IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I^IM 12.5 no 1^ E us 1^ I 2.2 I.I us ■ 40 I i 2.0 1.8 1.25 1 1.4 1 1.6 < 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 weST MAIN STREIT WEBSTER, NY. 14SI0 (716) •73-4503 «■ :*,:4 jW »*t <* Hr ; S'.«f * 11 I««Jl ^i#^ .:lf^ ►-> 41 * • '. • f ■ ,-.*. «r •i>- • "I, ^^'^'■^•'wb^' i *' ' *• 1 - ; * 1 j •^ f ■ '^1. 1 M ■ m & ~ii\ m B. THOMAS, Staler in tbe ^imt Wntxiyims 0» COFFEES, CHOCOLATES, COCOAS, ^ickltfl, H'Bm, Iftim, AKD A1.L KINDS 09 CHOICE GROCERIES. Jd* Goods delivered in all parts of the City^ and i>acked with care for the Gountrj. "i'SSlMS €M&s FAMILT ACCOVHTS PATABCB MOVTRLT. CQHNER OF BLBUUY «T. >i V s, scttpttons AtES, RIES. of the City, Country. : MOITTRLT. tmt, M THE POCKET ALMANAC, FOR 1854, BBING THK SECOND AFTER LEAP TBAB. i - PUBLISHED BY J. STARKE AND CO., St. Francois Xavier Street. CONTENTS. Almanac, &c , 7 Advocates Library 44 Apothecaries 90 BankSf Directors, &c T7 Bar of Lower Canada 43 Board of Trade 88 Board of Brokers 87 British Ministry, 23 Carts, Cabs, fcc.« Fare of 61 Churches, and Hours of Worship 109 Courts of Justice, Terms, Blc " 86 Corporation of Montreal 69 Commissioners for Receiving Affidavits 40 Commissioners and Trustees 89 Commissioners under Aliens* Act 45 Currency Table 74 Customs Department 63 Colleges and Schools — McGiil College 91 College of Physicians and Surgeons 94 St. Lawrence School of Medicine 95 School of Medicine and Surgery 96 High School of Montreal 93 National School 94 Free School 94 British and Canadian School 93 Clubs 104 Executive Council, &c 28 Governor General, &c 23 Inspectors of Produce, ke 88 Inspectors of Weights and Measures 89 Justices of the Peace 41 Legislative Council and Officers 24 Legislative Assembly and Officers 25 La»v Student's Society 44 Ljiw Student's Association 45 ly. CONTENTS. Marriase Licences 89 Medical Student'* Club 106 Municipal Taxes 67 Montreal Fire Brigade 110 Miacellaneous — Department of Public Instruction 107 Montreal Building Society 108 Agricultural Society 108 MRtntreal AMurance Company 108 Mercantile Library Association 108 Masonic Ix)dge8 106 Merohants' Exchange 87 Notaries ..46 Notarial Board 46 Public Departments— Civil 29 Military 83 Police.... 60 Population tf Post Office 48 Physicians...'. 90 Poblio Companie— Mining 86 Railroads, 81 Telegraph Co*s 84 Assurance Companies and Agencies 85 Queen and Royal Family Regiments in Canada.. ..^ \ Registrars (Count)^ and FeW> Societies and Instilutiftns — ^v^ Literary and Scientific, .^t* ^.^^. 96 National... .. .»a^... ....^ «^...^^.... 97 Temperance.... ^ rt^... 98 Religious ... X......\ .^..102 Benevolent \ 99 Tariti of Duties on Imports IC^. 64 Time Table ^> 76 \ '%*.''* .X... 21 97 9d 99 64 76 Xatitidt; anit X^ungitnlt^ of ^uthn k MmAxtBl. latitude. Longitude. QuBBBO .49 =» 49» 00»» N. 71 © 13» 46»> W. Montreal 45® 30» 00»» N. 73© 24* 29" W. m^ ■»• I Ml ■ I ll O B MM Q.r. 0<«i crp A 0> }0 Oi ifli^ hs ^ m Oi r A l^ ^^ M S-gi : : B" * * B • £.3 x-*-: E.» P • F5 '^ WO"® «k«OtO-3ay... »♦ 26 April 23 Liday May 21 ly *♦ 26 June 4 lay... " 11 Li " 16 »y....Dec. d 16 ion 12 6667 mmences on A oommencet Is on Sunday 12 mouths. 20th day, 5b. 9, 21st day, )tomer, 24th er, 21st day, JANUARY. First Quarter,. ... 6th day, lOh. 63nti. Evg. Full Moon, 14th day, 4h. 17in. Morn. Last Quarter,. . . . Slst day, 8h. 29m. Evg. New Moon, 28th day. On ISm. Evg. DATS. M. W. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2a 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 31 S M Tu W Th Fr Sa s M Tu W Th Fr Sa s M Tu W Th Fr Sa s M Tu W Th Fr Sa § Tu EVENTS, &c. Circumcision, FeU dWhlig. General Wolfe born, 1727. Cicero born, b. c. 107. West Indies discovered, 1492 Duke of York died, 1827. Epiphany. Sir T. Lawrence died, 1830. \st Sunday after Epiphany. Fontenelle died, 1757 Kir C. Bagot ar. in Canada 1842 Lhinseus died, 1778. Lavater died, 1801 Hallev died, 1801 Dr. Aiken bom, 1747; d. 1822 2nARTMENT. lobinson, Montreal, -Thomas Rae.Moni' -IcFarlane, Kingston. Ic. W.;H.B. Morse, Stanley Carpenter, Deputy Assistant Commissaries Oenerdl.—D. R. Lee» Montreal ; W. H. Ussiier, Bytown j J. W. C. Haw- kins, Montreal ; G. J.Webb, Quebec ; A. W. Turner, Montreal; A. Downes, do. ; F. Ibbolson, Toronto. Treasury Clerks.— A. J. West, Quebec; W. M. Rogers, Montreal; P. P. Harris, do.; W. J.McKinstry,, London. ARMY MEDICAL STAFF- CANADA. W. Henry, M. D.,In8p. Gen. Hospitals, Montreal. D, Dumbeck, M. D Surgeon, Ist class, Quebec; IR. Dawse, Surgeon, 1st class, Kingston; C. J. Delmage, M. D., Surgeon, 2nd class, Toronto; E. J. Burton, M. D., Surgeon, 2nd class, Quebec; J. S. Smith, M. D., Surgeon, 2nd class, Kingston; W. Rutherford, M. 1)., Surgeon, 2nd class, Montreal; P. S. Laing, Assistant Surgeon, Prescotl; T. D. Lightbody,M. D., do., Toronto; W. Barrett, M. B., do., Montreal; John Rambant, do., Aniherstburgh ; |M. A. Jane, do.; Kingston ; Thomas Blatherwick, do., Quebec; W. S. Murray, M. D., do.. Isle aux iNoix; T. RafTan, Medical Clerk, Montreal j J. IThomson, do. do. REGIMENTsTi CANADA, init MnxB Cnrnntanlting. iMoNTREiL (Head C^uarters ofthe Army in Canada.) Royal Artillery, Colonel Bell. Royal Engineers, Colonel Dixon. 26th Regiment, Lieut Col. Hemphill. tuKBKC. .Royal Artillery, Lieut. Colonel Thomdike. 66th Regiment, Lieut. Col. Grubb. 71st do. Lieut. Col. Stack. [sLK Aux Noix, Detachment Royal Canadian Rifles, [Capt. Hamilton. iGSTov. A Battery R. Artillery, Lt. Col. Savage. 54th Regiment, Lieut. Col. Moore. Det. R. Canadian Rifles, Capt. Holmes. Toronto . Head Quarters R. C. R. Reg. M aj. M'Dougall liAGARA. Detachment Royal C. Rifle Regiment. m m A "If fn 36 COURTS OP JUSTICE. COURTS OF JUSTICE AND TERMS. Under tht New Judicature Act^ 12 Vic caps: 37, 38. COTTET OF QuiEN'S BENCH. Honorable L. H. Lafontaiiie, Chief Justice. Jean Roch Rol laud,) Philippe Panel, \ Puisn^ Judges Thomas C Aylwin, ii (C COURTS IN APPEAL AND ERROR. TERMS :— Montreal— 1 St lo 12ih March and 1st to 12lh October Quebec — 7(h to 18ih January and Ist to 12ih July J U l^eaudry, Clerk and Law Reporter. COURT OF CRIMINAL JURISDICTION. TERMS r—MoNTREAL— 14lh March and 14th Octr. Quebec — 20th January and 14th July Three-Rivers — 2nd February and 11th September Sberbrooke (District of St. Francis)— 12th Feby and Ist September Kamouraska — 6ih .April and 6th November Terms to continue until the business is closed. Extraordinary Terms may be held by PruclamatioD SUPEBIOB COTJBT FOB LOWER CANADA. Jurisdiction in suits over £50 Currency. Hon. Edward Bowen, Chief Justice. puisne judges. Hon Dominique Mondelet *• Charles Dewey Day ** James Smith " George Vanfelion •• C J E Mondelet Hon Jean F J Duval »' Wm C Meredith ** Edward IShort "RE Caron \\ WEB CANADA. lo Curreney. COURTS OP JUSTICE. TERMS. 37 MoNTRBAt— 17lh to 27ih, boih days included, of each month, except January, July and August. Quebec — Ist to 6ih, both days included, of Febrnarv, Miireh, April, May, beplernber, Oct and December and from 20ih lo 26lh of June and November. Threr-Rivers— 12ih to 25ih Feby. 1st to 14th June and November. Kamouraska— 26ih March to 4th April, and 26lh October to 4lh November. Shrrbrooke (District of St. /VancMj— 20lh to 31st January, and 16th lo 27th July. YERCEtiDisiricto/OaspO — 21st to 20th August. Nemt Carlisle, 4ih to 13th eleptember. The sittings at the two places forming only one term. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. J Boston, Sheriff; G L Kurczyn, Deputy Sheriff; SWMonk, W C H Coffin, and LJAPapineuu, j Proihonotary ; John Honey, Deputy Prothonotary; [Jos. Jones and Chas. J Coursol, Coroners; AM jDelisle, Clerk of the Orow^n ; R Dillon. French and English Translator & Interpreter ; G Stanley, Crier ; IThos. McGinn, Gaoler; B Delisle, Kigh Constable. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC. William S Sewell, Sheriff; E Burroughs, and L |Fiset,Prothonotary ; Jas Green, Clerk of the Crown; |B a Panet, and J A Panet, Coroners. DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCIS. FGBowen, Sheriff; W Bell, Proihonotary and jClerk of the Crown; C A DeTonnancour, Coroner, DISTRICT OF THREE-RIVERS. "I G Ogden, Sheriff; E Barnard, Proihonotary and Clerk of the Crown ; Val^re Guillet, Coroner ; ?hilip Burns, High Constable. DISTRICT OF GASPE. M Sheppard. Sheriff; J Wilkie and G Tremblay, "lerk of the Crown & Proihonotary; W Tilly, Coro- ner for Gasp^ ; W Fitton, Coroner for Bonaventure. I; I 't ! "f- I ■ I r« ( .4, I., ! t i '• 38 COURTS OF JUSTICE. DISTRICT OF OTTAWA. Hon Mr. Justice William K McCord A Lafontaine, Prothoiiotary : L M Coutl^e, Sheriff. /\/\^N/V\/N/N^ aRGUIT COtJBTS. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. Jurisdiction in suits up to j£50 Currency, Hon. Hypolite Guy, ) ** John S M*Cord, V Judges. ** JCBruneau, ) S WMonk, > W C H Coffin J Clerk, Monlreal Circuit L J A Papineau . . . . ) Geor§:e Pyke, Deputy Clerk, Montreal Circuit Henri Bourret ** '^ '' ' L DeLorimier " L T^epa^e •* FHLemaire " O Basiien ** liouis Beaudr)r ** M Samuel David " Peter Cowan ** L O Le Tourneaux .... *' TR Chevalier «' Berthier " Ij'Assomption " Terrebonne ** Two Mountains" Vaudreuil Beauhornois St Johns Missisquoi St Hyacinthe Richelieu u it u tt tt (t Edward Bernard, Clerk, Three Rivers Circuit William Bell ** Sherbrooke Edward Burroughs... ) a L Fiset { A. Lafontaine " Quebec ii u CI Ottawa TERMS. Montreal Circuit — City of Montreal — from the 10th tor the 16th of each month, except January, July m^ August. Berthier Circuit — In the Parish of Berthier — 21st to I 30ih January, May and September. UAssomption Circuit — In the Parish, of St Pierre dej L'Assomption — Isl to lOlh March, July and Novr. Terrebonne Circuit — In the Parish of Saint Louis de| Terrebonne— 12th to 21 st March, July and Novr. COURTS OP JUSTICE. 39 Three Rivers Circuit Jherbrooke " u real— from the 10th to epl January, July an* of Berlhier— 2l8l to .mber. _ •arish of St Pierre de larch, July and Novr. ish of Saint Louis del larch, July and Novr. Two Mountains Circuit— \w the Parishof St Benoit — 7lh to 16ih January, May and Sepliniber. Vaudreuil Circuit— In the Parish of St. Michel de Vau- dreuil — tsl to lOlh March, July and November. Beauharnois Circuit— In the Parish of Ste. Marline — 12lh to 2l8t March, July and November. St. Johns Circuit — In the Parish of St. John the Evan- gelist— lOih to 19lh Februarjr, June and October. Missisquoi Circuit — At Nelsonville, in the Township of Dunham— 21st to 30th February, June and Oct. St. Hyacinthe Circuit — At the Village of St. Hyacinthe — lOih to 19th February, June and October. Richelieu Circuit— In the Parish of St. Ours — 21st to 30th February, June and October. DISTRICT OF OTTAWA. Ottawa Circuit — At the Village of Alymer, 20th to 29th January, May and September. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS. Three-Rivers Circuit — At the Town of Three-Rivers —on the last six juridical days of the months of March, May, June, September, Nov. and Dec. DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCIS. Sherbrooke Circuit — At the Town of Sherbrooke — on the last six juridical days of the mouths of February March, June, September and October, and on the first six juridical days of the month of December in each year. Richmond Circuit — At the Village of Richmond, in the Township of Shipton— from lOih to I9lh March and September. Stanstead Circuit— M Stanstead Plains, in the Town- ship of Stanstead— 16th to 24lh May and Nov. Quebec Circuit— Ciiy of Quebec— from 20th tol26th, both days included, of each month, except July and August. Juridical Days — Every day, not being a Sunday or a holy day, is a juridical day. ft y C s m . j m '-\ K- : ^E^.' 