POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS PARLIAMENTS AND THE JUDICIAL BENCH IN THE Dominion of Canada 1867 to 1895 EDITED BY NT. OMEI^ COXE (or THK DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, CANADA.) ^Jk OTTAWA : Thoburn & Co., Printers and I'ublishers. 1896. ^ v_ V _^ '-'^^fO^ C.3 Entered according to Act of th. P.rIiai«ont of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, by Nakcisse Omek Cork, at tlie Department of Agriculture. Preface. The Editor, in presenting this volume to the public, desires to state that the inforn>ation therein contained has been derived from authentic sources, and he trusts his work may meet with the same favour from all who take an interest in the Government of Canada, and prove as useful as that published by his father, the late Mr. J. O. Cote, N.P., in his lifetime Clerk of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, under the name of "Political Appointments and Elections in the Province of Canada, 1 841 TO 1865." Ottawa, 1 2th February, 1896. CONTENTS. 1867 to 1891^. Page THE QUEEN'S PROCLAMATION OF UNION .. i ADMISSION OF PROVINCES INTO THE DOMINION. 4 GOVERNORS-GENERAL OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, AND ADMINISTRATORS OF THE GOVERNMENT 5 AIDES-DE-CAMP TO THE QUEEN 7 SECRETARIES TO THE GOVERNORS-GENERAL.. 8 AIDES-DE-CAMP TO THE GOVERNORS-GENERAL . . 9 AIDES-DE-CAMP TO LORD MONCK . . . . . . 9 AIDES DECAMP TO LORD LISGAR . . . . . . 9 AIDES DE-CAMP TO LORD DUFFERIN .. .. .. 9 AIDES DECAMP TO LORD LORNE . . . . . . lO AIDES-DE CAMP TO LORD LANSDOWNE . . . . . . ri AIDES DE CAMP TO LORD STANLEY OF PRESTON . . II AIDES-DE-CAMP TO LORD ABERDEEN .. .. 1 3 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF THE PROVINCES OF CANADA 14 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF ONTARIO . . . . 14 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF QUEBEC . • . . . . I5 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF NOVA SCOTIA . . . . 16 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF NEW BRUNSWICK. . . . l^ LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF MANITOBA . . 18 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA . . 20 LIEUTENANT-GOVKRNORS OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. . 2 1 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF THE NORTH WEST TERRI- TORIES . . . . . . . . . . 19 MEMBERS OF THE QUEEN'S PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA 22 Iff CONTENTS. MEMBERS OF THE CABINET . . THE PRIME MINISTERS OF CANADA Page 3« ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE CONFEDERATION 32 MINISTRIES SINCE CONFEDERATION 33 FIRST MINISTRY . . . . . . . , , . 33 SECOND MINISTRY . . . . . . . . . 36 THIRD MINISTRY .v . . . . . . . . 39 FOURTH MINISTRY . . . . . . . . . . 43 FIFTH MINISTRY ., .. ,. . .. 46 SIXTH MINISTRY. . ,. .. .. .. .. 49 HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS 52 PRESIDENTS OF THE QUEEN's PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 MINISTERS OF JUSTICE . . . . . . . . 53 MINISTERS OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE . . . . . . 55 MINISTERS OF FINANCE . . . . . . . . 56 MINISTERS OF PUBLIC WORKS. . .. .. .. 57 MINISTERS OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS . . . . 57 MINISTERS OF INLAND REVENUE (office abolished) .. 58 MINISTERS OF CUSTOMS (office abolished) .. .. 59 MINISTERS OF TRADE AND COMMERCE.. .. ., 60 POSTMASTERS-GENERAL .. .. .. ., 6 1 SECRETARIES OF STATE OF CANADA . . , . . . 62 MINISTERS OF MARINE AND FISHERIES . . . 63 MINISTERS OF AGRICULTURE . . . . . . . . 64 RECEIVERS-GENERAL (separate office abolished) . . . . 65 SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE PROVINCES (office abolished) 65 MINISTERS OF THE INTERIOR . . . . . . . . 66 SUPERINTENDENTS-GENERAL OF INDIAN AFFAIRS . . 67 SOLICITOR-GENERAL OF CANADA 54 CONTROLLERS OF CUSTOMS 60 CONTROLLERS OF INLAND REVENUE . . . . 59 OFFICES HELD BY THE MEMBERS OF THE QUEEN'S PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA 68 CONTENTS, a^* Page thb: high commissioners for Canada in the UNITED KINGDOM .. .. .. ., .. i%% SECRETARY TO THE HIGH COMMISSIONER . . its AGENT-GENERAL FOR CANADA IN FRANCE. . . . 125 MAJORS GENERAL COMMANDING THE MILITIA OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA 126 AIi:)ES-DE-CAMPTO THE MAJOR-GENERAL 126 ADJUTANTS GENERAL OF MILITIA 127 ASSISTANT ADJUTANTS-GENERAL OF MILITIA A1^ HEADQUARTERS 128 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL OF xMILITIA AT HEAD QUARTERS 128 DEPUTY HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND CHIEF OFFICERS ,29 CLERKS OF THE QUEEN'S PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA. . 129 ASSISTANT CLERKS OF THE QUEEn's PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA . . . . . . . . . 129 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE . . 129 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISIER OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. 130 SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . 130 UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE OF CANADA . . . , 131 131 DEPUTY REGISTRARS-GENERAL OF CANADA UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE PROVINCES (office abolished) .. .. .. ,. .. j^j DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR . . 132 SECRETARIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR . . 1 32 SURVEYORS-GENERAL OF DOMINION LANDS. . DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCE SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BTNANCE SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE SECRETARIES OF THE TREASURY BOARD DEPUTY OF THE MINISTER OF MARINE AND FISHERIES. . 134 DEPUTY MINISTER OF FISHERIES (separate office aboUehed) 134 132 133 133 133 134 viii COXTENTS. DEPUTY HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, Sac — Concluded - Page DIRECTORS OK THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA . . 135 COMPTROLLER OF THE NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE I35 DEPUTY RECEIVERGKNERAL (seimrate offlt-f abolished) , . I36 DEPUTY INSPECTOR-GENERAL (office abolished) .. I36 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PENITENTIARIES (-ibolishod) . . 137 INSPECTORS OF PENITENTIARIES. .. .. .. I37 CLERKS OF THE CROWN IN CHANCERY 137 DEPUTY CLERK OF THE CROWN IN CHANCERY . . . . 138 AUDITORS GENERAL. . .. .. .. 138 ASSISTANT AUDITORS . . . . . . 1 39 DEPUTIES OF THE SUPERINTENDENT-GENERAL OF INDIAN AFFAIRS.. .. .. .. 139 COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND REVENUE . . . . I40 ASSISTANT COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND REVENUE . . 140 SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INLAND REVENUE. I41 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS . . 14T SECRETARIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I41 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE . . I42 SECRETARIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. . 142 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF RAiLWAYS AND CANALS 142 SECRETARIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS DEPUTY POSTMASTERS GENERAL SECRETARIES OF THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT THE queen's PRINTERS COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS ASSISTANT COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS DEPUTY OF THK MINISTER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE CHIEF ENGINEERS OF PUBLIC WORKS CHIEF ENGINEERS OF CANALS CHIEF ENGINEER OF GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS CHIEF ENGINEER OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS . . M3 143 143 144 144 144 MS H5 145 146 146 DOMINION ARCHITECTS . . . . . . . . I46 CONSTITUTION OF DEPARTMENTS AND CHIEF CLERKS IN THE INSIDE DEPARTMENTAL DI VISION OF THE CIVIL SERVICE OF CANADA . . 147 THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S SECRETARY'S OFFICE . . I47 THE OFFICE OF THE QUEEN's PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA 147 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. . .. .. .. 148 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF CANADA I48 DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE . .. .. 150 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR . . . . . . 150 CONTENTS. ix Page DEPARIMENT OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY . . . . 152 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . . .. ., .. 152 'office OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL .. .. .. 153 DEPARTMENT OF INLAND REVENUE. . .. .. 1 54 department OF CUSTOMS .. .. .. .. 1 55 POST office DEPARTMENT .. .. .. .. 155 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. . .. ., .. 157 DEPARTMENT OF .MARINE AND FISHERIES .. .. I57 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. . ,. .. .. 158 DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS. . .. I 59 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE .. .. . .. .. 160 DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. . .. 1 6c DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING AND STATIONERY . . 161 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF ST.VIE FOR THE PROVINCES (abolished) ,. *. .. .. 161 DEPARTMENT OF THE RECEIVER-GENERAL (alxilished) 1 62 THE SENATE OF CANADA 163 SPEAKERS OF THE SENATE . . .. .. .. 163 CLERKS OF THE SENATE . . ., .. .. .. 163 CLERKS ASSISTANT OF THE SEN.Vl'E . . . ■ 164 L.\W CLERKS OF THE SENATE .. .. .. .. 1 64 GENTLEMEN USHERS OF THE BLACK ROD TO THE SENATE 164 SERGEANT- ATARMS OF THE SENATE . . . . . . 1 64 CHAPLAINS TO THE SENATE . .. .. .. 165 MEMBERS OF THE SEN.\TE FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 1 65 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC 168 - MEMBERS OF THE SENATE FOR THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA .. .. .. .. .. .. 172 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE FOR THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK .. .. .. .. .. 173 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE FOR THE PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. . .. .. .. .. 1 75 MEMBERS OF THE SEN.VPE FOR THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA . . . . . . . . . . 176 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE FOR THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. . . . . . . . . . 176 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE FOR 7 HE NORTH-WEST TERRI- TORIES. . . . . . . . . . 177 THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA 178 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS .. .. 178 . > CLERKS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS .. .- . ,. 178 CONTENTS. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF Qk^kVik— Concluded— Page ASSISTANT CLERKS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS ... 1 79 LAW CLERKS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS . . . . I 79 LIBRARIANS OF PARLIAMENT . . . . . . 180 SERGEANTS-AT-ARMS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS .. 180 DEPUTY SERGEANTS-AT-ARMSOF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS I 80 MEMBERS RETURNED AT GENERAL ELECTIONS — FIRST PARLIAMENT .. .. 181 SECOND PARLIAMENT .. .. .. .. 1 94 THIRD PARLIAMENT . . . . . . . 207 FOURTH PARLIAMENT .. .. .. .. 227 FIFTH PARLIAMENT . . . . . . ' . . 243 SIXTH PARLIAMENT. . .. .. .. .. 258 SEVENTH PARLIAMENT . . .. .. .. 275 SPECIAL ELECTIONS HELD DURING THE — FIRST PARLIAMENT. . .. .. v. ' . . 188 SECOND PARLIAMENT . . . . . . . . 202 THIRD PARLIAMENT. . .. .. .. .. 2l6 FOURTH PARLIAMENT .. .. .. .. 237 FIFTH PARLIAMENT. . .. .. .. .. 252 SIXTH PARLIAMENT . . . . . . . . 268 SEVENTH PARLIAMENT . . . . . . . . 285 PARLIAMENTS AND SESSIONS— PERIODS OF THEIR DURATION 295 GENERAL ELECTIONS HELD IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA 297 THE JUDICIAL BENCH IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA 298 POWERS VESTED IN THE PARLIAMENT OF CANADA AND PROVINCIAL LEGISL.VrURES BV " THE B. N, A- ACT, 1867" .. 298 THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA . . . . . . 299 THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA.. .. 302 LOCAL JUDGES IN ADMIRALTY OF THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA. . . . . . . . . 302 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO — THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR ONTARIO 306 THE COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO . . , . . . 307 CONTENTS. XI the high court of justice for ontario . . queen's bench division . . chancery division . . common pleas DIVISION . . THE MARITIME COURT OF ONTARIO (abolished) COUNTY AND DISTRICT COURTS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO . . SURROGATE COURTS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO . . PROVINCE OF QUEBEC — COURT OF queen's BENCH FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF MONTREAL . . VICE-ADMIRALTY COURT OF THE CITY OF QUEBEC (abolished) PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA — SUPREME COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA . . COURT FOR DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES OF NOVA SCOTIA . . COUNTY COURTS IN THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK — SUPREME COURT OF NEW BRUNSWICK . . COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES OF THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK . . COUNTY COURTS IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK VICE-ADMIRALTY COURT OF THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK (abolished) PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND — SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. . COUNTY COURTS IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.. CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTETOWN PROVINCE OF BRITISH COL\IMBIA — SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA COUNTY COURTS IN THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVINCE OF MANITOBA — COURT OF queen's BENCH FOR THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA . . RECORDER OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA COUNTY COURTS IN THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA NORTH WEST TERRITORIES — SUPREME COURT OF THE NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES . . STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES FOR THE NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES (abolished) . , .. , . Page 309 309 310 312 314 315 337 340 358 359 359 362 366 369 370 374 374 377 378 379 381 388 390 391 394 397 xii CONTENTS. Page PENSIONS GRANTED TO JUDGES OF DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL COURTS . . 399 QUEEN'S COUNSEL APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNOR- GENERAL. 407 IMPERIAL HONOURS CONFERRED BY HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA FOR CANADIAN SERVICE . . 425 TABLE OF PRECEDENCE FOR CANADA .. 434 REGULATIONS APPROVED BY HER MAJESTY RESPECTING TITLES TO BE USED IN CANADA . . 436 ADDENDA UP TO THE 31st DECEMBER, 1895 . . . . 437 INDEX TO NAMES AND SUBJECTS 443 CONFEDERATION OF THE PROVINCES OF CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. THE QUEEN'S PROCLAMATION OF UNION. BY THE QUEEN. A PROCLAMATION . For Uniting the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, into One Dominion, Under THE Name of Canada. IDictorta 1R, WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament, passed on the twenty-ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, in the thirtieth year of Our reign, intituled : " An Act for the Union of Canada, Nova " Scotia and New Brunswick, and the Government thereof and for *' purposes connected therewith," after divers recitals, it is enacted that " it shall be 'lawful for the Queen, by and with the advice of Her " Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, to declare, by Proclamation, " that on and after a day therein appointed, not being more than six " months after the passing of this Act, the Provinces of Canada, Nova *' Scotia and New Brunswick shall form and be One Dominion under 2 " the name of Canada, and on and after that day those Three Provinces " shall form and be One Dominion under that Name accordingly;" and it is thereby further enacted, that " Such Persons shall be first sum- " moned to the Seiiale as the Queen by warrant, under Her Majesty's " Royal Sign Manual, thinks fit to approve, and their names shall be " inserted in the Queen's Proclamation of Union;" We, therefore, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, have thought fit to issue this Our Royal Proclamation, and We do ordain, declare and command that on and after the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick shall form and be One Dominion under the name of Canada : And We do further ordain and declare that the persons whose names are herein inserted and set forth are the persons of whom We have by Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual thought fit to approve as the persons who shall be first summoned to the Senate of Canada : For the Province of Ontario. ^ ■ - » John Hamilton Elijah Leonard Roderick Matheson WilMam MacMaster John Ross Asa Allworth Burnham Samuel Mills John Simpson Benjamin Seymour James Skead Walter Hamilton Dickson David Lewis Macpherson James Shaw George Crawford Adam Johnston Ferguson Blair Donald Macdonald Alexander Campbell Oliver Blake David Christie Billa Flint James Cox Aikins Walter McCrea David Reesor George William Allan For the Province of Quebec. James Leslie Asa Belknap Foster Joseph Noel Boss^ Louis A. Olivier Jacques Olivier Bureau Charles Malhiot Louis Renaud Luc Letellier de St. Just Ulric Joseph Tessier John Hamilton Charles Cormier Antoine Juchereau Duchesnay David Edward Price Elzear H. J. Duchesnajr Leandre Dumouchel Louis Lacoste Joseph F. Arniand Charles Wilson William Henry Chaffers Jean Baptiste Guevremont* James Ferrier Sir Narcisse Fortunat Belleau, Kt. Thomas Ryan John Sewell Sanborn t^OR THE Province of Nova Scotia. Edward Kenny Jonathan McCully Thomas D. Archibald Robert B. Dickey John H. Anderson John Holmes John W. Ritchie Benjamin Wier John Locke Caleb R. Bill John Bourinot William Miller For the Province of New Brunswick. Amos Edwin Botsford Edward Barron Chandler John Robertson Robert Leonard Hazen William Hunter Odell David Wark William Henry Steeves William Todd ; John Ferguson Robert Duncan Wilmot Abner Reid McClelan Peter Mitchell Given at Our Court, at Windsor Castle, this twenty-second day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- seven, and in the thirtieth year or Our reign, God Save the Queen. Admission into the Dominion of Ca.iada, since Confederation, under the authority of the 146th Section of " The British North America Act, 1867," of the following Provinces: — Province. Manitoba and the North-West Territories, formerly known as Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory British Columbia Prince Edward Island Date of Admission. 15th July, 1870 20th July, 187 1 I St July, 1873 Governors- General of the Dominion of Canada and Administrators. V867 to 1895. Name. From Assumption of Office. The Right Honourable Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Governor-General (^) Sir Charles Ash Windham, K.C.B., Administrator The Right Honourable Sir John Young, Bart. Administrator The Right Honourable Sir John Young, Bart., Baron Lisgar, Governor-General (-) Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Hast- ings Doyle, Administrator The Right Honourable Frederick Temple, Earl of Dufferin, Governor-General Lieutenant General William O'Grady Haly, Administrator Lieutenant-General William O'Grady Haly, Administrator General Sir William O'Grady Haly, Administrator General Sir Patrick Leonard McDou- gall, K.C.M.G., Administrator {^) To ist July, 1867 14th Nov., 1868 ist Dec, 1868 2nd Feb, 1869 22nd June, 1872 25th June, 1872 i2th Oct., 1874 rsth May, 1875 2ist Jan., 1878 19th Oct., 1878 13th Nov., 1868 30th Nov., 1868 ist Feb.. 1869 2ist June, 1872 24ih June, 1872 14th Nov., 1878 2nd Nov., 1874 2ist Oct., 1875 3rd Feb., 1878 24th Nov., 1878 (1) Lord Monck died 30th November, 1894. (2) Sir John Young created Baron Lisgar 2nd November, 1870. Died 0th Oct., 1876. (3) General Sir Patrick L. McDougall died 28th Nov., 18ta. 6 OoTernors-General of the Douiluioii of Canada aud Administrators.— Conc/wrferf. Name. The Right Honourable Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, (commonly called the Marquis of Lome), Governor-General General Sir Patrick Leonard McDou- gall, K.C M.G.,. . . Administrator General Sir Patrick Leonard McDou- gall, K.C.M.G., . . . Administrator The Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquis of Lansdowne, Governor-General •General The Right Honourable Lord Alexander George Russell, Administrator Lieutenant-General Sir John Ross, K.C.M.G., Administrator The Right Honourable Sir Arthur Stanley, Baron Stanley of Preston, Governor-General (i) Lieutenant-General Alexander George Montgomery-Moore, Administrator The Right Honourable Sir John Campbell Haiiiilton Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, Governor-General Lieutenant-General Alexander George Montgomery - Moore, Administrator From Assumption of Office. 25th Nov., 1878 nth Nov., 1881 i8th Dec, 1882 23rd Oct., 1883 5th Aug., 1886 !6th May, 1888 nth June, 1888 15 th July, 1893 i8th Sept.. 1893 r3th Oct., 1893 To 2ist Oct., 1883 20th Jan., 1882 50th Jan., 1883 30th May, 1888 7th Nov., 1886 loth June, 1888 6th Sept., 1893 17th Sept., 1893 22nd Oct., 1893 (1) Lord P^tanley of Preston succeeded to the Earldom of Derby on the death of his brother, on the 21st April, 1893, and assumed the title on the ITth May, 1893. Aides-de-Camp to the Queen for the Dominion of Canada. Name. Colonel John Dyde, C.M.G Colonel Sir Casimir Stanislas Gzow- ski, K.C.M.G To 5th Mar. i8S6 8 Secretaries to the Governor-General of Canada. 1867 to 1895. Name. Denis Godley (i) Francis Turville . Lt.-Col. Henry Charles Fletcher, Scots Fusilier Guards Harry Moody Lt.-Col. The Hon. Edward George Percy Littleton, Grenadier Guards Lt.-Col. Francis W. de Winton, R.A., C.M.G,, Major The Viscount Melgund .... Captain Henry Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards Captain Josceline FitzRoy Bagot (^). Major The Hon. C. R. W. Colville, Grenadier Guards Major The Hon. J. T. St. Aubyn, Grenadier Guards Arthur John Lewis Gordon, C.M.G . From To ist July, 1867 30th Nov., 1868 I St Dec, 1868 23rd June, 1872 25th June, 1872 26th Mar., 1875 27th Mar., 1875 25th Oct., 1875 27th Oct., 1875 24th Nov., 1878 26th Nov., 1878 23rd Oct., 1883 24th Oct., 1883 28th Dec, 1885 29th Dec, 1885 24th May, 1888 nth June, 1888 31st July. 1888 I St Aug., 1888 24th Mar., 1892 25th Mar., 1892 2nd Sept., 1893 1 8th Sept., 1893 • • a • (1) Mr. Godlev was secretary to tlie Governor -General (Lord Monck) prior to Con- federation, from the 25th October, l8ol, to the 30ih June, 1867. (2) Captain Bagoi appointed A D.C. to Lord Stanley of Preston 1st August, 1888. 9 Aides-de-Camp to the Governors-General of Canada. 1867 to 1895. Aides-de-Camp to Lord Monck, 1st July, 1867, to 13th Nov., 1808. Lieut. -Colonel The Hon. Richard Monck, Coldstream Guards (') ist July, 1867 Captain W. L. Pemberton, 60th Royal Rifles " Lieut.-Colonel John George Irvine 2nd Oct., 1868 '< Philip J. Duchesnay, extra A.D.C. . . " " Hewitt Bernard, " . . " " Frederick W. Cumberland, " .. '* Ai«les-de-€auip to The Right lion. Sir John Young, Bart. (Lord liisgar). Administrator, 1st Dec., 1868, to 1st Feb., 1869; GoTernor-General, 3nd Feb., 1869, to 21st June, 1873. Lieut.-Colonel John Carstairs McNeill, V.C 1st Dec, 1868 Hon. W. A. W. Ponsonby, 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, 12th April, 1870 Aides-de-Camp to Lord Dnflferin, S5th June, 1873, to 14th XoT., 1878. Lieutenant Frederick Charles Blenkinsop Coulson .... 25th June, 1872 Lieutenant Frederick Rowan Hamilton, H.M's 9th Regiment 28th Oct., 1872 Robert Frederick Ward, R.N.R., vice Coul«;on 24th Oct., 1873 (1) Lt.-CoI, The Hon. R. Monck was also Military Secretary to the Governor-General, 10 Aides-de-Camp to the Governors-General of Canada. — Continued. Aides-de-C-ainp to L.ord Lome, 25th Xot., 1878, to 31st Oct., 1883. Captain Vernor Chater, 91st Regiment 26th Nov., 1878 Lieutenant The Hon. C. Harbord, Scots Guards 26lh Nov., 1878 Captain Percival, late ist Royal Dragoons, vice Chater, ist July, t88i Captain The Hon. William Bagot, Staffordshire Yeo- manry, vice Harbord Dec, 1880 Lieutenant Joceline FitzRoy Bagot, Grenadier Guards, vice Percival 1882 Captain Russell Stephenson, extra A.D.C 26th Dec, 1878 Lieutenant John E, A. Harvey, 42nd Regiment, extra A.D.C".... nth Feb., 1879 £query to Her Rojal Higbness The PriDcess liOnise. Captain A. Collins, 57th Regiment 27th Mar., 1880 Comptroller of the Household. Hon. R. Moreton 26th Nov., 1878 11 Aides-de-Camp to the Governors-General of Canada — Continued. Aide8-de-C;aiiip to Lord I^ansdowne, 23rd Oct-, 1S83, to aoih May, 1888. Lieutenant Henry Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards i}) . .24th Oct-, 1883 Lieutenant The Hon. Henry James Anson, Highland Light Infantry 24th Oct., 1 883 Captain The Hon. A. J. G. Byng, 7th Hussars, vice Streatfeild i6th Feb., 1886 Lieutenant Hercules Arthur Pakenham, Grenadier Guards, vice Byng 6th May, 1887 Captain Russell Stephenson, extra A.D.C 23rd Oct., 1883 AideN-de-€auip to Lord Stanley of Preston (Lord Derby) lllh Jnne, 1888, to 6th 8ei>t., 1893. Lieutenant Aubrey Hope McMahon, Grenadier Guards nth June, 1888 Captain Joceline FitzRoy Bagot, Westmoreland and Cumberland Yeomanry Cavalry ist Aug., 1888 Lieu'enantThe Hon. Edward George Villiers Stanley, Grenadier Guards, vice Bagot i6th Aug., 1889 Lieutenant The Hon. George Harry William Walsh, Grenadier Guards, vice McMahon 22nd Sept., 1890 Lieutenant Frederick Rudolph Viscount Kilcoursie, Grenadier Guards, vice Stanley 29th Sept., 1891 (1) Appointed secretary to the Governor-General 29th December, 1885. 12 Aides-de-Camp to the Governors-General of Canada. — Continued. Aidea-de-Camps to liord (Stanley ot Preston.— ConcZitded. Extra Aides-de-Camp. Lieut.-Col. H. R. Smith, 14th Battalion 25th July, 18S8 P. Landry, 6ist Battalion 28th Dec, 1888 <( J. R. Armstrong, New Brunswick Garrison Artillery " J. P. Macpherson, late Governor-General's Foot Guards " (( " A. E. Curran, ist Halifax Garrison Artillery, " G. D. Dawson, loth Batt. Royal Grenadiers " E. G. Prior, British Columbia Garrison Artillery i( Major C. J. Short, Regiment of Canadian Artillery. . . Major H. Prevost, 65th Battalion " Lieut.-Col. S. L. Bedson, 91st Battalion 4th Jan., 1889 " W, M. Herchmer, Assistant Commissioner, North-Wesl Mounted Police Force. . . i8th Oct., 1889 Major H. C. Sheppard 8th Oct., 1891 Lieut.-Colonel C. M. Boswell, 90th Battalion 30th Jan., 1892 Honorary Aide- de-Camp. Lieut.-Colonel Hewitt Bernard, C.M.G 28lh Dec, 1888 13 Aides-de-Camp to the Governors-General of Canada. — Concluded, Aides-de-Camp to f^ord Aberdeen, ISth September^ 18»3, to Captain B. C. Urquhart, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders , i8th Sept., 1893 Captain C. P. W. Kindersley, Coldstream Guards . . . t% £xtra Aides-de-Camp. Robert Munro-Ferguson, Royal Scottish Archers 18th Sept., 1893 David Erskine, Royal Scottish Archers " Hon. Archibald John Marjoribanks 8th May, 1894 Honorary Aides-de-Camp. Lieut. -Colonel J. M. Gibson, 13th Battalion 2nd Mar., 1894 H. R. Smith, 14th Battalion « Hector Prevost, 65lh Battalion ist Jan., 1895 James A. L. Strathy, 5th Royal Scots. . " t( (( (( " Arthur Edmund Curren, Halifax Gar- rison Artillery " " Charles M. Boswell, 90th Battalion " " Edward Gawler Prior, B.C. Garrison Artillery " Major Harry Collins Sheppard «* Lieutenant The Hon. M. W. Elphinstone, Manitoba Dragoons , «' 14 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. liieiitenant-GoTernors of tlie Province of Ontario. 1867 to 1895. Name. Major-General Henry William Stisted C.B His Honour William Pearce How- land, C.B His Honour John Crawford His Honour Ponald Alexander Macdonald His Honour John Beverly Robinson Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., His Honour George Airey Kirk- patrick From Assumption of Ofifice. ist July, 1867 15th July, 1868 i2th Nov., 1873 i8th May, 1875 I St July, 1880 I St June, 1887 30th May, 1892 To 14th July, 1868 nth Nov., 1875 13th May, 1875 30th June, 1 88a 31st May, 1887 24th May, 1892 15 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada.' — Continued. liienteiiant-GoTernors of the ProTince of Quebec. 1867 to 1895. Name. Sir Narcisse Fortunat Belleau, Kt. Q-j His Honour Rene Edouard Caron, His Honour Luc Le Tellier de St. Just His Honour The'odore Robitaille, His Honour Louis Fran9ois Rodrigue Masson His Honour Augusta Rdal Angers (2) His HonourJosephAdolpheChapleau From Assumption of Office. ist July, 1867 17th Feb., 1873 15th Dec, 1876 26th July, 1879 7th Nov., 1884 29th Oct., 1887 7th Dec, 1892 To i6th Feb., 1873 13th Dec, 1876 25th July, 1879 6th Nov., 1884 28th Oct., 1887 4th Dec, 1893 (1) Sir Xarcisse Belleau died on the 14th Sept., 1894. (2; Hon. Mr. Angers appointed Minister of Agriculture 5th Dec , 1892, 16 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. — Contifiued. Uenlenant-GoTernors of the ProTince of Xo¥a Scotia. 1867 to ^895. Name. Lieutenant General Sir William Fen- wick Williams, Bart., K.C.B Lieutenant General Sir Charles Hast- ings Doyle •. . His Honour Joseph Howe His Honour Adams George Archi- bald, C.M.G His Honour Matthew Henry Richey His Honour Archibald Woodbury McLelan His Honour Malachy Bowes Daly From Assumption ot Office. To I St July, 1867 24th Oct., 1867 25th Oct, 1867 6th May, 1873 7th May, 1873 I St June, 1873 5th July, 1873 3rd July, 1883 4th July, 1883 9th July, 1888 loth July, 1888 26th June, 1890 14th July, 1890 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Cand/da/- — Continued. liientcnaiit-GoTernors of tlie ProTince of Xew Brunswick. 1S67 to 1895. Name. From Assumption of Office. To Major - General Charles Hastingsl Doyle (1) i ist July, i Colonel Francis Pym Harding, C.B. 25ih Oct., I His Honour Lemuel Allan Wilmot. . ;23rd July, His Honour Samuel Leonard Tilley,' C.B 1 15th Nov., I His Honour Ec ward Barron Chandler'24th July, I His Honour Robert Duncan Wilmot nth Feb., 1867:24th Oct., 1867 1867' r3th July, 1868 i868:i4ih Nov., 1875 His Honour Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, K.C.M.G , C.B His Honour John Boyd His Honour John James Fraser . . . 1 2th Nov., 22nd Sept., 22nd Dec , 1873 1878 1880 1885 1893 1893 23rd July, 1878 6th teb., 1880 nth Nov., J 885 2ist Sept., 1893 4th Dec, 1893 (1) Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Nov* Scotia. 18 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of CEnada.- — Contimicd. (1) Lieutenant-OoTernors of tlie ProTince of Manitoba. 1870 to 1895. (Admitted into the Dominion on the i5lh July, 1870.) Name. His Honour Adams George Archi- bald, C.M.G His Honour Alexander Morris .... His Honour Joseph Edouard Cauchon His Honour James Cox Aikins His Honour John Christian Schultz From Assumption of Office. 15th July, 1870 2nd Dec , 1872 2nd Dec, 1877 2nd Dec, 1882 2nd July, 1888 To ist Dec, 1872 ist Dec, 1877 ist Dec, 1882 ist July, 1888 (1) The Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba is ex-officio Lieutenant-Governor of the District of Keewatin, and up to the 6th October, 1876, he was also Lieutenant-Governor of the North -West Territories. 19 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada- — Continued. (1) liientenaiit-GoTeriiors of tbe Xorili-West Territories. 1876 to 1895. (Admitted into the Dominion on the isth July, 1870 ) Name. From Assumption of Office. To His Honour David Laird His Honour Edgar Dewdney His Honour Joseph Royal His Honour Charles Herbert Mac kintosh 7th Oct., 1876 3rd Dec, 1 88 1 4th July, 1888 ist Nov., 1893 2nd Dec, 1881 3rd July, 1888 31st Oct., 1893 (1) Up to the tith Oct., lS7t>, the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoha was also Lieutenant- Governor of the Nortli-VVest Territories. 20 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of CslHSlAq.. — Continued. IJeiiteiiant-GoTernors of the Province of Britisli Columbia. 1871 to 1895. (Admitted into the Dominion on the 20th July, 187 1.) Name. From Assumption of Office. To His Honour Joseph William Trutch His Honour Albert Norton Richards His Honour Clement PVancis Corn- wall 20th July, 1 87 1 20th July, 1876 20th July, 1881 29th Mar., 1887 2nd Nov, 1892 19th July, 1876 19th July, ]8Si 28th Mar., 1887 ist Nov., 1892 His Honour Hugh Nelson His Honour Edgar Dewdney 21 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada- — Concluded, liieuteuant-CioTernors of the Province of Prince Sdward Island. 1S73 to 1895. (Admitted into the Dominion on the ist July, 1873.) Name. His Honour William Cleaver Francis Robinson, C.M.G His Honour Sir Robert Hodgson, Kt. His Honour Thomas Heath Havi- land His Honour Andrew Archibald Mac- donald His Honour Jedediah Slason Carvell His Honour George William How- Ian '. . . From Assumption of Office. To ist July, 1873 15th Nov., 1873 4th July, i874|i8th July, 1879 19th July, 1879 ist Aug., 1884 5th Sept., 1889 24th Feb., 1894 31st July, 1884 4th Sept., 1889 14th Feb., 1894 22 The Queen's Privy Council for Canada. (In the Order of Dates of Appointments.) 1867 to 1895. Name. Hon. Sir Jolin Alexander Macdonald, K.C.B " George Etienne Cartier " Samuel Leonard Tilley " Alexander Tilloch Gait " William MoDougall, C.B " William Pearce Rowland, C.B •' Adams George Archibald " Adam Johnston Ferguson-Blair " Peter Mitchell " Alexander Campbell " Jeau Charles Chapais " Hector Louis Langevin " Edward Kenny " John Rose " Joseph Howe «' Sir Francis Hiucks, K.C.M.G., C.B " Christopher Dunkiu " Alexander Morris " James Cox Aikins " Charles Tupper, C.B " John Henry Pope " John O'Connor " Thfiodore Robitaille " Thomas Nicholson Gibbs " HughMcDonald Appointed. 1st July 1S67 1st July 1867 18th Nov. 186' 30th Jan. 1869 9th. Oct. 1869 16th Nov. 1869 •21st June 1870 25th Oct. 1871 ind July 1872 30th Jan. 1873 14th June 1873 Sworn, 4th July 186 ISth Nov. 1867 30th Jan. 1869 9th Oct. 1869 16th Nov. 1869 It 8th Dec. 1869 21st June 1870 26th Oct. 1871 2nd July 1872 30th Jan. 1873 14th June 1873 18th Aug. 1873 Died. 6th June 1891 20th May 1873 19th Sep. 1893 14th Dec. 1892 29th Dec. 1867 24th May 1892 17th July 1885 16th May 1891 24th Aug. 1888 1st June 1873 18th Aug. 1885 6th Jan. 1881 28th Oct, 1889 1st April 1889 3rd Nov. 1887 7th April 1S83 23 The Queen's Privy Council for Canada. Continued. Name. Appointed. Sworn. DieiL Hon. Alexander Mackenzie 7th Nov. 1873 1874 1874 1874 187-5 1876 1870 1877 1877 1878 1878 1878 187S 1878 7th Nov. 1878 li 11 It (( ti II • II II II (I 1( 20th Jan. 1874 Sth July 1874 30th Sept.lS74 7th Dec. 1875 24th Oct. 1876 MthNov. 1S76 26th Jan. 1S77 Sth Oct. 1877 2lstJan. 1878 17th Oct, 1878 19th Oct. 1S7S ■• It 26th Oct. 1878 17th April 1892 31st May 1891 " Antoine Aimfi Dorion " Edward Blake " Albert James Smith 30th .Tune iSfi'i " Luc Lftellier de St Just 28th Jin 1881 " Richard John Cartwrlght .... " DavidLaird " David Christie 1 .1th npf> 1 ssft " Isaac Burpee Ist Mar 1885 " Donald Alexander Macdonald " Thomas Coffin 12th July 1890 " Tfelesphore Foumier " William Ross " Richard WiUiam Scott " Lucius Seth Huntington 20th Jan. 8(h July 30th Sept 7th Dec. 24th Oct. 0th Nov. 2(;th Jan. 8th Oct. 21st Jan. ITth Oct. 19th Oct (t 7th Aug. 1894 " F61ix Geoffrion " WiUiam Berriau Vail " Joseph Edouard Cauehon 23rd Feb 1885 " David Mills " Rodolphe Laflarame 7th Dec ISO* " Charles Alphonse Pantaleon Pelletier. " Wilfrid Laurier " Alfred Gilpin Jones " James McDonald... " Louis Frangois Rodrigue Masson " James CoUedge Pope 18th Mav 1885 " Mackenzie Bowell " Louis Francois Georges Bal>y " Robert Duncan Wi I mot 13th Feb 1801 24 The Queen's Privy Council for Canada. Concluded. Name Aiii>ointe0th May lsS2i23rd M.iy lS$ii2Md Aug. •-'fith July 1885, iith Aug. 18St,2GthSept. 1885' 10th Deo. 18S7 l:UIi May ISSSjlst June 188S|t)th Aug. 2ath Sept, 2Sth Nov. 188£» 1891 30tli May 1891 ■JOth May ISSO 1880 1881 1882 1882 1882 1885 18S5 1885 1SS7 1888 1888 1888 ISSl' 1891 1st June 1891 25th Jan. 1st Oct. 5th Dec. 1892 lS92 25thJan. 1892 13th Oct. 17th Oct. 7th Dec. ti 21st Dec. 1894 1892 1592 1892 1892 1894 2nd Jan, 1895 30th Mar. 18S6 20th June isiK) 2l6t April 1888 12th Dec 1S94 30th Oct. 1893 19th Mar. 1S94 25 Members of the Cabinet of the Dominion of Canada. 1867 to 1895. NAME. Joseph wil limit Joseph Piiliie i FltoM 18th May 18S7 Tu (1 Hon. Sir John Call l\v I'll, lioitfoliii " Sir Jolin Third . . «h June 1S91 CiUlwfll. Alkiiill, K.t.U.V.. Campbell, K.C.jM.Ci. Minister ,Fr-'4th Nov. l,S!i2 ! I ' James Cox, without | ' jioitfotiofswornStir | I Dec. l.>6'.i) :First ..'I6th Nov. 18G{»|7th Dec. IsO'.t " " Junies Cox. .. SthUec. lS«!)t)th Nov. Is73 Third . . Au^ruste K6.1l (sworn Ttli Dec, IS'.i-.') . ;Fiftli . . .0th Dec. lSl>:i 19th Oct. 1878| :22nd May 18S2 I2tli Dec. 1.SP4 '• Auguste R6al , " Adams Qeorgc . Sixth .. 21st Dec. 1814 First .. 1st July 1SC7 " Louis Francois Geor-i yes JThird . " Adam Johnston Fer-! guson I First .. " Edward, without | portfolio Second " Edward " Sir Mackenzie Minister , Burpee " Isaac Prime Sir Alexander , Third .. Fourth . Fifth .. Sixth . . Second. First .. Third.. •JOthApril 1808 2Cth Oct. 1S7S 2St'i Oct. 1880 ! 1st July 1867:2'.ttl! Dtc. 1867 7th Nov. 1873 i:;th*Fel.. 1874 l(»th May 1875 17th Jan. 1878 19th Oct. 1878 6th June 1891 16th June 1891 6th Dec. 1892 13th Dec. 1894 7Ui Nov. 1873 1st July, 1867 8th Nov. 1878 24th Nov. 1892 12th Dec. 1894 16th Oct. 1878 6th Nov. 1S73 26th Jan. 1887 26 Members of the Cabinet of the Dominion of Cd/nada/. — Continued. NAME. f'arllnx, K.C.M.G.. .Hon. Joliii <'artwriKht, K.C.M.U. i'aurliuii Cliapaisi t'liapleaii Christir . rofllii . .. «'oU»y .... I'ostigaii Dal.v ne^vloii Ciiltlis . .. HasKart . Hiiuks K.C.M.f;., I'.B. Howe Ho» land, i'.B lliinliiixton Ives Donald (sworn 2nd Jany, 1S95) ' ' George Rulas " Telesjihore Alexander Tillooh ., Felix Thomas Nicholson . " Jolm Graham (sworn 6th Aug., ISSS) .. Third s is Second . First .. Sixth . . Third.. Fourth . Fifth .. Sixth . . Second . First .. Second . First .. From " John Graham " Sir Francis " Joseph " Williini Pearce " Lucius Seth William Bullock (>woni 7th Dec, lS. 1873 0th May 1873 Mth July 1868 16th Oct. 1878 12th Dt'c. 1894 28 iVIembers of the Cabinet of the Dominion of Canada- — Contimied. NAME. JoiieM .Hon. Alfit'd GiiiJu Kenny. Laflauinic Lalwl Langevin, K.<'..H.O., €.B. . . " Edward (sworn 4tli July, 1867) Kodolplie , David Sir Hector Louis Lanrier LetelUi'i- di'St. .Inst. " Wilfiid " lAic .... IMasson Louis Francois Rod- rigue Second First ., Second Firsi ., Third . , Fourth Second Mlll!» " David, MKclicll " Peter Moutagnc llIorrl!« Monsi^ean " Walter Huniphrie;:, without jwrtfolio " Walter Humphries . . " Alexander " Joseph Alfred Manlouald, P.t'., (;.€.B. ..The Rt. Hon. Sir John Alexander, Prime Minister aiacilonald Hon. Donald Alexander . , Mackenzie Maephcrsun, K.('.M.<>. Alexander, Prime Minister Sir David Lewis without portfolio Sir David Lewis Third.. Second. First .. Sixth . . First .. Third .. First .. Third . . Second. Third. i\f\. Jan. 1S7S 16th Oct. 1878 1st July 1S67 20th June 1870 •Jth No\. 1876 7tli Nov. 1873 1st Ji".;- 1867 19th Oct. 1878 10th June 1891 Sth Oct. 1877 7th Xov. 187.S 19th Oct. 24th Oct. 1st July •21st Dec, 26th Mar. I6th Xov. 8th Xov. 1st July 17th Oct. 7th Xov. 1878 187G 186 1894 1895 1869 18S0 186' 1878 1873 16th Oct. 1878 6th Oct. 1S70 6th Nov. 1873 0th June 1891 nth Aug. 1891 16th Oct. 1S78 14th Dec. 1870 31st July ISSO 16th Oct. 1878 0th Nov. 1873 25th Mar. 1895 7tli Xov. 1873 11th Feb. 17th Oct. 1880 1883 1st July 1872 2Sth July 1S82 6th Nov. 1873 6th June 1891 17th May 1875 16th Oct. 1878 16th Oct. 1883 4th Aug. 188j 29 Members of the Cabinet of the Dominion of Ca>na,dE. — Continued. NAME. S MeUoiiald Hon. Hugh (sworn 13tli Aug., 1S73) McKoiiald McUongull, C.B. McLclan 0'<'oiiiior Oiiiiiiet Fatter!«oii Prlleller Pope Bobttalile RoHe ROHS First .. " James Third .. William iFirst .. I Archibakl Woodbury Third . . John (4 4( t( Joseph AhUic << (( a '1 tc it James Colebrooke , without portfolio " Charles Alphonse Pantaleoni Third ..l26th Jan. 1877 First . Third Fourth Filth . Sixth . Fourth Fifth .. Fkoji 14th June 1S78 17th Oct. 1S7S 1st July 1S67 To 4th Nov. 1873 19th May 1881 7th Dec. 1869 20th May ISSl 9th July 18SS 2nd July 1872;6th Nov. 1873 17th Oct. 187S 11th Jan. 1892 5th Dec. 1892 21st Dec. 1894 22ud May 1882 24th Nov, 1892 12th Dec. 1894 25th Jan. 1892 24th Nov. 1892 5th Dec. 1892! 12th Dec. 1894 Sixth .. 21st Dec. 1894 25th Mar. 1895 1 i26th Mar. 1895 ' John Henry |Fir^t .. Third Pope " James Colledge .. Theodore John .... William.. Scott " Richard William without portfolio Bichard William First Secondc Second. 25th Oct. 1871 17th Oct. 1878 I9th Oct. 1S7S 80th Jan. 1873 18th Nov. 1867 7th Nov. 1873 16th Oct. 1878 6th Nov. 1873 1st April 1889 9th July 1882 6th Nov. 1873 30thSept.l869 29th Sept. 1874 7th Nov. 1873 9th Jan. 1874 Sth Jan. 1874 l«th Oct. 1878 Members of the Cabinet of the Dominion of Canada- — Concluded. N.AME. 1. Fl:OM To Smith, H.*'..!!.!!. Hon. Sir Albeit Janits Second 7th Nov. 1873 Itith Oct. 1878 ^mitli. Kt " Sir Frank, without Third . . 29th July 1SS2 lioittdlio (sworn -IwA August, 1S82) 6th June 1891 M " Sir Flank, without Fouith. 16th June 1801 portfolio 13tli Aug. 1891 <( " Sir Frai.k, Minister of it Uth Aug. ISOl Public Works .. IGth Jan. 1892 «* •' S:r Frank, without (< nth Jan. 1892 * portlolio 24th Nov. 1S02 M a (( u ii Fifth .. Sixth .. Third .. ■5th tec. 1892 21st Dee. 18?4 25th Sept. 1885 16th June 1891 l"^th Dec. 1894 «» ti (4 (t (t Thonii»!«<»n. P.t'., K.C.M.Ci. The Rt. Hon. Sir .lohu Spairow Dav.d (sworn iCth Sept., 6tli June 1S91 U t June, 1858) Thiid .. 8 1st May 1888 6th June 1801 M ' . << " Sir Chailes Hihheit Fourth. 16th June 1891 24th Nov. 1892 •t ti (4 it (» (( Fiith .. Sixth . . 5th Dec. 1892 21 St Dec. 1S94 I2th Dec. 1894 (c <* ermis8ion, inserted herein : — " The Premier is the choice of the Crown or Governor-General and the members of the " Ministry, jiractically of the former. (See Bourinot, 2nd edition, pages T")! et seq.) The Govemor- " General, on the retirement or dissolution of a Cabinet, sends for a member of either House, and " commissions him with the task of forming a new Cabinet. Shouhl he accept the task, he is " nominilly the Prime Minister, but his jiosition is conditional on his formation of a goveinment. " Should he fail, some one else would be commissioned. As a matter of fact, there is no appoint- " nient in the legal sen.se : the Governor-General authorizes a jiublic man to assume the rcsponsi- " bility of formiiia a Cabinet. Only when the Premier takes a departmental office is there an "appointment. The Premier is chosen under the conventions of the constitution. When he " accepts the command of the Governor-Genera! he is Premier theoretically. Fiom a strictly legal " point of view, I shouhl say the moment the ne'.v ministers are accepted, and are sworn in, there " is a legal ministry, and a first minister." Ottawa, 2Hh March, 1895. 32 Administrations since Confederation. 1867 to 1895. Adrainistrdtion. Prime Minister. Duration. From To 1st— I.ihoral- Cimservative. 2nil — Liberal Hon. Sir Jjlm Alexander Macdonald, K.C.B... . Hon. .-Mexander Mackenzie 1st July 1807 Tth Nov. 1S73 nth Oct. 1S7S 16th June ISOl 0th Dee. lS;»i •.'1st Dec. 1S94 Otli Nov. 1873 10th Oct. 1878 3ril— Lilienil- Couservative. 4th- Liberal- Conservative. The Right Honourable Sir John Alexander Mardonald, P.C, G.C.B Hon. Sir John Josejih CaMwell Abbott, K.C.M.G. (1) Oth JunelSPl •24th Nov. 1S92 5tlj -Liberal- Conservative. 6th— Liberal- Conservative. The Right Honourable Sir John Sparrow David Thompson, P.C, K.C.M.G (2) Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowe'.l, K.C.M.G. (1) .... l2thDec. 18'.4 (1) Sir John AVibott chosen by tlie Governor-General to form a new Cabinet, IStli June, ISi'l. (2) Sir John Thompson " " " *' 25th Nov., 189^2. (3) Sir Mackenzie Bowell " " " " 13th Dec, 1814. See also foot-note on page 31 . 33 (i) Ministries since Confederation. 1867 to 1895. FIRST MIMISSTRY, ist July, 1867, to 6th November, 1873. PKIME MIM!«TER : Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, K.C.B. THE MINISTRY Office. Members of the Ministry. Premier, ami Minis-IHon. Sir John Alcsamler MacdoiiaW, K.C.B. ter of Justice and! Attorney-General. Minister of Militia anii Defence. Minister of Customs. Hon. Sir George Etienne Cartier, Bait " Hugh McDonald Hon. f anmel Leonard Tilley, C.B. " Charles Tui.per, C.B From To 1st July I8O; 6th Nov. 1873 1st July 1S67 iOth May 1S73 1st July 1873 4th Nov. 1873 1st July 1873 22nd Feb. 1S73 21st Feb. 1873 6th Nov. 1873 (1) " The members of the Cabinet or Ministry which advises the Governor-General must be "sworn of the Privy Counei', and then called upon to hold certain dei)artmental offices of State. II * ^ » The political head of this Cabinet or Ministry is known as the Prime Minister or Premier — " a title t;)tally unknown to the written law, and only recognized by the conventions of the " constitution." " If the political body, known as the Oa'iinet or Ministry, is dissolved ipso facto by the death, " resignation or dismissal of the chief minister, the heads of departments continue to hold office " until they are asked to retire or continue in office by the new Premier." Dr. J. G. Bouriuot's Parliamentary Procedure and Practice, 2nd edition, pp. 791 and 810. 34 Ministries since Confederation.— C(^«^/>//W. FIRST Ml'SlSTRY-Continued. Office. Members of the Ministry. Minister of Finance . Minister of Public Works. Minister of Inland Revenue. Secretary of State for the Provinces (1) President of the Privy Council. Hon. Alexander Tilloch Gait " John Rose " Sir Francis Hincks, K.C.M.G.. C.B. " Samuel Leonard Tilley, C.B Hon. William MeDongall, C. B " H>'(?tor Louis Laiigevin, C.B. . Hon. William Pearee Howland, C.B. " Alexander Morris " Charles Tupper, C.B '* John O'Connor " Thomas Nichokon Gibbs Hon. Adams George Archibald. " Joseph Howe " Thomas Nicholson Gibbs. Hon. Adam Johnston Ferguson-Blair. " Joseph Howe " Edward Kenny " Charles Tiipper, C.B " John O'Connor " Hugh McDonald From To 1st July lSt>7 7th Nov. 1867 18th Nov. 1867 30th Sept. 1869 9th Oct. ISGlt 21st Feb. 1873 22nd Feb. 1S73 6th Nov. 1873 1st July 1807 7th Dec. 1869 8th Dec. IStiH 6th Nov. 1*73 1st July 18(37 14th July 1868 l(;th Nov. 1860 l^t July 1872 2nd July 1872 21st Feb. 1873 4th Mar. 1873 30th .^ane 1873 1st July 1872 6th Nov. 1873 1st July 1867 30th ^pl. 1868 16th Nov. 1869 6th May 1873 14th June 1873 30th June 1878 1st July 1867 29th Dec. 1867 30th Jan. 186tl 15th Nov. 1869 10th Nov. 1869 20th June 1870 21st June 1870 1st July 1872 2nd July 1872 3rd Mar. 1873 14th June 1873 30th June 1878 (1) Office abolished on the 1st July, 1873, under Statute 36 Vict , Chap. 4, Sec. 14. 35 Ministries sines Confederation.— CVw/zw^f^. FIRST Ml^ISTWtY -Concluded. Office. Members of the Ministry. Minister of Marin* Hon. PetiT Mitcht'U. au'l Fisheries. Postmaster-General . " John O'Connor Minister of Agricul- Hon. Jean Charles Chapais ture. " Christoiiher Dunkin St'iretary of State ot Canada. Receiver-General. John Henry Pope Hon. Hector Louis Lansevin, C.B. " James Cox Aikins Hon. Edward Kenny " Jean Charles Chapais . Minister of the Interior (1). Without Pottfoiio. Hon. Alexander Campbell Hon. James Cox Aikins From 1st July IStii Hon. Alexander Campbell 1st July ISi 1st Julv 1873 To 1st July lSt37 10th Nov. 1S69 25th Oct. ISn 1st July 18(57 8th Dec. iSGit (5th Nov. 1873 30th June 1873 lith Nov. 1873 Ijtli Nov. 1869 . •24th Oct. 1871 0th Nov. 1873 7th Dec. 1869 0th Nov. 1873 Ist July 1867'l5th Nov. 1809 16th Nov. ISOy " Tii63dore Robitaille .30th Jan. 1873 Otli Nov. 1873 20th Jan. 1873 Ist July 1873 16th Nov. 1869 6th Nov. lS7a 7th Dec. ISOi* (I) Office created by Statute 36 Viet, Chap. 4, which came into force on the 1st July, 1873. 36 Ministries since Confederation— Continued. SECOND MINISTRY, 7th November, 1873, to i6th October, 1878. PRIME MIMi^TER : Hon, Alexander Mackenzie. THE MINISTRY. Office. Premier and Minister of Public Works Members of the Ministry. Hon. Alexander Mackenzie Minister of Justice Hon. Antoine Aim6 Dorion. and Attorney- General. " T61espliore Foumier Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Minister of Agricul ture. " Edward Blake " Rodolphe Laflamme.. Hon, Sir Albert James Smith, K.C.M.G. From 7th Nov. 187.3 7th Nov. 1873 Sth July 1874 19th May 1875 SthJuce 1877 ■thNov. 1873 Hon. Luc Letellierde St. Just. 7th Nov. 1873 To 16th Oct. 1878 31st Miiy 1874 18th May 1875 7th June 1877 16th Oct. 1878 16th Oct. 1878 " Charles Alphonse Pantal6on Pelletier. , . . 26th Jan. 1877 14th Dec. 1876 16th Oct. 1878 37 Ministries since Confederation.— C^«//«i/^th May 1888 To IGth Oct. 1883 4th Aug. 1885 21st April 1888 »)th June 1891 11th Nov 1885 26th Jan. 1887 22nd May 1888 t>th June 1891 (1) Since the 20th May, 1879, the Minister of Finance is m o^io Receiver-General ; Act 42 Vict., Chap. 7, Sec. 2 (R.S.C., Chap. 28, Sec. 1). Ministries since Confederation.— C(?«//«//^ Vict., Chap. 7, Sec. 4, R.S.C., Chap. M7, Sec. 2. The members of the above Cabinet, after the death of The Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald, on the 6th June, 1S91, retained their respective oBices until the formation of a new Ministry. 43 Ministries since Confederation— CV////>/«^rt'. FOURTH MINISTRY, i6ih June, 1891, to 24th November, 1892, PRIME MIMi^TER: (15th June, 1891.) Hon. Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott, K.C.M.G. THE MINISTRY. Office. MeLibers of tlie Ministiy. From To Prtiiiier, aiiliott, K.C.M.G Hon. Sir Hector Louia Langevin, K.C.M.G., C.B " Frank Smith 10th June 1891 10th June 1891 14th Aug. 1891 nth Jan. 1892 16th June 1891 •25th Jan. 1892 24th Nov. 1892 11th Ai g. 1891 10th Jan. 1892 Minister of Customs " Joseph Aldric Ouimet Hon. Mackenzie Bowell - 24th Nov. 1892 24th Jan. 1892 (1). " Joseph Adolphe Chapleau 24th Nov. 1892 (1) Office abolished by Statute 50-51 Vict., Chap. 11, which came into force on the 3rd December, 1892. 44 Ministries since Confederation.— CV>«//««^^. FOVRTH Ml-SISTVIT-Continued. Office. Minister of Militia and Defence. Minister of Agricul- ture. Minister of Inland Revenue (1). Secretary of State ot Canada. Minister of Justice and Attorney- General. Minister of Finance and Receiver- General. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Postmaster-GeneraL Members of the Ministry. Hon. Sir Joseph Philipiie R^n6 Adolphe Caroii, K.C.M.G " Mackenzie Bowell. Hon. John Carling Hon. John Costigan. Hon. Joseph Adolphe Chapleau " James Colebrooke Patterson. Hon. Sir John Sparrow David Thompson, K.C.M.G Hon. George Eulas Foster From 16th June 1891 25th Jan. 1892 16th June 1891 16th June 1891 16th Jun« 1891 25th Jan. 1892 16th June 1891 16th June 1891 Hon . Charles Hihbert Tupper , Hon. John Graham Haggart Sir Josei)h Philippe R*n6 Adolphe Caron, K.C.M.G To 24th Jan. 1892 24thNov.'1892 24th Nov. 1892 24tli Nov. 1892 24th Jan. 1892 24th Nov. 1892 24th ;Vov. 1892 24th Sov. 1892 16th June 1891 24th Nov. 1892 16th June 1891 25th Jan. 1892 10th Jan. 18£2 24th JIov. 1892 (1) Oftice abolished by Statute 50-61 Vict., Chap. 11, which came into force on the 3rd December, 1892. 45 Ministries since Confederation — CV«//«?/^^. FOURTH VirSISTUY -Concluded. Office. Members of the Ministry. Minister of t)ie In- Hon. Edgar Dewdney. teriorand Superin-j tendent-General of " Tlionias Mayne Daly. Indian Affairs. Minister of Railways and Canals. Witliout Portfolio. Hon. John Graham Haggart. Hon. Frank Smith. a (t From To 16th June 1891 17th Oct. 1892 nth Jan. 1892 (In the interval the Hon. Mr. Smith !:eld the office of Minister of Piililie Worlds.) Kith Oct. 1892 24th Nov. 1892 24tli Nov. 1892 10th June 1891 l;ith Aug. 1S91 nth Jan. 1892 24th Nov. 1892 Sir John Abbott resigned the Preraiersliii> on the 24th November, 189:;, and pending the for- ni.ition of a new Ministry the members of tlie above Cabinet retained their respective offices. 4b* Ministries since Confederation.— Ctf«//;/«f^. FIFTH 9IIXISTKY, 5th December, 1892, to 12th December, 1894. PRIMK MI.VIMTEK : (•25th November, 1892.) The Right Honourable Sir John Sparrow David Thompson, P.C, K.C.Vl.G. THE MINISTRY. Office. Members of the Ministry. From Premier, ami Minis- Rt. Hon. Sir John Si'arrow Daviil Thompson, ter of Justice and Attorney-General. Minister of Tra'le and Commerce (1> Postmaster-General St cretary of State of Canada. Minister of Finance anert Dickey " William Humphries Montague Hon. Sir Frank Smith, Kt " William Humphries Montague , " Donald Ferguson " .lames Colebrooke Patterson. . From •21st Dec. 1894 21slDec. 1894 21st Dec. 1894 To 21st Dec. 18i4 '26tli Mar. 1895 25th Mar. 1895 •2l3t Dec. 1894 2l8tDec. 1894 2l8t Dec. 1894 21st Dec. 1894 26th Mar. 1895 21st Dec. 1894 21st Dec. 1894 21st Dec. 1894 20th Mar. 1895 25th Mar. 1895 25th Mar. 1895 M Ministries since Confederation— Ow/z/^^v/. NIXTII Mi'SlHTllY-Conclude.d. r v Offlee. Mcmbrra of tlio Ministry. - (Not in the Calunot.) From To Solicitor-General. 1 ..,.'.... . . - Hon. .Tolin Joseph Cnrnui, Q.C Hon, Nathaniel Clarko Wallace ...... ..... 21st Dec. 1894 •2l8tDer. 1814 21.st Dec 1894 .-,..- ,.-., _ Controller of Cns. toms . Coutrollei of Inland Bevenue. Hon. John Fisher Wood, Q.C y s;'v« > ■''»?:, ■ ,- ».",»: ^ :-::«■ > . ' , / ■ .;.#=».,' 52 Heads of Departments. Pre«l«lento of Ihe <|neen*«i Privy Coancil for C!aiiada. 1867 to 1895. Name. Hon. Adam Johnston Ferguson-Blair " Joseph Howe •' Edward Kenny *' Charles Tupper, C.B " John O'Connor " Hugh McDonald " Lucius Seth Huntington " Joseph Edouard Cauchon .... " Edward Blake ♦' John O'Connor Louis Francois Rodrigue Masson '* Joseph Alfred Mousseau .... " Archibald Woodbury McLelan The Rt. Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, RC, G.C.B To ist July, 30th Jan., 1 6th Nov., 2 1 St June, 2nd July, 14th June, 20th Jany., 7th Dec, 8th June, 17th Oct., 16th Jany., 8th Nov., 20th May, 1867 1869 1869 187c 1872 1873 1874 1875 1877 1878 1880 1880 1881 17th Oct., 1883 29th Dec, 1867 15th Nov., 1869 20th June, 1870 I St July, 1872 3rd March, 1873 30th June, 1873 8th Oct., 1875 7th June, 1877 17th Jany., 1878 15th Jany., 1880 31st July, 1880 19th May, 1881 9th July, 1882 27th Nov., 1889 63 Heads of Departments.— CVj/zZ/W/W. Presidents of (tae < Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G 2 1 St Dec, 1894 (1) Ministers of Justice. 1867 to 1895. Name. Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, X^ • V>t XJ ■,■•• ••••■•.;••■• Antoine Aime Dorion Telesphore Fournier . . . Edward Blake Rodolphe Laflamme . . James McDonald ist July, 1867 7th Nov., 1873 8th July, 1874 19th May, 187s 8lh Jure, 1877 17th Oct., 1878 To 6th Nov., T873 31st May, 1874 1 8th May, 1875 7lh June, 1877 1 6th Oct., 1878 19th May, 1 88 1 (1.) The Minister of Justice ia ex-otflclo, Attorney -General of Canada, 31 Vict, Chap. 3B (R.S.C., Chap.21.) 54 Heads of Departments.— C(?;///«w'2. The Solicitor-General is a member of the Ministry but not of the Cabinet. di Heads of Departments— cv«//««^^/. Ministers of Militia and Defence. 1867 to 1895. Name. Hon. Sir George Etienne Cartier, Bart " Hugh McDonald " William Ross ' William Berrian Vail " Alfred Gilpin Jones " Louis Francois Rodrigue Masson " Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G " Sir Joseph Philippe Rend Adolphe Caron, K.C.M.G. '* Mackenzie Bowell " James Colebrooke Patterson . . " Arthur Rupert Dickey I St July, I St July, 7th Nov., 30th Sept., 2ist Jan , 1867 1873 1873 1874 1878 To 20th May, 1873 4th Nov., 1873 29th Sept., 1874 20th Jan., 1878 1 6th Oct., 187S rgth Oct., i878|i5th Jan., t88o i6th Jan., i88o| 7th Nov.. 1880 8th Nov., 25th Jan., 5th Dec, 26th Mar., 1 i88oJ24th Jan., 1892 1892] 4th Dec, 1892 1892 1895 25th Mar., 1895 06 Heads of Departments —0'///'/>///cv/. (1) Ministers of Finance. 1867 to 1895. Name. From. To Hon. Alexander Tilloch Gait John Rose Sir Francis Hincks, K.C.M.G., C.B Samuel Leonard Tilley, C.B. Richard John Cartwright . . . . ist July, 1867 i8th Nov., 1867 9th Oct., 1869 22nd Feb., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1867 30th Sept., .1869 21st Feb., 1873 6th Nov.. 1873 i6th Oct, 1878 Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley,! K.C.M.G., C.B 1 1 7th Oct., 187811th Nov., 1885 Archibald Woodbury McLelanlioth Dec, 1885! 26th J^"- ^^^7 22nd May, 1888 Sir Charles Tupper, G.C.M.G.,} CB 127th Jan., 1887 George Eulas Foster J29th May, 1888 (1) Undtr Statute of 1878, 41 Viot, Chap. 7, Sec. 16 (R. S. C. Chap. 28, Sec. lo), which came into force, by proclamation, on the 1st August, 1878. the Ministtr of Finance is Chairman of the Treasury Board: and, l.y the Act 42 Vict., Chap. 7, Sec. 2, 1879, (R. 8. C. Chap. 2i, Sec. 1), which came into force on the -'Otli May, 1879, lie is also ex-offlcio Receiver- Genera), the separate office of Receiver-General having been abolished by the latter Act. 57 Heads of Departments.— Co/i/inued. (1) ilIiuiMlci'8 oi' Public WorkM. 1867 to 1895. Name, lion William McDougall, C.B . . . . " Hector Louis Langt'vin, C.B. From ist July, 1867 Sth Dec, 1869 Alexander Mackenzie i 7th Nov., 187 Charles Tupper, C.B Sir Hector Louis I>angevin, K.C.M.G., C.B Frank Smith Joseph Aldric Ouimet 17th Oct., 1878 20th May, 1879 14th Aug., 1 89 1 nth Jan., 1892 fb 7ih Dec, 1869 6th Nov, 1873 i6th Oct, 1878 19th May, 1879 nth Aug., 1 89 1 loth Jan., 1892 (1) iHiiiister^ of Railways and Canals. 1879 to 1895. Name. Hon. Sir Ch.arles Tu[)per,K.C.M.G., C.B " John Henry Pope Rt. Hon. Sir John .\lexander Mac- donald, P.C, G.C.B From 20th May, 1879 25th Sept., 1885 28th Nov., 1889 -lD^-i 23rd May, 1884 ist April, 1889 6th June, 1891 Hon. John Graham IKaggart !i iih Jan., 1892 (1) Prior to tlie creation of tlio otlicc ot M iiiistcr of Railwjiya and Canals, by Statute of IW.i, 4i;Vict.,chai>.7, (U.8.C. cli;i|). :ih. (icclurcil to ho in force from and after the 20th May, 1*^711, the Itxiiwayn and Can ild of Canada were under the control of the Minister of Public Works. 58 Heads of Departments— C<;«//««er ot thf Ministry but not of tlie Cabinet. The Department of Inland Revenue is. under the provisions of tlie said Act, under the control and sujiervision of the Minister of Trade t.na Commerce. m Heads of Depa,rtments.—Co>i/ifiued. (1) Controller or Inland Kevvnue, 1892 to 1895. Name. Hon. John Fisher Wood To (1) See foot uote on page 58. (1) Ministers of Cnstoms. 1S67 to 1895. Name. Hon. Samuel Leonard Tilley, C.B. . " Charles Tupper, C.H " Isaac Burpee " Mackenzie Bowell " Joseph Adolphe Chaplcau . . . ist July, 1S67 22nd ?"eb., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 19th Oct., 1878 25th Jan., 1892 To 2ist Feb., 1S73 6th Nov , 1873 i6th Oct., 1878 24th Jan., 1892 3rd Dec, 1892 (1) The ofHce of Minister of Customs was aliolislicd .inrl the ofWce of Controller of Cus- toms created by the Act Miftl Vict., chap. 11, (IssT), wliich came into force, bv proclama- tion, on the Mrd December, l.Sit2. The Controller of Customs is a member of the Ministry ijit not of the Cabinet. The Department of ( ustoms is, luidor the provisions of the snd Act, under the control and supervision ot the Minister of Trade and Cominei-cc. 60 Heads of Departments —c^;///>/?/^^. (1) Controller of Cimtoiim. 1892 to 1895. Name. Hon. Natiianiel Clarke Wallace . To (I) The oflicc of Minister of Customs was a^iolislied and tlio, oflicc of Controller ol Cus- toms created by the Act f>'>-^l Vict., cliap. U, ilssT). which came into forc(>, by proclamation, on tlie .'ird December, 1S!)2. The Controller of Custo-.ns is a member of tlie Ministry liut not of the Cabinet. The Department of Customs is, under the provisions of the said Act. uniler the control and supervision of the -Minister of Traiie and Commerce. (1) Ministersit of Trade an«l Coiiiiiierco. 