"vV'T O'-'^'' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 l^|2£ 12.5 |50 "^" ■■■ 12.2 I.I 40 112.0 11:25 ill 1.4 1.6 nu «4.^ Li _ oiuuj^cipniu Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^^ V <> ■if -r •^5^g TO THE LOYAL ORANGEMEN, OP THE UNITED DMPIRB, THIS SELECTION OF SONGS AND POEMS IS RESPECTKOLLY DEDICATED, mi'- r.^ WARMEST WianES OP THE U.^DERSIO>rM, THAT IT MAT M lOE M.ANS OP EXTK.VDI.VO THB ^KOSPERITY.irAUMONVANDUSKFULNESS OP TUAT RIOHT LOT.U, DODY, THE ORANGE INSTITUTION, BT TflDB BROTIIEH, Po„ PE.CE, UW A:n) ORDBB, WILLIAM SHANNON. '«c|| .,"'Ki t INTRODUCTION, AND AUTIIORSniP. The mle page of (hi. work sufficiently explains itself. I At the request of a number of the mo«t influential I Officers and Brethren of the Orange Institution, its puu- I ication has been taken in hand, and it is now presented j to ail those who earnestly desire to maintain the existing I ^^^^.^'^^ 'between Great Britain, Ireland, and the I t-olonies thereunto belonging. The publisher abstains from making any personal « Prefatory Remarks." As to himself, how far he has done h.s duty will be best pn.vo.l by the volume itself. ±fut, ,n justice to the authors from whose writings selec- tions are made, a brief statement respecting cnch will no doubt, be found interesting, by those who seek to' knovv something of the Advocates who have so strongly urged the.r claims to the consideration of the truly good 1798, 1848--and of Canada in 1837. The Rev. John Graham, Rector of Magilligan, in the D^oeese of perry, departed this life in the winter of 1843-4.. In h.s day and generation, he was Master of a subordmate Lodge, County Master for Derry, Chaplam to the G. 0. L. of Ireland, and First Grand Master of the G. 0. Lodge of Ulster. Besides a large volume of original " Songs and Poems," he wrote A 2 ^ y VI PREFACE. the " History of the Siege of Londonderry •" also ^l^l^'f'Z'''' ''H.stor,orirelaVd, 1688 -1690 "Ireland Preserved -and at the period of Im death vvas engaged in publishing ^ dj^jj^^^^^ ^urioso I^ernana,' His history of the Siege of Londonder y passed through six editions in Ireland 5 three in the .^"clnaW^^Y'"'^'"' '^^^'^^^'•-^elphia), and one ^n Canada (by Brewer, McPhail, and Co. Toronto). Most of h.s songs are sung in the family circle of almost every Yeoman and Orangeman in Ireland, and in the Orange Lodges of the United Empire. And, if we were indebted to hun for his pathetic and beautiful « Derry !i:!:i^: ^"'^'' '' '^^'-^^^ -'-'' --'-^^^'^ ^^ RoBKUT Young, Esq., the " FEnMANACH True City" "„;\P"^^"V' l"'''"' '' ''' " ^^^'^^^-^ ^iTY. H.S hrst work, the *' Orange Minstrel," had a very extensive and influential circulation. His second, the Ulster Harmonist," iias twice been published. I regret that I was unable to obtain a copy of either | before going to press. Charlotte Elizabeth, through her works, is well and widely known. For her t\ye " Apprenticed Boys" of Derry, under James William Gregg, Esq., waved the «tnngent ru.es of their club, (which deny membership to any but true and veritable descendants of the de- fenders of Derry,) and presented her with the freedom ol their city. A valuable exception truly ! It is a remarkable fact, that, loving -Religion and Loyalty- 4 i If I i 'ry;" also, ■land, J688 3 period of ata Curioso Jndondeny I'ee in the 5 and one Toronto). 3 of almost md in the f we were 1 " Derry istingly be GH True UiNTAKEN ?1," had a is second, ished. I of either h is well ?d Boys" aved the nbership the de- freedom It is a lyalty — \ PREFACE. VI 1 i. ! i 1 God and the Queen" as sincerely as she did, her denth should have occurred at a season truly dear to her, viz. -the Sabbath Day, and the commemoration of that great event which secured the succession of the throne of England on the illustrious House of Brunswick. She fell asleep in Jesus on Sunday, July mh, 1846, at Ramsgate, in Kent. i Colonel Bla. r, who resides on the Bann side ' near Portadown, Co. Armagh, composed the thrilling Poem entitled - Oliver's Advice," which was originally pubhshed in the D^^clUn Univcr^ty Magazine for 18JD. The gallant Colonel is one of the oldest Orange- men m Ireland, and was a member of the Trinity Col- lege Lodge when a Scholar in T. C. D. At a subse- quent period he was the principal in seizing a numerous band of Ribbon Conspirators, sitting in conclave and conspirmg against the Government of the country, ihey attempted to swallow their treasonable docu- ments, but he forced them from their throats, and succeeded in lodging them in a place where ample time I was given to them for the most deliberate reHection ! j Ogle Robert Gowan, Esq. the father of the Orange System m British North America, at present resides in Toronto. H.s father. Captain John Hunter Gownn, and h,s god-father, the Right Hon. George oliTM? distmguished themselves during the Rebellion of ITDs' Mr. Gowan u-as for many years Secretary for the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, and it was und^r his auspices the present Grand Lodge of British North VJIl PREFACE. Am^ma was first formed. Besides being known as ihe "Father of the Syste." here, Mr. Golan is al o admrned to be the father of the Press in Canada H.s song, the - Crimson Banner," aJmost eveiy Orange^ everTolj '^^'"'"'^^^^^-^^'^"^^^-^^^^^^ Mrs. Hemans, the wife of a British Officer j Sm Waltbr Scott B.HT. the Scottish Novehst ; and T. B.MAC.t;LAT,EsQ. M.P., the English Historian, are 00 well.known to be noted here. The Poem of the latter, entuled « The Battle of the League," is a con. vincng proof that in France, as in the United Empire m open, honest:warfare, our Protestant forefathers have been more than a match for their Popish enemies. Wm. McComb, Belfast, is a respectable Bookseller. H,s verses on the death of Charlotte Elizabeth are wor hy abke of the poet and his theme. He is known to the philanthropist as the chief spirit in getting un the eaufful building used as an ins'tution L the L f dumb and blind, at Belfast. It is one of the most attractive edifices of the northern commercial metropX Of the minor writers with whom we have to do, we h ve httle to say Some we honour,-others we mly never know The names quoted are already '^ housed Let then, those whom we have overlooked, owin. to t,me, or place, or ignorance, sympathise with the T i known as '■an is also n Canada, ry Orange- t is hoped, he subject ficerj Sir t ; and T. orian, are !m of the is a con- ■Empire, lers have ies. )okse]ler. beth are s known gup the le deaf, le most tropolis. T ( PREFACE. ^ IX publisher, who claims no merit to himself, but that of endeavouring to discharge his duty. Of " doggerel songs, bearing on our society, but few are given ; and even those, only by reason of their antiquity and popu- larity, and at the request of parties whose good wishes are desired. And now in conclusion : " Britannia^s sons lift up your voice, Let all your harps with joy be strung. Let every hill and plain rejoice, And praises now employ each tongue. Religious freedom still shall reign, Through every part of your domain, For William gave to British laws. The fair impress of Freedom's cause !" do, we e may ' house- proud, owing ith the I •■■"""wwya^ij,,^. ■W!^ '^"•** w«*-i*- I: ll a .{ f THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ^0^ Sate the ^mtn. God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen ! aend her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen ! Lord, our God, arise, Scatter lier enemies. And make them fall ! Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On her our hopes we fix, God save us all ! Thy choicest gifts in store, Deign on our Queen to pour, ,, Long may she reign ' May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart-applause, God save the Queen ! 12 O Lord, lier Consort bless, Grant him in hapj)iness With her to reign ! Ill virtues great and strong, May Albert's name be long The theme of Britain's song," God save the Queen ! Oh ! whilst the nation hails Our true-born Prince of Wales, n n . . , ^^''^y '* ^^ ^^'en, Un Jirunswick's royal line, That still thy light divine Its radiance sheds bcnicrn. God save the Queen ! The flaunting flag of liberty, Of Gallia's sons the boast, Oh ! never may a Briton see Upon the British coast. The only flag that "Freedoin"' rears. Her emblem on the seas, Is the flag that's braved a thousand years, 1 he battle and the breeze ! To aid the trampled rights of man, And break oppression's chain ; Tiie foremost in the battle's van, It never floats in vain. ^ " • Iw^ -^ •» •■•V-N.^VX wfr ii I ■' < *»"■ f * ill 4 *:-' Ij n ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 13 The mariner, wliere'er he steers, In every clime he sees The flag that's braved a thousand years, The battle and the breeze ! If all unite, as once we did, To keep our flag unfurled ; Old England still shall fearless bid - Defiance to the world : But fast will flow the nation's tears, Should lawless hands e'er seize, The flag that 's braved a thousand'years. The battle and the breeze ! United States," may be sung as a finale to the foregoing : United States ! your banner wears Two emblems : one of fame ; Alas ! the other that it bears Reminds us of your shame ! The white man's liberty in types Stands blazoned by your stars • But what's the meaning of the stripes? They mean the Negroes' scars ! ^ixt mnvtmvs of mwQlmxn, Ye mariners of England ! That guard our native seas, Whose flag has braved a thousand years, The battle and the breeze ! 14 ^^^ITED K.P,H. Mr^STHKi: Yoin- glorious stan.lanl launch again To malch another /be J Ami sweep through the deep, VVh.Ie the stormy tempests blow; Wh.Ie the battle rages loud and long, And the stormy tempests blow. The spirits of your fathers Shall start from every wave ' And the ocean was their grave ' Where Blake and mighty Nelson fell ^our manly hearts shall glow As ye sweep through the deep, VVh. e the stormy tem,,ests blow ; While the battle rages loud and Ion, And the stormy tempests blow. Britannia needs no bulwarks, No towers along the steep; Her march is o'er the mountain waves, Her home is on the deep. With thunders from her native oak, ^he quells the floods below, As they roar on the shore, ' When the stormy tempests blow : When the battle rages loud and long, And the stormy tempests blow. The meteor flag of England, Shall yet terrific burn ; Till danger's troubled night depart. And the star of peace return. 4> t 4 ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 15 Then, then, ye oceaiMvaniors! Our song and feast shall llou-, To the fame, of your jianie, When the .stonn has ceased to blow: WJien the fiery fiaht is hmivi n 'y "b'»i 's neard no more, And the storm has ceased to blow. - - - >*-V>, «"-•"# w-rf-v*^-^,^«^ Campbell. a^ule iJvftannfcT. When Bntaln first, at HeavVs command, Arose from ont tlie azure main, Ihis was the charter of the land And guardian angels sung the Wain: Ri^e Bntannia-Britannia rules the waves, iintons never shall be slaves ! The nations not so blest as thee Must in their turn to tyrants fall, Wh. e thou Shalt flourish great and free, Ihe dread and envy of them all. S)till more majestic shall thou rise, More dreadful from each foreign stroke, Ab the loud blast that rends the skies Serves but to root thy native oak. ' Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame ; A I their attempts to bend thee down i>hall but arouse thy generous flame, But work their woe and tiiy renown. Rule, &c. i )• 16 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. To thee beloni,' the rural roi^n ; Thy cities shall with conimerco shine All thine .hall be the .subject main, And every shore it circles, thine. Rule, &c. The Muses still, with freedom found, Shall to thy happy coasts repair ; Blest isle, with matchless beauty crowned And manly hearts to guard the fair. Rule, &,c. 1 Thomson. 5Che maple ntnt Oh ! beauty glows in the island rose, The fair sweet English flower j And memorj' wears in her emblem leaves Proud legends of fame and power • But the fair forest land, where our frk hearths stand. Though her annals be rough and brief: er her fresh wild woods, and her thousand floods Rears for emblem the " Maple Leaf." Chorus. Then hurrah for the leaf, the Maple Leaf, Up Canadians, heart and hand • H,gh in Heaven', free air, waves your emblem fair, The pride ofour forest land. The thistle nods forth, from the hills of the north, Oer Scotia free and fair J And hearts warm and true, and bonnets of blue. And prowess and faith are there. f: ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 17 Green Erin's dell loves the shamrock well, As It springs in the March-sun's smile j Love, valour, wit, ever blentl in it- Bright type of tiie Emerald Isle. Chorus. But hurrah, &c. Rev. John McCaul, LL.D. hs stand, I floods, i^itrft, the Mkxx^ mwn. (FOR TDK FOUHTU OP NOVEMDEB.) Hark ! the merry bells are going. Brethren, hail the glorious day; With hand and heart, and glasses flowing, JJrmk the glorious memory. Toyou, this day, a King was given, The chain of slavery he broke: Ordained by God, and sent from heaven lo free us from the tyrant's yoke. Ye faithful sons, then bless tiie hour, The happy hour that gave iii.i birth, Adore the great Almighty power. And with thanksgiving mi the earth. Rejoice ! rejoice by love excited, The Orange flag triumphant wave, And drink with hand and heart united, William THE great! THE good! THE BR.VE. ^-^l^'!^'' MINSTREL. "Fear not, my Peggy, stormy wind., Nor tircad the exulting foe 'Ti. honour call., our King commands, And Cohn now must go. He goes, but soon shall come again Enriched with spoils and fame: ' Nay, dry these tears, my bonny lass, To weep it were a shame. ' The anchor 's weigh'd, The crew 's on board, ' Our conq'ring flag's unfurl'd J And England's glory - Still shall be The wonder of the world. "Our gracious Prince, with one accord, We 11 join with heart and hand, lo nerve his arm, whose gentle sway i'l'otects this happy land. With filial love, and duty joined. His cause we will defend • For Europe finds, and owns in .!um, A Father and a Friend. " Where'er from coast to coast we sail Our praises fly before, ' And British valour is renowned From Ind' to Afric'd shore. 1 J 4 L. iirl'd J l ^RANOB soma AND POEMS. We shun no toil—no danger dread- No vain alarms we feel Norpri;.eoMrIives, butas'theymay Promote our country's weal. " Y" '"^ '*^«^"*^d Spain-invaded France- At Leipsic raised a flame, Where babes unborn, as years advance, Shall bless the British name. Then here's to Stewart, in court or camp, Or wheresoe'r he roam ; For those who fight for us abroad. Should be revered at home. "From Holland, 'tis remembered yet Our great King William came ; io Holland now we pay the debt, VVe go with conq'ring Graeme. Barossa's field iiis deeds report, Sebastian owns his fame; And Frenchmen, buried in Belgian forts, fshall find him still the same. "Then, fear not. Peggy-fron, the mast i he signals wave in air. The boatswain pipes all hands on deck And Colin is not there. ' My bonny lass, I love thee well, But love my honour more." In haste he kissed her blushing oheek- The boat forsook the shore , 19 • * 20 ™1IT:!! EMPIRE MINSTREL. And Peggy wiped the pearly drops ' From eyes as black as sloes J "May Heaven protect my Colin's life." Slie cried, "where'er he goes ^ * or Heaven can (urn the balls aside When danger hovers near, And trusting in its guardian care, i 11 banish every tear. Chorus. " Yet gladly shall I see again, The conq'ring flag unfurled, And hail our glorious fleet returned, ihe wonder of the n-orld/' When fit War ^„ j^, ^^^^^^ S:;;rdo:rt"^^""^^ Letusseeltifr^^^^^^^^^ -e. Shall nndBritisi::l:r^«^^ And our guns hurl, in thunder, detn:::ta::e To-^habravefer^^^^^^^^^^^^ Is worthy a Br ton «ri,^ „ ' S'^ve, ^ '^'^°"' " "0 conquers to save. 1 IL. fe," ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. irled, t returned, It. foe, ' glow, vave, ive. ■itish tar. ce, le goes ! )es: I 21 t At Boston one day, as the Chesapeake lay. The Captain his crew thus began on •— " See that ship out at sea ! she our prize soon shall be j Tis the tight httle frigate the Shannon. Oh ! twiJl be a good joke, To take Commodore Broke, And add to our navy the Shannon." Then he made a great bluster, calling all hands to muster And sa,d, .jNow boys, stand firm to you cannon ' i^et us get under weigh, without further delay And capture the insolent Shannon. We soon shall bear down on the Shannon. Ihe Chesapeake's prize is the Shannon, Within two hours' space. We '11 return to this place. And bring into harbour the Shannon ! But the Yankees soon flinch from their cannon Whe,we captain and crew, without further ado? Are attacked sword in hand from the Shannon, By the fght little tars of the Shannon. Lhe brave commodore of the Shannon, Fir'd a deadly salute, Just to end the dispute. And the Chesapeake struck to the Shannon. mi 22 THE UXITED KHIMRR MrNSTREL." Let America luunv,i„.rcspoc.t She .hould Show, A.ul let luM- take heed, that the Thames and the Tweed G.vc us tas just as brave as the Shannon. Here's ^o Commodore liroko of the Shannon : May the olive of peace Soon hid enmity cease. From the Chesapeake "shore to the Shannon. ^atfonal Soufl. When order in the land commenced, With Alfred's sacred laws, Then sea-girt Britons, closely fenced, Joined in one common cause ; The glorious name, an Englshma'n, Struck terror to the foe, And conquering William iix'd a fame, That shall for ages grow ! On Albion's clifls let commerce smile, And cheering plenty bring, Then sweet content shall bless the isle, And George its gracious King ' Our Henrys and our Edwards too, Framed once a Constitution, Which Orange Wilham did renew By glorious revolution. Mild Anne, with sceptre gently swayed Ensured her people's love j And when her kingdom's peace she made, Was called to realms above ! L. low. •^»" tlio Tweed, lannon ; annon. A.'v 1 ORANGE 80NGS AND POKMs. Hence «n,ishnvedo,„,,i,l.«nn.lIawsr^^ f'-omwl,c„c.,e her .lories spring, TiKM.rayeror,ra,eruIRri,.i,.,,rnv;s, Un George its gracious King. Great George an Like them, in war or death unawed : " Sires of William's glorious reign, " Ne'er can call their sons in vain." » f m^Mit banquCsheU Erfii. • While vanquished Erin weeps beside . The Boyne's triumphant river. n » The guardian spirits ofits tide "> _ This lesson still shall give her : 30 m w THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. In vain you speed your vengeful darts, Though poisoned gall is on them, For God (who shields his faithful hearts,) Shall grant us still to shun them. Oh ! long shall Erin weep in vain, As time so oft has taught her. Though careless she returns again, And hovers on that water, And sounds with rancour'd, poisoned breath Her shafts of defamation ; Still fraught with vengeance, hate and death, As emblems of her station. Each year as vanquish'd, she shall mourn, By that immortal river. Its faithful guardians still return. This bitter draught to give her : Propitious shine, ye powers of good. And crown this day for ever • And may the Boyne's triumphant flood Resign its glories never. Then proudly flow till time is o'er, And sacred be thy water j For freedom gilds thy favoured shore, And dearly have we bought her ; And while her bright and glorious ray. Shall beam on us for ever, The hearts that she has linked this day. No fate or time shall sever. 31 " •^•^i^ir ij..». ORANGE SONGS AND POEM3. To feast your eyes, and view the prize, won by the Orange Lily, ! Heigho, the lily, ! The royal, loyal lily, ! Beneath the sky What flower can vie With Erin's Orange Lily, ! wUhllT c,"!' "',*^'"'-. m like a aalTadilly. O, Orange Lily, 0, Heigho, &c. Thea a.ar.h,g back, he cried, good lack! some say he looked quite 3illy, ' ^ " ""'liij-ro i""™"-' ™"' ' ''"'°'^' '"^ Fi- "PO" 'he Heigho, &c. Heigho, &c. Heigho, de a wee, and you shall see How the Diamond will be trumps again. Behold, before the billows roar. Yon shattered bark is borne away: The furious gale has rent each sail, I he yawning surges claim their prey : Yet there s a power in that dread hour, W.llst.11 the tempest, calm the main Then bide a wee, and you shall see How the Diamond will be trumps again. Thick flew the balls round "Derry walls, Beleaguered by the ruthless foe : And famine pale bid stout hearts quail, And death in every form of woe ; 35 >3 1 36 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. I-' Yet still she clung to hope, and flung Defiance forth — nor hoped in vain j Then bide a wee, and you sliall see How the Diamond will be trumps again. But, away with care and dark despair, Each thought of grief and suflering sore, We'll put to flight this festive night. That celebrates the days of yore • The glorious day is on its way The brightest in Victoria's reign— The day of glee to the bold and free, When the Diamond will be trumps again If Ye sons of loyalty, arise. And fearlessly unite j Delay not — see your enemies Collecting all their might ; See how the wily traitors all, With unremitting zeal. Strive to advance, both great and small. Rebellion or Repeal. Then, Protestants arise, defend The Union strenuously, Remember that thereon depend Your lives and liberty j Acting to Britain, leat you may Too soon be taught to feel The iron rod of Popish sway. Should they obtain Repeal. !EL. again. sore, again nail, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 37 Let Parliament no more neglect Tliis treason to subdue; Nor will mere threatening have ellect They must he up and do: Let them arrest the traitor.s, and With firm and loyal zeal, I Have this proclaimed throughout the land— | " There shall be no Rej)eal." Many wei'e to the scaflbld led For treason, not so great As that which they now, void of dread, Spread 'gainst the Church and State. Sliall rebels with impunity Oppose the empire's weal ? Shall they from punishment he free Who agitate Repeal ? And let the end rebellion be— Their threatenings we disdain ; The Legislative Union we Shall with our lives maintain. Ye valiant loyal Northern men. Shall die the bond to seal ; The well-shot guns of Ulster then Shall thunder "No Repeal," Then Protestants your country calls That you as brethren join ; Remember Derry's maiden walls. And Aughrim and the Boync. And let your foes remember,' too, Tho' it their blood congeal, We now as then will subdue them : "^^'ey '11 never get Repeal. I 38 THE UMTED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ■^^■^vvvv vv*.« *« VVI.erc ]]K..Mr,Au, ruled, ul.ero (iun.vT Gkou.c Walkku timglif, Where Klvg presided, and u'hero Murrav fcuLd.i • On classic irroun.l, in station low or l.igi,^ Ti.orc would I wish to live, and like to die: lIuMv would I rest an.ongthc good and brave, And hnd at last near Dkuuy\s VValls-u grave. Graham. VVliilc Britain's sons their freedom boast— Their King, their laws, their nation— The yeomanry now form an host For mutual preservation. For with disgust at blood-stained France, Each Briton seeks a leader, The ploughshare shines a polished lance, T'rei)el the bold invader. Chorus. Then rear the standard, grasp the lance, Let 's hail the great occasion- Let's wield the scourge to punish France,' When she attempts invasion. Ah ! who so false to nature's laws. Would rend the strong connection, Between the parent and her cause, W hen she demands prou'ction ? \.. (._ .fi'.i' . k.'-:t,i*^-^.- • REL. r Geoiujr AV fouglii; o: rave, I grave. GUAIIAM. Horn hoKBU l)oast — on — rancc, lance, the lance, j 11 — isli France,' ORANGE S'N.^,'%/> •'.r^^xj. lerno's sons the Hiiniinons hear, Inspiivd with worth irihorrnt, And, (Iniintloys, oji.; and all they swear, To die or save thci"- parent. Say, can the discontented lew, Who.se only aim is plimdor, Tlie cause of social love subdue, Or rend her ties asunder ? May they as noxious weeds appear, Who choke the i;lehc that grows tfiem- Who serpent-like are f.xter-d here. Yet sting their ])arent hosom. On fair Britannia's faithful breast, Sec Royal George re])osin8. While murdered Louis sinks to rest, French cruelty exposing, (io ! drink the tears that monarchs weep Ve regicides ! whose lust 'tis, In guiltless breasts your poinards deep T' implant, then call it justice ! Oh ! may each loyal L hhh soul, Find freedom and protc::tion; By guarding one we guard the whole, Against this French infection. Our coasts well lined with walls of wood, Our hearts with resolution. In George's cause we'll shed our blood To King and Constitution. I 10 •niK irNi-noo lOMiTKi.: miivstukl. • ^-». W-^-» Uaifal of Sfi- John Wooic. Not a .Iru.M uas lu,.„|„«a,us' ,„is(y |i.| Ant! ,.ur laiKonis diinlv humiriu." No iisoK-ss n)lliM oiiclosr.l his hivas, Nor iu siKvl ,.or in shron.l ue w.hwhI h,,.,, ««.t h,> lay hk.< a u-arnor (aki>,,r |,is ,os, ^^'"' '"'^ '"••"■li'-'l Hoalv- aro.iiuMiiiu. ", iiin. I'Vw and short wcmv (h<> pravors wo said, And \vcsi),)kc n..( a word' oi^orrou- l^'H uy stoad(i,s,|y gaxod on (ho (h.v ol'.ho dead Andwohiuorlytho.mhlonthon.ornnv. ^Vo tho„.|„ as wo hollouod his narrow hod And snioolhod down his h.ndvi.illow ' riiat tho foo and iho s.rangor wo.dd tread o'er his And wo lar away on ihe hidow. j-^ead, Ligl'tly (hoy 'II (alk of tho spirit that's gone And oVr his cold ashes upbraid him: But nothing he 'II reck if thoy let him .sleep on I'l the grave where a Briton has laid him. ' tooic- il nolo, iiiiiicd ; 1 sll()(, -■ Inirifd. lit, ind him, aid, 'I'tlio (lo;ul, row. A- 1)0(1, )\v, Jvail o'er liis [lioati, j gone, leop on, Iiini. OHANOK SONGS AND I'OKMS. 41 «^ v"*^ • »/ ,^^PVV^ . A But linlf of our lioavy task was »lonp, VVhon fiiec,Io.-.k tol.l i!,c lio,,,- f..r retiring; And vvc heani l,y tho .lisfant and random gun, That the foe was ^udilenly firing. Slowly and sadly ,vo laid him down, From the f.old of his fame fn-sh and gory ' We carved not a line, we raised net a Mtone. But wo loft him alone in lii.s glory. Rkv. C. Wor.rr;. — « — Pou WfUfamftes HO irur. You Wi„i,, i,^, ,^^,^^ ^^^j^^ ^_,^^^^^^ ^^^j ^^^^ , rhat dwell m this country all round, round, round, U may they mrrcase, and multiply i„ ev'rv place And join to keep Rebellion down, down, down. ' And join to keep Rebellion down. On the 23rd of May wan to have been the 0.,d day, To as.sa.s.nate all friend, of the crown, crown, crown But our k.ngly yeomen brave our country then did . v ' By kecpmg the Rebellion down, down, down. By keeping the Rebellion down. Oh ! well may you remember, on the 4th of last November, The Ui„hJay of VVilli„„,, high in renown, „o„n. no„„ ' Xr™ "" "" """' "'=' "-^ '" Co,,;:: Of Ihcm th.. kep. Rebellion down, down, d„w„. Oflhemlhal kept Relrellion down. w t 4Z THE UNITED EMPI„E MmSTREr,. Che J, • '"-'"'S n"i<=li annoyed by And flic biuiti nlfiviiKr « n . do,v„. '^ -''"^'' ^ '•^PP"-^^^ l-e dovvn,''dou-n, ^nd the band playin, a Croppies lie down." So fill %h you. ,^^ S\Vmj.r, To keep t!.e d-d Rebellion down. Graham, To Payne i„ „ ,|„„geo„, „, he sai on hh ll.rone AnJi„e,or,hemhisrav„„,.i,es„„s„fsedi,i<;„. For this was their aim T„ ... 11 • , Wherever ihey came, M^^" '''" -'™" "•- h;v beat ,„ Peace, freedom, and comfor. from Canada a,vay. PREL. ir Orange was I, fiown, frown, cili aiinoj-eil by tlown," down, es lie down." i the Crops to town ; come again, "j down. ► 11. GRAIIAIVr, I rone, tion j wn, lition. low best to way. OUANOE SONGS AND POEMS. 43 My son., says Ton. Payne, you are uelcon.e an.l well, lis a juh.lec here when the world's in trouble ; i.acli ilenion rejoices when subjects rebel I3i.t when a kingdom 's o'erturned our triumph is double, Om dungeon doth ring, Cui Ma/o we'll Xing'; My sons, dip your hand in the blood of your King, Jou. the ^'Ckntra. CoMM.TTKK," and quickly eonvey Peace, freedom, and comfort from Canada away. Great Sir, they replied, we approve of your plan. Each Virtue we'll banish, each truth we'll disown: VVuh the ^..SW u. their fury we'll join heart and hand, Hurl CoLBouNE from York, and William dethrone. Their backs we shall ply In a transi)ort of joy. While " The Guardian,- collects fri^ruls to help us draw nigh. With York's -Central Committee'^ we'll quickly convey "^ Peace, freedom, and comfort from Canada away. But Great, Britain arose, with old Ireland to stand, And said to repulse them, Canadians will join ; Whilst Wdham defends ftir Albion 's dear land The conquest in Canada, Sm John, shall be thine: Then lei them draw near, It soon shall appear 1 hat Britons are ever still strangers to fear ; We 11 soon trim those Radicals who strive to convey Peace, freedom, and comfort from Canada away. ^ Ogle R. Gowan, i\ 44 l!l( ..^;^^^^^;gP EMPIRE MINSTREL. Che Wtttov}) of the jBojjne. When William raisM his nag on high, Th enibaltled host sent forth a cry That rather than they'd basely .he', They 'd fight for victory. With .his intent, they marched on, Unto the reedy banks ofBoyne, Where J^r.-.es awaits his valiant son, i^ut lost the victory. King James took post on high Donorc And h,ard the distant cannons roar, ' Which thundered through the fields of war, And crown'd the victo'r)-. But William led his forces on,— Was ever present in the van,' Strictly exhorting every man To push for victory. A cannon ball grazed William 's arm. Winch caused among his men alarm, But did his Majesty no harm, Nor stayed the victory. Full fifteen hundred men were lost, The flow V of all the Irish host j Five hundred British were the cost Of this famed victory. I rnEL. high, for victory. )n, ■tory. ore, J of war, he vicrof}'. or/. n. 'ictory. ■tory. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 45 Duke Sc-iioinl)org's iloath (»\>r.l)al;inccd all, Who met iii.s fate by a imiskot hall- King \VilIiam moiirn'tl this hciVs fall, Who (lied midst victory. Let Rijcmm lead on his mon, McKoizir and the Yankees— then, Canadians true,— wo 'II fi. 46 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ^'^-•-^- • *^-.-. f > JThe (tontvnst. WB,m.x r«,.„ WmsoR TrRKAc, F„„var, iTxn 1S20. I saw him last on (his terrace proud, Walking in health and gladness Begirt with his court, and in all the crowd ^ot a single look of sadness. Bright was the sun, and the leaves were green, Bhthely the birds were singing- The cymbals replied to the tambourine And the bells were merrily ringing. I have stood by the crowd beside his bier, When not a word was spoken ; But every eye was dim with a tear, And the silence by sobs was broken. I have heard the earth on his coffin pour, To the mulll'd drum's deep rolling . Whilst the minute gun, with its solemn roar Drowned the death bell's tolling. From the time when he walked in his .lory thus, To the grave tdl I saw him carried, " Was an age of the mightiest change to us, But to him a night unvaried. We have fought the fight ; from his loftv throne Ihe toe of our land we have tumbled ; And it gladdened each eye save his alone, For whom that foe we humbled. STREL. Rr 17iH 1820. uc], 2 crowd I were green, irine, ing. lis bier, )ken. ■'3 pour, 7? ■1 ?j 1 mn roar, • ? ^V his irlory thus, to us, ofty throne f )Ied 5 ;i alone, 1 OnANGE SONGS AND POEMS. A daughter beloved^a Queen--a son^ And a son', sole child have perished J Ami .ad u-as each heart .save the only one, By whom they were fondest cheri.4ed. For his eyes were sealed, and hi. mind was dark And he sat in his age's lateness, ' Like a vi.^on throned as a solemn mark, Ofthe frailty of human greatness. His silver head o'er his bosom spread, Unmoved by life '« commotion ; Like a yearly lengthening snowdrift shed, Oer the calm ofthe frozen ocean. Still o'< ,n oblivion's waters lay, Though the stream of time was flowing: W. uhey spoke of our King, 'twas but osay^ ''That the old man's strength wa.gomg." At intervals thus the waves disgorge By weakness rent asunder • ' A piece of the wreck ofthe Hoyal George For the people's pity and woTder. ^' He is gone at length, he is laid in the dust. Death's hand his slumbers breaking; ' For the coffin'd sleep of the good and just Is sure ofa blissful waking. "' His people's heart is his funeral urn: And should sculptured stone be denied him Th.;ewmi.-s name be found, when" turn"' He lay our heads beside him. m I f 48 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ON THE DEATH OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS Strike ! strike, the proud banners, that flaunted in glory, Let them droop where they triumph' d o'er mountain and wave ; While the death bell and muffle drum tell the sad story. Of a chieftian gone down to the sleej) of the srave. If tlie splendors of ancestry, honours and power. Could avert for a period mortality's doom. Oh ! distant indeed would have been the dark hour That opened before him the steps to the tomb. Ye spirits of Brunswick, the fearless, the glorious. Whose deeds left a long track of glory behind ; Who rode through the storm of the battle victorious. And your fame with the freedom of England entwined. Receive him, whose heart was as brave as his sire's. Who never the plume of his ancestry stained, When the storm of fierce war flashed around him its fires. And the foeman the furies of battle unchained, Receive him, whose spirit was gentle and mild. When the war-cloud rolled far from the carnage-spread plain, To whom the poor orphan has looked up and smiled. And the tears of the widow not pleaded in vain. NSTREL. IIIGIIXESS It flaunted in glory, li'd o'er mountain 1 tell the sad story, ) of the grave. ; and power, loom, the dark hour the tomb. the glorious, ■ behind; ttle victorious, England entwined. ve as his sire's, stained, sd around him its chained, and mild, le carnage-spread up and smiled, id in vain. 1 4 49 I ^ ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. j Though stern when believing his country in danger^^^^ I Once the strife of the field orthe senate was o'er ' i ^'' ^°'r *° ^^ery dark feeling a stranger, j Remembered the foe he encountered no more. I Though his fame Ibr a season by error was clouded, j Yet long years of virtue his memory shall save cZlTr '', ""^''"^' ^'^"' ''' '''^ ^'^*™ ^-y shrouded, I Crawled forth as a vampire to fret on his grave. I Yet, whenever the flag of his country unfurled, I The s,gn of the free floating grandly along; Unfoldmg the red cross in light through the world. That never can stoop to oppression and wrong : There, there shall the proofs of his labour be shewn, Who when the high fame of the land was o'errast, Somarshall'd thy chivalry, England ! that none Was left to contend with thy glory at last. ***** Ra,se, raise the proud banners again in their glory, ^gam let them float o'er the mountain and wave ; For h. name shall live on in his country's bright story, Whde US people are free and its soldiers are brave «?otr Urn tvniic (ttmiimmti, God bless brave Cumberland ! Who made so great a stand Wk t,r ,n. '" William's cause, When Welllingfon and Peel Impiously did repeal Our penal laws ; 50 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. I f : And from our regal crown, Tore all her bulwarks dov/n, And prostrate to the ground Trampled our laws. When James usurped the throne, Britain in chains did groan, And slavery ; But the ALL-sceing eye Saw from his throne on high Our destiny ; And soon to our happy shore William triumphant bore, Who did our Church restore From Popery, Then for old Erin's Isle, That fugitive exile, James, sculking made ; And before Derry's wall, Our renowned citadel. There he displayed A host of combined supplies, Bladguards and French allies ; But the Apprentice Boys Stood undismayed. Then came the trying hour, When Rome's despotic power Deluged the land ; And our grandsires combined, By a pass-word and sign. To establish a plan, If f I NSTREL. our laws. )ne, ryj ery. liking made ; Jisjilayetl smayed. le land ; h a plan, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. That Protestants knew to tr}', Friends from the enemy, And in their last agony, Breathed out « I am." Let us now with equal zeal Maintain our nation's weal, And firmly stand j And our most precious lives Offer a sacrifice. While Cumberland Has raised William's br.nncr high, And on to victory Shall lead us triumphantly, At his command ! Shannon. 51 Hfrtfl ^tovQt the thrvlr. Raise we his monument ! what giant pile Shall honour him to far posterity? His monument shall be his ocean-isle ; The voice of his redeeming thunders be His epitaph upon the silver sea. And million spirits from whose neck he bore The fetter, and made soul and body tree ; And unborn millions, from earth's farthest shore Shall bless the Christian King till the last sun is o'er. Rev. rJpQDr-i' pT,y,,„ !' ii 62 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ms When the war-trumpet sounded, and hostile alar Called Europe to battle, and Britain to arms, 'Tis sweet to remember how firmly she stood. An island unstained 'mid an ocean of blood. 'Tis over, and Britain's illustrious name Is written in gold in the temple of fame ; Whilst her trumpet's shrill note causes Europe to ring With praise for her sons, and with prayers for herKi^ng. But dark was the hour when she stood to oppose All Europe in arms, and all Europe as Ibes; But she burned with a flame by a patriot lit' From the glory which shone from her guardian Pitt. Full long had Britannia her w^ar-spear to wield. To strike with her arm, and to guard with her shield • She triumpii'd ! and oh ! may her sons never quit The virtues, the firmness, the councils of Pitt. The red cross of Britain has shone o'er the wave, Has streamed in the field, and has lowered o'er the grave ; Has roused up the Briton, but daunted the Gaul, To the one " Glon/s Robe"— io the other hia Pall. Till time has expired shall Pitt's glorious name Be joined to his hero's— to Wellington's fame ; Nay, written by glory, they never shall die, By the beams of the sun on the arch of the sky. f,l^ ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 63 May our commerce, our fame nnrl ^„. „i n/r 1 . , , ' '•"' ^"^' our g orv incrcnRp Made nch by a hle.ing-the blesaing ofpface ' For iwas purchased, as gratitude's tongue must admit, By ourVVellmgton's sword, through the councilsof Pit f (FHOM m mnoBvcTiox to c.mo ru. msT or mabmiox, bv scott.) To>ute and to material things New life revolving summer brings ; The genial call dead nature ijears, ' And in her glory re-apnears. But oh ! my country's' wintry state What second spring shall renovate ? What powerful call shall bid arise The buried warlike and the wise j The mind that thought for Britain 's weal, The hand that grasped the victor's steel ? The vernal sun new light bestows Even on the meanest flower that blows ; But vainly, vainly may he shine, Where glory weeps o'er Nelson's shrine • And vainly pierce the solemn gloom, ' That shrouds, Pitt, thy hallowed tomb ' * * * * ^t Deep graved in x- ^<. ^ Nor mourn ye less his perished worth. Who bade the conqueror go forth, And launch'd that thunderbolt of war On Egyyt, HalTina, Trafalgar: Who, born to guide such high emprize, For Britain 's weal was early wise ; Alas ! to whom the Almighty gave, For Britain's sins an early grave. * * * V- * Had'st thou but liv'd, though stripp'd of power, A watchman on the lonely tower. Thy thrilling trump had roused the land, When fraud or danger were at h-'r'd • By thee, as by the beacon light, Our pilots had kept course aright j As some proud column, though alone, Thy strength had propp'd the tottering throne. Now is the stately column broke, The beacon-light is quenchM in smoke, The trumpet 's silver sound is still, The warder silent on the hill ! * * * *. * Then v/hile on Britain's thousand plains, One unpolluted Church remains, 11 t NSTREL. , ■« -/N.