^' vj ■t> TRAFALGAR INSTITUTE, FOUNDATION, ACT OF INCORPORATION, BY-LA^W^S, Etc. MONTREAL : PRINTED BY THE GAZETTE PRINTING COMPANY. 1885. 95315 LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE LATE DONALD ROSS, ESQ. -0- On the nineteenth (hiy of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, before mo, William Ross, and Henry Blake Wi-ii^-hl, the undersigned Notaries Public, duly commissioned and sworn, in and for that part of the Province of Canada, heretotbre constituting the Province of Lower Canada, residing in the City of Montreal, in the said Provinces, person- ally came and appeared DoNAfW) Eoss, of the Parish of Montreal, in the District of Montreal, Esquire, Seignior of tlio Seigniory of St. freorge, in the said District, who being in good bodily health and of sound mind, memory, and understanding — as appeared to us by his manner and conversation — and being desirous to provide for the administi-ation of the jiroperty, of which he shall die possessed, hath re([uest(!d us, the said notaries, to receive and reduce into writing this his last Will and Testament, in I'ospect thei-eof which the said William Ross, one of the said notaries, in the presence of the said Henry Blake Wright, the other notaiy, have taken down as made, dictated, and named, /agoing be(|uests so long only as she remains his widow. The said Testator doth hereby give, doviso, and bequeath unto Ins sister, Catherine Iloss. during her natural life, the sum of Fifty Pounds, current money of Canada, per annum. The said Testator doth iiereby give, devise, and bequeath unto Eliza F. lioss, now residing at Ord, near Invergordon, Rossshire, Scotland, spinster, the sum of Twenty-tive Pounds, current money of Canada, during her natural life, payable three months after the decease of the said Testator. Tho said Testator doth hereby give, devise, and bequeath unto his dear friend, Sophia R(jss, oldest daughter of C. 8. Ilosg, Cashier of the Commercial Bank of (Janada, the sum of One Hundred Pounds, said current money to be jjaidto her as soon as possible after tho said Testator's death. The said Testator doth hereby give, devise, and bequeath unto his dear friend, Ainioy, second daughter of the said C. S. Eoss, the sum of One Hundred Pounds, said current money to be paid to her as soon as possible after the said Testator's deatli. The said Testator doth hereby give, devise, and bequeath unto Irvin, eldest son of the said C. S. lioss, his gold repeater watch, diamond ring and guard, his seven fishing rods and tackle, and tin box with fishing geai', one double-barrel gun, by Dean & Bros., a Sharp's rifle, and a Colt's revolver. All the property herein given devised and bequeathed to the said legatees, shall, as they respectively depart this life, revert to and merge into the estate of the said Testator, for the purposes hereinafter men- tioned, with the exceptions of tho donation above given to the childi-en of his friend, the said C S. Ross. Tho said Testator hereby gives, devises, and bequeaths the pro- perty on the south-eastern slope of the Mountain and fronting on the Cute dcs NeUjes road, known as the "Trafalgar property," and piircliiised l>y liim iit Shoi'itf's sales, to ilw flovori'iid Alfx.-iiidcr Matliioson. D.I)., minister of St. A.iulro\v's GImreli, .Montreal, aiwl to his succo.ssoi'.H, Ministers of suc'li clmrcli ; tlu; Ri'veroml John Tenkins, D.I).. .Nrinistor of St. Paul's ('liiirch, .Montreal, and to his successors. Minisler.s ol'said chui'ch : John (rrconsiiicildsand lluii;li Allan, both of the City of Monti-csal, the two lay nienilxM-s of the Board of 'rrnsleos of (^noon's ('ollo^o, Fvin,y;slon, resident in .Mon- treal, and to their successors; lay nierahors of su(di Hoard as may bo resident in .Montreal. The Venerable William T. Leach, Archdt'acon of .Montreal, in connection with the( 'anadian hranch of oho (Uiurch of lOni^land. and to his successors, Ai'cdideacons of Montreal; The Reverend William Snodu-rass. Principal of saiil (Queen's Colle<:;e, and to his successors. Princi|)alsof saiil Colleire; and .lohn \V. DawHon, D.(\[j., Principal of McCnll ('olle«-o, .Mon- treal, and his successors. Principals of .MctJill (^>llo<>;e. in trust ,30 soon as the accumulated retH'.nue of such property, and the rest and residue of the TeMator's estate and property, and sueh dona- tions and bequests us may be (jlcen hy other parties for the purpose hereinafter stated, shall in the Judgment of the executoi's herein- after named atnounriil'vaTue to the sum ofOiie'fTuniTi'eJ'TTimisdmJ. Pounds currency, after |)ayment of the legacies to the executors horernafter mentioned, and of all the Testator's just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses, to erect, establish, and for ever maintain, on the afoi-osaid property known as the "Trafal- gar property," a Seminary or Institute to be called "The Ross Institute," for the educational training of the middle and higher ranks of female society ; .subject, however, to the several trusts, conditions, limitations, ami provisoes hereinafter declared. Anil with i-egard to the rest and residue of the said Testator's estate, real and personal, moveable and immoveable, of QVQvy nature and description whatsoever, and wheresoever situate, (in- cluding all t lie property that shall revert to his estate, at and after the death of the special legatees hereinbefore tir.4tly eiiumer- ated) the said Testator hereby gives, devises, and bequeathes the same to his executors hereinafter named in trust, to manage and administer the same until, in the judgment of such executoi-s. the property proser.ily bequeathed, together with the accumulated revenue of the aforesaid