1892 to 1895. Name. Hon. Mackenzie Bowcll. . . " William Bullock Ives 5th Dec, 1892 2ist Dec, 1894 To 2olh Dec, 1894 (1) The ottlce of Minister of Trade and Common e wos created by the Act .'iO-fd Vict., chap. 1", (1K87), proclaimed to bo in force from .an and 35, Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, and from the latter date tne Secretary of State for the Provinces, under the pro visions of section 40 of the said Act, held that office to the lirst July, 1873, on which date the Minister of the Interior became, bv the Act 3i; Vict., chap. 4, sec. 3, ex-oificio, Superin- tendent-General of Indian Affairs. Tlie Act 4(! Vict., chap. •>. assented to 25th May, I88.t, (R. S.C., chap. 43, sec. 4,) provides tliat the Minister of the Interior, or the head of any other Department apiiointed for that pur|)03e by the Governor in Council, shall be the Superin- tendent-General of Indian Affairs. 68 Offices held by Members of the Queen*s Privy Council for Canada. 1867 to 1895. Name. Abbott, KCM.G., Sir John Joseph Caldwell Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet without Portfolio Prime Minister, Liberal-Conserva- tive Administration President of the Privy Council.. . Member oi the Senate for the Electoral Division of Inkerman From 13th May, 1887 13th May, 1887 15th June, 1 89 1 1 6th June, 1891 1 2th May, 1887 To 30th Oct. 1893 14th June, 1891 24th Nov., 1892 24th Nov., 1892 30th Oct., 1893 Sir John Abbott was member of Parliament for Argenteuil, P.Q., ist, 2nd, part of 4th, and 5th Parliaments. His election for the 3rd Parliament was declared void ; elected for the 4th Parliament on the 1 2th February, 1880, and re-elected on the 17th August, 1S81, the former election having been declared void. Created a K.C.M.G., 24th May, 1892. Born at St. Andrew's, P.Q., 12th March, 182 1 ; died, 30th October, 1893. Aikins, Hon James Cox Member of the Privy Council (sworn 8th December, 1869) 1 6th Nov. 1869 69 Oflaces held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council — Continued. Name. Aikins, Hon. James Cox— Cw/ eluded. Member of the Cabinet without Portfolio, rirst Ministry of the Cabinet, •* " Third Ministry Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar-General From Minister of Inland Revenue . Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro vince of Manitoba Member of the Senate for Ontario i6ih Nov., 8th Dec, 19th Oct., 8th Dec, 19th Oct., 8th Nov., 2nd Dec, 23rd Oct , 1869 1869 1878 1869 1878 1880 1882 1867 To 7th Dec, 1869 6th Nov., 1873 22nd May, 1882 6lh Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1880 22ni May, 1882 ist July, 1888 3cth May, 1882 The Hon. Mr. Aikins was born in Peel, Ontario, 30th March, 182- Allan, Hon. (George William Member of the Senate for Ontario Speaker of the Senate 23rd Oct., 1867 17th Mar., 1888 26th April, 1891 70 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Allau, Hon. George William— Concluded. Member of the Privy Council (sworn ist June, 1891) To The Hon. Mr. Allan was born in Toronto, 9th January, 1822, Angers, i^.C, Hon. Augnste R^al Queen's Counsel Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro vince of Quebec Member of the Privy Council (sworn 7th Dec, 1892) Member of the Cabinet, Fifth Ministry " " Sixth Ministry Minister of Agriculture Summoned to the Senate for the Electoral Division of De LaValli^re nth Oct., 1880 i3lh Nov., 1880 29th Oct., 1887 5th Dec. 1892 5th Dec, 1892 2ist Dec, 1894 5th Dec, 1892 i6th Dec, 1892 28th Oct., 1887 4th Dec. 1892 1 2th Dec, 1894 The Hon. Mr. Angers was member of Parliament for Montmorency, P.Q., 4th Parliament, from the 14th February, 1880, to *.he 13111 November, 1880. Born in Quebec, 1838. 71 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council — Continued. Name. Archibald, KCMG., Hon. Sir Adams Oeorge Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet and Secretary of State for the Pro- vinces Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Manitoba and the North-VVest Territories Judge in Equity, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Nova Scotia From To ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 15th July, 1870 24th June, 1873 14th Dec , 1892 30th April, 1868 ist Dec, 1872 4th July, 1873 5th July, 1873I Srd July, 1883 Sir A. G. Archibald was elected for the ist Parliament, for Col- chester, N.S., 13th September, 1869, and for the 6th Parliament, 15th August, 1888. Created a C.M.G., 30th November, 1872 ; promoted K.C.M.G., 6th June, 1885. Born at Truro, N.S., i8th May, 1814 ; died, 14th December, 1892. Baby, Hon. Louis Francois Georges Queen's Counsel Member of the Privy Council . . . Member of the Cabinet and Minister of Inland Revenue. . . 28th Feb., 1873 26th Oct., 1878 26th Oct., 1878 28th Oct., 1880 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council — Continued. Name. To Baby, Hon. Louin Francois (jleorges — Concluded. Puisn^ Judge, Superior Court for; the Province of Quebec '29th Oct., iSSo'zSth April, 1881 Puisne Judge, Court of Queen's' i . Bench for the Province of ^ Quebec 129th April, i88j The Hon. Mr. Baby was Member of Parliament for Joliette, P.Q., 2nd, 3rd and part of 4th Parliaments. Re-elected for the 3rd Parliament, the former election having been declared void, lolh December, 1874. Re-elected by acclamation, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue, 14th November, 1878. Born in Montreal, 26th August, 1834. Blair, Hon. Adam Johnston Fergason Member of the Privy Council. . . .j ist July, 1867 Member of the Cabinet and President of the Privy Council ist July, 1867 Member of the Senate for Ontario 23rd Oct., 1867 29th Dec, 1867 29th Dec, 1867 29th Dec, 1867 The Hon, Mr. Ferguson- Blair was born in 18 15 and died on the 29th December, 1867. o 73 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Blake, (^C, Hon. Edwrnd Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet without portfolio Member of the Cabinet Minister of Justice and Attorney General President of the Privy Council . . . From yth Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 19th May, 1875 19th May, 1875 8th June, 1877 To 13th Feb., 1874 17th Jan., 1878 7th June, 1877 17th Jan., 1 878 'Ihe Hon. Mr. Blake was Member of ParHament for I)urham,\V.R., I St, 4th, 5 th and 6th Parliaments ; Hruce, S.R., 2nd and 3rd Parlia- ments. Reelected. 2nd Parliament, 4th December, 1873, having pre- viously resigned his seat. Re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Justice, for Bruce, S.R., 3rd Parliament, 2nd June, 1875. Elected for Durham, W.R., 4th Parliament (having been defeated at (leneral Election, 1878), 17th November, 1879. Returned for Dur- ham, W.R., and liruce, S.R., for the 2nd Parliament ; and for Durham, W.R., and Bruce, VV.R., for the 6th Parliament ; and he subsecjuently elected to serve for Bruce, .S.R., for the 2nd Parliament, and for Durham, W.R., for the 6th Parliament. IClected Member of the Imperial Parliament for Longford, S.D., 14th July, 1892. Born in Middlesex, Ont, 13th Oct., 1833. BotHford, Hon- AmoN Edwin Member of the Privy Council (sworn ist June, 1891) 30th May, 1 89 1 19th Mar., 1S94 Member of the Senate for New Brunswick 23rd Oct., 1867 f9th Mar., 1894 74 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Conthuied. Botslord, Hon. Amos Edwhi- Coticludcd, Speaker of the Senate. 3rd June, 1872 1 6th Feb., 1880 4th June, 1872 1 8th April, 1880 Born at St. John, N.B., 25th Sept., 1804; died 19th March, 1894. Bowell, K.C.M.G., Hon. Sir Mackenzie Member of the Privy Council . . . Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 5 th Ministry Prime Minister, 6th Ministry .... Minisi.er of Customs " " Militia and Defence. . " " Trade and Commerce President of the Privy Council . , Member of the Senate for the Province of Ontario 19th 19th 1 6th i3Ch 19th 25th 5th 2ISt 5th Oct., 1878 Oct., 1878 June, 1891 ; Dec, 1892 Dec, 1894 Oct., 1878 Jan., 1892 Dec, 1892 Dec, 1894 Dec, 1892 6th June, 1891 24th Nov., 1892 1 2th Dec, 1894 24th Jan., 1892 4th Dec, 1892 20th Dec, 1894 75 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council- — Continued. Sir Mackenzie Bowell was Member of Parliament for Hastings N.R., Ont., for ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5lh and 6th Parliaments, and part of 7th Parliament, until summoned to the Senate tor the Province of Ontario on the 5lh Dec, 1892. Re-elected by acclamation, upon his acceptance of the office of Minister of Customs (4th Parliament), 6th Nov., 1878. Created a K.C.M.G., ist Jan., 1S95. Born at Ricking- hall, Suffolk, England, 27th Dec, 1823. Name. Burpee, Uou. Isaac Member of the Privy Council . . . Member of the Cabinet and Minister of Customs From 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 To ist Mar., 1885 i6th Oct., 1878 The Hon. Mr. Burpee was Member of Parliament for St. John City and County, N.B., for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Parliaments, and for part of 5th Parliament until his death. Re-elected for 2nd Parliament upon his acceptance of the office of Minister of Customs, ist December, 1873. Born at Sheffield, N.B., 28th November, 1825 ; died ist March, 1885. Campbell, KC.M.G, Hod. Sir Alexauder Member of the Privy Council. . . . Member of the Cabinet, ist Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Postmaster-General ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 8th Nov., 1878 ibt July, 1867 24th May, 1892 6th Nov., 1873 26th Jan., 1887 30th June, 1873 76 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy CounciL — Continued. Name. Campbell, K.C.MG, Hon. Sir Alexander — Concluded. Minister of the Interior and Super- intendent-General of Indian Affairs Receiver-General Postmaster-General Minister of Militia and Defence Postmaster General Minister of Justice Postmaster- General Lieutenant-Govemor of the Pfo- vince of Ontario Member of the Senate for the Province of Ontario I St July, 8ih Nov., 2oth May, 1 6th Jan., 8ih Nov., 2olh May, 25th Sept., I St June, 23rd Oct., i«73 1878 1879 1880 1880 1881 1885 1887 1867 To 6th 19th 15th 7th 19th 24th 26th 24th 7th Nov,, 1873 May, 1879 Jan., 1880 Nov., 1880 May, 1881 Sept, 1885 Jan., 1887 May, 1892 Feb., 1887 Sir Alexander Campbell was created a K.C.M.G., 24th May, 1879. Born in Yorkshire, England, 9th March, 1822 ; died, 24th May, 1892. Carling', K.C.M 0., Hon. Sir John Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry 23 rd May, 1882 23rd May, 1882 6th June, 1891 t7 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Carting, K.C.MG , Hon. Sir John — Concluded, Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 5th Ministry ^vithoui Portfolio)... Postmaster-General Minister of Agriculture Member of the Senate for Ontario From i6th June, 1891 5th Dec, 1892 23rd May, 1882 25th Sept., 1885 27th April, 1891 To 24th Nov., 1892 t2th Dec, 1894 24th Sept., 1885 4th Dec, 1892 Feb., 1892 Sir John Carling was Member of Parliament for London City, ist, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Parliaments. Elected for 7tb Parliament, 26th February, 1892, having been defeated at General Election, 1891. Created a K.C. M.G., 3rd June, 1893. Born in Middlesex, 23rd January, 1828. Caron, K.C MO , Hon. Sir Joseph Philippe K^n^ Adolphe Queen's Counsel Member of the Privy Council . . . Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry 19th May, 1879 8th Nov., 1880 8th Nov., 1880 i6th June, 1891 6th June, 1891 24th Nov., 1892 78 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy CoU.ILCil.— CoN/i/iUt(/. Naml. laron, KCMd, Hon. Sir J P. R. A. — Concluded. Member of the Cabinet, 5th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 6th Ministry Minister of Militia and Defence Postmaster-General 1' rom 5ih Dec, 1892 2 1 St Dec, 1894 8th Nov., 1880 25th Jan., 1892 To 1 2th Dec, 1894 24th Jan., 1892 Member of Parliament for Quebec County, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Parliaments ; Rimouski, 7th Parliament. Elected 28th March, 1873, for 2nd Parliament, having been defeated at General Election, 1872; and re-elected for 4th Parliament 20th November, 1880, u|)on his acceptance of the office of Minister of Militia and Defence. Created a K. CM. G., 25th August, 1885. Born at ()uebec, 1843. earlier, Bart, Hou. Sir (jleorge Eiieuue Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet Minister of Militia and Defence. . Tst July, 1867 ist July, 1867 I St July, 1867 20th May, 1873 20th May, 1873 20th May, 1873 Sir George Cartier was Member of Parliament for Montreal City (ICast), I St Parliament ; Provenchcr, Manitoba, 2nd Parliament, until his death. Created a JJaronet, 1868. Born at St. Antoine, P-Q., 6th September, 1814; died, 20th May, 1873. Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy COUnoil. —Con/ini/ed. Name. To Caitwrifflit, KX^M.O., Hon. Sh liicliai'd Joliu Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet, 2nd Mmistry Minister of Finance. 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 i6th Oct., 1878 i6th Oct., 187S Member of Parliament for Lennox, Ontario, ist, 2nd and 3rd I'arliamcnts ; Huron, (].R., 4th Parliament ; Huron, S R., 5th Parlia- ment ; Oxford, S. R., 6ih and 7th Parliaments. Elected for 4th Parlia- ment 2nd November, 1878, and for 5th Parliament, 27th December, 1883, he having been defeated at ( General Elections in 1878 and 1882. Re-elected for Lennox, 2nd Parliament, upon his acceptance of the office of Minister of Finance, 3rd December, 1873. Created a K.C.M.C., 24th May, 1879. Born at Kin^^ston, 4th December, 1835. Caiiclioii, Hon. Joseph Kdonard Speaker of the Senate U U (( Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet President of the Privy Council . . . Minister of Inland Revenue 5th Nov., 1867 26th May, 1869 7th Dec, 1875 7th Dec, 1875 7th Dec, 1875 8th June, 1877 6th May, 1869 30th June, 1872 23rd Feb., 1885 7th Oct., 1877 7th June, 1877 7th Oct., 1877 80 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council.— Con/tinued. Name. Cauchoii, Hon . Joseph £douard — Concluded. Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Manitoba Member of the Senate for the Electoral Division of Stadacona From 2nd Dec, 1877 2nd Nov., 1867 To 1st Dec, 1882 30th June, 1872 The Hon. Mr. Cauchon was Member of Parliament for Montmor- ency, I St Parliament, until summoned to the Senate : Quebec Centre, 2nd Parliament and part of 3rd Parliament, until appointed Lieutenant- Governor of the Province of Manitoba. Re-elected for Quebec Centre (3rd Parliament) after his acceptance of the office of President of the Privy Council, 27th December, 1875. Born at Quebec, 31st December, 1816 ; died 23fd February, 1885. Chapais, Hon. Jean Charles Member of the Privy Council . . . Mfember of the Cabinet Minister ot Agriculture Receiver-General Member of the Senate :^'>r the Electoral Division of De La Durantaye I St July, 1867 ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 1 6th Nov., 1S69 30th Jan., 1868 17th July, 1885 29th Jan., 1873 15th Nov., 1869 29th Jan., 1873 17th July, 1885 The Hon. Mr, Chapais was born at Riviere Quelle, P.Q. ; died, 17th July, 1885. 81 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Contitiued. Name. Chapteau, (^C, Hou. Joseph Adolplie Queen's Counsel Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar-General Minister of Customs Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Quebec From 2nd April, 1873 29th July, 1S82 29th July, 1882 i6th June, 1891 29th July, 1882 25th Jan., 1892 7th Dec, 1892 To 6th June, 1891 24th Nov., 1892 24th Jan., 1892 3rd Dec, 1892 The Hon. Mr. Chapleau was Member of Parliament for Terrebonne, 5th and 6th Parliaments, and part of 7th Parliament, until appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec. Elected for 5th Parliament, i6th August, 1882. Born at Ste. Thetese de BlainviUe, Terrebonne, P.Q., 9th November, 1840. Christie, Hon. David Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar General 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 15th Dec, 1880 8th Jan., 1874 8th Jan., 1874 82 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Christie, Hon. \iiis\i\— Concluded. Speaker of the Senate Member of the Senate for Ontario From 9th Jan., 1874 23rd Oct., 1867 To 26th Oct., 1878 15th Dec, 18S0 Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, October, 1818; died, 15th December, 1880. Coffin, Hon. Thomas Member of the Privy Council .... 7th Nov., 1873 1 2th July, 1890 Member of the Cabinet and Receiver-General 7th Nov., 1873 i6th Oct., 1878 The Hon. Mr. Coffin was Member of Parliament for Shelburne, N.S., ist, 2nd and 3rd Parliaments. Re-elected for 2nd Parliament, upon his acceptance of the office of Receiver-General, 9th December, 1873. Born at Barrington, N.S., 181 7 ; died, 12th July, 1890. Colby, Hon. Charles Carroll Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet 28lh Nov., 1889 1889 28th Nov., 3olh April, 1891 President of the Privy Council.. . . 2Sth Nov., 1889 3ot'! April, 1 89 1 The Hon. Mr. Colby was Member of Parliament for Stanstead, P.Q., ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Parliaments. Re-elected for Stan- stead (6th Parliament) upon his acceptance of the office of President of the Privy Council, 18th December, 1889. Born at Derby, Vt., loth December, 1827. 83 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Costigan, Hon. John Member of the Privy Council . . . Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry , Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 5th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 6th Ministry Minister of Inland Revenue. Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar-General Minister of Marine and Fisheries. 23rd May, 1882 23rd May, 1882 16th June, 1891 5th Dec, 1892 2ist Dec, 1894 23rd May, 1882 5th Dec, 1892 2 1 St Dec, 1894 To 6lh June, 1891 24th Nov., 1892 1 2th Dec, 1894 3rd Dec, 1892 20th Dec, 1894 Membcs of Parliament for Victoria, N.B , ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Parliaments. Born at St. Nicholas, P. Q., 1st February, •835- Daly, (^.C, Hon. Thomas Mayne Queen's Counsel Member of the Privy Council (sworn 17th Oct., 1892) 6th Jan., 1890 I St Oct., 1892 84 OflQces held by Members of the Queen's Privy COXmcil.—Cc/fi/i'nucJ. Name. Daly, ^V , Hon. Thomas Mnyiie Concluded. Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 5th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 6th Minisiry Minister of the Interior and Superintendent - General of Indian Affairs From To 7th Oct., 1 89 2 24th Nov., 1892 5th Dec, 1892 2 1 St Dec, 1892 17th Oct., 1892 12th Dec, 1894 Member of Parliament for Selkirk, Manitoba, 6th and 7lh Parlia- ments. Re-elected by acclamation for 7th Parliament, after his accept- ance of the ofifice of Minister of the Interior, 3rd November, 1892. Born at Stratford, Ont., i6th August, 1852. Dewdney, Hon. Edgar Indian Commissioner for Mani- toba and the North-VVest Terri- tories Lieutenant-Governor of the North- VVest Territories (and Indian Ccmmiisioner) Member of the Privy Council (sworn 25th Sept., 1888) 30th May, 1879 3rd Dec, 1881 3rd Aug., 1888 2nd Aug., 1888 3rd July, 1888 85 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council- — Continued. Name. Dewdney, Hon. Edgar— G^//- cluded. Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Minister of the Interior and Superintendent - General of Indian Affairs Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of British Columbia From 3rd Aug., 18S8 1 6th June, iSgi 3rd Aug., 1 888 2nd Nov., 1892 To 6th June, 1891 i6th Oct., 1892 16th Oct., 1892 The Hon. Mr. Dewdney was Member of Parliament for Yale, B.C., 2nd and 3rd Parliaments and part of 4th Parliament, until appointed, in 1879, Indian Commissioner; Assiniboia, E.R., N.W.T., 6th Parlia- ment and part of 7th I niament, until appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Bri.io'i Columbia. Elected for the 6th Parliament, 1 2th September, 1888. Born in Devonshire, England, 1835. Dickey, qC, Hon. Arthur Rupert Queen's Counsel Member of the Privy Council . Member of the Cabinet Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar-General 25th June, 1890 2 1 St Dec, 1894 2ist Dec, 1894 'I St Dec, 1894 25th Mar., 1895 86 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — : Contimted. Name. Dickey, (^C, Hon. Arthur Kupert — Concluded. Minister of Militia and Defence To Member of Parliament for Cumberland, N.S., 6th and yth Parlia- ments ; elected for the former on the resignation of Sir Charles Tupper, 13th July, 1888, and re-elected, the previous election having been declared void, 26th December, 1888. Re-elected for the 7th Parlia- ment, the former election having been declared void, 30th January, 1S92, and again elected, after his acceptance of the office of Secretary of State, 15th January, 1895. Born at Amherst, N.S., i8th August, 1854. Doriou, Kt, Hon. Sir Antoine Aini^ Member of the Privy Council . . . Member of the Cabinet Minister of Justice and Attorney- General Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of the Province of ()uebec 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 31st May, 1891 31st May, 1874 31st May, 1874 ist June, i874i3ist May, 1891 Sir Antoine Aime Dorion was Member of Parliament for Hochelaga, P.Q., 1st Parliament; Napierville, 2nd Parliament and part of the 3rd Parliament, until his appointment as Chief Justice. Re-elected (2nd Parliament) after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Justice, 27th November, 1873. Created a Knight Bachelor, 1877. Born at Ste. Anne de la Pdrade, P.Q., 17th January, 1818 ; died, 31st May, 1891. 87 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council- — Continued. Name. Dniillin, Hon. Christopher Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet Minister of Agriculture Puisn^ Judge, Superior Court of the Province of Quebec From i6th Nov., 1869 1 6th Nov., 1869 1 6th Nov., 1869 25th Oct., 187 1 To 6th Jan., 18S1 24th Oct., 1871 24th Oct., 187 1 6ih Jan., 1881 The Hon. Mr. Dunkin was Member of Parliament for Brome, P.Q., ist Parliament, until appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of the Provmce of Quebec. Re-elected for ist Parliament, upon his acceptance of the office of Minister of Agriculture, 29th Nov., 1869. Born in England, 1813 ; died, 6th January, 1881. Ferguson, Hon. Donald Member of the Privy Council and of the Cabinet, without portfolio (sworn 2nd January, 1895).... Member of the Senate for Prince Edward Island 2 ist Dec, 1894 4th Sept., 1893 88 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — CofUi/iued. Name. Foster, Hon. (George Eulas Member of the Privy Council. . . . Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 5th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 6th Ministry Minister of Marine and Fisheries Minister of Finance and Receiver General of Canada From loth Dec, 1885 loth Dec, 1885 i6th June, 189 1 5th Dec, 1892 2ist Dec, 1894 loth Dec, 1885 29th May, 1888 To 6th June, 1891 24th Nov., 1892 12th Dec, 1894 28ih May, 1888 Member of Parhament for King's, N.B., 5th, 6th and 7th Parlia- ments. Re-elected for 5th Parliament, the former election having been declared void, 7th November, 1882, and again elected for the same Parliament, upon his acceptance of the office of Minister of Marine and Fisheries, 31st December, 1885. Born in Carleton Co., N.B., 3rd September, 1847. Fournier, Hon . T^lesphore Member of the Privy Council . Member of the Cabinet 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Oct., 1875 8d Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Founiier, Hon. T^lesphore- — Concluded. Minister of Inland Revenue . . Minister ot Justice and Attorney- General Postmaster-General Puisn^ Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada From 7th Nov., 1873 8th July, 1874 rgth May, 1875 8th Oct., t875 To 7th July, 1874 1 8th May, 1875 7th Oct., 1875 Member of Parliament for Bellechasse, P.Q., ist (part of) and 2nd Parliaments, and part of 3rd Parliament, until appointed Puisn^ Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. Elected for ist Parliament, 15th August, 1870, and re-elected for 2nd Parliament, upon his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue, 27th November, 1873. Born at St. Frangois, Montmagny, P.Q., 1824. Gait, OCM.G., Hon. Sir Alexander Til loch Member of the Privy Council , Member of the Cabinet , Minister of Finance High Commissioner for Canada in the United Kingdom ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 nth May, 1880 19th Sept., 1893 7th Nov., 1867 7th Nov., 1867 31st May, 1883 Sir A. T. Gait was Member of Parliament for Sherbrooke, P.Q., ist Parliament. Created a K.C.M.G., 5th July, 1869; promoted a G.C.M.G., 25th May, 1878. Born at Chelsea, England, 6th September, 181 7 ; died, 19th September, 1893. 90 Officeslheld by Members of the Queen's Privy Council — Continued, Name. Geoifrion, Hon. F^Iix Member of the Privy Council Member of the Cabinet .... Minister of Inland Revenue. To 7th Aug, 1894 8th Nov., 1876 8th Nov., 1876 The Hon. Mr. Geoffrion was member of Parliament for Verchbres, P.Q., ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, sth and 6th Parliaments and part of 7th Parlia- ment, until his death. Re-elected for 3rd Parliament, upon his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue, 25th July, 1874. Born at Verchbres, P.Q., 4th October, 1832 ; died, 7th August, 1894. Oibbs, Hob. Thomas Nicholson Member pf the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet Secretary of State for the Provinces and Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs . Minister of Inland Revenue Member of the Senate for Ontario 14th June, 1873 14th June, 1873 14th June, 1873 ist July, 1873 3rd April, 1880 7th April, 1883 6th Nov., 1873 3olh June, 1873 6th Nov., 1873 7th April, 1883 The Hon. Mr. Gibbs was Member of Parliament for Ontario, S.R., ist and 2nd Parliaments, and part of 3rd Parliament ; elected" for latter, 5th July, 1876. Re-elected for 2nd Parliament, upon his acceptance of the office of Secretary of State for the Provinces, 7th July 1873. Born at Terrebonne, P.Q., nth March, 1821 ; died, 7th April, 1883. 91 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Uaggart, Hon. John Graham Member of the Privy Council (sworn 6th Aug., 1888) Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 5th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 6th Ministry Postmaster-General Minister of Railways and Canals 3rd Aug., 1888 3rd Aug., 1888 1 6th June, 1891 5th Dec, 1892 2ist Dec, 1894 3rd Aug., 1888 nth Jan., 1892 To 6th June, 1891 24th Nov., 1892 1 2th Dec, 1894 loth Jan., 1892 Member of Parliament for Lanark, S.R., 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Parliaments. Re-elected for 6th Parliament, 15th August, 1888, after his acceptance of the office of Postmaster-General. Born at Perth, Ont, 14th November, 1836. Hincks, KC.M.G.,C.B.,Hoii.Sir Francis Member of the Privy Council 9th Oct., 1869 1 8th Aug., 1885 Member of the Cabinet 9th Oct., 1869 2ist Feb., 1873 92 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued, Name. Hiiicks,KC.M.G.,C.B.,Hoii. Sir Francis — Concluded. Minister of Finance To 2ist Feb., 1873 Sir Francis Hincks was Member of Parliament for Renfrew, N.R., part of Tst Parliament, having been returned on resignation of sitting member, 13th November, 1869; Vancouver, B.C., 2nd Parliament. Created a C.B., 1862, and a K.C.M G., 1869. Born in Cork, Ireland, 14th December, 1807 ; died, i8th August, 1885. Howe, Hon. Joseph Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet President of thj Privy Council. . . Secretary of State for the Provinces Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Nova Scotia 30th Jan., 1869 30th Jan., 1869 30th Jan., 1869 1 6th Nov., 1869 8th Dec, 1869 7th May, 1873 ist June, 1873 6th May, 1873 15th Nov., 1869 6th May, 1873 6th May, 1873 ist June, 1873 The Hon. Mr. Howe was Member of Parliament for Hants, N.S., ist Parliament, and 2nd Parliament, until appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia. Re-elected for ist Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of President of the Privy Council, 24th April, 1869. Born on the North-West Arm, N,S., 1804 ; died, ist June, 1873. 93 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Howland, KCMO, C.B., Hon Sir William Fearce Member of the Privy Council Member of the Cabinet Minister of Inland Revenue Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro vince of Ontario From I St July, 1867 I St July, 1867 I St July, 1867 15th July, 1868 To 14th July, 1868 14th July, 1868 nth Nov., 1873 Sir W. P. Howland was Member of Parliament for York, W.R., ist Parliament, until appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario. Created a C.B., ist July, 1867 ; K.C.M.G., 24th May, 1879. Born in Paiilings, N.Y., 29th May, 181 1. Hnntiogton, Q.C, Hon Lucius Seth Member of the Privy Council 20th Jan., 1874 19th May, 1886 Member of the Cabinet 20th Jan., 1874 1 6th Oct., 1878 President of the Privy Council — 20th Jan., 1874 8th Oct., 1875 Postmaster-General 9th Oct., 1875 T6th Oct., 1878 The Hon. Mr. Huntington was Member of Parliament for Sheflford, P.Q., ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Parliaments. Born at Compton, P.Q., i6th May, 1827 ; died 19th May, 1886. 94 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Ives, QC, Hon. William Bullock Queen's Counsel Member of the Privy Council (sworn 7th Dec, 1892) , Member of the Cabinet, 5th Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 6th Ministry President of the Privy Council. . . . Minister of Trade and Commerce From nth Oct., 1880 5th Dec, 1892 5th Dec, 1892 2ist Dec, 1894 5th Dec, 1892 2ist Dec, 1894 To 1 2th Dec, 1894 20th Dec, 1894 Member of Parliament for Richmond and Wolfe, P,Q., 4th, 5th and 6th Parliaments ; Sherbrooke, P. Q., 7 th Parliament. Reelected for 7th Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of President of the Privy Council, 21 st December, 1892, Born in County of Compton, P.Q., 17th November, 1841. Jones, Hon. Alfred Gilpin Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet Minister of Militia and Defence 2ist Jan., 1878 2ist Jan., 1878 2ist Jan., 1878 i6th Oct., 1878 i6th Oct., 1878 The Hon. Mr. Jones was Member of Parliament for Halifax, N.S., I St, 3rd and 6th Parliaments. Re-elected for 3rd Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Militia and Defence, 29th January, 1878. Born at Weymouth, N.S., 28th September, 1824. 95 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council — Continued. Name. Kenny, Kt, Hon. Sir £dward Member of the Privy Council (sworn 4th July, 1867) Member of the Cabinet Receiver-General President ot the Privy Council. . Member of the Senate for Nova Scotia From I St July, 1867 1st July, 1867 I St July, 1867 1 6th Nov., 1869 23rd Oct., 1867 To 1 6th May, 1891 20th June, 1870 15th Nov., 1869 20th June, 1870 nth April, 1876 Created a Knight Bachelor. 1870. Born in County Kerry, Ireland, 1800; died, 1 6th May, 1891. Kirkpatrlck, Q.C, Hon. George Airey Queen's Counsel Speaker of the House of Commons Member of the Privy Council .... Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Ontario nth Oct., 1880 8th Feb., 1883 20th May, 1891 30th May, 1892 1 2th April, 1887 Member of Parliamemt for Frontenac, Ont., latter part of ist Parliament, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Parliaments, and 7th Parliament until appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario. Returned for ist Parliament, 27th April, 1870. Born at Kingston, 13th, September, 1841. 96 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Lacoste, Kt., Hon. Sir Alexandre Queen's Counsel Member of the Senate for the Electoral Division of De Lori- mier Speaker of the Senate Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of the Province of Quebec Member of the Privy Council (sworn 13th October, 1892) From nth Oct., 1880 nth Jan., 1884 27th April, 1891 14th Sept., 1891 I St Oct., 1892 To 13th Sept., 1 89 1 t3th Sept., 1 89 1 Created a Knight Bachelor, 15th June, 1892. Born in Boucher- ville, P.Q., 1 2th January, 1842. Laflamme, (j.C, Hon. Bodolphe Member of the Privy Council. . . . Member of the Cabinet Minister of Inland Revenue. Minister of Justice and Attorney- General 9th Nov., 1876 9th Nov., 1876 9th Nov., 1876 8th June, 1877 7th Dec, 1893 1 6th Oct., 1878 7th June, 1877 i6th Oct., 1878 The Hon. Mr. Laflamme was member of Parliament for Jacques- Cartier, P.Q., 2nd and 3rd Parliaments. Re-elected for 3rd Parlia- ment, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue, 28th November, 1876. Born at Montreal, 15th May, 1827 ; died, 7th December, 1893. 97 Oflftces held by Members of the Queen's Privy CounciL — Continued. Name. Laird, Hon. David Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet Minister of the Interior and Super- intendent-General of Indian Affairs Lieutenant-Governor of the North- West Territories From 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Oct., 1876 To 6th Oct., 1876 6th Oct., 1876 2nd Dec, 1881 The Hon. Mr. Laird was Member of Parliament for Queen's, P.E.L, 2nd Parliament, and 3rd Parliament, until appointed Lieutenant- ( Governor of the North-West Territories ; returned for 2nd Parliament upon the admission of Prince Edward Island into the Dominion, 29th September, 1873, and re-elected for the same Parliament, after his acceptance of the ofifice of Minister of the Interior, 3rd December, 1873. Born at New Glasgow, P.E.L, 1833. Lanp:evin, K.CMG, C.B., Hon. Hector Louis Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet, ist Ministry .' Member of the Cabinet, 3rd Ministry Member of the Cabinet, 4th Ministry ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 19th Oct., 1878 16th June, 1891 6th Nov., 1873 6th June, 1891 nth Aug., 1891 98 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. LangeTln, K CM G., C.B., Hon. Hector Louis — Concluded. Secretary of State of Canada, Registrar -General, and Super- intendent-General ot Indian Affairs Minister of Public Works Postmaster-General Minister of Public Works From To ist July, 1867 8th Dec, 1869 7th Dec, 1869 6th Nov., 1873 19th Oct., i878ji9th May, 1879 20th May, i879liith Aug., 1891 Member of Parliament for Dorchester, P.Q., ist and 2nd Parlia- ments ; Charlevoix, part of 3rd Parliament ; Three Rivers, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Parliaments. Elected for Charlevoix, 3rd Parliament, 22nd January, 1876, and re-elected, the former election having been declared void, 23rd March, 1877. Elected for 4th Parliament, upon the resignation of the sitting member, 21st November, 1878. Returned at General Election for 7th Parliament, for Three Rivers and Richelieu, respectively, and he subsequently elected to serve for the former constituency. Created a C.B., 1868, and a K.C.M.G., 24th May, 1881. Born at Quebec, 26th August, 1826. Laurier, Q.C, Hon Wilfrid Member of the Privy Council . . . . Member of the Cabinet Minister of Inland Revenue 8th Oct., 1877 8th Oct., 1877 8th Oct., 1877 r6th Oct., 187S i6th Oct., 1878 99 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council— Continued. Name. From To Laurier, Q C , Hon. Wilfrid- Conduded. .' - ^ Oueen's Counsel nth Oct., 1880 Member of Parliament for Drummond and Arthabaska, P,Q., 3rd Parliament (early part) ; Quebec City, East, 3rd (latter part), 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Parliaments. Elected for Quebec City, East, for 3rd Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue, 28th November, 1877. Born at St. Lin, L'Assomption, P.Q., 20th November, 1841. Letellier de St. Just, Hon. Luc Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Quebec Member of the Senate for the Electoral Division of Grand- ville 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 15th Dec, 1876 23rd Oct, 1867 28th Jan., 1881 14th Dec, 1876 25th July, 1879 14th Dec, 1876 1881. Born at Riviere Ouelle, P.Q., 12th May, 1820; died, 28th January, 100 Offices he) i by Members of the Queen's Privy Council.— Con/inued. Name. Masson, Hon. Louis Francois Kodrigae Member of the Privy Council . . . Member of the Cabinet Minister of Militia and Defence President of the Privy Council. . Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro vince of Quebec Member of the Senate for the Electoral Division of Mille Isles 19th Oct., 1878 19th Oct., 1878 19th Oct., 1878 1 6th Jan., 1880 7th Nov., 1884 29th Sept., 1882 3rd Feb., 1890 31st July, 1880 15th Jan., 1880 31st July, 1880 28lh Oct., 1887 6th Nov., 1884 Member of Parliament for Terrebonne, P.Q., ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Parliaments. Re-elected for 3rd Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Militia and Defence, 6th November, 1878. Born at Terrebonne, P.Q., 7th November, 1833. Miller, (^.C, Hon. William Member of the Privy Council (sworn I St June, 1891) Member of the Senate for the Province of Nova Scotia Speaker of the Senate . Queen's Counsel 30th May, 1 89 1 23rd Oct., 1867 17th Oct., 1883 26th Dec, 1872 3rd Ai>ril, 1887 Born at Antigonish, N.S., 12th February, 1835. 101 Offices held by Members of the Ciueen's Privy Council. — Coniinucd. Name. Mips, Hon. David Member of the Privy Council , Member of the Cabinet Minister of the Interior and Superintendent - General of Indian Affairs From 24th Oct., 1876 24th Oct., 1876 24th Oct., 1876 To i6th Oct., 1878 i6th Oct., 1878 Member of Parliament for Bothwell, Ont., ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Parliaments. Reelected for 3rd Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of the Interior, 15th November, 1876. Not returned for 5th Parliament, but subsequently awarded the seat by the Supreme Court of Canada, 25th February, 1884. Born in Kent, Ont., i8th March, 1831. Mitchell, Hon. Peter Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet Minister of Marine and Fisheries Member of the Senate of Canada for the Province of New Bruns- wick ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 23rd Oct., 1867 6th Nov., 1873 6th Nov., 1873 July, 1872 Member of Parliament for Northumberland. N.B., 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th Parliaments. Re-elected for 3rd Parliament, having previously resigned his seat, 5th February, 1878. Born in Newcastle, Miramichi, N.B., 1824. 102 Oflaces held by Members of the Queen's Privy- Council. — Continued. Name. Montague, Hon. Walter Humphries Member ( f the Privy Council. . . . Member of the Cabinet without portfolio Member of the Cabinet, and Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar-General From 2 1 St Dec, 1894 2 1 St Dec, 1894 26th Mar., 1895 To 25th Mar., 1895 Member oi Parliament for Haldimand, Ont., 6th and 7th Parlia- ments. Re-elected for the 6th Parliament, the former election having been declared void, 12th November, 1887 ; again declared not duly returned, but subsecjuently elected in the room of Mr. C. W. Colter, whose election was declared void, 20th February, 1890. Re-elected for 7th Parliament, after his acceptance of the ofifice of Secretary of State, i7ih April, 1895. Born in Middlesex, Ont., 21st November, 1858. Morris, Hon. Alexander • Member of the Privy Council .... 1 6th Nov., 1869 2Sth Oct., 1889 Member of the Cabinet 1 6th Nov., 1869 I St July, 1872 Minister of Inland Revenue 1 6th Nov., 1869 I St July, 1872 Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of the Province of Manitoba 2nd July, 1872 I St Dec, 1872 103 Oflaces held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. From To Morris, Hon. Alexander— Concluded. Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Manitoba (and up to the 6th October, 1876, exofficio Lieutenant - Governor of the North-West Territories) Oueen's Counsel 2nd Dec, 13th Aug., 1872 1881 I St Dec, 1S77 The Hon. Mr. Morris was Member of Parliament for Lanark, S.R., Ont., ist Parliament; re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue, 29th November, 1869. Born at Perth* Ont., 17th March, 1826; died, 28th October, 18S9. Mousseau, Hon. Joseph Alfred Queen's Counsel Member of the Privy Council .... Member of the Cabinet President of the Privy Council . . . Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar-General 28th Feb., 1873 8th Nov., 1880 8th Nov., 1880 8th Nov., 1880 20th May, 1 88 1 30th Mar., 1886 28th July, 1882 19th May, 1 88 1 28th July, 1882 104 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Moussean, Hon. Joseph Alfred — Concluded, Puisn^ Judge ofthe Superior Court of the Province of Quebec To 30th Mar., 1886 The Hon Mr. Mousseau was Member of Parliament for Bagot, P.Q., 3rd and 4th Parliaments. Elected for, but did not sit in, the 5th Parliament, he having resigned his seat on the 28th July, 1882, to accept the Premiership of the Province of Quebec. Re-elected for 4th Parliament, after his acceptance of the oflfice of President of the Privy Council, 20th November, 1880. Born at Berthier, P.Q., 1838; died, 30th March, 1886. Macdonald, P.C, G C.B., The Rt Hon. Sir John Alexander Member of the Privy Council .... Prime Minister, ist Ministry .... •' 3rd " Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Minister of the Interior Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs President of the Privy Council . . . ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 17th Oct., 1878 ist July, 1867 17th Oct., 1878 17th Oct., 1878 17th Oct., 1883 6th June, 1891. 6th Nov., 1873 6th June, 1891 6th Nov., 1873 1 6th Oct., 1883 2nd Oct., 1887 27th Nov., 1889 105 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council.— Con/tnueJ. Name. Macdonald, PC , G.C.B , The Rt Hon. Sir John Alexander— Conduded. Minister of Railways and Canals To 6th June, 1891 The Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald was Member of Parliament for Kingston City, Ont., ist, 2nd, 3rd and 6th Parliaments, and 7th Parliament until his death; Victoria, B.C., 4th Parliament; Carleton, Ont., 5th Parliament. Re-elected for 3rd Parliament, the former election having been declared void, 29th December, 1874. Defeated at General Election for 4th Parliament, when he was a candidate for King- ston City, and subsequently elected for Marquette, Manitoba, which seat he vacated upon his acceptance of the office of Premier and Minister of the Interior ; elected for the same Parliament, on the Writ issued for the General Election, for Victoria, B.C., 21st October, 1878. Elected for 5th Parliament for Carleton, Ont, and Lennox, Ont., respectively, his election lor the latter constituency afterwards declared void. Returned for 6th Parliament for Kingston City and Carleton, respec- tively, he subsequently elected to serve for the former. Created a K.C.B., ist July, 1867, promoted G C.B., 21st November, 1884; nominated a member of Her Majesty's Privy Council, July 1872, sworn 14th August, 1879. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, nth January, 1815 ; died, 6th June, 1891. Macdonald, Hon. Donald Alexander Member of the Privy Council , Member of the Cabinet Postmaster General 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 7th Nov., 1873 17th May, 1875 17th May, 1875 106 Offices held by Members of the Queen's Privy Council. — Continued. Name. Macdonald, Hon. Donald A lexander— Concluded. Lieutenant Governor of the Pro vince of Ontario To 30th June, 1880 The Hon. Mr. Macdonald was Member of Parliament for Glen- garry, Ont, ist and 2nd Parliaments, and 3rd Parliament, until a])- pointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario. Re-elected for 2nd Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of Postmaster- General, 26th November, 1873. Born at St. Raphael's, Glengarry, Ont., 17th February, 181 7. Mackenzie, Hon. Alexander Member of the Privy Council .... 7th Nov., 1873 17th April, 1892 Prime Minister, 2nd Ministry .... 7th Nov., 1873 i6th Oct., 1878 Minister of Public Works 7th Nov., 1873 16th Oct., 1878 The Hon. Mr. Mackenzie was Member of Parliament for Lambton, Ont., ist, and, 3rd and 4th Parliaments ; York, E.R., 5th and 6lh Parliaments, and 7th Parliament until his death. Re elected for and Parliament, after his acceptance of the office of Prime Minister and Minister of Public Works, 25th November, 1873. Born in Perthshire, Scotland, 28th January, 1822 ; died, 17th April, 1892. Macpherson, K.C.M.G., Hon. Sir BaTid Lewis Member of the Privy Council . . . nth Feb., 1880 107 OfO-ces held by Members of the Queen's Privy Counoil. — Continued. Name. Macpherson, K.€ M 0., Hon. Sir David Lewis — Concluded. Member of the Cabinet without Portfolio Member of the Cabinet and Minister of the Interior Speaker of the Senate epiitieH of the Mintitter ■»!' the Interior. Name. I'xlmund Allen Meredith (2) William I'uckingham Lt.-Cul. John Stoiighton Dennis, C.M.G Lindsay Russell (3) Alexander Mackinnon Burgess . . . ist 8th 14th I St I St From July, Oct., 1873 1878 To 7th Oct., 1878 13th Nov., 1878 Nov., 187831st Dec, 1881 Jan., 1882130th June, 1883 July, 1883! (i) The office of Deputy Minister of the Interior was created by Statute of 1873, 36 Vict., Chap. 4, (R.S.C. Chap. 22). (2) Mr. ftlcredith wa? Under Secretary of State for the Provinces from 29th May, 1868, to 30th June, 1873. (3) Mr. Lindsay Russell held the offices of Deputy Minister of the Interior and of Surveyor General of Dominion Lands, jointly, from the ist January, 1882, to the 30th June, 1883. Nt'cretaries of the l>epartinent ot the Interior. Name. Alexander Mackinnon Burgess lohn Richard Hall From To 20th Feb., 1882 ist July, 1883 30th June, 1883 Surveyors-Oeneral of Douilnion liands. N.AME. Lt.-Col. John Sloughton Dennis. Lindsay Russell ( i ) Edouard Deville From 7th Mar., 1871 14th Nov., 1878 ist Jan., 1885 To 13th Nov., 1878 3olh Jure, 1884 (i) Mr. Lindsay Russell held the offices of Deputy Minister of the Interior and of Surveyor-Cjcneral, jomtly, from the ist January, 1882, to the 30th June, 1883. 133 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. (1) Depuliea of the Minister of Fiiiauce. Name. John Langton (2) 12th May, 187031st July, 1878 From To John Mortimer Courtney 2nd Aug., 18781 (i) The Deputy of the Minister of Finance is exofficio the Secre- tary of the Treasury Board, Act 41 Vict., Chap. 7, Sec. 18 (R.S.C. Chap. 28, Sec. 10), which came into force on the ist August, 1878; and under the Act 42 Vict., Chap. 7, Sec. 3 (R.S.C. Chaj). 28, Sec. i), which came into force on the 20th May, 1879, he is also Deputy Re- ceiver-General, (2) By Statute 33 Vict., Chap. 7, assented to 12th May, 1870, the office of Deputy Inspector-General was abolished, and the Auditor- General (Mr. Langton) became f.r-^ait; Deputy Minister of Finance. So much of the said Statute as related to the joint offices of Auditor- General and of Deputy Minister of Finance was repealed by the Act 41 Vict., Chap. 7, Sec. 77 (1878). Secretary of tbe Department of Finance. Name. From To Clarence William Treadwell 1st July, 1891 Saperlntendent of Insurance. Name. William Fitzgerald. To 134 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. (1) i^cretaries of the Treasnry Board. Name, From To John Ijanuton 31st Jan., 1868 2nd Aug., 1878 31st July, 1878 Tr)hn Mortimer Courtnev (i) Under Statute 41 Vict., Chap. 7, Sec. 18, 1878 (R.S.C Chap. 28, Sec. 10), the Deputy of the Minister of Finance is ex-officio Secre- tary of the Treasury Board. (I) Deputy of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Name. William Smith To (i; See note under Deputy of the Minister of Fisheries on this page. (1) Deputy of the Minister of Fisheries. Name. From To Lt Col Tohn Tilton I St July, 1884 30th Nov., 1 89 1 (i) The Act 47 Vict., Chap. 18 (1884), (Chap. 25. R.S.C), con- stituting "the Department of Marine" and "the Department of Fisheries" respectively, both of which presided over by, and under the manage- ment of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, with a Deputy Head for each Department, was repealed, and the two Departments amalgamated by the Act 55-56 Vict., Chap. 17 (1892), under the name of the Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries, with one Deputy Head, as it existed prior to the passing of the Statute of 1884 first mentioned. During the term of office of Lt.-Col. Tilton as Deputy Minister of fisheries, M^. Smith was Deputy Minister of Marine, 135 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers Contimied. l>lrectorH of tlie Geological §nrTey of Canada. Name. Sir William Edmond Logan, Kt. (i) Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, C.M.G. George Mercer Dawson, C.M.G. . . . From 1842 I St Dec, 1869 7th Jan., 1895 To 30th Nov., 1869 6th Jan., 1895 (i) Sir William Logan was born at Montreal, 20th April, 1798, was knighted 29th January, 1856, died 22nd June, 1875. Dr. J. B. Harrington's life of Sir William Logan. Comptroller of the JVorth-TVest Monnted Police. Name. From To Frederick White 23rd June, 1880 ist July, 1883 Comptroller and Deputy Head The North-West Mounted Police Force was organized on the 30th August, 1873, under the provisions of the Act 36 Vict., Chap. 35, (1873), (Chap. 45 R.S.C.)j and is under the control of any such Minister of the Crown as the Governor in Council may, at any time, order. From its organization it has been under the control of the follow- ing Ministers : — Name. Minister of Justice Secretary of State of Canada Minister of the Interior. . . , From 30th Aug., 1873 20th April, 1876 14th Nov., 1878 To 19th April, 1876 13th Nov., 1878 1 6th Oct., 1883 136 Deputy^Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Comptroller of the North-West mounted Police. Conc/ndec^. Name. Superintendent General of Indian Affairs President of the Privy Council .... Minister of Railways and Canals . . . President of the Privy Council From 17th Oct., 1883 3rd Oct., 1887 29th Nov., 1889 17th June, 1891 To 2nd Oct., 1887 28th Nov., 1889 1 6th June, 1891 (1) Deputy ReceiTer-General. Name. Thomas Douglas Harrington To 31st Oct., 1878 (i) The separate office of Deputy Receiver-General was abolished by the Act 42 Vict., Chap. 7, Sec, 3 (1879), which came into force, by proclamation, on the 20th May, 1879, and under the provisions of the said Act (R.S.C. Chap. 28, Sec. i), the Deputy of the Minister of Finance is ex-officio Deputy Receiver-General. (1) Deputy Inspector-General. Name. From To William Dickinson 29th May, 1868 31st Dec, 1874 (i) By Statute 33 Vict., Chap. 7, assented to 12th May, 1870, the office of Deputy Inspector-General was abolished, but such Statute pro- vided that the incumbent of the said office should retain his title of office and rank so long as he remained an officer of the Department of Finance. 131 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. (I) Board of Directors of Penitentiaries. Name. James Moir Ferres, Chairman . . Terrence J. O'Neil Francois Zephirin Tasse James VVyeth King, Chairman, Fran9ois Xavier Prieur , James George Moylan From 23rd Sept., 1868 23rd Sept., 1868 23rd Sept., 1868 23rd Oct., 1869 1 8th Dec, 1869 loth Sept., 1872 To 4th 2 1st 17th 30th 30th 30th May, 1869 July, 1872 Dec, 1869 June, 1875 June, 1875 June, 1875 (i) The Board of Directors of Penitentiaries was abolished on 30th June, 1875, by the Act 38 Vict., Chap. 4. (I) Inspectors of Penitentiaries. Name. From % James George Moylan (2). .,,..., . Douclas Stewart ist Nov., 1875 31st Jan., 1895 30th Jan., 1895 (i) The office of Inspector of Penitentiaries was created by Sec. 4 of the Act 38 Vict., Chap. 4. (2) Mr. Moylan was Acting Inspector of Penitentiaries from ist July, 1875, to 31st October, 1875. Clerks of the Crown in Chancery. Name. Edouard Joseph Langevin To 8th July, 1873 138 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Clerks of ttae Crown In Cbancery— C7oMcZtM2e(2. Name. Henry Edward Steele Richard Pope Samuel Edmour St. Onge Chapleau From loth July, 1873 2ISt Oct., 1873 26th Dec, 1887 To 20th Oct., 1873 25th Dec, 1887 The office of Clerk of the Crown in Chancery was attached to the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada up to the 30th June, 1880 ; to the House of Commons, from the ist July, 1880, to the ist July, 1887 ; and from the latter date it has been attached to the Office of the Privy Council. • ]>eput;y Clerk of the Crown in Cliancery. Name. James J. Foley. , To (1) Auditors-General. Name. From To Tohn Lan&ton (2\ 29lh May, 1868 2nd Aug., 1878 31st July, 1878 Tohn Lorn McDouaall (i) The Auditor-General is appointed by the Governor-General, by whom he is removable on address of the Senate and House of Commons; Act 41 Vict., Chap. 7, ss. 11 and 12 (1878), R.S.C., Chap. 29, ss, 21 and 2?. (2) See next page. 139 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Aiiditors-Oeneral— ConcZuc2e<2. (2) Mr. Langton held the office of Auditor of Public Accounts under the Government of the late Province of Canada until Confedera- tion, and was appointed to the same office for the Dommion on the 29th May, 1868. Under Statute of 1870, 33 Vict., Chap. 7, Mr. Langton held the offices of Auditor-General and of Deputy of the Minister of Finance, jointly, from the 12th May, 1870, to the 31st July, 1878. Assistant Auditors. Name. Hon. John Simpson (i) James Patterson Edward Davenport Sutherland To 19th Sept., 1878 31st Jan., 1890 (i) The Hon. Mr. Simpson held the office of Assistant Auditor under the Government of the late Province of Canada until Confedera- tion, and was confirmed in his position for the Dominion on the 21st December, 1869. Deputies of the Superintendent-General of Indian AflnAirs. Name. William Spragge (i) Lawrence Vankoughnet (2) Hayter Reed (3) From I St July, ist July, 2nd Oct., 1867 1874 1893 To i6th April, 1874 ist Oct., 1893 For notes see next page. 140 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Ofllcers. Continued. DepiitieN of the Superiiitendent-CSeneral of Indian A fi'ai rs — Concluded. (i) Mr. Spragge held the office of Deputy Superintendent-Genera) of Indian Affairs, under the Government of the late Province of Canada, from the 17th March, 1862, until Confederation, and was confirmed in his position for the Dominion on the 21st -December, 1869. (2) Mr. Vankoughnet was appointed Deputy Head and Deputy Superintendent-General of Indian Aflairs, under Sec. 5 of the Act 43 Vict., Chap. 28, (R.S.C, Chap. 43, Sec. 7), 13th May, 1880. (3) Mr. Reed is also Indian Commissioner for Manitoba, Keewatin, and the North- West Territories. Commissioners of Inland Revenne. Name. Thomas VVorlhington Alfred Brunei Edward Miall From 29th May, 1868 5th May, 187 1 26th Jan., 1883 To 30th April, 187 1 31st Dec, 1882 AsMistant Commissioners of Inland Revenue. Name. Alfred Brunei Edward Miall William John Gerald From ist July, 1867 ist April, 1872 7th Feb., 1887 To 4th May, 1871 25th Jan., 1883 141 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Secretary of Ihe Deparimenl or Inland KeTcnue. Name. From To William Himsworth ... 30th June, 1885 Deputies of tbe Minister of Public Works. Name. Toussaint Trudeau (i) . . . . George Frederick Baillarge. Antoine Gobeil From 29th May, 1868 4th Oct., 1879 I St Jan.. 1 89 1 To ist Oct., 1879 31st Dec, 1890 (i) Mr. Trudeau was appointed Deputy of the Minister of Rail- ways and Canals, 2nd October, 1879. Secretaries of the Department, of Public Works. Name. Frederick Braun ( i ) . Samuel Edmour St. Onge Chapleau F. H. Ennis .... Antoine Gobeil Elzdbert Fran9ois Edouard Roy . . , From I St July, 1867 ist Oct., 1879 Sth Nov., 1880 23rd Jan., 1885 ist Jan., 189 1 To 30th Sept., 1879 4th Nov., 1880 13th Jan., 1885 31st Dec, 1890 (i) Mr. Braun was Secretary of the Department of Public Works, under the Government of the late Province of Canada, from 1 864 until Confederation ; subsequently confirmed in his position for the Dominion, and appointed Secretary of the Department of Railways and Canals, ist October, 1879. 142 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officera Continued. Deputies of the Af inister of AKrlcnlture. N\ME. From To Tean Charles Tach(^ 29th May, 1868 I St July, 1888 30th June, 1888 Tohn Lowe Secretaries of the Department of Agricultnre. Name. From To Tohn Lowe 2ist Feb., 187 1 ist Jan., 1889 30th June, 1888 Henry Beaumont Small (1) Deputies of tlie Minister of Railways and Canals. Name. From To Toussaint Trudeau ^2^ 2nd Oct., 1879 30th Nov., 1892 29th Nov., 1892 Collinefwood Schreiber '. (i) The office of Der-'ity of the Minister of Railways and Canals was created by Statute of 1879, 42 Vict, Chap. 7, (R.S.C., Chap. 37). (2) Mr, Trudeau was Deputy of the Minister of Public Works from 29th May, 1868, to ist October, 1879. 143 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. heerei»Tie» or the Deparliueut of KailwnjM and Cauals. Name. Frederick Braun (i) Alexander Priestly Bradley. John Hewitt Balderson . . . From ist Oct., 1879 isl June, 1882 19th Dec, 1892 To 31st May, 1882 23rd Sept ,1891 (i) Mr. Braun was Secretary of the Department of Public Works from the ist July, 1867, to the 30th September, 1879, Deputy Postmastrers-General. Name. William Henry Griffin . Lt.-Col. William White From 29th May, 1868 ist July, 1888 To 30th June, 1888 Secretaries of the Post OlHce Department. Name. From To Lt.-Col. William White (i) William Dawson Le Sueur ist July, 1867 ist July, 1888 30th June, 1888 (1) Lt.-Col. White held the same office, under the Government of the late Province of Canada, from the 21st January, 1861, until Con- federation, and was confirmed in his position for the Dominion on the 2ist December, 1869. 144 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. (1) The Uiieen^s Printers. Name. Malcolm Cameron George Edouard Desbarats Lt.-Col. Brown Chamberlin, C.M.G Samuel Edward Dawson To 30th Sept., 1869 6th June, 1870 6th Nov., 1891 (i) Under the Act 49 Vict., Chap. 22, (1886), constituting the Department of Public Printing and Stationery, ihe Queen's Printer is also Controller of Stationery, and is the Deputy Head of that Depart- ment. Commissioners of Cnstonis. Name. Robert Shore Milnes Bouchette . . . James Johnson William Grannis Parmelee (i) . . . . From 29th May, 1868 ist Jan., 1875 I St Mar., 1892 To 30th Dec, 1874 29th Feb., 1892 30th Dec, 1892 (i) Mr. Parmelee appointed Deputy of the Minister of Trade and Commerce, 31st December, 1892. AssistAnt Commissioners of Cnstoms. Name. James Johnson William Grannis Parmelee Thomas John Watters. . . . From ist Nov., 1867 ist Jan., 1885 ist Mar., 1892 To 31st Dec, 1874 29th Feb., 1892 30th Jan., 1895 145 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Ofiicers. Continued. Deputy of the Jlliiiister of Trade and Commerce. Name. William Grannis Parmelee To The oflfice of Deputy of the Minister of Trade and Commerce was created by the Act 50-51 Vict., Chap. 10, (1887), which came into force, by proclamation, on the 3rd December, 1892. €taief Engineeers of Public Works. Name. From To Tohn Paee ^i) ist July, 1868 25th Nov., 1880 26th July, 1892 ist Oct., 1879 loth July, 1 89 1 Henrv F. Perlev Louis Coste (i) Mr, Page appointed Chief Engineer of Canals, 2nd October, 1879. Chief Engineers of Canals. Name. John Page .... Toussaint Trudeau (i) From 2nd Oct., 1879 22nd Nov., 1890 To 2nd July, 1890 29th Nov., 1892 (i) Mr. Trudeau held this oftice jointly with that of Deputy of the Minister of Railways and Canals. 140 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Concluded. i.'biet' Engineer of CJoverunicnt UailuayN. Name. CoUingwood Scbreiber (i) (i) Mr. Schrciber appointed Chief JCngineer of Railways and Canals, 3olh November, 1892. (ihtef Ungiiieer ol' Hallways and Canals. Name. CoUingwood Schreiber, C.M(}. (i) (i) Mr. Schreiber holds this office jointly with that of Deputy of the Minister of Railways and Canals. Dominion Architects. Name. Thomas Seaton Scott Thomas Fuller (1) . . From 26lh May, 1871 31st Oct., 1 88 1 To 30th Oct., 1 88 1 (i) Mr. Fuller was Architect of Covernment Buildings, under the Government of the late Province of Canada, from October, 1859, to 30th June, 1867. 147 » Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. 1867 to 1895. The Goveriior-Generarti l^ecrelary^H Oflice. Name Henry Cotton John Kidd Lt.