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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seui cliche, 11 est film* A partir de I'angle supArieur geuche, de gauchb it droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Z^^s^ ^»s»^ RUL&S V. • FOR tUS @AII^^ #]1(£)IE(I^IS@3 SOCIETY ^-^ -"'^ ar OT« JT®IlI^a K<» ©» SSSSE SAINT JOHN: flUDtTED DI SBNBT OHVOB, PBINCS WILLIAM-STREBT. ^820. m •i- .,- ^ <.!,» ./li* iiPt J / y •-'■ f^/"'' ^*-. , - ■% 'X^^^i'kjjt y r V < -^ ii'' <')':^'nU ujaJ i; .;qo '■ i. 'V /U^r r>j',;, lEWILUSa & C. 9*9i*»< «/; ■■■;•«-' i ■. • t .,, ), I. '\;V'' THIS Sociely fhall be known and diflinguiflicd by the Name of SAINT GEORGE'S SOCIETY. II The Members of this Society fhall aflemble at fomc convenient Iloufe in the City of Saint John, four times in every Year, befides their Anniverfary Meeting, viz : — Firft Monday in April, firfl Monday in July, firfl Monday in October, and firfl Monday in Janu- ary, at seven o'Clock in the evening for the three Mr(l of the above Quarterly Meetings, and at six o'clock for the remaining one. At thefe Meetings the Society or the Major part of the Members then met, may refolve upon and vote fuch further Rules and Rcg'ilations, as may from time to time be found neccffary for its order and harmonv. III. At the Meeting in April the Members then regularly met, fliall by a majority of Votes, ele6l by ballot, the Officers for the enluino: vear. viz. — a Prefident, Vice- PreHdenr, Treafurer, and Secretary, all of whom muft be rcfider.f.: in the City of Saint John, IV. ^. C 4 ) IV. The Meeting on Saint George's Day fhall be called the Amiiversary Meeting of Saint Georges Society , on which day, or the following, if that happens to be Sun- day, the Officers ele6l are to enter upon their Offices for the enfuing year. V. That there fhall be, at each Quarterly Meeting three Members ele6ied by ballot, as a ftanding Committee for the enfuing Quarter, who in conjunction with the Officers, (hall have full power to tranfaf^ any bufinefs that may occur between the Quarterly Meetings — of all which they ihall make a true and faithful report at the next Quarterliv Meeting. VJ. The Members mei at any Quarterly or Special Meet- ing, (halt have power to admit into the Society any Man of good chara61er and reputation, being a native of England or Englifh defccnt, as a refident Member, provided nine or more of the faid Members be prefent, a lefs nr mber than which (hall not conllitute a Meeting ; and every Candidate hereafter to be propofed for ad- miffion into the Society, mull be regularly ballotted for, when in all cafes three black beans or negatives (hall exclude ; and with refpe6t to honorary Members that is to fay, fuch Gentlemen as do not ftatedly refide in the Province or in the City, but become contribu- tors and benefa6}ors, their admiffion (hall be wholly left to the difcretion of the Prefident, or Vice-Prefident, in the abfence of the former, and the (landing Conimit-r tee or a majority of them. VII. Every Gentleman fo admitted, who (hall give any fum ( 6 ) fum, not lefs than one guinea, (hall be reported at the firll Quarterly Meeting following, and his name entered in the Books as an honorary Member. ■ I , . •■•■. --J . VIII. ■^^/: -A' •/■..•.:: If any of the OfRcers happen to die, or remove out of the Province, or to an inconvenient diHance from the City, during the Year for which they are clewed, then and in that cafe the Members at the next Quarterly Meeting, (hall by plurality of votes ele£^ others in their room, for the remaining part of the year, or if any by (icknefs, &c. are necellarily abfent from any regular Meeting, others (hall be ele^ed in their room, pro tempore, by a majority of the Members prefcnt. IX. Any Member being duly ele8ed to any Office, and refufing to A€i, (hall forfeit and pay twenty fliillings for the ufe of the Society, and another (hall be immediately chofen in his room, provided fuch Member fo refufing has not ferved in the fame Office immediately preced- ing the Ele61ion. / i 1 ,. , X. The Prefident, or in his i;bfence the Vice-Prefident, or in cafe of the abfence of both, the Trcafurer and Se- cretary with the Standing Committee, Ihall rppoint a place of meeting in the City of Saint John, every Quar- ter, and dWeCi the Secretary to give at leaft two days notice thereof to each Member, and on any particular emergency they may alfo call a Meeting, giving at leaft one day's notice to the Membere ; and in cafe the Se- cretary for the time being (hall neglect to warn the So- ciety of any Quarterly or Special Meeting, as aforefaid, he (hall forfeit and pay into the hands of the Trcafurer the fum of (en (hillings : every fach Special Mceiing fo h ^- / ! ( ^ ) lb called, fliiill be pofiTeflcd of