^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) J & // 1.0 I.I l^|28 |50 "■" 40 25 12.2 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► ^' ^ /2 /a y '^ >i Photograpiiic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-45C3 a^ '^b" m Ko ^ ^ \\ 1) 49TH coNdiiKHs, I noust-: i)r 2rf Setnion. i .'^^iJ:^^ ^ Ix. 5oo. 1 No, !'» I J^^y^. '^: RIGHTS OF AIUKBIOAN FISHRlSMfciN W#»V^'«ip/t.*^W'*Sf\ AMBBRAN WATERS (>|) titiiu'iit, iinl nf our iiiiiiister to (rrt^at liritiiiii, in rclitioii t«» tlu^ dispiitisl «!i>iiHtrii(!tioii i)t' tlu' cdiivoiitioii of ISIS, iiiid wliiit liiis Immmi iloiie to urofiirc jsik^Ii an i(if«r|»r<'t!iti mi of itM provisioii.s its will Im^ ncct'ptii'ilo ti» l»otli paitit s to that iiiHtniiiifiit, an(l consistent witli tluMr inntnal inti'vt'Mt and honor. I'tomi tiiiM' to tiint' sintM' IIm' (ton»-liision ol tlit^ tn-aty ot' IsIH, (litVtU'- enci's lia\(' arisen In'twcrn the two ( Jovt'innu'iits an to tin' t-xtrnt (»(' the r«Minricialion h.v tin* rnilcil .Siat«vs ot their t'ornuT lishinn ii;;Iit.s in coin- nion i»i tin' littoral waters of Uritisli Noitli .Vnn'iica. an, 1854, and by the treaty of Washin^'toii of May S, lS7i, the llshery arti- cles of the latter haviiiu l)eeii al)ro};ated l)y the I'nited States (ni June ;{<>, issr.. It is deeply to be retjretted that the efforts of tiiis Department, as shown by tiie eoirespondeiiee now submitted, to arrive, at siieh an ajjree- iiient as would permit instineli(»iis ttf lik«' tenor to be issued by the (Jovernments oldreat Ibitain and tin; I'nited States, to tjnide the eit- izens of the respective nationalities in the iuiniolested*ex(M'oise of their riffhfs ot lisliiiif; in the waters in (piestion, and (h'tininj;' the limits of lawful acti(»ii theri'in, have not as yet rea«rlied a lliial and satisfactory result. Althouf^li propositions are now peiidin;;' tor considerii.ion, which it is hoped may prove the basis of a just ami permanent s«;ttleineiit, yot as snp|)!eiiieiitary to the published history of t his loufi-standin^' subject, and as illiistratinji: the obvious necessity in the interest of amity aud good iieiirlibo'hood of liavini; a ) take the necessary proofs of the respective claimants. Respectfully submitted. T. F. BAYARD. \ 'iX — •24.— «f).— 'iV,.— •27.— •28.- •21).- :«).- '.n.- :v2.- :«3.- •M.- :»r..- :<6.- 37- ;w.- •xd- 40.- 41.- 4^2.- 4:».- 44.- 4.'').- 4t).- 47.- 4s.- 4i).- r.i.- hW.- r)4.- KHIMTS OK AMKIMCAN I'lSIIKUMKN. 8 uiuistor to luivoiitioii ■(^fati Ml of iHrriiiiM'iit, lis, (litVer- tt'iit <»r the ifM ill coin- ' tnu' lU'fl- •ly u'l'i'"'*"- ioii. ) tlic pies- rtfspt'citive 'or by tein- of .hiiui Ti, sliory iirti- >.s (III June rtiiu'iifc, Jis I ail ajjrce- kmI liy the lit' tilt' fit- St' of tlitMr limits of iti.sfatitory II, wiiicli it I'liuMit, yet ii{f siibjeot, amity ami tn-staiidiiig e(5tivi' citi- i'liU kuowl- Ht tluMii in at notitica- lat Ik-itaiu, (1 to Aiiier- ;h(>ritio8 of ro of tiltiir !ij,M)r.jiulg- vero justly i(>iiIations, s, whereby led, and in 1 .should be poll record to be prop- ; ai 1 that •ess >) take LfST or ISrt.osriiKS. -Col««KH|.oM.KNt F, liKIWKKS TIIK PKI-All TMKNT ..K HTATK. AMOTIIR URITIHII I,K.(1ATIIIN IN WArtlllN(ir»)N. 1.- «.- :«.- 4- :>.- G.- 7.- H.- u.- 10.- 11.- 12.- i:».- 11.- i.\- k;.- 17.- Irt.- llt.- •21.- '25,- •2(i.- •27.- •2H.- •2l>. •M. •M. ;V2. :»:). :i4. :tr). :{7 •,w.- ;{'.».- 40.. 41. 4^2 , U. 44. 4.5. 4t). 47. 4H. 4i). 50. r.i. .V2. 5;{. .">!. 55. 5t5. I, W'vM to Mr, Hiivin'l, Mai'li I'."- I^"*'- Huviir.l t.» Sir L. W.st, \liii.h •2:«, iH^ti. L. \Vi«l to Mr. Hiivai.l. Miiitli '24. t^Hii. |»iivuril to Sir K. NVtsf. .May I", l-Stl. I.. \V.-st to Mr. Haviinl, May Id. li-H(l. HiiMiril lo Sir I,. Wt-iit. May •2", IHWl. Uiivar.l to Sir I.. W.hI. May '^-i, IH-*t>. H.ivar.l to Sir I, VV.'.si, May •2il. HH',. I,. West to Mr. Hayarii, .Iiiiif2, I'^HB. Itityaiil to Sir K. \Vf.Mt..liMii' •2. IH-iC. Hiivartl to Sir I.. \\'>M, .liiiu' T, ISf^tl, L. Wi'sl to Mr. havanl. .Iniif h, IH-t!. MayanI \n Sir L. Wi'hI, .Iiiiif 14, IHHti. L W.hI 1.1 .Mr. Uiivaril, .liiiif I.>. \'*<>. . , , 1,'. W.Mt to Mr. Ha\ai(l, .Inn.' I-, IH-C. (witli iiii'lomires). |»a>aril to Sir I. \V.Ht, .Inly '2, l-ir L. Wvst, .Inly '.'.n. ISho. Ila'niiii.'i' I' Mr. liayanl, .Inly ;!!, I'Hd. ., , , . Har.lii.Iir to Mr. IJayanI, An^nst -2, IHHti (witii iiiclomireB). Havanll" Mr. lliii;n»l 17, ISHC. L. West to Mr. HayanI, Atimiht If^, Hs(). Havanl to Sir L. \\('»U An^iMt IH, lH8ti. L. Wf.st lo Mr. Hii;, anl, AtiKiiNt is, 1S81J. L. WfHt to Mr. HayanI, Aiinnxt 10, 1^8)".. L. West to Mr. Havanl, .SepttMnhfr 1, ISHti. Havanl to Sir I-. West, S> ptoinluT Id, ISHtJ. J>. WcMt to .Mr. HayanI, Si-ptfinlu'r 11, ISrtd. L. \Vi«t to Mr. Havanl, Si-pteiiilit'r 17, lH8(i. I, VVt'Ht to Mr. Ha.vard, Sfi»ti'inlicr is, 1886. . HayanI to Sir f.. Wfst, Si-|it(Mnl)or •2:5, 1886. 1,. W.'st to Mr. Haviml, S<'i>t('iiil)t'r'25. 1886. . , , h West to Mr. Havanl. (K'tolxT l^2, 1881) (with an inclosiirrt). h' W.^st to Mr. Havanl, October 1-2. lS8d (with inclosurea). liavard lo Sir L. W.'st. Octohor li», 1881). , . , Havanl to Sir I.. West, October '2(1, 1^86 (with an iiicloHtire). I>. West to Mr. HayanI, October '21, 1881). IJavard to Sir 1,. West, October •27, 1886. . , . , , L West to Mr. Havanl, November 1, 1886 (witli inclosurea). l' W.'Hl lo Mr. Havanl. November i). 1881) (with an iiidosuro). HayanI to Sir I.. West. November 11, 188(i (with inclosurss). L. West to Mr. I'.ayard, November 1"2, 1886. L WcNt to Mr. Hiivanl. Novomber 15, 1886. Havanl to Sir L. W.^st, D.'cember 1, 1886 (with iiiclosuros). L. West to Mr. Hayard, Dcc.Mnber 6, 1886 (with inclosures ami copy ot Canadian cnstoniH act of 188:!). . , . , x —Sir L. West to Mr. Havaid, December 7, 1886 (with mu osures). —Sir I-. W^'st to Ml. HaVanl, December 7, 1886 (with luclosiiros). —Sir I. West to Mr. Havard, Doc(!mber7, 188() (with inclosures). •Sir Mr. ■Sir -Mr. -Sir -Mr. -Mr. -Mr. -Sir -Mr. -Mr. -Sir -Mr. -Sir -Sir -Mr. -Sir -Sir -Mr. -Mr. -Mr, -Mr. -Mr. -Mr. .Mr. -Mr. -Mr -Mr. -Mr. -Mr. -Sir -Mr. —Sir —Sir —Sir -Mr, —Sir -Sir -Sir -Mr. -Sir -Sir -Sir -Mr. -Mr. -Sir -Mr. -Sir -Sir -Mr, -Sir -Sir -Mr. -Sir I A.YARD. I 4 KIOIITH ny AMKHIC.NN KI'^lil'JKMKN. II.— C'fHIItKMI'OMItKNcr HKIWKKM INK DkI-AK I MKNT nV HfATK ANI> TIIR U.VirRD HTAIK.h t.r.OATKl.N IN Lo.MMtN. M.— Mr. Mityunl r<> Mr. I'Ih l|ii (Nn. «>!)) Mav II, l*«i. 51'.- Mr. Hayiini t<> .Mr. I'lirlp* ( N<.. :«•:») Mi.v 'il Ifj-tl. («). — Mr. Hiijiiril toMr. riMlpN (No. :U'!lo*iiri>). m.' Ml. Hu.vanlto .Mr. rhflpn (N... :!•.'-), .Iimt. IH. i«Hl5. tU.— Mr. Hiiyiinl to .Mr. \'hv\\m (.\o. :(*!), .Iiiiio iH, IMHJi (with Ini-liwiireB). «M.— .Mr. HiiMinl to Mr. I'lit-lim (No. ilC.'.t). .Inly 'il», l^"*' (with in«'l».- .Wr. Huviinl "o .Mr. l'lii>l|m (No. V.U), Octolicr '.'i*, HMtl. 7t».— Mr. HaVnr IN .UlKKIC.V.V KlMIHNO VkHHKI.H .MOt.KSTKO IN Canadian Watkh.h. 7'i.- n. 74. 7b. C. 7.j! 7P. HS. r t. 84. Hf). H(!. 87. 88. Mil. DO. Itl. •W. <);{. 04. 95, m. 97 98. 99. 100. 101. loa. io:j. 104. 105. 10«. 107. 108. 109. MeHMrH. ('iiHliing ami McK«iiii« .Mr. HayanI, telegram, Hortland, Aiiril 9, 18841. —Mr. Ha., an! 'n .Mi'hmm. CiinhiiiK ami McKennpy, telegram, April 9, 1886. — .Mr. V' ■ .lliiii" * ! Mr. Haviini, .Mav.M, IH8()(With iiiclomirei*). — -,M- ,V ,<|l..ir.\ to .M- Hayunl, .May W"2, 18^iH. ™ .Ji nr. . .0 f t iMf. (•,iy/»nl. M.iy 'iU, l^-Hi (with iiuilnmires). — Mr. ilayani to Mr. .Sn-i-l.', Ma,, 'i*'- l''««i. — Mr. .'( i')iiii to Mr. HuvH ,1, .hi'uf 4, Ihh-'. — >lr. SnM'!f* 'i'.Mi, !i'>yari. .Iiiiu' .'>, 1^8(5 (with iiirlosiiri'N). ->?r. olt'^'ii i.i .Ml. Ha.i'inl, .luue .' 1'4'^fi. —Sit. I»«vi.r.;ri. Mr. 'tft Ic, Jnm 7, lr:'«. -M" ". " a"l to Mr. '.|(m ic, .J .m 8, IK'<'.. —Mr. HayanI to Mi. .(..nhiii, Jfiic •*, H8(i. — '.'ap>. .torti- ».,i>vi(tto Mr. ''a.M.nl, .luuo2t>. 188t». — Air. Kayanl to ('apt. .Ics t« l.t-wiw, .hint' :t(i, IHHtl. —Mr. Wi'llarit to Mi. Maviinl. tcloKiain. rortlaml. .Inly :i, I88t>. — MiMsrs. i'li.sliiii^ ami Mi > mioy to .Mr. HayanI, ti'lt'y;raiii,PorMaii(l,July 3,188<(. — Mr. WotHllinry to .\ir. HayanI, .Inly 7. l'^"<(! (with iiiclosiirt'M). -Mr. Willanl to Mr HavanI, .Jtilv 7, Hrtti. Wiilanl, July 9, 188t'.. to Mr. HayanI, tcliigram, WaHhiiigtoii, July 10, 1886. H(Mitiillt', .July Hi, I88tj. 'Voodhury, July i:{, 188(). i> Mr. Hay.iril, July 14, l88t}(with an iuclosure). -Mr. Hayard to llou. Mr. HouteHf. July 15, iHiHu -Mr. Woodbury to Mr. H.iyanl, July 'M, 1886 (with inclosures). Mr. Hayard to .Mr. Woodbury, July ;l(i, 188(i. .vir. Woodbury to Mr. Hayard, .luly :«», I88(i(with an incloHUre). -Mr. HayanI to Mr. Woodbury, July 31, 188ti. -Mr. HrcHHOii to Mr. Hayard, August 9, 188(5 (with an inolosure). -Mr. l'r«'HNim to Mr. Hayard, August 10, 1886 (with an iiiclosuro). -Mr. l'r('88ou to Mr. Hayard, August 14, 1886 (with au iuclosuFe). —Mr. Hayard to Mr. I'ressoii, August IH, 1H86. — Mr. Hayard t«» Mfs.srs. Cimhiiig and McKc.iney, August 19, 1886. —Mr. Woodbury to Mr. Hayard, (>ct. Wexf tn M,. IfniMnl. 1 nave, &u., L. S. SACKVII.LE WEST. cJ«*i. No. 2. -Vr. liat/an, to Sir L. Went. Dkpartmknt ok State, WdHhingtim, March !,';'{, 188(). ing in liritisl, Xorlh A.ncMioau ten' ,m";i vv^h^:" "mm H '"•''. "■'*'" "'**■ ox. u i^ece mocr last, un,l the liM[,en,..s qnost ,»., is ,on v ou cxistin^f treatie-s, i.rocisel.v as ihoiL;!, n > ftsl.c v ir corporatiMl i„ the treaty of Washington ' tides had been in- In seem waters 6 KIOI'TX OK AMKIMCAN PI<4||KH.MKN. thriMMitiin limit on iHihiin tU>iiiii< itmliM* iu>rtii!ii i^oiiilitioriH, thin Ooviiit Iuim not I'oimkI ji iiiMM^HHtry to ifivt^ to(]nit«M| HtutoH tislier- mtMi liiiy notitlrution tlnit 'MImvv mo now |Morlnnitoriiil vviit«>r<4." I Imvf, iVc, T. I'. MAVAUh. No. .i. Hir L. \Vi»t to Mr. Ihii/ani. KitniHii Lkuation, WaMliintjton, March L'l, lHH(i. | JtoiiciviMl Miiirli 25. | HiR : I luivc tlii> lionoi' to iiirknow|iMi);o tlii^ n't-cipt of .vonr note of tU» 2.'i(l inMttint, in rtiply to mino of tliti I!»tli, informing mi' tliiit, uh full and f'ormiil pul)li«r uotitluution in tlH^prtMniNCH lias ulnsMly lu>«>ri ^iviMi l>y th<> I*r«i«i(U'nt's procliimation of tlM>;llMt .lanuaiy, IMSa, it liaM not Im'imi found mH!eH.sary to i:ivt' to Unitt'd Htafi's llslnrnn'ti any furtln-r notill«!ation that th«y an* n(»\v prechidctl troni flsliin«; in ISritinli Norili American territorial wattM-s. I liave duly iidormcil llcr .Mnjt'sty'H (^ovcrnmont and tliu (lovornmont of tlii> Dominion of tlii.s dcciriiun. I have, itc, I-. S. SA(M• ,, w.. ,..,. conn r-oM HMto fiH-oxhr..,,,... u . ^7^"*'''' •*"'**'"" "'" ^^•• nIhhiM iK.t |„. i.Hvriil for \iM..i7i.^ .. I ' '" "♦*' f '■•'"' V «»»■ IXI.S it "Of I.Mvf„||.v I,.. tMijov.'U l,v I V . t ' ' "'"/.'^""'' ''"*"•<"••< flMhuiu mil. "•il"- or fl,;. |;uM|. ' • • ''" •^•""'•'<*"" vossH l,H„u Hiti.i,, il.m. nurZ M.if Sinn. til,. .hifooC fh,. tivufs of isis .. H.iiM im|.(M(iinflv,im.('tiii.Mlii^ f.i.1,. 1 V ' /■'""' "' '''^*'* """"aK. I et sessions entering ports of (;,'«. ^'»7''^=*'';|'?<1 VVest Indian p^ a;;;;rhe arrai.Ken.entH for transit '-ood ami tl'^ ^''« '^^^Wo^^il class mation, as to certain British ,„ r s an ' ..h^ ^ r •;«•"'»«'"", »>y procla- tom.aye-tax on evi<>ur -essels ^Ja.e<.f the i-nperiaKsl nZ^^^^^^^^ as notably in the contributed its share Eh. ,/^^^^^ '"'^ "'f '^""o -*'S 1«4!) 'las beneHcial tralH. bet^e^t « ^ t^tr^;",, Ulrr^' i-te-ourse Zl «iid conveuieuce. t^oancrics toimded on mutual interest q KICtllTM or AMKKICAN nHIIKKMlSN. Hi(*«« ttt miiut«*tH>tilM, MO fur tin tin* IJiiilfMl auitu* ur« tHMti!«rii«Ml, (liHi!ri*tiuii>ir.v !• )W4M-m lit' tlie rAtM'lltiVli lllfil'Ulltll*!'. Ttic MfUiiri* 4>r tlii> vfriHi'lt I litivit iiiHiitiiMitMi, iititl vttruiii |miI>IUImm| *• wantiiiKM " piir|NMtiii;; to l'avi< Ufcii U-himiI liy tht'iolotiiiil uillli<>riiti>M, WtMiltl a|»|»«*iir to liiiM* ht'cii iiiadu t 'idur ii MU|i|iii!ti>il tlt<|triiil (lovcrniiMMil i>t' (iri>.»t Hriltiiii, tiiul to Im* iu- t«>IMi«»t to iliclltllc tlMliHMitV til illti'llMft llllli l'lltor> )• tiin |MMVhiolM of IIm' li<>at.\ ol IHIH, 'o wliirit, um I liavf iviiiarkiil, tlo* UtiitiM* HLtlfnuiiil (iri'at Hritiiii, urt* tiic fuiitractiiiK {lartittii, wiio rati uIoiim dual rfi4|»t)iioi- lily with (|ii«-stioiiN ai'i' 'nu tlH>ri'ii,MUM'. 'I'Im' t'lVtM'! of tliiH (•olonial U'ciMJaiioN ami KKtnnitivi^ hi((>i'|ii'i)tatioii, if i>xt'(;ntrttiT, woiiltl In; imt tiuly (o t«x|iaiiit.s of I|m< lliiitfd Hf«.'- ., lint fatilii>r to tli- inliiiMli and |ira«!tiinilly to d»«Mtroy tin* piiviU^jji qir»».>««li|t<(tt.s r«*;{ioiM in ipu'sMon, wliitli liav«< ni itetially ■•■..iditli'd tin* conditionH nnder wliith tin* liit.HineMK of in.shoie tUliin;, .-. iMiidni'it'd and Nvhiidi nuiMt haxe threat weixhf in aiiv preKJMit adniiniNtiation of tliii tri'aiy. Drying and cnrint; IInIi, for nvIikIi a nse of tin* adjinent shon-fi wan at one time retpiisite, in now no longer to||o\\<-d, ami modern invention of projM'MNeM of art'll':% lishinjf was luit under eons dera- tion in the negotiation of the treaty of l.SIH, nor was alleeted theiebyy and as the use of liait for insiKue iishini; lias pissed wholly into disuse, the reasiMis wliieh may ha\e foiiiifrly existed for relnsinj; to pi-rmit American tishermen to eat(;h or piocine hait within the line oi' a marine lea;iiie fro,.! the sliori' lest tiiey siionld alsmise ii in the same 'nhiliited waters for tli<^ piirpo-.e of c itehiii;,- other lish, no loiiy;«>r exist. Kor if will. I liclicve, lie ('onecded as a '.. .t that Init is no loiiy;er needed (o cati'li liernii;' or maekercd, whuih are the olijivus of inshore flshin;;, lint is used, and o ily usetl, in deep .sea lishiiiH;, and, therefore, to preve.it the parehase of hiit or any other supply needed in deep sea, tlshiny:, under eolor of exe.nitiii},' the provisions ot the treaty of 1818, would be to ex[iand tliat oonveiifion to olijeets wholly bayond its pur- view, scope, and intent, and {,'ive to it an ett'ect never conteaiplated by either party, and a-compaiiied by results unjust and injurious to the eitizens of the United States. As. therefore, theie is no lo:i>.. KruilTv or ^VKHICAN FlMUriKMKW. 9 WHlciH to whiih lli(< heats or LSI the riMiittM of cxrliiil from eli».ir own li ,V |IOMMC,4M«*li of rXTIIlitll HM lo IMIUltUf III «l0O,, MWll HMllilljr, f tolomh aiKl tni.l,. .It Cainhlmn ciut«mnr.v ami rcaMouuM,. ..uhrM .u.ll .rivll , fi«»..i I'tort'lMJiijf tViM.iv til pOlfH ilM •• Nuino lliiv.,«.lvm,.,l ' "" '"■"• '""I ■"K"l'>' « lo nlili'l, I M,;^':;:l,Llr:r ;,;;:::;;;;(»,:'«!;!:.";"' I'^'vii.*.. ,„„„..,»,.,.i Tin' i|ii«>Mtioii tin refon* iiriMfM uli.t.o„« of tho n.s,a...tlvo ;!ol,„trilJ '' '""•* "'"' "'•''*»'»"til« spirit of int.MiM. tali- ,,,.'. .