeale W VV" Havnks '■ TnoMiifr Franki.vnj wVgupi'v *MAfcA6fH r.lALL"CKE ^ beinj; azarias i'inney John Bovett*, liorU'JRT Sandv Thomas Doi.lim; KinvARi) Marsji )0HN ]v\.SEMuNl) JohnAjinlent VVLEEN KstM.ANI) RoiiKur VA'n;K jlJxjHN I'RIvW i Oli\er IIollllS I'Hii ir Cox » '! PetkkTickin** ; \V.\i Clarke Walter Osuorne Richard Hoare ROUERT FoANlO. : Daniell Parker Prff I5ac;\vel'l ) wittnesst • [Thus in two lisls ; Whitklk in one] t [IIkknard in the other two lists.] J [In two v'oiiics of Ihi-. li-^t he is cnllcd Lkstkr : in this liht it was (irst so written, an :— Mai.aliii ^^4l.[,o(■JCK taken out ofiny cui.iody for n wittnes A/arias I'innkv sent away to Jliistoll. ^ \ 'fflbi%'jtplains why Mai.mk_kk's name is erasetl ; for I'lNM-V, see the letter in note ", p. J2o.] *• [Written thiii in two listti ; Tl.NKIN in oue.] , tt [I'LTEK in two lists.] i '>^' 1 ■S , "•■ r ^^7!?a'?«|^l«<'.* ii--,-7-w.*,-.,-ipjifi., ™-.,-,M^pn^. •»v t| V 0. y J.IST^ Of CO^VlCTEn RF.nEl.S. - < Pfisoiurs ill l-^Xitrr Goalt' to lur transf^oitcd AdU.MIAM I.IUNT^ . - j I'KTKK lilKD . OlKISror'UKK Codl'KK I J(J11N KllMI'IVNt KDMUND* MOVKIT . ! VVaI.I I.R Tl.AI'K John Imili.ktt k " \ .V9 Prisoiit-is iitt Wilis to Ivc Tntits/'oHtiif John Joi.ii-i-k KouKKT l'iauc;ii - John Doijns 111 \KY rVlTMAN- . N'aiiianii:i. Riiatdn PKTKRi COKDYI.ION W" I'lriMAN Jilll.N CnoKi:' JiillN Uarcomiik . JnllN Cdl.l.lNS Nathan iKi. Stanukkwk k| RkllARf) UVKK 'JnllN DksmaM AllKAHAM GooDF.N JnllN MkaD JdllN UkRT* • ANURI;^' llii|,rii\iiii; , ;; »j J(4UN IIOdl'KR** ■ i- ' Thomas VicNNiiR -• I Lawi^'Exck Caswii.i. ! TiioMAs Ch\\ I .S.\Mi;i.L\V,i;ArER I RollKKT JtATT I JdUN Ilndl'KK** I John Guai,i> I John CodKi;' '■ I JcniN JoiixsdN j John W'ij.i is I RicrtARii Nash afs I,^■| i.am' i John lM)dT 'John Rkkvis John Gh.i. jufi * Kciil accdnlint; to liis M.i'"'- ilircccons y Wiirr' from y l.dRii Ciiriii: JrsTiCK vv''i u Schcdulo thereunto annexed of. one _ hundred (isons attainted of llii^li Treason u'l' are by jKRONt Nkimio to bee transported into some of llis Majesties I'lantacons in America accordin;^ to .i Con- dicon of a Reco(fnizance entred into liy nie for that purpose In uitnes * [Thu» in two lisi» ; Mumomi inime.) t |Si amki.vn ip ilii- t"c...ihif li-is,| , t ll'KIAKIi in one lisl.l § I'lluis in Iw'i li-l' ; I'.l.n;'.^ nj um . | :! [SaMiKKWII K in unu of lllf l«l) tlipiCT; Sanukkwii Kh in t(tr ollllt I * ITIius in tiyii li-l"' I'uliK in llii' iilliiT. I . *' [ Tlius rt'imnliMl in llit- mij,'iii;il .iiiil ullici lists.] * ■ t • , ' ■ \ \ • ' « - . , » J - ..y- f * y. •, ■-^ • ' ■ - « ^:. • ' ( ^ . — i S"^ / .' - §- ' ( '■ 4 ir- 1 # ') '■ * -} '-''"■' . /^ \ <«' " N : : „. • n ♦ 320 LISTS OF CONVJC-TED REliELS^ whereof I have hereunto putt my hanJ this six f Twentieth day of Sep- tember In the first yeare of his now Majesties reigne Anofj, Dfli 1685 . GEORGE PENNE Witness ; CHARLES WHITE ROB^ HYDE ' - SAM' GEE* . \^.' CKRTI FICATE of M^N who's PrisosersLandedatBarbados.t LIST of the Convicted Rcbells put on Board the Betty of London at the Port of Waymouth in the County of Dorsett, Jamks May' Comander, and is according; to Bill of Ladeing by him signed bound for the Island of Barbados, Uizi- • JDIIN WlIlCKIiU Bknjamin Whicker Roger Bryant Peter Bagwell AltRAHAM Tllb>LV.S John Baker ■! * [At ihe end of oiie of t]ie,co])ies the following /is written : , . liicse men art- tn U-e transported to Harbado Tlmlsame list is preceded by the fullowiny lettcf! tiKO: I'ENNb.. \\y NKI'IH)> re* of Prisoin Wliere as you Imiic signified to me thai you arc ordered to kiuc me an exact Ai:c"f»f y« hundred Rcbcllh which his Ma"» was pleased In grant ydii, in whome you haue transported your Kii-hl uiU(t nie to be traiispiirlcd according to his Ma''* order to sonic of hiii Ilantacions In Anmrica pursuant to y' Recogni- zance which 1 haveentered Into, I doe assure you that there are in fitiale sixty (iue of them at t)orche*.- tcr one wounded man by name Ki»MiM> IJiuki t now kcmaiuing In Kxe(er ( loale, and three and thirty at llchcster I>esides Azakias I'inmkv wlio was sent in Custody to Uristull to be transported who it will \w. made appcare upon y« Return of rti>f Kxpress sent for that purpose hath been shipd for sonic one of his Maw« Plantacions acc<)rdiny to his Ma«» order, of y« Rest I haue here annexed an exai;t List and tfxpecl with in fcuc daitfs by my afore-mentioijed messenger tlic Lirtiticat there of I am 2l"«)ct 85. y' humlilc SL-ruani tiKORllK I'KWK The men that'are to bee transported as in the lisfannexed, are to Iwe Scntt in the Ship . AVM.-.(,nhe Commander is Capt jAMits May: wittness my h-md (JKORtiK PKNN'K, U will be observed tlial the -.hip lit wli.oji the Hiven above. nun sailed is (galled the /?,•//!', in the CL'tlifieatu t triiere i- another copy of thi^ list -an " Invoyce" of the prisrtnci-s made out before they slartL'd for the liarbadoes. Th« following; are all the inipoilant difTerences in s|K'lling of names &c., as ^iven by it and in tht al>ove printed list. See list for ilie corii'spondiny num1«;rs. p'fr^^j^ 4 ; • .♦ IJSTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. S'O" William Higgs JOHN Foot John Dodds , '^. Richard Pakklui t Thomas Quickic - Nicholas SALTii'k ■ KowAKij Vi;nx Joswii GAicii / Samueli. l*p«'stVNY Pktek Ki;xt ClIKISlol'HKR JKWELL Francis SM.itii John Uincknt John Kastmond I'HlI.l.ll' Cox John Ki.klks RollKRT ML'LLKNS John Connict(i) John Facky JoHM Haynk ' Thomas Francklyn Danikll Pakkkk John Mi-;atchki:ilu(.!) John Mogkuidgk AuRAilAM Hint William Clarkk John Sam KuIlliRT VaWTI'R. William Madder. John Foi.lett John Collin^ . John Cooke (b) ■ •"- ■ William Greex'way I William Gui-i'y ! Allen i'^NGLAND I Kdvvari') Ho.\re(4) • Richard Daniei.l LawrenvcE Caswkll Richard Pine ^. SAMUELL DtiLUKARE Robert Clarke ROIIEKT PEARE (»y- Oliver Houes (a) Richard Green John Willis Robert Sandy Thomas Pestor Thomas Venxer William IIayne John Hitchcock William Gvi.es CUARLS BRAUHTON (7) John Kemi'Lin(8) Peter JMrd Richard Nash Andrew Haulkox (d) I Tikxmas Forcy i Christopher Cooi'er j John Hill (lo) I John Harcomb I Peter Cordelon (n) I John BovetT 1 Henry Sims I William Dale (is) (1) ClNNKf. (') •IlKMllKf.M.ll. (:') COI KK. ■(*) RlLllAKl) Hdakk. (•) (•I (') C) I'EAUrl!. IlDllHS V BkouiaiTON. Kampi.inn. # (•) lUWLKOM ('»)Cii[ (") VY I \KriC()RI>H I'lN. ('•) DbAl t. w ■&h ■:t Jt*^' ^' ^'f0^fm^ • tv^-f- , " fc -» f --. ^iir ,-?20* /./iSrS OF CONVICTF.D K Eli ELS. • ^ t *K NaTIIANIELL STANDERWICK (13) Thomas Doi.len '' Abraham Goiien' Edward ]5ovKTT(i4l ' Edward Marsh John Prew Robert Fawn (is) Samuell Weaver . , Henry Pitman Wn.i.hv-M Pitman and one Servant woman by name Susannah Toleman (le) % The Bill of mort.lllity'of the said Rebells that dyed Since they werex reccd on Hoard and were throw n over board out of the said Ship are these uiz,, December the sixteenth Thomas Venner, Seaventeenth \V» Gui'i'v, Eij^hteenth John WhxiS, Nineteenth Edward VENN^tlie same day Phh,i.?p Cox one and Twentieth Robert Vawter, Five and"' Twentieth VV^Gkeenwav Jannuary the First Pei'ER Hird, VVitnossc4,.- by the Comandor, Marclii and officers of the said Ship this Eiy;!j,Ui.tfay of Janu'y iO_85* ; ' ' v-.-"-- ,. ' JOHN MAY • . ' „ ' JOHN PENNE ■ . V JOHN MADDISON GABRIEE WHITHORN -MALCUM ERASER ' Barbados. . ' ', * By the R' Hon''!'; the Leiut Gouernor • ^> Cai'taine James May Comander of-the ship Betty, John Penne Marcht Jn" Maddison Mate, Gabriell Wihthorn Boats- wain & Mai.cum Eraser Dcor of si;'' Shipp, pcrsonally'appcared before* mee and made oath on the Holly Evangelists ot Alhnighty God, that the within servantsor Convicted Rebells by the said May taken in at the Port of Waymouth in the County of Dorsett, are the ver,y ^anie Convicted Rebells that were delivered to, and by the said May brought in the said Ship to this Island, and that they were all of them here \» ^) STASIiKKKK.. <'<)EI)MLN1). (15) FoWNE. ('«) SrSANDoi\..MAN. * [1685-6.] , ' I ^y^. *" \- % % ■"•V. ;♦ '>. v ■-^-J — fc-.- .- l.iiulotl and (lelivcn Jl-KiiM \i;i>i[') ,,,• board, the said slul are nicntioiietl in thc tlic S'l' day of Jannuar A true Coppy attested this xvicTED rebels:^. 3.'> TlliiVAS ;uul Conipati)- Factors to cci)t Ki^dit of tlicni \v^'' d)c(l ii^;!it hereof to deliver \nito -the .said Jkkomk Xki'Ho or his . * lK.S56.1- ^'^^ , \ \ J T*f- ■>ii ■"- LISTS Oi: coy VICTED KliJiElS. , '-■ ^ _ . Order the said sevcr,ill»pcrsons in tlie s'' Schedule named, in order to 'their Transportacon as aforx-said, and you are hereby directed to take a receipt from the p'erson or persons to wlionie you shall deliver thcfsaid i'risoners Pursuant to this Ort'ler of the Recei])t of them, and for soe. doeimf^this shall bee j'o' Warrant Giucn vnder my hand and scale this p'sent 25'li day of September, in th'e first yearc'of the Reignc of our ■Siiveraiffne Lord Kinj; James &c Anno(|, Dni 16S5. " To the I Ii};h Sherriffs of the Counties of Dorsett Devon and Somersett, & to his C their .Deputies & all other t)fficcrs whome these , A true Coppy attested this 9I'' day of Jannuai^' 1685 jx",\vii]:tst()M': pep'y sfcct'v may concerne. [HAI;ilA|i(.ii;S.] • • •■ ■ LIST* of Seaventy'tuo Kehells by his M,i',"- Mercy granted to (■I.KdMl. Xki'MIO fo bee Transported to this Island by the /ui/v ■ .Jami;s May Master r^^ceived bj- ClIAKI s Thomas and JoilN ri:.\M.. by order of (ilioKCK Pkn.ne Esq' being the order of Jkkom NlU'lln Nk .M.islt-r,. , Ki( HARD Wai/h.rs Mm 11 ami, Ciiii.i).... Wii I.IAM liii,(;s W 1 1.1,1AM HaVNK Wii. I.IAM Di;ai.k iJiMOM) Bdvi.i r SAMii;i.i*»Wi:AVKk Kiiiii'Ra^Ji I.I.I Ns Wii.i.i,\m"ii.ks Damki.i, Pakkkk John 1"a( i,v " • I 1 \w n.iitvs i.f \\\v I'll .\/r. .\.;!i,.\. ..(, • RcIk 111 (^l.i«l havi' Well Ki>>-ii in " ./ K,\,i/'l l, of ils inilmlini; "it' n.iiius nf ili,' " .Ktiilrrs In wJK.ni llu-y wcic si.l.l. I lu^y^i hk.u^ ill llic .iilho(;i,t|iln uf iinnii;* luvc lucii nina.ly MliMTi'il 111') <» f ** X. .* J_ ,-i*ill. '■MAN ilKNRV Sims Capi" JdllA SL'TI'kn JollX CiU.l.lNS JosKi'ii GAini .Cai.."Rnni:RlItAklsnN...: J,„|N Rh.i.ktt Wll. 1,1AM C'llKSTKli I::-;.!' TiKiMAS UdI.LKN t ' " " ■ALaWUKNCE CASKWni.I. tap'" J(:uiN Giinis John F()i>T , Rll ll.VKll I'lM 1 I'i;ri,'u H^avKi.i, N,n,o,.ssM.UNAKi. / j,„„ ,„,.,,,,,„„ Joiiv IIi;u(;.i)m:;i ' ]"">>■ SMAKI- J,,,,.,^. Ki.|.;vi,s < J(iri\ linfins t - JlitlNCll.UI :..■■ KiCll.XKli r.\KKI.U I'.liWAKU M.\K>1I F\ ,Tl|iiM.\^ ltl.kKl.^K11;I.I. .SlAMilKII Kl ■"': f — - TlluMAS I'U.ANKI \V TllilMAS ri.NUCI, , ,,., ,. ,., I'liik Fi.i.wiii IN(;. Keiimc A Hi \l .. Rnlllkl t I ,\KKK AnDUI \V H.M K'lM JnllN l'«K\V S.\Mll,l.h I'lNsHN John Gll-i. CIIKISIOI'IIIK Jl.\U I.I !». ,M \m.\ :t: i ;o '>• 3^4 I./STS OF CONVlCTIiD 'ruiels. '^ Masters Harnaius Cn^TKR , *v Li Collo" lijcuARD Vi'ntkr TH( ).M AS HOLEM AN Wii.i.iAM Marciiant John SiiiiiANY RAi.pir I. am:...:. v v^ 7 I. % Colk)" Joip WATKKMAN..\'..t. CHRISTOI- IKR WlI.UAMS MaTIIKW (IIIAI'MAN TiIOM3\.S PftOTlIKIlS TiKlMAS AO.STIN -. ,.iKi.iZAiii;rii FosTKR- Thomas Lin^'^x John Gou)iN(\iiAM • \ .i CaiJin JojiN KiN\:.. , Daniei-l DkusdUrv Majf GiX)K(.jL liusjff' i.L ' ^ ■■.#" i:i)WAift*Hi:NLEV w .^. ■ «'•<» Rebells BKN-JAMINfeWlUCKKR John Havnks Thomas I-'aucky- RoilKRT rKIRCK SAMUKI.r, Doi.nKARK John g^NNicVT . Oliver Moinis li^C^BERT FOANE NicHOL.xs Salter AiiRAHAM Thomas Thomas Ql-icRe ,' I Joil.V liAKKK I Wh.llvm Clarke Ai!le\ I;\glano • RicHAKo Gree\ Rll HARD IfOAKE I!i:ter Ke.nt ' John IIitciicocke ■JeilN MOGER'irxJE JfCER Brvant ROIIERT S.VnDV JoH.V VjNCENT (iCllARLS HUAUGIITON Francis Smiti? AllRArtAM IlLNT «(< # v. # ,.«'-; ■> • » .t'.. .I^'^ .» ^ " '^ LISTS OF COXVJCTMD I^ESELS. Masters 3^5 Kcl.t RiClIAKI) SCfJTT m- J t)| I N |ant;eli.'its of Ahnighty (^M, that the saitl Rebells were de- livered them out of the shrp Bfttyw London, whereof JlfcMtls May is Comandcr, and were all of them by the said Thomas and Pknnv, Sold and disix)S9,d of here to^he Scucrall |)ersons mcnconcd in the Said List, Except one o^ the said RcbcHs by namcWH.LL\M Maddkr that dyed on Shoar Since the Arriveall ef the said Ship Giuen vnder my hand live First day of February if)85* A true Copp)^ attcsPcd this Second tlay of February 1685* ,• . J^'"VVIIETST(^Ni: DepiyS^criy .) EDWYN STUUi: L- &*;■ # M f *\ ■ ^'- 'a^i "«. ^' sd a /..W:, t 3J(i <^ /./.V7:s- O/' COXVICTED REBELS. |K WILLIAM HOOTIL'S Receipt for the Prisoners within n.en- conVl on the Account of Ji^uii's Kkndai.i. Estfr to, bo ,sent to Harbatfos* • " - ' Prisoners in DorchcsXcr Gaolc to bet ' Transported LinvAUi)*LuTHi;R(i) John Duwnk Hi;\j: CkowI'. l^iOMAS liKNNKir- John F!«HkR Juiin'Manxing RoliKKT Li;miiaki)(.;) \V" \VAni'Oku(;i) KiCHARI) KKiicrid) (".lOKOi-; I'l.iMi.i'v Thomas Ai.i3:n'\ J(>ii\ Ri:aso\ 'i. 'John Svv.vm^mg: Mathkw TouTj-rfe' RoHKHr Si'L'K\VAV(r.) John Edwakds John Haudiman , JiARNAKi^HKVAVr JOHNWiNUIlC'ii) ' jInHN \VHrTI.(ri ^ Ja,\u;.s l'i)Mi:k(n(<) ROHKRT SHAI,J(ii) Thomas Hoakk ^ Petkr Row John L!?vi:rh)gk Elias Sti;imh-;ns(u)) ' John MiDi.E Thomas 1'akso\s(o) /^ Nicholas r-Ai.xn:R Thomas WMli.iams Mathkw Hutchjns(i;') Nicholas Smith EAiANUEbi Collins RK(;ku IIouiis(i,i) . John Gav(ii) JosrVH HALl,i;TT(l.'i) Nathamli. \Vi;iiiikr(|(;) Kdwari) MoKi;ToN{ir) JAMKS SaI.TKR Willi a m' Lo\- k k i no i:( i s ) j AmiirosI'. AsiiF(iRi) } Rik;i:k FRKNCH(lit) Nicholas Warri;\(l'o) William' Wii.ls(2i) ' • rnicre is a,i "alu-slc! o.|.y" of Huh R«cipt, in which Iho f„lh.wmi,'isee rvfL-rcrico .•iftci (he nnmis in liM) urr ihc n.civ mipiniani altyraliuns in spelling, \c. :-_ (4 Ll ITKK. (') LlMlllKli. {'} MAhhOKll. (') KKArcii, (') SlTkNAV. (•) /.<^/o*/, (') \Vir«. (') I'OMRKV. ("I /,/IAll. ('"I SrtVKNS. ("I I'assknh. ("I HlCIIKNS. I") HontA. (")l.iv. ( ») /..// Ml. , (") WlllH.H.R. ('■) MliKltA, ( "I y,//i.'"i- (") /.<■//, •Ml. (■-"') /.,// ,>nl (") Will lAMI, %-''" »' > * f *»■■; -^.*' ■V« fi. *■»' V ■ Zyi.'r5 0/- CONl^CTED REBELS. W \V»'Ti.:cxr.K , SaMUKC. LaWR'KXCK .^ John Hu'rciiiNS(i2) W" Cl.AKKJ-. Joii^ Browni: . Roilj-.UT BCUKIUGK j Kknkv TLe(<.i.R TlKKftAS BURRUMili . John Al.I.AMliRIDCKiin) Thomas CoRNr.i.ius HUMl'lHiV Mol.KTON ' EmVARD VVU,I.MOTT(.!4) X. \V"\VH.l.IAMS(:i5) .,jgf' THOMAS JI*\RSHA}^,^,''- « RiCHARU I'Airi. ' - • JoSKl'll Paii. ' lU'CH \VH.|,MoTT(.;ii) John J(jhnson Rll hard AU.KNS John I'lTTs . . STi,i'HirN' (;amm.\i.i;(j7) ANURIAV RAPhoN ' , ,, \V" Co/.|.:ns(2s)^ . Thomas Town JASI'KK 1)VAMONI)(J'.i) Thomas Grixiorv n John 4Li'EN(i''') ROHKR r H i;i.LVKR(3l) Thomas ALfciiN^jj) Thomas Best ' ' , ^Thomas I1|!;i.i.vi:r'(3i) JoflN L'oNG \V* Bi:>v\1::tt(3j) ' John MAKKi;ii(32) John Mrn iiku. John Maduers Thomas JIai.i.ktt 'J John Alston I Gkor(,k Mai.v I I John riNNi:v(33) i^CllARIiKK SfUONG I WFooheC^h) ■ W^'Sainiikrs Ja\h:s Si'):Nci;(,a5) l'5_0HN Wh.son I I'jAVAKU Adams John Adams , Arthur Lusiiinn) ,! John 11iicthn:.(:i7) 1 j Thomas lJovi:rr ; John TrCtr-kNi;:)'*^ • . Jami;s I'"o\\i.i;r John \Vhiti.(m), Francis L\N(;liRH)(,ft fl m .* Tg^*?' (") Al.lMIVKMHiK, (") WlO.M.MT. ("I Wir.i.s, * {'") Wlll.MATI. (■'") [)1M,\VI1, (■"•)<^Ai,n Ns. I ■ , ^» ) Hmi IKR, ami Tiici<(As^ name is twice giicn (") f.fjtMt^ /. •(••| I'KNNV. ■■ ;. ("") l.ft ,mt. John SrfNc I.t:. II." Hi i.LNf. (>•) Left ml. Cj'WHIis.I # <:.* ^ BA^5if-''Wfc'- mi^' r' « r ■*-» ■"^*.rf mh- L#^ to i,is Majcsti(^jre^on.s thcWar^fmte tlic L.^i^fe ' y^s'^'^^ othfr^his, «- *"-"^c«)tj of a«Rccogni- ,.. whereof I have oPiscptenibcr.In the ' ' l68s M •M WILL:, BOOTH Reed ClIKH'l peTsofi! bee trail Majesties PlairtaciSSttmS zance entrciP'mt»*lBy''jnc hereu^o putt'^n^^^f l^^i^Rf first ye^re of '""s'^^.^M^Sti^.'^; .,- \Vilp^\re^^''*%^':^ R'TM^ICAt ofc Dispo'sall of gAi'TMN Kkxdm i s ' ,^5i^_jv /v ^ Rcbciis... V%^ '; . ' ' \ ■ ^^^\ A list of \i„cty Rcbells- *>y,fiic //,r/>/^ ' ]' servants Name. . "X, , ■ ■> . Master. Names .--^J'VWj^' 9k^W : ?• JOimGuY.M ' . ' ^uiix aLsto^k....... ■...., f^^"°" J">>rHAM.ivrr William Hi^\: * J * V '. ^ ' Edward \Vtu'*^OTT. ( PETiiR Flkwkllin KlCllARUAl.l.KN ...» : ..j VVlLI.IAM LkWGAR Esq'' John- n^\p '. ;. ,Bi;niam,i n'Bi kd , m: " ^.--- --...._.; — 0^ . • [The nlSS>c.1 c.py (,|,„.,1 Jnn. ,, ,OSt ■{^i.-C,]) stairs tlmt the prisod*^ «ere ,n„ .,n l«)ar.l the //,,//.. A',/««„-, nl Weymmilh, in I'.irllmi,! R.«,l, K„.;i.K VVai.m \m t\„nman,ler kf They were .leliveie.l t.. Mr, J.jMN 1)row,nk: an.l .Ciiipany, Factors for .S,r \Vh mam H,..7iii KlH., at the llarh;uh)es. | 1 ' t III will be iiutice.1 Jhat the same names lire in somecases very diirerentlykpell in Ihis'lan.l Ihe precciling list.] a i->«s^ I *• i ..■■X..''' f* %■" %. ^ \ r./sTs or co.xr/crr.n /r/:7.'/;/.v. C.ii,"' ^ "Cap!" \V" ,ArAK>-i lAl.l, I'.KIAS Sri.n;N-s , WlI.I.IA.M Cl.AKKl: ..- \Vii,i.iAM Wu.is , Jamls rklnN y.. ',,.., , Jam i:s'SAi,'n:i< ....,.., Jnirx I-JAVAKI'S ^ Capt" .M \-|'iiiav liwil.A.VH JaMi;s I''n\vi,i:i< ^ -7 A<;nis V F.N TMN Tao.MA.-i, C.:l:l..\s I-"kr:] RiC'HAKU 1[.\K\V. Kil) i:Mir iiKur IJrkkjiii.i:/ '. ) M.ij'- John Jiuinsun' ) I'K-ffiR K.iW '.... 1-"ra!«( IS L.\i'i;iii;i;iih;p: JoIl.N' WilsAn NiciidiAs Smith '... W"Cos>L.\.s ■.'. JOII.V j\l)AM> , I I',V\V.\K|i .\l)A.MS Tl|(iMAS lli)\ LIT TllclMAS .\LLI.N' RolJIJii' 111 J.I.L SA^U LI.L l.\\VKI..\(J. JoEiN Vi: i'^ -\ ■ TiiiiM.\s l.ii.i!Lu.k .. John I'lSni k ' ........ John Ai.\MnKi:)(;L .. llK.sil.k Fosi LR Sri';i'iii:N Guiin lli'(;ii \Vii.i,iA\is .K.vi.i'H I''Hi.r\ti;LL J.\Mi:s TiKiRi'i'. 'illl.MI' I'dlsMLR • . CoUu'J kiciiARD Williams k- n ? A„ lji|A '■« ^ • -. . .■ w *■ V (a * . 4-* ^' t^ ' r. ^it^lflBfl: ' . ' ■ ► J.; ' 4 h , > - '■ ; .. , ' • ' a '*4.''., * A . fa '*:i- Si ,j — -.r r. ■ j1 • -r - - I- ' * 1 f i^a. //.s'7:v ofi coxMCT r.n 'i^iuir/.^ \ Ser\ants Names TiipMAs Hoar Arthur Lush • John Trior ., • ^ ^JouN LaN<; ' j W 1 1 . 1 , 1 AM M ADi'ORD , , Thomas Ai.Li-.N *...,. Ric.HARij Ki:at<.:ii William Tucklr ....<, Sri;i'iH;N GAMAixii; "... John Whiti; John Madukrs..,. 1•:^l\nui:ll c«.>ll1ns j Mathkr Tortkr ....*. .' "I GKOKGK I'LUMLIiV I TiioNLvs Williams I John Manmn(; ^ John Johnson Andrlw Rai'son . ; Thomas BuRRiufiL I.... ■ Thomas Blnnktt Hlnrv Tulkj;r ■ Barnard Hrvant* Thomas ]Ji;st ■ Thomas Marshall HUill WlLLMATT John Uridli:' , ' j John Hardlman j,,ilv jiow NicnoL.\s Paimlr Ma,t ei^ .samc~ R'iCUARU LiNTOTT Nicholas Pridk.vI x ^JoHN Hi;tIIER.SKLL Esq' [ ■John Burston ) John I'knnv ) Charls Si'RON(; .' ] Kdw.^ri) Li:thi;k , \VlLLI.\M SANDLRS ,. ■% iil * , /uiiini'A's, '- By the R' IIon'w>: the L' Goucrnor. M' John HUuwM'; oik- of the I^'actors for .s' W' liuMtii K' tn wliom tlic aboiii; and within Convictai Rcbcll.s nicncoiiccl in this List were con.si^ncd personal)' api)eari-il hcfori; nice and made o.itii on tiie Holy l'.van;.;elists of Allniit.;hty Cjod lliat they were dehvcred him and Company, out of the sliip Hapfy' Retiiriir'tA \'oo\, Ri)(.i;r U'Atiii.s^ Comanlltr, and were all of them by him-and Company sold and ilisi'\* of here to the several! persons nieneoned in the said I.ist.Ciuen \'d^ my hand the S''' day of Jami'y 1(1^5* ' ,; ' • i:in\v\ ..Ti.Di:'' A true Coppy Attested this | Niueth day of Jaiiu'y. 16,^5.* J " ■ JN"; WlIKTSrONK Dep'ySecr') 'X , • iii,.s5(,.| _ ^ . •■* tr. ¥ «/t c ■k n'>'' f $ '^j ^ ; > ^ ■■««r,-. tjA A, V, fe f^f^ tf •^" Wf • s h ^ •r 'tt *w fe //STS OF COWJCTF.D REIilJ.S. Rod; Ska max of Tanton I.AI:r\N(K lIlssKV of \Vcllini;t(m \VlH. TlVKIMON of Hridf^watcr Gl oKiji; \VAli»;.N (if Milvcrton Ri)i;: CoWAUDof Road John CiiAPi'Ki.i. of IVtherton ' •- \V,. Devonshire TiMOTiiv IlAWKER of Thorn Combe '" JoiIX MiTciIILL of Thma£ome John IUgg of Thorncomc William Smith jun: of Vpportre [Uppottery] MiCKi.L PowKi.L of Ncatli GlomorginsT jf,, William Walter's of Membcrv HUMI'HERV Trl-mi' of West Sanford John ISartlett of 1'itniis.scr John Chilcot(u) of Tiverton. ■ " William IIar\ev of Mcnirc '^ William IIuTCHixGs (i:,) of Vpportre' , John Smith of Ilunington John CLODiT^of Vppcrtrc John Cant LEiiURv of Sanford-Pefrm Richard Wadham of Froomc William VVooLRfiDGE of Tiverton Simon Poole of Bcmister William Combe of Broad Winser • Richard Edgar of Mosterton. Wift: Phii'I'in (ifl) of Higli Church John Gale(i7) ofCoscam ("-) Hkpckmam. ('■') SVMCIM) RkiI). (") CiiiLLiain-. (") HUTCIIINS. ('") SiiimN. ('") JusKi'H Gam.. 4f "^^B(|ff /--,, \ fJSTS OF CO.WICTED KI:l]l:l.S.' s\\ TllD.MAS MAirilKWS of Cliiddickc %. ■ ■m John Kill, i: of Chilton - - I'ut on board the 'Jc/;/! /ri\'j;e/ cap Wll.l.; Stukis c<>uiaud' iiiiit\- I'risoiincrs coiisincd for thy burbadpus dated .at Dorchester oc'"' the 24 I,6ti5- ' ■' WILL: UOOTIl Shipt at Hristoll ■ - ■ - Barbados * 15v tlie RIl It Hon''''' tlu: Lciv' GovcrfloT. jmiN Ri)(,i;ks Chcifc ^L-ltc, and.Wii.i.iAM Ai.iaani>i;k Second Mate of the Ship Jo/iii Frij^gott of ISristoll, whereof Wll.l.IAM Sr()Al.i;> deceased was Lately Master, personally appeared before niec, and ni.ide Oath on the holy l'vani;e!i>t of Alinight>' God, that the above convicted Kelx-lls b)- the sd Sl'i>ARi;s taken in- att the I'ort of Bristol!, are the very .-anie Kubells, tliat were delivered to, and by the s.iid SmAKl^ brout;ht in the said Shipp to this Island, and that they were all of tluni here landed, and delivered to jVL Jmiin Hkowxi; and Company Factors for S' William Hi )urn Kn' except Joslpii Wickiia.m who dyetl on board the said Shipp in Kin^iroail' and -was from tliei,)ce. carryed on Shoare in the I'ort of IhistoU and tiiere biiryed, as alsoe t\ielve nioie of 'tlieni which dyed on board the .said Shipp oh the voya^r^ ;iiid were buryed An the Sea, whose nalni;s are as followetl),Vi^i J^'STII'IILU Ca.Ti'V, Tiioma-. GlLlIAMI'ION', GKORCiK MiCKLL, ]U)\VARII COUNCKXX^K. );i..K KlaLL. William Smith jmV. William 1Ii;tciiins; Sv.mux I'.i)i.l, W-" Mkam Francis Cami: Jonas Ckoss and Roulrt Pall Given under my iiand this 2>Sii' dyv"of^fuary ii''>S5-t \ First day of FfUMfa.!-^- .i^O^if j JN" WHETSTONE' Ucp'y Secrty L:m\ v\ sTiTJi-: ■• ( rii;- (\ii!ilki;i.-,,as will Ik il^ cnlinj;, i^ l.tl.,'- I froiii liic .ulc.U''l c ■^^-^ / 'I ^ fA iOM- '- > • V' - - -• ' ' '-•■■-^ • ■ v' ■ ^ : ..- • ■:: f ' p -*^- ^r: . .. ■ ^■•/■• ;:* 5 \ * \ V %.- /./.S-7^ OF CO.\VlCTEI).KKlUil.S. i " Kcl.. Ann Gai.i.oi'. ¥: John \VAi.Ti:Rfi Stki'IIjcn Kudwav KiiU(;i: .\'(]\vi:i,i. JiilIN Wauki.n \^■ II. MAM I'AKKKU c JoiINvCllIl.COTT V. Gi;Qk(;E Seaman "Cnlloll JnilN ]'"akmi.;k ' W K N k V.a H 1 N 1\;N 1 . Ivsq' SAMri.i.i, Smaut JiHlN SiaMAK ^.: ( , \Vll,l-,jAM iiaVnks ' Koi'i.ivr SK.Viii-;.- JlMIN JUsliiN Cllof JullN II.M.l'f H-. V I JiiiiN Ba(,(; ■ VV'llilAM I'lllPPfN Wll I.IAM HlKKOWl.S 'Wn.i.iAM Uki w 'lljMlllliV I'lil'K jdllN (I I ici|> J/HiN (iAII ( >s\J \N Kl.Ali WltJ.fWI tnoMIl JoilN II^K.I lllMI'IIUy'''lkllMl'l' THuMAn UkucKI ■fep, { /a« J W"-ruiiKiip (;|.oK(,i; Mui.M.Ns ■%: IvICIIAKt) 11 AinVOllD.f'Isil' /v > » >■>:. i: V-' I 'I'iKiMAS MllUUI |ii\ 'JaMI s Kll.MAN John Smi I ii I'^y ^ .4 \ .r- ^ \* • «' *>.r .A^i ■ .:^ i' .1^' <» . :r *' .j«3* v ■ ; e* :;. .^ ■•" • .M '•,«! . '-'^fi« ■a '' * % f \ 1 > * \f » 338 ; LISTS OF CONVICTEd\reB ELS. " ■ ' r- . fTi/noTiiv Hawker Collo" John Sampson J ;ffuN jJti^uell •" - . R'CHARbAVADHAXt CaptnSTOAKSi j James BXkkr t lURTiioi.bMEw Randall DcorBATTYN , JHeNRYMVre 1 Morris Fiass _i Dcor John Springiiam .- Henry" GiiXjNs v A John ALciioRNE Thomas Ma^iews . OTUNIELL HAOGAT J'OHN BysTON John Su.hers .„ Jasizpn Vinicot Shx's March.vnt ■ VViLja|uMl7Lb Major Johnson.)^.., Jo„n Rodgers John Hethkrsell Esqr y,^^ \\^^.^ iHUGH VVlLLL\MS Roi.ERT tIZTp ' Wh.liam Ai.LAMUv John ChTi^eLl ^ JoHn-Denner/,.'.,.... :... DaniellIv^ire , \ Thomas HuRKE ' VVh.llvm"7ukvev ' • Wn.MAM Sl(k;rave' LawrenceTiusse Samlim, Warner Willl\m"w4lters Anthony Palmer ....^.«.. ' VVh.ll\m~BXw ' ^ Wh.ll\m March' ABRAHAArrr)LLARi) I '^ ■ - . J \ t>-'-^' f J- i... . * ss ' I -ft i ' :kJ ^. *;; Hi "^ •■i^. \ ,*^- " t ' «* 340 f\ Z/Srs OP dOW'ICTED HEBErS. '^oiin'Harti.i.tt *J'iii\ S-Koui)Li:v *RoiiT Paul _,* ' *R(I|1T MiTCIIELI. *JuHN Gai.k • *Baktiio: RaximIi. SRfKJliRS . avm:s 1 lUUNAkl) *Tiif)MAS M,ATiii;wi;s *Hji.\uv MkvkiI John Hki-,ssi:tt ♦RiCIIARU Al.LKN John I'ooi.k *Joij\ mjK(ji;s *Jnu.\ Fakmkk *RlCIIAI;i> I?K KIIAM . *ni:NKV GlIlHON.s JoiinHas()N *GE()Kf;i; No.wKi.i. ' ♦MoKkis l-'UKSK ats Voss *riLMI'IIKI V TkLMI' *Ji>ll.\ Wakkin' *Gi:ok(;i; Wakkkn *HLMIM1RI:V Tol'l; ♦Osmond Rkad '| •flKNkV yi:ANT *\Vi(1\i UruKDUoiis nV" Daw •VV ' I'VkKKK ■ •Kiiiir ShAsi; *nH)MAS MlDI.KlUN *Jami:.s U'I-I m an John Hkav •AMlikosi; Wi.vikk M' *LAUki:N( 1; IlL'ssfv *R(>iiT Ska'man lOinvAki) Lvi)i-: ^(«IIN CiiIai'I'kli. ■*RoiiT Kabton •John WAi/nck •Thomas likoCKi, Gi:ok(;e J^Ioi.i.ins •DaNIKLL PlMknV *Ji:ki;Mv Atkins *Saim" BooNi; John- KowAkos .-^r ' OhI 0/ Ih-idircuihr Briscn ' thai c' l)ki;\v •Thomas Dknnms \ ., 1 JdJIV AVOAKK "■ I *\\" TlVKkTdN ■ *Jnsi:rii ViNRoTTv I JUHN Si;VMI-.R j 'John Lkakkk •JiVMON I'oOi.i; •John Walk" •RlCHARU W.VIXilAM •sSki'hkn Rodway •FkANfis Cami:" / •MRHKI.I. I'OWKI.I. I 'John KKki.i; ' "Thomas GAi.iiAMnd\, I •Gkorci; CAkkoXv ' i *a)ikah\m i'oi.i.arv , -'John Hi'ikji; ■ ■-* ■• iiif. 7 J ■ •/¥"■■ -i-i - J-- ^ ''4 (•>■#-' ,..■|',VM^'^ -1. 'X , :--^ ■vir I \ \ T) . /J.S7S of'cqmicted re hi: is. •\V" IIAKVIV *\V»' IIU !. *\V^'l'iiii'ri;N . *Jiiii\ Cii[i,ci)'-|' *RiiHT COWAIUJ *Ji>ltN CANII.Kin'NV *\V"'\Vo()1.rji)(;f. *\V" Smvtii JoJlN S.Mvrii *\V^' Meau ♦fiT.nRGF. KEKI, ♦I'llAVAkl) CUINCII.I, *Josi:wi WicK'iiA.M _ j/iiN Harris ■Otiidf tlu-Piisoii t/iiil iiViu- firm ] lixatir to Ttvoiloii. ' I *Roi!tTeai' , j *TVM()TIIV UaWkik - ; *\V^'SHvrii ', ■ *: jDsr.rn Nkwiiivkkv-/" ■ *Jiiii.v Smvtii ' . ; i John Cu)uif *^ ' !■ *JoNAs Cross''- ■ v *J.i^iiN HraOc; • , •AViH.M IHt< iiiNs /^ •'".tJiOlN Ml 1( IIKI.I. 'Kiiw.fiRD Viiin .^^•Jl-ST1NIA\ CVVVS ', ' f. •Thomas Gamai.i j^ "W" Wai.tkr . '. ^ ■ ' ■ Received Accord in^' to'his M;ii"-^4,lirccc.>iis tlic W.ut' from' tin- i,d ClIKIl- Jlsticl w''' a SclK-dulc'itlicrcvnto''.iniW.\ed'of V)ne luii^drLiI pLTsons attainted i>f hi'n'li Treason vv<-l' aie by nie to be trans|)(?!'tt(l in t(^ liis MatieS tsland of Harbadi>es acconlinj; to a Coiidicon of ,i |<, . coj^nizanco entrcd into by me fof that puipose'in Wittness whereof I have ik.'revnti.>,,j)ut in)- hand tliis present 25''' ■)rSepteniber in the i-tjcu of his now' Ma'^'^reigne Anni"|, l)um 1685.. ' WILL: JiOOIII , r\ \ Witness -t . ^ '• KOH' . IIYDL . . SAM^ (;i;ii - (in-doj-so) frWin'- 100' $■ ' X " Urid'wcM at I rtiinton .' >>* llriil^jewijter Prisiln'" 1 -' •', at Taunton.^. ... ' ^. Exeter l'fison'» att 1 T.iunton t . ) 100 f ■■ \. > ..■- \ \ ■ V- 'iig^'- ;■» . i.i'i,-;,- ■ ■-.».- • - ■:■■-' ■».■.->..'. - ',;/V' ■■■■. V ..* V, .^: - ".i-. -.1.-., .\Vt . ; 1 ■■.■■:'{'■ .•.■■•»-* .•-■■.*;..•■ ■ ' ~- ^ ■ ' . 'v.. .. • •....• . • , ■:■ -., ■'\\v:^'.K -■■''■ ■ :: ■:■ .-..'■.■- ■i'sr'* .•■•*.■■■.■": :'.--.. *:■ ■■■ .-■'■•'■.j . :■ ■ ■'->«* •*■---..- ::-... ■ ' -■ • ■ ■■■■•■;■ :.i-'" * ,>,.#>• •t. . ■ ■» » ■ »•, ■ .f.-^- /. 342 -.^. \;^I^STS OF tONVlCTEp REBBZS;. • l"Ja?*'*'°^f^•''*y ^^^'''=" j^'-''^^"^ dclivcrdcl by Captn ClIARLS ^5^MCk Comandcr of '^tlie yamaica Marchant to Charls *^ TitoMAs Saucer for accoi of Mcssr^nonx Pa-t.mi: R John «£KI«iN S.vjjiuELL Young and WilliaW Rosk the I'fh day 85'. Viz( ■ ' ■^ Masters , ^ A'lj.i.i.'N^nEsTKii Esq'. Francis Bond esl; Ril>e;is ..... Thomas I'/tt •■, John HkuIir «VVili,iam Cr'oss ' '*' Robert HicHARtw Joll.X Mll/l.KR . 7. ,, ' ■ A Joii:?i:K/)ss . Benjamin Mii)m,ET6N .; i „;.,. 1. i, John SjIme •. DANIEI.jf, RUTTER IsACK Dover J|>iiN Magkidoe ' James Cock ram •■■■ \Vi I. LiAM Sanders' , ^ Joii:^ Adams John Grav 1 • ^, .,.„,, ^. ClMHSTOI'irER Hoi.IilN Maj' Richard hAi,»-ER . 1, „ r' ., ••• HenrvChamhers Francis YocNi; .., , " .^.,s , : Silvester LovD JosEt'H Jones ■,. „ KPWARD JOCRDEN Danieei. Parsons Mathew Grav' ..XrCHOI.AS GlllKS .. TlKiMAS KSTWK KE Richard Forstaei, \VlLI.E\M lUUON ArChiuai 1) Johnson John Ciiamherein George Rcsseee llUMi'iiRv Justin Leonard STA.i»ev r it . \ y ~:~r. \ ^*^ . )»'•** " *-!. y ^ . ) ■ V LISTS OF CO,yvrCTED REBELS. Ojjjl^ Masters . • Rebells , Majf Abell Allen ^ Richard Simmons' Knock Gooi.d - Jeremi.vii Pool J.VMBS Cl.lFT > " . Emanuei.l MAkcfir " George Hannav csq^ Georg SNoxy ' Wri.LiAM Currier John Cwckram *' ^ , John BAWDENEsqf ;,..'. James Wehh RiCH.VRD KiNt; UN HETHER-SALL Esqr... KiClIARI) PeARCE - ■ Edward Bei.le.mie George Harper Cornelius Radiord ' «• . Jou Hunt '. Majr George BusiiELL John Baker Collo" Thomas CoLLEtoN Thom.vs BuV;i.kk Nicholas Collins ' Mathew Cookk . , ChristoI'Her Roe N ' J"HpM.\s Meade , John Baker " Thomah Preist Nicholas Prjdeau.x William PhiiliI's James Mavnard. -RoDERT KelIvY Henry Preist William Alemdy Eiiward Kent 'MiciiaeLL cPhld John Giniis £api" John Sutton;...... /... Robert Jvvki.e , Wn-LiAM Pi II s . Musf.Wai.ford John GoBsAr, Maj' George Lilungton SiLVJisticK Pool ^ Jonas Browne John Summers John RoGriERs ' Ann Walters <... John Timothy 34.5 V -4 w ■' ^ I .*. ^ m "7T :*.:::.- :^^, V ■.4>. ■^*»^ -:-J -j ■-^iJ4j^u|, l jl|H l .J^ l >j |l )l. .544 O M.1-(LT- Capi" Thomas Morkis. /./SIS OF co,\y/c73/) /^):ju:/.s. _ \ » RcWII- ,:\Iatiii;\v^Ckai"is i , Barnard Lovi;rii,ci-: C11.AR1.S Thomas e Thomas Sad- I William Wodi.cocKt: LLR 1 — . , , ■, . ,■ •■; } Thomas Austin • .. l-.IAVARU lIlRLSTOXK „ ^ PlHLLli; ClILKKi " ■ ' ',, CiLVKLS 15l'rkac;e William Li;i-: dead before , the .ship arrived in Harbado.s * i , ,, /iarbados > , ' ' _ By tlic R Hon'''''^ the L' Goucrnor. ' I ■ M' Thomas Sadllr onC of the I'>ctor.s to whom the within convicted RebelLs menc?incd in tliis Li.st were consigned to, jier.sunally appeared before mee and made oath on the Holy Evangeli.st.s of Alhni^'hty (Jod that they are the very sanie~Rebells th'at were delivered hini^and ni' ClL\Rl.s TlIOMAS the othc^r Ijactor for Mess''* Jolix !'.\l> MLR, John RieiiARDsir.v Samuell YoonI; f \V»' Rosl out of the Ship 7r;w,?/,vr Mnirli', ^vliereof ClIAKLS Gardnlr . i.s Comand'' and where all of^ thcnajf^- tiie said S.MiI.kr dfsposed of tiierc to the Severall (' persoiis niejiouiiNl^i ifie'^id List, Except one of the' said Rebells that (iycd at Sea by iitwie \¥lLI.I.\M Li:i:, and was' thrown over board, as appeared b\- the oaths of tlie Said Comander, and John Li.Avj) Mate t>i the S.iidiShipp, Giucn vndcr my liand this 24'!' da)- of .M.uehV 16M;) ■ , ■ * ICDWVN \Ti;Di-: , A true t'oppv attestetl this ) J5'l' ila\- of Mareh loSo I ' , J\" Will rST( 1 nI. Dipin Si I fly* * • IIIm^-i." \]i .\,i..inM .1 ..in. Ii\lii.liul ali.l (111.'.: I iiiniil luih in ul.l I'ji^laml. My'. I'. il\ IVi| 11 I'lil cif Id-ijlinf;, for ncio' of s'liiKisToi'tiKR .Ml S(,i: \\ I ', ,in,i i,, Ir-I- 0< lii. t.I i.. I p'" --(M.'N Mri.mM 111 Lniink.i. .iinl sixi.v Li(;ln fi.i ,u,u'uf Mi„'-|oii\ r\hMn;, |uiis l;i II Mih.MV.SSVNll I I I \,M\,. .mil \V»'KlKK, .Ulivciot ini Ih, i.l.Ul.l nf llai|,;l.i.., |, ,„' 1 iiMii , lii.iMAs'-niRl liuiMSt suu.iii, ihc-u'' Miirtl> ii'Si ■' liiii .ill iliL- ii.,nui i..iii.i ..ol I'l llli~ .i.onim h.iM' l»vii mriili'ilK'tim««l w lhi» l».i,k.|- ■I ' ■:- - \ / V M »^- ■/ ■ • '"■ .5©; \ ITICKETS GRANTED A TO EMIGRANTS FROM ^0AR;i|ADOES, TO NEW ENGLAND, CAROIJNA^/'TI^miA, NEW YQ^K, ANTIGUA, JAMA,I^<^Ewi|y5.NDLAND, AND OTHER PLACES. ., / f\^ ■ n i67'S-r-ii679.] , ' t ^>' •S .• 44 : ^ ^~\ J' \ f . / ■ ~'=::^ y i ..ds :^_^ V-' '^?>-r f>^ '^'1. Sv. u^. B A R B A D O S -T I C K'E T S.] LIST of what TICQtts. have been granted , out of the Svcr')* O/fiec of the Islancl aforesaid f*>r the departure ofT this Island of the several psones hereafter inenconed begining in January lOjS'. f eliding ill December following. (Viz'.)— ' ' .. " ,'" February yt 26" 1678: "^ ' ."' AiiiLKCUr Hknnigo in the' Ship Jfidith, for London, Robkkt Ki.vgs- I.AND Command^- ' > timeout - ■ March ji''' 1 1"* 1678 , r Ak.mit.vci; Hknrv in the ship Society, for Boston, VViLLUM Guard Comandcr. Security J March f 20"' \(-i-i?,: ^ Aris Jf)ii\ in the ship Iiukavoiir for London, jAMES GILBERT Comaiv- der .. ' time out A prill' the 26": 1679 Ad.V^isox t]i-.uKt;E in the Ketch Vnity for Virgini^i James Rainv, Comandcr time out Ad <^ yf/r/// y 26'* 1679: -\.. -'■^■■■^\ AMsTll').liAS in the Sh(|) i?t/0'a«a' for l^hiJon^^CKEEb Comandcr. / ''■ -^ ."W time t«ut ,44—2 \ • V V ; \ * >■■ > ''■A." -»". ■ V *. ■.l:3si;.-->-srr -,v "-"" c'y , • , \ 1/ "■ . . J- ■ ■ -I- ■ \ j ^* s. ■' '■ vi*.' t .{ • ■ . ' ■ X • y ' ". \ ^-^ - • .5' . » ■ ■ ' ' ■> • t \r./^r^ \ . " " • > t ■- ■, • ~~j~ \-^.-'. V .H ■ """':«'"■''■ ■' , .*•■ K ■ ' ■ ■ - ' /' > '. U.-'\ -. \ 1 t .'■ • ' \ • ■ 4r ■ 1 " /f V . l'- ■■ , « - 'w i ^'„ ^■ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) J*' ^■' j»^» .:/'^ %> ,■ ^ ■ /- . ■J- "- f :v I 1.0 1.1 mitt E! lU m m M2.0 iS.JJ' ■ •'' -, .^i Hgteaphfc 9i WBT MMN STRUT WIMTM,N.V. UStO (7l«)l7a-4S03 V o s> V v\ ^ iff \ ' '■ ' at *■■■■ ■j; , ' ■ , \ -• /* . ■ ^-yi^ °i» ■, ■ ■ -■,.'t . -- '^ ■. '-»*:'_■ . ■ ' ■ V" r^^ - -^ * *. '« ' •• y - ■*■■ .• 'i ■ , ,» > '•■■ ■ -•> ' ■ • •«. ■ ' / % ;., ^ , « ^ $ TICKETS GRANTED. ' ' -)».- \<4prin the 2^'* i6y^. , . - Aldert Ann in the ship Mary {or Carolina Nicn» LcKTKWooD Comander * ' • .. ^ " time out - • Aprilly 28'* 1679 * ' Andkrson Margret in the Ketch Unity for Virginia James Rainv Comander. - ' .. • time out x. ■J? A prill y" 29'* 1679 Armstrong Ann in thc.SWp Fraw« for Antegoa. Peter /effervs Comander. -^ — i-i-.: — -. ^ ii„. , time out May the first it"]!^ ApRAlfcVM Agnus in the Ketch Fn/z/m f 5/«a« for 'Boston Philiip Knell Comandr. ■ -'Xk t'^ie out May i' 1679 \ Arthur Katuehine in the Ketch /'m/vn»;« for Virginia DAvm Fogg Comander tmic out May the 2'' 1679 Adams GEORftK in the for London John IiVilliams Comandet time uut *•« * August the \V' \fi'j<^ ' ' "AVKRY Mary in the Ship (7<'/r/<« Fkccc for London UknRY Pa^cai.I, ^ Comand'' . ' , ' . tim< out "T~' '^ ■ "~^ ' Oft^ber tJte 4 1679 ,^ , , ■ ^: Atherton VV''ln the ijhip NatlianicU for Jioston VVx CLARKE Cumand' ,- . . linii.' out •■•'..' ■* n^' ' " — ^ — — ; November the 2%"': 1679 AnubiENT Abraham in tlio Ketch Phxnix for Antegba Kiiiti;RT FleXNV, Comand -' neCMrity M\ •November the 25. 1679 ARh! Sarah in fhtf^opp Katherine for Antt-^'oa Anurkw Gam., Comand' - ' - security' Novimb' 27'* 1679 Ausor KAtHERINK in the Sloop Kiith.ritic (ox Antcgoa AaI; Gall Comand' • tccui t « Februray \i 1678* Bowni.F.R Andrkw in the ship Jmius for New Yorke VVn.j.r.iM SweeTLAND Comander timeout February l/te if* 167S . Brown Rachaeli., in the Hanj, At/v?>itiir,-f,ir Antcuoa CHRi>iToi hi u BerruW Cnmander '* Hcurity February 18'' 16 78 > .^ BlaKIc' John in the sloop ResttlHlion for Montiieratt JoHN Im.i iliv Comajidcr • ^ . tiwu^ 'Hit. « :*. :«,./. if^ V- f-\\ •m: -55° TICKETS GRANTED. *" ,?» . : ■■ Af arch /its t 167S Harwki.l John in the Constant Warwick friggott for Lond" Capi Ralph Delavall Ggmanflr ^ ^.^^ ^^^ March J/tc ^'* \6jS, BiLloKD JL\Mi:s in the I'iiiic SMventiire for Antegoa George Bat- 'TEKS1.Y Comand' rV;, . V-.'' timeout ■Barton- James in the Ketch- JF™ and Susan for New England Raiph ---vP,,^ ■ ^^ -timeout " Jlfiirch Ihc 22 \6-}?, Bancks Joseph in the Ketch W" f 5//m;/ for New England Ralph Parker qomander _■■■ ^ _ timeout >,**■■ - Manh-the 2^'* ie-;^ f BAUNAKr) IIuMj>HRV Senior and Junr in the Ketch Maty and Sara/, for Carolina GEO: Conwav Comand-- - time out , ; ' Aprill the first \(i-]<^ Bates Richard In the ship Expedition for Londpn Jnn.N HARDi.vr. Comander »•„ J time out ,Afiril/ the thit'd i6-}() Browmn'o Ann' in the Ship ^l/arrtVi for Ndxvfoundland Christophir J^lAKTiN Comander. ^ timeout „ ' ^/r/7/ 4'* 1679 liA(;\ALi. JQHN in the Sloop A'«// TICKETS GRANTED. .■i^if ^. ' - May the Sixth 1679 li')X Ann in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia Dauid Fogg. Co- mander »■_',. -- — — - ^. . timeout May the d"' 1679 « IkkNK DiCNNis A servant belonging^ to Mr- Henrv AI'LEWHITE in ■ the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia David Fogg Copiander^V ^ ■'. . . - ■ ■ — - ■ •■ ■ V-, ■ ■ ^,:s^ ■ ■ ; May the f*\(i-jg •" Brown W« in the S\\iip Merchants Adventure for Leverpool JoHN" , Gkeigs Comand'^ . ' ... timeout •. • May y 8'* 1679 DUACKLEixil John Senior and Jun' for Boston in y« Ketch ^/rtj- /y^i RoUEKT fciTCHlx Comand' •' mver time out May ihcio'^ 1679 ■ 1 . Bisiiop- Robert in the. ship experiment for Londbn AfciAN CocK .^ Comand''- . • ' ^'^ ^~ — ^ security — ^^ — ^^-^s ' •■ A/ay the 16'* 16^^. .. ' I}iio.Mi: John in the Ketch Prouidcnce lor Bqaton Marke Hunking Coniand' ' ' ' ■ t-^ - time out ' May the 17'* 1679'. Bolton Ambross in the sliip A^,-^ Coneord, for Londo James Strutt Comandr ■_ ' time out May y 29'* 1679 ■* .BOND Thomas in the Ketch /:/;> for Boston John FtETaiER Comandcr timeout ^ ^ '' May the 21" i€>-jq ' ^ Bi:ri<.)W Christopher in the ship Society, of Bristol! Edmond Ditty " Comand' . , • ' . timeout V. \ ■ f ■ I. -*t- y line the 2'':\t~^ (Swi'Iane ITeag in the ship Sockty, for 'lirisloll Kdmi^mj Urrrv Goman'd''- " : ■ timf.(nit . ^ «":•' . - • •■ 7Kwy 22-' 1679 ': \ BfeEAD Thomas, in the S'\\\'^ Prouidcnce iox Boston TiMOTiiv Proi r Comandf . . • , time out \ . >' 7 nly the first id-jc) * s Bird Henry in the Ship /l;«;/y for ^London Benj* Grove Coni^nd' ' July the 2'' 1679 Bradley Michafxl in the ship vl /«//)- for London Bk^'j* Gum k Comand' - / , tim'c out Jii/y y' 4"' 1679 ^ Butler John in the KQi4\ NrJ ^.biuton iat ditt/ Adam Ticki it . Comander ^J- . ■/ time oTit July the ■}'* 1679 BOLTO?* Samuell in the Shxp Dare for Lond^ \V"DirKi\s.Comand' stcurity 7«/»'y 'V* 1/79 Brqwne Hugh in the ship Baduior fo/London VV» Knutt Comaml' ■' time out ... 7u/y t/u2\ 1679 '■. Brograve ^enry in the Ship^ AMti^oe Merc/t" for London Ro(,i r Homer Comandr / timeout ^e ^'u^-n August the first xb'jx) .. •, Bodkin K!ar1'in in ty ship 1V»;/^ \V for ViiBinia Tim. CoRKiaTT Comander / ,1,,,^. „ut '45 t ' -It"-* " TICKETS GRANTED. " Augusts tkci third I G'jg Bodkin Nicii" in the ship Youug William for Virginia Tho Cornish Comandcr , , time out August Ihe ()'^ ibl^) Barker John Laborer in the sh\p friendship ior London John W»'* Comandcr timeout 'August tie ii'* 1679 ^ Bkvenister Eliam* in the Ship fnatdsliip for London J0HNW1L-* LIAMS Comander - tj,f,e out September y 16: 1679 ' , Browne Francis in the Banj, blessing for Burmudos Francis Wat- LINGT.ON Comandcr time out " September the ■iyO"' -ifjf) BRANonv Eliz* a Servant belonging to David WaTkins in tKc sloop Rutler for Jamaica Ed: Duifeild, Comd * {Tlwra i» a Uoul* m to ihii name; it has been written over ttnollicr which is only par- liilly erased.] ' s! Jiugitst. y 12'* 1679 J Beard John in the ship 'friendship for Lond° JoHN Williams ^""lanil' , * time/Sut -'"— .^..„ ■ ■ ■ -■ — — ■ '■ A ■■ August the \^"' i^-]() BoDiNGiiAM John in^thc Ship fricndsiiip^kf New EngN W" MuRpHv Comander " security August y 19'* 1679 BuTLi* Elinor A Seru" belonging to M' W« Bulkley in 4he Ketch i Niftnuc for Virginia Jo: Knott Coinand ■if .,. if ■ ■ ,""-'■ ' -.:■- - * J^ ■ " ,..'■ ■»•'":■ * i 1 • If ■V .. ^ . . . ,. ■ 1 • n '% 1 -• ■r »; ■ »■ '\. TICKETS GRANTED. ■.!55 ■ October y 2''. 1679 j, ^ Ulunt George in the Ship Zu-foa J/m-//« for New York-- Ro(;ij: . "^ • . WniTFEiLD Comandcr time tmt October the third 1679 •■ Uartox Ciiri'stoi'her in the Ship Barbados Mi-rchant for Virginia ,.. James Cock Comaild' " ' scturity October the ^"^ i^-jcj ■ ' -.- Belfour James in the Sloop true fricndsMp for Antcgua CiiAinifeiQ KALLAHiWE CoinaJid' . . , jj,,,^^. ^,^,j October f \"' 1679 Bishop Thomas in the Ship- Virgin for Lcward Islands Tik.mas Alumuy Comandcr security • October y j^"* 1679 ^^^'^^I^NISTER Rich" in the sloop true Freindship for Antcgoa CiiAki.i s KallAhane Comandcr '. • . timeout ji. October y 6'* 1679 BUTCilER JottN; in the Sloop true fricnd^ip for Antcgua CMARI.^^, . Kallahane Comand' ♦ .security October y' c,'* 1679 Benson Mary in the. Sloop Endeavor for Carolina Thomas Shaw Comand' security October y 13'* 1679 Battison Julian in the Banji/fwiA-awr for Carolina Thomas Siiaw Comand' ' ■ . (i,„c „Mt October the 20'* 1679 BUTTLER Walter in the Keatch John f Sarah for Nexv Vnrkc Jamks r ShoaRE Comandcr - ~^ . security • . - - . ■ „ ■ • " 45-2 ■ V ■# i 3S* TICKE7S GRAyTED. •^ • November y f" \b-](^ Baddingtox Thomas a Servant belonging t6 Tho: Gladdin in the iUn^AJvaUiin: for Jamaica Edward, Duffeild Comand November y 20'* 1679 Bknti-V MAUTt.v in the Ketch ^/(irj/ f 5rtra/< for providence Georgi- Co.wvAV Comandcr ' security November 25'* 1679 yi TiiDMAS in the Ketch Phcctkx for Lcward Islands RoiiERT Flexnv Comandcr security ■ , • Novctnier y 25 1679 . • Bread Arthur in the Ketch Phimix for the LewJ- Islands Rouert ' ■' security . Fkexnv Comander 'December the 18'* 1679 Barrow, Rebecca in the ship Ann and'janc for London Ricii" Rad- ford Comandcr ' ij^,,. ^^^ December the 2 i^'' \fi']^ Brook Tiiomas in the ship Raoucry for Jamaica James Br(>w\ <^°P^"'^'-''- - tiqieout — 1 December 24''' i67i9 BiLKLV VV" in the ^hip Ann f Jane for Lpfidon RICHARD Ratford ^°"'''"''" _________ ' «ec""ty December the 2C)"> \(i-](^ BarnfAvell Robert in the Ship Rccoucry for Jamaica James Brown -^°'"*"'J" , ■ . timeout December the 30''' 1679 ■ J|!; BURKK Jeofkf.ry in the Sloop /;-w /(r/VWj/«> foi> Antegoa CliARi Fs ."Kai.eaiiane Comand' time.out .'*.'■■ •^ ' i| 7CKETS GRANTED. 357 yaniiary the i,"' 167.^* . ' • ' Crii.i.ick Jan-f. a Servant bcloB'^in-; to Joiix Foi.utt in the ship Old head cii Kiiigsalc RoiiicRT JJarkuk Comg^nd' for Lew' Jeinuary the 7'* i6y8 / / Carter Elinor in the slilp Joseph and Ann for. Carolina SamvPli.' ' , Evans Comandcr security January the 15'* 1678 CiiAPMN jERliMiAH in the Ship Joseph t Ann for Carolina SAMUF.m, , Evans, Co/iiand' , security yanuary the _2,'i 1678 Ckack; John' in the. Ketch Frcindship for New J-'ngland" Joseph Hauuv Comand' « time out '^. I' ' . \ February y 22'' r67S Ceavpooi.E Norton in the Ship Bachelors Delight for NYorke Robert Greenway Comander time out March tmmst 1678 Clarke Ann in the ship Sam0ll for Loftdjon John Clarke ^ Goniandcr ' ' timeout — ^- ' "-- #* - March the 5"* 1678 ' Clavpool JoiiN in the Ship Patience for Londo Thomas Hl'dson, Comandcr , timeout ■ ' Marck the 6'* 1678 Cooper Thomas in the Pinkc Blessing for New Yorke John Thwing Comand"^ ' ^ ^ time put March the xo"" 1678 ' ■. " Carv Richard in the Pink Scaventnre 'for Antegtia George Bat- Tl.iisiiV Comander ^t".. ' security ' -4 tirhe-but • March the 2\ 1678 « CoLwELi. Samuell in the Kelch ' IF"' f i'«ja« for New England _ ^" Ral^i^arkei^ £omand' . 7^- 7 .' ' ^ time put March the 21" 1678 '• CpRNELiUS Francis in the Banj, jfoscph for Saltcrtudos Stephen CfcAY Comander time put „ Clarke Porcas in the,, ship ,;S'«///;'' for* London Joseph FrjiIlman Comand' ."- '■ ' ^- •" . ' timeout ' ''■":; Aprill the first xd^f) CHAMbERL^rtNE Marmauuke ij^the Ship JiiidcavorioT Lopdon James ^._;■" <^v ' V . ■ ; ' ^. ■ .■ ■^' ■ ; , :'■ • ' ' •'.' '■■ .4 ■ ■. - • » / Z::-:^2^/,:..^.^ • , ^■. .'-,!". • - V" ■ .. ■ . > - < • ■.'■ . - : i • M , . ■ - ■ ■ ,-■":• ■ .- , .-• . ■,,;■; f. ^ f » V- . >/' • t TICKETS GRANTED. S: 3^ s^ \ Afrill t/ia 22''. 1679 Carew' Thomas in the "^jiip Baij' oi CoiTiandcr ;^- .. SJ^" e CpULDURNE John in the ^hip Couclimon for London W" BEEDlNti ■ /^ Comarfd'- ■ ' ' * , . - ■ •--. % » — 7>^ '■ ^ " ■.■■'* '■ ^ • "" May the 2%'" 1679 : ^ Cornish Edward A Scr\« belonging to Jo^^'Harris in the.sliip JF'"C 5't)/w for Boston, SAM"^LEa(i Comandf . » , ^^ /■ »' >► - m m V-.--. 1 *• 1*"' *> ^''•* I ^1- : — ''- May the it" 1679 • " «• ' ^fl^LOVAN THO:*in the Sloop true fricndsliip iax Ncuis CHARLES Kali.a- HANEComandf ,, sccufity.^ '2ily ''the first 1679 July Cole TfioMASjunf in the. '^'m^ Prcrattiin for SiflWnani 'BarnaVd BooGHERCComander . , 'time out > [Sm ihc entry of Oct. and, .where this man is re-enlerW as for Antrflia.J >afc,^^'^'*. -1^' «*-^% .!*► <^v. V , jy It-. > :•./ A ' " ^60 TICKETS GRANTED. -.M. -" . . ^' July the 7.'' 1679 Coi.LiNij John in the Ketch AV///" •-' , July the 2V 1679 ■. ^ . ,; C WVFEiLD RiCH<;^ in the Ship Young William ^r Virginia TIiomas Cornish Comandr security ;. ?. /:.:! August the 2'' 1679 ''^i- :-.',. COTTiNGifAM Katherine in the Ship '^AV for Jamaica Silvanis PAINE-Comander ^^^ > time out Augiist the t)"" xt-ji^ Collins John" is the Tii^xvi^Platacon m~K.^g^mi^^^^ Comandcr " . .i"' ■s August the thirteenth \b-]^'^^~~ *.. .Callay ThomXs in the Keatch Neftune foj Virginia. Jq,SEiMi Knott ■ : time out • Comander . August y 2i"' i6-j^ Cox Francis in the s.h\p yohn and yamcs (or New England Gii.ics Hamlin Comandr ' timeout , . September a** 1679 Cole James in the Sloop 7(7//// jf//■ . " timeout September y 2a* i6-yg ^ CllESTia^^^tp^ON In the Sliip Malligo Merchant ROCER Homik f Com^ider for Lond" ' timeout \v. i' ' Vi >^ i:^ ^^ At '•V '"■'t i:-" ■■■ TICKETS GRAXTEIX 36' y September 22'' 1679 * Chaplin Thomas in the S\\\i^ Alalligo Merck" iox London Roger . HoMEK Cpniander ,. time out Pclolier the 2<^aQ Clovan* Thomas in tfie Sloop //v/c y||^pif///> for Antegiia Charu'.s Kallahane (Coroartder - timeout • . Ochber the 6'* 167^ CliARLliS Euan in the.Sloop tnu friendship for Antcgua Chari.ks ■ 'Kallahanl Comandcr timeout ^, November the -if 1679 CoTlNHO Moses H£nr1(jUEs in* the Barij, Adi^efitiac (or Jamaica " EDWAKU DUFFEU-D Comandcr time out J^ r\,. • ,-■ Nol-embeir y t'^ 1679 '. Courtney VV" in the Sloop llopuvell iox Antcjjua VV" MURiiiv Comander , - " time out Novanbcr the. 27'* 1679 « . CoRilETT Wh.I-IAM in tlfc Sloop Kalherine for Antcgua Anhriav, .Gall Comander time out V '^ December the 15'* 1679 Crisp RociER in the Ship W ««««"' February 14" 1678 ;^ l^AN(; Margarett in the Sloop RtsolulioH for Nevis John IlsciLUV Comandcr ' * « time out • [In.tbe entry of Majrjlit^ii bound forNevU,! 46 ^ ■■■-. V •«^- TiCKElS GRANTED. February 21',' 1678 Di: Ntov John in the Ship Endeavour for Virginia Adrauam Newm^ - time out -^areh-Hte-firsi ifi-j^' : DoLDROv Grace, ift th^ MipTSrS/iSr (br London John' cIa^ke" Comander — 7"^ ^ ___J_^j^,„^^^ ^- March tlie \o"' 1678 Doieberrv A.vdj^ in -tte Ship iWro- for Boston, W" Guard Comandet> time out VE March the 20'* 1678 NisH John in the Sh.ip Endeavor for London James Gii.hekt Comander .. time out Aprill the Jirst i6-]() . Dickinson I-VAN:cj>^the ship /,V/m/}r/r,7//«,r>6.'Antcgua John w'eecm Conwndf " ., ^ ■ ~ tjmc out . Aprill 22: 1,679 Davucs-Kei/.* Ascrv" beloMKing to Hm.mako Hoeuh' in the ship l.vnd Mtrch" for Lond" KuW: DtswoKiii, Coma / • ■Htfcy ft V .' ■' •»• * 3«3 Aftrill the ^2* xd^K) ;tx Henrv i^sqr in the Ship M;/i.(/- for Lorid" Thomas VVarrkn Cyinandcr ^ ^__- _• - timeout A prill, the 2 3 1^170 Dknsv Jank in the Siiip Ifopeiot Loiiaun JosEiii Bai.i. Comandcr - __ security Aprill tfie 25'* 1679 ; ' Dravton Thomas juiir in the ship yT/riV)- for tarolina NiciiohAs LocKWtMiD Comand' ' time out Aprill the li"" xd',^ Daviks jANii A Servant to liicil' TyWiiisicNp in y* Ship AW>Jrf»/r// for Boston W" Ci-ARKK Comand'' May thf a** 1679 DavIks Samuell in the Ketch Prosf>trous for Virginia David Fcx;o Comander . ^ Ji ;-''">« out ' ' May the \y. 1679 Daviks John jun' in the Ship Roc Buck for London VV" SliAFto Comand' security ^ Atay 1 3"*- 1679 DowKLi/ Dennis in the Ship hidusUy for Bristoll James PoRTtR Comandcr timeout May the 14'* 1679 DiVNUERFEILD Wai.CUI- iiv the ^\i\^ liachtlot for Bristoll RtK.ER Bacg Comandcr ' . • timeout May the 23'' 1679 DUNNolloE TEACi in the ship Margaret for Ikw Morris* AlbXANDER Wood Comand^- time out * ^./., BnuBi(ili.} V /^ 46— a. -sei. _ * • *■ . % ■n ' ^ * • f = ' , »■■ ■ '} .l64 TICKETS GRANTED. . ' May the 2i, \(i-j<) , ,. DunoYES Jonx in the Ship " 5«/»/// for Boston JoiiM Meluowes Comandcr • . timeout ; ' y line Ike ii'*i67^ DUNNOHOE Cornelius ^nd J KFFORV in the ^U^ Margrctt for Bew MQrris AtEXANDER Wood Comandf ' time out '-''■-■■ »■ • - -— . .^ Jmu Ihc n"' 1679 ,• -t-' D.wiES, jonv in the ship Cooft Friggott for Liond" Phillip Varloe " i ' , ^°"'^' ^ • ' ' ', ° timeout'" func the v\"' xb-jc) . DvviES. John of Christ Church in the Ketch 7^/// lor New Yorkc Abraham Knott Comander secutity July the 2\ 1679 I ^ Davies Peter< in the Pinke .V;y»/«w for Caralfna Joseimi Kno'tt Comander ^ — ''■ . _ 'tiiiie out July the 29'* 1679 ■ • Dran Maren a servant bclon;,nnj{. to J ACoI) LeROUX 'in the Ketch Dove for Antegoa JoIiN Graiton Comand' ' r I August the first \fii<^ ' .DlndasVV in the'ship )V««^ /F*///rt/« for Virj|it»ia Tm(j: CiiBNiSH - Comandcr f ... timeout August the i* 1679 , • Dawson Tremmit- in the ship iiViy for Jamaica Silvanuh Paym" j Comander ■ ' ,/ - timeout August the a"* ^679 pAViES Katiierine a servant belonging to John Austin in the shij/^ - JV;///^ ir/y/zjiw for Virginia Thomas Cornish ' /^ • f ! -- '' ' ■-'-.' • . • ' ". " ■ .■ m '. ' •■' ' '. - « ■■ * ' - .'^ •■ ::/'■: '-^ ' • - »-^ ■ '• ,-■■;/:. ' \ ''/■/■' ■■'■ .- , -.n": ill * i 1 y ^----K^^ :"■ *. * -::l- ' ^"■"'^^^-z- . * y , ' -Lv • >■■.'■ i '. . ' i / i ■ . • * •■*-.■»■• t ip^«// and Jane for Lond" RICHARD RAtlORl) ComaiHicr^ • " . timeout ;; V - December tlu 22'' 1679 v "Douse Brid(;i:tt in the Ship ^«« f ^rtwc for Lond" Richard Ratt- KORD Coniandcr ' time" out , December the 22: 1679 / ,/' Downim; John in the Ship Laii. • ■ ^December y ,24'* 1679 , v^- ■^Jt; Wi-VKic I.iwiN* in' the ship /i/ossom f^r Surranam Ridi" MarTi!^^,^ Comander. 7 .security %^.,. Mjinh t/te xt," \(i^^ ./, • • llNDr.uiu.K Oi.ll'i.K in the Ship.///;/ an i Mary for An^egua Jniiv ■* JuiiNSiJN Comtinder ' ' . ' smirity, ' . J/(irfA //// 20'* 1678 ,i" "f* • f:i.s.)N W? in the Ketch Ihgining iot >/ew Y..Vl•]() \ - Elliston George -in the ship Natluiiiicll iox, Boston W" Clarke Comander . ^ / . L- „ „ » ,. ■ ' time out Aprill the 2^'* i^y^ . ; Edward? John in the ship Society for Bristoll Edmond Ditty ^om:,ud^v ^^ timfout May the 24 1679 Ellicott Vines in the ship 5«///y for- Boston John Mellowes Comander „ -, .. . ■ security yune tlu 20'* 1679 EUANS W« jn the ship W and Robert for London Giles Bond Comander . ' »•„ ■ time out J ■- - ".