1 Wki- ' *fll 40 COURTS OP JUSTICE, ETC. /X/Vf-VX/V" GENEBAL QUARTER SESSIONS Of the Peace. A. M. Delisleand W. H. Brehrut, Clerk of the Peace C.E. Schiller, Deputy Clerk of ihe Peace, at Montreal TERMS : IMoNTFEAL— 8lh January, 4lh April, 4lh July and4ih October. Quebec — 8th January, 4lh April, 4th July, and 4th October. Three-Rivers— 8th January, 4th April, 4th Jaly and 4th October. Sherbrooke — 1st February and 1st October. Kamouraska— 7th to 16th January and 16th to 24th July. Commissioners for Heceiving Affidavits, for thb superior court. Samuel W. Monk i Louis J. A. Papineau I William F. Coffin I John Boston ! J. A. Labadie i Joseph Jones William Ross J. Helle Etienne Guy William H. Brehaat James Smith P. J. Benndry Georg-e Weekes O. Leblanc C. A.Terroux A. Pelletier POLICE DEPAETMENT. William Ermatinger, Inspector and Superintendent of Police. L. D. Rend Colrct, 1st Clerk. George Baby, 2iid Clerk. Constables appointed under the Ordinance 2 Vict. Ch. 2. William Eraser and John Shepherd. f>itmiiiSmkk!!- Ilerk of the Peace eace, al Montreal , 4lh July and 4ih 4ih July, and 4tli April, 4lh July and I October. y and 16lh to 24th JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. 41 JUSTICES OF TiIE PEACE 'M tljB £i tq nf BlnulrgaL The Members of the Executive and Legislative Coun cils, and the Judges of the Province, ex officio. u (( (( (I (( (k (4 (( 4( (I U Hon. Denis B. Viger '* William Morris Peter McGill Adam Ferrie A. N. Morin E. A. Quesnel George Moffatt William Eadgley James Leslie James Ferrier L. M. Viger Charles Wilson John Young Henry DriscoU C. S. Cherrier Benjamin H. Lemoine Wolfred Nelson Pierre Beaubiea B. C. A. Gugy Jacques Vigcr Joseph Shuter J. A. Gagnon J.B. Meilleur E. M. Leprohoa Benjamin Hull B. H. Charlebois J. M. DesRivieres Damasso Massou Moses J. Hays Olivier Eerthelot Patrice Lacombe Paul Joseph Lacroix A. Laframboise J. D. Lacroix Thomas A. Stayner George H. Ryland Hubert Pard O. T. Bruneau J. A. Labadie Ovide Leblanc Pierre Jodoin William Luna C. A. Brault Joseph Belle J. B. C. Trestler JeanL. Beaudry Henry Jackson Francois Perrin H. L. Eouth T.Bouthillier Narcisse Amiot John Crawford James Moir Ferres James Porteous H. H. Whitney Joseph Grenier Win. Ermatinger Philip Holland Michael McCuUoch Joseph Roy John Dydo Henry Chapman John Jordan Pierre Lamotho John Mathewson ??' '«fc !i i ■•:: i ■ i V- ill ■,J' I: ^' 'IS 42 THE BAR OF LOWER CANADA. THE BAR OF LOWER CANADA. SECTION OF THE DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. COUNCIL. Hon. W. Badgley, Batonnier. Robert Mackay, Syndic. J. J. Day, Treasurer. F. P. Pominville, Secretary. Toussant Peltier C. S. Cherrier, Q. C. G. Dunkin A. Cross N. Dumas G. E. Cartler A. Robertson T. J. J. Loranger C. S. Cherrier, Q. C. O. E. Cartier J. J. Day H. Stuart BOARD OF EXAMINEES. R. Mackay T. J. J. Loranger N. Dumas MEMBERS. L. T. Drummond Atty. Oen. W. Radgley, Q.C. H. Driscoll, Q. C. CS Cherrier, Q.C F. X. Bender T. Peltier. C.C.8. DeBIeury B. C. A. Gugy Joseph Bourret Pierre Bibaud Thomas S. Judah Frederick Griffin John Bleakley Thomas Nye W. Vonden velden Pierre Moreau Henry H. Judah Hugh Taylor H. O. Andrews E LMontizambert John Radiger John J Day Norbert Dumas Jos. E Pelletier J. W. M* Donald Geo. E. Cartier Frs. D. Cartier R. A. R. Hubert J. A. Berthelot S. C. Monk P.DeBoucherville; Henry Stuart I Robert Mackay I Jean D. Delisle ^ M. Morison Louis V. Sicotte ; Louis A. Olivier C. A. Leblanc F. G. Johnson G. S. Carter .Toseph A. Morin John Monk H. H. Ibbotson J, C, Coursol Felix M. Belange! A, Ro^ ertson CANADA. ;R CANADA. OF MONTREAL. atonnier. ic. cretary. Dumas E. earlier Robertson J. J. Loranger NEBS. , Mackay .J.J. Loranger . Dumas len Is >ert Ir Id P.DeBoucherville Henry Stuart Robert Mackay j Jean D. Delisie \ M. Morison Louis V. Sicotte Louis A. Olivier C. A.Leblanc F. G. Jolinson G. S. Carter Joseph A. Morin i John Monk ! H. H. Ibbotson 1 J, C. Coursol 1 iFelixM. Belangej A, Bo^ ertson | THE BAR OF LOWER CANADA. 43 J. C. A. Poitras A. A Dorion Joseph R. Roy A. R. Cherrier John Rose Jules Lamothe Alexander Deseve C. S. Burroughs Alexander Cross Strachan Bethune George Robertson Louis T. Groux M. Laframboise A. N. Gouin M. Mclver T. J. J. Loranger Gedeon Ouimet Edouard Pelletier J R Berthelot Alex D. Dorval Fredk. T. Hall C.R. Bedwell T. A. Lamothe Euclide Roy T. Q. Fenwick Edward Carter P. R. Lafrenaye William H. Fleet WimamG.Mack Malcolm McLeod F. H. Marchand Eugene Pich^ Alex. Herbert George O'Keefe Pierre Blanchet D. P. O'Keefe George O. Muir C. Dunkin George Macrae G C V Buchanan Joseph Papin J. R.Fleming Simon J. Clarke Joseph Doutre Charles Dolbec W. E. Holmes M. Lanctot Joseph Lenoir Bernard Devlin Charles Daoust Norbert B^rard William H. Kerr L. Delorme J, W. Abbott H. W. Austin Edwin Cornell P E Duranceau R.^MacDonnell F. W. Torrance M. Dougherty F. Cassidy A. Rambean J. F. Froste A. Stevenson A C D Han^'ood Arthur Dumas Louis Bdtournay Moyse Branchaud S. Robineau C. A. N. Lecl^re F. B. Godin T. R. Wragg R. Unwin. Robert Abraham John Campbell L. E. Morrt» W. A. Bates A. C, Harvey J. Bates PAR Laflamme H. J. Larkin P. Aylen H.Tagault,jr. E. G. Penny O. Peltier V. P. W. Dorion Wm. Brooke F. Pomlnville B. Chamberlin M. Numenville H. Bancroft E. Dubord J C A Mondelet H. L. Langevin John Popham P. O. Demary J. Thompson J. E. Bibaud S. W. Dorman J» Wurtele J. D. Lagrave N. Ryan J. Sexton C. Wurtele W. H. Webb C. J. Boulanget M. V. Hays F. M, M. Bibaud G. Laflamme Jos. Prevost L. L. C. Ricard Alex. Morris J. N. Melancon C. C. Abbott ini 111 * 'V , K V: flntV Xn{W<' • sllf nlun^j ^BVy ' Mp-^" 'oiw'^ MEt^ t fMpi« ,t ? Hw kJH Js.'.-'^i K M^; Ik' v$H ■K-' H^HSti |H-'.. IHHm ': 1 IBw "M ^H^H i K^^^wl^'* '^^1 ^^^HH ^ lil^HNi' ■ .^1 ^^^Hl i 44 THE BAR OP LOWER CANADA. A. C. Papineau D. Rol)crtson J. Hallowell W. R. Lambe P. Lussier C. J. Duiilop. J. C. Baker J. N. Desjardins A. Archarnbault T. Guerin W. C. Sheppard W. Robertson J. ?. Mackay T. K. Ramsay L. Belanger L. G. Macdonald J. L. Leblaiic — Prairie A. B. Cresse A. A. Richer ,S. S. Morin J. R. Turcot D. B. Goidiiko S. W. A. Gonest W. Prevost W. F. Smith J. A. Jordan D. J. D. Bondy J. 0. Benoit Edw. Barnard J. F. £« Bruneau By Act of Pariiamcnt, 12 Vict., cap. 46, all Ad- vocates, Barristers, Solicitors, Proctors Pt Law, &c. are i incorporated under the above title. The Corporation is divided injo three sections, namely, one for each of the Districts of Montreal, Quebec, and Three Rivers. The Board sits monthly to examine candidates for ad- mission to the Bar. ADVOCATES' LIBRARY. Hon. L. H. Lafontaine, President. Frederick Griffin, Vice-President, John J. Day, Treasurer. | Strachan Bethune, Secy. Committee of Management — Georp^e E. Cartier, Alex. Cross, Sirachan Bethune, H. Stuart, Wm. G. Mack, A. A. Dorion. LAW STUDENTS*' SOCIETY. Patron — Honorable L. T. Drummond. - E. J. Heramlnp, President. W. A. Bovey, Vice-President, J. G. Bamstown, Secy. | G. Baby, Treasurer, J. Grant, Librarian. Committee of Management— F. Badgley, A. H. Lunn, G. A. Walkem, r. R. Turcot D. B. Goidlike 3. W. A. Gonest VV. Prevost SV. F. Smith J. A. Jordan D. J. D. Bondy J. 0. Benoit Edw. Barnard J. F. E, Bruneau cap. 46, all Ad- ►rsptLaWj&c. are The Corporation ly, one for each of and Three Rivers, candidates for ad- \RY. resident, sident, Bethune, Secy. 9 E. Cartier, Alex, t, Wm. G. Mack, igley, A. H. Lunn, NOTAHIES, ETC. 45 MONTREAL INCORPORATED LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION. J. C. Stikeraan, President. Dir^c^ors.— Frank Badgley, B. C. L., Chairman; Hector Fabre, A. O. Garnot, R. B. Noxon, Secretary. Dunbar Browne, Treasurer and Librarian. PUBLIC NijTAEIES IN THE CITY OF MONTREAL. N. B. Doucet 0. Leblanc J. B. G. Peltier J. A l>abadie J. Guy EtieiiJie Guy P A Weilbrenner Z. J. Truteny J. Bdlo J. D. Vallde P. Lacombe P. M. Guy C. A. Terroux L. S. Martin J. Blackwood C. A. Brault J. H. Jobin H. Lappare W. Ki>s8 G. Weekes J. J. Gibb A. A. Pelleticr T. 'Joucet J, h. Iloulde M. Solomons A. Montreuil D. £. Papineau S. C. Bagg H. J. Meyer P. J. Beau dry G. Dagen W. Easton J. C. Griffin J» H. Isaacson C,E. Belle T. J. Pelton L. A. H. Latour N. Bourbonniere C. F. Papineau O. Piatt James Smith J. Simard J. E, (). Labadie T B Bourbonniere C H Lamonlagne A. D'Amour H, Weston C. Meyer J. McGregor VV. A. Philips J'^3. Aussem J. C. S. Hunter M. H. Sanborn H. A. Tissault P. H. Carpentier H, T. Sentenne A. O. Brousseau A. Gagnon F. J. Durand COMMISSIONERS UNDER THE ALIENS' ACT A. M. Delislo and VV. II. Brchaut. : 1 Bi ■■! (*''■; 46 REGISTRARS. NOTARIAL BOARD, MONTREAL. Louis Lttcoste, President. H. Lappare, Secretary— D. E. Papineau, Treasurer C. £. Belle, Syndic. BOARD. D. E. Papineau J. Belle J. J. Gibb P. Berirand L. 8. Mania O. Leblaiic J. A. Labadie A. Montreuil P. F.C. Leclaire C. P. Papineau 6. Chagaon COUNTY REGISTEARS. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. Counties. I Begistrars. Beauliarnois . . , . D K Lightliall ••«••• Benhier Chambly Huniingdoa 1st ) Regis. Dist. . I Ditto 2nd do do.. Leiaster Montreal a ad Isle Bizarre Missisquoi '. Riohelieu Rouville St. Hyacinthe . . Shefford Two Mountains . Terrebonne Vaudreuil Vepchercs J BCtittlut Thomas Austin . W F Hawley . . E Bouchard .... L Archambault. . G H Ryland .... R Diclcinson .... PRChevallier.. FFZHamel.... H St Germain . . H S Foster DDeHertel .... Joseph Lachaine H F Charlebois. . Ojlcea. Durham, Ormst Berthier en haut Chambly Laprairie Napierville L'Assomption Montreal Freligsburgh St. Ours St.[Athanase St. Hyacinthe Shefiord Argenteuil Terrebonne Vaudreuil Vercheres Bellechasse ... Dorchester . . . | L'Islet Lotbini^re Montmorency • • • • » P Menard . . DISTRICT OF QUEBEC. P Forgues St. Michel R A Fortier .... Ste. Marie F M Guay J D Lepine R S Noel L C LeFran^ois. Point Levy L'Islet [•St. Croijc Chateau Richer '^.^.Jii., ONTREAL. ident. ipineau, Treasurer iic. A. Montreuil P. F.C. Leclalre C. F. Papineau O. Chagnon ITRARS. KBAL. Offices. Durham, Ormst Berthier en haul Chambly Laprairie Napierville L'Assomption Montreal Freligsburgh Si. Ours St.'Athanase SuHyacliUhe Sheffora Argenteuil ne Terrebonne Vaudreuil Vercheres BBC. St. Michel Ste. Marie Point Levy L'Islet . . f St. Croix 6. 'Chateau Richer Counties. Orleans^ Isle of . Megantic, lut ^ Regis. Dist.. ( Ditto 2nd do do . Porlneuf Quebec Saguenay, Ist < Regis. Dist. \ Ditto 2nd do , . . . REGISTRARS. Regietrari. P Oosselin J R Lambly .... JPProulx R Lelidvre C Montizambert C Duberger .... FrsX LaTerriftre 47 Offices. St Jean, Isle d*Or- Leeds ^«^"'» Tring Cap-Sant^ Quebec Eboulements Chicoutime Champlain., Drummond St. Maurice Nicolet .... Yamaska DISTRICT or THREB RIVERS. . . . . . J FFilteau Edmund Cox . . L O Duval Joseph Jutras. , . J O Arcand . . . . Ste. Genevieve Drummondville Three Rivers Becancour Antoine de Bale )St. A \ la;] DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCIS. Sherbrooke .... iWm Ritchie .... jSherbrooke Stanstead C A Richardson . Stanstead Plains Bona venture.... Gaspd DISTRICT OF GASPE. J G LeBel {New Carlisle Peter Winter ..iPercd Kamouraska . . . . Rimouski DISTRICT OF KAMOURASKA. ; St. Louis de J G Tachtf . . John Heath A GRuel .. \ Kamouraska Isle Verte Rimouski DISTEICT OF OTTAWA. Ottawa James F Taylor . . Aylmer Fees allowed to Registrars. — 2s 6d for fyling entry land registry of Memorial * and 6d more for every I iiundred words after the first four hundred. 2s 6d for every certificate, or for copy of a Document, and 6d for every hundred words after the first four hundred. For every search, when the names of parties are given, Is; when names are not given, 2s. If-,,. ; !»-,-J 48 POST OPPIOB. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Hon. Malcolm Cameron, Post Master Genera) Secbetary's Office. W, H. Griffin, Secretary; Gilbert Griffin, Chief Clerk; Edwin F. King, Second Clerk, Charles R. Griffin, Third Clerk ; David Lawson, Fourth Clerk. Accounts and Dead Letter Office. E. J. King, Accountant ; J. Ashworth, First Clerk, Robert July an, i^econd Clerk; E. C. Hadyn, Third Clerk; John Davidson, Fourth Clerk, J. T. McCuai* Fifth Clerk,- D. M. Wright, Sixth Clerk; J. Mclnnie, Seventh Clerk. Inspectors. E. Stayner Freer, Inspector for Lower Canada- Head Quarters at Montreal. H. A. VVicksteed, Inspector tor Central Canada- Head Quarters at Kingston. John Dewe, Inspector for Western Canada— Head Quarters at Toronto. Officers in charge of British Mails through THE United States. Ke. York. \ i^TlSy. ^-'»''- \ l^o:il: TORONTO AND KINGSTON. J. McNamce and M. Malone. MONTREAL. ' J. PoRTEOus, Post Master; A. Larocque, Acting do. Clerks— V. W. Cooper, G. E. Laughlin, R. Oliver, i B McEvenue, M. Emery, II. A. R. lluddell, McDuffi Simpson, A. St. Jean, J. McKeon, A. Robertson. Money Letter Clerk— S. Simpson. ; Visitor of Receiving Homes — A . Benolt* j Letter Carriers—^. Murphy, J. Portevin, P. Reilly. ! Porter-^ J. MuUin. ■ ^TMENT. Master General B. bert Griffin, Chief f.Merk, Charles R. m, Fourth Clerk. rER Office. iworth, First Clerk, i. C. Hadyn, Tliird jrk, J. T. McCuaig Clerk; J. Mclnnie, br Lower Canada— j r Central Canada—' item Canada— Head H Mails through , \ F. H. Vane. 1^"- I John Owen. isTON. [alone . Lrocqde, Acting do. [aughlin, R. Oliver, j \i. Uuddell, McDuff I, A. Robertson. -ienolt. Iportcvln, P. ReUly. POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS. In Summer — From eight a.m to seven Jn Winter— From eight a m. to six p m. On Sundays — From eight to ten a.m. 49 JR^galatmtts anJi IRatrs. LETTERS. • All Letters transmitted by the Post in Canada, with the exception ot Packet Letters to and from the United I Kingdom, are liable to a uniform rate of Three Fence I currency, per half-ounce, for whatever distance con- ! veyed — pre-payment is optional — the charge increasing j according to the weight of the Letter, one single rale 1 for every additional half-ounce counting the fraction of 1 a half-ounce as a full rate, thus : i Not exceeding ^ ounce 3d Postage. More than i oz and not exceeding 1 oz 6d do I Ditto 1 oz ditto l^oz 9d do j Ditto 1^ oz ditto 2 oz Is do Ditto 2 oz ditto 2^ozls3d do The siugle Packet rate for Letters by the Atlantic Steam Packet Mails to and from England, via the United States, is Is 2d sterling if unpaid, and ts 4d currency if pre-paid — the rate on Letters by those Mails, via Halifax, is Is sterling if unpaid, and Is l^d currency if pre-paid— and the rating on such Letters must he according to the British scale which is given ; hereafter. I Letters addressed to Commissioned Officers of the ' Army, Navy, or Ordnance^or any of the Departments I belonging thereto^ who shall have removed in the ; execution of their duty, are forwarded to the place to i which the s»iid Officers may have removed, without additional charge on re-direction. Letters addressed to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward's Island, are rated with the uniform rate of 3d per half-ounce. \ in;, 1 Uu ■J 50 POST OFFICE. Letters for Newfoundland, Bermuda and the West Indies addressed over land via Halifax, are rated 7^d currency, per half-ounce. Letters for Halifax, specially addressed by British Mail SteamerSf flrom Boston, are rated 7id currency. Letters for Newfoundland, addressed by British Mail Steamer, as above, Is currency. Pre-payment of the above Letters is optional. Let ters for East Indies^ Australia^ New Zealand, Van- JHemari'a Land or Cape of Good Hope^ are rated 2s 5d currency, whkh must be pre-paid. Letters posted at any Office in Canada, addressed to Hiiy place in the United States, except California and Oregon, are to be rated with a uniform rate of six -pence currency, per half-ounce. Letters posted in any part of the United States, except California and Oregon, addressed to Canada, will be rated there with a uniform charge often cents equal to six-pence currency, per half- ounce. The Postage Rate on Letters passing between Canada and California and Oregon, is a uniform charge of nine-pence currency equal to fifteen cents per half-cunce. It is to be understood that the above rates include the whole charge for the transmission of a Letter be- tween any place in Canada and any place within the United States between California and Oregon. The scale for computing the charge upon Letters weighing more than a half-ounce will be the same as that for Letters passing within the Province. Pre-payment of Letters passing between Canada and any place within the United States; including California and Oregon, is in all cases, optional. No additional charge on re-directed Letters. Letters marked as containing money will be re- corded, and receips taken for them on delivery. The Canada Postage Stamps when used will be taken in the United Slates as evidence of pre-payment of Postage on Letters going from Canada to the United ....afe p«, are rated 28 5d Canada, addressed except California a uniform rate of e. he United States, POST OFFICE. 51 states, and in like manner the United States Postage Stamps on Letters comini^ into Canada are to be taken by Post-masters in this Province as evidence of pre- puytuent having been made in the United States. Stamps for the pre-payment of Postage can be pur- chased from Postmasters at chief offices. NEWSPAPERS. Newspapers pass through the Post at one half-penny each with the following exceptions; — One Copy of each Newspaper published in Canada may be sent free to the Publi»*":r of any other News- paper in tlie Province. Newspapers published in Canada may be sent to Subscribers in the United States ,free of Postage charge to the Pr v,'t ?e Line. No Post'^ . '. harged in Canada upon Newspapers printed in, i ■• ' ^ assing between the Lower Provinces and Canada, whether the same be Exchange Papers or Papers addressed to Subscribers. British, Colonial and Foreign Newspapers can be re-posted in Canada, subject to ^d Postage. A Supplement may be sent without additional charge if it be folded within the Newspaper to which it belongs, and consists of matter which would have apppeared in said Newspaper. Newspapers, Pamphlets, &c., posted in Canada, addressed to the United States, including California and Oregon, are excepting such as are hereinafter differently provided for, forwarded through the Post at the same rale of charge as if addressed to a place within the Province ; the said rates must however be pre-paid— Mi if the prdinary Canada rate is su^t^aid at the time of Posting a Newspaper or Pamphlet, &c. it cannot be forwarded to the United States. United States Newspapers, Pamphlets, &c., ad- dressed to places in Conada, will be received in the ^ 11 • if '- ■ V ' I? fi 52 POST OFFICE. Province with the American Postage thereon pre- paid — leaving the ordinary Canada rate of charge from the frontier line lo the place of destination to be in all cases, with the exceptions hereinafter provided for, collected by the Post-master who may deliver the same in Canada. Newspapers Posted by publishers in this Province, addressed to publishers or subscribers in the United Stales, iuclndinjj^ California and Oreg^on, are to be forwarded lhrous[h the Posi in Canada free of charge to the Province Hne. Newspnper publisher may send or receive their exchanq:e Newspapers to and from the United Stales free of charge. Printed documents coming from the United Slates addressed to the publisher or edilor of a Newspaper in this Province, are to be delivered to ihe said pub- j lifiher or edilor free of any Canada charge — such documents must be without any covers, or in covers open at the ends or sides. VOTES & PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT. If sent to the United Kingdom by packet, or to any part of British North America or British West Indies one penny for every four ounces. PRINTED CIRCULARS, PRICES CURRENT, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. &c. 1. Upon each printed circular, price current or handbill and other printed matter of a like description; when unconnected with any manuscript or written communication and of no greater weight than one, ounce, there shall be charged one penny; and for cHch additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, one penny additioiiHl. 2d. Upon each periodical or magazine, pamphlet and Book, bound or unbound, there shall be cliarged a rale of one half-penny per ounce. POST OFFICE. 53 ^ PARLIAMENT. rCES CURRENT, 3. Pre-payment of the foregoing rales will be optional, except when the printed matter is addressed to the United {Stales, and in that case the charge must invariably be pre-paid. 4. On such printed matter received into Canada by Mail from the United Stales, the above Canada rates yill always remain lo be collected on delivery in this Pro^'ince. 6. Publishers in Canada of Periodicals and maga- zines will be allowed to interchange their publications free of postage, provided that such interchange be confined lo one single copy of each publication. 6. Circulars and other printed papers must be sent nnsealed, and! pamphlets, periodicals, magazines, books, is, Bleau, Adams, lompson itlaw, Tiffin, Corse, se, Marchand, La- uil, Thompson iiier, Whillaw, Tru- lon ney, Larkin, Bleau, rkin, Corse, Camp. liPeming, Trudeau, ssen Htarnes, Campbell, pin ; Alwaler, Trudeau, Doursol uratini [II. , Recorder. ^or ly Clerk er's Court er Works Dept Works Department Works Deparimenl irveyor's (3ffice y Treasurer's Office do do jr, Fire Deparimenl partinent CORPORATION. 5Y John McKercher, Overseer of Roads Joseph A. Bourdon, Clerk of Bonsecours Market John Abbott, Clerk of St. Ann Market. Amable Dorvnl, Clerk of St. Luwence Market Maurice Eardley, Clerk Beaver Square Hay Market Joseph Robillard, Pound Keeper, and Clerk of Hay and Cattle Market, Viger Square J. A. Jouberl, Bailiff, and Crier, Recorder's Court Thomas Somers, Messenger Joseph F, Pelletier, Attorney William Ross and D. E. Papineau, Notaries MUNICIPAL TAXES. ABSTRACT OF THE ASSESSMENT BYLAWS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. filing iliB IRatafjf ^ssmmnt On the owners of all real property within the City ls6d in the £. Statute liabor, 68. Wholesale Merchants, Retail Merchants, Traders, Dealers, Manufacturers, Handicraftsmen, Forwarders and Apothecaries— -at £1 10s per 100 on the Rental. Innkeepers :■ £6 8 10 12 15 17 on Rental to X40 4( (i C( Ci to to to to to 60 80 100 125 150 X20 on Rental to XI 75 22 10 25 27 10 30 35 (I ii to 200 to 260 to 300 to 400 over 400 Grocers— £7 lOs per 100 on their Rental. Auctioneers —an annual duly of j£25. Gas Works — an annual duty of X60. ' Livery Stable Keepers- An annual duty of £10 — 15s on each Two- wheeled Carriage, and 208 on each Four-wheeled Carriage in their use. Inn-Keepeis, having vehicles for the use and advan- tage of customers, to pay — for each two-wheeled Carriage, 305, and for each four-wheeled ditto 40s. 58 HUNIOTPAL TAXES. Pawnbrokers— an annual duty of £25. Hawkers carrying a pack — an annual duty of X20. Do. using cart or vehicle— annual duty of £6 Pleasure Horses, 208; working Horses, 12s 6d. Horses dailyaud constantly employed in the owners work or business, by which he gains his maintenance, to be considered working horses. Vehicles for Hire — 16s for Two- wheeled Vehicles and 20s for Four-wheeled Vehicles. Stage Coach, Omnibus, or Stage Waggon— 408, when drawn by' one or two horses, and 608 when drawn by four or more horses. Close Carriage or corresponding winter vehicle, 60s : Four-wheeled half-covered Carriage or do, 40s ; Double Dennet, &c. or do, SOs; Gig, Caleche, or Spring Cart,*or do, 20s; Waggon or Vehicle, not above specified, or winter Vehicle, adapted for draught of two or more horses, SOs. Dogs, 7s 6d ^each, (sheltering, or permitting to resort, is keeping a dog ) Theatre— an annual duty of £16 (above the assess- ment) on ihe proprietor. Proprietor c»f Caravan of Wild Beasts, Circus, or other Hquestrian Exhibition, Itinerant Players, Show- men, Ethiopian or other Minotrels, or Exhibitions of Novelties, to obtain permission from His Worship the Mayor and pay XlO therefor, and $10 for tach sub- sequent day that the same is open. Proprietor or Proprietois of each Steam Ferry Boai plying from Loprairie— an annual duty of JBIOO cy. Do from Longueuil— an annual duty of j£25 cy. Banks or Bank Agencies— annual duly of X60cy: Fire Insurance Companies or Agencies, do. JE60 cy. BrokersJc Money Changers, annual duty of X15cy. Other Brokers, annual duty of £10cv. Non-resident Merchants, selling by sample, annual duty of £16 cy. Distillers or Agents of Distillers, 20 per cent on the rental of business premises. Brewers or Agents of Brewers. 