IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .^. V ^ I 1.0 1.1 u m 2.0 14.0 IE 1^ 114 U4 ^ 6" 1, ^ 7^ >> ^ '/ I^iotogFaphic Sdenoes Carparatton ri>^ «♦ ;\ 23 WIST MAIN STRIIT WnSTIR,l signlfia "A SUIVRE", la symbols V signlfia "FIN". Maps, platas, charts, ate, may ba fllmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly includad in ona axpoaura ara fllmad baglnning in tha uppar iaft hand cornar, laft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: Las cartas, planchas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra fllmia A das taux da reduction diff Grants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul cliche, 11 ast film* A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha h drolta, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'imagas nicassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 j 1 4 5 6 i . THE RIGHT REVEREND JOHN INGLIS, D. D. First President of the Church Society. .ive Ciommittee.) The Right Rev. THE LORD BISHOP. The Very Rev. DEAN PARTRIDGE. The Venerable ARCHDEACON BRIGSTOCKE. , Rev. G. E. LLOYD. W. S. FISHER. Rev. J. M. DAVENPORT. G. A. SCHOFIELD. G. E. FAIRWEATHER. T. B. ROBINSON. WM. M. JARVIS. A. PORTER. Committee to Arrange Time and Place for Meetings of Committees of Diooesan Churoh Society and Synod. Rev. W. O. RAYMOND. G. A. SCHOFIELD. Printing Committee. The Venerable ARCHDEACON BRIGSTOCKE. Rev. W. O. RAYMOND. C. F. KINNEAR. G. A. SCHOFIELD. W. EMILE SMITH. 1S96. DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON. BISHOP. Th« RigM R««. HOLLINQWORTH TULLV KINQDON, D. D. (OoDMorated Julj 10. 1881.) DBRN. Th« Vary R«v. FRANCIS PARTRIDQE, D. D. XRCHDBnCONS. Tht V«narabl« F. H. J. BRIQ8T0CKE, D. D., ArehdMoon of St. John. Th« V«n«rabl« THOMAS NEALES, M. A., ArohdMOon of Fr«d«rioton. PRIBST8. Date of Name. Addreeg. Ordination. Armstrong, W. B.— h. a Welsford, Queen's Co July 12, 1868 Bareham, Alfred Musquash Oct. v4, 1880 Baylee, 0. O'Dell Derby, Northumberlaud Co Dec. 21, 1888 Bliss, D. M.— B. A Mt. Whatley, Westmorland. Sept. 19, 1868 Bryant, A. A.. Burt,A.F. B Shediac Nov. 7,1886 Campbell, J, Roy--B. o Dorchester June 0,1867 Colston, R. W.—M. A. Burtt's Corner June 24, 1880 Covert, W. 8.— b. a Grand Harbor, Grand Manan Feb. 24, 1861 Cresswell, A. J.-s. A. a. Springfield ...Sept. 81, 1884 Daniel, A. W Rothesay ... July 18, 1886 Davenport. J. M.—M. A St. John Sept. SB, 1872 Dewdney, A. D. A St.John Nov. 6,1887 deSoyres, John— M. A St.Joha . Dec. 22,1878 DeVeber, W. H.-M.A. (Canon).. St.John Sept. 24, 1848 Dibblee, H. E.— M. A Oromocto Mar. 17, 1889 Dicldnson, T Hampton Sept. 21,1882 Dicker, A. G.H St.John May 27,1888 Eatough, W StJohn.... June 1,1890 Flewelling, J. E Centreville, Carleton Co Deo. 24, 1876 Fortijrth, David - B. A. (Canon). ...Chatham Mar. 1,1874 Freebern,0. L Harcourt June SO, 1805 Fullerton, C. H Petitcodiac June 16, 1889 Gollmer, A. J. A Lower Jemseg June 29, 1881 Haoford, S. Jones— B. A Upham, Kings Co Mar. 15. 1848 Hanington, C. P.-B A Hampton Village Mar. 0,1884 Hansen, N.C.-M. A Gagetown Feb. 26, 1888 HaD8en,N.M May 87, 1877 Hays. Wm St.John Sept. 88, 1894 I Priests — (Continued. ) Date of Name. Addrew. Ordination. Hooper, E. B.—B. A Moncton June 5,1887 Hopkiiw,J.R Birch Ridge, Victor^ Co Deo, 31,1890 Hoyt, Leo A. - M. ▲ .St. John Dec. 18,1870 Jaffrey, William (Retired) St. Maryn, Yoric Co June 16, 1861 Jonea. P. Owen Davenport Bchool, 8t. John June 10. 1888 Ketchum, W.Q.-D.D. (Canon)... St. Andrews Sept. 20, 1846 Little. H. W.~s. A. o SuHMS May «», 1876 Lloyd, Geo. E.— M . A Rotheeay... July 81,1887 Mathers, Richard St. John Sept. 23, 1878 Millidge, J.W Oak Bay, Charlotte Co Dec. 28,1878 Montgomery, H.—M. A ....Frederloton. June 4,1882 MorriB, H. B.— M. A . . . . Dalhousie Sept. 24, 1866 Murray, A. B.— M. A Stanley, York Co Dec. 28,1888 McKiel, W. LeB.— B. A Falrvlile Sept. 24, 1865 McKim,R.P St. John, North June 4,1898 Nealee, ScotH-m. a Andover, Victoria Co... ....May 27, 1888 Mewnham, O.S.(8eo'y of Synod). St. Stephen May 27.1877 Parkinaon, J. R. S.— s. a. o St. Marys, York Co Sept. 10, 1876 . ..Westneld, Kings Co Mar. 1,1885 ... Round Hill, Greenwich Sept. 21, 1866 .. St. John Dec. 21,1879 .... Fredeiicton Sept. 20, 1867 Richards, D.-a. a June 12, 1808 Sampson, W.H St. John, West Side Dec. 24, 188S Schofleld, Geo. (Retired) St. John Mar. 4,1800 Stmonds, R.— B. A. May 80,1847 Simonson, E. W.— B. A St. Andrews June 0,1805 Slipper, A.A St. Martins Dec. 88,1888 Smith, Ranald E.—M. A St. George Dec. 16.1860 Smithers, A. W.— B. A Waterford, Kings Co May 84,1891 Snow, P. G Newcastle Oct. 28. 1891 Spike,H M.—B. A. (Retired) St. John June 18, 1864 Spencer, James Campbellton Dec. 28,1888 Street, T. W.—B. A Bathurst May 18,1656 Street, W. H.—B. A Campobello June 10, 1859 Teed, A. W.— M. A Richmond Dec. 88, 1888 Wainwright, H. S.- B a Kingston, Kings Co Dec. 28, 1866 Wameford, C. A. S LawsonV P. O, Johnston Mar. 6,1887 Wameford, B. A. (Retired). Hampton Village Dec. 22, 1860 Wetmore, D. L— B. A Clifton, Kings Co Sept. 20, 1867 Whalley, H. F. E.— s. A. o. Fredericton Dec. 28,1888 Wigghis, 0. F.— B. A SackTiUe May 28,1876 Wilkinson, Wm. J.— M. A BayduVin May 28, 18Bo Withyoombe, J. M.-B. A St. John, West Side Dec. 81,1800 Parlee, H. T,— b. a Pickett, D. W -«. A Raymond, W. 0.— m. a Roberts, Q. G.— m. a. (Canonj DBRCONS. Aiton,W.— b. A Bathurst Maimann, 0. E, New Denmark.. ScotU,G. F.-b. a Prince William. May 81, 1896 .Mar. 1, 1806 Hu. 1, 1806 8 DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON. UB ANBRIBM. DBAMIkY. RuRAi. Dram. Parihbu or Mibiions. C/hulhain . . . R<'V. (*an(in FoiMyth. M. A". Addintfton, HathurHt, Bayerdeen, Andover, Canterbury, Gordon and I^rne, Grand Falls, Madawaska, New Denmark, Prince William and Dumfries, Richmond, Southampton and Queensbury, Wakefield, Wick- low, Woodstock. PRAYERS. AT OPENINO. Phevknt I'M, () TxM'd, in all our doings with Thy mo8t gracious favour, and further uh with Thy continual help ; that in all our works l)e^un, continueer of the Society. Provided, that no roemlier shall be qualified to vote at any General Meeting of the Society, unless of the full age of twenty-one years, nor unless he lie a Life Member, or shall have subscribed and paid at least five shillings during the year preceding such meeting. VI. OFFICERS. 1. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, two or more Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, one or more Secre- taries, and two Auditors of Accounts. 2. The Lord Bishop of, the Diocese shall be President of the Society, and the Bishop Coadjutor and Archdeacon, if any, shall be the Senior Vice-Presidents ; and any Life Member may, at any meeting of the General Committee, be elected a Vice-Presi- dpnt of the Society. 3. The Treasurer, Secretary or Secretaries^ and the Auditors, shall be annually elected at the meetings of the General Com- mittee ; and in case of death, resignation or removal from the Province of any such officer, the vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee at its next or any subsequent meeting within the year ; and the Ijord Bishop shall, if he sees fit, call a special meeting of the Executive Committee for the purpose of filling any such vacancy. VII. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1. There shall also be an Executive Committee to be com- posed of the following members, viz.: The officers of the Society as provided for in the next preceding article. All Clergymen resident in the Diocese, duly licensed by the Ijord Bishop and subscribers to the Society. And twenty-four Lay Members of the Society, being Life Members or Annual Subscribers of at least One Pound : to be annually elected at the meetings of the General Committee ; 12 provided that no Annual Subscriber shall be qualified to be elected unless he shall, during the year preceding each meeting, havq paid the subscription of at least One Pound. 2. Five members of the Executive Committee, three of whom to be Laymen, shall form a quorum. 3. The Executive Committee shall meet on the first Wednesday in January ; on the day next following the Annual Meeting ; on the first Wednesday in March ; on the first Wednesday in June ; and on Wednesday after the first Tuesday in October ; or on such day in the week of, or in the week following, the aforementioned days, as may be approved by the President, or in his absence, by any two Vice-Presidents of the Society. 4. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be summoned by the President, or, in case of death or absence, by any two Vice-Presidents of the Society, to meet at such time and place as may be fixed by the notice of meeting ; but so far as may be, alternately at St. John and Fredericton. 5. The Executive Committee shall have all such right and power in and connected with the management, control, and disposal of all lands, real estate and property whatsoever, which is now or may hereafter be vested in the Society, and with respect to the use of the Corporate Seal of the Society, as the General Committee, or any General Meeting of the Society would have in session, and shall further be authorized to depute all and any such powers to any sub-committee of such Executive Committee. VIII. I I BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS. There shall also be a Board of Home Missions, to be com posed of the following members, viz.: 1. The President, Treasurer, Secretary or Secretaries, of the Society, and the Bishop Coadjutor and Archdeacons, ex officio. 2. Five Clerical and seven Lay members of the Society, qualified for election as members of the Executive Committee, who shall be chosen annually on the first day of meeting of the General Committee, by ballot, on nomination of each proposed member by two meml)er8 of the General Committee, together with one Clerical or Lay representative chosen by each Deanery and resident within the same, whose name shall be certified to the Committee by the Secretary of such Deanery, as having been duly elected at a regular meeting. 13 • 3. The Board of Home Missionn shall have all such power relative to the preparation of the Missionary Schedule, and carrying the same into operation and effect, and the appropriation and disposition of the funds to the objects of the Society, as may fnjm time to time be vested in them by or pursuant to any Resolution, Bye-law or Regulation of the General Committee. 4. Five members of the Board, three of whom shall be Lay- men, shall \)e a quorum. 5. The Board of Home Missions shall meet whenev^er summoned by the President, Treasurer, or Secretary, of the Stx;iety, and at such place as may be fixed by the notice of meeting. IX. OBJECTS. The Society shall embrace the following objects and none Other, viz.: 1. Missionary visits to places where there is no settled Clergyman, and aid to new and poav Missions. 2. The establishment of Divinity Scholarships and assist- ance, when necessary, to those who may be under preparation for the Ministry, especially sons of Clergymen. 3. Aid to Sunday and other schools in which Church principles are taught, and the training and encouraging of Schoolmp"teiS and Catechists. 4. The supply of such books and tracts as are on the Catalogue of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and none other. 5. Aid to the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels. 6. Aid to building of Parsonage Houses. 7. The creation of a fund towards making a provision for such Clergymen as may l)e incapacitated by age or infirmity. 8. The creation of a fund for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy. 9. Aid to the Endowment Fund in particular Parishes. 10. The formation of a Fund for receiving money or securities as special Trusts. 11. The creation of a Fund to assist in the education of the children of the Clergy. 12. The establishment of Missions to seamen, and other Missionary work. I X. The Society will employ no Clergyman on missionary service without the Bishop's license and appointment, and will submit its choice of Divinity Scholars to his Lordship's approbation. XI. It shall be competent to any member of the Society to limit his subscription to any one or more of the objects above recited which he may be most anxious to promote. XII. LOCAL COMMITTEES. 1. The members of the Society in each Parish, or in each Mission consisting of two or more Parishes, shall, at the discre- tion of the Missionary of such Parish, constitute a Local Com- mittee ; and so also the members residing in any District of a Parish set off under the authority of the Lord Bishop, with the concurrence of the Rector and the Church Corporation of such Parish (there being in such a District a Church duly consecrated, and a resident Clergyman licensed thereto by the Lord Bishop) may, at the desire of such Clergyman, and with the approval of the Bishop and the Rector of the Parish, form a separate Local Committee ; and in that case the District shall, for the purpose of the Society, be considered as a separate Parish. 2. Each Local Committee shall hold an Annual Meeting on some convenient day previous to the Anniversary Meeting, when the recommendations to the General Committee of special objects shall be determined on. 3. Each IxKjal Committee shall be empowered to elect two Lay Delegates and two Substitutes at the Annual Meeting of the Committee, to assist the Missionary in submitting the re- commendations of the Committee to the consideration of the (reneral Committee. 4. It shall be competent to each Committee to recommend any of the above recited objects to the special consideration of the General Committee, in the appropriation of the funds of the ^coiety. 5. The members of the Society, attending the public services at the Cathedral in the City of Fredericton, shall have the right to elect two Lay Delegates and two Substitutes annually. 1'he 15 meeting for the election of the said Delegates to he held annually at such time and place as the Lord Bishop of the Diocese may direct; and the said Delegates, upon being elected, and their election duly certified by the Lord Bishop or other person pre- siding at the said meeting, shall be taken to ))e, and shall be thereby qualified as, memliers of the General Committee. XIII. 1. The Society shall hold its Annivei-sary Meeting at Fredericton and St. John alternately, on the first Thursday in July in each year, unless the place of such Anniversary Meeting shall, by resolution of the General Committee or Society, be otherwise arranged. 2. A Special Meeting of the General Committee may be called at any time by the President, or, in his absence, by any two or moi-e of the Vice-Presidents, four weeks' notice being first given thereof by advertisement in one or more newspapers, published in Fredericton and St. John respectively. . XIV. mend tion of of the ervices right The THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. 1. The General Committee of the Society shall be com- posed of the following members, viz.: The Lord of the Diocese, who shall be the Chairman ; the Vice-Presidents of the Society ; (in the absence of the Ix>rd Bishop, the Committee may ehct a Chairman from the Vice-Presidents prtisent, and if none be present, from other members of the Committee) ; the Secretary or Secretaries, who shall also serve in that capacity at the meeting of the General Committee ; the Treasurer and the Auditors ; the Rector or Missionary of each Parish, or of a Mission comprising two or more Parishes, and the Clergy- man of any separate District of a Parish ; and the Lay Deputies elected by the Local Committees, as before provided ; all such persons ])eing subscribers to the Society. Proof of the election of such Deputies by each Local Com mittee to be the certificate of the Chairman or Secretary thereof. 2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be ex officio members of the General Committee. 3. The General Committee shall meet on the two days next previous to the Anniversary meeting, to make the Annual appropriations of the Funds of the Society, and a report of the 16 proceedings of such meeting shall be made at the Anniversary meeting. 4. The order of business in General Committee shall be as follows : Firstly. — Production of Certificates of Lay Delegates. Secondly. — Secretary's Report to be read, and also a report of the proceedings of the Executive Committee for the past year. TkircUy. — Report of the Auditors to be read and laid before the General Committee. Fourthly. — Such appropriations or dispositions of the funds to the objects of the Society as a majority of those present may determine. 5. The General Committee shall have power to adjourn its meeting for any special purpose from day to day, or to any day subse(|uent to the Anniversary Meeting of the Society, by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present ; and to determine by like vote the place where such adjourned meeting shall be held ; provided that in every such case a report of such adjourn- ment, and the cause therefor, shall lie made at the Anniversary Meeting. XV. 1 . The Clergy are requested to preach annually two sermons in their respective Churches, with a collection on each occasion, for the general purposes of the Society. 2. The Clergy are further requested to take up annually, in their respective Churches, a collection for the special funds of the Society, which collection shall, unless otherwise provided for, be equally divided between — (1). The Widows and Orphans Fund. (2). The Aged and Incapacitated Clergy Fund. <3). The Children of the Clergy Education Fund. (4). The Divinity Scholarship Fund. Provided that any such special collection may, at the option of the congregation from which the same shall be received, expressed through the Rector or Missionary at the time of forwarding the same, be limit«d to some one or more of the Special Funds or Purposes of the Society, in such proportion as they may direct ; and provided also that the yearly collection required by the rules of the Widows and Orphans Fund, in the case of Clergymen joining such Fund, shall in such tsases, be considered as the special col- lection hereby requested to be made, but shall be applied as such rules shall direct. 17 FORM OF CERTIFICATE FOR LAY DELEGATES. Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick : This is to certify that and 4 were electetl at the Anuual Meeting of the Local Committee of the Diocesan Church Society as Deputies from that Committee under the autliority of Article XII. of the Constitution, and that and were elected as Substitutes, in case either or both of the said Deputies should be unable to attend. Choirmav. Secretary. Dated at the day of 18 i<1 18 ll!l» RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS. Whereas, it is desirable for the lietter provision for the ministrations of the Church in the Diocese of Fredericton, that there lie a systematic and permanent plan for the payment of the stipends of Missionaries : There/ore resolved, — 1. That in order to encourage the established Missions to become gradually self-supporting, all grants made bv or through this Society in aid of Missions (not including stipends secured to any of the elder Clergy on the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel grant during life) shall from henceforth be made con- ditional on the contribution by the Mission itself of a stated sum towards the General Purposes of the Society. 2. That all grants made by the General Committee be made subject to these resolutions, and be distributed under th^ direction of the Board pf Home Missions, who shall have at all times all such and like powers and rights with respect to the same, or any of them, as the General Committee of the Society woidd have if in session. 3* That the Board of Home Missions annually present to the General Committee of the Society, on the first day of their meet- ing, a full and detailed account of all business transacted during the expired year, and also a list of grants recommended for the ensuing year, with the conditions to be annexed to each, and shall also report to the Executive Committee at each quarterly meeting thereof. 4. That on the approval by the General Committee of the grants recommended for the year, the same shall forthwith pass, into operation on the basis of the foi-egoing resolutions, and subject to the following regulations : (a) The Board of Home Missions (acting in conjunction with the Lord Bishop) shall forthwith after the Annual Meeting, communicate with the Wardens or other Lay Members of the Church in each Mission, requiring them to enter into engagement (A) with the Society, to contribute the sum required of the Mission for the year. the fi Treasi shall Hry ar njent, have of the urer's 19 (hj Should 8uch engagement not be entered into to thu satisfaction of the Board liefore the 15th day of August then next, they shall communicate with the Missionary, rt^tiuiring hiiu to } mean- time completed. (cj Should such engagement not be entered into to the satiijfkction of the Board before the first of Octotn'r then next all payments to the Missionai-y's salary through the Society shall be withdrawn, and no stipend shall thereafter be payable in respect thereof. Provided that should the Missitmary see fit to resign his cure, he shall, if stationed for the remainder of the year by the Lord Bishop in any vacant Mission which may he willing to comply with the terms of the defaulting Mission, be entitled in resnect to the services to be rendered in such new Mission, tp such stipend as may be agreed upnt from sources other than the grant through thisHociety. IS. The incon»e fi-om I'hurch or GlelM? lands for the year end- ing 8l)th April hist. 14. Names of Church Wardens. 15. Names of Lay Delegates to Diocesan ('h»u*ch Society and Synod. Which rettu'ns shall be laid lM>fore the Board of Home Missions forthwith and ht'fore the General ("ommittee on the first day of their meeting, and no grant shttll lie payable to any Missionary, in default of rendering any such statement or return, so long as such default shall continue. 6. That the Clergy who do not receive stipends thivtugh the Society l)e requested to forward the sanie return as far as {M>88i- ble, t») the Secretary on the Hrst day of May in each year, in oi^er that a complete statement of the Diocese in these particulars may lie published in the Annual Report of the Society. 7. That all the Clergy of the Diocese \h} reciuested to for- ward to the Board of Home Missions on the flret «)f January in each year a statement for the year ending Slst December, showing — 1. Communicants (counting all those who, having had opportunity, have conunuuicated within the year). 2. Income front Local Endowment for the support of the C?lergy. 3. Income from Oifertory Collections, 4. Income fi-om Pew Rents. 5. Income from other donations for C'hurch purpose's — including the assessment and all other sums given for the main- tenance of the Church in the Parish or Mission (exclusive of the oifertory collections or pew i-ents), and also all sums given for the support of the Church in the Diocese. 6. Income for Church purposes from other sources — includ- ing income from Church lands (not Glelie), and income on any moneys invested for the use of the Church. ( The above statement is required by the S. P. G., and their grant to the Diocese depends upon its being satisfactory. J 8. That the Board of Home Missions, in conjunction with the Loi-d Bishop, shall appoint deputations of Clergymen and l^aymen for each Deanery, which each deputation shall visit, for the purpose of holding Missionary meetings in the several Mis- sions, and taking up collections thereat; not interfering how- ever, with the usual semi-nnnual collections and annual canvass of the Mission on behalf of the Society; and further of making enquiries as to the power of the Mission to contribute towards T i rli' 22 ihf> (Moff^yiiitin'H HupiKirt; Huch doputationH r^pnrtinp^ to the Bnnrd, mul through them to thi< Ucnenil (./oiumitttM* of the Society. 9. Tliat the Board of Home MisHionH, in conjunction with the Lord Bishop, may further appoint Hpecial deputations to en- quire into the causeH of any deflciency of contributions or other pecuniary difficulties in any Mission ; and shall have power to call for any returns they may think proper fi*om any of the Parishes receiving aid from or through the Society. 10. That the Lord Bishop he respectfully i*e(|tiested to trans- niii a copy of th(>8e resolutions to the Venerable Society for th»« Propagation of the Gospel, reciuesting their concurrence therein. 11. That the Board of Home Missions shall have power, with the approval of the Lord Bishop, to make any grant that the funds may allow, in aid of any Mission not already receiving aid, upon such conditions as they may arrange; such grant to terniinate, in every case, on the first day of July next ensuing. 12. That a certificate be added to the parochial agreements, which shall lie signed by the i^epresentatives of the Mission, declaring that the amount given by the Mission is '^ fx/nn fide contribution, and that no part is derived from the rent tif glelies or the interest of investments — the property of the MisHion. 13. That the Board of Home Missions shall have power, with the approval of the Ixird Bishop, if there be avadable funds, to make a grant, not exceeding $100.(X), to aid in the building of any Parsonage House, when it shall be certified that such grant will complete the building free of debt. li IS A. .MHmorunduiii of Agreement between the DiuceMin Churcli Society «»f New BruuHwick and the meml)erH of the Church in the MiHsion of The underHigneH, on liehulf of the Congregation of the alrnve MiHHiun, do hereby undertAke to have a huui at the rate of $ per annum collected and paid (|uarterly to the Treasurer of the said Society, from the first day of Octolier, 18j) , HO long as the ministrations at present aflbrded to the said con- gregation shall l)e continued. We also certify that the amount given by the Mission is a ftona Jidf contribution, and that no part of the sum is derived from rent of glebes or interest of investments, the property of the Mission. The present agreement to continue till revised by the Society at any meeting of the General Committee. Dated at I .day of. 18. Memo. — A condition of the Diocesan Church Society grant is that Parsonage Houses are kept insured for at least one-half their value. ' B. Notice is hereby given that this congregation, having failed to enter into the engagement required by the Diocesan Church Society, to contribute the sum of $ quarterly, towards the General Purposes Fund, the stipend cannot be drawn after the next ; and unless the engagement be meantime completed, pay- ment of the Missionary's stipend will cease. I 24 c. N. B. 18.... Dear Sir, — I have to inform you that the amount required from the Mission of for the present (juarter has not been received ; and to remind you that unless the same Vie remitted, or proper receipts for produce sent in, on or before the last day of the quarter, the grant made by the Society will cease from date. You will please communicate this notice to the Mission. I am, yours respectfully, * Treamirer. D. N.a 18. Dear Sir, — I have to inform you that the amount required from the Mission of for the past quarter has not been received ; and that, consequently, the grant made by the Society ceases with the payment due this date. No renewal of the grant can be made until all arrears are paid. You will please communicate this notice to the Mission. I am, yours respectfully, Treasurer. i I FORM OF DRAFT. Sir 18, Pay to or order, the sum of being the amount of salary due to me as Missionary at '. . for the quarter ending the day of 18 ... in accordance with the schedule adopted by the General Committee of the Diocesan Church Society of 18 ... Ih the Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. 25 FORM OF PRODUCE RECEIPT. ^^^ If Produce is received from several parfies, particulars to be stated on back of this Receipt. Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. Received this date from the same being equivalent at market rates to •. jy^^ Dollars, and taken by me in part payment of my stipend, as Missionary at for the Quarter ending the first day of 18 ... . Dated the . .day of. 1«... S. Missionary. ENDORSEMENT. Statement op Produce Receipt. Nahis. Amovmtb. Total, $ N. B. — The payments specified above are to be the bona fide contributions of the persons stated. iiili 26 THE DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIPS FUND. if 1. The Divinity Scholarships Fund shall consist of the amount already appropriated tnereto, of all accumulations of interest, and of all subscriptions, legacies, collections and other contributions given to or applied by the Society for this special object ; and the interest only of this Fund shall be applied solely for the purpose of the second object of the Society as hereinafter providea. 2. The Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society shall from tiniH to time, under the direction of the Executive Conmiittee, invest every $50<).()0 of surplus of this Fund, and add the same to the capital of the Fund. 3. The entire management of the Fund in all other respects shall be, and hereby is, vested in the Board of Home Missions. 4. Every grant shall be for a sum not exceeding $2e paid towards the support of such children of the deceased CMergy- man as may be under the age of eighteen years. In this case, when the youngest child shall have attained this age the pension shall cease. 7. The Trustees named in ! he will of the Clergyman shall be recognized by the Connnittee in the event of death or marriage of his widow, and shall receive the pension to be applied by them for the support of the child or children ; but if the Trustees so named are unwilling or unable to act ; or if Trustees should not have been named, then the Bishop of the Diocese shall himself act, or in writing appoint a Trustee to act, in the application of the pension. 8. If the wife die before the husband, his child or children shall at his death receive the pension, under the limitation as to age expressed in Rule 6. tt. No certificate shall be issued to any clergyman over the age of sixty years, who is not already in the Diocese at the time of the formation of these rules ; but any Clergyman already in the Diocese, over the age of sixty years, and whose widow is not entitled to a pension from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, shall be admitted a member of this Fund on making the annual payment for the age of sixty years, and otherwise com- plying with the rules. vll i [I iii lii if ! / > I If:! 11 m I' il i '5 lin HI lit-: 30 10. If a (.!lergyinan removes with the Bishop's consent from the Diocese, after officiating in it for not less than ten years, he shall \m allowed his claim upon the Fund, on continuing liis yearly payment, and the sum of $6 in lieu of the collections from his Parish or Mission. 11. If a Clergyman is unable to continue his public minis- trations, through sickness or atrcident, upon the production of a medical certificate testifying the same, he mav continue his con- nection with the Fund, upon making his yearly payment. 12. Any Clergyman degraded or suspended from the minis- try, or any widow or orphan who shall not l>e in communion with the Church of England, shall be entitled only to such payments as the Executive Committee shall prescribe. J 3, The Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society shall lie Treasurer of this Fund, and shall, from time to time, under the direction of the Loan Committee, invest every hundred pounds of surplus money and add the same to the capital of the Fund. A yearly detailed statement of the income, payments and invested money, shall be published in the Annual Report of the Diocesan Church Society. 14. The pension shall be pavable half yearly, on January 1st and July 1st, in each year, the first payment to lie calculated for the interval from the death of the insured to the day of payment. 15. The Secretary of this Fund shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and it shall be his duty to issue certificates, receive payments, donations and colle.tions, which he shall hand to the Treasurer every quarter, or oftener, if required by him. 16. None of the above rules shall lie altered except at the Annual Meeting of the General Committee of the Diocesan Church Society, after a full year's notice of the proposed change. SCALE OP PAYMENTS FROM THE AGE OP 23 TO THE AGE OF 60. Age. Payment 23. ...$7 20 24. ... 738 25. ... 762 26. ... 782 27. ... 8 05 28. ... 827 29. ... 850 30. .., 8 72 Age. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Paitment. ...$8 93 ... 9 17 ... 9 42 ... 968 ... 980 , . . 10 27 , . . 10 56 . . . 10 92 I Age. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46 Payment. ..$1125 .. !1 60 . , U '6 . 12 m .. 12 67 ..13 08 .. 13 48 13 92 Age. 47. 48., 49. 50., 51 52. 53 54. Payment. ..$14 42 ..14 92 . 15 52 . . 16 17 . . 16 90 ..17 68 . . 18 48 . . 19 37 Age. Payment. 55.... $20 30 56. 57. 58., 59. 60. 21.30 22 40 23 55 24 72 25 85 31 CERTIFICATE. le Payment. i....$20 30 J.... 2130 7 .22 40 8.... 2355 0.... 24 72 0.... 2585 No. The Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick hereby certifies That the Rev of has this day paid to the Widows and Orphans Fund, of this Society, the sum of l)eing his first payment under the annexed Rules and Regulations. And the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick hereby covenants and engages out of the Special Fund called the Widows and Orphans Fund and none other, to pay the widow or children of the said after his decease, the pension of Two Hundred Dollars per annum, so long as the same shall be payable according to the Rules and Regulations annexed. Provided always that the said shall yearly and every year on the first day of January, make the annual payment of and otherwise faithfully observe and comply with the said annexed Rules and Regula- tions. Provided that in case the income should, at any time» \ye insufficient to pay the full amount of pensions, for which it may be liable, such pensions shall be reduced by the Executive Committee, pro rata; provided, nevertheless, that in no case shall any pension be reduced below the sum of $100. In Witness Whereof, the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick has caused its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed this day of A. D. 18 Secretary of the Widows and Orphani* Fund. (Note. — Blank forms of application for admission to the l>enefits of the Fund, and forms of medical certificate, may be obtained from W. Emile Smith, Secretary of the Fund, Freder- ton, N. B.) liii 32 WIDOWS AND ORPHANS SPECIAL FUND. ;ni .i t-i i •■ 1. The Fund to be kept on deposit at interest in some char- tered bank, or otherwise invested in seeiirities which may easily be realized, and the interest received to be added to it from time to time. 2. Applications for grants from this Fund to be made to the Lord Bishop and the Board of Home Missions, and to lie deter- mined upon b^ them ; any grants made to be reported to the General Comnuttee at its next meeting. 3. The application of the Fund not to be limited to the cases of widows or relatives of Clergymen serving in the aided Missions, but to extend to all cases throughout the Diocese occurring after its formation and requiring help. 4. Each grant to be made from the capital of the Fund, until the same shall l)e exhausted, and not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars in the case of any one Clergyman's decease. 5* The application of the Fund to be limited to the two cases following : (a) Where the Clergyman deceased shall not have been connected with the Widows and Orphans Fund, and satisfactory evidence shall l>e submitted to the Board that the widow, or the orphan children or other relatives of such Clergyman, under the age of eighteen years, dependent upon him at the time of his decease, are not in receipt of an income from all sources exceed- ing f500 per annum. (h) Where, though the Clergyman deceased has been con- nected with the Widows and Orphans Fund, satisfactory evidence shall be submitted to the Board that such widow, or orphau children or dependent relatives under the age of eighteen years, are not in receipt of an income from all sources (except such Fund) exceeding $400 per annum. 6. That it is to be understood in all cases that such grant is not intended for the payment of any debts or liabilities incurred by such Clergyman before his decease, but to be available to an extent not exceeding |150 in any one case to meet the inevitable expenses falling immediately upon the widow or helpless relatives of the deceased when they are not provided with private means of their own to defray them. 7. The above rules may be altered only by the General Committee of the Diocesan Church Society, after a year's notice of the proposed change. 33 Ti4E EDUCATION OF THE CHILDREN OF THE CLERGY FUND. ,wo cases 1. The Fund to tiNsist in the education of tlu» children of the clergy shall consist of the amount n»>w specially appropriated thereto (lH>in)< ll, 425. 70), of all accumulations of interest, and of all subscriptions, legacies, collections, and other contributions, l^iven to <«• applied by, the Society for this special object, and the mterest of this Fund shall lie applied solely to assist in the education of children of (Mergynien duly licensed in the present Diocese of Fredericton, or of children of those who may have died, or retired with the Bishop's approval on the ground of age or inflrmity. 2. The Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society shcdl from time to tiuie, under the direction of the Executive C'om-nittee, invest eveiy $5(X) of surplus money of this Fund, and add the same to the capital of the Fund. a. The entire management of the Fund shall be, and hereby is, vested in the Exe(!utive Committee of the Diocesan (^hiurh Society, who, if they shall think fit, may vest such management in a sub-committee at their discretion. 