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Lorsqua la document aat trop grand pour étra riUroduit an un saul cliché, il aat filmé é partir da l'angla supérieur gauche, de gauche é droiti et de tiaut a» bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nécessaire. Les diagrammes suivents illustrent la méthode. • .1 . • • 1 2 i ■ 1 3 * 5 * ' ■ "t A ^Ê^ • 4 S 6 '« , t \ — 32 X < • • «s,,. .*_/ n TrausacUon% Can. Soc. C. E. Vol. VI. Plate I. AN OLD REvI4mENT WALL By W.'J SltlOULE,' Mi. E. ssr** iU»é •vrt"-' *■ i. W///jL///// /////yyÀ/y//' / * • J for a long period in winter one to three feet up on the face of the wall, fluctuating ono to two fuet wilh Tarintions in the temp«i;a- turc of the ^cather. Part of tliJ wall ' in thia wny i^^ often oxpoHed to tem|)ei-atuie8 16° toi 20° below zéro afler bèin^ immeittod in water for days or we« m. But tins does noy ueem to be the detormining cause of failursjfor tho betit and woi-Ht parts of tho wall bave beon cquajb' exp< sid to theae conditibnH. The maioi^ry'oR the inclined surfae^ W the rampe, however, at about ono to three feet above «h;irf levol is mucU dioplaoed. The wall is built of limestono ^i^ 4i quarries in the vicinity of Montréal. A f«w std^nes are cimè ^ed and somow^iu weathored, but Biiffiriont di a intriffatioa Mi| « iat t a k e a plac c /iu th » »tpma- • /; V s'€^ 1 ' {AU rtyhU ADVAHCl PR66F-'-s«''>«-"f ••"^■«'"■) This proot la aant to you for Ulscuasloi/t only and onnwi^ express undarstandlng th>t It la not to _to*. ùaad for «ny othar purpoae whatwar.— (.S'm Ato. 411 noarly equal to Ihe rcquiicmcnts thajt piii'tof it rumiiinH in ^oimI condition, |l«-hilo part haH fuiled. TluB ^aecnmpaiiying croM HcciionH hIiow iliat tlio wall is mucb liglUer than tho practicu of tlie pruxent dky «rarninto ft>r «imilar situationH, a^ Im Hoon by compuriiïK itH ciyM Hoclion with thaï of thoranadiiin Piicitic liallway rovctmont/wall reecntly buiit,and yot ariei' tit\y ycar»' duty a «-on^idvrabl^ part of tho wall in but litUu distunbcd und with a Mimilar late Of dS|ronoi'ation wquld noV bo in bud tondition fit\y yoai-H hcnto, whlto part bas failod m> badly that it becamo unsafo, and timbor prnp» wovc rosortcd to Kovoral yearo ngo. .l'art oi tho wall wast built in 1831 and part in 1840-41. Tho failoro during récent yoars ha» (joen vory graduai and tbe dii^placeinent pi-obably noarly equul fi-oin yoar t<> ycar. l'arta of both tbo older and newer jjortion» «)f tbe yi^W bavo failod. Thoir croHH sections ditlor but littlo. This seems to indicato tbat tbe wall of 1831 bad not sbown signs of failurti in 1841, otber- wine tbe newor wall would likoly bave beon built boavior. . The wall is an oitlinaiy retain ing wall to support a city strcet. In tho roar ihe gi-ound rines rapidjy in jiart, and in part is level for a conHiderable distance back.; Tbo wall is about ono mile long, and on tbe barbor sido is barc for a heigbt of about ton foet from tbe wbiirf lëvol to thecoping. ^ In tbe boginning* of winter, l'iit always al'tor a conaiderabl» intorval of sevorc flost, in whicb tho tbormomotcr usually goes ■ below «ero, the river riscs uniil tbe wall i« partly immoi-sed, tho average boigbt roacbcd by tho river at tho " taking " oftho ico being, for the last forty yoar», a levol withiii flyo fcot of tbo coping oftho wall, varying, howovor, mucb frôm this level.oilton being lower imd frequently noarly up to tbo coping. Aftor tho ico bocom«s stationary on tho i^ver thfe walor falls gi-adually and UBualljf recèdes