16 per cent on business premises. -iMneSStm- MUNICIPAL TAXES. 59 Beasts^ Circus, or rani Players, Show- 8, or ExhibiiionsofI oin Ills Worship the [ $10 for each sub-i 6, 20 per cent on the i rS; 16 per cent on' Ball Allies, Skittle Grounds, Nine-Pin Allies, an annual duty of X5. Brick Yards, an annual duty of £5. Lumber Yards, h&vin.vr a Steam Mill connected therewith, jC7 10s per XlOO on the renla). Inspector of Ashes, Lumber and Produce, £7 lOs per £100 on rental. Lumber Merchants, Dealers in Wood, Merchant Tailors, Boot and Shoemakers, Stone Cutters, Tin- smiths.'Carpentersand Joiners, Painters, Blacksmiths, Gun Makers or Gunsmiths, Confectioners, CofTee- House Keepers, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, Under- takers, Dyers, Founders, Ginger Beer, Root Beer or Spruce Beer Brewers, Soda Water Makers, Hair Dres- sers or Barbers, Ink or Blacking* Manufacturers, Gold- smiths, Silversmiths, Gold and Foil Beaters, Oil Cloth Manufacturers, Soap and Candle Manufacturers, Oil Manufacturers, Book-binders, Cutlers, Gilders and Frame Makers, Pump and Block Makers, Wire Makers, Brush Makers, Chair Makers, Tobacconists, Coach and Carriage Makers, Comb Makers, Furriers, Hatters, Musical Instrument Makers, Nail Manufac- turers, Millers, Organ Builders, Saddlers and Harness Makers, Tanners, and generally on all persons carry- ing on Trade or Manuiactares within the City, at the rate of £7 10s per £100 on the Rental. To be CoUected by the Clerk o/Bonsecours Market. Each Carter, Cabman, &c., shall pay an annual duly to the Clerk of the Bonsecours Market for en- regisiraiion and number, as follows: — For every Cart, lOs .' ditto Caleche, 10s ; ditto Cab, whether two or four-wheeled, 15s ; ditto Coach, drawn by two horses, 30s ; ditto Omnibus, 40s ; certificate to every Master Carter, Is; ditto Driver, 6d. The Clerk of Bonsecours Market also collects all Assessments leviable on all horses and vehicles for which Certificates of Registry are applied for, viz : — OQ each working Horse , for Assessment, annually, ■t>, t i '^ ! h f i' ^ 'f- i' V; i ft ' Bv. 1 K Ji.:ii m I I' >■ U -. 1 ft 60 MUNICIPAL TAXES ETC. 12s 6d; ditto two-wheeled vehicle for hire, 158; do four-wheeled Vehicle, do, 208; each Stag:e Coach, Omnibus or Waggon, drawn by one or two hornes, 40s; ditto do do drawn by four or more horses, 60s; each Cart or Sleig:h, drawn hy one horse, conveying any kind of Buiidnig Materials into the City from the BanlieUf^hall nay an annual duty of 6s to the Clerk of Bonsecours Market, for enregistrallon and number ; for each Vehicle, under similar circumstances, drawn by two horses, IDs ; for each Waggon or other four- wheeled Vehicle, or corresponding winter Vehicle drawn by two horses, 20s. Brickmakers, Builders, or any person carting build- ing materials in the City, shall pay an annual duty for registration as follows: — for each two-wheeled ve- hide or corresponding winter vehicle, drawn by one horse. 16s ; for each ditto ditto drawn by two horses, 209; for each Waggon or corresponding winter Ve- hicle, drawn by two or more horses, 208. All Bakers, Brewers and Distillers, and their Agents ■hall pay an annual duty for registration, as follows : For each Baker's two-wheeled Vehicle and cor- responding Sleigh, 408. For each Baker's Waggon or corresponding Sleigh, 60s. P'or each Brewer's or Distiller's two or four- wheeled Vehicle or corresponding Sleigh, 60s. MONTREALPOLICR l! C, O. Ermatinger, Chie/qf Police. E. Flynn and J. Civalier, Sub-Chi^s. Serjeants. — Louis Roy, Anthony Maher and Robert W. Uutson. James Wardlow, Acting Serjeant. One hundred Sub-Constables. Centre Station — Bonsecours Market. West Sution— Corner of Craig and Bleury Street. RATES OF OARTAQ£. 61 rresponding Sleigh, of Police. ', Sub-Chi^s. I Maher and Robert laalgg attt jTam nf (Carts, (Bahs ?C f abrjira. CARTAGE. iTrom anT of the Harbour Wharves (and vice verca) to any place within the IstDiv 2dDiv 3dDiv s d s d s d 6 9 1 9 1 1 8 1 1 3 I 6 2 9 3 4 4 2 6 3 3 6 1 9 2 6 3 4 1 3 1 8 2 8 2 6 3 3 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 1 8 2 3 Goods not hereinafter mentioned —for each load nut exceeding 16CWI Ditto 15 to 20 cwt Ditto 20 cwt. and upwards. . . . 100 bushels of salt 100 bushels of grain Cord of wood, off rafts Ditto out of boats Boards, per 108 pieces, 1 inch thick and 12 feet long Ditto 2-inch plank Ditto 3-inch plank ,. .. Coals, per chuldroa From any of the Harbour Wharves or any place in the First Division to the Cana/, within the City limits. s d For each load not exceeding 15 cwt 10 Ditto from 15 to 20 cwt. 1 Ditto 20 cwt. and upwards 1 3 FIREWOOD. From the Canal (and vice verfd) to anyplace in St. Ann Suburbs 1 3 St. Joseph Suburbs 1 *) St. Antoine Suburbs 2 St. Lawrence Suburbs, west of St. Lawrence Street 2 6 St. Lawrence Suburbs, north-east of ^i. Law- rence Street, including St. Lewis Street 3 Quebec Suburbs, as far ap Pupineau Road 3 6 1 1 62 RATES OF CARTAGE. Quebec Suburbs, beyond Papineau Road 4 Withia the limits of the first division, west of St. Joseph Street 2 Within the limits of the first division, north east of St. Joseph Street 2 6 ASHES. From Canal to Inspection Store, for each load of three barrels 9 From Inspection Store to Wharves .0 7| PORK AND BEEF. From Canal or Wharves to any place in first division (and vice versd) for each load of four barrels 7^ FLOUR. From Canal to Harbor Wharves, or any place in tbe first division, (and vice verad) each load of five barrels . 6 Divisions referred to in the foregoing Table, FIRST DIVISION— From Prince's Street, St. Ann Suburbs, by a direct line to entrance of St. Antoine Street, thence alouj? Craig and St. Lewis Streets to Lacroix Street, and down to the River. SECOND— Bounded by the first division and M'Cord Street, Mountain Street, as far as its junction with St. Antoine Street, thence by a straight line to junc tion of St. Catherine and Alexander Streets, along Sti Catherine Street to Victoria Road down the River. THIRD— That portion of the City beyond the second division and within the City limits. >,.>Jiaik- G(E. 1 Road 4 ion, west of 2 ision, north .. 2 6 for each load 9 IS n place in first load of four .0 1J or any place d) each load . • 6 egoing Table. ?e'8 Street, St. Ann »ce of St. Antoine . Lewis Streets to iver. i vision and M'Cord its junction with aight line to jun.c. ier Streets, along d down the River. beyond the second FARES OF CABS, ETC. 63 fmi fir Cfilis anir Mn^n. s d For the conveyance of one or two persons from any one place to any other within the City limits and rsturning, (provided the time occu- pied do not exceed half an hour^ 10 For every person over that number, extra 6 If the lime exceed half an hour — For the first hour 2 For each subsequent hour 1 6 and pro ratafoT intermediate quarters of an hour. From the Lon^ueuil Ferry to the Montreal and Lachine Railroad Station, Bonaventure St-* For one or two persons only , . . .1 3 Fur three or more. ... 1 lOj^ In every description of vehicle each passenger is allowed a reasonable weight of luggage, free of charge N. B. — Every driver of a Cab is required to have the number of the vehicle, the name of the owner, and the tarifTof rates, printed in legible characters on a caid, and affixed in a conspicuous place therein. CUSTOMS DEPARTMMT. T. Bouthillier, Collector. LONG ROOM. John Lewis, F. Crispo, M. Deiinoyers, Clerks. WA.TSR8IDB DEPARTMENT. I. Mallon, Surveyor. F. Campion and Thomas Watklns, Clerks. John Jordan, C. W. Ma9on, Edward Meyer, W. S. Williams, Landing Waiters. '1' |i ! ■Ml'.' .*'•■ f 64 CUSTOMS — TARIFF OF DUTIES. Henry Fletcher, Tide Surveyor. Thomas Bell, Appraiser. W. McNider, Assistant Appraiser and Examining Warehousekeeper. J. B. Routier, Locker. John Douglas, Sampler and Weigher. Wm. Schoies, Messenger and Housekeeper. LONGUEUIL. J. W.Taylor, Surveyor; Henry Lacroix, Landing Waiter ROUSE'S POINT. B. Bnrland, Surveyor and lianding Waiter; L. C. Vandal, Landing Waiter. CAUGHNAWAGA & LACHINE. John Gray and L. Globensky, Landing Waiteri. IMPERIAL CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. MONTREAL. R. H. Hamilton, Controller of Customs and Naviga- tion Laws. Thomas Thain, Isi Assistant H. Kavanagh, 2nd do QUEBEC. John Bruce, Controller of Customs and vigalion Laws. 1 .1. P. O* Mera, 1st Assistant Edward Bartlett, 2nd do James McKedie, Tide Surveyor. TARllr^iDUTIES PAYABLE ON IMPORTS INTO CANADA, Under the Ac 12 Victoria^ cap 1. and the Act amending same o/ April^ 1853, Animals, specially imported for the im- provement of Stock Free Aniiniils and Live Stock — all 20 per cen( "..«ak ir and Examining Lacroix, Landing IS and vigalion [TO CANADA, d the Act amending TARIFF OF DUTIES. 65 Anatomical Preparations . , , Free i Anchors 2^ per cent Apples, green or dried 30 per cent I Ashes— Pol, Pearl and Soda Free Acids, Nitric and Oxalic 2| per cent Do strong fluid , 2^^ per cent Alum 2^ per cent Bacon 20 percent Barley, Beans, Bere and Big 20 percent Beef 20 percent Berries used in dyeing 2i per cent Biscuit 12| per cent Books, printed Free Books, reprints of British copyright works 12^ percent Books, blank 12| per cent Books and Drawings of an imi.ioral or indecent character Prohibited Boots and Shoes 12^ per cent Bran and Shorts 20 per cent Brandy 2s per gall, and 25 per cent Bristles 2| per cent Broom, Corn 2| percent Brooms . , . . 12i per cent Brushes 12^ per cent Buckwheat 20 percent Bulbs, Roots and Trees Free Burning „ 2§ per cent Burr Stones 2^ per cent Burr Stones, wrought 12^ per cent Busts and Casts of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster, or Plaster of Paris Free Biiuer .20 percent Bleaching Powder 2^ per cent Blue, ultra marhie and Paste 2^ per cent Borax ... 2| per cent Bricks, fii e 2| per cent Brimstone 2j| per cent Cabinets of Coins, Medals, or Gems and other collections of uiiiiquily Free lill w 4;*.:^) •i fi'' ;* ., '^'^^..mssak 66 TARIFF OF DUTIES. Candles Castings Cement, marine Chain Cables and Iron Chains ofall sorts Caoutchouc Cheese Cider Clocks Coals and Coke Coffee, green 4s 8d per cwt. and Coffee, roasted or ground, 14s p cwt. & Coin and Bullion Coin, base or counterfeit Cordage Cordials 3s per gallon and Cotton Wool Cotton Manufactures Cochineal Copper, in bars or in sheets Copperas Cotton and Flax Waste Cotton Batting .... Cotton Warp and Wick. . Drugs Drugs, used solely in dyeing Dye Woods Earthenware Engravings, Etchings and Drawings Feathers Fell Sheeting Fire Clay Fish Flax and Tow, undressed Flax Waste Flour Fruits, all kinds Furs Furniture Felts, all kinds ••••*••••••••< % *■ • • 12J percent 12i per cent 2* percent 2j per cent 2| per cent 20 per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent _ per cent Free Prohibited 2J percent 26 per cent Free 12i per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent -a per cent 12| per cent Free 12^ per cent per cent per cent per cent 2* percent 2j per cent 20 percent 30 per cent 12* percent I2J percent 2I per ceut TARIFF* OF DUTIES. Fisheries— the following articles for the U8e of— Seines, Fishing Nets, and Hooks, Twines and Lines, Boat Sails and Hawsers, Fishermens* BootS| Tarred Ropa and Rigging Gin 2s per gallon and Ginger Glass, and Manufactures of Glue > Grease and Scraps Hair, and Manufactures of Hams . Harness , Hardware Hals Hemp, and Russia Hemp Yarn Hides Honey .