IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) h <: /. % y ^ 1.0 I.I ^e IIM ? 1^ IIIIIM 1.8 1.25 1.4 ^ M 6" — ^^ PhotDgraphic Sciences Corporation V k •>^ \ :\ \ KS ^ 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques T«chR to other busi- ness, appoint one of their number to act us Chairnaun and one as Vice-Chairman, who sball r'^spectively be the President and Vice-President of the Hospital for the ensuing year. They shall also appoint a Treasurer and Secretary. 5. Every meeting shall be presided over by the President or Vice-President, or in their absence by one of the Directors present, to be appointed for the occasion. Any vacancy occur- ring on the Board can be filled by the existing members until the next annual election. 6. The Directors shall hold a meeting at the Hospital at least once in every month. Six members of the Board to form a quorum. 7. These meetings shall be called by printed or written notices, specifying the day, hour and place of meeting. Notices shall be delivered or posted to each Director at least twenty-four hours previous to the date and time of the meeting called. 8. The President may at any time, or shall on the written requisition of three Directors, call a special meeting of the Board for the transaction of business. 9. At the time appointed for the monthly meeting, if there shall be a quorum present, the President, or in his ab- sence the Vice-President, or in the absence of both any other Director present appointed for the occasion, shall take the chair, and proceed to business in the following order : (1) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, whicK shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, wa^n approved. (2) Reading of Communications. (3) Reading and consideration of Reports : (a) Resident Physician's Report. (6) Matron's Report. (c) House Steward's Report. {d) Visiting and Consulting Physicians' and Surgeons' Reports (if anyV («?) Sub-committees' Rej.)< . ts (if any). (/) Other Reports. (4) Reading and coiisiderati- n ot the Treasurer's Monthly Statement. (5) Consideration of the Minutes (if any) made by the Visitincf Directors for the month, (6) Miscellaneous business. 10. The Directors shall, in monthly rotation of two or more of their number, visit the Hospital, and shall enter their names in a book there to be kept for that purpose, with such observations relative to the internal management of the Hos- pital, or to any other matter that they may think necessary. The said book to be presented by the Secretary at the next regular meeting of the Directors. 11. They shall cause to be deposited all moneys received on account of the Hospital in one of the chartered banks of the Dominion, to the credit of the Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital, and all cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. 12. They shall invest in good and sufficient securities all moneys which may at any time come into their hands for the use and support of the Hospital and which may not be required for immediate expenditure. 13. They shall appoint such officers and servants, and pay such salaries and wages as they may think right, defining the duties of the staff, directing all arrangements for the faithful and economical working of the Hospital, and generally order and carry into effect such regulations, from time to time, as they may consider necessary or desirable. 14. They shall decide as to the number of free patients 8 to be admitted into the Hospital, and the terms upon which paying patients shall be received and treated. 15. They shall not allow to be retained in the Hospital as patients any insane or lunatic persons, or any others not actually requiring medical treatment. 16. The President, or Vice-President in his absence, shall sign, on behalf of the Corporation, all deeds, contracts and instruments which the Directors may authorize to be exe- cuted, or which the Corporation may be bound to execute. 17. The Directors shall, from time to time, as they may deem expedient, frame regulations for the carrying out of the duties of all or any of the employes they appoint. TREASURER. 18. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys belong- ing to the Hospital, and deposit the same in a chartered bank of the Dominion, in the name of the Provincial Royal Jubilee^ Hospital, and for all payments he shall produce vouchers. If the Board shall so require, he shall give bonds for the faithful performa^nce of his duties; the amount of such security to be decided by the Directors. 19. He shall keep regular and strict accounts of all finan- cial matters relating to the Hospital, submit a statement thereof monthly to the Board of Directors, or as often as they may require, and make up tne Annual Statement of the finan- cial affairs of the Hospital, to be laid before the Directors prior to the issue of the Annual Report. He shall give a receipt for all sums paid as subscriptions or donations, and prepare, at least seven days prior to the annual meeting, a correct list of all subscribers or donors, for use at the said meeting. 