- ■ ~— — — — ^ Julyy 21: 1679 Evans Edward ii, the Pink Neptune for C^roh'na Joseph Knott ConTander , . f v- ^ ^ •• ' . - , t'nie out — — '— — ■ — . — ; ■' . f " Eastchurch William inUhe S)\\^ /Joseph for Lond. * *" July the i\ 1679 \ Emery John a,/<*rvai1t belonging. to Lievt- Colic Hallett in the\ . Ship Young William foj- Virginia Tiio Cornish Comand- it':: . » ■. ■ ' - ------ -^ :,- . ,:. .. \ V: i' "■ fr^T — r — — 1 ■ ; ' " .■ 1 i • ' ■■-■, ' . '^■. . . ; ,■■'■■ • • TICKETS GRANTED. .1'i?' September the 12'* 1679 Ellinswortii VV" in the Pink Portsmottth for Road Island 'j(>it Briar Comandr ' tiinc%)ut - — ■ % IT , . ■. ■ ■ . ■ • ^ October f he 2'' 1679 Elliott Henry in the SAoo^trut friendship for^Antegoa CuARL^■.^ February the 13" 1678 FORpusil Jamks in the Ship two Btotlurs for Jamaica Ricfc Ji fkeryes cr , Comander time out March the j^'" \fi-]% ^ l''iTZi<,A!«juLi'H I'llil.l*!!' in the ship Vnity {ox Saltertudos A.iiRAliAM _'■' v\ isi: Coniand'' ^ ' - security ' . ■ '.■■■' X March the it)" \6-ji^ ,' % n. ■ ■ ■ X . FvKKS JoNE in the ship Kallunitc for Hristoll Rodert Datwem. "* -X Coniandtr tiitic out W ■/ ■ . ■ *. y. . . .. . - ■ - ^ - X ■-' ■■■ » March t/w 24'" 1.678 ' -. « ■ * Fnv. James i:i)\VARi) in the Ship .lA/r//" /.V/Wf/iv//////*- for Londuii / ■ ..■--■. VV" BULKEEVvCcimander ■ timeout'' * y ■ «c- ■ , ■- "■■■■.. , - - ■ ... ■. . ■ - ; , -X March the 2b"' \6l() -''■.',/ a ") Franklin Thomas in the Ship 5///y>{)' for Lond» JosErii Freeman X CoiTiander ' " * ' time'ou' ■ X ■'■*■: ■f ■ ■ ' * » -i' ' • , , X • ^ ...... ■''- . '-. • ■' ■ ,•■■'■ 1 - ■ , ' .. f .. ■ ■ X . ' ■■ ?«T-7 . ^ ■ ■■ — : : — ■ : ..' ' — 1 ^ ^'-- ;■ . ; ' :x. ■. ■ ■ ■■«.■ - ■ . ♦ '•■ '•X .. ■ . ■ X "^ ' - - ■ -rf ■. ~' '■■ ■ ■ ■' X 4 - . '' ' - > ' ^ ^ 368 TICKETS GRANTED. t March tlu 29'* 1679 Fox Stephen in the ship if/ao- ' for Carolina Nicn" Lockwood Comander ■ . . . , ._ " ^ time out March the 2^"" xd-j^ Fox Pmrxis in the ship Mary for Carolina NiCHo LoCKWOOD Comander .• ^ . c ; timeout March the 2,1: i^-jf) '.'-''W Fransum Joseph in the Barq, Blessing for Prouidence Francis Wat- LINGTON Comander xlvn^o^^ April the 2()"' \b^<) v " ,♦ Fitz Nichols Mary a Serv«- bplonging to Rich" Michell sen^ in the ship iVrt///rt«/V// for Boston W" Clarke Comander "^ May the Sixth 1679 ' Feaghery Thomas in the Ship John f Tho: for Prouidence Tuo JENOUR Comander ^j^^ ^^^ "^t^ ^ay /■//<- 8'* 1679 FiNN^^pE in the Ship Industry for Bristol! James Porter Coman- der time out May tlu 14'* 1679 ; Foster Hester in the ship Am and Eli^ for Leverpoole HuCn Reynolds Comander ^^^^^^^ May^te 21 1679 FitzJarrell John in the s\\^ Swallmv (or Leverpoole Tho With- iNGTONCQijiander ^.^^^^^ / TICKETS GRAMED. 369 May t/ie 23 1679 I""i)NTLEROV Jamks in the ship J'nit/tiia- a/td Mary for Boston jAfpH Green Comander time out May the zd"' \t)-]() Farrek James in the ship Condiision for Lond*^ W" Beeuini; Coniai - der time out "^ May the 2%"' '\fi*i<), French Samuell in the Ketch Joseph and Alary for New Yorkc - Abraham Knott Comand' ' - timeout May t/ie thirtieth 1679. Fowler Jdshl'A in the ship Jihn and Mary for Londcn John UKLE Cc(mand' . f security y une the fourth 1679 Fi.EMG [.'Fleming] Edmond in.the ship iW«/y for;Bristoll EDMt)Mi Ditty Comand' «■ timeout y««^ ///»;• I 1'* 1679 ' Fell Lidia in the Ketch John and Sarah for New Vorke Petkr Carow Comander time out yidy the 21: 1679 Frith Samuell in the Pinke Rebecca for Virginia. Thomas Williams Comander time out • Jnly the zb^'' 1679 __ F'oRi) Francis in the ship Mallego Merck'! {or Loi)don Roger Homer Comandr ' time out « ^ / \ '■»*■■>->■*>-» \ . J 370 TICKETS GRANTED. October the first 1679 Fear Francis in the ship Barbados Mercliant for Virginia James Gock Comandcr ^. ^ time out October y 2()"' i6-j()^ Farrow, Hu«iii in *he Bar.], Dove for Nevis Anthony Jenour time out Comander /„ I If III November t/ic 26"" i6-j<) • - Farrbll .Roger in the Sloop KatJurinc for Antegua Andrew Gai 1 < Comander , « ' . security [ •■': . : '■ " ' .■"^~'^~^— ,- ■ , . December thi 22 1679 .V,:.':.-- • Pavell Christopher in the 'ship ^«;,W yarn for London Ricii" -^ • *. Rattkord Comand' ' t ■' ..• ' tune out ■ ■-- t» ^ ■ -" - Dccanbch 24''' 1679 ■^ Farror Edmond in the ship /J «« f jane for London Rich- R vrt- i" ford Comand'- time oOt ■ March the 10'* 1678 Grigg Robert e Alce Grigg in the ship Afary for Carolinfal Nicho- las Lock wood Comander - . .- timeout '■ March the ii" 167S Gardner George in the Ship Samaritan for Lev^rpo[ol] .Valentin ' 1 RIM Comand' . - E lime out' : ■ ,^ March t/u t8'* 1678 GkESTN.NH_ Jacobus in the Pink. Desire Sor Pool Tho'vVadha.a Comander AM security f „1_^:^v- ^,-ifc:' \ . r f TICfCF.TS GKAXTF.n. ,1?> t ■ ;■ ■ ^ ^ ' . March thc-sk)"' \(i-]%- GOLDIW PERSlVAl.r. iti the ship White Fox for Lond Coniander . o|> John lj».h GeRisiJ time out j1l/;?n72 2'' 1678 ' BENjAMfN- in the Kvfch Mary for Boston J(-rfiN GaKHNI k .Comander time out Aprill 'the 7'* 1679 ' , " 'tt GoDFRV M.\RV in the Ship Mary for Carolina Nicilo LocKWOOl) Comandf • t;.«„ „..i •'■N- \ tune out Af>nll the xi"" i679j GooDiNGi Joseph in the Bar(i, Bimcta Rich" Rii-ly Comand' for , Jamaica ; time out Aprill the 2^'" 'xtjc) ^ / ■ GiTTEi!; HENR/in-the Ship J/ary for Carolina Nicholas LocIvWooo Comander ■ ^ tjpc out May the 6'* 1679 ' ■ GoLDiXG^ERCiVALL ,in the Ship C"■. , ' ' ' ■ tiiiic out • ■'.:, A7-2 ':\\ ■m- ■■■-/^ \ m n Tri> j^ ^ Ipi!. ,'. 1*i Y '• < > X ■ H I?.. 3U '« i.--' I 37» " . TICKETS GRANTED. -..V' May the 21 1679' • GoGiN William in the ship Baclu-lor for Bristoll Roger Bagg Comth- time Out *•,.■».,'-»" tier Jitly the 22'' 1679 . " '" Gkav Robert rathe Keatch .?W;:' / TICKE rS GRANl^^ED. f .* « October 'the f't 1679 " Greenslatt Thomas in 'the* Sloop true friendship for Antcgua Charles Kallaha"ne Comand' , - security ;■ ■ ^ . • ■ ■■ ,.^^ • -, , ^- -. ' • ,; . A Novemb' /A^ 25'* 1679 , pQ)iON Rowland in the Ketch Phrnix for Antegua Roi'.krx FLEXNYjComand'' • • , ^ s&urity / FebrtMry 11'* 1678 ' • "~^ Havem*Aiiraham in the ship ^(i>«^j -for >fc\v Yorke W" Sweetland Comandcr ■ " time out , March the j-* 1678 . ' Hatton Robert in the Sloop Hunterjor Surranam WALTEtK] Assu- EROS Comander ^ ' tinie out • March the 2,'' 1678 HOLLARD Thomas in the Constant IVariK/ick Frigott for London Cap* Ralph Delavall Comand'' * ^ security % ' k i ^' March the 11/* 1678- HOLI.OWAY RiCH=* in the ship Samaritan for Leverpodl VALENTINE Trim Comander time out^ , * • Marcfithc i2"i67S ' ; ^ Herrick Isaac, in t^,;Ket^li W" r Snsau. I'ur New Engla[nd]' , *, ;^ ' RalPB Parker C6llander| ^ '- time *>ut . "' ' m *" ^ '~ -''■'■■" ' ■ ^- March i/te 2p"' 167S , Harvey, ""Griffith, in the ship Mgrck' Bonaiivciiture, ((j^^ondon 5f •*• :' / Wh BuLKLY Comander ne out \ ' y*.«V^ 1 « " t -J. fivi~ 4 . . • 1 ';■:'■■ i ■' •'■ ■ •. ""■■:■: ■;.... •■ ' • • ' * •■■,'. ■■■■ V- -■•.'■-■'' .■ r^^ M 3?4 jt « V t r/CKETS GRAiXTED . » M / HA^lLTC*;SbAM In the Ketch J^T^wawfor New England It a I. n I Parker Comandf tinle out P :»■.' *- .. MarcA /Ac 24"^ 167s . Heywood John in the Pinkc Submission for London Christopher Nevvham Coinander ' time out ,»w ♦ A -' MarcA tAe 21^,'" \6-]% niOLEY John in the'Ketch JAiry for Boston John Gardner Coman- ' % time out '• ^ ' Mnrch the 2&'* 1678 \]' should be 1679]. * *|IA.SEEL Wfr.i.iAM in the Ship Olliuc Tree for Hfistoll Thomas Shel- i,AM-Comandcr time out ' Aprttl*tke first x^"^^ ^; Hawton Gerard in the ^\\\^ Expedition for London John Harding -" ■■■ i Coraander « ■ _^^ J '" ^ ^time out , - 'V „. • »~ ' " . -"'" """ '■ . .--' 4 ■■ ' :- , Aprill the first 1679 " ^HaViland Miles in the Ketch Swallow for Rhoad Island Josei'H Hardy Camandcr ^ ,, timeout. ,■ ,., \ Aprill the 2'' ityq Hendlv DANH:in. and ELiz« in the ship Olive Tree for BHstoll Thomas Shellam Cpmand' time out Aprill the ti'^ \fi-]c Tiiomas Chin- , • NERvComander ^ c, ^.^^^^^^ April/ the 22^1679 H-.l.r.ip HlM^iARi) in the Ship Lm,f Ahrc/^ iot London Euwaki. - Dhsworth Comander, security-;- Aprilt liie i2 1679 '■' ■•,, • Hnl.r R..WIMM) in the Ship Hone, f.,r London TiK.MAS WaRRE.v ' ' Coniander ■ , time out Aprill the Jo'* 1679 ^ ilACKKR J.F.ki,iNAM.,j in tht ship }-mrtjfa.t for London Nlc.i" FAlRf- FAX Comandcr ... time out May tht 7* 1679 ■ . , j Heai.V W" in tlui Mf S.Kut, fot Hristoll lii)M».Dihv Comandcr time our ■■■■'. •''■ ■ ■. i '»^'mC "••- ■ .,».... ?-. .. f ... ^ ' / • ■(&. 376 7/CICE7S GRANTEp. ^ May l/ie third 1679 .r; HUR-iT Win the Ship /Jd'w////;Y for Lend" \V« Johnson ConianJ'- ■ . . - .. time out May the third xt"]^^-^ HOLSEV Richard in the Sloop Datclulor for Leward Peter Swaine : , Comand'' ^.- ^ " ■ May the 23'* 1679 - . ^ : Hackett Robert in the ship Society for litistoll EMfONi. DiTTV Coniand' ,. time out May the 23'' 1679 Haley PENNrsg^in the ship Society for liristoll Edmond Dn Coniander .. time out TV May the. yi 1679 HELMKb John in the Ketch NicJf f Rebecca for. New Yorkc Nil holas Blake Comand' ^ , timeout 7une tlu 2'' 1679 Hook W« in the Bar<^ Hotexvell for Boston Nicholas Morr'ell Comahdcf- ' ; security ■■'■.. V ^ June the 13 1679. Hunt Dennis in the ship Coast Friggott for" London Phillii- Var. LOE Comander time out June the 14 1679 How Eliz' in the ^)^^)^ yohn Adventure for Jamaica Edward Win- SiU»W Colliaiia^r. . • . .. time <3ui « ' ricKE 7S x; A'.ix 7 /■:/>• ,177 A jfuHe the 17'* 1679 ^ Fl'ioi'i.u Daniki-.i. in the Ketch yosi-ph for -^'cw Vorke Aiikaiiam KM)!"!', Comandf ' . ' timeout • ■-■ t ' ' • : - ■ . . Juiu- the 21 1679 ''''■- llAKKIS IvDWAKl) in the Ship /;.i/tW;w«/ for Lond" HtNRV St'TtdN Coniand' . «tinie out yum the 21 1679 / ■ Ilii.i^JiiiiN in the ship f/Mr/fj for Lond"1"noMAS Nasii Cfmiandpr' , ■" stt^urity '" ' : / ■ ■ ■ ■ ■)'■■„ "■ " '■ . ■^' ■/■ " ■' 'junc the 21 1679 liniirii W" in tiie Ship (('"' C Rolhrt for London Gll.KS HpNU Coniander timeout „ ^^. .. ■ ' ■'■•.... III NT John in the ship I*^iiiiitife for IJoston TlMoTIlY rKiii-i Comahdcr ^^ '' '. "" timeout J nfythc third. \b',() HiiKNi: ClfsiAVlis Aliin.i'jii's in the ship /( " f /1/w for London riiiLLii' ilANi;i:K Comjiindcr timeout July the 16'* 1679 Itiiills . Andrkw in the ship Amily for I^md" Kkn|* GR(iVK Comand' time out July the 31 1679 !l.\l.l. Git.Efi juf In tlie Ketch Jotm f Mary for Hoston JoilN I'AKkH K Comand' seciifiry ■•■■■■■"■■.•.' '■4K - « -A. *4* v^ ' ■• 378 i r . . : TICKETS GHANIED. ' August i/ie I ^ 1679 Hkrhicrt Henry in the Ship John\'Hcnry for I$nsto[l] Thomas Cades Comandcr '* '■ ••■:¥''■; August the 26'* 1679 HuBBS Edz-in the sMy'^ Robert for Lond' RtciiARp CoclK Comaivder time out time out ". September the 1 7**, 1 679 I . IHarker JOHN,i9ihe,phip Hope far,^^e«r EnjJJ Johm PRlC^omandj>r i -V .:: - ^ ., . ■^— ^ \ K .. .'■_• . Sfptentbcrthc \'&"^ \t-](^ ' ^' / ,H0LD^RTK Artiiek in tKc Ship TImnw e -Sa/-M\fof Lon[don] time (lilt - jAMffi Day Comandcr^ '■"' • ■ ' ' October the ■}"' \b-]^ T IIOTEN MAftfjiCRV in the $loop /Ijfwufor Lcvvard Islands Avt»i..\y .. Burgess Comandcr ^: . . _ , ^^^.^^ /'. . '■^;- ; *^M■■' Otiober the f'' i6jf) \ ' 'I '-^ "■Hn.K Jf)HN in the Sloop /rw^ fiicitdMpiox Antcgua CHarliIs Kal- ^, lawah*: Comahdar • ! ecurity • ' ,' October the y'* 167:^ i|^ UANCoc?te.AlJiXANnER in the Sloop /rw>f,Wj/,/), for Jntcqua Charles KALLAJtUKK Comander security' !'■ October -the 20" 1679 f' HASi-Lt. Peter in the Ship //a/py returut for London \saac R Comand- . ■ \\ ' a 1 AtKj \ timif out V ■ \l: i. .^tI. 4 1|' <» , TJCk'ETS GK:lXTEr>. * ' OclobcK the 2C)"' \fy]<^ n\LE Uar.whik and Tiw \h)\s Syru"* belonging ti*^|I" Ciikisto- : fUl R CoURiNC.TON in the, Barcj, Done for NcviS^NTllo.NV JiSot'X, Coinanilcr « " - . ^^ ■ ' ' -. f ■ I October the i<^'' 1O79 , IIol r Jo'.i I'lt m tlic- Stpoi» //o/tW/ for'' Antcgoa JoH.v AvRKs Coniantl' : time out I , November y 6'* 1679 'JLINJ^UKE in the iWq, /If/iv;////;*- for Jafflaic* liinwARW DUFKKiiri) ""''^Comander V^,'^^ time out i .-"^. ■ •" ' Noviiitbef the 2'j"' \t'j^ Hannah, Anurew a Scfv", belonging toW" SncKt-AM) in the Sloop ' Katluriiw for Ajitcgua AN4>Ki;\v Gall Coraander . . ' ' ■ - - T--- _ / V _ De(;etnber t/teiz:^'* \b-]q' . • ■ HOLEMAN Roger in the Sloop true /rcimis/ti/> for Antcgua ClIARLKs KALLAHANE QuiTiandf > "^ . ', ,timc inA * '■'■.r./j M^rch lite \ \"' 1678 J AK.MJN Symqn in the Sliip Society for lioston VV''GOari) Comandtr ' ;f '^ March the ii,'" ibi^ Jaccson-W" inlithc ship Ann and Maiy^ox Antegoa John Johnson / Comandcr 'ik '^ • ' tijnc out .^ ^ .,_- ,^., *-^ ■ , ■ •i'V ' ' , Afarch the 20'*, 1678 • *' /Aqcsoii George in* the Ship' Jl/en/t'' L'vHaiiseuture <"or London W* Bi'LKLiiV Comand' , - time our < -." '■■"■ /"■■ ■ *• ■ 48-/ ■ . • ■■ ' 'tv.*--." • ,*• ''a i», V '.'■ ' : * B^- Marfk i/te 2^"' ley^f'" JiPSON Sarah iiKihe sh\p Mary for Carolina Nrcu" UocKWOOu Cothand'/ •. " .. ■ - . ■ .timeout ■■-■ , ■ . :. » ■,_ ^ , Aprilll/ily'' leyg * , . ■ „ ACQO John in the Ketch /'/-w/yi-;;^- for" Ne\V England Marke Hunk- INGComander ' , „ . / , ^-^^^^^ .: ApHU t/i€ If)"' i6j^ - / Johnson N^athanieul in th^ friends Adventure for Antegua John LONG Comandor ' . ^j^^ ^^^ ■May t/ii 4"' \)xg-] i(i-j^ Jones JoHNVn-- In the ship Ann and Elh^ for Le\^crpooi HuuH Rey NoLU.s Coinander time out M«y i/ie 20"; \6y^ . Jones Robert in the Ship AVw rt//rf Cnw« for London Tiu.%f\s security Crokts Coitiandcr May the 22'' 1679 JoRUAN \V;, in tJie Ship Prudence and Mary for Boston Jacob Green ■ Comandcr "May the 22'' i6yc) Johnson John in the Ketch y<;jf//< for New Yorkc Abraham Knott C'omander , • " ■ ^.^.^ ■ . " ■■ . ■■"^~: — ' :' , ■ '- -. V, A/ay t/ie 22^ i6jg » /ones jRrcif in the Ship Dattchchr for Bristoll Roger Bagg Comander • time out s«> K ^ s TICKETS GRANTED. * .'8' May tlu 23'' 1679 James William in the Ship SiKiety, for, Bristol! ICdmcjnd Ditiy Comandcr « time out" ■ June the 11'* 1679 JKI-SOM JoijLL in the 'i>\\\'i;> Baelielor for Bristoll RotJKR Bagu Comandcr . * ., ■ time out 'fnf * tine (he 11'* 1679 Irish Gkorcjk in the ship A'ac/zi-Zor for Bristoll Rower Bagg eomanti^r * ■. time out June the 17'* 1679' : Jenkins Owen in the Ketch Johns Advcntiire for Jamaica F.dwarh * . WlNSl.oE Comand' * timeout - . - June /he yS"' xOjg Junes Samuei.l in the Ketch Johns Adirnturc for Jamaica Hdwakh WlNSEOt Comandr , , -security Jiiiic the 27"' 1679, ' ■ IN(;ee1)V NRllOEAS in the ship Proiiidena- for Boston TlMOTllV I'Koir Comamlf ' security ; ■ August «44T"ir// for Virginia J"lli> Clkik y^ Comandcr ' *" - time out • August the I ^"' 1679 . JdNEK Eljz" in the Bar(|, Plautaam i^r Carolin.i Asek SitAKii ,.* Comandier * • security r \. • ■*,i^gpiy*- ■*': :!--• >? ,?SJ TICKETS GRANTED. ,_ September the fourth \6-]C) James Rich" A sen:" belonging to ^Coll" Sa.m" Nkwton in the sli, Josephiox New Yoriie Stki'UKN Clay Comand' * I,*:-*!, \ ' September the 13"' 1679 • • Johnson Nathanikm. in the Sloop true frciudslup for Antegua • Charles Kallaijane Comander , time <,ut > September the 13 1679 Jo'kDAN James in the ship Matlcgo Ahrch" for Londort R(k;i:r H^mik Comander time out ^ September t7ic \g"' ie-j() JKNKINS Jane in the Ship Lixboa Mcrch" for New Yor[k] RofViR' WniTKEiLD Comander .,....,;,.f> security^ Septcfnber t/ie-26^ 1679 ' , JKNNINGS MiCJIAELi. in the Sloop ^«//.t for Jamaica EiWARi) Di.- FjtILIX|Comandr time out October the 7" 1679 Jennings Wii.mam. in the Sloop True fria.dshp for Antcgufal Charles Kallahanl Comandr - ' security October the 2^"" 1679 * John Morgan in the Banfc Dove for Neui.s Anthony Jennor. Comander. .. ■ ^ i__ . timeout. Nouembcr the 7 1679 ■i'^'y, .: Jones William fn the Sloop Ilopca-dl for Antegua W« Muri-hv Comand'' '< J time out ■•■\ m ... ■r: :ri «■ ,^- c TICKETS GRAiVTED. '3*3. Noiianbertlie 7'* 1679 J )\ES HiccTOR in the Sloop Hopewell for Antegua W MUKPHV Comander • time out • ApriH' tlie 24'* 1679 (^ Wii.MAM in the ship friends Adventure for Lend" EDWARD : Ulaues Comander security -.■/ May the 2' 1679 / Kkmnedv Joiin and E'Llinor his wife in the Ship Society for Hristoll . Hdmond'Dittv Comander timeou't May (he 2%"' 1679 * . KvTIi,J(MI\ in the Ship Prudence aitl Mary fo/ Boston JACOB Green timeout Coinand^^ ■ August' thf r* id']^ Kkitii Henkv in the'Ship K<;««^'- WilUani for Virginia Tiio: Couxisii Coniand' ■ -■ tmie out ';,^, Nin'cmder i/w 2g"' \()j() ^Ki;\v Nicholas in X^chw^, Resolution for Antegua Tho GiLbekt Comander ^ % .^.^^rity '7" Feb-' 17" 1678 I.v.Ncii NictioLAs and Ai.ici: l,is Wife in the ii^r^, Adventure for Antegua CllklSTOPUER HliRROWComand' timeout "7^ vTf^M /■//■" * ^ ■■ . ''^- ' ■ - -,_ . ' - ' '■ -i'. ' '"''■- - * ' ' • '. ' / ■ - ,' - * '■>■"' :'■' "^ -.'■' •*' ^ s 384 TICKETS GRANTED. ^ .V: •_ > ' \ starch the 20','' i(i-j^]^if].\ LVTTCOT- Leonard in the Ship iV//> for Lond" JcisKPu Fr.tm.x Comanrdcr securit)' Aprill the first 1679 • Lee >iENRV in the Ketch U,,Uy for Virginia James Ra,xv Con.ander' '1' . . ■ '; ,_ _, ■ , timeout -^r.--^- -Apriit-ttre-mrriBj^"-^----^ Lee Henrv in the Ship Martin for Newfoundland' Ciiristophkk Martin Comand'^ . Ap'rill the 16"' 1679 LanglevW" in the Ship Brothers Adventure for New Vorl -4 - May the 2^"- l6^() ," ^ L^'»;:\"- Timothy in the Ship IV-tyohn for Boston Samuei.l Leoc time out Comandcr iwr s. t V ■"/ TICKETS GRANTED. 3«S • yune the if' i6'j() LONGSON William in the Ketch john'sAduaiture for Jamaica EpwARD WiNSLOW Comand' • security y»ly tJu if" i6j<) V Lee Rich" in the V'lvAac ^Rebecca for Virginia Thomas. W*' Co- ■inan(ier . , . ' time out yuly the 29'* 1679 Leroux Jacob in the Ketch Dove for Ant^ua John Grafton Comand' security August the 2)"' 1679 \ • Lewgar John in thq ship freindship for London JoiiN Williams Comand'' time out \ August the 13'* 1679 Ladson John in the Barqi Plantacon for Carolina Aser Shari-e Comander timeout August t/ie 22,'^ 1679 Lloyd John in the ship Barbados Mcrch" for Leward Islands time out September tlie 2'' xd"]^ Langford Harry in the Ship Joseph'-ior New Yorke Stephen Clay Coinander time out M--'- ^ v;-' *>: ': September the 15'* 1679 LY,{fN Robert in the Ship Malkgo Merch" for Lond" Roger Hom-er Comand' time out -■- . 49 •>. . ■; \ % » ■ V 4*." f r iji liiiiij \ . \. 7 j86 *. r/CA'MT^ GRANTED. '■^ September the {(}'' \f]C) ' Lynch Richard Wthe Sloop tmc friendship for Nevis Charles Kallahane Comandr A time out ' ■■■* OcioSer the 2^"' i6-jg Lee Henry \h the Ship Hap/y retume for Londo Isaac Rand Comand'' security ; NoitembertIie2\"'\(i'jc) • -- ---LiLOURNE RICH" in the Ketch Mary f 5^r«/. for Prouidence George Conoway Comandr . ■,. " , security r November tlie2<:)"' 1679 £a Lynch Morgan in the Barq, r^W///,i;i for,Anteg>« Thomas Gil- liERT Comandr tl^e said Lynch being a Seru^r K:longing to John CODRINGTON Esqf. December t/ie 22: 1679 LVNE CHRISTOPHER Esqr in the Ship Rccouery for Jamaica James ^ Browne Comand^ ' ^ . :', December the i\. 1679 > " Lopez Telles Abraham in the ^\^^^ Recouery for Jamaica James . Brown C-omand' time out - Jat^ary tlu d^"' id-jZ Maynard James a Serutt belonging^ to Mathew W«- in the ship „ Old luad of Kingsale for Lewi RobIrt Barker Comand - h ' n -; . January the 2^"' \(i-j% • Marshall Jarvis in.the^hip 7«;«« for New Yorke James Sweet- land Comander ,■'"..■. , / time put J- ■;-:■■ V:?^ ■ -V- , * ■". ■ -" ^^ .. . ■■--^ --■-•- -■- ■- » • ^ ■ • . *■' ■ ■■• -■"""■. It, W ■ - \ V ■. ''.?: '; " ' . ■■-■>■ 40 vif!' TICKETS GRANTED. 3«7 Felr ii'\l678 MaSTUS JosErii and Martha Mastus in the Ship Patience for ondon .Thomas Hudson Comand' time out •M vWar^/^ //i^ lo'* 1679 [1678] - ■Morris W« in the S)\\^ Society for Boston VV" GUARD Comand' ' time out ,^ ' March tlie 14'* 1678 " Melonv Timothy in. the Ship Atth and' Mary {ox Antegua John /oHNSON Comandf ' • security ^ .. _/ "» * 1k\ it. ■'M: ■■ March tlu 18'* 1678 • Morris 'Isaac in the ^nXidis Jiegining for New Yorke W" Play ' Comand' < ** A t'me put 4^ V ■.-:-.. March the 19" 1678 Maddox Jone in the Ketch Begining for New Yorke W" Pi.av Comand"^ ; V . timeout « •, ' A^rillthcf^ 1679 MATTS0N Benj* in the Ship Jofmand Mary for Lond« Edward • Calcott Comandr " ' ^»\^^ time out ;' ■ Aprill the^'' .1679 „. Mannen Andrew in the Ship iJ/ary for Carolina NlciiOLAS LocK- WOOD Comandf • , ' time out .» ■» " ^/r/////^ 10'* 1679 .' Maul Thomas, in the Ketch W-" ( John for New England JOHH Saunders Comandf ' ■ time out 49—2 \ ■■ ,. _' :' * ' ^ ■■ '■ ■ ■ "4:':' \ . , ■ " "" 1 •~ , , -"■ ■■--. f~^--^^ ■ , . *. - . ■ ■" /, /:. ,, - ' ■ ' ," t T"""""— --. __^ ' • - » ,. . . -■ .. .- ' . ' . "■ " ■ '■ *" •■;.• : -■<^--^^-7''. * ^-.^' • » "' . ' ■ . 9 ' - II ^"~'~~-~---_, ' .- #» -JL _ / '^ "' ~ M •— ' . ■' ■ . ■^ ■■■-,- :*■ : ■ : ' ■ »■ '. __,,i:=^^^ — / , ' -■.■■,#■■■ . ■ ' ■" ', ' -■; ...':■■' ■■■. ♦ ~" ' , '.'■' V *^ ,.■■..;.; cj^ • '" - - ■< . . . .^.,.. ,. .^.. .^- ^ : ...\;: ■.^, .1^- ^ TICKETS GRANTBD. 4\ •^ : ^j(»n7/ tltfif' 1679 Major W" in the Barq, Messing {ox Projudence Francis Watlington Comander timeout AprilFthe 28'* 1679 <^ Mahony Danjell in the ship/reittds Adventure for Antegua JoiiN Long Comand^ time out -' *• . MiCHELL, RicH» in thp Ship Natlmtf for Boston W» Clarke Comander J m ; ... security ^^^.^ ^ i4'/«7////tf 25'* 1679. .- « Michei.lVjohn in'tHe^Ship A^a//M«« for Boston W Clarke ComaSlft* J ■ timeout May the V' 1679 Morgan John in the Ship S<»' . for Bristoll Edmond Ditty Comander time out "-?;"■' May the 2 ^'^ i6T) . . MosELY Richard fn the Ship W- f yohn for Boston Samuell Legg Comander time out May the 24** 1679 ' • < Morgan Edward m the Ship Socktyioi Bristoll Edmond Ditty Comander . time out May the 3^'* ibyq Mahane John in the ship Industry for Bristoll jArfks Porter Co'n»'"l' - timeout May the 28'* 1679 MoRRELL Nicholas \t\\htShi^ Prudtn^and Maryht Boston Jacob G'reen Comander " time »ut 'tSF' " ^t •*i f ■ft I* / ^v 390 TICKETS GRANTED. ' ^ay /& 3o'*j679 :■' i .::.,.. Macclahen Owen in the: Ship Society for Bristol! Edmond DITTY Gomander v.;/ , " timeout y tine the 18'* 1679 Mattson MatHEW m the Ship Concord for Lond" W Foster i' , Comander ^ ' timeout. ' yune the i^"" iS'jq - March Thomas, Mary f Sarah in the Ship Society for Bristoll Edmond Ditty Comandf time out ' / yuly the 7'* 1679 ^ACCiENREE JOHN in the Pink Rebecca for Virginia TiioMas W" Comandr ; xx^a^ont v.^.. * ytily thei6"' i6-j<) Matthews George in the Pink Eliif tor Boston John Bonner Gomander ^^^^ „„t yuly the\i" 1679 . Mansell Robert, in^the Ship Ric/^ and Mary for New England ' security S^amuell Fitch Gomand' j4 ugjtst the 12'* 167^ If Mahone James A Seruant belonging to Henry Quintvne Esqf In the Barcji, PkuftacoH for Garolina Aser Sharpe Gomand' August the 13'*' 1679 MaccDanieli, Patrick in the Ketch N^tunt for Virginia Joseph Knott Gomand' timeoMt. TICKETS GRANTED. 39* August the 14'* 1679. MidLETON Arthur in the Barq, Plantacoh for Carolina Ast.K Sharpe Comand' ■ timeout September the W" xfi-jq , w " MoUNTACK Anbrfav in the Ship Elig' for Holland AlLexander MattisoK Comandf / ■ »ecurity • October the first 1679 Maden Patrick In the Sloop true friendship for Antegua Charles , Kallahane Comandf timeout , .; * OctobcKi/hf i-* i6^() • • '> \ MUSKETT W« in the Sloop RuUer for Jamaica EDWARD Dukkeiui) Comander time o^Jt October the fourth 1679 . ' MELLOLV James In the Ship Virgin for Virginia Tno : Allumbv Comander security October the 7'* t679 MoUNTAlNE John in the Sloop trfte freimiship for Antegua CHARl.ts' Kai.i.ahane Comand' security October the 2^'^ it-jf) MoRKCocK Thomas in tljc Ship Happy rtiume for London Isaac- Ran u Comand' security "'■ ■ • \ r November the i\ xb"]^ Manekick NATHAyni.i. in the Ketch /'/i*>f •«v V, \ August the \"' 1679 *, V ' . " ■ N^AGlK MARTiii^inthe Ship Young Wiiliam for Virgin!^ Thomas \ >- ■4 '.N.'V'"'-''«5^''''''"^°'"''"''' timeout-; \(* *«'*^''. "•■ '--i* "• 1 V ■% .A ^ *, September ttu 4'* 1679 Neuill John in the Shijp Peark for Leward Islands EDWARD Peir- 't SON Comander security •O; :■) September y j 8'* 1679 ' , ' . Nasv. Daniell in the ship Hope for New Engiahd John PRICE Comander ti„,^ ^^^ I; October the \i,'>' \t^(i^ * Nuttall Thoma'S in the ship /Ay»/^ returne for Lond» Isaac Rand Comandr ;,, * . timeout ""A' .: ■f£ ♦ ' -i*—^^- X. .: ,•■ :t- '■■ •■ TICKE7S GRANTS. . -^ 1l J9S - October y 2'' \67<) ' . / Oneal Ann in the Sloop RutUr fo'r ^J^|j^|^Edward DurFEILD • ' Comand'' ^^ . _ "' ttroe>out Notiemb' the \d\ xt-jf) .* Oldridgf, Abell in the Sloop Hopra)cll for Antegua IN* MCRPHV . ^ Comandf " , J timeout ■Vv. Nouentitr y 20"" \(i-]() ' A Ogle John in the Ketch Mary and Sarah for Prouiden [Provide George Conovvay Comand' * < iccurity Nouember y 21^ id"]^ OSBURNE Robert a Scru" belonging to Ricil" LiLBURNE In y« Ketch Mary and Sarah for Prouidence George Conw AY Comand' -^— i.g . i.^'-i^^k ' January the 13'* 1678-^ Paty Eltz* in the Ship Joseph and Ann for Carolina Samueu. Kvans • Comandf « / ^ timeout February the 2\:- \(i^% PEIRCE John in the Ship jMith for Londo ROBERT KiNGSLAND Comander * - ' ' timeout /vvir/^r/ 28" 1678 Pearson John in the Ship i'nww// for London' ^John CLARKE Con^ander • ' . ' •* . March Jthe third \h']% ' ' ' Piper W" In the Ship bcgining for Virginia, Tho; Bossinger Comiindf i . . - """ ""^ <•-'■ ' .■».- V.';-*^ .1 394 ■ . .■ ^~ '"^^^' ;^s^~~~~ ""~~-^ — ' — - ■ \ ^ *, -^ ■ . March the third \t^^ Pkrrin Margarett in the ship ^/-/W for Londedi /ion \or Virginia John' Harding i > '■ .time 9uti Comander March the 1 2 16^8 ^ ' • PfLE W in the Barq, Susanm for Carolina Hugh BabeIi. Comander. '..',. ;■ .'"■ ' ' lime out X . - , ,^farch' the :( 11678 . , - / I'arris Owen in the Barq, 7^jr//« for Saltertudos' Stephen Clay Comand' , . " ' ,. r , security : ■' ,' * ■ "^ 3~5c;"~' '^, ' March the 28'* i^jg y '.' " PicRwiDG Job in the Ship'£'«aVrt/wr for London James GiLBERt Comander " . ,. , . . . renewed I f HO! Apr ill }he first id-jt) Pead f HoKias in the Keatch Sivalloiv for Road Kland JusEi'tr JIardy Comandf time out . AprittHhe fifth 1679 ; *. . Pi.Uis^Wi John in the Barq, Ma^fflo^ver '(or Prouidcnce Juwari, Hubbert Comander , v, , «^,;„„ „ » • ' \ ■- time out • • . , ; . ■ ■ _^ ■ _ , } ■ ■ ■ * K' ' ^ '* Aprillthei"' '679 Pi^NlSTON Samuem, in the Barq, ^/„;.^.„,,^ for Providence Kdward \1 HuBBA^omandr .- ^ ^^^^^^ <^'K * '-.'rni ■4 ■»'^--u TICKETS GRANTED. 3« ApHll tfie i^'^ 16-;^ Primatt Humphry in the Honory for London Tiio: Warren Comand' ... security A prill the i6'* if. 79 PoLEGREEN John in the Ship //»wr for London Thomas WarreM Coniajidcr security ApriUlke22*\(i^fi * Pope Chari.ES in the Sliip Honor for Lond" THOMAS Warren Comandcr ' * „ , timeout Aprill the 22* 16,79 " < Penmman Jane in the Ship Ilomior for London THOMAS Warren . Coniandr , . "■ time out' 79 • PiDDOCK VV"' jji, the Ship Frauds Adventure iot London Edw" Blades Coniand' time out Aprill the 2%'\lb^^ PosucTT Rich" in the SVxxi Condusion for, Lond" W* Deeding Co- mandcr ^ time oul V May tlte 2' 1 6^9 Pinke John in the Ketch Prosftrous for Virginia David Fog^ Comandcr / . : \ timeout \J>^ . Mixy the %'i \ti * ■ <— . -...■-■■ . ■'■ 'timeout May the 19'* 1679 , Pemmell Thomas in the 'i\Cx^ Rose and Crown for Lend" Th6mas Crofts Comandf time out *yuHet/ie 16'* 1679 ■■ • . Platt John in the Ketch Joseph for New Yorke Abraham Knott Comand' ' • A time out y«w//i »• _i__ ^ tmie out ^July the 22"' 1679 • Pearshouse Chester iii the Pink Rebecca for Virginia Tho W«" Comand' ... , . . time out „ t>ctical.vruigemcnt 1 have transiiosed it among the R's, and to its. proper date (see p. 400).] .+ [A iimiUr remark appliea'to the name Ricuaku, which Uanda here in the orimnal (see D lll.l • ' . • > r ^$ ■■;■. » ■«3 :^«' # '^ '. ^ » .. .." -V^ ^v --'.m- >v- -. ' V '■ ^- - . ".^:: •.:■ • ■:■?/'■>■ .-■'■',/■-; i- '^ ^[■i^; • ■'■A-- ^X" TICKETS GRANTED^^, 497 ' . July the h.i'' 1679 Poor Miles in the Ket«i Doue for Antegua John (j^fton Comand' ^ ^^:v. ^'>.- j' A time out .Powell Arthur in the Ship Friendship for Lend" JoHN^^illiams Comand' ■ % ■ ir~^"7 August the 1%"' \6j^ -- '" • Poor Mary A seru't belonging to M' W" Bulkley in the Ketch Nff>- tune for Virginia JOSEPH Knott Comander August the if)"' \6jq PlCKFORD Robert in the Ketch Neptune for Virginia JosEi'H Knott Comand' tipjc out September the i" 1679 Pollard Joseph in the Pinke Trent for Boston George MuNjctv ' Comand' "' timeout September the a;'' xdn PiCKFORD Robert in the Ship Pearlt Euw Peirson Comand' for Lewd Islands j; "Irenewed September the %'* i6y* ' -,.- Ti ._ .^ * 1 !■ '\£. .. .....: ■.'■ i- .^-^.a"- A ' . . ^t=;-.;-j H 1 ■ - ^r 1 t' ,■ ■ X >- .. -^t^^i.^ t B t , : ... .».__. ^ 1 B 1 , <■_ - . -' , . -'-'^- . '-■■.. ■•'. H 1 ■ \ ' . 1 . * -■v.; ' ;■ :■ ';■-.">- • ' H 1 t .■ "-■ '■ ■ .- «. . ,"' ■-" c II ' ' 't ' * ■- ' " ' . ■*" .■;- ' , - .■i«fr-- - ■ ■;'t' 'c: ' ' -: ' 'T^' » rm.' ■■■-. ' '- :■/-;--; >.-,- - * 1 :V- . ' . ' • f «, - . "":». tt 7' - p-; , ' ■■.- , ■ . * ' " * ". _ .- •• ■' : js ; ■ ■ * ■ ' ,'• M « w ■ '. V M" «"• ^. -^ TICKETS GRANTED. 399 4 February the 2^'' 1678 * - * , Rose CHRlsrorntR in the Ship Patience {ox Londo TllOMAS rTuDSov ' Comand^ „ .•■,__■. security February the 2-]"' \(i-]()[\(t1^ ROYDON Wfein the Constant Warivick Friggott for London Cap. Ralph ' M)elau4l Comandr • ,•_,„, time out r**"^ . March the ^'' ib-jZ Ryder Symon A scruant belonging to George Moor in the Ship Vineyard for Virginia Henry Perrin Coqiand' / .■.■■- March the third 167% • "■■ ■ Roane Bancks in the Sloop ////«/fA- for Surranam Walter AssuERf>s Conlandf . •„ . time out • March the'i 2'' 167S '. - Robinson ALlexander in the Ship Ann f Mary for Antegua John Johnson Comandr ' • ^^^^. March' the 21 1678 ■' Ross^ William in the Ketch lV(Susa„JoT New England Rai.ih PARKER Comandr timeout- March t/u 26: 1679 -'^ Roberts W- in the Pinke Endcauor tot Lond" James Ghberts' ^"""'^""^^ • . timeout i-^- Aprill the 2* \(i-]<^ liiDLEV George in the Sloop Rutter for Jamaica Eu\v° Dukkeh d Comand' time out ■m: =^ ..> ^.\ s:'W-m^ 400 TICKETS GRANTED. ■^ Aprillthe 12'* 1679 Row 'Lawrence in the ship Robert for Boston Nathan HAVMAi^r Comander • tinjcout ,'■ .■. ' ■ .■■ — :^':f^-'M-' Aprill e/ie \<)"' 167^ Roth Rich" in the Shjp Recoiicry for New Yorke Thomas i?iHNERY Comander timeout s >> ■ '' " Aprill the ^o"" 1679 Remnant James and Jone his Wife in the Ship Industry {ox Bristoll . 'James Porter Comandr . timeout May the 6'^ \6yg Rainy Luke A servant belonging to M^ Henry Aplewhite in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia Dauid F6gg Comand' ' ' May the IT,"' iS-jf) : "\^ RiCHBELL^ticiiARD in the Ship Experim" for London TVllen Cock ander security , " , May i/ie \()'^ 1679 Ravenscroft BENj*.in the Ship Rose and Crownc for Lond" THOMAS Crofts Comand' , time out ■' May the 20"^ \t'j() Remnant James f Jone in the Ship New Concord for Lond" James StrutT Comand' • renewed ^May the 2^"^ 1679 RiCORD Charles in the Ship Socuty for Bristoll Edmond Ditt* Coman der time out] • [This name is entered amonff the Fs in tlie ori(>iual, as is the case with Richard, jAMEb, at bottotn of next page.] '^_ ~^- ' -f-.*-^^"* . A \. TICKETS GRANTED. 401 May the 28'* 1679 Rainsford Edward in the Ship W" f John for Boston Saml'eli. Legc; Comandf time out May the 28'* 1679 , Rt'ssKi.i, EmvARD in the Ship W f John for Rostjon Samuei.i. ' Legs Comandr , timeout ,_ ^^_ ^ May the 2^"" xt-j^ RiCHBEi.i. RonfckT in the Ship W" f John for Boston Samuell Legg Coniander \> time out y ime the 2'&"' 1679 Rich Robert Senior in the Ship rf /«//>' for London Benj* Groves Comandcr ' ,■ "'timeout yuly the first 1679 R-iCHBELL John in the %\\\p Prouidcncc for Boston Timothy ^Prout Comandcr ' ^ . security i^-i* July the 10'* 1,67^ .. * . \ Rl'I.E Thomas in the I'inke Rebecca for Virginia TllO: Wii.iiAMS '' Comander • time out * '■ ■ ' ■ July the 1 7'* 1679 RUDGi; TlKiMX'i in the Briganteen 5r<7///rr'jyI-^ for Ncv YorH RouLRl D\UKIN Comandr security [ytilyf^ 21 1679 , 'r; RiciiAKi) J VML'' in the Pinke /?f&cca for Virginia Thomas Wili.iams Coniand' , timeout] r J -M7 .1 fk •> / 401 • TICKETS GRANTED. August the third xb-j^^ *• RICE James and John in the Ship Young IV" for Virginia , Thomas ^' Cornish Comandf ' - • time out M: tt *. * ■• 1 It « *..; ■ ' 1 h 1 » & ' ■ ■. -"■■..■ '^ August y \i"' 1679 Rich Robert in the ship Postilion for New Enajand John Praul ' Comandr , ' ^ security Au^t y 15'* 1679 * ' "RUDLE Robert in the Ship Jo/m atid Henry for Bi;istoir Thomas CX'des Comandcr time out \\- j>r <' September the 4'* 1679 ., ROBOTHAM William in the -Ship Jasepk for New Yorke STEPiiBji . 1- Clay Cwmandr a serv" bclbngit^ to Coll" Sam"-"- Newton fV . i ft''. for > ^ "^ Noiumbeir the third i6y() . . Mii-*1 Redbin Katherine a Serv»' belonging to Martin JW. Jamaica in the Barq, w4rf«(7//i/r«' EUW" DUFFEILD Ci^nder i . '\ ■,■ ^~ :,-'-■ r ^^ , ■ . , January tlu fourteenth 16780 ff* ' 7" 'Slaughter William a Serv" belonging to J(^n Jennings in the ship yoiipht Ann for Carolina Sam'-^ EUAl^Comandf ■J ,^:; t?.^l^.^a««ary//««ri4'*i68 [1678] Sei^j^aI^^IBIP In the 'i>\\\'s, Josef hand Ann for Carolina SamUEBl \'. security 'r' * ' " ** — JfvANs Comander ^" • January the 29* I tj^ • -SMITH Phillip in the Ship J■ /•^ , -> "■'■ : ' -■' ^ f ■ •■ ' ■ 1 ' * ■ ■. •ill 1 - ' - . - -■ -t ■ 1- - ■ *u. ' 1 I t -.fe. * / vfi^ 1 t TICKETS GRANTED. 403 February the ir'* 1678 SVMONS Samuell in the Ship James for New Yorke W" Swektland Comand'' ^ time out FviriMry /Ae 1$: i6-j8: J Stocklt.Y John and Mary in the ship two Brot/ters for Jamaica Rice Jkkferys Comander tipjc out ■fcv February the \i'^ \t-j% V Sherwood Samueu, in the ship Two Brothers for Jamaica Rict , Jefferys Comand'' time out e 'February the 17'* 1678 '\ Steei. Mary in the shx^Merch" Botuitiueiiture (or London W" BVCK- ley Comand^ time out February t/t£ 2^"" 1678 " - Smith HEsn-:R in the Bar% P/aw/flfow for Caroh'na AsER'SiiARn: Comand' ^1 - time out V March the %'" 1678 Stoakes' NftcHAEl.1, in the Ship Society fq(j,^Boston WILLIAM GUARM Comander time out / H- is ^M^ 'lb. March the 11" 1678 Stacy W in the Ship Society for Boston W" GUARU Comand' time out • Mahhthe 12'* 1678 Smith EdwaRU in ttie Uartj, ShiaiiiiaA for Carolina HUGH IjAHEl.l. Comander ' security .^4 . !• > K./: •■IT rC 404 \ TICKETS GRANTED. i " March the 1%"' itlZ , : , ^ Sanders Benj' in the ketch begining for New Yorke W« Piav ^ ^°"^"'^' >., ^ • time out ^^krch tlu 26'* 1679 Steel Mary* in the Ship ^/z/j/*/^ for London Joseph Freeman ': Comandr^ r ♦ ' / , renewed "m '!("?*'"' ,. :^ March the 2q'^ itjq - Sailes Rich- in the Ketch Swa//(?w for New England Joseph Hardy Comandcr ^ * ,. timeout March the 31'' 1 6 79 , Sewer John in the ship John and Tlwmas for Prouidcnce Thomas JENOUR Comandcr _^ . ' timeout March /-^ 31'' 1679 • Scott Benj* in the Ship Expedition for Lond" John Harding Comandf ,. x. time ou^ Aprill the first \(s^ Smith W in the Ketch Unity for VirKinia^AMES Raixv Comandr « "timeout. • ■ *" — ' — »^ -^ Aprill the J* \(>'^<^ Salt Samuell in tBc Ship Change for London W King Comandcr ,i time out ' , Aprillthe 12'* 1679 SaKJDIFORD HenrV in the ship A'o/Vr/ for Boston NATHAN Havma\ '^®*^"***' • ^ * timeout. -—-ST.- ,- [Src uiuler dale Feb. 17, in (jrcvioui pige.) X- ■m- TICKETS GRANTED. 4*5 -rV ' ' A prill the 15'* 1679 Sfrane Ai.mows in the Ship A7;> for Neuis I'kter Major Coniand' - timeout Aptill ,the 19'* 1679 Stephens Nathan n:i.i, in the Ship i^«/'«»-f for New Yorlcc JNP Seleeck Com' A prill the 2%'^ 1679 Snackneel Rich" in tiic Ship Xai/i4n" for Boston W- Cearkk Comand' ' . . timeout A fay the i* r679 Soi;thwortii Francis in the Ketch {*ros/v>viu for Virginia Uai 11. Fogg Comandef timeout May the fifth 1679 , Stapleton Walter in the Siiip •iW/./y for Uristull Kumoni* Ditty Comandcr i , ... . timeout w ■S^'" ■^V ' . ' " ■• . \>-~. ^ ' • « ^ f ■■■ TICKETS qji ANTED. ' '' - May the \o"' it)-]<^ ■< ,- Stanton Pearce in the '&ax(^ Resolution for Antcgua.JoiiN Ingle BgE Comandr , ti^ie out ■ - — — ■ -^— H' ^". May the'^2'^ 1679 . . ^Sijrowr Walter in, the 'SXxx^Baqhclor ^x^'W\sXo\\ Roger Baw ^ ■ Po'nwjd' ■ " ;■; ':■■'■■■■■■■■; '^ ' ■"; :■ ■ time oar-^ ■. May the \\*'^ 16 79 KAHANE Teige in the' Ship Industry for Bristoll JameS f Q^TER 'i . Comand' _ timeW* V ^' '.' '. jl/iy^/w 14" 1679, j" 4 sMiTti Isaac: in the Ship, 5«///)/ »for Boston JOHJ^'.Mem.o\ves '4 Ct'ime out ■ Comandf I » *- ': May the K)"- \6\() y' ' 'i Saxdo'me Rich- in .the. Ship Swallow for Lcucrpoolc Tho With- INOTUN CofFiandSr * ^ r - , tim«Vout "Y Afay^he 20"' ibft) - Smith William in tlie Sh\^ Nnv c'omprd for Lond" James St^utt ^'""''?''' .^ : • ' . tinieout iJ/iry' t/ie lo'* 1679- Stephens 'Sylvester in thtf Ketch NU/f ^ Kcbecca for New Yorkc Nicholas Blake Gomand' time out i\ -,' May the 22' \t^c) , ^.. ,._ in th« Ship Pfiidmet and Mary for Boston ' . jAtoii G^EEN Comand' ' « * t;^ ^ui ♦ % -*# '■»>-:•■ ^^ ft- 4S M.- ' r*V t*^ TrCKETS Glt^m-ED. - 'K mandcr 4 ' < .• timeout . f • yuly the^%"^ \ti<^ ;/"- , Sco-ft- Thomas i) 'the VXnV Rebuca for Vit^'nia Yhomas WlU-IAMS • . , . • •• . V time out Comander* July the 21'' 1679- STAN^ADbE THOmAs in the rini.MA/i WU-LiAMs Comand' ^ timeout >' '■ • July ihfi2*\(>lc) \ \\' •._ ;■• STrause'Euas in the Ship £x/fr)y',for Lopdon Tlt^MAS'Al'BoMV '^. ■ ^ ■. :(■': TICKETS GRANTED. %. '¥:- August J/ie i"" ihjc) • Stone John in th^ ship Zflf/i^/^rj Delight for Lond° Robert Greenway Comandcr time out » \' August the \(i"' \^-jq — ' Se-»i,v Henry in the Ketch Neptune for Virginia Joseph Knott time out August the 1 6'* 1679 / Comand'' Smith Thurlo a Serv" belonging to Henry Sealy jn the keatch ' Neptune for Virginia JpSEEH KNOTT^Comand^ ■ -. ,V,. ■ :.. ' \ . ,-^ — ~^, :-.:■--■ J .... ;'"'■;;;- September the \(>"' xdjc) SoNE George in the YiiiXf}^ Blessing for Burmudos Francis Watling- TON Comandcr security ■^ . ■ . . .^-- -^- ■ — ■ ' ■ .. ^ ■ Septe»iT>er the 20'* i(>'j() " Stanley Robert in th« S\\\^ Malligo Merc/i" (or London Roger. Homer Comandfr - - ,; tfmeout September the 22^ 1679 Seaman Thomas in tiic Ship Thomas f Sarah ^t h^Aon James Day Comandcr . timeout ;^P October thejirst 1679 Shsrt Martha in'A'IieJ>6hip Barbados Mcich" for Virginia James* Cock Comand. ,1 4 time out .*_.. • - October the first \t-]C) .. " " „^ ^^*^'^''"*" J"'!^ '1 tlic Shii) Barbados jJ/w/^" for X'^irgiuia jAMtS ♦• ■ Cock Coni^indr " ..i_^ .:. Cock Coniandf time out ■) , ^^^. 4 -^^ f -fck t'JT V wr~: ,A *- f / (' . t .' •^:> .%, HCKETSt GRAKTSD 409 October the 2* 1679 Searle Rilii" a ^crv't'bolonging to Jamus Coates in the Sloop RutUr for Jamaica Emv" DuhFEiLD Comand' J Ocktber the fi 167^ ^ . *. SwiNNj;^ Thomas in the Sloop tnte friendship for Antcgo Charles mALLAHANE Comander security \' October the 2<)'^ 1679 ' Senior Jacou in the Bal-q, Done for Neuis Anthony Jenour Comand' security ' . y October the 2^"'' x'd^t) Smith John a fem" belongingto Coll^CuRisToi'iitk Codrinoton . . in tlie JJarti, Dotu for Ncvij Anth" Jenor \ ■f ' ^onember the 3'' 1679 t, ,, Sweeting Rich" ,in the Barq, Aducnture, for Jamaica Edjvarp DuKfElLO Comander ' ' timeout Noiiember 1he^6"' 1679 ' . , \ - SlDDV^JiENRY in the Banj, Aduetiture for Jamaica 'Euward Dw- - I'. KEILD Comand' - ' ^ security ' > y' *' A^oiiemberthe'j"'i6"j')'- • ' • -- Salter Gkgroe in the Sloop" //<5»«.t*i5f for Antegua W.*' Murphy . CSmand"^ ' " . timeout * • , ^Nonember th}" 2C,"' 167J9. Spittle Rohert In the Sloop 'A'«////f for Antegua Andrew OaiI- Comandf time 'Out '•< s« \-^' -=>'\ /?< \ C , ". ■> * t .\ T" -,-' * /- 410 TICKETS GRANTED^ • « f«:-. D\cent6er the is'* i6yq ^ Sidney Jofin in the Ship LatvrfU for Lewd Robert OxE Comand^ -if security ' *i- X fr ' December tJu 22'' xfjf^ - Smith John in tlte Ship Ann and Jane for Londo Rich" Ratt-" FORD CoiTiander ^ ^ ' timeout December the 2^* 1679 "Smart John in the ship Ann f Jane .'for Lond" Rich-> Ratt- FORl) Comander - " . _^ .^^^.i^y December a^"" 1679 . ^ SiiERWiN J^HN ilfi the Ship\<4«« f 7«w for Loiulo jRich- Ratt- KORD Comander ' , security ■:** .' ^ ' December the 2^'* i6j<) v SiNDRY John in Jhe ship 'Je^ww;^ for' Jamaica James Browne Comander " - ^-^^ „,,^ ^1 ti;ne out -. - * — 7-^ • ■ .. ■ ". ■ • - * ■ . ;'-■*■ . December i/ie 30'* 1679 * , •■ ' SWANLEY Robert Tn the Ship Ann and Jane f6r London Rich- ■ Rattford Co*ander , ^j^^ „„j ♦ '. ' December tlie 11^ 1^79 * • SHAftPE'*^ARY in tlie Ship Recouery'iox Jamaica James Browne Comaod' , •i •' « -time out ^ "f^ >, \. TICKETS GRANTED. 4tr , March the first 1678: ' TiPPIN John in tlic Constant Warwick Friggott for London Cap« Ralph Di:lavali, Comander time out - ! u y Aprill the ii'" itff) ^ TiNico Jacob in the Ketcli W" and Jolm for New England 5onN Sahs^RS Comander n^g ^^^ A prill t/ic !<)"• 1679 TOOLES Morgan in the Ship Frcinds Aduenture for London Edwarij ^.^jBtADES Comander , . time out Aprill the 25'* 1679 Thornton W in the ship Freinds Adventure for. Lond<> Edward Blades Comander time out ,Aprill the 28" 1679 Town'send Richard in the Ship Nat/tan" for Boston W Clarke Comander . time out 1" -Aprill »t/u;.2(): 1679 ' Turner Joh^ in the ship NatlMniell for Boston VV" fLARKE Comander ' "time out May tlu \o"' 1679 Terry Christopher junr in the Ship Experiment for London Allan Cock Comander ' timeout A fay the 24'* 1679 *■ Thomas George in the Ship Prudence and AJdry for Boston Jacob . Green Comander ' ,", " time oot , ■ '■■■' ■" ^" 52-2 ^ ' / -^1- _ -' ' • • • * - -1 T-^ 4> , ^' : yTr—-; ■ .:X..J. , ,. - r ^ ^J 1 t « ::A: ..:■•■■ » ,..t; ■■. , /- ^ - s \:W-' ' f « \ s a ■* ■ ■ # 4 i - .•( ^'. " ^ !li I •■ !**: j •■'• L / ^ /' / 41a TICKETS GRANTED. •'•* Wlk W" yune tlieib: 1679 Tlage John in the ship Freindship for London John Williams Comander time out July the \2"' 1679 ToLLo Demeuerez Lewis in the ship Bachelor for LonJ" W^ Knott Comander time out July tite 17"* 1679 • ' ^, -" Thayer NatHANIELL in the ship Society for Boston W" Guard Comander . timeout August the 16'* 1679- ■ :i TuRDALL John in the Ketch Neptiilic^iot Virginia JOSEPH Knott Comandf a Serv" belonging to Henry Sealy "^ t«-'- September .y^ i^"" 1679 Tapper Thomas in the ship Malligo /J/rrf//" Roger HoNrek Co- mander for London ^XvAt out Nouember the f* ib^jf) ' Tremills W^ in the Sloop /^ '# ■&i TICKETS' GRANTED. 4'j -y • \ May t/u 2"" i6ft) Vaux John in the Ship Roemuci- foK London W* ShaFTO Co- mandejr / i time out ! = yufy the 16'* 1679; I Verin Natiiakiki.i, in the -Pink Rebecca for Virginia Thomas Williams Coinand^.-.., ^ ^ •' ^.tlmcoitt "t ;-^Y--. #' if& Noitembcr y W" 1679 URQUHART_Al.LKXANnER in the S\oop HofrM// foi' Antcfjiia \V- Murphy Coiuander . . time out December y 24' 16791 Vernon Peter in the shig Anv ^d~~Jane for Lend" Ricu'Raii- KOKi) Comandcr security m #- Jaimary t/ie ^"' \6j% Williams Matthew in the Sh\p Old head of Kinjijale for Leward Rouert Barker Comander . ^' timeout February 11'* 1678 Willis Henry in the Ship Z^/ZZ/iw/ci- for. Boston Jeremlmi Jacson Comandcr ^u time out — *- 1^: * , February the \'f^ 1678 ^ Wills John In the i,\\\\i£Hdeauonr for Virgmia Abraham N'>\\man" Conund'' time out A f arch the i®'* 1678 Weltukn Anthony in the Siup Socuty lot Boston W" Gi'akk ComandcF tucurity V j4_ l|^ I ^tt »- r I'''t ■il t b "■if-- ■ft'' t' ' iM 4I4 TICKETS GRANTED. 1* March the 12"" ib"]^ • ' ■ w-.-- iVniTEUFF Georc.e in the Ship Samaritan for Leverpbol Vai kj f TRim [? TuiMMr.R] Comandr security NTINE •n ft March the ic)"' xd-jZ WiiiTTtE Maky in the Ketcl, %/«,„^ for , New Yorke W" Piav >.f Comandf , %■. ' " time out March the 19^* 1679 [1678]' VVRrciiT RoiihKi- and Mary in the Ketch beginlng for New Yorke W" I'LAV Coinand' .■ time out March* the 2 if 1678 W1I.KS Nathaxiem, in the ship Merchu ^^„rt"' ^b^c) Wf.b^Tkr Edward in the Ship Nathan" for n/ston W" Ci akkf ." .' ^/riV/ the 26'* 1679 \yiLKlNS John in the sliip Nat/tan» ,for /jostcn VV" CLARK K Comander / / y - .• ''^: • time out 4/ ' '^^ ,Aprill the ;26'f 167^ Wil'i.iams Symon. in the ship franctJ for ieward Pi.tkr JI•Fr^RYS security ' May tlie i'' 1 6/9 ^ 7 WiUTFF.iLD MatiiewJji the Ketyii Prosperous for Virg^H^viu ••^,, Fogg Comand' ' I 'm\ I May tljc 5*1 679 WiiKLLER W« in the Sloop Jiachetor for Leward Pltkr "Swaisk . Comander time otit ] flfay the2,"-'\6^c) *" WiNGATT John in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia Davjd Fckig Comand' time out # \ ' , May the 20" 1679 WlCKliAM Benj/* in the Bartj, ^«tf/«//w/ for Antegoa JoilK I\<^IEBE Comand'' ' security * d^ I . «^ 4«^, TICKETS GRANTED. —-, _ -> - May the 26'* 1679 WiiiTKiNCi W" in the ship Francis md Susan for JJoston I'lllhl.ti- Knell Comander ' I tjmg ^^^ May i/ic, 26"" 1679 ■ .', VVATiKir^s Phillip in the ship Prudence and Mary for Boston «^ Jacob Green Comander ' time out June the \W^ ifyjqr \VoLii: Emanukli. in" the Ship T/tomas and Susan iot Boston DAvro ' ElDWARDs Gomandf • " security / **' *'* **. 'June the 18'* 1679; " . \ ."''^ , Wopn James in the ship T/tomas and Susan for BostonA^T Nevis CwAKLES KALLAHANEComand' -. timeout •"h. *i. c • ■\ ^\ t - t*> ^i-i ^ T/CKETS GRANTED. 4'7 August y" 28'* 1679 ■' WiiF.T.ER CiiRiSTOniER in the Ship Robtrt i6x London RicW" CocK . security Comandcr i clT ' September iJte first J 6 79 WlCKHAM Eliz* in the Sloop John f Francis for Antegua JOHN Howard Comander ' timeout September tfie Jirst \6j() W^SlBURY Thomas in the Ship Barbados Mercif for Lew" Islands "** EuwARD Griffin Comand' • timeout September fhc 3'' 1679 ^ Wattjngton Mary in the Sloop Jahn f Frances fq; Antegua John Howard Comand" time out Sepieinber t/te 16'* iSyg Weaver Thomas in the Ship Mallego Merctf' for London R(X1F.r Homer Comander ' time out » ♦ rv September y 77 1679 WOODCOCIC Tno: ill the Wiip Tltomm f Sarah for Lend* JAMES * . " ■ ' Day Comand' time out .f » ■. ■ y. V • • - October t/u 6"' i6-j<^ WiCKIiAM Thomas in the SUk>[> /TrM J'reMsAip for Antcgoa , . ■Ik - 'I •\ ' * Chari.es Kallahane Comand' ,\ :■". security J .w^.^ " , October y 7'* 167^ - WalIP Samtei.v in the Sloop true frtindshil for Antegua Charlfs « '* KaH.AUANE Comand' V security ■ ... : ■ ■ • , ■ -m' • ■ ; - - October y^** 1679 WiLLOUOHBY Oliver in the" Sloop Affrica for Antcgoa Anthonv . • - - I BtJRUEss Comand' - ■. »ecurity 1 ■; • •■ '%■ '■ . 5i ' > \ B -■ ■ •• '' I) ^ 1 . (y A . .'. * i ■• ' ■ ■ '** ' ■' ■ ,' \S ^. ^-^- ~ \ . - - ■•- ■if\ -^ ; -^■.. . • ,r t . ; * ' ., - i' I .■. , a'^ ^4^-: ^ ' . - ' ■ ;■■■= ■ ■■' .- ' "■ - ■'■- - — • •; * .. , .' .J.,;i "^ . .J ^ 1. - - . • • * * " -"^i 1 I ' , ' ■ ' ~ r~ ■■■--- — r^-T — " ' '*"" '■" ■ . ' ^ap . . ^ v^ --^'- -, :L- •:-..-/ -" .•'^-■. H t ^ '][:[.. • . •• -. . . »^-- ■"^' ■<■ c ^ , , ^ . .■'■■■ ^ « ■ . , ■ ' ■, r • • • • , •, ■ >■ ■) ^^ ,>♦.'». ""' TICKETS GRANTED.. "' * October y 17'* 1&79 • ' ^'"^mllld^" the • Ship ^^^.w for ,^'^,^ ^^^^ - ; .> • ^ •• ^ ■ >^ timeout October y 2 \'^ id-ja :; _ - . » - , timeout „_' ■ • ^oufmber y first" igj^ ^"^* . ' ' j^ ,^_^ — ^,± ._..__:__„_._:^. . . ■ ■ • ; - ■^•':- - ';v ■■ -»«=uritu - ■- .^^ ---'. ,;* ^j^ Notumb' y 7'* le^g''- ^ ; / V ^^^™"^'" '''^ "'"^^ W-MuRr„v ,■ : ■' • time out . ' C* ■ Decembr y (,»> ,5,0 • " . • ' _^ . ■ ■ " . . timeout ' ^ _: ^: J^--.:- ' -.-..-- ■^/'y /^ 2'' 1679 _— ^-_ .— • - — --'--- ^ K TT^' a Seru" belonging to Fran: Soj^rrmoRTn in tl,e - ' ^ , .K"t'=h/';j.,;vr.^ for Virginia Dau.d FOGG Comd ''*> •- ' ^- ' :'• timeout ' ^ . . ■■ .'"Ztir" '?•'■' 'J''.. ^/■■''»"''"^~Hn.T,,c;.,«.s,uv. . ■ v; ■ ' -, ■ time out . ' ■ '' ■' • . TotalofMcn .: .i*"T« ' "^ ' v' ^ '• r r*"" "' TotaI.ofWomcn '^ s» ., ' "^ -^ ' ' .4^ '•'' '"»" 4.... Isj- ;" ;: .■^^^^■''. ■ ^^■"■^""" /^'' \, • , , - ^■-- . • ^ ,. ■ , ^ ■• ■ V 1 ■■■** ■ ■ . = ■■ " -'.;•■ .-V * '' ■ '■ '. .:■ *' : > - .,>' •:,"'■ •■ :■ ' ■ '...■■ K -' , ^' _.%..-.-: . ^ ■*' ■ . -^ ; ' • • ' • - ■ '1 . ^ ' " , , ^ ■ » . . . === » ■ , ". ■■.,,.....' . . ■ ■ .■'■ ^ -■-'■'' -A: * ..'.' '^.. — -— asr-i— ~— t— — ^T *^ — vy 't - ■r°~ i <* » 4 # ■■■■■.: m BARB O E S. •* PARISH REGISTERS:- BIRTHS, AND DEATHS, . LISTS OF INHABITANTS, LANDED PROPRIE^ TORS, SERVANTS. &c. [,678-167?.] ■ 4 ■■♦• # • * 's, :k S3^a o i («.-, ^ > -^^ \ — r- ■ \ -- * » ''Im '^ /--■...-■■■ -^ ■■■■;:■■ -v - ^ ■ V ■: •■ ^ :, . . V 1 9 "./ ■■■■.■ .. ■■■,•- ■ ■■", -■ .. . . ,.' 'h-v ■ • ■:■'-" . . ■ ' - \ J ^ ■■ . . .,■"■.■'■." '. ■ : ■ : ■■ ■'%'%_ ,.■• ■- /- : :■ ■-' ■ ■ '^ '-■ ' ■. ■ ■" ■ " ■' .'- .-K' '■■"'■_■■'» >-..-■* ' ' ' ', . , ■ ■- ./■ -■■■.■'■■ '.-■■-' ■ ■ . • ■ < ■ . . n V t :■ '■■ '■•■ ' ' '. ' •-■ i" 1 ■'. A"^ ) ■. . . ■ »■■ \ \ . . ' . » ' ■■ : ■# ■■;;,..„■/.■... .,vi-,. *.• ;y,..- ..- \ ' • J :. -:"■ ' ■.^- "' . ■,;•■■-,■' v' ' '■"*."■ 1 ^^ '^ . . ■' ■ ■ i .- ■■ "1 .- ■ ■ ' " ■' \ ■ r.- .■ "■'■ \ -■ ». t> ■.. • .:-.■.•■-'■, ■■■ ■ •■ "': . -..r ■ ■ "" ■ \ *■ ■,' • ' * . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■. .■ .'•■ :.'.*•■ -'': " ■■ ■■> ■• ■.■ '""' ■ ' ■ ; — ■■ « ♦ ' • ■ ■ ♦ • i ■*,,■'".-<■ . '■''' '■ .' --. •''^••':^'--' : ' ■■ >* • ■ ■ , • . ■ ^' '■;?';'• #^ * - '\ t t . - V-.;-;;;/'; ' J-^\:- -■■• ,'-. -7^ :.' ■/,.' *,. -^ ..' , 1 V'n; ~- ■ ' ■ -^ :-:--''ly ■:':%[:: I ■ ■ ■ »■ ■ ,,:■ \ ■ , -.f''> ' .■'■■-' ^^J.,,:_ _./!. J,.: . . ■ , ■■'■ ■,. '^_,^ ■ }_ ;_ ^. [^^:_^ . ' "^^' '-: ' ■ — ■i - = • .. 7 ■ .'""■'■«, ■■ ' ' -' '.'■ ■ ," • -1.' ' ■■.:./' • v;'- . ■" ■; , -; . ? •• 'V '. * * ^-i''" ■■ ^-.i... . - ■ '\ ■ ■ ■ -' ■ ' ■ • ■ ■.' ''■■■. , ■,--/- ... . , ...^ . .^^. - • . .... ■ . . ... , - - ,. •l 'i ;- - . ■-— . ■ ' • ;; " /, ; - ; ■■ ^' ,' . , . ■ .■ 1 ' « • - .; ■ *• ■ .',«,. ' ■, ' -■: ■ ./ ■■ ^-- • - I ^^ %■ » V, ^ t ,«^« ^ ^. BARBADpS ldos ^^ [PARteH REGISTERS.] •■"^ l" Hf . ■ n*^ Parish of i' Michtuts. 'APTlSM 'if. ^K^ ■ • V ■ «%^, ••• rf ,% i 1678 * , \ V March 31. JOlCEyLf>a"Bht« V ^■"^'"'' * ^^'^^^fA*" Yatw. Thomas y Son of Henry & Anne SmiW. , . .V *>'•" .«) XpriL 2 Esther y daughtei\f Francis & Eusabetii Hai.l . . 16. Mary r daughter of «aleb & Eusabkth Powel. P 25. Mary y* daughter of JXSE ScoT/ ' •• f|^. . Lovel r Son opu»M4 tfiil-INOR HOBCRAI^, Janf y daughte1%7oNE IJavis: May \ Mary y daughter of >Viluam & Mary Stanuon. 7' Susanna y daughter of IJHN& ANNE Hai.l. It William y Son of Swen &Margarei Lansi.ai.i.. ,a MARYydaughtdrofFRANol@rkATiiARiNKHAki>.N<;, , liAViD y Son of John & Elisabeth MuRKAi, ' ,0' JOHN y Son of Richard ftELisABBTHPERKiN Edward y Soivof Thomas & Katharin i: Pkou r. ao EDWARD ySon of Ei)WARiJ& Hannah Mattiikwh. 28 RICH ARD y "Son of Maj- Thomas J ELLV& Mary hi. Wift. ^ June 3 Marua^iet y daughter of M' JoMN CKlii" & Sakah Hm wife j» vft' /^ ♦ «. :*/.: ^-.■*: -' :--.-!'^l>= 3?' . . > * '' . ■ . »■ ., t «^^ I * , IK * \ <^* ^ A 422 V 1678 June 9, Wf • *Elj KATuiAKfii? y _^„,.., (ihris'tihh Nogrf5c,\ i*!^' ^''T'^''^'";''^ y* J%ht« of Cl,.c!(«,. & El isABKT.r Parr. '. JK' '^'"'I?'' dsugllter of,Tl!(J,MA^ & Ei-iHuhrti Cl.AHk V ^ •^'!>^^ "'%,'"' y'-'^^^*- °f 1^' J?»L>f^PR,'NoiiA.M, & Sarah % , \ »fes wife IT;^ . / .,"*^^ ,. ■ ,' A **^T|ltei '^* 4a."Eliter of imAMUi.i. Shlnton ^ gVaOE his 'wife Auguit 9.^TO/iA,M.y Son of Sr^iii.N & M m\NNAlVE\VP^RT ^ September.;. FRAJitE? y daughter of M' RoULRr CobRJ^cTox &, ^ ^'^J iAM_y Son of RoMLRT & Mary Ellis. ■ ^ 2»^^H/iS>«A« y^ daughter of John -SMarvLiswel. * , , ^ 26. Tiio^fAsySonofRicHARb&KviN WmtE. . '. 2% D.\\n> y Son-bf Huc.H & "JXne Dam^. ' ' ' .October.;, CHKrsrcf^R j;. Son of Major John hW>:t'& MarV his Wife. ' %j "^ 13. John y« Son of John & Maroarkt AwMAN. ' Ei)\\g8b) y Son of HRASiii^jf Ri.nn.CCAH Benfield. ' '. 1,4. Eelsab^h, y daughter of M' TnoMA.s Pierce % £1 tsA- BETH hU Wife ^20. Mary J* daughter of M'JoKN Smith &PiuLn>PA his Wife. Sar \H y daugliter of Samuel & Sarah ^tW*.. *Perbot November 3. Marv y daughter of Thomas & 4aH|KAN.\HMY. ' > m h * [Thui iruweil thruuuh in the onuMii « / / 7 / "T; "sas. .r % . T \ h! \ rARlSn REGfStERS. I'C/S. 4^ t?J^ J K ' November ,0 PKT.R, alias T.iomas y- Son of R.ni.RT & Jank P, ,KT^ k ' • • JH J<'^AT.^^r Son of JONATHAN & SARAH PEACH \ •n. . K f ''u' '""" "" '^""^'^^^ *^ J^™« & PRisaixA Allen • . December 8 R.c.WRn y Son of John & Marv Butchfr ' «.„ FRANt-,s r Spn of M' Francs Bond & iiL..SA.,tVH hr. ' I • *Viie. ' • - « . JJ-* ^^'I'LiAMy Son of Wn.LiAM& Ann Paris " " " ~ "^ » 5 Thomas y. Son of Daniel ^ ICusaiu. rii Frish ' • 7. Elisu... r„ r daughter of M' VV.llum Barns & Sara,, , his Wife. ' •» ' 22. Ann y^ daught,^ of Nicholas & Dorcas WiLLouciniY - , . 27. John yc Son of Stlpu^ n & ELfsAntTH Cornisjl - ^ '''^'>:.'■■>■ .. •» • -—If Vi, « -j» \ \ 1 I \. 'tl J\ 4%. ^^ .li-,^ ^^t'MM \ .•■^^; 4*4 PARISH SECISTERS. , i • i m 1678. L Ararch, 1 3. 19- 22. 23, 1679 30. April. 13. •. 14. 19. 25- May. 13. ■(Jiine. 3. 4. 8. • 16. « 22. July. 15. 24. 25. 27. 29. August. S. lb »7v US. 38. SXrah y* daughter o{-Charls & Martha Leigh. ,. ^ Rkbecc^ y daughter bf Nicholas Prideaux & Rebecca his Wife. \ • Frances y" daughter of M' JojiN Ogilby & Elisabeth "his\VJfe. '* / \ .. ' Ann y« daughter of DANIEL & BARBARA Lawrence. \ James y« Son of John & Elenor Fitzgerard. \ John yvSon of John & Susanna Crag. '^ Cornelius y Son of John's; Susanna.Mackenny. ^^______\ ABRAHAM'y' Son of Thomas & Mary Hawkins, Alice 'y* daughter of Thom.\s & Bridget Johnson. JosEpy j« Son of Georg & Hannah Oats. h Giles y' Son of Giles & Mary Eujridg, ' * John y Son of'M' John Steward & Margaret his Wife. Thomas y« S«n of Mary King. John y" Son of Anthony & Elisabeth Suillivant. Matthew y' Son 1678 URIALS. t* March 26* John Swan Master ofy^Hope of Amsterdam, 28. M' William Fletcher. . .; 30. Francis Boys's child.' 31. Francis Varnam. ^ ,, A^ril. I. W1LLIA.M Fellow. , 2. Vrsula Grey. , " / RosEFpjp).' ■■.' ■;.;. 3. Alice y*laughter of Henry & Mary Lela.m. Roger Jones from-y» Almshous. , ^ 4. Martha ClAy. 4^ li j . ; ^^ 8. ^pWARf) ROBERTi, W ' " ■ ■ M!'. Robert Ramsey. 14. John Hughs. ' | 15. JoNE Allen a Widdow. 6. WiLftm^M Trusdal. , ENNLSON. ' ; ^ imas ParKj, Mcrch' ■**, r 4*6 1678. ■' . m^''^ PApSif' HEGISTERS ■ .. :ah'J ^ ■ t-. ■ C April. 18. Mary y daujgWRof Caleb & Ei.tsaukth Powel 19. Agnes yAa^r^r of M' Thomas Forrester & Jane ""■''''• his wa^ . MARGARE#,Ay' daughter of RiciiARn & Elisabeth Richar^s6n. '' • 22. ELISABfiTH'.yo daughter g( JOHN, & Jane Carn* HannaiI y wife'of JviiwtWADE. - Margaret, a distracted -Woman. 24 Ralph Warner. \} William Ferriman. 27. Katharine Miller. „ M' HECT|f((L^TEVENS. 28. PATRIC KYutAMMY 29. Susanna^Withers. %■ :k ^^te"'0 W Jon\ 'A '*»■ ^\ May. 4. Edmund Joy. ^ ^ x 5. M' John Jones chief Mate of y* Arany Manha. Hall, M'^ , . #» Susanna Stedman. Thomas y« Son of Hlnry &,A 6. Susanna Rose, 7. Georg Hill. 9. T^iOMAS Stevens Gunnel^ V yVj^gj""^ > THC^PI^NGLisH, from y« Almshous 21. Si^H Bunting, % EDWtCRD RUSSEL, from y» Almshous. * 1 '. . 1*' • '(SeeOis to have been originally written Corn, and than allcr«1 to Car.n] 1^ i ■^- i .'# •* •>% PARISH REGISTERS. 4J7 4. r\ .^>... % Th ■111, ■* a -a May. 22. Edward'SIatthews. 27. Thomas James. 28. John Hollin. ' ^ 29. John Williams, from y« prison. 31. Katharine y« daughter of Denis & Alice Dayley. June. 4. William kAVNER. 5. Mary "Coi'ELAND. 15. Humphrey RossER. ■ : • 17. ELisABETiiy daughter of Ursula Pease. - 19. Thomas Bal. ?o. Robert Horton Mate to William Shackerly. * Henry GsiFFiN. 2L John y' Son of M' Thomas Warner & Ann his Wife. Thomas • a Serv' to L.Cot. John Codrington. ary y* daughter of John & Judith Smith. ARY Jackson. 25^ Arthur y Son of Richard & Sarah Mendam. 28. John y* Son of Ann Austin, Widdow. 29. Ann y daughter of Thomas & Eli^a'beth Clark. ^ Phillip Le Voh. Roger y«.^on of Thomas & L/ETitia Clark. .. 'Georg y" Son of Georo & Elisabeth Douson, July 3. John Filks, a Serv' to Richard Whiting Katharin Morris. 5. Noah Fletcher. , 7. John Wil.son. . James Reynolds. T^amukl Peacock, mate ot y' A/riat C. John Hi'RUKK (^ Comj„. 9. David Rogers. 10. John Dan. '12. Frances y daughter of M' John Ogilsuy gt^J^ttsABETii his Wife. T^ • [i»l»ni' "• otigiiU 54—2 '^t- a tIP w^ m m m "JS^ • /. \-^ v, / X ^K.,i. 4a8 PAJRJSH REGISTERS. '", 1678. ' \- July 13 IS • 15 \6 ■ • \. ■"^~*~~^-^-— •• \ 17- \ ' 20. ■ t 21. 1 22. * 24. 27- > 28. 29. 30. , August. I. ~ - ' . 2. 3. * a" 5- J^''- _gW-= ■7- 9- 12. J * 14. 16. ". -^ ' i7- 19- ,/v Two daughters of John Pearson; irifants.' GuALTER Griffin. Margarf,t Suillivant Alice yda ughtcr of M' Robert Codrington. ~ -Katharin Hoskins, / Margaret Adaudl^ „.—«'•-' Henry Overuury. Richard Hughs. Benjamin Middleton, an Infant. ____ _ _ Isabella Levant. • Ann Smal. Edmund Ship. ,-■ An Irishwoman. _ , / Elisabeth Fee. k' WilliaMsDavis Citisen & Merchant of London Richard Howes. WiiXiAm Astin. Ca^t. Thomas Brown, from y Almshous. ' Anthony Hall. Daniel Nfal, from y Almshous. Mart/ha Neal. Rich/vrd Mlndam, a child. . -■• ^^ Mar/jaret Bland. . ' ' William Bunnel, Mary Connet. M' Sarah Frith. John Taylor. Elisabeth Guy. M' Thomas Larkham. Mary Horn, Widdow. Andrew, from y Almshous. Alice Townsend. Mary White. - — ~r -- William Leigh y Son of Charls & Martha Leigh 1(«IN Radford, /' ■p^