the fame power in dinrl- buting Charity as any Quarterly Meetinij. • • v- '■' XI. ' h' Every Member, then, refident in the City, who flial! bcabfent from any re^rular Meetinji:, fhall be noted in the Minutes by the Secretary, and unlefs he makes a reafonable cxcufc for his default, at the next Mectinjr, he (hall forfeit and pay for every time he is fo abfent tiie fum of two (hillings and (ixpencc for the ufe of the Society. ^ -'-- XII. ■'• ■' ■ '■ Every Member of this Society appearing at the An- niverfary Meeting on Saint George's Day, fhall have a Saint George's Crofs on his left Bread, otherwifc he (hall forfeit and pay five fliillings for the ufe of the Sccictv. ■•■•' ' ' ■■• •' -'• ' XIII. Every refident Member of this Society as well as anv Member hereafter lo be admitted, fliall immediately fubfcribc the Rules, and pay into the hands of the Trcafarcr a fum not lei's than ten Ihiiiings, to be applied according to the Rules hereinafter mentioned. XIV. Evkuy refident Member of tlils Society fliall ]>ay Quarterly into the hands of the Trcafurer, a fum not lefs than two (hillings and fixpencc, (cxrlufive of I'even- pcnce halfpenny each, for the purpoi'e of defrayinc^ (he expence of room, fire, and r.uuiic-light) and the Trca- furer fiiall collect the Quarterly dues and fines of the preceding Quarter, for which purpolc he fiiall be fur- nifiicd bv ihc Secretary with a 11(1 of the funis due from each Member ; and any Member refufing to pay his Ciuartcrly dues or fir.cs when ccmandcJ^ to be no longer con- ( 7 ) coi:- confidcrcd as a Member, and his name to be era fed from ihe Books ; but if any refident Member (liould through misfortune, be fo reduced as not to be able to pay his dues, (provided he has been a Member not lefs than two years) the Society or a majority of the Members, at any Quarterly Meeting, then prcl'ent, may remit the fame, and permit that unfortunate Perfon to remain as a Member, though he be unable to pay ; any thing in this Article to the contrary notwithftanding. XV. All benefa6lions, donations, dues and forfeitures fliall be paid into the hands of the Treafurer, who im- mediately after entering upon his Office, (hall become bound in an obligation to the Prefident and Vice-Prefi- dent, or either of them in double the value of the Soci- ety's Stock, then to be put into his hands with condi- tions to render a jull and true account of the fame, as alfo of all benefa6lions, donations. Quarterly payments, forfeitures, and other improvements thereof, (fire and other unforcfeen accidents excepted) and deliver the fame to the obligers, or to the order of the Society, or to the next Treafurer, at any time when thereunto re- quired by a majority of the Members regularly met at any Quarterly meeting. XVI. As providing means for the relief of thofe in want is principally intended by the formation of this Society, all the money which from time to time, (hall be paid into the hands of the Treafurer, fliall be ufed and appli- ed to the beft advantage for promoting that delign, and if at any time there fliall be more Money in Stock than the prefent exigencies of the Poor require, the Treafu- rer at the defue, and by the dire^ion of the Society at any t i ( « ) any General or Qtiarrerly Meeting, fhall lend out the fame at intered, on good Security for the payment thereof, for any time not exceeding one year ; which fccuritv fhall be taken in the name of ihe Ti'eafurer, in the preience of two or more of the (landing Committee then prefent, who fhall wirnefs the fame, and then the bonds or notes fo taken fhall be lodged with the faid Treafurer for the time being. '- xvii. The Charity of the Society fhall be applied in the fol- lowing manner, viz : the Prefidenl or Vice-Prefident, with the other Officers of the Society, and the flanding Committee (or in theabfence of either of them, the abfentees to be fupplied by a like number of Members) fhall have power to draw on the Treafurer for the time being, payable to fuch Perfon or Perfons as they fhal! deem proper obje6is of the Society's Charity, which tho Treafurer fhall immediately pay : — Provided alfo, that the fums fo drawn for, do not exceed three pounds to any one Perfon, and fix pounds in the whole during one Quarter, and of the faid drafts and payments the Trea- furer fhall make report at the next Quarterly Meeting ; but for any larger fums, the poor perfon fhall be obliged to petition the Society at the next Quarterly Meeting, when the Members met fhall by pleurality of votes, or- der what fum they may think proper, provided the fame do not exceed fix pounds to any one perfon, or twelve pounds in the whole during one quarter. XVIII. That the feal of the Society with a Saint George and Dragon engraven upon ir, fhall remain