.y" IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^/ ^: fiNiN Tin nptoouii (fooo ■ ■ poMlfliMs tfu CmmAi Thoii of tiM origiriil copy fHnilng coiitraet hwo offo tho COfMMllOII In k M pl n 9 booi quality OrigliMl copi— in prlnttd potior eovon aio fNmod boginnina wMi tho front oovor ond MHRng on tho iott pago with o printad or Muatratod lmpraa> •ion, or tho back oovor whon approprlata. AN othor original coploa aro fNmad boglnnino on tho first pago with a printad or INuatratad Impraa- •ion. and anding on tho laat paga with a printad or Hluatratad impraaaion. Tha laat rocordad frama on aach mieroficho •haH contain tha •ymbol -^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tho aymboi ▼ (maaning "END"), whichavar appiiaa. kjBs HiNigOT MHvaniaB om aio raproounaa avaa w phia grand aoln. compto tami da la eondMon ot da la nattot* da i'aiiamplalra fHmd. at an eonformM avae laa eo ndWona du controt do Laa aKampl a i r a a orlginoux dont la oouvortura an paplar aat hnprlmaa aont fNmaa an aomman^ant par la pramlar plat at mn tormlnant aolt par la daml4io paga qiu eomporto uno ompralnta dimpraaaion ou dlNuatratlon, aoH por lo aaeond plat, aalon lo ooa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux aont fHmte 9n cowmon ya nt par la pramMra paga qui eomporto uno ompralnta d'improaalon ou dlNuatratlon at an tarminant par to damMra paga qui eomporto uno taNa ampialnta. Un daa aymbolaa auivanta apparattra aur to damlAra image da cheque microfiche, aolon le caa: to aymboto -^ aignifto "A 8UIVRE". to aymboto ▼ •ignifto "FIN". Mapa, ptotaa. charta, etc., mey be fNmod at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too lorge to be entirely included in one expoeure ere filmed beginning in the upper loft hand corner, toft to right end top to bottom, ea many framea aa required. The following diagrama Uluatrate the method: Lea cartea, planchaa. tableeux. etc.. pouvent Atre filmto i doa taux da rMuction dIffAranta. Lorsque to document eat trap grand pour Atra reproduit en un soul clichA. il eet fNmA A pertir do I'angto aupArieur gauche, do geuche A droite, et do haut en baa, en prenent to nombre d'imagea nAcaaaaire. Lee diegrammea auivanta Nlustrant to mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 P''Ji'Uryih t FISNOB >eiA#AI»M> MISSION. ... :,,. r,, , vrn)s, and oeremonies, or a more. dotermined hostility td the Word of Qod, Of late the most strenuous efforts hare been made to control and monopolise the education of the people. A llMcge number of Jesuits and Friars, or Brethren of the so^aUed Christian schools, as well as Nuns of difierent orders, ace establishing themsolves throughout the Province, and immense sums of money are exp^ided in the erection of colleges and seminaries, where their pernicious principles may be infused into the minds of the rising generation. Yet, at the present time, Indications of a hopeM character are not wanting. The desire of instruction begins to spread, and long-cherished prejudices to give way;. wl^l« 9onic).aio inquiring after another patii to a blessed immortality than that which they have hitherto been taught to follow. . ^, (, TxqB AcOROT E;MPi*OTBP.—With a view to the evangelbation of this portion of our fellow- opunti^rwif n (Otnr Missioni^ry Society was fSon^ed in 1839. Its constitution is catholic, like those of ^ Erangslisal Societies of Geneva and Paris, and it numbers amongst its members, a^d on its ■ i ^ Sc riitorw Mril wripCHTi) bOfoto Mid trwii, i«di ttw tdMAtloB df tlM yonng. Tbere wre la eo»B«« eogil^ed in the toition of yoang ''1iM| Caaadlaii Iraulet. The Hiwioiisries, who «ne leleeted and KfffaM V a eoMijlttlee in niniT||Mi||Hi|| of X>r< Merie D'Aubigne, Or. Blelan, nd othwrs, httfo piiofed themsdvM^Aio aiid d««[^MpM|i|t^«id hia gMoiotisly permitted them to eee frnite of their Itbem. A }tt^%ii»bir;#^ |4illl«MMlMM ^vMted from hevM t^ heoie, end Mveral thouuid eofdee of 0k9 Wold of M*'wliai; ltf|i MiUilifi of turilgiooi hook* end traets, hmre been put into .their' h>nde.