4. No grant shall lie made from this Fund until the capital thereof, shall by accumulation or otherw ise, have reached the sum of $1,2(N), nor shaU the grant or grants thereafter to be made exceed in any one year the interest on the capital of such Fimd for the year. 5. Applications for grants from such Fund must be made in writing through the parents or guardians of the applicant, to the Secretary of the Fund, and ever> such application shall be accompanied by a statement of any and all private property, pension or income, of the parent or parents, if living, or directiv or indirectly available for the support and education of such applicant, if the parent shall be dect;ised. The Executive Com- niitt^'e, or its sub-committee, may, in any case, require further statements, which shall thereupon be furnished for their information. tt. Each case shall be determined on its own merits by the Executive Committee, or its sub-committee, subject to the approval of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. 7. In the event of any application being favorably considered, the Executive Committee, or its sub-committee, shall determine in each case, the amount of the grant, which shall he made in a single year only, but may, at the option of the Committee, be continued for one oi* more years, but not after the recipient shall have reached the age of eighteen years. 8. A Secretary of trie Fund shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and he shall conduct all correspondence, and perform such other duties in connection therewith, as the Executive Conuuittee or its sub-committee may direct. 9. The above rules may be altered only by the General Committee of the Diocesan Church Society, after a year's notice of the proposed change. Uf! 111 ,!; ..''■ r 34 RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. APPLICATION FOR ORAXT8. That in future no iipplicaiion for ^rantH Mhall Ih» conHidered which iH not made on the first day of the meeting of the Oeneral Connnittee, or previously. ABHENCK OF MIH8IONARY. That when a Missionary is absent from his Mission on account of ill-health, with leave from the lAr.\{ Bishop, his Lordship be authorized in his discretion to pay him the whole or any part of the sum granted for buch Mission. YEARLY GRANTS, That all grants by this (committee for Missionary salaries, and all sums placed at the disposal of the Lord Bishop, shall be for the service of the fiscal year in which the gi'ants are made, and shall expire with it. YOUCHER8. That all vouchers for the payment of any sum of money, whatever, must bear on the face of them the authority imder which they are paid, and the period for which they are claimed, together with the services performed. CONDITIONS OP GRAls'TS. That, in future, grants from this Committee will be made mainly with reference to the ability of the members of the Church in the several parishes to supjport their own I lergyman, the amount of local contributions for Church objects in such parishes, and the sum paid in aid of the general objects of the Society. BEQUESTS TO BE FUNDED. That all bequests made to the Society l>e funded, as hereto- fore, and the interest only applied to the general or special purposes for which they are bequeathed. RETURNS FROM PARISHES OR MISSIONS. Whereas, In consequence of the limited means at the disposal of the Society, and tne great necessity for new and extended work, it has become of great consequence that all local glebes and other endowments of parishes should he fully utilized. Therefore resolved, —I. That the Board of Home Missions be authorized to require from the Church Wardens of every parish or mission receiving aid from the Society, full details of all such glel)es, Church lands and other investments, yearly or oftener, as they shall see fit. so 2. That if it Hliall H|)|H>ai' that any part of tht> iiu-oiiu> fr«)iii thegh'iM'H or investinentH held for the Rector's use, is taken to make up the sum required by the Society from the MiMHion, the Hoard may forthwith increaHe the amount required in proportion thereto; and in case of neglect on the part of the Rector or ciiurch Wardens to collect the interests or rents, the Board Ih5 authorized to enciuire into the matter, and, if thei-e Ih^ sufficient cause, suspend the grant to the Mission, until the numagement Ih* made satisfactory to the Board of Home Missions. (;OXTKIHrTI()N8— H«)W CHARllEAHLE. That the Secretary of the Diocesan (-hurch Society l»e re- quested to furnish the Treasurer with a minute of contributions reported from every Parish or Mission, specifying the amounts payable to general and special funds, that the amounts so re- tufed be charged by the Treasurer to each Parish or Mission in a iKiok to be kept for the purpose, and that a detailed statement of all contributions then remaining unpaid be rendered by the Teasurer to the Executive Committee, for their action in the matter at the October meeting, and each meeting thereafter, so long as any amount shall continue in arrears. HECRETARIEH OF LOCAL COMMITTEES. That every Missionary l>e requested to furnish annually, to the Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society, the name of the Secretary of each Ix>cal Committee. CERTIFICATES OF LAY DELEOATEH. That the certiticates of the I^ay Delegates be sent to the Secretary at least ten days l)efere the meeting of the General Committee, to enable him to report to the meeting at its opening the names of those qualified, and that his report shall l)e accepted as prima facie evidence of qualiflcation. PRINTING OF RULES AND REGULATIONS. That all Rules and Regulations made by the peneral Com- mittee be printed in the Annual Report. MISSIONS BECOMING VACANT. That when any Mission now receiving aid from the Society shall become vacant, the grant from the Society shall therefrom cease, and shall only be renewed up(»n application to the General Connnittee, or to the Board of Home Missions, and upon such terms as to assessment and grant as they, or either of them, shall consider equitable. PRINTING STATEMENT TO 8. P. G. That the statement made by the Board of Home Missions to the S. P. G. be printed in the Annual Report of tlie Society. 36 m TRAVELLIN(» OUTFITS. (I'anwl July, 1R84.) Whereas, It in very deHirahle that hoiiu» prcivision should he made wherchy men commencing work in thix DioccNe may he enahled to purehane the reciuitiite travellin^^ outHt without liecoiu- ing involved in deVit for the same; therefore Renolred, That when a man commences work in this Diocese in a Parish or Mission r»»ceivinjf a (^rant from the L>io<-esan ( 'hurch Society, a sum not exceeding i^25() may l)e advancetl to him for the purchas(> of the necessary travelling outfit, upon the follow- ing conditions ; 1st. That he undertakes to serve at least thrt^e years in a Parish or Mission receiving a grant from the Society. 2nd. That during these three years his stipend shall not exceed i|700, out of which the Treasurer of the Society shall he authorized to retain $25 per (luarter till the sum advanced lie paid. .3rd. That in case, for any reason, he ceases to do such woik hefore the expiration of three years, he shall i*efund such part of the grant as may still he unpaid. INSURANCE ON PAHSONAOEH. rPaswd July, 1887.) That all grants made to Missions hy the Diocesan Church Society be upon the condition that insurance on Parsonages be n)aintained, as heretofore required. contributors' names. (Fafsed July, 1880) That the Clergy be requested to report the names of all con- tributors to the funds of the Society for publication in the Annual Report. FREE «R^"TS OF BOOKS. (Pasgsd July. 1880.) That the Book Depository Conunittee be authorized to niake- at their discretion, free grants of books to 'Parishes or Sunday, schools, out of any surplus f imds which may be on hand, applica- tions for the same to be made to the Secretary of the Committee. 9f RENEWAL OF GRANTS. (Pavsei July, 1890.) That upon a Mission becoming vacant, the grant from the Society may be renewed upon such terms that the stipend shall not exceed |700, with a parsonage, or !|;780 without a parsonage. 37 MEETINOH OF C03IMITTKEH OF I). C. H. AND SYNOD. (PMMdJuly,*imi.) 1. That meetingH of all Committees hHvin|< buuineHH to tw traiiMacted lie held Jiuarterly, in the tirst weeic m March, June, Septenilier and December, respectively. 2. That the General (*ommittee of the Diocesan Church Hociety appoint one menilHT of a connnittee of two (the Synod to apfMiint tfie othor member) who shall arrange the timci and place for meetings of the ditTerent committees, on application of the Chairman of such committees respectively. CONTBIBUTIONH OF 8. H. CHILDREN. (PasMd July, 1806). 1. That the treasurer be requested lo keep a separate accou o of all the contributions of the Sunday-school children to any ( the funds of this Society. 2. That one-third '^f the amount contributed by the Sun 1 v school children to the "Children's Mission Fund be plac< ' at the disposal of the Sunday-school Committee to assist SunUay- schools in procuring Bibles, prayer-books or hymn-books, or other publications suitable for Sunday-sclkool libraries. CLERGY STIPEND AUOMENTATION FUND. (Passed June 80, 1806). 1. That all subscriptions to this fund shall be treated as income available for grants unless otherwise ordered by the donors. 2. That grants may lie made to any Clergyman in good stand- ing in the Diocese, who has served in the Diocese seven years, and whose stipend is not over $700 a year with the use of a house, or $780 a year ^nthout a house. 3. That each Clergyman ^ho has served fifteen years and up- wards in the Diocese shall, in the distributicm of grants mauAe, receive double the grant made to each of those who have served less than fifteen years. 4. That grants shall be made once a year, and if possible in the month of December before Christmas day. 38 RESOLUTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. B: I A committee shall be appointed to he called "The Glebe Land Conmiittee," with full and absolute power and authority to de- mise and lease, Vty public auction or by private agreement, for any t^rm or terms of years, with or witnout covenants for re- newal, and upon such other covenants and conditions as may be deemed Jidvisable ; and to sell at public auction or by private sale and convey in fee simple, subject to such limitations, conditions and restrictions as may be deemed advisable by the Glebe Land Committee, all and every, or any, the lands, tenements and hereditaments, vested in the Society under Chapter 76, 34th Vic- toria, or any part thereof, not heretofore conveyed by this Society ; and for such purpose to advertise in any manner the said lands, or any part thereof, for sale or to lease ; and also to cause and direct the seal of the Society to be affixed to the same ; also to receive the proceeds of all or any sales so made ; all things to be done under this resolution, however, to be in accordance with the terms, conditions, provisions, and stipulations, of 48th Victoria, Chapter 36th, ss. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 ; and all proceeds of all or any sales and rents of lands leased under this resolution to be handed over, or paid to, and received by, the treasurer of this Society for the time being, to and for the uses, trusts, and pur- poses set forth in the last mentioned Act. Resolution Passed July, 1886. That the Glebe Land Committee be instructed and authorized to takfe such steps and bring such suits as they may think neces- sary to retain possession of, and recover, all lands and property connected therewithi vested in the Society under the 34th Vic, C'hapter 76, subject always to the consent and approval of the Lord Bishop. ResolutioitPassed July 6th, 1894. That the Finance Committee be empowered to use the seal of the Society, and that four members of the Committee be a qiiorum for the transaction of business. SECRETARY'S REPORT. A. D. 1896. The Diocesan Church Society is about to celebrate its sixtieth anniversary, and the year now ended is not the least memorable among the years of the Society's history. The first thing that naturally claims our attention is the fact that the movement inaugurated ten years ago in the appointment of a joint committee of the Church Society and Synod to take into consideration the question of the amalgamation of the Society with the Synod has at length been consummated by the passing of an act at the last session of the provincial legislature, providing for the union of the two bodies. The first section of the act reads thus : " From and after the first day of January, 189.S, the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick shall be amalgamated with and merged in the Diocesan Synod of Fredericton, and shall cease to exist as a separate body or by a separate corporate name. In the month of January liast a special session of the Synod wa« held in the City of St. John, at which eleven new canons were agreed to. In these canons were incor- porated the rules and regulations at present governing the administration of the Diocesan Church Society, with such alterations, amendments and modifications as were deemed necessary or advisable in view of the amalgama- tion. 40 Ml m' 'lii'r 1.' * l'^:' 1f; PI t During the past year the Society has been called upon to mourn the loss of several of its older members, who have proved always its warm friends and generous sup- porters. Among these special reference should be made to Sir Leonard Tilley, who was for forty years a Vice- President of the Society, and at the time of his decease its senior life member ; to Dr. C. W. Weldon, of St. John, and to Mr. Edward H. Wilmot, of Fredericton, both of whom were life members and generous supporters of the Society. The statistical returns from the various parishes and missions for last year are encouraging, showing an increase of 346 communicants, and of about $9,750 in the amount of contributions for all Church purposes. The details of the work of the Society will be found in the reports sub- mitted by its various committees, and by the Board of Home Missions. The S. P. G. has lately announced & further reduction in the grant to this Diocese, and has issued a circular letter to the Bishops of the Church in Canada, stating that the grants made to their several dioceses will termin- ate at the expiration of the present century. In view of the fact that the funds at the disposal of the Society are insufficient at the present time for the maintenance of the services of the Church in all the parishes and missions, this announcement on the part of the Venerable Society is a matter of grave concern, and unless the self-sustaining parishes do more for the cause of Home Missions than they are doing to-day, we are face to face with a crisis that may result in seeing some of our rural churches with doors looked and windows boarded up, and the Church of England obliged to relinquish to other and more aggres- sive Christian bodies the ground she has hitherto occu- 41 pied. This ought not so to be ! Surely by earnest and united etfort so dire a calamity and so great a reproach to the Church of our forefathers may, under the provi- dence of Almighty God, be averted. The prospect of the Church in several of the newer missions is most encouraging, and the reports of the mis- sionaries in the older fields, that are appended, show that much earnest and faithful work has been done for Christ and the Church, ofttimes amidst great difficulties, and that upon the whole substantial progress has been made. During the year donations and bequests have come into the Society, amounting in the aggregate to upwards of $8,000. These are more particularly referred to in the reports of the Finance Committee. At the last meeting of the Executive Committee Mr. (Jeorge E. Fairweather, who for fifteen years has so ac- ceptably filled the position of treasurer of the Society, tendered his resignation, and the vacancy has been filled by the appointment of Mr. W. E. Smith of Fredericton as treasurer. Tne reports from the several parishes are appended. ADDINGTON — REV. JAMES SPENCER. In presenting this short report of the work of the Church, I would hke to say, first of all, that I have to thank God for His goodness in the many tokens of mercy manifested since I came to Campbellton, some four months ago. This report cannot con- \ey a correct idea of what the Parish of Addington is, because I am not sufficiently acquainted with it as yet, to give a full and proper account. Still I am able to speak most encouragingly and hopefully of the work there. The little town of Campbellton with its 3,000 inhabitants is, first, a centre of Roman Catholicism, then there is a large lK)dy of Presbyterians, who I ought to say have treated me very kindly. There is also a small body of Methodists and also some Baptists. .11! 42 Our own people are not very strong numerically, as can be readily seen, but there is room for growth and development, and such is going on. The river sections of the parish are Flatlands, Meta- pedia and Dawson ville, with several other small settlements. There is a new church finished and opened at Dawsonville and I hold service there every alternate Sunday. I hold service on my way home on one occasion at Flatlands, and on another at Glencoe, a back settlement, six miles from the railway. Each of these places is asked to take part in the work of the parish and to contribute, and they are already showing their willing- ness to do so. There are two Sunday-schools under my charge and theie are others of a mixed character, where I could not possibly carry one on for various reasons. The church at Dawsonville has V»een built chiefly by those gentlemen who come from the United States for salmon fishing. But others have also kindly assisted, but there is yet a small debt. The S. P. C. K. have assisted us in a very liberal way. We hope to have the church at Dawsonville consecrated during the autumn. The rectory at Campbellton has just been built; hitherto the rectors have had to board, but now I am glad to say I have been able to bring my family to Campbellton and we occupy the new rectory, not an elaborate building in any way. It has cost $1,200 dollars, half of which is paid now and more promised. 1 am glad that the D. C. S. has kindly renewed our grant, it will be needed for some time yet, until the rectory debt is paid and the parish church put in a state of good repair and some- what altered. I would here beg to express my sincere thanks to his Lordship the Bishop and to the people of Campbellton and others, for their kindness and encouragement since I came to this diocese in March last. There have been about 100 services held by me since my arrival. The whole parish, both in the town and up the river, has been twice visited, and I have tried to find out every person who ought to be in the Church. Commending myself and the work in this parish unto the care of the Great Shepherd of tlu' sheep with an earnest prayer for His blessing, I beg to submit these few remarks to the D. C. S. of N. B. 43 CAMBRIDGE- REV. A. J. A. GOLLMER. It iH with feelings of gratitude und thankfulness that I pre- sent my second annual report from this parish. Peace and harmony dwell in our midst. The work has l»een kept up regu- larly, although last winter's storms somewhat hindered it at times— one storm after another happening on Sundays. While several have left our favoured land and sought employ- ment in the sister country, yet others have joined the Church to fill their places. We are glad to be able to report that the building of the new rectory is progressing towards completion. We have something like 6400 yet to pay, which we hope to do with the aid of friends and the Board of Home Missions later on, not forgetting our own exertions as well. It has been an arduous work, taking up a good deal of my time, but it was most necessary. I am pleased to report that the churches and cemeteries are kept in good order and repair as befits such places dedicated to the service of (iod and the repose of our departed ones. I have baptized fifteen infants and one adult ; married three couples and buried four. Amongst those who have died was Cyrus Manly Wiggins, our devoted and much esteemed church- warden. He was ever ready to use himself to the best of his ability for the benefit of St. Luke's Church, Waterborough, and will be greatly missed. W^e are thankful to be able to mention that we have secured in his place our w .by and popular phy- sician, T. J. O. Earle, M. D., whose presence is welcome in every home. Another member departed this life, Saiah Huestis, at the remarkable age of 102 yeais ; she had outlived her own generation. The work at Coal Creek, Chipman, is still being undeiiaken. Two very successful services were held at my last visit, no less than ten persons partaking of the Lord's Supper. W^e are all looking forward this year with eagerness to the visit of his lordship the Bishop to hold the sacred rite of con- firmation. There are several anxious to be admitted into full membei-ship, and we trust his Lordship will be able shortly to spare some of his valuable time to cheer up our faithful people, and by words of counsel and wisdom encourage others to make a firm stand for the Church in the midst of much opposition. When we hear of blessings being showered down upon city parishes through the holding of Missions, we often wish that this privilege might be ours also. Why are we in the country left !t i ' f 1 ■pi- ■ 1 ' '■ '^ I i ' 1 i f 1 i lit: 1 „; ■ 1 ! ■ 1 ' 1 ■ ! [ 11 ■ ■ ! ' ! ^ i i It il'tr !|:i;il. 44 to struggle along unaided in the midst of terrible odds ? Cannot the Church send forth wise, godly, earnest ambassadors of the Cross to make special efforts to arouse men to newness of life, and stir up both priest and people to do their duty witli more earnestness. We would welcome such into our parishes. May the great Head of the Church supply her need. CAMPOBELLO — REV. W. H. STREET, B.A. During the spring we had the privilege of a visit from the Bishop of the diocese. On the morning of the Sunday after Ascension day, twenty-eight candidates were confirmed at the parish church of St. Ann, — fifteen males and thirteen females. In the afternoon his Ijordship visited an invalid, who, to her great comfort and joy, received in her sick room the holy ordi- nance of *' the laying on of hands," making in all twenty-nine who, on that day, received the " holy gift." I find the spring a season most opportune for the gathering of candidates for confirmation. We were, therefore, most thank ful that the Bishop consented to come at that time ; though I am convinced it was at the sacrifice of much ease and comfort, so numerous were his engagements for that month. Just before the confirmation, one of my parishioners, who had hoped to avail himself of the privilege, was compelled to go to the hospital at St. John and undergo a very severe operation. It was successfully performed. He is now at home again, and speaks most gratefully of the Bishop's visits to him at the hos- pital, when his Lordship passed through the city on his return from Campobello. He referred also to the kind attention of Archdeacon Brigstocke and meml)er8 of Trinity Church. The fund for the Church-house and Sunday-school, in memory of the late Sister Portia, is not yet sufficient to justify the com- mencement of the building. The members of the '* Sewing Guild," who have already done so much for Church work, are working hard and unitedly for this object, and preparing for the usual annual sale, which is always generously patronized by our American guests. The means of the inhabitants of this island have, for some years back, been very much limited. The long winter is passed without employment — a season of the year, at one time, most profitable to the fishermen, but alas ! no longer so. We have to thank some kind friends for practical sympathy in our struggle 45 to carry on this memorial, viz., Mrs. Medle}', Mrs. Holnnson Owen, Mrs. Dowling, and a lady friend of the late Sister Portia residing in New York. Yet we have only in hand l)etween three and four hundred dollars. We have lost a kind and valued friend in the person of the late Mrs. Robinson Owen, the former owner of this island, whose death occured in the month of May last after a short illness at " Hesse," Hull, England. When crossing the Atlantic seven- teen years ago she did not anticipate the fact that she would never return to the scenes of her earlier life. But it has Iwen otherwise ordered. Yet her heart was over here, and sh . never ceased to evince the warmest interest in all that concerned the welfare of her Island home. She was a life long contributor to the funds of the Church Society, and to her the little Church of St. Ann is indebted for many valued gifts. A memorial service was held, when the "communion of .saints" came especially before us, as we lovingly dwelt on the memory of one dear to us all, now at rest in Paradise. CHATHAM — REV. CANON FORSYTH, B.A. The most noteworthy event in our parochial history during the past year was the re-opening of St. Mary's Chapel for public worship on August 6th, after having been closed for repairs and improvements in the interior. An octave of .services was held on that interesting and happy occasion, which was within a few etter in due time to arise and build. Our people have been mindful, both by prayers and alms, to rememl)er our suffering brethren of Armenia, and on Easter day contributed twenty-five dollars towards their relief. Trinity Church Guild, under the presidency of Mrs. J. B. Forster, continues to prove a valuable parish help. Indeed much of the best work that has been done in the parish must be referred })ack to its operation. For thirty-eight years Mr. Justice Hanington has superin- tended the Sunday-school, contributing freely both of his time and his means ; and we continue to be his debtor. I am glad to be able to report increased attendance at the school. We are looking forward to a confirmation visit from his liordship the Bishop at an early day, and we anticipate there- from much help and encouragement. Our people are all well abreast of the steps taken towards the amalgamation of the Society with the Synod ; and, when the change does come into operation, they will have no difficulty in recognizing and supporting their old friend the D. C. S. in the new role of the Home Mission Board of the Synod. The Society is debtor to Mrs. H. W. Palmer, Mrs. M. G. Teed and Mrs. L. A. McGrath for their services as collectors for several years past. Our contribution to the General Purposes Fund for the year 1896-7 will be over $200. 4H GAGETOWN -^ REV. N. C. HANSEN, MA. ! 1^ The past year has lieen an unusually quiet one with us, and there is in conseijuenee very little to report. Even death has been less busy than in former years, though we have met with some losses, the greatest of which was that of Miss Nellie Mc- Kenney, who was a teacher in our Hunday-school, a devout com- municant, and an exemplary Christian in every way. Reqniescat in pace ! Looking over the register I find that during the few years that I have l)een rector of this parish there have been fifty deaths and thirty-eight removals, making a total of eighty-eight who are no longer with ua. It follows, in a parish like ours, that there is a marked difference in the congregation, especially as many of them were our most regular church attendants, who were present at the week-day as well as at the Sunday services, and their places have lieen filled with people of other denomina- tions. Amid these depressing 'facts, we are glad to be able to report that the number of. children in our Sunday-school is steadily increasing despite the fact that there have been sevei il removals here also. In fact our building is getting too small to hold the children comfortably. We are hoping against hop« that when they grow up, a fair proportion will remain amone raised. The Bishop has notified us that he intends to visit us m October, and although it is not quite two years since he was '' '!■ 4D with us for confinimt'on, we hope to hv able to present a fair clasH a;;ain. The followiiim contrihuted from this parish: ."fiT). l.{ at Epiphany for Foreij,Mi Missions; $12.7'.) in Advent and Lent hy the Sunday-seh(M»l ehildren to the Children's Mission Fund ; ^^).'2[i on (Jood Friday for Missions anion^ the Jews ; .^4..*<0 on Ascension day for Domes- tic Missions ; and al)out'i$7').00 for the I). C S. emain amonj; (iHANl) MANAN REV. W. S. COVEUT, RA. The exterior walls of the Church of the Ascension at North Head were painted and other improvements made during the past year at a cost of about seventy dollars. The improvements in the interior of the parish churcli, St. Paul's, have cost about seven hundred dollars. Of this sum aUiut fifty dollars have heen ^iven by friends in St. John, Fredericton and elsewhere ; five hundred liave lH?en made up cm Grand Manan. A debt of one hundred and fifty dollars renuiins, but is likely to be paid within the coming year. The line and trawl fishermen at North Head have had a hard year. One result is that the clergyman's salary is nearly one (piarter in arrears. Eleven persons have been confirmed, and the numl)er of communicantH has been consicierably increased. The offertories and Sunday-school collections, apart from local purposes, have been twenty-two dollars and fifty cents. GLADSTONE AND BLISS VILLE DIBBLEE, M.A. REV. H. E. Mr. H. A. Thomas writes : The work in these two places has been carried on for about a year and a half. The first service.s were held in a private house, and since in the public halls — kindly loaned for the purpose. The congregations have been good, and from eighteen to twenty-eight have remained after service for instruction. Two adults and eight children were baptized, and three adults were being prepared for baptism, I and some twelve candidates were being prepared for confirmation. [Nineteen services were held at Gladstone, and three or four at lilissville. The collections amounted to $.*J9.09. Twenty-five 50 (lollarN was paid for an oi^an and alHiiit t<'ii dollars more for lamps, etc. This was the result up to I>e('enil»er last. Hev. Mr. Dihhlee, the clergyman in charge, could spare hut little time from his re;^ular work in Mau^erville and Burton. Kaeh visit involved a drive from Maugerville to Fredericton, a trip l>y rail to the Junction, and a return the following day. Under the circumstances the result is encourajfin^. Illness in Mr Dibhlee's family, and later his own serious illness, has hindered the work. Hut services have been held, through the kindness of clergymen from Fredericton and St. John. A place of worship is a neces- sity, and steps have been taken with that end in view, Quite an amount of timber has been jL'ot out : nearly i?100 have been collected, or promised ; and labor has lieen offered. Tt is hoped that as the circumstances and nfee- of the Anglican communion remaining in the district. The spiritual work in the whole parish is not what it ouglii to be : not what I would have it l)e; and not what I hope it may be in the future. Baptism I have administered to twenty-foui infants and five adults — total, twenty-nine ; and confirmation Ijestowed on eighteen males and eighteen females — total, thirt}- six — by the Lord Bishop on the twenty-first of May. Holy Communion celebrated monthly at mid-day on Sundaj'.s, and greater festivals ; early communion generally twice monthh. In the autumn, a glorious missionary meeting was held at 51 lOTv for , Urv. It UttU^ I trip l»y ndev the he work, lergynien * a neees- ;. Quite lave been t is h()l[)e(l ,n \>ecome a church, i quarterly in charge. ON. ton, further ust 12th of 3ur services ces giving xx\d Station, uwigewauk. •ract a con nthly Thurs nday service there by my ad no reason ew memheis t. hat it ought hope it mil} , twenty-foin confirniation -total, thirty May. Holy Sundays, any the Venerahle Archdeac«»nof St. ,}o\\„ ; el(N|uently and exjwrinientally hy Ue\. the Hector of Kingsclear; perMuasiveiy l»y (J. A. Schofield, Km\. ; and usefully and tmdeily l.y W. S. Fisher, Ks(|. On the evening of May 2 1st, the Hishop gave a most enter- taining and uni<|ue address at the Village on the needs of the diocese. T attach the utmost importance to these gatherings to promote a missionary spirit among our own people. No parish can safely neglect opportunities and aids for the fostering of the spirit of loyalty for Home Missions in New nrunswick. liy subscriptions and collections, $110.00 have Iwen raised for (leneral Purposes 1). C. S. ; for Incapacitated Clergy Fund and W. and O. F., $1 1.2'). ; foi Education C. C. F, .«r>.r,;j ; at Advent the thiee Sunday-schools in the parish collected $1 1.45 for C. H. M. F., and at 'l^nt, $10.89. ; total, 822.34. Total for I). C. S., $149.22. The Ascension-tide appeal for domestic missions wa>< answerey the erection of connnodious sheds for hoi-ses. The debt at the Station has been considerably reduced. In conclusion I would express my great desire and deter- nination to work up interest for the cause of our Diocesan Missions, and thus rouse this parish to a deeper zeal for our work lere in New Brunswick. KINGSCLEAR — REV. H. MONTGOMERY, M. A. There are but few matters of importance from this parish )r the past year. The chief event of the year was the visit of is Ijordship the Bishop of the diocese to the parish on Whitsun- ly last, when ten male and six female candidates were presented the sacred rite of confirmation, most of whom are preparing }r admission as communicants. m 52 1 :, !|s' We have also had a meeting of the Fredericton Sunday-school Teachers' Association with a special service for the teachers, af tei which a meeting was held at the rectory, addresses being given by both clergy and laymen. This has had the eflFect of stirring up greater interest in Sunday school work. Indeed we hav» never had a more flourishing Sunday-school than at the present time. We are also indebted to that venerable and generous society, the S. P. C. K., for a grant of books to our Sunday school library. We are also deeply indebted to the kindness ot a friend of the late Rev. J. Frederic Carr, sometime rector of the parish, for a memorial gift of one hundred and sixty dollars towards the endowment fund of the parish. For this and many other tokens of favor and good- will we feel deeply grateful. There are signs of spiritual growth and development in the parish which, under God's blessing, we hope may continue anil flourish, not only for the encouragement of your missionary, but for the greater honour and glory of the great Head of the Churcli ill LUDLOW AND BLISSFIELD REV. H. MONTGOMERY, M. A. The chief event to report from this mission is the consecration of St. John the Evangelist's Church at Lower Ludlow on Sun day the first day of September last. It was a glorious day for this part of the mission, though somewhat saddened by the death of one of the oldest and most esteemed parishioners wlid had taken a deep interest in the building of this church. His great desire was to live to see it consecrated, and once more, as he said, " to see the face of our d«^ar Bisho'p." But as the tiiiio drew near for the consecration he said, " God's will is otherwise. I shall never live to see the little church consecrated ;" and sm it was. On the day V)efore the consecration service he wa- called to his rest in Paradise. A faithful, loyal Churchman in whose house the late Rev, James Hudson held regular monthh j services. Needless to say I miss very much the assistance ami the influen«;e of this worthy parishioner. Nevertheless he Im^ left behind him worthy sons who, I believe, are endeavourinju t"! fill their father's place. In the afternoon of the day of the consecration nine caml dates were presented to his Lordship for the laying on of hand As an indication of the spiritual growth of the Churdi iij this part of the mission we had at the last service which I In'' 53 eijiht there a few weeks ago, seventeen toninninic}:: Mr mention " here, Mr. Dibblee undertook new and arduou; \\ t for the Church at P'redericton Junction and Blissville, dtscant twenty miles or more from Oromocto, and had met with much encouragement, leading him to hope that he would soon be able to build a church jiear the Junction. Unhappily, in the midst of his work, he was suddenly stricken down by a severe attack of pneumonia, and having been taken to the hospital at Freder icton, has been lying there in a somewhat precarious state for many weeks. He is now slowly improving, and it will be tho earnest wish of us all that he may be soon restored to his former health and vigor to resume once more his faithful work. In the meantime the Sunday services at Maugerville, Oromocto, and Lower Burton are, with the Bishop's hearty sanction, attendeil to by the writer of this report, who, however, cannot undertake the rector's work in the outlying stations of Victoria, RusI gornish, the Junction, and Blissville. There is no reason to suppose there will be any falling off in the contributions to the Society's funds this year. MONCTON — REV. E. B. HOOPER, M.A. The report which I herewith present, very much resembUs. in the facts recorded, the report of last year from this parish. The several branches of Church work have been diligently attended to, and a careful and anxious scrutiny of results afford 55 ence of the ;an be pre- re no doubt illness, and piril .' selj- 'hovi^'- '''\* rduou; ^^ ^ ville, aistant t witb much soon be abU- in the midst jevere attack ial at Fiedei ous state for t will be the to his former vork. In the )roraocto, an* tion, attende.l ^ot undertaVt' Victoria, Bust M.A. irround for thankfulness and the renewal of determined effort. The congregations at tlie regular Sunday services have not in- creased- those at the week day services have improved, and the number of ct>mmunions made during the year has also increased. The parish register shows twenty-one baptisms ; four marriages ; six burials. On the 7th of July last, twenty-one candidates were presented to the Bishop for the laying on of hands. We are looking for- ward to a visit from the Bishop on the thirteenth of this mtmth, when another class fully as large as that of last year, will we hope be presented for the same holy rite. We feel very much gladdened by the continued good work of the Sundaj'-school. The average attendance keeps up well, and the teachers are to be commended for their earnest and painstaking labours. We regret that owing to ill health, our valued superintendent, Mr. J. H. Wran, has been prevented from attending to his duties, which for years he has discharged with unremitting zeal. St. George's Guild has made satisfactory progress under the presidentship of Mrs. D. S. McManus, who, by her self-sacrificing attention to the interests of the organization, has endeared herself to its members, and has materially advanced its objects. A considerable sum has been earned by the Guild towards the new school house which is greatly needed. The " Willing Workers" have temporarily suspended active work ; but we hope that in the fall they will resume their labors which have been associated intimately for years past with the material interests and welfare of the Church in this parish. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew have worked (|uietly and well : and their work has had decidedly good results. T am htippy to be able to report the addition to our parochial organization of a branch of the *' Gleaner's Union," with a very satisfactory and constantly increasing membership. The object of the Union is to foster and spread an intelligent and active interest in the missionary work of the Church. Miss Theal is the enthusiastic and painstaking secretary of our parochial band of "Gleaners." Financially, we are in this parish rather heavily weighted. We depend entirely upon the voluntary offerings of our people, Sunday by Sunday; and having lost several generous contributors and supporter-s of the Church, we have almost as nmch as we can do to raise sufficient funds for the maintenance >f parochial ministrations. We have again been obliged to How the work of securing funds for a new church to remain in i)eyance. I cannot at this time report any contributions 56 towards the general putposes of the D. C. S. V)eyond the " Self Denial " offerings of the Sunday school to the Children's Mission Fund of some .1J40.00. I do hope, however, before September, to have some further oontiibutions to remit for the general pur- poses. I desire to record, in conclusion, the unciualified satisfac- tion and pleasure experienced by my people and myself in the meeting of the Society in Moncton in July last. Much good resulted to us, we feel assured, through the intimate association with our fellow-churchmen from all parts of the province which the meeting here naturally occasioned. I know I am voicing the sentiments of my congregation when I say that we shall be glad to have the annual meeting of 'the Society again in Moncton, whenever it may be deemed convenient to meet here. NEWCASTLE AND NELSON — REV. P. G. SNOW. .«,;! i:i| The connection of the Rev. J. H. S. Sweet with the Parish of Newcastle after many years of useful work ceased in Septem- ber last. I, having been appointed his successor, took charge on " All Saints' Day," 1895, and in presenting this, my first report, from the Parish of Newcastle and Nelson, I am thankful to be able to make a very satisfactory one. On my arrival I received a very hearty Welcome from my people, and have since had the hearty co-operation of all in lending an earnest helping hand to the work of the parish in the interest of true religion and for the growth of the kingdom of God. Such help is very cheering and lul.l of encouragement. In December a sale of work was held under the auspices of the Young Women's Guild of St. Andrew, when the handsome sum of $130 was netted ; $80 was given to the wardens to pay off an old debt incurred in repairing the rectory. The Young Women's Guild is doing all in its power individually and collec- tively for the good of our church. By their sewing work, and efforts in other directions to procure funds for the embellishment and renovation of God's temple in this parish, they show theii love to God's house by works rather than words. At the annual meeting Mrs. Harley, an indefatigable worker, was elected president ; Mrs. Shaw, vice president ; Mrs. Ritchie, treasurer, and Miss Thomson, secretary. After a brief address from th<" rector, who heartily commended the work of the Guild, and wished it abundant success in the future, refreshments provided 57 by Mrs. Snow were handed round and the meeting closed. At Easter a sale of work was held by the Sunday-school girls for the purpose of raising funds to purchase books for th»» Sunday-school librarj'. The handsome sum of thirty-two dollars was handed to the rector by these little church workers. A sale of work is being inaugurated at Nelson by the ladies of St. Mark's Church to finish the interior of the little church and to furnish a bell. Since our Easter meeting steps have been taken to improve our churchyard at Newcastle ; the iron fence around the ground is to l)e painted and the walks through the graveyard renewed. During the past two months the church and Sunday-school room have been painted at a cost of $200, and other improve- ments effected externally and internally, upon which work our committee are to be highly complimented. These improvements were very much needed and add greatly to the beauty of the locality. But while material work is progressing, the spiritual work is not allowed to languish. I sincerely trust that our people ate as zealously striving to adorn the doctrine of G(xl their Saviour l)y V»eautifying the temple not made with hands as they are to beautify His visible temple and all things pertaining thereto. The season of Lent has been well observed outwardly, and we trust that the outward observance has resulted in a definite advance in the spiritual life of our people. A weekly service was held at Nelson on Thursday evenings during Lent. In addition to the special services held in the church at Newcastle, a Bible class was held at the rectory every Tuesday evening. A preparation class for the Easter communion was also held, when all were exhorted to pffer their Lenten resolu- tions to Christ at the Holy Eucharist. ' Nearly one-fourth of the Church members are communicants ; while we are thankful for this fact, we feel there is room for a great increase. Our aim is, every confirmed person a faithful communicant, and for this we shall not cease to make intercession. Our Sunday-school, under the superintendence of Mr. J. G. Kethro, is very satisfactory ; quite a numbt^r of scholars have Ijeen added during the past two months. The teachers number eight, and the regularity of their attendance and the general interest shown in their work is most praiseworthy. Children's services and catechising are held every third Sun- day in the month at the church at 3 p. m. The Sunday-school at Nelson, which was closed during the winter months, resumed MlW % 58 work again in May. Mrs. Thos. Ambrose and Miss Annie Flett are the teachers. In preparation for the Episcopal visitation, which will take place about the middle of July, candidates for confirmation at Newcastle and Nelson are under regular instruction three times a week. On the occasion of the first deanery meeting for this year held at Chatham, I ventured to offer a few suggestions on the best method of deepening and widening the spiritual life of the members of the Church in our deanery. Various branches of the subject were dealt with as time permitted. A desire was expressed for greater freedom in the mode of conducting the services during our deanery meetings. I am glad to say that an effort in this direction was made at our last meeting held at Newcastle. A missionary service with stirring addresses on the work of the Church at home and abroad was held at Nelson, the immediate results of which were most encouraging. The unflagging attention with which the congregation listened to the instruction given, and the earnest resolutions since made to me of amendment of life, afford ground for hope that through the Divine blessing permanent impressions for good have been made in many hearts. There is one other feature worthy of note, especially with a view to future woik in this parish. Anyone not acquainted with the lumber industry on the Miramichi would be surprised to see so many large ships in the port of Newcastle. I have visited (juite a number, and have always received a hearty wel- come from men and officers. In some cases I have distributed a few tracts and pamphlets among the men, for which they seemed very grateful. One man, the captain of a large ship from Liverpool, England, said : " I have been coming to the Miramichi two and three times a year for the past ten years, and you are the first clergy man who has ever been on board my vessel this side of the Atlantic." Our sailors have many claims on public sympathy, and they also need the Church's fostering care. We have at times a number of Norwegians in port, but 1 have not been able to give them a service, as I cannot speak their language, yet they are always pleased to see me. I brin;^' forward this matter now in my report in the hope that some friends might be found who would be willing to send me 8om«' l>ooks, papers, etc., for distribution. We cannot tell the result of such work, but I feel sure it will be the means of saving som<' 69 from the many and ^reat dangers of their adventurous life. Careless though many of them are, yet they are grateful for any kindness that may be shown to them. T ask for your prayers, that a blessing may rest on this work, as well as upon all the ordinary work of this parish. W DENMARK ::V. C. E. MAINMANN. In submitting this my first report, I deem it not only right })ut also apostolic to begin with thanksgiving. I am thankful for the considerate kindness with which my family and myself have been received liy the Ijv>rd Bishop, the clergy, and laity. My labors in Drummond parish began Feb- ruary 16, 1896. I was happy to be again amongst my country- men ; and be it said to their credit, I have no cause for regret on their account. I am glad to state to the Society that in St. Ansgar's Church we have a congregation of devoted Church people of whom you need not be ashamed, but can expect much encouragement and joy, and the people are in all respects entitled to your kind and generous consideration. Though many of my countrymen have a very limited knowledge of the Church and her ways, they are most willing to learn, and as they learn will become more strongly attached to the Church. Allow me to mention one thing in this connection to illustrate what I have said of my people's devotion to the Church. On St. Philips and St. James' day. Rev. Mr. Scovil Neales came here for a celebration in St. Ansgar's. I did not expect twenty people to church that morning, as it was one in a busy season of the year. But the church was well filled, and fifty persons communicated. On June 8th, his Lordship consecrated a cemetery at Foley Brook, the north district of New Denmark. It was truly gratifying to see with what care this Necropolis had been prepared for consecration, and the services were most impressive. On June 9th, his Lordship confirmed a class of thirty young people in St. Ansgar's Church (fifteen male and fifteen female). From early morning till after services were ended, the rain came down in torrents, but from far and near the people came, filling the church to its utmost capacity, and 110 persons com- municated. The people declared it one of the most impressive confirmation services ever held in the parish. At the con- clusion of the services an addiess was presented to his Ijordship 60 by the vestry clerk on behalf of the people, expressing their deepfelt appreciation to his Lordship foi his kindness to the people and exertions in finding them a clergyman. I must now say a few words regarding the church building and new rectory. St. Ansgar's church is about half finished. The main entrance is in a rude condition and has been used as a woodshed. The vestry rooms were unfinished when I came. At the fiist service I was compelled to stand in snow, wind and cold to put on my vestments. In the chancel was no lectein, no Danish Bible. No steps to the pulpit. The church was veiy unchurchly. I am glad to state, however, that some improvements have been made. Through his Lordship's efforts $50.00 were sent me from the Woman's Aid Association. V/ith this amount I finished the vestry-rooms. From Mrs. Medley I received a beautiful lectern and com- munion linen. From the Young Woman's Guild of Trinity Church, St. John, a fair linen cloth. From Col. Chas. W. Ray- mond, of Woodstock, a handsome prayer desk. From Mrs. Rainsford, Grand Falls, $20.00. Greatly have these gifts aided in beautifying the church ; and we are all thankful. But many things are yet needed to make the church what it ought to be. And I have the confidence and hope, that fiiends in the diocese will continue to remember this struggling parish. The new rectory. — It is with considerable anxiety we look forward to the coming winter, if a house is not built for us this summer. Our experience of last winter was such, that wo have reason to urge this work on. My people have realized the situation and unitedly have gone to work to put up a bliilding ; but unless we receive help from our friends we cannot finish the rectory. I have received many encouraging words and promises, and trust by autumn to have a house in which we shall not be compelled to stay up long winter nights keeping up fire to save ourselves from freezing. Besides New Denmark, I give services to Grand Falls and St. liConard's. In the first named place the "work is not so encouraging as it might have been ; but I hope to see some progress made this year. St. Leonard's is an encouraging field. I have only been able to give the people four services. These have been well attended, and on June 6th his Lordship confirmed six candidates from this place in All Saints Church, Grand Falls. 61 With sincere thankfulness to Almighty Gwl for grace and strength given to carry on my work, and deepfelt appreciation for kindness received from friends of the Church, especially to Kev. iScovil Neales, of Andover, for his self-sacrificing services, praying God will bless ail eftbrts put forth hy the Church people of this diocese for the advancement of His glory and the good of His Church. I submit this my first report. NEW MAllYLAND — REV. H. F. E. WH ALLEY. There past year. re to save is but little to record from this mission during the The most notable event was the visit of the Right Reverend the I^ord Bishop of the Diocese on the nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (Octol)er 20th, 1895), when fourteen young people received the holy rite of confirmation, all of whom, with two or three exceptions, have become regular communicants. One service has been held each Sunday, with two exceptions, during the year. There was also a service on Christmas day, Gootl Friday and Ascension day, which were well attended. The congregation numWrs geneially from thirty to forty people. The Sunday-school is well attended, although there is room for improvement in this respect. My parochial visits, owing to circumstances over which I had no control, have not been as frecjuent or as regular as I could wish. Part of the fence round the churchyard has received a fresh coat of paint. The church itself needs painting, but we have no funds with which to do it, and therefore I fear itu'will have to face another winter in its present thin and worn-out coat. Our offertories for extra parochial purposes during the year amounted to §12.85. Our thanks are due to Mr. Geo. F. Wright, of Fredericton, for his services at the organ and assistance in the Sunday-school. NORTON — REV. C. P. HANINGTON, B.A. The fact that this parish has become self-supporting has practically added to the funds of the Society a sum equal to two or three hundred dollars a year, which, being no longer paid to Norton, can now be paid towards the maintenance of Church services in poorer parishes,. But the Church people of Norton, although they are now raising for Church purposes in the parish a larger amount than they have ever previously raised, yet feel I •: \i 62 that in tuldition to relieving the Society of the ^nint, which the parish has received until hitely, it is their duty to contribute dii-ectly, year after year, towards the funds of the Society, even if, for a while, the contributions he not very lar^e. About twenty dollars have been subscril)ed so far towards the General Purposes Fund, but proViably a few dollars more will l>e sub- scribed l)efore the Heport for the year is printed. In addition to this amount, about twenty-tour dollars have l>een contributed by the parish since October towards other special objects' outside the parish, the Synor a nund)er of years past, the Church at Welsford has gone by the name of St. Luke's. On reference, however, to the book of the late Bishop Medley's acts, it appears it was consecrated by the name of St. Anne. Here is a discrepancy which can only be solved by those who are yet living and who were present at its consecration some forty years ago. liut if a few years are allowed to pass, such facts can never be regained. Durirtg the past year we experienced a very sari and striking death in our midst. A young lady, Miss Essie WocmIs, confirmed some four years ago, and who had since become a fre«|uent com- municant, while looking forward to the estate of marriage, Wfis suddenly stricken with a peculiar form of despondency. After all the preparations for the marriage were complete, she gradually seemed to succumb more and more to the fatal sickness. In three short months, from perfect health and being apparently one who would enjoy life to its fullest e.xtent for many years to come, she surrendered her life at the call '»f Him who gave it. Her funeral was the largest I ever saw in this parish, seventy-five sleigh loads of people were present, so great was the sympathy of the community for the l)ereaved family. These mysterious dispensations of God's providences are parts of his ways which only a future life can explain. We are expecting the Bishop to hold confirmation here in July. I am trying to get this rite held every two years, so that whether our numbers are larger or smaller, it may be continually going on in our midst. We can thus get hold of oar young people before they go off to other places where the ministrations of our Church may not be so frequent or readily obtained. The 64 young an* the hope of the future, and it is to them that our efforts must be chieHy directed. 1 am glad to testify to a greater spirit of reverence in the house of (ji(m1, and the old yet ever new story of Christ's love falls upon attentive ears. May the Spirit of Truth hring it home to many a heart und conscience ! PRINCE WILLIAM AND DUMFRIES a. F. SCOVIL. REV. This parish is now filled by the appointment of the Rev. G. F. Scovil as missionary in charge. Mr. Wm. Henry, jr., vestry clerk, has forwarded a subscription list for 1H95, amount- ing in all to .$40.7'), which appears in its place in this annual repers of the Church exercise more self-denial in tlie futu;c* than they have done in the past. It is to be hoped that they may find the means to continue the ministrations of the Church in tliis n.-ssion, as has been the case during the past four years, for -'le''g of ihis mission would prove disastrous to the interestH of the '/'hurch. SACKVILLE AND HAIE VERT}-; REV. C. F. W KUJINS. cregation, a 1 am unable at the time of writing to state definitely the amount of our contributions to Home Missions this year, but feel confident that they will be in excess of t^iose of last year. The serious conditions which affecte(J this parish and threatened its life last year have been somewhat improved by the action of the Board of Home Missions in placing the adjoining mission of IJaie Verte under the charge of the rector of this parish. T visit each station of this joint mission regularly once a montli, anr and wise directi )L of Mr. Harris (who was hitherto in charge of the mission), is now beginning to bear rich fruit, and the awak- ening interest in the Church is very marked and continuous. The beautiful little church at Tidnish, built and furnished by Mr. Harris, is generally filled, mostly with men, although there are really only two families belonging to the Church in this por- tion of the parish. At Baie Verte, the centre of interest at present is the building of a new church, which we hope to have finished on the outside this autumn, although the corner stone is not yet laid. The work in Sackville is going on. The improved r' ! 1 i'^' %' ; i :;■, J* ; ( ,i f ' came to us from St. George on August 28th ; consecrated a churchyard at the Church of the Transfiguration, St. Patrick : confirmed thirteen candidates, and stopping on the road to tlic rectory confirmed two others, a man m the last stage of con- 67 sumption, and a man in his seventy-ninth year who had been baptized by the first rector of St. Andrews ; part of the remain- ing journey (sixteen miles) was made in a pouring rain. The next day his Lordship confirmed nine candidates at the Church of the Ascension, St. David, some of whom have since l)ecome communicants. The congregation attending tliis church has quite outgrown its seating capacity, and tVie problem now is how to enlarge without destroying the proportions of the church building. The parish church of St. Patrick having become somewhat dilapidated, the parishioners at the last Easter meet- ing resolved to restore it. With commendable promptitude, work was shortly after commenced, and on the second Sunday after Trinity we had the privilege of worshipping in a practi- cally new church. The walls and roof are ceiled with matched spruce, oiled and varnished. The chancel window has been altered and filled with improved glass, a new chancel arch has \>een erected, the tower repaired, and all at a cost not exceeding i?340.00. Much gratuitous work was done by the young men, and the needful funds are being raised by the Ladies' Aid Society. ST. GEORGE AND PENNFIELD -REV. R.E.SMITH, M. A. Since my last report St. George and Pennfield parishes have been doing about the same work as usual. As a rule, I hold thice services every Sunday. The I^enten services were largely attended, especially those held in Holy Week. I held a weekly Bible class during Lent under the auspices of the Brother- hood of St. Andrew with an attendance of between thirty and fforty. I have 127 names on my conmiunicants' roll. There were thirty-two persons confirmed on August 2r)th by our Bishop, jwhen large and attentive congregations were present, and we Ihope to have another confirmation this autumn, if the Bishop lean come to us. Baptisms twenty two. T have commenced a monthly service on Sundaj' at the sura- j^ner residencs of Mr. Harris, on Lake Eutopia. He belongs to ■ ew York and is a strong churchman, and is much interested in her work. He and his excellent lady took a good deal of pains |n converting their large sitting-room into a temporary chapel. he St. George choir conducted the singing, which was very learty. The people in the neighborhood who find it difficult, )wing to distance, to attend church, were present, besides many 68 ti^'i :i; -^ from St. (Jeorge and Pennfield. My churchwarden brought quite a numlw;r in his l)oat from St. (Jeorge, and many cam< from Pennfield. We must have had sixty or seventy present, and all seemed to enjoy the service "by the lake." After tht blessing Mr. Harris addressed the people, telling them how pleased he was to have his summer home used for a religious service. In the evening I returned to St. (ieorge, just in time for a service, and found a large congregation assembled in St Mark's Church. I had held morning service in Pennfield with over thirty communicants. We have a good Sunday-school in each parish. In Pennfield they have just spent some twenty-five dollars for a Sunday-school library. The money was collected by an earnest wjorker, Mrs. George Dunbar. In St. George we depend upon our g'anite industry, ami sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down. The youni,' men attend the services in large numbers. In Pennfield, especially during the summer months, I have a large congregation awaiting my arrival on Sunday. They keep their church very clean and in good order, and at very little expense, doing the work themselves. Our "Willing Workers" of St. George have placed a hand some fence about the rectory, which adds much to its appearancf. 'Our contributions will at least be equal to that required (tf us by the Diocesan Chuich Society. Thus we are getting on, ebb and ilow, up and down, still forging ahead, we hope — striving to lay the foundation of our dear old Church on good sound Church principles. The tide, \ve| know, is bound to come in, and cannot be stopped. ST. JOHN — VEN. ARCHDEACON BRIGSTOCKE, DD The statement of the contributions of this parish up to diite| of the July meeting of the Society is as follows. The report i^ incomplete, as the work of ct>llecting subscriptions is still going 'in,| ■ To the General Purposes Fund : The two yearly oifertories : October 1895,.. April 1896,.... 148 .54 67 95 Contril)ution from Missionary Working Party, $110 41 236 711 (59 ^ 54 1 95 . . $116 -IV 23G Ti Contribution from Sunday-school to " The Children's Mission Fund : " Advent, 116 82 Lent, 57 lo Special Donation from the Mission Fund, 26 O.'i Subscriptions from the Parish up to date, OffWtories towards Diocenan Objects : Kdueation of Children of Clergy, Widows and Orphans Fund, .... . , . 100 00 4:V2 01 .^885 2-1 $13 77 13 20 26 97 $<912 21 ST. MARTINS — REV. A. A. SLIPPER. In reviewing my work in this parish during the past year, it seems to me that in spite of many drawbacks I have reason to be thankful for such signs of activity and progress as are shown by the work done. The services of the Church have been regu- larly held in Holy Trinity, St. Martins, and the out stations, viz.: Tynemouth Creek and Greer Settlement; and if one may judge by the continued good attendance throughout the year, the interest in the Church has, at least, been maintained, and I trust considerably increased. In my report, last year, I said I was afraid that we should be compelled to seek outside pecuniary assistance to enable us to put some necessary repairs on the rectory. Mrs. Robert Carson, first of all, canvassed the parish and collected the sum (»f .$39.30 (including $6.85 contributed by our branch of the Women's Aid Association). She then did some begging outside the parish, and it was not in vain, for Mrs. Medley, of Freder- icton, cheerfully contributed the sum of $10.00. Mr. John Robertson, of St. John, gave fifty pounds of white lead and half a keg of shingle nails, Mr. W. H. Thorne gave fifty pounds of white lead, and Messrs. McAvity gave one hundred pounds of white lead in response to Mrs. Caisson's appeal. I nmst here [acknowledge our sincere thanks to Mrs. Medley, Mr. John : Rol)ertson, Mr. W. H. Thorne, and Messrs. McAvity for their kindness. We got new storm windows for the rectory and had U)ne side of the roof shingled, and the hall, upstairs and down, ! 'i f . r. li iifi I 1 a,' I.. i./\''' ' ' ^J^i \ ..i.i! lici ■' yM' P''^"' ill:: 'p "■'*' 1: '^' ■ i(!„ 70 newly papered. We hope to use the lead at once for painting the rectory, as our (iuild (a new organization since last year), has become responsible for the tarring of the roof and the painting of the rectory. On the Tuesday evening li)efore Lent, the heart of the rector was cheered by the arrival of a donation party, neaded by Mr. James Rourke, who read an address setting forth their high estimation of their rector, and begging him to accept the accom- panying well-filled purse as a slight token of their appreciation of his work amongst them. A guild has been formed with the following objects : " The objects of this Guild shall be the bringing together of the members of the congregation, their moral, spiritual and intellectual improvement, and the promotion of the work of the Church." The Guild has twenty-one members. Regular meetings arc held on the evenings of the second and fourth Wednesdays in each month. The average attendance for the past half year has been twelve. This Guild, so far, has not been such a success rt> I anticipated, Imt I hope that as time goes on it will improve- My weekly Bible class continues to be well attended, and tin Sunday-school is in a flourishing condition. There are tin names of ninety -four children on the register this year, and wi have a staif of eight teachers. At the beginning of the year the churchwardens received ii letter from Mr. Geo. A. Schofield, Secretary of the Board of Home Missions,' suggesting the payment of the stipends of the clergy in aided parishes monthly instead of quarterly, an! asking what they thought of the suggestion, and whether in tlic event of the Society making its grants monthly they would agree to pay their assessment monthly. This matter was brought up at our Easter meeting, with the result that a monthly envelope system for the support of the ministry was adopted, and during the past three months it has proved satis factory. ^ The Women's Aid Association has done good work duriiiir the past year. At their sale of work on the 25th of last May, the sum of $70.00 was cleared, They have now in hand 8150.00. This amount is to be placed in the hands of the churchwardens to enable them to get a new organ for the Church in place of the old one, and the balance is to be used for repairs on the Church. The parish register shows eleven baptisms, five burials and one marriage. 71 SIMONDS- REV. L. A. HOYT, MA. T have l)een enabled, with the divine blensing, to hold services in this parish without intermission during the past year. As I have divided the parish into six districts, in each of wliich I have held fortnightly services, and each of which pay an equal amount to the guarantee fund, T shall report the condi- tion of each district as the best way to report the condition of the whole parish. 1. — Coldbrook. After some difficulty in securing a place for holding services in this section, one has at last been found at Moosepath. A room was rented, money was advanced for its furnishing, and services were commenced last December. A Sunday-school has been organized, and is being conducted with great success ; the choir practices have been regularly attended, and the Sunday services have been heart}', every one bearing their part in the worship of Almighty God. The offerings have been made largely through envelopes, and they have been sufficient to reprty the original outlay for furnishing, to pay the rent of the room, the regular (juarterly allowance for the rector's salary, and leave a small margin on the right side of the balance sheet. I wish to I'emember, with thanks, the generosity of the par- ishioners of St. Paul, St. John, who have given us so many copies of years' subscription to the Church Monthly, that not only were there sufficient for the Coldbrook Sunday-school, but a partial supply was made to other Sunday schools in the parish. The parish of St. Paul has also given us a nucleus for a library, to which other kind friends have made additions ; all of whom will please accept our thanks. We desire also to tender our thanks to the Rothesay Parish Church for a handsome Brussels carpet, by which our missicn room has been made so comfortable. I must recognize the services of Mr. W. Leslie Seely, who advanced the original outlay for the furnishing of the room, and whose business ability and interest in every department of Church work has tended so much to the success of this station. As he is a lay delegate to the Synod, I hope there may be accorded to him a wider sphere of usefulness to the Church. 2. — Red Head. This section has been a success from the fiist. The Bible-class and choir practice have been held regu- larly, the services are well attended, and the offerings though not made through envelopes, have paid the rector's salary, and all other contingencies without any difficulty. . 'M' 1 j 'U t; ,i^ JijiJjo , M Mlli m BmB Hi mi Mm' W. MjjjS PI 1 |v jj'iill ' ■t. I Ml tf ,i ( I, 1 72 .'i. (Jolderi (tj-ovc. The services at this t^tution have not lost their interest, but the hall in which they are held continues full, and the worship hearty. The thanks of this station are due to the Church of Enj^land Institute, St. John, for their kindness in providing a Christmas tree for the encouragement of the Sunday-school. 4. — Black River. There has been placed in St. Thomas' Church, in this section, a cabinet organ, in the purchase of wiiich much ai \ ■ If 76 ever, it is only just to add that all the money raised for the D. C. S. contribution is by subscription and freewill offerings. This summer we hope to present two classes to his Lordship the Bishop for confirmation. The number of candidates will l)e aVK)ut twenty-five. A reference to the register gives thirty-one baptisms ; seven marriages ; four funerals. In presenting this report I have written somewhat at length, for I find that our people eagerly watch for the annual reports from year to year ; and Viesides it is only just that we should, as a mission receiving aid from the Society, render a full account of our stewiwdship. WESTFIELD — REV. H. T. PARLEE, B.A. Westfield being an old parish, nothing very startling will l)e expected, but I am pleased to be able to report, that although in common with other parishes \^e labour under much that is discouraging, yet we can show fair evidence of continued vigour and prosperity. Owing to the action of the Board of Home Missions in placing this parish upon the list of self-supportir j missions (although this has not been without its stimulating effect) the work in some cases has been seriously crippled, and very much that ought to have been done has been left undone. Hov during the year past considerable has been accomplished t the parish ciiurch a new organ has been purchas and a • st paid for. At St. James' Church, through the exiorts of the Ladies' Aid Society, a shed for horses has been built and neatly finished at a cost of about $100.00. It is free of debt. At Trinity Church a new chancel has been added which lacks but a few days' work of being completed. An organ has also been purchased for $90.00 and partly paid for. The balance will be raised during the month of July. Much credit is due the ladies of Land's End who have manifested so much zeal for the im- provement of Trinity Church. Since my last report, the rectory and barn have received two coats of paint, and the roof a coat of tar, at a total cost of $65.00, which also has been paid for. A considerable amount of labour has been expended upon the grounds, and further improvements will be made during the coming summer. 77 So much for the material interests of the Church. In all sections of the parish there can l)e seen steady improvements in the strength and zeal of the Church as a Inxly, and though there are individual cases which cause much anxiety and discourage- ment, yet the geneial outlook is becoming better and brighter. This is the case with even that troublesome <|uesti(m — the stipend account — although it is not yet on as firm a basis as it should be. Struggling along, as we are, with the balance against us, we are not without hope that, in the near future, we may emerge from our difficulties the better for our experience. In this connection I might say, that there has not been realized that measure of general support from the suburban residents from St. John that was expected in ' hp struggle for parochial independence, although some have oone very well indeed. This year, however, the prospects look very much brighter in that quarter. Already this is noticed in the increased interest in Church work, increased attendance at church, and increased contributions at the offertory. I^st autumn we received a visit from the Bishop of the diocese. Six candidates were presented at St. James' Church for the rite of confirmation. Chasses are now in preparation, looking forward to a similar visitation to St. Peter's Church, when a goodly number will be presented. Last year, owing to the difficulty in obtaining teachers, we had but one Sunday-school, of which I was at once superintend- ent and teaching staff. This year, however, we hope to have three schools in operation, with an attendance of about seventy- five pupils and a good staff of teachers. Before closing this report, I must record the loss by death of Mrs. Alonzo Watters, who, while she had her health and strength was always found at her post, not only in church but in every undertaking for its benefit. She was the wife of our senior church warden, who has the profound sympathy of the parish in his bereavement. During Christmas week I received a severe blow in the death of my father, who passed away after a few days' illness while visiting at the rectory. The roll of communicants has been increased by ten during the year. The register shows ten baptisms, three marriages, and eight burials. 1 . . 'I' I-:- 1 Ite; ' . 