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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 t i 1 : 3 \ : ■ 4 5 6 I'm lA* V IbSy. Anglk'an ,Syn(jd of IJuijisii Cui.umuia (Jii.w. 30. (1N(()I!1'()K,\TI()XJ. PlCi^C- ^1 f^4^ ^^iJ Ss^^ CHAPTER 30. An Act ti) iiK'orporati-' the .\iii;iic;ni iSyiiod ol" the Diocu.su of British C(jlumhia. [ath Ai>ril, /.V,s'.9.] II^IIKRKAS u ])etitioii lia.s lici'ii iiitsi'1iIci.stiiig Preamhle. of \'uiicouvur Islaml ami otluT isliuuls ailjiifeiit, praying that tlic Synoil sliould ho iiieorjiorated, and it is expdlicnt to grant tlio praytjr of thi3 sail! potition : Therefore, Her .Majesty, hy ami w itli tiic adsicc ami con-^cnt of tiic Legislative Asscmlijy of tiie I'rovince of Uritisli t'olnniliia, enacts as follows : — 1. Tlie Synod of the Diocese of Briti.sh Cohnnhia sliall he, and the Incoiporution of 11 11 i-'i. 1 1 11 Pi." I t AiiKlicau Sviioil, &c. same is lau'eliy, made and constitnted a iiody politic ami corporate, * •' nnder tin- name of ' Tlie Aiigiicati Synod of tlie Diocese of iJiitLsli Coiundiia," hereinafter caiicii tlie Corporation. 2. The said Cor|)oratioii shall consist of tlie Bishop of tlu! said .Memlieis of the Di 1 • .11. . , i . • 1 I * 1 Synod, locese and Ins successoi's, to lie trom tnne to tunc appomteil m siicli ■' manner as is or shall he provided liy tlie .said Synod, or the Provincial Synod of tin; Ecclesiastical Province hereafter to he formed, and of such (jthe)' persons as are or may hecome mendiers thereof, according to tlie constitution of the said Diocesan Synoil, as tlie same e.KJsts at the time of the passing of this Act (which con>-titution is set forth in Schedule A of this Act), or as the said (•oiistituti(jn may, from time to time, he altered hy the .said Prcjvincial Synod, (jr hy tlie said Diocesan Synod, acting witli the powers vested in it hy tlie Provincial Synod aforesaid. 3. Such Corporation shall have perpetual succession and a common I'owers of the seal, with power to change, alter, hreak, and renew the same when and so often as tliey shall think proper, and the said Corporation may, under the same name, contract and he contracted with, sui' and he 219 May ace IhikI am peity. luirti, ifec, I otliii' liio- Powcr to sell, niort- guge, anil lease lands. Iiivestiueiit of luoneya on niort- gagu, &o. Power to make roail allowances. ClI.M'. 30. A.Nyiio(|. transfer any propcrtv, ii'.'il or ]iiT.soiiiil, licl( I ill trust \,y him or tlicni for tlu! nfoi'csaiil I'liciiiosyiiiiiy, rc(icsia>ticiil, or idiiciitioiial uses of tlic Cliurcli of Kiifflaiid, or tlic ('liurcli of Knnlaiid in I'.ritisli Coir.iiliia, to tlie said (;()r|)oratioii, to lie lidd in trust for tlic same imrposi's. 7. Tlic said ('oi|ioi'ation may excr/isc ail its |io\vcr liy and tliroiii^ii How powers of tlm tlic executive committir as cstahlislicd l.v tlie constitution aforesaid, ^y']<"\'^'<' t« he ex- oi- siicli otlicr lioards or committees as the said ("orporation may from time to timc! ajipoint liy resolution for the nianaircnient of all '" AiiDoint lei t ti'casurcrs, and make such ici^nilatinns for the manaiiemeiit and admin- '> -i- i / ( i i • i n i ct. lii.