-Cul. Cliarles Stuart Charles Jerome Jones, From I St July, 1869 ist Jan., i«75 I St June, 1882 ist July, 1883 To 31st Dec, 1874 31st May, 1882 2 1st Jan., 1883 The OHice of the <|Heen''i!i Pri^y Council for Canada. Name. From To William Alfred Himsworth, Assistant Clerk (i) Joseph Olivier Cote,AssistantClerk(2) John Joseph McGee, Assistant Clerk (3) Pierre Janvier Ubalde Beaudry, Assistant Clerk Joseph Pope, Assistant Clerk 2nd July, 1867! ist July, 1872 i2th Jan., 1880 2nd July, 187 19th Jan., 1880 28th May, 1884 29th Nov., 1889 19th May, 1882 3rd Oct., 1887 (1) Mr. Himsworlh apiwinteil Clerk of the Privy Council, 2nd July, 1872. (2) Mr. Coti' " " '• 1,'Hh Jan'y, I.S81). (H) Mr. McGee " " " I'nth May, 18S2. The i:ii'th and I'Mat Sections of the British North America Act, isc", which provide, the former for the transfer of officers to Canada, and the latter for the appointments of new oflHccrs, read as follows : " 131). Until the Piirliament of Canada otherwise provides, all Orticcrs of the several "Provinces havinji- Duties to discharge in relation to Matters other titan those eominjf "within the Classes of Subjects by this Act ussiirned exclusively to the L •^nslatures of .the "Provinces sh;ill be Officers of Canada, and shall continue todiseharfre the Duties of their "respective Offices under the same Liabilities, Kesponsibilities and Penalties as if the "Union had not Iteen made." "131. Until the Parliament of ''anad.v otherwise i)rovid(!3, the Oovenior in Council "may from Ti re to Time appoint sncli Ottieers as ilii^ 'iovernor-General in Council deems "necessary or proper for the eff'eetual Kxecutiou of tills .Vet " At tlie first Session of the Parliament of Canada Ik Id aftei Confederation, an Act respecting the Civil Service of C/anadawas passed, (Act 31 Vict , Chap .il. as-rented to 2iinrt May, istis). and. with a view to organ izinii- the several Dejtartments, as provided by the ].5th Section of this Act. a Commission was apijointed on the I'l'ii 1 June. is«i8. to enquire into the then existing state and probable reiiuiremeids of the Civil Service. As a result of iia investigations, the first theoretical organization of the Civil Service of Canada received the approval of the Governor in Council on the iJlst December, l8iJt». 148 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of CansLdSL—Om/ifiued. Department of Justice. (Constituted by the Act 31 Vict , Chap. 39 ; R.S.C., Chap. 21.) Name. Hugh Richardson (i) . . Zebulon Aiton Lash (2) Augustus Power, Q.C. . . George L. B. J'raser . . . From i6th May, 1876 ist Jan., 1879 24th Oct., 1889 To 15th Sept., 1872 2ist July, 1876 31st Aug., 1876 (1) Mr. Richardson appointed Stipendiary Magistrate for the Northwest Territories, rth October, 1876. (2 1 Mr. Lash apjwinted Deputy of the Minister of Justice, 1st September, 1876. department of the Secretary of State of Canada. (Constituted by the Act 31 Vict., Chap. 42 ; R.S.C, Chap. 26.) Name. Lt.-Col. W. F. Coffin, Chief Clerk, Ordnance and Admiralty Lands Branch (i) Wm. Spragge, Deputy Superintend- ent-General of Indian Affairs (7) G. H. Lane, Chief Clerk, Registry Branch E. J. Langevin, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery (2) E. J . Langevin, Deputy Registrar- General (2) Lt.-Col. Brown Chamberlin, C.M.G , Queen's Printer (3) Grant Powell, Chief Clerk (4) Forlnotcs, see uextrpape. From To Tst July, 1867 30th June, 1873 ist July, 1867 ist July, 1S67 13th July. 1867 ist July, 1868 7th June, 1870 1st July, 1873 7th Dec, 1869 30th June, 1868 8th July, 1873 8th July, 1873 6th Nov., 1891 24th Jan., 1883 149 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of CanL&dSi—Conftnued. Uepartuieut of the Secretary ol State of Canada— Concluded. Name, Lt.Col. J. S. Dennis, Surveyor Gen- eral ot Dominion Lands (i) . . . . Richard Pope, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery (5) L. A. Catellier, Deputy Registrar- General, (Chief Clerk 3l8tOct.,lS7>) (0) H. J. Morgan, Chief Clerk Frederick White, Chief Clerk, North West Mounted Police Branch(i) W. H. Jones, Chief Clerk A. Audet, Keeper of the Records . . James Young, Superintendent, Stationery Branch Philippe Pelletier, Chief Clerk, Cor- respondence Branch From 7th Mar., 2 1 St Oct., loth July, 22nd Dec, ?3rd Sept., ist July, 6th JunC; I St July, I St Mar., 1871 1873 1873 1875 1878 1880 1883 1883 1888 To 30th June, 30th June, 1873 1880 31st Jan., 1888 13th Nov., 31st Oct., 1878 1884 June, 1888 (1) Transferred to the Departmcut of the Interior. (2) Mr. Langevin apiwinted Under Secretary of State, 9th July, 1873. (a) Lt.-Col. Chamberlin appointed Deputy Head, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1st July, l88s. (4) Mr. Grant Powell was transferred Vm tho Jk.- .itmciitof the Secretary of State for the Provinces ; appointed Under Seen; jry of State, 25th January, 1883. (.">) Mr. Pope and the office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery transferred to the House of Commons and subseciuently to the Office of the Privy Council. (t!) Since the 1st December, 188SI, Mr. Catcll ier is also Under Secretary of State. (7) Transferred to the Department of the Secretary of State for the Provinces, and subsequently to the Department of the Interior. 150 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada— C and 1*50.) (5) Mr. White was transferred from the Department of the Secretary of State of Car.ada ; appointed Comptroller ol tlie North -We.st Mounted Police, 23rd June, 1880. See " Comptroller of the North- West Mounted Police," page 135. (6) Mr. Lindsav Russell was also Deputy Minister of the Interior from the 1st January, 1882, to the 30th June, 1883. (See page 132.) (7) Mr. Burgp.ss ajipoiuted Deputvof the Minister of the Interior, Ut July, 18S,3. (Seepage 152. 152 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of CsLnadsb—Cofi^mued. (1) Uepartmeut, of Tli® Geological Narvey. (Constituted by the Act 53 Vict., Chap 11, 1890.) Name. George Mercer Dawson, C.M.G., LL.D., Assistant Director and Geologist (2) Robert Bell, LL.D, Assistant Direct- or and Geologist J. F. Whiteaves, Assistant Director, Palaeontologist and Zoologist. . . Ci. C. Hoffman, Assistant Director,' Chemist and Mineralogist I ist [ohn Macoun, Assistant Director, Botanist and Naturalist byth (1) The Geological survey of Canada was instituted by tlie Government of the late Province of Canada in 1S43, from which time up 1« the l..-t July, lST;i, wlien it hecanie under the )irovjsions of Section 10 of the Act 3H Vict., Chap. 4, (fi.S.C. Chap, iS), tittached to the Deiiaitment of tlie Interior, Annual Uepoits on the results arrived at in its investigitirms were suhiuitte.l — V)rior to Confederation, through the Provincial .Secretary, and subsequently through the Secretary of Stale for the Provinces— to the successive Governors General. The Geological Survey was moved from Montreal to Ottiwa in the summer of 18S1; and, by the Act 53 Vict., Chap. 11, which came into force on the 1st July, ISitO, it was constituted a Uepait- nieiit of the Civd service under the managi-ment and control of the Mitii>ter of the Interior. This latter provision was repealed by the Act 55-50 Vict., Chap. h>, assented to 10th May, 180-', which provides that such Uepaitment shall be presided ovei by a Minister of the Crown to be named from time to time lor that ))urpose by the liovernor in Council. The Department of The Geological Survey has, since the passing of the Act last mentioned, continued to be umler the management and control of the Minister of the Interior. (2) Dr. Dawson was appointetl Deputy Head and Director of the Geological Survey, 7th January, lSi*5. ]>epartuieut of Finance. Constituted by the Act 32-33 Vict., Chap. 4 , R.S.C, Chap. 28. Name. i From To Norris Godard, Dominion Book- keeper . . l-t -Col. Thomas Ross, Accountant of Contingencies ist July, i867j3ist Jan., 1880 1st July, 1867131st Mar., 1887 153 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Csmsida.— Continued. Department of Tinanee— Concluded. Name. Hon. John Simpson, Assistant Auditor (i) John Mortimer Courtney, Chief Clerk, Treasury Board (2) . . . . Chai.es Joseph Anderson, Chief Clerk, Savings Bank Branch.. . John Andrew Torrance, Dominion Book-keeper William Fitzgerald, Assistant Deputy Minister and Superintendent of Insurance . . . Lt.-Col. Frederick Toller, Comp- troller of Dominion Currency . . Richard Watson Baxter, Chief Clerk Richard Watson Baxter, Chief Clerk and Accountantof Contingencies Matthew George Dickieson, Domin- ion Book-keeper Clarence William Treadwell. Chief Clerk and Secretary From ist July, 1867 2nd June, 1869 ist July, 1874 ist July, 1880 ist Dec, 1885 ist July, 1 88 1 ist July, 1886 ist Feb., 1887 ist July, 1886 ist July, 1891 To 31st July," 1878 ist Aug., 1878 3olh June^ 1886 31st Mar., 1887 30th June, 1 89 1 (1) The Hon. Mr. Simpson was transferred to the office of the Auditor-General, Ist August. 1878. (2) Mr. Courtney apjiointed Deputy of the Minister of Finance, 2nd August, 1878. Ollice of the Auditor-General. Name. Hon. John Simpson, Assistant Auditor (1) To 19th Sept., 1878 (1) For foot note, see next page- 154 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada— C(^^^////«tv/. Office of the AuAitormQeue ral—Conduded. Name. From To James Patterson, Assistant Auditor Edward Davenport Sutherland, Assistant Auditor ist Oct, 5ih Feb., 9th July, 9th July, 1878 1890 1890 1890 31st Jan., 1890 John Gorman, Chief Clerk Frederick Hayter, Chief Clerk (1) The Hon. Mr. Simpson was transferred from the Department of Finance, to which Department, prior to the coming into force, on the Ist August, 18T8, of the Act 41 Vict., Chap. 7, (R.S.C , Chap. 2'J), the Audit office was attached. Department of Inland Revenue. (Constituted by the Act 31 Vict., Chap. 49 ; R.S.C, Chap, 34.) Name. Alfred Erunel, Assistant Commis- sioner Edward Miall, Assistant Commis- sioner P. M. Robins, Chief Clerk and Accountant William Himsworth, Secretary W.J. Gerald, Assistant Commissioner and Inspector of Tobacco Fac tories From ist July, 1867 ist April, 1872 ist Oct, ist July, 1878 1884 7th Feb., 1887 To 4th May, 1871 25th Jan., 1883 1 8th Aug., 1894 155 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada —c^«//«//^^. l>eparluieut of CiistoiiiM. (Constituted by the Act 31 Vict., Chap. 43 ; R.S.C., Chap. 32.) Name. James Johnson, Assistant Commis- sioner (i) J, Drysdale, Chief Clerk and Accountant J . W. Peachy, Chief Clerk VV. G. Parmelee, Chief Clerk and Accountant \V. G. Parmelee, Assistant Commis- sioner (2) James Barry, Chief Clerk T. J. Walters, Chief Clerk and Accountant T. J. Watters, Assistant Commis- sioner From ist Nov., 1867 ist 1st July, July, To 1874 i874;3oth 31st Dec, 1874 Jan., 1876 April, 1885 19th Jan., 187631st Dec., 1884 ist ist ist ist Jan., June, July, Mar., 1885 29th i882|3oth 1886129th 1892130th Feb., 1892 April, 1893 Feb., 1892 Jan., 1895 (1) Mr. Johnson appointed Commissioner of Cuatoms, 1st -lanuary, 1875. (•>) Mr. Parmelee " " " Ist March, 18U2. Post Olllce Department. (Constituted by the Act 31 Vict., Chap. 10 ; R.S.C., Chap. 35.) Name. Lt.-Col. William White, Secretary (i) Major H. A. Wicksteed, Accountant P. LeSueur, Superintendent, Money Order Branch J. Ashworth, Cashier From ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 ist July, 1867 ist July, 1869 To 30th June, 1888 31st Dec, 1887 30th Sept., 1877 30th Sept., 1888 For notes, see next page. 156 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada.— Co;i/i>iiied. Post Oilice nepaviment -Concluded. Name. To 30th Sept., 1 88 1 3Tst Jan., 1888 26th Dec, 1 888 31st Jan., 1888 30th June, 189s 9th Sept., 1 88 1 30th June, 1888 J. Cunningham Stewart, Superintend- ent, Savings Bank Branch .... J. Cunningham Stewart, Superintend- ent, Savings Bank and Money Order Branches J. Cunningham Stewart, Financial Comptroller (2) W. H. Smithson, Assistant Accountant W. H. Smithson, Accountant W.F. Forsyth. Superintendent, Money Order Branch W. D. LeSueur, Assistant Secretary " Secretary Sidney Smith, Superintendent, Printing and Supply Branch G. F. Everett, Assistant Superintend- ent, Money Order Branch .... G. F. Everett, Superintendent Money Order Branch D. Matheson, Assistant Superinterc. ent, Savings Bank Branch . . n. Matheson, Superintendent,Savings Bank Branch Major John Walsh, Superintendent, Dead Letter Branch A. Lindsay, Superintendent, Mail Service Branch James Plunkett, Superintendent, Stamp Branch (1) Lt. Col. White held the same oflRce, under tho Government of the late Province of Canada, from the 2lst January. 18<>1. until ConfedcrAtion, and was confirmed in his position for the Dominion on the 21st December, iSo'.t ; appointed Deputy Postmaster-General, 1st July, 1888. (2) Upon the retirement of Major Wicksteed, the Accountant of the Department, on the 1st January, 1888, the Accounting Branches, that is to say, tlie Accountant's, the Cashier's, the Money Order Office !ind the Savings Bank Branch, were all placed under the charge of Mr. J.Cunningham Stewart, with the title of Financial Comptroller, from the 1st of February, 1888 ; and. from that date, Mr. Matheson became Superintendent of the Savings Bank Branch, and Mr. Everett, Superintendent of the Money Order Branch. Mr. Stewart died on the 2iith December, 1S88. 31st Jan., 1S88 31st Jan., 1888 29th May, 1895 157 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada— c^«//>/«^^. department of AKriciiltiire. (Constituted by the Act 31 Vict., Chap. 53 ; R.S.C., Chap. 24.) Name. A. J. Cambie, Chief Clerk, Patents Piranch John I ,o\ve, Chief Clerk& Secretary( i ) H. B. Small, Chief Clerk " Chief Clerk and Secre tary Richard Pope, Deputy Commissioner of Patents George Johnson, Chief Clerk and Statistician Douglas Brymner, Chief Clerk and Archivist J. B. Jackson, Chief Clerk, Copyrights Branch trom To ist July, 1870 19th Feb., 1887 ist July, i873'3oth June, 1888 ist Jan., 1885131st Dec, 1888 1st Jan., 1889 ist July, 1888 ist July, 1889 ist July, 1890 14th Oct., 1891 (1) Mr. Lowe was Secretary of the Department from the 21st February, 1871. (I) I>epartinent of JUarine and Fisberies. (Constituted by the Act 31 Vict., Chap. 57.) Name. W. F. Whitcher, Commissioner of Fisheries John Hardie, Chief Clerk Joseph Tomlinson, Engineer and General Superintendent of Lighthouses For note, see next page. From To ist July, 186930th Sept., 1883 22nd Jan., 1872 ist Nov., 1873 8th Feb., 1880 158 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada— Ctv///«//t'^. ]>epartnient of Itlarine an5 R S.C.), constitiitin^' " the Department of Marine" and "the Department of Fisheries," respectively, both of wliic.h itresiued over by, and under the management of the Minister of Marine ana Fisheries with a Deputy Head for each Department, was repealed and the two Departments amalgamated by the Act 5.'i-.5i) Vict., Chap. 17. (1H9:.'), under the name of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, with one Deputy Head, as It existed prior to the passing of the Statute of 18H4 lirst mentioned. Department of Public IVorks. (Constituted by the Acts 31 Vict., Chap. 12, and 42 Vict., Chap. 7 ; R.S.C., Chap. 36, Name. F. Braun, Chief Clerk and Secretary (0 James Bain, Chief Clerk and Accountant From ist July, 1869 ist July, 1872 To 30th Sept., 1879 30th Sept., 1879 For notes, see next page. 159 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada— Ct;///'/////tv/. I>epartuieiit of Public HVorKa— Concluded. Name. S. E. St. O. Chapleau, Secretary. . . . O. Dionne, Chief Clerk and Accountant .... F. H. Ennis, Secretary L. J. R. Steckel, C.E., Chief Clerk, Engineering Branch John R. Arnoldi, Chief Mechanical Engineer . . . A. Gobeil. Chief Clerk and Secretary (2) E. F. E. Roy, Secretary From ist Oct., 1879 loth Dec, 1879 5lh Nov., 1880 lo 4th Nov., 1880 13th Jan., 1885 ist July, 1880 I St July, 1883 28th July, 1 89 1 ist June, 188531st Dec, 1890 ist Jan., 1891I (1) Mr. Briiun was Secretary of the. Department of Public Works from the 1st July, 18i)T ; traii.sforred to the Denartiuent of Railways and Canals, 1st October, ISTit, (2) Mr. Gobeil appointee! Secretary of the Department, 23rd January, 188.5 ; apiwinted Deputy of the Minister of Public Works, Ist January, IHOI. department of Kail ways and Canals. (Constituted by the Act 42 Vict., Chap. 7 ; R. S, C, Chap. 37.) Name. From To F. Braun, Secretary (i) James Bain, Accountant (i) Thomas Cross, Chief Clerk, Inter- colonial Railway Division A. P. Bradley, Chief Clerk " Chief Clerk and Secretary H. A. Fissiault, Chief Clerk and Law Clerk J. H. Balderson, Secretary L. K. Jones, Chief Clerk, office of the Chief Engineer M. W. Maynard, Chief Clerk, Recording Branch ist Oct., 187931st May, 1882 ist Oct., 1879; 3rd Nov., 1888 ist Feb., 188011th June, 1892 23rd May, 188231st May, 1882 ist June, 1882 ist July, 1884 19th Dec, 1892 ist July, 1893 ist July, 1893 23rd Sept., 1891 (1) Transferred from the Department of Public Works. 160 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of CsLnsLdsi—Co/i//nt4eJ. (1) The Office of the Comptroller of the Worth-%¥eMt mounted Police. Name. Frederick White, Chief Clerk Chief Clerk and Comptroller (2) Laurence i'ortescue, Chief Clerk . . From To 23rd Sept , 1878 23rd June, 1880 17th May, 1892 22nd June, 1880 30th June, 1883 (1) Sec note under " Comptrollur of the North-West Mounted Police," page 135. (2) Mr. White appointed Comptroller and Deputy Head, ist July, 1883. (1) Department of Indian Affairs, (Constituted by the Act 43 Vict., Chap. 28, Sec. 4, assented to 7lh May, i88o ; R.S.C., Chap. 43, Sec. 5.) Name. Robert Sinclair, Chief Clerk and i\ccountant Duncan Campbell Scott, Chief Clerk and Accountant From 14th July, 1881 6th July, 1893 lo 30th June, 1893 (1) Prior to the constitution of the Department of Tndian Affairs by Statute of the 7th Mav, 1S8(», (43 Vict., Chap. ^8), ihe office of the Depuiy Supcrintendf-nt-Generalof Indian Affairs formed successively a Branch of the followinR Departments . Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Ist July. I8fi7 to 7th Dec , isiiii " of the Secretary of State for the Provinces 8th Dec, l86it to 30th June, 1873 •• of the Interior...., ,••■:..., \gt July, 1873 to e^h May, 1880 161 Chief Clerks in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada- Continued. Ueparliiieiit or Public I'riiiliiis and Nliiiioiiery. (Constituted by the Act 49 Vict., Chap. 22, Sec. 2, (1886); R.S.C, Chap. 27, Sec. 2.) Name. Trom William Gliddon, Chief Clerk and Accountant H. J. Bronskill, Chief Clerk and Superintendent of Stationery .... A. Sene'cal, Chief Clerk and Super- intendent of Printing i ist July, 1888 William McMahon, Chief Clerk and Superintendent of Printing i ist July, 1893 5th Mar., 1888 ist July, 1888 To 19th Aug, 1891 19th Aug., 1891 Section 2 of the Act 4!» Vict., Cliap ll, (R.S.C. Cliap. 27, Sec -'), eonatltiitiiipr the Department of Public Printing and Stationery, iirovides tliat tJiis Deiiartment siiall lie presided over and be under the manairement and direetion of thi' Secretary of State of Canada, or such other member of the (iiieen's Privy Council for Cana8. (1) Members of tbe innate for tbe Province of Ontario. Senators. Hon. Jnlin Hamilton " Roderick Matheson • ' John Ross " Samuel Mills ' ' Benjamin Seymour , " Walt*T Hamilton Dickson " James Shaw " Adam Johnston Ferguson-Blair . . " Alexander Campbell David Christie . . . . James Cox Aikins. David Reesor Elijah Leonard William McMaster When Summoned. 23rd Oct. ise; Remarks. Died, 10th October, 1882. Died, 13th January, 1S73. Died, 31.st January, l>i71. Died, •24th Ja.;uary, 1874. Died, 23rd March, 1880. Died, 30tli July, 1885. Died, ()th February, 1878. Died, 2'.Hh Dec, 1807. For efliccs held by him see i>a};e 72. Resiftiied, 7th Feb., 1887 ; created K.C.M.O., 24th May, 187!t ; died, 24th May, lS. For oltices held by him see page 81. Resigned 30th May, 1882. For oltices lield by him see page OD. Died, 14th May, 1801. Died, 22nd 8eptemV)er, 1887. (1) For names of the persons who were to be ttrst summoned to the Senate, see the Queen's Proclamation of Union, page 2, 166 The Senate of CansLdsL—Con^mueii. Members of Ihc Senate for the ProTinee of Ontario- Continued. Senators. Hon. Asa Allwoith Burnliaiii John Siiniison Jaiucs Hkcad David Lewis Mariilicrson George Crawford Donald McDonald Oliver Blake Billa Flint Walter McCiae George William Allan James Rea Benson, St. Catherines, vice Hon. Adam Johnston Ferguson-Blair, deeeased Ebenezer Perry, Cobourg, vice Hon. George Crawford, deceased Frank Smith, Toronto, vice Hon. Walter McCrae, resigned Robert Read, Belleville, vice Hon. John Ro.ss, deceased Alexander Vidal, Sarnia, vice Hon. Roderick Mathesou, deceased George Alexander, Woodstock, vice Hon. Asa Allworth Burnhani, deceased ... Gcor^'o Brown, Toronto, vice Oliver Blake, deceased Ricliard William Scott, Ottawa, vice Hon. Samuel Mills, deceased Adam Hoiks, Hamiltxjn, vice H1 23rd Feb. 1892 1st Oct. 1892 5th Dec. 1892 Ucmarks. Died, 7th April, l.S.S.i. Porottices held by him see page 90. Died, 29th O'-tober, 188rt. Died, 5th July, 1884. Speaker of the Sen-ite, 4th April, 1887 to 12th March, 1888; died on latter ilate. Died, 19th Oct,ol)er, 1889. Created a C.M.G., 3rd June, 1893. Died, 4th February, 1890. Resigned, 17th Feb., 1802. For offices held by him see page 70. Created a K.C.M.G., 1st Jan., 1895. For offices held by him see page 74. 168 The Senate of Canada— CV«//«7/^^. (1) Members of the Senate for the Province of Quebec. Senators. When Simimoncd. Remarks. Hon . James Leslie, (Aliua) •23rd Oct. lSt>7 Died Cth December, 1873. (1 Asa Belknap Foster, (Bedfonl) (( Resigned February, 1876. it Joseph Noel Boss6, (De la Durantaye) . . Louis Aiignste Olivier, (De Lanainlidre) Jacques Olivier Bureau. (Df Loriiaier) . a it Appointed Puisn6 Judge, Superior Court ot the Province of Quebec, 24th January, 18t58; died 24th Sejiteniber, 1881. Appointed Puisnt' Judge, Superior Court of the Province of Quebec, Cth ^*ept., 1873 ; died 18th Sept., 1881. Died tth Februaiy. 1883. it Charles Malhiot. (De la ValiAre) It Died 9th November, 1874. ti n Louis Renaud, (De Salaberry) Luc LetelUer de St. Just. (Grandville) . . lllric Joseiih Tessler. fGulf) (1 it u u n Resigned October, 1873; died 13th November, 1878. Resigned December, 187(5 ; died 28th Jan., 1881. For ottiees held by him see page 9i>. Appointed Puisn^ Judge, Superior Court of the Province of Quel)ec, nth February, 1873 ; died 7th April, 18it2. Resigned May, 1887 ; died 3rd April, 1SS8. Died 7th May, 1887. Resigned 7th Januarv. 1871 ; died 10th September, 1886. Died 22nd August, 1883. it John Hamilton, (Inkerinan) It Cliarles Cormier, (Kennebcp) ft it Antoine Jncliercau Ducl>esnay,(La Salle) David Edward Price, (Laurentides) ti 11 Elziar H. J. Duehesnay, (Lauzon) " Died 12th May, 1871. (t Lfandre Dumouchcl. (Mille Isles) ti Du-d 23rd September, 1882. It >> Died 20tli November, 1878 i( Jose]>h Armand, (Repentignv) ii (C Charles Wilson, (Rigaud) (• Died in 1877. ti William Henry Chaflfers, (Rougemont) . . (i Died 16th July, 1894. t( Jean Baptiste Gufevreinont. (Sorel) .... James Ferrier, (Shawinegan) a (< (1 Died30th May, 1888, tl Sir Nareisse Fortunat Belleau, Kt., fStJidacona) (1 Resigned before the first Session of i( Thomas Rvan. (Victoria) the first Parliament; died 14th September, 1894. Died 25th May, 1889. (1) For names of the persons who weie to be first summoned to the Senate, see the Queen's Proclamation of Union, page 2. 169 The Senate of Canada,— Cofifi/n/cd. Hfeiiiberis of the l^eiiatc for the Province of Quebec Coiithmed. Senators. W'liou Suiiiiuoiieil. Uoii. Juliii Si'well Sarnpiiii), (Wclliii^^toii) ....iiid Oct. lS(i7 Jos(']ili Fidonanl Cauclinii, (St iil:ir(.Tl;i), vice Sir Nanissc F. licUoaii, Kt., resigned iJinl Nov. ISlii Jrtiii Cli:irl»-s Cli.iiiais,(|)e la Duraiitiyi'). I vice Hon. Josi-jili Nnd Bl)o^6 resigueil iidtli Jan. ISiiss Louis Pallet, (La Salle). vice Hon. Antoinc| Juehereau Duchesnay, resigned 10th Feb. 1S71 Alexanilre Rein'- Cliaussegros De L6ry, (Ijauzon), vice Hon. Rlz6ar HenriJa- clicieau Uucliesnay, deceased Matthew Uer.ry Cocliiane, (Wellington) vice Hon. Jolm Sewell Sanborn, avjiointed I'uisne Judge of the Superior Court of the Province o! Queliec Pierre .loseidi Olivier Cliauveau, (.Stada- cona),vice Hon. Jo.-Jeph Edouard re,(La Salle), vice Hon.Charles Eugd.ie Panet, resigned Anselrne Homer Paiiuet, (La Vallifire), vice Hon. Charles Malhiot, deceased . LStli Mar.l.S74 ■27th Mar. 27th M;ir. Oth Feb. 0th Feb. 1S74 1874 1S75 187; Remarks VpjMiinted Puisne Judge, Supi'rior Court of t hr Province nf Quebec, 12tli October, 1S72 ; died 17th July, 1877. Resigned ;!Oth June, 1872 ; died iSrd February, 188;'). For oHi'-cs held by him sr<' juige 79. Dicil nth July, 1880. For ollices held by him .see jiageSO. Resigned March, 1874 ; died i:.th May, 18S4. Resigned nth April, 187(i ; died lOth December, ]88li. Resigned in "874 ; died 4th A]iril ISDO. Resigned 3i'd Novcniber 1882. Died 17fh ,Jaiui;iry, ISW. Died lull October, 1881. Died 15Ui December, 1S91. Appointed Deputy Ministei ofMiliti;i anl Defence, 4th February, 1S7."j. Appointed Agent -Geneial for C;inada in France, 12th July, 18S2. Died22iKl December, 1S9L 170 The Senate of Canada— Con/hwed. members of the Innate for the PrcLTincc of Quebec— Continued. Senators, Hon. Ganliier Green Stevens, (Bedfonl), vice Hon. Asa Belknap Foster, resigned . . " Cliristian Uenry Pozer, (Lanzon), vice Hon. Alexandre Ri'-nfe Cliaussegros De I.ery, resigned " Cliarles Aljihonse Pantaloon Pelletier, (Uraniiville , viee Hon. Luc Letellier (le .St. Just, resigned " Joseiih Rosaire Thibaudeuu. (Rigaud), viee Hon. Cliarles Wilson, deceased . . " Oliarlt^s E. Boucher de Boucherville, (Montarville), vice Hon. Louis La- <,'08te, deceased " Alexander Walker Ogilvie, (Alma), vice Hon. Edwai-d GotT Penny, deceased . . " Louis FraUQois Rodrigue Masson, (Mille Lslcf), vice Hon. L6:indre Uumouchel, deceased Louis Robitaiiie, (Gulf), vice Hop. Eugdne Cliinic, resigned " Pierre Antoine De Blois, (La Salle), vice Hon. Hectt)r Fabre, resigned " Jaines GiWi Ross, (L.mrentides), vice Hon. David Edward Price, deceased " Alexandre Lacoste, (De iorimier), vice Hon. Jacques Olivier Buieau.deceascd " Josejih Bolduc, (Lauzon), vice Hon. Christian Henry Pozer, deceased .... " Thfeodore Robitaiiie, (Gulf), vice Hon. Louis Robitaiiie, resigned " Louis Adelard S6n6c.il, (Mille Isles), vice Hon. Louis Francois Rotlrigue Masson resigned " John Jones Ross, (He la Durantiye), vice Hon. Jean Charles Chapais, deceased When Summoned. 12th Feb. 187t) 20th Sept. lS7ii 2nd Feb. 1877 4tli Jan. 1878 12th Feb. 1870 24tli Dec 1881 2Mh Sept. 1882 8th Feb. 188;i lUth Feb. 188:{ lltli Jan. 1884 lltli Jan. 1884 :5rd Oct. 1884 2i>th Jan. 1S85 2oth Jan. 1881 12th April ISS' Remarks. I d ir.th April, 1802. Died ISth July. ISSt. Created a C.M.G , :iOtli Oct., 1878. For ollices helil by him see page IIH. Created a C.M.G. , 2Cth May, 1804. Resigned tith Nov., 1884. For otlices held by him see page 100. Resigned 28tli December, 1884 ; died, 4th September, 1888. Died 1st October, 1888. Apjtointed Chief Justice, Court of Queen's Bench of the Province of Quebec, 14th Sei.t., !«'.ll ; created a Knight BaclK^or, ITith June, 1802. For otlices held by him sec page 0(i. Died, 11th October, 1887 Ajjpointed Speaker of the Senate, 14th September, 1891. 171 The Senate of Canada— CV7«//««sei)h Caliiwcll Alibolt, (Iiiker-| luaii), vice Hon. John Hamilton, resigned Pierre Fortin, (Kcnnubee), vice Hon. I'harles Cormier, deceased .Jean Ba|)ti8te Rollaud, senior, (Mille Isles), vice Hon. Louis Ad61ard S6n6cal, deceased Evans John Price, (Laurentidesl, vice Hon. James Gibb Koss, deceased . . . George Alexander Druniinond, (Ken- nebec), vice Hon. Pierre Fortin, deceased Uharles Serapliin Rodier, (Mille Isles), vice Hon. Jean Baiitiste Rolland, deceased Kdward Mui'phy, (Victoria), vice Hon. Thomas Ryan, deceased l-2th May 1887 13th May I8S: 22nd Oct. 1S87 1st Dec. 1888 1st Dec 1888 1st Dec. 1888 SOth Mav 1889 lAiuis Frangois Rodrigiio Masson. (Mille Isle.s), vice Hon. Charl' s Rodier,| deceased I Srd Feb. IS'.iO I Hypolite Montplaisir, (Shawinegan), vice Remarks. Created a K.O M.G., 24th May, 1892; tlied, ;{Utli Octobei-, 1893. For cjtti('es held by hiiri see page 68. Dieil, loth Jnne, 1888. Died, 2L'nd Maridi, 1888, Ixjfore he was sworn in. Died, -Jeth January, 1890. Died, ith DeccmlHT, 18^.=-. For offices held by the Hon. Mr. Ma,ssf>n see page 100. Hon. James Ferrier, deceased . .loseph Tass6, (l)e Salaborry), vice Hon. Frangois Xavier Anselme Trudel, deceased Auguste Charles Philippe Robert Landry, (Stidacona), vice Hon. Pierre Baill*rgeon, deceased Alphonse Uesjardlns, (De Loriniier), vice Hon. Alexandre Lacoste, resigned Auguste R6al Angers, (La Vallidre), I vice Hon. .Anselme Homer Paquet, deceased Dth Feb. ISDl ;nii Feb. 1801 23rd Feb. 1892 1st Oct. 1892 16th Dec. 1892 Died, 17th January, 189.'.. For offices held by the Hon. Mr Angers see page 70. 172 The Senate of Canada Coutimnd. (1) ifffemberH of the Senate for the Province of .\ova Mcotia. SRSATOR.S. When ! Sumiiioneil. Kciiiiuks. Hon. E(iwiiit )ii» ;il(scncc' for two suici'ssivo .Si'Msion.i, !11li Aiml, lf<7ii ; diod lOlh M.iy, IM'I. Kor orticfs held by him m'C |.:ip> it.'i. Apjidiiittd I';m>iiO Judtic, Siijueint! Court ol Nii\:i S-cotiii, 2Stli Sep- tenil.fr, lS7(i; died, 2nd Janiiary. 1S77. Died, 18th Octoher, 1890. Jonathan .VlcCiiilv. Thomas liickson Archibald Robert Harry Dickey John II. AndnrsiiM John Iloliries Jolin William llitchie Benjamin Wuir Johii Locke. . . . Caleb R. Bill . . John BoiirinoL. William Miller iDied, •.'4tli Der. iiibcr, 1870. JDied ii, 1870. Appointed Puisne Judy's Sui>renie Court of Nova Scotia, 28th Sept., 1870, Uieil, iStli Dec, 18H0. Died, 141h April. lS(iS. Airliibald Woodbury McLelau, London- derry, vice Hon." Benjamin Weir, de- ceased Alexander Macfarlaue, Wallace, vice Hon. Jonathan McCully, resigned Jeremiah Northup, Halifax, vine Hon. John William Ritchie, resigned Ezra Churchill, Hantsport, vice Hon. John 11. Anderson, deceased. " Henry Adolphus Xewnmn Kaulbach, I .nueubuig, vice Hon. Caleb H. Bill, dect^ased Lawrence OeoflYey Power, Halifax, vice Hon. Sir Edward Kenny, whose seat was declared vac.iiit 21at J uue, isen lOth Oct. 1870 10th Oct. 1870 ;!rd Feb. 1871 Died, li'th December, 187:i, Died, l.-*t f ebi-uary, 1S7'J. Died. 21st January, 1884. Resigned 20th May, 1881 ; died, 20th Jnne, ISv'O. For offices held by him see page 109. 27th Mar. 1872 2nd Feb. 187' Died. lOtli April. 187W. Died. Sth May, 1874. (1) For names of the persons who.were to be first summoned to the Senate, see the Queen's Proclamation of Union, page 2. The Senate of Canada,-- Con/i»H,j. MeniberM of llie ^iciiate tor the Province of Nova Hiiotla—Concluded. HrswoHn. Hon. K"l«>rt Pattiison (ir.itit. Pirtou, vice Hoii. iloliii IIoliiK's, (l((c;isetli .\pl. 1.S70 ilUi 1 ».'.•. 18.S1 • 12th May ■2Sn\ Nov. 1884 1892 (1) MemberN of tlie Senate for the Province of IVew Brnnawick. Sf.satoks When Summoned. Hon. Amo.s Edwin Bot.sfoiage 101. Died, 7th July, 1894. Died. 2'Jth December, 1884. ' Sworn Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick, 22nd i September, 1893 ; died, 4th De- j j cember, 1893. " Pascal Poirier, Kichibucto, vice Hon. | j William Muirhead, deceased 9th Mar. 1885' " Jabez Bunting Snowball, Chatham, vice Hon. John Ferguson, deceased " Kennedy Francis Burns . " George Thomas Baird. . . " Josiali Wood, vice Hon. Amos Edwin Bot«ford, deceased 1st May, 1891 21st Mar. 1894 19th June ISS.^i Difeii, 23rd June, 1890 5th Aug. 1895 175 The Senate of Canada,— Omfi fined. Members of the Siieuate for tlie Province of Prince Edward Island. (Admitted into the Dominion on the ist July, 1873.) Sekatorm. Hon. Donalil Montgomery, Park Corners " Roliert Poore Haytliornp, Cliarlutteiown " Thomas Heath Haviland, Charlottetown " George WiUiam Howlan, Alberton " Jedediah Slason Carvell, Charlottett)\vn, vice Hon. Thomas Heath Haviland, appointed Lieut«naiit-Goveinor of the Province of P. E. Island George William Howlan, Alberton, (he having previously resigned his seat). . " Samuel Prowse, Murray Harbour, vice Hon. Jedediah Slason Carvell, re- uigued George William Howlan, (he having pre- viously resignea iis seat) Andrew Archibald Uii. ionald, Cli.;rli)tte- town, vice Hon. '.obert Poore Hay- thorne, deceased Donald Ferguson, Marshfleld, vice Hon. Donald Montgomery, decea.sed Joseph Octave Arsenault. Abrain's Village, vice Hon George William How'an, appointed Lieutenant- (iovernor of the Province of Prince Eilward Island When Siiiiimoned. ISth Oct. lST:i ISth Dec. 1S70 5th Jan. 1S81 14th Sept. •25th Mar. llthM.iy 4th Sept. lS8i» 1801 1801 180:5 18th Feb. 1805 Remarks. Died 31st Jiily, 1803. Died 7th May, 1801. Sworn I.ieutenant-Governfir, of P.K. Island, loth July, 1870. Resigned, '2Tth December, 1880 ; re- appointed, 5th January, ISSl. Resigned 3rd Julj-, 1880; subse- quently appointed Lieutenant- Governor of P. E. Island; died, 14th February, 1804. Resigned February, 1801, t.o become a candidate at General Election ; having Iwen defeated, he was again summoned to the Senate, 25th March. 1801. Sworn LieutenantGovernor of P. E. Island, 24th February, 1804. Appointed Mendter of the Privy Council, and of the Cabinet with- out portfolio, 2lst Dec, 1804. 176 The Senate of Canada— C<7;///>/«^d?. Members of the Senate for tlie Province or Britii^h Columbia. (Admitted into the Dominion on the 20th July, 1871.) When Senators. Summoned. Reroarks. Hon . Robert William WcirCarrall, P.irkorvillr liUli Doc. ISVl Died I'Uh Sejitember, 1S70. n Franris Clement Cornwall, Aslioroft (t Sworn Lieutenant-Goveniorof British Columbia, 20th July, 1881. (1 William John MacdonaUI, Victoria Hush Nelson, Burranl Inlet, vice lion. tf <4 Hubert Williani WcirCarrall, dece:u,eil IJth Dec. 1S79 Sworn Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, '.".ith March, 1887 ; died (1 Thoma.s Robert Melnnes, New West- ;5rd March, ISHo. minster, vice Hon. Francis Clement Cornwall, appointed Lieutenant- Governor of tlie Province of British Columbia •>4th Dec. ISSl ti James Reid, Quesiiclle, vice Hon. Hugh Nelson, appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Briti.sh Sth Oct. 1S88 (1) members of the Senate for the Proviuce of IHanitoba. (Admitted into the Dominion on the 15th July, 1870.) Senators. When Summoned. Remarks. Hon n Marc Amable Girard, St. Boniface John Sutherland, Kildonan i:nh Dec. 1871 " 23rd Sept. 1SS2 10th Dec. 1880 27th Oct. 1802 ICth Dec. 1802 Died 12th September, 1802. it John Christian Schultz, Winnipeg Charles Arkal! Boulton, Shellmoutli, vice Hon. JohnC. Schultz, appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province Sworn Lieutenant-Governor of Mani- toba, 2nd July, 18S8; created a K.C.M.G., 24th May, 1805. u Thomas Alfred Bernier, St. Boniface, vice Hon. Marc Amable Girard, deceased John Nesbitt Kirchhoffer, Brandon 11 (1) Represented in the Senate of Canada under Chap. 12, Revised Statutes of Canada. 177 The Senate of CsmsidaL—Conc/uded. (I) Hf embers of Ihe Senate for the 2Vorth-WeHt Territories. Senators, When Summoned. Uemarks. Hon RicliAnl Harilistv. Edmonton 23rd Feb. 1888 3rd Aug. 1888 10th Dee. 1889 Died 15th October, 1889. " William Dell Perlev, Wolseley " James Alexander Loughced, Calgary, vice Hon. Richard Hardisty, deceased (1) Represented in the Senate of Canada under the jirovisions of the Act 50-51, Vict., Chaji 3, assented to 23rd June, 1887. 178 The House of Commons of Canada. 1867 to 1S95 • (1) Speakers of Ihe House of Uoiiinioiis. Speakkrs. From io Hon. James Cockburn, ist Parlia ment 6th Nov., 1867 " James Cockburn, 2nd Parlia- ment 5th Mar., 1873 " Timothy Warren Anghn, 3rd Parliament (2) 26th Mar., 1874 " Timothy Warren Anglin, 3rd Parliament 7th Feb., 1878 " Joseph Goderic Blanchet, 4th Parliament 13th Feb., 1879 " George Airey Kirkpatrick, 5th Parliament 8th Feb., 1883 " Joseph Aldric Oiiimet, 6th Parliament 113th April, 1887 " Peter White, 7th Parliament. bQth April, 1891 (1) The term of office of the Speaker coiistitutioDally expires with the dis.sohition of Parliament: but. under the provisions of Sections Kt and 11 of Chapter 1.3, R S.C., he con- tinue.s hs Chairman o' a Itoard of internal economy until a Speaker is chosen by the new Parliament. n«*|iiil.v Spraker— By Resolution of the Ilou.^cof Commonsof the mth February, ISW. the Chairnian of Committees, upiKiintert at the befjinning of every Session, acts as Deputy Speaker in conformity with the provisions of chapter 14 of the Revised Statutes of Canada. Prior t^ that time there was no Deputy Speaker; but, under the Act 31 Vict., chap. 2, whenevei ♦'he Sj)eaker was oblifred to leave the Chair he called ui)on a member to take his place for the time being. (See Dr. J. G. lidiiriiiot'n Parliameiitnii/ PrnctiJiire avfJ Practice, ?7id Edition, pp. UU*, I'll amt iJl. (2) The Hon. Mr. Anglin resigned the Speakership on the 31st May, 1877, and was re-elected for the same Parliament, on the 7th February, l!^78. Clerks of ihe House of Commons. 8th July, 1872 2nd Jan., 1874 31st May, 1877 17th Aug., 1878 i8th May, 1882 15th Jan., 1887 3rd Feb., 1 89 1 Name. William Burns Lindsay (i). . . . Alfred Patrick, C.M.G John George Bourinot, C.M.G. From 2nd Nov., 1867 2ist Jan., 1873 I St Dec, 1880 To 2nd Sept., 1872 30th Nov., 1880 (1) Mr. Lindsay was Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of the late Province of Canada, from l»jth May, 1862, until Confederation ; he died 2nd September 1872. 179 The House of Commons of CsLUSLda—Cofi/i/ji/ed. AssistAiil Clerks of the IIoiiRe of Coinmons. Name. F'rom To Alfred Patrick, Sole Clerk Assistant ist July, 1867 20th Jan., 1873 Eugene Urgele Piche, ist Clerk Assistant John George Bourinot. 2nd Clerk Assistant John George Bourinot, ist Clerki Assistant 17th Feb., 1879 Jean Philippe I-eprohon, 2nd Clerk Assistant Jean Philippe Leprohon, Sole Clerk Assistant ( i ) Fran9ois Fortunat Rouleau, Sole Clerk Assistant April, 1873:14th Feb., 1879 I April, 1873 |i6th Feb., 1879 30th Nov., 1880 30th Nov., 1880 31st May, 1882 17th Feb., 1879 Tst Dec, 1880 isi June, 1882 (1) The office of 2nd Clerk Assistant wa.s alx)lislied in 1880, J>y dropping tlie salary from the Estimates.- Dr, J. (l. liitmititil'n I'tirlitimi nturu I'loceditre (ind Practice, •■hid Kdition, p. ViS. L.aw Clerks of I lie House of Couiiuons. Name, Gustavus William Wicksteed, Q.C., (I) William Wilson, Q.C., M.O Frederick Augustus McCord From ist July, 1867 ist Feb., 1887 26th Nov., 1890 To 31st Jan., 1887 16th Nov., 1889 (1) Mr. Wicksteed was Law Clerk of the Le^'islativc Assembly of the late Province of Canada, from 14th June, 1841, until Confederation. 180 Tho House of Commons of CsLuadsi-- Continued. liibrnriaiiH of Piirliament. Name. From To AlpheusTodd, C.M.G.(i) A'fred Duclos De Celles, General Librarian I St July, 1867 6th Aug, 1885 6th Aug., 1885 22nd Jan., 1884 Martin Joseph Griffin, Parliamentary Librarian (1) Mr. T(xl(l was Lil>rariaii of Parliament of the late Province of Canada, from 31st March, IS.'iC, until Confederation ; he died, 22nd January, 1884. S^rgeanis-at-Ariiis of the House of Comutoiis. Name. From To Donald William Macdonell (i) Lt.-Col. Henry Robert Smith 2nd Nov., 1867 i3ih Jan., 1892 3 1 St Dec. , 1891 (1) Mr. Macdonell was Sergeant at-Arms of the Lcf^islative Assemhly of the late Pro- vince of Canada, from 1.5th June, 18.M, until Confederation ; he died 15th December, 1893. Deputy Sergeauts-at-Arnis of the House of ConimoDs, Name. Lt. Col Henry Robert Smith . William Henry Bowie From Jan., 1872 ist July, 1892 To i2th Jan., 1892 181 The House of Commons of Canada - Continued. MeiuberH Ketiirii/«<'/w^z«^i. Special flections held during the First Parliament Continued. ProTince of XoTa Scotia Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Return Colchester Hon. A. G. Archibald elected, vice Hon. A. W. McLelan, summoned to the Senate. . F. M. Pearson elected, vice Hon. A. G. Archibald, appointed Lieutenant- Governor of the Province of Manitoba 13th Sept., loth Nov., 15th July, 24th April, 23rd May, 20th April, 24th April, 1869 1870 1870 Cumberland Hants Hon. C. Tupper, C.B., re-elect- ed, after his acceptance of the office of President of the Privy Council Hon. J, Howe re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of President of the Privy Council 1869 King's L. DeVeber Chipman elected, vice W. H. Chipman, de- ceased 1870 1869 Richmond Yarmouth J. LeVesconte elected, vice VV. T . Croke, deceased F. Killam elected, vice Hon. T. Killam, deceased 1869 192 The House of Commons of Canada— C^wz/V^w^-^. Special Elections helil during tbe First Parliament— Continued. ProTince of IVew Briinswick. Constituency. Northumberland Restigouche .... York Name of Member. R. Hutchison elected, vice Hon. J. M. Johnson, deceased. W. M. Caldwell elected, vice Hon. J. McMillan, re- signed G. Moffatt elected, vice W. M . Caldwell, deceased J. Pickard elected, vice Hon. C. Fisher, appointed Puisnd Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick . Date of Return 24th Dec, 1868 13th Mar., 1868 29th Nov., 1870 28th Oct., 1868 ProTince of INranitoba. (Ailmittcd into the Dominion on the 15lh July, 1870.) Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Return Lisgar T. C. Schultz 2nd Mar., 1871 103 The House of Commons of CsLnada,— Continued. Special Elections held during the First Parliauicut Conjhided. Province of Manitoba— ConcZtu^er/. Constituency. Name of Member . Date of Return Marquette .... A. McKay and J. S. Lynch polled an equal number of votes on 2nd March, 1871, and were both declared duly elected, by Order of the House of Commons of the 25th April, 1872. Mr, Lynch took his seat on the latter date, and Mr. McKay on the 13th May, 1872, but they withdrew upon the Sessional Order of ihe House being read on each occasion : that all mem- bers returned upon double Re- turns are to withdraw until their Returns are determined. Before a decision was reached in this case. Parliament was dissolved * and writs issued for a general election 25th April, 1872 ProvenrluT P. Delorme 3rd Mar., 1871 2nd Mar., 1871 Selkirk D A Smith Province of British Columbia. (iVdiuitteil into the Doniiuioii on tlio liOth July, 1871.) Constituency. Cariboo New Westminster Vancouverlsland Victoria Victoria Yale Name of Member. J. S. Thompson H. Nelson .... R. Wallace . . . . . H. Nathan, Jr. . . A. DeCosmos . . . C. F. Houghton Date of Return 2oth Dec, 187 1 13th Dec, 187 1 5th Dec, 1 87 1 24th Nov., 1871 24th Nov., 1871 19th Dec, 1 87 1 104 The House of Commons of Canada—Coz/f/fa/eJ. MeuibcrM P** >iiiiii<:<3 ;it (j.R Grey, N.R Haldimand Halton Hamilton, City Hamilton, City Hastings. W.R S. Shibley Hon. ] . B. Robinson 1). AIills G. Fleming W. Paterson f. 1). BuoU ]. Gillies Hon. E. Blake Hon. J. H. Cameron J. Rochester D. Bergin W. Gibson L. Ross Hon. E. Blake W. Harvey G. E. Casey Hon. J. O'Connor G. A. Kirkpatrick I). A. Macdonald W. H. Brouse G. Landerkin W. K. Flesher G. Snider 1). Thf)mpson J. White I). B. Chisholm H. B. Wilton J. Hrown See also Special Elections, imj^e I'Oa. 105 The House of Commons of Canada— Cffi/wueJ. Members l{etiiriie«l to »erve in llic Second Parliiinieiit — Cnuthmed. Province ol" iintiwin—Con/inued. Constituencies. Members Returned. Hastings, E.R Hastings, N.R Huron, N.R Huron, C. R Huron, S. R Kent Kingston, City *Lambton Lanark, N.R Lanark, S.R Leeds and Crenville, NR. . . . Leeds, S.R *Lennox Lincoln London, City Middlesex, E.R Middlesex, W.R Middlesex, N.R Monck Muskoka Niagara, Town and Township Norfolk, S.R Norfolk, N.R Northumberland, W.R Northumberland, E. R Ontario, N.R ^Ontario, S.R Ottawa, City Ottawa, City J. White M. r.owell T . Farrow H. Horton M. C. Cameron R. Stei)henson Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald,K.C.B. Hon . A. Mackenzie D. dalbraith J . (i Haggart F. Jones A. N. Richards R. J Cartwright T. R. Merritt Hon. [. Carling D. (ifass (;. W. Ross T. Scatcherd J. D. Edgar A. P. fjockburn A. Morrison W. Wallace ]. Charlton Hon, L Cockburn |. Keeler "W. IL C.ibbs T. N. (Jibbs J. M. Currier J, 1j. Lewis * See also SjKcial !01octions, p icre -'"-'. 1% The House of Commons of Canada— Ov///>/;/^ee. Constituencies. Members Relumed. Argenteuil liagot Ueaurc iJeauharnois *l]ellechasse Berthier *Bonaventure lirome Chambly Champlain Charlevoix Chateauguay Chicoutimi and Saguenay. . Compton Dorchester Drummond and Arthabaska Caspe Hochelaga Huntingdon Iberville Joliette Jacques-Cartier Kaniouraska Laprairie L'Assomption *Laval Levis L'Islet Lotbinicre Maskinonge Hon. J. J. C. Abbott P. S. (lendron C. H. Pozer U. J. Robillard T. Fournior A. H. Paquet T. Robitaille E. Carter P. B. Benoit J. J. Ross P. Treniblay Hon. L. H. Holton W. E. Price Hon. J. H. Pope Hon. H. I.. Langevin, CB. P. N. Dorion P. Fort in L. Beaubien J. Scriver F. Bechard L. F. Ci. Baby R. Laflamme C. A. P. Pelletier A. Pinsonneault Hon. I,. Archambeault J. H. Bellerose J. G. Blanchet P. B. Casgrain H. G. Joly L. A. Boyer See alsu Special Elections, page 'Idi. 108 The House of Commons of Canada— c;';//'/«//r.s IColiiriird lo mm'vc in llic Kocoiid Piirliaiiiciit — Co)i(inup.il Pro\ ilK'O of :ige 20:5. 19U The House of Commons of CawddSL- Co/uifi/nJ. Meiiihc'rH ICctiiriiv«l to Mcrve iii llic Nccoiiil I'arliaiiiviil — Contimit'iL l*ro%'llieo of illHihl^C, -Condudeil. Constituencies. Members Returned. Three Rivers, City Two Mountains Vaudreuil W. McDougall \V. Prevost R. Harwood Vercheres V. Cieoffrion Yaniaska J. Duguay Province of .\ova Meolia. Constituencies. Annapolis *Antigonish Cape Breton Cape Breton Colchester Cumberland Digby Guysborough Halifax Halifax *Hants Inverness King's • Lunenburg Pictou Pictou * See also S|'ecial Electiuus, page 'ifH Members Returned. W. H. Ray H. McDonald N. L. McKay W. McDonald F. M. Pearson Hon. C. Tupper, C.B. A. W. Savary S. Cnmpbell \V. J. Almon S. Tobin Hon. T- Howe S. McDonnell L. De V. Chipman C. E. Church Hon. J. McDonald R. DouU 200 The House of Commons of Canada— Continued. Meiul»er«4 Heluriie«l to. serve in the [Second Parliament — Conii lined. Province of ]¥ova Scotia.— Concluded. Constituencies. Members Returned. Queen's J. F. Forbes Isaac LeVesconte T. Coffin W. Ross F. Killam Richmond *Shelburne '■^Victoria Yarmouth . ♦ Svf also Sjit'cial Elections, page iOl. Province of IVew Brunswick. Constituencies. Albert *Carleton Charlotte Gloucester Kent King's Northumberland Queen's Resligouche Sunbury *St. John, City and County. . . . St. John, City and County. ... *St. John, City Victoria * Westmoreland York * See also Special Electious.'page 205, Members Returned. J. Wallace C. Connell J. McAdam Hon. T. W. Anglin R. B. Cutler J. Domville Hon. P. Mitchell J. Ferris G. Moffatt C. Burpee I. Burpee A. L. Palmer Hon. S. L. Tilley, C.B. J. Costigan Hon. A. J. Smith J. Pickard 201 The House of Commons of Canada— r^«//>//^tv/. McuihcrM Ketiiriicd to ^ervc in the Second Parliauieut Continued, Province of Manitoba. Constituencies. Members Returned. Selkirk 1). A. Smith *Provenchcr Hon. Sir G. E. Carlier. Bart. Tjispar T. C. Schultz Marquette R. Cunningham Sec also Special Elections, page 205 ProTince of British Colnmbia. Constituencies. Members Returned. Cnrihoo J. S. Thompson H. Nelson New Westminster Vnnrouvpr . ... Hon. Sir F. Hincks K.C M G. Virtori.i H. Nathan, ir. Viptorin ... - A. DeCosmos Yale E. Dewdney Province of Prince Kdward Island. (Admitted iiitotlie Uoiiiinioii on the 1st July, 1S73.) For members returned to servQ in the Second Parliament, see Special Elections, page 206. 202 The House of Commons of Csmsida,— Continued. (1) Npvcial Klcclioiis lield during the Second Parliament. (i2lh October, 1872, to 2nd January, 1874.) Province of Ontario. Constituency. Name of Member. Bruce, S.R. . Durham, W.R Glengarry .... Lambton .... 'Lennox Ontario, S.R.. Hon. E. Blake, having been returned f.ir Durham, W.R., and Bruce, S.R, elected to serve for tht latter constituency, on 20th March, 1873 Hon. E Blake re-elected, having previously resigned his ?eat .... Hon. E. B. Wood elected, vice Hop. E. Blake, who elected to serve for Bruce, S. R. . . Hon. 1). A. Macdonald re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Postmaster-General Hon. .Alexander Mackenzie, Premier, re-elected after his acceptance o! the office of Minister of Public Works Hon. R. J. Cartwright re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Finance Hon. T. N. Gibbs re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Secretary of State for the Pro- vinces Date of Return 4th Dec, 1873 loth April, 1873 26th Nov., ^873 2Sth Nov., 1873 3rd Dec, '873 7lh July, 1873 (I) Till' dates "f tlic sjn'cinl elections lieM ihiiing the First and Second P^'liR menus could not hv ascertained ; and, in tliese oa^es, the dat«s here given are tl»e dat*8 on Tbich the members weie returned by the Urturuinj; Oflieers as having been duly elected. 203 The House of Commons of Canada -C^////>??/^^. Npecial Elections held during llic Second Pnrliauieni. Continued. Province of OutHrio— Concluded Constituency. Toronto, City . . (West) Welland Name of Member. Thomas Moss elected, vice John Crawford appointed Lieutenant- Governor of the Province of Ontario \V. A. Thomson elected, vice T. C. Street, deceased Date of Reliirn 1 8th Dec, 1S73 23rd Nov., 1872 Province of Quebec. Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Return Bellechase Hon. T. Fournicr re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue. . . 27 th Nov., 1873 Bonaventure . . . Hon. T. Robitaille re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Receiver General 13th Feb., 1873 Laval J. A. Ouimet elected, vice J. H. Bellerose, summoned to the Senate ... . 2Sth Oct, 1873 Napierville Hon. A. A. Dorion re-elected, after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Justice. 27th Nov., 1873 Quebec County J. P. R. A. Caron elected, vice Hon, P. J. 0. Chauveau, summoned to the Senate 28th Mar., 1873 204 The House of Commons of Canada— Cw//V///<vi«!oe of NoTH Nootl» Constituencies. Annapolis . . . Antigonish . . Cape Breton Cape Breton *Colchester . . Cumberland . *Digby Guysborough Halifax . . . ^Halifax . . . . Hants Inverness . . . King's Lunenburg . . Members Returned. W. H. Ray A. Mclsaac W. McDonald N. L. McKay T. McKay Hon. C. Tupper, C.B. E. R. Oakes J. A. Kirk P. Power A. G. Jones M. H. Goudge S. McDonnell F. W. Borden C. E. Church * See fiL'o Special l-.k-ctioi s p:iB-C!S ■■i:H anil 2:jr>. 213 The House of Commons of Csmada, Conz/nurt/. McniberH Uediriicd to nerfe iu the Third Parllaiiient- Cotiti lined. Province of N9\h ticotl»~ConclwUd. Constituencies. Pictou Pictou Queen's Richmond Shelburne *Victoria Yarmouth *■ See also 3pecial Elections, page Si6. Members Returned. J, W. Carmichael I A. Dawson J. F. Forbes Hon. E. P. Flynn Hon. T. Coffin Hon. W. Ross F. Killam Province of IVew Brnnswlck. Constituencies. Members Returned. Albert J. Wallace S. B. Appleby A. H. Gillmor Carleton Charlotte ^Gloucester T. W. Anglin G. McLeod Kent King's J. Domville Hon. P. Mitchell J. Ferris G. Moffatt *Northumberland Oueen's *Restieouche Sunburv C. Burpee See also Special Eleetious, page I'l'o. 214 The House of Commons of C&n&dsi—Con/inued. JMeniberfi Returned to serve in the Third Parllnment- Coniinued. ProTinee of New nrun»^lc1s.— Concluded. Constituencies. St. John, City and County St. John, City and County St. John, City Victoria Westmoreland York Members Returned. Hon. I. Burpee A. L. Pahtier I. S. Boies DeVeber J. Costigan Hon. A. J. Smith J. Pickard Province of Prince Edward Island. Constituencies. King's., King's . Prince . Prince . . *Queen's Queen's Members Returned. D. Uavies P. A. Mclntyre J. Yeo S. F. Perry Hon. D. Laird P. Sinclair Hee also Special Elections, pa^e 226. 215 The House of Commons of Canada— Continued. ]!lf embersi Returned to serve iu the Tbird Parliament- Con ) held during the Third Parliauieiit Continued . ProTiuce of Oninr to - Continued. Constituency. Middlesex, E.R Monck Niagara, Town &- Township .... Norfolk, S.R Northumberland E.R Northumberland W.R Ontario, N.R. . . Ontario, S R . . . Ottawa, City . . . Name of Member. D. MacMillan elected, vice C. Willson, declared not dul) elected L. McCallum re-elected, the former election having been declared void J. B. Pliiml) reelected, the former election having been declared void \V. Wallace elected, vice J. Stii.irt, whose election was declared void J L. T^'if^'gar re-elected, the former election having been declared void \\\ Kerr re-elected, tie former election having been declared void ' \V. H. Gibbs elected, vice A. Gordon, deceased Hon. T. N. Gibbs elected, vice Hon. Malcolm Cameron, de ceased J. M. Currier re-elected, having pre- viously resigned his seat Date of Election 28th Jan . , 1875 22 nd June, 1875 *22n d Dec. 1874 16th Dec, 1874 *i2th Dec. 1874 17th Nov , 1874 5lh July, 1S76 5lh July, 1876 9ih May, 1877 * The (late given in this case is the date on which the member was returned as duly elected. 219 The House of Commons of C^msi^B.— Continued. Special KIcclioiis held during: the Third Parliament— Continued. Province of Oninrin— Continued. Constituency. Oxford, S.R.. Perth, N.R ., Renfrew, S.R. Renfrew, N R. Simcoe, N.R . Toronto, City (Centre) . . Toronto, City (East) .... Name of Member. Date of Election J. A. Skinner elected, vice E V. Bodwell, who accepted an office of emolument under the Crown. Montcith re-elected, the former election having been declared void J, L. McDougall reelected, by accla- mation, the former election having been declared void .... J. L. McDougall reelected, the former election having been declared void W. Murray elected, vice Peter White, jr., whose election was declared void Peter White, jr., elected, vice W. Murray, declared not duly elected H. H. Cook re-elected, the former election having been declared void J. Macdonald elected, by acclama- tion, vice R. Wilkes, declared not duly elected S. Piatt, sr., elected vice J. O'Donohoe, declared not duly elected ■•■23rd May, 1874 7th July, 1875 24th Oct., 1874 20th Feb., 1875 4th Nov., 1874 2ist Jan., 1876 26th Dec, 1874 2ist May, 1S75 i8th Jan., 1875 * The date given in tliis case is the date on which the member was returned as duly electe4- 220 The House of Commons of Canada— c<;«//////^/ //a/. Jflvuil»er8 Ucliiriicd to serve in the I'ourlli Parliaiiiciit Continued. ProTince of ^nehcc— Concluded. Constituencies. Members Returned. Temiscouata *Terrebonne *Three Rivers, City Two Mountains Vaudreuil ! J. B. Mongenais Vercheres i Hon. F. Geoffrion *Yaniaska I C. I. Gill P. E. Grandbois Hon. L. F. R. Massun W. McDougall J. B. Daoust ' Sci' also Siicciiil Elrctioiis, pago !:40. Proviuce of ^'oTa ^icotia. Constituencies. Members Returned. Annapolis ' A. Lorvgley Antigonish A. Mclsaac Cape Breton W. McDonald *Cape Breton H. Mcl.eod ^Colchester T. McKay *Cumberland Hon. C. Tu[)j)er, C.B. Digby j. C. Wade Guysborough A. Ogden Halifax M. H. Richey Halifa.x M. B. Daly Hants W. H. Allison Inverness S. McDonnell King's F. W. Borden Lunenburg C. E. Kaulback * See alsu Sjiccial Eltclii-His, jingc -'J I. 234 The House of Commons of CsLnsLdsi—Cc/fi/mued. MeuiberM Uetiiriied to Nerve in the Foiirlli Parliauieiil — Continued FroYince of Nova Scotia— Concluded. Constituencies. *PictQU. . . . Pictou . . . Queen's . . Richmond Shelburne . Victoria . . Yarmouth Members Returned. Hon. J. McDonald R. DouU S. T. R. Bill E. P. Flynn T. Robertson D. McDonald F. Killam See also Special Elections, payre 241. Province of I^ew Brunswick. Constituencies. Albert *Carleton Charlotte Gloucester Kent King's Northumberland Queen's Members Returned. A. Rogers G. H. Connell A H, GjUmor Hon. T. W. Anglin G. A. Girouard J. Domville J. B. Snowball G. G. King See also Special EIection8,'j)a&re 241. 235 The House of Commons of Canada— C^«//w/tv/. ]Weiiil»er)4 Reliiriied lo Nerve in the Foiirlli ParliaiiieHt Continued. Province of New ^rnn^wie^- Concluded, Constituencies. Members Returned. Restigouche G. Haddow Sunbury *St. John, City St. John, City and County St. John, City and County Victoria C. Burpee Hon. S. L. Tilley, C.B. Hon. I. Burpee C. W. Weldon J. Costigan Hon. Sir. A. J. Smith, K.C.M.Ci. J. Pickard Westmoreland York ■* See also Sjiecial Elections, page 241. Province of Prince £dward Island. Constituencies. King's King's Prince Prince *Queen's Queen's ^ Sea also .Sli<'(i;il EU'ctiolis, jimj^c 21:i. Members Returned. A. G, Macdonald E. B. Muttart E. Hackett J. Yeo Hon. J. C. Pope F. de St. C. Brecken 23G The House of Commons of Canada— CV'////«w^. ]IIeuil>er$i Koliiriicd to nerve in llie Foiirlli Parliaiiieiit Cnnlinu&L Proviiiee of jffaiiilolta. Constituencies. Lisgar . . . . *Mai(iuette *Provencher ^Selkirk . . . See alsii Special Elertioiis, [inge ^42. Members Returned. J. C. Schultz Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald,K.C.B. [. Dubuc V) A. .Smith Proviiiee of Itriiisii Coliiiubia. Constituencies. Members Returned. *("ariboo ' J. S. Thompson "*Ne\v Westminster i 'i'. R. Mclnnes fVictoria | Hon. Sir J. A. Mardonald, K.C.B. Victoria ! A. DeCosmos Vancouver *Yale A. Bunster E. Dewdney ' .See also Siitcial Rlectioiis, jiage •242. t Sir.I.iliii A. Ma<'il.>iialnc.v i>li Uie 21st Octdlicr, ISTS, on till- Will issniMi till tin- (iini-ral Kli'i'timi, a Special Klci'linii, after hi-; aciclitaiiie iif tlic iirrice oi Pli'inier ami Minister nl" tlic liiterinr, was lelnicnd iiiiiiece.isai y. 237 The House of Commons of Canada— C^////V/w/'^. Spc'oiHl l<^leclioiis liel«/'/'///<'c Foiirlh Parlltiiiieut Continued. Proviiiee of IVova Hicolia. Constituency. Cape Breton Colchester . Cumberland . Pictou Name of Member. W. M. McLcod elected, vice Hugh Mcl.eod, deceased Hon. A. W. McLelan, President o\ the Privy Council, elected, vice Thomas McKay, resigned Hon. Charles TupiJer, (IB., re-elect- ed, by acclamation, after his ac- ceptance of the office of Ministei of Public Works Hon James McDonald re-elected, by acclamation, after his accept- ance of the office of Minister of Justice John McDougald elected, vice Hon. James McDonald, appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of Nova Scotia Date of Election 23rd Oct, 1879 1 8th June, 1881 4th Nov., 1878 4th Nov., 1878 i8ih June, 1881 ProTiuce of New Brunswick. Constituency. Carleton St. John, City . Name of Member. David Irvine elected, vice CI. H. Connell, deceased Hon. S. L. Tilley, C.B., re-elected, by acclamation, after his accept- ance of the office of Minister of Finance Date of Election 30th Mar., 1 88 1 4th Nov., 1878 242 The House of Commons of Canada— c^////?///^^. [Special £lectioii8 held during llie Fourih Parliauieni Continued. Province of KritlMli Columbia. Constituency. Cariboo New Westminster Vale Name of Member. Date of Election 31st Mar., 1 88 1 James Reid elected, vice J. S. Thompson, deceased J. A. R. Homer elected, vice Hon. Thomas R. McInnes,suinmonedj to the Senate [ 9th Mar., 1882 V. J. Barnard elected, vice Ed- gar Oewdney, appointed Coai- missioner of Indian .Affairs. . . . 29th Sept., 1879 Province of* Manitoba. Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Election Marquette J. Ryan elected, by acclamation, vice Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, who accepted the Premiership and the office of Minister of the Interior and who was subse- quently elected for Vicioria, 1>.C., on the 21st October, 1878 30th Nov,, 1878 Provencher .... Joseph Royal elected, vice Hon. Joseph Dubuc, appointed Puisne' Judge of the Court of Queen's Hench of the Province of Mani " toba 30th Dec , 1879 Selkirk Thomas Scoit elected, vice I). A. Smith, whose election was de- clared void loth Sept, 1880 243 The House of Commons of Canada— Ct?«//««^2, Members Returned. J. W. Bell S. J. Dawson T. J. Ka vkins J. Somerville W. Paterson J. V. Wood A. McNeill J. Somerville R. M. Wells 244 The House of Commons of Canada— Continued. members Returned to ser^e in tlie Fifth Parliament- Continued. Province of Ontario— CoH^mMcci. Constituencies. *Cardvvell Carleton Cornwall and Stormont Dundas * Durham, R.R Durham, W.R Elgin, W.R Elgin, E.R . Essex, S.R Essex, N R l*"rontenac Glengairy *Grenv.l!c, S.R (key, S.R Grev, E.R (;rcy, N.R *HaIdimand Halton Hamilton, City Hamilton, City Hastings, W.R Hastings, E.R Hastings, N.R Huron, WR Huron, E.R *Huron, S.R *Kent Kingston. City Lambton, W.R Members Returned. T. White Rt. Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald, RC, K.C.B. D. Bergin C. E. Hickey A. T. H. Williams Hon. E. Blake G. E. Casey T. H. Wilson L Wigle J. C Patterson G. A. Kirkpatrick D. McMaster W. T. Benson G. Landerkin T. S. Sproule B. Allen D. Thompson W. McCraney F. E. Kilvert T. Robertson A. Robertson ). White Hon. M. Bowel! M. C. Cameron T. Farrow J. McMillan H. Smyth A. Gunn J. F. Lister Spe also Special Elections, pages 252 and 2M. 245 The House of Commons of Cs^h^&b.— Continued. Members lictiirue7/W. JHembers Ketnriied to serve in (lie Finii Parliament Co)it in lied. Province of Ontario— CoHcZM^ZtJ. Constituencies. Peterborough, E.R .. Prescolt Prince Edward Renfrew, N.R Renfrew, S. R Russell Simcoe, N.R Simcoe, S.R Simcoe, E.R Toronto, City (West) . Toronto, City (Centre) Toronto, City (East). . Victoria, S R Victoria, N.R Waterloo, N.R Waterloo, S.R Welland Wellington, N.R Wellington, C.R Wellington, S.R Wentworth, N. R. . . . Wentworth, S.R York, N.R York, E.R York, W.R Members Returned. J. Burnham S. Labrosse J. M. Piatt P. White R. Campbell M. K. Dickinson Dalton McCarthy R. Tyrwhitt H. H. Cook J. Eeatty, jr. R. Hav J. Small J. R. Dundas H. Cameron H. Kranz J. Livingston J. Ferguson J. McMullen G. T. Orton J. Innes T. Bain L. Sjjiinger W. Mulock Hon. A. Mackenzie N. C. Wallace 24t The House of Commons of CsLnadsi— Continued. MeinhcrK Kctiiriied to Nerve in tlie Fifth Parliaiuent- Co7itinue(l. Province ot'<|uel>ec. Constituencies. Argenteuil *Bagot ^Beauce Beauharnois Bellechasse BerthicT Bonavonture Bromc *Chaml)ly Chaniplain Charlevoix Chateauguay (^hiroutimi and Saguenay. ,. ('onipton Dorchester Drummond and Arthabasca . . Gaspe' Hochelaga Huntingdon Iberville Jacques-Cartier *Joliette Kamouraska Lapraiiie L'Assoniption L:ival *Levis L'Islet Loibiniore *Maskinonge Members Returned. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott Hon. J. A. JMousseau J. Bolduc J. G. H. Bergeron G. Amvot E. O. Cuihbert L. J. Riopel S. A. Fisher P. B. Benoit H. Montplaisir S. X. Cimon E. Holton J. A. Gagne Hon. J. H. Pope C. A. Lesage 1). O. Bourbeau P. Foitin A. Desjardins J. Scriver F Bechard D. Girouard E. Guilbault C. B. Blondeau A. Pinsonncault H. Hurteau J. A. Ouimet Hon. J. G. Bhnchet P. B. Casgrain C. I. Rinfret F. Houde * See also Special Elections, page 254. us The House of Commons of Canada— C^«//>»«^v/. MeinUers Keturued to tserve in llie Fifth Parliauient- Coniinued. Province of i^nehec— Continued. Constituencies. *\fegantic Missisquoi Montcalm Montmagny Montmorency Montreal, City (West) . Montreal, City (East) . Montreal, City (Centre) Napierville .... •^Nicolet Ottawa County Pontiac Portneuf Quebec, City (East) . . . Quebec, City (Centre) . Quebec, City (West) . . Quebec County .... Richmond and Wolfe . Richelieu Riraouski Rouville St. Hyacinthe St. John's St. Maurice Shefford Sherbrooke, Town .... *Soulanges Stanstead Tdmiscouata *Terrebonne Members Returned. L. I. Cote, alias Frechette G. B. Baker F. Dugas A. C. P. R. Landry P. V. Valin M. H. Gau't C. J. Coursol J. J. Curran M. Catudal F. X. O. Methot Alonzo Wright J. Ikyson J. E. A de St. Georges Hon. W. Laurier J. G. Bosse T. McGreevy Hon. J. P. R. A. Caron W. B. Ives L. H. Massue L. A. Billy G. A. GigauU i. E. Bernier F. Bourrassa L. L. L. Desaulniers M. Auger R. N. Hall J. P. I antier C. C. Colby P. E. Grandbois G. A. Nantel * See also Special Elections, pages 254 and 2;o. 249 The House of Commons of Canada— c^«//«/W. JVIeiiiberN lSeliiriie«l to s^erf^e in tlic Fiflli Parliament Coniinueil. Province of 4|liebeC- Concluded. Constituencies. Members Returned. 'I'hrcc Rivers, Town I Sir H. 1^. Langcvin, K.C.M.Cl., I C.B. Two Mountains | J. B. Daoust Vaudreuil I H. McMillan Vercheres Hon. F. Geoffrion Vamaska i F. Vanasse Province of ]\^ova Ncotia Constituencies. Annapolis . . . ^Antigonish . , Cape Breton *Cape Breton Colchester . . ^Cumberland . nigby (luysborough Halifax . . . =''=Halifax .... Hants Inverness . . . King's "Lunenburg . . Pictou Members Returned. W. H. Ray A. Mclsaac M. Dodd W. McDonald Hon. A. W. McLelan Sir C. Tupper, K C.M.C., C.B. Hon. W. W. Vail J. A. Kirk M. B. Daly M. H. Richcy W. H. Allison H. Cameron D. li Wood worth T. F. Keefler T. McDoujiald * Sei- also Special lilcotioiis, pajres '2iti-> ami iM, 250 The House of Commons of Canada— Ov/Z/V/w^-i. Members Uetiirued lo serve in tbe Fit'lli Pairliaiueiil Continued. Province of IVova Scotia,— Concluded. Constituencies. Members Returned. Pictou C. H. Tupper J. F. Forbes H. N. Paint Queen's Richmond Shelburne. Victoria T. Robertson C. J. Campbell J. R. Kinney Yarmouth , ProTince of New Brunswick. Constituencies. *Albert Carleton Charlotte Ciloucester *Kent * King's Northumberland Queen's Restigouche Sunbury *St. John, City and County St. John, City and County '■i-'St. John, City Victoria Westmoreland =^York Members Returned. J. Wallace -^. Irvine A. H. Gillmor K. F. Burns G. A. Girouard G. E. Foster Hon. P. Mitchell G. G. King R. Moffat C. Burpee • Hon. I. Burpee C. Weldon Sir S. L. Tilley, K.C.M.G., C.B. Hon. J. Costigan J. Wood J. Pickard See also Siwcial Elections, pages 256 and 25T. 251 The House of Commons of Canada - Continued. iTleiiil»er»i Kcliiriied to siierve in the Fiflli I'strliaiiient- Continxied. Province of Prince £dward Island. Constituencies. Members Returned. King's ; P. A. Mclntyrc *King's J. E. Robertson Prince '' E. Hackett Prince ' J. Vco (Jiueen's \ L. H. Davies *( Queen's ; J. T. Jenkins * Sec also Special Elections, page 2.')7. Province of Manitoba. Constituencies. I Members Returned. — — ~ i ! I.isgar ' A. W, Ross Marquette R. ^Vatson Provencher J. Royal Selkirk ; H. Sutherland Winnipeg \ T. Scott The House of Commons of Canada— 0///'//////7W. Special FJectioiiM held tliirluK tlte Fil'tli Parliaiiieiit— C'oiilinued. Province of <|liebec -Concluded. Constituency, Name of Member. iDate of Election Soulanges I ..]. W. Bain elected, vice (i. R. L. G. H. Saveuse de Beaujeu, re- signed 27th Dec, 1S83 J. W. Bain re-elected, the fornierj election having been declared Terrebonne . . void Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Secretary of State of Canada, elected, by acclamation, vice G- A. Nantel, resigned 5th Feb., 1885 1 6th Aug., 1882 ProTluce of IVova Scotia. Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Election Antigonish Hon. J. S. D. Thompson, Minister of Justice, elected, vice A. Mclsaac, appointed County Court Tudee 1 6th Oct., 1885 Cape Breton . , . H. F. McDougall elected, vice Hon. William McDonald, summoned to the Senate 3rd July, 1884 26th June, 1884 Cumberland .. . . 1 C. J. Townshend elected, by accla- mation, vice Sir Charles Tupper, K.C. M.G., C. B., appointed High Commissioner for Canada in England 256 The House of Commons of CsLHSidSL—Cofi/inued. S|»ecial Kleetioim held diiriuK tli« Fifth Parliaiiieiil- Continued. Province of ]Vo¥a Scniin—Coudaded. Constituency. Name of Member. Halifax . . Lunenburg Date of Election J. F. Stairs elected, by acclamation, vice Matthew Henry Richey,! appointed Lieutenant-Governor; of the Province of Nova Scotia. 24th July, 1.SH3 C. E. Kaulback elected, vice T. F. Keefler, whose election wasj declared void ; loth Oct., 1883 Province of Mew Brunswick. Constituency. Albert Kent Kinp^'s . St. John, City Name of Member. ;Date of Election lolh July, 1 883 22nd Sept , 1883 John Wallace re-elected, the former election having been declared void P. A. Landry elected, vice G. A. (iirouard, resigned G. E. Foster re-elected, the former, election having been declared! void ' 7th Nov., 1882 Hon. G. E. Foster re elected, after j his acceptance of the office ofj Ministerof Marine and Fisheries!3ist Dec, 18S5 F. E. Barker elected, vice Sir S. L. ' Tilley, K.C.M.G., C.B., ap- pointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick 24th Nov., 1885 25'; The House of Commons of Canada— 0////>/// elected by Order of the Housi j of Commons !26lh Ai)ril, 1 8^13 Judgment of Hon. Mr. Justice Peters,' declaring F. de .St. Ooixj P»recken to have been duly] elected on the 20th June, 1882, and declaring the election and return of J. 'I". Jenkins void, affirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada 27th Feb., 1883 J. T. Jenkins elected, vice F. de St.! Croix Hrecken, appomted Post-; master at CJharlottetown f9th Aug., 18S4 25ft The House of Commons of Canada— cv?;///^?/^^. .IfeiuUerN lleliiriied at Cieiieral Kleclioii Ii4^1erH Keturiied to Merve in the Sixth Parliaiiiciit -—Continued. Province of Ovktsivio— Continued. Constituencies. ( Irey, K R Grey, N . R ... *Haldirnand. . . . *Halton Hamilton, City. Hamilton, City. * Hastings. W.R . Hastings, E.R Hastings, N.R. Huron, E R. . Huron, W.R... Huron, S. R. . . *lvent Kingston, City. Lambton, E.R Lambton, W.R Lanark, N.R ^'Lanark, S.R Leeds and Grenville, N.R. Leeds, S.R 1-ennox * Lincoln and Niagara London, City Middlesex, N.R Middlesex, S.R * Middlesex, W.R Middlesex, E.R Monck Members Returned. T. S. Sproule J. Masson W. H. Montague J. Waldie A. Brown A. McKay A. Robertson S. B. Hurdtlt Hon. M. Howell P. Macdonald R. Porter J. McMillan A. Campbell The Right Hon. donald, P.C, G. Moncrieff J. F. Lister J. Janiieson ]. G. Haggarl C. 1'. Ferguson (r. Taylor U. Wil.son J. C. Rykerl Hon. J. Carliiig 'V. Coughlin J. Armstrong W. F. Roomc J. H. Marshall A. Bovle Sir J. A. (].C.B. Mac See also Special i/m/. Members Returned to serve in the Sixtb Parliament Continued. ProTince of QneJ^ec—CojiiiuHecL Constituencies. Members Returned. Chambly R. F. Prefontaine Champlain H. Montplaisir ^Charlevoix S. X. Cimon Chateauguay E. Holton Chicoutimi and Saguenay P. Couture *Compton Hon. J. H. I'opc *Dorchester H. J. J. I)uchcs:nay Drumniond and Arthabaska .... J. Lavergne Caspe L. Z. Joncas Hochelaga A. Desjardin-s Huntingdon J. Scriver Iberville F. Be.chard Jacques-Cartier D. Girouard *Joliette E. Guilbault Kamouraska A. Dessaint Laprairie C. Doyon *L'Assomption J. Gauthier Laval J. A. Ouimel Levis P. M Guay L'Islet P . B . Casgiain Lotbiniere C L Rinfret Maskinonge C. J. Coulombc Megantic G. Turcot ■^Missisquni G. Clayes Montcalm O. Therien Montmagny P. A. Cho(]uctt(j *Montmorency C. Langelier Montreal, City (West) .Sir U A. Smith, K.C.M.G. Montreal, City (Centre) J.J. Curran I * See al«o S pecial Elections, pages 270 and 271. 263 The House of Commons of Canada— C(>«//>/?/^^. IfffeiiiberH Reliirned to nerve in the Nixlli Parliaiiieiii Continued. Province of €i%iehee,—Coucludfd. Constituencies. Members Returned. ^Montreal, City (East) i C. J. Coursol *Napierville L. Ste. Marie *Nicolet A. Gaudet Ottawa County Alonzo Wright Pontiac J- Bryson Portneuf J. E. A. De St. Georges Quebec, City (East) Hon. W. Laurier Quebec, City (Centre) F. C. S. Langelier Quebec, City (West) T. McGreevy Quebec County Hon. Sir J. V. R. A. Caron, j K.C.M.G. Richmond and Wolfe W. B. Ives *Richelieu J. B. Labelle Rimouski J. B. R. Fiset Rouville G. A. Gigault St. Hyacinthe M. E. Bernier St. John's I F. Bourassa St. Maurice F. S. L. Desaulniers Shefford A. Audet Sherbrooke, Town R. N. Hall Soulanges J. W. Bain ^Stanstead C. C. Colby Temiscouata P. E. Grandbois Terrebonne Hon. J. A. Chapleau Three Rivers, City Hon. Sir H. L. Langevin, j K.C.M.G., C.B. Two Mountains J. B. Daoust Vaudreuil | H. McMillan Vercheres i Hon. F. Geoflfrion Yamaska | F. Vanasse , * Sif also Sjifoial Elections, p.igi' •_'71. 264 The House of Commons of Canada— 07«//>/?/cd^. ?ra^eiiil»erM Kcliiriied lo t^erire in the Sixth Parliament — Continued Province ot* IV^ova Scotia. Constituencies. ■ Members Returned. Annapolis ! J. B. Mills Antigonish Hon. J. S. I). Thompson Cape Breton H. F. McDougall Cape Breton D. McKeen *Colchester Hon. A. W. McLelan ■^Cumberland . Hon. Sir C. Tupper, G.C.M.(i., C.B. *Digby J. Campbell (iuysborough J- A. Kirk Halifax Hon. A. G. Jones Halifax T. E. Kenny Hants A. Putnam Inverness H. Cameron King's F. W. Borden I.unenburg J- D. Eisenhaucr *Pictou C. H. Tupper Pictou J. McDougald Queen's J. N. Freeman Richmond E. P. Flynn *Shelburne T. Robertson ^Victoria J. A. McDonald ^Yarmouth ]. Lovitt ' See hIso .Spfi-ial Klei-tioiia, pagti.s '^71 iiud 'Si: Tlio House of Commons of Cauada -Cvntiiimd. i^eiiibcrH Ucliiriicd to serve in llie Sixtli Parliaiiienl (JontiwM'd. ProTiiice of ]\eM BriiiiHwiek. Constituencies. Members Returned. Albert R. C. Weldon Carleton : !•'. H. Hale Charlotte A H, (iillmor Cloucester K. F. Burns * Kent P. A. Landry King's Hon. Ci. E. Foster Northumberland Hon. P. Mitchell *()ueen's (). F. Kaird *Restigouche R. Moffat Sunbury R. I). VVilmot, jr. St. John, City J. V. Ellis St. John, City and ('ounty C. N. Skinner St. John, City and County C. W. Weldon Victoria Hon. J. Costigan Westmoreland J. W'ood \'urk , T. Ten)[jle Sut; also Si>t'cial Election.^, page 27;i. Province of Prince Kclward Island. Constituencies. I Members Returned. King's P. A. Mclnlyre King's J. E. Robertson Prince J. Yeo •jtit; The House of Commons of Canada Coniinucd. .Members Uoiiiriied U\ Mcrve in the Nixlli l*arliaiiiciit Continued. I'roviiice of Prince Kdward Islaiifl— C'(*/jt7«(Zc'(/. Constituencies. Prince . . ()ueen's Queen's Members Returned. S. F. Perry L. H. Davies AV. Welsh Provinee ol' Manitoba. Constituencies. Lisgar Mar(iuette . . . . *Provencher. . . , Selkirk Winni[)eg, City Members Returned. A. W. Ross R. Watson J. Royal T. M. Dalv W. P,. Scarth Set; alsi) S]" ciiil h'ltftiolis, iiuj,'u T,\. Province of British Columbia. Constituencies. ^Cariboo 'J^New Westminster ''^Victoria Members Returned. J. Reid D. Chisholni E. Oow Baker See also Special Elections, page 273. 2(;7 The House of Commons of Canada— 0;///;///'v/. HffeiiilM'rM Ifi4>tiirii€>4l to Hervc in llic Si\tli ParliaiiK^iit Cnnlimied. Province of Briii!<«li Colnuiiiia— Co^c/;''/^;^/. Constituencies. Members Relumed. '*^Victoria j N. Shnkespeare X'nncouver T). A', (lordoii Vale |. A. Mara Si'c m1.-o Spcri.il Klcctiims, jinjic 27:!. Norlli->Ve!>it Territories. (Represt'iiled in tho Parliainoiit of Canada, uiuUt Act m Vict., Chai). I'l, (issi;.) (Chap. 7. R.S.C.i Constituencies. Alberta *Assiniboia, E.R . Assiniboia, W.R. Saskatchewan... . Members Returned. D. W. Davis W. D. Perley N. V. Davin D. H Macdowall Si'i> .-ilsi" Siirci.il Elections, ]i;ij;c •274. 208 The House of Commons of CsLBadSL—Ov/fw/ted. Special KleciioiiM lieUl during ilio ^iixtli Parliament. (7th A\m], iScSy, to 3rd February, 1891 ) Province of Ontario. Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Election JJruce, IvR Bruce, W.R Cnrdwell .. Carleton . . TInldimnnd Halton Henry Care;ill re.-elected, he having! previously resigned his seat. ... 3nd .April, 1S87 James Rowand elected, by acclama- tion, vice Hon. Edward Blake, i who elected to serve for Durham,! W.R 19th Oct., 1887 R. S. White;: elected, vice Hon. Thomas White, deceased 3rd Oct., 1S88 (i. L. Dickinson elected, vice the! Right Hon. Sir John A. Mac- donald, who elected to serve for Kingston, City W. H. Montague re- elected, the former election having been declared void C. W. Colter elected, vice W. H. Montague, whose election was declared void W. H. Montague elected, vice C. W. Colter, whose election was de- clared void David Henderson elected, vice John Waldie, whose election was de- clared void John Waldie elected, vice David Henderson, whose election was ueclared void !22nd Aug., 1S88 ist Feb., 1 888 1 2th Nov., 1887 30th Jan,, 1889 20th Feb., 1890 7th Feb., 188S 269 The House of Commons of Canada— CVw/zV/w^^. S|MH;ial KIcclioiis lield during the Sixth Parliaiiiciil Confinved. ProTiiice of Ontsirio— Continued. Constituency. Name of Member. I)a(e of IClection Hastings, W.R..;Henry Corby elected, by acclama- I tion, vice Alexander Robertson, | I deceased 1 7th Mar., 1 888 Kent ^Archibald Campbell re elected, the I former election having been j declared void 2nd May, 1888 Lanark, S R. ... Hon. John (iraham Haggart re- j elected, after his acceptance of ' the office of Postmaster-Cieneral 15th Aug., 1S88 Lincoln and , Niagara J. C. Rykert re-elected, he having! previously resigned his seat. . . . 23rd May, 1S90 Middlesex, W.R. VV. F. Roome re-elected, the former election having been declared void loth Mar., 1888 NDrthumberland E.R Ottawa, City . . Prince Edward Renfrew, S.R. . Edward Cochrane elected, vice A. E. Mallory, whose election was declared void . . Edward Cochrane reelected, the former election having been declared void C. H. Mackintosh elected, vice W, G. Perley, deceased J. M. Piatt re elected, the former election having been declared void John Ferguson elected, vice Robert Campbell, deceased 22nd Dec, 1887 2ISt Nov., 18SS 26th April, 1890 loth Mar., 1888 2nd Aug., 1887 270 The House of Commons of Canada— O?////;//^. S|»iH'ial T'loc'tioim lielitl Continued . Province of Onistvlo— Concluded. Constituency. Name of Member. Russell .... \'ictnria, S.R W. C. Edwards re-elected, the former election havini; been declared void Adam Hudsi)eth elected, he having [)revi()us!y resigned his seat .... Charles Fairbairn elected, vice Adam Hudspeth, deceased Dale o( J-Ji.t:ti(n 7th May, i8SS 2oth April, 1SS7 1 8th Dec, 1890 Province of Queliec. Constituency, Charlevoix . . . Compton .... Dorchester . . Joliette Name of Member. Date of Election 28th Sept., 1887 1 6th May, 18S9 Simon Cimon elected, vice Simon Xavier Cimon, deceased Rufus Henry Pope elected, vice Hon. John Henry Po[)e, de- ceased H. J. J. B. Chouinard elected, by acclamation, vice H. J. J. i Duchesnay, deceased I 7th Jan., 1S8S Hilane Neveu elected, vice Edouard Guilbault, whose election was declared void i6th Jan., 1889 271 Tbc House of Commons of Cuniida— Co;i/i////e(^. ^ipccial Elections licld /«6v^. Special £lcctiou8 held during ilie Sixth Parliatiiiciil Continued. i'roviuee ol' ^ova ScoliU— Concluded. Constituency Name of Member. Date of I'^lcctioii Cuiuljcilaiid Colchester Sir Adams G. Archibald, K.C.M.G., elected, vice Hon. A. W. McLelan, appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia 1 5th Aug , Hon. Sir Charles Tuppei, G.C.M.G., re-elected, the former election havini^ been declared void 9th Nov., A. R. Dickey elected, vice Sir Charles 'l'ui)per, appointed High Com- missioner 13th July, A. R. Dickey re-elected, the former election having been declared void 26th Dec , H. L. Jones elected, vice John Campbell, deceased i6th July, Hon. C, H. Tupper re-elected, by acclamation, after his accept- ance of the otifice of Minister of ' Marine and Fisheries i8th June, Shelburnc J. W. Laurie, Major-General, elected, i vice T. Robertson, whose elec- ' tion was declared void 15th Dec, " J. \V. Laurie, Major-General, re- i elected, the former election having been declared void .... 22nd Oct.; Victoria John A. McDonald re-elected, thei forraer election having been; declared void ! 2 1 si Nov., Yarmouth Joh.i Loviit re-elected, the former! I election having been declaredj I void '15th Dec, Digby. Pictou 1 888 1887 1888 1888 1887 1888 1887 1888 1887 1887 273 The House of Commons of Canada— Continued. Special Kleclions held during; the f§lixlta Parliameut- Continued. Province of New Brnnswiek. Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Election Kent E. H. Leger elected, vice P. A. Landry, appointed County Court Tudee 31st July, 1890 i8th Jan., 1888 2ist May, 1887 Queen's Restigouche .... G. F. Baird re-elected, he having previously resigned his seat . . . George Moffat elected, by acclama- tion, vice Robert Moffat, de- ceased Province of British Columbia. Constituency. Cariboo NewWestminster Victoria • • • • • • Name of Member. F. S. Barnard elected, vice Hon. James Reid, summoned to the Senate G. E. Corbould elected, vice Donald Chisholm, deceased E. G. Prior elected, by acclama- tion, vice Noah Shakespeare, appointed Postmaster, City of Victoria Thomas Earle elacted, by acclama- tion, vice E. Crow Baker, re- signed Date of Election 22nd Nov., 1888 19th June.. 1890 23rd Jan., 1888 28th Oct., 1889 274 The House of Commons of Canada— cv?«//««^^. Special £lectiou8 held during the (Sixth Parliament Concluded. Province of Ufanitoba. Constituency. Provencher Name of Member. A. A. C. La Riviere elected, vice Hon. J. Royal, appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Territories Date of Election 24th Jan., 1889 Iforth-West Territories. (Represented in the Parliament of Canada, under Act 49 Vict., Chap 21, (1886,) (Chap, 7, K.S.C.) Constituency. Assiniboia, E.R, Name of Member. Hon. Edgar Dewdney, Minister of the Interior, elected by accla- mation, vice Hon. William Dell Perley, summoned to the Senate Date of Election 1 2th Sept., 1888 215 The House of Commcns of Canada— Cc;////«/W. Sfembers Retnrned at General Klecttou held on the 5th March* 1^91, to serve lu the Neventh Parliament. (25th April, 1 89 1, to .) ProTince of Ontario. Constituencies. Addington Algoma Bothwell Brant, N.R Brant, S.R . . *Brockville *Bruce, E,R Bruce, N.R Bruce, W.R Cardwell Carleton Cornwall and Stormont Dundas Durham, ER Durham, W.R *Elgin, E.R Elgin, W.R Essex, N.R ... Essex, S.R *Frontenac ^Glengarry Grenville, S.R Grey, S.R Grey, E.R Grey, N.R Members Returned. G. W. W. Dawson G. H. McDonnell Hon. D. Mills J. Somerville W. Paterson J. F. Wood R. Truax A. McNeill J. Rowund R. S. White W. T. Hodgins D. Bergin H. H. Ross T. D. Craig R. Beith A. B. Ingram G. E. Casey W. McGregor H. W. Allen G. A. Kirkpatrick R. R. McLennan J. D. Reid G. Landerkin T. S. Sproule J. Masbon See also Special Elections, page 28.% 276 The House of Commons of Canada— C^«//««/<'/^^,^. Members Ketiirned to ser^e in the (Seventh Parliament Continued. Province of 4|uebec - Conchcded. Constituencies. Napierville ........ Nicolet Ottawa County *Pontiac Portneuf Quebec, City (East). . Quebec, City (Centre) ♦Quebec. City (West) . Quebec County . . . Richmond and Wolfe *Richelieu Riraouski Rouville St. Hvacinthe ..... St. John's St. Maurice Shefford *Sherbrooke *Soulanges Stanstead Temiscouata ♦Terrebonne Three Rivers, City . . *Two Mountains . . . - *Vaudreuil *Vercheres Yamaska Members Returned. [3. Monet J. H Leduc C. R. Devlin T. Murray A. Delisle Hon. W. Laurier F. C. S. Langelier T. McGreevy J. T- T. Fremont C, C. Cleveland Hon. Sir H. L. Langevin, K.C.M.G., C.B. Hon. Sir J. R R. A. Caron, K.C.M.G. L. P. Brodeur M. E. Bernier F. Bourrassa F. S. L. Desaulniers J. R. Sanborn W. B. Ives J. O. Mousseau T. B. Rider P. E. Grandbois Hon. J. A, Chapleau Hon. Sir H. L. Langevin, K.C.M.G., CB. J. B. Daoust H. S. Harwood Hon. F. Geoffrion R. M. S. Mignault See also Special Elections, pages 289, 290 and 291. 281 The House of Commons of Canada,— Com f/nuej. Members Returned to serve in the Neventh Parliament Uontimied. Province of STova Scotia Constituencies. Members Returned. Annapolis. ^Antigonish Cape Breton Cape Breton Colchester . . *Cumberland . *Digby Guysborough ^Halifax . . . ^Halifax .... Hants Inverness . . . "King s Lunenburg . . Pictou Pictou *Queen's • . . . ^Richmond . Shelburne . . • ^Victoria . . . . Yarmouth . . . j, B. Mills Hon. Sir J, S. D. Thompson, K.C.M.G. D. McKeen H. F. McDougall W. A. Patterson A. R. Dickey E. C. Bowers D. C. Fraser T. E. Kenny J. F. Stairs A. Putnam H. Cameron F. W. Borden C. E. Kaulback Hon. C. H. Tupper J. McDougald F. G. Forbes J. A. Gillies N. VV. White J. A. McDonald T. B. Flint * See also Special Elections, pages 2i'l and 292. 282 The House of Commons of Canada— c^«//«^^//W. ftipecial ElcGlions held durlug the Newenlh Parliameui Contimied. ProTince of Ontario— Continued. Constituency. Monck ., Northumberland W.R Ontario, S.R. . . Ottawa, City . . . Name of Member. Date of Election lA. Boyle elected, vice John Brown, whose election was declared! void 1 1 2th Mar., 1892 Peel Perth, N.R. . . . Perth, S.R. ... Prescott Prince Edward George Guillet elected, vice Johnj Hargraft, whose election was declared void ... William Smith elected, vice J. I. Davidson, whose election was declared void Sir James Grant, K.C.M.G., elected, by acclamation, vice C. H. Mackintosh, appointed Lieu- tenant-Governor of the North- west Territories J. Featherston re-elected, the former election having been declared void J. N. Grieve re-elected, the former election having been declared void W. Pridham elected, vice James Trow, whose election was de- clared void Isidore Proulx re-elected, the former election having been declared void A. C. Miller re-elected, the former election having been declared void 15th 20th Mar., 1892 Feb., 1892 7th Dec, 1893 nth Feb., 1892 19th May, 1892 loth Mar., 1892 30th Mar., 1892 4th Feb., 1892 2SS The House of Commons of Csinsida.— Com/in u(d. <^l>«ciiil Elections lield dnrios the Seventli Parliaiuent Continued. Province of Ontario— Con^^Zu^ed Coribtituency. Sitncoe, E.R. . Victoria, S.R. . Victoria, N.R . Welland York, E.R. ... York, W.R. . . . Name of Member. Date of Election . VV. H. Bennett elected, vice P. H.; Spohn, whose election was de-^ i clared void 25th Eeb., 1892 . C. Fairbairn re-elected, the former! e'ection having been declared' void nth Feb., 1 892 . S. Hughes elected, vice J. A. Barron,! I whose election was declared ' void nth Ftb., 1892 .James A. Lowell elected, vice W. j M. German, whose election was declared void 29th April, 1892 . ;W. F. Maclean elected, vice Hon i Alexander Mackenzie, who died| on the 17th April, 1892 nth May, 1892 . Hun. N, Clark Wallace re-elected, by acclamation, after his ap- i pointment to che office of Con- troller of Customs ;2ist Dec, 1892 Province of Quebec. Constituency. Bronu Name of Member. Date of Election E. A. Dyer re-elected, by acclania- tion, the former election having been declared void 'loth Mar., 18^2 28y The House of Commons of Canada— Continued. Npecial ElcciiODS held 0 The House of Commons of Canada— Ctf^//*'/**/ Special dectious held durluK the Mevenlh Parliamenl Contmued. Province of Q,nebee.~CvniinHed. Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Election nth Jan., 1892 Quebec, City (West) John Hearn elected, vice Thomas McGreevy, expelled from the House 26th Feb., 1892 Thomas McGeevy elected, vice John I Hearn, deceased 17th April, 1895 Richeheu A. A. Bruneau elected, vice Hon.i Sir H. L. Langevin, K.C.M.G.,! CB., who was returned for; Richelieu and Three Rivers' respectively, and who subse-l quenily elected to serve for the latter constituency Sherbrooke Hon. W. B. Ives re-elected, by accla- mation, after his acceptance of the office ci President of the Privy Council 21st Dec, 1892 Soulanges J. W. Bain elected, vice J. O. Mousseau, whose election was declared void 3rd Feb., 1892 J. W. Bain re-elected, the former election having been declared void 13th Dec, 1892 P. Leclaire elected, by acclamation, vice Hon. J. A. Chapleau, ap- pointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec loth Jan., 1893 J. Girouard elected, vice J. B Daoust, deceased |27th Feb., 1892 Terrebonne Two Mountains. 291 The House of Commons of Canada— Continu$d. Bp«otal Elections held dnrlnv the SeTenth Parliament Continued. ProTince of (|nebe« Concluded. Constituency. Name of Member. iDate of Election Vaudreuil Verchbres , H. McMillan elected, vice H. SJ Harwood, whose election was!29th Feb., 1892 declared void : H. S. Harwood elected, vice H.: McMillan, whose election wa^ 12th April, 1893 declared void C. A. Geoffrion elected, vice Hon. Felix Geoffrion, deceased 17th April, 1895 Province of Nora Scotia. Constituency. Antigonish , Cumberland C( Name of Member. Date of Election 17th April, 1895 C. F. Mclsaac elected, vice the Rt. Hon. Sir John S. D. Thompson, P.C, K.C.M.G., who died on the 1 2th December, 1894... A. R. Dickey re-elected, the former] election having been declared! void 130th Jan., 1892 Hon. A. R. Dickey re-elected, by acclamation, after his accept-, ance of the office of Secretary! of State of Canada .• ;i5th Jan., 1895 292 The House of Commons of C&nsLdsi—Con/tnugd. Special ElectionN held diiriiiK (he SeTenth Parliament t'ontinui'd . Province of Xova ScoUa— Concluded. Constituency. Name of Member. Date of Election Digby E. C. Bowers reelected, the former' election having been declared; void 13'h Keb., 1892 Halifax iThomas E. Kenny re-eletced, thej former election having been de- clared void I ith Feb., 1892 " ]. ¥. Stairs re-elected, the former election having been declared void I Ith Feb., 1892 Kin.;"s F. W. Borden re-elected, the former election having been declared void i.^th Feb., 1892 (Jiicen's F. G. Forbes re-elected, the former election having been declared void I 9th Feb., 1892 Richmond J. A. Gillies re-elected, the former; election having been declared! void 2ist Jan., 1892 Victoria J. A. McDonald re-elected, the former election having been de- clared void i26th Jan., 1892 I ProTlnce of ]\'ew Brnnswick. Constituency, Name of Member. • Date of Election Carleton |N. R. Colter re-elected, the former I election having been declared ' void 6th April, 1892 293 The House of Commons of Canada— Continued. Special Klectlonn held diirlns (he Seventh Parliament Continued . ProTinoe of New Brnnswlck— ^'u»<;/M The House of Commons of Canada— cth September, 1892. (8) Sir Samuel Henry Strong knighted, 26th June, 1893. Puisne Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada. Namp:. From Hon. William Johnston Ritchie (i) " Samuel Henry Strong (2) . . . . " Jean Thomas Taschereau (3) " Telesphore Fournier (4) . . . . " William Alexander Henry (5) " Henri Elzear Taschereau . . . . " John Wellington Gwynne . . . . 8th Oct., 1875 7th Oct., 1878 14th Jan., 1879 To loth Jan., 1879 1 2th Dec, 1892 5th Oct., 1878 nth Sept., 1895 3rd May, 1888 For notes see next page. The dktes given in the tirt»t column are the dat«8 ot the Commissions. 301 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Puisne J iidges of tbe l^upreme Court of Canada Concluded. Hon. Name. From Christopher Salmon Patterson (6) !7th Oct., 1888 Robert Sedgewick iSth Feb., 1893 George Edwin King 21st Sept., 1893 Desire Girouard i28th Sept., 1895 To 24th July, 1893 (1) Mr. Justice Ritchie appointed Cliief Justice, lltli January, 18V9. (2) Mr. Justice Strong appointed Ciiief Justice, l:ith December, \%\Yl. (3) Mr. Justice J. T. Taschereau retired, 0th October, 1S7S ; died, '.tth November. 1S'.».!. (4) Mr. Justice Fournier retired, 12tl) Septeniljer. 1S95. (o) Mr. Justice Henry died, 3rd May, ISSS. (6) Mr. Justice Patterson died, 24th July, 18!t3. Officers of the Supreme Court of Canada Name. From 8th Oct., 1875 20th Jan., 1876 2nd Oct., 1895 To 2nd June, 1895 (1) Mr. Duval died, 2nd June, 1895. 3U2 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. (1) The £xcli€quer Court of Canada. The Judge of the Court. Name. From Hon. George Wheelock Burbidge . . rst Oct., 1887 To (2) Local Judges in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada. The Admiralty District of Quebec. (Registry at the City of Quebec.) Local Judge. Hon. George Irvine, Q.C. (3) { 2nd Oct., 1891 (1) For Statutes constitutiuR "The Exchequer Court of Canada," see page 299. (2) The Exchequer Court of Canada, in pursuance of the powers given the Parliament of Canada by "The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890," (53-54 Vict, ([mp.), Cliap. 27), which came into force on the 1st July, 1S91, was constituted, within Canada, a Colonial Court of Admiralty by "The Admiralty Act 1S91," (54-55 Vict., (Can.), Chap. 29, Sec. 3), which came into force, by Proclamation, on the 2nd October, 1891. Sections 19 and 20 of the Ait last men- tioned provide, amongst other things, that every person who, at the coming into torce of " Tlic h'olonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890," held in Canada the office of Judge of a Vice-Admiralty Court, and the Judge of the Maritime Court of Ontario, shall each have and exercise within the Admiralty District corresponding to the limits of their former jurisdiction, all the jurisdiction, powers and authority of a Local Judge in Admiralty. Prior to the passing of " The Admiralty Act, 1891." the Judges of Vice Admiralty Courts in Canada were appointed by the Imperial Government. (8) The Hon. Mr. Irvine was Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court of Quebec from the 7th June, 1884, to the 1st July, 1891, on which latter date every Vice-Admiralty Court in Canada was abolished by Sec. 17 of the Act 53-54 Viet., (Imp.), Chap. 27. 303 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. liocal JiidfeeH in Aflniirally of the Exchequer Court of Canada — Continued. The Admirallj Dislrici of >'oTa ^icolfa. (Registry at the City of Halifax.) Local Judge. Hon. James McDonald, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia (i) 1 From To 2nd Oct., 1891 (1) Mr. Chief Justice McDonald was. bv virtue of his office, the JudK'e of the Vice Aiimiralty Court of Nova Scotia from the I'Dth May, isn, to the 2n(l October, I8;a. The Admiralty District of Nevr Brunswick. (Registry at the City of St. John.) Local Judge. From To Hon. William Henry Tuck, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of New Hrunswick 13th Oct., 1891 304 Tho Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. liooal JiKlxeN ill AcliiiirHlly or llie Kxcheliiitrict of Prince Kdward Itiland. (Registr)- at the City of Chailottetown.) Local Judge. Hon. William Wilfred Sullivan, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island (f) 2nd Oct., 1891 To (li Mr. Chief .Tiistice Sullivan was, by virtue of his office, the Judge of the Vice - Admiralty (."curt of Princo Edwjird Island from the loth November, 18x9. to thp and October, l^iin. The Admiralty I^i^trict of Brilisii Coliiinbia. (Registry at the City of Victoria.) Local Judge. From To Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie, Kt., Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (i) ! 2nd Oct., iSQtjiith June, 1894 lion. Theodore Davie, Chief Justice! of the Supreme Court of Britishj Columbia 25th Mar., 1895 (I) Sir M. B. Begbie, Kt., died, 11th June, 1891. 305 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continuei. I'Ocal Jiiseph Easton McUougall, Judge of the County Court of the County of York (i) lo (1) Judge McDougall was the Jadge of the Maritime Court of Ontario from the 1 7th September, l88,^, to the 2nd October, ix'.a, on which latter date the said Court was abolished by Section 23 of " The Aihnirdlti/ Art. ism . " Ofticer'' of tlie Exchequer Court of Canada. Name. Louis Arthur Audette, Registrar . . . From 8th Nov., 1887 Charles Morse, Reporter ; ist July, 1888 lo 30« The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. C'onfililiiAloii or tlic Supreme Court oT .liidicatiirc for Ontario. \\y ''The Ontario Jiidicatuir Act, 1881/' (R.S.O., 1887, Chap. 44), which came into operation on the 22ncl of August, 1881, the Court of Appeal and the Courts of (^)ueen's Bench, Chancery and (loninion Pleas, were consohdated together, and constituted one Supreme < Ajurt of Judicature for Ontario, with two permanent divisions : the Courts of (Queen's Bench, Chancery and Common Fleas, constituting one ot such divisions, called " The High Court of Justice for Ontario," and the Court of Appeal constituting the other division, (ailed " The Court of Appeal for Ontario." I'he said Act i)rovides also that the Courts ot Queen's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas respectively, shall there- after be called the Queen's Bench Division, the Chancery Division, and the Conmion Pleas Division of the High Court, and that the Judges thereof shall be called Justices of the High Court. Precedenck of JUDdtS. The Chief Justice of Ontario has rank and precedence over all Judges of the Courts of Ontario. The Justices of Appeal, the Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, the Chancellor of Ontario, and the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas have rank and precedence among themselves according to their seniority of appointment to any of the said offices. The other Judges of the High Court have rank and precedence among themselves according to seniority of appointment to their res- pective offices. Presiding Judge. In the absence of the Chief Justice of Ontario, the Judge entitled to precedence over the other Judges present presides. 307 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. PRKSIOKNI OK IHF. HlCH (IdURI. The President of the High C!oiirt ot' justice is that one ot" tlic Presidents of the Queen's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas, wlio, for the time heinti. is first in order of seniority l.oc'Ai, Jud<;ks ok ihf. Hich Coi'rt, The Judges of the several County Courts are Judges of the High Court for the ])urposes of their jurisdiction in actions in the High Court, and in the exercise of such jurisdiction are styled " Local Judges of the High Court,'" (R.S.O., 1887, Chap. 44, Sec. 157). By Section 185 of ''■The Judicature Act, 1895,'' Ontario, not yet i»ro- claimed in force, (ist October, 1895), the Judge of the County (Jourt of the (bounty of V'ork is excepted from this provision. The Supreme Court of Judicature for (lutario. The Court of Appeal for Ontario. The Court of Appeal for Ontario consists of a Chief Justice, called the Chief Justice of Ontario, and three other Judges, called Justices of Appeal. The Justices of the High Court are ex-officio Judges of the Court of Appeal for the purpose of forming a quorum in the latter Court when necessary. Prior to the 22nd ot August, 1881, on which date '■''The Onto no Judicature Act, 1881,'" came into operation, the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal was called the Chief Justice of Appeal, 308 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Siiiipreine Court of. IiKlicatiire for Ontario Contimml. Tbe Court of Appeal for Ont^rin -Conclude. C'bief Justices of Ontario. Name. From Hon. William Henry Draper, C.B. (i) i2oth Oct., 1868 Hon. Thomas Moss (2) .... 130th Nov.. 1877 " John Godfrey Spragge(3). . . .: 2nd May, 1881 " John Hawkins Hagarty 6th May, 1884 2nd Nov., 1877 4th Jan., 1881 19th .\pril, J 88 4 (1) Mr. Chief Justi(re Draper died, -ind November, 1877. (2) Mr. Chief Justife Mo.ss died, 4tli January, IKS). (3) Mr. Chief Jiistiic Spragge died, I9tli April, 1884. Justices of Appeal. Name. From lo Hon. Samuel Henry Strong (i) ... .j27th May, 1874 " CJeorge William Burton J3oth May, 1874 Hon. Christopher Salmon Patterson} (2) ... ' 6th June, 1874 Hon. Thomas Moss (3) " Joseph Curran Morrison (4) " Featherston Osier " James Maclennan 8th Oct., 1875 30th Nov., 1877 17th Nov., 1883 27th Oct., t888 7th Oct., 1875 26th Oct., 1888 29th Nov., 1877 6th Dec,, 1885 (1) Mr. Justice Strong appointed Puisn^ Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 8th Oclober, 187J. (2) Mr. Justice JPalterson apjiointed I'uitnfe Judge of the Supreme Court rf Canada, 27th October, 1888. (3) Mr. Justice Moss appoint«d Chief Justice of the court of Appeal, 30th November, 1877. (4) "Mr. Justics Morrison died, 6th December, 1886. 309 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario— Con f?n?/ed. The Hi«;h Court of Justice for Ontario. <|ueen'8 Bench Di vision . The Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice con- sists of a Chief Justice, who is the President of the Queen's Bench, and two Justices of the High Court. Prior to the coming into opera- tion of " The Ontario Judicature Act, i88r," on the 22nd of August, 1881, the Queen's Bench Division was called the Court of Queens Bench for Ontario, and the Judges thereof, the Chief Justice and Puisnd Judges respectively, of the said Court. (See also page 306.) Chief Justices of the Queen's Bench. Name. Hon. William Henry Draper, C. B. (i) " William Buell Richards (2). . . " Robert Alexander Harrison (3) " John Hawkins Hagarty (4). . . Adam VVilson (5) 22nd July, 1863 i2th Nov., 1868 8th Oct., 1875 13th Nov., 1878 6th May, 1884 John Douglas Armour 1 14th Nov., 1887 19th Oct., 1868 7th Oct., 1875 2nd Nov., 1878 5th May, 1884 6th Nov., 1887 (1) Mr. Chief Justice Draper appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal, 20th October, 186S. (2) Mr. Chief Justice Richards appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, 8th October, 1873 (.S) Mr. Chief Justice Harrison died, 2nd November, 1878. (4) Mr. Chief Justice Hagarty appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal, lith May, 1884. (5) Mr. Chief Justice Wilson retired, 7th November, 1S87 ; Icnighted, 20th December, 1887 ; di«d, Jflth Def;ember, 1891. 310 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Tlie Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario— Confimted. The Higb Court of Justice for Ontario. Queen'is Bench DiTision— C'oncZuded. Justices of the High Court— Queen's Bench BiTislon. Name. Hon. John Hawkins Hagarty (i). . . Joseph Curran Morrison (2). . Adam Wilson (3) John Douglas Armour (4) . . . . Matthew Ciooks Cameron (5). John O'Connor (6) William Glenholme Falcon- bridge William Purvis Rochfort Street To i878ii2th 18841 Srd Nov., 1S68 Nov., 1877 Nov., 1878 Nov., 1887 May, 1884 Nov., 1887 2ISt 30th Nov., Nov., 1887 .... 1887 (1) Mr. Justice Haparty appointed Cliief Justice of the Common Pleas, 12th November, 1868. (2) Mr. Justice Morrison appointed Justice of Appeal, 30th November, 1877. (3) Mr. Justice Wilson appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 13tli November, 1878. (4) Mr. Justice Armour appointed Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, 14th November, 1887. (5) Mr. Justice Cameron appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 13th May, 1884. (6) Mr. Justice O'Connor died, 3rd November, 1887. Chancery Division. The Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice consists of a Chancellor of Ontario, who is the President of the Chancery Division, and three Justices of the High Court. Prior to the coming into opera- tion of " The Ontario Judicature Act, 1881," on the 22nd of August, 1 88 1, the Chancery Division was called the Court of Chancery for Ontario, and the Judges thereof, the Chancellor and Vice-chancellors respectively, of the said Court. (See also pa«e 306.) o 311 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The l^iiupreine Coiirl of Judicature for Ontario— Conh'nued. The High Court of Justice for Ontario. Chancery Division— ConeZwded. Chancellors of Ontario. Name. From Hon. Philip Michael Matthew Scott Vankoughnet ( i ) " John Godfrey Spragge (2). . . . " John Alexander Boyd 19th Mar., 1862 2]'h Dec, 1869 3rd May, 1 88 1 To 7th Nov., 1869 I St May, 1 88 1 (1) Mr. Chancellor Vankoughnet died, 7th November, 1869, (2) Mr. Chancellor Spragge appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal, 2nd May, 1881. Justices of the High Court— Chancery Division. Name. Hon. John Godfrey Spragge (i). " Oliver Mowat (2) " Samuel Henry Strong (3) . " Samuel Hume Blake (4).. . " William Proudfoot (5) " Thomas Ferguson " Thomas Robertson " Richard Martin Meredith . To 26th Dec, 1869 26th Oct., 1872 26th May, 1874 15th May, 1S81 7th May, 1890 (1) Mr. Justice Spragge appointed Chancellor of Ontario, '27th December, 1H69. (2) Mr. Justice Slowat resigned, 26th October. 1872. (3) Mr. Justice Strong appointed Justice of Appeal. 27th May, 1874. (4) Mr. Justice Blake resigned, IStli May, 1881. (5) Mr. Justice Proudfoot retired, 8th May, 1880. O 312 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario— Co^ifmuec^. Tlie High Court of Justice for Ontario. Common Pleas DiTision. The Common Pleas Division of the High Court of Justice con- sists of a Chief Justice, who is the President of the Common Pleas, and two Justices of the High Court. Prior to the coming into operation of " The Ontario Judicature Act, 1881," on the 22nd of August, 1881, the Common Pleas Division was called the Court of Common Pleas for Ontario, and the Judges thereof, the Chief Justice and Puisne Judges respectively, of the said Court. (See also page 306.) Chief Justices of the Common Pleas. Hon. Name. William Buell Richards (i) . . John Hawkins Hagarty (2). . . Adam Wilson (3) Sir Matthew Crooks Cameron, Kt.(4) Sir Thomas Gait. Kt. (5) William Raloh Meredith 22nd July, 1 2th Nov., 13th Nov., 13th 7 th 5th May, Nov., Oct., 1863 1868 1878 1884 1887 1894 To nth Nov., 1868 i2th Nov., 1878 5th May, 1884 24th June, 1887 31st Aug. 1894 (1) Mr. Chief Justice Richards appoint'-d Cliief Justice of tb'. Queen's Bench, I'ith November, 1868. 2) Mr. Chief Justice Hagarty appointed Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, l.'itli Xovein- ber, 1878. (3) Mr. Chief Justice Wilson appointed Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, 6th May, 1884. (4) Chief Justice Sir Matthew Croolis Cameron knighted, 9th May, 1887 ; died, 24th June, 1887, (6) Chief Justice Sir Thomas Gait knighted, 18th June, 1888 : retired, 1st Sei)t«mber, 1894. 818 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Snprenie Court of Judicature for Ontario— CoHcZ?t(/efi. The High €oiir( of Justice for Ontario— Co>7ch((fe(2. Jnsticei^ of the High Oonrt -Common Pleas Division. Name. 22nd July, 1863 24th Aug., 1863 i2th Nov., 1868 7th June, 1S69 5th Mar., 1879 To 3rd June, 1869 nth Nov., 1868 13th Jan., 1879 6th Nov., 1887 1 6th Nov., 1883 Hon. John Wilson (i) " Adam Wilson (2) " John Wellington Gwynne (3) " Thomas Gait (4) " Featherston Osier {5) ..... " John Edward Rose I 4th Dec, 1883 " Hugh McMahon |3oth Nov.. 1887 I I .. , , (1) Mr. Justice John Wilson died, .Srd June, 1S60. (■J) Mr. Ju.stioe Adam VVilsoir ,ii)iioiiiceil Piiisn6 Judge of the Court of Queen's Bencli, l^'th November, ISi'.S. (3) Mr. Justice Gwynne appointed Euisn6 Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, Uth January, 1S79. (4) Mr. Justice Gait appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 7th November, 188T. (.")) Mr. Justice Osier appointed Justice of Appeal, 17th November, 188H. 314 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Maritime €onrt of Ontario. The superior court of maritime jurisdiction in the Province of Ontario was constituted, under the name of " The Maritime Court of Ontario," by " The Maritime Jurisdiction Ad., 1877," (40 Vict, Chap. 21, Sec. 2, R.S.C., Chap. 137, Sec. 3), so much of which Act, as related to the appointment of the Judge, Surrogate Judges and officers, and he making of general rules and tariffs, was declared, by Proclama- tion dated the 7th July, 1877, to be in force from and after the 9th July, 1877 ; while the residue of the said Act was put in force on the i8th of February, 1878, by Proclamation dated the 7th February, 1878. The Maritime Court of Ontario was abolished by Section 23 of " The Admiralty Act., 1891,'' (54-55 Vict, Chap. 29), which came into force, by Proclamation, on the 2nd of October, 1891. Section 20 of the Statute last mentioned provides that the Judge of the said Court shal' have and exercise within the Toronto x^dmiralty District all the jurisdiction, powers and authority of a Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada, which latter Court was constituted, within Canada, a Colonial Court of Admiralty by Section 3 of the same Act Judges of tbe Court. Name. From Hon. Kenneth Mackenzie (i) ii2th July, 1877 " John Boyd (2) 28th Mar., 1883 " Joseph Easton McDougall (3) 17th Sept, 1885 To 7th Feb., 1883 3rd Sept, 1885 2nd Oct, 189 1 (1) Jui»lrict Ooiirts of Ontario— C7o/infl'erin. (County Town — Orangeville.) Judge. From To Thomas Anthony Maitland McCarthy 5th Feb., 1881 County Court of the County of Elgin. (County Town — St. Thomas.) Judge. David John Hughes From To 29th Sept., 1853 Junior Judge. Charles Oakes Zaccheus Erraatinger From 31st Jan., 1890 To County Court of the County of Essex. (County Town — Sandwich.) Judge. From To Gordon Watts Leggatt (1) Charles Robert Home 27 th April, 1862 28th Sept., 1883 19th Sept., 1883 (1) Judge Leggatt died, 19th September, 1883. 319 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Connty and District Courts of Ontario— CoH//rt?/e^?. Connty CJourt of the County of Essex- Cyjic^wdef/. Junior Judge. From To Michael Andrew McHugh 15th Oct, 1891 County Court of tbe County of Frontenac. (County Town — Kingston.) Judge. From To William George Draper (i) James Joseph Burrowes (2) Cornelius Valleau Price 19th Ap!!l, 1864 28th May, 1869 25th xMay, 1878 17th Dec, 1868 7th May, 1878 (1) Judge Draper died, 17th Peceniber, 18(iS. (2) Judye Burrowes tiaiisferrod from tlie County" Court of the United Counties of Lennox and Addington ; retired, 8th May, 1878 ; died, 8th January, 1880. County Court of the Connty of Grey. (County Town — Owen Sound.) Judge. Henry Macpherson (i). . . , Samuel Jonathan Lane (2) John Creasor From To 9th Jan., 1865I 4^h Aug., 1889 14th Sept , 1 8891 28th Jan., 1891 15th April, 1891! (1) Judge Macpherson died, 4th August, 1889, (2) Judge Lane died, 28th January, 1891. 320 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County and I>istrHi Courts of Ontario— ro»^/nKe(i. County Court ot'lhe County of Cirey- Concluded. Junior Judge. From To Samuel Tonathan Lane 2nd Oct, 1885 nth Dec, 1890 13th Sept., 1889 Duncan Morrison County Court ot the County of Ilaldiniand. (County Town — Cayuga.) Judge From To John Gustavus Stevenson (i) Martin Canij.'-bell Upper (2) Duncan Macmillan 22nd Jan., 1855 5th June. 1884 7th Feb., 1893 31st May, 1884 31st Dec, 1892 (1) JudRe Stevenson retired, 1st June, 1884 ; died, jth Marcli, 1S88. (2) Judge Upper resigned, 31jit December, 1802. County Court of the County of Halton. (County Town — Milton.) Judge. From To Toseoh Davis (\\ 17th Dec, 1854 28th Nov., 1867 7th Feb., 1893 22nd July, 1895 26th July, 1867 i2th Nov., 1891 2ist July, 1895 Thomas Miller (2) Colin George Snider (3) John Macpherson Hamilton (4) . . . . (1) Judge Davis died, 2et.h July, 18(57. (2) Judge Miller died.. 12th Novemlier, 1891. (3) Judge Snider tuiusferred to the County Court of the County of Wentworth. (4) Judge Hamilton transftrred from the District Court of the Provisional Judieial District of Thunder Bay. 881 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County and T>iatrict Courts of Oninrio— Continued. €ounly Court of the County of llHHtlngM. (County Town— Belleville.) Judge. From To Hon. George Sherwood (i) Thomas AoDlebv Lazier 26th Aug., 1865 28th Dec, 1881 28th Aug, 1881 (1) Judge Sherwood retired, 29th August, 1881 ; died, 27th February. 188;<. Junior Judge. From 'lo Thomas Appleby Lazier Edison Baldwin Fraleck nth July, 1873 28th Dec, 1 88 1 27th Dec, 1881 County Court of the County of Huron. (County Town — Goderich.) Judge. Seeker Brough ( i ) Wilmot R. Squier (2) . , Isaac Francis Toms (3). From 15th Nov., 1866 30th July, 1877 ist Dec, 1882 To 23rd July, 1877 30th Nov., 1882 14th May, 1895 (1) Judge Brough retired, 24th July, 1877 ; died 14tli J.anuary, 1879. (3) Judge Squier resigned, 1st December, 188-2. (8) Judge Toms died, 14th May, 1895. 322 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario— Cbn^inuet^. Connty Court of the County of Huron— Co/tc/utfec^. Junior Judge. From To Isaac Francis Toms 2nd Dec, 1872 nth Jan., 1883 30th Nov., 1882 Bernard Louis Dovle County Court of the County of Kent. (County Town — Chatham.) Judge. i From To ist Oct., William B Wells (i) '. Archibald Bell I ith Ian., 185 I 2nd Oct., 1878 1878 (1) Judge WelU retired, -Jnd Oetnber, 1S7S,; died, Sth Aiiril, 1881. Junior Judge. Robert Siuart Woods 8th Oct., 1885 From To County Court of the County of liRmbton. (County Town — Satnia.) Judge. From 17th Mar., 1855 To Charles Robinson 323 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario— Continued. County Court of the County of JjB,nkhtoi^— Concluded. Junior Judge. John Alexander Mackenzie To County Court of the County of Lanark. (County Town — 'r^erth.) Judge. John Glass Malloch (i) i8th Aug., 1842 William Stevens Senkler !i8th Dec, 1873 To 7th Dec, 1873 (1) Judge Malloch died, 7th December, 1873. County Court of the United Counties of I^eeds and Grenville. (County Town — Brockville.) Judge. To George Malloch (i) |25th Nov., 1856! 4th Aug., 1869 Richard Farmar Steele (2) 117th Aug., 1869;! ith Jan., 1875 Herbert Stone McDonald 123rd Dec, 1878I (1) Judge Malloch resigned, 4th August, 18t)9. (2) Judge Steele died, 11th Jauuary, 1875. 324 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario -Continued. County Court of the United Counties of I^eeds and Ci!ren¥ille — Concluded. Junior Judge. From To Herbert Stone McDonald James Revnolds . 22nd Oct , 1873 22nd Dec, 1878 . . 31st May, i886j County Court of the United Counties of liCnnox and Addlngton. (County Town — Napanee.) Judge. To James Joseph Burrowes (i) 30th Sept., 1864127th May, 1869 William Henry Wilkison !28th May, 1869' (1) Judjje Burrowes tracsforred to tliR County Court of the County of Fioiiteuac, 28th May, 1869. County Conrt of the County of liinooln. (County Town — St. Catharines ) Judge. John Marjoribanks I-awder (i). .' Edmund John Senkler From ist Feb, i860 29th Nov., 1877 To 28th Nov., 1877 (1) Judge Lawder retired, 29«i Novenibtr, 1877 ; died, 21st September, 1893. 325 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Conntj and l>i8trict Courts of Ontario— Conhuu^d. County Court of tbe Countj of Middlesex. (County Town— London.) Judge. James Edward Small (i) J22nd Oct., i849j27th M;iy, 1869 William Elliott I 5th June, 1 8691 (1) Judge Small died, 27th May, 1869. Junior Judge. From lo Joseph Frederick Davis (i) Edward Elliott . . 9th June, 1876 25th Sept., 1893 5th Aug., 1893 (1) Judge Davis died, 5th August, 1893. The District Court of the United Provisional Districts of niuskoka and Parry Sound. (District Town — Bracebridge.) Judge. From To William Cosby Mahaify 14th June, 1888 326 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario -Conh'nued. The District Court of the ProTisional Judicial District of mipissing. (District Town — North Bay.) Judge. Joseph Alphonse Valin. To County Court of the County of Norfolk. (County TownT— Simcoe.) Judge. William Salmon (i) William Mercer Wilson (2) Thomas Babington McMahon (3). Robert Thompson Livingstone (4) James Robb From nth May, 1841 5th May, 1868 22nd July, 1875 nth May, 1885 27th Jan., 1890 To 8th Feb., 1868 i6th Jan., 1875 2ist April, 1885 17th Jan., 1890 (1) Judge Salmon dieJ, 8th February, 1868. (2) Judge Wilson died, 16th January, 1875. (3) Judge McMahon died, 21st April, 1885. (4) Judge Livingstone died, 17th January, 1890. 327 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Connty and District Courts oH Owkifurin— Continued. County Court oftheUuiled Counties of IVorthumberiatiKl and Durham. (County Town — Cobourg.) Judge. From 1 2th Oct., 1853 3rd Nov., 1882 8th Nov., 1887 To Georce M. Boswell ^i^ . 31st Oct., 1S82 31st Oct., 1887 George McKenzie Clark (2) Thomas Moore Benson (1) Judge Boswell rt tired, 1st November, 1882; di^rt, 28th August, 1S8!». (2) Judge Clark retired, l.st Xovember, 1887. Junior Judge. From To Georee McKenzie Clark 14th Dec, 1858 3rd Nov., 1882 2nd May, 1888 2nd Nov 1882 Thomas Moore Benson 7th Nov., 1887 lav Ketchum County Court of the County of Ontario. (County Town — Whitby.) Judge. From To Zaccheus Burnham 27th Dec, 1853 Junior Judge. George Henry F'cwen Dartnell . . From 22nd Oct., 1873 To 328 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. flonuty and Dii»tri<>t Courts of Ontario— Con^mu^d. County €onrt of the County <»f Oxford. (County Town — Woodstock) Judge. From To David Shank McQueen (i) Alexander Finkle 26th May, 1845 loth June, 1885 6th June, 1885 (1) Jadge McQueen died, 6th June, 1885. County Court of the County of Peel. (County Town — Brampton.) Judge. From 12th Dec, i866 1 2th Mar., 1894 To Alexander Forsyth Scott (i) Duncan McGibbon nth Mar., 1894 (1) Judge Scott retired, 12th March, 1894 ; died, 12th May, 1804. County Court of the County of Perth. (County Town — Stratford.) Judge. From To Daniel Home Lizars (i) James Peter Woods loth Aug., 1864 13th Jan., 1887 31st Dec, 1886 (1) Judge Lizars retired, Ist January, 1887 ; died, 5th May, 1894, 329 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Coiintj and District Courts of i^nitxrio— Goaf inued. County Court of the County of Peter borough. (County Town — Peterborough.) Judge. From To Robert M. Boucher (i) Robert Dennistoun (2) Charles A. Weller 7th May, 1853 9th July, 1868 15th Mar., 1S86 29th June, 1868 14th xMar., 1886 (1) Judge Boucher died, 29th June, 1868. (2) Judge Deunistoun retired, 15th March, 188(5, County Court of the United Counties of Prescott and Uussell. (County Town— L'Orignal.) Judge. James Daniell (i) Louis Adolphe Olivier (2). Peter O'Brian From To 5th Jan., 1863 23rd May, 1887 4th April, 1888' lolh Oct., 18S9 15th Oct., 1889I (1) Judge Daniell died, 23rd May, 1887. (2) Judge Olivier died, 10th October, 1S89. 330 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County and District Courts of OniXkrio— Continued. County Court of the County of Prince Edward. (County Town — Picton.) Judge. From To David L. Fairfield (i^ 29th April, 1847 24th Aug., 1871 23rd July, 1872 1 2th July, 1873 i6th Oct., 1889 8th Aug., 1 87 1 22nd Feb., 1872 31st Dec, 1872 15th Oct., 1889 Richard John Fitzgerald {2) Daniel Macarow ("i) Robert Patterson Jellett (4) Edwards Merrill (1) Judge Fairfield died, 8th August. 1871. (2) Judge Fitzgerald died, 22nd February, 1872. (3) Judge Macarow died, 3l8t December, 1872. (4) Judge Jellett resigned, 15th October, 1889. County Court of the County of Renfrew. (County Town — Pembroke ) Judge. From To Tohn Deacon 27th Aug., 1866 Junior Judge. Thomas Deacon To 331 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continutd. Conntj and District Courts of Ontario— Continued!. County Court of the County of Simcoe. (County Town — Barrie.) Judge. From To Tames Robert Gowan (i) i6th Jan., 1843 2£st Sept., 1883 20th Sept., 1883 James Anderson Ardagh (I) Judge Gowan retired, 21st Se'Hember, 1883 ; summoned to the Senate, 29th January, 1885 ; created a C.M.G., 3rd June, 1893. Junior Judge. James Anderson Ardagh . . William Fuller Alves Boys From 29th Oct., 1872 28th Sept., 1883 To 20th Sept., 1883 County Court of the United Countiesfof Sitormont, Dundas and Glengarry. (County Town — Cornwall.) Judge. From To Georsfe S. Tarvis {.x\ 13th Dec, 1855 17th June, 1878 15th April, 1878 Jacob Farrand Prinele (1 Judge Jarvis died, 15th April, 1878. 332 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Cofitinued. i$«trict Coiirt!^ nf Ontnrin— Continued. C^omity Court of the United ConntieH of it^tormont, Diindas and Glengarry— ConcZucZecZ Junior Judge. From To Jacob Farrand Pringle Robert Baldwin Carman 15th Nov., 1866 23rd Mar., 1883 i6th June, 1878 Tbe District Court of the Provisional Judicial Diatrict of Thunder Bay. (District Town — Port Arthur.) Judge. From io John Macpherson Hamilton (i). Francis Fitzgerald i2ist Oct., 188412151 July, 1895 |22nd July, 1895I (1) JudgB H^imilton transferred to the County Court of the County of Halton, 22nd July, 1885 County Court of the County of Victoria. (County Town— Lindsay.) Judge. From To James Smith (i) 8th Jan., 1863 9th Sept., 1874 15th Aug., 1874 William Warren Dean (1) Judge Smith ditd, loth August, 1874. 333 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County an1. Junior Judge. From To Austin Cooper Chadwick . Toseoh Tamieson loth Jan., 1873 8th Dec, 1 89 1 7th Dec, 1891 County Court of the County of Wentworth. (County Town — Hamilton.) Judge. Alexander Logie (i) . . . . William Ambrose (2) . . . . James Shaw Sinclair (3) . Colin George Snider (4) From i6th Oct., 1854 i8th Dec, 1873 20th April, 1876 22nd July, 189s To Toth Dec, 1873 17th Mar., 1876 17th Dec, 1 89 1 i: 1) Judge Logie died, 10th December, 1873. 2) Judge Ambrose died, 17th March, 1876. (3) Judge Sinclair died, 17th December, 1891. (4) Judge Snider transferred from the County Court of the County of Halton. 335 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. fJouuty and District Courts of Ontario— Continued. Connty Court of the County of Weiitwortta.