- VN./^%;*, was given, t^cre found, sound ; liore, d was no more. * '. worth, rth, of war emprize, vise ;ave, e. 'ipp'd of power, er, the land, h-^rd; It J alone, ttering throne. e, smoke, ill, •K- d plains. -^.^J^^^^^^J^ ^^^^^ ^"^ '•OEMS. 55 Whose peaceful bells ne'er sent around '^ i he bloody tocsin's maddening sound iint st.ll upon the hallowed day Convoke the swains to praise and pray; Wh.le laith and civil peace are dear, Grace this cold marble with a tear,- He who preserved them, PIT, lies here • 5rne (tuuvch of our jFnthtvs, Half screen'd by its trees in the Sabbath's calm smile The Church of our Fathers, how meekly it stands^ P vhagers, gaze on the old hallowed pile- ' Tan'r" ^' '"' '"^*^' ' -^ ---^ h' their Who Wes not the ground where they vvor.hipp'd their i Who loves not the ground where their ashes repose ^ Dear even t e daisy that blooms on the sod, ^ ' For deans the dust out ofwhich it arose! Then say, shall the temple our forefathers built Which t e storms of long ages have battered in vain Be abandoned by us from supineness or guilt, ' P say, shall u fall by the rash and profaned Go, pensh the impious hand that would take One shred from its altar, one stone from ^' o.^rs r The ^p.e blood of martyrs have flowed" rl; its And its fall-if it fa„_3ban be reddened with ottrs! When Trafalgar's tremendous fight was won, And Freedom sacrificed her favourite son ; Britannia, throned upon the lieaving sea, Stained with her tears the pomp of victory ; And gladly would have flung a way the fame Her hero gained, his spirit to reclaim ! #'w^. THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. The prayer was heard — a foreign fleet On Britain's coast was moor'd ! But who was there the Prince to greet ♦ As Britain's future Lord ? With silent lip, with speaking eye, And thoughtful brov, he looked on high ; His God was near, his cause to own, And sent him to a bloodless throne. Twice perill'd, and twice rescued, Lord To thee we lift our prayer ; The things which from our sires we've heard Thy truth and power declare. A spirit works — dark, restless, proud ; Rome's thunders roll — dread, deep, not loud ; The might displayed of old, we crave. Our state, our church, to shield and save. And smile not, friends, if with glad eye, I see the village throng, And watch the bonfire blazing high. And list the good old song ; I call to mind what God's right hand Hath done for this our guilty land ; And joy to think that he is near, Danger to mark, and prayer to hear. M. A. Stodart. * When the Prince of Orange, afterwards King WUliam HI. landed in England, he was for several days not joined by anyone, the county of Devon having heen terrified by the executions which followed after Monmouth's Rebellion. i: MINSTREL. foreign fleet Tioor'd ! nee to greet * ? ing eye, toked on high ; se to own, s throne. escued, Lord sires we've heard 3lare. ess, proud ; id, deep, not loud ; , we crave, lield and save. ith glad eye, zing high, 'g; •ight hand y land j near, r to hear, M. A. Stodart. Sing WilliAm III. landed in uiy one, the county of DeTon followed after Monmouth's i ORANOn SONOS AND POEMS. 5Chc mnm or 32minnn. The stately homes of England ! How h ituiii,! they Ktand Amidst raeir tail i .ceslnd trees. O'er ..II 'iujplcn ant land. The deer a> ros. ti.e groensvvard hound, through M.ade and sunrivgloam The swan glides past them with the sound 01 some rejoicing stream. The merry homes of England! Around their hearths by „ight, What gladsome looks of household love Meet in the ruddy light! Tl^re woman's voir, (lows forth in song. Or childhood's tale is told, Or lips move tunefully along' Some glorious page of old! The blessed homes of England ; How softly on their bovvers Is laid the holy quietness That breathes from Sabbath-hours' Solemn, vet sweet, the church bell's chime floats (brough their woods at morn: All "ther sounds, in that still time. Of breeze and leaf are born. The cottage homes of England ! By thousands on her plains, ' They are smiling o'er her silvery brooks And round the hamlet fanes. j ■ if ■ 11^ 1: L ij 62 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Through glowing orchards forth they peep, Each from its nook ol' leaves, And fearless there they lowly sleep, As the bird beneath the eaves. Tlie free, fair homes of England ! Long, long ill hut and luill, May sons of valour there be reared To guard each hallowed wall ! ^rd green for ever be the groves, And bright the flowery sod. Where first the child's glad spirit loves Its country and its God ! ,, ,, •' Mrs. Hemans. JSS^aUiev's JTesttmonfal. Here IniHvidual prowess peerless shone, And courage in these modern days unknown; By Grecian heroes only match'd of yore. When Sparta's sons defied the Persian power, And famed Leonidas, with his small band. Against three millions made a gallant stand. Murray and Noble, ever at their post, Wer still victorious — in themselves a host ; And many a hero gain'd a deathless name. Whose deeds are blazoned in the scroll of fame, Vain was the steel-clad Gallic soldier's hope, In combat with the Apprentice Boys to cope. As Gaza's mightiest fell before the hand Ol Sampson, — so the Gauls before our band. God was to them a sword and buckler brioht. And they went forth and conquer 'd in His might. Ramsay. rSTREL. I they ])eep, >> leep, ;s. a! I red ! -s, •it loves [rs. Hemans. fell. ihone, ; unknown ; f yore, •sian power, ill band, mt Ntand. ■ post, ;s a host ; ss name, scroll of fame, ier's hope, 3oYS to cope, hand our band . kler bright, J in His might. Ramsav. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 5rii(r Mmh o( the aeamte. The Kinir is come to mart^hal us. All in his armour drest, And he has hound a snow-white plume Upon his gallant crest. Pie look'd upon his people, A tear was in his eye j He look'd upon the traitors. And his glance was stern and high. Right graciously he smiled on us, As roll 'd /Vom wing to wing, Down all our line, a deafening shout, " God save our Lord the King!" «' And if my standard-bearer fall, As fall full well he may. For never saw I promise yet Of sucii a bloody fray. Press where ye see my bright plume shine Amidst the ranks of war. And be your Oriflamme to day The helmet of Navarre. Hurrah ! the foes are coming: Hark to the mingled din Of fife, and steed, and trump, and drum. And roaring culverin ! The fiery Duke is pricking fast Across St. Andre's plain, With all the hireling chivalry OfGueldersand Almayne. 6{ 64 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Now by the lips of those we love, Fair gentlemen of France, Charge for the Orange hMe«, Upon them with the lance ! A thousand spears are striking deep, A thousand spears in rest, A thousand knights are pressing close Behind the snow-white crest ; And in they burst, and on they rush'd. While, like a guiding star. Amidst the thickest carnage blazed The helmet of Navarro. Now, God be praised, the day is ours ! Mayennc hath turned his rein, D'Aumale hath cried for quarter, The Flemish Count is slain. Their ranks are breaking, like thin clouds Before a Biscay gale ; The field is heap'd with bleeding steeds, And flags, and cloven mail. And then we thought on vengeance. And all along our van, " Remember St. Bartholomew's !" Was passed from man to man : But out spake gentle Henry, '< No Frenchman is my foe ; Down, down with every foreigner ! But let your brethren go." Oh ! was there ever such a knight, In friendship or in war, As^our Sovereign Lord King Henry, The soldier of Navarre. ^^^^E^ONGS AND POEMS. Ho! maidens of Vienna; Ho! matrons of Lucerne, Weep, weep, r <1 rend your' hair for those WJio never shail return. Ho ! Philip, send Tor charily Thy Mexican pistoles, That Antwerp monks may sing a mass Worthy poor spearmens' souls. Ho ! gallant nobles of the League, Look that your arms be bright,' Ho ! burghers of St. Genevieve, ' Kee], watch and ward to-night • For our God hath crushed the tyrant. Our God hath raised the slave, And mock'd the counsel of the wise, And the valor of the brave. Then glory to His holy name,' From whom a'l glories are • And glory to our Sovereign Lord King Henry of Navarre ! Mac A UL AY. 65 To celebrate thy praise, Lord, I will my heart prepare ; To all the listening world thy works, Thy wondrous works, declare. 66 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Thou mad'st our haughty foes to turn Their hacks in shameful flight; Struck with thy jjresonce, (h)vvn they fell, They peri.sh'd at thy .sight. Against insulting foes advanced, Thou didst our cause maintain ; Our right, ascending from thy throne, Wliere truth and justice reign. Mistaken foes : ■ ::.„,• haughty threats Are to a period come; Our city stands, which you design'd To make our common tomb. Sing praises, therefore, to the Lord, From Sion, iiis abode ; Proclaim his deeds, till all the world Confess no other God. Pray that Jerusalem may have Peace and telicity ; Let them that love thee and thy peace Have still prosperity. Therefore I wish that peace may still Within thy walls remain ; And ever may thy palaces Prosperity retain. Now, for my friends and brethren's sake, Peace be in thee, I'll say; And for the house of God our Lord, I '11 seek thy good alway. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. JFor the iTunevcil ot ti moihtv. The death.slmde dma the brightest eye, Ami o'crcasts youth with gloom ; And full of thoughts that cannot die, The tliouglitless leave the torn!) ; For, from the silent house they hear A voice that thrills them through-, " In doubt, in danger, persevere ! Be this the hour to do !" That bosom, collined, 'neath the sod. Lives yet, in hearts that love. In works of faith, in smiles of God, With brother saints above ! He lives, and shall awake from sleep When dawns eternal day ; He lives, ye mourners cease to weep, God wipes your tears away. 67 #u the Knftfatfon of n Mvotim. Welcome ! brother ! to our band ! Welcome ! brother ! heart and hand ! True, together we will stand Or together ffdl ! By brave Schomberg's martyr-fame ! By great William's glorious name ! We are brethren still the same ! Brethren one and all .' ^'ykhm. 68 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. -■-■''vvwv Our good old English principles. IVe heard my ibthe. Have .hap'd the country's destinies in many a .t.rmy (l,iy. J ■ A,d thus it ;vas, he answered, when I asked what they wore : — -^ I "^''r"'' T ^°"^ ^'^^'' ^'y' y°"^^^ fi"J them written Now let a man^sit calmly down, his B;b,e on his knee, What this should leach, or that forbid-and here I pledge my troth. Our good old ' nglish principles shall comprehend them First-England's Queen is bound to swear she will mamtam the cause Of God and true religion as the basis of her laws ; rhat^to the humblest working man that toils within the She '11 xneet out equal justice with a free unsparing hand. fhat they ^"" "" ''"' '"' '"" '''' '^'^^^ So long^ as she rules righteously like li.gemen shall Now£the Queen is faithful to her Cor , . ^ be right' for •i.mmrmt,'fiir! ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 69 Next— there's the Church of England, where every Sabhath-Jay The poorest man in En-land is iVec to kne3l and pray ; May hear the Bil,!,. read nloml, hi.s Miilcer's praises sung' And have salvation preached to linu— in his own native tongue. Yet every man in England to worsiiip God .s free, Just as his conscience urges him, ho.vever that may be : Though high and low to act on them too oft, alas ! are loth, Yet these again are principles that must be right for both. Next-by the laws of England, a man is free to do, To speak, to write, to print, wliate'er is honest, just, or true ; May choose his occupation, may have, and hold, his own, Against the proudest nobleman-ay, more, against the throne — While all that's ask'd in turn of him, all that the law can claim, Is that he leaves another man as free to do the same. Iho wealth and honors, like the rain, but on the few may fall, The principles that leads to them exist alike for all. For every wrong a man may do, for every evil deed Those laws have framed some punishment, or some redress decreed j For all that may befall a man, age, sickness, or distress, Those laws do all that laws can do, to make their suffer- ings less. £^S^ii^w^i>^'i^^'-'^jt 70 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTRKL. Beneath them ^vo have (louri^hM, and have niled the world with fame, It is true that other nations have without them done the same ; '"':::t,!:^;:r'^^^^'^'-''^^---->- nations While, we have stood triumphant, through our principles King Solomon, the wi.e.t man that on the earth e'er trod Let heHu,!^ fa.t the maxim which King Solomon lays When^tar-fetched fine-spun theories, when diplomatic When ,euy party politics, have wrought sufficient ill, drivel vde expediency shall to the winds be ' She'll knovl the worth of principles which have their source in heaven. 5rhe mtn ot rrum. Stand firm together! men of truth ' An?'"'?K':r' '^^'^"'^ '■" '''^"Sth combining, And with the - might of men" stand forth Our hearts and hands in love entwining. Should Britain hold the truth supreme, And we be called on to defend her Our blood shall flow with every stream, i!i er we our lovely isle surrender. EL. • ve filled the lern done the ho«e nations uv principles rth e'er trod, r of God. pie and her olomon lays diplomatic icient ill, 3 winds be ' have their n'lg, . g- ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. The vassals of a foreign slave Have all our bl.,oJ-bongl,t rights invaded, Uur nation sunk in thraldom's grave, And all it^ pristine glory faded ! iiurns in your breasts our'fatliers' pride ? Their voice was like a roar of thunder ; They loil'd and wept, an.l hied an.l died. And tore th' enslaving chains asunder. Oh ! with the chains our fathers burst, Those tyrants now would foudly bind us: But ne or beneath the yoke that curst And blights our native land they'll find us ' 1 he despot's; laws let slaves obey J Of freemen's sons who could command it? Ur bow before the tyrant's sway— Oh, where 's the wretch that dare demand it? By Derry's walls-on Aughrim's plains? I was there the noble ranks assembled : J\o coward heart their mem'ry stains ; No spirit faltered, fell, or trembled! When called to tread the battle-field. Their sons, with hearts and courage bolder- ih the traitors who deceived us! Stand firm together! men of truth ! Though weak and few may he the number : Gird on' your loins the strength of youth, Not idly at your posts to slumber ! Should Britain hold the truth supreme, And we he ciiUod on to defend her, Our blood ^'la!l (low with every stream, E'er we our lovely isle surrender. ^ Sottfl (or the 3?comrn. A brave and lly yeomnn, long Lived on the river Foyle, When work was throng, a simple song Tleguiled his daily toil : And still the burthen of bis song, For ever used to lie, " My King though all the world goes wrong, Shall i. a ^ 'nd in me." « *' In ninety-eight, when Erin's stal Was bad as bad coultl be ; When rebels rose, and England's foes Cried loud for liberty : )er : m ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 73 The yeoman then, while other men Shook in their shoes for fear, Undaunted stood and shed his blood, Triumphant tlirough the year. Oh where ! oh where ! while dull despair Was stalk .,^ through the land, Were all the prigs, the brainless Whigs, Who now assume command ? Some quailed at home, some fought for Rome, And others ran away ; While yeomen brave, the land to save, Fought on, and gained the day. And as the gallant yeoman then Stood forward for the throne, With loy&l men he'll stand again And slavery disown. For truth and right undaunted fight, While traitors bite the ground ; To England's laws, and William's cause. For ever faithful found. Graham. rong, ON THE DEATH OF THE RIGHT HOXORABLB SCfie muvl of jEltrow. Atr,—"]ioy's Wife." Oh, Protestants ! lament with me That Eldo , from your view is riven ; He has b en called to meet his God, And has ascended un to hpTven i «• i 74 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Long will his loss he felt hy uh — Britannia will forget hitn never; His memory will elaim a tie That from our cause we ne'er can sever. Let England shrouded ho in grief, Since he's been summoned up to glory; And let his name he handed down In future days in learned story. When " George" passed from this vale of tears, And loyal " York" was from us taken ; When " Chatham" too, was called above, Brave " Eldon" still remained unshaken. Firm as a rock, he stood unmoved : Tlie Papal cry for 'mancipation He strove, tho' vain, with might and main To save the sinking British nation. Oh hapless nation, to despise The warnings of your great instructor; Who long maintained your sacred cause, And proved himself your best conductor. / " My Lords," he said, " if ever you Permit a Popish agitator To sit in either house, or fill The important post of legislator, From that day forth the sun of Great Britannia sets, and sets forever. My Lords, beware ! Be wise in time, I Or rue it afterwards an ever. » ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 75 " ■ * - «-i» « «— ■ . ,..-|^-_^ His vvonlH proved vain, the ** Bill" was paas'd, Forgotten was fiis revelation ; Till scarce a vestige now remains Of our unrivalled constitution. ;lory ; tears. A few short years have only fled Since this sad change came o'er the nation ; Sore griev'd to see his words prove true, And England l-ought to degradation. He liveil to see his perjured foes From time to time in piecemeal sever Britannia's blood-bought glories: then Was valued Eldon's <'now or never." His duty done, he pass'd from earth, Unavved by courtly state or splendour, To where the seraphs swell their lays. And praise their God with hymns of wonder. ior; ise, uctor. He ever was the poor man's friend ; " Benign, compassionate, and tender," — When press'd by Popish enemies His word was, Dorry's — " No surrender !" The scene has changed, and such a change Has passed o'er us, tlio' wide awaken, We pause and ask — " Is't really true That aM uur rights are from us taken ?" TluMi Protestants lament with me That Eldon from our cause is riven ; He has been called to meet his God, And now's enthron'd with saints in heaven. Shannon. i i 1 n IH 76 •v^*^-v>.-i. THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Whilst happy in our native land, So great, so famed in story ; Let's join, my friends, with heart and hand, To raise our country's glory ; When Britain calls, her valiant sons Will rush in crowds to aid her — Snatch, snatch your muskets, prime your guns, And crush the fierce invader ! While every Briton's song shall be, " 0, give us death— or victory !" Long had this favoured isle enjoy'd True comforts past expressing. When France her hellish arts employed To rob us of each blessing: These from our hearts by force to tear, Which long we've learned to cherish j Our frantic foes shall vainly dare We'll keep them or we'll perish: And every day our song shall be, '• 0, give us death — or victory !" Let France in savage accen'.s sing Her bloody revolution ; We prize our countrj^, love our Queen,— Adore our constitution ; For these we'll every danger face, And quit our rustic labours ; Our ploughs to firelocks shall give place, Our scythes be changed (o sabres : And glad in arms, our song shall be, " 0, give us death— or victory !" , :!ate*;«&*«i."j*i«-s*Wte*i»' ^*- ms, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 77 Soon shall the proud invader learn, When bent on blood and plunder, That British bosoms nobly burn To brave their cannons' thunder ; Low lie thocie heads, whose wily arts Have planned the world's undoing. Our vengeful blades shall reach those hearts Which seek our country's ruin : And night and morn our song shall be, "0, give us death — or victor}-." -♦— — From Holland the eagles of France are all fled, And the orange of Nassau replaced in their stead; So we trust our good neighbours bought wisdom may learn Their friends and allies from their foes to discern. Then advance in full chorus my brave Orangemen The French we did beat, and we'll beat them again. In tho Hollanders' cause we as cordially join, As they did in ours on the banks of the Boyne • When under King WilHam in one common league We planted an orange tree fresh from the Hague. Then advance in full chorus, my brave Orangemen May that orange tree flourish for ever : Amen. With their blood our brave ancestors moistened ite root And from thence the rich flavour we taste in its fruit • With ours, we will also repel each invader, When the law is our guide, and a Brunswick our leader. So advance in full chorus, my brave Orangemen, Our foes we did beat, and we'll beat him again.' g2 _ -'^Jf j^l^k^Mu - '■'^'m-j^im^ !^IN!l4^W|i^4*i>t ' \l \ I 78 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Here .uulcr it, ample and wide spreading shade, Our vous shall to loyah>- ever l)e paid ; It ,« MOW in full growth a. well as lull bearing, Tlie glory, the pride, and the boast of green Erin. So advance in full chorus, my brave Orangemen, Our foes we did beat, and we'll beat them again. There .t prosj)ers without any labour or toil, Agrees with t^he clime, and unites with the soil, And long shall its verdure remain in full fbrce-1 So long as King William bestrides his grey horse. Then advance m full chorus, my brave Orangemen Our foes we did beat, and we'll beat them again And long shall the hero, our chamJ>io„, ],e seen ^estnd,ng that horse to adorn College- reen' In orange and purple superbly arrayed. And ,n then- full chorus so cheerful advance, The pnde of green Erin-the terror of France. So let those all know who against us petition, Their impotent malice we hold in derision • ^0 wonder that while their meek parliament sits, Tim we fnghten the upstarts quite out of their wits. Wh le m a full chorus v oray for success 1 the manly and spirit. Derry address. Now, to put to due shame all afTected vexation, We rei,ori as at large in our first declaration, That if men will be loyal and true to the laws, Under one gracious King and in one noble cause, Till our globe is dissolved and mortality ends, ^e II advance in full chorus and hail them as friends. I 4^:;iS«-*W-WiKS4i'*K#*«(t-i ) OUAIVGE SONGS AND POEMS. 79 I STiie rtuclCtfi of July. When William, fircil with glory'.s cause, Cross'd Eoync's silver flood, He I'reed us from all Poi)isli laws. And nobly shed his blood. For us he braved ihe raging sea, 'Twas in our cause he bled ; « Death, death," he cried, " or victory !" And on liis troops he led. Then swift before his conquering arm James and his legions flew : Not Priest, nor Mass, „or Pope could harm The hero of true True Blue. He fought and conquered ; glorious day ! On which he set us free ; Triumphant raise each Oranrre lay And bless his memory. Go, Fame ! thy golden trumpet sound, Let angels join the theme. And earth and sea, and sky resound In praise of William's name. • Yes, Fame ! thy golden trumpet sound, And all the nations fill ; From pole to pole the theme resound. The Orange triumphs still. f^mJ^ 4^&s?i^^ims^^m J , ' > ^',**^*?»^^»^»^^!^ ■n 80 THE UNITED EiVIPIRE MINSTREL. JHUxQ Jimmittm the mxuti. Wherefore is the name of William Such a watchword to the free ? Why do we still prize and honour His immortal memory ? Not because he was a hero, Nor a statesman, nor a King ; But because the truth he honoured More than every other thing. Not because he was the leader Of our fathers in the field. Nor because to kingly traitors He, more kingly, would not yield j But because for truth he battled. And because for truth he bled ; And because for truth he conquered With the heroes he had led. Therefore was the Prince of Orange Honoured and beloved by those Who defied Rome's usurpation. And became her mightiest foes. Therefore was his memory " Pious, Glorious, and Immortal," too. Would that all Great Britain's rulers To the truth, like him, were true. fc I .jAM»*i*;vr,jate«M*itti'««* ■ • ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 81 iFov ifactfou \i)c mm not. For faction we meet not— leave that to the foes Of religion and order and peace; But when bad men combine to disturb our repose, When the wiles of the wicked increase ; When in daylight unblushing Kome's minions unite With paie Infidelity'tj band, It is time for all good men to put forth their might In defence of the laws of the land ! Arise, men of Britain ! respond to the call Of your homes. Be your firmness revived ; Awake ! it will prelude the demagogue's fall,— From your slumber his strength is derived. From cradle to crutch to extirpate our race. Is the foeman's relentless command ; But he rages in vain if all true men embrace In defence of the laws of the land ! To strengthen the throne, and our rights to proclaim, Of the three old estates of the realm; To encourage the loyal, the guilty restrain, With confusion the traitor o'erwhelm ; Be the bond of our friendship, and, oh ! inay we lon<. Thus united for liberty stand ; '' Concede,-we 're defeated ! Resisi,-we are strong, In defence of the laws of our land ! .^ 82 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Fill to the brim ! now drink to him Of proud, immortal memory ! "Vy iio crossed the wave— the bold— the brave To make our fathers' country free ! Sons of the free, then drink with me, In meni'ry of our brave defender ! Come, fill each glass, and let it pass— Our toast shall still be •* No Surrender." Here are we met — we'll ne'er forget The day our valiant sires assembled, And stood in might, and Ibught for right, While tyrants crouch'd and traitors trembled ! Then — from the heart — before we part. We'll give—" Our valiant, brave defender!" Come, fill each glass, and let it pass — Our toast shall still be <« No Surrender !" I Behold ! the crimson banners lloat O'er yonder turrets hoary ! They tell of days of matchless note, And Derry's deathless glory; When her brave sons undaunted stood Embatded to defend her. Indignant stemmed oppression's flood, And sung out " No Surrender !" ■ i i.,:-~«««S.'.«'^»*^«^». I B brave — 5> er. it, trembled ! fender!" er ! t" ORANGE SONGS AND POBMS. 83 Old Derry's walls were firm and strong, Well fenced in every quarter, Each frowning bastion, grim, along. With culverin and mortnr ; But Derry had a surer guard Than all that art could lend her. Her 'prentice hearts, the gates who barred. And sung out « No Surrender !" On came the foe in bigot ire, And fierce the assault was given ; By shot and shell, 'mid streams of fire. Her fated roof was riven. But baflled was the tyrant's wrath. And vain his hopes to bend her. For still, 'mid famine, fire, and death. She sung out '' No Surrender !" Again, when treason maddened round. And rebel hordes were swarming. Were Derry's sons the foremost found, For King and country arming : Forth, forth they rush'd at honor's call, From age to boyhood tender. Again to man their virgin wall And sing out «'No Surrender !" Long may the crimson banner wave, A meteor, streaming airy, Portentous of the free and brave. Who man the walls of Derry. And Derry's sons alike defy Pope, traitor, or Pretender, And peal to heaven their 'prentice cry. Their patriot « No Surrender." Ogle R. Go wan. J J 84 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. STfic JUrotestiint Hogs. Tell me, my friends, why are we met here ? Why thus assembled, ye Protestant boys? Do mirth and good liquor, good humour, good cheer, Call us to share of festivity's joys ? Oh, no ! 'tis the cause Of King—Frccdom~7ixn{ Laws, That calls loyal Protestants now to unite • And Orange and Blue, Ever faithful and true, Our King shall support, and sedition affright. Great spirit of William, from Heaven look down, And breathe in our hearts our forefathers' fire • Teach us to rival their glorious renown, From Papists or Frenchmen ne'er to retire. Jacobine — Jacobite — Against all to unite, Who dai-e to assail our Sovereign's throne For Orange and Blue Will be faithful and true, And Protestant loyalty ever be shewn. In that loyalty proud, let us ever remain. Bound together in truth and religion's pure band j Nor honor's fair cause with foul bigotry stain. Since in courage and justice supported we'stand. So Heaven shall smile On our Emerald isle. And lead us to conquest again and again j While Papists shall prove Our brotherly love ; We hate them as masters— we love them as men. ,.-.'j.-'ftl»i«»*'» j« d cheer, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 85 By the deeds of their fathers to glory inspired, Our Protestant heroes shall combat the foe ; Hearts witii true honor and loyalty fired. Intrepid, undaunted, to conquest will go. In Orange and Blue Still faithful and true, The soul-stirring music of glory they'll sing; The shades of the Boyne In the chorus will join. And the welkin re-echo with " God save the King." [own, ' fire ; ! band ; stand. men. Where Foyle her swelling waters Rolls northward to the main. Here, Queen of Erin's daughters. Fair Derry fixed her reign ; A holy temple crowned her, While commerce graced her street, A rampart wall was round her, ■ The river at her feet : And here she sat alone, boys. And looking from the hill, Vow'd the maiden on her throne, boys. Would be a maiden st'll. From Antrim crossing over In famous eighty-eight, A plumed and belted lover Came to the Ferv gate. H m 86 M t THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. She summon'd to defend her Our sires — a beardless race — They shouted,— No Surrender ! And slanimM it in his face. Then in a quiet tone, boys, They told him 'twas their \m]|, That the maiden on her throne, boys, Should be a maiden still. Next— crushing all before him, A kingly wooer came, (The royal banner o'er him Blushed crimson deep for shame j) He showed the Pope's commission, Nor dream'd to be refused : She pitied his condition. But begged to stand excused. In short the fact is known, boys. She chased him from the hill, For the maiden on her throne, boys. Would be a maiden still. On our brave sires descending, 'Twas then the tempest broke. Their peaceful dwellings rending, 'Mid blood, and flame, and smoke. That hallowed graveyard yonder Swells with the slaughtered dead ; Oh, brothers, pause and ponder, It was for us they bled ; And while their gift we own, boys— The Church that tops our hillj Oh ! the maiden on her throne, boys. Shall be a maiden still. 1^ -fco, •mill iiiiija'i>»--'.-"-p;;r There was a day when leyalty was hailed with honor due Ou banner the protection waved to all the good and true ''*'r::tria':r''"'°°^^"™'=""^'"^^''-^ For Kmg and laws, and order fair, ,ve drew the ready °"^fD:t'di:!^f' ™'^""-'-'"-- ■••"ywas And stm we pu, our trust in God, and kept our powder But now. alas - a wondrous change has eome the nation And w„;h and gallant services rememhered are no ''"'gr::£^t7"'' °'''''^'^™'-'*'. ■■" ohains of '"' potr" vr' '" ''"*'' "" '->■" """ --P your #• «4 REL. 5 closing fast, U(l and angry ' lurid sky, d keep your til honor due, )od and true; re linked in J kept our maddened y the ready •i- cry was >ur powder the nation 'd are no chains of eep your ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 91 Forth starts the spawn of treason, the 'scaped of ninety- eight, ^ To bask in courtly favour, and seize the helm of state • Ev n they whose hands are reeking yet with murder's crimson dye — '" row^drr '" ^°'' "^^' '''-' ^"' '-'' '^- They come, whose deeds incarnadined the Slanev's silver wave, ^ Tfuy come, who to the foreign foe the hail of welcome gave ; He comes, tiie open rebel fierce~hc comes, the Jesuit But put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry. ^ ^ 27..2/ co^e. whose councils wrapped the land in foul rebellious flame. Their hearts unchastened by remorse, their cheeks un. tinged by shame ; Be still, be still, indignant heart-be tearless, too, each eye, ' """^'oirdT '" ''°''' ""^ '°^" ""'' ^''^'' ^- , The pa«-er ,l,a, led his chosen by riUa^ed cloud .„d He fails not ; He, .he loyal hearts .ha. fi,-m on him rely • '^^mmmm.m,..^ 92 THE UNITED EBIPIRE MINSTREL. The power that nerved the stalwart arms of Gideon's cliosen few, The power that led Great William, Boyne's reddening torrent through ; In His protecting aid confide, and every foe defy • Then put your trust in God, my boys, and keep'your powder dry. Already see the star of hope emits its orient blaze, The cheering beacon of relief it glimmers through the haze: It tells of better days to come, it tells of succour nigh : Then put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry. See, see along the iiillsof Down its rising glories spread, But brightest beams its radiance fromDonard's lofty head • Clanbrassil's vales are kindling wide and « Roden" is the cry ; Then put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry. Then cheer ye, hearts of loyalty, nor sink in dark despair, Our banner chall again unfurl its glories to the air; The storm that raves the wildest the soonest passes by j Then put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry. For « happy homes," for "altars free," we grasp the ready sword, For freedom, truth, and for our God's unmutilated word j These, these the war-cry of our march our hone the Lord on high ; Then put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry. Col. Blacker. .?(' lEL. 3 of Gideon's ^e's reddening foe defy j nd keep your It blaze, Jnghthehazej ccour nigh ; d keep your cries spread, 's lofty head J " Roden" is i keep your ark despair, le air j passes by J keep your e grasp the ated word ; r hope the keep your :.ACKER. ,?i ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. JThe mnwat iTUifl on the ajvceje. SuOOEaTBD I.Y ing Rl-OBOANIZATION OP TUB OrAXQE LySTITltlO.N. The Orange flag is reared again, Too ior^s in darkness hath it lain : Yes ! see, upon the breeze once more 'Tis waving as it waved of yore ; Firm to their trust its followers stand, The remnant of a gallant band ; Unavved by mandates, frowns, and power. They've kept it tiirough the trying hour l' The Orange flag again is reared ; Too long its light had disappeared. Who fights for Israel 1 Prince and Peer Beneath our banner muster here : And prayers are now to heaven ascending From faithful Christians knelt and bending; And power is smiling on our deed- Then forward ! join the cause with speed. See that you be both firm and true, Resolved your duty still to do : See and uphold your system's might, Knowing that « God defends the right.'' On let the Orange flag be driven Triumphant by the winds of heaven, Till east and west, till north and south behold Our Orange, purple, scarlet, blue and gold ! Shannon. 93 "«»■?«, i I '[ 94 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Behold sedition's florid light, That erst for midnight mui^ers shone- Brethren awake, arise, unite, Lef" No'slr'/'Tr' ''''' ^'"^^''' >'^- ^'--e. i^et No Surrender" be your cry, Your motto « Truth and Liberty." Together stand— together fail- Together bend the knee in prayer, Ihat He who guides and governs all Your country may from ruin spare ; But ifshe call on us to die, We die for " Truth and Liberty." Eventful times are stealing on, And cast their threatening shadows round : Arouse, true hearts-your armour don- Be ready for the conflict found- While o'er the tumult swells the cry " Our dwellings ! Truth and Liberty!" — ♦- — Sons, most &tm mh mnmm tm Sons, whose sires with William bled Oflfspring of the mighty dead, ' When the Popish tyrants fled, And this fair land left free : Yield not now to Popish guile, Trust them least when most they smile, Shun the crafty fowler's toil. And keep your liberty ; REL. one — . i» your throne. i round J I — xm fjUtf. free: ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 95 Loud and high their clamours rise 0( 2»rtcndc(l miseries ; The Papist creed is only h'es, Which none but fools believe. All the generous lion can, That belongs of right to man, Britain puts within their span, And they ingrate receive. Now they whine, as « bondsmen" poor ; Now they boast their millions o'er, And forth the Popish rent they pour— For pike and murder given. Firm, ye sons of Britain, firm, Shrink not from the gathering storm, Let it come in any form. Our battle word is — Heaven. JKlxe aatrfes at Berry. No gen'rous toil declining, The fair ones of Derry came Arousing and refining. In bold hearts the patriot flame. The soldier sternly pacing Yon rampart, well their magic knew j His eye and thought embracing Their homes, shrining souls so true. 9G ^"E UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. But ilccper (larknes.s gathers, An.l u il,h>r raves the storm of death ; Oh, then our gallant fatlier.s. Could tell more of woman's faith. Their grasp the banners rending, That martial prize liad won in vain : But gentler hands defending, Secured them within the fane. Still reign such influence o'er us, Confirming the good begun, Till like our sires before us, We hallow each trophy won. While pious, pure, and tender, Our lovely dames around us smile, We'll make our *«No Surrender" Tiieir safeguard through Erin's Isle. Charlotte Elizabeth. ^0 the mmovn of (tixnvlotu mmatm. Bring flowers, lovely flowers, The freshest, the fairest; On mountain and moorland, Go search for the rarest; From mossy bank and lea. Gather them plenteously • Strew them profusely, their fragrance to shed, Where Charlotte Elizabeth sleeps with the dead ! ORANGE SONOS AND POEMS. 