IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // -%^ t/i 1.0 150 ™^^ 1 2.5 2.0 I.I IL2I IIIIIM 11 1.6 PhotogiBphic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 872-4503 M ty4i ..^ iW-'ft TH^ 4- \ •■ « TRIUJItPHALE, ; J '- ■ • ."'ik ■ • : '■■■■■ "■•*■.., f- • .f U|*WHJU« c«nq.— -V'riti. ^ * . » J ^smfon i'l^k A-i; the ^ ^% ^^ I £GQRD] \^ iSSiO; V' *^ ♦r» #^ \ .j.j: ■:|?»'f«1iPiW*Wffl3?S«? * 'C' PUBL.IC ARCHIVES NOVA SCOTIA D-Xje^ji^-ryMJit tl.. rs of iotnior note. ' Aft^r a desprialeslrufrgle, the Free Fr^ss were completelv v?r/.rr**'^"'n'>""'''y '*"«^'-'""'><''> '"••lecrowiLgsof the victor. I Ley «.-n ,hen foolfxhlv timorous : Dr C ochran'sname at full lei.g.h alarmed them beftfre- bnt now that respec.alWelentleman and his a?,o^ t^'::;:^!':^^''''"'^' '•^^ ttpe^r. ^a^inA**' "'u '.'"■: "^'""n'' Pont^-st thev have eonrt- ed,and m ivhuh l.ithcto they have only ex," Td th.rns.lves, gave birth to the Trinmphale^ iCe ^any causes ot personal dislike to the Fee Press independent of tb6 abhorrence which lenffrtiTn for ,ts y,ews anpparpd in their |)ap>r, every body f*elievKi that he would liave been e.Molle'l be\oiid all endurance; and his only fai>lt is, thai lie ha" raised their rival too much above them. Their pretensions now of regard for our agrirultnie are quite disgustinR ; ' and no ene ever thinks of givinc them credit for half of what tJiey lay riaim to, Tliesearethe griunds of my dislike to the Free Prfss ;aMd they are suHicient, I think, to justify all J have 8ait week ; and as I consider it merely an ephemeral and hasty etfort, I shall not pretend either to excuse or deffnd iis faults. The Free Press,! dare say,will be very witty about them; and as (letty Orior" and Kinall criticism are just on a level with their cai acities, I give them full liberty to indulge thems' Ives. I had almost forgotten to return my thanks to the Editors for their handsome ofter to insert the eecohd canto,after it had be^n rejected by Mr. Hoi- land prudence, and by Mr. Munro fr^m fear. I am afraid H was only a i>oast— mder the idea (hat the poem would never more he heard of. And iu IVct after I had prevailed on Mr. Holland to piiut it in tliissh»pe, I tried thir happy itisemibitiiy or s/u- pi(tity(\^h^('\\ I pnt in Italics after their own manner) by causinj; an advertisement to be sent them last Monday, that the Triumphal' was in Hie press — vhich advfrtisemcnt they refused to insert,althongU Jt was of course to be paid lor. They d> layed the publication thereby one day— a short respite. One word about myself. In the bodv of the poem, I have hinted that I may perhaps celebiate the se- cond Canips^ign, as I hav< sung the tirst. Although this is m'y present intention, yet I -ball not give any distinct promise. The contest wears so fierce an appearance, that there is no saying wliere it will end. '1 he Reverend gentleman at the head of the body is already involved ; and I would not be •orry to see the whole confederacy out before it is done yet. In that case the fifth and sixth « anto* would have a new zes^. I am aware that the first qiiesliou everywhere will be, who am I ? This is a very natural curiosity, --ny-Tgi ' ■'*:1^ r^ provemfof, he would If, ; and his il too much iTgard for and no one lalt'ut wliat the Fife ) justify all i|>08ition I «T-and for the reader. )!