IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) .*t^' {r < ^ ^ 1.0 1.1 Hi Vi w lit 13^ 14.0 tarn 2.0 i 1.8 1125 mil 1.4 ill 1.6 150mm

>4PPLIED^ IIVMGE . Inc •sss 16S3 East Main Streot «a^ ^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA ^Sr~S Phone: 716/482-0300 ^='-SS= Fax: 716/288-5989 1993, Applimi Image, inc . AH Rights Raserved ^ <«;• A' <^ ^j^ 'O «p ^t^ ^v > // ^arateli/ or in the SlatiUet.) s--s.-\^...^.,^ Prioo, 10 0«nti. PRfNTED BY A. 8. WOODBURN, ELGIN STREET. im. Vo^w^ ^(V^uX^i^<'.' ft til I Rnt*rfd accortlug to Act of the ParllBineiit uf, i j^^ w orainary Section 10 . How service of writs of attachment and of concuiTent writs of attachment may be made. vu*io.,b «rritsoi notic^^f iSJul! ■ ^"* °^ attachment returnable immediately after execution ; Section 12 Proprty of the insolvent to be attached by the Offlcial Assignee. Hoturn ot the writ. ' ^»"^u" of the?n"o?vJnt ^^"'''^ Assignee to have power forcibly to enter the promises Section 14. Aficr demand, assignment way bo made to the Offlcial Assignee, but assignment may be set aside after notice, for insufficiency, by tho Judge on summary petition of a creditor. »u*u«i«iii,y, uy iqq Aid 70 1 P3 ro. o: 93 Form ofauignniont. Section IS. the iSSt vttod^lI?'th?"rK?i "*' •""• °*' *•■" «*■ attachment, proi,erty of i^ J^ ^ f"® '»«^e»tv«tod in the Official A^^^^^ conservotory proceediiiw mav bo Seotion 22. Who .ball prcido at meeliDgs of orodilor.. Section 24. Attestation of examination. Section 31. Notice of apiwintmoi. t of tlie Assignee be given. Assignee not to act as agent of a creditor. Bat for tiie general interest he may act a^ sucli, witli leave of Section 32. Section 33. the Judge. Section 34. Section 35 Where meetings of the creditors shall be held. InsD^tor;;" A«!^P'^'"/'"®"*'x ^'^P'acenient. duties and remuneration of inspectors , Assignee or Inspector not to purchase the property. ^!lon t' n!!I^''°" 1. ^ '^^ ^'^^ °^ *•»« ««*«*« °f the insolvent. notic?°arAfti th^tlXrfeS' "" '"^"^ '"^"' °' "*"*^' ™"^' ""«^ A8..w"sa?:MofT~4^^^ insolvent as to his pt^perty vested in the cliiSs'Ta'v^ "^^ ""^ ""^^"'" P^^'*^°« ^ "J* «^«°tJ»^ «»tate; privileged 1^ « » !l r !,„^i.'^:i;te,"/,x.',7'p.'s„ir'"''"""-'"^ A«„gn«, „ol oBlcl.1, to be m-Jo »ilh lhT(5S aJI"^" °^ "^"" ''' '" ^Jio^ It n'^^T J" "^ ''""^ '^^ *••« ^«'"«"«' "PO" requisition, tlie Assignee ; pena tv in defiirSt T?- *'^^®5 *"^ ^ ^ accounted f .r by such book to be a misdemeanor; puilm^nt th3 ^'°^ '^'"^ ''"^ '° contS?''"" ''• ^'"^'"^ ^"^""''^ «<■ *»'« offl''^ of Assignee, the Judge to have Assi|nt"o\tllameffi"/to'u^^^^^^^^ of composition and discharge, payable by the insolent^*'' **''" ^''^ '*"*» '"^ consideration; costs to bi lett.?rwt?th;nS:hSl^onSr '' ""' ""'""« ^"^ advertisement and may t fyTed'/- '"''''""•^^ "''^ '^ "PP^-^^^^^ <>'• °ot> by re«>IuMon ; objection. disch^aTgtJhe' Aslnee £Vn"nelrthrH^'"'"*'.^S* "'^^^y «">««"» to h« shall co?tkin. CopfofrLlu^^^^^ ^'"»t *»»« certificate ing reference to thMcbSe tTbelfatSS v\'Z^''' -tatements hav- for unsecured creditoi-s to bf also stJtS "'''""^ ""** ^^^ ^^'^^end of hisfntontion to^pVinX^'coulfi^n'^/""'' ^"««"*' ""y P^« "otice charge ; notice X'^::, 'l^SZ 'r^X'^^.