HISTORY OF THR ettkttwnt 4 Mi^pr (^mU% (ONTARIO,) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BAY QUINTE. BY WM. CANNIFP, M.D., M.R.C.S.E., PKOPESSOR OP SURGBRT UNIVERSITY VICTORIA COLLKOK, AUTHOR OP THB "PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY." TOEONTO: DUDLEY & BURNS, PRINTERS, VICTORIA HALL. 1869. r 3 254-997 ■A TO THE HONORABLE SIR JOHN ALEXANDER MACDONALD, K.C.B.,>D.C.L., M.P., PREMIER OP THE DOMINION OP CANADA, \ THIS VOLUME IS BY PERMISSION RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, AS A RECOGNITION OF HI8 ABILITIKS AS A CANADIAN STATESMAN, AND AS A TRIBUTE TO A LONO STANDING INHABITANT OF BAY QUXNTB, WHO HAS GIVEN BIB TALENTS AND ENERGIES TO LAY A SUBB FOUNDATION FOR "a GREAT NORTHERN NATION." BY HIS RESPECTFUL ADMIRER, I WILLIAM CANNIPP. ■■* .■■■-• ,■ % f •» ; ' '.| ^! ^' I ((U ^.!"< 'I'r.rW'.' ': ■ -■■•■■I,' U.>v.Ai^Aii •' M.i :i^^Jvi-j>; '-J ii:in:--v.'x ^-;i.^.>-^ ^.i L ■ ^ : ,V. ■^.'. ■■> .(Mi'f .(■."I'' ! '-'I'-.H -.l..lf ('.'I'V »'( n.f..l /.!< .-^t' I 1 :j'" .f -<.Ui;.,t'.v ,/;■(• . i: \»''^r.'i ■<-■' ■•■■' '''lA ■■■.'■JX r-^ ■•■:■, •■ rX.GqAiq ol'i^'-'i- Hoh^Jf i?0i-5W od^ vJ'^""'''* '^^■''^ ^'^ i^^'^npD-r 70^ a A f}-^ TrHrfW'Tii-'Jff ,0HiV<->l!Vi cl.8^>R«l-1'^?. "Kkt f^ijiHiji f;lsi KfM 'ijlfk^ i^i t'.'J.;-S PREFACE. In tho year 18G1 a mooting was convened at the Education Office, Toronto, with tho view of oatablishing an Historical Society for Upper Canada. TIio writer, as an Upper Canadian by birth, and deeply interested in his country with respect to tho past as well as tho future, was present. The result of that meeting was the appointment of a Committee to frame a Constitution and By-Laws, and take tho necessary stops to organize the proposed Society, and to report three weeks thereafter The Committee consisted of tho Hon. Mr. Merritt, Eev. Dr. Eyerson, Col. Jarvis, Mr. DevTrassi, Mr. Merritt, J. J. Hodgins, Dr. Canniff and Mr. Coventry. For reasons unknown to the writer, this Committee never even met. The following year the writer received a printed circular respecting an " Historical Society of Upper Canada " which had been established at St. Catharines, of which Col. John Clarke, of Port Dalhousio, was President; Hon. Wm. H. Merritt, Vice-President, and George Coventry of Cobourg, Secretary. "HONORAIIY MEMBERS." " Chief Justice Sir John Beverley Rob- Henry Ruttan, Esq., Cobourg, inson, Bart., The Venerable Lord Bishop of Toronto, Colonel Jarvis, Toronto, . , Alfio DeGrassi, Esq., Toronto, Doctor Canniflf, " J. P. Merritt, St. Catharines, Henry Eccles, Esq., Q.C., Thomas C. Kcefer, Esq., JVA-- Me, William H. Kittson, Esq., Hamilton, Hon. George S. Boulton, Cobourg, David, Burn, Esq., Cobourg." At the request of this Society the writer undertook to prepare a Paper upon the Settlement of the Bay Quinte. Having been induced to take up his abode for a time at Belleville, near which he was born, the writer availed himself of every opj)ortunity he could croato whilo on^agod in his profosaional dutios, during a period of five yourrt, to collect facts pertaining to the subject. After some months of labor, he was advised by frienda, in whose judgment ho hatl contidenco, to write a History of the Bay (iuint*), for publication. Acting upon this advice, he continued, with increased energy, to collect and elaborate material. In carrying out this object, ho not only visited difterent sections of the country and many indivi- duals, but consulted the libraries at Toronto and Ottawa, as well as availed himself of the private libraries of kind friends, especially Canniff Ilaight, Esq., of Picton. As the writer proceeded in his work, he found the subject assuming more extended proportions than he had anticipated. lie found that, to write an account of the Settlement of the Bay Quinte, was to pen a history of the settlement of the Province. Finally, he has been induced to desig- nate the work " A History of the Settlement of Upper Canada." The labor, time and thought which has been given to the subject need not to be dwelt upon. Every effort has been made, consistent with professional duties, upon which the writer's family is dependent, to sift a mass of promiscuous material which has come under investigation, so that grains of truth alone might fill the measure which this volume represents. ' *'" ' "" Various sources of information have been duly indicated in the text; but there are a largo number of individuals, ft*om whom information has been obtained, whose names could not be recalled. This work has been one of love as well as labor ; yet time and again the writer would have relinquished it had it not been for the words of entouragoment, volunteered by his friends. '''. \ The writer has explained the cause of bis writing this volume. He now presents it to the reader — to Canadians — to the world. He lov'is his country so well, that he regrets an abler pen had not undertaken the task, that justice might be more fully done to the J . . ' 1 1 >4 VJIJ J J > .» > ! f * -.' . I '. ^j i»V I l\, •* w - lifi^rt ■.' i t ■,».,- r^»\ : J i«^ i '.I., -■ ri^,i \ 'tp.'-.-. , _ ,jWPr y* •• '<^ >■' • 'l'« •!■'<••>■ ■■'•■ ?■'■' J. 1 :; .'.i .. I V 1- rl.'.,.I •.. "r. ...• '....I ,!. Fault may be found because of repeated and earnest protests j^agaiust-tho^t^tud^ai . a^sunxed, J^y the, IJnited , ^.tate^i : , th© domm^nts PREFAOK. m ma"•■"' ■ ■' '" '• ■ ' '' •■ '■ ' j,(-, . ( ^.^^>,,'JU . ,, 'i: iKf.'J. .'IdlO'il ■. ■■ '. ,' ••■ '. ' ,: ' . • :l .1,1 ■ ■ • ■ ■1^;. I , • ','t' > ,1 ' " t.'il- IS'''. ' '.'''' 'I'l , I ■!. ' ' ' ■ . r .,,-—' i< ■ ■'■■"■' : Jill"; 'Ml!' .vd— -^'Kf ■•' »'■'' <■■' I, ^ ■>•:">■•',■ -^''f ->,'i.r' ' , ■ ■■ :'■•' ■ _ ._:ii,lw**eJi ,) ■»';.■•■; r — »;■••!.' ■■■i.r-. i-rL—tiiiiUvU- .• .'i.V'i »'> ■.■',•'■• 'itj .f.>Vrr..ii'/.i ■■.*■■" ' ■t"tiiq.,H''-../('»"/ •••; l^«(. ^r*! U,<,,;'i\^ ■ ; ..;•!.'• ■>(>■ ■ .'1,: ■^«^'t>-,. -j.iw-'o'j d^vr^srt; pTrrvjF;----titiMt-i-r-i^'.^5*i'i>.. '.. M i|V» 1 ... ■! \ " »>• ■ CONTENTS. . , i« I ij..' ' / " .,'• A BKRTCII 1>F FIU.NCO-CANADIAN II18T0RY. CHAPTER I. PAQI ntiquarianlHTO — Rooords of tho Karly Nations — Tradition — The ProsB— Tlie Enatorn World — Tho WcHtcrn World — I mpoitundation of Montreal — Emigration from France — The Carignan Regiment — DoCourcelle— Proposal to found a Fort at Lake Ontario — Frontenac — Fort at Cativraqui — La Salle — Fort at Niagara — First vessel upon the Lakes — Its fate — Death of La Salle, the first settler of Upper (Janada — Founder of Louisiana — Discoverer of the mouth of the Mississippi , 1 CHAPTER 11. [itaraqui Fort strengthened — Keute Indians seized and carried captive to France — Massacre of Lachine — Commencing struggle between New England and New France — Siege of Quebec by Sir Wm. Phipps — De- struction of Fort Cataraqui — Its re-erection — Treaty .of Ryswick— ■ Death of Frontenac — Iroquois in England — Another attempt to cap- ture Quebec — Decline of French power — Population of Canada and of New England — Continuation of the contest for the fur trade Taking of Fort Louisburg — Col. Washington, dishonorable conduct — Inconsis- ; tency of Dr. Franklin — Commencement of seven years' war — Close of ' first year — Montcalm — His presentiment —Taking of Fort Oswego— Of Fort William Henry — Fearful massacre — Tlie state of Canada- Wolfe appears — Taking of Frontenac — Duquesne — Apathy of Franco — The Spring of 1759 — Reduced state of Canada — Overthrow of French ■'' power in America — The resul<>— Union of elements — The capture of Quebec — Wolfe —Death of Montcalm — Fort Niagara — Johnson— Effort ' . to retake Quebec — Wreck of the French army — Capitulation at Mon- - * treal — Population — The first British Governor of Canada — The Cana- dians as British subjects— The result of French enterprise — Rebellion 16 Z CONTENTS. * »" , ,. DIVISION I. ,. , , ,[ , THR BEBEtUON OF 1776 — TUB THIRTEBN C0L0NIB8. CHAPTER III. . PAUI First American rebellion— 'Iudependenc Hudson — The Dutch — New Netherlands — Price of New Amsterdam (New York) — First Legislative Assembly — Not quick to rebel — Quota of rebel troops — Gave many settlers to Upper Canada — New Jersey — Its settlement — A battle ground — Gave rebel troops ; also loyal troops — Furnished settlers to Upper ('anada — JIassachusettb — Captain Smith — New England Puritans — The " Mayflower " — First Governor — Cruel treatment of Indians — Mofisachusetts takes the leiul in rebelling — Troops — LoyalistR — New IT.impshire — Troops — Delaware — Settlement — Quotf* of rebel troops — ( .'onnecticut — Education — Troops — Roman Catholics — Toleration — Rhode Island — Providence— Inconsistency of the Puritans— Roger Williams — North Carolina — Inhabitants — South Carolina — Many Loyalists — Pennsylvania — William Penn — Conduct toward Indians — The people opposed to rebellion— Georgia — Ogle- thorpe — Policy of New England — Now England, ,^,,j,^ ;. a.«*.v. » v »•> ♦* '^ C,5 Minia«'»H'''KiT--lK,l'.iwl>-:it; CHAPTER IV, ,j ■^v.,.^iu.-A flil'l— jn jouu;- - American writers—Sabtne — Loyalists had no time to waste — Independence not sought at first — Adams— Franklin — Jay— Jefferson — Washington — Madison — The British Government — Ingratitude of the Colonists — Taxation — Smugglers — Crown officers — Persistence — Superciliousness Contest between Old England and New England 41 The signers of the Declaration of Indep^indence — Their nativity — Injus- tice of Americau writers for 80 years— Cast back mis-statements — The Whigs had been U. B Loyalists — Hancock — Oificc-seekers — Malcon- tents stir up strife — V/^hat the fathers of the Republic fought for — Rebel committees— Black mail — Otis, John Adams, Warren, Washing- ton, Hsnry, Franklin- — What caused them to rebel — What the American revolutionary heroes actually were — Cruelty, during and after the war —No Freedom — The political mistake of the rebels in alienating the loyalists — The Consequence — Motives of the loyalists — False charges -i-Conscientious Consetvatives — ^Rebellion not warranted— Attachment to the old flag — Loyalists driven away — Suppressio veri — Want of noble spirit towards the South — Effects — Comparison between loyalists and rubel8r~£duoation' — Religion — The neutral — The professiouB, 46 CHAPTER VI. y ; Kepublicanism — The lesson of the first rebellion — The late civil war — Th« Loyalists ; their losses and hardships — Ignored by Americans — Unre- corded — The world kept in ignorancei — American glory — Englishmen — Question of. Colonial; treatment — The reason why Great Britain failed . to B\ihdjuetljLerel?ieJiiion--Chai:act^^ rebel bravery— The .„ great result-— Liberty in England aad United States contrasted-M CeNTENTS. XI PAOI Slavery — The result to IT. E. Loyalists — IJurgoyne — Molwcracy— Treatment from "Sons of Liberty" — Old mon, women and children — Instances of cruelty — Brutality — Itapacity — Torture — The lower elassos — <' Swamp Law" — Fiendish cruelty — Worse than Butler's Hangers— Seward and the Fenians —Infamous falsification— Close of the war — Recognition of independence by Great Britain — Crushed hopes of the Loyalists — In New York — Their conduct — Evacuation day — The ' ' position of the Loyalists — Confiscation — " Attainting" — Seizing Estaten — Paine — Commissioners at Paris — British Ministry — Loyalists' petition — King'., speech — Division of claimants — Six classes — The number- Tardy justice — Noble conduct of South Carolina — Impostors — Loyal- ists in Lower Canada — Proclamation — The soldiers' families — Journey- ingfi— Meeting of families -, ,-. . iv;'. .-. .' i '.; V. ...;..,; . ; ; . . 52 •v ..- -.r, .-/..^ -.nl.r. .,. CHAPTER VII. ....••. v spirit of strife — Tha French war — British American troops — Former comnii'.es opposed — Number of U. E. Loyalists in the field — General Burgoyne — Defeat — First reverse of British arms — The campaign-— Colonel St. Leg;r — Fort Stanwix — Colonel Baume — Battle of Ban- nington — General Herkimer — Gatei- — Schuyler — Braemar Heights— Sarato;;a — Surrender — The result upon the people — Sir .John Jolinson — Sir William— Sketch — Indian Chief — Laced coat — Indian's drearn — It comes to p-isii — Sir William dreams — It also comes to pass — Too hard a dream — li'ir John — Attempt to arrest — Escape— Starving- Royal greens — lohason's losses — Living in Canada — Death — Principal Corps of Royalists — King's Rangers — Queen's Rangers — Major Rogers — Simcoe — The Rangers in Upper Canada — Disbanded — The Hessians. 63 ■■ rn'v'iil u^fiui— --*■•'; ■■•" -■•■" '-■-''■'—■■ ■■■■ " '■■- . . ; , •*.._r ^ ,^v<»-,' CHAPTER VIII. f't-' -"'■''^ '" idrjiKi.-! Joft Indian names — The Five Tribes — The Sixth — Confederation — Govern-' ment — Sub-divisions— Origin — Hendrick — Death-— Brant — Birtli— s Education — Married — Teaching — Christianity — Brant elected Chief — Commissioned a British Captain — Visita England — Returns — Leads his warriors to battle — Efi'orts of Rebels to seduce Brant to their cause — Attempted treachery of the Rebel Herkimer — Border warfare — Wyom- i.vr ing— Attempt to blacken the character of Brant — His noble conduct- Untruthful American History — The inhabitants of Wyoming — The Rebels first to blame — Cherry Valley — Van Schaick — Bloody order»->-»r Terrible conduct of the Rebels, Helpless Indian families— Further- deeds of blood and rapine by the rebel Sullivan — A month of horrible work — Attributes of cruelty more conspicuous in the Rebels than in the Indians — The New Englander — Conduct toward the Indians — In- consistent — The " down trodden " — The Mohawks — Indian agriculture — Broken faith with the Indians — Noble conduct of Brant— After the war — His family — Death — Miss Molly — Indian usage — The cliaracter l of the Mohawk — The six Indians as Canadians — Fidelity to the British — Receiving land — Bay Quinte — 'Grand River — Settling— ^ Captaia Isaac, Captain John — At present — Mohawk Counsel tl CHAPTER IX. . , „ . ... „ llndividuals — Anderson — Bethune — Bnrwell -^Bailer — Canliff — Clati^— •" Coffin — Donne — Jarvis — Jones— McDonald — Mc4^ A ■-,•1 ^\^ I „ i-., ,))i ). . /,,i , .i ., ;. u.i' ,(1. ' '■'•'•"•'' ■■■'"nu>'i i;- T... ,.„>,'( „,,., J ;,:,„.,i.. 1^ (,, ,i,ji ,.: Mil.; J,i'r--;.j<.('.i.) n.n „: ^lu/' ^..i,i( (■-... ..i,„ ! ,.11 '■••'•<.—> .-vv-r'-"" ■"--■: - * ■ •■ / .,.(/; ' -^Ha.Mii >'■- r '.!' DIVISION II. TRAVKLING IN EARLY TIMES ORIGINAL ROUTES. CHAPTER XII. Indian paths — Portages — Original French routes — Merde Canada — Original names of St. Lawrence — Ontario — Huron — Route by Bay Quint6 — Old French maps — Original English routes — Four ways from Atlantic to the Lakes — Mississippi — Potomac — Hudson — Indian name of Erie — From New York to Ontario — The Hudson River — Mohawk — Wood creek — Oneida Lake — Oswego River — The carrying places — West Canada Creek — Black River — Oswegotchie — The navigation — Military highway — Lower Canada — An historic route — The paths followed by the Loyalists — Indian paths north of Lake Ontario — Crossing the Lake — From Cape Vincent to the Bay Quints — From Oswego by Duck Islands — East Lake — Picton Bav — Coasting Ontario— Two vrays to Huron — By Bay Quint6 and Trent; by Don River — Lake Simcoe — Point Traverse — Loyalists — Travelling by the St. Lawrence — First road — Long remembered event..,, .'...';....;'. ^.... ... .i. ..'. 129 -iuri'i .1i \f(,\fuiy. (Wii't i , UM Ar i Jliiv JLlli,*,,. j( (,,'i"i-rM ■■ f-ti-^n Indians trav :jlec' by foot or by canoe — Secreting canoes — Primeval scenes — Hunting expeditions — War path — In 1812 — Brock — A night at Myers' Creak—Important arrival — The North West Company — Their canoes — 'Route — Grand Portage — The Voyageurs— The Batteaux — Size — Ascending the rapids — Lachine^A dry dock — Loyalists by batteaux — Durham boats — Difficulties — In 1788, time from Lachine to Freder- ieksburg— Wfliting for batteaux — Extracts from a journal, trayeling in K'.i 1811 — From Kingston to Montreal — The expenses — The Schenectady boats — Trade between Albany and Cataraqui — The Durham boat — Duncan — Description of flat-bottomed boat by " Murray " — Statement ofFinkle — Trading — Batteaux in 181 2 — Rate of traveling — The change in fifty years — Time from Albany to Bay Quinte — Instances — Loyalists traveling in winter — Route — Willsbury wilderness — Tarrying at Corn- wall — The " French Train " — Traveling along north shore of Ontario - —Indian path-— Horseback — Individual owners of batteaux — Around Bay Quinte — The Last regular batteaux — In 1819 — "Lines" from magaEine ...n*. >,.,*,!(■,,,»*, ...j,,k,.>j. ....,..i,j, ,.,.»,. <),j,_,^^,-«.,j_.^^,j,j^_,^.. 135 CONTENTS. im CHAPTER XIV. PAOB The first Vessel— The B'leneh— La Salio— The Griffon— Vessels in 1770— During the Rebellion — Huilding at Carleton Island — Captain Andrews The Ontario — Col. Burton — Loss of the Ontario — The Sheehans — Hills — Givins' — Murney's Point — Schooner ' Speedy ' — Mohawlv — Missis- sauga — Duke of Kent — Capt. Bouchottc — Paxton — McKenzie — Riciiardson — Earle Steele — Fortiche — The Governor Simcoe — Sloop ' Elizabeth ' — First vessel built at York — Collins' Report upon Navigating the Lakes — Navy in Upper Canada, 1795 — Rochfoucault — Capt. Boufhctte — Officers' Pay — York, the centre of the Naval Force — Gun Boats — The Loss of tlie " Spcsedy " — Reckoner — Dr. Sti achan — Solicitor-Gen. Gray — Canada took the lead in ouilding A'^essels — First Canadian Merchant Vessel — Tlie York — A Schooner on runners round the Falls — Sending Coals to Newcastle — Upon Bay Quinte — The Out- skirts of Civilization — "Tht Prince Edward" built of Red Cedar— In 1812 — Schooner " Mary Ann " — 1817— Capt. Matthews 147 .11 Y.OiblVJAi /i'f/.')i . i.'r V' ' ■■ — ■■ ,<; nvf t,.| ; ■ ; ■. . t«.f^Mv.ii...n DIVISION III. ,,;,„......,,, !■:•'•■ -■^^ai■ ' *'^. ,^ ■ • i.i i!«f.J fl THK LOYALISTS AS PIONEERS — THE ORIGINAL SURVEY. ^j ' 'f>f'''-' •■ -■ ~-,.,..^-i-.i...-.v..z'jti iliivj iLb-»iO— ' —Roilaid aobo(>W — luiyjii c--, ,.■■)'-: L\., ,. ■', — Krt.8ila-.uii') ■.iino'.':/i. to Hl'i-yjC'! — xlhiX'/rM ;iuy,ibii.I— riqtii.-.ia/Jf vjdi-'> —eno'^qP^ -^OAAf^f Bfljaibili iWilitinU— ■•■iTJ'^T ■.""•H?r"--T'. . ...i;;;;rj5jtaia.t/.3 aiil' — lt3Jii.'jJiic<; I?fJ , ^f^^■.7CHAPTER XVIII.;T;,h--;-.-!...fiof>: a:c'=j;^f;,-j. Father Picquet — Provision of Forts in Upper Canada just before conquest — Frontenac — Milk — Brandy— Toronto— The several forts — Detroit — British garrisons — Grasping rebels — Efforts to starve out Loyalists in Canada — Worse treated than the Acadians — Efforts to secure Fur Trade — The frontier forts — Americans' conduct to Indian^— Result — Conduct of British Government — Rations for three years— Grinding by hand — "Hominy blocks"— " Plumping mill"— -The women — Sol- dier farmers— The Hessians — Su^'ering— The " Scarce Year" Charge . against the Commisijariat officers — Famine — Cry for bread — Instances " of suffering — Starving children — No salt — Fish— Game — Eating young grain — Begging bran — A common sorrow — Providential escapes — Eating buds and leaves — Deaths—Primitive fishing — Catching salmon — Going 125 miles tp mill— Disconsolate families — 1789 — Partial relief — First beef slaughtered in Uppet Canada— First log bam — A «'Bee," what they ate and drabk — Tea introduced — Statements of Sheriff Sherwood— Rogei' Botes — John Parrott— Col. Clark— Squirrel swfinmiTig Niagara — Maple sugar — How it was made— Women assist- ing— Made dishts of food — Pumpkiii loaf— Extract from Rocfaefoucault - 1795'^— Quality of grain raised;— Quinte Bay — Cultivation— Com exported — Th6 grain dealers— Price of flour — Pork — Profits of the mwchantr: ? -i^i^ . . . V/;ir;.;^i^:l';V^i£. . .^ ;vH';l^':;;;;i;;;'vf ;^vv-^^-^ '191 CONTENTS. XV .;.,■. I .fM '.f. CHAPTER XIX. o„ fn,> . ini;--' 'mtOT — I PAOB Kingston Mills — Action of Government — Tlie Millwright — Situation of the first Mill — Why Selected — Tlie Machinery — Put up hy Loyalists — No Toll — Only Mill for three years — Going to Mili, 1784 — The Napanoo . Mill — Comraenced 1785 — Kobert Clarke — And old Book — "Appenea" Falls — Price of certain articles — What Rum cost, ai\d was used for — - The Mill opened 1787 — Sergt.-Major Clarke in charge — Indian Corn — Small Toll — Surveyor Collins in charge — Becomes the property of R. Cartwright, 1792 — Rebuilt — Origin of Napanee — Price of Butter, 1'88 — Mills at Four Mile Creek, Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, and Grnnd River — Mills on the St. Lawrence — The Stone Mills — VanAIstine — Lake of the Mountain — 179(3 — Natural Beauty, t rsun Utility — The Mill — Van Alstine's Death-:- Wind l^Iill — Myef's Mill— Mill at Consocon. ...,.., 206 '•'•i/rif- '«i ^•!\i] f,()j( n"., -...•'■.»<■• i!-! -.t!"l/. y,, I ^(, ^l ,r)>| O'W I'. — |. )fll<.)— 1'i->iii M.ffn r-! Clothing — Domestic and Farming Implements — Style of Dress eighty years ago — Clotldng of the Refuges — Disbanded Soldiers — No Fresh Supply Indiaa Garments of Skin — Deerskin Pants — Petticoats — Bed Coverings — Cultivating Flax — Sheep — Home-mode Clothes- — Rude Implements . f — Fulling — French Mode — Lindsay Woolsey — The Spinning-wheel — , Young men Selecting Wives — Bees — Marriage Portion — Every Farmer his own Tanner and Shoemaker — Fashions—How odd hours were spent .. i — Home-made Shoes — What Blankets \v( re made of — Primitive Bed- stead — Nakedness — Bridal Apparel — No Saddles — Kingston and Newark —Little Money — Bartering — Merchants from Albany — Unable to buy — Credit with Merchants — The Results — Itinerant Mechanics — Amer- icans — Become Canadians — An old Stone-mason — Wooden Dishes — Making Spoons — Other Hardships — Indians Friendly — Effects of Alcohol upon the Mississaugas — Groundless Panic — Drunken Indians — Women, defending Themselves — An erroneous Statement aboat Indian Massacre in " Dominion Monthly Magazine " — Statement of an Old Settler, Sherwood — Wild Beasts — Few Fire-arms — Farrow Es- capes — Depredations at Night — Destroying Stock — An Act of Parlia- ment—" A traveller's Statement — The Day of Small Things — Settlers Contented — The Extent of their Ambition — Reward of Industry — ^Po- pulation in 1808 — Importations — Money — The Youth 211 —iioiloU— aJwl ta' CHAPTER XXI. .h0fn,{|iM -oijnoJmnU— Sweat of the fcrow— ifo beiist of burden — No stocki--Excep^ t)y afc^--_'^|r Horses and qxen — From Lower Canada — York State — Late comerd,^ /'' , brought some — No fodder — First stock in Adolphustown — Incidents ' —Cock and hens — " Tipler " — Cattle driving— -Fir^t cow in Thurlow — ' j First house in Marysburgh — The first ox,en7— No market for butter and V; cheese — Sheep — Rev. Mr. Stuart, as an Agriculturist — Horses at Nap- ' anee — An offer for a yoke of steers , . . , , , 220 -'??iqj3oa9 luiiiT'bi'roiH' — //oTiO!^ rioijitrro't /•. — njntf ^ar5j;g')a — it\m-^ i.?irriji>( aiitiiv^KO— qnhfCtHAPTER XXII..r(~- ^■)/ivj'l bnxi Hbuci y/K:»it''{. Old channels of trade, and travel — Art and Hcience— New enannels— Thai^.^ wilderness — Loyalists Travelling on foot, from Kingston to York— ^j „ Formation of roads — Act of parliament — 1 793— Its provisions — Crooked (g roads — Foot-pa,th — Bridle-path— King's highway from Lower Canadft'^y —When surveyed— Road fronj Kingston westwardr-Jts course — Simcoe'a '.^ ■ military road-r-Dundas 3treet>— Asa DanfortliTr-Contract with Boy-^'__ ernment — Road from Kingston to Ancaster— Danforth road^ — 1799—^^ r Misunderstandings — Danforth's pamphlets — Slow improvemen(i--ijgj XVI CONTENTiS. I'AOI Cause — Extract from Oourlay — ThomaH Markland's ntport — Ferries — 1796 — ActH of parliament — Statute labor — Money grantH — ComniiH- Bioners — Midland di8tri<:t — Distribution — The Cataraipii Bridge Com- pany — Tlio ptftitionerrt — An act — The provisions — Tlio plan of build- ing — The bridge — Toll — Completing the bridge — Improvements of roads — McAdam — Declinea a knighthood 224 'w.J,in jJii-liMO; ;!>^. CHAPTER XXIII. ..i.u i.Ur/ .-.■•■/ .: Ode to Canada — Early events— First English child in America, 1587 — In New England— First French child, 1621— First in Upper Canada, 1783 — In Prince Edward — Adolphustowu — Ameliasburgh — North of the Rideau — Indian marriage ceremony— Difficulty among first settlers to get clergymcu— First marriage in America, 1608 — Fiist in New Eng- land, 1621 — First in Canada, 1621 — Marriageable folks— No one to tic. the matrimonial knot — Only one clergyman — Officers marrying— Magistrates empowered— Legislation, 1793 — Ita provision — Making valid certain marriages — Further Legislation, 1798 — In 1818 — 1821 — 1831 — Clergymen of all denominations permitted to marry. — Methodist ministers — Marriage license, 1814 — Five persons appointed to issue — A noticeable matter — Statements of Bates — Mode of courting in the woods — Newcastle wedding expeditions — Weapons of defence — Ladies' dresses — The lover's "rig" — A wedding ring — Paying the magistrate — A good corn basket — Going to weddings — " Bitters "—Old folks stay at home — The dance, several nights— Marriage outfit— Frontier life — "^ Morals in Upper Canada — Absenct; of irregularities — Exceptional instances — Unable to get married, Peter and Polly — A singular witness — Rev, Mr. Stuart— Langhorn — McDowell — How to adorn the bride — What she wore — A wedding in 1808 — On horseback — The guests — The wedding — The banquet— The game of forfeits — The night— Second day wedding — The young folks on horseback— -Terpischorean — An elope- ment by canoe— The Squire — The chase^Tho lovers successful — The Squires -who man-ied, ,^,... ,,.......;,.,,,, , Burying places — -How selected — Family burying place — ^^For the neighbor- hood — The Dutyh — Upon the Hudson — Bay Qtiinto — A sacred spot to the Loyalists — Ashes to ashes — Primitive mode of burial — The coffin — At the grave — The father's i^marks— -Return to labor — French Bury- ing-place at Frontenaq— Its site— U. E. Loyalists' burying place at Kingston — The " U. E. burying-ground," Adolphustown — Worthy sires of Canada's sons — Decay — Neglect of illustrious dead — Repair wanted — Oldest burying-ground in Prince Edward — Ross Place — At East Lake — Upon the Rose faam — " Tlie Dutch burying-ground " — Second growth trees — In Sophiasburgh — Gronk farm — In Sidney — Rude tomb 8to)ies — Burial-place of Captain Myers — Reflections — Dust to dust — ''■' In Thurlow — "Taylor burying-ground" — The first person buried — Lieut. Ferguson — An aged female — Her work done — Wheels stand ■'- still omou oi b:.n. ,nn lo I 232 C0NTKNT8. ZVll ; ,.o. : : DIVISION V. i I ■■ ■'J'"V,;'' '■' TUB BARLY OLBBOYMKN ANP CHUKCIIKH. ',■" ^ '}' " ■ ^ •'^^>-'"'-' - CHAPTER XXV. ' ' "*'•" '^ "«' ' -••^' PAOI French miHRionarics — FirBt in 1615 — Recollcts — Witli Chaniplain — JcRuits, in 1625 — Valuable retards — Bisliopric of Quebec, 1674 — KirHt Bishop of Canada, Laval — Rivalry — .Power of JoHuits — Number of miHsiona- ries — Their "relations" — Fii-st mission field; Bay Quintc region — " Antient mission " — How founded — First missionaries — Kleus, Abbe D'Urfe — La Salle to build a church — The ornaments and sacred vessels — The site of the "Chappol" uncert^dn — Bald Bluff, Carrying; Place — Silver crosses — Mission at Georgian Bay — The "Christian Islands" — Chapel atJMichilmioinac, 1679 — The natives attracted — Subjects of the French King — Francois Picquet — La Presentation — Sof-yasti — The most important mission — The object — Six Nations — The missionary's living — "Disagreeable expostulations" — Putting stomach in order — Trout — Picquet's mode of teaohiug Indians — The same afterwards adopted by Rev. W. Case — Picquet's success — Picquet on a voyage — At Fort Toronto — Mississaugas' request — Picquet's reply — A slander — At Niagara, Oswego — At Frontenac — Grand reception — Return to La Presentation — Picquet in the last French war — Returns to France — By Mississippi — " Apostles of Peace " — Unseemly strife — Last of the Jesuits in Canada 24i» „.v::.:..u;,..ml..'/.! -^"-^^''-^cHAPTER XXVI. 'i ''' First church in New York, 1633— First Dominie, Rev. Everardus Rogar- dus — The Dutch, Huguenots, Pilgrims — ^Transporting ministers and churches — First Rector of New York, Wm. Vesoy — Henry Barclay, 1746 — First Catholic Bishop in America, 1789 — Episcopalian Bishop, 1796 — Moral state of Pioneers in Canada— Religion— No ministers — No striking immorality— Feared God and honored their King— The Fath- ers of Upper Canaila— Religious views — A hundred years ago— " Ca- rousing and Dancing "-Rev. Dr. .John Ogilvie - First Protestant clergyman in Canada— Chaplain, 1769, at Niagara — A Missionary Suc- cessor of Dr. Barclay, New York — Death, 1774 — Rev. .Tolin Doughty — A Graduate ordained — At Pcekskill — Schenectady— A Loyalist — A Prisoner — To Canada — Chaplain— To England— Returns— Minsionary Pi'^signs— Rev Dr. John Stuart — First clergyman to settle — His memoir — The " Father of the U. C. Church " — Mission work — Tlie five nations — 'i'lie Dutch — Rev. Mr. Freeman — Translator — Rev. Mr. Andrews — R«'V Mr. Spencer Woodbridge, Howley — New England missionaries — II v. Dr. Whelock — The Indian converts— The London society — iCev. Mr. Inglis — .John Stuart selected missionary — A native of Penn- syhania — Jrish descent — A graduate, Phil. Coll. — Joins Church of Lii^iland — To England — Ordination — Holy Orders, 1770 — Pinters upon hih work .-; i;'yi«.'; ...^i% . . . .^ 255 CHAPTER XXVII. At Fort Hunter — Mr. Stuart's first sermon, Christmas — Officiates in Indian tongue — Translates — The rebellion — Prayers for the King — The John- sons — Rebels attack his house — Plunder — Indignity — Church desecra- ted — Used as a stable — A barrel of rum — Arrested — Ordered to come '^ before rebel commissioners — On Parole — Limits — Idle two years — To Albany — Phil — Determines to remove to Canada — Not secure — Ex- , P&OI chauf^ing — Hccmity— tteal CHtntu fbrlbiicd— Uouto — Negroe*— Tho journey, tliroo wfloicK— At St. .Iohn'«— Chargo of Publiu School — Chap< lain — At the iloueof tho war — Three Protostant lariwhcH — Dutorminos to Hettlo at (-'fttmqui — Chaplain to OarriHra — MiHsionary — iJiHhop of Virginia, Dr. (Irillitli — ViHitii Mr. Stuart---'.uvitatloa to Virgiua declin- «;d — "lilvctted prcjudicee," satisfled — "The only refuge clergymen" — Path of duty — Visits the suttlomcuts, 1784 — Mohawks, Grand river — Ucccption of thiir old pastor— First ciiurch— Mohawks, Bay of Qiiinte — UemainK in Montreal a year — AHsistant — Komovcs toCataraqui, 17fi5 —His land— Siunbor of houses in Kingston— A short cat to Lake Huron — Kortiinato in land -5Q00 settlers — Poor and happy- -Indus- trious — Around his Parish, 1788— Two hundred miles long— Uy battoau — Brant— New Oswego — Mohawk village chnrch,Bteeple,and bell — First in Upper Canwla— Plate— Organ — ^Furnituro— Ilfcturns— At Niagara- Old parishiontirH — Toinptcil to move — Comfot'table, not rich — Declines a judgoship -New Mccklonburgb — Appointed (?liaplain to first House of Assembly -Mohawk Mission — At Maiysburgh -Bogree of D.l). — Prosperity — Happy -Decline of life -Ilia duticH—IllntSH, Dcalth, 1611 • • — His appearanco— '< The little gentleman "—His manners -llonorablo trtlo~His children llcv. O^Kill Sturtrt 260 : ''I CHAPTER XXVIII. A Missionary -(Chaplain at Niagara — ^Pastors to the Hettlei* — Chaphtin to Legislature— ViKits (rrand river — Ortlciatcs— A land speculator— Re- ceives a pt'nsion, £50 — 1823 — Rev. Mr. Pollard — At Araherstburgh — Mr. Langboru — A missionary — Little education — Useful — Odd — On Bay Quintc in Evneattown— Builds a chrtrch — At Adolphustown— Preaches at Hagerman's — Anptheir chiurch — A, diligent pastor — Pioneer preacher around the bay — Christening—Marrying— Particular — His ap- pointments—Clerk's Fees-^Genorosity — Present to bride — Faithful to sick cAlls — Frozen feet — No stockings — Shoo buckles — Dress — Books — Peculiarities— Fond of the water— Charitable— \Var of 1812— Deter- miijed to leave Canada— Thinks it doomed— Singular notice — Returns to EuFope — His library — Present to Kingston — Twenty years in Canada —Extract from Gazette— No one immediately to take his place— Rev. John Bethunc— Died 1815— Native of Scotland— U. E. Loyalists- Lost Property — Chaplain to 84th Regiment — A Presbyterian— Second p. Legal Clergymen in Upper Canada — Settled at Cornwall — Children — The Baptists — Wyner — Turner — Holts Wiem — Baptists upon river Moira — First Chapel — How built — Places of preaching — Hayden's Corners — At East Lake-r The Lutherans — Rov. Schwerdfeger — Lutheran settlers — County Dundas — First church east of Kingston — Rev. Mr. Myers lived in Marysburgh — Marriage — His log church — Re- moves to St. Lawrence — Resigns— To Philadelphiiv — Mr. Weant — Lives in Ernesttown — Itemov^s to Matilda — Not supported — Secretly joins the English church — Re-oixlained — His society ignorant — Sus- picious— Preaching in shirt sleeves — Mr. Myers' return, by sleigh — f;;: Locking church door — 'the thirty-nine articles — Compromise— Mr. Myers continues thiTce years a Lutheran — He secedes — The end of both secedei's — Rev. I. L. Sepderliug — Rev. Herman Hayunga — Rev. Mr. Shorts — Last Luthcrai) minister at Emefittown, McCarty — Married. .... 26i 'f;!-—<:} ■ -3i!b:i,4v^)liC!HAiP'rER XXtX. ' '■■' 'bM ..iii..a^.aA Jl ■'•ifjOid a 71. :'>s i'h..r 1 .•.■/ — Bishop Strachan — A teacher— A preacher — A student — Holy Orders — A Presbyterian — Becomes an Episcopalian— A supporter of the " Family compact"— -Sincere— His opinion of the people — Ignorant — Unprepared for self-government — Strachan's religious chart— He was deceived— OONffUNTt" The MntIiorfi«t«-Anoinii!onH ronncrtfon— A ..im.nMhrir.ir i„.<,„le— RepnM1rnni«n rp:otlHtiVul_Loyftlty of the WothiH i»i««ion~TravrHn(.., , . ,,,,,o!W.,.>ci4,,, n-nnOiTl The flrst MetlrAdfst Preachers— The army— Oapt. Webb— Tnffoy-George Neal— Lyons— School-teftclier— Kxhorter— McCarty— Persecution— ' Bigotry- Vagabonds- Mccarty kn'estM- TMal— At Kingston—' Banished—" A martyr"- Doubtful—Losee, first Methodist mLssionarV . 1 790— A minister— A loyalist— Where ho first preached—" A curiogf ty" ; —Earnest pioneer Methodist— Class-meetings— Suitable for all clnsses' Losee's class-meetings- Determines to build a niceting-house— Built in . Adolphustown— Its size— The subfecrihers— Members, amount— Em- bury—Those who subscribed for first church in New Yoi-k— Same names' —The centenary of Methodism— New York Methodists driven away- American Methodist forgetful-^Embury and Heck refugees— Ashgrove —No credit given to British officers— Emburvs brother— The rigging loft, N. Y.— Barbara Heck— Settling in Augusta— First Methodist f ., T Church m America— Subscribers— « Lost Chapters"— The Author's silence— What is acknowledged— "Seveie threats"— Mr. Mann— To Nova Scotia— Mr. Wluiteley " admires piety"— Not " loyalty"— Second IX CONTENTU. PAOB »■ ■ i'hftp«'l, N. Y,— A(tol|)hnHt«)wn Miiliiwrlborii — (Conrad Van DuHon — EU». ilublin — Hull' — Ruttaii — ThoHodotiil MttthodiNtchiiiiol — Thu nubMcrilMtrH — €oniiiinacnc Ryan— H(!cond Canada Conference — Case, (irst Superintendent — Visit of Bishop Asbtiiy-Account by Henry Ba;hm — Asbury an Englishman— During the rebellion — A BUbop — His journey to Canada— Crossing the St. Lawrence— Travel- ing in Canada — An upset — "A decent people" — His ojjinion of the country — The Bishop 111 — At Kingston —Btohm at Kmbiiry's — A field meeting — Riding all night— Crossing to Sackett's harbor— Nearly wrecked 295| y y y ,. ,,,,.( . . .,^..t.i,,.. ,,„^ .,.,/...,;,„, CHAPTER XXXII, McDonnell— First R, Catholic Bishop — A "Memorandum" — Birth-place — in Spain— A priest— In Scotland- Qlengary Fcnciblcs— Ireland, 1798 — To Canada— Bishop — Death in Scotland— Body removed to Canada , , , — Funeral obsequies — Buried at Kingston — Had influence — Member of Canadian Lrgislative Council — Pastoral visitations, 1806— A loyal man — A pioneer in his church — The Bishop's Address, 1836 — Refuting Mal-charges — Number of the R. C. clergy in 1804 — From Lake Supe- rior to Lower Canada— Traveling horseback— Sometimes on foot — Hardships— Not a politician— Expending private means— Faithful services— Acknowledged — Roman (!atholic U. E. Loyalists — First church in Ernesttown- McDonnell at Belleville— Rev. M. Brennan — First church in BelKsviHe — What we have aimed at — The advantages to the Unglreh Chui'ch-— The Reserves— In Lower Canada— Dr. Moun- tain — Number of English clergymen, 1793^— A Bishop — Monopoly Initiated — Intolerance and exclusion swept away-^An early habit at Divine Service.v'.'V'.' . . '.'s'-''^*^^ ".iiV.'/.i'. ii'.'l".'.'n'l.i :'^''\W.>ii;iViiWi^ aniid— ii'iuiov/ 'lo anoiioijj.V ,• -coif looif-*.— nut-uff!-- .vuo,.! li.iv A .-.h,,u.,j[;H^pTER xxxiiL ;^r ,r"^''-*''r^'«'?lf First .Sabbath tiaacUin^IIannab BelT, 1769— School established, 1781— .^.y Raikes — Ti^psley— -Fir^tln United Statijs — First In Canada— Cattrick — Moon- Common in' l^i4— First in Belleville— Tumbull— Cooper— CONTENTri. HI )^' PAfll MnrNlmll l*ri/cri,whowon tli«'in -Mr. Tiiriilinll'Miloiitli tii(i'in|ifranc6 — Firnt tcmpcmiKCHorirticd ('linriKO ot'iMiHtoiu -Ruin IncnmMiiiK'in* tiMnpcmncc Tlic tiiHtcH of tho pioticfM- 'IVinp«riincc, not t<>«(otnliHiii Finit Hucicty in (Jiinada— DriukR at miMingH luid buuM — Hociutj at ilaU lowol 308 .. .7 ;../ "'"■'•• CIIAI'TEUXXXIV."'"*'"- •''•"'"■ " "' The Six NftUonB - Folthful EriKliMh AIUpr -Society for rropiigfttlon of OoBpel— rirHt nilHHiomiry to frocmois— .fohn ThornaH, flmt convert— Visit of ClilofH to HnRliind Tlulr niimo« -Thoir portraits Attention to thtiut — Awkjug for iuHtructor Quoen Anno — Coiiuniinion iService — During tlut llolx-l Hun -Burying tlus plate -Uecovercd -DIvlMion of the ' artick'H— Siicrilfgu of the llehelH U<.'-l)rinting Prayer Hook -Mr. Stuart, miHsionary — The women and children -At Lachiue- Attachment to Mr. Stuart — Touching instance -Mr. Stuart's Indian sister-Church at Tyendinaga — Sdiool teacher to the Mohawk — .tohn Uininger -First tt'at:hur_ The Hininger family— The Moravian Society Count Zinnen- dorf— Moravian church at New York— First minister, Abraham Itinin- gor— Friend of Kmbury -An old account hook — .lohn Hiningcr Jour- neying to Canada— Living at Hay Quiute—Ilemuves to Mohawk villago —Missionary spirit — Abraham lliningcr's letters — The directions- Children pleasing parents — "(lalloping thoughts" — Christianity- Canadian Moravian misHionaries— Moravian loyalists— What was neat from New York—" Hest Treasure "—The " Dear Flock "—David Zies- hagcr at the Tlkamus -J. Itiniuger acceptable to Mohawk — Abraham Biningtir desires to visit Cana Hid /li t'tnno'ti '■. ouirr .«WH ')Af.d m-yi'-i ^OHf CHAPTER XXXVIw) rxfrnifT' -«'>aii.(f .-iiiW ■hv.ii no- >.';iiii,i'>iiii(<-<— i,fij^rf_,i'i •»..•/..> i ,.t ■,,,;-. MissigHanga Indians — Father Picqnet's opinion — Remnant of a targe trite — Their land — Sold to Government— llev. Wm. Case — .John Sunday — A drunkard— Peter Jones— Baptising Indians — At a camp-meeting — Their department — Extract from Pluyter— William Beaver — Conver- sions — Jacob Peter— Severe upon white christians — Their worship— The Father of Canadian missions — Scheme to teach Indians — Grape Island— Leasing Islands— Tho parties — "Dated at Belleville" — Con- !i)fi structing a village — The lumber— How obtained — Encamping on Grape Island — The method of instrucMon — The number — Agriculture — Their • singing— School house — Tho teacher — Instructions of women— Miss ' Barnes — Property of Indians— Cost of improvements — A visit to Gov- ernment — Asking for land-H-" Big Island " — Other favors- Peter Jacobf ..^ at New York — Extracts from Playter — Number of Indian converts, - 1829— River Credit Indians— Indians removed to Alnwick 323 HU OONTKNTH. > >• DIVISION VI. U/U- / . 1.'/-. .imi.u, eHAI'TEU XXXVIJ. „.',r . ,., . .. ' PAOB Education amuiiK ihp LoyiilintH— KflVot of thu wnr— No oppoituaity for KdmaUon — A tnw KducaUxl — At li^ith — A coiiiiiimm Iwlicf— What wan roquisito for fminiiit,' — Learning at lionu; — 'I'lio mliool tomhern — Tlioir r|iiallfU!atioiiH^[lt)V. Mr. Htiiart an a tcaclutr — Acuclciny at KiiiKHton — Flrgt Canjuliun P. I).— Mr. Clark, Teujiier, 1780— Donovan— (larriHoii Hchoolt*— (-oiK — Saliflbiiry — JainoH — Potter — Wright — Watkin — (HbHon — SinitM — Wliolan — Articlt'S of Af^rcoutcnt — Uccolloctionii— Hoarding roiir»l — AnioriciiQ tcttchcvK — School books — The letter Z . . . .129 ■- ■ ■'■. ' ''- . .: .;.. . i. ..Ui. '.,. '11.-1 i,„i"l . .V, .1- I'HArTER XXXVIlt. 1... ,. . . . I j • _ I. . Mr. StuttlTH' Hfihool SImcod— Mtate Churdi and f 'ollpt^e - (hammar gchooln — Hon. 11. flamllton ChalnierH Stracbnn — ComcHto ('anada — Edu- cational hiRtory — Arrival at Kinnnton — Tho pupiln — Fees — RritioroH to Cornwall — FupilH follow — Htra(:han,aCanadiiin — MurrioH — Interview with Hiwhop Strachan — His diKiii)pointm(!nt — A wtranger — What he for80ok — 300 pupils — Their auctieH8-^8tuy at (Jornwall — A))po!ntnient« at York — A lecturer — At Kingnton — Member of IjogiHlativo (Jouncil — Politician — r^lerj,'y UeHCi-vo« — FnundH King's (N)llegi' — The thirty-nine nrticloR — 'Monopoly swept away — VoluntaryiHin — Founds Trinity (!ol- lege — Bishop Strachan in 1800 — What lie had acoonipliBhcd- Thos« ho tntored — Setting up a high standard — " llcckoner " — Sincerity — LegiH- lation, 1797 — Address to the King — Grammar Schools — Grant, 1798 — Board of Education — Endowment of King's (Joilege — Its constitution — Changes — ITitper (Canada College — Endowment — " A spirit of im- provement " — Gourlay — Tho second academy — At Ernesttown — The trustees — Bidwell — Charges — Contradicted — llival school — Bidwell's 8on — (Conspicuous character — Bidwell's death — Son removes to Toronto — Academy building, u barrack— Literary spirit of BatU — Never ro- vhrcd— York. . . . v. '.'•.'. : .-. i";;: -v K, , '.'I'jV. :.'iiVA.-,'iVl V\Vl\. .^V'ivm'. 334 ■1-' -- "" ■ ■■■ '■JiUM-A*-'' '.'1 - ilaifii ;»ilj /ii !i V)niij)j0')^ ' ■mil ' — (lyauqjik, >ji ' oe.V • :. „:j .> ],r.(n\'. » \ium\iN "— ' »af)tnb ' ii«!>nf>iiiA (Uio>r "— OHAfiTER X3tXIXi.J)if«j-; '- -^d P— " mrh.vi 'b/-. U'jJilTt'r ''-— ■.tM>i(yi I Mil-ii'i -^■,-,,,y'H .,( j).iuV/' II " t-yr,! ( u Extract from Cooper — Educational Institutions — Kingston— Queen's College — Owti'b Ileal Kstato — Kt^giopolis College — Itmntui Catholic — Grammar School-.— AttendaucH|)crH, 1457— Yfiu, OO— Mn^liHh N<>wH|Mt|)«TM— In AmorliA — In (.'annda — 'Unaettv' — Fuiiniior — I'u|mth ht 175H — (Jiivbci' i'aM' — Montreal ' (JiiHittti) ' — • Le IVnipH '— (jiu-boc ' Morciiry '—Canadian 'C'ourant' — < Itoyal (iitxrtte'— Firnt in Nowroiindliind— ' U. C (iaKottc* — Fiht jmiii'i— Hiil)M(iilM'rM — lIp|ior Ciinmla MJiiiiiiliun ' — Wiliox — Mr. Thorpo — ()p|M>HiUou — Mbel — Klcttml t<» I'mlianiunt — York Juil--> Leader — In IU12— Dowrted — York <«)ttc<er— -X«WH fdxty ytarM iiKo—In Midland Diiitriut — U«v. tAt. MiloH— l'ioii«tfr of .lournaiiHin — HIn Uirtliplaco — LiiarnH the printiiiff l)ii*in«Mi — Mow«r — Muntronl ' Cln/etUi ' — Kendall-^ I'artnurKiiip — To Kin)]:Hton in I8lo — Tii« printing ottluc — Kil^^'HU>n < (iu;iutto'-~ALr. Milim m-.\U out— Tiie conoern piinlmwd — Mr. Miles ankud to be Kditor— 'I'lit'ir kindnoKK — (lrntlttidt> — St'( ond Volmne — Kxtruet fr*)ni MJazettn' —The Prici' — KInKHtoii ' (.'lironicio '—Upper (.'iinnda ' Herald '— ■(Canadian VViitclinmn ' — Mr. MIIoh at PrcBCott — lleturiiH to KinKHton — EntefM till* Ministry— Loyal Hubjixit — In 1H13— On Duty — Arch- deation Htnnrt — <'M)r\0'nK Ih.v^ni''- CHAPTERfXLTi .ri'-- "iJij.-.f ( 'ir...,(..,,.,:o'! ^•in^ff^M .i''li/:r:>t^'!^.T \i i.ii,Tk..,.r /i i-., '/■-■. Flrat paper between KiiiKHton niui York — Hallowell "Free Prow" — 'th* Editor — " Redime" — FruitleHH eflfortu — Proprietor — Wooden press — Of iron — "Free Presg," independent— -Tbo "Travoilor" — Presu removed to Cobourg — " Prince Kdward (Jaaette " — " Picton Gazette "— " Pictoa Sun"—" Picton IMmea"—" New Nation "_" Oobourg H tar "—" Anglos Canadian " at Bellovillo—Tlio K»M Boston — Berczy — Canadian idioms — Accent — Good English — Supovati- tion — Home education — Fireside stories — Traditions , . * ♦ , . , 358 '^^ ' -ltTr'H.:_^i,fri-^ii(.lr>tI (A ill- ;\«ltrthc] ^o i-iw;6tfT— , -■•■:TO«*irr)(t «'uor(!)x^f l >itrfi- ''oilf;( IL " i •r^f^"'^' V.'.ijti'iV'j- V • • ••-'••••••• k ■ - -A . .. Ijose;..... . ! XXIV OONTKNTS. DIVISION VII. •• - THE TBBRITOBy OF DPPKB CANADA — THIS BAY gi'lNIK. ' - • . CHAPTER XLII. PAoa The Indians — Their origin- -Pro-iiiHtoric Canadd — Indian relics — Original inhabitants — Les Iroquois du nord — Original names — Peninsula of Upper Cannda — Charaplain exploring — Ascends the Ottawa — His route to Lake Nipissing — To Lake Huron — B'rench river — The country — Georgian Bay — Lake Simcoc — Down the Trent — A grand trip — Bay Quinte and Lake Ontario discovered — War demonstration — Wintering at the Bay — A contrast — Roundabout way — Erroneous impressions . . . 366 " ' ^S, CHAPTER XLin. I ' Name — Letter, " Daily News" — "Omega" Lines — The writ^n- — Conjecturofi — ^Pivc Bays — Indian origin — Rentes — Villages — Les Gouis — Modes of spelling — Canty — The occupants, 1783 — Mississaugas — Origin — With the Jroquois — The Souter — Mississaugas, dark — At Kingston — Bay Quinte — Land bought — Reserves — Claim upon the islands — Wappoose Island — Indian agent — Indians hunting — Up the Bagonaska— Making sugar — Peaceable — To Kingston for presents;^* '. . ;'; K'i i ; '.' VVi-tvrt '.''\ vV. 374 ':T.^^?":"^:r '""^r^^HAPTER xLiv. '^'^7:'\-:^ ^^^^^^^'^ Appearance — Mouth of Bay — Length — The Peninsnlii of Prince Edward — ' Width of Bay — Long Reach-^'omse of Bay — The High Shore — Division of bay — Eastern, central, western — Taking a trip — Through the Reach — A picture — A quiet spot— Lake on the mountain — A description — Montreal Gazette — Beautiful view — Rhine, Hudson — Contrasl^— Classic ground' — A sketch — Birth place of celebrated Canadians — Hagerman — A leading spirit — Sir J. A. McDonald — Reflections — A log house — Relics of the past — Lesson of life — In the lower bay — Reminiscences— The front — Cradle of tho province — Shore of Marysburgh — In the Western Bay — Cuthbertson — Up the bay — A battle ground — Devil's Hill— In the depths — Prosperity — Geological sujyposition — Heail of bay "riout.i>u.j5 i, -fi,v'ffjii ic,ii-CHAPTER XLV;'-d ,isMlM«at?;>it"iixa«!j The " Big Bay "— Musketoe Bay— Mohawk Buy— Hay Bay—" Eastern Bay' — Site of Ancient Rentes — The name — Old Families — An Accident, 1819 — Eighteen Drowned — Extract from Playtcr — Searching for tl Bodies — Burying the dead— PictOu Bay — Appearance — The " Gran Bay "— ;Upper Gap — Lower Gap — Kingston Bay — A Picture — Rec lei tipftfi-rrA, Cpntract — Ship Yards — Extract from Cpoper — Inland Lakes, f- Islands— Pbss'efesed by ' Indians — The "Thousand Islands ' — Oarleton Ip- land — History of Island — During the rebellion — Wolfe Island — The name — Howe Island — Old name — County of Ontario — Garden Island — Horseshoe Island— Sir Jeffry Amherst— The size — Indian name — " Tontine " — Johnson's Island-^The Island won— Present owner — First settler — The three brothers— Small* Islands — Hare Island — Nut Island- Wappoose Island — Indian rendeavous — Captain John's Island — ^Bartering — Hunger Island— Big Island — First settlers — Huft''8 Isljiiid — Paul Huff— Grape Island— Hog Island — Smaller Islands — ^^ Mi'SsfsfeHiga IslAtid — A tradition-*— The carrying place — ^Its course — ^^^ Original survey — Historj- — American prisoners— Col Wilkins 402 CONTENTS. XXV DIVISION VIII.. THE FIRST TEN TOWNSHIPS IN THE MIDLAND DISTRICT. CHAPTER XLVI. PAQB The French — Their policy — Trading posts — Cahiaqne — Variations — Name of river — Fonndation of Fort Frontenac — A change — Site of old fort — La Salle's petition — A Seigniory — Qovornora visiting — War Expedition — Fort destroyed — Rebuilt — Colonial wars — Taking of Fort Oswego— Frontenac taken-^End of French domination... i-i* ...<««'<'.v^^w' 410 ■"' -—.i.Ht'lJii'j.i At— <_«it K»,U -. CHAPTER XLVII.4 ., Cooper's Essay — Loyalists miming places — King's Town — Queen's Town — Niagara — Spanish names — C taraqui from 1759 to 1783 — Desolation — The rebellion — Station, Carleton Island — Settling — Refugees at New . York — Michael Grass— Prisoner at Cataraqui — From New York to, Canada — Captain Grass takes possession of first township — First land- holders — A letter by Captain Grass — Changes — Surveying forts and harbors — Report to Lord Dorchester — Kingston, verms Carleton Island — The defenses — Troops — King's township — First scitlers — "Plan of townsh'p No. 1 " — First owners of town lots — Names — Settlers upon the front — First inhabitants of Kingston — A naval and military station The Commodore — Living of old— Kingston in lait c««it.< i. »•» #,;«,■< ^»ir^>;^«..»>^^>r^»M- »:fB»il*-«-^«ii''wr-t;K>f> "**•* -o-.cujiiwr.L A— nimc CHAPTER XL VIII. '""'(' /=-••;:'♦ 'iq A-- The situation of Kingston — Under military influence — Monopolist — Early history of legislation — In 1810 — Gour]aj''s statement— Police — Modern Kingston — liord Sydenham — Seat of government — Perambulating — Surrounding country — Provisions— An appeal for Kingston as capital — Barriefield — Pittsburg — Building of small crafts — Famous — Roads- Waterloo — Cemetry— Portsmouth — Kingston Mill — Little Cataraqui— ' •■ ' Collinsby — Quantity of land — Early and influential inliabitants— rPost masters — "Honorable men" — Deacon, Macaulay, Cavtwright, Ma-kland, Cummings, Smiths, Kerby — Allen McLean, first lawyer — A gardener — Sheriff McLean — " Chrys " Hagerman — Customs — Sampson, shooting a smuggler — Hagerman, M.P.P. — Removes to Toronto. 'jl/.^v.i^y.toiU.. 430 '"' -- •■ -; - ■ ,;;■,,.;,,; ;(.^.i.)lrA V) :t.i!^--- ■■■■'- ;.ilT--:vK.iiTiv.i,|jCHAJ?TEB.:?£LLjC.:.,l. ■ "he second towa— Ernest's town— -King 'trcorgc — His children — ^Settlers of Ernesttown — Disbanded soldicr^- — .Johnson's regiment— Major Rogers' corps — The " IloU '" — Number — rBy wJiom enlisted— An old book--:,^ Township surveyed — Settling — Tmvciing — Living in tents-r-A, change — Oilieers — .Names-r-Occupants of lots — Mill Creek-r-'I'iic descendants — Quality of land — Village — The settlers in l^ 1 Ir^The main road-r-tar cocpoiutiou of Bath — Trading— Fairft eltlT-rThe library ^-Bath by; Gomt . lay-^Bath of the pre»ent-^Bath veyajw iSTaiJanee— In 1812-T-AmerictHji . Fleet— Wonderful achie vem*}ntr^Safq 4i8taiit;« from shore— rThird townr ship— Fredericksburgh — After Duke of Sussex — Surveyed by Kotte-^, j^V A promise to the disbantied soldierH^-Johnson — FredefjckaVurgl^addip tional— A dispute— Quantity of land — Extract from Mrs. Moodie — Ee- !e* serve for village— Second surveys.. ...jj.,;*,.^.,,^, .f.m^rv 439 -i^to L »V1 CONTENTS. ' OHAPTISR L. "'" PAGE The fourth township — Adolphustown — After Diike of Cambridge — Quantity of Land — Survey — Major VanAlstine — Refugees — From New York — — Time — Voyage — Their Fare — Names — Arrived — Hagerman's Point — In Tents— First Settler— Town Plot— Death— The Burial— A Relic- Commissary — Dispute of Surveyors — The Settlers — All things in com- 'w ' mon — An aged man — Golden rule — Old map — Names — Islands — The township — Price of land — First " town meeting " — Minuteg — The Of- ficers Record — Inhabitants, 1794 — Up to 1824 — First Magistrates — Centre of Canada — Court Held in Barn — In Methodist Chapel — " A Den of Tlueves " — Court House erected— Adolphustown Canadians — Mom- > hers of Parliament— The Courts — Where first held — Hagerman — Trarel- ers tarrying at Adolphustown 448 -i'iiui''. ■! ••-ir-lvisT ailoT, — .■, "" " ha<>ll't ;,f._iiri'-Mrii.;j yitbiuV ScqiyutJJW' — iaaikjiii. iiMqv (^jj^pter lI '^.'"f "■'•>^!'5^ — ''llfyyU^I 'In utij.-il y.it .iiolh'iui') -■;/i/.''. ' ''-■bU),M Marysbufgli-^Origifi^Ohce'Iiftk of a Seigniory— Survey — Hessiai&^Md' map — The lots — Officers of the 84th Regt. — Original landowners — Indian Point — McDonnell's Cove — Grog Bay — " Accommodating Bay" — " Gammon Point" — Black River — " Long Point" — Reserves— Course pursued by the Surveyor — Number of Hessians — Their sufferings — Dark tales — Discontented — Retm-ning to Hesse — A suitable location — NotU. E. Loyalists — Re(;eived land gratis — Family land — Their habits — Capt. McDonnell — Squire Wright — Sergt. Harrison — The Smith's — Grant to Major VanAlstine — Beautiful Scenery — Smith's bay — " The Rock" — -,,,y i^ver a prccipiQe.. ..■.'. v. rMi*..^..../^«'t.**«'-.«t«-k**'a-.. .'.'•■.'(..■•. ^. t*i«. 4Do , ■ :- ry ^, ■■; I ft :, • - , , , ,. •WAP'TERLil. , , ', , , . Sixth t<)wuBi)ip-T-j(^<>---pui:v^ for ^ettlenxcntr— First ^ettley^' — A remote township— Wliat was paid for lots — " Late Loy^list8"-r™ Going to Mill — (ieblogical formation — Along the fronts— High shpye-p^ Grassy Point — Its history — Marsh front^Ce^utral plact, ^Sticki^ey'i^ f, Q^ Hill— Foster's Hill — North port— Trade — .lames Cotter — Gores — D^m- erestville — The name — "Sodom" — First records — Township meetings — The Laws of the township — Divided into parishes — Town clerk — Officers — The poor — The committee — Inhabitants, 1824 — Fish Lake — . Seventh Township — The name — Survey by Kotte — At the Carrying Place — Surveyor's assistant — No early recorc's — First settlers 465 t:'' ■■ ', .■.'■;.■• ■ ■ " ' '■'-• ^ ^CHlPTEft Llil! '^ Prince Edward — The name— .Rich land-*-Bize of peninsula — Shape — Small Lakes — Sand hills — The Ducks — Gibson's rock — The past — First settler — Col. Young — Prospecting — iDiscovery of East Lake — West Lake- — Moving in — Settlers in 1800 — East Lake — Capt. Richardson — " Prince Edward Division Bill"— Office seekers-^Townshjp of Hallowell i; — Th« name — Formation of Township — First records 1798— The officers —The laws— Magistrates— Picton — Its origin — Halloweii village — Dr. Austin — Gea. Picton — His monument— Naming the villages — A con- test — The Court house — An oiler — ^Enterprise — Proposeed steamboat jrrGhueehea+n-Re^i Mr. Maeaulajw-rJieVf i 14r, fijasei" — Rev. H^ri ifewburgh-— Academy-^The^settt^ ClarkvjUe"— ^9 record^ . , ^^ j^,y;.^j, v,^. ^s^jifL* rf,hM,j«*.?Ji»^ft,>iVf »,?r$'-^i4nf^l?'>^ * ^^^ — ;t)-)['.i iiwoT — •^'>ff^iTij3!roJ0! hsbi^r't — i{fil«iT-w(.>i -^iIt to HVinI sfIT- — — 9>lflv.I t1 'irfT — "jooq srlT—'aift'vfftO ■ '^mrniitO «){j JA^-^otto>l- '{il-*-t— -j-twin ^idT— ({irisiiiwo'P ifJxfft^H ^*!>^ ^vM.hi? i^xW — iilnoyj'i ,_,:, ■ ■■/. — JmiJ^fr.^ii ■<:■^l)■|^^'^^<.^r!■ — r.u- .' DIVISION IX. isA% — iaitq !>iiT )i->'yi yao-m^'t}' — «J iMfl ;)(ii -v,'Utt bofi'l- — «i(jiii;(J.' n%ff'ft — '■^MA iai»ai 'id v"? CHATPTER LVIIi'Ti~->*^"« •' .iuL>-r~iuUJ »«• — r'f,>pi!nmfr>iH -itiB; )—•)?( nj ii --ii'tijj"!^— n.i "jfrrv^W — •,>/!«!l- Military nil«--^ImiM;rliVl Act, 1 774>^French Canada — Refugees — Military G^feftiment la Upper Canada— New Di^ricts— Lunenburgh— Meek* l«nbur!afh-^Nag«»ti"--Hi38«e — The Jiidge» — Dunoan — Gartwrighfc— Ham- iltoa-^Robertsbn — Oonrt in Meofttenlwirgh — ^Civil Ijaw — .fudge Dusoan ^.i — ijtidge Cftrtwright — Punishment inflictod — First c«ecution — New OV Constitution of Quebec — 1791, Quebec Bill passed — Inhabitants of Upper Canada , 506 zxnii corrTENTs. CHArTEU I. VIII. PAQR 8imcoe — His arrival iu Canada — Up the St. Lawrence — An old houHc^ '• Old BreechcH' River " — Simcoe's attendants — The old veterans — " Good old cause '' — " Content " — Toasting — Old officers — Executive Council of Upper Canada — First entry — ^Simcoo inducted to office — •''•'' Religious ceremony — " The proceedingp '' — Those present — Oath of office — Orga' ization of Legislative Council — Assembly— Issuing writs "i for elections- -Membera of Council — Simcoe's difficulty — At Kingston Division of Province— The Governor's officers — Rochfoucault upon Simcoe — Simcoe's surroundings — His wife — Opening Parliament in 1795 — Those present — Retinue — Dress — The nineteen counties — Sim- • - coe's designs — Visit of the Queen's father — At Kingston — Niagara — A war dance 509 •l^nlHtARWuiHirr—Tsv/y (.CHAPTER LIX. -MJnhtJ) mi bmroT/i -^m ■•< General Hunter — ^I^eter Russell — Francis Gore, 1806 — Alex. Grant — Brocli — 1812 — United States declare war — Prompt action — Parliament — Pro- clamation — The issue — Second proclamation — General Hull — His pro- clamation — Bombast and impertinonc^—The Indians— Proclamation answered — Hull a prisoner — Michigan conquered — To Niagara — At Iti ; Queenston heights — " Push on York Volunteers "—Death of Brock- McDonnell — War of 1812, the Americans — Extract from Merritt — What Canadians did — Brock's monument — General Sheaflfe — General Druni- mond — Invading the States — What Caitada will do— Lord Sydenham — A tribute by Dr. Ryerson — Union of the Provinces 517 ,A-.K— "-^niiao'l JwtlinflK '•— bwifrrufi ariiiMiaaiA — S.I6; n't wwUhV. :.'