^*''L.'"' '••^' ""li<'»it'o...s.>f a local Th. vimvs I a.lva...... n L?v u'ou" ,o o ' Z;/, '''VT''- ^'''"^ ol'li-^atiun. to a.i.- calii.i- in naost i, .i.i. ! . ^^ «''\*' '* "" «•'«><« whattnor w«ro «'tl...rwis,;i an, ,.nal' I,' t,, 'iisplhs *^'"'" '^l'l»'"^^''^'"'^i""s wl.icU tl- rnlin, .notive an.l oi^l^^ ^f ai^.lSr'""^' ' "" ^"•"' *-' ^" ^« > >.. • ' Ac^.: 10 KI011T.S OF AMERICAN FISHKKMHN. flshirif; vfMm'lH iiiidtT tlu', traity of IHIH hs sliiill t*n»'ctuiillv piwriit iiiiy eiicnmcliiiuMit by tlu'in upon the N'mtorial wiiterw of tlii' 'British Piov- inco.s for tho jmritoso of Hsliinjif within those watiMs, or trospussin/j in any wiiy upon the littoral or marine ri^lits of the iiihahitanrs, und, at the sanio time, prevent that convention fron) being improperly expanded into an instrument of dis(;ord hv attectin}; interests and aily es:i(iion or dis- agreement as to facts exist, they will be found to be so minimized that an accord can be established for the fidl luotccjtion of the inshore fish- ing of the B.itish Provinces, without obstructing the open sea fishing operations of the citizens of the United States or disturbing the trade regulations now subsisting between the (countries. I have, \c., ' T. F. BAYARD. No. o. air L. Went to Mr. Bayard. Washington, May 10, 188(i. [Received May 12.] Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of vour note of this day's date, and to inform you that I have lost no time in transmit- ting copy of this important communication to Her Majestv's Govern- inent. I have, &{i., L. S.SAC KVILLE WHST. No. 6. Mr. Bayard to Sir L. West. Department of State. Washington, May 20, 1886. Sir : Although without reply to the note I had the honor to address to you on the 10th instant, in relation to the Canadian fisheries and the interpretation of *he treaty of 1818 between the United States and Great Britain as to the rights and duties of the American citizens en- kkjiitjs of amkhican rislIK KM EN. KiiK<'(l in iiiiiritiiiie trad*' and intt- 11 Xoitli America, in iconm' with tlio I'rovinc uii\\ariant»'t diffienlt to ima;,nne it to custo.naril V ex^iSs .Vi Gre t H i^^.^ "' '''"' ''« ^^'*^" '^'""^" a"^l 'liKuities the two G n^n^e'^^^^^^^^^ LJnited .States, and which und the liberty of.the ir;:!;;;;;.)'^!^^^;^, --I -^ ;t-t- P-pert, .n!fu;r di^;;^;^f St:iu::;^tt^;:!:;!;; >..;pe:^ t pitr t... .. Annapolis Hasin, X. v aS m ^ t e h^^7^ *T!\ "'' '^'"'«''«^^"^' »' taken into (Mi.stodv bv the ('.'.. i... ' f*^=i"'« ^^as summarily on( of the I'roy I ee <,fy , S , ' '^'''""r ^'•"«'l"^^"e and carried tJn- port of St. ^^Vi^itm^uTT ''h '^"-^ '"■ ^''""'>'' '^'"1 '"to ing, on the folh.wi o {i"„ .''•T.''^:,J';^"'t'V^ or liear- tbe U^jral prec 'p for tl le c' nuen^^^ ^''^''•^' I''*; I^'^"^''' »»""«*'^J to be to her inast in snch „, nm • s o ^^^.^^J^^^^^^^^^^ "' ^'"' ^■''■^'^^' ""« "^iled effect was frStless ' ^ '"' ^^■^'•^'•'tful appb^cation to that it \: not^Sb^'^l^'SS;^";; H.esponsible a con.lition of affairs, matters of such ftravrS orH l ti ^^ ^ Hccuracy which is needful in and peremptory anest lentio '0"" y^^s^M^^^^^ ''' 'f' '^"^^'^ zens of a nation with whom rSi m s ot^.lll ! 1 ^ F'roperty of citi- to exist. reiatioiKs ot peace and amity were supposed JS ^t'Sbi:S"oSn"^;:r^;;n'"^^''^ ^7^^*^ states consul, cials, he reports that the B^vhi T a '''''"'^'^tion to the pn.secuting offi- (1) for alleged vid^icJlro^ie ntt^- of 'IsT/- T^^t lu' *^ '''''''''''' of the act 59 (Jeo III • ril fAr . n^„ ? ■ , J ' ' "" »ll««'"l vioiat on Novii Scotia of W6s''a,'N ,4[f I ^^i'' "."'".""" .»* '-be ™lo„ial act of and a|.,o t„at of iZ', tSl S.I^ai^i'S,,,™"'""" "'' •"" ""' "f 1«" ZSn;Siiaa^;:?„*''i:,V!,[;,n^;;ri:;'^f,ji' '■•?«■' ' 'i-- "»»•■ treat.v of 1818. "='■'""", aiKl mat is tlie allcgeil mfiactioii of the tl'U"rip:ctively cha'S wM 'tt ",'" ■"!'">'i'."'"i-""'^ 1 action of 12 RIGHTS OF AMERICAN FI8HK1»MBN. ?m i.d v' .'■ !"'^"!J'''^'*"'V," f''" way of h .narine police forref Ii. l.iN noto of May L'O, 1S70, Mr. (aftenvaid.s Sir K.lnanl) Thort.ton l.c IJntish .niiHKter at rl.is capital nuivovnl to Mr l<^sh tLc nX r«' miral W H es|..y „, <.o,iiina..(l of tli.. naval fonu's -cmplovod it. iirU • tann,.« orderat tl.o flHhori.« in th. neighborhood of ih. a. so u X' c.,nli .r. o n'' ";:'•'''•« '''r'"'' th<.,„oU.,.tion of Canadian Msht. w d coidial co-opo ration and concert with the ITnite;??;:t!^^!r '''^^^^ ^•'^" ^^- '^^«"'^-' with tl.f, viovv8 of u A 1, ir tl ,' '■"'"""">•» ''° t'M't *•',«>■ "'".V «>« i» cnfo.uiitv ceived Listructions to the teS t «tiHn« .»thnlt.mo .nfornnuK me that he had re- capture,Uvithi,, tC;,„ILofi"r;;rt! " "*''""" ""'»"" ""<^ =""> ^''^ ve.ssol itself im ers SO im m. n t i '""f •''''"^®'' "^ intrnstinfr the execntion of any b'u wis^^^ . "' '■IT^VJ"'^ ^" *''"'» *»'"! ' . H ; """^ PeiHlmg in the Canadian Parliament, entitled" A,! ei JuteSelSLTn';;'^' *"T" -^^ f^'''^^''^ ^'^^"^^' '''^ f^^^^'tnre of any for- ^n a 4^ « ith u any liarl)or in Canada, or hoveriuff within three m^HnA such ^ essel has entered sucii waters for any purpose not permitted 1 v the laws of nations, or by treaty or convention or by any l"w of thi Umied Kuigdoiu or of Canada now in force. " ^ ^ . tinn ,!i^i " .*? "^""'v^ ^''''"" 'Attention to the wholly unwarranted orouosi tion ot the Canadian authorities, through their local agents'TrbitSy 14 RKJMTS op A.MKinCAN I'lSMKKMKN. l"l"ip.Hati,H, nr I , l' .V. loun n„ ;^^^ <1"'.>I lllilah , l,v U,',, rtMlu.n,.«, ,lut,Nl M Oft;.wa Mair . Tisi'r r ' ."" i'«f«M«)f n.ariiK, un.l e.r;::li;;;s';ri,;.^::n:;*;^.!^;;;:: ''^^^ -;;"^tiv. o^ th. reoip... n.Ily .ntith.,1 . e • a ." t s or W '■* ^''^'^'.''t<''^ Stuh's ar« law li'Nt 1.1 lli.i- lJ.,i..;.,' ' .' i"i"i»ti'r at Jjoiiil.iii, fo rii.ikc mniml iiro- I have, &c. T. P. BAYAKD. No. !>. !. West to Mr. Bayard. iny vtvssoks in Canadian la e •' ' ""^ ^'" «e'>^"-cof A.nerica,. fi«h. 1 liave, &c. L. S. SACKVILLB WEST. Xo. 10. /1/r. liai/ard to Sir L. West. canning in the Domimouweirt """^ ""'J' '"="'"B *"• KIOHTH OF AMIIRK-AN FIHHKBMEN. 1 r. This iidditioiiiil tiircutciu'W inhiltitinn /.♦• ».. i i . wi'ii-M, II ( aiiiMliaii \vaf..i« i.v n... ;. ' '.'/""Arnr vt'r\ "r"''^f"''' •^^".ss., to »i«l.in« Vfssol with ,er ,, Is ,, r^ h/^ ^^^ \'"T'\ •'"•='""*'"t«Iace(lnrin-h»Mloyagr ar.l (ray ti- ...aster to .. the pur- food, or bait 'or deep!!,;;! tishlni')" '""'"''"'"•'''^•' ^'^''-^^''^'-V fesh fish' tor of coinnu'rcial rigSf ' contained danuiffe from this refusal conimS'SSSHS'^i^l^elSn?"'";' ^I^l'"""''"^ ^>^' '-^"' the loss and (la.^ eo .«^ ,t7^C^^^^ nntiiin will be held liable """ txovernn.ent of Great I have, &c., T. F. BAYARD. i No. 12. A.Vt/' /y. \Vc8t to Mr. Bayard. Sir • J h.vo H. . ^^^^"^^^^'^'ON' '^«^'^' «» !«««• [K.'ceived June 9.1 7th inst I'f ^rc^^t i:^^!,^J^^^^ \'}- ^^fvt of your note of tl.e Annie M. Aa^y'tuS:!;UaS Sli^JJi^ '^'"' '" ^'^^ ^^^^^^^^'^ 1 Jiave, &c., Iv. S. SACKVJLLE WEST. Ifi RI0HT8 OK AMKItlCAN FISIIKRMKN. No. la. Mr. lid If a ni to Sir L. Went. I)KI'A!:TMF,NT op Htatk, WaHliiitj/tini, June 11, IHSfJ. 8iR: TIm> coiiHiit ^ciu'i'itl of tlic Unitcil 8t)it(>H ut Halifax (Muniiiuiii- catcil to iiit^ the iiitorinatioii (Icrivctl l»,v him troiii tlio collector ut' cum- tuiiiH at that port t(i tht« c^tlVct that AiiMTicaii ttMhiii); vcmnoIs will not be. pcrtiMttod to land IImIi at that port of entry for transportation in l)on(l a< roMM the provinee. I havei also to inform you that tint mu.sterH of tlio four American thb- injf vesselN of (llouceHter, Mass., Martha A. Bradley, Rattler, Kliza Hoynton, and Pioneer, have severally reported to the consul-general Ht Ilalifax that Hie Hiib(;ollector of cuHtoms at ('anno had warned them to keep outside an ima>(iiuiry line drawn from a point three miles out- side (JaiiHo Mead to a point three miles outsider Ht. Ksprit, on the Cape Breton coast, a distance of 40 miles. This line for nearly its entire con- tinuance is distant 12 to 1.'5 miles from the coast. i'he same masters als<» report that they were warned ajjainst lio'uxif inside an imaginary line drawn from a point three miles outside North Cape, on Pritice Kdward Island, to a point three miles outside of Kast I'oint, on the siinui island, a (listance of over KM) miles, and that this last mimed line was for nearly that entire distaiuie about ."{(( miles from tln^ shore. The same authority inlbrmed the masters of the vessels referred to that they would not be pernUtted to enter Bay (Mialeur. Such wiiniiii^.s sire, as you must be well Miollv unwarranted pretensions of extraterritorial autli.V tll« CaiiiMl FfWirKiniKN, iilll illltlKMJtJCN fo A you rhtir I havr luoiiulit «'IIIIlM'llf. K'iit Um» inaffj.r f,, fli "'«'nci.i. M,slM,,J;v,^s^<,.|.s,H,„| 17 to ill ft nil) •■Holi(;,.ori|..,Miij,.Nt.v',s(,ov I'. S. SA<;kviLLK VVK8T. No. l.\ 'V»V L West to Mr. liayanf. I tiii'ldniirii N'li. I,] I -IP. XIV. '" "' ' "' " " '"-"'Lt,';;: a',™!ir;',„';.i';,(" - '■■ '■■ ■■ «~.i-. ...... iiiiiiiS^ [ />V///, , .• "'"-^ ^" f''« «'i"l ••"iiv.'iition juHl H. Kx. l!j._^2 ' ' ■''■"* *" «" '"' >>'>ar tiniriiii' tiiiU'H ul luiy of tin* i^tMittN, buy** rri'tticH, o. hiirliiiiH tltfrtnt', jiml in lillii r into iVtMly to Htii.v "ii Ixwinl diuIi "tltlp, vitMel, or liDiit, iiM loii^ iiH n|ii> mIiuII '-(•iiiitiii wjiliiti Miii'li poll oi' iliMtutK't-, itiiil If any Hiiuh •liip, vi'itHi'l, or Itoiir Ih' iMiiiiiii •■Ui-wtii-rc, itiitl *tliiiil coiitiiiiit* ho hoveling tor th)> MpitfO of tW)-iit,v-rotir lioiuN iifti'i' till* iiiiiMtcr nliall liitvu licfri r)M|tiir)*piirt, it nImiU Imi liiwriit I'oi' any of tin' uImivi- eniitiii'rntiil oIIIiitm or p<'i'«oiiH to hritix tiicli Hliip, vhhiwI, or bout Into poit.itiiil to Mi>arrli uihI i>\ttniliM' Iht rui^o immI lo i-\iMiiini> tin* imtttttr niMHi oulli, toiK'liitiL; till' i-arno aiol vovii^c, mnl it" lln-ri' In- atiy ^ooiU oti l>oin!4tion^ which Mhall Ix* itnrii mifltr thin act shall, ami may lie, Mci/ttl und Mi-cnrcd Ity any nisch oHlc««r of Her MaJcN|y'iicii.-4tom», olKccr of imnosis ami cxciMc, fthcrilfn, manistri'tcH, or other p«»r» Hon Indding sncli ciMiiiiiifsion an atorcNaid ; ami cviM-y ptuson who Hliitll in any wuy uiipoHO, nioTcHt, or olmtrnct any otllc.r ;if the cuxtoniM, olllccr of inipo.it and excise, Miierilf, nut)tiMtrate, or other |iiiiiil::/.X';,[;:',:!;^ •;::::;::!> i'S!:r »;;;r;:»::-'i "r r":r'\'\ "• r»»- "•• "• ■"•.•iinty«li,»ll huv,. I „ «iv,.„ M th. ..?.,,''•' ''^''''* '^'"'"l "'.HI mirt|.-i.uit i';-!'i'.v "■" "X., lioK.ixrM M i.u / :.r ''"7 '','•"*'■"••" i^ proi,.,.„t,„i. .„ ci.iHi, a„.ii,,a..j-,M,itor«iv„'ir.h;.^ '.-f.. I l.v,,,.. •.•if...l. ,»„.l Hh.ill I i:„„„;,7| ""•"">• ^ii..|. t.l,.,.g, ,|,,i|l ».JJ»,l«„.| tolM.ior. •\ I. .tint /»« /< I'lii-ik.f ,...,...<..! -Ill >t!i •■'■-^"'■™~-^^ • »'•" ",«til .MU. .Ml..,i.l u- inoi.tl, 4(Y.., ,, ,M . i;; V r • . 7 ;,"!" '" "" •""•'•••i-.w.r M,h lilm or !..(•( at liiN nmml i,|.i,..( „f lu a . , 1 vvriHii«, nliall liuv.^ Ii.mmi .l..ilv,Mvil to t.M..iH fo H,.., out N,.„h ;i. t ; r: . ;:^^ ?; ';i',r:r7r'> ';■• »^r"^ ;"• "•" i-'^ty Vir. i : pro..M,,,ti..,hial.lmtsu,.|M,ol.,,w^^^^^^ en.la.it .In.ll r.-,.. iv., i,. ,„.|, .»«tioPv..ffi I. •'';'' 'V'' '" '*""'' l"""»". "'" .i''At »t)Atl Im- iiriMirriih'il CnMii *ny tl«f ©r M-ntfurp of niiv of \\rt \U\,m\\\ loitrt* in iliu Uliiiul ttittiliitiK miv iinmllv rortftliirx iiiiiHiMil l.y UiNiiii'i iihli'iM ihv hiliiltliioii *IihII In- ii|>|>li><< iif nn :i«| oC H«iil«'iiil>»«r, IHII. itiiil •II oriN'i HUH on llin miiii)' iluy iiimh- liy Ihr .Mt»|.,jy in iimhii'II iIh(IuMii« tlnti lU clmimn mill |irovl>i|oiiM Mlionld Im' llii> iiiU'h, ri'trnlntiiMiM, miil linfil.-elinin h'miki rina tin- Muhirii « on ili> iomxIn, liiiy«, miiIiI im.Iit waa |iiililitlif<| in Md' |{oy»l (Jii/ftlf. II ii.'w-«|i i|iiT .f( flii-* iilmnl, on iln< i-di ilnv oC Oftolur, I -"I, ;il VirrmtiA. t'liAi'. 111. AN AC r rnii|t«>iltiiMl lliibliitf by rarvlgn vamivU. Ivmntixl iii ii.l M us , 111". Hit MnJi'Hiy, liy anil with tlin iiilviei« immI i-oiimMitoftlin f.iiiiitii uml lioiiK«oi' >l Ciiniiilii, I'lim-lM iiH lollowM ; coinnioiiM I. TI M' n'lviTiiiM- niiiy, Ironi llini> to ijiuf, uriuit lo miy lon-lmi ^lil|i, vi'imm-I, or lioHt, or to any HJiip, v.hm'I, or liom not niivit{ut."(l itr tlinu; t" 'In' lawn of tin* nnituil Kin««loin, or of ('uniidii, iit nikIi citi', ninl for ■.ncli |»trioil not •"(•••••mHhj; oiik vi'iir, Im iniiy ili-inn i'X|»i(lii«iit, it licfiiNi' to IImIi for or tiikf, i| •onvi niion hetwiMi IiIh IuIi< Aliijiwty KiiiK (' till' Thiiil anil tin- irnilfil HtuH'n of Aliicrii u 2()th ilay ofOctoh.'r, IhIh. tnitilK niiii mIkiumI at Loinloii on thn U. Any oommiHHioiud o(IU;i>r of Her Ma|t'Mty"H navy «'rvinK on hoard of of lltT MaJi'hly'H navy crniNinK and ln'inir in tl any vi'mio ttflonliiiK protection to llt-r .MiiJ.'Hty'H HiihJtMtK onuaKiMl in tli.« lUI. iiiiiwioiiiMl olllc-.r of Her MajcHiy'H navy, llHln-ry olllci r, or Htiiit^inli iMiiirl of any vi-hmi'I ln'lonKinn to or In tlio biuvIoo of tho Gov wati't'H of Caiiailii for |iiir|ioMii of III riiH, or any loiii- "iary niaglHtrato on iMiiploycd III thi' HiTvic.' of iiroinctifiK tlio tliili«ri<>«, or any oilltior of tlm cunt Cuiiailu, Hlnritf, iiiaKlstralo, orolln-r pomoii duly (•oinml i>riiiiit>nt of Canada and oniH of oon hoard of any Nliip, vi'Hm-l, or hoat within any harhor In Caniid NNioni'd for that piir|iimt<, niny Britinh wat"iM) within Ihroo marine iiiih'M<>f any ot' tl ..^ in ('anada, and stay on hoard ho loiifr a»iHho may remain within nnch placiVor diMt I. If Hiiih Mhip, vi'HMi'l, or hoat ht< Im I i>lM«nvlit'ri>, and n\mU coiit harhor or MO hovi-rin^ for'JI lionrf4afti)r tl.o iiiaMtnrnhal! have hocii r a or hoviTiiiK (iu o coiiHtH, hayH, crookH, or harlior* aiice. any mm of nikIi oHIci'in or piiHoim a.i am aliovo imtntioiiiMl '',"! '*"!'! '"'? '""^ '""' '^''"''■'i ''•'!' <'">'K". 'iiid may al.10 I'xamiiH^ tlit> iiiaMfi-r'n; • TorporMiMi in iMtmniand d'lall lino within hiioIi I rt'ipiirt^d to ditpart. iwj hriiij; sindi ship, vt";4. ion oath tomhinn tho car^o uml vo^am' : and if llm niUMt . . , . . „..,, not truly aimwcr tlm (incjttioim jnit to him in mikIi i-xaniinat'ion, ho siuilj flirft'lt and if such ship, vhh.scI, or hoai hi< fori , and shall 1 Hid every iierson oji- nder this act, or aidinf^ op , , ..... . , le guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction ho lialile. to impriHonmeiit for a term not exceed- ing two years. ij. 'ioods, ships, vessels, and ho;i(s, and .he tackle, rigging, iipparel, fnniiliire Htoii'!., and cai'ito seized as liahlo to forfeiture under thi>' lyiU s|i;ill he ff-rtl'-witl! -.u'- iiver.