property, known as the " Trafalgai- pro- perty, ' and such donations and legacies as may be given by other parties for the purposes of the aforesaid Institute, shall iiiiKMini ill vjiluo t(» One Hundred Tliumund Poiindti, ath'i- puymont nlilu! U'liMcii'H to the oxt'ciitors lifioinal'tci' inen(ioiif(|. and of all llu' Testator's (lid)t> and funeral and tostainentury l'Xl)ell^^l's, and thou lo sell and convert into money the whole of siieli rent and residue of the Testatoi-'H said estate, and invewt the hhiiic in liisl- elasH niort<^'a^"os on real estate or Baitleurs de Fond.s, ImnU Htoek, or other deHcriptioii of eoniniercial stock, or in (JoverrnnenL Hecurities, or other des(M'iption of safe invostnicnt. and then to assign, ti-anslei', (tonvey, and make over the whole of such mort- gages, stocks, Heeui'ities, or other (h!scri[»tion of investment, and all and singular the rest and residue aforesaid, of the said Testa- tor's estate and property oi' every kind and descrijjiion generally whatsoever, after deduction and j)aynient of the legacies herein- after hecjueathed to the said executors, and of all disbursements and expenses incurred by them in tlie execution of this Will, and the management of the said Estate and Property unto the said trustees hereinbefore named and appointed to be over hei-oattor held, used, possessed, and enjoyed by tlie said ti-usteos and their successors, in full property in ti-ust for the aforesaid lioss Institute. And with respect to the said Institute, so to be erected, estab- lished, and maintained, the said Testator hereby declares that his intention is to do the greatest amount of good possible in educating the female sex, or young girls, and towards the attain- ment of the object in view, the said Testator doth hereby declare it to be his will and pleasure that the whole of the ground com- prised within the limits of the said property, known as the " I'j-afalgai' propci-ty," together with all the houses and buildings thereon erected, shall be appropriated to the said institute, to- gether with the present gi-oen house, or greenhouse to be ej'octed thereon in connection with the Seminary, said greenhouse to bo two hundred teet long, thirty-five feet wide, and thirty feet high at tiie centre of its ai'ch ; the frame of the said greenhouse to be of metal, and the glass, twenty-six ounces, Smethwick glass, in long nari'ow panes. Should the metal frame, according to the opinion of those best informed, not suit the climate, the frame in such case to be of wood; the Governors of the Institute should make the necessary enquiry upon this head, in ordei' to obtain the construction of a light and graceful building. The building will, in the v, inter especially, be found to be of much value to the scliolars. ThoHuifl Tostutor doth also lioroby give; iiml l)0(|UOiilh llu' t'ol- lovvini;- .ii-ticloM lo tlio siiiil trustcos, in trust for iIk^ said Iiistitutt", naini'Iy : a Toluscopo, by Banlon iV Co., Paris, four and a-liaif iiKdiOM kills, which took a pri/o at the Paris Exhibition in 185»; ; a .Microscope, by Smith iV Hock; Photographic instrutnoni coin- jdote; a Slcrooscopo; Tcrro.stial and Colostrial (Jiobos; Maps, Hooks, such aw will bo suitable, and tho Atlassos now in his Library; alwo his and Mi-h. Uosh' own statuos in marble. The said Testator Wills and directs tiiat the greenhouse, plants, and all connected with the said greenhouse, as now occu- pied by him, bo taken to tho aforesaid new greenhouse, to bo erected as aforesaid. Tho said Testator Wills that the Seminary be established on the following basis, or as neai' thereto as circumstances may admit : Tho general object being to qualify young persons for dis- charging in the best manner such duties as ordinarily devolve to the female sex. Pupils shall belong, not to tho lower ranks, but to the fai^^.ilies of the respectable and middle ranks. Mechanics' children, as well as tho children of merchants in reduced circumstances, or any others, being Protestants, to whom the privilege of the Institute might be an object, and who may bo able to maintain and suitably clothe them during the whole term of four years. Pupils shall bo admitted in their fourteenth year, and shall be entitled to remain in said Seminary until they shall have com- pleted their eighteenth year, on the terms and conditions herein- after sot forth. That the Institute shall be under the Synodical supervision of the Synod of tho Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland ; but should a union of this body, at any future period, with the Presbyterian Church of Canada take place, under a Synod or (leneral Assembly, that then and in such case the Seminary shall be, and c(mtinue to be under its super- vision as much as when it comes under the supervision of its present Synodical head. The trustees hereinbefore named and their successors shall be the Governors of the said Institute. The Governors shall have the power to manage the property of the Institute, to manage and direct all its tlnancial concerns, 8 Imv'O the (aii('»'M may ri'«|uiri', Inil not UK'tiMhihlciil with aiiydiiiif; lioroiii toiitaiiiiMl ; llioy shall ul-o havo the a])|)uintim!nl of (ho principal uiul tuachuiH uf ihu Insti- tute. Tho (lOvoi'Moi'H xlmli havo tho n])pointniont oi' tho jtiincipal of tho Inntitulo, and thoy aro horoh}' onjoinod to koop u|) tho stan- dard oflho odiu'ution ^nvon in tho Inslituto to tho highost intol- loolual and moral standinu; of tho timos. Tho (Jovoi'nors of tlu« Instituto shall annually londor an account and sUitomont of thoii- adniinist "ation, to ho puhlishcMl in two of tho loading novvspajioiH in thi« city. Thoy shall havo power to si^n