< has been consider it 1 Hhall not nits. The tbont them; are just on full liberty inkx to the insert tu^ »y Mr. Hoi. I frrtm fear, le idea (hat f. And in I to piiut it iiily or «/u* wn manner) I them last tlie press — rt,althongli 1> layed the pile. if the poem, ate the se- Although ot give any so fierce an here it will irad of the uld not be before it is ixih l>'d hy a..) de rampSeta, — Yet g||> Haply for fame— for the fie order f«o ^' S<.nie vagrant drops had spiinkl'd " Doodiedoo •'' Ot powrimeqiiaf , otwond'rous skill lo grace the figh h, uioughthis mag.c quill. The threatri'd vengeance on his foe descends Sure death his weapon mi its ri.^ht attends; ' Jo toil the toe a mace (jf ., he h.ld * And r , ona his s.d^ the pointless riai ti repsli'd •— Fi om either now unspanu^ ons.-t came, U hilst hosts enlisted lu the doubtful game.- Chief .Iter cbi^f 'ganst D.odI doo weV; ed. Ami in the conflict each ,suece>siv. bled ; * Sill with the hope of vicfrv they biimd And still defeated to the figt.t letum'd - Sneers personrtlhi.s.eadh shift they brJught And in dtspair still unabashed ihPv*n„«i.} ' *««'!l"r''™* !l'^ '*'"«" '■™'n Agricola's pen ■preadiarand wide to each sequeuterd Jlen j • \ 8 Wli»»rI^ I), w fKMlis .||x j,(av'(I. VVlwr '.'I tie .j-iut 'vliicli ilicy l)i«.ila>il was (uM, ^ TlliMi' rn-li' MOA «i-ll s a. ii-iicut wa* «' Pcti-Kipe'' ilu; Icarn'd, V III) ituiw 11^ CDiii iii^winii I'x siiii^ disfciiiM ; Wiii ii It Mill he !•. Ill I 1)1. .Ml of m\\\- a scar <) hiiii lictuw (I atiiui^i i||t< •;,4 ill" rill); w,tr; Iroiii vK'iikiie-i>, I. Ill , pel. I Hii.l ili>may, J"lu* •>iiilil)'>iii fiM- cti^loi'.uii't llc'f iiwiv; ^Aii.l .Moodl.'floo, til. Ifi iiiilr, llie i,ii'aj, .Sk'Ud III iii.tiiii;iivM,')i liiiiig on lit> iiMifal. — But t'lf \'\»v I'liKs ielti(i;,iit M\\\ lu yield, AiiDilifi- Icml'i' ^uniiiion'd u> ili»" itcM; fe'illlM .III |li. iiibleM 01 illfir \\,ii|! I train, *lo "iliiire .iifiKlit, imr 'Aa> tlini call in \ain ; Thealil.Hl cliK'l'"* liicii- L-alaw coiil.l l> .a-d l.cil oil tir ndvaiicc mill ciiccr'd ili suvage lio»t i In iron mask!, iiiij.t'iifiii.bly dark. Adepts ill strife, ihv. Kdilois embark. No r to cniit'onnd iheir seciotmiibiKscade V'a:i the /I'K (.)•,/. .V d.siimte olaid^; T>. walditlie oui;iosls, or tlie llallk^ lofjinrJ, l^li uresorvc " Sehastian,'' stood pu'iiar'd ; MipaufDHtaoh toliiiar the l»in,'le call, Aud on th' al. n, in expectrtlion all. " Modpstiis" bent on trpacht-roiiH design Ltd to the fielif the stroiiR euiLiatll'd lii.c — }{^hilld liinicaine In tt niblr arrav The learned " M.ntor," lieio olhin day ; The Hryt assay 'd with arrows dipt in oil, Thf linn victor, Doodledon to foil — As showers of hail rtisohc inhiMine; flime The haiinless wo»pous on the vicrintc^ine: N«r were ihe niissile-i maie eflectnal play'd, AVhen Mentor iii j»'d tlieni with otUcions aid. SnncHgs far difl'rent waits on Doodledoo ; On either foe his shalts insatiate flew Kesistless, kern, and with nnerringaiin, Each US a ileath blow Mom the victor came. — Wlif'n tln» " nii«-/>tnr" ♦■,».. A «.>i~ <;...-i ■With pen'rous ardoui for the cause in.spir«d, ^ Came U) consniMnaie Mentor's overthrow, And told the secret purfiose of the' foe. 