-d into tlie custody of the collector or other lu'liicipai oltlcer of the ciistiMiis at the port nearest to t:.e jdace where seized, to ho secured and kept as other i'ood», •hi I «' »IITH OF AMKWK AN K|m„kkMKN, •'• *"*«'l«, »imI ImniU, mill I -...,.,, ,..^.,^ ttlMI IMNII*, mill |l,„ |M..tU .1 • iiliilMirK. nil 21 i! ....;>«".-... ,',:„;,";','.•:• ;:'r;;t'';'r,:.""A.' ;'•''• ."-. - r '■" "j£ ; '" "" "" "■'•" ■"••"•- •« " ».,. ■■.. -iiiiy Wilts. -.....,..,„ «=". uiTi,.,..i vvirh,,, ,,v,,.|_ ,,,,;i;;v::v; ■?'•';■'/'* f- '"'i'-'^»< lii.- iiiiMi.ifi„ni,;;;v';i ■';■;;:! ii». J M <'a^ n **tav (»f I, ill wliol « <>»M(iziirt( iiiidrr tl iiioiitlis fioiii tiuMi •roci-..(lii,j.,s; and ii "I"* 'Ut, t\ mfii I'-.' applied for ■' part, iiuil on muh for I vimu of (■(Mid.iiiiniit «<>vciiior in <(»nncii XHMinccd "ifi.v, l.y ordtT, (Ii lilN as niav lie d '"" " 'i.v r.'li,.v,. (Voni tl ■ IIK d lijrllt It' IKMialtv 22 RIllHTM oy AXHIMrAV ►'l'»l!FRWKM. I llf till I l«|*itU lo >t iffr* 1)1 ' . 4>i)i|rl III' * li'i'Miim ' ii . Ill or ll|l of liriHMitMitioii ■ I. .11 ■ •'• t mi'il •ny •'ill •ml nil Hllt^ III VI. !* iiniMliip|yf» luiil ilnp »tii I ' iiiii III' ii» t •il' till' li'ijIitliilnrK nl' tlif I'tiix liit'i* of Niivit Hioltii, ihi'Hol III I iiv iii'iili vi'iir (if lliH\i' iiiniiitlniK lln annif, in'i" llit- ml "I »li«- lr|{l>.iniMr«' ol Ihi* itrovjnrn llf Ni* Itriihiiwtrk |iiiimi't'urof Hit 3Hii|i'«i>'«t r«'iKii, i(iii|'ti'r (ti\lv. liliH', I iilllh'i' " All mi ithtdiiK U> (In- roil"! lUlii*rii-M mitl . r llii' |iri>*i iiliou of illn i Irnili'," nliitll tiiifilv to liny rtiM* lo^viilili iliin ml ii|i|ill<'n: mimI »o iium-Ii of llu' " h'I rliit|it«'r Hiiil of I'lii h of ilii- haiiI uiN hk iiniktM iMoviiloii for i^hmkh prnvliliil for !*>' tln^ ml Ik III li'liV lliihlllll til 111 llilll'lllli itlll- III MIII'll CUMIO, :u VtcruiiiA, t'liAi*. Ift. AK AI'T Id miioKit lh« net rr»|H-iltiig Huhlnit by flit. Awx it»>' •« lath May, i*i»- \Vlii'r<'ii>» it !<« i'\|M'i||iiif, fiif III*" ,iiiir«' I'll'i'iiiiiil |irol«'i(loii III fli.> In ihori< tlil i of (iiiiiiilii iiKitltixt liiUiiiii'ii li\ fori'lKiMM'H, loiiiiM'iiil till* ml I'lilltli'il 'A.I arf n'^i liiK IIhIiIiik •>> (oiiIhii vt'HiM U,*' |m»mn| In ilii> iliirly llr»t ycnr of Hit Mulftl.v - n Tlii'ii'fori', tier Miiji'Mly liy miil »llli llii> uilvit-i> himI I'lMiwut of iltr niiHiti iiixl Iim .^i of COtltlllOIIM of Cllllllllll, l'lll|l't>t iiM fojIoM-i : I. Till' ilili'il Mi'iiMiii of till' iiliovf I- It'll iit'l mIiiiII ti«*, mill U liuri'liy r* fiuiiliMl. \'n\ th« fullowliitf M'i'tloii U i-iiiii'ti'tl ill ilM Nii-ml : :i. "Am,. Ill)' of hiii'Ii olIit'i'iH or iMrHoiiK an Hri> iiliovr-iiii'utloiii'il iiiiiy tirliitf any . M|i, >in outli toiii'liint{ till' I'in'Ko mill \o\iit{i': i ml if tin mn-iir, or pi'iHon in romnnitiil, hIiuII not (nily niiHVM'i till- <|nrHtliiiiM |i,it to lilni in hurli iMiniiitiilioii, In^ hIiiiII I'nrli iI #|iHl; innl If Mii'li nlii|i, vi'KM'l, or limit Im> foifi^n, or not nii\ I^iiIimI uri'oriliiikt lo tlif Iiiwn oI'iIik I'liiti'il KliiKiloni, or of ('aiiiiiiii, mnl liuvc Im-i'Ii foniiil liNhin^, or |iti'|iiiiint{ to IIhIi, ir to Inivr lii'cn IIhMii^; (in Krili^'ii \viiti« of ,iny of tlii< coiiKti), liiiyH, ci'i'i'liM, or liiirliorM of Ciiiiiiilii, .ml ini'linli'il wiihin itn- iiliovc-ini'iitii>ii*'il liiiiilM, wttliont II Im'I'Iini', or iiltcr iIm' t'\|iiriilioii of tin- pi'miil nniiii'il in the Itmt li(i>iiHi> ^ninti'il to Miirli hIiIii, vi-mhi'I, or lio:ii, iiii'lcr t)ii< tlrtt Ni'i'tioii of liiix m*t, niicIi •>M|i, M'MM-I, or lioiit, till ' lilt- tuckli', rlxK'OKi ii|'l>»i*'li fimiitiirc, Mlon-M, mnl ntrxo tlii-nof Nhiill III' lorh'ili'il." 'J. Tlilmict mIi.iII Ik< t'oiiHlriU'il ii.'iik with llicMuiil : 't "r<>H|MM'tltiu iNliltiu: liy fori'lftii ^lnN of ('miiidii, iMim'tH an I'oIIowh: 1. Tilt' tilth Ki'ctinn of ill!' uct rt'Hiicctinj; ti>.liinK l>y fori'i};ii vi'hmi'Im, phhmi'iI in Iho tliiriv-llri^t .M'lir of llir MiijiMiyV n'lun, i'liii|itt'r nixty-oiH", iit licreliy rt-pfiiled, mnl thi' follow inj{ Ht'ciion in hrifliy I'liiiclcd in itn nIi-ikI : "I'l. (looiU, hltipH, vt'MMcJH, mill IiouIm, mid tho tio'kh', ri;i;jiiiy;, nppiiifl, I'ninitiiic, Htori"!, mid rm'^ii Hi'i/.i'd ii.s lialih' i.i forfi-iiiiri^ under thlH iii'i mIi.iII Iii> forth w'th dc- livfri'ti into the ciiHtody of isni-h tisln'ry olhi'cr. or rnHtmns oniccr, or otloT pcrMon iis tile niiiiistiT of nimiiit' and liHlii'iicH may from tini*' to tiiii)' dirci't, or ri>taiiit>d l>\ liio ollin'r milking t'le sci/nii' in IiIn own cimtoily, it «o diri'ftcd liv tin- • iniHlcr, in I'illier t'liNi' lo lie wriirt'd and ki pt iiHothci (fnodH, Nlilp.i, vcHstdn, anil lioatM, and tlii< tuckh', rl>;j:inn, a)ipai*'l. fnrniliiri', .^^loifH, and t-ar'^o Ncizcd ar!itit'!nued uh fiirfelted under tldrt ai't, kUiiII lay sidd hv iiiildi^ 'I'.ietioii. hv diieelioii of (lieoHieei liavilij^ the eiiHtody thereof, iniiler the pri'viMloiiK of the I'ext |ireeedinjf Heetioii of this act, mid midiT rejj;iilaf ions to lie from time to time made liy the j^jovenior in eouneii ; and the proei 'ds of every Hiieh sale .shall he snhjeet to the coiiii'ol llf the minister of mari ic and tisherie.s, who shall tUsf pay Iherefrmn all nee- RroMTH OK AMKIil. /»N UMIKHMKN. 98 llttM. to I'm.. „r.|. ', •"''"•«"'' • '"• tf"*.T i.,r lo MHtHfill iiiay rr.Mii riniliiiri. «i..r..4, iin.l ..*ru-. ...,«,l «;,Tr;rr^i, 'i Vi .'* f""''-"- "i<«l"X tt|»|»<«nO, «.;!;.'.;.:;• m:.":::iii :::;«:;: :^;;;;i,::ri: ;!!!;»:• r^ »vr' '•vt-'"'"" = • '»•" •'«»»' '•«r«.., .•..,, „„.., .....I. , U. .' * I 4 h ,or ; ,7«"/-,'»f'l''';'' ■/•'••' I'.K., .f„rU, «^,| ..ftliliiii..». • """"^••""''•l'l'"*'''»"'lp'H'li»Hlwtlm«ortli«paJiMg HI Vit roHu, «.'ii * n. r. r,> , xli....|,.„ to l|i«. Provliic of KrllUli C.»fiiiH».l,r I No. 10. .Vr. liaynrd to Sh' I. Went, DlOPAIlTMrM' »»K StaTK, Q,„ . w , , . WnHhlniihui, .lull/ 2, 1880. I liavi', iVtc., T. F. MAYAUD. N«>. 17. Sir L. V. vHl to Mr. nayard NN'A.siiiNiiTON, Jithf 3, 188<:, f R,H..eivo.l ,1 uly li.] -u, ftpoitmjr tht. (Lfrntion of tl.o American s<.|.',ni..... riK i...;... "'• I uitJaiHj, .w... h,v ii.e anthoritioM ol ShclWuine, Nova'scotia ' '"'""' I Jiave, &('., L. S. SA(^'vVfLLE Wr.ST. I 24 RIGHTS OF AMKKICAN FISHKKNKN. No. IS. *Vj> /.. West to Mr. linyard. WashixNO'i (.N, .htUj 3, \m\. I Received Julv (J.J but: With ivlViviuM- to your note of the 2!»th of May, I liave the 8 a e tl.a t .e nmtteis I.e.eiii refemMl to wiil re.H'ive the eareful at- noil witli the Doimmoii (iovenmieiit. 1 liiive, &c. L. S. SACKVILLE WEST. No. I!>. Mr. Ha 1/(1 rd to Sir />. West. Dei'aimment ok State, Sill : On the lid of June hist I inid the h patches from ICa.stport in Maine had be l).V tl 10 customs ollicials of tlie Domi \Voshin(iti,,i, .Inly 10, 18S(>. onor to inform you that dis- en re(;eive(l, leportiiif? tlireats into those waters to purc'^i'so lieniiifj from tl nion to seize American boats comin purpose of canniiii; tlie same jb irdii le Canadian weirs for the infraction of theriohtof jmichase and sale ol le.s, which would be a manifest by (Janadians in their own waters — in tl nerrinif cau^rht and sold To this note I have not had the 1 ic pursuance of legitimate trade. To-(hiy Mr. C. A 1 lonor of a rejily icaii boats visiting; St. Andre iioutelle, M. (J. from Maine, inform ■s me that Amer there purchasin--- heriinjjr tioni t'iie Canad been driven awav by the D ws, New Hrunswick, for the purpose of ominion cruiser Middleton. lan weirs, for canniiiii', had O) Such inhibition of usual and legitimate Jiation commeniial contracts and in- warrant of law, and I draw your atten- le coinmercial rights of citizens of the United o unfriendly discrimi- tercourse is assuredly without tion to it in order that the coiii...^.^ ....„.^ ,„ ^ Stat(\s may not be thus invaded and subjected t r have, <\:c. 'i^ T. F. BAYAKD. N o. I'd. Mr, Bayard to Sir L. West. Dei'autment of State, Was/iinfjton, July 10, 1SS6. biB: I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a report b^'sworn ?"h" -""^";'V"' '"? ''"'^^'1 ^^''^- *'t Halitax,'acco,;!,;S bA ssvoin testimony stating that the Novelty, a duly registered mer- chant steam- vesse of the United States, has been d^M.ied the liLht to r„i\e sl,t'rT> '?' l'"^'^''=^^^V *^**'i <'^' transship fish in bond to the • Jniied totates, at Pu'tou, ^oya Scotia. i K'lUIITs (,F AMKiaCAN FISHKRMKV <•<;. .in. irm,.,M,rato a,„l ('xttM.,U.l /p '| 'Vj ;'V ' '';'*'^""""' '•<'<'' ti..;-' win, m..l that of lln- i'rU.nuX^eMy-l^nT:^;; '•' " " V"'^*'<' '^^^'^''^ tl.i.r his instrn,.tio,Ks won. "o , j, , i /, '1''/'"^^^' ^'l« ''•^"««^<"- 'rate,! C0.V0.1; an.l that, the priv.lo , r«. -. n '^''''''. ^ "' """^f*"'' '"'•» '''■ sao tor iH^Hawful voyage o!; ! .n^l S.^' I^^^'^ '^ <>l>^a"' ^-'^.1 t.oces. between the two co, nt r^ a. . t 'vioHH ''"''V?'''"*^^^ ^^'^^'"^ a|.v h,sso,M-..Jnry resulting' tlmf^^^^^ ''^ I'ospitality, and for Wajesty will bo held liabk' <'<>vernment of Her JJritannio I have, iscc, T. F. BAYAKJX No. 21. Mr. Hardinge to Mr. /imjard ence of the Do.ni^Ln cruder A^Xtclnr'*'"^ ''gainst the interte" ro,n vi.itins- St. Anclrew New K s v d-'^'t^;'. ^''"•'^'^''•" '-'t-s purchasing herrin"- Iron, r L. f^.,. wV- ' . ^^^^' purpose of there the honor to «tate7h t \ 1 .hI "A ^ ^^'/'iV"""^'' '-^"^^ ^ ''''ve ernn.e.jt with yo,^r vievvV;;; this .subject ^"''"^ ^^'^ '^^'J'-'^^^-^ '^ ''^'- CHAKLES HARDINGE. Xo. 22. vl/>', Hardimje to Mr. B 'ai/artf. »f tl.c C,M,„.lia„ a,ul „ ,; '^J Pi, ,f ™ "'S "S-; "»' the ,„.,K-e,.ominion cruiser General Middleton, in exi.elliiiK Stephen K. Balkam from the harbor of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, and in refusing to permit him to purchase fish, caught and sold by Canadians, for the pur- pose ot canninji' as sardines. I have, «Src., CHARLES HARDINGE. No. 25. Mr. Bayard to Sir L. West. Department of State, ]ya.s/nn or lor any other transaction in eonne.-tion with lisl ■ l1 op eration.s within three marine miles of that eoast ' remrrn'rinnne;'''"'""' Ins vessel the n.aster Inokenp his voyage and I a... also in possession of the allidavit of Alexamler T. Kaehern, mas- ter ot t u> A n.enean tish,n« schooner Mascot, who entered l>ort A h st Ma«.lalen Islands, a,Hl was tlKMe threat.MHMl by tlMMM.ston.s ,, tile wit ; «e>z,,re ot h.s vessel ,f he attetnpted to obtain bait for lishin/or to U.ko the United btates expect promj.t remedial action by Uer Majesty's (Jov- ornment ; and I hav to ask that such instrn.;iions may be iisue df'm^^^^^^^ jv'th to the provincial ofticials of Newfoundland and of 1 Ma^ leL !o'be cbiiy ^JSS '"•' '''''' '"'^"^^ ''' •"^"^^"^ ^' ^''^ United «;;;l^ For iM.e losses occasioned in the two cases I have mentioned, compeu- t e unou /':;:^n wr^/''''^'^'** ^'"'V ''"' ""'^'^'y'' Govern inent^'eu iiic .imoiint shall have been accurately ascertained. I have, i\:e., T. F. BAYAliD. Xo. 2(). Mr. Ha r (Huge to Mr. Jiayard. ,,,,.,, British Legation. M asltinfftoti, July 3 1 , 1880. [ Itecei ved August 3 ] vo /^'i^ ;"^w^''^ ''"V"!' to Jvckuowledge the receipt of your note of jestenlay's datc^ drawing my attention to an alleged infraction ot the •stipu ations of the featy of October L>0, 1818, bv the Newf mi and \u .7 :■ Thou as 1'. Bayard with seizure of his shii) in case of his ection « ith fishing oi)erations within three marine miles of that coast • I have, &c., CIIABLKS IIAIIDINGE. '^'""r*» OF AMKKICAN ITSFIERMEN. No. 21. Mr. Ilavdinge to Mr. liai/ard. 8,„ . VViM , "■""'""•"'""• -""»"" '' >««"''"S'ved Ails, ;, I inst ..t.o. s whiXl -e m^^ . r f^''?, ''T'".'^''' '" ^'o/npliauce with copies of tlircH isni ufs ?^ t "'"/'"^ ''^'"'' '"" ^^''^t^lJ^'rv, printed Her Majesty's Governnu i, r i .^/;.^^^ """"*' ''•'^"'" f'"' ^•'*'»'^ of 10th, 2(i'th, both Ma;; ;;;;,i'\'itu7nV' ' "■"' ""'*^^ ^^ ^'•" '^- ^^'^'^^ "» ^i^« I have, ik^i., ClixVRLKS HARDINGK. (Ineloaure No. .. with Mr. Hnrdlug.', „ote of An«„«,t 2. 1886.] The Earl of Kosehery to Sir L. Heat. FoRKiGX Offick, July 2:{, 1886. a .'op .,i' a note. aa<;;;I, ■::;;^;'^ ^ ^' jj,:-- ^^^ -^^ to tli<» seiziiro hv file (.'aiiadian ai tl.! -if i "^ . Vi V"'<'''> wliil^t oxpreHslv loferriu^ Story and Davi,!'.!. Ada ' ^H h«^^h U en^ "'*'""/> ^'"^-'^ J<'""l' American (ishorios question ""'*'""'*'** "^ "'"«^'' the present position of the NoAl, mil-lr .r^Tirititl aZ;'^i;::'^;{^i'::;.^K'':;s'' -i^i-\^-» ^.o united states the same (|ue,stion I think imperial or colonial, to otTect soiz es .I' V fj^i '^/^T/'"'^^^^^ "hetlier stance. Huch as those whicha,n.eai' n. Ih,!- ' ' 1^.\^^^^^^^^^ »"«1«»- circun,- 8t^ncess„chastho;ewh;;^;;;^:^ru.v Ied\.f^^^^ . ".V — I have to observe that Her MiK-rti^^ 'ernn ...t ri n ' 'f "f l** the David J. Adams, a position todiscnss thnf n„«.,"L.:\?.,'", *.'^'""""*''o ""^ leel themselves at present in attention of the courts ect of an appeal to the inent in the above cases broii.rht to a cou- g an opinion upon by the colonial author- -star CO Pi case fs f.shmft •vcs.^ul Jennie ami .Julia I ineln'J i".; ^' »'-7^"''o of the. United ' of a report from the Ca.ia a i i tist r ..n^^ ^^''- ««.vard a mii.ist' r o( marine and lisheries dealing with thif RlOllTH 01' AMKRICAX KWIIKIiMBN. ''■■^'-!'X!!^:^-?;r:i:;Ti:;: \ «i.. "., „ , r;;a;,";:-:i;i;»i;' - - "•■' «'M™;"'--'"™..:scr%:;;;™,,;:;;l^;'i I fiiii, &i •:m neport of a cmmitfe,-,,/ th. hcorahl, Ih,: „nn, ,:„ncU for /InrloHiiro I in N„, i,| v.-S8<.l Di.vi.lJ. Adams. '^ ' 'U.i. im,.- to 'li«8n/uic,oniie Anurinii, tisliin^: All or wbiel. i.s reHpeetfulIy ...b.nitte.l for your excHlencv's approval JOHN J. McGEE, ' /erA, /'rov/ CoiiunI, Canada. and addrenned to ifer MkjestS mini to at W.S' ^^I"'*"^ ®i''*''«' ''"♦"'' <1>« !» May tion from Mr Bayard, duted^tho aoil M J- Lta t *^?°' r"*^ *" '^ ^'""t'^«'' <>»'«""".£ ^r reiS'"^ v..e. David J. Ad^.^'i^^^ti:;^ i:; sSs^.S'^x-i-^.^tt" complained t^ U::v'£^?^,^^,;Z:^l^^,^r^^^ "' ^^''^" ^-«> An,erica had •"'M, and tiHl.in;? v.^hsoIs. ' ' * '' "" •'"^K*'*'' ^^'t'' v.olcncr ) l.y Anuiiean lis! cr^ u an-a„«,, tV.r enlamed tra.Ie rcla dnf betw. .•■ ^L u{J^%l T^ ''' ^''« «'""^ ^ '"'« ™nir;;;;ij^;tz-nS!::;i-^;;:-^^ Clonal trudo st.'adilv incn^ascd d Hn.rVi, ' ?., I" "'it^3/i"iis«'." o'ihiik rii.«» .am.. tliK r.'.urn II.-.S in an aKKniviit.-.l form, of itll tlio ttnnhU'H which hml o,..M,rn,.l .j„,..nor to tl... m..i,,r,M.,iy tfaty. TIum., w.to Invanlons of our wator." ITr- Nona! .•oMlli.ts X'tw.-iMi o.ir ll.sli.Ttn.-n aixl Aiii.Ti.-an cr.nvM, tli.. .l.-.itru.tioii of n.'i- Hlll«.r '"'"'' "" '■""•'"""""'"" "'' v»!NMi "i mm mo Wli.-n in H7I Sir ivlwanl Tl.ornf.n. tli.ui Mritlsh iniiilatHr at WaHlilimfon, an.l tho ''"" """• • 'K'; 'wn, ot lor..nto, win appoint.Ml j.ijnt pl.Miipot.Mifiari.^s forth.. |)m|M.m.of ...■K..tiatiiiKan.l..oii.lu.lin«a fn-aty ri'lafiiiK to (iNli.-ri...s, ,.,uini..rc.. an.l naviKalion. a i;rovi« al tr.;aty was arran^.