.if■■■•■ ' ' ' ' iil)ih A — zamhiil >fw£it . — noiimiuilomq '*'-^'^*^'^"~ CHAPTER LX '^'■''^ — H'yj&ffiA iffl;»nMmA Kingstoii— I'irf^l WpiUi-Ui^if^'ktt bf | {jwiiuc'bxri LnoJ:-!rOi|t,,Uj.x2HAPTER LXIV/i-'-^'r' «<rT''',i^. ^^^ ' Aic> I {bbr/M-"— rijff.ni)T-»-^. - i )iii ! li!i ! iUM" > m { ('— aifjiohoirr A y ^* yd iwH&'V ^i3 . r .,,,.... , J)'jfiiip',n Jii'jimmora A— DIVISION XL samr.'irl — bojtnol Ji!)!}!' advanob op civimzat[on.')i'1 a'ooortti^! — )n;im«ihjjS[ f>riJ )o Hi^KjrftO — Biadrtii: m > JriI'*! — Kohisbmiod bxia ailT — inflijjistli« A — rt?.r».>H !-.r Canada's fii'Mr'^te^ iii'Clvilization—Slav*fty in America — By whom Introt duced — False chal'ge — Slavery in Canada^History — Imperial Acts^ Legislation in Canada — The serefal clauses — In Lower Canada -i' ':'■' Justice Osgood — Slavery at the Rebellion — Among the U. E. Loyalists :, — Those who held slaves— Descendants of thfe 8laTe*^<'A British * * slave " — " For sal e " — <' Indian slavfe " — Upper Canada's Records- Compared with the States — Liberty — Why the United States abol- ished slavery — Honor to whom honor is due 569 ittat oonnsNTs. CHAPTER LXW; PikGS Ileturag to the Pioneer— iiaor il«Kion— (iiurdun ot C«uuuliv>~ClogB— FaIrc views of settlerB — licBult— iNew bloo0 CHAPTER LXVII. .Ui. Agriculture — Natural Products — Rica— Ginseng— Orchards — Plows — Reap- ing — Flax — Legislation— Agricultural Society organized by Simcoe- A Snuff Box — Fogies — Silver — Want of help— Midland District taking; :>»JoW' the lead — Societies— liegislHtivo help — Prince Edward — Pearl Ashes— - Factoriei'-— Tanneries-Breweries, Carding Machines — Paper — Lumber'' — First vehicles — Bloighs — Waggons — Home-made — Road»— First Public Conveyances — Stages — Fare — Building Greater— Rawing Mills introduced by the Dutch^First Brick Building — Myers" House— Its .K past history — ^Furniture from Albany — Currency — Paper Mooey-~ Banks — First Merchants — Bi\rter— Pedlars— On the Bay 587 M«»-:)l, --•■. »«ri>. CHAPTER LXVIII. Steam vessels — Crossing the Atlantic in 1791— First Steam Vessel — Hud- son — The second on the St. Lawrence — First across the Atlantic — In Upper Canada — Frontenac — Built in Ernesttown — The Builders — Finkle's Point — Cost of Vessel — Dimensions — Launched — First Trip — Captain McKonzie — 'W(tik'in-4hey Water' — ^^tuen Charlotte- — How Built —Upon Bay Quints — Capt. Dennis — .First year — Death of Dennis — Henry Qilderslieve — What he did— 'Other Steamboats— Canals— 'First ^'''' in Upper C»i»da*— Welland Canal-~;DesjprHin-jRideau — Ua object*—* ''' i- Ati. Col. By— 1-A proposed C'aniil — Railroads — rThe first in the world— Pi o^^ .,jj. posed Railway from Kingston to Toronto, 1846 — In Prince Edward i«< , District— Increase of Population — Extract from Dr. Lillie — Compario-^v son with the United States — Favorable to Canada — False Cries — The French— Midland District, 1818 599 T^ri DIVISION XII. THK 0NITKD 8MPIRE L0YAII8T8 — THB rATHERS OF UPPER CANADA. CHAPTER LXIX. Definition — A division— Their principles — Out position — Ancestry— Dutch —Puritans — ^Huguenots — New Rochelle — English writers — .Talbot — Falsehoods — Canadian and English ancestry — Howison — Maligner — Gourlay's reply — Palatines — Old names 616 00NTXNT8. XXZl chai'tkh lxx. < PAKI [Character— HoKpitftlity — At home — Fireside — Vlfiitors — Rees — RaiHingH-— Eaator Eggs — Dancing — Hovlngton IIouhc — Canto — Drinks — Horae- racing — Boxing — AmiiHriinontR — La Crosse — Dnels — Patriotism — An- nexation — Froodoni — Egotism— Tlio Loyalists — Instances — Longevity ;. V —Climato of Canada->A quotation — Long lived— The children — The present race — A nationality — Comparison — "II. E. Loyalist" — Their Privileges — Order of Council — Diswitisfaction 624 rtV7 T iT'^rM/.H) If',:!-. .vr.,r'^. .;'t-;-'-n CHAPTER LXXI. --r':r-'T 'rr-T^ •-•":■ :|VI^ Notice of a Few— Booth— Brock— (B«ifltt-»*<3otter — Cartwright— Conger — Cole — Dempsoy — Detlor— Fraser — Finkle — Fisher — Fairfield—, t Grass— 43amblc — Hagerman — Johnson's — " Bill " Johnson — MacAuIay i — The Captive, Christian Moore— P»rtlnm«nt— Morden'^-Roblins— ■' Simon — Van Alstine — Wallbridge — Chrysler —White — Wilkins — i , , i Stewart — Wilson— Metcalf — Jayue — Mcintosh— Bird— *Ocrow— Van* ' 'kleek--4P«rry*-*fr William Johnson's childfen' .•■,.j\UJ'Vifl^tVvriA .Ui 642 '■;_■,' _ ,, ;. , ■_ • , .■,.'.■ '..«jf..i.- I iM.iui. — .i(iu>nji-)iA -l«i< '( — i»;ta«j.'. ,',' • l.«-i '• >; ■ (, i\.-i'.jiii'...n''i ti\>.<^ I 1/1 ,^l.■l ,).'•! -,',,•) '"./> 'tVii ■■ijiiri-iii III iiiinimn iiiii Miiiiii I ..fi i'::i'. , Mvf i^rl Ji. , :i'i\i'', ••->Uii«JJA o:lt Hmvifi )^t'Oi,-'hiioTnv..l .i'i odi '.to iifio'^'*s niif—arn qh'V iviV't—hMhrtrsaJ- - - - ' Y:Vj 49t>l<'-n^*6{'>*l e'oWgilt, .; Hfifff Y/oH,-- ?»«(jV-.R,\0 >s'A P P E N D I X ^ — ■i';sa->>h)M niA'tfl*'^- — ?.;n^^^ft•'V(^' (5^£MT. .■•fff'^t •^n-'i-..-..;.-,.'. .•! Ui^r^'^^ith40 '■^t^^i r«St^->-' " Roll of the 2nd Battalion King's Royal Regiment r.i^»ii »tiJtk)^tu**>T¥M'tTf oo? The Governors of Canada.^^^j. ;,tf;tvSr6'r'<3i'^f(J/'«i^h'i5* •6K*<\' Vft^^iWIi' tM'> ^'^^ TnHiATi ntttiAu - J- ' ••'■I >r.vra h'i'7,f'/r'l — -'-f'liuilfi.iv'i '.•> ■.'■nvii./i'..[-- . '■''■«)-.!■. : 071 • ci3 > , ,.....♦., ... ...... ^*»)i:#H*;»i u»i.iAX8^ t^oiiJHJll iiiia\\>UL'-Aom\A>r. . t ■ ■ , ;■ ■ ^» ■...■Hr;.!;,-. f-.rfy._., , ■i.i-f,,) . ,4J. ,'J>' ■'•<•• ' /.) . ./il.- •: ' '...1 '. --Ik'n/i'l, .•,■. <* • .,, !• -. , .1, . ..' ;•{ , ' .'. - ... .)■■ ■ .- • ' '■ " ' •''"■• •■' .. ,t, J... •.jfu.i'.../'*.! ■. E E R A T A .."^'•-.i.'''>'>'l- ■•••'•■'■ ' '• ."■ ■ i; . Ui ■ "■ ■■ .« .1, Page 29, 12th line from top, instead of" 1859," read <' 1789." Page 80, 4th line from botton, instead of " arc equally," read " were equally." Page 102, I6th line from bottom, insteiid of " removed to the town," read "to . the fifth town." Page 104, instead of " Hodgins," read " Hudgins," Page 104, 16th line from top, instead of" 1859," read " 1809." Page 130, 4th line, 2nd paragraph, instead of " South," read " North." Page 138, heading of page should be " Voyaging." Page 192, bottom line, intitead of " dispersed," read "dispossessed." Page 257, 19th line, " gloomy," read « glowing," Page 288, 19th line, " glowing a picture," should have " of" following Page 293, instead of " Wesleyanism," read " Wesleyans." Page 371, 14th line, instead of " 181 5," read " 1616." ^ . ., Page 437, 10th line from l)ottom, instead of " Lawer," read " Lawyer." Page 585, 15th line, after " Governor," read they were generally. Page 596, 3rd line, after " often," r^^ad ii\ferior. HISTORY or ' . THE SETTLEMENT OF UPPER CANADA, WITH SPECIAL REFERKNCE TO THE RAY OF QUINT^. .ATAflJf 5i ",«WTi ii ,'l'>* aiotl 'jxtil difA ,85 05/1'i niAPTh-T? I i^n« ftfl.i 'V- '^^'■'^-^ -^'■'^'' .-^-a, ,tiot*r«-f moi'> mil rfi^ j<>« oj^aT .m% ".a-ltut oca M ' • T N T U D U C T I OT?.' ^"Ot* <"^'f ^^'^^ •.''''^^ '•^'''' ^ A SKETCH OF FRANCO-CANADIAN HISTORY, awii ,*.iU ujjJt'i Contents — AntiqiiarianiHin — Ilecords of tho Early Nations — Tradition — Tho Press — The Eastern World— Tlio Western World — Importance of History— CoIumbuH — Colonization — Canada — America — (Jartii-r — Fronch ('unadiau writers — Cartier's first visit — Hnf,'uenots — (^artier's second visit — Jean Francois — Sir Oeorjje E. Cartier — Establishment of the Fur Trade; — Cham- plain — Discovery of Lake Ontario — Bay of Quint6 — Qaoboc founded — First fighting with Indians — First taking of Quebec by the British — Returned to France— Tho Recollets and Jesuits — Death of Champlain — Foundation of Montreal — Emigration from Franco — The Carignau Regiment— De(Joureelle — Proposal to found a Fort at Lake Ontario — Frontenac — Fort at Cataraqui — La Salle — Fort at Niagara — First vessel upon the Lakes — Its fate — Death of La Salle, the first settler of Upper Canada — Founder of Louiai-. ana — Discoverer of the mouth of the Mississippi. There exists, as ono characteristic of tho nineteenth century, an earnest desire on the part of n. .ay to recall, and, in mind, to live over the days and years that are pa.st; and manj' there are who occupy more or less of their time in collecting the scattered relics f)f by-gone days — in searching among the faded records of departed pears, to eagerly catch the golden sands of facts which cling to egendary tales, and to interpret the hieroglyphics which the foot- teps of time have well-nigh worn awa3^ To this fact many a nuseum can bear ample testimony. The antiqxiarian enjoys intense atisfaction in his labors of research, and when he is rewarded by he discovery of something new, ho is but 'stimulated to renewed sxertion. In the old world rich fields have been, and are now being xplored ; and in the new laborers are not wanting. , 2 1>ISC'(>VKIIV or A.MKRiCi.V. HInco tho (luyH vvIumi man first trcxl the virgin soil of thU glolto, ho lias nvDi" l)()un acciistoiiuMi to |)roNcrvo \hv inoro iniportant ovoiitH of his liti), and, by tradition, to hand thiMn down to his chil- divii.s' childfon; and lik-owiso lias il hoon with (lonininnities and nutionH. Evory jjooplo who aro known to havo occupied a jilaco U|>iiii tho oarth, havo loft somo indication of thoir origin, and the part thoy playod in tho world's great drama. In rocont days, facts l)ci-taining to nations and particular individuals are prcsorvod in all their amplitude, through tluMigoncy of the I'ress. Hut in form'>'- cculuries, only a low .synihols, perhaps rudely cut in solid ist<;no, commemorated events of tho most important kind. Tho historians of Kastorn nations havo had to look far back into tho misty past, to loarn tho facts of thoir birth and infant days; while tho dark days of barbarism hang as a thick veil to obstruct tho view. Tho middle agos, liko a destructive flood, swept away, to a great extent, the records previously in existence. But out ol" tho dcltn's has been oxhumod many u precious relic; and tho stono and tho marble thus obtained, have supplied valuable material on which to base trust- W(jrthy history. In recording tho events which belong to the Western world — this broad American continent — the historian has far less of toil and research to undergo. It is true the native Indian, who once prouilly ruled the vast extent of tho new world, has a history yet ujideveloped. An impenetrable cloud obscures the facts appertain- ing to his advent upon this continent. The nature of his origin is buried in the ocean of pro-historic time. But in reference to tho occupation of America by Europeans, the subjugation and gradual extermination of the Indian, tho life of the pioneer, the struggles for political independence, the rapid growth and development of nations ; all these results, embraced within tho space of a few centuries, are freely accessible to the American historian. ■ The importance of history cannot be questioned; the light it aflfords is always valuable, and, if studied aright, will supply the student with material by which ho may qualify himself for any position in public life. In the following chapters it is intended to draw attention more particularly to tho now world, and to examine a few pages in the history of North America. In the absence of»any data upon which to base statements relating to the aborigines, we may say the history of the new world begins with the memorable and enterprising adventures of Christopher Columbus, in 1492; although there is evidence that CANADA — AMERIOA. 8 Amoricft hud boon previously viHilod by tho poojtlo of Northern Kuropc, iilxmt the your lOOO. The Hteady'flow of eini^rui\tH whieh comineiiced a century Uiter, from the old world to the new, of bold, energetic jjeople, in u H])ectucle of grand import. Almost every nation of Kurope has contributed to the coloniza- tion of America. All, however, were not at tlrst actuated by tho same motives in braving the perils of the deoj) — then far greater than at (he present day — and the dangers of the wilderness. The Spaniards were searching for the ))recious gold. The English desired to acquire territory; tho Dutch sought to extend their commerce; and the French, it is said, wore, nt first, intent only on converting the pagan Indians to Christianity. — (Garneau.) Space will not permit to trace the course of events in connection with the first settlements in America; tlio history of the several colonies, the bloody Indian wars, the contentions between the ditt'erent colonizing people, the rebellions of tho colonies and their achieve- ment of independence. We shall mainly confine ourselves to those events which led to, and accompanied tho settlement of Upper Canada. Canada, the coast of which was first discovered by John Cabot, in 1497, is an honorable name, far more ho than America. It has been a cause of complaint with some that the United States should appropriate to their exclusive use the name of America. But it is quite right they should enjoy it. It is after a superficial impostor, Amerigo Vespucci, who availed himself of. the discoveries ot Columbus, to vaunt himself into renown. Tho word Canada is most probably derived from an Iroquois word, signifying Cabin. It has been stated on the authority of a Castilian tradition, that tho word was of Spanish origin. Tho Spaniards, looking after gold, ascended tho St. Lawrence, but failing to find the precious metal, exclaimed " Aca nada," (Hero is nothing.) The natives hearing the land thus called, when Europeans again visited them, upon being asked tho name of their country, replied "Canada," in imitation of tho Spaniards. Again, Father Hennepin asserts that the Spaniards, upon leaving the land, gave it tho appel- lation "El Cape di nada," (Capo nothing,) which in time became changed into Canada. But Charlevoix, in his " Histoire de la Nou- vello France," says that Canada is derived from tho Iroquois word "Kannata," pronounced Canada, which signifies " love of cabins." Duponcion, in the ^'Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia," founds his belief of the Indian origin of the name 4 JAUQUI8 OARTIMR. Canada, on tho fact that, in tl»« IrHnMlntion of tho Oogpcl hy St. Mutthow ihto tho Mohawk tonkin', hy Hrant, tho word (Janada U alwayn mmlc to Hi^tiify a viUa^o. Takinj^ tho wholo nuittor into coHHidoration, thoro appoui'H tho host of roaHonn to concludo that Canada, u tiatno now |»ro|torly hontowod upon tho Dominion, iH of Indian origin, and Hi^niHoH tho country of a |»t)oplo who arc accuHtomod to livo in viila>(OH or jjoruianont cahiiiH, iiiHtoiwi of in touts and coriHtantly (diarij^in^ from ono phu-o to atiothor. TIjo history of Fronch Canada isono of unuHual intorost — from tho timo Jao(iuoH Cartior, in 1534, with two vohhoIh of Iohh than 60 tons hurdon oach, arid 122 mon in all, onlorod for tho Hrst timo tho Gulf of Ht. Lawronco — up to tho proHont day. It was not until tho first docado of tho 17th oontury, noarly a hundrod yoars aftor Cartior Hrst landed, that HUcoosHful colonization by tho Fronch was accomplishod. Novortholoss, Canada has as oarly a place amon^ij tho colonioH of America afl Now Nothorlands or Vii/^inia, which aro tho oidcHt StatoH of tho noi^'hboring Union. Virginia was planted in 1(508; Now Nothorlandrt (now Now York,) was not Bottled until 1614. Prior to that, in 1609, Hudwon had aHcondod tho river now bearing his name, im fur as tho ])roHent site of Albany; but at the same timo tho intrepid Champlain was travers- ing tho wilds of tho more northern part of tho territory to tho Bouth of Lake Ontario. Although tho history of Now Franco is ono of groat interest, yet, in this local history, space can only bo allowed to glanco at the course of events' in connection therewith. But French Canada is not in danger of suiforing for want of historians to pen tho events of her life. Already enthusiastic countrymen have done justice to tho patriotism, valor and ability of tho Franco-Canadian race. And, at tho present time, earnest workers are in tho field, searching among tho records of tho past, stowed away in Paris, with the view of making known all that can bo learned of their sires. Wo find no fault with the intense love they bear to their language, their laws, their religion, their institutions generally. Such is characteristic of a high-spirited race; and, as common Canadians we rejoice to have so devoted a people to lay with us the foundation of our northern Dominion. It has already been said that Jacques Cartior first landed in Canada in 1534. At this time the pent up millions of Europe, lying in a state of somi-bondago, were prepared U) strike off the chains which had hitherto bound them, both in mind and body, to rilUlT WINTKtt IN OANADAf 5 tho Holoct onoH, who clnitnod that prerogative, m of Dlvlno origin, and to uvnil thomMolvoH of tho vuHt territory which ColuinhiiH hiid rocovorod from oblivion. Then wum tho futuro pro^nHnt with ovotit« of tho nioHt Hturtliii^ niiture — ovonts fniu^ht with iiitcroHtH of tho moHt ('oUoHHul magiiitudo. Wl»ihi Amoricu whk to open up u now fiold for Hctivo hihor, whoroin all nii/^fht pluck wealth, tho art of |>rintin/jf, ho hooii to ho in active operation, was to oinanoipate tho mind, and cast broadly the seeds of universal liberty. Already was beiii;^ broken tho fallow ground, in tho rich soil of whi(di was to gerniinato the /L?reat truths of scionce. In May, 15.'{6, Cartior sot out on his second voyage to tho New World, in •* La (Jrando Jlerniion," a voshoI of 1 lO totis, accomi»anied by two otiior vessels of smaller size, with 110 men altogether. Keaching Labrador in July, ho on Ht. Laurence Day entered St. John's Kiver; and thus arose tlio name of St. Lawrence, afterward applied to tho mighty river now bearing tljat name. (Juided by two luitivos, Cartior ascended the St. Jjawrenco as far as tho Islo d'Orhjans, whore ho was received by the Indians in a friendly Hpirit. Cartior having determined to stay tho winter, moored his vessels in tho St. Charles Kiver, with the Indian village of Slada- cone U[)on the heights above him. Tho same autumn ho ascen reached Canada, and ascended to Quebec, The intending colonizers immediately wont ashore and commenced tho work of clearing the land for cultivation. The winter was passed in safety, but in the spring, tii'od of waiting for tho Governor, who ought to have fol- lowed him tho year before, and discovering signs of hostility on the part of tho savages, ho determined to return to France. So he embarked all the men and set sail. Before ho had reached the Atlantic, however, he met la Eoquo, with some two hundred more colonists, who desired Cartior to return, but ho continued his course to France. Joan Francois landed safely at Quebec. In the autumn he sent home two vessels for provisions for the following year, while he prepared to undergo tho severity of the coming winter, a season that brought severe trials, with the death of fifty of his men. Tho following year he set out with seventy mon to seek fresh discoveries up the river, but he was unsuccessful. France > again immersed in war, paid no attention to tho request for succor in the New World, but ordered Cartior to bring back the Governor, whose presence as a soldier was desired. With him returned all the colonists. Thus the attempt to establish a settlement upon tho St, Lawronco failed, not, however, through any want of courage^ or ability on the part of Cartior, tho founder of Canada. The name thus immortalized and which disappeared from tho history of Canada for many years, again occupies a place. And, Sir George Etienno Cartior, of to-day, although not a lineal doscendent of the first Cartior, holds a position ")f distinction ; and, as one who has assisted in effecting the Cr ifederation of the provinces, Jiis name will ever stand identified, as his great predecessor and name- sake, with the history of our Canada, In 1549, Jean Francois a second time, set out for Canada with his brother, and others, but they all perished on the way. This disaster prevented any further immediate attempt at settlement in Canada. The comxQencoment of the seventeenth century found France again in a state suitable to encourage colonial onterprize, and she* CIIAMPLAIN — FOUNDATION OP QUEBEC. 7 in common with other European nations was directing her attention to the yet unexplored New World. At this time one Poni-Gravu, a merchant of St. Malo, conceived the idea of establishing a fur trade between Canada and France ; and to this end ho connected himself with one Chauvin, a person of some influence at court, who succeeded in obtaining the aj)pointment of governor to Canada, with a monopoly of the peltry traffic, These two adventurers, with a few men, sot out for Canada, but arrived in a state of destitution. Chauvin died, while the others wore preserved alive by the kind- ness of the natives. Chauvin was succeeded by Do Chastes, Governor of Dieppe; and Ca])t*in Samuel Champlain, who had distinguished himself as a naval officer, was appointed to command an expedition about to proceed to the New "World. The name of Champlain is indelibly fixed u])on the pages of Canadian history. It was ho who traversed trackless forests ascended ,the most rapid rivers, discovered the Lake of Ontario, by way of Bay Quintd, and gave his name to another lake. It was in 1603 that Champlain set out upon his voyage, lie had but three small vessels, it is said, of no more than twelve or fifteen tons burden. He ascended as far as Sault St. Louis, and made careful observations. He prepared a chart, with which he returned to France. The king was well pleased with his report, and De Chaste having died, Governor de Monts succeeded him, to whom was granted, exclusively, the fur trade in Canada. But their operations were confined, at fii'st, to Acadia, now Nova Scotia. In 1607 De Monts abandoned Acadia and directed I'ir- attention to Canada. Obtaining from the king a renewal of his privileges, he appointed Champlain his lieutenant, whom he despatched with two vessels- The party arrived at Stadacone, on the 3rd of July. The party commenced clearing land where the lower town of Quebec now stands, and erected cabins in which to live. Having determined to make this the head-quarters of his establishment, ho proceeded to build a fort. Thus was founded the ancient capital of Canada upon the Gibraltar of America. The powers granted to Champlain were ample, whereby he was enabled to maintain order and enforce law. During the well nigh one hundred years that had passed av/ay since Cartier attempted to colonize, great changes, it would seem, had taken place among the Indians. Altogether different tribes occupied the Laurentian valley; and the former Indian villages of Stadocone, and Hochelaga had been entirely destroyed, Champlain found the Indians of this place, the Algonquins, at 8 DISCOVERY OP LAKE ONTARIO. enmity with other tribes to the west, the Iroquois. The Algonquin? wore glad to form an alliance with him against their long standing enemy. It suited the purpose of Champlain to thus ally himself; but the policy may well be.questioned ; at all events it inaugurated a long course of warfare between the French and the Iroquois, which only terminated when Canada became a British depondenc}-. He, no doubt, was ignorant of the great power and superiority of the confederated five nations which formed the Iroquois people. The first encounter between Champlain and the Indians took place the 29th of July, 1609, by the lake Avhich now bears his name, which had been known by the Indians as Lake Corlar. The Iroquois, who had never before seen the use of fire-arms, were naturally overwhelmed with surprise at this new mode of warfare, by which three of their chiefs were suddenly stricken to the earth ; and they beat a hasty retreat, leaving their camp to the pillage of the enemy. The following year Champlain again set out with his Indian allies, and a second time drove them from the well contested field by the use of fire-arms. It was on this occasion he first met the Ilurons, which were to become such fast allies, until almost exterminated. But the time came when the Iroquois, supplied with arms and trained to their use, by the Dutch, became better able to cope with the French. In 1612 Countde Soissons succeeded De Monts. Champlain, who was again engaged in war, was at the same time endeavoring to advance the peltry traffic, a trade that had many vicissitudes, owing to the changing opinions at home, and the uncertain suppoi't of merchants. He commenced the erection of a fort at Montreal, and formed an alliance with the Huron Indians. In the year 1615, the Iroquois were collected near the foot of Lake Ontario, a body of water as yet unseen by Europeans. At the request of the Indians, it has been said Champlain set out to attack them, after having ascended the Ottawa. The course taken by him, and the disastrous result are given in connec- tion with the discovery of the Bay Quinto. The year 1628 saw Canada, as well as the colony of Florida, pass under the power of the "Company of the Hundred Partners." The same year saw Quebec in a state of great distress, the inhabitants almost starving, and a fleet of British war vessels at the entrance of the St. Law- rence demanding the surrender of the fort. War was then existing between England and France, arising out of the intestine war of Krance, between the Huguenots and the Catholics, which had FOUNDATION OP MONTREAL. 9 resulted in tho subjugation of the former, many of whom had sought refuge in England and entered her nervice. Two of tho vessolH now threatening French Canada were commanded by Huguenots, one Captain Michel ; the other David Kertk. The latter demanded tho surrender of Quebec, butChamplain concealed tho great straits to which ho was reduced and bravely withstood the famine and cold through the long winter, in tho hopes of relief in tho spring, which was destined never to feach him. Instead of relief, tho spring brought three vessels of war, f-ommanded by Kertk's, two brothers, Louis and Thomas. Tho demand to sur- render could no longer be refused, and upon the 29th July, 1618, the English took possession of Quebec. Louis Kertk became Governor, while Champlain accompanied Thomas Kertk to Europe. Quebec remained in British possession until the treaty of St- German-en-Laye, signed 29th March 1632, by which England renounced all claims upon New France. Quebec was governed by Louis Kertk during the three years it was in possession of England, and he returned it to the French, it was alleged, a heap of ruins. On the ensuing year, the " Hun' dred Partners" resumed their sway, and Champlain was re-ap- pointed Governor, Avho came with much pomp and took possession of Fort St. Louis with the beating of drums. Hereafter emigration from France was accelerated. Even some of tho higher classes sought in Canada, repose from the troubles incident to religious and domestic war, although Catholics. The Jesuits were now superseding the order of Recollets, and were earnestly seeking to convert tho Hurons; and at the same to secure their trusty allegi- ance. For two years prosperity continued to smile upon tho pro- vince, and in 1635 the Jesuits laid the foundation stone of the College of Quebec. Bilt tho same year took from New France its chief and its greatest friend. Champlain died on Christmas day in Quebec, after " thirty years of untiring efforts to establish and extend the French possessions in America." This great discoverer, and founder of Quebec left no children, his wife remained in Canada four years, when she returned to Franco. Following the death of Champlain was the terrible onslaught by the Iroquois upon the Hurons, whom they entirely destroyed as a nation, leaving but a remnant under the protection of the French. In 1642 M. de Maisonneuve laid the foundation of Montreal, the village consisting of a few buildings with wooden palisades, was then called " Ville-Marie." Maisonneuve gathered here tho con" verted Indians to teach them the art of civilization. 10 aOVERNOR FRONTENAO. Tho BUC(3088or to Champlain was M. do Chatomifort : but wo cannot continue to ovon sketch tho history of tho several Govornors, and tho successive stops in Canadian development only so far as they bear upon our subject. In 1663 tho population along tho St. Lawrence numbered to between 2,000 and 2,500. In 1G65 tho number was increased by emigration, and by tho arrival of tho Carignan regiment, a veteran body of men who becan^e permanent settlers, and who aided much in controlling tho Indians and maintaining the power of tho French. The same year live stock was introduced, and horses for tho first time wore soon in Canada. About this time commenced, in earnest, the struggle between England and Franco for the supremacy of the fur trade. The viceroy, M. do Tracy, began to erect regular forts upon the Richolou. In 1671 there was a rendezvous of Indian Chiefs at Sault St. Mario, and through tho influence of Father AUoucz, the several tribes consented to become subjects of Franco. In tho same year M. de Courcelles, now Governor, in pursuance of the attempt to govern tho fur trade, conceived tho idea of planting a fort at tho foot of Lake Ontario. But he left before the work had commenced, and was succeeded b}'' Louis do Buade, Conte de Frontonac, after whom the fort, subsequently erected, was called. As tho founder of the first settlement in Upper Canada, whoso name is now so familiar, as belonging to a County, we may make space to say of Frontonac, that ho was a gentleman of good birth, and Ijad gained groat distinction, having attained to tho rank of Brigadier-General. Ho was somewhat proud and haughty, but condescending to his inferiors. His instructions from his mastor.tho King, on coming to the Canada, were to secure the aggrandizement of France. Imigration in large numbers from France having boon forbidden, he was to seek the increase of numbers in New France by stimulating early marriages. And to this day, tho rate of increase by birth, among the French, is considerably greater than with the Anglo-Saxon. He was to foster agriculture, the raising of stock, to increase the fishing operations, and the trade abroad ; and ho was instructed to take measures to construct a lughway between Canada and Acadia, a plan which is only now about to be accomplished in the Intercolonial Eailroad. Frontenac, likewise received very explicit instructions as to his procedure towards the Jesuits and Recollects; and he was charged " to administer justice with the strictest impartiality." The Colony being at peace, Frontenac's principal difficulty was in dealing FIRST LAND-HOLDER OP U. 0. 11 with the Church, and ho found it necessary to take high-handed steps to bring the Clei-gy into subjection to tlie State. There liad been lor years a struggle with respect to the liquor traffic among the Indians • the Bishops being opposed to it, while the Governor favored it for the purpose of furthering the trade in furs. The dissentions between parties became so great, and representations to tlie home authorities became so frequent and vexatious that Frontenac and the Intendant were both recalled in 1 682. But during the ingumbency of Frontenac, explorations had continued in the west, and the fort at Cataraqui had been fully established ; and the Mississippi had been discovered by Pdro Marquette and M. Joliet, in 1 673. That same year Frontenac set out 29th of June, from Montreal, with an expedition for Cataraqui, arriving there 1 2th July. There was at this time one Robert Cavalier de la Salle, a native of Rouen, who had come to Canada when a young man, full of a project for securing a road by a northwestern passage to China. He was a man of ability and energy, but without means. But he managed to obtain the favorable notice of Governor Frontenac, who regarded him as a man after his own heart. In the time of de Courcelles he opened a trading post near Mon- treal, now Lachine, so called from La Salle's belie! that a pathway to China would be found thence across the Continent by the waters of the Ottawa or Upper Lakes. The discovery of the Mississippi caused no little sensation in Canada ; and La Salle lost no time in asking per- mission and assistance to continue the western explorations, declaring his belief that the upper waters of the Mississippi would, if followed to there source, lead to the Pacific Ocean. He consequently submitted a petition for a certain grant of land at Cataraqui to the king, Louis X. (See under history of Kingston.) Thus it seems that La Salle, a name greatly distinguished in connection with the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi, stands connected very intimately with the foundation of Kingston. For him a Seigniory was here erected, and from this point he went forth on his eventful voyage. He was a man of much energy and lost no time in setting out. His boats laden with goods, and likewise with material for constructing a brigantine, and a fort, set sail for the Niagara River. The first steps La Salle prepared to take was to erect a second fort at Niagara, and then to build his vessel upon the waters of Lake Erie. The construction of the defensive work of the fort, however^ suited not the views of the Indians, so he satisfied himself with a palisaded storehouse. In the winter the vessel was commenced, six 12 TUB MISSISSIPPI. miloB above the Falls. By the middle of summer it was ready to be lauiiciied, which was done with a salute of cannon, and the chanting of a Te dcum, amid great rejoicing. There was also great demonstra- tion among the Indians, ^ho designated the French " Otkou," or ** men of a contriving mind." The vessel was named Griffon, and on the Tth August, 1679. with seven guns, and small arms, and loaded with goods she entered Lake Erie. A few day's sail and Detroit, or the strait was reached}* and on the 23rd August, she was cutting the waters of Lake Huron. In five days Michilmicinac was gained ; then the voyageur proceeded to the western shore of Michigan,where he cast anchor. The wonder of the Aborigines, as they witnessed this mounted craft, and heard the thunder tones of the cannon, iuay be conceived. But this first vessel upon the western lakes, which had at first so prosperous a voyage, was doomed to early destruction. Men of enterprise and success invariably have to encounter enemies born of incapacity and jealousy, who in the absence of the victim, may sow the seeds of evil. La Salle had not a few of such enemies, it would seem, to encounter. After his departure his creditors had seized his possessions, and he, as soon as he heard of it, loaded the Griffon with peltries and despatched her for Niagara. But the Griffon never reached Detroit, the waters of Lake Huron swallowed her up, and all on board. La Salle proceeded with thirty men to the lower end of Lake Michigan, and laid the foundation of another fort. He then continued westward to the Illinois Eiver, and formed still another fort. But this chain of forts thus established by La Salle, was not destined to accomplish the great end aimed at. Among the opponents of La Salle, were not only those jealous of his success, but likewise rival merchants, who were ill pleased to see the fur trade monopolized by one ; and then, there was the growing trade by the English. These many obstacles and the loss of his vessel with its cargo, and of a second one, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, about this time, valued at £22,000, had the eflfect of seriously crippling him; yet his was a nature not easily overcome. Leaving Father Hennepin to explore the Illinois River and the Upper Mississippi, he set out March 2nd, 1680, for Montreal, accompanied by four whites and an Indian guide. Two years later and the indomitable La Salle, nothing daunted, who had compounded with his creditors, and suffered repeated disap- pointments, is found traversing the f orest,for the Mississippi, to descend that stream to its mouth. He reached the Mississippi, 6th Feburary, 1682. Descending the stream he stopped at the mouth of the Ohio FRENCH TERRITORY, 1684. 13 to erect a fort. He then continued his easy course down the Father of rivers, and reached its mouth on the 5th April, and took formal possession of the territory in the name of the king, calling the place after him, Louisiana. The glory tlms won by La Salle, was not to be crowned with the success, financially, that ought to have followed. At this juncture Governor Fronteuac, seemingly the only friend La Salle had, was called home to be followed by M. do la Barre. A con- tinuation of the persecutions and misrepresehtations of his conduct, led to the sequestration of Fort PVontenac, as well as Fort St. Louis, and in the following year he was called upon to defend himself at fcourt, whioh he was able to do. The result was an order to reinstate the founder of Louisiana on his return, in Fort Frontenac, and to re- pair all damages which his property had sustained in that locality. La Salle was graciously received by the king on account of his discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi, and was commissioned to begin a colonization of Louisiana. The same unfortunate luck con- tinued to attend him. He sailed July 24th, 1684, from La Eochelle mth two ships of war and two other vessels, having some 600 persons in all. The fleet was commanded by M. de Beaujeu. Between the commander and La Salle, a misunderstanding arose which ended in decided aversion. One of the 8hij)8 was captured by the Spaniards, and the others overpassed the mouth of the Mississippi by many leagues. The commander instead of assisting to carry out La Salle's object, did all he could to thwart him. One of the vessels was run upon the reefs and lost. Finally Beaujeu left La Salle with his people upon a desert shore without provision, and put out to sea. Although 120 leagues distant from the Mississippi, in Texas, La Salle set some of his people to cultivate the land, and began to construct a fort. But the craftsmen were deficient. The seed sown did not grow, the savages became troublesome, and one evil after another rapidly suc- ceeded imtil his men were mostly all dead. As a last resort La Salle determined to set out for Canada to proceed to France. It was early spring and the indomitable discoverer found but sIoW progress ; at last some of those accompanying him, mutinied together and resorted to force, during which La Salle was mortally wounded. Thus per- ished the discoverer of the mouth of the Mississippi, the founder of Louisiana, as well as the first land owner of LTpper Canada. It is worthy of note here how great was the territory of France in America at this time. It was a vast region, embracing within its limits the Hudson's Bay lerritory, Acadia, Canada, a great part of Maine, por- tions of the States of Vermont and New York, with the whole of the 14 FRENCH FORTB. valley of the Missisaipj)!. And a groat portion of this ought, to-day, to form part of Canada, Home of which would, were it not for the indifTeronce, or stupidity of English commissioners, and the con- temptible trickeiy of Americans, such as the act of concealing the fact of the existence of a certain map by Daniel Webster, Avhich would prove adverse to his pretentions. It has been deemed appropriate to follow La Salle in his steps, not alone because ho was the first settler in Upper Canada, who held land property; but because we learn of the way in which the French, originally struggling to gain a footing in the Lower St. Lawrence, gradtially extended westward, carrying in one hand the Cross, and with the other, planting forts for the purpose of trade, and erecting such defences as the uncertain character of the natives rendered neces- sary. Wo learn how it came, that fort after fort, whose ruins may yet be traced across the continent, were planted along a route which commenced at the mouth of the mighty St. Lawrence, extended along the western lakes, and then turning southward terminated at the mouth of the majestic Mississippi. >!! "■.{ U;^'\' y. >>' .# INDIANS DECEIVED. 15 INTRODUCTION. (CONTISnBD.) ? ':■ ' CHAPTER II. Contents : — Cntaraqni fovt stronntlicnod— Kcnte Indians seized and tarried cap- tive to France — MunHacro of Laeliinc — (.'omnieucing struggle between New England and Now France — Siege of (jui.bee 1)}' Sir Wm. Phipjjs — Destruc- tion of Fort C'atiuacpii — Its re-erection — 'I'leutv of Uyswicli — Death of Fron- tonac — Irofjuois in England — Anotlier attempt to eaptm-e Quebec — Decline of French power — Population of Canadii iind of New England — Continuation of the contest for the fur trade — Taking of Fort Louisburg — ("ol. Washington, • I dishonorable conduct — Inconsistency of Dr. Franklin — L'onnnencement of seven years' war — Close of first year — Montcalm — His iiresentinient — Taking of Fort Oswego — Of Fort William Henry — fearful massacre — The state of •'. Canada — Wolfe appears — Taking of Frontonac — Duquesne — Apathy of France — The spring of 1759 — Ilcduced state of Canaiia — The overthrow of French power in America — Tlie result — Union of elements — The capture of Quebec — Wolfe — Death of Montcalm — Fort Niagara — .Johnson — Effort to re- take Quebec — Wreck of the French army — Capitulation at Montreal — Popu- lation — The first British Uovernor of Canada — Tlie Canadians as British subjects — The result of French enterprise — Kebellion. In 1685 Marquis DoNonvillo became Govei*nor, and brought with him to Canada 600 regular troops. The Iroquois had become allies of the English, with whom they preferred to trade. DeNon- ville ascended to Cataraqui with two thousand men. Arrived at Cataraqui, he tried, by gentle means at firnt, to obtain certain terms from them, but the Iroquois were insolent, being supported by the English traders. DeNonville wrote to Paris for more troops, and, in the mean time, proceeded to accumulate stores at Cataraqui, and to strengthen the fort at Niagara. The King sent to Canada, in 1687, 800 soldiers, to assist in subduing the Iroquois. DeNonville becoming bold, and in his increased strength, pursued a course of trickery which has been branded by all w-iters as anti- christian, and more savage than anything pertaining to the savages (so-called) of America. Pdre Lamberville, a missionary among the Iroquois, caused a certain number of chiefs to congregate at Fort Prontenac, to confer with the governor, and when they were within the precincts of the fort they were seized and carried captive in chains, even to France, and there sent to the galleys. Draper says that these were Indians of the tribes called Ganneyouses and Kentes, 16 INDIAN MA8MACRE. and that about 40 or 60 men, ntul 80 women and children wore Hoizod, who wort) forwarded to Franco. The attitude of the In tlio Krmudi had ratlior dcfdiiiod, owin^^ to tho want of immigration and to tbo fV(M|Uont hli|rod to retrace hiH Hteps to Alhatiy. Kcarcoly had Winthrop (h*pnrtod when the fleet under PhippH entered the waterH of tho St. Lawrence, and UNoendod, to invoHt tho City of Quehoc, a})pt^aring in Hi|(tto do no was to open tho way for tho oxeluHivo trade of tho IndianH witli tho Kii/^liwh. But Frontonac adviHod no Huch moaHuroH. llo, by hiH (U>tormifiod bravor}', Huccoodi'd in brin^in^ thr InxpioiH to rospoct tho French name, and ho ollon carried tiro and death into thoir very country. When tho war terminated, tho old lK)un(larioH of tlio ProvineoM had boon fully ro-OHtabliuhed, and honors were conferred upon tho gov- ernor by his royal master. In 1H97 tho war terminate*! by tho treaty of Kj'HwicIc, Hif^ned September 11, by which the French were to restore all ])laco,s taken froni the BritiHh in America; and it was Htipulated that a commiHsion whould bo appointed to deler- mino tho respective boundarie.s of the ProvincoH. In tho year 1698, on the 28th November, Count do Frontonac died, a^od 77, much beloved by tho Canadians, after havin;^ raised Now Franco from a low condition to a high state of material ad- vancement. J}nt against him was too truly said that ho encouraged the dreadful traftic of liquor among the Indians, in orn'wnf(p ..f'-/y >,>,u'a i•^l>.?yeeo hiin and the Gover- 24 CANADIANS IN DISTRESS, BUT SUCCESSFUL. nor, who manifested a determination and energy worthy of him. It was determined that fresh attempts should be made to possess Fort Oswego, and General Montcalm arrived at Fi'ontenac for that pur- pose on the 29th of July. Upon the 11th August they reached Oswego and invested the Fort, which was obliged to surrender on the 14th, the commander, Colonel Mercer, having been killed. Tho Fort was razed to the ground. The Canadians then withdrew to their homos carrying the prisoners of war, and the guns of the Fort, and provisions with them. This was the principal event of this year. The winter saw the Canadians suffer from famine and small-pox. During the winter 175 7-8, there was continued hostility, and in the following year Montcalm succeeded in taking Fort William Henry, after a siege of four days. Colonel Munroe commanded the Fort, and he trusted for support to General Webb, who failed to afford it, but instead sent a message to Munroe to retire, which note fell into the hands of Mont calm. Munroe on the morning of the 9th, displayed his flag of truce The events of this capitulation have ever been held in remembrance, because of the fearful massacre which the Indians made of the Eng- lish, who had surrendered, and who marched out without their arms, in full confidence in the integrity of the victorious besiegei'S. Stern history has cast no little blame upon Montcalm, for at least I'c lissness of duty ; and the pen of historic fiction has found it a fruitful theme with which to weave a story, and record thrilling events. The ensuing winter was one of great privation to the Canadians) the harvest had failed ; and everything began to look dark indeed for the devoted French ; yet four years of war had given all the advantage to their arms. The continued ill-success of the British, caused them to raise inci'eased numbers of men, so that by numerical force they might overwhelm the French. In tho spring of 1758, 80,000 British combatants were residy to march. Wliile such was the condition and war-like sj)irit which obtained upon the British side, a far different state of afi:airs existed with the French. Success had so far attended the gallant feats undertaken by them. All along the lengthened border the foe had been defeated, or had gained but scant victory Again, the Iroquois nation, impressed with the success thus obtained by the French, and gratified to have the Fort of Oswego, always nnpleasent to them, destroyed, seemed inclined to take sides with them, certainly did not favor the English. But, when so much has been said the extent of French power in America has been stated. Canada was no longer receiving support from France. The colonists had been weakened by continual warfare and repeated crop-failures. THE STRUGGLE. 25 But undeterred by the dark clouds that continued to tliicken, the Canadians buckled on their armor to fight till the very last. Says Montcalm to the Minister at home, " We shall fight and Ave shall bury ourselves, if need be, under the ruins of the colony." Again the tide of war ebbed and flowed with fearful power. Carillon was made red with British blood, as vain endeavors were made to capture that French strong hold. Against Louisburg, Cape Breton, Carillon, Lake Champlain, and Duquesno in the Ohio Valley, the English arrayed their fleets .and armies. In the attack now made upon Louisburg, for the first time appears the name of Wolfe, who distinguished himself by scaling a rock, with a hundred men, which had hitherto been regarded unaccessable. After a spirited defence, the French surren- dered the Fort, a perfect wreck, July 26. About this time Cape Breton passed into British hands, and thus was opened to the English, the Fort of Quebec. In the mean time the attack upon Fort Carillon by General Abercromby, with a strong •army, had proved a complete failure. The French, although few, desperately met the repeated assaults made during half a day, and Abercromby, cut up and ashamed, was forced to relinquish the matter. This battle was fought July 8thi in which 3,600 men struggled successfully for six hours against 15,000 picked soldiers, (fiameau). De Levis, who had been in com- mand at Fort Frontenac, was called by Montcalm to take part in the defence of Carillon. This left Fort Frontenac comparatively weak, and Abercromby, having learned the fact, despatched Colonel Bradstreet, who had taken an active part in the battle, to capture the Fort. Bradstreet sot out with 3,000 men, 11 guns and mortars. The invading force reached its destination August 35. The Fort had been left with 70 men under the command of M. de Noyan, notwithstanding, the Fort was bravely defended for a time. " The victors captured many cannons, quantities of small arms, boats of provisions and nine nowly armed barques, — part of the trophies brought from Oswego wlien captured. After loading his barges to the waters-edge, Bradstreet released his prisoners on parole, burnt the Fort, also seven of the barks, and returned to his country." {Gamecm.) This was a severe blow to the struggling Canadians. The Governor had ordered the farmers from the field, and all the avages he could command, to march to the assistance of Fort Frontenac ; but when the party reached Fort Presentation, (Ogdens- burg), it was learned that Frontenac was already destroyed. To dd to the misfortune of the French, the same autumn, General 26 THE BPRINO OF 1769. Forbes, notwithstanding a part of his force had boon previously defeated, secured the destruction of Fort Duquosno on the Ohio. This closed the engapjements for the year 1748, and everything looked for tho French, most discouraging. The winter was spent by tho English in preparing for a still moz'o determined con. tinuation of the war; while the French wasted their energies in domestic dissention. Tho GfovernorM. de Vandreuil and Montcalm ceased not to quarrel, and to charge each other with incompetency) and oven crimes. At tho same time the moans of tho country was absorbed by unpatriotic merchants, who availed themselves of the circumstances of the country to amass fortunes by illegal traffic in furs with the Indians. Tho Government at home, although informed by Montcalm that Canada would be conquered if help were not sent, took no step to assist the devoted Colonists, who, although disheartened were not disposed to surrender allegiance to their native country, even when all but forsaken. The spring of 1759 beheld them standing to thoir arms with calm detoi'mination, awaiting tho onset of the foe. The British as in previous years prepared to invade Canada simultaneously at three different points. There was no fortress in the Lower St. Lawrence to obstruct their advance by water, so Quebec was the point at which, to the oast, the attack would bo made. A corps of 10,000 men commanded by General Wolfe, who we have seen, distinguished himself at the taking of Louisburg, prepared to ascend tho St. Lawrence to invest the capital. Another force 12,000 strong under General Amherst, a name we shall have to speak of hereafter, was to pass by Lake Chamjilain to descend the Richeleu and to join Wolfe at Quebec. And a third force, under General Prideaux, with savages under Sir William Johnson, wore to possess Fort Niagara,and then descend to tho capture of Montreal, Opposed lo tho numerous and well appointed armies of invasion, there was, according to Garneau, all in all of Frenchmen, between the ages of 16 and 60, capable of bearing arms, but a little over 15,000. In the early sjiring, one M. de Corbiere, ascended with the view of rebuilding Fort Frontonac. 300 men were also sent to repair and defend Nirgara. But it soon was deemed expedient to recall them and to concentrate their forces. Every man from even the more remote parts, presented himself to tho nearest place of rendezvous. In the latter part of May, word came that the enemies ships were coming. («.>.^.-U ' \-Ji WOLFE BEFORE QUEBEC, 87 Tho events connected with the overthrow of French wupremacy in Canmla cannot fail to impress the student of Canadian history. Tho capture of Quebec, and, as an inevitable result, tho con- quest of Canada are events of great intei'est ; but the space cannot be allowed hero to more than refer to the thrilling scenes of valor displayed by tho victors and tho vanquished. As Canadians of British origin wo recognize tho event as one not to bo deplored, how- ever Franco-Canadians may regard tho question. The conquest of Canada, was to add a new element to that of the British American which was destined to grow, and to act no moan part in respect to British interests in America,and we believe, ultimately to completely amalgamate with a portion of the older elements, and thus to beget a race, under Confederation, none the less noble, none tho loss stable, and none the less glorious, than that race (a prototype of this) — the Original Anglo-Saxon derived from tho Norman, who came to England with William tho Conqueror, as well as tho Saxon elements. More than a hundred years have passed away since tho fall of Quebec. Tho centenary anniversary of tho event has been cele- brated with an amount of enthusiasm which probably Quebec never witnessed before. Since tho American Eovolution, when the French Canadians fought by tho side of the American Loyalist to defend Quebec, the former have ceased to be a conquered people — Sequestrated from Franco, they have escaped all the horrors which have since swept over that people, while they have I'etained their language, religion, and laws. A hundred' years has ei'adicated or rather changed all the feelings which burned so fervently in the French Canadian heart, except their love of Canada ; and they have joined heartily with the Anglo-Saxon to erect a joint monu- ment which commemorates at once tho heroism of Wolfe, and the gallantry of Montcalm. Although the forces invading under Wolfe, exceeded in num- ber those who defended tho citadel, yet, tho gi-eatest heroism was displayed in its taking. The British fleet of " 20 ships of the line with frigates and smaller war vessels," and transports, reached tho Isle of Orleans, June 25, where the land force disembarked and proceeded deliberately te invest the stronghold, finding a more difficult task than had been expected. Bepoated attempts and assaults were made with the result of showing Wolfe how strong was the po'-'i.ion his youthful ardor would fain secure. Not alone was he baffled thus, but a severe illness prostrated him to death's 28 UPON THE PLAINS OP ABRAHAM. door, whoso portalH wore so soon to bo oponod to him, by another moans. In his moments of discouragemont he had written home in a spirit not calculated to att'ord liope. The plan which resulted in success, it is said was suggested by his three faithful Generals* Monkton, Townshend and Al urray. The night before the 13th of September, 1750, tlus day upon which Wolfe was to win imperishable kurols, and to hiy down hi s life, he felt a presentiment that his end was near, and carefully ar- ranged all his worldly affairs. On the evening of the l2th he invited Cai)tain John Davis (afterwards x\dmiral. Earl St. Vincent), of the Porcupine slooj) of war, to spend an hour or two on board the Suth- erland." "Wolfe, in the course of their conversation, said that he knew he should not survive the morrow ; and M'hen they were about to separate, he took from his bosoni the picture of Louther and delivered it into the hands of his friend, whom he requested, should his fore- boding be fulfilled, to restore the pledge to the lady on his arrival in England." Having previously made disposition of his forces to prepare the way for the final attack, and, as well in some instances, to deceive the enemy as to his intentions, Wolfe finally, at one o'clock, upon the morning of the 13th September, set out in flat bottomed boats to make his landing at Fuller's Cove, thereafter to be called after himself. The night was dark, and other circumstances being favorable the landing was safely effected, the heights ascended, and at the break of day Montcalm learned with the utmost astonish- ment that the enemy was upon the heights of Abraham in battle array. Montcalm hastened to drive away the venturesome foe, but this was not to be accomplished; a few hours brought a realization of his early presentiment. After a spirited struggle the French were to be seen running, the announcement of which made Wolfe die happy; and, Montcalm was wounded unto death. Ho died on the 14th. The defeat of Montcalm secured the capture of Quebec, yet it was not until the 18th September that the city surrendered, and French writers would make it appear that even then it were not necessary. The command of the Fionch army after the death of Montcalm devolved upon Gen. de Levis, who had been absent up the St. Law- rence. He returned to Montreal only in time to hear of Mont- calm's defeat. He hastened to the rescue of the beleaguered city, but ho reached the vicinity, not until Quebec had passed into the hands of the British. CAPTURE OF FORT NIAGARA. 