'Reft of hi« masV. and of liin hop(>!ih«>r(>f(, ' Wlim no ifsourre biil lia^lv lli^lit v»a> Uft ; '1 Inrhisslr ninnlle vhIimIi IdkI vcil'd ihv cliuttt AskI, he itiK'vv to ODvei In-. ictH'iit : fJin ihoiiuli r«nteii«(l, (Jdiifioiil- «<, I'oii-ridii.H 01 hi* (»iiilt li: stiKid, Anil to «'»ca('«' hax|<>rn. Nor bi^tUi' t<(i iiiin' dill tlit* le-l av»ail, Whole liooi!" HI (Mice were Mcidii-'d to fate. Like -erne I i>{i nmsiit}, tiny tveiy indt, Jjiinw "'riiw.irktim ' caiiK; delei i..iiicd n. ( (« flincll At (li«iaiiCiMliif !heshrtL'>!;> inoii-t< i Mood, And fiitid Willi rjiojei snaii'd in .-.imu mood : > . But iioiitilii avu'td liim, vilun dir uniiiii)' o : srowIM; He mind, itid run, and jflp'd, umJ wlnug rf, and howl'd , TlK-n sioorl af-ir, .iiid dai'd l0!«im;tes tiiat in the forest rrar'd Then giant foitni>- ahrnptiy disafipcar'd — 0»k,asli ;iii(Jbeerotii<.CHously kcic bcwed And trees and errors were alike i^uhdiird. Tb^ aneiont ten.ints that fur ago* stood The »iiide iiiid wonder of th' Araduin wood, A willing hiiraage to Aj^io'la (laid. Aim into rui al iinpieinriita. were made. ' End qf Canto lii. 10 I • 1 1 I N. CANTO II. I OW whilst Agrfcola urg'd his enterDrJie Hm readers ,an«ht each soil to«Hmly"eT *' Va.„ s,,ec»ht.on., in thdr haunts o'er.u u'd, Wh.l^ all partook the zeal with whi. h he burn'd i A:r;;'.te'"i' '""'•«*'"'« course of'^sr" ^ * JJittns d a «.r.ain ot scientific light. ^ F^r thro the , hao. of Acdian night ; -1 1.e sahlp gloom of ignorance dispelfd. I)jsda„, d to n.Migle,in ih" ignoble fray, ^ In vam he Free Press hop'd hed .urn a ide In vam I,., v,.ws ,he> labour'd co deride' ' *i.m on his ,la/zling h-i^rh,, he l.ok'd belovf. And sileot suuled upon h,. 'worthed foe. ' Ihc «,ang la.g id,,.,,. a.o«ud ih.m gazed : A parly soi.n.le.l a.i.l a irea.>'d, * 4 1 I reintorc menm were anew obiau.'d All who could f en the t, ehlcsi M.ccour lend. T^ e^l Y^r"' ^*"''' •<""""""'«* '" attend-.' lo each ..ondiicpr was the ta^k asMKn'd 1 o ( vile i,«ult on t;... public mind,) How they alone co. I J ,,„blic virtne feel, An. they alon^ couMilr the ,...blic wealp And the,r " emended circulation" shf w'd. T? • . u ^.'-''** «'♦''«• " '^"tlionv" to dare. To w. Id The lance, aud animate '.he war ■ borne 10 co.-duct the h-rnble campaign, ' And (h ,,rd fate) to t> on the idain Unconc.ou, of their doom, the v.ctims' came, Uns.ild.n warfare nnd naknown to fame • Each „ irh ,h. iiope of victory was fill'/ * So fate decreed, and to (he furies will'd. 11 liii an 11 u In K«i ■at ',u "{tht and fell to multiply the si rli'i Aad iweii th- ingloiious catalog nrr- euro in. ue ID vain. "i-' .'itH n nterpriie, ze ; rlurn'd, I h he burn'd { eofrilU inilii ; y ^; I'd, ! witblield ; »y, »ay.— n aside, ride; I below, be. i2?d, Kazcd ; 'd. ur lend, tteii^-. n'd .d,) lel, »1;J w'd, Dwed — dare, ■ar; !U, lain, cauie, ame; , d, could unfold. iroli'ii, .in, 'ain. Yet with the miife are some memorialB left, III eider days she from oblivion reft. Of these are some that might indulgence claim, Already damn'd to everlasting fame.