all cheques, accoi)tances, and ])romiHsoi'y notes an(tuciitioii nffho pupils .special altontion niUHt Itc jtaiil ; luMicc, it shall he c(iin|ml('iit Cor the (Jovoniors fo rnake such alU'i-atioiis, inodiliciitictns, or addition.! to iis course of study us may ho found luM'ossafv for tlicsense. Should any addition for staff teachers be required, or household servants, it shall be the duty of the governors to make such addi- tions as circumstances of the state of the Institute may require. Teachers and all officers to be paid quarterly. In engaging teachers, and all connected with the Institute, he governors shall be required to exercise prudence and considera- tion for the special benefit of the Institute. The allowance to governoi-s in Montreal shall be to each, dur- ing the time of their holding office, (which shall not exceed five years), two pounds ten shillingscurrency for each meeting which they themselves respectively attend. Those coming from a dis- tance to be allowed travelling and lodging expenses in addition. The governors, either as a body or by committee, shall consult frequently as to the literary government of the Institution, and shall be required, at all times, when necessary, to visit and aid the teachers in the discharge of duty, and deliver, or cause to be delivered, as often as they may judge it for the benefit of the Institute, lectures on suitable subjects, in science, history, litera- ture, and religion ; but a regular monthly lecture shall be required every year, in the months of December, January, February and March, to be entitled the Iloss Lecture, The lecturers in all cases to be chosen for their ability, and to receive, besides their (ravelling expenses — should they come from a distance — the sum of five pounds currency for each lecture. The governors have the privilege of inviting the Governor- General or Supreme Ruler of the Province, to preside at the semi-annual meeting. 12 Teachers in discharging their duty shall require to bo punctual and faithful, endeavouring to improve themselves as much as their pupils, thus keeping up with the improvements of the times in conducting schools and ti-aining scholars — that the whole business of the Institute shall be conducted with zeal, in- telligence and efficiency. The state of the Institute and progjuss of the scholars, are to be ascertained by the governors of the Institute at stated periods. The examination of the pupils to be conducted as nearly as circumstances will permit, according to the pattern of the best Universities, and under the direction of the governors. The Governoi'-id last will. Thus done, dictated word for word, and published and dochircd by the said Testator for and as his last will and testament, to and in the presence of us, tho said notaries, on the day, month, and year first above written, in the office of William Ross, one of the said notaries, tho present will and testament has thus been made, declared, and published, /«/f dicte et minme by the said Testator to us the said notaries, and l)y me, William [Joss, one of the said notaries, reduced into writing in my own hand-writing, and by mo twice duly road, Vr 'elu to the said Testator, who declared that he understood the same well, and persevered in the deposi- tions herein contained (Number Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred and One.) [n faith and testimony whereof the said Testator hath to these presents, first twice duly road as aforesaid, set and subscribed his name and signature, in the presence of us, the said notaries, also hereunto subscribing. (Signed.) DON. EOSS, H. B. WEIGHT, N.P. and W. EOSS, N.P. As appears by tho original in my office, and of which I do hereby certify tho foregoing to be a true and exact copy. Nino words struck out are null and void; six marginal notes are good. W. EOSS, N.P. CODICIL. On the fifteenth day of November, in tho year one thousand eight hundred and sevonty-six, before tho undersigned Notaries Public for the Province of Quebec, residing in the city of Mon- treal, in the said Pi-ovinco, appeared, DONALD EOSS, of the parish of Montreal, in the district of Montreal, Esquire, the Testator in the foregoing will and testa- ment, named, bearing date and executed before William Eoss, 18 oneoftho subscribing Notaries, and his colleague Notary, the nineteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- seven, who being desirous of making a codicil to the same, hath dictated to mo, the said William lloss, in the presence of J. B. 17ouk', Esqiiii'ii, our confrere Notary, the said codicil, word for word, as follows : I give, devisi!, and betiueath, from and aftoi* my decease, unto my beloved wife, Jare Jloss, dui-ing her natural life, in addition to, and over and above what she i.-. entitled to by our marriage contract, the usufruct and enjoj^ment of all and singular the pro- poi'ly, real and pei'sonal, moveable and immoveable, of what nature, kind, value, and description soever, and whei-esoever situate, and being of which I shall die possessed oi- to which I shall be in any-wise enlitled at f he time of my decease, subject to tlie payment of the following legacies or bequests : Unto Grrace J. TJirnie and Maria Raylor, the two daughters of the Reverend Donald Ross, formerly of Chatham, now ofLaehine, minister of the Gospel, the sum of two hundred and tifty dollars each. Unto my sister Jess or Janet, wife of Alexander Ross, two hundi'ed dollars. Unto my cousin Kate Ross, wife of 0. Gelhings, of Quebec, one hundred dollai'S. Unto my cousin Etfy, wife of Hope Sewell, of Quebec, one hundred dollars. Unto "William Munro, son of Donald Munro, of Delny, by Invergardon, Ross-shire, Scotland, the