-.l by them with the irnit.Ml Mtatos Gov- liai":" n:n ';:! /h:r^;;;ni:i;''""''"' "'"' '^ ^^'^ ""^ ""•"""••"' ^" "^">' '^' "-i «''« "-ko- Til., tn-aty of Wa.HliiiiKion, while it fail.'.l to r.^Ntore the provision.i of the treaty of 1K.4, f..r n..Mpr...-al Ir.'., tra.le (..xp..pt in (IhIi). at l.-ast k.,pt tli.. p.-a.u,, an.l th.,r., was '"'''"''•'♦•V "'';,"« •""• ^'""•«'' '""til July, If^H.-., ,vli..n it wa. t.-nninat;.! «Kali. by the IJnitf.l states (iovcniiii.iit an.l not by (iioat Uritain. ^ With a .b'sir.; t.ishow ihal hIm- wislie.l to b.^ a k.hmI n.-lKlibor, an.l in or.ler to nr.,- N.'nth.sHanm ami the lJnit...l States to eonsi.h-rth., (ifliery .iuosti..n. with perinissi.m als.> .) c «i.l.;r the wh.,1.. state ..f tra.le relations b.-twe.-n t!ie L'nito.l States an.l Ga a.la bis pnuinse was lulhU.il by the l'r..si.lent, but the Senate r.-jecte.l his recoimaeu- datiim an.l retuse.l to sanction the commission. lei-ommeu Uml.'r these circumstances Cana.la, havini; exhausted every effort to procure an aniicable arran«ein.-nt. has been .Iriven a-afn to fall back np,m tho convention of 1818, the pr.)vi8ioiis of which she is now enforcing ami will enforce, iniio punitive or vl'-wiinnff" ?« ^''••.I^,7"'-.l supposes, but solely in protectio-i of her fisheries, au.l ia vindication of the right sfjcured to her by treaty. Mr. Bayard suggests that " the treaty of 18l8\vas between two nati.ins-the Unite.l States of Ainorica and Gr.mt Britaiu-who, as the contracting parties, . n alone apply rslitiml " '^ interpretation thereto, an.l enforce its provisions by appropriate leg- Au it may be inferred from this statement that tho right of the Parliament of Can- nnti". "f^^ enactments for the protection of iho fisheries of the Dominion, and tho power of tno Canadian officers to protect those fisheries, are questioned, it may be Z J t^.f nrt "^r *t-'' ""*""* '^''- S"- "":^' "r" ^'''*''' - '''' conceived by the im.lersigned that thejuriHiliction in question is clear beyond a doubt. . ^- ^" ',''•'.''''.'** Pl'fC" the undersigned would ask it to bo remembered that the ex- tent of th., junsd.ction of the Parliament of Cana.la is not limite.l (nor was that of the ih^TT ''" """'W'" "IV""^ *" *''" ,*«.''V""-'^'*f' '"'t "^t^'i'l-^ for t'"'"o marine inih^s from the shon, 'IS t.. all inattors over which any legislative authority can in any country bo exerc.s... Iwi Inn that space. The l.^gislation which has been a.lopte.l on this sub- ject by the I arliameut.)t Canada (and previously to confe.b'ratiou by the Provinces) .loe.s n.,t reach bey-on, tliat limit. It may be .issumed that, in th.3 absence of any l,v iw^l/u'-fii'M "\ V * ^'""trary, this right is so well recoguizo.l and established by botli IJ itish ami American law, that tho groun.ls on which it is sui.port.^.l iiee.l not of the ;'. .liff ''^'f ""f ■ }. liVi'xlersigued will merely a.l.l, therefore, to this stateniert ot the pos.tion, that s.. tar from the right being limite.l by tho convention of l8l>, that .jonveution exjir.'ssly recognizes it. After ro-iouiicing the liberty to "take, cure, ordry fish imor within three marine miles of any of the coasts, bays, civoks, or harbors of His Majesty's dominions in America," t ere IS a stipulation that while American fishing vessels shall be admitted to enter 8 icli bays, &.C., "for the purpose ot shelter an.l of rep.iiriug damages therein, of pur- cliasiUK woo.l^ and ot obbiining water, tb.-y gh.H |„.Si„ae?sueh "•.fictions as may bo necessary to prevent their taking, curing, or drying fish therein, or in any other manner whatever abusing the ^irivileges reserved to them." RrOMTM OF AMKHICAN FIHIIKKMEN. 31 Ap|>ioj>ri(iU« le«UIjiti(>n on MiIn Hiil>)i<(t \>HH uun«nt Of th. «Jni..,.i Ki,.«.i t\\„ Uuu.^ui ;^..,;;;: ;^; ;::;;; in ill t\u< Ihvit inntiimo, iidoptfU liv tlu . :w. I'rtH ^_^_. ^_^^ _^.^^^^^ ^^^^^^ riiiictttil it) Ihif vitur t'olloiviii ■•oiii'iiiii !.>>> !.. ,ir.i „ i • ^i . . - ions m AmcM.ea, n.i.ler or in purHnanco of .my 'hucI, or.l.u- in <•< uuc h ItbrZ ' |nr.^J»iv_ll^j^,j „t,, :, „iii„r.s iniotum llu-ir luulioiity cniai,„lo s .lli-octly from tjio 82 RKillTH Ol- AMKHKAV KIM||KiniKN. t^lH-fll, 111 Cloiii hii M|i|t»i|irilll\l', II !.■ KOMinor K.i.riul. I'Ik' JMiiiMll .I..Kn !,, tlm lrn[M>rii«l.iiij(«ifiliiN(.l.j(.,ij„|, now |> ,| IJnitfd Siiii-H liiis Ioiik' I lit iiiori' ri'iiiaikitlilc, an tli >-(ii iiw.Hodi' tli<< iiii'CHniis of ri'tVri! I .^iiv-iiiiimnt of thu iNlatiiri'M it) tiiiiticrM al)V li I)V tlu-ii i>lHTifH or triMii- r.'latioiis with || MrVITIll lr;w«mI Im'i'ii iiiitil>' for iMoli of thf provincial iiihIoiiih lawM, iiavo l'.. Ml oil lIlM (Min oltJM! I'llifoil Statl^Nl I vi> lliiii ill ihti idocindiii tho IIhI t roiitiiitioll of Mr. H ■overimiiMit. tyurd, hiM nirlliflr ro oh h lie-*, I «s«niidi hav- r.-iTiitly Immmi fakiMi for I In- piot..,.tioii of lo alli'iiiiit liaH lii'iMi inadi^ to put aiiy Kjtwcial on till! rohMiition ot' |H|-. 'I'l iltT to I'nloiii' till' cxplliit I in m-i/iin-H of tliK IJNliiii^ vi'ssidn havi- I r novtd iiitirprctafioii pro\ iNioiiH of till, itiiprrial xtatiitu and of ll tlio 11 Nanu' lanj^najji' II prncioilinjrH wh;, ll liavi- lirfii taki'ii I HMMi iiiadi< ill or- ar and hmn imtaldislii'il <■ fttatuliM of t'lunidii i-xpn'HMii' in aliiiONt n i^ioiis of that licatv, tin- t\ pri'Hint iiiMf arr tin- Haiiir an tlioHo wliiili hav- I o rarr.s out Mm law of ||ii< Knipirn in tlio IliK period ill wliii ll tin h coiivt-niioii has i n in for tri lakiii from tim- to lim,, ,| «'ii niadi- nndtr pion-MM of tli« iiiipi-rial court of 'cc, and tlio Hi>i/.ntvn of vt'SNidn h.. , viio-adiniralty cstiihlisiiod in tl avo liu piovinris ol (''iiiiida. Mr. IJayiird tiirtlii-r ol.siTves tlmtHiiu-o th« tn'utvof 181H " « ««rlHri of l.iu- ..n.i n.Knlat.o,Ma(h...un«tlH..rad.-l.|.,.i th. NN.rth A^n.ri.M n pmvi i^h nn^ and , ;;IX"lS::;■l'V'^■"'^''V^ l. . ■. ta n^^^^^M^ ';•"■'■"'; \'"-*'-'"Hf'*'tiv., inhal.itantK." and that " the iii.K p'. nil. t anil , vet ••oncnrriMit aition of thi- two ( ..vcrnini'nts has eiri'cti.d i ./r ..lioil of jiirVn";. ::;';:,!;; lyr;"''" r^i r '"•^""" ' •••■ ''•<' -"-»'ion '.f .1 ' ; 1 *r ' ! '••; I" '^'•' 'K'toirixiproral IiluTfy of conimcriMt h-twHoii tlio IJniti'd Sf.t.w olThartiw Ann-ricu ttrd the VV.,Ht IndieH within th« liinitH Tho iiniU; rf'""! IniH not l.tii aide to discover, in the inHtancos iriven bv Mr IUp N?.r\hl2n-::"n'rovi!'"^'''"^'^;r^sr^^^ coiTc rn" It on of lo'rJ' ?'<'''" '^"""'^ *?/'."•''• "'■ V"^^ " ^'»' i"<»«lH'"Hlont and yet r=tr:;i^"tSVa=-rr contract.nK partn-H nuule the eonvntion th« haaiH of the f u t r pr vl m' ^lh^ Un.te.l htates and the 1 ritish American dependencies, and has.nit e^te. Itb at hes« 'f;vo;s-'h'".'i,"nn;"rTr'''?r"^ i^^^:r iS^r:,it!;5';io^.^ ofi'^:: t-dkl^:^^^ -"■ ^^-- -- =^ tin n lilisilo.Vl.v'Ii? l'^ nnderthis head " thoarranjrcmentfor the transit of gno.ls, and till _r. niissmn l.y piuclamation as to certain Hrit sli ports and places of tho reinaiii.?..r vlsiL""^"'^ '" "" --1— "• -l-al treatment .H-ing sllinn;- [i; Uniled staiej The proclamiiiion of President Jackson in Irt.'Whad no relatimi to the snbieotof thi, l.sheries. and merely ha.l the elfei.t of openiii^r United .States p , ts t JiS veLc Is KHillTM OK VXfllfKAN I |.-,(|j, UMfciN. 33 ll>llllll;{ lIllH ihitltli'tliili »i«t(imii Iiii4 tii'iMi uivni III till- ili'v.l 11' tWII I'llllllllil'H. IIIIIhI, lli».\.'ViM, it II fiiinfil..(l |li);t «iilii,tiMilliil "•piiM-'it .»|'iiniiiii,.ri'i«| iiaerfiHir— i '•♦•II tliii H'li leKiMl,iti.Mi ill tiKtt tlliwtlion hiii nut Inmii . ..iiflu.'.J f.i ■h.. 0..v .• .1 ;:;;;;i'lJr:.rr!;:;',.',:;;,!'r:',;v:,,; ' - ' ' ■^-- ■"' •:;' !- ,i.li';'raiv;;;:r;::r,!i:.;;;r;;i::;i;;;:-r it.la III iiilitiM \viit,.iH iu.< tr... to vi-«..U ..f fl. , I'V.i.,. LV , T , ' ' '" "' ' "»• "■;■, ""■-™;"i i'-;.::«i/M'l:;Ji.r ;'.*',':"■"■ '"" ' '■""" i;:itu:;;:"''"« '"'''■•''■■■■'■■■'"''•'«■•' -""- .•.j.nv.il.iit .•.Mi...>Mi„iiH,.., II,.. |„ut „|||,., Domini. I, ,,,,.1 in is.mi .h Vl.. 1 • -^ ..n'ai.ii.hi viri' w l»|i ilnir |mh|.Ii.. h u Hi.i. I till' w opi- ..I rliiii Kiiivchttiiii III liiliir|iri>t atrlrlly tliiiito of | I" •" ^•»'"'l» r»M|iillllij( M liil- Ihi- |nil fx iir «iit.-ni of ilm llniliili ir»- III! llllllllf CXIIil'.^llMl of UI'I'I'XN hil I'Xri Hlicli itii itliilin' X I'livi-r III' liK |ii>n iMiiiiix, III' 111' iiiv IIHlliliill rtillllil. M|.ii|| tl I her IlilMil, I'lr' «i||| In |irii.Uliiimliv v»hli li iiiu'h |M>rllMMl. I'iMirw mIiIi'Ii limy Imu' Hinii' I KriiiiM ht^ nliiiltiK < ' k- ••'•I'll > ittkii |i|iii i> ir, iiinliT I'll itiinli', |ii iiiiix>iM>ii \M jUliiTiiii'ii tiiivMiil IiiiIiIiiiiiIIn Im iIm' li.irirtiMi.C till- III liiK Hiifi'iy I'lir Jli.'ir M'xiM'l/ii nriif Innl rKiiiiiiiri'iiil liiiir iM'riinh'il III riiilcil Hlitti'M MKillJiMI. Illll I'll- till- -ikl' III" Xi'i'k. inliiirn i»» « jji'Mi'iitl liiiM- iif ii|M riitii.riM rii>iMN\| uviililiii^ risk f„ liMiimii IK,., |,iii imu,! If III iliH' lliiin Kfi'ttiir iiilviiiiijiK.' I., iIm.iiim.Ivi'h till' iiiilimirv It v.ttK III unlit III ^iiiinl ii^iiiiinI nu,\\ nii til III It III priiM'tMiii- iiiiil iMj{iiiii/». with ill wliii'li ilii'v i,r,. cimmj,.,! miiiiiiU-t thi'iii wiiH iiii liiili'.l ihf Hiiimlaii it ihiil Htm. 1. 1 ihf iiiiivUliiiiMiir thi* irniiv thiit II' H'wi'Mil iiilliiiiNJi ilhlii II It'll illll> olllllllit III,. i||,||,,f,. II till ii'lr IInIhi'i, It'll tiiiittir till' liiivMiir lutil lll'll. Illll tlllll till' I nili.l Mliil.'.^ "Iinlllil ■•llrni'K ii'iiiiititii' till' nj>lit lit whirl' till It. , hii liiili. 111,. |Hiii liuN,. of lutil iir',,11 Mir».'xri'|itiiij,' i.ii III,. j.Mii ,|M'i-iil.,l |iiii, till' llri'Ii-Hi'tl llilirlli'N III hill Till' •IMi|i|»l}r||i'il, tlnTili.t'.'. t'llllllOt IIIIV llllll'l' H IT ll|t|lliilllii-». «||i't||,| i„t,.||,|,.,| Cip Vl'llt llir IMtli JiiiNi' III liiiil, ,,r III I'Xlillllil tl ilivi'lil 1,1 ,,i,i I'oiiciir ill .Mr. ISa.Miiii'Htiintiiiitiiin (hat "i lint- ll|l|.|.V lli'i'lll'il till i||.,.|,.H|.ii llnhlim, tviilllif I till' ll'I'lltV ii;l« « liiiil.v lM.\tiii,l I III- |iiii\ tlllll I nlvi' III it III! |.|r,.,.t iii'MT riilil Mr. !lii,MUil .(iium.Nis ilmi tltr | •'llljllllll'll. "Ml Nf Mil I liy 11 ll,|li||jr VI mill tiiiili!" hIiuiiIiI giM' |i,.|-,i iij{|,i ii, i.|ii,.r Ciiiail H W, s,i,|„., ,„„| i|,|,.|,J „f liiTinit to " tiiiM'h |M»H.M llllllll'll ill tJM' fniltV, „|, ill „|| I'ri IIT W( Illll jM.iu (iif i.ilit'r III. Ill till- Illll mil ilH |iiiivisi,.|iM. 'I I.Ih wiitilil iiiiiiiiiiii t it wiiiilil I'liiilili' II i;i,i;..,| !S|,K Illll MiU. HJii.iil,! yiv,' hii jii'if.. t iiiiiiitiiiit, I'u piiiii (til II prill iif ilii' tri'nfv, liiiiiim'o illll'll l||l fill lltirpOM.M llf lldllll'Htir itlst IT lit I'llHtlllllN, hv iRHIlinjr ,1 li 111', iirlnltitilly titii t ri'iit.v III i'\irv I'liiii'il Stilt, N lUltiiiu vi'i.Ni'1. 'J'j 1 llltlH ll'^ttliltmil, III ^r\\,. cXrllllltilMl t niiii I- tlllll. r till- MiiiiNh lliiK Itiivi' I hi' iiiiil in ,.|it,.r || Hi'iviiti.iii that Hiiiiiliir vim- till' p i( hiiM' •>t'Hii|i|iIi IHIH III I'i'jjtiril til tlii'iii M liisi'H itH I'orr.' whi'll it in I' poitN III" till' I'liiti'il .Stiiti'N iiir iiiiitiiiiii il 11,1 n.fttii,.ti,iii „„ Jiiiiish v.'um'lM, anil ri'iiioiiihiii'il that Ihi iiv.'ittiiin ,ij' no rt'iiiiiu'latioii of II y privili-yi.| Mr. Mii.Nuril nIiiIi'n ihiit in tin «''""""•"'*' IX pii>pii>i'il thiit riiiinl ,S|,it,.s lishi pii.ci'iilittK'. prior to thi^ tri'aty of HlH th.i HrltlHh c'ltrrymjr :iUo iiii'rciiiiiiiliH.'," hiit ilmt iliis pniposiiion '• I iij.' vi'XHi'ls mIioiiIiI III' i'xiiIikIi'iI "fn I'ltn Iliyi M.tllllN. WHS lll.MIIllllllI'll," illlil };o,Sl>ll t 'iiiK n Ni'.ii'il l.y till' A •III luri- to iiiiliiaii' ihiti thi. Itimi ••HM l.f liHllillK llill II, ,t thill, ,111,1 il iiNii.v, "I his fiiif wiiithl Mi'i'iii I'li'tiilv >'i'MN*'iM troll) jiisi» triM iiiu Ml t i»* n*"iil;ir uuit^ .ir4.nn-*- •* \ . f H not itiiw, ili«i|iiiili(y •ii'iici' to till' piori'i'ii- Niiili'H \ i'kmi'Ih visit j III;"' piiItiiltlH llf till- , .11. I of I.tiiiiild wliifli till' I'liitiil .Siiiii-s liMl liirili\iit}faiiil i'iiriii..illslt,iiiiil II mipjiiwil only to lliili.iiti' tliiil th,. lilirifv f ohji'itioii ill K'liiliiiit to th or :iiii| Ni'wfi.iiitillitiKl ii'ntii'^it Itttil lll'll, ^rnuitiil till' rixht lo'liHh. ,'iii.| to h.nil iiMi'ifioii III ihi' proposal ran, at ihi' ttlmoit, l„. oniriy itii'ii liaiHlis,. nii>.||| ,.s\si wiihotit exfi'inlM to ihi' ifirttlar potlM of I'liti iNt4, 1,11,1 is ,|i« y;ioiiii,| for si,|,,,„.si,n; that I riti' piiiposition .if ih,' Hiiti.sh ni'Kotiai .\, ilJilltllHt llti' I'XpIr.ss IH was to iipp Ih of till' tii'iitv. rlK'lit woiiIn: " It is, lli.r.'foiv. wi-ll itnilnstoo,! that Ih.' iilu'ii Artioli' I thi' followii list It'll ill til.' prfcciji to any priviji'm' of .arrvin^ on tiinli rcHiiliiiK within thi' liinit.s hi'ii'itilM*for Unili'il .Siati'N." art ol ihiM arliilc. shai! not 1 till' with any of his llrittin .vof fiikiiti;, ili.viitL', ami K' ron.stnti tl toi'xti'iiil M V .•is.siM;i,,.,| f,,|. ,|„, „,s,, „,• ,|„, ii^i, ii.ji'.sty N Mih.jfi'tM iTiimii of 11 10 It Wits also pniposi'il to lintit tlnin ti iii'('i'.s,siiiy for Ihc piiisi'i iition of ih ityi'il tin'reiii, To thin till' A hiivtit;; nil iMiai'il sik j, j^ooils as iili"Itr , .1 •. , - '^■'*'"''.v Iir Ihi' siippofi llf Ihi' lishiTini'ii giiy,.'il th.'ri-in, oiin till' pn.s.iiitioitorthi'ir voyani's I .1 Illll Ifi lishiiii ho wltili- fii- rioniiil.s," ...'f;.'';?^:7:;'';.^^:'«''/ ''* »'!.l'" «'^'V" •" ^''•' H^yamv* arj;n„,..„t that th.. ri'i .'tion of a iiiriu;; ihit c.'ittNt! of ti eld to ii.'.!.',s,sitatc an intiTiirelatioii lulvDrHo to llio ti'iior of Kii.li II' iic^oi'iitions Hlionhl he proposition, that Iio KritiNh li'd " from III' AriHTi- ■III rli'iii'ly iliMi|iiiiIii'v I' lUIM'CClj- |n l'llit''il iiilliitnl nil !l>l til lilllll iiliniiit, li<> •il Willlllllt i;;u I'iKlit fy. (iilliivviiij^ f, ami iiii- lofxtrlid H NIlltjcctH u'H of lilt) iii.ulit " ho wliili" I'll- ;rri>iiiiil,s." Ill' I'Olltlll- iM fXpilHO i;iiiiliiiii'(l. ir litii'ltiirs itiiil Imr- iit IJiiiti'd it'lter and I'tioii of a diimld lie tioii, that RlMHJH or iMKRICAN t nmy .•.rfuliiU »„, „,h«I to i.rovi. thnt A |ii»«H. Miliiri ,i( (III. d»t.|, .»,.« iUImti III' |>ri>|H>*lt|iMi tliut lb." iIm< Wiird ■timdtiin Will riaiiniiiii. 35 """';•»'» ••"'•'"It v..*wU war* ni>t in. «» 'IU» l'uiU;\ Hfuti'M ••r» for liiilt In Im. ii.,,..! „v,.„ |,i ih ::t:J;,S^:';':!;..'^r j'^i •=-..;;rv::^!J:;, ttiid ball •• Ik< «di|wl to iT itfuoiiiiiorii III HH iiinUn -MlHiiltled hill r..iid "i.n.vld.'d, how. to ..i|f,.r miih hiivii luiil hiirlMir, for th mill liiiil." Thciiddiii |ili>iii|Mtti>iitiitr •MMif thi< two 'ntt word !