29 During tho time these exciting sconeH had been tranHpiriiig at Quebec, Gen. Ainheivt had been conl'ronting Boulania(juo, upon tho bhores of Luke Champlain; whom he had compelled to return, and to dotttroy Fort Frederick and to retire to Ule AuxNoin. Iti tlie west, at Niagara Gen. Prideaux and Sir Wm. Johnson had been succCBsful in taking tho Fort from Pouchot. By this, Lake Ontario with its northern shore, as well aw the region of tho Jiayof Quinto came into tho ponseHsion of tlie Uritinh. The expedition to capture Fort Niagara, taken at the urgent request of tho Governor of New York, was under the command of Generlfl Prideau.,:. The attacking party landed at Four Mile Creek almout four miles east of the Fort, on the Gth July, 1859. Fort Niagara was garrisoned by 48G men according to Pouchot, the French commander, but according to English statements 600. General Prideaux forces numbered, according to Capt. de Lancy, 1,200, and 1,000 Indians, as said by Sir William Johnson. Pouchot discovered their approach the following day. " lie despatched couriers to Presquo Isle, to Fort Machault, at tho mouth of French Creek, Pa., and to the commander of tho Fort at the " Carrying Place " for assistance. Reinforcements were sent, numbering about 600 French, and 100 Indians. They resembled when passing down the rapids, " a floating island, so black was the river with batteaux and canoes." They landed a few miles above the falls and pro- ceeded to Lewiston and thence to relieve Pouchot. In the mean time tho siege had been pressed with vigor. Prideaux, the English General, had been killed and the. command had devolved on Sir W, Johnson. The English learned of the approach of the reinforce- ments, and Captain James de Lancy was despatched to a position in ambuscade above the present site of Youngstown. Tho French discovering the English in ambush, made an impetuous attack upon them, but the English withstood the assault, and eventually turned tho tide against the enemy, who were put to flight, 200 being killed, and 100 taken prisoners. Pouchot learned of the disaster about two o'clock; and, two hours after Sir W. Johnson demanded a surrender. That same evening, or on the following morning he com- plied ; but he has stated that he would not have done so had it not been ^or the mutiny of the Germans who formed a part of the garrison. On the 26th the garrison left the fort to be transported to New York. Thus was the power of the Fi-ench broken in the west, and the English became masters of the key to the North- west. d6 SURRENDER OF CANADA. Tho following spring CJon. do LicH as onemiei* still, and they turned their backs upon the revolting provinces and their faces toward old England for protection. Tho commissioners to the Cantulians, composed of Dr. Bonj. Franklin, Samuel Chase and Charles Carrol, with his brother, a Jesuit Priest were appointed to this mission, on the 15th February, 1776. The same Franklin who now offered tho French " freedom," had urged upon tho British in 1753 tho expediency of reducing Canada ! I For a century and a half Franco endeavored in vain to erect a power in America ; but shall wo say that it was all in vain ? The monument although broken, so far as Franco is concerned yet stands a lasting memorial of French energy, of religious fervor, stern dotermination, and indomitable valor. And, when tho wave of revolution passed ovei 'ho thirteen British Colonies, the column was conspicuous enough to be seen by refugees ; the protection Canada offered was sufficient for the homeless families of U. E. Loyalists. Canada was a sacred spot, although French. Jt constituted a nucleus, around which collected those who preferred order to rebellion. Those who had fought as opi^oncnts at Duquesno, at Niagara, at Frontenac, at Tyconderoga, and upon the Plains of Abraham, were Joined together. Tho heol, which had assisted to crush the Canadian French, now sought and found a resting place among those who had been overcome. Thus was to be laid the foundation of the Dominion of Canada, whoso future is to bo great. Stretching from seaboard to seaboard, it is destined to become, ere it has reached tho present age of tho United States, the Russia of America, with tho purest principles of government the world has ever known. We now approach tho period of time whon another element of discord was to appeai" among the races which inhabited Amei,*ica. Bloody Indian wars had in the past swept back and forth across the woody land, liival colonizers had resorted to strife, to extend territorial power. European weapons had been transported to wage wars of extermination. Conquest and subjugation of Indians and rivals had been witnessed j but now Eobellion, a term that has 32 KKUKLLION uv 177G. received fVowli Hi^niflciuico In the lato civil war in the TJnllod StatUH, wuH to 1)0 initiatod. The BriliKh bloo found anotht^r Colony — Tlie roHponHil)ility of rebelling — Treatment of the LoyaliHtK — Tho Hoveral (JolonioH — The first EnglJHhman in America— UecoivoH jElO — EnKliHli Colonization — Virginia— ConvictH — Extent of Virginia — BMrst Oovernor — Virginians not willing to rebel— Quota supplied to tho rebel army — New York — Hudson — Tho Dutch —New Netherlands — Price of New Amsterdam (Now York) — First Legisla- tive Assembly — Not quick to rebel— Quota of rebel troops — Oave many settlcrB to Upper Canada — New Jersey — Its settlement — A battle ground- Gave rebel troops ; also loyal troops — Furnished settlers to Upper Canada — Massachusetts — Captain Smith — New England Puritans — The " Mayflower" —First Governor — Cruel treatment of Indiana — Massachusetts takes the lead in rebelling — Troops — Loyalists — New Hampshire — Troops — Delaware — Settlement — Quota of rebel troops — Connecticut — Education — Troops- Roman Catholics — Toleration — Khode Island — Providence — Inconsistency of the Puritans — Roger Williams — North Carolina — Inhabitants — Soutli Carolina — Many loyalists — Pennsylvania — William Penn — Conduct toward Indians — The people opposed to rebellion — Georgia — Oglethorpe — Policy of England — New England. In the introductory chapters a brief sketch has been given of the settlement of America. We now approach the important events which belong to the first great American rebellion, which culminated in the Declaration of Independence by the thirteen British American Colonies, and terminated in the recognition of their independence by the parent State. The rebellion had resulted in a revolution, and traitors were made heroes ! Tlir, TiriKTKKN COLONIES. X\ It foriiiN a purl of t.lic prcst'iii iin :-; CONNECTICUT. .'/"''' Connecticut was first occupied by emigrants in 1631. The Charter was granted by Charles II., which continued in existence until 1818, when fitjjyas superseded by the existing constitution. Connecticut " has uniformily been a nursery of educated men of MARYLAND — RHODE ISLAND. 37 every class " for the Union. And, it may bo added, a number found their way to Ui)per Canada, as school teachers, subsequent to the Revolution. And there was a certain number of the people of Con- necticut among the Loyalists. Sabine says a good many. This State furnished for the rebel war in 1775, 4,507; in 1776. 6,390. The quota fixed was 28,336, of which was given 21,142. MARYLAND. Maryland was granted to the second Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic, by Queen Mary, in 1632 or 4. He colonized the Province with a company of Co-religionists of the higher class of English gentry. It was named after the English Queen, Henrietta Maria. " In 1649, it was made, as has been well said, ' a land of sanctuary,' by the toleration of all religious denominations, but the Puritans, expelled from Virginia, made great trouble in the Colony." The State supplied troops in 1776, 637. Quota fixed by congress 26,608, of which she supplied 13,275. RHODE ISLAND. Massachusetts, planted by Puritans, who came to secure liberty of conscience, would not allow certain individuals in their midst to enjoy like religious liberty, and hence the foundation of Rhode Island. Providence, its original name, was^ thus significantly called, because here the Baptists, under Roger Williams (oppressed by the Puritans of Plymouth), found a pi'ovidential asylum. Tliis was in 1636. In how short a time (16 years) had the oppressed learned to act oppressively ! A charter was granted to Roger Williams in 1642. The govern- ment continued to exist under this charter until 1842, a period of 200 years. Rhode Island gave troops to the number of 1,193 in iTVo, and 798 ill 1776. Quota demanded, 5,094 ; furnished 3,917. • •• NORTH CAROLINA. ;, ■ < • ■ This colony was planted in 1653 by the older colony of Virginia The colony at first included both North and South Carolina, which continued until 1693, when the south part was erected into a sejjarate colony, under the name of South Caiolina. The inhabitants of North Carolina consisted, in part, of refugees from England at the overthrow of the Stuarts. These mainly remained loyal to the crown, and were destined to again become refugees. At the commencement of the 38 CAROLINA — PENNSYLVANIA. rebellion the peo})Ie of this colony were about equally divided between the adherents of the crown, and the rebels. The loyalists were a devoted band. At the same time, the rebels — at least some of them — took extreme steps. They formally demanded a separation from Great Britain in May, 1175, fourteen months before the 4th July declaration of 1776. The State provided, in 1776, 1,134 rebel troops. The quota asked for was 23,994, but only 6,129 was granted. rp SOUTH CAROLINA. South Carolina was first settled in 1070. "The great body of the people were emigrants from Switzerland, Germany, France, GreatBritain, and the northern colonies of America, and their descendants, and were opposed to a separation from the mother country;" yet South Carolina furnished troops for the rebel- lion, in 1776, to the number of 2,069. Subsequently she gave 4,348 ; although her quota, as fixed by Congress, was 16,932. In this colony, were many who could not see the justice of a rebellion. Yankee descendants may say they "bowed their necks to the yoke of colonial vassalage," but it was a wise spirit of conserva- tism which is expressed in the desire to " look before you leap." " Persons who had refused to enlist muler the whig banner, flocked to the royal standard by hundreds." " Sir Henry Clinton informed the British Government that the whole State had submitted to the royal arms." This general attachment to the British crown made the rebels vindictive and bloodthirsty, and they sought to drive away the loyal and peacable by a vengeful shedding of blood. Consequently, the tories retaliated, and Chief Justice Marshall said, " the whigs seem determined to extirpate the tories, and the tories the whigs ; some thousands have fallen in this way in this quarter." " Being almost equally divided, reciprocal injuries had gradually sharpened their resentment against each other, and had armed neighbour against neighbour, until it became a war of extermination." Now, it is sub- mitted that rebellion can hardlj'' be justified when the people are so equally divided. Sabine remarks that *' after the fall of Charleston, and until the peace, the tories were in the ascendant." PENNSYLVANIA. This splendid colony was granted to AVilliam Penn, the Quaker -lid philanthrophist,who was the son of Sir William Penn, an eminent English admiral. Sir William held a claim against the British government for £'16,000 ; and, some time after his death, his son HYLVANIA. 89 liavintr his attention dircclo.; lo llio new wDvld, ohtaincil. in lieu of tliat amount, the i-raiit of land now i'orniinvoniu> to tho Crown, although tradiiii.' nndor tho protjction of tho ({ritiwh flag. And ho it cumo that when royal col'octorn of ciiHtomH woro sont out; when mon of war coasted tho Nhoros of. MaHsachuwettM to provont smuggling, liy Hancock and others, there was no disposition to suhraitto Imperial taxation. For years the law relating to revenue had heen a dead letter almost, the smugglers having used hush money. Hut at last Government determined to put down illieit trade, it is true tlie co'onies did not object without a special plea, which was *' no taxa- tion without representation." But tho real point-* at issue were whether contraband commerco should continue and increaso, or tho Crown receive the duos- demanded by law. 'Nine-tentb probably, of all the tea, wine, fruit, sugar and niolasses, consumed in the colonies w<'i-o smuggled. To put this down was the dotir- mined purpose of the ministry. Tho commanders of the ships ot war on tho American station wore accordingly commissioned a> offlcers of tho cistoms ; and, to quicken their zeal, they wore tn share in tho proceeds of tho confiscations ; tho courts to decide upon tho lawfulness of seizures, were to bo composed of a sinfj'k' judge, without a jury, whwe emoluments were to bo derived from his own condeni'iations ; tho Governors of tho colonies and tin' military oiflcers were to be rewarded for "their activity by swear- ing also, either in the pi'operty condemned, or in tho penalties annexed to tho interdicted trado." And was not thei Crown correct in enforcing laws intended for the public woal ? Il'id hostile fleets approached Boston harbour to inviide, instead of smuggling crafts, freighted with liLxuries, would not the colonist have called loudly for Imperial help to protect ? B'lt if the Govoinmont had the bcs of rights to onforco the laws, it certainly displayed much want of judgment in the mode adopted to carry out its demands. Tl foregoing, from S ,bine, recalls to us at once the canse why resist- ance was strenuously male. Tho mode of pay'ng their Crown officers was \vell calculated to kindle feelings of the most deter- mined opposition on the part of the illicit traders, such as John Hancock, .'ohn Langdon, Samuel Adams, William Whipjdc, Cleorge C'ymer, Stephen Hopkins, Fi'ancis Lou's, Philip Livingston. Eldridge 'Tcrry, Joseph Hewes, George Tajior. Roger Sherman, Button Gurnett, and Robert Morris, all signers of the declaration of independence, — all smugglers I REAL OAUHK OF REUELLION. 45 And thus it caino alxmt. Tlio Crown was dotorminod to exact taxos, and i^niorant of tho fooling of tlio colonists; and tlio colonists, grown rich by unroHlrictcd trade- by Hn»ug/,'IinK. ^'ntcrod into a contract, which was only to ond in diHniombcrnicnt of tho British Enipiro. Side issues wore raised, cries of oppression hhouted, tho love of liberty invoked and epithets bandied ; but they wore only for etfoct.to inllanie the public mind, of which there was much wavering. Of course, there were oiher things whic'i asHistod to ripen rebellion, at least were so represented, that they nddod to tho growing discontent. (.'olonios, when they have lecomo developed by age, and powerful by local circumstances, ivillnaturally lose the interest which animates the subject at home. It is in the nature of things that the love of country should gradu- ally ciiange from the old home to the new. The inhabitants of the colonies wore in iruvny cases but descondanls of J^^uropoan nations, who could not bo oxpet-ted to retain the warmest attachment to tho parent country. Tho tide of war had changed the allegiance of many a one. The heterogeneous whole could not be called English, and honco it was more easy to cast aside the noble fooling ;illod patriotism. Then there were jealousies of rhe Crown oiHcors, and everything undertaken by the home government, having tho iippoarance of change, was promptly suspected as bcdng intended to degrade them. The e.xclusivoness of tho regular army and superciliousness to tho provincial troops, during the French war, aused nmny a sting, and the thought of insult to the provincial officer remained to rankle and fester in the mind of many a mili- tary aspirant. Tho proposal to introduce Episcopal Bishops, to ^'ivo precedence to the Established Church, had its oftoct upon many, yot many of the non -conformists were equally loyal. Tho contest was originally between Now England and Old England. While the Middle and Southern States were for peace, or moderate measures, the north sedulously worked to stir up strife n- disseminating specious statoiiionts and spreading abroad partisan entiments. Massachusetts took the load. Founded by Puritans, [who, themselves were the most intolerant bigots and became the greatest persecutors America has seen,) these States possessed the proper elements with which to kindle discontent. Thus -,ve have learned that independence was not the primary object of revolt, and wo have seen that the leaders in rebellion ifere princii>ally New Englanders, and were actuated mainly by mercenary motives, unbounded selfishness and bigotry. 46 TIIK MOTIVKM. ('irAt»TKR V. (.'ontcnlc ; — Tim Hlf^noiH of tli«i Dctliimtloii <>( IrHli'inTidciui — Tliiir rmtivlty— Injimtlci^ (if AiiK'iii'ftn wrltfiH for ho vi-iirM — i'lwi Imck iiiiH-Mtiitcmt'ntH — 'I'lu' wliiKH liiid lutdi II. K. l.oyiiliMtM — llumcdk— Olllin-Mi-ckurN — MiilcoiittntM Htir lip Htiift — Whiit till! futlioiH of till! Ilt|iiil)lic fr)iij,'lit for— lli'lud conimittiu'H— IMiick nmil— OtiK, .lolin Adimis, Wiukmi, VViihliiiiKtoii, II«!iuy, l''riiiikliii— What cttiiHcd tlii'iii to rtilicl — VVliiit the Aiiirricaii rovohitioiiiiry Ihmih-h ik tii- ally wcri' — ('niclty, iliiriiin luid iiftor tlu' win— No frnodoiii — Tlio politiciil inJHtftk*' of till' rclii'lH iniilicimtijiK till' loynllNls — The coiiHoiinuncf! — Mi»tlvarticularly interested. John Hancock, whoso name stands first upon tho document, in such bold characters, had been a successful smuggler, whereby he had acquired his millions, and no wonder ho staked his thousands on tho issue. Evidence is not wanting to show that many of the leaders of tho rebellion, had they boon holders of office, would have REVOHrxioNARY HEHOK!*. ' 47 l»con »H IriM' to tlio MritiHli Crowi) aw \vor« (Iiomo wlmin tlicy envied. Evi'ry nmn who took piirt on tho rolx'l hU\> has Ih'oii written ti [uM'o; hilt it in jiHkin^ too much to riKiiu'st uh to holievi' that all tho holdoi'H of'olHeo woro baHo, uiul h)st to tho t'oolin|i^H ot natural indo- piin» f > u, . It has been said that Otis, a name revered by the Americans, actually avowed that he ** would set Massachusetts in a flame, though he should porish in tho tiro." For Avhat ? Not because he wanted liberty, but because his father was not appointed to a vacant 48 ' REBELS AND TORIES IN THE BALANCE. judgeship ! It is alleged that John Adams was at a loss which side to take, and finally became a rebel because ho was refused a commission in the peace ! It is said that Joseph Warren was a broken-down man, and sought, amid the turmoil of civic strife, to bettor his condition, And the immortal Washington, it is related, and has never boon successfully contradicted, was soured against the mother county because he was not retained in the British army in reward for his services in the French war. Again, Eichard Henry vvjis disappointed in not receiving the office of stamp distri- butor, which he solicited. Franklin was vexed because of opposi- tion to his great land projects and plans of settlement on the Ohio. Indeed it is averred that mostly all the prominent whigs who sided with the rebels were young men, with nothing to lose and every- thing to gain by political changes and civil war. Thus it will be seen that the so-called American revolutionary heroes have not al- together clean hands, however much they may have been washed by their descendants. The clothing placed upon them may conceal the dirt and dross and blood, but they are indelibly there. It is not alone the motives which constituted the mainsprings of the rebels' action that we place in the balance, but their conduct towards thoso who differed from them. Individual instances of cruelty we shall have occasion to introduce ; but it may here be said that it was the tories wlio acted as the conservators of peace against a mobocracy, and consequently were made to suffei' great afflictions. It was because of this they were forced away to live and die as aliens to the land of their birth. The tories were Ameri- cans as well as the whigs ; and when at last Great Britain ceased to try to coerce the colonies, and their independence Avas secured, then a nobler spirit should have obtained among the conquerors, and no one, because he had conscientiously been a conservative, should have been treated with opprobrium. It always becomes the victorious to bo generous ; and we, with all respect to many Amer- ican friends, submit that, had patriotism alone actuated the revolu- tionary party, the American loyalists would have been invited to join with the whigs in erecting a mighty nation. Had freedom, indeed, been the watchword then, as it has flauntingly been since, it would have been conceded that the tory had a right to his opinion as well as the whig to his. Do the Americans descant upon the wisdom and far-seeing policy of those who signed the Declaration of Independence and framed the constitution of the Union ? Mon- roe, we doubt not, had a different opinion when he begot the doc- MOTIVES OF LOYALISTS. 49 trijie "Amon'ca for tlio Amon'cans." Hud the U. E. Loyalists been treated honorably ; had they hcen allowed but thoir rights • had they not been driven away ; then the name British American would forever have passed away; and instead of a bolt of British province^ on thoir north, to constitute a ceaseless cause of misun.lerstandin.r with England, the star-spangled banner would, doubtless, long ago"* have peacefully floated over all our land. Looking at the subject from this (an Aj^ierican) stand-point, we see that a shortsighted pohcy-a vindictive feeling, a covetous desire for the property of the tones— controlled the movements of the hour; and when the terms of peace wore signed the birthright of the American tory was signed away, and he became forever an alien. But, as we shall see he, in consequence, became the founder of a Province which like a rock, has resisted, and ever will resist, the northward extension of the United States. MOTIVES OP THE LOYALISTS. Whatever may have been the incentives to rebellion, yielded to by those who revolted, there cannot rest upon the mind of the honest reacfer of unbiassed history a doubt as to the motives of the loyalists. The home-spun eulogists of the United States revolution- ary soldier have never ceased to dwell upon the principles which bred the ; roasts of the patriots, and nerved thoir arms to deeds' of danng and successful warfare; all the time observing Hileuce res- pecting the bravery of those who, from the same walks of life er^aged in the strife as the determined antagonists to rebellion' Ihey have again and again charged upon the "king's men " that it was because they were servants of the Crown and feeders at the government stall that loyalty was assumed and fought for But facts, when allowed to stand out uncovered by the cant of hberatists, declare, in words that may not be gainsayed, that there were a vast number who held no ajipointment under the Crown yot who, from first to last, were truo-natui-ally true-to their king and country. The great mass were essentially conservatives, Called tones. They held the opinion that to rebel was not only unne- cessary but wrong. They believed that the evils of which the colonists had just reason to complain were not so great as to justify the extreme step taken by the signers of the Declaration of Lide- pendence ; that any injustice existing was but temporary and Would when properly and calmlj- represented to the home government bo •emedied ; that to convulse the colonies in war was an unjustifiably «>1£i,. 50 FEELINGS OF NATIONALITY. hai-Hh procedure ; and, entertaining such a bclict; it is submitted that they were noble indeed in standing up for peace-l.n- more moderate measures. Moreover, not unlilvcly, many were impressed with tlic view that the disaftccted were hiboring under an errone- ous idea of oppression ; that the training incident to pioneer liie, the previous wars with the Fi-ench Canadians, the constant conten- tions with the Indians, had begotten false views of their rights, and made them too quick to discover supposed wrongs. Candidly im- pressed with such thoughts, they could not be otherwise than true to the natural instincts of their heart, and refuse to take part, or acquiesce in throwing overboard the government of England and so become aliens to the flag under which they were born and had lived, and for which they had fought. Not r.iany may cast aside their feelings of nationality ; not many can forget the land ol their birth • not a lai-ge number will bury the associations of a liie-timc without the most potent causes. And, doubtless, tho Anglo-Ameri- can who faithfully adhered to the old flag possessed all the ardor ot a lofty patriotism. But the American writer has forgotten all thi.s. In the broad sunlight of national success he has not discovered the sacred longings of the U.E. Loyalists for tho Union Jack. Lookmg at tho events of '76 by the lurid glare of civil war, his eyes are blinded to tho fact that a noble band, possessing equal rights with the rebels, loved England, notwithstanding all her faults, and lor that love sacriflced their all of worldly goods. The citi.enH of tho United States would prefer to have it said in history that the \J.r. Loyalists, in every instance, voluntarily left their homes during the war, or at its close. The loyalists are thereby, no doubt, made to appear more devotedly attached to the British Crown But it i. r ght to have it distinctly stated that American writers mostlj make themselves guilty of suppressio verL The latest instance o This is seen in a report to the Hon. Hugh McCu lough, Soci-etary d the Treasury, prepared by E. H. Derby, Commissioner ot the Tie ■ sury Department, dated January 1st, 1866, who, m remarking upon thcRntlh Colonial policy from 1776 down to 1830, ^ake« occasion to say that, " at first there was little fellowship between the United States and the Provincialists, many of whom were descended from the loyalists who folhrced the British troops from our shores. Jh fact is, however, that many of them were driven away. The tone were not loyal without sense ; and when the fortune oi ;^'''^»- ^ad tune against them, they would, in'great numbers, have made the best o their changcHi condition, and have lived to become true ciUzens ot the THE EDUCATED, LOYALISTS. 51 new-l)orn nation. But this was not to bo. Tho loyalists Avero to be made feel that thoy were outcasts. It is the same ignoble and nn- statesmanlike coin-se which is now being pursued toward the subdued South. They must needs be made to know they are rebels. It is a shortsighted policy, even as the former was. The former led to the establishment of a nation to their north, which will stand, even after the Union lies in fragments ; the latter fosters a feeling of ali(>nation, whicli will speak upon the first opj)ortunity, in the thunder tones of war. If a comparison is instituted between the rebels of 1776, and those who were conservators of peace, the contrast is foiuid to be very great. It is charged against the loyalists that all office-holders were tories ; but is this more worthy of remark than the fact that many became rebels because they could not obtain office. Nay, the latter is infinitely more heinous in its nature. If we look at the two par- ties, with respect to education and, it may be added, religion, it is found that the great bulk of the educated and refined, the religious classes, especially the clergy, the leading lawyers, the most prominent medical men, were all loyalists. It was not because they were office- holders, it was because they possessed a moral and elevated mind, educated to a correct standard. Then, again, there was a large class of citizens who loved retirement, and who begged to be allowed to remain neutral, but who were actually compelled to take sides with the rebels or be driven away. The peaceably inclined, who looked for guidance to their spiri- tual instructors, generally beheld them, if not actually advocating the interests of the crown, at least setting an example against rebellion, and they were thus strengthened in their feelings of loyalty, or deter- mination to remain neutral. The flame of patriotism was kei)t aglow in many a heart by the earnest prayer of the gospel minister. Says Sabine : "From what has now been said it is evident that a very con- siderable proportion of the professional and editorial intelligence and talents of the thirteen colonies was arrayed against the popular move- ment." Again : " a large number of the clergy were United Empire Loyalists." Also, " the giants of the law were nearly all loyalists." The physicians were mostly tories, but were, as a general thing, not molested. "A few were banished; others became surgeons in the army." ■Vi Jfi,- &2 THE RESULT. CHAPTEE VI. Contonts : — RopiihlicaniRin — TIk; IcisKon of tho firHt rebellion — Tho late civil war — Tliu Loyaiints ; tlieir losses and hardshipH — Ignored by Amcri ans — Un- recorded — The world iiopt in ignorance — American glory — English- men — Question of Colonial treatment — The reason why Great Britain failed to subdue the rebellion — (/'liaraeter of the rebel bravery — The great result — Liberty in England and United States contrasted — Slavery — The result to U. E. Loyalists — liurgoyne — Mobocracy — Treatment from " Sons of Liberty" — Old men, women and children — Instances of cruelty — Brutality — Rapacity — Torture — The lowijr c^-'sses — "Swamp Law" — Fiend- ish cruelty — Worse than Butler's llangtMs — Seward and the Fenians — Infa- mous falsification — Close of the war — llecognition of independence by Great Britain — Crushed hopes of tlie Loyalists — In New York — Their conduct — Evacuation da)' — The position of the Loyalists — Confiscation — "Attainting" — Seizing estates — Paine — Commissioners at Paris — British Ministry — Loy- alists' petition — King's speech — Division of claimants — Six classes — The number — Tardy justice — Noble conduct of South Carolina — Impostors — Loyalists in Lower Canada — Proclamation — The soldiers' families — Journey- ings — Meeting of families. THE RESUIT. Almost a hundred years have passed away since the war-cloud arose which swept away thirteen of Britain's colonies upon the uncer- tain and tempest- tossed ocean of Republicanism. That storm is long since stilled, as well as the hearts of those ^vho took part therein. While the statesman and politician m.^y, with advantage, study the lesson then read, and which has been but lately annotated by the United States civil war, by the determined subjection of eight mil- lions of Southerners, who desired freedom to establish a new govei"n- ment, let it be our humble occupation to record some of the immediate individual results of that great tempest, of which American writers, with but few exceptions, have never spoken fairly. Writers among them are not wanting to give lively pen pictures of their revolutionary heroes ; not only forgetting the sufferings of the loyalists — tho devo- ted ones, who gave up all — property, homes, friends, all the associa- tions of a birth-place, rather than bow the knee to Baal ; but who have wilfully misrepresented them ; have charged them with crimes, at once atrocious and unfounded. The sufferings, the losses, the hard- ships, incident to pioneer life, with the noble purposes and undevia- ting loyalty of the British American tories, have never been fully related — never engaged the pen of the faithful historian. American writers, on the contrary, have recorded in glowing colors the deeds and actions of the " fathers of the Kepublic." To this no objection can be made ; but may we not charge those historians with unchari- tableness, with unnecessary neglect of the claims of the loyalists to CAUSE OF SUCCESS. 53 pure motives, with i,£,moring their brax-e deeds, their devoted suffer ii.gs,and with unduly ancribing to the "king's men" motives base and cruel But the suffering.;, of the U. E. Loyalists are .mrecorded. Ihe world has rarely been told that they were i.ersecuted, their homes piliaged, their persons maltreated, their valuables seized, their housr^s made desolate, their n^al estate taken from them, without legal pro- ceedmgs. The world has been so flooded with the writinc^s of Ameri- cans, describing their own excellencies and eulogizing their own cause, that no space has been found to do simple justice to tlie noble ones who preferred British rule to the uncei'tain and untried. Indeed, so strongly and for so long a time has the current been flow- ing to swe 1 the ocean of American glory, that hardly a voice or pen IS found doing service for the unfortunate loyalists, who chose to endure a little rather than rush into the vortex of rebellious strife. J^ven Englishmen have so long listened to one-sided statements, that no one of them can be found to say a word for the old tory party of America Hence it is that the U. E. Loyalists are very imperfectly known; their history unwritten, their tales of sorrow unattended to, their noble doings unsung. Had there been a hand to guide a describ- ing pen,-.to picture the doings, the mifferings, the self-denying heroism of the loyal barty ; to recount the motives underlyin ' all they did; and had there been ears as willing to listen, and eye's to read, and hearts to receive the facts as those of a contrary nature have obtamed, then a far different impression would have been made, and nxed upon the world. That the British Government was right or wise in its treatment of the American colonies we now have every reason to doubt. At the same time that England might havc^ subdued that rebellion, had she put forth her midivided strength, there is but little reason to question. Had she not been engaged in a formi.lable Avar with France ; or even with that, had her statesmen acquired a correct knowledge of America as to topography, and as to the feelings and wishes of the people and their just complaints; or had able generals been entrusted with the command of the armies, instead of incompetent favorites ; or had a ittJe diplomacy been practiced, and the ringleaders of the whi- fac- tion-oft^n hungry agitators--been conciliated by office; in either event the rebellion might have been nipped in the bud, or easily over- come. The American ^public owes its independence to the circum- tancesm winch Great Britain was then placed, and the incapacity of a few of the British Generals, rather than to superior bravery, eJtZ ordinary mihtary talent, or any high-toned longing for liberty ' No 54 EFFECT UPON THE LOYALISTS. doubt many oi the rebolling party Avere brave ; but it was often the bravery of (he guerilla, or the desperate adventurer. Of the great result— the recognition of the independence of the rebelling provincoH by the mother country— we design not to speak at length. It will always, remain a question, whether it would not liave been better for the Statesjthemselves, and the world at large, if they had renuiined a part of the British Empire. That the evils of which they comi)lained would, in due time, have been removed, upon proper representation, there is no substantial reason to doubt, ^ That the principles of true freedom would have advanced and spread quite as rai.idly, and that, to-day, liberty, in the broadest sense, would have reigned in the world fully as triuniphaat, the whole history of Eng- land and the United States sufficiently attest. It was many long years after Britain had struck off the chains of slavery bofore the United States reached the same point ; and then only because it became a "military necessity." Looking at the two nations to-day, and judging by the utterances of the two respective people, whether enunciated in the halls of legislature, by the head of the nation, by the bar, in the pulpit, by the press, or from the platform ; or if we be guided by the public deeds of each, it is submitted tliat the more genuine ring of the metal sounds from beneath the wide-spreading banner of old England. The effect of the successful rebellion, to Avhich it is intended to refer, has reference to the Unitedp^:mpire Loyalists of America. And first, the eflect upon them during the Avar. The defeat of Biu-goyne was the first event Avhich immediately led to severe disaster of the loyalists. This general, with more assu- rance than foresight, and perhaps more courage than military skill, succeeded, not only in leading his army to destruction, but in placing the friendly inhabitants on his. route in such a position that no mercy was subsequently extended to them by the ruthless rebels. When he surrendered, instead of securing for them immunity from any hafra, he entirely neglected their interests ; notwithstanding they had sup- plied his troops with provision. The relentless conduct of the rebels in arms and the Avhig government was bloodthirsty and vindictive. Their hate towards those who would not take sides with them, whether in arms for the Crown or not, was barbarous. Persons sus- pected of sympathy with the tories were subjects of continued moles- tation. Mobocracy reigned. Vagabond bodies of men were sent abroad to range the country, to lay waste and destroy the property of the loyalists, imprison the suspected, and seize the goods of the un- THE "SONS OF LIBERTY." 55 protected. Tnrrinj; niid F<;illierinur wns of coinnioti occurrence. MusHaclr.i setts especially .i^aiiicd a name for cruelty fai' exceedlnsr ju,y whicli has been applicl to tlie Indians, witli all tlieir barbaHsni. Tiiero M'as a villainous band who called themselves the "Sons of Lib- erty," who carried fire and sword— not a,i>;ainst an open enemy in the light of day, but to peaceful firesides in the dai-kness of ni^ht. Their victims were the old nu-n, the women aiiro])Ofty must ho confincatod, and many \n)ii\}f lar^o land ownoi'H, rioh pri/iOn woro thuH Kocunvj. Whilo tho conflict continued to i-a^o thoro was Homo oxcuho, hut whro('ood- \nfr on tho part of tho revolutionists, to force away thoir vory brothron, oflon rolatotl by tho ties of consanguinity. Hut it was Ji spirit as unprinciplod as this, which instigated tho i-ehollion, and which characterized the vast nuijority of tlu)so who fought under the sacrod name of liberty, and such was tho spirit of the conquerorH. Tho Huccossful rolnds determined to possess them.solvoH of tho lands and property of the loyalists, oven in violation of treaty. The action of Congress was sufftciontly high-hiinded and wanting in generosity ; hut tho proceedings of tho State Legislatures, with a fow exceptions, were oxocrable — characterized by ignoble and vindictive ])a88ion. Tho Legislatures of each state took oarly stop.s to punish the adherents of Britain, to dispossess them of their property, and to banish them. Massachusetts took the lead in dealing severely against tho loyalists. A rebel magistrates' warrant was sufficient to banish one. Hundreds of Massachusetts Loyalists woro prohi- bited from returning on penalty of imprisonment and ovon death. And tho other States woro active in " attainting " and confiscating, often without the form of trial. Each State carried on its function as a government, and trials ought to have boon granted, in common justice to every one. But tho Whigs woro intoloront, hot-hoadcil, malevolonc, unforgiving. It has boon said that " if it be concoded that rebellion against England wai* right, then every stop necessary to success was justittablo. Tf wo grant all this there remains the fact that after success had crowned rebellion, persecution and con- fiscation continued. Now York, on tho 12th May, 1784, passed " An act for tho spcody sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates TIIK TIIKATV (»!■' I'AIIIS. 59 within tho HtatcH." TIki powors consiMtivl in tho appoinfmont of "coinmiHMionorH of (orCcilin-oK." Amoii/^' tlioHO who lost thoir land was ono Davoo. Ilo liad .'iOO lu-ros near Now York, twonty niiloH, which waH coiiflHcatod and ^Mvon to tho notoriouH Tom I'aino, tho intidoi, whoHo oxtroino lihoral viows oxproHHod in his work, «< Com- mon HonHo," mado him tho IViond of VVaMhiriKlon, and rovoliitioniHtB gom^ially. I'aino, aftoi- talcing' part in tho Kronch Ilovoiiitions, camo, in 1802, to his ](lac«> in Now York, whoro Ik^ onjoyod tho JoyaiiHtH' (HMiHsoatod proporty until his death, Mth Juno, ISUlf. In tho torms of poaco Hi^niod at Paris, tluii-o was no Hociirity ctfoctod for tho Iohsos Hustainod hy tho Amorican Loyalists. As Hur^royno at his in/^lorious surrondor at Sarato^'a, thou^'ht not of tho innocont inhahitants of tlio Mohawk and Hudson, who liad.indontit'od thomsolvoH with tho loyal causo, and suppliod hiH troops with provisions, and loft thorn to tho niorciloss "Sons of Liborty," to bo dospoilod of thoir all, and oxposod to foarful miolty, MO at tho last, whon tho Mritish (iovornmoni rolinquishod tho attompt to wulxluo robollion, tho Amorioan Jjoyalists woro of romoto considoration. Wo oan ^aithor now but tho ontlinos of tliis groat wron^ dono unto noblo mon. Tho partioulars aro buriod in tho wreok of fortuno, and of haj)pinoHs, ro8poctin<,' all worldly mattors. Tho aftor lifo of the loyalists was of too oarnost a nature to allow timoto place on record tho sut!(U'in^'s, and tho wandcu-ings of tho disiidioritod. Tho lost causo did not stimulate men to draw upon ima;L,Mnation, such as may be found in gaudy-huod descriptions of Amorican revolutionary heroes, male and fomalc. But there is sufficient of facts recorded, and engraven by the iron pen of extreme anguish upon hearts, that were of flesh, to stamp tho persecutors with infamy, andj mark the refugees, that clustered around tho border forts, and found homos at Sorol, Lacliino, and Montreal, with tho highest attributes of patriotism and love of country. The conduct of the ministry, and the commissionors at Paris is open to the soverost.censure. Thoy left the claims of tho loyalists to be decided by the Amorican Congress. We may allow them the credit of having hold the belief, that this body would bo actuated by a feeling of justice and right, but tho error was a frravo one, the wrong grievous and harti to bo endured. In pursu- ing this course, tho British ministry did not escape condemnation by members of Parliament, and a feeling of sympathy was evoked CO THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. that led to a tardy dispensing of justice. Lord North said " that never were the honor, the principles, the policy of a nation, so grossly abused as in the desertion of those men, who are now exposed to every punishment that desertion and poverty can inflict, because they were not rebels." Mr. Sheridan *' execrated the treatment of those unfortunate men, who, without the least notice taken of their civil and religious rights, were handed over as subjects to a power that would not fail to take vengence on them for their zeal and attachment to the reUgion and government of the mother country," " and he called it a crime to deliver them over to confiscation, tyranny, resentment and oppz'ession." Lord Loughborough said that " in ancient nor modern history had there been so shameful a desertion of men who had sacrificed all to their duty and to their reliance upon British faith." Others, in terms of equal severity, denounced the ministry in Parliament for their neglect. The ministry admitted it all, but excused themselves by the plea that " a part must be wounded, that the whole of the empire may not perish " — that they " had but the_alternative, either to accept the terms proposed, or continue the war." '■' " A number of loyalists in England, came to the United States to claim restitution of their estates, but their applications were unheeded," except to imprison, and banish them. The treaty of peace signed, without any provision for the suffering loyalists, they at once took steps to petition the Imperial Parliament for justice. " They organized an agency, and appointed a Committee, composed of one delegate, or agent from each of the thirteen States, to enlighten the British public." " At the opening of Parliament the King, in his speech from the throne, alluded to the ' American sufferers ' and trusted generous attention would be shewn to them.' " An act was consequently passed creating a "Board of Commissioners " to examine the claims preferred. The claimants were divided into six classes. *' First Class. — Those who had rendered service to Great Britain." *' Second Class. — Those who had borne arms for Great Britain. '' Third Class.— Unitorm Loyalists." " Fourth Class. — Loyal British subjects residents in Great Britain." " Fifth Class — Loyalists who had taken oaths to the American States, but afterward joined the British." TARDY REMUNERATION. 61 ''Sixth Class. — Loyalists who had borne arms for the American States, and afterwards joined the British navy or army." The claimants had to state in writing, and specifically the nature of their losses. Great and unnecessary caution was observed by the Board. The rigid rules of examinations caused much dissat- isfaction and gave the Board the name of" Inquisition." "'-' The 26th of March, 1784, was the latest period for presenting claims, which was allowed, and on or before that day, the number of claimants was two thousand and sixty-three. A ''second report which was made in December of the same year, shows that one hundred and twenty-eight additional cases had been disposed of." In May and July 1865, one hundred and twenty-two cases more were disposed of. In April 1786, one hundred and forty more wore attended to. The commissioners proceeded with their inves- tigations during the years 1786 and 1787." " Meantime " and to her honor be it said " South Carolina had restored the estates of » several of her loyalists." Years passed away before the commissioners had decided upon all the claims, and great and loud was the complaint made by the claimants. The press was invoked to secure a more pi'ompt con- cession of justice, pamphlets were published on their behalf, and one printed in 1788, five j^ears after the peace, contained the following : " It is well that this delay of justice has produced the most melancholy and shocking events. A number of the sufferers have been driven by it into insanity, and become their own destroyers, leaving behind them their helpless widows and orphans to subsist upon the cold charity of strangers. Others have been sent to cultivate a wilderness for their subsistance, without having the means, and compelled through want, to throw themselves on the mercy of the American States, and the charity of their former friends, to support the life which might have been made comfortable by tne money long since due from the British Government, and many others, with their families are barely subsisting upon a temporary allowance from government, a mere pittance when compared with the sum due them." The total number of claimants w8s 5,072, of whom 924 with- drew or failed to make good the claim. The sum of money allowed was £3,294,452. We have seen there was, in addition, given to the widows and orphans, between 20,000 and 30,000 pounds. There is no doubt that a certain number of the claimants were 62 LOYALISTS IN CANADA. impostors, while many asked romuneration above what their losses had actually been, and this caused the commissioners to examine more closely the claims proffered. But it is submitted that they ought, in dealing with the money already granted by a considerate Parliament, to have leaned on the side of clemency. At the close of the contest there were a large number of Eefugoes in Lower Canada, especially at Fort 8t. John, about twenty-nine miles from Montreal. In the main these were Ameri- can born, and principally from the New England States; yet there were representatives from England, Ireland, Scotland and Germany. Besides the Refugees, there were several Provincial Corps, which were no longer to be retained in the service, but to be disbanded. Of these there was the 84th, often called Johnson's regiment, this was 800 strong, mostly Dutch, from the Mohawk, and Hudson, descendants of the old stock. This regiment consisted of two corps, one under Major Jessup, stationed at St. John's, and the other under Eogers, a part of which at least, was stationed at Fort Oswego, Jessups corps became the first pioneers upon the St. Law- rence, and Rogers among the first along the Bay of Quints. Both settled in 1784. There were other troops stationed at St. John's, and likewise not a few who had discharged irregular, but important duties, as scouts, and in other ways. It has been generally estimated that at the close of the struggle, and as a result, there were distributed of American Loyalists upon the shores of Canada, about 10,000. At the first, most of these were in Lower Canada, but there were likewise a few at the frontier forts upon the Upper waters, and a few detached squatters. Then, " there was not a single tree cut from the (present) Lower Province lino to Kingston, 150 miles ; and at Kingston there were but a few surrounding huts; and from thence all around Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, with the exception of a few Indian huts on some desolate spot of hunting ground, all was a dense wilderness." (Ex Sheriff Sherwood.) "A proclamation was issued," says Croil in his history of Dundas, " that all who wished to continue their allegiance to Britain, should peaceably rendezvous at certain points on the frontiers. These were, Sackets Harbour, Carleton Island, Oswego and Niagara, on the Upper Canada confines ; and Isle Aux Nois, on the borders of Lower Canada. Jessup's Corps was stationed at Isle Aux Nois, and late in the autumn of 1783, the soldiers were joined by their wives and little ones, who had wandered the weary way on AMERICAN TROOPS. 0g loot, to Whitehall, through nwamps and foroHt,— besot with diffi- cultioH, dangers, and privations innumerable. The soldiers met them there with boats, and convoyed them the rest of their journey by water, through Lake Champlain. Imagination fails us when we attempt to form an idea of the emotions that filled their hearts, as families, that had formerly lived happily together, surrounded with peace and plenty, and had been separated by the rude hand of Avar, now met each others embrace, in circumstances of abject poverty. A boisterous jmssage was before them, in open boats, exposed to the rigors of the season— a dreary prospect of the coming winter, to be spe.it in pent up barracks^ and a certainty should they bo spared, of undergoing a lifetime of such hardships, toil and privation, as are insepcrablo from the settlement of anew country." As soon as the journey was accomplished, the soldiers and their fiimilies, wore embarked in boats, sent down to Eichelieu to Sorel, thence to Montreal, and on to Cornwall, by the laborious and tedious route of the St. Lawrenne. (See settlement of Ernest town.) ,,■> ■...-- SJ.) ; !!.»» l':X,:. i. t t. ^ CHAPTER VII. ContcMits.— A «pint of stnfe-The French war-B'ritish American Troops-For- rnor comrades opposed-Number of U. E. Loyalists in the field-General Burgoyne-Defea^F irst reverse of British arms-The campaign-CoS bt.Leger-FortStanwix-Colonel Baume-Battle of Bennington-Gener^ ?h?r'ir^**'lr'^'^"^^''-^.^''*^'°'^^ Heights- Saratogai Surrender _ * The result upon the people-Sir John Johnson-Sir William-Sketch-In- dian Chief— Laced coaf^lndian's dream— It comes to pass— Sir William frrTV* '"''^ ir ''> P'^'^'^''^ ^'^'•^ '^ the malcontents. In the early part of July, Burgoyne sec out from Lower Canada with about 8,500soldiers, 600 Indians, and 160 Canadians, intending to traverse the country to Albany, possessing himself of all rebel strongholds on the way, and thence descend along the river Hudson, to New York to form a junction witL General Howe, that city having been captured from the rebels the 15th September previous. Passing by way of Lake Champlain, he encountered the enemy on the 6th July, and captured Ticonderoga and Mount Independence, with 128 cannon several armed vessels, a quantity of baggage, ammunition and pro- visions. "This easy conquest inflamed his imagination." The first step towards the defeat of his army was the unsuccessful attempt of Colonel St. Leger, with 800 men, who ascended the St. Lawrence to Oswego, and thence up the river, to take Fort Stanwix (Eome), intending to descend the Mohawk and join Burgoyne -with his main force, as he entered the head of the valley of the Hudson. Colonel St. Leger arrived at Fort Stanwix on the 3rd August, 1777. For a time he was the winner; but for some reason, it is said that the Indians suddenly left him, and his troops, seized with a panic, fled. In the meantime. General Burgoyne was pursuing his way, having driven General Schuyler from Lake St. George to the mouth of the Mohawk river. Burgoyne, flushed with this renewed success, after his late cap- 66 ... AT SARATOGA. turo of Ticondoroga and Mount Indopondonco, vainly supposed he could advance steadily down the Hudson. Ho sent a body of men, 600 strong, under Colonel Baumo, into the interior, eastward, with the view of encouraging the inhabitants to continued loyalty, and of arresting the machinations of the rebels. Near Bennington the rebels had an important post, with magazines, and a large force under General Stark. Baume, ignorant of their strength, rushed headlong against the enemy. Nothing daunted, he led on his 600 brave men. For two hours he contended with the unequal foe, when his troops wore almost annihilated, and he fell from his horse, mortally wounded. But few escaped to tell the tale. Meanwhile, Burgoyno, apprised of the danger surroimding Baume, had sent assistance under Colonel Breynan. Un fortunately, the/ had not much ammunition, and, after lighting until all was exhausted, they had to flee. These three reverses paved the way for the tinal over- throw of Burgoyne. He was still marching forward, bent on reach- ing Albany, to accomplish the object of the campaign— a juncture with the army of General Howe. But now in his rear, to the west, instead of Colonel St. Leger descending the Mohawk, was General Herkimer, who had dispersed St. Leger's force ; and to the east was General Stark, flushed with his victories over Baume and Breynan. Burgoyne met Gates at last on Braemar heights, and again, and for the last time, led his troops on to victory, although the contest was well sustained. General Schuyler had intrenched his forces at the mouth of the Mohawk, and Burgoyne, having waited until his provision was exhausted, at last resolved to make an assault.. It waf bravely made, but without success; and before night-fall the army was retreating. Night, instead of enabling them to regain their spirits and renew their ardor, only brought the intelligence of the defeats previously sustained at Stanwix and Bennington. This was the 7th October. Flight now was the only possible chance for safety. The touts were left standing ; his sick and wounded forsaken. But the en my now surrounded him ; the places he had taken were already re-taken ; and upon the 10th of the month he found himself helpless upon the fields of Saratoga, where he surrendered. The whole of the men were sent to Boston and other places south, there to languish in prison. Thus it came that the inhabitants in this section of the country came under the power of the rebels, and those who had adhered t» the loyal side were mercilessly driven away at the point of the bayonet. The writer ha« heard too many accounts of the extreme SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON. 67 cruelty practiHod at this time to doubt that Huch took place, or question the fiondiwh nature of the acts practisod by tbo succoHsful rebels agaiimt, not foes in urmn, but the bolpIesH. Many thuH driven away (and these wore the first refugees who entered (Canada) suf- fered great hardships all through the winter. Most of the men entered the ranks subsequently, while not a few, from their know- ledge of the country, undertook the trying and venturesome engagement of spies. The families gathered around the forts upon the borders had to live upon the fare supplied by the commissariat of the army. A large number were collected at Mishish ; and the story goes that a Frenchman, whoso duty it was to deal out tho supplies, did so with much of bad conduct and cruel tx'eatmont. (','*" SIR JOHN JOHNSON. Among the officers who served with General Burgoyne was Sir John Johnson, who had been tho first to suffer persecution, the first to become a refugee, and who became a principal pioneer in Upper Canada. " His father. Sir William Johnson, was a native of Ireland, of whom it was said, in 1755, that he had long resided upon the Mo- hawk river, in the western part of New York, where he had acquired a considerable estate, and was universally beloved, not only by the inhabitants but also by the neighboring Indians, whose language he had learned and whoso alfections he had gained, by his humanity and affability. This led to his appointment as agent for Indian affairs, on the part of Great Britain, and he was said to be * the soul of all their transactions with the savages.' " Of Sir William's talents and shrewdness in dealing with the like- wise shrewd Indian, the following is found in Sabine : "Allen relates that on his receiving from England some finely-laced clothes, the Mo- hawk chief became possessed with the desire of equalling the baronet in the splendor or his apparel, and, with a demure face, pretended to have dreamed that Sir William had presented him with a suit of the decorated garments. As the solemn hint could not be mistaken or avoided, the Indian monarch was gratified, and went away, highly pleased with the success of his device. But alas for Hendrick's shortsighted sagacity ! In a few days Sir William, in turn, had a dream, to the effect that the chief had given him several thousand acres of land. 