78 ' WESTMORLAND UEV. P. M. BLISH, B.A The rector of thiH parish writes : I regret I cannot send you a definite return of our contributions to the 1). C. S. this year, in time for the annual meeting. It will l)e forwarded as soon as possible. WICKLOW - REV. J. E. FLEWELLING. A little more than the usual amount of work has been done during the past year. I have held services in the parish of Aberdeen! n answer to the Macedonian cry, and occasionally in the parish of Kent, Xvhile not neglecting the work in the parishes of Peel, Wicklow and Wilmot. On Thanksgiving Day we had a bright hearty service in St. James's Church, Centreville, Rev. J. M. Davenport being the preacher, and the rector and people were edified by his address. We hope he may come soon and hold a mission for us. In February of this year my \)eat earthly friend left me for Paradise, and in May my youngest son, a child less than two years old, was taken from me. Not- withstanding the interruption to parochial work consequent on the illness and death of wife and child, I succeeded in getting ready thirty two candidates for the Apostolic rite of confirmation, and on June 14 we were in readiness for our Diocesan's visit, but illness in his own family prevented him from being present. We were, of course, very much disappointed, but he has promised to come later on. Eight adults were ready for baptism. My own parishioners have laid me under an obligation to them by their kind consideration during the time of my deepest sorrow. And friends outside were kind and considerate, and a few expressed their sympathy in a very practical way. I wish particularly to thank the Rev. J. M. Davenport and Mrs. Medley. I mention Father Davenport because it is highly to his credit that ho was willing to show sympathy, substantially and other- wise, to one of a different school of thought. There have been, of course, many discouragements in my work, but I strive to follow out Spurgeon's advice to his students for the ministry, " to have one deaf ear and one blind eye," and consequently I don't hear too much or see too much, and so am enabled to have a greater measure of peace. Contributions about $70 to the General Purposes of the Society. 79 WOODHTOCK, WAKEFIELD, NORTH AMPTON AND BUKIHTON- VEN. ARCHDEACON NEALES, M.A. There is much to record of Hpeciul note from each of the parinhes included in the whole niigsion, but T will Hiniply speak briefly of the mission &» a whole. In February, Mr. Harry H. Smith, who had done goeing done than heretofore to strengthen and extend the Church's work in this portion of the diocese, thus forward- ing the very foremost office of the Society. McAdam. Since February last, with the consent of the Ijord Bishop, a fortnightly service has been held at McAdam Junction, on Thursday evenings, by different clergy in turn. The clergy who have kindly given their assistance by holding one or more of these services, are the Rev. O. S. Newnham, who has taken special pains and interest in this work ; the Rev. J. D. Thomas of Calais, Maine, Rev. W. H. Sampson, Rev. A. W. Teed, and Rev. W. White. The congregations have been large, and the services very hearty, so as to give great encouragement especially to members of the Church resident in the place. Much thanks are due to Mr. Tabor, of the Junction House, who though not a member of the Church, has hospitably entertained each visiting clergyman. It is to be hoped, that before long, this work of the Church may be placed upon a more permanent basis. Reports received too late for insertion in their place, will be found inserted before the subscription lists further on. ■li ^'' 1». J''i;. ,, 1 ■I ■K. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Saint John, N. B., Tuesday, June 30, 1896. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Diocesan Church Society, the General Committee met this day in Trinity Church School Room, at 10 o'clock a. m., the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop, President of the Society, in the chair. Prayers. The Secretary called the roll of the members of the Com- mittee, all being present at this or the succeeding meetings, except those whose names are printed in italics. t President. i The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop. - ' Vice-Preaidento. The Venerable the Archdeacon of Saint John. . The Venerable the Archdeacon of Fredericton. William M. Jarvis, Esq. Rev. Canon DeVeber, M. A. Sir John C. Allen, LL. D. Rev. Canon Ketchum, D. D. George &.. SchofieldyEaq. ■ - Hi» Honor the Lieut.- Governor. ' -■' . .'■ ■■ Treasurer. . ^ -■■".. ^ ''■"-:'■' ■" ~ Rev. W. O. Raymond, M. A. ■■-- •■ i:.. ^ ' ■-- " . ■ . Secretary. • ' ' , ' »^B Gordo 1 .. W. Emile Smith, Esq. ^^m Grand . -;-:n,.' , ... Auditors. 9 Grand James S. Beek, Esq. Q. Sidney Smith, Esq. ■jB Green Executive Committee. T. C. Allen. Judge Hanington. T. B. Jiobinson. A. O. Beckwith. H. A. Harvey. A. A. Sterling. JS Hardv John Black, M. P. P. R. W. Hewson. A. F. Street. eS^^^^ T_> Qeorge BurchiU. C. F. Kinnear, H. L. Sturdee. I^H Johns J. R. Campbell. C. A. Macdonald. " H. C. Tilley. ■ Kings. A. C. Fairweather. John Moore. Judge Wilkinson. W. S. Fisher. Hard Peters. ^^" ^' ' H«iry Wilmot. !■ Kin^t John B. Forater. Alfred Porter. ^H^ Laneai Rev. R. Simonda. Rev. D. W. Pickett. Rev. P. Owen Jones. ^H J-.udIov " E. A. Warneford. " D. I. Wetmore. " A. W. Daniel. ^^m Mauge " Wm. Jaffrey. " Geo. Schofleld. " W. Eatough. '• H. M. Spike. •' R. Mathers. " W. Hays. 81 ' ^^^^^H Parish or Mission Clkrgt. Lay Dbputies. SPBSTITtTFS. ^H Addington .Rev. James Spencer. Kilgour Shivea. ^^B Chitrles Rennells. ^^H. Andover, " S. ^^enle8. E. H. Hoyt, J. H. Peav. D. W. Pickett, Maurice Bedell. Ih Baie Verte . " C F. Wiggins. ^H Bathurst . " T. W. Street. 0. O. Mncliwhlan, £dward P. Carter. C. W. Ellis, R. J. Miller. ^H H BlackviUe . ' C. O'D. Baylee. R. C. Boies, P. Coughlin. J. A. Underhill. 896. ■ Blissfleld . " H. Montgomery. Wm. Whvte, James Oiiks. W. A. Wafhen, Joseph E. Doak. of the ^m BlissTille Bright " H. E. Dibblee. . '' R. W. Colston. Herbert H. Smith, John Knox. S. J. Smith, his day f^ Dr. O. E. Morehouse. Kight ^ H. Burtt. A. T. Burtt. Burton . •' H. E. Dibblee, H.Wilmot. A. S Cloives. le chair. ^H C. E. A. Simonds. R D. Wilmot. 1 Cambridge . " A. J. A. Gollmer . Peter Knight, Morris Scovil. J. B. D:\eman, W. Springer. e Com- 1^2 Canterbury Carleton C Vacant i . " W. H. Sampson. W. J. Cornfield, Jos. Mosher, leetings, Hi Chas. Pidgeon. S. M. Sewell. Chatham . " Canon Forsyth. Geo BurchlU. F. E. Winslow. J. P. Burchill, Judge Wilkinson. HH ^^^1 Dalhousie " W. B. Morris. . " C. O'D. Baylee. Hon. J. C. Barberie W. S. Smith. A. A.M. Saunders, ^^^1 Derby ^H John Betts. ^^^^1 Dorchester . " J. R. Campbell. W. H Crocker. H. W. Palmer, ^H W. D. Steven, ^Hb John B. Forster, A. W. Chapman. ^^^^H Douglas . " R. W. Colston. J. DeL. Robinson, F. P. RoUnson. Wm. Clements, Frank Staples. M. A. HB Fredericton . " Canon Roberts. A. D. Thomas, E. W. Hmry, I D. D. HH Geo. Black. C. W. Bi ckunth. .. Governor. ^^8 Fredericton, Very Rev. Dean J. S. Beek, E. Mulle\., Cathedral Partridge. G. T. Whelpley. W.E. Smith. 1 Gagetown Rev. N. C. Hansen. T. W. Gilbert, W. Hamilton. T. H. Gilbert, G. DeVeber. ^^^^B ^^^H Gladstone Gordon and Lurne . " H. E. Dibblee. . " J. R. Hoi kins. H. A. Thomas. Chas. Ltinnen, H Grand Falls Grand Manan . " C. E. Maimann. . " W. S. Covert. DuVemet Jack, M. Daggett, ^^B Wesley Newton. P. Dixon. 1 Greenwich (Vacant). W. L. Belyea, A. LeB. McKiel. R. F. Waltmi, G. A. Fowler. H Hampton . •' T. Dickinson. E. R. Dt-Mill, Wm. Otty. Wm. Langstroth, J. F. Giggey. ^^H Hardwicke ... "W.J.Wilkinson. r. H. Williston, W. McLet' 1 J. G. Williston. Johnston ."^ " f a a Wnrn»>fnrH ./ P Ppiirann. G. R. Cody, T. H. Pearson. ^H C. F. Cody. H Kingsclear....,.;. " H. Montgomery. E. R Murray, W. D. Allen. C. H. Giles, F. W. Clements. Kingston . " H. S.Wainwrighl ^IB Lancaster " W. LeB.McKIel. Alfred Lordly. Thos. Steers. John Murt)hy, John McAteer. H Ludlow " H. Montgomery. A CyDnnneU lones. ^^1 J. O'Dmnell. Madawaska Maugerville . " J. R. Hopkins. " H. E. Dibblee. I m >'.' yi'i' w. Parish or Mission. Ci^rov. Moncton '* E. B. Hooper. Musquash "A. Bareham. New Bandon " T. W. Street. Newcastle " P. G Snow. New Denmark. New Maryland. C. E, Maimann. Lay Deputies. R W. Hewaon, W. D. Martin. O. H. Thomas, Joshua Knight. Wm. R. Knowles. E Lee Street, J. O. Kethro. J. Paulsen, A. J. Jensen. SlTBSTrrUTBS. J. H Wran, J. W. Binney. G. F. Smith, J. A. Balcom. J. W. Davidson, R. L. Maltby. " H. F. E.Whalley Lewis Fisher. Jos. Homcastle, Norton " C. P. Haninf^on. W. H. Baxter, O. A. Wetmore, Peel .. " J. E. FlewelHng Pennfleld " R. E. Smith. Geo Speer, H. Trynor. Petersville '• W. B. Armstrong.M. McKenzie, R. A. Graham. " A. F. B. Burtt " R. P.McKJm " G. F. ScovH. Wm. McMvllin, Wm. W. Graham. " E. W. Simonson. Harry Prescott, Charles Tiicker. (Vacant). J. E. Fairweather, Geo. Raymond. Point du Chene... Portland Prince William . . Queensbury A. M. Ideal ey, Jos. Boyd. W.J Woods. W. Howe. Geo Hood, Alex. Vance. Riehibucto Richmond " A. W. Teed. Rothesay " G. E. Llojd. Sackville " C. F. Wiggins. Wm. Stokes, A. Mclntyre. Ellis Cunliffe. H. N. Jameson. W. O. miner, J. F, Allison. St. Andrews " Canon Ketchum. W. D Forster, Dr. N. G. D. Parker. R. P. Foster, B. V. Tait. J. S. MacMaster, J. D. Grimmer. St. David " J. W. Millidge. St. George " R. E. Smith. Henry Mowatt, Robert Smith. G. 8. Smith, H. L. Sturdee. St. James " A. D. A. Dewdney St. John Ven. Archdeacon J. M. Taylor, Brigstocke. W. S. Fisher. St. John Baptist. ..Rev. J.M. Davenport H. A. Harvey, Hurd Peters. St. Mark "J. deSoyres. R. B. Emerson, H. F. Puddlngton. St. Marks " A. W. Smithers. Henry Mclntyre, B. Lisson. St. Martins " A. A. Slipper. Wm. Wilson, Joseph Kennedy. St. Mary " W. O. Raymond. H. N. Q^ey, Henry Town. St. Marys . " J. R. S. Parkinson St . Paul '• A.G. H, Dicker. Hon. T. R. Jones, J. R. Campbell, St. Stephen " O. S. Newnham. C. N. Vroom, Dr. J. M. Deacr. T. O. O. Earle, J. B. Wiggintt. NVaterford " A. W. Smithers. Weldford " O. L. Freebem. Westfield " H. T. Parlee. Robt. Hawker, Wm. Armatrong. W, F. Harding. 8. M. Wetmore. D. Slocum. C. Mott. Job. Robinson, Wvi. McEwen. Westmorland. Wicklow and Wilmot. Woodstock . , A. M. Woodman, s. a. Eccu$. D. M. Slits. J. E. Flewelling. Thomas Orchard, Dr. Frank Brown. Wm. Eccles. James Williams. .Ven. Archdeacon Neales. C. L. 8. Raymond, J. N. W. Wirislow. Dr. .1. E. Qrifflth, J. T. Garden. The minutes of the last meeting of the General Committee as printed in the Annual Report of the Society for 1895 were, on motion of W. M. Jarvis, seconded by J. M. Taylor, taken as lead and were confirmed. . The Ijord Bishop then addressed the Committee in veiy feeling terms with refeience in the decease of the late Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, who w vs, at the time of his death, the senior Vice-President and senior Life Member of the Society. The Bishop stated t\\v* , pending the completion of arrange- [iiients connected with the furnishing of the required lx)nds by I Mr. W. Emile Smith, lately appointed Treasurer of the Society [ill the room of Mr. George E. Fairweather, resigned, he had, a.s 'resident of the Society, temporarily authorized the Treasurer U) sign cheques. It was on motion of Venerable A'^^hdeacon Brigstocke, fiwonded by Mr. W. M. Jarvis, Hemlved, That the action of his Lordship the President of he Society, be confirmed. - . The Secretary presented and read his annual report ; and h'ports from the various parishes and missions were presented ind read by the clergy in charge of the same. 84 The Secretary presented the statistical returns from tl;* parishes and missions for the year ending 30th April, 1890. (See Appendix A.) The tSecretary presented and read the report of the Execi: tive Committee. (See Appendix B.) Also the reports of March 10th and of June 3rd, 1H96, mad. by the Finance Committee to the Executive Committee. (S'- Appendix C) Mr. James S. Beek presented and read the Auditors' report. (See Appendix D.) Mr. George E. Fairweather presented and read the Tre;i- surer'H Report for the year ending 19th May, 1896. (S>" Appendix E.) It was on motion of Mr. Justice Hanington, seconded by tlit^ Rev, J. M. Davenport, Resolved, That the reports now read be received, ami together with the statistical returns, be presented at the Anni- versary Meeting as a part of the report of the General Committcf. The Committee then adjourned to 3 o'clock, p. m. The Committee met at 3 p. m. pursuant to adjournment, Lord Bishop in the chair. Rev. Wm. Eatough presented and read the report of Book Depository Committee. (See Appendix F.) Mr. J. R. Campbell presented and read the report of treasurer of the Book Depository Committee. (See Appendix Rev. Wm. Eatough presented and read the report of Committee on Interesting Sunday-schools in Home Missi* and on the Promotion of Sunday-schools. (See Appendix IL Rev, C. P. Hanington presented and read the report of Committee on the Incapacitated Clergy Fund. (See Appendix It was, on motion, duly seconded, Resolved, That the reports now read be received and prin in the annual report of the Society, til.' the m^K H <;. I H the ■■ Ills H <'n ) ^H R^f the ^■Ii*3 ejej /; ■'Hiiot. 1 tOill 85 It was, on motion of the Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, s« conded by Mr. W. M. Jarvis, Resolved, That the action of the Committee on the Incapaci- tated Clergy Fund in granting $150,00 in response to the application on behalf of Rev. A, F. Hiltz, be approved, and that the whole matter of granting any pension for his relief, l)e referred back to the Committee to deal with as they may deem advisable. * ■ ~ ^ The Secretary presented and read the report of the Board of Hume Missions. (See Appendix K ). Also the statistical returns for the 8. P. G. for the year ending 31st December last. (See Appendix L.) Rev. H. Montgomery presented and read the report of the C'onmiittee on the Needs of the Diocese. (See A}ypendiv M.) It was on motion, duly seconded, lietfu/ved, That the reports now read be receixed and printed ill the annual report of the Society ; also that the report of the Fioard of Home Missions, with accompanying missionaiy schedule and estimate of income and expenditure, be referred to the Board of Home Missions now to be elected. The Secretary reported the following as elected to represent I the various Rural Deaneries on the Board of Home Missions : Chatham Deanery Rev. Canon Forsyth. Fredericton Kingston St. Andrews St. John Shediac Woodstock Rev. H. Montgomery. Rev. A. W. Smithers. (none reported). .Rev. W. B. Armstrong. .Rev. J. R. Campbell. . Rev. A. W. Teed. ( )n motion, duly seconded, it was Jiesolved, That the General Committee do now proceed to lit; election of the Board of Home Missions by nomination and •allot. 3d and printed ■■' '! 86 The iollowing nominations were made : t( (( « LAITY. H. C. Tilley, G. A. Schofield, Lieut. -Go verner Fraser W. S. Fisher, W. M. Jarvis, C. N. Vroom, Dr. N. G. D. Parker, E. Lee Street, G, E. Fair weather, J. P. Burchill, T. B. Robinson, J. R. Campbell, Henry Wilmot, Hurd Peters, , Alfred Porter. The Rev. C. E. Maimann and Mr. W. Eccles were appoint*" tellers, and on the ballot being taken the following were report** as duly elected : CLEROY. Very Rev. Dean Partridge, Rev. Canon Roberts, '« R. P. McKim, C. P. Hanington, O. H. Newnham, J. M. Davenport, R. E. Smith, W. H. Sampson, A. G. H. Dicker, E. B. Hooper, A. D. A. Dewdney. CLERGY. Rev. J. M. Davenport, " O. S. Newnham, ^^ery Rev. Dean Partridge, Rev. C?i on Roberts, " R. P. McKim. LAITY. G. A. Schofield, Wm. M. Jarvis, Lieut.-Gov. Fraser, C. N. Vroom, G. E. Fairweather, J. R. Campbell, Hurd Peters. It was, on m^^oion of Mr. Justice Hanington, seconded ly Mr. W. M. Jarvis, Hesolvfd, That the General Committee do now proceed to th* election of the Executive Cominittee by nomination and ball' it It^'lW mB 87 The following nominations were then made T. C. Allen, A. G. Beckwith, John Black, M. P. P. (leorge Burchill, J. R. Campbell, jr., A. C. Fair weather, (}. E. Fairweather, W. S. Fisher, John B. Forster, Judge Hanington, H. A. Harvey, K. W. Hewson. C. F. Kinnear, C. A. Macdonald, John Moore, Hurd Peters, Alfred Porter, T. B. Robinson, A. A. Hterling, A. F. Street, H. L. Sturdee, H. C. Tilley, Judge Wilkinson, Henry Wilniot. It was on motion, duly seconded, liesolred, That the nominations close. And on a ballot being cast, those nominated were declared duly elected as the Executive Committee for the ensuing year. On motion, duly seconded, it was JicKoIred, That the following be a committee on Interesting Sunday Schools in Home Missions and for the Promotion of Sunday Schools for the ensuing year : Rev. Canon Forsyth, " H. Montgomery, " W. Eatough, " A. D. A. Dewdney, (^n motion, duly seconded, it was Rev. W. H. Sampson, Herbert Schofield, R. E. Coupe, / Alfred Porter. L'l'solved, That the following be the Book Depository Com tiiittee for the ensuing year: Rev. W. Eatough, " J. M. Withycombe, " H. Montgomery, R. P. McKim. (< C. E. L. Jarvis, J. R. Campl>ell, T. B. Robinson, C. F. Kinnear, t<>jj;ether with the members of the parent society resident in the hliocese. 88 riiu. i;' .■■fi^ It was on motion, duly seconded, Jit'solvfid, That Rev. \V. O, Haymond and Mr. G. A. Scho- field he a committee to arranjj;e for <|uarterly meetings of stand- ing committees of the Society at St. John. On motion, duly seconded, the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year : Secretary — Rev. W. (). Raymond. J'reanurer — W. Emile Smith. Auditors — James S. Beek and G. Sidney Smith. It was on motion of J. R. Campbell, seconded by the Rev. W. Eatough, Remlvedy That the interest on the sum of $800.00 loaned the Book Depository be remitted for the ensuing year. On motion, duly seconded, it was ' Resolved, That the following grants be passed ; To the Treasurer of the Society, ^500. To the Secretary of the Society, $100. On motion of Rev. W. Eatough, seconded by Mr. T. B. Robinson, it was Resolved, That the recommendation contained in tjje report of the Committee on Interesting Sunday Schools in Home Mis- sions be adopted, and tliat the sum subscribed to the Children's Mission Fund be transferred to the General Purposes of the Society. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That the following grants be passed: To the widow of the late Rev. Frederic Coster, $244. To the widow of the late Rev. N. A. Coster, $244. It was, on motion, duly seconded. Resolved, That the Executive Committee be authorized to pay the contingent expenses of the Society. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That the next annual meeting of the General Com- mittee be held at the place agreed upon for the next annual meeting of the Diocesan Synod. The Committee then adjourned to 8.30 o'clock p. m. * I 89 lext annui TJie Committee met at 8.30 o'clock p. m., pursuant to iuljournmeut, the Right Reverend the liOrd Bishop in the chair. In the absence of Mr. G. A. Schofield,* Secretary of the Board of Home Missions, the Secretary of the Society submitted the schedule of missionary grants for the ensuing year. The schedule was then taken up in detail and adopted in form as follows: SCHEDULE, JULY, 1896. Parish or Mhiion. Aldington Aiidover i){ithurst Hay Verte r.ay du Vin lUissville and Gladstone. iJright Cambridge Campobeilo Derby and Blackville . . Kdinundston (iagetown, ( loidon and Lome . (J rand Manan Johnston (R.),. Kingsclear and Ludlow Lancaster Musijuash. . Newcastle and Nelson New Maryland New Denmark and Grand Falls Petitcodiac Petersville Prince William ... ^•ueenabury and Southampton Uichibucto Kiohniond •"^t . Marys Contribution to D. C. 8. Orant. Qlebe. $505 $680 « 20 390 670 30 490 700 L50 350 • • • ■ • 305 700 100 300 360 700 220 454 326 425 700 • • • • • 345 676 24 100 150 335 582 118 250 730 315 630 70 305 682 18 415 750 40 450 700 490 700 530 580 120 150 200 350 780 315 692 8 380 630 70 265 746 34 335 694 6 411 580 120 490 700 423 738 42 stipend. $700* 700* 700* 350t 700* 300+ 700* 780 700* 700* 1.50§ 700* 730* 700* 700* 790* 700* 700* 700* 200 780 700* 700* 780 700* 700* 700* 7S0 R.) Referred to B. H. M. t $400 from Burton. * Parsonage. t f tOO from N. S. i Served with Gordon and Lome. kiiii^^u \ 90 :. <■'■ Schedule, July, 1806 (C imtinued.) Parish or Mhsiom. • Coutrib'tion ' to D. C. S. Grant. (i»lebe. Stipeud. JSt. 1 >avid 41C 590 400 325 380 385 300 275 360 700 : y- 64 70> 78^ 6h. 74 700 700 700* St. (ifori/e 804* St. Martins 700* Hiinonds 780 Snrini/field 754* Stanl^v 700* Waterford 700* Weldford 700 16 716* Wicklow, Wilniot and Peel. . 780 ! 780* • ..■.'■'■"'*' $13024 $23674'$! 200 $24874 Vacant Missions. Albert $200 315 430 385 $700 $700* CanterburA'' 500: $200 700! 700 700* Greenwich Tjcham 700* 700* ' ^30 $2600i $200 $2800 li ♦ Parsonage. It was, on motion of Mr. W. M. J I'-vis, seconded by Mr. Justice Hanington, Resolved, That the Schedule now passed in detail be adopte( I as a whole, and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the grants quarterly or monthly, provided the rules and regulations of the Board of Home Missions be complied with. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That the following be the rules of the Clergy Stipend Augmentation Fund. 1. That all subscriptions to this Fund shall be treated income available for grants, unless otherwise ordered by tiie donors. is 91 2. That grunts may be made to any clergynian in good standing in the diocese who has served in the diocese seven years, and whose stipend is not over $700 a year with the use of a house, or $780 a year without a house. 3. That each clergyman who has served fifteen years and upwards in the diocese shall, in the distribution of grants made, 1 ceive double the grant made to each of those who liave seivcr! less than fifteen y» It ' ^ .. • i , " 4. That grant tlio month of DeiH lui all lip made once a year, and if poss 1 le in btfore Chiistmas day. ii. T. Parlee, seconded by Sir. W. M, On motion ()t 1 Jaivis, it was KcHoJvffl^ That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the sum of $50.00 to the parish of Westfield for the ensuing year. An application was made by the Rev. James Spencer for a grant towards ^ue expense incurred in building a rectory at Cumpbe'ton, On motion of Mr. W. M. Jarvis, seconded by the Venerable Archdeacon Neales, lifHolved, That the application be referred to the Boaj'd of Home Missions. On motion, duly seconded, it was RexoJved, That the sum of $200 be placed at the disposal of the Lord Bishop for the employment of divinity students during the summer months. Mr. T. B. Robinson, on behalf of the Committee on Education of the Children of the Clergy, reported that the Committee, with the approval of the Lord Bishop, had issued the following appeal for contributions to the Fund, and hope for a generous response: AN APPEAL. The Committee on the Fund in "Aid of the Education of the Children of the Clergy," desire to draw the serious attention of the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese to the great importance of making special efforts to increase this fund, which is intended to assist the clergy in the education of their children. This fund, which was formerly included under one head with " the Incapacitated Clergy Fund," became a separate object of the Diocesan Church Society in 1879. The capital of this fund IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4g ^ •iS^ 1.0 1.1 11.25 |22 us I •tt I III VUu lAO IJi& RIMBB Hiotographic SoHices Corporation 23 WIST MAM STMn WltSTIR,N.V. I4SM (71«)«n-4903 i\ •\ then was $1425.79, the present capital is $3000, and the income only is available to assist in the education of the children of the clergymen of the Diocese of Frederictoh. The amount of money at the disposal of the committee is, at the present time, not nearly sufficient to meet the applications made for assistance, and the Committee have therefore determined to bring the urgent necessity for contributions to this fund to the notice of the diflferent congregations in the Diocese, with the earnest hope that efforts may be made to help forward this most necessary and desirable branch of the Church's work. Any sums con- tributed to this fund will be added to the present capital, and invested, unless when forwarded it is expressly stated that the amounts remitted may be used as income. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese requests that all collections at confirmation services throughout the Diocese may be given to this fund. All contributions for this purpose are to be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society. Commending this matter to your favorable consideration, We are, Yours faithfully, W. M. Jarvis, ] G. E. Fairweather, | Alfred Porter, [ Committee. W. S. Fisher, G. A. SCHOFIKLD, St. John, N. B., June, 1896. Approved H. T. Fredericton. T. B. Robinson, Sec'y. It was, on motion of Rev. O. S. Newnham, seconded by the Venerable Archdeacon Neales, Resolved, That the warmest thanks of this General Com- mittee be tendered the Church people of St. John for their kind hospitality and attention. ' On motion of Judge Hanington, seconded by the Rev. W. O. Raymond, Resolvedy That the best thanks of this General Committee be tendered the representatives of the press for their reports of the proceedings of the Committee. 93 On motion of the Venerable Archdeacon Neales, seconded by Rev. Canon Roberts, Resolved, That the best thanks of the Committee l>e tendered the rector, wardens, and vestry of Trinity Church for the use of their school room for the Annual Meeting of the Society and its Committees. On motion of Mr. C. N. Vroom, seconded by Mr. Justice Hanington, Heaohedy That the heartj thanks of the General Committee be tendered the railways and steamboats for reduced rates of travel granted the lay delegates in attendance. The Bishop then left the chair and the Venerable the Arch- deacon of St. John took the same ; whereupon it was, on motion of Mr. Justice Hanington, seconded by Mr. W. M. Jarvis, Resolved, That the warmest thanks of the General Committee be tendered to his Lordship the President of the Society for his kind and courteous conduct in the chair. The Bishop spoke briefly in acknowledging the vote of thanks, and the Cc»mmittee then adjourned sine die. W. O. RAYMOND, Secretary, .^v ■-I 4 ■ ■•I 94 ANNIVERSARY MEETING. St. John, N. B., July 2, 1896. The Anniversary Meeting of the Society was held in Trinity Church School House, at 8 o'clock, p. m., this date, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop in the chair. The following Vice-Presidents were present : ,/ The Venerable the Archdeacon of St. John. The Venerable the Archdeacon of Fredericton William M. Jarvis, Esq. Rev. Canon DeVeber, M.A. k- Rev. Canon Ketchum, D.D. , The meeting was attended by a large and representative gathering of the membei-s and friends of the Society, quite filling the spacious school room. to the doors. The hymn, " Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun," was sung very heartily, the Rev. Wm. Hays presiding at the organ. Prayers were said by the i- cary, after which the Bishop addressed the meeting. The Secretary presented the Annual Report of the proceed ings of the General Committee. It was, on motion of Mr. G. Sidney Smith, seconded by Mr. W. M. Jarvis, Resolved That the Report now submitted be received and printed under the direction of the Executive Committee. The hymn, " The Church's One Foundation," was then very heartily sung. 95 It was, on motion of the Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, seconded by the Rev John deSoyres, Resolved, That the following minute be adopted touching the decease of certain members during the past year : Charles Wesley Weldon, Esq., D.C.L. Who died January mh, 1896. AMD Samuel Leonard Tilley,C.B., K.C.M.G. Who died June 26tb, 1806. I By the death of Charles W. Weldon, Esq., the Society has lost a warm supporter, and the Church one of her ablest mem- bers. While in full sympathy with the Church's order and beauty, and ready to promote all that peitained to her welfare, it was as a member of her Synods, Diocesan and Provincial, that he contributed most to her growth and prosperity. His high legal attainments which placed him in the front rank of jurists in Canada, specially fitted him to give the Church wise counsel in matters pertaining to legislation, while his absence of party spirit and his large-hearted charity endeared him to all who were associated with him. Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley was one of the oldest and most esteemed members of the Society, having lieen a life meml)er for over fifty years, and a vice-president for upwards of forty. His strong attachment to the Church of England naturally made him take a warm interest in the Society upon which its growth and weltare within the diocese so largely depended. He was not only a regular contributor to its funds, but for thirty- seven years paid the annual premium of a life insurance policy for one thousand dollars in favor of the Society. His public life of over forty years, though cast amid the troublous waters of national politics, and other great movements, was eminently marked by Christian consistency, integiity of conduct, and attractive manner. As a statesman, a citizen, a friend, and a member of our church, he was honored, respected and beloved. His example is worthy of close imitation ; his memory is blessed ; and while we mourn his loss, we rejoice in the humble, but con- fident, hope that he has entered into rest. \i m The resolution on Ijeing put to the meeting was carried unanimously by a standing vote. The hymn, " Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow," was then sung, and during the singing a collection was taken for the general purposes of the Society. It was then on motion of the Very Rev, Dean Partridge, seconded by the Rev. C. £. Maimann, Resolved, That the Society a<;knowledge8 with humble thank- fulness to Almighty God the work it has been permitted to accom- plish during the past sixty years, and commends the duty of sustaining the services of the Church in the rural districts of the Province to all who value the well lieing of our beloved Church in this diocese. The Rev. C. E. Maimann, in the course of the very inter- esting speech in which he seconded the foregoing resolution, referred to the absolute necessity of completing the rectory in his mission of New Denmark before the coming winter, and at the suggestion of Mr. Justice Hanington, a subscription list was opened, and in a few minutes the sum of $175.00 was subscribed for that purpose. The Doxology was sung with much fervour, and this very satisfactory and interesting sixtieth Anniversary Meeting closed with the benediction, pronounced by the Lord Bishop. The Society then adjourned. W. O. RAYMOND, Secretary. H. T. FREDERICTON, President. ^&A i i I 7 "5 s £ I X ■ rH ^^ »^ 135 15 131 80 182642 103 77 140 15 110:145 135141 132110 158637 119 67 ^i^^H -piN^N^HPH^i »-. » «• fc GCb S . c cq K cS o. X : ^ '2 01 *S !« C !« C K-r-* . <• *• ^ <• 2^ '^ ■ § I .2 a b -1^ S?-fi ? s i ^ C5 t* W «• ^ 5§ fflcq^a3Q;3Q62wSaao&. CO 9« i m i aft '^l Q K 12; D H H GC 5r g f>^ 15 •0 5 in P5 Pi i»f i-i ® is t-'^ ccJmSSS c«i SS 3i«iM»mui«8ojAja8i ^2 :i;^2?S§S SSS*^® '■aSvaosjvji <-• ; »^ . ^m ,-«,-( _( CO ObOP ssss c" s c 58 « .— ^ ^;=; O U B '4' ^ ■ M S M 0) s> Q 2 — lis - * a t « § ■> iffri A f^ oj ^ J- c a; a >» C B 0) v « O ;< g 1^. ::: § •- 3 aj > ^" j^ ''■•• ■ 99 ;sr- ^ {2 X ^ S ?? i"- 'c2 CC tffl X ^vt s5 s4" 8 ^ S S i:: S? 53 S •A 5 CT Fi i-7Sf SSS'^.o %3 iSS ^ Si ^ iglJSgsMSisiag" g'^s ^ ^H ^H ^^ »M »H 1^ 1-^ ^N ^H ^N »i^ s P-4 • * * p4 ; •- -H cH • ,^ fH ^^ ^^ fH • • ; ^N ^^ ^H ; ^< • • . ;iM^ :.'':'"': : -."^^ ■ •'MOaiMWCOOO « • • eo »^ 1-H • PH 1^ • • • • ■ - rH 1^ • 1-^ ^H iN • Vi • wH • p^ ^^ >1 ^H (FM 'M<- ^ fi •« s ee 0) Ph^ >> 5? B o? 1^ .''0 • CO) • s« : c-^ ^ !2 i-^,' X ^ > ft ft H I3 4J I flj fl5 *; *H t; • 5Cio s* 5 c eS ^'S _ „ t4 fcl ^ ce 3 S S § ^ 4( 100 i Up 9w lii, injff'*-' Mt 'mSt "j ^m 'BR''^ 'i' >^ i!l g < Kn' PU ■ill sc Iwili S5 ■Bv^ O ^HHhn'nt HN "^Binlf OS HHm:^|| OS HBlHwj ^M lijl ^ nil tf Mi |;i o ip>'/!| K m § D H lawS 8 3 n niojj UBd* ^aaqinna III joj BuonnqiJiaoo tnoj; suioaai spuvq qainqo inojj amooai 4» 53§ S5 « s 1 sc 86 86 — TC •Si S i 5 9^ ■8J3q»«aX '8 'S ^o:>^M • ■ OC 90 93 •ivoi ^ami J^uinii IBIOJ, ■8)inpv 'B^irajai ■ 1-1 :^ 00 :xeo (N "00 1-1 ■^t-0Q00XO»l--ffl9P'^ ^ c^N 1-t 1-iW 1-1 be S J » Si s -i^l : 5» _r ti> ■13 S sa c 0i: JS o >>^ X 4 « c b :e cS a u Jgmjg j 1 = H «» s8 ^«,« {2" m 88 8 S sss § 8 •: 9 1 S s "ti 2. I. a > ttd ii al 3 ^6 I a a -g -fl * 5 - H ^ ** a s ^4 5= => ^1 ai; 81 CO ^-•^^tSd 60 ^ ^ V a % « ^ t^g «_q • ^ b OS, ^.d ^»: a I piW (3 I eS •OCQ •§ . c^:^a £ a« « - •s-a I j-S a P gQ O _;. . O «2 b52; « Kd 5 la :h s « mt S* . o . 105 ii Beg §1 ^1» « a 1 S-o-fciS = i«||l 111! P-»-9. 3^ »--•«- £•' go cc 5^( OQ 8 5 "^ 5 lilies H agtf^ ^ Hil^ ^•5C5 !^5 P^ ". §o li^ 09 h'^IM lie CC r1 .<>'^dQJ^ OHO ill il Isjrf S S S S^ Gil »^ S fl e Pdi^: PQ :H isS a .• MC9 s;i _« c r^rf PQ ^ S ^4^^ Ma w is -ct .8|o t « 5 — H ;5s J is' ^^^^^p:^^^ ,/" m. I 106 APPENDIX B. I^eport of the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Church Society for the year entfmg 30th Jiuie, 1896. The Committee met in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Moncton, July 5, 1895, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop in the Chair. An abstract of the proceedings at this meeting will be found on pages 117-119 of the last annual report of the Society, to which your Committee beg leave to refer as part of their present report. October 9, 1895. A meeting of the Committee was held in the Society's room at St. John, at 3.30 p. m., this date, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop in the Chair. The Printing Committee reported that the annual reports of the Society had been printed by Messrs. Barnes & Co., in a very satisfactory manner and the reports forwarded to the clergy of the several parishes for distribution. The bill of Barnes & Co. for printing and distributing the reports was ordered to be paid. On motion, duly seconded, it was ordered that the Secretary's bill of $9.70 for postage, stationery, printing, etc., for the past twelve months, be paid. The Treasurer presented and read his quarterly balance sheet, which was, on motion, received and placed on file. January 8, 1896. A meeting of the Committee was held at the residence of the Lord Bishop, Fredericton, at 1 1 a. m. this date. The Treasurer's quarterly balance sheet was presented and read, and placed on file. 107 On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That John Black, M.P.P., and Mr. A. F. Street, be a committee to prepare a petition to the Legislature in accord- anc« with the resolution passed at the last Anniversary meeting of the Society (see p. 98 Report for 1895), with regard to the bill transferring the property, real and personal, of the Society to the Diocesan Synoe cheerfully given. Trusting that I may in the future be able to render some service to your Ijordship and the Society, I remain, yours sincerely, George E. Fairweather, Treasurer. It was moved by G. Sidney Smith, seconded by James S. Beek, That this Committee hears with regret the resignation of Mr. Fairweather, and in accepting the same begs leave to express the \ ery warm appreciation entertained by the Committee of the /oal and fidelity with which Mr. Fairweather for the past fifteen \ eai-s has filled the position of Treasurer of the Society. ■ 110 The resolution upon being put to the Committee was carried unanimously by a standing vote. The Bishop reported that he had received applications for the post now rendered vacant by Mr. Fairweather's resignation from W. Emile Smith of Fredericton, Vivian W. Tippet of St. John, and Wm. M. Jarvis of St. John, which applications were read. It was on motion, duly seconded, Resolved, That the Executive Committee do now proceed to the election of a Treasurer by nomination and ballot. The following were then nominated : H. F. Puddington, W. E. Smith, Wm. M. Jarvis. and Vivian W. Tippet. The Cliairman appointed as tellers Rev. C. P. Hanington and Alfred Porter, and upon the ballot being taken the tellers re- ported that W. Emile Smith had received a majority of all the ballots cast. On motion of Mr. A. F. Street, seconded by Judge Haning- tonj it was Jiesolved, That the report of the tellers Vie received, and that W. Emile Smith be declared elected Treasurer of the Society. On motion of G. Sidney Smith, seconded by T. Barclay Rob- inson, it was Resolved, That W. Emile Smith be appointed Secretary- Treasurer of the Clergj' Widows and Orphans Fund. It was on motion of Jndge Hanington, seconded by G. Sid- ney Smith, Resolved, That the Treasurer be required to furnish security for Ihe faithful performance of his duties in such sums and in such manner as shall be satisfactory to the Finance Committee, and that upon his furnishing such security the funds, securities and papers of the Society in the control of the late Treasurer be transferrr«d by him to the present Treasurer. On motion of H. L. Sturdee, seconded by Judge Hanington, it was Further Resolved, That on the aforesaid security being given by Mr. W. K Smith, to the satisfaction of Che Finance Com- mittee, the said Finance Committee be authorized to notify the banks where the securities of the Society are, to deal with and HI recognize the said Mr. Smith as Treasurer of the Society, instead of Mr. Fairweather, the late Treasurer, resigned. A bill submitted by the Committee on Interesting Sunday Schools in Home Missions and for the promotion of Sunday Schools, amounting to $43.18 was ordered to be paid out of the Contingent Fund of the Society. The following were appointed a committee to make such arrangements as are necessary for the Annual Meetings of the Society in July, viz.: Rev. Canon DeVeber, Rev. Wm. E^atough, Ven. Archdeacon Brigstocke, T. Barclay Robinson, Rev. W. O. Raymond, C. F. Kinnear, I " O. S. Newnham, Alfred Porter, " J. M. Davenport, H. C. Tilley. " J. deSoyres, July 3, 1896. A meeting of the committee was held in Trinity Church schoolroom, at 10 o'clock a. m., this date, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop in the chair. It was, on motion, duly seconded. Resolved, That 3,500 copies of the Annual Report be printed under the direction of a committee, who shall have power to revise the same. i The following were appointed the committee : The Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, Geo. A. Schofield, The Treasurer of the Society, Chas. F. Kinnear, The Secretary of the Society. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That the following do compose the Finance Com- mittee for the ensuing year : The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop, T. Carleton Allen, R. W. Hewson, James S. Beek, W. M. Jarvis, John Blade, C. P. Kinnear, George Burchill, A. F. Street, J. R. Campbell, G. A. Schofield, G. E. Fairweather, G. Sidney Smith, W. S. Fisher, H. L. Sturdee, A. J. Gregory, The Treasurer. 112 l.ti m It was, on motion, duly Meconded, Besfdved, That W. Eniilo Smith be the Secretary of the Clergy Widows and Orphans Fund. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved^ That the following be the committee on the Inca- pacitated Clergy Fund for the ensuing year : The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop, i / The Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev. O. S. Newnham, The Lieutenant Governor, " C. P. Hanington, William M. Jarvis, George A. Schoiield. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolvedy That the following be the Glebe Land Committee for the ensuing year : The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop, G. E. Fairweather, T.B.Robinson, W. 8. Fisher, Geo. A. Schofield, Hurd Peters, H. li. Sturdee. It was, on motion, duly seconded, Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the neces- sary expenses connected with the Annual Meeting of the Society, when duly certified by the Committee of Arrangements. On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That the following be the committee on the Fund for the Education of the Children of the Clergy, any four to form a quorum : The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop, The Very Reverend Dean Partridge, The Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev. (Jeorge E. Lloyd, W. S. Fisher, " J. M. Davenport, Alfred Porter, George E. Fairweather, T. B. Robinson, William M. Jarvis, G. A. Schofield. It was, on motion, duly seconded. Resolved, That the Finance Committee be authorized to renew the lease of the Society's rooms in the Orange Hall build- ing, Germain street, in the city of St. John, for the ensuing year, and that the Treasurer of the Society be authorized to pay the rent quarterly. St will print 113 On motion, duly seconded, it was RcHitlvfd, That the following he a committee on the Clerjry Widows and Orphans Fund : The Right Reverend the Ijord Bishop, The Very Reverend Dean Partridge. Rev. O. S. Newnham, G. A. Schofield, " W. O. Raymond, W. M. Jarvis, W. Emile Hmith, Secretary. Mr. George E. Fairweather presented and read the following report : 7V) the Right Reverend the Lord Jiinhftj) and the Erecutice Cotn- mittee of the Diocesan Church Society : I beg to submit my accounts, with vouchei-s, from the 19th May last, the date of closing the accounts for the year 1895- 1896, to the 3rd June last, being the date of my resignation of the office of Treasurer. Balance in Bank of New Brunswick, $820.50. Yours respectfully, Georp.e E. Fairweavher. St John, N. B., July 18U6. This supplementary account submitted by Mr. B'airweather, will be found appended to the accounts for the past year as printed in this annual report of the D. C. S. All of which is respectfully submitted, Signed on l^ehalf of the Executive Committee, W. O. RAYMOND, Secretary. 114 APPENDIX C. I 1^. Reports of the Finance Conmittee. (1.) To the Riyht Reverend the Pretritlent, and to the Executive Com- mittee of the Diocesan Church Society : The Finance Committee beg to report the following transac- tionH since their appointment in July lant. 1. A lot of land on the Loch Lomond Road, being part of the MisH D. B. Hazen trust, has l)een wld to James Desmond for ^50. The conveyance has been executed and the money paid. 2. Mr. George F. Baird continues to hold the Chesley lease- holds at the rent of $100.00 per annum, while the property is idle. 3. The total amount of the bequest from the late Rev. Alfred H. Weeks was $3,808.52, which sum has been paid over by Mr. Weeks' executors to the Treasurer. 4. St. Peter's Trust, Derby, debentures have been paid off, and the funds invested in University of Mount Allison 4% de- bentures. 5. The James T. Hanford Trust has been invested in University of Mount Allison 4% debentures. Debentures for $500, $500 and $400 have been paid off and there is now on deposit in the Bank of Nova Scotia the sum of $12,000.00, together with the Rev. James Neales Trust fund of $2,920.00, all at 3^%. Respectfully submitted, J. ROY CAMPBELL, Secretary. St. John, N. B., SOtb March, 1806, W. M. JARVIS, Chaimnan. 5. paid c • 6. wick 7. Rev. Churc the in< St. John, off, de- in for iw on 0.00, 10.00, an. 115 (2.) To the Rlijhi Reverend the President and to the Kuerntive Com- mittee of the Diocenan Church Society : The Finance Committee Ijeg to report the following tran.s- actions Hince their last report. 1. That the sum of $500.00 has >)een paid in Wy the execu- tors of the estate of the late Mrs. Alice Vernon. 2. That the sum of ^ 1000.00 has been paid in to the (}en- eral Purposes Fund from the estate of the late Mr. Edward H. Wilmot. 3. That Mr. Jonas Clarkson has handed to the Society the sum of $1900.00 in trust to pay the income to his daughter during her life, and on her death to divide the same between the clergyman serving St. Thomas' Church, Stanley, and the clergy- man serving the church of St. Mary the Virgin, New Maryland, subject to certain kumUI expenditures to be made by the said clergymen. This sum of $1900.00 has been invested in three City 4 per cent debentures, due 1912, and the balance, $400.00, deposited in the Bank of New Brunswick at 3^ per cent, all with Mr. ClarkscHi's approval. 4. Mr. George F. Baird paid the rent ($100.00) under the Chesley leases up to 1st May last, and has surrendered the leases to the Society. The old buildings on the premises are to be removed, and the property roughly fenced in. 5. Provincial debenture No. 70, ($500.00), has been paid off. 6. $3000.00 has been deposited in the Bank of New Bruns- wick at 3^ per cent. 7. $160.00 has been paid in to a fund to be known as the Rev. J. Frederic Carr Fund, for the endowment of St. Peter's Church, Kingsclear. When the principal amounts to $200.00 the income is to be paid to the rector of that church. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. M. JARVIS, J. ROY CAMPBELL, Chairman. Secretary. St. John, N. B., June 8, 1806. m M 116 APPENDIX D. 'i:'i Auditors' Report. To the Riyht Reveromi the Lord Jiinhop of the Dineene and th«' General Ctnnmittee of the Dioceman Church Swiety of New Jirnrmwirk : The undersigned Auditors of the above Society beg leave to fepprt as follows : We have carefully examined the accounts of Mr. George E. Fairweather, Treasurer, up to 19th May ultimo, and find the same to be correct. Hatisfactoiy vouchers for all payments have been furnished by the Treasurer, and he has afforded us every facility in the discharge of our duties. AH the securities belonging to or held in trust by the Society have been submitted to our inspection, and we have carefully examined them and find that they correspond with the items set forth in the financial statements of the Treasurer. These securities are contained in two tin boxes, one of which is deposited in the Bank of New Brunswick and the other in the Bank of Nova Scotia. Each box has two locks, and access can he had to them only by the Treasurer of the Society and the chairman of the Finance Committee, acting jointly, each of them having separate keys. Respectfully submitted, St. John, N. B., June 12, 1896. JAS. S. BEEK, I G. SIDNEY SMITH, / Auditors. 117 APPENDIX E. Treasurer's Report. To the Riifht Reverend the Lord H'mhojmnd the frenertif Committet of' the Dutcesan Churrh Snrieti/. The Treasurer WjjfB leave to report upon the accounts for the year ending on the nineteenth day of May, A. I). 1H90, which have been duly audited, an followH : The balance to credit of General Purposes Account for the year 1894-95, as per Report 1895, pa^e 158, was #27 i)7 The present year shows a balance to credit of 322 62 There has been paid out — For Missionary Grants 823,337 75 S. P. G. 'Pensions 976 00 Officers' salaries 600 00 Contingencies 590 40 And there has been received — From S. P. G. Grants 4,493 59 Contributions 12,745 24 " special 3,712 78 Hazen Trust ground rents 805 83 Children's Mission Fund 197 11 Sale of reports 5 00 Interest received — From Chipman Trust $2,205 00 Merritt Trust 226 00 Gordon Trust 204 00 General Investments 4,105 75 $6,740 75 < >f which there has been paid to credit of sundry funds $ 2,901 20 Sundry funds 102 00 And to General Purposes Account 3,737 55 • $6,740 75 ii 118 Interest from Trust Funds held for parishes has been paid as follows : Wheten Trust $120 00 St. Peter's (Derby) Trust 24 00 Westfield Trust 132 00 St. George and Pennfield 64 00 Rev. James Neales Trust 129 62 Hanford Trust 48- 00 7 62 The Frances E. West Trust has a balance to credit of $78 10 There was a balance to debit of the Scovil Trust as per report 1895, page 168 Paid Missionary at Cambridge Taxes, insurance, ground rent, etc. One year's rent oi building $350 00 Balance to debit of Missionary Grants, . . 90 02 $39 76 250 00 150 26 $440 02 $440 02 The sum of $1,200 has been added to the capital of the Widows and Orphans Fund, making that ■ fund $32,000 The amount of General Investments, as per state- ment, is $83,279 68 Held for the following Funds : Widows and Orphans Fund $32,000 00 Incapacitated Clergy Fund 29,308 52 Education of the Children of the Clergy Fund 3,000 00 Divinity Scholarship Fund 2,900 00 : Widows and Orphans Special Fund $5,188 25 General Purposes Fund 10,882 91 16,071 16 __- $83,279 6M The Widows and Orphans Special Fund, as per Report 1895, page 184, was $4,980 36 One year's interest at 4 per ecnt 199 20 Donations from Bathurst,*. 8 69 $5,188 25 119 The Incapacitated Clergy Fund a.s per Report 1895, page 18C, was $24,355 00 Amount from I. C. Fund Account. ... 1,145 00 Legacy from Rev. A. H. Weeks 3,808 52 $29^308 52 The I. C. Fund Account Balance, as per Report 1895, page 186, was |1,367 28 , Collections and Donations 23473 Interest on Fund, etc 1,234 00 $2,836 01 There has been paid foi* annuities. . . $700 00 Transferred to Capital of Fund 1,145 00 Balance for Investment 991 01 $2,H 'i6 01 The Balance of Education of the Children of the Clergy Fund Account, as per Report, 1895, page 185, was $603 95 Collections and Donations 121 54 C)ne year's interest on Fund, 120 00 ■ $845 49 Paid out for Grants, $250 00 Transferred to Capital 500 00 Balance 95 49 $845 49 The Capital of this Fund is now $3,000 00 There has been paid from the Divinity Scholarships Fund Account $100 00 Balance remaining is 201 84 The Capital of Fund is 2,900 00 General Purposes Fund balance as per Report, 1895, page 157, was $64,677 85 From sale of land 50 00 Legacy Estate Alice Vernon 500 00 " E. H. Wilmot $1,000 00 . $66,227 85 120 Outfit Loans granted • ^tSOO 00 Balance Account, Report, 1895, page 181 875 00 $1,475 00 Payments made on Account 575 00 Outstanding $900 00 The Roljert Robinson Memorial Endowment Ac- count, balance as per Report, 1895, page 180, was $273 30 Paid Rev. C. A. S. Warneford ; 50 00 Balance on hand. $223 30 T Jonas Clarkson has paid in the sum of $1,900.00 to be held by the Society upon and subject to certain trusts. There has also been paid in the sum of $160.00 towards the formation of a fund for St. Peter's Church, Kingsclear. Bound reports left with the Treasurer for sale, have been placed in the S. P. C. K. Depository by request of the Secretary of the Society — thirty volumes, namely : 1877— 1884, inclusive, 5 1885—1889, " 16 1890-1894, " 9 In closing this my last report, as Treasurer of the Society I beg to thank the Lord Bishop and the members of the Executive Committee, for the hearty endorsement and kindly expression contained in the resolution accepting my resignation of the office of Treasurer ; the very flattering remarks as to my dis- charge of duty, conveyed to me by the Secretary, Rev. W. O. Raymond, are warmly appreciated. I would herein take occasion to gratefully acknowledge the uniform kindness of Mr. George A. Schofield, the esteemed Secre- tary of the Board of Home Missions, during the entire period of my holding office, and to thank him for his valuable assistance and wise counsel always most cheerfully given. Respectfully submitted, GEO. E. FAIRWEATHER, Treasurer. May 19, 1896. 121 APPENDIX F. Report of the Book Depository Committee. letyl iutive ssaion ,f the dis- ,o. ;e the iSecre- jeriod latance lirer. To the Ri(jht Revere.nd the Lord liishop find the General Com- mittee of the Diocesan Church Society of New Jirnnswick : The Book Depository Committee l>eg leave to submit their twenty-second annual report. Sales. — The sales for the year ending 30th April, 1896, in- cluding the " Dawn of Day," amounted to $1091. 2S, as against $1078.83, the amount of sales for the previous year. Importations. — The number of actual importations of goods during the year has been seventeen, as compared with four- teen for the preceding year, but the value of this year's pur- chase has been less by $150.00 than that of last year. This indicates the greater sale of old stock during the year, which your Committee disposed of at reduced prices in order to keep the present stock supplied with the latest and most saleable class of literature. ^^ Dawn of Day." — Seven hundred and fifty copies of this magazine have been 8ubscril)ed for during the year, which is an increase of eighty copies over last year's number. We are glad to see such an advance in the distribution of this admirable publication, and we feel sure that, in time, as our clergy and people become more and more familiar w^ith it, their interest in it will be greater and greater. Grants. — The ui^ual liberality of the Parent Society has been extended to us during the year, and the following parishes or missions have received grants : Kingsclear, £5 for library books ; St. Mary, St. John, £b for library books ; Grand Falls, X30 for building fund of a new church at Four Falls; Andover, £20 for ;i like object at Glenburn ; Addington, £30 for a new church at Dawsonville. And, in addition to these grants, the diocese ha« to acknowledge the gift of a lantern and slides for Church history lectures. if I- ir^ 122 Depository. — The value of the stock on hand at the beginning of the year was .^2358. 30, and that of goods purchased during the year, at selling prices, was $1104.76, making a total of $3463.06. The sales amounted to $1024.37 ; the stock on hand, at the close of the year on the 30th April last, was valued in stock- taking at $2368.22 ; and discounts allowed on old and shop-worn stock were $70.47 ; total $3463.06. Comparing these figures with those of last year, they are much the same in every par- ticular. There is, however, a slight increase in our favour, but noth- ing more than the showing that we are holding our own. But if (and we have a reasonable hope to expect that such will be the case) this condition of affairs continues to develop, we may look forward to the future with a still brighter anticipation of greater results. For when the time comes for the Depository to enlarge its usefulness by importing oth'^r publications than those that come through our Society, the Church people of the diocese will have a wider and, we believe, a better service at their disposal for the supply of all kinds of Church literature and Sunday-school requisites, which at present are beyond the limits of our Depository. In the Committee's report of last year reference was made to the expiration of the lease for the shop on Germain street on the first day of May, 1896. Your Committee now report that they have renewed the lease for a further term of two years, from May 1, 1896, to May 1, 1898, at the same rental of $175 per annum, and that they have again sub-let a portion of the shop to the Auxiliary Bible Society for a like term of two years, at the same rental as before, $50 per annum. Your Committee arranged with the Auxiliary Bible Society to have an exhibit of Bibles and S. P. C. K. publications at the St. John exhibition last fall. The exhibit was as practical as it was timely in the interests of the Depository, for the goods exhibited were allowed to be sold to the public, and a considerable sum was realized from the sales, which covered our share of expenses. The opportunity was timely, if viewed only as an ordinary business advertisement, and was well worth the adventure, as we believe the exhibit contributed to the general benefit of our work. Your Committee express once more the hope that Church- men will give to this most important branch of Diocesan work 123 their united support and patronage. They feel that they have a right to expect such a support from tlie hands of those for whose benefit this Depository is maintained and carried on. The earnest and sincere desire of your Committee is to pro- mote the welfare of the Church in this special department of her work, and to place at the service of our people our own healthy Church literature at the lowest possible cost. It will be interesting here to observe that under our present arrange- ment of business, the prices charged foi* the 8. P. C. K. l)ooks compare most favourably with those charged by other publishing houses, and on the whole our prices are less than theirs. In the working of the Depository all has been most satis- factory. ' The curator and her assistant have continued to discharge their duties to the entire approval of your Committee. Kespectfully submitted, WM. EATOUGH, Secretary. Onbehalf of the Depository Committee. St. John, July 1, 1896. ^y ■I w 124 J'! It hi |!« i ! i i! i i! APPENDIX G. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Boole Depository, 1895-96. J. Roy Campbell, Treasurer, In account with the Book Depository Comtnittee of the I). C S. 1895. Dr. April 30. To Balance (see Report 1895, p. 150), Sales of Books at the Depository, Sales of " Dawn of Day,' Sill icription of Ven. Archdeacon Brig- b oclce to Parent Society, ... .... " Subscription of Rev. John deSoyres to Parent Society, '* Subscription of W. M. .Tarvis, Esq.. to Parent Society, " Rent from Auxiliary Bible Society, 1 year, " Interest on special deposit in Bank of N.B. By paid — Cb. S. P. C. K., London, books, $637 05 " subscriptions as follows ; Ven. Archd'con Brigstocke, 10 23 Omitted to be forwarded in June, 1893, $10.23, P. O. order, 20 cts 10 43 Rev. John deSoyres, . . 10 23 W. M. Jarvis, Esq., ... 5 11 Rev. Wm. Eatough, 5 11 $678 16 2.50 81 62 16 9 82 13 50 $ 779 53 1,024 .37 m 91 10 23 10 '2^i 5 11 50 (X) 20 94 Curator and Assistants, .... Duties, freight and shipping charges. Gas Company, Insurance, Church of England Institute Rent to 30th April, 1898 Printing ana advertising, Postage and expressage " Dawn of Day," Expenses of exhibit at exhibition, . . Postaji.os and sundries, Balance, 175 00 17 50 8 02 22 13 13 00 717 13 Examined aud found correct. St. Joha, N. B., 36th June, 1896. $1,967 32 $1,967 32 W. M. JARVIS, \ Auditors T. B. ROBINSON ^^»*«*fo'«- . } Stock 125 Stock aud Sales. On hand Ist May, 1805 $2,358 30 Imported during year ending 30th April, 1896, 1,104 7(J From 1st Mav, 1895, to 30th April, 1896, .... ,$1,024 37 - Stock on hand 30th April, 1806 2,:^«8 22 Discounts on old and shop-worn stock from »)th April, 1894, to date 70 47 $3,46;^ 06 $3,463 (MJ Assets : Assets and Liabilities. Stock on hand 30th April, 1896, . . .n IjCss 334 per cent discoimt, $2,368 22 789 40 Furniture in store, $126.30, estimated value, . . Cash on special deposit in Bank of N. B., " current account, " *' Unpaid subscriptions to " Dawn of Day," 1800, $30 00 18J)3, 12 t< t( (i it 1894 25 **' " «f w : , " ISdd, 25 48 $1,578 82 00 00 600 00 117 13 Liabilities 55 85 $2,441 80 Ijo&n from D. C. S., $800 00 Amount due Parent Society, £112 6s. lid. at 10 per cent 549 24 Surplus assets, l,:i40 24 $1,092 m [rJn ■■ mi 32 tors. J. ROY CAMPBELL, Honorary Trcatntrer. St. John, N. B., 26th June, I I 111 % r.'G APPENDIX H. Report of the Committtee on Interesting Sunday-schools In Home Missions, and on the Promotion of Sunday-schools. To the Riyht Reverend the Lord Bishop and the General Committe« of the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick: The Committee beg to submit the following report : The Annual Advent Appeal was issued to the Sunday- schools urging the children to again contribute to the Children's Mission Fund, and for the first time this year en\elopes were distributed along with the appeal, which gave each scholar an opportunity of making a special Christmas offering. Three thousand appeals and the same numljer of envelopes were sent out to all parishes and missions in the diocese. Your Committee did not issue a I.enten Appeal, but sent out postal cards requesting the clergyman or superintendent of each Sun- day-school to remind his children of the season, and to ask them to take missionary boxes as usual for offerings towards the Mission Fund. One thousand and fifty-five boxes were distributed — an increase of three hundred over the number sent out in Lent, 1895. The Committee have much pleasure in being able to report better results of this year's work than any yet presented to this General Committee. While the total amount of all offerings reported for these two seasons of the Christian year only shews an increase of $8.00 over the amount of last year, still the detail shows better work done in the interests of the diocese at large. Parishes and missions reporting oflPerings this year, are fifty as against forty of last year. And parishes and missions reporting offerings to " The Children's Mission Fund" this year, are forty as against thirty- two of last year. There are no reports from fifteen parishes and missions, but seven of these are vacant or have been so during the year, and other reasons explain their absence from Burton, Mauger- ville and Sussex, thus leaving the following from which no Par IS a frate The rty- ons, rear, 127 responsie has l)een recived : Derhy ami Blackville, (}ordon and Lome, Johnston, Petitcodiac, St. David and Westmorland. Your Committee have done everything in their power to make the statement as complete as possible, l)ut all efforts have proved futile to elicit replies from theaV)ove parishes and missions. The t "O . M s? il • o o |o 1 • o o J| . lO o A ^ . CO (M ^ ^ • ««* a IC ■ . a. • I— »c • o • t- ^ o a (M . . »n • «o «o • o» • O O ^1 9 1 1-^ • • -^ • «o o • -^ • sc -ri «» • ^ ^ • •"• f-M f-H ! Children' Fund. w • 5^ <—i t» • O • O OS o ^ • (M • »n • o • -^ »c cc 1- • CC • »n • (M • rj (?! a •o m ^^ F— o -< . H . . . • • • • • ■ • • ; ■ '. • • • • • • • • • • • ^ » r^ i • • • • • • • • i:i;;;;;:;||; •V flj "i*« s « .- 2 • •- » S • •••••• -1 •:£g^ • o B s 1 • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • &4 1 2 'O •g > '^3 <5 CQ -1- 6 6 d £5 & a 130 hi O S9 u u H 50 ^ ^ H GO I 5 S «Gr ^ M 'M l— m Tf »C (M 1— 1 Tl -^ O i- « « I'. «C rj Hi X «o OS ^ o w CO CO « v^ CO CO CO l- C1 A (O ■M t.0 (M C5 "5 ^ o C c rt s 5 «S 5 b a; s J a B s e8 O *3 -♦3 cr J- c ce § 3 c a « !> 3) 0) C :^S;z; -I- * » ^ ill ^ -M -K i:n 1 • 1' < c > o c » to — 1 ( i C o « X r: 1 '^ I'- > r r: ■ • *: « 1^ - - • c > © X ■-- — § o c» o C4 O CC o 1—4 to « ec to §5 OS t- t- . 1— 1 X «M ?C CC 1. 3 - 1 • S a El. • & i. « f o C "2 55 L^ «*N ^^ ^' C ->- a I .2 -y 1 5 I 2 J» X 1$ » 3| :> ^ i s ^ r — '5 o J3 "JS j^ ^- i > XS 13 i^ 15 . ^ T3 ^ c3 2 0) •• a •• e I' 3 c >» « Si > ^c " a S a ^ '5 >^ ^.^--c a. ci^^ ^ H5S 3Q -*3 -fc^ ■** # s S S ^s WP5XX-i-X3Ca! m T^ ^Jl 'II 'Jl Xtl 'Jl -^ Tl m 'Jl il *| 132 fH S H cc c ~ p— c X -+ c « -t ' « CI o 't i "* •S O t^ CC (M J t Ol fM eo ^ 0: 5 «^ f-H i-H r— CO »c ! 1 ? cc c i 1 Sm' €& I fel « o • — * . 0: 1 I-H r:- 6 "^ «>1 X «^ 1 I-H 1 1 m »o o ^ H • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • 5 X S ^ • • • • Ml88 i i B o ^ 3 ■ "^ • • ,-io * • ■ * p^ ^ 1 '^ 1 ■■ ^ .S 1 ¥ i -S ^ 2 1 S ig 1 1 <* X ! -1- - 1— >> :^^ ''^ • -1- :^ :^ » s. At t'ollowi '' 1 Fund, ill son, Juinual The Januar * At( "loved a " Til A. Hi oarc ^laimf lias bf 'laving A. A. Ri( unable ''*^p»t'a ''i(reed 135 to make up the caused hy 6 per new investment Dehhy. The grant was increased $12.00 decreased income from the endowment fund, cent bonds being paid oiF at maturity, the yielding only 4 per cent. GiiKKNWK'H. The old grant of 8700.00 to this parish was renewed from April 1895 to April 1896, on condition of a con- tribution of $430.00 from the people, which was $70.00 more than the contribution of 1893. On April 1st last, the Kev. D.W. Pickett, who has been in charge of the parish for thirty-six years, resigned and made application for a grant from the Fncapacitated Clergy P'und, which the Board are sorry to learn could not 1)6 made as there were no avfiilable funds. Newcastle and Nelson. The Kev. J. H. S. Sweet having resigned this mission, the Board thought it desirable to ascertain if some re-arrangement of work could not l)e made, whereby Derby might be served from Newcastle, so as to provide a resident clergyman for Ludlow, Blissfield and Blackville. The jiarishioners of Newcastle were much opposed to this change, and at their urgent recjuest a grant of $580.00 was made on condition of a contribution of $530.00 for the current year. New Denmark. The Rev. N. M. Hansen having resigned in October last after a service of 19 years, the Rev, C. E. Maimann was ordained on the 1st of March last and has since had charge of the work at New Denmark and (Jrand Falls. A y;rant has been made of $780.00 on condition of a contribution of $350.00. This is a peculiarly difficult work to provide for as it is a necessity at present that the missionary should be able to hold sei vices in both Danish and English. From the testi- mony that has been received from all parts of the mission, the l)oard believe that the position is filled most satisfactorily. Mr. -Maimann writes that a rectory is about to be built near St. Ansgar's Church. Prince William. The amount required from this mission lius been reduced to $265,00, the old debt due by the mission having been satisfactorily arranged. Regular services have only i)Hpn held during July, August and September, when the Rev. A. A. Bryant presented a class of fifty-two for confirmation. RiCHiBUCTo. — It having been stated that the people were unal)le to make up the $411.00 required, the Board sent a ileputation to visit the mission, and on their report it was iii(reed to reduce the amount to $350.00 for the current year. 136 ,., 8JH SpKiNCJFiELD. — The amount required has been reduced !Br)0.00 in con8et|uence of the separation of Norton Station, wliich con- tributed $60.00 a year while served from Springfield, and which is now again united with the Parish of Norton, in which it is situated. Special Gkant, Albert County. -The Board, feeling very strongly the responsibility of allowing this whole county to be without a grant to aid in providing the services of our Church for any who may desire to have them, agreed that they would make a grant of .$700.00 (there being a good rectory), upon con- dition as to contribution to be hereafter arranged. The grant to be put in force so soon as the Bishop can find a suitable nian for the work, Outfit Grants. — The following outfit grants have been made subject to the regulations : Rev. G. L. Freebern 8150 00 Rev. C. E. Maimann 250 00 Rev. Alfred Bareham 200 00 Divinity Students. A grant of $100.00 was made to the Bishop to defray expenses of Divinity Students during the sum- mer months under the direction of his Lordship. The following sums have been paid on this account : Oct. 14.— H. A. Cody $50 00 Oct. 8.— E. W. Gardner 50 00 Divinity Scholarship. A grant of $150.00 was made to Mr. H. A. Cody out of the income of this fund. Deputations. Deputations from the Board have visited Greenwich, Hampton, Richibucto and Weldford during the past year. Clerc^y Stipend Augmentation Fund. At the suggestion of the Bishop, the Board appointed a Committee to pi'epaie rules for a fund to provide for the augmentation of the stipends of the Clergy. Under the operations of the present rules of the Society the maximum stipend to a missionary in an aided mis- sion, will soon in no case exceed $700.00 with a house, or $780.00 without a house. It is felt by every one that some eflFort should be made to increase that small stipend at least in the case of those clergy who have served -many years in the diocese. The Committee prepared rules for the government of the fund which were adopted by the Board, and are now sub- 137 nutted to the General Committee for their approval. Until the General Committee or tlie Society order otherwise, the manage- ment of the fund will be entrusted to the lay members of the Board of Home Missions with the Bishop of the diocese. Up to this time, subscriptions of ^150.00 to be used as income under Rule 1, have been received. A layman has also offered ^1000.00 toward a capital for the fund, which he will pay as soon as other subscribers are found. The Board heartily commend the fund to the diocese. Monthly Payment by the Society of Stipends of Clerc;y. In December last, the Board issued the following circular to the churchwardens of all missions receiving grants from the Society : (Copy of Circular.) St. John, N. B., Deceml)er, 1895. Dear Sh — The Board of Home Missions have felt for some time that it was a real hardship that the stipends of the clergy should only be paid quarterly. It necessarily compels some of them to incur debts and increases the cost of living. It was the custom some years ago in business establishments to pay quar- terly, but this was changed to monthly, and long since became weekly in the great majority of cases. The Board think an effort should be made to pay all the stipends of the Clergy monthly, and I am instructed to ask the churchwa. ' as of all aided missions if they will arrange, after first Juiy next, to make the parish payments monthly, if the Society agrees to pay monthly. The Board is fully convinced that after once the new plan has been put into working order, it will be better for the parish, the Society and the clergy. It will require a little effort, but it will add much to the comfort of the clergy. Please let me know what you think of the proposal. I am. Yours sincerely, Geo. a. Schofield, Secretary. The Board were not a little surprised that only eight parishes answered this communication. They are confident that the proposed change would greatly benefit the clergy, without being in any way to the disml vantage oi the Society or contrary to its rules. They recommend that p fc' (S*? -II 'Cfe' M If! 138 when the schedule for the coining year is adopted, the General Committee authorize the Treasurer to pay monthly instead of *iuarterly as heretofore. They express the hope that wherever it is practicable the missions should pay monthly to the Society, although they realize that ditiieulties which cannot at once be overcome may prevent this being universally done for some time to come. Committee on the Needs op the Diocese. The Board ap- pointed a committee, as authorized by the General Committee last July, and their report is suiimitted herewith. Annual Statement for S. P. G. The Board submit here- with a copy of the statistical statement furnished to the Vener- able Society for the Propagation of the Gospel for 1895. A comparison with the return for 1894 shows an increase of 348 communicants, !$3.502.00 in offertory collections, and $5361.00 in amount raised for Church purposes. S. P. G. Grant. For the year 1896 the grant has been reduced £100 sterling, and is now £750 as against .£2860 in 1868. This is another call to the Diiture, 1896-7. Expenditure: * Contingencies, . . .... .... 8 600 00 S. P. G. Pensions, ' 488 00 Salaries, .... .... .... 600 00 (irants to Aided Misitions, now occupied, 2,'J,394 00 " (irants to Aided Missions, now vacant, . . 2,600 00 (Jrants to Lay Readers, .... .... 150 00 827,832 00 Income : Balance on hand 1st May, 1896, $ 322 00 S. P. (i., October to December, 1896, three months, at c£750 per annum; January to September, 1897, nine months at ^£675 per annum, 3,360 00 Chipman Trust, Interest, ' 2,200 00 Merritt " " , 226 00 Hazen " " ... 700 00 Gordon " " 102 00 (Jeneral Interest, 1,300 00 Contributions from Aided Missions, now occupied, . . .... .... 12,799 00 Contributions from Aided Missions, now vacant, .... .... .... 1,330 00 Children's Missionary Fund, 197 00 -S22,536 00 Required from Self-supporting Missions, ),296 00 ^i ?^J^ Paid by Self-supporting Missions, 1895-6, J, 760 OO ri ' 140 o z HI Q. Q. < oe qsjnqojojpMtvj ■urns Mn%o 'spavq qojnqo 'saoDOanoQ io?j»uo s^astnMopaa ■a^aaH msj ■pazndve 'pauuyaoQ '8)a«o|anaitnoo o o t>. »o o o O O lO !M o o o o «o «c> o o O »C ^ Oi X (M X f-H t» (M I— • (M i-H OS !•<. O O 5>T_ ■^ lO *>• O O "»** €^ X O »0 'ti O O O 'M C^ (M r-4 (M O o o CO o o o o f-H (M (M (M ■«*« t- CO Tj< X (M r— I -H ^H o o o o CO 'M O O Ci o © o O . 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I— < If O > > C 4* X (M O X • C O '-' (M • ^ > X 5 C5 ^ p- 1 If 5 • t^ . . c • • 1 '' 1 - 1 u lO t^ O O O Oi O O »0 O "M ^- o ri 'M 1— I I'" Tj4 lo t>- »c ■^ t- -^ -^ «o »— i-« r-< I— I fM o o C5 O UO Ol »c o X o o o ^ o M C5 OS < CO Ci J OS O "co" 't (M CI 'o'o o o OS t^ b- I— I 1 OS I— I ' <>) lO , O iC I CO X . »+ — r CO o ^ I'io O > O t^ ' CI .-' l>- o O X «o «> ?o OS -^ t^ (M X O O iri o 44 ^ • a • M rs T, - — X ^ I— I cS 2 --• a -iZ? u-nns'u lO "^ CO OS OS OS XXX 5, . ^ 'sb M X a ••- ti .2 «S a ^ 90 ,^ ss a,.s U d V V 0) -S v:xaDi»XH>>^^^^^P^ ■M^5TI»»o«o^>.xosO'-•(^^cO'* I A c^ ^^ ^»» •• ^^ V) X Ti S 5 5 ?1 36 SJ ri OS li^ «» Vi — M •/. 2 W c r i ;: s , s X il^l\c 1 ^^ S"^ i? w «M . O p s i 1 1, ^«** >• Jl S 2 S « ^J ? . '^ ^ ^ c «^ Pij Si u i- i. S g H C 1-1 9^ 5 c » ^ '^ w rj "f -5 h %i £2S X a 3 s .£ l^JS S'B'O S SCSI'S?" ■^ T^fi «'3 B s a a s n flj .^ mm m* m^ «^ ^* *^ r.!i i,i ?<** 144 APPENDIX M Report of the Committee on the Needs of the Diocese, June 2, 1896. To the Lord Bishop and the Board of Home Missions : The Committee on the Needs of the Diocese beg leave to report that they met in the rooms of the Church of England In stitute on November 25, 1895, at five o'clock, p. m. There were present the Venerable Archdeacon Neales, Rev. H. Mont- gomery, Rev. L. A. Hoyt, W. S. Fisher, C. N. Vroom, T. B. Robinson and H. C. Tilley. The needs of the diocese were discussed by all present. Rev. H. Montgomery was elected chairman and H. C. Tilley secretary. It was moved and seconded that a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman, Mr. Geo. A. Schofield, and Mr. J. Roy Campbell, be appointed to draft a letter to the clergy of the dioeese regarding the special needs of the diocese, in- cluding in it the advisability of the appointing of a Diocesan Missioner. A second motion was then moved, seconded and carried, that the names of the Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, W. 8. Fisher and the Secretary, be added to the above named com- mittee, with power to act for the general committee in future. The Secretary was then authorized to call together the com- mittee when sufficient replies had been received from the circular letter to warrant it. Since the holding of this meeting the committee met and the Secretary read over the replies from different parishes, from which only eleven were received. The replies to the circular letter were, in nearly every case, favorable to the securing of a Diocesan Missioner, taking for granted that the right person be secured. The clergy who re- plied seemed very anxious that some one be sent among them to awaken a deeper interest in spiritual and Church affairs. 145 Some have iisktH] for a deputation to visit their pariHlies for tlie purpose of putting l)efore their people the speoial needs of the C'huroh in the locality, and others have asked for information regarding ttie formation of a chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Your Committee were disappointed at receiving so few an- swers to their circular letter. As the objects set forth were for the lienefit of the different parishes in the diocese, they felt that liy getting an opinion from each parish on the «|uestions set forth therein, it would be the means of helping forward the work of our Church, and in so doing would awaken its members to the responsible position which they as Churchmen are called upon to occupy. All of which is respectfully submitted. ^i m H. MONTGOMERY, H. C. TILLEY, Secretary. Chairman, St. John. N. B , June si, 1896. •?-..f ; m 146 Real Estate, Funds and Debentures held by the Society in Trust May 1st, 1896. Brick Build'g, St. John— Scovil Trust, Debentures Widows and Orphans Fund, " Special Fund, . . . Incapacitated Clergy Fund, Education of Children of Clergy Fund, Divinity Scholarships Fund, Wheten Trust, St. Peter's Church Trust, . St. George and Pennfield Endowment, . . ... Mrs. R. C. Gordon Trust, . West Trust, .... . . . Westfield Trust, " James T. Hanford Trust, " Jonas Clarkson Trust, In Bank, Rev. James Neales Trust, . . . St. Peter's, Kingsclear, « « « « <« « « $ 6,000 00 S 350 00 32,000 00 1,280 00 5,188 25 207 52 29,308 52 1,172 32 i-'lii . 3,000 00 120 00 2,900 00 116 00 . 2,000 00 120 00 600 00 24 00 . 1,600 00 64 00 . 3,400 00 204 00 400 00 16 00 . 2,200 00 132 00 . 1,200 00 48 00 . 1,900 00 76 00 . 2,920 00 102 20 160 00 rJ4,776 77 $4,032 04 147 General Purposes Fund. Amount as per Report 1H95, page 157, . . ... Dec. 20, 1895. Sale of land to James Desmond, . Mair. 26, 1896. Estate Alice Vernon legacy, . . . Apr. 30, 1896. " E. H. Wilmot " S64,677 85 50 00 500 00 1,000 00 $66,227 85 Represented as follows : (ienerai Investments, . . . . $10,882 91 I^an to S. P. C. K., 800 00 , Chipman Trust, .... ' 10,000 00 Merritt " 3,900 00 Hazen ** .... 12,500 00 Cash Account, .... 2,840 87 Loans, .... .... 900 00 * ■ Dumfries, .... .... 20 40 Westfield Trust Account, . . 24 00 71,868 18 •!* Less balances due the following accounts : (Jeneral Purposes Account, . . $ 288 45 -\ . ■ f ■ ■■ W. and 0. Fund 303 28 I. C. Fund " . . 