97 She I()vt>(l (hem wlien living; How joyful (lie hours She spent when entwining Her chapters on flowers. She loved them when dying, Though dimly descrying The tint of their beauty, the scent (.f their breath, Reminded of Sharon and hallowed her death. Now shall the happy mute Gladly rejoice, To hear her with seraphim Lifting her voice. There shall her opened ear, With ransomed sinners hear, Myriads of angels uniting to raise, To the Lamb that was slain, loud anthems of praise. Charlotte Elizabeth, To Erin endeared ; Gifted of womankind, Loved and revered : Long as the harp shall sound, Long shall tit ,,nme be found, Deeply engraven on hibuny's chart, The <'cushlamachree'' of the warm' Irish heart. Dear did our island harp, Joy to thee prove ; Sent thee in friendship, Accepted in love. Now no sweet voice to sing, No hand to touch the string ; Mute hangs the harp that thy genius awoke, The spell of the lovely enchantress is broke.' If THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTHRL. The hills ;ui(l (he valloy.s Of Erin's jrrecMj tslv] 0/tcheerMthy.Jurlthour;i With .sunshine and fcn.ile: There f.r.t (hy bo.„m wrought With high an.l holy thou-rhl, There on thy smitten heart .hone fn.n ahove Ti.ehght, and the life, nnci the .piritolMove.' •Long ti;ne a stricken doer, Following the flock ; A wounded dove, hidden In cleft of the rock j In all thy sorrows here, ToT., ^f'''''^J''^-'»"^'J»v'e were near: And found .t was good, for thy Saviour wailjre. City of Eighty-eight ! Keep of the brave ! Wave thy proud relic flag Over her grave. Toll thy cathedral bell, ^V'l'' ^^ad and solemn knell, Mourn, Derry mourn, for the woman who told The deeds ofthy Protestant fathers of old. ' __^__ W. J\IcC0MB. Men ofEngland, who inherit %hts that cost your sires some blood - Men whose unregenerate spirit Has been proved on land and flood I ^•v^v. ' THKL. M )ve. « there. )ld, IcCoMB. >od! f ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. By the Ibcs yo've luiight uncounted, By thf glorious deeds ye've done, Tiophic-s captured,_|)reaches mountcd,- Navies c()nquered,--kingdom8 won. ' Yet, rememhcr, England gathers Hcnco but fruitless wreaths of fame, If the patriotism of fathers Glow not in your hearts the same. What are monuments of hravery, Wliere no puWie virtues bloom? What avail, in bands of slavery, Trophied temples, ark and tomb? We're the sons of sires that baffled Crowned and mitred tyranny , They defied the fiehl and scalTold For their birthright— so will we. aiiwoUcctfou of the |0ast. While joy and gladness make our Ulster ring, And .smiling faces hail the honored day ; Be mine to grasp the minstrel's sacred string, And strike vibrations to my solemn lay Thousands shall hear, nor hear the sound in vain, But in the theme with grateful accents join, To celebrate the fall of James's reign, King William's glorious conquest of the Boyne ! 99I 100 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Siiall we forget that memorable fight With all the Revohuion'. scenes of blood 7 Shall ive return to darkness, and the light Put out, for which our martyr'd fathers stood? JMo m our ears the.r dying groans still ring, - Our mothers' woes ; their children's shrieks, and o'er The r burn.ng home«, upsent to Israel's King Their last confession dying in the gore. Lo ! at the Boyne meet the contending foes • Great Wniiam leads the van, devoid'offtar. AnTt ''' rr '^^ ^'•''"«- current tVs, And horse and foot in conflict fierce appear As enl^h' f ^7 '" ^^^"^^ " --" ''- ce, Ascend the bank, and onward charge amain • K.ng James m panic flies: the sons of France ' Retreat, pursued ; and Nassau rules the plain ' Next-on the field of Aughrim do they meet n awful order. 'Mid the cannons'^^roa Th unequal fight begins, soon all's complete- Tho.e run ; these win the day, and all is o'er ' Thus d,d the ^^ God of battles" shield the ^evv Who chose the better part, and loved his word • And kept them unpolluted, brave and true ' And peace and freedom to our land restored ! Ye Protestants, who love so well the throne (And loyal are,) whilst others cry it down • All that wcMld tarnish virtue and renown Commemorate vvith heart and will the day ' rjaws • Which brought your freedom and your cha teld Nor ever let their memory decay ^'^a^teied Who risk'd their lives to save ;our holy cause rSTREL. "blood? light lers stood ? I ring, ilirieks, and o'er s King, re. [ foes ', of fear ; ent flows, appear. ' advance, 3 amain ; f'rance lie plain ! meet oar iplete — 1 is o'er ! 3 few his word j le, stored ! )ne, vvn ; wn ni. f [laws ,• T chartered ' cause. \ .' ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. Think then, oh think, how myrmidons of Rome, beek for ascendancy o'er this fair isle : But shall the sons of freedom slaves become, And yield to bigots and Repealers vile? No ! for the truth unbending, still as steel Together band, and let your zeal be known : Then soon you'll triumph (for your nation's weal,) And from the wiles of traitors shield the throne. Shannon. IFCU the SparUlfufl (Kotlet. Fill the sparkling goblet high, George's cause inspires us, Wheel the circling bowl around, William's mem'ry fires us. Chorus. Live and love, the proverb says, Life is but a feather; Sworn to love while life remains, VVe're Orangemen all together. The mystic tie that binds our hearts. No ages can dissever j The ray divine that lights our souls Shall beam in us for ever. Chorus.—UvQ and love, &c. George and William's royal names, With glory still we crown them j And care and strife, like Pharoah's host In a true red sea we drown them. ' Chorm.-^UvQ and love, &c. P2 102 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ^nlr iro our Xrfsfi Hvotestants. And do our Irish Protestants Forget their former spirit ? And do they not their fathers' zeal And loyalty inherit? Oh, yes ! to guard Victoria's throne That loyal spirit rises, And all the haughty threats of Rome And Popery despises. Our Orange banner, waved on high, Appais the band of treason j In dauntless courage firm we stand- In honour, truth, and reason ! No canting knaves our loyal hearts Shall from our Queen dissever ; And though they once thought to get up, We '11 keep them down for ever. At Orange William's god-like name, Let Rome and Popery tremble ; For summon'd by the magic sound, Do Protestants assemble ; And by that glorious Orange swear. In steadfast resolution. With heart and hand still to defend Our happy constitution. Then, brothers, come, the chorus join— For each to each is brother J One Revolution to defend. We will oppose another. h i ?REL. : tants. - eal rone lome nd— rts j get up, ;r. me, J, ir. ORAJVOE SONGS AND POEMS. And do our Irish Protestants Forget their former spirit ? And do they not their fathers zeal And loyalty inherit ! 103 om — Krfsh ^rotestantjs' Appeal to Enslantr. Protestants, awake, assemble. Or for ever fallen lie ! Is it not a time to tremble When the fatal blow is nigh ? When the foe's unhallowed finger, Rests on God's eternal word, Shall his faithful servants linger, Will they then desert their Lord ? Shame to this most favoured nation. Shame and sorrow be their meed ! If the ark of her salvation Be abandoned in her need ? Brightly on the page of story Deeds of other day» may shine, But the sun of England's glory Will 'mid scorn and woe decline. Sworn to keep the faith of Jesus, Can we perjured traitors prove ? Lo ! from under heaven he sees us, With a look of anxious love. Oh ! with such a look to chide us, Such a quenchles.s love to cheer. With our martyr'd sires to guide us, Can we bow to sloth or fear ? If 104 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Hark ! your sister Ireland, weeping, Calls to you across the wave " Christian brothers ! are you sleeping? I am wounded— come and save ! Think, if ye refuse assistance — Who will pity or deplore, Should the light that gilds existence Sink ere long on England's shore ?" Yes ! ye come !~the spell is broken ! 'Tis the summons of the Lord! Protestants the vow have spoken, Hear it, eart!» ! and heaven record ! Like our fathers we may perish On the glorious battle field. But what they could die to cherish, We will never live to yield ! July the first, in Oldbridge town, There was a grievous l^attle. Where many a man lay on the ground By the cannons that did rattle": King James he pitched his tents between The lines, for to retirej But King William threw his bomb balls in And set them all on fire. Thereat enraged, they vowed revenge Upon King William's forces ,• And often cried vehemently. That they would stop their courses. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 105 4 A bullet from the Irish came, Which grazed King William's arm ; They thought his majesty was slain, — Yet it did him little harm. Duke Schomberg then in friendly care, His King would often caution, To shun the spot where bullets hot, Retain'd their rapid motion ; But William said, <' He don't deserve The name of Faith's Defender, That vvould not venture life and limb To make a foe surrender." When we the Boyne began to cross. The enemy descended ; But few of our brave men were lost So stoutly we defended : The horse were the first that marched o'er, The foot soon followed after ; But brave Duke Schomberg was no more, By venturing over the water. When valiant Schomberg he was slain. King William then accosted His warlike men for to march on, And he would be the foremost ; " Brave boys," he said, " be not dismayed. For the losing of one commander. For God will be our King this day. And I'll be the general under." Then stoutly we the Boyne did cross, To give our enemies battle ; Our cannon, to our foes' great cost, Like thunder-claps did rattle : 106 '^"^ U^'TBD EMIMKK MINSTnEL. lo niajostic niion our Prince rode o'er, His men soon (bllowed alter,— Tlien blows and shouts put foes to route The (lay we crossed the water. Then sai.i Ki„g Wiihani to his ,nen, After the French departed, "I'm glai:, indeed, that none of ye Seemed to he ftint-liearted ; So sheath your swords and rest awhile In time we'll follow after." ' These words he uttered with a smile The day he crossed the water. The cumiing French near (o Duleek Had taken up their quarters, And fenced themselves on every side Awaiting for new orders ; ' But in (he dead time of the night, They set the fields on fire ; And long before the morning'light To Dublin did retire. The Protestants of Drogheda Have reason to be thankful That they wer!fci|^t to bondage brought, 1 hey being but a handful: First to the Tholsel they were brought, And tried at the Millmount after ; But brave King Will lam set them free. By venturing over the water. Come, let us all with hear t and voice Applaud our lives' defender , Who at the Boyne his valour shew' And made his foes surrender. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 107 To God above tlie praise we'll give Botli now anil ever after • And bless tlio glorious ineni'ry or 'William Ihat crossed the water. me ShuttCufl oC the dSms ot mtvx}). Full many a long wild winter's night, And sultry summer's day, Arc past and gone since James took (light From Derry walls away ; Cold are the iiands that closed that gate Against the wily foe 5 But here, to time's remotest date, Their spirit still shall glow. So here's a iiealth to all good men, Now fearless friends are few. But when we close our gates again, We'll then be all true blue. Lord Antrim's men came down the glen, With drums and trumpets gay ; Our 'prentice boys just heard the noise, And then prepared for play : While some opposed, the gates they closed, And joining hand in hand, Before the wall resolved to fall. Or for their freedom stand. When honor calls to Derry walls The noble and the brave, Oh ! he that in the battle falls Must find a hero's grave. 108 THE UMTKD KMI'IRK MINSTREL. Then caiiio the hot and donhtful fmy, With ninny a nioitnl wound ; While thousands in wild war's array Stood marshalled all aromid. Each hill and jilain was strewed with slain, The Foyle ran red w iih hlood ; But all was vain the town to gain, While William's standard stood. Renowned are those who faced their foes As men and heroes should ; And let the slave steal to ids grave, Who fears to slied his hlood. The matchless deeds of those who here Defied the tyrant's frown, On history's bright rolls apj.ear Emblazoned in renown : Here deathless Walker's faithful word Sent hosts against the foe 5 And gallant Murray's bloody sword. The Gallic chief laid low. We honor those heroic dead, Their glorious memory j May we, who stand here in their stead. As wise and valiant be. Oh ! sure a heart of stone would melt. The scenes once here to see • And witness all our fathers felt, To make their country free. They saw the lovely matron's cheek With want and terror pale ; They heard the child's expiring shriek Float on the passing gale ! i-«teta>*,..'...ill«l,' \L. am, 1 their foes ?rave, ir stead, ORANOB SONGS AND POEMS. 109 Yet henj they stood 'mid lire and blood, Ah l)attlc raged around ; Resolved to die, till victory Their purple standard crowned. The sacred rights these heroes gained In many a hard-fought day, Shall they by us be still maintained, Or basely cast away? Shall rebels vile rule o'er our isle, And call it all their own ? Oh, surely no ! the faithless foe Must bend before the throne. Then hero's a health to all good men, To all good men and true ; And when we close our gates again. We'll then be all true blue. Graham. atfse, Sons of Tmnmm- Rise, sons of William, rise, 'Tis Nassau hails you from the skies; Why close your slumbering eyes While treason stalks around ? Hark ! I hear Accents clear. Bursting on my ravished ear; " To arms away !" Methinks they say, While drums and trumpets sound. Rise, sons of William, rise, 'Tis Nassau hails you from the skies: Why close your slumbering eyes While treason stalks around ? — — — ___„^ . WW* 'fV^Mmifi 110 tl THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. See! from his crimson bed, Encirc-Ioil with the mighty dead, Boyne heaves his azure head, And gazing, turns around; Ah, me ! he cries, Wliat gloriea rise. And crowd upon mine aching eyes. Lo ! weapons gleam, — See ! banners stream, While drums and trumpets sound. Rise, (Sic. Strike Erin, strike thy lyre, Catch, oh ! catch the genVous firej 'Tis a VViHiam's deeds inspire; Oh ! sweep the trembling strings. Hark ! a shout ! No rabble rout : The Orange boys are rushing out j Fermanagh cheers, Old Derry hears, And echoes back to Boyne. Rise, &:c. Hail ! Nassau's mighty shade. From Heaven, oh] deign to lend thine aid: Oh ! be it never said Thy sons degen'rate were. ' Happy we, Great and free. If we do but follow thee ; If thy fame Our souls inflame, To equal thee in war. Rise, &c. ..«w,.- .«*B*HW*A>*"J»J*ttglt*v ine aid J t ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. Ill Come ! fill the humpery round ; Ye roofs ! the joyous note rebound ; Winds ! hear to Heaven the sound j God save great George our King ! Him befriend, Him defend From open foe, from treacherous friend ; And ever may Glad Erin's lay A Brunswick's praises sing. Come ! fill the bumpers round ; Ye roofs ! the joyous notes rebound ; Winds ! bear to Heaven the sound- God save great George our King. JThe HelfeC of Berrg. The gloomy hour of trial 's o'er, No longer cannons rattle, O ; The tyrant's flag is seen no more, And James lias lost the battle, O. And here are we, renowned and free, By maiden walls surrounded, O ; While all the knaves who'd make us slaves, Are baffled and confounded, 0. The Dartmouth spreads her snow-white sail, Her purple pendant fiying, O ; While we the gallant Browning hail, Who saved us all from dying, O. Like Noah'8 dove sent from above, Wliile foes would start and grieve us, ; Through floods and flame an angel came, To comfort and relieve us, 0. ^w n^ THE UNITED KMPIHE MINSTREL. Oh ! wlion i%o vessel «tnick tlio boom, Sho pitrlinl, ami reolc.l, and strnn(k>,l, j With shouts the ioc (lenounrLMl our doom, And open gatos demanded, O : And shrill and high arose the cry, Of anguish, grief, and pity, j While black with care and deep despair, Wo mourned our falling city, O. But Heaven, her guide, witli one broadside, The laden bark rebounded, O ; A favouring gale soon filled the sail. While hills and vales resounded, 0. The joy-bells ring, *' Long live our King," Adieu to grief and sadness, ; To heaven vvc mise the voice of praise, In lieartfelt joy and gladness, 0. Graham. 5rnc Urotcstant ©rum. Let the fifth of November ne'er be forgot, When Heaven espoused the Protesttm cause : Gustavus Adolphus. fi^e Gunpowder Plot, And Frederick's victory over Souboi c. Praised, praised, Heaven be praised ! That we have seen the day that is come, To shake the foundations Of three potent nations, Vhat quake at the sound of a Protestant drum. «£L. )oin, > i indod, 0; (loom, f spair, • oadaide. 0. ing," ise, :rRAHAM. iause J m. OHANOK 80NOS AND POEMS. 113 Great Frederick wns roused t„ make l.is «le/bncc, While Europe, in secret, his ruin designed , Hnii^nry, Russia, Germany, France, Swore Trotestants all shoul.l be sacrifucd. Danger, danger, imminent danger! Threaten to ruin the hest of mankind j Drums sounded to hattie Where cannon (hd rattle. And Protoi-tant boys advanced to the line. The legion advanced with banner displayed, Wing, rear, and van for many a mile j The Prussians, of numbers who ne'er were afraid, Stt)od, cock'd ready, in rank and fde. At the word of command, to see them fall on, Heavens ! was ever such fire and smoke ; With blows upon helmets, That cracked them like walnuts, The North pole echoed at every stroke. When Louis of France he heard his troops run, He attempted to speak— but found he was dund,, He made signs for champaign to quicken his vein, And then he cried with loosened tongue, Wonder! wonder ! nothing but wonder Could have forced my Irish brigade. Or make my ge?ts des amis To shrink at alarms. Or show their backsides to these Prussian blades. When Mary of Hungary heard of the news, Her legions were beaten and dare not be seen. Her girdle gave way before she could say. Get me ^ome drops to temper this spleen. ■ ^"2 "~ — ,N^-^ 114 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Vapours, vapours, hysteric vapours ! Swelled her body as big as a ton ; To ease suflocating With belching and blowing, Her voice it did roar like Great Frederick's drum. News came to the Pope that the Germans were broke, Just as he was sitting down to ids tea ; He let fall cup and saucer, which cost a piaster, And cried, my dear cardinals, what shall I say ? Go to St. Peter, or send him a letter, And tell him, if ever he loved me to run; And if he don't come soon, To send good St. Dunstan To beat out the head of this Frederick's drum. These Protestants, sure, are in league with the devil, Or whence should all those victories come f The prayers of the mass are falling apace And Heaven it.elf contending with Rome ; Water ! water ! more holy water ' To spnnkle my Catholics every one ; And get us more crosses To make up our losses, And relics to match the Protestant drum. You have been all told of a general array. To be summoned by sound of a trumpet, to come With ternble tone from Babel to Rome • Awr» ' ^'' 1 1''' '''''' "^^ F^-^^d'^nck's drum. Auake ! awake ! see the dav break Wiien the prayers of the Pope cannot save Rome; You'd better reform, For fear of a storm. Or dread what still follows the Protestant drum. "^ lEL. k's drum. s were broke, piaster, all I say 1 Jrum. h the devil, )mc ? > lie; , to come ick's drum. 5 fiomej 'um. i ORANGE SONOS AND POEMS. 115 Britons, from your slumbers wake, Throne and altar arc at stake ; Cast, oh ! cast, tor honor's sake. Delusion's cup away : Bid the red cross wave on high— Boldly peal for banner cry,— " God, our Queen, and Loyalty." Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! By your fathers' honored name- By your love of deathless fame- By your dread of branded shame. Join the bright array ; Burst the spell by faction bound, Britain's peace and safety sound j Bear, ve winds, the mighty sound That speaks its ended sway. Woe to traitors, lasting woe ! See they shrink as true hearts glow- Faster melts not mountain snow Before the blaze of day. Bid the sounding welkin r=ng— Choir in angels while we sing, Shield our Queen, oh, God our King, Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! 116 THE UMTKI) EMPIRK MINSTHEL. cai^nlUn's mwnv. The padiot (hvscrvo.s ilio meed Of honor aiul renown, And (o 'ho horo is decreed Tlie hi MnwufT hmirl crown ; Th()' both may siilior, hleed, and die, To save a (ailing slate; They nourish in the uieuiory Of all the good and great. C/inrus. The sc.i]ptor\s foil, the painter's oil, riie hard's ininiorlal page, The honon^i name \vill stiU proclaim To each revolving age. And just it is, that when for all A few resolve to stand, Tiiat, whether they survive or fall. Their praise should fill the land'; The deeds of those at Troy who fell Are fresh in fame to-day. And Pompey's pillar still can tell How once his sword bore sway. Their Marlborough, the Britons hold In recollection dear; Heroic Wallace, famed of old. Still claims a Scottish tear; The chief who fell on Falkirk's ])lain, Call'd " Wallace's right hand ;" And those at Flodden battle slain, In honor high still stand. -I \> i 'AKL, r's oil, roclaim i I ORANGE SONOS AND POKMS. 1 But nono of tlioso by Homer sung, Who Iiv(! on Livy's piifro, Or cVr made tliomo for minatrcl'H tongue, The glory of their age, Can higher stand on rolls of fame, All honoured and renowned. Than Htands Gkouge Walickr's noble name, With lasting laurels crowned. Here Muniuv bold, and Baker true. And MiTciiELBuuN HO brave, Beneath (he standard of" True Blue," Rcpell 'd the bigot slave. Here Cairns, groat in camp and court. With Schomberg's valiant son, Maintained in fight this « Maiden Fort," And martial trophies won. Then on that spot, where bullets hot Flew quick to make us free, A pillar high shall seek the sky. To guard their memory j The sons of those who foiled their foes In bloody battle here, Now raise this pile to grace our isle, And future ages cheer. Graham. ^ixt battle ot the ©famontr. The battle of the Diamond! Round, loyal, let it pass ! We'll drink it with a glowing soul, And from a ruby glass ! f f'%«i'l55^t^f?«?,fc mL^im!^-^ § 111 ii 118 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Full let the rich red wine pour fortli Its fountain and i(s flood, In token that the loyal won That battle with their blood. The battle of the Diamond ! Far let the watchword fly ! When craven Papist rebels crouch'd Upon the earth to die ! Slain by devoted men and true, Who fought with heart and blade, And strengthened in their ambush vile, By swords they had betrayed. The battle of the Diamond ! We'll toast it well and wide,— Shamed rebels ! let it rouse alike Their passion and their pride ! And if the coward host again Fling back the traitor's door, We'll meet them and we'll battle them, And vanquish as before. The battle of the Diamond! A triumph song we singj We care not how ihe rebels roar. Nor how the welkin ring; The shout ofProtestants shall swell. Voice-borne from shore to shore : And it shall be in Ireland A toast for evermore ! The battle of the Diamond ! A triumph song we sing ; Hurrah ! vve fought it for our faith ! We won it for our King ! REL. fortli ich'd ade, 3h vile, ! them, II, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 119 Oi|r King .'whom Papist iboLs denied, To follow Priest and Pope j But fallen, we left tliem without life, And living without hope ! The battle of the Diamond ! Again fill full the bowl j And as more generous spirits rise, Lettraitors shrink in soul! Theirs was the net the cowards cast. The prize too was their own, Slaughter from good and gallant men Who batded for the throne ! The bottle of the Diamond! And would they stay the toast? We dare them with their Moloch power And with their millioned host! -Lo ! at the shadow of a soul The robbers quail beneath ! The battle of the Diamond! We drink it in their teeth ! The battle of the Diamond! Again, and yet again, We waft it on the wings of wind, We won it on the plain I ^'^^ memory is the sacred shrine Where those high deeds we hoard: And what we gathered in the field We cherish at the board. Tne battle of the Diamond: Ho ! rebels quake and start ' We fbught it sound of loyalty, We drink it sound of heart! a i 120 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. B Let puny rebels fill with spite, Sj>ito''s moayiirc o'er ami o'er, Still Hhall it be in Ireland A toaist for evermore. The battle of the Diamond ! Round, loyal, let it pass; We'll drink it with a glowing soul, And from a ruby glass ! Full let the rich red wine pour forth Its fountain and its (lood, In token that the loyal won That battle with their blood. f JWftcftell antr ^meaflfiev nxxn all. Make ready, each true Orange brother, To fight for the Protestant cause, In loyalty stand by each other, Support both the Queen and the laws. Tho' times appear somewhat alarming — Tho' battle and murder draw near — Tho' rebels are everywhere arming, An Orange heart never knows fear. Chorus. Rifles and pikes and all. Pikes and rifles and all ; We'll drive them straight into the deep, Their rifles and pikes and all. In Ulster we're quiet and steady, Though traitors and rebels may rave; The Orangemen always are ready In Ulster, the land of the brave. ».,.. j*fc'i-.,?«a#.*4*i* ■ EL. th all. s. j 11 t the deep, 11. . -™'!!1'°''^''' ^~° POEA,S.~ We .lrca.l not the merciless focmen- Let Insh and Frenchmen combine ; We 11 «hovv them our brave Orange yeomen Can act as their fathers Mang syne." Irish and French and all, French and Irish and all j We're ready to fight and to conquer Jhe Irish and French and all. The cowardly *♦ Confederation," Who blusters .o much about *' war" And Erin, a "glorious free nation" Can't show for their country a scar: lnvincd)le heroes on paper, A pen ail the steel they'can wield, The.r" physical force" is a vapour, 1 hey dare not appear in the field. Mitchell and Meagher and all Meagher and Mitchell and all • We dread not the pikes and the rifle, "'Mitchell and Meagher and all. Armagh men are ready for action, And Monaghan's second to none • Fermanagh dreads no Popish faction- 1 he pride of the north is Tyrone Old Derry was still the defender Of Protestant principles true j Her sons boldly cried « No Surrender " And hoisted the Orange and Blue. ' Country and Queen and all, Queen and country and all ; InUlsterwe'reready todiefor Our country and Queen and all 121 Hl'H 122 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. CThc Mcljolutfon. March on, brave boys, make good your grourul. Let all your sprightly trumpets sound To arms, and wo will confound Those foes to the Revolution. Great Mars, the monarch of the field, In shining pomp, with sword and shield, Shall lead us on, and make them yield To the glorious Revolution. Our rattling gunrf, like peals of thunder. Shall fill the air with fear and wonder And keep the Pope and Devil under, And support the Constitution. May Britain's sons the battle trj', To make these tim'rous bugbears fly ; Then let each loyal subject cry, " Success to the Revolution." ^roppfes, lit troton. We soldiers of Erin, so proud of the name. We'll raise upon rebels and Frenchmen our fame j We'll fight to the last in the honest old cause. And guard our religion, our freedom, and laws : We'll fight for our country, our Queen, and her crown, And make all the traitors and croppies lie down. The rebels so bold, when they've none to oppose, To houses and haystacks are terrible foes ; .4k«fc'-.^jMi^:yHi>4>MlMWit(&A" REL. .-- . ---^••.v ')\ir ground, evolution. Id, d olution. nstitutlon. t'olution." : fame ; se, vvs: her crown, own. )pose, l^- ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 123 They .nurdor ,,oor par.son.s and likewise (heir wives A the .ght of a .oldier they run for their lives Whenever we march over countrv and town, " In ditches and cellar, the croppie; lie down. United in blood to their country's disgrace, Tiiey secretly shoot those they dare not to face : But whenever we catch the sly rogues in the fie d, A handful ofsoldiers makes hundreds to yield: The cowards collect but to raise our renown, For as soon as we fire the croppies lie down. While thus in this war so unmanly they wage. On women, dear wo- - tK"v turn thoir ,i m VVe'll fiy tlamn'd rage; They'll',: .030,0^ . '■ ■ On love in r. soiuicr'f-(T-/r;M , , - |,,.- '' '" ' B... ble.s the bravo Loops ,l,al ,mulo crof^ie. „e dom,. ShoM Fra„co e'er alicmp,, by f,„„a or by guile, ne sh:,,:,,?" ""'' "''"' """ '-'- <■- -lOiers slaves, ihey shall o .lypossess our green fields for tbeir ..raves • mi r'"'7V"'"""^^ our triumphs ,vill crown" ' Wh.ls. wul, their French brothers the croppies lie down. Jhen wars and when dangers again shall be o'er And peace w,.h her blessings revisit our shore : Wen arms we relinquish, no longer ,0 roan,, Wu pnde w,ll our families welcome us home ; We II d„„k ,„ full bumpers, past trouble, to dr^wn A health to the lads that made croppies lie down 134 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. «. V*.^^ ■^.«.- -.y^ VVhcji Pharoah reigned on Egypt's throne, And Israel in their chains did groan, The great I Am to Moses gave cominaml To lead them to the Promised Land! And all the jjroud Egyptian host Pursuing, in the sea were lost. So, when oppressed by Papal ])ower, With death and plunder every hour. The brave King William, Prince of Orange-men, Restored us to our rights again. Hail ! mighty William ! conqueror of the Boyne, Our voices in thy praise we join. Our constitution we'll maintain 'Gainst ev'iy foe on lan\I''® ^'^''.uin ; With loyal hearts both firm and true, We'll never stain the Orange and Blue; We love our King, our country and its laws For ever live the Orange Boys ! When James, assuming right from God, Enslav'd this free-born nation. His sceptre was an iron rod — His reign a visitation ; High churchmen cried " Obey, obey, Let none resist a crown'd head ; He whogamsays what tyrants say, Is a rebellious Roundhead." .! REL. 1. rone, inil nge.men, 3f the Boyne, d its laws- ORANGR SONGS AND POEMS. 125 Then let us sing, while echoea ring. The glorious Rcvoluiion ; Your voices raise to William's praise. Who sav'd the Constitution. The Bible was no longer read, But tales of sinners sainted; The gods adored were gods of bread, And sign-posts carved and painted : The priests and monks with cowls and copes, Arrived here without number ; With racks and daggers blessed by Popes, And loads of holy lumber. Our trade abroad, our wealth at home, And -ill things worth desiring, Were sacrificed to France and Rome, While Britons lay expiring; The monarch, a church-ridden ass, Did just what priests suggested, And trotted day by day to mass, The slave of slaves, detested. By cruel Popish politics Were Protestants affrighted, And to convert us— heretics— New Smithfield fires were lighted : But hope soon sprung out of despair,* As Providence commanded j Our fears were all dispersed in air When noble William landed. L 2 I I 126 THE UJtITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Our Church and State sliook ofFthe yoke, And lawless power was banished ; Tlie snares of priestcraft too were broke, And superstition vanished : Tlie tyrant with his blackguards lied. By flight their guilt confessing; To beg of France their daiiy bread, Of Rome a worthless blessing. From all who dare to tyrannize May Heaven still defend us ; And should another James arise, Another William send us : May Kings like him forever reign, With highest worth distinguish'd ; But those who would our annals stain, May they be quite extinguish'd. ) ^l\^ iFouttft Of iao\)cmt)er. Come, let us all be gay, Welcome in this happy day. Strike up each Orange lay. In merry chorus join ; We ne'er know Grief or woe, Praise to him who made us so ; Our cause is good — For it he stood, And bravely fought at Boyne. C/»arM5.— Come l?t us, &c. EL. e yoke, £6, 4 \- f. ORANGE SONOS AND POEMS. We all should bless llio morn, Willliam on this day was born, Who cares for Papist scorn ? No Oiangeman, I'll swear ! Guilt's their lot. Let them plot. But they '11 .shun our Orange shot ; From such fun Tiie traitors run Like cowards in despair. Chorus.— Come &c. Let us with hearts and hands, Join in friendship's strictest bands ; Priests wield their magic wands, fn spite of Heaven's law. Let them frown On each clown Who their murders dare disown ; Here at will, Our glasses fill. And toast the great Nassau ! Chorus. — Come &c. 127 ?t us, &c. <©n the mKssum oC tfte Protestants. Avenge, Lord, thy slaughtered saints, whose bones Lie scatter'd on the Alpme mountains cold j E'en them who kept thy truth so pure of old, When all our fathers worshipp'd stocks and stones, Forget not ; in thy book record their groans. oC;;";,,e'i::rrr"-^-^ -i.es sow The 1" tl h" r • T'"'^^^'"' ''°"' ^"-y l"*^ "J™" > that from these may grow > maj 11} Iho Babylonian woe. Milton. Sutc^s to me ®n^ ^,„,,j,^^. ,j ^^^^ Let .he name of Great W.IIiam be everhel.i dear Who vv,ih hearts firm ami bold, Like then- fathers of old, Eally round his bright standard, in spite of „„r foes. And who will, until death, ' ^P"' a stop on our breath, Smg-"Sueeess to the Orange wherever it goes!" Although certain persons, well tnown in this isle Have vamly endeavoured on us for ,„ fro,;""" Wit :7;"'" 'T' °""»— down. Witf) aid from on high, Their threats we ilefy* And our cause it vvillflounsh in spite of our foes,. 1 hen who vviJl, until death, Put a slop to our breath Here ~" ^"^"^^« <« tJie Orange wherever it goes !» REL. icicnt fold It rolled ^heif moans ashes sow doth sway grow hy way Milton. t* ft QOtS. I dear, >le land, en met here, t band : iir foes ; ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 129 oes i» isle, ^n. own. >es: goes r" Though bigoted wretches, who judge by themselves,* Have asserted « that we are for murder enrolled," 'Tis their own sable iiearts first gave birth to the thought, As we see by their plots which each day does unfold. But truth, like a star Which shines from afar, To a candid observer convincingly shows That 'gainst rebels alone Our vengeance is shown ; So—" Success to the Orange wherever it goes !" Now a full flowing glass to Lord Farnham we'll pass. The yeoman's brave father, their country's firm prop ; lo Enmskillen so bold, to his praise be it told, He'd ne'er hang a yeoman for shooting a Crop. To the King fill it high, Let our song reach the sky. And no more may rebellion disturb his repose j Here's our stout wooden walls. Which no danger appals. And—" Success to the Orange wherever it '^oes !" FOR THE COMMEMORATION OP TUB ShuttCnfl oi the Cfates ot 33etr«. Ye men of Derry, stout and bold. Whose hearts are cast in honor's mould, Oh, think to day on days of old, And Britain's Constitution • >- n »i trjg ^ % ;> r iV 130 ^"^ UNITED EMPrRE MINSTREL. On this great clay in William's year, The 'prentice l)oys assenihlecl here,' Hand in hand, gave one g.and cheer. For the glorious Revolution! Lord Antrim's troops compell'd to \vait Stood panic-struck before our gate, Until we forced them to retread, In rapid evolution ; All Europe heard the joyful sound, In vain the Pope's proud vassals frowned, VVill.am and Mary soon were crowned, And stopped (he persecution. And when again with opening spring, Back they came and brought their Kin^ We made our bells for William ring, " With Spartan resolution ; Though they fought us three to one. Still they shrunk as we pressed on,' Soon their coward King was gone. Afraid of execution. So, as like days again come round, Here we stand on classic ground, Ever true to England found, • And our glorious Constitution : I'roud our crimson flag shall fly, Waving in the azure sky. Here we conquer or we die. In the cause of the Revolution. Graham. Hff .ii^^jmi'.'smmm^'i.mimmmt'- ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. ^t bvn'ot Sous of munhx. 131 Ye brave sons of Britain, vv}.o.eglo,y hath Jon, Supphc to tl.c pocn proud U..,k's nl hi. s nl W ose cleed. have for ages astonished the ,d When^3^r.andard,ouVeho,.ed,or.i.Lun- France raging with shame, At your conquering fame. We 'I, „.„A.he„ again as ,voVew„Aed.„e:' before Now flushed wi.1, ,he blood of ,l,e slaves Ihoy l.ave -lain These foe, we slill beat swear they'll ,ry us ail Eu. ,he more .hey provoke us .he Lre'h"; w "s'ee T,s,„ va,„. ofcrge chains for a na.io„.,J.str All their rafts and their floats And their flat-bottomed boats! So let thern come on, boys, on sea or on shore We'll wor. them again as we've worked them before. They hope by their falsehoods, tlieir trirk. . i , To spht us in factions and weaken 1. '""'' T ,1 . "«"M vTt-uKen our arms • i-et them try every tool, Every traitor and fool, work them aga gam as we've worked ihcmbeiore. 132 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. How these savage invaders to man have behaved, We see by the countries they 've robb'd and enslaved ; Where, masking their curse with blest liberty's name, ' They've starved them, and bound them in chains and in shame ; Then their traps they may set, We 're aware of their net. And in England, my hearties, nogudgeous they'll get ; So, let them come on, boys, on sea or on shore, We'll work them again as we've worked them'before. Ever true to our Queen, constitution and laws. Ever just to ourselves, ever staunch to our cause ; This land of our blessings, long guarded with care,' No force shall invade, boys, no craft shall ensnare ; United we '11 stand, Firm in heart, firm in hand. And those we don't sink, we do over at land ; So let them come on, boys, on sea or on shore. We'll work them again as we've worked them before. StantJ tounti, mg firabe Uoss- Stand round, my brave boys, With heart and with voice. And all in full chorus agree ; We'll fight for our Queen, And as loyally sing. And let the world know we'll be free. Chorus. The rebels shall fly. As with shouts we draw nigh, And echo shall victory ring; ■.y>mNmimt'mmmitmi»ti\ TREL. J behaved, and enslaved ; berty's name, Ti in chains and et, ous they '11 get ; I shore, i them before. laws, jr cause ; .^ith care, ensnare : t land ; ihore. them before. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. I02jS. ee. 133 vv nigh, ring ; Then, safe from alarms We'll rest on our arms. And chorus it-" Long live the Queen, " Long live the Queen"— And chorus it-" Long live the Queen. With hearts firm and stout We'll repel the mad root, And follow fair liberty's call • ' We'll rush on the foe, ' And deal death in each blow. Till conquest and honor crown all.' The rebels, &c. Then commerce once more Shall bring wealth to our shore. And plenty and peace bless the isle; The peasant shall quaff Off his bowl with a laugh. And reap the sweet fruits of his toil. The rebels, o, clu^er up, .ny la.ls, 'tis to glory ^vo Hoer lor tn.o Orange hearts nivstilUtrangers to fenr'. Uiir iHKs.ins uitl, honor and loyahy ..lou- And Moss well n.arrhfooMconntor the foo. C/iorus. Slill nmy ou,- Hag l,e ,vi,|, |,„„.