•'', mid thi'ir oinl WlOII ;::::::r;:::.:"'T"'!"'-:''!'"''-i-^"^s:;'::.,; l". .•«.„ i|,(,iii«. I».,.»„^. ,1,., iiHJM.r.. tWI.. ■' b.' r.'(.i..*.„i„th..M of III.. Inif.I Stat m <'ruiioii „( dm i .*.!'"«"'.''• *'"' "!" •"■•»*'*» •'• Hr.it ••' |>"i-miiti Im « thin .'Vid > ixiioinii't'd l-T', thiit iM'ftli.T th) litflit II l..f..i.. ||„. Miilil..x or |iri\ i.r..;:'y::;?::r:':i.!:ii -'•''••'. .y.^w;;". COIIllllikMloll III «•• of trinliiu,' oil .\iii.-i •.;i»-M*.tion for tl... ,.rivl|..>,.:^Oiiil. Ixld I li.tdr ir.ui> to I'tilii'd Ml Hull li>«h.'ri)trii. I'll,, lirifi,} "•'KI oiiffrri'd IIIMO I'llllllM'd h> nii|i|dii>i.', oliitiiii I, I'ortH mid liiirlinrN." HliH lulling v.-HwU "to I •'•'•" Kiv.'ii Hiiii,. th.' riitill.'iitioii ,.f th "ii«iiK«' "fiihii-, prixiMv Imli, ,„„| rmi'.li.r .iiiKofH, to ot.iilt vf««.| hm.'In, Till* llilll VMM, ilowrV.T, •l|i'0...,(|f|i|| Iiiitlh! u.ii.riilly ill Ilrltlnh iiitiiiiiiiiiifii •' riiiir th NIU'I J.'.l of riim|ii.||Hilliol|, I., .„ iiiliitliitmiis of Ih.. I'liii,.,! y n'NiNi.'d. mill III t|„. I'iilt,.d Slat r,.V'.''.'.::r '""•'•'•?"■ •' "•"' ■■<''ii....ii.i ,,.1 I •»'«lli" |iriviliiii„of tiiiin., imrcl '•"HiiiK l.iiji ni„| i,ih,.rMii.|,li,.; urr r* i'iiN.< It is Vlltlll|.,-,.H of III,' In-HtV, '•mim- th.. ii,„ty of WaNhiiiui I. Iiol Ih.' nllil. 'h Ih. I .■^tllt.'M, who II '''""■"'.V'MM..^ l.-|"lv..d'of tlM.,.1 l.vVi «,'"" ' I''" II" "iifli riuhth oil ihi "W .■||j,,y t|„,,„ „„,,,, 1^^ 1,^. ^„„ <-.'iia. j.ii..|.f of f„r„„.r o,,|,r..HMiv.- «|„| villi' for miy poM^iltj •' vuri •lit hfafiit.'N p.tNm.d rilH.' .'Oil hi at Ml. l( »w. tf i,l tkf . . ' ■"•1*1 ftl III III.' of th.' \Va«hiiiKti.ii tr.'iity), if t| lyurd on iiior.) than 'iiii.'iilor.rd (.■viMidiirinmh miy tliii.. hiivK li U' Cimadiaii miihnrit in'o.TiiMioii iiitiiiiat.'Hihat ll mid itM .•iifi■ -v""tvy..arH, i.xi.'pt- ^ni:;:'.r;',r;:,-r*"" -■"'--'^"'•-';^"tlc?;;l,-r/:;;;;;,:i;;i ."ifi-:;;™;: ;-;;;:;is;;';::^- t;"a;;iS":;:,;i;v;,r;-\l ■ ■ '■>■ ■ '"•^l"'- "as a rnitr.i Stal.s lisl r v,.Ji.l , , 'i '"1 '>\vin« .•iiTninsiaiici'.^: I»"-'H o.hi.r than .liot.- for whi. I ;. , rv i^ irio r"','",'' "i" '""''"■•■ '"" "i"''.v «<"' l-.r- ai"l Canadian st tnt..«. ' "* l'""^""""'! l>y tho trnaty and hv tli.' iinp.'rril i.^;i«:';,;;v;i;;r;;™:;i^M,i-:™«,;:»;:;;;,;-.in;;;.. ;.,.,, ,.„„ u. I" 111 .\lr. Hayaid'H l.-t.-r as iiavin-r I. ., n ,, i , i '" •"""• "'" I"'I'«-r r.'f.'rro.l ■lie warran. whi.di ...n.n.an.l.'d iIH . . s iia H i^ ^'^^^ir' ;"''V''':',''''''- " -P.v of I 111' iinili'rsijKn,.d .^ ii.fornii'd fiim 1 1. r, .. • "' '"' -^ '" "!••'•<•■ tlio arrrst. ' ;:• l'"|..:r .hafits roi.t..ni:;. .,'.;/ .!™ "iMu"-;"!""; ",";'/--"r'"Ho adjusting «'hi|.rofthi.,.„„rtin.harKi'.i,.dii, ,,./|i; v' ' ^ '« •l«"ihll..ss ..orr.-.-t that tho Hi.' IJniti'd States .■onsul-^.n.'i , ti....,iV?, ;'';;' '''IT''' I", ''V r'""^^^''' «"t'' utMinaiiitfil will. (I,.. ........... ..J.., Vi- *''l"'"" '»' tl"' I)a\iil ,J. Adanm «..re ..i,.,i„ an.sp....,na a,.pii;:ati;nrt,:;H;. ;:i;"u;rn.am I I ;5;"^;^:•■'■■■l!!"'• ;:■''"'=• ."i::i". 'M.rM::'';;;:!,'';:i ^ 86 BIOHTS OV AMKKICAN KiNilERMKN. •'•!•'•''" '•'"^ riiMf. rit.il an.! wm |Mil>h»ltt'«l. himI IhhI lM>f.mM> »...i.,. , .1 ,..,„i,, "• •••»«• ••■•'•••• ••'• " I t" ul»«. III.- r.,ti..| HMi... ...h.i.l ,,,,1 »»in'ii «*iMMiiii'( lilt iiic iiiiriiM' riu* iiriii 1*11 ti^inuiniiM.M V iMiili'i ilic iiriiwiii Ih |i.ritr »»iii li •••MMliiii lilt 111,. |,iiri iM l»i.« iini.'.r t'( iliM l.iiiiwtiiwiif ••..'. • 'tt'l'MlllKhlllflHt, .iK I. I'll.' Ii«t»l iirmi-i'iiiitK" IiimI itr HiMi hiiio 1 iitliiiiriili> lit Mitlil'itk, wh»T»' Ihi' i'lilti-il ni.u H'I'll l'')ll)||M*ltl I «•• r Hi lilutl.V riiltlil l.)M Im|V«> HmtKlt WMti ,.... ^ ,.. ^„., . ,.,„,. uriMiiiii- Hit Hlilrlt ilii> htlfrvi'tiiton ^r lh«<'«iMiri iiiiVl "iH-iiJi iTJiiMil'lit I'l tliKri'iii ••« flMlillll ({••ni'llll ri'»M|i'il, Hllil IIm' nrtl- I |ltfi|Mtllll,_ltlf ItK Mil* I'ltlli'll M|lliM III till, illK If |l|IM'l'<>l|i||Kli I lull. «.i« i..,|. Ill ihl« iti.,l.Mi,.,. ih.. Ilulili..! iHmnitiv ill (III. I'liit.'.l Mf mw ....iwiil. !hr..rii,..l|.,ii HiM.li 1.1 hrtv., Ih«„ «h..|| hy Hum.. |.. w' , la-.v ulv.'ll. II- iiimii III III K iiiNfrtii'ii'il hk.'wlii ir.Xl'K., Ill f/ll'll (1 iHf, if it |. :il» ».i|/,l'.l, Itltll iH IIIIU 111 III. Il uiiiiit'iii Ml i|ii-ii'iiN.iiiK li.i' ulili'li III.- hiivi.l .1. A.lll Mil IIIM >H .llllllll'.l Ihill III.. Vl'W-.. I Vil.llltfll III! ||..||.> ol I"*!", mill ii.tiM>.,ii.'iii(y III,. Hiiiii^.'. sMii.'li »'\j^i r.ii III!' .Ill aii.i It IX iiUii I'lmiiii'it thiii t>\u' \iiiliUi'i| Ihi'i'ii ttn'.'MM'hi .il Illll tii'ulv. 11 H' iiihI. r^JKii. .1 ii'.iiiiiiiii.|iiU tliiit fii|il 'li !»• th simii'^ hnsHiil I'miKa.'i lit !«?•;<. iiiiiiiiili.iit ..(■ Mr. Iliivm.l «N«f ntutiitt-H III' liirnlxli.'il I'lM- III,, il .Ml-. MiiMiiil iuir 111 III.' i'iiri'i'N|i.iiiili'iii'i' mill n'liiitn wlmli i|< III- -mill' ilU|,,,|,||. ii'.'.i||,.|| III,. iiftiMilii.ii ..f H.-r Mnji'tt > N mill- IJsli.'iy .|ii«'»tioii «iM mull r ('.Mini. ;i'min.ii, aiiil iiiiil-. lit till' ii.iinii'tilis II, \' k l>liir.' ill 111.' y.'iir lijii, wliiii till .'»»|i.'tniilly 1,1 III,- iiiMiiiK-ti.iiiM iV.iiii Illll III ,il ti.ni Ailmmil Wi'lJ.'HJ.'y, in wlil.li ilmi .,tli,'|.| iM I'M- HI.-UI .'mill, .11 III III,' mivNt ,.f Aiii.ru-, III iIh|i,-i iii.i WilX .lll'l'l IlilVl' il III, n< cliiNs ,.( ,.I1,.||N,.H iiKiiiii, ii'li-ix 1,1 ilii'iii iiM ii,i|,lvii,(i •' (111 nn.h-rnliimliiii; li,-l .-iiimiiiiH, an IIP '.'I'Htaii.liiiu:. wliiili hIh.iiI.I, ii, hj., ,.|iii,i..ii. ai oilii-r t ithir rlirillliHtaiK't'M, ;,iv,.n, |||,. , ,|„,,| ,,( 1 1|,. am ||,,|i|i W.-i'll 111,- I Mil (iov- iiii.'N, anil iiiiiU^r I. Iii-:it,\ in i|ii,'siiiiii VH, wlM'lliid ltii|inriiil Of (!( I. I., wlnmi iiimI.t II,,' laWHiil llii- Kiii|iiri> in riiiniiiiiii'il tli.Mliitv of wiil' Wlii-ii, ilii-ii Iki,., Mr. Kayiii.l puintN mil ili,t "ali.s,i|i iiitw i'MhIn lor a II -»! lid illll, if III oiuiiiK tli« (.' anil iiiNlu If ii,'<','NHiiy Mint 111' till- tn-aly ol l-l-* " i,, t| 1' H.i/.iir.- iiT Aiiurii an v,'-.h.'Ih iliarunl with vidlatiiiim Hm V 1,) "'•■"inlili.iiis >|i,',ili.'.l mill. 'r III. iM- liiNinictiiiiiH, ji K'cill Hit' (ail Hull ill III,' y.'ar lr*7n Hi.- i>riiiii|.iil cane .1 IH II. -(•(•M- |iiiii III ( .iiiiiiliaii liNlii'riiHii x\a»Hial tin' A iiiNJiiir.' li-liiiiKuHiiimlNaiKl im. i|, -iii^r wiHi Hn- lalVlnil ('iMii|ilaiiii ,111 thi> iiii'ii.an vcMM. If, will' lii'H|mH,sjn;{ on tin. till' jiiurlia-i' 111 hail h -illj; Uii'ii a niilll.T III Il IN liliihahh'. Inn, ti i Hli' a.'tloll iil' Hi niii.k.'i-l ill I'uiiu.liaii watiM'e laru.lv liv III J.I..,S( ifi-r \N H'.'ii i'\iNt,'(| 1(1 an arr h.'i'iiiiiiary iiii|iiii-iaii.'i-. iin|ii-iial (iiivi't Illll. -nt wan iiilliu'iucd v.tv pliilii'il ill ihi' lollowiii),' ycai hy ihi- ir.'aly .if Waxl inK.'iii.'iii Nii.'li an WHS lu'coiii- n view of HiIh iliNpoMitiiin mail.- appaicnt on hoH liiiiliiNlaiiiiin^, ilial Hi.- iinpirial aiiHi.irii i.'M, williont iiii;(ioii, fuid that it iiiav t i« Ui- I'H tn arrivn at hiicI I tin loiiiiil ri«lilH, anil wiihoiii a.'.|iii.'H,'i,i« in any liinilnl .'.iimtnictiiin of || ly suri.-nil.-r of imp. -rial -ir iiiMlnnl.'il III.' vi, ,. ailiiiiiiil to .'oiilinc hi It- ficiitv. of otr.'IIM'H Whil'll «.'|-.' «M-i/,mtM lo Hii^ niiin-i.p.-n mi.l iiijiiri.iiiN .hi n.ival oliifi'iM of till- iinpi'rial s.-i'v i fNp.'i'ially likt'ly to h,- hioiiL'hl within II 111* .'ouni/ati of til I'hi' L'aiiiitliaii ( iOV I'I'lllll.'lll, UN hiiN h.'.-n iili'i-iuly Hlal<«il, for nix nioiitli .aft itN liNhiuif j{|-..iiii,Im I...... ♦.. *,. . . _ 1! I . . '. ... '. ^. "*"-«K III or.liT I.I pn-v.'iii lo.s,s to th.i.s.- IInI jjrt-fiH, on the rriiHi.U-iirMri-.'iiiiiiM''n'l!«ti"!! that n-rnit'ii, an. I to alliii.l tim.' f.ir t t r coimiih-r till' wlmh ntiNt a joint fl loll r.-latin;r to tho li-du'rie's. •' III i.'tnrn, II- act ion of C'oii- Invtilit be apjioiuti-il / f lUiilll .1 AMKItlCAN MN||F.RMr.N. I ■..f-i- ' •'» tlil S . .17 Ni.i»,,.oniMM.M,,v..M»io,, . 1^?^.;; u'^^^^^^^^ '"." **'" "."'> ' «•"«• 'I...),!... flnttliimiri' '.' Ill N,, I A'.yi, / WIMi n li'ii'iKt' ((» n ilHiiiirli f'liiiii ii... It. , 1 Noil.1. I.. :,\Un, I „. r li "i s, , ' 1 I. ' 'T '■" '"!:"' '"»'"""< >" I'lul.v. N„v, «'..no« i„« ..l....r vuri.'i.." ' "• '" '"'•'■-'«""•> '"»" llH. l»„M.r k.. fl,« w'^n^:!j;i;;f:';:;::;:;';:::,.;:::::,;!;'i!i,t:A:::TL;:!itM V "'";v'« - " "« «:; |.Mn I...... In.Hh l..r. ..«. . Iv^u .1 V ^ll, J'; 'r ;■'" :'7 ^' ""^ »'"•"' „r..„,,,;;:::i'\::,!,,!",i:,;,: ;;;,:;-;:;:™;;;,;.;;i>;,vi.t-n^ „,„„.,. I"lvilv«,.M not rohfmi h.l .,1 ||,.r. V " . '"y"""^ <•> « I."'- iKlll.V mH^I- ai,.| ..l,t„i„ t'-a..v ^^|,i..|, ..N..|n;i..M ;. I S . • U,, ' / vl TT ""'""""'• "'" l""^*^*<'" '><" H.., t'"l..n«s is not to I.. .l!.r, m j V . in' a'-'l': 1 '; ■""' ','','" ""' '''"^^ '" " "•" -''« 'v^n-nnpi^i:'';;: ;:.::;;!te::r:j;:,«;:«;i::;,:;;;;'^ "-y •'--'" "- "" •••-- riiiff.l Slat,.,-, l„it n.Th.i f. ..,,,. ■•^"""t'o o.Mm.rrtal mtricoMi>.. uJHi il,,, rii.' wliol,. ,fN|,..,tlullyMibiiiitti'd. (iKOHCK i:. rosTKlf, Ottawa, June 5, 1S8G. -'/*»../,,• »/ ,!/;..^,„e «»«' FM^rics. TV>, 38 K'lailT.S OF AMKRICAN FLSIIKRMKX. (InclOHiire No. 2, willi Mr. IInrdiiiKi 'h notf of AiitJiiHt 2, IHMd,) 77(1 /•.'(u7 itf Ji'oHelwiji to Sir L. llenl. roiUKiX Ofi ici:, Jllljl SA, Ir^Hd. .Siu : 1 liiivc 1(1 iiiktiuwicrljri, tlio rcci-ijii ol'vctiir (liMiuitcli No. Id (ticalv), of tlif llOth Miiy last, inilosiiiM a ,.,,|,y ,,;■ :, n,,i,. iv,,„, m,.. Jijivjud, m wliidi hr i.ri.iuMts nuMiiml tlif pnuisioiiM (ifa lull rciH-ntly iiitroilnccd into tl'ic Ciiiiadian I'arliann-iit Cor fli" piir- poHn (iric^riilatiny; (MiiiifT opiTHtions l>y furciuri vessels in (.'aiiailiaii watrin. In ivply I iiicli.Hi- im I'XfMKt (if a dlNpatcli IVoiii iIk; }ii)vcrii(ir-j;('iicral i»i' (Jiuiiulii, eoiitaiiiiii;; oIihci valioiis (iii tlic Miilijcct. I liavp to add tliat Ilcr Ma.ji hty's (Jovcinnicnt ( iitircly (•(niciir in the vioww t-xprt-'Hsi'd by the .Mai(|nis of (.ansilowno in lliis extract, of wlii(d"i von will (•oinnmnifato u copy to >lr. HayanI, lo^rcilicr with a copy of tlic present dispatch. With icujird to Mr. IJayard's ol>Ncrvatioii.s in the Name nott<. rcNpcctini,' a cnstoinH circular and a warniii;; ifsiu-d by .Ut' Canadian aulliorilics, and dated rcspcctivtdy file 7th .May and the .">th March last,, I have to a.(|naint yon that these (htcii iif» Inive now lieen amended so as to liiin^^ them into (^xact iUM^onlanco .with treatv Mtipii- iations: and I inclose, for eommniilc;iti(Mi to the J'-.tted StiiteH (Jovermiient, in'inted copies id these docnnn'nis as amended. I J' 1, IV'C. f III! lo.^tiic I ill .Vi). '.'.) 'J luMiiniiii.i (if f.aiisthiinir III /uirl (Irioirille. (KxtllK't.) C'lT.xDici., Qlkukc, Jiniii', IHrtti. Her Majesty's minister at \Vasliin<.,'loii hashcen i;-ood cnoii;;!! to comnuinicatc to nio, for niy information, ( opy of a note received by liim iVoin the .Secret.irv of Siiite of the United .Slates, in w liicli the bill is criticised, not so much on acconnt'of its pidicv, or because its iiitiodiiction is rey,arded as inopportune and incon veni(>nt, as upon the t,'roniid tliat any IcHi^i.itioi, liy the Parliament of the |)(Miiiiiioii for tlie jmrpose of in- terpreting- ami .uivin;^ etfect to a contract < ntei-d into by the imperial (ioveriimeiit is beyond the ((mipetence ol' that rarliament, and "an assumption of jurisdiction on- tirely unwarranted," and tljercfoic " wholly denied by the i:ni(Kl .^states."' Vour lordship is no doubt aware that legislation of this kind ha.s been frci|neiitly resorted to by t Ik* railiauieiit of the Dominion, for the ])nrpose of enforciiifi treaticH or conventions entered into by the imperial (Jov.rnment. In the present ca.S(' the IcKiNbition propo.sed was introduced, not with tho object of makiiij; a chanj^e in tlie terms of tin* convention of 1-^|H, nor with ilu- inrentio'n of representinij as breaches of th(* convention any acts whi(di are not now punishable as br(!aches of it. What the fraiiiers of the bill soiijiht was nu'rcly to amend the procednic bv which the conven- tion is enforced, and to do Ibis by atta(diiiin- a iiarticnhir jaMialtv to a particular breach of the convention after that breach had been proved before a competent tribunal. It must be reineinbcred that the convention it.self i.^' silenr as to the pro- cedure to be taken in enforcing it. iind tlmt effect lias accor'hnjtiv been j-iven to its jirovisionsat dilferent times lioth throiij;h the inejiiis of acts pi'ssed.'on the one side, by Con;;res,s, .•iiid, on tlie (.thcr, by the imjierial rarliament, as w( 11 ashy the leoi.shitnres of the lirifisli Xortli American I'rovinces previous to contederation, and siin"' confed- eration by the I'arliameiit of the JJoininion. The rifrhi of the Dominion I'arliaiiient to le<;islate for these pnr|)oses, and the validity o{ snch ley,islation as ii'iainst the citi- zens of a. foreign country Ine^, as far as I am aware, not been seriously called in ((iies- tion. .Such Icjiislat ion, unless it is disalloued by the imperi.al tiovernineiit, becomes jiart of the law ot the Umpire. The Governinent ut' the I'nited .States has lon^ been aware of the necessity of refer- ence to the Dominion Parliament in matters atlectino- Canadian interests, and has, I believe, never raised any objection to .snch reference. The treaties of 1H54 and 1871, so far as they related to the tisli(>ries or to the coniinen ial ndations of the D:)ni!ni(m, ■were made subject to ratilicat ion by her lec-islatnre. In the same way the treaty under which fntritive criminals from the I'nited States into Canada are surrendered', is carried into effect by nieans of a Canadian statute. If a foreiuner conimiisa mnrder in Camilla he is tried, convicted, ami xecn'ed Iiy virtue of ;, Canadian aiid iiot of au imperial act of Parliament. Sei/.urcsof yoods ami ves.sels for breaches of the local cus- toms law have in like manner been made for many years iiast without any protesc on the :;ri)und that such laws involved an usurjiatio'n of power by the colony. ■i RIGHTS OK AyKKK'AX IMSIFIMrMKX. 39 Mr. Hii.viinl's •itiifi'iiicrif tliiit llio I) tliis iiiiittfT to " iiiv;nl oiti/ciin (»1 tlin I'tiiliil Stilt !■ fiiiil ilt'Htroy till' coi lllllillicn, (n.VlTMIIIrlll ir, SCckill^' 1 •> lis ilftioil i niTcijil riylits anil piivili'srcH Hfcnrpil t Bril.iiii" i.i not wamitilcil l.yilic f'aclN of thV las. ••H iiiiil.T ami liy viiiiirnf ircjit.v .Miimhil o iiiiiiiiM witii (Jieiit by .iKuu.y,..riti,..i,.t,..Hh.ii Vith tho i...;;;;;.;:^;; i;',;:'S^ liain..,.. ol tlH, D.m.m.on t.. inf.M-n.n. will. vlmsHs ni^aui-il iu hln^f Lrnnulv,^ transHH.on. npon flu, ...ast .f tl... Dominion. TU^iL y.LlZ&'Z"" U,!