9 1678. • August. 19 20. 22. 26. 28/ 30. 31- September. 4- 5- 7. 8. 10. 12. IS- 19. • 31. 32. /_ "'25. 26. •38. 29. .30. October, i, Sarah Cook. Edward Chamberlain. . , M' Richard Button. ' ' Bartholomew Jones. " . ' * Alexander Hilgrove. » ^ Thomas Williams. Mary Hackwood. Lake j;;' Son of Capt. William Marshal. Elisabeth y daughter of John & Susanna Newport. Ralph Henly. - 1 I. '.Henry Banks. -.. Mary Smith. Katharin Craddock. Lawrence Peterson. Susanna Moyse. Samuel Jones. ' A Child of Daniel & Margaret Suillivant. ' Frances y daughter 6f Robert & Elisabeth Codringto.n Ann Marshal. Jane y Wife of Robert HoLMAN. " " Elisabeth y Wife of John Peers, Esq' > " ' Nicholas Brewer. ^ ''.' THOMAS Hog. ^ .^ , " " , ' ^,.,— "Hagar a Christian "Negro. , ', ■ ' ' ^ '^'^ Elisabeth Pierce. «• Hannah y ^^'^i^*^^^' Bernard Sck E^'JC^N. Ralph y Son oftm^^S^^K & Jane Smith. Robert Aldrjd6.y . V* ' ' M' Edward BusHEL^f^rahV ' * ; ^ HUGH Davis. . ., v J V " - " Nicholas Coney. ' ^ ^ **/ M' Pickering.' , - JoNE Perry. " ' ■ .. JoNE y« wife of Christopher Hodges, Elisablth y« daughter of Robert & Elisabeth Webster, /. < ^ **.» /- r »■'■ .■*V V A \ 430 PAaiSH REGISTERS. ' it ,4 t *1' .» S ^■^ 1678. 1 1 ' October. 2. M' Thomas Oresby. 8 ' , 3. M' Hugh SroNh. i « Robert Rlading. Elisabeth VYebster. 9. Roger y' Son of Rocnli Cowley Esq« & Susanna his' » Wife. .' ' * .. Ann y Wife of Thomas Hattoji. 10. Mary y Wife of Patrk: Colane. 13. Ann y daughter of John Smith. , - " # ~~ Margarlt y' Wife of Robert Chandler!" - 14. JOHN,«ART. ' ■ 15. "DlarIvISvn Suh'livAnt, out of prison. ' i6. Christopher y Son of Mdjor John Hallet & Mary - his wife. ' . •»- ■* 17. John Lo^kton. Ja^e IJlliot. . >• 19. Samuel Okelly. . < Iv »•' •. M ■,-tr .2*<. Mary y" daughter of WiLLiAM RicHardson. *'2.i." James BA-ns.' " John Kei.ley from yvAlmshous. I~i^ ELI.SABETH UI.ANCHFLOWER. Thomas Marshal. V V- ,^ if. MNiJosEi'it'RuM.sK.Yfrojny'. prison |k- • William SiHRHjV!.\i.-l ^"^ovembcr.'i . Sarah BLACKrfA^'i;-^,''. *" v « >?■■ -V • * t > wNi v'^' \ ^ \' •^ •f. John y Son of Wu/4am & Dorcas Morrjs. 3. Su.sANNAydaught^ofHENNr& Ann Bunting. - 4. JoH* y' Son ofiJ^rtN & Elisabeth MurriL. ' A j^ -|. Elisabeth Hu N't. ' 6. Georg ELLiot. , * " ■. • ■' 7. ZECHARIAH fl^NSTHORP, ' < ' . ■ 15. K^THARiN y, Wife of Daniel Oneal. ' - , 16. ' Maru y« ^^ifc of Abel Dean. , , 1 8. JoHN^ y Son of ^(.(hn 'Baily & Jane Conifer. • 19. Mary jj« Wiffof ^di.KiCHARU TiaLkjr. V, ■'* ■ I. -.^i >k ♦ ■» 5 i PASISH REGISTERS 1678. *'* 4J» ■VT •• r, , , November 23 -Maky y Wife of John Brush. 24. M'^ Thomas BbNNLT. , 26. Thomas Grant, v Anna HtNuv y daughter of ANTyow Hfnry. L'RV. > '• " .. ..• -^f^NA MtNRvy daughter of ANTyoVYHFNI '\ ' ' . ' "27-' William y Son of John & Ann Shri:w.sbuj I? ^- ^- - ..30 ■ jAMy, Jonas ^ " — 3 " ^"' ;" Detember. 2. ELi'iAnLTir Sm'itii. "*■■ ' ^ RoHLRi Clark. ** .' .3. Glokc. PotT, "" \ * 5- ■ Francis PtTERsbn.' ' ^v.^ ■, ' ' fi' M' JOShl'H flL'S.ShY. ' " ^ •li' IlAioi^H Harris. fV.\, i . •" 'j Wn.IIAM'lJKOUCHTOHr -* T .^ ' la. liusAULTii y« daughter of Mary Tannkh r -"V •i' ^ 5., Jam Dams. 16 John Walm'r.. 'll> ^ M' h \ ^\^^ '^ ''' " '''\k,^*^"'i^. .V- '^^A'^-^'y'i'-'ui.'htcr of William |ii.AtKMAN* .', . ** ^> , .J^t *' ' *, ' ^' A,poorwomap frsrfii !)• 1)1 VlUlRMARSKi .'''». 'W -X' ^ ' . ''9- 'l'"""" r'^^'fe.ofM'WiLLVMCA^, ' ' ''■t' /Miiiv »- ' -24- TupMAsySon'ofTHovAs&jANt Paris.' >•> J > '^■.'iTP'*j' ' 2^ AnK ye W.fc-of .^r JomVh WakkkN, l^JtTOL . <. . 26. . AiiU, UL y' \Vif«, and LL.MHj. I H y daughter of JJIOMA* .s;^ ' , , „\ • ^ *Vaii.;,V -IV )- ?..' ' - " r . >*^* 1« .'•">^"''T'*'y^S*oJiJ^HN Adams, alias AiMMSON. '•' ' ^5'^* j ' - i •• ST^'T^ •% (► , .■*■ i> =*^ ■^ ft / \ 7 " r . ^ ■ 1 W 1 \r J , *• , ■:\.' .4' *,.' ; 1 ^ * *♦ • f ■\\ 43* PARISH REGISTERS. -r" 178. „ . , ••- Jaiftiary. 14. M'" BARNET,y« Wife of M' WlLUAA^^AKNLT. IS- M' EdwaKu Crisp, Merch«* ClIARLS y' Spn of Charls CAVEN^vut;"- ' * ' 17. David Mavo. ' . ' 30. Samuel Collins. 31. CORNLI lUS SUILLIVANT. February. 4. Daviu Milllr/ ■ " '^ > < 6. John y Son of M' John Ham & Susanna hi* Wife, f BtRNARD CoRM.Lius, a Nomian belonging to y' Endeavor —~^-r~-^ — ^ - of N. England, Sam. Smith, Com' (- 4 I LOR. / iver of Lopdoit,' *-l J *- ^ ny 411 ^ '9. Edward Blrriik;. ■ % •' 10. Elisahltii y daughter of Edward & JoNK Gisungham. ,^ . 12. Makcakkt y Wife of Piti r Hlal. 13. Rtm-CCA y' daughter of Rouhk r & Grace'Grifkitu. i^ Ann Pajric Scrv' to Su^AN Hall.. • > '■' Barbara y daughter of M^Ry Tai I . 'IS. Edward Farthing belonging, to y' ■•j* JAMBS' Gi«[uERT Com' .30 Mary y daughter of M' J(Jjin Smith & I'hilIppa his Wife. . Jami s y« St»n of Rooi r & S\RAH DviiR. 2K MicHALi Rooi Rs, ik-lo/iging to his M"" Frigat, y Zf«w/)«, Capt. WlLU Long Com' ^ . ' ^ ' 26. JoHjf BucKiv Scrv' to M' Brooks. . ' '27. JoNAi HAN y Son of Thomas & Sarah Ellarck* •♦' 28. John RiniARDhoN ' ' ' March 3. GhoRG Adson. ^ « , ' ^ '\^ 5. 6. Henry Smi rift -^ 9. Jonathan y Son of Roiilrt & Elisabeth Paiv 10. William Rose. ^ ' • ,^ IVLISABhTH BKO^N. \ . ' " , EnsAiitinThsitH.j|iff i , , * " -1 ' li. GfoRG Bradlly. ► * ' , ^ ' •13 Ei.iSAiiETH y daughter of MiiK8\yjiLFcwiD. ^ at MarV I.ETMFRl AND. ' . ' .■ k , / ' * V " - f - • , N . . ■ - '• « 4 . i ->- ■ ■ ■■ ' ■ ^ ^ ' > " ' »' ■ ■■■■ M I I I ■■ II 111 ■ ■ I !■ ■ II II I I II - ■ I II I a 11 ' »■! I II I -/^SfSJf XEQISTBiiS. ' 1679. I March. 36. Walter Busk. 433 I 28. Capt. AnurkW Riches. Com' of y* White Fox of I^don, & his Soix Samuel Riches, who were both V\\\X by y bursting of a gun. ^ . \ 3ii jAcoii Bas,iion.s, Serv' to M' LATIMER Richards \of S' Georges. , " \ i" April I. James Fowler. . \. GrisskI. Ai.lkn. jl. 2. El.l.sAHl 1 II WILSON, from y almih'ous. ^ Sarah y daughter of Charu, & Martha LsichT ■ , 5. Richard Thdrpoood. \i, JoH^ Sutton. '" - 14. Zebulon y* Son of Mr JbHN Cunningham & Ann hU Wife. - Elisaueth Elliot, Widdow. 15. Thomas y Son of Daniel & Elisabeth Frisseu 17. Thomas STRANtELLOW. Elisaueth Williams. '18. Elisaiifth y' daughter of Stehikn & Marv tViLsoN. 20. Mary y* Wife of M' Josesh Smiiu, Merch* Cornelius Maqkelly. - f^ o * jf' ar. Elisauei'h Dick. - ' Stephen y« Son of John Lizaxo. 32. Elisadeih Ueacham. ■ ' * William Averv. • 24. Henry Gitlyi ' > -'26. 4iARV ^UNDJiRWOOD. ^ • ., , * 1(7. Thomas Ferriman. • ' ( . '^ May. I J()sEPii ySon of GtQRG & HanMaH 6A'ni4 ' X 'KUWARP Lekjc •' * • GKORti Spar. 1' ■ }, John Br uncock. " '*. ■ 4. ElIA-S BLA( RWI-4 I.ER. 6. Ann Tro\v].i)alk .* TUu^AS Boon. . . ^v - % H t "9 \. / ;/ ..35 M ■ * «.; ;.■■:'. .-.-- ■••;,-.■ •,'!;- '•A, ■ «. . !■#,,. -,■ .. ^ ■■■ .■ . . ■■■■ ' ., y ^i.i^iiAi »- i n I , • > n • *■ t ', . ' -•••■■. V ' ■ ' ■..''* ?^mm'y^^- ' ' ^ ^'.. - . i'^'( ■I f f'\ Sit -r. ■t. 4J4 ■^y Parish registers. 'j>^.¥i ♦• ■. ' 'J vw 1> i. -■■> J. • ■^ .s.. ;'■ 1679. , , - ' May. 7. vjiW'- Robert BlajcE. ; r. 9- Mary y« Wife Af^pENisCocKUN. "15. Humphrey KellIy. * * - Jane Atkins. , M' Gregory Hallet. 23. Ann Rayment. - 24. Teag Mullins. Robert Danes. , » " 25. Phillis y Wife of John KiNGsfoNi ;_a9. 4'C>HN JoijE3 , ^. 30- James y« Son of M' William Bowen. 31. M' JoilN GiLLlARD of y"' ,,}(j\iy Wiluams Com; 17. Thomas jJ^tkins. 18. Elisabeth Tagoard ( ^ • I -r i-\ I <. <* 1 ,''' K t V • I /^^ e. • < PARISH REdlSTERS. 4J» 1679. Jufte. 19. Richard May. ». ' • 20. Nicholas Franckun. ' " 21 Sarah y daughter of M' Ga^jrill Moroan & Marv^ his Wife. . , t * / 23. William Mansfield. 24, M' Richard Pierce. Katharin Carvis. N , , Eo\vAj<^ y Son of Edward Walkew I 27. Robert Lane, from y' j^lmshous.' '- ■ ■--- -*-^ . J 28. Barns Pastor. . " ' Matthew Bentham,- Serv* to L.Cot, Codrington. ^ 29 ISarah Blackweh er, ^' ' • , " > 30 Anthony Hayl'ev. ,''' afc • ■ July 2 Elisabeth y daughter ofGABRiEL& Mary 'MoRfHJ'i ' - - " 3^ Gapt Evan KHteGAN. ' ^ „ *|/. ' '4. Capt. William Long Com' of -his M""*Shi|yy«£«r,^^s,^ ' buried in y« Sea. " , ' ''\ 6 Grace Harvly, Widdow. , ' ' » ^ ' • • . •^ 7 Mary y' Wife of Thomas- Stratton. ' " . % 8. .John Dick, -^ ' ' . John BucKLY, from yalmshous. ' " > • . w- . , • 9 Gauriel Moijgan. 5 ' > David Foow, from y* almshous. . ' . .' Mf Thomas "Baldwin. II. Jane y Wife of He^kv Karvis' ,,,. ' Mf John" Cunningham. '. ' 13. Ml- Edmund Dawson. /■ , ; ' ^,i * -' 13. Timothy Garman.; ' '* ; ' :! '1 , r4, ^.ssANDRA y wife of Edward WiLLiAS|is, , •; : " , M'JdiiN CottqS. • ■■' V- «'' I5. J'ANfe BaGGET. ' , -v I . , ,'' V \ . ROBERTy Sonof;jANEDEMmEK/Wid"d,,v' * ;',:'''. ' ■' -■\J -■ 17. /Jane Ward. ■ •■ /■ ~\ .' r-/^:,.-'--,^-l^,,--^44- J-;^^^^, , y%. joHyRoBERTS, from y' prison: ■ -v,'/ V;^^'^ * . ■# . » ■ f,,' ■ 1'^..-.. ,■1. ''- V i'v'?'^* •>?.';' 'V;' . f ■■ T ^ ■:,•,- •»■':;■•; ■' . ' '■■■■■ r .: ''>C:.»'' ; « f i ■ ; "(■-■. ' t -' - t- ■ 't^: .:•■ ■■»■"■■ \' ,:"- /- ■■■*.■ '■■ ' n:- '■ H '-> ' . '*''^' 436 fARISff^ REGiSTERS. Gascoign. >\ # iV V -^ 1679. • July ]fj -^ JsW i'^ ^'^'^ BUCKLV. l|f^%HILUP BRIAJJ! *J Rl£HARD VaNLANO. ; * ' ^ffJlAIlABBEy. * » Wjlliam Bunney, fironi y* almshous. '' . ' ' ''wEfLENOR daughter of Mary BRh\N, VVidd^ " _ 33. Mary Morris a Christian Negro} ' '^ v_ PiiiLiPPA y' Wife of M' JOHN ^MitH, Mercht. # , » ^ S' Thomas Warner, K' % 34. Georg'SMith, aTrumpetter to C. RoiiiNSON? 35. Mary y daughter of John Woodland. 1 Mf John Richardson. , 26. William Abraham. , ' ' John y* Son of Mary Woodyaro. , .. 37. Nathaniel Thomas. ■, . 5 / ■ ■ August 4. William Anderson. ) ANNX'wifeofPATRICCAMP'l^I.. ~^ " _ Sar*ii y" daughtel- of C. John JoiiN^ON & Sarah his Wife. ' 5. Edward PArsons. ' 6 K'rancis y son of C Franci^ Burton & Judith his Wife. 7 John Vincent. .'^ ' ' :, ^ 8. ELfsABETH y* daughter of M* RioMARD . & KaHNAH^ ' ., ' Bunny. "^ '* Cot Glorg Thornbi'rgh . ^ 9. Ralph MoNTKrtvhRs. Ja.MI S DODSWORTH. '' ' ' . V, -/ *■ John Wii I iams(^n. 15. Mary y Wife of Mf John Cock. ' * TiioM,\s Banks. 17* El ISABl TII I''Rt£MAN. h Mf GULLIVtR. - -^ «, 18 Isaac y* Son of Anthony Sands. Daniel l^viv.i.N€V^ \^i X 1%' «;. IP •>► iv I [, 'V. PARTSH REGISTERS 167^ . 437 ,;J^ August 18" Jane, from y«almshous .,.""' jAiMi s, ditto. _.-. ^ J9 KiisAiiKTii Dick. » ■»• ' 20. Tr.AG Conner. 21. El-ISAIiLTH jLFfrRYS. , . , ' MANU.S Cam.en. • ' ^ 'I , ' 23. MARvy Wife of John WOR.SAM, Esq' ' ' '" , • 26. John Bal. - .- 27. Klisabi.tii y daughter of M' William Barns & SARArr"' his Wife • . . . . 28. Thomas Strafford. ' .u ' ' Charls Harriso^. • ■ ^ > • MuNDi'siA >" daughter of Jon\ & Kt isADrri'sMiTH September 2. CrciLY y« Wife of John Mills. ^ * "" ' 4. EsriiLR y daughter of Erancis'S Elisabeth Hal ■«^^.^ S. M'- Julian Ni Lso.v Wi(tit aged 92 yea'rs. e^Mr RoiiLRT Paj.mlr aged 95 years. oiin gullnwood. Janl Dlmi'silr. ■ ' ' Capl T.iio.\iAb Crutciifield Com^ of y Ltsbon Menk of ' ^ London. 11. Edward Harding aged 70 &'odd year*^, , Dorothy Sutton. ■ I2J JosEi'H y* Son pf Joseph & Makgarbt Salmon. 14. NicnotA.S Barnwel from M' ReynoluS's. 16.* Daniel Orel, from y almshous, E.STHER Morgan, . .. - . *- . ELISbVIlETH EUl'EV. : ' . > ' Martin SwAiN, ■ ■ , ' /^l^ ,-. '. : . ': 17. Thomas^mith. ■ 'v - ,18. Mary y \Vife of John Hare. , '> / i - 19. Alice y' Wife of Thomas FoLiNsifiV. i-' j "t . ^JTT ^^ ^' ItENRY TURWN aged tj yeah. :^.-^y^^-y^-^:-'.~ ■^yf. \ 33. Katharin Cakyl. ■•.:'', ") %/> ■ ■ . ,. ■ '-■ V ■>• '■• f • ; ■-w^r ' \ ' ■¥ ■-''■ r :-■■'. ;''»r- ■.-, , *■- '.! .^;;"». if&fl: ■ar # i* 'T •", « , *■. C -.-..•f - ;, ^ .^iit^-a^U?; ":.., .^V;:■*i■' -,-^^;_^ :f-' ^<. ■-'I' •.^\ ^ ■o ¥■ i ■ . ■ > ?T- 438 PARISH REGISTERS. ,1679. einbei-..J4. M' EpwARD Preston. - / ' GeorG y Son of Capt. FrancIs Burton & JupiTii-; his Wife. • V ' ^ ^ /' . 25. AtEXANDEft Mackrery from L.Col. Jelly's. ; '"■ . Elisabeth Rul. ' . ■ Richard y* Son of Richard & JoNE Elliot. 26. Susanna y' dau^ter of M' Thoma? -& Susanna'- .' ' Reynold.s. , , . . • William Lawless, out of prison. ■ ■ . «^ ^ 27. John Cooper. - , \ "^ . ', 29. John y« Son of M' Thomas & Jane Forrester. 421. S ■»' Ajioi 1680' ^ Darb^d^ t-lS'T of^e laSti^bitants in and about the Towhe of S' Michaells ■th their chSdren hired Sfcruants, Prentices, bought Seruants^ and Negroes, AtLAN Lyde & wife. . . .*■ likNR^ MosELV &,wife y Wi»^«fllsuop & wife EiliWARI) DUFFEIID & wife BfeNj* Gkace jum & wife AnTIIonV MfcuELL & wife. . vV. • Thomas Garrott 8; wife . i . . . . S^RAH WaKER :.!.... Abraham Langford . . .T. . . . . ; GeoR(.l Pearck & wife ....,'.. 'N ■\ chHdm hired Ser^i'' & Trefit * 3 ■*! 5 ■ . . 2 5 2 ■ ■•• ■■ i. bought Seru* >4.6." ■ 6 6 1 S 2 , 2 2 ■ 2 »o ■ »S ♦ '■ 2 , ■V ^ L— . — - i-g'Tri i nFT 1& ■^1 t >. ■# 4 w e PARISH REGISTERS. 439 v^*.- John Barker • . . .; \... JbiiN Borrows George TuTHiLLi '.*.. Oi^liuer H,utton & wife Samuell Bruntts & Comp» . Daniell Claney & wife .... Rebeccaii Jones ...{*. John Orpen & wife ,,.. Joseph Smith .......,..,,,>.! W>' Buljc'ly ........ Vi Allexander Harbin & wife W" Harding & wife Walter Benthali, & wife , .. Samuell Carpen'der .■. ... . '. . John Costeen & wife , Joseph Harbin & wife ....... W" Stickland & wife \,.. Thomas Emperor & xyife Richard Williams &\'ife . , , STEPHEN LaNGTON & wife . . . . , Henry DeuillIsrmas & wife : James Sicklemore ,, John BusshEll Senior & wife . Thomas DojCy" & wife John Hutton & wife ....,...; Thomas Wattson & wife .^.,, Lucy Buttler.. ... ..t....... John Whettston 8;. wife ... .; H ENRY Crofts & wife «. . . . . j GimisToPHER Fowler «. . ^. . . RiCIP I)EARSLEV & wife .....v". Thomas Smith & wJfe Peter Baker & wife .. . . i childten r- 2 2 ~ hirea Sere" ii I'rcSt I o 2 : ,' * 3. ^ ■=«'>.■ • • • , • •• I - ' 1. 1 ' . " • 3 1 . ■ Neg" "3,. 4. 4 2 . ■ i( 3 ■s. » rt i .iii r <»-*.^. I % •* 6 2 ..'» I ^ ' s .. i 2 • • I ,2^ 2- » ■ •• t ' 2 4 I I . 6 4 ■ « 8 3 lo 3 S !"■'> -♦ K o 7 ' 3 8 3 - J I' ■;t .* .f ■H' ', V>*.;> 7 , i: 4' .!S-:' '. \ J -^t:-^-:^- 6 n ^ iV*', »'- ^V¥-' J w "i- . / * * » Tit Mfl . 3^ ^m ^'V t Ife,-' 440 PARISH REGISTERS. L ...jfe^ " r •V-- ■... , f Thomas Clarke & wife JnoOglesby & wife , Lettecia Bate .* RoB"^ Draper Jno SMp-H ,. ' Jno Haruey ...... ..... .... . . .^ RigH'' FpRSTAI.L ........ , f * Joseph Groue >. . . ^- Jno Mercer : . . ..„ .-^ . v. . Thomas Perce & \yife ' .'.. . Rich" Lennon & wife ....... JN? Feltjon St wife ...... James Poke & wife .... :? ■A- ' Francis CrisTian & wife ' " ; Muse WALfoRD & wife Anne*Owen ; . , "^ Charles Collins & wife ->. '<# • Rich" Shetman & wife ....:... W CritchLow & wife . ., ' GpoRGE H'ARPER & wife '..:. ... . COLL" BATTE Cai"-^ J no Johnson & wife ..... . Olliuer Smitth , - ' Jno Smartt Thomas Brearly & \vife Jeremiah Cooke & Compa .,.; Elimbeth Bancks .'. f , ■ ' ' W"Smith & wife....! \ Jno Pitt '....% .,. .' . . • ' OwKn Dauis . » ; .J ' WidJo Crisp .* ■ ' Paul Gvvvne,& wife' *|P W-GOLD&wif^ .. .,.,... ■ ' ^-.■ .' ■'■:' ' .'■•■. '■■.■■\-'\..' -■ . ;■/ ' '■■ ■ ■ -^ T children I , 4 1 hired Seru'" & Prcfllf ■■« • bought Seru'" ..» 2 3 I . I 2 Vi 3 • I • • i • .2 \ . . . • '♦., • .• \ s '? *•• 7 3 ' \3 s I 2 V . I [ • • 2 I •• . . . . ■■ r 2 . 2»x I . . . 4 3 4 I I I. .6 • • ' ' « , .T \. . ■; •' ~ •• * ■ Slaues I 6 4 5 , 12 • 3 t 20, 2 • , 6 ■5 4 I 3 I 4 6 :> •.\ n r 11 1 it ^ 1 ■■:■■ :'y :^ - /■'"■■ ^"' (■■•■■'■■ . . ^t. 4 c * 1 1 r ^. ; ■ >' . .^ a' \.. : i ,..,: ; • ; ■. _ _ ' j. 11 . m- "---■ ■ - ^ # w i>f ^ PARISH 'registers. 1 HUMRY Browne & wife JN» Cossi \s Gi.OR(,r. Feittchkr & vifc . Cap-' Thomas Morris & u'ifc. JN" RavmAv ThqMAS MoUNTAINL &\vifc . -k jAMtS SUARPL & wife ' TlIOM \s IIoi.LAKI) & wife . . . JN" llK.C.IXWnilAM & wife . JN" Nl \V1K)TT & wife' jNoCocK ;. . Widd" TlIOR'NBRUGH .' . . Thomas Searle & wife , . . . . Tiio: Blake & wife . . '. ^ TlIO; ASIIEN'DINE '... . George Mason 'Mr-: Magettess KatH; TOYER '. • Thomas La^iborne & wife . Rich" Bristow & w'ife ' W" HOLLYDAY & wife . W" kkooKE & wife Jn" Hai.eett Esqr & wife . ;. . Roger CoRBnt & wife : Anth" Prince i wife . . . , W" BlCKlfALI ,^ Martin Creamer JnuCholemLey .i..- • W"EMIiEREE... JN" Crisp junr& wife . >... Ri^i" Parker & wife Jnu\Stuakd & wife RlCH^jRANTT .'.... children hired ii Prrtt' • i">«4;ht -It •«' ■ 4 I i ■s • • 1 s . 3 . s * -r" I - •*' '• ■', •• ''"•'' • '• ■•■■ .•, • • .. ..If 1 • • 441 ■Maues 3 - I ■-. 12 ■ tl I 3 i« - 3 ' I I 8 6 2 2 I /l 2 • s •4 9 S \ *i, } . ^'^Si, ■l ..'^ 1 !| ) > t' ) 1 - .■' , ! ■ ..^ ^..i H ■ 1 H •' * .'' ■ ^ \ 7 ■ /■•' 0> - ' ■• ■ ■o . 1 1 r 4 . " .. t ■ ■ ■• f , 1 ► • ,. ■ ] ■ • ■ ,* 1 ,' ,"\, ? 1 , ?■ .■ ^ t ' i 1 , ,,,,,, ^jp|== * ^ ■ 0~ ■ i-1-' ■ ■ \ 1 \ »(^ ^L\ >'^' t * * •' * v, ^ V 7 4 • * > 1 ^A ^**' A- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) v.; K ,<■ .■■ ■ ■-<< ■ ^- ■-; ■ ■-■-V 1^ t-^ ■ V ■ 1.0 1.1 1.25 12.0 1.4 ■L6 f ■ 9 W ■ ^-:, ^ ^^ .4 "V h % i::i/^i::i« .Iw',. ■.». A4 M%imillMMtTMIf «MMTIt,N.V. l4tM • .'■■: "/^ , ■■ '■ -^ -v ■• ■ . . ' ,■ ■ . • • 'J . .' '■'-■. * ..' i . ; '\.... * ■ ; • .' . ■ • ? . • ■ ' • • ... ft ■ * t ■ » ^ ,■,-■■■■ m '' ■■'' ■ A .' . ■ ^ w. ■ ■ '■-■ ^ ■ ■ f-^^' ■ ' - > . - ' ■ » ■ -* • ,f ■ * , o .•• I. '/"*.. T ) ■,'^: i«*-*-i ♦ 44 » PA-RISH REGISTERS. % Hugh Archer &. wife °. . . . . G"E.ORGIi Snouks Gkoroe Nkdham & wife W" Sanders Widd" Turi'IN ...... . J Rob"Tatt's W" Price ,...,.,. ^ W" Baynes & wife James Vickars & wife Tnc^iAS Bisiio'i" & wife ........ Roger Dyer & wife . - RlCII" HUNNEV & wife ,CllARLES JUES [?lVES] & wife.... J NO H ANC( )CK & wife ..'........ Rich" Nusom & wife . Mary Doue « RICH" Attwooi) & wife M"- Dauis .' Samueel Mead &■ wife ..... .'^. Widd" Larikii W-Gai'I's J N" PUDiirFORU & wife Dan iell Hrewek ......:..... Gamai.iele Kl.LIS Widd" Hush iJTEl'HEN SCAH fc'wife Nathaniei.E ni.i)RKi) & wife. . .-. Jn" Johnson & wife RICH" PoyR^- & wife . Roiw.lt Ani)ERS( )N & wife jN" Holes NicnoEAS MoIvDER & wife Jn" H UUSon & wile . . ...... children hired sero'" & Preii'" 3 I I 1 • o 02 . 2 ' O t bottg< \' ■ Q 2 Slaaii 6 6 2 ^ 3 2 5 I 9 2 3 3 I 2 3 Z I 2 4 1:2 \ / PARISH REGISTERS. 44i , , children ,' JN" Prince & wife JN'> HOJJCROFTT & wife \ .. Ron" Landai.l & wife ........ ...' " Rob" Grav & wife )j/iddu Smith : , . . . Abell Deane >.... i" •• Thomas Forrestor & wife Xtoi'Her Akers & wife . . ... .*. . ; . ..' JN« Cresweel & wife .i...:.r. .t ^ ^.T"^ Andrew, Hawkins & wife ( . . Hester Lane ' ''■■ ..' Henhv Jacobs & wife -^. Thomas Wrightt & wife ...... | . . Jn" Coocke & wife . . . .* j .. , Tfio: Reau & wife , . . . . jN" Coppin senf & wife i..."*' ... T^IOMAS SiMsoN & wife ....,.^^^ [ .. FKAiy cjs Bestt & wife ......... . 77 ' AMiyWtiS' AUDAMS . W" Craoc;. , . W" Parris J. Rob" Lanier & wife . . . . Xtoi'iier Franki.ing & wif .Abraham FifeiLd Sc wifl . ' ' John dM.iUER & wife. JT*". .; . ... < ■ ■ \Vid(t'> Baines i « Peirceson , 7^ • • SAMUELL SOURTON :, •• Rich" Hai.lett ! • • Benj* Mattson & wife k 2 EUWARI) STURDHJANTT ■ i •"• Hugh Hall &wi^............ ' I . Mm"* I \ Pretitt. 4 I 56— a ;*' ■/■■ ■.'*: I *U PARISH REGISTERS^ 1^. * s- ^ iW. Jn" Barnes . .' ,^'. .r. . . Jno Dkuknmsh & wife • JN" FtKEIJRASS & wife .....' Ron^^ HussEY & wife Mathew Hauilahd . .^ . ; . . . Jacob Legav ... . . , J1«?oMan & wife Roir^ Hecki.es & wife . .,1.^; . J UUITII Sl'ARROW . , VT.V. . Henry Fissher & wjfc , ...... Roil" Rich junr &<;^e ...... Widd" Bkaug .,..>.. , SANf Uell Gikkord & wife .... Marti.v Haves & wife ....... 'Samuicli. Stoker & wife Thomas Warner & wife W" CANNINliS & wife •. . . . BRIDCETT COLLEtT Thomas Lowe & wife ........ . Samueli, Ballard & wife .... Thomas Fercharson & wife . PillLLII' Trauers ^ Georjge Newton . . . .% Jn" Bavley & wife , Edwa'Ri) Parsons & wife . ,,, Widd" BarRowman ... . .^ . . . . . , Gabriell Newman & wife.'. . . , /MaryCvi'man Rk n» Auuamson & wife" Benj' Hassell >oii" Stone & wife ...-.,. , Thomas Dod & wife .., . , W" Wilson & wife ;;.,,. . . . . . ^. child' hirwl seruan'" ^ I*rett« Imught ".I Slaues 2 •• 2 - •• , 4 • • . I • • I I 6 I * * 3 •• 5 ' • . ., 6 • • 3 I 4 " • I 3 •• II II .. I , , 13 • • 3 • - 1 •• , 2; I 5 • • .;■ » •;■ I • •' •■■ 2- » . 4 . .. 3 . .i I 7 2 2 '8 . . I ' * 4 • • . .* 1 2 •• I i.1 , , ■7 • • • 5 2 .. , , I 10 . I • • 2 I 5 ' " 2 2 'l2 2 3 I 4 , ■ 5 •• 4 I 9 .. - :: i ■ 2 I •• S I , , 2 K> 2 3 ,••. II ^-^ .■- ■ - ; * ' » rf' *•. st • w- .^ >^y. ■fc /.; ■, rC • ■*' 1 ' '"■^■\ ■;:■;' y ■..'.■■■ ■■ . ■/ ' r » » ' '*:,:' ':f'- 1 ;■ ■■ ■/■ ■ ■^ . ■•^^" ■:-> • / t' -.■•■" i|l| •' . • /::':' r ' .. .■ ^ 446 PAHISH Ji£Gli>TFRS .. ■ >, - •'-'■• ^. -•. ■ ■■ -■'■. ■ * ■ . children hired. ■ semant.. & Prentt- houglt serutf Slaues '" ^ rf' ' ' ' . W" Harding Vintner & wife • I I • , .^1. k , ■ ■/:■,'-:■ ^ ■ y ,;' ; Thomas Tickner & wife . . 2 »• 3 .. Vallentine Copman & wife I , , 4 * in r ■; . -V ■ ■ ". '■ ,; W" Shipton & wife ',.... . I 2" , , ■ 5 , : ..' ,— M -•:,."' •George Cheyney & wife ...... I . I 1 2;_\. .,, ,■ p » Ill ;■■":•.-■ ^^:-; ■ iN" Bradiiam" ">K., I ; ".,; ■-'.'.■*■ \- "Owen Dayley & wife I I 1 '. r ■"'■'i' • ■ • i / ■ ■ /■'" .'...■. Francis Wood & wife ........ I .".■■« ^ -^ ■ ' » - * MENRY UYRCH 0: WIte I 1 u " " J^- " .;'■'■' , ■ ' Jlon"HoLE & wife.r.... I , , ' I « . - ^ ■ »V' fl -^ ;V ,;:;•■/-,:. v. '' -^^ Matiiew Willox & wife .... . . r ' . . I 3 jNoI%ATON ^. ...' ... I I- ' . • " ■■ • ;■■ ■ . ■ Rich" Wilson & wife , 2 , , 1 .4 -.■"-;' ' H " '■. ■ • ■ ■ W« Biddle & wife ^ ^ ,2.v,v . ' " ..'■ 3 ■ r ,,.,'; ll ' Mfs HOSKINS •,■2 t b . ' ■ . - • mm BeKj* Ei,i,v & wife I 1 ?■ , if " ' / ■ ' " GEOR(iE Hannah & wife 2 . 4 2 10 - ■ ■- ' f . ■ ' -■.'■■ Jno Hunter & wife 2 3 '-■/- 4 ■ 5 *.r : ■'. ■ > .'.'•■ RlCH"J\LFORP & wife ; / ■ -■■-.■ r ■ ■ Thomas Whiteing & wife i' 8 .3 >4 ■■ ■• ■ 1- ■ Thomas BRinguurst & wife .5 ' 2 - 5 1 ., ■?■;■.. ■ ' J N<> Haywood & wife 1 2 .,5 I 3' . 3 H^RY Freman, & wfe . ., '• '- JN^LUMLY 41 El: Browne ... ..■ 9 •'■■-■'• ■ ^' ■' ''■ -• "' * Edward Towne & wife " Laughline Bayne & wife '•• I «'■:, ■3 ■ ," !* ' 1 ■ ' . 4 ■' ' Thomas Walden & wife 1 2 1 ■ , ■ Beni* Tones & wife I ;. i 1 .-"'-'■- "'•-•^ W" CliggAtt & wife I 3 . I A ■ • ■■ ., Lawrance Reed & wife 1 -■ ■"■ *- Ron'^'^ Hewitt & wife ; . . . . I 3 3 •• '3 V 5 / \ " . • Edward Huntt & wife ........ if -' } ■ ■ ii ■■'■' ■ ■■ ■ '■*' . Nathaniell Branker-* wife .. . , I » • « • • 5 • > ■* 1 '->■■■■:■'.' " '■/ ■ ^- .■■>,■.- ' ■■' ■ ' ■ ■ , . ^ •«-- . ■•• ■ .-■'""'" -'.■"' ' ' * ■ - .'*'i t . ■...■"■■■,'■ ' . ,■ .' ,■-'■.■',.';'■■' - ' . ; ..X^- .- ■ '■ ii ^ :.' ■ ^ ■ " ':-^3r '■■': '■■ 1 ■': '''~^^^:^- ^- '•' - , A '^.■*^ * *-'■■■ *• ■' V . ■ ---. r ;| ■/ w = * ,' *"' '■■'■ 'i :||| ■ ■ ( , /- T B 1 ■:■ ' • ^ -";'••''■' .* ■ *. r t ^ ■ . .-.y , y' ' ' ' ' ,- >■ //' : ■ ■.\: PARISH REGISTERS. "V Nathaniell Smith & wife . . . • Stephen ^ascoyne Esqf & wife . EuwiNE^TEED Esq' & wife .... : '^ Benj* DwfciGHTT & wife Thomas Reynoldson & wife . . • «C H ENRY STEI'UING ......<..... "^'.,^i(:H"R)Ri)&wir^ ....... . t HJ;Nfi:.Y Haruey & wife . ... ~ • JN" pREnERicji & wife ...... .y^- Thomas Parker '.■'.ij*-.^:'.".'! .... •James Ely & wife Jonathan yuTciHNsoN Ursei.ah Pea ." - RICH"- Hall & wife . . i ». W" Welding j...;;^. THEOI'HILUS BOWDEN . . 4i jN" Legard .t^. . . . Jjj" Sanders & wife STEPHirN Clay & wife Jacob: Mackerness & wiffe .... VV" Sh)NEy fc wife Thomas Biffin & wife Rich" Barrett . .» Thomas Rowse & wife .....;..• M^Tothill . Samuell Smartt & wife Susanah Beeke W" Michlebok'ne & wife ^ jN" Fisher " : Jacoh: LipGAY sen' ChristopJier J acson & wife .... W" MackP.rness Widd" Haywood ...,,. ' hiwl chUdren &PrepJjJ^ 2 .. ' 7 2 I •*3- ■_ •• - .3 I ■ ,.- '*' , , ^ ',..•;■ ' I ( ^6 I 3 ' 3 • I 1 2 , , I ... ? 5 \ i- 2 ■ 1 = , , 7' I • • , ' 1 2 •• I * 2 1 I 1 I 3 bought scru"". Slanci I 3 5 2 2 \ K, ,' , . ♦ 1' '^ 448 PARISH REGISTERS. \>->» Edward Prestton . . .' Widd» Baldwine J NO TowNSEND & wife -r. . jNoMUNROwi&wife... JNO SHROESBERfeV & wife JN" Mills & wife Isaac RoETT Charles Lee & wife ......... BENj* Bird & wife -. . . Basell Dunkly & wife . .' ' Martin Dallis^n & wife . . . . . Mary Lister ...; Anne Kew Kathrine Whiteing jN" Hunter <..... Jno Spencer & wife W" Maxwell & wife .... . . . . . Doctor Richard Lawford ... Thomas Parris & wife » Edward Rainsford Sam UELL Dyer Edward Peireson & wife Marke Noble & wife Francis Loctbll ; John Chason & wife , W" Beale , Daniell Jones PetIcr Swaine & wife JNo Ladston & wife , Ellinor Walter jNo Williams & wife Jno Lamply U wife Mary BusheR ehiUren sera'" & Prqi"' hoiight scru"' Slaues X •• ■ I 7 2 :• 4 I :: '••, \ .1^ 7 I I 2 I I ■;■.:: " ' I * ' 'i» ■ 2 6 I j-^*" , .. I "" 2 2 • . •y ■•■f 2 3 ,•/• 3 4 I •.• I • I 2 • lv.I • ' ' • ' .-. 2 . . . 4 •• I . . ■ •a ' .- I '■ '.I'' I I I ,•• '4 9 2 I . . •• •• .. 2 ■•• I .1 5 3. •• I ^ . .. .. .. y 2 .. .. 2 4 • • 2 I .. .. I. . . •• J -J**"' ■M •■. > Tik. /■ PARISH REGISTERS, MARY Wilson ». . . . . J N" Rawlixgs & wife James Miller & wife Edwaud Fennell & wife Jonathan Taylor & wife W" SiMMES $£ wife . . . . Ron" VVebstei^ & wife ftnn" Paine & wife , , JN" Pain'e & wife .^.. :......,.. Jn" Stediiam ..../., Madam Fits James ..... .". . . the: jevves jACoit Franco Nunes Aron Nau aro , Aron Barruch . . . i Paul Deurede. Isaac Perera ..... ..'i(. Uau.id Ralph Demereauo . . . Lewis Dias ... .^. ...... , AliRAltAM Qay , . , AliRAHAM BaRkC^H ......... Dauii) Israell . . .«. Antiionv Rodjugus Abraham Sousa ■. LEAIplfEDINAII , • . . . °Is\ckAbof ABiyiiAM BurgEs Aron , MOitES Hamias i M" ^^\H Decomi'as , Hester Bar Simon...... Daniell Boyna Abraham Lopes , Abr: Valuer^e ctiiKlrcp J ewes 4 7 5 2 2 i 6 2 ■ 3 5' 3 "2 ; 2 2 2 3 5 3 hirot semen'" iV: I'rcii" boaght M-'ru** 2 . if ..Slauet I , , 1 4 " " t 3 I . 1 8 I _ 2^ I 2 ■■• ■■ 2 'X ir • • ■ 5 • • . 3 4 . . II . « .. ^ • • 3 ... 3 lO , , 2 2 I I 1 I I I 4 57 < \** ^■' i-5- t^ .■<. ,N 450 PARISH REGJSTERS. \ judieah torez • Moses Mercado Jaei.l Serano Eliau Lopez Isaac Gomez josepii«emor Isaac Perera IsACK Meza SOI.OMAN CORDOZA.-,. ,. ~ AdRAIIAM OllEDIENTE. . . Judith. RissoN Dal ID Namias Moses Arrohas GABRIEtL ANTUN'ES .. jAcon Preett Sarah Atkins (Abraham Costanio .. I 2 2 5 2 • 5 5,^ 3 ! 2 3 ! 4 6-3 3 14 3!^ 2 i 2 4 2 9 4 2 I I 2 1 6 Samuell Nauarro .... Raciiell Burges . . . . Mordkcah Palaciie .. Rehecah Paciieco .... Rehecah Barruch .... jACOI!<*ACIII.CO' Raciiell Lopez jACOi! FON'CECO Vale . , Mordixah Sarah .... Samuell Dlchauis .." Dauh) Swaris Judith Nauaro HestervNoy judih israell ........ Moses Desauido ...... IsACC Nov Psoiifs s]auc< ■i i |4j I I i 2 I 5 4 'S 4 2. 5 Total of Inhabit. 404. Mom'' that y^ Town of S' Michael ■ only has rcturnd an AcCo'- of . Children , Total of Inhabitants . . [ ^l^.', -^^l | 806. ( Children ..402 j Total of White servants 412 Total of Negroes ' 32S' i'. V '-■*** - ■■ .- / - *■■■ • ■ - ■ ,_■.,, ■' ■ X. j ■ ' ."; ■ i. b -■- - ■ ■ »■ . ■ *;■■.- ■* —7- /■?>/:; .:— -; ■ ■ •■ : '■ " -— ;-— ' -- ■-,:^»J-- - --—.■,,-- "::'"'- -'^ -*-- „.■„._ -^ ' » ■ -:— - ' .. •'' , ; ■ :■• ] -■ 1-.' ' . V ' >• , ^ ' ^ .■ ■,T ■,' . ■' -' ,^ * 6 » T». .;■; .-.■ . ~< '*. -.* • t. 55s:'"' n ■ **'. '•'• ■■'■,'' * 1 # ■ '" '- -s-: - . ^ ' .■ • .mmm 4 ■ *1 .^, V. •» « •v '.. PARISH REGISTERS. AS> ■,%■■-,;- [Harhadoks.] ° » LIST of Owners and possessors *ofland Hired Seruants & Appren- tices, nought Seruants & Negroes in >••• I'ari.sli „f St, Michaclls* ■" . A / Thomas Ashendine . , JBartho Aldswortii .. Anthony Anthony ,. CoRNELious* Austrian Allin Thomas ^. Alltcxaxder Antor .. Jacob. Aleen ..^ • f » t « , » I B Theo: Uarrahall .... Borden Joseph BoNiiTT Edw"^ Plant* Frances Bond Esq' . . .. Cott» WBate •••••'IFiii Francis Burton Thomas Batson JN" Battyne junr JN» Boucher . .. .. George BiRKEiiEAH .. H uoii Brandon J N" BikD J N" Barron HUMI'HRV BROGDON .. Aleice Baines J n" Barnes acm lanil ■ 5 46 '9 6 hired Scru" Scru" NcK— IS ^ 10 2 I ■ Ac' 4 9 88 160 125 130 ' J> 32 ■ 3 8 . 25 6 '4 -/° 30 IS 2 3 !» 2 I 2 I I I s 94- 93 60 Go 20 21 I 10 G 2 G .«> 16 1 1 • [Tolals are (;ivcn iiiTlie original at the enil of every page of MS., Imt are iiot (Sarfl^*^ forward ; as it is iiiipossiiilc'to keep page for p.v^e with the* .NIS., wo have iimittcti Ih-jin alto- jelhcr. with the exception of the surti-totals at end. ] 57-2 4 /♦ . ^,> ^ -K I 1- J M. ..iti. «:.,^ .1 'I*: ■""S*! ../, ' \ .• li'i v y^ • 45^ PARISH REGISl^EKS. i ^*: . W„>', Bakijon W" BARNliTT , '. JN" BKETT, JOSEI'II Bkkdlk. . ./. ..?..,.» "" VV" BussuEY ^ '...:', •J , jN" Bi6nai.l scnr . . . .- ^ . -, Jn"o-Big\ai,l junf *, . •« ^ Mf* BURNliLL. . . . .^_j n^^ ^" BUAGG '.;..>. . . . 1 ;^v.Vr Ai^EXTlWBEB B|i^jRA5lkl?*^ jerreard bouci*^k . .^. ...... . .Phillip BrewsteR . . . . , CoRNELious Bryan . , V Daniell BoVNA ....- •4' Cai'I'S. William ..v , jN'^'Ciusi' stnr. ,'....,. , J Roger Cowley Esq' W" Cannings .... .V...... M« COATIIER ._.:■ . Tho: -CarnoCK P-OW^* . . . c '. . . - JN'> ClIACE J...,,...-. .. ; Patick Carney .' ^Katiiuix'Cleaker t .. • . .,' .... - .w»' cligg.vtt . ip :::. , CHRICTOrUER Coale , James Cissell ,'. ."^^ . , . ' jNoCtEANERf ~. \.. ; Tho: Clark dcrra* ' NiGiio. Chandler. .:..". y Henry Cleauer .. 4$ . f . . . • acres land '9 15 4 ip 7 10 6 • ID' '. "4 5 14 ID . hired seru'" ^ired ■i-%:^ seru'" 12 88 .. 7 •5 ■^ ..8 ,; 5 i 20 •3 S , ^22 •10 20 « s , 20 »I I I I • I Sef"' 4 2 Iwmg" Ser"" Neu '5 n S 4 14 1 1 ' ' 2 2 8 ;" 3 3 • 9 "4 Slau. 2 1 - 7 io. 40 •• , .5 .. 8 24 I 4 6 I 16 .^ 3 / * ['Plius erased in the irigintl.] / t [So in the original : but see Clkaier [Clkav £H] at th; bottom of iKe page.] \ "jr.' W f ■■■♦ ■ ■ ■ . " ■ . t - \ - • V;.'. ,.1/ .^,■; ,1 ■ • ,'■ •■'■* - -■ . .• ■ • '♦ "" ■ . . . ■- • N 1 . ■ * ■■■:•■/ --v* '■ :c,- ;: .■- - - ir - -■ - --fll^- V ' ■ ■ ■ * 1 • -. \ • * 1 , * ■ ■■-;,■' -^\,:-* ■ 1 , ■" ■' - t • • 1 • T ■^% •^- - I V y M" \ J • V, PARISH R^GJSTERS. ^ •^ •153 Tim: CoALE Jn" C-1 3 ' 8 8' ! ;>.r \ hire" land i Sfru'" ! • • V . — \ V^^" Emuree ; .... w{. ... r JN^ Elliott ... James jJcTOT ..*. ^" fiLLACOTT Law|iU\nce England ju' Seaborne Egginton . . . 25> lOI •5 12 5 ^& 16 ■' 5 , acres land K) , 35 7 27 2 f * ' •:> Iwug" scriilt' ^> \ i >3> '3 K * V-* y^ 6 26 ■ ;; t-^ * ' '' Ser**» SLiues 13 ♦ 35'» 4 7 ' 4 "■l^i "^ 4.tx . ■ ^-. stru"" " I . 2 , 6 I 6 I • 'my. r^ ... s( % .** V "T^ .#. V ,. «t_^, ' Samhcu. H AtrstJN ...,.*#,'...>• RAhl-^rHASijELL licfl'n I' iWKi.1. & Guv Esq" .... SVMov H t\-jf (ticad .......... ^FrwlIs H \MWNa ...."i '■'• ■•>. ,• ■ . 294. 10 179 8 \ '2 8 10 30 10 26 50 10 204 7 Inml AC, 2p 320 5 63 lOI 10 605 40 10 liimj scru"' seru"' ..♦4 6 3 5 I ... . , I ' I •) • I 3 1 I I . ' -2 I I "■■ ! 1 4, : • • '* hired scru"" Scru'" I 4 5 1 I ;: I ;; S 20 1 \ ' ■ ' NegVoes- 129 » • 93 3 -: 8 I 19 . 3 . 16 10 26 . 26 r 85- 4 ' Neg*^' ■% "6 ■ X_-J 84 5 18 10 405 ,24 * -J*^ • ft^J i •- #■ PAKISN /iP.blSTERS. 4SS ■x DaMKI.I, HUKI-OW ..... CiiKisToi'iircR Hooper Fraxcis Halt, ...J..., KmVARl) IIUNTT ...i.. Jn" Hawkswortii*. ,. . , EfANIEIX HAKWOOD.... Jn" Handy Edward Harding Samuei.l Hyatt Francis HArdwick . . Jno Ham r^..,.. WidiloHAMBUN GlORG Hakter /VV" Hect(iroi> ..-..- WMIearsx .... .. Jn" Him, jN" Haue jN" H KiGINnOTIIA^J . . . . Ralph Hui i.ixsworth Samuell Hatuway . . Kind Ac'. 17 25 i liircil scni'" I I . '• I Sviu'" Jacson Xtopii: TiioM^ Jelly Jn'> Jefkekres , ^ Allex Jknnison '^ Jn" Johnson . . ." '..... W«jACODS ...}.. HUStRY KENTT 10 t^ 16 1 20 , 4 20 14 10 10 5 10 ro. II 20b 5 •3 6 .-S--.-.S, neni'" I ■ i 2 Sera** 10 5 IQ 30 30 2 49 :l 7 I 10 12 9 5^ 3 Negron ,28 70 4 17 • (This name will iImj be found >ii Iine«J[fi>m the bottom in p. 454 j the numlicr uf wvann, however, U different,] I ■ '1^ \ f' c_.. a. e- '/ it* I' i; f\ V/ > < •^ . .' . * ( 1 1 j , • ■ 4S6 PARISH REGISTERS. Leer Thomas ......;,.... Roger Louell .» < . ; . Xtoi'Her-Lyne Pini.Lii' Lancaster , Jn" Ledra W"LrTTON , Rich-'Layton .'......., W LUCOMB . ^, Nicholas Langworthv ».. Georger Lillington Mfs Louell Thomas Links '. . . ' Thomas Lucomb ; . . - M Morris Thomas ...: Euan Morgan GaKriell Martin W" Marchall ......_ RrcH" morris Jn<> Macklaire w" murreli - M"^ MlILLINAX ..7. Rich" Mui.i.inax .* . Anthony Michell HrVan Muri'he ^. jN" MURROW . . i. , , . ........ , JNOMURRELL V ■ ■ . ■ * N. Neale Tiio: '.. 234 13 53 50 4 SO 9 12. 32 7 ■ 6 144 140 10 1 80 35 6 II 7 9 5 9 3 50 hired Scru'" Negro 18 160 5 •• 2 25 •• 7 • N >3 2 27 6 II .. 27 y ..■ *» ^-f^-f^'-X-^ w . -iM' J'.lR/SIf REG/STKKS. O Samell OsnoRNH^ Thomas Odiarm; Francis O'aki.kv , JNO Odell P Nicholas Prideaux RicipPearce ...... Thomas "Pilgrim Edward Parris . . . . J NO PiGGOTT M" Panton 1 ...... . George Parris Adrian Paii.y Widd" PiRKINS Jno Perriman Jon Perridge Samueli, Perry .... Henry Pri*-e J N" Plum LEY Jn" Pollard Rich" PolEard 40 lOI 6 S 230 '5 20 35. 5 3 32 S 16 7 7 4 5 15 5 3 ' J 3 ,6 .. I I ■ '4' I '■ •• •• • » R Edward RuNDALtr.777T ,.... . . AnnebRowe Rich" Robinson W" Robinson Thomas Reynolds ...i..M....' IsAcc Roett »:.... I ■ ■ 1 _.._.:_ If t 22 . , 12 186 2 28 .. ^ ^ . 457 3.1 "7 76 So 34 12 I . 3 ^3 t 6 4 7 i 3 12 ■%, 58 ■ .■ _j: '^^ >-*i.. ^ --■ ' ■■ * ■ . - . • * " ■ • * 1 . ■■ -: ' *: • ■ ,, ^ « ..^ : ■ . •' ..'•■■' / • : \ . ■■ ■ * • ■» a ' 1^;! .•^«"' m '} V- 458J' PARISH REGISTERS. Barnard Shenkingii Jno Strode M« Stanly , •Benj* Scott .......... Simmons Phill. ..-..., Mi^SPENSwicK ., Simmons Phillip* .... Steede Edwyne Esqr Cap« Jno Suttqn ...... Alice Smith ; . . JN" Springham ,. Joseph Salmon Allex: Sinklaire . . ; . Rich" Sweeting T ._ TuRPiN Henry Sen^ Tudar Richard Allex Jaggartt .'...'. Francis Turton i...... Xtopher Terry VViddo Twine George Tvrwiiitt Roger Thomas ........ .^^ Herculous Tyrwili Henry Turpin jynf . . , ....... Dauid Thomas Phill. Trowell ^ land 12 129 12 22 10 10, '9| hired ac' Sem'" 10 ,', 50 I 10 , . 10 . • 39 3cf 39 . .. bougt Seru'" 10 8 .4 25 1 2 , '0 49 S S 7- "4 9 r^ Negroes 40 4 . 18 22 18 30 nos 6 . 28 12 ^ 2 3 - 3 6 if 4' . S 4 n: i ;■ r . ( !■ .... , -'- "■ .- " * ■'. I ... ^ . ^^ _ • 1 7f i&Aiji Maay.i^ I ■.....^f :„,■■. V. ,,,,^.,, , ij '.:.»; rfi' PARISH REGISTERS. 459 W Willis JN" , Warren Joseph : . . . Fran'cis Wood ^ W" Welding W« WlTHINGTON Mary Waters ^ Jn° Willougiiby t . George Walton , George WilloCtghby Samuell Warner Jno Williams ........: Dauid Welch Natii: White Bridget FERRtLL(«V) John Young j. y ' ac' . 1 5 6 I I 10 io ' ^ 26 5 I . 30 26 ' ._ . _•>..*_._ 10 • • ■ .. • - 5 f 13 I 5 ■ • 40 I » , 1 1 5 •4 10 9 9 >3 M3 / Tot. of Inhabitants.. Total of Acrcst..'... Total of Serv's. . : . . Total of Negro's'. . . 225. 7063. 303. 3746. • 4C * [There are 217 names entereJ, byt 2 have been entered twi«, vU, iUwKsWoiiTIl ana SlMMO.Nb.] • ^^'■ ^^^^-. ■/ ■"-'•;.'' ■ - ■ •> * a 1 * ' . ■ '■<. • ' 5S-3 » • * . mil, . • \ ■ ■ . % f - . X"? ♦ " ' ■ ■ i .)■ '■ - ■';• •'•^ • . ..,••". 4 \ ■ * .. -■ :•■. • - y - ■*--■- •■ - .^::-.-..-- • y ■ y 1 • • ■ ■■ .. ■ • ■■■h. ■ * ' ^-' * • 1 * ' .» ■ t X 4 , ,* ' • . . . : -X.- Jt ■ ♦ - ,..'■'..*. * . - . ■ :' - j ■ t Xv ^■-•' Msl'- ■ ' • 1 .. • 111 **'t; %" 460 PARISH REGISTERS. * . ,JiBARBADOES.] Master! & mistrcses names y' are Owners of Land in the Parish of S' Georges in ye Island '^arbados taken by the command of His Kx- JlencyS' Jonathan Atkins K' y* 23" Day of ' eobmber: 1679 Robert Dauers Esq' ». .*: M"- Robert Dauers Junior Mr James Robinson M' John Robinson Mf William Dauis Mf John Koker Mr-THOMAS Browne M« Sarah HorsvVooj) Mrs- Margaret Roe *. . . . M's Ellinor Bowdler Mr Job: LvllmAn Edward P\'e Esqr M' Thomas Brothers Mr William Catline . » ; . . , ' Mr Henry Euans . . Mrs Francis HoldIp . . ; ..'.'. Mr John Holdip .'..,... Mr Brian Blackman '. Mr Fran: Smith Jcijo' ., , Mr Miles Toppin . . . . .^ -f. Mr Henry Burrell .' Mr MICHAELL WEYLY Mr Fran: BeLl Mr Jorilr Jemot .' Mr Henry Eab^wick Mr John Goldingham Mr Richard £ast\vick' Number of Number of Acres | Wliile j Seruants 30^ 47- 6 2 12 ,10 I 40 6 409 55 .106 '9 10 6 30 '5 10 12 8 SO 118 40 N«ml)er of Negroes 200 r 4 10 5 3 4 6 •2 2 190 '5 5 42 9 7 K) 18 38 ? 10 . 8 5 11 7f> 20 PAltrsiI Jit:GISTERS. 461 Masters & mistrcses names y' hre' owners of lanA in the I'arishof S'Gt-drijcs in y« l-slamlof Uarhados taken by the command of his V.\\ cellency S' Jonathan Atkins K< y" 23" Uay of IJeccniber: 1679 -. M' Mar:(iaduke Niciioles . . Mf Fran: Bond ,../... Mf John GmnoNs M"^ Edward Clkypoi.e ...... Mf Richard Sutton ,. Mr George Briggs . M"- John Battine SenjV ;.7.' Mr Samuell Webb .. .... M'-TiioMAs Beackman The LatJy Ann WlLEOUGllliY Mr Sam uell Coward Mrs Grace Siluester Mr Tho: Wii.ijraham Air Henry Harding .... Coll" Xtopher Line & Sonn.. Mj^Vaeter CimsiELi M" Martha Aet Mr John Wiekins Mr Joseph Miles Mr Joseph Robinson ...... \. Major PaUEE LYTE ......... . ; cap' John Coussins ...'. , Mr John Coussins Scnjor' ' Mr William Snipe ........... Mr Latymore Richards Mr Sa^iuell Sedgwick . . , MrJoHN Sedgwick , Mr John Lahane , Mr Phillip Fusheir M\William Weauer Mrs Mary Ridgway.v. ..... . . , Numlier of White Seriiants Numlwr of Negroes . . >3 I . *3 'Ji' 86 60 I '..'.I • • " ^ I I r • • ' 160 4 10 220 , , 6 * 54 , , 27 1 , '22' . . ,« , 2 6 1 , 8 • 120 I 50 •'• • 50, .. 4 . . ' •« ■■ • } ■ ; *»■ ';■ 5 , . V :.4.' I ^ 3 « t*lfl fii I f 4 46» PARISH REGISTERS. L V, Masters & M'": names that are ownei-s of Land in y* Parish of SHieorgcs in The Island ol ;■ Harbados Taken by the Command of His Kx- tellency S' Jonathan Atkins K' y« 23"" Decent- tier _|679— Mrs Elizabeth Barnes M"i Elizabeth WoLuerstone . .;> * ' Mr JoHX Trice '. ' M' JOSEPH.RlDGWAY Mr Edward Robert's, Mr William Bradshaw Mr Robert CusTis ~^ Mr Richard Lintott. '^ 'f. 'xMr William Sapster " . Mr John Marshall Mr Henry Gorges Mr Benja Middleton , Mr JOHN WILTSHEIR Mr Basill Dixwell Mr William Greene Mr Robert Hooper Mr Richard Salter ~ Mr SAMUJELL HANfON Mr WlIXIAM HARSIER Mr Samuell Warner ]\Ir JOH^f BaTTINE Jujor -■ Mr John Tull ...."... Mr Dauid Morgan ;. . Mr Thomas Gunstone Mr John Renney Mr William Harris Mr Gabrill Deane Mr George Keyser ^^Mr John Morecott Mr Barnes Widdoe Mr Richard Britland \' ''"^-it'^i "^ Number of Acres Number: ol White Seru'» Number ol ' j Negroes ! ^57 • • 46 20 i •- 'i 6 10 ! I 4g 6 10 i 7 10 1 8 .. 10 .. ... 7.._.-^ 144 2 ..0O - ,46 125 . • 5S 379 '' •• ■ (30 140 . 4S , 37 ■• 19 100 ■',•• 42 219 2 1 17 217 4 120 57 6 IDS 32 I 12 . 4 16 190 1 5 80 •0,1 ... 8 20 .'. ■ '9 165 1 42 '5 .'. 8 29 • • 2 22 "\ 14 104 I 42 55 • • 27 IS • • 13 25 •• «9 X -K / ^^ PAHISU REGISTERS. 46.1 Masters & mistreses Namo v' are owners of f » r r ''"?*'' "' "' '■«"«" '" r Man.l ol liarliados taken by the conimanil of his >x- celleiicy S' Jonathan Atkins K' y JV' Ueccm- •«>• —'679— Number of Acre* Mr George Willson j. Mr James Butler \ M' Thomas Leare Sr Peter LeaIi^' Mr Thomas Battson Mr Samuell Palmer ...': Mr Charles Buttall Mr George Greene his Planta . . . . Collonell Hen: Drax ...,." William Bulkely Esqr e his sorin . . SaMUEIjL HuSBANTS lisqr Mr Tho; Wiltsheir Deceased Mr James Butt & MaryImiddle- TON '.... ..-, Mr Sam: Smith Mr John Wheeler .....; Mr Robert Rich .^ Mr Jonathan Andrewes Mr Peirse Poor Mrs. Applewhite Widdoe ^ Mrs Booth Widdoe . .' Mr John Renney Jujor Mr John Robins '. Mr John Elliott Sr Thomas Bendish ^ Mr John Evans Mr Darby Mackone^ Mr William Clarke Mr MICHAELL PiboRE ., Mr Antho: Lord 16 336 no 70 48 258 70s j8o 420 180 42 26 20 40 17 9 169 10 7 7 10 72 ro 7' 6 6 (5 \ Numlier of .N'uniber iif White j Negrau Seru" I I 8 4 .> 7 ^ 75 75 44 52 327 174 220 93 :? ^■' % ■•*' 't 464 PARISH REGISTI^RS.. Master & mistrescs Names y' are owcrs of I jnd in y* I'arish of S' Georges in y« Island of Ilarl>a(los taken by the command of his Excel- lency K' Jonathan Atkins K' y* 23* December —1679— Mf Robert Dawson . . W BiTLER & COLETON Suine Totall •■■■/'.'I . - ■ - . Baptized in The abouc S<' , pish p the Register Booke / from y* 25 march 78: to y<= ( ^ 29: 7'"^' 1679 ' Buried in S^ i'arish I'n y'; time '. . , > ,. y . . . > Number of Acres Numlwr of White Seru" Number of Negroes '5 •5 ■ •• ' • • 9569 III 43 '6 « 1 66 p jNo CoussiNS & Paui.e Lyte, Church Wardens (In-dorso Acco' of Inhabitants 1-22 Land &c in the parish ' of S' George. , Rec'l 3J June ^80. r. • f W ; > . » ■ H ■• tt *. % ' t • J ^ , . • / -■ * : .. .. ■ . * 4 • - ■ . f 1 . . - .« '.:■.. ■ ■- « ' ■•*■:■ \ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■-■ i. . ^^ ■ , . '^ ' . _ . ' ■ . ■ ' . ,' ■;■■; " V * ■ • ■ • ■ ' . ' . « , ■ ,.. ' C . » ■ . . t i ■■ " ■ ^£, w • ■ "■ • m- ' ' < "'' -i -1 ""*%■■ ' ■*■?■■•*";_,;, ,. ' .' ■ » '' , . ... _ V , ^ . ■- »-. :-.j MfV ■-'''/■"■■■ . - , -. ■-■ " ■ -■■"■'- ■\ : - . , " - . .^ .\ « -, " ■ ■♦ ■ -■■'■■■ r- .'■ ■-. ■*!". . ■ -■ ■' ■".">■■■ ■ \ ll 1 r PARISH REGISTERS. ' ' 4^ '•^-^ '-" — — -— -— ^ .. „«g >_ ■ ^ . ■ / V^ Barbados. .. ' • Bapti.smes. IHILDREN BAi'TIZKD in the parish of St Georges from march the 25'i'- 1678, till ScptLiiibcry' -c)"' 1(579 ' \ MiHES y« Sonne of Mm.es Tupiin: . . /.bai)tizcd7/;;.. Aprils- 01— 78 " JonNvjr' Sonne of Jon\ Pitts baptized. .. . . . Aprill— 04— John 3^_ Sonne of Lavvi.Anij Clarke ..baptized. ..4. .Aprill— 12— ' jDE-rnV daughter of John Romiis()\..b'Sptized . .]. . .May— 30— Anne y Dau^jhtcr-of Michakl Pork; . baptiz'd July— 06— MiARY, a Elizabeth y daughters of Thomas White ..July— 18— SAMUEL, y« Sonnne [sic] of James Dowmnc;. . baptiz'd ..July— 21— • Sarah y^ daughter of MARWAi)t'KENicoLLS..baj?t»y^..July'--26— " ^ George y Sonne oI'Joh!* SEix;EivrrKTr' baptized . . hf'y— 3<>— ' _,ElI7.ABE,th y daughter of WH.liam G«EE.\ e, baptized August— 07— . Anne y daughter of Maithew Jennins baptfzcd august— 25— ' Paul y Sonne of Paul LvTp.r baptized ai/gust— 31— , Henry y Sonne fcf Daniel GuJinE . .T. baptized . .7ber.— 14— ° John y Sonne of Edward Morgan . . ! baptized.. .7ber.— 22,— Margaret y claughter of Georc-ie Kev/ak . . .^ . ., 8bcr— 03— ^Samuel y Son of Ponaventuriv Ji^ilies baptized Sber-^ij— John y" Sonne of John WiiiTiNti baptized .. 8ber— 25— ."Thomas y Sonne of John Doli.stan baptized «ber— Ji- Hester y daughter of Alexander CrooksThank . . . . 9ber— o3-» \ , John y Sonne of wh.i.ia.m Allen baptized gber— 24— Henrv y Sonne* 9f John Gouldingiiam >. . xbcr— 04— - Elizabeti'i y Daughter of Anne HeeS widdow xber— o6~ John y' Sonne of Robert Part baptized ^ xber— o)— John y= Ssfnneof John Bradford baptized..,.. ...January— 26— i.' John y S6hne of Jo|| Jemmot baptized .february—ig-. ' Elizabeth y daughW of CHAULEi Sawyers .,...,. .march— 06 ~''' • - 59 ; ) ■ . -♦>.. V, ..^ H A',. « . J ^' I' .' ^IHR'' -A ^ ^- ^ ~ ^_ is 111 : -^"t#^ 4^6 PARISH REGISTERS. •Sarah y daughter of Edward Ginos baptized march — 21 — Gkorge y= Sonne of John Pitth baptized ; Aprill. 