— Their trenzied ghosts uprising from the tomb. Still shed around a melancholy gloom- Gaunt, meagre spirits- spectre like and wan. The torms of Death, the effigies of man : Their names are gone— nonj.'ht can their mem'ry s«v« Consign'd to Leth^s' dark oblivious wave. High in commend o'er the in^iorious pack, " Occidentalis" urg'd the fierce attack. No sterner warrier fell on Water loo Than this insatiate foe to Doodledoo. Biisk he advanced ; but when his name nnveiPd Was seen, a thousand fears his heart assail'd, Ana to his inmost soul the vet'ran quail'd. With eqnal ire, but of unequal might. Came " Julian" next, to grace the martial fight ;, I' Insb d with high hopes and visionary schemes. Already won the promised conquest seems ; With awful rage he flourish'd round his brand. And hosts had fallen— had they been at hand ; Yft tried to hide with Editorial art, The inward workings of his tainted heart : Sure of success, he dreaded no defeat. Nor saw that soon o'ercome he must retreat He, like tli' imperial apostate stood. And like him too, was in his turn subdu'd ; Now seen now hid like some illusive star ••Sebastian" eyed him in the ming'ling war. And seiz'd the craven, hnrl'd him to the ground. Ihen pierc'd his heart, false, hollow and unsound. Nor with the muse is « Amicus" forgot, A dastard too, but of inferior note ; His pointless arrows, awkward in the game, He flung by «;hance-backonhinwelt they came; By guess he threw— but knew not whftre nor why. Yet seem'd delighted if he saw them fly ; With clumsy gesture and un'ikill'd in fi?lit, ' In ev'ry blow he dealt his harmless might.-- 'Tis thus that men try what can ne'er succeed. And lame by nature, strain their utmost upeed ; Tis oat enough that some are fools when born, Thtre art ih»t strive to be tbe public scorn. . . I >. 13 i i These chiefs and more, that time would fail to tell, Bexide vast lcgion» liiat uimoten fell ; To g;tiard the l^ress or ininfl;le in the fray, Conctnter'd stood in terrible array — Death in their trout dnd ruin in their rear, And like » tiend, beside ihem stood dif-spair; Griin, ghantly, lean aud horrible Xm view, Her lips srew iia^e, and imiltsr'd Doodledoo.-- Nor to oppose thib hostile furious band, Did the Ueeoider weak or h-lplesssiand. To join the war and in the trininph ^hare, With ' Doodledoo," •• Sebast'ao" did prepare ; The car triumphal each i turn at^cends, Sure Death on that, and Victory ibis atti ndi. Like some fair cloud amidst the black'nin;; Morm Next niiid.r " Fabius" sliow'd hi* frieudiy form. As streams ot lightning bursting; tram the ikies, Indignant fceiiuji; sparkled in hi' ey> s, And flashmg shut a lustre on the sliade Where la> iVlodesius lii dose ambuscade.-— Against his foe a triple hne he ieii, liix foe def aied to new ambush fled ; But P'abius f'^llow'd, and he tl d in vain. In gliti'i ing armour such a" |)Oets feign, (Of vai 'ed r. s tiuv exiiuisitily wrought, The gods' anay when they wttli devils fought,) Of danger reckless and o; vaunting free. Yet moie relentlens than the Medes decree, He caught his victim, weaken'd ny despair, And sacrifJQ'd him to ihe shade of Blair. As when the huntsman from the mountain brow The dun de- 1 eyes far in the vale below ; IVith the shrill horn a long tantara sounds And for the chace collects the ^cattl r'd hounds. The hounds, the hiiiiler,and thi- bonntiing sii-ed Swift as the winii lixrg the mountain speed : Althout;h dire omens tli te^uM foretell, Tliev nd<: o'er eairn.aiid niiiund,atid rock, and dtU; And eatier all (tor all^likc are vain, TUf proudest honors of the hunt to gain) To nrue ilie cour e and join ih' iiurd'iing rbace, That fame mit;hi not them in ihe syivai> race. Till lost ill tiiuinoh atih' approaeiiingdeed (Fot each in f^ncy sees tht- victim bleed,) "iis hurry, hurry to the destin'd ~pot Ai^d ruck, and steep, and danger are forgot.