. (~neaning "CON- TINUED "I, or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Un (les symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole --^> signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s A des taux de rMuction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est fiim6 d partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut on bas, en prenant la nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent '.:» mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 XOUTir AMERICA. No. (187-3). (G.) AOJmi-W]:ST AMElilCAN WATEli BOUNDAllY. (-•01!Hi:,SJ>0^-DE]STE liKSPECTINi; TIIK AlVABD 01' THE 1-}IVVMR OF GERMA2N-y JN THE ^lATIEPt OF mi] BOUNDARY LINE iurrwEt.N GREAT BRITAIX AND THE UNriED STATE8, UNDER THE TREATIES OF WASHIXGTON OF JUNE 15, ISIO, AND ilAY (!, 1871. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Male. 1873. ujesty. LOXDOX : PKIXTED BV UAliniso:,' AND SONS. UST OF PAPERS No. 4. I 10. !K 12. 14. 1".. \|^. 17. 1-. •JO. 91. I'-.ISJ I. or.l ():'.o Russell Ici l".,\il (irniivilli' I.or.l Olio HiisscU In I'.-nl (ir.uivillo One Inclii^iirc. I.(.r'l Oi'.o Kusscll to Marl (Iraiivillo Tsvi) Im'lo>in('s. jird Olio Uiis^cll to Ivirl (iranvillo One Iiiclosuro. X'i^onimt I'.iitifld to Mr. llcrl)crt Viscount F.utii'ld to llu' Srcntary to tlio Admiralty.. Karl Ciranville to Sir \'.. 'i'honiloii r.arl (Jraiivilli' to Lord Odo itiissoll Lord Odo Uiisscll to I'.arl (Ir.aiivillc I'.arl (ir.iiivilli' to Lord Odo Hiissell Mr. Ilolb-.iid to M-i'ouiit I".nli(dd Larl (iranvilli- to Admiral r.vvost Tiic S('rretarv to the Admiralty to Viscount I'.iifield 'I'lu' SccrclarV to the Admiralty to \'iscuimt Liiticlil r.arl OraiiviU'e to Lord Odo liiHsell .. _ The Sieretarv to the Admiralty to Viscount Enfield. I'.arl (Irauville to Sir 1',. 'rhorntou Sir I'. 'I'lioruton to I'.arl Granville Sir L. Tiiornton to Karl (jran.illi' Two Inclo.aM*e>. Sir I".. Thorni m to Karl (iranviUe ,. Sir K. Thonituii ;o Karl (iranville October October 14, 1S7 21, October 23, Novenihor 2, November 7, 4 Noventher S, 4 \ovend)rr 8, ..— ;') November 1 1 , .-•) Novendier 'J, .') Xoveudier 1 1, C Xoveniluu- I'J, (J November 1(), (i N'ovciubor l.*^, 7 Novend)er "2.!, 7 Novend)er2.'i, 7 Noveudier "JS, 7 NoviMulier '2'J, 8 November 1 8, 8 November 2-i, 'J Decemhir 16", 11 December '23 12 Cone,,,,.,,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,^,.„^, „,,, ^^^^^^^,^^ ^_^. ^^_^ ^^__ ^^^^_ :;'r;;\";'''^' '■"'»'■■•'■'■''■'■''--,.,, Line, between 01 ^^^'»l»"a<'mor.)„„el3,lfe4,i,„„, ^,,„,y_jy7j^ 1'.ISJ.>. — 7 — 'J — I 1 — l-J No. 1. f^onl 0,n, RussrU to l-arl aranrUle.~.(Rccc.cal Oclohrr 17) ]\ly Lord. MH. liANCROrr called on m,- ,,> ,„ ,, ^^'''■/'"- Oc/o/w 14. Is7'> ton T,-eaty, uo arc" to pay n. i:.;'^^)^::^^^^'''''''^ '' ^'•^^''^ ^^^ "'' *'- ^N'-inng- •-.•o„n oiiie. ,0.- yon.- Lo..di.np. sancu-l^^iiei^;^ I c'^;;;- .iti,/;;]:;;^;;:;^,;" ^"^ I l);vve, &c'. (Signed) 01)0 RUSSELL. No. 2. Lord Odo Russell to Earl Gra»nllc.~iRcceivc""'• '^"■•^'^'up's .■C(,nostinj;{ha( w. „,av I.e lu , s ho ul a c I ^ t T''''"^^^^^ ^^- ^'« f^^^''^"' the costs .Inch n,ay have ,.cn incnn-;;i^n:';;i.:;;:,J t^ tl^ San IV^ /I^^Sf '' 1 liavc, &;c. (Sjo-ned) 01)0 RUSSELL. Inclosurc in No. 2. Lord Odo Russell to ^[. Balan. THE Undcrsiffnod, ITor n.-itannic Majesty's \n1l)^ss^rlo.• FAh...^ r Ploninotcnt arv A-cnt of the U.ilt.wl K";,. i • r/ l'^^traol•d^lal•v and lierlhl nnder tlu-l^xva v of ^.sl ^ n o Tn^s'lHr^^ ^':l''? ^">^' ^'•'^'-"^ -' his Exccllencv .M. de Ralan Act n "p' • V ,^^ ' ''^l''""""!- to request the Eorcii^n Oflico th.it haccor hnc^^ "'''' ^''^ ^<>"^l"ct of XXXIXrXL.andXLh ■ t^n h Te^f t£;';!rT"1 ?"'';'"' '? ""^'^'^'^ signed, witi. the Awani which sinn'be m^^iJ'^^ZieS' s^ dT^Jat^ t^ ''"'"- of all the costs and expenses winch shall hive ^::^^:::t^ l^ik^^^Z ^ ~^^ B 2 iiMittcr, to dm 011(1 thai tlioy may he dischari^Td hy the two CoviM-nmoiUs in C(|ual moieties, as provided Itv said 'I'leatv. Tlie lIiideisit;iied,\Vc(.. ' (Sij^iicd) OIK) RUSSKI-K. lirilin. Octuhvr L'l, 1^7*2. No. a. Lord Odn Russril lo EnrI (h-innilli.—(l\rcrlrnl Ortnhrr 2^.) y\\ Lord. Brrlln, Octohn- 21), \H','2. 1 IM.'i p.m. I IIAVK the honour to transmit herewitli to your l-ordship hy .Aihiiiral Prevost tlie Deeisioii and Award ol'the l",m|)eri)r of (lerniany res|)e(iin^' tlie trui- interpreta- tion o( the 'I're.itv of .lune \'>, ISKi, whieh, in aeeord.mee wilh tlie XXW'tli Article ol'tlie 'Prealx of \\'ashint;l(in. is i;iven in writini;-. si;;-ned hy His Majestv, and dated on (lie 'Jlst instant, .