23-1679 Uknjamin y Sonne of Widdow Wh.tsheir j... Aprill— 25 — 'Nathanael y Sonncbf^HENRV Harding baptiz'd June — 10 — WnxiAM y« Sonne of Jonathan Andrbwes baptiz'd ...June — 15 — r:i.izABETH the daughter 9f John" Handy, baptized July-^io^— Marmaduke yo Sonne of marmaduke Nicolls July— 22 — Richard y-^ Spnne of John TOLLS baptized ,« /ter — 04 — John y Sonne of.JoHN Ip.sley baptized ' .....^er. — 07— iWilliaa; y Sonne of miles Tapi-TS; baptiz'd .^^ftgjj^er— 1 5— Coppied out of y register- p. mc DANIEJL DYKEXlerie booke for yt parish of S' Georges — -" in ye Island of Barbados. December y* 8* 1679. Barbados.' * I URIALLS in y= parish of S' Georges from y« 25"' untill y» 29''' September. 1679. • r\ . - I , . # John y' SdiJ.ne of ^.MVL/^ND Claree buried WlLLIA-M F!,0^V^AN ..^....v •■■■'■ buried TiioM. ^ y"^' ■J': rf# w \ ' _ ^^KySI/JiEGIST/-KS. * ' ■ ^y TMOMAsn-M.Tsn,.:,K Junior..... ^7 7Kr-o7-ar AMv r \wo of ^^-^.AM■»;;K;^:A;;■::::::S■■'• t^;ij~" AMY y. Wife Of TmOMAS HKO..KMAN buri d ^ " *'• K...ZA,.Km r daughter of Wu.uam Guk.xk •■b,ricci:::«b;;;i2l o„,:kt QUAKK,** : , ,„,^^ '^;:^^. JOUN W,„T.NU •••■■••'"'■"t y-^-^^- , „ , , •• burifcl 8bcr ^S ' ^ JAMES y Sonne of John- Hoi.MA.V... buried Sh ^ WILUAM y. Som,c of VVn.,.,AM MATr,n.:wr.s;buried::::::8beL3D " ' •: N.vniA.v MoKKis '■ gBcr-cK- KouiiKTWusKiNs^ ::;:;:; '; -"'::;:■ :^ ^^'-"~ ^e .' • • •-■ buried.'. . . . .qber — 20 C.lA..,.py. Sonne of CllAKLfseilKYNv ......buried Lr^,,^ ' . Annu r Wife of JAMES GAU .......;.... .buned xbcr-T ' T.IOMA.S WILTSUKIK Senio. buried xber-3,_ , BKiMKTycdauKhterof I-mVARU Morris ...buricy.-..January-04-'"i'' I'KTKR LiTTLEWOOD ' - ,,„ - , , , " - „.„. „ ' ' buried.. , January— ^o — RICHARD POSS.ET .. ...„ bu/ed... anuar^-'c^ ^RIDGET ye wife of Wn.t.,AM.SAP.svm. bufje'd Februaryl-o,_ Ro.SE ye daughter of Koi.ert Gra\<;s - buried. ...... Febr-c Matthew Macklond ..:...r. burieii......F^br. J^"^CK^OK buried Feb. DANrEi. MoUTOM :...^ , buricd....:Febr_.8- ^ SAKAHyewifeof John WEAVER buried... marck-^2- RicifARi) Foot ......... k,„; i u, ., .,, •buried. .. march— iQ-i"- MOSE.S.NASEBV ..; .'...buried...March-2A^;9 SaMUELL BROOKES ,....,:..... buried...Apriil-o -.6 '• J?"^^'^'^'^ •••• ■ ....buried...Aprill^04- Mary GRAVES .....buried. P£iRCE PORE : u„r:.m^p,in-^._ I I- -OJ- -t2- Geqrge Nice .,?...., namb.] (The first Icuer in the MS. in bluttcd, but 1 do not . .buridHk&j •.buri^HL .Aprill prill- Ma>-- |6— .burie Ihihl tlittt can be much iluubl as tu iR #. ..'^ '. * ' ' J* '\ ' ■ ~ . . } ' . ■ V . • <: •''■ r'- '' -■', *- * . »-■^f. V 11- ^ II" «.>»;/ < "A " I > t ^ 463 PARIS ff REGIS7E/iS. ,Mf •.•ii • '" , ! .*. 3?: ^ _ ■ *■ " ^ . V Rurinlls « Pktbr MoftE buried May-04-1679 Thomas Colton.... buried.. .,.. May— 05— M.VKY ys Daughter of Samuel H(>ys'. May— 06 — Alexander Huckle .■»...... bpried May— 07^ Charles Anurevves , ...buried May— 22— John Hollowell....". .buried.. ....June— 05— " Benjamin Wolverston .buried...... June— ii — ; TeaoeOnan : „.,.. buried June— 14— : Henry Jones... ,. ...buried June— 24— ^.Fk.\nces y« Wife of OLIVER COTTOM ......buried July— 01-^- Abigail ye daughter of Edward Cl.\yi'ole July— i6-ji Jane y^ daughtcrofWn.LiAM Avery •., July— 25 — . M.\BGARET yc Wife of John Price July- 28 — George ye Sonne of Barharv Steele buricd.t...July— 31— youN y<^ Sonne of R[CHARD HarloW. ..."....'.... buried. .laugust— 10 — M.VRY y daughter of Thomas Re/VD buried. ..aygust— 11— ^Iaktha y-- wife (^AxGUis Banics buried... august -^12 — AViLLlAM Davis ..* buried... august— 25 — LAWIUCNCiry^ Sonne of" TJIOMAS WlI.TSHEIK " y -."Junior, decea-sd ., buried 7ber. 03— Benjamin ye pontic of Thomas Wiltsheir ' » juniof deceasd .....%, ..Buried 7ber— 06— N^^ILLIAM Cra'ets .....buried 7ber— 07.— ''SamIjel ye Sonne 0/ Bonaventure Jelli--ES buried 7ber— 23 • MARY ye Daughter of Robert P.vrt ..buried . ...7ber— ->^— ■ ,-(66) • • - ^i^- '^- ■ . : ■" '~, ^ Coppied out of ye register- December ye 8»l> bookc for y parish of S' ticorges. 1679. . in ye Island of Barbados," pr. me DANIEL DYKE Cleric. [endorsed] Barbados /\ccot of Christnings . 3(5.'' ; ; Burials ....~64, in the Parish of- * . . ~ ■ ' ' ' '-'. St. George, ' RccJ 3-1 June. 1680. I • s^ /T lARISir REGISTEKS. 469 • t List of the Mi'slters & Mistresses names w'h what Lands & Scruants & nc;,'j-ccs they haite, & Asf).e what Christenings & Buriails hatli bei;n in the Parish of S'. Andrews. Masters & MLilris name Leu>"BASsii.i, GiDHEs John Fooro lisqf; .^ ■Cap'n John GinnEs ... "Thomas Leakk Esqf . M' R^C.IIARD EUWAKIW ijBtL* Allevnr. Cap'" SaMUKI.L WO^WpRD . M"- John HouluEr .•» . . The VViddow HuTCHlMs W John Swann . . . . . .- W Samukll AusTENf; -. i . . . John Bouen it'sqf ."..ii.. Mf KiciiARD Morris .7" '^^'K1nVARD Jordan .. Tiio.MAS Richards .... Doctof Kdward Lammy M" Martha Ua.mkrlv Mr GEoRtiK Hurst .... John Saverv ] j j M' VVlLIJAM HAWKSWORilf . Cap'" TVMOTHY Thornih^l . Mr" Anne Joh.n.s ton ; . . . L' Chak^-es Sandi^ord L' William Hall Cap"' Archiualu JonNST^.: in .1 ffc;^ • A .w? 4-0 Mastvre & mistris names L' JoitN Sandiford Doctor John Havwari:) . . . JOilN SOMERHAIES lisqr.. . JOHN; NtERRlCK Esq' Mr Allexander Bartlett Mr John Jephson William Roach . . Mr Joh;>j Burges . . Mr David Smith . .' Mr Stephen Smith Mrs Mary Cobham Mr Robert Havte Doctor Stephen Giuuks Mr Hugh Williams Mr Thomas Brookes Mr W" Rawlings The Widdow Ellicott Mr John Tayte '. Mr Hugh Dunn . Mr John Belford Dennis Murfey Mr Thomas Cadle John Boothman f . Daniell Donavan Caleb Rouse* Mr John Swan Mr Henry Cqllett John Thomas Andrew Fallin Daniell Shanis James Stollaro William Roch* _* '* P«" I' M bwn drawn thruugh thc»t muict in the Urig.MS.) a- <. . ■ m ■' 10' ". ' . .- • ' ■ ^J^ ~ ' 1 i JLi': "■% f \ ■- * ^ -- * > ■ ■* .>-■ -' ' ■' 1 •-.,- :;ii,I L^ . .' ->;■'- ' ■ ,, ' 4 f* ■ ■ ■ '. ' .■■*.. P.IK/Sii JiEG/SrEKS. Nfast^rs &i mistri'i namci! GiiOKGii Dknt .4.. JAMES WliHI) ............ ■ Mr Robert English . . . . ^, PniLII- CilARI.ES John Smith Teague Boy, Mr John Si-YE ...*. M' Thomas Coi-pin Capi AiiKi.L Gay ...... .. The Widdow Gav L' Joi|N MiELS .'..... Mf Henry jEENEs .. Mr Andrew Foelvn .... Mr Danieel Shahanisse Mr GE0R(;e BlSTIAN Mr John Welch ;... Mr RoIlERT HlUE.;. . Mr RoiiKRT Hewitt Mr HenrvKelsoi.l ^ M" Heelen Cantev Mr Rarthoi.omew Reese . Mr Thomas Bereseoro... L' Ren1»ett Reese.. Mr NatHamkll Snow ... Mr Cai.eh Rouse,.,.-.....' Mr EUWARD I'AINK L' HuMi'^iERV Waterman" ■Mr RoiiERT Richards Mr Wh.eiam Davies Mr John \v,vvTE _' Mr I'jiH.i.ir RassK ..''..,[, Mr. Richard Wii.Eis .. .\\ DaNH.E UvNKGEi,L..,. lAcret '- , j 006 i, 001 •• I ^i " J 004 ■ • • I ■ I 001 I "i '• " !•■ I - •! «)2 ' • r . i ■ ! ooi ,; 005. I 028 0»9 90 12 01 •26'., :• 100 i.. • '00 . , . 260 . .. . 68 .. • 26 .. • ' 10 .. • 19 .. . i 10 ;.. . 105 •• . j 20 • . . 152 .. . 1 1 80 . j 60 ... l8# ... ;0 ... i 5" ■•• 186 ... I 60 82 ; 93 12 1 -5' 3: 1: ..' 001 • 001 oos 030 007 051 028 OOT) 048 005 . 092 35 22 056 OQ4 001 Chrittningi 47« Burialk: one Amikkw two .Soiins two Sonns uneDaujjhier j M: S ■•■»*: . J : ,- PARISH REGISTER. masters & miMris names • •-•••• 'i\ *••••• ! ^ALPH FRETTVVELL Esq' .M' John Locke Mr Thomas Russell .. Mf Andrew Black .... W Da^h) Michell . . . . ■John NoBi) ........... W" CAMPION James ^inneV . .. ., W" Henderson Vw IT Ulvo^) ■• • • • « • • •'• « • • • • I Thomas Johnston , Symon Rud .... , , Richard Whxis . . . .' , DANIELL DOUGLE DermOtt Mahont ..^^.. : Dennis Mackhala . . .'*. . . John DANitLL.... .....^, Thomas Layton*., Henry Layton & JXne VVedii. Acre* • 9' Land 25 20 ID Scniahtj J^egrocs Christnings I: I Uunall )N& I :al.;. . ,109 I 006 005 014 <^3 00s ,003 ,00 i 12 ^008 001 001 OOl 002 I002 po3 t»3 '■-r^- ^ Lands in dispute between "i the Lady YKAmans /Madam > 719 Farmer Madam Sparks Amo'sJ Lan(|s in this; parish & the \ owners live!}i in other parislies J- 1 260 Amounts to' .;..... ^ ... . S597i 47 12; MA' J OH y 148 44 MATTHLW GREY Minister JOilN LOORD ILL GIDUKS.. Hiurcliwnnl Totjill 7576 j»- t (endorsed) Bakdados. \' . . \ Ace' of Inhabitants roy. 18. > sChristning^ .,•• .■ •• - Rarials . .■^. X .- %. ,-» , . _ 44.- ■ - i Land &c in S' Andrew's parish. Rec* 3'1 Jv^nc. j68o. . $ m % I' i.. /■ .. ; ■X- # ** .' I - I *"^ / PARJSH JtEGISTERS. 473 y y • :'' ' ^''''- '680 (?) \ True' and Perfect List of^tl' >- Names of >« Inhabitants in >•« Parrisii of Christ Church, with an Kxaot ac^ompt of all y«- lumd white Seruants; and Keg'^ within ye Said parrish Taken This 22>'> Deccmb' 1679! ' ' * " . Adai^ .Arnett ., Andrews Adams...., AtCORN . Anderson A • ..John ..I?AVID .. . . Roger . . ..CeXRADT ..John'.... ..Adam.. .'. AsituuRNER .William AUSTINE TlI(),MAS .. AlsOpp ....Richard Addice ..^..Kdward.. Addis John Orphan r ANDEBSO:* ..WftwLIAvf AusTiNE ....John .,.. Alsopp ....'Edward AsimRST....JOHN 1. ASHURST., Andrews Arthui| . Arnett . Arch. ..., ANDPRSON ..TllOMAii •.. ..Beniamin . ..tllOMAS . ...MiCHAELL ...Patrick . .John 'XmA .192 • 50 . 10 . 10 •••5 ...5 '3 ,..5 ,..5 20 ••3 .-. 2 30 I a' 33 ■ • V» SinianS r "^TJ'i^ '•■•K3f\' • vv' i . •" • •3 .... 3 .... 1 1 . •.7J. k ' ** - ..2} ;> 4M ....10 60 .64 ..18 .21 • 5 . . T , . 1 1 ..16 .. 2 ..II •• 7 185 :*.■ m • O- I! * :!. % r (^ 474 BiSHOPP .. .. BUCKWORTH BONNETT, ,. Bond . . . , . . Browne Barry...... Blanch ARD Bull ' boxffeld.^. BAKEli Brigstock". . Barnes. . ,\ . ^Burton ... . BURBON .... ^Bourne ..,. Bourn Bentlv ' Brooks , . . . i^LAKE . . Bayly ...... Bourne .... Buenno Bouli.ne (?) Brigg« .... BURK Barry Bateman . . PARISH REGISTERS. -■>■ 'Bayly Bradly . . , Bradly ... Bantiirigg Buttler , B... ..Nicholas .. ..\. ..ROBERTi.. ...... . .Samueli ..BENIA^|lN ..Henry ' ..William ..Tobias . . Alce '. ..John ..Charles . . Ralph . jRobkrt . . . , , . i ,, . . Robert ........ ..William ... ..John ., ' acres .^Land w" Sejuants .188 .13,8.' . 60 .85 • 14; • 'a: . 18 • ••s ...5 .-.74 ... i' . 55 ...84 • 12 . ...7 24s • 30 , ,..9 ...5 ••4 izj ..4 10 ••7 p_ -5 ..2 33i ID Neg'> .,.65 , . . 65 ...16 .i". 12 > ■ ■ 4 *»-M 3.- <*. .'7 • •• . 2 . I ... .11 ♦ '54- . 8 . . . ■ 7 . 2 2 I v^< '^- ■I ■ ■: V-'; '^^ / { f--.. PARISH REGiSTRRS. 475 BURK ........James ... Budding ....Richard. BAVLY Richard Baxter . . . . . . Edward ; . . Beard... j:.... Rich" deed Clark- Margarett .... COOI'ER TlIOiMB .... ... . Clement .... WillBui Cl^rk ......Francis....;.,. ConOway — Cornelius .'. COUGHllAN TEAGUE ,. Chakfin Daniell Conner Bryen CocKTON ....Daniell.. ...... Clark Edward ........ Coppinger John .......... C,ARNER [.'Carver] Michaiill .. Ckichlow Elizabeth ChRichlow ..James .......... Clark Rcxjer Clark ...... Christoph' .... Cason ......Thomas ........ Crichlow . . . .Henry ^■^LANciiY .».. Cornelius Cudden John CoLLYER ....Tobias COMELL DUGWELL . . . .^, Ct.ARK ....William and Comp" ConViEY •» liDMOND r -~:r-' — _...j».-- V-— -;. ^^ ■*- ■ : . , — .- -. _^: „ ^-.-^ —— JL^^,. _ -\ \ « ' ' - ■*■ fc . . .; - •%. • ■ - * .^_" * - -, ■< I ,. ' . ■' " ,' ..; s * . .' ■■ •■ 1 I ^ ■_ V '" -' ■ ' '■ '\ -**-"■ * / 476 PARISH REGISTERS. ih Cloughan El°izabetii ...... Creede .... ..John CoLLEY .* . . . .Thomas '. . : . CORTEENE .... ELLINOR CHIZELt .DANIELL Cauan John .., Chappell Jonah Deed .... Cooke. . ... .Margrett Widdpw Chase. . .... . .Stephen . , . . . , Conneyi.aNd . Patt: and Comp"' Coppine John Carew Richard ...... Churcher . . . .Thomas Clark . ..... . .Thomas CoDU^ . . . . . . . .James Cammeix ....Gilbert.. ...... D DoKN .... John .;... Dorn . . . 1" Francis ... DowELL .Richard ., Dawson.. ....MiLLEs ... Dauis Edward Daniell ....Nicholas . Drury Richard . , Dennis John Dollar Johi« , Duke.,. Henry ..., r IUjmesnill .. Gare'Sv...... -DaVis '. MaroArett acres l^nd ....2 r. 26 . . 10 ...6 ...2\ ...2 ,...2} ,•••9 • "l2i ...5 .38. ...5 • 15 • '3 ...4 1^ acres Land .. 56 •• 37 ....3 ....5 ..i.i . . 10 .. 61 ....2i ..23 < . . 70 .. 10 w" SeruanU *" Seniante fteg" ... I ■••3 ... 6 216 Neg'* ...3» • 8 .25 ' 4 • 4 , 2 ^1 ..-. 1" ^^w %PARISff JiEGISTERS. 477 Dknuam ... Demstku . Dillon ... DURANT.... Dennis .... DOWLING . . Daniel .... Danby ...: DURANT.. ., ...John ... ..John ... . . GARRtTT . .Nattiian ..John ... ..William. . .John . . . JJOHN ,,.. .r,. ..Thomas .;'.,.'. E Eyx|ON^ • William.. Edkey .Peter .... ELLIOTTt . . . . .Joan ..... EuANs ^«-frv,. • John .... Enes .^ ..riHixipp Earl . ,. \Tiiomas .. Elliott .VlCHARU.. Frere ToiiiAS Esqu' . . . . , EkI'.ke John Esqu' . . . . Frkre........ William , EiTzGERAi.n . .Morris Fa 'well [/>. Farewell].. James Forestall' Richard . . Fawne ......John Frere.. ......William ...... Farrow .Robert ........ acres I^nd w" Senunts -.... 6 •••••••. ....20 .... 8 , .... 5 .... 3 .... 5 ••••.. .... 2 .... 6 333 r .... 2 acres Lanil w** Seruaius [^....98. ....3 N'T!'" 9 .... i ,...5. ... ! ....10 ... T •.,.. 3 . .• i 12 .. 4 •34 Neg'. •70 '79_ Acrc.>4 Land 395 1 80 120 • ,'S . i8 . 10 •••5 ...1 . .. I i ■ «■" Scruanls .•5 • 4 . 3 .20 99 . 150 . 80 . 40 .... y \> n ~\ / 478 PARISH REGISTERS. FoY HUGH . Frame .William Ford, Thomas Foster John , Field Anthony ..... Feyfield . . , .Richard Fell ....... .Thomas . . . . ^ . . G. . ■ - ■ Gunning ....John ,„ Gray Richard deed . G.REENiDCE , . Richard Gray Robert ^ . Greenidge ..Jean Gaslee John , Gorman Matthew . . . , . GiLiiAM ......John Garuey ....\. James..- Goodman .... Richard Griggs .John Gilbert Natthan" . . . Gary ........ Edward Gregory .Ormond Griffin Edward GiLLEs ......Edward GoRDEN . . Peter GiLLEs Edward Junio'. Grigson Robert George Thomas Gibes .........John actes Land •3 10 15 25 II 23 ...5 842 • acres Land^, .267 .150 . 40 • »8 ...9 . 20 . 10 ...4 ....S ,...8 . . 1,0 ....5 I • • • O ....5 ,. 30 . . 10 n > • a ■ O I • • • ^ . 10 622 w" Semants Neg'. . i . . • . .... 9 • ....10 .... 5 ft wJ. • • • • 5 ■ -305" w" Seruants Ntg'» ...•47 ..... 5 ••••55 ..^.• 9 ;•... 4 J, .... 4 vm ^-(VJ* 3 9 .... 3 .... 6 182 » < ) ■' W' '\ PARISH REGISTERS. \n » H Harding ....Henry Deed ... Hargraues ..Alms , Haseiavood . .Thomas . , Hooper Jonathan Hawen [or Hausen] Samuei.i.. Hooper Crispine Hari^tone ..Edward ..Wh,i.iam ..William ..Henry .. ..Nicholas tWniold . Hagthorp., Hyde ..^.. Hanmerry HUTTON Olliuer... Harris, Zachari ah Holmes John deod . Humphryes.. Edward ... HuMPHRYES.. Edward ... Holmes James Holder Nicholas . }{erringman William ... Hart. Edward ... Hallam ....W" Deed... Haley Thomas ... Harris Anthony . Harman — William... Henderson ..Francis ... Hughinis — Pattrick . HogmAn .... Elizaiieth . HaTTON tHARLES . Haywood ....John ..... Holmes Henry ... Hackett — William ; Hart Walter .. Hayes ..Thomas ... acres \xnA. 220 126' 170 , 50 : 50 ,100 ' 30 . 12 ...g ...6 • 36 . 15 • 25 ...2 ...9 • 33 ■ 14 ■ 32 . 20 . \2 . 10 10 '••5 ,..9 10 28i '5 12 ..7 80 37 w" Seruanln NtK- ..CXI • • 56 V • ••7« , ..17 ..11 V 3 ,> .. 14 .10 .15 .. 6 •• 4 ..28 ..16 ^^' s* "^P' 48'9 PARISH RSblSTERS. : ) t \'- Harbert ....Edward Hacketi'' — Ann & Compi' '. . Haught'aine . Richard. ....... H anbury, ....Nicholas .. Hooper Danieli. Hough William ■»., ^• IrTeland Thomas iLAM ........Richard .. Jones .. .'.,.. ..-Anthony .. jELPH's ..John ....'.. Jeames Margarett Jones Robert . . . . Jeames Margarett KiNSbAND KiRTON. . . KiPPS..... Kelly :•.; Kkzar . . Key Knights Knowles Kendall King .... K. . Natthan"- Esqu'. :.. Pihllip|> deed.. , ••■Jean^ . ..Dauid , Teague ^William hn Anbrew . .. VVh,d^/\m deed . .. RiCIIAI acres Land •' 13 . 21 • 30 •S •■■■•s„ . 10 46 acres Land '340 360 . 10 • «3 ...3 . i6 . 20 .. . I ...5 • 1,2 779 w" Senianis w" Scruants Neg'« 9 4 419 Neg'' .... 6 . .. 2 > .. I ... 5 16 Neg'- 170 '30 ••• 3 '•••f »•■■ . . I .. 6 315 'p ' M r#^ •i, ■• V » ■ . < PAKISII KEGISTERS. 4»« Lkwis LKKill .... , Lewis Lucas .... Lamiskkt.. LiNCK .... * Lewis '. . . . Lek .v.. ... Lettis.'. . . ; Lacon^.. ,., Lelanij ..•. LncKSMini. Lowre -Loueu..... Loncjstai F , L„ .. . KUMOND . ..Sakah ......... ..Dal'id . .'.RfciiAKn .... ftcrcs ' I UlKl 214. 172 . 10 ...AUTIIUR ...... i >.... 4 .Thomas ...... .John . J am KS r, «Ti-fVrT !.. Thomas ...Thomas..^.,.... ...ClIRISTOPU* ../. ..Thomas.' . . .John . ..Constance.... . ..Hi.izabeth .... »" Senunts I ■ r Neg"" "J ■ *"* . . . . ■ 8 ... .72 ...... .. ..52 ....... , i...i •.... I i .;..icr' ...... I .... 2 ...... ... 6 ... A ..124 • .. I ... '^... y . ! "9.1 Maxwell ..., Ma^tson ... . MOORK ...... . MURKORI) .. .. Merricks ... Mason Moore. MiTCIIELI Macc Grai;(;h, 'Mooijv.. Morris Mattson , Macc Daniell Munrow Morris ...... M ^ - / ■ .Thomas .Matthias . .ROUERT .... .. . liieiiARi) ,.'.;' .John deed.. ..\ .Thomas .Al.CE Thomas. •Danieli .DAUH)> .."..>... .William SMITHEi.!, ..... /AtLJ'^XANl/ .,'. .Andrew .... Hugh •l-^. netea ' , . . •'^•24 ! ....,2 * ....? 2 .... 12 .... 5 ;....'2 I • 13 •'5 ■ 20 13 ' 5 • .5 ■30 ... 12 • 4 • 2 ••• 3 .. 2 ■ . 2 • • 3 • ■ > .. .J .> -f I ■ 'A *>.: \ % %-: A;' J^ K' ('> ■ 1 !i1 '.Bm i ""■!) IB^B '1 ^^■^H!* ■ i ^^^^^K m ■H^HI 11 m ^^^^H f ifi J^M ■^^^Hi ' ! :t^H I^^^H ^'i ii^H ■ 5 ! 1 M 48« PARISH REGISTERS. Marsan Edward . M\RKI-ANl)....kENRY ... Macc GRAL'GU.JOHN Morris Edmond... Macc Brsiecly Brven . . . Monk Henry ... Moholland ..James MXv i..JouN ;.... Munrow .... .. Allexand' ♦MiLLINCiTON- . . JOim ..... acres Land ....lO j- .....44 j. ....-5 ; .....o .... 19 .... 2 .... 10 • •••4 ■ ■ I • w" Senipnts ■ Neg*" « -^ M^ Newton ...... Samuell Esqu' . . Nfmias ...i..DAUiD a Jew .... Noble Mark N0RR0N......KATHERINE .... NusuM ......Arthur Nusuw . I Arthur Junio' . . NEWMAN, v.... MARGARETT .... Nixon..,. '....Mary Nurse Robert Oker George Owtram...... Dorothy Oistine Jambs.......... OUERTON f. ..RoSiERT Oistine ..... Nicholas . . ., . . acm Land .. 581 ..].20 .... s .... 10 ....48 ....13 ...■.28 .... s .... s ••.... .... 6 .....20 .... 2 8 . .'." 2 . ... 2 • w" SenianU ....15 • ••••« 7IS acm Land ....I6 w" Senunta . • . a . . 2 io6 Neg-' '.^ i6o . . .. 12 .... 7 .... 7 ... 1 2 .. .. 2 ...769 f;v..... .. 116 '....67 .... s • • I » 4 •••••• .. 309 ' ""' "' < — '■^' V ■■ - -■ .^ Keg-';-.-":;-^ .... 22 ....28 • ^ ....17 S .... t«.t,._. ■__, I ■fir. m. #i "*i : >M^ii —. — ^ \ PARISH REGISTERS. Olliuer. OUTRAM. .VMargarett ..Robert .. ., P. acre* •• 4 ..10 27S Pears Perriman . PlNCIlBACK . j^ILE.. '...,. Pile... Perrv PEAD POCKETT.. . Payne..... 7." • i • ■ • •-« • « « ..John Esqu'....,. ..Richard ..:... ..TilOMAS.. ,....„ ..TiiEOPnii.us .... ..Sarah ..John ..John ..William, ..Elizabeth...... Perrott...... Ralph .... Pecock ......Robert- ........ PoYER ThoxUs ........ Parsons William de«d .. Pittman .....Arthuit".... Pitts ...Hugh Peak » . . ... . .CH^isTom' ... Price .. .^ v. ,; Matthew ..... Price . . . . . , . . Henry '. Price ...;.... William Perry .....:.. Edward ........ Potter , . . r . . RoufeRT Porter ......Robert Pike OLLid deCd . . . . . Poore .Pexe^ ...... .J, PumfIrett ...Ann...... Phelomv .. ..John • PniLLUTs William 5 acrs 2 Neg'» — dk — Acres ,. Lnml 910 •••37 'v: ••'•'45 .. .,30 ....is •-■.4J .. .. 3 .... 4 .V. . 70 .,.. 7 •...13 .... 4 .... 15 ..... 8 .... 4., .... 5 • -'•.35 .... 1 • ... 5 .... 4 .... 5 .... 3 ...,5 10 w" S«raanis w" Seraanis ... ,*S .... I 483 Nee' ....6{< Nes'- . 180 .... 20 . .. 13 •••• 3 •IS • 7 J • 5 . 2 > 2 . 2 'S *■ 12 291 61 — 2 ^L^ t*"^" ' * J^gj ' — ^ — c ^ ■i. 3* ;* ■V 'f%.' \ V*) Rosse .... John Robinson ....William.:...... RainsI'ord ...John ,.,, Renny Teague..." 'Renny Teague Jun'.... Rvcord Samuell Ruck ........John Redman . . .f . . Richard .^ . . . . -Robinson ....Edward. Rentfree .... Robert RVMORE ALLEXAND' ...... ) acres Land w" Seruants 12 acres r Land • •31S ..148 ■T 75 ■•->-• 7. • 47 . 10 • 33 • 45 •••4i . 10 . r2i. . \2\ • '5 ...8 ■ 'O • 17 .. . I ■••3 ,..S 10 ..3 44 10 ••7 , 'o ..I w" SeniaiUs .... 8 » • • • • f Neg- Ncg'V , 140 ..,..84 ....13 .... 2 f .... 3 .... 7 .... ip ....12 .... 2 ..'.. 8 • • • ■ O • • ^. 6 .... 3 .... 8 .... 3 .... 7 .... 6 .... 3 . . . . I • • • • • • . ... I .... I ....16 f% PARrsn REGISTERS. ;;;^;-jR.cn»Esqu' SCAWELL \pr Skawi SEAKL ..,i..wj0HN' Esqu' SlLUESTER .v.. Madam .......r, . Scott Bemamix S'hurla5id John - Stanford .... Robert Smith Elizabeth Stephens ....John SlIELTON .....SaMUELE .,..,. ....Henry ....Hen*y *. .^.George , .. ...James .... ...... ...WiLUAM El.IZAIlETII . . . ROIIERT ...Thomas ...ANTiiaNV .; Stone... John ^.. Skaros George ^I'AROWHAWK ..James . . . , . . Strode Margre it Sl'ENCER......JoHN .... SauN0erson..John ' Slaughter ..Thomas .'. Stuuuy Thomas ' Shortk ..... .Owen SCRUTTON {or STRUTTON] .. JoHN Sawyer Margarett .... Snipe .*': Jobk S'lQKK Richard Strode Straws- E , Sheron . . SiMI'SON .. Speght ... Sl.STERS Snerling Sadler Slany A \ •S .• •\^!rrr A \}xi , :^\ / . •« "V ; «•" - r,; • 'T"ORNnURGH...GEORGE' , . .» ' ^ * % ".TROWKLL .j , . PHILLIPP. .. . . . , . I I (if *. j^ .• ^"^'^ /.Thomas Thompson...... ^ ' i .ii V^'V.*' " .#-Histij.!thwaite . . Peter I. . "U* ' -^ * '* TicnnOURN....WlIJNEFRED-.... • ' '^ \Vi' '' -' "": ..'• * * ■''^^o^ ■ --William . .m . 1 » »'S 4 1»~ ^ V • ■ ' * PARISH REGISTERS. Saunderson.. Robert ...;.i SvTTON ......Henry ,..,.', 'Aj- /" Taylor ..John t^ Y \ '*, \L^'^^9^ • ••• .John .'..... r^^\<^/''V'W''^°?9*'^o'^- Thomas ... . * '• V • ^ftRivV/'. Sanjjjell . . * - .Edward.... Thomas ; ^ ... i acres ■ Uml. . ID ... s — * iSii acres ' Lknd. v. 40 •• 34 .•. 2r^ V. 12 ....8 I w" Seruanis I Neg"* .••3i ••7i, Vinton {or Vniton] ..Thomas Vi-FORo John ....8 ....8 • • >r ncres Kind .'...2S w" ^nuints. • ••..•■ .i .. I « 6.5 Ncg'-- ....10 I >.t.9l to « »• • 4 .... 6 ■■^•? . I ^ • • • • • V .... I ..... 6 a .... I ... 'I- w" .Semaiiti f, n '\\\p - X. , PARISH REGISTERS. . 4«7 Wright William' Walrond ....Thomas Wasi.i-.y .John .".... Wattkinls ..Thomas Wlhster . . . .John Wise Christoph' .... Williams ....Richard ^ nft-flJlatA*! . _ ..^Wright ..,,,. John. "^ Warner Stephen .... Watt Dauid Wilson Anthony -^^ White Patrick Wilson Ed\\'ard..-. ... ■Wilson Charles Wilson* Charles Junio' Walter Richard »*. .. - White Milicent .... Ward William . . : . Wilson William .... Wells John Wilson J* .... Margarett . . ' Ward ........Richard .... WAbDiNE ....Thomas ...... Wyatt ..k... Christoph' .. Whitehead . .Tiio: deed .... • Walton Richard' I ,. Total of Inhabitants 41b Hem Land ..340 ....I .. 10 ....5 .. 19 ..406 ,, 40 .. 18 .. 10 ....6 " .'^ ... .6 .. ao • • • • s ...'.2^ ....3} .. 14 "• . . . 9 ....5 ....5 .... 3 ....2 .. 10 •• 2S .. II 1113' ' Scnunls ' Vt^* 18 • 3 170 2 4 .... *I .... 7 .. 200 .... 7 \\ IP ■ •*•«• ... 6 ... 4 ;.. 6 ... 4 •••*«• •« 34 .... 6 4^ « ■,• 't- 4 . 'M ^' \ * '. , i. ■• ,■■<•, .,> 488 PARISH REGISTERS. The Sum Totall of Euery Lott Conteincd in y^ wtliin ^ •- List Alphabettically Drawne and' Cast upp att ye f oote acre* Land 129781 w" Seru"» . . 178 Negros 47*^3 JNo KEffNEY, "^ RICH ELLIOTT 1>,. . ,,, , '.'iN- ADAMS I Church Ward CJIS '•■' •Barbados ^ . , IN Extract from yi Register of Christ Church of ye ' CKristnings within ye Said Parish from Mar^ ye 25: 78, to ye 29*: of 7br: 79 Arfno Eloin. 1678 / Aprill. : » 26ih Jane ye Daugljter or Thomas and Jane Withering was bapi ye- GrisSEL y.e Daughter of Vimothy and MARYHtfnLEY was bapt ye; • ■ - ' jfune • Margret y^-Daughter of William and ^Tary WAfcfoN was bap' ye.- .7.1, TmOMAS ye Sonn of CORNELIUS andiVfARCRET STAPON^-hapt ye- 2'f Thomas ye Sonn of Nicolas and Marie Clare ^ao^ ye; 3.1' - -August ^ ', Mary ye Baiighter of Humphrey and Elizabeth Ba'll bapf ye. ,s. Mary ye Daughter of William and Mabei.l Howard bap< ye- ,8ti. Joan yeDaughtcr of Dunj^^ and Katuerine FiNCfl bap' ye- 251I. ^HARD j?e Sonn of Thomas and Elizabeth 1 1 aselwood bap' ye- zO'i' ' '^^ PARISH REGISTERS. S^ was bapt y* was bap' ye 1678 John yeSonnofTHOMAS and EuzABETHSERLE ;,.. bap. y^- MARYye[.„]ofJonNanc(M,M.EU.G.TTINOS0fyeAg6of \ ' Ea&hteeh years and Seaven moneths was b»pl io ye P'sehce I vf of tDWARD Wassqn and Annk Packson Wlttncsscs ...... i , ■• • ' 'September >-• ■ . '' NVtoLA.s-ye Sonn of Hugh and Mary Morr.ce waslbap. ye- - M^V ye Daughter of DowGAix and Mary Cam.-bel.. tap. S FRXNcsycSonnof Jo.iNand Ann Hanson '. was L,. L' Robert ye Sonn of Robert and Mary Stanford was IL l. John ye Sonn of John and Abigaill Collins . was b|p. ye] October Christopher ye Son of John and Anne^Snh-e William ye Son of John and Margery Hinch „„« ^ap y Lancelott ye Son ofXANCELOT and Mary Thompson l^^nt ye JANE ye Daughter of W and Elia.nor Davies , was bap. y^ Machell ye Daughterof Edward and Machell Alsope bap- y* ,, . November ' ■ • Richard ye Sonn of Richard and Mary Bridge.stock bapt y" • I.SABEL-L ycDaughter'of Robert and Katherine Church bap. y. Martha ye Daughter of James and Hanna Ander.son bap- y* W" ye Son of Obah a Christian Negroe Woman ^^ bap. ye SUSANNA a Negroe Woman of John Osbourn's wasbap. ye fvhose vndertakers were Herbert Grh kith, Ann Kelly and Eliz:Watkins ■ ' '^-,- .^ W.« ye Son of ye Said'SusANNA. whose vndertakers were I^.pi, ^ Bretton, and Edward PRicii, and Mart Smith was baptized y. MARTHA a Moletto, Daughterof yesd Jo"OsBURN and Susanna Theophilus ye Son of Richard and? Elizadeth Lucas waT ^ ' ALEXANDER J.* Son^ of THOMAS and Ann Iceland *as bap. yl, ag-n 489 3o"> 3Iih V 8.l>" °8'h iglh 24.h 29th 24"> 240, i ■' h^ ^ '■ ♦:'■■ \ ■ I: V / '■■ .9 • i. 490 PARISH REGISTERS. \ ■m 1678 'Margret ye Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Bradly - was bap' y^: 28"> Mary y« Daughter of Robert and ELIZABETH Jones was bap' ye 28'!' December ' , Sarah y« Dau;^hter of George and Elvy HAR'E'was bap' y<= i** GRACEyeDaujjhterof Oliver and Grace Pike was bap' y: 10"' ■ Anne ye Daughter of JOHX and Susanna Webster was bap' y^ 17"' Richard ye Sonn of Zacharie and Elizabeth Harris was bap' ye 26"» X Mary y* Daughter of W« and Mary PHILLIPS was bap? ye 30''' bap' January 1671 Job ye Son of Walter and Dorothy Hart of about. -, 2T^ars of Age his Chosen wittnesses Waiter Hart I and Thomas Hayes ■• ■' Charity ye Daughter of Walter and Dorothy Hart of about 19 years of Age .whose Witthesses were Walter H.vf ' 'fth John ye Sonn of Robert and ANNE Sn^llin was bap' y* Elizabeth ye Daughter of Willi.vm and Anne Mercer • was bap' "ye Philocleon ye Daughter of Richard and jANE Greenidge • was bap' ye 2iii> CiiRisTOPHER^e Sonn [of] Christopher and ANNBuLLwasbap' ye-22'^ •Arthur ye Son of Arthur and Susanna NusuM was bap' ye 22''' ■v '' < . . .■ ■ ^ - ■ ■ "■ "■' ..':A .. H P.i/ilSIf REQJSTERS. 4»t i67« I-'ibntar^yK ■m ' Marv of yc Age of 5 years and 6 moneths;tt^ld Hlnuv ■> the Age of 4 months, Daughter and Son of Jamks and - bap< y 13"' Mary Simson ^ ^ ^. ...)'.'.A..\verci John y^ Son of DANihLL and Miriam MACRAWyivw was bap' >•< 18"' "Katherink ye Daughter of Rich \ri) and Kii/Aiii.TH » • . Caki.W was bap' y« 28"' Antijonv yeSonft of'GcoRGE and Mary Richardson was bap' y« 28'h ^ March Anna ye Daughter of Peter and Mary Jarri.t was bap« y« 7"» Anne ye Daughter of Richard and ^NM Pi.rrvman bap' ye n"> SAMUELLye Sonn of Jamls and Ei.I/aulih Maddlr was bap' ye i2'i> Jno the Sonn of John and Mary Byno was bap' ye 13'h Lucy of ye Age of 2 years and Six inoneths, and ANTHONY \ ten daycs old, Daughter and Son of Anthony and Maueli, >- y* i3"< Harris , were bap.'i Conrad yc Son of Conrad and Elizabeth Adams.. .was bap' ye 23"' Robert ye Son of RoBERT(,and Rebecca HansOn ...was bap' ye 23"> Elizabeth ye Daughter of VV" and Marie Speights \Cas bap' ye 23"« • , ., -^pf^ll > James ye Son of Henry and Susanna Ciirl>cthloe was bap' ye 4"' Elizabeth ye Daughter of Peregrine and Isabell Guard '* :was bap' ye 6"' ElenoR y Daughter of Alexander and E'lenor Osbourn was bap' ye icjih JN" ye Sonn of John and Lo%vrie Spenlove...... ...... was bap' ye 26"' ^\MEsyeSonnof Patrick and J ankOhaiN (orOilANi) was bap' ye 26"> Katherine ye Daughter of Isaac and Susanna Rago was bap' ye 26"> Afay Mary ye Daughter of Jno and Hester Adams was bap' y» jd 62— a / h I f ./;.» ■- \ - f ..._. . i .. 49» PARISH REGISTERS. 1679 • William y« Son of William and Ann liRiDGESTOCK was bap' y« i !'•> John the Son of James and Mary Holmes was bap' y^'is"" William yo Son of Margaret Cook '^^^^'"nf,, was bap' y= i4"» ymie Elizabeth y« Daughter of Smithy and Martha Matson . » ■ was bap' y" 14'h James the Sonn of John and Mary JelpTi was bap' ye ag"' ■ July . : - •;. ; : ■ .' James y* Son of James and Angeletta OiSTINS ... was bap' y« 2 was bap' ye ij'ii August , JpHN ye Son of JOHN and Anne Daniell ... Mary ye Daughter of Roger and Mary Clarke was bap' ye 7ih'- was bap' ye 7''" John ye Son of John and Elizabeth Smith was bap' ye aS'i" Daniell ye Son of Darby and Elizabeth Mallonee was bap' ye 171I1 THO.MAS ye Son of Owen and Joan Mallonee "^ ' Septetftier j.-v^, William of ye Age of ten rhoneths Son of William and I^'rances' _ . Smith ba*p« ye William ye Son of W" and Elizabeth Woodfine was bap' ye Samuel of ye Age of 7 months Son of David and Jane Arnet. . ;^ was bap' ye KAtHERiNE y* Daiighter of Teage and Katherine'^Keyzar ■ % y was bap' ye wa^bap' ye jiih l^ -...-. a:. .■^ ■ , .-• -*' I ^ . PARISH REGISTERS. .^, 1679 . * ~ - ANNE r Daughter- of John and Katharine Rogers was bap. yc .j-h W- ye Son of Wi.UAM and Joan Co..e ;... ^^s bap. . '-.. WaLTEh ye Son of R,C„AKU and CMAurrv ...ckman was bap. ye ,5. Davers ye Son of RicHAHO and 1C,,,xa,,k r„ S.awell was bap. ye ^ October niOMAS ye Son of THOMAS and Elizabeth Hl-(.hs. was bap. ye ,3.,. I.HN ye son of JOHN and Susanna Meuick was bap. v- e.h ^OHN ye Sonn of John and Mary Bunnvon ......... was bap. ye ,6,1. ^-fiu/ABETH ye Daughter of James and Rehkcca Ckutc.h.oe • . - ' ' . . ■ was bap' ye 17 Total^ JN" KKXXKV . ;& .1^'CII: KLI.IOTT i Church Wardens • JNo: ADAMS ) /'"' . ■-- ^ ■ " ■ — — . * •■.;' '^^p"" ' ■. " "' ' '■ Barbados , . . » , 1^ ^I'T J''^'" >" ^^^'^'" °f Christ Church of ye Burialls w.hfn y« Sa.d Parish frt,m March ye 25.'- .C78. to September ye zg.h « ■ . ■. . - '' ^ Anno DoiTi 1678 ' " # . ■ •••■•'■ May - ■ ■* " ■ • T-r~ John ye Son of John Markland buri.^d y, 3,,h June ANNANiAsMANSemV buried ye 4.h MARYyeWifeofW-HALLUM buried ye .7'" Jane Bryan...... k • 1 ■ „, ,, ;•• buried ye 20'b WILLIAM Hargrove • buried * Date doubtful, oniiig to the ong MS being split, t [It should tjc 98 ] ,.. ^' r>^T r ^, If ; *ir' "■%■ *. 494 PARISH REGISTERS. July 1678 - . ' l"RANCisy« Wife of John Stone buried y» 12* , William Leigh '. , buried y^ 19th Jank yo Wifeof'JoHN Coppin Jb,...-. buried y« 29't> ■ ■ . , August ■ ^ ■ ■;" John Arch ..'....:...,........ '. buried yv s'h Jane the Daughter of TiioMas and ELIZAUETM HASELWOOD bur ye 26'h Charles the Son of Thomas and Anne Ireland buried yc 30;'; „> " ^ Septmb' ' < v- , Ma]'. Richard Gray , '..... buried y« lo"' IIliSTER tlie Wife of JN° PeiIrse Esq' buried y' 15"' October loSIIUAH ClIAPrELL )!,. buried y«" 5") TiiOMAS Crawford «.... buried y« 2i"> ■4. Katherine the Wife of W"" HorniqLde buried y« 28"> November Simon Reynolds buried y"« 2<' Charles y= Son of Joii^i and Elizaleth Burton buried y* 28"' Gkorge Strode was buried .*..... y« 29'h Decemb' Arthur y"= Son of Arthur and Susanna Nusum buried y* 28"> ' ' "- January 167J • Margaret Oliver buried y" 29''> Jane y* Wife of Jno Thompson buried ye 3iii> Mabeel the Wife of Zachariau Harris buried y^ 31'h '^ , Junio- ...Z.' ^'.''^'J ^" J^t;' •K.n^D Addison Junio' ' ^"""'^ ^ '^"' jNo iJu>m^chio' ' ^""'^'^ >"r" John and hir^ANKiLrrrZ "^ J"""! *" '^"' c,^,™»^^..^.. ,r m^,Vk«.™.:;::;; S ;: ;^: ' Wiu,iAM kendau; ...JS""'"" ,p---'^-iN;icd>e,5.h Dei.ivkran-ci.;Ad.„s,)s '"^^ ^;^'^' 'S"" Christopher CiANvv ... ':-^' ^""^'7' '''*'" Jane the Wil\. of Edward M^Rsov''''^^ ■-• h""T' '''!' , ' " . . March W" Cook . : :#/ \ . . ■ £,, ,. .. :•.•••..*...,. buried y^ 2'l b' Robert I Jacket 1 , buried y 3'i ■ ♦■ • A prill Henry Harding t, • , Oliver Pike " ""- ', bu„cdr2..i. Rebecca Potter 'ZZZZZ''Z''\ C^!(^.- fl ' Sarah y« Daughter of Alexander and AJ^VRYlJLowyiJN buried r Sh * - ' ■ ■' * . ■ • . May SusANNAy Wife of Henry. Holmes ,........: .t.„.,j j. ,,„. :', , %nue , V , David Robinson .\M>1...... . k • . ., ^ ^fsr J'"* buried y» ioi''» MathewGormon ,..:.. !,., ;, Juried r .3- JAMES y. Son of JOHN JELPU ,..:... buried r 24'" Thomas CHESTER ^ buried ye 30.U W. ' •' \ ■ ' p \ ' .i. ■ ' - , y. ' ,1 / - . 1 ...-j^^ _ ^aa* ,^ _a _ J *, '-NC .'■>,. . ' ' ' , ■ • \ . -? ' JBt - ■■ . ^wp . """"■-♦ mo ■ • ', ■ ■^' ' ■• ", *,//' #' ;!'. /■ r-'j* . ys..^ ■••|i9«HWl*W*«*« ■-ii"-'"ryT*f-'--' ^1 f-. ^' ,^ f" Mi J "ft i^,. ^' ' 496 ' PARISH REGISTERS. 1679 . I'ErtRALSOPE buried >« I" John Bashford buried y« i^ William SiLCOMB buried^y s"" Kdwaru the Sonn of Stlwien and /HAUORLr Chase... buried y« 9"' Anthony Richardson buried y= 13'". Henry Ho^.MES , •" buried y^ 22«h ■ Richard bWord '. buried y^ 23"' JdARTHA CAULDWALL....^.^..^ ^. vj — : -• • buried y" 28'h * 'August ,« - . , •'MiciiAELi. CmRK ..j..,v V burled yV 5'" Doroihy Callahan ^ buried y« lo'h ' MacHELL y« Daughter of Koward ALbOi'E j^. buried y= ig'h September Jt 'Samuell y« Son of Capt David, and >\ne ^Jkj^^- *'""*^^ y* '3*^' * . j, RICH : l^l.IOTT Churchwardens. , JN": At)AMS- ) -Sit " Barrados N account of all the I'cr^ons who have been baptized within the Parish of S' J.inics-s'incc the 25'i' of March l6;8 to the 29"' of September 1679 '" ^ " . ■> •" % ' ' 1678 May— 23— ElCiZAliLTll y« Daughter of THOMAS' Slrtav* August 1 1— Elizaheth ye Daughter of David Poor Aug— 17— MARy y« Daughter of Francis Waltho Aug— 25— Anne y^ Daughter of James Walwvn Esq' Mil »m^ W ' Scptcmb I— JOANy* Daughter of WILLIAM Aabberd r-- \4 ■■ '-1 =t= r ., -"- ^ '^ "^ • t Ik > / ' t: * PARISH H EG IST£RS. • 4^; 1678 Sept— 5— Elizabeth ye Daughter of \4ijLUAM Thomas ~ ,' Sept— 8 ELizAiiETHyeDdughtcrof ALEXA^■UKRCL■r^l.^kl• — Mary the Daughter of Richard Mn)ULKro.\ October— 10— John the Son of Jr)HN' Hnx Octob— IS— Wn,LiAM.ye Son of John Li ten Oct— I s— GtoRGE ye Son of John Li f.ch Oct— 15— Sl'sANNA ye Daughter of John Lefch Oct— 1 5— Wii.i,! \M ye Son of Wii mam Fos n r Oct— 20— John ye Son of John Mirch ,' November— 17— Ralph ye Son of Thomas Kemp Nov— 17— Mary ye Daughter of Thomas Ki m'p Nov— 24— Annl ye Daughter of Richard Chom ^ December 8 Henry ye Son of Mf Wifi.iAM Cm sTtR February 23 DORCAS ye* Daughter of Hi nr\ WuK.Hr 1670 August 24 PiERor. ye Son of Hfnry Watty Aug— 27 Andrew ye Son of L' Cott Andrew AKKL>t k September 5 John the Son of M' John Moofif.R %pt— 25 TnoMAsyeSonof John Daniel Ksq'. Baptized in the Parish of S' James since ye 25"' of march 1678 toye29of Scptcmb 1679 I Concordat cQ Registro C. LKGARD vicarius ibiit 23 nARBAtXiS > |N acct of all the Persons that have been buried within the Parish of S< James since the 2$ of March 1678 to the 29 of September •67|,: ,■■♦ ^ ■ . . , ■• 1678 Mifch a8— Matthew y« son of MATTifEw Pedhem 63 I1 , * \ • » ! 'I t; »■ 498 1678 PARISH REGISTERS. Aprill— 8-rRALPH J* son of M' JoiIN HOOKER Api — 13---HENRY Yates April — 29 — J0HI4 HyDSON — who was casually drownd May — May — May — May — ' May. — 6^Elea'nor Payn -. f — Ei.iAS Williams «_M\Rv -f Daughter of Jo#iN Slaughter 23 — RoBKKT Bell 31— JOllN.TUOMAS June June • July. July July l_NlCOLAS Lawrenc 27— Marv Slate,— Ser '\ --■■■ I— Matthew Whett 3 — Mary Driske^l 10— John Osdell f of S< Thomas's Parish ■ to Cap' JosiAS Cox September-J4— David Calla'ii )NE Sept 16+-J011N Si'ARKE Ks 1' Sept — 18— Joan y<= Wife of IalI'H Carr "October— 9— Mary V« Daug^jhy^f RitiiAFtD Middi^tos Octob — 14— Capi RoiiER:'igPRL'NDELL Octob —16— William LiNCKLAfi;, serv' to Judge Reiu Octob 30— John Do.WNs *. I. Novemb 1— Alexander Robinson Novem— 4— John NicofTLs"' Nov— 14— Elizabeth Cook. ■ II I I I ,. .^' December i~MlCHAEL y* Son of James Goffe Deccmb 22— JOHN Seaton February I a^^WiLLiAM Jones ^ _ '■ ti-' ^ '«fiSf''Wf^'! TARISH REGISTERS. ^ 499 8— Frances y* Wife of John Goeinc; 7— Mary y« Wife of Morgan Murphy 13— Edward Webi;. 29-^joiiN Dudley ", 4 Alice ye Wife of Thomas Walter 14— James Innis f 22^ToBiAs Payne ' \. ■' 27— John ye son of M' John Batt 29— Owen Collohone liuridlU. ^ August 6 Agu 7 August — 19 Sept 6 7 8- Sept Sept Sept Sept II 23 Anthony Isteerman ' . John Akmitac.e of the Parish of S' Peters who was casually drpwned Francis Hearne ' John ye Son of Mf John Hooker "V James y* Son of Alexander Murrey -Cornelius ye Son o*f Dearman Driskell James Pursley Elizaueth ye Wife of William Si'tscE Buried in ye Parish of Si "j James from ye 25 of March 1678 1 44 to ye 29 of September 1679 j [indorsed] BARBADOS Concordat cQ, Ri-gistro C LEGARD Vicarius ibid Acco' of Christnings Burials ., in S' James Parish . Rcc e ''parish registers. Owne iNN- Acco': of the: land As Itt: Stondcth: In'y* church'Books: With J' "the Number of Servants And Ncgros With the Names: of the ners thereof In the.i>sh: of^S' James: As: Was taken by the Church Wardens of the Said Parrish the>20* December 1679 » ^ ' Aflick: Andrew: Leu' CotJ» ........ .^ Andrews: Euen .,.n'*.i.»««««r"-' Andrews: W" ••••-►*,.•••.. Alling Jacob Very pore. . , . . ....... - ■■^■, :..,:;■;■ ^.„ Br' ^. ;■,.•■ , Ba\^YE: ftlfcllARD: CoH" • y Bond: Francis: Esqf .............. Burhall: 6eorge ,•..»'. ■'....• Banbkig: Robert; Docto" ...... Burrow'es John >. . . . .v.. • . Batt:J0HN Senj' .........;.. ,^;,Balam: Charles Cap'. • •• v ■ BURGIS TiioMXziNO jn'» • ■• Burton Fi. • • •/ i' IP PARISH REG'JSTERS. • Cii.lMBERt.Mvr: Franck: Cap^ Cf^I.UNGS: JAMLS .^^j; Cu\cK John \ [ ♦' ■ CURIsrOI'UER WlIUAM ..,.'....!. V -v' COURTVERK GkOROE ... Camerrasie Jokn ^ CIIAI•L^rAN Richard '^ Challener Robt , ^- V Crksswei.l John .. .. ; ' '. ,\\\\') CuTA Mathew: Day: Thomas: MILLER:■JNo;^porc , \ - ♦ 'CLEX/ENTS ROJIERT pore .". . '* — — l' V f D. . DANinix JoH:^: E.q' ....:l.^...,^ V D\1kiocKL: WilYum: Capt * _ - ' D>'ER: WH.LiAJf DQc'lfis Estates"!! DOLLAtMY: Kl.UCAJitTH ': .-..'..'t ;;...; Dalijlv: J.OANE....: ' , DowN-Es Henry '. DucE: GYi.hi? ::..., . Damerau.' TiroMAs p6rc '..., ........ '; , DL'^•EI^•G Henry pore ..., .u- i~^ Eoens: RicirAkn K»qr .,..\> "Ei.iHNG: KuwARD: Capt ....*.:... , .»" ELMhS:JoH^:....l.r:. •....•:. »— .-* i— i:^ _^. ■ * ' F, .'• --'' p:AKE:HrtNRY...;'.:..^.^..v''; •FlTTE;RuUEKr;.....,.,„.,;.1..^.._ 1 \ i#=**" 1 "% f .* ( i 4 J'^ H ^ < ' 4 K i. ^ , * « ^ . •mbf ^ « V ■••■•••• I ? t ,*t5^ Mt -f»- *%il " .. i- •»« f .4 ' .*- ..■yp..-^^.... .«^.,»..«*. ^- / ,-/f^ s.. 50a PARISH REGISTERS. i Foster: Robert: Dopto' Flint: GeoKge *. FUTER Thomas :..... Peak Richard for: NATiitt: William- son FuREY Charles pore 'Freeman William pore _s<. ML %.' V Giuhes: Phillip GiiiiiEs: Joseph:.. GiiinsoN John .., Gibuson: Mathkw Grave: William ... Gillham Emanuell Garret: Emond Groneare John pore Garner: Marv pore Garner: Miller & Comp» |>ore i^ H- HhLMEs Thomas Maj' Helmes: Thomas: Cap' ■ Hooker John ....<». Habing Thomas HIGGINSOS* Marg^ HALL:-JqiHN Hewes Jouif. Holder: Melitiah HoEder: John: Juji' HoBEKiNGS Samuels Hill Joim ,. ' ! sir •' / ^ . . \ PAJRrSH REGISTERS. • HOUSF^I.D )oWN pore Hakrison: Abraham . t : I ^' Jeffords: Eliz* '...*-.;. .".. John JonNsdN . r> Knights EfENj^ .- Esqr Ki.u.t y: Koii^ : [' " K>INC ROB^ ' '. ['" KNA rCMUlJIX JOHN ^ [[[ 'Kk??.n,' Matmkw Dopto' ....'. [ Kh LLfcv" John ; . K.MGIlTJNCiALL NaTIIANILI.I. pore .. Kanty: Da-rby pore \ . , btru" — A '•and {• Negro. * ••• •20 •«..I3 300 .... 6'« .... I ISO ••••62 i ....3; •••» 5 ' .... 3 •••• 4'l .... 3 •'5 ".«.. 9 1 • ; L. . , Littleton:,Ed\vakd: Esqr .»....;.. Lanl Anthony Cap' Low ther: LuK>ii , *_ Leach: John '. '^ LoL'K Marv • i-AWRANCE HF.NRY Lewis: H uoh: Cap' ' Li,(;aye Jacoii Scnj' Luke: Eliah: ; .- . ; , . . " IiANCHAM Thomas Leager: Widdow portf 3 \^.^., I M. I. ■••• 3 J •• fJS y... 120 ' ' '2 ' 6 'I ^ • ■ . . ..... I. f . J, iq I . . a . . « H Mellows: Elisha: Capi ,|.. .,.>..,. , i» '•f-^ .... 5 I ^'. .. 3 ■••••'< 10 I .... 6 tw.40 j .. ..15 • ••'it\ ....:.■ .... 20 •47 • • • • 3 • • ■ • • ' I ' ^ .....34 \ - i -A.- /- -^- v^^ •s < s ^^^ > ^ 1 S<*4 PARrSlTREGrSTERS. MiiNin': Eliz* MuLLENEX William ^.; MkrrlI.l Thomas: Cap> Mkli*William Marting: John Maddox Thomas pore ~ Middleton: Richard MaCCONY DlNNIS ^. Massling William .. rr. ..#.;. 7. .. .' MuNNS: Thomas: Ensignc ./r-^) ' MoRRAiNE John ' MORGAINE Roc^: pore Maccon Y: piNNis pore Magkgerry William pore . . . .V Mackward: JFbllen pore ■" , ,. N. V . * Nelson Thomas ...'.... N0RRI& Samuell Cap' , . : O ' Od^m William. .,..,.., Odgne: Edmond .». Setnants" • I - I- . Uml" NigrcK" g| Paige Sarah:^.... * Parker "Kichard - ^'^^BiJ^'PEKElNG SABASTING. RE Edward . . . . . *^earce: BenOny .?. . Paine Tobias.. v.... Petter Samulll ... '7' .75 .17 -.35 .20 .10 • 5 .."•35 ...10 . . . 19 • ...3 • « • • O 5J 5 2 I 2 »%" 3 . 7 •IS ....30 .... 7 ....26 ....14 ..I .. 6 .,2 ••V ..13 •»• 3 ... 3 ... 8 ■fflr. , ,.*, ■'1 - ^.....^ ' .^- y m -S|^ 'V Quale Hugh QuERKE Richard Ri:iD John Esqr Richards Thomas RA^fSEY RoAS m's Russell Thillip RiUERs William RoAss Thomas: Docto' ^....... RciD: Adami- pore *"" Rauen: Xtophlr pore. I . "**'"■ Ricif ardson: Nicholas pore .' .' [.[,.', [ Ri.EULs Thomas pore ,. " ! RoitiNsoN: John pore ■ .' . ' •l^^v- .10 S I Stanfast John: Cotto Sparks: Joye: Madam ^ Scott: WAtTEit: Capt .........'."";* i " " ' " ' ^ Silward: Amey .'.'...'."" "" " Smitjiwicke \V« \][ SiurmanMarv [\\\ , ' Stout John Leu' .'.'.'.'."."" '' — ' Smith Marg^ i SuMhRs Thomas l[[ ' Sampson John: Capi ...'..* ' Stroude John m'» ' J *Scott: John ; ' '^ Stretch: Joi/N ...*.,'..'..," i • Staysmore FRANcib .20 , 6 ■ S • s • 4 ojsi ■ ^33 . 107 ..10 ..10 ...20 • .10 • .12' > •! • • 1 .. ISO ••••52 >•.. I • • • • I • • • • ^ .... 5 ■;■ I *..».2S s ....to « • • • X « « • • 1 • • • • 1 64 I ' j«S SEbu s; t \ soft PARISH REGISTERS. \. , .- -• ■ - Sage5 Richard Liueing On: BaYLYS land Spencer: Margin Very pore . . SitEPEiiERD John pore Shawe Daniell pore: ........ SilOUELL Elias pore: ........ Steeuens John pore ......... Ccftto Thornehill Timothy: Cort". Thorpe James Cap' Temproe John Taylor Waltor Thompson: Xtopher Docto' . Touey Richard Thornehill Timothy Cap' . Tucker Ann pore Thomas: John pore Tindall Richard pore V. Vereing A'lce: . . Vereing Joshua WalWVNE JameS: Esqr . . Waltors Richard Wardle: Christopheji . . , Wale John ..S. Williams Thomas , Williams WILLIA'^I Whats6n Richard pore.. , Land,. Negros,; •••••• 268 .. 150 ..96 ....27 ..12 .... 2 ^<\l. .... 10 .. 9" .... 3 ..15 ..10 • • • a •^,^ .. 2 a ^ .. 4 •• 3 * -• ■ ..25 . ....II ..10 .....II Joj. .. 160 ao6 .. 140 ..15 .... 4 1 59 ....8q •• 7 ....is •• 5 ...._J8 • ■ 5 ...... V \l T''t' . •/ %■ A -A -SC' fARJSff 'REGISr^KS. Scinmts - Wai.i.ky iftNKv^f ore ^ Wriuiit Henry pore' .... " ' ' VVyxE v: Ra\\(lev pore ..!!.""*''"" Totlf of Inhabitants is i8 JOH:N: STAMFAST : i JAS.VVALUVN •. I Church Warde '. Mis ' ^f" AlMty, Mathuw, 98 Alm,(Jrumby, Mr., 310 Aliuf. Isack, 449 ■ AliraJiam, Alihis, 348 — t \\ illiam, 436 Aliri^k, Jo., Ill Alisuluii, Gco.^ 132 Abudieiil, Aliraluini, 349 Ackland, George, 187, 350 -, .Mary, 187, 250 . (or Aukland), Roljcrt, a67 — ■; , Tho., 313 Acklin, IJanieli, 414 . J"-. 50 Adam, John, 473 Adams, ste alio Addams , Andrew, loa -^ , Conrad (or Conradt), 473. 49" " ~^ ^ I Dorblhic, 107 ;-Kdward, 327, 329 1 a(iiu Adanouii, tlisa- l«th,43i — 1 IvlUalKith, 491 ', George, 348 , IIcMcr, 491 .John, 51, 3i6«, 327, 3?9, 34J, 488, 491, 493, 4,/, , aluM Adauuon, John, 431 J , Mai^, 284, 491 '] , Mary Cheaaie, 284. , Mr., 178 ! , Kai.hell, 109 Adams, Uajih, 185 ,. , KiLliavd, 91, 119, 484 , ''Z 1 ^u/an, 9 1 — , Ihon/.!,, 115, 15S, 3^7 — ■ Vilfiani, 76, ijfi, 3aS Ailanison, stfalsn Addaiuvin Khsabclh Adams, alias t^^y 1 John Adams, alias, ' 9f '««- J47 John ' 431 Richard, 331 Ailaudly, Margaret, 428 Addam.s '"• aho Adams , Anibross, 443 , Ami, 174, 2J3 1 Koburt, 239 Addamjion, see also Adamsun — , Richard, 444 Adderford, Lawrence, 128 Addice, ^Alward, 473 Adchs, John Orphan!, 473 Aildison, Deliverance, 49^ i.lvluard, Junr., 495 , Malliew, 128 Thomas, 184 ' AlUjn, Altec, 1 »I^\:^* r AIlh)rn, J.flujrd, m Album, William, 133 ^ " * .\Kin,ke, 1 rauneis^ 300 1 Alcorn (or jVlchoriicJ, Tohii, I .3.i>*. 473 « "• I Aliliiurijh, Juhn, 278 AMcock,' Aniiis, 98 Alder, Kichanl, 1.74 Aldcrf^y, Richard, 122 Alilcmian, Grace, 105 ' AI(Icn,ey, .Samuel, 15S AMerson, Thomas, 349 Aldcrton, ^Vnl^ 114 Aldin, Kdward, 133 * — — . George, 121 AlJiWHP^AlUri4'e), Robert, 23'i. 4*) Aldsworth, Ilarlho., 451 Aldwell, Kaiherin, 138 Aldworth, Ldward, 86 — , Eliz., 133 Alemby, William, 343, se, \\. ■N. Aden, Luke, 1S7 Adson, Georg, 432 Adward's Robert, 19a Ady John, 365 Allick "(or Affleck), Andrew, . .'»97i 500 , Aires, /■/ aho Ayrcs . •" — , Samuell, 294 .\kcrs, thristojiher, 443 ^ ! Alambridge (Allambridge, or Alimbridgc), John, 3274 329 i Albans, sit St. ATlians i Albemarle, Christojiher, Duke, of, 162, i64«, 165 ! . George, Duke of, ! . 161 ; - [_. Alliertht, Ilennigo, 347 Albtii, .Vnn, 348 lamby Aleworth, Eilward, S*) Ale!iMiler, Sir William, 15S, '59\. '^v— ■ — ---\WUlian),335 Alforil, Nico., 135 ,Jiieharil, 232, 446 Alinibrit> ' , Uivlnril, 473 — ^7-, Rril)i.rl, 12) — ; fho , 78 I. Vision (or Alslonc), Ji>hn, 327, I 32S . I All, Manila, 461 -a I Alliiro|), Uichanl, 1S4 [ Ahiniby, srr AUumby * Alxarson, Anne, 289 Marey, 289 Vnmlrcwi, J*c AnilfLWs Anthony (or Amhotni) , Aiilhony, 451 , John, 258 (Ncgru), 172, 182, ■85 Ambrose, 342 Isack, 113 Antonio (Negri)), 241 Antony (Antonuy, or Antonye)^ -r — — , Arthur, 261) , Henry, 142 (Negro), 244 — ,.\Vdter, 81 . Williain, 40 Ailing, Jaeob, 500, set Allen Allington, SVilliam,^.onl, 163 Allinson, Andrew,. 194 . , \vin., 114 Allis, Kicharil, 150 Allison, Thomas, 348 Allinnby (or Alumby), Thomas, 355. i') — '-, Ccl^'C. 284' — , Kallarin, 284 , Mnlhew, 284 , William, 284 Almi.nd, Awdry, iij.. __ — , \Vm., 93 \ - Ahiiie (or Almy), AnnM, 93 , Chri., 1/ (Vmes, Joane, 294 , John, 294 r— , Kuth, 2CJ4 , William, 294 I Analiii (or Avalin), Abram, 189,. j(V Avelin, iVc. Anderson, Adam, 473 — , llanna, 489 — — , — .James, 41, 489 — . Jo., 35. 74 — . !M.irgrel, 348 ■ ,' , Marih.i, 489 . ''; — , kiehard, 85, 102, 117 — — ~, Robert, yo — , Roger, 442 , Thomas, 37, 473 — »- , \\ iUiam, 75, 43«), 473 Andrew, 42S , Anthony, 194 Andrews, Andrewes, Ann- to..iH3 , Charles, 408 ■ , I'.li/aiieth, 00 '-' -, ICllell, 500 ■ --^, James, 434 ! , Jane, 60 Joaeliim (or Joakin), Antor, AllcKander, 451 Antrobuss, Joan, 45 ■Anluiies, Gabriell, 450 1 .\|>Ieby, set Appleby ' Apleton, see Appleton I Aplewhile (or Applewhite) I — , Henry, 352, 40" - -^— , Mrs,, 463 tVppleby (or Apleby), William, 83, 192, 190 ^pplelon (or Apleton), Rich- ard, 185, 244 Ap Hoberls, John, 190 Ap Thomas, Thomas, 122 Ap Williams, Riee, 179 Arch, John, 473,-494 Arehbold, Tho., 129 Archdin, 'Tho.', 1 38 Archjir, Hugh, 441 -^ , Jo., 116 , Joseph, 193 I N t AlTHill, Mr, 230 1 Mn^' '79 --=^^1 Tliomas, 179, 225 AI|K>rt, Sara, 113 Al»i^ (AlsoiWr or Alsopi)) - — , Kdivard, 473, 489, 4'/' Joseph, 58 Knthcrinet 349' MaehcU, 489, 496 loconib, l'74 — , j.^n,.3lf.*, 3i7i — , Jiffialhiin, 443, |n ■^- , ( l« en, 71T — - , Roger — .Vage, — , Saiiiuell - — ■, 'Thomas, 473 — ^^^ William, lio. I Ard, James, 453 ! Ai74i >H .■\nk5v NntJian, 102 #.\iinier, Henry, 36 Aim (a maid) 17J Armsby. Jo., 120 Amutmig (or ArmUtronge) , 243 , Ann, 348 , Henry, io» , Jo«ky, 194""., — — — , KalRofin, 81 Army, John, 184, '24a Amdell, Jolm, abi eter, a6a dl, Joh -, f'eel Amet (or Arnetl) ^-.llavid, 473. 49a. 496 — p-, Jane, 492, 49* — J-, I'alriek, 473 , Samuel, 492, 496 Arnold, Aim, <)8 ,■ — ■ — ; Iteneilict, 163 '< -r^ Jomet, III •>J* 1 W" . HI *-'^m t j» > y 'II ■ • ■ ■ ■'. ;' sfe-,; ^ .at' \^ • ■f <. *'* / # «*■- ■> >^ Arnolil^ Jesper, 98 — ^^ .Robert^ 120 . ~~ — , Till., 39, 79 Aron, Abraham Uurgen, 449 Arp, Jo., 103 Arras, Nicliijlas, 180 Arrcs, Samuell. 280 ^ Arrolxis, Mof^cS, 450 Arthur, 434 , , John, 303 , Katherinc, 348 , Mathew, 153 ■■ — , Michacll, 47; Arumlcl (or Armnilell)' — , Kli/alwth, 184, 223 , lohn, 184 -, Margreat (orMarijrell), T84, 211; — , J'ellcr, 184, 274 — r , Kicliaril, 173, jji — , Kolwrl, 498 , William, 94 Asram, Abiyailc, 225, si-,- I:ong- man , , Peeler, 225 ■ Ascomb (or Asi^omlH!) , Abigail, 175 , .■ — , (ioodman, 191 , John, 188 , Mary, 175 AstT, r.V AiMiT Ash, Christo., 194 — — , IChvaril, 38 * , KiehanI, 141 Aslilwy, Abraham, 89 , Alec, 89 — •- — , Manna, 89 i ■ ■■ ' ' , Jeremy, 89 — ^ , Rinry, 89 ' — "• , Scrra, 89 Ashboni, Francis, 85 Ashbumer, William, 473 Aslu-rofti', Jo., 137 Asheniline, Tho., 441,451 AshfortI, Ambrose, 326. 331 Ashley, Ann, 175, 226 — — , Anthony, LonI, |0«, 162 — ~-, Mary, 37 *-, Mr.,>ll0 , — ' , Sam., 37 ;,' Ashmole, Klic, l6o* A.slimotr, Anthony, 141 Asfum, (icorgc, 103 AsUton, Alice, 133 , y, i«> INDEX. Asliumc,. John, 26i Askyn, Rolwrt, 9^ Asser, (or Aser) GoOheardi lod 308 . . Assueros Walter, 373. 3,^ Ast, Kichani, ^jy Aslin, Williarii 4.18 Asloti, llrian, ^59 , Kilwaril, i|», 186 ^ — , James, 86 ■^-^ — , Robert, 240 — ^, Wm., 52 ■ Astwood, Jo., 46 Atherson-, Tn., 63 Athenon, Wm., 319 I .^ikins (or Aitkin's), j,v Alkyiis - — — , .\bigall, .240 _ ; -'—.Jane, 434 ,.' f --' — , Jeremy (Jercmiali, ««•). 33J. 3.W. 340 • . John, i8j, 241 ■^ , .Sir Jonathan, 162*, 4f>o, 4^1. 4W, 4»J3, 404 —, Iflr , 191 , Richard, J^(}, 191, J40 T»- — , Koliert, 74 — — — , Sarnh, 450 ' — — — . Thoinas, (31, 414 Atkmson {or Attkins.111) -'— ^ — — , Ann, 183 ■ , Charles, iSj ^, Kilward, 117 ■ , Frances, 193 - — -^ — -I <;«>•■ 13'' ' , James, 1 22 r-. Jo-. 3li. 37. f't ;^j — , Ivove, 68 '•— — , Martin, itf) — ^r . Miles, lOi) I , RiehanI, 103 — ^— , Rolicrt, ^,"193 1 Samuell, 310 ft Tho., icj>> $" Ausiil 3«* -, Jlcnry, . Ashursi, lleniamin, 473 .TT-.' If'"- 7<. 473 Ashew, Iho., log -J , \Vi ^ f^ Vil|ltin,.47i, ao7 .AlkywC Ilchry, 40,'/,, Alkiiit Attcrborn, (Jeorge, 136 AKkhiH lit Atkins Atlkinson, s.r Atkinson .\lttcll, Wfli., 143 ' AtMixxl, I'hillipji, 40, 59 All«(H>d, Rivhald, 442 , Aualin, sue AvaKn, A\ilin, 4r Aulxmy, llioinas, 407 AuIhimi, Kdw.Ttd, 216 Aukland -, 348 Austin, SaiiiMeli, 469 An«lin, .