— Conc/uiecf. Junior Judge. From To John Muir nth July, 1888 County Court of the County of York. (County Town — Toronto.) Judge. From To Samuel Bealey Harrison (i). Georce Duecan (2^ 29th May, 1848 8th Feb., 1869 i8th Oct., 1876 19th Mar., 1883 3rd Sept., 1885 23rd July, 1867 r4th June, 1876 7th Feb., 1883 2nd Sept., 1885 K.enneth Mackenzie Ix) Tohn Bovd (4.) Joseph Easton McDougall (5) (1) Judge Harrison died, 28rd July, 1867. (2) Judge Duggan died, 14th June, 1876. (3) Judge Mackenzie was also Judge of the Maritime Court of Ontario ; he died, 7th Feb- ruary, 1883. (4) Judge Boyd was also Judge of the Maritime Court of Ontario ; he retired, 3rd Septent ber, 1885. (5) Judge McDougall was also Judge of the Maritime Court of Ontario until such Court wa« abolished on the 2nd October, 1891, on which date he became a Local Judge in Admiralty of the Eixchequer Court of Canada, for the Toronto Admiralty District. 336 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Contim4ed. Conntj" and Dislrict Coiirti^ of Ontario— Co)2cZz«Zei. County Court of the County of ULnxVi.— Concluded. Junior Judge. John Boyd Joseph Easlon McDougall Edward Morgan, ist Junior Judge. Frederick Montye Morson, 2nd Junior Judge From To ist Jan., i867'i8th Mar., 1883 19th Mar., i88s| 2nd Sept., 1885 15th Sept., 1885 ; 4th June, 1891 The (Surrogate Courts of the Province of Ontario. There is in and for every County in the Province of Ontario a Court of Record called " The Surrogate Court " of each respective County, which is presided over by the senior Judge of the County, who is ex-officio Judge of the Surrogate Court for the County. In case of the illness or absence or at the request of a Judge of a Surrogate Court, or in case the office of senior Judge is vacant, the duties of the Judge of the Surrogate Court are performed by the Junior Judge or Acting Judge or the Deputy Judge (if any) of the County Court. (R.S.O., 1887, Chap. 50, ss. 3 and 6.) 337 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued, Constitution of tbe Court of Queen's Bench for the ProTince of Quebec. The Court of Queen's Bench for the Province of Quebec is divided into the Criminal Court and the Civil Court of Appeals, and is composed of six Judges — one Chief Justice and five Puisne Judges, two of whom must reside at each of the cities of Quebec and Montreal, and the others at or near the said places. (Articles 2289, 2292 and 2293 R.S.Q.) Whenever by reason of leave of absence or sickness, it becomes probable that any Judge of the Court will be absent for one whole term or more, the Governor-General may, upon the recommendation of the Chief Justice, or in case of his absence or disability, of the senior Puisnd Judge able to act, appoint any Judge of the Superior Court Assistant Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench during such absence or sickness ; but, during the time for which he is so appointed, such Assistant Judge cannot act as Judge of the Superior Court, except only that he may in the latter capacity render judgment in causes or proceedings of any kind heard by him in the Superior Court or Circuit Court before his appointment as Assistant Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench. (Articles 2299 and 2301, R.S.Q.) The Act 54 Vict, Quebec, Chap. 22, (1890), not yet proclaimed in force (12th October, 1895), provides that hereafter the Court of Queen's Bench shall be composed of eight Judges instead of six — one Chief Justice and seven Puisne Judges. Prior to the coming into force, on the 27th April, 1881, of the Act 43-44 Vict, Que., Chap. 4, amending Section i of Chapter 77 of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada (i860), the Court of Queen's Bench was composed of five Judges — one Chief Justice and four Puisne Judges. 338 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Coart of Queen's Bencb for tbe ProTince of Quebec. 1867 to 1895. Chief Justices of the Queen's Bench. Name. Hon. Jean Franc^ois Joseph Duval (i) " Sir Antoine Aime Dorion, Kt. (2) " Sir Alexandre Lacoste, Kt. (3) From 4th Mar., 1864 ist June, 1S74 14th Sept., 1 89 1 To 31st May, 1874 31st May, 1891 (1) Mr. Chief Justice Duval retired, 1st June, 1S74 ; died, 0th May, 1881. (2) Chief Justice Sir A. A. Dorion kniglited in 1877 ; died, 31st May, 1891. (3) Chief Justice Sir Alexandre Lacoste knighted, 15th June, 1892.' Puisne Judges of the Queen's Bench. Name. Hon. Thomas Gushing Aylwin (i). . " Rene Edouard Caron (2 & 3) " Charles Joseph Elze'ar Monde let. Assistant Judge (3). ■ • Louis Thomas Drummond (4) From 24th Dec, 1849 27th Jan., 1855 3ot;i May, 1859 To 24th Aug., 1868 i6th Feb., 1873 31st Dec, 1869 4th Mar., i864!3ist Oct., 187; William Badgley (5) ji7th Aug., 1866 ist Mar., 1874 (1) Mr. Justice Aylwin retired, 25th August, 18t)8 ; died, 14th October, 1871. (2) Mr. Justice Ca -on assumed the oHloe of Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec, 17th February, 1873, 3) Mr. Justice Mondclet, who was a Puisn6 Judge of the Superior Court, acted as Assistant Judge of the Court of Queen '.s Bench foi and during the time that Mr. Justice Caron oon- tinurd to be a Commissioner for the codification of the laws of Lower Canada relative to civil matters and procedure. (4) Mr. Justice Drummond retired, 1st November, 1873; died, 24th November, 1882. (5) Mr. Justice Badgley retired, 2nd March, 1874 ; died, 24th December, 1888. 339 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. PnisncT Judges of the Queen's TLetielk— Concluded. Name. Hon. Samuel Cornwallis Monk (i). . " Jean Thomas Taschereau (2). . " Thomas Kennedy Ramsay (3) " John Sewell Sanborn (4) " Ulric Joseph Tessier (5) " Alexander Cross (6) " Louis Francois Georges Baby " Levi Ruggles Church (7) . . . . " Joseph Guillaurae Bosse " Jean Blanchet " Robert Newton Hall " Jonathan Saxton Campbell Wurtele To iQth Sept., 1888 7th Oct., 1875 22nd Dec, 1886 17th July, 1877 nth Sept., 1 89 1 3rd Oct., 1892 6th Jan., 1892 (1) Ml-. Justice MoDk retired, 20th September, 1888 ; died, 29tli October, 1888. (2) Mr. Justice Taschereau appointed Pui.sn6 Judge of thf Supreme Court of Canada, 8th October, 1875. (3) Mr. Justice Ramsay died, 22nd December, 188(i. (4) Mr. Justice Sanborn died, 17th July, 1877. (5) Mr. Justice Tcssicr retired, 12tli Septeinbar, 1891 ; died, 7th April, 1892. ((■)) Mr. Justice Cross retired, 4th October, 1892 ; died, 17th October, 1895. (7) Mr. Justice Chiu'ch retired, 7th January, 1892; died, .SOUi August, 1892. 340 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Constitntion of the Snperior Court for the ProTince of Quebec. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec is a court of record, and is composed of one Chief Justice and twenty-nine Puisn^ Judges, who exercise their ordinary judicial functions in the districts and counties from time to time assigned to them. {Article 2315, R.S.Q.^ Whenever the Chief Justice resides in the city of Quebec, the duties of Chief Justice in the district of Montreal are performed by the Judge appointed by competent authority for that purpose, and such Judge must reside in the city of Montreal ; and vice versa whenever the Chief Justice resides in the city of Montreal. {Articles 2316 afid 22,iT, R.S.Q.) Eleven of the Judges of the Superior Court, one of whom is specially charged with the district of Terrebonne, must reside in the city of Montreal, five in the city of Quebec, one of whom is charged with the districts of Montmagny and of Beauce, one in the city of Three Rivers, one in the city of Sherbrooke, one in the village of Aylmer, or in the immediate vicinity ot each of these localities, one in the county of Gaspe or in the county of Bonaventure, and one in each of the following districts, namely : — Arthabaska, Beauharnois, Bedford, Iberville, Joliette, Kamouraska, Richelieu, Rimouski, Saguenay or Chicoutimi, and St. Hyacinthe. (Article 2319, R.S.Q., Acts 52 Vict., Chap. 27, 53 Vict, Chap. 32, ..-- Auguste ^> i'A Angers (8), . . . William v'cDougall (9) George C V. Buchanan (10) Richard Alleyn (11) Michel Mathieu Marie Honorius Ernest Cimon From 22nd Sept , 22nd Sept., 22nd Sept., 9th Sept., 4th Nov., 8th Oct., 3rd Feb., I St June, ist Sept., 2nd Sept., 7th Oct., 7th Oct., 19th May, 29th Oct., 13th Nov., 13th Nov., 28th Feb., 29th April, 3rd Oct., 22nd July, 87.3 873 873 874 874 875 876 876 876 878 878 878 879 880 880 880 881 881 881 882 To 14th Oct., 1891 nth Nov., 1887 2nd June, nth April. 1878 1886 6th May, 1889 I St Feb., 1882 28th April, 1881 28th Oct., 1887 3rd Mar., 1886 17th Jan., 1887 1 6th Aug., 1883 (1) Mr. Justice Uoberty retired, 15th October, 1801. (2) Mr. Justice Chagnon retired, 12th November, 1887. (:5) Mr. Justice Dorion died, 2nd June, 1878. (4) Mr. Justice RainviUe retired, 12th April, 1880; died, 7th February, 1891. (.')) Mr. Justice Papineau retired, 7th May, 1889. (tj) Mr. Justice Laframboise died, 1st February, 1882. (7) Mr. Justice Baby appointed Puisn6 JuUge, Court of Queen's Bench, 29Lh April, 1881. Mr. Justice Angers assumed the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec, 29th October, 1887. Mr. Justice McDougall died, 3rd March 1886. (10) Mr. Justice Buchanan retired, 18th January, 1887. (11) Mr. Justice Alleyn died, 16th August, 1883. 345 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Puisne Judges of the Nnperior Court for the ProTiuce of Quebec— ConcZwdcd. Name. Hon. K 1( l( II (I II II II 11 Louis Ondsime Loranger. . . . Edward Towle Brooks (i). . . Joseph Alfred Mousseau (2). Frederick William Andrews . Honord Cyrias Pelletier Jules Ernest Larue Joseph Alphonse Ouimet . . . Jonathan Saxton Campbell Wurtele (3) Melbourne McTaggart Tait(4) Charles Peers Davidson Louis Tellier Alfred Napoleon Charland . . . Benjamin Globensky (5) Louis Adolphe de Billy Henri Gedeon Malhiot Charles Chamilly De Lorimier Simeon Pagneulo William Warren Lynch Jean Alfred Gagne Charles Joseph Doherty John Sprott Archibald John Joseph Curran William White 5th 2nd 22nd i6th i2th 1 2th I2th 28th i8ih loth i2th T2th ist 25th 20th 15th ^th 5th loth rgth 22nd 18th 5th To 31st Oct 189 J 3oih Mar., 1886 1892 Aug., 1882 Nov., 1882 Jan, 1884 Mar., 1885 April, 1886 April, 1886 April, 1886 June, 1886 nth Oct., Jan., 1887 June, 1887 Nov., 1887 Nov., 1887, Dec, 1887 Feb., 1888 Sept., 1888; April, i88q June, 1889 July, 18891 Dec, 1889 Oct., 1891 Nov., 1893 Oct., 1895 Nov., 1895 2nd Dec, 1888 (1) Mr. Justice Brooks retired, Ist November, 1895. (2) Mr. Justice Mousseau died, 30lh March, 1880, (3) Mr. Justice Win tele apiioiiited Puisn^ Judge, Court of Queen's Rennh, l'2tli Oetolu'r, ISiiii. (4) Mr. Justice Tait appointed to perform the duties of Cliief Ju.stico of tlie Superior Court in the district ot Montreal, 27tli October, 18i)4. 5) Mr. Justice Globen.sky died, 2nd December, 1888 346 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec— Con/tnu«f. The Judicial District of Arthabaska. (Act 36 Vict., Que., Chap. 10.) Judge. Hon. Marcus Doherty (i) " Marc Aurfele Plamondon. To 22nd Sept., 1873 8th April, 1874 9th Sept., 1874! (1) Mi'. Justice Doherty transferred to the Judicial District of St. Francis, 9th \pril, 1874. (1) The Judicial District of Beauharnois. (Act .36 Vict , Que., Chap. 10.) Judge. Hon. Louis Belanger 22nd Sept., 1873 To (1) Prior to the coming into force, on tlu; 1st September, 1S73, of the Act 36 Vict., Que, chap. 10, the Judge to whom the district of Bedford was assigned also exercised his ordinary functions in the district of Beauliarnois. 349 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Superior Court for Ihe Province of Quebec— Continued. (1) The Judicial Dlmtrict of Bedford. (Act :<•) Vict., Que., Chap. 10.) Judge. Hon. Thomas Kennedy Ramsay, Assistant Judge (2) " Christopher Dunkin (3) " George C. V. Buchanan (4) . . " Melbourne McTaggart Tait (5) " William Warren Lvnch From To 5th Sept., 1871 24th Oct., 1871 25 th Oct., C871 6th Jan., 1881 28th Feb., 1881 17th Jan , 1887 I8th ah Jan., July, 1887 1889 4th July, 1889 J (1) Prior to tlie coming into force, on the 1st September, 1873, of the Act 36 Vict., Que , chap- 10, the Judge to wliom this district was assigned also exercised his ordinary functions in tlie district of Heuuharnois. {■1) Mr. Justice Ramsay transferred to the Judicial District of St. Francis, -iath October, 1871. (3) Mr. Justice Dunkin died, Gth January, 1881. (4) Mr. Justice Buchanan retired, l.Sth January, 18?7. (5) Mr. Justice Tait transferred to tlxe Judi(nal District of Montreal, 5th July, 1889. (1) The Judicial District of BonaTenture. (Con. Stat, for Low«r Canada, Chap. 78, and 46 Vict., Que., Chap. 13.) Judge. Hon. Peter Winter (2) " John Maguire (3) . . . " Thomas McCord (4), To 185823rd Aug., 1868 186831st Aug.. 1873 1873122nd June, 1883 (1) The Act 46 Vict , Que., Chap. 13, which came into force on the 1st May, 1883, provides that the Judge to whom is assigned the county of Gasp6 shall also exetcise his functions in tlie county of Bonaventure, with his residence at New Carlisle in the latter couuty, or at Perc6 in the county of Gasp6, at his option. (2) Mr. Justice Winter transferred to the Judicial District of Gasp6, 24th August, iSHg. (3) Mr. Justice Maguire transferred to tlie Judicial District of Rimouski, 1st September, 187:'.. (4) Mr. Justice McCord assigned, in addition to tliis district, the Judicial District of Gasp6, 23rd June, 1883. See also latter district. 348 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued- Tbe Superior Court for the ProTlnce of VineUec— Continued. (1) The Judicial District of Oaspe. (Cou. Stat, for Lower Canada, Chaji. 78, and 40 Vii't.. Que,, Chap. 13.) Judge. Hon. John Gawler Thompson (2) . . " Peter Winter (3) " Louis Bonaventure Caron (4). *' Maurice Laframboise (5). . / . . " Marie Honorius Ernest Cimon (6) " Thomas McCord (7) " Jules Ernest Larue (8) *' Louis Adolphe de Billy From To nth May, 1859 24th Aug., 1868 24th Aug., 1868 3rd Nov., 1874 4th Nov., 1874 25th Jan.. 1877 7th Oct., 1878 I St Feb., 1882 22nd July, 1882 23rd June, 1883 i2th April, 1886 25th Feb, 1888 22nd June, 1883 19th Feb., 1886 24th Feb., 1888 (1) Since the enminj; into force, on tlie 1st .May, 1883, of the Act 46 Vict., Que., Chap. 13, the Judge to whom tliis district is assigned also exercises his functions in tlie county of Bona- venture, with his residence at New Carlisle in the latter county, or at Perc6 in the county of Gas)i6, at his option. (2) Mr. Justice Thompson retired, 23th August, 1868 ; died, 4th September, 1868. "(y) Mr. Justice Winter transferred from the Judicial District of Bonaventure; he retired, 4th November, 1874; died in 1891. (4) Mr. Justice Caron transferred to tlie Judicial District of Quebec, 26th January, 1877. (5) Mr. Justice Laframboise died, 1st February, 1882. (6) Mr. Justice Oinion ti-ansferred to the Judicial District of Joliette, 23rd June, 1883. (7) Mr. Ju>tice McCord was assigned this district in addition to the district of Bonaventure, which hud V)een previously assigned to him ; hn died, 19th February, 1886. (8) Mr. Justice Larue transferred to the Judicial District of Riinou.ski, 'i.'ith Februar>', 1888. Tlie Ju4licial District of IberTllle. (Act 36 Vict, Que., Chap. 10.) Judge. From To Hon. Hubert Wilfrid Chagnon (r). . " Alfred Napoleon Charland. . . 22nd Sept., 1873 i2th Nov., 1887 nth Nov., 1887 (1) Mr. Justice Chagnon retired, 12th November, 1887. 349 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Superior Court for Ihe ProFince of Quebec— Con /muecf. The Judicial District of Jollette. (Act 30 Vict , Que.. Chip. 10.) Judge. Hon. Louis Auguste Olivier (i). . . , " Michel Mathieu (2) '• Marie Honorius Ernest Ciuion (3) " Henri Thomas Taschereau (4) " Benjamin Globensky (5) " Charles Chamillv De Lorimier From 8th Sept., 1873 3rd Oct.. 1881 23rd June, r883 i2th April, 1886 ist Dec, 1887 15th April, 1889 To r8th Sept., 1881 22nd June, 1883 nth April, 1886 30th Nov.. 1887 2nd Dec, 1888 (1) Mr. Justice Olivier died. 18th September, 1881. (2) Mr. Justice Matliieu transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, iird June, 1S8:!. (3) Mr Justice Cimon transferred from the Judicial District of Ga^pf^ ; transferred to tin- Judicial Distiict of Kamouraska, 12th April, 1S86. (4) Mr. Justice Taschereau transferred from the Judicial Distriitt of Kamouraska ; assigned the Judicial District of Terrebonne, Ist December, 1887. (5) Mr. Justice Globensky died, 2nd OecPinher, 1888. The Judicial niHtrlct of Kamouraska. (Act 36 Vict., Que., Cha?, 10.) Judge. Hon. Louis Edelmar Napoleon Casault (i) " Henri Elzdar Taschereau (2).. 27th May, 1870 ist Sept., 1873 To 3rst Aug., 1873 6th Oct., 1878 (1) Mr. Jas^tice Casault transferred to the Judicial District of Quebec. 1st September, 1873. (2) Mr. Justice H. E. Taschereau transferri^d from the Judicial District of Saguenay ; arpointetrict of Teneboune is assigned, C49-50 Vict., Q., Chap. 7, CO Vict., Q., Chap. 11, and 52 Vict., Q. , Ch-jp. 27y. For dates on whicli tlie Acts herein mentioned came into force see hist paragiaph ot page 340. (2) Mr. Justice Smith retired, 25th August, 1868 ; died, SPth November, 1868. (3) Mr. Justice Mondelet was Assistant Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench— from the 30th May, 1859, to the 31st Uei-eiriber, 1869 — during the time Mr. Justice R. E. Caron continued to ije a Coiuniissioner for the codfication of the laws of Lower Cmiaila relative to civil matters and procedure ; he died, Sl.it December, 1876. (4) Mr. Justice Berthelot retired, 1st September, 1S76. (5) Mr. Justice Jolmson was Reeonler of tlie Provim-o of Manitoba from the 3rd September, 1870, to tlie 1st June, 1872; appointed CliiefJustii-e, lOtli De('emlx'r, 1889. (6) Mr. Justice Monk appointed Puisne Judge, Court ol Queen's Bench, 27tli August, li'6S. (7) Mr. Justice Mackay retired, 1st November. 18S2 : dicil, 2.trd FVbruary, 1888. (S) Mr. Justice Torrance died, 2nd January, 1887. (9) Mr. Justice Baudry was Assistant Judge during tlie alisence of Mr. .lustice M.uk.iy : he died, 12tli January, 1876. (10) Mr. Justice itaiuville retired, 12th Ar.ril, 1886; died, 7th February, 1801. 352 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Superior Court for tbe Province of Quebec— C7on2tnue<2 The Judicial District of Montreal— Concluded. Judge. Hon. Auguste Cyrille Papineau (i). . " Vinceslas Paul Wilfrid Dorion Louis Amable Jettd Louis Ondsime Loranger .... Marcus Doherty (3) Michel Mathieu (4) Charles Ignace Gill (5) Charles Peers Davidson Henri Thomas Taschereau (6) Jonathan Sa.xton Campbell Wurtele(7) Simeon Pagneulo. . . Melbourne McTaggart Tait (8) Charles Joseph Doherty . ... John Sprott Archibald John Joseph Curran To ist Sept., 1876I 6th May, 1889 2nd June, 1878 26th Jan., 2nd Sept., 5th Aug., 2nd Nov., 23rd June, 1 2th April, loth June, ist Dec, 20th Sept , 5th June, 5th July, 19th Oct., 22nd Nov., 1 8th Oct, 1877 1878 1882 1882 1883 1886 1887 1887 1888 1889 1889 1891 1893 1895 14th Oct., 1891 nth Oct., 1892 (X) Mr. Justice Papineau retired, 7th May, 1889. (2) Mr. Justice Dorion transferred from the Judicial District of Quebec; he died, 2nd Jane. 1878. (.S) Mr. Justice Doherty transferred from the Judicial District of St. Francis; he retired, 15tli October, 1891. (4) Mr. Justice Mathieu transferred fiom the ^ udicial District of Joliette (5) Mr. Justice Gill transferred from the Judicial District of Richelieu. (li) Mr. Ju.stice Tascherean transferred from the Judicial District of Jolittte and assigned the .ludicial District of Terrebonne. See also " Judicial Distrir't ol Terrebonne," jiage :?57. (7) Mr. Justice Wurtele transferreil from the Judicial District of Ottawa ; apitoint'd Puisne Judge, Court of Queen's Bench, 12th October, 1892. 'S) Mr. Justice Tait transferred from the Judicial District of Bedford; appointed tn perforni the duties of Chief Justice in the ili>.trict of Montreal, 27'li October, 181)4. 353 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Superior Court for the ProTince of Quebec— Con5, four Judges, (33 Vict , Q., Chap. 10), ani8trict of ISt. Hyacinthe. (Act 36 Vict., Que., Cha]j. 10.) Judge. Hon. Louis Victor Sicotte (i) . . " Louis Tellier From 5th Sept., 1863 i2th Nov., 1887 To 6th Nov., 1887 (1) Mr. Justice Sicotte retired, 7th November, 18S7 ; died, 1st August, 188ti. (I) The Judicial District, of i^iaguenaj. (Con. Stat, for Lower Canada, Chap. 78, ISGO.) (Acts M Vict., Que., Cliap. 10, ami 05-50 Vict , Qu(s, Clia)!. 25.) Judge. Hon. David Roy (2) " Henri Elzear Taschereau (3) . *' Adolphe Bazile Routhier (4). . " Jean Alfred Gagne 25th Nov., 1857 i2th Jan., 1871 ist Sept., 1873 loth Dec, 1889 To 6th Jan., 1871 31st Aug., 1873 9th Dec, 1889 (1) The Judge 1o whom this district is assigned also exercises his ordinary functions in the district of Cliicoutiiui, (86 K(o/., (^He., r/iap. 10), witli his residence at Murray Bay in the district of Saguenav, or at Chicoutimi in the district of Cliicoutimi, at his option", (55-5(> Vict., Que., Chaj). 25, a.sscnted to 24th June, 1892). (2) Mr. Justice Roy retired, 7t'i Januarj', 1871 ; died, 30th July, 1880. (:!) Mr. Justice H. E. Ta-schcieau transferred to the Judicial District of Kainoura.ska, 1st September, 187:{. \\) Mr. Justice Routhier transferred to the Judicial District of Quebec, 10th December, 1889. 367 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Xheftinperior Court for tke ProTluce of Quebec— ^o/icZuc^ec^. (1) The Judicial District of Terrebonne (36 Vint., Que., Chaj). 10 ; 4i»-"j0 Vict., Que., Cliai> 7, and 52 Vict., Que., Chap. 27.) Judge. From To Hon. Henri Thomas Taschereau (2) ist Dec , 1887 (1) The Judge to whom this district is assigned resides m the city of Montreal, and may sit in any court wherein the Judges of the Superior Court have jurisdiction wlienever his services are not required in the district of Terrebonne. (2) Mr. Justice Taschereau transferred from the Judicial District of Joliette. (1) The Judicial District of Three Birers. (Con. Stat, foi Lower Canada, Chap. 78, 18ti0.) Judge. Hon. Antoine Polette (2) |2ist April, i860 " Jean Baptiste Bourgeois (3) .113th Nov., 1880 To 31st Aug., 1880 (1) The Judge to whom this district is assigned must reside in the city of Three Rivers. (2) Mr. Justice Polette retired, 1st September, 1880 ; died, 6th January, 1887. (3) Mr. Justice Bourgeois transferred from the Judicial District of Ottawa. 358 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. tJonsiitiition of the CJirciiit Court of llie OiMtrict of Montreal The Circuit Court of the district of Montreal was constituted by the Act 56 Vict., Cha] 24, of the Legislature of the Province of Quebec, which came into force, by proclamation, on the ist July, 1893, The said court is a special court of record, and is composed of two Judges called " Circuit Judges of the district of Montreal," one of whom presides over the court alone, but they may both sit at the same time in different rooms and exercise all the powers of the court. The Judges of the Superior Court have, respecting the court established under the authority of the Act before mentioned, the same powers as Judges of the said Circuit Court ; and, under the provisions of the Act 58 Vict., Que., Chap. 28, the Chief Justice of the Superior Court, or the Judge ap[)ointed to perform the functions of Chief Justice of the' Superior Court in the district of Montreal when the Chief Justice resides in the city of Quebec, has, respecting the Circuit Court of the district of Montreal and the Judges thereof, the same powers as he has respecting the Judges of the Superior Court. Circuit Judges of the District of Montreal. Name. Hon. Dennis Barry (i) i6th Nov., 1893 " Charles L. Champcigne i6th Nov., 1893 " John Daly Purcell 8th June, 1895 To 29th April, 1895 (1) Mr. JustiK' Bany dieJ, •iiHii April, IMO 359 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada (1) Tbe Vice-Admiralty Court of the City of Quebec (2i; Vii't., (U.K.;, Cliiij.!. 24, Im;:; ; :;i»-:U Vi(tt., (U.K.), fli-.ii. 4.3, IstiV, nu.i :.:!-'>4 Vict., (1imii.\ Cliaji. -JT, IS'.iO. Judge. Hon. Henry Black, C.B. (2). . . . " George O'Kill Stuart (3). .. " George Irvine, Q.C. (4) . . . . " Thomas McConi, Deputy Judge (5) " Frederick William Andrews, Deputy Judge (6) 26lh Vlar., 1886 From To loth P'eb., 1841 27th Oct., 1873 7th June, 1884! xst July, 1891 i6th Aug., 1873 5th Mar., 1884 6th Oct., 1884 19th Feb., 1886 I St July, 1 89 1 (I) This Court wa- .ibolisliiii liy Sfction 17 of " Thf C(,liinii'l Coiirfg of AilminiUji Act, 1890,'' (53-54 Vi( t., (Iiiii),), ('lia|>. 27), wliicli ciuiic into force on the l..) Jml-e Black died, Kith August, ItiVit. (:i) .Judge Stuart died, .jth Marcli, 1SS4. (4) Upon the coining into force of " The, AiUaimltij Act, Isiil," r)n tin; iiui October, 1,S91, .Judge Irvine Ifcanie, undei the jirovisions of ."ii'ction 19 ot the said Act, a locil Judge in Adniiraltv of tin' Excliequer Court of Canada for tlie A Imiraltv Histrict of Quebec. See also page 302. (■'i) Mr. Justice McCord was also Puisnfe Judge of the Sujierior Court for the Province of Quebec; he died, 19th p'ebruary, ISSii. (il) Mr. Jn.stice .\ndrews is Puisn6 Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. Constitution of the (Supreme Court of Xora Ncotia. The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia includes the Equity Court or Court of the Judge in Equity, and whether administering comr-ion law or equity, constitutes one Supreme Court of Judicature tor Nova Scotia, The Bench of the Supreme Court is composed of a Chief Justice and six other Judges, including the Judge in Equity. ( R.S.N. S.^ ^ili Series, Chap. 104, as amended h ^2 Vict., A^.S., Chap. 8, 1889.^ 360 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Supreme Court of IVoTa Scotia. 1867 to 1895. (1) Chief Justices. Name. Hon. Sir William Young, Kt. (2). . . " James McDonald From 3rd Aug , i860 20th May, 1 88 1 To 13th May, 1 88 1 (1) Prior to the comiiiR into force, on the 1st July, 1891, of " The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1S!I0,'' (a3-')4 Vict., (liiH).), Chap. 27), the Chiel .Justice of tlie Supreme Court of Nova Scotia \va.-', under the provisions of the Act '2(5 Vict., (U.K.), Ohap. 24, (ISft!), I'-r-oJficiu Juilge of the Viee-AUniiriilty Court at Halifax. The latter Court was abolished liy Section 17 ol the Act first mentioned, and, hy Section lit of "7'Af Adniraltii Act, 1891," (-Jl-ij Vict.. (Can.), Chai'. 29), which came into force on the 2nd October, 1891, he became a i.ocal Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court ol Canada for the Admiralty District of Nova Scotia, which latter Court was, by Section 3 of the Act last referred to, constituted, within Canada, a Colonial Court of Admiralty. (2) Chief Justice Sir William Young sworn as Judge of Vice-Admiralty Court, 5th January ,1805; knighted in IStiy ; he retired, 14th May, 1881 ; died, 8th Mav, 1887. (I) Judges in Equity. Name. Hon. James Williatii Johnstone (2) " Adams George Archibald, CM.G. (3) '• John William Ritchie (4) . . . " Alexander James (5) " Wallace Graham nth May, 1864 23rd June, 1873 9th July, 1873 24lh July, 1882 24th Sept., 1889 To 19th June, 1873 4th July, 1873 28th May, 1882 19th Sept., 1889 (1) The Judge in Equity for the time being is ex-offirio thT Judge Ordinary of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, (29 Vict., N.S., Chap. 13. 18ti(i) ; but the Governor- General may, under the authority of the Act 48 Viet., N.S., Chap. 30, (ISS.-i), appoint any one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia to be the Judge Ordinary of the said Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. See also Constitution of latter Court, page n(!2. (2; Mr. Justice Johnstone retired, 20th June, 1873 ; died, 21st November, 1873. {^^) Mr. Justice Archibald asstnned the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia, 5th July, 1873. (4) Mr. Justice Ritchie retired, 29th May, 1882 ; died, 13th December, 1890. (5) Mr Justice James died, 19th September, 1889. 361 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Sapreme Court of IVoYa hcotiv^— Concluded. Puisne Judged. Name. From ! To Hon. William B. Bliss (i) , gth April, 1834,27th Jan., 1869 " Edmund Murray Dodd (2). . 19th Feb., 1848 7th April, 1874 " W. F. Desbarres (3) 14th Nov., 184815th Dec, 1881 Lewis Morris VVilkins (4) . . . . r4th Aug., 1856' 6th Oct., 1878 John William Ritchie (5) 28th Sept., 1870 8th July, 1873 Jonathan McCully (6) 28th Sept., 1870 2nd Jan., 1877 Hugh McDonald (7) 5th Nov., 187319th Feb., 1893 Henry William Smith (8) ... . 15th Jan., 1875 ist Feb., 1890 Alexander James (9) 8th Jan., 1877:23rd July, 1882 Robert Linton Weatherbe ' 7th Oct., 1878; Samuel Gordon Rigby (10). . .;i7th Dec, 1881: 8th July, 1886 John Sparrow David Thomp-; son (11) i24th July, 1882 24th Sept., 1885 Joseph Norman Ritchie 26th Sept., 1885' Charles James Townshend. . . ! 4th Mar., 1887 Nicholas Hogan Meagher .... j23rd April. 1890; Hugh McDonald Henry J2oth Feb., 1893 l( li u \i it (1) Mr. Justice Bliss retired, 28th January, 1869 ; died, 16th March, 1874. (2) Mr. Justice Dodd retired, 8th April, 1874 ; died in 1876. (3) Mr. Justice Desharres retired, 16th December, 1881 ; died, 16th June, 1885. (4) Mr. Justice Wilkins retired, 7th October, 1878 ; died, 15th March, 18S5. (5) Mr. Justice J. W. Ritchie appointed Judge in Equity, 9th July, 1873. (6) Mr. Justice McCuUy died, 2nd January, 1877. (7) Mr. Justice McDonald retired, 20th February, 1893. (8) Mr. Justice Smith died, 1st February, 1890. (9) Mr. Justice James appointed Judge in Equity, 24th July, 1882. (10) Mr. Justice Rigby died, 8th July, 1886. (11) Mr. Justice Thompson appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney -General of Canada, 25iTorce and Matrimonial Causes of XoTa ^icotia. The Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes of Nova Scotia has jurisdiction, in the Province of Nova Scotia, over all matters relating to prohibited marriages and divorce, and may declare any marriage null and void for impotence, adultery, cruelty, or kindred within the degrees prohibited. The Judge in Equity for the time being is the Judge Ordinary of the said Court, (29 F/V/., N.S., Chap. 13, 1866); but the Act 48 Vict., N.S., Chap. 30, (1885), provides that the Governor-General may from time to time appomt any one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia for the time to be the Judge Ordinary of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. During the illness or temporary absence of the Judge Ordinary, or in cases where he may be disqualified from acting from any cause, the Governor in Council may, if necessary, appoint the Chief Justice, or one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, to act as Judge Ordinary during such illness, absence or disqualification. {C/iap. 126, App. A of the Rtvised Statutes of Nova Scotia, Fifth Se/ies, 1884.) As constituted by Chapter 126 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, Third Series, (1864), this Court was formerly called the Court of Marriage and Divorce, and was composed of the Governor, who was President, the Chief Justice, or any one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, who was Vice President of the Court, and the members of the Executive Council ; the Vice-President being appointed by the Governor by warrant under his hand and seal. As constituted by the Act z8 Vict., (N.S.), Ch^p. i, passed on the 2nd May, 1865, amending the said Chapter 126, it was afterwards composed of the Governor, ^ 10 was President of the Court, and the Judge in Equity for the time being, who was Vice-President thereof. For Judges '^^'■dinary of this Court, see " Judges in Equity of the Supreme Court ^ji Nova Scotia," who are ex-officio Judges Ordinary of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, page 360. 363 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Constitution of tlie County Courts in tlie Province of [RToTa Ncotia. The County Courts in the Province of Nova Scotia are courts of law and of record, and were established by the Act 37 Vict, N.S., Chap. 1 8, (1874), which came into operation on the 21st August, 1876 ; and, for the purposes of the said Act, the Province is divided into seven Districts, made up as follows : — District Number Oxp: : — of the county of Halifax, District Number Two : — -of the counties of Lunenburg, Queen's and Slielburne. District Number Three: — of the counties of Annapolis, Digby and Yarmouth. District Number Four : — of the counties of King's, Hants and Colchester. District Number Five : — of the counties of Pictou and Cum berland. District Number Six: — of the counties of Inverness, Antigonish and Guysborough. District Number Seven : — of the counties of Cape Breton, Victoria and Richmond. It is also enacted that there shall be one Judge for each district, and that such Judge shall reside within the district for which he is appointed. 364 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County Courtis In the ProTinc«: of JWoTa Scotia. The County Court for District dumber One. (Comprising the County of Halifax.) Judge. From To James Willis Johnstone i2ist Aug., 1876!, The County Court for District ITumber Two. (Comprising the Counties of Lunenburg, Queen's and Shelburne.) Judge. To Mather Byles Des Brisay 21st Aug.. 1876 The County Court for District IVumber Three. (Comprising the Counties of Annapolis, Digby and Yarmouth.) Judge. From I To Alfred William Savary '21st Aug., 1876 365 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County Courts In the ProTince of Nova Scotia— Confi»ued. The County Court for Uistrict Number Four. (Comprising the Counties of King's, Hants and Colchester.) Judge. j From I George A. Blanchard (i) iaist Aug., 1876' 2nd June, 1890 John Pryor Chipman ! i8th June, 1890; (1) Judge Blanchard died, 2nd June, 1S90. The County Court for l>lstrlct Number Five. (Comprising the Counties of Pictou and Cumberland.) Name. ; From William Agnew Drury Morse 21st Aug., 1876 To The County Court for District Number Six. (Comprising the Counties of Inverness, Antigonish and Guysborough.) Judge. i From j To Stewart Campbell (i) izist Aug., i876;2oth Feb., 1885 Angus Mclsaac i24th Sept., 18851 (1) Judge Campbell died, 20tli Febniary, 188!>. 366 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued, County Courts in tbe Province of ^lova ^aatisL "Concluded. The County Court for District j^umber ISeven. (Comprising the Counties of Cape Breton, Victoria and Richmond.) Judge. To Barclay E. Tremaine (i) J2ist Aug., 187620th June, 1888 Murray Dodd .aist June, i888| (1) Judge Tremaine retireil, 21st June, 1888. Constitution of the Supr«>me Court of Xew Brunswick. The Supreme Court of New Brunswick is composed of a Chief Justice and five Puisne Judges, {Ad 57 Vict., N.B.^ Chap. 7, 1894). As constituted by the Act 42 Vict., (N.B.), Chap. 7, 1879), the said Court was formerly composed of a Chief Justice, a Judge in Equity and four other Puisn^ Judges. 367 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Snpreme Court of IWew Brunswick. 1867 to 1895. Cliief Justice!^. Name. From Hon. William Johnston Ritchie (i) . " Sir John Campbell Allen, Kt. (2) 30th Nov., 1865 8th Oct., 1875 To 7th Oct., 1875 (1) Mr. Chief Justice Ritchie appointed Puisnfe Judge, Supreme Court of Canada, 8th October 1875. (2) Chief Justice Sir J. C. Allen knighted, 4th February, issy. (1) Judge in Equity. Name. Hon. Acalus Lockwood Palmer (2). i3oth May, 1879 (1) The title of Judge in Equity was cheated by 42 Vict., (X.B.), Chap. 7, (1879), and abolished by 57 Vict., (N.B.), Chap. 7, (1894). (2) Mr. Justice Palmer retired, 9th March, 1S94. 368 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Sapreme Court of Xew Tkr\nk%vi\fi\L— Concluded. Pnisne Judges. Name. From To Hon. ! Lemuel Allen Wilmot (i) ; (( Neville Parker (2) i «( John Campbell Allen (3) i ;£ John Wesley Weldon (4) .... 8th Jan., 185122nd July, 1868 ist May, 1854 7th Aua;., 1869 i2ist Sept., 1865 7th Oct., 1875 30th Nov., 1865 nth Feb., 1885 Charles Fisher (5) 3rd Oct., 1868 8th Dec, 1880 Andrew Rainsford Wetmore ; (6) 26th May, 1870 7th Mar., 1892 Charles Duff (7) ! 8th Oct., 187520th Dec, 1882 George Edwin King (8) j 9th Dec, 1880 20th Sept , 1893 John James Fraser (9) 128th Dec, 188221st Dec, 1893 William Henry Tuck (10). . . . ;i7th Mar,, 1885 Daniel Lionel Hannington. . . I ist April, 1892 Pierre Armand Landry '2 ist Sept., 1893 Frederick Eustace Barker. . . . '28th Dec, 1893 James Alfred VanWart jioth April, 1894 (1) Mr. Justice Wilniot assumed the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick, 23rd July, 1868. (2) Mr. Justice Parlfer was Master of tlie Rolls from the 21st March, 1838, until transferred to the Supreme Court by the Act 17 Vict, (N.B.), Chap. 18. passed on the 1st May, 1854. which Act also abolished the office of Master of the Rolls ; he died, 7th August, 1869. (3) Mr. Justice Allen appointed Chief Justice, 8th October, 1875. (4) Mr. Justice Weldon died, 11th February, 188.5. (5) Mr. Justice Fisher died, 8th December, 1880. (6) Mr. Justice Wetmore died, 7th March, 1892. (7) Mr. Justice Duff died, 20th December, 1882. (8) Mr. Justice King appointed Puisnfe Judge, Supreme Court of Canada, 21st September, 1893. (9) Mr Justice Fraser assumed the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick, 22nd December, 1893 . (10) Mr. Justice Tuck is also Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Admiralty District of New Brunswick. See page 303. 369 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Conliniitd. C'ouiilUiition of the Court »t' Divorce aiiid Matriuiouial Canses of the Proviiiee of Xew Brunswick. The Court of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes was constituted and established by the Act 23 Victoria, Chapter 37, of the Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick, which came into operation on the ist July, i860. The causes for divorce from the bond of matrimony and of dis- solving and annulling marriage are frigidity or impotence, adultery and consanguinity within the degrees prohibited. The Governor in Council may appoint, by Commission under the (}reat Seal, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick to be the Judge of the said Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, who shall have power and authority to hear and determine all causes and matters cognizable therem, but either party dissatisfied with any decision of the Court in any suit or proceeding may appeal therefrom to the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, from whose decision an appeal may be made to Her xMajesty's Privy Council, or to any other Court of Appeal having jurisdiction. [Chap. 50, Con. Stat, of the Province of New Br unsivick^ ^^ll) The Court of Divorce and matrimonial Causes of the Province of ^ew Brunswick. i860 to 1895. Judge. Hon. Neville Parker (i) 'i6th Oct., i860 '■ Charles Fisher [2) 14th Oct., 1868 To 13th Oct., 1868 8th Dec, 1880 (1) Mr. Justice Parker resigned, 13tli Ootober, IStiS ; he died, 7th Augu.st , ISO',*. (2) Mr, Justice Fisher died, ath December, 1880. 870 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada CoHiinued. The ('Oiirt of Divorce anti Matrimonial C^aiiseii of the ProTiiiee of .\ew Br uus wick— Co»ciuc?e«/. Judge. From To Hon. Andrew Kainsford AVetmore | i (i) iioth Jan., i88ii 8th Feb., 1892 " John James Fraser (2) ! 9th Feb, 1892:21st Dec, 1893 " James Alfred Van Wart J24th Aug., 1894! (1) Mr. .Tustice Wetmorc lesigueJ, nth Feliruary, 181t2 ; In- died, 7th March, 18y2. (2) Mr. Justice Fraser sworn r.ieuteiiant-Govenior of tlie I'mviiife of New Bruiiswiuk, 22nil DicembtT, 1893. CJonstitution of tlie County Conrts in tlie Province of iVew Brunswick. The County Courts in the Province of New Brunswick are courts of law and of record, and were established by the Act 30 Victoria, Chapter 10, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick on the 17th June, 1867. The Governor-General may appoint one County Court Judge for each of the following County Courts, namely : — The County Court for the Counties of Charlotte, Carleton, Victoria and Madawaska. The County Court for the Counties of York, Sunbury and Queen's. The County Court for the Counties of King's and Albert. The County Court for the Counties of Westmoreland and Kent. The County Court for the Counties of Northumberland, Glou- cester and Restigouche. The County Court for the City and County of Saint John. {Chap. 51, Con. Slat, of the Province of Neiv Brunswick, (1877), as aiiiendtd by the Act 45 F/V/., iV.B., Chap. 9, 1882.) 371 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Connty CoiirtN in the ProTiiice of IVeM Brunswick. 1867 to 1895. (1) The County Courl lor tlie City and County of St. John (MO Vi<'t., (N.B.). Clioii. 10, ISC,:, aii'l 4". Vict , (X.B.), C\\i\\\ !•, I8S1;.) Judge. From To Charles Walters (2) Benjamin Lester Peters (3) Jatnes Gordon Forbes .... 19th June, 1867: 7th Aug., 1891 29th Aug, iSgi 25th Nov., 1894 22nd Jan., 1895 (1) Priortotlifc passing of the .\<;t 45 Viot., (N B), Cli:ii>. '.>, (ISS2), tliis Cinnitv Court also com- prised tlio couiit.v of KiiigV, for wliich lattfr i-ourit.v and (lie county (if All)ort n scpiirnte County Court wa.s estatilislicd li.v the said Act ; see jiiifti' '.'<~.\, (2) Judge Wattcrs was also Judge of the Vice-Adniiialty Court of the Province of Xr \v IJnins- wick, see page 374 ; lie died, 7th August, iSnl. (.3) Judge Peters died, 25th Xovenilier, 1S'.'4. (I) The County Court for the CoiintieK of Westmoreland and Kent. (:?n Vict , (K.B.). Chai>. 10, \Ri\7, and 4.j Vic t.. (X.H ), Oiap. :K 1882.) Judge. From To James W. Chandler (2) 1 19th June, 1867 3rd Oct., 1870 Bliss Botsford (3) :24th Oct., 1870 7th April, 1890 Pierre Armand Landry (4) I^Sth April, 1890 2cth Sept., 1893 William Wilberforce Wells 21st Oct., 1893 (1) Prior to the passing of the Act 4i Vi(;t., (X.B.), Cliap. 'J, (18S2), this County Court also com- prised the County of Albert, for which latti^r county and the county of King's a separate County Court was PstaMished by the said Act ; see page .S73. (l'i Judge L'handler died, .3rd October. 1870. (;{) Judge Botsford died, 7tli April, ISDO. (4) Judge Landrj' appointed Puisn§ Judge, Supreme Coui t of Xew Brunswick, 21st Sciitenibcr, 1893. 372 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Comity CoiirtM In ilie Proirince of \e'w Briiiiiiwtck Coatinued. riie County Clonrt Tor the CountieM of York, ^iunbnry and Queen's. (:'.(! Vict.,(\.lJ.), rli.ip. ll>, isi;:, ,111(1 +.0 Vict.. (N'.B.), Cliai'. '.t, Iss-J.) Judge. James Sleadman i'Qth June, 1867; lo (1) The County . ;•, 1S8-2.) Judge. From William Wedderburn 28th June, 1882 To (1) Prior to the passing of tbe Act 45 Vict., (N.B.), Chap. S>, (1SS2), establishing the County Court for th« Couutie.s of King'.s aivl Alt>ert, the county of I\ing's was attached to the County Court for tlie City and County of bt. J')hii,and the county of Allicrt, to the County Court for the Counties of Westmoreland and Kent. (30 I'ict., (S.JI.), Clniji. 10, lSiJ7.) 374 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Cofiti fined. (1) The Tice-Admiralty Court of the ProTince of Kew Brunswick. C-'i; Vict., (U.K.t, ClKip. :;t, ISC,:; ; :(0-31 Vict . (I'.K.), Cliiii'. 45. ISUT ; .Vl-M Vici., (Iniii.), Cli.i].. -27 18'.-ii, anil .M-r..''. Virt., (Can.), Cliiip. 2i>, ISOl,) Judge. Hon. Robert Leonard Hazen (2). " Charles Walters (3) From To — i846:r5th Aug., 1874 1st Nov., 18761 ist July, T891 (1) Under the provisions of the Act 20 Viot., (U.K.), Chap. 24, lSii3. the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ' New Brunswick for the time beinjt, by virtue of his office, was, pending the appointment ot a Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court, the Jud^e of the latter court. (For Cliief Ju.stices of the Sujireme Court, see jiage 3t5" ) The Vice-Admiralty Court of New Brunswick was abolished by Section 17 of " Th< Colonial Courts of Admiral f]i .^o/, ISOO,'' (53-54 Vict., (Imp.), Chap. 27), which came into force on the 1st July, ISOl. .iiid in pursuance of the powers given the Parliament of Canada by the said Act, the Exchetiuer Court of Canada was cor.stituted, within Canada, a Colonial Court of Aiimiralty by "Hi": Aiimirnllii Aft, ISO!,' (54-55 Vict., Chai>. S!9, Sec. 3), which came into force, by proclamation, on the 2nd October, ISii], See " 77ic Admiraltij Di:it;-ict of Nev Brumvirl," jiagc 30;). (2) Judge Hazen died, 15th August, 1874. (3) Judce Watters was also Judge of the County Court foi the City and County of St. John, (see page 371) ; he died, 7th August, 1891. Constitution of the (Supreme Court of Judicature of Prince Cdward Island. The Supreme Court of Judicature of Prince Edward Island is com- posed of a Chief Justice and two Assistant Judges ; one of such Assist- ant Judges being also Master of the Rolls in Chancery, and the other Vice-Chanccllor of the Court of Chancery. The combined ofificcs of Assistant Judge and Master of the Rolls, and of Assistant Judge and Vice-Chancellor, were constituted, the former by the Act ii Vict., (P.E.I.), Chap. 6, (1848), and the latter by the Act 32 Vict., (P.E.I.), Chap, 4, (1869). 375 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Cotitimied. The Supreme Court of Judicature ot Prince Edward Inland. 1S73 to 1895. (Prince Edwanl Island admitted into tlie Doiiiiiiion, 1st July, 187y.) (I) Chief Justices. Name. i From To Hon. Sir Robert Hodgson, Kt. (2).. :21st Aj:>ril, 1853 3rd July, 1874 " Edward Palmer (3) .\ . i8th July, 1874 3rd- Nov., 1889 William Wilfred Sullivan (4)... 1 3th Nov., 1889^ in Prior to tlie couiiiiK into force, ou tlie 1st Ju!y, IS91. of " Thi Ciilniiinl i m-rh of Adiuiniltn Act, 1890," {bS-'A Vict., (Imp.), Olia]. •>7), the Cliicl .lustici- ot this Ciiit \v,if-, iindn ilio provisions of the Act it) Vict., (U.K.), Chay. 2i, (ISi):',), j-njfi, h, Jw\'^'' ot fljc Vic-i-- Adniiralty Court of Piince Edward Island. Tlic latter Court was aUoli.shed l>y S. ctiou 17 of the Act lirst mentioned, and, by Section I'.l of "Thr Ailmiralln Act, 1891," (.'i4-.V. Vict , (Can.), Chap. JO), whiidi came into force on the L'nd Octolier, 1S91, he became a Local ■ludgcin Adniir.dty of tlie Exchequer Court of Can;ul.i for the Admiralty District of Prince Kdward Island, which latter Court was, by Section :; of the Act last referred to, con- stituted, within Canada, a Colonial Conit of Admiralty. For ''The Admirnltii IHsliut of Prince Edwo.rd f>'htiid,'' see page .'504. (•J) Chief Justice tiir Rob.srt Hixlgsoii kuishted in l.Si>9 ; he assumed the oftice i^f l.ie.ilenant- Governorof the Province of Prince Edward Island, 4th Julv, 1S74 : died, I'dli riepteinUer 1880. - ■> (:i) Mr. Chief Justice Palmer died, 3rd November, 1889. (4) Mr. Chief Justice Sullivin is a'so Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Admiraltv IMstriet or' Prince Edward Island. Scopaj;.' :!'M and note (1) thi- page. 376 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The l^iipreiue Court of Judicature of Priuce Edward I»!>laild - Concluded. A»i»s«i!^tant Judges and Masters^ of wlie Kolls in Chancery. Name. From To Hon. James Horsfield Peters (i). ..31st Aug., 1848 14th April, 1891 " Edward Jarvis Hodgson 'iSth April, 1891 (1) Mr. Justice Peters retired, 15th April, 1891 ; diwi, JOt.'i June, ISdl. Agsistant Judges and Tice-Cfaancellors of the Court of Chancery. Name. Hon. Joseph Hensley (i) J2oth June, 1869 " Rowan Robert Fitzgerald 28th May, 1894 Mr. ,1u>tice Hensley diud, 10th May, 1894. 377 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Conti ued. Constitution of the Connty (Jourts in Prince Gdward Island. The County Courts of Queen's County, Prince County and King's County, respectively, were established by the Act 36 Vict., Chap. 3, passed by the Assembly of Prince Edward Island on the 14th June, 1873- The said Act provides that the Governor in Council shall appoint one Judge for each of these bounties. County Courts in Prince Edward Island. 1873 to 1895. The County Court of King's County. (:W Viet., (P.E.I.), Chaj.. 3, 1S73.) Judge. Dennis O'Meara Reddin i24th June, 1873 To The County Court of Prince County. (36 Vict, (P.E.I.), Cliaji. 3, 1873.t Judge. To William Henry Pope (i) 24th June. 1873 1^ Oct., 1879 Thomas Kelly (2) 24th Oct., 1879 12th F^^)., 1893 Neil McLeod j 9th Mar., 1893I fl) Jud;,'e Pope died, Tth October, 1879. (2) Judge Kelly died, I2th February, 1893. 378 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County l/Oiirt^ in Prince £dward Island— C'o/Jc/?/(f£^Z. The County Court of Queen'iii County. {:« Vict., (I'.E.I.). <-''i;'l'- 3, lS7:i) Jujge. From To Edward Palmer (i) George Alley 2oth June, 1873 17th July, 1874 1 8th July, 1874 (1) Judge Palmer appointed Chief Justice of tlie Supreme Court of Judicature of Prinee Edward I.slaud, IStli July, 1874. Constitution of the City Court of the City of Charlottetown, Prince Cdward Island. The City Court of the city of Charlottetown is a court of record called "The City Court," and was constituted by the Act 52 Vict., Chap. 14, (1889), of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island. The said Court is presided over by one Judge appointed by the Governor in Council, but such Judge receives no salary from the Dominion Government. 379 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The City Court of the City of Cliarlottetowu . [udge. To Rowan Robert Fitzgerald ( i) iioth Dec, 1892 27th May. 1894 P'rancis L. Haszard 2nd Feb., 1 895J \\) .Judge Fitzgerald appointed Assistant Judge . 27), the Chief Justice of British Columbia was, under the provisions of the Act 26 Vict. (U.K.), Chap. 24, (1863), ex-offlcio Judge of the Vice- Admiralty Court of British Columbia. Thf latter Court was abolished by Section 17 of the Act first mentioned, and by Section 1!> of " The Admiralty Act, 1891," (54-55 Vict., (Can.), Chap. 29), which came into force on the 2nd October, 1891, he became a Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the .admiralty District of British Columbia, which latter Court was, by Section 3 of the Act last referred to, constituted, within Canada, a Colonial Court of Admiralty. "See Admiralty District of British Colttmbin," page 304. " . (2) Chief Justice Sir M. B. Begbie was appointed Judge of the Colonv of British Columbia, 2nd September, 1858 ; knighted in 1875 ; he died, 11th June, 1894. ' (3) Mr. Chief Justice Davie appointed Local Judge iu Admiralty of the Exdiequer Court of Canada for the Admiralty District of British Columbia, 25th March, 189.5. Sec page 304. 381 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Suprene Conrt of British ijO\nmhi»,— Concluded. Puisne Judges. Name. Hon. Henry Pering Pellew Crease (0 ' " John Hamilton Gray (2) " John Foster McCreight " Alexander Rocke Robertson (3) " George Anthony Walkem .... " Montague William Tyrwhitt I Drake 14th Aug., 1889 From To nth Mar., 1870 3rd July, 1872 26th Nov., 1880 26th Nov., 1880 23rd May, 1882 Sth June, 1889 ist Dec, 1881 (1) Mr. Justice Cre.ase was appointed Deputy Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Couit of Canada for the Admiralty District of British Columbia, 27tli Novf-niber, 189:H. (2) Mr. Justice Gray died, 5tli June, 1881*. (.'{) Mr. Justice Rolicrtson died, Ist December, 1881. Constitution of the County Courts in the Province of British Columbia. By " 7//^- County Courts Act, 1883," passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, which came into force on the 29th February, 1884, (46 Vict., {B.C.), Chap. 5; Con. Acts, {B.C.), 1888, Chap. 25), the following County Courts, which are Courts of Record, were established, namely : — The County Court of Victoria. The County Court of New Westminster. The County Court of Yale. 382 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. ConNtiliition of the CJoiinly C-oiirtA in tlie Province of British Colnniltia -(-'(iiitinued. The County Court of Cariboo. The County Court of Kootenay. The County Couil of Nauaimo. An additional County Court called the "County Court of Van- couver " was established by the Act 56 Vict., (B.C.), Chap. 10, which, as respects this Court, came into force on the ist December, 1893. It is provided that the (iovernor-General shall appoint a Judge for each such Court, to be called the Judge of the County Court of the district for which he shall be appointed ; and that, until CNmnty Court ludges are appointed for the County Court of Kootenay and the County Court of Vancouver, respectively, the Judge of the County Court of Yale shall act as Judge of the County Court of Kootenay, (53 Fi'ct., (B.C.), Chap. 8, Sec. 9, 1890), and the Judge of the County Court of New Westminster, as Judge of the County Court of Vancouver, (56 Vict.,{B.C.\ Chap. 10, Sec. 7, 1893). Any County Court Judge may act as County Court Judge in any other district than that assigned to him, upon the death, illness, or unavoidable absence, or at the request of the Judge of that other district ; provided, however, the said Judge so acting out of his district shall immediately thereafter report in writing to the Provincial Secretary the fact of his so doing and cause thereof, {Con. Acts, {B.C.), 1888, Chap. 25, Sec. 14, as amended by 54 Vict., (B.C.), Chap. 7, 1891). The several Judges of the Supreme Court of British Columbia may sit and dispose of any business in any County Court in the Province, {Con. Jets, {B.C.), 18S8, Chap. 25, Sec. 15, and S3 Vict., {B.C.), Chap. 8, Sec. 10, 1890). After the Union of the Colonies of British Columbia and of Van- couver Island the procedure of the County Courts in all parts of British Columbia was amended and assimilated by " The County Court Ordinance, 1867," and the Governor of the Colony empowered, by Section 3 of such Ordinance, to appoint any Stipendiary Magistrates or 383 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Justices of the Peace of and in the Colony to be County Court Jud_ s:i.) Judge. From To William Ward Spinks (i) jiglh Sept., 1889 (1) Thp Act 5S Vict., (B.C.), Chap. 8, Sec. <>, (1890), provides that until a County Court Judge shall be appointed for tlie County Court of Kootenay, the Judge of tlie County Court of Yale shall act as Judge of the former Court. Constitution of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bencli for Manitoba. Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench for Manitoba is a court of record of original and appellate jurisdiction, and consists of a Chief Justice, styled "The Chief Justice of Manitoba," and three Puisne Justices, called the Judges of the said Court, (48 Vict., {Man.), Chap. 15, 1885 ; 58-59 Vict, {Man.), Chap. 6, 1895). As constituted by the Act 35 Vict., Chap. 3, (1872), of the Legis- lative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba, the said Court was formerly composed of a Chief Justice and two Puisne Judges. This Court, as originally constituted, by the Act 34 Vict., (Man.), Chap. 2, (1871), was called "The Supreme Court" of the Province of Manitoba, and was comoosed of one Judge, styled "The Chief Justice." The name of the Court was changed from "The Supreme Court'' to "The Court of Queen's Bench," and the number of Judges composing the Court increased to three Judges — a Chief Justice and two Puisne Judges — by the Act 35 Vict., (Man.), Chap. 3 (1872), already re- ferred to. 389 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. (1) Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench for Manitoba. 1871 to 1895. (Provinfc of Mnnitoba admitted into tlie Dominion, loth July, 1870.) The Chief Justices of Manitoba. Name. Hon. Alexander Morris (2) " Edmund Burke Wood (3) " Lewis Wallbridge (4) " Thomas Wardlaw Taylor From ' 2nd July, 1872 I nth Mar., 1874 1 1 2th Dec, 1882 i22nd Oct., 1887 To ist Dec, 1872 7th Oct., 1882 20th Oct., 1887 (1) As originally constituted by the Act :i4 Vict., (Man.), Chap. 2, (1871), this Court was called " The Supreme Court." Tlie name was changed to thfi Court of Queen's Bench bv the Act 35 Vict., (Man.), Chap. ;i, (1872). (2) Mr. Chief Justice Morris assumed the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba, 2nd December, 1872. (3) Mr. Chief Justice Wood died, 7th October, 1882. (4) Mr. Chief Justice Wallbridge died, 20th October, 1887. Judges of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench for Manitoba. Name. Hon. James McKeagney (i) " Louis Betournay (2) . . From To 7th Oct., 1872; r4th Sept., 1879 31st Oct, 1872:30th Oct., 1879 (1) Mr. Justice McKeagney died, 14th Septenilier, 187!i. (2) Mr. Jsistirir Betournay died, .'!Oth Oi^tober, 187^. 390 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. JiidS^es of Her majesty's €oiirt of Queen's Kencli for Manitoba— (7oMcZM(?cd. Name. To Hon. Joseph Dubuc " James Andrews Miller ( i ) . . " Thomas Wardlaw Taylor (2) " Robert Smith (3) " Albert Clements Killam " John Farquhar Bain 13th Nov., 1879 20th Oct., 1880 5th Jan., 1883 27th June, 1884 3rd Feb., 1885 15th Nov., 1887 31st Dec, 1882 2 1 St Oct., 1887 19th Jan., 1885 (1) Mr. Justice Miller resigneil, l.st Jaunury, 18S3. (2) Mr. Justicn Taylor appointed Chief .liistice of Manitoba, 22nd Octolier, ls;S7. Recorder of the Province of Manitoba. Name. Hon. Francis Godschall Johnson, Vuisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec To I St June, 1 87: 391 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Cuiislitiitioii of the County Courts in the Province of nianitoba. The Province of Manitoba was divided, by the Act 44 Vict., Chap. 28, (1881), of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba, into the following Judicial Districts, namely: — The Western Judicial District, the Central Judicial District, and the Eastern Judicial District. The last named Judicial District was subsequently subdivided, for County Court purposes, by proclamation dated the 21st July, 1885, into the Northern, Central and Southern Divisions, respectively, of the said Eastern Judicial District. It is provided that there shall be appointed for each of such County Court Division, or Judicial District, one County Court Judge, who shall p'-eside over each County Court within the Judicial District, or any division thereof, for which he shall be appointed ; but, if deemed necessary, more than one County Court Judge may be appointed for any judicial District or County Court Division, the Judge last appointed for the same district or division being known and designated as the Junior Judge of such district or division. The Lieutenant-Governor may, by Order-in-Council, from time to time, alter the limits of any Judicial Division constituted for County Court purposes, and establish County Courts therein. (Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1891, Chap. 33.) The County Courts in the Province of Manitoba were constituted by the Act 36 Vict., Chap. 6, (1873), of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba, and such County Courts, until County Court Judges were appointed, under the provisions of the Act 44 Vict., (Man.), Chap. 28, (1881), already referred to, were held by the Chief Justice, or by one of ihe Puisne' Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench for Manitoba. 392 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Coniily Court Judges iu the Proyiuce of Manitoba. 1882 to 1895. County Court Judges for the Western Judicial DistHct. Name. From To David Mar Walker (i) Thomas Dickie Cumberland (2). . 5th July, 1882 2nd June, 1893 ist June, 1893 (1) Judge Walker traiisferreil to the Nort.lieni Division of the Eastern Judicial District, ind June 1893. (•_>) Judge Cunil)erlaiid appointed Local Judge of the Court of Queen's Beiicli for Manitoba, 1st October, 1895. County Court Judge for the Central Judicial District. Name. From 5th July, 1882 To Toseoh Rvan (i) (1) Judge Ryan appointed Local Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench for Manitoba, 1st October, 1895. 393 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. County Conrt Judges in the ProTince of Ilfanitoba- Concluded. Countj Court Judges for the IVortbern Division of the Eastern Judicial District. Name. From To William Davis Ardagh (i) David Mar Walker (2) 7th June, 1883 2nd June, 1893 1 6th April, 1893 (1) Judge Ardagh died, 10th April, 1893. (2) Judge Walker transferred from the Weatern Judicial District. Connty Court Judge for the Central Division of the Eastern Judicial District. Name. Louis Arthur Prud'homme County Court Judge for the (Southern Division of the Eastern Judicial District. Name. From To Corbet Locke . 