-iiid is hirwarded to me hy .M. de I'alan. in ;i letter (hited to-day, the •_' rd instant, wliieli has just been handed in at this Knii),issv. I h.ave, .ke. (Sii^nod) OIK) iiussr:LL. Indosure 1 in No. .'5. M, (Ic Bitlan to Lord Odo Russell. (Transl;iti.)n.) Iirrl!n, Orluhn 'i:\, 187:2. Ills Imperial and Koval Majesty havini;-, in accordance with the Treaty of Washini;ton of M;iv S, ls7|, jnivcn His lioval Award in the Houndarv (^)uestion at issue- Ix'tween Cireat IJritain ;ind the United States, the l;ndersii;-ne(l lias the honour herewith to transmit to his Kxcellencv Her I5rit;uinie .Majesty's ,\nd)assador. Lord IVIo Russell, the Award iir writing-, inl'ormini;' him at the same time that a similar (loeument has been forwarded to the Knvov of the United States at this Court. The Undersijj^ned, ke. (Si<;-ned) HA LAN. Ann I Inclosure 2 in No. .5. Mnjestii the Emperor of (icrmaiuj an the i^aii Jiiiiii liouKdnni Question. \\ IH, W'l LI II;L.M, von Gottcs (inaden, l)cut.scher Kaiser, Kiinisr von Proussen, ^c, 6ie., &:c. Naeli Kinsieht d es zwiscnen ilon 1{ eiiicruna'en nrer Hrit isenen M ijestiit niid der \ ereinii;ten Sla.aten von Amerika i^esehhissenen \'ertra<;es de d.ato W ashini;toii den (Iten* .Mai, IS? I, Inhalts (lessen die f;'edaeh(en l{c^ierun';en die unter ihiiei streitii;e Fra;. den 1, lip'iti )b die (irenilinie, welehe n.iih dem \'erlra:;-e de dato Waslun^ton )ten .liini, 1 s4(). n;ieluicm sie t;('i;'en W'esten l,ini;s des lUten (irades Niirdliele'r his /.ur .Mitt( .'inal leleher das l-'eslland Mm der \':uieouver InscI trennt. iiezniien worden, siidlieh (lurch die Mittc des tiedaehten Kanals uni 1 dor Kuea-.Meereni;e bis zum Stillen Ocean <;-ezot;eii worden soil, (lurch den llosario- Kan.'d, wie die l{e£:;ieriiiii;' Hirer Hrilischen .Majestat beanspruciit, oder (lurch den llaro-Kanal. wie die l?.ei;ieruni;' der Vcreinii;ten Staaten beanspriicht, /.u ziehen sei, L'nscreni Sehic(ls.s|)ruelie untcrhrcitet habcn, damit Wir cn(li;iiltii;' und ohne Heruf'un<^ entscheiden, weleher dicser Ans|)riiclic mit der riehti;,'en .Auslegung des Vertraiics vom 1 ')ten .luni, INlfi, am moisten im Kinklany virtue ol' which the ai)ovc-nained (iowrnincnls have snliniitli-il in Our Arhitrator liie (|iicstion at issue lii'iwceii them. \ i/,., whether the lini; ol' hoinidarv wliicii. aeeoidiui;- lo I he Treat y datei] al AVashin^ton .liuic l"), InK!. al'ti'r it had been eonliiiucd west ward aloni;' the I'Jtli |)arall('i of north lalitude to tlie niiiidle of the I'iiaiuiel whieli separates liie eontinenl I'roni N'aneouver's Island, shall l)e i'lu-tlier drawn sonllierly lhrou'.;li the middle ol' tlie said ciiannel anil nt' Kuea's Straits to the I'aeifie Ocean, ;;liould nui. as elaiined hy the (Jovernrnent ol' IJci- iiritaiinie Majesly, tlin>Ui;li the Hosarii; Straits, or tlu'oiiij,'ii llie Canal ol' llaro, ;is elaiined l)v tlic (lovernmcnt ol' the United States, in order tli.at We slionld decide linallv and without a|)|)eal wliieli oi thes(> claims is most in accordance with t!ie true interpretation of" tlir 'I'realy of. June !.-). IsUl:— Have, alter taUiiii;' into consideration the statement ol' the c\|)erts ;md jurists ai)pointed hv Us to report upon theeonlenis ol' tlic respective eases and counter- eases, witii their inelosiur.s 5;iven tlie roliowin^,- decision : — The el. dm of the (iovernmenl ol' t'lc United .'^lates. vi/,., lli.U tlie line o|' iioundary JK'tween the dominions ol' IK'r IJrilannie Miijcv ty :ind the United Stales should ho run throiicii the (",in;il ol' llaro— is most in accoi'danee with the true iiitei|)retation ol' the 'i"re;iiv eoneluded lietween the ( ioveriiaient ol' Her iJritannic Majesty and that of the Uiiiled Slates ol' America, dated al \\'.'ishiii';ton .rune ]5. InKJ. liiveii iinder Our Hand and Seal at Uerlin, October "Ji, 1872. (Signed) W1ULIA:\I. No. 4. und ii;-ton iuieii ligton iclvr Insel der isario- 1 den n sei. ohne lo- dcs tsknn- Llteten isehen e dato reinig- ;bieten Lord Udo Rtisi^ell la Etirl (jrancillc. — (^Rcccivcil i\orciiibcr 5.) Mv l.ord. Ih-rliii, Xorrinhrr '2. lf^72. WriMI rel'erence to my despateh ol' the2ist instant, in whieli 1 int'orined your Lordship thai, conjointly with Mr. Iiancrol't. I had addressed a note to i,; - 'mperial (lovernmeiit, re(|neslini;- that we mii^'ht be ruinished wifii the account of the costs which ini^hl have been incurred in relation to the S;in Juan Arbitration. I iiave the lionour to inclo'^e lr;inslalion of M. de li.al.an's reply, in which his K\cellencv very eourteouslv iiii'urnis ine liiat no costs or expenses have been incurred by his Ciovernmcnt in the matter. I have, &e. tSinriicd) ODO RUSSELL. Inelosure in Xo. -1. M. dc Ihihnt to Lord Odo Russell. (Translation.) Berlin, Xnrrmhcr 1, 1872. IN the note wlueh Her IJrilannie Majesty's And)assa(lor, Lord Odo Hnssell, was good enough to address to the Unilersigiied on the 2Ist ultimo, communication was recpiested ol' the amount of costs and e\peiises