'The land is yours,' said Hendrick, 'but now. Sir William, ' I never dream with you again, you dream too hard for me.'" W HIR JOHN jnilNSON. At the breaking out of the revolutionary war, Sir John, who had succeeded to hiHf'nther'H title, appearH, also, to have inherited h\» inliu- enco with the Indians, and to have exerted that influence to the utmost in favor of the Royal cause. By this means he rendered liiniBclf particularly obnoxious to tlie continentals, as the Americans were then called. Accordingly, in 1776, Colonel Dayton, with part of his regiment, was sent to arrest him, and thus put it out of his power to do further mischief. Ueceiving timely notice of this from his tory friends at Albany, he hastily assembled a large number of his tenants and others, and made preparations for a retreat, which he successfully accomplished. " Avoiding the route by Lake Champlain, from fear of falling into the hands of the enemy, who were supposed to be assembled in that direction, ho struck deep into the woods, by way of the head waters of the Hudson, and descended the Raquette river, to its con- fluence with the St. Lawrence, and thence crossed over to Canada. Their provision failed soon after they had left their homes. Weary and foot-sore, numbers of them sank by the way, and had to be left behind, but were shortly afterwards relieved by a party of Indians, who were sent from Caughnawaga in search of them. After nineteen dayb of hardship, which have had few parallels in our histoiy, they reached Montreal. So hasty was their flight, that the family papers were buried in the garden, and nothing taken with them but such articles as were of prime npcessity." Soon after his arrival at Mon- treal he was '* commissioned a colonel, and raised two battalions of loyalists, who bore the designation of the Royal Greens. From the time of organizing this corps, he became one of the most active, and one of the bitterest foes that the whigs encountered during the con- test. So true is it, as was said by the wise man of Israel, that ' a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city, and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.' . Sir John was in several regular and fairly conducted battles. He invested Fort Stanwix in 1777, and defeated the brave General Herkimer; and in 1780 was defeated himself by General Van Eensselaer, at Fox's Mills." The result of his adherence to the Crown was, that his extensive family estates upon the Mohawk were confiscated; but at the close of the war he received large grants of land in various parts of Canada, beside a considerable sum of money. He continued to be Superin- tendent of Indian aSairs, and resided in Montreal until his death, in 1822. TlIK ROYAL RE0IMEN1.<. 69 TIIK LOYAL rOMIUTANTS. The following arc the principal corps an — ' ■■ THE queen's RANGKR.S. This corps acted a very conspicuous part during the war. It was raised by Major Robert Rogers, of NewHampshire, son of James Rogers. He had served during the French war, with distinction, as commander of Rogers' Rangers, and was, "in 1*776, appointed Governor of Michilimacinac. During the early part of the rebellion he was in the revolting states, probably acting as a spy, and was in correspondence with the rebel Congress, and with Washington him- self. He was imprisoned at New York, but was released on parole, which, it is said, he broke (like General Scott in 1812), and accepted the commission of colonel in the British army, and proceeded to raise the corps mentioned." About 1777 " he went to England, and Simcoe succeeded him as commander of the Queen's Rangers." Sabine, speaking of John Brown Lawrence, says ho was impris- oned in the Burlington gaol, New Jersey, and that " Lieut. -Colonel John G. Simcoe, commander of the Queen's Rangers, was a fellow- 70 Till rORRKtN LEGION. priH<)t»(!r, and when t'XclianKcd Haid, at parting, * I «hall never forpjet yotir kindiuiHH.' JIu did not: and when appointed Lieiitenant-Gover- nor of Ui>jH!r C'anuda, he invited Mr. liawronce to nettle there," and, through the (iovornor, he accpiirod a large tract of laniL Tlie Queen'H Jtjuigcrs were (]iHbande(l in 1802, having been awo- ciatcm-'- "No portion of the whole history of the revolution has been so distorted in tho narration as that connected with the laying waste of the valley of Wyoming. No two accounts seem vO agree, and histo- rians have striven to out-do each other in the violence of their expres- sions of indignation, at cruelties and horrors which existed only in their imaginations, or which came to them embellished with all the oxageration incident to reports arising amid scenes of excite- ment and bloodshed. Wyoming had, for many years, been the scene of the bitterest hostility between the settlers under the Connecticut grant, and those from Pennsylvania. Although these wai-like operations were upon a small scale, they were conducted with great vindictiveness and treachery. Blood was frequently shed, and as either party obtained tho ascendency, small favor was shown to their opponents, who were generally driven from 4heir I ornes in hopeless destitu- tion. Wo cannot go into a history of thost early transactions, and only mention them as explanatory of th'i feelings of savage 76 ENQAOKMENT AT CHERRY VALLEY. animo8ity which were exhibited between neighbors, andet^en nidm- bers of the Hamo family, who had espoused opposite interests in the revolutionary contest." Such, be it noted, was the character of the inhabitants of Wyoming valley, who have been so long held up an innocent victims of Indian barbarity. By the above, we learn that prior to this, there had been contentions between the loyalists and rebels. The party who entered Wyoming to attack the Fort, wore under Colonel John Butler, and was composed of some 300 British regulars and refugees, and 500 Indians. Now, it would seem that the depredation which was committed after Colo- nel Zebulon Butler, the rebel leader, had been defeat* ', and the Fort had capitulated, was to a great extent due to retaliatory steps taken by the loyalists who previously had been forced away, and had seen their homes committed to the flames. Such was the bor- der warfare of those days. It was not Indian savagery, it was a species of fighting introduced by the "Sons of Liberty." And if we condemn such mode of fighting, let our condemnation rest tirst, and mainly upon those who initiated it. Not u]5bn the Indians, for they were led by white men — not upon Brant, for he was not there — not so much npon the loyalists, for they had been driven away from their homes ; but let it be upon those who introduced it. The rebel i were not slow {o seek retribution for their losses at Wyoming. Aided by a party of Oneidas who lent themselves to the rebels, " Colonel Wm. Butler with a Pennsylvania regiment, entered the towns of TJnadilla and Oghkwaga, and burned and desti-oyed the buildings, together with large stores of provisions intended for winter use." In turn, Walter Butler led a party of 700, a large number being Indians under Brant, to attack a fort at Cherry Valley which was "garrisoned by troops under Colonel Ichabod Alden." It will be seen that the Indians and loyalists did not enter an unprotected place to burn and destroy. They attacked a garrison of troops. But the Indians exasperated by the cruel procedure at Oghkwaga, became ungovernable, and about fifty men, women and children fell by the tomahawk. This was the retaliation which the Indian had been taught to regard as justifia- ble for the wrongs which had been inflicted upon his dwn tribe— his little ones ; yet be it remembered, and later American writers admit it, that the commanders, Butler and Brant, did all they could to restrain the terrible doings of^ the exasperated men. " Specific instances are reported in which the Mohawk Chief interfered, and successfully, to avert the murderous tomahawk." THE REBEL SULLIVAN. 77 And now begins the bloody revenge which the robolH deter- mined to inflict upon the Indians, without respect to tribes. In April, 1779, Colonel Van Schaick was despatched with a sufficient force for the purpose, with instructions " to lay waste the whole of their towns, to destroy all their cattle and property." " The Colonel obeyed his orders to the letter, and loft nothing but black- ened ruins behind him." It was merely a march of destruction, for the Indians were not there to oppose their steps. The villages and property that were destroyed belonged to the Onoudagas, although they had not taken a decided stand with the loyalist party. It was enough that they were Indians, and would not join the rebels. But this was merely a prelude to what was preparing, in pursuance of a resolution of the rebel congress. The infamous duty of commanding this army of destruction, town destroyers the Indians called them, was entrusted to General Sullivan, whose nature was adequate to the requirements of the command. On the 22nd ^August, 1779, five thousand men were concen- trated at Tioga, upon the Susquehanna. The men were prepared for their uncivilized duty by promises of the territory over which they were about to sow blood and tire. The Indians had no ade- quate force to oppose their march westward over the Six Nations territory. Brant with his warriors, with the Butlers and Johnsons made a gallant resistance upon the banks of the Chemung, near the present town of Elmira. But, after suffering considerable loss, the vastly superior force compelled them to flee, and there remained nothing to arrest the devastating rebel army, and during the whole month of September they continued the work of des- poliation. It has been the custom of almost all American historians to give the Indians attributes of the most debasing character. At peace, unworthy the advantages of civilization ; at war, treacherous and ferociously cruel. For this persistent and ungenerous proce- dure it is impossible to conceive any cause, unless to supply an excuse for the steady course of double-dealing the Americans have pursued toward the original owners of the soil, and provide a cov- ering for the oft-repeated treachery practised toward the credulous Indian by the over-reaching new Englander. To the Mohawk Nation particularly, since they proved true allies of the British, have American writers found it agreeable to bestow a (jharacter noted for blood and rapine. Nothing can be more untrue than the character thus gratuitously portrayed, nothing more at variance f^ CONDUCT rOWARD THE INDIANS. with the essential nature of the Indian, when free from European intrigues, and the cursed fire-water. The aboriginal races of North America are not by nature, blood-thirsty above Europeans. That they are honest, just and true, capable of distinguishing between right and wrong, with a due appreciation of well-kept faith, is well attested by the conduct which has ever been observed by them toward, not alone the Pennsylvanians, but every man found to be a quaker. No instance can be found recorded through- out the long bloody wars of the Indians, where a hair of the head of a single man, woman or child of that denomination was injured by the Indian ; and thus because the upright Penn never defrauded them. The Americans, while British colonists, with the exception alluded to, made themselves obnoxious to almost all Indian tribes. They never secured that hearty and faithful alliance that the French did. There seemed to be something in the air, especially of the New England States, which in a few generations blinded the eye, by which the golden rule is to be obsei^ed. The Americans, who have ever set themselves up as the cham- pions, par excellence, of liberty, to whom the " down-trodden of the old world " could look for sympathy, if not direct support, have signally failed to observe those lofty principles at home toward the natives of the soil, while they continued for eighty years to keep in chains the sable sons of Africa. They have found it con- venient and plausible to prate about the political " tyranny of European despots;" but no nation of northern Europe has shown such disregard for the rights of their people as the United States have exhibited toward the original owners of the soil. Avarice has quite outgrown every principle of liberty that germinated ere they came to America. The frontier men, the land-jobber, the New England merchant, as well as the Southern Planter, have alike ignored true liberty in defrauding the Indian, in sending out slavers, and in cruel treatment of the slave. Then can we wonder that the noble-minded Indian, naturally true to his faith, should, when cheated, wronged,— cruelly wronged, with the ferocity natural to his race, visit the faithless with terrible retribution ? The unbiassed records of the past, speak in tones that cannot be hushed, of the more noble conduct of the natives, than of those who have sought to exterminate them. The Mohawks, although brave warriors, fought not for the mere love of it. They even at times strove to mediate between the French and New Englanders. To the Mohawks, the American writer has especially bestowed TUB TOWN DEBTROYERS. 79 a name bloody and ignoble. And all because they listened not to their wily attempts to seduce them to join the rebels, but pre- ferred to ally themselves with the British. No doubt the Indian had long before discriminated between the rule of British officers, and the selfish policy of local governments. And hence, we find, in every scrap of paper relating to the Mohawks, unfounded accounts of savage doings. But taking, as true, the darkest pages written by the Americans against the Six Nations, they present no parallel to the deeds of brutal vengeance enacted by the American army under Sullivan, when he travcx-sed the fruitful country, so long the home of the Iroquois. Says an American writer : " When the army reached the Genesee Valley, all were surprised at the cultivation exhibited, by wide fields of corn, gardens well stocked, their cattle, houses, and other buildings, showing good design, with mechanical skill, and every kind of vegetable that could be conceived. Beau- tiful as was the scene in the eyes of the army, a few daj's changed it to utter desola^on ; neither house, nor garden, grain, fruit tree 'or vegetable, was left unscathed." Says Stone: "Forty Indian towns were destroyed. Corn gathered and ungathered, to the amount of 160,000 bushels, shared the same fate ; their fruit trees were cut down ; and the Indians were hunted like wild beasts, till neither house, nor fruit tree, nor field of corn, nor inhabitant, remained in the whole country." And the poor Indian women, and children, and old men, were thus left at the approaching winter to seek support at the British garrisons. Truly the rebels of '76 were brave and civilized I Thirteen years after, one of the chiefs said to Washington, "Even to this day, when the name of the town-destroyer is heard, our women look behind them and turn pale, and our children cling close to the necks of their mother ; our sachems and our warriors are men, who cannot be afraid, but their hearts are grieved with the fears of our women and children." Thus the brave Sullivan, with his thousand rebels, made wai* against old men, women and children, who were living in their rightful homes. This was fighting for liberty ! The blood of the Indian, as well as the slave, has risen up to reproach the American, and it required much of fresh blood to wash away the stains remaining from their deeds of cruelty and rapine, inflicted dui-ing their revolutionary war, under the name of liberty. The soldiers of Sullivan were stimulated in their evil work by promises of the land they were sent to despoil j and the '00 INDIAN OIVIUZATION. cloBO of tho war saw them return to claim their promises, while the rightful owner was driven uway. A c ortain portion of tho Six Nations havinpf received piodgos from the United StRces Govora- ment for their welfare, remainer' to become subjects of the new nation. But excepting Washington himself, and General Schuyler, not one heeded thoir promises made to tho Indian. The most unjust proceedings wore begun and ruthlessly tarried on by indi- viduals, by companies, by legislators, by speculators, to steal every inch of land that belonged by all that is right, to the Sonecas. How unlike the benignant and faithtVil conduct of tho British Government in Canada. Brant continued during the war to harass the enemy in every possible way, and in the following year, August, planned a terrible, . but just retaliation for the work of Sullivan's horde. It was now the turn of the rebels to have thoir houses, provisions and crops, despoiled. 3ut all the while "no barbarities wore permitted upon the persons of defenceless women and children, but a large number of them were borno away into captivity." Again, in October,' Johnson and Brant, with Corn Planter, a distinguished Seneca chief, invaded the Mohawk Valley. In this foray, the same conduct was observed toward women and children. On one occasion, Brant sent an Indian runner with an infant, that had boon uninten- tionally carried from its mother with some captives, to restore it, Still, again the following year, the Indians under Brant, and the Royalists under Major Eoss, were found over-running their old homes along the Mohawk and Schoharie. On this their last expedition, they were met by the rebels in force under Colonel Willet, with some Oneida warriors, and defeated them. Colonel Walter N. Butler, whom the rebels have so often tried to malign, waa shot and scalped by an Oneida Indian, under the command of the rebel Willet. We learn by the foregoing that the Iroquois were not only brave as warriors, but they had attained to a much higher position in the scale of being then other tribes inhabiting America. They ' were not ignorant of agriculture, nor indifferent to the blessings derived therefrom. The rich uplands of the country lying to the north of the Alloghanies, were made to contribute to their wants, as did the denizen of the forest. They are equally at home, whether upon the war path, the trail of the deer, or in the tilling of land. The plow of the Anglo-Saxon has not in seventy years completely effaced the evidences of their agricultural skill. And not less were brant's death. 31 thoir Hachoms noted for wisdom in council, and for eloquence Not only corn, but bcanHand olhor coroaJH wore cultivated, particularly by the Six Nations. Fruitn and edibles, introdued by the Euro- poauH, wore propagated by the natives, and when the rebel Sullivan, in accordance with orders from Washington, swept over thoir country, large orchards of excellent fruit, as well as fields of grain, were met with and ruthlessly destroyed, as wore the women and children, with their peaceful homes. According to Rochefoucault, Brant's manners were half European ; he was accompanied by two negro servants, and was, « in appearance, like an Englishman." Brant visited Kn'gland in December 1785, and was treated with groat consideration. After the close of the war, Brant settled at Wellington Square, upon land conferred by the Crown, where he lived after the English mode. He died hero 24th November, 1807. His wife, who never took to civilized life, after her husband's death, removed to the Grand River, and lived in her wigwam. Some of her children remained in the " commodious dwelling," and others accompanied her to the life of the wigwam. • According to Weld, Brant had at one time thirty or forty nogro slaves, which he kept in the greatest subjection. He also says that Brant's half pay as a captain, and his presents yearly received, amounted to £500. His last days were made unhappy by a debased son, who, after threatening his father's life, was at last killed by him, in self defence, by a short sword which Brant wore at his side. Eospecting another of his sons, the Kingston Herald, September 5th, 1832, says : ''It is with unfeigned sorrow tiiat we announce the death of Captain JOHN Brant, Cliief of the Six Nations Indians. He died of Cholera, at Brant- lord on the 27tli ult after an illness of only six hours. Mr. Brant was the son 01 tiu) celebrated Indian Chief, whose memory was unjustly assailed by Campbell the Poet, and for the vindication of which the subject of this notice some y.-ars ago purposely visited England. Possessing the education, feelings, and manners Ota gentleman, he was beloved by all who had the pleasure ofliis acquaiut^ince ana his death cannot fail to be deeply and very generally regretted." ' Wo have spoken of the intimacy that existed between the Mohawks and Sir William Johnson, the Colonial Agent of England. This, be it remembered, was more than a hundred years ago, and great changes have taken place in the opinion of many with regard to certain irregularities of society. We cannot excuse the conduct of Sir William, when he had lost his European wife, in taking the sister of Brant, Miss Molly, without the form of matri- monial alliance ; but we must concede every allowance for the times in which he lived. But while grave doubt may rest upon THE LOYAL M(mAWKK. the n,oral principle dinphiyod by him, wc boo no F«t "c'.so" to rofloctin any way up<.,. tho Indian fomale. M.h« Mo y took up her alxKlo with Hir William, and lived with him an uta.thful spouHe until ho died. Howovor. this must not ho roK'>"-dod an indicating depravity (m the part of tho Himplo-mindod native. It must b. remembered that the Indian's mode of marrying' eoimistH «>f b.it little more than tho youn^ squaw leavit.K thi, fathorH w.^wuni, and rcparing to that of her future huHband, and there is no rou8oi, to doubt that Mis« iVlolly was ever other than a virtuouH woman. And this belief is corroborated by the fact that four daughters, the i«BU*' of this alliance, were most respectably married. v^' ^ Of tho Six NationH, this tribe always wtood foremost m bravo and uncompromising adherents to the British Government, not withstanding tho utmost endeavors of the rebels to win them to their Hide. It becomes, consequently a duty, and a pleasing duty to refer more particularly to this race, a remnant of which ycl lives upon tho shore of tho bay. Among the Mohawks are, how- ovei-, remnants of some of tho other tribes. Tho tribe is so-called, after tho river, upon whoso banks they 80 h)ng lived. Thoy did not formerly acknowledge tho title, but called themselves by a name which intorprotod, moans "just such a people as wo ought to be." This name is not known, unless it may bo Agniors, a name sometimos applied by the French. This tribo was tho oldest and most important of tho Six Nations, and supplied tho bravest warriors, and one of it^ chicf^ was usually in command of tho united warriors of all tho tribes. It must not be forgotten that tho Mohawks, who came to Canada, and other tribes of the Six Nations, were to all intents, Uni -I Empire Loyalists. At the close of the struggle, wo have soon olsowhero, that tho commissioners at Paris, in their unseoinlj- haste to contract terms of peace, forgot how much was duo to the loyalists of America, and urged no special terms to ameliorate the condition of tho many who had fought and lost all for the maintenance of British power. Likewise did thoy forgot the aboriginal natives who had equally suffered. Tho fact that the^e Indians were not even referred to, gave Brant a just cause of com- plaint, which he duly set forth in a memorial to the Imperial Government. But, as the British Government and nation subse- quently strove to relieve the suffering condition of the refugees, 80 did they afford to the loyal sons of tho forest every possible facility to make themselves comfortable. Indeed, the BntisH LAND (JRANTH TO MOIIAWKrt. 98 offlcorH in comnmud, at the first, ^uvo a j)l(>(l^ro that all that thoy lost Hhoiild 1,0 roHtorod. The promiHO tluiH ^ivcii hy Sir (iiiy Cftrlcton, vvuH nititlml l»y his HUccoHHor, (ioiioral llaldiniand, in 1779, Captain (Jonoral and Conunandor-in-Chiof in Canada, and conflrniod l.y Patent, under tlu- (JrcMit Soal, January 14, 170;}, iHsuod by Governor .Simcoc. , At the eloso of tho war. a portion of die Mohawks wore temporarily roHidini,' on the Amorican nide of Niagara Rivor, in the vicinity of the old landing' place above the Fort. The Sonoc'as, who seem to have been at thiHtime more closely allied than other tribes to the Mohawks, ottered to them a tract of land within the territory of the United .StatCN. But the Mohawkn would not live in the United States. They declared they would "nink or swim with En^Mand." Brant proceeded to Montreal to confer with Sir John Johnson, General Superintendent of Indian affairs, "The tract upon which the chief had Hxod his attention, was situated upon the Bay do Quinte." General llaldiniand, in accordance with this wish, purchased a tract of land upon the bay from the Mississaugas, and convoyed it to the Mohawks. Subsequently, when Brant returned to Niagara, the Senocas expressed their desire that their old and intimate friends, the Mohawks, should live nearer to them than upon the Bay do Quinto. Brant convened a council of the tribe to consider the matter, the rosu.t was, that he went a second time to Quebec to solicit a tract of land less remote from the Senecas. Haldimand granted this request, and the land, six miles square, upou the Grand Eiver, was accordingly purchased from the Mississaugas, and given to them, forty miles off from the Senecas. The above facts are taken from Brant's MS. and History. We may infer from this fact, that the party who did come to the bay under Captain John, felt less attachment to the Senecas than the other portion of the tribe. The quantity of land on the bay originally granted was 92,700 acres ; but a portion has been surrendered. In the early part of the rebellion, the Mohawk families fled from their valley with precipitation. They mostly went to Lachine, where they remained three years. They then ascended the river m their canoes, and probably stayed a winter at Cataraqui, the winter of 1783-4. The whole tribe was under Brant. Second in command was Captain John, a cousin of Brant, and his senior in years. In the spring, a portion of the tribe entered the Bay Quinte, g4 MOIIAWKH CrON BAT QUINTE. and na«Hoa up tothoproMont township of Tymi.linaKa. The majority, led by Brant, paHHO.1 up ftlon^ tho Houth nhoro of Lako Ontivrio to Niagara. TUB MOHAWKH A8 CANAIHANH. , Do8Condttnt8 of tho bravoHt of all tho hravo Indian warrlorn of , Amorica, wo tind thorn poacoablo and in most roHpootHinibihinK tho Hpirit of tho day. Evor sinco tho party nottlod on tho bay, thov havo maniloHtod no turbulont npirit, nono of thono wild fttti-ibutos natural to tho wil.l-woods Indian, toward thoir white noighborH. Among thomHolvort thoro has boon ono occaHion ol diHturbanco. This aroHo from tho quarroUomo nature ot one Captain Isaac Hill. This Chief, with his people, formed a part ot Brant'K company that settled on the (Jra.ul lliver. Alter a few years, having disagreed with his nation, and become exceedingly disagreeable from his ottlcious an »^, CHAPTEK IX. INDIVIDUAL COMBATANTS. 1 17^^ i™'"«f«t«Jy following notices of the CDmbatants who settled m Upper Canada are extracted from Sabine. "At the beginning of the revolution, Samuel Anderson, of New York, went to Canada. He soon entered the service of the Crown and was a captain under Sir John Johnson. In 1783 he settled nea; c V 1 offices : those of Magistrate, Judge of a district court, and asso- oiate Jus ice ot the Court of King's Bench, were among ^hem. He nt 1 T f "P'" *'" "'""^ "^^^ ^^^"^^«"' ^« UPP«^ Canada, until his decease in 1836, at the age of one hundred md one. His property in New York was abandoned and lost " Af , '7'"'"^^^"'^"':'°"' "«"*«°a"t in the King's regiment. New York. At the peace he retired to Canada. He died near Cornwall, Canada West, m 1853, aged ninety. He drew half pay for a period of about W2ts''"- """' '' ^'^ '^' ^™^^' '^ ^^^ United Emp JOHN BUTLER. "John Bethune, of North Carolina, chaplain in the Loyal Militia. Taken prisoner in the battle at Cross Creek in 1776. Confined in Halifax gaol, but ordered finally to Philadelphia. After his release, his continned loyalty reduced him to great distress. He was appointed chaplain to the 84th|reginient, and restored to comfort. At the peace he settled in lT))per Canada, and died at Williamstown in that colony, in 1815, in his sixty-fifth year." "James Burwell, of New Jersey, born atEockaway, January 18, 1 764. Our loyalist enlisted in his Majesty's service in the year 1776, at the age of twenty-two, and served seven years, and was present at the battle of Yorktown, when Lord Cornwallis surrendered, and was there slightly wounded." " Came to Upper Canada in the year 1796, too late to obtain the King's bounty of family land, but was placed on the United Empire list, and received two hundred acres for himseU and each of his child- ren. He removed to the Talbot settlement in the year 1810. He died in the County of Elgin, Canada, July, 1863, aged ninety-nine years and five months." "John Butler, of Tyron, now Montgomery county, New York. Before the war, Colonel Butler was in close official connection with Sir William, Sir John, and Colonel Guy Johnson, and followed their political fortunes. At the breaking out of hostilities he commanded a regiment of New York Militia, and entered at once into the mili- tary service of the Crown. During the war his wife was taken prisoner, and exchanr,ed for the wife of the whig colonel, Campbell. Colonel John Butler was richly rewarded for his services. Succeeding (in part) to the agency of Indian affairs, long held by the Johnsons, he enjoyed, about the year 1796, a salary of £600 stg. per annum, and a pension, as a miUtary officer, of £200 more. Previously, he liad received a grant of 500 acres of land, and a similar pro\ ision for his children. His home, after the war, was in Upper Canada. He was attainted during the contest, and his property confiscated. He lived, before the revolution, in the present town of Mohawk." '♦Joseph Canliff, in 1781 a lieutenant in the first battalion Nev/ Jersey Volunteers." This person is probably of the same lineage as the writer of this work, great confusion often existing with regard to the spelling of names in the eariy days of America. •' Daniel Claus. He married a daughter of Sir William Johnson, and served for a considerable time in the Indian Department of Canada, under his brother-in-law. Colonel Guy Johnson.*^ COFFIN — DOANE. ' ' 87 "William Clans, Deputy Superintendent General of Indian affairs, was his son." Coffin— There were several of this name who took part in the war against the rebellion. Of these, the following are connected with Canadian history : ' 7 ; '• ' " Sir Thomas Aston Coffin, baronet, of Boston, son of William Coffin. He graduated at Harvard University in 1772. At one period of the rebellion he was private secretary to Sir Guy Carleton. In 1804 he was Secretary and Comptroller of Lower Canada." After- wards Commissary General in the British array. "Nathaniel Coffin, of Boston. After the revolution he settled in Upper Canada." Served in the war of 1812. " For a number of years was Adjutant-General of the Militia of Upper Canada. Died at Toronto in 1846, aged 80." " John Coffin : was Assistant Commissary General in the British army, and died at Quebec in 1837, aged 78." " Doano, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Of this family there were five brothers, namely : Moses, Joseph, Israel, Abraham, Mahlon. They were men of fine figures and address, elegant horsemen, great runners and leapers, and excellent at stratagems and escapes. Their father was respectable, and possessed a good estate. The sons them- selves, prior to the war, were men of reputation, and proposed to remain neutral : but, harassed personally, their property sold by the whigs because they would not submit to the exactions of the time, the above-mentioned determined to wage a predatory warfare upon their persecutors, and to live in the open air, as they best could do. This plan they executed, to the terror of the country around, acting as spies to the royal army, and robbing and plundering continually ; yet they spared the weak, the poor and the peaceful. They aimed at public property and at public men. Generally, their expeditions were on horseback. Sometimes the five went together, at others separately, with accomplices. Whoever of them was apprehended broke jail . whoever -^f them was assailed escaped. In a word, such was their cours'-., aut 'I .vard of £300 was offered for the head of each. " I ! ^in ?.[ ly, three were slain. Moses, after a desperate fight, was shot by his captor ; and Abraham and Mahlon were hung at Phila- delphia. " Joseph, before the revolution, taught school. During the war, while on a marauding expedition, he was shot through the cheeks, tell from his horse, and was taken prisoner. He was committed to jail to await his trial, but escaped to New Jersey. A reward of $800 88 JARVI8 — jr.NES — m'donald. was offered for his apprehension, but without success. He resumed his former employment in New Jersey, and lived there, under an assumed name, nearly a year, but finally fled to Canada. Several years after the peace he returned to Pennsylvania, ' a poor, degraded, broken-down old man,' to claim a legacy of about £40, which he was allowed to recover, and to depart. In his youth he was distinguished for great physical activity." The only separate mention of Israel is, that "in February, 1783, ho was in jail ; that he appealed to the Council of Pennsylvania to be released, on account of his own sufferings and the destitute condition of his family, and that his petition was dismissed." " Stephen Jarvis, in 1782 was a lieutenant of cavalry in the South Carolina Eoyalists. Ho was in New Brunswick after the revolution, but went to Upper Canada, and Jied at Toronto, at the residence of the Eev. Dr. Phillips, 1840, aged eighty-four. During his service in the revolution he was in several actions." " William Jarvis, an officer of cavalry in the Queen's Hangers. Wounded at the siege of Yorktown. At the peace he settled in Upper Canada, and became Secretary of that Province. He died at York in 1817. His widow, Hannah, a daughter of the Eev. Dr. Peters, of Hebron, Connecticut, died at Queenston, Upper Canada, 1845, aged eighty-three." " David Jones was a captain in the royal service, and is supposed to ' have married the beautiful and good Jane McCrea, whose cruel death, in 1777, by the Indians, is universally known and lamented.' According to Lossing, he lived in Canada to an old age, having never married. Jane McCrea was the daughter of tiie Eev. James MoCrea, of New Jersey, loyalist." " Jonathan Jones, of New York, brother of Jane McCrea's lover. Late in 1776 he assisted in raising a company in Canada, and joined the British, in garrison, at Crown Point. Later in the war he was a captain, and served under General Frazer." McDonald — There were a good many of this name who took part as combatants, of whom several settled in Canada. Alexander McDonald was a major in a North Carolina regiment. " His wife was the celebrated Flora McDonald, who was so true and 80 devoted to the unfortunate Prince Charles Edward, the last Stuart, who sought the throne of England. They had emigrated to North Carolina, and when the rebellion broke out, he, with two sons, took up arms for the Crown." Those who settled in Canada were •* Donald McDonald, of New M'aiLL — MERRIT — ROBINSON. 89 York. He served under Sir John Johnson for seven years, and died at the Wolfe Island, Upper Canada, in 1839, aged 97." " Allan McDonald, of Tryon, New York," was associated with Sir John Johnson in 1776. "He died at Three Ei vers, Lower Canada, in 1822, quite aged." " John McGill.— In 1782 he was an officer of infantry in the Q'.een's Rangers, and, at the close of the war, went to New Bruns- wick. He removed to Upper Canada, and became a person of note. He died at Toronto, in 1834, at the age of eighty-three. At the time of his decease he was a member of the Legislative Council of the Colony." . y " Donald McGillis resided, at the beginning of the revolution, on the Mohawk river. New York. Embracing the royal side in the con- test, he formed one of a 'determined band of young men' who attacked a whig post and, in the face of a superior force, cut down the flag-staff, and tore in strips the stars and stripes attached to it. Subsequently, he joined a grenadier company, called the Eoyal Yorkers, and performed efficient service throughout the war. He settled in Canada at the peace; and, entering the British service again in 1812, was commissioned as a captain in the Colonial corps, by Sir Isaac Brock. He died at Eiver Eaisin, Canada, in 1844, aged eighty years." " Thomas Merrit, of New York, in 1782 was cornet of cavalry in the Queen's Eangers. He settled in Upper Canada, and held the offices of Sherift of the District of Niagara and Surveyor of the King's Forests. He received half pay as a retired military officer. He died at St. Catharines, May, 1842, aged eighty-two." ^^ "Nathaniel Munday, in 1782 was an officer in- the Queen's Rangers. He was in New Brunswick after the revolution, and received half pay ; but left that oolony and, it is believed, went to Canada." " John Peters, of Hebron, Connecticut ; born in 1740. A most devoted loyalist. He went to Canada finally, and raised a corps, called the Queen's Loyal Hangers, of which Lord Dorchester gave him commanfi. with the rank of lieutenant-coloneL" " Christopher Hobinson, of Virginia, kinsman of Beverley. En- tered William and Mary College with his cousin Eobert ; esci|>ed with him to New York, and received a commission in the Loyal American regiment. Served at the South, and was wounded. At the peace he went to Nova Scotia, and received a grant of land at Wilmot. 90 SINGLETON — ROSS — M'NAB. He soon removed to Canada, where Governor Simcoe gave him the appointment of Deputy Surveyor-General of Crown Lands. His salary, half pay, and an estate of two thousand acres, placed him in circumstances of comfort. He was the father of several children, some of whom were educated in the mother-country. He died in Canada. His widow, Esther, daughter of Rev. John Sayre, of New Brunswick, died in 182V. His son, Beverley Eobinson, who was born in 1V91, was appointed Attorney-General of Upper Canada in 1818 ; Chief Justice in 1829 ; created a Baronet in 1854; and died in 1863." " Singleton — A lieutenant in the ' Royal Greens,' was wounded in 1777, during the investment of Fort Stanwix." Probably Captain Singleton, who settled in Tliurlow, Upi)er Canada, was the same per- son. " Finley Ross, of New York, was a follower of Sir John Johnson to Canada in 1776. After the revolution he served in Europe, and was at Minden and Jena. He settled at Charlotteburgh, Upper Canada, where he died, in 1830, aged ninety." "Allan McNab, a Lieutenant of cavalry in the Queen's Rang- ers, under Colonel Simcoe. During the war he received thirteen wounds. He accompanied his commander to Upper Canada, then a dense, unpeopled wilderness, where he settled. He was appointed Sergeant-at arms of the House of Assembly of that Province, and hold the office many years. His son, the late Sir Allan McNab, was a gentleman who filled many important offices in Up])er Canada." The Hamilton Spectator, speaking of the death of Sir A. N. Mc- Nab, says : "The Hon. Colonel Sir Allan Napier McNab,Bart., M.L.C., A. D. C, was born at Niagara in the year 1798, of Scotch extrac- tion, — his grandfather, Major Robert McNab, of the 22nd regi- ment, or Black Watch, was Royal Forester in Scotland, and resided on a small property called Dundurn, at the head of Loch Earn. His father entered the ai'my in her Hajesty's 7th regiment, and was subsequently pi'omoted to a dragoon regiment, He was attached to the staff of General Simcoe during the revolutionary war; after its close he accompanied General Simcoe to this country. When the Americans attacked Toronto, Sir Allan, then a boy at school, was one of a number of boys selected • as able to carry a muOTet ; and after the authorities surrendered the city, he retreated with the army to Kingston, when through the instrumentality of Sir Roger Sheaif, a friend of bis father's, he was rated as mid-ship- man on boaixl Sir James Teo's ship, and accompanied the expedi- CAPTAIN JOSEPH ALLEN. 91 tions to Sackott's Harbor, Genesoo, and other places on the Ameri- can 8lde of the lake. Poinding promotions rather slow, he left the navy and joined the 100th regiment under Colonel Murray, and was with them when they re-occupied the Niagara frontier. He crossed with the advanced guard at the storming and taking of Fort Niagara. Fop his conduct in this affair he was honored with an ensigncy in the 49th regiment. He was with General Eyall at Erie, and crossed the river with him when Black Rock and Buffalo were burned, in retaliation for the destruction of Niagara, a few months previous. After the termination of this campaign. Sir Allan joined his regiment in Montreal, and shortly after marched with them to the attack of Plattsburg. On the morning of the attack he had the honor of commanding the advanced guard at the Saranac Bridge. At the reduction of the army in 1816 or 1817, he was placed on half-pay. It is impossible at this time to give anything like a history of the disbanded soldiers who settled on the shores of the Bay and the St. Lawrence. There could not be allowed the space necessary to do justice to the character of each. But even if such were possible we are wanting in the essential matter of information. We pro- * pose, however, to insert the names of every one known to have been a loyal combatant, whether an officer or private, with such statements relative to his history as we possess. Wo shall not con- fine ourselves to this particular region of the Province, but include those who settled at Niagara, and in Lower Canada. And while we may not supply a complete account of any one, it is trusted that the instalment will not be unacceptable to the descendants of those to whom we refer. We shall arrange them alphabetically without reference to rank or station. Captain Joseph Allen, formerly Captain Allen of New Jersey, hold a commission in the British Army at New York for some time during the war. Ho owned extensive mill property, and was regarded as a very wealthy person. All his possessions were f^on- fiscated, and he in 1783, found his way, among other refugees, first to Sorel, where he stayed a winter, and finally to Upper Canada. His family consisted of two sons, John and Jonathan, and three daughters, Rachel, Ursula, and Elizabeth. Captain Allen was one of the first settlers in Adolphustown, and his descendants still live in the township, among whom are Parker Allen, Esq., J.D. Watson, Esq., and David McWherter, Esq. Captain Allen had extensive grants of land in Adolphustown, and in Marysburgh, and else- 92 ALLISON — ASHLEY. where ; as well m his children. Jonathan Allen, succoedod hi« father upon the homestead, and was for many years an acceptable Justice of the Peace. His brother, Joseph Allen, moved to Marys- burgh, and was a Captain of militia during the war of 1812. Cap- tain Allen brought with him several slaves, " who followed his for- tunes with peculiar attachment, oven after their liberation." We have seen that the rebellion led to the divisions of familiea. It was 80 with the Allison family of Ilaverstraw, New York. There wore seven brothers, two sided with the rebels. One Ben- jamin, being a boy, was at home, while the other four took part with loyalists. One settled in New Brunswick, probably the Edward Allison Sabine speaks of, who had been captain in Do Lancey's third battalion, and who received half-pay, and after whom Mount Allison is called. Joseph Allison was living at Ilaverstraw, New York. lie was for a time engaged in the navy yard at New York. At one time he and another entered the rebel camp, and after remaining a few days availed themselves of a dark night and carried off five excel- lent horses belonging to a troop of cavalry. They were pursued and barely escaped. Allison took these horses in return for the loss of his house and other property which the rebels had ruthlessly burned. He was at the battle of White Plains, and had narrow escapes, his comrade beside him was shot down, and his canteen belt cut in two by a ball. As he could not carry the canteen, he ^ took time to empty that vessel of the rum which it contained. His neighbors at Haverstraw were exceedingly vindictive against him. After several years, he visited there to see his aged mother, when a mob attempted to tar and feather him, and he had to hide in the woods all night. Allison came to Canada with Van Alstine, and drew lot 17, in Adolphustown. A strong, healthy and vigorous man, ho contributed no little to the early settlement. Died upon his farm, aged eighty-eight. His wife's name was Mary Richmond, of a well-known quaker family. His descendants still occupy the old homestead, a most worthy family. Benjamin Allison, the youngest, came to Adolphustown in 1795. William Ashley, sen., was born in the city of London, Eng- land, in the year 1749, and joined the army at an early age. During the American Revolotionary war, he came out under General Howe, serving in all his campaigns until the close of the struggle. He had two brothers also in the army with him, one of whom returned to England, and the other settled somewhere in the THE ASH LEYS. United States, the exact locality not now bein^' known. General J. M. Ashley, llopublican member of Congresa from Ohio, is, so far as can be ascertained, a descendant of this brother. After the termination of the war, William Ashley came 1o Canada, and first settled in the township of Loborough, county of Frontenac, where he married Margaret Buck, the daughter of a U. B. L., and one of the first settlers in this part of Canada. He resided here until about 1790, when he removed to Kingston, whore he followed the employment of a butcher, and was the first butcher in Kingston, a fact he often mentioned in his old age. He built a house of rod cedar logs, cut from the spot, which continued to stand ui^til 1868, when it was taken down and a small brick building, the •' Victoria Hotel," built on the site. When removed the logs were found in a perfectly sound condition, they having been covered with clapboards many years ago, which preserved them from the weather. This house stood on Brock street, near the corner of Bagot street. At the time of its erection there were scarcely twenty residences in the place, and that part of the city now lying west of the City Hall was then covered with a dense forest of pine, cedar and ash. William Ashley lived to see this pass away and a flour- ishing city spring up. He died in 1835, leaving a family of ten children— Margaret, Maiy, Elizabeth, William, John, James, Thomas, Henry, Adam and George : all of whom are now dead excepting Thomas, who resides near Toronto. James also died in 1835, and Henry, who was the first gaoler in Picton, died in 1836, at the early age of thirty-one. William Ashley, Jun., married Ann Gerollamy, daughter of an officer in the British army, serving through the Revolutionary War, and acting as Orderly in the war of 1812. He left Kingston in 1830, and resided until 1842 near the mouth of Black Eiver, in the township of Marysburgh, and then returned, and continued to reside there, teaching, and filling various offices until his death, August 16, .1867. The British Whig newspaper when recoi-ding his death, remarked, "Mr. Ashley was one of our oldest citizens, and has lived to witness' many changes in his native place. He was born on the very spot where the British Whig office now stands." The last sentence is a mistake, he was not born in the city, but in the township of Loborough; although the building containing the British Whig office still belongs to the 'Ashley property' on Baeot Street." ^ i j s BELL — BURRITT. John Asliloy was ^aolor in Kingston for a number of years when the gaol Btood noar tlio site oi the present Post Office, and tilled public situations tVom the time ho was nineteen years of ago until his death in 1858. He was a prominent member of the County Council for nearly twenty years, and was Colonel of the militia at the lime of his death. Adam and (rcorgo Ashley both died in 1847. William Boll— We shall have occasion to speak of William Bell in different places in those pages. He was born August 12, 1758, in County of Tyrone, Ireland. At the time of the Ilevolutionary War ho was a sergeant in the 53rd regiment of the lino. Some time after the close of the war, ho succeeded in procuring his discharge from the service, at Lachine, and came to Cataraqui, sometime in 1789. Ho was on intimate terms with John Ferguson, and, we believe, related by marriage. It was at Ferguson's solicitation that Bell came to the Bay. We have before us an old account book, by which we learn that Ferguson and B<^U commenced trading on the front of Sidney in the latter part of 1789. They remained hero in business until 1792. Subsequently Boll became school teacher to the Mohawks, and seems to have done business there in the way of trading, in 1799. In 1803 we find him settled in Thurlow. Ferguson, who was living at Kingston, had been appointed Colonel of the Hast- ings Militia, and Bell was selected by him to assist in organizing the body. He was commissioned captain in December 1798, Major in August 1800; and in 1809 Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Bell was well known as a public man in Thurlow. He was appointed to several offices— Magistrate, Coroner, and finally Colonel of the Hastings Battalion. As magistrate he took an active part in the doings of Thurlow and Belleville for many years. Ho was also an active person in connection with the agricultural societies, until a few years before his death, 1833. The papers loft by Colonel Bell have been of great service to us. His wife's name was Rachel Hare, who died 1853, aged eighty-one. Colonel Stephen Burritt took part in the war against the rebels, being seven ^ ears in the army, in Roger's Rangers. He settled upon the Rideau, the 9th of April, 1793. In the same year was born Colonel E. Burritt, who was the first child bom of white parents north of the Rideau. This interesting fact was given to the writer by Colonel E. Burritt in 1867. Colonel Burritt is a cousin of the celebrated Learned Blacksmith. CA8BY — 0AR80ALLIAN — CHURCH. Vi VVillot Cusoy was born in Rhoclo Island. IHn father was killod in battle during the war. At the cIoho of the war lie Hottlod near Lake Champlain, upon what he supposed to be British territory, but tindin/.( such was not the case, and although he bad made con- siderable clearing, ho removed again. Turning his steps toward Upper (/anada with his aged mother and wife, ho reached in due time, the 4th township. Tho family, upon arriving, found shelter in a blacksmith's shop until a log hut could bo built. Three months afterwards the old mother died. VVillet Casey had a brother in a company oi^iiorsomen, who ibught for the Bntish. lie remained in the States and wont South. It is probably tho descendants of this Casey, who took an active part in tho late civil wai in the United States, The writer has seen the fine, erect old couple that camo to Canada, when on tho verge of eighty, and two nobler specimens of nature's nobility could not be imagined. Luke Carscallian was an Irishman by birth, and had served in the . British army; ho had retired and emigrated to the American colonies prior to the rebellion. He desired to remain neutral, and take no part in tho contest. The rebels, however, said to him that inas- much as he was acquainted with military tactics he must come and assist them, or be regarded as a King's man. His reply was that he had fought for thg king, and he would do it again, consequently an order was issued to arrest him ; but when they came to take him he had secreted himself. The escape was a hurried one,and all his posses- sions wore at the mercy of the rebels — land to the amount of 12,000 acres. They, disappointed in not catching him, took his young and tender son, and threatened to hang him if he would not reveal his father's place of concealment. The brave little fellow replied, hang away ! and tho cruel men under the name of liberty carried out their threat, and three times was he suspended until almost dead, yet he would not tell, and then when taken down one of the monsters actually kicked him. Oliver Church was Lieutenant in the 84th regiment. He set- tled with the many other half-pay officers, on the front of Freder- icksburgh, three miles west of Bath. He had three sons, and three daughters, who settled upon the Bay, but are now dead except one daughter. Lieutenant Church died in 1812, and hie wife some -jears later. They were both very old when they died. A grand-child of the old veteran, Mrs.H. of Belleville informs 99' OLABK — ORAWrOBD — DAHI. UH that hIio hftH ofYon hoani about hor j;frandfath«r havlnpf to crush grain hy hand, and spending a wook K^^in^ to tho KingHton mill. Robert Clark, lato of tho TownHhip of FrnoHt town, in tho County of Addington, was born March 15, 1744 on (Jiiakor Hill, DuchoHH County, Province of Now York. Ho loarnod tho trade of carpenter and millwright, of a Mr. Woolly. He lefl hiH family and joined the British ntandard in tho revolution- ary war, was in fJonoral Burgoyne's army, and was rofiuostod by tho General that ho and other Provincial volunteorH, Hhould leave the army and go to Canada, which place he reachodi'Bfler Home weeks of groat Huft'ering and privation. Tho day after he left (October 17, 1777,) General Burgoyne capitulated, and Hurrendorod his arms to tho American Generals Gates and Arnold. Robert Clark subsequently served two years in his Majesty's Provincial Rogiii, i called tho Loyal Rangers, commanded by Major Edward Jessup, and in Captain Sabastian Jones' company, and was diH- chargod on tho 24th Docombor, 1783. Ho owned two farms in Duchess County, one of 100, tho other of 150 acres, both of which wore confiscated. He was employed by tho government in 1782-3 to erect tho Kingston mills, (then Cataraqui) proparatoiy to the settlement of the loyalists in that Koction of Upper Canada, at which time his family, consisting of his wife and three sons, arrived at Sorol in Lower Canada, where they all were afflicted with the small nox, and being entirely among strangers they were com- pelled to endure more than tho usual amount of suffering incident to that disease, their natural protector being at a distance, and in tho employ of tho government, could not leave to administer to their necessity. In 1784, his family joined him at the mills, after having been separated by the vicissitudes of war for a space of seven years. In 1785 he removed with his family to lot No. 74, Ist concession Ernest town, in which year he was again employed by government to erect the Napaneo mills. Ho was appointed Justice of tho Peace for the district of Mecklenburgh, in July 1788, and a ca2)tain in tho militia in 1809, and died 17th December, 1823. John C. Clark was married to Rachel Storer, and had a family of ten sons and three daughters. Captain Crawford, of the Rogers corps, settled on lot No. 1 of Fredericksburgh. Became a magistrate, and lived to bo an old man, was also colonel of militia. George Dame was the son of Theophilus Dame, evidently a veteran soldier, from the copy of his will now before us. He gave TUB DAMKS. q-j to hiH '< Hon Goorffo Dnme. the „„o-httlf of ,ny (hi.) .vnl ostato In )ovo,. h„^Man.l, t„ hohl to hi.n forov.r," hIho hiH vvoari,.