\ |s-iiigij|a^;iii,^i|a ^ ^ Toy, Jtan7Ltf.r-Ab|p^H^j been admUled to chureh 'MkmeUmof whom eboat d||^fci^ ' "" Py S^Ml^il ^ PB K ohurchee. Of the remainder, •ome hare bisin (Milled awajpjr ^ll^'iM'^^MllliH United States. Be(ddesth(ii^conNdil|iU%'nwi^^ have not yet given eTidenoeofoonireraiontoChi^9Ab#M Canadian boys, and siity girlit Iwve reMlved, or are i|9«rt«o^i|gl^fi MfFllMhre all, thoroughly eeriptaral, edaoatiy»tt, in the Mission iidM>lii^?«riief«t^pl^^ «ifnrariNil ^ghty pupils, mate md female, and many others are 4ifu^l^ji|fpl^^^ In imi|ialiiM)# reoeive them. The principal of these schools is at TS^^^i^^k^Ji00^ i nA Wi»J^ i^foil^ -eonneotbn with this Instita^n that we . make tiir'^ili^^lpil^ -"' ' AboutliVe yeaiii^, tte ri|^f inereiiiihgnninlKvro^ ieboi^mod<^6n*abso- Intely necessary, and accordingly a fimn was pttrohaaed, on whieh the pupils might labour a portion of their tme> m4 •t;!'!*^ ^^ s^il^llftential briofc building erected upon It, capable of accommodating orer a himdred schokrs, wiiii th^r teachers. This, with the Aurm attd ont-baiidings, eopt ii^af^ of ^63000. Had the eoamtefcuA l^!^o!S^ M ^t time smiled opon the Province ooniinmd, i4ere is little doubt that the wb^le wc^i^ eve now, have be«^ paid. After mnoh eilurt, however, about one-thu>d of the above-mentioned som->jetl60, or JS840 sterling->stQl remains unpaid ; and b sectired by a lihort- gage 09 the;|«operty, which iMls ^m in tbfeonne ()f A$ MMuing winter, and requires to be provided fbr. Cit4nis.>— We Iblly aok^owMgo that the primtigf; obligation devolves upon qurselves and the Protestant inhabitante of the Provinee generfiily, but, i^ the same ^me, we must be permitted to sug- gest, that drnada. as « p^ of the British Empire, has also sjMoial claims upon you. To these claims some amofig yon have responded in a ma^er that ctHU forth our warmest gratitude ; stiU we cannot disguise the epnviction that, geneq^Iy sptfiking, tl)9y have not hitherto met with that degree of con- (^deration in Britain whi
^imraii qf a een^ory its people were nnder Brttish role, and aooMsible to British Christian efforts, before any defladto effpirt was made; and this while Missions were established in India, Afiica, China, and other countries, whpue necMsitjies were soirooly greater, whilst thalir claims were less direct. Neither ought it tp be forgotten that Canada is the home , of many of your oounttymen, friends, and relations: and that on the ascendancy of evangelioal principles here, depends the preservation to them and to their children of the ineftimable blessings of civil and r|iligio«is liberty. We pray yon also to consider that the present is, as we have above explained, a fkvourable junctwe for effsrt amoK^ !^ French Canadians. Finally, we wottl^: bittor, United Pn^bytwiaa Chnreh, JOHN DOUOALL, JAMES COURT, Treararer. HENRY WILKES, D.D., Minister of First Congreg«Uoul Clutroh, ) J. M'LOUD, Minister of Ameriem Presbyterian CIrarafa, ) JOHN BLACK, General Secretary. JOHN JENKINS. Superintendent Wedeyan Minister, WM. BONO, St. George's, Chnroii of England, V. H. MARLING, Midater of Second Congregational Chnreh, WM. RINTOUL, Minister of Presbytwian Church of Canada, A. F. HOLMES, M.D.. J. H. MAITLAND, JAMES R. ORR. D. DAVIDSON, ROB. ANDERSON, E. L. MONTIZAMBERT, Advocate, JOHN C. BECKET, NORMAN S. FROST, JAMES MILNE, HENRY VENNOR, Honorary Secretaries. Members of Committee. J^^, : c <7 ^ - /' ^y^ X-o- C:r:^<>C-' A 7 e<- J. c ' /y^- A j.-A^J^ri^^ x/ 4^^;^^^^^"*- >t^ ^ ^«/ O' M y ^^>iVv^ i^^ /£^^^^^,<^..l^ ^ ^ ^"^^^