incurred by this country in the boundary (luestion between Great Hritain and the United States. * Sic in oriir. Qiierv, Mav S? Id reply to lliis iiuiiiiiv, tin' riidcrsipfiiod, wliili' ox pressing' liis iIimiiKs for I hi coiu'tcoiis olFcr, has tlii> honour to iiiConn his Kxi'i'llciicy Lord (>ili) ifiisxll tii;il no costs or expenses luive liecn ineuned l>y this country in the niaUtr n-rcin'il lo. Tlie I'luicrsiLincd, &:( (Si-ned) mi, AN. No. -), Vinrounl Enjivld lo Mr. Uviiirrt. Sir, i'orriijii ()/lirr, Sdrcnil" r 7, l^T'J. I TRANSMITTI'",!) to you on the Slst ultimo, l>y Karl (ii-an\ ilh's ive, and rull eU'ect shall he i:;iven lo such Award wit hunt an\ ohjeetion, evasion. or delay whatsoever," and it "shall be considered a;; o|H'rative Iroin the day of the (late of the delivery thereol';'" and I am accordingly lo retpiest thai yo i will move the Karl of Kind)erley lo cause eo|)ies of the Award to be iorward.'d uilh as little dilay as luissiiile to the (iovernor ol" the Dominion ol" Caiiiida an ' to the Lieulenant-l iovernor ol JJrilish Columbia with a rcijuest that |)roj(er iioiil 'ation ol it may be made and eHecl given to it. Kor the latter purpose 1 have, by f.ord (Iranvillo's direetion, writbii a letter lo the Admiralty, ol' whieli a copy is inclosed.' recpiestiii;^' that inslrnetions may be j;-iven lor the immediate withdrawal of the dclachmc'it of Hoyal Marines now slatiuneil on the Island of San Juan ; and 1 am to sitf^f^rst that the (Iiveinor ol' the Dominion ol' Canada and the Lieuienant-tiovernor ol' British Cnlnmlii.i .should be infoi-mcd that these instructions will be j;iveii. I am al>o to transmit to you, Tor Lor I Kimberley's inrorniatio:;, ;! eopv of a despaleh which Lord (iranville has addressed to Sir K. Thornlon rvspcetin^- the Aw ard.i' in which he is instructed to propose to the (loverimient ol the L'nited Slates that IIk; work ol' the former iioundary Commission should be resumed and eomph led by the prcparatit)n ol' a muj) or chart showiiii;' the exact line ol' bnundaix under the Treaty ol' KslJO, and the Kmpcror'b Award. I am, &,(•. ,Si I'aeiHe st;ition or to the Chiel' Naval Oilieer at \'aneoviver"s Island, with instructions that, in aeeonlanee therewilii, the dcl.-iehment of |{o\al ^Marines now stationed at the island of San Juan should b(> at once v. ilhdr.iwn ; and 1 am to su';i;"est thai, in maUiiii;' this conuiiunie.ation lo the Admiral or Chiel' Naval ( )llieer, their Lordshi|is should rrtpiest him to convey lo tin- oflieer in command of the delaehment and lo the men under his orders the a|)preciation ol Her Majestvs Goveninifiit of the harmonious maimer in whieli the joint occupation has been conducted, which reflects the gfcalest credit on the ollieers and men ol' the occupying;' force ol both cuiinlries. I am, &ic. (Sig-ncd) KNFIELU, * Nu. C. I No. 7. No. 7. Earl Clrnnville to Sir K. Thornton. Sir, Foreifjn Oflicp, November S, 1872. I 'I'lrWSMI'I' to you li(M('\vitli CDpios of loiters whifli F have c'niscd to l)0 .•uldrcsscil to iIm> ( '( loiiial ( )irK'(! ami Admiralty,* iuclosinj^- cojik's oC the Award of the Kinpcror ol' (icniiaiiy on the San .luan W'atrr Uoundarv, and ro(nirstinp; that ctfcct may lir i<;\\r to it witli as little dchv as possihic liy tlio withdrawal ol' the detach- ment 111 |{o\al .'lariiu's trnni the Islaiiil ol' San .liian, and the due notilication ol' the Award to the proper ( 'olonial anihorilies. I have to inslrnet yon to rommnnieate (lu; substance ol' tiie instructions which will he i;iven in accordance with these letters to the (iovernment of the United States, and at the same lime to i)ro|i(isi' that the uorU ol'tlu' lioundary Commission, which was iiilerrup'.eil in I S.'i'J, should he resumed ;ind eoMi|i!i't('d hv the pr("paration ol' a map or char' showinj;' the exact jiosition ol' the huundary line from the Gulf of (ienruia throuL;h the I laroChamirl to the ocean, under t!ie Treat v of IS IH, and the Awai'd ol'lhe I'.mpernr oi' ( leiinanv. ll( r Majislv's (lovcrniniiit consider Ih.it, in compliance with the XXXVth Article of the 'Treaty ol" \Vasliini;ton this should he done with as little delay as possible, in order In L;ive eirecl to the Kmperor's Awaril. They presume that the surveys which ha\e already heen m;ide will ree.dcr it unnecessary lor another Commissiim to meet on the spot, hut they leave tin- details oi' th(> arraii:;ement lo he made I'or the coni|)K'tion ol'the work of the Commission for t'urllier consideration. 