^ nnparol bookM. goM wutoh, «iIt-hou.loa cn„o. ho.MOH, sloi^h a..d UaLsJ, unci one hundred d<.Ila,..." Jio bequoutho.l to hiH KrandHon, John Prodenck i>ame, Iuh camp hodsteml, and c.rtainH and valence foi- carriaKO of camp Mstcml, and hJH Hilvor-mounte.l hanger. To his KrandHon Augustus J^amo, hin fuHoe, gorget, arul Hmall Hoal skin runk. lo Another grandson he left his doublc-barrellcMl piHtoI l}y reference to those items wo learn that Thoophilus Dame must have been a British officer of some standing. His tun, George Dame, followed in the footsteps of his father in pursuing the proferision of arms. Wo have before us a docu- mont, dated 1765, which declares that "Ensign George Dame of the 8th or King's Own Eegiment of foot, was admitted burgess of the Burgh of Dumfries, with liberty to him to exercise and enioy the whole immunit.es and privileges thereof, &c." For some reason this commission in the 8th regiment was relinquished; but ton ■ years later wo find he has a commission from General Carleton Major-Goneral and Commander-in-chief of Ilis Majesty's forces in the Province of Quebec, and upon the frontier thereof, appointinir him "Ensign in the Hoyal Begiment of Highland Emigrants com- manded by Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Allan McLean " - Given under my hand and seal at the Castlo of Saint Lewis in the city of Quebec, 21st of November, 1775." In 1779 he received a commission from Frederick Haldimand, Captain-Goneral and Governor-in-Chief, &c, appointing him "Captain in a corps of Bangers raised to serve with the Indians during the rebellion whereof John Butler, Esq., is Major Commandant". After the close of the war, Captain Dame lived at Three Rivers Lower Canada, where wo find him acting as Returning Officer in 1 «92, Mured Clarke being Lieutenant Governor. Ho died at Throe Kivers, April 16th, 1807. An official paper before us sets forth that « Guy, Lord Dorches- ter, authorizes Frederick Dame, 'by beat of drum or otherwise' forthwith to raise from amongst the inhabitants of Upper and Lowe'r Canada, as many able-bodied men as will assist the completing of a company, to be commanded by Captain Richard Wilkinson. This company to be mainly provincial, and for the service of Canada, and to serve for the space of three years, or during the war. This order shall continue in force for twelve months." Dated at the Castle of St Lewis, Quebec, 2l8t June, 1 7U6. This is signed « Dorchestbk " 98 CAPTAIN DALY. The Bame yonr, bearing date tho 17th DMomhor, \n a oommifwion from Robert Prcscott, E«q., l.ioutonant-(Jovonior, appointing l'>0'»- crick Dmne onHJgn to the Hccon.I battalion Royal Canadian Vohint«<,rH. In th(^ year 1802 John Freaericl« Dame received hiH oonuniHsion an Surveyor of Lant. Daly, of an Irish regiment, that was stationed in Now York for some years before the outbreak of the old revolutionary war, but was called home to Ireland before the commencement of hostilities ; and finally fell a victim to that cruel code of honor which oblige 111 \n sufflcionli^ plain. At tho beginning of the robolllon CaptHin llyovH, with hiH luthor, was a farmor in the vicinity of Albany, and eouid have had no reason for promotion. Ah to the ca|.tain(!y*. wo find that ho did not receive it until 1782, when the war had virtually closed, m tho following HhowH : Frederick Haldimand, Captain-lienoral and (iovornor-in-Chiof of the Province of Quebec and torritorioM depending thereon, Ac, &c., &c. General and Commander-in-Chief of HiH MajeHty'd forces in said Province and territories thereof, &c., &c., &o. TO JOHN WALTER MVKU8, ESQ. : By Virtueor the power and authority in me vested, I do hereby constitute, appoint you to be captain in tho corps of Loyal Hangers whereof Edward Jessup, Esq., is Major-Commandant. You are therefore caroftilly and diligently to discharge the duty of captain by exercising and well disciplining both the inferior officers and soldiers of the corps, and I do hereby command them to obey you as their captain, and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions as you shall from time to time receive from me your Major, Major-Commandant, or any other of your superior officers, according to the rules and discipline of war. In pursuance of the trust hereby reposed in you. Given under my hand and seal at Arms, at the Castle of St. Imiis, at Quebec, this thirtieth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, and in the twenty-second year of the reign of our Sovereign, Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, Prance and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, and soforth. .J,,, (Signed) Fred. Haldimand. By His Excellency's Command, E. Mathews. * It is true that during the war he made the attempt to take General Schuyler a prisoner. He went with ten men to Albany for the purpose of seizing the General, and carrying him away cap- tive. On entering the yard at night, they looked through the window and saw the object of the expedition, but when they had entered the house he could no where be found, although search was made from cellar to garret. But in the garret were a number of puncheons turned up side down. Some of them were examined, but not all. After the war had closed, the Governor called on Myers and told him that had he turned over the other punch. 112 m'aRTIITTR— MILLKn. eonN ho would have f'ouiul him. A i'nithHil fDinalo Hhivo hud phu'od him thoro. The mon with Myorn had inntrin^tion t<) touch nono of tho (rovortior'H proporty, ulXvir leaving th« pinco, Ijowovor, ho found ono of th(( mon in poHHCHHion of n Hilvor cup. This was sent liack lo th(< (Jovornor jiftorwurd. During tho war, Myor« on ono oc(;iwion, porhapH whon he was return in/^ from hin attempt to taico Hchuylor, wan iioarly Htarvod to doath. IIo had with him u favorite do^, which bocamo Hick for want of food. ]lo carried tho do>? for dayH, not knowing but ho would havoto kill him for food. But thoy all ^ot Hafoly out of it, and ho rotainod tho do/^ for many a day, and on ono occaHion ho Hhowod him to Schuyler. Aftor tho war Captain Myorn onjoyod u pension of 6h. 6d. a day. lie lived in Lower Canada two yoarH. A cortirtcate of Masonry informs us that ho was in Quebec in 1780. llo frequently carried despatches to Now York, in tho first years of tho war; upon ono occasion he was in a friend's house when tho rebels camo up, ho jumped out of tho back window and ran to tho woods, he was soon, and persons on horseback camo rapidly to tho woods, and tied thoir horses, to pursue him on foot, which they hastily did ; Myers had, howovor, hidden himself close by, and when thoy had fairly entered tho woods in pursuit of him, he jumped up and doliborately selected the best horse, upon which ho mounted, and so made an easy escape to New York. Ho came up tho bay at an early date, and it would seem squatted on tho front of tho ninth town before it was surveyed. He then moved up to Sidney where he lived until 1790, whon he returned to the Moira River. Captain Myers was a bold man, with limited education, but honest, and, like many others of the Dutch Loyalits, given to groat hospitality. He was a pioneer in mill building, in trading, and in sailing batteaux and schooners, up and down tho bay. Charles McArthur, a native of Scotland, came to America before the rebellion, and settled upon tho Mohawk Eiver. Took part in the war, in Burgoyne's army. Lived for some time atOswe- gotchie, when he removed to head of the bay. There were living then west of the Trent River only the following families : Peter Huffman, Donald McDonoll, John Bleekor, Esq., and John McArthur. A daughter of Charles McArthur still lives at Belle- ville, having been born at Oswegotchie, now aged 78, (Mrs. May bee.) Ensign Miller, of Jessup's corps, was a native of Duche.ss OODEN — MORDBN— m'DONAI,1». . 1|8 0)iinty. JIo hftd a brother an vimf^u, who livo u, tju) IVovinco tiio yoai- attci- tho U. K. liHt hiul dwtxi. H(< wiw tho lathyr of Jtov. Gilbort Miller of Picton, ami diud at tlio ago of ninety. Mr. (i. Millor informs us that two groat unclo«, uamod Oncden, woro with the iJriti«h troops At tho tal M^ J. m'donenll. in Carolina and Georgia. In 1799 ho was drafted from the 60th into the 41«t regiment, in which he served till August 1811. when he wan discharged, after a faithful service of fifty-five years .; . The Canadian Coiirant spoke of J. McDonnell, as follows :- "The subject of this memoir was born in Glengary, in the High- lands of Scotland, about the year 1750. His father was principal tackman on the estate. The spirit of emigration preyaied very much in Scotland, and particularly in the High ands a littl. befo^ the commencement of the American war. The father oi Mr. R. McDonnell partaking of the feelings of his clan, and anticipating many advantages in this new world, accompanied a considerable emigration from Glengary estate, of which he was «"« of the pnn- cipal leaders. Mr. E. McDonnell landed at New York with his father and a number of the same name, in 1773, but the dis- putes between Great Britain and the colonies having assumed a very serious appearance, it was thought prudent to send him into Canada. Being designed for commerce, he was placed m a count- ing house, but the war breaking out, the spirit of his ancestors burst forth vith an ardor which could not be restrained. He joined the Royal Standard, and was immediately appointed to an ensigncy, m the 84th regiment. In this subordinate situation he did not fail to distinguish himself by his bravery and good conduct, and on one Bingular and trying occasion he exhibited the greatest intrepidity and coolness. He was advanced to the command of a company in Butler's Rangers. Many of your readers still remember tha the services required by this regiment were of the most arduous kind Thev were sent out on scouting parties, and employed in pidaii< UP intelligence, and in harrassing the back settlements ot the enemy. As their marches lay through pathless forests, they were frequently reduced to the greatest necessities, nor had they evea. while on service, any of those comforts which are so common in regular camps. In the many expeditions and contests mwh.c this regiment was engaged, dui-ing the war, Captain McDonnell l>ore a distinguished part, but the great hardships which he had t. surmount, undermined a constitution naturally excellent, ami entailed upon him a severe rheumatism which embittered the remaining part of his life. „ , • f ^{^ Daring some time he acted as Pay-master of the regimen :> and by his own care and attention he found himself at the end ol the war in the possession of a small independence. This he con sidered equally the property of his father, brothers and sister-s a- m'donnell. 115 hi8 own, and proved by his generosity tl.at his filial love and brotherly affection were equal to his other virtues. In 1794 when It was thought proper to levy a regiment in this country to remedy the groat desertion which attended regiments Irom Europe he raised a company. ,,,v. ; ,,i, .,,,;. " In 1795 he was promoted to the majority, and the regiment baymg been divided intr. two battalions, he became Lieutenant- Colonel of the 2nd, in 1796. -HecommandedatNiagaraduringthebuildingofFortGeorge und in 1802 he again retired on half-pay, the Eoyal Canadian Regi^ ments havmg been mo.st injudiciously reduced daring the continu- ance of the ephemeral peace of Amiens. While at Fort George he married Miss Yates, a lady from the States, whose amiable and obliging manners gained the esteem of all who had the honor of her acquaintance. By this lady, in whom the Colonel enjoyed all that has to be wished in a companion and friend, he has a son a promising boy, who, it is to be hoped, will inherit the virtues of his father. The Colonel's active benevolence was known touU and experienced by many of his friends. " There was something so generous, so noble in his manner of doing a kindness of this sort, as to give it a double value. " In 1807 he was appointed Paymaster to the 10th Royal Veteran Battalion, a situation certainly far below his merits-but his cir cumstances, which, owing to his generous disposition, were by no means affluent, induced him to accept it. "He had been exceedingly infirm for many years, and perhaps he severe climate at Quebec was too much for his weak constitu- tion. Certain it is that this city has been fatal to several resnect- m in the beginning of November, 1809, accompanied with a olent cough and expectoration; he was not, indeed, thought dangerously ill, till within a short time of his death, but his feeWe ZTt^Zl ''"'"^ "'' '"^'^''' '^' ''"^^' '"^^ ^'^ '""^'''^ •^^ '^' " Such are the scanty materials which I have been able to collect respecting the life of a most excellent officer and honorable man who became dearer to his friends and acquaintances the longer he' (vas known to them. hunger ne " He was rather below the middle size, of a fair complexion, and n his youth, uncommonly strong and active. For some time past i>8 appearance was totally altered ; insomuch that those who had lit) NICHOLSON — OSTROM — PETERSON. not seen him for many years, conld not recognize a single feature of the swift and intrepid captain of the Hangers. » K'.r ' An acute diweaHo made it frequently painful for him to move a liml>, even for days and weeks together, but though his body suf- fered, his mind was active and benevolent, and his anxiety to promote the interests of his friends ceased only with his life." Among those who took part in the unequal engagement at Bennington, was Alexander Nicholson, a Scotchman, who came to America shortly before the war broke out. He enlisted as a 2)rivato under Burgoyne; but before the close of the war, receiveri a commission. He was one of a company which was all but anni- hilated at Bennington. He stood by his Colonel when that officer was shot from his horse. Vainly trying to get him re-horsed, that officer told him it was no use, that he had better flee. The day being evidently lost, he proceeded to escape as best he could. With his arm wounded, he managed to escape through a field ot corn to the woods. Coming to a river, he was arrested by an Indian upon the opposite bank, who, mistaking him for a rebel, firod at him. The Indian being undeceived, he forded the river. Making good his escape, he, with many others, wandered for days, or rather for nights, hiding by day, as scouts were ranging the woods to hunt out tiie tories. There were, however, friends who assisted to conceal them, as well as to furnish them with food. He often spoke of his sufferings at that fearful time; lying upon the cold ground without covering, and sleeping, to wake with the hair frozen to the bare ground. Subsequently Nicholson was attached to Eogcrs corp's. He settled in Fredcricksburgh, at the close of hostilities, and subsequently removed in 1809, to the township ot Thurlow. ,j,;.:j aaj'Mo,. K-iy?s.i^.-;4' Ostrom was engaged to carry despatches through the enemy'?' line. On one occasion he had the despatch in a silver bullet, which he put in his mouth. Having reason to believe he would be dili- gently examined, he took it from his mouth as he would a quid of tobacco, threw it in the fire and thus escaped, ,^j, Nicholas Peterson, with his three sons, Nicholas, Paul and Christopher, were living near New York, and took a part in the war. They assisted in fighting one of the most remarkable battle-' of the revolution. It took place on the west side of the North Eiver, opposite the city of New York, when seventy-five British Militia- men resisted an attack made by 5,500 rebels, for several hours. THE ROGERS' FAMILY. 117 The British had a Blook JIouHe, made of lo^^s, with a hollow exca- vation behind, and in tl)iH hollow they loaded their guns, and Avould then step forward and discharge them at the enemy. Only throe of the British were slain ; the rebels lost many. These Petersons lost everything of any importance, when they left Now York. Some of their valuables they bui-ied to pi'cserve them fj-on\ the enemy, and the rest they left to their use. Nicholas and Paul settled on lots No. 12 and 13, in the first coiicession of Adolphustown, south of Hay bay. ,;,,H.i- "i:- ■ ■.■''t'«^' -/.i'.-/. ' ■>■■ I'r:- ■ .■^^■.^^■i. i i\, i ■'•■•'■■ ■ -t , ,. < ^. ■ v' •.• ; ■:"S.^"', ■"■■"'', ",i' ''V' V.' .■'..'; I-;'';'-, ..,."■?■;-' ■" •■ <;." ( .' ' • : ,:'/ r. ■:'■'- .■•■.,rv - ' iA '' ^ , . ', - : 'l.T :', ■:'■'■ •'■:, ',■:■■ '^ ■ \ '■ ' '■.'. "" ■•■^r' -■_■ ';.'..'..'!' !'..'"' t,'".? CHAPTER XI. ;.,,'"'' ''''''''\ Contents. — Rogers' family — Ryci-soii — Roduer — Sherwood — Taylor — Vfiii Jjiiscmi — Willi.amburgh — Wright — Wilkins — Young — Otlifcr.s wlio stttU'd in Niagara District. Under Queen's Rangers will be found some account of Major Rogers, derived from Sabine. We here give further information, pro- cured from Robert!). Rogers,Esq., and Di*. Armstrong, of Rochester, New York, who is a native of Fredericksburgh, and who, for many years, practised his profession in Picton and Kingston, i -; Robert D. Rogers, of Ashburnham, writes : " My grandfather, James Rogers, settled tirst in Vermont, and had several large tracts of land there, he, and his brotliors were officers in the Queen's Rangers, of which his brother Robert was the chief officer; they were employed in the wars of the French and Indians, until the taking of Quebec by the British, after which the said Robert Rogers was ordered by General Amherst to proceed westward and take possession of all the forts and places hold by the French, as far west as Detroit and Michilimicinac, which he did in the fall of 1760; and he afterwards wont to England, whore he published a journal kept bj* him during the French and Indian wars, and up to 1761, which was published in London 1765. HealsoAvrote another book, giving a description of all the North American Colonies. My grandfather continued to reside in Vermont, until the time of the revolution, when ho joined the British army, and after [jeace was proclaimed, settled near the East Lake in Prince Edward. I have heard that he was buried in Fredericksburgh, but do not 118 ■■•'■ ROGERS. know tho place. My father roproscnted Prince Edward in the first Parliament of Upper Canada, of which he was a member for twenty- six years." From Dr. Armstrong, wo learn that " Major Eogers was born in Londonderry, Now Hampshire, about tho year 1728. His wife was the daughter of the Eov. David McGregor, pastor of tho Pres- byterian church, Londonderry, of which his father, tho Rev. James McGregor, formerly of Londonderry, Ireland, was tho founder, April 12, 1719. Major Eogers was the father of three sons and three daughters. Ho removed with his family to Vermont, where he had become the proprietor of a largo tract of lund, Hero he lived until tho breaking out of tho rebellion, (see Queen's Eangers.) Aftor the conclusion of the war. Major Eogers, aban- doning his property in Vermont, much of which had been destroyed, his herds of cattle driven off and appropriated to their own use by his neighbors, removed with his family to Canada and settled in Frodericksburgh. That he hao as " Major Rogers," remained in Canada up to the time of his death, about 1823. While quite a young man, he was elected a member of the first Parliament of Upper Canada. He then resided at Little Lake in the township of Hallowell. He aftcrwai*d3 removed to Cramahe, whore I found him in 1803, engaged as a merchant, holding the office of clerk of the Peace, clerk of the District Court, and Eegistrar of Deeds, besides being a member of I PETERS — RYER80N. 119 Parliament, and carryincj on a farm. His name is pretty closely identified with the early luHtory of Upper Canada. He was a man of groat energy of character and sound judgment, was highly respected and esteemed, and died greatly lamented. After remain- ing in Fi-edericksburgh several years, the family of the late Major (James) Rogers removed to the " Little Lake," so called. This was the scone of my earliest recollectionB. In the same neighbor- hood had resided Mr. Peters, and his family. He was a native of New England, remained loyal to the Crown, became an officer in the Queen's Rangers, and was among the early refugees to Canada. He afterwai*ds became sheriff of Newcastle, having removed from the Little Lake, first to the Carrying Place, and afterwards to Cramahe, about the year 1804, where he died many years ago. Joseph Ryerson, of New Jersey, one of the five hundred and fifty volunteers who went to Charleston, South Carolina. For his i^ood conduct in bearing despatches one hundred and ninety-six miles into the interior, he was pi-omoted to a Lieutenancy in the Prince of Wales' Volunteers. Subsequently he was engaged in six battles, and once wounded. At the peace he went to Ne a^ Bruns- wick, thence to Canada, Avhere he settled and became a Colonel in the militia. In the Avar of 1812, he and his three sons were in arms against the United States. He died near Victoria, Upper Canada, in 1854, aged ninety-four, one of the last of the "old United Empire Loyalists " — (Sabine.) One of Captain Ryerson's old comrades, Peter Redner, of the bay, says, he was " a man of daring intrepidity, and a great favorite in his company." He often related an instance when Captain Ryerson, commanding a scouting party, for which peculiar service he was eminently fitted, ventured to crawl up to a tent of American officers, and discovering one standing in the door who saw him, he walked boldly up, thus lessening suspicion, and drawing his bayonet immediately ran him through the body, and escaped before his companions had sufficiently recovered from the shock to give pursuit. He represented Captain Ryerson as being one of the most determined men he ever knew, with the service of his country xippermost in his mind, he often exposed himself to great danger to accomplish his desires. Samuel Eyerson, of New Jersey, brother of Joseph, joined the Royffl Standard, and received a commission as captain in the Third Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers ; went to New Brunswick at the peace, thence to Canada, where ho settled. 190* REDNER — RUTTAN. . Potor Hcdiior, a native of Now Jersey, was connoctod with the service for some time. He was in the same division as Captain Eyerson, and during his subsequent life was always delighted to tell of the incidents in connection with the several campaigns through which ho passed, especially such as related to "his friend llyerson," to whom he was much attached. At the close of the war ho went to Nova Scotia, where he drew land ; but not liking the place, ho disposed of his land and came to Canada. He purchased lot ninety-four in Aiuoliasburgh for a small consideration, from William Fox, a United Empire Loyalist, of Pennsylvania, who had drawn it. — (Ashley.) Walter Hoss — He arrivetl, an emigrant from Scotland, at Que- bec, the night before the fall of Montgomery. He, with others from the ship, immediately toolc up arms, and assisted to repulse the enemy in a most distinguished manner. He subsequntly lived with Major Prazer, and became so great a favorite that the Major assisted him to an ensigney. After the close of the war he married Miss Williams, of Ernest town, and settled in Marysburgh, c»u the lake shore. The Kuttans were descendants of the Huguenots. Says Sheriff Ruttan : "My grandfather emigrated to America about the time of Sir William Johnson, Bart., in 1734, and settled at a town called New Eochelle, in Westchester county, New York. This town, or tract of land, was pui-chased in 1G89, ex])ressly for a Huguenot settlement, by Jacob Leister, Commissioner of the Admi- ralty, under Governor Dongan of New York. It soon increased, and in 1700 had a vast number of militia officers, loyal to the back- bone. To this settlement my grandfather repaired soon after hh arrival. My father and uncle Peter were l)orn here about 1757, and 1759. Both entered the army in the 3rd battalion of Jersoy volunteers, one as Lieutenant, the other as Captain. This was about the year 1778. In the year 1778, my uncle Peter accom- panied Brant from New York to Western Canada, on a tour of observation, being a great favorite, so much so that he named hi* son Joseph Brant Ruttan, as a token of his friendship. As a further token of his esteem. Brant, at parting, prosenteil him with a hand- some brace of pistols, which he valued highly. At his decease, they came into my possesion. My father and uncle had grant* of 1200 acres of land each, at Adolphustown, in the Midland DisWrt. this was in 1783 or 1784." Sheriff Ruttan, when a child, met with a slight accident which probably turned the current of his life from one of comparative SCHEaMERIIORN — .SPBNOER. 121 obscurity to notoriety. Ilonry Ruttan wont out with his brother one Hpring morning to tap trees for sugar raaici ng. Accidentally two of Honry'H fingers were severed from his hand by an unto- ward stroke of the sharp axe. This loss led his father to send him to school, as he could not perform manual labor. Ilespecting his education, the reader is referred to the division on "Early Educa- tion." With the education obtained in Adolphustown, ho wont to Kingston and was apprenticed with John Kerby, a successful mer- chant. By industry as well as talent, Henry advanced to bo a partner, and was entrusted to open a store in the "new township " near Grafton, in Newcastle. Subsequently, he distinguished him- self as a soldier, in 1812, then as a member of Parliament, as Speaker, and for a long time as Sheriff. Latterly his name is associated with Inventions for ventilation of buildings and cars. Captain Schermerhorn was among the first settlers upon the bay.Quinte. Respecting the nature of his services during the war wo have no record, nor have wo learned in what regiment ho served ; but most probably in Johnson's. The writer has in his possession a portion of an epaulet which belonged to this officer. He drew largo quantities of land in the western part of the Province, as well as a lot in I^^edoricks burgh. He died in 1788 when on a visit to Montreal to procure his half-pay. His widow and eldest son died soon after. His youngest son, John, settled on lot 95, 9th concession Ameliasburg. — {,J. B. Ashley.) vA i> j ;, ,r V' .■ " Colonel Spencer " was an officer in Roger's Battalion, settled on lot 9, 1st concesHion Fredericksburgh additional. He died shortly after the commencement of the war of 1812, having been Colonel of the militia, and active in preparing to meet the foe. He was buried, with military honors, upon his own farm. ' His brother Augustus was an ensign, and settled at East Lake, on half-pay. His wife, Sarah Conger, lived to be ninety-four years old. ■■-.,.*.:-.. .r,.v:, . In the former part of last century there were born three brothers, Seth, Thomas, and Adiel Sherwood, in old Stratford, in the Province of Connecticut. The three brothers removed, 1743, to New York State, five miles north of Port Edward, within a short distance of the spot where Burgoyno surrendered. At the coinmencement of the rebellion, Seth and Adiel identified them- !»el^s with the rebel party, becoming officers in the army, while Thomas adhered to his Sovrveign. It was probably after the defeat of Burgoyne, when lie proceeded to St. John, Lower Canada, and 128 HHERVVOOD — TAYLOR. was Bubsoquontly employed by the British (Tovornmont on Hocret service in the revolting State. His knowledge of the country enabled him to bring from the territory of the enemy not a few who were desirous of serving in the British army. In 1779 his family removed to 8t. Johns, and he received an appointment as subaltern in Major Jossup'fs corps. At the close of the war, Thomas Sherwood came with his corps to the St. Lawrence, and became the first actual settler in the county of Leeds. Ho was well known as an active public man, " he was over ready to give assistance and instructions to the new comers.'" He also assisted in the first survey of that part. He was among the first magistrates. He lived on his farm forty-two years, and died, aged 81, in peace. Adiel Sherwood, from whom wo receive the foregoing facts, was the son of Thomas, and was born at the homestead in New York State, 16th May, 1779, shortly before the family left for Canada. Ho says : " I remained with the family at St. Johns until May, 1784, when wo came in the very first brigade of batteaux to the Upper Province, where my father pitched his tent, about three miles below Brockville, so that I may say I saw the first tree cut, and the first hill of corn and potatoes planted by an actual settlor." Mr, Adiel Sherwood at an early date, 1706, was appointed an ensign in the first regiment of Leeds Militia. He was promoted from time to time until he became Colonel. He was commissioned a Magistrate, Clerk of the Peace, Commissioner of Land Board, and finally Sheriff for the district of Johnstown. Ho was connected with the militia fifty years, when he retired on full rank. Was Treasurer of the District twenty-five years, and Sheriff thirty-five. Mr. Sherwood still lives, an active, genial, and christian-minded gentleman, and we take this occasion to express our feelings of gratitude for his assistance and sympathy in this our undertaking. There were a good many of the name of Taylor among the loyalists residing at Boston, New York, and New Jersey. They were all in the higher walks of life, and some filled high public stations. One family, consisting at the time of the rebellion, of a mother and three sons, has a tragic and deeply interesting history. For many of the particulars I am indebted to Sheriff George Taylor, of Belleville, a descendant of the youngest of the brothers. Sheriff" Taylor's father was named John, and was born upon the banks of the Hudson, of Scotch parents. He was fourteea A SPY OP Till: REVOLUTION. 128 yours old when the robollion broke out. IHh two brothorH were officers in the British array, and were employed in the hazardous dutiew of spies. The only knowledge ho has of his uncles, is that they were both caught at diflforent times, one upon one side of tho Hudson and tlie other the opposite side ; both wore convicted and executed by hanging, one upon tho limb of an apple tree, tho other of an oak. John Taylor was at home with his mother upon the farm, at Kindorhook. But one day he was carried off while from the hou8«;. by a press gang, to Bnrgoyne's army. lie continued in the army for seven years, \intil the end of the war, when ho was discharged. During this time he was in numerous engage- ments, and received three wounds at least, one a sabre wound, and a ball wound in the arm. It is stated on good authority, (Petrie) that he once carried a despatch from Quebec to Nova Scotia, fol- lowing the Bay of Fundy. His mothei* in the meantime was ignorant of his whereabouts, and held the belief that hi! Avas dead, or carried off by the Indians. At the expiration of the war ho went to New Brunswick by some moans, subsequently he under- took to walk on snowshoes, with three others, from St. Johns to Sorel, which he accomplished, while the three others died on the way; ho saved his life by killing and eating his dog. He procured bis discharge at Sorel. In 1783 he came up the St. Lawrence to Cata- raqi*, and thence walked up the bay as far as the mouth of the Moria'Rivor, occompanied by one William McMullen. Ascending the Moria he chose tho land, where is now the 4*h concession of Thurlow, the "Holstojul farm." Ho lived here a few months, but the Indians drove him away, declaring the river belonged to them. He then bought lot No. b, at tlie front, of Captain Singleton, pro- perty which yet boars his name. John Taylor married the daughter of h U. E. Loyalist b}"^ the name of Russell. v.' KJ'-im. », >,i..: Two or three vears after he came to Thurlow, he visited his old home at Kinderhobk, to see his mother, who knew not he was alive. She accompanied him back to Canada, although hard on ninety years old. She did not live long in her new home. Two intiujute comrades of John Tiiylor irj the army, were Merritt and Soles, father of D. B. Soles, formerly of Belleville. Eespedting t}\e brothers of John Taylor, the following appeared in the Hastings Chronicle of Belleville, 13th November, 1861. "A Spy of the Revolution. — In the year 1776, when Governor Clinton resided in Albany, there came a stranger to his house one cold Avintry morning, soon after the family hsid breakfasted. 124 ly <)nturtiiincMl. A hreakftiHt wtxs ordorod, and tiie Govenioi*, with lii.s wife and daui;htvi' cniployod in knitting, was Hitting iK'fore tho firo, and ontored into convcrHation with him about the a/RiirH of the country, whicli natui- ally led to the cn(|uiry of what waH his occupation. The caution and hcHitancy with which the stranger sjtokc, aroused the kcen-8ightethins»betw(»tiii \\h Imt Gates. I Hinwrcly hope this littlo NiicooRs of ourH may facilitiite your**i||^ationH. In arwwer to yotir letter of 28th of Beptembcr, by C. C, I shall only siiy, I cftiinot prL'suine to order, or even adviHc, for. roasonn obxious. I h«'artity wish you huoo^hb. Faithfully yourn, H. Clinton. . .,>it .. i» ....:! » ••...111;;. ,ti , 1/ tin- . . . To General l^urgoyne. ;,..,.,,,.,,;., i,;^. ,.„., . Taylor wuh tried, conviotod, and oxccutod, shortly after his Aletoction." Conrad VanDuBon was a native of Duchens County, N. Y., born 23rd April, 1761. Ilia father was IJobert VanDuHen. At the commencement uf the rebellion he was in businoHS as a tailor, in New York City. He served during the whole of the war, seven years, in Butlei"'s Kaugerw. During this time, his wife, who was also from Duchess County, formerly a Miss Coon, carried on tlie tailoring business in New York, and succeeded in saving fifty-three guineas. On leaving for Canada with VanAlstine, they brouglit with them two largo boxes of clothing. They also had some jCWellry. ,, ^ , ... l ,u, ,,'. > :■, . : it ;.-• ■ .i[. ■'■,■■,,.>, ":.■•/,:■,; .V .J., During the war VauDusen Avas sometimes employed upon secret ♦"jivioe, and upon one occasion was caught, and condemned to be hanged. Upon leaving the room in which he had been tried, he managed to convey to a woman present, whose earnest demeanor led him to believe she was friendly, a gold ring, a keep-sake of his wife. Uy some means VanDuson escaped, having concealed himself in a svvmnp under water, with his face only above water, and in after years he was surprised and rejoiced to receive by letter the iurnod up. 1 1 in wifu an COL. voirNo. 'it J HT fourth year of IiIh a.iiraoy had boon fornuMl in Ireland. From Iifhuid h« Hailed with* tho samo diHtinguiHhed regiment for the British American ('olonios, then raining the Htantlard of revolt, landed at MoHton, and a few days nftor bore a conspicuonH part in the battle of Bunker'H Hill, on whioh occaHion he had two horHes Nhot tuir him. He was present at moHt of the engagomcntH in the northern colonies. At the battle of White I Mains, he was one of tho forlorn hope, where ho recoiveoace was concluded ; but whon that city was evacuated by tho British troops (in lY83)ho was too strongly attached to his king to remain behind. He then accom- panied thorn to Shelburno, Nova Scotia. In the imjirovements of that luckless place, he expended a largo sum of money, Imt finding that the place Avoiild not succeed, ho left, and in 17H9, returned to his native country, fnnn which, three years after, he was indticod to follow Governor Simcoe to this colony, just after it had received its constitution, and bccam(! a distinct government. From that time he remained in Upper Canada, and nu)st of the time at this i)lace. Of Christian doctrine and Christian duty, he had a much deeper sense tiian was obvious to occasi(mal visitors. His hospitality was prover- bial, and never under his roof was the ]ioor refused food or shelter. His ronniins w(a*o followed to the church, and thence to the house appointed for all living, by not less than 300 of his friends and neighbors." f(,.Mt-i ♦•ii«ii :aj''rf'i'-. Mirti»;.">.' For an account of the son of the above, see notices of U. E. Tioyalists. Col. II. Young — His father wa.s a native of Nottingham,England, and came to Now York whon eighteen years old, and settled at Jamaica, Long Island. He was a gunsmith by trade. Subsequently ho lomovod to Husack, northern Now York. Ho had four sons, George, Henry, William, John, and two daughters. His second son Henry jWas born at Jamaica, 10th March, 1737. At the age of eighteen lie joined tho British army, as a volunteer. He was present at tho Imttlo of Tyconderoga, under General Aborcrombie. He was also with tho army under General Amhei*st, which wont from Albany '128 FIRST SETTLRRS IN UPPER CANADA. to Montreal, to Join the nrmy from Quebec, under General Murray. Continued in the army until 17(31, when he returned home, married a MissCampman, and lived in peace until the rebellion broke out. Ho again joined the Britinh army an a private, and was at the , battle of Bennington, but lie ko distinguished himself that he was promoted to an onsigncy in the King's Eoyal Keglment, of New York. During the war ho took part in seventeen battles, but escaped with one wound in the hand. In the year 1780, he wa« sent with Major Boss to Carleton Island. For three years he was at this place, or Oswego. In 1783 he wjis discharged on half pay, and received grants of land — 3,000 acres, with the privilege of selecting the place. Immediately after his release he set out, sometime during the summer or autumn of 1783, to prospect for land. In a small canoo, he, with a brother officer, named, it is said, McCarty, proceeded up the bay Quinte, and into Picton bay to its rhead, thence to East Lake. Having decided to take land here, he left his son during the winter. In the following spring 1784, he brought I his family from St. Johns, where they had been staying. (See Y,.sottlement of Prince Edward). Colonel Young died at East Lake. ,.3rd December, 1820, aged eighty-three years and nine months. Daniel Young was in the Engineer Department during the latter part of the revolutionary war. He died at East Lake, 30th September, 1850, aged eighty-five. v'vf ;■>,. >.VCr"v •,,!., Henry Young was Ijioutenant of Militia in the war of 1812. Went to Kingston on duty, where ho died, latter part of December, 1812. Among the first settlers of the Upper Province, especially upon the St. liawrence, and who took part in the war, may be mentioned, I Captain Thomas Frazer, Captain William Fraaer, Lieutenant Solomon Snider, Lieutenant Gideon Adams, Captain Simon Covelle, Captain Dnimmond, Ensign Dulmage, Ensign Sampson^ Lieutenant Farrand, Captain Amberson, Lieutenant McLean, Lieutenant James Campbell, Lieutenant Alexander Campbell, J Sergeant Benoni Wiltsie, Ensign E. Bolton, Captain Justus Sher- wood, Captain John Jones, Lieutenant James Breakenridge, of . EogCr's COl'pS. JC^»*Hvi: ,w*>v«^-'r Colonel Clarke, of Dalhousie^ gives a " list of half pay officers , who settled in the Niagara District after the rebellion of the r, colonies:" ^ Colonel John Butler, originator of Butler's Bangers, an Irish- ^ man, a connection of Lord Osmore; Captain Andrew Brant, THAVELINO BY THE INDIANS. 129 Butler's Eangcrs ; Captain B. Fry, Captain P. Hare, Captain Thos. Butler, Captain Aaron Brant, Captain P. Paulding, Captain John Ball, Captain P. Ball, Captain P. Ton Brock, Lieutenant E. Clench, Lieutenant Wm. Brant, Lieutenant Wm. Tweeny, Lieut. Jocal Swoos, Lieut. James Clements, Lieut. D. Swoob, all of Butler's Eangers; Captain James Brant, Indian Department; Captain H. Nelles, Captain James Young, Captain Eobert Nelles, Captain Joseph Dockater, Captain C. Eyman, Lieut. J. Clement, Lieut. W. B. Shuhm, Lieut. A. Chrysler, Lieut. S. Secord, Lieut. F. Stevens, Surgeon E. Kerr, Commodore T. Merritt, father of the late Hon. W. H. Merritt, all of the Indian Department. ., .: r'-^ , ,,_., ,,, .,,-,;v"VViT.v.j.. ^;v^''-- :^»,'^:, •"^■^ ^■'.•^''.•; .>..■■>•: i ^ i'. ■, I. v'j^i, ■;..,,- J*'*.' ^.■n'.i-hj ■' •'■' '■ '•' ■■• •'■■•' ^•' :»-■ ■■■ 'O! ^ . - ■»■» . l:.,.iu^.^^:,r.^- DIYISI0:N" II. ^v.;'.<,.'^.v*^'^'?^-v ' -- C0NTBNT8 — Indian paths — Portages — Original French routes — Mer de Canada — Original names of St. Lawrence — Ontario — Huron — Route by Bay Qnint6 — Old French maps — Original English routes — Four ways from Atlantic to the Laices — Mississippi — Potomac — Hudson — Indian name of Erie — From New York to Ontario — The Hudson P'ver — Mohawk — Wood creek — Oneida Lake — Oswego River — The carrying places — West Canada Creek— Black River — Oswegotchie — The navigation — Military highway — Lower Canada — An historic route — The paths followed by the Loyalists — Indian paths north of Lake Ontario — Crossing the Lake — From Cape Vincent to the Bay Quints — From Oswego by Duck Islands — East Lake — Picton Bay — Coasting Ontario — Two ways to Huron — By Bay Quints and Trent ; by Don River- Lake Simcoe — Point Traverse — Loyalists — Traveling by the St. Lawrence — First road — Long remembered event. Although the European found the American continent a vast unbroken wilderness, yet the native Indians had well defined routes of travel. Mainly, the long journeys made by them in their hunting excursions, and when upon tl.e war path, were by water ap and down rivers, and along the shores of lakes. And at certain places around rapids, and from one body of water to another, their 9 130 oaiaiNAL names. froquont journoyings created a well marked path. Those portages or carrying places may even yet, in many places be traced, ami /are still known by such appellations. The arrival of the European in America was followed by hiK p-^netrating, step by step, to the further recesses of the north and wes,. The opening of the ifur : trade with the Indians led to increa'jod travel along ^ome of the . original paths, and probably to the opening of now ones. While the French by the waters of the Lower St. liawrenoe, found it con- . v«oionb to ascend by the great streams, the English hati to travorso ••ihe 1 high lands v/hich separate the sources of the rivers which empty into the Atlantic, from those which rise to flow to the lakes and rivers of fresh water to the north. The original routes of travel taken by the French were up the St. Lawrence, at first called the " Grand Eiver of Canada," while the gulf is marked Galpo di Canada O'S Larenzo. The water of the Atlantic, south of the Chesapeake Eiver to Newfound- land and the gulf, was known as the Mer de Canada. From the sea- boai'd the traveler sometimes, having ascended to the mouth of the Sorel Eiver, turned west to lake Champlain, and thence into the western part of the present New York State, or continuing up the St. Lawrence to its confluence with the Ottawa, or as it was sometimes called Grand Eiver, selected one or the other of these ma- jestic streams, by which to continue the journey westward. Follow- ing the Ottawa, the way led to the north as far as Lake Nippissing, and thence westward to theGoorgiaa Bay. Sometimes the voyager would continue to ascend the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario, a por- tion of the St. Lawrence sometimes called Cataraqui Eiver, or the Iro- quoia Eiver, that is to say, the river which leads to Cataraqui, or the -Iroquois country. Lake Ontario was called by Champlain, Lake St .Louis, and subsequently for a time it was known as Lake Fronto- -nac. According to a map observed in the French Imperial Library \h& Lidian name of Ontario was Skaniadono, 1688. From Lake Ontario to Lake Huron, at first named Mer Douce, and, then after the Huron Indians, who were expelled from that region by the Iroquois in 1650, a very common route was up the JBfty Quinte, the Eiver Trent, Iiake Simcoe, and to Georgian Bay. defeat itbis was a nottunfi^quent way is -well exhibited by the old rS^enoh maips, which, pixjpafed to indicate the principle waterways rto the teaveler, had the waters of the Bay and Trent, even to its . i9QUi;Qe,/ma(ie bj»OAd,;so th«t the observer might imagine that the (lagy.andtho Kivenw^ro one ootutinuous bay of navigable waters. ROUTES FROM ATLANTICJtO ONTARIO. 131 As this route was adjacent to the territory of the Iroquois nation, it was only when the French wore at peace with thorn that this course was taken, until tiio establishment of the fort at Cataraqui. Again, the French occasionally followed the south shore of Lake Ontario to the Niagara River and ascended it to Lake Erie, and thus approached the far west. " While the French with comparative ease, reached the vast inland seas, the English by more difficult channels sought the advantages, which^intercourse with the lake Indians afforded. An early writer of American history, Isaac Weld, says : " There are four princiijal channels for trade between the ocean and the lakes. One by the Mississippi to Lake Erie, a second by the Potomac and French Creek to Lake Erie. (Lake Erie was at first called 01^- wego, and the territory to the south of Lake Erie was sometimes called Ontario Nous.) A third by the Hudson, and a foui-th by the St. Lawrence." A later writer says: '• It is worthy of notice, that a person may go from Quebec to New ^Orleans by water all the way except about a mile from the source of Illinois River." The last mentioned route we have seen belonged to the French, and was the best to follow, as well as the most direct to Europe. Of the other throe, we have only to speak of that by the Hudson. The distance from New York to Lake Ontario is laid down as being 500 miles. From New York Bay to Albany, the Hudson is navigable, 180 miles. Ton miles north of Albany the river divides into two branches. The western branch is the Mohawk and leads to Rome, formerly Fort Stanwix. A branch of the Mohawk, Wood Creek, loads toward Oneida Lake, which was reached by a portage. A branch of Wood Creek was called Canada Creek, and led toward Lake Champlain. From Oneida- Lake, the larger lake, Ontario, is reached by the Oswego River. Weld probably refers to this route when he says that the distance over which boats had to be hauled by land, (perhaps, from New York to Ontario) was altogether thirty miles. This was no doubt the most speedy route by which to reach Upper Canada from the Hudson. Frequent reference is made to it, in the accounts of journeying, by the U. E. Loyalists, which have come under notice. It was by far the most commonly traveled way, taken by those who came into Canada after thef close of the wai . And, it is stated, 1796, that the chief part of the trade between New York and the lake is by this way. nBut sometimes, the traveler up the Mohawk, instead of turning into Vilcrik, or Wood Creek, would continue to ascend the Mohawk, 132 DIFFERENT ROUTES— LOYALISTS. which turned more toward the east; and then into a branch some- timoB called, 1756, West Canada Creek, by which he was brought contiguous to the head waters of the Black River, which omptios into the lake at Sackot's Harbor, But the Black River was some- times reached by asceiiding the Hudson, above the mouth of the Mohawk, away eastward to the Mohegan mountains, where the Hudson rises. Crossing these mountains ho would strike the Moose River, which is a tributary to the Black River. Occasion- ally, instead of Moose River, the Oswegotchie was reaehod, and fol- lowed to its mouth at La Presentation, the present town of Ogdens- burgh. That this route was well known, is shown from the state- ment of Weld, that, " It is said that both the Hudson and Obwegot- ehie River are capable of being made navigable for light batteaux to where they approach within a short distance, about four miles." All of these branches of the Hudson are interrupted by falls. Still another way was now and then taken, after having crossed the Mohegans, namely, by Long Lake which feeds Racket River, that empties into the St. Lawrence, at St. Regis, opposite Corn- wall. Again, numerous accounts have been furnished the wi-iter, in which the traveler followed the military highway to Lower Can- ada, by Whitehall, Lake Champlain, Fort Ticonderoga, Platts- burgh, and then turning northward proceeded to Cornwall. But this way was the common one to Lower Canada, and by the Sorel. This historic route was no doubt long used by the Indians, before the European trod it, and Champlain at an early period penetrated to the lake, to which his name is forever attached. Along this road passed many a military expedition ; and during the wars between the colonies of France and England, here ebbed and flowed the tide of strife. The rebellion of 1176 witnessed Burgoyne with his army sweep by here westward to meet his disastrous fate ; and thereafter set in the stream of refugees and loyalists, which ceased not to flow for many a year, along this path. ; M';; While the great majority of the loyalists who came to Canada, followed one or other of the routes above mentioned, there were some who came around by the Atlantic, and up the St. Lawrence, There were at 1 H two companies, one under the leadership of 4. Captain Grass, le under Captain Van Alstine, who sailed from 4 New York in under the protection of a war vessel, shortly ^a^before the evacuation by the British forces in 1783. Directing our attention to the territory north of Lake Ontario, and the Upper St. Lawrence,'we find some interesting facts relative INDIAN ROUTES AROUND BAY QUINTE. 133 to the original Indian paths ; sometimes, followed on hunting and fishing expeditions, and sometimes in pursuit of an enemy. There is evidence that the Mohawks, upon the southern shore of Lake Ontario, were accustomed to pass across the waters, to the northern shores by diiferont routes. Thus, one was from Cape Vincent to Wolfe Island, and thonco along its shore to the west end, and then either to Cataraqui, or up the Bay Quinte, or perhaps across to Am- herst Island, whore, itseems, generally resided a Chief of considerable importance. A second route, followed by them, in their frail bark canoes, was from a point of land somewhat east of Oswego, called in later days Henderson's Point, taking in their way Stony Island, the Jallup Islands, and stretching across to Yorkshire Island, and Duck Island, then to the Drake Islands, and finally to Point Traverse. Following the shore around this point, Wappooso Island was also reached ; or, on the contrary, proceeding along the shore westward they reached East Lake. Prom the northernmost point of this lake they directed their steps, with canoes on their heads, across the carrying place to the head of Picton Bay, a distance of a little over four miles. It is interesting to notice that upon the old maps, by the early French navigators, the above mentioned islands are specified a "aw des Couis;''^ while at the same time the Bay of Quinte bears the name of Couis, showing unmistakably that the Mohawk Indians passed by this way to the head waters of the bay and to the Trent River. Herriot designates one of these islands. Isle do Quinte. Two maps in the Imperial library of Paris, give these islands, above mentioned, the name of Middle Islands, and the waters east of them are named Cataraqui Bay. It is not at all unlikely that Champlain, when he first saw Lake Ontario, emerged from the water of East lake. Again, instead of entering the Bay Quinte with a view of passing up the River Moira, or Trent, they would continue along the south shore of Prince Edward, past West Lake and Consecon Lake, and proceed westward, sometime;^ to the river at Port Hope, sometimes further west, even to the Don, and ascend some one of the rivers to the head waters of the Trent or Lake Simcoe. The early maj)« indicate Indian villages along at several points. Owing to the dangerous coast along the south shore of Prince Edward, sometimes they chose the longer and more tedious route through the Bay Quinte to its head. That here was a common carrying place is well attested by the state- ments of many. Indeed, at this point upon the shores of the lake was an Indian village of importance. An old graveyard here, upon 1*84 PROM ONTARIO TO HURON. being plowed, lias yielded rich and important relics, showing that the Indians were Christianized, and that valuable French gifts had been bestowed. It would Hcem from a letter of DoNonville, that there were two ways to roach Lake Huron from Lake Ontario : one by the Bay Quinte and the Trent; the other by the way of the Don River and Lake Simcoo, called by him " Lake Taranto." In the selection of routes they were guided by Indians. The route by the Trentjand the Bay Quinto was for many a day regarded as the most direct, and the best route to Lake Huron, even since the settlement by Europeans. Its supposed importance was sufficient to load to the attempt to construct a canal with locks, to make it navigable. Gourlay says, sometime after the war of 1812, that " in course of time it may become an object of importance to connect Eice Lake by a canal with Lake Ontario direct, instead of following the present canoe route by its natural outlet into the Bay f^ Quinte." "• ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' The Marquis DeNonville, in 1685, moved on the Five Nations with his little army in canoes, in two divisions. On the 23rd June, one-half proceeded on the south side from the 'fort Cataraqui, and the other on the north side of the lake, and met near Oswego. Now, there can be no doubt, that the latter party crossed the bay . to Indian Point, passed along its southern shore, then across the bay by Wappoose Island, and then around, or crossing Point Traverse struck far into the lake, by the islands which constituted the guides of this early Indian route. It may be that this was so commonly traveled that the old namejof Point Traverse was thus derived. "Wo have indicated the several routes followed by the Indians, the French, the English, and finally by the Eefugees, so far as relate to the territory now comprising Upper Canada, that is by which it was originally|reached and settled. Besido, there were some who found their way hy land from the head waters of the Susquehana to Lake Eric and Niagara. But the vast majority of pioneers of Upper Canada entered by the channels aforesaid. For many years, the only road from Lower Canada was by the St. Lawrence, ascending wearily up the dangerous rapids in canoes and batteaux; and it will be found that the lots in the first town- ships were surveyed narroAV in order to secure a water frontage to as many as possible, because there was no other means of transit than by water. But those who settled in the second conopssions, a year or two later, were obliged to tread the length o'f the long front TBAVELINO BY OANOB. 