\nn, 4»7 i , l.d«iiril, fj I / iif»Rich«rd, J98 ^-, Thomis 3i6«, ,344 - ■ . .. Ausimc, John. 473 — ^, Robert, 174 , Thomas, 473 , Austrian, Conwliouj, 411 Avalin, j,v Avelin ' Avelhi, Avalin, Au.ilin, orAn- alin -•--r-, .Vbram (or Abrahsini>. 'H253 ., v» -^t Arthur', J53 ; ' Avcri0 (or Avery) :, lieoiTje, 121 .Jacob, 121 Jatte, 468' - ■ — ■ ' ■" John, 96, 136 — *-»-, Marie, 113 ff ~ ■.y."'>/349 — — , lhii«ias,-7b "vT'T' ^y^'''^™' 433. 4''8 Awbfcy, Alice, 67 — — r , I-ewes, 81 " . I'eler, 67 A»de, Simiiell, 95 A«dr>,' Ilumfrcy, 126 Ah(11h, Wm . 140 .\uniau, John, 42) . Mar(>iir4,40J ll«p(r, I Mtids ]|)3 , lohn, 168) llalini|;ton. IUbbinj;ton . I", 110 , Randali, 3i(,« ir .. * • --»#-• - '^ <^K / # V t f ■ / ■.. 5" jndek: •onLCle ley, Jo., I , "4' ■» ifel ^ • tt * ^ ^- H.icklcy,7o., 59 Uacoi\ Daniellt ■ , Edward, 71 '^ ^ — , George, 55, see Mason '- ^. John, 55 > , Samuell, 55 — r^, Susan, 55 Itadcocke, Wm., 154 Hiddani, Jo., 125 Itideley, John, 230 ItnUand, John, 153 . lii'Iston, John, 170 Hvl'ie, Jo., 118 Ihj-ford, HenQT, 193 ".■Kg; John, 334, 337 .. Roger, 363. 37'. 37». 380,381, 388, 3Ot 3U , Kohcrl, 208 -, Thomas, 170, 229 Ihdife, (leorge. 234 ' llaily, John, 430 — , Mary, 271 , Temperance, 269 -, William, 269 ' , tee Uailey, Haley, Il.ily, &c. (lames, Allice, 451 — , Rol>ert, 193 ^ -, — , Widow, 443 --, j.v Banes, Daynes llamjiam, John, 270, 271, J r llaynam llalicr, Alexander, O9 ij t hri>linn, 69 , . ^ t>aiiit||, 40 , Horothie, 96'. , Kliiabelli, 69. 9*. "Jt 289 — , Ellis^iol .,ij — -, Ksias, 47* ■ " — ^, KrantivAS ,niilKlgn ("r M lielli), 423, 437, 4(j2 — — , '. .07, 296. 423, 434 llaini't, ItanutI * — - , John, 142, ilxj, 22O , Muinian, 172, 222 - . Willini* 215,431.452 1 alHtwfl, NKhiila'^437 HaiiiiMill, Kolicii, 3j(, BaTnic, Ann, 95 — -, Dilxirn, 131 Bornii, I rantiK, 1 jp llnr<.n \\ iMinin, 3^2, jn- Hnmiii Harrailnll (<.r Ilnrrixlall), Ihec pliilii', 445, 45' Barrrfnian, Al. xnniler, 452 Iliirrnii, ,\|.nif.i.rif, 71 StrrnI, Amiis, 75 B«rr»t, Unrrtii — --- , I'Hincci, l$j, J36 - . Jtilin, 70 linnet, Ruhartl, 447 — , I ho, 06^' — , W alter, 256 „ , William, 172 ltam>, flv Itnrry "amlli, flbn , 113 lirrol,r, 440^ llairmh, Aluahain, 449, , ' — , \ron, 449 - — , RL-t>e<,ah, 450 Harry, IlarreV —? {"}''• <74 , C iinifnf, 154 . lanics, 2()fi ' I;''',','' ♦"•» • -. William, 183, t6o H.irlihiTil, Ihu, 117 llatgill, AlkxMiclcT, 470 ^,T 1 Ritharil, 182 * — , Rnlltrt, 150 llorlon, t hri-loiilicr. nt - neiMik. (,8 ••" , WiinW, ?5c> Har«ill, John, ^jo ItnniHk, Ijiurriiie, 125 HiiMlm, Willinin, 303 lla«loi^ W ilhain, 8a llaOu^Jo , 41 Ilashloiil, John, 496 HasliiTMli, KoIw^M; llason, IJi/alKll31>7 Hate, Marif, 68 ■" IS Nil hula% 12a - , Win,ii20,4jf Hatcmaii, Kh/nheih, iij , lohii, 474 JT^"' • Mathrw, 119 ' J Roliert, loi Hales Ann, 48 - — , Urn , 48 I I li'mcnt, 48 - -- ,.ji liii, 34d 9 , Ri>ikini'i Ii7 ■ •., -"k''""'. 507 Jtov*^', Mis , 171 ^ -, Nathaniiir, 184, 241, 272 ^ - , Sanivfill, 184 « - , William, 171 jfi- ItaMilt.Jolin, fi3, 297 .'<>llncr, 75 ■- , 'I ho , 41 , \\ m , 9 ) I'li'-ii, 'UumasVe ^ l.i^n. ns, Jaiil, 433 W I'aiihiller, jiln, 134 . H«U-, Alice," t8 - -J JniiUMi, 6t f ' -. J«l>li, 241 - -r 1 l^llKia, 440 --*, lydflii, 68 - " , M«igi>rtt, *8 • , James, 48 * 1 John, 217 "•• — , Ra(Ml, 48 ) Kithanl, 1 19 lus « . , , W-m , 86 •"^, lUh, John, Karl of, t«o^ TSJ Haihe, John, 63 Halliiic. W m , 128 Hatluir.,t, JfM'ph, rOj* Itatley, 1 '. 4'i3 Hatt, Anne, 299, -' — , C liiisto|thcr, 29^) - -> lloiothie, 299 , Kllin, 220 - *", J^ihn, fienr , 500 I I , 182, 4(>9 I - , Miihaell, 17ft, 220 , Kulvn, 319 . Hattala, JeflSjrv, 507 " , SaiHuiil, 501 I Halle, (. oil* ,440 I Haiti 11, Kplfrl, 298 , j|all"iliif, 338 1 John, Senr , 4(11 „~" • ~/.' J""''45<. 462 Iintiison, Jnlian, (55 « Hatt null, \\ m , 59 [•■illjn, Ai , M finlline Haiijih, Thomas, 170, jo2 HnuKlon (or H«ni[ion), Isatl,, Hautimin Hahlwin Haoile, Karilafl, 208 Hamhii, John, 34^ Han.live, Maij, Hjj BaxkOil* aril, 475 ,. * . kxhwi, IU9 ''«>. J"-, IW 'lla)(oikMn4, til tfsrUy, fiayle, Bayly, fa^ly, .—"- — i Ann, 170 • - — , ».l»iU^474 • I i !> * W ilUim, 247, L- # •^ <■■-.■"■ . ' '0 ■ '-■ . a >*^^ -:■■*. I- / 1 r ,r^ S'4 INDEX. ' Bayley, George, 1 80 • , Henry, II7 , John, 86, 103, I9>>444 , Margaret, 121 , ci-, Robert, 1 30, 474 , " • i' , Roger, 304 ' V '. — , Richard, 82, 300, 475, 500^ J!i"Wm., 128 Haylife, Temperance, 171 Baylys, Col., 506 . Baynam,. Elizalieth, 186, ste ftainhami, Hanum Ilaynan, John, 185 li.ijiic, Laughline, 446 Itnyncs, Win., 442, ice HaJM^ Bayns, James, 430 licncham, Klisalielh, 433 llcacon, Hugh, IQ£ Head, John, 41 , William, 84 Heads, Malhew. 139 Keadslie, lleadriey, Bcarilsley — , John, 4^ • , Jo.se(ih, 45 , Mane, 45- ., , Wm„ 45 Beal, Margaret, 432 .Peter, 4ii| _, Reliec^Pa., Iteale, Sara, iP" . , Wm., 448' Jleamond, John, 60 _ '_ — :■ , Win., 60" •■ Bcanam, John, 193 Beanc, Christopher, 170, 215 , Steeven, iqi , Tho., 114 -_«H William, 189, 250 4gRird, John, 354 — — , Richard, 475 BcariU, Elizalieth, 6* Beardsley, set lleadslie, &c. Hcarc, Richanl, Ij8 ^ , Waller, 221 . Bearne, Frfinciis 499 Biflian, Nathaniel, 319 -, Wm., 75 lliauford, Richanl, 118 Ik-ara, Ceorge, 198 Beck, Henry, 108 Beckett, Stephen, 278 Beckkilt, William, 5» Heckles Klisalielh, 4>4 , , RolK'rt, 424. 444 ^ ' — , SuKflnna, 424 I Beckwith, KolR'rt, lOJ r Bnldcll, Jo , 79 ** DeddhiK. Kabeic*. 71 Peddle, Wm ,50 - ^^ BeIi9 ! ^, Alice, i3I. 1—1 Jo., 109. "32 ' -, Mnrliii, 356, 474 -, Mary, 107 iv:ii; . -, William, 131, 251, 273 1 teuton, Rolwrt, 115 Beo»iont, Gamaliell, 7(1 — -i; — , Tho., 126 Beresfonl, Berresfor•■'*.- •p \-- I.'-, ^■■ ■A--: ' '■ . .y.-* '■■.«. 1..: '■-^^ V " mDEX. f IlerrisfonI ,«• Bercsford Billin«, Jo,. ,„ ,„ Ikrnn.-, Christopher. 549, 35J. ; Hi||,, kV^rt/'lo'^' ,.^ 5«S .5!*J Ucrrj-, John,'272 -^-, Kichanl, 84 NVilliam, 104 '^^.■■■■. Hesforil, Jo., 74 Hcsi>ii, Tho., 112 Itessy. Anio., 107 Best, riirisiophcr, 174 — ~. Kichanl, 140 « Thomas, 124, 186,. «? Bestt, Francis, 443' ' Bcthfll, James, C22 Bftt, Will., 84, 136 llttldn, Samueil, 192 Itctts, I^onard, 103, 145 Bew, Koljcrt, 174, 180, 224 Buwiie, CJracc, 59 Beveiiister.cKliam, 3J4 'Bcver, Isack, wi , ■— ,Jo., 83 ' ' Bibl.ie (jir Hibfiy), 188, 265 ■ Hick, Francis, ibl — ^, KichartI, *io2 Bickham (or .: y W:^~- * ..f ',"'"'"'• 334. 3.167340 Bickic, Ihomas, 350 ^It.cklcy, Richard, 237 Bickiiall, WJilliam, 441 Bilk well, Agnis, 284 — ^, John, 284 —--._, Zachary, ifu Bicinrt, KdwanI, 80 B.dillc, \Vm., 446 lliddlistun, Ili-nrie, 63 ilidlt'<;iiiii]i, "Nicholas, 492 Biffin, IJKmia.s, 447 Bi^'K. Kachdl, 68 Bijjijncll, \Vm., 500 Biggs, Elizaln'th, 81 , Mrs, 171 Binekes, Sncks, Bink'l : ~ — ■ — , Ann, 220 ■;-^—, Charles, 351 , -< t!o9. 3'9*. 320* i — -r**t Bur Jwi 105 » -.-— . Rohert, 32s. 3SI — ., lliomas. 3J5. 44J — , Valtminc, 125 .. - . . •■ ~i • William, 458 Brtckham), ' B.ssex, W ilhnm, 500 Willi. ,163 ■-€ ^-•^i -, I'hillipp, 83 . ■ " U1I. 170^ 171. ao5. i- — -, Richonl 268 ' — -. .Sarah, jp5 ^ , Thomo.s, 108, 171, 192 .William, 171, 319*, 31J ~— (or Brigcs), Williafti, jio Biijnall, JohiiTjimr., 45a " • — ~. -.Senr., 451 Bilford, James, ito Bill, Jo, 46 ^^ , .Marie, 49 Billiard, John. 186, 266 Btllingc, C'oni<'t!us,»57 BillinBhurst, 'John, 136 .BiUingalc)', Sir Henry, 155 Ililler.Mr. 464' Iliilnnjjjmes. 66 Hue, UmA, ayS* I Blatk, Anilrcw, ^ff'.: Blackl«>rnc, James, .|fti J HIaikett, Tym., 79 .• 'j Black(;rovc, Anto., 36/ j Black leech. John. 351 j Black ler, j'eler. 139 I Blacklock, (icorgc, 139 I Blacklockc, Thomas, 189 Blackly, ■|hn.,j|o ; I Blackman, Brian, 460 li ._., Iluinfrey. taa -, Miry, 431 Nicholas, 170, ■, Sarah, 430 . Ihomas, 461 , Willi.im, 431 HIackstojuJili?a ., 299 1; Ihanit^pW?', 168 Blackwell, Jeremy, 131 Blackivcllci', Klias, 43J ! ~- ' — , Sarah' [ Uhckwooit, Susan, , Blades, Anto., 40 -»- — . Edward, 381, 411 -j Nicli&», 4I ; Blake, BartloinettT 219 ' '( "" — , Fratici-s 12$ t ^n^'^M". 3?5. 406, 474 ■ ■^•^ff'^rt, 434 . — , T>., 44, ,. .. :, , Walter, 171, ijX '''■"'-'■^'"n. "■<■ Blatkston "Liiich, l.li/., 109 jll.inchard, William, 474 i Blanche, J,,nus, 296 '''■^"'•|'I''>»'«T. Klisjibeth, 430 Bl.>«cks, nmma.s 220 ' HI.uk), Jo., i4o . lake, 79 , Margaret, 438 "laiiey, Kdivar.l, ,74, 224, 1^ Hl.Tii.n, Ann, 6,3 ^ Hl.alhua.te, William, Uli^s Owen, 63 Uliihe, Tho., 1 19 Block, .Stceyen, loi ; ---.W'm., 126 Bloes. Tho.i 86 Bloggct. Hloggett I -■-— , Oaniell, 61 -*^— , Sainvcll. 6( , Suzaii, 61 -— -, Tho.,>6i Blomficlil. "-arali, 180. 28 -7—^—. Williafti, 2Sb, i Hlorc. Francisi 264 '-- ■ Jojm. 264 BInrke, William, 145 BlosM'. Marv. 278, 279 [**- . Kiinanf, 278 [Blounckcr, Henry, 162 Blomlenp Alexaiuler, 495 ~ — - — , Marj', ■ ' ^^ ■ : '■ '' , Sara Ikfwer, (i.Kl).,^ , Tho., 132 Blo«am, a/i,i, Ingles, Nicholas I.V) - : IMoiMill, Jo,, 69« W Blunt, (.jeorge, lei Bo.ldy, KolKrt, I2t . Bodeii, John, 4J69 Jlodihi-s, Arthur, 114 .V . Bcxiii^aiu, lohn, 354 . '' BwllJfchfirn. 353 u m^ 3S4 HiKfrnTHpRuli.,,,!, ,3. Bold, Margarei, 129 Buldsworih. AnIo., 64 Holoi John.'442 Bolt, ()ahtielt63 Holic, Amia«, 206 Bollwn. AuiWuai, 352 > .*«* wt V' -»-\ . ^ Il)iul<.> Mr,,^(>i - , - - -, jMnHf iftj* IJoosl, IJi^iJn!th , , I ranLi^,\ l')i'. 474, 5°' ■ iilei, 36'>, mujfU, 3- • „m^ fS-,- .. ItmtilQr (.v I) mfol(J), n>n1iiin, («(.''>r(;i., 94 H,an. J), I2S H>%r, Ji'ix-, 213 *i .--4 , I»lin, iw. i***. Vft , Kiohiril, U^ V ,. Ijnn*ir, 'lltiMU-, 4V. V7Hf^ ' j^niLk, N-»iliMm.l|, i ?2 'fa ■ ;li<.tt, Hvinr.l, 35y ij ,']^.iv|>li, 154 ".'Tt' „ ft, '%)>\ 78 llovett IS )u^iiA Ju , »3S I J" Ui)iillir,^Miryi(274 ^ - tlmirn'H,'»74 II ml liii!;o,' 1 llninxs, 2^5 .» , Ikiwy, 4J4 '-^ Honllo, Hnili,'i.ll, 285^ ■< Hoult, \iinis, 171 ' UoullLii (or H^ulton) Jj.n,lijril 187. 25>.2I5 , ^ Dtmrlncrti, LiKvinl, 219, t llourk, Hr)iil, 71 4' t, li luril (or Hyuriie) - — , J..l\il, 474. , , - , Junr , 474 . , Uolwrt, 268 , , — Siimii.ll, 474 1 BoCiK, I ilmoml (or I.i.liiiiin>l), ' 319. 320. 320'. 112 , 1 ilwarti, 320* _> — , John, 318', 319*. 3»5 ^ ithiiiW, J[ol •iIlii, 1 ll/, A" f , Joan, 78 -, John, 78 -— , Josciih, 445, 45' ^-^, Milhiw, 78 Horduni.l>c, JiM|ili, 9' l)i)ri^(>n, Thomas 154 Borne Marniailiike, 134 , KiLhanl, 38 , Iho, 38 BoroHc, Anne, 294 , John, 294 HiiirbHs, Ji)hn,T439 Him, I'eter, 418 Bowinper, I ho , 393 ^ Bollock (or Boslocke) .328,' I ' . ' honias, 327, 329 .BoveyK* Willow, 445 ,llo«il<:n, Joan,. 105 , Michaill, IJI . — . , Ihiniihilus, If^J Bnwiller, \nv^.;,'eiiri , 137 — -, I iiiili^, 151 Vi J'V<-I'''> '4=> ,f,v B ly^i.'. Boy-. U )v<[^ Tlioipis, 279 1 lyle, Naim^, 193 ■tyi-,nn, "I ho , ')) ' ' »n\, 1)11111,11, 449, 45* Jft'jl'in.r, John, 474 IJoys, I riiai-., 425 , Like, i6> , - -, Mary, 4&S — — , Mrs', 169 J r — — , Sjhiuel, 468 --, su BoyijC, Boyw« . Uoy,e, 'MliLC, 202 » I , I liyin, 208 - j-,— , I iki., 202 1 — — , Ilumplw, 191 — -, J < Hiiyci-, Boy* Brainn, Koliert, 51 4^i\niU, Vlt-vimUr, 133 Hriliv.'l liMlKlh, 172 , - , sup'iLii, 172 Britklcy, 1. Iivanl 305 « , Miry, 121 , s Urikky lirvllcii-k, Nuhiii, 117 ' Itnlforl, Ilciiry, 224 .1 -, John 465 . -f , 11"'. "7 . Rnrlhain, John, ^(> •Mtiiilloy, Bradly, Bi iill.o V , Aim, 434 -, Dorolhic, 105 t , , Itli/ilwth, 4i<>> . - ■■ , I'l-org, 432 , Henry, 434 1 , Marfjrcl, 4')o , Mithaell, 353 -, Ualjih, 474 |Boften, James, 434 I « \\ illiam, 434 Bowes, John, 38, 112 , Katherin, 95 Bo«-lnne, I i-iiK , 3S3 Bo»I<.r, WJIi-im, 119 ' Bounil, John, 41 '4 Bon ton, |o , II ( Bimvir, l>ani(.ll, 124 ' — , llirt ,. "" Box, Ann, « ' I , Benn j t .John, I tannll, 124 ■m ao4 — ^ - , Koberl, 474, 4'|o Bndshaw, RiLhanl, 172 ' _ — , Willi im, 4()2 Brailsuin, John, 184. "'> BrwUtrcel, \nm, 2SJ , Briilj;ill, 280 - — , Humiihry, 280, 2>i2 - — -, John, 282 , Martha, 282 Mary, 282 Bnvluay, Umlwayt — , Ailrin, 2O4 — -J , Allexaniler , Sisley, 204 1 Bragc, John, 341 — -, Wickm. 44. , Williom, 434, 452 V r < I / ' \ ■« / \\ Braghton (Hra«shton, Ilroughtun), Chirl,, liq' .324 Hraklcy, Jane, 185 , William, 193 — , s > ilhann.ll, 42 j, 446 Br-1,1 ll,y,'n„. , 35^ '♦'•>■ 't^ Bruibn, riuKh, 451 •^ , Morltin, 269 tHriTie, riionn>», 97 uriiljjmui, I Iwiril, 307 , ''amuell, ^oj, 307 r Hunker, sn BriiuliT Braiihn, Ann, 2ti • , WiHiani, 211 Brjn->lnr, Thoinav^iSi, 2p , Willi nil, 94 Brinshyes Mr , 231 Bra-.i.y, \Vfh , 61 Itr3,i;,T, V!)rah-im Hri„, VlTce, 137 Briiyhton (Dn^rliton Broughton), LhirU, BraunJi, fo , 13S, *i- Branch Hriy, fohn, ^p ' Bread, Arthur, 356 - -, (iecrBe, 4,5 — -, I'homas 153, 35') Brearly, \f,artiii735i — , Th'imis, 440 Breilily, I'ltnck, loi Hree hn, Thonia-,, i6o* Bri.nl, Kol»:rt, 165 Brc-.'.ctI, [ohn, 34J Brclt, James, 75 ' — r, John, 351, 45^ Brctlland, Amy, 467 , William, 4O7 ■T BriV Roh.-rt. 1 10 -'-Kj-' Bryin, Nfi^ Flrun "", J „eph, 3',7. , i,r,„ ;"«'('"• 1'ni.el, J„i„,, ,,, triuk-, i:hvar.l, J74 ■* ' BriLklnm (or Uickham), K.^h Bri h;.->, K 1 II n |, i ,7 '-, Kli^h I, 67 — ■ - , rill nil, 2 (4 1 HiiU-slock(|{rUrilre5flry, 4SJ ■"■"i .^Kicharf, 48 j, w Brig,lock —— . Willmn, 4.)2 Briil^'ivyiur, M,ell, 21S >rT,"^7r' '*"-''"■>!, 177, 218 riille, John, 32?., ^ip ^ liner-,, Roli-rt, 79 Bri,','li nn, Hio , 62 I B^lJ;^Mll,, r.-morl, 139 Bri({i;oll, Mark, 102 I "'•ilIK:, (iaorge, 461 , James, 135 , To, loS ■. AVilliain, 474 "Or Brighton,' Tho, 132 ' 3 '9*, Bri(;,t()i.k, Riclunl, 474, ut Brclloii^ Rali.h, 489 Brewer, l)ini( " ,^ er, Diniell, 150, 44J« -, i.liial>elh, lUV M —, Nicholas, 429 Brcwelt, (.corKc, 138 — , Kat , 136 ' Brcwoxl, Thoma^,275 Brew-,ter, Phil|i|,, 452 . R'il'irl, 271 Brcwynii, I ho , 13^ Brian, Lienor, 436 — -, Marv, 436 ., Bliilhin 436 , ' 4 BrMjesttHk Bringlinrst, riionn,, 41S Brini, M)r);in, Si g( BrKc ■>, Villi, 102 * Brishilt, I'e ler, njfi. Bristow, -Jtriy .fre , hhi , 12.^ , John; Junr, 30; ^' • 305. "^ ^I usiiall , Kichartl. 44r , Hriiland, Rn.hard, 462 Briltame, Britlen, Briitin, lint 1 • ton ' — , Dennis. 142 , Jl>, 13S I -, If Jl>l!rl,^l84, 34^> •--->-, Tho - ) Hroi I, Hi mn^in, \i\ Hi iii^'ww, Rithird, 217 llroLk^BroLke ' <-,— ,4Johii, 259 —*-, I-iwrence, 140 -^--, RiLliinl, 70 ' — — , U iberl, 71 I • ,','",',"* *"• 3'7. 34^ I - — . \> llii n 17^, 215 I Bfol»iii!vL,'liiiii,<, I,- Bwleritk, Brolri<.ke ' , Allni, 167' jB:Ul^riJi<>niell. J3 •" ' [J '•;'•. .yu>, 141 . lro„'ljn, John, 19J ""U'loii, ltum;>hry, 4C1 Br 1,'rave, tienry, It . »"nW, r>,64 •*", - . ni>,6, -' '"»'. J>'iji, (}2 OiMul,-, Sxrah, 23i Br>nley, Divie, 95 „ :,' ••wn.elotl, 141 llrinwell, I«ck, no , llr>n,riril,J,uathan, 9:. Broo-kes Wifli^ M,r,.|,i, alt-is, 247 ^ Br<>.k, Br>iikilluTt, 93 ' - .J^-'-iM. 183, 25, ■ Mr , 431 , Ridiarl, 62, 77, Si, 12) 12, , -; , R)licrl, I^wl, JJ) . — -, 79 * ' , "lainiiel, 467 I , Sihile, 1S7 , rhi».nii, 62, 77, ittS, ' '7'. »I7. IS'J, 470 - - -. Wilier, 95 - - -, Willum, 81, 91, «,.. „ "v .87. xn. 44. ^ ' ' nrookehaven, Jo , 70 Brookcr, (;eo ,116 ■» Brookes, sti Hrook , ' Hr.iijkman, Amy, 467 ~ , Ihomts, 1^ Brooks, stt llmok Itr ) nun, ^ rtes<-, 1 29 Broime, Ko^'cr, 532 llroimcr, Join, 62 - - , M ine, yS Itrnnish. V Iwatil, 117 llro)!!.:, (iillaiii, 198 -I Louis, 199 ^ , Rulwrt, 198 ' , Brolherlon. \\t\\a, icb Bnj4„'htoL)'l)ra){hionorHfaii;"i 1>*I), l.lurU, 5iH», 3,,/ „^ -^ — ■^*^, Milliy, 73 • • riinmai, 96 -' . Winijm, 431 / N - # V » t Vr \. * ' • . J' > I 5>8 H^i^ing, s^f Brow ning, &.c. ilnnvinge, William^ 201 'Jruwn.^Jrowne — , Christopher, 1 1 7, 1 INDEX. ■. .J. r- \, :, 203. • , Edward, 41, 129 — — , lil., 446 -; , Khsabflh, 432 --i^, Francis, 354 / . — » Ilueh, 353 '■ — ^ — , [luniry, 441 ; — -, James, 356, 386, 352, 4to , John, 61, 63, 68, 87, 91, III, 122, 135, 140,- 150, 171, 173, 181, 214, 311, 327, 32^ 33'. 335. 339. 372, 434 — — , J 01ms, 316% 318, 343 ■ • , Josiah. 166* ■, Lidilia, 88 , . ■-'—, Marv, 109 -^— , Michelle 36 —'^—„ Nicholas, 187, 253 — -^, rhil., 279, 280, 281, . 282 1252 , Rachacll, 349 , Ralph, 123 , Kcbccca, 252 , .Richard, 83 . , Kol)crl, 132, 141, -, Roger, 304 -, Stephen, 474 -,^Siizan, 77 , 'Thomas, 42, 74, ■ I.. ,. 191, 194, 428, 460 ^ — ■ — -, Weston, 185, 257 -r— — ■ William, 109, H4, 1 19, 183, 231, 250, 259, 327, :.328, 352 liritwniny, Hrowninge , Ann, 350 ,_, John,' 242 ■ -, Joseph, 126 -, William, 169 Brownley, Richard, 52 Hrowion, Jo., 127 Hruer. John, 317*, 342 Hruister, Wm., 132 Urunnvell, John, 64 . Bruncock, John, 433 'inifiing, |o., 80 ' ' tnnit, T'.ilward, 39, 128 , Jo., 127 Ilriintts,.Samuell, 439 " Brash, John,. 431 , Mary, 431 T^mstcr, Ahram, 104 J :, Klizabelh, 71 -_i.„.:, KichaM, iia Itrulon, Rol^-rt, 297 , William, 39 Bruxston, Tho., 114 '| 70, UVyan, Comelious, 452 i ' . — ^, Kdward, 186 j 1 , Sir lirnest, 162 I , Henry, 139 \ . , Jane, 493 . ,Jo., 36 • ' ; -t-^, Jo.seph, 40 > i , see Brian, O'Brjan, &c. I Brvant, Barnard, 326, 330 — - — , Roger, J18*, 320, 324 <* , Thomas, 151, ) llrycr, John, 316, iee Briar , Biicjier, Frances, 177 ! Bucli, Buckc .._• ^^..j ,*enamy, 175, 225 1 I — — , Christian, 108 j — y-, Francis, 142 ' \ I , Gercyori (or Gercian), i "75. 225 .\ ! — — , Isack, 135 \ , Mar.1,175, 225 ,--, releg., 175.225 I — -, Uichanl, 142, 270 I — ■-, Roger, 65 i .Thomas, 125 I , Wdliam, 65 187, Buckam, Richard, 78 ) Buckihghini, (jeorge. Marquis • of, 156 , ; ^ , — , , Dukeof, i '57. '5» , 122, Biickland, Chq., 74, J« Buc luiid , Bucyc, Alexander, 468 , Henry, 123 ■ — --■-, Lucie, 120 ' ■ ' Buckley, Buckly , Ben., 63 -" , Daniell, 63 .^ — ■ , Humfrey, 119 -, John, 432, 435 =— , Mary, 436 -, , William, 139,403,414 — ;— , see Ikllkly, &c. lUickmu-sler, John, 227 Bucks, Mr., 226 Buck worth, Richard, 474 Bucland, William, 96, set Buckland Bu.ld, Jo., 1 13 , Budding, Richiird, 475 Budge, John, 334, 337, 340 Bueniio, Beniamin, 474 Bugby, Bugbyc , Edward, 278, 279 -, Rebecca, 279 Bugl^iuJ, Henry, 128 Bugkir (or Bugler), Thomas, 316'. 343. , ^ Bulfell, Ricliard, 116 Bulkly, Bulkley, Bulkely , Grace, 76 . , I'eter, 77 — ,Tho., 79 . , William, 354, 356, 367. 372, 373. 379. -397. 439.. 4^-3 , see Buckley, Bull, Ann, 490 , Christopher, 474, 490 — — , Edward, 63 , Henry, 57, 107 , Isack, 95 , Joseph, 212 , Richan], 67 , Thomas, 86, 130, 190 BuUaker, Andrewe, 297 Bullar, Jo., 138 Bullard, Tho., 124 BuUcn, Silvester, 227 Bullinglon, Nicholas, 176 Bullmanj lo , 73 Bullock, liullocke ■ ■ ' , Anto., 86 { ■, Fdwartl, 68 ■ ~-f , Francis, 121 , Henr}', 88 ^ .....__, Mary, 88 '. ,, Susan, 88 ^' , Tlip., I , William, 179, 240 ■• liudt, Jan, \cji r.umstedd, Wm., 41 ' Bun, see Bunn --^ - . ■ Bunce, Jo., 52 ;■ BuiiUocK (or Bundicke), Wm., '. 44. 46, 49 . Bunn, Bun » : — , Bridgitt, 220 ; , Mrs., 177 — — , Thomas, 177, 220 Bunnel, William, 428 Bunny, Bunney I , Elisabeth, 424, 436 , Hannah; 424, 436 — — , Richard, 424, 436, 442 , William, 436 Bunnyon, John, 4931 -. Mary, 493 — — , Sarah, 278 Bunting, Ann, 430 , Henry, 430 , Richard, v^l — , Sarah, 426 , Susanna, 430 Burbac^k, Marie, lis Burbon, John, 474 x *A n -■-:• ":>M • I ^^ , * i .-?4 -r%~' 3j ^ JL: -fa ;.'* •]•%. . •t l?\ / liurch, Durche . Capt., 73 - , Daniell, 75 — •(-, William, 35, 304 , SM Byrch BurLhard, Ann, I3i , Elizabelh, 131 , Mary, 131 , - >, Marie, 131 — .Sara, 131 *-5^ -, Silzan, 131 — , Tliomxs, 131 liurclier, John, i8i , Robert, 307 , William, 181 liunl, Joliii, 35 , Syuion, 59 • — ' — , Jtv liird llurtlin, Geo., 97 Biirilitl, William, 262 Huit;is, Burgess, liurgis, . 294 ,; Anthony, 378, 417 , Aron Abraham, ±±0 ■ , Kliz'., 460 — — , Etlin, 95 » Humijliry, 298 , James, 49 • J"hn, 334, 337 INDEX. Burr, Robert, (26 Burrage, Charles, 316,3,8,34. Uutrcll, Henry, 460 Burren, Mr, 181 Burridge, Robert, 327,329 ^ Thomas, 327, 310 Burrin, ftnthijny, 179 Hurrowes, Burrow, Burrowe Burrows, B«rrr>iighes, Burrock " ^, Anthony, lej, 17, •75, 250 ■ ' • — , Hridgelt, 225 , KIlin, 87 ~ ■> Jane, 82 ^> John, 136, 175, 225 270, 500 '-"J — 7, Mihil, 308 — , Mr,23i ; •' — , Mrs., 175 William, 59, i 470 340, , Rabecca, 142 , Rachell, 450 ■ , Thoniazing, 500 Burgoss, Abraham, 351 Burliail, George, 5c» Burk, Burke , James, 475 ^ , J'-'off'-'g, 356. ' . IliomlS, 338 , T()bias, 474 Uurkel, lletirr, 103 Burkitf, Jo/, 1 43 Burlacy, Wall er, 154 , Builanil, fohii, 180 Buries, J(Bl|i, 107, 108 Burley, Rogej-, 113 - - , Timothy, 194 Burlie, Alexajider, 102 Burlingham, Geo., 37 Hume, 1 )ennit, 352, sec Byrne - — , Randall, 1 19 Burnell, Mrs.j 452 ', Bumhain, TWo., 140 -, W n.^ 128 fi)Use, \yilfiam, 195 '°4 „ ifMalJiev, 114' „ 333, 337. 340 Burstori, John, 330 Burt, Ann, 93 - — , Anthony, 259 , Edward, 93 1 "ugh, 9.3, 98 , James, 63 -> — , John, 314 , William, 38, 237 , set Iturtt Burton, Agnes, 474 -, Charles, 494 — '■ , Elizalxflh, 494 -—- -, !■ rancis, 423, 425, 436, 438, 45', 500 — — ■ Gcorg, 14,, 425, 438 , John, Junr., 495 • , , Senr,, 495 — T— , Judith, 423, 425, 436, 43** , Richard, 254 , Tho., 71 ;; , Wm., 119, 126 Burtt, Jane, 173 ^ " — , William, t77 '--- , see Burl I Burltte/illj M,iry, 124 I fiusbie, Busliee, Itusby ; " , Abraham, 289 I , Bridgett, 289 j ' — , Kdward, 177 - ■ ^1 John, 289 , J- ,. N'icho., 289 ; — ^ — , Sarath, 289' j —^ , 1'hoinas, 8 \ i Bu.sh, John, 74, loi, 188, 257 I , Susnii, 249 ,—— , Waller, 433 ^■N i^,i_i_.^„^.ijte. w %i ^ Bush, Widow, 44^ • Bushel, ,)iushctl ' — , Eilward, 429 i ' v^'W- 324, 343 ■ — , r^tcholas, 192 ^, Ruth, 98 , Win., 351 , see ltus.shell Busher. .Malwll, 117 — , Mary, 448, Bushncll, Francis,. 49 : — •■[',•■• .*» . — , Mane,*49 a ~ , Martha, 49 Buskel, James, 42 Hussell, Ju.. 74 Uusshdl, John, .Senr:, 439 T~/~> '.'^' Bnshcll Bu»hcy, Win., 452 Bustiiin, (icorge, lluslon, John, 332, 3j7;^3i Butcher, John, 355, 413 -, Mary, 423 iui.ii:7o!:;f^*^^ Butler, Buttle — , Kdward, ijf — , Elinor. 354 , t'r.-ukis 219 , Gef., 129 ■ — , Henry, 113 ' — - — , James 463 — .John, III, 123, '4', 353 ,1;ucy, 439 — -. \Wter,355 .- : — , "illiain, 474 Butt, lames 463 Bullall, Charles 463-. Kutlcre'y, RichanI, 193! Ituttcrfeild, JiJin, 189, 2)2 Iluttcrfield, Nathamell.'iQA^ i Bulterick, Wm., 53 ' Hutller, see Butler liutloljih, Ann, 73 - — , Tho., 7,n Button, Thom.is 180 ^rifiEiltSL. H'V c 5" / I'.jno, Mary, 491 Bynslfdd, Jo., 119 ■ liyiall, Jo., 128 Hyrch, lleliry, (|'^8,,:j'3KMrch Hyjki-nhcad, Malhey,''«i8^ •''''<' IJirktnhcdd ^.-y ^ ^W. Hyrne, Dinnii., ^^^'' l^nie (ADDY Willi*y,'4i I'atics, Thomas, 3^8, 402 t'adge, l;Mward,'245 T'acllc.'irlujmas, 470 ('ad«old, Aiilo., 142 ';V ■ (ainic, lienjif,,fl4j3 ,V Caldirt-, Mr,/ 175 -. .■ . . . , Mrsf, t7S < , ■ laliolt. Kdward, 387 l'aldeivil'''"nas, 261 r<^ . . 7, Allcs '294 — ■— . . ., Atigsten, 294 Callahan, Dorothy, 496 ( allahanu, Cha^s, 367 ( .^llahonc, I)ill^jl4(j8 .tallaiid, Mal)i(«ffr?4 < allay, Thonjap^,,, Calthrop, Charles, 182 Chhcrlic, (leo., 8(J tnlveii, Sir George, 157 ( nnic, Irancis, 333, 335 ( amiiigf, Jvliii, 171 t ammell, Gilbert, 476 I'an'inicrrame, John, 501 I'iinilianell, Morjicay, 358 K ,iiniil)LlI, iVmj^all, 4S(> ^ M.ii), 4S9 ('am|Hl, Ann, 4^0 — *, Tntric, 436 ( inipion, (. linunt, ffO %- tjcan, lijh , I'hihiMie, 198 — , KnU% 202 - _ -_ , \\ nHf*472 < .111 (or Cans), Mr , 189 ( Ttn, GvoijjL, 194 — ^,JiV^le, 137 < nnn, M*»a76 ( .uintll), I>imiell, 136 ( ai.niiiKN Witt,^ 444» 45^ , ( nnnion, Wnv.i; 38 (.nfion, 1 h7alieth, 85 * , lohn* ^ f KiLhnfy£'iP5 :* -♦«'' >x '*. . 't?^'". 340 ( antinf;, IXnmis, 358 Canllelairy, John, 334, 336, 341 C'antwell, John, 193 C'apcll, William, 104^ 1 Caplin, Koliert, IQ3 1 Caps, Cap])R ;^^i i , Cathrin, 194 — — , I'ha;l)c, 431 , tV'iliiani, 187, 274, 431, 442, 452 Carcw, ]''.lizabcth, 491 , Kathcrine, 491 ' , RicHard, 4^6, 491 Thomas, 359 C.a'rhille, W'Uliani, 151 ■ lisle, Charles, Karl of, 162" James, Karl of, 158, Co '' i Carlowc, Kdwnrd, 21S j Carlion, Mai^, 37 i X'arnian, Menry, 171, 215 *V««ichael, Archihald, 163*, I CarirfitoiCom), Klisaleth, 426 ir^— , jri4»jjA26 - '-==:,"^IohiiV-424- - ... ! I Corner [?Carver], Michaclt, 475 ■ j Carney, Pijkk, A52 -'^ ■ , CarninCi JoRn, 183 '" i ; Cnrribck, Tho., 452 ^^ ! I Cariioll, Christopher, 36 ||5'— , Rohtrt, 77 <. alra^^a}, Joan, 137 taire, lluiry, ii$ Carri.ll, Henry,''! 17 t i.aiiington, Ihomas, 150 CarroB, George, 332, 336,340, jrt"C ttrow^ ** Cason, Casson , John, 133 (or C osdn), Nehen)^), J I '1 \MtlBKA75 ' '> " C^sse CasscilyJ Cass1:)n, j, Caslcll, (. ojM, Neh •.e, W nff^^' ^cilyj JohA, 41 ,(,♦' 1 mt, W ilham, ^ -X (uanlii|CkM., 309^ I ( anteflH^Giorge, Ai%hbp , 1 of, IfV " ICarslCy, Hinrie, 243 -, WiUiaiQj Archbp., Wnter, Cartter , JtCi / -? , Anto , 120 A aninlCllclleni 471 , liohain, 453 i0 f- l^iffto i, 460 Fl9'9 ' Kithard. 129 , Kihn, 453 Ciilts, Jo , 121 Canan, sn' t avan I auhUiall, Martlia, 496 C aiini, Richaril, 122 Cans (or Cans), Mr,, 189 ( aiise) (or Cawsey), Mr* , r •f Pausey, Nathaniel, 171,213, j6S — ^ , Thomas, 181, 212 , Thomasine, (171), 2, Cavaii, John, 476 Cave, John, 8| ' , Richard, 37 Cavi-liaUKh, Charls, 433, 432 Caverhe, Charles, 81 '"^""Wt!. <«orge, 267 i:awd», Win., 67 Cawfeild, kichanl, 360 Cawood, Kicliaril, 71 Caivsevj.^,' Causey Ciiwtiftjran, 175 J-;*;""' J"''"' 323. 452. 501 Chadil, Mary, 126 Ch.aiI(lo<;k, Marie, 67 Chaffin, Danicll, 475 Chal% Jo., 117 ' Challenerj Kolwrl, 501 ■ Challoncr, .sir 'nionias, 156 Chaloiier, Morris," 192 Chaml«r, Jlenry, 3i7«, ,„ J Chamlwrs' ' *- ChanilK-rlain, Ciiamherlaine, C hamlH-Tlhlf, (■hanil>crline, Chambe rlins, Clianiljtrlyne . . /' — t Kdward, 429 — *- . Fniiices, 195 -^-, Frai Lis, 1S6. i ^'l'^"""' ChanUeler, Chaund- E~ • Arthur; 177, 2,9 , Oeoruc 05 . John, 1S6, 24S • Jl.^y-'^'. 430 -, Aichol.vs, 452 ! 1 Kolieri, 430 ;;.." )• Thomas 248 ;tha^mcc(„r Chaunce), Ellin, Chantry, Kolicrt, 180 Cliajieman, Richard, 501 I Chaplain, Kdward, 303 |Chaj>laine, Isacke, 173,213 -.John, 173,213 Chaplin, Chaphne ""' ^ ■ -. Clement, 69 " . KilwanI, 133 — ' ■ Isacke, 267, 269 — ■ J^-remiah, 357 ' nomas, 361 : Chater, Hanuil,,^ jj. 'ri — • -'''■• '*° ■ , hauncc(orChanncci.Ellin,iJ6 1 1 laimdler, t,r Chandler ;Chauntree ,„r Chiunlrie), I KolM^t ,75, „i ;C.ea|ne Mary 1,S4,.« Adam. i 3^^X3'4!;"''''' ':'^'"»'' I Cheesnan,, Clubman. Ch«. I man * \ . .^ , -, Ecca, 1S6, 254 ■ ~^, Thoma.s, 84, 316* "~ . >ym., 127 Chamljers, Alic^, 224 • ^;'>"-' '37 f^ 1 r.li/alictli, 75 ' . Henry, 316, 342, ste Chandler — • l'^^' >88, 23s . June. 37 . J»hn, 145, 215 V. ' ," "• Josua, 129 , Kolicrt, 130 -^ > Thomas, 217 pKiSifChaml.lis, Richard, 39 "Chandincy, Marie, 113 « Chamell, Walter, 461 ^i^anip ("r Chump), Alice, 7! ^-f- — , John, 192 Champanle, 11™,, 300 Champer, Rolwrt, 169 Champin, I'asia. 185 Chamjiion^ l'n.coe, 244 ~ , Richard, 37 Chancy, Clurlcs, 198 . Wm.. 83 Chapfiian, Ann, 212 1 iMuices, 175 ■ > fflRcis, 232, 270 . Ceo., 52 " 1 Henry, 115 -'— ^ . Mary, 444 . ■""" , Mathew, 324 ;, Nicholas, 169, 233 — - — '-, riiillip, 1S6, 250 — , Ralph, 57 - ~ — • Richard, 51, 118 ■ 1 Thuma-s, 121, i7« 212,274 '' ~f 1 Walter, iii — ;; . OT Chappman Chappeli, Ceorjjc, 43 ;; — .John, 82, 112, 331, 338. 340 ■•"• 1 Jonah, 475 Jwhuah, 494 t:teney, Elisalw'ih^ 423 -. Ceorg, 4?3 ~~ , Mary, 423 ~ 1 'fe CheyncT tlicrrall, Vrsula, 109 ^ ^\ itliam, 109 Chester, Henry, 497 ■ • ■;: . Sampson, 560 —.Wdliam, 323.342,497, Clusterman, Adam, 81 jCliesling, John, 142 ,CIh»w.««1, HuKh, 139 ;Che>v, John, 237 ■ ■> Sarah. 237 Chcyiiey, Cheyny, Cheynei j ; — > Ahram, 140 I ■ , Charles 467 i , Ceor^e. 446 , .ff i.hene Chickin, ;Chilcot(lJ ', I'homas 95 Chappman, I.uke, 241 Chard (or Chanle) , Ann, 202 — -, Johuah, 170, 202, 267 Charles, 208 -, I'orotRie, lot, , Evan,'36l *: — , j'hdip, 47,^ — . "m., 112 Ch.irlton, Ileniie, 263 t hase, Kdward, 492, '496 . Marmt, 492, 496 -— , Stephen, 476, 492, 496 Chaton, John, 448 lohn, 334, . I Chdd, .Micha«i ~, Tho. ; 4' Childs Tho Chillicott, t.. ^.„^^ <■ hilton, Edward, i67» ■ <- '''""<:T("r Ihmery), Thonuu, 37.^ 400, 405 ! Chi|.iiield, (,.,., Chipperfieldl. i Ldniond, 130 ' jt.liipps Edmoiid, 95 LCliiswan, Edw.ird. 25a T-TT-: '.J"''"', 25»V— Chilli n, Richard, 39 ] Chilli lyden. Hen., 61 i"'' , Isac^i, 61 l~~" • Riiljecca, 6| j-"- — ■ I'ho,, 61 ('hi'luood, Mirie, At (In.eil, l).ir,l|^47h Chuliuelej, J,Ju,, 441 f ^> '-■^ gk II i S" INDEX. i£ «*• iV^ ■^ Cholmle, Rolwrt, 221 Choni, Anne, 497 -, Rich.ird, 497 ("hounoukc (an Intlian), 185 Chriclilott-, .we Crichlow ChrUmus, Uictras, 187 ►_, Klizabjlh, 187 Christian, (a Ntigro), 495 -w Francis, 424, 440 , Malllicw, 424 ■ — , Thnniasin, 424 C'hrisio, (WeUhman), 195 Christopher, William, 501 ^ Clinicliilfje, j(V Crutchloe Chulinell, Jo., 142 Chump (or Champ), Alice, 75 Church, K37. '38> ■39, '(>'< 357> 362V 39J , La'titia, 427 Clark, Miripiret, 1 16, 475 , \Urf, i',o, 3S9, 492 , Micinell, 496 — i— , Nicholas, 104, 150 , I'orcas, 358 , Richard, 40, 52 — , Roliert, 143, 318", 319*, 323. 431 —^, Roger, 427, 475, 492 , Sycillie, 49 — , Thomas, 73, 85, 128, 139, J43. 174, "9", 4*2. 427. 440. 452. 476 , William, 74, 79, 84, 116, 153, 185, 186, 243, 256, 318*, 319*, '324, 327, 329, 349. 363. 366. 3f'8. 38S. 405. 411, 4'5. 463. 47S - — , stV Clearfce, CIcrke Clarkson, Malhevv, 166 Clatworthy, Mathew, 114 Clay, Martha, 425 , Stephen, 358, 382, 385, , 394. 402. 447 , J , .--! Mary, 436 <«l>.Tell, \Villia,„; J97 ^ ' C(jcl.cy, 'rii,»., j(, CiTMjiri, iKiiii., 414 ^'KJVlnry, 4^ Ct«.kmnjVj' 47° tollcy, lhi,ma», 5»3 ,\\ m,a,,,, 295 , Collier. l>JS\*\o^ „ Col ^V,i, Coik's Will., 128 C'otkloli, llanitll, 475 C01I1I, JaiiKs, 476 ,eo,rto ingHonh, iJavkl, 75 Collins, Aliigaill, 4S9 453 ■ ■>■' '■ . , , .■■■.■-■.■'. * ■ :0':' -'^i ■'■--■■■■. • ■ " ../■^■rv':->- i ■';- ■-'■:■"'■ :';^ M ?■;. i ■ -- ■■■■ ■■ * ' ■ :.■■_-.-■':- ■^- ■-■-- ;-■ . . ■ . '1 :„.,.,.,...,. - - . * •429 Coc, Jane, 59 C'oert, John, 139 Cogjjin, Sara, 1 13 Co(,'ky, Dalik-ll, igg Coke, Adrian, 52 , l.li/alicth, O7 , llinrie, 147 — ■ Joh„, 7,., 97, ,3-7 , Mane, 49 .-'^ •^^~, -Mile.H, (37 — — , Kkhdfd, 38 — ^1 Koliert, 79, 80 --— , 'I'ho., 52, 114 '- , Wni.; 141 tCokor, John, 79, 253 t okc«, hilward, yj Colliom, i;dward, 107 Colliron, Wni., 107 Coll)in-nc,"l-•'• - ^ f)( fc.li«ibelh, 422, , Ann' 97 -. Frances, 422, 429- ZH:' Vw'r' ■"° • J < JO", 4^7, — > i.li/alielh, 105 •.Kobcr,,422,4»8. ~Z:::^;i^'^^^'''33o i — ■ — ,.JIcnrj', 97 I — -.John, • 97, ,61, 20O, 3 '9*, 323. 3&>, 4Sy -, Jo.sias, 193 '» ' — ^, Marge^fcg; ' • ,''7 '9' ■•< ■,^ichplas, 343 ■ > Junr., jtfi-: rtiter(or I'ecicrl, 1S2, - 241 ~~T7' f^'lP"*!'- 34.6V432 • r-, 'llibmas, 1X2' ' . -■ — ', ^Val^cri8f — — , \\m,, 79 Jtr Collings , — ~-, Isaac, — — , James, 1 Joan, < ■ • Jo., 74 Wm I olc, Clement, 59 — , I'raiicis, 245 -— , Isaac, 434. , James, 360 '-493 , .'iioniau, 359 .- * ' —^William. 166, -245, 27^ 7-7; •"■'■ tolcs, Coafc ' Colehank, Sara, 96 Coleman, John, 139 -.Win., U3 . :».-»'( voiiings I Colli.^i, Akxondeir, 360 , - — , Jiimis, 194 ,.■ t'olliion, Sir Peter, 162' •^f^''lloh<,n, (.'harks, 11 Uolione, U\ven,-4(;f9 ' jii, Nitljnias, 139 -.■rp. Jo., 126 1^ .'lloMe, .Mephen, 244 . CoJy,.;jli„uia», 181 , ■W.'ilier,'i37 C(j||yer, Aniliross, 358 . •• — "*'— , Toliias, 475 ~- — -..JrtkCiJlicr Colttian, Ahrain. 193 I "-, -. — , Harnard, 85 I Collhroii(jll, Peter, 359 It'uUnian, Ann, (170), 204 ■ -' T> j'mh t/O, 204 Colion, ITiomas 468 Culture, \Vm., 112 (iolwell, Saniuell, Jtg ConiW.-\V,lliaii, .L V,, .lomherhateh, ThoiiiTsai) < "mfe, Austen,'l7, *^ (^'inirll, I)m,T«ell. 47t " Comes, John, 235 i'T, > William, 236 i Ton' ^"'^"^'■' '^ '» fo- CoifiinS (,'.,., Coraminsl. lu|. . wani, 112 " Comon, Nicholas, 234. tt, Co. " min . : -^ '-rl- Comjieare, Leonard, i6i» . Coni()lon, Frances, 178 '~' I J" . 141 Conaway, s,r Conway Coney, Conncy, Conny, Cony , lidmonil, 47c ——.Mil. 38 ■ ~. Nicholas, 429 — , Kichard, 163', 164 ConKravc, Winnifrcdil, 1 7\ . Coi,„|,y [,-.,. Connisby], \Vm •43 < only (or Coirfy), Pairick, 71 tonne, Jaci|ue, 197 ; Conner, liryen, 475 -=—— , Jane, 430 — , Phillipp, 3; ., - ■ - -. Uag, 4^7 ■ I "llliet, Mary, 428 loiineit, John, 318', iin» , 324. w CiiiHiet ' C onney, ttt Coney t "iineyland, Patt, 476 eonnier,-Iho., i25,..a.ronyer tonmersjo., 39, ^Cunycrs t o^wryi j-,v- Coney •.oiinyiT, J'atrkk, 71, j,» Con- i nier ■ , Conoway, J"• X «> >S« J -:3 V »W*. - ?V ', *, S»4 INDEX. Co<>c, Iiihii, 278 — , KoUrt, 478,, J79 Cook, I li/il)tth, 498 , Sirah, 429 , \\ illiim, 492, 495 C'lxikL \iiii, 187 — 1 , Arllmr, 192, I96 — ^ , ( hnsionhcti 221 , l,l«ar t'oppinjjer; JiJuj, 475 > Co|ipjm, kol)0iJ^Ti.i9 C()rl)ett, Henj^min, 508 — , ^Sry- 5P* — -•— w \V"illiann^ 361 Curl)htJ Roger, 441 Cor<^*?lion {Cordckjn, 0* Cor- (lyKon), I'etcf (or' I'eijril), "Siq, 319*, 325 CortkH, Kolierl, fip »8i 453 C oomh, W illiamK 337 ( DiinrtiLs, (ohij IJ5 loonies, Johrf, 18S , Wilhiin, |88 Coop, r(V t'vKiper, ^" Cooper, 28^1 ..V, . ->-, Al)iKniI,'4JI , Ann, C24 , Anfft"»86, >— — , IlDnen^^nt 293 ^ ■^ , CliriHtopher, 319, 319' 325 ~ 1 Cone, Wichnnl, 127 I Cork, Marjfarel, 492 • C'oikef,-Khzahelh, 102 »- C'irn, j(r Carn iC.inibury, lxinl,"i68* ^ Cgrhetius, IJernanl, 432 1 -r' — , Fraiieis 358 % — ^- , Thomas, 327, 329 ■ ' Qirnew, Ilarlh., 154 J Comie, WiUianj, 184 , ^'orniUe, Pierre, 198 I lirnl)eUi, 56, 293, 431 ___ . I Jim. 61 — , 1 ieorgef 135 » — , I.hii, 44', IO4,yI09, 142, 18S, 4,0 ,.■♦■'■ — 4 — , l.awrancc, 293*.; .«'• < -7, Marthd, 44 ■• ' , Mary, 44, 293, 35)*'' —- — , I'elcr, 59- .; ■ ■, Kelicca, 29J 1'' : — — , Klchanl, 35; 102 : — 'vRoRcr, 57, 5|v5u69, ^l, 76, 77, 78 '• n, SymoT, 453 —- — , Th.>mfts, 4i*44, »36, ( 357. 43'. 475 ,^ ' . ■ l—x. Waller, l%!133 —, Wiliroe, 44 : — , \Vm., (K) Ciwse, Sara, ^1 ' ' Covel',i(CesBr», 91 Con !>.'■., f'oiwr), *«• Cooper > C"o|>e, KiuhariH J3 .* ' " *—- ,t\Villiain,ij<.„<45 « ;. 39J.jC ( "omish, ICdwaifl, 359 i , Klisalicth, 423 ^5—. JofHl. 4*3 - ■ / ■ , .Siephen, 423 — , Thomas, 188, 261,3, % 354'. 3««. 3<>4. 3W). 383. ,1402 jConiwelf' Wlilliam, 142 » ' J^"briinKton, Jo., 63 > -, -. Slary. 63 ."^ Corser> William, 41 t'-urteent^lf^llinor, 476 \ Cosker, lllnry, 394 ; ' 'a. Cotter, Garrett, **62*, 163 ■ Cotiingham, (leorge, 1^4 — - — , Katherine, 360 Cottom, Frances, 46S -; Ohvcr, 468 . - Cotton, John, 435 , Ricljaril, liJ — , Rowland, 95 Cyuhlier, Rebecca, 187 CouKhlaii, 'I'eaWie, 475 Coulburne, Jonn, 359 Couly (or Cwnly), Patrick, , 71 Counccll (or Ccnmsell),. t(J- wani, 332, 335, 341 Count«an« (or Counfuiky)) John, 191, 192» Cou|ier, Walter, 258. Coui-ser, William, 77 \ Courfney, James, 151 ; ■ '— , Jo., 104 ', ■ — ■ — — , Sybbill, 105 Wm., 361 '4^ «i> -* r>tv« .on k ..'■ V- - ' if,. -*JL, '*»». Courtyere, fieorge/ 501 CousSens, C»mssin§,'_ Cosscns, Coswn,, Owens — — — ^, 'John, 441, 461,4114 ■> — -, Junr., ,461 Wm., 142, 327,,a29 A Covell, Jo., 126 Covells, Cant., 308 Covcntrie, sMiles, 80 Coventry, Thomas, l^rvard, Kob., w, .336,'^! — ■ — , -^amftoli, 461 ' 0^ Cowdell, Thtrtnas, 141- :. Cowley, Klisalicth, 423 •. --— — ,,Roger, 423, 430, >^2 Suwnna, 423, 430 WiHiani, 55 ■}•, !oivly, Hryan,- 142 «j3 C'oson (tir C'ason), Nefienuah, K- — , Sannl Cowper, Atci*yn,"37 -•-, Ro., 54 Con, Francis, 360 —.John, 303 — — , Jnsias, 498, 506 — — , Mrs., 307 -^— , Pl*|lip, 318', 319- i^llip, 3'S',; iniOel, 167* \- 320*. Cpusen, Elizalieth, 143 CosscnR ) (.!osb)n, Wm., 142 \ sens, &c. (^'osianio, At>rnham, ^50 CoRtei'n, John, 439 - Cote, Kli/., 117 «(6tes, James, 8(,<>i36 .— -, Jo.,113 I'otesworth, James, I43 , Cotinho, Mosus Henri<|ue«, j6l , Coxe, William Coxsatl. , -. 1, John, 150 s/v Coa«" I Coxshedd, Jo:, 105 CoxMOn,'Thti., 81 Co/ens |(or Coussenn), 317. 3J? , jA- Cc Wnj.. DUHserft; j Crabhircc, IMvv^rd^ Ii9*( Crailduckt Craililocke • : — >— , Trnncis, 159* ^r^t IsabeU, 59/ "M- .■f ^:' ** .y ^- >r- % 1 ^ j/i s^iii r *\\ > ' . fj . ,. -i :;.■. « _ ■ ■ "^^ . »■■ ■'■ \ ' ' -^■': ^*^ \ '■.V* . ■,. « • "' :' w. ■ -. -^ '.: t-. ' ■ ,*t ,» '* ■ t «^ • •v: •it - ^' ?*St= Jj « '■■■ -^-l' -II -J- -t- - - -Ti&r"; ^ ; \,^% • > • (/ /' r, • '' I' I' '' '1 J* \ V« _ '1 , .*•. ^ ,/ *1 o V. , t .- . >^. .f V. -irKf'i JN'DEX. "429 •/ Ji .#ii! CraHiliKli, Knilnr •— T-^Mr, lo^,' ( r.-i(t?15kc,'A\ ilium, 26»V Ciafonl, f'ojrick, 158 ( raft, ( rtfts , Mathew, 31S, 344 t > ■** , Junr., 3i6» -; — , William, 4^8 Crag, Cragg, C rage ' . Jotin, 357, 424. 467 1 — ^, Sivsanna, 424 > Win , 443 Crannjc, rhonias, 1J8 Crane, [i)lin, 316 , Kiclian), 116 . Cranhdd, Ann, 37 -, JKdwanI, 37, 167 164, Cran •, Thomas J6^' ■^Si-; nomas 1 inirB^Jciiiii, 240» . (.riiiwoflf (,,M), 125 I npp, Jinin, 4Q / «> iTapplai, Mr , "191 C>T.p, Ji>lin,sjunr , 'i^t I . --.421 , J"M-i>l), 1(13 » ' ■ , Mirgant, 421 ' , l< , 61 tniy, Jamie, iqg Lrudcr, llujjh, 180 Lnitlgc, kiilunl, 268 trusl, 'Ili,,inak, 225 ( rulrhful.l, 1 homas 437 Cniujil.w; ( hnicil,l«lr I h.mL „6 ; Ilinmas .12 t„,n*y. W ,ll.ai„, J3'' "" Cra« f.inl. J h,.,,,^, 4,;4 Lroolc,., W ,i^ 84 ' ^^^^A'X!^:^'--^'^"'-^^ ^ 1 Ul *•»• / ■^ H, Cm hw ,"' ""; '^ -^ ^rook.h.,A:&m,Aer. 465 LnMiaff inii (.rusha» ' 1 li,„.,„ .^. ' -« — . Am (or Anne), 120,4)02 I -, ,_ |[„, ^j * , «7. «* ( radiitt and Crawsha«s. CriKs t rinse , Villi, 280 ^ , IIenr\, CA , • , lame'.'', 84 ,J"hn, 280, 3i6», 3i», 342 I - . t'Oifi. 333. 335. :f6 , ^C^rvnne, J.>n di, ii)ij t'repy, Alul dt, 1991 , ^Cresiiliihtlwanl, 85 , CrcYcll, treumVell ■ ■ , jidin, 443, ^01 -^'■' — ^ , Willnni, 135 ' Crew, 1p.«ph, 219 — .-, /"sua, J 77 ' , Mane, fvj , kiuidall^aoq • ~ — > Ki)lK.rt, 210 •' yC-riM,, W . 43 * - I — Ti Kithapl, 74 / Olchlow (i.M hiiihlntt) '"■^ ^, Jh/iUlh, 4*75 ( ulvtiwcll.'John, 3«« < unnet (i>r C oium), ji7hn, 3I9« Cunningham, Ann, ^53 ^John, 4;i, 455 , Allium, 81 ' """^^j /il'ul m, 433 Cunktalile, K'lltrl, 17"* I < iipiilciliki, Ileiiry, }!l 1 ( utden, lu., 82 ' < iirke, \\ m , 153 [Curie, Th« . 381 <. nrricr,. W illiam, 343 f ui'.iis Ji.ho, 359 Curlu, l tirjlxlh, 64 --> IJtnry, 76 ■,v> ..rieiirv, ^75 . Janus, 47J ^."rillitk, Jamix, 3jf ' ■*— «, J'nAary, 235 Ci trlfp, ( riKiK* ^ fe ■ — ' I Thomas ji ..mas J43, IS4 . ■, »Yuliain laCi, ijo , CuriiM, Ii,hn, idfi , I iK.ma., 184 < usiis Untiert, 462 t mn, Mailtrw, 501 < ulhlxrri, Al. xamler, 497 ' -^ *f Ktimhcth, 497 Cuih-r, C liniiHii 80 " — r— , Thn , 51 I ullinit, Uinry, 125 ; Wl, laorrnre, 37", w Cult. *■ lulling, I utiingi; , Jinc, Hj *- . John, 277, 279 . ', Kidianl, 2Ni I William, 281 lulls John. Ibj — , It CuU <*. , y j,_ ,vfl • 1 '*"""^, / ""M ■ "v •)" *'l ■1 • n ,m^ t .v» «v 1* •'%\ li">..% \' ** H^ .#• . * -V ■.. ...;■ '■"'. ' ^\^ 'h M*' ''': \ ^ >.%% •> t" # 5i6 . i INDEX, '1 •'■ ((« 1 vlloc (Cullne), Stoen, iSs DArin, llio,73 l)a1il>iii, Nii.hul.li, 153 DaliyH, T, Willuim, 2^3 DalL, Nitciilis, 255 , ^ir lliuinas, 25/0 1 I ho , 71 (flr Uiale), Win ,319*, sfi Denle I)il(.S Francis 67 Dalliptr, Ilciiry, 122 DoilinKiT, J(j , 63 • Dalli'>on, Miitin, 448 iJaliy, Knhard, ^3 Dalton, Haniu, 05 -t , VhileniDii, 65 , Samutll, 65 DaiTiamI [1 > Damiiiaml], Jiuie, Damerall, Thcimai, 501 ,, I>aincron, Itiidi^ctt, 195 DjiiioiU, Jan, 199 Daniport, Ij^nsluil, 175, 180 UariLS, Jimcs, i8b D-itkiii, ]i.u\wm^ 401 ' iHrnct, riutlopL, 107 HirrLlI, Juhn^ 294 Dart, lam, 133 l)ar\a)l, Chiiki, 207 Dauers, j*^'i)avcr^ J)aues, sti Dive iHnjjIrliin, kidnri, 86 Wni, 135 422, 237.' Daui^, sa\tn))urt, Jo , 141 •]Ja\crs, Kol)Lrt, (){, 460 • , , Junr , 460 IJaves, KiLhard, 145 ' (or I )ants), Suian, io8 '-■ I)a\is / « , lawlip, : 1, John, 42^1 ill), John, 477 DavMd, Ia'Mi'., 74 !1R\idson, \\dliain, iCo* IJa\iu, (ao , l<|7 , Morrici^ 136 , 1 ho , 140 , sn I)T\y t Havies, Aitlmr, 187 — r-» IhimljR, 108 , ( hri , 7() • , I)ini«ll, 51 , Dorolhu -, Ldmond/^ , Ldwdid, »/ •« I . i'f III.!- „ I ►, -" - . l>ani Danh), J IJhiuv, John, 234 IJamI);, llmry, 313* iJfciit, I ho , 77 DanctT, lanirv, 453 Danes, kicharil, 51 , Iftiliirt, 4^ (or l>auis), Su?an, 108 I>kng, Mari'ari tt, 361 I)(iii(,'tihcUI, \\alcui>, 363 l>anii.l, Darnell ', Off ^ \ ^\ ■< T f H* -I 190 -, Anne, 492 -, ( hrisiophcr, 174 -, p.imll, 3^ -, I)owiie8, 44S - , I h/alit'th, 65 , lUnry, 127, 163 193 36a '33. I Innoc 4S9 i- li/aliilh, bS, 186, 195, , 1 Uin, 1 13 -- , l-minuin, 138 - , (,iliiiell, i>o , , (iLorge, 1S6 - — , lEunifrc), 38 — , IshUI, 113 - , Jam, 163, 489 pa\ies \\ dham, I22,' 128 135. '89, v)s< 471, 489 DaMs, David, 422 — ^ I dwird, 476 -, , J.inics, 236 ,*Jan(., 225, 431, 431 , , Joanc (or Jone), 421 , — , John, 254, 445 — -, Marram, 476 — . Mr^ . 4-12 , Niccuhs, 248 , <.)w(.n, 440 — , Kanilall, 507 , Kiihird, 201, 256 , Uoherl, 17*) ^ — , Sarah, 4O6 , '1 homas^ 254, 257 , \\ dhain, 2C15, 428, 453, 460, 466, 4(>8 , slc DaM.s DuiNon, Ah(.t, 173 Diw, KoliLrl, 365, jii Dime Dau, Wdhani, 332, 338, 340 Dnuf, Geo, 105, 127 Dlwcs, John, 159* , Wdlmni, 48 Daulm, Hmr), 177 Dawbi, Mirj^ry, 176 , Dawson, 1 dmund, 435 , (..or(!, 217 , llu(!h, 139 Mdks, 476 ^ "i7 — * - , jolin, 362, 47a, 477, 492. 497, 501 3»5 , Nii-holas, 476 . *„ I -.Richard, 3l7*,4tfl.':- - ) , Rolwrt, 358, 362 — " , 'I homaa, 497 , r-, Villictt, 3(15 DinniUt Fdward, iy, Anthony, 104 * I - . lloioth), 105 - -, llainn, 77 ■ 'i J»i"c's,. 378, 468, 417 -—.John, l33H.i• ~, Owen, 446 Dnyiiie, Ji.;^ 124 Deacon, Avifi, 109 ■: , Tho., Il'l I)enl^ (r»- Dale), \Vm., 3«9*. J" 308 3'8*, mi • .' ' ' .^.^ttei:- ---^^^''--^ ■^ * / •■' ' 4 * k ■ »;■;.■■ ti-' ■:': - . ■ -i ' . *■ '■■ f ;■ .-'■ ■ . .'■ ■ >.- ■ •• " '' ■ * . . ■ ■■ ■ \ ^- V ^ i - It - Tr n : i^: . ' • \ -v^ ■■■•'*■'' *^ r - -?-vvi t.\^ .. f 1 * 1 ;' -'% » # ; ■ A 'I" II I I In '% INDEX. * ^ $ :M, :> u u\- ^ .\ IK'aii, Iliiiin, - -, AIilI, 430, 44J ' — , (iilirill, 462 ' , Man, 430 -1 MillicM, 445 ^, N'ltlnnicI, 104 — , RaJicIl iC Heir^lL-), Kn.il ,rili, 95 'ill/;)!!, 96 l)<.li 1M.I', (,ilc,, 453 Dl- Lwf, Jiiliii, IJ7 '' DcLliorii, Jtrhn, 40 Del upirititr, \rirtiii, 198 I)e Lli|n.iiir>, Jill, ii)S Declniiis, Simutll, 450 Dccke, Willnin, %r)7 iK-cDinins, r nil, 449 IKiliMlv, IIULUir, 141 I)l- I tin ,1, Jesso. I,,, D- I ii.irle, AI.Miil, r, 75 I>e I » lh\, Diiiitll, 2i;7 • , - -. - -. I iliji, 296 *no r,aMot, Jiri 19S iJi; I.a Moimgiie, Msusnicr, '97 I>cl» 'l,UiI|,h, 150. 373,3,9, IK 1 1 Wire, I M«, 184, irt- I>il>wirr Delhi iil(;e, Mr , ^oS I)e I^'lIkmIIi , 199 IV Lc Mir, l'Uiii|i|ic, !(>« IV l.iihk, \ntli.pitif, 199 Di'lk, KiiL'cr, 2t» Dullili-n, (,. ^fl DlIIiiii I niKis, MS Dilywirr, Kiy,;, 24J, ;„ I)e 1.1 Wire He Mniii,, I', I III lot nemirnil,., I>im.I j^ilpli, 449 ])oiiiitn, Miriin, 231 r I)t' .MoiHiL, M.irt 1110,, 179 Dcmimcr, hill, 435, 4,7 , KiilHlru 435 lOlriiMjr, liiliii, ^77 jJenlHurt, lliiir>. I ailiif, 1^9 Hi'nili, W 111 , 7^ IX.in.y (nr Doii,)), J„|i,i, ,So, *ii.ki;iiw)n. rectcr,"s57 '' — I Win , 124 ,,,.„^.^^Jr;ii3.3.6.3,o f[:r^J;!'?-^ - I,n.. „:, . t^ iJiikinvm, hlizalicih Jlcn^y, Janii, v>i, w Dene* Dcnl, Hi/ilKih, 50S — -, (..-orffc, 471 ^-, [iillTl, iJJ, 508 , Kiilnni, 64 , 111 )liii<, 50S Oenton, Jiujli, 126 * - -, T'lhii, 362 - , KnVri, 81 ■ / I I' iinm, \\illi.iin 241 "^ l>> I'lMr I'm!, K)i I> rrn.il. In , m I>>iriw.k, \iii(ir, 36 I L' iworili, I |«„j, 35,_ 3„ I'l' Trim, Jan, 199 lK-Viy(or])my), John, 180 l)i;iicni-.li, sii- I)i«tnisli neuillermis , DcMllcrmai Deurfili-, s , Durclc Diuilmry, Dumll, 3U I Devennh, John, 36J, 444 [Devmll, (.cirgo, 17^, 222 I I>e Villcnmr-k, lir, 4)1 t llVvllli-rmis ricnry, 439' . Dcviitiori, Mirji-iftt, 98 Dtirinx, 'ilipluii, 331 « llcircio, I' ml, 449 5 IV», Ann, 10) %ifr — , I li/jlwlh, 109 I)c«tT, Stfiihni, 36^ I>f \\i'vil', I iwin, i6t * I DiMii-, Mh.II, IJ9 ^ . I rim 11, 48 ^ '^ ;-— -. \\ I" . 3f>S a & ''<-■> kiiiR, Ahof, 9S 'V - . Jnlin, 98 ' • Dinm.in.l lilt iniuinl, ,,r pi J, n">'»l). Ji-|Hr, 327:319 — ~ , Ki I>)lllOllll Diav t^eu^it, 449 , llii'le, I nnm |Kr!tncr«],^Bgj ■ Ihiimns 285 I>ulifuM, I (Iwaril, 157 link, Hi/aUlh, 4JJ, 437 — . J"'\». 4^J. 453 > 1nip, 67 — '» (h(» , 83% ■- ■' '■ , tcftmvi 18s *-, John «4I »W . Uizalicih, 148 I " "* — t r rnnm, 362 , lanf, 174 ,^-- . Jwemuh, 248 ' _>l IWikoimon. Jlolicrt. 10 j "fl>«.k\ F.lwanl. iig-* •* -I, Ml* ,113 „-■ -T* M I>i;ik >• I'likwn, I'fiiir, ig| — ,*Mf|ilifn, aw * 1 — 'r lliunn j Ilit'r, Mirv, 192 ~~^i Wilfinm, 192 I »ik'Klin, Th., 1,7- ^"^ I'lki , Henry, 115 l>ilkc, ( Icinenl, 175 — • ^^'- . 175 Uill, IjawrciiK, p3 Ilillimajier, lli0 I l>i"'i. liilin, 191 / I 'i~liniu,;li, Unk, 4^ lllill.r.|, [,,5, iHi'inll S iihjniell, Qi ? Iiii>hh,ll |„, ,2^|.,~ IDrtl;, 1 |„i„„|, ;„J ..,_ j,^, i''), 57 i ;7, 4( l*t'). fl')i), 4(10, 405 Jhs " ■ I. JM, 1 •.i'-Wi »}o' L — i rrifelli, ai^ — ^Sliliuill, 11)0 •, Oiton, Ailmi, 218 — —il Aim, 71 ' — , Ann. 191 -. I hri , 112 , I .l»»nl, 83 --, MllluM, III -" , Ruhu.l, 125 f — — > Slew 11. 181 -'1 — , \Vin,«5 ^v - — —', ''f liickvm IhwAn, A lini, 272 - — •, Kiihill, 29J Duwell, llnoill, 461 * rWHjII, ll.nry, 1(8* i^iKkcr, Jdhii, 179, tyi TliHkkir, lainro, 12X K..1, UhM, iKxl't, DijW, ' ll.nir, 8j '' - ,JtlBC^)t««^ .l» . 'V -V "■j^vy %. _._ * . * .» * ■! ^ ; • ■; '.■• *. 1- ■■'■) A 1. T ■t •,' .*** / >•■' f •7' * '' ^^i^-^'Jta^-p,. .„ ^' ^ <., 528 >^.r- ■"g It- r^i 'mff^S '>• ■t y v- ;*{••■ bod, Jane, 292 — ^, Joh'n, 169, 202, 267, 270, 319. 319*, 323 ti ' ■ . !', Margaret, 425 ' ; , Mrs., 169 , Thomas, 425, 444 Dodderidge, Davie, 141 , Jarvice, 40 -T -,Tho., 117 Dodington, Richard, 165* Dodson, K Dollen,,'l'homas, J20*„323 Dolhng, 'J'homas, 318* Dollsian.John, 465 . ^^ , Thoinas, 465 , Dolphinbe, Richard,- 231 ] Domelawe (or Oomolbw), Richard, 172, 272 Donavan, Daniell, 470 Done, John, 132 Donn, (/Icment, 1 15 . • Henry, 113 \ O Dottcn, Wm., 469 Dpue, see Dove Doughty, Douglitle ' , Ami, 172, 216 , Thotgas, 172, 181, 216, 238 " • ' — , see Dowlie Douglas, liouglais — , C!a|>tain, 1 14 , Hugh, 137 , William, 188 -^, sec Dowglas, Duglas Douse, Hridgelt, 365 , Thoma.s, 2(^ , see Dowse Douston, John, iSr Douthom, Klizabeth, 188 — -^— , Samwell, 188 — ^ ' — , .Thomas, |88 - — -• , see I )onthorne, &c. Dove, Mary, 442 Do«e, Uenref, 29Z , Joan(^', 292 Dowefl, Dennis, 363, 453 ;, Richaril, 476 Dowglas, William, 269, see Douglas, and Dugtj^.s Dowling, William, 477 ■ Downe, John, 326, 331 Kobert, 135 Drake, Jo , 128 1 Dran, Maren, 364 i l>r,ip, see Dra]>er * Draper, HarllK>lmc\v, 71 , Cleare, 279 — : , Henry, 185, 245 , Joseph, 6yj ;j -, Robert, 249, 440 Tho., 104 ■* . Drax, Henry, 363, 384. 4readil, John, 40 ^ Drebble, Jaine», 161 1 )rc\v, I )re\ve , i;dward, 189, 263 >" , Tho., 41 , — , Will., 332,337,340 — , see Drue Drewrie, (ieo., 9* — — , Robert, (13 , see Drury Drinker, Kdward, 98 - ^, ^Klizabeth, 98: tlllip. 98 Driskell, Cornelius, 499 ' ■ — ', Dearm-iri, 499 , Mary, 498 Driver, James, 74 Rolwrt, 92 tDowneman, Kliz^lK'th, 185, 244 ^ I >t udg, Aiulrewc, 3^^ (or'i Downman), ? Drue, Kdward, ft>3, jfc Drew .];>•. '33 , Tho., 106 ' — ; wm.,'81 Donnard, Marie, 54 i>onoldson, Henric, 79 tJonthornc (or I iunthome), Klira , 273, sft DuiUhornc l>outhorn- Dure, James, 213 I>oric, stY Dory , Dorifall, Ann.? lit l)orii»gton, NicIyiliUi, 193 Dtwn, Francis, '476 — ,-, Jolin, 476 Doncll, I ho, 85 , Wllhim, JI9 DorKt, I dvird, I arl of, 159 D^n^ (or Dune), Orcggrjr, iHli John, 185, 244, 274 ^^ , Mary, 257 Diiwnes, Daniell, 445 — , Kustice, 2ia V- , tieorgc, 134 ■ ■ ^ ) . , Hen«y, 501 " '■ — , Richanl, 79, 177, 240 , Walter, lol , William, 138, 194 ^-, j5 Ddwnnun, see I)ownoman Down l)ows( Downs, John, 498, tee Downcs"' c, Mr., 202 -, Mrs., 183 — ' — — ,. Thomas, 183 , see Dtmse DoMsell, Anlo,, 67 Uuwiie, Henury, 220, see I hmghty Doxey, 1 homaii, 405, 439 Doyei, Ktik, 342 I>o)li.y, 1 duani, itp' Drake, Diann, 75 1 IJrury, Kichard, 476, sei l)re«tr . rie Dry, William, 188 pulx>yes, Jiilni, '344 Duce, (Jyles, 501 — -, Robert, 74 , Dudley, Andrew, 171, 209- -^ , John, 4i;9 — t — -, Joseph, 163*, I68* Diidman, Henry, 104 DufTeild, Kdward, 350, 354, 356, 361, 37'. 379. 382, 391, 393. 399. 402. 409, 438 DulTill, John, 213 Duffy, lohn, 173 DufAur; Thci«h)re, 198 Dugilell, Hcnr^, 122 Du^tlas, William, 256, see I >ouglas and I )owglas I>diur«t, Henry, 105 Duke, Henry, 476 — .h'.sa • Dukes, Win , 362 CiJ)uk.karlli, Jo , 51 , il^flltaai*., (jcorge, 96 I DuaiV; I ..Duninicij, sttUam ' pumnpiU, Cm:«w, 476 V 'K )*• • , ' V ' 'J ^ . ^ • '^ l« \. ^ . -• :- ■\. ■•V •> -v T V 'A I * I.' -u^.-^ \ 'T. A ... 1 — J^— V- t 1 .♦■ ^' * ' -terns ^\- >1 . •* « 1 • ■* ■ .( «* ■ ■" \ \ ■■ i i , L^^-- ■ =■ ■ -. « » ^■■ ^ • . '''■ '■# i I>ummer, A\lc, 2tyf 1 l>i>rathit, 299 . Jini, 2')<) 1 jimic, 299 - — ■ , Kitli iril, 299 — ^ 1 Sti^phcn, 399 , "I hu , 2uiic, Ih'iinas, 172 I)uui.ing,_ Hcnrj, 501 I>uiiKiii, Ihonn^ 164' Duiiliajii, kiilxrt, 125 Diiiii Igi, \Vfti , 451 I >uiikly, «a.stll, 44JJ Dunn, Ililii , Mujh, 470 -J". 37 <'t-tt(.r, 193 z?^;: V •<;>H". 453 , I nomas, 221 » * , \\ rii , 153 . Dunnell, lloiiry, 36 Duillhjiioi;, t (irilLlms, 164 ^— — — , Um.ry, 3*0. > ''•■''Ki i(>i \ Dmi'inrr, Kuljtrl, 142 ^ I>un^lhiir|i, Acharnh, 430 Uuntli.iriu („r Domliortic), 1 lirabclh, 255, 27 } ^, 1 homas, 255 Dumoii, Aiidiiw, 37 / I>n I'liii, Mahfl, igit / Itir]'!"-''. ' ilwaril, 195 * -^ 1^1 iiu, Naiiliaii, 477 1 horiixs, 477 Pyiiiocle, W illnm, 50, ' !">"'"";'. '<"1'">. 40. /«!),». miintl '>>iie(;ill, Ihiiill, 471 ">nU\, KiLlnr.l, 71 I "joi, Cico , 137 ' I \C1I, Simuell, 26a tikins Win, 67 . I'>liii, 366 •, . ' t'."''"'. 316. 31S, Hi ,l.asemin,l (I a.^niin, or Kast I m">"l)Jolm, 3,g«,3,5. 3j- • '*'^,'""1. >»7, 257 . "lIlHIll, lOJ, Ml , l-aslJiurcli, W ithaiii, 3(Jf Kt.1l', in 1 a^l j.istmimd, J,. I.iscm.mil -won R,,l,, 33,, ,,0,3 I aM»n.l(, Ileiin, 4O0 ~> , KitlurJ, 460 t-ai-y, IK 11 , 84 l.ilim, Ahigall, 58 > '"-"fUe.^I . J'llin, 40 . MiIk.II, 120 . Mirv, 5S -^, I hi), 58 l.l)ilnn, (icorgi!, 518"* ' 1)". 1 hdjiias, 257 M«anl (, v^„,, , g " 5^«"'l s Aiiihonv, 266 ~"X ^t Arthur, 191 ~*? 1 I>aviil, 416 " — . tilinuii.l, 117 ■""T- — . /ohn. iSo, »34^ 3j* 319. 34<^ i(X, ^ ^^^ --^^- «F'>»"I. IS* «5. 1. 130, *i, t tl)i» on hw Aline, 241' Diirdal, lliugh, 299 J)ii^' ' * iJul J)uslon, Juhii, 154 illi.n, I ->aviil, 2j8 Kithanl, 429 fi«e^M(oro.,Bin,,^^„,.,,.,. i:;;;::;;,^;^.^^ , Anihonv, 184, 243 I icillimi' I'Liir, 249 fcltn, \llt,, 291, ,„ EJ„^ ami 1 xlcn Liliiiliurrun, Tlio , 37 bdviklen. 434 , — -•— -, Joyce, 414,.