-^ Ah! s d iweise! the awful huntress sate yfith frown severe, aud unieleatiug hate. nroiild fail to tell, ell; e day, leir rear, ddr»paii'; view, )oocUedoo.-- band, ssland. Ii ^llare, lid prepare ; fends, lisattmds. black'niiig Morm tVieudiy form, rem the skies, ;y.s, hade incitde.— 1 vain, feign, )Ught, evils fought,} ig free, es decree, y despair, Blair. '■ mountain brow below ; a sounds tti r'd hounds. onndinj; xd-ed laiii Hpeed : retell, iiid rock, and dill ; in, gain) nid'rinfr rhace, ' sylvjtii race, iiini; deed 1 ble<'d,) pot are forgot.—* ies« sate iug hat«. 13 Wi.. deadly speil.moLlS^.^S."'^^''^"* And lead, then. on«ard bv a nm«;"ol " „ ^omP down ,he^.i,.,adf..l (irecpice ,| I riun^ Some down tl.. glen wit t V, n ? ''""'''T M«^do.sandho::?;i^;i;:o;^;™r--~ Alljoyo,,,, •,r.|,.u,, .aster or. the ci.U Jen( rem i.e presPot to M.e fu-dre w'orM And down th. steep .„ „«,„,,, ,\lZlu,U, Sndi is a picfnie of tir ill fat»-d |,n,t O wu.h ,he F... Tress o«ccc.:..;;ri„,v .oast A "'r," "f '-ahct, ! ,^hat a curse iVSe A .nidni.h. phLtom^ireT,:!:' !/«™ » . Well could the mu.e recoan. a train of ills ^t>«ch the full measure of their Ztnn^fiVl. Each va. ,ed scheme s,il, .„ aS.'.'rt'^ Tdr Ihis mta...y. and run. that ' A . w jerhaps might pity mj,), ,« ^p^,^ Th„u7h'^''""'^'^''''':'J**^'*'«^»'«" «q''ai hare Though some assay 'd with eloquence U^ c.m™ Ihfhtfu that o'er ihsm Iib-'.. . .• . *'"'*"n Yet nought aian'd-w l,e'er .tr'n^^^^ '"'"' ' The furL wiil'd thefr dtti^.ij'liilaiir ' ""^ £ndqf Canto '2d. .-i '^H ■1^.. ■ j^^i irtii?i«pW "W 111 1. 1 14 CANTO III. j^ E Muses lay— for unlo yoa is known What warriors fought and fighting we.reo'erthrown ; Who from the Prena to join the mortal fray Bold ber(>e8 came and dastards fled away ; Who fell with Igloiy— who inglorious fell, The muse did note them and the muse can tell.— Skilled in the fight, and in disgnises skill'd, Wfth sango^ae hopes the Editors were fill'd ;— For now they deem that Julian's injured name Requires some victim to avenge his shame ; Still bent on war the columns they arrange, And inward spite for outward hate exchange, s Kew leaders all, and all new conscripts come, Some critics, allies, correspondents some. No Mentors-, J>ilians or Modestus' none— Deserters all or to oblivion gone. No churlish Thwackum now to stand afar, And grin indignant at the growing war- But prompt to lend them his auxiliar aid, Or in the tumult grace the cavalcade, A piteous wretch devoid of ev'ry claim To gen'rous feeling or poetic name. His Ruborn'd spleen assay'd to mould in rhym« He doubtless deem'd melodious as sublime. With strong desire and with a foul embrace He forc'd the muse to frame his own disgrace ; So great his wit he thought to vanquish all— Nor till he tried it, knew it was so small ; liike Grecian wrestler did his limbs anoint, And satire threw as if he lent it point— «' Where is" he cries " that Scottish rhyming elf, «« Worse than the rude Agricola himself;— •< Corse him I think his jargop more provoking <* Than any raven ever I heard croaking. ** Now on my soul, as sure as God's in Hcav'n, « I'll have this wreteh from Nova-Scotia driv'n." Presumptuous fool! ilie muse r*^solv'd t' avenge— Truth thus perverted to an end sci strange ; #n^«..A..