135 Jots, in order to roach the water. At the same time the com- munication with Lower Canada, up and down the rapids, was attended with many hazardH and inconveniences. It conseq^uently became a matter of no little importance to have a road through the settlements to Montreal, which might bo traveled by horse, a King's highway from the eastern Provincial line. It was, however, some years after the first settlement before this was secured. The original survey for a road was made by one Ponair, assisted by one Kilborno. ''The opening" Sherwood says, <' of this road from Lower Canada to Brookville and thence to Cataraqui, a distance of U5 miles, was an event long remembered by the pioneers. At the end of each mile was planted a red cedar post with a mark upon it indicating the number of miles from the Provincial line."— (See First Years of Upper Canadar-Constructioa of Eoads). . . , • / ' ■ ■•■ ■ ''■■■ ' ■■'■ * '•' ■ "■• ' . • '*Mivw. 'jA;,/irr,vr:!;vj« rc'tui Oi'! it.'ff* .'ji,'m tin )ft.'6fij :i( bfih boat by " Murray "—Statement of Finkle—Trading— Batteaux in 1812— Rate of traveling— The change in fifty years— Time tfrom Albany to Bay Quint6 —Instances — Loyalists traveling in winter— Route— Willsbury wilderness t —Tarrying at Cornwall— The " French Train "— Traveling along north shore of Ontario—Indian path— Horseback— Individual owners of batteaux —Around Bay Quints- The last regular batteaux — In 1819—" Lines " from magazine, m mvr.iimr'/i .flffm-i: i'Vl. ; }.«* ?}{*fr»f ■■>^r«fT c4 i^n • ,iivi».V!Jn?' TRAVKLING BY CANOE, ff*) '^'Xf fH l^i fV-*,i(^>- > "'- Having pointed out the several general routes by which the abori, gines and the first Europe ans in America, were wont to traverse the country from the seaboard to the f ai* west ; and indicated more parti- cularly the smaller paths of the Indians around the Bay Quinte and Lake Ontario, we purpose glancing at the means by which they made their way through the wilderness. 136 BROCK TRAVELING BY CANOE. Tho Native hadhut two moflos of transporting himself from place to place ; namely, by foot and by tho oanoo. He was trained to make long expeditions ii|)on the war-i)ath, or after prey. When his course lay along a water way, ho employed his birch canoo. This being light, he could easily ascend rapids, and when nccessaiy, lift it from the water, and placing it, bottom upward, upon his head, carry it around tho falls, or over a portage with the greatest facility. When upon the chase, or about to attack a foe, the canoo was so carefully secreted, that the passing traveler would never detect its whereabouts. The French and English at tho first followed this Indian mode of traveling. From tho graphic descriptions which are given to us by the early writers, of this Indian mode of traveling in America, ere the sound of the axe had broken upon tho clear northern air, and while nature presented an unbroken garment of green, it is not diffi- cult to imagine that scones of Indian canoe traveling wore in the extreme picturesque. It is not necessary to go beyond the Bay Quinte, to find a place where all the natural beauty was combined with the rude usages of the aboriginal inhabitant, to create a picture of rare interest and attraction. In those primeval times there was no regular passage made between one part of the country and another. The Indian in his light canoe glided along here and there, as his fancy led him, or the probability of obtaining fish or game dictated. At certain seasons of tho year there was a general movement, as they started off on their hunting expeditions ; and at other times the warriors alone set out, when only intent upon surprising the hated foe. On these occasions one canoe would silently and swiftly follow in the wake of the other, until the place of debarkation was reached. For a long time the birch canoe was the only mode of traveling, and when the French came with their batteaux, the canoe continued for a long time the principarmeans of transit. Even so late as the war of 1812, canoes were employed, and many of the gallant ones who fought and conquered the conceited ajad unscruf>ulous Yankee invader, found their way to tho front by the swift birch bark. Company after company of Eed Coats were to bo seen plying the trim paddle as the canoe sped on its way. We have it on good authority that Major General Brock, at the reception of the intelli- gence, that the United States had declared war against Great Britain, set out from Lower Canada in a birch canoe, and with a companion and their boatman, journeyed all the way to York, followed by a regiment of soldiers. Incidents of this passage are yet related by the living. He reached Belleville, or as it was then called BBOCK AT MYERS' CREKK. 137 Myers' Creok, lato ono night, after having boon traveling for some ■ time without rest. With his companion, ho wont asliore and sought a place to sleep. They entered the public house of Captain Mo , and after examining a room, decided to sleep there the night. But the host, hearing an unusual noise, rushed into the room demanding who was there. The C4enorar8 companion, with the quickness, and in language somewhat characteristic of the army of that time, told him he would kick him to h-ll in a minute. Captain Mc some- what disconcerted at the threat and tone of authority walked out, and meeting the boatman, ask him who the parties were. Upon being informed, ho rushed away in a state of great alarm, not daring to shew himself again to the General. The house is still standing. The following notice is from the Kingston Gazette. '^' i»i"'w^ ? *- " YoKK, April 29, 1815." " On Sunday evening last arrived in this town from Burlington, in a birch canoe, Lieutenant General Sir Greorge JNIurray Knight," &c., &c. _*■' ■•jtffi,yr-ii.- ,■■:• ••(titJ'.'.irH:"')' lr"i*''r.'*>«.'r''.'i. "The batteaux," says Ex-Sheriff Sherwood, "by which the refugees emigi'ated, were principally built at Lachine, nine miles from Montreal. They were calculated to carry four or five families, with about two tons weight. Twelve boats constituted a brigade, BATTEAUX ON THE ST. LAWRENCE. 139 and each bripjide had a condtictor, with flvo men in each boat, ono of whicli Btoercd. The duty of the conduotor was to crive thorn toi^ether ; and when they oanio to u raj)i«l they left a j)ortion of the bontH wifh one man in oharge. The boats asoondinj? wore doubly manned, an gain the northern shore of tho St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario, w.is a task of no easy nature, and tho steps by which they came were taken literally inch by inch, and were attended with labor hard and venturesome. Records are not wanting of tho severe hardships endured by families on their way to their wooded lands. Supplied with limited comforts, perhaps only the actual necessaries of life, they advanced slowly by day along danger- ous rapids, and at night rested under the blue sky. But our fathers and mothers were made of ftem stuff, and all was borne with a nobld heroism. This toilsome mode of traveling continued for many a year. John Ferguson, writing in 1788, from Fredericksburgh to a friend in Lower Canada, Lachine, says of his jouniey, " after a most tedious and fatiguing journey I aa*rived here — nineteen days on the way- horrid roads — sometimes for whole days up to the waist in water Or mire." But the average time required to ascend the rapids with a brigade was from ten to twelve days, and three or four to descend. ^ One can hardly conceive of the toihome hours formerly spent in passing from Kingston, or tho seventh and eight townships of the bay to Montreal, and back. Before setting out, the traveler would make elaborate preparations for a journey of several weeks. There was no 140 A TRIP IN 1811. rOf2;ulnr traffic, nml only nil nconiiional bnttonux, laden witli dimple nrtioluH of murchaniliHc, would Htart for thu hund waturH of tlu; l>ay. IndividuaU would often wait, HoniotiineMa lonj< tinus for these oppor- tutittien, and th(>n would work their paHsap^e, by taking n hand at tho oarH. Even up to tho prcHent century, it waH tho ouHtom. Tho following m n niOHt interenting iuHtanco of hatteaux traveling which hn« boon placed in our Imnds by tho liev. Mr. Miles. It gives one an o.xcullent iilea of traveling at tho beginning of tho proHont century. "I left Kingston on the 0th of April, 1811, but an tho traveling then wan not us it is now, I did not arrive in Montreal till the 18th. I will just copy vorbutiin, tho journal I kept on my pass- age. Durham boats wore suarco on the Canada side at that time, but it was thought if I could got to tho American shore, I would find one on its way to Montreal. Well, I found a man in Kingston, just from Grindstono Island, who had brought up some shingles and tar to sell, and ho told me if I could get to Briton's Point, several miles down the river from Cape Vincent, and to which place ho would take me, that he thought I would find a Durham boat there, and tho tho following is my journal on that route. "Grindstono Island, April 11th, 1811. — Left Kingston yesterday, April 0th, at 3 p.m.. in an open skifT, with R Watson, a clork in Dr. Jonas Abbott's 8tore,and two hands belonging to the skill' — head wind — rowed hard till about eight in the evening, when having blistered both hands, and being very much fatigued, we drew our skiff on shore, and campod on the shore of Long Island, about five miles above Grindstone Island — wind strong from the north — very cold and without victuals or fire — foet wet — slept some, walked some, and by daybreak was somewhat chilled. Strong head wind. Stuck close to our dear lodgings till about oiglit, when the wind abated, and we stuck to our oars till about eleven o'clock, when we made Grindstone Island, weary, and very hungry — eat a hearty dish of " sapon " and milk — rested about an hour— set off for Briton's tavern on the American shore, where we arrived about 4 p.m., the water being entirely calm. Had not been on shore ten minutes, as good luck ■would have it, before we engaged a passage for Cornwall in a Durham boat, and a breeze coming up directly from the south, our Araericaa boats immediately hoisted sail and proceeded about thirty miles, when the wind changed, and we put into a bay on Grenadier Island, about nine in the evening — eat some supper at a house owned by Mr. Baxter — spread a sail upon the floor, and seven boatmen and four passengers campod down before tho Are. In tho morning I felt 80IISNICTADT AND DURHAM DOATH. 141 my honcH nn thoiij^h they ha«l boon lylnpf on tli« noft hu\v f n Imrd rough floor. A|)ril H, lu-ml wind Htill. WIhIu'cI inyH«ll either lit KiijgHton or Montronl. Ai>ril 0, utill u lii'ftd wind. MuHt tako it as it comcH. Ut'a«ling and writing tlio order of tlio day. At 7 p.m., boiHted Hail. At ono a.m., arrived at a Iiouho on the Canada shoro, and Hh'pt on the floor till daylight. April 10, left for OgdenHhurg, whore wo arrivetl at n p.m. Found an old ac(juaintanco and paHHcd the afternoon quite agreeably. A|)ril 11, hud a good niglit'H roHt. Still a head wind. Found the printing otliee and conipOHed typoH tho greater part of the day. April 12, utill a head wind. April l.'J, h-ft Ogdenshurg and arrived at Cornwall. April 1 4, left Cornwall and arrived at M'Gce's, Lake St. tVanciB. April 16, left M'Goe's and arrived at Montreal about 8 p.m. Traveling exponflos from Kingston to Montreal ^9 75." With the later coming rofHigeoH was introduced another kind of flat bottomed boat. It was gonorally small and rigged with an ungainly sail. It was gonorally built at the Town of Schenectady, and henco tho namo. Schenectady is a Uorman word, and moans pine barren. Families about to come to Canada would build ono or more to moot thoir roqiremonts. There was novor a largo number of this particular kind of boat. Those that wero to bo seen, viroro upon tho bay. With tho opening up of trade between Albany and Upper Can- ada, was introduced still another kind of vessel, which was adapted to tho use of merchants, engaged in tho carrying trade. Ono of the earliest traffickers from tho Mohawk Eiver to tho lakes by tho Dur- ham boats was Duncan, of Augusta, who was, as will be seen, one of tho first Legislative Councillors of Upper Canada. Ho finally re- moved to Schenectady. It is said that ho introduced tho trade between the Mohawk and Buffalo which led to tho construction of the Erie Canal. A wi'itor, speaking of the boats used by tho Canadians, says^ tho largest boats used by tho Canadian boatmen is called tho Durham boat, " used here and in tho rapids of the Mohawk. It is long, shallow, and nearly flat bottomed. Tho chief instrument of steerage is a polo ten feet long, shod with iron, and crossed at short intervals with small bars of wood like tho feet of a ladder ; the men place themselves at the bow, two on each side, thrust thoir poles into the channel, and grasping successively tho wooden bars, work their way toward the stern, thus pushing on the vessel in that dirofttion," (Murray). . 5,./^.o . .J42 i'ifcST TRADE WITH YOEK. Mr. Flnkle remarks that " the first mode of conveyance for travelers from Montreal to Kingston, after the settlement of Upper Canada, was by Canadian batteaux laden with merchandize (at this time there was no separate conveyance). The return cargo con- eisted of barrels of flour, peas, potash, north-west packs of furs, &c. ; the men and conductors employed in this business were Low^r Canadians. This mode of conveyance continued without intenTup- tion until 1809, when the Durham boats came from the Mohawk Biver and embarked in the cax'rying trade only between Montreal iftnd Kingston. Being of commodious size, far above the batteaux, they materially interfered with them and lessened the trade by the ibatteaux. The men who managed the Durham boats came with them from the MohaAvk Kiver, these boats were entirely n^anned by men from that country. The flat bottomed boat continued in use until some tin\B after rthe war of 1812. Until the canal along the St. Lawrence was constructed it was the only wfty by which merchandize could be tKUisported to the Upper Province thorough the rapids of the St. X/awronce. After the establishment of York as the capital of Upper Canada, there sprung \ip naturally, a trade between Kingston and the " muddy" capital, and regular batteaux communication was, after a little, established. Once a week the solitary boat left Kingston, and slowly made its way by oars, up the bay to the Carrying Place over which it was hauled by Asa Weller, a tavern keeper, upon low wheels or trucks drawn by oxen, and then continued its way along the shore of Ontario, to its destination. These boats carried not only merchandize but passengers. Beside the regular batteaux there were occasionally others, owned by small merchants and pedlars. It was by the flat bottomed boat and canoe that many of the troops ascended to the head of the lake in 1812, and by which many of the lOOli prisoners taken at Detroit were conveyed to Quebec. The rate of speed of the batteaux or Durham boat, as well as the Skenectady boat, can be approximated from the statement ot " A traveller"' writing in 1835. He says, " the line of boats which start ■from Albany to Skenectady, on their way to Upper Canada, go two- and-a-half miles an hour, taking in stoppages — charging one-and-a- half cents per mile, including board. This mode of traveling is preferred by large fkmilies and piiident settlers, t >.k:; ^>-. i- ^^irr: - The conveniences of traveling then, as well as the time required, are so widely different from what we are accustomed to in this day, that we have to pause and wonder at the change which even fifty REFUGEES TRAVELING. 148 • and sixty years have wrought. Even after Upper Canada had be- come somewhat settled, it was a momentous matter for a family to set out from the Hudson for Cataraqui, or the Bay Quinte, as they generally called the settlement in those days. For instance, Mr. Lambert, of Sophiasburgh, who came in 1802, was six weeks on the way between Albany and the bay, coming by the Mohawk and Oswego Rivers, and crossing from "Gravelly Point" to "Isle Tanti." We will give another instance : — Nichohw L., came from New Jersey with seven sons and two daughters. It took a month to come. Having i-eached Schenectady they waiteu to build a batteaux. This completed, they stored away provisions to last them until Cataraqui was reached. They also brought with them iron kettles, with which to make maple sugar, and "a churn full of honey." Mr. L., being a fanning mill maker, he brought also a quantity of wire guaze. At Oswego, the fort there being still held by the British, they were strictly questioned as to the uae intended to be made of the kettles and gau^e. Satisfaction being given on this point, the family continued thojr tedious journey along the shore towai'd Kingston. Barely escaping being wi-ecked off Stony Island, they at last reached the north shore. Three days more of weary rowing up the bay, and Hay Bay was reached, where they settled. The loyalists not alone came in summer, by batteaux or the Schenectady boat; but likewise in winter. They generaWy followed, 38 near as possible, some one of the routes taken in summer. To undertake to ti-avorse a wilderness with no road, and guided only by rivers and creeks, or blaaed trees, was no common thing. Several families would sometimes join together to form a train of sleighs. They would carry with them their bedding, clothes, and the neces- sary provisions. We have received interesting accounts of winter journeyings from Albany along the Hudson, across to the Black Eivor country, and to the St. Lawrence. Sometimes the train would follow the " military road " along by Champlain, St. Greorgc, and as far as Plattsburgh, and then turn north to the St. Lawrence, by what was then called the Willsbury wilderness, and "Chatagueo " woods. At the beginning of the present century there was but one tavern thraugh all that vast forest, and this of the poorest character. Indeed it is said that while provision might bo procured for the Horaes, none could be had for man. Those who thus entered Canada in winter found it necessary to stay at Cornwall until spring. Two .or more of the wen would walk, along tlie St. Lawrenyo to the bay 144 TRAVELING ALONO LAKE ONTARIO. Quinte, and, at the opening of navigation, having borrowed a batteaux doBCond to Cornwall for the women, children, and articloH brought with them. Often, indeed generally unacquainted with the use of the boat, the paHsage up and down the river waa tedious and toil- some. While the families and nleighs wore transported in the batteaux the horses were taken along the shore by the larger boys, if such there were among them. The "French train" was occa- sionally employed in their winter travels. It consisted of a long rude sleigh with several horses driven tandem style, this allowed the passage among the trees to bo made more easily. Many very interesting reminisences are known of traveling along the bay by the pioneers. A few are adduced. ,.<(,, ,i.»;,f ^l TRAVELING TO YORK AND QUEEN8T0N. Travelers from Montreal to the west would come by a batteaux, or Durham boat, to Kingston. Those who had business further west, says Finkle, " were conveyed to Henry Finkle's in Ernest town, where they commonly stopped a few days. Thence they made their journey on horse back. A white man conducted them to the Eiver Trent, where resided Colonel Bloecker who was at the head, and had control of all the Mississauga Indians, and commanded the entire country from the Trent to Toronto. At this place the traveler was furnished with a fresh horse and an Indian guide to conduct him through an unsettled country, the road being little better than a common Indian path, with all its windings. The road continued in this state until about the year 1798. Some- times the traveler continued his way around' the head of the lake on hoi'se back to Quoenston, where resided Judge Hamilton. During the time the surveyors were laying out the townships of the bay, batteaux occasionally passed up and down, supplying the staff with their requirements, or perhaps with some one look- ing for a good tract of land a J jy^' >•' In 1790 a batteaux was owned by Mr. Lambert, of the eighth township, and Mr. Ferguson, writing fVom Kingston to Mr. Bell, wished him to borrow it, to come to Kingston. Among the first to use batteaux as a mode of traffic, was Cap- tain Myers. He sailed one up and down the bay to carry, not only his own freight, but for the accommodation of others. He fre- quently went to Kingston, and now and then to Montreal, tlio mode pursued, was to ' harge for freight down, and then give tho passenger a free passage back. This was followed for many years, THE LAST OV THE BATTEADX. 145 with great profit. The Captain was acoiistomod to make the journey as plcanant an poH8iblo to the pas^eiigeTH. Ho alwayw kept his gi'og in his "caboose," and would deal it out to all. There was no doubt much of jollity and pleasant yarn-spinning, during the long passages upon the tran(iuil waters of the bay. Captain Myers subsequently owned a schooner." A letter written 11th November, 1790, by John Ferguson, to Wm. Bell, of Sidney, says, "As 1 suppose Mr. Lounsbury's boat is idle, I woukl be glad that you would endeavour to borrow or hire it and Sherrard's son and come down to the third township. When persons had gone down the bay, and were expected to return upon a certain night, there would often be a fire kindled on the shore to guide them homeward. In dark nights this was really necessary. Many were the expedients resorted to make short cuts. The feat of swimming horses over the bay was now and then resorted to by the Wallbridges after they settled in Ameliasburgh. Wishing to go to Kingston, they would go down to the point where the bay is narrow, and swim the horses across to Ox Point, and then ride to Kingston by a bridle path. Itwould now and then happen at a late period, that a traveler passing to his place of settlement would have a lumber waggon. This would be ferried across the bay by placing it across two log canoes. Keferring to swimming the bay by a horse, a colored man, yet living within the neighbourhood of Belleville, remembers when a boy, to have been put upon a horse, and then to have obeyed orders to swim him across the bay. This occurred near Belleville. Long after steamboats were started on the bay, the batleaux continued to ply between Ikdleville and Montreal. The'last to sail these was Fanning and John Covert. In 1830, Fanning arrived at Montreal from Belleville so early as to present his bills of laden upon the first of April. The following business notice cannot fail to be interesting : . "The subscribers having established a line of Durham Boats from this place, propose forwarding from the different ports of the lake to that of Montreal, on the following terms, vi?. : " From York, Niagara, Queenston, and the head of the lake, for each barrel of F'lour delivered at the Port of Montreal, 58. and 6d. "From Kingston, to the Port of Montreal, for each barrel of Flour, 48. and 6d. " From York, Niagara, Queenston, and the head ofthe lake, for each barrel of Potash delivered at the Port of Montreal, 12b. and 6d, 149 CANADIAN HATTEAUX. "From Kingston to tho Port of Montreal, for each barrel of Potash, IOh. " From York, Niagara, QuoenHton, and tho head of tho lake, for oach barrel of Pork delivered at tho Port of Montreal, 8.s. and 3d. "From Kingston to tho Port of Montreal, for oach barrel of Pork, 6h. and 9d. "Merchandize will bo transported by tho same meauB from Lachine to Kingston, at tho rate of 5h. per cwt. " An elegant Pawsage Boat will also loavo Kingston every tenth day for Montreal, which will bo fitted up in tho most commodious manner and prevent any delay t<3 passengers leaving the upper part pf tho lake in the Steam Boat y*>on^enac, it having been built for tho purpose of leaving this place imriiediately after her arrival. " Those arrangements will take cttbct at the opening of tho navi- gation, and bo continuftd during tho season. • , y , "Thomas Markland. «< Peter Smith. ./ ■.,,.,»■-,' ' . :.' i i'' " Lawrence Herkimer. ' '- -^ "John Kerry. ;-'' " William Mitchell. ;o vv'j; « Kingston, February, 1819." ,^ ^ , , ^,,^,^ ,^^^,, ,.,.<„; Eespocting the Canadian Battoaux, tho following is from the Boston Weekly Magcuine of an old date. "Linos written while at anchor in Kingston liarlx>ur. Lake Ontario, on hearing from several Canadian boats entering from tho St. Lawrence — their usual songs. ,. , , Hark I o'er the lakes unruffled wave, , ^ , ., , : ^0 ai/l^^ 0? • A diHtant Holcmn chant ik wped ; ■■'>'■''■ '" '" ■ ^-^ '^ oot. KH) ',".,' , ^;. Is it some requiem at tho grave ? f'jftir,'>{i! 'j-'.HUn'?. iTiM •; 'tJ S » f;!; Some last kind honor to the dead? jr . ,^ ,.. V-J! 7/0'.i h- 'Tls silent all— again begin ; ■'■— ^l (vAiUiy i^Ht^i^^M- . ■'",.■ (*\' It is the wearied boatman's lay, ' ifi' fji ^5;5?iI V'r>? .ff-!. ■"'' ^''"^ ,^ That hails alike the riwing sun, ..^ ' . . ,.i<..,., >,.o> 'to l.rA . And his last soft departing ray. > •*"^' ■i'^'^ -^'i' t '^'\' i a» 5.'."hTj ' Forth from yon island's dusky side, . .,,„ ,.4+ „• '■{* noqn 1 The train of batteaux now appear, '^ ,"'-'"V''/v f^J* .>ai By "] 1^ And onward as they slowly glide, ,a:-«jfx. 'y'O .:i>^ ii More loud their chorus greets the ear. , I ,^K' But, ah ! the charm that distance gave, ''•*•'■•' ''■' *" *^ ^■'^' i ' When first in solemn sounds tholr song tfftfi ofi» oW -i<:'J.nJ gn-''*'^ Crept slowly o'er the limpid "waTC, ^\ -; •..,'c.M?'V'r Is lost in notes full loud and strong. /- .. ^ , fh Mt^^ * B<*^i brothers row, with songs of joy, - -: - , i v -f^ ^flj Ji»»*^^.- For now in view a port appears; .jwt"" ar««»bi.f'" , • '- No rapids here our course annoy ' J u.fi. No hidden rocks excite our fears, ,.,1 ov. rr^OOIl ^»,j« Be this sweet night to slumber gi von, . t ,- » "^'f^JTlfstrjil . Aad when the morning lights the wave ""^ ' <; / •kwA "^ J W'J J!^*'^^ S^^® °^'' ""'*■'" songs to heav'n, { liiiteii OslJ iO .v • 'plift i)4»-i — ^ Qyj course to bless, our lives to save. :,r t-f} • ;4 l^jBffA'^' FRENCH SAILING VESSELS. 147 ClIAPTKJi XIV. . _ .. ..-■.. i t ■-, i .•' .■• C0NTHNT8. — The first VoHRel — The French — La Salle — The Griffon — Vcssela in 1770 — During the Ildiellion — Huildingfvt C'arlt.ton iKhmd — Ciiiitiiin Andrews Tho Ontnrlo— Col. Burton — Losh of the Ontario— The ShcoiianM — HillH— Givins' — Mnmey's Point — Schooner ' Speedy' — Mohawk — MissisfiauKa — Duke of Kfjnt— Capt. Rouchette — Paxton — McKonzie — ItichardKon — Earle Steele — Fortiche — The Governor Kinicoc — Sloop < Elizabeth' — First vessel built at York — Collins' Report upon Navigating the Lakes — Navy in Upper Canada, 1795 — Ilochfoucault — Cai)t. Bouchettc — Officers' Pay — York, the centre of the Naval Force — Gun Boats — Tho Loss of the " Speedy" — Ilock- oncr — Dr. Strachan — Solicitor-Gcn. Gray — Canada took tho lead in building Vessels — First Canadian Merchant Vessel — The York — A Schooner on run- ners around tho Falls — Sending Coals to Ncnvcastle — Upon Bay Quinte — The Outskirts of Civilization--" The Prince Edward" bpilt of lied Cedar-- ia 1812~Schooncr " Mary Ann"— 1817~Capt. Matthews, „; . . TIIK FIRST SAILING VESSELS. Tho first vossols, with sailH, which nuvigatcd the waters of tho iaJ , "In 1766 four ve.ssels plied upon Lake Erie. These were the "Gladwin," « Lady Charlotte," «* Victory," and " Boston." fr-rvr,/; "The two latter laid up in the fall near NaVy Island, above Niagara Falls, and one of them was burned accidentally, November 30, of the same year. A ver-.3ol called tho " Brunswick," owned and commanded by Captain Alexander Grant, made her appearance on 148 LOSS OF THE " ONTAttlO." tho lakes during the year 1707, and wns loHt Home time during the Hoason following. Captain (Jrant was tho Conunodoro of tho lakes for two or throo yearw. Jn 1769 Sterling and PorleouH built a vcssol at Detroit, callod tho " Enterpriwe," Itichard Cornwall, of Now York, being the carpenter. Tho. boatmen, who wont from SchenoctJidy with the rigging and tstoroH for this vossel to Detroit, were to have eaeh £20, and ten gallons of rum. Thoy were seventy days on Lake Erie, and two of the number perished from hunger, and their bodies wore kept to decoy eagles and ravens. Thoy returned to New York in February, 1760, by way of Pittsburg, then callod Fort Pitt. '♦•*• ^:'''-:l"li.-Cr,(U ■:' t:.,,. . . ■ > ♦' In May, 1770, a vessel of seventy tons burthen was launched at Niagara, called the "Charity." Tho same year the Duke of Gloucester, Secretary Townsend, Samuel Tutchet, Henry Baxter, and four others, formed a company for mining co])per on Lake Superior. In December thej' built at Point Aux Pins, a barge, and laid the keel for a sloop of forty tons burthen. Of the success of this enterprise we are not informed. Subsequent to the above period very little was accomplished in the construction of craft for lake navigation, and the few that came into commission were used solely as traders, as were in fact, all those previously named. A short time after, 1770, batteaux from Montreal and Quebec, employed by the Hudson's Bay Fur Company, made thoir annual tours west- ward, gathering largo quantities of furs, and returning homeward in the fall. It has been stated that the first vessel built on Lake Ontario was in 1749, but this, wo have reason to believe, is not correct." During the Revolutionary War, tho British Government built at Carleton Island, a few vessels to carry troops and provisions from place to place along the Lake, from Carleton Island to Niagara. The first Commissioner at the Dock Yard was Commodore James Andrews, Lieutenant in tho Eoyal Navy. The " Ontario," a war vessel of considerable importance, carrying 22 guns, was built at Carleton Island. This vessel was commanded by Capt. Andrews. Some time between 1780 and 1783, as the "Ontario"' was proceeding from Niagara to Oswego with a detachment of the King's Own regiment, commanded by Colonel Burton, with other officers, a storm arose at night, and the vessel was lost with all on board. Col. John Clark, in his memoir.s, whose father bolongei^l to tho 8th regi- ment, says this event happened in 1780 or '81, in which belief he is supported by Mr. Sheehan, a descendant of Capt. Andi-ews: but other FIRST SURVEY OP LAKES. 149 nuthority Im.s it Ihat llic event took plat'O in 1783. At all ovejits, the ocoiirronoo produced a niolnncholy effect, which long remained in the minds of those acquainted with the circumstances. Captain Andrews left a widow, a son, and two daugliters. The son returned to Scotland, the dauifliters married and settled in Canada. The Shoehan'f'., Ilill's, and Givins' are descendants of Captain Andrews' daughters, whose husbands had been in the army. After the settlement of Kingston, the Government built vessels at Murney's Point, and at Navy Point. Among the first built here was the Schooner " Speedy," and also the " Mohawk" and '^Missisagua," and " Buke of Kent." Among the first commanders of vessels, most of whom were of the Royal Navy, were Capt. Bouchottc, Capt. Paxton, Capt. McKenzio, Capt. Richardson, Capt. Earlo, Capt. Steele and Capt. Forticho. "The first vessel built for trade upon Lake Ontario," that is after Upper Canada was settled, ** may have been the ' Governor Simcoe,' for the North West Company ; after she was worn out and laid up, Judge Cartwright, who was agent for the Company at Kingston, built another for that Comjiany, and one for himself, both built at the same time, side by side, on Mississauga Point, at the mouth of Catai-aqui Creek. Both were launched on the same day; the one for the Company named " Governor Simcoo,"and the other "Sloop Elizabeth." These were built during my stay with Judge Cartwright, in 1808. ' i • ■• '■ '' ■n•^l :yj..i' •;xi ;;; .ji,*.:/.i, .i.ii,v.- ** The first, and on!}'- vessel for many years, built at York, was a small schooner about forty-five tons. Built by two brothers named Kendrick."— (i'7nW6'). The survey made by Deputy Surve3'or-Goneral Collins, at the request ofLoi-d Dorchester, in 1788, included an examination of the lakes and harbors from Kingston to Michilmicinac. In refer- ence to the lakes and vessels, the Surveyor says : — " Vessels sailing on these waters being seldom for any length of time outof sight of land, the navigation must bo considered chiefly as pilotage, to which the use of good natural charts are essential and therefore much wanted. Gales of wind, or squalls, rise suddenly upon the lakes, and from the confined state of the waters, or want of searroom, (as it is called), vessels may in some degree be considered as upon a lee shore, and this seems to point out the necessity for their being built •on such a construction as will best enable them to work to windward. Schooners should, perhaps, have the preference, as being rather safer than sloops, they should be from 80 to 100 tons burthen on 160 ROYAL NAVY IN 1795. Luke Oritario, aiui 50 toiiH Imrthoii on LakcH Kri(5 and JIuroii; but if not iiitcndeil to coiumuiiicuto botvveon thoHO two laken, tlioy may then bo the Huino hIzo as on Lako Ontario; and if thin HyHtom is ajiprovcd thoro can bo no neeostsity to doviato from it unlosH un inoniy wliould build voshoIh of greater magnitude or force j but aw the intent of bringing any such forward, at ieawt tho building of them can never remain a Kecret, there may be always time to coun- teract HUf'h a design by preparing to meet them at least on equal tormx. It does not seem advinable, nor do I know any reason to continue tho practice of building vesHels flat bottomed, or to have very little draft of water, they are always unsafe, and many of tho accidents which have happened on Lake Ontario, was by Francis Crooks, brother of the lion. James Crooks. It was built to the east of the present United States fort, at the mouth of the Niagara river, in 1792, and was called the "York." She was Wrecked at Genesee river. In 1800 a schooner of about 75 or 100 tons, was brought to Clifton, and during the winter of 1801 she crossed by the portage road on immense runners to Queenston, where she again found her native element in the Niagara river." She was, in 1804, lost in brixiging a cargo to Niagara, with all on board, — It is a curious fact that in the American war of 1812, the British " Admiralty sent out the frame work, blocks, &c., of the Psyclic fri- gate, which could have been procured on the spot in the tenth of the time and a twentieth part of the oxi)ense. At the same time there was furnished to each ship of war on Lakt'i Ontario, a full supply of water casks, with an apparatus for distilling sea water," forgetting the fact that the waters of the lake were of the ])urest quality. Directing our attention to the waters of the bay Quinte, it is foimd that until after 1812, but few sailing vessels entered the upper waters, although found east of Picton Bay. Strange as it may apj)ear at the present day, there was a time when the head of Picton Bay, or Hay Bay, Avas ivigarded as the head of the bay, and the very outskirts of A RRU rKDAll SrilMONKR. 163 civili/atioii, wlillo tfoin^np tho TiOni» llt'iicli, to tlioMoliawk tract was look upon like t^oiiitj; to tlu' KcmI Kivrr at tlu' j>n.'Neiit day. Tho settlers above were too few, and their reciuirc^neiitH too limited for a Hailin;^ vtiHsol to aseond, tmloMH oeonnionally to tho Napanee niills. But as time passed, sloops and schooners, as well as hatteatix found employment aloni* tlie westeni townships. In the first year oC the pnssont ciMitury, there was built in tho township of Marysburgh, a short (listaiuse west of the Stone niillH, a schooner of some celebrity. It was built by Captain Mtinu-y, father of tho lato lion. Edward Murney, of Belleville. Captain Munu'y camo to Kingston in 1707, at the solicitation of Mr. Joseph Forsytli. It was constructed for himself, and was made altogether of red codar, a kind of wood formerly very plentiful along tho bay, and which jmssesses a most agreeable odor, and is extremely durable. Tho vessel was named the Prince Edward. John Clarlc, of Dalhousie, says of this vessel, that he was on board tho following year of her building, and that slio was a '* staunch good ship, witli an able captain." Her size was sufficient to allow 700 barrels of flour to bo stowed beneath hor hatches. She ran upon Lake Ontario for many years, and made for her owner a small fortune. She was in good condition in 1812, and was employed by government as an armed vessel. A schooner called Prince Edward, probably tho same, Captain Young, was tho first vessel to land at the pier when erected at Wellington. ' • "■ Tho Kingston Gazette, April 12, 1817, says: «' On Thursday, 20th inst. at three o'clock p.m., arrived at ErnesttOM'n, in the Bay of Quinte, the schooner Mary Ann, Captain J. Mosier, in twenty hours from York, and at this jiort yostei'day afternoon with fourteen pas- sengers, of whom eleven were members of the Provincial Parliament. This is the seventh voyage this vessel has made this season, to the great credit of hor master. The Mary Ann sailed again in about half an hour for the Bay (Jui lite. • i ' One of the arly vessels upon the bay wns commanded by Matthews, father of the rebel of 183(5, who was executed. ■' ■ -rfv.r.iUt .1 j»'?f oii' iAi.M i''' M'f-'; v '.:J*;i '>^;^'■^1 i''r<''ffr':,.lt it.di ?■>: . ■-: , ,. , . . f 'i. , ..«^|>(Vy)l'-i .;-.,(. .!;■ ij'.;"'!)! 'li/:';*':-',!!' ;,.gl^-.f.i,«OiJ,:iiv^>i^^ THE LOYALISTS AS PIONEEES— THE ORIGINAL SURVEY. lal .'«M U l»), ««^ ulators at Seat of Government — Grave Charges — Width of Lots — Mode of Surveying — Number of Concessions — Cross Roads — Surveyors Orders — Num- ^'' bering the Lots — Surveying around the Bay — The ten Townships — Their 4K. Lands — The Surveying Party — A Singer — Statement of Gourlay. 5ijiifci?if4 1>K' swi a; ^?^;Q;.«•'^?'f- ** ; THE FIRST SURVEYS IN UPPER CANADA. ■ , , *( . , Among those who distinguished themselves at Loiiisburg and on the Plains of Abraham under General Wolfe, was Major Samuel Holland. Sabine says, he was " Surveyor-General of the Colonies north of Virginia." In 1773 he announced his intention to make Perth Amboy, near Jersey, his head-quarters, and wrote to a gen- tleman there to inquire for houses to accommodate himself and his assistants. He then completed the surveys a^ far west as Boston. Proposed in 1774 to get round Cape Cod, and to Now London, and said it would be at best six years before he should be able to finish his labors. In 1775, he wrote Lord Dartmouth that he was ready to run the line between Massachusetts and Now York. By a com- munication laid before the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in July, 1775, it appears that he had loaned to Alex. Shepard, Jun., who was also a surveyor, a plan or survey of Maine, which Shepard disliked to return, fearing that it might be used in a manner pre- judicial to the Whig cause, as Holland was an adherent of • the Crown, and then in New Jersey. Congress recommended to THE HOLLAND TREE. 155 Shepard to retain Holland's plan. Major Holland wont to Lower Canada, where ho resumed his duties of Siu'veyor-General, in which capacity he served nearly fifty years. He died in 1801, and at the time of his dec ase ho was a member of the Executive and Legis- lative Councils." ,:. ^ _^ , .\f'nt :* t V It was under Surveyor Holland that the first surveys were made upon the banks of the St. Lawrence and the Bay of Quinte. Major Holland was a gentleman of education, and known for hig social and amiable qualities. We are indebted to the author of "Maple Leaves," J. M. LeMoine, Esq., for information respecting Surveyor Holland. Extending from the brow of St. Foy heights along St. Lewis Eoad at Quebec, was a piece of land of 200 acres which was known as the Holland Farm. This farm had belonged to a rich merchant of Quebec, Mon. Jean Tache, who wrote the first Cana- dian Poem, "Tableau de la Mer." He was the ancestor of the late Sir E. Tache. About the year 1740 he built upon an eminence a high peaked structure, which, during the seigo of Quebec, was the head quarters of Gen. Montgomery. This place was bought by Gren. Holland in 1780, who lived there in affluence for many years, subsequent to the close of the war, 1783. The elite of Quebec were wont to resort here to enjoy his hospitality, and in 1791, he enter- tained Edward, afterward Duke of Kent, the father of our Queen. This place is now known as Spencer Grange ; but the old building has long since been removed to be replaced by tho present well- known mansion. From the St. Foy Eoad may be seen a fir tree known as the Holland Tree. Under that tree are several graves, which some years ago were inclosed with a substantial stone wall, with an iron gate. But now only the foundation remtins. Two of the graves had neat marble slabt, with the names of Samuel Holland senior, and Samuel Holland, junior. "Here rest Major Surveyor Holland, and his son, who was killed in a duel at Montreal, by Major Ward of the 60th Regiment," by a shot from one of a brace of pistols presented to MajoB Holland by Gen. Wolfe. This farm is now in possession of the military authorities. At the time of the rebellion tho land of the thirteen Colonies was, in many cases, still unsurveyed, or so imperfectly laid out that frequent demands were made for the professional surveyor. In the very nature ofthingspertainingto the settlement of America, there was a general demand for surveyors. The country was constantly being opened up. Some of the most prominent men of the day had been sm-veyors. Gen. Washington commenced life as a country X56 SURVEYING UPON THE ST. LAWRENCE. surveyor. In the war, both on the rebel and British sides, were to be found professional survoyoi _ engaged in fighting. Consequently when the war terminated, there was no lack of surveyors to carry on the work of surveying the wilderness of Upper Canada. We have saen that Major Holland held the position ofSurveyor-Groneral, and there was duly appointed a certain number of deputies and assistants. ;';,.i __. ^/.,, ... . ,:.'^f^, ;,/_ '. r/''' ' ''"~'' '\' ^\'" ''^'.J'''''''''"^. Even while the war was in progress, steps selem io have been taken to furnish the refugee Loyalists with new homes, upon the land still lying in a state of nature. The land in Lower Canada being in the main held by the French Canadians, it was deemed expedient to lay out along the shores of the upper waters a range of lots for their use. In pursuance of this, the first survey of land was made by order of Gen. Clarke, Acting Governor, or Militai-y Commander, in 1781. Natvirally the survey would commence at the extreme western point of French settlement. This w^as on the north bank of Lake St. Francis, at the cove west of Pointe an Bodet, in the limit between the Township of Lancaster, and the seigniory of New Longueil. Wo have reason to believe that the surveyor at first laid out only a single range of lots fronting upon the river. In the first place a front line was established. This seems to have been done along the breadth of several proposed townships. In doing this it was desirable to have as little broken front as possible, while at the same time the frontage of each lot remained unbroken by coves of the river or bay. We are informed by the Crown Land Department that in some townships there could, in recent days, be found no posts to indicate the front line, while the side lines in the second concession were sufficiently marked. The original surveyor along the St. Lawrence evidently did not ' extend his operations above Elizabeth town, which was called the ninth township, being the ninth laid out from New Longueil. This is apparent from the fact that while Elizabethtown was settled in 1784, the next township above, thatof Yonge, was not settled until two years later. The quality of the land thence to Kingston was not such as would prove useful to the poor settler, and therefore was allowed for a time to remain unsurveyed. Hence it came that Cat- araqui was the commencement of a second series of townships dis- tinguished by numbers only. These two distinct ranges of town- ships, one upon the St. Lawrence numbering nine, and one upon the Bay numbering ten, were, when necessary, distinguished apart by the designation, the " first," "second," or" third" Township "upon SURVEY AT FRONTENAC. 157 the St. Lawrence," or "upon tho Bay of Quinte," as the case might be. It is impossible to say how far the work of surveying had pro- gressed i'rom Lake St. Francis westward, before the close of the war ; it is very probable, however, that only a base line had been run, and some temporary mark placed to indicate the corners of each township. Such, indeed, is shown to bo the case by the state- ment of Sheriff Sherwood, who says that his father Thomas Sherwood, who had been a subaltern in the 84th Reg., and who actually located on the first lot in the first concession of Elizabethtown, " was often called upon to run the side lines of the lots" for the settlers as they came one after another, and " to shew them their land." Mr. Sher- wood was not a professional surveyor, but " he had the instruments and practically knew well how to use them, and he was ever ready to give his assistance and instructions to the new comers." ."'■'■■TJi- ,'">'■ • ■"•"•-'-,-'- SURVEYING AROUND BAY QUINTE. tr"'/w H-< r •'^'^f'* V In the year 1783, Major Holland, Surveyor-tieneral of Canada, received instructions from Sir Frederick Ilaldimand, Governor of the Province of Quebec, to proceed on duty to Western Canada. Prior to this, we have observed, there had been commenced a range of lots laid out at the easternmost limits of what now forms Canada West, to the extent of nine townshijDS. Yet evidence is v^anting that this range had been completed at the period stated. Holland set out with a sufficient staft' of assistants and attaches, to simul- taneously lay out several of the proposed townships along the St. Lawrence, and the Bay of Quinte. The party passed up the St. Lawrence, ascending the rapids in a brigade of batteaux manned by French boatmen. Surveyor Holland had, as his personal attendant, ^*^— -Bongard, who had been in the artillery under General Reidezel, of the Foreign Legion. From the son of this person, now living in Marysburgh, valuable information has been obtained, much of which has been substantiated by legal documents, published in con- nection with the law report of the trial respecting the Murney estate and the town of Kingston. Mr. Bongard says that Holland, as he passed up, detailed a deputy to each of the townships, stopping first at Oswegotchie, opposite Prescott, and that he passed up as far as the fourth township upon Bay Quinte, where he pitched his tent, and where he continued to hold hi n head-quarters, receiving the reports of the various Deputy-Surveyors as they were from time to time brought in. While it seems most probable that Holland 1B8 TROUBLE ABOUT LOT TWENTY-FIVE. camo to the Upper Province in 1783, it is possible that ho remained in Lower Canada until the spring of 1784, having deputed Surveyor Collins to commence a survey westward from the fort at Fron- tenac ; or perhaps he visited that place with Collins whom he loft to carry on the work during- this first year. " *'.**' ' '• '*" ' Whether Surveyor-General Holland visited Fort Frontonac in tho year 1783, or not, it was Deputy-Surveyor John Collins who made the first survey of the first township, and of the original town plot of Kingston.-: -According to tho sworn testimony of Gilbert Orser, who assisted Collins, in the year 1783, as well as others, tho township was surveyed first, and the town plot afterward ; although it appears that Holland's instructions were, first " to lay out proper reservations for the town and fort, and then to proceed and lay out the township, six miles square." The lots were to contain each 200 acres, to be 25 in number, each range. Mr. Collins placed a monumnnt, it is averred, " at the south-east angle of lot 25, from which a line was run northerly the whole depth of the Township, six miles, where another stone monument was placed, making a line of blazed trees throughout." From this, it would seem, he con- tinued to survey the township, leaving the land/or the town, which he, no doubt, thought extensive enough, to be laid out into town lots, and leaving 40 feet of land, which was to form a road between the town and township. Eespecting this line and lot 25, there has been a great deal of litigation. As nearly as tho facts can be gathered, the following statement maybe regarded as correct: , .^^ After Collins had completed the survey of the township, and had even made his returns, to the eifect that it contained 25 lots, of 200 acres, he was importuned, or * induced by the Commanding Officer at Fort Frontenac,' to make lot 25 contain only 100 acres, that more ground might thereby be had for the proposed towri."" More than this, it seems that there was some mistake in the said eastern side line, so as to subsequently limit lot 25 to even lessV., than 100 acres. And, Capt. Michael Grass, when he took possession of this lot, in 1784, found that this line was inaccurately run. Deputy-Surveyor Kotte was requested to examine it ; and finding there was an err^r, made representations to Gbvernraent, who sent persons to oorfect it. One Deputy-Surveyor Tuffy was directed to re-Burvey the line, and he gave more land to lot 25. However, there was yet some error, which was a source of great trouble. Capt. Michael Grass sold this lot to Capt. Mumey, who, subsequently finding it did not contain the amount of land which the patent assumed, applied legally for his rights. IRBEOULARITIES IN SIDE LINES. 151) Tho surveying party, among whom woro some of those who subsequently settled in the township, and who must have belonged to Capt. Grass' company of refugees, returned to Sorel, whore they spent the winter. At least this is the testimony of one of the grand-children of Capt. Grass. But if the surveying party did, this winter of 1783-4, retire from their work to Lower Canada, it appears unlikely they did the following winter. Indeed there are indications that surveying went on during the winter. In laying out tho Townships, special attention was given to make the lots front squarely upon tho Bay. In tho winter the base line could be more closely run by tho water edge upon tho ice, than in summer, through the woods. Wo are informed, at the Grown Lands Depart- ment, that in some townships no posts or other marks had at first been found in tho re-survey, although such were to be found in the 2nd concession. Tho inference was, that the posts planted in winter by the water, had, in the spring or summer been washed away, in the course of time. This, as may bo supposed, led in time to great confusion, and no little litigation. J^r many years there was much trouble to establish the land marVii all along the front; and cases are not wanting where it has b'^eii. charged that fraudu- lent removals of posts were made. The straightforward settler, while engaged in his daily and yearly round of toil, thought not of the side linos of his farm, fully believing that a survey had been definitely fixed by marks that could not be altered, and too often when plenty and comfort had come, he was startled to find some one claiming some of his cleared or uncleared land. Although con- scious that such and such were the boundaries of the land granted to him, it was not so easy to prove that such was the case. The annoyances of these direct and indirect attempts to disinherit, may easily be imagined. In this connection, the following letter may be given as exemplifying the feelings, if not the facts— per- haps both — which belonged to those days. It appeared in the Kingston Gazette in 1816, over the signature "A." • .«4tjjiiftyi m- " Sir, — ^The situation of the old settlers in the Province of Upper Canada, is truly deplorable. These people settled in the wilds of Canada, then the Province of Quebec, under the surveys made by the acting Surveyor-General. Lwidmarks being estab- lished for the guidance of their improvements : no deeds were givea them until the Parliament of Great Britain altered the Quebec bill, arraoged a new constitution, similar to that they had lost during the rebellion, in the Promnoe of New York, from whence they 160 ALLEGED FRAUD. chiefly cnmo to sottlo at Prontenac, now Kingwton. After cultiva- ting tho country agreeably to those surveys for twenty years or more, deeds are issued to cover those lots, drawn and cultivated as above mentioned. The Surveyor-General, David William Smith, Speaker of the llouse of Assembly, knpwing tltat these deeds were filled up by guess, the survey never having been made complete^ wisely provided an Act of the Legislature to prevent the deeds from moving the old land-marks. This Act provides that when thirty freeholders apply to tho Magistrates in session they shall make an assessment and collect the money to enable the Surveyor-General to erect monuments, in order to preserve their ancient land-marii ^t, an- other, the sixth township, was laid out ; the lots always fronting on the bay. Still following the bay, the seventh township was created, the western boundary of which brought the surveyor to the head of the bay, or Carrying Place. Turning eastward along the north shore of the bay, the eight township was laid out. Likewise, the ninth township, which brought the surveyor to a tract of land which had been reserved for, and given to the faithful Mohawk Indians. Passing by the present township of Tyendinaga, still another township was laid out fronting upon the Mohawk Bay, and Napanee River. This constituted the tenth town ship, Richmond. Thus the sui*veyors had Tuade a complete circuit ot THE TEN " TOWNS." 163 the bay. These townships wore, for many a day, (losignated by the numeral prefix ; even yet may bo found i^ray haired individuals wlio speak of them in no other way. Subsequently, however, those town- ships had given to them respectively, the royal names of Kinirston, Ernest t/)wn, Fredericksburgh, Adolphustown, Marysburgh, Amelias- burgh, Sophiasburgh ; and the noble ones of Sidney, Thurlow and Richmond. * There would at the present time, bo nothing so interesting to the settlers of the bay, than to read a diary of the events connected with the original survey. Surveying the wilderness is weary w()rk at any time; but when the persons who take part in striking the linos and fixing the boundaries, have constantly in mirid that when their survey is completed, they cannot return to riivilization and the com- forts of a home, but that they have to remain to become citizens of the forest, they must experience many a lieart pang. Yet there seems to have been a lightheartedness with most of them. The camp fire at night witnessed many pleasant hours of jovial passtime. Singing, stoiytelling, wiled away agreeably many an hour. Accom- panying Collins' surveying party, was one Purdy, who gained no little renown as a capital singer. We will close our remarks upon the original survey by giving the statement of Gourlay. He says that " such was the haste to get land surveyed and given away, that ignorant and careless men were employed to measure it out, and such a mess did they make of their land measuring, that one of the present surveyors informed me that in running new lines over a great extent of the province, he found spare room for a whole township in the midst of those laid out at an early period. It may readily be conceived, upon consideration of this fact, what blundering has been committed, and what mistakes stand for correction." r^z- 1G4 THE CARKINAN REGIMENT. .. ; , ,v;j, , , CIFAPTRR XVI. * * . CoNTEKTR — Tlio term ConceMnInn — FirHt ConroHHion of Lnnd In Canada — The ('RriKiiiiii Ut'KinK'iit — Hdjrniorit'H — DiHpropoitiou uf tht^ hoxoh — Kemalos Hciit I'limi Fmnce — 'I'hcir iippciirnncc — Si'ttling tlu-in — Marringo allowance — Till) lant HoJKalory — New 'hdngciiil — Seigniory at Frontcnar — GrantH to Utfiign>"\^ CONCEHSION OF LANDS TO THE FRKNC!!!. It hiiH been stated that the term conoesHion, as well as the system of ^,ranting land to disbanded soldiers, was derived from the French. The first concession of lands to soldiers took place in 1665, to the Carigiian JReginient, a name derived from a Prince of the house of Savoy, which came to New P'nmce with the first Viceroy, It was a distinguished corps in the French Infantry, having won renown on many a bloody field, and carried death to many an Iroquois Indian. The Indians having sought peace from the French, leave was p^i anted to this regiment to permanently settle in the New World. Titles to land was conferred according to rank, and as well, sums of money to assist in the clearing of land. " The officers who were mostly noblesse obtained seigniories with their late soldiers for vassals." The settlement of this body of men increased the disproportion between the males and females in Canada. The home government consider- ately took steps to remedy this abnormal state of things and despatched " several hundred from old France." They " consisted of tall, short, fair, brown, fat and lean." These females were oltered to such of the men as had means to support a wife. In a few days they were all disposed of. The Governor-General then distributed to the newly married ones " oxen, cows, hogs, fowls, salted beef," as well as money.