1 am, o:e. (Si<;-ned) tillAXVILLK. No. S. •Tore the lin;; 1 1 lest ated lU OI' in dand this uest r his r in it on AX Ettrl (Innirille lo Lord Odn Rn.'si'll. y\\ l.ord, t'oriiijii Of/irc. Xoreiiilirr II, \>>7'2. i ItKCKIVKI). on the -JSth ultimo, your lAcellencrs despatch of the •J3rd of Octoher, lorwardin'^- the l)ecision and Award ol" tiie Km])eror ol" (lermany resjtectini;' (he ti'ue interpretation of (he Treaty of ,lune I"), |Sj(l, hetwcen Clreat IJritain and the United States: and I have to instruct you to convey to His Imperial Majesty the (hanks ol' Her Majesty's (rovcrnment I'or (he I'ricndlv motives which induced him to undertake (he arduous task of arhilration in this matter. At the time when His .Majesty's accep(ance of (he res,i()nsihility was solicited, Her Majes(v"s (i(n ■rnment had every coniidcnce in (ho ju(!i;'mcnt of so experienced and enli!4htene Mridsh Ambassador .at the Court of IJerlin, Lord Odo Russell, who, aware of (he nature of the decision, endeavoured, in the interests of his Govern- ment, to modify the judgment or defeat its settlement," \c. [ should not have noticed this statement if I had not seen it repeated in our own ncwspaiiers ; and althouL^'h it may appear unnecessary to (ell your Lordship that I never was engaged in any intrigue to persuade the Emperor to give an award * Nos. 5 and 6. 6 clifTercnt from that whicli n sense of justice would impel him to do, I think it rij;ht to place on record in the areiiives of tiie Foreign Ollice that I altogether deny the statement, which is false and utterly without foundation. I never interfered directly or indirectly to influence the judgment which His Imperial Majesty might pronounce on the (piestion submitted to his decision. I have, &,c. (Signed) Oi)0 RUSSKLL. No. JO. Earl Granville to Lord Odo Russell. My Lord, Forcir/n Office, Noirmbcr 11, 1872. I HAYR received and laid before the Queen your Kxcelleney's despatch of the Dtli instant, relative to a statement which appeared in tiic " New York Herald" and was copied into the English newspapers respecting an alleged attemjit on your i)art to influence the decision of tlie Km|)eror of Cierm.any on the San Juan question, and I have read your formal contradiction of this statement with satisfac- tion. Altiiough the denial was not necessary, and no one in Kngland attached anv importance to the unfounded rumour, it is well to have the refutation of it on record. I am, &c, (Signed) GRANVILLE. No. 11. Mr. Holland to Viscount Enjicld. — (Received November 12.) Sir, Dnvninri Street, November 12, 1872. I AM directed by the Earl of Kimberley to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7lh instant, received on the 9th, res|)ccting the steps to be taken to give effect to the Award of the Emperor of Germany in the San ,Iuan Arbitration case. 1 am desired to state, for the inlormation of Karl CJranville, that copies of the Award were communicated to the Governor-General of Canada by the mail of the 7tli, and to tile Lieutenant-Governor of Hritish Columbia by that of the 1st instant. A copv of your letter now under acknowledgment will be communicated to them bv the next mails to Canada and British (^olinnbia respectively, for their information and guidance, and they will he instructed to take care that proper notilication is made of llie Emperor's Award and effect given to it. 1 am, &ic. (Signed) H. T. HOLLAND. No. 12. Earl Granville to Admiral Prcvost. Sir Foreif/n Office, November \C>, 1872. I II.WK to convev to you the thanks of the Queen and of Her Majesty's Coven.ment fni- the zeal' and ability which you have disi^layed in the preparation of tiie Case and the Counter-Case |)resented to His Majesty the Em|)eror of tJermany on behalf of (heat Hritain in maintenance of the claims of this country to the line of wall 1- boundary separating the Continent of North America from Yaneouvers Island which were reforred to His Majesty's Arbitration under the NXXiVth Article of the Trea'^v of Washington. The eflicient manner in which your duties, as Houndary Commissioner, were discharged under circumstances re{|'uiring the exercise of great tact as well as sciiMitilic attainments of high order, has been acknowledged by previous Secretaries of State, and it gives me much pleasure to add this approval of your labours throughout the recent Arbitration. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. I am, &c. (Signed) GRANVILLE, Sir, you, NO. 13. ne S,rn,„„j ,„ „,r ..,,/„„>„„,, ,„ ,•;,„„„, E,,JiM.-iR,c.iv,d K.vemler 20.) Senior Xaval ()( ^or • 's , I • t u- Commancler-n.-chief in the Pacific and U.e by tcl' '^"^ ••^^'^'-'' f---" t^c senior V. L. No. M. T/if ^S.c/7./r,ny to the AdmiraUy to Viscount Enju-hl.