IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ,*». fe ^^ <,«\.4& >,^ ^ iti celebrity. . I PROBAntE INCOME, Tha prinlod report of the (corpo- ration «he\vi that the probnhle receipt* arMiiig from tho tiav Works will bo - - ■ 1.600 T'.M lubaequoiit erection of' the buildings of tho Market Hlock will add, at least, to that sum - 100 The expense* annu- ally, exclusive of interest- - - 1,183 2 C From which is to bo ileducted Coko & ,- Tar • - - 874 19 2 1,700 90S a 4 Leaving k balance from which in- terest is to be deducted - - 791 16 8 WATER. It is calculated that the inhabitants of Toronto including Breweries, Distilleries, Hotcls,Tavern« kc. will pay a water rate amounting to full 1,750 It is believed that at least .4*3,000 is now paid for waler^ bad as it is. A rate on the odaesscd property of the City of 2d in the pound will realize - - • , - - - 600 Making tha annual procledsofthe Gas and Water - - - 3.141 IG 8 Out of which is to be deducted the annu- al interest of cClt>,- i>Oa«t A %* ut. ^900 9- Extra expenses of ccmmission.&c. for paying 6 ^ cL in England Expences of conduct- ing the Water- works per annum 1,760. r^ 10' 700 fl Leaving a surplus to pay qlT tho sum to be borrowed - - .1,441 16 8 Jffhxeh will be accomplished in twelve years, without contemplating any increase of income from tl e extension of buildings in the City, 6te, ^he propriety of a tax not exceeding 2d in the .pound, on the City property will be readily ad' mitted, when it is considcrea that those of tl habitants who do not use cithe rthe UjiaiUL ore giui greatly t>eneiitted by TET^niie ad aecuriiy Cl'property at nigr hV. by tht iRm-sssM biM'yiA'Amm mm J*ttfc Jition al , by the streets bein g I ■ ■I I V. r- ^f""* .^''^^T*"'! ^^ * '■i mproved hwlth of the Citv from lU cleanline s.-- It is ^ weH known fact that Cjm l ights have. beitt vagf , tnatnVi nentari8 the " -"'^ " • jimi nauon o fjthe crime of bank and other robberie*. inconJiansrr and' othcir J Jeds ol daTTnc H. Itii aj iict cqiTglft wei! autlientic aleiT, that tTie use ol u aiTiasl c'Ssen* l hre since m introd uetign, jjijl I Tiui r^diiced the rate 01 insurance whe re jtlmi been resorted t o'. A supply ot water on the instant has produecd a similar rcsi^ Fires which would have des- troyed much^uablo property have been arrest- ed in thnir progress, and tho consonuont danger is much diminished as to cause a reduction in the rate of insurance nearly equal to the cost of water, ^ a result in this Province most devoutly to bo dc. * sired. The next question that presents itself is — What is the best method of obtaining the necessary ca- pital ?— It 18 recommended in tho first instance to organize a Company based upon the act passed in 1836, for lighting the City with Clas, and to apply for such amendments as may be nocctrwy, in tho , next session of Parliament. To appoint a President, Directors and other officers of such of the Inhabitants of the City whose names and characters willafTord tho best guarantee for {he character and credit of the un- dertaking. The outlay may be divided into tho purchase of such articles as must be obtained from Eng- land, such as the gas apparatus, iron pipe, casting, shoet iron for gasometer, &c.,and which will pro- bably cost about one half tho sum required, or <£7,000, and of such items as can bo obtained here, viz. the buildings for tho Oas and Water Works, tanks, reservoirs.&c., and which will pro- bably cost as much more, or say 47,000. It is proposed to ismie debentures as tho money ia requtred, to the amount of the eott of the under- taking in sums of not less than •£$& G'y, payable in 18— —, carrying interest of 6 V cent, payable -bnlf yg^sbf IB JBn e'w w' ^ f * '" bolM**^ thx an m*. , dertakmg eomnMMiog such an hicomo, in a City which is progressing perhaps in a greater degree than any other on &ia Condnent of North Ame- rica, wiui an undertaking conducted by men of the first character in the country, can scarcely fail to be so appreciated that as to its credit no doubt will exist of its ability and determination to keep its engagements, and it is confidently believed that merchants and English iron masters will, under such circumstances, readily supply tho Company with such articles as they may require, at a fair market price, taking in payment tlie above deben- tures. It is also believed that the merchants and mechanics in Toronto will readily tako such de- bentures iit payment for such goods as may be re- ouired, for works necessary to be carried oii. And it is further belicvud, that for tho purpose of accomplishing an olgecl so important to the wel- fare ami prosperity of the City, and to show their confidence in the undertaking, that many of our merchants will take a certain amount of the de- bentures at par. with the intention of remitting; them to their British correspondents, by which means they will be sure tt> ^tA »li(»ir