-ilKji) ot I'., c' HI tlic ( (ir|i()iati(iii or the l>islio|) ut Jintish ( .oliiiiilna, sliiill licrcattia' he (|('('iii((| lo lie 'liily (XCL-nti'il for that purpose, it' (hi! saiiic lias atlixcil tliciito flic seal of tli(^ ('or|)oi'ation of the Hislioji of llrifish ( 'oliiiiil(ia, \( riticil liy tlic >ii;iiatiirf of tlic l!i>li()|i tor tlic tiinr liciii<,^ of . tlic l)ioii"^c of Uriti^li ( 'olmiiliia, or liis coiniiiis.sary duly appoiiitoil, anil 'li-cliarf^c of a iiiortj^oij^'c, if cxticutcd in the same way, shall lie (Ici'incd to lie properly aU'l ctfcctually (.'Xecutcil. liepeal iif iiicjiisis- \2. All Acts aiid parts of Acts ini-ousistcut with tills Act arc licrrliv tent Acts. ' rc])falc(l. Midtinaiii Acts (In 13, \ot hinn' in tJiis or ally other Act coiitaiiM'd shall In' coiistrucd ' ' ■' as iipi|(lyiiii4; that the Imperial Statute !) tJeorge the Seeoud, cap. :{Hnihll ('Of.l Vlf.fV (iNrOItl'OHATION.; .')L' VkT, viilcil tliat liefctrc any ipcrson sliall Ix- i-iititli^J tt, vote he slifill iiiako ami HuliHcribc the f(illo\viii;f declaration : "I, A. li., ilcclarc tliat I am a ii]f U«? Cidirfh r»f Krii^lniiil, or Aii;f|i('aii ("lnifcli, in British Coliiiiiliia.aii'l \^'\nu^ to no otluT rclij^'ioiis (lenuiniiiatioii : junl F am an afciistjain-'l unfiiti^-r of the (■on<,'ri';^;i,tii- iiitUl.U *lt(»ll frxcccd iifty.they shall 1)1^ entitled to elect six re])resentativ<-»« . and tJi»: (,'hairman of the moetinif at which they are elected shall cii;itifv f.J(#r niirrdicr of electors on tli(! electoral roll of such cluirc h oi diintfiurl,. ;iiid that the said chnrch or district is entitled to elect two or nion; rd^innK^rntatives, as the case may be. IX, The (pionnn for the transaction c)f any \)iMU»im in the Syrioil shall consist of not less than one-tourth of the wln/Ut nf»rrd»er of (|ualitied Clergymen of the I)ioces(? and a like prop<>rti'/n >4 lay representatives, whose election shall have been ce)-tifieow<^r lo adjourn from day to day until a 4Uoruni can he obtained X. All ([uestions before the suid Synod >-}iall, in fiie first instance, be deterndned by a vote of the niajorit\' of tier n^^rrdxTs of the Synod present, but the Bishop, or any two iii«;inl>«ir >t of trie Synod, may, after such vote shall have been taken, reijuire tlw,' vtiU: to bf; retaken by orders, in which case such vote sliall Ix; rin|»l>ance, the St^iior Arch- deacou, or in his absence or non-coniplian«;<;, tfi»; Archdeacon next in 224 I 1.SS9. A.Ntil.lCAN Sv.Nol) ()!■ l!l;rilMI < i.in, at such tuiw or place as li(! or tJicy, in .siininioniii;f sncli mccti!!;,'', sliall (linnet.; ami six weeks' notice of tlie time ami |)lace of meeting;' shall lie issued to all persons entitled to a seat tlieroat, liy tlu! Secretary of tlu! Synod, or, in caao of liis alisenee, or if tlm oHice he vaeant, hy some piMson a])])ointeil for that ])i;rpose hy the jiersons summoning' tiie Synod. XIII. Notice of all meetinf,'H of the Synod sliall he jfiven hy thi' Secretary (jf the Synod, in writin;,', t(j tin.' persons entitled l(j a seat tliereat. A notice, duly addressed and placed in the post ollice, shall he suflicient advice. XIV. When the Jiishop is prescrnl. he shall pnjsidi! at all ni(!etinjjs of the Synod, and when h(! is not present his (,'(jiiiniis.sarv spi^cialiy author- ized shall preside ; and if the liishop has not a[)poitited a Coininissai'v, then the Senior Dignitary or (clergyman of the Diocese present sliall pi'esiile. XV. A Secretary shall he cho.sen hy the i^aity and one liy the Chirgy, on the first day of each annual meeting of the Synod, and they shall remain in oflice during the pleasure of the Syno 1 ~^ \jt Li, \J.