„ „„r,„.,^,,|_ Lcl's nhvays be roajy, Sloaily, l,oys sloacly, ' An,l true to ourselves, we'll defv all (|,e ivorld. The Queeu and ,|,e»,a,e, an.l ,l,e laws „f ,|,e land, Tl.cg„„dc„„s,a„.i„„„,„.f„rera,|,ers,,|a„„od; To .na„„am ,l,e,n we all wi,l, o„r voice »i,o„ld agree For whde li.ey prelect „» „|d J,e|a„j ,, f,.^.^ «' "" The hand of oppression we never need fear, Our laws are the same for the peasant and, eer, house ,s our castle, our fireside and throne, A,ul ea.h ,„an u, the country is sure of his own. Kopuhlican frenzy her standard may rear And d.sloyalty seek to pollute our free air But ourswords we'll ne'er sheath till ourEt'tterald Isle From treason redeen.ed, shall triumphantly smile. WH,o„7':.'°''"'^r'''°'''^^'"''^'-''''-'™-s, cause;"'"' "■' ""' '"""' "" "'''"'" "'" S™'' May the wr'etcl, who'd refuse such a toast neverprove The c„,„for,s „, friendship-the raptures of love ■«-' :'*%*»«!«^»*v««»^"«iaisfe >TKEL. o\v, •■ llic foe. R unfurled, V all the world. ! of the land, anried J ' should agree, i free. fear ; and peer ; throne, his own. ir, Emerald Isle, ly smile. id the laws, »ort the good never prove I of love. -3 ORANOIC .SONGS AXD POEMS. X^c Sous Of the asffse. Ye sons of ,he wise, ler your spirits now ari.se And K-on. the smiles of temptation; Ce^ta.,hrulandtruetotheOrang.andtheRlue lluywilbnng you through all triOulalion. ' Remember the guide that divi.led the tide *or Israel's happy protection; And over their foes n.ade the billows to close J3ecause they had no true direction. In this present year, pale death it did appear, A) all who would not be united • BiU down came the plan they had'huilt on the sand And we h ve to see then, all sore a/Tri.hted Mo. cruel by far than the V...yW'^^^^^^^^ Was the scheme ofthis vile Revolution; 13ut we soon made our foes, by virtue of blows, bubmit to our good Constitution. Oi^goodBntish laws, they still merit applause, Since blood purchased the Reformation ; Our chm.h did not shine till that ibrtunate time That Wdham was King of the nation. That happy reprieve did thousands relieve. Who st6od for the Protestant glory • The Orange displayed soon made James afraid, And routed each Jacobite Tory. Dear brethren, you know, 'tis a long time ago Since the Orange was first propagated : And those who stood true, be they ever s^ few, You 11 find they were never defeated. 135 ■'^mS 13G THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. So now let U8 fight for the cau.o that i« ri-^ht • What rebel will dare to oppose us? ' ' We show in the name of the Pro(e.s(ant fame And we care not a farthing who knows it. Our secrets of old we will not unfold To people not duly instructed ; Our good Orange cau.e, formed of holy laws liy prophets of old were conducted • Ami seems to succeed in the time of our need- Our members arc daily increasing, j ^'^^:X''^I^"''"^'"^^"'^"^»'-'Q-- -ears the And the croppies, like hares, are a-chasing. That brotherly love, may never remove From the fellowship we have contracted: And wisdom may be in each committee, A witness to what is transacted. Let each Orangeman take a full glass in hand. And dnnk to the heart that won't waver- Victoria on the throne is a good Queen we ov^n, liut the memory of William forever. ®'U'd it. laws, r need — Hn wears the asing. 3dj and, ^er ; e own. °^ANGE SONGS AND POEMS. Doctor Miley, he has said, When Dan. (he Irish King, was dead, Angels were waiting at his head ^''3 s"i'I to Heaven to carry • Maynooth and Rome they formed a plan, And robbed the angels of old Dan,— The Kerry Boy, we understand, They've got in Purgatory. Despatches from the Pope have come To ail the Priests of mystic Rome, To change or alter Daniel's doom, His soul from thence to carry • Commandii.g them to celebrate ' High Mass throughout the church, of late His soul from thence to extricate Out of this Purgatory. You Papists, gather up your pence- You know he's waiting in suspense— Your Liberator bring from hence, No longer let him tarry • if our Dan, that pleaded for Repeal, Is bearing now Peg Tantrim's flail J Pay up,yesonsofGranuaile, Your King's in Purgatory' The heretics, they cannot tell About this gulf'twixt heaven and hell. Where Dives did for water yell. And none to him would carry ; 137 n2 B"t Rome l.as .nncle it n.oro complete ; Tl,ey vc !)oIy oil to grease their feet, And My water, if it's meet, For Dun In Purgatory. Think on your Xing, and for him j.ray,- He agitated night and day,— Like Balaanr.s ass, aloud diil bray, 'Gains-t Aughrini, boyne, and 0:.uaIi.orHay, of bnck., and atones, He pictured death's head, and cross hones: i e ImK^h-a-halla^hh, how he groans, He's heani from l^rgatory. To Bernnril he bequeathed l.js soul His body to the Irish mould. His heart to Rome-that was the whole :- His head a wig did rarry. «e s lookmg now to every part Where he gave body, soul, or heart J ^, »>nng your cash, and then you'll start The old fox from Purgatory. O, hard's his fate, if he must stay Like other beggarmen, I say, For gratis prayers on All Saints day, 0> Jet that never carry ; StlU'capulars, crosses, cords and beads, And all green sashes and cockades ! All Irishmen— do lend your aid For Dan in Purgatory ! De ?rry, fREL. ■''--V-N,^ . 'lO J }'}— 10, and Deny. bones ; IS, itory. irt tory, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. Thoy svy tl.ey 've pouor (o bi,.d or Ico.o In heaven or hell, ju.st a* they choose: llioIai„..tstliatwoulildarereru,c Tk V. '^"Pay ''eryanciiiary, They'll curse with candle, book, and bell,- The.o poor blind dupes deserv-e it well, Who'd letPegTantriu.'s flail, pell-„,e!l Thradi Dan in Purgatory. Now Stowell, Gray, and Hugh McNeill ^|ycl^rche. build 'gain.t Granuade, HhdeR..,„e's the head, Maynooth'.lhe tail- ,.^ , . ^•''^^"' P'-<'joctd will not cnrrv. ^ va. braymg. boa.ting, blustering Dan, Vh.M. travelling to the W, (,),,;,, ' That lost the trick his merits .scannecU He 'snow in Purt^^tory. Jlore's books and bags for n^y ,on John • In agitation he'll go on ' And chase the Saxons every one He'll dnve all heretics abroad- ^' ihey have no right to the holv sod- 1 hey would not eat the ?m/.; Co./, Or believe in Purgatory. Before my song comes to a close Here 's a flowing health to tho» ^^4^^'- 140 Beholcl, n,y brothers, fates decree ri.c Orange Hl,all triumphant he: K'nd Providence doth interpose, And aids to crush our rehel foes. Ti.cn let each h.yal heart unite, And every worthy soul invite J Wh.ie Berresford shall be our theme, Who keeps alive the glorious flame. Forno deception here you 8ee, faiUilul and true we'll ever be; J)ire massacre is not our care—' The dastard foe we often spare. J-et it be told our baneful foes, The Orange only mercy knows ; Dark vile assassins stab bv night,— When roused in open day, we fight. We murder not the cherub child, Nor yet the gentle female mild J For we are men, and so shall know The traitor and the rebel loe. ^ht mna mm'8 Qream. One night I thought a vision brought Me to a spacious plain; Where on its centre stood a mount, Whose top I wished to gain : ■flwWf-fJ ^«;^«~-«*«*«*!"».:**«»!«W#*-' rREL. ih. •ee s. unite, 'i(e J )ur theme, us flame. J ht. \v ^A'^OE SONGS AND POEMS. Orango, blue, and purple too, Were given me to wear; And for to see the mystery, Tliey did me thus prepare :— My guide a pack placed on my hack, With pillars of an arch J AstafTandscripplacedinmyhand, And thus I on did march : Tlirough desert lands I travelled o'er, The narrow path I trod, Till something did obstruct my path In tiie form of a toad. So then I saw what did me awe, Tliough wandering in a dream— A flaming uush, though unconsumed, Belure me did remain j And as I stood out of the wood, I heard a heavenly sound, ^Vhich bade me cast my shoes away. For it was holy ground. Two men I saw, with weapons keen. Which did me sore annoy; Unto a pyramid I ran, That standing was hard by: And as I climbed the rugged way, A hand I there did see," Which laid the lo% mountains In the scale of equity. 141 142 I"!lj;^^« EMPIRE MmsTREL. Blue gold, and black about my^'"^ i hi.s apparition placed , • into a chariot I was pu(, When we drove offin haste : Twelve daz.Iinglights of beauty bright Were brought to guide my vvay,' 'Jneofthem did decay. Near to a mount Law a fount ^t Jiving water flow j I being dry, they did reply, Todrink you there may go: iiie mystic cup I then took up, And drank a health to all That were born free, and kept their knee JTom bowing unto Baal. ^vfft ^arftsman. ^j^p-our^c^::^-:^^ i e true sons of Willinm ,- u^sign , . vviiiiam, your courage now loin • ■e..s tlie great genius of oiii- Emerald He When firs, I „,» raised ,o ,ha. noble degree ' i^;;-d.,ra„e,as:,;;r:dt:::r'"'^^'^-^^ Througl, ,„.„3 u,a. „.ere crooked, a„d%ra„Me being I was suddenly stopped by „ lurking „,j „, ' Cst formed ,„ ^^ep „„ „,i"l, °"^' % n,as,er „f, ,„,d „,„ u,e „.oLe„ ,X p ^ . By this may each MpH-, .^ ' ''"'^ ''^'' *^'-««'n> T" unue every bro.I.er ,vi,h a godi ^^X' """" ■*i^K^ '• Come, all my worthy brethren That travel the -lobe around, Come, list awhile, till I relate How our Order it ^va^^ found; Many's the weary step we travellM The wilderness around, Till we found out the royal mark That led to the holy ground. From Egypt's plains we marciied, Bound to the promised land i Full forty years we travell'd,— Moses had the command. With rod ofGod he cleared the wav, ihe seas did back rebound. And stood in heaps till we passed o'er But Pharaoh's host was drown'd. ' Now we're all safe pass'd over, Playlet us rest awhile; And here give thanks unto our God, Who saved us from exile j And also from a watery grave, Where our enemies doth lie- We'll all kneel down and prais'e our God, rhen march to Mount Sinai. 'Twas travelling thro' the wilderness, borne of them mourn 'd for bread • And more for water cried aloud,- ' There was none to be iiad ; I' (if :rel. od, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. So the Lord, to quench their thirsty souls, From a rock made waters flow j And every morning they were fed' With manna white as snow. 'Twas then, while at Mount Horeb, The rock did Moses smite : And trav'ling for Mount Sinai, Slew the proud Amorite ; So when we came to Sinai's Mount, W« forty days abode: i "1 to find out the royal mark i.arch'd for the plains of Moab. Twelve brethren now were chosen To view the promised land -, Who, like the dove, returned, With fruit all in their hand. To sec the fruit Canaan produced, Their hearts with joy did glow ; Then to find out the royal mark We march'd for Mount Nebo. Here Moses to the Mount was call'd. His last farewell to take ; Remember now the covenant You to the Lord did make :— 'Twas to pull down all idol gods, Those carved, both great and email j And all such vain idolatry. And worshippers of Baal. 145 N 146 ^^"^^^TED EMpiir^;;;^^^ Then Josliua calJed his brethren, And unto them did say; The streams of Jordan I'Jl divide Like Moses the Red Sea: ' The secret I will first unfold, Let none but Marksmen know : So the Pass went round, and the Mark was found That will guide to Jericho. Novv to conclude my Marksman's son.. Let us thankful be and pray; And keep in memory Jordan's plains, As likewise the Eed Sea • Take Great Jehovah for yoJr guide, Your enemies he '11 subdue; And remember what a mighty host J hree hundred overthrew. Com. n ^^'^ ^"^•i'^^^a^rftSWait, Another step you'll go, . ^ not know, • you'll go: you'll go. a ''J be? 1 shall know, >^ou do go : ou do go. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 147 Were you in darkness, or crossed Jordan's streams? Or can you relate to me what the Ark it contains? * I ansvvered him right meekly, for that I could do so : 1 hen he gave to me a pass-word, to try if I could know : To try if I could know, Tu u 'J'o try if I could know, Ihen he gave to me a password, to try if I could knowv The pass-word being rehearsed, its cause he did define. Then said he would announce to his brethren in a si^n : The pass-word being rehearsed, and all was just and right Straightway he then prepared me to see that brilliant light- To see that brilliant light. To see that brilliant light j Straightway he then prepared me to see that brilliant light. He took me by the hand and led me to a door. Where none coula admitted be but those that were pure: Three gentle knocks he gave, and I bended on my knee And the answer was, that no profanes admitted there should be : Admitleil there should be, •Aiimitled there should be ; should br" ™ """ "° ''"'"'"'' '"''"''"''' "'''■« "He Wp„fa„e, n, answer fori.," „y „„„,,„„, here "But a true a^d worthy Israeh.e-I have him safely tried : He hascross'd Jorda„'sstreams,a„d likewise Moab's plain And .s w,II,„g yet to travel, all our secrets to gain : ' All our secrets to gain, All our secrets to gain ; And 13 willing yet to travel all our secrets to gain." 7 fi'' A .loor then being o,hm,c.1, I w,.s ndumcd in A over desert lands, " All over desert lands ; Before that you dmw nigh, ^^''^'•^ t''a« you drau' nigh : '"^'KliS:^^''^^^ '--«>"- ^-•>e.,re that you No..^Uheyas.edor.e,.hatIhe,di„.yri,Ht Isaid it was a rod that the Lord he did con^mand • For to take it up again, *ortoi;.kcitupagainj I was ahuost affrighted for to take it up again. And as they asked of me from whence I had c.me X answered and said it was from Midian's ain ' Which was all my care, Which was all my care : I was feeding Jethro's flocks, which was all my care. r rSTHEL. Ited in, iJi'l Ijcgin ; ^vas in my hand, tliod.'scrtlnndsi ;ss all o'er the t '«crc but blush, i'»« bush ! le am I, before that you 'cfore that you !J in my right inniand ; "It it became, lin: in. ^d came, (Iain ; oing there? my care : my care. li OnANOE SONGS AND POEMS. 149 And where are you going? he soft to me did nay • Unto the latHl of Egypt, I'm now upon my way; Pray what iH your minnion, or what will you do there? To free all my brethren that now in bondage are: I'hat now in bondage are. That now in bondage arc, lo free all my brethren that now in bondage are. They brought me to a mount, where I had to ascend. In search of our secrets, being led there by a friend : When I attained my object, unto the top did climb. Ihere I got the secret words that are so divine : Thai are so divine. ^, _ That are so divine : There I got the secret words ihatare so divine. They wci, all standing round me, when I bended on my knee, And what I stood in need of was demanded straighTof I sa.d .t was the light that I wish'd for most to see! And they sa,d, my dearest brother, we xvill give it unto We will give it unto thee. We will give it unto thee, And U.ey said, my dearest brother, we will give it unto Greatjght appear'd around me, no darkness there had ^olefn,'^ 7''^ great amazement on all that I had seen : And th/ r,"' " u""^'^' J^'^^^^^ '" ^'^^ -y«tic pot iad goT '° '''''''"■' ""'^ '^' secrets he And the secrets he had got, And the secrets he had got, Andtheytoastedtotheirbrother.andthesecretshehadgot. kT ~ . beshared:^^'"^'^^"^'^^''''tJ^«m it shall With the„ it shall be shared, ^ml, 1 ^'"**''«m it shall be shared- And when vve prove th,. n,- - »"dreu , be shared ^" "^^ '''''' '^''^'^^ ^^en. it shall Yoi. true sons of Britain, attend to my lay Who strict V adherp fn «i.« u ''^ ^ ' The blind- zeaf of r! ''^''''"^ ^'•«^^-" J VV« 'I, C'-opP'es us never dismay Welljom.^hVietoriatohurlthemdown. ih under, thunder, \v ,., , P^'otestant thunder, We 11 slnver their pikes in every tcnvn, i he sons of sedition, A J . We '11 drive to Derdifinn To crowd the religion of God we adore To arms! To arms ! , ^''Others, to arms: Jo.n hand in hand to keep rebels down: May Orange forever Cement us together. NSTREL. ious foreign land, * fa;.. i long stand J n be revered, ith them it shall red, red ; th them it shall t crown; may, down. irown. JI drive ir sho re Crown. ORANGE SOIVGS AXD POEMS. May our army and navy ever succeed, Thf.nir"'"'1'"'^'^^^^°"^^"emie low. The g Hows and gibbet with Croppies we'^Veed And swmg the " U^u,,, ,,Jl^ .^ ^'^'^^^^d, ^iercy, mercy, God of mercy, Assist us forever to 1-or.r. *v. ver o keep those rogues down. -ftnd knit us together. Forever and ever. In supportofthe Queen, Constitution and Crown. 5rfie mm ot me mmemtj XBlnm, Come all ye geese of Peter's flock, Who worship idols, stone and stock, Your purses -ow you must unlock, For the King of the Emerald Island » Because his mother had a ^/.•«,,,'''''"'^- Samt Patrick's wife, Saint Shela, ^ame Andsa, W^„p,„,^^^^ ' e You shall produce a man of fame: i-tand to gather in the tax, For the King ofthe Emerald Island. e-glass, Island. ire sore, '11 fall, ball, all, d Island, gering, &c. e, i Island. 5 you well, fsland J ring, «fcc. sland. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 153 Pounds a.piece for suits of clothes Haifa crown from men with shoes, Shilhngsfrom all naked toes. Sixpences from breach-less beaus ; Beggarmen put down your bags, Come, until your rotten rags Can't produce a copper meg, • For the King of the Emerald Island. Chorus. Beggarman Solus. « Arrah, father Pat, don't you now see, Im up to my neck in poverty? " ^^ "ever did any good for me, « This King of the Emerald Island. Wail could and hunger I'm almost dead, My cash, darrin this ould rap, is fled, " ^;y children's crj-ing out for bread, " ^"^ ^ ^^^'"t « P^^i^y to put in their head." Priest. « Down vyilh your dust, and none of your groans "Orvven„,ark y„„r hou.0 with death'sTead and cross bones, "And rattle your ribs with slicks and stones, " For the King of the Emerald Island." Chorus. Full forty thousand pounds a year, This sturdy mendicant doth clear, With many a curse and many a tear. For the King ofthe Emerald Island. 1 1 'i ■■ ! J^^^'^TED EMPIRE Mnisi^ And thus he fills his money f,ags, From destitution and from rags And thus their lonely copper megs, From fellow-beggarmen he drags : Then let each pious candidate, Who hopes in heaven to have a seat Fut down his money on the plate, For the King ofthe Emerald Island. C^iorus. KoBERT Young. ^ mntmton of ^0 Siuvvtnm. • You sons of Nassau, list to me— Ye " guardian angels" of the nation : Nor shed a tear of sympathy O'er the condemned association. Where i)a;^'. harangues collected gangs, 1 he holy rent in cash to tender- Without this plan the « Bcggarman^' To the Orangemen must soon surrender. The Boyne and Aughrim have to boast How William's sons came off victorious : At Lisnaskea the « Pats'' gave way— At Newtownbutler fled before us : On Derry's wall we marshall'd all When -Roaring Meg," with voice like thunder. Did rend the skies, while the " 'Prentice Boys" Kesponding, cried out, " No Surrender I" %' ,.j*kiMii**»*i*»*' ■,-.--«>mmm»- BL. Island. Young. %' ir. thunder, Joys" )} ORANGE SONGS AND POEM3. I55 The Church of Rome's eternal doom Is clearly proved from Revelations ; For the scarlet whore with crimes impure, Reigns Queen of all abominations. Her vile Pope Paul, once licensed all The public brothels '-n his nation ; Then who dealt by .vcre i:. /antly Condemn'd by a * rxcomr. nication. Our faith, 'tis true, Uc « 'jifro' vide From Popery's cun. : innovations; Through Jesu's blood we 're sanctified,— Shed for the healing of the nations. No saints nor angels we invoke. Nor dread the flames of Purgatory ; Nor pay obedience to the Pope, Nor homage to the Virgin Marj-. When brave Mauritius martyr'd fell, A sacrifice to Rome's ambition ; ' The Emperor Phocus, strange to tell. Placed Boniface to fill his station. Since that vile deed, Rome has decreed— " All who refuse her adoration, / They at the stake shall expiate,"' To her eternal execration. Matured in blood that church since stood, Impeached with crimes in swift progression : No tongue can teli what thousands fell By the accursed Inquisition. Piedmont's vales tell horrid tales How racks and gibbets rent asunder; The Protestants, when in the flames, Expiring cried out, « No Surrender !" St. Peter he has lost the keys, Asm the third of Revelations: And Chnst admits whoe'er he please, To Rome's eternal condemnation. He holds the keys ofdeath and hell, AnThTptfj,^^^^^''^ HavTo , """' ^^S*'^'^^^ shall Have everlasting habitations. Then Romanists, peruse this song, And every sim'lar publication : J^or urge again, in Jesuit vein, Y"'-;'J««nJvvicked fabrications. And as July is drawing nigh, miL/7'T '" '" ^'^^''- ^P'^"dour W 11 koep then- day-parade-and play The Protestant Boys" and "No SuLnder!" ^ __ Shannon. it was on Ihe Ihirieemh „r r i ■ nine, °""'^'' '" ">« ye" of twenty- Two thousand Popish Eibbonmen together di,l .„ k- Ton>.a.,,eCoo,eO™,e„.e„ast;rn,rrot T/.eseKihhonn,e„assen.„eda..heChape,„rGlen„e. S:"i:xxTa:r'-'--'-^^'-^='"^ fight ; ''' °^ P'^y to vanquish us in Wood he'd 5 ""' ^'^^1' "■»' "'Sh'. «" Ora,;ge .iJ^Mn^mn: s,*. ;(*w«tei»i.-i-i«iiai»aiw'jK STREL. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 157 ase, II, -d the nations ihall lour )Iay Surrender !" Shannon. ar of twenty- did combine vould home- I of Glenoe. ht at n'^ht, nquish us in 1 the hill, I till Orange Our Orangemen, not fearing them, altliough they were but few, Advanced down towards the bridge, and soon did them subdue: When they smelt Orange powder, they quickly did retreat, But Richey caught an Orange pill, which caused him for to wait. Beside him there were foriy-six laid dead upon f'o plain. And sixty-five were wounded, far too tedious lor to name ; There were none of our Orangemen among the slain but two, Brave Williamson and Bardey, wlio fought at Waterloo. This victory of our Orangemen I cannot half relate,— Oh ! think how fourteen of us two thousand Papists beat! They ran like hunted foxes; you'd laugh to see the chase- Some wanting legs, some arms, and some part of the face. Yes ! every night and morning those Ribbonmen may pray That the Orangemen of Killyman were not there on that day ; Had they stopp'd in Coalisland till the Orangemen came in. They'd have sent them down to Purgatory to purge them of thfeir sin. Oh ! there was noble Hanna, a hero of renown That marched off courageously that day from Stewarts- town ; He said, " Come on, my Orange Boys, their numbers we defy ; We'll beat them as King William did on the first duv of July." "I green, ^ ^"'^' to^vnnh the Chapel- ,„„ . -.m., ,„„,e pike, ,,„j pi,^,,^^^^^ °"'' ™'"^-"-"^''™"-'- sained a. Wa,erioo And sent to Dublin Cn.*} ■ , Who for .heir Kh " ?, '" '"'" «"' ""'> goW i vei,„, """'"' ™"""->-'i-td„j.diJs,,e„d'„,ei, r Ye Orangemen,! hope you'll lend An ear to these fevv lines I write ■ YOU'- voices all, join to extol, Ji»e praise of every Williamite Ti-ughrude'sn.ythe.e,donod^^^^^^^^ The rustic bard's poetic lav Nor deig, the n.use to disabu'se With base surreptitious plagiary "% 'NSTREL. i I •^vards the Chapel- I 'Jiman was seen j J^cs and pitclifork ORANGE SOJVGS AND POEMS. 159 IvS isdain it Waterloo. "anies should be j t ^vith gold J y did spend their onnell's schemes. ' glass in hand, fcrmed the true tdayofJuly,_ 'le day you die. ?S. When treason raised her gorgon head, And stalked gigantic o'er the land. In myriads rose our hostile foes, Excited by their leader Dan. The war- whoop's knell rai,^ through Clonmell, Where thirteen thousand dressed in oreen Did issue forth, while o'er the north They thought to vent their bloody spleen. Then Lawless Jack, with crest erect Deputed by 'he Popish clan, To Ulster went, to lift the rent, And organize the Kibbonmen. To bear his train Louth's ruddy dames, With cabbage stalks did volunteer. From Derry's wall to drive them all Who'd dare to stop tlieir bold career. To Cullin, fair, they did repair, Upon the sacred Sabhalh r.iorn ; Though Ferrard's Lord, the deed abhor'd. The Popish Chapel took by storm. This triumph gained, jack then proclaimed, As farther north he'd wend his way, His clans would rise and soon surprise The Orange Boys of Ballybay. Our Orangemen, like brothers then, In martial ranks appeared that day, Determined all to stand or fall, By the Pope-hating Samuel Gray. Oiir heroes brave, resolved to save Our nation from the Papal yoke • And Church and State to extricate' ^rom the impending fatal stroke. Then to our aid, a small brigade Of Lancera from Bclturbet came • And from Armagh, a valiant staff, ' Commanded by brave Thornton : »Vho cautioned Jack to turn back For as he parsed through Ballybay, Ten thousand armed, of the alarmed, Had ta en the field with Samuel Gray ! Then Jack declared, "he'd often heard Of tha. great person Dauntless Gray • Bin never dreamed that he sustained J^uch influence in Ballybay." Then to their heels th. took the fields, Jack galloped off-to,'.Jr surprise,. V^hile Orange cheer, rung in their ears, And ^^ No Surrender," rent the skies. Now in the end, I'd recommend, Throughout the province round and round, An effigy of Samuel Gray ' When the curs'd race would see his face You d hear them thus distracted say :-, Curs d be our lot, we '11 all be shot For yonder's Sam from Ballybay. Shannon. NSTREL. save •oke J icale ■oke. e ime; ton J med, lel Gray J ! heard Gray j ned fields, se; r ears, skies. and round j is face say ,-~ Shannon. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 161 Come brethren, HIJ your glasses high. In concord let us join. And drink the glorious memory Of him who crossed the Boyne. William ! thy name is ever dear, Of thee we '1! ever sin^ : mi Thy praises we will still revere-,- Our father and our King ! Chorus. Then, brethren, fill your glasses high. In concord let us join ; And drink the glorious memory, Of him who crossed the Boyne. For one great cause we will unite For that just cause we'll die ; Bound to defend our country's right, Our King and liberty ; Our constitution and our laws. Our blest religion too ; All, all unite in this great cause, Our standard is '« True Blue." If Irish, French, or haughty Dons, Against our King doth rise ; We'll show them that great William's sons Their hellish power despise. For William's spirit we retain, By Heaven's divine command ; And, bound by one great sacred chain, We'll triumph o'er the land. To ' i.f!l n : Warmer's Hfiiar. Shall n-eedo.n'« avvf.I v<,ice no more Ascend in minatrelsy.ublime? Shall Derry's secret hand o« yore i>t.II .lumber Huhe dust oftimr? Hc^e chieftain, fe!.: in ,nanl.ood';prin.e J i^ut heaven regards their destin., And sjn-eads from J,ence through every dime *''e vestal l!ame of liberty. ' on rosy l.nes.ofroyla's breast, '^;' W.ndmiJl.hill the noon-day sun, On Pennyburn the breeze, u-est l^"t Ao,n the deeds that here were done Historic glory fades away: Here every field is Marathon, And every y, s Thermopylae ! When royal treason doom'd our /hll, The powers ofdarkness onward drove Disease and famine scaled our wall, ' And floods of horror closed abovL Then freedom, like a banished dove- Bereft of home-bereft of rest- i>ought refuge in a city's love And found an ark-the fre'eman's breast I fe,VVxLKER! father of the free' Undaunted soldier, saint and sage J Thy Bible and thy sword shall be Our beacon lights from age to age • NSTRV/, r. lore pnme j svery clime, ' J iun, doni »von J done rove. breast ! ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 163 The 'Prentice Boys our hearts engage, And Murray still in meni'ry warm,' Who gleamed amid the battle's rage,' A bolt of vengeance in the storm. Around this pile, from year to year, SIrali grateful sires their homage pay, And pledge the youthfnl hero liere To liberty and truth, for aye. Inspired by deeds of glory's day, ^A phalanx firm shall still be known. With heart and hand like those away, To guard the altar and the throne. Robert Young. ^0 jTennanaflh. Prize thou the Bible anchor, sure In every storm to save thee ; The rich bequest of precepts pure Which thy Redeemer left thee. Though memory recall the past, Be it repeated never ; Thy country's future lot be cast In happiness forever ! May peace and plenty bless the land, While Erne enamoured dallies Around thy flood-girt palace, and Among thy verdant vallies. ^"=^;^»TED EMPIRE Ml^^^^j^ Bt^acrcd rreecl<,m valued more Than i. the blood which cour.es ^Vithm thy heart, nnd fill its core Willi life-sustaining forces. Fermanagh, thus thy deathless fame ^ hall deck thy counfrv's story And thine for ever be a'naine i>.vnonymous with glory ' J"ly the twelfth .shall Lear a voice, n possible, yet stronger j On freedom's birthday .till ,ejoice, Ji'l tune shall be no longer. God save our noble Queen, I'ong live our sovereign Queen, God save the Queen : Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, I'Ong to reign over us, God save the Queen. He'-e, while to thee we bend, Lovd, let thy grace descend On silver wing • ^et our glad hearts express Our grateful happiness, Grant we may long possess Our noble Queen. I C'l' ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. Father of light! to thee, Giver of victory, Praises we sing: Our Queen's mild sway we own ; May thy past favors shown. Still guard the sacred throne Of our good Queen. ! God of comfort, deign To hear the humble strain Which we now sing; Kneeling before thy throne. Let us thy favour own, Which thou Imst already shown On our lov'd Queen. May Heav'n her life defend, And make her race extend Wide as her fame ; Thy choicest bless-ngs shed On her anointed head, And make her foes to dread Her potent name ! Firm and united, here, May each revolving year Peace to us bring ! Sweet concord evermore Bless Britain's happy shore, Let ]'(:■:' free sons encore, " God save the Queen." 165 ^--^■W- .-■j'^^ a^: 166 v^^«>. «^^ou. „.„ one; m j,,;^,;;;;; "0 '■oil tha( once in Poni.i, Our blood in ,„„„rS' ^""^>= No :: "?'■""" -""i-jT' o'"Pp~l';:;'^'^'^-''Ki„,, Th» ^ ^"^^ grave : '^h" flag of (riumph wave. Can Pro,e.la„„ hok lamely on, And ,00 their rai,hrevilej. ''i"""'-™"""-- bandar, g;„e And are ,l,.y, „„^ J "°. '-'' nil cn \vp ifo *i, \T T " *vt are tne guard • ^^oJesuu craft or priestl/i::'' Religion shall retard. Ti.e ca„.. of ,™,, ,„„ „„, ^_^ _ ^-fle.Torc"^::,':^— rea. e IS "cads abroad, The light of Sen Reaction's voi' ,« i i__ % craven Rome ^se're n ,* ' MINSTREL. '**'i cause 8 draws, Ircad ? fid King, sing, on, :one, list ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 167 "phelJ, queJJed, cere, ive fear, road, ved, Then Jet o„r Orange banner wave, Our soul, he firm and true ; ''slut ;"^-»'--n cause a grave, Shall find salvation too. ffiftaractn' Of Jtr„B wnunm m mivt,,' OF GLORIOUS -kmohy. "^'"^w^ He was, but is no more— The head, hand, and heart of the confederacy! ine asserteroriiborty! The deliverer of nations! The supporter of the empire! The bulwark ofHolIand and Flanders' The preserver of Britain! The reducer of Ireland! and The terror of Prance! His thought, were wise and sacred- lis words were few a„d faithful : ' H,s actions many and heroic ; His government without tyrannv : Hisjustice without rigour J and' His religion without superstition. He was Great, without pride j Valiant, uithout violence; Victorious, without triumph ; Active, with out weariness,-' Cautious, without fear,-' Memoriou^withoiu recompense. -i^^^^^^^:^!!:^^^ 168 .^''"J^^'TED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ^.ng, Quee,., or Potentate, I never saw ^oju«tw,eJ.onest, valiant, as Nas^ He w . - but words are wanting to say what %aIlthat'.g.-eatandgoucl,anJhow; ta EnH n '° "." ''^"'''''' '^'^"^ '"-^^'-'^^ to the strife- Each b ow that we deal i. for ireedcn and it^^ ?::;"'^"'-^f'r'T.crea„.onthehIa-^ Tlfoemanh.s leaguer around u. has cast J And loud ,s Ins „,enace, and dark is his fro vn As .n vengeance he glares on the Bible and C-own. No phantom illusive allures to the fi-dit— No vision that Hashes and fades on the .ight- That fleets ke the vapour of morning av4y A moment deceptively aiJt b, it, , a/. ^' No selfish ambition, the bubble renown, But the soul-stirring cause of the Bible and Crown. With the hohest ardour of chivalry's thrill- Because to ennoble the meanest, whose brand I Gleams ga lantly drawn for the weal of the hnd • I As they boldly rush on for the Bible and Crown. Each minor dissention be lost at the call, Lettl,e Presbyter strike by the Prelatist' side And stem m strong union fell Popery's tide RE MIJVSTHEL. , I never saw "t, as Nassau J ■vamiiig to i^ay u|,a( id, and he was tliat. earts! (o the strife iVccdom and li/b ; on the blast— ' us has cast j ark is his frown, lie Uible and Crown. he figlit — ' on the t>ight — oi'ning away, is i-ay ,• renown, Bible and Crown. m to fill ly's thrill— ^ whose brand 'cal of the land,- 'e and the clown- ble and Crown. lie call, 'er all j 3latist's side, >iy's tide, ckly would drown,- 'i'^ie and Crown. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 1C9 Oh ! deem not the demon will pause Of Luther or Calvin tl in his ire, le signs to uire onq liave burst , •d Enough, ye the fetters of errors I Alike ye have dared, and alike are accurs'.. : He hee^m,:ummmumimmmm. tINSTHEL. e could say, er; e day, iour. high, 'lie > we'il beg ir: — . er fail,— our. see, 'al and free, 'e defy, d noise ; ?h, he'd my and [unsay, 3ve 177 j OBANOE SONGS AND POEMS. - ' - - - - ^-'-'>--ys/v^ I «aid to the crops, when they found themselves strong. And the rascally French were at hand, Our fathers beat yours and their French-ified throng, From the face of this very same land j Don t you know at the Boyne how they rnr, from the How they fled from the Orange and Blue ; rfi.ht! When W„ha,ofNassau appeared in their sight. Encircled by Protestants true? "^Wiro''^ '"'''" '^"^ ^^" '"'^y '^P^'o «"cceed, Hhen Orangemen stand in array. For their King and their country determined to bleed, 1 he republicans shrink with dismay Oh ! no, 'tis too late :-all their plots we defy, At their foolish attempts we may smile : Since William of Nassau in glory on high Keeps watch o'ertlie Emerald Isle. ^ih tocep for the iiour. AN Irish MstoDr, bi ai» Apprentice Bot op Derrt. Oh ! weep for the hour, when the iron hand of power Was laid upon our grand association, : When Goulbourn's vile bill broke us up against our will Preventing our dictating to the nation, ; We were organised men, who like tigers in a den, Were panting to break out with indignation, O • Tolay the country waste (void of human kind and beast). And thus achieve our full emancipation, 0. -#*; 178 z^EE^]^"''^ «,^^^ io remain in ouipf Qfa^a • For ,he sake ofn^lTrh t ""^'' " P'"*"' ; No dr„™ .„ loud a ;'r ' I" ''"' '""■""* '"'he =» 'iram ecclesiastic, 0. purch. What could noble Welleslev ,1. -.i. u • For o„.„^„,e.,ve„o„,dr..o,e™„..,a„ .,.„„, We would bea'dThe Bri • hf °"''' " °""^-- the Br,t,sh Lion in his slumber, O. No. a„ a™, rron, .be north would presume to ventu. j--e„dtteTr^-::troX:i::,t' 'mmi^ti^i^iM'imm- me to venture °«ANOE SONGS AND POEMS. 179 But, alas! the virion's gone, our commanders are undone, And the only comfort left them is a danger • Forif not purloined or spent, our twelve thousand pounds ol rent May be confiscated by the Saxon stranger, 0. This was the place, whoae martial aons alone Supported freedom and the British throne : Adored the parent stem from whence it grew Bled to support its rights-and conquered too ^0 Survenirer. You Orangemen of each degree, Unite and join, be firm and steady, With heart and hand, like William's band, And at your post be always ready. To conquer those who are your foes, And imitate those youths so tender. Who shed their blood our rights to gain. And raised the cry of « No Surrender." Remember sixteen eighty-eight. When the immortal William landed On England's isle, our rights to gain And Popish James he countermanded He raised the Orang6 banner high, Surrounded by our rights' defenders : And with his chosen gallant band. He made the Popish host surrender. I», •< 180 h i 'S> ^"^^J'*^^'* EMPIRK MINSTREL. Then Eiigland's sons prod limed him Kin.. As Israel's sons they one did David ; '^ When he so bold with sling and stone, Gohah slew and Israel saved. So VVilliaiTj, like that youth so bold, To idol gods was ne'er a bender ; But, like him, with the sword of truth, He made the Popish fiends surrender. July the first day of old style, The year sixteen hundred and ninety, He cross'd the Boyne's impetuous stream, According to the Lord's appointment, 1 free our Irish Protestants From Popish knaves and vile pretenders, And with his chosen little band, Of one to ten, made them surrender. Vou Protestants, both high and low; Unite, join in confederation ; Like William's band to make a stand Unto a man throughout the nation : Like" dads" ofold, who, as we're told, With courage bold beat the Pretender And rid their land of rebel bands, ' And raised the cry of « No Surrender." Remember Aughrim, Vinegar-hill, As well as Boyne and Enniskillen j And Idjewise those who closed the gates Of Derry brave against the millions Oi Popish slaves and bigot knaves, Who shed the blood of youths so tender • Around the walls of Derry still The 'Prentice Boys cried « No Surrender." — f V-.A>«^^,' 181 ¥•• ORAWOK SONGS AND POEMS. Now to conclude, and make an end To these few lines which I have written, Fill up your glass, round let it pass In memory of those true Britons Who bhed tfieir blood our rights to gn The deeds of old may we remember, And, like those heroes, raise the cry Of' die," before that we surrender. John Wilson, D. C. M. Toronto. 