*A^ t^n UfitK nrnfttitlltpH fiv^ iir^s ^"^^ "^' '•"• - I '"' To damn the poet and disgrace the lyre) Witbdrew for ever her inspiring aid, Aod to the Scottish elf her charms display'd— wsswi^HmI 15 Commanded " M " ♦« «:- j- J^orn |,v remorse and wlfh il"'/'''"™P'' *«n«ie», O* mix'd ''JTronrery and real rf' ''^"^ Sat counsellor " Tv.!l= of man Whene'er hi/mas& Va^J o/'lh '•'"" '''^"»- Retired Irom war to conm.l ■ "**"■ *«''» To him (high rank^ ^hL ^'"^'^'^o'thless spoil, • With J.ow'rSoact a.snf,. k"'"'*'">''' ^^'ign'd ' The v'enal caitiff eag^r^^lfc"'^'^ """*'• And iirg'd the task Zut^ ^^ ** On this%ide Ltred i'„d'"".r"^y »'■^- Aud all ,he tormenVofVvl/>f ^"* "?'«•» J o serve them h» k f ? ? ,*"^ «hagrin. The X«Wmask ^1 1!°^".*' "»'«"«— Veil-d bini iwSelS^S.^f '7 'T'^''^ ' S^'bastian saw i,, the dllZul r^"^''*'""" "Weld. And from the rh!of o ■ i" "® »'»«» A^c. p-«-urve^-ir;dll^rz^^^^^^^^^ } As surge on furge In lu,Sm^ trembling ^ho^e ; And tides concents r'rf^ ""Ounfaino rise As Jrui.less "iK ffo'm th': h" •^l^''""^ "''^^ J And ',„mg the rackl^n . i^ ^e««;»« recoil A-^hKjinS^^S^r*"'^^"*' And at Sgn^o a h P iM '" ^««eemric' .'ow,. Come slowly movS h ''•''.'* *'»' ''""'J Within himSVoi^A J""' /'" ^'"«^^°' Road ; And f»n,es,and or d .?/ T""'"*" '^"'"'d. To WindsoV?'::, Sd^Sr "'«r *--*'^^ '^"'^•d. And in a grove wbich frn„ ?'"P'^ """^''e (Sn fl,a, 4„;j. .."'^n tlOWUS o'er i\vn»'.^i. Ja .. Wi»lif"«., ,* "^■"^•'» '''e vile "<^^«^" - ii -*«• i") 16 The air's corrupted bv th' infoPtioii'^ stpam— rolhited ashfcs taint Uie neighboin in« stream ; All from dial hour the cursed spot forsook ^^ Aad ever hince, 'lis call'd " Ihc Doctor s nook 15tU th.nt^h III' avciKrinR niusr with (laik'niiiu blot Fecord th" ;-ame!» that elsr ha:» hern toigot ; Onsuch isinbtotoi's\!:vic..(a.smird — V hllstlike M)me cUll' iirawfu. greatness piled That haiifrs ii'cuml»'>in oVr ilit to iniiis; Jeep, W>ieicski!(iilniarinei!> thv'd alike th*- teivp»^(^f and thr t:de, At ouoe A madia's coniUaiant and pride. Bv fame deserted, ann nv none forgiven Turn tost cO post the Kditorc were dnvn ; Of courage, bop*", ai'd energies l)ere(t The h«ld offain ' thcv hvtd for evt r left :— had not ft shade to life auaiitie'in"'" A. d with delusive lioins again thev burn d. I'lill nt the hero a huge mass \n huil'd, ^lt.'h shoolc the centre of the western world. . Waiestic, noble, dij^nified an 1 calm, ^ Ha- Oooul«'doocni.ieni»ed tor the j.alin, Till n»w hi^ soul in kindliniT angei woke And to Sebastian thus-the hero xpoke :— Ilh)Slnou^ i-olleaa:ue, of the fates belov d In counsel knowing as in wai approv d, No earthiv puw'r tht Editors shall tree, Til. ir doom is fix. d, relentless t*>e decree j Justice the balance of th" e'ernal throne 0't» (hem has hunj; In the celestial zone- Noi (snu M. [Ma.o IliL-y'.e,l,il,|,n, ,n Kh- , v , ' No- nn.ovo„aml[«,h. wo.M is kn.n ," J .,.(c.o.v:nJly,uMM,vsnnl,k.„,Mnhr"^^ Ami e^ „ ,o.. ....