« Hops Indian Corn Indian Rubber and Manufactures .... Indigo Ink .. Ink, Printers' Iron—when imported to be used in the manufacrure of Locomotive Engines , Bar and Rod Sheet Hoop, not over 2 inches broad. . . . Hoop or Tire for driving wheels, bent and welded Connecting Rods, in pieces Frames and Pedestals, rough from the forge Brass or Copper Tubes Boilerplate-: Railroad Bars Spike Rods Pig 67 2J percent 25 per cent per cent per cent per cent -« percent I2J per cent 20 per cent 12^ percent 12^ per cent 12§ per cent 2| per cent 2* per cent 12} per cent 20 per cent Free 12^ per cent 2i per cent 12i per cent 2i per cent 2J per cent 2I per cent 2| per cent 2^ per cent 2i per cent 2}i per cent 2i % 2i '4 per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 68 TARIFF OF DUTIES. Iron Scrap - 2^ percent! Rolled Plate from ^ to i inch thick %■ per cent | Round Ac Square, 4 in. and upwards 2* per cent I Cranks, wrought, 6 cwl & upwards 2( per cent | Manufactures 12^ per cent | Jewellery 12^ per cent ; Junk or Oakum 2^ p er cent ! Junk, or old Nets and Ropes 2^ per cent i f^mps - 12| per cent ! I^rd 2^ per cent Lead, Pig and Sheet 2i per cent ' Lead Manufactures 12$ per cent i Leather, and Manufactures of 12^ per cent Lemon Syrup 12^ percent Linen, and Manufactures of 12^ per cent Liqueurs 3s per gallon and 25 per cent | Macaroni 30 percent! Machinery, all , . . , . 12.^ per cent i Mahogany 12jpercem| Manures, all kinds Free j Maps Free | Marble, in blocks, unpolished 2} per cent Do. all others 12'i percent Meal, Indian 12^ per cent Meal, other 20 percent Meals, all except Mess Pork 20 per cent Medicines 12^ per cent Models of Machiiiery, and other inven- tions and improvements in the Arts Free Molasses. . . .' 2d per gallon and 12J per cent Musical instruments 12^ per cent Nails 12^ per centjij N uts 30 per cent Nuts used in dyeing 2 J per cent Nitre 2^ per cent Outs 20 per cent Oil, Palm, Cocoa-Nut and Pine ~i per ceni Oil, all other V2l per cent Old Nets and RopCa .... 2| per cent Oranges and Lemons 30 per cent iMmisMMKi ss. thick /urds ^aids • • t « » • • • • • • • • • n and • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • 2i per cent ! 2i per cent jj per cent I per cent I per cent I 12^ per cent 2^ per cent I 2i per cent 12§ per cent: 2^ per cent 24 per cent ' 12$ per cenii 12J per cent 12^ per cent I 12i per cent 25 per cent i 30 percent; 12^ per cent; 12i per cent Free Free 2^ per cent 12"^ per cent 12i per cent 20 per cent ! 20 per cent i 12| per cent iveii- Arls n and • • • • Free 12J per V2i per 12^ per 30 per 2j per 2^ per 20 per '-i per V2l per 2{ per 30 per cent i I cent I centj cent ceiU cent ceiil cent cent cent TARIFF OF DUTIES. 69 Ores of all Metals 2J per cent Oysters 12| percent Packages, containing free goods or goods rated under 12| percent.. . - 12 J per cent Packages, other, charged the same as the ad valorem rate on their contents Paints 12^ per cent Paintings Free Paper and Paper Manufactures 12^ per cent Pens 20 per cent Pepper and Pimento 30 per cent Perfumery r2| per cent Philosophical Instruments & Arpaiatus Free Pickles and Sauces 12^ per cent Pipe Clay 2| per cent Pipes, smoking • 1 2| per cent Pilch 2jV per cent Pork, Mess , . . 1 2| per cent Pork,allother 20 percent Preserved Fruits 30 per cent Phosphorous 2j per cent Potash (prnssiate of) 2i per cent Printing Presses 2^ per cent Printing Types 2| per cent Printing Implements 2| per cent Quills 12^ per cent Quinces 30 per cent Raers 2h per cent Ptajgins 30~ per cent Resin or Rosin 2^ per cent Ricfe 12| per cent Rope, old 2^ percent Rum, al proof, by Sykes' Hydrometer, Is 3d per gallon, and 25 per cent Rye 20 per cent Sail Cloth 2i per cent Saleralus 12| per cent Salt Free Saw Logs 2^ per cent Seeds ... Free , in • ill m >j1 ]ih 70 TARIFF OF DUTIES. Seears Is 6d per lb. and 12| per cent Ships' Water Casks, in use 2^ per c em SnufT 4d per lb. and 12 j per cent Soap 12j per cent Specimens of Natural History, Mi- neralogy and Botany Free Spices, all 30 per cent Spikes 12^ per cent Spirits, except Rum and Whiskey, at proof 28 per gallon and 26 per cent Spirits or Cordirls, sweetened so that iha strength cbunot be found by the Hydrometer 3s per gallon and 25 per cent Spirits of Turpentine 12i per cent Steel 2^ per cent Steel Manufactures 12| percent! Sugar, Refined, in Loaves or Crushed, per cent per cent; percent' per ceni per cent j perc<»nti percent per Cent percent; and Candy lOs per cwt. and 12 J Bastard and other kinds, 6s per cwt & 12| Sumac 2{ Syrups 12|^ Do. Sugar 2d per Gallon and 12j Sal Ammoniac 2^ Seed, Mustard 2k i Shellac 2 Slate 2i Straps for walking beams 2^ per cent Sulphur, roll 2j percent Do. flour 12A percent Tallow 2k pef cent Tar 2* percent Tea Id per lb. and 12|[ percent Teasels 2| percent Tin 2j percent Tobticco, manufactured, ...Id per lb. and 124 percent Do. unmanufactured, {d per lb. and 12[ Tow, undressed 2 Toys 12 Tree Nails 21 Type Metal, In block or pigs 2] percent, per cent j per ctmt | percent percent ^■i.jaii'i "ARIPP OP DUTIES. Types Telegraph Wire Telegraph, Magnetic Insulators, Relay- Magnets, Registers and Batteries . . Varnish, bright and black Do other Vegetables used in dyeing Vegetables Veneers .....,» , Vermicelli.... iVinegar r 1 Vitriol Watches « . . Wax Whalebone Wheal Whiskey, at proof,. . .3d per gallon and Wine 6d per gallon and Wood and Lumber Wood used in making carpenter's tools Wool Woollen Yarn Wool Manufactures Yellow Metal, in bars and in sheets. . . All Goods, Wares and Merchandise, not enumerated Brass, in pigs or sheets EXEMPTIONS. •71 per cent per cent 12I 12* 12} 2J percent 2| per cent 12* per cent 2* per cent 124 per cent I2J per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent Free 12J per cent 30 per cent 12| per cent 2I per cent 2$ per cent 12i percent 12i percent 24 per cent 12^ percent 2^ per cent Arms, Clothing, Cattle, Provisions and Stores of every description, which any Commissary or Com- missaries, Contractor or Contractors shall import or bring, or which may be imported or brought by the principal or other Officer or Officers of Her Majesty's Ordnance, into the Province, for the use of Her Majesty's Army or Navy, or for the use of the Indian Nadoni in this Province ; provided the duty otherwise Wahle thereon would be defrayed or borne by the Treasury of the United Kingdom or of this Province. Horses and Carriages of Travellers ; and Horses, ti •'\ I II 72 TARIFF OF DUTIBS. 1$ Cattle and Carriages and other Vehicles, wh( employed in carrying merchandise, together 'wj the necessary harness and tackle, so long as \[ same shall be honaflde in use for that purpose, exce the Horses, Cattle, Carriages, Vehicles and Harness, person? hawking Goods, Wares and Merchandif through the Province, for the purpose of retailingtb same, and the Horses, Cattle, Carriages and Harne of any Circus or Equestrian Troupe for exhibitio the Horses, Catiie, Carriages and Harness ol Menagerie lo be free. Donations of Clothing, specially imported for th use of or to be distributed gratuitously by any chari table society in this Province. Seeds of all kinds, farming utensils and implement of husbandry, when specially imported in good faitl by any society incorjiorated or established for tlii encouragement of agriculture. Salt, for the use of the Fisheries. Military Clothin and Wine for the use of Regimental Messes. The following articles in the occupation or •?mploy ment of persons coming into the Province for the purpose of actually settling therein, viz. : Wearing Apparel in actual use, and other personal effects, not merchandise ; horses and cattle ; imple- ments and tools of trade of handicrafts-men. The personal household effects, notmerchandisejof inhabitants of this Province, being subjects oi Her Majesty, and dying abroad. And the following Articles, when imported directly from the United Kingdom, the British North American Provinces, the Island of Prince Edward and New- foundland, and being the growth, produce, ormanu. facture of the said United Kingdom, or of sucli Province respectively, viz. : Animals, beef, pork, biscuit, bread, butter, cocoa paste, oorn or grain of all kinds \ flour, fish, fresh or salted, dried or pickled ; fish oil ; furs or skins, the produce of fish or creatures living in the sea ; gyp* sum, horns, mer.t, poultry, plants, shrubs and treei, "^^^^.^^ TARIFF OF DUTIES. •73 It, bread, butter, cocoa-l ids } flour, fish, fresh oil oil ; furs or skins, inel llivinp in the sea ; gyp-l ilaiilB, shrubs andtreeiJ potatoes and vegetables of all kinds; seeds of all kinds, pelts, skins, furs or tails undressed ; wood, viz., boards, planks, staves, timber and firewood. And the following articles when imported direct from the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edwards Island, and being the growth, produce or manufacture of the said Provinces re- [speciively, viz :— I Grain and breadstuffs of all kinds, vegetables, I fruits, seeds, hay and straw, hops, animals, salted I and fresh meats, butter, cheese, chocolate, and other 1 prei^drations of cocoa, lard, tallow, hides, horns, I wool, undressed skins, and furs of all kinds, ores of all kinds, iron in pigs and blooms, copper, lead in pigs, grindstones and stones of all kinds, earth, coals, lime, ochres, gypsum, ground or unground, rock salt, wood, bark, timber and lumberof all kinds, firewood, ashes, fish, fish oil, viz: train oil, spermaceti oil, head matter and blubber, fins and skins, the produce of fish or creatures living in the sea. REMARKS. Goods to be entered zi the fair market value, in the I principal Markets of the country, from whence they ue imported directly into this Province ; but the I Governor, by a Departmental order, may permit Goods 6ona./ftfe imported from one country through another, into the Province, to be valued for duty as [if imported direct. I. G. O.— Customs Drpartmbnt. Quebec, 2dth April, 1853. Sir,— I am directed by the Inspector General to in- Istruct you to allow the Importers of goods in every case to deduct either the discount actually allowed {for cash, or that which according to the custom of (trade is allowed for cash, thus putlnig all importers on Ithe same footing and charging all the duty on the Imarket cash value. I have the honor to be Sir, your |obedient servant, R. S. M. Bouchbtte. The Collector of Customs. D4 -i* - < v .s! ;.»! itm^-:ii!': i< 74 CURRENCY TABLES. W */\^^A^\y%/\,f V \. CURRENCY TABLES. I EQUIVALENT SUMS: IN STERLING, CURRENCY AND DOLLARS AND CENTS. ^vy^^fN/^-V^x* v/^-Vf X Stg I 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 20 80 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8f>0 900 1000 N/^wyvA>^/ Currency. [Dollars. 1 2 3 4 6 7 .8 9 10 12 24 36 /18 60 73 85 97 109 121 243 365 486 608 730 851 973 1095 1216 S. d. 4 4 8 8 13 17 4 1 8 6 10 4 14 8 19 3 4 6 6 10 13 4 16 8 3 4 6 8 10 13 4 6 8 13 4-1946 6 8,2433 0'2920 13 4 3406 6 8 3893 4380 13 4 4866 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 38 43 48 87 146 104 243 292 340 389 438 486 973 1460 cts. 87 74 60 46 33 20 07 93 80 67 33 00 67 33 00 67 33 00 67 33 00 67 33 Cy. £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 600 OOJ 600 671 700 3%800 OOi 900 67,1000 Sterling. 8 d. 16 6 1210 9 8 6 2 18 16 9 2 7 Of 611 6 7 71li 8 4 4 16 8 9 2413 If 3217 6^ 41 111 49 6 3j 57 10 8i 66 15 Of 73 19 6^ 82 310 164 7 8 24611 328 15 410 19 493 3 Dol 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 820 360 400 800 6 1200 4 1 1600 2i2000 O} 2400 675 610^2800 657 10 813200 73914 6i3600 82118 4; 4000 Dol. Sterling. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100{ 2001 300 1 400 X s.i 4 1} 8 2jj 012 4 16 h\\ CJl 4 8 8 9j! 1 12l0i 16I1I 1 III 2 2i 3 m 4 \\\ 5 m 6,7 7 8: 8 9i| m\ 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 lOllfl 41 111 61 1210i 82 310 6001102 14 600|123 6 700 143 16 S| 800 164 7 8 900 184 18 1000,206 9 CURRENCY TABLES. 