991 01 Education of the Children of X '■ _] ■ ' the Clergy Fund Account, 95 49 Divinity Scholarships Fund Account, .... .... 201 84 (Mebe Tiands Trust, .... 792 29 West Trust, 78 10 Robinson Memorial Endow- ment, .... .... 223 30 V^acant Missions Acct., 1893, 243 85 Wheten Trust, 80 00 Clergy Stipend Augmenta- tion Fund, .... .... 150 00 •1. Clarkson Trust, .... 1,900 00 ..?- . >^t. Peter's Church, Kings- I'lear, .... .... 160 00 Children's Mission Fund, . . 132 72 $5,640 33 $66,227 85 ^I r - 'li : 148 ft' M General Purposes Account. Dr. To Yearly Grants, . . " 8. P. G. pensions, " Officers' salaries, . . •' Contingent expenses, " Balance, .... $23,337 75 976 00 600 00 590 40 322 62 $25,826 77 Cr. By Balance, Report '95, p. 158, .. $ 27 67 ■ Lai " Sale of Report's, .... 5 00 ■ Mu " S. P. G. grants, . . 4,493 59 H Ne " Hazen Trust Income, .... 805 83 H Xe' '* Contributions, .... .. 12,642 74 H Xe^ Stai *oft acta 77 H Spri ^m Sini< H St. ,■ . H ,.....,. . i H H 1 ^Ph 1 ^^^'^ 1 ^Vut 149 Mlsgionary Grants, 1895 -96. Addington, Andover, .... ... Bathurst, .... ... Bay du Vin, Bay Verte. Cambridge, . . Campobello, Canterbury, Derby and Blackville, . Douglas and Bright, . . . Gagetown, Greenwich, Grand Manan, Gordon and Lome, . . . Johnston, ... Kiiigsclear and Ludlow, Lancaster, ... Musquash, ... Newcastle and Nelson, . New Maryland, New Denmark, Petitcodiac, Petersville, Prince William, Queensbury, Uichibucto, Richmond, Stanley, ... Springifield, Simonds, ... St. Marys, St. David, St. George, St. Martins, Cpham, ... Weldford, ... NVaterford, $520 00 670 00 625 00 700 00 325 00 505 50 700 00 300 00 €75 00 700 00 582 00 570 00 551 25 880 00 700 00 750 00 700 00 633 33 531 66 200 00 430 00 692 00 6^0 00 186 50 700 00 48 33 700 00 525 00 680 00 975 00 738 00 700 oa 740 00 700 00 525 00 466 66 700 00 ri 150 Westfield, .... Wicklow, .... Woodstock and Wakefield, Lay Readers — E. W. Gardner, H. A. Cody, .... .$50 00 50 00 150 00 780 00 262 50 Amount to credit of Scovil Income Account, S. P. O. Pensions. . 1 April, 1H95, to 1 April, 1896. To Mrs. F. Coster, .... .... .... '' Mrs. N. A. Coster, . . .... .... " Rev. E. A. Warneford, .... .... Officers' Salaries. 1 April, 1895, to 1 April, 1896. Rev. W. O. Raymond, Secretary, Geo. E. Fair weather, Treasurer, 100 00 90 02 $23,337 75 $244 00 244 00 488 00 1976 00 $100 0(1 500 OU 1600 0i» 151 Contingencies. 1895. June 5 13 To V. W. Tippet, copying, .... " Barnes & Co., .... . . . . 20 " B. N. B. rent of Box, 22 July 6 " V. W. Tippet, copying, . . . . " Moncton meeting, . . . . 11 " J. & A. McMillan, 27 " Emerson tt Fisher, box, . . . . Aug. 9 " Rent of rooms, .... . . . . 20 Oct. 4 " E. J. Armstrong, printing, . . " Barnes & Co., .... . . . . 9 9 " Secretary, expenses, . . . . " Barnes & Co., Report, . . . 23 " B. N. 8., rent of Box, Nov. 6 '* Rent of rooms, .... . . . . 27 Dec. 11 " E. J. Armstrong, printing, " R. Hunter, 1896. tlan. 31 Feb. 1 " " Glolie," printing, " Rent of rooms, .... ... Mar. 11 31 *' E. J. Armstrong, " Barnes & Co., .... ... Apr. 8 23 " Copying, '* Barnes & Co., .... ... 27 May 7 " G. A. Knodell, printing, . . . " Rent of rooms, .... 13 *' Barnes & Co., .... 16 " E. J. Armstrong, . . ... 18 " Postage, etc., .... ... • • • • $ 1 50 15 75 5 00 10 00 10 00 11 50 5 00 31 25 2 25 8 84 9 70 322 62 10 00 31 25 3 25 2 41 6 75 31 25 9 00 2 00 2 25 75 3 00 31 25 3 50 2 25 18 08 $590 40 p- -'li •J* 1 ? fin ■ -'J' h 'f. 1% i tf h ./.. M y , I « 1 ;• 4 ? 4 '.} .i d 152 Reports. 1877 to 1884 10 in hand as per Report, 1889, page 146. (Secretary 1 1 in Bank N. B. 1 (( Cash 2 = 5 1885 to 1889 Secretary 1 in Bank N. B. 1 Cash 2 1890 to 1894 Seci'etary 1 in Bank N. B. 1 = 4 Cash 1 = 3 20 5 in hand, copies. 16 in hand. 12 copies. 9 in hand. Cash, 82 00 Cash, $2 00 Cash, $1 00 .1?5 00 S. P. G. Grants. 1895. June 29 By Bill, £237 10s. Od. Oct. 4 '« " 237 10s. Od. 1896. Jan. 3 " " 237 10s. Od. Mar. 31 " " 212 10s. Od. . 81,153 78 . 1,152 46 . 1,155 10 . 1,032 25 $4,493 59 Hazen Income Account. To Rent collected, .... 1895. June 22 Survey and plans, July 27 " " Sept. 18 City Taxes, Oct. 30 Water Rates, Dec. 21 Simonds Taxes, . . Apr. 2 Rothesay ** Mar. 10 H. B. Smi^h, deed, etc.. May 11 J. R. Campbell, surrender, etc General Purposes Account, . • • • • ^ 5 25 10 00 237 18 9 80 16 34 1 10 8 50 18 00 805 83 81,112 00 1,112 00 )3 78 52 4(> .55 10 )32 25 112 00 S I I 153 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi^OO OOOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOO'-^OO «ocoec.V' I ^ ao oT • ,2 ^ ? -fl c ffl C £3 53 rs .h 60 M M CD rt~. r^ ^^ ^^ ■ "^ Oi 9i SO cS so Q =5 CD • ^ "*^ •*" i_2 Wy 'S . S "" •" ^ toiia 3 Tl 5. S^5. . a a d « ifs CO 4> ;§■ 6wpa iSS^ii^ $- a •SiS 33 5 o ^^ P4P5Q 164 Contributions flroiu Aided Missions, 1805-96. . i, Addington, 8336 59 Andover, 301 75 Bathurst. 315 00 Bay du Vin, 305 00 Bay Verte, 150 00 Cambridge, 220 00 Cainpol)ello, ..... 425 00 CanteHbury, 157 50 Derbj and Black ville, 344 65 Douglas and Bright, 330 00 Gagetown, 335 00 Greenwich, 305 00 Grand Manan, 236 25 Gordon and Lome, 337 50 Johnston, 381 25 Kingsclear and Ludlow, 480 00 Lancaster, 450 00 Musquash, 285 83 Newcastle and Nelson, 475 34 New Maryland, 187 50 New Denmark, 147 50 Fetitcodiac, 311 25 Petersville, 380 00 Prince William, .... . 143 75 Queensbury, 251 25 Hichibucto, ..... 137 00 Richmond, 490 00 Stanley, 288 75 Springfield, 400 50 Simonds, 406 25 St. Marys, .... 528 75 St. David 410 00 St. George, ..... 590 00 St. Martins, . 400 00 Upham, ...... 288 75 Weldford, 200 83 Waterford, ... . 300 00 Westfield, 89 00 Wicklow, 360 00 Woodstock and Wakefield, ...... 262 50 812,745 24 155 1, Contributions firom Self-supportingr Missions or Parishes and otlier Special Contributions, 1895-00. Burton, ... Chatham, Carleton, Dalhousie, Dorchester, Fredericton, Hampton, Kingston, Maugerville, Norton, New Maryland,. . . Studholm, Sackville, ... Shediac, St. Andrews, St. James, St. John, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. Mary, St. Paul, St. John Baptist, . Victoria, Westmorland, . . . Anonymous, 67 40 36 62 19 00 32 54 212 80 220 16 59 00 •> 50 31 58 12 00 3 64 9 85 12 50 30 75 220 75 7 00 876 96 138 20 3 00 40 05 373 10 238 54 30 66 26 70 7 48 $3,712 78 150 Cliildreu*8 Mission Fuiid Account. !i' W 1895. June 10 8t. John, 28 Greenwich. 28 St. Paul July 4 4 Kingston, Sackville, . 5 13 MuH^uash, Moncton, June 6 July 5 Stanley, . . St. Paul, . . Aug. 21 29 Dec. 30 St. Paul, . . St. Marys, BathurHt, 31 Victoria, 1896. Jan. 1 Bathurst, . . 4 Andover, . . . 7 14 Springfield, Victoria, 17 20 20 Kingston, . . Kingsclear, Petersville, 22 22 4 5 8 15 Douglas, .... Gagetown, . . St. George, . . St. John Baptist, Hampton, . . Moncton, . . Mar. 13 25 Apr. . 6 13 Hamptons • • . Campobello, St. George, Newcastle, 22 Dalhousie, May 4 5 Victoria, Woodstock, 12 Gibson, 12 St. John Be iptist, 863 54 2 00 15 51 4 44 4 00 8 81 27 87 8 75 1 20 53 5 15 6 11 3 40 1 00 3 03 4 20 80 3 31 3 0J> 3 62 2 00 12 59 3 50 4 56, 4 37 6 30 7 08 3 27 4 45 10 75 10 65 12 00 22 06 3 27 12 74 157 May 1 5 Moncton, . . 1 6 Stanley, .... 18 Greenwich,. . 835 00 9 92 o 14 Paid Rev. W. EatougVi, Secretary, sundry expenses, .... .... . . . . S 40 Or> General Purposes Account, .... .... 197 1 1 Balance one-third Account, .... 98 55 9336 61 ^336 61 m Interest. Chipman Trust, Merritt " Gordon " General Investments, $2,205 00 226 00 204 00 4,105 75 W. and O. Fund . . 81,232 00 Incapacitated Clergy Fund, .. ..., 1,132 00 Education of the Children of the Clergy Fund, 120 00 Divinity Scholai-ships Fund, .. .... 116 00 W. and O. Special Fund, 199 20 $2,799 20 I. C. Fund, half of Gordon, • • • • ■ • 102 00 $2,901 20 Gen'l Purposes Acct., . , . . $2,205 00 • • • ■ 226 00 « (( 102 00 Gen'l Inrestm'ts, $4,105 75 Less 2,799 20 1,306 55 3,839 .'i.'i $6,740 75 ),740 75 i f'-y » m I \A^ 158 ,'' '! ih Seovll Tnist. The property belonging to this Trust consists of a Brick Build- ing and liftasehold Lot on North Market Wharf, Ht. John. The net proceeds are applicable, under the Will of the late Mr. Hoovil, aa follows ; 8400.00 per annum " towards the support of a resident Clergy- man near St. James's Church, in Cambridge," $24.00 per annum '* towards keeping said Church and premises m repair." Remainder (if any), for the General Purposes of the Society. 1895. Dr. H June 1 Aug. 17 Sept. 18 Oct. 30 30 To balance, . . " E. Bates, repairs, " City Taxes, " Water rate, " Insurance premium, 1 39 76 , 5 31 i 69 35 18 00 27 50 1896. H ^ c May 6 7 " Grc d rent, " E. fc^^phenson, repairs, . . Rev. A. J. A. Gollmer, . . 28 00 2 10 250 00 1 "^ f $440 02 Cr. By one year's rent of building, $350 00 " Amount from Missionary grants, 90 02 140 02 § 159 88S88S88888888S8S88888S88SS888 n 8 fH ^ n 8 8 n 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S ^ 8 ^ ^ SS 8 8 8 $ 8 E (O & •-3 03 ^ to S .-"^ s 1H « •CO <% •%. < ?5 ?i d i «5 do* e* c5 d d .od^i d i-« CO 9i g| A oo 9) tn fc- >^ 8 i 1^' S£ tins Hi 9C '^ s. s s 8'-§ I 9.4 o Or-) e o o o d_d d d d d dd d d d d d [•CO ►,'T3'0'0'0i;i'0t "OTS tc'^ >'0'0'013T3 -< ^H i-t « 91 88 88888S88888888888SS88SS8S8S l^ !§: 00 lOlO a oT \^ O Oi GO <*l g e Q o o OP o o o o ^\ o oo o o e« g^ 5 PQ . d d d d d d d d d d d 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 d d d d d 1 iS J^ 160 'itV m ?.*£ If, i : ii* ii"'. s ^ 1 5 8SS8SSS88S8888SSSS 8888S8SS88S8 8 >a ;o >o 5 8 8*^ I CO s !5 • o o o o o o o o o ■ o CO OSt«-i-t ^\ O^ 03 0& o o o* 6 e o OQ o o o o o o o o o o o c o c_2 o 8S888888888S8888888888S888S8S88 III i-fi-ii^«-ir''-iiH»HiHrHeoeo 8" o 3 o^ c e « o o o o' d tf c d ^5 ^C ^0 ^3 ^3 ^3 ^3 'w T3 T5 rO T3 ^O T3 ^3 ' £ S 00 OOOOCOOCO Q >j'Q "fl T3 "XJ T3 "^ "CO "D .{"w gJ^5'S'^S'?lO»p|ftiO«»S5!Oj8jopQopi^t.Sooo6««*» to ^ t^ Co C^ t> t« ^ t« l>i t> t* t> t« l« t> gSfe' )ao : ►, a .•gCQ 8 5 161 M81 U\ ■ o r. n s ^ 88^88888S8S888S888 I I ^ gS|35g8SSS?5SgtS|^gS*S 8888888S88S8 www U I !^ s >»b; s _o o o 'o'O'O s !lS o O. s 'S a e e '3'O'B $SSSSSSS$SSS8S3SS8g3SSS8 8S illi m « t» « « oo w X 00 e X 9 ;o ^ wt^moiint •t^t; t^t- QCOO 0000 oo 00 00 w ao< >-i ^ 1-t r'H »-( i-( 1-1 1« loSp i-tia ©•c5d d d_g i o* d !S;| § S4 55-^ :g-i 35 i-ii-i ss ?J«00iH« .M. 3S t«r4 • r^f* t»t- $40004 •>■ 00 m ei iH t> t« t> t^ t> t^ m y«i '.V /*■« ■ ,i 162 T H 5 (3 £ s ^. I ^ 88888888SS88888888S888888SSS88S ;o lO op o o S t» 9 3 bo O »HiH OP {•CO 3 P P O OP P P P P 6 6 T3 ^O ^0 ^C *^ ^3 ^0 ^J ^i5 ^O T3 ^O ^3 ^3 iN ;£;s 1 H«-< — »H 5 3§ 00 ao< •S §i .t« i-ilO^ rH^S' ■ A Pd Cd C) p p p p p p p p 'O'U'C'O -j43 ^-073 ..tJlS POP POP P P O gflo Sa Qp „ P p' p* o* p 6 o' o" o c5 d ! V P P « a p P u 9 ©_i4'a»5-J©l>.^©t»t»0SQi-4WW^ nAi2t«pt>^e>)cgp3>4e4cooas)9. t»t* I e>) CO t* o> go tAMOO 00 O) 9) ^ Od QOi-i 00 o» p © 1-' c*w ^ IN eo •^ 0PPPCPPP ■a -U "O "O 'c "O nr T3 a 9 S P P P P3PPPPPCC03 I I ^p1. « 3 pu^ . "p _o .P.o'H'H'eirow pq P P P P P P S ^0 ^3 ^3 ^O T3 T3 * « «^ 5 ^ ^0- p p p p p p £ I i-2 'O ^3 T3 ^O m T3 ^O ^0 ^O ^O *T3 ■£} "WO -"o.-e p p = -ona'O W HO £ p 163 8S 33 SS8S o o o »-'r-tr-lrH b < I 'H 164 Inve§tnieiit8. 1895. Dr. June 1 To Balance, Report 1895, page 176, " Deposit in Bank N. S., .... " N B « $75,879 68 8,000 00 3,000 00 $86,879 68 1895. June 29 Sept. 12 Dec. 28 1896. April 1 May Cr. By payment on Foster mortgage, . . " Bond No. 133 paid, . . (( {( (( gQ t( (( 56 700 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 400 00 Transferred to Merritt Trust, JMO. ^ol, .... .... Transferred to Chipman Trust, No. 987, 500 00 Bond No. 70 paid, 500 00 Balauce, 83,279 68 ,879 6H 165 Merritt Trust Fund. (B(>quebt of the late Chas. Merritt, Esq.) The capital amount of this Fund is $3,900.00, the interest of which is applicable to the General Purposes of the Society. The principal is invested, at present, as follows : InTestment No. Amount. Interest Payable. Interest. St. John Market Deben 7 $1,000 001 May 1 Nov. $60 00 do. do. do. 9 500 00 do. 30 00 do. Ferry do. 67 1,000 00 do. 60 00 do. City Debt do. 827 500 00 1 June 1 Dec. 20 00 do. do. do. 828 500 00 do. 20 00 do. Water and Sewerage do. 231 400 00 1 May 1 Nov. 24 00 Province N. B. do. 42 paid. 12 oa . $3,900 00 $226 00 rl h 'U Mrs. Rebecca Caroliue Gordon Trust. CFor particulars of this Fund see report of Fiuanoe C!ommittM on paoe 106 of Report of 1886.) Investment. No. Amount. Interest Payable. Interest. 8t. John Water Deben 1286 $200 00 May and Nov. $12 00 do. do. 1010 500 00 do. 30 00 do. do. 1011 500 00 do. 30 00 do. do. 1012 500 00 do. 30 00 do. do. 1013 500 00 do. 30 00 do. do. 1014- 400 00 do: 24- 00- do. do. 1015 400 00 • do. 24 00 do. do. 1016 400 00 do. 24 00 $3,400 00 $204 00 Incapacitated Clergy Fund, tieneral Purposes Account, $102 00 102 00 tf 4 $204 oa fj 4 IM 166 St. Peter's Church Trust Fund. (Received from the Corporation of St. Peter's Church.) The capital amount of this Fund is $600.00, th«> interest of which is payable to the Rector of St. Peter's Church, Derby. The principal is invested, at present, as follows : Investment. No. Amount. Interest Payable. Interest. University of Mt. Allison Bond 39 $500 00 1 Apr. 1 Oct. $20 00 do. 147 100 00 do. 4 00 $600 00 24 00 Accrued interest on Bonds, . . .... 1 97 Oct 4, 1895— Rev. C. O'Dell Baylee, 10 00 April 8, 1896— Rev. C. O'Dell Baylee, 12 03 24 00 167 Wheten (Bichibucto) Trust. (Bequest of the late James Wheten, Esq.') The capital amount of this Fund is $2,000.00, the interest of which is payable to the Rector of the Parish, the receipts for the same to be signed by the Rector and one Church Warden. The principal is invested, at present, as follows .• Investment. No. Amount. Interest Payable. Interest. Fred'ton School Deben do. 28 29 nley. $1,200 00 800 00 1 Jan. 1 July do. $72 00 48 00 • . ^ * $2,000 00 $120 00 June 5, 1895 Paid Rev. H. Hacke Balance, .... $40 00 80 00 '.■;•;■ $120 00 Hi > f*- St. Georsre and Peimfleld Endowment. (For particulars of this Fund sat report of Finance Committee, page 108 of Report of 1886.) V^i Investment. No. Amount. Interest Payable. Interest. Province of N. B. Bond do. do. do. do. do. do. \ of 772 773 774 B1378 $500 00 500 00 500 00 100 00 May and Nov. do. do. do. $20 00 20 00 20 00 4 00 $1,600 00 $64 00 June 5, 1895— Kev. R. E. Smith, Dec. 13, 1895- Rov. R. E. Smith, $32 00 32 00 $64 00 '.tfl m II ' 1 '^* T r ■^l M i:.!l i 1 168 Frances E. Weftt Trust. Interest payable annually to the resident Clergyman for the time being of St. Clement's Church, in the Parish of Prince William, in the County of York. Investment. No. Amount. Interest Payable. Interest. Province of N.B. Bond four-fifths of, . . Balance, Report 1895, page 1 78, .... Oct. 15, 1895— Rev. A. A. Bryant. El 378 $400 00 May and Nov. $16 00 70 60 Balance $86 60 8 50 in hand. $78 10 Westfield Trust. See Report ISM, pace 106. Investment. No. Amount. Interest Payable. Interest. Province of N. B. Bond do. do. St. John City Deben. do. do. Prince William Street Paving Debenture, June 3, 1895— Rev. H. T. Parlee, Dec. 21, 1895— Rev. H. T. Parlee, 713 714 539 494 8 $500 00 500 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 $2,200 00 $66 00 66 00 BiUance May and Nov. do. June and Dec. do. May and Nov. Balance, . . . . due Society, $30 00 30 00 12 00 12 00 24 00 $108 00 24 00 $132 00 132 00 24 00 * 169 James T. Hanford Trust. Interest at 4 per cent to be paid the Rev. H. Jones Hanford for life, then to the General Purposes of the Society. Investment. No. Amount. Interest. University of Mt. Allison Bonds, do. 40i do. 4 * ' . ' ■' ' , - 189G. , Cr. * * ; . '■ By balance last account, $778 79 Feb. 17 " Sale of land, lot D14A acres, Perth, Victoria Co., 25 00 )?803 79 rvv '.• . . . ■ . . . .^Mf "Widows and Orphans Fund Account. Balance, Report 1895, page 182, Premiums and collections, per statement, One year's interest on Fund, •^ , f ' <' i ■W $219 40 629 6;i 1,2:^2 00 $2,081 03 Mrs Chas. Medley, Mrs. W. Neales, Miss M. B. Carr, Added to capital, Balance, $200 00 200 00 177 75 1,200 00 303 28 $2,081 03 172 : 'Widows aud Orphans Fund. Premiums and CollectionH received during; the year 1895-96. From. AddrrM. Premlumt Collections Rev. (< (( (i i( <( (( <( (( x report made by a sub-committee appointed by the General Committee : {See Hegulations of Fund, pnye d;*). 1895. June 1 By balance, .... .... .... 84,980 36 1896. Jan. 3 '* Bathurst, .... .... .... 7 69 Apr. 16 " do. ... 1 00 " One year's interest on Fund, .... 199 20 85,188 25 Divinity Scholarships Fund Account. The capital amount of this Fund is $2,900, the interest of which is applicable towards the establishment of Divinity Scholarships, aud assistance, when necessary, to those who may be under preparation for the Ministry, especially sons of Clergy- men : (See Regulations of Fund, page 26.) 1895. June 1 By Balance, . . .... .... .... 8185 84 " One year's interest on Fund, . . .... 1 1 6 00 Dr. To grant to H. A. Cody, Balance, .... • • ■ • 8301 84 8100 00 201 84 $301 84 ■:M 17-t Education ot the Children of the Clergry Fund. ' The capital amount of this Fund is $3,000.00, the interest of which is applicable toward the Education of the Children of the Clergy. (See Rexjxdntion of Fund, page SS.) 1895. June 1 6 ' 13 10 Aug. 26 Sept. 5 Oct. 14 Nov. 28 Dec. 20 1896. Jan. 3 15 Mar. 27 April 2 11 .. ■• -27 By Balance, " St. Mark, " S. S. Teachers' Association, '• Petitcodiac, . . " Trinity Church, St. Stephen, " Christ " •' " St. David, *' Bathurst, St. John, .... Deanery, St. John, .... " Cathedral, . " Hampton, . " St. Mark, . " Musquash, . " St. Paul, . " St. John, . " One year's interest on Fund, u- . •.«■ i '■ r • ■■ ' : S603 95 9 60 20 82 2 20 3 30 2 49 1 60 5 75 12 97 7 04 15 20 2 75 13 16 5 00 5 89 13 77 120 00 $845 49 y^"'. %.': '^:". Dr. ■ .•■.•■i.-.,^-r To Rev. O. S. Newnham, $100 00 " " W. O. Raymond, 100 00 '« " W. J. Wilkinson, 50 00 ** Amount transferred to capital, 500 00 Balance, .... 95 49 1845 49 175 lucapacitatecl Clergry Fund. The capital amount of this Fund is $29,308.52, the interest of which is applicable towards the a.ssistance of Clergymen who are incapacitated by age «)r infirnr (See Reyulations ofFundj jtmje ii7.) 1895. June 1 By Balance, $24,355 00 Aug. 12 " Rev. A. H. Weeks, legacy,, 3,600 00 June 5 " Amount from I. C. Fund Account. . . 1,145 00 Oct. 14 " Rev. A. H. Weeks, balance of legacy, 208 52 'J . » ft -^i ' IV] $29,:-08 52 ■ L Account. Incapacitated Clergry Fund 1 1895. By Balance, Report 1895, page 186,.... $1,367 28 June 2 Fredericton, 125 00 8 Deanery, St. John, 1 50 17 St. Mark, 10 00 St. John, 45 00 July 2 Victoria, ■ .... 5 00 Rothesay, 15 00 Aug. 1 St. James, 3 55 S«pt. 5 St. David, 4 05 Dec. 4 St. Paul, 20 00 1896. Jan. 15 Hamptonj 5 63 One year's interest on Fund, *•■•■• 1,132 00 Gordon Trust Interest, . . 102 00 1895. Dr. $2,836 01 July 1 To Rev. Geo. Schofield, $ 100 00 ■ , . Amount transfetred to 1. C. Fund, 1,145 00 Oct. 1 " Rev. Geo. Schofield, .... 100 00 , 1896. Jan. 1 do. 100 00 • 2 '* " H. M. Spike, .... 100 00 24 «* ♦• N. M. Hanson, 50 00 Apr. 1 " " Geo. Schofield, 100 00 " " H. M. Spike, .... 100 00 " " N. M. Hansen, . . . 50 00 Balance, .... 991 01 $2,836 01 ^'M 176 Clergry stipend Augmentation Fund. 1895. Dec. 1 1 Geo. A. Schofield, 16 Simeon Jones, 1896. Feb. 21 Geo. E. Fairweather, 8 25 00 100 00 25 00 $150 00 Jonas Clarkson Trust. (For particulars of Trust see report of Executive Committee on page 107.) St. John City Debt 4% Debentures, Nos. 733, 734, 735, $500.00 each, $1,500 00 Special deposit in Bank N. B., . .... 400 00 $1,900^0 -''■i The Rev. J. Frederic Garr Endowment of St. Peter's Church, KbiicsclefU'. Amount paid in. $160 00 When the Fund amounts to $200.00, the income to be paid to the Rector of St. Peter's Church, Kingsclear. 177 tf »0OCsO(MOO>0^0i'*O'MOOOOO>rt»CX QOOS^lOiCOOfMO-'tQOOOOOO — «iC X!M I>»0(MOXOOX^-iO<-iO'MOOOXCOX«CO (MOOSOOOOXOJOlOX'MOOOt-'MOi'l'O ciot*ocoooj^-a5 —« :« l&l 0^ ^ O cc « 1^ LI""' ^ J a ) t Iv 1 'W\ :l w 11 •''S i.C^ 00 •00 paid PQ XOOOOOOOt^O 500000000X-* OSOOOOOO-^OO (Mxoosoooi or X O CO > f M • • ■ • r 178 ■ •• • ' Geo. E. Fairweatlier, Treasurer, in Aecoiint with the I>ioceKaii Chiircli Society, from the closing 4»f Account, May 19, 1896, to date 500.00each, 1 Dec. '92, /due 1 Nov. 191 2, interest 1 May and 1 Xov., .... 20 '• Clarkson Trust, deposit in Bank N. B., 400 00 do. accrued int. on Bonds 2 96 25 " Mis. Grant, L'pham, Jan. Qr. 96 25 Apr. " 78 75 .June 2 "' St. George and Pennfield, int. to Rev. R. E. Smith, 32 00 " I.C.F.granttoRev.A.F.Hiltz, 150 00 " James Fl Whitfield, guardian, 3 " Contingencies, G.A.Knodell, 4 25 •• Divinit}'^ Scholarships Fund " Acct., H. A. Cody, by order Board of H. Mis., 2nd inst., 50 00 " Otlicers' salaries, 1 Apr. to 1 Tune, 83 33 Contingencies, E. J. Armstrong, 1 25 Balance, 820 50 $3,29 8 ( i GEO. E. FAIR WEATHER^ ' St. John. N. B., July, 1896. Treasurer to June 3, 180' 179 The following Reports from Parishes and Missions were received too late for insertion in their proper place. BATHURST — REV. T. W. STRP:ET, B.A. F'or the ten months during which T have been in charge T liave to report a marked degree of (juiet and peace in this for so long-time distracted and divided parish. Although the division is such as time alone may heal, yet I thank God that the people have very generally given me a hearty and gracious support in my ejideavour to promote peace and good-will among tliem. T (1(1 not know that I have to endure more than do others of my liit'thren in the discouraging and disheartening happenings of parochial work and life, but I have this to say, that amid all tliat disheartened, and much that discouraged, I found friends aii'l supporters whose kindly and encouraging words and actions jrn^atly aided to sustain and conrfort me. T should not be doing justice to tliose of my people who love DUf Church, and have stood firm in their allegiance, did I not ])(it on record my firm conviction that they have been as much sitnied against as sinning in the manifold trials and troubles of jtast years. Each day's experience goes to prove tliis. I have tx'cn able thus far to maintain my full tjuota of work — three services on each Sunday, with a fourth .service on one Sunday of pai h month. Now that the Bishop has given me an assistant. We shall together keep up the full complement, viz.: five and six st't \ ices on every Sunday, besides additional services during the \V(i k in Bathurst and its missions. The Church owes a debt of ^'latitude to the Rev. W. Aittm for the readiness with which he can !■ to my assistance for the miserable pittance he is receiving. There is not one of his hearers who would l>e willing to work for pviMi thrice the amount which he is looking to receive The parish of Christ Church, New Bandon, has taken on lie life, and on last Haster Monday elected wardens and vestry- nu'ii as also a delegate toSyn<:xl. Many years have pa.ssed since thi- was done, and but few of the people seemed U) know that (hci' parish had ever had an existen"* ast such. The zeal and iuti ty displayed by the ladies, especially since regular minis- ml r 180 lit " : m if 'M\ ly,: trations began, is worthy of all commendation. I am encouraged to believe that the day is not far distant when this parish will have its own rector living among them. Caraquet asked for my services so earnestly that I could nor refuse. As this necessitated the closing of the parish church on the two Hundays I gave them, I was obliged to substitute .i week-day service instead. Now that I have assistance, we can give them a Sunday more frequently. This distant point demands more attention than it has heretofore had, and the people there, and on the adjacent islands, gladly welcome our ministrations. I could find abundance of work for a second assistant, but I have not, alas, the wherewithal to pay even the present one what he should receive. I am glad to be able to report that the attendance at the parish Churches of Bathurst and New Bandon has steadily increased, as also it has at the mission stations. An effort will be made soon to finish the new church begun some eight years ago at New Bandon, and which has been a cause of much dis quiet and uneasiness in the past. The timbers for a Chapel of Ease at Salmon Beach were got out by willing hands this past winter, and the same readiness is manifested by men and women alike of this congregation to do their utmost to carry on the work to completion. The congregation at Tetagouche has recently purchased a new organ for their Chapel of Ease, and in other ways is manifesting a commendable zeal and activity in good works. The parish has forwarded the usual amount to the D. C. S. towards the rector's stipend, but an examin'ation of the tabulated returns in the Society's report will show that several of the variou , >bje< t " oa the D. C. S. have been remembered during the past few months, — a thing unknown for a long while, as a look through the reports wT testify. The purposes and aims of the Society seemed to be quite unknown, or certainly have lieen studiously ignored for some years past. I hope for better thing> in the future. The Bishop made us a vLit last September and confirmed thirteen. Another class is now awaiting a promised visit from him in 'fuly, when I hope to add sixteen communicants tf my list. . ' ■• In ^^ociet; iinist t dn/iefc the bui JJiun t( througl l^ioeesa 'uinistri The year, wt '^ii/iday, confinni Witl Hliich hi that the "linac ar ^'oniniun r wis '■fiifsed mc 'U It'ast o ^^p want tiojis of tj As r tioiis fror ^nd ihat (^'iiiivhwaj ('''■''ti'icts t'il(' to telj ' ^niriiri th, in.s the ^ I'libjici '"struct tl "••^ Han iessoi's. l)!.ri„^ ; "'I'" ne ''eon so n: F'wii havi v,i 181 iiraged ih will aid not irch on itute !>. we can .emands ,e ther«', orations, t, but I lent one c at the steadily ffort will ght yeai-s nQUch dis :;hapel of this pa«t ad wonjtn 'ry on the ised a new anifesting D. C. S. tabulated »ral of tlie during thP as a l"ol< ims of the have I'een iter things confirmed visit f''*>"> ants t(' i-iy HARDWICKE — REV. W. J. WILKINSON. In making this my fourteenth report to the Diocesan Church Society since my appointment to the parish of Hardwicke, I riiust thank the society on behalf of the parish, for all it has (lone for it during that time in the way of making grants towards tlu' building of a rectory, and for the maintenance of a clergy- man to minister to the spiritual needs of a people scattered throughout a large district, who, but for the generous aid of the Dictcesan Church Society, would be left without the regular ministrations of our Church. The first, and in many respects the chief, event during the year, was the visit of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese who spent Sunday, August 4th, in the parish, preaching three times and confirming thirteen persons. Without going particularly into the details of the work which has been much the same as in previous years, I may say that the congregations in both the churches, and also at Escu- ininac are increasing, and a greater number are present at Holy Communion which is celebrated every Sunday. I wish I could say that the amount of the assessment was raised more promptly and regularly than it is, but we are always at h-ast one quarter in arrears. I think this is largely due to the want of a definite system or plan for collecting the subscrip- tions of the people. As I continue the old plan each year of soliciting contribu- tions from the people for the General Purposes of the Society, I find that each year I collect more ; and I l>elieve that if the chuicli wardens would set in motion the collectors for the various districts in the parish each quarter, there would be a different taU' lo tell. Owing to the lack of Sunday-school teachers I visit three of the |Mihlic schools in the parish once a week, and catechize and i instruct the children for about an hour ; and I must say I find the [Ian works well, and the children seem interested in the llessoiis. l>iiring all the time I have been in the parish of Hardwicke, 1 1 hiv.r never had so many sick people to visit, nor have there '*eeii so many deaths as during the past winter ; nearly all of jtiieni having been sudden, or at least unexpected. As I myself jliiive i .(^n ailing a little, and the doctor has ordered me to take a li'st, t fi Bishop has licensed Mr. H. H. Gillies, B. A., of King's Lolbj: , Windsor, N. S., to assist me for a few months. I -i.! i If. VI 182 LANCASTER — REV. W. LeB. McKIEL, B.A. ^ ???1 Though the hope expressed in my last report has not been realized, yet there is much to l)e thankful for in the prosperity, peace and unity in the Church during the year. Not one thing has occurred to mar the peace and harmony, but all with more or less devotion and zeal have worked for the good and welfare of the Church. As a result the assessment for salary has been paid in full, current expenses have been met and many improve ments made on the Church property. For instance, the fences and gates have been repaired and painted. A handsome new flag-pule has been erected on the Church hall. New plank plat forms have been laid from the street to the Church and the rectory. Many large granite rocks in the ground have been shattered by dynamite and removed, and the grounds levelled and graded, and the work of excavating under the Church for a furnace, etc., is still going on. This work, for a large part, has been done by the people themselves, working for the Church at the close of the day willingly and cheerfully giving up a portion of the time whieli they have for rest and recreation. The work usually done by a verger or sexton, and paid for out of Church funds, is with us freely and voluntarily done by the members of the " Guild of the Good Shepherd," and others. This work being one of love is fat more eflFective and satisfactory than any mercenary labor, and is performed by the members, who go on duty week by week in rotation. The members of the Women's Aid Association have, as usual, been unremitting in their labors — zealous in good works, and as a result they have been able to pay into the Churtlis funds during the ye^r $192.50. The Sunday-school continues to flourish under the supervision of Mr. Thomas Stears, and is taught by the same staff of teacln rs mentioned in my last report, all of whom are faithful as well as diligent in teaching Church doctrine — Bible truth. A children's service is held periodically, with address and catechizing by the incumbent. The Bishop, with his usual kindness, came to us for a spei iul confirmation on the 27th of November, when eight received ilie gift with the laying on of hands — six males and two females, all of whom became communicants forthwith and remain steadfast. One of the members of the confirmation class of the previous year. Bertha Bartlett, aged fourteen, a faithful communicant ■^(. Jo "f the Jiave fins I) A aiKJ I'liased soun h Ded P' r been Tity, bhing more elfare \)een provt' fences e new k plat ,nd thi' e been levelled ;hfor a . peopl'- e day le whic^> paid iov one ^'V othei:^. isfactovy [nembevs, have, !is id works, per vision (t'teacb'i's as well iis idress i'lit^ Ir a spe'iii^ Iceived 'li*- feniales. all steadt'ist. ^e previous nnuni^'i^^ 183 and a most zealous Church worker, has been early called away to her rest and reward, dyinj; on March 1 1th universally esteemed. Some thus fall early on the battle field of life, but others, stimulated by the good example and with the love of (Jod in their hearts, rise up to grasp the banner of the cross and carry on the work for God and his Church. On the 2Gth of January Mrs. Avery, a constant communicant, over seventy years old, was laid to rest. Her seat was never vacant in Church when it was possible for her to \m there, and her zeal in walking nearly a mile to Church might well put to sjiame many younger persons in every congregation. The Provincial Lunatic Asylum being in this parish has a special claim on my care and attention. I have service there • very fourth Sunday, and the doors of the institution are always open to me as a clergyman tocairy the ministrations of the (liurch to those of its members and others who, for the time, are its inmates. RICHMOND -REV. A. \V. TEED, M.A. During the past year the work of the Church has been carried on as usual. I desire to record in this report the gratitude of tlie parishioners and my.self to Mrs. Medley for a very beautiful wjiite altar frontal for St. John's Church. I am further indebted to Mrs. Medley for the gift of a retable. I can report a further advance in the work of the interior of St. John's Church. Both sides of its chancel arch and the ceiling ot" the chancel have been sheathed with wood, while the rafters li ive been grained oak colour. This work cost $115.00, which lias been paid. A new fence has been built on the east of the Church land, jukI a small lot of land convenient to the Church has been pur- cl.ased for $40.00, on which it is hoped that a horse-shed will be erected. Death has been busy in our midst, and of those whom it has })1« ased God to call from us to their rest^ I would mention the name of William Stokes. For some thirty years he was church- w;i!(len, and was a great benefactor to the Church in Richmond. N(ir was his interest in the Church confined to his own parish. H»' was ever ready to help, both with good judgment and with his >neans. He will long be missed, and many mourn the loss of ,: y;ood counsellor and a .sincere friend. I'he parish registers for the year ending May Ist show nine haptisms, one marriage, three burials. l>^l It ' MA 'm mi Mi '■ilkt mi 8', .1 ^11 4l-"i i 1 ^;. 184 NAMES OF LIFE MEMBERS OP THE DIOCESAN CHrRCH SOCIETY AND OP Donors of the Sum of FORTY DOLLARS and Upward* at any One Time. V. P. indicates a former Vice-President of the Society. Those marlced * are linown • ► to be dead.) 1838. Patt o{ Meniirer^hip, 1837 H« * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1842. * 1844. * P. 1839. 1840. Name. BATLLTE, Hon. THOMAS. V. P. BOTSFORD, Hon. Mr. Justice, V. P. CHIPMAN, Hon. WARD, Chief Justice. COSTER, The Venerable Archdeacon, V. P. EMERSON, THOMAS, M. D. ECCLES, Captain JAMES MACLAUGHLAN, JAMES A. ODELL, Hon. W. F., F. P. OWEN, Hon. Admiral, B. N., V. SCOVIL, Rev. WILLIAM, V. P. SCOVIL, WILLIAM, V. P. SIMONDS, Hon. CHARLES, V. P. SHORE, Hon. GEORGE, V. P. WETMORE, JUSTUS S. HARVEY, Major General SIR JOHN, K. C. B., etc. PETERS, Hon. C. I., Attorney General. ROBINSON, Hon. F. P. ROBINSON, W. H., V. P. PARKER, Hon. NEVILLE, Master of the Rolls. RATCHFORD, E. DeW. ROBINSON, Colonel JOHN, V. P. WHEELER, GEORGE SMITH, H. BOWYER, V. P. COLEBROO! <^ir WM. M., G«. C. B., etc. M Tim*. • are knowa the Rolls. 185 LIFE MEMBmiH — fContinueU.) Date of Membernhip. Name. 1845. * FREDERICTON, The Right Rev. JOHN, Lord Bishop and Metropolitan. * GILBERT, GEOlKiE (I. * PARKER, Hon. Clnef Justice, V. P. * PETERS, GE( > I 1^ P , M. D. * SAUNDERS, ' M hlN S., V. P. * SCOVIL, SAM SMITH, G. SII * TILLEY, Sir S. L., C. /i., K. C. M. 0., Virv.-P,-esi,ku(. * WIGGINS, STEPHEN * WIGGINS, Mrs. STEPHEN * WIGGINS, FREDERICK A. 1846. * GILBERT, Mrs. ANNE * READE, ALFRED * SEARS, EDWARD 1847. HENDERSON, Colonel EDMUND, K. C. B. 1848. * HEAD, Sir EDMUND WALKER, Bart. 1850. * DESBRISAY, LESTOCK P. W. * DONALDSON, LAUCHLAN * FAIRWEATHER, JOSEPH * SCOVIL, W. HENRY 1851. * BLACK, WILLIAM A. E. * SCOVIL, DANIEL 1852. SCOVIL, EDWARD G. * SCOVIL, SAMUEL, Jr. * SMITH, HENRY BOWYER, Sk. 1853. * SCOVIL, Mrs. W. H. 1854. DOMVILLE, Mus. JAMES * MANNERS-SUTTON, Sir J. T., Lieut.-Governor. * NEALES, Rev. JAMES 1855. * SIMON DS, Mrs. RICHARD 1856. BEDELL, Rev. GEORGE SCOVIL, Miss AMY A. * THOMPSON, Miss ANN 1S57. CRAWFORD, Mrs. W. K. ^ COVERT, Rev. W. S. HANINGTON, Hon. D. L., Judge Supreme Court. * WRIGHT, WILLIAM, D. C. L. 1S38. * FAIRWEATHER, C. H. HALL, S. S. ,; ^: SCOVIL, S. JOHN w / ci^ ' / pi 1 ril 1 h V • ' M ■ *i^'' 1 ' f.* t ' Si ! ■J V i 1 1 .■>j 11 i| ,>v. 1' 1 ' ND i 1 1)11 E 'a* I , f \ ■'?, r.| «! I ^ {''*% 'i ^;^^- ^ \^ ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^o 1.0 ^f^ Ui ^ Itt 12.2 I.I £ |£o 12.0 ^ 1I& p^ V Fhotograpdiic Scieices Corporatioii '^°^^ ^ ^.V^ 33 WIST MAIN STMIT WIISTIII,N.Y. MSM (7l6)t7a-4903 i'i flli 186 LIFE UEUBERU— (Continued.) DKte of Memberahip. Name. 1858. * SHORTLAND, Admiral F., R. N. 1859. * SIMONDS, HENRY G. * SIMONDS, RICHARD 1860. * DANIEL, THOMAS WILDER * GARBUTT, HENRY SMITH, Mrs. J. WOODFORDE 1862. GORDON, Sir A. H., G. C. M. G. (Lord Sfanmore). 1866. * BEST, NORRIS SHARP, EDWIN N. SPURR, JAMES DE WOLFE 1867. * CARMAN, WILLIAM, F. P. * DeVEBER, L. H. * DOYLE, Major General Sir HASTINGS. * ROBINSON, Major W. B. * SCOVIL, SAMUEL J. * WIGGINS, GEORGE C. 1868. DeVEBER, Rev. CANON, Vice-President. DeVEBER, Mrs. W. H. DeVEBER, WILLIAM H. DeVEBER, ALLEYNE W. * HARDING, Colonel FRANCIS PYM JARVIS, WILLIAM M„ Vice-President. SCOVIL, MORRIS WILLIAMS, Rev. J. S. 1869. * CARMAN, SOPHIA M. DeVEBER, J. S. BOIES DOMVILLE, Miss FANNIE FENETY, GEORGE E. * LEE, Rev. CANON, Ph. D. 1870. CARMAN, W. BLISS * CARSON, CHARLES * HAZEN, ROBERT F. KETCHUM, H. G. C. * NEALES, Rev. WILLIAM S. NEALES, The Venerable Archdeacon * PERCIVAL, Miss 1871. * FRITH, HENRY W., V. P. GANONG, Mrs. W. F. * GRIMMER, GEORGE S. * JARVIS, Rev. G. S., D. D. * JARVIS, Mrs. W. M. 187 LIFE MEMBERS— (Continued.) Datftof Membership. Name. 1871. * SMITH, J. WOODFORDE WILKINSON, Hon. Judge 1872. * GREGORY, THOMAS JAR VIS, EDWARD W. 1873. * ARMSTRONG, Rev. GEORGE M., V. P. * HEMERY, Colonel JARVIS, FRANK H. SCOVIL, Miss ELIZABETH * WELDON, CHARLES W., D. C. L. GILBERT, THOMAS * HAZEN, Hon. R. L. * MERRITT, CHARLES BRIGSTOCKE, The Yen. ARCHDEACON, D. D., Vice-President. PARTRIDGE, The Very Rev. DEAN * ARMSTRONG, Rev. WILLIAM * DeVEBER, RICHARD S. HOYT, J. ADOLPHUS * STARR, R. PENISTON * THURGAR, J. V. ALEXANDER, Rev. F. KETCHUM, Major J. D. ROBERTSON, JAMES F. ALLEN, Sir JOHN C, Chief Justice, Vice-President. BURCHILL, GEORGE DOWLING, Rev. T. E. HOYT, Rev. LEO. A. INCHES, ANDREW SCHOFIELD, GEORGE A., Vice-President. SCHOFIELD, SAMUEL SIMONDS, Rev. RICHARD STARR, Mrs. R. PENISTON * WELDON, Hon. J. W., Judge Supreme Court. * WETMORE, Hon. A. R., Judge Supreme Court. * WILMOT, Hon. R. D., Lieut-Governor. 