sum of two hundred dollars. Unto my cousin, sister of the said Mrs. Sewell, and widow of the late Mr. Lemoine, of Quebec, one hundred dollars. I hereby cancel and revoke the legacy or bequest to my cousin Eliza F. Ross, stated in my said last will. T give, devise, and bequeath unto Kate Ross, my sister, two hundred dollars. All, each, and every one of the aforesaid legacies and bequests shall be paid without interest by my said wife unto the said legatees annually, beginning twelve months after my decease, in curj-ent money of Canada. Unto James Nairn, now and for many years ray gardener, I give, devise, and bequeath the sum of four hundred dollars said 19 euiTont moiioy, to bo onco paid only, when it is convenient to ray «aid wife, and without intorost. All the pn)|MM'ty, lioiiucnts, and sums of money hereby bo([Uoathod shall bo exempt froia soi/iUro. r appoint Romeo II. Stevens, of the t.ai'l city of Montreal, Insurance Agent, and David J. Gi'Menshields of the said o.'ty, morcdiant, of the firm f)f S. (freenshioMs, Son k Coinpany, of ti>o said city, and the survivor, to be ray executors, and to act as suc/i beyond the year and day limited by law until the full accom- plishment of my said last will and testament. I hereby transfer the powers vested in the executors by my said last will and testament to my executors hei-ein named, and five hundred dollars shall be paid to each, when convenient to my estate, as a remuneration to my said executors for their services. r confirm my said last will and testament, except where it is altered by this codicil, and I hereby revoke all former codicils made by me. Provitlod always that ray said wife shall under all circum- stances be entitled to the aforesaid usufruct or enjoyment, includ- ing her rights under her marriage contract annually, and the donations or legacies hei-ein made to the other legatees shall bo in abeyance or remain (j^uiescent until the mortgage of the Epis- copal Church Society for the sum of five thousand six hundred dollars is paid off. Should anything happen to my said executors I appoint in the place of either, Alexander Mitchell and Alexander McPliorson, both of the said city, merchants, and they shall be entitled to a similar sum of five hundred dollars each for their services. After the death of my said wife ray said executors shall assume the payment of the said legacies. Any letters I may have given to individuals for donations pro- mised after my death are hereby cancelled. This done, dictated word for word, and published and declared by the said Donald Ross for and as a codicil to his said last will and testament, to and in the presence of us the said Notaries, in the office of the said William Ross, on the day and yeai- first above written, in the afternoon. The ])resont codicil has thus been made, declared, and published fait dicte et nomme by the said Donald Ross to us the said Notaries, and by the said Williara Ross twice duly read to the 20 said Donuld Uosh lu et Hlu in the prcHonco of tlio suid Bouuld Eo«8. Ill fulth and testimony whereof tho naid Donald Koss hath to thoso prosonls llrHt twice duly read, set, and Huli.scrihed his name and signature — the Kaid Donald Rosh, in (he priisciice ol' iih the said Notaries and with said N<»laries hath signed I his codicil alter its liavin^ l)0«'n twice duly read to him l»y the said William Koss in the jireaence of his said CDnfrei'o and in tlie prosenco of said Donald J{oss, number Thirtoe^' Thousand i<]ight Hundred and Forty. (Signed), DONALD KOSS. J. B. IlOUiiPX N.P. W. EOSS, N.P. I certify the foregoing to ho a true copy of the original in my office. W. EOSS, N.P. 21 CAP. XLIII. An Act to incorpomto " Tlie Tratalgar Institute" for the educa- tion and traininjjf of the mid(ile and higher ninkis of fomaloB. [Assent ad to 23ri(h>ii('(^ unil n'umv.'il of tlu» princlpiil, tciiclicrM ati'l oUlcors tiinl sorviuitrt of tho said Itislitulo, iirxl tKiK'liiiiu; iiiid coiu'Di'iiiii^ uriy iiiul ovoiy otlicr mutter or tiling wliidi lo th«» said ('((ritonition may sooin jjfooci, M(. or usot'ul tor tlio siiid Institute. :{. Tho real ostulc Mitiiatc <»ti tlio soutli-oastoru slo|i(^ of tlio,.„rfain tnoiiiitain, froiitini;' on tho (Jolo dcs Nei^-os road, in llio parish of J.';';i|j;j"i',','*' Montreal, and known as the Ti'atid,<>-ar |»rop((rty, which was pur- 'l.'.'^jj'i'i'f^^ ehusod and ae«|uired from tho said Donald Ross, of the parish of Montreal, Ksipiiro, hy tho said othor persons mentioned in tin' tirwt Noetion of this act, hy deed of sale executed on the Ihirtielh day of June, one thouNand ei<:fhl hundi-od and suventy-one, heforo William Ross, notaiy piihlic, tinder the numhor (hirt(^on liiousand six hundrod and nine, is hereby vested in the said eorporation "The Trafalgar rnstituto." 4. Tho death of any of the persons monliorufd in the first sec- tion of this act, or of any of their successors, or Ihe failnre oftion'no't'' appointment of a sncccss(»r to, or vacancy tVom time to lime in iiy (icath, uny of the offices of principal, archdeaccm, and minister eiuime- '"""""*'"'"' rated in the said first Hootion, or the failure of appointment of MUCcoHsorn to tho said Donald Kosh, Alexander Mitchell and Alex-, under Mac[>herson, or uny of thom, shall not dissolve, or oihor- wise im[)air or affect the said corporation, which shall continue to subsist, to all intents and pui-|»{)ses whatsoever, as fully and etl'ectually as if no siu-h death, failure of appointment of asuccos- 8or or successors, or vacancy, had occurred. CAP. Lxvm. An Act to amend the Act to incori)orato "Tho Trafalgar lu.stitute." [Assented to 24th December, 1872.] ^1 niERKAS " Tho Trafalgar lustitute" has, by