— (Smith.) % . • The original grants ted in thi^ way, the settlement of the Province was not advanced, iior the advantage of the grantee secured in the manner that we may svippose to have been contemplated by government." He also mentions amongst extensive purchasers of these grants, Mr. Hamilton, a member of the Legislative Council, who bought about 100,000 acres. Chief Justices Emslie and Powell, and Solicitor General Gray, who purchased from 20,800 to 50,000 acres ; and states that several members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, as well as of the House of Assembly, were " very large purchasers." PTIRTIIER IBRKOULARITIKS. JJ^ "In T.ow(>r Cnnmlji, the irranfN to "Lonflorf^ mid A«Hoolnto« " woro niado by an ovaHion (•! ingtrucUons which (lost-rvc a particular (loRcription. *^1 "By instructions to the Local Kxccutive imnicliatcly after the paHsin^r of the ConHtitutional Act, it wao directed that " hecauso gi-eat inconvenionceH had theretofort* ariHen in many of the colonie« in America, trom the ,j?rantin<,' exceHsive (|uanlitieH of land to particMilar persons wlu) have never cultivated or Hettlevi8e burn down. A portion of the disbanded troops, as well as other loyalists, had been bred to agricultural pursuits ; and some of them, at least those who had not been very long in arms, could the more readily adapt themselves to their new circumstances, and resume their early occu- pation. The axe of the woodsman M'as soon swung as vigoi'ously along the shores of the well wooded river and bay, as it had been in the forests years before, in the backwoods of New England. It is no ordinary undertaking for one to enter the primeval forest, to cut down the tough grained trees, whose boughs have long met t^e first beams of the rising sun, and swayed in the tempest wind ; to clear away the thick underbrush, which impedes the step at every turn ; to clear out a tangled cedar swamp, no matter how hardy may be the axe-man — how well accustomed to the use of the implement. With the best mode of proceeding, with an axe of excellent make, and keen edge ; and, combined with which, let every other circum- stance be favorable ; yet, it requires a detennined will, an iron frame and supple muscle, to undertake and carry out the successful clearing of a farm. But, the refugees and disbanded soldiers, who formed the pioneers of Upper Canada, enjoyed not even ordinary advantages. Many of the old soldiers had not the slightest know- ledge of the duties of pioneer life, while others had but an imperfect idea. Some scarcely knew how to fell a tree. Hardy and deter- mined they were ; but they possessed not the implements requisite to clear off the solid trees. We have seen that the axe funiished by government was large and clumsy, and could be swung only with diffi- culty and great labor, being nothing more than the ship axe then in use. Slow and weaiisome indeed, must have been the progress made by the unaccustomed woodsman in the'work of clearing, and of preparing the logs for his hut, while he had, as on-lookers, too often a feeble wife and hungry children. The ordinary course of clearing land is pretty well known. At the present day the autumn and winter is the usual time, when the 188 CONQUERINO. wood is cut in nleigh lotigths for home use, or made into cord wooi^ for the market. Tlie brush is piled up into huge hea})s, and in the following seswon, when sufficiently dry, is burned up. Now, wood, except in the remote parts, is very valuable, and for those Avho can part with it, it brings a good income. But then, when the land was everywhere covered with wood, the only thought was how to got rid of it. The great green trees, aft^r being cut down, had to lie until they had dried, or be cut into pieces and removed. Time was necessary for the first. To accomplish the second, involved labor with the unwieldly axe ; and there were at first, no beast of burden to haul the heavy logs. The arm of the pioneer was the only motor power, and the trees had to bo cut in short lengths, that they might be carried^ To overcome the more heavy work connected with this, the settlers would have logging bees from place to place, and by united strength subdue the otherwise obstinate forces. Mainly, the trees were burned; the limbs and smaller portion first, and subsequently the large trunk. The fire would consume all that was flamable, leaving great black logs all over the ground. Then came " logging," that is, piling these black and half burned pieces into heaps, where, after a longer time of drying, they might be consumed. A second, perhaps a third time the pieces would have to be collected into " log heaps," until finally burned to ashes. It was by such means, that slowly the forest along the St. Lawrence, and surroundng the Bay Quinte, as well in the adjacent townships melted away before the daily work of the aggressive settler. Although deprived of all those comforts, which most of them had en" joyed in early life in the Hudson, and Mohawk valleys,and fruitful fields of Pennsylvania, they toiled on determined to conquer — to make new homes ; and, for their children at least, to secure comforts. They rose early, and toiled on all day, whether long or short, until night cast its solemn pall over their rude quiet homes. The small clearing of a few acres gradually widened, the sound of the axe was heard ringing all the day, and the crash of the falling tree sent the startled wild beast to the deeper recesses of the wild wood. The toilers were not all from the same social rank, but now in the main, all found a com- mon level ; the land allotted to the half pay ofllcers was as thickly covered with wood. A few possessed limited means, and were able to engage a help, to do some of the work, but in a short time it was the same with all ; men of education, and who held high positions, rightly held the belief that it was an honor to be a refugee farmer. At the close of the war a considerable number of the refugees found safety in New Bnmswick and Nova Scotia. But a certain simcoe'b proclamation. 189 minibor, not finding wuch prospects as tl»oy had hoped, resolved to try Caniida. Consequently, for five or six years after the peace, this class continued slowly to flow, to swell the number of inhabitants of Upper Canada. Some of them tarried, or remained in Lower Canada ; but the majority ascended the Hay Quinte, and settled the new townships at the head of the bay ; not n few would remain for a year or two in the townships already settled, working farms on shares, or 'living out,' until the future homo was selected, A good many of the first settlers in the sixth, seventh, and eight townships, had previously lived for a while in the fourth township. The advance of the settlements was along the bay, from Kingston township and Ernest town, westward along both sides. When the settlers in the first, second, third and fourth townships, had, to a certain extent overcome the pioneers first difficulties, those in the sixth, seventh, eight and ninth, were yet undergoing mostly all the same hardships and trials. Far removed from Kingston, they could, with difficulty, procure necessities, and consequently endured greater piivation, and experienced severer hardships ; but in time these settlers also overcome, and ended their days in comparative comfort. Gen. Simcoe, after he became the first Governor of Upper Canada in 1792, held the opinion that there remained in the States a largo number of Loyalists, and conceived the idea of affording them an inducement to again come under British rule, as they were British in heart. He, by proclamation, invited them to free grants of the rich land of Upper Canada, in the following words : <' A Proclamation, to such as are desirous to settle on lands of the Crown, in the Province of Upper Canada, By His Excellency John Graves Simoob, Esquire, Lieutenant-Gt)vernor and Com- mander-in-Chief of the said Province, and Colonel commanding His Majesty's Forces, &c.,&c. Be it known to all concerned that His Majesty, both by his royal commission and instructions to the Gt)v. ernor, and in his absence, to the Lieutenant-Governor of the said Province of Upper Canada, gives authority or command to grant the lands of the Crown in the same by patent under the great seal thereof. I do accordingly make known the terms of grant and set- tlement to be:" &c. Without introducing the somewhat lengthy terms given under the heads, it is sufficient to say that they were most liberal ; in the meanwhile reserving what was necessary to maintain the rights previously granted to Loyalist settlers. No lot was to be granted of more than 200 acres, except such as the Governor might other- 190 VEBJURY BY YANKEBK. wise desire, but no one was to receive a quantity oxcoeaing lOOO iicroa. Every one hatl to make it appear that ho, or Hhe waH in a coiwlition to culllvatu uuvl l.upiuvo the land, and " beaido taking the usual oatlis, subscribe a declaration, vix : I, A. B. do promise and declare that I will maintain and defend to the utmost of my power, the authority of the king in his parliament as the supreme legislature of this province." These grants were free excepting the fees of oflice, "in passing the patent and recording the same." The proclamation was dated 7th February, 1792, Thomas Talbot, acting Secretary. It was obligatory on settlers to clear five acres of land, to build a house, and to open a road across the front of his land, a quarter of a mile. Whether Siracoe was right in his opinion, that many loyalists remained in the States, ready to av.^l Lhemselves of a judicious opportunity of becoming citizens of British territory, may be ques- tioned ; that there were some, cannot be doubted. Not a few res- ponded to his invitation, and entered the new province. The recall of Simcoe led to the abroi^'iition of the terms specified in the aforementioned proclamation, and some of the new comers were doomed to disappointment. As may naturally be supposed, these later comers were not altogether regarded with favor by the first settlers, who now regarded themselves as lords of the soil. The old staunch loyalists were disposed to look upon thonias Yankees, who came only to get the land. And it seems that such was often the case. We have the impartial statement of Rochefoiicault, that there were t^ome who "falsely profess an attachment to the British monarch, and curse the Government of the Union for the mere purpose of getting possession of lands." Even at this early day, they set about taking possession of Canada ! Indeed, it was a cause of grievance in Wal- ford township, Johnstown district, that persons from the States entered the country, petitioned for land, took the necessary oaths- perjured themselves, and having obtained possession of the land resold it, pocketed the money, and left to build up the glorious Union. But, white so much has to be said of some Americans, who took land in Canada for mercenary motives, and committed fraud, it is pleasing to say likewise, tiiat a large uuuiber of settlers from the States, who came in between 1794 and 1812, became worthy and loyal subjects of the Crown. How far all of them were at first Britons in heart, may be questioned. But the fact that the first settlers regarded them with doubtful eye, and often charged them '" YANKIK 0ANADIAN8. iiM. with boiua TatikonH, led many, lor very peacc-Mnko, to jliHplny their loyalty. Bat at laMt, when tliowarof 1812 l>roki(out, thty exhihit('<1 unmistjvkeable attachment to the BritiNh (Jrown. To their honor bo it said, thoy wore as active in (lefeniyin^ Hituation. Thus, wan laid tho foundation of tho Province of U'»]HU' (laiimlu, now Ontario. Upon this foundation wii» to b« eri)Ci,«d tjio HU|MM"rttructuro. L«t uh proceed to uxuniinu the cir- cumatancoH of tho flrMt yoarw of Uppor ('anadiun iifo. And HrHt with roHpoct to /oo(/. f.jl Father Picquot viHltod tho Bay und Lako Ontario, ham La Presentation — 0/^denHhur|^h, the year of the Confjuent. Jle n|)oakH of hirt viwit to Fort Frontenac, and roinarkH, "Tho brojul und milk there, wore Uul ; they had not even brandy there to ntjunudi u Wound." By which we learn that tho French garrison hiid a cow, although hIio i^avo inditferent milk; and that oven brandy ibr medi- cinal purpoHOH could not be had. The miHsionary proceeded to F'ort Toronto which wan Hituated upon Lake Simcoo, no doubt ancend- in^ by tho bay (^uinto and Trent. Here ho found " ^ood breiid und good wine "and " everything roijuiHite for trade" with the Indians. Tho coHsion of Canada to the Britinh by the Froneh had been fol- lowed by a withdrawal of lioopn tVoni many of the forts, around which b:«i cluBterod a few hamlols, Hpockn of civilization in a vast wilderness, and in most places things had lupsod into Ihoir primal Btate. And, when rebellion broke out in the Colonies of Britain, there wore but a few posts whereat were stationed any soldiers, or whore clustered tho white settlers. There were a few French living at Detroit, ar»d at Michilmicinac, and to the north-east of Lako Huron. Wo have seen that during tho war, refugees found safety at the soveral military posts. The military rations wore served out to those loyal men in tho same proportion as to the soldiers, and when the war closed the {garrisons continued to dispense the necessaries of life to the settlore upon the north shores of tho lake, and St. Lawrence. For ten yeai's, after tho terras of peace was signed between England and the Independent States, the forts of Oswego, Niagara, Detroit, and Michilmicinac, with the garrison on Carloton Island, remained in the possession of the British troops. To this the grasping Americans warmly took exceptions. Although it would have been next to impossible to supply these places with provisions for troops of their own, they nevertheless wished to dispossess the Royal troops; we learn that tho object was to starve out the rofugeoB who had fotnd shelter upon the borders, and who would bodepond- ing for years to these forts, for the very necessaries of life. In this, their cruelty exceeded that practisetl towards the Acadians. Having driven away the loyalists and dispersed them at home, they would TOWNHIIIi> OOMMISMARY. m hftvo followed thorn to tholrnowwil(lorno*N home, thoro to cnt off thoir ijuppiioH uiul liwivo them to iKirihli. Thoy winhed to olttuiii possos- 81011 of'tho fortu not only to^lut their ven^olul feeliri<^ ui^ainNt tho torieH, hut to Hocuro tho truffle earrioil on with tlio IndiuiiH. Dreams of iigK^'tii^izomont floated throu/]Ch their nvurieiouH mindn. It was rejjjardod an oxcollont wtroko of policy to turn tho current of tho ftir triulo from tho St. Lawrence, and Htarve out hy dogroos tho rofu/^ecH, and tho French who would have noneof M«'/r " Liherty." llenco their dosiro to f^et possesMiori of the frontier fort.s. Hut it wnH destined that tluH valuahle trartlc should never como into tho hands of tho United States; or rathor it should ho said, the Ameri- cans hiul determined to pursue a course which would completelv alienate the Indian tribes from them. Under auch circumstancos no possession of the forts could have turned tho trade from its natural channel by the St. Lawrence, across tho continent to Now York. The British Government never desired to stint tho loyal rof\i- goos and tho disbanded soldiers. At the close of hostilities it was dotormined that both alike, with thoirfamilies, should receive while traveling, and for a period of three years, such rations as arc allowed daily to the private soldier. And the Commissariat Department was instructed to make the necessary provision to have transported to each township by batteau, what should bo requisite. Depots wore established, in addition to tho different garrisons, in each town- ship, to which some prominent and trusted refugee of their number, generally a Imlf pay officer, was appointed as Commissary, and at which ample provisions of tho specified kind, as well us certain implements, it was ordered should bo stored, to bo dealt out with regularity and fairness to each family, according to the number of children. In some of tho townships two battcaux were provided to bring the provisions from Montreal. Besides tho focxl thus obtained, thoy wore often enabled to freely supply themselves with gamo of different kinds. Tho greatest trouble of all was to got tho grain supplied to them, ground into flour. According to Carroll and Croil, tho townships upon the St. Lawrence, were supplied with stool mills for grinding grain ; but no word of such indifferent conve- nience for tho settlors of tho Bay,ha8 by us boon received ; tho settlers had to get tho grain crushed as best thoy could. Various modes were adopted to do this ; but in all cases the wprk was done by hand. Sometimes the grain was crushed with an axo upon a flat stone. Many prepared a wooden mortar, by cutting a block, of suitable 13 ■jg^ PRIMITIVE CORN MILLS. Icnirth, about four feet, out Of the trunk of a largo tree, oak or maple. Sometimes it was the stump of a tree. In this a cavity was formed, generally by heating a piece of iron, and placing it upon the end. In some quarters, a cannon ball from the Garrison was used. By placing this, rod hot, upon the wood, a hollow of suffi- cientdopth could be made. ' These mortars, sometimes called " Hom- iny Blocks" and sometimes " Plumping Mill," varied in size ; some- times holding only a few quarts, sometimes a bushel, or even more The pestle or pounder, wa:i raade of the hardest wood, six or eight feet long, and eight inches in diameter at the bottom end ; the top sufficiently small to be spanned by the hand. The pestle was some- times called the stamper ; and the stump or block, with the pestle was called the stump-mortar. Generally, it was by the unaided hand that the grinding was done ; but after a time a sweep pole was arranged, similar to a well polo, and a hard weighty substance boing attached to the pole, much less strength was required to crush the grain; at the same time a larger quantity could be at once done. The work was generally done by two men. The grain thus pounded wasgenerallylndianCorn, and occasionally wild rice. To crush wheat required much more labor, and a small mortar. The bran was separated from the flour by a horse-hair sieve, one of which generally served a whole community, as they were possessed only by a few This rude method continued for many years, especially in thosetownships remote from the flouring mills. Frequently, an iBdiviiual would possess a large mortar, that would be used by a whole neighborhood. Mr. Diamond, of Belleville, a native of Fredericksburg, remembers when a boy, to have accompanied his father " to mill." The mill was one of these larger mortars which ' would contain a bushel of grain when being ground, but which would hold, even measure, two bushels. The grain was crushed by ' a sweep with a weight attached, of ton or twelve pounds. But grinding grain in this rude manner, was very frequently done by the women; and was but one of the difficulties attending the production of meal. It was a hard task to prepare for use the corn supplied by Government; but when that supply was cut off, and the settler had but his own raising, it became much worse. Else- where we have seen the difficult process by which seed was planted, and the fruit of the soil reaped, and then thrashed. It had boon thought by the Government that three years would suffice to give the settler ample time to reap sufficient grain for their sustenance. In most cases, industry and aright application of labor, enabled the GOVERNMENT RATIONS DISCONTINUED, 195 farmcrtoaccompllsh what was expected of him. But the habits which some of the soldiers had acquired durin- the war, were hiirhly detrimental to regular industry. When tlie throe years' supplies were discontinued, many found themselves unprepared to meet the requirements of their now condition. It is said that some of them entertained the belief that " Old George," as they familiarly called the King, would continue to feed them, for an indefinite i^eriod of time upon the bread of idleness. The Hessians, who had settled in the fafth township, who had no idea of pioneer life, were great suf- ferers, and it is stated that some actually died of starvation. Again there was a considerable class who had not had time to prepare the land, and reap the fruit of the soil, prior to the supplies being stop- ped ; or who could not procure seed grain. These were likewise placed ) 1 the most distressing circumstances. The fearful suffering experr. jced in consequence will bo mentioned under the head of the "Scarce Year." Notwithstanding, that Government supplied the settlers with provisions for- three years, and also with spring wheat, peas, corn and potatoes for seed, and took steps to furnish them, first with one mill at Kingston, and then asecond one at Napanee, at the expiration the three years, there were many unprepared. The mills were almost deserted, and the hearts of the people were faint because there was no grain to grind, and famine began to rest upon the struggling settlers, especially along the Bay Quinle. It has already been said that with some of the disbanded soldiers, there was some degree of negligence, or, a want of due exertion to obtain hoilie raised grain before the Government supplies were discontinued j also' that there was a certain number, who came with their families two' or three years after the first settlement, who were not entitled to get trovernment rations, and who had not had time to clear the land Many of these brought provisions with them, but the long distances traveled / them through a wilderness, allowed no large quantity of stores t^. be transported. And within a few months, or a year their store of food was exhausted. But the greatest evil of all It 18 averred, was the failure on the part of the Commissary Depart- ment to bring up from Lower Canada, the supplies which were required by those yet in the service, and who rightly looked to that sourc^ for the bread of life. And, it has been alleged that some ^ho had charge of military stores forgot this public duty, in their anxiety to secure abundant supplies for their own families. And a i>pint of cupidity has been laid to the charge of one or two for retaining for private use the bread for which so many were famish- 196 ,, , THE " 8C/.R0E YEAR.' -. ing. At this romoto period it is impossible to arrive at positive conclusions relative to the matter. We can only examine the cir- cumstances, and judge whether such a thing was likely. Of course the Commissary officers, whoso duty it had been to distribute food in the several townships, .would not be likely to disburse with a hand so liberal, that they should thomsolvea become destitute ; yet the fact that such had food, while others had none, would naturally create an erroneous impression. But the famine was not limited to the Bay region ; although, being remote from Montreal, it was here the distress was most grievously felt. Throughout Lower Canada the pinch of famine was keenly experienced. Even there, in places, corn-meal was meted out by the spoonful, wheat flour was un- jknown, while millet seed was ground for a substitute. Still more, the opinion is given, that the accusation against certain parties is con- ia-ary to the spirit which pervaded the refugee settlers at that time. That they had laid up stores, and looked indifferently upon the general sufl'ering, is contrary to the known character of the parties ftccusod. In after days, as at the present time, there were aroused potty jealousies, as one individual exceeded another in prosperity. JFamily jars sometimes rise to feuds, and false surmises grow into untruthful legends. The period of famine is oven yet remembered by a few, whose memory reaches back to the immediately succeeding years, and the descendants of tho sut!Jbrers, speak of that time with peculiar feelings, imbibed from their parents ; and many are the touching stories even yet related of this sad first page in the history of Upper Canada, when from Lower Canada to the outskirts of the settlement was heard the cry for bread ! oread ! bread ! The year of tho famine is spoken of sometimes as the "scarce year," sometimes as the "hungry year," or the "hard summer." The extreme distress seems to have commenced in the year 1787. . With some, it lasted a part of a year, with others a year, and with others upwards of a year. The height of the distress was during the spring and early summer of 1788. But plenty to all, did not como till tho summer of 1789. The writer has in his possession accounts of many instances of extreme suffering, during tho famine, and for years after, through the ten townships. A few will here be given, as briefly as may be possible. One, who settled in tho Sixth Township, (who was subsequently a Member of Parliament for twenty years,) with wife and children, endured groat suffering. Their flour being exhausted he sent WHAT THIY LIVED TTPON. 197 money to Quebec for some more flour, but his money was sent back; there was none to bo had. The wife tried as an experiment to make bread out of some wheat bran, which was bought at a dollar a bushel. She failed to make bread, but it was eaten as a stir-a-bout* Upon this, with Indian Cabbage, or "Cale," "a plant with a large leaf," also wild potatoes or ground-nuts, the family lived for many a week. In the spring they procured some potatoes to plant, but the potatoe eye alone was planted, the other portion being reserved for food. One of the daughters, in her extreme hunger digged up for days, some of the potatoe rind and ate it. One day, her father caught her at it, and seized hold of her arm to punish her, for for- getting the requirements of the future, but he found her arms so emaciated that his heart melted in pity for the starving child. Others used to eat a plant called butter-nut, and another pig-weed. Children would steal out at night with stolen potatoes, and roast them at the burning log heap, and consider them a groat treat. One individual has left the record that she used to allay the pangs of hunger by eating a little salt. But the majority of the settlors had no salt, and game and fish, when it could be caught, was eaten without that condiment. Even at a later date, salt was a scare© and dear article as the following will show : " Sydney, 20 th Novem- ber, 1792— Eeceived from Mr. John Ferguson, one barrel of salt for which I am to pay nine dollars." (Signed), John German! Often when fish or game was caught, it was forthwith roasted, without waiting to go home to have it dressed. As spring advanced, and the buds of the trees began to swell, they were gathered and eaten. Boots were digged out of the ground ; the bark of certain trees were stripped off and consumed as food. One family lived for a fortnight on beech leaves. Everything that was supposed to be capable of alleviating the pangs of hunger, whether it yielded nutriment or not, was unhesitatingly used ; and in the fifth township some were killed by eating poisonous roots. Beef bones were, in one neighbourhood, not only boiled again and again, but actually carried from house to house, to give a little taste to boiled bran, until there remained no taste in the boiling water. In the fourth township, upon the sunny side of a hill, was an early field of grain, and to this they came, from far and near, to eat the milk-like heads of grain, so soon as they had suflaciently grown, which were boiled and eaten. The daughter of the man who owned the field, and gladly gave to all, still remains with us, then, she was in the freshness of girlhood ; now, she is in the autumn of a green old age, nearly a DIVIDING THE LAST LOAF. hundred. She romomberH to have seen thorn cutting the young suc- culent grain, to use her own words " as thick as stumps." This young ^rain was a common dish, all along the Bay, until it became ripe. One family lived several month.s solol}' on boiled oats. One day, a man came to the door of a house in Adolphustown, with a bag, and a piece of " calamink," to exchange for flour. But the flour was lowi and the future doubtful, and none could be spared. The man turned away with tears of anguish rolling down his face. The kind woman gave him a few pounds of flour ; he begged to be allowed to add some bran lying on the floor, which was permitted, and ho went his way. There were, scattered through the settlements, a few who never were entirely out of provisions,but who had procured some from Lower Canada, or Oswego. Many of these, even at the risk of future want) would give away, day after day, to those who came to their door, often a long distance, seeking for the very bread of life. A piece of bread was often the only thing to give ; but thus, many a life was saved. These poor unfortunates, would offer various articles in exchange for flour or food. Even their lands — all they had, were offered for a few pounds of flour. But, mth a few execrable exceptions, the last loaf was divided ; and when flour was sold, it was at a fair valuation. A common sorrow knit them together in fraternal rela- tionship. The names of some are handed down, who employed others to work all day for their board, and would give nothing for their famishing ones at home. One of them also, sold eight bushels of potatoes for a valuable cow. In some instances, families living remotely, forsook their houses and sought for food at Kingston. One family in Thurlow, set out for Kingr.ton, following the bay shore on foot. Their only food was bran, wliich, being mixed vvith water, was cooked by the w.ay, bj- heating flat stones and baking thereupon. As before stated, the settlers of the fifth township suffered fearfully, and it is stated, that some of them actually died. Mr. Parrott says, that he has heard it stated that pei'sons starved to death. And the extra- ordinary statement is found in the M.S. of the late Mr. Merritt, that one old couple, too old to help tliemselves, and left alone, were pre- served providentially from starvation, by pigeons, which would occasionally come and allow themselves to be caught. The fact is stated by others, that pigeons were at times, during the first years of settling, very plentiful, and were always exceedingly tame. Another person remarks, that although there was generally plenty of pigeons, wild fowl, fish and partridge, yet, they seemed to keep away when most wanted. DEATH PROM STARVATION. tOfr One family, four in niunber, subsisted on the smnll quantity of milk given by a young cow, with leeks, buds of tiecs, and often leaves were added to the milk. A barrel of bran served a good purpose for baking a kind of cake, which made a change on special occasions. At one time, Eoed, of Thurlow, offererd a three year old horse for 50 lbs of flour. This family would, at one time fictually have starved to death, had not a deer been miraculously shot. They often carried grain, a little, it is true, to the Napanee mills, following the river, and bay shores. And when they had no grain, articles of domestic use were taken to exchange for flour and meal. A woman iised to carry a bushel and a half of wheat ten mile? to the Napanee mills, and then carry the flour back. Ex-Sherifi" Ruttan says of his father's family, with whom his uncle lived, "We had the luxury of a cow which tiie family brought with them, and had it not been for this domestic boon, all would have perished in the year of scarcity. The crops had failed the year before, and the winter that followed, was most inclement and severe. The snow was unusually deep, so that the deer became an easy prey to their rapacious enemies, the wolves, who fattened on their destruction, whilst men were perishing for want. Five indivi- duals, in difterent places, were found dead, and one poor woman also, with a live infant at her breast ; which was cared for and protected." " Two negroes were sent to Albany for corn, who brought four bushels. This, with the milk of the cow dealt out day by day in limited quantity, kept them alive till harvest." "The soldiers' rations were reduced to one biscuit a day." Referring to other days after the famine he says : " Fish was plentiful" — the " fishing tackle was on a primitive plan ; something similar to the Indians, who fixed the bait on part of the back bone of the pike, which would catch these finny tribe quite as expeditiously as the best Limerick hook ; but our supply was from spearing by torchlight, which has been practiced by the Indian from time immemorial ; from whom we obtained a vast deal of practical knowledge." Roger Bates, near Cobourg, speaking of the first years of Upper Canada, says that his grandfather's family, living in Prince Edward for a while, " adopted many ingenious contrivances of the Indians for procuring food. Not the least simple and handy was a crotched pole, with which they secured salmon in any quantity, the creeks being full of them." He removed to the township ol Clarke, where he was the first white settler, and for six months saw no white person. "For a long time he had to go to Kingston, 125 200 FIRST UPPER CANADIAN BEEP. miles, with his wheat to bo ground. Thoy had no other conveyance than battoaux ; the journey would Rometimes occupy five or six weeks. Of an evening they put in at some creek, and obtained their salmon with case, using a forked stick, which passed over the fish's back and hold it fivst. Sometimes they were so long gone for grist, in consequence of bad weather, that the women would collect together and have a good cry, thinking the battoaux had foundered. If their food ran short, thoy had a dog that would, when told, hunt a doer and drive it into the water, so that the young boys could shoot it." The summer of 1789 brought relief to most of the settlers, — the heaviest of the weight of woe was removed. But, for nearly a decade, thoy enjoyed but feAv comforts, and were often without the necessaries of life. The days of the toiling pioneers were numbering up rapidly, yet the wants of all wero not I'olieved. Those whose industry had enabled them to sow a quantity of grain reaped a goodly reward. The soil was very fruitful, and subsequently for two and three years, repeated crops were raised from a single sowing. But flour alone, although necossaiy to sustain life, could hardly satisfy the cravings of hunger with those who had been accustomed to a different mode of living. It was a long way to Montreal or Albany, from which to transport by hand, everything required, even when it could be had, and the settler had something to exchange for such articles ; beside the journey of several weeks. Game, occasionally to be had, was not available at all seasons, nor at all times ; although running wild, ammunition was scarce, and some had none. We have stated that Government gave to every five families a musket and forty-eight rounds of ammunition, with some powder and shot, also some twine to make fishing nets. Beef, mutton, &c., were unknown for many a day. Strangely enough, a circumstantial account of the first beef slaughtered along the Bay, probably in Upper Canada, is supplied by one who, now in her 90th year, bears a distinct recollection of the event. It was at Adolphus- town. A few settlers had imported oxen, to use in clearing the land. One of a yoke, was killed by the falling of a tree. The remaining animal, now useless, was purchased by a farmer upon the Front, who converted it into beef. With the hospitality character- istic of the times, the neighbors were invited to a grand entertain- ment; and the neighborhood, be it remembered, extended for thirty or forty miles. A treat it was, this taste of an article of diet, long unknown. INTRODUCTION OP TEA. 201 Tho samo person tolls of tho occasion when the first log barn was raised in Adolphustown, it was during the scarce period. Tho '* bee" which was called, Lad to bo entertained, in some way. But there were no provisions. The old lady, then a girl, saw her mother for weeks previous carefully putting away the eggs, which a few hens had contributed to their comfort ; upon the morning of the barn rais- ing, they were brought forth and found to amount to a pailful, well heaped. The most of tho better-to-do settlers always had rum, which was a far different article from that sold now-a-days. With rum and eggs well beaten, and mixed with all the milk that could be kept sweet from the last few milkings, this, which was both food and drink was distributed to the members of the bee, during tho time of raising the barn. Tea, now considered an indispensable luxury by every family, was quite beyond the I'pach of all, for a long time ; because of its scarcity and high price. Persons are yet living who remember when tea was first brought into family use. Various substitutes for tea were used, among these were hemlock and sassafras ; there was also a plant gathered called by them the tea plant. ' Sheriff Sherwood, in his most valuable memoirs, specially pre- pared for the writer, remarks, " Many incidents and occurrences took place during the early settlement which would, perhaps, at a future day be thought incredible. I recollect seeing pigeons flying in such numbers that they almost darkened the sky, and so low often as to be knocked down with polos ; I saw, where a near neighbor killed thirty at one shot, I almost saw tho shot, and saw the pigeons after they were shot." Ducks were so thick that when rising from a marsh " they made a noise like the roar of heavy thunder." "While many difficulties were encountered, yet we real- ized many advantages, we were always supplied with venison, partridge, and pigeon, and fish in abundance, no taxes to pay and plenty of wood at our doors. Although deprived of many kinds of fruit, we had the natural production of tho country, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, and lots of red plums, and cranberries in the various marshes all about the country, and I can assure you that pumpkin and cranberries make an excellent substi- tute for apple pie." Mr. Sherwood refers to their dog"Tipler," which was invaluable, in various ways, in assisting to procure the food. He also speaks of " Providential" assistance. *' After the first year we raised wheat and Indian corn sufficient for the year's supply for the family; but then we had no grist mill 202 ABUNDANCE OF OAME. to grind it; we made out to got on with tlic Indian corn very well by pounding it in the mortnr, and made wliat wo called xamp, which made coarHe bread, and what the Dutch called sup-pawn; but let me tell you how we made our mortar. We cut a log oft' a large tree, say two-and-a half feet through and about six feet long, which wo planted firm in the ground, about four feet deep, then carefully burnt the centre of the top and Bcrapod it out dean, which gave us a large mortar. We generally selected an iron-wood tree, from six to eight inches through, took the bark oflfcleau, made the handle to it of suitable length, this was our pestle ; and many a time have I pounded with it till the sweat ran down merrily. But this pound- ing would not do for the wheat, and the Government seeing the difficulty, built a mill back of Kingston, where the inhabitants, for fifteen miles below Brockville had to get their grinding done. In our neighborhood they got on very well in summer, by joining two wooden canoes together. Three persons would unite, to carry each a grist in their canoes, and would perform the journey in about a week. But in winter this could not bo done. After a few years, however, when some had obtained horses, then a kind Provi- dence furnished a road on the ice for some years until a road was made passable for sleighs by land. And it has not been practicable, indeed I may say possible, for horses with loaded sleighs to go on the ice from Brockville to Kingston, fifty years past." Eogor Bates says that "the woods were filled with deer, bears, wolves, martins, squirrels, and rabbits." No doubt, at first, before fire-arms were feared hy them, they were plentiful and very tame. Even wild geese, it would seem, were often easily shot. But powder and shot were expensive, and uidess good execution could be made, the charge was reserved. Mr. Sherwood gives a trustworthy account of the shooting of thirty pigeons at one shot ; and another account is furnished, of Jacob Parliament, of Sophiasburgh, who killed and wounded at a single shot, four wild geese and five ducks. These wild fowl not only aiforded luxurious and nutritious diet, but their feathers were saved, and in time pillows and even beds were thus made. Mr. John Parrott, of Ernest Town, descendant of Col. Jas. Parrott, says, " there were bears, wolves, and deer in great abund- ance, and there were lynx, wild cats, beavers and, foxes in every directions; also martins, minks and weasels beyond calculation. In this connection, we may record a fact related by Col. Clark, respect- ing the migration of squirrels in the early part of the present cen- tury across the Niagara river, from the States. He says, "an SUGAR MAKING. ' immonso immigration of squin'ols took place, and «o numerous woro they tliat the people stood with HticlcH to destroy them, as they landed on the British shore, which by many was considered a breach of good faith on the part of John Bull, who is always ready to grant an asylum to fugitives of whatever nation they may belong to," 4 "w ' MAPLE SUGAR. « Soon tho blue-birdR and the bcoa f O'ertlie stubblo will bo winging; So 'tis time to tap the trees And to set the axe a-ringing ; Time to sot the hut to rights. Where the girls and boys together Tend the furnace fire o'nights In the rough and rainy weather; Time to hew and shape tlie trough, And to punch tho spile so hollow, ■•'^Hiv^J . For the snow is thawing off <*:'»' •:f:f*A'^>'- ft) - ♦»!■?<*"'<*>■*' • And the sugar-thaw must follow. , , . t ^^ Oh, the gladdest time of year ...js ■ l*l^ff# '^y^^tH-^ir^] Is the merry sugar-making, \ ^ When the swallows first appear And the sleepy buds are waking !" In the great wilderness were to bo had, a few comforts and luxuries. Sugar is not only a luxury, but is really a necessary article of food. The properties of the sap of tho maple was under- stood by the Indians, and the French soon availed themselves of tho means of making sugar. To the present day, the French Cana- dians make it in considerable quantities. At first, the settlers of Upper Canada did not generally engage in making it; but, after a time a larger number did. Tho maple, tho monarch of the Cana- dian forest, whose leaf is tho emblem of our country, was a kind benefactor. In the spring, in the first dayu of genial sunshine, active operations for sugar making were commenced. Through the deep snow, the farmer and his sons would trudge, from tree to treo, to tap them upon their sunny side. Tho " spile" would be inserted to conduct the precious fluid into the trough of bass-wood, which had been fashioned during tho long winter evenings. A boiling place would bo arranged, with a long pole for a crane, upon which would be strung the largest kettles that could be procured. At nighty the sap would be gathered from the troughs, a toilsome job, and put into barrels. In the morning a curling smoke would rise from amidst the thick woods, and the dry wood would crackle 204 CANADIAN FOOD. ' ^ cheerily under the row of kottloH, all the sunny spring day ; and night would show a rich dark syrup, colloctod in onoHinallorkottlo, for the more careful work of being converted into sugar. Fre- quently tlio tiro would be attondeil by the women ; and the men would come to gather the tjap in the evening. In this way many u family would be provided with abundant sugar, at all events it had to serve them for the year, as they felt unable to purchase from the merchant. In another place, wo have related how a few made a considerable quantity of sugar and sold it all, to pay for a farm, doing without themselves. The absence of various articles of food, led the thoughtful house- wife to invent new made dishes. The nature of these would depend in part upon the articles of food most abundant, and upon the habits peculiar to their ancestry, whether English, Dutch or some other. The great desire was, to make a common article as tasty as possible. And at harvest time, as well as at bees, the faithful wife would endeavour to prepare something extra to regale the tired ones. There was, for instance, the " pumpkin loaf," a common dish. It consisted of pumpkin and corn meal made into a small loaf, and eaten with butter. Anotl>er dish which seems to have been derived from the Dutch, was Pot Pie, which was always, and is even yet in many places, made to feed the hands at bees and raisings, and oven was generally made to grace the board on a wedding occasion^. "We cannot give the space, if, we felt prepared to speak, of the several made dishes commonly in use among the older Canadians of Upper Canada. Many of them are truly excellent in taste and nutritious in quality. They are often similar to, or very like the dishes in the Now England and Midland States. This subject will be concluded by giving a few extracts from Eochefoucault who wrote of what he saw and learned in Canada in 1795, and who may be regarded as quite correct. He says, "It is asserted" (by Simcoe) "that all Canada, pro- duces not the necessary corn for the consumption of its inhabitants, the troops are supplied with flour from London, and with salt meat from Ireland." But Simcoe then thought that Canada was capable not alone of feeding her inhabitants, but of becoming the granary of England, and receiving commodities in Exchange. Speaking of Forty Mile Creek, ho says : " Before it empties itself into the lake, it turns a grist mill and two saw mills, which belong to a Mr. Green, ,a loyalist of Jersey, who, six or seven years ago, settled in this part of Upper Canada." "Land newly cleared yields here, the PRODUCE OF HAY QUINTE, 1705. first your, twonty bushels of corn. They ph)Ugli tlio hind after it huH jiroduced three or four crops, but not very doop. Tlio price of flour is twenty-two shillings per hundred weight, thut of wheiit from seven to eight shillings per bushel. Laborers are Hcarce, and nro paid at the rate of six shillings a day. Wheat is generally sown throughout all Upper Canada, but other sorts of grain are also cul- tivated." " Mr Green grinds the corn for all the military jjosts in Upper Canada." Approaching Kingston by water he remarks that "on the left is Quinto Bay, the banks of which are said to bo cultivated up to a considerablo extent. The eye dwells with pleasure once more on cultivated ground. The country looks pleasant. The houses lie closer than in any of the now settled parts of Upper Canada which wo have hitherto traversed. The variegated verdure of tho corn- fields embellishes and eni'ichos the prospect, charms tho eye, and enchants tho mind." nwv'wi'i lU .'< :'u " This district not only produces the corn requisite for its own consumption, but also exports yotjrly about 3 or 4000 bushels. This grain, which, in winter, is conveyed down the river on sledges, is bought by tho merchant, who engage, on the arrival of tho ships from Europe, to pay its amount in such merchandise as the sellers may require. The merchants buy this grain for government, which pays for it in rea^y money, according to tho market price at Montreal. Tho agent of government causes part to be ground into flour, which ho sends to the different ports in Upper Canada, where it is wanted; and tho surplus he sends to England. The price of flour in Kingston is at present (12th July, 1795; six dollars per barrel. The distri(;t of Kingston supplied, last year, tho other parts of Canada with large quantities of pease, the culture of which, introduced but two years ago, proves very productive and successful. In tho course of last year, 1000 barrels of salt pork, of 208 pounds each, were sent from Kingston to Quebec ; its price was eighteen dollars per barrel. The whole trade is carried on by merchants, whoso profits are the more considerablo, as they fix the price of the provisions which they receive from Europe, and sell without the least competition." Indeed, the profits of the dealers must have been immense. They sold to the military authorities at a rate which would remunerate them when the provisions came from England ; and when tho farmers of Canada began to raise grain to sell, they bought it, or exchanged merchandise for it, upon which they fixed the price, and continued to sell tho flour at the same price to the military authorities. 4Ni TII£ MILL AT CATAUAQUI. CHAPTKR XiX. t'osTiNTH — KifiKi'toii Milln — Action of Cloviirniiu'nt — Tho Mlllwrinht — Hltimtlon of the (liHt Mill—Why Selected— Tin- Miicliincry— I'ut ii|> l.y LoyallHtM— No T( II— (tiily Mill for thr<'0 y.-uiH—doiiiK to Mill, 17H4— Tho Nii|)(in.'o Mill— (JumiiiuiK'ctl 1785 — Uohert (Jliirkt; — An old Hook — " AjjponcH" FiiIIh— I'rico ofccrtftin luticlcH — What itiini v.Dni, and wuh iiMer ol" no littU' truuMu mid incon- vt'nictK'O, to carry ^raiii from C'oruwullon tlio one hand, and Sidney on the other, to Kingston, and wait to have it ground into flour; but how intinitoly greater the difficulty, whulation around tlio Bay, cauHcd the outho- rities to sook a ])roper wito for a second mill. The Napanee River, with its natural falln, otVorcd an advantageous ])laco upon wliich to erect aHOcond mill for the Hottlors, upon the Bay. Wo have been fortunate, through the kindness of Mr. 1*. Clark, of Collinsby, in being permitted to examine an account book kept b}-^ Kobert Clark, the millwright, of both the Kingston and Napanee mills. By this, wo learn that in the year 1785, llobert Clark, who had completed the Kingston Mill, removed to the second township, and, according to instructions received from Government, j)r()ceeded to construct a mill upon the Najjanee River, at the site of the natural falls. In the absence of the full particulars relating to the building of the Napaneo Mills, the following cannot fail to be of interest. In the account book aforementioned, the following references to the build- ing of the mill, are found recorded : , ^^.j ^ ,,( , ^ .^, i^.^^-^, "An accompt of articles bouglit frir the use of the works, No- vember 8." '* To 4 Augers of ditl'erent size, from Mr. Phillips, car- penters at Catariqui, 138, 8d. To 3 quires of Writing Paj)er, Ss. December 6, To 20 lbs. of Nails, £1 ; December 22, To 6 Whip Saw Files, 3s. 9d." Omitting some items, and coming to March 23, 1786, wo find " For Eaising the Saw Mill," "2 gallons and 3 pints of Rum, 17s 6d." " April 20th, To 1 quart of Rum, 2b." On the "25th May, To 4 gallons and 1 quart of Rum, for Raising the Grist Mill, at 7s. 6d." The " 26th, To 1 quart of Rum for the People at work in the water at the Dam." By this we learn the day upon which the Napanee mill was erected. On the 20th July, Govern- ment is again chai'ged with '* 3 pints of Rum for raising the fendorpost," &c. On the 27th, a pint was again required, but for what special purpose is not mentioned. In December, 1786, we tind " To making Bolt Cloth 15s." " To Clearing one acre and three-quarters of Land for a mill, at seven dollars per acre, £3." And we find that the iron or smith work for the mill was done 208 '" ' ArPENEA. •*'" by David Palmer and Conly. From the fact that the bolting cloth was not made until December, 1786, wo may infer that the mill did not commence operations until the beginning of 1787. The mill was a great boon to the inhabitants around the Bay Quints, not only because they had a shorter distance to travel, but the amount of work pressing upon the Kingston mill, made it very uncertain'as to the time one would have to wait, to get his gristing done. Consequently many came from the Lower Bay, and the dwellers upon the South Bay in Marysburg, who followed the shores around Indian Point and up the Bay Quinte, To those living in Thurlow, Sidney, and at the Carrying Place, the mill was a great blessing. The father of the late Col. John Clark, of Port Dalhousie, who had been Sergeant Major in the 8th Eegiment, and who had, from 1777, been clerk and naval storekeeper at Carleton Island, removed to within three miles of Napanee, the same year the mill was built, to take charge of the works, in addition to his other duties. John Clark, who was then a small boy, says in his memoirs ; the grain principally brought to be ground, was* Indian corn ; but as the clearances increased, wheat became more plentiful. He also speaks of the great industry which characterized the settlers. *' A small toll was exacted to pay for the daily expenses of the mill, but this was a mere trifle, considering the advantages the settlers derived from loss of time in proceeding to Kingston." From this we infer that no toll w^as demanded at the Kingston mill. "When my father," continues Col. Clark, " was ordered to Niagara, the mill was delivered up to surveyor Collins, under whose directions it was continued in operation for many years, and then the mill site became the property of the Hon. E. Cartwright of Kingston." But, we find the statement elsewhere made that the land was originally granted to Captain McDonald of Marysburg, who sold it to Cart- wright. Eobert Clark, in his account book, says, " Commenced work for Mr. Cartwright at the Napanee mills, the 28th August, 1792." This was probably the time when Cartwright became the owner. In the Bame year, reference is made to timber, for the "new mill," by which we learn that Mr. Cartwright found it desirable to re-build. The iron work for the new mill came to £14. By the book, from which we have made extracts, we see that the name is spelled in dift'ercMit ways, the first being Appenea. For many years the name was spelled Apanee. It has been said that it FIRST FLOURING MILLS. 209 was an Indian name, signifying flour, and was /.jiven by the Misfiissaiigas, from the cxiatenee of the flouring mill. iN'apanee may signify flour, in the Indian language, but the infereuce drawn cannot be correct, as we find the name Appenea Falls given to the place in 1785, before the mill was commenced. Cartwright having rebuilt the mill put in one run of stone at first, shortly after two, and then three. Eobert Clark was th^ millwright, and one Prefect was in charge of the works. The mill seems to have been constructed with some care, and Gourlay says, in 1817, that the Napanee mill is the best in the Province. The old account book from which we have gleaned, gives the price at which certain articles were vended. Thus, we learn that in June, 1787, and July 1788, butter sold at Napanee for Is. per pound. p Some time after the erection of the Kingston and Napanee mills, others were erected in other parts of the Province ; one at Four Mile Creek, one at the Niagara Falls, one at Fort Erie, another at the Mohawk Village, Grand River; and still later, one at Twelve Mile Creek. "In the year 1788, the first grist mill in Dundas wiis built by Messrs. Coons and Shaver in Matilda. It contained but one run of stone, and had a saw mill attached. It stood about a mile above the present village of Iroquois. It could grind 100 bushels of wheat per day, and turned out good flour. Soon after, another mill was built on a much larger scale, by John Munroe, also in Matilda, which had three run of stone." There was also a gang of saws. The machinery was driven by the St. Law- rence waters. At a still later pei'iod Van-Alstine's mill was erected, at the Lake on the Mountain. The events connected with Captain, afterwards Major Van- Alstine, as asettlei*, are I'ecordedin thet^ettlemeiitof Adolphustown. Directly opposite the rich and sloping land on the north shore, on which be settled, is a high prominent hill, which stands boldly up against the buy. This " mountain" is famous on account of the lake upon its summit, a particular account of which is given else- where. It is referred to here in a practical sense. While, upon the hill-top is the work of nature, presented in a striking manner; at its feet is the work of man, which, particularly in the past, was of no little consequence to the well-being of the settlers of the Bay. About the year J796, the third flouring mill of the bay was erected at this place by VanAlstine, to whom had been granted a large tract of land. The surplus waters of the lake, in primeval days, made their escape over the cliff, falling into the bay, and forming, it must 14 . 