in the hands of the Prefident for the lime being, to be ufed as herein- after dirc^ed. XIX. ( ^ ) XIX. All refident or honorary Members, fliafli upbn ap^ ))1ication for the fame, be fumifhed with a Certiticate of their admiflfion under the Society's Seal, vhick (hall be figned by the Prefident, or in his abfei Thesb are to certify that was regu- larly admitted a Member of Saint Georges' Society of the City of Saint John, in the Province of New-Brunfwick, at a Meeting of the Society the day of Anno . . , . Domini. Given under our hands and feal , of the Society, the day and year above written. A. C. D. 1>.'C. Secretary. Prefident. XX. Thb Treafui'er for the time being fhall regularly enter all fums of money received, or dir€61ed to be paid ac- cording to the Rules, together with the names of the perfons paying, and the particular time when the faid lums were paid ; he (hall likewife enter all diflburfe- ments made by order of the Prefident, &c. and produce the books to be infpcfted and examined by the Mem* bers every Quarterly Meeting. XXI. A BOOK (hall be provided as often as nece'(rary, where- in the Secretary fhall enter all the Rules and Orders which now are, or hereafter fliall be voted and agreed upon for the regulation of the Society, and in another Book fo to be provided, the names of all the Members ; with the time of their admifTionj and alfo the ele^ion of r i ( 10 ) of Officers. The Secretary (hall likewife duly enter in the faid Book all Petitions to the Society, and orders of it for the payment of money, alfo all donations, all reports made by any of the Officers, alfo forfeitures in* curred by any of the Members, and all the other pro- ceedings and tranfa6)ions of the Society, when regular- ly met together ; and in cafe of the death of any of the Members, the fame fhall be noted on the lift. XXII. At the meetings of the Society, after the Prefideht or Vice-Prefident has taken t^»e Chair, the Rules (hall be laid on the table for the perufal of the Members, and nothing fhall be talked of but the bufmefs of the Soci- ety, while the Prefident keeps the Chair, and whoever offends againft this llule aftc* being once reprimanded from the Chair, fhall forfeit and pay two fhillings and fixpence for the ufe of the Society, and whoever fhall be abfent when the lift is called over, which fhall be in half an hour after the time fixed for meeting, fhall for- feit and pay one fhilling and threepence for the like XXIII. Good order and decency fhall be obferved in all the proceedings of the Society, and every Member fpeak- ing on bulinefs, ftial! fland up and direfl his difcourfe to the Chairman, and no Member is to fpeak more than once on the fame fubje61t, except by leave from the Chair, or to explain ; the Prefident after full debate, ihall ftate the queftion, and propofe the fame to the vote of the Society, in all which matters a majority of the Members then met fliall prevail. XXI v^ Every Member of this Society, upon application to the ^ ( H ) the Treafiirer, fhall be fnrnifhed with a copy of thefe Bules, for which he (hall pay the fum of one (hilling, for the ufe of the Society, and unlef& he produce the faid copy at every Quarterly Meeting in April, he (hall for- feit and pay a fine of two (hillings and fixpence ; and the faid Rules (hall be deemed the fundamental Articles and Rules of the Society, and (hall not be altered or ab- rogated otherwife than by the confent of at leaft two thirds of the Members regularly met at any Quarterly Meeting. ;: . o y _^ Voted unanimoudy and agreed to at the City of Saint John, in the Province ofNew-Brunfwick, the third day of July, Annoque Domini^ one thoufand eight hundred and ilxteen» e III I't ^^ k) '>::' ( 12 ) Hurry PtOrs, F^esicUn^ Thcmw Smi^ Vicef Jekn 9i, WUm*t, /! John R. Pavt^ow, ; ; [ [ Craven Calverlep Banaul MiUs^ Sun, €ih«urli» B'lrvmg; • » •- ' ■ WUlifinn m. Vtnnin^^ William George Cody, Joe Brand, Isaac L, Bedell,^ Tkonu» Sancton, Thonua MQUdgt^ Thamm^BicmlfiWti Paul Pripfie,_ '_ Henry H'ahalt, Samuel Green, Samuel Garrison, William Taylor, Tlwtnas Sandall, James O. Betts, Thomas Adams, Thomas P. Williams, James Waterbery, Benjamin L. Peters, Charles Raymond, Richard Bartlett. James White, Thomas Raymond, John Ward) Jun. JohnPriAlt, WMUaiM GeOfge, Robert Hmj, JammCudUpt William Adanu,' Henry CHuJ5^,, Enktd Btirloto, ftm. ^(rimGadmit, RicbaiHLWint^, ; LeverU Bradley, William Reynolds, John T. Young/iusbottd, Thomas Mertitt', AbOkimrk^ DaniA Aimak^, Johtk Barnes,) Thomas RawteigH, Jamss H. Fowler, Robert Godfrey, Richard Lawrence^ Robert Welch, Charles Ward, Edward J. Chamberlain^ William Walker, Stephen Wiggins, Jehiel Partelow,jun. Daniel Leavitt, William H. ^ith. Henry Blakslee, James T. Hanjord, William Carman, III :■'}