^oZ^''^"'''''''' ^' *'>'' ^- conflfmTnSiceXgTfet^^^^^^^^^ be at once insol^nfsLwing'JKaTs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fy'«i by Se the Assignee's mtificate ?f h"8 haS H«l7™ J*" '"^'*°"'' together with liabilities and assets. '^"'^ delivered a sworn statement of his Section 56. No discliar- - wMcKX»cI;thc,s'^;,ss"'„fxi3r •" r'»' •» ■" ""« '-• OP for Ilio ,„pp„rt of coring, „J,,v™'?L^ ^." ''»«"" '""""in oir«nro«, required ft-om the wC ano'r IZZ^r ^^«-^"™'"«'' «"<« " rorKJi-t may bo pendod. or classified ^' °' ''*""'"'f' **'*' ^^'^^hai-o may bo granted, sua- Section (J6. Discharge obtained by fruud to bo void onero.«'m;;L«^JiruSro„'1«.i!!;L7"r"''" f '^'"•''' ^^'>"'^' •>« too cee.ii^"?o?his oTv'\ot"fit"ta;:!'bi"J"'? I."-^''^'- »>«^t»ke pro- sj. .arad^^^'^jin^n? r^:;;- ^^ SiS» z tOi-8 SSytetVrmiie tTo's-l^aUhrinSt"* 'T'*"'^ '^' •'"'•^"^ y^"'' tl- credl- it for another ySJr * ^''' *"'* °*^ «"''* **""«"* ^««r. or """y continue i-^S.^^:;ssxt;Kix;ioi:i;^ft^«^^^^^^ to raK'aJLil'Iry det "« ""'''^ ^'"•'" *''« -"* ""P-^ to govern ; damages' ^^r^^^S:^js^^:j^ ^ -^^^ to the civi, ^Bsil^^rby^ni^TtSr^^^^^^^^ -y be sold by the is offered the sale may l» adiournS fi^r^n^f '''*'"''"«^; '* too low a price no higher bid is offored^the.rKK^H£l./L"i-^^^^^ ^hJn if l>ostponement by consent, but lastbfcder to"i;eISS(3'f&m obSt'ion"''' t « \ no lie |i..obe« without coHMcnt o? priwCl J^2}!7 *"? ^"""^ ^••^'"- '«'» "ot n thoju-occHMlH n,„ong the rSor I"'>*-«^l"'f to «pp|y; diHtrfbution o" FHy ut' Jl'nim ': „ctt;?l.,S:"''"*'«"' """""" •"">' -1""« -'« "f the pro- Um-^T'""' '"• ^'^^'*^''"' •" •"•"»-- '•"-""•^ "»• .ho OHtato. «„., ,iv,.,o„d. t».ioi!^I>ro,Uto... ''*''''• ''"* ""'' •'^ ^-^^ ^'^ -y -.k on the e,t«to ; , nHec.S^^fy „rb'?;S;;' '" »" ••''«-''*^ f- « contingent claim ; value nuy bo •livicpt'aii/e'j^LT'LKSi'Tec^^^^^ »» »« regordecl ; Hhnll rnnic 18 eHtubllHhotl. *^ 8wmit> until the amount for which t.onf:s;2;'t:i2S;:?n:rfe'^c.^^^ ^•--"^•^ •^— - i«««;^n,^evJL:tr;Sii^^^^^ t^« -..^ to to bo'Sorco":i,mo'';o"" '^""« '' •"« ''^•"••«' c'^^™. " '^'^^ »>y *'"^'' the debts they on tKliSend shrt'^""'^ ""'^ '^ "^-^^ *« ^^e in«olv ,n, and hUII be innertod th. Jsiiri'p j^Si^ ^ri:: 2K;r;^'srs.r i^br '^ - ^"« --«. •>- «o^;^:j-,,^« -./3^;itr^^J^^ -^ -- than five be paiSrXr'SghiXr' •"''''"^' '" '"«"'*'"' •">** uncontested dividends to c^ntSTy Uie A^aS^^^^^ ^'^« '""P^^-- <•'«"- «nd dividends may bo theirS;.''- '"'^"''"'^ -""^ •« ••««---' ^«r <'"»ditors who have not fyled Assi^^ei'^threo <^?r«tU%fciS^^^^^^^^ ^ »- ^^•'«' -"' the JuUg and judgment rendeS ""* *** '*"'^*""= ^««« *« ^ ^eani by the interS X'^ o^ZtZ'^^!::':i\^''^]'9r tU. «.tate or for the genera. 8«otion 08. Dividends unolaimed to r«main in th« Bunlr fm. #k-^ «j_.h.« .0 b. p.,,, „,„ u. .h. «„,„„„.„., ff j:;t: nrtATp,™"*"'°" ""'■ """"' °' '°"""» " "PP"""""" "V •» (SM-l P.ndln» G-S^'ln" '.11, ,!;t.n "'' •""'""^ " •» «"•" '" '« ""K" i" OB,.