its petition, , VV prayed to obtain certain amendments to the act ,)f^''*"''"*''''- incorporation, thirty-fifth Victoi-iu, chapter foi-ty-threo; and 35 v.. c. 43. whereuH it is expedient to legislate in the premises ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of tho Legisla- tui'e of Quebec, enacts as follows : 24 Additidniii 1. Addil ioiial membcris oi' the corpoi-ation undoi- the act may be may^be"^ olcctocl in tho niaiinei' following : I'^vcry subscriber of one ( housand c octed. cioUarH to the endowment lund of the coi'poration, shall have one vote in the a]»]i()intmcnt of elective members, and an additional vote foi' each additional sum of the same amount, and for every twenty Huch votes one member may be elected by the subscribej'w. Meeting for '•2- ^0 «f^<>n as the suhsci'iption ])aid in shall amount to twenty niomber".' times the above value, and for each additional twenty, notice shall bo g-iven to the subscribers by circular or advertisement, in, at least, two newspapers ]>'iKlished in Montreal, of which one in the English languag-o, and the other in the French language, to meet at some suitable time and place for the election of a mem- ber or members, at which meeting a member of the corpoi-ation shall i)rcside, or should no member be present, a chairman shall bo elected by the meeting, and the secretary of the cor])oration, or a tempoi-ary secretary appoirted in his absence, shall record the votes and communicate tho same to the corporation at their next meeting ; members so elected must be and continue to be members of some Protestant denomination whatever in the pro- vince of Quebec, and shall hold office until death or resignation. ,, ,. 3, When a vacancy shall occur in the immber of elective mem- Mcetings '' for election bers, the Corporation shall, at its nert meeting, api)oint a meeting to fill of the subscribers before mentioned for the tilling of such vacancy VHcancies. "^ by election. Failing such election, the corporation shall itself pi-oceed to elect a tit and proper person, keeping in view so far as possible, the representation of the several Protestant denomina- tions of tho Pj'ovince of (Quebec, in the corporation, and any sub- scriber of five thousand dollars, may, by deed or will, transrerhis right of election to another person, but such transfer sliall be made known in writing to the corporation, and shall be i>pproved by them and entered in their list of subscribei's. Corpora- -i- Tho coi-])orati()n may receive subscriptions conferring upon recci'vei^ub- the subscj'ibcrs the right to noi.xinate students for free tuition, or conTerrili'g ^^'^'^ board. Oil sucli torms as may be agreed on, but such subscrij)- nomi'natc ^ions shall not entitle the donors to votes in the election of mem- glJ-pl^'^"^^'"' bers, so long as the Institute is burdened with the obligation to provide such scholarships, and it shall be lawful for the corpora- tion to refuse any subscriptions to the Institute if burdened with conditions which they may regard as either inconvenient or in- jurious. 25 W CAP. LXVI. An Act respecting -'The Tratklgtir Institute." [Assented to 'S{)th March, 1888.] lIl^mEAS, the Haid "Trafalgar Institute," have, by their p^^^^^^j^ petition i-epresented, that at the city of ]\[ontreal, in the district of Montreal, on the nineteenth day of IMarch, in the year 1867, belbi-e William Ross and Jleniy Blake Wright, notaries ])ublic, Donald Ross, of the parish of Montreal, in the district of Montreal, Ksquire, seignior of the Seigniory of St. George, in the said district, duly made his last Will and Testament, wherein and whereby, among other things, the said Donald Ross made the following devises and bequests, to wit : "The said Testatoj- hereby gives, devises and bequeaths the property on the South Eastei-n slope of the Mountain, and front- ing on ihe Cote-des-Nciges road, known as the " Trafalgar l^ropei-ty," and purchased by him at Sheriffs sales, to the Rev. Alexander Mathieson, D.D., ministoj- of St. Andrew's Church, Montreal, and to his successors, ministers of such church ; the Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., minister of St. Paul's Church, Montreal, and to his successors, ministers of said chui-eh ; John Greenshields and Hugh Allan, both of the city of Montreal, the two lay mem- bers of the board of trustees of (Queen's College, Kingston, resi- dent in Montreal, and to their successors, lay members of such board as may be i-esident in Montreal, the Venerable William T. Leach, archdeacon of Montreal, in connection with the Canadian branch of the Church of England, and to his successors, arch- deacons of Montreal, the Rev. William Snodgrass, principal of the said (Queen's College, and to his successors, principals of the said (Queen's College, and John W. Dawson, LL.D., principal of :McGrill College, in trust so soon as the accumulated revenue of such pro- perty, and the rest and residue of the testator's estate and pro- perty, and such donations and bequests as may be given by other partiv^s for the purposes hereinafter stated, shall, in the judgment of tht) executors hereinafter named, amount in value to the sum of one hundred thousand pounds currency, after payment of the 26 legacies to the exeoutors hereinafter juentioned, and of all the testator's just debts, and funeral and testamentary oxj)enses, to erect, establish and tbi-ever maintain on the aforesaid j)roperty, known as the Trafalgar prt)perty," a Seminary or Institute to be cjUled •' the Eoss Institute," tor the educational training of the middle oi- higher I'anks of female society ; sub^^ v;t, however, to the several ti'usts, conditions, limitations and