^ E'';!.z'::i:i:;::/';:'i,:'''^;;''i''''''';''7 '''^«'i"K~^:.n:im.HnX;s.ri'\r vimtinn. '" ^''" '-•""^•""""" ••' '-^l^ "» l""ti-.. vio'ia.iMK tlm t.rn.s i.f-^.at c .',1- p-'""' >nrs.nv,.n,iuHs..n.r...rn..de,:ti;::^:,:;'::;;i:;;:;:^^^^^^^^ [IiK lo.iiiic 2 ill No. 2. ocal CU8- 'r >; , . .. fl'ltr)lill(l. Jo nil to whom it Jiimj cuncvni : nw^entm l mt. U M.ite.s amK.ivat Hntain, .sikim-iI at L„m!i,,ffetiii- iiiu fisluTi.'s. .,r aii\ (.llii'ci- of • Canaila, slmriir, g;> on iKiai-a of aiiv .>*tiip, v, (HI liriti.sh waters) 'within tli na;>istra1e, or otlier iier.soii dnlv eoi 'I, ollieer ot tiie ciiistoms of mmissioiieil for iliat purpose, may )at wirhiii any liarl.or in Canada, or liov iiig ■ee mariii.' miles of any of the coasts, bays, creek.s, or bar 40 RIGHTS OF AMKinCAN I'lSIIKK'MF.N. l)or.s III CahiKla, iiinl >tii,v on l,(,ar( ^lir may ivmaiii within ^n.h i.Iani) or '•:t. If Kiicli Niiip v...sN(.|, „r iM.at I..' Iioiiml .l.sfwli.'iv, ami .siiall .ontinnc within WKli liail.oi-, .TM. h.ivninK (or tweiity-tonr honiH altrr th.- niaM.r .sjiali liavi- hc-n H'<|,iiiv(l ti. tl, part, any on.- of sii.h olilic.Ts or imthoiin as air ahov.- nicnt loin-d niav .iin>; snHi Hhip, vf.sH.l.or l,oat int.. port ami s.-uivh Iiit .ai-o. aii.l mav also ..xainiiio tlir nia.st.'r npon oatii touching th.- carKo aiis..|, or l.oat nn.l..r lii.' lirst .s... ti..n ..rMiisa.t. ri\ .'.''V' nT'V'l' '•''"■■'I- ''''■' ''''■''■''•'^''•' ''"'■'«- 'M'lmi.'lJn tlli'ri'.il .sl;all he (orlcitc.l. , I « I. Ail^.....ls. jship.s, v..sH..|s, ami lioals, an. I th.- ta..klr. ri-Min.,', appar.'!. fMrnitnro HtoivH ami .•ar«o Iml.!.' t.. l..rr<-itMr.. nml.'r this a.t. may 1... M-iz.^.l an.l .s.'.iu.'.l l,v ain om.;cr,s..r prrMMis imMitioii...! in I h.- (..■.•..mi s.-.ii.ni of thisa.^t; and .'V.-rv lu'rHon on- posin-aiiy ..llifci oriu-ix.n in th.- .•x.'cnii.m uf hi.s.intv nn.lcr this a.-t. .'.r'aidin..- or aiiftiin;: any otli.r iM-rs.-n ■., any opposition, .shiijl (ort.ir .v-oo, ami HJiaiJ he .-iiiit"- of !i inis.l.ni.anor, ami npon .•..nvicti !..■ liahl.- t.i iniprisniuni-ni f..r a Icrin }w?vKc.vi-i\. mji tw.i years. Of all of which yon will lake notic- ami j;.)vcrii y.-nrsclC arc.ndin-lv. (iKOKMJK i;."|(»STEI{, 1/;. Pi;i'.\i;t.mi:\t .ik Fishkuiks, Otttiirn, Mitrch .">, l-sC. Miiiiilrr of Miiriiii hi-h .•ontractin- parli.-s that th.- inhal.ifants of th.- sai.l Fnit.-d fetat.s sh.ll hav.- tor.-v.-r, m (-omnion with th.- snl.j.-.-ts of his llriiamii.- M.ij.-stv b.n!T,7 ";•''■,'''" 'r'' ;•• r-'V '^i-"' <>" that part of th.- south.-, n c.a.st ..f K: tonmihuid wind, rxt.-n.ls from Cap.- Hay t.. th,- Ram.-an Isl.ui.ls. on th.- w.st.-rn aiKl north.-n, .-oast ol N.-.vhm,nllaml, fn.iu th.- sai.l Ca|..- Kay f, tin- Qnirpon Ishunls; on th.- sh,.i.-.s„f ,lu> > a^j.!al.-n Islamis, and ..is,, .„, th.- coasts, i.avs. har s „d St I. f n'n''"T"/ '^"'V;;" ♦'"' ^^o"''"''" '""St .d- Lahra.l...-. to ami thro,,., the stiaiis<,f B.-lh- Isl,., and th.-m-.- n.nth war.lly ind.-linit.-lv alon^ th.- .-..ast. with.mt and'tinI',rTm"'i;-"' ":!>,"'""■ 7"'r'y VJ;l"-<'th;- Hu.I^m.-s Ha;c..mp V and tnat th.- Am.-n.-an l.sh.-iin.-n shall also hav.- lil.,-rtv fon-v.-r t., , r'v am .-nre lish m any ot th., ,>„s..ttU..l hays. harl...rs. ami cn-.-ks of tin- s,,,,th.-ri par f ho coast ol Js.-wlonmllao.l. h.-r.-al.ov.- d.-s-rih.-.l, ami of tin- oast .d' Lahra.lor- 1„ t so the said hsl.-nm-n to.lryor.-nr.- lish at sm-Ii portion so st-ttl.-.l, with.mf pr.vions gf..nmr ' '""■'""' ''"'■ ""' "''"'''"^"'t'^. l-..l.n.-t.,rs, ov p.,ss...sso,'-s of the r.lfl"in,'"iV"".V"'''','' ''^""•^^'"•'•'■'•y r.-m.uncc foi.-v.-r any lih.-rly In-r.-iofon- .-njovd or niil<-.s siii,, v.-HsH. or i.o.r .Vi;o,;\ ;;'i:\" '''''■' -^r'!!'^^ siu-I, l.arl.or or so liovriuK li.r t urn vi ,,'"'' ••;;'''' ^'"'1' ••""tin.... wi.hi,, »i"« M,...|, s|i,|,. V..SS..I. or l.oaf in.o vv]^,JrXu"" '"'' '■'''?" ""■'"i""-'! -.ay I'oi.iniai..! sliall not t.i.lv ansu... tl . ■ ^"•^"-"- '»'"'" ' '"■ .nastcr or po'son in i'.T"'""'- '" ""• 'i'UH of tin, Unit..,! K i','., ion o • ' •"' '•"■"",m-. m- not i.avi.a: -d r'""," .>lns a.t. s.n.l, ship, v.:ss..|. o ! m ,''1,;^:: ;,'''■.'•'■■'' "'"'"■■'I- l^f s'.-tion st.ncs, and ca.-o thMvoCsliall I.e Co,- Ht,: *'"'^'' ' '■'^•«"'K- "l-pan-!, furn.tnre, 4. All u-oods. mIiIiiu f..^^..i 1 I . ■ . - .•a Ml ,",■;■"" "".HI "13 lor (.(t(.,i. ■ '" ■^' ■■ "■■■■muh;, «....-^;,^:!,f;;S:l:'is;;;^;:S;::;l.:';;;;;;;.r;|,;;';;«';-'''.-i^-^''.-v ■■'■«'™""™. hy ilTSOIl «'IM'"Minj;' any ol(i,.rr or pcrsi.n il, til ..v; ,;!,'*'■;',''" ?' "''" '^''^ = ""•' ''^'''''v P'Tsoli or ahettinir ,niv otl.rr orison ,.,, ... ' "*, '"' ''"'•'■ '""''■'■ "'i^ net. or ai.li mr <'.\c.....lin,y: two years. ' ' *'"""' '"- ''■'''''^' I" iinprisonnicnt for a term not n. :;^rSSH;;r,:;;;;;;r;-^;.t:;;;;^^| . ^^ .„... „, , „„, '»•■'" ^itott.,v„, „„,! a«„it ,„'t;„;Mi,:,;:. '"'-s'-'i'i' 'i'- '..«- 1.. n,.. i.-i,i„.i.i,,, i,,,,,;,"; been art f- To till. Coi.MocToi: ov Custo.ms at . •'. JOUN.SOX, t'oiiimixsioiicr of Cnxfoiiin. I Ino!„.s,„.o Xo. 3, with Mr. IIanli„«,.s „,„o „r A„,nist 2, I.ho.J The lunl of Uosdn-nj to ,Sir l. n'eKt. Sii{ : I )i;ivt. received v FoiiKKiN' Oi-iicK, Jntij 2;!, ip-tj. ■'■" K.ven to rnite.lS,„„.s lisl, n'\ .!;."''■ 'c^ii^'f!'''^ '' ^^"'•"i"^ ^'H-'U.'.! to have Mew to,M,.v,.nt tliem from lisliin>wi I, |i I ''i ''''''''■'.'' '^"f' ""« "llieial. with the ;- Cape canso to St. K.prit, ai^ fviili'i^.S; ciJ^eT:: i^::^^:-:t^'i^:^^:i^ 42 RIGHTS OK A.MKUICAN ILSIIKUMKN. No. I'M. Mr. lUt!;tird to Mr. Ildrtlinifc. DKI'AKTMKNI' ttv Statk, Wdnltinfiton, A^nuiit \), 1880. Sill: I i(';;u't that i: has hci-oiiic my diitv to draw the attontioii of Her Majcst.v's ( Jovciiiiiifiil to tlif iiiiwariaiiiahlc anil iiiilViciKlly troat- iiu'iit, r('|»oit«'(l to DM' this y tin- Hiiilcd Htati's consul ;;»'ii('ia! at Halifax, exiH'iitMic.d by the Ainoiican lishinj; schoonn Katllcr, of (liou- cester, Mass., on tlic .'{f/7».vM(), ISSd. [Keeeived August 11.] SiK: I have the honor to ac-knowled^ic the receipt of your iu)te of yes- terday, drawiiif>' the attention of ller Majesty's (iovernment to 'the allejA'cd unwarrantable and uniViendly treatnu'ut experienced by the American tishmjj schooner K'attier, on the 3d instant, upon the occa- sion of her bein{> driven by ..stress of weather to iind shelter in the har- bor of Shelburne, Nova Scotia. I have, «&c., CHARLES HARDINGE. Siu: I yesterdaj schooner Schooner reuewinj;' 1 h RIGHTS OF A.MKKICAN I'lHIIF.ItMKN. No. m. Mr. Hai/nrfi to Sir A. Went. 43 Oki'au'imknt of Statk, ^^^'"f'in'/fon, A itoiint 17 iHSfS sir: Ah alii, avit has l...... .ih.l i„ this I...,..*, (,..;,„ hv I . h- . ( '. ero.., master of the Aiiuninm sdi.m.mr (i..l I , . n i ? "' Mass., svttm•. liiii/in-il to Sir L. West. Depaki'mknt of Statk, Wiisltiiii/fon, A in/Hut 18, 188«{. Hiu: (lrii\«' (Miisc of coiiiiilaiiit is iill«'y('iiij'It'.v, of the Canadian cruiser Tt'iror, who, upon the en- trance of these vesselH into the liarhoi' of Liverpool, N»tva Se«»fia, tiieation of the f»th instant 1 made earnest remon- strance aj^ainst anotlu-r unfriendly act of ('ai»taiu <^>ni^dev, a},'ainst the schooner Uatller, of Cloucester, Mass., which, hciii-- lully laden and 011 her homeward voya{,'e, .souui«Iey for his unwarranted and rude act. It was simply im))ossihle for this ollicer to sup|»ose that any invasion of the tishin;; privile;j:es of Canada was intended hy these vessels under the cinMimstaiKH's. The tiriiij; of a «un across their hows was a most unusual and wholly uncalled for exhibition of hostility, and equally so was the placing-' of armed men on hoard the peaceful and lawful craft of a friendly nation. I have, &- i)art of the crew ami lus«a«e. The vessel in question was subsequently rcleasero- forin vou, llcr Maj- oint (M.in- repoiti ug vessel iu WEST. liUillVH OF AMKKICAN FLSflKKMRN. 45 No. ;ji. Sir L. \V('.,t (a Mr. Ila,/anl. MB: I have the honor to u.-Kno^lrdKe .:.,. reeeipt of v.mr u.u .• I liave, &c., L. S. SACKVIMJ-: \Vl.]ST. No. y."). .S7/- L. \Ve.sf to Mr. /;H,/,ir/ . '^ «.\i>eiieiieed by an ^.:^^:^^T' or;^S;s :^'ii;si,:;/;;— ^ j|-;;^the ^vard voyage la. e ' 1^11 f Z lllf"^^- "'V'"",' ^^'"'^t "» ''*« »'«"'e- to put ndoVovxm^Zy^^^^^^^^^^^ ""l^''^ •'.' ''« ^^-^-^ ^--oM.pelled entry at the cnstoni l/ousr it 'at • t u^^^^ ivport and burst in his vovage by heavv we.H.l.. , ?; ^ ""'^''•^' I'uvmg been asked permission of the coTuct r f , ,, ^^'V »'*'"'l*^'''d useless, he lioldasupplvofwL'rL^hiiiL ^T^'^T^ *"''' or three barrels to 500 miles ^ ^'^^^^^ ^" ^^*^'^' homeward voyane of about if^^^^zz^^i^'\r' '" ^""^^ .^^^-^^^^^"-^ -^^ «---e eie so purcuasea. In or.serpieuce the vessel was compelled 46 RrdHTR OF AMIlHIf'AX FI8f||:KMKN. to put to «eii witli an iiiHulllcii'iit siippl.v of wjitor, uiid in tryinj,' to niiike iMMiM* otlitT i»oi t vvlH'ifin to olifjilii watiT ti Mpvori^ tiiiU- WHS (>n(!ouiit('ri>(l whirh HWi'pt aujiy Iijh dccU IuimI of MhIi mikI «Uwfn,y»'(| fwo wiiw lioatn, TIUH iiiliospiraldt', iiitlt't'd iiihittiian, cMiiititft on \\n> part i»t th«' cii.s- toins olllcpr in fpii'stion sli miM Im Mt'v«M«'l.v rrpriinantli'il, and for the infra<;ti«»n ctl in-at.v ri^'lifs and cornrniMcial privilc;;tH coinpt nsafion «'qnival«Mit to tln( injiirit's .sastaim-d will la- clainnil IVoni IKt Maji'.sty'n GovjMiinit'nr. I have, tScc, T. V. BAVAIM). No. "57. Sir /,. ]\'rnt to Mr. lUnjunl. W.VSIII.N.. K.N, S,i,fi„iht'r II, I,S,S(i. (Hn-civcd ScptouilMM- 1 l.\ Hilt: I have till' lionor Id acknowJfdjLrc tlif iiM-i-ipt of ycaii iioti- ol yewtJ'iday'Milafc calliiij; attention t.) the casf of tin- .Mollie Ad;«m.s. I have. iS: <)t (llMIIH. WIOST. No. 39. Sir I . Went to Mr. Ihuinnl. ^^^uii^^o::;;:z^^^^^^ ^"....in tl..' siihi.... of yn « "ex ^^ '^'f- '"""^ ^^^^ cers of the Dominion Jl^SZ^-^^Z^^^'^T :'^'''^ \" ''''''^'' ^''« ""i* those tislnng vessels of" the U di;,] sT tes Hv V. 11^''"^''" T' "''i'^'-"«« .hich ^.om any cause are brought ^l^^rt^t"'^!^''^'^ '" "«'^'"^' ■I Uti\e, ccc, T. F. BAYAliD. 48 KIOIITM OF AMKKK'AN I'lMIIKKMKN. No. II. Sh- A. Wr.it In Mr. tin //♦"' ItltlTIMll Lr.tiATlON, Wiixhimjton, Siptimhet' 2.1, issii. [|{fci'iv»'«l 8«'|»tt'mlH'r li'.j SiH: I liavf flM« lioiiiii tn iickiicnvlc. !;,'•• {\u> n'i'«'i|»t of vmir imif of tlM« L'.{ took Ml water, ami toiiilbiai yon that I havi- iulvlMt'tl Uvr Mai)'.Mt.\'tt <«ovi'rnin»'nt Hrconliujil.v- I have, iS;(!., L. s. aACKvii.Li': \m:st. No. 41.'. Sir J,. Went tn }h: Haw,;}. WAslllNdToN, Ochhrr I..', l^,-^imrt of a rommitlee of thr hoiioruhle the iiriri) loiinoil (ililirond III! his exvtUemy the administrator of the liurermnent in council on' the liith .illlJIIHt, If M'k Tlie c'Kiiiiiiiltt'i' of llif piivy council Iiiim- liail niiilrr (■oiMiiliTiitinii m (li,»|(iit M-cioiary ot ,s»;;in lor tl.i- colouieH in wiilcli lie a.>tk.s lor u re- port Ironi th« (Jiinmliiui Oovtrnnn-nl on tlii' suliji'ct ol' an imlost'd note from Mr. Secretary Hayanl to tlic Hriti.-^li minister ut VaNJii'iiKton leiatiin; to certain wariiinjjH a!l";,'e(l to have iicen ;;iveh to I .lited .States lisliinj; vcsse'-, liy tjie siilieollector ol' cnstoniH at Cimiho. Mr. iiuyanl .>i«lvi.Hotl •: WKST. KIOIITS or AMKRH'Ay IIMHF.KMKW. 49 toinx )ir<' «iiiii(iMrrt><| tii ulv* it ».. », k ' *'«'/•«.-.. •y>»nut£rlMi;'ZT':],^,^^^^^ "•- -.•K-oll....,„r of ..„.. riT.tvwI. AIM tliHt tlj^n-fim. ,, " "' *'""' fUri fully follow out flu. iVHtrurii.uLL l>ly tlii.r..»o. • * "••^ "'^ *"• »ll''K«il'>ii», •11,1 r..oii,.,twl riT.'lvwl, mill tliHt Ui»«r«>fim nollld l„l ||l,,.|y ,„ ^, j^ TIlH rililllMlci n (•••IVt'd IlK iM'lil I III iitiiii<>iltitt|. ri'.i ..i.t..r oi. htlit-r i;{.j f l(» (MM'ttlill iiiy; vt'SHt'l.s (• ilH'Ins*' to ail «'xtnu!t 1^ witli tlUH wi:sT. .•/ irifji lonncU on the UUh if^liutcli (lllt«'cl a.sk.s lor u re- nte IVoin Mr. a ill warnings il)cullt.'ctoi- of ct'Mtor, Mass,, y ri'porttMl to I hail wariii-d iitKide C'auso , 'nut goiug lie, in Prince iaml. t-rred to that ureH were re- liiiiizni tliiMii thf circular jctors of CU8- No. 43. Sir L. Went to Mr. liayard. 8iu • VVif h t-""'^"^'^^' ^'''"*^- ^-'. '«««. [HecHvcMl October 13 I Hiim.su i(!k, for tl.e , ri, L^ ' 'i.?''^^ *'"'" Y'«'»'"*? St. Andr«w«,New f Ii)|{iM' Ntiltiittt iIm- fitUi|>ntch fr«>iii Lord (•rnitv'Mi- (vir KnicrMl niMi«>r ilttip 'JihU July limt imUmiim twi> iifidD friMii Mr, ^ HiiMtnl ht Mit< ItililMli iiiliiUl«r nt WitnliinKlon, Mini it^kliiK tlittl lii'r Mii|it'<ttnU'il l>y Kwiirii if«.rliiiiiiiy Nlittitiu tli»C tlin N«iv»«lty, » iliily rt'jitni vn«»(i«'l of lln> l'iii»<' tiiki' III Mtcitiii I'liitl, or |iiiri'liiiN«t li'«>, nr truiiH-«lil|i lUti In ImmhI to the Cnltfil ''rntm, nt I'litoii, Movit Hiotln. " It it|i|it itrH ( iitt liitvliiK r«-iii'hi>il tlmf port on ilit< \»t InNtmit, unci ttnithitf tli«> cn»- tonm otilif t' I oil it«« oiint of i» liollility, Ijn- iiiunttrof tin* Niivi«lly l«'li'Krii|(lii'tli<(l to )r*«-ii- rnltcil Htitloit itnil tliitt of tlUy on lint following lUy itt llnMiintoni- hoiiM*, (li» colliMtor MlHtitd tlint It Inn-lloim Witk contitiin'it in tlin t»r initl ii-<'«ivml, miil tlott i\\ • ■•-ivili«Kt< of i-oitlliiK iM'ing il«ni« tiiktnnt aidI fornml prol«Nt rh Mn iiiiwHrrnntml ln- tttriii-ctittlon mill iip|ilint of llir liritau- iiic MiiJi>Nt. ^^oiilil bo lit'lil liuhlA" Willi ri'Vi-nnno to tliU Hit' iindiTHlgnfd It^Kn to ohh^rvi* that Mr. Huyard'it stata- iiii^nt a|Mii'itri4 to n«>nd moilitU-ation in Hfv«nil iinportitnt partlniliirs. Ill till' iMmt jilttii', till' Novelty wiim not a vchwI rfgnlarly Innliiiu iH-twi'fii cnrtnln portH In tht' I'liilcd Sliitii mid ('aniiila, lint wa« a IUliiiij;[ viiwfl wlnmo piirpoHc wan to carry on tin macki-rfl hcIi k IhihIih'hh In tin' waliTH ot tln' (iiilf of HI. !.awrt'iic«, around tlifcoHhtM of Trineo Kdwaid iHJand iiml Nova Brotia ; that mIic IiiuI on lioarda full oqiilpnii'nt orm'iiu ■ and tlHlitng apparattiH and nun; that mIio waH a Mtttani v«tHmtl ami in'ododcoal, not for tho pinpoMtw of fookin;{ or svaniiinx, hut to product' motive power 0)r tin- voHKel, and that hIio wiNhid to piirHi;*' Imt IiiihIiiphn of llMhlngin th« ahovi'-naini' I watiTH and to hi'iiiI Idt (iii'i'h honifl over Canadian territory, to the end that. Mhe inlKht the more nninterrnptedly and prolilalily earry on her hnHiuetM of ti'thinjr. That Hhe wan a llshinn veMMel and not a mercrhant veHMel wan proved not only ' the factH ullo^ e nientioued, hnt alHo from a telegram over the Mij^natiire of H. B. .loyee, the eaptain of the ve«Mel, a lojiy of whieh is appended. In hU lelegraiK Ca)>tain Joyee indieaten the charaeter ot Imn voNMel liy UHiiig the wordn " Ameriean flMliing Mteamer," and lienienK hiinsi'lf •' H. H. .loyeo, manter lUhing Hteamer Novelty." Thero Heems no donht, tneiefore, that the Novelty wan in eharaeter and in pniiioHO a tlrthing vcHHel, and an Hiieh comen under the provmionHof the treaty of l-il8, which allowH United StiitcH tlHliing venMclM to enter Canadian ports "for t lie purpose of shelter and repairing daniagcH therein, and of ptirehaHin;> wood ami of oltiaiuing water, and for no other pnr|»oNe whatever." The object of the captain waw to obtain mipplies for the proHecntion of his tlHhing and rotrann-Hhlp hiH cargoes of tlsh at a Canadian port, both of which are contrary to the letter and spirit of tlie convention of 1H18. To Mr. Hayard's Htateinent that, in reply to Ca,itaia .Joyiie's in(|niiv of the minister of marine and (isheriiH, "he received in reply a telegram reciting, witli certain inuccn- rate anil extended application the language of Article I of the treaty of iHlt*," the iiiulerHigued coiiHiders it a snitlcient answer to iiddute the telegrams themselves. 