|.l .potiSS""" '"°- *"''•'"" '^°"-~' "">' ■» •">"•'' '»'•«" "rfln oaci.l, tt. taWi? "^ • '"'* ""'" *" !» ''•""'«' """•""■■oJ only to .x.e« of «>lv.My"'° ""■ '*" "^ '•'^'' " "ff'y *» "I"- •"" pn>o«»iing, in I„. SMUon »0. Any p,r«>n in C«n«l. m.y bo .ommonod to tMtiiy. .■din^;t;;ir , iSTtoT ,irr ""^ ""*' ■" ""^ p-^' »' «"»«"" '« ">• tended'"" "^- ^° ''«"•«««•♦« *« ^ transmitted unless expenses have been ftctatt^Vftth^^nTtaWlS S^^^^^^^^^ ^fl^; }Jr f 'T discharges not to l»r debts contractor! in Canada, ^^^tion IIG. Amendments of pleadings to be subject to o«linary rules of ^ImiKtoJs^tobfiTatll^"^'^^^^^^^^ "^ «^"^ P«--d-g«' »•«- and propSTy^^L.^*" "^^ '''"'«^"« '" « ^'^''^^ --^^^ «nJ on certain delivSS'tothe*ASe«rUh*V*'"''™ '^1''«^«^ *° the Insolvent to be ftSSoTo^y of thTSurt ^ ''"" ^'P'"^ '" P'-^*"''*^ «f *»^« Clerk or Section 120. Causes of disqualificaUon of a Judge to bo the same rfs '■- t t 4 - I .r. S°" '^■'- '■'■"""' """ "'"' ••"' "f "•«« to m„lin„. unlil „,.„„ not .lr,Sy 're«i.lir«j"'°wm';ir°l''(!'ri"^'"' '?, '"""'7 '''" "'"'■'■''«" ■•"""■"«'. "' «tml,r,torw!ili-Sf!^lirfwl^J^ mon J,, .nd cvofj- .«■.„„ to.,„„i w '•i.>.^'rhoreu]K>n*tboTu'S'iT'z^n'!;";; "'f^' i" "" •'"''«» '"»• "•i* '"-■ boexAminod. ^ ™'^ ernmino tbo ln»olvoiil, or mam him (o u- t» And AiMiirnoe. seven d«y»' notice L^thT ? '™"'o.J<"lKo Khali ordor l,i, .linohnr^'o ; Ignoe. ^ """"* ^ previously given to the I'laiutiff nn.l to ll„; Superior Courts of rolmT?"^ Court. In Ontario, appeal HJ.all Ho to the fourt; in aLuoU to tlco^^^^^ ^«'"»^' ^' ^''« «"P""nio Court.' re8,H,et veh'. Any ZLl ?."".? • "?'" '' ?•■ '" ""•^' •''"'*-'" "*' ^''« '*«id full Court. ' Proce«i nL^Z«?n . ? ^'"?'" •'".'^«" "'"^' '^ '"^'''-•'•'•''^l '" « II- appeal is nTwSr wi^"''''P'^ ' ""i'*«''"'''^^«'^'«» ^^^'^ andccUawaXi.' ^^' '■'^'*'''^ ''^ '^ '"♦"'•""'l '« <»•« <^ourt below, Section 129. Dividend to be reserved pending contestation. if .L SiSo^ii'^' X-wTbKi^'j.^sirJit^. '■•■"'■■' '"— '■ h».i.^~°lP.t- . ?»}-■»•"»> "itliin thirty days of i„«,l«n„v lo „ ™™, 10 bo liable to imprisonment Cnotmor^^^^^^^^^^ "*"* P''>'"« ^"''^^ «« •'"cnrrod, to With such franS, annound guSty "herlJf ° ^'"''^' P"^"'''""^ ^' ^ '^^i^ remaiios. * 'yrinwith, Hut to be subject to ordinary Section 138. Assir^nees to be a^onts within *k. res;>eet.n« larceny; other provision/«e^^S'h"sSS?ioroT"t'h^; TaVt-t^ panishabCunlesa othorw1'8"Trovidi''*bvfL'"^'''''*'"^^*'* •*« misdemeanors, years :-Not fully discoveWnPor „^^ /e livE'T'" ? ?' !»«™ ^''"" t'"'^'" removing propei-ty ; not denouncing fi,kpH^^„,PP*''"*^'.''°°'^" "'"^ P«P^™ ; withholding lioks and papersrVfein. ? T' l"?P'?'''"g «»I«e scUule disjwsing of goods not paid for ^""'^^'"S ^^^''■' «t"t'ng fictitious losses; same'^^^^Yn^ihe^SS^r ^httS^ '"«""«" ^ ^^'^^ o^-- of the r-r^^f^TZ'f^JltZX'^^^^^ discharge or improperly ranked for. ' ^™'*'® ^«'"« ^^ 'Consideration or sum disobedience. •' Juage, and may be imprisoned for Receiver to account for all moneys received. Another meeting shall be .