1881. * CHANDLER, Hon. E. B., Lieut-Governor. KINGDON, Right Rev. H. TULLY, Lord Bishop, President of the Societ'f. WRIGHT, PERCY PENISTON 1882. CONNAROE, GEORGE M. DAVENPORT, Rev. JOHN METCALF 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. M ilfl i! llri q 1> ii Date of Membership. 1882. 188 LIFE MEMBERS— (Continued.) Name. FAIRWEATHER, aEORGE EDWIN JONES, Hon. THOMAS ROSENELL * ROBINSON, Hon. ROBERT 1883. SMITH, Rev. JOHN STARR, FRANK P. 1884. * COLERIDGE, LORD, Chief Justice of England. FORD, Mrs. J. T. HANFORD, Rev. S. JONES PALMER, HIRAM W. 1885. BLAIR, A. CHILTON FOWLER, Miss VICTORIA CAROLINE * GORDON, Mis. REBECCA CAROLINE MURRAY, Miss FRANCES OTTAWA, The Right Rev. the Bishop of 1 886. * DOWLING, CAROLINE J. * JONES, Mrs. SIMEON * * STEVENSON, Hon. BENJAMIN R. 1887. GRIMMER, G. DURELL SCOVIL, FRANK S. 1888. CAMPBELL, Rev. J. ROY deSOYRES, Rev. JOHN KING, Mrs. THOMAS TEMPLE, THOMAS, M. P. VROOM, CHARLES N. 1889. ISP, Rev. J. ORLEBAR .iISP, Mrs. J. ORLEBAR PARKER, Mrs. N. G. D. SIMONDS, Rev. JAMES SMITH, Lady FORSTER, JOHN B. HANINGTON, Mrs. D. L. KETCHUM, Rev. CANON, D. Z>., Vice-President. RAYMOND, Rev. W. O. 1891. deSOYRES, Mrs. JOHN FAIRWEATHER, A. C. * FELLOWS, JAMES I. FORSTER, Mrs. JOHN B. ERASER, Hon. J. J., Lieut-Governor of the Province. HANINGTON, Rev. C. P. HANINGTON, Miss GEORGIAN A C. HANINGTON, Miss HATTIE I. liil 189 Date of Hemberahip, 1892. LIFE MEMBERS— (Contiwied.). Name. FORSTER, Miss SARAH McDONALD HANINGTON, H. C. HATHEWAY, Rev. C. H. HOYT, Mrs J. A. MONTGOMERY-CAMPBELL, Mrs. G. * PETERS, Hon. JUDGE ROBINSON, CORTLANDT ALLAIRE SILL, JOHN CHAUNCEY SILL, ISABEL EFFIE THORNE, WILLIAM HENRY * WILMOT, EDWARD H. 1893. FORSTER, I. F. C. MEDLEY, Mrs. JOHN TIPPET, ARTHUR P. WILLIAMS, Rev. PELHAM, 2>. D. * WILMOT, SARAH ST. CLAIR 1894. DeVEBER, HERBERT ALLEYNE HANINGTON, R. W. MURRAY, WM. H. OTTY, G. O. DICKSON ROBERTSON, JAS. C. SCOVIL, FRANCIS HUGH STARR, MARGARET ALLEYNE 1895. DUNN, THOMAS PEACOCK, ELIZA TEED, Mrs. M. G. 1896. HANINGTON, Miss F. MAUDE JONES, SIMEON i' ' ' iiiil iii I't ! ! ' ■, I iiii r q [I'll li'.U illi' ! 190 Contributions Reported from Parishes or Missions— A. D. 1896. ADDINGTON. W. and O. Fund, I. C. Fund, |2 16 1 2? |3 44 CAMBRIDGE. BT. jambs' church. Colwell. J. R and Mrs. $1 rest. Miss A. Fleigher, Mrs A. Fleigher, John 2 ) 26 8 00 6 00 00 1 00 1 OO 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 00 50 00 50 60 S7 t rl 192 It! Gillcfipie, Miss "CtiileBpie. Mrn., in memoriam Hon. T. F. Gillespie, Onggin, J. R. Goggin. Melbourne Green, Mrs. Gulliver, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hawboll, Mrs. Hocken, Miss Uocken, M. 8. Howard, W. B. Hughes, R. Harper, Mrs. Jonathan Harvey, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Jackson, Wm. and wife, Jackson, R. and wife, Jackson, Mrs Isaac Kagle, John F. and wife, Ksgle, Fred, and Will. Lee, Mr. liobban, John Marshall, Mrs. Muirbead, Mrs. H. A. McLaugblan, James McLaughlan, Thos. J. McLaugblan, James ^eale, E. £. Peterson, Alfred Pierce, Mrs Jiobertson, Mrs. Robertson, Willie Rodgers, Miss Reed. William Stuart, J. J. Staples, Mrs. George Sargeant, Mrs, Sargeant Searle, Geo. P. Searle, William Searle, Ralph Trevors, Helen Trevors, Mary D. Trevors, D. Sterling 1 hompson, John Thompson, Harvey, Ullock, Mrs. Donald Ullock, Mrs. William Ullock, Charlotte Ullock, Angus Ullock, William Ullock, James A. Vondy, Miss Walker, Mrs. Chas. Walker, Mrs. James $1 00 S 00 1 (K) 1 00 60 8 00 1 00 8 00 00 0() 00 60 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 20 1 00 60 60 50 8 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 25 1 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 60 50 25 00 60 00 00 50 60 00 25 25 00 7ft 60 Wilson. John $1 00 Winslow, F. E. 8 00 Warmunde. Mr. 1 00 Wilkinson, Hon. Judge and Mrs. 10 00 1147 20 Local appropriation. 120 00 General Purposes $27 20 children's offbrikgs for child- bkm'b mission fund— Advent '96. Anon. Benson, Mordaunt Brehaut, Mahel Brehaut, Ethel Burchill, Alice and Edith Brown, Matilda Cable, John Danville, Eddie Frost, Lillie Frost, Sheppie Gulliver, Ethel Gulliver, Roy Goggin, Nellie and Mamie Lobban, Mary E. D. Leggett, Willie McLaughlan, Janie McFarland, Ben. McLaughlan, Minnie McLaughlin. Hattie Saxsmith, Ruth Trevors, Ella Trevors, May Trevors. Sarah Vye, Fred, and Ethel Willislon, Mary 85 86 25 05 80 80 OS 00 40 10 61 40 91 00 10 80 U 10 16 90 90 90 06 Total Advent offerings, $5 63 children's offerings for obn- BBAL PURPOSES D. c. B.— Lent, '96. Avery, James tO 15 Anderson, Clarence 1 02 Burchill, Edith 1 48 Brehaut, Ethel 40 Benson, Mord. and Warrie 48 Baldwin. John M. 59 Burr. Freddie 1 09 DesBrisay. May 75 Danville, Eddie 1 05 193 n 00 5 00 1 00 10 00 47 20 20 00 ^27 20 3HII.D- iDt'95. » s fl6 88 06 80 90 OB 05 40 10 51 40 21 eo 10 80 24 10 15 20 26 roB OBN- .ent, '96. •0 15 1 02 148 40 e 48 69 1 09 75 1 05 Frott, Willie, Slieppie and Lillie, Frost, l8a.,in ineinori«in, Forrest, James A. Gofrgin, Nellie Green, Susie Hughes, Rebecca and Mary Harvey, Florrie £. Leggett, Willie Moore Fred. McFarland, Henry McLaugblaa. Frank McLaughlan. Oeorg« Fallen, John H. Trevors, Sadie Trevors. Geo. M Winslow, E. Walker, Florie and May Williston, Archie & Arthur Class 8, No. 12, Total Lent offerings. Total Children's offerings, Total General Purposes, DALHOUSIE. Barberie, Hon. J. C. Barberie, Miss Bartterie. Eva Barberie, Mrs. John Barberie, Miss Amy Bateman, Miss Beckingham. Mrs. Good, Mrs. R. Grenier, Mrs. Johnson, H. A. Loggie, A. «& R. Moffat, Mrs. Morris, Rev. H. B. Fallen. Mrs. Fowell, Capt. Held, Mrs. Smith, W. S. Stothart, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Collection, July 26, W. and O. Fund, $0 U9 1 00 85 65 40 45 45 28 1'^ 14 B4 XO 68 8 22 7ft 60 28 1 50 1 01 $17 98 28 61 5o 71 $1 00 2. 25 1 00 50 50 1 0<) 50 50 2 00 1 00 6 00 2 00 1 00 1 OU 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 6 07 |28 07 2 65 ohildrbn's mission fdrb— lbnt Harold Johnson. Muriel Johnson, Mattie Johnson, Roland Moffat, May Cooper, Gertie McKay, Erne»t Good, Robbie Fallen, Eva Barberie, Minnie Keays, Jennie Keays, Alex Robinson, Minnie Kerr, Bella Robinson, Charles Good Ernest McKay, John McKay, Teachers. $1 55 1 55 1 55 M W SI 89 27 98 86 88 88 98 80 18 }8 15 1 42 ■|10 65 $41 87 DERBY AND BLACKVILLE. dbbbt. Collected by Mrt. A. Barron. Allison, William Allison, Everett Baylee, Rev. and Mrs. Barron, Allan Betts. Miss Betts, John Betts, D. and Mrb. Cliff Wm. and Mrs. Cliff, John and Mrs. Cliff, Alex. Crawford, William |1 00 50 8 1)0 1 »)0 1 60 2 UO 2 00 2 00 00 00 00 Crocker, W. T., in memoriam, 5 00 Cro -ker, Walter Crocker, C. Erickson, Mrs. Friend, A Funcbeon, James Graham, John Knight, Mrs. McGinniss, Miss Morrison, Mrs. Norman. Capt. Nelse Petrie, Jos. 00 25 2 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 1 OA 1 00 4 !•'■ Il I 'I 11 'It ■ 1% 194 Ruscll, Mrs. Tulllp. M. Tullip, Mrs. Weeks, W. H. 10 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 188 25 NAMES OMITTIlD IM REPORT OF 1895 CougUlin. Miss B. Curtis, WilliHm |1 00 1 00 Allison. Wm. |1 Allison, Everett Burron, Allan 1 Barron, Bertha 1 Baylee, Jennie 1 Baylee. Rev. and Mrs. Belts, Miss Carutbers, Mrs. Crocker, Wi T. in memoriam 6 Funcbeon, James 1 McOinniss, Miss 1 Pelrie, Jos. 1 Robinson, James , 2 0(> Russel, Susan 5o Vomers, Miss 50 Yanderbeck, O. R. 60 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 80 00 00 Oo 00 |20 80 DERBY AND NELSON. Collected by Mm Kate Saunders. Cushman, William f 1 00 Carmalt, James I 00 Cambers, Mr. 1 00 Newman, John 1 00 Saunders, A. A. M. 1 00 Saunders, Miss Kate 1 00 Yeo, Francis 1 00 |;7 00 BLACKVILLE, ST. AQNES, OBEY RAPIDS. Arbo, C. Astle, James Astle, blr. aud Mrs. Alex. Arbo, Cbarles Carter. Tbos. O. Ccughlin, J. T. Coughlin, William Coughlin, David Coufblin, Albert Coughlin, Mrs. J. T. >0 25 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Jos., Sr. 1 0<) Curtis, Nelson 1 0(i Harris, Mrs. M. 25 Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 1 00 James, Mr. 75 McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. 1 00 Mountiiin. Mrs. £. Mountain, Mrs. Jas. Smith, Miss Sturgeon, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sullivan, D. H. Urquart, Robert Urquart, Thos. Urquart, Mrs. Warren, Alex. Warren, James 50 25 1 00 1 00 00 1 00 2 00 50 1 00 1 00 HO 50 $24 05 BLACKVILLE. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Bedn, Mrs. Coughlin, Peter Coughlin, Thomas Crawford, Mrs. Jas. DenBrisay, Mr. Dickinson, Hugh Flager, Miss Friend, A. Gillespie, James and Mrs. Hambrook, John Hambrook. Mrs. M. Kennedy, Allan Lfavens, Percy Leavens, James Leavens, Mrs. P. Leavens. William Lyons, Mr. McKenon, William McConneil, Mrs. McCuliey, Mr. and Mrs. Mclntire, Geo. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Sheal, Henry Steavens, George Underhill, Mrs J. A. Underbill, Mr. and Mrs. B. Underhill, Mrs. Wm., Sr. Underhill, Hritis-h Underbill, B. |1 00 1 00 50 2 00 25 1 00 50 1 no 00 00 50 00 00 25 80 00 2.S 00 00 00 uo 00 25 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 00 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 195 It I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 00 00 0«) 00 25 00 75 00 no 25 00 00 00 00 00 50 1 00 1 00 »0 50 $24 0» |1 00 1 00 50 2 00 25 1 00 50 1 1 1 X 1 1 (lO 80 00 no 50 00 00 25 80 00 2^ 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 B. 7') 1 00 ] 00 1 Oti 50 Underhill, Mr and Mrs Irene |2 Underbill, Mr. and Mrs. M. 1 Underbill. Mrs. Ward 1 Underbill, Mr and Mrs. Jas. 1 Underbill, Tbumas 2 Underbill, Hudson Underbill, A. W. Underbill, W. T. Underbill, Jobn Wetmore, James 1 Wetmore, James P. 1 Wetmore, Miss 1 RKCAPITULATION. Collected by- Mrs. A. Barron, |88 Miss Kate Saunders, 7 Blackville, 89 St. Agnes, Grey Rapids, 24 Omitted for 1895, DORCHESTER. Backbouse. Willi im |1 Burden, N. A. 1 Burden, E. A. 1 Campbell, Rev. J. R. & Mrs. 10 Campbell, in memoriam Robert Franris, 2 Chandler. Mrs. Geo. W. 1 Chandler, Mrs. Joshua 3 Chapman, Mrs. David 1 Chapman. Mrs. Hazen W. 1 Chapman, Mrs. Allan W. 1 Chapman, Mrs. S. Leslie Chapman, Miss 1 Chapman, A. J. • 2 Col well, Tbos. Dibblee, Miss 1 Fairweatber, Mrs. George 1 Forster, Jobn B. 5 Forster, Mrs. John B. 5 Forster, Miss Sadie MeD. '5 Forster, Master 1. P. C. ' '■ '5 Forster, Master Wm. C. 5 Forster, Miss Sarab E. 8 00 Forster, in mem. Miss Mary 00 Forster, Miss Bell6 00 Forster, Jas. Percy Oo Forster, J. Rusoell 00 Foster. Robert P. 60 Gilbert, Bradford H. 2.: Gilbert, Miss 10 Godfrey, Miss Georgie 50 Godfrey, Miss Fanny 00 Godfrey. Miss Edna 00 Haninctt>n, Hon. Judge and 00 Mrs. Hanington, Miss |89 70 Hanington. Miss Maude Hanington, G. Lionel Hanington, Miss Blancbe V. Hickman, Mrs. Jos. Hi kman, William ^ I Hickman, Mrs. Jobn H, ^ I Jobnston, Jobn 70 Jobnston. Mrs. John Keillor, Mrs. Thomas 05 King. Mrs, F. J. Luther, Miss Masters. Mrs. H. W. Millar. Charles Millar, Mrs. Charles Millar, Master Harry McGrath, Mrs. Lucie A. McGratb. Mrs. J. H. McQueen, Mrs. Joseph A. Moran, Mrs. Noiles, Mrs. F. Oulton, Mrs. A. E. Oulion, T. Edwin Oulton, Cecil W. (Hilton, Marion L. Ou'lton. George King Oulton, Josephine M. Outhouse, Mrs. Palmer. P. J. Palmer, H, W. Palmer, Mrs. H W. Palmer, Miss Nellie Palmer, Mrs. M. B. Palmer, Mrs. John Palmer, Master Philip Palmer. Mrs. Edward C 00|Payzant. Mr. 00 Pipes, A. B. 06 -Pi^scott, Mrs. H. 00 Sherren. Mrs. 00 Smith, Lady 00 Steven, Mrs. |8 00 llOft 00 $20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 60 60 60 16 00 2 00 40 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 fO 2 00 2 00 H 00 1 00 60 1 00 2 00 1 60 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 20 20 20 20 20 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 0'> 1,00 1 00 1 00 26 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 25 10 00 1 00 I ;T !l .J I •:!:? f'M: ,1»-' 196 n Bwayne, Mrs. 10 50 Tntt. Mrs. Frank 00 Tftit, Miss Nina 90 Teed, .1. P. 1 00 Teed.Mrs. J. F. 1 00 Teed, Dr. J. F. 1 00 Teed, M. 0. and Mrs. BOO Teed, Master J. F. H. 1 00 Teed. Miss Emfly W. 1 00 Turner, Mrs. Wm. 60 Turner, Miss Bessie 00 Wilbur, Willard D. 1 00 Wilbur. Master Arthur 00 Wilbur, Miss Ethel 00 Wilbur, Miss Annie 00 Wilbur, Mrs. Burt 00 Wilson. S. Edgar 1 00 Total, 1 ■ 1201 B5 OAOETOWN. ColUeted by Mitt Flormee Du Vemet. SUNDAT-SCnOOL MIRNOK B0XK8, LBNT, 1896. Class of— Mr. Justice Haninffton, Mrs. John Palmer, Miss Forster, Miss Florence Palmer, Collected by Scholars- Oracle Chapman, Nina Tail, Mailon Oulton, Laurie Steven, lDf(li8 Wetmore, Ethel Prescott, Aline Chapman, Muriel Chapman, Jack Teed, €yiil Chapman, Iva Sherrard, Hulda Milligan, Eya Howe, Grand Total, $0 62 71 69 75 61 8h 46 1 58 06 45 ] 02 42 1 m 57 67 40 1 05 $11 00 $21 a 85 Amistronfr, John Brander, Wm. Brooks, Bella Brooks, Mrs. D. Burns, Walter M. Burns, Mrs. T. Cash, Casswell. J. A. Clowes, J. C. I Cooper, Fred. Cooper, John I C irrey, Miss Currey, Miss Maude Dale. J. T. DeVeber, Mr. and Mrs. G. DeVeber, N. D. Donald, A Dickie. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dioffee, W. B. Du vernet, Florence Du Vemet, J. H. Du Vemet, Mrs. Friend, A Gilbert, T. H. Gilbert, Mra. T. H. Gilbert, Mrs. Graham, W. F. Graham. John J. Graham, Annie Graham, Richard Greer. Miss Hansen, Rev. N. C. Hall. H. B. Hamilton, Miss Jane Hamilton. Wm. Hawkshaw. Mrs. Robert Hawkshaw, James Hector, Barry Hewlett. Miss Hopewell, Mrs. John Holmes. Wm. Howard, Donald Jjaw, Mrs. 8. Law, Wm. Law, Violet McAllister, James McAllister, Mrs C. L. McAllister, Mrs. Archie McAllister, Wm. McAllister. Mrs. Wm. McAlliitter, John |0 25 25 20 25 85 80 00 1 00 2 00 60 50 1 00 1 00 25 00 8 00 26 1 1 1 2 1 1 no 00 no 00 fiO 10 01 00 00 50 10 10 25 60 20 00 1 00 25 2.5 2J 25 1 00 1 00 7) 25 50 .'50 25 25 25 50 25 50 25 50 197 McCimcken. Mn. $0 McKinney, J. McKiDoey, MiM L. Z. MoMuIkIn, C. Peters, MIm S. Peters, Carrie E. Peters, Mr. & Mr8.T. Sherman 5 Peters, Pearl and Ruby Peters, M. L. 1 iShiels, Mrs. John Scott. Mrs. N. Simpson. Mrs, 0. Vail. A. Vail. M. £. Williams, Mrs. B. Williams. Miss H. Weston, Mrs. G. W. Weston, Mrs. R. H. t'buroh •ffertory. 5 Summerhill collections, 1 20 20 24 60 SO 50 00 00 UO 20 20 10 00 00 20 20 00 00 00 80 Total. I74J0 HAMPTON. Collected by Miu Carrie Smith. Arnold, Mrs. W. R. Hurnes, Mrs. N. M. Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bovaird. Mrs. James Crawford. Mrs. Wm. Crawford. Kate Crawford, Mary Crawford. William C. Crawford W. Cyril Curtis. Mrs. Sarah Campbell, Mrs. E. S. Demill, Edward R. Demill, Charity 8. Demill, Mrs. Rufus E. Dixon, J. H. Dixon. Mrs. Charles Fie welling, Mrs. E. A. Fairweather. Mrs. 8. Flemiujt. Mrs. Robert $0 1 , Mrs. QusSi GIggey, Frederick Hill, Benjamin W. Uambleton, £. Hambleton, F. Jenkins, Mrs. Albert Kil])atrick, Mrs. Alfred Langstroth, Wm., Jr. 00 00 50 20 00 50 50 UO 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 20 00 00 00 20 20 50 20 00 Matthew, Mrs. Robert S. Matthew. Miss Mary R. Morton, Fletcher McLeod, Mrs. !I. D. Nodwell, Mrs. Thomas Otty, Geo. O. Dickson Otty, William Pierce, Henry Pickett. Horatio Raymond, Mrs. J. Wolsey Raymond, GecrM Stewar*,. Mrs. W. O. Seely, Mrs. Edward H. Seely, Ida M. 8iratton, Clara Scribner, Mrs. H. Stci)henBon, Mrs. S. Smith, J. Newton, M. D. Smith, J. William Smith. Maggie L. Smith. Carrie E Travis, Mrs. A. McN. Travis, M. £. Taylor. Mrs. Warneford. Rev. £. A. Warneford. P. H., M. D., Wetmore, F. H., M. D., Wetmore, A. S. Wetmore, W. E. $0 00 90 1 00 00 15 10 00 2 1 1 1 1 00 (H) 00 00 00 00 20 25 20 80 50 2 00 00 50 00 1 00 00 1 00 2 00 00 00 00 25 Collection at— Village, Hampton Station, St. Paul's Church. Missionary meeUng, Village Missionary meeting. 155 50 10 00 6 80 8 88 9 50 00 |(K) 23 FRBNCH VILLAOB. CoUeeted by Miu Beuk B. Smith. Beatty, Noble Dickinson, Rev. T. Giggey. H. N. GIggey. Mrs. T. L. Giggey, M. W. Langstroth, W., Sr„ Langstroth, Stanley Langstroth, E. Langstroth, S. E. Smith, Newton Smith, Bessie B. |0 20 1 00 50 •50 50 1 oa 50 25 25 1 00 20 $8 00 i! H m 198 i - iiii I ill :i ill nil 1 BMITHTOWN. Collected by Miss Louise F. Smith. Bull. Miss E. Beasley, Mies Etta . Dickinson. Rev. T. Fowler, Mrs R. I'obinson, W. H. Robinson, Miss Robinson, Katie 8mitb, C. I. Smith, Miss L. F. Smith. Miss J. E. Smith, Mrs. E. P. Smith, Mrs. Isaiah Smith, Miss Sarah Smith, Ezra F. Smith, Mrs. J. 8. Twigg. Mrs. D. Wetmore, C Yeomans, Laura Collection at Missionary meeting, RECAPITULATION. mith. f 20 80 1 00 26 I 00 1 00 80 1 00 50 50 50 25 15 25 25 15 25 25 2 12 $10 22 Collected by- Miss Carrie Smith. $55 55 Bessie Smith, 8 00 Louise F. Smith, 10 22 Collections at St. Paul's St , Mary's and Messiah, 40 68 Collection for education. 5 68 Collection for I. C. Fund and W. and 0. Fund, 11 25 Children's Mission Fund- — For Advent, It 45 For Lent, 10 70 $158 48 HARDWICKE. Anthony, Charles Blake, Miss $1 00 50 Chapman, James 60 Chambers, George 60 Cushman, Miss 50 Dutcher, James 1 00 Dutcher, James A. 1 00 Dutcher, Daniel 60 Dutcher, Mary Emeline Dutcher, Wm. Sterling Dutcher, Sylvanus. jr. Dutcher. Wm. Dutcher, Peter Gardner, James Gardner, Thomas Gulliver, Phinehas Gulliver. W. Gulliver, Thomas Gulliver, Edvrard, sr. Gulliver, Edward, jr. Gulliver, George Gulliver, Mrs. George Gulliver, James Edward Gulliver. Mrs. W. Gulliver. Jane P. Hilman. Johu Kerr. Wm. Kingston, S. J., sr. Kingston, Alice Kingston, Evelyn Kingston, Henry in mem. Kingston, Mrs. Henry Kingston, Thomas H. Kingston, James Kingston, Maggie Jane Kingston, John E. Kingston, W. G. Kingston, Annie Kingston. Samuel Kingston, Mrs. S. Kingston, Joseph Kingston, Mary Jane Kingston, Christina Kingstca, Thomas Kingston, Peter Kingston, Maggie Kingston, S. J. Kingston, John R. Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Wm. Lewis, John Lewis, Luther Lloyd, Philip Lloyd. Mrs. Lloyd, Bella Jane Lloyd, Ella Louisa Lloyd, Alvena Llojd, Donald Edric Lloyd, John Alexander Mills. Wm. Mills, Janet Mills, John Mills, John A. |0 25 25 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 25 25 25 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 26 50 30 25 25 10 10 10 10 80 25 1 00 25 25 25 10 10 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 1 00 50 1 00 . 50 199 |0 25 25 50 1 00 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GO 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 25 25 25 25 00 00 00 25 25 50 30 25 25 10 10 10 10 80 25 1 00 25 25 25 10 10 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 200 1 00 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 1 Ort 50 1 00 50 MIIIp, George Mills, Mrs. George McDonald Joseph McLennaghiin, James McLeonagban, Robert McLennaghaa, Joseph McLeunagban, George McGraw, Wm. McLeod, I'hoinas ", McLeod, Wm. '• McLeod, John > McLeod, Charles McGregor, Nancy McLean, Wm. McLellan, Kenneth Noble, Mrs. Noble, Howard " - Noble, Jessie Scott, Mrs. Scott, Percy Sc»tt, George ' Sinclair, Henry Taylor, Robert Taylor, A. J., jr. Wilkinson. Rev. W. J. Williston, Edward Willioton, Mrs. John B. Williston, Ben Williston, John 0. Williston, Harry Williston. H. C. Williston, Howard Williston, Livy Williston, Bernie Williston, Wishart Williston, James G., sr. Williston. W. A. Williston, Mrs. W. A. Williston, James G., jr. Williston, Georg^, jr. Williston, Barber Williston, T. B. Williston, Mrs. T. B. Williston, Ambrose Williston, Mary Williston, Mrs. Williston, A. in mem. Williston, Rae Williston, Patterson W'illision, R. A. Williston, Donald Williston. Osborne Williston, Charles Williston, Alfred f 50 35 1 50 2 00 1 00 25 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 25 60 1 00 80 10 10 50 50 60 2 00 1 00 50 2 (K) 2 00 1 00 50 2 00 50 1 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 ne. Mrs. C. Payne, Wm. Payne, Charles Powys, Mr. & Mrs. P. Rainsford. The Misses Strange, George Strange, Cassie Strange, Helen St ration, Mrs. Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Mrs. V. Yaughan, Kate 2 m 1 00 1 00 1 (10 8 00 2 00 2 50 2 00 80 00 400 1 4 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 16 00 6 00 2 00 . 1 00 1 00 2 50 8 00 1 00 60 General Purposes Fund $852 50 Children's Mission. 7 72 Wido^vs and Orphans, 2 15 Education Children of Clergy, 5 17 Total, $867 54 LANCASTER. Armstrong, Robert Armstrong, Miss Belyea. Mrs. E. Belyea. Miss Bollard. Miss H. Carvell. Mrs. Duncan. Robert Duncan, George Duncan, Mies Jenny $9 50 1 00 26 26 8 86 1 60 6 00 Dunham, George Dunham, William J. Duff; Miss Engall.Freilerick Engall, John Engall, Arthur Griffiths, Edward Griffiths, James Hammond, Miss Hatlieway, John Herricks, Mr. Herricks, Mrs. Herrington, Thos. Herrington, Mrs. Thos. Lordly, Alfred Mills. Mrs. McGuire, Albert McKlel. Rev. Wm. McKiel, Miss McKiel, Miss Annie McKiel. Albert Rudolf, Miss Russell, Thomas Stears. John Stears, Thomas Willis, John Willis, Mrs. John Willis. Hattie Wallace. Mrs. Wildee. Miss Wolff, Miss Georgie 00 00 PISARINCO. Bryan. James, Sr.,» Bryan, James, Jr., Bryan, Wm. Dean, Walter Dean, Robert Emmerson, Annie McGuire. Nathaniel, Sr. McGuire, Nathaniel, Jr. McGuire, Samuel Splaine, George Collections in Church, |2 00 1 00 1 00 11 00 8 06 1 50 6 00 1 00 2 00 1 21 2 00 1 00 6 00 6 00 28 90 8 00 7 00 10 00 6 00 1 00 50 I 70 6 50 6 76 5 00 9 75 25 10 00 1 00 2 85 25 $158 06 $9 00 8 00 00 00 6 00 2 25 00 00 K 00 |87 50 10 61 $48 11 201 2 00 CHILDRBK'S LENTEN AND ADVENT BOXES. |158 06 $9 00 8 00 2 00 5 00 6 00 2 25 1 00 . 8 00 «00 20 187 50 10 61 #48 n Rudolf McKiel, Jen'oy Duncan, Ella Miller. Alice Stears, Harold Stears, Herman Robinson, Charles Miller, Jessie Duff. Lena Engall, Stanley Reed, Octavius McGuire, Willie McGuire, Henry Magee, Douglas Z wicker, Ethel Cougle, Pearl Coujtle, Hattie Willis. Hazel Bender, Arthur Bartlett, Ella Raynes. Charlotte Engall, Lily Reed, Sunday-school collection, $8 72 1 37 05 70 65 62 62 65 40 25 42 21 24 25 80 15 35 16 15 18 20 02 $12 16 6 89 $ 18 65 163 06 48 11 $219 72 LUDLOW AND BLI8SFIELD. LUDLOW. Collected by Misses Nellie Murphy, Mabel Harris and Loretta Pond. Duffy, Chas. T. Duffy, Fred. Dunphy, William Donalds, May E. Friend, Friend, IFovey, Stanley Ilovey, Mrs. J. E. Irvine, W. -Murphy, John Murphy, Laura L. -McClosky, Henry |1 00 60 60 2.1 25 16 60 26 25 1 85 1 00 25 McClosky. W. R. McAleer, John McAleer, Blrs. John McM., Neagles, George O'Donnell, Mrs. Peter Pond, R. A Pond. Orville Pond. Lauretta Price, Hovey Price Cruden Price. Fred Price. Mrs. W. R. Richards, W. D. Saunders, P. Sharpe, W . T. Wilson, Estelle H. LOWER LUDLOW. 11 00 1 00 25 50 50 25 1 00 50 1 'to 60 50 1 00 60 .1 00 2 00 2 00 25 $20 00 Collected by Walter O'Donnell. Carroll, Annie L Carroll, Wm. Dunphy, Emma J. Friend, A Lyons, Ellas Lyons, Dorcas A. Lyons, Hazen Lyons, Lemuel McDonald, Henry McElwee, Frank O'Donnell, Walter O'Donnell. Donily O'Donnell. James L. O'Donnell, Richard O'Donnell, Jennie L. O'Donnell Mrs. Richard O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Maurice ODoLnell, Patrick O'Donnell, Arthur O'Donnell, Ernest Price, Lewis Price, Mrs. George Price, Mrs. Douglas Price, Thomas Price, Mrs. Thomas Price, Everett Price, Charles Price, John Price, Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Mrs. Jessie r 10 25 25 25 25 25 20 1 00 10 25 25 50 25 1 00 25 iO 25 25 50 25 1 00 50 25 50 60 25 25 10 25 25 25 25 |10 85 .litij 202 BLISSFIELD. Collected by Jamea Oilks Albridge, Richard Arnold. William Crocker, R. Cowie. Thomas Doak, Joseph E. Doak, Harvie Ellis, John Freeze, Samuel Gilks, James Oilk3, Zacbariah Hendry, James Hildebrand. Otto Hinton. George Holmes, Mrs. James Holmes, Samuel Lyons, Chas. A. JAcDuff, John Ogilvie, William Parker, James Parker, Thomas Russell, William Storey, Max Swim, Robert Wathen, Geo. A. Wier, John. M. D. Whyte, William Cofltcted by Mrs. Jamen Belts. Betts, Mrs. James Bettfl, Millie Crocker, Timothy Donald, George McDonald, Alex. Parker, Matilda Storey, Daniel Storey, William Storey, Joshua Storey, Joseph •s. |0 25 1 0(» 26 2 50 2 50 PO 50 50 2 50 1 00 25 60 50 1 00 1 00 25 60 50 50 50 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 60 2 50 124 50 etts. |1 00 56 25 50 26 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 20 $6 00 NORTON. Baxter, Capt. R. Dixon, Charles £. Frost, Mrs. Uarvej Fairweather, James E. Fairweather, Mrs. James E. Huggard, James Hanington, Rev. C. P. Hanington, Miss Raymond, George Raymond, I, B. S. Raymond, John Wetmore, Oscar Whitney, Miss C. PETERSVILLE. Armstrong, Mrs. John Armstrong, Rev. W. B. Armstrong, Mrs. W. B. Armstrong, F. Beatrice Armstrong, Reginald W. Bayard, Robert H. Burns, George Corbett, John Graham, Mre. John Hassen, Thomas Howe, Mr. & Mrs. W. McKenzie, Malcolm McKinney, Stewart Perkins, Mrs. Josiah Stevenson, 1'. A. Sutton, George Sproul, Edward Tilley, W. H. Walker, Mrs. Alexander Wilson, James Wilson, Miss Jane Wilson, John Woods, Mrs Francis Woods. H. W. Woods, William J. Woods, Mrs. W. J. Offertories, |1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 00 00 60 1 <0 1 00 1 00 5 00 $20 00 5 1 $1 00 1 2 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 1 00 50 00 00 50 50 5U 50 50 25 SJo 2 0<> 1 0(» 50 50 8 00 $27 00 203 )0 DO 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 L »0 I 00 1 00 5 00 50^ Al 00 3 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 1 00 2 00 50 50 50 50 50 23 25 2 0'> 1 Olt 50 50 8 00 127 00 PRINCE WILLIAM DUMFRIES. H. W. Gregory, M. D., A. H. Prescott, M. D., John A. Henry, George Hood, CbiirchniaD. i^homas Jones W. W. Graham, William Eraser, Fred. Henry, Archie McMullin, Mrs Hatch, William Henry, John McMullin, Mrs. Ellegood, Alexander Eraser, Joseph Henry. William McMullin, Alexander Vance, William Hood, George Ellegood, Arthur Ellegood, Mrs. M. Hamilton, Judson Coy, M. D., Lewis Heiiry, John E. Miller. Thomas Simmons, Edwnrd Simmons, William Simmons, Nathan Scott, Joseph Porter, Joseph Gartley, W. D. Ellegood, Clement Fraser, Levi Fraser, John Love, George W. Graham, T. L. Fraser, A. E. Hunt. Sflmuel McMullin, William Henry, Jr , James Miller, Melvin Hamilton, Nelson Love, Robert H. Graham, George Simmons, Charles Simmons, George Love, James Carruthers, 'i bomas Lockhart, Robert Vance, Albert Goodine, AND 126 00 15 00 12 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 00 dO 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00: 6 oo: 6 oo: 6 00 ! 6 00; 6 00 6 00; a 00 1 5 00! 5 00 5 00 5 00 e 00 4 00 4 (0 4 00 1 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 « 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 li 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 Walter Hood. William Vance, Simon Goodine, Mrs. James Saunders, Uoy McMullin, Allen Goodine, Charles Gartley, William Glover, Robert A. Glover, George Fraser, James Fraser, Edmund Fraser, Mrs. Robert Miller, Miss Katie Hatch, John C. Thompson, John Lockhart, Edmund Brown, William Graham, Albert Fraser, George Jones, Thomas Jones, Jr., J< hn M. Fraser, W. E. Scott, N. E. Hoyt, John Clay den, Ambrose Hood, Gilmor Love, Alexander Simmons, David Murray, PRINCE WILLIAM. |2 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $809 00 (Contributions for 1895 ) Brown. Edmund Carruthers, James Coy, Judson, M. D., Ellegood, Arthur Ellegood, Whitter Ellegood, Mrs. Fraser, T. L. Fraser, John M. Eraser, Alexander, Fraser, Clement Fraser, William Graham, W. W. Graham, Robert Graham, Geo. W. Graham, Wm. Hamilton, Mrs. Henry, Manzer, Henry, Frederick |0 25 50 25 25 00 2 00 1 25 25 50 25 00 50 25 95 25 25 25 50 204 Henry, Joseph Henry, Wm,, Jr. Henry, Lewis Hood, Gilford Jones. Thomas Love, George Love, John McMullin, Wm. McMullin, Samuel McElwaio, Richard McElwain, Sammie Miller, William Scott, Nath. Vestry Clerk, |2 1 1 00 00 25 25 Currle, Robert C'urrie, Robert, Jr. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis. L. 2 50 I Emslie. Mr. and Mrs. J. 50 Gartley, xVrr. and Mrs. E. 1 ~ 1 RICHMOND. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. |1 00 Anderson, Miss J. 25 Anderson, W. H. 25 Beardsley, Alfred 50 Bell, Alfred 1 00 Bell, Alfred, jr. 25 Bell. Mrs. B. 50 Bell, Benjamin 1 00 Bell, Charles Allen 25 Bell, George 1 00 Bell, George Lewis 25 Bell, Mr. and Mrs. I. 1 00 Bell, Miss Jane 50 Bell, Lee 25 Bell, Miss Loretta 25 Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1 00 Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. 1 00 Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. 50 Betteridge, Mr. and Mrs. T. 1 00 Biakemore, Mr. and Mrs A. 1 00 Blakemore, Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 00 Biakemore, Joseph 50 Bull, Mrs. J. 50 Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 00 Bustard, Mr. and Mrs. A. 50 Bustard, Mrs. Geo., Sr, 25 Bustard, George 1 00 Bustard, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1 00 Bustard, Mr. and Mrs. John 1 00 Carpenter, Chester 60 Carter, Mr, and Mrs. A. 1 00 Currie, Mr. and Mrs. A. 50 Ciirrie, Miss C. 26 Currie, Miss J. 26 00 ! Gartley George 50 Gartley, Mr. and Mrs. John 75 Gartley, Samuel 25 Gartley, Thomas 10 Gartley, Thomas, Jr. 50 Gentle, Mrs. J. 50 ! Gentle, Miss 90 i Gentle, Miss M. Giddis, .John 140 75 Gidney. Charles ^^^ Gidney, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gidney, Herbert Gidney, Mr. and Mrs. John $2 00 25 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 25 50 25 26 1 00 1 00 I 50 50 1 50 Gidney, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1 50 Gidney, P. G. Green, Horace Hanson, O. Hanson, Roland Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Henderson, James Henderson, William Ivey, Charles Ivey, Clarence Ivey, George Ivey, Henry Ivey, James Ivey, John Ivey, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ivey, Robert Ivey, Thomas Jameson, C. S. Jameson, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Kennedy, Mrs. H. King, Fred. Kerrigan, John Kilburn, Mrs. Lindsay, Herbert Lint, Mrs Martin, John Martin, John. Jr. Martin, Mrs. R. McBride, Mrs. Arthur McBride, Master Arthur McBride, Miss A. McBride. Herbert McBride, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McBride, Mr. and Mrs. James McBride, John T. 1 00 1 00 1 00 ■ 50 ^m 1 00 ^M 1 00 ^M 1 00 H 1 00 H 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 8 50 H '^' 50 1 50 H s< 1 00 ■ S( 50 1 St 50 H St 50 1 ^t 1 no I St 50 I St 50 1 '^^ 1 00 ■ '^^ 50 ■ '^o 50 I '^^ 50 I '^''< 50 I Trj 50 1 Tri 50 1 Tri 76 1 We 50 1 We 75 We 50 WJJ 50 WiJ 50 WiJ 50 205 McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McBride, Mr, and Mrs. N. McBride, Mrs. Thomas McBride, Thomas McBride, Thomas McBride, Mr. and Mrs. W. McBride. William McGuire, Mr. and Mrs.W. J. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. A Mclnlyre, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay, John McRee, Miss McKee, Mr. and Mrs. J. McKeen, George McKeen, Joseph McKeen, Reuben McKeen, William McLean, Mrs. John McLellan, Mrs. John Nicholson, Charles Nicholson, Miss Edith Nicholson, Miss Sarah Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholson. J. W. O'Brien. Mrs. O. Parks, Mrs. D. Parks, Mrs. G. H. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ray, Harry Saunders, Miss Saunders, J. F. Scott, Mrs. Alfred Scott, Robert Seely, Mrs. 5,. Stokes, Mrs. Stokes, Miss B. Stokes, Charles Strong, Miss P. Strong, S. Teed, Rev. A. W. Teed, W. H. Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Joha Toms, Osborn Tracey, Mrs. Geo. Tracey, William Tripp, Edmund Tripp, Edmund, Jr. Wet more, Charles Wei more, MiM G. Wetmore, Smedes Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. £. Wilson, George |0 50 1 00 1 2 2 00 00 60 50 3 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 25 50 CO 50 50 1 00 50 00 60 50 1 00 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 i 50 1 00 50 60 50 1 00 1 00 50 60 1 00 25 26 50 60 1 00 25 50 60 50 5t) 50 2 00 Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. James 1 00 Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 00 Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W., Jr. 60 Collections. St. John's Church, Watson Settlement, St. Paul's Church, Bellville. Mission Boxes, 1109 60 84 62 87 78 70 ' . .''■ ' " > - 1126^6 8ACKVILLE. Allison, J. F. 12 00 Allison, Mrs. 1 00 Atkinson, Mrs. F. 25 Adams, Mrs. J. 36 Adams, Laura 10 Adams, Muriel OS Adams, Mattie 05 Ackles, Mrs. S. 1 00 Ansell, Mrs. 25 Bulmer, Seth 1 00 Bulmer, Miss 25 Bulmer, Mrs. N. 25 Bulmer, Mrs N. 60 Bulmer, Mrs. T. 60 Bennett, Mrs. 2 00 Cogswell, Miss 50 Cogswell, Miss M. 60 Copp, Mrs. H. 26 Carter, Mrs. B. 60 Dickson, Mrs. 50 Dixon, W B. and Mrs. 2 00 Duncan. Mrs. R 25 Estabrooks, Mrs. 26 Estabrooks, Miss M. 25 Estabrooks, Mrs. John 60 Fawcett. Mrs. H. R. 60 Honr, Mrs. M. 60 Hicks, Mrs. Timothy 50 Hostler, Thomas 1 00 Johnson, Mrs. John 1 00 Kaye, Mrs. W. W. 50 Lowerison, Mrs. T. 1 00 Lowerison, Miss 50 Milner, W. C. » 00 Milner, Mrs. W. C. 3 00 Milner. Capt. 1 00 fc'k.V' 206 Milner, Mrs. Milner, Horatio Milner, Binney Morice, Mrs. Juhn Moore, Mrs. £. A. Masters, Miss Purdy, Mrs. Pbinney. Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Robson, Mrs. Wm. RaiDoiti, Mrs. Jas. Sutherland, Mrs H. Siddall, Francis Teed, B. B Wilson, Miss Wiggins, Rev. C. F. Wiggins, Mrs. Wiggins, Nora Wiggins, John Keble Wiggins, Helen Wry, Miss Wry, George Wallace, Mrs. |0 "SO 25 25 25 25 1 00 25 60 1 00 25 25 1 00 .. 1 00 1 00 25 2 00 1 00 25 25 25 18 12 1 00 $40 45 ST. ANDREWS. Black, Thomas Burton, John Bradley, Mrs. Carmichael, Mrs. Cockburn. E. A. Denley, Joseph Forsler, W. D. Forster Ethel B. Forster, D. J. 1. Gladys Gove, Dr. 8. T. Gove. Mrs. C. M. Grimmer, F. H. Haddock, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Geo. Ketchum, Rev. Dr. Ketchum, Emily Knieht. Mrs. L. B. Legb, Mrs. E. Cornwall MacMaster, J. Sidney McCurdy, Mrs. Muloney, Robert Mowat, Mrs. George Mowat, Grace Helen Moody, Harry It 1 00 50 60 60 00 1 OO 5 00 8 00 2 uO 5 00 1 00 6 00 60 60 1 0<> 10 00 1 00 2 00 00 00 26 60 00 00 00 Norris, Jessie Odell. Mrs. Odell, Miss Odell, £. Odell. T. T. Parker, Dr. and Mrji. Neville Parker, Alice Gertrude Richardson, Mrs. Tom Rigby, Mrs. S. S evenson, Mrs. B. R. Street, T. H. Stickney, Mrs. G. Harold Trt adwell, Nathun Tread well, Mrs. Wren, Mrs. John Wren, Bessie Hill Wren, Capt. John Wren, T. Rudolph Collections in Church, S. S. Mission Boxes, Advent, do. do. Lent, |0 26 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 OO 25 00 6 00 60 60 (10 00 00 01) 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 5 2 1 1 1 I 1 I 6 8 75 15 80 1184 55 CHAMCOOK. Grimmer, Mrs. Grimmer, J. D. Grimmer, G- D. |25 00 25 00 5 00 BECAPITULATION. St. Andrews, Chamcook, $65 00 $184 55 55 00 Total, $18!> 55 ST. DAVID. CHURCH OF THK ASCENSION. Cdlected bv Mr. Geo. Davidton Black, Robt. M. Clazton, Jeremiah Clazton, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. L. C. Claxton, Arthur Davidson, Geo. H. Davidson, Mrs. G. Davidson, Ethel Davidson, Pearl f 4 00 2 00 60 1 00 60 6 00 1 00 25 25 207 ^55 00 t\m 55 kchon *4 00 200 50 1 00 50 600 1 00 25 25 Davidsoa, Robt. Davidson, Mrs. R. Davidson, Clarlc Davidson, Alvln B. Deacon, Mrs. Robt. Deacon, Nelson Deacon, Valinda Martin, Mrs. Morrison. Mrs. I. C. Morse, Myrtle C. Morse, Verona O. Smith, Robert Smitli, Mrs. R. Smith, Beatrice Smith, P. W. C. Smith, Melbourne R. Sawyer, Eri Sawyer, Mrs. Eri Towers, Mrs. Robt. Towers, Wallace Towers, Webster Towers, Effle Towers, Milton Towers, George Towers. Mrs. Geo. Towers, Georgia Towers, Kinsman Towers, Gerty Towers, Victoria Towers, Minnie Towers, Sedgefield Towers. John A. Towers, Louisa M. Sunday Collections, OAK B\T ROAD. |2 00 50 2 00 50 00 00 25 00 50 25 25 00 50 25 25 25 00 00 60 50 50 25 25 2 00 1 00 26 1 00 25 25 25 8 00 2 00 25 16 70 |«il 95 2 1 Collected by Mr. Henry Movxttt. Millidffe, Mary A. Millidge. Jean Polley, Arthur Polley, Mrs. A. Polley, Ethel Rolls. William Watters, Annie Watters, Lillie Sunday collections. 60 25 C 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 00 00 17 7« Bamford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gregory, William Maxwell, J. H. H. Maxwell, Charles O. Mowatt, Henry Mowatt, William Mowatt, James Mowatt, Thomas Mowatt, Mrs. Jennie:) McBride, Mrs. Jiinies McBride, Mrs. Nellie Millidge, Winnie G. Millidge, Lucy E. $8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 8 00 2 00 1 00 50 |6<) 01 From Miss Annie Watters, towards deficiency, 1896, 11 80 TOWER HILL. CoUeeUd bv Mm Helen Armstrong. Armstrong, David S. |8 00 Armstrong, Helen E. (teacher) 1 00 Armstrong, Jessie E. Armstrong. Mrs. D. S. Armstrong, Sedgefield W. Davidson, Andrew Davidson. Mrs. A. Davidson, Mabel L. Doore, H. N. Harvey, Mrs. Wm. Howland, Mrs. B. Howland Melvin Irving. William Irving. Mrs. W. Irving, Howard Irving. Maud C. Irving, Mrs. James Irving. Geoi^e Irons. Mrs John Logan, John Logan, Mrs. John Ludgate. Mrs. Geo. Ludgate, Lena E. Ludgate, Eva C. Powers, Mrs. Warren Powers, Alvira Pollard, Mrs. J. R. Pollard, Chauncy R. Scott, Mrs. Clara Scott, Mrs. Walter Towers, Jessie Thompson, Mrs. John Woodcock, Mrs. Helen E. Woodcock, John 25 1 BE' 1 o«> 1 fS' 1 00 1 ^ 1 00 i]^H IM' 1 00 MB Wi 25 Wt, 1 00 tIB ^m 2 00 Wm 26 H 26 H 1 00 H 1 00 ^ 1 00 1^ 25 ^m 1 (K) m ^m 2 00 wm ^m 1 00 '«i ' s ^m 1 00 JS 100 ^m 1 00 wi 1 00 ^M 1 00 wM 1 00 H 1 00 Bl^ 2 00 ^ 25 ^i 1 00 ^m 25 ^ 60 Wm 1 00 Wb 6 00 ^ 1 00 M 137 26 20H I >' 'II I'! IIILL'8 FOINT 6CB0OL.. ColUcled by Mr. Joseph Simpson. Bailey, Wilbeit E. Simpson, Joseph A., J. P., HimpsoD, Mrs JoHepb Sunday colleclions, ST. PATRICK. |1 00 1 00 1 00 7 64 |10 64 Collected bv Mr. J. H. Dyer. Achesson, J. H. Achesson, Harry Acbenson, Cyrus (teacher) Acbesson. William A. Acheason, Alex Armstrong;. Mrs. J. P. Baldwin, Geo. H. Hnd Mrs. Baldwin. Arthur E. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boyd, Mr. and Mrs Edward Blakney, Mrs. Joseph Birney, Samuel Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ti. Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hewitt, Cyrus and Mrs. C. Hewitt, William Hall, Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin, Henry A. Maguire, Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Maguire, John Maguire, John A. Maguire, Hilton Maguire. Isabel J. Murphy, Samuel Monahan, James E. MoFarlan, Jobn £. Roch, Mrs. Thomas Roch, Bessie Smart, Mr. and Mrs. James Smart, Milton F. Towers, Ernest Wilson, Hill M. Wilson, Mrs. Hill M. Wilson, Emma Wilson, Lizzie Wilson, Stanley Sunday Collections |3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 26 8 00 1 00 3 OU 1 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 1 1 00 On 00 AO 60 60 5 00 1 00 60 60 00 <'0 00 00 00 26 25 25 12 48 CnURCH OF THB TRANSFIOURATIOM. Collected by Mr. Acheatou Carson. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson, Henry Carson, Wilson Uarson, Rachel Cunningham, John Fisber, Angus Fisher, Percy A. Fisher, Clarence Holt, Mrs. John E. Holt, Edmund Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Holland. Sandy Holland, Sargeant Holland, Angus Holland, Abbie V. Holland. Sadie J. Irwin, Thomas Johnston. Mrs. Gorman Johnston, Thomas R. Mclnincb, Samuel Groom. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roiz, James Roix, Sargeant Ray nor, Charles Raynor, Mrs. C. Suramerton, John Summerton, Mrs. J. Summerton, Mary Wilcox, Ananias Sunday Collections $6 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 26 25 2 00 1 00 75 26 25 25 10 10 50 1 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 25 1 00 25 25 50 9 07 |41 02 ST. JAMBS. Collected by Mr. Wm. Oillenpie. 2 2 1 2 1 |05 98 Clarke, Mrs. Clarke, Ida A. Dibblee, Mrs. G. O. Gillespie. Wm. Gillespie, Mrs. Wm. Gillespie, Helena (teacher) val ■ Was 2 00 1 00 ■ tVet 6 00 ■ >veti ^1 Wu^ 6 00 12 00 H '>ae( ■ Youo 1 00 2 00 H 2 00 H 1 00 H 1 00 ^B f\t9- 1 DO ■ (-'uc 1 00 I Oct. 1 1 00 I April. 1 00 1 00 ■ ^pecia 1 00 I 1 0(1 I 1 00 1 ' 1 00 I 2 00 1 ^ ^"nd 1 dO 1 CliiJdre 50 ■ 2 00 1 Advent ."jO 1 I^eoten < 1 00 1 Otiiero 1 00 1 iiig th 1 00 1 1 00 1 Missions 10 00 1 .5 00 2 00 I 00 Printing 1 00 211 1 1 1 ,5 00 2 00 200 1 00 200 60 5 00 S 00 00 00 60 2 00 2 00 1 00 10 00 6 00 200 00 00 . 00 200 1 00 6 00 6 00 12 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 iiO 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 1 1 2 1 00 00 00 00 (lO 50 2 00 no 00 00 1 1 1 00 1 00 10 00 500 2 00 I 00 1 00 Smllh, F. Smith, R. L. Smith, 8. J. Smith, W. H. Snider, Mrs. Splane, J. Stephenson, Hiss Stephenson, Mrs. A. Stevens, O B. Stotkford, G. W. Sturdee, H. L. Sturdee, The Misses Sutherland, J. N. Taylor, J. M. Taylor, H, Taylor, 8. Thome, Mrs. 8. 8. Tingey, Mrs. Tingey, Miss Waleling. T. A. Walker, Mrs. T. Washington. Mrs. T. C. Wetmore, MissE. C. Wetmore, Miss J. Wheeler, Miss Wheeler, Miss Bessio Young Women's Guild, |1 H 00 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 10 00 Subscriptions for Diocesan objects : E. of C. of Clergy, |13 77 W. and O. Fund, 18 20 9. 8chotlcl(i'8 sub- scription to Aged and I. C. Fund, 5 00 ' 97 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 0f> K 00 2 00 1 00 45 50 1 05 1 25 $957 26 ST. JOHN BAPTIST. 20 00 1474 10 Offertory — Oct., 1895. 4H 54 April, 1896, 67 95 Special offerings, 5 01 $122 40 Sunday-school for the Children's Mission Fund : Advent offerings, $16 H2 Lenten offerings. 57 15 Other offerings dur- ing the year, 26 08 100 00 Missionary Working Patty, 286 74 Printing and postiage, 1988 24 7 96 1925 29 Alice, Sister Armstrong, ^lliss Barton, Miss Belyea, Mrs. Boyd, B. C. B Christian, Mrs. Christian, Miss Campbell, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Davenport, Rev. J. M. Ewing, W. A. Frith. R. Frith, K. Fry, Mrs. Godfrey, Miss Hamilton. Miss Harvey, H. A. Hays. Rev. W. Jack, I. Allen Jack, The Misses Jarvls, Miss Jones, Mrs. I^ena J'>nes, Fred A. Jones, Rev. P. Owen Kemp. Mrs. Kenny. Mrs. Kennedy. Lydia Lee, Mrs. T. C. Lee, W. G. Peacock. Mrs. Peters, Hurd Peters, Mrs. Hurd Peters, Ralph Ring. Mrs. G. F. Rodgers. Richard Schofleld, Geo. A. Schofleld, H. B. Schofleld. Miss Seeiy. Mrs. F. Sheppard, Mrs. $15 00 1 00 1 00 25 6 00 5 00 2 00 25 1 00 50 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 50 2 00 1 00 10 00 2 00 50 2 2 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 80 : 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 40 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 25 212 Short, Mrs. G. Shiels, Mrs. Slurdee, E. T. Sturdee, Mrs. E. Todd, Mrs. Urijuhart, Mrs. ST. MARK. General Purposes. Adams, Arthur W. - ■ Armstrong, J. R. Bates, Edward Belyea, J. A. Clinch, D. CarletOQ Clinch, Peter Coster, Charles J. Coster, George C. Crawford, S. D. deSoyres, Rev. J. Emerson, R. B. Everett, Edwin ,T. Fairweather, Geo. E. Finley, J. Henery, Charles Jarvis, W. M. Keator, Mrs. G. E. S. Kimball, George A Knodell, George A. Lawrence, Miss Lester, Mrs. E. II. Markham, Alfred Merritt, G . Wetmore Merritt, Joseph F. McAllister, A. Puddington, H. F. Payre, Fred. E. Short, Harry Thorno, Arthur T. Thome. Mies Tilley, H. C. $0 25 10 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 Education of the Children of (he CUrgy. Jones, R. Keltie $lo 00 RECAPITULATION. General Purposes, 16»J|5 w. and U. Fund, =; I |158 50 32 00 I 5 00 la 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E. of the C. 01 the Clergy, 10 00 |2(»0 50 ST. MARTINS. Collected by Miss Ida Miller. 20 00 8 00 10 00 20 00 00 00 20 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 50 00 00 00 «0 5 00 1 00 6 00 6 00 ft 00 Carson, Mrs. Robert Carson, George Cronk, Mrs. William i Cutten, Mrs. 8. J. 1 Fawcett, Mrs. James ! Hastings, Robert Ilosford, William Ingram, Mrs. William Kennedy, Mrs. Joseph Miller, C. and family Rourke, Miss P. Rourke, W. R. and H. W. Rourke, Mrs. James SiaflEord, Mrs Tracy, Edward Tracy. John Wilson, William Wallace Ernest Woods, Thomas WEST QUACO. $158 50 Widows and Orphans Fund. Armstrong, Mrs. George Raymond, Albert E. Smith, Mrs. Geo. F. Tumbull, W. W. M. I ; t $1 00 1 (0 10 00 20 00 |82 00 |0 50 50 25 2o 2o 50 40 1 00 50 2 00 >.'5 50 1 00 20 ^■) 25 50 25 |9 GO Collected by Miss Maggie Osborm. Carson, Mrs. Joseph Carson, Albert Foster, Mrs. A. Friend, Friend, Friend, Hodsmyth, Annabella Howe, Charles Hosford, Thomas Hodsmyth, Willie Hodsmyth, J. B. $0 25 50 50 25 25 50 25 no 30 25 50 213 Clergy. |l«» 00 kl58 RO 32 00 10 00 liller- ftO 50 50 iW. 25 25 25 50 40 1 00 50 2 00 >>5 50 1 00 20 25 25 50 25 25 »Si CO Lie Oshorw- |0 2o ' 50 50 25 25 50 25 50 30 25 50' King, John |0 40 King, Mr. and Mrs Joseph 50 Love, R. A. 25 Lovatt, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1 00 Mosher, Arvilla 25 ^losher, Annie 25 Marsters, Mrs. Captain 30 Osborne, Tilley 25 Osborne. Maggie 50 Patterson, Miss C. A. 50 Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 50 Slipper, Rev. A. A. 1 00 Walker, Miss E. R. 50 Riggs, Edward Shanklin, Edward Treadwell, Samuel Welsh, William Ward, William ' $10 25 ORISR SETTLEMENT. Collected by M. R. Daly, Esq. Boyd, George Brown, Mrs. George Ganders, .lames Daly, M. R. Daly, Mrs. M. R. Daly, Samuel P. Daly, Ernest J. Daly, Samuel J. McCue, Mrs. James Ray, R. E. TYNEMOUTH CREEK. $0 25 25 25 50 25 15 10 60 50 50 |3 25 Collected by Mrs. J. 8. Parker Bright, Thomas ■• $0 25 Brown, Charles H. 50 Court, Wm. P. 1 00 Carter, John, 25 Campbell, Joseph 25 Douglass, George ' 25 Ellsworth, Thomas 25 Fernald, George 25 Guthrie, Daniel • 25 Qrier, James 25 Grler, John 50 Lovatt, James 18 Lockery, Mrs, Andrew 25 Lovatt. George T. 50 Lovatt, Mrs. Robert 40 Moore, Thomas 25 Manette, Sadie 25 McKay, Martha E. 25 Parker, Mrs. J. 8. 1 50 I Parker, Mrs. Leonard 1 00 RECAPITULATION. St. Martins, West Quaco, Grier Settlement, Tynemouth Creek, 25 25 25 25 50 |10 08 to 60 10 25 3 25 10 08 $33 IS ST. MARY. . - - . . • Adams, F. R. and S. |0 50 Adams, Miss S. 50 Anonymous, 5 00 Anonymous, 2 00 Anonymous, 1 00 Anonymous, ^ 50 Anonymous, 95 Barton, Herbert 20 Bell, Fannie 10 Coleman, H. R. 25 Flewelling, C. W. 15 Friend, A 1 00 Frost, Barbara S. 25 Frost, Mary L. 25 Giggey, H. N. 50 Godfrey, E. V. 50 Godfrey, Qeorgina G. J. 25 Godfrey, Frances C. G. 25 Godfrey, Edna Hill, iMrs. George 25 50 Kirkpatrick, Mrs. W. J. 50 McKay, Mrs. John 1 00 Raymond, Rev. W. 0. > 5 00 Raymond, Mrs. W. 0. ' 1 00 Raymond, W. 0., Jr. 1 00 Raymond, A. Winifred 1 00 Rogers, Mrs. J. N. 50 Sunday School Offerings, 9 00 Town, Henry 2 00 Unkauf, Thos. J. 50 Willis, Mr. and Mrs. S. 1 00 W. and 0. Fund, 2 69 $40 09 fif i' f€;:.l 214 I mi- ST. MARYS. ArmstroDg, Geo. Bideo, Henry Biden, Milly Blalr, Thos. Blaney, Geo. Boone, H. ' Barker, W. Brewer, B. Blaney, W. Brown, C. Brown, Mrs. M. Biden, C. ' Barber, H. Belyea, Mrs. Belyea, Lloyde Bolster, Jobn Coombes, Arthur » Coombes, David Carman, H. Crowley, P. Clements, MissB. Eslerbrooks, Mrs. C. Fitzgerald, Mibs Friel, Miss Gill. H. Hillock, Mrs. , , Harrison, E. Jaffrey, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. E. Ladds, E. Logan, G. R. ■ McCollough, J. Mullen, Dr. Peppers, John Peppers, Sam. Peppers, R., 8r. Peppers, R., Jr. Patchel, Jas. Parkinson, Rev. J. R. Peabody, Isaac Polley, Rd. Pond, Mrs. Oliver, Miss Ruel, Jas. Rice, A. Rice, John Rice. W. Robinson, Duncan Rockwell, Mrs. Stephenson, Miss Saunders, C, Stickles, Jas. Staples, Miss |25 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 fi 00 3 00 12 00 1 00 6 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 3 05 3 00 2 50 5 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 6 00 8 00 3 00 8 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 9 (\n 00 00 12 00 8 00 5 00 4 1 1 8 4 4 00 75 00 00 00 00 Staples, Mr. & Mrs. John |1 00 Smith, Jos. 6 00 Stead, Mrs. 5 00 Tilley. W. 12 00 Tomilson, T. 5 00 Weatherspoon, Mrs. 1 00 1288 25 NASHWAAK. Abernethey, Rob. ft 00 Abernethey, Albert 1 00 Cowperthwaite, John 5 00 Cowperthwaite, Lem. 2 00 Cowperthwaite, Will. 2 00 Cowperthwaite, Jas. 2 00 Cowperthwaite, Geo. ' 2 00 Cowperthwaite, Hen. •2 00 Cowperthwaite, Albert 2 00 Cowperthwaite, Odber 2 00 Cowperthwaite, Mrs. R. 2 00 Frith Bros. 5 00 McLean, H. - " • 2 00 Seward, Mrs. 1 00 Sloat, John 2 00 VanHorne, Geo. 1 00 VanHorne, Mrs. 1 00 6 00 $35 00 ALL eOULS' MISSION, MART8VILLE, Arnold, Mrs. Cadwallader, E. Clogg, Mr. and Mrs. Cudlip, Mr. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Densmore, Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar, Miss Fcss, Mr. and Mrs. Founston, R. Gallimore, Mr. Harris, Mrs. Hoyle, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, R. .Morehouse, Mr. and Miss Perry, Miss Purkiss, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Segee, Mrs. Sharpe, Dr. Tapley, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Way cot t, Mr. and Mrs. Total, $50 00 215 %\ 00 6«K) 5 00 12 00 5 00 1 00 288 25 llBS Irs. RECAPITULATION. «t. Marys, $238 25 Nasbwaak, iiH 00 Mfirysville. ft5 00 Women's Aid Association, 20 OU Collections, 50 00 Total, $398 25 W. and O. Fund. $1 08 SAINT PAUL. |B. A- otal. %^^^ Anonymous, do. (I. C. F.) do. (W. & O. F.) Barker, Miss Madeline Barker, Miss Winifred Blair, A. C. (W. & O. F.) Blair, A. C. (I. C F.) Bourne, T. Percy Campbell, J. Roy Campbell, Mrs. M. Campbell, Miss M,, Sr. Cdster, Mrs. N. A. ( u8t3r, Mrs. F. & Miss < rawford, Mrs. M. Coupe, Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Dicker, Rev. & Mrs. A.G. H Friend. Friend, P>iend, Friend, Friend, llarrison.Jerenuah(W&OF)10 00 llogan, Mrs. G. B, 1 00 Hoyt, Mrs. C. 50 Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. 2 00 Junes, Hon. Thos R. & Mrs. 10 00 Loe. Mrs. W. T. P. 2 00 L. e. Henry P. 3 00 Magee, Mrs. J. M. 2 00 Madras School, Portland, 7 00 Matthew, G. F. 8 00 Matthew, Jack 13 McDevitt, Evelyn 10 Morrison, Charles S. 2 00 Murray, Miss F. E. 2 00 Stales, Mrs. W. S. 10 00 >iniles, MrsW. S., (W & O F) 10 00 Kichols. Craig W. 5 00 Ouv, Henry P. 1 00 140 00 20 00 20 00 00 5 00 -2 50 2 50 1 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 10 00 15 00 50 2 00 10 0(» 50 1 00 1 00 10 1 00 Penaligan, W. A. Peters, Miss H. E. Peacock, George Peacock, Miss Eliza Robertson, Harold H. Robertson, Kathleen H. Rf.bertson, J. C & Mrs. Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. T. B. Robinson, P. C. Starr, Mrs. R. P. Starr, Frank P. Starr, Miss Starkie, Mrs. Walter Straton, James Scovil, Edwin G. Smith, G. Sidney Smith, Miss F. M. Symonds, Mrs. (I. C. F) Symonds, The Misses Stead. Mr and Mrs. Schofleld, Mrs. John K. Thorne. W. H. Underbill, Mrs. L. Underbill, Miss L. H. Upham. Mrs. C. W. Walker. Mrs. Thomas Walker, Miss Jessie Walker, Francis Cox Walker, W. Dacre Walker, Edward B. Wilson. Mary Wright. Arthur Wright, Miss A. D. Walker, Miss Mary Winter, Mrs. « Lent Mission Boxes, ST. BARNABAS CHAPEL. Peacock, Mrs. Jfimes Peacock, Mrs. John Peacock, Nathaniel Peacock, Mrs. Nathaniel Peacock, Wm. J. Peacock, Annie L. Peacock, Frederick N. Peacock, John W. Peacock, John Peacoi k, Albert Offertory tor the fund to aid in the Education of the Children of the Clergy, 2 00 1 00 8 00 3 00 1 OO 1 00 10 00 10 00 2 00 25 00 25 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 4 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 5 00 20 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 5 00 60 2 00 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 8 00 25 20 22 41 00 00 50 00 00 9ft 20 26 00 60 6 00 M a ^?^s 1 1-fA' r'^ 1 4'. M ^ $418 44 'l' 216 It' Iff? i i- ; SUMMARY. General Purposes, |340 00 Widows & Orphans Fund. 42 50 Incapacitated Clergy, 80 50 Education Cliildren'of Clergy, 5 00 | Spike, Rev. H. M. Sewell, Mrs. VICTORIA. Coster, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coster, Charles Peters, Miss L. C. $418 4 4 ; Tippet, Vivian W. Wlthycombe, Rev. J. M. $5 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 25 25 2 00 $13 50 STUDIIOLM. Adair, Andrew L. $0 25 Bolter, Mrs. 50 ! Campbell, Mrs. Montgomery 5 00 ! Foshay, Miss 50 i Foshay, C. H. 50 Manchester, John 1 00 Manchester, Miss Lillie 25 Pearson, George 50 Sharp, Miss 8. A. 50 Sharp, MissC. A. 50 Sharp, Hiram 25 Sharp, Albert 10 $9 85 WESTMORLAND. Collected hy Miss Minnie Etter. UPHAM AND HAMMOND. Armstrong, John Armstrong, Miss Armstrong, John. Jr. B. K. andC. A. Ferguson, Robert, Forsyth, Miss Kelly, Mrs. Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kilpatrick, Frances and Ella McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. Missionary, Smith, Julia J. $2 00 1 00 50 50 00 50 00 00 50 00 20 00 2 00 $36.00 Children's Sunday Services, 2 15 $38 15 Bulmer, Georee Bulmer, Walter Bulmer, Mrs. Walter Brown, Charles Brown. Mrs. Charles Bliss. Rev. D. M. Bliss, Mrs. Bliss, F. M. E. , Bliss, J. M. W. Bliss, D. F. Bliss, Denison Carter, David Carter, Mrs. David Carter. Ephraim Carter, Jane Carter, Mrs. Rufus Carter, Josephine Carter, Alice Carter, Willard Carter, Bertha Carter, Agnes Carter, Mrs. Adam Carter, Martin Carter, Gilbert Carter, Mrs. Gilbert Etter, Rupert Elter, Mrs Rupert Etter, W. W. Etter, Hazen Etter, Ada Etter, James Etter, Mrs. James Etter, Florence Etter, Mrs. Joshua Etter, Ella Etter, Minnie Etter, Maggie Etter, Arthur $1 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 50 50 25 50 50 00 25 50 25 25 00 30 2.-> 50 25 25 25 50 m 25 25 25 25 25 10 50 35 25 2.') 50 217 iter. |1 00 50 50 50 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 50 50 25 50 50 1 00 25 5*> 25 25 00 30 2.') 50 '2.-. 25 25 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 10 50 25 25 2!) 50 $0 60 Gross. Mrs. A 60 Gross. B. 26 Hewsoa. Mrs. 10 King, James 60 LoweriBon, Annetta 1 00 Lowerison, James 60 Lowerison, Siddall 60 Lowerison, Selwyn 60 Lowerison, Mrs. G. 25 McLeod, Mrs. 60 Miner, Mrs. W. 40 McSweeney, Mrs. J. 2 00 McSweeney, E. M. 60 Martin, Mrs H. 25 Martin, Archie 26 Martin, Mrs. A. 10 Siddall, Gteorge and family 1 00 $80 00 WOODSTOCK. Garden, J. T. $2 00 Neales, Archdeacon 2 00 Raymond, Lt. -Colonel 2 00 Raymond, C. L. S. 1 00 Raymond, Bessie 1 00 Raymond, Fannie L. 1 00 Winslow, J. N. W. 2 00 Christ Church OflEertory, 3 40 St. Luke's Church, 8 36 Davidson. Laura $0 86 Dibblee. Norah 26 Foster, Helen 26 Oabel, Thomas 18 Gabel, Hattie 10 Gabel, Guy 10 Glidden. Mabel 10 Griffith, Newman 1.1 Griffith. Byron 15 Hipwell, Annie 20 Hipwell, Mary 10 Jones, Wennie and Charlie 40 Eetchum, Romena 26 Eetchum, Nina 80 Marley, Inez May 16 McStay, Cassie, Craig & Roy 20 Perkins, A. Raymond 26 Smith, Maude 10 Smith, Violet 15 Smith, Violet and Taylor H. A. 10 Stewart, Margaret 10 Taylor, Anna B. & Kathleen 20 Wheary, Annie 18 Winslow, Tilley 18 Wetmore, Fannie 25 Wetmore. William J. 10 Wetmore, Mary 10 Wetmore, Colden 06 Wolhaupter, Gertie 05 $32 70 chu.dbbn'8 mission fund. Chrittmat Offering. Augberton, Georgie $1 00 Augherton, Trixie 25 Beckingham, Maude 25 Bedell, Victor J. 86 Bull, Norman K. 60 Bull, J. Allison 50 Connell, Donald 20 Connell, A, Beresford 10 Craig, Morris H. • 10 "Carleton," 26 Cox. Maud, Jessie, & Donnie 80 $8 69 Lenten Offering Augherton, Trixie $0 85 Augherton, Miss M. (class) 2 38 Beckingham, Maude 8tt Bourne. Kenneth 48 Bull, J. Helen 60 Connell. Donald 8S Connell, A. Beresford 10 Craig, Morris H, 84 Connell, Madeleine 64 Dibblee, Marion 85 Dibblee, Margaret 6$ Delx>ice. Clarence 10 Flagg, Estella 90 Foster, Helen 18 Glidden. Mabel 25 Garden, Jeau and Harold 78 Marley, Inez May 41 McStay, Cassie, Craig & Roy 10 '.« m» '^ ^ e ) *. \ '. « I I'''. '.i\ n m 218 Neales, Qabriella Neales, Geneva Smith, Maude $0 51 17 11 Smith, Violet, and Taylor H. A. 86 Stewart, Margaret 60 Taylor, Anna B. and Kathleen S6 White, Garnet 25 Whitney, May 28 Wheary, Annie 28 WinBlow, Tilley 15 Wright, Hugh 60 Wright, Reginald Wright, Mary BECAFirnLATION. General Purposes, Christmas Offering, Lenten Offering, f 25 28 $22 06 $22 76 8 69 22 06 $63 51 I The following Contribution Lists were received too late for insertion in tlieir proper place. CAMPOBELLO. Alexander, John J. Allingham, Albert Allingham, Robert Byron, Luke Byron, Mrs. Children, Batson, Mrs. Arthur Batson, Mrs. Owen Batson, Owen Best, Mrs. Calder, James A. Calder, Mrs. James A. Children, Calder, Mrs. James, Sr. Calder. Portia Calder, Mrs. Eben CIlEurke, A. J. Clarke, Mrs. A. J. Flagg, Mrs. Cadwallader Flagg, Mrs. Price Gough, Mr. and Mrs. Gough, Leslie Gough, Russell Hickson, Arthur Hickson, Mrs. Arthur Johnston, Stanley Johnston, J. M. $2 00 50 150 1 00 1 00 50 60 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 50 50 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 8 00 60 25 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Kelly, Lizzie Kelly, Jennie Kelly, Hany Kelly, Lowell Kelly, Mrs. TiOwell Kelly, Mrs. Lena Lank. Mrs. Mary Lank, Mrs. Norman Lank, Livonia Lank, Mrs. Charles Lank, Clarence Lank, Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Silas Mitchell, Morgan, Mrs. Lewis Mcw>wan, Mrs. McGowan, Edgar Patch, Mrs. John Patch, Melvin Patch, Mrs. Melvin Parker, Owen Power, Mrs. John Robinson, Jennie Yennell, Mrs. James Offertory, S. S. Lenten offerings. $1 00 60 50 50 60 60 25 25 25 60 25 60 50 1 00 2 00 60 1 00 60 50 60 1 00 1 00 25 1 Oil 67 18 3 27 $106 70 219 25 28 52 76 8 69 22 m i58 51 $106 70 FREDERICTON. Leese, Mrs. Lister. J. W. Allen. Miss S. 1 5 00 Maxwell, Miss J. Allen. Sir J. C. 25 00 Medley, Mrs. Allen, T. Carleton 20 00 Medley. Mrs (L C. P.) Anderson, Mrs. Wm. 1 00 Miles. C. A. Akerley, Mrs. S. 5(» Marsh, Constance Barker, Mrs. A 1 00 Marsh, Violet Barker, Mrs. L. 25 Miller, Mrs. G W. Barker, R. S. 5 00 Moffat, The Misses Beattie, Mrs. Geo. 50 Moore, John Beckwlth, A. G. 500 Moore, Miss Selina Beckwith, Harry 10 00 McCarthy, Mrs. Beek, J. 8. 15 00 MacDonald, Archie Bell. Robt. 2 00 McEenzie. Mrs. Belyea, G. A. 1 00 Moore, Edward Black, John 10 00 Mitchell, W. P. Black, Mrs. John 5 00 Mullen, Eldon Black, Douglas Blain, Mrs. A. 1 00 Nicholson, Mrs 1 00 Quartermaiu, A. Bristowe, Prof, P. C. D. 200 O'Dell, Mrs. W. H. Burnside, Mrs. 1 00 Partridge, Dean Benham, Chas. 1 00 Partridge, Mrs. Campbell, Capt. H. M. 25 00 Partridge, Arthur Carey, Col. & Mrs. (England) 6 00 Partridge, Miss Mary Covert, Mrs. 1 00 Perkins, J. D. Dickson, Mrs. F. 60 Perley, Miss 8. Daniels, Sergeant 2 00 Pinder, Mrs. Dunphy, Mrs. A. 1 00 Phair, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. 1 00 Phair, W. B. Fenety, Geo. E. 25 00 Roberts. Canon Penety, G. Linden 1 00 Robinson, Mrs. W. H. Flewellinjg, W. P. Fowler, JT D. 2 00 Robinson, Mrs. John 5 00 Saunders, Mrs. T. B. Fraser, Lieut.-GoYemor 70 00 Smewin, Mr. & Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. James 25 Smith, W. E. Fredericton, Bishop of 85 00 Smith, Mrs. W. E. Golding, J. R. 12 00 Smith, W. Ruggles Gregory, A. J. 20 00 Sherman, Prank Grieves, Mrs. J. B. 1 00 Sharp, H. Hazen, Mrs. J. K. 2 00 Shute, Mrs. Harrison. Dr. & Mrs. 20 00 Shute, Arthur Hawthorn, Mrs. Jas. 1 00 Shute, Prank Hiiyard, P. 8. 8 00 Shute, James Henry, Dr. 200 Sisson, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. 2 00 Smith, The Misses Hunter, Miss Mabel 200 Sterling, A. A. Hazen, Miss Bessie (Boston) 2 00 Straton, P. A. U. •Tarvis. Mr. & Mrs. Newton 1 00 Street, A. P. Jaflfrey, Rev. W. 4 00 Swim, The Misses E. & A. Inches, Andrew 1^ 00 Staples, Miss B. Jouett, L. A. W. 2 00 Twining, Mrs. Tabor, Mrs. Jouett, The Misses 200 Kilner, The Misses 2 (XJ Tippet, Miss Mary Kingdon, Mrs. 500 Tippet, Miss S. |0 50 2 00 50 125 00 125 00 5 00 2 50 . 2 50 2 00 1 I'O 15 00 15 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 20 00 5 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 50 50 1 00 2 00 15 00 2 00 20 00 80 1 00 15 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 8 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 1 50 25 10 00 15 00 5 00 1 00 ';&!■ \- t if "I tn ,,■■-">.■ II li^ ll 220 Tippet, MiM A. Taylor, Jeremy Wiuon, Serseant Yayasour, Mrs. |10 00 10 00 2 00 2 00 Walker, Joseph 1 00 Wandless, Thomas 6 00 Wheeler, Harvey » 00 Whelpley, Geo, T. 15 00 Wilkep, 0. F. 1 00 Wilkes, Mrs. Geo. 50 Wilkes, Mrs. H. 50 Wilkinson, Mrs. £. 1 00 Williamson. J. H. 2 OO Wlnslow, E. B. 15 00 Whislow, T. B. 500 Winslow, J. A. 2 00 Woods, Miss A. 10 Whitley, Sub Dean, 5 00 Wheeler, Mrs. H 1 00 Cathedral Collections, 89 05 Parish Church " 12 M Children's Adrent Offering, IC 10 Lenten 12 01 11098 47 MORBISOS'S MILLB. Arnold, Mrs. J. Arnold. Amos Blizzard, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blizzard, Mrs. L. W. Blizzard, Mrs. F. Blythe, Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. W. Bonar, Mrs. J. W. Bonar, Mrs. Jas. Bonar, Mrs. Wm. Briggs, Mrs D. Capens. Mrs. F. Crowley, Mrs. Dunn, The Misses Fisher, Mrs. Lottie Fisher, A. B. Fisher, Miss L. J. Fowler, John R. Gamble, Mrs. Gibson, Robert Gordon, Fenwick Gordon, Mrs. F. Gordon, Jas. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant, Henry $0 60 60 50 40 25 20 2 00 1 0» 72 25 40 26 26 50 69 60 82 50 36 25 60 25. 50 60 80 Hector. Mrs. J. Hoyt, Mrs. and family Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Jjawrence, Wm. McCarthy, Mrs. G. McLean, Mrs. J. Merritt, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. J. Nichols, Wm. O'Hara, Mrs. Geo. O'Hara, John sr. O'Hara. Mrs. John O'Hara, Miss M. A. O'Hara, John jr. O'Hara. Albert Pickard, Mrs. J. Powers, G. E. Rankine, Wm. Ryan, Mrs. D. Rvan, Fred Thomason. John Thomason, Mrs. John Tims, Mrs. R. Tims, James Tims, Bob Tims, Fred Tims, Laura & Eva Tumey, Mrs. White, Mr. & Mrs. H. Wills, Geo. J. |0 25 72 75 60 40 2S 00 95 25 45 00 20 20 ao 46 25 00 0<> 20 10 ao 25 80 20 80 25 30 06 50 60 Morrison's Mills. Fredericton, $27 90 $1,098 47 $1.126 87 JOHNSTON. Highfleld, English SetUe- ment, $112 00 Goshen, 40 00 Cody^s. 79 00 Annidale, 20 00 Bag }' 4^ 222 Collected by 0. W. Spear. Boyd. R J. Boyd, Simon Dunbar, George Gillespie, Mrs. Jas. Gillespie, Hugh Gillespie. Bertie Mealy, A. W. 8i)ear, G. W. Bpinney, Thos. Spear, Robert G. Spear, Grace Teynor, H. 0. $1 00 50 1 00 00 00 80 00 00 75 60 25 00 $9 m CoUeeUd by Jeuie Eldridge. Bates, Mrs. Ellas $0 20 Bany, Etta 10 Barry, Harry .15 Best, Mrs. John 10 Cross, R T. 26 Cross, Mrs. W. D. 25 Dickson, Ella 26 Eldridge, Mrs. Addison 10 Eldridge, David 60 Eldridge, Pearl 10 Eldridge, Edna 16 Eldridge, Mrs. Margaret 26 Eldridge, Mrs. Milton Hanson, Rupert Hawkins, Maggie Nash, Mrs. Elannah Wadlin, John Wadlin, Annie Colleeted by Nellie Jack. |0 26 00 29 26 26 16 |4 05 Hunter, John B. $0 25 Hunter, Robert 25 Jack, Nellie 25 Jack, Henry Jack, Mrs. Henry 26 25 Jack, Mrs. Wash. 60 Johnson, John 25 Johnson, Belle 60 Justason, Mrs. Daniel 26 12 75 RKCAPITULA.TION. St. George, Pennfleld, |62 46 80 06 Total, 182 50 BURTON. UrowQ, (4. L. Bryson, Wm. BrysoD, Mrs. Wm. Clowes, GurliarduN Clowes, A. 8tanley Prye, Miss Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Geo. 8. Ollmor, Mrs. John Hubbard, Miss Hubbard. Mrs. F. A. Hughes, Robert Hufthes, Mrs. R. Simonds, Miss M. C. Simonds, Rev. R. Simoiids, C. E. A Stoclccr, Mrs J. Wllraot, Henry Wilmot, Miss Offertory, St. John's Church St. Paul's do. ' 9 ill f 60 1 (M! 50 3 GO 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 on 60 6 00 15 00 I 00 00 00 00 77 25 I&4 52 WICKLOW. GREENFIELD. Collected by Miss Sadie KUpatrick. Eilpatrick, Mrs Howard Eilpatrick, Mrs.Wm. J. Margeson, Mrs. Leonard Merithew, Mrs. Sandford Ritchie, Samuel Stewart, Joseph 10 15 25 50 •6Q 25 05 $1 50 CoiiecUid by Miss Olive Aiitworih. Antworth, Olive $0 25 Orchard, Thomas 1 00 Ritchie, Alex P. 50 Ritchie, Willie 25 Wakem, Thomas 1 00 |3 00' T.AKRVIIiLR. t'idleated by Mins lierthn C. IVigyitin. Corbctt, Helen $0 50 Clark, Edith 10 Carvcll, Ruby P. 80 Eslabronkn, Mrs. M. 9S Gilliss, Mary 10 Irvine, John 60 King. Mrs C. 86 McWaid, Mrs. Thomas 80 Page. Peru 10 Williams, Isaac P. I 00 Williams, Mrs. Isaac 00 Walters, Jessy 10 Wilson, Mr.-. Wm. 10 Wiggins, Mrs. S. S. 60 Wiggins, Camp 60 Wiggins, Maud 80 Wiggins, Bertha 45 |6 00 CENTRBYILLB. Collected by Miss Alice WUkinsoti. Brown, Dr Pnmk Balloch, Mrs. Wm D. Balloch, Mrs. R. Wilmot Balloch, R. Wilmot Balloch, J. P. R. Balloch, Pauline D. Balloch, Guy Plewelling, Rev. J. E. Plewelling, Nellie Plewelling, Alfred Plewelling, Charlie Plewelling, Emery Plewelling, Julia Plewelling, Stirling Plewelling, Jean Lee, A. J. White, Mrs. Geo. W. White, Minnie A. White, G. L. White, Mrs. G. L. Wilkinson, C. G. 8. Wilkinson, Alice 11 2 2 00 50 00 00 60 60 00 00 60 60 86 80 80 80 50 00 1 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 $19 00 n n 1 1 mi hi . 1 ^ -4 KliOHRNCBVn.LR. CoUceted hi) M'lHH Katit .famenon. Rritliiin, A. A. f 1 00 Rritliiiii, O. A. 1 00 Hoyer, G. II. SO D.irkiH, IVfiH SHtniu-I 60 Friend. 2« Fraser. Bessie M. 1 00 Gill, £naL. 100 Howard. Fanny 1 00 Ilayward, Jobn J. 1 00 Jameson, Jobn 1 00 Jameson, Katie 25 Purler, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 00 Robertson, George 50 Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. SOO Smiilley, Mrs. J. W. 1 00 Tomplilns, Mrs. J. R. 2 00 Tompliins, Cbas. E. RO Tompkins, J. Douglas 50 Tompkins, F. Mauusell 50 Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles 4 00 Wiggins, Geo. SJ. 1 00 Wiggins. Mrs. G. 8. I 00 Wiggins, Lizzie 25 Wiggins, Liilie 25 $-<;6 00 KNOXFOItD. Collected by Afisf Annie Longataff. Friends, |8 00 children's mission boxes. Wiggins, Lizzie Balloch, Pauline Flewelling, Julia Smalley, George Wiggins, Liilie |1 46 81 80 80 80 Brittaio, Lorena 10 77 Wiggins, Clara Cody, Clinton 70 65 Cody, Helen 01 White. Lee 51 Tays, Annie 50 Perkins, Hazel 00 Flewelling, Charlie 10 FlewellInK, Emery Ritchie, Joseph Kinney, Annie 80 m 81 Ritchie. Helen 81 Flewelling. Alfred Jameson, Mildred 80 80 Golding, Winnie 80 Carvell, Ruby m Tompkins, Charlie m Ritchie, Archie 10 Stiles, Etbel 88 Tompkins, Douglas 88 Wiggins. Bertha O'llara, Lena 88 88 Lee, Rhoda 04 Kilpatrick, Ray 05 Ritchie, Lena 15 Wakem, Julia 00 Parker, Thomas 80 Ritchie. Lulu IS Harris, Charlie 07 |14 01 BRCAPITULATION. Greenfield, $4 50 Knoxford, 8 tjo Florenceville, 20 00 Centreville, 19 00 Lakeville, 6 00 Mission Boxes, 14 01 Ist Semi-Annual Collection, 692 2nd Semi- Annual Collection , 8 81 $88 24 .. Ah one the difflcuK »nend that tlons, when . The plan i»een found hH« »»een tri, , .TheWrHt, '8 to Hscertni 'n an envelop Pointed with h ^ The Tre "'««k. to tir **xcJu8iveIyf„r hoM* ^ stated «^criptio„J t"en be a.idited By the abovt tccompliahed; nn}'^ That not P«y»ng thein at ,vifcfc«-Thefl with when, as inl the quarter.] ^ 223 THE ENVELOPE SYSTEM. Ah one iiiaana of increasing the conlrihutionN nnd le^Heniiifc the difHculti h of collection, the Board of Home MinHions recom- mend that Weelcly OfferingH bi> HubHtituted for Yearly Uiiliscrip- tionH, wherever practicable. The plan of Weekly Offerings upon the Envelope Systenj l>;u» been found to work well in many parts of the Diocese whei it has lieen tried. The first step towards the adonticm of this sy8t4»m 'n a "" i ihli is to ascertain from all the memodrs of the congre^ tior h ti/, l,u; I'.iit sum they are willing to contribute at the Weekly Ofiv this done— 1. Pledges will be received from the Parishioners ;; :. ; weekly sum, from one cent to one dollar and upward, • given in an envelope at the services on each Sunday. 2. A package of envelopes will be given to each i ontributor, printed with blanks for naui«* and amount of Offering. 3. The Treasurer will entei the amount thus received each week, to the credit of each contributor, in a book to be kept exclusively for this purpose. 4. A stated meeting of the Vestry or Parishioners will be held quarterly ; at which meeting the Ti'easurer will report all subscriptions in arrears, and at the close of the Parish year will also present all the last year's accounts of the Parish, which will then he audited and settled. By the above plan the following objects are sought to lie accomplished : 1. That not only heads of families, but all in thf Parish, old and young, who have anv means and earnings of their own, may contribute according to their ability to the support of the Church. 2. That they may, as regularly as possible, at the appointed time, bring their pledged Weekly Offertngn to Church, instead of paying them at the call of the collector. [Note. — The principle of the Envelope System is not interfered with when, as in exceptional cases, it may be convenient to con- tribute ONCE A FORTNIGHT, or at any other stated period within the quarter.] 3. That the Parish revenue may not fall into arrears and debt be incurred. 4. That the income of the Parish may he materially increased, so that mainly from this source sufHcient provision may be made for the support of the Clergyman. All these objects may be easily attained if the Churchwardens 1 be willingly and efficiently sustained in their efforts by those whose representatives they are. The above plan has been adopted, with some variation, in a |number of Parishes in several Dioceses, and has been successful. It is hoped that it may receive serious consideration in every iMission in this Diocese, and that it may be generally adopted. 5>,V, , f .J J Hi S I! ! \r r*i •f^t t 224 FORMS FOR WILLS. A Bequest of Money, op Shares of Stock, or Debentures, FOR THE General Purposes op the Society. I give and >)equeath to " The Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick " the sum of Dollars (or Shares of Stock in the standing in my name in the Books of the said ), (or if Debentures describe them briefly), upon trust, to be applied by the said " The Diocosan Church Society of New Brunswick " to and for the uses and purposes of the said Society. A Devise of Real Estate for the General Purposes op the Society. I give and devise to " The Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick " all and singular, etc. (describe the Real Estate clearly). To have and to hold the said, etc., unto the said " The Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick," and their successors, forever, upon trust, to hold and apply the same, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof ; and the proceeds of the sale thereof, should the Society sell the same, to and for the uses and purposes of the said Society. A Devise of Real Estate for the General Purposes of the Society — the Interest only to be used. I give and devise to " The Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick " all and singular (describe the real estate clearly), to have and to hold the same unto the said " The Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick," and their successors, forever, upon trust, to hold the same (or in case of the sale of the whole or any part thereof, to hold the proceeds of such sale, and to keep the same invested in good and profitable securities), and to apply the yearly income only thereof to and for the uses and purposes of the said Society. 225 THE RIGHT REVEREND JOHN INGLIS, D. D., Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia and First President of the Church Society. (.f^e Frontispiece.) On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the formation of the Church Society, it seems not inappropriate to insert as the frontispiece of this Annual Report a portrait of the distin- tinguished prelate, at whose instigation the Society was founded in the year 1836, and who was its first president. Bishop John Inglis was born in New York in the year 1777 amid the clash of arms and all the turmoil of the American revolution. He was a lad of ten years of age when he arrived at Halifax with his father — the well-known Dr. Charles Inglis, first bishop of Nova Scotia and first bishop of the Anglican Church in the British Colonies. He began his studies at Kings College, Windsor, and was one of the first seventeen students to enter that institution. He was ordained by his father in 1810, and took charge of the parish of Aylesford. He was appointed rector of St. Paul's, Halifax, in 1816, and was consecrated third bishop of Nova Scotia at Lambeth, March 27, 1825. In consequence of bodily infirmities, his predecessor. Bishop Stanser, retii-ed from active work and took up his residence in England, and the extensive diocese of Nova Scotia, then including New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Bermuda, was deprived of the presence of its diocesan for some years. ., Bishop John Inglis found upon his consecration " more than sixty churches scattered over an immense spa<;e, were uncon- secrated, and nearly seven thousand persons were awaiting confirmation." Upon the occasion of his first visit to this province the year after his consecration, he confirmed 1,720 persons, many of them advanced in years, to whom the opportunity of baing confirmed had never been vouchsafed up to that time. ^1 I i ' i •i 1 J i 226 On the first day of June, 1836, he wrote a letter to the Ven. Archdeacon Coster, of New Brunswick, respecting a plan which he hoped might be the means of interesting the laity in the affairs of the Church. The plan was nothing more or less than the formation of a society to embrace the objects promoted by the two great English societies — the S. P. G. and the S. P. C. K. The clergy, at the invitation of their Archdeacon, met accord- ingly at Fredericton on the 8 th September following, and after due deliberation formed a society to be known as " The Chuich Society of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswick." This was the first organized and systematic attempt of the Church in a British colony to provide for its own maintenance. Bishop John Inglis is referred to by Bishop Medley in one of his charges as "a very active and energetic bishop." He administered the affairs of his diocese lovingly, wisely and well until his decease in the year 1 850. He died in the seventy-third year 'of his age and in the twenty-sixth of his episcopate. ADDENDA. In addition to those reported at page 140 as confirmed, there were confirmed at Campbellton, 17; Moncton, 21; St. George and Pennfield, 22; Rusiagornish, 8; St. James (St. John), 32: St. Marys (York), 6, — making a total for the diocese of 768. 22' INDEX. A General Index to all the Reports will be found appended to the Fifty-Third Report and the Fifty-Fourth Report. Anniversary Meeting, Proceedings of, Annual Report of Secretary, Annual Report, Printing of, Annual Meeting, Resolution relative to, ... Appendix A. Statistical Returns from Parishes and Missions, .... .... B. Report of the Executive Committee, G. Reports of Finance Committee, D. Auditors' Report, E. Report of the Treasurer of the Society, F. Report of Book Depository Committee, . G. Report of Treasurer of Book Depository, H. Report of Committee on Sunday Schools, I. Report of Committee on I. C. Fund K. Report of the Board of Home Missions, L. Statement for S. P. G., M. Report of Committee on the Needs of the Diocese, .... .... .... Auditors, Election of, .... .... Report of, .... .... .... .... Bishop John Inglis, Sketch of, .... Bishops and Clergy, List of, Board of Home Missions, .... -tvuies or, .... .... .... .... Report of, ... .... Representatives of Deaneries on, .... Elected Memliers of, .... Book Depository Committee, Appointment of, Report of, . .... .... .... Resolution as to Interest on Loan, .... Accounts of Treasurer of, Chvu-ch Wardens and Delegates to D. C. S. and Synod, Clarkson, Jonas, Donation of Trust, .... .... ^'lergy, List of, .... Roll of, .... .... .... .... Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Special Fund, Clergy Stipend, Augmentation Fund, .... .... Clergy W. and O. Fund— ■cwUies Or, .... •■.. .... >... Appointment of Secretary of, .... Appointment of Committee on, .... . . . . Constitution of the Society, ... .... Committees, Standing, — Times of Meeting, .... .... • • • • Committees, Special— (See respective Iveada). Pa 'A i 230 Page. Treasurer's Accounts: Real Estate, Fundt* and Del)entures held by the Society in Trust May 1st, 1896, .... 146 Rev. James Neales Fund, .... .... 160 Salaries, ... .... .... 150 St. Oeorge and Pennfield Endowment, 167 St. Petei?s Church (Derby) Trust Fund 166 Scovil Trust, .... .... .... 158 S. P. G. Grants, .... .... .... 152 S. P. G..Pensions, .... .... 150 The Rev. J. Frederic Carr Endowment of St. Peter's Church, Kingsclear .... 176 The Robert Robinson Memorial Endowment Account 170 Treasurer's Balances, .... 177 Vacant Missions Fund of 1803, .... 170 Westfleld Trust, .... .... .... 168 Wheten (Richibucto) Trust, .... .... 167 Widows' and Orphans Special Fund, 173 Tilley, Sir Leonard Memorial Resolution 05 Travelling Outfits, ... 36 Union of D. C. S. and Synod, Bill for passed, 107 Petition to Legislature in Favor of Bill for, 107 Weldon, Dr. C. W., Memorial Resolution .... 95 Widows' and Orphans' Fund — Rules of, .... .... 28 Premiums and Collections, 172 Widows' and Orphans' Special Fund- Rules of, .... .... .... 32 Wills, Forms of, .... .... .... 224 •> /i M" ^