^ ^P' ^ %•/• c IM^OE EVALUATION TEST TAROiT (MT-S) <^ \ ^' KM ,/'•• . ' I ,./-■■■'■ .40\ 1.0 I 1.1 11.26 Ml HI Ilk 1^ t.e % 'I \ ^ J][|*Jlr:il Sdoioes n _ V as WHT MUUN %i*tn WIMm,N.V. MSM (7I*)«71'«S0S „X-iJ,:.-j: if ^ o^ u.' CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) ^f ,.»» I- ■ ' Canadian Instltiita for Historical MIcroroproductlona / Inatltut Canadian da microraproduetlona hiatorlquaa TIM MtyfeaMMIaiMpI •filt«Mpiii« I » LiMtfWf i^H R*. (Zsnn; ^ D D D n CwlH <^i«^«f«4 Ml (i.«. •*« *M Mm •« M«k|/ iil»iiM< HMM M^/or INMtraCtoiw/ •t/OM MNMtrMtoiM M I ll«IM MM #«MtrM ( □ rm •tout in«Ni«r mm^t La wMiiw MTfto p«H il«l«ilt*l« r*n ■Itnklttw i „niii I WffMfl tNC ^' I MSt. WiMMWVCf I I oMittMl from f Mmint/ 9m ^ww mtwir w lo w npii i l i n w« « itti r««or4«4 fnm« on aMh «nl«roft«h« •hill oontain th« tymtool — ^ (maaninf "CON* TINUIO'l. or tho aymboi T Imaonlnf "INO"). wMoHovor appllaa. \ Mopa. plotoa. ahorta. oto.. may bo fllmo4 it 4lffaram ra^Matlon ratloa. Thoaa too larga to bo omfroly Inalutfad in ono oapoauro ara nimad bof Inninf In tba uppar loft bond aornor. laft to Hflht and top to bottom, oa mony framaa aa rafulrad. Tha following diof rami llluitrata tho mothod: i'08omp4aira HImd fyt rofrodylt ffioo i li fdn4foaitd do: Vio^ovU OMi¥«roi«y biHvaty f«ffOllt« loo ImafOi iwlvaniaa ant 0«0 rapradgltai ivaa la plwa f rand iOln. iompto tonu do lo ionditlon ot do la nottatO da I'oaomplolro film*, at an oonformH# ovoo loo oondlttona du aontrai da fNmafo. .^ „j^,__ Uo Momplolraa Oftf Inawa dont la aauvarturo on MPi*' Mt Imprlmdo iont fllmdi in iommonf am pa' I* pramlar plat at 9t\ tarmlnant cait par la 49rnkkf pat a owl aomporto una amprainta' d'Impraiilon ow d'llluitration, tolt M' Id toaor^d plot, iolon lo aaa. Toui loo autraa aiampiairai OftfinawK font fUmdo wi aommanoant par la — pr9m\4f pafa f ui aomporto uno omprainto d'improaaion ou d'INuatratlon at ^n tarmlnant par lo dornldfo pofo «ul oomporto uno tollo omprolnto. » Un doo aymboloo awlvonta apparaltra tur lo darniira imaga da ehaqua miorofloha. tiion la aaa. la iymboia •*» ilonifla "A tUIVMI". la •yrtibolo ▼ ilgnlflo "PIN". loa eartaa. planahoo. toblooua. oto.. pouvont «tra flimda A doa taui do rdduation dlffdranta. Loraqua la doaumont oat trop grand pour Itro roprodult fn un aoul allahd. il aat fllmd A partir da J'angia iupdriaur gauaha. da giuaha * droita. at da haul •n baa, on pronont la nombra d'imagaa ndoaaaairo. Loa diagrammaa iulvantt ^ llluatrant lo mdthodo. (n -1 .2 3 \ 1 t- 6 A, •^^ *stt, r ^v** *♦ E if TORONTO !>' :|\ I" , ^' . '' IM TH« »rH OifNTURY, > filtt A RETROSPECTIVE GLANCE^ ■\ ^ !•,*■. # f«%j • \5^ :. • % M, If, ...... ■"^wti; ■r _ . • ■* n» 'I > A„ M^/ormoilcm of T«i f ow>ino Socriwnr at > \, ^i^ tlSM NlW JlUEtUfULBM ChlUBOH. '%' I 't i ■■hi ll l^^lic^ s-.,. TORONTO: A|nrfl6,lfff. i>*^ .*(>*^« ■l^j . -^tl h II > I' T* •W. sx:< •♦■ i^'i'ii.'T »^ 41 <^/,i ■x>. -.»' fr%j-- %=«» 1^^ ""^ ^- ../ \/^^ '^ M GLIMPSE AT TORONTO .4 IN THE 20111 CENTURY, WITH A RETROSPECTIVE GLANCE. JteeUed ai the 11th A nn ua I Ffkiva I commemortUing the/ormation of The Tokonto Society of Thi New Jerusalui Church. t nUNTKD FOR PRIVATE CIRCUL4i;|0M ONLY. TORONTO: April e,18T». '^ '-H ■\i '!}/■ ^■5W^ ' VT^' ''#*'"" ' W ^ #■ I • ;z/7// /f r/i/jfj* \ \ .».•■ /A- J \ < -. '. ■ . . 