20. He shall keep in some safe place to be provided for the purpose, all books and documents the property of the Hospital. 21. He shall keep such books and accounts as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct, and be the cus- todian of all moneys left by deceased patients. SECRETARY. 22. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board, I ■^■""■SPSB .f take minutes of the proceedings of such meetings and trans- cribe the same in a book provided for that purpose. 23. He shall at every meeting of the Board of Directors read the proceedings of the last meeting. Through him all communications of whatever nature shall be made to the Directors, and by him from the said Directors to the public or any department of the Hospital, except in tne case of such communications as may be more properly made or signed by the President. 24. It shall be the duty of the Secretary, at least twenty- four hours previous to each monthly meeting, to send a notice of the time and place of such meeting to each Director. In the case of special meetings, the object of such meeting shall be stated on the notice. He shall notify sub-committees of their appointment. 25. He shall lay on the table in the Committee Room, at every monthly meeting of the Directors, tne Journal or Minutes of their proceedings ; the books and documents mentioned in Clause 9 ; and any other documents or communications re- lating to the affairs of the Hospital which he may have received or the Board may require. He shall collect the accounts rendered to the several Hospital officials and hand them to the Treasurer as .sooti as practicable before each monthly meeting. He shall furnish the Steward with copies of all contracts awarded to tradesmen. PATIENTS AND VISITORS. 26. The object of admitting patients into the Hospital being their relief from bodily ailment, the first consideration must be to treat them medically, avoiding all needless excite- ment as detrimental to their cure. Persons who are simply poor, and not in need of medical treatment, shall not be ad- mitted into the Hospital as patients. 27. Patients shall only be admitted to the Hospital upon the production of an order signed by two Directors, and at the discretion of the Resident Medical Officer ; and they can only be permitted to remain in the Institution if the Visiting Physician or Surgeon is of opinion that medical treatment is likely to be of benefit to them. Accident and other urgent cases shall be promptly admitted without any formality what- ever. 10 A 28. Every patient upon admission shall state his or her name, sex, age, religion and residence. It shall be the duty of the resident Medical Officer to obtain these particulars, which are to be entered upon a card, to be affixed to the head of the bed in which the patient is placed. This record is to be treated as conclusive unless and until the patient voluntarily requests the Resident Medical Officer to make any changes in the card, such request to be made in the presence of at least one other resident official of the Hospital as a wit- ness thereto, the record of the religion on the card to be an invitation to clergymen of the same denomination as the patient to attend on him or her. Officers of the. Hospital are forbidden to permit any interference with the particulars recorded on the card for the time being. 29. A list of the patients in the Hospital, containing a record in accordance with the foregoing clause, is to be daily exhibited in the Hospitr' lobby for the information of clergymen and other visitors. 30. Except in urgent cases, visitors shall only be ad- mitted to see patients on week days between the hours of 3 and 5 p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m.; and whilst at. the Hospital must attend to the orders of the Resident Medical Officer, who will be held responsible that no conduct is permitted detri- mental to the patients, or interfering with their proper medical treatment, comfort or care. Visitors are to be requested to enter their names in a book to be kept for that purpose in the entrance hall. Religious services are only per- mitted to be hvjld on Sundays, between the hours of 3 and 4 p. m., but private bedside services for individual patients may take place at any time, with the consent of the Resident Medical Officer. Such services, however, must be conducted in hs quiet a manner a«< possible, so as not to interfere with the other patients in the ward. 3i. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the corridors and public wards of the Hospital, and is only allowed in the private wards with the express consent of the Physician or Surgeon in attendance. CONSULTING PHYSICfANS AND SURGEONS. 32. The Board of Directors may appoint from time to time such number of Honorary Consulting Physicians and \ A 11 i Surgpons, for all departments of the Hospital as they may deem expedient. 33. The Board of Directors may appoint, from time to time, such visitinj? Physicians and Suvgeons as they think proper. 