- {Received November 23.) Sir, ... I * M II, -Ad inirultv, November '^^ 187'> ro| oiii.ij; tli.it till- al)(V( onlois havo licoii o.ir.icd out, Cliat tliu (Ict.iclniiciit of -Manoos have cvac.iatcl the lsla,„l „f San .loan a„,l tluu iho camp is cicin'. I am, &,c. (Signed) VKRNOX LUSHINGTON. No. 15. Earl (iritiirillc to Lord Odo Ri(ssell. Foreign Office, November 25, IS iMv Lord, I II.UK rcceiycMl your K.xccllcncy s despatch of the 2nd instant, inclosin- a eopy ul a note lr<.n. .M. de liahin. inlbrnnno. vou, in reply to t he i, Xv Kx eilency.thatnoco.st.sore.vpenscs had been incurred bv the Prussia,, (iovern- ment a, respect ul (he San Juan Arbitration; and I have to instruct your Kxeelicncv u> eonvcv.no. to M. ,1c IJalan the thanks of Her iMajesty's Government fo I ii courtesy ,n rc.an to this allair, to express the sense which they entertain of the Senerosity show,, by the (iennan tJovcrnment in .leclininc. to allow Her 'la csty's Government to make any payment on account of the expenses of the arbitration'. ' I am, &,c. (Signed) GRANViLLK. No. 16. The Secrefanj to the Admiralti/ to Viscount Enfield.— (Received November 29.) ^""' .-, Admiralty, November 2S,IS12. I A.M commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to acquaint you, Jor the inlormatiua of Karl Granville, that a telegram has this day been 125 8 received from the Senior Naval OOicer at Ksqiiimalt, statin^;- that llie catiip ana buildings liitherto oeeiipieil by tlie detaehment of .Marines stationed on San .liian Island had been handed over to the Americans. I have. &ic. (Sio-ned) ROBKHT HALL. No. 17. EnrI Granville to Sir E. Thornton. Mr, Fonii/ii Offirr, Xorrinlirr 'J!), Is7l2. IN my despatch of the Sth instant I stated tiiat Her Majesty's (iiivcrnnient would leave tiu' details of the aiTani;('nuMit to lu' niadi' Cor t!u' coinplcliDn of the work of the North-West American Water IJoinuhuv Commission lor liirllicr consideration. ! have now to state to yon that it a|)p("ars to li'.-r Majesty's liovernmciit that the worU of t lie Moiindaiv Commissioners should be resnmed l)y the reapiiointmcnt of Commissioners on the part of the respective (lovcnimeiits. who sIkmiIiI meet .uid proceed with as little delay as possil)le to compare ami examine" the charts and snrve\s already pi-cparcd hv the Commissioners appoint'd in ]s,")(i, and lay down upon ma|)s in dtiprKati\ to he suhsecpienth' sii;ned hv them and recordcil in a Prot(!vol. the actual line of water houndarv in accordance with Article 1 of the Treaty of.Iune lo. ISK). and the Award of the Kmperor of (Jermany. Her Majt'stv s ( iovernment \\ ill lie prepared at once to rcai)point for tiie pur|)ose Adndral Prevost, to l)(> assisted as on the former ( ceasion by Admiral Richards, the hydroi;ra|)her of the Hoard of Admiraltv, and would he i;la(l to know wliether the Government of the United States are also ready to name a Commissioner. 11(M' Majestv's (Jovernment are informed tiiat the charts and surveys have been so lav com|)leted as to render anv further local examination of the boundary uiuie- cessary. and they do not antieiiiate that many meetini;s of the Commissioners would be re(|uired. Thev therefore pro|)ose that the meetings should take place in l^ondon or in i'airope; but if the United States' Ciovernment. express a stron<;' opinion on the matter, thev would not object to the Commissioner-s meetiui;' in the United States. They, however, consider it of importance, in oriler to s;i\e due and (>arly ellect to the Award, under the XXX\th Article of the Treaty, that the matter should be forthwith ijrocccded with. [ am, 6cc. (Signed) liHAXVlLLE. No. 18. Sir E. Thornton to Earl Gmnrillf. — (Rrreircd Drrcinln'r 1.) My Lord. l\'ii.-rthe Award of the Kmperor of (iermaiiy. it would be necessary to enter njion arrant;"ements for the collection of the revenue, for estalilishin;;- Courts of .Listiee, and tor other mattei's ; indeed, a telei;'ram had already been received by the Ti'casurv ne|)artment from the C'overnor of V»'asliinL;ton Tenl: )ry, ii.ijuiring whether duties w(>re to be at once levied upon i;()ods arriving- in the Inland of San .hian, and the Secretary of the 'J'reasury had been urging the President to i^sue directions upon this subject. 1 replieil tiia! 1 had no doubt that Her Majesty's (iovernment had already taken measures with a view to leaving the island at the entire di.-^posal of the (iovernment of tiie United States, but that it was not likely that 1 shoidd be informetl by telegraph of ihe orders whicii iiad been given. Mr. Fish, however, e\|)i'essed a wish lo learn as soon ;is possible what had been done, and asked me to telegr;i))h to your Lordsliip. It was in com|)liancc with hisrccpiest that I addressed to \our Loi-dshii) i!i\ tcleiiram of the llth instant. 9 On recci|)t of your Lordship's tclcjv,-ani of the HJth instant, I communicated to y\r. Fish its suhst.