25th Aug., 1894 394 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. Con!!ititiitioii of "The l^iiprcine Court of Ihc ^'ortli-H'CMt Territories.'' The Supreme Court of the North West Territories is a court of record of original and appellate jurisdiction, and was constituted by the Act 49 Vict., Chap. 25, Sec. 4, (1886), of the Parliament of Canada, which came into force on the iSth February, 1887, by proclamation, bearing date the 21st January, 1887. The said Supreme Court consists of five Puisne Judges ap ">ointed by the Governor in Council, whose respective places of residence in the Territories are also fixed by the Governor in Council. Every Judge of the Court has jurisdiction throughout the Territories, but must usually exercise his judicial functions within the district to which he is assigned by the Governor in Council. Sittings of the Supreme Court, presided over by a Judge of the Court, are held in each Judicial District at such times and places as the Lieutenant-Governor of the Territories may appoint. The Court also sils in banc at the seat of Government of the Territories at such times as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint — the senior Judge present i)residing, and any three Judges of the Court forming a quorum — for the purpose of hearing and determining appeals, applications for new trials, questions or issues of law, questions or points in civil or criminal cases reserved for the opinion of the Court, and all matters which are lawfully brought before it. It is provided, however, by the Act 57-58 Vict. Chap. 17, (1894), amending Section 50 of Chapter 50 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, that the Judge by or before whom the judgment, or order or decision then in question was rendered or made, shall not sit as one of the Judges composing the Court, unless his presence is necessary to constitute a quorum. Under the provisions of Section 51, of the said Chapter 50 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, empowering the Governor in Council, by proclamation to divide the Territories into Judicial Districts, and in like 395 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. manner, from time to time, to alter the limits and extent of such districts, the Territories were divided, by proclamation dated the iSih February, 1887, into the following five Judicial Districts, namely : — The Judicial District of Eastern Assiniboia. The Judicial District of Western Assiniboia. 'J'he Judicial District of Southern Alberta. The Judicial District of Northern Alberta. The Judicial District of Saskatchewan. (Revised Statutes of Canada, 1886, Chap. 50, as amended by 57-58 Vict., Chap. 17, 1894.) The Supreme Court of the ]Vorth-We$iit Territ<»ries. 1887 to 1895. Tlie Judicial l>istrict of U'estern Asssiniboia. Puisne Judge. Hon. Hugh Richardson (i). 10 (1) Mr. Justice Richardson was formerly Stiiieudiary Magistrate fortlie Nortli-West Territories, (see page ;i98) ; his place of residence is at Regina. Tlie Judicial District of Kastern Assiniboia. Puisne Judge. Hon. Edward Ludlow Wetmore (i) iSth Feb., 1887 (I) Mr. Justice Wetniore's plac f rcsideiue was cliangcd fmui Whitcwnoil to Moosdinin on the lltli April, 1.SS7, To 396 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Siiiipreiiie Court of the North- West TerritorieH Continued. (1) The Judicial District of l^^orthern Alberta. Puisne Judge- From To Hon. Charles Borromee Rouleau (2) 1 8th Feb., 1887 (1) The Jiiii)j;e tor tliis Judicial District anil the Judge for the Judicial District of Southern Alberta were appointed, by the Governor in Council, on the 21st May, 18'.i4, Jud{;es for the two Judicial Districts conjointly. (■J) Mr. Justice Rouleau was formerly Stipendiary Magistrate for the North-West Territories, (see page :i98) ; his place of residence is at Calgary. (1) The Judicial District of Southern Alberta. Puisne Judge. From To Hon. James Farquharson Macleod, C.M.G. (2) i8th Feb., 1887 28th Sept., 1894 5th Sept., 1894 " David Lynch Scott (3) (1) The Judge for this Judicial District and the Judge lor the Judicial District ot Northern Alberta were apjwinted by the Governor in Council, on the 21st May, ISiH, Judges for the two Judicial Districts conjointly. (2) Mr. Justice Macleod was formerly Stipendiary Magistrate for the North-West Territories, (sec i>age 3!>S) ; his ijlace of residence was changed from Macleod to Calgary on the 21st May, 1894 ; he died, 5th September, 1894. (.!) Mr. Justice Scott was appointed for the Judicial Districts of Northern and of Southern AUx'ita conjointly ; his place of residence is at Calgary. 397 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Supreme Court of Ihe jV'orlh-Wemt I'erritories Concluded. The Judicial District of Sasjikatchewan. Puisne Judge. From Hon. Thomas Horace McGuire (i) 25th April, 1887 To (I) Mr. Justice McGiiir^s plaire of residence is .at Prince Albert. Stipendiary Magistrates for the Morth-West Territories. Authority was given the Governor-General, by Section i of the Act 36 Vict., (1873), Chap. 35, to appoint, by commission under the Great Seal, one or more Stipendiary Magistrate or Stipendiary Magis- trates for the North-VVest Territories. The said Section was repealed by Section 76 of the Act 38 Vict, (1875), Chap. 49, which came into force, by proclamation, on the 7th October, 1876, and by Section 61 of the Act last mentioned the Governor-General was again empowered to appoint Stipendiary Magistrates for the North-VVest Territories, not exceeding three, but the number of Stipendiary Magistrates so authorized was afterwards increased to four by Section 4 of the Act 48-49 Vict., (1885), Chap. 51. These provisions were repealed by Section 32 of the Act 49 Vict, (1886), Chap. 25, which came into force, by proclamation, on the 1 8th February, 1887, and by Section 4 of the latter Act the Supreme Court of the North- West Territories was constituted. 3!>8 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Concluded. stipendiary MaKistrateM for tlie Xortli- West Territories. (Ai>iM)iiitmeiits iiiaile under the Aet :!t) Vict., (187:J). (-'luili. ,:'•") Sec. 1, wliich Si'ftioii was r('i»-aled by the Act :i« \ ict., (1.S7.''), Chiiji. 4i», in loii<- from the Vtli t)ctober, ISTti.) Name. Matthew Ryan (i) Lt.-Col. Farquharson Macleod, C.M.G. (2) Hugh Richardsng ( i ) ist Jan., 1876 ist Jan., 1876 22nd July, 1876 To 6th Oct., 1876 6th Oct., 1876 6th Oct., 1876 (1) Re-aiipoint«il Stipeiiiliary Mafji-'trate unilcr Section •>! of the Act .'tS Vict , (1875), Cha]>. 4'.i, see l)elow. (i) Lt.-Ci), Chap. 25, Sec. :!2, in force from tlie 18th February, 1SS7.) Judge. Hugh Richardson (i) Matthew Ryan (2) Lt.-Col. James Fanjuharson Macleod, C.M.G. (3) Charles Borromee Rouleau (4) Jeremiah Travis From To 7th Oct., 1876 17th Feb., 1887 7th Oct., 1876! 4th June. 1881 j 7th Oct., 1876 17th Feb.. 1887 28th Sept., 188317th Feb., 1887 30th July, i885ii7th Feb., 1887 (I) Mr. [iii-hardson appointed Piiisnfe Judge, Suiiremc Court of the North-West Territories, 18th February, 1887. ('21 Mr. Kyan's servicej dispensed with. (:;) r.t.-Col. Macdeod was relieved of tlie duties of Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police from and after the 1st October, 18«0, from which date he resumed ins duties as on<^ of the three Stipendiary Magistrates, with precedence as such, from the 7tli October, 1870; a](]iointed Puisn6 Judge, Suiireme Court of the Xortli-West Territories, IStli February, 1SS7. (4) Mr. Rouleau apiminted Puisn6 Judge, Supri'me Court of the .Vortli West Tcnitiuies, Usth February, 1SS7. 399 Pensions Granted to Judges of Dominion and Provincial Courts. 1867 to 1895. PciiMioiiH €jiranic«l to Judges of the IHiiprenie Court of Canada. Name. Hon. Sir William Buel Richards, Kt. late Chief Justice " Jean Thomas Taschereau, late Puisne Judge " Telesphore Fournier, late Puisne Judge Retired. loth Jan., 1879 6th Oct., 1878 1 2th Sept., 1895 Died. 26th Jan., 1889 9th Nov., 1893 Pensions Granted to Judges of the High Court for Ontario. 1867 to 1895. N.AME. Hon. Sii Adam Wilson, Kt., late Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench " William Proudfoot, late Justice of the High Court, Chancery Division " Sir Thomas Gait, Kt., late Chief Justice of the Common Pleas Retired. 7lh Nov., 1887 8th May, 1890 ist Sept., 1894 Died. 29th Dec, 1 89 1 400 Pensions Granted to Judges —Con/i/iued. PeiiMlontit tb^ranleil to JndgeM of C'oiinfy Courts of the ProFince of Ontario. 1867 to 1895. Name. Retired. 8th I St Hervey W. Price, late Judge, County Court of the County of Wel- land 1 1 4th Seeker Brough, late Judge, County! Court of the County of Huron, j24th John Marjoribanks Lawder, late Judge, County Court of the' County of Lincoln |29th James Joseph Burrowes, late Judge, County Court of the County of Frontenac William B. Wells, late Judge, County Court of the County of Kent . . Archibald McDonald, late Judge, County Court of the County of Wellington Hon. George Sherwood, late Judge, County Court of the County of Hastings George M. Boswell, late Judge, County Court of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham Hon. James Robert Gowan, C.M.G., late Judge, County Court of the County of Simcoe . John Gustavus Stevenson, late Judge, County Court of the County of Haldimand Aug., 1873 July, 1877 Nov., 1877 May, 1878 Oct., 1878 24th Sept., 1880 29th Aug., 1881 31st Oct., 1882 2 1 St Sept., 1883 ist June, 1884 Died. 27th Jan., 1875 14th Jan.. 1879 2Tst Sept., 1893 8th Jan., 1880 8th April, 1881 5th April, 1881 27th Feb., 1883 28th Aug., 1889 Sth Mar., 1888 401 Pensions Granted to 3 M^ge^— Continued. PensionM Ciranted to JiidgeH of County CoiirtN of the Pro¥liice of Onta.r\o— Concluded. Name. John Boyd, late Judge, County Court of the County of York, and of the Maritime Court of Ontario Robert Dennistoun, late Judge, County Court of the County of Peterborough Daniel Home Lizars, late Judge, County Court of the County of Perth George McKenzie Clark, late Judge, County tourt of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham William Miller, late Judge, County Court of the County of Waterloo John Juchereau Kingsmill, late Judge, County Court of the County of Bruce Alexander Forsyth Scott, late Judge, County Court of the County of Peel Retired. 3rd Sept., 1885 15th Mar., 1886 ist Jan., 1887 ist Nov., 1887 ist Jan., 1888 ist April, 1893 1 2th Mar., 1894 Died. 31st May, 1895 5th May, 1894 17th June, 1891 1 2th May, 1894 Pensions Granted to JudgeM of the Court of Queen's Bench for the Province of Qnebec. 1867 to 1895. Name, Hon. Thomas Gushing Aylwin, late Puisnd Judge Died. 14th Oct., 1871 402 Pensions Granted to Judges~-Co»fifi?(cd. Pensions tiranted |o Jiid^eiii of Ihe Court, oi' Queeu^N Bench for tlie Province of ^nehec— Concluded. Name. ketired. Died. 2nd Mar., 187424th Dec, 1888 Hon. Louis Thomas Drummond, late Puisne Judge | ist Nov., 1873124th Nov., 1882 William Badgley, late Puisne Judge Jean Fran(^ois Joseph Duval, late Chief Justice ist June, 1874] 6th May, 1881 Samuel Cornwallis Monk, late Puisne' Judge Ulric Joseph Tessier, late Puisne Judge ii2th Sept., iSgi\ 7th April, 1892 Levi Ruggles Church, late | j Puisne' Judge ! 7th Jan., r892J3oth Aug., 1892 Alexander Cross, late Puisne | Judge 4th Oct., 1892 17th Oct., 1895 20th Sept., 1888 29th Oct., 1888 Pensions Cftranted to Judges^ of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. 1867 to 1895. Name. Retired. Hon. James Smith, late Puisnej Judge J25th Aug., 1868 " John Gawler Thompson, late Puisne Judge " Felix Odilon Gauthicr, late Puisne' Judge " David Roy, late Puisne Judge.! 7th Jan , 1871 25th Aug., 1868 27th May, 1870 Died. 29th Nov., 1868 4th Sept., 1868 29th April, 30th July, 1876 1880 403 Pensions Granted to Judges— Cmfi/meif. PeusiouH Grauted to Judges of the Superior Court, for the Province of ^uehec— Concluded. Name. Retired. Hon. Peter Winter, late Puisne' Judge 4th Nov., Aime Lafontaine, late Puisn6 Judge ist June, Joseph Amable Berthelot, late Puisne Judge ist Sept., Thomas Jean Jacques Lor£.n- ger, late Puisne Judge. . . . 19th May, Antoine Polette, late Puisne' Judge ist Sept., Joseph Noel Bosse, late Puisne Judge 9th Nov., Robert Mackay, late Puisne Judge ist Nov., Sir William Collis Meredith, Kt., late Chief Justice. ... ist Oct., Henri Fe'lix Rainville, late ■ Puisne Judge ji2th April, George C. V. Buchanan, late ! Puisne Judge i8th Jan., Louis Victor Sicotte, late Puisne' Judge 7th Nov., Hubert Wilfrid Chagnon, late Puisne' Judge 12th Nov., Auguste Cyrille Papineau, late Puisne' Judge 7th May, Sir Andrew Stuart, late Chief Justice 23rd Nov., Marcus Doherty, late Puisne Judge 15th Oct., Edward Towle Brooks, late Puisne Judge ist Nov., 874 Died. 1891 7th July, 1884 876 876 879 19th Aug., 1885 88o| 6th Jan., 1887 880 882 884 886 887 887 887 889 889 891 895 24th Sept., 1881 23rd Feb., 1888 26th Feb., 1894 7th Feb., 1 89 1 ist Aug., 1889 • 9th June, 1891 404 Pensions Granted to Judges— Continued. Pensions Granted to Judges of the Supreme Court of iN^OTa Scotia. 1867 to 1895. Name. Hon. William B. Bliss, late Puisne Judge '' James William Johnstone, late Judge in Equity " Edmund Murray Dodd, late Puisne Judge " Lewis Morris Wilkins, late Puisne Judge " Sir William Young, Kt., late Chief Justice " W. F. Desbarres, late Puisne Retired. John William Ritchie, late Judge in Equity Hugh McDonald, late Puisne Judge 28th Jan., 1869 20th June, 1873 8th April, 1874 7th Oct., 1878 r4th May, 1881 1 6th Dec, 1 88 1 29th May, 1882 20th Feb., 1893 Died. i6th Mar., 1874 2ist Nov., 1873 24th July, 187C 15th Mar., 1885 8th May, 1887 i6th June, 1885 13th Dec, 1890 Pensions Granted to Judges of County Courts of the ProTince of NoTa Scotia. 1876 to 1895. Name. Barclay E. Tremaine, late County Court Judge for District Number Seven Died. 405 Pensions Granted to Judges— Continued. Pensions Granted to Judges of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick. 1867 to 1895. Name. Hon. Lemuel Allen Wilmot, late Puisne Judge (i) " Acalus Lockwood Palmer, late Judge in Equity Retired. Died. 23rd July, 186820th May, 1878 9th Mar., 1894!. (1) Hon. Mr. Wilmot was Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick from the 23r George Tate Blackstock George Langrish Tizard Charles Robert Webster Biggar William Drummond Hogg Daniel O'Connor George Fergusson Shepley. . . . James Bond Clarke James Pliny Whitney James Robb John King John James Maclaren George Oscar Alcorn George Washington Wells ... Matthew Wilson Date of Commission. 2nd Dec, 1889 6th Jan., 1890 (< « u 412 Queen's Counsel Continued. Members of the Ontario ¥kB,T—(Joncluded. Name. William Weir Fitzgerald Charles Edward Pegley Edmund Campion John Wallace Nesbitt Ashton Fletcher John Alexander McGillivray . . . Duncan Chisholm John Boyd Stephen Franklin Lazier Wintringham Clifton Loscombe Allen Bristol Aylesworth John Alexander Macdonell . . . John Fisher Wood John Juchereau Kingsmill. . . . Date of Commission. 6th Jan., 1890 8th Aug., 1895 9ff embers of tbe Quebec Bar. Name. Date of Commission. Cyrille De la Grave Louis Betournay Jonathan Saxton Campbell Wurtele George C. V. Buchanan Adolphe Bazile Routhier Jacques Malouin James Dunbar Joseph Guillaume Bosse' Jean Langlois William McDougall Charles Joseph Coursol Louis Belanger 31st Oct., 1872 28th Feb., 1873 413 Queen's Counsel— Continued. JMeinbers of the Quebec 'RvLV—Continued. Name. Louis Frangois Georges Baby Richard Alleyn David Alexander Ross John Ponsonby Sexton Marcus Doherty Pierre Moreau William H. Kerr Joseph Alfred Mousseau Hon. Joseph Adolphe Chapleau Honor^ Cyrias Pelletier Joseph Philippe Rdne Adolphe Caron . George MacRae Aguste R^al Angers Joseph Aldric Ouimet Edward Towle Brooks Hon. Fran9ois Xavier Anselme Trudel. George Bernard Baker Hon. Louis Onesime Loranger Ddsir^ Girouard Henri G^ddon Malhiot Nazaire Lefebvre Denoncourt Robert Newton Hall Frangois Charles Stanislas Langelier. . . Sinoeon Pagneulo Jean Gervais Protais Blanchet Alexandre Lacoste . Louis Philippe Eugene Crdpeau Charles Peers Davidson Hon. Wilfrid Laurier Hon. William Warren Lynch Joseph Maxime Loranger William Cook William Bullock Ives Levi Ruggles Church Michel Mathieu Date of Commission. 28th Feb., 1873 2nd 19th April, May, 1873 1879 nth Oct., 1880 414 Queen's Counsel— cv«/'/«7/<'^. MeinberM of the Quebec VtHr— Continued. Name. Frederick William Andrews F^dniund Barnard Ernest Cimon Donald McMaster James Oliva Melbourne McTaggart Tait Benjamin A. Globensky Jules Ernest Larue. Didier J. Montambault John Joseph Curran Charles Chamilly de Lorimier Pierre C. Duranceau Louis Tellier Louis Olivier Taillon Ivan Tolkien Wotherspoon William W. Robertson William White Hubert C. Cabana George O. Doak Wilfrid Prevost Olivier M. Augd Thomas Page Butler Christophe Alphonse Geoffrion Augustus Power William Wilson Francois Xavier Archambault Frederick Thomas Judah Hon. Charles L. Champagne, LL.D John Sprolt Archibald Harry Abbott John L. Morris Louis Wilfrid Marchand Thomas Chase Casgrain Charles Atiguste Cornellier Edouard Lefebvre de Bellefeuille. . Date of Commission. 23rd Jan., 1882 :6th June, 1883 i8th Feb., 1887 415 Queen's Counsel— c^«//>»«^^. JHeniberti of Ihe <|uebec Har -Continued. Name. Date of Commission. John Ramsay Fleming j i8th Feb., 1887 Isidore Noel Belleau j " Auguste Barthelemi Cressd " Charles Narcisse Harael : " Charles Darveau Francois X. Drouin Charles Joseph Doherty John S. Hall, jr Malcolm Macleod Henry B. Brown Joseph Duhamel Joseph L. Terrill John Cassie Hatton . Joseph Louis Archambault Leonidas Heber Davidson John Kennedy Elliott Hon. Edmund James Flynn, LL.D Ernest Racicot Alfred Napole'on Charland Thomas Linibre Taschereau Adolphe Fontaine Louis Edmond Panneton Charles Pentland Louis Adolphe Billy Pascal Vinceslas Tach^ Francois J. Bisaillon Joseph Moise Desilets Jean Alfred Gagn^ Duncan McCormick Lawrence G. Macdonald Athanase Branchaud Tancr^de Chevalier de Lorimier . . Amddde Leonidas Wolfred Grenier , Frangois Xavier Mathieu Pierre Narcisse Martel loih 28th Dec. Dec. 1889 1889 416 Queen's Counsel— Continue/. JHemberer of the Qaebec IBViV— Continued . Name. Date of Commission. Simeon Beaudin Joseph Olivier Joseph John Dunlop Frederic Liguori Bdique Albert T. Bender Christopher Benfield Carter J. Norbert Pouliot Antoine Olivier T. Beauchemin Louis Napoleon Asselin Peter J. Coyle Henri C^saire Saint-Pierre Joseph Edouard Faribault James N. Greenshields . . Wilfrid Bruno Nantel Robert Davidson McGibbon Ldandre Joseph Ethier Michael Joseph Francis Quinn Horace Archambeault Gustavus G. Stuart Norman William Trenholme C. Panet Angers Hubert Edouard Adjutoi Turcotte nth Frederick S. Lyman 2nd Jean Joseph Beauchamp 7th Frangois de Sales Alphonse Bastien .... Joseph Alexandre Bonin Selkirk Cross Henry John Kavanagh James Kirby Jean Baptiste Gustave Lamothe Frederick Debartzch Monk Pierre Bazile Mignault Louis Conrad Pelletier Alfred Rochon George Edwin Bampton 28th Dec, 1889 Jan., Feb., Mar., 1890 1891 1893 417 Queen's Counsel— CoN/inued. Members of the Quebec Bar— Concluded . Name. Date of Commission. Guillaume Eusbbe Damase Amyot i 7th Mar., 1893 William Charles Languedoc . Charles Edouard Leonidas Dionne Pierre Alphonse Boudreault | Thomas Brossoit | Louis Henri Archambeault i William Guild Cruikshank ' Frangois Xavier Choquet I Joseph Ade'lard Descarries j Hon. Louis Philippe Pelletier .\ Edwatd John Hemming. i Hon. Pierre Laurent Damase Evariste Lei Blanc j Joseph Raymond Fournier Prdfontaine . . \ Peter Joseph Cooke i Alexander F. Maclntyre Hormidas Jeannotte dit Lachapelle | Philippe Arthur Olivier j Joseph Edouard Be'dard Thomas James Doherty Thomas Patrick Foran Edwin Botsford Busteed Lawrence Stafford John Malcolm McDougall Ndree Louis Duplessis Louis Charles Belanger Eugfene Lafontaine Gershom Joseph Nazaire Henri Bourgouin Gilbert Mireault John Gleason Charles Henry Stephens George Duval ' loth June, 1893 David Ross McCord 13th April, 1895 418 Queen's Counsel— Con/muea. Members of the Xo¥a (!icotia Bar. Name. Hon. William Miller Hugh McDonald Newton LeGeyt McKay Alfred William Savary Alexander James Hon. Henry William Smith James Ttiomson Nathaniel Whitworth White William Almon Johnstone Joseph Norman Ritchie Charles Boidman Owen Matthew Henry Richey William Howe Stephen Harrington Moore James William Johnston Hon. Henry Adolphus Newman Kaulback Henry Prior Samuel Gordon Rigby Hon. John Sparrow David Thompson. , . Ebenezer F. Munro James Fogo Simon H. Holmes Robert G. Haliburlon William Frederick MacCoy Murray Dodd William Hopkins Owen James Went worth Bingay . Alonzo J. White Hon. Charles James Townshend . Thomas C. Schreve Robert Sedgewick E. Tilton Mosely George Thomas Moore Nicholas H. Meagher Hugh McDonald Henry Date of Commission. 26th Dec, 1872 20th Feb.," 1873 (( 22nd Oct., 1873 4th Nov., 1873 19th May, 1879 nth Oct., 1880 26th Jan. 1881 2ist Nov., 1881 lit u 419 Queen's Counsel — Continued. Members of the !¥ova Scotia Bar— Conh'r^^r?c^ Name. Date of Commission. May, 1884 25th June, 1890 Charles Sidney Harrington 21st Nov., 1881 Wallace Graham " Brenton Haliburton Eaton 6th Douglas B Woodworih j Harris H. Bligh \ Benjamin G. Gray Henry A. Grantham ... Edwin D. Iving John P. Chipman John McGillivray William Benjamin Ross Hon. Charles Hibbert Tupper James Johnston Ritchie, LL.B Robert Laird Borden Arthur Rupert Dickey James Norbert Lyons Robert E. Harris William Duffus Sutherland Israel Longworth Thomas Edgar Corning Alexander H. McGillivray Geofge Campbell Fletcher Bath Wade William Reynolds Cutler John Burpe Mills Benjamin Russell Hon J. Wilberforce Longley William Thomas Pipes ... Barclay Webster George Bingay j Medley Townshend John Y. Payzant 1 2"'h James A. McLean ■ 9th Charles Reynolds Smith Edmund Leslie Newcombe lune, Oct., 2nd Feb., 1 8th Nov.. 1890 1890 1891 '893 420 Queen's Counsel— Continued. JMeiuber^i of Ihe Kova Ncotia H&r— Concluded. Name. Date of Commission. Arthur Drysdale 8th Nov., 1895 Colin Chisholm Edwin Ruggles Joseph Alexander Gillies William Bruce Almon Ritchie Hon. George H. Murray members of tlie IVew Brunswick Bar. Name. Date of Commission. Frederick Eustace Barker 2nd April, 1873 George Edwin King " Samuel Thomson " James Joseph Kaye " Lewis Peter Fisher " John James Fraser " George Skeffington Grimmer " Charles N. Skinner " William Wedderburn " William Wilkinson : . .; " Charles Wesley Weldon " William Hayden Needham Allan A. Davidson . David Shank Kerr William Jack William James Gilbert ' nth Nov., 1881 Edward Ludlow Wetmore " Benjamin R. Stevenson " Pierre Armand Landry " George G. Gilbert ; " Charles H. B. Fisher i nth Oct., 1880 421 Queen's Counsel— Card Thomas Millidge John McAlister George Valentine Mclnerney . Henry A. Powell 23rd Mar , 1892 8th June, 1894 3rd Oct., 1894 422 Queen's Counsel— Cofihnued. Members of the Prince Edward Island Bar. Name, Date of Commission. Hon. William Wilfred Sullivan • ' 19th May, 1879 Malcolm McLeod " Edward Jarvis Hodgson " Rowan Robert Fitzgerald . . . .• nth Oct., 1880 Hon. Neil McLeod 2nd Feb., 1891 William S. Stewart , 8th June, 1894 Walter Augustus Ormsby Morson " Francis Longworth Haszard " Angus Alexander McLean " Menibers of the British Columbia Bar. Name. Alexander Rocke Robertson George Anthony Walkem John Foster McCreight Hon. Montague William Tyrwhitt Drake . Hon. Alexander Edmund Batson Davie . Theodore Davie Edwin Johnson Chirles Edward Pooley William Norman Bole Robert Edwin Jackson Angus John McCoU Lewis Griffith Mc Phillips David MacEwan Eberts Gordon Edward Corbould Henry Dallas Helmcken Edward Pease Davis Charles Wilson Date of Commission. 2nd April, 1873 « 2ist Sept., 1883 ii 27th May, 1887 23rd Nov., 1889 4th Nov., 1892 (( 19th Oct., 1894 423 Queen's Counsel— Con/inued. Members of the Hanitoba Bar. Name. I Date of Commission. Joseph Benjamin McArthur 30th April, 1884 Sedley Blanchard " Frederick McKenzie " Albert Clements Killam 9th May, 1884 Samuel Clarke Biggs 3rd Nov., 1884 Hector Mansfield Howell James Albert Manning Aikins " John Skirving Ewart " Nathaniel Francis Hagel 26lh Oct., 1885 Charles Edward Hamilton " John Farquhar Bain 15th Nov.. 1887 Thomas Smith Kennedy 6th Jan., 1890 Hugh John Macdonald William Redford Mulock *' Isaac Campbell " James Stewart Tupper " William Henry Culver " Thomas Mayne Daly " William James Cooper 28th Dec, 1893 Colin H. Campbell George Robson Coldwell " John Henry Dumble Munson *' Thomas Henry Gilmour " Corbet Locke j " Alexander Haggart ; " Horace Edgar Crawford " William Alexander Macdonald " John Stanley Hough j " James Fisher j " Hon Clifford Sifton 22nd July, 1895 424 Queen's Counsel— Conduded. Members of tbe North-West Territories Bar. Name. Date of Commission. David Lynch Scott fames Alexander Lougheed William White Peter McCarthy James Bruce Smith John Secord Charles CoursoUes McCaul William Cayley Hamilton John Ryan Costigan Nicholas Flood Davin James McKay Sidney Stockton Taylor Nicholas Du Bois Dominic Beck Bertram Tennyson Harry Symons Charles Frederick Pringle Conybeare . . . 26th 23rd 2nd 6th 25th 27th 28th 19th nth 19th Oct., Nov., Jan., Jan., (i June, (( Oct., Dec, Oct., Nov., Oct., 1885 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 1893 1894 1894 1894 125 Imperial Honours conferred by Her Majesty Queen Victoria for Canadian Service. 1867 to 1895. The Peerage of the IJuited Hiujsdoin. Sir George Stephen, Bart., created Baron Mount Stephen, 25th June, 1 89 1. Lady Susan Agnes Macdonald created Baroness Macdonald of EarnsclifFe, 14th August, 1891. Members of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Name. The Right Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, K.C.B. (i) The Right Hon. Sir John Rose, Bart., G.C.M.G. (2) The Right Hon. Sir John Sparrow David Thompson, K.C.M.G. (3) Sworn . 14th Aug., 1879 June, 1886 1 2th Dec., 1894 (1) The Right Hon. Sir John Macdonald died, 6th June, 1891. • (2) The Right Hon. Sir John Rose died, 24th August, 1S88. (3) The Right Hon. Sir John Thompson died suddenly at Windsor Castle, 12th December, 1894. 420 Imperial Honoxxra— Continued. Baronets. Name. Sir George Etienne Cartier (i) Sir John Rose, K.C.M.G. (2) Sir George Stephen Sir Charles Tupper, G.C.M.G., CB. . (1) Sir George Cartier died, 20th May, 1873. (2) Sir John RoHe died, 24th August, 1888. Created. April, i868 pth Sept., 1872 I St Feb., 1886 loth Sept., 1888 The Most Honourable Order of the Bath. First Class, KniKht Grand Cross (G.C.B.) Name. The Right Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, P.C, K.CB Created. 2 1 St Nov., 1884 Second Class. Knight Commander (K.CB.) Name. Created, Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, ist July, 1867 427 Imperial 'BonOUrS— Continued. The Most Honourable Order of the Batli -Concluded. Third Class. Companions (C.K.) Name. Hon. William Pearce Howland " William McDougall .... " Charles Tupper '' Samuel Leonard Tilley "• Hector Louis Langevin . Created. ist July, 1867 1868 The Most I>istinguisheeU died, 24th May, lS9-i. 429 Imperial Honours -Continued. The MoHt l>i8UnKniHhed Order of fiiit Michael niid Ht. CiieorKC — Continued. Mecond Class— Co/ic/«rf«rf. (K.r.iif.G.) Name. Lt.-Col. Sir Francis Walter DeWinton, C.M.G Sir David Lewis Macpherson Sir Adams George Archibald, C.M.G. (i) Sir Joseph Philippe R^ne Adolphe Caron Major General Sir Frederick Dobson Middleton, C.B Sir Donald Alexander Smith Sir James Alexander Grant, M.D Sir John Sparrow David Thompson (2) . . Sir Joseph William Trutch, C.M.G Colonel Sir Casimir Stanislas Gzowski, A.D.C Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott, D.C.L., QC.(3) Sir Oliver Mowat, LL.D., Q.C Sir John Carling Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper Sir William Cornelius Van Home Sir Mackenzie Bowell Sir John Christian Schultz Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbinibre .... Created. ist Feb., 1st Aug., 6th June, 25th Aug., 25th Aug., 29th May, 2ist June, loth Sept., 2nd Jan., 2 1 St May, 25 th May, 25 th May, 3rd June, i4lh Sept., 26th May, ist Jan., 24th May, 24th May, 884 884 885 885 885 886 887 888 889 890 892 892 893 893 894 895 895 895 (1) Sir A. G. Archibald died, 14th December, 1892. (2) Sir Johu S. D. Thompson died, 12th December, 1894. (3) Sir John J. C. Abbott died, 30th October, 18P3. 430 Imperial Honours— c<7«//«?w. The Moal Disf ingnisbed Order of St. Michael and St, George— Co7iti7iued . Third Class. Compaiiious (C.M.G.) Name. Lt.-Col. Howard Craufurd Elphinstone . . Lt.-Col. William Osborne Smith Lt.-Col. Archibald McEachern Lt.-Col. Brown Chamberlin Lt.-Col. John Fletcher Colonel Randal Joseph Feilden Lt.-Col. John Carstairs McNeill Commissary-General Matthew Bell Irvine Lt.-Col. Samuel Peters Jarvis Lt.-Col. Louis Adolphe Casault Major James Farquharson Macleod (i) . ■ Lt.-Col. William John Bolton Anthony Musgrave Colonel John Hamilton Gray Hon. A'dams George Archibald (2) Lt-Col. Hewitt Bernard (3) Hon. William Cleaver Francis Robinson Colonel John Dyde (4) Colonel John Sewell Colonel Henry Charles Fletcher (5) Sandford Fleming, C.E John Palliser Major-General Donald Roderick Cameron, R.A Captain Samuel Anderson, R.E Captain George Arthur French, R.A Created. 6th July, T5th Sept., t( 1870 1870 i6th Dec, 1870 1 8th Feb., 1 8th Feb., 30th Nov., 30th Nov., 5th July, 29th May, 29th May, 1 8th Aug., 31st May, 1871 1S71 1872 1872 T873 1875 1875 1875 1877 31st xMay, 1877 31st May, 1877 (1) Major, afterwards Lt.-Col. Macleod died, 5th SeptciiiLer, 1S!>4. (2» Hoii. Mr. Ari'hibald promoted K.O.M.G., 6tii June, ISSj : lie died, 1-lth Dee.ember. 169-2. (3) Lt.-Col. Bernard died, 24th February, 189:;. (4) Colonel Dyde appointed A. D.C. to the Queen, -.Utli Mav, 1S70 : he died, 'ith Manli, 18S«. (5) Colonel H. C. Fletcher died, September, ISTii. 431 Imperial Konovira—CofUinued. The Most Distinguished Order of Ht. michael and St. Georse—Continued. Third Class (CJ.M.G.)— Cond«ded. Name. Created. Joseph William Trutch 1877 Hon. Charles Alphonse Pantaleon Pelletier 30th Oct., 1878 Thomas Coltrin Keefer, C.E 30th Oct., 1878 Lt-Col. The Hon. Edward George Percy Littleton 22nd Nov., 1 880 John William Dawson, LL.D 24th May, 1881 Alpheus Todd, LL.D. (i) 24th May, 1881 Alfred Patrick (2) 24th May, 1882 Lt.-Col. John Stoughton Dennis (3) . . . . " Lt.-Col. Francis Walter DeWinton (4) . . . " John Kidd 19th Nov., 1 882 Colonel Edward Osborne Hewett, R.E. . . 24th May, 1883 Lt.-Col. Frederick Charles Denison 25th Aug., 1885 Hector Fabre ' ' 28th June, 1886 Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, LL.D 28th June, 1886 Joseph Grose Colmer 24th May, 1888 Major-General John Ryder Oliver, R.A. . 2nd Jan., 1889 John George Bourinot, LL.D ist Jan., 1890 William Henry Griffin 21st May, 1890 George Mercer Dawson, LL.D 25th May, 1892 Ashley Anthony Froude 17th Aug., 1892 Hon. James Robert Gowan, LL.D 3rd June, 1893 Collingwood Schreiber, C.E 3rd June, 1893 George Edward Yorke Gleadowe ist Jan., 1894 Hon. Charles Eugene Boucher de Boucherville 26th May, 1894 Alexander Roland Milne i 24th May, 1895 (1) Dr. Todd died, 22nd January, 1884. (2) Mr. Patrick died, 18th July, 1892. (3) Lt.-Col. Dennis died, 7th July, 1885. (4) Lt.-Col. DeWinton promoted K.C.M.G., 1st February, 1884. 432 Imperial Honours— CV«^/««^^. The Most Distinguished Order ul* iiit. Michael aud St. George— Concluded. Prelate of the Order. Name. The Most Reverend Robert xMachray, D.D., LL.D., Archbishop of Ruperts- land Created. gth Mar., 1893 Knights Bachelors. Name. Sir William Young (i) Sir Robert Hodgson (2) Sir Edward Kenny (3) Sir Hugh Allan (4) Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie (5) •. . . . Sir William Buell Richards (6) Sir Antoine Aime Dorion (7) Sir William Johnston Ritchie (8) Sir Roderick William Cameron Sir John William Dawson, C.M.G., LL D, Sir William Collis Meredith (9) Sir Matthew Crooks Cameron (10) Sir Andrew Stuart (11) (1) Sir William Young died, 8«i May, 1887. (2) Sir RoViert Hodgson died, 15th September, 1S80. (3) Sir Edward Keimy died, 16th May, 1801. (4) Sir Hugh Allan died, 9th December, 1882. (0) Sir M. B Begbie died, lltli June, 1894. (6) Sir W. B. Richards died, 26th January, 1889. (7) Sir A. A. Doriou died, 3lst May, 1891. (8) Sir W. J. Ritchie died, 26tli September, 1892. (9) Sir W. C. Meredith died, 26th Februarj-, 1894. (10) Sir M. C. Cameron died, 24th June, 1887. (U) Sir Andrew Stuart died, tfth June, 1891. Created 1869 ist Mar., 1869 3rd Nov., 1870 1871 26th Oct., 1875 4th Oct., 1877 4th Oct., 1877 24th May, 1881 1 6th June, 1883 nth Sept., 1884 2 1 St June, 1886 9th May, 1887 9th May, 1887 433 Imperial Houours—Con^/t^Jed. Knigbte WiacUelor»— Concluded. Name. ! Created. Sir Adam Wilson (i) j 20th Sir Thomas Gait I 18th Sir Daniel Wilson, LL.D 1 30th Sir John Campbell Allen ' 4th Sir Joseph Hickson j 20th Sir Francis Godschall Johnson (2) I 30th Sir Robert Gillispie j 30th Sir Alexandre Lacoste i 15th Sir Samuel Henry Strong j 26th Sir Frank Smith | 25th Sir Louis Edelmar Napole'on Casault . . | 25th Sir William Hales Hingston, M.D j 24th (1) Sir Adam Wilson died, 29th December, 1891. (S) Sir F. 0. .Johnson died, 27tli May, 1894. Dec, 1887 June, 1888 July. 1888 Feb., 1889 Jan., 1890 June, 1890 July, 1891 June, 1892 June, 1893 June, 1894 fune. 1894 May, 189=^ 434 Table of Precedence for Canada. 'I'alile of Precedence for Canada, as amended by Despatches from the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor-General of Canada, bearing dates the 3rd November, 1879, and the 29th December, 1893, respectively. {Despatches published in Statutes of Canada^ 43 Vict., {iS2>o), page xxii., and in Canada Gazette of the 2oih /anuary, 1894.) I. — The Governor-General or Officer admmistering the Govern- ment, 2. — Senior Officer commanding Her Majesty's Troops within the Dominion, if of the rank of a General, and Officer commanding Her Majesty's Naval Forces on the British North American Station, if ot the rank of an Admiral. Their own relative rank to be determined by the Queen's Regulations on this subject. 3. — The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. 4.— The Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec. 5. — The Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia. 6. — The Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick. 7. — -The Lieutenant-Governor of .\Lanitoba. 8. — The Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. 9. — The Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island. 10. — The Lieutenant-Governor of the North-VVest Territories. 1 1. —Archbishops and Bishops, according to seniority. 12. — Members of the Cabinet, according to seniority. 13. -The Speaker ot the Senate. 14. — The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. 15. — The Chief Judges of the Courts of Law and Equity, accord- ing to seniority. 16. — Members of the Privy Council, not of the Cabinet. 17. — The Solicitor-GeneraL 435 Table of Precedence for CsLnada, -Conc/uJed. r8. — The Comptroller of Customs. 19. — The Comptroller of Inland Revenue. 20. — General Officers of Her Majesty's Army serving in the Dominion, and Ofificers of the rank of Admiral in the Royal Navy, serving on the British North American Station, not being in the chief command ; the relative rank of such officers to be determined by the (Queen's Regulations. 21. — The Officer commanding Her Majesty's Troops in the Dominion, if of the rank of Colonel or inferior rank, and the Officer commanding Her Majesty's Naval Forces on the British North American Station, it of equivalent rank ; their relative rank to be ascertained by the Queen's Regulations. 22. — Members of the Senate. 23. — Speaker of the House of Commons. 24. — Puisne' Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, according to seniority. 25. — The Judge of the Exchequer Court of Canada. 26. —Puisne Judges of Courts of T,aw and Equity, according to seniority. 27. — Members of the House of Commons. 28. — Members of the Executive Council (Provincial) within iheir Province. 29.— Speaker of the Legislative Council within his Province. 30.— Members of the Legislative Council within their Province. 31.— Speaker of the Legislative Assembly within his Province. 32. — Members of the Legislative Assembly within their Province. 33. — Retired Judges of whatever Courts to take i)recedence next after the present Judges of their respective Courts. 436 Reg^ulations approved by Her Majesty respecting Titles to be used in Canada. I. — The Governor-General ot Canada to be styled "His Excellency." 2. — The Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces to be styled " His Honour." 3. — The Privy Councillors of Canada to be styled " Honourable," and for life. 4. — The Solicitor-General, the Comptroller of Customs, and the Comptroller of Inland Revenue, to be styled " Honourable " while in office. 5. — Senators of Canada to be styled " Honourable," but only during office, and the Title not to be continued afterwards. 6. — Executive Councillors of the Provinces to be styled '' Honour- able," but only while in office, and the Title not to be continued afterwards. 7. — Legislative Councillors in the Provinces not in future to have that Title; but gentlemen who were Legislative Councillors at the time of the Union, to retain their Title of " Honourable " for life. 8. — The President of the Legislative Council in the Provinces to be styled " Honourable " during office. 9. — The Speakers of the House of Assembly in the Provinces to be styled " Honourable " during office. Despatches from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the iiOvernor-General of Cattada^ bearing dates the z^ih/uly, 1868, and the 2V)th December, 1893, respectively, published in the Canada Gazette of the i^th Ausi4st, 1868, and of the 20th, January, 1894. 437 (Up to the 3 1 ST December, 1895.) Ai«leH-de-Cainp to I.iord Aberdeen. (<'ontiTnxed from page 1:!.) Lieutenant Herbert William VVilberforce, 2nd Dragoon Guards 30th Oct., 1895 Honorary Aides-de-Caiup. Major Arthur Henry Griesbach, Superintendent, North-West Mounted Police ist Jan., 1895 Lt.-Col. The Hon. A. C. P. R. Landry 9th Feb., 1895 Captain David H. Macpherson, Inspector, North-West Mounted Police i8th Nov., 1895 Lleutenant-GoTernors of the ProTince of Nova Scotia. (Continued from page 16.) His Honour Malachy Bowes Daly appointed Lieutenant- Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia for a second term 29th July, 1895 liieutenant-GoTernors of the Province of ]9Ianitoi»a. (Oontinupd froiii pagp IS.) Sir John Christian Schultz, K.C M.G., from the 2nd July, 1888. to the I St September, 1895. His Honour James Colebrooke Patterson, from the 2nd September, 1895. 438 Addenda — Continued. jfleuibers of the Cabinet. Hon. Auguste Real Angers, Minister of Agriculture. resigned nth July. 1895 '• James Colebrooke Patterson, Member of the Cabinet without portfolio, sworn Lieutenant- Governor of the Province of Manitoba 2nd Sept., 1895 " John Fisher Wood, Controller of Customs, appointed a Member of the Queen's Privy Council (Sworn 24th December, 1895) .... 17th Dec, 1895 " Edward Gawler Prior, Controller of Inland Revenue, appointed a Member of the Queen's Privy Council (Not yet sworn, 31st Decem- ber, 1895) 17th Dec, 1895 " Walter Humphries Montague appointed Mmister of Agriculture, vice Hon. Anguste Real Angers, resigned 21st Dec, 1895 Nollcitor-Oeueral of Canada. (Continued from pane .54.) Hon. Johi. Joseph Curran, from the 5th December, 1892. to the 17th October, 1895. Controllers of Inland Kevenue. (Contimieil from pagf 51*. ) Hon. John Fisher Wood, from the 5th December, 1892, to the i6th December, 1895. " Edward Gawler Prior appointed Controller of Inland Revenue 17th Dec, 1S95 439 Addenda — Continued. C^ontrollersii of CiitftouiN. (Continued from j'ri^je iJO.) Hon. Nathaniel Clarke Wallace, resigned i-l-lh X^cc.., 1895 " John Fisher \\'ood ai)pointed Controller of Customs 1 7th Dec, 1 895 Majors-General Command iiig ilie Jflililia or the l>omiuion of Canada. (Continued fnim luige li'ii.j Major-General Ivor John Caradoc Herbert. C. B.. resigned his appointment 1st Aug., 1895 Major-General William Julius Gascoigne assumed command, ist October, 1895 ; his appointment dating from the. . 19th Sept.. 1895 .A ides-de-Camp to the JUajor-Citeneral. (Continued from pug>; 12t).) Captain Eric Streatfeild, from the 5th December, 1890, to the 3Tst Aug., 1895 Lieutenant Ale.xander McLean, 43rd Batt., appointed Aide-de-Camp, provisionally, with the rank of Captain in the Militia while so acting loth Oct.. 1895 Deputieiii of the JUinister of Af^ricnltnre. (Continued from page 142. ) * Mr. John Lowe, superannuated ist Dec, 1895 Mr. William Bain Scarth appointed Deputy ot the Minister of Agriculture ist Dec, 1895 440 Addenda — Continued. Post, Office Department. (Continued from pagt 150.) Mr. William John Barrett, Chief Clerk and Accountant, from the 'st July, 1895 Mr. Edmund Patrick Stanton, Chief Clerk and Super- intendent of the Postage Stamps Branch, from the i2th July. 1895 Department of Marine and FistaerieH. ((JoiUiiiUfd from pago 158.) Mr. Robert Norris Venning, Chief Clerk, from the ist July, 1895 Department of Railways and Canals. (Continued from iiage IjH.) Mr. H. A. Fissiault, law Clerk, superannuated, from the ist July, 1895- Tlie House of Commons of Canada . ISeTentli Parliament. Province of Ontario. W. Stubbs elected Member of Parhament for Cardwell, vice R. S. White, resigned 24th Dec, 1895 Hon. James Colebrooke Patterson, Member of Parlia- ment for Huron, W.R., sworn Lieutenant- Governor of the Province ot Manitoba 2nd Sept., 1895 Frank Madill, Member of Parliament for Ontario, N.R., died 25th Oct., 1895 J. A. McGillivray elected Member of Parliament for Ontario, N.R., vice Frank Madill, deceased. 12th Dec, 1895 441 Addenda — Concluded. ProTince of Quebec. Henri Simard, Member of Parliament for ('harlevoix, died 6th Nov., 1895 Napoleon Charbonneau elected Member of Parlia- ment for Jacques-Cartier, vice Hon. D. Girouard, appointed Puisnd Judge. Supreme Court of Canada 30th Dec, 1895 James McShane elected Member of Parliament for Montreal Centre, vice Hon. J. J. Curran, ap- pointed Puisne' Judge, Superior Court for the Province of Quebec 27th Dec, 1895 (To be added to page 4.) By an Imperial Order in Council, dated the 31st July, 1880, all British Territories and Possessions in North America, not already included within the Dominion of Canada, and all Islands adjacent to any of such Territories or Possessions were (with the exception of the Colony of Newfoundland and its depencies)^ from and after the ist September, 1880, annexed to the Dominion of Canada. {Imperial Order in Council of 3 1 st July, 1 880, published in Statutes of Canada, 44 Vict., 1880-81, page ix.) IITIDEX. Mil! A BBOTT, Sir.). J, C, P.C.. ■J4 ; M.iii. CalK.d.; ■**■ Prt'itiitr, ;!1, :;•_', 40; Mi'ii,. .ir.i Min., 1'.'. 4tli, 4:{ ; I'ri's. I'.C, '.a ; i.lf. li.ld, x^-.. cs ; Men., 171; M.P, 1st Rir., 1S4 ; 'Jtul. l'.»7: ■iril, ;.'l(i. -221 ; 4tli, iJS : .-.tli, -'47 ; K.C.M.G., W.>. Al.liott, H., y.C, 414. Abcnleoii, I.onl— (iov..Geii., i> : !Sec. tu- s ; A.U.C to-i;;, 4.!7; G.C M.G.. 4'.'7. AdaiiiH, M., M.P., 7tli I';ir., 28:.'. Adainson. Kev. W. A., Chiiplairi loSi'ii., li'."). Acl.iiiisiiii. J., elk. As>t. Sen.. liM. .\(i(l<>iitl,i, 4.''.7. .\(l.jiitant.s-Gtnpr,il nf .Militia, 1:.'7. .Viliiiiiiistratiniis silici Confederation, ."i. A. Adniiraltv Distriits, Que., :i02; N.S , :!0:J ; X.B . :io:i; P.p:.I., .sot ; B.C., ;JU4 ; Toronto, :'.0."i. Admission of Piovinc-csinld the Dominion, i. .\gent-Geiieral in Krame. I2(i. .Agriculture, Min. of — i',i ; Dep. Min., 14'_'; Iieid. of— 157 ; See., U'J : Clif. Clks.. ].->7. Aides-de-Cam]! — to tlie Queen. 7; to (iov.-Gen., ii, 437 ; tiv .\Ia,j.-Gen., l-.'6, 4:;ii. .\ikins, Hon. J. C, Sin. 2, l(ij ; Lt -Gov., 18; P.C, 22; Mem. Cat)., 2 J : 1st Min. ::',, :!rd. +11, 42; Min. In. l{ev..:)S; See. of State anth Par.. 244. Allen, H. W., M.P., 7th Par., 275. Alley, G., Judge, 378. -■Vllevn, Hon. K., Judge, ;;44, ILOf, ; Q.C., 413, Allison, W. H. H., Q.C , 408. Allison, W. H.. M.P., 4th Par.. 233; 5th. 24!t. Allison, U. W., M.P., .".th Par , 25:!; 7t]i, 27(1, 28(1. Alnion, Hon. W. J., Sen., 173; M.P.. 2Md i^^r., 1!)!». Ahv.ard, S., Q.C , 421, Ambrose, W., Judge, 334. Amvot, G. M.P., 4tli Par., 230: .jth Par., 247; I'.th, 261 : 7th, 27S ; Q.C, 417. Anderson, Hon. J. H.,Sen., 3, 172. Amlerson, J. T., Q.C, 407. Anderson, Lt.-Col. \V. P., Clif. Eng.. Dejit. Mar. and Fish , 15S Andeison, Capt. S., CM.G.. 430. Anderson, C J., Chf. Clk. Dept. Fin.. 15.3. Andrews, Hon. F. \V,. Judge. 345, :'.54 ; Uep. Judge Vice Adm., 35'.i ; Q C, 414. Angers, Hon. A. R., U.-Gov., 15; P.C, 24, Mem. Cab., 2.5; ."ith Min., 47: tith. .50: Min. Agr. (14, 438; olf. held. etc.. 70; Sen.. 171 ; M P.. 4tli Par.. 240 ; Judge, 344, :i.5o; Q.C, 413. AVI. Angers C. P., Q.C. 41H. Antflin, Hon. T. W., Speaker Com., 178; .M.P 1st Par., ],S7 ; 2iid, 200; :ird, 218, 225 : 4tli[ \nscii,, J.icut., lion H. J., A. 1). f. 11. Api-leby, S. H., MP., 2nd Par., 205; 3rd, 21:1. .Arcdiambault, .(. I.., Q.C, 415. .\rcliambault, F. .\.,Q.C., 414. Arehambeault, Hon. ],., M.P.. 1st Par 184 ■ 2nd. I'.t7. Arehambeault, H., Q.C. 41(1. Arehambeault, L. H., Q C, 417. Archibald, Sir A. (i., Lt.Gov . N.S., 1(1 ; Man 18 ; P.C, 22 ; Metn. Cab., 2J ; 1st Min., :i4 ; See. of State Prov., (15 ; off. held, etc., 71 • MP., Isl Pr.r., liJi, (ith, 272; Judge, :W0 ; K.C.M (;., 42!' ; C.M.G.,4.30. .\ri liibald, Unn. T. D., Sen., :l, 172. Archibald, Hon. J. S., Judge, :i4,5,.'J52; Q.C.,414. Archibald, C, .M.P., 2nd Par., p.to ; :ir(i. 20ii. Arcliitect.s, Dominion — 14(1. .\rcliivist of tlie Dominion, 157. Ardagh, J A., Juilge, :t31. Ardagh, \V. 1)., Judge, ;if»3. Argil), T., M.P,, 4th Par., 228. Annand, Hon. J. F., ,Sen., 3, 1(18. ■\rmour, Hon. J. !»., (Jhf. Jus., 3C!"; Judge, 310 Armstrong, l.t.-Col. J. H., ex. A D. C , 12. Anustrong, J., M.P., .->tli Par, 245 : (itli '.Vi • 7tli, 276, 286. Armstrong, C, Judge, 317. Armstrong, J. B., (^.C, 421. Arnoldi. V., Q.C, 410. Arnoldi, J. R., Chf. Mec. Eng , P. W. Oept., 15((. •Visenault, Hon. J. ()., Sen., 175. Asliworth, J., Cashier, P. O. Dept.. 155 Asselin, t.. N , Q.C, 410. Assistant Adjutant General of Militia, 12.s. Assistant Auditors. I3'.i. Assistant Clerks, Commons, 17'.*. Assistant Clerks, Privy Council. 12(i. Assistiint Clerks, Senat»', 1(>4. Assistant Commissioners, Customs, 144, 155. -Assistant Commissioners. Inland Revenue, 140 1.54. Assistant Deputy Minister Finance, 153. Assistant Directors, Geo. Survey, 152. Astronomer, Dept. Interior, 15i. Atkinson, C. R., Q.C, 410. Attorneys Gtneral of Canada— See "Ministers of Justice," 53. Audet, A., M.P.,6tli Par., 2(13. Auflet. A., Keeper of Re(;ords, 149. Audette, L. A., Registrar, Exche(iuerCourt. 304 .Vuditor General s (Jffice. Chf. Clks., 153. Auditors General. 138. Aug6, O. M., Q.C, 414 Auger. .M., M.P., 5tli Par., 248 Ault, S., M.P.,lsl P;ir., 183. Avle-sworth, A. B.. Q.C. 412. Aylmer, Hon. H.,M.P., 3id P.ir., 211, 224. Ayinier, I.t -Coi. Hon. M., Asst. Adi. Gen., 1-J8. -Vyhvin, Hon. T. C, Judge, :i:!8 ; ret., 401. 444 Index — Continued. BAB BABV, Hon. L. K. (jl., I'.C, I'S ; Mem. Cab., 25; 3i(l Mill., 42 ; Mill. In. Kev., OS ; oil'. held, &(,'., 71 ; M.P., iiid P:ir., 1!)7 ; ard. :;10, -222 ; 4th. 2;'.l, a:;'.'. --'40: .ludi-e, 3:'.9, U44 ; Q.C., 41:i. Uadglev, Hon. W., .ludgt, :i:'.8 ; retired, 402. Magot.'Capt. .). K., Ser., f> : A.U.f.. 10. 11. 15«got, Capt. Hon. W., A.D.C, 10. Baillarge, G. I'., Deii. Min. P. W.. 141. Baillargeon, Hon. P., Sen.. 100. Hain, .1., Awt., P.W. Dept.. lOs : .\r. t., Dept. Bys. & Canals, IM'. Bain, .i., Q.C., 400. Bain. Hon. .J. F., .Jud^p. :iOO : Q.C., 42;i. Bain, J. W.. M.P.. 5tli Par., -'S.') : «tli,2ti:l : "tli, 200. Bain, T., M.P.. 2nd Par., V.Hi : 3rd, 200 : 4tli, 230 ; otli, 2411 ; (5tl), 261 ; 7th, 27S. Bainl, G. F., M.P.. litli Par.. 2<):i. 27:'. : 7tli, 293. Baird, Hon. G. T., Sen. 174. Baker, E. Crow, M.P., 5th Par., 252 : 6th. 2or., 273. Baker, G. B., M.P., l.st Par., 100; 2nd, lOS ; 4th, 232: .-.th, 248: 7th. 270: Q.C.. 41:>. Balderson, .J. H.. Sec. Dept. Hv.-. ^v Canals. 143, l.V.l. Ball, H. X., Judge, :i84; retired. 40tj. Banipton, (i. E.. Q.C., 41t). Bannatyne, A. G. B., M.P., :ird. Par.. 22i;. Bannernian, W., M.P., 4th Par., 230. Barker, Hon. F. E., M.P., 5tli Par.. 25ti : .(udge. 3ti8 ; Q.C.. 420. Barnard. E., y.C, 411. Barnard, F. .1., M. P., 4th Par.. 242 : .Jtli, 252. Barnard, F. S., M.P., Ctii Par.. 27:! :.7tli, 283. Baronets, 426. Barrett, \V.. .Judge, 31i), 317. Barrett, W. .J.. Chf. Clk. ,S: A.ct.. P. o. Dei.t.. 440. Barron, .). A.. M.P., ntli I'ar.. 261 : 7!h. 277. 288. Barrv, Hon. 1).. .lud'^e, :>58. Barry, .)., Chf. Clk., Uepr. Cu.s., 155. Baithe, G. I., M.P., Ist Par.. 100 : :!r(l, 211. Barwick, F. I) , Q.C., 409. Bastien, F. de S. A., Q.C., 410. Baudry, Hon. J. U., .\sst. .Iildge, :;t:l. :!51 : .Judge, 34:-;, 351. Baudrv, P. .). U., -Vsst. Clk. I'rivv Couni-il, 129, 147. Baiiset, S. P.. Chf. Clk. O.'pt.. Mar. ,v Fish., 158. Baxter, G.. .lodge, Wi". Baxter. W. B., Chf. Clk. ,v Acet.. Kept. Fin., 1.5:t. Bayly, H., y.C.,400. Beard, H. B., Q.C., 408. Beaty, J., M.P., 1st Par., 18:'. : 2nd, loii. Beatv, jr., .1.. M.P.. 4th Par.. 2:,.S ; ,^,th, 24ii : Q.C., 407. Beaul)ien, Hon. .1. <>., M.P., 1st Par., l.'s",. Be.iubien, L., M P., 2nd Par.. 107. Beanehainp, .1. .J., Q.C., 41(). Beauchemin, A. O. T.. Q.C., 41i;. Beauchesne, P.C, M.P..4tli Par.. J:!0. r.eaudin, S.. Q.C.. 41ti. l!l..\ Beausoleil, C., .M.P., Oth Par., 201 ; 7th 278. B^chard, F., M.P., 1st Par., 184 : 2iid, 107 : 3rd. 210 ; 4th, 231 ; 5th, 247 : otli. 202 : 7th. 27o. Bi-i her, H., Q.C., 410. U'Mk, N. 1). 1)., Q.C.. 424. B6dard, .1. E., Q.C., 417. Bed.son. l.t.-Col. S. I.,, ox. A.U.C., 12. Begbie, Sir M. B., Loe. Judge in Adiii. :.04 : <'hf. Jus.. 3S0 : Judge. Viee .\dnj. Ct., 380 : Kt., 432. ii6i(iue, F. L.. Q.C., 416. Beith. K., M.P., 7tli, Par., 275. B6langer. Hon. J,., Judge, :!44. ::40 ; (^.c . 4i' Bfelanger, L. ("., (j.C.. 417. Bell. A.. Judge. 322. Bell, .1. W., .M.P., :.th Par., 24:; ; 0th, 258. Bell. H., .Vsst. !)ir. Geo. Survey, 152. Belleau, 1. X., M.l'., 5th Par., '254 ; Q.C., 415. Belleiui, Sir X. F., Sen.. 3, lOS ; J.t.-(;ov.. 15 • K.C.M.G , 42t>. Bellerose, Hon. J. H.. Sen.. lOO; .M.P., 1st I'ar., 184 ; 2nd, 197, 20:1 Bellev, L. de G., M.P., 7th Par . 28 ; :'.r(l, ;."U7. :ilu ; Itli. i'.T ; '>tli. Hi ; t)th,25S, 208; .M.l'., liiilieiiiil I'arliaiiitnt. 7::. lilakc, Hon. (>., Sen.. 2, liiO. liiake, Hon. S. H., Juiigi', :ui : (i.e.. 41ti. IJIaniOiariJ, (i. A., Jiuljjo. ".7 ; ::nl. 221 ; 4tli, 2:U ; 5tli, 247, 2r.l. liligh, H. H., g.C, 4111. I51i.s.s, Hon. W. H., Judge. :>iil : ret.. 404. (Mondtau, C. H., .M.l'., M\ I'.ir.. 247. i IJoard of Direeti.rs ot Penitentiaries. 137. I Hodwel), E. v., .M.P.. 1st. Par.. ls2 : 2iid. I'.ni ; ;lrd, 21)9, 219. I Boisvert, E., M.P., Otl: Par., 27). ' Holduc, Hon. J.. Sen.. 170: .M.P.. ::r(l Par., i 221 ; 4tli, 2:;i ; 5th, 247, 2J4. Hole, \V. X., Judge, :;S7, Q.C., 422. ! Bolton, J., M.P., 1st. Par., 187. Bolton, U.-Col. \V. J.,C..M.(i.. t:tf). Bonin, J. A., Q.C.. 410. Borilen, F. W., M.P., :ird. I'ar., 212 ; 4tli. 2:!:'.: (itli, 2(i4 : 7tli, 281, 2112. Borden. U. L., Q.C., 41'.i. Bonon, E. B., M.P.. :;rd. I'ar., 207. Bosse, H.in. J. (;., M.l'.,.Hli, Par., 24s : Judge. 2;i9 : Q.C., 412. Boss6. Hon. J. X., Sen.. :.. liis ; Judge. :l4;'i. :;50, 354 ; retired. 40:!. Boston, K.. M.P., 7tli P.ir., 28(i. Boswell, A. K., Q.C., 410. Boswell, Lt.-Col. C. M., e\-A.l).C.. 12; Hon. A.D.C., l:l. Boswedl, G. M., Judge, :127 ; retired, 400. Botsford, Hon. A. E., Sen., .i, 17:i ; Speaker Sen., 10:3, P.C., 24 ; otf. held, etc.. 73. Botsford, 1$. Judge, :j71. Boucher, A. A., Clk. Asst., Sen.. Iii4. Boucher, H. M., Judge, .'.29. Boucher de .Viverville. ('., M.P.. 1st I'dr., ISii, 190. Uouchette. H. S. .M.. Com. Ciis.. 114. Boudreault, P. A., y.C. 417. Bonltbee, A., M.P., 4th, Par.. 2:;o. Boulton, Hon. C. A., Sen., 17n. Boulton, 1)., y.C, 407. Boulton, (i. I)., Q.C., 408. Boiirass.i, F., M.P., 1st Par., 18.'> ; 2nd, 198 ; :ird, 2U ; 4tli, 232 ; .',th, 24S : titli, 2(;:i ; 7th. 280. Bourbeaii. !>.(».. M.P., iird Par., 222 : 4th, 2:!1 : 5ch, 247. Bd'irgeoit;, Hon. .1. U., Judge, :144. 3'j:t. :i.'57. Bourgouin, X. H., Q.C., 417. Bourinot, Hon., J., Sen., :!, 172. Biiurinot, .T. ('.,, Clerk of I'oni.. 178: .\sst. Clk., 179; C. M. (J., 4:i;. Bowell. Sir Mackenzie, P.C., 2:l ; Mem. Cab., 25 ; Premier, :;l, :i2, 49 ; .Mem. 3rd, .Min.. 41; nh. 4:f, 44 : 5lli, 4<; ; I'.tli, 19: I'res.. P.C., h:\ : Min., Mil. .s; Def.. OS : Min,. Ciis., ,V.i ; Min.. Tr:!. .s: Com.. r>0 ; ott'. held. &e.. It) 1! 74; Sen., ir,7 ; .M.P., l,st. Par.. 182; 2ud. 19'i : :ird, 208 ; 4th, 228, 2:!7 : .1th, 244 ; r.th, 209 ; 7tli 27';, 285 ; K.C.M.G., 429. Bowers, E. ('., .M.P., 7rh, Par.. 2sl. 292. Bowie, \V. H., Deii. Ser«t.-at-.\riiis. Cum.. ISO Howlby, W. H., y.C., 410. B.e.vnmn. I. E., .M.P., 1st Par., is;; ; juil. l9i; ■ Ord, 2C9; lith, 2i.il ; 7tli, 277. liowii, J. v., M.P., 1st, Par., 1,81. Boyd, Hun. J., I.t.-Gov., .\.B., 17 ; Sen., 174. Bovd, Hon. J., .lodge. :;14. 33), :{:!ii ; ret., 401 ■ g.C, 412. Boyd, Hon. J. A., Chan, of Ont,. !1 1 : (^ ( . 40.S. Boyd, N., .M.P., 7th Par.. 294. Bover, 1,. A., .M.P., 2nd Par.. 107 : ilr.l. 210 Bovie, A., M.P., lUh, Par., 2j9 : 7tli. 2,^7. Boys. \\. F. A.. Judge, :i:il. Burrowes, J. J., Judge, ;J19, 324 ; ret., 400. Bradley, A. i'.. Sec. Bept. Hvc. .v Can., 14:i ; Chf. Cll.:., 159. liraniUy. T. C., Chf. Clk. Deid. I!tc.-«ien., I(i2. BranchaiKi, A., y.C. 415. Braiin, F., See. Hept. P.W.. 141 ; Sec. Dept. Kvs. a: Can., 14.3, 1.^9 ; Chf. Clk., 15s. Hreckeri. F. de St. ('.. M.P.. 4th Par., 235 ; 5t!i, 25 1 . Brieu, J., .M.P., nth. Par., 258. British Columbia, admission into Dom.. 4 : l.t.- (iovernois of — 20. British I'erritorie.s added to Dom.. 441. Briton, IS. .M., y.C.. 408. Biodeur, I.. P., .M.P., 7th Par., 28o. Bronskill, H. J., Sujit. of Stationeiv, lol. Brooks, Hon. E. T., .M.P., 2nd Par!!, 198; 3ril. 211, 4th, 2:i2 ; Judge. :;45. :'.55 : retired, 40:; : y.C, 413. Brossoit, T., Q.C, 417. Brougli, S., Judge, 32i ; retired, 400. Broiise, Hon. \V. H., Sen., ItiO ; .M.P., 2n.l I'ar.. 194 ; :!i(l, 207. Brousseau, J. 1)., M.P., 1st Par.. 185. Brown, A.. M.P., 0th Par.. 259. Brown, Hon.(j., .Sen.. 100. Brown, H. B., y.C., 415. Brown, J., (IL;stings, W. R.), .M.P., 1st Par.. 181 : 2nd, 194: :)rd, 208; 4tli.22,s. Brown. J., (.Monck) .M.P., 7th, Par., 27o, 2.s7. Brown, J. P., M.P., 7th Par., 279. Bruce, A., y.C, 410. Bruneau, A. A., M.P., 7th Par.. 290. Brunei, X., Com. In. Ktv., 140 ; Asst. Com.. 140. 154. Brymner, I). Archivist. Uejit. Agr., 157. Brysoii, J,, M.P., 5th Par.. 248 ; Otli. 2'i:; : 7th, 280. Biichannan, Hon. G. C. V.. Juilge, :;44. :!47 : retired, 40:! ; Q.C.. 412. Buekingliaiii, W.. I)ep. Mm. Hit., 1:!2. Buell, J. 1)., M.P., 2iid. Par.. 104: :trd. 207. Bull. Hon. H. B., Sen.. lOO. Bunster, A., .M.P., :ird Par., 215 : 4tli. 2.ii.. Bunting. C. \V.. M.P., 4th Par., 2)0. Biirbidge, Hon. (i. \V.. Hep. Min. -Ins., 1:!0 : Judge, .•;02 : Q.C., 421. Hiudett, S. B., .M.P., r,th Par.. 25:i ; 7tli, 27C, Bureau, Hon. J. ii,. Sen., 3. lot?. ni; Index- - Continufd. nil; Uiirg'HH, A. M., I)> |>. Mill. Int., i:i'2 ; iK-i.t. rut., i:iJ ; Ciif. cik., \Ui.. '•I UmkH, II. W.. M.l'., .;ic| I'.ii.. L'H till Hilll.liiiin, Hull. \. .\.,Siii., '_', liiii. Iliiriiliiiiii, .1., .M.l'., Uli V:n..iJ.>. '.th. Till, 27V, Ul. liuriili.iMi, Z,, .lii'lt;!-, :'.27. liiiiiiM. H'lii. K. K., .S.-n., 171 ; M.l".. r(tli ■iM\ i;ili, -Jfi' : 7ih. .:- i. J..'.;. Hiirjife, lion. I., I'.<'.. j: Mi hi. r'.h., _■.". Mm., ;i7 ; .Mm. I'lis , Vi; nil. h-M. >-U-. M.l'., ^li'l I'ai., -Jill. 'ii'. : ;ir.l. .'14; ii.'i ; .'.til, -J-'iO, 2".7. liuriiiis ('., .M.l'., Ut. r.ii-., IN7; L'lifl, ."id; :Ji:i ; 4i,li, t::> ; Mh. -'.O.t. Unit. .II. K. II., M.l'., Ni I'.ii., 1-1. Miirtoii, Hon. ',. \V., .Iii.l-c. :;ii-. Umy, Viricoiiiil, K.('..M.<<., l-'^. ItiishliV, A. T.,.lii.lwi-. iwt. Hiiht.M-.l, K. It., iH\, 417. I!utl.;r, T. I'., t^.<'.. 111. liMiK, C.ii.l. Hon. A. .1. I... .V.li.r . II. S' T. ■j:;s, L'lo : l'..i.. ; .:nil . t t \ 4tli, :inl. ( lAliA.V \ II. <■.. <^« 11 I. < iliiint of till' lioiiiiiiioii — MiNihfls of tin — ■!:,. 4;jti ; 11. :::i. (I'.iot iiul-i); their pn-ii-'liiin . i:;i. c.ilclw.li. W. M.. M.l'.. 1-i. I'll'., I''.', ('.ihiii, li. A.. .M.l'.. Vlh r.ir., •!%'>. C.i.nl.i.-. A. .1.. Clil. Cik., li.pl. .\ ■!.. I.'..". Calniroii, 1). .M., M.l'., .tli I'.n., -.'^V;. r.inKToii, .Mij.-iJi-n. I). H.. < '. M.i;., 4:;o. rmiKTon, H. (oiii.) M.l'.. :;i.| l'.ii..Ji'o; itli. -.iiin ; .'.111, -'Hi ; «^<'.. ^07, (■;iliii-|-uii, II. (N.S.) M.l'.. l.sl r.ii.. 1-.; ; .Ml,. ■l\'.i\ Dill, ■Ji;4 ; 7tli, 2-1. raiiRTOii, .M., (^iii-'-ii^ I'lin:'!. III. (■.II1KI..II, lion. .M., .M.l'., .1.1 r.ii., J0>. .'I-. (■,iin.-r..n, M.C., M.l'., I.^t I'.ir., iJi-'; -'n.l, I'.i.'. ; :;ril, -JO,-, •_'17; HI.. J2^ ; ."^tli. -Jlt : 7tli. L'7'i. :.'Hi;. railii'l-oli, Si I M. ('.. .)ii.l-i . .110 ; < ht. .III-.. .'.IJ : Kl.. VM. ( .iim-niii, IImii. .1. II., M.l'.. Isl l';ii.. l-J; Jii'l, l!.4 ; .it. I, ^117, --'Hi. < iinii^roii, .Sir l(. W., Kt., l.'u. r.iin|.li.-ll, Sir A., .S..|i., ■,', 1.;.^; I.l.-l.'.v., 1 1 ; l'.< ■.,•_'•_' : M.ni. I'll.., _'.'. •, Ul Mm., r. : ;nl, 10, 11; .Mm. .Iii:^.. 51; Mm. .\lil..v l»i-l., .'■,.'. ; P. .M. i;.-i,., .,1 ; U-.-. (l.-ii., . ; .Mm. Int., i;.;; Sii|.t. i;. ii. Ii.il. Airiii-.'.7; oil. Ii.ld, Hi., 7.'.; K.C.M.Ii., 4-J.H. l;iln|.l..-!l. A.. M.l'., Clh I'^r.. ■.'.');l. •.'ii.i . rtli. •11'''. Ciini.l.ill, r. II.. t^<'., 4J •. C.iini.l.fll, (' .1., M.l'., ;r.l I'.ir,, Jj:. ; .'.lli. .'.'.O. <'.iiii|iii.- 1, II., ij.<'., ii;i. :). <'.i!iil.l><-ll, .r., .M.l'., lilli I'ar., .!(i4, Trl. liiiiiptKll, H., M.l'., Mh I'.ir.. 241;; r.tli, joo. •jr.;.. Ciinolrtll. S., M.l'., 1st I'.-ir.. jv.. .'n.l. l^.'.' : .iiiii^;i-, Jiiir.. raii!|ii<.ii, K., l^|■., ^l-^ lafifill, H , M.l'., .'.th I'm-., iis, -.'oh: 7tli. .">.''». < IIA (';iiiKlmii, <).. .M.l'., 7lli I'.II., )>l'.i. Ciilin-, Sii .1., I'.I' , 24 ; .M.-ni. I'li.., 2". ; .ir.l Mm. 10 ; nil. 41 ; oih, 4T; I'. M. lii-ii., i.l ; Mm. .\;.'r., Ill; oil. Iii-l.l, ii.c., 7ii; S. n., li;7 : M.l'., It I'.ir., lKL';'JtMl, I'.tr. :4tli, Ti:i : .'.til, •-'1.'.: i.lli. J-V," ;7lli. L'-.. : K.C..M.I;., 1 •.;'.<. « '.nil. in, It. I!., .Iiidt;-, XVI. r,iiii,i,|,,i,.l. .1, VS.. M.r., 1-^t I'.-.r.. l-i;; .1.1. ■-'1:;. '■||"i.', <;., M.l'., I.l I'.ir., 1>1. < .roil, .Sir.l. I'. H. A., I'.<.'., 2^ : M.ni. Cil.. J.; : :;r.| .Mm., 41; 4lli, 44; .7111,4.;; I'AU V.i ; Mm. Mil. .t 1).;!., :/• ; 1'. M. U.n., 01 ; oH. 1..I.I. X.I.. 77 ; .M 1'., 211.1 l';it., -JIC! ; .inJ. 21 1 ; 41 li, 2.12, 240 ; ;',tli, 24-. ; tilli, 2r.8 : 7tli. 2-0 ; Q.C., 4l:! ; K.C.M.i;., l.!0. ('.iron, II. .11. I,, li.. .Im.I:.;.-,:;14, :;1>, VM. <';iioii, II. .11. K. r:., I.'.i;..v.. t^u.-.. l.'*: .Iii.l.'.-. '■','.;>,. < iipinlii, I . M., M.I'.,Otli I'.ir.. 2..i ; 7lli. .'7-. <.iir.ill, lion. |{. W. W., S.i,., 170. < .,i.r„l|, II, <;., M.l'.,7tli I'.ir., 27'... ( iri^iviilfii. A. \V., .M.l'., 7tli. I'.II. 2>.'.. Cuter, <•. li.. (i.e., llii. ''iirti-r, ;•;., M,l'., l^t l',.r., \w.< ; 2ii.l, 197. <':irti>^r, Sir<;. K., I'.r., 22; M.ni. Cal.., 2.. ; 1-1 Mm.,:;:;; Mm. Mil. & l).;i., ■.', : oJf. hei.l. .V.-.. 7M : .M.l'.. i -i I'.ir.. 1".'. : 2iil. 201, 21'', ; liiil.. 420. i'.,rlwri;^l.t. Sir li. .1., I'.r., S:, . .M.m. l.';.l... 2o : 211.1 ,Miii.:i7; .Mm, Imii., ."i!; ; oil". Ii.-l.l, .v.-.. 7'.i ; ,M.I'.. 1-t I'.ir., 1M2; 2ii.i, lf»'., 202; :ir(l. 208; 4lli, 237; .'.ill, 2.V! ; 'itli. 2.10; 7lli, 277 : K.r.M.c;., 42s. I (iivfll. II. .11.. I. S., I.t.-C.n. I'.i;.l..2l : s.ii., iv,. ii-;,iiilt, l.l.-C.I. I,. A.. I .M.i;., -t:-.!!. I'm ,111111. Sir I.. K. .v., M.l'.. 1-1 I'.ir., 1-1. H;. ; I'Ir. -In.^., :m1 ; I'.-l,. '.1 .. W. :;'.! : Kt.. l:;:i. CaHey, ^ : 7tli. '27'.. (';i.v-i.iin, Hon. I'. K., S n. Ii;7. <'.i^;;,r,-im, I', li., M.l'., 2iiil I'ai.. I'i7 ; :;i.l. 2lo ; 4tli. 2:!1 ; .'.-|.t., IB.'.. iiss.'l.s, li., K.^'^trar, Siij.. • '1 . ..f i '.m.. ::0I • (^«'., 411'... ii.swiis. \v.<;. I'., in .. .''. r.t.-lhi.r, I,. A., In. S.-.-. .,t St. I-. I:;l ; H.-p. Kij;. li.'ii., 131 ; I'lil. i ; Si-i.. I'. W. Ii.-|it , HI, i.V.i. ( luiiliiyliiiCiUi. .\.. M.I'., 7lh I'.ir., \\\. Clii.il.-m.l, 11.11,. A. ,N,, .lu.l^^.-, :U5, '.1-; c^C, tir., ''limit. .11, .1.. .M.I',, :;ii.l V.iv.. l'.i."j , .'ini, I'lin ; -till, Jj'.i; .'III, L'-i:*: 1,1 h, -i'-.o : 7tli. -..'7':. dial. I, r,,|,l, v.. A. !