pro\\sions hereinafter declared."' "And with regard to the rest and residue of the said testator's estate, real and pei-sonal, moveable and immoveable, of every nature and description whatsoever, and whci-esoever situate (including all the property that shall revert to this estate, at and aftei' the death of the special legatees hei-einbefore firstly enumer- ated) the said testator hereby gives, devises and bequeaths the same to his executors bereinaftei- named, in trust, to numage and administer the same until, in the Judgment of such executoi's, the property presently bequeathed, together with the accunmlated revenue of the aforesaid property, known as the " Ti-afalgar propei'ty," and with such donations and legacies as may be given by other parties for the purposes of the aforesaid institute, shall amount in value to one hundred thousand pounds, after the pay- nent of the legacies to the executors hereinafter mentioned, and of all the testator's debts, and funeral and testamentary expenses, and then, to sell and convert into money the whole of such i-est and residue of the testator's said c.-ilate, and invest the same in first class mortgages on real estate or bailleurs de fonds, bank stocks, or otlier description of commercial stock, or in Govern- ment securities, or other description of safe investment, and then to assign, transfer, convey and make over the whole of such moi'tgages, stocks, securities or other desci'iption of inveatment, and all and singular the rest and residue aforesaid of the said testator's estate and property of every kind and desci-iption gen- erally, whatsoever, after deduction and payment of the legacies hereinafter bequeathed to the said executors, and of ail disburse- ments and expenses incurred by them in the execution of this will, and the management of the said estate and property, unto the said trustees hereinbefore named and appointed, to be ever thereafter held, used and enjoyed by the said trustees and their successoi-s, in full propei'ty in trust for the aforesaid '' Eoss Institute." " And with resjDect to the said institute so to be erected, estab- 21 linhod and maintained, tho said testator hereby declares thai his intention is to do the ^i-eatesl amount of good possible in educat- ing the I'otnale sex, or young girls, and towards tho attainment of the object in view, the said testator doth hereby declare it to be his will and plcasui-o that the whole of the ground comprised within tho limits of the said property known as the " Ti'afalgar property," together with all the houses and buildings thereon oi'octcd, shall be appropi'iated to tho said Inslitute, together with the present greenhouse or greenhouse to be erected thereon in connection with the Seminarj'. " The trustees hereinbefore named acd their successors shall bo governors of the said Institute." And whereas, the said Donald Tioss, among other regulations as to the said Institute, further directed as follows, to wit : "The allowance to govornoi's in Montreal shall bo to each, during the time of their holding office (which shall not exceed five years) two pounds ten shillings currency for each meeting which they themselves respectively attend. Those coming from a distance to be allowed travelling and lodging expenses in addition. And further as follows : " Application may be made to the Legislature for the purpose of obtaining an act of incorporation for the said seminary, in accord- ance with the spirit of the sai^ testator's wishes as herein set forth, so soon as the said trustees or governors may doom it advisable, and in such act of incorporation, provision may be juade for v-st- ing the corporation so to be created with all the property herein- betbre mentioned, and with all the powers hereinbefore conferred; all propert}' bequeathed, ti-ansferred or conveyed to the said Ti'ustees or to any one else in trust for the said Institute, for the sole use, benetit and behoof of the said Seminary or Institute, be the same beciuests, privika - or othoj-wise or from whatever sour"e or channel tho same .lay enumate, including all gifts and grants or otherwise, the whole shall be applied in accordance with the intention of those from whom the same may have been received, pj-ovided it be not in couti'avention of anything herein cimtained." '* And for the execution of the present will and testament the said testator doth hereby nominate and appoint his said wife, the 28 said Jano Ross ; (reorge W. Stephens, son of Harrison Stephens, of Montreal, Rsquiro; the said Rev. John Jenkins, and his suc- cessors, ministers of the said St. Paul's Church, and the Rev. Alexander Mathioson, D. D., minister of the said St. Andrew's Church, Montreal, and his suecessors, ministers of such church, and the survivors and survivor of them; the said Jane Ross, (-foorge W. Stephens, ,)ohn .lenkinsand Alexander Mathioson, and their successors aforesaid, all of whom the said testator appoints his executors, in favor of whom he doth in conformity to the law and custom of this Province, disseize and div^est himself of all his property, except the said Ti-afalgar property, for the ends thereof." "The said executors shall have power to act as such beyond the year and day limited by law, and until the full accomplish- ment of this will, and shall execute deeds and conveyances for all or any part or parcel of the testator's property, and grant acquittance for the purchase money, and they are hereby empow- ered to invest the proceeds, or any part thereof at interest, for the ends, intents and purposes set forth in this will." And whereas, by the act of this Province, 35 Victoria, cap. 43, amended by 36 Victoria, cap. 08, the said