-incc, and iio nMiiiostcd nic to convey to yonr Lordship his acknowlrd-incnts lor th<> irtlcrs wiiich had l)oon .'ukhT.sscd'by the Forcig-n OHice to *hc Admiralty and the Colonial Department. With reference to the jiroposal that the woik of the Moundarv Commission, which was interrupted in l.s.VJ. sli()\dd at one(> !)(> resumed, and shonlil he completed hy a map or chart showina- the position ol' tiie houndary lino throiij;ii tiie llaro Cliannel under the Tn>aty of ISKi and the Kmperor of Germany's Award, Mr. I'ish said that lie would, witiiout loss of time, consult with the I'n-sicient, who, he had no (lotd)t. would he disposed to reeonmiend Conp,-ress, in his next .Messagx- to that Hody, to autlu)ii/.(> the appointment of a Commission for that purpose. i have, &;c. (Si-ned) KDWD. THORNTON. No. lit. N'V /'J. Tiicnildii t to Mr. Fish, co|)y of which 1 have the honour to inclose, conveying' to him the suhstancc ol' 1 hat despatch and of its inclosures. Oil Ihe same day. the u'lst instnnt, I called upon .Mr. Fish, at the Stale Depart- ment, and h(> alludi'd lo my not(! whieli he had jnst read. With reference to that part ol' it in v.hieli 1 inldriiied him thai I ler .Majesty's (iovernmciil presumed that the surveys of the water houndary from the (iulf of Georgia to the ocean through the Haro Channel, which had already been made, would render it imnecessary for another Commission to meet on tiies|)ol, Mr. Fish said that he was much gratified to ree.'ive this suggestion from I L'r .Ahajesty's (iovernment which had not struck him before, but which, if carried out, would, he thought, save a great deal of trouble and e\|H'nsi', and would be complclely satisl'actorv ; indeed, without having consulted the I'resideiit of having thought over the matter, his first idea was that a chart might i)e made here or in l.oiidon. the boundary line laid down U|)on it, and the chart signed on behalf of each (lovernment in .luplicate. Yesterday, 1 had the honour to receive your Lordshi()'s telegran'. informing me of the orders given by Ihe Admiralty for the withdrawal of the Royai Marines from the island of San .iuaii and of Ihe re|il\' wliieii had been received from the Senior Naval Ollic'r at F.sipiim.ill. I called upon .Air. Fish to ac. referring to the maj) of the llaro and Rosario Straits, whi"h formed Annex No. ;! ol the case submitteil by Her .Majesty's Glovcrnmcnt to the i^m|)eror of Cicrmany. Tlie line thus roughly put down by .Mr. Fish would begin at the point on the 49tli parallel in the middle of the (iulf of Georgia ; thence in a direction about east- south-east by south to a point opposite the entrance of IKaro Channel ; thence in a south-south-westcrlv ilireetion between Tnmbo .and Saturna Islands on the right, and Patos Island on liie left, to a jjoint midway between Moresby and Stuart Islands; then in a direction about south-soutli-east by east, leaving (iooch, Sidney, and Darcv on tiie right, and lleiirv and San .luan Islands on the left, to a point in the middle of Juan (ie Fuca Strait; and thence along the midilleof that strait to the ocean. C 2 10 Mr. Fish added that he would oivo diroctions that a larger diaitsliould l)c made, and lliat the line in accDnlaneo with tlie ()|)inie'i of tlie United States' Ciov(!rnnieiit slionid he marked upon it; and that he wndd then hand it tome lor transmission to your Lordship. 1 liave tliis evenin<^ reeeivcd your Lordship's telei;rani of to-dav iiilormin^- me that the Admiralty had reeeivcd a tele<2;rain repealinf>- that the detach, ncnt oi Koval Marines had evacuated San .luan, and 1 liave eonimunieated the ini'urniatijn to Mr. Kisli in a private not(>. 'The word " repcatint;" in your liOi'dshi-p's l('ieL;rani siiouid prol)al)iv l)c '" rejiortin;;-." Mr. Kish in reply, states that tlie United States' (ioveiiunent liiL;ldv appreeialos tlie spontaneous action o\' llcr Majcsly's (.ovciiuuent in aeceplin<;- the awar(l. 1 liave, 6cc. ^Sio-ncd) KDWl). THORNTON. V.S --Xiin iiiiicr 2C>. Since writinp," the aliove, 1 have received fi'om .Mr. Fish tiic note of which I have the honour to inclose a copy, in reply io mine of the 21st instant. Inclosurc 1 in No. 19. ^?/;' E. Thornton to Mr. Fish. Sir. lydshini/loii, Nardiilirr 21, 1872. I\ conij)liancc with an instruction which I have receiv(>d IVom Karl (iranvillo, I have the honour to inform you tii.-it on the 7th and Mh instant his l>ordsiii|) caused letters to he addressed to the Colonial Odiee and to the Adndralty, inclosiui;; co|)ic-s of the Award of the Kmj)eror ol'tiermanv on the San .luan Water boundary, iind retpii stiui; that clFcct mav he ijiven to it witl> ;is little delay ;is possible by the witlulrawal ol' the detachment of Uoy.al Marines IVom the Island ol' San Juan, and llie due nolilieation of the award to the proper Colonial Authorities. In aeeiirdance with the tenor of these letters, a copy of the Award will he lor warded to tiie Ciovernor-Ceneral of the Dominion of CaiKula. and lo the Lieutenant- tiovernor of Ih-itish Columbia, with a request that jjrojjcr notiiication of it may be inade, and elfeet L;iven to it. The .