5rhe <©ifflfnal ntimxixUvo. Ho ! brother Teague, didst hear the decree^ Lilliburlero bullen a la — Daf we shall have a new deputy? Lilliburlero bullen a la. Chorus. Lero, lero, lilliburlero lero, lero, bullen a la, Lero, lero, lilliburlero lero, lero, bullen a la. Ho, by St. Tyburn ! it is the Talbote— Lilliburlero bullen a la ; And we will cat de Englishman's troie, Lilliburlero bullen a la. Dough, by my shoul ! the English do prate, Lilliburlero bullen a la ; De laws on dere side, and Christ knows what: Lilliburlero bullen a la. But if de dispense do come from the Pope, Lilliburlero bullen a la We'll hang Magna Charta and dem in a rope, Ldliburlero bullen a la : Q IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^^ 1.0 I.I 2.2 Us 2.0 ]M IIIIIU IIIIII.6 V <^ /: °^ '> ■> Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 # fV iV ^\ ^, ^\ WrS %>J^ ^ k ^■i* '^'" '' 1 1 182 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. For de good Talbote is made a lord, Lilliburlero l)ullen a la — And with brave lads is corning abroad ; Lilliburlero bullen a la. Who all in France have taken a sware — Lilliburlero bullen a la ; Dat dey will have no Protestant heir, Lilliburlero bullen a la. Arrah, why but does he stay behind ? Lilliburlero bullen a la ; Oh ! by my shoul ! its a Protestant wind, Lilliburlero bullen a la. But see de Tyrconnell is gone ashore, Lilliburlero bullen a la ; And we sli«ll have commissions galore, Lilliburlero bullen a la. And he that will not go to the mass, Lilliburlero bullen a la ; Shall be turned out and look like an ass, Lilliburlero bullen a la. Now, now the heretics all go down; • Lillerburlero bullen a la ; By de Pope and St. Patrick ! de nation's our own, Lilliburlero bullen a la. Dare was an ould prophecy found in a bog, Lilliburlero bullen a la, That — " Ireland should be ru'cd by an ass and a Lilliburlero bullen a la. [hog." STREL. road ; jware — leir, nd? It wind, ore, alore, in ass, n; # ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 183 s^w--' ■^-^." lation's our own, in a bog, by an ass and a [hog." .. And now dis prophecy is come to pass, Lilliburlero bullen a la; For Talbot's do hog and James is de ass, Lilliburlero bullen a la. When tyranny's detested power Had leagued with superstition, And bigot James, in evil hour. Began his luckless mission — Still here survived the sacr'^jd flame. Here freedom's sons did rally, And consecrate to deathless fame The men of Skinner's Alley. When William came to set them free From famine, fire, and water, And tlie first dawn of liberty Had blushed on the Boyne water, Then they did fill to glorious Will ; At such a toast who'd dally ? While liberty and loyahy Exist in Skinner's Alley. And here, through each revolving year, The sacred flame was cherished ; Though lost in faction's fearful fray. It once had nearly perished. Until our fathers' spirits rose, — While knaves stood shilly shally, Then did we sing <• God save the King," We men of Skinner's Allev. Hv "m i fc 184 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. And oft may we repeat that toast, By festive draughts elated ; While loyalty, our proudest boast. On every heart is seated. For ne'er can we forget the King, Round whom all virtues rally j And our own William's name shall ring Each night in Skinner's Alley. When William came to England, the King of it to be. He brought a plant along with him, called the old Orange tree; He planted it in London, most glorious for to see, It spread forth its branches and defeated Popery. C/iorus. Come, let us join in chor, id drink a toast all round To the memory of King . .,iam and the day that he was crowned j Come, let us join with heart and hand, and evermore agree. Because we are the branches of this old Orange tree. When William came to Ireland, the Protestants to join. He brought this tree along with him, and set it at the Boyne ; He crossed the Boyne courageonsly and beat them one to three, Proud Pharaoh's eons affrighted ran to see the Orange tree. rBEL. oust, >ast, ng. yj shall ring By. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 185 ig of it to be, the old Orange r to see, Popery. oast all round s day that he and evermore )range tree. ■slants to join, l1 set it at the )eat them one (e the Orange H 'Twas in the year '98 Priest Murphy gave command To cut down the branches from olTthis holy land} To cut down the branches, the roots would soon decay, Because they were not willing to join idolatry. Now the winter it is past, and the summer's drawing near. Our Orange trees are budding in the spring-time of the year ; Our Orange trees are budding, and their roots are all alive, And for every branch they cut olT, we have engrafted five. Siv Priests dined together one Friday in Lent, To raise a rebellion it was iheir intent, With their long black cloaks and vestments so white- One swore by the Pope, others swore by the devil, Another roared out in terms more uncivil ; The fourth shouted out, by the powers of man, To raise a rebellion I'll do ail I can. With my long black cloak and vestments so white. The fifth he roared out, as he carv'd up some mutton, " Lord ! how I'd like to be heretics gutting. With my long fork and great carving knife. " Bravo !" said the sixth, « I second your motion ;" Then those six holy sons of wine took their portion ; They all with one voice did truly agree That in Protestant blood they would wade to the knee. With their long black cloaks and vestments so white. 2T~ -" : 186 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. They toasted Lord Edward, and gave him three cheers, They filled up three bumpers to traitors and Shears, With their long black gowns atid vestments so white ; Wlien a clap from each one made the house for to ring, It's " God save the Pope, and down with the King ;" The chairman cried out, as 'tis getting so late, I'd better sit down and settle the state, With our long black cloaks and vestments so white. Then one of those priests to another did say, If we chance to be taken we'll see Botany Bay, With our long black cloaks and vestments so white ; So take my advice, and kill all you can, Spare not a woman, a child, or a man ; For Heaven you'll get for doing such deeds, And clearing the country of ruinous weeds, With our long black cloaks and vestments so white. The chairman arose, who was father McBride, I have a plan in my pocket this town to divide. With my long black cloak and vestments so white: I Here is Stephen's-green, I will give it to thee. But as for the Castle it's for you and me j And as for the rest, you may all have the College,— Then our holy religion will spread and get knowledge, With our long black cloaks and vestments so white. But in the arrangement there was a demur, For just at this moment in stepped Major Sirr, With his long sword and pistols so bright ; 0, it's then how they looked, and oh ! how they stared, Had be been old Nick they could not be more scared : ' The Major, well knowing they were desperate foes. Instead of the Castle gave them the Proves ! With long black cloaks and vestments so white. TREL. m three cheers, and Shears, nents so white j ousc for to ring, I the King ;" » late, ents so white. say, ny Bay, Mits so white ; ds, h, ;nts so white. Bride, Jivide, its so white: thee, College, — t knowledge, Its so white. Sirr, It; iV they stared, iiore scared : erate foes, s! [> white. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 187 ^ht 33attle ot the ismtc. Of Nelson and the north Sing the glorious day's renown. When to battle fierce came forth All the might of Denmark's crown, And her arms along the deep proudly shone : By each gun the lighted brand, In a hold determined hand, And the prince of all the land Led them on. Like leviathans afloat, Lay their bylwarks on the brine, While the sign of battle flew O'er the lofty British line, It was ten of April morn by the chime : As they drifted on their path, There was silence deep as death. And the boldest held their breath, For a time. But the might of England flush'd To anticipate the scene ; And her van the fleeter rush'd O'er the deadly space hetween. "Hearts of Oak!" our captain cried,— when each gun, From its adamantine lips, Spread a death-shade round the ships, Like the hurricane eclipse Of the sun. 188 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Again ! again ! again ! And the havoc did not slack, Till a feeble cheer the Dane To our cheering sent us back : Their shots along the deep slowly boom : — Then ceased— and all is wail, As they strike the shattered sail, Or in conflagration pale, Light the gloom. Now joy, old England, raise, For the tidings of thy might ; By the festal cities' blaze. While the wine cuj* shines in light. And yet, amidst that joy and uproar, Let us think of them thai sleep. Full many a fathom deep, By thy wild and stormy steep, Elsinore ! Brave hearts ! to Britain's pride, ^ Once so faithful and so true. On the deck of Fame that died With the gallant good Riou — Soft sigh the winds of heaven o'er their grave ! While the billow mournful rolls, And the mermaid's song condoles, Singing glory to the souls Of the brave. Campbell. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 189 *'\ CAMPBELL. 8^ho oares to speaft of ^fnetg^efflht. Who dares to speak of" Ninoty-eight ?" Who blushes at the name ? Who dreads to meet the patriot's fate ? Who hangs his head with shame ? The abject slave, Or rebel knave, May treat his country thus; But true men, Like you men. Will cast their lot with us. When here they raised the banner red. And loyal hearts seemed few, Who foremost to the conflict sped? The Orange and the Blue: At duty's call They one and all, From lake, and ridge, and bush Came, — true men. Like you men, And cast their lot with us. Our sires may boast of "Ninety-eight," We boast of " Thirty-seven," From Gallows Hill, in daylight bright, The rebel foe were driven ; They dare not wait A soldier's fate. But, craven-hearted, flew, From true men. Like you men. The Orange and the Blue. 190 mi THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. May Romish slaves be slaves no more, And Gallia's sons enjoy Tnie liberty, past struggles o'er, Our peace without alloy : 01(1 feuds forgot, One common lot, In our adopted land, And true men. Like you men, E'er fill our gallant band. The Bible on our banner bright. T • O 7 Its impress on our brow, Its spirit as our sword for fight — We fear not foe, I trow. Should strangers dare To venture here, Their " stars and stripes" disown ; For true men, Like you men, The altar and the throne ! A Member of 387. 5Che ajattle of Salamanca. Loud roar'd the British thunder ! Near Salamanca's towers ; French ranks were cut asunder, By Britain's daring povv'rs ; The fields were batiied in blood. For S]>afn and England's good : On that day thousands lay On the field of battle, \ § ITREL. more. I sown ; [BER OF 387. tea. blood, good ORANGE SONUS AND POEMS. 191 As the day was near retiring, The conflict fierce began • Trcniendous was tlie firing, Which through the battle ran ; The bayonets decide — (The British soldier's |)ride !) Th' awful sight, in the night, On the field of battle, ! And ere returning morrow Had beamed on distant hilN, The foe, impressed with horror, Resigned the bloody fields To victory's glorious son, Immortal Welliington ; VVHio remained, and obtained The honor of the battle, ! Where Doro's waves meander, They urg'd their wayward course, In speed to Penaranda, Pursued by British force. From plains with carnage spread. Inglorious Marmont fied, Wounded sore, in the roar, On the field of battle, ! Long shall this deed of glory Re-echo to the skies, And Wellington, in story, Shall live till nature dies. For valor he shall stand, The Nelson of the land 5 And be blest— long caress'd For Salamanca's battle, O ! * ^-*-«.-."*N*-.- ,j il ' f, 1 K I I I id! 192 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Hognl JJlacb Skona. One night as I lay on my bed I fell into a dream, Through rugged ways I had to pass — to a sheepfold I came ; [spy, Nigh to a brook, with scrip and crook, a youth I there did I ask'd his name, he did exclaim, I am a shepherd boy I am a shepherd boy — I am a shepherd boy, I ask'd his name, he did exclaim, I am a shepherd boy. The sheepfold on a pleasant plain near to a camp it lay, The lovely lambs, all round their dams, did skip and sport and play ; The fields were green, all things I seen, they yielded me much joy. But nothing there I could compare with the young shep- herd boy. Repeat. He got his pack plac'd on his back, a long staff in his hand, [mand ; And says this day I must obey my father's strict com- I ask'd him where he was bound for — he made me this reply : — To that camp there I must repair, although a shep- herd boy. Repeat. My brethren they are in the camp, a-fighting for their King, These presents here, their hearts to cheer, I unto them must bring. [reply : I ask'd him how he could get there ? he made me this A mark, said he, is left you see, to guide the shepherd boy. Repeat. i^-ll ll TREL. '■y^*■^ *.,%.-« ', a dream, () a sheepfold I ,'oulli I there did shepherd boy — iherd boy, I shepherd boy. a camp it lay, , did skip and hey yielded me the young shep- Repeat. mg staff in his [mand ; r's strict com- ^ made me this loiigh a shep- R,epeat. »hting for their p, I unto them [reply : made me this ; the shepherd lepeat. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 193 ; Then when he wont into the cnmp I saw a curious sight, Both armies there they did prepare lor to renew "^tho fight ; A man six cubits and a span his brethren did defy ; None in that j)!ace that man could face but the young sliepherd boy. Repeat. The King, ho says, " this Philistine, that fills the camp with awe ; j Whoever doth this monster kill shall bo my son-;. i. law !" "Then I will imple dream. No man but he that's born free shall ever know the same: Fill up your glass, round let it pass, for I am gcttinj; dry, And toast with me the memory of the young she])!iord '^oy- Repeat. Wm. Johnston, G!asgov\ . R ' ^^ I: '.i f^ 'i ■'4 I . 194 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. You Orangemen all round the globe, praise God, who did you send The mighty William of Nas-sau, your rights for to defend ; Who confounded every Popish plot, and with vengeance did pursue ^f^^^. That wicked band, throughout the land, all for his chosen Chorus. All for his chosen few—all for his chosen few ; That wicked band throughout the land, all for his chosen few. When Popery in all its dread, arrayed against us was. Designed and deemed by hell's intent our brethren to ensnare} But when King William did appear their schemes he ovei-threw, And with bloody fight, put them to flight, all with his chosen few. Chorus. 'Twas at the Boyne we plainly saw, as the iiero rode along. He viewed their lines, and cried, brave boys, we must fight them three to one ; So follow me, my Britons bold; their numbers we'll pursue, And with bloody fight put them to flight, all with our chosen few. Chorus. At the hero's words, each Briton bold, like lions fought their way. And William's cry was, " Britons die, or else redeem the day ;" «Mti.a»i»W«^ilS*««a»: REL. aise God, who 5 for to defend ; i'ith vengeance [few : for his chosen >sen few ; for his chosen inst us was, ir brethren to j ' schemes he , all with his horns. the hero rode oys, we must umbers we'll all with our 'orus. ! lions fought else redeem I ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 195 'Twas then we gave three loud huzzas— the word was I to pursue ; i But the rebels' cry was, " run or die, for here's the chosen few." Chorus. At the hero's words, each Briton bold, like lions fought , ^^«"g' [the van : And plunged into the rapid Boyne ; brave William led The glory of each Briton's soul is always to pursue, And immortal fame we gain'd that day for William's chosen " w. C/ioms. As we then are the chosen few, brave boys, do not despair, Though our enemies rage around us, we're God's peculiar care ; j-^rew, Fear not the Pope, nor e'en the deil, nor all his wicked But George's laws we will maintain with William'.' chosen few. Chorus. Let numbers be e'er so great or few, depend not in a ^, ^^"'°"^' [strong; The race is never with the swift, nor battle with the Beware of all those Carmelites, their vows they wil^ break through ; Be this our plan, admit not one into our chosen few. Chorus. Fill nowyour glasses to the brim, and merrily toast around. That loyalty, love, and harmony amongst us may abound;' To God above the praise we'll give, to whom all praise is due, And drink to William's memory, and all his chosen few. Chorus. ^ it -: 1 196 THK UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. 8rhe UattU of the mie. Arise, arise, Britannia's sons arise, And join in the shouts of the patriot throng ; Arise, arise, Britannia's sons arise, And let the heavens echo vvitli your song. The genius of Albion, victory proclaiming, Flies through the world our rights and deeds maintaining; While the battle of the Nile will be foremost on the file, And Nelson's, gallant Nelson's name recorded will be. Chorus. Then huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, boys, Mars guards for us what freedom did by charter gain ; Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, Britannia still, Britannia rules the main. The proud sons of France, with insulting haughty scorn, Have too long oppressed our neighbouring "depen- dencies ; And vainly did hope that their conquests should be borne. With harmony, triumphant o'er the waves. [der' But Nelson soon taught them with peals of British thun- Tothe flag of Royal George 'twas their duty to surrender; While the battle of the Nile shall be foremost on the file] And Nelson's, gallant Nelson's name recorded shall be! Then huzza, &;c. The councils above and deities of war Have determined to give to valor true renown ; And soon on the brow of each loyal British tar Was planted that splendid royal crown. t REL. le. rong ; ng- J. Is maintaining; ost on the file, 'ordcd will be. boys, • charter gain ; laughty scorn, uring depen- Duld be borne, 'es. [der, 'British thun- to surrender; St on the file, 'ded shall be. 'a, «Sic. novvn I tar I ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 197 The loud trump of fame through heaven and earth was sounding, ^i„g. With Howe, Jarvis, Duncan, and Nelson's name resound- While the battle of the Nile shall be foremost on the file. And Nelson's, gallant Nelson's name recorded shall be. Then huzza, i\:c. Arouse, arouse, Britannia's sons arouse. And meet your protectors with open arms returning; And view the spoils by blood that they have bought, '^ For the glory of this happy, happy isle. While a British seaman's name hereafter shall be ])enn'd, A terror to his foe and an honor to his friend ; While at the battle of the Nile our children shall smile. And ages yet unborn share the glories of the day. Then huzza, (fee. ailemrmtrances. Awake, my mu.':e, from youthful dream, Let by.gone days inspire a theme, Oh ! strike a note ('mid cheering gleam) For Britain's Constitution : No longer slumber in the hour When dark'ning clouds around us lower, Portending Eome's approaching power, With former persecution. Bartholomew's, with mournful gloom, Points forward to the day of doom. Presaging wrath to heathen Rome, And all on her depending. •, In breathless trepidation ; To reach their nearest neighbour's door And at it make their station. They burn'd their straws with pious care. And on their knee-bones bended ; And to the virgin Queen their prayer Most fervently ascended : That she from Roman Catholics Would have the plague arrested ; But with it scourge the heretics, \Vho long the isle infested. But some of them who miss'd the mark, Destroy'd the incantation ; For as they hurried in the dark To make their straw oblation. Round doors of Protestants they knelt. And for them supplicated ; ' Which caused the holy spell to melt, Like dewa by sunbeams heated. Yet, wrapped in mystery profound. The humbug has arrived ; Some Jesuit, for craft renown'd, Must have the plot contrived, To try how soon he could convey The cry of devastation ; Rouse, Catholics ! the Saxons slay, And bravely free the nation. Robert Young. )f STREL. young, em hung, lered o'v i-, r's door ious care, Jed; ayer 3d J e mark, :nelt, lelt, I. RT Young. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 201 We .-re Protestants true, and we Popery defy ; We will never allow it our faith to destroy ; For 'tis written in our hearts in letters blood-red I Remember at Smith field our forefathers bled. I Chorus. j For Popeiy is shocking, boys. Red hats and stockings, boys ; We will never let Popery rule o'er our land. We fear no superstition,— the Pope with lii.^ chain,— We've been too long Scot free to be shackled again ; Up, up every heart, with courage true blue, And down with old Wiseman and all of his crew. If the Pope or his bull should to England arrive. We'd soon let him see there's more Cromwells alive ; We would let loose our bull-dogs, and cut him in twain, And play him a tune, called *' Crossing the Boyne !" Up, up every man, and take the alarm. Or they'll serve you as once at Scullabogue barn, Where four or five hundred they burned alive,— We'll make them do penance if e'er they arrive. There arc four hundred Priests in Ireland, I'm told, Mutt'ring Latin to gods of brass, iron and gold ; They may go to St. Peter to give them a lift. For we'll soon send our bull-dogs to set them adrift. The virgin Rimini was blinking her eyes, I And of her the Pope told a great many lies ; 202 •^^"v^ -v, ■*. - 1^ -^ ■ , THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. -"-■^-^v*.^' \jj-j Up, "P with the Church, and down with the Pone, We 11 never be govern'd hy clock-work, I hope. This Wiseman has tried every scheme that he knows, But we II make h.m beg pardon for touching the rose We 1! soon make him see that we'll have no concessioi., Our Wives and our children shan't go to confession. The Orange and Blue shall fly in our town, We II stand to a man to put Popery down : They must smell of our powder, and taste of our ball, And before we turn Papists, we'll die one and all. Now come, ringyour church bells and make a loud noise, I And dume-'. No Surrender!" "The Protestant I Boys !" j The t^^Tlve Popish Bishops must shake every bone,- V^uh Wiseman ^ve'll send then, all packing to Rome. Then, hurrah for the Church ! for its faith it is true ! Three cheers for the Orange, and three for the Blue ' Three groans for red stockings, and three for the Pope ! And may Wiseman and Company die by the rope. Stockport, England. Po^^e^ful au-xiharies to the late riots at A pretty maid (a Protestant) was to a Papist wed, It so,e, g e ,,^^^^^^,^ ,^^^^^^ tlLTsl^eToSlj To jom the Pop.sh Church of Rome, and heresy deny. «?--:.«»wSWte«|i STREL. h the Pope, c, I hope. that he knows, ^hing the rose ; e no concession, confession. ivn, vnj ■e of our ball, 10 and all. ke a loud noise, j 3 Protestant j !very bone, — cing to Rome. 1 it is true ! T the Blue ! for the Pope ! tlie rope. this a place solely 5 the late riots at OnANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 'ist wed, id been born ne'er comply It she would leresy deny. 203 He went unto the Romish Priest, to tell him his sad tale.- '*My wife's an unbeliever, sir; try if you can prevail ; You say you can work miracles, she says it is absurd ; Convince her and convert her, and I will you reward." The Priest went with the gentleman, and thought to gain a prize. He said, " I will convert your wife, and open both her eyes .5) And when they came unto the house, the gentleman then cries, " The Priest has come to dine with us." " He's wel- come," she replies. The dinner being over, the Priest he then began To explain unto the lady the sinful state of man ; The kindness of our Saviour no Christian will deny, Who gave himself a sacrifice and for our sins did die. " I will return to-morrow— prepare some bread and wine ; ; I will dispense the sacrament to satisfy your mind :" j " I'll bake the cake," the lady says ; '' you may," replied ^ he, I " And when this miracle you've seen, convinc'd I 'm sure you'll be." The Priest then came accordingly,— the elements did bless ; j The lady ask'd, " Sir, is it changed 1" his reverence ' answered <'Yes! [blood,— ' " It 's chang'd from real bread and wine, to real flesh and You may depend upon it, it is the very God." ■• Mf 204 THK UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Then having hle.ssM the bread and wine, to eat they did prepare ; The Jady said unto the Priest, '« I'll have you now lake care, For one half ounce of arsenic I have mix'd in the cake, But as you have its nature chang'd, it ran no dilPrence make." The Priest then siood confounded, and iook'd as pale as death, The bread and wine fell from his hands, and he did gasp for breath, — " Bring me my horse," his reverence said, "this is a cursed place:" "Begone, begone!" the dame replies, " and never show your face." Her husband Iook'd confused, and not one word did sav: At length he spoke— ''My dear," says he, « the Priest has I'lni away ; Such mum'ry and such nonsense no Christian can endure: I'll go with you and will renounce the Babylonian whore." 1 mmtvi j ox TUB GRAND PRGCKSSIG.V IN TORONTO CITY, JULY 12Tn. 1852. (Am, — " Aiihl LanyKjinf.'') Blest shade of that immortal King Who nobly cross'd Boyne's fltrod, Teach me his praises loud to sing Who for us shed his blood. .„ ,;'>«8ittt4»A;T.'«#S«**te. STREL. JULY 12th, 1852. .'ine, to eat they ve you now lake ix'd in the cake, \ 'an no dilFrence ook'd as pale as ids, and he did s'aid, "this is a ind never show e word did say: 10, «' the Priest Christian can he Babylonian ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 205 May every year ne;v glory give To those of William's line ; And may his sons for ever liv'e, * To meet their sire divine. But here's to those who each Jul V Their brethren do join, To celebrate the glorious day King William cross'd the Boyne. The Orangemen from larand near, In July fifty-two, By Toronto men invited were— - One thousand good and true; That in their city all should meet. About the hour of noon, And then proceed, from street to street, Throughout that loyal town. Choni9. Then here's to those who each July Their brethren do join, , '^<' celebrate the glorious day I King William cross'd the Boyne. (Am,_" Cropjncs, Ik down.'') With ..-anspon, „f jo,, they respond .o ,he call, O. ! .ell me ,he.r „„„ber._I can', count .l,cm all^ But f on. Hamilton, Wl.itby, and BianirorJ they came e thousand brave men, in William's great name ' And next came those heroes „l,o gained their renown In makmg at Slahtowu the Croppies lie down, Derry down, &c. M 206 THE UNITED EMIMHE r.l*NSTREL. vw •%»*•••» -^ (Ant,—" nc (,'irl lift bi'hiitd mr) At twelve o'clock tli' eleventh niuhf, Tvvf'lvo cnnnoii ^hots were fireil, To wAwv ill that morn «o hright — J}y all so iiiuch desired ; Joyful we ::ieet the uiorning ray Which Heaven did distend us, Portentous of the heavenly day She was ahout to send us. When day had put to flight the night, And noon was fast ai)proaching, The Orange boys, with banners bright, Into our town wore marching : In every place and every street The Orange Hags were flying, And every band we there did meet Had Orange music playing. (Am,—" The British Grenadiers.") My friends, I pray you hasten, Each Lodge already moves; Let each take up his station At the place of rendezvous. For some are there before us, Now free from every care ; Let's raise our colours o'er us And show I'lem liithdrf are neki. (Air,—" There's naguidlucl:") On high the Orange banner flew, and loudly beat the drum, And as each lodge its station knew, thrice loudly pealed our gun : NSTRKL. 1 ni|^lit, firetl, lit— ay us, y c night, hing, rs bright, ig: meet iers.") IS. J IS e neai. loudly beat the •ice loudly pealed ■'/ / ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 207 Upon six largo and milk-uhitc steeds, six marshals knightly rode— Such steeds as that King William rode the day he cross'd Boyne's flood. Our district nia.sters took the front, the county followed next; And then came those of the grand lodge, m silken scarlet dresH'd : In martial order all being formed, at o c we left the ground, To cheer our hearts we played that ma-rh, we call « Croppies, lie down." (Am,—" Lj/snegade.'") Each lodge one stand of colours had, and some had even two, I And every man new ribbons wore of purpl ^ and of j blue ; With marching bands of warriors the plai.-s were covered o'er, The earth groaned deep beneath their feet, and loudly roareil the shore. RejKUt in chorus.— With marching ands. As onward marched our Orangemen, a glorious sight was seen — Windows decked on either side in every hue but green ; Ninety stands of banners bright high dazzled in the sun. And everywhere from van to rear was heard the Orange drum. 208 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ■j (AiB,—" LilUhurlero.") From street to street we marci.e.l away, all dres^'d in orange and purple gay, '" I Two thousand and ten were the number of men who jomed HI procession on that liappy day • But women and children linked to the brethren, far and near came to see them in town WJio alone, if permitted, were n.ore than sufficient to put every rebe and Ribbonman down. Awake ! awake ! You Protestant Bovs, In the cause of your forefathers conquer or die ; In memory of William, We yearly assemble, And join in procession each twelfth of July. Repeat in c/ion^s.— A;vake ! awake ! In order and beauty and marshall'd array, we moved in procession to the cricket ground, As our drummers did beat and our fifers did play, re- freshments in plenty we joyfully found; When luncheon was ended and all were delighted, our Grand Chaplain MeyerholTer feelingly said - To God we must pray and on him depend, and' he will lor ever and ever befriend. May the Orange boys last Till ages are past ; May the Eoyal Arch Purple and Blue men combine • May this watchword of mine ' For ever be thine — "KING WILLIAM! who conquered hi« foes a, ,he Boyne." „ ^ i2^i;m^.-May the Orange boys last, &c. J. B. Davis, Virgin Lodge, Toronto. INSTREL. •") way, all diess'd in unber of men who )py day ; le brethren, far and ' than sufficient to down. uer or die ; )l'JuIy. -Awake! awake! ■'■ay, we moved in fers did play, re- found ; ?re delighted, our iiigly said, — >end, and he will 1st men combine ; mine I his foes at the ige boys last, &c. Lodge, Toronto. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 209 JThe (Klovfous ittmova. Orangemen ! we tribute owe, Which we'll pay while blood shall flow, Hearts in con;.-,ord now echo In joyous harmony : Sing of William, just and true. To whom our sacred rights are due, And ne'er forget, ye chosen few, His Glorious Memory ! Greet the days of happy yore — Laud that era evermore Which wafted Nassau to our shore. To banish slavery : Boundless thanks his deeds transcend, Those in honor we'll defend. And cowards hoot who dare suspend The Glorious Memory ! Sires, who fell in battle brave, Could you speak from the silent grave, View your sons, how they enslave Their ancient pedigree — You'd cry, revere the blood once shed. Support the cause for which we bled, O, ne'er concede till life is bled, The Glorious Memory ! Sanguine strife may swell and rage, — Traitors fierce may warfare wage, Yet we '11 l>and to latest age This crest in bla^^onryj Loyal, ever be your boast, — Mid the din of rebel host, Undaunted give the charter toast — The Glorious Memory ! ' "s'2 ^ ^- 210 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. :,u ^ttmivai kelson. No\v listen, my hearers, awhile, if you please. And a comical story I'll tell soon, Of a tight little fellow well known on the seas, And his name it was Admiral Nelson. I m sure you've all heard of his fame, How he fought like a devil wherever he came. SMm.-And maybe the Dutch, Spaniards, and French don't ? Well then, they won't Have plenty of cause to remember th.; name Of my tight little Admiral Nelson. His ariu having lost at the fam'd TeneriiTe, Never mind, says he, I shall get well soon ; I shall catch them one day, as you see ladsj and if iiiey escape me, blame Admiral Nelson. To doubt what I promise were mighty absuni, For I left them my hand as a pledge of my word. Spokcn.~And so he did : arm and all, as good security ; for you know the old proverb says Ihat a bird in hand is worth two in the bush ; So success to brave Admiral Nelson. At length (to conclude) it would make the dead smile Just to hear what Horatio befel soon ; ' The French took a trip to the banks of the Nile, To make work for brave Admiral Nelson j And there he fell in with them close to tiie land, And he stuck to their skirts, as you may understand. S2)o/ce?i,~And in truth his Satanic Majesty him- self would have laughed To see how he lathered the French with one hand,— 0, the world for brave Admiral Nelson. ,..j»fc».>ji*v;iftN*«s»»*i.? I? tflNSTREL. on. f you please, on, I on the seas, Nelson. "a me, ver he came. Itch, Spaniards, and en, they won't her till, nrime diiiirai Nelson. rencriiTe, . well soon ; '■ see lads; and if I Nelson. ihtj absurd, ge of my word. ni and all, as good ' old proverb says 1 the bush ; Admiral Nelson. ke the dead smile, oon ; s of the Nile, 1 Nelson ; e to the land, may understand. anic Majesty him- ighed I with one hand, — I ! Admiral Nelson, i ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 211 r-l TIIK Ctfiuvciv oC Enalanu not u Btin dthnvth. The Popish Priest is at the door, His lamb-like voice vve hear- But we half detect the lion's roar, Though we will not stooj) to fear. There's a spirit in old England That cannot crouch to Rome ; Our fathers liv'd the brave and free. In their own, their island home. The truths which ancient Britons knew Unto our hearts are known ; And we may not bend at the Popish JMass, Nor kneel to gods of stone. Our Church is not a new-sprung Church ; It nourished in the land Before t!ie slaves of Papal Rome Polluted England's strand. We're of no sect ; our hearts are knit With Jesus Christ the Lord : And we will not change our ancient faith, Apostate ! at thy word ! Our f^ith is truth— the truth of God ; # It blazes high and bright: We'll stand to it as our fathers stood, And may God defend the right. M. A. Stoddart. 1 '' 1 ■w---v%, v-*-^ o 212 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. mnvsmniBt (or the ^om»injs. FROM AN raPUBUSIl£I) POEJI. Arise ! brave Romans, freedom calls you ! Now is the time to strike the blow ! Let not anathemas appal you — Strike home, and lay (he Pontiff low. Who is this Priest would give salvation To sinners with a single nod ? Who is this Priest, that says damnation Hangs on his lips— is he a God ? To arms — Romans, to arms — This demigod depose : With sword and brand we'll take a stand Against our subtle foes. We asked him for a constitution : He called us heretics and knaves — But now our cry is retribution- Romans no longer \^iIl be slaves. We '11 worship God, our common father- He, who in glory ever reigns ; But, oh ! as Christians, we would rather Bow down to him without our chains. To arms — Romans, to arms — This demigod depose ; With sword and brand we'll take a stand Against our subtle foes. We want no Papal absolution- There 's oiily one who can absolve ; 'Tis he can cleanse from all pollution— To serve our God we now resolve. fSTREL. ■---wv *-»-w«V-'^^'^-^ lomnttts. calls you blow ! flow, salvation lamnation ? e a stand 1 father — cl rather chains. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 213 But this poor reptile's vain pretences Of free salvation, we despise j He cannot pardon our offences, Though he may try to blind our eyes. To arms — Romans, to arms — This demigod depose ; With sword and brand we'll make a stand Against our subtle foes. Why should we not possess a nation ! We are not Jews— nor will we be Afraid of excommunication Like Rome of old, we will be free. Long we have bowed to superstition. But now we'll bow to God alone ; And by his help, the Inquisition We'll level with the Papal Throne. To arms— Romans, to arms— This demigod depose ; With sword and brand we'll make a stand Against our subtle foes. Kint/ direct, Toronto. m a stand )lve ; tion — Ive. ! the Queen of merry England, Who so loved as she ? A gallant band may she command, In all her kingdoms three ; i^&msmAfm^i, 214 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. m- ! '.' **? ol i And there the smile of beauty, Still shines upon the free, 0! the Queen of merry England, What Queen so blest as she ? ! the Queen, &c. ! the Queen of merry England, The rose upon its stem Shall twine with Erin's shamrock Around her diadem ; While the thistle of Scotland Shall ne'er forgotten be j ! the Queen of merry England, What Queen so blest as she 1 O ! the Queen, &c. ! the Queen of merry England, VVhen sounds the battle drum, With hearts of fire and swords of flame, A thousand warriors come. To drive from land our foemen, Or sweep them from the sea ; ! the Queen of merry England, What Queen so blest as she ? ! the Queen, &c. To the Queen of merry England Our wine cups let us raise. And let the foremost toast be given Unto Victoria's praise ; Hurrah ! hurrah ! the toast is, Victoria ! three times three j Long may she live, the pride of the world, Victoria, fair and free ! ! the Queen, &:c. .!ssawsa*te ,*)!!»i MmmmirriiMUmmiti, NSTREL. f nil, ? ^uecn, &c. id, id, ? iiieen, &c. id, 1, of flame, d, ? ueen, &c. d ven the world, ueen, &c. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 215 Britannia, musing o'er the deed By her brave sons achieved, In battle where the valiant bleed And death stalks forth unheeded • Within her cave the goddess sat, And viewed the foaming ocean, Whose surges high began to beat In furious commotion ! When lo ! a Triton from afar. Came floating in a watery car, " Haste !" he cried, " Britannia, rise, Succour bring, or Nelson dies !" Roused at the name of her fav'rite, she flew To the scene where the hero expos'd to her view, Alas ! was no more ! Frantic with grief, her locks she tore, And thro' the fleet engaging The direful tale to all she bore. Amidst the battle raging : "Revenge, revenge?" aloud she cried, " To stimulate your fury, See yonder deck, how richly dy'd ! 'Tis Nelson's blood conjures ye ; By his dear manes, his parting breath, I charge you to avenge his death ; Let the British thunder so, TT Hurl destruction on the foe ; Let not his fall without something so great Be recorded to mark the lamentable ftte Of an hero so great." •')Sak^iitSmdii!i 216 THE UXITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. She ceasM : and now great Nelson's name From ship to ship resoundeil, VVliile France and Spain, envvrapp'd in (lame, Astonish'd and confounded. Feebly oppose the vengeful ire, In British hearts excited — In vain to glorj- they aspire— His death must be requited ! Unequal to tlie conflict's heat, Though great numbers fill their fleet, See, they strike ! vengeance sweep, Rushing down th' unfathoraed deep, Sinks the confed'rates of proud France and Spain, While the genius of Albion exulting claim Victory ! Victoiy ! ^Al\ What should fire a Briton's heart When his land's in danger! Courage and his patriot-strength — To repel each stranger ! Should the fi^e insult our flao-. What shall cause his wonder ? England's conquering wooden walls. And their deep-mouth'd thunder. Thus shall England ever prove Great in warlike story, And her Britons ever shine In the page of glory ! .i.: : 'K'j-fif^mr " •- mtiiBWH'tlt • MINSTREL. Felson's name (I, vrapp'd in flame, ir fleet, e svveej), ed deep, J France and Spain, ; sculling claim { ry ! Victoiy ! : m^nWs. I's heart iger I I . I trcngth- flag, onder? )dcn walls, d thunder. :)rove I ORANGE SONOS AND POEMS. Heart and iiand will e'er unite, Fearless what befalls them ; Ever ready, day or night, When their country calls them ! 