^Ilc-d iithin .six months a s i^ency to be of original idvances or lom ho acts ncurred, to bo charged I the ft'aud ordinary f the Act »d Act lu ;ertificato, emoanors, han threo I papers ; scoodule; 8 losses; U ffThJn'J*''"^' "°* f/^<=««^ling«ix months, .nay be Ln-antod. wound %'.'"""'"^ "" ^'^«" '"^«"*'«««'J' *"« J"dg^ sha^l oi the estate to be circutVnl'if re'le"""' ''' '"^^"' ""'^ *«^« -'«•" «*'- "teps as Affairs of the Company may bo examincti Section 150. Tl>i» Artlo apply to all Iho Piwlnces of nda Section 152 Short title. 68 of the fiarge or or snm I same to loned for uthentic jnee, to t )ropert7 g Court moil. herein attach- to Ihe ourt. T/r ch tho or the INDEX. (ne »««.*«.* Tff^ to the Sections and not to the Page, ) ABSCONDING.. ^ ^^ g.._ Acknowledging insolvency." 3 Acts, continuation and reiial of 3 Affidavits, before whom sworn. 149 before issue of writ of a'ttacimiVtV. 106 of insolvent before discharge 9 , Allowance to inTo/Ter'"''''"""^ "'''^''^■d«»anJ^ 5? Amendments in proceedings ;■..' '. 89 fPPf.*'-r 116 iteS.?':'?! ■•••••••••::"v.::r.::v.v.;;: , ;?§ defined.....?..., °'*'°'"'^«'^'o° ........!;; 62 discharge of. .'.'.".'.'.'.'.*.'.". V.V. '.'.".*.' '. '. 2 discharge of may be refusal." 47 may be appointed on passing of Act 47 misstatement by (^'"""goiAoi ^^ notT.p'^f "'' appointment arid VecuVii; .* • 139 notice of appointment of, . . • 29 "Otto "ct as agent " • 31 oftcial, appointment of 32 official, security to be given bv 27 =.lrlr!r'^'"•■■••••■•■•••^^^^^^^v;:r;;;:;;;;;;;.■::;.•.■■ g !°.5^yr,r,Cl*^<•'<'<>»''••'•■^^^^■::::v;;;.:::;:::;;;:;;-^ !g transfer of estate to '.'.". 42 . 'vacancy in office of Ifi .« Evidence I4.T Examination oflnsoivent.V.".".''.".'.".",". • lO'J ei 'sea^l27 of other witnesseis . . . 23/127 tjxemptions Ironi seizure fixpenses of witnesses . . '.",'.'. . . . .". FEES, tariff- of Forcible entry Foreign discharges .'.'.'. Form of conveyance of real "estate !! .';. * orms and evidence Fraud a bar to discharge .'. ". and fraudulent preferences. proofof : ;; .^. GOODS, fraudulent purchase of '^^ not paid for, disposing of ^"^^ IMPRISONMENT.dischargefrom .*.'.'.".'.'.■ ■.■■.;;; '^** T of Insolvent ■ ^27 Incorporated Companies, procedure i.Vcase of '"''♦" ISar.^Zi'irT!''^^"-^'^'--- "' 26 16 ... 113 122 elieq. ... 116 76 ... 114 .. 66,66 130 etseq. certain acts bv to be misdemeanors WW debtor, who shall be deemed . . defined disposal of estate of.'.".'.' 147 89 110 3 2 propertyofvested in Assignee... . ?5 r....,^ * '■'^■conveyance of estate toT.. ^^ Inspectors, appointment and duties of «» Intereston deposits, application of... ^^ P*."""y tor non-distribution of ^^ Interpretation.. "vnouiion ot ^^ JUDGE, defined ..7... ^ disqualification of . . ! ". 2 o"rd?r?bt'',n n '''°"°'"^>"''^* '" »b8enc;"of=.".".".'. ".::".::;::: 11? °"*"8''y.'ntlie case of Incorporated Companies H LANDLORD preferential claim of . Leases, how dealt with.. 74 Lessor, claim of for damages "..".". 