34. The consulting and visiting Physicians and Surgeons shall form an advisary .committee for the purpose of consult- ation ; shall make i-eports to the Board of Directors on the medical affairs of the Hospital when they deem it necessary to do so ; and shall also report on any matters referred to them by the Directors. 35. The Board of Directors may at any time, if they deem it to be in the interest of the Hospital to do ao, by reso- lution, remove any consultmg or visiting Physician or Sur- geon. 3(). A book shall be kept in which the visiting Physician or Surgeon shall keep a record of all cases attended to by him in his regular visits to the Hospital, giving therein such particulars as may be useful as a record in the future. 37. In cases where a consultation is desired by the visit- ing Physician or Surgeon, the Resident Medical Officer shall notify all the members of the medical staff to that effect. 38 No insane or lunatic person shall be admitted into the Hospital unless the sickness arises from delirium tremens or other curable disease, nor .shall any incurable patient be ad- mitted unless with the special sanction of the Directors, who shall have every patient who proves to be incurable removed from the Hospital, unless sUch patient is specially allowed to I'emain. The visiting Physician or Surgeon shall report when called upon by the Directors to do so, whether any par- ticular patient is in his opinion curable or not. 39. The visiting Physician or Surgeon and resident Medical Officer shall have the power of examining post mor- tem the bodies of deceased patients, provided the relatives of such patients do not object. Notice of such post mortems to be sent to the entire medical staff. All specimens to be placed in the Hospital Museum. 12 40. Patients are to be admitted into the private wards only at the rates of payment authorized by the Board. They may be attended by any duly qualified practitioner at their personal expenses 41. The visiting Physician and Surgeon shall make quarterly reports to the Board of Directors on the work done during the past three months, with any suggestions that may occur to them. RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICER. 42. The Board of Directors shall, if they think i^t appoint a Resident Medical Officer, and award him such salary and allowances as they may decide upon. 43. He shall reside m the Hospital and have charge of all the patients, and be responsible for the carrying out of orders in reference to their treatment. He shall give his whole time and attention to the work of the Hospital. 44. He shall be the chief resident officer of the Hospital and shall have full general charge of the s^ vft*; see thai the nurses perform their duties as such properly, that the patients are well looked after, and that the wards are kept in a clean and satisfactory condition. 45. He shall admit patients into the Hospital subject to the regulations laid down by the Board of Directors, and discharge patients as directed by the visiting Physician or Surgeon. 46.';^ He shall report through the Secretary or Trea- surer to" the Beard of Directors on all matters under his charge, and shall keep such books as the Directors may from time to time order to be kept — especially a requisition book, in which shall be entered from all departments the require- ments from traders. Previous to issue, these requisitions, together with the counterparts, shall be signed by him. 47. He shall be responsible for the proper care of all sur- gical instruments, together with the property of the Hospital generally. 48. He shall be responsible for the conduct of the patients, and shall have power to discharge :my patient who persists in disregarding his orders, or who by his actions or proceedings becomes an annoyance to the others ; but in any such instance he shall at once report his action to tiie Secre- tary in writing. 49. He shall see to the carrying out of Bye-Law No. 37. in regard to consultations, and issue notices when so directed by the visiting Physician or Surgeon. 50. He shall have charge of the training school for nurses, when such a school shall exist, and shall arrange for such a course of instruction and lectures as shall best qualify the pupil nurses for their calling. 51. He shall daily enter in a book to be kept for that purpose the number of patients admitted and discharged dur- ing the previous twenty -four hours. 52. He shall make the necessary arrangements for post morteTn examinations. 53. He shall see that the strictest economy is practiced throughout the Hospital in every respect. 54. He shall daily visit all patients and every part of the Hospital.. 65. He shall attend to all cases of sickness occurring in the house staff. 56. He shall be present at all operations, and see that the necessary preparations are made for the same. 57. He shall discharge patients only upon the order of the visiting Physician or Surgeon, except as provided for by Rule No. 48. 