7 F'^^£^PPT^«""^IW»P^ ' J \ evening AUQO April, of Tuesday, the 3fid DoEuiui 1934. ^^^ 70th anniveiwufeof the form- i[tion of The Toronto Society of the Nef' Jeroialeni Ohiiroh, is being celebrated in the Educational Metropolis of the Dominion of Canada. It is in the s|)aciou8 lecture- hall of the University on Swedenborg Street, and almost in the centre of the greit city of 300,000 inhabitanta* The Bcene is a brilliant one ; upwards of 0yOOO persons are assembled. The leaders 1^ workers in all the uaeful professions ; in aiti, science, and learning, are represented ; r :? »' &x^ t • # Mid the chief terviuit ^ the }i€Ople, who is ^ Ruler of the Domlnioii. by ipeotel reqo6it| ocoupieii th« chair. Tbo tofti but brtUktit elecirto light Ultnaiutoi the haU| and Tlghtii up the Il?eljr, intellectual, and comply count44iiincee of the niMM^tubled thouaanda. The varied, but deena oot- tnm«fi of the 20th century are aeeitto ftill advantage, aud^the decoratioAa of the ball glow with the living beauty of flowera, in cluntera ; with rich and artistic painted landacapea and portnuta, and groupa of truthful Httttunry Rymbolically arranged. The musical compoaera^ who are also the poetii of the New Age, have given their symphoniea to the world « and in well-trained harmony the choir executes aome of the moat choice selections, accom- panied bjthe tones of the grand or|^ J and every chorus ia a hymn of praiae, in which the audience unite* ^ * ii« '-, ■ '&•• I. .*♦ f *.^^ |L„ ^ I . 8|)aa thepr ogma yon hare nade i> Th^ advmeliig march of Nov Jeruslem truth ; The old things gone, and all things new l)ecome. At shown, not by thit brilliant scene alone, Bat alto by the works I see abound. Thit noble Univertity, endowed ^tth^ the aids that witely laid ont wealth iDan miig to minister, in healthful mode. 5f- U w„ 'W^" ^ To iiit«lkelMl fffowtli in virlat*t |Mitiia. PHms im worlbf y*mih of mnni iMiih, To Kdp thorn upwanl« (o gnuiil iphc^rtiA af um, fal fflifiiffi ttmiBMfvB. iBd Ia tkli hv Tll« MiTirf tnitti of |)rtr«ihoo4 ai^l of tcliooJ. For to UiU coU«gfi tributary i^ Tli« whole tohoolt^itMii of yonr f*voiir«d land. Wkik bltwcd of the I/ml, mi«I IiajmnI upon Hit trttth, to mjui tnatle knbwn in Uttor 's And Mtili those etructurue itaiul, though chiuigtHl 'IlitiriiM. ' ''An To pnrpoMA beneficent that nuurk *^ The advent here of oivliution tme.' Tk* AeeooiAtiona that their iiamoa rocall, * Names that havo almoet die<^ from memory, . Now Ha«h uijon our minda with grievoua pain^ To b^ replAced by joy, when we reflecti ♦•i fl^^^ •K c t* o . '^ ^0 ^ -^ TIm Immm oI f^onnAiAou Utm wm laid i T«i todAl iiii!rfl, HimmU, IniUda not Um TIm Uboar of Ihe buildtrs ii in vain.** TImj lyul tlie trnlh, at pm m now 'Us teiiglil» But till the trnth tnkoi fom, In outward «ot| In life, — it cAnnot tn&ko men frM nor wIm.^ *• Work it Religion, and lUiligioii'g work,** In all the lieldii thia tchocil-worUl doth afford ;. Or, moreoorraoUy, it ia thua laid down t— '• Hiat all Ral^^, wor^y of the name, * 9m Bruoe't (N«w Charoh) CoBunenUrj on Maith«fr» xl.eli.,16UiMidl7lli v«i ■•'■■ '■, f - Thu«, in ik% ociurM of tim6 ditl stetis ilmmy. Ami iMiw, 'lUMth gnuui cathcKlrmk' Miy iptrM* Aitd in Ui« diurdiM " iii«ini|KiliUiA«'* ntlltw Oliaroli doolrifMt gnanl Uif good wilh- And with dnltght, th« grmml results we im. Whilst oth«)r Uiul% at favourtMl, (ml tho throW TkAt now y« ft^el, and throngbont ail the world, TIm go^iei pmrt, ii preached and publiah-ed. .At Uat, the new Mis to tho rtoe haa come | The Uf# of loTing nee, and truthful act» * BwfdMboff'f worky m n t w e d. -, .,.%, Noii«h#ff«! Ana thiMwmh* WUihil of Ui« p«rt| Frtim hiiU, ami vaUs^ of ImmortAlity, With heav'niy UioughU, mi<1 loving. humhU UniW with Ikont on oArih, ol kindnMl iUUmi | For now, wt Aimm9, "Tm OromcM ah© UmAVM "^1 •7 ■j£iii. ,, t tVfla, / '4 ♦ • ■4'- " i*!^ •■< , .'irli . i *T"#||; ^ ^^^^' i li* 1*« ' I. i. SW