217 ^^z ©eatli of i^elson- B.ecitativc. O'er Nelson's tomb, with silent grief oppress'd, Britannia mourn'd her hero, now at rest, But those bright laurels ne'er shall fade with years, Whose leaves are water'd by a nation's tears. Song. 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay. We saw the Frenchmen lay, Each heart was bounding then ; We scorn'd the foreign yoke, Our ships were British oak. And hearts of oak our men. Our Nelson mark'd them on the wave, Three cheers our gallant seamen gave, Nor thought of home or beauty ; Along the line this signal ran, "England expects that every man This day will do his duty." And now the cannons roar Along the affrighted shore Our Nelson led the way, His ship the Victory nam'd. Long be that victory fam'd ! For vict'ry crown'd the day. 218 '^>^"Mi^mmUMbL^. THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ISr'. fe. .,; J VI t But dearly was that conquest bought; Too well tiic gallant hero fought, For England, home, and beauty ; He cried, as 'midst the fire he ran, " England expects that every man This day will do his duty." At last the fatal wour.t', Which spread dismay around, The hero's breast received ; "Heav'n fights upon our side, The day's our own," he cried ; Now long enough I 've lived. In honour's cause my life was past. In honovir'ii cause I fall at last. For England, home, and beauty !" Thus ending life as he began, England confess'd that every man That day had done his duty. k ill i 'I' ^'f if raf ^ ' If m^a^dts ot the XLeati. For England when with fav'ring gale Our gallant ship up channel steer'd, And, scudding under easy sail. The high blue western land appear'd To heave the lead the seaman sprung, And to the pilot cheerly sung, " By the deep — nine !" MINSTREL. |uest bought; 3 fought, ml beauty ; [ire he ran, jvery man uty." •ound, jived ; ' side, cried ; B hved. e was past, at last, nd beauty !" egan, very man i duty. 21 rati. ^'ring gale nel steer'd, ail, nd appear'd ; lan sprung, sung, p — nine ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 219 fRfSi I" And bearing up io gain the port. Some well-known object kept in viewj An abbey-tow'r, an harbour-fort, Or beacon to the vessel true ; While oft the lead the seaman flung. And to the pilot cheerly sung, " By the mark — seven !" And as the much-Iov'd shore we near. With transport we behold the roof Where dwelt a friend or partner dear. Of faith and love a matchless proof. The lead once more the seaman flung, And to the pilot chccrlv suntr. Quarter less — five !" Now to her berth the ship draws rnVh : We shorten sail— she feels the tide " S(and clear the cable," is the cry The anchor's gone ; we safely ride, The watch is set, and through the night, We hear the seamen with delight, Proclaim — "All's well !" SThe UxUmx ^xtmmvB- Upon the plains of Flanders, Our fathers long ago. They fought like Alexanders Beneath old Marlborough ; /,: THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ■B-VW rfW"--' •'v'v."^*.' ><*-*-'-' And still in fields of conquest, Our valour bright has shone, With Wolfe and Abercrombie, And Moore and Wellington. Our plumes were waved in combats, That ne'er shall be forgot, Where many a mighty sfjuadron Reeled backwards from our shot. In charges from the bayonet, We lead our bold compeers ; But Frenchmon like to stay not For British greiuuliers. Once bravely at Vimiera They hoped to play their parts, And sing fal lira, lira. To cheer their drooping hearts. But English, Scotch and Paddy whacks, We gave three hearty cheers, And the French soon turned their backs To the British grenadiers. At St. Sebastiano's, And Badajos's town, Though raging like volcanoes The shell and shot came down. With courage never wincing, We scale the ramparts high, And waved the British ensign In glorious victory. Mi. JWfe.^'. INSTREL. est, one, ibie, ;ton. n combats, It, adron our shot, et, eers ; V not ir parts, hearts. *adtly whacks, heers, ed their backs r!=. oes e down, high, sign ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. And what could Bonaparte, With all his curassiers, In battle do, at Waterloo, With British grenadiers 1 Then ever sweet the drunrx shall beat That march unto our ears. Whose martial roll awakes the soul Of British grenadiers. 231 ISufllcitttJ the l^ome ot the S^oUtJ. Hail to thee ! England, blest Isle of the ocean, Thy proud deeds awaken the fondest emotion ; Whose name shall for ever live famous in story. The watch-word of freedom, the birth-place of glory ; Thy sons they are brave and true to their duty. Thy daughters are fair, lovely emblems of beauty : The joys that surround, but in England are found. In England the home of the world — Couch'd is her Lion, Britannia reposes, Encircl'd by laurels, amid her bright roses — Her warriors at rest and her banners all furl'd. Hail to thee England, &c. Ye who inveigh 'gainst the land of the stranger. Who would by disunion its blessings endanger, Go seek foreign climes for a country so glorious As England, old England, for ever victorious : Her light was the beacon that guided to freedom, When nations oppress'dcalPd on England to aid them, "SrW« ^-^^^^^'^^^•'^lirsiiiiiir^ I,'' '!' 222 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Her clarion she blew, stood steadfast and true, And spread her shield over the world. — Long may her navy, triumphantly sailing, And army, still conquer with courage unfailing. Their thunder for ever 'gainst tyrants be hurl'd. Hail to thee England, &c. I^arrg Bluff. When a boy, Harry BluiTleft his frienils and his home, And his dear native land, o'er the ocean to roam : Like a sapling he sprung, he was fair to the view, And was true British oak, boys, when older he grew. Though his body was weak, and his hands they were soft, When the signal was given, he the first went aloft, And the veterans all cried, he'll one day lead the van ; For though rated a boy, he'd the soul of a man. And the heart of a true British sailor. When in manhood promoted, and burning for fame, Still in peace and in war Harry Bluff was the same j So true to his love, and in battle so brave, The myrde and laurel entwine o'er his grave. For his country he fell, when by victory crowned. The flag shot away, fell in tatters around ; The foe thought he 'd struck — but he sung out avast ! And the colours of England he nailed to the mast. Then he died like a true British sailor. MM NSTREL. LSt and true, le world. — y sailing, urage unfailing. Its be hurl'd. ee England, &c. ends and his home, | I ocean to roam : | 'air to the view, hen older ho grew. is hands they were ) first went aloft, day lead the van; 3oul of a man, le British sailor. burning for fame, (luff was the same ; 3 brave, ir his grave, ictory crowned, around ; he sung out avast ! iled to the mast, rue British sailor. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 223 My name, d'ye see's Tom Tough, I've seen a little service. Where mighty billows roll and the loud tempests blow ; I have sail'd with valiant Howe, I've sail'd with noble Jervis, And in gallant Duncan's fleet I've sung out yo heave ho! Yet more shall ve be knowina;, I was cockswain to Boscavven, And even with brave Havvke I've nobly faced the foe. Then put round the grog, So we've that and our prog. We'll laugh in care's face, and sing yo heave ho. When from my love to part I first weigh'd anchor, And she was snivelling seen on the beach below, I'd like to cotch my eyes snivelhng too, d'ye see to thank her, But I brought my sorrows up with a yo heave ho ; For sailors though they have their jokes, They love and feel like other folks, Their duty to neglect must not come for to go; So I seiz'd the capstan bar, Like a true honest tar. And in spite of tears and sighs sung yo heave ho. But the worst on't was that time when the little ones were sickly. And if they 'd live or die, the doctor did not know ; The word was giv'n to weigh so sudden and so quickly, I thought my heart would break as I sung yo heave ho. 224 "w* >v -"yv^^- ' THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. For Poll 's so like her mother ; And as for Jack, her brother, The boy, when he grows up, will nobly fight the foe ; But in Providence I trust, What must be, must, So my sighs 1 gave the winds, and sung out yo heave ho. i*;-^ til fa And now at last, laid up in a decentish condition, For I've only lost an eye and got a timber toe ; But old ships must expect in time to be out of commission, Nor again the anchor weigh with a yo heave ho. So I smoke my pipe and sing old songs. For my boy shall revenge my wrongs, And my girl' shall breed young sailors nobly for to face the foe, Then to countiy and king. Fate no danger can bring. While the tars of old England sing out yo bcave ho. J*l "i 2Cfte Spaitfsh ^rmatra- In May fifteen hundred and eighty and eight, Cries Philip, « The English I'll humble 5 I've taken it into my Majesty's pate, And their lion, O, down he shall tumble ! They, lords of the sea !" — then his sceptre he shook- " I'll prove it an arrant bravado. By Neptune ! I'll sweep 'em all into a nook, With the invincible Spanish Armada !" STREL. lother ; rother, y fight the foe ; ist, f out yo heave ho. \ condition, liber toe ; 3ut of commission, heave ho. g old songs, y wrongs, nobly for to face yo Leave ho. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 225 1 eight, ble; nble ! itre he shook- a nook, i!" it This fleet then sail'd out, and the winds they did blow, Their guns made a terrible clatter ; Our noble Queen Bess, 'cause she wanted to know, Quill'd her ruff, and cried, " Pray, what's the matter?" " They say, my good Queen," replied Howard so stout, " The Spaniard has drawn his toledo; Cock sure that he'll thump us, and kick us about, With th' invincible Spanish Armada." The Lord Mayor of London, a very wise man. What to do in this case vastly vvonder'd ; Says the Queen, " Send me fifty good sliips, if you can." Says my Lord, " Ma'am, I'll send in a hundred." Our fire-ships they soon struck their cannons all dumb, For the Dons ran to ave and credo. Great Medina roars out, " Sure the devil is come For th' invincible Spanish Armada." On Effmgham's squadron, thougli all in a breast, Like open-mouth curs they came howling ; His sugar-plums finding they could not digest, Away home they ran yelping and howling. Whene'er Britain's foes shall, with envy agog, In our Channel make such a bravado — Huzza, my brave boys ! we're still able to nog An invincible Spanish Armada ! j^^^ Q'Kectfe. Come arouse, my brave comrades, let what will betide, Our lodge room 'sour home and our system's our pride; Up, up with our colours, that Papists may see We are loval and brave, and we'll die or be free ; II THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. We fear not vile priestcraft, we heed not its laws — We've our Master to guide us, to fight for our cause, And never as cowards or slaves will we kneel, While we've powder and ball and a good blade of steel ! Then arouse, my brave comrades, let what may betide — Our lodge room's our home and our system's our pride ! Up, up with our colours, that Papists may see We are loyal and brave, and we'll die or be free. We are loyal, &c. Tho' the loud voice of time-serving dupes may be heard, What matter, our flag waves aloft like a bird ; What to us is the threat of this place-hunting train, We have conquered before and we'll conquer again ; The shafts of these despots around us may fall — They may threat, they may boast, but they cannot appal. With Jehovah above us and union below, Thro' the host of Pharoah right onward we'll go. Then hurrah ! my brave comrades, our foes lie asleep. In memory of VVilliam fill high and drink deep ; Let your banners float proudly o'er land and o'er sea — We've conquered ! we've won! now we're loyal and free. We've conquered, &c. — »- ^ fftte tvuc=lictirtet» ?3rotestant. Am,—'-AJ/np Old English Gentleman." I'll sing you an Orange song, made by strange old pate. [hate, Who, loving Papists in his heart, their doctrines vile did Of a fine true-hearted Protestant, faithful to Church and state, [eight ; And our grand Constitution prized, of sixteen eighty. Like a fine true-hearted Protestant, one of the ol'len lime. SM,Aiiimm^«^,:,.mu^,.i,..^^.^ [INSTREL. d not its laws — ;ht for our cause, we kneel, good blade of steel ! what may betide — system's our pride ! 3 may see ie or be free, e loyal, &c. Lipes may be heard, ;e a bird; !-hunting train, II conquer again ; s may fall — t they cannot appal. below, ird we'll go. )ur foes lie asleep, Irink deep ; and and o'er sea — iw we're loyal and -J conquered, &c. irotestant. ?nl/e)nan." de by strange old [hate, ir doctrines vile did hful to Church and [eight ; f SIXTEEN EIGHTY. Protestant, one of ■'■Ht ft ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 227 His heart and purse had ready been, to aid the good old cause, And his brave right iiand drew the sword, in aid of King and laws ; When duty urged him into strife, he did not dare to pause, But taught to save all that he lov'd from Rome's de- vouring jaws ; Like a fine true-hearted Protestant, one of the olden time. And when each year the sun shone out upon that hal- lowed day When William drove the tyrant James from Boyne's famed banks away — Yes, on each first day of July, he'd head the grand array Of those who bless'd their fathers' God for crushing Popish sway ; Like a fine true-hearted Protestant, one of the olden time. And there were dangers in his path, yet felt he honest pride In their illustrious names and deeds, who in truth's cause have died ; And trusting only in i "s God, his bright sword by his side. Abroad, at home, in peace or strife, Rome's legions he defied ; Like a fine true-hearted Protestant, one of the olden time. I 228 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. M i.;i| And now, in these .legenerale days, when clouds are dark o'erhead, And there is httle left to prize save memories of the When all the rights they won for us our foes have got instead, We must regain them all once more, even though our blood be shed ; Like those fine true-hearted Protestants, men of the olden time. Be thou like the first apostles, Be thou like heroic Paul, If a free thought seeks expression, Speak it boldly ! Speak it all ! Face thine enemies—accusers ; Scorn the prison, rack, and rod ; And if thou hast tiuth to utter, Speak— and leave the rest to God ! jThe ©lorfous iFfrst of ^uflust. Let Fame's loud trumpet now proclaim The glorious first of August ; Let time record great Nelson's name, And the glorious first of August ! Let all loyal hearts with rapture smile, And toast the hero of the Nile, On his brows more wreaths of victory pile, Great as the first of August. fINSTREL. ys, when clouds are ive memories of the us our foes have got are, even though our -hearted Protestants, time. ostles, aul, ixpression, sak it all ! cusers ; i, and rod ; 3 utter, J rest to God ! i of August. w proclaim St ; I's name, .ugust ! ure smile, Nile, of victory pile, St. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 229 Great Britain's navy now shall sway, And the world recoid her glory ; We'll hail her mistress of thesea,' In each gallant naval story : Listening ages hereafter sliafl smile When record tells the glorioii,^ style In which the hero of theNile Boat the French on the first of August. The French may now, with doleful hearts, Their Bonaparte remember j As he from Egypt's coast departs, On floats of rafts and timber: His troops must now stay there awhile. And organise the crocodile. Whilst brave Lord Nelson of the Nile Celebrates the first of August. Let each loyal heart with me rejoice, And to Nelson fill a bumper j Our British Admirals are the boys That make all nations wonder : We'll drink their healths, and give three cheers. And may they always beat Monsieurs, And our country each succeeding year Add laurels to the first of August. With such a matchless hero who need fear Those gasconading Frenchmen, We'll drive to the d— 1 the Don and Monsieur, On their floating rafts of timber : Our yeomen so brave would march many a mile To back, if they could, the Lord of the Nile ; At their enemies they'd laugh as well as smile, With Nelson on the first of August. u Ik 1 230 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. 5Chc iJope's Bveam. I put out my light iiud steppcl into bed As Saint Peter's great clock struck twelve ; I soon fell asleep when I laid down my head— Oil ! terrible thought, such a weight of cold lead Press'd hard on my chest: I thought I was dead, And doAATiward I fell, With a hideous yell. Amidst horrid gloom — It look'd like a tomb ; And there on a stone, Grim Death with a bouc. Appeared in the form of a man. " Ah, all ! have I got you ?" said he, with a frowu ; *« Thou wicked and subtle old Pope. Come hither to me, thou contemptible clown, And tell me for what thou hast gained thy renown:" But ere I could reach him, a fiend knocked me down : And then came a grin From the angel of sin, As on to my chest He heavily prcst. And blew his cold breath, The essence of death. Which froze up my blood in a trice. I shiver'd and tm-ned as black as a coal. As lie sucked at my heart like a leech, When to my relief the bell gave a toll, And out crawled a worm with a light from his hole ; " Slimy," said Death, " take care of this soul, For I must attend On Wiseman his friend. And drag him below, Midst darkness and woe. And crack all his bones, In spite of his groans, For the Cardinal's doom is just sealed." ■.•.>*S*.awK'" [INSTREL. am. to bcJ k twelve ; n my head — lit of cold lead gUt I was dead, ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. '-•v-^>vNf-v ■» »-» 231 I lie, in. lie, with a frowu ; tiblc clown, lined thy renown:" 1 knocked me down : ath, a trice. a coal, leech, I toll, ight from his hole ; ! of this soul, d, roe, es, > ust sealed." i Then upwards he went with a desperate spring, Which sliook tlie whole cartli to its base ; And far in the distance thd flap of liis wing Sent through the dark caverns a ten-ible ring, While ten thousand fiends cried, "Ah, ho will bring Another poor soul, Through Purgatory's hole, To be torn by our claws For our hungry rnaws, And his .spirit shall dwell On the confines of hell For a thousand and fifty years." I looked for Slimy, and to my surprise lie was quickly changing Ids shape :— His body was swelled to a marvellous size, .Vnd when he stepped forth, witli a large pair of eyes, I knew him to be the father of lies : The terrible beast Was dressed like a priest ; I had long been his friend All thhigs have an end ; What could I expect ? My hair stood erect. And I shook like an aspen leaf. When Slimy came forth he curled up his tail, And made mo a very low bow ; He told me he knew all mortals were frail, But if I attempted to weep or to wail He would send me off to Purgatory's jaO ; Then he opened a book. With a treacherous look, And wrote down my name, With the ink in a flame. Which threw out a light Through the shades of the night, And made the dark caverns look blue. THE UNITED EMPIRE MIKSTREL. ^■^■^>^^^srsr>f^^ "Pray, Mr. Devil," said I, " let me go, Ere I uie in a temblc fright:" " Thou die," said the Devil, " thou wilt not die ; uo. Thou art destined to live in regions of woo For ever and ever, m get thee below." Then he fixed in my jaw The tip of his claw. And through the foul air I was hurled iu despair ; I cannot now tell The distance I fell — It was two or three miles, I am sure. W^'lc writhing, and weeping, and groaning with pain, The gates of Tcrdition I saw ; I shrieked out for mercy, but shrieked out in vain — Through sulphur and fire and thunder and rain Three devils came bearing a pond'rous chain, And fixed round ray waist. In a desperate haste, A large iron ring. Which closed with a spring ; Then cried, "Mr. Pope, For thee there 's no hope. Come away, come away to the Shades." The escutcheon over the gates of Hell Appeared like the triple crown. It filled me with horror — the fiend rang the bell, And out of the gates came a sulphm-ous smell. And then I was dragged, with a temble yell, Through many a ma2.e. And many a blaze, 'Midst burning lakes. And fiery snakes, .c\jid smoking hills, And boiling rills. To the shades of Purgatory. ■,^^'^'^WIIPli'! ^■■"S?3SS?&'^^ N'STREL. ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. 233 Through heaps of dry bones, which had rotted for years I was dragged, and the lion-ible dust Flew into my eyes, my mouth and my ears, Which completely dried up my fountain of teai-s; Anii, to add to my woe, my anguish and fears, From under the bones Came horrible groans ; The fiends ht.ird the sound, And skipped round and round; And the iron ring, With its tightning spring, Sunk into my soul as they danced. Ere the dance was done from out of the east Proserpine, the infernal Queen, Came forth in a flame, on a temble beast ; She had promised to join the carnivorous feast Which King Pluto gave, where many a priest AVas baked and boiled, vVnd some were oiled, And others fried, And some were dried. And not a few Made Pluto's stew, A dish that he very well liked. When the Queen had passed, her fiery train Was joined by the devils three ; And I, like a kite, at the end of the chain, Was dragged by the demon, nor did I complain Though the flames of Hell were consuming my brain, And large fire flies Were stinging my eyes, And scorpions too Of every hue, With venomous stings, And prickly wings. Were sucking my blood on the way. u 234 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. ' 1 ■ ) |J Like a comet, through the sulti-y air, To King Pluto's pivlacc we tlow ; 'Neatli the porch near the gate a hirge grisly bear Wag crouching in anger to spring from his lair, And Proserpine's vassals cncd, " Pius, beware, The scent of the feast Makes the ravenous beast Impatient to spring At Pope, Priest or King : Keep fur from his chain. Else you will be slain, Ami thrown down the bottomless pit." Then like a vile dog I was forced to crawl Away from the terrible beast, And then in a niche on a hook in the wall I v.'iis hung by my chain, to await the call Of the judges of Hell; 'twas enough to appal The devil himself And every elf Of his hellish train ; But thfy mocked my pain And knotted my hair. Anil then made me swear To renounce the triple crown. When Kin^ Pluto heard that I, like a dog. Was chained to a hook in the wall. He sent a vile imp in the form of a frog, Who rode in great haste on the back of a hog ; The infernal reptile I wished in a bog : He told me the King Had sent him to bring The Pope, to make sport To amuse his court, And then on the hog, Behind the vile frog, I was hurried away to the feast. NSTREL. r, .I'ge grisly bear rom hia lair, •ius, beware, ast JS9 pit." ;o crawl lie wall the call h to appal am !ar e a dog, I frog, ck of a hog ; bog: •rt St. ORANOK SONGS AND POEMS. 235 ^wv^,<^, . It wag scarcely a minute ere the swino Flew into the banciueting room • •'Ah, ahl'-riuto cried,., are yo'u come to di^ With the judges of IIcll and Queen Proserpine ' Fly, blue devils. t\y: ha«te, ha«te with «ome wine To yon trembling thing: Quick! quick!" cried the King, "And take off his chain. And then soothe his pain, And bring him a seat. And give him some meat The Tope has found grace in my sight." Twelve fiery «nakes, at a glance from the Kinjr Soon coiled themselves into a chair ; While one coiled a seat in the form of a ring Two others formed elbows-each darted a sting; Ihe back, too, was formed by a large slimy tlung, And every leg iVnd every peg Of the horrible chair Was made, I declare, Of reptiles of Hell ; -Ind the sulplim-ous smell Which came from their throats made me faint. I quickly revived, and the dreadful fright I had long been in pass'd iway • And when the blue devils, eacl. hearing a light On the tip of his tail, with a Hame so bright Came dancing aroimd, the comical sight ' Made me laugh right out, Like a dininken lout ; Then Queen Proserpine Told Pluto the wine Made Pius the priest Enliven the feast ; She was glad that I felt at home ! THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. When the feast was done, great Pluto, the king, Called on Rhadamantlms for a song : I felt quite alarmed when I heard him sing ; His loud thundering voice made the palace ring, Which the caverns below kept echoing ; And grim Pluto scowled. And tlie devil howled, And the lofty mien Of the infernal Queen For a moment fell, While the host of Hell, Gave a dreadful shriek as he sung : — " Spirits of the burning mountain. Spirits of the midnight air. Spirits of the boiling fountain. Spirits listen, then despair : Bells are ringing. Saints are singing. And truth triumphs on the earth : Fiends are flying. Priests are dying. While we thus appear in mirth. "Pluto, thy great power is wauing- Italy will soon be free ; Mortals, paradise regaining, Will obtain a victoj-y : Bells are ringing, Saints are singing. And tnith triumphs on the earth ; Fiends are flying, Priests are dying. While we thus appear in mirth. ,^:..:::smm^.!mmsmm. INSTREL. to, the king, im sing ; palace ring, ng; in";:— un, th: ling— th; ORANGE SONGS AND POEiMS. " Rome will soon cast off the harlot, And the creatures in licr train ; Those who walk arrayed in scarlet, Leading souls to endless pain : Bells are ringing, Saints are singing, And truth triumphs on the earth ; Fiends are flying, Priests are dying, While we thus appear in mirth. " Mortals have become enlightened. Pope and devil they defy ; Neither earth nor Hell have frightened Those who pant for liberty : Bells are ringing, Saints are singing. And truth triumphs on the earth ; Fiends are flying, Priests are dying, AVhile we thus appear in mirth. "Devils, hark! a soul is falling From the worid where mortals dwell ; List ! it is the harlot calling- She is driven back to Hell : B^lls are ringing, Saints are singing. And truth triumphs on the earth ; Fiends are flying, Priests are dying, While we thus appear in mirth." What followed this song I cannot now tell Nor do I at all wish to know ; 237 ;;3»«" mmmmmiiS^r 238 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. -, -V- --W*,*-. - , -N.-^ Just let it suffice, 'midst the noise the great bell Of Saint Peter's clock gave a stroke, and it fell On ray troubled ear, which broke the vile spell ; .'Vnd out of the bed, With a throbbing head, I jumped in a fright, And called for a light : The cardinals came — Then, 'midst fear and shame, I related my horrible dream. T. P., Toronto. iHo iJuvflatovg. When Pope Pius from earth did stray. And upwards seek'd his rerial way. To find what 's fam'd in Romish story, That cleansing place call'd Purijatonj : A place, the prophets ne'er could \iew ; A place, that Christ ne'er named or knew ; A place, as false and whimsical As the famed island of Brazil ; As, driven by storm to St. Lucee, Some hopeless bird is forced to flee ; Tired on the wing, he hoves about. Some friendly asylum to find out ; He hoves in vain — the deep appears, And all around is wi-eck'd with fears ; Ten thousand fears distract his soul, To think he cannot find the goal ; He stamps and rages at his sad doom, And damns his lying Church of Rome ! At last he spies Heaven's shining gate, XaCi rapp'd, presumptuous in his heart ; '■^■SBS^*=?aW!PW INSTREL. the great bell :e, and it fell the vile spell ; jliarae, T. P., Toronlo. stray, story, atory ; 1 \'icw ; 1 or knew : e, flee; lUt, t; ears, fears ; soul, 1; ;loom, Rome! g gate, 3 heart ; _ ORANGE SONGS AND POEMS. He lou.ler rappM—an.] louder still, Till St Peter came,-" Pray what's your will ?" His IIoliues.-j:_'< From earth I came ; The Pope, has been my common name And in our churcb, each learn'd professor Calls me Christ's vicar, and your successor: And, what to heretics secm'd odd, I called myself Almighty God '" Quoth Peter-<. Vain are all thy hopes, -I his gate has ne'er admitted Popes ; And what may seem much stranger still, It will not now, and never will '" "Well," ,,uoth the Pope, -since this is so. One thing of you I fain would know,- Did King William hitho- come Great Prince oi'Orang., foe to Rome ; niio with his heretics did join. And slew my Papists at the Boyne •'" Quoth Peter,-- Williams in this place : 1 i-ay Would you wish to see his face '" -No, cried the Pope, " If William's there. By all that's holy, here I swear. Hell I '11 prefer and Satan's clan To Heav'u and such an Orangeman; Or, if I had my book and bell, I'd ring him out of Heaven to Hell '" St. Peter shut the gate, and left The Pope of every hope bereft : So now em-aged, most strange to tell He sought out the gloomy gate of Hell. He knock'd there : a young fiend came. And told him <' to send in his name " Says he, -tell Lucifer, the Pope Depends on him, his latest hope; Since Heav'n is shut, he means to dwell And share with him his seat in Hell " 239 J ij mA 240 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. Up came the Devil, amazed with fear, And said, " No Pope shall cuter here ! He that on earth did eat his God, And feasted on his flesh and flood, I shan't admit him, on my peril. Lest he in Hell should cat the Devil !" — ¥- Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea I Jehovah hath triumph" d — his people are free I Sing — for the pride of the tjTant is broken, His chariots and horsemen, all splendid and brave, How vain was their boasting ! — The Lord hath but spoken, AiA chariots and horsemen are sunk in the wave. Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea ; Jehovah has triumph'd — his people are free ! Praise to the conqueror, praise to the Lord, His word was our arrow, his breath was our sword; Who shall retui'n to tell Egypt the story Of those she sent forth in the hour of her pride ? For the Lord hath looked out from his pillar of glory, And all her brave thousands are dashed in the tide. Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea ; Jehovah has triumph'd — his people are free ? -^%^ " WVM'W- NSTREL. ^s^-v*^^/v'-« fear, here ! ) d, evil !" TOASTS AND SENTIMENTj N*-* -vv ^rfN/s^% -v'^ 241 TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS. THE QUEEN! God bless her- saved us from iCisJ ni^lf. P"*"!'^" ""^ ^'^'^'««»- ^^^o Ins servicerUver ,e-^fZ.^H?'^"'^"*r"^'P'^^^''- ^^'^^ betrayed. ' forgotten nor his principles be The inseparable connexion of Church and State "' S?ta?f:' 'it;!?'!,s ,f "-^-\ ,»■"» 'o=t Us life BojQe Water ^' ^ '" '"«"'»»''1= Pass«SO of tlio "'° ?ixj„°fM,': K*''""* """'-«"-s "'iiita "'° ^ri7j^"' ""''•"• '"^ "^ »f «« Kle, Copenhagen, of ProteZt asoeXcy i?Sure*\a "str?,'""'^ the dominions of Great Britain ° throughout i li i . Ireland :. fiffl 242 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. The ]\Icmoi'y of tlio Right Hon. John Scott, Earl of Ehlon ; one of the hrighti'st orminionts of the British Senate. Hml his warnings been attemlcl to, ^Y0 slionkl not now have to monrr the loss of the cliief bulwarks of the Protestant cause. The Memory of the Hon. and Rov. Sii- Harcoui-t Lees, Bart. The memory of that distinguished Toet and Historian, the Rev. John Graham. " A loader, fearless at his post he Ptoori, Nor e'er to vile expediency would yield ; And from the slnnder of the rebel brood His pen was found your safe protecting shield." The health of George Benjamin, Esq., G. M., and tlio Orange- men of British Nortli America. The health of our Ex G. M. the father of the system in Canada, Ogle R. Gowan, Esq. The health of the Right Hon. the Earl of Roden, the unwavering champion of true religion and Orange principles. The health of Colonel Sir William Venier. Bart.. M.P., whose family have been identified with the Orange Institution from its formation. The health of Colonel Blacker, and may all true Britons follow out his advice— "To put their trust in God, but mind and keep their powder dry." The exports of Canada ! — May Lord E — n be the first. That the Romish Beads may never overcome the Bible. The healths of James William Gregg, Esq., and the Apprentice Boys of DeiTy. The land we live in. May it always be govenied by a Protes- tant Monarch. A sudden downfall to l^igotry. Oui' absent brethren. Our visiting bretlu'cn. The Constitution, the whole Constitution, and nothing but the Constitution. !May the Orange and Purple ever be triumphant. The strength of Samson, the spirit of Joshua, and the wisdom of Solomon to aU true Orangemen. To all honest Orangemen round the globe, whether in weal or woe, in prosperity or adversity, at home or abroad. Britons in unity, and unity in Britons. May Briiish virtue shine when every other light is out. rSTREL. Earl of Ekloii ; ona sli Senate. Had his 1 not uow have to s of the Frotestaut ;oui't Lees, Bart. Historian, the Rev. iold ; I ;ing shield." ., and the Orauge- e system in Canada, ; len, the unwavering )rinciplcs. Bart., M.P., ■whose \ Orange Institution j true Britons follow I God, but mind and ; e the first. the Bible, and the Apprentice venied by a Protes- nd nothing but the liant. la, and the wisdom TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS. 243 May the pleasures of Britons be as pure as their breezes, and then- virtues firm as their oaks. May we, as Christians, be zenlous ^rithout uncharitablene^s— whfit'Stion!"^ ^''^^'""^ «ervility-and as citizens, free Britaiu-s sheet anchor, her tars, and the wooden walls of Old England. May civil and religious liberty alway go liand in liand. Thn Queen, and may true Britons never bo without her likeness m their pockets. Holiness to oiir pastors, honesty to om- magistrates, and humanity to our rulers. The immortal memory of Lord Nelson, and may every British Admiral follow his example. Brunswick's glory, and may it last until the end of time. The Glorious Revolution which placed William ou the Throne -and should anotncr James attempt to deprive us of our lights, may another William be sent us. Toast and AuECEOTE.-Shorty after the Protestant Revolution the Ambassadors of France, Spain, and England being at arr^°"'-<^-.^'-'"i.!i^' ?•'"-'''' ^^"^^'•l^'^"^.l«r prc^posed gram the the ^ar, ui ciau- men uranii to his master "King WiUiam in. as Joshua, the son of Nun, who commanded both Sun and Moon to stand still until his people liad avenged them- selves upon their enemies." whether in weal or or abroad. ight ia out. m' CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 245 C[IROx\OLOGlCAL TABLE. After Chriit. 110. The sign of the cross first used. Altars instituted by Sixtus First. Ilygenus, JJishop of Eomo, first tfilres the title of Pope. Pcuaiice first inflicted as a punislimcut. A so<^t calleci Abstmcts arose Tvho abstained from vdue, llosh and marriage. Purgatory invented. Pope Liberius was an Ariau. Marriage in Lent forbidden. St. Patrick preached the Gospel in Ireland. Extreme Unction comes into i)racticc. Purgatory iutroduccil. .Offerings first instituted b'- Pope Pclagius II. Phocas, a murderer, Emperor of Constantinople, assists Loniface tlio Third to procui-c tiie title of Universal 15ishop or Pope: hence the rise of Antichrist. ihe first Romish Altar erected iii Pritain. The Apocalyptic number. Pope Vitadian orders prayers to be said in the Latin tongue. The custom of kissing the 1 ope's too introduced. The worship of Images introduced. Tax called Petcr-ponce imposed to support a college at Rome. ° Pope Zacharias begins to dispose of king°» '' Edward Three Popes call themselves Topes of Rome— viz «?vl yoshr. Gregory and Benedict. ^ ^^omP-Mz., Syl- Lco iX. the first Pope that kept up any army. I L ^"^'^/^"^P^l^ """7 iV., Emperor of Germany to ^ alk barefooted in the depth of winter, and to "t^nd three days at his gate to implore pardon. (.oncnl)iiies allowed to the Priest'* f11.^?'''''"''%!" ^"''^y' I'i^'^>nont and the youth of France oppose Popery, on which account upwards of a h' y n KW"T f ^7-;'V""^'^'"-^ by'Ihe l^pists' ^ I -^i w ° of England, having received a bull to hai effect from the Pope, takes possession of R-eland 1 ope Alexander III. compels the Kings of KnHand ami ii:zi '" "" ^'""'" ^'^ ^''^ ^^'''^^ -^- ^- -^-S Prostration at the Elevation of the Host first re-iuircd The Inquisition begiui. i<-.iuiri,a. First^appearance of Augustin Frlr.rs in Ihurlaiid SniS^niTd^STaie Tri;r ''/r'^ r ''' ^"^'^"^^*^«"- hke a Fox, reigned like a Lion, and died like a dT' Crusade against the Albigcnses. « ' The /^./y Sec translated to Avignon, where it remained gorfxL * ^""''' ""'^ ™^'' '•^•'=^"''^^1 to Rome by Gie The Cardinals set fire to the conclave and biu-n it Thev then^separate, and for two years the Papal 'diafri^ So rltuT'"''''^"^ -i'*"'''' '•>' P^P*^ Sylvester. w- J-ffP'« ^™/°' °'' ^^'"'«' «i'st worn by Pope Urban V xi-'f •£'' P'* ^"San the Reformation. ^'''^'^''' ^^"^ ^• Wickliffc becomes famous for his firm and decided onno ti^,V i'f'^'^y- Jol'n Huss and Jerome of SgueTd tUSlr'"' '''Tr'' *^^"' opposition to Popery are terribly persecuted, and at last put to death ^ ^' REL. (luced. sanisliod for Lis vo years, spends iler, and sold tJie ition of Edward tome— viz., 8yl- army. of Germany, to I', and to stand d tlio isoutli of It upwards of a hy the Papists, eived a bill to ?ion of rreland, d hy n Viceroy. )f I^ngland and lien Lo mounted first r cjuircd. n,'i'laiul. lie Inquisition, carnation, and d tiie Popedom like a Doc .' i"e it remained Eome by Gre- )iu-n it. They 'apal chair is 'ster. Pope Urban V. decided oppo- 3f Prague and 'n to Popery, death. I "^ CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 247 ABrr Ch 1416. rljt. 'ritish) .4,000 1402 ! 1492 I j 1517, ( 1520. 1625. 1520. 1534. 1530. 1539. 1553. 1554. 1550. 1558. 1559. 1667. 1572. i prepared Tlie nattlo of Agincourt between tlic French an<> gamed by Henry V. 10,000 French kilSf Tr FronH/T"':T' *''" ^■^"^"•^'' ^^'^^ losing'4 . Tn the tt tlilglSr '''"''' ""■' '""^ ^""^^ "« '"-^^ '"^ "« in The first book printe.I. which was the Vulgate IJible Pope Alexander yi. died of poison, which hf hadpr for others, and drank by mistake ^ Luther began the Reformation. Henry VIII. entitled '•/Je/e,Hhr of the FaltU" for hi<, writmgs in support of Pojwy '^""('^ lor Jiis Gustju^us Vasa establishes the Kefonned religion in Luther and his illustrious adherents, at the Diet of Spires make their celebrated Protest again tPonerv. hence the term Protest \NT' "o""i-i lopery. The jjeformation takes pla;e in England. Canada is The Pope excommunicates Henry VIII ^ 1 ■ V '-— ^'"^b- Jane Grey beheaded. Jesuits by Ignatius Lovnia ^ ^^ w'n?