testator and the persons to whom the said Trafalgar property was so devised in trust, were created a body corporate by the name of " The Trafalgar Institute," for purposes identical with those set forth in the said last will and testament. And whereas, it appears by the said petition that the said act of incorporation was obtained at the instance of the said Donald Ross, and in furtherance of the said last will and testament. Ami whereas, a deed of sale was executed on the 3Uth day of June, 1871, before William Ross, Notary Public, under the No. 13,609, between the said Donald Ross and the said other persons, whereby, as well as by the 3rd section of the said act, the said Trafalgar jn'operty was therein and by the said acts vested in the said Trafalgar Institute. And whereas, at the said city of Montreal, on the 15th day of November, in the year 1876, beibi'c William Ross and J. B. llouie, Notaries Public, the said testator made a codicil to his said last will and testament, whereby, without in any way altering the said devises and bequests to the said Ross Institute, in the room and stead of the said afore-mentioned executoi-s, appointed Romeo H. 29 Stephens, of the city of Montreal, rnsuranoo aujent, and David ,T. (iin^enshiolds, of tlio suid city, mei-chant, and the survivor to be his exoeutors, to act as such beyond the year and day limited by law, and to be vested with the powei's vested in the executors so named by his said last will and testament; and the said testator further provided that should anyliuiiL'' happen to his said executors. iVIexander Mitchell and Alexander Macpherson should act in their })lace and stead. And whereas the said Romeo IT. Stevens and David J. Green- shields have declined to act as such executors, and the said Alex- ander Mitchell and Aloxiindor Macpherson are acting in their stead and administerinuj said estate. And whereas the said '' Trafal,i!;ar Institute " have by their said petition prayed for an act more fully detinini;- the intentions of the said Donald Eoss. as so expressed by him and for certain amendments to their said act of incorporation. Therefore. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature of (Quebec, enacts as follows : 1. The rest and residue of the said testator's estate, real and certain personal, moveable and immoveable of every nature and descrip-^^^gj'jfj j^ tion whatsoever and wheresoever situate, (including all the j'''A*^A'^'" ])ro])erty that has reverted or shall revert to his estate, at and after the death of the special legatees in the said will and codicil mentioned) are declared to have been given, and devised under the said trnst, and as by the said will provided, for the said Trafalgar Institute ; and the said Trafalgar Institute is ratified and contirmed in, and declared to have been and to be -entitled to and possessed of all and every the rights, powers, privileges, titles and endowments so given by the said will and codicil, to as full and ample an extent as if its name had appeared in them, and each of them in the room and stead of the Eoss Institute. 2. The executors of the said late Donald Eoss and all the persons who shall or may represent or succeed them in the admin- certain istration of the said estate are hereby authorized and bound to administer the same for the benefit of the said " Trafalgar Institute." ?>. In the event of the said executors Alexander Mitchell and Provision Alexander Macpherson, or either of them, dying or declining [g^-erkig'"' to act, ov of a vacancy in any wise occuriMng in the said executor- •'"""p^^^^ '" 30 event of iluiith of oerrain Executors. shipH, then the sjiid Ti'utalgar IiiHtitiite sluill at once and ipsofacto become Hoi/od and possessed of tlio said obtate, with power to administer the same to the same extent, tor the same purposes and subject to the same conditions (in so far as not exphiined or altered by this act) as are provided for by tht» said Last will and testament and the said codicil. Power of Institute wlii'ii vested with 4. The said " Trafalgar Institute/' upon becoming seized and possessed of the succession shall bo vested with power to sell and property." " convert tho real and pei'sonal estate, to execute all necessary deeds and conveyances thereof, to grant acquittances therefor, to invest the sum or sums of money thus arising, in I'cal securities, oi' ])ablic stocks, or funds and to vary the investments, from time to time, as is found best; the whole upon the trusts contained in the said last will and testament and tho said codicil. Institute 5. The said ' Ti-atalgar fnstitute " may further, after the pay- nmy ereet . ° ./ i r j buiiiiiiiK torment of all prior charges imposed by the said late Donald Boss, Ac. at once proceed to erect, establish and maintain on the said Trafalgar property the said "Semintiry or l^rafalgar Institute," Jind may also at once proceed to administer such other bequests and douiitions as may have been or may be given for the estab- lishment of classes for women or other educational objects consis- tent with the purposes of the Institute. Certain lay ^- St)"ioi' ^Y appointment, the two lay members of the board Jj,^,J"j^,7''^ of trustees of Queen's College, Kingston, who are resident at nl",'r.*,?'^^ "^ Montreal, and their successors, such lay members of said board u'lmMii-" '"^^ ^^^y ^*^ resident at ^Montreal (but not at an^^ time exceeding two), are hereby created and made members of tho said " Trafalgar Institute." i)ors of Trafalgar Institute. Members to act as governor!- thereof. 7. The members of the said Institute shall be and act as the governors thereof, any limitation to the contrary notwitstanding. .31 TRAFALGAR INSTITUTE. Adopted at the the Annual Meeting of the corporation, held Hth May, 1885. 