>.<■., 10. < 'liaiivi-;iii, II. 111. 1'. ,1. ')., ,-■•1... i.',. . -|. .ij.i-i H'li., |i;:; ; .M.!'., i^t far.. \-^,. L'n.i. I'..-, ( |„-,-l.-v, .1. A., M.I'.. 7l,ii I'ar., -".i.i. • 'h.-val. (.., M.l'.. lit I'.ir., \K, ; :ii!|, 211. <'liii-t < '.HikH, iii-iilc .liv. ( iv. S'-i'. i.i', 147. Clii.'f ClrrK?!. A^'iiciill.iii- llipt., 1,77. Aiiilit.jr (.iiiitiiirs Ollii-i , 1,^,:;. rii.stDiiiH, 1.7.^. I'itlKIICl-, |:j:;. ii.ivcili.il-*:fli. .I .SiM-.'h I l|tii-i-, 117. Ili.ll.ili A^r;^il.■^, !<;((. Iiibtliil l;.-u-tiin-, 1,'.4. Iiitcrinr, l.'jii. .lunlirc, 14'S. .M;iliri- .V l''l>ilii-ii<.:.-i, 1.77, Milili.-i A Iii'fclii-f, l;7(i. .V.iitli - W.-st .Miiiiutr.l l'.,li..- Ulli.T, IliO. I'.isl (fltic-, 1.75. I'nvy C.uiiril Olli..-, Ut. I'liliiii- l'riiitir;,'.t .Statu. iiii-«, 1..I. I'ulilii- WorkK, 15.M. Kiiilwu'.s it r.uiiil.'i, l.V.i. U.-.-.-ivrr C.ii.riil, l6-_'. Si-iTiInry of .'^liitf of Canada, 14S. N-rn-lurs of .Stall- fur I'roviiicf-H. I'il. <.'lii.-r Kii>;iiii-irii, of I'll' In; W'ulk.-. 11.7; of Canals. 145 .,f <.o>.l. H'.-., 110 ; of U\^. .V (7iii., 1 1«; ; ..f li.-|.l. of .Mai. ,1: l'i,.ili., I.7«. Chief Jil»tli;i,-M, ,Sii|,ri-i)i'- C,,iiit. .,r C.un.la, HIXI, of Unt 111!., :;( y,. t^in-cn'i li.-ii.'li. Out.. :;0;.. I 'oliilli'ill 1'li'a.J, < (lit,. .',Vi. '• i^ur.'iis li'-ii.'li, (,^11.-., :'.:;'-. Su).. li-.i c ,iiit, (^iii-., :)4l. " ■^ii(.niiii' ( 'oiiit, .N.S., :;i,(i. " Siijircni.' C I'lit, .v. IS., :it)7. Siipn-iii.. Court, I'.K.I., ;;77. of lin'fish Coluiiil.ia, libit. ..( Maiiilol.a, :i8'.'. " Ihcir jiri'i'i-ilr-iiiiMii C.iiia.l'j, 4:S4. (•hiuli;, Hon. IC, Sen., lii'.t. Chipiuan, C. (.'., Clif. Clk., 15^. c<»i, 'liipliiaii. .1. I'.. .Iil.l^.-, ,l07 , y.C., ll'.i. ■Iiil.iiiaii. 1.. \h- V,, ,\'l.l',, IhI far., I'.M ; liii.l. l-.io. liipiiiaii. W. H.,.M.I'., lill'ar., 1^«;. f.M. 'Iii-riioliii, C., tj.l',, 4i.'o. ■iii'.lioliii. Iioiia;.!, .M.l'.. 1,1 !i l'.,r,. .'lio, ■J7.;. 'IiihIioIui, 1)11111,111, .lii'l^'i. :;:,:(; (/.c., -n-j. 'Iiisli.iliii, I), li,, .M.l'., ;-'ii.i r,u., I'M ;!nl .'ii7 •J I 7. ■|io.|Ui t. !■. .\., i-iX .. 417, ■hiMiiHlt.-, I'. .\., M.l'.. r.tli I'.u.. -!.■_' ; Till J7',i ■lioiiiiiai.l, II, .1. .). I',.. M.l'., olli I'.ir., -.'-O. 'liri,-,tii', A. .1., l^C.. li,:i. 'Iiii»-l:i-. lion. It., .■<.-i.., 'I, Hi,''); )-p.;iki-r Si II 1'7', : \'.i\. „■:; ; M.-iii. ( ,il,.. -.; ; -iM Miii. :;7 ; S.-.-. .,f St, I,-. I, J : oir. li.l.l. ,vc., .si. Iiiiftii-, I., .M.l',, :iiil I'.ir.. ■l-l\ : Uli. ■.':!]. i::;^ ■ 7tli, i-'TH. Iiurcli, I'. K.. .M.l'.. Jii.l I'.u.. I..'. : ;i.|. jc.' iiiir<-li. Hon. I.. I!., .111.]-.-. ;!;;■, i, i ,}p-, *^'■., 4l::. Iiiircl.ill, Hon, 17.. >i-ii. 17:;. 'iiiiDii. !■;., .M.l'.. :;r.| I'^r,. -'in : Itli. -r.W ■ (j c 411. iinoii, Hon. .M, II. I-;.. .III'!;...'. :; 1 1 ;:)- jj.. ;i7n. iiiioli, .-., .M.l'.. ntli I'.u., J7n. inioii, S. .\.. ,\l.l'., I»l l',u.. 1?-| : 41 h, J ;'.. ; 7tli •-'47 ; 1,1 II. .''.-'. ■j7ii. iniiit Coiiit .,1 Ih^tint of M'liifn-iil, :'„7,^. :ily Coiiit, Cli.-iiiiitli:l ,v,n. I'.E I., ;!7-, :;7'.'i. 'ivil S.-iMii- ol Ciliii.l.i, ImI oiHtnizalioii, 1(7. 'lark, i;. .M., .Inil-c, :-,;j7 ; r.-!,. lol : (^ c. l lij lark.-, .1. li.. Q.C., 411. :iay.-^, <;., M.l'., «;tli I'm.. ■_'r,L', JVl, 'li'iiiow, Hon. !■' , S.-n.. 1i)7. 'Icrk.s .^■i.'vistiuit, Ciniin.,n>, I7S. 'irrks Ast^ihtanl, S.-nati-, |ii4. ' icik.s of till- Cio'.vii In • '!ianri:iy . i:;7, 'li-rks of till- lloii-i- of ConinKinri. 17h. 'l.-ik- of th- I'nw C.,iirii-il, i2'.t. .'..ik.-, of till- S.:iia'l.-. ll,::. .'Iiv.dan.l, C C.. .M.I'., 7tli I'ar., -.'Sli. iiixtoli, W., .M.I'., .ifnl I'ar., IH'i. 'oatMWortli, jr., K., .M.I'., 7lli Par., l'77. '<)i:li nun-, K.. .M.I'., .^lli I'ar., i!4.'5 • r,Ui, 'i;.,! • 7tli, -^77. ■oi:lii,iir-. Hon. .M. II. Sun., in (. •.,rk!.urn, A. I'., M.l'., -'nil C.tr.. I!t5 ; '.nl. ■.'0^■ 4tli, -J'.",! ; .7tli, 24n. '.).-kl,iirii. C. li. n., .M.l',, nlli I'.u.. :;<,() ;7tli, -T7. oi-ktmrn, Hon. .J., Sj.iak-r Con,.. 17- ; .M.l',, Int I'ar.. !>•.' ; 2li.l, r.i.7 ; 4tli, _'■-'■,«, ■.;,'57. '..Mill, Hon. T,, I'.C., X'. ■ .Mem. Cili„ I'li ; -Jml Mm., ;;7 ; Hi-r. lii-n., i;5 ; oil. I.i-l.l, .vf., >4-_' . .M.I'., Ut I'ar.. |w^ : 2nil. 'Jiin. HOI ; :',rmt of A.linir.illy, Myj., 448 Index - Continued. :ini. iW. -Jli'; f'Ol, C'oltiT. (.'. W.. M.l'.. Jth, Par., ihi ; (itli. JOS. Colter, X. K., M.F., Ttli Piir.. -J.SiJ, -JltS. Colville, Major, Hon. ('. 1{. \V.. >;ec. td Gov.- Geii., 8. Commissioners of Customs. 144. (Commissioner (if l-'isln-ries, loT. Conmiissioners of Inland Kevenuc uu. Common Ple;is Division, Hiuh Court, Ont.. :iIl'. Companions of tlic Hatli. 4-'7. Companions of St. Miehaeland St. (jeoryc. 4:i0. Comptroller of Dom. Currency. 15:t. Comptrollers of Customs. liO. 4:i!' : tlieir pre- cedence. \:'.'). Comptrollers of Inland Hevfuiu'. .')■.', 48>s : their ]ivecedi'Hfe. 4:!5: Cuniptr('ller of N.W.M. I'olii-c l:'.,'i, 161: otBee of— and Chf. Clks., lf;o. Coufederatifin of the Provinces. I. Connell, A. 15.. g.C 4-Jl. Connell, C. M.P.. 1st Par., IbT : L'ud. JOU. JOo. Connell. G. H., .M.P.. 4tli Par.. -lU. -IW. Conybeare, C. F. P., Q.C.. 4J4. Cook, H. H.. M.P., Jiid Par., 1'.'., 5th, ■J4C. : (Jth. -'liO. Cook, W., Q.C., 4ia. Cooke. P. J., Q.C., 417. Cooper. W. J., Q.C.. 4-.';;. Copyrights Hraiicli. Deiit. .\j.'r., (Jhf. Clks.. lot. Corbould, t;. !■:.. M.P.. I'.th Par.. 27:! : 7th, 28:i ; Q.C., 42L'. Corliy, n., M.P.. lith Par., :.'0» Cortiiier, Hon. ('., Sen., 3, 168. cornellier. C. A., y.C, 414. Corning, T. E., Q.C., 419. Cornwall. Hon., C. P., Lt.-tiov. H. I'. 17() ; Judge, :586. Coste, L.. Chf. Ens.'., P.W. Dejit.. 145. Costigan, Hon. .1., P.C.. -.'4 : Mem. Cab., 2t) ; :'.r2. Coursol. C. J., M.P.. tth Par. 2:52 : 6tli. 248; 0th, 203. 271 : Q.C., 412. I ourtney. J. M.. IJep. Min. Fin., 13:;; Sec. Treas. Bd., 1:54 : Chf. Clk., 153. Courts of Justice — i)oniinion and Provincial- Powers vested in the Par. of Can. and Prov. Leg. by the B. X. A. Act, 1807, 29S. Dominion— Supreme Court— Constn. 299; Chf. Jup. and Judges, 300 ; their precedence, 434, 436; omcers, :501 : Pensions to Judges, Tth. 27ii. 280. Sen. <;UL :t99— Exchecjuer Court— Constn. 299; Judge. 302 ; his precedence, 433— Lncal Judges in Admiralty, ::02 ; Officers, 805. I iiitario — Suinerne Court of Judicature— Con- stn. .500 ; Court of Appeal— Constn., ;:07 ; «hr. Jus. A; Justices. :(08 ; High Court of Justice-Queens JJench, :509 : Chancery, :ilO ; Com. Pleas, :!12 ; Pensions to Judges, :'.99 ; County Couits. :!15 : Pensions to Juds^es. 4(K).' Quebec — Court of Queen's Bench— Constn.. :)37;Chf. Jus. and Judges, 338 : Pensions to .hulges. 401 : Superior Court -Constn., :i40 ; Chf. Jus. and Judges, 341 ; Judicial ilistricts, 346 ; Pensions to Judges, 402- Circuit Court of district of Montreal. 358 ; Vice Admiralty Court, 359. Nova S<'otia— Supreme Court^ — Constn., ;i59 : Chf. Jus., 300 ; Chf. Jus. formerly Judge of Vice Admiralty (.'ourt, :!00 ; Judge in Equity, 300 : Judges, ;!01 ; Pni«ions to Judges, 4(14 ; Court of Divorce, 302 ; Coun- Ty Courts- Constn., ;!03 ; Co. Courts and Judges, o'i4 ; Pensions to Judges, 404. .New Brunswick- Supreme Court— Constn.. (00; Chf. Jus., 307 : Judge in Equity, 307 : Judges, 308; P.nsions to Judges, 405— Court of Divorce, 309 County Courts, 370, 371 : Pensions to Judges. 405 -Vice Admiralty Court, 874. Prince E: Masters (if the Rolls iS; Vice Chancellors, :j70 ; Pensions to Judges, 40ti- -County Courts, :577 ; City Court, 378. British Columbia — Supreme Court— Constn.. 3T9 ; Chf. Jus., :i80 ; Judges, 381- County Courts, 381, 383, 386 ; Pensions to Judges, 400. Mnnitoba— Court of Queen's Bench— Constn.. :'.88 ; Chf. Jus. and Judges, 389— Recorder of Prov. of Man.. :W0— County Courts, 391. 392. Xorth-W'est Territories- -Supreme ("ourt— Constn.. 394 ; Judges, 395— Stipendiary Magistrates, 397, 398. Couture, P., M.P., 0th Par., 208. Coyles, P. J., Q.C.. 416. Craig, T. D., M.P., 7th Par., 275. Crawford, Hon. U., Sen., 2, 160. Cr,awford, H. E., (j.C. 423. Crawford, J., Lt.Gov.. Dnt., 14 ; M.P.. 1st Par.. ISl : 2ud, 190, 2 :;. Crawford. J.. (Leeds, S.R.) M.P.. 1st Par. 182. Crease, Hon. H. P. P., Judge, :!81. Creasor, J., Judge, 319 : Q.C.. 408. Creelman. A. R., (i.C, 411. Creighton, J. G. A., Law Clirk. Senate, 1(54. Crfepeau. L. P. E., Q.C., 41.3. Cressfi, A. B., Q.C., 415. Croke, W. J., M.P., 1st Par.. 180, 191. Cross, Hon. A., Judge, 339 ; retired, 4o2. Cross, S., Q.C., 416. Cross, T., Chf., Clk. Dept. Rys. & Can., 159. Croiiter, I)., M,P., 4th Par., 237. Cruik.shank. \V. G., Q.C., 417. Culver, W. H., Q.C., 423. 449 Index — Continued. CUM 144, 150 ; Cumbfiiaud, l,t.-('ol. I'. W., .x-A.D.C. H ; M.P., 1st I'.ii-., ISS. Oumborland, T. D., Juilj,".', •.vxl. C'uhiiirigliain, .1., >i.i'., :iid Par., -10, ii-7. Cuuningham, H., M.!*.. 2ml Par., *)1 ; ;iril -JIO, ("unaii, Hon. J. J., Mem. 0th Miii., 48 ; 6tli, 51 ; Sil. (jcii., 54. 4 ;s ; M.P., 0th Par., :;4s ; titli, *W ; rth, -JT'.', -i^'.K 441 ; Judf.;e, :t40, JO-J; y.C, 414. Cum-ii, l.t.-Col.. A. V... .:x-.\.l).(;., 12 : Hon. A.L).C., 1.1. Currier, J. .M., M.P., l^r Par.. Wl: -Jiid, lyo ; 3rd, -JOS, JIS ; 4t!i, 'liW Currv, L. A.. l^.C, 4:il. Cushiug, jr., L.. M.P., :3nl Par., iiX. Customs, Mill, of— 09 , otlice aboil Con. of-(10, 144 ; Asst. Com. of- Dept. of-and Clif. Clks.. 150. Cuthbcit, E. ()., M.P., :!rd Par., 2l>l . 4tli, i:!l 0th, :,'4T. Cutiur, H. B., .\I.P.. 2nd, Par.. I'OO. Cutlt-r, \V. K., Q.C.. 41". DALY, M. 15., U.-(K.v., N.H., V. 4;!7 ; M.P., 4lU P.ir., -a:', ; .'>Mi, 24!'. Daly, Hr., T. .Mavne, M.P., 2nd Par., Isn;. Dalv, Hon. T. Maviie, P.C., 24; Mem. Ca>... 20 4lhMiu.,40; .0th, 47 ; Oth, .00; .Mm.Int. ()«) ; Hujit. Gen. Ind. Aft., 67 ; oH'., hold .t<-. s;5 ; M.P., tjth Par., 200; 7th. 2S3, 294 y.C, 42:1. Dauiell, .1., .Judge, :!21». Uaou.st, ,1. 11., M.P., Lst Par., 180; :ird, 224 ; 4th, 2;(:i ; Otli, 249 ; Oth, 20;{ ; 7tii. 2,si), 290. D.irtuell, G. H. F., Judge, :<27. Darveau, C, Q.C., 415. Davidson, A. A., Q.C., 420. Davld.soii, Hi)ii. C. P., .lnd!;t', 41:;. Davidson, J. I., M.P.. 7tli Par Davidson, L. U., Q.C., 410. Davie, Hon. A. B. B., Q.C., 422. Davie, Hon. T., Loc. .Indge in Aim., :!04 ; Clif. Jus., :1S0 ; Q.C., 422. Davies, 1)., .\1.1*., 2nd Par., 20O ; .3rd, 214. Davies, L. H., M.P., Oth Par., 201 ; Oth, 200; 7th, 2S;}. Davin, N. P., M.P.. Oth Par., 207 ; 7tli, 284 : y.C., 424. Davis, D. W., M.P., oth Par., 207 ; 7tli, 2S4. Duvis, E. P., Q.C., 422. Davis, J., JudKe:120. Davis, J. F., Judu'e, :!20. Dawson, Lt.-Col.. G. !>., e.vA.D.C, 12. Dawson, G. M., Dir. Geo. Sur., l:>0 ; Asst. Dir., 152; C.M.G., 4:il. Dawson, O. W. \V., M.P., 7th Par., 270. '.)awsoa, J. A., M.P., 3id Par., 213. Da.vson, Sir J. \V., C.M.G., 4:11, Kt., 4;>2. Dawson, s. B., Queen's Printer, 144. Dawson, S. J., .M.P., 4th Par., 227 ; oth, 243 Oth, 2.5S. Deacon, John, Judi;i\ :;:!0. Deacon, Joseph, Q.C., 410. Deacon, T., Judge, 33a ; Q.C.. 40.S. D.>ftn, VT. W., Judge, ;i32. DEP H. L. G. H. M.P.. Otli Par., :;40, ;;02 ; Q.C 2.S7 170; C..M.G.. de Ucaujeu, (i 204, 250. do Belletendle, B. L., Q.C., 414. de Billv, L. A., .M.P., Oth Par., *IS ; Judjjo. :i4.0. :i4-! : g.C. 410. De lilois, Hon. P. A., Sen., 170. de B'.uiherville, C. E. B., sen., 4;il. De (^!des, A. I'.. Gt-n. Librarian of Par., ISO. De Co.smo.-, A., M.P., 1st Par.. 193 ; 2n(r. 201 : 3rd. 215 ; 4th, 2:i0. DelaG'ave, C, Q.C., 412. Del iiiiere, T. D., Q.C., 41u. De L6ry, Hon. A. U. C, Sen., 109. Delisle,' A., .M.P., 7tli Par., 2S0. De Loriiiiier, C. C , Judge, ;i45, 349 ; Q.C.. 414. De Loriniier, T. C, Q.C., 415. Delorme, L., M.P., 1st Par., .90 : 2nd. 198 : .?rd. 211. Delorme, P., M.P., IstPar. 193. Denison, Lt.-Col. F. C, jI. P., Oth Par.. 200 : 7th, 277; CM G., 431. De Xiverville C. Boucher, M.P., Lst Par.. 180. 190. Dennis, Lt.-Col. J. S., Dep. Min. Int., 132 : Sur. Gen,, 132, 149, LOO: C.M.G., 431. Dennistoun, R.. Judge, 329; retired. 401: Q.C., 408. Deuoncouit, N. L., Q.C., 413. Departmei.ts of the Civil Service, First oigan- izjitiou of the- 147, (foot note). Department of Agiiculture, 107. " Customs, 155. " Finance, 102. Geological Survey, 102. Indian Aftairs, 100. Inland Kevenue, 154, Interior, 1.00. Justice, 148. Marine & Fisherie.ii, 157, 440. Militia & Defence, 150. Post Office, 150, 440. Public Printing and Stitionery. 101. I'ublic Work^ 158. R always k, Canals, 1.09, 440. ■• Receiver-General, 102 (abolished) Secretary of State lor the Pro- vinces, 101 (abolished). '■ Secretary of State of Cauadn. 148. Deputies of the .Minister of- - .'Vgriculture, 142, 43tf. F'luanoe, 133. Fisheries, i:}4. Interior, 132. Justice, 129. Marine and Fisheries, 1S4. .Militia & Defence, 130. Postnxaster-Gi'ueral, 143. Public Works, 141. Riilways & Cuials, 142. Supt.Geii. ol Indian Affairs, l»y. Trade & Coninierie, 145. l>'_'pnty C'erk of the Crown in Chancery, 138. Deimtv (commissioner of Patents, 157. Deputy Heads of Departments * Chief Officers, 120. •ioO Index — Continued. DEP UrijHny Inspi'itDi- (jfueral, ISii. l>»-l>uly Ri'Ci'ivi.-r Gi-aiTal, l.'lil. • tiepiitv Ri.'i;i>trius General uf (J.tii;ii;a, l:(l. J^eputy Serf;.-iiiit-;it-Ani.s. CouiiUDiiS. I-**!. Deputy iSj.' :i"'ki T, CDUiUioiis, ITfi. Derliv! l.:ir,l— (Uiv.-iieii.. n : Sec. t.i— n; A.H.C. Ic— 11. Di'SJiulu.ei-s, A. L., M.l'.,r)tli I'.ir., -'04. Desauiiiicr.s, L. L. J.., M.P.. Isl. \\\x.. !>.'>, I'.'O : 4tl), 2:i'.'; ftUi, :.'4S. D.f.^ttuliiiers, V. S. I-.. M.P., Olli I'.ir.. I'l;:! : 7t.li. SiSO. Uesbaiats. !■. E.. Qiieiu's I'rint •!■, 144. Desbiirres, Hon. W. 1'., Jiil;:i-. iiOl : r.t., im. D.-s I)iis;i\. M. li., .Iiiil^e. :;G-t. Des liriMiiv. T.,(^.i'., 421. Des(t:ini.s, J. A., Q.C. 417. Uesiitts, J. M.. (^.('.. 4!:.. I)6sir6, '/... Hiias O. IJei^iri- 15cMiri)L'.,iu. see •' U HUi.eau, D. O." Desjiirdius. Udij. A., Sen.. 171 ; M.l'., :;nl I'iii'., •JIO ; 4tli, •-';'.! : 5lli, 247 : ntli, .'02 ; 7tli. -r.w, Ue5JHraiii:<, L. (;., .>J.l'.. iltli I':ir.. 271 : "tli. 27i', 28! I. r.tswiiiit. A., M.-'.. lilli Par.. 2'j2. I)e St. (Jeor^er , J. K. A., M.P.. 2iiil Par.. I'JS ; :!i-(l, 211 : 0th, a4» ; t.nli, 208. 1 >e Velier, J^. S. D.. M.i'.. 2qi1 I'ar.. iua ; I'.nl. 214. Dever, Hon. J., Sen., 174. Devillp, E.. Sur. I'if.i., I:t2. Devlin, H.. M.P., ;'.rd Par., 222, 22:;. Devlin, V. K., M.P., 7tli Par. 2S0. Dewiltiev. Il"i,. E., Lt.-Gov.. N.W.'l .. l;' ; l.t.- Gov,. !'..«'., 20 ; P.C., 24 ; Mem. Cali., 2i) ; :;rii. Mill., -il* ; 4tii, 45 : Mill, int., t>J ; Mijit. GeM. l!i(i. ABair.s, (i7 ; (.11'. hej.l, A:e., >! ; M.P. 211(1 Par., 20; :!ril, 210 ; 4tli, 2:ji;, 242 : Otli, 274 ; 7tli, 284, 2>'4. l)r Wiiitoii, It. ('■>!., Sir K. W.. See. to GdV.- Geii.. N ; K.C.M.G., 429 ; C.M.G.. 4:31. Dick. ■.-, H.ir. A. H , P.C., 21 ; Mem. Cib., '2il ; (iMi, Mm., JO ; Min. .Mil. cv Del., Tw : See .il Stale, i;2;ofl. lield, ete., S.". : M.P., Ctll Par., 272 : 7tli, 2M, 2'.il ; Q.C, 11','. l>i,key. H..I.. P. I!., Sen., :!, 172. DieUi^snii, .M. (;., Doni. IJiiok-keilier, K'l;;. Diekiu-Jiin. G. !,., M.P.- •'.th Par. 2iiS. Diekins.m, M, K., M.P., oti. Par.. 21ii. Diewinsou. W., I>ep. Ii.s|.. Cien., \-V'\ I)ieks.;n, G. H.. t^G., lOS. DJekson, Ho'i. W. 11., Sen., '2, li''.. Dionii.', C. K. ..., Q.C., 417. Dionne, ()., Ght. Clk. & Ae( t., P. W. Depi., lOv Direetoia of the (4eol"gieal .Survey, l:i5. nircetors i>l' Militia Stores, 150. Divorne i Matrini.Miial Gause-s- Court of— N.I!., Pivdice iS; Matrimonial Gauies ("^ourt foi — N. S., :i'.;2. :i60. [)oah, G. O.. Q.C., 414. DoUl.jp. T. W., M.P., 1st Par.. 181. Dobsoii, ll(,n. •!., Sen.. Iij7. l)o,l,l, Hon. !•;. M., Jlld^'e, :;(51 ; ret.. 404. Dcnlit, M., M.P., :a\\ Par., 249; Judge. 3ijtj ; y.C., 418. Prwlije. A. G. P., M.P., -'nd Par., l^ii. DUV Itoherty, G., Q.G., 421. Dnhcrlv, Hon. G. J.. Jiult'e, 34i, ;JD2 ; y.C., \\:^ Dohertv, Hon. .M., Jud;;e. ;j44. :i40. :ij2, :i'>i ; retired, 4U3 ; y.C., 4i:J. liolierty, T. J., Q.G., 417. Dominion Are.hileets, 14(i. Dominion Book-keepers, \h:,, Domville, .J., M.P., '2nd Par.. 2eO : 3rd, 21J ; 4lh, 2:U. Donahue, W., M.P., ;ird Par., 211. Dorion. Sir A. A.. P.O., 2;i ; Mem. Gab., 27 : 2nd Min., .'H; ; Min. Jus.. :,\\ ; oil. held, >Ve.. SO ; M.P.. 1st Par., Is4 ; 2nd, 198, 20:1 : :!rd, 211, 22:'. ; Ghf. Jns., :j38 ; Kt., 432. Dorion. P. X., .M.P.. 2ad Par.. 197. Dorion, lion. V. P. \V., Judge. :;44, 352. :!54. Dormer, G., M.P., 2nd Par., 191). Doueet. Capt.. A. K., A.D.G.. 127. Dougall, A. It., ti.C., 408. Douglas, \V., Q.G., 410. Doull, H., M.P., 2nd Par.. 199 ; Itli, 2:!4. Dovle, B. L., -ludge, 322. Doyle, Lt. -Gen. Sir C. H., M.-Guv., .V.S.. b'. : Lt.-Gov., ,\.B., 17. Dovon. G., M.P.. Oil Par 202. Ijrake, Hon. M. W. T., Judge. 3sl ; Q.G., 422. Diaper, W. ti.. Judge, :il9."' Draiier, Huu. \V. H., Cnt. Jns. of Appeal. 308 ; Ghf. Jus., Queeii'.s Betu h, :;u9. Drew, G. A., M.P., 1st P.ir.. 18:f : 4th. 2:W : Judge, 3:!4 ; Q.C., 407. Drouin, F. X., <^.G., 415. Drumniond. Hon. G. A.. Sen.. 171. Dnunmond, Hon. L. T.. Judge, :i3S ; rid.. 492. D vsdale, A., y.G., 420. Drj'sdale, J.. Ght. Clk. & Aeet.. Dejit. Cus., 155. Dubm , Hon. J., M.P.. 4th Par.. 2:i0. 24i : Judge, 29U. Dnehesnay, lion. A. J., Sen., :i, 108. Duehesnav, Hon. E. H. J., Sen., 3. 108. Dnehesnay, H. J. J., M.P.. Otli Par., 202. 270. Du.t Jliii., :iD ; Min. Agr. 04 ; otT. held. &e., 87 ; M.P., 1st Par.. 184, 1S9 ; Judge. 343, 347. Dunlop, J.,Q.G., 410. Duplessis, X. P., Q.C.. 417. ; Dupont, P., M.P., 5th Par., 254: 0th, 201 : 7th. ; -278. I Duraiieeau, P. C., (,\G., 414. I Duval, G., Repoi-t^T Sup. Court. 301 ; Q.C.. 417 451 Index- Continued. DUV Duval, Hon. J. F. J., Chf. .Tns., :;38 ; ret., 402. Dydf, Col. J., A.D.C. to tlie l^uceii, 7 : C.M.«;., 4H0. Over, E. A., M.P., Ttli Par., 2TS, 288. Dymoml, A. H., .\I,P,. Srd Par., 209. 230. E ARLE, A. (A, Q.C.. -121. ■.th. iU til, uul Eurle, T.. M.P., 6th P.ir., 27:; : 7tli, 284. Eaton, U. H., (^C, 419. Ebert.s, U. ,M., (IX.. 422. E.Jt,'ar, J. I)., .M.P.: 2u.l Par.. 1 titli, 2ijii ; 7t)i, 277. EdwanN, W. C, M.P., (ith Par.. 2i.;0. 270 277. Eiseiiliauer, J. 1)., .M.P., (ith Par.. 264. Eleutifins, s-e "General Eleitiotis" " Special Elections." Elliott, E., Judjie, :i2-,. Elliott. J. K., Q.C 4ir>. Elliott, \V., M.P., 4ih Par.. 22:i. Ediott, W., .hi(l};e, ;!2.5. Ellis, J. v., M.P., 0th Par., 2i;.\ Elphinstoiie, Lt.-Cil. H. C, C.M.O., 4:iO. Eipliiiistone, Lieut. Hon. M. \V., lloi:. A.D.C. i:!. Enni.s F. H., Sec, P. W. Dpt., 141, 159. Eiiuery to H.ll. tl. Princess Ijjiiise, 10. Erinat'inger, 0. O. '/... Judge, :ils : (^).r.. 40<>. Erskine, U., ex-A.i).C.. l.f. Ethier, L. .J..Q.C., 41G. Everett, C. A., M.P., Oth Par., 257. Everett, G. F., Siipt., Monev Oni. Boh.. P. O Deiit., ir.ti; Asst. S'H)t.,'ir,ii. Ewart, .J.S., Q.C., 42:l. ExchcH'ier Court of Canada, Constn. of— 2:>(t •ludge, .''.112 ; Con.stituted a Colonial Cour of Adni., :'U2 ; Local Judges in .Vdiii.. .■;02 Oflieers of tlif Exoheij. Oo.irt. :;o'i. Sen., r, 2S8. XpABRE, H. Agt.-Gen. in France. l2.-j -^ 101 ; C.M.ti., 4;U. Fairbaiin, C, M.P., Olli Par., 270 : 7t!i. 27 Fairbank, J. ri., M.P.. r.th Par. 24.i. Fairtield. D. L., Judge, :!:;o. Falconbndge, Hon. W. G.. Judge. :!10 : Q.O., 40it. Farewell, J. E., Q.C.. 410. Faribault, J. E., Q.C., 4lti. Farrow, T., M.P., 2nd Par., 195 ; :trd. 208 : 4tli. 228 : 5th, 244. Fauvel, \V. j.., M.P., 7th Par., 278. Featherston, J..M.P., 7tli Par., 277. 287. Feilden, Col. R. J., C.M.G.. 4:i0. Ferguiion, A., y.C. 410. Fercusoii, C. F., M.P., :)rd Par., 208. 217 229 : 5th, 245 ; Olh, 259 : 7th, 270. Ferguson. Hon. !>., P.C.. 24 ; Mem. Cab 0th Mill., 50; oil. held, &c., 87 ; S>'n. Ferguson, J., M. P., (Renfrew. S. R.) oih 269 : 7lh, 277. Ferguson, Hun. J., Sen., Iii7 ; M.P. .5th. Par., 216 ; lUh, 201. Ferguson, Hon. T., S.-n., ;f, l7:-f. Fergu-son, J. H., ii.('., 411. FergiiBon, H. Munro- ei-A.D.C., l-l. 4th. 175. Par. (\Veiiand), FUS Ferguson, Hon. T., Judge, .■'.n ; Q.C., 407. Frigusuii, r. H., M.P., l>t. I'ar., tSl. Feruer, ILm. J., .>e;i., :;, los. Ferris, J.. .M.l'., l.st P.ir.. l.>7; Jiid, 200; :5rd, 213. Feins, J. .\L, Ciiuir. lil. Iiir. m Pfnitei.tiunes. 137. Finance, Minister.-; of— 50 ; Oep. Miii., uy : Dept. ot— 152 ; >ee., i.»ei/t. of- l:i:; ; Clil. Ciks., lJe|.it. oi — 152. Financial Cijiujiindlcr. P. o. !)cjd., i5r.. Fiudlay, J., M.l'., 2ii(l Pa'., P'O. Finkle, ^.. .lU'l^e, :i2S. Fiset, J. IS. K., M.P., 2iid Par.. 198 ; ;ird, 21! ; 4th, 2:. 2 ; 0th, 20;i. Fi-shei, lion. C, M.P., l.st Par.. 187. 192 : Jii.'e.'e :i6s, ;i,i;i. Fisher, C. H. B., Q.C., 42o. Fisher. J.. (^.C, 42.i. Fisher, L. P., Q ('., 42,1. Fi-slier, S. A., .M.P., 5tn Par. 247 ; oth, I'lil. Fisheries, D.-juiry Minister uf— lo4. Fissiault. 11. .\.."L;hv Clk.. lie|i!. Rvs, i Can , 159, 441,1. Fitzgerald, E., y.C.,4u7. Fitzger,ild, F., Jiidj^e, ;i;i2. Fitz-eiald, R. .1., .ludge, .'WO. Fitzgerald, Hon. R. R^, .Jud-e. :!70, S7'.i • i^ ( 422. Fitzgerald, W., Asst. Dcp. .Mill. Fiii. ,x Supt. .4' Ins., lliS, I5:i. Fitzgerald, \V. W., Judge, :;:!:! ; y.C., 412. Fitz-Miinioiis, W., .M.P., 4lli Pai., 227. Fleming. G., M.P., 2nd Par. 194 : :;ii|. iw; ■ A*\\ 227. Fleniuig, J., M.P.. 5th Par. 24'.. Fieniiiig, J. R., s, ;i70 : y.O., 4-2o. Frlf lield, oic. 811: Hitih Com. in Eii}?., 12") ; .M.P.. 1st 4-28. ret.. 271. ;;rd. Par., lSi>; G.C..M.G. Gall. HirT.. Cht. .Jus.. :', :«•!' ; Kt., 4.i:i. Garrow, ,T. T.. Q.C . 40i> Gascoigne, Major-General W. .1., 4:;i Gaucher, (i. G, M.P., 1st Par., 184 Gaudet, A., MP , 5tli Par., 254 ; tltli, .,.„,, Gaudet. .1., M.P.. 1st Par. \t,h \ 2n(l. PAS ; 211, -22.^. Gault, M. H., M.P., 4th Par., 2.i2 ; 5th, 24S. Gautliier, Hon. F. O.. Judge, :«2, .SfiO; ret.. 402. Oauthier. J.. M,P., 'itli Par., 202, 271; 7th. 27>.», 28y Tfindron, P. S.. M.".. 1st Par., 184 ; 2nd, P.i7. (jelieral Elections — dates of— 2!<7 ; Menihers re- turned at— 1st Pi.!. 181; 2nd, lii4 ; Srd, 207; 4th, 227 ; 5th ?4:! : litli, 2;)8 ; 7tli, 275; date of Writs. 207 . General Librarian of Parliament, ISO, (rentlemen Ushers of the Wack Rod, livJ. Geottrion. C. A.. JI.P.. 7th Par. 2;)1 ; g.C., 414. Geortrion, Hon. F., P.O.. 2:i ; M.'in. Cal>.. 27 ; 2nd Min., .S7 ; Min. In. Kev., i^8 ; off. lula «c., Ou; .M.P., Lst Par.. 18(! ; 2nd. 100; ;fr(l, 212, 224 : 4th. 2.i:". ; 5rli. 240 : litli. 2ii:i; 7th. 280, 201. GeoKrai>her. IJept. Interior, 151. Geological Survey, Directors ot The — 1;!5 ; Asst. Dir., 152; Dejit. i.f the— 152. Gerald, W. .J., Asst. Coin. In. Rev., 140. 154. Germaii. W. M., M.P., 7th Par.. 278. 288. Gihhs, Hon. T. N'., P.C.. 22; M.ni. Cah., 27 : Mem. 1st Min.,:U ; .M.n. In. Kev.. 5^ ; Sec. of State for Prov.. r>5 ; Suiit. (ieu. Ind. Atl'., 87 ; off. held &!•., 00 ; Sen. 107 ; M.P.. 1st Pm., 182 ; 2mi. 105, 202 : 3rd. 218. (IRA Gil>bs. \V. H., M.l'.. 2nd Par., 105 ; ;!id, 21S. Giuson, I.t.-Col. J. M., Ilnii. A.;).C.. l:s. Gibson. \V., (Hiiuilas) .M.P., 2ii.l Par.. 104 ; ;;rl. 2ii7. Gibson, \V., (Lincoln) M.P.. 7th P.ir., 27t;, 280. Gigault, G. A., .M.P., 4tli Par., 2:^2 ; 5tli. 248 ; 0th, 203. Gilbert, G. (t., g.(;..42o. Gdbert, W. .1., (^.C., 42o. GUI, Hon. C. 1., .M.l'.. aid Par. :;12; 4th, 2:i:i. 240 ; Jlliig , :f44, ,(52, S54. Gillies, ,L. M.P.. 2iid Par., 104; :!id, 207 ; 4th. Gillies, J. A, M.P.. 7th Par.. 281. 202 : Q.C.. 420. Gillispie. Sir IL. Kt., i:i:'.. Gillraor, A. IL. .M.P., Hrd P.ir., 2i:i ; 4th. 2;U : 5th, 2-50; litli, 205; 7tii. 282. Gi'mour, T. II.. Q.C., 42;i. Girard, Hon. M. A.. Sen. 17i). Giionard. IL.ii. 1)., M.P.. 4th Par., 2ftl ; .">th. 247 : Otii, 202 ; 7th, 270. 441 ; .JudL-.-. :',0l ; Q.C., 4Ki. Girouard, G. .\., M.P., 4th Par., 2:!4 ; 5th. 250, 250. Girouard, J., M.l'.. 7th, Par.. 200. Gla.ss, I)., .M.P., 2iid Par.. 105. (ilazier, Hon. ■!., Sen. 174. (ileadowe, G. E. V.. C..M.G.. 4r.l. (;ie,i.son. .1.. Q.C. 417. (;l n, F. W., M.P., 4rli Par., 229 : 5th, 245. Glidilon, W., .Vcct., I)c]it. Pub. Printing, 101. Globenskv, Hon. H.. .Judge, :i45. .{49 ; Q.C.. 414. 01oben.-,kv. C. A. M., .M.P.. lird Par., 224. Gobeil, A., Ue)). Mm. Pub. Works, 141 ; Sec. De}it. P. W.. 141, 1.50. Godbout. .).. M.P., 0th, Par., 201 ; 7th, 278. (joddanl, X., Doni. Book-keeper, 152. Godin, F. R., .M.J'.. 1st Par., 184. Godlev. U., See. to Gov.-Gelieral, 8. ' Goodeve, \V. .M.. Chf. Clk., Itf lit. Int., 151. Gordon, A., M.l'., .ird Par., 208, 218. Gordon, A. .J. L., Sic. to Gov.-General. S. Uoitton. A. R.. Commander, Fisheries Protec- tion Service, 158. Gordon, D. W., .\I.P.. .5th Par.. 252 ; 0th. 207 ; 7th, 284, 20;j. Gorman. .J.. Chf. Clk.. Amlitor GeneraKs of)'.. 1.>1. Gorniullv, J. J., Q.C., 410. Goudge, M. H., .M.P.. 2iiil Par. 204, .'!rd, 212. Gounleau, F. F., Acct., Uevt Mar. & Fish., 158. Governors-General of Canada, 5 ; Title, 4:i6 : Sec. to— 8; A.U.C. to— 0, 4r!7. Governor-General's ."jecretarv's Office. Chf. Clerks. 1 17. Gowan, Hon. .1. R., Sen., 107; •Judge, '.VM : ret., 400 ; Q.C., 410 ; C.M.G., 4;!1. Gr.-iliaiii, Hon. W., .fudge, :-lOO ; Q.C., 410. Grandbois, P. E., M.P., 4tli Par., 2:!;5 : .5tli. 248 ; Olh. 20:i ; 7th. 280. Grant, Sir .J. A , .M.P.. 1st Pa;.. lS:i ; 2n.L 100 ; 7tli, 287; K.C.M.G.,420. Gran*. Hon. R. P., S-n., I7:t. Grantham, H. A., Q.C, 410. Gray, P. G., c^.C, 410. Gray, Hon. J. H.. M.l'., 1st Par.. 187 : .Indse. 3S1. 4u3 Index — Continued. ORA Gray, Lt.-Col. J. H., C.M.C, 4:ii). lireeiisliiflils, J. N., l^.(J., W,. Gret'iiWiiy, T., M.l'., linl t'iir.. I'lT. GreK'iiiy, U. V.. ^X., \l\. Greiiiin-, A. L. V\., y.C., n.'j. Uritsbai-ti, Miijor A. H., Him. A.U.C, 4;i7. GriiVf. J. N., M.P., Ttli. I'.iv., -JTT. l'ST. lirittin, M. J., Purliainent irv Lilininau. 1*1'^. Urirtiii, W. H.. Itc].. P. M. \wa\.. 14.1 ; C.M.O.. 4ai. GrimiiiLT, G. S., Q.C., 4J0. Gi-dvcr, r. M., M.l'., 1st Par. IS:! ; I'lid, !'.m;. Gnay, P. M., M.P,, otli Par., 'J-.t ; •'.th. JC'i ; Ttli. Gnftvieinont, Hon. J. B., .St'n., '■'>. 147. JVt : .itli, •JO.'. -.'70. (iuillet, G., M.P., 4tli I'ar., ■JS7 ; .-)tli. •24-., •-'.):'. ; titli, 2ii(i ; 7tli. •J^7. GuillPt (lit T..nraii",'fau, A., M.P., iud Par . I'.'S. Gunii, A , M.P., 4t;< Par. -'JS ■.:>\\\. -.'44. (iiitlirii', I).. M.I'., :;r(l l';ir.. -Jl'O : 4tli. ■_':■.!) : y.G., 4111. Gwvinip, Htm. J. \V., .Jiulgf, :'.tO, :(l:;. Gzrlw.ski, Col. 8ir 0. «.. A.U.C. to the Queoii. 7 ; K.C.M.G., 42i'. H ACKETT, E., M.P., 4tli Par., 2:;'. : .'itli. L'.'.l. Ha. Uasgart, A., y.C, 42;f. Haj;g!iit, Hon. .). (i., P.C., •-'4 ; Mom. Cal.., 27 ; 3r. Hall, .1. H., !Smc., Df pt. Int., I.i2, 1.->1. Ilitll, ir., .J. S.. Q.C.. 41'). Hall. Hon. R. X., M.P., .^)th Par. 248 : fith, 2(« ; Jndg.-, ;5:ii'; Q.C., 41:!. Halv, Lr.-Geii. W. ()Gra. Hamilton, Hon. ,1., (Ont.) Sen., 2, 10,5. Hamilt<)n. Hon. J., (yui'.) ^.-n., M, lOj:. Hamilton, .1. M., .luoge, :i20, :i-{2 ; Q.C., 409. Hamilton, W. C, Q.C., 424. Hanningtoii, A. H., Q.C., 421. Hannington. Hon. D. L., .Judge. 30S ; Q.C., 421. HarborU, Lieut. Hon. C, A.U.C, 10. Hariile, .1., Chf. Cik., Y)v\>\. Mar. & Fisli.. l')7. Harding, Col. F. P., l-t.-Gov. X.l?., 17. Hardistv, Hon. R., Sen. 177. Hargralt, J., M.P., 7th Par. 277, 2S7. Harlev, A., M P., r)th Par., 245. Harper, L. G.. M.P., :Jrd Par. 210, 222. HOF HarrinRton, C. S., y.C., 41'.). Harrin^;ton, T. H., Hip. Kec.Gin.. i:jO. Harris, R. E.. y.C, 41',t. llariison, jr., K., .Judge. "sG. Harrison,' Hon. R. A., Cht. .his,. ;!0'.> ; M p, 1st Par., I.S;<. Harrison, .S. H., .Juilge, ww:,, Harwy, l.uut. .1. E. A., A.U.I'., lo. Harvev, W.. M.P., 2nil P.ir. im ; .lid, 2U7, 2l>. Hanvood, H. S., M.I'., 7th P.ir. 2.so, 2!>1. Harwood, R., .M.P., 2ud Par, HIS; :5rd. 212 Hasl.ini. A., M.P., 7tli Par. 20:!. Haszaro, V. I,., .Judge, ;{7'.i : l^.C, 422. Hatton, J. ('., y.C, 41."). Il;ivila:id, Hon. T. H.. U.-(iov. P.E.I. , 21 ; Sen. 17'>. Hawkins, ,1. ,1., M.P., "dli Par. 24;!, 2:.2 H,i\, H.. M.P., 4thl'ar., 2:',0 ; ."ilh, 240. H.iyter, K., Clil'. Clk., .\iiditor Geii.'s otr., 154. Haytliorn. Hon. H. P., Sen., 175. Ha/.en, .1. H.. M.P., 7th Par., 2S2 ; Q.C., 421. Ilazen, Hon. U. L., Sen. 3, 17:! ; .Juitge Viei-- Adni. Couit, 374. Heads ot I)e|iaitinents 52; :!:!, (font note; Hearn, J., M.P., 7th Par., 2!i0. HeatU E., .M.P., 1st Par. 185. Helmckeii, H. U., y.C., 422. Hemming, E. .1., Q.C., 417. Henderson, U., .M.P., iltli Par. 20,« ; 7th. 270 2S5. Henderson. G. E., Q.C.. 407. Henderson, .1. X., (IX., 407. Henry, Hon. H. .AI., .ludge, :!01 ; Q.C. 41S. Henry, Hiui. \V. A., .Iudge,;lOO. Hensley, Hon. J., Asst. .(mlge and Viep-Ohnn.. :!7(>. Hernert, Ma.j.-Gen. I. .1. C, 12(i, 4:!0. lleielimer, I.t.-Col. \V. .M., ex-A.U.C. 12, Hesson, S. R., M.P., ith Par., 22lt ; .5th, 245 ; Oth, 200. Hewett, Col. E. ()., C.M.G., 4:!1. Hickey, C. E., M.P., 5th Par., 244 ; litli. 25S. Hieksim, Sir J., Kt., 4:!.!. Higginbotliani, X., M.P.. 2nd Par., 190 ; :ir.i. Hilliard, G., M.P., 4tli I'.r. 229 ; .5th, 240. Hunswoith, W., SlO., Uept. In. Rev.. 141, 154. Himsworth, W. A., Clerk of P.C., 129 ; Asst. C k., 129, 147. Hincks, Sir F., P.C. 22 ; Mem. Cab., 27 : Mem. 1st Min., ;i4 ; ilin. Fin., 50 ; oil. heli), etc., 91 ; M.P., 1st Par., ISS ; 2nd, 201; K. C.M.C, . 42S. Kingston, Sir W. H., Kt.. 4;!.S. Hodgins, T.. Q.C, 407. Hodgins, W. T., M.P., 7tli Par., 275. Hodi:soii, Hon. E. J., Asst. Judge and Master of Rolls, :!70 ; Q.C., 422. Hodgson, Sir R., Lt.-Go,. P.E.I. , 21; Chf. Jus.. and Judge Vice .\dni. Ct., :i75 ; ret. 40ti ; Kt., 4:!2. Hoffman, G. C. Asst. Uir., Geo. Survey, 132. -l.Vl Illd.62 — Continued. nor. .inx lith, ■-'ml, li'.'i : :;iil, -Jos: 4tli. .'illi. --'47. •-'■>4. in:!. ITS ; duratini HogK, W. I»., iix., 411. Holb.cb, Mi.jor \V. H., A.li.C, rai, 127. Holmt's, Jolin, (Oiit.i, M.P., 1st I'ar. ISl. Hdliii.s, lion, .loliii, (N.S.), Sill., :t, 17-'. Holmes S. II., C^.l'., US. Holtoii, K,, .M,r.. 4th I'ar. J.!'.' ; .'itli. 247 ; lloltoM, 11(111. I.. 11., M.l'., iKt I'm. IS4 : I'.tT : :!nl, 210; 4tli. 2=51, JSI'. Homer, .1. A. K., .M.I*.. 4tli I'.ir.. 212 ; :.fli, 2V2. llonotirs idtilerreil l;v \\. M. the Queiii, t2"i. Iloiippr, K.. M.I'.. 4tii I'.ir., 22.i. Mope, Hon. A.. S.'n , IC.il. Horiie, (". 1!., .Iiiclx', ;iis. Ilorloii, H.. .M.I'.. L'liil r.ir. 22S, 2:!7. Iloskin, A., y.C, 4i'S. Ho.skin, J., Q.C., 407. Houile, !•'., .M.I'.. 4th Par., 2:;2; Iloufiii, ,1. s., t^t'., 42:;. Ilounlitoii, C. I'., M.I'., 1st I'.ir. House of C'diunions of ('.iiuul;! of- -2'.i'i; tSiiciikei'sof— 17s; l>r|iiityS]>eiikers. 17S, (t'oot note); CU-rks ol— 17S; A.Si-t, Clks., I7!i : l.iw Clerks. 17!> : S rut.-at-Arnis. 180; Dep. Serf;t.-at-\rins, Kso; Lihrariunsol Par., ISO ; Members of Par., see " IJeneral Elec- tions," ami " Speeial Elections.'' Howe, Hon. J,, Lt.-(inv. X.S., Id; P.C, 22; Mem. ("all., 27 ; Mem. 1st Min., :i4 ; Pre.s. P.C, .")2 ; !Sec. of State. Prov., (i5 ; Supt. S; :!rd. 211; 4lb, 2:!2. Huot, P. <;., M.P., 1st Par.. ISO, VA\. Hurdon, F., M. P., 1st Par.. ISl. Hurteau, H., M.P., :!rd Par., 210, 222: Itli. 2:il ; 0th, 247. Hut.hins, W. H., .M.P., 7tli Par., JTi'. Hut(!liiiisoii. S, y.C 42i. Hutchison, R., M.P., 1st Par., I!i2. Hvman, C. S., M.P.. Ttli Par.. 27«;. 2Si!. TDIXGTOX, .1., (I.e.. 400. Imperial Hoiwurs conferred for Canadian Ser- vice, 425. Imperial Order-in-Council adding British Terri- tories to the Ooniiiiion, 441. Indian Affairs, Supt. Cen. of il7 ; t)ep. Supt. Gen. of— 1:?0: Dept. of— an,t. Com. of— 140, 104; Sec., Itepf.of-btl; Dcpt. of— and Clif. Clks., 104. Iniies. J.. M.P., Otb Pcir., 24ii ; iltb, 201 ; 7tli. 27 S. Inspector of Tobacco Factories, 104. Inspectors of Penitentiaries. l:i7. Interior, Ministers ot the — 00; I)ep. Min., I:i2; Sec., Heptof tiK — 1:!2: Kept, of Ihe-nild Cbf. Clks., 1.0O. Irvine, !»., M.P., Ith Par.. 241 ; 0th, 200. Irvine, .Hon. C., .M.P, 1st Par., 180; hoc. •fudge in .Vdiii (^uc., :!osi. Irvine, l.t. (' il. .1. (i.. .X.n.C. ! Irvine. .M. H., C.M.li., 4:!0. Irving, A., M.P., :.s(iili, J. (»., t^C, 4li;. .Iiidali, V. T., (I.V.. 414. Judt;** ol till' Km-Iji 'luci- (.'uuit, RDJ : his |iii'<-c lii'iice, 4:i'). .Illdfies, Si'B "C.iUrts 111 .lust id'.' :illil •■ (,'i'Ulit\' Ciiuiis." .luiltri's Ordinary. Cnint fur Divoirr, i-ic, N.S.. ;uiti, ■.•x,-i. .ludgi's, if'tiri'il -'111','; their pn ri'ik'iio'. 4:t.'i. Judicial Ik'iich, I'iivS. Justice, iliiiisttis III— a:. ; IJrp. .Miii. ot— Uv ; Deid. «)f~-aiKi Chf. Clks., 14.h. Justices of Aiij'cal, :iii8. K.VU1-15AC11, C. E.. M.I'.,4Ui I'ar. ■-':!:>; -jlh, li.jti ; 7th, --'SI. Kaulliaih, Hon. H. A. N.. .Sni.. 17J : g.C, Mh. Kavaiiaj,'li, H. J., Q.C., 41i). Kavc, J. J., y.(.'.. 4-JO. Kcef.r, T. ('., C.M.O., 4:11. K.-tll.-r, T. K., -M.l'., 'itli I'ai-.. 24'.', i^.ifi. Kcelcr. J., M.l'., l.st. I'ur., IS:.'; Jiid. I'.r. : 4tli. •_'2'.i, ■J:>7. Kcfjicr ot the Hfi'olils, Dcjit. Sec ut State. 14','. Kellv, T., Judge, :i77. Keiiipt, U., M. 1'., 1st I'ar., is;;. Keiiucily. T. S., y.C, \-i:\. Kenny, Sir E., Sen. ;i, 172; I'C, 2J; .Mem. Call., -JS; 1st Min., ;i4, -.'.h ; I'res. P.C., ;V.' ; Kec. (ieu., (i.'i ; otl. held, etc., !<.i ; Kt., 4;e.'. Kennv, 'I'. E.. M.P.. iltli Par., -JiU : 7tli. -JSI. •-'ItL'. Kerr, 1). S.. Q.C.. 4;i0. Kerr, J. K.. Q.C., 40S. Kerr, W., M.l'., :ir.l Par.. -.'OS, 2is. Kerr, W. IT., Q.C., 41;(. Ketoliuni, J., Jud^e, Wl'. Kidd, J., ('111. Cik., Gov.-(ien.'s Sec. s ollico, 147 ; C M.G., 431. Kierzkowski, Hon. A. E.. M.P., Ut Par.. 18'i, li'O. Kilcoursie, Viscount, A.D.C., 11. KilUuii, Hon. A. C, Judge, ;i!iO ; Q.C.. 4-.';i. Killani. F.. M.P . 1st Par., I'jl ; -ind. 200 : 3rd. 2i;J; 4tli, 2:M. Killani, Hon. T., M.P., 1st Par. LSO. I'tl. Kilvert, F. E., M.P., 4th Par., 22S : uth. 244. Kimber, R., Usher of the Black Rod, 1154. Kimlier, R. E., Usher of the Black' Rod, i(;4. Kindeislev, Capt. C. P. W.. A. D. C., \i. King, E.li., Q.C., 41!'. King, Hon. G. E., Judge, Sup. Ct. Can., :301 ; Sup. Ct. X.B., ;;(iS ; Q.C., 420. King, G. G., M.P., 4th Par., 234 ; ,jtli, 250 ; 7tli, •282, 293. UAX King. J., g.C, 411." King, . I. \V., Chair. UtI. I>ir. "f I'eintcnli uii-s. l:i7. Kiriji, W. 1'., .\slloiHiiiier, liejtt. Int.. Ijl. Kingsiiiill, J. J., Judge. :ilI. 1-s. Klein, A. If., Judge, :!17; g.C, 111. KnighlConimatider of the H.itli, 42i'. Kniglil Grand Cros, of the l!atli.42o. Knights Bachelors, 4:i2. Knights Coninianders of St. .Miclunl anil St. Geolgi', 428. Knights Grand Cross of St. .Mlcii.-iel and St. George, 427. Kran/, H., .M.P.. llli Par. 2:;u : .".th. •-'4c. T ABELIJC. J. H., M.P.. i.Ih Par., •Jo.;, 271. Ual)rossc. S., M.P., "itli Par., 24il ; Olli, 2ilO. Uacette. E,, M.P., 1st Par., P.iO ; 2hd. l!ts l,a(diapelle, S., M.P., 7t!i Par., •2S!'. Laeo.ste, Sir A., P.C., 24 ; otl. held, .tc., jxi ; Speaker Sen., It;:; ; iScn.. 170 ; Chf Jus :'.:iS ; y.C 4l;i ; Kt., 4:i:i. Uacoste, Hon. L., Sen.,:;, liiS. Uacourse, A. Judge, 3.'i.S. I.aflamme. Hon. R., P.C, -2:;; .\leni. Cah,, 2s : 2nil .Mill.. :'>(■.. :{7 ; Min. Jus. :.;! ; Min. In. Hev.. :'is ; otV, lielil, ic.. ;ifi ; M.P , 2nd I'ar 1H7 : ;jrd, 210, 222. l.afontaine, Hon. A , Judge, :;42, :;j:i ; ret,, lo:;. Uafontaine. E., Q.C., 417. Lafranilioise, Hon. M., Judge, :;44, :;4S. Uaidlaw. W., (.^.C., 4()ti. Laird, Hon I)., Lt.-Gov. N.W.T., l',.i ; P.C., 2:j; Mem. Call., -28; 2iid Min. ;i7 ; Mm. Int., tit> ; Supt. Gen Ind. Atl".. 1)7 : oil', held, A-e.. 07 • M.P., 2nd Par., 2011; ;Jrd, 214, 2-2(i. Lajoie, C. G., M.P., :ird Par., 211. Lake, Col. P. H. N'., Quartei master-Gen.. l-'8 Laiiiotlie, J. B. G., y.C., 41(). Uanderkin, (;., M.P., 2nd Par., 1;)4 ; :!rd, -207 ■ .-.th, 244 ; Oth, 2r,8 ; Ttli, 27.i. Landiv, Lt.-Col. Hoti. A. C. P. R., ex-A.O C . 12; Hon. A.l) C., 437; Sen., 171 ; M P 4th Par., 2:i2; 5th, 248. Landry, Hon. P. A., M.P.. oth Par., 2.5(i ; r.tli 2(i5, -27:1 : Judge, .'508, :j71 ; Q.C., 4-20. Lane, G. H., Chf. Clk., Dep..Sec. ol State, 148. Lane, S. J., M.P., 4th Par., 2-28; Judge. :Ud, ;52(i ; Q.C., 408. Lang, J., M.P., 6th Par., 260. Ijangelier, C, M.P., 6th Par., 262, 2T1. 456 Index — Continued. LAN Langelier, F. C. S., M.P., 5tli Par., -'54 ; titli, 26;5 ; 7th, 280 ; Q.C., 413. liant;eviii, E. J., Uri. Sec. of folate, 1:11 ; Dep. Rt'g. tiKii., 131 ; C.k., Oowu in Chan., 137, 148 ; C f rk of Heiiat-, 111:!. I.augevin, .Sir H. 1^., I'.C, -IX ; Mem. C.il>., 28 ; Mem. 1st Mm., 34, :ir, ; 3id, 40 ; 4tli, 43 ; Mm. Piii)li(; Works, 67 ; P. M. (jen., Gl ; Sec. of Stile A: Ryg. Gt;ii., Ol' ; Siipt. Geii. lud. Atr,, 07 ; otr. held, i;^., !»7 ; M P., 1st Par., lS4;2iid, 197; 3.-d, 221 ; 4tli, 240 ; oth, 249 ; (ith, 203 ; 7th, 280, 290 ; C. B., 427; K.O.M.(i., 428. Umglois, J. M.P., 1st Par.. 190: 2iid, 198; 3rd, 211 ; Q.C., 412. l/inutoti, J., Dei'. Mill. I'iu., 133: Sec. Treas. Bd., i:i4; Aiiditoi-Gen., 138. l/iiiguedoc, W. C- Q.C., 417. fjansdowne, riOr;t— Gov.-(!eii., ; Stic. to — 8 : A.U.C to— 11 ; G.C.M.G., 427. Lantier, J. P., M.P., 2iid Par., 198: 3rd, 211 : 4tli, 232 ; 5th, 248, 25-^ Lupuni, J. X., M.P., 1st Par., 181. 1-a Riv;6re, A. A. C, M.P., 6tli Par., 274 ; 7th, 283. Larue, A., M.P., 4th Par., 231, 239. I rue, Hon. J. B., Judge, :i45, 348, 353; Q.C., 414. Lash, '/j. A., Dep. Min. Jus., 129 ; Chf. Clk., Dept. Jus., 148 ; Q.C., 407. Lauder, Yen. J. S., Chaplain to Senate, 105. Laurie, M^ijor-General J. W., M.P., tjth Par., 272. Liiurier, Hon, W., P.(;..2:!; Mem. C:il>., 28 ; 2nd, Min., 37. Min. In. Kjv., 58; off. hehl, &c., 98 ; M.P., :!rd Par., 210, 222, 22:!; 4th, 232. 5th, 248 ; Otli, 203 ; 7th, 280 ; Q.C., 413. Livergne, J., M.P., 0th Par., 202 ; 7tli, 279. I.aw Clerks, C iinnions, 179. Law Clerks of the Senat", 104. Lawder, J. M., Jiulge, 324 ; ret., 400. liawson. P., M.P., 1st Par., 182. Lizier, T. A., Judge, 321. L;izier, S. F., Q.C., 412. LeBlan •, Hon P. L. D. E., Q.C., 417, Lechiire, P., M.P., 7th Par., 290. Leduc, J. H., M.P., 7th Pir., 280. L;'e, W. H., Clerk of Privy Council, 129. Lfiger, E. U., M.P., 0th' Par., 273; 7th, 282, 293. Leggatt, O. W.,. Judge, 3ls. Legris, J, H, 7th Par., 279. Leitch, J , y.C, 411. Lsith, A., Q.C., 407. ijnMoine, J. de St. D., Sergt.-at-Aruis, Sen., 104 LoMoine, R., Clerk of Senate, 103 ; (^Ik. Asst., 104. Leonard, Hon. E., Sen., 2, 165. L6pine, A. T.. M.P., 0th Par., 271 ; 7th, /.:•... Leprohon, J. P., Asst. C k., Com., 179. Lesa^'e, C. A., M.P., 5tli Par., 247. FiRslie, Hon. J., S n., :!, los. LeSuear, P., Supt., Mon-y Order Bch., P.O. Dept., 155, LeSueur, W. 1). Sec, P.O. Dept., 143: Asst. Sec, 156. LYM Lelellier de St. Jusf, Hon, L., Sen., 3, 108; Lt. Gov. Que., 15 ; P.C., 23 ; Mem. Call,, 28 ; 2nd Min., 30 ; Min. Agr., 04 ; oil. held, etc., 99. LeVe.sconte, I., M.P., 1st Par., 191 : 2iid, 200. Lewin, H in. J. 1),, Sen., 174. Lewis, A. K., y.C, 411. Lewis, J. U., M.P., 2nd Par., 195. Lilieral A.linini.-jtiation, 32, 30. Liberal-(^onservative Adniiuistiatioiis, ;i2, 3:>, 39, 4:1, 40, 49. Libiarians of Parliament, 180. Lieutenant-Governors of — " British Coluiuliia, 20. " Manitoba, 18. " New Brunswick, 17, N'. W. Territories, 19, " Nova Scotia, 10. Ontario, 14. Prinee'Edwaid Lsland, 21 " Quebec, 15. " their jirecedente, 434 : Title, 430, Lindsay. A.. Supt. Mail Service, P.O. Dept., 150. Lindsay, Lt. Col. Sir J., K.C.M.G., 428. Liiidsav, W. 15., Clerk of Commons, 178. Lipp6,'i:., MP., 7th I'ar., 27!'. Lisgar, Lord— Gov. -Gen., 5 ; See. to- 8 ; A.D.C". to— 9 Lister, J. F., M.P., 5th Par., 244; 0th, 259 : 7tli, 270. Little, \V. C, M.P., 1st Par., 183 ; 2nd, 190 ; :ii-d, 209 ; 4Ui, 230, 23S. Littleton, Lt.-Col. Hon. E. G. P., Sec. to Gov.- Gen., 8 ; C..M.Tn«n, F. 8.. Q.O., 416. 457 Index — Continued. l.yiRh, .(. S., M.r.. 1st I'.ir., i'.i;;. Lynch. Hon. \V. \V., .Jiulfic :;■!.), :!47 Lyon, R.. .Iiulgc, :il7. Lyons, J. X., y.C, 41'.i. (IX., ll:i. M ACAROW, 1).. Jud^'i', :!:l(p. MacCoy. W. K., C^.C Maciloiiiilil, Hon. A. Sen., 170. MacU.m;il(', A. ('. , 41\ A., Lt.-ddV. I'.K.I.. ■■i\ 4Ui. M.I'., •-'ml I'ar.. liOti •iOJ; 5tli. ■J.J7; 7th, -JxJ. Maidonald. A. F.. M.P., :{r(l far., -.'07. -.'Iti. Mai'donakl, A. H., <^.C.,-in. MacilonaM, Hon. I). A.. Lt.-Clov., Ont.. 14; P.C., ■-':!; MciM. Cab., -.'.s; -.'uil Miu., .■!7 ; P. M. (ien., 01; off. lield, iav., 105; M.P.. 1st Par., LSI ; I'nd, I'.i4, "JOi : .ird, •.'07, --'li;. Macdonald of Earnsidille, Rareness, i'lb. Macdonald, IL ,7., M.P., 7th Par., -JS:'., i'S>4 ; Q.C.. iii. Mai^donaid, Rt. Hon. .Sir .(. A.,P,('., -.'J ; .Mem. Cab., -JS : Premier, ;(1, :!rd, :iO, 41, 4-.' ; Prcs. !'.( :.;{ ; Min. Rys. v^ Can., :, Sii]it. (ien.' Iiid. Atf., i;; 104; M.I'., 1st Par., ],s: 208, ■1\~ ; 4th. iK), -'A-l : r,tli. 180. 40i'. ■J84. lith, :258, -iOO. -JtiW ; 7tli, 27(1, 28(1 ; Mom. of H.M.s P.C., 4Jo : C.C.Ii., IJii : K.C.U., 42ti. .Mai'ilonald, Hon. .1.. Sen., Km : M.P., :7i;. Macdonald, R., JudKe. .!:!;!. Macdonald, W. A., Q.C., 4.':;. Macdonald, Hon. \V. .]., Scu., I7i>. Macdonell, D. G., M.P., 4fh Par., -'.m. Macdonell, I). W ., Scrgt.-at-Arnis, Coins., Macdonell, »i. H., M.P., 7th Par., 27:.. Macdonell, 0. >L. y.C., 40','. Macdonell, .1. A., Q.C.. 412. Macdoufiall, C, M.P., :!rd Pai., -.'Iti ; y.C., Macdovvall, I). H., M.P., Otli Par., 207 ; 7th, Macfarlaiie, Hon. A.. Sen., 172. Macfarlane, R., M.P., 1st I'ar., 182. Mai'hrav. Most Rev. R., Prelate of the Order of St. Michael & St. (J.-orse, 4:;2. Maclntvre. A. F., Q.C., 417. Mackav, Hon. R., .Tudxe, :i4:'., :;51 ; ret., 40:!. Mackenzie, Hon. A., P.C., 2:1 ; Mem. Cab., 28 ; Premier, ;il, ;}2 : 2nd .Min., :!0 ; .Min. Pub. Works. J7 : oir. held. etc.. 100; M.i'., 1st Par.. 182 ; 2nd, lO;-), 2o2 : :!rd, 208 ; 4tli. 2-28 ; 5th, 240 ; Otli, 201 ; 7th, 278, 288. Mackenzie, F., M.P., :trd Par.. 211. 222. Mackenzie, J. A., .Indge, :i2:!. Mackenzie, Hon. K., .Itiilpe. ;il4, ;!35. ■ Mackenzie, V.. Q.C.. 400. Mackintosh, C. H., Lt.-Gov.. -V.W.T., 10 ; M.P., 5th Par., 245 ; 0th, 200; 7th. 277, 287. Maclaren. J. J., y.C, 411. Maclean, W. V., M.P., 7th Par., 288. .M.acUnnan, Hon. .James, M.P., :ird Par., 200, '2'20 : Jus. of Appeal. ;(08 ; Q.C.. 4t)7. 1st Min. :;:j: 52; -Min. Jus., .Min. Int., 00 ; olf. held, itc., 2nd, 105 ; ;!rd, 244, 245, 25:! ; MAI Madeod, Hon. .J. F., .Fudjje, :iOti; Stipen. .Mag., :i!'8 ; (!om., X.W.M. Police. :::is. fr'ootliK.te); C.M.ept.. Mil. i 7tli. 277. 440. .V Fisli. Kept. Macjiherson. Cai>t. 1). H.. Hon. .Macplierson, Sir I). 1... Sen., ■. Sen., Ki;!; P.C., 24: .Menr Min., :J0, 42; Mm. Int., oo : 100 ; K.C.M.C., 42'.i. Macpht-rson, H.. Judge. ;jlo. .Macplierson. Lt.-Col. J., .Vcct. Uef. 150; Dir. of .Military Stores, 150. Macplierson, l.t.-Col. .). P.. ex-.V DC \-> .MacRae, (i., C^.C, 41;J. Maliil, K., M.P.. r.th I'ar.. 200; .Magec. W. 1.., Clif. Clk., Mar. 158. Magill, C.. M.P., 1st Par., Ibl. Maguire, Hon., .)., .Tudi;c, ;«:!, :147, :i55 .MahatlV. W. C, Judge,':!25. Maillou.x. E., M.P.. 2n.l, I'ar., lOh. Majors-(ieneral comniandiug the n.ilitia 4:'.li; A.D.C., to— 120, 4;!0. .Alalhoit, Hon. ('..Sen., :!, lOs. Mallr.ot, Hon. H. (i.. Judge, :i4: .Malloch, J. C., Jud-e, :12:!. .Malloch. G., Judge, :!2:!. Mallorv, A. E., M.P., Oth Par., Malouin, J., M.I'., :!rd Par., 22:l 412. Manitoba, admission int^: th Lt.-(iov. of— IS, 4:!7. .Manson. D. A., .M.P., 4th I'ar.. Mara. J. .V., .M.P.. Oth Par., 207 Marchand, L. W., Q.C, 414. Marine &, Fislieries, Ministers of— 0;! ; .Min.. 1!4 ; Uept. of— and Chf. Clks 410. Maritime Court of Ontario. 314. Marjoribanks. Hon. A. J.. e\-.\.l>.C. 1::. Marsh, A. H.. y.C. 411. Marshall. J. IL. M.P.. otl 2M>. Martel, P. N., Q.C.. 415. Martin, E., Q.C;.. 410. Martin, .1.. M.P., 7th Par. Martin, R., Q.C., 408. Masson. J., .M.]'.. Otl Q.C.. 409 , I.. F. K., Lt.-(;ov -Mem. Cab. 28 ; :!i-d 52 ; .Min. Mil. & Def.. 55 100 ; Sen.. 170, 171 ; -M.P, 2od. 108 ; :!rd. 211 ; 4th, I 20. 15:1 ; y.C.. 41: 200. 200. : 4tli, 2:!2; g.C., Dominion of— 4 ; 7tli, 284. Par.. 25., Supt., Savings Hank Hch., P. O Dept., 150 ; Asst. Supt.. 150. Matliieu. F. X.. Q.C. 415. 458 Index — Continued. .Itiairc, MAT Mathieu, Hon. M., M.I'., IwA \\w., ins :!44, ;JJ!>, Wh-l: Q.(."., 41:;. MayiianI, M. \V., Clif. Clk., IK'iit. Hys. \ Can.. Mca^'her, Hon. N. H., ,lu. Meredith, E. A., Ln. Sec. of State, I'rov.. l:;i ; Pep. Mm. Int.. 1:;.'. Meredith, Hon. I{. M., Judge, .ill. .Meredith, Sir W. C, Clif. .Iius., Suiierior Court, Que., a41 : ret., 40:i ; Kt., \:>,i. Mereditli, Hon. AV. H., Chf. Jus., Common I'h-as, :!]2: Q.C , 407. .Meniei, Hon. S.,Sen., li>7 ; M.I'., 4th I'ar., IM). Merrill, E., Judge, :i:;0. Merritt, T. R.. .M.I'., 1st I'ar., 1S8 ; Jnd, lOS. Metealtc, .1., .M.P., 1st Par.. IS:! ; -.'ml.l'.Ki ; :!rd. ao'.'. Metcalfe, J. II., .M.P.,7th Par., -.'Sii. M6thot, F. X. t)., M.P.. :)nl Par.. -'2:5 ; 4th, 2:52 ; 5tli, 248, 2r.4. Mever, II. W. C., Q.C, 411. Miall, E., Com In. Kev., 140 : Asst. Com., 140, 154. .Middleton, Maj.-Cicn.. Sir 1". 1».. Msj.-Oen. Conulg. Militia, 120; K.C.M.G., 42'.>. Mignanlt, P. IJ., Q.C., 410. Mignault, H. ,M. S.. M.P., 7th Par., 2S0. Militia of Canada — Majors-Cicn. Comd.L'. the — 120, 4:;'.». Militia i\: Defence, Min. of -55 ; Dej). Min., l:iO; Dept. of— and Chf. (Tks., 150 ; Sec. of Dept of— I'JO. Millar, A., Q.C, 410. Miller, A. C, .M.P., 7th I'ar., 277, 2S7. Miller, Hon. J. A.. Judge, :5liO ; y.C, 408. Miller, T., Judge. :520. Miller, Hon. W., (N.S.), P.C., 24 ; oil', held, etc., 100 ; Sen., ;i, i72 ; Speaker Sen., 103 ; Q.C, 418. Miller, W., (Ont.). Judge, :5:5:5 ; retireu, Jn. Miller, W. N., Q.C, 400. Millidgp. T., Q.C, 421. Mills, Hon. I).. P.C, 2o; Mem. Cab.. 28 ; 2nd Min., :i7 ; Min. Int., 00 ; Supt. (ien. Ind. Aff., ii7 ; off. held, etc., 101 ; M.P., 1st Par., 181 ; 2ud, 104 ;:5rd, 207, 2I0 252; 0th, 2.W;7th, 275. Mills, J. B., M.P.. 0th Par.. Q.C, 41i». Mills. Hon. S., Sen., 2, 105. Milne, A. H., CM.G., 431. Mini8trie.s since Ofjnfederation, 1st Min., ;5;5 ; 2nd, ;iO ; :5nl, :59 ; 4tli, 4:5 ; utb, 40 ; OHi, 40. Mircault, U., Q.C.. 417. , 4lh, 227:5tli 204; 7th. 281 Mol Mitchell, Hon. J., Q.C, 421. Mitchell, Hon. P., Sen. :1, 174 : I'.C, 22; .Mem. Cab., 28 : Mem. 1st .Mil)., :)■'> ; .Min. .Mar. .v Fish., 0:;: olf. held, etc., 101 ; M.P., 2nd, I'ar., 200 ; :'.rd, 21:;, 225 ; 5th, 250, tth, 205. MolIat.C.. .M.P.. 1st Par.. Iti2; 2nd, 200; :!rd, 21::, 225 ; (Ith, 2V:'.. Motfat, H., M.P., 5th Par.. I ^ ; 0th, 205, 27:;. Monck, i.ord, , Judge, :;20. Morrison, J., M.P., 1st Par., ls:i. Morrison, Hon. J. C, Judge, :508, ;510. .Morse, C., Hejioiter, Exclie(|uer Couit. :!0r). Morse, \V. A. D., Jmlge, .•505. .Mors Jii, F. M., Judge, :5:5(>. Morson, W. A. ().. Q.C, 422. Mosely, E. T., Q.C, 418. Mosgrove, \V., Judge, :517. Moss, C., Q.C, 408. Moss. Hon. T., .M.P., 2ml Par., 20:5; :!rd, 200, 220 ;' Chf. Jus,, :50S ; Jus. of Appeal, :508 ; Q.C., 407. .Mount Stephen, Raron— 425 ; Rart., 420. Mousseau, Hon. J. A.. P.C, 24 ; Mem. Cab., 28 ; :5rd Min., 40, 41 ; Pros. P.C., 52; Sec. of State & Reg. «en., (■>2 ; off. held, ete., \mi ; M.P., :5rd Par., 210 ; 4tli, 231, 2;^9 ; 5tli, 247, 254 : Juilge. :i45, :555 ; Q.C, 4i:5. 451) Index — Continued. MOU M(.ii.ssc;ni, .). ()., .M.l'.,7tli I'iU-., :;se, Mowiit, Siro., ViueC'lianct'llor, :ill; 4'i'.i. Muvlan, .1. i "liis].., i:!7. .\luir. .liiiiii's, Q.C. Miiir, Joliii, JuJge Muirhead, lion. \V Miilock. \V., M.l'., I'M. K.C. Dir. , 411. if I'i'iiiteiitiario M.G., , l:iV ; ., Set!.. 174 •Jtli I'jr., '4C. Ctli. itil ; 7tli, Mulotk. W. |{., Q.C.,4i::;. .Miiiiio, E. 1'., (I.e., 4IIS. MuiiiD-Fcrjtusoii. K., t'X-.\. I ).(.'., 13, Muiiror, .1. H,, M.K, 1st Par., isi. .Muiisori. J. If. I>., t^.C, 4i3. Miiriiliv, Hon. E., iSen., 171. .Murjiljv. X.. (^C, 411. Munav, ll(in. 'J. H., y.C., 4:2(1. Miirrav, H. W. M., Q.C, 410. Murra'v, 1'., M.l'., 7tli I'ar., -JSO, .'Si. -Muirav, \V.. M.l'., .'.rd I'ar., -JU*. Mus^'ravf , Sir A., K.C.M.G., 42S : C. -Mnttart, E. 1!., M.l>.,4tli I'ar., ii:.. M.C. 4:30. M lAII.VM, ,).. M.l'., Jiid I'ar.. 200. McAlister, .)., M.!'., 7tli Par.. :JSl> ; l^C, 421. McArthur, J. I!., y.C, \t:\. MoCalluni, Hon. L., rSen., ](i7 ; M.P., 1st Par., l.S-2 : :!iil, --'08, -JIS : 4tl), l'-_".» ; 5tli, ■.'40, McCartliv. ])., M.P., :',rd Par., I'lO ; 4tli, tm : jlh, 241; : tJth, -JiiO ; 7tli. 277 ; Q.C, 407. McCartliv. P., Q.C, 424. Mc(Urt!iv, T.. M.V., 1st Par., 1S5, 100. McCartliv, T. A. .M., .Iiidge, :a8. .McCauI, C. C., y.C 424. McClelan, lloi;. A. H., Sen., :l, 174. .McColl, A. J., y C.. 422. McConkev. T. U., M.P., 1st Par., IS;!. McConvilU', I.. A., M.P., 4th Par., 240. McCord, I), n.. g.C., 417. .McCord, I'. A., Law Clerk, Coninioiis, 17'.i. .McCord, Hon. T., Judge, :!4:'., :i47, :i4.S ; Dep. .Itidge, Vine .Vdniiraltv Court. Quo., 'SbV. .McCormick, I)., Q.C, 41.")." MeCrae, Hon. \V.. Sen., 2, liWi ; Judfro, Sl'i. McCrauey, \V., .M.P., :!rd Par., 217: 5th, 244. McCreiglit. Hon. J. I-'., .(udsn. :iSl : Q.C, 42.'. McCua-j:, J. S., JI.P., 4tli Par.. 2:!0. .McCulla, W. A., M.P., i.th Par., 2ii0. McCully, Hon. J., Sen., ;i, 172 ; Judge, :itil. McDonald, A.. Judgp, :i;i4 ; retired, 400. McDonald, A. P., M.P.. 1st Par., 182. McDonald, D., (X.S.), M.P., 4tli Par., 2.''.4. McDonald, Hon. D., (Out.), Sen., 2, ir,(!. McDonald, E. .M., M.P., 1st Par., 186. McDonald, Hon. H., P.C, 22 ; Mem. Cab., 20 : 1st Min., :j:!, :!4 ; Pres. P.C, ,'J2 ; Min. Mil. .Vt Def., 55; off. held, etc., 107; M.P., 1st Par., 181) ; 2nd, iw, 204 ; Judge, 361 ; ret., 404: Q.C, 418. McDonald, Hon. J., P.C, 2.'? ; Jleni. Cab., 2!> ; :trd Min.. 41 ; Min. Jus., 63 ; off. held, &c., 108 ; M.P., 2nd Par., Ism ; 4th, 234, 241 ; Loo. Judge in Adm., :!03 ; Chf, Jus., 360. McDonald. J. A., M.P., i.th Par., 2ri4, 272; 7th, 2S1, 2'.i2. ' .M. K McDonald, Hon. \V., Sen.. 17:1; .M.P.,2nd Par., lull ; ::rd, 212 ; 4tli, 2:!:i ; .Jth, 249, 255. -McDonald, H. S., Judge, :12:!, :<24. McDonald, W. W.. M.P., 7tli Par., 294. M.'Donncll, (l. IL. M.l'., 7tli Par., 275. .McDonnell, S.. M.l'.. 2rid Par., I'.i'.i ; :;rd, 212 ; 4th, 233. McDonnell, s!. s.. Q.C, 408. McDougall, 11. K., M.P.. 5tli Par., 255 ; iitli, 2ii4; 7tli, 2.S1. McDougall, ,!., M.P., 4tli. Par., 241 ; ,5tli, 249 ; lith, 204 ; 7tli, .'M. McDougall, Hon. J. E., Loc. Judge in Adm., :i05; Judge, Maritin;e Court, (Jnt., 314; Countv Cnuit Juilgc, :(35, ::3'; ; Q.C, 40S. McDougall, J. .M., Q.C., 417. McDougall, J. L., Auditor-Cien., VAH : M.P., l.«t Par., 188 ; :lrd, 209, 219. .McDougall, (reueral Sir I'. L., Adnitr. of Govt., 5, (i; Adj. Gen. of Militia, 127; K.C..ALG., 428. McDougall, Hon. W. (Que), M.P., 1st Par., 190; 2nd. 199: ::r.l,2l2; 4tlr, 2:i:!, 240 : Judge, 344, :i5:;; Q.<'., 412. McDougall, Hon. \V..(()nt.), P.C, 22; Mem. Oil... 29 ; 1st Min., :;4 ; Min. P.W., 57 ; off. held, i>cc., 109; M.P., 1st Par., 182; 4tli, I'ar., 22S ; Q.C, 408; CB., 427. McEachcrn, Lt.-Col. A., C.M.G., 4:;o. McGet, J. J., Clerk of Privy Council, 129; Asst. Clk., 129, 147. Mc(;ee, Hon. T. D., .M.P.. 1st Par., 18.-,, i;iO. Mc(iibbon, D., Judu'c, 328. McGihbon. H. I).. Q.C., 41(,. JIc(;illivraT, A. H., Q.C, 419. McCillivrav, J., Q.C, 419. Mc(;illivrav. J. A., Q.C, 412; M. P., 7th Par , 44(1. :Mc(;reevy.'T., M.l'.. 1st Par., 185; 2nd, 198; 3rd, 211 ; 4tb, 2:;2 : 5tli. 248 ; ilth, 2'io ; 7th, 28(1, 290. •McCiregor, \V., M.P., :;rd Par., 207, 21il:7tb, 275. Moliuire, Hon. I'. II., Judge, :197 : Q.C, 409 Mc'Hugh, M. A-, Judge, 319. Mclnerney. G. V.. M.P., 7tli P.ir., 2!ki) ; Q C , 421. ' . '^- .. -Mclnncs, Hon. D., Sen., li>7. Mclnnes. Hon. T. K., Sen., 17»; ; M.P., :!rd, Pat., 227 ; 4th. S.M'; 242. Mcliityre, J., Q.C, 408. Mclntyre, P. A., .M.P.,;.ird Par., 214 : 5th, 251 ; tjth, 2(;5. Mclhaac, A., M.P., 2nd, Par., 204 : ;!rd, 212 4th, 233 ; 5tli, 249, 255 ; Judge, 365. .Melsaac. C 1"., .M.P., 7tli Par., 29! McKay, A. (Man.), M.P., 1st Par.. 193. McKay, A., (Out.), M.P.. Otli, Par., 259; 7th, 276. McK,iy, J., Q.C, 424. McKay, .\. L.. M.P., 2iid Par., Iii9 ; 3rd, 212; Q.C, 418. McKa.v, Hon. T., Son., 173, M.P..:!rd Par., 212, 224; 4th, 2:!3, 241. McKeagncy, Hon. J., M.P., 1st Par., ISO; Judge, 389. .McKcen, I)., M.P., ilth Par., 2i;4 : 7th, 281. McKelcan, P., Q.C, 407. McKcnzie. K., Q.C, 423. 460 In deX — Continued. McK Mi-Kiinlsi-v. Hull. (1. C., Sfii., 107, Mol.nclniii, I)., M.I'., ist Pill-., 1S:\ 1S\ Mel-iirm. Hon. I'., SiMi.. in:. Mcl-caii, Cajit. A., A.U.C, 4:'.ii. , Mel.cari. A. A., (^.C, 4J-J. M.Lean, J., M.I'.. Ttli I'ar., -.'s.'. McLean. J. A.,y.C.. tl'.i. MtLelan, Hon. A. W., Lt.-Gov.. N.8.. 1(5; P.C, •.'4 : Mem. Cab., .'!• ; -trd Miii., :l!>, 40, 41 ; I'lLs. P.C, •')■-'; Min. I'in.. 'j(>: P. M. Uen., Ill ; Min. Mar. & Fisli., (ill; off. held, ic, loii; Sen., ITi' ; M.P., 1st Par., ISO, 101 : 4tli, ;i41 ; Oth, •.'4'i ; 6tli, -.NU, --'71, •J7-i. Mcl-cnnan, i{. n., M.P., 7th Par., -275. 'JSr.. Mol.oinan. ,Ji>lin. M.P., 4th Par., -J-JS. McU'od, E., M.P.. 7th Par., -Jsi! : Q.C.. 4JI. Mcl.eod, <;., M.P.. ;;rd Par.. -iV^. Mcr.ood, H., M.P., 4th Par., i'«, -.'41. M(L»od, M., Q.C., 4--'2. McL.od, X., .Indue. :i77 ; g.C, 4->-'. Mcl-edd, \V. M., .M.P., 4th Par.. 241. MoMahon, Lieut. A. IL. A.D.O., IL McMahon, Hon. H., Judge, :!!:! ; g.C, 4Uv. MeMahoii, T. B., JiulKe, :!20. McMister, D., (Ont.). M.P.. 'dli Pa--., -ML McMaster. Uona'.iL (Que.), c^.C. 414. McMiehael, I)., (IX., 4(i7. MeMillau. I)., (Que.), M.P., 1st Par.. ISO. McMillan, Hon. I)., (Ont.), Sen.. 107. McMillan. Hon. J., (X.U.), M.P., 1st Par., 1S7. VXl. McMillan, .1., (Out.), M.P., Otli Par.. 244, 25a ; 0th, 2,V,' : 7th, 27i'.. McMillan, H., M.P., r,tli Par., i'4ii : 0th, 203 ; 7th, 291. McMonies, J.. M.P.. 1st Par., is:!. MoMullen. J., M.P.. 5th Par.. 24.; : 0th, 201; 7th, 27S. • McNab, A.. M.P.. :!rd I'ar., 210, 217. McNeill, A.. M.P., 0th Par., 243 : 0th, 25S ; 7th, 27,".. McNeill, Lt.-O.l. .J. C, A.D.C.. ;" : K.C.M.G., 428; C.M.O.,4:;0. 5i, "hillips, L. (L, Q.C, 422. McQ,.''de, A.. M.P., 3rd Par., 20'.« : 4th, 230. McQueen, 1). S., Jud;,'e, 328. McRorv, J., M.P., 4th Par., 227. McShaJie, J.. M.P., 7th Par.. 441, N ANTEL, U. A., M.P., 5th Par., 248. 255 Nantel, W. B., Q.C, 410. Nathan, Jr.. H., M.P., 1st Par., 1U3 ; 2nd, 201. Needhain, W. H., Q.C, 420. Nelson. Hon. H., Lt.-Gov., B.C.. 20 ; Sen., 170 : M.P., 1st Par., I'.K) ; 2nd, 201. Nesbilt, .1. W., Q.C, tl2. Neveu, H., M.P., 0th Par., 270. New Brunswick, Lt. -Governors of— 1. ; precec- ence, 434. Nnwcombe, B. L., Dep. Min. Jus.,130; (;,C, 419. Norris, J., M.P., 3rd Par., 208, 217. Northrup, W. B,, M.P , 7th Par., 285. Nortl'.'ip, Hon. j., Seti., 172. North-Wesi Mounted Police, organization of the— 135; Compt. of the— 135; Chf. Clks., N. W. M. P. office, 140, 151, 160. PAG Xorlh-Wesl Tiniitorie.s, uhnissidn into Pom. of the- 4 : Lt.-Gov. of the -^lii. Northwood, Hon. J., Sen., Itn. Nova Scotia. I.t. Governors of— 10, 437 : pre- cedence, 4:i4. AKES, L. P., M.P., :;rd Par., 212, 224. O'Brian, P., Jud>;e. 32!i. O'Brien, W. E., M.P., 5th Par.. 245 ; Oth, 200 ; 7th, 270. O'Connor, 1)., Q.C, 411. O'Connor, E., Judge., ;;I0. O'Connor, Hon. J., P. C, 22 : .Mem, (*il.., •.>',» ; Mem, 1st Min., 34, :!5 ; 3rd, 40, 4) ; Pres P.C, 52 ; Min. In. Rev., 58 : P. M. Gen. 01; Sec. of Stat.; *: Reg.-(ien., 02 ; off. held, &c.. llu;M.P.. 1st Par., 181; 2nd, 194 ; 4tli, 230, 238 ; Judge, 310 ; Q.C, 407. Odell, Hon. \V. H., Sen. 3. 173. O'Donohoe, Hon., J., Sen.. 107 ; M.P., 3rd Par., 209, 219; Q.C, 40S. Office of the Comptroller, N.W.M. Police?, 100. Offices held by members of the Privy Council, 08. OGara, M., Q.C, 40S. Ogden, A., M.P., 4th Par., 2:;.l. Ogilvie, Hon. A. \V., Sen.. 170. Oliva, J., Q.C, 414. Oliver, Maj.-Gen. J. H., C.M.G,, 4:!1. Oliver, T.."M. P., 1st Par.. 182, 2nd, 19.; : .inl. 209 : 4th, 229, 23S. Olivier, L. Adoljihe, Judge. :\z\\ Olivier, Hon. L. Auguste, Sen.. 3, los ; Ju.lge, 343, 349. Olivier, L. E., M.P.. 4tli Par., 232. Olivier. P. A., Q.C. 417. O'Meara, C H., Acct., Dejit. Mil. a Def., 150. O'Neil. T. J.. Mem. B.l. Uir. of Penitentiaries, 137. Ontario, Lieut.-Governors of— 14, precedence, 434. Order of the Bath, 420. Order of St. Michael and St. George, (;.CM.(i., 427; K.CM.G.. 428: C.M.G., 4:50 ; PrelaU', 432. Order-in-Council (Imperial) adding British Ter- ritories to Dominion, 441. O'Reilly, J., -M.P., 2nd Par., 190. O'Reilly, P., Jadge, 3S4 ; retired. 400. Orton, G. T., M.P., 3rd Par., 209, 220 : 4th, 2.30; 5lh, 240. Osier, B. B., Q.C, 408. Osier, Hon. F., Ju.'ge, 308, :!i:!. O'SulUvan, I). A., Q.C, 410. Ouimet, Hon, J. Al.lric, P.C, 24 ; Mem. Cab. 29 ; 4th, Min., 43 ; 5th. 47 ; Oth, 50 ; Min. P W., 57 ; off. held. &c., Ill ; Speaker Com., 178 : M.P., 2nd Par., 203 ; 3id, 210 4th, 231 ; 5th, 247 ; Oth, 202 : 7th, 279, 289 Q.C, 413. Ouimet, Hon. .T. Alphonse. J udge, 345, :«4. Owen, C B., Q.C, 418. Owen, \S. H., Q.C, 418. PAGE, J., Chf. Kng., Pub. Works, 145: Chf. Bng., Cana'^s, 145. 461 Index — Continued. PA(.; Pagiieulo, lion. S., .ImJgi', :iij, :luJ ; Q.C., 41:i. I'aiiit, H. N., M.l'., .-.th I'ar., l'50. I'akfuliapii, I,ieut. H. A., A.U.C., 11. I'alliser, J., C.M.fi., 4:!U. I'aliiior, Hon. A. L., M.f., Jiul I'ar., 20(i ; :!rd, •J1+ ; Juilji'f, -W', ; rt'tin'it, 40j. I'almer, ('. A., Q.C , iiil. I'alnier, ICnn E., Clif. Jus., :',''> ; JuUge, 078. I'aufct, Col. <". E., |).!ii. Mm. Mil. ^t Dff., mO ; Sen., lii!>. I'anet, Hon. L , Sen., liiH. Panneton, 1,. E., . Peachy, J. \V., Clif. Clk., Dept. Cus., 155. Pearson, F. M., M.P., 1st Par., 101 ; 2nd, 190. Peck, C. A., Q.C., 421. Peerage of the United Kingdom, 425. Pc'ley, C. B. , Q.C. 412. PeTletier,'Hon., C."a. P., P.C., 23 ; Mem, Cob., 29 ; 2nd Min., 30 ; Min. Agr., 04 ; off. held, &c., 113 ; Sen., 170 ; M.P., 1st Par., 184, 189 ; 2nd, lit7 ; 3rd, 210, 222 ; C.M.G., 431. Pelletier, Hon. H. C, Judge, ;{45, 350. 354, 350; y.C, 4l;5. Pelletier, L. C, M.P., 7th Pai., 270 ; Q,C., 410. Pelletier, Hon. L. P., Q.C, 417. Pelletier, P., Gbf. Clk., Dept., Sec. of State, 149. Peniberton, A. F., Judge, 383 ; ret., 400. Pemberton, Capt. W. L., A.D.iJ., 0. Penitentiaries, Board of Dir., 137 ; Inspectors of— 137. Penny, Hon. E. G., Sen., 109. I'ensions granted to Judges, 3t(y. Pentland, C, Q.C, 415. Pepler, F. E. P., Q.C, 411. Percival, Capt., A.D.C, 10. POZ Perley, H. F., Chf. Eng., Public Works, 145. I'eiiey. Hon. W. 1).. Sen., 177 ; M.P., Otli Par., 207, 274. Perley, W. G., M.P., i;th I'ar., 200, 209. Perrault, J. S., .M.P., 4lh Par., 239. Pen-j-, C, M.P., 1st Par., Ib3. Perry, Hon. K., Sen., 10(). Perry, S. F., M.P.,3rd Par., 214 ; 0th, 200 ; 7tli, 28:5. Peters, B. L., Judge, 371. Peters, Hon. J. U., Asst. Judge & Master of Rolls, :!7t> ; ret., 400. Pettes, xN.. M.P., :;id Par., 210. Phinney, .1. D., Q.C, 421. Piche, E. U., Asst. Clerk, Commons, 179. Pickard, J., iM.P.. 1st Par., 192 ; 2n(l, 200 ; :;rd 214 ; 4tli, 235 ; 5tli. 250. Pinard, J. A., Acct., Dept. Int., 151. Pinsonueault, A., .M.P., bst Par., 184 ; 2na, 197 ; 3rd. 2lO ; 4lh, 231 ; 5th. 247. Pipes, W. T., Q.C, 419. Plamondon, Hon. M. A., Judge, :'.44. 340 Piatt, J. .AI., M.P., 5th Par., 240 ; 0th, 200, 209. Piatt, S., M.P., 3ra Par., 21ii ; 4th, 2:i0. Plumb, Hon. J. B., Sen., 107 ; Speaker Sen., 103 ; M.P , 3rd Par., 208. 218 ; 4tli, 2;j7. Plunkett, J., Supt. Stamp Bch., P. <). Dept., 150. Poirier, Hon. P., Sen., 174. Polette, Hon. A., Judge. :!42, :!57 ; ret., 403. Ponsonby, Hon., \V. A. \V., A.D.C, 9. Pooley, C E., Q.C, 421. Pope, J., Asst. Clk., Privy Council, 129, 147. Po]ie, Hon. J. C, P.C, 2:! ; Mem. Cab., 29; 3rd Min., 41 ; Min. Mar i Fish., 03 ; off. held, iic, 114 ; M.P., 2nd Par., 200; :!rd, 220; 4th 235 24:3. Pope, Hon. J. H., P.C, 22 ; Mem. Cib., 29 ; Mem. 1st Min., :i5 ; 3rd, 40, 42; Min. Rys. & Can.. .'.7 ; Min. Agr.. 04 ; otf. held, &c.. 114 ; M.P., 1st Par., 184, 188 ; 2nd, 197 ; 3rtl, 210 ; 4tli, 231, 2:59 ; 5th, 247 , 0th, 202, 270. Pope, K., Clk., Crown in Chan., 138, 149 ; Dep. Comiuissioner Patents, 157. Pope, R. H., M.P., tith Par., 270; 7tli, 279. Pope, W. H., Judge, 377. Poiter, K., M.P.. 0th Par., 259. Posse.S8ions, British— added to the Dominion, 44], Postmast«rs-General, 01. Post Office Department, 155 ; Chf. Clks., 155, 440; Sec. of the -14:5. Pouliot, B., M.P., 1st Par., 184, UK). Pouliot, J. B., M.P., 3rd Par., 211. Pouliot, J. N.,Q.C, 410. Poupore, J., M.P., 4th Par., 232. Poussette, A. P., Q.C, 409. Powell, G., Un.-Sec. of State, 131 ; Chf. Clk., 148, 161. Powell, H. A., M.P., 7th Par., 293 ; Q.C, 421. Powell, Gol. W., Adj.-General of Militia, 127. Power, A., Chf. Clk.. Dept. Jus., 148 ; Q.C, 414. Power, Hon. L. G., .Sen., 172. Power, P., M.P., 1st Par., 180 ; 3rd, 212. Pozer, Hon. C H., Sen.. 170 ; M.P., 1st Par., 184; 2nd, 197 ; 3rtl, 210, 221. 462 Index — Continued. I'HE Prepedenee, Tablt; of - 4:i4. Fr6fontoine, R. F., M.P., r-th I'ar.. -VA ; litli, •2t)-i; 7tli, 2711 ; Q.C., 417. Preston, I). II., gC, 410. Prevost. J.t.-Col. 11., ex-A.D.C, I'J ; Hon. A.D.C, IM. Prevost, W., M.P., 2ud Par., l\>9; :!rd. 212, 224; Q C, 414. Price, C. v., Judge, :;Ui. Price, Hon. E.. Sen., 'A, KJS. Price, Hon., E. P., Sen., 17!. Price, H. \V., Judge, X.;:', ; retired, 400. Price, \V. E., M.P., 2nd P".r., nr Pridhani, W., M.P., 7th Par., 2S7. Prieur, V. X., i[eni. Hd. Dir., Penitentiaries. l;i7. Prime Ministers of Canada. :il, :'.2 ; "'.',. (foot note.) Primrose, Hon. C, Hen., 17:S. Prince Edward Island, Admission of — into the Dominion, 4 ; Lieut.