from tho foot of tbo wall, but at Upios romains for a long i»eriod in wiitter ono to three foot up on tbe face of tho wall, fluctualing ono to two fcot with variations Sn Iho toi . ture of tho wcathor. Part of tho wall in thifr way is ospoHod to temporaturea 16° to 20° below zéro after being immorsed in water for days or weeks. But this does not seem to be tho detormining cause of failure, for tho best and worst parts >• of tbe wall hâve beon cqnally oxposcd to thèse conditions. The masonry on the inclined surface of the ramps, faowever, at about ono to throe feet above wharf lei^ is mucb displaced. The wàll ia built of limestone from quarrna in tbe vicinity of Montréal. A fow atones are cracked and aomowhat weathered, but , «iifflni ont di s into gr a tiop b as not Uken pl a ce lnt h e.. t t o n M \ i- -» • ^ y» . À ' " * ■cajji^v»-^ -* r- themMives to paroeptibly affoct the gonormi sUbility of tlio •trnotar*. Thj} fluvi Ih IIu»Ii Uaramoi-od Aulilar bauked with ruliblu nuuobry. Tlid face couraM vary from ton iiiolieît to thirtMii InchM Iri tbickneM, but are in gonoral oluvon or twolvo inchoM thick, and the atones in certain part* avorago thioe fe«t in length ; in othor partit, tbree feot flve inchei), Tho bod joinla •rerage 0-22 incboH in tbl^knem. The coping atones avjorage Ave feet Iwo inehea in length, twelve inchm in thicknoHS and two feot aix 4ncbe^ in width. The wall has tkiJoti by HJiding on tho ' Jointji eitpeCially at oight to ten feot down from tho eoping urone to twoaboTO the wharf, and by ruvolving on tlie jointM, but as rto ayHtematic observations are available, tt is uncertain «liether tiieae two riioibnB h*ve takcn plave simnlianeously, or that the revolving bt>gan after the sliding movoment lind Hcriously atTevtod tho equillibrium of the wull. The Hliding movoment amounts to flve inches in a single course in oortiiiii plAccH, and a very slight displacoment on jointH ^ei-mn to liave tiikon piaco oven in tliu bést poi'tions of tlio wall, but me hore mi Hii^ht as t<> make it unt-ortain whether the irrcgnIarilioM olwcrvaltio are duo to ' impeit'ections In the aetting or to NnbHe(|uent movenient. The mpitar seem.s to haVe lost ail ita bondin^ Btron^th aiid as piuked from the joints appears as a granuluted mixture of earthy materia'ls and lime. No opeiiingH or " wcofkjrs" appear on thê ' face of the wall to drain water i'i-om bohind. Wlier4 excavations huve beon made nonr the boitt part» of the wall the tViundiition Js a coarso sand, a|>pai-ently the old river beacli, aiitl itiiH iioroas roateriul no doubt bus sorved a useful purJMMe in draining tho wall; but the esaminationii bave not yet beon extensivè enough to warrant the conclumion that tho su|>orior condition df the wall hore is wholly due to this càUNO. Fortunatcly tlie wall bas «erved ita purpose. and must *be takcn down and entii-cly oblitomted in carrying out the gonéral harboui;. iniprovement project lately adupted, ànd this would be necewiiary oven if the Wall were ip the best condition. Wheii thix is done, something more may bo learnedof weak points of the wall and of the causes that preaerved or deatroyed it.. » \ , t j î ■ ■ I il H: -' ■ • î ,-i ^ ' ' ■ • ' ■ \ -■.-., ■ . . • • , '\i - 1' .--. < ' ■^ .;'. -'^ * •» . .. \ f 2 ■ 4- J ' . . »" ■ ■ ■■'.-■ A i ' V . '' ■, ^.: 1 „• .'' . 4*A«''. ■ 1 ^i,Jui&»il!&L,i.jtii^J} •/• à'&^^^^%^és:>^'^1^ié^'^i!}i^,£Ùm^''--i^'VLl . 1 ' C ■■ ' ' :: .■ --.>,-.''■ •":■.■'-.. •■.:.-.■'■■.■■ .■.■■;■■. . ,- ■' ;■•.,:..■■.■"---•■■ ."; ' t:: p