210 .A WINDMILL. .., havo boon at times, a beautiful cascade. But,- if Captain VanAltstino' had a taste for the beautiful in nature, lie also had'a just appreci- ation of the wants of the people, and he proceeded to utilize the falling water. A canal was cut down the mountain side, to form a channel for the water to descend, and at the bottom was erected a mill, the machinery of which was to be propelled by the descending stream. From that day to this the work of grinding had been carried on. However beautiful the lake above, and delightful the prospect, they cannot exceed in interest the foundation of this mill. Imagination would almost give words to the sound of the mill, which so peacefull}' clicks the daily round of work. The down- rushing waters by the artificial channel would seem to utter reminis- cences of the past — regrets that they may no longer tumble headlong over the hill-side to form a lovely cascade ; but the water-witch has •been driven away by the spirit of utilitarianism. This conspicuous \n\\ has often been the point of hope, the goal to which the farmer turned his little bark, containing, it is true, but a few bushels of grain, yet so precious, and about which the hungry ones in the little log house, thought so frequently, with bodies long accustomed to suffer for the want of enough to eat. And, often this mountain stood up as a guide to the settler, as he trudged along wearily through the thick snow with a bag or two of grain upon a hand- sleigh. Although not the very first mill, it dates back to the last century. The Kingston Gazette of the 16th April, 1811, contains an advertisement, signed by the executors of the deceased Major Van Alstine's will, namely, George W. Myers, Cornelius VanAlstine, and Thomas Borland, in which it is stated that the mill contains two run of stone, one superfine and two common bolts. A windmill was built at a somewhat early period, by Sergeant Howell, nearly opposite the Upper Gap, in Fi'edericksburgh. It was sold to one Russell, who was an Engineer in Kingston, in the war of 1812. The wind-mill was never much used, if at all. About the beginning of the century, 1802, Capt. Myers built a floui'ing mill upon the Moira. (See Thurlow.) It seems to have been a good mill, for persons came a long distance to get grinding done. For instance : Isaiah Tubs, who lived at West Lake, would come, carrying a bag of grain upon his back. In the year 1804, Mr. Wilkins says, a gristing'mill was built at Consecon, to the south of the Carrying Place. Consecon is an Indian name, from Con-Cou, a pickerel. PRIMITIVE ELEGANT ATTIRE. . 211 *''■"•'•■'"''''' CHAPTER XX. ' ■^;-! :,,•-;■■', CoNTBNTS — Clothing — Uoincetic and Farming Implements Style of Dre8i eighty yesirs ago— Clothing of thu RcifugoiiS— Disbanded Soldiers— N,. Fredi Supply— Indian Garments of Skin— Deerskin Pants— Petticoats— Bed Cover- ings—Cultivating Flax— Sheep- Home-made Clothes— Rude Implements— Fulling— French Mode— Lindsay Wools(!y— The Spinning-wheel— rjidustrv— Young men Selecting Wives— Bees— Marriage Portion— Every Farm;rhis own Tanner and Shoemaker — Fashions — How odd hours were spent Home-made Shoes— What Blankets were made of— Primitive Bedstead— Nakedness— Bridal Apparel~No Saddles— Kingston and Nowark— Little Money --Bartering— Merchants from Alhany-Unable to buy— CredH; with Misrchants— The Ilesults- Itinerant Mechanics— Americans— Become Canadians— An old Stone-mason- Wooden Dishes— Making Spoons— Other Hardshijis— Indians Friendlv— Effects of Alcohol upon the Mississaugas— Groundless Panic— Drunken Indians —Women, defending Themselves— An erroneous Statement about Indian Massacre in "Dominion Monthly Magazine"— Statement of an Old Settler Sherwood— Wild Beasts— Few Fire-arms— Narrow Escapes— Depredations at Night— Destroying Stock— An Act of Parliament—" A Traveller's" Statement —The Day of Small Things— Settlers Contertcd— The Extent oi' their Ambition— Reward of Industry— Population in 1808— Importations— Monev— The Youth. ♦ " CLOTHING — FURNITURE — DOMESTIC AND PARMINQ IMPLEMENTS. The Style of clothing worn by the refugees and disbanded soldiers was such as prevailed eighty years ago in England. A certain difference, no doubt, existed between the English and the Colonists, yet mainly the style was the same. Among the first settlers upon the bay were those who had fetched with them, and wore, at least occasionally, garments of fashionable cu^and appoint- ments. Tight knee-breeches and silver buckles would decorate the bodies of some, who had in other days mixed in the fashionable throng, perhaps luxuriated in the gay city of New York, where the presence of British soldiers always gave life and gaiety. Indeed some of the inhabitants had been commissioned officers in the regular army. Dr. Dougall, who had been in the navy, and who had settled in the sixth Township, is remembered as a wearer of " tights" and silver buckles. Also, Major VanAlstine wore this elegant attire, and the M'Leans, of Kingston. Those who left their homes hurriedly during the course of the war, and fled to Lower Canada and the several British Forts, brought only what was upon their backs. Those who came more leisurely might have a little more; but the distance to travel on foot would deter from under- taking to bring more than supplies of food. The disbanded soldiers had no more than what belongs Jto a soldier's kit, and no doubt the close of the war left many of them with well worn garments. A few year's of exposure to the wear and tear of pioneer life would 212 I'RIMITIVE USEFUL ATTIRE. quite destroy tho best supplied wardrobe, however carefully hus- banded, or ingeniously mended by the anxious wife. To replace the clothing was far from an easy matter to the settlers, many of whom hud no money, certainly no time for a long journey to Mon- treal or Al bany. After a few years, Kingston became a place of trade, but tho supply of clothing was scant and dear, placing it beyond the reach of mostly all. Tho result was that tho vast majority of the inhabitants had to look to the production of their lands wherewith to cover the nakedness of their families. Those living up the bay continued to w^nt for clothing for a longer time, being unable to exchange with the merchants of Kingston, until peddlers began to visit the more remote settlers. The faded garments, patched until the original material could no longer be distinguished, ultimately succumbed to the etfects of time and labor. .it The Indians, who as a general thing were friendly and kind, when they visited the settlement, gave to the settlors the idea of manufacturing garments out of deer skin. They, now and then exchanged skins for articles, the settlers could part with, and taught them how to prepare the fresh pelt so as to make it pliable. The process consisted in removing the hair and then working the hide by hand with the brains of some animal, until it was soft and white. Trowsers made of this material were not only comfortable for winter, but very durable. A gentleman who recently died in Sophias burgh at an advanced age, remembered to have worn a pair for twelve years, being repaired occasionally, and at the end they were sold for two dollars and-a-half. Petticoats for women were often made of the same material. Eoger Bates says " My grand- mother made all sorts of useful dresses with these skins, which were most comfortable for a country life, and for going through the bush, could not be torn by the branches." Also, moccasins were procured from the buck-skin, and some had enough deer-skin to make covering for beds. But deer-skin was not sufficiently abun- dant to give covering to all, such as it was ; and, certain clothing was required, for which it was unlit. Thus left to their own resources the settlers commenced at an early period to cultivate flax, and as soon as possible to procure sheep. For many yeai*s almost every family made their various garments, for both sexes, of the coarse linen made from the flax, and cloth from wool raised at home and carded by hand. Preparing tho flax for weaving, as well as spinning were done by hand, with inferior implements rudely made. But WANTING CLOTHING. 213 in later years, occasionally spinninj^j wheels and looms were broiiijht in by settlers. There were no fiiUinif mills to complete the fabric. Even the mode adopted then, in Lower Canada, was not practised, which was as follows: A meeting of young folks, similar to a beo, was held from house to house, at whicli both sexes took part. Tho cloth to be fulled was placed in large tubs, and bare-logged youths would step in and with much amusement dance the fulling done. In Upper Canada, both high and low were glad to be able to don the home-made linen, and the linsey-woolsey petticoat. "The growth of flax was much attended to as soon as lands were cleared and put in order." " Then spinning-Avheels were all the go, and liome-made linen, the pride of all families, manufactured substan- tial articles that would last a lifetime." The young men of industry would look for the spinning-wheel and loom before selecting a wife. " A young farmer would often be astonislied to find on his marriage that his fair partner had got a good supply of linen for her marriage portion. I have known as mudi as sixty yards spun and manu- factured at one bee or gathering." — Clark. When the skins of sheep, and of calves and beef become avail- able, every farmer became his own tanner, and dressed his leather; and then his own shoemaker. Fashions did not change, except as the continued practice of making for an increasing family, gave the maker ability to make something more like a boot than a moccasin. Eainy days, and the nights, were spent in doing such kind of work, not by candle light, but by the hearth tire. It was at the same time that an axe-helve, a wooden plow, a reaping cradle, a wooden fork, &c., were made. But many a child, whose ^rand children are now occupying positions of wealth and influence, stayed in the log cabin the winter through, because he had nothing with which to protect his feet from the snow. The writer's father was not a shoe- maker by trade ; but he remembers when a boy to have w^orn shoes made by him. They were not conspicuous for their beauty, but it was thought by the wearer they would l&st for over ; within his recollection there was not a shoemaker in Thurlow. Much ingenuity was displayed in making clothes and blankets. What was called the *' Kearsy " blanket was made at an early date ; tho writer has seen the first one said to have been manufactured in Upper Canada, certainly the first on the Bay Quinte. It is yet in use and belongs to one, nearly one hundred years of age, who is the daughter of the maker, whom wo remember to have seen when a 214 NO FURNITURE. boy, who, although then in the scni' and yellow leaf, was as tall and erect as if untold hardships had not crowned her life. Within fifteen miles of Be leville, across the Bay, was a log cabin, the occupants of Avhich luid for their first blanket, one made out of hair, picked out of the tanner's vat, and a helup-like weed growing in the yard. The hair was first cleaned by whipping it; then it was carded and woi-ked up with the hemp, and then spun. It Avas afterward doubled and twisted, and finally woven into a blanket. Tlie individual whose wife did this, and whose descendants are among the most wealthy farmers, bought his farm for a horse. For many a day, they had no furniture, not even a chair, and the bedstead was made out of two poles, driven between the logs of the shanty; andbassv/ood bark was twisted so as to bind them substantially together. Clean straw xipon this, wai5 really the only thing they had in the house. And so it was Avith very many, the exceptions being, sonie half pay officers, Avho had brought a table, or a chest of drawers. In 1100, the brother of an individual, holding an important post in Kingston, was near the head of tlie bay, staying at a house in a state of nakedness ; in which condition his brother writes, '* ho must remain until I am able to go up." "I have agreed to put him to trial with a carpenter to learn the trade," ho must therefore have been a large boy. It was not until the close of the last century, that Avearing arti- cles, oth-: than those made out of fiax and avooI, Avere to be obtained* A calico dress Avas a decided luxury. Tlie petticoat, and short gOAvn of linen, was more common, A long chintz dress to go to meeting, Avas the height of many a damsel's ambition, or a grogran dress and short petticoat. As years passed aAvay, and a grown up daughter Avas about to be married, efforts Avould be made to array the bride in fitting costume. Often a dress, AAorn by the mother in other days, amid other scenes, Avhich had been laid carefully away, Avas brought forth to light, a;id made by suitable alterations to do renewed service* although the Avhite had assumed a yelloAV oast, and had lost its lustre. As late as 1 8 1 6, a farmer OAvuing land in Sidney, and Avho died rich, made in winter a journey to Kingston Avith flour, Avearing noth- ing on his feet, but a pair of shoes, and A\'ho had his troAA'sers strapped down to keep his ankles Avarm. Leg boots took too much leather- It was many years before a bridle and saddle Avero knoAvn, and then> l)ut a feAv possessed such a convenience. Bare-back, or on a deer skin Avas the primitive mode. After the erection of Upper Canada into a separate province ', both Kingston and NcAAark, Avliei-e there were ahvays troops, and Avhere THE PEDLARS. 215 articles of clotlilng were to b(( purohased tVoni :i few, who Imd cjone into the mercantile biisineHs, exhibited a degree of comfoTt and even gaiety in dress. At tlie first there was but little money in circulation. Bnt few of the refugees, or disbanded soldiers had any when they entered the wilderness. The government were constantly paying a certain sum to the troops at Kingston and Newark, and likewise to the retired half pay otficers. The few who could command money, were placed in a position of greater comfort, as soon as articles of provisions and merchandise, were brought to the new settlement. Mainly, however, trading Avas carried on by exchanging one coinmodity for another. Prol)ably the first articles for trade, was the ti(?ket for grants of land in the back concessions, often parted with so cheaply. The settlers required clothing, grain for sowing, and stock;, these wants in time, led to trade, two kinds of which were introduced. One carried on by merchants established at Kingston, the other by pedlars, Yankee pedlars, who would come from Albany with their pack in a canoe or small batteau, and who plied their calling along the bay shore from clearing to clearing. Both the merchant at Kingston, who' waited for his customers to come to him, and the pedlar who sought customers, asked for their wares, only grain or any other produce. But wheat aviis desired above all others. It was an event of no little hiterest to the back woodsman's family, when the pedlar's canoe or batteau came along, and halted before the log house, by the shore. And, even when their circumstances would not permit them to buy, it Avas a luxury to have a look at the things, which were so temptingly displayed. The toil-woni farmer, with well patched trowsers, would turn with an inward sigh from the piece of cloth, which although so much wanted, could not be got. Tiie wife looked longingly at those little things, Avhich would just suit baby. The grown up daughters gazed wistf ully,but hopelessly at the bright calico prints, more valuable, in their eyes than the choicest silks are to their descendants to day. But a calico dress was a thing not enjoyed, but by few, until it was bought for the wedding dress. Frequently some articles of family use was exchanged for goods, which were deemed of more use. The trade of merchants at Kingston steadily increased ; but not a cash business. A credit system was initiated and curried on. Goods would be purchased with an engagement to pay in wheat or potatoes, or some- thing else, at a certain time. Here and there along the bay were Indian fur traders. They, also, began to exchange with the settlers. While this was a great convenience, and gave immediate comfort to W19 TRAVELLING MECHANICS. many a fivniily, it, at tlio same time, knl to serious results with many. JJisappointotl in the return of cro|)s, or in some otiicr way, tlic pay- ment could not be made. ProiuisHory notes were given at interest; and, after a few years, sueing and seizing of stock was the result. Sometimes even the farm went to satisfy the creditor. Unfortunately, there are too many such cases in the records of the settlers of the bay. Not alone did pedlars come from the States, to pick up the fruit of the industry, of tliose they had driven away ; but there wore itinerant Yankee mochanics wlio would occasionally come along, looking for a job. Carpontei'fl, Alasons, &o., after a few years, found much to do. We would not speak disi)aragingly of these Americans, because they served a good turn in erecting buildings, as houses, barns, (kc. They also hitroduced many valuable articles of luisbandry and domestic use. And finally, many of them forsook their republican government, and pennanently settled under the King, and became the best of subjects. Even in the first decade of the present century, mechanics would go up and down the bay seeking work. For instance, there was one Travers, a atone mason, who found employment along the bay, and 'even up the lake. Of this we are informed by one of his apprentices who is now upwards of eighty years old. (We make place in om* Eoview to state that John W. Mayboe, referred to, aged 88, died 7th February, 1869.) ' A hundred things enter into the list of what constitutes home comforts. But spare, indeed, were the articles to be found upon the kitchen shelves. Plain enough, was the spread table, at which the family gathered morning, nooh, and night. Many had but one or two dishes, often of wood, rudely made out of basswood ; and spoons of the same material. Knives and forks in many families were unknown. A few families had brought a very limited number of articles for eating, relics of other days, but these were exceed- ingly scarce. The wooden spoon was the most common table article with which to carry food to the mouth. By and by the pedlar brought pewter spoons, and once in a while the settler procured pewter and moulds and made spoons for himself. VAUIOUS HARDSHIPS. Apart from the suffering arising from want of food, and clothing to wear, and furniture to make the house comfortable, there were others of more or less magnitude. It would naturally be' expected that one of the first dangers in entering a wilderness, would be from ALCOHOL AND INDIANS. 217 tho Indians, whose territory was being occupied. But in the main this evil whh not added to their other distress. The considerate and just policy pursued by tho British Government, left the Indians no cause of complaint, and they did not at any time a.s8ume an hostile attitude toAvai-d tho infant colony. But that curse of the hinnan race,— baneful curse to the Indians, alcohol, came with the white man ; and, too often, tho unscrupulous trader, and merchant would, not only sell the fire water to them, but rely ujion its intoxi- cating qualities, to consummate more excellent bargain.s for furs. The evil thus inflicted upon the Indian, returned in some oases, upon innocent pioneers. The Indians imder the influence of liquor are par- ticularly savage and ungovernable ; prone to exhibit their wild nature. Thirsthig for tho liquor, they would ; ometimes enter dwellings, when they new the men were absent, and endeavour to intimidate the women to give them rum. A few instances of alarm and actual danger, come to us, among the bay settlers. At one time particularly, there arose a wide spread-alarm, (long remembered as the " Indian alarms,") that tlie Indians were, upon some fixed night, when the men were away to Kingston mills, going to massacre the settlers. This arose from some remarks, let fall by a half drunken Indian. A few of the settlers, did actually leave their homos, and sought protection in a more thickly set- tled locality,while active steps were taken to defend their homes against the Indians. Mrs. Dempsey, of seventh township, gathered up what she couhl, and with her children crossed in a canoe to tho eiirht town- ship. On another occasion, when her husband was absent, several half dnmken Indians came to the house, and one stepping up to where she sat, trembling with fear, and with her little ones nestling close to her, drew his knife, and cutting a piece from the palm of his hand, held the bleeding wound before her face, crying out " look, look^ Indian no fraid." Then he brandished his knife in the most menacing man- ner. She hearing the sound of a passing team, got up and slowly walked backwards to the door, looking tho savage bravely in the eye all tho time. Her husband had opportunely arrived, in time to save his family, which he did by a free use of the hor.se-whip. On another occasion, Mrs. D. savod her life and the childrens from drunkeu Indians, by rushing up a ladder with them, into the garret, which could only be reached by a small opening through the ceiling, and then hauling the ladder up. The Indians endeavoured to assist each other up, and through the entrance, but she having a knife succeeded by cutting their fingers, when they attempted to get up, in keeping 7 them back. These hostile attempts were exceptions, and always the result of intoxication. f 218 WILD BEASTS. Since writing the nbovo, nn article has been pnbliHhod in the Dominion Monthly Magazine, in which it is stated tliat a family of fiettlers were massacred by the Indians upon the banks of the St. Lawrence in 1796. This statement is at variance with facts known to us, and witli the tostiraony of one who cannot be mistaken. His statement is as follows : JJrockville, 13th April, 1868. Mr Deak Sir, — I am in receipt of your note of this date, adverting to the statement of tlie massacre of a family in Upper Canada, by the Indians in 1Y95. I noticed the same statement in some paper I have lately read, and at the time I thought it to be a mistake in the date, or an entire fabrication. I am not awaro of the least hostility shewn by the Indians to any of the U. E. Loy.ali.sts since 1784, eleven years ])revious to date stated, and I do not believe a syllable of it. Yours truly, .}^.M^;^'^-.'>'vMw'..|..>v^.,. * '■•■'■' AdIEL SUERWOOD. "■ Although tlie native Indians did not, as a general thing, alarm the settlor, there were wild beasts that did. For years the wolf, and tlic boar, and other ferocious animals were a source of terror and suffering. These animals, un.accustomed to the sight of man, were at first exceedingly tame. The settlers had but few fire-arms, and ammunition was very scarce ; and the beasts knew no terror of them. They would even by day, come to the very door of the cabin, ready to seize the little child, or the scanty stock of poultry, pigs, or sheep, or calves, or salted provisions which had been left exposed, government stores, &c. And at night they made the most hideous and incessant howls, until morning. Many instances of their rapacity in robbing the scanty yard of the settlers, and of hair breadth escapes of indivi- duals from wolves and boars, are mentioned. The destruction of stock by the wolf especially, caused the government of Canada, at an early date, (1793,) to legislate, with a view of gradually exterminating them; and an act was passed, granting a premium of four dollars to every , one who should bring a wolfs head to the proj^er officer ; and two dollars for a bears. It was withdrawn with regard to bears, in 1796. " A traveller," writing in 1835, remarks that in Kingston, resided a person who privately bred wolves to obtain the rewavd. But whether such an enterprising citizen did actually live in the good old town the writer saith not. Instances of narrow escapes from the wild beasts ''are still remembered, for instance, Lewis Daly, of Ernest town, was 0OMPOIIT8. 219 suddenly attacki'(l by a boar within n mile of homo. lie sprung up n small troo, whioU bending over, ho was in monu'iitary danger of being reached. Ilis cries brought hcl)). In thoHe early days, the Hctl ler, loolced not for great things ; Bchooled by the hardHhips of civil war, ain^ inured to want, and half starvation, they asked not for riches. Enough to eat, and to be warmly clad, and housed from the winter's cold, was the groat point to which they stretched their longing hopes. I'lcnty in the future for the little ones, and for themselves, when thoy had growii old, was the single puri)osc of their toilsome lile. A descendant of a first settler nj)on the front of Sidney, tells of his grandmother whom he had heard say, that her great ambition at first, was to raise vegetable, onions and other useful articles in her garden bed ; to have poultry then, about her. After years she got the fowls ; but a mink, in a single night killed them all. Then, again, they hatl got a breeding sow, and one morning a bear walked out of the woods, and with one hug destroyed all their hopes of future porkers. Gradually, as years i)as8ed away, comforts began to reward the patient and industrious pioneers ; acre after acre was brought under cultivation. The log house received an addition, a little stock was procured, and the future brightened up before them, and by the year 1808, tlio settlements in Uppor Canada were increasing in number, and spreading in every direction. "'Tlio frontier of the country was fast filling up. Persons were taking up land several milos from the water's edge. Some had ventured to take up land in the second tier of townships, in the midst of the wilderness, and many miles from any habitation. The population was now increased to about 70,000 80ul8. The importations was chiefly li(piors and groceries, which by the St. Lawrence and the United States, brought a revenue of nearly £7,000. The bulk of the inhabitants manufactured and wore their own clothing. The way of trade was mostly by barter, as gold and silver were scarce, and there wore no banks to issue paper currency. Intemperance was very prevalent, and schools were scarce. The youth were too fond of foolish amusements." — (^Playter.) BRA8T8 OF IIURDEN. (HIAITKR XXI. CoNTBNTH — Hwoftt of till) Urow— No HoaHt of Jliiidcn — No Htotk — Kxcept by n Fow — HornoM uiul Oxiii — Kioiu I.dwt-r Caniida — York Htiitc — I.uUt coinori, broti^lit Hoinc — No Kodili-r — Kirnt Httxk in AdolphuHtown — Iik iderttM — Cock imd llfii — "Tiplcr" — (.'iittlc. Driving — Firnt (nw in Tlmrlow — First Houho in M»ryHl)urKli — Tlin Firnt Oft.-ii — No Market for Hiittor and ('luii'Mf — Sla't.«|)— It(!V. Mr. Stuart, hh un AgrkultiiriHt — lIomtiH at Napancc — An uflcr for n Yoko of KteurH, INTRODUCTION 01' STOCK AND DKASTS OV BURDEN. Wo littvo seen that the refugees and disbai'dod Holdiors who ontorod Canada, brought but a limited number of implements, and thoHO of an imperfect nature. The most of them had no moans of loHHoning lalior, no beasts of burden. All the work had to bo done by the sturdy arm, and l)y the sweat of the brow. For yoanj, mostly all aliUo thus labored, and for many years the increasing number continued to toil, being unable to jn'ocure boasts of burden, or any stock. The distance to go for them was too far, and the way too diftlcult to bo undertaken easily. But, a greater difllculty, an insurmountable reason was that they had not tho means to purchase, until years of struggling had extracted from the ground, covered with stumps, produce to exchange for tho much ro(iuirod help, in tho form of boasts of burden. Some of tho half-jjay oflicers, and other persons, favored by those holding some situations in tho gov- ernment, were enabled to got beasts of bui-dcn at tirst, or within a year or two. There were a few old soldiers who had a little money, received at being discharged ; and again, some sold their location tickets of a portion of their land, and thereby wore enabled to make purchase of cows or oxen. For beasts of burden, they, as a general thing, preferred oxen in preference to horses, to work among the stumps with. Both oxen and hor-sos were brought from Lower Canada and York State. Tho later comers, especially, fetched with them horses, oxen and cows from the latter place. A few of tho very first settlers, perhaps, brought one or more cows. Wo find it stated that tho disbanded soldiers had a cow allotted to every two families ; those must have been procured at Lower Canada, perhaps a few by way of O.swego, whore were stationed some troops. Sheriff Euttan, speaking of the famine, says : "Wo had tho luxury of a cow which the family brought with them." Thomas Goldsmith camo in 1786, and drove a I:* of cattle to the Bay : but he could not get enough for them to eat FIRST ilORSCS AND CATTLE. 221 nnd thoy Htnrvo■'■" '■' '' " - > Many of the main roads were at first marked by the blazing of the trees, when made through the woods, after a while a foot-path could be seen, and then boughs were trimmed off, that one might ride on horseback ; and in time the sleigh was driven, and finally a waggon road was made. ■';•,--''■ 'i>'r''': * Government was slack in giving funds to open up the country, and the legislation, for many years, in reference to the subject, seemed as if it was intended to do as little as possible, forgetting the fact that "the first improvement of any country should be the making of good roads." But it soon became important to have a mail road between Montreal and Kingston, and between Kingston and York, and then by way of Dundas to the Thames, and to Niagara. Says Mr. A. Sheerwood, " I recollect when the King's highway was established from the Provincial line to Kingston, the line was run by a surveyor named Ponair, with a surveyor under his direction by the name of Joseph Kllborne. The distance from the Provincial line to my father's farm, three miles below Brock- ville, was ninety-five miles, and from Brockville to the fort, this side of Kingston, fifty miles, at the end of each mile was planted a red cedar post, marked on it the number of miles from the Pro- vincial line, this line of road was made some years after the first settlement, but I have forgotten the year." The original mail road between Kingston and York did not altogether follow the present 226 THE DANl'OBTH ROAD. line. AL tii-Mt, from KingBton, the road followed the bay whore to Bath, and continued along- the shore to Adolphustown to Borland's Point, where was established a ferry to eoinmunicate with Marys- burg at the Lake of the Mountain ; thence the road followed the shore to the head of Picton Bay, and soon to Bloomfold, Wellington, Consccon, by the Carrying Place, and continued to closely follow the lake shore. Subsequently this groat highway was called the York Eoad when going towards York, and the Kingston Road when going towards Kingston. Gen. Simcoe intended to have a grand military road from one end of the Province to the other. This he lined out and gave it the name of Dundas Street. But he left the Province before his intentions were carried out, and but a small portion was then con- structed ; while settlers had located here and there along the pro- posed road, and had cleared land and built with the full expectation that the great thoroughfiu-c would shortly be opened up. But years passed away, before this was done. Piece after piece was hero and there made passable, until at last the road was made through the length of the Province. Tlie late Mr. Finkle of Ernest Town writes : " An American gentleman came into Canada, 1798, by the name of Asa Danforth, and made a contract with the Upper Canada Government, to open a road from Kingston through to Ancaster, at the head of Lake Ontario, which road he completed. Danforth's home was at my fathers (Henry Finkle), before and after the contract was taken. The work commenced in 1798, and was finished in three years time." This road passed through Prince Edward by Wellington. Danforth " became dissatisfied with the government when the settle- ment took place, and left Canada with a bitter feeling, so much so, that he, some time after, sent to my father a package of pamphlets, he had published to shew the injustice of the government transac- tion. He desired they should be circulated through the country along the road. However, the pamphlets were not distributed, and the fact never became generally known." For many years the main road was called the Danforth Eoad. As time advanced, the road between York -^nd Kingston was gradually improved. The great hindrance to - making is suffi- ciently indicated by the following, taken fror a-lay. It is the expression of a meeting of yeomen, held at tiit v^niage of AVaterloo, Kingston, February 2, 1818, Major John Everett in the chair. Among other things it is asserted that what retards the progress !■; ACTS OP PARLIAMENT. 227 that "great quantities of land in the fronts and public situation.s, that remain unimproved, by being givQn very- injudiciously to persons who do not want to settle on them, and what is most shame- ful and injurious, no law is made to compel them to make or work any public road ; but this is to be done by industrious people, who settle around. Such lands remain like a putrid carcass, an injury and a nuisance to all around: at the same time, to the owners, this land increases in value, without their being made to contribute towards it, at other men's expense. Our worthies, a few years ao-o, passed an act, that required a poor man to work three days upjn the public roads, and these overgorged land-owners but twelve days, and others, with twenty times as much property, doing no more. It would excite surprise at Governor Gore's signing such a bill, if it was not known that the Parliament voted him £3,000, to buy a piece of plate." '"''"^' ' ■-^-'-5''*'«--'f*'w .^>i.i i o »;t Says Thomas Markland, in a General Report of Midland District: / , , . . ,. ' ,,.--- -.-^^.j .;-.j^, "The same cause which has surrounded Little York with a desert, creates gloom and desolation about Kingston, otherwise most beautifully situated ; I mean the seizure and monopoly of the land by people in office and favour. On the east side, particularly, you may travel miles together without passing a human dwelling; the roads are accordingly most abominable to the very gates of this, the largest town in the Province ; and its market is often supplied with vegetables from the United States, where property is less hampered, and the exertions of cultivators more free, accordingly.'" In 1797, Parliament passed an Act, which was the first " for the regulation of ferries." :. ..., . -...,.,,...; ., „. ^.,„.,.j ^„<,,i hrc^.i In 1794, an Act was parsed "to make further provisions respecting Highways and Roads." An Act was passed, 1798, respecting " Statute duties on Highways and Roads." In 1804 an Act was passed "granting £1,000 for repairing, laying out new roads, and building bridges in the several districts." Again, in 1808 £1,600 Avas granted for the same purpose; and again the same sum in the following j-ear. In 1811, £3,450 tvas granted. In 1812, an Act was passed " to prevent damage to travelers on the highways of the Province. All persons meeting sleighs or waggons to turn out to the right, and give half the way. Two or more bells to be attached to every sleigh. Jia«t4»^i-n¥«.^«!s&«fr:^ In 1812, it was found that "many roads* were unnecessarily 228 COMMISSIONERS, l826. laid out ; to remedy this, every one hud to bo confirmed by Justices of the Peace, and^if this wore not done, the party who applied for the survey should pay for .the wame. In 1814, £G,000 was granted for Highways and Bridges; and the year following, " £20,500 to bo appropriated," and Commis- sioners were appointed on the road, to receive £25 each. Again, the year after, £21,000 was granted. In 1819, Parliament passed an "Act repealing and amending certain portions of previous Acts," by which a more elaborate pro- vision was made to secure statute labor. This was again amended in 1824. In 1826 was enacted to grant £1,200 for making and reparing roads and bridges — Item : " In aid of the Society for improving the Public Eoads," in apart of Ernesttown and Kingston. In 1830, £13,650 was granted " for the improvement of Eoads and Bridges," of which the Midland District received £1,900, to be expended as follows, by contract after public notice: "On the Montreal road, between the Town of Kingston, and the limits of the County of Frontonac, the sum of fifty pounds. Joseph Franklin, Elijah Beach, and James Atkinson to be Commissioners for expend- ing the same : On the road loading from the Town of Kingston, to the Village of Waterloo, the sum of fifty pounds; and that Samuel Askroyd, Horace Yeomans, and Benjamin Olcott, be CommissionorK for expending the same. On the loading road from Kingston to the Village of Bath, the sum of one hundred pounds, and that Henry Lasher, Joseph Amy, and Prentiss J. Fitch, be Ccmmissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from the Village of Waterloo to the Napanee Mills, the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds ; and that tho Treasurer and Trustees of the Kingston and Earnesttown Road Society bo Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from Loughborough to Waterloo, the sum of fifty pounds ; and that Samuel Aykroyd, John Campbell, and Henry Wood be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from the fifth Concession of Portland to the third concession of the Township of Kingston, fifty pounds ; and that Jacob Shibly, Byron Spike, and Thomas Sigsworth, be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from Bath to the Township of Camden, the sum of fifty pounds; and that Ebeney^er Perry, Benjamin Clarke, and John Perry, bo Commissioners for expending the same. On tho road leading from Wessel's Ferry, in Sophiasburg, to Deraorest's Mill, tho sum of one hundred pounds and that Abraham VanBlaricum, Daniel B. Way, and Guilliam MONEY EXPENDED. 229 Domorost, bo Commissioners for oxponding the samo. On the road between tbo widow M'Croady's and tbo north-cast of Chrysler's Creek Bridge, in the seventh concession of Thurlow, the sum of twenty- five pounds. On the road in the township of Huntington, loading to the township of Madoc, and sui'veyed by W. Ketcheson, in one- thousand eight hundred and twenty -eight, seventy-five pounds, and that Jacob Jowngs, of Thurlow, Garret Garritson, of Huntingdon, and James O'Hara, of Madoc, be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from the Napanee Mills to Belleville, the sum of eight hundred pounds, and that Allan McPherson, John Turnbull, William Post, David B. Soles, and John Mabee, of Thurlow, be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from VanAlstine's ferry to the Carrying Place, the sum of two hundred pounds, and that f imeon Washburn, Esquire, Charles Biggar, Esquire, and Jesse ncadcison, be Commissioners for expending the same." During the same session, " there being reas. i to believe there would not bo enough moans on hand to meet the grant, "an Act was passed to raise by loan £8000. The year after another Act was passed to raise by debenture the sum of £40,000 more to be appropriated to the several districts. The Midland district to receive £2,200. Among the specifications, were "in the Indian woods" £200 for the bridge at the mouth of the little Cataraqui, £50 " to assist in erecting new bridge across Marsh Ci*eek, near William Brickman's, in Ameliasburgh," £20. "To erjct a bridge across East Creek, at the east end of Bast Lake, £50." " On the road leading from Belleville to the Marmora Iron Works, £250. In March, 25, 1828, there was passed an Act respecting "a road between Ernesttown and the Gore of Fredericksburgh." The Preamble says, " whereas, in consequence of a dispute having arisen between the Justices of the Peace of Ernesttown and Fredericksburgh, respecting the right of eithei* party to take charge" of the road, and to which party the right of repairing it belongs, "in consequence of which dispute, the aforesaid road though much traveled from necessity, is dangerous and difficult to travel, on account of being left, in a great measure, for a long time past, without being mended," &c. It was enacted that the two townships should equally take charge and keep in repair the said road, certain portions being allotted to each. In 1827 an act was passed to incorporate "The Cataraqui Bridge Company." Up to this time the communication between 230 CATARAQUI BRIDGE COMPANY. Kingston and tho opposite point of Frederick, was only by boat.. The Act, or some portions of it cannot but be interesting : " Whereas John H. Glover, John Marks, John Macaulay, John Kerb}'^, Christopher Alexander Ilagerman, Michael Sproatt, John P. Ilaw- kin.M, Robert Moore, Charles Jones, Stephen Yarwood, Augustus Barber, George Calls, Richard Williams, James B. Forsyth, George McBeath, Adam Krieu, John S. Cartwright, Robert D. Cartwright, Alexander Anderson, George O'Kill Stuart, Laughlin Currin, Donald McPhorson, James Jackalls, the younger, Francis Archibald Harper, John Gumming, James Sampson, Elizabeth Ilerchmer,. Catharine Markland, Anne Macaulay, John Jenkins, and Edward Fors^'th, have petitioned to be incorporated," &c. (This furnishes us with tho names of tho more prominent persons at that time interested in Kingston). "And whereas, they have represented, by their agents, that they have made arrangements with His Majesty's Government, in case the object above recited be carried into effect, for the passage of Military 'and Naval stores, and of the officers and men belonging and attached to the various Military and Naval departments, for a certain consideration to bo annually paid by the Government, and that for the purpose of this incorpo- ration, they have subscribed stock to the amount of £6000." r^^^^; ^ ;» „ The Act of Incorporation provided that " the said Company arc authorized and empowered, at their own cost and charges, to erect and build a good and substantial bridge over the great river Cata- raqui, near the town of Kingston, from the present scow landing on the military reserve, opposite to the north-east end of the con- tinuation of Front Street to the opposite shore on Point Frederick, at the present scow landing on the Military Reserve, adjoining the western addition of the Township of Pittsburgh, with convenient access thereto at both ends of the bridge, to and from the adjacent highways, at present in use ; that the said bridge shall be at least twenty-five feet wide, and of sufficient strength for artillery car- riages," &c., &c. ; they shall also be at liberty to build toll- houses, and toll-bars ; Provided always, that there be a draw-bridge not less than eighteen feet, in some part, for the passage of all vessels, which bridge shall be opened at all hours required without exacting toll, and a space for rafts between the piers, forty feet." The amount of toll to be demanded from man and beast, and vehicle, was fully specified in the Act. a^t Tho Company was to be managed by five Directors, Stock- holders to hold office for one year from each last Monday in January. The bridge was to be completed within three years. M" All AM. 231 It was pi'ovi«locl that no f'orry hIiouUI bo allowed, nor other barge The final elaiiso enacted that after fifty years W\h Majesty might assume the possession of the bridge, u])on paying to the Company the full value thereof, to bo ascertained by three arbi- trators. ., , . ' ' '. -" '- •' March 20, 1829, an Act was passed extending the time for completing the bridge, two years from the passing of the Act, We have seen how the roads throughout Canada, wore gradually constructed. As time advanced steps were taken, sometimes how- over very tardily, to place public thoroughfares in a more passable condition. We believe the road from Kingston to Napanoe, was the first to bo macadamized, which for many long years was the exception in an execrable road, stretching between Kingston and York. The originator of macadamized roads was John Loudoun McAdam. Ho was born in Scotland in 1756 ; emigrated to New York when a latl, and remained in that City throughout the Eevo- lution. Under the protection of the British troops, he accumulated a considerable fortune, as agent for the sale of prizes. At the close of the war he returned to his native land, with the loss of nearly all h\fi property. His system of making roads is too well known to require description. The British Clovernment gave him £10,000, and tendered the honor of knighthood, which he declined, but which was conferred on his son, James Nicholl McAdam. He died at Moffat, County of Dumfries, in 1836, aged eighty years. J^i).>ft(,''^ •■'niJ imni ■.>'(i}y»ji •.^■^I'h'j >;); h) -^Im-' ii'.r'^Ui ■f■.^■^•■)•.^^f .«;,,■• ■:Ku>>i jii .U liiuU i.%tff*:.<\ hin-: 'li^ ynt\i ■: o^M lU ^mon'rii^ -tM ,^ nrrni-.i'r.- ■Xi.': '■!T.'\\rnis.r^i>X.il^■•J■,^v^■^.h iiU-u;jUJM TO ^ •«.«*; ^ifhr/f J'jiii ovit yjitr^v. 232 CANADA CnAI»TEU XXIII. CoNTiNTH. — Ode to Cftiiftdn — Karly evcntfi — First Kiif^linh child in Amoricn, 1587— In New Knpliind — Firnt Frt-nc h child, 1021 — FirHt in I'ltiu'i- C'anadii, 1783 — In I'rlncc Edwnid — AdolphuHtown — Anic'liuHbuigh — North of the lUdcau — Indian marrinfie cereinony — Difhoulty among flrnt Hettlcrw to pet clergy- men — First miirriiige in Americti, 1008 — First in Now EnKhmd, l(i21 — First in('anadu, lO'JO — MarriuKcalilc t'olkH — No one to tie the matrimonial knot- Only one clergyman — Otheers marrying — MagiRtmtes empowered — Logisla- tion, 1703 — Its provision — MaJiing valid certain marriages — Fnrther legiHla- tion, 1798 — In 1818 — 18'21 — 1831 — Clergymenof all d(!nominations permitted to marry — Methodist miniHtors — Marriage liconse, 1814 — Five perBong ap- pointed to issue — A noticeable matter — St^itements of Hates — Mode of court- ing in the woods — Newcastle wedding expeditions — Weapons of defence- Ladies' dresses — The lover's " rig" — A wedding ring— I'aying the magistrate — A good corn basket — doing to weddings — "Hitters" — Old folks stay at home — The dance, several nights — Marriagi; outtit — Frontier life — Morals iu Upper Canaua — Absence of irregularities — Exceptional instanccg— Unable t'i- »<'^ '^''-^^'i «•..■•!.;< -SiW ?J ' /: .^r.^^r.>]^^*^^1^i^.:'iJA'■h Canada faithful 1 Canada fair ! • ' Canada, beautiful, blooming and rare 1 iuui MW' t :iniUii vn\i-t):i'u: 'til Canada, happiest land of tlie earth ! 'ji^/rjA . o ui*-' ;d . Hail to thee, Canada! laud of my birth ! ' ,, / «.)!,;; t'idi U) Land of fair freedom, whore l)ought not anij sold, * "'■ -^ ' Vj?jiavlMvr Are sinews and sorrows, for silver and gold! , t,i i?^ li'S • ,- ^ ' Land of broad lakes, sweet valleys and plains ! ^ ,/.;■,; „i ...nil iM J Land wliere justice for rich and poor reigns ! '. ' ^ i«v''i!*S .■;'. ,':'l.t ,/' Land of tall forests, fnmed rivers and rills I - M"j>.t Inj;, J,! , : , ^ \'. Land of fair meadows, bold mountains and hills! r ,^„^r<',/U *' ' ' '''^*'* ' Land where a man is a man, though he toil ! '.' ' ' i'J\^v^^'iir■\ ^ri Land where the tiller is lord of the soil ! l^^.l(.»/1.;J^»,i •■; ,>?.n?:-.) *•( ,,; '-., Land where a people are happy and free — „, i, , ,. i. ;i-,,i-y Where is the land that is like unto thee ? - ,«?--4! hmi /J Thou hast for the stranger that seekoth thy shore ''^'f* ii if'«^ 'i'iid* } -j.jjij; A smile, and a cheer, and a welcome in store ; ,,...: /.a1';> The needy, relief ; and the weary repose ; . '^ ^'-i> I ' ",«YiV A home for thy friends ; and a grave for tliy foes. •'■S'vi jj Yi'i lidtZV- ^'^y nobles are those whose riches in store Trrt'if . (vflfci^ " " ' Is the wealth of the soul, and the heart's hidden lore ; ^. •, « They cringe to no master, they bow to no lord -^"-^ v •;«. piiCtjnft 10 It- ^^^^ Heaven's, each night and each morhing adored. ' f / Land of swift livers, sweet-gliding along ! ^'i .vc4 Land of my pride, and land of my song ! ^•' " •' ' - 'i«2|ik5 t'ltiflVf Canada, prosperous I Canada, true I ■ r- .,«^ . , J ,f Canada loyal, and virtuous, too ! , ll.. ,t J a ■a- Canada, happiest land of the- earth! r^i^AE Hail thee, forever, sweet land of my birth I NATIVB CAItADIAXS. 233 THE FinST NATIVKS OF UPPEU CANADA. Wo turn from tho Hml pictures vvhicli have been truthiully, if imperfectly done, whicii reproHeut the darker Hide of the pioneer life of the rcfiijj^'c.s, to otberH more plonsiuuf. In those primitive times, events whicii now seem trivial to a general puhlic, were of general interest, and the recollection cherished l)y a whole commmuty. In the absence of those stirring events which characterize the present, incidents of comparative unimportance, became household words, and recollections. Hence, it comes that posterity may, in some instances, know who were first married in certain places in America, of the first bi'th, and who first died. .1 ., ^ • , ,, ,,i / ; "The first child born of English parents in America, was a daughter of Mrs. Dore, of Virginia, October 18, 1587." "There is now standing in Marshalfi eld, » Cape Cod, a portion of a house built by Perigrino White, the first male child born of English parents in New England.' According to the testimony of the registrar of Quebec, the first white child born in Canada, was upon the 24th October, 1621, which was christened the same day by the name of Eustache, being the son of Abraham and Margaret L'Anglois ; Abraham was a Scotchman, named Martin Abraham. He was king's pilot, and married to Eustache. The plains of Abraham derive their name from him. ■....<....>;,.. j,.i/..,. - . In the obituai*y notice of Eev. Mr. Pringle, a Methodist preacher, it is stated that he was born in Prince Edward, in 1780, but this must be a mistake. There is sufficient proof that the first settlement at Smith's Bay commenced in 1784, when the first part of Prince Edward became settled. Perhaps, indeed, very likely, the first children born of European parents, was the late Colonel John Clark, of Dalahousie, and an older brother and sister. Hifc father, an Englishman, came to Quebec, attached to the 8th regiment in 1708. From a sergeant-major, he was appointed in 1776, clerk and naval store keeper at Carleton Island. Here, Sarah and William Clark wore born during the progress of the war. Col. Clark says, " I was born at Frontenac, now Kingston, in 1783, and was baptized by the Rev. Mr. Stuart. The Rev. Mr. Pringle, before alluded to, was the first, or among the first-bom in Prince Edward. ii . „ * A son of Thomas Borland, claimed to be the first Avhite child born in the fourth township ; but the honor was disputed by Daniel Peterson. Mrs. Wm. Ketcheson, now living in Sidney, daughter of ■#•'?'' 234 THE FIRHT MAURI AHE. Elizabeth Hohlin, of AdolphuHtown, was l»orn tlujic^ in 17H4. Sho inuHt liavo Ijt'oii ono of tlio vory first, us the first si'ttlcrs eamu that sumo year. On the 16th Januury 1785, Ilonry VanDusen was boni in A •■•n ..' • The first child born of white parents north of the Rideau, was Colonel E. Burritt, liurritt's Rapids, a relative of Elihu Bnrritt. ■ ■ i' '■ " "^ MARUYING IX EARLY TIMES. . . The native Indians of America practiced no important ceremony ineonnection with marrying. Certuin steps had to bo taken by the ono who njight desire to have a certain female as his partner, a»ul those procoodings were always strictly attended to. But the final ceremony consisted in little more than the affianced one, leaving the wigwam of her father and repairing to that of her fnture lord and maHter. In many cases the first settlors of America experienced some difficulty in obtaining the services of a Christian minister to solemnize matrimony. In French Canada there was not this tliificulty, as from the first the zealous missionary was ever beside the discoverer as he pressed on his way. The first Christian marriage solemnized in America, took place in Virginia in 1608, between John Loyden and Ann Burras. The first marriage in New England was celebrated the 12th May, 1621, at Plymouth, between Edward Waislow and Susannah White. The first marriage in the colony of French Canada, was between Guillauuie Couillard and Guillmet Ilebert, July 1620. This is found in the first p.arish register, which was commenced this year, 1020. Among the pioneers of Upiier Canada, were persons of every class as to age, from the tender infant at the breast, to the gray-headed man. There were young men and young women, as well as the aged, and as hopes and desires exist to-day in tho breast of the young, so did they then. As the gentle influence of love animates at the pre- sent time, so it did then. But there was a serious drawback ; the consummation of courtship could not easily be realized. Throughout the vast length of the settlements there were but few clei'gymen to celebrate matrimony, and many sighing swains had to wait months, WHO PEHFORMKD THE CEREMONT. 23ft and oven ycnrH of wcarisotno tiino to liiivo performotl tlio tnatrimonitil cerctnoiiy. At the Hi'st, wlioii i\ cliuplain was uttacluMl to a regiment, ho was called upon, but when the Hettlers eomnienceliration to government. Marrying by liccn.si! was ho noticeable an event, that it was considered elegant to Htate in the maiTiage notice, " married by licenHO." ■ ' '^i^' -' •*"•' ' " '' "'' '' i:- ^'''" ''J ^•"'••' ■ - •• ••'-^.'•r;, Accoi'diiig to a letter in onp pOH.scHHion, KometiTneH the iHHner of licetiHc M'onid be without any, wh(fn he would give a certificate to the applicant, by which the party could get manned, and HuVwerjucntly he woidd fiirniHh liim with the ruiftiiHi!. Having given tlu! legal and legislative facts relative to marrying in early times, it may not be inappropriate to adduce some items of a social nature. " -^'- '-«*.■....•,. | .m.j m .^,.,, .,,,,,:.,-, vim Roger liates, of Newcastle, in his memoir at the parliament library, speaks thus ))leaHantly Miid graphically in refetrlng to his father's courtsliip and marriage, wliich took j)lace at the commence- ment of the j)reHent vdi.Uiry. " The mod(! of courting in those days was a good fleal of tlic Indian fasliion. The buxom daugfiter would nm through the trees and bnsiies, and pretend to get away from the lover; but somehow or other lie managed to catcli her, gave her a kiss, and they soon got marri t,ho Ikmiho of tho ^room'M liithut vvaywanl I)utuld-be groomsman, who was paddling his own canoe, saw the angry purentcoming, arul mfwie haste to quicken hiH speed, but finding that ihity would be overtaken, they landed upon an island in the bay, and hauled up the canoe ; and concealed it with themselves, in a cavity n]xm the islanmeward and procured the services of a H(piire to marry thorn. But, according U) another statement, the lovers set out while the Captain was absent at Montreal, and i arrived at Kingston, unfortunately, as ho was returning home. I>KATII AM(tN(» IMONKKHS. 2^5 Seeing' t)w .Sqtiirn, ho hfid his HUMpicioiiH uroiiHcjil, and he/^uji l<» look nUmi for his duii^'htor. She hu.I, however, coriceHh'-l herHolf hy throwin;,' iiri Iii -' . •v-.t -.i.t «, • , J-:/- M:.i i' ,-• ; w mV; .11 '».;;) ^^1■*/'n .'I ■ •■W t-'.i'f'". jn.-t ,,,=,•, TJIB KAIILY HUItyiNU PLAOKH UPON TUB HAY QUINTE. ■■" 'U ^V',: '■ / T ( ■ !' ^ I'- J . ,^ /I . 1! i " your /"afhc-rt, where are they ?" ., •v--;-r^f r;: •'■;;'';''{^' '-■•;l-v fi;??)'?";' 'v. ., ,/ The mode of burial was often simple and touching, often there was no clergyman" of any denomination; no one to read a prayer over the dead for the benefit of the living. Frequently, in the hush of suspended work, through the quiet shades of the trpQswhost; ILLirsTRIOUS DEAD. 245 boiiKhs Highod jv requiem, like as if un^'ols whispered peace to the 8a