^ . Mtn-, Jo, 140, ,„ tdcn' ^"447.453 DyamomI, w Diamond Dye, )lenry, 63 ■Dyer, Aiianiah, 127 " " " , IsMk, 316*, ^i;^ .James, 43a ,. — -, Jo.,42 ' -— ^K..ger. 432, 44» , -: — ', hamuell, 448 T , Sarah, 432 ■ ■' ', ^V^lliam, 501 . Djikc, Dnniiel, 466, 468 r — ,■ RkbanI, tij- ■" Pjkw, Mr, joS l,"i«"'„'<;'-11'"'''' 334. 336. 339 EilL'vr, William, 190 I Edjow, Mathtw, 16*,, wi fciHyn, Menry, 162 Ktliiinnil, _ E(lmoniie«i nionil's, Eilmuml'i' -"•["■, 36. 190 • ', MichaeU, I96 ■ Kichard, 39, 193 KolKrt, 189,^315 , Tilus, 46 fctlnall, KilwanI, 111 Eilney, IVier, 477 Edward, 188 V' I -. Roljert I IJV*' J, Samh, 469 ~^- — . Ihonrtn,, 94 ,~ -. WiJliaiii, itj, I ilwirdson, Jo , 84 '•>l»Mi, Junes, 112 1 'l«vnn, Kdwinl, 133 7- . I ho .III l.dye, l*n, Kidiaul; loj, 104 hkker«)c, Iho, 12H • j;U>rtfc, Willnnif 19^ - EKIrnR, Kdviml, soi [ ldr«l, N-iihaniell, 442 % I'.ldrKlg, ( ,ilf,, 41^ , Mar>, 424 hies Thomas, 4JS, r^telei ••'"lor, ,175 l.liton, m I.lliviii Eiiubeth, « , joj ~— (« Maid), 195 • Alia, Marmidukt, 117 rijgum Mr,,, 453, ,r, Kllicou r tll«cc (or tUarct), Jonatlan,' f '■ ' ■ ,- Unh, 4j$ , Emm, John, jjt ./ tu- eilewon, James, 41 ,. < , Ellnmere, riiomaif, LonL IM,, 156 ■ V^ ■''* ElUy, Ilcnj\, 446~ ' Ellu.itf^ MartrcK, 47 Ell»i(itl, Vines, 366 '' " ■■ . Widow, ^70 ■ ' ' •, «ir Ellatoit Ellmnriirth, Wm^ idj - '' |illi..i; I ll.uir "' .»7— , Eluolieth, 46.,43>, •- r -\ " ■\,'.^ n #!-^-y!r y-'-f"".: ■■.'". *.*<' ■,'1 V » ^ V- ■'* MdeX 'I i,^' Em^R«!org, 410 , _.,, ; 1 Emery, John, 366 - — , TIenry, 367 ^^ | Emmcrton, Ann, 105 Jane, 430 j Emperor, Thomas, 439' ain, 438, 477 i Ij jiler.ly e, Oliver, 365 37, 17* 4S3i 463 I'MBT, Daniell, 117 English, John, 218 > , Kichnrtl, 171, Jip ■, Robert, 471 . OSr - ■.-* hlia, 46 Marie, 46 Hip, 4& Richard, 438, 477, 488, '496 ; , Sara, 46 —r-, Thomas, i6l » BRftp'Davicl, 173, 176,340 -^*i, Elizalwth, 92 •, Gamalicll, 442 - '' ,,^-^, Margreti, 220 >— T— , Mary, 422 , Richard, 36 ^ ^--—.Robert, i37;'4M„ _...:„ ■ , William, 422 ". Ellison, Ellin, 230 "— •■■'« , , , (Elison), John, |8», 230 ^ — ,"\ViIham, -, William, 250 Enes, Phillipp, 477 ;', ,•; I England, Allen, 318*, 319* 324 ■, John, 316*, 423 ■, I^wrence, 423 . — —. . Junr., 45J *"• Evensoii, J Le»Ml34, 36* fax Fftldoe, Barthol., 49 Falkland, Anthony, Lord, 165 Fall, Charles 63 Fallin, Andrew, 470, set F|ollyn F'allowes, Edwarxl, 214 (F^nce (pr Fauce), Robert, 80 Fane, Ri|:hard, 75 Fanning, /Vndrew, 367 Fanshaw, Richard, 117 Farliracke, Roger, 187 F'arbra'se, Roger, 245 F'arcbank, James, 140 farijlKHTi, fjiwrence, 95 *( iFarcbrother, Suzanna, I06,.,Mr Faierbrother f arepoynf, James, 95 FaresI, lyobcrt, loa '^ ; Farewell/ James, 477 ' " Farley, farly — , Ann, 230'" -.'L,,- - -.: ? ■«iie, ajo .•*-i- ■* ■:■<. * -J. ;■ -f^^ ,„' " .I..'.,, -'i " ■ , - , . ^ .•'. : /' L, # . K, 7 » \ :i •A . ' ■'' , ^^ ■ /J^I)£X. , :,-< ■ •>'i t <\ Karley, Thomas, i8i, ^30 ' Fannaii, Alice, 408 , Mary, 108 , Ralph, 108 — , Tlio.,.io8 P'armer, Charles, 188 —, Klizabeth, 75 — , James, 303 ■ — , John, 135. 329. 334. 336, 337. 340,454 ', Madam, 472 — , Thomas, 52, 170, 204 Farmer, Henry, 174 Farnarcque, Thomas, 198 Farncll, Rolxirt, 169 [Farqualioiiion], Fcrcharson, Thomas, 444 Farr, Eilwartlj 134 — Farrahy, Tho., 114" ',' Farrands,' kolH.'rt, 53 Farrar, John, 194 , Kohcrt, loi ^ , William, 171, 2687 Farrell, Kdmond, 122 , Hugh, 370 ^ , Royer, 370 -^ , Simon, 138 Farren, John, 153 Farrer, James, 369 Farring, Miles, 74 . Farringlon, FdjnoncI, 44 '^ , Kdward, 44 !Kli2a., 44 . John, 44 -, Mathcw, 44 -, Sarra, 44 Farron. Snmiiell. 75 > Fatlyr, I dinimd, 370 Farro«>m^il)<.it, 477^ fiillnng, ni«anl, 43J Fassitt, Janus, i|2 FalriLL, NiLholas, 1912 f ante (or I inu-), Robert, 80 fam-ey, J htmas 3^4 jFiiitll, s.r bh, I'hilllp, jto Maminfj, Peter, 74 ■'.■■■ Klant, uh.irlef, 79 ,. Matter, Nit.i ,141 ' -^ - ^ W m , 143 V j='^ Hertwwxl. Alexander, 13* Fl«||c, Ihomat, 2yi 'V. f iiJ':'-< ► M ^^T /v i '? '%■ . s JL. K -' , ' , fy^\ s ,1 t •', r .(. - -.--* .'^•A- % '\^ nfpm^ r iJi INDEX} Fleing p Benjing], Edmond, Fontltroy, J.imes, 369 369 Foockes, William, 243, stt t Icmms;, [1.;., Flemming], 1 Fookcs Abr.im, 65 : Fowlc, \V(n., 327 —t Kicharil, 79 F'(»kes, Henry, 39, j« Foockes Fletcher, Benjamin, 165*, 166*, Foord, John, 469, 472, src Ford "07^ ;I-"*"lrJphn, 319, 3i3«,^23 : , Edward", 38, 192 I • , Richard, 467 • (or Flellcher), George, Forlra^i, James, 367 44I1 454 1 Forcey (or Forcy), Thomas, • , Henry, 87 1 318*, 3i9» ' , John, 115, 352 Ford, Adrian, 103 . , l.odowick,'ii8 , Harliara, 62 »; , Miles, 95 3^ , Charles, 105 ,: ' ■ I Noah, 427 j ■ — — , Francis, 369 ■ ' -, William, 425 ; , Georjje, 128, Ij* Flewetlin (or Flewilhng), Peter, , Jn., 285 ;. 323, 328 1, ,Mary, S5 Hexney, Thomas, 105 : — ^, Richard, 447 • Flexny, Robert, 349, 356, 373, , Rose, 425 -, Thomas, 478 . 39' . Flint, George, 502 -~ — (9r Flyiil), Thomas, 183, F'linlon, Klizabelh, 187 ^ Farrar, 251 ' , Joane, 187, 251 i Pharaoh, 273' Flit, Marie, 198 Flitcroft, Nicolas, 63 , Floid, Nalhaniell, 232, sei Floyd F'lower, John, 132 , 'i'homas, 138, 179, 247 Floyij, .Thomas, 17b, sa Floid Fludd, David, 104 '• ■ , Fli/,abclh, 96 — |— , Jane, 96 , Jjohn, 211 — • — , Josepli, 96 , margctt, 211 -; , Obcdiah, 96 . • - . Tho., 75 — - — , William, III Flude, Itartholmew, 38 flynt, i.» Flint ' Foniie (I'tJwn^, or '■ , Tristram, 143 — ' — , Sic Foord Foreman, Samuell, 190 Forest, Jesse " — ,. *- 508 f Foriescue, Sir Nicholas, I — , Synion, 268 Forth, (ieorge, I2Q ^r-r, John, 186, 254 Foskcw, ThomiLs, 181 Fossitt, F"oss<;tt — ^ , Ann, 123,, 1 7» Robert, Idl 'sr Foxyne (Foane, or Fan n), Ro- bert, 318*, 320*, 324 FoW 'George, 124 ^ -, Hugh, 95 . Johnf3t), 93, 103, , Nicholas, 104 , Hiillis, 3^,, , Richard, 93 ; — ^, Stephen, 368' - — -, Wni., i'15 ( F'owjroftc, Tho,, i r3 Foxen, John, 179, 236 FoxsleyT^ane, "123 Foy, Hugit, 478 Frame, William, 478 jF'ramcnei Mlirtin, 198 'l'ranci4209. .- Fawn), , Robert, 318*, 310*, 324 Fogg (or Foto), l)nviil, 148, 35». 36J. l«4.39i.40o,ids, „4'5. 4<«, 4ji . ^ loLii, |o., 05 . ' Fol»)sb>,VAlice, 437 1 , • , Thomas, 437 ^ ■-' Follett (or KollitI), John, JI9, ,. 319'. 32?.\157 . , rolU, Nko 127 . I^oIImi, AndtTW, 471, MrPiiU^.- FoncVio \ lU, jiKob, 4JO F'on^^tx^ Thilip, 454 • -, Thomas, W . Wanllti, ..,, I'liiflcr, Cliilstiiphcr, 92 — ' — f, Klizabtth, 324 ' J— ^ 1 Francis, 112, 124 ~' !h""'' -1^5. 329. 368 — , Hopestill, 68 --.-, James, 95 . . • . John, 93, 173, 182, 478 -I Nathnniell. 9,} - (a .Negro), 182 -, Wlli Lilliitni, 296 Francisco, Malhias, 254 Francke, ])aniell, 190 Francklin, Nicholas, 435 ^ Franklin, Jonathan, 74 (Francklyn. Irniilc- . - tiui _, . ., , K tttcliA, *^\ — s RiihaKU >tt »— , RoUit, 5UJ — n hylus K4 lyn, or Francklyon), Thomas, ^3'8;.. 319", 3^3. 367 I? rankling, Christopher, 44 j Fransum, Joseph, 368 Frascr, Malcuih, 320* Fraiill, John,v7i * [210 I Freame (or Freme), John, 171, Frclmume, set FrceU.ume ; Frederick, John, 447 Lftee. Johiu 40 ll"««el>oiirne, FteelHium, Frc- I ^uni^ I'ribourne / . (I. * ■ • 4 • ' . - « 4 • .~..iu *» • < '■■ - ^ M f ; ■ 1; .'■■»w .„ — ■ — ■.■.•,■;•.: * *« 1 « > « • m ' '1 V * t *>* V 1 *• 1 •r" '- ||M Ik. f *" I > • ' \ • • 1 1 I , V7 — ' , \Vm., 100 F'rere, John, 477 ' T'' ',',"','!"'*' ^?9' *"> •'"Fder -' — , \Viiliam,*^77 Fresey, Amlirosc, 191 Frcthrain, Richard, 193 Ffeiliy, 'Iho., 153 1 rretwell (or Frettwell), Ralph, 'GAD, Anne, thi ' 329.472 '— i.-..-'\L Frey, John, 298 Frilwurne, see Freeboume Friccar, Jo., iii FVie, Geo., 128, j« Fry F'rier, George, 218 ' , Toiiias, 79, see Frere -, Vi^ula, 218 -^'—, see Fryer FVishie, Rithard^ 260 Fri-,l)y, Llizabet^, 123 Fnsle, Frissel, Fris-se^L , 4)mnrtf-^J37 433 , tlizalwlh, 4«3, '433 , Margcrx, 194 - — , Thoina», 423, 43j_^ Frister, Rolwrl, 123 , , I riih,'l(V Furse "- Fuler, Thoniai, JOJj.^j Fyers, Jonc,.367 *"■ » Fynch, Jo., i25,iffFinch rynn, John, 136, j« Finn I oir 338.. V Gammage, Gamage, i3»madge, or („inud(;e ■> ;. Mephm, 3>7. 330 ' ~-^^ , Ih»mas iii, 336, Gane, Richanl, 40, snt.iyw ,0»ney, llenrv, 1S7. w'o^ny Gannock, R.ibert, 120 (Kinier (or Gunter), Lester, lU GantoK, 1', i,^ - ■' (■any, Anna, 187, 256 s Hcnrie, 251 . \\illiam, 187, 256, 273 . w (jancy Gar(l,,:MarKero«, 123, wGunrJ Ganlc, Alexander dc la. ij, Ganlencr, \Vm;,:85 Gardiner, KdwanI, 170 "^ ■, Thomas, 507 , Ganlncr, Ann, 75' r- -^ C;''"lev 317, 34J. ij4i , hdwanl( (07 1!^ r-, GcHirge, 370 -j j :, — -^.J"l'n37, 374 ; j- — -^ — . Maty, 118 f ' —■ — ', I'cWr, ^ > ; i ~-, — r~. Thomas, 123 i \\ ■ — ' , Wiiliam, 507 ' 'f' " Garland; Itigh, 36 '-,: -. Jo..'i 112 w.. ." f. ! -, James, 467 GJdhng, Ifcnry, 121 ' Ga Gage, Joseph, 318* , ; Gaich, Joseph, 3 I9»ii32'3 , ; Gaile, Flias, 175, 226 ^"'5 /."Jl"''?'' 334. 337. 340, iif Gall, Joseph -. — , Riclvard, 70 Oalliampton (Galhamton, Gil- , ha mplon, or G ijhainton).Thu. - "luJ. 33J, JJs, ,340, w Gil- hamftton , ^ Gall, -Andrew, 349i- 3*I»STP, 379. 409 Y ^= - , J uM pbi -M^p-arOiler Johrt ■- _ . Galler, \Vm., 135 CJalley, Ihol, 135 Gallup, Ant^. 337 Galjoway, Lborte Uamnn, KoljjnTri49 Garraan, Timothy, 43J Gamer, Miry, 502 ■-— — , Miller, 502 -^ yai^ctt, Eliiahcih, 187, lie ~ — —, Jiuliih, 279 , Sukiin, 187, J55 , ThOmas, 1S7, 255 Gameyt James, 478 ''IJ- ■'>ynif>n, 13;^ ' Gafrvd, Edward, 7r Garrett (;arjett — *f — , EnVomI, 50a- — ^, Francis 83' '' ' . , Owen, 71 — -' — , St^even, 50 ' , Richard West- ■' ^, Tho., 81 — — r^, Williaqi, 21*7 Purrotl, Thomiis, 438 Gary, Ed«a»i1, 478 Gascoign, f efer, 436 iiaKajBiviiawll, 116 ! Stephen, 447 < tee Gaskoync- ~ , i ■ .<]ib /-: ^ ? ». -^^-.--t,— -( \|r * ♦ ♦«--*• \ - '« }•'■- '\ .mff^-^' 534 INDEX. 't Wil- Gaikb)-ne,' Thomas, 264, le^ Gascoyne, &Ci Gaspar, I'icrre, 198 Gass, Edward, 51 Gastrell, Ebetlmelech, I^ Gater, Joan, in , Jo., Ill, 112 (, Gates, Elizabeth, 232 , Sir Thomas, 155 —_ — , Thomas, 179, 232, 270 G^her, John, 173 Gaton, Tho., 40 Gaiter, John, 240 ^ Gaughton, Nice, 86 GitMit, William, 294 Gaumon, Natha., 184 Gauiitlett (or GawBtle| liam, 183, 195 Gaurti, -La, 184 Gavett, John, 194 * ^ Gavyn, Kichanl, 127 Gawntlelt, sa Gauntlfttt Gawy-n, set MacGawyn Gay, Abcll, 471 — , James, 171 - — (or GuyH John, 326, p.% , Widow, 471 Gaye^r, ^ancis, 112 ' (^ayne, WUIiaAi, 187, 253, see •Gai>« r (Jaytoii, Richard,, 454 Geales, Willianj, 194 ^ Gean, Pontus 1^, 199 jGedney, Hiinah, 294 ', John, 290, ;294 — - — , Ledia, 294 , Sarah, 294 Gee, John, 102, 229 , Samuel, 320, 328, 341 (jeerei Dennis, 87 '' , Elizabeth, 87 '-' — , ;^ara, 87 , Gefirie, Jo,, 117 Geles, Wm., 135 Geriney, Kit-hard, 124 4 \ (Jcntler, Vallenlyn, 191 ' George, 188 — , Henry, 112 : — , Thomas, 478 Gerden, liridget, 64 Gcrish, Benjamin, 371 Gew, Ifenry, 126 *< Ghiselin, Claude, 199 Gibljes, j/'<- , Jane, I26, 144 ,iJohn, 105, 131, 171,211,'' 260,3.6,318,323,343,469, 478 , Joseph, 502 '■ , Lieut., 209 (?— J, M»ry,,469 - — , Nicholas, 342 , Phillip, 502 -^ — , Richard, 371 — — , Sarah, 466 , Stephen, 329, 470 — — , Thonjaf, 323 OibbsOh, -»---- \ Giddins, Geo., - Jane, ^G id ion, Rowland, 373 GifTord, Edward, 122 Francis, 272 ► Samuel), 444 •j'BSO". JesiKjr, 64 Gilbert, -, , 195 , Henry, 122' — , James, 347, 358, 361^ 394. 399. 432 Nathanicll, 478 i Gill, Mark, 120 , RichanI, 115 , TJiomas, 129 Gillam, Gilham, GiUhiuii , Ann, 97 n — ,-Iien., 97 , Emanucll, 50a ;;-, Ja, 124, 478 -—, Tho., 124 , . j Wm., 137 / Gille, Jan., 199 " Gillcs, Edwanl, 478' , — , Junr., 478 Cillett, Richard, 194 Gllliard, Anto., 85- i — , John, 434 '^ Gnson, Thomas, 74 Gislingham, F^dward, 432 — ^SI^^Kf • • *, Gitly, Henrj', 433 Gittes, Henry, 371 ' Gittings, John, 489* , Mabell, ^ ' Mai^', 489 lisabeth, 432 Jone, 432 "» ^P m 40, 139 Gladdin, Tho., 356 Wi. I'*"^*"*^, Glade, Joseph, 38 '•. 45. 46 X Glad well, Aymes, 66 > 45 XJlaistcr, Richard, 37 — , Robert, Soj 431 '—, Roger, 122 Thomas, 14I, 365,383, 386. 398 WHliam «97 (iilby, Robert, 39 Aiilder, Henrie, 64 Xlihlingivater, Tho., 74 Giles, Ann, 492 , George, 492 , Jonathan, 177, 222 , Mar^ett, 184 ~ — , William, 322 ■ , see (iyles ' Bilgatc, Jo., it_ Gillumjiton, Omvep, 44$ see Galhanipton Gilham, Gillham, see Gillam Gill, Allexander, 174, 240 — -( John, 104, 319', 323 , , Junr,, 31J Glasbrooke, Wm., 1 18 Glassenden, Jqhn, 133 Gleadston, Nicholas, \, Glenester, Robert, 12, Glifford, Hanna, ford] Gloster, Jo., 122 , vathew, 170, 206 Glouer [/'.c. Glover] Gl(jver, Alexander, 128 — , Henry, 178, 2S0 ijohn JaruccWiiix, « . ''X 181 Richard, lit Glower, Charles, 150 Glynn, Hryan, loi ', Goad, John,, u^ 142 , Tho., 100 — 1— , Wm., 141 Goadfcy, Jo., 46 ■ Goald, John, 319 Goard, Richard, 72, 76 GoclWiere, Benjamin, 431 Gotlbitt, Tho., 79 Godby, Joane, 253 ——.Thomas, 187, 253, 273 Goddard, John, 166* Goddin, Ldwarxl, 85 -; .George, .71 ——.Jo, '35 , see Goding ; ?♦ ^.^^ 9: O' -«i ' ( . ', s t. t % i #■■ /<_ Godding, Gopdcii or Goiltn, Abraham, 319, 320', 335, | ^cf Gwling Godffrce, Gdbert, 37J Gtxlfrc>, Andrew, 422 1 Jo , loi , Sarah, 422 Godfrie, IlcMnc^.i40 Gcxlfr), Mary, 371 Go Chrismus, 195 -, Thoj, 81 ~» Wdliam, 150 , •• •(■■Kill, IljU Gookmes, Daniell, 243 Gool.l (or (iould). Knock, n6« , 1 homa=, 316, 34a — 1 I'f (.ould Goose, W illiani, 293 Gorden, humond, 59 — , George, 37a . feter, -478 • ,, Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, 159* ' — > Hen.ry, 462 - -— -. Richard, Lord, J62.' Gorham, John, 94 ^ ■ ■ '"■^ ;-» Thomas, 94 Gorhie, Donough, 129 Gorman (or Gotmon), Matthew ^ 478. 495 Gorton, John, 372 . Richard, 372 1 Steven; 122 Gosling, Tho., 81 Gosiinn, Jo., 8l Gosnel, Klisabeth, 422 -. John, 422' Gossclin, \Vm., 142 Gossclyng, George, 161 •(. ~.~^' > James, 161* Gbther, Henry, 372 Gough (or Gowgh), Mathtw, r, "'< '37 Gould (orGooId), Enock, 316*. 317.343 ' . , Grace, 90 _■ -, John, 90 . -, Fetter, 191 Would, Thomas, 318 1 William, 316* • 'i-f Gould 7 Goulilhnch, Niiholas 226 '' Gol'Zg ■'"'""""' ^J* "» (.ouldmge, Jane, 152 7 " ' Sara, 249; (■ouldingham, Henry, 465 — . Johnj 465 Gou (lixkc, Sara^ 185 '^ Goulilsm iih, Arthur, ijj, ~ , Nicholas, ''17 J ,. ,1 • '"■ Goldsmith Couldson, l.ou|,),i<,n 1 Anne, 281 . Ucnery, 281, 28a * ,. ,"; — • ^'afy. 282 Gould* ell, Hem), 186 Gonrdeman, Jian, 198 (.ouruey, WilUam, 151 GoMnieur, Abraham, |66» Gowde, Hinry, 140 t'owm, ihir, 119 Gowgh, wC.ough Grace, Henjamin, 454 •' ^Junr.,438 ' . t'co , 121 Grafton (or (.raston), James, 37 ~ . J"'in, 364, 385, V(7 Grame (or Grand), Janus, 37 Grane (or(;nnes), (.eorge, 175 Granger, Niccolas, 262 , Rolwrt, 39 , Thomas, 129' -» stv Graunger Grant, Thomas, 431, j«Grai»nt Grasson, Wni,, 123 '. Graston (or Grafton), James, Graue, dnvin, „t Grar- Gravc-s Craungct, Nicholas, 188, ' m Granger Craunt, John, 121 " . Zelh, 150 -— I m Grant Grave, Klnor, 225, ta Stuiw — ' . George, 225 -.Joan, 130 -. John, 225 I — : — ', Mary, 130 , William, 286 Graves (or Urane), Geor«, '75 i* r • Mary, 467 — . Richanl, 92 * -, Rol^rt, 217, 4^7 -, Rose, -467 c'^- %^ K' M- 1 ( '- -if' » » v.. ' *■ ' ' ' ■M- ■ ■> t. ■ ■ * / ■ . ^ f . \ ' ■. V''- \'^^'.- .'^ ■y - • > :P" ■'■■■■-. , . ' ' ' ■ ' . '■- '^-: '- > ■ t _P_ . .' — r — _^, V -^t — \ — ' — -~~~^- — '■ — — • 1 ! ■r ■' - ^ ■■" ""^i. ^^' ■■■■1 ■H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <« ^^^^H ^^1 ^1 ■ ^H ^^r ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it -i» ^ .»■..--■ 7 ' -' ■" • » ^r'-J'" ■ . '" ■•> . o ^ ~ t " ■ • '■ .- '-, ■ ■ ■ ^ ■ .-^.A\ ^-^ * - • <♦ ,•■-■., - \ ■ ^v ; - . u " . '■ "'. _ y .■-' ...■,•■'; #__ ■ 1 ■ ■;■'- ■ * 1 c - I- ■ ,^ -■-■-.. * ; , •■ " , " 1, . ■, . •* ' ;# • ./Vv- ■'• : ■- » ■ ■ ■ 7 ■■ ■ .^. ' . ; p • . ■ ■ . .- :■■. *--, *f !• ~> .. ' * ■^ - "'v ■?» / " '■*• c. . p . ' ■ ,■■'■■=' ' • - <■ --4'« -:■■ I,^ ■-• '■ , '. ■ 1 --■■'■ ■■-■-•■,..-' ■::"■ . ■ J- \. ■ . - ; . ■ ■ ' / ' ■'■ ■ » ■ . ^ ■.-.■.■ . ■ ^- • . . -./Jf "■ ■ V ■■ >■■■ ? "' ' V f / ' ■ \ \ J ■ ■■ >'' ■; ^■'■^■' ■^" . \ iif *•' A- % IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 |LJS W III 12.0 ■■^ 1^- ^' 1# ■^ J> ■■•J ^f' »H .^/ ^ II • <■ ¥ ;i>:: St1ll«TMMNfi«n W1IM .W.Y. 14Mt Jl ^^v ^^^ . ..^^ ► 5t— > :'■''■ -< . '•«■ < ?*• > J WK' n «'' 536 INDEX. Graves, Thomas, 188, 263 Gra)^ Kdward, 51 , Francis, 79 , Crtorge, 339 . ■" — . Johnrita" ., Mo- , Mathew, 342 — — . Richard, 137, 478, 494 — — , Kpliert, 372, 443, 478 , j«GrBjr (iraye, lone, 176, 228 , Margrett, 228 ■ , Thomas, 176, 228 , William, 1 76, 228, $02 '..Gnubury, John, 307 Gnuebury, James, 3Ti' Greefeson, William, 139 Green, Jacob, 348, 369, ,380, 38i 389, 406, 4"i 416 — , Richard, 317', 319*, 324 , see Greene Greene, Abigail, 150 , Aderton, 192 , Alexander, 125 < — ' , Ambrose, 140 ' , Uaniell, 36 , Darcas, 278 ^ — , Edward, I2J , Eliiabelh, 465, 467 , Ellin, 62 • , George, 36, 463 ■5-— t-, Jacob,. 150 -= , John, 70, 74, 8l, 150, 176, i8j, 194, 279 -* — * — , Joseph, 150 , Nicholas^7i — , Hcrcivall, 62 —, Perseverance, IjO ——, RichanI, 86, 179, 236 , Robert, 102, 170 • , Roger, 138 , Saloman (or SoUo* ■nan), 189, 264 , Sara, 113 ^, Sisley, 174 — — i Nuzau, 71 , Thomas 38, 45, 46, 83, >03, 142 , , William, 71, 126, 127, 141, 2S4i 4<». 465. 467 ^reenelefe, Wm., 128, lit Grecnleafe' Greehewood, John, 39 ' ; Rol)ert, 141 , tft Greenwood (•reenhilt, Nicholai, 230 Grtenidge, Jane, 49a — , Jean, 478 — , rhilocleon, 490 >; — ■, Richard, 478, 490 Creenlcalc, Ann, 304 Greenleare, Robert, 204 ' — f, Susan, 204 — '■ , Thomas, 204 , set Greenelefe Greenly, Jo., 51 , Sleeven, 52 Greenoway, Ursula, 57 GrccnslaCt, ThdWias, 373 / Greenway, Rob^, 357^08 , Wm, -sirs 3'9' 320* Greenwich, Jo., 74 Greenwogd, John, 37, 437 f . Tho., 51 •, see Greenewood Greevett, ^llin, 227 , John, 227 see Grevett Gregorie, Alexander, 138 , Ben, nj , Tho., 121 I x«rGriggory Gregory, Omiond, 478 , Richard, 171, 222 , Thoma^ 327, 331 , see Griggorjr Greigs, John, 352 \ Oiwiier, Anioine, 198 Grcntild, Barbrey, 294 , Marey, 294 , Samuell, 294 Gressam, EdwartI, 128 ,Jo., 127 Giestninh, jacobus, 370 Gretrick, Ihomas, 297 Grevett, John, 178, set Gtte- vctt Grey, Matthew, ^72 , Ralph, 167*, 168 , Thomas, 163 , Ulsula, 425 — ■ — , see (Jray, Gnlye Griliell; Thomas, 145 Griddick, Jo., 135 Griffige, Joan, 123 Griffin, Grifhne, Griffinn , Ann, 113, 133 , Dennis, 372 — , Edward, 417, 478 , (»eorge, 154 . — , Gualler, 428 — — — , Henry, 427 , John, 136, 12ik 367 , Marie, 68 , -. , MatheW, 191 Rice (or Ki«i), 185, -, Richard, 190, 195 -, Thomu, IJ3, 194 -, Wia., iij a43 Crillin, iff Griphin and GnifSn Griffith, Ambrose, 183 , EiJiyard, 138 , Grace, 432 r ,:Herbs$4g9 Jo., 120 /t' . ,* , tosua, g'f , Rebecca, 43a , Rol)ert, 432 :— , Wm., 119 ' , see Gyffith. Griffiths, Richard, 41 GriiT's, see Griffith, Griffiths Griggory, John, 454, see Gre- gory, Gregorie Grigg s, Grigg ', Alyce (or Alee), 44, '■*:- ^■. 370 Elisa, 44 - , Geo., 44 r James, 44 , John, 478 , Mary, 44 , , Robert, 370 , Tho., 44, 119 Wm., 44 Griggson, Grigson , Rickanl, ard, 80 , Robert, 478 ■*, Wm., 38 Grimes, Ann, 173 < — , Gilbert, 73 -, George, 190 — {or Grines), 'George, 267 Grimscroft, Ja, 36 Grimston, Anthony, 102 -Justice, 43 Grmd, Richard, 135 Grindall, Edwanl, 135, (mnder, Thomtts, 172 Grindon, Edward, 270 Grindrj-, John, 187 Jtmc, l8r 180 , ,.— . 187 , M^iry, 187 Grines (or Grimes), George, 267 Griphin, Raph, 178, sm Griffin, &c. Gritton, Elliialieth, 454 (ironeare, John, 502 Groue, Groues, see Grove, Groves Ground, Robert, 39 Grove, Benjamin, 353, 377 , Joseph, 440 , Richard, 231 , Wm.f 129 , set Groves Grovtr, Samuel^ 131 % tW'.^ ><,(V<--''"5^'!^' ( ^ '#: V ' r!* ' ! '■': i 'Mr- wm ■i '^■■-.f. ■ (i. ■ ■^K ^'y. 445.454 , Alice, 75 i » — — , hl(«il)«th, 428 , lames, 205 (or (iayj, John, 326, 328 , Kichartl, 1.20* 7^^— , Koliert, 171, 228 * i \Vh\tney, 195 -, WiHiam, 35 ■ ltaic«, srt ilajM j HaicwAnl, John, 70 ' — , Sainuell, 56 , Suh, no Kicliaril, 111 Gniflin, John, 192, sti Urifliii, liwviie, I'aul, 440 *-'c- . i Oylliih, Ambrose, 25s Gualmay, Thomas, 64 •( ■ , Jov-se, 255 \r Guard, i:iUal>eth, 491 '. j - ■ , j,v:' Griffith , IsaCell, 491 . I Gyliw, \Vm.; 3i»,*, JI9*, r« • , Peregrine, 491 ■ , \ K;ile«^ William, 347, 3-8, 364, -r. , if llaewani, llajr- wanl,; H^i«artl llnteni>ni;>)&raes 43 >#* llaitc, Sarah, 13a Sff : llJlire-(or llnnici, John, 184, *v Hayne riaincaniel, 465 , Henry, 465 -,' stv < '.un Anne, '91 -, Gl>o., 91 -, Hclieeca, 91 Gunnery, John, 274 . Gunningf John, 478 (iunsl.fii, Chad.,, '189, J.r Gul- sions ^j- ' Guiisliine.^fnmii^s, 462 (iunlcr (n^aiiier), Lester, 131 , Win, ^142 Gu|.|>v, Juatinean (or Juili- .|>hcr, 332, 335. Ul Haie», / — — — , Wm., 318*, 319*, 320* , J« Giirgc, William, 151 , John, 41 Gurr, George, 180, 236 , , Kolwrl, 71 Gtin-iih, Jelfery, 117 ' , William, 50 I I'ailiiet, Humfrey, lOI I HacwanU Thoina.s 149] M Haicwanl, IJaiwanl, |lay- I ■ wartl\ , HalTell, W Hasfelt j . Ilagar (a N'egro), 429 | Haggnr, ki^H-rt, 109 ll.ngg»l, OllWll, 338 lla^'ihorp, William, 479I Haiilen. Tho.Xijg, urj Ilejr- 1 lion, Mriilen \ 1 ' Haien, Ant'., Iir amea, 137 \ ■ f , 180 •^ — -, ariisyiser , Hainan!, Kub«rv:i||,Mr||M. I wan), &c. ■ f ,;.>; ' i Ha^es, 'niumav "Ql , HaWesli^, Isaliell, 113 ; Hal, UisaUib, 437 I — , Esther, 437 — , Fraiici.s 437 — , Jehu, 434i ~, .w Hall llalam, Uolwrt, 1(9, m H*U lam, llalUim ' Hal.lin, KichanI, I33 I Hale, l<«inal>ie, 379 j , Ju., 119 ' 1 — -, Thomas 2ort Haler, Hcnrie, lij I Hides Jo., 112 j Haley, "1 leiiiii*. 376 , Thi'ina*. 479 ■ , sfr Hntley, Halv, Heylei llalfonl, Tho., 43 Halfyar.1, Aymies, i)s ' Halingvfonh, m- Hailingvuiih Hall, Aftiiis, 2«3 , ~ , Anne, 4il I? 1. — .469 ■-, Anthony, 41R ,-- — , rhrisl.ijiher. 176, J27 ■■~^, Ikiljithj^, 283 -— , Klualnth, J83, 421 , Knher, 421 — tr, Francis 421, 4SS , Gforge, 173. 222 -r-^, (illes J77 , (>ri»ell, 283 -:-, Hugh, 186, 252, 443, J07 — , James 115 -^.Ulfery, 1K5 — — , Joane, ,283, J07 i.-^, John. 114. 141. 17*. **1< 421, 4>6. 502 t. —,low| 111,183. , Rith ■ ithinl, 447 68 "W *...... . . ' 1 ♦ ■ ' ■ K ■•J:.^_-::: ■■ \ '" ' . • 7 N _'"' * ' f t. * ■ - > -■'■ ■»: V ■•? _53r - ^^ •*^-. Hall; Robert, 414 " ' , Samuell, 76 , Sunan, 173, aza, aa;, 4J2 -, Susanna, 431 , Temperance, 28J •!— T-, Thomas, 79, 80, 87, 11 1, 137, 188, 194. 235, 304 -7—, Trislram, 283 f William, 112, 236, 332, tm llal Iliillam, Wm., 479,/«llalam, Ifallum llatlent, Fulian, ai9 ' Ilallcit, Ilallet -T , Anilrewc, 286 — — , Christopher, 42a, 430 , Gregory, 434 . Juhn. JJH. 337. 36*. 422, 43o|*M". 454 .Joseph, 326 , ■ , Mary, 42a, 430 , Kichard, 443 Thomas, 327, 329 LVDEX. A I lames, Clement, 136 , Kichanl, 143, l^famis ■, Tho., 41 Honkworlh {or Haukwortb), Nathaniell, 143 I lanmcr, Ucorge, 86 ' — , Tho., 128 . (or Haines), Tha, 128 j Manmerry; Nieholas, 479 ( ), William, Hannah, Andrew, 379 , (Jcorgc, 164, l67,,446 Il.illiack, John, 92 H.illicrs, iilye, 210 UalJingworth, llalingwonh — ' ' , Edward, 74 , Eliz., 9p8 — "^^ ^— , Kichanl, 108 ■ , Huukxt, I(* ^- ', AvMollingworth ilalloway, Abraham, 63 — ■ Oarby, 424 — , Lanthil, 424 , Mary, 424 Ilalloweli; Huyn, 81 Ilalbim. Mary, 493 , Wm.,493 , m lialam, llallum llalock, Edward, 94 llalsey, Jo., 7^ 'I , Kichanl, 112 llaly, Ellin, 116, i,v Haley, Hayley, Iki. Ham, John, 432, 455 , Joseph, 245 , Susanna, 43a llaman(or Hamun), Johk, I9I, 192 , Joseph, 185 — — — , Mat new, 179 ' — , i«v I layman Hamar, u/ Hamor Himlilen, Mathew, 67 H inil>hn. Widow, 455 ilamily (or Hamey), Kichud, 110 HaiAer, srt Hamor JIainerly, ur Hamracrly |83 Hamcy (or Ha:ndy), Kichard, 110 Hamias, Moses, 449 Hamilton, Ailam, 374 '■ , JameSt MarquU' of, 160 Ham.is,'Riehat' 439 Harbyiln, l'cier,'l27 , Harcomlie (or Hercombe), John, 319, 3i9«, 323 I lardcostell, .Mathew, 251 Hanleman (or Ilardiman), John, 326, 130 . t Hanling, Chnsloiihq . E(lwar.l, 4f -; — ■P-.73J ', rrancij, v t Henry, 45 rv"^ij 495 -, Hugh', Kl^7 -, John, 3 -, Katharine, 421 Margery, 71 I I t ' , ■ , Mary, 421 Nailianael, 466 ■, Sara, 133 , Thomas, 18a -*. Wm., 133, 439, 446 ;*S"' Haney, John, a(if if, l,glin, — , Elii , 56 I lanforii, dm, 56 ' , Margaret, 56 I Hanger, I'hdlip, 377 , Richard, 303 Hante, Elinlwth, aoa ' (or Haine), John, 484 Haning, Wm , 14a Hardiss, Joan, loa Harilisse, William, loa : Hacdon, John, lai , i Hanlwict, francis, 455 Mlanly, Joseph, 357, 358,374, 394.404 • ■ -, Kulwrt, 73 ■ . . Hare, Hrynn, 124 . -• . fcilvy, 490 « " , , George, 490 . Jolm, 437. 4$J • . Mary, 437 . ♦ , Sarah, 490 ' ,., -' ^-^, SuMii, 125 Uarecourt, Robert, 156 Harermch, Win., 104 V ,■•>■- >K J ■ t-_ _ '. : ■ .■ »• 4 . .,- ■ ■ I k. . ■ ■-■ • ',.' ■V «' ' - -. .\ »'_ ■ ■'"■". \ - ♦ • • t- ^ •" A f ^ -"^j" .- ' t V ' ■'.■ _'.-■- " •■ '^^B ♦ ■" , * • ■ # • i>> . ..«, ■ -« . ..■.;■ .'-: f *. 1 ■ \ \ * ■ - ■• ■ -■■"-.^ . /. ' V ■ •■ ' '^E 1 ■■■ . \" . N ■ 1 . > ( \- - - .■■\ / t: ': '"■'^ ' • '^» . ' • ^ H* ' '^1 ; » . ^ f # € \ ^ • -k >.> Jl 1^ • ^is^x^^^ t WM t- '"fl ' .» ■1 llar(;ra\e, Richard, 35 ' Hart;ravir-,,Wlli,, 479 Haigroie, William, 493 llarison, see iJarrisbp Darker, John, 378 Ilarkwotxt, Jo., 133 >, Ilarlakenden, Kliza, 100 • , Mable, iqo ~< Kiiger, 100 Ifarlow, Ilarlone ' , Anthony, 178 -, John, 83, 187, 250, 468 -, Richaril, 468 Harlstone, Edward, 479 lUrman, Captain, 47 , Charles, 264^ ~r—' — , Kllis, 115 — ^ , Francis^ 109 * ■—, Jo., 109 - ^ -, Kichard, 37 , Sara, 109 « . Tho., 43, SI , , William, 462; 47f ' ''"rP". (ieorge, 343, 440, 455 Harries, Marye.s, 152 Harrington, felia.s, 111 Harris, Adria, 203 -, 'Alice, llj, 186 •* . Anthony, 479, ^ - , iJorithe, 1 70 , , Kdward, 377 . J^linor (or Ellbor), '84. a^ * -^ , Klijabeth, 490 ' T — , Geo., 64 . '- —-•-—, lianiiall, 431 — ~«r. Henry, 297 . i • . J"l>», 4». 8». <03, 170^ 252, 268, 333, 338, 341, 359, 454 ', I.ieut., 180 ^ , I.ucy, 491 , Maliell, 491, 494 t , Kichard, 87, uS, 467, ; , -490^ j ■ . Robert, 36, 1 15, 14* | , Thoma-s 176, 203' ^, Walter, 149 -,. Williamj 39, 70, 1 14, \ iKA ■„, .1.^ ^ - INDEX. _ • « o Harriwin, Richard, 96 -(Hirison, or Harm- son), Ro,l«n, 138,323,331 — . W illiam, 106 Harrowip;, Marie, '67 HarrwellTTho., 143 MarrwiK),!, set llarwood Hart, Harle, irartt ', Capiain, 175 — -, Charity, 490 1 . , Chri.,"85 ^ — -, Dorothy, 490 r — • Kdward, 479 i^ — -^1 Isacke, 391 ..Job, 490 _— , John, #4, 108, 149, 430 , Josias, 191.- — — , Mary, 108, i^i , Rotjert, 85 — , Tho.i 91, 128, 137 ;, Walter, 479, 499 ' , Wni;, 102 Hartcy, John, 316 ' • Hartfordc, .Margrett, 47 Harelie, (."hrislopher, 140 llartl4y, Jeremy, 71 , \Villiam, 174, i( 5.J Hwfell, Kuth. 5S — ~ . !>»ra. 55 Hasell, John, 44J ' •^ ■, I'eier. 37» — . Williann, J7J — '— , m ITa'.^ell, llajel • llaielwpod, tluahcth, 488, 41)4 ..^-, Jane, 404 — , Kicbaril, 48S b' "^'t < -,nioin».,'479,4gS» 494 Hatlewdod, Walter, at* " ■ '-1. 'Xl.I3» «?. Harney, stt Harvey tar '80. J33 435, 186, 193, 462 ,-y^ , Zachariah, 479, 493, 494 Harrison, Abraham, 503 r~, Ann, i8<> r, Charls, 43J .": 1 George, 209 ■—~ , Hugh, 104, ^———, John, 39, 101 , Raphe, 195 Harvey, Harvye, Uarvy,Harvie 7 — •— , Alexander, 121 — . Ai)n, 45 ■ ' '. t'r?9. 337 -, Roliert, 122 -, Thomao, 130, 178, \ William, 181, 338 i Htsrell, Marie, 55 1 — ^ , Martha, 55 I — , Rachell. 55 i' , RichanI, 55 Haiiley, John, I Igisard, biwani, Haiard , Hiuuell, Benjamin, 444 — —, Ralph, 454 -, Win., Hi' , wHaxIl, Hatd Hiutipgs, EdwanI, 69 ' -, .Sii.«n, 280 . _ Thomas, 280 Hatch, ..Rebecca, 1S7 ■, Thtmtas, 222 HaicHtl, Tho., loj Haifeil.1, HaUicld, HatlAM —, Joseph, 183, 360 — , William, 173, 310 llalhorn, Jo, 163 Hatbome, Tho., 47 Halhbway, Jo., 108 ' Hathway, .Samuell, 455 — '■ '— ^SuiUtn, 96 * Hatrell, George, 135 1 Haltenon, Jo., 80 I Haitfild, j,v Hatfeild ' Hatton, Ann, 430 I — ■ , Charles, 479 j , John, 248 I -— , Olive, 348 , Rol>en, 373 — ^— , Thomas, 430 , — , Wm':, 139 Hanliy, Kichar<), 39 llaucs (or Hanesl, I.uke. 13a Hau|. ^DEX. N •■ii irauscn(or Hawen), Sair.uoll, ■ 479 1 . iHavercamp, Francis, 126 Maviland, Matlierf, 329, 414 , Miles, 374 . Ilaward, Henry, 278* ' , Hugh, 218 — ; ■, Susan, 218 I , !'V Haywaril ' ,. Maway, Thomas, 172 Mawen(or Hausen), Samuell,.! AT) \ Hawes, Ann, 131 ■ _ - \ Ji , Anjia, 131 -, Olxijiah, 131 [ ■* ■ Ke(;inoll,.37 1 -, KichartI, 131* ' lliwUr,Tiniothy,334,338,34i Inwkes, hllni, 117 , , .\lary, 117 Wm., 124 Ifiwkins, Abraham, 424 - ' — — , Anilrew, 443 k" , Cl*tiicnt, 74 — ^ , Ceo., 83 ' — -— , Tames, 125 --^--J^ Job, 56 ., Mar)-, 424 Richaril, 59 H.iyman, Nathan, 400, 404, 4<4 :',_. ~- — , \\^lliam, 39 I layman, sk I laman i Havne, Hayhes '---, 'jol.fi 3,8', 3,9., 324 ^^— . Michcll, 119 '•■- r. William, 318", 319', 322. 333. 337, 340 -;, ^>v I laiAe, Haines j Hayse; Thomas, 331 I Hayle, Kolwrt, 470 ■ Haywaril, John, 470 "'-^ — , U'iliiam, 70 I-' — ■— - — , sec Haward, Hac- ward, &c. "ft Haywood, John, 331, 446, 479 ^ ~, \Vidotv, 447 " , !« I leywood -PHazardJ, Henry, 188 -^ , Joanc, 188 . John, i88, 248 '■e Hassard Heilier, ste Hellyer Hellin, &c, ste Helin " Hellue, Robert, 1^3 Hellyer (Heilier or HiUier), Rol*rt, 327, 329 ( )^ Thomas, 327, 329 I lelines, John, 376 — -, tr Thomas, 502 Uely, John, 171, 210 , Mathew, 8| , tee Healy [ Helyn, sa Helin Ueffiing [i>.^liemmingl J'l 122 Heiiderson, Francis, 479 — : , Wm., 472 Hendly, Daniel], 374 Kiiz-. 374 — ^, Thomas, i8o,, 234, 424 -^, William, 151 -.'<«• Hawkynns IHnksivorth, John, 454,. 41:1;, 159 ■»J-*» ••"■ , AVilliam, 469 ' — , see Haukwortt Hawkynns, .Marie, 58 • , Robeit, 58 , see Hawkias Hawley, Ceo., 120 • IKiir), 126, 160; 426, 434 I , Jim, 42O j Hanlkom (Haulkom; Haid- kim, lliukoui,or Holcomlic), Andictt, iiy, 3I9-, 323 llauton, (.tiard, 374, see \\ uighton lli\le\, K.1IN.V1, 64 "Hi), I)inii.ll dc I»i, 297 , Joiin Pc I.a, 296 y IVter, 160 Haycni, .\l)raham, 373 "i^ei, Jane, 490 , ^nrtul, 402, 444 - . Ihoiiu.^, 479,490 llil). llakj, licy'ci Ilaaeli, Toby, 64," «• Uasell, Hassell Iljaly, Wm., 375. *v Hcly ,. Hearst, Win., 455 I Heath, i:iiz.il)eth, 130 i" , Isack, 130 , ^!ar^ha, 130 "H , Robert, 135 tp. — , Thom.a.s,'i2i ~i William, 150 HcathfciM (or Jlealdifeild), -John, 318', 319', 3J3 Meaton, John, 44O Hebbs, Thomas, 175 ' llelxlei), Tho., 37 ■ Heck, Katherin \"an, 101 '-, Olliver Van, loi , Peter Van, 101 Hecffirop (or Hectrop), Wm ! ,347. 455 I Heilges, Francis, (^7 ■ , \ , Robert, «f4'.«4o ! Iledley, Heli". 330. 338. 343 Hewbrayne, John, 154 1 Icwes, John,; jjoa < , Thomas, 254 set Hughes, Hughs;' llu ■%" /■ Ji;? '^%J' ■■•1, . .V*- • '%;^ober,. 446. 47 Hihbiiis, James, 63 • , HiWwll's, Kalheriif, 96 ' Hichcocke, Killlwtl, 173 , Thomas, 177, igg — : -.William, i8i rr"; ' m Hitchcock Uulicoiiilxjttom, Jo.^6J x,y HiSyinl'oUiam • 7 llickcy, \Vm., 104 .- Hickles, Jane, 143 , Hickman, thariiy, 493 '"-t KichartI, 493 7-7-' , Waller, 493 Hickmore, Mr., 174 Hicmott, James, 224 • Hide, James, 81 \ , Uichanl, 125-1 > « Uyde Jlieges, Miles, 306 HigKinlwiham, John, 44'i, 43-^ '■' Hickconilxxtain HlKgins, KliMljcth, 185 — -— , Johif, 39, 206 1 1 i(j(;in»uii, Ann, 124 "~^ —1 Humfrey, 124 .-— . Margaret, 502 ! lligKiwin, Henry, 17c llil(;rove, Alexander, 420 Hllk, John, 378 ^ Hdman, wHillman Hill, Kdward, 1.S6, 257, 271 , Klizalieth, 152 186, 252 ' 7' r ranees, 187 — -, Francis, 260 • > '.•■'"Ke. 94, 4J6 , Hanna, 1S6 '-•— , [lenry, 85, 29s ,- ■' .Jane, 207 -^— . Joan, 134 —-•Mn. 37. 39. 74.80. 122, - — («r Ciill), J„hn, 3i9» -^~— , Kailterin, 64 — — . Marmaduke. 207 -. Kol^rl. 106 1 Thoina5;ii87 "- i -^William, 107, 149 ■ .J-vinila Hdlianl, Charles 35 5*i Hflli'anl, (Iregnry 195 ^~~:^m:.^'n'« Ililher, i,-, Heilyer Hillman, KUner, 98 - (nr llilman). I „.]^i 337. 340 Hills, Ismale, 1S8 —yk-, Rone, 121 * -T-, ste Hill ^ , Hdtorl, Alice, 71 . ~~~;","8''. "8.t70.10t . ino., 307 Hinch, John, 4S9 -; —.Margery, 489 "~ . William, 489 Hincje. Mai^pret, 105 . ,_- , "" '■ — . William, 104 "^ . '■■(■ Hynd Hindsley, \Vm., 123 , Hme, K.iljcrt, 571 v Hini.lt'; James, 112 ' ■,' ', Hmkynn, Wm., 141 Hinshawe, Wm., nt Hinson, Jo,, 128 Hinton, Ellias, 179 > . Jolm, 175 "'*,■ , '<■' Hynton • Hi|>psley, Jo., 133 > Hiithcock, Hiichcxke — . C"a|iiaHi; Mj ., John 3i9«, 32-4 ""- ;, .*(athew, 59 . I'lio., ,104 -— -— -, i,y HiehcOck. Hilc kock Ifobcrafi, John, 421 ,71 • '-'"rcl, 421 H>!>c«, AvHobb, ' Hohin, Tho., iia «*le.John, 28- \ ..,ph«. 3l6», 317 1,2 jH*»n, E,jw.nl, .a,, ,5,, ;-; — .John, 121 ^ -. >'ich;.las, 41 ■■'..'■ I ~. Elira{*th, 177, jjo '~ '' "M. I9J , •» Idms, Jo.. 81 J "'"Iges. Cftislooher ■ 1^""=^—. tliJalfeth, I l'--- J"-., 36, 54. --—.lone. 429 I . Mr., 50 l~~— > Koger, 86 I ~~jno., 81 "—"- ■ — . Anttmio, 12* i ' y — . EilwanI, 120 ' . Henrie, 135 .jesper. lis ! 7~~ — ^' '""T?''t"i 264 . . Nicholn, 264 , .xlgson, William, 39 * IIiHlson, Tho., I ft llocman, KJiialwih, iiS . Wm..8l9 JY • ^^'inifrid, S<; I "«^*. Mn, 3.r I?Hl,eh. JK'S.^^ "' "^ • ! Hilchv. lolfn. i-,H '. JI"'*! J°- "9. 141. .w li,„ Hoggm, Dennis, m * HoKman, Kli/alnihi 479 nolt>i„,(„r Hgl.lyn). Yhriu .f "^- I IS». Hiichy, Jolfn, 228 Jlilckock, Alice, 237 ,. , 'Iliomas »3? — — — , wWichcock, Hitch cock, &c. jlilcr, (Jeofge, 40 i Hoare, KdwanI, 319' ■ ;, kichard, ii8*. -iio» 1 314 . ^ ' (or Hoar), Thomas, 35''. 330 - .. — ,~— . Jrt'Hore _ ,* Holibs, Holis, Holies -- — -,.KHralieth, 378 — , Humility, 426 — . Oliver, JiS*, 3»4 I , Robert, tipy ——. KiiRer, 326, 331 ~- — ~i I ho. , 69, 1 1 3 f,Pl'"'>6*.3l7,.Ul IJolbryoke, Annp, 285 , KliMUth, 2S5 -, Jane, 2S5 ' Holicraft, Elinor,' 42 1 "■•••*.■ :r\ ■■ • ''\ ^ '■ ' ' ."hn, 285 . Ilionias, 2'Ss Hollluhl, Walter, 64 HojcomU, „»Ha»Ikom, \,. Hohlet, John, 336 ^1 , Junr,, 502 , ■ —1 Mclettah, 50a — , Nichola-s 479 , Wm , 336 I ~, wHimlder lloldip, Frances, 423, 4(1.1 , Hilliatd, 362 4»3 . . Juhn. 4*3. 4«o -¥^r 4:^; / ;■ >* . oV S4» Holdred, \Vm., 53 Holdsuorth, Arther, 378 "-^ i^iltjcri, 71 " — » Jo., 109 Hole, Robert, 446 Holeman, Roger, 379 ~~ : — , I'homas, 324 Holl.im, Rolwrt, 202 Holland, Abram, 139 , Ann, 123 r '■ — t tiabricll, 169, a 4 -4 — JAI)£X. l6o -, Henry, tirl of, 159, . John, 38 I -^, Martha, 165 ■ , Rebecca, »'228 ', Robert, 38 ' — ~, Thomas, §6 -, Wm., nty . Hollard, Aneell, 285 - — , Kathcryn, 485 7t~i — ' ^"mas, 373, 441 Holliday, Mary, 375, ,„ Hoi- lyday Hollidge, Roger, 102 "?=£- - " KSIK,, Hallingwonh Hollin, John, 427 Hollinbrigg, Edward, 120 Hollinhy, Richanl, 52 Hollmsworlh, Ralph, 455 Hollisj Kdiih, 171 *"' »^Nipo., 51 Ilolloway, Edmond, 70 ~— ' — '-, Kedie, 113 — > Elizabeth, 123 ~ — , Hannah, 304 ^— — . Jo- 72 ■ — : — , Richarrl. V7x Hollowell, John, 468 Holly, Eliza., 93 . Hollyday, Wm., 441, ,„ Ifi,]. nday x, Holman, James, 467 , Jane 429 — ~ . John, 467 r— — . Robert, 429 Holniar, Edward, 150 Holme, Robert, 38 Holmes, Alice, 180- , Captain, 175 • -'— ^, Henry, 41, 479 ij Hplmes, Susanna, 495 Ti I — ^ — , Thomai!, 207 •'U l{plse)% RfichaW, 376 ' W Holt, Humfrey, 132 T - — . Joseph, 379 i- — ■ Randall, 221 r i , Rowland, 37? ', %• ' , Wm., 85 ^'^ \ ■ Holion, Ilanholmew, 95 Home, John, 265 Homer, Roger, 353, 3601 36^ ,369, 382,385.408. 4", 4ft= Homes, Margaret, J23 — , I'homas, 290 ' Honniboni, Robert, I02 Hootle, Ralph, 242 Hooe, Ryce, 96 Hook, Wm., 376 „ jlfooke, Beniamin, 105 Hooker, John, 497, 498, 499^ -—, Ralph, 498 — — ;— , Thomas, 173 Hooliham, Olliver, 74 Hooks, John, 192 .; .,:>.._• ; 496 " ■•■• '"•^' ■♦'s. ' '-' J»™«. 479. 49^, — — -, John, 51, 479, 492, 494 . [ — . Mary, 492 ' , Matnew, 1 1 1 < Richard, 40 ' ' . Samuell, 83 ', Christopher, 455 , Daniell, 377, 4& ; ~' — > John. 319 ~, Jonathan, 479 — . Robert, 462 — ' , Wm., 86, 107 Hppcroft, John, 416, 443 Hopckings, Samuell, 502, j Hopkins Ho|)cs, Henry, 119 Hopkicke* William, 194 Hopkins, Anni.s, 117 — , Barthelmey, 183 ' — ■* lyRichard, 121 ~- ; , Ja Hoi)ckings Hopkinson, Michell, 36 Hoppine, Mary, 152 Hopson, Thoma.s, 233 Hopwood, Jo., 63 Horde.sneir, Henry, 164* Horc, Richard, 3J, ta Hoare Horn, Mary, 428 Home, Gustavus Adolphus. 377 • Henry, 179 Hombynn, Richard, 80 Jlorrock's, The; .«6 wlorsham, Dorcas, 68 : . Edward, 67 '- ' — . Elizabeth, 67 Horswood, Sarah, 460 '" Horton, John, 431 . — , Robert, 4217; Horwood, James, 42 Hosier, , 192, 196 ^ . Hoskins, Hoskyns ' . Bartholrtiew, 121, 274 -r Sir John, 167 ^ ~ . Katharin, 428 ' '' — ^ — . Mrs., 446 * • , Nicholas, 189 • is • T*obert, 46* flosmcr, Hossmer '/ ^ -, Ann, 54 i ' , James, S*i+-'T;~~--:^r~: — Mane, 54 -, Jo., 103 , Richard, 141 Homer, James, 125 7; , Thoma.s, 193, 441; Homiold, Homicide ' «,"lll'""'=' 494 - ,, . Wdliam, 479, 404 Homn, Richard, 179 *" Horowood, Jo., m Hotcn, Margery, 378 jjough, William, .377, 480 Hougliion; Chri., 83 T"^ — ~ {"' Haughton), Epaphroditus, 166, 165* . John, 89 — : . Wm., 65 " . Moulder, John, 469, sa Hol- der ,- H^oulding,- Just, 279 ~ . Richanl, 279 Housfeild, John, eoa How, Eliz% 376 . John, 1S9, 330 — , Tho., 379 ■-■ , sa Howe Howard, Francis, Lord, 163* 164, 165* , ' •* ' — —, John, 258, 360, 372, 417 , Mabell, 488 • -, Marv, 48a •-, Sir I'hilip, 163* 7; 7. William, 119, 48S Howe, Edward, 131, ,4, , Elizalwth, 131 — ^. Ephraim„i3i , Isack, 131 , Jeremie, 131 , Rice, 206 , "Sara, J31 - — . Wm., 131 -, JA' How Howell, Andrew, 175, 226 i Arthur, '35 P- — ]. tiuy, 454 — James, 196 -. John, 177 ■ f -> Richard, 454 ; 1 -'-\ -Iv / ^ / > '# Howell, Sarah, 375 ,: ■ Th"., 115 , Howes, Marie, 67 — ' ■ Ridur-I, 428 , Howjrate, [„., ,20' Huwlclt, ftanilall, 174 T~' . Williaiii iqi jlownesfield, Johi>, 140 How«, Jo., 74 •l^owfseinan, RichanI, 7j ,,"" • Wm. 51 Howsun, Kllm,4, "iil)!>.1nli Oeorge, 132,301 , JaiVies, 80 — ^iJolin, 68, 106,301 ^- . JuiKth, ,06 •* ^^arie. 130 ^JV/iEX. ~ '~' w'"'''' '°7. 108 _ > Martha, 107 ■ • ^'atllaniel, fo; ■ Richard, 81, 107 > Samuel I, 86 r^ '• S"' ■»'• 58 irT, ' '^'"■' 5». 68, 106 "^^ Uubher.', tl, - . peurge, 308 SW.er»tead, Edward, 217 Hul.lwt (or HubJ>art), Ed- ward, 3,0, 39|> "^ Huchcns,John, ,45,,,,„„„h. Huciiinson, John,' 300. ,„ Hutchinson . Hucker, Walter, 316' Huclile, \Vm„-7,^ Judlice, John, 296 Hudley, Grissel, 488 '—, Mary, 488 :— — . Timothy, 488 Hudson, Chri., .109^^ . ■ ' B*""}' '74.180,266 — - , R.I1Z,, 62 ■, Francis, ijy » 1 Hanna, 62. John, -62, 442, 445, ' 498 , Marie, 62 — . Rali)h, 62, 84 — > Richard, 122 -c. Rolwt, 173, 213 — , .''Uzan, 38 -.Thomas, 139, 357,387, 399 n 'i.^^'l"' 37. 102 ['"IT, Francis, 252 u.'en,..HIulchm, "KIN Ih„mi», ,86 H'Kins.N.u,, ,37 ilu^'hcs, ( harles, ,jj . '•-dxaril, 109 . 'jriffiih, ijj ■ John, 43, 80 . > "A-Mes, 74 . f)»en, 84 . Rlthlril, ir, in. ,., Will. ' ^. '43 I "llliani, 105 Huflw I ' ■»ua, {jutihinis, Patlriclt. 479 . '^ Hu^hs Andrew, 377 ^^ . Ann, 238 — . l.liMlwth, 493 ■ — , John, 425 . Ruliard, 428 . 1 hoinas, 493 ~ ; ■>'' Ilewes, Hudhcs ['"Bl'son, H,„lH„h, II, uieli, \Vm, Mf Hull, leffcrey, 236 — — . Kaihcnn, 130 "11-, Andrew, ,jo umfre,, Jo , „i^ , [ unifrie, \ym,e, ,,6 umphryes M«,wl, 47, ""clcs, Itcnry, ,fc*" luncolL, \Vm, 113 undlev, („»|friy/,,, urikmy, M.,rki, ,52, 380 "■■;;^ Abraham, li^yg., ■• Di'nnis, 376 [ , I dwartl, J03 * -^ — . I lisalKih,'43o — -. }"\', 3I6', 318, 343 '. — T. John, 124, 377 . l-eonard, gi , l.uliC, 179 ■ Ral,.h, lYj ■ Wm 137, ,38 -— , wHunli I Hunter, Christian, log . Eli«., 108 ~' . Francis, 85 i - Mn, I96,(446, 448 . lnom2.% 108, 257 -;— -, \Vm., log • iinilcy, .MaiTiaret, 17 iHiinIt, Edward. 446; 455 .454 }t4i m Hunti, Si-n).)o, r—. » Hunt . 4 [Juries, hliu , 375I "?!""»'• ("r Hurles,..,.,- I llur ..w, I>a,„^.i| , • HucUtone, hdward llurlcsione I Hurst, (.eorge,'46, -— , Tohuis, 2,6 I --— , Wm , 376 • Hurt, Inhn, 304, 306 , HKhanl, 86 . Rolwrt, 140 rr-' roliv, 186 'Husband, Marv, lai 'HusUnls, Samuell, 461 ^«. Hus,cv, Hu^,'l,„ • ■ JV*'l'h. *^ ^ J KoVrt, 218," 444 Husi.-. Rolwrt, j86 flusaiih, I)a»„|, 85 Hiltchin., Anthony, 139 — (or Ilugens), 30J. 317. 3J9. Jir ' u-TT" '"J Hughen.), Mathew, 326, 531 I . ■'"•t'lll, 40 I -/-. Roiwn, 273 ■ -f^> Widow, 461) "vTT" '"" Hutihings), "'"'«■". m. 3 ?5. 14* 7r~r — . 'wHuchenj Hutchinson, I |r„,en 338. John, . RoljCTt, (77 ~; ■ William. iHs, J44 iTili ^'J" Huchins,m i Hutley, Rich.nl, 180 Hutt(orlIiiati),.\„|,a„,||,,7,, , RolK?n, 79 ' Hulion, f;ii/.il>cih, 186' '-, Francis, 1)6 ZZZ' tu"' "^- '**• *i'> ~' O'I'ver, 439, 47, — Wm.,^6 Hyatt, S«mueiC4ji ""■ ' Jidwafti, |^« Hyjl,, , Henry, 4'79' I — . Koljtrt, 317, j,n, 3jS, 341 .'^K„ ^< * • •¥'• « \, . X- S')4 Hyde, si-f Hide « Hyc, Fohii, 136 llvel, 'riio., 36 Iljiid, Jl)., 52, /.vllui.lc llyntoii, Will., S3, 84, J.V.I I ill- ton , HywocKl, 1-ho., 51 lUOTSOX, Iliplison, Ibbisoii Klizaliclh, 254 Persivall, 186, 1 86, „2S4. i7a^ Ham, RichanI, 480 Jies, Henry, 39 Illcli, Jonadab, 18S Inchiquin, William, Karl of, 166 Infilcliy (Inglcbec, or Iiiglcbc), Jolin, 349, 361, 406, 415 S'icholas, 381 Ingles, see Hloxam Iiiglisli, Mary, 75, sr,- English Ingram, Edward, loS Imnan, John, 250* ^nnis, James, 499 Ip»lcy, John, 4O6 Ireland, Alexander, 489. — . Ann (or Anne), 4S0, 494 ■ — ~ — , Charles, 494 , Marie, 65 — , Martha, 63 , Samuell, b$ — > Thomas, 133, 480, 489, Ireson, Edward, 93 • — ; -■ Elizabeth, 93 Irish, .George, 381 , Ilenric, 36 , The, 63, 142 Ironmonger, Thomas, 212 I«iacke, Rebecca, aSi Isabcll (Negress), 244 Isgrauc [i.e., Isgrave], John, "' '75 ; Ishani, Rolierf, 120 Ison, Edward, 103 Israeli, David, 449 1 Judith, 450 ftsaliella (Negress), 185 I?Ives]Jues, Charles, 442 (or joes), Wm., 131 Iveson, Richard, 71;, 114 , Tho., 51 INDEX. Jacclis^h, /wjackstin Jack, John, 135 Jackman, John, 325 " • — 1 Saloman, 217 Jackson, Ann, 116, 239 ■ , Hamard, 173, 209 ! ~, Charles, 71 I ■ Elizalieth, 37 . Ephraiin, 175 , Henry, 58, 79 ' James, 51 ■■ . Jcr., 367 r. John, 75, 76, 100, 108, 175. 181, 183,187, 225, 229, 2J9. 257 •, 1-auncclot, 96 , Margaret, 108 ; — , Mary, 427 — , Nice, 112 ■ —, Richard, 39 '-, Samuell, 117, 136 , Tho., 137 , Walter, 217 — •■ > Widow, 181 — > William; 41, 104, 140, 192, 196 -T. t . J "''''" IJIovcr, lolui, 181 • J . I Jay, Sir Thomas, 43 ! ~ — , '^'honia.s, i -(7 : Jeames, Margarett, 480 IJeenes, IIcnry,.47i I JclTerie, Jefferies, JefTereys, Jif- ;• ferres, Jefferyes, leflerv, Jef ferys, JelTreyes, /cffrcvii, Jcf frys, Jeofleries ■ — : — , Andrew, 35 I — - — t Edward, 132 * I > Edmortd, 445 '—^ — ^Elisabeth, 77, 437 - ~ f .Coo Samuel, 465, 468 — -I J'vjelph's Jelly, L.-Col., 438 , Mary, 421 •^^ i RichartI, 421 — , Thomas, 421, 455 Jelph, Jaiiivs, 492, 495 : .'John, 480, 492, 495 , Mary, 492 , see Jellfes Jelbon, Joell, 381 Jemniot(orJeinot),John, 460, 465 Jeuings, m' Jennings Jenkin, Joanc, 260 , Oliver, 260 -— -, see Jinkines, Jenkins, Jcnkynns Jenkins, Edmond, 122 , Elizabeth", 131 . , Jane, 382 — — — , John, 182 ■ . Jone, 186 -, Owen, 381 , Marj-, 186 , Morgan, 139 '. \ wohx. ;enkln!i,3:^ ~,^ — ^kichartl, 133 - - -, Sara, 133 — ' , VVilliani, 3gj 7 1 ''Vjinnin*, Jennynm Jeiuiins, Aiuic, 465 ''- , Mallheu-, 465 , Kichanl, 303 / ; 7-, ■"V Jennings Jennynffj Jennions 'Ino., 122 Jennison, Allex, 455 , f .Henry, 425 Jeiinor, Jenor, Jenour, Jenoux . Aiilliony, .370, 379, SW 409 , luJwaril, 38 • 1 liomas,. 368, 404 ' [JMfnoway, Suzan, 1127, ISmnyiiys (or Jtnyngs), Rich , anl, 307, 310 Jcphson, Johnil^o Jerniayiie, Ihonias', 15J Jernew, l-.liz., 120 , Joan, 120 — : — , Niclmlxs, 120 ^ Jerratl, sk JarratI, Jafret Jciop, Wilter, 2S3 Jesope, ,283 Jesopp, Tho., 36 Jeiine, Orcyoire le, 198 Jewelt, Clirisioph'cr, 317*, 319*, 3J3 , Tho-., (53 , Waller, 96 Jewson, Klualwlli, 490 ,% Jinkincs, Allcxander, 252 -, Joane, 252 , Oliver, 252 . "V Jenkin, Jeiikiiu, 4c Jipson, Saiah, 380 jiro(a Neijro), 179' Jn»son, },vJulinsoii„ Jo., j^v John « ■ J»aiie[f'.\lc.lcalfe), 158 Joanes, Richard, 2.S0 Jooc, Joan, tjl, , J3J,t. 330, iH. 379. 3!lo, 387, 399..4J^ , 440. 44*. 455, 503 , Jowph, ,»,, 2JI -, .Major, 338 y, .Maruarel, 116, 231 , Marv, 127 , .Sir .Vaihaniel, 164* — :, Nathaiiiell, 380, 38a -*— — , I'eter, 94 -^- , Kirhar.l, 94, 171, 2,0 ~ . Kolicrt, 52, 127 — , Sarah, 43^ , Su/ain 42, loS , Thomas, 96, 102, log,' I "9. 130. 414 -— ,tWi,l««,, ,83 [376 |--— , William, iiO, 153,348 ijohhslon, Ann«, 4(19 j, ! —■ — -, Archilialil, 469 I — ■ , Tbomnt, 472 jjoliflc, John, 319 I Jolly, .\l,iry, 120 Jana.H, James 431 Jones, Alice, 107 I , Amey, 431 I , Amhony, 171, i>2,i|io I -f Bariholomew, 429. , Ileiijamin, 431, 440 , ! , CliaJwalla , M.irgrcli, 21/ — ~, Mane, 71' ' — .Mary 93. ill. 490 ^ ■^■'-■, .Vauillm, no ^ , . .Morgan, ^4 ■' ■-, .\lornc'', I40 ' , .Morh., 84 I , I'elei, 140, tif I , I'liillip, II, I, im I ~* — I ^ialteita, lou ' ""- — , KelRtcah, 439 I -— ■ X"''"'!. 34 «J, 116, !--,l>ynioii, 101 — 1 Teilder, 129 i ~— ( Kheixlcr, 187 , '. — , Theophitm, loS ** -, TlioiiLt,, 40, Do, 92, I ill, » , 177. Ifl, JI9. Jlo ■ ■^ — ~f Waller, 73 • —^William, -84, 137, ,57,.* 'Tj. <9i. 195. 117. jii.ja*. ♦** , • '> , /« Ji>anca, Juhno,, > Jo.inM Ji»iiwt, Kliratiet^ajc —, Stn^f^ ^,'1 he- 546 ^l WpEX. 1..' 1 r .1 -•' lope, Wni.,°ii8 JOnlan, Edwaid, 469, wjour- lien ' , Janira, 382 , Margery, 171 -■ , iMargrelt, 2ip . , Mary, 171, 210 - . Samuell, 269 ' ~ — '^^^y>m,209^ — - — , ►Thomas, 177 r-- Wm., 38o„44S. .Jorden, Joane, 91 , Peter, 169, 201 , 'Tlioma-s, 219 ^ Jomall, John, 185, 246 Jostlin, Dorothy, 55 , Eliza, 55 • . Mary, 55 ■ , Natnaniell, 55 -, Rebecca, 55 ,-r^r-, Tho-, 55 Jounlen, Edward, 342, aa Jot- dart Joy, Edmund, 426 , — ;-, William, 182 Jojjce, Henery, 145 -^ — p, Williani, 261 ' Joyncr, Jo., 52 ' j— — , Tho., 132 ludd, Harberl, 103 Jucs (or Ives), Charles, 442 Juiman, John, 187 Julian, Robert, 227 , Sara, 185, 247 -, William, 185, 247, ' 273 /umre/, ste 'i»omre, &c. Ju.stin (or Justine) Humphry, .(&c.)3rt«,3,7^343 '"'• KALLAHANEj-Charli, 355, • If" Ht' ^^'' 373. 378. 379, ,382. 386, 391, 409,4,6,417 Kampimn, see Kemplin - Kanniday, Ami, 422 , Mary, 42! , Thoma.s, 422 Kanty, Darby, cog Karsewell, William, 123 Karvis, Jane, 435 " , fhaiy, 435 Jvay, »n- Mac Hay Kcal, Keale,' Keel, K«lc, Kerle j , f^orge, 333, jgg, 34, r-*-'/™". 335.339. 340 Kean, AHcc, 178, 228 Keatch (or Keeifi), Riphard, ^. 326, 330 K^by, Tho., 138 ( Keech, see Keatch Keel, sre Keal Kccle, Edward, 46, tee Keal Kcie, .Sarah, 2a( ' — f-t Thomas, 214L , see Key Keith, ElizalKlh, 508 , Henry, 383 , James, 508 , see Ketti Kelly, Ann, 489 • -. , Brian, 122 , David, 480 -— , Robert, 343, 503 Kelley, Humphrey, 434 . Jol"!. 430, 503 Kellum, Richard; 115 KeLsoll, Henry, 471 Kcluni, Roliert, 117 Keniljall, Elizabeth, 281, 282 -, Henery, 2813^ 282 -, John, 282 -, Martha, 282 -, Mary, 282 -, Richard, 280, 282 —J , .Susan, 280, 282 — 3 — , Thomas, 282 . — , Ursula, 280 Kcml)cr, Robert, 240 Kc*iip, Anthony, 218 — ►— , E(|,ward, 73 » Humfrey, 133* ■ , Isack, 1 12 • ^ ' " , Margrett, 218 , I.Mary, 497 , Ralph, 497 o*. , Tliomas, 497 , William, .177, 185, 218, ^'47, Keniplni (Kemplyn, Kamplinn, ; or Scamplyn), John, 310. ^ 319". 325 Kendall, Henry, 129 — -, James, 165, lU, 326, — ' ■ William, 480^ kot Kendridil, William, 109. Keninston, Thomas, 195 Keniston, Allen, 218 (or Kniston), Thomas, 221 Kenn, Mathew, 503 Kenn|»day, Jo., 117 >— , Svmon, 36 Kennedy, Ellinor, 383 "" . John, 383 Kennell, Samuell, 183, 258" Kcnney, JShn, 488, 493,-196 Keiinyon, Geo., 85 ,^0., 85' Keiit, Edward, 316, 318, 343 • , Humfry {&c.), 215, 268 , Joane, 215 ' \ — , Jo., 129 . ; •, Nico., 79 , Peter, 3l7*,'3iq*. -ai Kentt, HumrJ. 455^ '^* Kerbie, Jo., 130 j wKirhie, Kerliy, Humfrey, 75 j Kirby Kerfiii, ThoDMR, 227 Kerill, John, 193 Kerle, see Keal . Ketscy, Thortias, 303 Kersley, Henry, 184 , Roberfc.36 Kerlon, Williani, 191 Keth, (Jeorge, 248 , John, 24S -«»£•"■ (or Keyth), Mr., »88, 22a. 273 ^ , Su.vin, 229 , see Keith , Kett, Rolwrt, 38 . ' Kettell, "Peter, 73 Kevynn, Roliert, 101 * Kew, Anne, 448 ' '' ' , Nicholas, 383 Key, J, Michcll, 73 Jfinilerslic, Marie, 71 , ^'iig, Allin, 116 ^ — ■, EilwarH, 119, uo ~~-. Hencry, 2j8 • -i,*"' '■♦J- 324 ; , Mary, 424 -^.-Hic^ard. 7.. 3,6. 3,,. — r» KolMJrt. 503 — ~-i Suzaii, 94 ~i;9.is:;:t4''-"'^"?'' , Kingc, Uoimihy, 285 , IlaniAi, 2S5 , KallAvii, 285 > . I'«*»ff., ^* < . — — , Mary, 285 -?=-. William, 285 Kinghman, j.r^iingman, John Kingman, Anne, 2S5 > Eslwanl, 2S4 " — , Henry, 284 - — ^1 Joane, 284 — ^— , ("rKinghman),John: •'• ' 1 'nioma.s,*285 Kingslancl, Major, 495 * ~~i Hobert, 347 txi't . Kingsley, William, 234 Kingsmeale.Mr., 178 — — ■ Mrs.; 178 Kingsmell, Jane, A9 , Mr., 230 » , Naihanicll, 229 r KJchard, 229, 230, ousan, 229- ^ -r •■' - . «. , ;_ f^i'fll, I'hilli,,, 348 .,6 Knilib, T.h„.; ,n ' * Knighl. Ileniamih, 189, 262 '_ '1 '>oTOIhic, 107 ",_r • - > J-'ri'lopher, 316* ~^ , hilmunil, 38 — -— . John 195, ,9,,^ J, J. ' -■ Monlecay, 236 " Ri<-li4rJ,^-l9i, jg. '•*kr.r„..86 ,39 . Mr., igi —-, \Vm., 75, I,, j-akiUml, Sibbcll, ,0, ""kJ",' '"J ; . Ttuliert, 96 547 > , — ,rtiu:>un, 229- . Kinp«iill, James, ill Kingston, James, 140 ~i ■ — t J"hn, 434 -r- , Phillis, 434 JSnham, Alice, 285 innoul,' William, Earl of 161* - * Kiilsland, Nafhanicll, 480 - Kinstun^Thomas, lid ■m.m *:iiitoii, Jolm, 190 ■ Kipps lean, 480 K|iH;ie.Ricl.anl,ii2)wKerI)ie, . Judith, 62 Kirton, Phillipp. 480 ' Kilohih, John, 117, 284 — t — ' '♦''I'ert, 11:2 , Kit'hly, I'hillip, 23-^ • ■43 , Robert, 198 ^'■^. Sara, 107 "• , Thoinifi, 80 r— -• ^^"n- *4. »a ' Knighls, Ilciijainiii, 503 c " u-— -. John, 480 " , K'nghtingall, N.thanielh coj KiM|>e, S.imuel, 128 Knisloqflor Kenisioii), nioma-s KnorerNoll, 92 , Sara, 92 * ~~ ~, Thomas, 92 t>.iiolt, Abraham, 364, ,60 377,380.396 ^ ^^* ■^-, James, 188,264 - — ■ Jnhn, 354 •» -—. Joseph, 360, 364, 366, 37*. 390,. 397. 40.S, 412 — — , Wm., 353.4071412 Knowles, Andrew, 480 ■ — -, 1 lenry, 62 I . JsarcU, 195 j r — , John, 139 — ; — --. Iho., 64 . «* K'lkr, John, 460 Koorbe, Ko^er, 79 ^ Kullaway, John, 174 K)Ttland, ,\ath., 44 : — », IluUiii, 44 Kyte, John, 3«3 " r.ACIE, Robe«,.8r I-at'on, Ijnincelolt, i^x. , Mar)',.i93 • —", Richard, 466 • • ; — , TIjomas 481 Ucton. HencryA 223 I-acy, Wm., 85 ^ l^dson, John, 385 IjclMon, John, 44S {.a Carcie, Alexander Oe, tc l-atiuard, 184 • I-lhane, John. 461 •>> "ay. Daniell De, 297 1 John iJe, 296 l-anie (or Lame), NcthanicI '94 Lake, Jacob, 5a , rj- jjimlwd, KidianI, 8.1 -aoUuM, Wm..