1. — Inquiry by the captain of the Novelty. "PiCTou.N. 8., ./«/(/ 1, 1886. "Hon. Gkohok E. Fostkr, "Mittiftler of Marine cud Fitheriei, Ottawa: ice or to trans-ship fresh fmh in bond to United States markets T " Please answer, " H. B. JOYCE, " Master of Fishing Steamer Novelty," iff^ll fi\ «jM rivliiwm /i{\Q,1 r\T KroiiTH or AMKHicAM miiiniinnc 61 r- II. H, juv. K, v«r. "I«V ,'^7""r '"'"' *'*•*''•'' •^'""""- •V...r/l.», /W»«, A'.fl . «•'•» iH»ru for" SrriJii^Ji'w'::i'*i:;;r" •':;:' '^ »«.«ii-»r./,;..r„..t,..j i..«,„..ro. or .In, .......4;.;; si:;;:.rrr "Jv:"^^^ i.M,.i...«tion- UU «r » rf, /„,.,„ ,.it«tl.M, from ■ r L« V ri^ ir t "' V *"."*"'•'• '"'»*'••'«. 1 .« it Z. I'll forwurde.i 10 U.T M.iJ..,tv'M (l..v,.rnm,.r,t < ii !•• #. .. . ' t'* .i.iii„««,. A.„ir.„. N, ;; . L ■i,^i„'":j\7rj;''''™'- ■■■■• ">■" *....h,..„ i„»u .1.: !;.r:::K,,;t.:';;:;:;:t'Xuis:i - ,"- "■; '•■' ■ ■■ r,.,,,. itliVf* hlllVikt/akt* *» ... .... vvifii reJoni.itu' to tii<< ik-h,.., ,.c .i... i. . t< Hixl c'liiur ill cii.ifiiriiiiiv L VVifli retoniiiw to tl.i< iic'timi i.f 11... n In hm riiport of .l«f« iUli .July 'iHHrt fVnf,.i„ lu «'t.VN: ■" "^^'' ^api'Hn MvL,.wi, of tl..« .,i Miil.ilHl ., -ii» in wa.ti.,««,.,l •.«nt()m.er K.' h. "^»rl 1. vi. '^ ■""'""« ^"''■'•' » '"•»••'•"<« the H n. MK th,! bou.Ka„.I Mm, i^ th.-ro w "r /», y KV^^^ *^ '""J '"?"''"^'""'^ to row down J'T tint |>ur|.ON„ of irottiiitf h.-niiur i ■■.... ... "";'.'t")»" boau io ''"'"•"''»•«'" 'lirMct^d the . hief , ,'4; o"™ I'-rt .in.l «..t permit, to lo u 'ih1 lortat. ;?th':!:.TV^^'"'*•'',^''' **' ''"' ""H.^ct.r'of t : "''" 'ompli.Hl with the r..m/,Mf \4„.r-, » • '^ further .loliiy. o,,,, „f f|,„ j "" Thootl.,T.w.,r..v,,ry.,clli-H.;i '"'**'''"'" * I"*""'"'' »" lo.i.I (i.h for V'.tnorr '.way tow...., tho A^^.!;!^;;!: Sid ' f ; ,:;:iv:;;:?';^;;i';ff,.;;'" •"-;;'"«^!-"'-^/'>""'".*S a .* '- ■' .-s. 62 RIGHTS OF AMERICAN FI8HKRMKN. No. 44. ^ Mr, Bni/ard lo Sir L. Went. Department op State, Waahmgton^ October 10, 1886. Sir: TIip Everett Steele, u (iHluiiff vessel ofCiloueester, Mass., in the United States, of wiiiiih Cliarlos E. Forbes, an Atnerican eitizen, was master, was about to ent«>r, on the lOtli ofSeptfinber, 18«G, the harbor of Slielbnrne, Nova Heotia, to procure water and for shelter durinjj re- pairs. Slie was hailed, w lien enteriu},' the liarbor, by the (Canadian cutter Terror, by whose captain, (iui},dey, her papers were taken and retained. Captain Forbes, on arriviii*,' off the, town, anchored and wei»t with Captain Quifiley to the customhouse, who asked him whether ho reported whenever he had come in. (Japtain Forbes answered that he had reported always, with the excei)tion of a visit on the 2rjth of March, when he was driven into the lower harlar fur shelter b" a storm and where he remained only eight hours. The collector dicl not consider that this made the vessel liable, but Captain Quigley refused to dis- charge her; said he would keep her until he heard from Ottawa, put her in charge of jiolicemen, and detained her Jintil the next day, when at noou she was discharged by the collector; but a calm having come on she could not get to sea, and by the delay her bait was spoiled and the exi)ected profits of her trip lost. It is scarcely necessary for me to remind you, in presenting this case to the consideration of youi qrovernment, that when the northeastern coast of America was wrested from France in a large measure by the valor and enterprise of New Flngland tishermen, they enjoyed, in com- mon with other British subjects, the control of the tisheries with which that coast was enriched, and that by the treaty of peace of 1783, which, as was said by an eminent English judge when treating an analogous question, was a treaty of " separation," this right was expressly af- firmed. It is true that by the treaty of 1818, the United States renounced a portion of its rights in these fisheries, retaining, however, the old pre- rogatives of visiting the bays and harl)ors of the British northeastern possessions for the purpose of obtaining wood, water, and shelter, and for objects incidental to those other rights of territoriality so retained and confirmed. What is the nature of these incidental prerogatives, it is not, in considering this case, necessary to discuss. It is enough to say that Captain Forbes entered the harbor of Shelburne to obtain shel- ter and water, and that he had as much right to be there under the treaty of 1818, confirming in this respect the ancient privileges of Ameri- can fishermen o;i those coasts, as he would have had on the high seas, carrying on, under shelter of the flag of the United States, legitimate commerce. The Government which you so honorably represent has, with its usual candor and magnanimity, conceded that whei a merchant vessel of the United States is stoi)ped in time of peace by a British cruiser on the groundless suspicion of being a slave trader, damages are to be paid to this Government not merely to redress the injury suf- fered, but as an apology for the insult offered to the flag of the United States. But the case now presented to you is a much stronger one than that of a seizure on the high seas of a shii) unjustly t-uspected of beiug a slaver. When a vessel is seized on the hi;,h oeas on such a suspicion" 'ts seizure is not on waters where its rights, based on prior and con- lTE, 19, 1886. isH., in tho itizeti, \vsi8 :he harbor (luriiifj re- ('smadian taken and I and \vei»t iiether ho ed that lie of March, storm and t consider sed to dis- ;ta\va, put ilay, when k'inj; come |)oiied and ; this case :theasterii ire by the d, in com- 'ith which 83, which, lualoffoiis >res8ly af- tiounced a e old pre- 'theastern elter, and 3 retained a^atives, it inough to >taiu shel- under the of Ameri- liigh seas, legitimate Bsent has, merchant a J^ritish damages njury snf- lie United !' one than of beiua' RIGHTS OP AMERICAN FISHERMEN. 53 wrongful the act, a case ,f 'are ocr..! " "•'"'■^''' '^ '«' ''«^*^ver fre(|uented, with conse"ted eastern Athtntic, a...l it .nav mt e o, f n^^^^^^^^ "" t»'0 North- since that Kevc.lntion, we /sivnlnl chantmen seized on ren ote Afrie-, ^1/. '^'''I''"'' *** 'solated mer- .slavers, it cannot (hrXA'se''^ ?,?.'' "'"'»'""'^''' «"''^''''''"" "^ »^«*"ff the in.portance of the issnrdenr s h"?"."' '''^'' '^ ^'''"-'^y ^^»''«h 'H which they have as .mn h H h o'^-^^^^^^ '"' ""'^^^'^ vessels by which they are nk^H TU^ln '^''^^'l^''/^^ I'^ve the observe, they will as a class eS„Te' """o^ f^"^- "^^^tE'<^sr s^he^i;"? ?"r'^^i' ^-- ^^- -e^^'- they are exposed, an n ,?,«/,.:! ''l^V ^'■'•'" ^''^ »**^^*'« t^' ^^l^ich tective iinplenien s lev • V .1 1 1 '^"^"^•^^■ ^'^' Provisions an.l pro- ifd natio/.s; a. d it '' .l e'oft^J^^^^^^ them the wards of civil- she has taken the positrnl. noS^^^^ even in time of war they are not t?^^ t .generally accepted-that cruisers. Yet in deti^nrt J ?. ■ -^ *''*" «"*>J"^cts of capture by hostile by humanit/and th:^^^,^^^,r"h?vJ,^7 S""T^^ ^^^^^ I" hese seas, and which is m irted to them v h^'^''' '^'''''* ^''^'>' '^^^ 18 to be denied to them not I -m, l! « ? I V'"" f"««t'ssive treaties, iHimane, and niaLiiin ., n,', ?h confident, by the act of the wise of 'lePuties peS : rrpm^u: '''rn'^ '^"^ »>>' ^le^S methods of aru.oyance in Hsh&rl/^l T"?'' ^^' '"'^^^ rivalry these "."ch right to visit on lawfni er Ldfas uroset^^ '"^^'« **« For let it be remembered t rit hv nn "^^^^^ «ffi^''a>« bave themselves, these the door ..f s Sis shut to n^'""'"'/,"'^ expulsions such as If a single lefn^al ot-tlAts .1/0. '' 1 '''''" f!"''*'''"'*^" "« '' «J«s«- it is a refusal of Viel eV to 1? ii ' '" '^' *''^ Vr^>^eut, is sustained, ii'boapitablecoists Fi leri L h u-'^ ''r' ^^'^^'^'^ «» ^^^oT^ "or, I may add, reckless e^^^^^^^^ "oroutfit enough, as is their tith^^h^v 1 .'' '^^.?'"''«^^« '*"*^ "'^" '''"■^*"^« "'»««, nerfW-t tain Forbes." "" ^^ "^ ^ ''''" '"^" treatment as that sutiered byCap- M ■-i 54 KIOHTS OF AMERICAN FISHERMEN. ei)titU'd by «iieu;nt ri^ht, by the law .,f nufions, and l»v solerim treatv. ^or Ks this all. Ihat treaty is a part of a MyMtem of mutual concessions. As was stated by a ii.ost en.in.Mit Ku^'lish judjje in the ease of Suttoa V. huttoi. (1 Myl. cV li, (J?-)), uhich 1 have already noticed, it was the principle „t the treaty (»f peace, >ind of the treaties whicdi ft.llowed be- tween (,reat lirifain anment" (.f the ri^d.ts those treaties af- hrn.ed. li, as I cannot |;ermit myself to bolicvc. (Ireat Britain shouhl refu.M. to citizens of the United States the eiijuvment of tiie plainest and most undeniable of these rights, the con.-e(|uences would be so serious that the.v cannot be contemplated by this Government but with the gravest concern. 1 have, &c., T. F. BAYAIM). No. 45. Mr. Bayard to Sir L. Went. Department of State, Wash inff ton. October 20, 1886. Sir: Permit me to ask you to draw the attention of your Goveru- nient to the case set forth in the inclosed affidavit of xMuVdock Kemp master ot the Americuan tishiny; vessel Pearl Nelson, of Provincetown, Mass., which has been subjected to treatment, by the customs officials at Ariehat, 2sova Scotia, inconsistent with the interuational law of ordi- nary amity and hospitality, and also plainly violative of treaty rights uuderthe convention of J818 between Great Britain and the United The vessel in question wa- compelled by stress of weather to seek shelter in the harbor of Ariehat, ISova Scotia, and arrived late at night» when the custom-house was closed. Before the custom-house was opened the next day the captain went there, and after waiting over an hour the collector arrived, and the usual in w ard report was made and permission asked to land the clothing of a sailor lost overboard, whose family resided in that vicinity. He was then informed that his vessel was seized for allowing'his crew to gx) ashore the night hGfore before reporting at the cmtomhonse. ihe cruel irony of this was apparent when the collector knew such report was impossible, and that the landing of the crew was usual and customary, and that no charge of smuggling had been suggested or was possible under the circumstances. To compel the payment of a tine, or " a deposit" of $200, which is practically the same in its results, was harsh and unwarranted, and was adding a price and a penalty to the privilege of ahelter guaranteed to American fishermen by treaty. This vessel was a fishing vessel, and, although seeking to exercise no commercial privileges, was compelled to pay commercial fees, such as are ai)j)licable to trading vessels, but at the same time was not allowed commercial privileges. I beg you will lose no time in representing the wrong inflicted upon an unottending citizen of the rinifiu] st-j*^'"^ •>'>(' rw^-tz — '^Ua «.i..--: .- -^ such orders as will restore the money so compelled to be deposited. I am, sir, «&c., T. F. BAYARD. exercise no ees, such as not allowed RIGHTS OP AMERICAN FISHERMEN. ' 55 [Indoaurr.J Schooner I'eaH Nelion, Umtku States ok Amkkica, JHilriot of AfaHHachiigettn : ''"""^^^^^^^^^^^ I tiiitli.'i- Huv that tlif cnw (.fmii.l v.y «'» mud licence. ** an.l H„.t(.„ for n ti.l.i,,^, v,.vaLr„ to ,rOr«.rrM;.'„1 ''''''''.'' "" ""«'•'* "^ Pr"vincetowu .l.-^l.a.«.., Sai.I H,l,„on,M.. wiU, lic«. «/» .T LS I'"'';' '" r'r'i"c.'t..wn for from ProvitiPHtown, aiul on h.r i.n J.u,,. 1.;.... T i '? '"'"^''n'"*!. Hiiil.,< May 5>1). lHd« n tlHTH :!,,v .tr.,.H,s o'f wLu , . ' S, H ^ ' Z ^"in 'l" ''^ ^^'.'''f ' ^'''''" «ret?;,r .riven W.St. I con.In.I.Ml to iMMke a l,url.or an.l vv- it »V . 1 f, '"" '''"',''^' ^'"•' '""'"K ftl>"»t cIior.,.l tl.o vassal i,j Ari.h,.t FL I, Vt u ,u i f'^f ^^''"t>""- »'"l wiu.r • u, . o lan.l his etr.-cts if'tho c-.sto, .roltC;Twm ^" Aridmt, and I wanted "n«.;.l in that neiKhhorhood. VVi lia „^1^7hi s\?.'^ 'i^'" ^- .«'""<' "f'ny .row he 00k hoats ortthe detk and went ashZ wt nV u^^ »>'."' "tli.'rs of thecrew but had nover known th.-re was any lie [t I '"^ P'^-nusHion. I naw then,, North Aniericau ,.orts frequently an.l W tn Zl th . f" '1- ^"* '""' "*^''"" ^^"t'"*^ vessels' crews, but never before 'heard M,,.ira..r '""•'',•« ''•'"" "'y own and other men took nothing from the ves.dlif.fi^ ''''"*-' "''" '""«"' '"• ''"proper. The! clothes they wore*: """'' '"^'' <''*-'"'- "or carried away^inythingbutthe honse, ami f.Muui it closml. I Si edit 9 'cloei Z ir'"""" *? *"'***•• "* ^''« ""«t"'n- at 10 o'eh.ck and fonnd the c(.llcct, r "neu nl"th^^^^^^^^ 1 ^ '"'r* "P''"- ^ "'«»* agaiQ ward report to hin, and re.,uested Ve; S "" to la d f /.rr J "'''iH *''« ••♦*«"'«r in- who ha«^« *« the shop- on the 8tl, of September, 1^86 havi ,^ l.o, Si t. '""^ ""/ ''t ^"^'^''t '^I'ont 11 a ,S collector's permiLion, and SVed' i- fvcw f, o owrs^f ^"''*^\^*■ l^°*"*««« ^^tb the Aricbat with all my crew on board i nd had i.tTt f^.'^^f'"'"'.'' ^4- 188(i. I sailed from niy crew at that port. They were hirpd m , J ? ""^ }'T '"t'" -1^' i"Ntant, relative to of the 4th nltim,;. Chief Xer 'orTmroa™^^^^ "" *'"' '"""""« mm, called at this office. Can aii Pn, ,,),.', '""""•', ^^ ^'M>». A. F. CunninK- 0VV8 viz: Schooner I^ittler , G .^"^^^^^^^^ i»ward,s as f ol bank, with 4(v5 barrels mackerel ci^me in for. i.iii l«'K'«t('r; 16 men from f.shing the officers rtf cutter that they found the st, i'fi ' "^"^ "«» «rward8 informed bv Sandy Point, 5 miles down the bortw^^^ ''':?'""*'' ^""°'"" "* ''"^■''«'- «ff he master required to report at cuXmsT,?t « ..^r " '"""r'' '''^''*' I'"* "" »^'"»"l' «nd the master Captain Cuiiniuglmnrmado an a to m l'*^' / T"' "''■" '"'"^•■•n.ed 'that Lo.st„.g^saU«. weighing ancLr, &c., iurU^sr^^.^offic-errtUi c^.^tZ!