/ P^' f \' "^■•' '^""'P'"^'- ^"*->''" i:ii^abeth succeeds her, and Protestantism is established. -"«eecis lie Koimuusts rebel against Elizabeth. About 000,000 Protestants deserted their homes in the Nctlun-lands and fled to other countries, owi' to tEc terr:ble cruelty of the Duke of Alva, who boasted that s^iii^^u^'^ts;^^^"^-^^'^^^!^ King (Charles LX.) amused himself by firin- upon his Pi^testant subjects. The Seim was literally reTwith blood. A messenger was sent to i ne wUh the n^ws The Pope ordered the cannons to fiic from the CasUe of St Angelo, the bells of the churches to ring made the to^rpC "'' P"""*' ^"^ ^°"«-«' rroc'essrnt&" 218 THJO UMTEU K.MI'IIU; MINSTREL. Afift QhtU:, 1588. To reclaim Knglan.l t.. IN.pcry an imnioiiHC niivnl anua- < It ! ,Si,Mui, w, h the mtcnti.,, „C invadiii- En^laud 1 u. l-„pe came .lo'.vu to tho .ea .lu.re to b.lH.ld itTan i hartuc<{ It the '•Imiiicihlc Armada." Sir Frauds Drake, met it in tlio En.di.sh Channel and defeated it o^vcvcr, to Ood only l,e the vav.ise. for tlaM-erv cle nenta I heaven Ln.-rht .n..ain.t the invaders. On Michaelnn , l.\v. in thLS year, Queen Klizaheth hein;? at dinner, and havm- ;i cup of Avine before lior, propase.l as a o s " Destrnetion to the .Sp,,,i,,, ^Vnalula'- Ho n'S a J-;IJ" n>' ':;'r'"™*>: «f ^"'-li" ('I'- f- !>■) founded. loJ8. Ihe Kdiet of .Nant. jrained by tho Prote^tunt... lUOo. ^ovenlhcr G-TJic Clnnp.,wdcr I'let discovered This was a ..oiicrac of the Jesuits to blov.- ui. Kin- James lus Queen, tlic lloyal Family and both hr-usJ^i ol Pa rlk: nient. xuiua 1610. 1G18. King Jlenry IV. i. muraor^d at Paris by ll.vnillac, a Tlic Emperor of Gcrma.ny coramenco.s a war of cxtcrmi- ILc Thirty-nino Articles oi' Pvch-gion published. Sfoir " !^'" ^'^''^^ '"^^ ^''' ''^"^^'i f«'l»^^"s rise in Sand" '•' ""'"''""'' "''"'"^ ''^^"•'"- I'r^f^stants in S^esSs'^ ^' "^^^'lialia confirms liberty to tho Palatine Oliver Cromwell subdues the Irish rebel's Prince William of Orange r.iul Na,ssiu married to the Princess Mary daughter of the Duke of York, (aftci' wards James IJ.) ^i^n-i The Edict of Naiitz infamously revoked by Louis XIV and the Pro estants cruelly i^ersecuted. 50,0C0 fly to Lngland. These introduce the arts, science , &c. with Si '■'' "'"^'' ^""^"'"'^ '^'^ workshop of the Charles II. dies, and his brother, the Duke of York, suc- ceeds as James II. and as a Protestant ^Yra jr'^' ""'■'' ^"' ^'^^o^'^t'O" I^i"g James goes openly to 1G87. He receives the Pope's Nuncio. 1688. Formation of secret societies in favour of the Primce of Orange. .Messengers are sent to the Hague statin^r the i 1628. 1641. 1G48. . lG4f). 1G77. 1685. S' riiEL. icnMC niivftl nrnm- "t iiu>ii, was (ittcd iviii!ii)j; Eii<;;lau(l. to Ix'liold it, nncl Sir fVanclH and defeated it. tlieveryelcnionts On ."^lichaelinas ig at dinner, and losed as a toast, " Soon after n total defeat of nded. stunts. ."jcovercd. Thi.s Kinp: .James 1., n'usey c;f Parlia- Jiy liavaillac, u war of cstcnni- I niia iuul of the j I lishod. I [ollowcrs rise in | Protestants in ' ■ to the Pahitine married to the f Vork, (aftcr- by Louis XIV. 50,000 fly to :uces, cS:c. with irlc_ y close their gates against Lord Antrim's hedshanks and King James's Blitekguards. John Graham, which can hv haU ofT. McClear Yi.LoIstreet Toronto, and nioMt other I'rotcstant Books.llirs. ^ ' December 12— Flight of .Tames IT. December 15-The Protestants of the north-east of Ulster form a I rotestant Association for mutual protection and in self-defence. ^Dm-' ^^"'■'•'^ Enniskilleners address the men of The East India Company is chartered 1689. February 10-King William and Queen Mary proclaimed. March J2— James lands at Kinsale with an ai-mv ■^'^'•1 n~~?'"" ^^''"''"» '^"*1 Q"cen :^rary crowned. April 18 — James arrives before DeiTv. July 1,1 J.ames issues an or.ler proh'ibiting Protestants to leave their native parish. July 31.— One of thegrcij.cst victories achieved over the enemy during the revolution av.is obtained this day fnot far from M'wtownbutler) by two thousand Enniskilleners imder Colonels Lloyd, Tiffan, W(,lsoly and Berry The enemy, consisting of six thousand men, were entirely routed. Two thousand were killed, five hundred were drowned in Lough l-lrne. and their general, with a great many other ofhccrs, non-commissioned ofhcers, and four hundred privates were taken prisoners ! The Enniskil- leners also captured seven pieces of cannon, fourteen barrels of powder, a great quantity of cannon and musket balls, all their drums, and every stand of colours thev possessed. The loss on the .side of the Enniskilleners . was only two officers and twenty privates. The pass- word of the Enniskilleners wa.s— " No Popery l"' ■# !; ,**; 250 THE VmTED EMPIRE MINSTREL. After Cliriit. " -- • -- ^-^^ together in any jtoo?™,;^^^^^^'^'^*^ '^ --"^^>lo Dun2(S;SB;-Slit;r'^ ^™f "^^^- discount Kincjcrankie Ciaverliouse), at the battle of assistance of th;£ttut:?I,^'"'\"'%"^^^^ ^°^ ^^« l'a'"" ^^''^««^h- Sehomberg that '^S '. " 1' W t' ?"^'^''' '"^"'™' ^"^° grov. un,kn- his feet ''ih-ftT^^-f'^if^V^ ^'^ ^^' Svnss the niorvow: rerSs his hv nn /^ f taek tlie enemy on July i-_yv-ns fo-^wi^ fi „ ^ ' -^ torch-light. Br-)o v„ ,'? *'- Pver-mcmorablo JJattle of th^ of the Hive -Eoi^^wi^! ^ ?P ^^';^"J^^V «" the south •James, cons∈ of't o f^T "f n™"'' ^'' ^'«"'^ "»^I nearly all the P Jj^i"] 'J '^7 {^^ I rench elnvalry and north of the rivcr^b.v fi „ / " person. On the July C^ii^.nT,.,' ,,"",?''"' "=;' ""; ''•■>l"« nncl con it ' UutlTT " '""'''" '"= IriumpLnl entr, into In this year three Prnt'^ ■+.,,,♦ i • ,. one in Bub! n knmvn Iff '*^';? '"''' '''"•'^ formed- __-cI one in Enni^SS, ^tiLj^l!^ .^ij^;;; S^t^!^^ ' ' ifi'iililiiiiiinMaiiii iTREL. i'ler General Kirk. •int-j to assemble ^r James, breaks ibliii, enters the ies of the Protes- y i.uder Viscount I, at tlie battle of auds near HoUy- •0 army for the \ In (h-avrmg his Belfast one of the eeded south, b\it when Jie came m ail taken up its rrickfergus. kl'lirg more than n- pain of death, le, iufovms Duke to let the grass k the enemy on i-light ^ Battle of the 1 for tlio throne • On the south ics of Louis and eh chivalry and . Scotland and crson. On the :fe Schomberg, Rev. George 'len known and tllen Dragoons, ' ko kSchombcrg s- The troops e and won it. al entry into ■ere formed — | 1 of Skinner's I entice Boys;" j ' Society." CHUO.VOLOGICAL TABI,E. 251 After Christ. 16D1. SuniJav Ju^ 1745. Revolution.:; ^,;:;^Sof'iSi.n^5;i.;aS?iroS? S'"'inf^'''T- '^'^^^ l'"^i'ts had thi i nt -ofof ^u,, uind and ground. Xevcrthelcs,., our Pr, t'^-t^n mu f! \"r^ '' r"-''''"'^ chartered by Kin- Wi li-nn 1 < 01 . Society for the ProDa^'ati.iu of iho P ,{ • , I "(If I,,- MarllMrousli. 27,000 Fraicl, k lied ™i'^iS;s::^,g"s'o«f '"='■'-='" ^'''''--'w Union between England and Scotland. Ihc 1 i-otender attempts to invade Britain. A Protestant Associatloii, siraikr to tlie Oran-e .Sodetv of Iro,loi -j.ans fouglit, l„ .rhich the eelebratcl CoWl Oaiilmer loses liis life, llattlc of Fall-irt- r . , , 1702 170i 1700 1708, 1709, 1714 '»t^* *■ ■• .. ^ 252 THE UMTED EMPIRE MINSTREL. k 'i After Chrlat. 1759. General Wolfe id killed at Quel.ec, but gains the victory ove.' the French for Enghiml. King George III. ascends the throne. The Jesuits expelled from the Pope'.s dominion^ Three Protestant Defen.sive Association.^ formed called severally the "lioyne." ''True Blue" and <• Union" Societies. Two other Protestant Associations formed, entitled the " Culloden" and " Euniskillen" Societies The ''Aughrhiv' Society formed. Death of the great Lord Chatham, who ia interred at the public expense iu \Vcstminster Abbey, Incon.sequcnce of a vote 0^ parliament The_ Inquisition abolished in the Duke of Modena's dominions. The torture abolished in France The Protestant Association (headed by the Duke of Gor- aon). to the number of 50,000, go up to the House of Commons with their petition for the repeal of an act passed in favor of the Papists. . The "Independent" Society and the '• Muskerry True Blues formed. "^ . Admiral Kodney obtains a signal victory over the French fleet. The lloyal George is sunk at Spithcad. 1760. 1773. 1770. 1777. 1778. 1780. 1781 1782 1794. 1795. Ii88. At tiie centenary celebration of the Relief of Derrv Dr McDonuel, the Romish Bishop, walked in procession with the Apprentice Boys and other citizens to the Protestant Cathedral, and sat quietly in a pcw dui-ino- the proceedings. He wore on his breast a cross corn" posed of orange ribbons. Indeed, up to that period the Papists vied with their Protestant fellow-citizens in keeping up these joyful celebrations. Lord Howe's victory over the French fleet The battle of the Diamond fought, and immediately Se tSe? •^\ '■'^'''''' ^"'*^*"*'*'" ''^ *»ll^' organized, 179G. The first general Grand Lodge Meeting is held at Portadown, July 12. Sir Ralph Abercrombie takes !3t. Lucia. A Dutch fleet, consisting of nine ships surrender to Admiral Elphinstone. The French attempt to land in Bantry Bay, but are frustrated by the elements of heaven. '' 1797. The second general meeting of the Orange Institution is held at Portadown, July 12, Wm. Blacker, G. M., Thos \erner, Esq., and David Verner, Esq., County G M's presidmg -Sir John Jervais gains a famous victory over the Spanish fleet. Admiral Duncan defeats the Dutch fleet, and captures nine ships of the line TREL. t gains the victory lominions. )iis formed, called >'■ and '• Union" rmod, entitled the OS-. Death of the great public expeurie in vote of parliament, like (if Modena's a France, the Duke of Gor- ) to the House of repeal of an act '• Mu;-jkerry True y over the French Spithead. lief of Deny, Dr. ed in procession ■ citizens to the in a puw diu-ing ast a cross com- ) that period, the "ellow-citizens in >et. ind immediately fully organized, ting is held at ercrombie takes g of nine ships, — The French frustrated by the ige Institution is er, G. M., Thos. County Q. M's., famous victory mean defeats the he line. T I CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 253 After Christ. 1798. A t 1800. 1801. 1802 1803. 1805. 1807. 1809. rebellion breaks out in Ireland. Thirty thousand Orangemen offer ti>eir services to Loi^ cLde," '^e Viceroy. Battles are fought at Arklor , Naas ilackets town Bal inglnss, Tara Hill, New llos.. Kilconnel mil Gore's Bridge, Antrim, Balliuahinch, &c. The Papista massaci-e the Prot.stants, sparix^g neither age nor?ex ?1 vpI ? 'f^ ^ "^'Sar Hill; they also collect abo5 thiee mdred women and children, put them in a Mm at Scul abcgue, and bm-n them to ashes The FreS land at i. dlala, County Mayo, to assist the rebels S afterwards surrender. During the insurrection the Orangemen and Yeomanry pcifoi-med signal sSvices for the coun ry, for whicli they are thanked by the mnUarv commanders, and on several subsequent peSs^J Houses of rarhament. The victory of the Is^le achieved by Lord Nelson. Sir J. B. Warren cains a vie ory over the French fleet off the coa..t of relaS Mehta or Malta taken by the British "^^^^uti. Thos. Yerner, Esq., retires from the office of G. M of the Orange lutitution, and is succeeded by the Right Hon Geo. Ogle M.P., godfather of Ogle R. Gowan Is. _ Unu.n between Great Britain and Ireland carried ~ Victory over the French in Egypt. Death of^ Ealph Abercrombie.— Lord Flon J'tv H>de Parker destroy the French fleet at Copenhagen ^ Corniest of Egj-pt completed by General ^SSoT" . So effective was the Orange Society at this time that tho government were enabled to withdraw the mtary force from the country, and to trust the loyal Orange yiomai-y with its security and safetj'. j^^uui.ny The invasion of England threatened by the French An insurrection breaks out in Dublm at the instanc~f Robert Lmmet, Lord Edward Fitzgerald, &c.-l_-Lord Kdwarden IS nmrdered. As usual, the rebels are beaten and their leaders treated ac^ordin/^'to^'thS S*}*.^ V °( J,''^f'''»«^' «"'l Jeath of Lord Nelson. Funeral B^X^z:^,^''' '''''''''''' '''''■ ^'-^'-— The Orange Institution has 1300 Lodges in operation I ^c& '^'''''' '' England.— G. L. EX ! July l._Coionel Anorial, Brigade Major, having refused toin.spectthe yeomanry of Bandon, because S wore anOrange hyiu hiscap, the entii^ corps numberSi^ SIX hundred, laid down their arms I Battle of Corunna^ 254 •^--V/^^^./^^ THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. After Chr; 180j. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1820. 1821. 1823. 1824. 1825. •BatS V'/'^ '^''*^' ,'^ ^''''"'^ ^''' J'^hn Moore iiatt e of raluveiv. niul repulse of the French C.C. cVc. -The Americans are defeated in Unnev Canada. Death of General Erock. ^^^^ Ihe American ship Chesapeake is talcen by the British ship fehannon in fifteen minutes. Lord WelWton gams a brilliant victory nt Vittoria, takii^ 1.51 SoJ^ si;:;™5"rpSS'^' ^" ''' ^'^^^"'- -^ p-^' Sir llobert Peel sustains the Orange cause in Parliament -—Marshal Ueresford enters Bordeaux.-— Napoleon ubdicates t^e crown of France Louis XVIIlTnters p'^^^a^^:]£S' '' «-— ^i^^gton Battle oi Waterloo Final dofpif nf m.,^^i^ Tlip flinnVo /^*• T) V *""" ut-ieai 01 JNapoleon wJr r Parliament are voted to the Duke of Grand Ofhccrs of the Orange Society, go over to London m St,. . and present the loyal addres^s' .'oted by the gS Frede> . ^ So? V ' '^V'^'^—^^^ Roy.?l Highnes ricuejick IJuke of lork is appointed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Great Britain ; the Right lion LoM fef f' fT''^''^ I^eputy Grand Mastrn'—cS Officers for Ireland:-The Right Hon. the Earl oSl! Depu^^Giind^iaSr' '"'^''''"^ '''' ^"^^^^ ^^-^-i 'liWu;;onSS.SnT "^'^"^^^ ''''^'' ^^« 0-=- The ' 'NcAv System" introduced into the Orange Institution B^oTunon o?The'r '""fT"^^^^ ''y "- «'^"^l ^oZ The ratboli. U ^l-'"^ ^^'"'^S*' ^""^S^ of Ireland.— llie Catholic Association suppressed Organization of STREL. r Jolin Moore I French. Salimianca, Barossa, lefeatod in U2)pei* ken by the British —Lord Wellington \ making 151 cannon, ! aggage and provi- luse in Parliament. ;aux Napoleon ouis XVIII. enters 'e Washington of Napoleon 1 to the Duke of ■ the crown, and is claimed. proved. General Abraham Bradley excellent Majesty ■eign of fifty-nine of George IV. Dublin, with the ;o over to London oted by the Grand is Royal Highness Grand Master of i Ilight Hon. Lord .laster. Grand the Earl O'Neill, Colonel Blacker, ends the Orange range Institution, e Grand Lodge. ! of Ireland . —Organization of itution," (which 1, Grand Patron; I'; the Hon. and ' Grand Patron; ter; and Ogle R. 4 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLP!. 255 After CliriiU ''''■ Z^S\S!^r ^"'"^^' ^"'^^ '' ^-^ -^ Albany 1828. Formation of the Brunswick Clubs. Battle of Nava rmo._Sa- Edward Codrlngton achievS a brHlSS 1829 1832 victory over the Tui-ks. rrn,??M''"f * Augustus Duke of Cumberland appointed ^Zi Tl\' ''°A' *^^^^"''^ of Enniskillen Deputy Gmnd Master of the Grand Orange Lodge. The Ponisb Ifiqo ^'"'^"^•l^'lt^^" I^i" receives the Royaf assent. ^ '^' 1830. January l_in the Comt House of Brockville Upper Canada was first formed the Grand Orange Lod 4^ of rlTK^'l''^ '''^''^''^ ^^e^« ^- t'owan' Esq. e ?ctecf Gi-and Mastel^ which off ce he holds until .June 1840 __ Capture Algiers. Death of George IV. and acces- sion ot William IV. o ^ * • ( Queen tt in Upper Canada, n Shoultz, entirely I, IG wounded, and ost U ofli cor. land 11 ;Lien.:. Col. Ogle R. I_ (j.i rank and file nve oufi^agement a ^y liis Excellency General Command- g upon the Ninth Col. Crowan, the in acknowledgment i;" and also, "the Lieut. Col. Gowan, ; had shewn would iii-it by the militia Lmerican Mar- 1 Highness Trince [cLeod arrested in n concerned in the )ncd at Lockport, i trial takes place t guilty. :lge of Ulster. lies into operation. gc of Ireland. reland) which had i h only enacted for I • be Grand Master ■ arth America. i Ige in 1830— viz., 3d by Mr. Gowan.. 10 repeal mounte- thi'owing himself i his fall he dies in lith O'Brien are re all transported, d by the Viceroy >nster processions vr ♦. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 257 Afttr Chriat. 1849. over Dollv'fKrnl 1 /''t.^^*^ "^"'y- ^^* * P^^^^c called JJol J 3 Brae, County Down, a murderous attack was made on the military and the Orangemen byalawre^s hoard of Papists; but, as in most other cases,^they we;e beaten off the ground The Protestant As oca^ion of the United States institut* William Sharmon, Grand rea 'iTrd T"^-"' *^ ,f «^Ji'^™«nt House in S- real. Lord Elgin is not allowed to land at Brockville and, on arriving at Toronto, i. tfelcomed by a roUen eS reception; twelve persons are apprehended, of whom three only are victimised. July 12.-Thc affair S S abtown takes pjace. Tw.nty-thri Orangemen whi?e iFrT' ,, Ora'igetaen sallied out, wounded several TcS^n' isl.^'ifn"" ^'^^"•^ ""^ ^••'^"^ the sce'^iH each ;,f nJ%i Orangemen of Toronto presented each ot the Slabtown brethren with a silver medal elegantly executed, as a mark of the esteem n which 1R-n i^l<^y ^*^V::.li<^l^'. f«- their gallantry and good conduct Eedtlto':"'''' '' *'- l'-t««tant Alociati^n lu the Unite states pronounced by the local papers to have been the most splendid display of the sea.son. BxivTnl «ic passing of the procession through the streets "f Pittsburgh,_there was hardly room foAt pei-son to pa,ss — Lxtension o the society over five States ot^S Umon. Papal .aggression in England. Second appearance of the United States Protfstant AssockS At the funeral of President Tavlor, the Assoc a fon ^ turned out in fidl regalia, at lcast^35o'stTonj^ wfl am Shannon, Grand Master, is complimented by the clTf marshal onthe fine appearance of the men under h m and, as an infant association, it is assigned tho post^f honor next to the military ^ Sn i^r^^ *''' ^P'T'^'^ ^^'""''^y P^'ocessions Act The Grand Oi-ange Lodge of British x\orth America at is annual meeting, voted the sum of .€100 as a trift o fboiv Grand Master, George Benjamin, Es.i_l^oo;an.e men of Toronto are invited to be'preient at I.e turE of the first sod of the Northern Railroad by Lady Sf The Firemen, St. George's, St. Andrew's, St. Patdck's «.e Masonic and the Odd Fellows' Societies l.c Sons of Temperance, and the Loyal Orange Institution a 1 tumel tie Diro".^t """"^"^f '''"'' '"^ ^"S^'-* "^'^y "t the reques ?;,i r?-"''*°''''.^^''"''«^ ^he occasion. Unpopular as Lord Elgin certainly was with the friends of w and order, no outward mark of disgust was evinced to^a^s 1851. I THE UNITED EMPIRE M.NSTREL. 1861. him though, when some person proposed three cheers re i°rtr7'° loyalist took off h?s hat ofotherZ fafC Tfwni ' '•'",•. .^^^ '^'''"^ ^'^^ ^ miserable lailiu «. It was a proud triumph for the Orancemen ' - Meeting of the Anti-Clergy ifeserve AssJciaUon ii^ carrkd hv tL"""- ^T''' ^^'^^l^tions were pu^ and carried by the conservatives, the chairman moved from inlr '"'■j. T^ *^*^ '''''^'^^^^ ^oted down._-S,othe^ meeting of the same clique, called by the Maj^ anj under authority of an Act of Parliament no man wTth firearms to approach within two miles of the placlof meeting for twenty-four hom-s, under a penaltr The conservatives meet in the Lower Market Square openly • ing, everything is done in good order, and the meeting BSanni? ^'^^ "^^'^^^ ^"^ ^''"'•^ ^''^ Queen and Rulf iiiitanma The members retired from the place of tTe hoi tT'"-"' '"' '^'^^.^°e heard a good deS' about the hole-and-corner meeting of the radicals whose deliberations were conducted within closed doorr the llTtuT^r^ ''^''^' *^^ ^^°»* «f the St. Lawreice Hall, the cheering continued, and the radicals, frightened : riid of l°n" -'^^ ""'''' r'^' "^^''^^'^t '^-^ thJy were tttnt offt'?r/^/?^"^r^' '^^ «o an express nfli 1 ? • u? i^^ ^^""t ^°^ * detacLineiit of the 71st Highland Light Infantry. Meantime there was some one o/Zl-°V "^' ''''''' ^ ^^"'^t °^«-"«^J' tlirown from one of the windows, was replied to by a shower of stones Wors1i?n«r.\l""^'^ '''' ''"^''' ^^S''*'^ clemolisheThs Woiship the Mayor was severely cut with a stone on the head, and one of the police had the skirts torn off h s StvL t"'] •\"^™'^*-.''? «1« military came down King Street in double quick time, the radicals then took courage, and crawled forth from concealment The opposition however kept to the groimd until even tie ^i;7.if' 'f ""'f' '^°S ^''''' resound with heaiy d eers and as hearty groans. Thus ended the matter Subsequently a reward was offered for information as to th<, person who struck his AVorship the Mayor bu? it was never claimed. This decision on the part of the conservatives settled the radicals for the nonc^ -—The Provincial Parliament is removed from Toronto to Quebec A the prorogation the Governor General, Lord ElgL was escorted by u guard of honor from the "Ist S and Light Infantry, the militia of the v.cinity, and the pensioners under Major Tulloth, yet, with a 1 his MiiMinti i>irmi»iaE.jMagiliiilil NSTREL. iposed three cheers lis hat or otherwise ' was ft miserable lie Orangemen I Association in the ions were put and irman moved from down. Another iy the Mayor, and nent, no man with es of the place of Jr a penalty. The et Square openly ; address the meet- •, and the meeting i Queen and Rule pom the place of a good deal about J radicals, whose closed doors, the the St. Lawrence ulicals, frightened it that tliey were md so an express aient of the 71st there was some ood, thrown from shower of stones, i demolished, his th a stone on the kirts torn off his ;ame down King licals then took icealraent. The d until even tlie 3und with hearty ided the matter, nformation as to c Mayor, but it the part of the 2 nonce. The )ronto to Quebec, •al, Lord Elgin, the -1st High- Vicinity, and et, with all this CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 259 1852. Afttr Chriit. 1851. protection his Excellency looked doubtfully around him on this side and on that, just as if he were not exactTv GovSilSowV'^? *****. feomefri"ndsoftS Governor (by he way, a York shilling would treat the whole of them) endeavoured to raise a cheer, but d I not succeed, and save one drunken fellow, who exc lahned - there yc s go, and the devil go wid ye's," thercTere few remarks on the subject.—Death of his MakSv JrOr'/ngflrSon^ '' '''^''''' ''^■'-^' '^^^^ were on the ground appointed for the rendezvous ^?he procession was two miles in l^-.th, and occupied three- SeT.? " r, '7' T'"''^ ""y g^^^» Poinf. On the Uicket ground refreshments were sei-ved cratis to tbo visiting brethren, after which the entire mult ude was addressed by the Rev. Chaplain Brother MeyeTboffer also by Ogle R.Gowan, Esq., Richard Demps^y Esq Jr. D. G M and Brother Balfour, .„ Brantford' During the day the greatest order ' pro vaHed No an^r'tTroT? I''-"' °' 1"""-«lli"g. no dnmkenr' .nS all retired to their respective homes even earl ■ ' mn usual. Next day there was not a single case bL Jre he Police Magistrate. Much credit is due to the Orange! men for their good conduct, to their officers for theS itfol"^ l^eeping everything all right, and to the May o^ the chief ot police, and the men under him, for thS services in keeping back the crowds who th;onffed the way,^ aad otherwise acting for the presenatio/of the Next day a telegraphic despatch was received that the rapists had assembled at Hamilton, and would certainly the U(y of Hamilton steamer. Accor.]' .-- • as H.i visitors were few in number, some thirty c Tl-j>ick." In ret^ilia tion, about SIX shots were fired, four or five persons were wounded, one died almost immedintoly. o.fe o^r was t"oTh:'l^..r"T/'.""l-"" ''i"''' ^^'" --^ thcl^Z^ril Ihe writer of this is a man of peace. He wishes to live mi the wnr 1 ""^X'"^} ^^'^"^'^^'"P ^'<'^- ^^^ "'""kind! u7, n the words of Sir K Peel, he would state, that "I^an ■ Se .r °' 'Sr£-^'*? -•^-»I-^"^ts, trait'ors and mur^ .'T.t, „^';°?' "*'?,» ^«« Pi-oved ineffectual to cure the 'J .c%.' of theiryile and wick 1 practices, and i, rhey will court death, why, even let tliem have t, and i ay the Lord have mercy on thoir ),lood-thirsty souls • ^ I^i^. ^"^-'-•^'"fiti AMMMIta dih iTREL. icir bcBt. Several at the Orai:gcmcn. CSS that the good pcnion were exem- i Protestant (Iram, ned Campbell was bich was (.loRcvibcd "most formidable ick." In retJilia- r five persons were 1y. one other was caiTy their marks "■, was routed, e wishes to live tn mankind, but, in tiite, liifit "I can raitors and mur- 'ectual to cure the cticcs, and ii rhey have it, and i ay rsty souls ! THE POPES OF ROME. 261 THE POPES OF ROME. BY LOUIS MARIE DE COUMEMN. The ' story of the Popes runs through a series of ages, during which the Bishops of Rome, whose vnissidn was to announce to men a divine religion, have forgotten it in their pride of power ; have outraged the morality of Christ, and become the scourge of the human race. Here is seen a frightful pictm-e of monstrous debauchci-ics, bloody wars, memorable schisms and revolutions. Its recital embraces the long succession of Pontill'd celebrated for their crimes, or illustiiou-s for their exploits. . he wisdom of ages has caused blind fanaticism to disappear; reason and tJerancehave replaced the religicus passions which drove men to the most honible extremes, and caused them to resemble tigers, gorged with blood, rather than human beings. The pride of Popes, and their insatiable ambition, found in absolute monarchs powerful and lrc(,uently docile auxiliaries in imposing upon the people their execrable wishes, in over- whelming the weak, in aggrandl.:ing their estates, and at length in reaching so great a height of au lucifv.. that they called them- selves the representatives of God uioneartU. and arrogated the right of giving away kingdoms, depc^ag jsinces, and dividing the world. ^ ^ , , ^ The shades of ignorance then obscured the mind; the people, stupined in a frighful slavery, rent eacli other like wild beasts, m order to please their tyrants, and subserve their ill-regulated passions. Ages of misforhme, massacres, incendiarism and famine ! ^ Abusing the credulity of the people, kings destroyed empires m theu' senseless^sway and made a desert alike of the city and the country. Thf Popes, more loose and savage than the tyrants of ancient Rome and Byzantium, seated upon the pontifical chair, crowned i' 262 THE UNITED EMPIRE yuySTHEL. ";^n;«elve3 to all kind; oKl. Se v ^^rr^''^''«-^"rre,ulerccl misfortunes. '"^iieij, and iiisuUcl tJio public tl'opohcy an,, th^ cunu-h^MfngVL ^/''T^ternal '^•»"'' ^v3 of einiures ! -^ "'"gs J'aa buried under the rubbish tLo Pa"s;''S;rtL"";IitS^';!^ !r«""' 't wander, through jgnonu^c of men, o\-env eWd H ^' "' f"'"-^*^' '^^'^^'^ '-yS tants of the country, naked "'' ""' '"'''^' '^ '"'^'^'^ the inhabi- brigan.ls theinselve.J^' who found ,."IP^', '^'''"^ horror n the bodies. It recalls tl e epoc 1 of r '^' ^'^' *" I'^'Iogc >'"t dead tude, when the smallest fa 1 ? '"'*"'"' ^«"f"«ion and soS- and ]{omans, were n me/a 4 , ST' ""^°"« ^^"e^'^l^' F^'ench kings and nobles, who , vert "tn"/'^''*^'''^'^ '" the pay of f^ent on pillaginjr he iVhn ,!. ^^*"'^ ^»'' tlieir prey al .Vol astoni«h/ng .md^ilri^rrd't'' T'''''"'^ *'-'-?; a ' to the sound of the tocsin a .til eT'^ "-""""^^ aeSus tomed and inexorable despo s, ■Sd.lr^"''-'n.'^"'' ^'"g^- inflexible wars, m order to susta n Le mosf .,'n" "?"'""' "^ '""» to eniel tiic number of their shivo. : ""J"'* Pi'ttensions, aucment unbridled luxu.y of the.- con .r'''' '^^''" ^^'^•'''tJ'. '^at' ff t,?e mistresses, or pJrluai^^ occunv "''' ''' '''^^ "'^ avidity of ^eh' a lung devoured with .S'"^ ^ '^'' ""'i'^^'t and rostles's spirit of !?-^.5:Xl^ld^l5,^t,tnUhs from hi.to,^: they .i„ kings have been the ^ea Jes ifStr'^^'*^"'^ ''^'^'4 Popc^s am^ Europe, during two thousand y J.rs of h'"'''* "'i^tbrtiines to During the reign of Tiberiu; 1 ^^''■"'^"^' ""^^ fanaticism. Mary, called Christ Tbo w- '^PP'-'ared a man, the son of tlte law of Moses was ob cured r,''''° ^'""^^'^ '^ ignora°nce of the Israelites, and of Sw of nfT"" '^■'^"*^'^"« ' tlie morals tlegree of corruption. Th s 'an ^ ^^P^^P'*^- were in a like dfd not content l.imselfwhirmouSnf'''^^'^'^^'^^^' »" divine! He preached, he dogmat zed ^p ^^ ?"""* "^*^ ^'""i*^" race morahty, opposed to the cornmf *-"'S^'* "" ^ode of severe His disciples, chosen f,n^^^* "''''""' «f the age. ^ had ,earned'from1?eL^^re "Ctf ;^?-P'^' ^-gl^t, as they ngid morality, a mysterious .]n!?^' '''^''^''^^'^^Pt^. a holy and dogmas. The discipLs o" C ,;'^?<^*"°^' /nd i'^compreheSe men to receive their precent; ' 1^ """^ '^P'«y force to cause secuted in all ways, aJ^tSr ' " v ' ^°'!^ry,-'t]iey were per! made the most rap d pro^ess^''"'^'"^' '"'^^'^ '^^ ">«^^ ^^amp e, 'JSwS... INSTHEL. in.^^-v-v,, ^ ^ ., * w 263 Thoy persecuted the man of God. Thev nursued l.im w!m exercise'of tla-ir^orshi^n^hr^.T^^l/e'""""^ ^'""""'^^^ '^' It was towards the year (JO of our era ' thnt thn r-i • .• commenced separating thcmselvoq fwf,,, * n t • , ^'^'''^t'ans They separate!; themil^ otSc uTt o ^t^^•fl^'""""^ among the synagogues scattered Trough R^V fit eco^T''^^ Inges and covoni J The .Cm , " '" ,' "»"*""? "hotit i,i vil- .hey UM „„. S.0,. "Pon .Wl, :''„?" irgl'^.SrZt'i'r'' throw empires •^"ty» , laey uiu not over- tho society, who wei?the l?if ? fj "'° ^''^'''P'^ '^ ^'le elders of initiated or beu'e^rs wtSni ^f'.f ?'*"*j °^' ^^''"^o"^; the chumens, who weTaihLl n^ • '^^^'',}T ^'^'^' ' tl^ccathc- 1 rest of mankind IrweSi/l''--''"!''''" '^'^««^'J "^e the Beco.ning awe numerous Hl''''','i*° ^'''''"'' ''^''^'^'7- ra's-h\^?f£HS™---^^ 264 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. '»■ • But the Christians, declaring themselves enemies of all othor his religious belief, but for acts forbicklcn by aU laws Councils even were tolerated; they recount five in thr fir,f century, six in the second, and thirty in the th rd T ,o L.f rors beheld with contempt, sometimes wthndiJaionTho" progress of this new religion, which was elevatin<.°Us wonhin on the ruin of the gods of the empire ° worship Diocletian, who passes for a persecutor, was, durins more than eighteen years, the avowed protecto^ of the StiTns tliey occupied iniportant places about his person he eve' married a Christian, and permitted them in Nicomedk l.i^ I resKlence, to build a superb church opposite to l^siahc" I Galerius convinced Diocletian that this sect, which lie h-fd nro tected, was intoxicated with fanaticism and fury ^ Plnn.1 '•'"^M™' P"^^^^^«i ^^ edict for the destruction of the diui-ch in Nicomedia ; a fanatic tore it to pieces. Informat on was laid and proof found of a wide-spre-d consni,^.o^ il- t extended itself from one end of the ki^m ?o dTeoSr ^ An' tioch, Jerusalem, Cix^sarea and Alexandria, were filled with these intolerant innovators. The hearth of this fire was nItZ Rome, Africa and Asia Minor. More than two hundred thou sand of the conspirators were condemned to death ^Ve arrive at the epoch when Constantiue placed Christianitv upon die throne. From thence we see Christian , an mated b^ a fui-ious zeal, persecuting without pity, fanni^-^ the molt extravagant quarrels, and constraining pagans by fire and sword, to embrace Christianity. ^ ° ' ^ ^ ^^^ nroTlr^^' ^^'Y,''' ^'^'^ ^ Christian concubine, the mou - of Constantme, and known as Saint Helena. C^sav Con^^x,^ Chlorus died at York in England, at a time when tli^B ch Ito whom he had by he daughter of Maximilian Hercules his fca?' timaewit^a, could make no preten.sions to the emp ;« S stantine the son of his concubine, was chosen empmr by sfx thousand German, GaUician, and British soldl.rs.^ This elec^ tion, made by the soldiery, without the consent of the sen" te and Roman people, was ratified by his victory over Maxent?us chosen emperor at Rome-and Constantine mounted a ? rone soiled with murders. imum. An execrable parricide, he put to death the two Licinii the husband and son of his sister; he did not even sparS his' own children and the empress Fausta, the wife of this Luster w^s strangled by his orders in a bath. He then consulted the p^n tiflfs of the empire to know what sacrifices he should offerTo i ') rSTREL. -Ny-^.-^^,^ r enemies of all other e, were many times f martyrs have the torians affirm that was persecuted for r ail laws, unt five in tiie first third. The empe- h indignation, the Jvatmg its worship was, during more 3f tlie Christians ; person; he even u Nicomedia, his ite to his palace, (vhich lie had pro- ary. lestructiou of the 3CS. Information onspiracy, which the other. An- 'c filled witli these ire was in Italy, JO hundred thou- leatli. aced Christianity ans, animated by nning the most ins, by fire and iine, the mou;.-r esar Constantius ten the childi-en, ercules, his legi- e empire. Con- emperor by six ors. This elec- >f the senate and ver Maxentius, )unted a throne :wo Licinii, the 1 spare his own is monster, was suited the pon- should offer to THE POPES OF ROME. 266 the gods in order to make expiation for his crime Tl.o = - ficing pncsts refused his offerings and he w^, rl. The sacn- horror by the high priest, who exc'hdmcd " F^r f ^f ^ '"''^ parricides, whonT the gods neveT, S^^^ Far from hence be promised him pardon for ) is c rimos e shon f, ""' ^ ^"'^^^ fied in the water of bapti^m^'' \ ^'!^"''''^ '^^\«°'« P"ri- Christinn. 'I "^m,— .ma the emperor became a their .-crcal tho^Sw aSl luS rf I« f 1"'°' '''■" '""^ Uicm into tlie sea' '""glitci oi Hwdctmii, a,„! tljrew Constfiiitine nssemijles the cniinfl) r,e v;.,. -. «f ^Ica.l, in „,,,er to .sc»'"e'il,ep;a™„ "?!:,' ™ '"« '«•' MX°s:;^A''£,rh,-;vrsSe~'S^'"'""-» iSr'snS;i„A'Si;y£?lT"'°=- I Thcodosius declares for the council of Niro Ti I Justiao, wimrei^.-nedinlllyria aS IfrhL as f) J^."'"^'""^'^ the young Valontinian, proscribes him ' ''" ''''''''' «^ J lie Goths, ^'andals, Burgundians anil Fi-onV.. u ^ .. selves upo. tlio provinces ot' the empire thevSndtl ''•''"- of Anus establislied in them 'm,] thlLrT'^ ^ ^^"^ opinions religion of the conquered conquerors embrace the ^m West ; but u" ti re of tC, rio f '''"'"''^^ '^ *''^ ^^'''^t ~,.li. which had iULK^^^^^^ po^rXtSnt^rS^irtf^S^r^ As.i„.Mm- | worlil. IJanished fromlfo?., i.? ^'*'"*^'*'^"^P"'eofthc i i f ■4i ;^ ;i 266 THE UxVITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. All was coo- rise to thi« soan.la n^ru ; ;■ •;/ ;!;^";'^r '^' *''^^ ^'^^^ We with ».utc].crios, ai.ast,^S^ ''^"'' '^'^ '"'''''^ ^^''^PO zacir;\i;;i:;^;;r%^tae;!to:?^?rr^nr^^"'p^^- people his iLsurpation of to crown otM?J\ "' *'? 7'' "^ ^''« Komagiia, taken from the Lomblmir ^ ' ''''"'•'"'' "^ 4Si::rhif^^';;!:;;:;^r;r^'^^' ^^^^^^^^^ ^ioesnotdeia;to amiHtion. ''''''^' '"'^ '''" <^-^ce,ss of the most frigluful «n,l tore ont tl.c tSio ' ..f r I'' J-"'""'''' 1'"'^ ^"^ "'^ eyes, accessor. ^'''- "^ < "^^^^tantmc the .Second, l.is pre- thSthSll^cirSSo^^'SSlf ^^^;- ^- -I'^-s of foH.avingundertakon'\he^tic^^^'':;;^:;\^ffl^ Ulm , chains, ami comlcmns liim to tovm;,i^; • ' ^^ J^jons in Then Leo the Third placeTa tow "rin^ ^'1'"^ f'^^^"- a mantle of purple t j.on hi. Xn ] S'^'' ,"Pon his liead, and of Charlemagne LMd7imtp™^^^^^^^ ^V^''. '''^•^^■^'^'iants | usurper had acquired 1 f-^rmS^ "'° ^"""'-^"ce this ! taken away fr„m the ibarlis ^ ' '^" ^''^''^ *'^° l^'^'^'l ^^ 1^«J i cuJoffS £,Kt 'S.: ^viS'dl' 1 '"f ^' ^^ «"^ "^<^ ^^- -^'i i Theodorus, a hi; l/offim- of -^^^^^^^^ the Lateran, of i son-in-law hecause he Lad re ..inn f -'iV^'^'' ''"^' "^ -I^^" ^^^a the death of this po c the Zrin i""*'^"' *^^ Lofhaire. On hurial, and ^visl/^^d^to'^l ' 1 fdtd b2vIr"''/^P^''^■'^"^ ^^^ Rome. " ^'^'^'^ ^°"y through the streets of of human nature. e sen fw nT^ ''° ^'■'^'';*^'''^ ^'^^^^es "'aiiel'" ^t /'^^"^ ^SSn^ Jl;;o^"^^' ^--"^ -^ i-J-^V^ ^nS^l;yS5^-~ the bishops of pe^"e&S\:L'^c:t^rr,"^""^^ ^^^ ^'--^ st. to be kissed by frin^s 'nn, 'conl T.^^'' ""^ giving l.er feet encicnto by a cardinal .an 1 I? '" ./'" ^'^P'''^ •^^•'^" '^ecomca the midst of arcligi cSemony " *''' ^''''' ^^ ^''Hd-birth, in In the ninth century the Greek and Latin churches separate. W^iimmiik^. iri'^sttj' lr^mtofe'..f^ ;' la'-. j'^ -~.»^-f.-u t< INSTREL. liixtreJ. All was cou- thcnisolres temporal >pire of the west gave I lias covered J'luropo succession with popes from the eyes of the nice, find the murder y See the domains in « 'St, does not delay to )ftlio most frightful lieiglit. Tlie clergy ^osen in the midst of y, put out the eyes, the Second, ids pro- ves his nephews of -law to punish him cs liim to Lyons in us days in prison, ^upon his liead, and Jut tlie descendants c the influence this pesthelauilheliad put out the eyes and of the Lateran, of rch, and of Leo his 1 to Lothaire. On i'ed to prevent liis ough the streets of 1 transporting from frighttul vestiges ice, Germany and u'c the bishops of i the chair of St. nd giving lier feet ess Joan becomes of child-birth, in liurchcs separate. THE POPES OF ROME. 267 n^nl'S- 'wf'f""'"''' '"!''° five centuries of murders, carna-e s/he^hS; ^i^zir:::' *^^"*^-'^^-^ ^'^-^"^ -^-- ^-^ ^'- --t The Arabs ainl Turks overv>lielm tlie Greek and \frican o^cSstianUy.*^'''"*" *'" ^^"^'^-^'-^ -^gion upon the rlli;;^ rnhi " ^Dnvi.?}"lr'^ maintains itself, amid troubles,discords and rZ'. 1° ^ '" ""P"'^' °^ -inarchy, the bishops and abbots in Stephen the Seventh, driven on by a pitiless rage, orders the sepulchre of Formosus to be despoiled, causes tht-m to t keo ? I from It the dead body, and hoiVible to relat^- "" \t b ^n" into the synod assembled to .legrade him. Then tins f r S : body covered wuli the pontifical habits, is interrogated in the midst o scandaloi,s and infnria.e clamour. "Why ha4 hou ben,g bishop of Pr.rtus, usurped, throucrh ambition he nt! versal see of Rome V' Then Ihe popo. jmshed o Z' exe'rZe baroan ty orders his three lingers and head to be cut off ud his dead body to be cast int.. the Tiber Sergius invades the pontifical chair. He leads puljlidy a life oiled with ,lebancherios, with tho famous courtezan Mai-o.!ia Ihcir son becomes pope, nudor the name of .John the Twelfth" and suri.as.es them by Lis monstrous crimes. (^a-di.aK and bishops accused him of inec.-t with his mothor-or viola ,'/ Uc holy yirgms-o adultery, homicide, profanity and blasp remy .T± 3^Ve:::i: : :. !'