75 EQUIVALENT SUMS : IN STERLING, CUR- RENCY, AND DOLLARS AND CENTS. LING, CURRENCY CENTS. . I Doll Dot Sttrlirv}. Rule— ^0 convert Sterling into Cur- rency : Toilie gfiv en sum add l-6th of itself, and l-12lh of that l-5th. To convert Cur- rency into Sterling : Multiply by 60 (or by 12 and 5) and divide by 73. i?.i.- . ■ r^^ ? :. sat^ TIME TABLE. The following table ie convenient for finding the maturity of Billt or Note*. A Note at 60 da:fa, dated February let, being the 32nd day of the vear, as is aeen in the February column on a line with I iu the ini\ix, the addition of 60 (including three dayi' grace) •hows that the Note falls due on the 95th dav of the year, which will be fonnd, on reference to the mouth anu index, to be Wed- nesday, the 5th April. H • 13 c B ee Hi »-s 1 s ? 2 3 8 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 9 10 ill|ll !1212 il3 14 16 13 u s ;i6;ic il7il7 1919 ;20!20 21,21 2215 123 23 |24 125 26 27 28 39 30 31 I, 24 25 26 27 28 S 30 81 32 33 34 35 S •37 39 40 il 42 S 44 45 40 47 48 49 S 51 52 53 54 56 56 S 58 59 60 61 62 63 S 65 66 67 68 0'9 70 S 72 73 74 76 76 77 S 79 80 81 82 83 84 S 86 87 88 89 90 Pi 91 S 93 94 95 96 97 98 S 100 101 102 103 104 106 S 107 108 109 110 ml 114 116 116 117 118 119 S OS 121 122 123 124 125 126 S 128 129 130 131 132 133 S 135 13( 137 138 139 140 S 112 142 S' 143 144 145 146 147 S 149 160 > 161 6 c •-5 162 163 154 S 156 167 168 159 160 161 S 163 164 165 166 167 168 S 170 171 172 173 174 176 S 177 178 179 180 181 s ^ 182 S 184 186 186 187 188 189 & I 191 192 193: 194 196 196 Si 198 199; 200 201 202 203 S 205 206 207 208 209 210 S 212 bo CO 213 244 214 246 215 S 216 247 217 248 S I 249 319 260 220 251 221 252 222 S 223 264 224, 255 si 266 226 257 227 258 228 269 229 f 230 261 2311 263 S i 263 233 264 234 266 235 266 236 287 238 S 240 241 S 268 269 270 271 272 242! 273 243 o S 276 276 277 278 279 280 S 282 283 284 286 286 387 S 389 290 291 392 298 294 S 296 297 298 299 300 301 S 803 304 o « : 306 335 306 307 308 S S36 838 i 8391 310 840^ 311 34lli 312' 342 313 343, 1 S 34fi 346 347 i 348 314 315 S 317 318 319 349 320 360 321 322 S S 352 363i 324' 254 326 3651 326| 356' 327i 367' 828 829 S 331 832 333 334 S 359 360 361 368 363 364 I S B. e the maturity of BiUi ry ltt» being the 32nd column on a line with ng three dayi' grace) lay of the year, which ,nd index, to be Wet- o CO O o o 244 245 S 247 248 ! 249 I 250 I 261 1 262 r s 254 265 256 257 258 269 c 261 262 263 264 265 266 S 268 269 210 2-71 272 305 335 275 276 277 278 279 280 S 282 283 284 285 286 306 307 S36' si 308 338:1 S 1 839 j 310 840 311 312 313 314 315 S 317 34111 342 343; I S 346 346 34? I 2871 3181 348 319; 349 320 360 321 S 322 352 S 324 S 289 290 291 292 298 294 S 296 297 298 299 800 301 _.-. S 2731 803 1 334 304! 3531 254i 326 365 326i 366! 327| 351| 328| S 829 369 S 360 331 36l| 332 86« 333 363 364 S BANES. 11 BANKING INSTIUTIONS. BANK OF MONTREAL. Established, 1818. Incorporated by an Act of Provincial Parliament. Capital, XI, 000,000. Head OJlce— Great St. James Street, Montreal. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Hon. P.McGill,i*re«tden^- T. B. Aiidetson, Vice-Pres, James Logan John Red path Hugh Allan Benj. Holmes H. Stephens John Torrance Alexander Simpson, Cashier. Thomas Ryan John Brooke John Boston Henry Thomas David Torrance R. Milroy, Chief Clerk; P. P. Harris « 2nd do. ; S. Read, Chief Accountant; 3rd do; C. J, Brown, Ist Teller; J. Porteous, 2ud do. ; W. J. Bnchanan, 8rd do. ; R. A. Lindsay, Discount Clerk ; Thomas Lee, luspector ; J. Rae, Accountant, Branches and Agencies; J. R. Travers, Exchange Clerk; F. lYanklin, Transfer Clerk ; John Lloyd, Assistant Clerk^ J. C. Gibb, do.; W. R. Wright, Bauk Note Depan- ment; H. B. Picken, Messenger; John Brennan and Thomas Tooke, Portere, Days of Discount— Tuesdays and Fridays. i>tt;t(^/k£s— Ist June and Ist December. Branches and Agencies in Canada. Quebec Branch Wm. Gunn, Manager Toronto Branch Wm. Wilson, Cashier Kingston Agency A. Drummond, Agent Hamilton Agency J* Stevenson, do By town Agency . . . G. Dyett, do Cobourg Agency. C. H. Morgan do lb miit ' > 1 'r T 1 ^f;l:r'''3». 11 ^'-«». i.'liii. BANKS. T9 OFFICERS. Ferd. MacCuUoch, Cashier. Thomas Woodside, Chief Clerk ; Walter Ross, 'Ac- countant; P. Leseur, Paying Teller; James L. Mathewson, Receiving Teller; John Legge, Discount Clerk ; Alex. Ross, 2nd Accountant ; George Ruthven, Assistant Clerk ; James MacLea, Messenger. Days of Z>tsc Hon. P. McGill,M.L.C. IC <( (( E. P. Taoht^, M.L.C. J. Morris, M.L.C. M. Cameron, M.P. L. T. Drummond, Alty. Gen,C. E. P. Cruvvrord, M.P., W. H. Panlon, Esq., Mayor of Bellcv \\c. E. F. Whittemore, E.-|., Toronto. Ml lerkatSl. Johns; G. Irving, Clerk | ouse's Point ; J. ; Motive Power, eau, Captain; G. j Duke, A. Boyd, irser. RK RAILROAD COMPANY OF PUBLIC COMPANIES. 83 Chief Engineer, A. M. Ross; Asst. ditto, S. Keefer. Managing Director, SirC. P. Roney; General Man- ager, J. P. Bidder j Asst, Sec. John M. Grant. Goods Managers— Montreal, M. Pennington; Port- land, John Roberts. Chief Audit Clerk, J. Hardman; Chief Accountant? W. H. Davies; General Superintendents, S. Martin and J. Corser ; Locomotive Superint. J. McKenzie ; Share Transfer Clerks — W. McBean & J. Cotesis. MONTREAL AND VERMONT JUNCTION RAILWAY CO. Hon. John Young, President. Hon. P. H. Moore, Vice-President. DIRECTORS. Hon. P. H. Moore Hon. John Young Chas. S. Pierce Edwin Cornell P. P. Russel Edw. Atwater John B Seymour H. H. Whitney Abel L. Taylor Charles Seymour, Secretary. H. H. Whitney, Treasurer. MONTREAL AND BYTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY. A. M. Delisle, President. William Workman, Vice-President. B. H Lemoine J. L. Beaudry DIRECTOilS. W. E. Evans I H. Judah H. L. Routh I i^orhert Dumas Hon. Charles Wilson, Mayor of Montreal -- Watts, Mayor of Two Mountains. Sidney Belllngham, Secretary & Treasurer. G. F. Cockburn, Chief Engineer. It.? i A. 'i- M 84 PUBLIC COMPANIES. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Hugh Allan, President. John Redpath I H. H. Whitney Jas. Logan | Benjamin Hall 0. S. Wood, Superintendent ; J. Dakers, Secretary. Oj?!ce— Merchants Exchange. i Rates. — For the transmission and writing out of ten' words, or less, exclusive of the address and signa- ture; — Under 200 miles Is Od — and Id ) For ever)- Over 200 and under 400 .Is 9d— and l^d > additional Ail over 400 28 6d— and 2d ) word. MONTREAL AND TROY TELEGRAPH CO. DIRBCTORS. Hugh Allan, President H. Russell I H. H. Whitney Benjamin Hall | Andrew Easton O^ce— Merchants* Exchange, St. Sacrament Street. Hours of business from 8 o'clock, a.m. to 8 p.m. This line communicates with New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and con- nects with all the American Telegraph Lines, including the Southern Itreet. AGENCIES OF ASSURANCE COMPANIES. -Etna Fire of Hartford— R. Wood, Agent, No. 62, St. Francois Xavier Street. Britannia Life,of Lojidon — J, H. x^laitland, Agent, Place d'Armes. British American Fire, Life and Inland Marine of Toronto — William Stewart, Manager, 33, Great Si. James Sireet. Canada Life — T. Ramsay, Secretary, 27, St. Francois Xavier Street. Colonial Life — A. D. Parker, Manager, No. 49,Greai El. Janu-8 Street. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance of Hartford— R.| Wood, AjTcnt, 62, St. Francois Xavier Street. \ Equitable Fire Insurance Company of London— F. R. Starr, General Agent, 17, Great St. jumes Street. Globe Fire and Ijife of London— H. Chapman, Agent, St. Sacramei:t Street. j Globe Fire and I^ife of London — Ryan Brothers,! Ag« nis, Cuvillier's Buildings, Si. Peter Street. Hartford Fire,of Connecticut— Robert Wood, Agent, 62, St. Francois Xavier Street. j Liverpool and London Life and Fire — J. H. Maitlantl, Agent, Place d'Armes. Mutual Life of New York— M. H. Gaiilt, Agent, 200^, St. Paul Street. \ National Life of Monipelier, Vt. Phelps, St. Fsancois Xavier Street. merchants' exchange, etc. si SURANCE CO. nee of Hartford— R. Xavier Street, .nyof London— F.R. at St. James Street. H. Chapman, Agent, m — Ryan Brothers, St. Peter Street, .oberl Wood, Agent, National Loan Fund Life Assnrance Society of Lon- don— James B. M. Chapmaiv GeneraC Agent 17, Great St. James Street. PhcBiiix Fire of London — Gillespie, Moffalt Sc Co.. Agents, 134, St. Paul Street. Protection Fire, ef Hartford— Robert Wood, Agent, 62, St. Francois Xavier Street. Provincial Marine and Fire— C. Bockus, Agent, 216, St. Paul Street. Royal Fire and Life — H. L. Roulh, Agent, Commi sinners' Street. Saint Lawrence Inland Marine — C. T. Palsgrave, Agent, Lemoine Street. I Union Mutual Life, of Boston — A. F. Sabine, Agent, 45, St. Francois Xavier Street. I United States Life, of New York— G. B. Mnir, Agent, Place d'Armes Hill. I Western Fire, Inland and Ocean Marine, of Toronto, I C. W.— M. H. Gault, Agent, 200^ St. Paul Street. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE Hut IRraiiing Ulnnm. Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St, James Street. Board of Management.— O. D. Watson, Chairman ; W. Colquohonn, Secretary and Treasurer ; H. Sturnes, Joseph Kuapp, Wm. Muir, Jun., James Hutton. T. S. Hayward, Superintendent. BOAED OF BROKERS. D. L.MacDougall, Chairman ; U. D. Collis, Vice-do. Thos. M. Taylor I Robert Esdaile John Ksdaile | Charles Geddes Augustus He ward. Hanbury L. MacDougall, Secretary. 1*:. p H .v*;.^ ^\5 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // &3 1.0 1.1 ■"IS 1.8 '^ l-KS 1-25 U 1 1.6 4 6" ► Hiotographic Sciences Corporation ^ *■' [V «v .^ \\ ^ V -o- .A >^ ^ > C^ <>. «^ <> 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. H580 (716)872-4503 88 BOABD OF TBADI, ITO. BOARD OT TRADE. OOUlfOIL. Hngh Allan, President; Allan Gilmonr, Vice-Pret. ; D, L« MoDougall, Treat. ; Alex. Claxkei See. Sidney Jonei I R S. Tylee DamaseMasson I Henry Thomai I W. Miilr,jr. BOABO OF ARBITBATIOll. Henry Stames W. CfolqabGun James Mitchell Thomas Ryan Hew Ramsay J. Greenshields James Law David Torrance Charles Bookus Jcrfui Esdaile T. B. Anderson Q^les— Commercial Chambers, St. Sacrament Street. Council meets every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. W. Edmonstone F. Noad I. Gould Andrew Shaw INSPECTORS. Athn—Tl, M. Leprohon, Inspector; John Dyde and James E. Major, Asst. Inspectors — College St. Fees— ^ per cwt. for inspection and branding; cooperage, the actual costs aisbursed by the inspec- tor, but not to exceed 9d per barrel ; 5d per barrel for storage, if stored more than ten days, 8d per barrel for each subsequent month. Fhw—W, Watson, Inspector; L.Robert and J. Rough, Assistant Inspectors— George Street near the Canal. Fees — Id per barrel for inspection and branding. 2}ti/fer— -Francis McDonnell, Inspector— Grey Nuns' Street Fees— Inspecting each Package, 6d; re*inspec- tion, id. Pork-^W, L. Eager, Inspector,— Wellington St. Fees— Is per barrel and 7|d per half-barrel for inspection and branding: cooperage, extra charge, but not to exceed 6d per barrel. (r 111) 11 ;:kii.i i; BTO« 89 Vith and OH—Feter Merckell, iMpector. Feet For inip«ciiiig find branding each tierce of fish. Is )ld ; lialf tierce, 9d } barrel. Is ; half barrel. 9d ; eacn box of herrings, 2d; for inspecting each quintal of dried cod, Id t draft or green nsh, 3d. Inspecting and branding Oil— cask, Is ; tierce, Is Id ; hogshead. Is 8d$ puncheon, Is 6d ; cooperage, extra. REVENUE INSPECTORS AlW) INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Fat the DittHct of Mwtreal. No. 1 Div. . .B. S. Stuart i No. 3 Div. . . .P. Durnford Peter Casey, Deputy | John Horn, Deputy Q^les— Old OoTernment House, Notre Dame Street. MARRIAGE UCENSES Iisned by Arthur Ross ; Office, Creat St James St., between the Medical Hall and John Armour & Co.'s Book Store. Private Residence, 3, Andersons* Row, Hanover Street, MontresL COMMISSIONERS & TRUSTEES. COMMISSIONERS AND OFFICERS FOR THE HARBOUR OF MONTREAL. OOMMISSIONBRS. Hon. John Young.lChairman ; Louis Marchand, Esq. John Try, Esq. J,01ass Secretary ; P. H. Morin, Harbour Master; W. Brown, Wharfinger; T. Foley, Asst Wharfinger. MONTREAL TURNPIKE TRUSTEES. M. F. Valois, J. M. Tobin, .. Quenneville, B. H. Lemoine, Hugh Taylor, W. J. Knox, Wm. Evans, J. Laporte, J. Holmes, Secretary. O^ee— St. Paul Street. 