58. He snail see that a list is kept in the General Office, showing the patients under the care of each individual mem- ber of the active staff, and shall have the names of new patients, with number of ward, added as soon after admission as possible. This statement is for the information of the visiting Physician and Surgeon in their visits through the wards. 14 59. The Resident Assistants, from time to time appointed by the Board, shall be under his direction. He shall arrange the hours, etc., when clinical clerks and dressers are at liberty to visit the wards. 60. He shall countersign all orders issued for Hospital supplies, and see that no goods are purchased without a written order being given, such written order to correspond with the counterpart retained in the Requisition Book. 61. He shall daily countersign all stimulant cards and rolls. 62. He shall have charge of the out-patients' department, and shall keep such particulars of out-patients as are from time to time ordered by the Board of Directors to be kept. 63. He shall isolate patients suffering from contagious diseases, and shall be at liberty to change patients from one ward to another, if such be necessary for the better working of the B^ospital. 64. At the request of the visiting Physician oT Surgeon, he shall call a consultation of the other members of the medical staff' at such time as he may be requested. 65. He shall see that the regulations in reference to the Consulting and visiting Physicians and Surgeons, as laid down by the Board, are carried out. 66. He shall have general charge of the Hospital build- ings and surrounding grounds, and shall be responsible for their cleanliness and order. 67. He shall not be away from the Hospital at the same time as the Matron, who is at all times to be in chaJge during his absence. 68. He shall take charge of and be responsible for all cash and valuables, the property of patients or others, left in his care, and shall account to the Treasurer for all pay^ patients' fees, or other moneys received by him on account of the Hos- pital, handing the same ov,^ to the Treasurer when requested to do io, and taking his receipt. ^ ^ 16 69. He is expressly forbidden to communicate directiy or indirectly any information concerning the Ho8j)ital, or any person or thing connected therewith, to tbe public press, ex- cept by the consent of the Directors. MATRON, 70. The Board of Directors shall, if they think fit, ap- point a Matron, and award her such salary and allowances as they may decide upon. 71. The Matron shall reside in the Hospital, and subject to the general supervision of the Resident Medical Officer, shall see that the entire Hospital is kept in a thoroughly clean and satisfactory condition. 72. She shall see that the female servants attend to their work, the Resident Medical Officer being responsible for the conduct of the Nurses while on duty. 74. She shall have charge of the Laundry. 73. She shall see that the supplies ordered from time to time by the Directors, for her department, are carefully and economically used, and that no waste or extravagance occurs. 75. She shall take charge of all the moveable property of the Hospital in her Department, keeping an inventory of everthing, together with a list showing the articles from time to time added, and those either destroyed or which have become useless from any cause. 76. She shall not be away from the institution without the knowledge of the Resident Medical Officer, or during his absence, except from sickness or other unavoidable cause. 77. She shall at all times obey the instructions of the Resident Medical Officer. 78. She shall report to the Board of Directors once a month, or oftener if required. 16 ..! 'V- HOUSE STEWARD. 79. He shall strictly obey the orders of the Resident Medical Officer. 80. He shall have charge of the kitchen and all employed therein, also the furnaces, and shall see that the meals are properly cooked and regularly served as required. 81. He shall see that the supplies ordered from time to time by the Board for the use of the Hospital, in his depart- ment, are carefully and economically used, and that no waste or extravagance occurs. He s^hall at once report to the Resident Medical Officer any deficiency, either in the quantity or quality of the goods supplied to the Hospital, on contract or otherwise, and see that a copy of the order given accom- panies the invuice. 82. He shall be responsible for all the moveable property of the Hospital in his department, keeping a full and correct inventory of the same, together with a separate list showing the articles from time to time added, or which may have be- come useless from any cause. 83. He shall report to the Board of Directors once a month, or oftener if required. SUSPENSION. ■ 84. The Resident Medical Officer, as regards nurses and male servants, and the Matron as regards female servants, shall have powei to suspend any employe, for cause, at once, reporting such suspension to the Secretary for the information of the Directors ; but no dismissal shall take place without the confirmation of the Board. New appoint- ments shall be valid only after the appi'oval of the Directors has been notified through the Secretary. m -""