1. The officoi'H of the corporation shall ho a president, vico- pi-esident, and Heei'etary-ti-easui'cr; the latter to be cithei- a meniber of the corporation or a salaried officer of the same, as may Ik- deemed expedient, and the offices of secretary and treasuri'r may be separated so soon as this may seem expedient to the corpoi-ation ; but only one of them may be a salaried officei-, and until the offices of seci-etaiy and treasurer are so separated, the duties to be performed by the secretary and treasui-er respectively, shall bo performed by the secretary- treasui'or. 2. The officers shall be elected by ballot at a meeting of the corporation, to be held aimually on the second Thursday of May, or failing this, on a suitable day to be fixed by the corporation. Any vacancy occurring amongst the office-bearers may bo fdled for the unexpired remainder of the term at any special meeting of the corporation. 3. Special meetings may be called by the president or by any two membei-s, through the secretary. 4. Notices of meetings shall be deemed to have been validly given if mailed at least fourteen days previous to the day fixed for holding the mooting to the then last known address of the persons entitled to receive the same. The chief business to be transacted at any meeting shall bo indicated in the notice thereof. 5. At all meetings of the corporation, the president, or in his absence, the vice-president, or in the absence of both, a member elected for the occasion shall take the chair. All questions to be determined shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present, and, in case of an equal vote being given on both sides, the chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member. 6. There shall be an executive committee composed of three 32 momboi'H of (ho corporjition, I'osidoiit at Montreal, (o l)o oloctod at the annual i^onoral mooting, or failinij this, at the noxt special •general nieetini^, after the date fixed foi* the annual <^oneral meeting', and also of the |)ro8ident and seerc^tarytroasiirer hein^ a member of the corpoi-ation as cx-ojHcio members; but hIiouM the socrotary-troasuror not be a moinbei' of the corporation then his place as such ex-ojficio menibei' of the committee shall be tilled by the vico-j)rosi(lont. 7. The duties of the executive committee shall be to superin- tend the maintenance of the buildiui^s and pro|)erty of the Institute, with power to make all contracts and payments re(|uisite therefor ; to have supervision over the lady princijial, teachers, and othei- officers, with power to make temporary pro- vision in case of vacancies ; to supervise the courses of study, and the discipline to be observed, and generally to exercise full control and superintendence over the current working of the Institute. The committee may also make such investment of the funds of the Institute as they may from time to time deem advisable. Tlie powers hei-eby conferred shall be exercised sub- ject to Articles 8 and !>. The acts of the executive committee shall always be reported to the corporation at its next meeting thereafter, and shall be subject to revision by the corporation. During the sessions of the Institute monthly meetings of the committee shall be held. 8. The president and secretary shall have the custody of all securities, title deeds, and other papers, and shall sign all legal documents on behalf of the corporation, and affix the common seal of the corporation to the same, and any paper or document so signed and sealed shall be held and deemed to have been legally executed by the Institute. 9. The treasurer shall deposit the monies in his charge, upon receiving the same, in such chartered bank as the corporation ma}' direct. All payments of money shall be authorised by the executive committee. The treasurer shall pay monies by cheque, countersigned by the president, and shall keep the accounts of the corporation, and shall submit the same when required. He shall also ])resent a full statement of accounts, properly audited, at the annual meeting. He shall give such security as may be j'equired by the corporation. 33 10. In the absence, or inability to act, of the prcfiidont, the vice-preHidoiit sshall fill bin place and perform all diitioH incum- bent on the president, and in case of tlio absence, or inability to act of both the ])resident and vice-piesident, a member shall be elected by the corporation acting president pro temp, ; and in the absence, or inability to act of the secrctai-y or treasurer, a Kuit- ablc i»ors(>n may, in like manner, be appointed acting secretary or treasurer, as the case may be. 11. The seci'etary shall keep the minutes of meetings, and all necessai-y books of the corpoi-ation ; and shall conduct correspond- ence and prepare reports, and other publications of the corpora- tion, and call all meetings of the corporation. 12. At each annual meeting, or failing this, at a special meet- ing of the coi-poration, one or more auditors shall be appointed hy the vote of the members present, to audit the accounts sub- mitted by the treasurer. 13. By-laws may be made or amended or annulled by a majority of the members of the corporation present at the annual meeting or at a meeting regularly convened for the purpose. But such by-laws or amendments must have been submitted to the executive committee, and a copy thereof communicated to eacli member of the corporation at least a fortnight before the meeting. 14. At all meetings of the coi-poration, five shall be a quorum, but the number requisite to form a quorum shall be increased by