70e<«g. Letters addressed to Insolvent. • 72,7^ * ]40 MANITOBA, special provision as to Marriage contracts in Quebec ■• '^1 Meetings of creditors, decisions of question^'at .".".".". j,^!' how called *"^ of Incorporated CompanieV.'.'. '.".".".'.". ', \i proceedings at '^4 to consider discharge '"■' when held .7 : ', 4'J who to preside at.... ............ ..".".".'.','."!.'i] ijo vS?°^i£5wP*P"''""'^"o*» holders of ., ", ' JNotary, deed before • <>' Notice of application for "co'nfi'rmation 'o"f"di"8c"h"a"iie".".".* *. rl of appointment of Assiunec '''^ of dividend sheet ofinmings of creditors 31 92 pending delay .'.*!'..!!!!',.*!! ' 21, 30, 101 J. I i' 100 Sect. 3G ;{8 CO 143 ..23,127 26 16 .. 113 22 etieu. 13 .. 116 76 114 ■ 66,66 iOetseq. 137 . 1.S6 140 127 137, 140 147 . 147 89 MO 3 2 36 16 60 36 46 45 2 2 120 121 147 74 ei sea, 72, 73 119 63 62 7 140 151 126 102 20, 44 147 103 49 34 22 61 2 .53 31 92 ,101 100 « If ^h i Iv 16 OBJECTIONS to claims nm. J disposal of estate .'.'.'.'.'. Offences and penalties trial of Official Gazette defined. . . .*.'.".'.'.'.".'.'.".". PARTNER, debts due by Insolvent as. . .. Insolvent pavmrnl"''r'^'T'/"'* ^y insoivenc'y ::::;;: I ayments, fraudulent ' Procedure \ in the CMC ofin'coi^rated" CoriiMnies' ' ' ' Prn.»o X ■ ""u^" '*•'« ^«' 'O btlfoilowed . .""P""'** " " ' IToperty JeW in trust and exempt from seizure ; retammg or removmz. . . retention of by Insolvent .".■.■■.■.■ under seizure at time of Assienment vested m Assignee 7?... ."."" " ■••••• • . • • • • Sect. 96 37 . ...138«<«eg. 141 3 88 40 40 134 • ..100e/«o. 147 RANKING of claims Keal Estate, distribution of 'prM^'s of form of conveyance of* notice of Pale of sale of Receiver for/ntrtratt'tmSS "" •="^'-''"»"- •••■.■ Register to be kept by Assienee SK;r,;^"«"-"'a^~Vf;;::::::::;;:;::;^ Representatives, liability oir!.' Ketainmg or removing property "or biiiika • Rules and tariff of fees "*^"J^ °"^ks SAf pf '■^?^"t/ontinued till' altered'.* .■.'.■.■;;; *.". ftALbs, fraudulent Sale of debts of leases '.'.".'.'.'.".*.".".'. Schedule, false ., Secondary liabi lilies . *.'.','. Secreting effects Security held by creditiw ;'„d iurre'ndir' to be given by official Assig Seizure ««. ^"'*? ^^ non-official A SeTvice of PaSr"*"^"* ""' ^««'«' Set-off Short title.. Statement to b; fu^iVhdd b; in'sViVem: .;:::;:: : : : : TAX on proceedings Terms defined........ Time for commencing proceedings limited for contesting demand of " 149 68 16 140 143 97 16 80, 82, 87 77 76 76 . 76 et sea. 78 or retention thereof. , nee.. '1 Assignee nee ■■ for proceedings in th7 o««:^7™^"' ^''^ }^ extended Traders defln^ !f ^^^ '"""' «' '"corporated companies Transferof estate to Assign^ Trust, property he&it'''^""'^*'"'^'^*"*" ••••••••■■::.:::.■::: VOTES of creditors.... 77 147 41 19 149 117 140 122 et sea. 124 133 67 e< sea. 70 140 62, 84 3 .82, 84«<*e^. 106 28 29 ••••• 83 108,110,111 107 162 17 146, 146 2 8 6 147 '...••■... 1 30 60 •. 16 WAGES of clerks and servants wknessS'. "T. ?"*!*^ ^y "''•' ""^ ^''^'*- • ■•••'.'.*.'.■.'.■.■.': : : : ; :; ; ; ; ; Write of attachmentllifeViitochmenV. ' • ' • • 29, 63. 102 91 • 69 .23,26, 109 «<««j.