- 59 . "■' 'Mmlieid, Tho., 52 Umlfcrt, Amhor, 431 • ■r— : — . Elualwih, 4 n ■■»' ■;- . Charles 139 ' - — . Henry, 198, ~rt~ • '<"t'e'l"33.l '^— . .Sainniiielli 257 * " ^ — . lliomaH 414 '••■nbertl. Willum, Ji, ,' t-antlleth, M>l„e, 75 -nmborne, ITi-ma., 441 Lame (or L«,.), .V^.han^l. ' [Jiniiiti,, EdwanI, v> '•ai'iipf, Iilw.r.1, 4J9 *»m|>ellgh, ,Ed»i;r.l. 58 Uinpley, Jjimes, li,-" ' Umply, John, 448 '»• 1-affiyn [t.t., Ijinmyn', Wi». Ijncaster, (Joiven, 101 i ; T"' ■'•"'lil'. 4!S6 Undf (Jeorge, 285-. - -— . Sar.,h. 2SJ ■ landall, Kolx.Tt, 443 ! I-andniaii, John, 172 l-amrMtale (or Ijiwlalt), Mu. garetj42i, 422 phtn, 421, 4U ' *nr ". — . Wi|. '"Mo, 421, 422 UndKlcll, William, 174 Lane, Alice, 68, 253 Z:-'..' . Anihopyi 50J — , Henery, 211 > Htsttr, 441 --.Jp.,6S r, natlMoiel,u3i . O/iell, 68 -— -r-, Kjil>ecca, 102 ^ ; Kaluh. 324 , ! , Richard, 67 ' , Roliert, 435 • , . Samuel, 68 — , Thomas 183. 253 • Ijncrs (or l,aier»), Ju;,uc, |c( Ijin^, srr Ijind iLangliridge (or Uugh!ir*iE«L Eranci.s 3J7. 3^9 . I Jiigden, I'eter, 184 I Laiige, K. 81 ,( *■*" 69-^2 v^. y > i \ ''\ V I ^ . \ .^;; ^ ■\^" * 4 . « r \ ^ J .549 / ^■-ri^ X 8? ^V v., '^. Ijngford.Ahniham, 438 — ^^. ;j""y. J85 ; % M«(fcie, 95 jJinuham, Thdmat, 503 I-ai>({lcy, Mr., 196 , Sara,, 174 -. Wni„ 64, 384 I^anttman, Mary, Jij ; -I I'eelcr, J25, 239 IjitiKrani, Kowlanil, 127 '-""KridM, Kolwrt, 39 ljiiig«l(r(I(l, Kilwnrd, 120 1 JMijion,- .Stephen, 439 , Thomaj, 384 Lingworth, Kranclii, 83 Ungworlhv, Nicholan, 456 J^dniere, Clement, 422 : — , -Kebecca, 422 (oNsX^nier), Robert, 4M. 443 ^ Mnkfeild, , 1 1^ —^, John, 182 INDEX. I^wrence, Illackwell, 139 . baniei, 424, ^6 ;, IJorothy, 67 ,t_ , KlizalKth, 67 , .John, 45, 75 , Mane, 45 ..Nicolas, 498 , Kichanl, 38, 79 -^-=-, ."lamuel, 327, 329 Sir Thomas (165*), 167*, 168 ' 1 Thomas, 168 — ■—— • William, 45, 138 '-, '^rLuwrance ' I>anMlale, //i'J.andMlale Ijipworth, Michiell, 233 " < ' . Kol)erl,'20l Ijirbce, Jacob, 2j8 Urkham, Thomai, 428 Mrkynn, Richlnl, ijc . -' , Thoi. 86 Ijlmnunl, tames, 183 l.aruch. Widow, 442 Ijuey, ^ohn, 190 , Susan, 227 , William, 227 I.alhom, Robert, 240 . talhrop, John, 217 . Lattner, Francis, 104 Lauckfild, Alice, 258 ■" ; -, John, 258 Uuericke, trr l^vericke l.auer», let Ijiveij I.aughbridge.Cor Ungbrldje), Francis, 327, 329 Uunder, Tho., 97, *» Uwn , dcr (.avericke, John, a8j Lavcn. (or I jncrs), Jo«ne, 152 Ijivor, Wm., 70 ■ .awes, [FJnincis, 280 — — , Llddca, 190 , Marey, 290 Uwfonl, KichBi^448 Uwlcsa, William7438 I awiKlcr, Jo , 143, ,M Uunder l.a«rance, lienry, 503 I Sir Thomas, 165* ~ . tn Ijiwrence Ijiwrell, William, 177 i.aw4%ce, Ann, 424 1 IjivrcBcc, Barbara, 424 ' Lawson, Alee, (174), 232 -* , Christopher, 174, 232' • . Thomas, 193 , Lawsone, .Samuel), 14s ,,j l-awter», John, 94 jljiycock, Robert, 71 Layden, John, 267 I , Kniherin, 207 Laydon, Alice, 185, 245 ! , Anne, J85, 244 I . John, 185, 244 . Katherin, 185, 345 — ■ . Mni;^eretl, 245 ' -. Vjiginia, 185,345 i"i 1 Win., 70 , Layfield, Ahn, 134 l^ylon, Edward, 40 , Henry, 472 • , Kichanl, 456 ■ ■ .Thomas, 47a Lea, lohn, 277 — -, I'hillip, 303 --, Kolwrt, 55, 57, 60, 61, 04 i. — , Thomas, 217 — . Wm., 49 — 1 'It Lee Leach, John, 503, $h Leech , Margaret, 49, 59 t I.eachman, James, 135 l-eager, Widow, 503 I-eak, Augustine, 239 - — , W'inifred, 239 Leake, Alexander, 94 , Anne, 91 T^^to^Leaker). John. 333,' -' — , Richard, ii| -, Roliert, 128 ■, 1'homas, 70, 469 I^ker, lie Leake, John Utne (or I.eavc), Tego, IJl I*are, Sir Peler, 463 , lliomas, 4^63 . I^ras, (jeoiyc, 141 T^uer, sec Leaver Leave (or Uanc), Tego, "^ Mavcr, Kolwrt, 1^5 > I.caycsj Ellin, 131 ' • ' Leay, Andrew, 69 ' • 7—. J"'. 69 I-eca, Jan.,*I98 * Leccster, Jo., 93,' x« Leister Lester I^cheillesjjacques de, 198 I^craift, Thoma."!, 303 - Ledrg, John, 456 Lee, Anthony, 112 '~ A . Charles, 448 ' -^-, Christopher, 224 ' , Danicll, 82 , Cjeorge, 64, 114^ -^ Henry, 51, -..j, 384, — . James, 143, 481 , Jolni, 36, 102, 115, 14 i, '45.351,371 - , Marie, 113, 114 , Richard, 74, 81, 385 , Robert, 75 , Tho., 40 _ . , W'alter, iJl ■ , William, 86, in, 3,8, I 344, J* Ley " ' , . "V Lea I Leech, (;eorge, 497 , Millicent, 67 V • — r— , John, 497 . Richard, 51 , ' ' , Susanna, 497 ' , William, 497 , ite Leach I^ed, Tho., 118 • . Leeils, Joane, 292 , Richard, 292 ' i I^ek, Edward, 433 l-eer, Ihomas, 136,456' tees, Christopher, 218 Vet, Mr., 178 -*c»Jlr'illiam, 163 Legard, C, 497, 498 John, 447 Legardo, El^a^ 261 " I Lepy (or Lagaye), Jacob, ' !>«nr., 447, 503 , Jacob, 444 — . John, 445 Le C«an, I'untus, 199 L<1U, Christopher, 114, 119 ■ .John, 164* --, S^«ll, 359. 384. ^ I Un-h, Charl., 4,4, 4,8, 433 [ , Martha, 4J4, 4J8, 433 I — -, Sarah, 424, 433, 481 .r-.- M •X ■Tr', V 'J^^ ^■ '•"■'w^ ■A \ m- ■■*■ ■ ■lilliih ' "iiW # '.:.r lieigh, William, 418, 494 I.<;ll)sle^ MainharUt, Uuke of 166* * Leisler, Jacob, 1 66* Lcisler, Thomas, 174, ajr ,„ ijJQistet Lester > I^Jc'u^Mtegoirc, 198 i^lam^^H, 41J — '^^r"y< 4»s , -Mary, 435 Ixrhnd, Chrislopher, 481 lx;llanii, Henry, '445 Lcnl li..-., Lemm], Mathew, ■ 79 A Leman, Kalhrrine, 2|g 1* Marlier, 'Nicolas fae, 199 . I-emon (or lx;nnoii), Wm,, 120 Lendall, Robert, 121 Lctie, Edward, 120 l^nnon, RichanI, 440 (orLenion), Wm., 120 Lennox, James, Duke of, 159' — , Lodowick, Duke of, 156 Leonaid, Tho., Iii , Le Rou, Jan, 1^ ' . L* Roy, Hugh, 123 ; — , Jerome, 199 Lerrigo, Marie, 123 Leslie, John, 507 lister, John, log ' \ . • "'. Pester, Lecesleiw l*ister ^ " Letherland, Mar*, iu Lett, Tho., 63 '•^ I-eitcny, Tho., 40, w Uttyne I^lti.S Thomas, 481 Uttyne, Tho., 60, w Utteny livusicr, Michel, 199 Levant, Isabella, 428 Levcfett, John, 163 l^Tett (or Uvett), George, Uwis, David, 481 , Kdm-md, J80, 281, 481 .John, 281,481 — -, .Mary, 2S0 ■ HogCT, 172 — -'t Thomas, :28l , "v l^wcs Ley, Th<,mavi73 — — . William, 161, J16, u, Lickburrowc, James, 36 Liddicolt, John, 153 Licford, Ann, 77 Lielate, Anthoine de, too Lighlbound, Richard, 140 Ligh!fu€)te, John, 174, 223 Ldburnc, KichanI, i86. xa\ Lillie, Ivlward, 125 ^'^ Lilhot, Martha, 134 Limrick, I.auncelotl, i^ ' '■""8«. Alice. l5i*" Llov,!. D»v\d, ,4" ' ■ John. 34* J85 ~" . ' ■ • -, Judith, 136 • ■*■■ r tCatherin, 71 "^~" — , Ivcidm, 508 • Maudhn, 117 — . Nowrll, 124 ^1 RichanI. 102, 166 "~ ui"; ' " . Walter, I Jo ; , w Laj4 Lock, Ann, 383 , . RichanI, 50 -— , Wm , 43, ,4, Locke. John, 195, 47, -— , Rokrt. lib, 254 Lockbearc (or Lociebairt), fc has 3>6*. 317* I/Kfcley, Richard, I li Locksmith, Thuiiws|«i Lockton, John, 430 ^^ Lodge, jym., 5J- Lou, Jo., lu . —-, l-eter-nn* I-oftis, John, 41 Lonef(or l.o»e), Tho., 71 i^mg, Eliulieth, (14 ■ , H^nry, 40 - — -, Jane, 235 — , Katherin, loa Nic*-, log Levins, John, 149 Levitt, Alice, 124 Le Voh, Phillip, 427 I.«vynns, Ann, IJO . Levyns, Wm., 41 Lewes, Edward, 119 — , Elij., io8 — — -■ J'*". SS.'ti* ' ■ — , RichanI, 127 5, Rylien, 79, 103, log ——~-»,, Roger, 207 — , William, 120, 150 , n* Lewis Lewgar, John, 385 " ' I WiUiam, 32I - — .,».., ...1.,, ,^,, ji Links, Thomas 456 Linsey, I >aniell, 290 Linton, Thomas, 324, ut tyn ton Lintott, RichanI; 330i 463 Lipps, John, 216 Lister, Maty, 448 .Thomas, 104 Liswcl, Ilaiina, 422 , John. 422 -' ' , Mary, 423 Little, Jane, 495 , lohn, 49J Littlefeild, Annis, 199 Littleton, Edwant, 50] I LitllewoiMl, I'eler, 467 Ullun, John, 194 \- . Wm. 445, 458 jLivenidge, Richard, na Liveit, m Levetl I Luard, John, 43J I , Anne, 90 — -, Elias (or EIU,), 285 , Eliia, 89, 90 — . tllyn,6o , John, 90 -^— , Joshua, 90 — — , Mary, 90 ■ , Michell. 90 , Nichidas, ill — , Reliecca, 90 — — i Richard, 1II4, 241 -, Robert, 89, 90^ 241 , .Sana, 90 — . William, 184, f4j ^- — i Zachery. 90 Longman. I'ctter, 1I9 -^ Lonnin, James, '43 _, I. 550 Longwith, William, 71 i-oolF". Joan, 127 Loomes, Edward, 68 » -Lopes, Lopei . Abraham, 384. 4^0 . Kliah, 450 ^' , ■— — . R^chelf 450 - — -. Telles Abraham, 386 Lord, Ann, 72 . Aniho., 463 , Aymie, 72 — —I.Dorothy, 7a — —I Jolin, 72 .Robert, 72 : 7 — > Thomas, 72 ■ . William, 72 I-ort, Sampson, iJi .^ Lostell, I'eter, .64 l^ttis, Rowland, i8a I^ue; m Love I-ouell, stt LfiveM '■ -Loueridgc, w Loveridge i-ove, Mary, 503 .ijiicharcl, 81 (or Lone), Tho., 71 Valentine, 64 Loveley, Lovely , Ann, 52 • , r > Mary, 52 ■ Lovell, Anne, 285 -. Constance, 481 : — - ' tMi^'^'i' 74, 28s . tllyn, 285 ■ . Francis, 448 : — . James, 285 • ' , John, 285 , Mrs., 456 ■ > I'hillipp, 74 • '—. Kolwrl, 285 ■ — ' J'-eer, 456 — , jSacheus, 285 Lovely, sef Luvclcy Loveridge, Bernard {&c.), 316, 3>8, 344 — , U>hn, 326, 3J9 ; — ■ i^lhain, 326 I-ovetl, (iurtred, 129 -, Mary, 126 • — , Rolwrl, iij lewder, James, 82 ^ I^we, Uorolhie, 132 — ' — , 1 homa.s, 444 Lowis, Originall.'Si L<>wman, Itariiartl (ic.l. 1i8* I^wnd, J.ihn, 122 I^iwre, Ji.hn, 481 Lowther, fhrisloiihcr, 384 '■ — , Luke, 503 . Wm./ 122 Lowynn, Tho., 128 INDEX. %■ Loxmore, Thomasin,ii87 Loyd, Edward, 182 . John, 184 . Math., 175 1 Morice, 179 " ' ■ ^ -I Nath., i3o ■, 5>ilvester,'34a . sft Lloyd Lucas, Elizabeth, 489 -, Charles, 339 , Richard, 112, 481, 489 , Theopbilus, 489 Luccom, Henry Van, 143 Luch (or Lush), Arthur. 3>7, 330 ^'' Lucie, lyiary, 127 Luck, Robert, \< . Wm., 116 •, Lucock, Margaret, 5a Lucomb, Mrs., 456 I — . Thomas, 456 Lucott, William, 195 Ludcole, Joan, 124 Luddington, Christiom, 49 Ludken, Elizabeth, 290 " . William, 290 Luke, Elias,.503 Lullett, John, 191 Lullman, Joli, 460 Lumbard (or ( Lumbetd), Ro- bert, 326 LuiHus \i.e., Lummusl Ed- ward, 59 Lunthome, Robert, 176 Lupo, Arbiano, i8s, 24c. 271 , EliMbeth, 18^, 245. 27, , Phillip, i8s. 2;8^' " . William, 194 Lupton, Davie, 136' Jo., MS . Mary, 141 Lupworth, Micheall, 170 j-urting, Thomas, 41 Lusam, William, 233 Lush (or Luch), Arthur, 327 , Henry, 286' j Luther (or Lutter), Edtraid, 3»6. 330 ' Lynch, Morgan, 386 . Nicholas, 383 -. Richard, 386 -. Sir Thomas, 164 -, sit Linch Lynlie, Wm., 67 < Lynley, Robert, 41 ' ■ ' ' ' ''y"„=,(°'- Line), Christopher, 386. 456. 461 — , Maiy, 100 — , Phelix, 73 Lynn, Robert, 385 Lynt, Roliert, 129 Lynlon Nico., I42, ,„ Linton Lyon, Elizabeth, 173 ; John, 41 ; , Wm., 130 Lyte. Paul, 461, 464, 46s ' Lyttcot, Leoiianl, 384 Lyvcnnorc, John, 279 -M, Lutterefl, Walter, 75 Ly '» Mackartee Mace Daniell, Allcxander, 481 ~ . Patrick, 390 Maccentee, John, 390 Mace Graugh, Daniell, 481 Tr~ ■ "; — ' J"""". 482 MaccUhen, Owen, 390 Maccmash, Charles, 388 Mac Conry, John, 75 « -* i Maccony, Dinnis 504 Maccowdin, Wm., 52 ' . Mace, Alee, 47 ---— '^ -~, John, 96 " Mc C.awyn,,Brian, 101 Machem, Jo., 104 Mackartee, I;ili5abelh, 43,. „t Mace Cartie , Mc Kay, Malashus, 83 -> ! Mackelly,^Coraelius 433 Mackeimy, Cornelius, 424 I Jphn, 424 ~ ~~~. Susanna, 424 Mackemess, Jacob, 447 T, T ►John. 447 - Mackgetry, William, 504 . I Mackjiala, Dennis, 472 Macklaire, John, 456 Mackloghlin, Edward, 411 Macklonil, Matthew, 467 Mnckone, Darby, 463 Mackisty, Alexander, 438 Mackward, Kellen, 504 M'W), 174, jjj ■> * - ■*.: -Mt^ *^r^ *." ^^'"^q"'n . Arehihald, 413 ■ -I Frances, 433 r- z—, Nicholas. 421 Macy(orMa«y),G«Hs%3,;, Madder, ^lizalieth, 491 -. James, 491 . Samuell, 491 Madder,, John, jj^.^jy Maddes on, Maddison "^^i~"' ''«'"=• «7», 209, -» Jnhn, 3Jo» MiH;i^fe.'4'r°' Maddocks, Margaret, 37 - Maddox, Alexander, 138 ' . Jo-. 43 -— -.Jone, 387 ~;; — ■ ihomas, 194, t«. Mahone, Jamen, 390, „ Ma- hony Mahoni, Dermott, 471" Mahonv, Uaniell, 388 Maicockes Samuell, 269 ' Mates Cornelius, ia» ul, , Mayes Maijor, Kol*rtj aJ7, M-Maior, and Major Main, Andrew, 435 ti -— , Mary, 425 Mame, I'etler I)e, 191 Maior, Kdward, 36 • , Thomas de la, 238 , ift Maljor Major. Pi!ter, 405 . Win., 388 Makvnn, James, iij MalJman, John, 18a Mallion, Jo., 71 Mallocke, MaJacbi, jij' I Mallonee, Darnell, 49a 1 I'arby, 492 . Kluabelh, 49a ' Joan, 493 2~~ I Owen, 492 777 . llloin.is, 492 ^ M»l'm.n (or Muitn^S,,. Tho.. Man, *» Mann Manhy. John, 192, ,96 *'rs7"""'*»«'^- ViKount. Manerick, NaihanieU 3,, , . J. Manifold, John. 108 Maninc, '«• Manning Mann, Manne, Man - — , Ann, 75 . Annanias, Senr., 491 . Barnard, 445 *^^ —^Edward, 279, Oo, 281, ■ i''''". "39. l6o«. 44* . Ino., 84 -. Wm., 84 Mannell (or Manaell). Robert, Manncn, Andrew, 387 Mannering, J.«e,,h, ,' Manning, Manning',, Muiing , — . 'Anne, 392 ~ , Kdmond, 93 ■• Krancis 140 — -— . John, I3<\ 193, 326, Marfttf, Tho., 39 I ""eaf". 42« Ma'kcom, Rol«rt, .ohT M^I^Mlfk'™""^ "i ~— — , John, 327 ,^, » Kichaid, 117 ,, K, > Walgrave, 224 ^^^^. llTenry, 4™ M"|e.t, Tll^*?L Martitr, N icola, DeU. ,ob M«loe, Thomas 220^ '» Maroh, Mary, 390 ^> Sarah, 390 Marriii, Marriott Marrow, I Daniel, 310 77 — ' ^* ■" ' 4' Marsan, m Manoo Manjlen, Francis, is* M*-^. Edward. 3?i». j„.. -> ■>«r»ft, 390 -— oU, Rolmt, 393 V 4! •*, Cornelius 389^""— * >. Daniel ,..^ '.■JT, (or^Munh), ^Kranci^ T* -I ''cler, 134 . . Tho., 115 Mannington, Roger. 129 Stnnfiell, Roliert, 390 Mar^lield, IJavy („, David), i8ot 334 " -• {,"■• Sft »33 — , Kichard, 53 ~ - I William, 41c Manlon, William, 138 Manuell (or ManneU), Robert, M«n«r, James, J3 Ma|>rs, John. 279 Marhorte, (;ill>erl, 349 March, Ciillice, 339 - — -, Samuell, 181, 31, Marchani, EhhuiikII, j,j^ -, Silu!!, 338 -^^, William, JI6, 314, John, 80, lie „ ..Wm., 80 * Marshall, Marshal ; (-harlr, 194 > Eilward, 183, ate -» nenne, iig >i»n«. 75 -. Jarvis, 386 ^--.J"h„,8o^ 1,3, ,jp^ — . John Rriitowc. ax. . 305m.i^UriMow«^ ** ~» Wathew, 35 I Richard, 74 ' , Rolwrt, 176, 33( -^^ITomasio,, 327. , Walter, |»5 ~ -. William, 92, la- ' 4»1.4*» •• »•• 3»* Manon (m Maisiw), Edward, 4". 49$ ^ — ■ -, Jane, 49} Manoaw. .NVholas, iga Martha (a Mulatto), 489 Martin, Maning, Marttio, Man 7" k ABtoioe, 19I . > >J '} •\*«~ S5» "jSj"' ^'^"°I**'' 350^ 375, \— • Edward, 96 1 Francis, 143 1 (Jabriell, 456 . , Giles, 319 ■ ) Jeanne, 198 . Joancv 286 ~ . Jolin, 67, 122, 'Jij4. ijS, 269, 5, Joseph, 387 -, Marllin, 387 Mathehn, Kiclianl, 304 Malheman, John, 173, M2 Mather, George, 389 -. J?', 5' i6i» . Wm., 7S • Martiie, Niccplas, 249 " Marvynn, Marvvn, Marvlnu" , KliiaiKih, 65 , , Ilanna; 65 ■ > Marie, 65 , Marthaw, 65 — 1 Mathcw, 65 > .Sara, 65 Mathew, AUthews. Mailiewes, Matthews, Malihcwes —;, , Eiltaanl, 421, 427 : ' {:"'•««■ '54. 390 ..-' ■, Hannah, 421 , "^ r-Jo. '32 ' }*"'*«, 179, 233 . ■. Roger, 138 > ■ — , Rowland, 74 — -=— , tiamuell, .118, 179. «33. 234.270, 272 , Tho Mayes, Robert, lii, «,Maies Mayhew (or Mahewe), Thomas, 160, 159-, 29J Maymor, Cirirtin, 137 Maynard, Eliiialwlh, 116, 422 -^^^J-mcs, 3.6, 3.8, 445 , MaiT, 422 ■> Nicholas, 323, 422, ■, Thomas, 125 Mayo, David, 432 ■ Samucll, 87 Mayor, John; 190 '»i,T'*"'335.338,340 6^'W'"""».75.iJ8,3'7V ipiaton, Philipiw, 199 ^ f Wayro, James, 173 Mead, John, 319 . -iamuelT, 443 MarwcHxl, John, 120, 3i6§ Mary, , ,82, 188 — — (a Negress), 241 Mastrie, Rolwrt, 121 . '^'="'"y ('"■ Macy), Gcoi^e, 327, MaM*, Alexander, 114 Mason, Alice, 251, -^.Ann (or Anne), 99, — . Ueniamin, 74 ■/— 1 C'aj)lain, 150 •-, KliulKih, 195 r- , Frances, 188 , Francis, 251, 268 ■,_Gcorgv, 55. 44'. jl-— r/RichaVd, ioi / I Matsoni Malison llacon , Hester, »79 ' , Hugh, 279 ; — — . J"hn>7o, 94, 14J . Kalnh, yg . . Kicnai«l, 99, u^ ~- , .Samiiill, 99 ;- , .Siiran, 99 , .Svlani, j8^ ■ ?>'"»•■ ''5. '93. 481 i-< "alter, |8« ~ , William, 38^ loa •-5-— (or Wasoiin), Wyatt, .. *^ .Mawingburd, Wn)>, 109 • "f."H""!'' 3*'- 425 , l!eth, 425, 492 , Margaret, 4JJ "" — 7*»''Wanhe, 492 . Mathew, 390 — . Malihiai, 481 , Smilhcll, 481 * , Smithy, 492 Matthews, Maithcwes, m \l», Ihew Matlison, Alexander, 391 Maifson, let Matson Maudsley, Henry, 123 Maul, Thomas, 387 Maulder, Fcl)c, 107 I Mawfrey, Edward, 82 i Max, Rolwrt; 112 j Maxwell, Mnric, 136 ~ •( Thoinas, 481 -"— ', Will., 448 May (or Maye), tfiriiclius, 186, 247, 172, M .Maies f, Elltalicih, 186 ; Henry, 186 ' .James, 320, 310*, 322, 32J >>> =::i?aW7'5°"-"^ . RiuhanI, 435 — — , Wiltvam, 152 MayUiik, Ed^^l, 24, l^ayc, /<*■ May] \ — . William, 333, 335.>j4', ^ fliemie, lhanias,\ ii6«, i.g. 343 . Mecham, Wm., 52 ' Mcdcalfc, (iedtgc, 183, 258 " — — ] J"aq<% 258 , -, .Sara, 25)} -. M Metcalfe Me. clalfe [Mc!11«ttl.eih, 490 . —^, John, 440 ■ • {:V."> W''07 ~ — — . " illiain, 4(/) Merchant, Emanuel, 317 « Were, Elijalieih, 9a *:•' ■f /' •il/ : ■%:. :n I * -\ ' 7 Mere, S-imiiell, 92 McreJiih, I'hilip, ,,5, «Me. I'l' nileili„&c. • Merick, Juhn, 493 , Susiiina, 493 ; — , s,;- MtrricV -Mcri.lay (Mcridie or Mcridien), . Junn, 191. 1*1, 193. Meri,leih,- Julian, 120, ,«• Me- rcdilh, Merrcdilh JI"''";,^"^'. "'-"•'■''^"fy Merrell, Thoni.is 504 Aterrcs, Thomas, ^^t) Merrick (or Merricksj, John 470, 481, «c Merick Mcrricliih, Waller, III, wM*. rc Mane, 113 ZIZZ' ^7' 1*^' ♦'y- ■♦9« ^^, Klchard, 497, 498, ~^^' ''"'«""'»< 333. 337. Midland, Ceo, 103 MiK'iill, Ann, 213 Mill-orn, Wdham, 303 Mill)unie, Jacoh, icft* Mddmay, Sir Henry, 91 Mileman, John, 2^7 Miles, Antonio, 137 ^'if 'y. 437 5iJ -• John, 437 - -, Joseph, 461 -, J-CHCs, 117 , James, 3* , Jiiane, 289 , Marty, 289 — , Martha 289 ' , Michill, 2(^ , Oswell, 134 , Reheca, 289 1 Sarrah, 289 -, Thomas, 64, 289 —' , SK Medcalfe Mentis (or Mentis), Thomas. Meverill, Sampson, 86 Meyer (Mire or Myrc), Henrv .333, 338,. 340 ^' Meza, Isack, 450 ^ Miccll, *■<• Michill Michael), Ann, 173 /. ~- , John, 209 Michcll, Anthony, 438, 456 — — — , David, 472 . , Krancis, 187 Miller, Kenjanun, 87 . I>aiid, 432 , James, So, 449 [--, John. IJ3, 316", 317* ! 34*. 501 •> J ' — , J»v;|)h, 130 - , Kathennc, 426 , Philhpp, 142 , Klchard, 96 Millc\,'S'',y''""''5 Millclt, Frances, 192 ~ , Mane, 57 Millington, John, 482 :, ,- — . KoHland, 80 Mills, Kdwaitl, iij , John, 304, 448, 47, , Joseph, laj , Kiiliert, 40 ^ - — , 'niomn/in, 116 MilltvanI, MilxanI — . Henry, 268 , John, 507 : , Mane, 68 -, Iho., 81 William, 507 1 John, 388 , Kichanl, 1^ -, itr Mitchell iichanl, 368, 388 Michill (or Micell), Georm;. ,33».335. 340 MichlUxime, Wm., 447 Middletyn, Midlclon r~ 1 Anthony, i8a '• — , Arthur, 391 -, Benjamin, 342, 428, 463 , Edwanl, 13a, 304 I Milfer, John, 3C7 ! ■ Miihen, ip7 ; -^ — . Kolien, 170, 20S ^, Samiiell, 94 j Milnhouse, Jolm, 219 Milion, Kiihard, 212 Milliard, s,f Mill«ard Mimes, Thomas, 17a Ming, David, 309 * Minifie (or Minify), GeoiEr. 175. "6 -——.John, 326 Mintrenc, Minlren -■ . Kil»ard, 150 — , Richard, !Jenr» 187 ,Mu|irei«, Richtid, Job,,, ,g, Mirvh. Jo'hlT^' '^ ,, tn, 338, 340 Mitchell, Fd»-ard, 113 '~" . KraiKis, 245 ^*--(orMilchill),John, 133. J3J.»45.327.33i,'3J4.3i^ HIT- Jl-V*"'". »45 :• *5*. 333. 336, MO . , Thomas 481 ~" — , ^^l^lam, 124 . wMichell Slixcr, Isaaike, »8o, i8» -—— . -^arah, 280 Moymon, 119 Mi«;iif, JiJin, 219 ' , Marline ile, 1 79 Moor, (.irtttgc 399 Mnore, Alcrr48i " — -— , l> i V--. • • ' V :t' SS4 -' r~^ , Moore, Joseph, 310 — -^ — , Leonard, 20a —, Richard, 507 , Robert, 481 1 Thomas, 316* ■ , Win.,'Sio ' , J« More Moiwr, Nathaniell, 184 Morcock, Elizabeth, 119 ■ •-, Revolt, 219 *— , Thomas, 219 ,j«Morecock Mor^in, Tho., 86 More, Alexander, 41 : — 7, Elizabeth, 260 — 7-^ tieo., 120 -^—, lienry, 85, 136 — »^, Isack, 65 flames, 257 ■—-, John, 38,39,43,62, n J ■83.260. .,t,i , Leonard, M)9 ,J^ -, , Mrs., 183 . '■ , Peter, 4^ ^ -^ — , Richard, 93 , Robert, 37, 183, 259 ^, Sara, 173 - — -, Suzan, 71 — — . Tho., 75, 102, 103, III, : '32. 137 , Wni,, 115, 190 , lef Moore Morcoxk, Morecocke , Bennet, 78 , Marie, 78 — , Nic«., 78 , Reignold, 177 Thomas, 124, 391 ^~ - ' "" — , Jt*c Morcock Mofccotl, John, 462 Moredecah, .Sarah, 450 Moreland, Thpmas, 262 Woreton, Sir William, 162 *- , sev Morton Morewood, Mr., 180 i Richard, 173 Morfin, Jo., I15 Morfy, Jamcs,-I09 Morgan, Morgaine, Morgon ' — , Andrew,, 96 , David, 462 — ' , Kdmond, 243 ■-'—. — , Edmund, 425 -. gtlws"'. I84v389, 4O5 ,• Elisabeth, 42s, 435 — , Esther, 425, 437 , Evan, 435, 456 — — , Gabnel, 435 .", Geo., 86 "■ ■-■ John, III, 38J1388, 46J Index. I Morgan, Mary, 435 —— — ^ Pierce, 141 - — ', Richard, 94 [ ' Rob., 504 I > Robert, 94, 195 — -t Sarah, axv. ! , sibiii, 257 I . Thom.xs, 192, 266, -188 I , Walter, 35 ■* I ■ -, William, 141 ; — , alias Broockes, Wil- liam, 247 jMorispn, Richarxl, 160, see t Morrison, Morley, Henry, 84, ■, Richard, 161* , Wm., 127 Morlin, Phillipp, 139 Morraine, John, 504' Morrell, Margaret, 424 -, Nichoks, 376, joc Morrey,'Geo., 132, f« Mory Morrice, Hugh, 489 "■ 1 John, Senr., 304 — , Miiryl 489 i , Nicola?, 439 ■ , RichanI, 138 j Morris, Bridgett, 467 \- , Davie, 87,95 I , Dorcas, 430 ! , Dorothy, 423 i — , Edmoiid, 482 :'.- , Edward 132, 151,467 , Hugh, 481 , Humfrey, 63 .Isaac, 46, 387 ■ .John, 129, 185, 244, , Katharin, 427 -— , Mary, 244, 436 . Nathan, 467 Richard, 82, 192, 456, ' lAforfimer, Tho., 115 j Morton, Morten i • , Daniel, 467 (or Moreton), Edwfcrd. ; 325, 329 , , Henry, 75 I , Jo., 128 » — ; , Mathew, 120 I ', Nic«., 122. I •, Rowland, 8l '■ , William, 186, 249 Mory, Jo., 93, sa Morrey Mosdell, Jo,, 132 iMoseley, Geo., 112 • I Mosely, Henry, 438; ; flo; 37 , Richard, 389 Mosley, Joseph, 185, 243 [424 389, [481. 430, i 4O9 ,: --, Sarah, 423 I ~-*— , Samuell, 1 76, 240 I — , Thomas, 344, 423, 44, I 4S6' ,' : ' — , Thomasin, 423 ! , William, 3S7 I Morrish, Jo., ii8 ^ I .Morrison, Elizabeth, 46 , Robert, 125 — , Wm., 47 , see Morison Morse, Elizabeth, 64 .John, 316* — —, Josejih, 65 ' — -, .S^muell, 64 .Mortagh, Dennis, 52 Morten *" Morton Moss, Jo', 84 , Richard, r23 jk Mossc, Joseph, 280 Mostori, Henry, 120 Mothropp, Tho., 125 Mott, Adam, 99, 300 , Elizabeth,. 99 , lo., 99 , Jonathan, 99 -, Mary, 99 , , Sara, 99 " ' Moulston, Thomas, 174 Moul(on,rAnne, 2yi , Bridgett, 291 — ^^ — , Henry, 291 1' -'(or Moleton), Hum- P''0'."327, 33' ' -, Jane, 291 ^ — ; , John, 291 — ^ , .Marey, 291 , Merrean, 291 •, Rulh, 291 : — -, William, 29r .MoumUy, Mary, 185 ' , Robert, 185 , see Munday Mounlack, Andrew, 391 Mountain, .Mountaine -, John, 50, 391 308 J ■^ — , (Ute Stow), Mary, — , Thomas, 441 I Mountfjrt, EdwanI, 84 : .Mouiflney, Alexander, 1S6. I 257, 273 ' ■, Lenflnl, 2^7 I Mounlslephen, Samuell, 3i6» . MouBtsteven, John, loj", i6j [ Mowser, Jo., 83 •> ' ■♦ Moylc, Dorothy, 123; Moyse, Susanna, 429 Mojwer, James, 35 . . ■t \i^^:. -^i- ■r \ 1^ . >/ Mojse/, Mathew, 50 — — (or Moises), Theoder IVQ, M2 \!''f'' ^,'!!^!- '9°' "■' Mutch XMiidge, Wiilinm, 175 I ■ MuUencux, Kilnioiid, 112 -^ ~i J'>.t 134 Mullenex, William, W Miilliliav, Mrs., 456 — , Kichanl, 456 Mullins, Mullens, Mollins Z!ll' {i*r''T' ^^l'."7. 340 -^, Robert, 3,8', 3,9., » "^c'HJt 434 Multtnan (pr Maltman), Tho. 127 ' Mumfont Richard, 229 '■ Munday.^obart, 244 > William, 35 1 s/r Mounday Mundy, Eliz'., 504 Muiijoy, George, 397 Munncs, William, 262, sa Munns • Atunning's, Abigail, 282 , Elizabeth, 280, 282 — , George, 2S0, 282 .Muiiiis, Thoniab, 504, ue Munnes Munrbw, Allexander, 482 — , Andrew, 481 ;^- , John, 448 Muiison, Susaii, 281 ' , Thoniaiin, 94 Murfey, JDenni-S, 470 I . jw i Murfie, ^0., 36*' Mu^hy' Murfitt, Nathan., 142 Murford, Richaitl, 4&1 Murphe, Bryan, 456 ' Murphy, Uaniell, 388 . JJaiJ. 499 ' J!°r8»". 499 — — -. \\.lham, 354, 36,, 3". 383,393. 409.412.413. , Sir Murfey, &c Murral, David, 421 — , Elisabeth, 421 » JIurrin. EU/abetb, 134 MniTow J|hn,\,55 ** | ;Mu^hJor Ma«h), r«ncis. '■ -Musgraye, Sir Christopher, j 344 rr~ • ''y'l'ion, ua •Musick, John, 13s. Miu^iett, Simon, 43' ^ Muaell,ro.,5i-'* — , Robert, jj Mutch, Margery, ant — — -, William^426 — , str Much Mynnikyn, Christian, lo Mynter.Jo., ,04 ^ "" .'SSI NACTON, Te.gue, 74 Nadc, m Nayle Nailer, Elizabeth, 30Q, w Naf lor, &c: l Namias, David, 4J0 NSncanip, Ellin, 153 Naney, Rol>ert, 60 . Nasebv, Moses, 467 Nasfeild, ^(enrie, 251 Nash, Ann, 9b , EdmoQd, 75 — -, Richard, 3,g\ 323 • , Thomas, 377 : , Wm., I20 * It—, a/bu Lyllaut, Richanl, 3'9 N.TSV, Daniell, 392 Nathaniell, 243 Natt, Richard, 109 Navaro, Aron, 449 -; , JudUh, 450 Navarro, .Samucll, 450 v^ (<* Ntoom), Jo., 7, NMd«, John, 3,6« ■* '" Needham, Tho,, 121 - -. WiUiam, 168 >eedler, John, 391 Neeiiorae, Joh«, igo N«^e, M«Tc, 114, ur Ne»l, Neetam, Wm., 125 Neejom (or Nedwm), Jo.. 74 Neimart (Neinnean, N J»*I*. 79 , Julian, 437 , I nomas, 504 ; Nemias, DavitI, 482 Ncpho, Jerome, 3i7», ■'^•^li.r'"^ i'9. . John, 421 • see Murril Murrell, John, 445, 456 , Wm., 456 .. Murrey, Alexander, 4^ , fames, 499 Murril, Murrill , EJisalKth, 430 -^ Isack, 150 -, John, 430 — 7— i i* Murral |Naxslon, Moul^.'iiS [ Nayle (or Naile),. William, 179, 23r- \ Nayler, Edward, 128 -; , .Jo., 128 Naylor, Thomas 190 Neagle, Martin, 392 Neal, Daniel, 428 , Martha, 428 Neale, John, 466 , Jonathan, io|. ■ , Thomas, 165* 456(466 , see Ncele Ncares, Thomas, 183 .Neive, Margrett, 293 Ncdhain, George, 44A SI* Nailer ^•, Nesie, Wm., 101 Netbie, Anto , 80 Nettellford, Geo , 119 Nettleloo, James, 140 Nevell, Nicholas, 141 Nevill, John, 392 Nevitt, Roger, 125 Nevnuut, see Neini.irt Ncwbory, Joseph, 341 Ncwlwll, RichanI, t4J Newlwtt, John, 441 Newby, Henry, 84 Jicwcora, ^'rw)rl^ 48 . — , Jo., 4« ■, Marie, 64 J - -, Rachell, 4m NewcoQc, William, 1S7 Nemlfldjohn, J54 .N'cMcIt, Abraham, IjS, gja . Faylh, 278 -, Francis (Francn], 279 -, Grace, 277 -, luacke, 278 , John, 278 Ncivlinm, Christopher, 374 Newiiwn, Abraham, 362, 41J -— , Kliiabeth, 88 ~~ — , tiabnell, 444 . John, ij}, 297 — ■^rr- — , Nfaigarttl, 482 -^'— ^— , Mtiuntlonl, III ——. R"i«". 188, 25} — "-"T-r-, I nomas, 79 '• <-, Willuun, 18^ tMi Ncwmart, see Sieinhtt fJew)X)ct, Elisabeth, 421. 429 ■ — : ■, John, 422, 429 • — ' — -r, ^uitniu, 422, 429 . ,y r ^£^ 5S6 :l^ Newton, Abigail, 392 -*•, George, 444 . • , John, 141 ■ — -— , Samuell, 382, 402, Nice, George, 467 Nichcott, Huch, 195 Nicholas, , 195 ^ Nicholes, tee Nicol/s * Nichollas, William, ,170 Nicholls, Elijabeth, 59 ~ ?J"-'35 ^ John, 305 , ~ — : — , Thomas, 193 . , Williaim, 211 ^ — , see Nicolls Nicholson, Francis, 166*, 167* / 168 a' ' — , Ganet, 136 ~— ,. Ralph, 37 JVickerson, Anne, 290 , Elizaljelh, 290 — : -. Nicho., 290 , Hobartt, 290 ~ . ,■„ — > William, 290 Nicklin. Jo., 133 Nicks, John, 40 Nieolas, 492 ' Nicolls, Jolm, 498 " ——-(or Nicholes). Manna rtuke, 461, 465, 466 INDEX. Norton, WUIiam, 144, 149 Norwood's, Richard, 304 Nott, ThQ.,51 ^^ Noun (or Nonn), Goodwifc, L «94 J Nowell, George. 333, 337, 340 j 1 John, 240 . 1^ — • — ■> Peternell, 133 i ^'?"'"1, '°.'' Nowis), Percifull I (or Percivall), 316, 318, 342 I Noy, Hester, 4SO "^ 'r^ \ , Isaac, 450 i Nubold, Joan, 37 I Nuce, Geoige,. 183 i Nunes, Jacob Franco, 449 Nuiiick, see Nunnick Nunn, Richard, 66 — -, Tho., 129 Nunnick, Addam, 129. — , Elizabeth, 37 i"" Nurse, Robert, 482 ^ . Sarah, 465, 466 . see Nicholls , Nisbett, Robcrt,-4i Nisom, Jo.,,40 Nixon, Mary, 482 Nobb, John, 472 Noble, Ann, 67 , Geo.', 128 Noden, Hugh, 163* .Nokes, Henrie, 128 Z • J"' 4' Nonn (or Noun), Goodwife. K , '94 Nordin, Nathaniell, 140 Norman, Geo., 85 <]o., 85, 115 -, -Matthew, 304 Normansell, Edward, 192 Norris, Jo., 8$ , Samuell, 504 Norrpn, Katherine, 482 Nortli, John, 59, J 11, 115 , Nathanael, 310 ■ Thomas, 182 Northampton, Henry, Earl of ,.•55.156 Northin, Jo., 79 ^ Norton, Geo., 73 , 203. Nusom, Richard, 44* >- Nusum, Arthur, 48^490, 494 I — , Junr., 482, 490 ' — , Susanna, 490, 494 Nutbrowne, Fraftcis, 107 Nuttall, Robert, 114 — . Thgmas, 392- 0.\GE, Ann, 203 , Edwartl, 203 'i Thomas, 170. 268 • / > Oakley, Francis, 457 i Oats (or Gates), George, 424. ' 433.445' <> • 'f'* , JosepT, 424, 433 ;^/ "''""''•'. 424.433 Obah (a Negress), 489 , Obcdiente, Abraham, 450 O Hryan, Dermond, 7 c Odam, William,*so4 O.I1II, John, 457 ^ i O'Igiie, Edmond, 504 i O.Harne, Thontis, 457 Onient.Johri, 8i OITword, John, 40 Ogden, Randall, 42 Ogell, Gregorie, %i , ■.• J°:! 35 ' Oistine, Oistine* -, Ang:eletta, 492 -, James, 482, 492 , Nicholas, 482 Okelly, Samuell, 430 Oker, George, 482 Okley, Robert, 172, 217- Old, Su5an, 205 Older, Richard, 51 Oldham, John, 78 — , Tho., 78 Oldrick, Robert, 112 Oldridge, Abell, 393 Oliues, si-e Olives Oliver, Olliver : — ^; — , Edwarti, 176 —., John, 149; 295, 443 — , Marey, 295 "=:--—. &I.irgarcl, 483, 49V ■' , .M.aric, 113 ' J.' ■' . Robert, 154 ■ — .Thomas, 149, 295 Olives. John. 172 Plmstcild, James, 150 X)lney, Epenetus, 45 Marie, 45 , Tho., 45 O Mullin, Jo., 1 12 Onan, Teagc, 468 . I Oiieal, Ann, 393 — — , Daniel, 430 r-, Katharin. 430 Onge, Mary, 279 * Onion, Elizabeth, 227 a — ' — , George, 227. Onyon, Robert, 94 Oram, Jo., 70 Orchard, Richard, 109 , Thomas, 359 Oree, Daniel, 437 Oresby, Thomas, 430 ' Orpen, John, 439 Orris, George, 76 Osborii, Osborne, Oslxiurn, Usbume , Alexander, 491 — ,.Eleiior, 491 ■, Jenkin, 1 72, 208 , Ogilby, Ogiisby, Oglesby j , Elisabeth, 424, 427 ! — :: — , Frances, 424, 427 ! ~- . John, 424, 427. 440 Ogle. John, 393 ^' ***'• "H" Ohain, Ohani ■ > James, 491 , Jane, 491 , Patrick, 491 -.''^l i > John, 178, 228, 489 , Mary, 228 1 Moses, 316* ■' , Ralph, 182, 261 f Richard, 40 . Robert, 393 , Samell, 457 , Thomas, 169, 177, 201 219 , Walter, 318* Osdell, John, 498 Osmotherly, Wm., 119 w^ >fk- Oswbrooke, Tho, Ml OtUnil, Am' , 112 Ottawell (or Oitowcll). Tho. mas, i8o, 232 Ottway, ThDmas, 175 Oucrhjn, s^t Overton "",89 ''•'■■• ^"''1- .^^"!''""' Outmore, Roliert, ij8 Oulram, Robert, 483, ,„ (j„. iram Ovcrbury, Ilcnry, 428 Overlon, Rolwrt, 48] Owdell, Isack, ^ Owdie, John, 65 Ow^n, Anne, 44a __l ■ , David, 13J .- " "~-^f Elizalwth, 68 , Kvan, 31a r • John, 41 -^, Uzartis, 313 -r — , I ho., 121 — — > Wm., 40 ' , /« Owin Owclh, llutinne, 152 Owin, Beniamhi, 179, 258, sre Owen Owly(orO»Iye),John,'267 Ownsledd, Arnold, 142 Owtram. Dorothy, 482, m .Outram Ox (or Okc), Robert, 365, 410 OfcnbridKe, Jo., 87 * * OJord, Michacll, 297. I'ACE, Richard, 270 " I'licheco, (acob, 450 > Rel)ccah,'45o Pack, Stephen, 137 , Wm., 104 Packc, Richard, 187, 253 Packer, Thomas, 1 70 Packson, Anne, 4S9 Page, Kli/abcth, 58 , Frances, 291 — — , John, 87, 398 , Katherin, 58 ' , I.ucea, 29 1 , .Margrelt, 291" , Marv, 87 , Mathew, 71 — ^1 Robert, 1 1 5, 291 ■"" , Sara, 87 f^Susanna, 291 ,Thn., 58, 14a ' , Wm., lot , uf Paige ' ' Paget, William, Lord, 157 Paai" . An thony. 217 [I>ip, Sarah, 504, x« Pag, «ily, Adrian, 457 ^ I »in, Elisabeth, 424, 432 — ; Jonathan, 432 . Kolwrt, 4^4. 4W . , , -Susanna, 424 '/{ -—-, "r Payn 1 aine, Dorolhey, 293 « ~— , Edwanl, 471 , Elizabeth, 293 — *.John, 179.293,449 ~— , Marey, 293 , Robert, I54,.4,9 — -, narah, 293 -—. (or Payne), Silmuu. 360, 364 "™™' •, Tobias, 504 — ■ — -, Thomai, 293 , '« Payne Painter, Elin, 176 Palache, Motdecah, 450 " Pall, Thomas^ 227 ' Palliday, Jo., 79 " I Pallister, James, 40' Palmer, Ann, lj5,' ' , Aiithony/338 -■ , Ellis, I J3 ,T'ranci«, 227 r Ceo , «6, 133 — . Joanci 2 10 Joho, 81, 114, isi 11. Anthony '6$'. AlVrn'^'^B?'"' — ; — , Mrs, 171 , Nicholas, 326, 330 , Prmlla, 210 — : — , Rabecca,*i24 ■ , RichanJ, 107, 133 '—, Roliert, 437 , .S.imutll, 463 , Thomas, 67, 140, 171 210 ' ' Aoaiu, 319*. »'"«h (« ParSf),*** 05. |87, 188, 252 Park, Jo. de, 41 Parke, Thoman, igo Parker, Charles. 135 ■ . Daiiiell, ti8« 3" -— — , Geo., 77 — . John, 398 -> i^athanuel, joo ^ ^, Nicholas, 104 374, 3»3. .W 399 -— — -, RkharJ. 3ig., j,,. 313. 441, 504 , Rol)en, 83 ■• , Samuel, 134 -— p Thomas, 59, 119, joi, "■ -, Walter, 109 — , William, 82, 188, 249, 334.337.340 Parkliorst,. Anf., 138 • (or Pallmer), WiUuun, 104, "7. 467 Palmerley, Jo , 58 Pancrust, Anns, 87 I'anke, Richard, 14J I'anton, Mrs , 457 l'ai)le,,Jo., 81 Paramour, tn Parramore I'ardy, Joseph, 39 Pare, Edward, 504 Paris, Pams , Ann, 423 1 , Ehsal)eth, 434 , peorge, 457 , '■< Jane, 43 1„ , Owen, 194, 398 , .Samutll, 445 Thimias, 425, 431, 448 Parkij „,„ _ Parkins, Andrew, ng , (iressam, 126 -"-a-"-, 1 hnmas, 194 Patklpto n, Donthie, 194 ' ' '' , James, 74 Parl«f, Symon,,73 Parliii, John, 140 Pannelon. Rabecca, ill Parnell, Ldwanl, 86 . John, 331 . Walter, 179 -..^^'ll'am. 179, 25K Parr, tlisalwth, 422 , f Jeoig, 422 .Jo.. 127 , Petronilia, 422 Parramore, John, 464 I — , (or Paramour), Rn. l>ert, l8i, 2i8 Parratt (or Parrelt), John, 186, I "43 Parrci-k, John, 377 Pirreit, tfr Parratt I I'arrie, hAnnl, 132, ,„ \'t^ I'ams, tet Pans j Pamsh, j/f I*ansh I Parry, John, 1 1 5 , Morris, 84, 128 , Wm , 115 — —1 >fr Pame I i'arryer (or Purryer), Wi».. 44 I Parsons, Darnell, 342 ; , Edwaitl, 167, 4^6, 444 I — » — , (or Parsonea), Kram n. f ' 5S8 '■■i/'.: ;* INDEX. Parsons, Henry, 96 -■ — — t John, 101, 188, 23s •, Phillipp, 96 . -^* — , Samuell, 237 -— T-, Tho., 36, 331 — -I (or Passens), Thomas. 320 :, William, 431, 483 • Part, John, 465 -, Mary, 468 , Robert, 465, 468 Parter, Thomas, 186 . Partin, Parttin, Partten ' ■ , Avis, 206 , Margrett, 170, 206 , Rebecca, 206 -— -, Robert, 170,206,267,268 Partridge, Jo., 113 ,r -• William, 167 Pasar, Paul De, 198 Pascall, Henry, 349 Pascoll, James, 249 Passeman, John, 208 Pi^fsens (or Parsons), Thomas, 326 Paasmore, Jane, 227 < -(orPasmorpj.Thomas, ,,'75.22? 1 astor, Bams, 435 Patient, ^Arthur, 104 j , Nalhaniell, 102 ' I'alric, Ann, 432 | Patrick, Tho., 136 I Patten, Jame-s 316* Patlcson, Edwanl, 43 ' ' Pattison, Jame.')Ki2a . , John, 19^ Paltman, Jo., 52 , , Paty, lilka, 393 Paul, Jaseph 327, 33^ -—, Richard, 327, 33i . Robart,334, 335, 340 , Samuell, ici , Wm., S6 Paulolt (or Pawlett), Thomas 170, 207 Paulson, Wm., 79 U Robert, 36 , P(-'a, Urselah, 447 Peach, Arthur, 79 — — , Jonathan, 423 r — , Sarah, 423 Peacock, Charles, 109 j-, Samuel, 427 ~, ,Tho., 125, 1^9 . Wm., 46 , set Pecock Peail, John, 2,0, 4S3, „ t ewle • , 'ITiomas, 394 Peak, Christopher, 483 Peake, Marie, 49 , Robert, 172, 222 p set Peke . '^ Pealc, Ijirencc, 246 Pearce. Pearse, Peerce, peerse, teirce, J'eirse ~, Anth., 153 , , Bupony, 504 — . Edmond (or Edward), , Georg[e, 438 , Hester, 494 , . John, 393, 494, 507 i Katherme, 507 , Mr., 89, 90 — ■ — , Mrs., 229 , Nicholas, 233 .Richard 343, 457 I — — (or Peare), Robert, 316, 3'8. 3>9, 3>9*, 324; 342 -, 1 homas, 323 ~, Wm., 271 I ■ — , see Pierce Pearcey, see Peircy Pearns, Mr., igi Pears, John, 483. Vcarse, j« Pearce _„ Pcarahouse, Chester, 396 I Pearson; Georg., 434 I — -— , John, 393, 428 , ! ■ 1 I'rudence, 414 -, Pcirson, Piclccson Peas, Um., 127 " Pease, Elisabeth, 422, 427 . John, 278, 279 . . Robert, 278, 279 ■ — ■— , Ursula, 422, 427 I'fat. Jo., 46 ' ^^ Peck, ^'rancis, 73 , Tho., 39 Pecock, Robert, 483, set Pea- cock ■- i Pe3wr I ZA Pedro, John, ^8 Peejle, John,|i7i, ,„ Pead* '..''■ i ecle, Lawrence, 1S5 Peerce, see Pearce Peers, Elizabeth, 429 ■—-, John, 429- p Peerse, see Pearce ''Te"'r -=42,257.,. Peelers, Mary, 2oe *. Pegden, Mr., 191 Peirce, set. Pearce s :*.■ j Peboddy,' Francis, 45 , I Pcchey, Lambert, 396 Peirceson, John, 443, ,et Pear, son, Peirson Peircy (or Pearcey), Richard, „ i'6*, 317 • Peirsby, Richard, 183 Peu-sc, see Pearce Pejrsey, Abraham, 217, 224 , Elizabeth, 224 — ; Mary, 224 leirson, Culbert, 182 I (or Peireson), Edward 1 392, 397, 448 -J- — — J see Pearson, Peirceson I . u \r*""'^' 7'' ■"■-■ I'eake j Pell, Marie, 49 I 1 Richanl, 52 I rrr' '•'•'o, 49 j I ellam, Penelopy, 60 I — ' — . Jo-, 59 Ptisant, Sampson, 194 ~; > W'olston, 194 Lie tcare, Abraliam, 248 w Pellon, George, 231 ' Pemberton, Charles, 508 , James, 508 ^ , John, 508 , r -r- — , William, 508 Pembcolie, William, Earl of. 156, 158 ' ■ Pemmell, Thomas, 396 Pen, see Penn Pendleton, Mar)-, 397 7~; — • ^'"■•. 85 Pcndretl, Robert, 52 Penford^Tho., 138 Penington, John, 153, see Pen- nington Peniston, Richanl, 363 ; , Samuell, 394 Penn, Francis, 80 ^.---- • 1 Robert, 233 T ' • v. r ''fe' ,>-;* *'-'■■ 1 . ■■'^^■* ■ - ■ . , , t- ■ ' ." ^ . . i 1 - * ' m ^ ■,;:-^\ , ■'. ■ >. ' - ■ : - • . ... ,.,.. '"* ■ ■' ■• ^ ,- :/ «1 * ' .-* . . ■ . -.r ' .- --' • ;■■;- ■- ■', s '■■_ ■l. ■■T ■■"■%■■■ :■ ' iT — t — ■■ '- * A >, y - i--" . ■ ^ ■-"■■ %t •■-. : .'. . ■■,.-' ^- ■■ ■ ■•• , > i' .,,, • M KM , ■ ■■' V , . -f ^ ^TOi ■- ""■ ." ■-■" ^^::-: -V:-:- ' .i-'''" » "3t ^M < ■ 'm ' *■ ':■ , ■■ •• T - ' ' T| ■«^. « « * , 4 1 ■ V r !• ' i • / ■V *. « * Rrryn .♦'J 'iV » • \.. s Iff \ Jej^Mor Pen), W.Uiam. u^ Pcrrin.^Cyn I'cnnainI, Robert, 14, '"'"'"• '*•"'>'«•• 4»» . - — . ij^ >u .^::::r' .'^•r'N *» Pennc, jw Pifiny ■ ''cnniraan, Jane, 395 ' HciminBlon, Wm., nj, Pcnington Penrice, John, i)|6 -J Pcnrise, Rubart, 254 JJenson, Tho., 75 i'enny (or Penne), GeoiBe, ci 310, 3" ' ' ' ""7*1 ' : — • "■■' P'lney), John, 32o«, 322, 325, 3j', , 330, sa Pinney •• *' •* '" I'cpp [i>.. Pepper! Pei>()cr, Fra., 121 - : " ' -, Mary, 278, 279 ~, Kichard, iW8, 270 'W". (Of l'cp|«tl), Gilbert 5ft I'errott, Ralph, 483 Perry, Hen., 37 , — , lloroihy, 3? ' — -, K Richard, 178 • '"Jbfrci I'erscy, A«ra., 269, w Percy Pcrsivall, Andrew, 398 I'crsons, Ritlmnl, 2»3 ^ter ( Pe«„r. „r Le«,,, p""r'v':. '^''"""Pl'". »' "•• 3'o , 310*. 121 l-i.t,„.^ u.t'JV.^^ Chillip, KIUmt, J9« , EII«h«iS, ifi, t^2 • Klmer, 170 — -— . Henry, tit , Jamet, loa John, 38,40, 74, 1,6, , Mary, 4.^0 , Philfcp, S- I KichanI, 83, 126 1 Tfi'omai, 114 ijj ■''!«""'. John. 236 I'hi 1«, kichaid, 75 Ph.l,«,ii, John, 4," ^ ■. Phillinp, 40 ■* I'hinloe, 229 " *^ j'hmnci, Kirhard, 13c ™ppin, Judith, 43 -— — (Phipiien, or Shippin)^ PnipM, Ihotnas, 141 — ■~^, Sir William, 164*. 155* ' ' Phlinton, Pharow, 186 .<' ricke, Anilrew, ly Piiskcriiig, I.ihn, 129 \, , Xfr., 429 PickiAl, Adam, 353 * PickfoVil, Robert, 397 Picio, Krriid, 71 \ -, John, 421 -, Kit Richard, 42 ^^ tee I'crkynn, I'irkins Perkins, "Martin, 119 -, Robert, 122 — , William, 149 — , see Perkyns Perkinson, Eli2abcth, 169 >» '• Perk's, Ann, 79 Perkynn, Martin, 40 • ~~- — ' — , Thomas, 71 , see Perkin Perkyns, James, 36, see Per kins ' Perlej>, Allin, 45 Perjioynt, Henry, 79 Perrie, ,« Perry , ,, j-h^ip,^ ftj„-„ - g . ernilge, JolV4S7,,« Perwidg Phikkl. Thoma. 222.^ 1 ernman, John, 457, ,« Perry- 1 Philkynn, Rolwrt, 52 P ™f." „ ' ;Phi)lip, Philli,K«, rhillipn, Pernn, Henry, 399 - I'hAjip*, PhilLi ""''• , Margaretl, 394 _ ,((jj "^"^ lhoma«,3,8«, 3,9.,3„ Peter (a Negro), 182 -T— , I»ack,'38 , , John, 120 ■ -^, ste Peelert Peterson, Francis, 431 i , John, ifX) „ . •• . IJwrencc, 429 Pelitc, Bastian, 135 Petlcy, Richard, 102 Petler, 184 • , Samuell, ^504 Pcttcrs (a Maid), 171 Pelting, Nic'., 114 Pc*, Eliiabeth, 83 ,' RiJAard, gj Pewsie, Geo., no I Phelomy, John, 483 I Phclpes, William, 316 ;ob«rl^ 192, ue 43J. -, Steven, iiS -, Thomaa, 70, 422 ■, William, 224, 24a •, ttt Peiirce Pig«>n, Jo., 122, w Pklgion Plggoii, John, 457 — , Walt,r, 138 •, Wm., 79 Pike, Grace, 490 . John, 139 , Theophilm 483 g--.WnL, 3,4 nilgrim, ninniii, 445, 457 Pilkmiun, Mirgfrii, 2)5 — 1 William, ajj , m 4 'A. 1^ 5 Co I'illard, Benjamin, in I'ilson, Kilward, 397 I'im, Thomas, 410 I'inchback, Thomas, ISi Pmdcr, Joanna, 59 ^ — , Katherin, 59 ' r ^> ■"*■ Pynder line, Richard, jig*. -iio* . 323 ' ■> » . Pinffe, Heniy, 182 ■ I'inlte, Honery, 241 , John, 395 I'inkley, John, 128 I'mney, Azarias, 318*, 320, ,«. I'enny Pinsen, Wilh'am, 184 Pinson, Sanuiel, 3iS*T hq* „.323 . J y . Pipei, James, cflfcd the, 188 I r— '. "^.I!- 393 j Pippm, Mathew, 67 . | Pirkins, Widow, 457, ^« Per kms, &c. , ' • Piscer, Elizabeth, 123 ,' Robert, 123 Pitcher, Tho., 79 Pitney, Pitnei, Pittnei , Margaret, 56 . , -i- 1 Samuell, 56 , Sara, 56 Pitt, John, 440 ,— : — . R't^hard, 36 ■• •, Thonijis, 342 ' , \Vm.^ 140 , iff Pitts Pittman, Artliur, 483 .- ■ » Christo., 193 ■ -• ''™7. 319. 320*. 325 (or Puttman), Wni., 319, 320*, 325 rittnei, s6r, 317 /A'Z>£X. I Plowman, Malhew, 165 ' r:-r— -.. Wiiiiam, 455 Pluiner [,.f., Plunnncr], John. 394 ■" J i PluHiIey Geoige, 326, 330 — — (ft Plumly), J„|m, 446, . Plunckctt, Geo., 52 Plunket, lidward, 74 - »-^ Plunkctt, .Rowland, 74 ' ■ — , Tho., 74 Poqkett, William, 48'j Podd, Samuel, 59 Poet,' Georg., 431 I "oke, James, 440 '. , Rice, 136 Polcgreen, Joh Pollanl, Abral { 340 : , Ilepry, 508 ~. Joiin, 457 ■ , Jo.seph, 397 —^ , Richard, 457 , Sarah, 508 , Tho., 153 Pollen, John, 145 Pollentin, John, 1^2 — , MatBrett,,'i82 — Rachell, 182 I Pollmgton, Charles, .71 i " — . John, 272 . I I omcll-, Elizabeth, 173 I Pomeroy , (I'omre, i'umrev, 1 umroy or Jumrey), Djnicl, 332, 338., 340 '"—TT (or Pomrey),. James, : 326, 3,29 J, ~ ♦ Theophilu- ^■~ ■ Ppn, MichdfDu, id8 Pond, RelSca, 299 ' Ponnt (Pound, orPount), Tho.. 72, see Pownd ' , Pontes [? Pountes], John, 174 ; Poole, tdward, 2S4 / . Daniell, 235 — (or Pool), Jeremiah, 316, -i~, John, 340 , Robert, 86, 224 Zr"',*p°":3M.,33S. 340 -v(or Pool), Sylvester, 316*, Poor, Poore, Pore 1 Al>ro(m, 83 , Alee, 300 , Anne, 465, 466 , Oanjell, 300 . Havid, 496 , Elizabeth, 49^ • , Innocent, 195 ' • JJ?7- 397 ■ Mrchaell, 463, 465, 4O6 -, Mues, 397 ■■ Peirce, 463, 467 . , Peter, 483 , Richard, 442 .^ - — -, Samuel, 300 Pope, Ant"., 143 , Charles, 395 -> — , Elizabeth, 187, 256 , George, 178 -— , liuniphery, 333, 337," a40 , , Jo., 124 -, Thomaji, 193 Poiwley (or Popely). Richard, lo2, 250 * Popkin, Thomas, 178, 22Q Popleton, William, 212 Popple, Magnus, 368 - Pore, see Poor J'orte, Nicholas, 145 lorter, Abraham, 175, 22? • , Edmond, 137 ; > Edward, 135 " ,* Henry, 102 ——7, James 348, 388. 389. 4ofa, 406, " 1 Jane, 423 , John, 71, , Luke, 316, , Martha, i Mathew, 330 262 W,«6, 272 ' maDeth, Plomer, Wm., 141 -~ 507 , Richard, 507 -. Thomas, 507 looley, Grivell, 172, 21c PooIy,Jo,ii2 ' -> Peeler, (&c.), 188, 244, ■, Richard, 286 • Kol'ert, 40, 423, iSx ~TZr- "'"" Thomas, Peter, 423 Portman, Christopher, 398 395" 467' ''°'""'' '*■''""'• ~" » Thoma.s, 04 Postell, Wm., 10? Pott, Elizabeth, 174, 223 -'John, 174, 221, 223t - — , \\ m., 73 . see Potts Potter, Ann, 260 . "Francis [l-rantcb], 97 • , Oeorg., 434 * # , • i im. • . ,;'fi \ - • ' fm'-'. *' ,- ' '.. » ■ ■' ■ ' ''um V 1 /■ V 4 li « ' 1 r--~:' ■■■,--"■■ ■v-T—-:-3^- .'-. .■.■■-J-.- ■ ■ • ' \yM9?.<-.' - * * m ^ 1 ■ . ■ ' » - ■ - J.* 1-- .!» # Cf fjfif "^ • y f y>-<^ *•. t Henry, igj, jfi, -> Ji>., 104 . J"«--pJi, <;8 , Rebecca, 495 , Riilicrl, 48) , Vvncenl, 75 - — , William, 66, 97 Potlle, <:hrisi,,,|,„, 3,6 1 Otis, Anio,, ,04, s,, p„„. I'oHller, Tbo.„ii9 I'ouiHl (Pmini, or Ponnii 7, ?r'omitw(I>„Bt«), ;;,),„ ,7. I'ovey, Kichinl, 159* " '•oivel, faM,, 42, 42fi . Mi/aljuili, 421, 426 Z7~ — • •^••■•ry. 421. 426 , rowell, Arthur, 397 " — —. DaiiieH, 151 , Oalliren, 184 — ■ — , Klizalielh, 11,4 , («j(ly, 189 , Jacob; 3|6* —, James, 84 . Ji'l'n, 184, 246, 1/3 ' — — — , Kathren, 246, s,;r •Vwell. Cathren -> , Mar)', 71 , Micell (or Michaell), 334. 3.!f>. 340 , Kit'hnrd, 74 - — : , Kotwrt^ 304, ■ .Samuel, 11 1 , riiomas, 82, I'reston, Hli,,, ,j, , (;eor({e, 138 ' J>>«i>h, I 236, 263 _, , w ufr 73, 86 ■Jot l*owre),'\Vm., PoxOIOho., Lanuicke, 452 rowle, Naihaniell, iix) ("r I'owell),' H.n., 270 Powiid, Jo., 103, j,»-l'oi,i,d roHiuler, (iarret, 36 I'oycr, 1 honias, 4S3 ' I'oyctI, l.iiec, 293 I I'ran, (ieory., 181 I'rater, Thcmias, 246 , I'ratt, r^aliell, 178, 229' — — , I«ik, 52 , Kichanl, 139, 269 ~, Tlionias, 96 I'raui, John, 402 I'reytl, Jacob, 450 I'rejst, lien _ ■ i— <»7 , l-i»renc«^t5 — — • Marie, 131 I ~ — -, Maihew, rij- *• "~i RichanI, 51, IJ2 - V l<"if:'. 5J. 171, 210 =*»——, Sara, 131 ,1 '' ^^'"••. til . 1 reswell. \Vm., \t f;wv, John, 3I8.VJ20», ,„ I 'nee, Ann, 203 ^v ^-^ 'Zr'n'"!"'-'". '93,489 IZl' "'0'.457.483. - L=Tr-, jlugh, 170, 204 •' » ■ riJ"''.i. 125, 170, 20.^204, I •**' 3">,-36o, 37«, 3,,, ,^ ! 397.462.468jr;.B,;„^^' I .Judith, 204 i'7~' Mni-Barcl, 468 . — '•, ■^'"'■y. 203 — — . Matl'iew, laj, 4gj .^'eier, 104 • •" .^ ~rr~f Kelwcca, 92 . Kiihartl, 67 ' — -.Tho., 128 • , Walter, 214 ^^ -—-.Wilham, 14,, 169,202, 442, 4S 1 .^i7 7 '''''''"'^-'''■y'e 'I'richard, Henry, 186 -, John, 70 ' , Joseph, 136 — , Maryareu St — , Majinnlliali, 142 — , Thomas, 95, J77 S6« jWoctCT, Anr , 112 * I • i"'"'. 59, Hi ' ! ■ "ane, 59 ■* i . Martha, ^9 - -. Win , i2« I r.Klor, Vhu, 2 ti . ■ 'JV'"'- •7*251 [Prophett. Jacob. ,„ i ^"'•■f. Ikomas 40 jP^^".|.(orlW«,,,,;^^^,,,, |;r..iW Thom«, J24. 460 l''o«l. K.|»,,r,l. 42, * ' . Katherine, 421 ~~— . Ihomas, 421 -T^l^'-'-y. 353. 377,38.. f'nma, Ra>,,1i, 7j l'r,.«e, ,„ Vron,^ Iryce, ll.mell, 141 — — ,4-aijMtelot, 37 _, , 1lllin)\a;iri, 37 , • — . Mf Put,-, Prise' • ■ •ryer. I>anidl, 130 PrttT, *to^ * .r ■"' "t*'""' '''i"f. I'ryof J >ymc, idoiund. 101 Pfy«(^lWm|,Ja„,, ,,s' j'rynn, JlKhell, 125 I I'ryor (of Prior).- J^hn, 127, I, 3.io. w*rct, PrVer I ;'ue.-li, ChlBuphV, iTj '.."?«'":.•:'*■"■ 23* -U -A n t^- 192 ■/ -' ''^' •'fc I'"""'. ':-i«»r,i, 4"7 ^— . Wm..^9. .35 i ' 'C'"' '^' ""■'• " ''•^■ Miles ix^; ' I. ■ 1 '^"wfoyr Sam^ll, 1J4 " I'ricketV,"Mni,''*L,"" ;f ^ '"^^y "■'S^. - ■•-rf.yl I itomas, iQA ^ -f, ^^* ** il ,* H* enry, 316*, 317*, 343 , Ijwrencc, 316* ■ ^.'1'lKm.as, 316, 318,343 -■ •, M- Priest j j.j^; IVsscy, Henry, 297 Preston, Oaniell, 70 ! p^:^^ -j^f ''resttou), Edivard, — 1, I'riday, Samuel, 75 I'ri.lMux,,Nieholas, 330, 343, 424. 457 77~^~ Kelxxica, 424 [\e. Ircer.Jo., 130, w Prver, Pi'inr, l'^- \\"ll'^'-. 173, '.V I'reisl . 43. 438. .*48 • Humphry, 395 Vnih*., 441 > >hil! 443 'ryor). John, 327,330, ler, I'ryer, I'ryor KdwanI, 226 'I'honiius, 190 - , /u IVici^ I'ryec PurryeT, Alyce, 44 * -, Kalhrci^ 45 • . — —' J'^'y.^ , Sarraf4$ — — (or Parrytr), Win , 44, Puildl, Tho., 136 *V Purslcy, James, 499 Pnrss. Wni,,,,47i Purstynn, Henry, 39 Puttex, William, 40 Pullman, w Pittnuii I'yc. Kdward, 460 — . Uforg^ 426 -*% ■ ■/■ . ■ ■■.,.■•■;■ •. - /C ^ . . T -' m ■ . • ■•■■-*. 1 ^^^^Hum -1 V c^-^ • J 5*t INDEX. ,M^ ., ., 59 . — . Margnrct, ijj —*■ — 't Mane, 59 ' " ' , M«rv, 59 I • , — '■ . Sir I'aul, 159 ~^-- — I lyiiiiiihif, 1^ ■ — , tiv I'inder I'yniloii, Alice, 118 rynkiilun, John, 135 'MV, Aliraham, 449 '.'iiaile, Ann, 19J- 'Jiialc, Uuijh, 505 '.Juant. Henry, ^33, 336, j^ '.•uarrec, Ki.lK:rl, 467 li larrier, lairtcn, 94 Q icrk, Joliii, 398 I ','uerke, KichanI, 505 ■ -I , William,. i8«, ic| , I'icrre, 199 •.•iiicke, Klizalielli. 152 ■-^O.r..^M. Th^n..., '.'iNKpen, J(,li», 484 'Jiiillin, 'leairue, ij; '.'uinlin, K(i(;er, 113' , <, KIchanI, 398 't 'l'lionia«, 508 '»>uilhi>r, tieo., ijj ^ •iuyle, Jo., lie J.iuy»ie (ur yliy), Wm., loi. RAUKV, Kathren, 2B» KadtliiJi. Jc, 79 * ^ HaiirunI, Cunielina, 316, 318, Rainy, Jaine,, 347, 348, 306, 384, 404, 40s , I.ukc, 400 Ralye, Jfe Kailey, Rayley ; Ram, (k-orge, 98 ! ■ , '11)0., 84 I Ramsey, Jo., 119 ' ' — -» Rt)as, 505 I 1 RoIktI, 1 32, 42s ! RamJiaw, William, 181, 2J7 jRamI, l«ac 386, 39I,' 39^, I Ranilall (or Rcmlell), Barlho- lomew, 333, 33S, 340 1 . Henry, 316 I , Wm., 69 I Ranilol|)li, EilwanI, 163, i6i\ I> ni. , 470 iH«w«e, Rithahl, 170 RawMm, t h?., 193 Rawton, l;»aia», 169 ^ Rauijliicin A Ray, AhraiM, og Nicholas, 47, 60 Read, Anthony, 182 -: — ^,'t;eor(je, 106 , Hanna, 284 -^, James, 40 — — (or Rcid), Justice (.>r Judge), 106, 498 , l.usnn, 284 j , AlalK'H, 106 — — . Marmaduke, 81 -^, Maryr468 I — ;- (or Reid), Osinond (or I Sym„n),334,337, 340 — — , Ralph, 'oo — — (orJkeetle), SiqiKjH u,, Sleeven, 95, 187, 253 — — -, Susan, 284 ■^—- (or Readc), Thomas, 241. 267, 443, 4f,8 ^ • -, Wdliam, 67, 100, 284 , sft Ree ThoniM, 70 — , Wm., loa '■ ~~ -■. «■(• Rcilnuin K«Ic«, Roger, 179 Rennam, Eiechell, ug Kciuiey, John, 461 , Rcnny, Feagiie, 484 u ~T' ~r~ — • J""''i 4*4 H««l.y (or Rcu»by), l?J„y, j Renifree, Robert, 4S4 i «'»l«'rie, Jo., 79 ^ I Reu»l>y („r ReMhyi ' '53 Revell. Jamej, 136 Redhead, Christopher, 177 '!V, . « " J3J, « Re.Whe,i;i "• ■ ~ ■ -• '-''""opiier, 83. i8j, t:^k&;^ ""• '" «-"•:——, Hugh, 368. ,80 ..1?... .. •• . . ■•,—. — --, Janiw, 427 — i.'4Kr ^ K^lnian, Riehaid, 484.' Rce«l, KliMlwlh, 151 , I^wrence, 446 —-, w Read, Reid R«.'fe, Mary, 190 Rceford (or Redfor.!), John, iia Keene (oY Reeve), Kaihanall. 170 Kee.4i Anne, 465 , Klijal)eth, 465 * — , Thomas, 1 76 Reese, Karihotomcw, 471 1 Dennett, 471 * , Ijlwrance, 507 , Theadosin, 507 Rceue, Kceues, s,t R«»ve« Reeves, Reeve, Reevs ■ — , Edwanl, 43^ . 50,81 .lean,' .,„.., John, 50, »)'^' '74. 437 Nk-o., I jo ■ I'aule, 180 Riihanl, 67 kolKTt, 19J Sarah, 280 , Simon, 494 ■, Susanna, 438 ITmiiJuis, St, j M8.438.457 I — , sec kainoWs Koynoldson, Thomas, 447 Kiall, Alice, i 13, wKjale Kkard, I'eler, 116 i Riee, James, 403 j — . John, 402 ^^^ . John, 42, 3,,, 319', .Rich," kolnfrt, 401, 40,,- 4, ~^ITo" '"' •*«"<>• Nalhannll, , KiehinI, 231 251 ' — -. Thoma, 8,, ,4,, ,^ =3; jr^ ^^ ^' ; ', Wm., 7J Keid, .\danie, 505 . John,- 505» -— . s,v Read, Reed Reignolds, keinolds /«• Rev Holds J6# RiAarl«a. J„k„, ^ ;,j^ 34J. 344, 43». 4«. 436 "■ ~-» f.e.manl, ijc ~- ■ Luke, 115 ' . Manley, 129 Marjjare*. 426 M"y. 43<^ 484, " Nicholas, 505 [{Khard, 14J. 4»i Koliert, 50, lij Sym..n, 95 . I ho., 103 "*~"^. William, I u. 17 k J4D, 430 •** "■ , Ruhbcll, J,*n, 461 ~ , RwHard, 400 ' r— — • Xu'iel. 401, 484 I Riches, Andrew, 433 - — --■ Samuel, 433 ■ IKKtier, Isaac, iw, Wdunl, .Marpre,, ,,3 " rr""' •''•"'uel, 358, 36J ■ - : ■R'r'ft'S'"""'*'^** . Kicrofle, James, 35 Ridilall, Saia, 174 < kiddell, \Villi,„;,',o4 klddle«len. Mane, w "i. k.dg.lell, WilluTO. jlfc ' ' |«'"lKf. I"-. 115 f — . Thu, iij " ■ ■.•, ;Ri'lB«% kichartl, t|( , Ridge* ay, Ann, 490 j" . KlualKlh, 49a ;' ; - — ^ Nathaniel, 49a ' -— .wRidgway '. 1 ' R"l|!ley. Tho, H Ridglie, Xxn., 74 ' I Rlilgway, Jf«iq,h, 4«g. . I; — ■ Maiy, 46J ^■Rl'lley, llaniell, 3(>4 ■, Klual«th, i|» •''""if^3WT , I , kiihanl, 4« " Uly-i . RolH.-rt, 133 ki|a;lie. kolien. III , kightfin, WiUmm, .s««r . loa I Rifev. hli»^l«k .^ ' -"^ [484 I6i*, ).- kekl, (;,iliriell, 131 Rcnimgion, Reniiiiingion .-.-.. __j Alice, 96 "— — — , Kli/alKth, ^ •"■""■' . I'hillipp, 95 Remnant, James, 400 - — ■ , Jone, 400 Ren, CJare, 219 Reiialles, I'aule, 334 Renrlell (or Randall), Bartlia- lomew, J33 Richanis, John, 86, 125, -^ — ' , 'Kaiherin, 83 . Ijilimer (or """fe), 43,1. 4^" — -■ Nathaniel!, 150 469.505 RiMen, iharf^iift u-T-"- ^"'•., '95 Rinmell, K.\m i^ , Richa„l«,„, Anlhony. 491, 496 k,|K.n, :„ rSJT — — . '""•>;ll. W k,|.ly, kiehml. 3^1 I —- ■ ■ • ■ -. hlis-tlK-ih, 416 ; -—--,>, cholas 04 ,•-——, (^.Tje. 61. 4&J. K.H»«t i.» ki^i,). ** ,, i l"|>fiet, I7f, 119 — . lUnne, 137 I , tu!^ ^» '^.: . . , ■ - ■ ;. -;7i,— a: ' i^ V'\7- ^1 CSfB. <^'- '■' ■^^1 ?'• *' ■. -""v- .- , i^ #•■, ■^v^'' " "-'■ .. ■ * ■ ■ ^-•xp . ■ _ •^ ■. ' '■-'','■. ,^ :*./,' '■ -.■>.'-: . ■ '^#^ ■,■,?.■: ". -Z.-. ,■ ■-«*"*. ' - - ^ ■' ■ - ■ ■■ Oii^;,':- ■ ■, -^-T-. " . ,:• • V J • '^ f ,• __ .-"/S' ■> '-r-^'- y .;-;>:; V' -?v"'- "^ ? ■'• .