^^i':^- ^^i- ^-^ hands, tingue am/ears Jf es them walk, thus mutilated, John and Cre;-centius, and m through the streets of lloni.". Benedict the .Ninth is rai^-vl to tho Holy See at twelve vears of age, by tie intrigues an.l gold of the (A.ui ot Tu ^.a^.ei , lie immediately surrenders himself to excess of depravUy and most shameless debaiichere... The Komans, w.I-n u b his outrages, drive him from Home, and name anotho, norJ Sylvester the Third. Benedict, by the assist nc^i^S tives, seats himself anew in the Floly See ; but perceivin' him- rib e f.m T/r' "' T'''''' --^■"•=^tion, and feariiigVtS- iible lall, he, by an iiitamous simony, sells the Uolv See ■ir.d consecrates a third pop.. John the Twmitieth I e L:„ ^ti "s mto tae pahice of Ids father, in order to surrender 1 mJlf to tho most infamous ])lcasures. "inucii to After haying made this odious traffic, the desire of rnlinn- ^re-enters las soul and places him a third time in this is": honoure.l chair. Alone, against the Komans, who lei hi„ ?n horror-alone, against the two other popes, produc g a -hie schism-he proposes to his adversaries to divide between tJ em the revenues of the church ' <-i«<.ui incm "il'ii^ If ™J!''"^'' ^"'P^^E MINSTREL, at St Peter'., tJo oJ^r tl^ ^^,^^7^^! ^^o'^'j rule; the one the 1 a ace of the Lateral, ; 4 iSou -"fT' "'"'^ '^^ ^'^^' a* A bold, avaricious nn,i i- ,':""'^"^ triumvirate. t;>ree popes theirhffai,,^^ ^^ ^ Z't P^^^-- ^om the them under the uan.e of Greg y the Sixth'^"'-*' '"^^ ^"^^^«'« ilildebraiid, the nioul- <,fi^ "^ I, '^'^"i. most deceitful of ; V'i^"'^ .f f '-f ^of the popes, the name of Gregory \he Sev „tT ' '' T'^^'?^''^' «^^- under the "gauKst kings; exeites puhli '^ J. "^ ^S"^!^' ^''^ anathemas with disorder, carnage Ld muiTle ■ it ^'^^^^^^J and Italv emperor of Germany; takes from hi,. J, V';""""""^''^^^« t^^e lijs people from the oath of obeSncJ oVf °^ ^^"^ ' ^'-^"^^ ^"1", and at last reduces iZ I ; ^^^'^^^ pi-inces against "^:>t the f<>rceof his n Kis r^t tc^reT ^ IT' f "^^^^f-tuj liresica should be delivered ,nfi- ^^'' ^^'"^*^"'^ ^^'"'-^W of cause he had prcached'^i^Tt iJ^ J" '''■^™-' ■•'^"•«. '^e- a'jommations of pontiffs. ^"^-^ ^* P^'^^-^-^ts, and the Alexander luishes ',„.i rages against kin^ ^ Ti/^ier<^'V ^'\' ^^f'^'^^^^^ Ws out- ^"« .sou Otho, who was fpS e'-'n th;:'?'''V "!• '''•'^^"^- ^« ^^'^^^ I upphcateH the popo to abX iL f' I'^''' "^ ^'"^ ^^^^'"""^S il'o inflexible Alexander .lemands l^ n '-^'^'^^"'"""ication. f«"f ^M'ersoutoaskhispard>; nS ' "'° ™^r"-"r should ' Wc.l people, without his robes w-'h" oT ^ 'f " •' "*" '^^^ ^-"^'sem- I^eadle in his hand, and thVthe.b ,1 '/''"''"" ^^^ "'^^ "^ a earth. When be ^y^^ extended rn l^''««<^'''to his face to tho of the church, ^IJox^nder pu hisTo t on'l •""' 'V ^''^ ^"^^'-^^^ ou him, exclaiming. '• Tho S nif f J , ''' """^ '"^"'l trampled the cockatrice, and sJialt crush ', r '^ "/^"" *''^ serpent and Celestin tlie Third aff(,rh r • /?? f'^'' *'^^ ^'^'^^oi^ " avarice. Alexani.r la! t amp[ef unde"'?"^'; ^' '^'^'^^'^^^ Barbarossa, who demanded the 1 beritlon f i '^ Frederick new pope, for money crf.Avn^.wi ^'^"'^^'^tion of his sen. ThL-j an execrable monste'r', w o r^^^r,?"":^' "^"^^ the Fourth Stephen the Scvenfl. i f"^"<'^ed the impious sacrilew nf tbaf his iS ^AJ^s'Srrsj^'' f^'''"'y «"^^-d put out the eyes of Willhni fl,? P"^'^'*' executioner. He having made him an eun'r'/i^^ '"? '^ T*^"^'™^!- aft r J^Wiblepunishn^;^^^^^ miS^ NSTREL,™ 1 traffic, divide into boldljrule; the one ur.'i, and the third at •uiinvirate. purchases from the '"Pacy, and succeeds I. >ncr of the popes, the 'iical .see, under tlie -•Jies Jiis anathemas i' priests, and the 3de_ccisorj liis out- ^. iu (jnk'r to free (Isi of the Komaus. excommunication. omperor should •lico of the assem- ivlng the rod of a to his face to the •It the entrance :!ck and trampled the serpent and e dragon."' 'Pl« "f insatiable i feet Frederick Ins son. This Jury the Fourth, 0U3 sacrilege of o'ly of Taccred, ieeutiouer. He ' Tanored, after ' Count Jourdan > be affixed to a THE POPK3 OF ROME. 269 I. vis 1 Imwcciitll.c Tliir,! t.i-cacliea tire cnisi.los «»ni„st lire inli,l„l The frightful Domudck Christ iu one hand and -i tore ii th^ ' ie<^'3'^;/''"-^'"'p' ,"1 ''^■''^■•' '" '^'^^'"tain hi. ambitious pro- , I £. 'r F 'V"V"'''rV "'^''^ ''■ '''^ ^^■'''■^' Jovies impost] \^i ' W . ; ^ ■"^ ";"l Germany. He exeommuKirato kin-" I lorce the pope to conclude a peace. -'"po^t-, 'Hl! The poutUr, arrested in his proi'vess couden !•.,.•.„„„ w pay ten thou.aul marks of silfer to hS le^ ^^ two IS^ o Innocent the Fourth, in the midst of his crimes p.rformed -i generous action, .vhich reconciles humanity to him.^ .under- takes the delence of the Jews of Cermanv, whom the vSc^s spoil... In tl, t barbarous ago. .a lal.e zeal Ibr relb^ion served as a pretext for the most revoUing injustice. They n-ente calunnuesaga,nst the .Jews, accused them of eati.'g^ " li^ar of a now-born miaut at tlie passover supper; and when tl ev foim.l the ])ody of a dead man, they put them to t r u e and ''"^^'^T ''r'^^ '^y *i- -o^stVrightf;; tornuu;;;.^' ■"' ui ban the lourth signs a shameless treaty with St Touis ot Ivaple.,, and divide the estates of the young Conradin. The pope overcomes the scruples of the hing'of Franco, and ea^es MM J > V i; l&^ ^= J^^^^ EMPIRE MINSTREL. thousancl ounces of g^idt^^^^^^ ^"J pay eigh^ sive battle, and is made Son or t .f ''' ''^"'' ^-'^*^ ^ ^'^ci- Austria. After a iTgorouTSitv ^r^'T ^"i'\ ^^'c^lorick of order of the pope ?omlomn? . ^'>^'''''"'*'' ''f ^^"Jo"- V the the oxccutionJr ^ 'S XV ;':L'%I'f ''^^^ *''« J'^nd S executed. Conradiu dzll .'e h ad ^l^^'\ ^'■'^ '''' ''''' the mortal blow holding it in hi elrace ' '""^ '"''"'^^ a ^Sg";L'^":j;,s;rSth'rf't ^'?^- ^^*-' "-»»-kes political tjnnit, lire SX us m^ov'n^^^^ 'm ''^"J^^" ' *'^« ^^"^ a «ecratc,l oV Home. ScrudE oi'T^'^' '^'' "^^'"" ^''« <^on- A Ya.t c..,..si,;racyi.s farmed To] !ft>''*''-f""^^^^^ i»'lignation. mnn, is the .oul if i lie en^t^ef A T''^n^^'"'''^^ ^^"tle- ly, goes to .Spain to obtaL Efd f 'v^'^ ^ "^'"^orus to join through the cities of Sici v to exci?i \ W •'?"' ^"'' ^'''^^^^"S ^, On the thir.l day ot Ser r4' r!V"',"''' '" vengeance. the signal for the carna'c dVcn \ft, ^'"^'; °1 ^"^^P"''^- is cry of death resounds thrr.,,^ , fi ^ -r ^^^^''O""'! "f the bell, a arc massacred i,r char S i^f.'o "'n- "^'f^' '^'^^ ^"^^"^^^ vate houses; everywhere is immW P'""''^'' "»^' "^ P"' sand dead bodies are the t'oS^f t" e Si";? '"'"• '^''' *^' »- . Bon.face the Eighth beconC i ope afte 1 !.'l'- "''^'''- ■ his predecessor. Ife outra-o. tl,» V,!' , , i^""^ assassinated with luatred the (^^S^n^]^'^:,^'^^^^'^^^^ P^-ues Germany, invents the jubilee to dr?w Vltl '',/''« ^niP*^™!" of 'uto his treasury, and exc es o m-' ^ ''T"'*'' ^^ ^''<-^ "=^tions ^elf, that the HtSes assemi ed u^^^^^^^ 'l'''^ agau.sthin)- Ifandsome, to judge the pope ' ^o /, i^i "';''' "^' ^^''^'^^ ^'i-^ I accuses him of beh.o- a «imonia/nn "''"''''I'^^'^^P of Xarbonne of not behevin- in the m!^-'. " ■'"'''''"'' •'i"'I an usurer • soul; ofemplo\"ngfo 'etoc^a^^^^^^^^^^^ ""' the immortality of tl'e to be revealed; of hinV^n^r ''"'"'' ''^ "'« ^onfossioual «nd having children n^l,!^''";^;;--^^ f%^-^ two nieces ployed the riches acquir d by tC ^de cf"i,H'', '^^^"^''"^ "'^- the Saracens to invade the country" "^''"'gences to pay ^^s^i^vo!:^^t^lz^ ;'r ^'^r^^^ '^ ^-^^ ^^ «- pope They arrive, aU?e W^Hn.! '?^"t'" l'^' '' ^'^'''^ ^oimcH of Anagni, tJie reSS f oS r'.?* ^'^'''^'"^"' '"'''^'^^'y they force an entrance in o t bo v , ^^'"'}'"S witli resistance, tho accusations agah't Mm eSuiS '"' ^^'"^"^^'' ^'- P'- Pc charges Nogaret'with inj"m.inf h i ' ir'^''"''',''''*' ^■"^^' ^---d his descendaits tf tiri^i-SaJt.'^^^.^ riJVSTREL. 1 abandon to the Holy isions, and pay eight cy of his predecessor, es, and fights a deci- -'r with Frederick of rle.s of Aujou, by tlic ■ri.sli by tlie hand of uistria was tlie first s friend, and received 5t. Peter, and makes Aiijou ; the one a y, tlio other tlio con- general indignation. I-i, a Sicilian gentle- ?1 Paleogorus to join -r.igon, and hastens innds to vengeance. ; hour of vespers, is sound of the I)e!], a Sicily. The French ' places, and in pri- geance. Ten thou- ilian vespers, having assassinated efics kings, pursues of Uio emperor of 'iiltli of tlie nations I'ltred against him- order of Philip the |sliop of Xarbonne [n, !ind an usurer ; nimortality of tho of the confessional th his two nieces, •'ill, of having eni- idulgencos to pay carry to tho pope -•I general council, ■semen, at the city S with resistance, ■cseut to the pcpe sorted with fury, rscs the king of enei-atiou. Then THE POPES OF ROME. 271 tmX iSSer ^' '™ "'^ ^^ ^^^^' -^^' ^- -- g-ntlet, tejr^f tnS^ irS and pnests, who cruelly contemplate these bloody stakes After having divided with the king the spoils of the Tom n picache.l a new crusade against the Turks, sold indu 2;ncc-. di '£ui;o'tit'''tw!rt;r""'^^'^'i^^- g^«-* «<=!-- -i-h chair. ' ^ P"!"-' '^'^^'^ '''^^"'^ted to the pontifical J^o^J^"^^"^' '''^''^ /* ^^^'^^^ = ^'l^"^c"t the Seventh, the po ^rri ttir7u""^or'^"^'v^^"■'"! ^^' ^''^^ ^^^^-^ ^^^ t-- iiicated eadrother ItT xl^nf 'T^ ''''''' '"^'^ oxcommu- poused tlio came <,/'f' ^i''' ""».?="•>' «""! '^pain, es- Seve.itb 1-\T , V^""' *^''^'^''° sustained Clement the ^joie unlortmiate and guilty Joanna sent forty thousand ducats '"^iiT^SR'tF!'^^' )r- : -i. 272 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. altar. Tl.e pontiflliaa i.uh.cc V W f ^ t'! "" "'* ''^' *^'« j thrown, h-uU-u with chains, into cfr..Si vo . , n eo n. • u^ ''''' I were put out, the nails of tl.eir f<;.rii^T ' t''^'"' ('3'os i thdr tooth hrokon, ti.oi;L"" o ^, ^'./III^^^^JY^T'T' "^' : i"Hl at length tlieir bodies friiitii it m I -^ > , '**;' T"' I in sacks, whilst still alive, an.l'tlaS i ' to'S. ""''^ ^"" "^ i Clement tlie Seventh JieM i.is so'it .,t i • cnonnous imposts on th. ■ , ,rch of .' , ,,1 •^'"''''', ""' ''''"^ the cardinals' nn,l satisfy the , i i i ' '" ""'"' *" "'"'='' His conduct was no a II infe^ • to i' t ^f T=^' "^ '""'^ •^^"'•^• violence, deceit and crime. "^ ^"' ^^'"I'otitor in The two popes dcsohited Faviinr. v;ti, ti • : of their partisan.- urv hu .?' ^'"^V'"'''"' '"'''' ^'^^ : humanity cervwhc re io e tj ^"^0^: • "' '"'^'"'^"^^ '^ I no'SingSl^'tot^rSJJT ^''"^'^l'^'^' the cardinals Benedicrthe Thi^tiSrand'^G i:; ^fj;;; ^^^Sfr' ^^'"^ ! before a general council convene ft PNa "1 vvT"' ' reiused to do so, the patriarch of Uexandri .' n": V ' '"^ i This base assassin assembled tho .n- /i '"lt''«'^'"' Cossa. t;....antle,placcdit.i;;;!£S^^^^^^^^^ of Horned =m o,'i^ S/e^i ^^ •""i/'";'^^ j'-e See wtli^aS'"'^"^^'''' ^^ ^^^^^^' ^^-^-" -'» the'emiS: A general council assembles, and f«)ceeds to the depcsitiou Kai 1 STREL. lusc. Yiy way of !it the foot of the I>iii'fis, tlio niloptcd 1 parricide. he it(.|.o tlie .spoils iiiiist six cardiualt^ ;ir)e«. TJicy were igoons : tlieir eyes mils Avrenched off, 3d.s of licatdi iron, rx co» )v^ were o:.haustcd, by the 'e, ius I'th '^^ ^'"'^ ^''^ '•^■^"^' e^ fifty- two Aondors of bull. V. , "" J^^'P^- He arT)oii,to7i people, and joi..e-l t ;n t'T.^''-'^'''^^"^'' ^o sqStt oclgcd_.vith hi,u two 1^0, said K"^^ ^''^^-^''^^h^^ n>.s pnyato life was defiled f •."""''■''^' "'■'"•l-" of i attho eourt of hin, ^UpEo V^Sdl '1.!T"t"^- ''■'">hode drhV "P" joung prince Zizimns, to mSeit 1;^'^ ''^'"^'^'''''''''^ *^'« brother Uajazet. The Pultai, rf V "/'"" *''« P^^'^uit of Is offer to the pope fou, t iou^i, f. .^t?^ ''f' embassadors to J^m u, exchange for prince Zi^.rS:'"'' !''' '''^ ^^ ^'^^£- at the head of ],is troops, in oi w V '"'■' ,''° ^'^^''^^ ^ place the Sultan Bajazet bid hio-her n, I h ^ *" the CLristians • but a pr,soner in his states. " ' ""' '^" PO"tiff retained Zizimiis ITNSTREL. tlio ThiM elevate him « '>y Ins genius,, •■••'.'•e nii.l eolicitu.lo i„ - ";.'r»f'st.s, invents now ;•'■«'>• the avarice of 7'.' "!'"'• ;^lH.m he JiHd "IS Ji,,n-i(lplor.snres V';"C a l.rothel, the • -If" Julius v.-oekly. •I 'jucats a-jear. An 'I'licK-nt to rauferhis t 10 eurdin.-.l of t^aint :huthe (thecjii'din^.l) ^ ""in- the three H tlic bottom of the "mi. nuajulien.ie ■"'' 'iuvingasokii.n .' thfj l,o,st, tlio con- '"•ont cournpreously &1111.S tJie s.ioristy conspin.tors, Wi.arm tlie dmrcJi, as well dotal rohes. if election cost him ^cc; the resources >e. T{e appointed :o(i to sfjucc/.e the 'ctaries, avIio cacJi d marks of pold. ^"'••il^. I'Mucated uad contractcil the ■lu ty liad procured •dinal (d' IJologna, On tlie death of iio Second, and of 'I'pc Innocent tiie tlic pursuit of his s ainhassadors to 'f cityof Jcrusa- c wishes to place fgninst C'onstan- ' ^'i'l-istians ,• but I'etained Zizimus I THE POPES OF ROME. 276 nrt ';? !'-^^"""!'r- ''^ the tnost .ireadful of all men .vh. hive artriKhted he world. A depravity hitherto unknown, , n n'^. tmble cup.d.ty, au unbridled ambition, a cruelty more thin bnrbarous-such wrre tho horrid qualities of Jloderick IJordn d.oseu pope by the title of Aloxand'er the Kixth. His p S were so unbndlcd that, hav^ become enamoured of a wi low yuo had u-o daughters. atent with the mother. 1,^^ the daughters also to his u. .s : he caused one of th • n t le placed ma convent, and continued his incest with the Jt b. auliful, whom they call Rosa Vauozza .She bore him iive children, one of whom was the famous father, if the dcvd himself could have equalled them L>uring the pontificate of rnnoccnt. assassins and bandits had so increased m number, that the cardinals, before enedn^ the conclave, fortified their dwellings with mus' otrv .r^^ market, where all holy charges were for sale ; llo.lerick Borsria ^S!L',n?;;'o"'" »"'■'"■•« "' '"•"•■-"» '»■■ »■». »'S - Armed with the sacerdotal power, his cxecralile v;,.f.« L.ii^ niereased ; he delivered himsSf up\o IL n o t moi rou S cest, and_ horrible to relate, the two brothers, T mncK and C|V.ar nungled theu- infamou. pleasures with tl eir t£r hi tlie embraces of their sister Lucretia The immoderate ambition of the pope knew no bounds ■ nil laws, humnn and divine, were trampled' under foot. He Jorms ' alliances .and breaks them ; he prcaclies crusade levies im- posts iiiChrishan kingdoms, inundates J:nn,peiiS his Wi ms ; ofmonks, enriches himself with the wealth hey cairy to hm ' and ca Is I'.ajazet into Italy to oppose the king^^ Franee' ' Later, his policy causes him to seek the aid of (Vrles and" • proteced by the French, ho undertakes the ruin of the' neUv sovereigns of Romngna. He puts some to death by th e 1 ,Sger^ ^ others by poison, hlls all minds with .Iread, and prepays S ' C.^s.arBorgia the absolute dominion of It.aly P^'^P'"^^ ^^^ lli.s insatiable avarice invented the most sacrilegious mean3 of enriching itself; he sold the sacred charges the altars ev^n Christ himself, and then took tli.m back afdii to sell a second hiT^race ^nll T*'' ''"' ''"'''^'' '' ^'^^'^^^ as distributor of i ii; ? '"Yl?'«P=^^s'itions; in the name of this minister of mquity he sold honours, dignities, marriages, divorces .and as i^rto'u^stii fthe""'';"-'^ ''' not bring°in' sumslnffiSnt" he admiiSteJe n , • ir'")-":^",'" ?^ ^^'' *'^'""y «f Alesandeis for h >^^^ f fi • ^""^ ^^^ ^^^"^ P^'-^"'^ «i' t''e liorgias. to obtain toi himself the immense riches which he-fiad am.t.<.d •iu ,*< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) fe o / f/. % 1.0 I.I |50 ™^™ ■ 10 u !- ^ IL25 III 1.4 2.5 22 1.6 Phntngrpnhir Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872.4503 \ qv :i>' v> % 1^V^ci\ ^% ""^^ .j^^ ^ -%^' // CA Z, I '■ I t 276 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. fhoSf™ f, P^T°,*"'P' ^'^ cardinalshipa, receiviiiR payment therefor ; then declaring the Holy See the lieir of the p?oper?y spoils. All these crimes still did not afford him sufficie,^ money, and he published that the Turks were Sut 7^ war agamst Christianity, and under the veil of iSigion ho extorted sums so enormous that they surpass belief At la.t Alexander the Sixth, soiled with murdoS. debaucheries S mcects having invited to sup two cardinals, whose heirs ^e wished to become, took the poison destined for Them and ren dered up his execrable soul to the devil The people tired of the insupportable yoke of the bishoD« ot Rome, and ruined by the insatiable avidity of the priests commenced waking from the lethargic sleep into which thev had been plunged. Luther, a monk of the order of the Augu? tmes, sa lies from his retreat, rises against Leo the Tenth and the indulgences draws people and rSlcrs to the new doctrine strengthens it with all the power of his genius! and sSes from the tyranny of the popes the half of Europ^. '' erSe^oTctli^riil^^^^^^^^ excites the wrath of the eniperor, Lliarles the Fifth. Home is delivered up to pillatre temrofTe^cTo!"'.-'^"^*'^ '''■''''''''' ^^^'-alL viSS ine army ot .he Catholic king commuted more atrocitips thnn ZlVr""'' ^^ij."^«^ted alainst the Christian^ S' tS lundred years. The unfortunate Komans were suspended by the feet, burned, beaten with leather straps in orSr to comnd them to pay ransoms; in fine, they were exposed to the mos frightful punishments, in order to^-xpiate th'e crimes of tTefr Catholics and Protestants cover Germany with embarrass ments, murders and ruin. ^ emoarrass- The mass is judicially abolished at Strasburg. Paul the Third had obtained a cardinal's hat by surrenderinsr Jul«.usFarnese to the monster Alexander the sit^ beclmf pope-ho poisoned his mother, in order to enrich h'imseKs her heir and joining a double Incest to a second parrSo he put to death one of his sisters through jealousy 5f he, otW lovers, and poisoned Bosa Sforza, the husband of h s daueS r Constance, whom he had corrupted. uauguter TTuL'T''''? anathemas against the unfortunate Lutherans His nephews became the executioners of his cruelties aiulthcv INSTREL. »3, receiving payment 10 lieir of the property enrich himself of their aft'onl him sufScieut ks were about to wage he veil of religion ho irpass belief At last !rs, debaucheries and inals, whose heirs he led for them, and ren- ! yoke of the bishops avi(Uty of the priests, sleep into which they order of the Augus- st Leo the Tenth and J to the new doctrine, genius, and snatches Emrope. cites the wrath of the elivered up to pillage ked, females violated, more atrocities than iristians during three IS were suspended by ?s in order to compel exposed to the most J the crimes of their iny with embarrass- sburg. ! hat by surrendering ' the Sixth ; became to enrich himself as second parricide, he salousy of her other land of his daughter 'ortunato Lutherans. 3 cruelties, and they of blood to flow, in their butcheries the lauckuries witli his Is the order of the THB POPES OF ROME. 277 Calvin, sublime spirit, causes Lis powerful voice to be heard, ond continues the progress of tlie religious reformation. Julius the Third fulminates his anathemas against the Lutherans, and puts them to death in the most cruel manner. Joining depravity to cruelty, lie elevates to the cardinalate a young lad employed about his palace in the double capacity of keeper of the monkeys and minion to the pope. Paul the Fourth excites the fury of the king of France against the Protestants, forms an execrable league for their destruction, and fills all Europe with his ravages. At his death the Roman people, freed from his frightful yoke, force the dungeons of the inquisition, set fire to the prisons, knock down the statue of the pope, break off the head and right hand, drag them during three days through the streets of Rome, and cast them into the Tiber. Pius the Fourth terminates tlic Council of Trent, and this great event does not produce any sensation amoi ■ the people. This pontiff, desirous of arresting the downfall of the Holy See, excites the fanaticism of Charles the Ninth and Philip of Spain, and these two princes meet at Bayonne to devise means to exterminate the Calviuists. The beginning of the pontificate of Gregory the Thirteenth was signalized by the most horrible of all crimes, the massacre of Saint Bartholomew, an execrable plot, brought about by the councils of Spain and the suggestions of Pius the Fourth. Per- secutions, butcheries, and wars had increased astonishingly the number «>f Calvinists; Catherine de Medicis, that cruel and infamous Jezebel, not being able to exterminate them by force, had recourse to perfidy. Charles the Ninth, accustomed to cruelty, and furiously violent, adopted the criininal desires of his mother, and a general massacre of the Protestants was decreed. At midnight, on the eve of Saint Bartholomev;. the clock of the palace gives the signal ; the tocsin is nmg nt tit. Germain's, and at its doleful sound soldiers surroimd the dwellings of the Protestants, and kill in their beds children and old men. They seize the females, and after having violated them, open their wombs and draw out half formed children, tear out their hearts, and with savage ferocity rend them with their teeth and devour them, A thing almost incredible, so horrible is the action, occun*ed; this Charles the Ninth — this king to be execrated of all agos, armed with an arquebus, fired from one of the windows of the Louvre upon the unfortunates who saved themselves by swim- ming the river. One window still remains, an imperishable monument of the barbarity of kings. Gregory thefThirteenlh addressed his felicitations to Charles on the remarkable success of the enterprise. 2"a~~" ~'~' •■ 278 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTKEL. thf condatlrbroiLf K„"l?^^ 1 MoutaltoTZd The ambition of l,e card n .irc^nZ. . T^'/'i^^.' "P"" " '^''"tch. up the Totcs/aml scarLTy had ha f nf h '^'•'"'\ .^''^^ ^"'""ed out waiting for the conduJ "n M » u'™ '■"^^^' ^''<^"' ^Ith- the middle of the llirdreTwm <=?«* his crutch into thundered forth the Te Deum w1?i ^^ *• ^'" fuU height, and Queen Elizabeth, an3 kunVs aSf, ^™''^^. ''''"^'^'y ^''^^ dom; he then excommSates fhe kinTo'fT"'' ^''' i^"«- ' Fa'nSit^-^^' - -'- ^« -i- irFirt^fo^ltf ^ the pope. But ambasi^werf ^^^^^^^ this humiliating ceremony took nl„!„-l^" ^!' '^'^''' «°d Peter's, at Roml in rpTesenceoft^^^ chuaxh of St. j s^^ort^i^rTry--^^^^^^ I ; ofnatui-e, is brought beforo fh^ in/ ••!? ''"'"'^ "*^ the secrets ! into prison, and foTced to rotrlfH*"'''*'""' ^'^'^^'cmned, cast , I earth move!, round the sm," ^'"« P'-^'-^t truth, -that the I pontifical thrSne wUh aluKstS IrT^!"' '"^^ ''^"""'^^ "'e the impostH, employs Lis tren™ • ^' ''^'- "*> <'imi»ishe3 ; and thJ Lie of (SX ' aStThe ?nVl"'i'°"f"'« *^« V«°«^t>^»« ' religious orders whiSi Ke? heavHv' ' ^e suppresses the who, under the guise of p^e^abaSSr *H" ^"^"P'"' "^"^ and debauchery *^ '^' ''"*""0"ed thcmelves to idleness -^^'^'^^'SrTrt^^^^^^^ the intermi- | the ill-regulated ambitir of I oS h'" r""''*'' """^ ""^«ted desolating Euroce bv 1 L aL r ^''^^ Fo»"-teenth, who was the jesuiiSXp L'tie\ttrLi:7cJir ''^r?^"^^ '^^ ' rous pope, struck to the heart by he treason nfn' ^^is gene- priests, launches an an,>fl,l«,„ ?,^" '^^ t^^^*' unworthy ieign of three jears ?Je HowT.\'^'™'- """I ^''' ^"^^J •'^ ■^''® "°v See has never been occupied r^. i. ■■lii C MINSTREL. •Jiiial of Moutalto entered hupporteil upon a crutch rated their suffrnges upon ^to death. They summed them voted, when, with- 'alto cast his crutch into ip to hiH full height, and I voice 80 loud and clear. . with it. >c of Sextus the Fifth. ^s himself secretly with icnias against her king- ing of Navarre and the la France the forms of oud scenes of his prede- the Fourth to come to •der to undergo a proper I s crown as the gift from I eiyed in his stead, and s 111 the chui-ch of St. ' 5 people. : ths Thirteenth to perse- ' mr in Bohemia, and not eva, orders the duke of | I 'rated Galileo, that old i he study of the secrets | ition, condemned, cast , f rcat truth, " that the i i prodigious knowledge, I ns, and surrounds the eagc. He diminishes ' 3courii.g the Venetians is; he suppresses the f on the people, and 1 thcmclvc's to idleness ippeapcd the intermi- i 'llenists, and arrested Fourteenth, who waa ars. The intrigues of ' of Candia ; this gene- son of these unworthy em,, and dies after a never been occupied } i .^. . .._J"* '*°''®« «*• ROME. I S^^i.rssrSiS-'S';! ^'^^ templating it from tStn^UaSu .'f ""'"^ ''^'''' "> <=o^ I tory of the popes offer, to us " ''^ ^"™^'' ^^'^^^ ^e his- Under Innocent the Eleventli fK« Lutherans and the Calvin Its rV.l P^^^^^-'^tious against the molishod, cities destro^ e^'-hfe,??,'"""' ' ?^^''^'''^ ^re de- put to death, and the &«tfnts ^.1'°^"'' *''-^"ch«>en are Innocent the Eleventh n«n "^? ^"^''^ ^^e kingdom. on the occasion of St Bk,So?o,S?'„*^', ''^'''T''' '^"^^ ^o"« tions to the king of France an? I' ''''^'r^«««« J"« congratula- be made in his honour arRome ''"""'*°^« P^^ie rejoidngs to ~ "'Thi Ss^^ii'Sii^^^^ V: '^ir 'y -"^'- the sanie worship to Confucius as to i' '"ru"^ ^^^'""^ there sends the cardinal Journon to Vekin T' ^'f '*• '^^« P«P« culpable idolatry. This vituo. . n "', f'^'^'P'^ *« reform this zeal in the niid.t of the c^uTZl'r'' '^''' "" ^''''t"" ^» Ws excito against him. ' Persecutions which the Jesuits ^'3^"3'J^t;SlSS;nr :K^ *^« P^Pe. extends people. °'°"'^' ""« "ispires terror among all quamls up to his death. '="'^''^"' »"d continues religious Uenedict the Tli!rfi.o«*j. • i. i sioned by this bill of d ord^'f^^rit*;^'^', ""^ ''''"^'' °'=<'^- tomake progress, and his i^tensS"'^!'^,"^ '*^"^™''''^««« ZT4r ^^"-^ ton-entfrS' ^'t^'^l^S oJisz^xris tss:Sf ^iSr "'^ -p- ^he evus qunn-els, repulses the Jc'uitrmo.W ^'™'"''t^'« ^^^ religious «ndputs an en.l to thrtrouble "u^f ^'' *'^' ''"" r'nfffmicus, Th.:s pope one of the uninaHe-Tof S'T'''^"^"^*'"? ^''••^nce! chair of the pontiffs a spirit of toW. "f •^' ''""''^-^ '»*« the tary influence everywhere ti- - '""' ' ^-^t«^»Js a salu- imposed on the woHdbv ?.;...! *^^'^'''" of Christ is no longer •^-hibits, h. the h gh futSs 0? thP ""' fm'"'^'"- »^" "S lamd, great maturity ofSmont'r''*J''°^5 "" enlightened no passions trouble, a perSdTs' L f f ''""^ ^'^^^^ ^^^ich love of justice. ^ ^' disinterestedness, and an extreme He reforms the mnrnio ,^f «i , monks who were odiZ to alien'nn?'^-' f"PP^«sses oi-der. of »'.cienc., „„ «s,s„"s^'.;,: satire"' 280 THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREf.. i1 I Clement the Tl.irteenth imitates ntitlier the virtues nor tha moderation of his predecessor; he openly protec/s the Jesuits latmchcs forth anathemas, and prepares tifc ?S of tli HolySee' The excesses of the Jesuits had tired out thr noonlo ♦hlf; cnmesand their ambition affrighted kings inivS hated demands their expulsion ; they arc driven from Fmuce Thev are banished from the states of the king of SpaiHn EuroJ MaUa'" T?"'""r^'^''"^^" ^''"^ '^^' ^^» SidlieT i?irma and iS" ) I » ''''^V^ extenninated in almost all the countries which had been the theatre of its power in the I'hilir^wTo? Peru, Mexico, Paraguay and Brazil. ^ ' ' ^ hilhpmes. VenSin^'Tr,^ "P'" ?" ^''^' ^^'S'^^" ""^^ »'•« county of venaissin, as an appurtenance to his crown. The kin/ of anI'jrriJnhloMI 1" ^''"" ^?"""'' "^ •"^""•"out of madness the t?me';f P u t ho T? •''? ^''""^ ^l ""nated from Rome eince lue lime ot l aul the linrd, is proscribed. The nontifip.il rlnvU element the Thirteenth .sees the colos,dpowcrofKomof.inin,r to piece.s, and dies of chagrin in not being fib etoJe^^^^^^^^^^ of Trtp s' ^d'^"? causes.plnloso'phy to mouit th^ Sat powerof he irolv ^v? t'^'SP^''^'^ ^'^ '''Stains the pontifical PoUnd o-islios l„ iliminish flic nutborlly of llic Unlv ^- the pontiff. ^'^Sracetul tribute, which the nation paid to i thJ!;ss;;:fs^S:ffsff '''^r'«*«^' ^-^^^'^^ ' give up the disncnL o « S "^^''^t^*'. orders the bishops to away from theCne bo nl^. ^ f purchased at Rome, takes Two Siciircs onSTivL tE"i "'^'•"'"/^'"S binhops for the The French Rpv,,*- • '"**^™"nf"'o ^om his kingdom. Versailfcrordahr; Sms i^ 'L'T'' ''\' f-'f'^' ««--'• -^ vows, and'proelai'm'ib:"; o^-ctr..sSS *^''"^' ^^'^ '"'^""«*'« ^U iS^S^t:'" JK^'!:? '" ^^'«"-' - -^- to re- National .Vsscmb V wh?;j, i T P'^<'*''"'"0"« '^i'« repulsed by the this city to Fmnce """'^ pronounces the union of Cut the justice of a y.o;,t „?♦■•• ^""}"'^'' «f ^'c republic. ' The roi.P fvl u, "'^'^ ^y cowardice and perfidy i fouVlyT'^r,,."^,:^'^;,';-^^* Venice. After - ^-^^r^a and ' popo, uJdor the iiann; of Phrs'Tli'le^JJiL'"""""""' '"'' ^^'°«- tho'lirs'f^nS^t'"""'''^"^^^^^^^ the'republic, and signs ==!fiSri^ clcfencelcsfto t le nlits whiS'il *'," ?'?V^'' ^'^'''''' J»«» "P with the onemie of the en n ror T^'^ '^"'- '\''^y ^°"t"v« machinations o pope, made a dtcrpf X.0 • T''"" ^^ ^^« counsellors of Romi,L4la7esthorcunfo; Jl, ' «'"^"ec3 the government of Pire, ^.d ZLZliTnonm^^^^^^ sovereign pontiffs dcpnved of temporal authority, " ^ ~'2 A 2 - --■ I 282 'V.rf>v- * '■,^> THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. i bull of excommunicSn s a fixe?^? '■ "if Va«c.n. The streets of Rome: it ca a thl noi , * *^""ng "'c night in thj , carnage and des'ignutci tl e7r SlVo; S'' ''''''' "'^^ ^ Rome, delivered from the 8acerZ)vL^-'V']?8'''"^^'- «»t of fanaticism. s.^ceruotal yoke, is deaf to the appeal blows of the king; iWrj'' ''"°''? ^'^"^ beneath tho i ! pbangos tl.e destfnielof .afions ' ulT.?'^- i^'^ .''"t'^^trophe ! inheritance of St. Peter ""'I restores to the pope the atSSth5i^n;;;tzsi;;ts:;s^ -^ • mficence of power. "^ canjinals, m Jhc pomp and mag- Tvith a desire for liberty Unt,S.Z!.'' ""P"""'" *'»« Romans ^ cities-the people clemLd T/e OKp' JL^of'Th' '•' ''^', ''"'"•^" Pope refuses their reouest tL ij ^ ^''^ invader—the I that the Popes shaiurdeprivl^ ^l'"'".'« f^«^"'»ble and decree , the Pope flies from his kiSZ i? . "r *'".'P°'''^' antliority- enters Naples, S is Sn^od h''^;;'''?!^^' ^^ "^ f^^t'nan- caused about 5,000 ofli «"bLts^ 1'%^'??' ^^o had just sexes) to be butchered by hi. "offers ^' t ""^[-^ f "^es and feet of Pius, who blesL L'™ „l ,' /^ ^^'"g kneels at the righteous king in LropeP' Au"trk fo '^'''T ^T '"^''^ '^^o^* governed by Louis Naptn u,; 1^"'^'' '^'"' ^^^•''"^■«' tben Ancona and Bologna Vrob^Xlji'^'T/^' "^'"'^^''^t^' ^bc Pope. . people slaughterecrrmc TtsS is r •' -'rl!"'"'-^' ''^»^' «^« ivhoareoftenrepulscd Tut tl,/ A f'"^"*^ ''^' *'>« F'-ench, into their hands" the patrbVsto „f, '"'"^/"V"'?^^^ confiscated, and the most bnlln. ™'^^;''"«^-«^' their property and Austrian bayonets ^ ^ "P** re„,stated by the French gav?o?trk'uP^;^'SpS: trn -^«r-o„ kingdoms, of fanaticism anfterZ now ,^?ot ^m "'? P'^^P''^ *^« ^^ke' by the oppressors of th^ Sle^ ?,„?or' ^^ ^f ^ria, protected kings, in order to trampfe unSi th!f ^''°^' "'" P'"*'*^^""" «f upon their head the pontificalTara '''™''"' ""^' ™'^'"*«^i» plaW: c'api&otn th?reTenJr''^''°'". «Iumber-contem- • her glorious destiny T Let b^t™!' '^ ""''''?' ^^""'^ "''^ shades of the great will march at^fw \^^'T '"'^'<'' '^"^ tb« name of liberty ** "^^ "'^''^ ^'^^'i *« conquer in the ««■ MMM MTINSTRBL. iS survived revolutions ; of the Vaticrin. Tho uring the night in th« evolt, excites them to public vengeance. But e, is deaf to the appeal conquered, old govern- gth falls beneath tho i»ed. His catastrophe stores to tho pope tho e/itrr6 into Rome, and in Jlio pomp and mag- he chair of St. Peter, ; the history of nations! ' ins^pires the Romans ' >n some of the Roman ; I of the invader— the ! assemble and decree ': temporal authority- guise of a footman— king, who had just luding nil ages and he king kneels at the les him "The most ^d with Fituioe, then J reinstate tlio Pope. . • AiHtriiins, and the ged by the French, iiigat length fallen 'red, their property i.ited by tho French iicmas on kingdoms, the people the yoke' 7 Austria, protected )k the protection of ans, and maintain 1^ slumber — contem- ' ancient Rome and 3ns ai-isc, and the i to conquer in tho IWDEX. 283 INDEX ■- ■^-•.^v^.-.^. A fine, true-hearted Protestant ArmynndXavy, The.... * A place to die . A^utSSI^^"'-'-'"'-':"-:::::::;:::::: feri£S;;"''''''^''''-'«*"Vi.::::;:;:::: A pretty Maid.... Admiral Nelson .".'".'"" Battle of the Nile I Settle of the Baltic ■.'.;; { Ja«e of Salamanca. . ! Battle of the Boyne JattlooftheLeague'/Tho Battle of the Diamon.l.. British Grenadiers, The Battle of Glcncoe.. Breaking up Song.... Brave Sous of Britain,' v;'.' Bible and Crown, The tmg 'am III.-.. : Black Man's Dream, The I 'Jmannias Revenge ,' ^*^^<^'»«IWi,seman... Commemoration of tho'shutt Character of King Willian Ti f Croppies, Lie Down.... ^' Church of our Fathers, The' Contrast, The. ^ Chosen Few, fhe".!]." Chronology, ^-e Church of England,' The.".'.";;; PAOR. 227 18 88 102 .... 36 .... 103 .... 142 .... 202 .... 210 ... 19G ... 187 ... 190 ... 104 , ... 03 I ... 117 .. 219 .. 150 .. 66 .. 131 .. 168 .. 140 .. 40 . 216 of the Gates of Derry.' . 201 . 129 . 167 . 122 66 21 134 46 194 246 211 ! it 284 Dorrv THE UNITED EMPIRE MINSTREL. PAOR. Diamond will" bo tiumpTugainrThe!.'.'.*.'.".".'.' .■.■.■■■,'.■ ^l? Defeat of Lnwlesis Dodicfttioii 35 ut huUyhay 'ZZ'Z'Z 168 Ui Knghind tl.c Home of the World ooi i-ngltiMd's Wooden Walls „?* Enniskilien "1^ KmornM Isle, The ^^ 170 Fermanagh, To Fourth of November.!!!.'.'.".".'."'.",'""" ]S^ For faction we meet not f^ Fill the sparkling goblet !!!!! JJ Funeral of n Brother, For the ! VV} F auntmg Mng of Liberty, The !!!!!! ,1 Flag of the U. S.. AddrcV^ to ! J? • lo Ood save the Qucon ... I God save the Qur^en (new'vcr'sion)!!. '.'!!."!; Al God bless briivo Cumberland. 1^ Gunpowder riot, The l^ Genius of Or.mge, The . .r^ " 173 Hurry BhiJf Ilun-fth! hurrah! hurrah!'!!!!! ??? Homes of England, The ^l'^ Hark, the Merry Hells ''' Heaving of the Lead !!!!..!!."!!.' ** o, 4.18 Initiation of a Brother, For the n^ InvHfion, The "' 76 A * -i^t'irmg William Ku^ Willi.nm III !!!! 26 King George III !!.!! ?^ King, G«d bless him, "The"!!.* JJ King of the Emerald Island .'.'!!!! J, lOl Londonderri' Ladies of Derry, The. ^' Lilliburlero . ^5 181 Massacre of the Protestants ,07 Massacre of St. Biirtholomcw, The H Memory of the Duke of York, To the!!!! 2s Memory of the Earl of Eldon, To the .. 73 -V ■n INSTRSL. r PAOR. . 179 . 85 . 168 . iii . 221 . 216 . 33 . 170 1G3 126 81 101 «J7 12 13 11 UQ 40 59 173 . 115 . 01 . 11 , 218 07 76 26 80 61 45 151 57 95 181 127 67 48 73 INDEX. 285 22 217 238 Memory of Charlotte Elizabeth, To the '*"• Maiden City, The.... . ^o me yg Mitchell and Meaghcr;'u'nd'aii;Z;; ,^ Men of Skinner's Alley ^20 Men of England 183 Men of Truth ".'.". 98 Mariners of England, The 70 Maple Leaf, The 13 Marksman, The 10 Marseillaise for the Romans'.'*.' ^^^ , Mackenzie's Petition to Payne ^12 | Medley ^ 42 204 No Repeal No Surrender ..!,..* 171 No Surrender (by O.R'."oo;an)':;;.'::::: ?il No Surrender (by John Wilson).' 82 No Sun-cndcr, A Vindication of ^^^ Nelson 154 National Song 56 Nelson, The Death of .!!. No Purgatory Orange Tree, The Orangemen's Submission, "The ^^^ Orange Triumph , 87 Orange Flag on the breezerTiie ^^^ Orange Booven 93 Orange Lily ■..".■. 77 Orange Sentiir. -its. 31 Our Country'; ^ viour 1^1 Our Protestaniibm • 174 Oliver's Advice 88 O'Connell ; .'.'.'.*.'.".".■.' 90 O'Connell in Purgatory 66 Our good old English pr'i^'ci'pies;;:::: 136 Oh! weep for the hour.... ••' 68 177 Parody on Im Afloat Protestant Boys, The 225 Protestant Boys, The (no'w've'rsion) ' ,f* Protestant Drum, The "*='*'"«; 150 Popish Tyranny..,. 112 Pitt ...., 124 Pitt and Nelson...',",'." 62 Peel's Apostacy ......,.[ 63 Purple Marksman. The ^^ 146 i 1 1 r 286 THE UNITED KMPIRK MINSTREL. Popes of Rome. The llistory of the '^1 Preface i230 213 Queen of Mcny Kngland, The RiMe, Sons of WilUjun Relief of Dcrry ^O** Revolution, The...... ^^^ Rule liritmuiio ....!!..!... ^^^ Recollectionfl of the paat ..!!! ° 15 Royal Black 8ong...„. ..:...; ,p9 Remembrances ^**^ Round 197 228 Spanish Armada Shutting of U.0 (]iatc3 of Dc^.'.'.';.'.";:;:;; :li Sons of the Wise, Yo JJ/ Sons whoso aires with WimanVble".i;;";;; ni Sires on\miam'«glorioi.8 reign ^ Song of Deliverance, A it Song for the Yeomen, A '. ^^ Song of Miriam Jf^ Stand round, my brave boys!.'.. ".'.".'.' toj Success to the Onmge wlu-revcr it goes;;.'.".' ior Six priests went to dine .■;■■'";; jgg Truth and Liberty.... Twelfth of July, The!.".'." The Straw Humbug '.[ The Soul thHt once in Popish cause.'.".".'.";.'.';.'.'.'.".' Jfifi Toasts and Sentiments....... .i„ The Glorious Memory ; ;^J The Glorious First of August.. ..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'' ^28 Voice of Britain . Victory of the Borne ;.;; ^^ 44 Walker's Pillar 94 79 162 Walker's Pillar (Graham's) |"^ Walker's Testimonial 'JJ Walker, On the death of '.'. oo When Pharaoh reigned ,^1 When in war on the ocean !;!;;; Hfi While vanquished Erin no We want no Republic ;/ We ne'er will relinquish Uie driii"g;"a"nd mnZ 169 -J MINSTREL. PAOI. 261 280 213 109 111 122 15 99 192 197 228 INDEX. wJl':,s*risv^ii;fr°"^"' Ye Williiimitcs so true Vo Drove Sons of Bri tain.':;: ■ 10, heare hof rAoi. 38 189 . 224 . 107 , 135 , 94 28 65 72 240 132 128 185 94 79 199 166 241 209 228 23 44 162 116 62 82 124 20 29 25 169 ii t.-^ , f I 288 THK UNITICD EMPIRE MINSTREL. BRRATA. Page vi, line 13 from top— for "Array" read " Auai/.'' " line 7 from bottom— for "Apprenticed " read " Appren- tice." Page 13, line 6 from bottom— for "They mean the Negroes' scars," read "your Negroes'." " 19, line 14 from bottom— for "To Holland now we pay the debt," read " to pay the debt." •• 27, line 13 from bottom— for " ClaTvickard's" read " Clan- ricard'd." ■' 33, line G from top— for "Perchance thy tired spirit" read "/nerf spirit.' " 54, line 10 from top— for " Haffina" read " Haffnia." " 68, line 4 from top — for " Undistinguished were cast in," read " ca'^t into." MPIRE MINSTRKL. ^ Array" read " Au-ay." "Apprenticed" read "Appren- -for"They ircan the Negroes' groes'." i 'or "To Holland now we pay the • le debt." I for " Clawickard's" read " Clan- i ! "Perchance thy tired spirit" | "Haffina" read "Haffnia." Undistinguished were cast in," :■ ■./ ADTBRTISKMENTS. 289 JOHN GEE, EOYAL HOTEL. DIVISION STREET, COBOURG. WILLIAM GBAHAM, KING WILLIAM HOTEL, Port Hope ; art Millbrook, Township of Cavan. GEORGE BOBB, ARMAGH INN, KINGSTON. GEOBGE LEATCH, PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL, PRESCOTT. J. MCBAIN. HOTEL, CLARKE. THOMAS CHAMBERS, COMMERCIAL HOTEL, PETERBORO'. JOHN GREEN. BROCKVILLE. b2 290 DUFFIN'S CREEK. PORT PEHRY. BEACH. ^ ,. . HENRY W. SACHE, Sohcitor and Atton.ey.aMaw, l^otaxy Public CONVEYANCER, &c. DUNNVILLE. NATHAmCL RBID, Auctioneer and General Con,n,i,sio„ Merchant KING STREET, TORONTO. •^rt/w punctuam/ attended to on fhe shortest notice. » TERMS REASONABLE, N. B.McIiSOB BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT I CHURCH STREET, TORONTO ' j MONEY ADVANCED ON NOTES, MORTGAGES. &e. i -~16-S tPlRE MINSTHEL. BAD, AOTCRTISEMENTS. 291 CREEK. MEN, ', BEACH. SACHE, I