\dndraltv will also connnunicate a copy of the .Award with ;is little delay as i)()S.:ii)Ie to the Admiral in command of the Pacific Station, or to tlu- Chief Naval Oiricer at Vancouver's Island, with instructions that, in accordance therewith, the delaclimenl of Royal Marines now statior.ed at the Island of San .luan .-hould be at once withdranii. " 'J'he Admiral or Chief Naval OHicer will also be requested to convev to the olficcr in commanil of the detachment, and totlu'inen under hisorders, the a|)prcciation of Her Majesty's (iovernment of the harmonious manner in which the joint oceuiiation has been conducted, which re(l(-cts (he Lireatest credit on the otiicers and men of the occupyin<;" force of both countries. Farl (iranville has further instructed me to propose to the (iovci-niricnt of the rinted St.iles that the work of tlie Houndary Commission, which was interrupted in Is.'i'.l. should be resumed .and completed by tlie pre|)aration of ;i map or chart showiii:;- the exact portion of the boundary line from the tiulf of tieori;ia through the Han) Channel to the <-'-?an under the Treaty of ISID, and the Award of the Km|)eror of Cicrmany. Her .M.ajestv's Ciovernment considers that, in compliance with the N.XXVth Article of the Treaty of \Vasliini;ton, this should he doni> with as little delay as possible, in order to '/\\c cll'eet to the l-hnperor's Award, it |)resiimes that the survevs v.hieh have l)een already made will render it unnecessary for another Cominission to mei't on the spot, lint it leaves the details of the arrani;ement to he made tor tiie completion of the work of the Commission for further consideration. 1 have, &,c. ^Signed) Fi)WI). THORNTON. 11 Inclosurc 2 in No. 19. Mr. y'7,v/( (i) Sir E. Thornton. ^ii". I)rii((rliiiriit of Stale, fVdshiiKjton, Nnremhrr 2'], 1872. 1 IIAVI'; tlie lioiioiir to acknowliilop the rcc-cipt of your note ol' tlicjlst instant, ill uiiicii you ;!i-e pleased to iiilDriii mi" ol' (ho steps takeii hy i'".ari (iranvillc to earry into ell'cet the award made l)y llic l-lmprTor of (Jermaiiv on the San Juan Water IJoundary. The pronipi and spontan(\)ns niea-snres adojjted hy Her Majesty's (lovcrnmcnt lor (lie linai adjustment ol'the (pn^stion are iii^hly ap|)reeiated hy this (iovernment. Tiie pr()|)ositi()n made i)y his Lonh.hi|'i, to the elleot tliiit tlie work of the I'xinndary C\>niniission, whieh was inlerrnpli'd in 1S;VJ, should he resuuKxi and e(impl(>ted liy tiie preparation oi' a map or ehart sliowin^- tiie exaet jiosition of the hue I'roni the (udf of (ieor^-ia thron<;h tiie llaio Ciiannel to the oteim, under the Treaty ol' IHKi, and the Award ol' tlie Kmperor of (Jcrmany, meets the assent of this (iovernment. 'i'lie (iovernment ol' tiie United States entertains the same opinion as tiiat exjiressed by Her .Majesty's (iovernment. that as little dcikij as jiossible should !;e incurred in i;ivin<;- elieet to the Mmperor's Award ; and that the surveys w iie;i have already been made will render it unnecessary for another Commission to meet on the S|K)t. I have, &ic. (Si-ncd) HAMILTON FISH. No. 20. •lav ival the at to ers, lieli the the in lart )u^h the Sir E. Tliornlon to Karl (Ininrillr. — ( Rcrrivrd Dfcembcr'S].) I\ly Lord, Washintjton, Deccmb'r IG, 187-i. \VHI''N' I ventured to trouble your Lordship with mv telegram ol'the 12th instant, I had not yet reecMved your despatch ol' the 2!)Lh ultimo relative to the water boundary tliroui;'h the Haro C'liannel, whieh did not reach nie till the night of the LUli instant. On the receipt, however, ol" that (les|)atch I I'ell that vour Lordship would hav(> no objection to the boundarv line being laid down on a chart or map either in London or here without its being ncccssarx' to send a ('omir.ission to the sjjot. I therel'ore called u])on Mr. Kisli on the following day and communicated to him the substance of the above-mentioned despatch. Mr. Fish said that, as the Session of Congress would be short, and there was a good deal of business before it, he should, being now aware of the feeling of Her .Majesty's (iovernment U|)on the subject, send to Congress on Tuesday (to-morrow) a liill proposing to authorize the President to ajipoint as a Commissioner, either the Secretary of State, one of the Assistant S(>cretaries of State, or the United States' Minister in London, to co- opeiate with a Commissioner named iiy Her Majesty for the purpose of laying liown on a chart or map the water boundary line through the Haro Channel to t.lie sea. He should also ask