90 PHT8I0IANS, ETC. PHYSICIANS. Arnoldi, F C T Barber, 6 A Beaubien, P Bibaud, J Gt Boyer, L Barnston, — Brosseau, D P Bruneau, O T Bruneau, A Campbell, G W Charlebois. B Codene, £ Crawford, J Delisle — David, A H Deschambault — D'OriRennens Du^al, — Fen wick, G. E. Fisher, Arthur Eraser, W Fisher, John Globensky — Godfrey, R Kingston. — Hall, Archibald Holmes. A F Howard, R P Hughes, Thos Howard, Henry Jones, W T M*Callum, — M'Callum, D M'Culloch,M M*Donnell, R L M^Donell, Angus McKeon. Mcilleur. J B Minsh all, John Munro, P Nelson, Wolfred Nelson, Alfred Perrault, Victor Peltier, H Picault, P E Regnier, E Richelieu, P Robil]ard,H Robillard, W Rotlot. Scott, W E Sutherland, W Smith, W P Schmidt, S B Simard, P Tavemier, F Tressler, J. B. C. Trudel, E H Tucker, — Waller, S Wright, WS Wilscam, G)W Workman, B APOTHECAEIES. W. Lyman & Co., 194 and 196, St. Paul Street. Carter, Kerry fc Co., 136, St. Paul Street. Alfred Savage ic Co., 91, Notre Dame Street. John Birks a Co., 7, Great St. James Street. S. J. Lyman & Co., Place d'Armes. B. Workman & Co., 112, St. Paul Street. W. E. Bowman, 38, McGill Street. R. Birks, 29, McGill Street. P.*E. Picault, B6, Notre Dame Street. R. Trudeau, lllj St. Paul Street. COLLEGES AND 80HOLS. 91 UNIVERSITY OF McGILL COLLEGE. VISITOR* His Excellency the Governor General. GOVERNORS. Hon. Chas Dewey Day, President; Hon James Farrier, Hon. Peter MeOill, and T. B. Anderson, D. Davidson, H. Ramsay, W. F. Coffin, B. Holmes, A. Robertson and Christopher Dunkin, Esqrs. OFFICERS. The Hon. Charles Dewey Day, LLD^ Principal. Rev. R. R. Burrage, Secretary, Registrar & Bursar. PROFESSORS, ETC. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine — A F Holmes, MD Professor of Surgery—G W Campbell, MD <* of Materia Medica— A F Hall, MD " of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Ghildren—M McCulloch, MD Professor of Anatomy — O T Bruneau, MD " of Clinical Medicine — James Crawford, MD " of the Institutes of Medicine — W Fraser, MD Professor of Chemistry — W Sutherland, MD «» of Clinical Surgery— W Scott, MD ** of Medical Jurisprudence — W Wright, MD Demonstrator of Anatomy and Curator of Museum — R P Howard, MD Professor of Law, taking the departments of Criminal and Feudal Law— Hon W Badgley, DCL Lecturer on French Law — J J C Abbott, Esq Lecturer on Roman Law — F W Torrance, MA The University Terms are as follows : Michaelmas Term begins on the first Wednesday in September, and ends 20th December. 92 00LLBOE8 AND SCHOOLS. Lent Term beffins on the Wednesday nearest the 7th January, and ends Saturday before ralm Sunday. Easter Term begins on the Wednesday after Easter Sunday, and ends on the day after Commencement day, which is always the third Wednesday in June. VBBS. For the Theory and Practice of Medicine, Sur- f:ery, Materia Medica, Midwifery, &c., and nstitute of Medicine, each i X3 For Anatomy and Chemistry, each * .... .3 li For Clinical Medicine, Clinical Surgery, and Medical Jurisprudence, each per annum 2 10 For Matriculation , sessionally , 10 «, FACULTY or ARTS. Vice-Principal and Dean of Faculty— Rev W T Leach, DCL Profes. of Classical Literature—Rev B Davies, Ph Dr Professor of Mathematics ai\d Natural Philosophy- W Andrew, MA Professor of Moral Philosophy, Logic and Rhetoric- Rev W T Leach, DCL Professor of History, Ancient and Modern— H A Howe, MA Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature— Rev A DeSola Lecturer in French and German Literature— Mr M Markgraf Fees XlOper annum. The Academical year commences on the 6th day of September, and ends on the Ist davof May. The College is empowered by its Charter to grant Decrees in the several Faculties. Sixteen Scholarships have been placed by the Go vernors at the disposal of His Excellency the Governor General. These entitle the holders to exemption from tuition Fees, are to be obtained by application to His Excellency the Governor General, through the Provincial Secretary. Previously to being matricu OOLLBOBS AND SCHOOLS. 93 lated, the parties presented to these Scholarships are examined as to their fitness to commence the course of studies. Eight other Scholarships will be granted, from time to time, oy the Governors to the most successfal students. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. H A Howe, MA, Rector T A Gibson, MA, 2nd Master ; Mr. Rodger, 8rd do. Mr Markgraf, French and German Mr G A Robertson, Preparatory Department TERMS. Fall Term— 20th August to 6th November Winter Term— 6ih November to 1st February Spring Term— 2nd February to 24ih April Summer Term— 25th April to 12th July FBBS. For the two Senior Classes X2 10s per Tenn For the two Junior Classes 2 * * For the Preparatory Department... 15 " Payable in advance. Drawing and Music extra. A spacious and commodious building, to be heated by air, upon an improved principle, and ventilated throughout, is being erected on a part of the College property and will contain, besides the requisite accom- modation for the High School Department, suitable Lecture Rooms, in a separate portion of the building, for the use of the College proper, and a Theatre for general and popular Lectures. It is expected that this I structure will be completed early in February, and that its convenient site aad perfect adaptation to the purposes for which it is designed will furnish many IduidercUa as well to the juvenile as the advanced student. BRITISH AND CANADIAN SCHOOL. I Hon. Peter McGill, President; W. Lunn, Treasurer John Minshall and Mrs. Minshall, Teachers. 94 OOLLEQBS AND SOHOOLS. COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF LOWER CANADA. A. F. Holmes, M.D., President. Dr. C. Fremont and Dr. Boutiiliei, Vice-Presidenu. H.Peltier, M.D. & J. E. Landry, IVI.D., Secretaries. T. W. Jones, M.D., Registrar and Treasurer. BOARD OF GOVERNORS. For the City of Montreal. — Drs. Jones, Munro, Bi. baud, Ta vernier, Holmes, Campbell, Sutherland and Peltier. For the District af Montreal — Drs. Chamberlain, Valois, Wiibrenner, Bonthillier, Foster, Sabourin and Brighom. For the District of Three Rivera, — Drs. Badeau, Gil- mour and Dnbord. For the District of St. Frands.-^Dn, Fowler, John- ston and Olines. For the City of Quebec— T>Ts. Morrin, Sewell, Russell, Robittaille, Fremont, Landry, Jackson and Marsden. For the District of Quebec. — Drs. Laterriere, Von Iffland, DeChene, Dubois, Boudreau, Michaudand Marmette. NATIONAL SCHOOL. The Lord Bishop of Montreal, President; Rev. J. Ellegood, Secretary ; John Lovell, Treasurer. A. N. Rennie, First Master, Male Department. Miss Forsyth, Teacher, Female Department. FREE SCHOOL. (In connexion with the American Presb. Chnrch,) E. Atwater, Secretary and Treasurer. J. Duncan, Teacher. Committee— Rtv. John McLoud, Benj. Brewster, C. Campbell, and N. S. Whitney. OOLLBQEB AND SOHOOLS. 95 LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF MONTREAL. Incorporated bp Act of Provincial Parliament. F.C. T. Arnoldi, M.D., Lecturer on Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children. R, L. Macdonnell, M.D., Lecturer on Theory and Practice of Surgery. Thomas W. Jones, M.D., Lecturer on Anatomy. A. H. David, M.D. , Lecturer on Theory and Practice of Medicine. George E. Fen wick; M.D., Lecturer on Materia Me- dica and Pharmacy. Henry Howard, Lecturer on Ophthalmic and Aural Surgery. Dr. David, Lecturer on Clinical Medicine. Dr. Arnoldi, Lecturer on Clinical Surgery. Studentsattendinff the Lectures on Ophthalmic and Aural Surgery will have the privilege of witnessing the practice at the Montreal Eye and Ear Institution during the whole session. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Dr. Munro, Presidents Dr. Boyer, Secy, Dr. Trudel, Lecturer on Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children. Dr. Beaubien, Practice of Medicine and Pathology Dr. Munroj Principles and Practice of Surgery. Dr. DOrssman, Chemistry and Pharmacy Dr. Bibaud, Anatomy. Dr. Coderre, Materia Medica. Dr. Peltier, Institutes of Medicine. Dr. Boyer, Medical Jurisprudence. Dr. Regnier, Demonstrator of Anatomy. Dr. Munro, Clinical Surgery. Dr. Boyer, Clinical Medicine* Hotel-Dieu Hospital visited daily. MONTREAL DISPENSARY. Physicians—Dr. Peltier, Dr. Jones, Dr. Howard, Dr. Wright, Dr. Boyer, Dr. Fen wick. 96 800ISTII8 AHD IKBTITimONS. SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS Sibrflni aidt Kmntiftr. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE OF MONTREAL Inoorporatedt I84ff. Henry Balmer, President Alez. Bertrftm. Ut V.Pres I G P Ladd, 8rd V. Prei. JAB McOill, 3nd do | James Hayes, 4th do A. Murray, Corresponding Secretary. A. A. Stevenson. Recording Secretary. Henry Lyman, Treasurer. Thomas Reed, Librarian. GINBRAL COMMITTBX. James Maror I Robt. Mitchell Alex. Fleck I David Brown R. Ooodwillie 1 John Lambert John Fletcher | James Wells E. H. Richardson, Superintendent. Soonu—No. 46, C/reat St. James Street. A. Bamsay Edw. Maxwell William Spier W. Hutchmson INSTITUT CANADIEN. I^. J. E. Coderre, President. M Emery, 1st V Pres; Chs. Daonst, 2nd do. ; Jos. Defoy, Rec. Sec; Chs. Mercile.Ass. Sec. T 6 Coursol, Corr. Sec. ; Ant TelUer, Treasurer; J. Racicot, Librarian ; J B Dnmesnili Ass. do. ADDISONIAN LITERARY ASSOCIATION. Patron— His Worship the Ma3ror, Hon. C. Wilson. J. R. BpoDg, President. R. B. Noxon, Vice-Preaident; J. Hayes, Secretary. A. Lalanne, Treasurer^ 800IXTZIS AMD INBTITUTIOHB. 9T NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETT. ReT. Dr. Letoh. Prtiidtiit |Wm. Sutherland, M. D., 1st Yioe-Pretldent; L. A. H. Latour, 3nd do. $ Wm. Fraser, M. D., 8rd do T. K. Ramsay, Corresponding Secretary. Jos. T. Dntton, Recording Secretary. Dr. Workman, Treasurer. Dr. Wright, Librarian and Cabinet Keeper. OATHOUC INSTITUTE. lOeorge E Clerk, President; W. Bartley. Vioe-Pres J. Sadlier, TreasHrer; R P Redmond, See. CmunJttee— Messrs. Cameron, LaRocque, Cogan, Bell and Murphy. Satiintfll timim. SAINT ANDREW'S SOCIETY. • John Rose, President. Murray, 1st Y Pres; M^jor Lachlan, 2nd Y Pres. John Armour, Secretary. Alex, Morris, Asst. Secretary. James Gilmour, Treasurer. ira»a^«— William Spiers, George Maeiae, Neil Iclntosh, Andrew Wilson, Wm. Dow, D. McNiven, ) Kiimear. fAyiicioM— Dr. McCuUochand Dr. Campbell Chaplains-'Kev A Mathieson, DD, and Rev R IcGill, DD.: Standing cr ChaHkMt CommtMM— Alex Ramsay, ^n McArthur, John Fletcher, W McGibbon. CommUteecf Aecountt— Walter Macfarlane, Alex lorray, David McKay, John Boyd, 8 T McKenzie. Committee of /iwlolmenl— James McOibbon, Alex "Ogilvy. 98 BOOUDTIES AND INSTITUTIONS. ST. PATRICK'S SOCIETY T Ryan, President. Edward Murphy, 1st V Pres. ; W Baftley, 2d V P Patrick Lawler, Treusurer. H Kavanagh, Corr. Secy. H J Clarke, Record infif Sec. Drs R L MRcDonnell and H Howard, Physicians. Rev J Connolly and the Clergy of Saint Patricki, Church, Chaplains. John McDonald, Grand Marshal. G Groves and P Gavin, Assistant Marshals. SAINT JEAN BAPTISTE SOCIETY. G. S. Cherrier, President T. Bouthillier, C. D. Roy, T. W. A. Masson, L. P. Boivin, Vice-Presidents. R. Trudeau, Treas. ; R. Bellemare, Sec of Archiveni L. A. H. Latour, Cor. Sec. N. O. BourbonniAre, V. P. W. Dorion, C E Belle, F. P. Pominville, Secretaiies. Dr Tavernier, Physician ; Rev Mr Prevost, Chaplain M Jbesnoyers, Marshal. GERMAN SOCIETY. Henry Meyers, President; J P Seybold, Vice-Pres.| Ernest Idler, Treasurer. H D Ciumeiiaur, Rec. Sec. G D Perry, Corr. Sec. A. Schmidt, M,D., F C T Arnoldi, M.D., Physicianil MONTREAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. J Dougall, President. Robert Campbell, Treasnrer ; Rev Mr Inglis, J Becket and J Brodie, Secretaries. r aOOIBTIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 99 YOUNG NEN*8 TOTAL ABSTINENCE ASSO- CIATION. James A Mathew^on, President. F E Oraflon, Secretary ; G Childs, Treasurer. GRAND DIVISION OF THE SONS OP TEM- PERANCE FOR CANADA EAST. HEAD QUARTERS, MONTREAL. VQWV, R Kneeshaw, Lachute ; GWP, A Mc- Eachern, Ormstown ; GWA, C P Walson, Montreal ; GS. J S Hall, Montreal; G Chaplain, JY Dutton, Montreal; GT, J Gordon, Aylmer; GC, J B Cliff, Clarenceville ; GS, J Jackson, LAcolle. ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. Right Rev Dr Phelan, Patron Rev J J Connolly, President ; E Murphy, Secretary. y\/\/wvN/v/\/v\/w\/>/v ggggimhiit gttstitntoa, MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL. Samuel Gerrard, President. John Molson, V Presdt. Alexander Simpson, Treasure i. Commitiee of Management— J Redpath, Chairman, J T Barrett, J Try, T Molson and W Lunn. John Reddy, MD, House Surgeon. David M Rintoul, Apothecary. Mrs. Malcolm, Matron ; W G Malcolm, Steward. Consulting Physicians, A F Holmes MD. | O T Brunean, MD. Attending Physicians. Jas Crawford, MD G W Campbell, MD F C T Atnoldi, M D W S Sutherland, MD R P Howard, MD W Fraser, MD W Wright, MD WE Scott, MD 100 aOOIBTIBB AMD IN8TITUTION8. UNIVERSITY LYING-IN HOSPITAL. 45, St. Urbain Strett, Mn Lunn, lit Direotrest; Mrs Pairord,2d Direetrau; Madame Ostell, 8rd Directresi. Dr. MoGulloc^H Physician ; Dr. Workman, Med Regr. Cofuulting Phyadvu^The Medical Faculty of McGill College. Mrs. Gibson, Resident Midwifa and Matron. Mrs. Dumfordi Secretary and Treasurer. ST. PATRICK'S HOSPITAL. 8t, Antoine Snburbs, Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal, Patron. Medical SUnf. R. L. McDonnell, M* D., Surgeon and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery ; A. H. David, M.D. , Physician tod Lecturer on Clinical Medicine; H Howard, M.R.C.S.L Opthalmic and Aural Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer on Opthalmic and Aural Surgery ; A. Schmidt, M. D. Attending Physician and Surgeon. The Nuns ot the Hotel Dieu, attend the sick in thii Establishment. PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM. Mrs. Ross, Ist Directress. Mrs. Moffatt, 3nd do. Mrs. Tylee, Treasurer. | Mrs. MoCord, Secretary. THE SEAMEN AND STRANGERS* FRIEND SOCIETY. Hon. Jamas Farrier, Paasident James Court, Treasurer ; John Dongall, Secretary. 800IETIBS AND IF8TITUTI0NS. 101 ' ^>^^^^»^^^^^^^^^^^^ LADIES* BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Mm. J. 0| McKenzle, Ist Directiess. Miss Rae, 2nd Directretw. Mbs Mitchell, Treas. | Miss Mcintosh, Seeretary. Dr. Wright, Physician; Mrs. Moor, Matron. CATHOLIC ORPHAN ASYLUM. , Mrs. D. B. Viger, Directress. Mrs. Qaesnel, Treas. ; Mrs. A. LaKocque, Secy. Miss Ulalie Petit, Superintendent. MONTREAL PROTESTANT MAODALANE ASYLUM. Rev. John Irwin, President. F. F. Blackaddcr, Sec. ; D. Davidson, Treasurer. YOUNG MEN'S ST. PATRICK'S ASSOCIATION B Develin, President. MP Ryan, Ist V Pres. , Francis FarTel,2nd V Pres. Thomas Redmond, Treasurer* Frederick Dalton, Secretary. James Venneil, Asst. Secretary. CommiUee—D McCann, P J Fogarty, MO»Keefe, i John Brennan, J. Hurly, J Breene, W. Cunningham. I Assembly Rooms— Music Hall, Notre Dame Street Committee Booms— Adelphi Hotel. Communications may be addressed to the Secretary at the above place, and at the Office of the M^wwcoo>o>oo» *4W ^'JI'^Ol^OI eo^•^•^•^w^•^-^*o^<»^«6««©^-t•^•^» O O d »• *i4 v4 ta4 I & f2 « S«;r H M Otf PQ 04 OS 04 tf tf tf 04 a SIS (» Is « 0) V c> V a> o : CO en V O 09 ^ CO 4) ' ?».2 -S 6b £ bo .a b^fj ^ 8 I P 1 2 B I • f - s If £1 1^ ft ll •< • • • • • • • • o g 1 o ^i^mmttdB 60 086(1 andl Wh UdI In e Seal Wei Port Slat Con Casl EXI R.& A. MILLER, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AMD BOOK-BINDERS, National Sckod Book Depot, 60, ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTBEAI, Have constantly on hand the various School Books ased in Schools and Academies, — Knglish, American, and Colonial Editions,— which they offer for iiiale, Wholesale and Retail. Orders for Books of eveiy kind, fVom Britain or the United States, punctually attended to. WRITING PAPERS (^t rbrrs Urscrlption tonstantls' on IjanD, In every variety : conBisting of Pens, Inks, Wafers, Sealing Wax, Elastic Bands, Seals, Sand, Paper Weights, Pen Knives, Pen Holders, Pocket Books, Porte Monaies, Metallic Memorandum Books, Pencils, Slates, Ac, &c. BLANK BOOKS, ConsistiDg of Blotters, Day Books, Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Aic., always in stock and made to order. BOOK-BINLING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH In every style^ and at moderate prices^ I HI ( i i JOHN ARMOUR, 9, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, Has constantly on hand a Large Stock of Stationery, Blank Account Books, School Books, and Works in all branches of Litera- ture. ENGRAYINGS &LITHOGRAPHS In every style of the artj AT VERY LOW PRICES. Orders for Books and Periodicals forwarded weekly to New York, monthly to Britain. ENOBAVINa, UTHOGBAFHT, printing, llnling, 3Jnnlt-3?inMiig, And Picture Framing, EXECUTED ON THE SRORTEST NOTICE, At very reasonable charges, Diacount to Clergymen, Academics, Public Libraries, &.c. 6. SPARKES, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND IPMHIPSIEILILISIE, 16, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL, Has constantly on hand a complete assort- ment of the best London Stationery of every description, of the finest quality, at very low prices. — Orders for Bookbinding in all its branches executed with neatness and des- patch.—Drawing, Tracing, Crayon, Cartridge Foolscap, Post, and Note Papers, of the various sizes and qualities. — Mathematical Instruments. Bibles, Testaments, Prayers, Church Ser- vices, Altars, Psalm Books and Confession of Faith, in Plain and Elegant Bindings. A great variety of London and Paris Engravings and Lithographs, consisting of Plistorical Pieces, Heads, Groups, Flowers, Landscapes, plain and colored ; also, Baxter's Patent Oil Prints, suitable for Scrap Books, Albums, &c. — Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books &c. on hand and made to order. — Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, &c. &c. A CONSTANT SUPPLY OP THE CHEAP EDITIONS OE NEW BOOKS On hand and imported to order. Wh -;•■ ^- ' Book & Print Establishment, BY WHOLESALE & RETAIL. D. & J. SADLIEE & CO. COBKSB OF NOTRE DAME & ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREETS, Keep constantly on hand, the largest, cheapest, and BEST assorted Stock of BOOKS, PRINTS and STATIONERY, to be found in Canada. Comprising Books in every department of iiterature, and Trints and Stationery of every variety. Our Stock of SCHOOL BOOKS (most of thorn pub- lished by ourselves,) comprises a good assortment of the i)ooks in preneral use. We have always on hand a large assortment of Popular Books suitable for Dealers, such as Song Books, Letter Writers, Toy Books, Primers, &c. ALSO, 40,000 American & French Prints. Best Quality^ Colored^ AT ONLT 253. THE HUNDRED. Having Houses in New York and Boston, and being j' extensively enpnged in the publishing business, we I have facilities for manufacturing and purchasing books! and every thin«r iu our line, much cheaper than any house in Canada. New Books received semi- weekly from New York. WHOLESALE WEIR & DUNN, AND SmportEts of ^tattoners^ 7. GEEAT ST. JAMES STEEET, 1 1 f Next door to St, Lavyrence Hall, AMD 44, Qy EEl^ STKEETj, GLASGOW SCOTLAND. The Largest supply in Canada of Imported Writing and Printing Papers, Grey 4r Bronm Wrapping Papers, received always on arriTJil first Spring and Fall Ships from the Oljdc. -M /■' S. J. LYMAN & CO. AND APOTHECARIES, $lace b'^tmtSt iVtontreal IMPOSTBBS OF DBUGS, CHEMICALS, DEALERS IN SEEDS OP ALL KINDS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Trusses, Bandages, Elastic Stookiiigs, SPONGES, BRUSHES, COMBS, &c.j DIETS FOR CHILDREN & INVALIDS. Pretcripiions and Family Recipes carefully prepared. EVERY ARTICLE WARRANTED. MONARCH Fire and Life Assurance Co. OF liOll^DON. Established, 183S. Oepital, X300,000— Sarplas Fand, £200,000, Btg. FIRE DEFAETMENT. Fire Risks taken, on reasonable terms, and all losses settled promptly without reference to the Lomdom LIFE DEFAETMENT. Assurances effected upon the participating scale, or If preferred at rates, without participation in the profiu. For particalars of rates, &c. , apply to MILLAR, GLASSFORD & CO., General Aoexts fob B. N. A. No, 5, St. Sacrament Street, MONTREAL, C. E. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, M.D. Medical Adviser. Ri i' 1*4 i'i THE COLONIAL Assurance Company. GOVERNOR : The Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin and , Kincardine, Governor General of British North America, HEAD OFFICE :~EDINBXrBOH, HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA : Montreal. No. 49, Cheat Si. James Street. BOABD OF DIBECTOBS. The Honorable Peter McGill, Chairman. Hon. Justice McCord. I B. H. Lemoine, Esq. Hon. A. N. Morin. | J. 0. Moffatt, Esq. Henry Starnes, Esq. All business transactions finally concluded in Canada without reference to the Parent Boaid. A. DAYIDSON PARKER, MONTREAL CAEVING AND GILDING Xo. 166, Notre Dame Street, BY CARLISLE & JENKINSON. B. HILL, 38, GEEAT ST. JAMES STKEET, PAPER-HANGER, DEALER LV SECOND-HAND BOOKS, Prints, Music, &a HAS RECEIVED A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Prints, Berlin and Crochet Patterns, CHEAP FOR CASH, Wilheius method of Teaching Singing by Hall AH. Cash paid for Books, Novels, Music, Prints, Ac or talcen in exchange ^ JOHN H. WALKER, designer anH (ZBngraber on ^BSoob, No. 22, Great St James Street, OVBE MB. BBCKBT'S PRINTING OFFICE, MONTREAL. JJIUSTP IPTUIBILIISIHIIEID, VIEW OF MONTREAL Jprom t]^e iDnountafn* Adapted for sending by Post to any part of Canada or Great Britain at the rate of 2d. FOR SALE AT THE BOOKSTORES, Price, Is. lOad. May be had Wholesale at Starke & Co.'s Printing Offlai, At $3 per dozen. WIN£S, BRANDIES, GIN, LIQUORS, ETC. The Subscriber respectfully announces that he has opened those Central and Commodious No. 109, Notre Dame Street, (ENTRANCE BY THE GATEWAY,) WITH ▲ Large and well selected Stock, CONSISTING OF MARTEL'S COGNAC BRANDY, Pale and Brown* HENNESSY'S COGNAC BRANDY. DeKUYPER'S HOLLAND'S GIN. OLD JAMAICA RUM, some 10 years in bottle. BOOTH'S OLD TOM. CAMPBELTOWN AND ISLAY WHISKEY. LONDON and DUBLIN PORTER, EDINBURGH and ENGLISH ALES. PORT WINE, best brands. OLD BENECARLO, and other Spanish Wines. SHERRY, best brands. MADEIRA, best brands. CHAMPAGNES, best brands, in pints and quarts. LIQUEURS, in great variety. The whole of tohich will he Sold at a very small advance upon the cost^ FOR CASH ONLY. A share of public patronage and support are res- pectfully solicited, and every exertion will be made to merit their continuance. JOSEPH MACKENZIE. -'< A VALUABLE & NEVER FAILING RECIPE to cure Cuts, Sprains, Strains, Swell- ings, Burns, Scalds, Rheu- matism, Chilblains, Corns on the feet. Cramps, Frost Bites, Boils, and all other external injuries. Use Bowman's Real Old English Gargling Oil and all this will be accomplished; for by its sigular soothing properties, it reduces and prevents pain and inflamma- tion, and causes a new skin to form where it has been destroyed. The Genuine is only to be procured in Montreal, at his Manufactory, McGill St. EVER! vt to cure! \ Swell- 1 1 ^ Rheu-|| \ omsonil \ t Bites,!! \ xternal al Old I jl and all lished ; )othing s and imma- w skin been Lly to 5al, at till St. 1 ^^MJfll 11 ^^Bl' i'vlu ■f i 1 \ ■ 9 — B. THOMAS, IBraUr in \ CHAMFAGNi! AND UTBSR \ ,LI(lUORS, X- ^atttlt anil f rmmh Bleats, PEESEBVED AND OTHER FRUITS, AMD A VARIXTX Ot DAINTIES, m Parties Iwishing to be supplied with any of the above articles, may rely upoii getting them^of the vkby best description at this Establishment. ^ t 1 tout It. Soratsltrnt, COUXea OF BLi IKT ST. J^l a '4- /<.' ^^. ^■^:^ ,^A **m'j», 'i ' .: . . .... .>H*^: ^v^^ L-. i 1 ■' :. *. ,, » 1