„e .lu-y ,uake wi.l. .' '..ji;;,,, ,.,,r,^ r!:r;;;:;itt;!:;;;;;,;;:y'-"-'«^ A Mc coine j;u,v,t for all i^ere \vp|roin\. «,.j» It nu.,, ,hey l,a,l hi,,. a«ji noi.le p„7e l» ^ti«i, his ^luwti tiiey licbly eulogize' i^ End uj Cunto 2d. ;ii, t thought ; i i8 I r t iJ il A^ CANTO IV. S when a school boy weary of his foyj, Vields to disgust and idly some destroy-:; Some v^orn ^^ith use, some without use grow stalej >^^)d all alike tn please his fancy fail ; Vlinj;s t'i< m aside —their novelty is o'er. No maiter, and fondly cries for more ; Aud if j/errhaice some trifles he obtain, A top or kiip to pins hf ^oes again. To him the \\zy thing, recent from the store Has eharnis exceed in;? all that's ^one liefore ; F.xtolls awhilf, and then awhile he plays. And so a day, or who can t> U (or days ; When night arriVf she treats them with disdain^ And for some novelty is ripe again. Snrh was the plan the Editors pursned, Whene'cn their warnlest allies were snbdu'd ; They ga'n'd no pension for theirmartial deedt^ But graced the list of vanquish'd invalids ; Modestus, Mentor, Jnlian, Thawckum too And all that rpi.ri.....r' Ti.;. -iv ■""'^"■lu reie(;rit|||s si|«i| Till. 0(1 prciiiming d;„,y ^ '7' ^ where mounta ns stood »ii i; ■ T' . . A»d ,„p,e river mS thJ'de eT.'lff " *^*'''"'« O er.pacous isle, the swelling urioii h And oceans chanuel from its reiKlfs torn Creation heaves, the fates h^i- . li. j "' Which „.Veciis'i"e' s,oHr 'r,: "'* '™"*'"'""»PMe«iUtic.uaiii, ' IH ^ i!' ^\ m\^ 20 / * Sacred to thcp, Agricolu, belong^ TIjc coftfi tonrs of iliis epli. nu lal !lt Iritnitf t'ii)in \\w. h claiiu. ('I'Jii' iiiiiM 10 S'll'i 041(1 Kym|i'avs.) Hpi'.h :s lilt; ta-k o ;win> thi civic wieatb, A m lefiil (i^ople's lii> ral to tjcqiii alli 'll'j aident liq|)«.s, iliy paiiiotic /cal, Half rat not stai", i.or«liall oblivion veil — '\\\\\\\ air tlir biiM>,aiit away Ami Oies o'er At; tdia'* woiKllam! sway ; , AVlteii y«ai> elapie a-id yonder iiiuiiniuin dun iHliali Mave its Koldei. Iiaive»ts in the jtin: ; When liill and vxlt- ^haU be vmiIi pastures clad Ami o'er tlie landsca|.« iileatiij; flocks ar*" spread; When time revolver and ni n ot mightiest note, May ev'n wlie> km:; an' comi'rors aie forgot — Agric'la's courage, and \\^uv. ld'.s .skill In spile of spite, shait bf reinembiir'd siili. — From age (o age thy meiii'ry shall de:*fe« d, . An'l scai< I ly fa 1 wh<-n tune itself lihall end ; The young uliall listen whilst the old shali lell What wars and triumphs in their days betell, What hosts of enviouf harpies, dtemohs dire Against thee Ibuglit in ooinplieated ire ; How'sat'cn wise sai;es to oppose thee came Centaurs by birth and Elditors by name \ lu triple masks equivocally veil'd, Assail'd thy iheoiiesand thyself assail'd; And though their labour prov'd but fruitless tOil, They labouv'd still thy eutci prize to foil ; They stiD assay'd to blast thy rising f*iiie Aud damn the glories of thy deathless uaTne. — Avatl'd it ought? did they xuch g'ory win, As tempts theiu thus a second to begin P if nought the first, will aught the next avail? Yes — from it springs my bantling Triumpha'e, And spiings to tell how Duo..N .o f-ll -> This second ttruifude ninv n. ,» <■., tos -uol'l — i Butnowepough— Agricoia fare thte well. ' 3 £ndi(f Canto ith. '^ ^