for a small sum merely to cover any little expense connected with making the necessary charts. Mr. Kish said that the United States' (Iovernment would have no objection to the ch.art in (piestion being pre|)ared and ultimately signed in London as well as the accompanying Protocol, and that the only reason for inserting in the Uill the names of some |)ersons at Washington was the possibility that (Jencral Schenck might not be in London .at the time. Mr. Kish informed me that, in the meantime, he had given directions that the boundary line, as the United States' Ciovernmcnt believed it to be, should be laid down on one of the maps annexed to (he British Case sul)mitted to the Kmjieror of (lermanv, and on a chart i)re|)are(I by the United States' C(\ast Survey ; and that when these two were ready, he would send them to me to be t'orwarded to Kngland for your Lordship's insjiection, or that of any other persons to whom you might wish lo sidnnit tlioin for examination. I l)eg to oiler to your Lord.sliip my acknowledgments for your answer to my telegram of the I2th instant, which readied me this afternoon. i have, Sec. (Signed) KDWn. THORNTON. 12 No. 21. iS'/r E. Thornton to Earl Granville. — {Received .htnuari •) IMv I.onl. IVdshinijtnu, Dercinbtr 2^. \^7'2. Wrril iTl'cronco to my (lcs|)atcli of the IHtli instant, I have ilic honour to inforni youi Lonlsliij) tliat, dnrinj:^ a visit wlucli I paid to IMr. Kisli on tli(> IDtli instant, iio toii. ...-• tliat it liad hecn fonnd moro convenient to lav down the watei- lionniiarv line throui^h the llaro ("iiannel on two of tiie Admiralty Charts, than on one of the maps annexed to the Case presented to the Kmperor of (iermaiu, or on the charts of the I'nited States' Coast Snrvey. lie then showed me the Adniiralty charts in duiilicate. with the boundary line marked on tiicm. and said that he would put his initials ujion them, and would send them to me in order thai I mii;hi, alter exnminiiii;' them, forward whichever I chose for your Lordship's inspection, lie begged me to return tlie other set to him with my initials upon them. As the two sets seemed precisely alike, I have done so, and have now the honour to transmit herewith tlie set which I selected. .Mr. Fi-h suggested that if. after vour Lordship had inspected these charts, and tliey had l)ecn examined !)v Admiral Prevost or .any other person whom Her Majesty's Cjovernment should direct lo do so, the boundary line should be pronounced to be correctly laid down, n single chart shoultl be made either in Kngland or here, on which th.e whole of the boundarv line should b(> laid down in accordance m ith the two charts transmitted herewith. He further projjosed that this new chart and an explanatory I'rotocol should be signed in duplicate at Washington by him and by any one else whom yo'.ir Lordsiiip might direct, and that one of the charts there signed should be transmitted to your Lordship. The Hill to which I alluded in my above-mentioned desjiatch. !iut of which I have ncit yet been able to obtain a ci'pv, was submitted to the House of Hepivsenta- tives on the I7th instant by General Manks, as Chairman of the Coairnil ice on Koreigii Relations. The hrst section projioses to authorize the President to a|)poinl the Secretary of State, or either of the Assistant Secretaries, or the United States' Minister at London, or, in his discretion, by and with the advice of the Senate, to aj)point a Commission, to act jointly with such ollieer or Commissioner as niay be named by Iler .Alajesty, for the pur|)osc of completing tlu; dctermina • )n of so niueli of tlie bouiuLirv lin(> between the territory of the United States and tiie possessions of (ireat Britain ;is was left nneomi)leted bv the Commissioner .appointed under the Act of Congress of August U, ISob. to carry into ell'eet the 1st Article of the Treaty of the 15th of .Line, l^Ki, betwec-ii the L'nited States ;uid (Ireat Uritain. The 2n(.l section of the IViU appropriates the sum of 5, ()()() dollars, or so much thereof as mav be retpiired to carrv into ell'eet the provisions of the Act. After the Bill h;\d been read a first and second time, General Banks proposed that it should be; at once taken into consideration. This motion was agreed to; the Hill was read a third tiinc and passed. It was forwarded to the Senate, where action will probably be taken upon it soon after Congress shall reassemble on the 0th of next month. (Signed) '' ' ^EDWD. THORNTON. our to ' IDlli water Kill (III , or (111 I i rally would , ;i('t(M- 1. Ho )W llio hat if, C(l 1)V (I i root siiii;-Io intlarv ewitii. lid im I'dsiiip o your iiirh [ ■scnta- retarv ■;lor a"t joiiit a cd hy of the oils of Icr the Prcaty much ) posed o ; the pon it ON.