^-' . I' If- 564 Kisl)y, Thomas, 183 Risliford, Geo., 50 Rising, Janivs, 132 Kiskyificr [kiskymmer], Nicho- las, 69 Kislcy, Crcssral, 484 Kissiiii, Jiuliih, 450 Kivers, John, 314 tte : 1 Winiam, 505 Roa(rti, William, 470 Koads, <;c Josiph, 150 "^ — ^-^, Ruld'it, 75 " > Thomas, 64, 190 ^" , W'ni., 399. .^isoltiniMin, Nil kotwrtl Iwrt " Robtrlls C'hrislopher, i ■~ ~, William, 194 -— , w Rulnris Koliesonn, lames, 220 Kobins, KilMard, 127 Roilcs I . INDEX. Robinson, Kat., 94 — . Leonard, 142,425 — ' , Manuss, 484 ' ——, .V.alhi'M-, 95 ^— . M-ry, 94, ,24 , Kuhar '■>■ Row, Rime fRoisl's, Roger, Ji5 Robinson, Allexander, 399, 498 " , Ann, 425 ' -. <^ •. 43f< — -~ — , Christoiihcr, i66*. 167 ' , David, 52, 495 ' . K;l««nl, 38,484 —■ ; KIieth, 93 , Ilcnric, 114 — .-Issek, 130 , James, 143, 460 —^ — , Jeremy, 2g<) ■< J"l"i, 52. 8^, 94, q5_ „ 425. 457. 484 \ Kobmsonii, Mathcwe, 244 i Robisonn, Richard, 249 , Robson, Ihomas, 163, i63» Rol>otham, William, 402 j RiK-h, William, 470 I Rocklv, Raph, 194 i Rocks, Michell, 41 j Ro.le.s, Tho., 135, w Roads I Rodenay, sc- Rodway. ' I Rodgers, (Jeoigc, 180 j— -(or Rogers), John, I 333. 335. 338 7 " * 're Rogers I RWlman, John, 484 ■ . .lunr., 484 <■ ^,. Sarah, 484 .. 4<'0, 505 — (oseph, 4(1 loyce, 111 -^ . Joseph, 4(11 — —,}a 184. 403 -— (Rolgers, or Rnmwrj). , Kaihcrine, 493 . .M»ry, 129, 423 ' ^ » W'm., 94 I Rogerson, Kllin, io2 ~ , Theoder, 124 J Roker, AjUnir, 71 Rolfe, KlizaU-th, 174,223 . James, 209 j . John, 270, 271 j . kohcrl, 135 I Rnlinson, John, 17 i Rolles, Jo., 86 j Rollright, Margaret, 67 I Rolls, lieneilici, ijj^. ^- iRomney, Tho., 82 — . Sir William, 155 Romsey, James, 38 i Rooby, Martin, 153 I Rookeman, Rmikinan I , John, 93 I - — ~^< Kh/aKih, 93 I kookines (or kookins), \Vii, ham, 183, 260 RiKmie, Thomas, 507 ' \ Root, John, 238 Roote, Mary, 97 — —, Nicholas, 177 '-, Ralph, 92 Ro|!car, Alles, 292 , Kli/alicili, 29» — '- — . John, 292 Ro|)er, C;lement, 217 ■ -, llaima, 51 — . Mamaret, 423 — , rhimns, 191 "" ^, W'illiam, 42 1 RoKlfcll, Tho, 84 RoKlijn, Wm., 132 ' Rose, Christopher, 399 , Datiiell, 102, 278 , Da real, 378 , Kli«al>elh, 278, 4S4 . J"lin, i7<>,278,3i(),3i6V 3'7. 3'7' — . Margery, 279 , Slarj, 278 " — — , Rebecca, 207 , Robert, 27X, 279 — , $«inuell, 278 — -, Surah, 278 , Susanna, 426 -, Tl:o nas, 240 . W'll.ain. i4J,>M, 431 Y-^ '^^ i-J ■-^ Ruwicr, Thoni-.s, 154 Ko^iinaii, |nnu>, 151 Kds.-., W ilham^ j,^^ Rossc, llciirv, 13J •: . J"hii, igi . i;i.;iiip, 47 > ' ■i KelH-'cca, 171 , Tliomas, 161, 267 Kiisser, llumplir.-y. 437 KoHwill, Mr.; i8i Koth, KkhnnI, 400 Koltrir, Sophia, ib9 Kou, Lin Ic iqK iwd,, c;»r6c, 3.7. ,. Row. sn,!^::-^- W Kovcmon,r..lm. 1,6 ~~"' i*"'"'^';*. 57 - IXDEX. Ruilge, Jo , 140 . -. 1 liDinas, 401 Ku'lic, R,>lwrt, 402 KiuUlun, Kliz., 11)1 , u"'^„'*"K"'' '74. "V Ruce KuajelK ftartarie, 46 W • J"i 4S , Kul, KHsalwili, 4j8 i Rule, 'lliutnas 401 -— , Win., 136 Riihiliall, Tho., Ill Rubiell, Ailam, i»j ^ Ruhllcy, l:li^,al>eili, 431 3'6'. 317*, 343 ■ ' ► l-iwrt-nce, 400 — , Nich., 184 —7-. IVler, 326, 329 — ^, ue Kqc Kowe, Annt, 457 . Mar>-, 262 ■<, ' , , NichoUs, 262 . ^, s«, Thomas 447, ,„ Ry.lcr, Symon, 399 ,, '*""?f ,. RyHic, Jam..,, ,,5 _ R'Hl'.cll ^Hvm... II.. ' , W'm., 57 Rushf chiiion, 219 , William, 81 Rushhnxik, Hvniy, 484 R^l^hnlore, (;c«rj;i., 182 Russell, K.)»anl, 401, 426 -, Francis, 132; 167 ' -• [•'•"rt?!. 54. 341 I — , James, i6o' 1-—— John, 36, 103, 119 180, 224 -, Kalhcrin, 71 \ , I'hillip, 505 , Ranilol|ih,ij62» ~, 'I'homas, 472 Rullcn, r:li/,nl«.|h, 180 Riilli-r, Daniill, 316, 317, 34J Iho.i 74 Rouscll Ro»s«Wcll, Thoma.s 316 Ro«sli.y, KK/fllieih, 191 ' — , W'llliam, 191 Rowlon, Ann, 62 ■ — , Kilmunil, 6a , Riihanl, 6j Roy, Hugh 1a i»3 , Icromc, \x, 199 Rfiyall, Joaeiih, 169, 20J '— , Sibil!, 229 R<)y(lon,«Wm., 399 Roysion, rhoma.s llS RuiT, Roger, 240, stt ReuM Hiiik, John, 484 Kuil, .Symun, 472 Rymcs, llcnry, 39 Rymore, Allisamler, 484 SAIIVN, Ceo., 142 I -— --; (nr .Sabin), Robeil, I 9*'. 186, 250 Sacker, John, 261 ' Sad, Abraham, 296 ' .SachI, Riihai.l, tj5 Saihliick, Ihu., 13^ ,Savllcr, Hugh, 70 ' — ' , Rowland, f 16 — — , 'Ihonias 341, 344, ^t .Safnnl |,h S(iffi»,l(, "thristo- I'liir, 171,211 ■SNic. jao, lyt t«J Sage, RichanI, jo« Saie, Wm, 125, wS., , Saicwcll, Arthur, 83 1 ~^~ . Francis, 70 j———, James 93 I . Rolieri, 9j ! ~~ ^, Su/mn, 94 Sa.le, RicWl, 404 f,j, ;^;'^ '»■"•. ''""fy. E«ri of, ?Si. I'arlm, Hio,„as \u ,.Saires(;ro., 86, wSarea Sakell, Samuel), i ir .'iakenJ.V, ,,6 " \ — — . Marie, 116 ^ — . Th,,., ,,} .Salford. John, 186, 2 co, 271 , Mary, igft, 150 " , Robert, 186,250, 27, —"--1. Sara, 190 S« isbury. KolwH, Fj.rl of, 146 " Sail, F M«'B«rel. 437 - , 1;tter,j35 - 9 — — — , W m., 81 Salsbiiry, Williara, 192 .Sail, Samucll, 404 Sailer, Fdxanl, 103 , FJiialieih, 174, gij , Itcofge, 409 — , lames Vb, 329 , John, 185 , Nicholas j,7«,3,9.^^ — ,. Rich., 407 T~. Richard, 342, 461 --^, Robcn, 118 SallonMall, .Vfernall, 59 ' ~ . Richant, 59 Salvadge, Ensign, 274 -T ■ — , Robert, 183 ; Sara, (ircgory, 153 17— .John, 318", 3,9» |!>»nies Fli«al«:ih, loj (SamiHid, Wm., 72 : SamiHon, John, 330^ 338, 505 . Samucll, 290 '- i 1 I .''ams John, 323 San.lby, Tho., jg Samlerick, w l*iin^''"'» V • Sandys, r.eoi^e, 270 Snnford, Roger, 142 Sankey, Ilanililcl, 135 . RolKrt, 60 Sankstcr, Kliz., ug Sansoni, Riclianf, 78 ' Sanlen, Lucas, 165 fajiu, Marcy, 295 ; Sajislcr, Bridget, 467 t 7. — '":• William, 462, 467 * Saracole, Jo., 69 - Sarah, Mordccah, 450 Salchill, Wnv, 119 Sauewell, Danit-g, 195 " i Sjun., 128 •~- 1 '«• Sanders, Saun Sawter, Roger, 64 j S«wyer, Margaretl, 48J ! — » , Thomas, 182 I — t . William, 180 i^-i , set Sawlcr I Sawyers, Charles, 46c I 7-' , Klizalielh, 465 Sajr, (Jeo , 63, „.^ Xl,i^. j^ i"" *•„':'««' William, Lord. 1 Jaycr, Wdliam, 35 r,,q Scnmottn (or Keinplyn), jifm, •7<.ar,(iie|>heii, 442 Scarhufcli, Kdward, 162 Scarliel.VWilliam, 126 Scarshrick, Wni,, ^o Scawell^r Scawell), Richard, : ScEunckingh, Amarinzia, 490 | i , llenj"., 490 —J; — :",<'"■ f^lii-'ikingh, ! hckenken), Ucmard, ^29 IScrutlpn (or Sirutlon), John, ,. **5 Scurrier, William, 3i6», iit I Sen, Mary, 38 ^ ■* ' ^ ' Seabrighl, Richard, 141 healy Henry,' 408, 412, ,„ Seely Seaman,' GeorgF, 337 ——'«,•*•. 333.340. • "I -. lliomas, 408 . ^ Scamcr (Seaman, or Stymerl. ^ M". 33J. 337. 340 , I .Scarl, John, 485 ' I Searic, llrigeii, 194 ' 1 Krancis, 104 > , Rtcharil, 409 '. Thomas, 441 . , /ivScfle "' Scars (or Seasc), Robert, iij, 337. 340 •'•' ' •wnlon. John, 119, 498 if, Jof ohn, 188, ut Sf - , Martin, 47, 48 ^,-waiy, ?7 • . Kachell, 47 — , Tliftmas, lo^, 122 ~^^y^x^, ,2.. 3,6, . ~— ' — ^, stt Sanders, Sawn- Swinderson, To., 13J, 48J ^ ^ . Kotert, 486 ir — ; — T' """'•• "» Hava" ^~. Marit, 421 -*~,Mt Siioll, .Skoft •Scvtchmorel Kutiert, 124, 221 .. *39. '-r Stotti*or« ' I .Scott, Aliigiil,282 -, Apphii, 263 -, Ik-iijai dn, 404, 458 48. I -, Klizal.Mli, 67, 282 — ^-, Richan , 325 ', Thomaii, 2H2, 407 ~, Waller, 188, 263, 33,, Seawanl, i *""•■' V . I .Scawell, Pavers 4,3 I - ■ »j!"."I«lH; 493 [ ■, Richanl, 493 — — - (or Scawell), Rlchar.l, .Seay, Widow, 445 Sedcn, Nic'„ SH jrt..See,l,.n Solgewicke, Ceorge, 465 •Sedgwick, John, 131, 46,, 4r,c — , Marie, 83 , Ralph, 405 ~ — •: , Samiicll, 461 Secilcn, Anni.s, 105, r,r Sedeiir •''cdy, VVm.. 74, .w .Scaly Seemcs, RIchhrd, 116 Scerc, Wm., 41 Scirson, Cutlicrt, 260 ' Sell, Kdward, 86 • / letk, J.Jin, 405 [217 336, W5 , Wm., 1J5 ■~_ , »<*• Scot, ftkoll Scoticsmore, Robert, 176, ut Scotchmore Scolts, Mi., 313" .Scrlveli, R.dkirl, (20 Scrubs, Ueorgc, 3^ -«. .it .' ■■i; Selletk, j.„„., ,„, Nclley, John, 243 ■Scllin, Ann, 68 . Joan, 68 Sellock, John, 38^ Selman (.eorge, 41 Selwyn. William, 168* Senior, Jacob, 409 ^,. J<>»eph, 4 JO •Scnnoild, Rolwrt, 7r .Sennott, Wm., 43' Sension, Nico., 58 Sentence, Henry, 5I Scrnno, Jaell, 450 Sew, John, 236 .Serfatly, Joshua, 407 Serjeant, Tho., 47 Jknir, William, 40 I i I -U •>; ■1 *? -I Ma ' y »■ ": :% JNDEX. / f//' «>' < , ; S«*iMnt, Richanl, 2ts, aoi ■ Serle, i:iirabclh,-489 ~» John, 4S9 ' '^ -•< Thomas, 489 -T-^—, /A' Searle Sertain, Hiriilvth, 496 ~ 1 Thomas, 496 , Seisioii, Geo., 36 <». Sessioas' Jo., 52 ^ Scvcmc, Jo., 124 Scwar, Kolwrt, 84, w Sewer hi'wanl, lohn, 249 r-^ , NVilliam, 39 ■ , srg Scawaril Sewer, John, 404, i.r .Sewar iw^tun, . Richard, t<^ ~ '—t Thoma.s, 193 Seiston, I'eter, I02 — , RolK'rt, 136 ■;eymcr, John, 340, w Seamer .Vyinor, Horcntio, 310 Si-ywcll, Thomas, 255 .Sfrape, Almons, 405 Nhakerly, William, 427 . Shaficsbury, Anlhony, Earl of, «hafto, Wm.,^363, 371, 388, 4'3 , Shahanisw, Danicll, 471, „ .'^haliany, John, 324 Shale, Roriert, 326 Shanis, Daiiiell, 470, haniiise ■ Sharks, ticorge, 191 •Sharp, Boaz, 303 f , Eliiabcih, io5 . '—■ — , Isack, 205 . — — . Juililh, 191 - . . Mrs., 170 -•*-, Richard, lor "^ •, Robert, 93, 1 14 , Samuell, 172, 205 — ^, Tho., 119, 13J , -— , William^ 119, 170,205. Sharpc^jte,, 360, 37,, 3^,, J^S. 300, 391. 398. 403 ;.lf-hzabeth,.2I5 ■ ■,»lenry, 308 * — r — , James, 441 -, Mary, 41b .1— • Samuell, 215, »68 ; Shariws, Willian^ 367 . Sharpies, Edward, 171 —^ . Tho., 84 Shaw, Annis, 214 -^^lljom^s 303. 304. 355, . Khawe, Abram, I4I •" , Aant, no ■ Shawe, Daniell, jod ——. John, 80,^-95 . , riara, 9c . Wm., ,,5 Sheapenl, m Sheppanl sh"'e :'""«'"• '**• •" Sheering, Jo., 63 "' ■ Sheffield, Thonii, 26« ' M.«crofte (or .Shercrofte), "m., 141 " ■Shellam, Thomas 374 Shelley, lohn. 174, 1(1,, ja ~ • Roliert, 150 ... Shcllon, Samuell, 485 ' Shenkingh, « Sthenckingh sncnton, Grace, 422 , Jane, 422 — ' — . Samuell, 422, 44; ShepiMnl, Sheapent, Nhepe Hj^Aep^s,^-;, ;^-a^ Shep|)earU ■ , llumfrey, 286 1 John, 99, 506 jSheron, George, 4Se [ Sherrick, Jo., 1 14 I Sherrjngham, Phillipp, 1,9, I Sherwin, John. 410 I Sherwood; Alice, rn i -; , Anna, 178 r— ' -(or Sherewonl), Peaceable, 176. J 16 '— f^^^ I I'eeler, 243. 254 ', Kebecia, Jjg -r- , Koie. 27* -*— ; , Samuell. 401 • - ' ' ■ ■ . .Siuan, ^ ■ ~"~*; — • Thomas 278. iM Sheiileworth, J„hn 18 Shelman, Rich.iid, ^o Sheword (ur ,She».«J|, Iliomas, 184.241 Shill«ra,\Vm7i7i. -. Justice, 43' -, l.ie ■ieutenant, 184 -, Margaret, 99 —' Oulil. 180, /« Ber. nanio , Ralph, 97 Robert, 175, igo, iir Sha ; — »3J. 235 — , Samuell, 100 — , Sara, 97 . — , Th^nkes, 97 "ho., 99 , Shepiwy (or Shcppy), Thomu. ' 170, 204 ^ Shcrlxim, Hcnrie, 150 Sherlwme, James 85 ^ .Shercrofte (or i ._ Wm., 141 I Sherc, Stephen, } Sheere "* ; .Shcres Francis 63 Shcrewooil, t,t Sherwogil .Sherhaik, Ilcnctlicter, 64 Sherin, RoUrt, 280 Sherland, John, 406 Sherley (or Shurley), D»ni U. 169, 201 , ' I ' , ' ■■, I.idiii, 2IJ — ^, SuMn, 213 bherly, Tho., 84 , itr Shirley ' * Sherlock; FJIward, len., 30 J». '34 Shinglcwood, Rolvrt, 80 ' .Ship„|-Jimund, 42]( - — , Jefferie, 140 Shipley, J,,., 115 Snipnun, Wnt, 8a Shippin (or I'hippm), William, 334 Shipton. Wm, 446 Shirley. Willumi, 4J0. w , Sherley, &c. .^' Shfiare. James 155 Shore, hlhn, 118 , .Mathew. 141 n,l. 4ii5 f. , i 1 Richanl. 495 ' Shorey, Anthony. (oK t ll-;t.. _ ■ - ^ , Wilham. 508 Short. Martha, 40H , Samuell, 86 "t-V .' ,. I • Walter, 406 Sheicrofte), ■ ^i^orle. J.ane, 152 I— . Owen, 4»5 Shorter, Jo., 84 -; , Marie, 114 Shutten (or Sihotton), Niehohiv^' iSi, 230 ^ Shovell, Ellas 506 Z' 1. Hrt Sherlqtke, tli/aljelh^ ni Sherman, John, 280 Shrawlcy. Margrctt, „ Shreife. Ricluril, 190 Shrew»bur)r, Ann, 4J1 ■—— • (or .Hhrunburtk John, 431. 44^ s , WilliMs 43 1 •Shule, JrAn, 180 Shurke. 568 IKDEX. Sicldy, Iftnry, 409 * v^ides, Thoma.s 17S, 229 .Sidney, /olm, 410 — » ^11., 447 Siggins, Tho., 129 Si|l)y, KolK-rt, Ii2,/,v Sylbie'' ^ilconib, WiNiam, 496 Silsby Mail)ew,"i24» Silvesler,' Atiram, 37 — ■ , Grace, 461 -^—. -,, .Madam, ^85 .SimSs, lieaianiin,- 184, 242 (.Sims or'-Suiifsi, Ileiiry, j'8*. 319*, 323 —' — ~, Sarra, 100 , fh, hp, 458, 459 ! sfitier, Mirtin, 239 •■ — —- . Richard, 343 i^laughicr, John, 498 S.mnell, John, 257 /\l 1L, Mary i* •Simon, J letter Har, 440*;- Thomat, 485' \ .Symon / _: Willia Siinons (or Symonds), Richard, Slavelie, Richaniri 5T ' 3"; . 318, .w.Wms -Slawcomc, Davey, uc .Simpkms, Naihajtiiill, 128, «•, sleight,, James, 483, 2,2 .Symkyim / • i .Sleman Tho., , 54''' ' . ' S.miKon luly^nl, 133 Slie, Jeremie, 1 12 / ' V?f'^' 485 , , — , Richard, 67 . K., 132 ■_ ,„.sivi'; Thomas, 104, 136, iSr .Slograve,' William, ,38 '" Since, l.a«rence, 418 Slye, John, 471, s,e Slic : Sin.itj Ann, 42S ' . ^ j Sniale, Mngo, 194 I Smalepagc (or Smal;KiEe), ! Lawrence, 177, 220 , 1 Smalewowl, .m Smalwood ; Small, Wni,, 113 .Smalle, Waller, 297 " ' Sniallic, John, 149 Sniallman, Kdward, 51 . Snialpage, siy Smalepnge ^.Smalwoml (or Smalcwooil), * RandalfJ 176, 225 i Smart, John, 323, 410 j -^— , Ricliaril, 140 — ' , .Samucll, 117 ;— s— fWm., 85 . Smart!, John, 440 -; — ;: — , Samiitll, 447 ' j Syiiih, Alexander, 40^304 : — . Alice, 56, 458 I — - — , Ann, 424, 426, 430 i , .\nne. 290, 421 , -* — " — , Antonio, 141 — '■ , Arlluir, 186 — = — , C'haWts, ijQ Smith, Christopher, 253, 429 , Daniell, 38, 41 ■ — , David, 470 . ' ' " •. , Dorothvi 68 ' • , lidwarxj, 117, 179, 231, 40J. , ' — , Elisalieth (or Kli/a. . b«(h), 123, 280, 282, 292, 424.431. 437. 485.492 -^ , Frances, 492 -, Francis, 63, 67, 231, 3>7*. 3I9». 3J4 i . . . Junr., 460 "", -. CJAn-Re, 80, 8^ 125, •436 Hanna, 49, 59 Henry, 11.5, 292, 4J», / 424, 42O, 432 — - — ;■, HcKter, 403 "■'" ' , I lumfrey, 87 ,- ■ , Isaac, 406' , James, 74, i4> —7 , Jane, 429 -, Jo.in, 71, 223 ~~/^> '^''■•. '33 V Sui^, stt' .Sinics wmsoli, IJenryj 491'. , James, 491 ."•Mary, 491 , Thomas, 443 Siiidrj-, (ohlij 410 Singer, 'rho.', 35 SiiigUion, Jo., 83 .Singnell, William, 1^9 Siiiklairc, Allcxaniler, 458 Sipsey, John, 274 SisiHore, Martha, 172 •, William, 172 .Sister, ficrrart, 297 Sisters, Eli/alieih, 485 • Sizemore, William, 269 Skahaiie, Teige, 406 .Skaros, (,;eorgc, 485 .Skarvill, Rolicrt, 38 '..Skene, Alexander, 167* Skerry, tliialKth, 29? >,.' - — , llcnrv, 291 .Skinnerf Jo)in, 179, 231 — • , Nicholas, 182 0. , see Skynncr ▼ ♦ Skofiehl, Richard, 59 •- —J--, John, 56^. j7, 70, 74, -82, 109, III. 117, i35_ ,,,^_ >40, 177. 178. 179. 220, 229, 231, 258, 292,334, 337, ^p,j, 41a 422. 424, 4>7. 430, 432, 430. 437. 440, 47<. 492 — — , Jonas, 83 , Josejih, 433, 439 — — r, Jiulilh, 422, 427 —; — — , Katherin, 123 ' ' ' ' , I.eon.tr(l, 67 , l.e'wes, 122 •■ — — , .Margaret, 118, 401;, 505 — — — , Margerie, 123 -— , .Marie, 49, ^, — , .Man-, 68, 282, 422, 427. 4^9. 432. 433. 489 - , Mrs., 174,-191 , .Mundus^a, 424, 437 — , — r~. Nathaniel, 447 . , Nicholas, ISO, 234 , 01 liver, 44D .- — — , Oslwrne, 183 — — — , Osmond, 223 ' • — , Osten, 175 ' ^, Peter, iiji , f , I'hillip, 282, 402 — , I'hilippa, 422, 432, 436 , Ralph, 429 , Richard; 48, 1 1 1, 134, '39. 177. J>9> 3.59 , RoMtrt, 172, 185, 243 — — . I^jer, 174, 223, 232, -rS- \ \ /■ -

r(;e. 40S ' \^ — . Th„rlo, 4^ . 1 '''9'i — -• \Va]|et, 126 , ' >• . I ^^ ~~' ,\\"!i"»'' 443 (— 226 > """7, 191 • M.iry, 191 Mr., 191 -). .EluabeUi, Spcnc*, William, ,„Jri,499 . |>l»ncoK-y rohn. .4, ' hptncer, Alhcc, 228 t Sir fJiManI, 106 ~. franco ,5 — James 14J , ■> \\'illiam, ic. ^.7 T. ,-0 i — . -■,. >«4. .S9, ^^'V^-2lt\fiiz:zz-Jir ''* !■ Smylh SmulM;.n,au, ro.,^i hnii,lria>llc„r,..,,g . Sniiihvm.Vvlicit, 17 >:"iiilHndS.''\V ,„.//(,, i""ylli, A.|l,ur, 252 • ^^.>'rTI.,lhias,\i56 ", ^1 \\in., m ■ SnackiH-ir, kitli'.inl, 40c ■'^".il-.-S Marjjarcl, 12. Siinpt, J„l,ii, 135 .■Simpi), I'lioma-., 18S .'^irnilie. Kithard, |„p|K.,-, 485 , Klizalwih, 4S9 —■ ■("''"• 4«5.4«9 —— ;. W llliaiii, i4t •Sn.i.k-n, I.nke,. 1 14 ,Si(„uk*, (;„,rj;t., 442 . 'Worgc, 3.6', j,; ■ 1 llettry, 1 10 ~ — . Nallranicll, 471 . Kdn'cca, 17:, 22( " T Kichanl, 141 , Sura i-c 1j- , f- -^li'ikman, llt-nne, Wn?:, 5'. • ">«("»''e;S|.u-c,l, Hiehar.1, 52 . SnoivcKHl, Jul,,,, 246 h.iaues. Mimf, ,20 [Soi,ierhai«^ Amu-, 470 "j^ , Jcihii, 476 Somers, (.cirriHall, 11,4 ■— -. S.r (iour^o, 155 1 Jmnn, 9^ " , stY Surnincrs S"n.i.rv.ll, J„|,^^ .s^.,„,^ 30J tllU't'''^ '■•^- 448, 485 ^, Ivaihrrn, Ifi . — ^^ M«ri;ari-t, 506 """*■ ■ J>Kh<,las ,6, ,j-, . l*"", 14, ■• 2~-. R»I«rl, 84. ,6j, -^.Willam, 82.,,7_^ i . ^^^6 • '■''"'5'' '•-»^' of. S|h:„I,.v,: J,,h?;4^', . - I Sou'tlKrn, John, 17?- iici, ; iP~~~T.T Lowrir, 491 ! '^■^ So,> ii,„n "' "5- ''* , Jf^n^'^k. Mr,., 4,8 ' I -Souiheniis .Mr 308 j S|in.er, Ann, 7j . a i Southward, Jlcnrv 141 1 ~' '■-''"anJ, 12,, ,,„ '^ fSou.h„o,>,l, Marii-, ,*i ZZT' '.',"^'>' '« '■ South, Kramis 38 ; • '*"^''«nl, 36 ' — """-, Martin, 128 | ' ' ^"» Samiii'i), ^qj ' Simihcrn, lane m ,„ c ir~~" ^^ '" , 112 them -^ • "•'"•^••Vp'il. ^ra.,84- S|>aM™, K.imomI, ,87 ■^ |->'"'»n. Ilanna, 20 ^ '" ■ " ' •;:;-'^!2''^. Thomas •I'll'linK'. l:il»ar;i, 176 S|inr, l.if.r^., ,33 S|.arke, .S,«rk«. ,s,,aVi, ■; ;-, Kiluarrl, 58, . Jam«, 112 - . John, 195, 234^498 . -'klari .343 sef -m, 47J Saimiell, 407 1 lioiiias 265, pf ■'St. I'arhn), fho- _ S. I'.ir|ilin I mas, 141 Sjjari,«ha«l(, Jamt-s, 485 ■ Sparrow,. [u.iith, 444 Sparsholt, Ijlwanl, 173, jog Simkinan, llt-nnf, 41 ^ 175 ixt, isi • '"""""S ^ ''5. I», rS8, 22(), 252 27t ,s|i.t.U.. K„,J,^J;/'' V^'l, Wmor. 1',/ Spragin,,. Ra,luli,K, 9* Spralt, Xlary, lojj , %. "^ . Tho., 112 '" -/J>' Sprawe, tJlitf. ,0, Spra.vs,m \V,M,am, 1,4 I Sprcatf, Jo.. 101 * .S|irin({, M„,„r j«„ — — . II ... T |S|)fm-, hlii., 82 Sjnr---- ' • jSjisi .si*-viMnB,-lohn, 326, 129 BlKlllS tllMlHth. jSl I ,, . Marii', 4.)i .""r — ('"•Sif!;hi<), William, I 4*". 491 I Spcncf, ICI^/alieth. 499 I • J»'"<:»- 3*7, 331 i • J';'"'. W -■ -• Mr«., 191 . Snraj 178, 249 . Ilinry, 2S1 : > J"'"'. iSo, 281 ! . M.lry, 281 I ^""~„\^'''li»n>, 2S1 I Spnngall, Jo., (i, i SlinnBh.m,lla„iuh, ^„ "7^~~~' -f"^"- 33*. S»foh, 4JJ ■■• ■v 412, Sprite, Rolicrt, 74' Spuiliii|[, kichnr,!, 17. Spurr, RoWrl, 51 S|rtirway (.Spun>„, ,„ Stiur. nay), Ro,,i:„ ^7^ ?; "l'"- : Spyer, Jo„ 63 ■ • *"» J S|.j>nlr, Ruhrrt. 82 r^ S«tir» 1..'!... .„. .:.:( ■--^-T—:- S<|ir», John, 303 •S.|UiCT, ('billipp, jg 7a ':^mr-,. 1fr ■ tf . 570 Sraync, Richard, i}i Malicr, I'cler, 178 Slacie, Klizabclh, 105 Stacy, \V., 403 Sianirloii, Mr., 176 Slafluicl, Jane, 71 • . ■r—r—, Mr., 309 '-^— — , William, 249, 251 Stage, Wm, 48, 53, 56, 57, <», ii, 68 ' titalvers, Henry, 306 " --: , Mrs., 305 ' Stamford, Jiliii, 257 Stamp (or Stump), Tlio., 79 Sianbridg, NnthancI, 194 Slaiibridge, William, 95 Siaiidcrick (Slai;dcricke, Slan- ilcrwicke, Samlcrick, ur San- dcrwike), NalhanicU, 319, ■ 320*, 3»3 >.- . ! Stamhch, Dorothy, 96 *Siaiidish, James, 221 Standcn, Slary, 421 ^ — ^ ,*\\'illiam, 421 Slaiidy, Koticrl, 78 Staiifa^t, John, 505, 507 ^tairfbid, Jo., 73 —- ^ — — J.Mary, 489 ' r— ri Kicliard, 115 ^ . Hoberl, 485, 4S9 Mai)k-y,-(.hrii.lcipln,r, 72 , Francis, 138 — — ■ Hugh, 126 ."" , Morris, 2t)l '—~ — i KoluTt, 40S ' — ■ K6gtr,_22i ' — ' , .Su/anna, 72 , William, 135 Stanly, Mrs., 458 Statu), Jo., 129 Siai'.iiadge, 'ihomas, 407 r Stannion, Anl°., 48 S(anslc)', Tho., 56 S.aiihon, John, 191 yiV£>£Jt. Starkcy, F.lizatah, 175 j Stark ie, I'etcr, 125 , Starling, Wni., 114 ' Slautling, JO- Staveling Slaughlon, Kdnard, S7 Staunton, Jo., 126 Slavtling, Malhcw, igj Staysmore, Francis, 505 Slcljing, Eliz., 278 ■■ , John, 278 , Rowland, 278, 279 , Sarah, 278, 279 — -^ , Thoma.s, 278 Steddall, William, 79 Stc-de (Steed, or Stcede), F.dwyn, 162, 321, 325, 331, 335,339,3^4,424.447.458 , John, 166 , itv Steed Stcdham, John, 449 Sledman, Elizabeth, 68 : — , I sack, 68 c-i Natlianiell, 68 , Susanna, 426 Steed, Calia, 424 ■ , w .Stede; Steel, Mary, 403, 404 Slc-ele, Uarbary, 466, 468 , (ieorge, 468 — r-, 'J homas, 466 Steephens, «■ Stephens Steerc, Richard, 136 , Robirt, III Sleerer, Eliz., 107 Steemtan, Anthony, 499 Steevens, Alice, 98 ■ , I'-dward, 139 : — , Henry, 99 ^— , J"hn, 40, 129, 506 — T , Alathew, 86 -*— i^lho., 73, loi , Wm., 83, 126, 128 see SteveiLS, Sle Stepney, 1 homas, 256 Slerry, Geo., 140 Steven, 196 Stevens (or Stephens), lilias, 326, 329 ; , Hector, 426 ' (or Stevans), John, 181, j 296 , Judcth, 151 (or Stephens), Richard, 333, 336, 339 . Robert, 43 , , , 'Hionia.s, 426 , sa- Steevens, Stephens Steward,, A mey, 505 ■ , John, 424 -7— — , Margnfcl, 424 > , William, 1^9 set Shcafd , s Slantiey, Jo., 98 S aiitoii, l)ai iell, 367 ~ , I'earce, 406 — , Iho., 36 .Sia|ilc, j,v Staples Staplcliill, Allexander, 151 Sla|)les tor Staple), Leonard, 73. 3'6, 318, 342 u : ^ Richard, 271 ; Stapleton, Pierce, St ,-• .Waller 405 , William, i6i*, i6i» Stapoiis, C'ornilus, 4b'8 , Margaret, 4S8 -; , 'lliuftias, 4S8 Stares, 'Ihomas, 42 I>heii« Stievenson, Christopher, 127 [ , Richard, 120 .Stepbing, Henry, 447 Siephen, , 192 Stephen.s, Steephens, &c. ("r Stevens), Elias, 326, 329 -, John, 239, 485 — , Xathaniell, 405 1 rhilipp (?Phi|ippa), (or Stevens), Richard, 175, 193. 226, 3M, 336, 339 —• — , Sylvester, 406 —■ , see Slecvens, Stc- vcmi Stewart, John, 329 j Stibb.s, Jo., 120 I Stickland, ^^argaret, 422 ' i .William, 370,422,439 iStilTchynn, Wm., 12S ! Stiles, Francis, 42 i , 'Henry, 43 , Joan, 43 , Jo., 43 . . ■ .'<;«'■ 1.43 J -^ — . llo., 42 ' Stilgo, Anl'.., Ill Stint, Heniy, 140 Slirrup, Jan'ies, 306 , Stilh,.^SIartin, 436 Sloak's, Sloakes, see Stokes j Stwbri.lgc, Ann, 94, .r,i' .Stock- bridge, Stuckbridge : Slwk, Robert. 85 I Stockbridge, Jo,, 93, j„. Stoc- bridge, Slick'iridge I St(x;kdell. Kihvanl, 1S6 Stocker, William, 177, 237 ' Slocklcy, Jo'in, 403 — ; i '^lary, 403 Stockton, Jonas, 187, 256 , Timothy, 187, 256 , Tho., 132 StockweP, Gabriell, 85 Sloe, Wm., £0, -see .Stow Stoiks, (joodman, 178 Stoker, .Samucll, 444 , Wm., 132 Stokes, Stoak's, Stoakes — , Ann, 227 — , David, 304 . (ii'orge,"39 ~ • — , CJrace, 130 , John, 227 ; jonaflian, 305, .306 , Luke, 52 f- .•^■"v: •::^:' JN., ./■' *' ■ f- . -■^'^k %..\ tNDEK^ Stokes. MicliaeJI, 40J "^'^^'"■. 335. 3J*. 338. Sliillaril, fg„,c= .JO •'""11, llciirv, 119 ~l:"i;'."p-|'75.'.-<' Stone. Stone, Ann, 66 ' 1 Stunger, Mr., 109. -~/-m4 France.! ^j::^!;:::;;;;^^^. 330 ~~> — , 66 -■"^r Hugh, 430 — i Joau, 65 ! Sirausc, Eli.«, 407 SlrcalMi, Kli«l«th, 66 J-lrert, Alice, 59 .Streme, ^,,., 131 r T' "'"mas 111 •^irelch, John, 505 Sirclihcr, Amlrcw, ii] > '"iry, iP5 ^.Mn. 16., I6j,45fr 237. 40S, 48;. ...ti ' ■"• .-."""'''; J"t>i., 9.1, 115 " ^"«''. .14, JiMniia (n«Krcs«). 48,, |>>i»san.es Alcxan.K-r, ia« huuon, Itfinxbit, 4^; ^ ^ Kllin, 116 r-. '«W|fe, .38 — -~. "cnrjr, 177. 4*i — 1 John, 84 3j, I-., _407, 4J3. 43.M5S * ~^ . •vatharin, 4JJ ~^ ', .^lary, 4jj , r~~'' iy"'u"'i'> '73. 11$ , . KK;h,ir,l. i(,i 4(„ ■ , KoWrt, Ji|_ 237. 40S, 4S5. 49; , .M.iric, 66 ~^— >. y-isiniillLiii, 138 . Kichar.l, 7j : — • i<"Uti, 444 , >;i>ly, 237 "7 — . Synion, (16 Sl'MleS Moyses, 244, « Slon' Si'iiihwijc, Win,, S4 >'lmiworil, Hon., 8i .St,„Kl|y („r si.Mlli.y), . 3U .13«, 340 Jl"l>i.-, ( liri 122 ■*"ur, .Samuel, 63 ■ - , J.i- ,S|nn, Ac. Slorey, William, 2 Wil- ' ^ __• ,.,^ ' ^ ' i Suiies, /rt- bime., Henry Suffolk, IhoniaH, Karl of, ,,6 •Suillivant, Anthony, 424, 41. ~ ~. Cornelius 4ja ' . ■>aniel, 426, 429 1 Dcarman, 4)0 , Kli»al«ili, 424, 4J, . Jolin, 424. 4.U 71^ ;• ''''•rgaret, 42s, 4J9 SuHey, lhoni.1., 17S ' Sully, .Mau.llyn, 247 " , Tlionias, 247 SumerliM (Suiiinierfild), .\icho-' las 262 . ■ Siffl;s (S.imme«), John, 140 Suiiifill (.Summfilll, John, 188 Suinnier!, Ann, 507 "r,^^ '"■■ Suracni), John, 338. 343, 507 ^ i 'I noma.:, 505 , ... — •*,««« — , . ,. — . "lUiim, I7q SwsHi, .Manin, 4)7 Swine, IVier, 376, 4,5, ^ - -— , set Swayne Swales (let... 8( •''wan (or S.annI, J,J,„. ,^ 425. 4<*>, 470 ' .S*anlcy, J,,., iij -—— -. Rolicft, 410 SwarWk, John, 220 Noarris l».ivi,l, 450 j Swayne, Ann, 117 , Kli/aliethv 49, 59 *^~ — , Francis. 54 ■~" — -i Tho.,-ii6 i .Win, 54, 6.J , "—^ , /.r S«aine j S»_eei (or .S^ree.e). " Robert. •-, Swelling, Jo., 5, ; " . Kif hard, 459. 4554 [ ~~.~; — . ■S.imiull, )|6' I Sv>eetlam l, James 3S<> 40^,403 •"-'• ''3. S»ifl, Mr , iSo Swifie, Ahram. 114 "^ — —> Jane, 1 26 — "•^•b- ■■'■» ' -— *-. Wu)., 115 S»inho», Ihunm., no, j6S , S'VHiny, nionias 40./ ■ ■ Swnovv, ThohiaN 177, ,rf I Snow Swynden, Wm., 76 SyanI, Jo., 103 Hydlie, Iho., 59 Syer, Tho, n'j S->""'' '■','•«. '3?. wSilhy hyme., .^lexaiMkr. ijS . --, Margrelt, 243 Syrne, (Syimne.), Beniainin. 126 '-- f— — .•.John, 3» # r < ~^ I t 1 « ^< S72 INDEX. Symes, see Siines, &c. Symon, tMivcr, 114 > Siephei), 153 — — tan Italian), 194 ", see Simon Synioniles, Tlio., 36 Syniomis, l)orolhy,.l4i , — , Francis, 41 — ' , [amcs, 137 '■ — . J"- 52. 114 — * , Kiclianl, 112, 154 —■ ) Saniuell, 104 , Wni., 122 ■ — , see Simons Symons, John, 194 '■ {6r Simnns), Richard, *69, 3<6*, 3"8 ~~- , Sanuiell, 403 , see Simons Symper, Robert, 142 Sym|)Uyim, Ralph, 122, see Slmpkins SymiKon, Daniel), loi , (ieo., 83 , .John, 52 ' ■ , see Simpson TABOR, Anne, 283 , Jane, 283 , , Sarah, 283 - , Timothy, 283 Tailil, Alexander, 81 Tagtjard, Elisabeth, 434 Taygartt, Alexander, 458 , James, 445 Tailor, Karbara, 432 . , Mary, 432 • — —< see Tayler, Taylor Talbott, tieo., 80 r . ,l;>-, S3 ,'riu>mas, 95 — — * — , Win., 120 Tallcott, John, 150 Tanner, Daniell, 185, 247 , Khsal)clh„43i , Josias, 228 ;; , Mary, 431 Tapper, Thomas, 128, 412 Tappin (T'oppin, or Tuppin), .Miles, 460, 465, 466 . , William, 46$ T'arljorer^Richard, 180 T'aselie, Kliz., 87 Tatani (oj Tattam), Nathaniel, 170, 209 Tate, James, 70 , Tho., 121 - -^ — , see T'ayte Talhdl, William, 173 T'atniim, Henry, 40 Tali's, Robert, 442 T'averncr, Henry, 126 Tawytr, Hutjh, 71 Tayler, Dyonis, 59 , C;eor|rc, 124, 131, ,4, ~ — , James, 85 , JasixY, 194 > John, 40, 112, 118 • , Nicholas, 1 19 Richard, 8<). 136* -, Steeven, 138 , TTiomas, 75- , Wm., 86, 140 Taylor, Ann, 87 — J-, Ante, 7, , Chrl., 79 , DorotJiy, 203 ,*i;iizabe'lh, 77 ~, Fortune, 174 — — -, John, 94, 122, 428, 4S6 -, fonathan, 449 , Kat., 58 , Marv, 203 , Mrs.;, iSi ~~~ , Rebecca, 253 .Richard, 170. 253, 203, . 267, 268 , .Rol)ert, 103, 193 ' , i hom.is, '^t,, 273 — , Waltor, 506 , William, 71, 94, 396 , /achary, 84 , see Tailor Taytc, John, 470, see Tate T'eafje, Juhii, 412 TeaKue (boy), 471 Tcaiie (or 'Teap), 'Robert, 332. 33». 341 ' -, \\ alter, 319 Tedder, Tho. , 52 Teeil, John, 294 Teene, John, 467 Teirrer, John, 135 ; Temple, i;dw■' ^•'•'^'cr. "64 ; Ihayer, Nathaniel, 412 T heoily, Mark, 38 / i T hiniblcby, Nicjioli,*!, 192 : T Jnstlclh«aite, I'ettr, 4S6 Tho)iias 182, 188, 194, iqc- *43. 2^8,427 / ^^\ '^- ~' '^»1W'3'7*.320,324 j — , Davie, 80, 141 — ;; , tlizabeih, 497 : , Galwiell, 138 -, George, 41 1 ^, Henry, 153 , John, 51, 80, 116, :^s^- '■'• '''• *^°- — — . .Nallianicll, 172, 217, 436 . , Richard, 80^3 ■,' Roltert, 95 ^^ ■ Kogcr, So, 458 ; Thomas, 115, 122,'' ; , T liompson, 4S6 -, V'^lliam, 95, 112, 132, v;.i I Tcmproe, John, 506 Tems (or i'eiiis), I icorgc, 81 T'errett, Ralph, 40 Terrill, James, 143 , Samuell, 486 , Tho., So Terfy, Anto., 84 , Hassell, 63 , Christopher, 411, 458 , Giles, 85 , Jo., 1,8 ■ — ^, Richaril, 107 - — , Robert, JQ7 ' 293, 497 — (an Indian), iSS, 25s I honikins, John, 104 T'homlins, Hen., 62 — , Kdward, 62 Thomlinson, Joseph, 141, see V 'Tomlin.son Thoni|)son, Ann, 222 • , Christopher, 506 f . jane, 494 ; • John, 4813, 494 , j , I-ancelott, 4S9 i — ' — — , Mary, 4.S9 i"~ -. l<"B<;r, 222 I ''I ■ I honias, 486 , "V , William, 195 I .V 1 see T'ompsoii I IhlSmson, Chri., 134 ! V . Kdward, 8r, 103 V~. Georg, 185 i — . Jo- 52, 76,*St, 84, ■. ' '34, 135 * . -Morris, 2^3 -— ; I'aule, 1S5 ■'JT'' 4t % •■ \' t ,■ <: • '■ " \ :>M. ■ ' "H Tlioiiisrin, R„l,sri, Hi mZZ' u'm/ ^'' **• "8 .85. 24:»^' '""'"• "*• '"^ ~ - 1 ■>.<■ Tomwin Thorn hruKh, \V>,I,>», 44, 1 Driicmc, \V„,,. ,,4-* "^" llMiruc, Ariliur, 133 ■ ~' ',''•"'■)■. 17S. >I3 ^1 I'clcr, 56 rr--, Thomas, 12a I hornelmry, Thom.is, 2?j * Tlmrndnll („r " Th,.n,hill) I.n.oihy, ,64,469, j^^'"""' Thornlon, [oanru, 59 t ' ~^-, Nicholas, joj" ■ -, Koljcrt, 68, ibi' ~~ • ,\\»l'". 59 ' . »ni /^'D£X. ^ . I'll" (or linki,,), IV^:,,!*. ^•^^'^'^. MmB"*!. IW m V ,''<|>".ill, ll.nric,'"ii,' lilti", IV.., ,4J *• ;'■'";"«. J".. 1/5 . •I lljlilull, W, ,J, ,_ ' 'I", Kli,at«,h, ,j, i'~~^i W ilhain, 2(0 ' -*- , Av Tyler ,, ill, John. 136 .,%. \V*, x8.,rt.Ty||y , .I'ncy, Th,^,a,, 48,, '"' Iimoihy, John, iio", iir i-, — ■. Ihoinas. 191. j6^- .LL". ,,"'• J"< "T __ l.t'l'lcife, \V)„., ,40 l('|ili.., Wii,., ji, r'.'l'l"". A<*mli.m, t9« .~~ — » rli'alwih, jgi — -t'f'-^.'vr T-ttppln. w ra..|,in , '.r-l'^ll, llunjl'rcv, 1$ .Willow 176 ^ me, KIrsalMh, 424 .John, 4J4 — — . Marijaitl, 414 li"Kley, I'alinfr, jj 1 inico. Jacob, 41 1 •" r,,, ' " •"• •411 I- ■ 1 horoK„,H| ,,„ Thoraugood), ; • •!"ki',' ^n'.'- i' ' Ailain, rS?, 2C1 <>'™v;. «">Kin, w lulu,, 1 ltorouKhg,H«J, l;,lw ,-'igS ' T^XP'i, V"'"'- "38 g'«.i,jtc. ' ' T'""""-:;;;:.;- .s,„,j„ii, '3,, Tl."row.U.n, Allic, 218 I f il u»l^,'T' ' 1 ' . 1 hocow^-o,xl, i;,lwar, KliMlKih, 67 . JoJin, 47 ~- — . William,' 67 ^ ""'[ *<■; laniis, 329, 506 .7; :• J"l"'. 4'2 hrashcr, Kobert, 261 IhrL'il.l.T, Xicxolas, 249 1 lirdtail, Anl"., 74 'I hrrannlun, K.hvanI, 216 .~ T -. l-li/alnth, 216 ' Ihrcsher, KoIkti, iS; njrogmorioii, John, in,), 208 1 irouKoo.1, M ThoroL.00,1 ihurrogoai, Jo., ,42 ThurruHijooiI, Wm., 118 r ' • '<■'' 1 horottgootl, Thursliy, James, 192 Thurston, John, 293 ] V-. Margrcll, 293 ~ r~> ''lionias, 293 ThH-aif.s Alexander, 49 Tliwing, lien., 62 ►John, 357 Tihhahls, Tho , 131 1 iboit, J.y Tyhlwit (340 I '«M, f<.,l«rl, 259 "^ •»J"' lolcuan (or l>„|,„,a,„ ^u. |_ s.'inuh, 320* |T..ller, M.iVio, f/, • ''"111.'. Th.... 84 I lollo, l)cmcMKre/I.e„i, .j, ! lomkins, f;ii,okih, III ZZT"' t;"' 'J' , .Mane, 131 \ ~ — . Kal|>h, 131 i ,7 T — . Samuel, i 11 . I.>mlin«m, .\|aihc„-, fo I _ I nottilin«)n ' iT()ni|)v)n, Ann, 172 " -. NiilMas, 180, 2U •, Kog.;r, 172 ■" .7. . ''■■' l'hom|.„)n 4^, lonison, (/eori;e. 244 ,1, I — ■. •■uniircv, .T'4lhj!t, Mr,,. 47/' lollr, \Villianirjo4 'olman, Jo., 110 i S ■ "i". )■•, biL^ lU-au, kol«rrl, , l«uty, w lovcy ^ T.mn«n.1, W,-.,^ , luHy, I4,eh.„,|, 506 ' ■ rowirt, Kilwani, 116 ' * Towne, ft.lmun,!, 2f 1 '~'~~i l>Uaril, 446 .7 • J"'"'. 39 ... rhoinaj, 327, 329* T '•, 'owjutn.l, AIkj., 4jS < '" — . ''antij, 121 "" ■ • J"''.n. -448 """ — (or To»u.hcn.'h, Ri. 5-—^. Tho, 37 Ton-nv.n, Jaiu»s, h ' ToHv, John, ,7 ~ •■ " l/'ycr, feach., '441 •oyr, Nach.. 441 I rachem, John, 17 r-r";/' ,l''"'na'. 2'*- :'.}."'""l'l'. Tywioihy, ijj 1 rartifirjM.. L'.... . • . I'aule, 244 ' I ~ 1 William, 255 i' ■» Av Th..m«in •!' • •fzjr |T.«.l(e,;amcs,,7S,22o«v.Tuk,. r '"'.'".rr' 'i''""!. Tooles'si^rj;',,;'' •-■''"'''"•■ ./'•"''il, Kicliard, 67 To..lie, Th...; Hi , ."■■"•••iKlun, K.>l«rt, 153 ''"uly. .Vallun. I2J •■'■"■■'"■ ^"-.J9 Iromorden, |-jl„ird, 172 "au'S Jo,, 63 Tranll, Kichard, 441 Irance, ,N,c-,, 4, 4, , .:r^^l.(orTrai.tVuL,';,5" , Iran, KoiKn, 70 ' ■*' I ravel; .Sanmel, 164 laven, I'hillii,, 44, raiu, Kidiar,!, 41? Iwlwcll, ,S|ary, no Z' ~. Thonian, no Ircc, John, ijf ~~, Kuhaf, 227, 272 rrej;ag,ll. Ktih,,,d, 132 , lehearnc, John, 214 I remilU, Av,n,, 4,,' Trenimwre, IvImSS), 153 I 1 « f. .A' -•' \ A 574 '. Trcsc, Samuel, 84 ■ Trcthe« y(or Irclliewey), John, 161, 162 ■ Tievas, CJoo., ii8' Trewin. Jane, 153 Trigg. I'lioiiias, 41 1'riggS Thomas, 192 Trim, Trim, [/.,■., Triramer], -.^■'''"^""ne. 370, 373,414 Inppaii, Jo., 86 Jrixfil, Kichanl, 296 Troopc, Samuel, 129 Troll, I'trient, 307, 309 1 rou, Jan l,illip,,, 458, 486 I IrowMlalc, Ann, 433 Tniblis, George, 316, 31 7» True, Ant"., 82 , . John, 103 Trueman, Kichanl, 42 Triiniball, Thomas, 94* Trump {or Trumpe), Hum I'hi^O-, 334, 337, 340 1 mren, John, 327 'I'rusdal, William, 425 ; |l'ni:,eilell, I'hincs, 142 ^Inissell, John, 170, 207 'JVye, John, 221 Jl'uhl),.,', Kdwaril, 486 'rulilcy, liracc, 123 Tuck, Warram, 112 Tiiclie, Williani, 29O Tucker, Ann, 506 — , Charles, 163 — - — -, Klizalielh, 244 — , Francis, 305, 306 , Geo., 122 ■ — , Henry,. Henr., 303 '~~~- ~ .305. 327. 330 . }"'"', 163", 164* Margaret, 98 MDE9. Turner, Joan,, ['23 Jolm. 83, 411 jonallian, 303 Joseph, 193 Marmaduke, 61 1 Martha, 424 f Martin, 180, 234 1 !^Iary, 424 ~- , Malliew, 51 -^. Kobert, 8s, 93, ,70, , Sara, 37 , Symon, i7p - 'I^homas, 79, 80, 112, 144. 205, 297 Tumor, (ieorge, 255 — — , Kogcr, 142 lurpm, Henry, Junr., -458 - . , Senr., 458 — , John, 70 -, \yiilo«-, 442 1 urton, F raneis, 458 , Tuslin, Jo., I-J3 Tirthill, CJecrge, 439 Tutiell, Al)ii It'"". 45 . Mary, 1S5. 244 . Mt George, 303 ~" . Uiomas, 119 , WiHiani, 184, 244,273. \„?74.327, 330 " "' ludar, Richard, 445, 458 . 1 udor, .Mary, 430 • ■ , Kichanl, 430 Tukc, Chri., 85, wTooke lull, John, 461 Tullie, Jo., 126 Tulls, fohn, 456 Kichard, 466 Tupjiin, la- Tappin lunlall, John, 412 Turgi.s, Symon, 170, 208 Jurk, Geo., 133 Turner, Jilizaheth, 46, 123 — ,^I( , Anh, 4S, 49 ■ Anna, 48 , Kli/ahelh, 49, 85 . Isbell, 48 !• , Joan, 45 ■ 7-. .j'%.45, 48. 49 ■ . KlJIitcca. 4S — . Kichanl, 48 I , Sara, 45 , Svnion, 45 ~ — " — . Tho. , 49 ~ . William, 49 Twine, Widow, 45S Tyack, William, ff.4» Tybboli, Tylibot, 'iiliott ', Idizabelh, 108 , Henry,' 108 • , Jeremy, 108 -, Kcmembrance, 108 , , Samuell, 108 I Tyers, John, 188 Tyler, Klizabelh, i8i ■ . J"-, 121 , Kol)ert, 4S6 , Thomas, 70 . ■ ; , William, 181 ' ^lS^"-™-i?.p^o?:25 Tynman. KobLrL m, ^"^'' \:f'=-}' >J<' , Kobert, 121 Vassall, Ann, 93, 94 , Fra., 94 , Judith, 94 : — . Alarfarct, 93 ■ I Tysc, \Vm., 1 37 I 'Ijsoe, Wm., 4S6 J 'lyzacke, John, i66* " fliAXK, William, 135 UlTonl, John, 4S6 LnderwoodJ Andrew, iii ■' . John, 35, 96 «^ — , .Marable, 291 : , Marth.a, 2S1 1 ^~-. ^!arlirl, 281 I ^ > ■^'••'ly. 433 ' ' ~ — . reter, 50 ~~. . Kobert, 104 L n|on (Vnion or Vinon), (.corge, i8t l'"ilon(.ir\inton),Thomas,4S, I nyon, Iho., 143 L'pgatc, Kichanl, iji ,-U I'i'haui, Fli/abeth, 2S6 . John, 2S6 f I . , (unr., 2S6 I , Nalhaniill, 2S6 ; — . Sarah, 2S6 I I'ppcolt, Kichanl, 94 Upson, Siecvcn, 66 j }-d>ton, John, 172, 217 I L'rec, John, .^69 ! l'n|uhart, Aflexander, 413 I I'sliit, Thomas, 150 I Usher, Ann, 206 — , licuiamine (or I!env) '92. 193 . John, 38 -; , William, 39 UsherHoiKl, Thomas, 142 * Ushur, James, 267 Ulie(or Uly), Ann, (iSl), 257 TT'.'^ ,)• 'Si, 237, 270' \ aghan, see \ aughan ^ Vale, Jacob Fojiceco, 450 i \allins, Joan, 113 i Vnluenle, Abr., 449 I Vanderspike, John, 407 j Van Heck, Kalherin, 101 I Olliver, loi \ ~~T , I'cter, toi Vanlang, Kichanl, 436 ' . Van Luccom, Uenrv, iij Vanlell, Knbert, 132 fm - i Varier, William, 342 ^^ I Varloe, Phillip, 364, 376 *^' 'V Tynman, Kobert, 102 I'Tyos, John,^35 : lyres, Samuell, S3 • ■ ■ --' Tyrwhitt, (ieorce duS '^''r>','73.- Tyrwill, ilercuK,J,;*4s8 f ■. A^-, s'i^: Jf ^.yor.x. : ; ^^■■. ■■••I yv ■V'C, VasMll, Afarv, ni ' ,\aier, « Vawtw vauyhaii, Davie, 119 __^35. afio 305, soy , Kottlaii.i, 109 ,, . Sarah; 507 ■ vausc, kicharil, jbe ■^aiix, J(,hii, 4r3 Vi-azcy, Naihanael, im *,«Ojir;i,_ William, ji6 I — —. Susan, 240 \i»hiT, Aiip, m6 \ i/arti, Joan, ijfi \"li, rhillip Ic, 417 . , V"M, Jiihn, loj I ' • ^'"friH Vane, allai, 140, I w Fuss, \c. '"^ ,; M"'->11, Ja, 117— i Vyncent, Edwiinl, 86 ">' ■ -• V.ia, 13 j . , / ' ' " I Manhew, ijj ' r"- — 1 m Vincent \yiin, 1.)., 5, V yon:i\{T-a„ci5,, |,j W V^n, Kilwaril, 3iS*,ji9«,:3jp. * X^VsHa'icis. laj , Vennahks'kaiph, 86 ' j^^'ACKtilvjJILD, Annr. «» Venndl,^„h„, 2y6 '^^7771 . William.'^oo VenniT Tl,..„,', , . ".I'l'l, Anne, 21J1 -"^ Venncr,-! h..mas,jio,3,„. Uo« w ' ■ '^".'."■*' ^'J' A'emiiner, (ieo., 7, ^ ' '^^ ,"""'"••. "lomas 487 Aemiiner, (ieo., 71 Verdiii, Kicharil, I2c . , 'crcnig, Alice, 506 ' ~ . Jo-hua, 506 ' ■ Verijo, Daiiiell, 173 r— -.Iohn,i79 ^ Venn, John, 2,H ~ — 1 -Naihanicll, 41 1 \c.nie, J„hn, 176 W'rnnillie. [ohn, i(A' " _' Vcrnmi, James, 165* ,. * '. I'elcr, 41J Verr>ar,l, William, 318 ^ Vernlani. Francis, l.„r,| ,„ Vicars, John, i^ '' ~ , Seiern, 304 » iccars,.Jo,, loy ■;^— =— t ^everin, Se Vlckars, (ames, 443 Victor, Michcll, iiij Viero, l)anifll,'2o<> yillc.n.,ar,l<, IJ'r/i^,',■^fi^^' Vincencio, Mr., iSo, 2!c> V inccne, loanc, 202 rr • WiJIiani, 202 Vincent, John,- -31S*, ,,'„. 324. 436 . "^ — • — ■, Mrs., 169 •" , \\Uliani,*i(i9, 267 ........ .nomas, 4S7 VVai.liii^.i„„, Hanna, 121 iVVaile, Uiiialj, 286 j , K.lnanI, 10) I ..Fli/alicih, 286 -I crl, 50 r— . Win., JE{ Wailford (or^' 326«>' ^;jj;;lham,Kia,ar,l,334.3jg,j,^„: - • ,'<;'K<-r. 3281331 rho.. 37d V Rladfoiill, \Vn,., ''^<^^¥^<^^,,^;fl,.,^\^;:^^^ " aKtjilt, Kilward, too ;r7-."'Tio., 85 » aine, Aiiiyic, 250 -. Ann, 1^7 ^r- — , J.hn, 1S7, 230 Wainivri(;iil, James, 4,8,;. > J"lin, Senr.,, 303 \\ akehelil, 1 (.onias, dc VV akcr, Sarah, 4 <8 ' Wakcrs, Jo.. ; ,s ~— — . Matvaret, 11^ -' ■ Mallicw, 81 ■ Kic^anl. 60, kjj' • — r— . K"*"? 184, 243 — «—. Sana, 61, ~ ~» Susan, 434 ' ~ ' '''^"l"»^. '34. 4»6 « i ~~~. vv alter. 124^ \Va kin, koi,^,, ^^ '''n VV all, Joan, 92 j"T-7p Samuel. 41J, « ;-♦— . 'niaohalcl. 128 _' • Waller, Andrew, 29S ~" • i,!';^'!''^. 174. «J ~ . r^linond, i6a i ~~'J;'-. 103,- 140' ,"",77,— • ' Vter, 102 ^^feey""^''"'- Wallrti-cr, CharlOT, fi6 V\ttUin;;ton, Jn«.|,h.'7t> vvTi^TT'- ^^ill'ani, 101 •vauis, weorce, 92 "^ ■ 1 kal|ih, 92 r~:, — . Tho., 64, ,j„ VVjlroiul, 1 homas, 487 .jP"'""' '^"<^. 'U.. vvilter. Alice, 4,,) » ~ , Klliiior, 44S . Hichard, 487 . koUri, ift2» "-• 1 honias, 491^ Z". — • ^^'H.i-'ni, 39 '■'-^- ^...' X* T { -A • ... • j^j I , . I hn,ii,|,her, 4«r> m* i*."' -V^' ■"'• >«° I . tdchar.l, 322 j--—-. \Viliiam,.40. 41, 140, ...^1H.M.33».34«' VVallhoJ Francis, 496 I rvrr--' ^!"')' 49<> : "allon, (.eorge, 459 -^ . John, l8 Kli/al)ci», I2J t -. Kimry, J14 — *-. June, 4J5 ' . 1 Jiilin, iSj, 260 ; , Kiclinril, 121, 487 — ^, l<.>lK.ri, Xo • ■ — • .T.'.',','!"'"' 'S".J.?9, 314 — — , y illi.ini, 1 74, iKo, jjj,4S7 v\nrilil, Richnril, 115. ' "arilcii, Thiirius, 264 W.irdlf, ( lirihioplitr. so6 "arc, I',L'ili, 75 ;--— .(icoryi., uj, 33r,,3^o , 1 lUnrv, 84 — — —(or Warriiil, Ji.liii, 79, _ 85,^7. '.VS. 3.M..Vi7, J40 -I i>K:lliilas, 320 :"" ;' ' » Kichanl, 397- «orriiiKi"n, Kul.uri, 8j >\»rr«:cll, Jwwi.h, lit Wariumlifi., KiViifti,!^ iw Warwick, Kolirtt, Karl'of, ie„ w iSfV, JiiH'|.|i, 174 >\a,hl«irii, Wasl'ilMirnc, Wa^h- liiirii, Wa^lKirirc TZr, — • J"!'". 57. I»9i 257, afij, 420 . '• 111 -1 Ji"i'ph, ifi — ■ tJracc, J 87, 253 . — , Jo., lOI — , .Mar(;arclt, 253 T^~' \l?'J.- 459 ~Ty~7' "illiam, 1S7, 2!j WalJiii,, -ll,,,., ,37 ''->•> Wmkims, \\.i,Ui„s, Watkyns, I "atikiiKs, Wailkiiis , . , J Arlliur, 52 |~" ' ■ ■> I'aiiicll, 189, 231 J , Ilavi.l, 35^, ,,S6 I — — , til/., 489 ■ — - — , Henry, 189 " : — -. I'crcurcc (or Per«- gnu, A;c.), 189, 265 — . I'liillip,4i6, I '-^-^ > Kicc,' iSi, 252 —, RiclmnI, 1 ;S I p~' -. Rolkrt, 4.S'6 I ■7. . I'hiima^ 487 I "nlkirisi.ii, J„h„, 39 ' , i \\.illcr, Kdljcrt 127 Wailinyicn, Iranc.s m it. '■' ■'• V™"'"'""' '?'' .>-S375, mioS^^'' ^5* r:']!:"'"^'3"^-3'7-343.47l 3''**. 375. m, 408 -- ■ .Mary, 417 "alsi.n, Wniuon ' . Aliraui, 50, 121 ~~',"^"» Alice, 124' ■' -, t linsiii|,|ier. So -, Francis, 87 , , "" ', James, 172, 207 --— , Ji.hn, 36, 82, 150, I6q, WayneHri'ic,"l 'J'S. "" — — . ■'^arah, 467 ~77r; *'"■ ^■'^^»™i ).- Thoma^ "'7.417 ~'-' — 1 William, 329, 46r , ,r,, Wevcr "elili, .Anili.my, 153 , Kdwaitl, 13(1, '4,^9 ' (i tilivanl, 489 W merman, .\nii. it-j -; jInmphcrV, 471 -. Jiihti, 324 -. Kailieiln, 85 ■. Mr., )cx; «oi, 2;(i 1 IZl'^.;^-". 74. m ■ „ • i'."'""'' i°< '73. 439 ^~~' " ' l'.1"'' '°3. 434 \\.ill. I'avi.j, ,j8f ANaUiTs .'<••■ Waiers \\allkine»( „. , Waiikin* j ■'"''" ilkincn Wiilllin. Kicliaiil, 279 p , Jnnies, 74 ■ , ; , '— — , Jereniv, IO4 'i • .[".. 51. 73. I4« . Meihf»nl.a, 41 ' i-«-. KIclmr(l,jijj; , Tliiimas, 171, jig rr-; ^Vm., 119 "ail.iin, ..„ \Vais(m Wnjly; llenr)-, 4.J7 •~~~--. I'itrce, 497 ■ ■ Jniie, 472 -, Kailicrin, 67 , kicliard, 114 — -. Snimicll, 461 -—, Stephen, 177, 232 vTTi "'"""'*• ^'.'•'""'4.1 18, r43 "elihs, Mr,, )o8 Wel.lH..r |nr Wheeler), Naiha- nicl. 326, 329 rWehlii, (i.r'VVel.linjj), Waswll, I 182, 241 ' Webster, Aimc, 490 , '■, — ■ . Kd«,-inl, 415 " • — , Klisalx-t?!, 4I9, 430 . rraiic|s, 103 — 1. Henry,' 414 , Joan, 237 * ''.■ — , J"lin, 487,490 -^. K.ilpb, 141 -•, kicliard, 135 • I . Koliert, 429,, 445 L——, Knger, i.^i, JI37 ' Hf- -, .Siisaiina, 490 "ecilen, KdHMDl, jg Weekcliam, (i5les,'296 Wcekcs Anna, 1 50 .1".. l.r^Ijo -I .Mane, 130 —-—.Thomas," 139 >\.'eKs, .Svmiin, 152 lj\ell.y, William, 1(8 Welch, David, 459 — — — . Kilmoiid, 416 — — . John, 303, 361. 471 ¥■ *-. W^ > ¥ ■^, * ■ I m -■■ ; ->"■. ,-s-v ■-■■#:" 1 -A - • ■ / ■ '% •■ » ■> -i ■ — n — T" - « . ..• f ■ ' " " - ^ fr 1 f ¥■1' — t ';'---^^' .' . - - - . - V- ■ I ■* 1 fc ' ! A ■ « i h ■■■jj^^^^^^tiw^^ ^j^v^^i^^ _ { ihi k ■ . ■>,- : § Ui r- . »%■■' Welch, X* Welsh "ekhman, John, ,83 ... ^,'f"- William, ,6^ We Uilig, William, Z, .,„ We;l„„, William, to/'*" We yn,-Riehard,'4r ■ Wclln^n, (.'hrislian, «., „ ^1 Tho., 4Q ^\f^''«.49: 59 — ^1 Henne, 38 . John, 487 ~~— ) Mai hew, 125 HI' S'*"''. I '3. 110 ■» The, eg -—-, W'illiam, 86 - WeUh, Jacob. 54 ' ^' J"*"!. •43, 304 rrp-. « Welch -^^ We'Klen, Anthony. 4,, •*J,""'^'ver. Robert 3o "enlworth, H„j;h, 87 Wesel! „ Weatell ' West, Anthony. ,76, , ,5 • "«ry. r94 " "• Jane, 424 -. John. 8j. qa. ,,a „„ "7. 424 -* ' '''• '79. "72, . Jfflliaiiiell. ,33, ,j^ ,j^ Wetkersby, .. ., ,j^ -~— . Banhimew. rfj, Wethmly.Albia^o ,|; «;«r,R,ehard,,<,3.iw«. Wey", ArchiMd. 40 ^J,jy y. Micha^.4S Whaplett. TJio., ,20 jjjh.utun, Phillip,,, 85 [Wheat, Josua, 57 Wbeallie, Richifd, ,02 Whewly, Christopher, 84 •1 tharles, i6a I fcilvfaril. 79 V"^.",' "'>4I6. 461 ~ ^ — ^1 Kichnrci, ijy Whetenhall, ih'X^,*^] Whelsion. Christian/ 4^ - ^(Whetstone or Whett White. Martha, 90 ir~~' M*7' ?"• 4»8, 461' — , Michell, jS ' ■> Milicem, 4S> ~. Nalh., 45^ ' •— . I'«tiCTI, 136 — . Hal rick, 4S7 -, Rich«d, 77, ^„ ~- William, 18. 6c Tt. '"■•03. 1.5. a57 **• ** Whilefait, Amo^ 4,4 Wbitehea,l,J,«,,,h*^''g ^ .... ~ — » Inc., a8» •* JJ.J"«H>. il8*, 310^ 324 '" "hue, Aiiilrew, 136 — '^-. Ann. 1 15 "~- — . Anthony, 279 ——-=. Charles 115. 320 I ""■~"". (.omelius, 30) ! Zl~'-ii^.*»"''9o, 118, 235 ' -—-.-Ellin (or Klen), 102,47, , Khialieth, 465 ~ ■ K™nci». 68. "" . (Gamaliel, 117 — , (ieoige, 39, 74 - John, 39, 42, 5, „, — (or n ncrtl, 184, lat j;;';''fi"-i.«\t, «hilehand, (itmm, 11k Wh,lhed,l,J.l^',|* . ' • '''«• . »4» rrr-r — iTho.. i2g Mhiihom, (;al«iel. 320* Wliithorse. I^.renci, ,u Whilimor, Sir Willi,;;,.,,! i^""- ft. 4*5. 467 ^ . -. Knhaid, 427 WhHing», J,„,A, ,5 U'lTIT — ' '" Whileinn W hiiker, ,„ Whicke,^ 9S' '50. 330 (VVilte. Mn, U6, 3i'7. Jj, ■ •. iMik, 136 ~. Jaeob, 136 ™^. Jeremy, 231 > Ktlhaiine, n .Muk, l«4 ' or Wttie t W hii ley, Michell, ■«, JJ.J."l"cl<. Wm., J, "human, Sara, iji .: Whiim.n^k^'^'^j.iJicl,. Whitnurke, Whytj;;^*^ ' • Alee, 284 '_ -■ Jane, 284 ( J"»hn, 2^4 • --j;^ 0«»ph ,„r ,,,. WTuUwy. Ellin, ji ^ .1 'S^v t~ n" 'tv I ■■ ■ Whitney, Jo., 58 . — : . Joiiailian, 58 ■ , Nalhanicll, 58 , — — — , Richard, 58 > Samuel, 308 -, Tho., 58 Whitt, Edmond, 180 . Jej'ime, j8o — , Kohert, 194 ■ > William, 173 \ Whittaker, Geo., 1 12 Whiltakers, Klizabelh, 183 " . Isackc, 182 ' . Mary, 182 Whittce, Mary, 4r4 Whitteredd, VVhitlre Wichell, 1^4 . Mrs.; 189 '■ ^^-' Owen, 41, 74, ,38 ~ , i'lcrce, 217 ' , Rice ap, 1 79 , Richard, 116, 117 "54. 329. 35>. 439. 4»7 Robert, 84, 114, Roger 86, 137, 233 Kowlifnd, 165*, 1^3 Simon (or Symon). 415. 42a . -. Susan, 211 , -, Teage, 134 ,1 homes, 81. roar" 166*, 171% 210, 326. ■ 369. 3S5..390. 3-9Z, 401, 407, 4,,3. 4,6 418, 429, 506 '. -— , William, I la, lar. 138, 189. 329, scJe • ^' — (or Wills), William, ,v?,f^' ^''' 3>9 Wuliamson, Ann, 130 i John, 96, 436 -, Marie, 107 -, Mickell, 46 [501 -. Nathaniel, lito, -, W'm., 107 . Willis, Ann, 222 , Elizabeih, 96, 423 1 Henry, 413 —-.John, 50, 319, 3,9. 3»*. 413, 459 ^ ^ ' , Mary, 120 — , Richard,. 471, 472 — -% Ihomas, 'i-^ 423 . W'm., 74 Willkisson, Iteniaftiune, 145 Z^, . Larence, 145 > Willmoit (or WUImalt), E.l. *«"'. 3J7. 328 ^g-^ '•""«'■' Wifcns, see William, Wi1»m.,on, set Williamson Willoughby, Udy Ann, 461 « , Ann, 423 ~, Uorcas, 421 -, Francis, toitl, 'yc(Wiii„w|li'wi,. ■.^■.«rWin.»„aLW.TL»a, ^,!Jlox, Mathew, 446 Wrils, John, 152, 413 ; Roger, 5j ?-— , w Ouills VNillson, Henry, 173 -. Nicholas, 46a * -5 . Wm., 416 — - — . w Wilson wrisc, Fi^incis, 415 "ilson, Anthony, 48'; ■ Charles, 487 • • ;:; — • J">ir-, 487 ^ '~' — ■> tlemem, 193 — 1 fchsabelh, 433 1 - —-, (Jeorgc, 463 -— , Henry, ,27, ,8g, j.j, -^ r, Jacol), 86 "~ I Ji>nie», 296 ■ -. John, 102, log. iji 3J7. 3J9. 427 ' ' ^ • Kalherin, 105, 117 ' ■ Margai-ctt, 487 7~~- |"',7- 4 jj, 449 .Nathan, 124 * "• ^^pnaW, 163*, 166 :• K'chonl, 94, 105, 446 , RolH-rl, 105 ui ~ ' ■j.'.'l*™. 433 ' ^~'~— . 1 nomas, 69, 223 — ~ — ^1 William, 444, 487 --:— , .«• Willson *^' Wilton, Francis, 202 "illshptr, Dciijamin, 466, 468 '-~—, John, 462 \-~—--. Lawrence. 468 ■—"t , Thomaj.. 463 44g ' • J-""-. 4*7, ' 7~" — 1 Senr., 467 %uZ'Z~' ""'"*. 4W) ' WI„.1!:^m""!"''S^'"» Winches Mary. 278 • J- . '«■ Wynch ' , Wiiickoll. KliMlwih, j^ * ^ jy^ j^ Windebank, Secretary, lu WinUmile (,,r W—^:,., Wunior, Aim, 181 I »">fie, Judith. 279 j ~ — -. Roliert, 279 Wingtield, Harbottle, ,6i, \\m^, Roger, 59.' ^ "yngate it < or \\mCe, I)el«ni, 7? wmscomli, J,«ne, 21 1 *»"'. 348. 376. 381, 38c . J'.«ta^», 161 ' ~ ' -» Simon, 1^ "" ~~* Thomas, 193 ~ .wWynslue t Thomas, 272 • — , set Wyntcr JVmtersall, Thbmas 194 ^^^^^\\ or Wymhr^,p -, I>fanc, loo ■. Klizabeth, loo . John, 100 i Wolridi, Mn., 177 l„,"7 > Richard, jot Wo ton- I.™_ . f:' ' w: , ' ""-naTO, 101 I Wp ton. James, ,4^^ 1 ibeth, 46 Ur n — • J"*". 'C "iw, Abraham, 367 .Christopher, 487 ;rr. John, 36, 37, 102 Wiseman, Kalherin, 84 ^'tchfiehl,John, ,^0^ ^IJ-.i^r.-:'!:. '33. r^ White With (<|r Withie), Mary, 1 » — --.,S Withy W»hington, Tho., 3*8, 4,56 fXfl (Wiltn, or White), L _ John, ,26, 327, ^^i """ >^...on/„. ,o3,,i?whitlo« "Ills Oooilman, igi. W"', « William. Woddall, Francis, 104 "^ • t' "" — — — ■ Patrick, 101 W" fr. Kmanuell, 4,6 Wo finden, Jrrrmiah, 416 Wo housinn, Marie. 48 J\" ry, kidiar,!, 79*^ WoUman, RichanI i«, I Wol'ich, John, 17; vu I TT"' '•'"•beth, 452 ^^"1. Abraham, ,7.;;',^/ ~. Al«..n,ler, 363, 3^ ^-~. Andrew, 42J — — . Ann, 240 ^~. Anne, 100 ~~-. Coostont, 87 . . Ehiahelh, 66, J30 — fraiicl,,446, 459 - I'cnry, 11,, ,80 . James 416 T9i,^2t''^'' "^ »'• •»V" . I.«)nanl, 105 , Nailianiell, 66 -^. 1'en.ivall, 179,240 ■; Patrick, i3i*' ^ . RichanI, 95 , ~, Synion, 75 24^, »;"^ »• m>i^ . Wiiliam, ijo - — ■ 'IT W,«xl', W00.I.II, Henry, 181 VSoo,U,r„lge, KliMl^h. 114 u, ; — r. Jo-, iia Woodcock, Jo«„, ,j, iv I T' Thomas, 407, 41* _V\,lli.m, 3,6., 3,7 JJ»"' W'"» cooke, J„h,^ ,86^ Wixx^coti, Frauds, 86 Woo,lfine, EliraJ^ih, 492 \ ■ ~ . Wm., 492 \ W"«ir»iti, Thom^ ,4, \ w"" r™. Jn . 82 ' fi„ Woodtnd, John. 4JUS ^ - , Mary. 4^ I I.. ~~. ' "CT, 296 Wo.«lla»e. Ann. 20J vi:""lll' •^"". '7° ■ "oo.ll|lfr.J.,., 269 Woodman, Henry, 116 Woo, s Roller,, 1,0, ,„VV^ WondsoMi frames 181 - - . Jcrfin, 172, 216 — — -A...j.s,r,h. 172, 216 Woodstock, Roller.' i, W^^„rf, C hristopher. 19^ -- - •"T'Tf, 47. $4. l«t .. .-•'♦ \ /i-* .1 ». V" A X:- 580 TNDEX'.' %^H :\. ■ ^^^'••v -**•, .-.-.'^ *- ■• ■■',*-■ . •■ «• Woodwairl, Mary, 173 1 • ■■ , Richard, 2^5?! aSl , Rose, 2S0 Woodwdnl, Hamucll, 469, Woodyaril, fohn, 436 ' — — , Mary, 436 , Wooley, John, 184 . • N\"oolridge, Wyiiain, 334, 339, 341 Worden, Isaac, '66 Jane, 43 4 •* * ;,VVorIidgB, Henry, 104 t: , William, 186, 254 NVornilcy, Ralph, 167 AVorrall, Wm.i 128 ■ ' Worsam, John,,437 ■ . Mary, 437 , ^ Worthall, Thomas, 151 Worton, Nalhajicll, 2O6 ^rasg. Beniamin, 96 AVrast, Marie, 45 r" Wray, Ralph, 80 >Wrench, Wm., 140 • Wreiin, Tho,, 123 * " Wright, Alice, lift . , ■ , Dorcas, 497 ■" , Henry, 497, 507 " ^1 Horten, 229 -, Jeffery, 87 -^ , Joahe, 261 »■ John, 109, 194,256,487 . ■'" » I.ubas, 132 '~' w'"'>'' '•''» ~T-i Mr., 196 , Ralph, 306 ■ ' . " 1 Ricliard, 123, 414 — ■ Robert, 183, 261, 414 ^— , Thomas, 443 ■ William, 487 —, m Write Wrighton, Mr., too Write, Arthur, 73 " ■ Jo-, 74. ia2' ——, Nathaniell, 64 1— 1-, Wm., 112 I '— , /(* Wright Wyatt, Ralph, i62»- ;- . ■"■<• \Vic«t Wydhouse, Jo,, 52 , Wyi'on,' li Temiwrance, Lady. 173, Hi '. Vcat», I^ionaril, 172 Yemanson, James, 174 Yeomans, Arthur, 41 Yonge, Joane, 245 , Richard, 245 i "—•-Jr Susan, 245 , ! ~ 1 "■<■ Young, 4c. ,» onges, Anne, 294 — , J'l •>AW1I, 173, 222 Yott, tho., 135 > oung, Andrew, 127 ■i francis, 125, 342 larfprd, 70 fohn, '41, 459 'oscphi 109 larmdd^ke, 84 , lathew, 418 % S^'haniell,- 137 -.1 Richard, 95 7;;;$;,!^'iJ°'*'''*" 'm —IS-, Jdhe, I7'6 — , Riiha ■ ft ; W: ■^- „>^ '■^'^: , ...Aanf; r76 ' — , Thrtmas, 159 ,^ Younglove, iWargaret, 130 Saihujl, 130 ZORpnAnELLligo touch, fcdwanl, iVord, \ 1S« .««*.,"... I :::::::::::; a*.. ■ es, nebr»,,»9o ..es, Klizalw^h, 190 .es, John, 260 , THE ura- ■\' ■auNo, PMNTM, Gi;iiii;iSi;;ni(;iii». '5 . 1 1 4 .' I V ^.Yv qb; m -^ T t* f < ■^ ■-s^ .'■V; \. * I ^ ' '^'^^^ <§t. Jamcsp Dcialbic (Dffiff, ' ' ■* - ' 1 * J^ 'SrB. PICCADILllV. LONDON. W. ' . ^'^"'"^'^^ T'K'STJ JAMES'S llOTKL.) llfR. EnWARn A HnRRrsnv (■„. . ^^^ «e,ur,.„e-„t .„ the iSZ't t rTatrM": fr^"' "' ""^ "'^•^"• to announce that, hav.nR sucweL ,wi , , ' ^^ ^*'""'^ "'*'"^. ^d^ to undertake res^arche ^n o * ., « i- '"" "' '■'" '"""' '*= '^ '"'''''' ' commission, that may be entrfr .n'l "v'"^ '" "-^'""^ -">> Morald,. ■ CI-.1 j!c,.o.cre.-hi7:i5^tM :::;. J:;?" ^""""'"'••, »-■ »>«- ."Kl lrm.t»onhy «"-"MMi.t i-uj.grek!. from .ouf. es both original ^ Seals engraved on stone or metal, in the true Uit of Medieval Art. . g^u.^^A^k'^Har'"''"''"^'""'"''^'^^ : \lb..rMf '"'"r ''?''""' '" '''^ ">'•■•• ■^""" *'"• ">« foar,« beaut, of Albcrt^Durcr, the e.lccfve result of Bewick, or U.o B.u.t eUborate MeU«v2 designs on Copper or Steel. ^ , '«euiAvai V .Designs and Estimates of Cost sent oh applicatibn. »■ • ' EUft^ARD A. HARWSOX, .j, bJ PIciADILlY, LONDON; W. Kefcrcnce in America Mr. J. W. Bovtok, ;o6, ♦ . 1 '.t.V 8««dw»,,N«wYgp, ^ -« ■v -m- .'.', *d^f*- . \ , -,. -, - 1* * • ■ e J ' « ' «. 1 t_ #- « \ * < M »- ■ • i ■? •A. ■_ ^ • '■ ■V .. ■ " " k \ * \ • > • _ » J '' • * jk « ■ S- '■,• '° • J ■ .''-.■'' - ' ' ' • ■ ■ - ' \- ' ' ' ' ■ ■ ■ " I ^Jr fV