-Goveniors of — 21. Prince, J., Judf;e, 315. Pringle, J. F., Judge, ;i:',l, 332. Prior, Lt.-Ool. Hon. E. (i., ex-A.U.C., 12 ; Hon. A.I).C., 13 ; M.P., tith Par., 273 ; 7th, 2S4 ; P.C., &Men). of Cab., 43s : Com. In. Rev., 438. Prior, H., Q.C., 41.S Privy Council of Canada, Members of the — 22, their jirecedence, 434 ; Title. 430 ; Presi- dents of the— 52; Clerks of the— 120 ; Asst. Clerks, 12it, 147. Privy Council Ottice, 147. Privy Council, Members of Her Majesty's— 425. Proclamation of Union of the Provinces, 1. Proudfoot, Hon. W., Judge, 311 ; retired, 300. Proulx, I., M.P., 7th, Par., 277, 2S7. Provinces, Union of the — 1, 4. Prowse, Hon. 8., Hen., 175. Prud'honiTiie, L. A., Judge, 303. Pruyn, M. \V., M.P., 5th Par., 2.J3. Public Printitig & iStationerv. Dept. of— 4: Chf. i Ciks,, Itil. ! Public Works, Ministers of— 57 ; Dei>. Min., I 141 ; Sec. Dept. of— 141 ; Dept. of & Chf. ' Clks., 158. Pugsley, Hon. W., Q.C.,421. Purcell, Hon. J. D., Judge, .358. Pnrcell, P., M.P., Oth Par., 25S. Putnam, A., M.P., tlth Par., 204; 7tli. 281. QUAUTERMASTER-GEXERAL, 128. Quebec, Lieutenant-Governors of— 15; preced- ence, 434. Queen's Bench, Court of — Manitoba, Constn. of the— 388 ; Chf. Justices & Judges of the —389. Queen's Bench, Court of — Prov. Que., Constn. of the— 337 ; Chf. Justices & Judges of the —338 ; Pensions to Judges of the— 401. ■Queen's Bench Division, High Court of Justice, Ont., 309. Queen's Counsel, 407. Queen's Most Hon. Privy Council, Members of the— 425. HIT Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Members of tlie— 22 ; tlieir precedence. 4.34 ; Presi- dents of tlie— 52 ; Clerks of the— 120 ; Asst. Clerks, 120, 147. Queen's Printers, lit. Queen's Proclamation of Union of the Prov- inces, 1. Quiglev, R. 1'., Q.C., 421. Quinu, M. J. K., Q.C., 410. R ACiroT, E., Q.C., 41.-;. Railways & Canals, Ministers of— 57 ; Dep. Min., 142; Sec, Dept. of— 143 ; Dei.t. of— & Chf. Clks., 150. Rainville, Hon. H. F., Judge. 344, 351 ; ret., 403. Ramsay, Hon. T. K., Judge, 330 : Asst. Judge, 343, 347, 355. Rankin, J., M.P., 1st Par., 183, ISS. liay, W. H., M.P., 1st Par., ISO ; 2nd, 100 ; 3rd, 212 ; 5t!i, 240. Read, Hor. R., Sen., 100 ; M.P., 1st Par., 181, 188. Receiver-General, Dept. of the— 1(;2. Rcceivers-CJeneral, 05. Recorder of the Province of Manitoba, 300. Reddin, 1). O., Judge, 377. Redford, J., M.P., 1st Par., 182. Reed, H., Dep. iSupt. Gen. Ind. Affairs, i:i!i. Reesor, Hon. D., Sen., 2, 105. Reeve, J. M., Q.C.. 411. Reeve, W. A., Q.C., 400. Registrar, Exche(ixier Court of (.'anada, ;'.05. Registrar, Supreme Court of Canada, 3ul. Registrars-CJeneral of Canada, See " Secretarie.s of State of Canada," 02. Reid, Hon. J., Sen., 170 ; M.P., 4th Par., 242 ; 5th, 252 ; 0th, 200, 273. Reid, J. D., M.P., 7th Par., 275. Reiffenstein, G. C, Chf. Cik., Dept. Fin., 102. Renavid, A., M.P., 1st Par., 187. Renaud, Hon. U., Sen., 3, los. Reporter, Exchett. held, &<•., 115; Sen., 170; M.P., 1st Par.. 1S4; 2ud, lo", 203 ; :!rd, 210; 4th, 2.",!, 2:J0. Rochester, J., M.P., 2nd Par.. 104 ; :;rd, 207 ; 4th, 228. Ro(^hon, A., Q.C, 410. Rodier, Hon. C S., Sen., 171. Rogers, A., M.P., 4th Par., 2:l4. Rogers, R. V., Q.C, 411. Rolland, Hon. J. B., Sen .171. Roome, W. F., M.P., «th Par.. 25!>, 2fi',t ; 7tli. 270. Rosamond, B., M.I'., 7tli Par., 28<). Roscoc. F. J., J1.P., :ird Par. 215. Rose, Rt. Hon. Sir J., P.C, 22 ; Mem. Cib., 29; Mem. 1st Min., :i4 ; Min. Fin.. 50; off. held, &e., 115 ; M. P., 1st Par., 184,189; Mem. of H. M.'s P.C, 425 ; Bart., 426 : G.C.M.G., 427 ; K.CM.G., 428. Rose, Hon. J. E., Judge, :il;! ; Q.C, 408. Ross, A. W., M.P., 5th Par., 251 ; 0th. 20G ; 7th, 283. Ross, D. A., Q.C, 41:^. Ross, G. W., M.P., 2nd Par., 105 : ;!rd, 208 ; 4th, 220 ; 51 h, 245, 25:!. Ross, H. H., M.P., 7th Par., 275. Ross, Lt.-Gen. Sir J., Admtr. of the Govt., 6. Ross, Hon. John, Sen., 2, 165 ; Speaker Sen,, 16;i. Rops, James, M.P., 1st Par.. 188 ; 2nd, 106. Ross, Hon. .1. G., Sen., 170. Ross, Hon. J. J., Sen., 170 ; Speaker Sen., 16:^ ; M.P., 1st Par., 184; 2nd, 107. Ross, J. S., M.P., 1st Par., 181 ; 4th, 228. Ross, L., M.P.. 2nd Par., 194 ; ;',rd, 207. Ross, Col. P. Robertson, Adj. Gen. of Militia, 127, SCA Rosa, I,t.-Col. Thos., Acct. of Contingencies, Dept. Fin., 152. Ross, Hon. Wm., P.C, 2:5; Mi-ni. Cab., 20; 2nd, Min., ;iS; Min. .Mil. & Det., 55 ; off. held, «c., 116; M.P., 1st Par., 180 ; 2nd, 200, 204 ■ :ir(l, 2i:!, 225. Ross, Walter, M.P., 1st Par.. 18:; ; 2nd, 106 ; :ird. 200. Ross, W. A., Judge, :!17. Ross, \V. B., Q.C, 410. Rouleau, Hon. C. 1!., Judge, :'.0(; ; Stlpen. Mag., :ios. Rouleau, F. F., .\sst. Clerk, Commons, 179 ; M.P., :!rd Par., 210, 221 ; 4th, 2;il. Routhier, Hon. A. B., .fudge, ;'.4:i, ;!54, :!56 ; Q.C. 412. Itouthier, F., .M.P., 4th Par., 220. Rowand, J., .M.P., 6th Par., 268 ; 7th, 275. Roy, C F., .M.P., 3rd Par., 222. Roy, Hon. I)., Judge. :i42, :f56 ; ret., 402. Roy, B. F. E., Sec, Dept. Pub. Works, 141, 150. Royal, J., M.-Gov., X.W.T., 10; M.P., 4th Par., 242 ; nth, 251 ; 6th. 266, 274. Ruggles, E., Q.C, 420. Rupert's Land and North-West Territories, ad- mission of — into the Dominion, 4. Russell, A., Chf. Clk., Depr. Int., 150. Russell, (ien. Rt. Hon. Lord A. G., Admtr. of the (iovt., 6. Russell, B., Q.C, 410. Russell, Sir Charles, G.C.M.G., 427 ; Baron, and r.ord Chf. Jus. of England, 427, (foot note "4.") Russell, L., Hep. Min. Int., l:!2: Sur.-Gen., 132, 151. Ryan, G., M.P., 1st Par., 187. Rvan, J., M.P., 3rd Par., 226 ; 4th, 242 ; Judge, 302. Ryan, M. P., M.P. 1st Par., 100; 2nd, 108 ; 3rd, 211,222; 4th, 2:i2. Ryan, M., Stipen. Mag., N.W.T., 308. Ryan, Hon. T., Sen., ;\ 168. Rvekman, S. S.. M.P., 7th Par., 276. Rvkert. J. C, M.P., 4th, Par., 220 ; 5th, 245 ; 6tli, 250, 260; Q.C, 408. Rymal, J., M.P., 1st Par., 183 ; 2nd, 196 ; 3rd, 209 ; 4th, 230. OT. AUBYN, Major Hon. J. T., Sec. to Gov.- '^ General, 8. St. Jean. P., 7f .P., 3rd Par., 200. St. Pierre, H. C, Q.C, 416. Stc. Marie, L., M.P., 6th Par., 263, 271. Salmon, W., Judge, :!26. Sanborn, J. R., M.P., 7th Par., 280. Sanborn, Hon. J. S., Sen., 3, 160 ; Judge, :!30; 343, 355. Sanders, E. H., Judge, :«5 ; ret., 406. Sanford. Hon. W. E.,Sen., 167. Savard, P. V., M.P., 7th Par., 279, 289. Savary, A. W., M.F., 1st Par., 186 ; 2nd, 199; Judge, 304; Q.C, 418. Scarth, W. B., M.P., 6th Par., 266 ; Dep. Min. Agr., 439. Scatcherd, R. C , M.P., 3rd, Par., 217. Seatcherd, T., M.P., 1st Par., 182; 2nd, 195; 3rd, 208, 217. 4(J4 Index — Continued. SCJT Sehn-iber, ('.. \W\>. Mm. l{v.<. iV: (an., \\1 ; ( lif. En-., 14ti : (' ?.!.(;., 4;)i. Hchrevf, T. ('.. w^.C, 4ls, Scliultz, Sir J. ('., l.t.Cov., Man., IS, 4;i7 ; Sen., 17(): M.l'., 1st I'ar., I'.iJ : Jiul, liOl ; :!r(l, -.'ir. : 4tli, -l-'A; K.C.M.G., 4-.'if. Scdtt, A. F.,.Jiul(,'f. :'.JS ; reti»-e(l, 401. Scott, I>. ('., Ai>:t , llt>ij*. Iix,. Alliiirs, MO. Scott, iliiii. I>. L., Juil^'p, .'I , g.C, 424. Scott, II. .1., t^.C, 4(KS. Scott, Hon. li. W., !*.("., :.:;; Mcni. Cab., liO ; •Jnd Min., :!7, :1S ; Sec. "f State .« Hcg.- (ien., iij : ntl". held, kv., llii : Sen., liir.. Scott, T., .M.I'.. 4tli I'ar., •.'4-J : itli, -J.^l. Scott, T. S., Kiini. Anliitt^ct, 140. Scott, \V. H., (j.C, 407. Scriver, ,)., M.l'., l.st I'ar., iMi : I'lid, 1>,'7 ; ;im, •-'10; 4tli, i-W; Mil, ■:.ri\ (Itli, -'t;-.'; 7tli, •J71". Sccord, .]., (IX., 4-_'4. Sccret;iries of State of ("an.iil;;, il-j. Secretaries of State for tlu' l*ro\inccs, (m. Secretaries, Deiiaitinent of: '• .\gric.ulturc, Ul'. Kinance, I.;:). Inland Kevciiuc, 141. Interior, WVl. Militia .V Defence, l.iO. I'ost Otticc, 14.-:. I'ublic Works, 141. " Uailways iv ("amils, 14:!. Secretaries to (jovernors-dencral, S. Secretaries of the Treasury Hoard, l:i4. Secretary to Ilisli Commissioner. 1:;.'). Secretiirv ot SUite of Canada, Ueiit. of the- .■t Chf. Clerks, 14S. Secretary of State for the Provinces, Dept. of tlic— & Chf. Clerks, Kil. Sedfrewick, Hon. H., Deji. Min. .Ins., l:!0 ; Judge, :!01 ; g.C, 4 IS. Sehvyn, A. I{. C, l>ir., Geo. Survey, lt«5 ; C.M.G., 4;il. Seniple, A.. M.l'., otli Tar., --'rd ; 7tli, J7S. Senate of Canachi, — Persons to be tirst suni- moiied, '1 ; Speakers, Itj:'., precedence, 4:i4 ; Senators, li>5, precedence, 43.J, Title, 430 ; Clerks of the— 10;! ; Cleiks Assistant, 104; Law Clerks, 104 ; Gentlemen Ushers of the lUack Rod, 104 ; Sergeant-at-Arnis, 104 ; Chaplains to the -105. Senators, 105 : jtrecedence, 4.'i5 ; pei"sons to be first suiinnoned to Sen., 2 ; Title, 430. S6n6cal, A., Supt. of rriutiug, Dept. of Pub. rrinting, 101. Sfen^cal, Hon. L. A., Sen., 170 ; M.P., 1st Par., 184. Senkler, E. J., Judge, Wli. Senkler, W. S., Judge, ;!2:i. Sergeant-at-Arnis, Senate, 104. 8ergeants-at-Anus, Connnons, ISO. Sessions of Parliaments, duration of— 295. Sewell, Col. J.,C.M.G., 430. Sexton, J. P., Q.C., 413. Seymour, Hon. B., Sen., 2, 1*55. Shakespeare, N., M.P., 5th Par., 252 ; Otli, 207, 273. Shanly, W., M.P., 1st Par., ISl ; oth, 253 ; 6th, 258. s.\r Shaw, A.. M.l' , 4th Par, .'27 : l^C., 4iiS. Shaw, I loll. J.. Sen., 2, 105. Shepley, G. V.. (^.C., 4li. Sheppard. Major H. C., eX-A.D.C., 12; Hon. A.I'.C., l:!. Slierwocd, Hon.(i.. Judge, :!21 ; ret , 400. Slnblcv, S., M.P.. 2nd Par., I'.i4 ; ;;r. Sniythe, E. H., Q.C, 400. Snider, C G., Judge, 320,;!:!4 ; Q.C, 411. Snider. G., M.P., 1st Par., 181 ; 2nd. 194 ; 3rU, 207. 465 IndOX — Continued. H., Sen ., 174; M.l'.. Itli precedenci 4:!4 .Snowball, Hon. .r Par., -'lU. Solicitor-GeniTiil, .04. 4:!8 Title, 4:fi3. Somerville, J.,(Biaiit, N. K.), M I'., .Otli I'lir., 24;! ; Otli, 2.j8 ; Ttli, -'75. Somerville, J., (Bruce W. R.), M.I'., '.tli I'.ir.. 24;i. SpaUlii]^,', W.R., Jiulge, ;i85 ; ret., 40ti. Speakers of the roiiiiiKins, 178; iirtceilence. 4:i5. Speakers of the Senate, lOo ; preeedeiiee, 4H4. Special Elections ; -Daring 1st Par., ls.S ; 2iiil, 202 ; :?rd, 21t> ; 4tli, ■.•:i7 ; ,'>tli, 2.02 ; I'tli, 2i)8; 7tli, 28.i, 440,441. Spinks, W. W., .In.IgH, ;!S,s. Spohii, P. H., M.P., 7lli Par., 277 ; 288. Sprange, Hun. J. (i., C'lii., Jus. nf (Jjitario, :i08; Cliancelli.r, :,11 ; Viee-Chan., .•ill. Spragge, W., Dep. Supi. Gen. hid. Atl'airs. l:i'.i, 148, VM, liil. Springer, L., M.P., 5th Par., 246. Sproat, A., .M.P.. 1st Par., 181. Sproule, T. .S , .M.P., 4tli Par.. 22S ; .jth. 244 ; Oth, 2.V,) ; rth, 27.J. Sqnier, W. H., Jiulg-, :;21. Stitl'ord, L., y.C, 417. Stairs, ,1. F., M.P., :>X\\ Par., ih(S ; 7tl), 281, 2!I2. Stan ey, Lieiii. Hun. E. G. V., A.D.C^., U. Stanley ol Pivston, Lord (L'ird Ueihv), Gov.- Gen., (■> ; See. to— 8 ; A D.C. to— if. Stantiin, E. P., Supt., Postage Stamps Bch.. P.O. Dept.. 440. Staples, J.. M.P., 2n(l P.ir., 196. Stapleton, Capt. Hon. M., A.D.C., 126. Statisticiai:, Dominion— 107. Steadmaii, J., Judge, 'i'i. Steckel, L. J. K., Chf. Clk., Eng. Bch., P. W. Dept., 159. Steele, R. F., Judge, 32;5. Steele, H. E., Clerk of the Crown in Chan., 138. Steeves, Hon. W. H., Sen., 3, 173. Stephen, Sir Geur^e, Baron, 425 ; Bart., 426. Stephens, C. H., Q.C., 417. Stephenson, Capt. Kiissell, ex-A.D.C, 10, 11. Stephenson, Riifus, M.P., Ist Par., 182 ; 2nd, 195 ; 3rd, 208 ; 4th, 228. Stevens, Hon. G. G , Sen., 170. Stevens, J. J., Judge, 372. Stevenson, B. R , Q.C., 4'.'0. Stevenson, J., M.P., 6th Par., 260 ; 7tli, 277. Stevenson, J. G., Judge, 320 ; ret., 400. Stewart, D., Insp. of Penitentiarie.s, 137. Stewart, J. C, Financial Comptroller, ie., P. C). Dept., 156. Stewart, W. S., Q.C., 422. Stipendiary Magistiates, X.W.T., 307, 298. Stirton, D., M.P., 1st Par.. 183 ; 2nd, 196 ; 3rd: 209, 220. Stisted, Mal.-Gen. H. W., U. Gov., Ont., 14. Stockton, A. A., Q.C., 421. Strange, F. W , M.P., 4th Par., 230. Strathy, Lt.-Col. J. A., Hon, A.D.C., l.i. Strathy, H. H., Q.C., 409. Streatfeild, Capt. E., A.D.C., 127, 439. Streatfeild, Capt. H., Sec. to Gov.-General, 8; A.D.C., 11. I.i0. 1,-|6. Dept., 156. P. O. Dept., SUT Street, T. ( '., M.P., 1st Par., 18:'. ; 2nd, 196, 203. Street, Hon. \V. P. R., Judgr, :;io ; Q.C., 409. Strong, sir S. H., Chr. Jus., Sup. i'ourt of Can., .ioO, ]'. J., ;iOO ; Jus. (d Appeal, :J08 ; Vice-Clmn., 311 ; Kt., 433. Stuart. Sir. A., Clit. Jus., :;41 ; P. .1., ;!42, ;{53 ; rt r., 4o3 ; Kt., 432. Stuart, Lt.-Col. C.,Chf. Clk., <;, W., M.P.. 7tli Par., 440. Sullivan, Hon. -M., Sf-n., 167. Sullivan, Hoi'. \V. \V., Loc. Judge in Adm., :'.04 ; Chf. Jus., 375; Judge, Vice-Adm. Court, P.E.I., :i70, (tout note>; Q.C., 422. Suite, B , Chi. Clk., Dept. Md. \- Del. Superintendent of :-— Dea.l Letter Bch., P. O. Dept. Iiisiiranee, l:i3. Miil Service Bch., P. <)., Printing li Sup)>lv Beh., 1.06. .Superintendc ntsGeneral of Indian Aflairs, 67. Suiierinteiiiients of ; — Mun.v Order Branch. P. (). Dept., 105, 150. Postiige Stamps Branch, P. O. Dept., 156,440. Printing, 161. .Savings Bank Branch, P. O. Dejit.. 1.06. Stationery, 161, 149. .Superior Court, Province ol Quebec, Con.-itn. of the— .340 ; Clif. Jus. ,iiid Judges, :i4l ; Judi- cial distiicts, :'.4i; ; Pensions to Judges, 402. .Suiueine Court of British C.ilninliia, Constn. of the-379 ; Clii. Jus., 3s0 ; Judges, 381. Supreme Court of Canada, Con>t. of the— 299 ; Chf. Jus. and Judges-, 3(i0 ; their preced- ence, 434, 435 ; Olticers, 301 ; Pensions to Judge-, 399. Supreme Couit of Judicature, Ontario, Constn. of the— 306 ; Court of Anpeal, ;i07 ; High Couit of Jus— Queen's Bench l)iv., 309 ; Chancery, 310 ; Com. Pleas, 312 ; Pensions to Judiie.s, 399. Supreme Court of Judicature, P. E. Island, Constn. of tht — 374 ; Chf. Jus. :!75 ; Asst. Judges, 376 ; Masters of the Rolls ifc Vice- Chaneellors, 376 ; Pensions to Judges, 406. .Supreme Court of New Brunswick, Constn. of the— 366 ; Cht. Jus., :;67 ; Judge iu Equity. 367 ; Judges, .168 ; Pensions to Judges, 40"o. Supreme Court of the Noith-West Territories, Constn. of the— 394 ; Judges, 395. Supreme Court of Xova Scotia, Constn. of tlii' — 359 ; Cht. Jus., :j60 ; Judge in Equity, :.'i.o ; Judges, :?61 : Pensions to Judges, 404. Surrogate Courts of Ontario, 336. ' Surveyors-General of Dominion Lands, 132. Sutherland, B. D., Asst. Auditor, 139, 154. Sutherland, H., M.P.. 5th, Par., 251. Sutherland, James, M.P., 4ih Par., 2:i,S ; 5(h, 245 ; 6th, 2()0 ; 7tli, 277. Sutherland, Hon. John, Sen., 176. 466 Index — Continued. SUT Sntberland, W. D., Q.C., 4 lit. Sylvain, (J , M P , Isi Par., 185. Syiiions, H., Q.C..424. TABLE OF PRECEDKXCE FOR CANADA, i'M. Tacli6, J. C, Dpp. Mill, of Agr., 14-'. Tact.6, P. v., Q.C., 415. Taillon, L. O., Q.C., 414. Tait, Hi.ii. M. M., JikIj;.', :i45, Ml, Xti ; Ac't, Chf. JiiH., :',5l>, (f., 84:!, 34!», 350. Taschcrpau, Hon. H. T., M.P., ind Piir., 198 ; 3ril, 'JU ; Juilj;.', 344, 349, 3.0(), 3V2, 3.07. Tasclieiran, Hon. J. T., Judgi', SiiiprHiH'' Ct. of Can., 300 ; Queen's Bill., Que., 339 ; Sup- erior Court, 342, 3.03 ; ret., 309. Ta-^chereau, T. L., M.P., 5tli Par., 254;Q.C., 415. Tass6, F. Z., Mem. Bd. Dir. P^nitent'nries, 137. Tass<', Hon. J., Sen., 171 ; M.P., 4th Par., 229 ; 5tli, 245. Tavlor, Kennintrs, Clk. Asst. S«n., 104. Taylor, G., M.P., 5th Par., 245 ; 0th, 259 ; 7th, 270. Tavlor, Sr.,, J. Fcnning.^i, Clerk of Senate, 103. Tavlo', 8. S., Q.C., 424. Taylor, Hmi. T. W., Chf. Jus., Man., 389 ; P. J., 390 ; Q.C., 4(18. Tellier, L., M.P., 4th Par., 232 ; Judge, 315, 350; Q.C., 414. Temple, T., M.P., 5th Par., 257; 6th, 205; 7th, 282. Tennyson, B., Q.C., 424. Terriil, J. L., Q.C.. 415. Territories, Britsii— added to the Dom., 441. Tessier, Hon. U. J., Sen., 3, 108 ; Judge, 339 ; 343, 3')4 : ret., 402. Therieii, O., M.P., 0th Pnr., 202. Thi'vuid: au, .ion. I., M.P., 3i(l Par., 211, 223. Thibaudeau, Hon. J. U., Si)''., 170. Thonipson, D., M.P., l.st P.r., 181; 2iid, 194; 5th, 244, 2"i3. , Judge, 342, 348 ; retired, 3rd, 207 ; 4th, 228 ; Thompson, Hon. J. G., 402. Thompson, J. H., M.P., l.st P.ir., 182. ThoMipson. J. S., M.P , l-;t P.ir., 193 ; 2nd, 201; 3rd, 215 ; 4th, 230, 242. Thompson, Rt. Hon. Sir J. S. D., P.C., 24 ; Mem. Cil)., 30, Premier, 31, 32; Mem. 3rd Min., 11 ; 4th, 44 ; .5th, 40 ; Min. Jus., 54 ; off. held, (fee., 118; M.P., 5th Pir., 255; 0th, 204 ; 7th, 281, 291; Judge, 30i ; Q.C., 418; Mem. of H. M's P.O., 425 ; K.C.M.G., 429. Thomson, J., Q.C., 418. Tliomson, S., Q.C., 420. Thomson, W. A., M.P., 2nd Par., 208; 3rd, 209. Tillev, Sir S. L., Lt.-G v., N.B., 17 ; P.C, 22 ; Mem. Call., 30; Mem. 1-t Mm., 33, 34; 3rd, 39 ; Min. Fm., 50 ; Min. Cus.,59 • off. held, &c., 119 ; M.P., I'it P.ir., 187 ; 2nd, 200, 205 ; 4th, 235, 241 ; 5th, 250, 250 ; C.B., 457; K.C.M.G., 42S. TUR Tilt, J., Q.C., 400. Tilt'm, It. Col. J., Pep. Min. Fish., 134 ; Acct., Dei't. Mar. ^ Fish., 158. Tisdale, I)., M.P., Olli Par., 200 ; 7th, 276 ; Q.C., 407. Titles conferred by Queen Victoria for Canadian Seiviee, 42.5. Titles used in f:iinada, 430. Tizaid, G. L., Q.C., 411. Toliiii, S., M.P., 2rid Par., 191'. Todd, A., librarian of Par., ISO ; C.M.G., 431. Todd, Hon., W., Sen., 3. 174. Toller, Lt.-Col. F., C..ni|.t. of Dom. Currency, 153. Tomlinsnn, J., Eng. & Gun. Supt. of Light- houses, 157. Toms, I. F., Judge, 321, 322. Toronto A'Iniiialtv Distriet, ;!0.5. Torranee, Hon. ?'. W., Juds^e, 343, 351. Toiiraiigeau, A., M.P., 1st I'.ir., 190. Townsheiid, Hon. C. J., M.P., 5th Par. 255 ; Judge, 301 ; Q.C., 418. Townshend, M., Q.C., 419. Trade Slid Cuiuiiieree, Muiist'TS of— 00 ; Dap. Min., 145. Travis, J., Slipen. M:ig., X.W.T., 398. Treadweil. C. W., Si e., Dejit. Fm., 133, Voi. Triasiiry Bianl, Chaiiinan of the— See "Min- isters of Finance," 50 ; Sec. of the — 134. Tremaine, B. E., M.P., 3rd Par., 225 ; Judge, 300 ; r. t., 4ij4. Tremlilav, P. A., M.P., 1st Par., 184 ; 2ud, 197 3rd, 210, 221 ; 4tli, 231, 239. Trenholme, N. W., Q.C., 410. Trow, J., M.P., 2iia P.ir., 190 ; 3rd, 209 ; 4tli, 229 ; 5tli, 245 ; Otb, 2ti0 : 7th, 277, 287. Trt:ax, R., M.P., 7th P.u., 275, 285. Trudiau, T., 1). |.. .Min. Piili. Works, 141 ; Dep. Mm. Rys.i&Can., 142; Cht. Eng. of Canals, 14.5. Trudel, Hon. F. X. A., Sen., 169 ; Q.C., 413. Trutch, SirJ.W., I.t.-Gov., B.C., 20 ; K.C.M.G., 429 ; C..M.G.. 431. Tuck, Hon. W. H., Loc. Judge in Adm., 303 ; Judg", Sn|ireme Cnurt, N.B., 3(i8. Tupper, Sir Charles, P.C, 22 ; Mem. Cab., 30 ; Mem. 1st Min., 33, 34; 3rd, 39, 40, 4:> • Pres. P.C, 52; Min. Fm., 50 ; Mm. Public Works, 57 ; Min. R\>;. & Canals, 57 ; Min. In. R-v., 58 ; Mm. Cu-., 59 ; off. helo, He ' 120; Higli Cm. in Eng., 125; M.P., 1st Par., l!-6, 191 ; 2n 1, 199, 205 ; 3rtl, 212 ; 4th, 2:!3, 241; 5Ui, 24'.', 255; 0th, 204, 272- Bart., 420 ; G.C.M.G., 427 ; K.C.M.G ,' 428 ; C.B., 427. TuiM'er, Sir C H., P.C, 24 ; Mem. Cab., 30 ; 3id M n., 41 ; 4th, 44; otii, 47; Otii, 50; Min. Jus., 54 ; Mm. Mar. & Fish., 03 ; off. held, &e.. 122 ; M.P., 5th Par., 250 ; 0th, 204, 272 ; 7tli, 281 ; Q.C, 419 ; K.C.M.G.. 429. Tnpper, J. S., Q.C, 423. Turcot, G., M.P., Otii Par,, 262. Tureotte, A. J., M.P., 7lh Par., 289. Turcotte, H. E. A.. Q.C, 410. Turner, Hon. J., S=-n., 167. TurviUe, F., Sec. to Gov.-Gen., 8. 467 Index — Continued. TWE Tweeiiie, Hon. L. J., Q.C., 421. Tyrwliitt, R., M.I'., 4tii Par., -.'08 ath, 240 ; Uth, 200 ; 7tli, 277. UNbER-SECllKTAHIKS OF .STATE (»F CAXAIJA, 1:{1. TJiidei-S •iTi'iiiiy of fStiitf fortlio Proviiii'fs, i:U. Union of tlio Provmct-'S, the Quti'ii's Proi^la- in.itiori of— 1. Upper, M. C, Jud;,'.-, ;i20. Uiquliart, Capt. B. C, A.D.C, VA. VAIL, lion. \V. B., P.C , 2y ; M-ni. Cab., :iO ; 2im1 Min., :iS; Min. Mil. &!>!., r.'> ; off. h.ld, .Sic, 122 ; M.P., ;)rd Par., 224, 220 ; 5tlt, 24!>. VaidanrM.urt, C. E., M.P., 7tli Par., 270. Valin, J. A., ,^<»Vsy, .'520. Valin, P. v.. M.P., 4tli Par., 2;;2, 240 ; 5tli, 248. Val!6f, K. P., M.P., 4tli Par., 2:;2. Vaii.iss,', F., M.P., 4th Par., 240 ; .jth, 249 ; Otli, 20;i. Van Home, 8ir W. C, K.C.M.G., 429. Vankoiighiut, L., Dtp. iSupt.-Gen. Ind. Atl'air.s, lao, 151. Vankoughnet, Hon. P. M. S., ChauctfUor of Ont., :fU. Vankoughnet, S. J., Q.C., 408. Van Norman, G. R., Q.C., 407. Van Wart, Hon. J. A., Judge, 368, 370; Q.C., 421. Van Wart, W., Q.C., 421. Venning, R. N., Chf. Clk., D^pt. Mar. & Fish., 4;n. Vice-Admiraltv Courts— Qnebee, "5'.); X.S., :5tiO, (foot note); N.B., 374; P.E.I. , 373, (foot nrte); B.C., 3St', (foot note); Exehciiuer Couit of Can. eoiihtituted a Colonial Court of Adui., 299, 302. Vidat, Hon. A., Sen., 100. WADE, P. B., Q.C., 419. Wade, J. C, M.P., 3ril Par.. 225 ; 4th, 233. WaldiP, J., M.P., 0th Par., 259, 208. Walkeni, Hon. G. A., JufJge, 381 ; Q.C., 422. Walkeni, R. T., Q.C., 408. Walker, D. M., Judge, 392, 393. Walker, J., M.P., 3id Par., 208, 217. Walker, W. F., Q.C., 411. Walker, W. H., Q.C., 410. Wallaee, J., M.P., l>. Wallaee,' Hon. N.' C, Mem. ."ith Min., 48; 0th 51, 439 ; Con. Cus., 6", 439 ; M.P., 4th Par., 230 ; 5th, 240 ; 0th, 201 ; 7th, 278, 288. Wallace, E., M.P., l^t Par., 193. Wallaee, W., M.P., 2n(i Par., 195 ; 3rd, 218 ; 4th, 229 WallbrVdge, Hon. L.,Chf. Jus., Man., 389. Walsh, A., M.P., 1st Pai-., 182. Walsh, Lieut. Hon. G. H. W., A.D.C, 11. Walsh, J., Supt., Dead Letter Beh., P.O. Dept., 150. Ward, H. A., M.P , 5th Par., 253 ; 6th, 258. WIL Wark, Hon. D., S»n., 3, 173. Watson, R., M.P., 5th Par., 251 ; Cth, 200 ; 7th 2S.i, 2'. 4. Walters, Hon. C, Judyre, 371, 374. Walters, T. J., .'Vsst. Com. Cu.s., I44 • Aert Dept. Ciis., l.r.. Weiitheih.., Hon. H, L., .ludge, ;itil Weld., W. H., M.I'., 1,1 Par., 185; 2nd, 198 Webster, B., Q.C., 419. Web.ster, Sir R. E., G.C..M.O., 427. Weddeiburn, W., Jiidgr, :;-'.'. ; Q.C 4->n Wtldon, C. W., M.P., 4th Par., 235; 5th, 250- 0th, 205 ; Q.C, 420. Welilon, Hon. .1. W., Judjie, 308. Weldon, R. C, M.P., 0th Par., 205 ; 7t,h, 282 Wnller, C. A., Judge, 329. Well<, O. AV., Q.C, 411. Wells, J. I'., .\I.P., \A Par.. IS.l. Wells, K. M., M.P., 5th I'.u.. 243; Q C , 410 Wrlls, \V. H., ,lMdj;e, 322; ret., 4imi. Wells, W. W., .liidiie, 371 ; Q.C, 421 Welsh, W.. M.P., i;t!i I'iir., 2il0 ; 7th,' 283. Wctmore, Hor). A. R., .Iiiil^'c, :!0,s, ;i70. Wetniore, Hon. K. L., Juilge, 395; Q C , 420 Wheler, G., M.P., 4th Par., :i29, 238 ; 5tli 245 253. White, A. J., Q.C, 418. White, A. S., Q.C, 421. White, F., C.uiiit., N.-\V. M. Police, 135; Chf Clerk, 149, 151, 100. Whit^, J. (Halton), M.P., 1st Par., 181 : 2nd 104. White, J. (Hastin-^s), M.P., 1st Par., 1S8 ; 2nd 195 : 31 d, 20s ; 4th, 228, 237 ; 5th, 244 White, N. W., M.P., 7tli Par., 281 ; Q.C., 418 White, H '11. P., S|i.iiker Com., 178; M.P ;ird Par., 209, 210 ; 4th, 230 ; 5th, 24i; ; Otli", 200- 7tli, 277. White, R. S., M.P., 0th Par., 208 ; 7th 27'i 440. White, Hon. T., P.C. 24; Mem. Cab.. 30; 3rd Min., 39; Min. Int., 00; Sujit.-Ger. Ind Afl'iirs. 07 ; off. he d, th Mar. 1895 16th Jan. 1890 Hon. John Fisher Wood. Hon. Edward Gawler Prior. 21st Dec. 1894 21st Dec. 1894 21st Dec. 1894 26th Mar, 1895 17th Dec. 1895 15th Jan. 1896 17th Dec. 1895 (Not in the Cabinet.) Hon. John Joseph Curran Hon. Nathaniel Clarke Wallace. . . . Hon. John Fisher Woml. 11th July 1895 6th Jan. 1896 27th Apl. 1896 6th Jan. 1896 27th Apl. 1896 25th Mar. 1895 20th Dec. 1895 27th Apl. 1896 27th Apl. 1896 25th Mar. 1895 27th Apl. 1896 1st Sep. 1895 6th Jan. 1896 27tli Apl. 1896 27tli Apl. 1896 2l8t Dec. 1894 2l8t Dec. 1894 21st Dec. 1894 17th Oct. 1895 14th Dec. 1895 16th Dec. 1895 The members of the above Ministry, after the resignation of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, on the 27th April, 1896, retained their respective offices until the formation of a new Cabinet. On the ijth January, 1896, Hon. Sir Chirles Hibbert Tupper, Hon, Messrs, Foster, Haggart, Ives, Dickey, Montague and Wood resigned, gix'ing as reason for their action, among others not disclosed ill" the announcement subsequently made to Parliament by the Government, that tlie Prime Minister had failed to fill the portfolio" rendered vacant by the resignation of the Hon. Mr. Angers. On the I'ith of the same month, with the exception of Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, who was replaced as Minister of Justice by the Hon. Mr. Dickey, they were appointed to the respective positions they formerly held in the Government, and Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., was appointed Secretary of State, and the Hon. Mr. Desjardins, Minister of Militia and Defence. 413 Mini8tries since Confederation— C^«//«wz«^^ EIGHTH MI^IaiTRY. 13th July, 1896, to PRIME MINISTEK: (9th July, 1896.) Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, Q C. THE MINISTRY. Office. Premier, and Presi- dent of the Privy Council. Minister of Trade and Commerce. Secretary of State of Canada and Kegistrar-G eneral , Minister of Justice and Attorney- General. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Minister of Militia and Defence. Postmaster-General . Minister of Agricul- ture. Minister of Public Works. Minister of Finance. Minister of Railways and Canals. Members of the Ministrj". Hon. Wilfrid Laurier. (1). Hon. Sir Richard John Cartwright, K.C.M.G. Hon. Richard William Scott Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat, K.C.M.G Hon. Louis Henry Davies . Hon. Frederick William Borden. Hon. William Mulock Hon. Sydney Arthur Fisher. Hon. Joseph Israel Tarte . Hon. William Stevens Fielding. Hon. Andrew George Blair From 13th July 1S96 13th July 1896 13th July 1896 13th July 1896 13th July 1896 13th July 1896 13th July 1896 13th July 1896 13th July 1896 ISth July 1896 13th July 1896 To (1) Hon. Mr. Laurier chosen by the Governor-General to form a new Cabinet, 9th July, 1896; sworn President of the Privy Council, 11th July, 1896. 476 Ministries since Confederation,— Cage 472. Ministers or the Interior, aud NnperintendentH-General of Indian Affairs. (Continued from page 66.) Hon. Thomas Mayne Daly . . " Hugh John Macdonald " Clifford Sifton 17th Oct., 1892 ist May, 1896 17th Nov., 1896 30th Apl. 1896 i2th July, 1896 Hon. R. W. Sfiott, SecTPtary of State, was Acting Minister of the Interior, and Anting Superin- tendent-Geiieral of Indian Affairs Irnni the ITtli .July, 1896, to the 21st Dci:enil)er, ]89l>, on which latter date Hon. Mr. Sifton assumed charge of the Departments of the Interior and of Indian Affairs The High Commissioners for Canada in the United Kingdom. (Continued from page 125.) Name. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G. C.B Sir Donald Alexander Smith, G.C.M.G From 23rd May, 1888 24th Apl., 1896 To 14th Jan. 1896 481 Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of New Brunswick. (Continued from page 17.) Name. His Honour John James Fraser. (i) " " Abner Reid McClelan. 22nd Dec, 1893 nth Dec, 1896 To 24th Nov., 1896 (1) Lieutenant-Governor Fraser died, 24th November, 1890. Secretaries to the Governor-General. (Continued from page 8.) Arthur John Lewis Gordon, C.M.G.^ i8th Sep., 1893 John Sinclair, late Captain, sth Royal Irish Lancers, (i) i8th Feb., 1896 17th Feb , 1896 15th Jan., 1897 (1) Mr. Sinclair appointed Acting-Secretary to the Governor-General, without pay, 16th January, 1897. Adjutants-General of Militia. (Continued from page 127.) Colonel Walker Powell " The Hon. Matthew Aylmer (0 2ist Apl., 1875 ist Jan., 1896 31st Dec, 1895 (1) Col. Aylnier was appointed Adjutant-General by Order-in-Council of 17th July, 1896, his appointment dating Irom the 1st January, 1896. Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General at Headquarters. Major Donald Cameron Forster Bliss 482 Assistant Clerks of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. (Continued from page 129.) Name. From Joseph Pope 29th Nov., 1889 To 30th Apl., 1896 Under Secretaries of State of Canada and Deputy Registrars-General. (Continued from page 131.) Ludger Aime' Catellier ist Dec, 1889 30th Apl., 1896 Joseph Pope (i) ist May, 1896 (1) Mr. Pope was Acting Under Secretary of State from 9th March to 30th April, 1896. Deputies of the Ministers of Marine and Fisheries. (Continued from page 134.) William Smith, (i) Francois Frederic Gourdeau 29th May, 1868 30th Apl., 1896 i.st May, 1896 (I) See note on page 134. Commissioners of Customs. (Continued from page 144 ) John McDougald ist May, 1896 483 Department of Customs. (Continued from page 155.) Name. From George R. Webster, Chief Clerk .... i8th June, 1896 To Secretaries of the Department of Agriculture. (Continued from page 142.) Henry Beaumont Small. Arthur Leonard Jarvis . . ist Jan., 1889I i8th Feb , 1896 19th Feb., 1896; The Senate of Canada. Speakers ok' the l^enate. (Continued from page 163.) Name. Hon. John Jones Ross . " Charles Alphonse Pantaleon Pelletier,C.M.G From To 14th Sep., 1 89 1 13th July, 1896 1 2th July, 1896 484 The Senate of Cajisida..— Continued. Members of the ^ienaie for tlie Province of Ontario. (Continued from page 167.) Senators. When Summoned. Hon. James Cox Aikins, Toronto " Sir John Carling, K.C. M.G., London " Sir Oliver Mowat, K.CM.G " David Mills, London " George Albertus Cox, Toronto 7th Jan., 1896 23rd Apl, 1896 15th July, 1896 13th Nov., 1896 13th Nov., 1896 Senator Robert Read died 29th Juue, 1896. Sir David 1' .cpherson died 16th August, 1896. Senator John Ferguson died 22ud September, 1896. Members of the ISenate for the Province of Qaebec. (Continued from page 171.) Hon, James O'Brien (Victoria) Joseph O. Villeneuve (De Salaberry) William Owens (Inkerman) Sir William Hales Hingston, Kt. (Rougemont) . . George Barnard Baicer (Bedford) Hon. Louis J. Forget (Sorel). (i) Francois Bechard (DeLorimier) vice Hon. Al phonse Desjardins, resigned Alfred A. Thibaudeau, (La Valli^re) vice Hon Auguste Real Angers, resigned 2nd Jan., 1896 2nd Jan., 1896 2nd Jan., 1896 2nd Jan., 1896 7th Jan., 1896 i5ih June, 1S96 17th July, 1896 22nd Aug., 1896 (1) Ex-Senator J. B. Gufivreraont (Sorel) died, 5th December, 1896. Members of the Senate for the Province of BTova Scotia. (Continued from page 173.) Hon. David MacKeen, Little Glace Bay. " John Lovitt, Yarmouth 2ist Feb., 1896 i8th Dec, 1896 485 The Senate o^ Can&da.—Conc/tfdeti Members of the Alienate for the Province of IVew Brunswick. (Continued from page 174.) Senators. Hon. Michael Adams, Newcastle " Thomas Temple, Fredericton " George Gerald King, Chipman . ( i ) . When Summoned. 7th Jan., 1896 23rd Apl., 1896 i8th Dec, 1896 (I) Vice Hon. AUnnr Reid McClelan, apvoiDted Lieutcnant-Govemor of New Brunswick. The House of Commons of Canada. Seventh Parliament, 35th April, 1891, to 24th April, 1896. (Continued from page 441.) Hon. E.G. Prior, re-elected for Victoria, B.C., after his acceptance of the office of Controller of Inland Revenue 6th Jan., 1896 M. C. Cameron, elected for Huron, W. R., Ont., vice Hon. J. C. Patterson, appointed Lieutenant- Governor of the Province of Manitoba 14th Jan., 1896 L. C. A. Angers, elected for Charlevoix, P.Q., vice H. Simard, deceased . . 27th Jan., 1896 Sir Charles Tupper. Bart., G.C.M.G., C.B., Secretary of State of Canada, elected for Cape Breton, N.S., vice D. MacKeen, resigned (and subse- quently summoned to the Senate) 4th Feb., 1896 James Robinson, elected for Northumberland, N.B., vice Hon. Michael Adams, summoned to the Senate 6th Feb., 1 896 G. B. Baker, member of Parliament tor Missisquoi, P.Q., summoned to the Senate 7th Jan., 1S96 J. W. Bain, member of Parliament for Soulanges, P.Q , appointed Post Office Inspector of the Montreal Postal Division 7th Jan , 1896 John Bryson, member of Parliament ior Pontiac, P.Q., died 19th Jan., 1896 486 The House of Commons of Canada —C<9«//;///p«akert^ of tlie House of Commons. ((continued from page 178.) Speakers. Hon. Peter White, 7th Parliament, (i) " James David Edgar, 8th Parlia- ment From 20th April, 1 89 1 igth Aug., 1896 To 24th April, 1896 (1) Hon. Peter White w;is defeated at the (iencral Election lield on the 2:ird June 189r. 487 The House of Commons of Ca,na.dsL—Cofi/iHuti/. JHenibertii Ketiirned at General Election held on the 3»rd June, 1896, to serve in the Eighth Parliament. 13th July, 1896, to ProTiuee of Ontario. Constituencies. Addington Algoma. ( i) Bothwell Brant, S. R. (2) Brant N.R. (J^ee. " Wcntworth ami Bmnt, Brockville Bruce, E. R Bruce, N.R Bruce, W. R Cardwell Carleton Cornwall and Stormont. (3) Dundas Duil,-'m, E. R Durham, W. R Elgin, E. R Elgin, W.R Essex, N.R Essex, S.R Frontenac. (4) Glengarry Grenville, S. R Grey, E. R Grey, N.R. (5) Members Returned. John William Bell. Albert Edward Dyment. James Clancy. Robert Henry. Hon. John Fisher Wood. Henry Cargill. Alexander McNeill. John Tolmie. William Stubbs. William Thomas Hodgins. Darby Bergin. Andrew Broder. Thomas Dixon Craig. Robert Beith. Andrew B. Ingram. George Elliott Casey. William McGregor. Mahlon K. Cowan. David D. Rogers. Roderick R. McLennan. John Dowsley Reid. Thomas Simpson Sproule. John Clark. (1) The election for Algoma took place on tlie, :iOtli June, 189(i. (•-') Election of Mr. Ueiiiy declared void by .lustices Street aim Falconbriilge, .'.rd I)eo( mlier, l«t)0. Mr. C. U. Hcyd olrcted in his stead, 4Ui Febriiar)-, IS'.C. (3) John GoodiiU Snetsiiiger elected IDtli •December, 1890, vice Dr. i!eri;in, who died -JJnd October, l.S'.iii. (4) Mr. Rogers eleited by acclamation, lOtli June, XS'M. (o) Hon. William I'aterson, Controller of Customs, eltcte/«ev/. Members Keturned to Herve in the l^iglitii Parliauieut Contimied. Province of Quebec— Concluded. Constituencies. Nicolet Pontiac Portneu^ (i). Members Returned. Quebec, Centre Quebec, East. (2) Quebec, West Quebec County. (3). . Richelieu Richmond and U'olfe. Rimouski Rouville St. Hyacinthe. (4) • ■ • ■ St. John's and Iberville. Shefford Sherbrooke, Town Soulanges Stanstead Tdmiscouata Terrebonne Three Rivers and St. Maurice. (5) Two Mountams Vaudreuil Wright Yamaska Fabien Boisvert. William Joseph Poupore. Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lot- biniere, K.C.M.G. Francois Langelier. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier. Richard Reid Dobell. Charles Fitzpatrick. Arthur Aime Bruneau. Michael Thomas Stenson. Jean Baptiste Romuald Fiset. Louis Philippe Brodeur. Michel Esdras Bernier. Francois Bechard. Charles Henry Parmalee. Hon. William Bullock Ives. Augustin Bourbonnais. Alvan Head Moore. Charles Eugene Pouliot. Leon Adolphe Chauvin. Hon. Sir Joseph Philippe Rdne Adolphe Caron, K.C.M.G. Joseph Arthur Calixte Ethier. Henry Stanislaus Harwood. Charles Ramsay Devlin. Roch Moise Samuel Mignault. (1) Hon. Sir Henri Gustave Jolv de Lotbinid.e re-elected b»' acelamatum, after his accept■^nce of the office of Coritroller of Inland Revenue, 30th July, 1896. (">) Hon. Wilfrid Laurier re-elected by acclamation, after his acceptance of the office of Premier and President of the Pri\'j' Council, 80th July, 1890. (3) Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick re-elect*d l>y acclamation, fifter his acceptance of the office of Solicitor-General, 30th July, 1896. (4) Mr. Bernier elected bv acclamation, lOth June, 1896. (5) Hon. Joseph Israel tarte. Minister of Public Works, elected for St. John's and Iberville, 3rd August, 1896. vice Hon. Francois B<5chard, summoned to the Senate. 493 The House of Cominons of Canada. -rfl////«/W, HfeniberH Returned to serve in the Eigbth Parliament Continued. ProTince of "Soyfi $» //<• I'arliaiueut Concluded. FroTiiice of JUaiiiloba, Constituencies. Members Returned. Brandon, (i) D'Alton McCarthy. Robert Lome Richardson. Lisgar ..... Macdonald. (3) ... Marquette Provencher Selkirk Winnipeg. (3) Nathaniel Boyd. William James Roche. Alphonse A. C LaRiviere. John Alexander Macdonell. Hon. Hugh John Macdonald. (1) Hon. ClitTonl Hiftoii, Minister of the Interior, elected by acclamation, attli Nriveniber, 189«, vice D'Alton McCarthy, wlio ph'<:te(l to serve for Sinicnc, N. 1{, (2) Election of Mr. lioyd ileclarcil void liyjiidgcs Diihiic and Killani, 7t.li .JiiuMaiy, I6!i7, .subject to decision of the Sujircnie Couit of Canada on jirtliniinaiy objections. (3) Hon. Mr. Macdonald's election declared void, b'ith .laiiuary, 18'.i7, subject to deciaion of the Supreme Court of Canada on iireliniinary objections. ProTiuce of Britisih Colnmbia. Burrard New Westminster Vancouver ... . Victoria Victoria Yale and Cariboo George Ritchie Maxwell. Aulay Morrison. William Wallace Burns Mclnnes. Thomas Earle. Hon. Edward Gawler Prior. Hewitt Bostock. IVortb-TVesI Territories. Alberta Assiniboia, E. R. . Assiniboia, W.R. . Saskatchewan. ( i ) Frank Oliver. James Moffat Douglas. Nicholas Flood Davin. Hon. Wilfrid Lanrier. (1) Thomas Osborne Davis elected for Saskatchewan, 19th Decendx r, 1890, vice Hon. Mr. Laurier appointed President of the Privy Council, and subse(iuently re-elected for (Quebec, East 496 The House of Commons of Canada— c<7«r/?/tf'^^. Parliaments and Ses^gions.— Periods of tiieir Unration. (Continued from page 296.) Parliaments and Sessions. From To feieventh Farliament 25ih April, 1891 2nd Jan., 1896 13th July, 1896 19th Aug., 1896 24th April, 1896 23rd April, 1896 6th Session Eisrhth Parliament ist Session 5 th Oct., 1896 The Judicial Bencli in the Dominion of Canada. The ISupreme Court of Canada. (Continued from page 299. ) The Chief Justice of this Court is styled " The Chief Justice of Canada," Act 59 Vict., Chap. 14, assented to 23rd April, 1896. Formerly he was styled " The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada," The Act 58-59 Vict., (Imp.) Chap. 44, assented to 6th July, 1895, provides, among other things, that if any person being, or having been, chief justice or a judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, or of a Superior Court in any province of Canada, is a member of Her Majesty's Privy Council, he shall be a member of the Judicial Com- mittee of the Piivy Council. Sir Samuel Henry Strong, Kt., Chief Justice of Canada, sumn.oned to Her Majesty's Privy Council, 21st January, 1897, Hon. Mr. Justice Fournier retired, 12th September, 1895; ^'^d loth May, 1896. 497 Tne Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. liocal Judges lu Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada. The Admiralty District, of Kew Kruuswick. (Continued from page 303) . Local Judge. Hon. Ezekiel McLeod, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, vice Hon. Mr. Jus- tice Tuck, resigned From 13th May, 1896 To The Court of Queeu's Beuch for the ProTiuce of Quebec (Continued from page 839). Hon. Louis Francois Georges Baby, (0 " Joseph Aldric Ouimet 2glh April, 1881 19th May, 1896 1 8th May, 1896 Hon. Mr. .Tustice BaViy retired, I'Jth May, 1800. Although he was ai>jioiiitt'd a Pui.sn6 Judge of the Superior Court foi- the Pi(>vini;e ot Quebec on tlie 29th Oetcber, 1880, Mr. Jiiiitice Baby never sit in that Court, but acted as assistant Judse of the Ciurt ot Queen's Beuch until he was appointed a Pui.sne Judge ot the latter Court, on tiie 29th April, 1881. The ftiupreme Court of lUevi Brunswick. Chief Justices. (Continued from page 367). Hon. Sir John Campbell Allen, Kt. d) " William Henry Tuck 8ih Oct., 1875I 1 2th xMay, 1896 13th May, 1896J (I) Chief Justice Sir John Campbell Allen retired, 13th May, 1896. 498 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Continued. The Supreme Court of Neiv Brunswiek. (Continued from page 368.) Pnisine Judges. Name. From To Hon. William Henry Tuck " Ezckiel McLeod. (i) 17th Man, 1885 13th May, 1896 i2th May, 1896 (1) Mr. Justice MoF^eod was also appointed, 13th May, 1896, Local Judge in Admiralty for the District of New Brunswick, vice Hon. Mr. Justice Tuck, resigned. Tbe fSupreme Court of British Columbia. (Continued from page 381.) Puisne Judges. Hon. Henry Pering Pellew Crease. (^) " Angus John McColl nth Mar., 1870 13th Oct., 1896 14th Jan., 1896 (1) Mr. Justice Crease knighted, 1st January, 1890 ; retired, 15th Jan'iarj-, 1896. Province of British Columbia. County Court of Kootenay. (Continued from page 386.) Judge. John Andrews Forin. From 27th Nov., 1896 To 499 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada Concluded Province of Ontario. County Court of the County of Huron. (Continued from page 321.) Judge. From James Masson 6th A pi., 1896 To County Court of the County of Ontario. (Continued from page 327.) George Henry Frewen Dartnell, vice Zaccheus Burnham, who died 15th November, 1896 1 2th Dec, 1896 County Court of the County of Waterloo. (Continued from page 333. ) Duncan Chisholm, vice Anthony Lacourse, who died 8th Septem- ber, 1896 1 1 2th Dec, 1896 ProTlnce of IVoTa Scotia. The County Court for District Numher Two. (Continued from page 864. ) Mather Byles Des Brisay. (i). Francis Gordon Forbes 2ist Aug., 1876 1 2th Jan., 1897 nth Jan., 1897 (1) Judge DesBrisay retired, 12th January, 1897. 500 Queen's Counsel Appointed by the Governor-General of Canada. Members of tlie Qnebec Bar. (Continued from page 417 ) Name. - Date of Commission. Joseph Adolphe Renaud Hon. Albert William Atwater 13th March, 1896. 19th May, 1896. nth June, 1896. 26th August, 1896. Augustine Samuel Hurd Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick. (i) (1) Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick's coininissioii gives him precedenpe from the 7th March, 1893. Jfleuiber.s of ibe NoTa Scotia Bar. (Continued from page 420.) James McGregor Stewart , Charles Elliott Tanner. . . 8th November, 1895 Members of tbe Prince Edward Island Bar. (Continued from page 422. ) Hon. Frederick Peters 8th June, 1894. HMTembers of the British Colnmbia Bar, (Continued from page 422.) Charles Whitfield McAnn nth June, 1896. 501 Imperial Honours conferred by Her Majesty Queen Victoria for Canadian Service. Sleinbers of Her majesty's Moi^t Uouourable Privy Couucil- (Continued from page 425.) The Right Hon. Sir Samuel Henry Strong, Kt., Chief Justice of Canada, summoned 21st January, 1897. HniKlits Grand Cross) (G.C.M.O.) (Continued from page 427.) Name. 1 Created. Sir Donald Alexander Smith, K.C.M.G 20th May, 1896. Knlgbtsi Commanders (K.C.M.G.) (Continued from page 429.) Sir Joseph Adolphe Chapleau 20th May^ 1896. Sir Sairuel Leonard Tilley, K.C.M.G., died 25th June, 1896. Sir John Christian Schultz, K.C.M.G.. died 13th April, 18^6. Sir David Lewis Macpherson, K.C.M.G., died 16tli August, 1896. General Sir Edward Selby Smyth, K.C.M.G., died 23rd September, 18fc6. Knights Baclielors. (Continued from page 433.) Sir Henry Pering Pellew Crease . Sir William Ralph Meredith .... Sir James MacPherson LeMoine I St January, 1896. 20th May, 1896. ist January, 1897. Sir Joseph Bicksou, St., died 4th January, 1897. INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. 1st January. 1896, to 31st January, 1897. ADA A DAMS, Hon. M., Sen., 484. Adjutants-Generil of Militia, 4S1. Administrations since Confvder^ition, 470. Admiralty Di.>trict of New Brunswick, 497. Admiralty, Local Judges iu, 497. Agiicultnre, Ministers of, 48ii; Sec. Dept. of, 483. Aikins, Hon. J. C, Sen., 484. Allen, Sir J. C, Chf. Jus., ret., 497. Arayot, G., M.P. 7tli Par., died, 48t>. Angers, Hon. A. K., Mem. (5th Min., 472; 7th Min., 473; Min. Agr., 480; Pres. P.O., 47tj. Augers, L. C. A., M.P. 7th Par., 48o; Stii Par., 491. Assistant Clerks of Privy Council, 482. Atwater, Hon. A. W., Q.C., 503. Aylmer, Col. Hon. M., Adj. Gen., 481. T)ABY, Hon. L. F. G., Judge, retired, 497. Ba n, J. W., M.P. 7th Par., 485. Biin, T.. M.P. 8th Par., 490. Baker, Hon. (J. B.. S -n., 484. Bizinet, C., M.P. 8th Par., 491. Beattie, T., M.P. 8th Par., 4SS. Beatisoleil, C, M.P. 8th Par., 490. B^ehard, Hon. F., Sen., 4S4; M.P. 8th Par., 492. Beith, R., M.P. 8tli Par., 487. Belcourt, N.A., M.P. Sth Par., 48ti. Bell, A.C., M.P. Sth Par., 495. Bed, J. W., M.P. Sth P.ir., 487. Bennett, W. H., M.P. Sth P.ir., 489. Bergeron, J. G. H., M.P. Stli Par., 490. Bergin, D., M.P. Sth P.ir., 487. Bernier, M. E.. M.P. Sth Par., 492. Bethun.-, J. L., M.P. Sth Par., 493. Blair, Hon. A. G., P.C., 409; Mem. 8th Min, 475; Min. Rys. & Can, 478; M.P. Sth Par., 494. Blancliiird, T., M.P. Sth Par.. 494. BUss, Mnjor D. l\ F., Dep. As.st. Adj.-Gcn., 481. Boisvert, F., M P. Sth Par., 49!. Borden, Hon. F. W.. P.O., 4ri!), Mem. Sth Min., 475; Min. Mil. & Uef., 477; M.P. Sth Par., 493. Borden, R. L., M.P. Sth Par., 493. Bostock, H., M.P. Sth Par., 495. Buurassa, J. H. N., M.P. StU Par., 491. Bourbonuais, A., M.P. 8tli Par., 492. Bowell, Sir M.. Premier, 470; 6th Min., 471; Pres. of P.O., 47(i. Boyd, N., M.P. Sth Par., 495. British Columbia, Sui>reme Court of, 498. Britton, B. M., M.H. Sth Par.. 488. Broder, A., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Brodeur, L. P., MP. Sth Par., 492. Brown, J. P., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Bruneau, A. A., MP. Sth Par., 492. HrysoTi, Jolin, M P. 7tli Pa^jdied, 485. Biirnett, L., M.P. Stli Par., 489. Biirnham, Z., Judge, dud, 499. Bye-elections;— During 7tli Par., 485. DAV n.VLVERT, W. S., M.P. Sth Par., 488. Cameron. M. C, M.P. 7tli Par., 485; Sth Par 488. Campbell, A., M.P. 8th Par., 4S8. Cargill. H , M.P. Sfh Par., 487. C.irling, Sir John, Sen., 484: M.P. 7th Par, 486. Caron, Sir J. P. R. A., Mem. 6th Min., 471; P. M. Gen., 479; M.P. Stli Par , 492. Carroll, H. G., .M.P. Sth Par., 491. Carscallen. A. \V., M.P. oith Par., 488. Cartwright, Sir R. J., Mem. Sth Min., 475; Min. Tra. & Com., 478; MP. 8:h Par., 489. Casev, G. E., M.P. 8th Par, 487. Cisgrain, T. C, M.P. Sth Par., 491. Catellier, L. A., Uu. Sec. of State & Dep. Reg.- Gen 4S2 Chapleai'i, Sir' J. A., K.C.M.G., 501. <;harltoi), J., M.P. Sth Par., 488. Cliauvin, L. A., M.P. 8th Par., 492. Ciiief Clerks, De|it. of Customs, 483. Chief Justice of Canadi, 495. Chief Ju.stices, Supreme Court of N.B., 497. Cliisholm, D., Judge, 499. Choquette, P. A., .M.P. Sth Par , 491. Cliristie, T., M.P. Sth Par, 490. Clancy, J., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Clark, J., .Vt.P. Sth Par., 487. Clarke, E. F.. M.P. 8lh Par.. 489. Cochrane, E , M.P. Sth P;.r., 483. Ci)mmissioners of Cust)m», 482. Controllers of Customs, 479. Controllers of Inland R^ivenue, 478. Copp, A. J. .S., M.P. Sth Par., 493. Coiby, H., M.P. Sth Par., 4S8. Costigan, Hon. J., Mem. tith Min., 471; 7th Min., 473; Min. ilar. & Fish., 479; M.P. Sth Par., 494. County Court, Di.st. No. 2. N.S., 499. County Court of Co. of Huron, 499. County Couit of Kootenay, 49S. County Court of Co. of Ontario, 499. County Court of Co. of Waterloo. 499. Court of Queen's Bench, P.ov. Quebec, 497. Cowan, M.K., M.P. Stli Par, 487. Cox, Hon. G. A., S 'n., 484. Craig, T. D., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Crease, Sir H. P. P., Judge, ret., 49S; Kt., 501. Curran, Hon. J. J., Mem. 6th Min. 472; Sol.- Gen., 477. Customs, Controllers of, 479; Cora, of, 482; Dept of, 483. ri\LY, Hon. T. Mayne, Mem. 6th Min., 471; ■^ Min. Int & Supt.-Gen. Ind. Affi, 480. Dcirtnell, 6. H. F., Jiid<;e. 499. Uavi.s, Hon. L. H., P.C, 469; Mem. Sth M'n , 475; Min. Mar. & Fish., 479; M.P. Sth Par., 494 Davin, N. F., M.P. Sth Par., 495. Davis, T. O., M.P. Sth Par., 495, t»ee also General Index, page 443. 504 Index to Supplement. DEC Vie) «ne, A. M., M.P. 8th Par., 491. Uenisori, F. C, .M.P. 7Mi P.ii-., ilied, 4S(i. Dep;irtiiii-iit ol Agriculture, Si'crotirles of, 483. Deparluicnt of Customs. Clif. t loi ks, 48:i. Deputies or the Miuisteis of Marine aucl Fish- eries, 48^, • Deputv Assistant Adjutiint-General 481. DcsBrisay, M. 1?., JikIkp, 4!»9. Desjanliiis, Hon. A., P.O., 4t;9; Mem. Gth Min., 471; 7tli Min, 473; Mh.. Mil. & D,f., 477; Min. Pub. Wks., 47ti. Desmarais, O., M.P. 8th Par., 4'.»1. l>evlin, C R., M.P. 8th Par., 492. Dickey, H.m. A. K., .Mem. uth Min.. 471, 472; rpsigned, 472; 7lh Min., 473; Mir. Jus., 477; Mm. Mil. & Def., 477. Diraoek, W. D., M.P. 8th Par., 493. Uobell, Hon. H. R., P. C, 4fi9; Mem. 8th Min., 47(i; M.P. 8th Par., 492. Domviile, J., M.P. Sili Par.. 494. Douglas, J. M., M.P. Sth Par , 495. Duga-s, L. E., M.P. Stli Par., 491. Du;.ioi.t, F., .M.P. 8lh Par.. 490. Du(ire, n., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Dyment, A. E., M.P. 8th Par., 487. VARLE. T., .M.P. Sth Par., 495. EJgar, Hon. J. D., Speaker Com., 486; M.P. Sth Par., 489. Edwards, W. C, M.P. Sth Par., 489. E'.eotion.s, 7th Par., 485; Gen. election, Sth Par., 487. Ellis, J. v., M.P. Sth Par., 494. Erb., U. K., M.P. Stli Par., 489. Ethier, J. A. (J., M.P. 8tli Par., 492. Exchequer Court of Canada, Local Judges in Adin. of, 497. "PAUVEL, W. LeB., M.P. Sth Par., 490. Featherston, J., M.P. Sth Par., 489. Ferguson, Hon. D., Mem. (itii Min,, 472; 7th, 474. Fergi'.son, Senator J., died, 484. Ferguson, J., M.P. Sth Par., 489. Fielding, Hon. W. S., I'.C, 4f)9; Mem. Sth Min., 475; Min. Fin. 477; M.P. Sth Par., 493. Finance, Ministers of, 477. Kiset, J. n. R, M.P. Sth Par., 492. Fisher, Hon. «. A., P C, 4ii9; Mem. 8lh Min., 475; Min. Agr. 480; M.P. Sth Par., 490. Fitzpatiick, H..n C, Mem. Sth M'n., 47f.; Sol- Gen., 477; M.P. Sth Par., 492; Q.C., 500. Flint, T. B..M.P. Sth Par., 493. Forbes, F. G., M.P. Sth Par., 493; Judge, 499. Forget, Hon. L. J., Sen., 484. Form, J. A , Judge, 493. Kortin, T., M.P. SIh 1 ar , 491. Foster, Hon. G. E., Mem. lith Min., 471: re- signed, 472; 7th Min., 473; Miu. Fin., 477, M.P. Sth Par., 494. Fournier. Hon. T., died, 496. Fraser, D. C, M.P. Sth Par., 493. JUD Fraser, J., M.P. Sth Par., 488. Fraser, J. J., Lt.-Gov., X.B., died, 48). Frost, F. T., M.P. Sth Par., 488. G ANOXG, G. W., M.P. 8ih Par., 494. Gauthier, J.. M.P. Sth Par., 491. General Election, Sth Par., 486. Geoflron, Hon. C. A.,P.C.,469; Metn. Sth Min,, 476; M.P. Sth Par., 490. Gibson, W., M.P. Sth Par.. 4S8. Gillies, J. A.. -M.P. Sth Par, 49.'3. Gilinour, J., M.P. Sth Par., 488. Godbout, J., M.P. Sth Par., 490. Gordon, A. J, L., Sec. to Gov. -Gen., 4S1. Governor-General. Secretaries to the, 481. Gourdeau, K. F., Dep. Min. Mar. & Fish,, 482. Graliam, D , M.P. Sth Par , 489. Guav, P. M., M P., Sth Pai., 491. Gu6vieniont, J. B., Ex-Sen., died, 484. Guillet, G., Jt.P. Sth Par., 4S9. JTACKETT, E., M.P. Sth Par., 494. Haggart, Hon. J. G.. Mem. 6th Min., 471; re- signed. 472; 7th Min, 473; Min. Evs. itCan.. 478; MP. Sth Par., 4SS. Hale, F. H., M.P. 81 h Par., 493. Halev, A., M.P. Sih Par., 493. Harwood, H. S., M.P. Sth Par., 492. Heads of Departments, 476. Hendersi.n. D., M.P. Sth Par., 488. Henrv, R., M.P. Sth Par-., 487. Heyd, C. B., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Hiekson, S r J., died, 5ul. High Commissi ners for Can. in Eng., 480. Kingston, Sir W. H., Sen., 484. Hodgins, W. T., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Honours, Imperial, 501. House of Commons, 7ih Par., 485, 8r.h Par.. 487; Speakers of, 486. Hughes, tf., M.P. Sth Par., 489. Hurd, A. S., Q.C., 500. Hurlev J. M., M.P. Sth Par., 488. Hur !, County Court of Co. ot, 499. Hutchison, W., M.P. Sth Par., 489, TMPERIAL Honours, 501. Ingram, A. B., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Inlanil Revenue, Controllers of, 478. luterior. Ministers of, 480. Ives, Hon. W. B., Mem. 6th Min., 472; resigned. 472; 7lh Mm., 473; Min. Tra. & Com., 478: M.P. 8th Par., 492. TARVIS, A. L., Sec, Dept. Agriculture, 483. Joly de LotbinidiP, Sir H. G., Mem. Sth Min., 476; Con. In. Rev., 47S; M.P. Sth Par., 492. Judges, Supreme Court, B.C., 498. Judges, Supreme Court, X.B., 498. See also tieneral Index, page 443. 505 Index to Supplement. JUD Judicial Bench, 496. Judicial Committee of the Privy Oonncit, 496. Justice, Ministers of, 477. ITAULBACH, C. E., M.P. 8th Par.. 403. Kendry, J.. M.P. 8th Par., 489. King, Hon. G. (}., Sen., 484; M.P. 8th Par., 4'.'4. Klock, J. B., M.P. Stli Par., 488. Kloepfer, C, M.f. 8th Par., 490. Knifihts Bachelors, 501. Kni^'lits Commanders, (K.C.M.G.)501. Knights Grand Cross, (G.C.M.G.) 501. Koiitenay, County Court of, 498. T ACOURSE, A., Judge, (Med, 499. Lauderkin, G., MP. 8th Par., 488. Ljug, J., M.P. 8th Par., 480. LangelitT, F., .M.P. 8th Par., 402. LaRiviSre. A. A. C, M.P. 8th Par., 495. Laurier, Hon. Wilfrid, Premier, 4:0; 8th Min., 475; Pres. of P.C , 476; M.P. 8th Par., 492, 495. Lavergne, J., M.P. 8th Par., 401. Legris, J. H., M.P. 8th Pdr., 491. Lemieux, U., M,P. 8tli Par., 491. LeMoine, Sir J. .M., Kt., 501. Lewis, W. J., M.P. 8th Par., 493. Liontenant-LJovernors of New Brunswick, 481. Lister, J. F.. M.P. 8th Par., 488. Livingston, J., M.P. 8th Par., 490. Locil Judges in Admiralty, 497. Logan, H. J., M.P. 8th Par., 403. Lotbinifire, Sir H. G. Jolv de, Mem. 8th Min., 476; Con. In. Rev., 478; M.P. 8cii Par., 492. Lount, W., M.P. 8tli Par., 480. Lovitt, Hon. J., feu., 484. M ACCONALD, A. C, M.P. 8th Par., 404. Macdonald, Hon. H. J., P.C, 469; Mem. 7th Min., 473; Min. Int. & Supt.-Gen. In. Aff., 480; M.P. 8lh Pir., 495. Macdouald, P., M.P. 8th Par., 488. Macdonell, J. A., M.P. 8th Par., 405. MacKeen, Hon., D., S-n., 484; M.P. 7th Par., 485. See also "McKeen, D.'MnGentTal In- dex, page 459. Mackie, T., M.P. 8th Par., 480. MacLaren, A. F., M.P. 8th Par., 489. Maclean, W. F., M.P. 8th Par., 490. Maepher-ion, SirD. L., died, 460. MacPlierson, T. H., M.P. 8th Par., 488. Mador.', J. A. C. M.P. 8th Par., 401. Marcotte, F. A., M.P. 8th Par., 499. Marine & Fisheries, Ministers of, 479; Dep. Mni. of, 482. Martin, A., M.P. Sth Par., 494. Masson. J., M.P. 7th Pir., 486; Judge, 499. Maxwell, G. R., M.P. 8th Par., 495. Meigf., D. B., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Members of Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, 490. Members of Her Majesty's Privy Council, 501. OLI Members of Privy Council for Canada, 469. Members of Senntf, 484. Meredith, Sir W. R., Kt. 501. Mignault, «. M. S., M.P. Sth Par., 492. Miutia & Defence, Ministers of, 477. Mills. Hon. D., Sen., 484. Mills, J. B., M.P. Sth Par., 493. Ministers of Agriculture, 64, 480. " Customs, 50. " Finance, 56, 477. " Iidaiid Revenue, 58. " Interior, 66, 480. ' Justice, 53, 477. " Marine & Fisheiies, 63, 479. " Militia & Defence, i'i5, 477. " Public Works, 57, 478. " Railways & Caunis, 67, 47S. " Trade & Co'iimerce, 6l', 478. Ministries, 6th Min., 471; 7th, 473; Sth, 475. Monet, I)., M.P. btli Par., 491. Monk, F. D., .M.P. 8th Par., 401. Montague, Hon. W. H , Mem. 6th Min., 472; resigned, 472; "tli Mi-., 473; Sec. of Sta., 479; Min. Aur., 480; M.P. Sth Par., 488. Moore, .■\. H., M.P., Sth Par.. 492. Morin, J. B., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Morrison, A., M.P. 8lh Par.. 495. Mowat, Sir Oliver, P.C, 409; Mem. Sth Min.. 475; Min. Jus., 477; Sen., 484. Mulock, Hu). W., P. C, 469; Mem. Sth Min., 475; P.M. Gen., 479; M.P. Sth Par., 490. jlTcALlSTER, J., M.P. Stli Par., 404. McAnn, C. W., Q.C., 500 McC irlhy, D., M.P. Sth Pai-., 480, 495. McCleaty. W., M.P. Sth Par., 400. McClelan, Hon. A. R., Lt.-Gov., X.B., 481 McColl, Hon. A. J., J 'dgp, 498. McC.>rmi('k, G., M.P. Sth P.ir., 488. McUougald, J., Com. Cus., 4S2. McDougall, H. F., M.P. Stli Par., 493. MoGillivrav, J. A., M.P. Sth Par., 489. McGregor, W., M.P. Sth Par., 487. McGugan, M., M.P. Sth Par. 488. McHugh, G.. M.P. Sth Par.. 489. Mclnernev, G. V.. M.P. Sth Par., 494. Mclnnes, W. W. B., M.P. Sth Par., 495. Mclsaae, C. F., M.P. Sth Pir., 493. McKeen, Hon. D. Sse " MacKeen, Hon. D." McLennan, A., M.P. Sth Par., 493. McLennan, R. R., M.P. Sth Par., 487. McL'Od, Hon. E., Local Judge, Adm., N B., 497; Julge Sup. Ct., 498. McMahon, W., Siipt. Prin., 161. McMdlan, J., M.P. Sth Par., 488. McMallen, J., M.P. Sth Par., 490. McNeill, X, M.P. Sth Far., 487. 'M'EW Brunswick, Lt. -Governors of, 481; Adm. *-^ Dist, or, 497; Supreme Court of, 497, 498. Q'BRIEN, Hon. J., Sen., 484. O.iver, F., M.P. Sth Par., 495. See also General Index, page 443. 506 Index to Supplement ONT Ontario, Comity Court of Co. of, 499. Osier, E. B., M.P. Stli Par., 481t. Ouimet, Ho--. J. A., Men., tith Min., 471; Min. Pub. Wks., 47>S; Judge, 497. Oweus, Hon. W., Sen., 484. PARLIAMENT, Muinburs of 7tli, 4Sri; Stli 4S7; dmation of, 49(J. Parniflcc, C. U., M.P. Sth P.ir., 492. Paterson, Hon, W., Mem. 8t,li Min., 476; Con. Cn.s., 47!t; M.P. Sth Par., 487. Patterson, Hon. J. C, M-in. Oth Min., 471, 472. Pelleticr, Hon. C. A. P., i5|ieakfr .-Jen., 483. Pennv, K. G., M.P. Sth Par., 401. PotL-r.-i, Hon. F., Q.O., 5 0. Pettet, W. v., .M.P. Sth Par., 489. Pope, Joseph, Asst. Clk., P C, 482; Un. Sec. of Sta. and Dep. Reg.-Gen., 482. Pope, K. H., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Postmasters-General, 470, Pouliot, C. E., M.P. 8tli Par., 492. Poupore, W. J., M.P. Sth Par., 492. Powell, H. A., M.P. Stli Par., 494. Poweli, Tol. W., AdL-ac-n., 481. Pr6fonteine, «., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Presidents of the Pnvy Council, 47'>. Prime .Ministers of C uida, 470. Prior, Hon. E. G., P. C, 4i0; Mem. tith Min., 472; 7th Min., 474; Con. In. Ri'v., 478; M.P. 7ih Par.,4S5; Sth, 495. Privy Council for Canada, Mem. of, 469; Presi- dents of, 470. Pi'ivy Council. Members of Her Majesty's, i.01. Prou'lx, I., M.P. 8tli Par., 48rt. Public Works, Ministers of, 478. Pu'snfe JuduS!', Supreme Com t, B.C., 498. Piiisufe Judges, Supreme Court, N.B., 498. Q UEEN'S Bench, Court of. Prow Quebec, 497. Queen's Counsel, 500. Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Meui. of, 409; Pres. of, 476, Quinn, M. J. F., M.P. Sth Par., 491. P AILWAYS & Canals, Ministers of, 478. Ratz, v., M.P St-h Par., 488. Read, Senator R., died. 484. Reid, J. D., M.P. Sth Pa;., 487. Renaud, J. A., Q.C., 500. Richardson, R. L.,M.P. Sth Par.. 495. Rinfret, C. I., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Robertson, J. R., M.P. 8th Par., 489. Robinson, J., M.P. 7th P.ir., 485; Sth, 494. Roche, W. J., M.P. Sth Par., 49.'.. Roddick, T. G., M.P. Sth Par., 491. Roger, D. U., M.P. Sth Par, 487. Rosamond, B., M.P. Sth Par., 4S8. Ross, Hon. J. J., P.C, 469; Mem. 7th Min., 474; Speaker Sen., 483. Russell, B., M.P. Sth Par., 493. s TUP AVARD, P. v., M.P. 8th Par., 491. Schnltz, Sir J. C.died, .001. Sc&tt, Hon. R. W., Mem. Sth Min., 475; Sec. of Sta., 479; A-t. Min. Int. and Act. Supt.- Gen. Ind. Atl'., 480. Scriver. J.. M.P. Sth Par.. 491. Seagram, J. E., M.P. Stli P..r., 490. S 'cretiries, l)et)t. of Agriculture, 483. S.'cretarics to Governoi-Gen'Tal, 481. Secretaries of State of Canada, 479. Semp'.e, A., M.P. Slh Par., 490. Senate of Canada, Speakers of, 483; Mem. of, 484. Sessions of Parliaments, 496. Sifton. Hon. C, P.C., 409; Mem. Sth Min., 47fi; Min. Int. & Supt.-Gen. Ind. Atf., 480; M.P. Sth Par., 49"). Sinclair. J., Sec. to Gov.-Gen., 4S1. Small, H. B., Sec. Dept. Agriculture, 483. Smith, Sir I). A., P. C, 469; High Com., 480; G.C.M.G., 501. Smith .Sir F., Mem. 6th Min., 472; 7tli, 474. Smith, W., Oei>. Min. Mar. & FiMi., 482. Smvth, Gen. Sir E. >e\hv, died. 501. Saetsinger, J. G., M.P. Sth P.ir., 487. Solicitors-i-encr-tl ot Caii;ida, 477. Somervilie, J., M P. Stli Par., 490. Speakers nf the House of Commons, 486. Speakers of tlie Senate, 4S3, Sprouie, T. S., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Stenson, -M. T., M.P. Sth Par., 492 Stewart, J. M., Q.C., 500. Strong, Sir S. H., Chf. Jus. of Cin. & Mem. of Judicial Com. of Privy Council, 496; Mem. H.M'-!. PC, 501. Stubbs, W., M.P. Sth Par., 487. Superintendents-Gen. of Indian Affairs, 4S0. Supreme Court of British Columbia, 498. Supreme Court of C mada, 496. Supreme Court of New Brunswick, 497, 498. Surveyors-General of Ciiada, 132. Sutherland, J., M.P. Sth Par., 4S9. TAILLON. Hon. L. O., P, C, 469; Mem. 7th Mil'., 473, 474; P.M. Cen., 479. Talbot, O. E , M.P. Sth Par., 490. Tanner, C. E., Q.C. 50'. Tarte, Hon. J. I. P.C, 469; Mem. Sth Min., 475: Min. Pub. Wks., 478; M.P. Sth Par., 492. Taylor, G.. M.P. Sth Par., 488. Temple, Hon. T., Sen., 4S4; M.P. 7th Par., 486. Thibdude.iu, Hon. A., Sen., 484. Tillev, SirS. L., died, 409. Tisdale, Hon. D., P.C, 469; Mn'n.7th Min.. 474; Min. Mil. & Dvf., 477; M.P. Sth Par., 488. Tolmie, J., M.P. Sth Par., 4S7. Trade and Commerce, Ministers of, 478. Tuck, W. H., C!if. Jus., N.B.. 407; Judge, 498. Tucker, J. J.. M.P. Sth Par., 494. Tupper, Bavt., S r Charles, Premier, 470; Mem. 6th Min., 472; Premier, 7th Min.. 473; Sec. of Sta., 479; High Com., 480; M.P. 7th Par., 485; Sth, 403. See also General Index, page 443. 607 Index to Supplement. TUP Tupper, Sir C. H., Mem. Cth Min., 471; resi'.'ned, 472: 7th Min., 474; Jlin. Jus., 477; Sol - Gen., 477; M.l'. 8tli Par.. 493. Turcot, G.. M.P. Sth Par.. 491. Tyrwhitt, R., M.P. 8th Par., 489. yiLLEXEUVE, Hon. J. 0„ Sen., 484. WALLACE, Hon. N. C, Mphi. 6th Min., 472; *" Con. Cus., 479; M.P. 8th Par., 490. YEO Webster, O. R., Chf. Clk., Dept. Ca8., 483 Wliite, Hon. P., Speaker Coin., 480. Wilson. L'., .MP. S'h P,,r., 488. Wood, A. T., M.P. stli Pur., 488. Wood, Hon. J. P., P.C..4(i'.i; Mem. 6th Min., 472; resigned, 47i; 7th Min., 474; Con. In Rev., 478; Con. Cus., 479; M.P. 8th Par. 487. yEO, J., M.P. 8th Par., 494. See also General Index, page 443. THE END.