*^^*' '^ The C0MMI8810NKR OF Customs, Ottawa. W. W. ATTWOOD, Co«ec/or. No. 49. ^ir L. West to Mr. Bayard. ^TP ^f,^°^NGTON, iV^owmftcr 9, 1886. [Keceived November 10 1 8 R: W ,(li reference to your note of tl.P i«fh «*• t ,7®'"^'®^ ^"-J against the action of Cai)tS IW oVTi \.*^' <^f J"b' last protesting privy council for Canada upon the'subiecr '' ^^^ ^^^"^ ''^^'"''^ ^'" '^^^ 1 nave, &c., L. S. SACKVILLE WEST. If- f i' fI .'li *^^te9!?9i5SSS^?"' 58 RIGHTS OF AMKRICAN FISHERMEN. (lutiliMurr.J CtrU/led ropy of a re,mrl of a committee nf the honorable th, privv coynril for Canada S'''"'^X. laHr^'" ''■* •"<'"'"'''"•"'"'• "flhe (!uvrrn,Ltin vo.u„-if OH the UUt Ww coniiiiift.-« ..f fh.. |,rivy ■ oniu-il liuvo lin.l mnlor th.-ir .•oi.siitt<-h .Ml ..th Au«nHt, 18rt«., Iroiii tli.. ri«lif linin.ral.l.. t\w m-cn-fm v of ntiito for th'* fol- fr,„.T\i.!""r"" J"*^ V"''-^ "'•" ''■''•■'■ '■"•'" •'"' '■'"•••*«" "'"'•'' «■"'' " <-«'I»v of ft noto ironiMi. IJu,viir.l, lunl prot.'Htinj; HjraiMHf tli.. iutioit of (Juptain Kent of the Doinin- frrnn CriJi/''' ''"'''''"^""' '" ^"f"'*'"« «'«l'"-» A- Balk'm/p.rn.tlou to b.;; ru tiat oiii reii»rre»l, mil.nutH th.. lollowniK ifpoit, trorii llio (ir^t oHicn ..f tli.- (J.-n.-nif Mi.i.ll,.- " Hamkax, Autfiiet an, lHy«, a8kH' inHtructionH. I tohl him that ho iniiHt not take the Hsh without n.rmnsB.on from tl,e cuntonm. Ho left for the American Bhoro and I returned to the Middletoii. Ameucau "Mr. Stephen R. Balkam I have known for Home y.-arH. He formerly belonued to fh^imriir* ."•"♦;\','"^: ''\"|« '" Kantport. HIh buHiuosH in to carry aardinoH from tne Ji,nj,'!iNh mde to Latitport for canninjj purposcH." The DiiuiBter in of opitiion, in view of the above, that in warnin« Mr. Balkam that i-M ;'«^' l'el""ge towarHM o u ih^ Z ^''" A>'""i"i^'n «f. H<"Mt..l ,uo l.„t npe iti s , . I ' ■ "''"^''' ''"' '>'«f""coH now pro- whom iM. Hta.,.H I., had MO s . M, Vr n . ' I"'^^""!"^' his rHativoH, iUits arnl i.uiousi.stoi.t with 11,^, ?!,, . . »' i^ «xt'car,o„ of a pul.Iio courtesy of K„ ofll.er i„ H.rMa el v^n'tS '''''"" '"' '•'"»'*"* ty aud T. F. BAVAltD. Jlocloaare No. l.J Mr. PreasoH to Mr. Bayard. Unra Bavward, an.l t'a,,f,:los;!ph ^^ f, ;e';^^^^^^^^^ *»l"'- «"«•>. of schooner o tlicir tiTatment bv n,;„„.ii..„ ',.,«.:.'■' *^'^' *" scUooiior Jeaiiuie SeaverriH, in rolation to M„.,r t.Tat„.ent by Canadian offlciali X am, aco., D. 8. PRE8S0N, Collector. Ijiclogiire No. 2.1 Jffldarit of Captain Rose, of the schooner Laura Sayward. dod^S -^S":^"' TKcMflZll^^l^'r^ 7r'; "/'^'"--ter, boin^ duly sworn flHhin« trip, and i'^iuKsbor „f p ivi^i'^^^^^^^ ^l'^" «'' Weste'fn BaVk on"^ The svnnl wa.s blow.i„« alniOHt^JX frn.rfl.rrC. '"'''"''''"'■ *"'l'''t''''»e*l forborne blelSurne, Nova Scotia, and arrived ii thif ,»;! '''".'^"•"^«'»y. October .'ith, we made « I.rovimons, water, and oil to 1 rn On W. in T ''^""^? ^- "'• "" ''•'i* < "V, slu rt Sbdhurne. Arriving at tbe town a°;on?4 Y^^^!}''^ ^ """".^ ^•"" **>« '""'"• ''» I'or of house clofle.l, and In.ntet' „p the coU ^ toP^«„^"' ^T^ aBhorel f«„nd the custom «•'... fi„u, him to bnv 7 pou d.s miL-ar •$ nn.M . *'"«*^'''''* "'V vessel, an.l asked perm™- •"fl ti pounds of bnfter, or ml or nnrir ^Tl % •^"««^«. "n«-half to 1 bushel potatoeB f"HH'- I «tate,l to bin! »U t na i n 'sh "t of n,7.v'"^''' '° '"'*.* '"^ ''«'""' ■•"'<> wasrel before me and ple„d with 1 im f r 1. i ^1/1 V .1".','^ '*"""*'> ">»1 » voyage of 2r,0 miles visite,! the American co su and askid i i*- * ''.";'''•-«♦'' !>"» '* was ofno^avail. !?£ "'•Vn this matter. The co eT r of .?. '' "«f'''f!^n«« "i^ fonud him powerless to atd alt Imush I aske,] for tnem as sX fs I KhU n ' n"' ''^l'"" ""*" f'^next morning »" hour ,„„; a half after I entered mVh« r I ""* ''">' «"y l"'"vi'» Ihursday mornintr. I started fm. n..VBelf an.l cr;^,, t., sea ' v .'h I S slo. rS" "* ' .'•*:«''--» harsh anlhruel'dr vinj aud water and liable to be ^^^^^^ :^&f,^^^ra:2^:J:^X^ "^^'^ «»- MEDEO ROSE. Massaciiusktts, Essex, ss ; ment -oaally appeared Medeo Rose. Bef( aud made oath to the t ruth lore me. of the above state- [8KAL.] AARON PARSONS. N. P. i fiO KIOHTS OF AMERICAN FfHMKHMEN. (I Boloaara No. 3. | AJUdarit 0/ faplain Tupptr, of tht n^Knoner Jeannit Heaver »», .Jriu'l'r.'.rn Tl'Il'Tf' """""r "'■'«''»,;:;"'"' •'":*.:'"'" «'"»v.'rn.. or(»I.Mi,..,Ht,.,r, MiiH,. , lu-inir h«ni« fron. ^, Ih unK .rip. f |,., win.l hlowing » ««!« from Hour,h.M»« . ,m .1 a h"«yv i .a r n- i.inK W.IH ol.liK.,,! to ont.T tho harbor of Livorp , Nov.i hV t hi twXu«r m nnnlhuHy on «o,nl,.« .o nn.hor wa, I.o.u.I.mI ...y (;I,pt. in CiniKl.. f L^" ^.t'/.^,^;^^^ «r M^ n r-l "'• ' '^f'"'- "'"'"'■'"K. viHit.oni.H.f n.y r.,lativ.m who roHi.l.Ml in Lit- orpool, un.l whom I hu.l n..t hhoii for numy yarn. ThU prlvil.iifo ho .I.muimI mo After oaiH (row. who orilor«.l thorn away, and at Hun.lown ho placod an arniA.I tfuanl oa S hrtir::irS.r"' '' "" '"""' **" "«'*' "'"* "^ ^'''"" -"■ J"-* '•'^-" "- in anTwlv'.' ^'',»'/''" Canadian law*, and had no intontion or d«Hir« to vl«lat« them in any way ; l.nt to l.o niado a prmonor on hoard my own v„hh«1, «nd troat^d lik« » suspicious rharactor ^rato. hurnhly np.>.i ih., fo«lin«H of an A. u^rioan ".Min an and oK;«»^v^l\Tch":S„*7"•'■';'?'• 'ir*' ---i-v'""-^ •""* f^-" '-y '•^" «* vorni; .mt ™ lociion trom Hnch nnjnNt, nniriondly, and arbitrary treatmont. JO.SKPH TIJPPER. Mabhaciuisktth, AWjt, ««.- „ ,, NoVKMHKK 4, 18H6. ^U.m>naily appt-ared Josepli Tapper, and made oatU to the trnth of tiie above Mtate- Hi'fore ine, ^^""^'"1 I AARON I'AUaONS, JV. jp. No. 51. Sir L. Went to Mr. Bayard. „, , . ^ „ . British Legation, Wanhington, November 12, 1880. fKeceivod November i;j.] .,.?/^'iM"^w^'T '"".""' ^" 'ickiiowledtfe tl.o receipt of your note of yesterdayV* date, togetlier with certain statements in which complaint 18 msule of the condnct of the collector of customs at Shelbnrne, Nova &".' ^"* /'-^ f ''{•"''^ *'^ C-mmu Q.iiffley, of the Canadian cruiser leiroi, in their dealings with certain American fishing vessels, and to lulot-m you that I have forwarded the same to Her Majesty's Govern- I have, &c:, L. S. SACKYILLE WEST. No. 52. Sir L. West to Mr. Bayard. ... , . , ,, British Legation, Washwgfon, November 15, 1886. [Received November 16 1 .,(.,. ,r .r„ ,eivrici:cc ixj yvur iioivs oi Tiie lytii aiiU 20lh ultimo, i have the honor to inform you that I am requested bv the Earl of Iddes- leigh to state to you that the Dominion Government have been asked RIOIITH OK AMERICAN FIMIIKUMKN. (Jl L. 8. SArKvrr.LP] wkht. Nj>. 53. .Vr. /?rt^f//vi to Sir L. Wett. Dki'Artmknt of Htatk v«.88el which had l^m Iv ,., I uiM "' ' '"'"'^I'itiibh^ tieutment of u Scotia,, vmj\ lUxTfoi\a^^^ a,,, ,,„,„.rilHl crew of a Nova »'ad .,o occasion to p.Ji'J %K;r '? ^'\''*''"" ''T'''^ ^^*'"''' '"^^^ provisions, i„to Po rM < uav ^ a1 h'i ' '*"^r'^"«"t^y, when short of tl.oritic.8 a Malnemie tm t • u'^.^vi , ' "!'r"^'^'« ^''«^«. tho local an- i"H,.i,,e,,t(Uu«er,evenca^^^^^^ "''''" '" ^"."' '^"^■^■*' '■^'^"' «"ch CMty 80 NavMl fro thrtS ^ ."v ''*'i!*'' * '^ ''"Hli'-k'of tho prop, iiiilo li.nit." "" ^^"'*''^"''»" «««""if vessel •« within the three- *lt tention in the lit tJr port I h;vin V'^^ ".;< eryono fonrteen days stock of provisS. ,s wi^tl t he ; i. ,"'f **'""e*> '»•« P'"'se and slender leave L! purcl.a^\t'''^j tle^Zw " , H^?=^^ r/'^''"'' ^« ^'^•^-' provisions to take his vessel S Snv i , ,e ^ w th f. ^1'/ '•%''r'"^'^^ the cause of Captain Jacoh^'^ il.. .rOw.f . *"'V-. ^^ ^^h full knowledge of with the seiznii of S vessel - • h '. "'*•, ''^'^'"\»-'!'«'J ^"Ptaii. Jacobs ar^'ent need of sup feJ in whi c , * ^,^,^"H" V"'^?'^"'^'''"'**^^^'''-" '^^^e Hie fact thataltSi th rm. wf, ?-'^'"",'/'''"^** stood, is shovn by way to his ho ,e ,S G o"^*'^^^'^^^ '' ^"'"'" ^'"^^ ^^'^i" crew we,e o,, lifTitinnl L f ' ^ '''''•' "".'^ occupied three days, his of that time 1 L n h h.i / *'^".*^"^'«' '""» ^^ithout foo.l for o,fe day n>o.-:;^eS^;!r t^!;il5,J!-f^'0..ty. ^---"MhJul^^U'lli;;. has fariuffh ', a uv 1 h L i l^^^'^f f " 'if ''^ ^^'^ ""written code of sea at tht ha,,dnV;he Inl!::,t;;,!?..^^^^^^^^^ ^f captain Jacobs .onethrju^^\sxsnp^ts^,rs^-^^:-"^^ ,^15 4 62 BlORtv or AmCRirAN KIMUKKMRN. Th« cloNinsr parr of ('ttpt»iii .Iim'oIw'm |i-tu*r inttv mtvb to^thow the h «|K)ni«il»l« uimI difti'fi'iit fivutiiiHiit \w mm Miilijwti'il to in tht^ Nt^veral port** [in viMiU'd, wlu»r« fh« only coiiiinon tVjitnrt' wtMnM to buvn \wm a mirlv liofctillty. At I'ort H«mmI. for iiiMtiUM-.., (!apf,iii, .1 «,.,»!« U'lug nUk, lim l.rothor liitMlfd itiiit nportnl in IiIn Mf..«(|,Hn.l,iitt«'r paying tln^ rruu [HI- f«M', WiiH toM tluit hJN rt'poit wan ii nullit.v, iiml that tli« v«^h«.'1 would IMS liiilili) to ptMLilty tor nnuuthorizi'd liimliti); of Imt crow unl<>HM ]u*r captain rfportwl in jwrnon, wliiih, ultiioiiKli ill, |m, wm (!oinport, NovaSrotiu, which hjid run «nMiiI|MMiii.. Imr lu luakniK tli.. h.irl.or. It wuh l)h.wiuK v.-ry h.-iivy ; hou ruuninir hiKli. lh»> inny whm tuk.iu olf l.y my v.mM.-i iiliout Vi o'll.xk at nij/h't. Th.iro w«r« H«von U.«n uinn in all. VV« took nir.. of ihoin, .tml fM thmu for three .iiiys. Tho N.'dkiiitu h.'.Hum a total wiwk. Wo nuv.mI noiim< of tlio miU«*riHl 111., .•iilt.-r C"iti«!, Cuptiilii McCI.'un..ii, on.. ..f tli.. Cumi.liau .■ruimira, wum lyin;: iu li« harh.ir o( Mil iicouK. 'I'lii. iiintnin i..„ii.,i..,i ..... .,...„..! ii _. i . I'; '*.. fitctit an Mliowing U of the th« harl...r o( MhI|m..,u.'. I ho .iiptaiu l...ard..d my vhshoI, and I ivport.-.l t<. liim tho '» *''»' *■ '"'"" <»'■ tim in.ui. Thuy had mhv.'.I a portion of their !.K^!?;"* *'"')*'■'"•''' •*"■• "■' •"■ •"■ "■ iii.7 ■■..Ml. inoy nan Mav.'ii a portion or their cIothiiiK. He milher oth-r..! t.. care I...- tiie wieclied cew, to feed Ihem, nor to uive them or mvMeU any HHsmtance whatever. Having N.>m.> .)f the wreck.-d materi»l on board, I aHked th.. captain ot the cutter f..r permiHHJ.n. to land it. lie referred me t^ the hRal c^.llecfor. I went to the collector, an.l he refern^d me hack to the captain ol the cutter. Ah the cutter ha.l Kone out, the captain of the N.-Hkilita a»«um.'.i the reHpouHihi lity an.l ..ok the thiUKH a«hore. The captain of the cutter to'd me that I could put the miv.-d material on hoard a Nova S.H.tia ve8«el if I went oulHide of the thr.'e-mile limit (.. .lo it. I on.l..av..red t<. ^et m.me ..f the people on Hhore to take the wrecked crew, but no one w.nild do it iiuleH.s I would be reHPoiisible f..r their board i-inally, I gave the crew #(iO, eimiiKli to pay their pasnage home on the carH.^ and also Kavo them provmioim to last diiriiiL' their j.mrney. Mali.eqiu* iH a barred harb.>r, ami it i« only in wuooth water that it is safe to iro out over tint bur, and my vesml drawing fourteen feet id' water, and (here was only four- teen feet of water ou th.. bar, it was impossible for me to g.. out. By beiiiK detained in jiort in di«po.sinK "t this wrecke.l crew I lost over ten .lays ..f valuable tlm.. before 1 toul.l get out, to h^h, ami diiriuf,' that time the fleet took larKe ..iiauties of mackerel Havinjr to fe.i.l ho ...any on my vensol icft me short of proviHi..ns, an.l in a short time afterwanls I p.it int.. I'.jrt M.-.lway, an.l state.l the circiimstan.M.s. an.l anked ..eriuis- Bion to buy half a barrel of fh.ur or enough provisions, to take my v.vshcI an.l crew hoiee. 1 his was abs..lutelv refus.-.l, ami the collector threatened me that if I b..ujrht an.-) hiiiK whatever ho woiil.l seize my ves-sel. I was oblig...! to leave without obtain- liig anytiiiiK ami came li.un.. in three days, on sh.irt rations, a .listauco of :{00 miles. Ihe wind and weath.T beiuK favorable, we had a j,'<.od passaire, but vet we were with- out provisions f..r .Hie .lay before we arrived home. 1 wish t.. state nn.st emphati.ally tliat the otlicials differ 111 their construction of our rights. F.ms are diflerent ineverv port, and as there IM nouttiiularil ni' ■•■irli. Av...! i „ n ^ »i .. . ^ are at the mercy of a class of ofiieials hostile to them and their buainesa, and with but little knowledge of law or its application. mtmmm KIOIITII Of 1RICAN KISIIK.HMKIf. «5 I.r..ih..r w..," i„ tl.« .,..-. ;"' •" '" ''•»••"» At I'ort H.nnI. I Iw-lng .f.k ' "f toi.i him ti.«t ,u.i..« th.v.,.,..,.,/ ';,;,;■;'[*■ ^2' ",•»<'•< «-»-rK.Mi i,i,,, «6*«„u;.,;5 .."•« for ,py r».|M,rt. ,„uti„. f„ ^l h. 1 , If;.''"; ',*""• -"'' '»•- "ImrgMi «i «|>pli" L. West to Mr. Bayard. Sir- Wifi "7"'"^'"«' i>ccem&rr U, ISSG. | deceived December 7 1 64 HiillTM or AMERICAN riHIIBBMIV. of th* privy iioiinfil of Cuiuxlii, toKHhor with copy of thn cUMtoiiii lnvrii, wliicli iltitH mmit«ni« of fhr prlvv hou- oritlilii Mr, llii,viint,niii| tUf tmloNiiDN, itHkinn foraiiili«Mitiit iiifoniiuilon rii liprring (tttui tbn .jrHiid Mmiuii UIiiihI. Tlio mlnlHitT of niKrIiip iiml llNli«>rli*N, to whom nhIiI iliNpatrh wm* n^^r il, n.jr ..■ v»y pr#. pan-d for tHklim lUh," hiii» full liliirty of comiiH'rili.l liiti-riMmrmt in ('niimlinti porta upon till HAnm conilitlonH iin iirti iippliitililo to rc^nlnrly ri-g^lHtitriMl fori«l«n mprihiitit voiMM'U; nor lit uny rtnlrii-tlon impoNcd n|ion any lori>it(ii v. ^m"! dfulinK In lUh of iiny kind dilttTi'iit from iliono impoM'd upon fur«it(n uierchunt vi^km^Im d«ttiin|{ In other noinniitrcilitl I'ommodil iif which !> horowUh), mid which r«nil»r It nt-cfumiry, «i mn othci ♦,hinKi», that upon arrival vt any CamtdlMn port a vfNHtd inu«t ut oni;i <RTY-BKVKN ViOTOHIA, ClIAP, tf9. AN AOT to •monil the ouDtomn act, 1883. A)iMDt«nt8 ».f unit, in the e.xche(|uer cui tbri .iriiiKl •■ •' Ciir unrly iiiiKllnti nortu mu itipnliunt ill tUh of iiiiy liiiK In uttior Ian |H>rtii nre ), iiiid wliioh iitilimi iiort a oinitltitioii uf lit n cony of tliitiitin liifur- of f'ruuli hur- h« boiiurable :k, \vy Council. 1)1180 of com- wing aection law rnltttiu^ r«Mii?(ly pro- full (S'HtH x,( iiirt of vico- iiH« of proue- i«) Atnouut of lio Provinces iiiiifoha, aiKl vcrc JtidK.' or .,,„Ki,t„.r,. h,y. eiVjou for llH. p,„n,l.y or f..,r..|inr.' tl !:.,,",,'' "J'. '" """"' '" *'»''l' 'I'e pr ..m- • lorw iliH ptt,M,l,i« tliMfi-of. * Kniir^ \i I I iiiiiiiiitl itiiil tiiimttllil i« .'tM|Mirlii • ■lltfil to J.-itl, M., . Ucl •i" Till- II!"I 'Vi'i'i'" '"'■'' "" ".""" '"'•t-m* art. Ihh:I." offl;;:;:;:;!:;;l'ri:l;i!r;i:':;j:r:;::;';r:';-^^^^ -..•iM.lnl,. |„.„..,., and ,.ll «,,«. ..oa./n .• u • , , vil . ' ' "' '*''"' '"""^'""^"l '» Mi« a.-f. or „,„kl..K a..y piov,„io, fo, a ,« .U t v I mi'"'*: ."""""•''""" ^ ^'"' l»«l» ••""•-•i! ...Id ..-MMlatioM^ n.Hd. m."L, ''''':, .^"t"''""'- "•' • M'/n all ord.-r. I« ;.|' .nt h..r,.«i,h. .|,„,| rnnain i, wr ., H . 1.7'', "'.V'*":'';"' '"-" '"»' '"«'"»- •l""-'v: uiMh.ll llMn.;.lH«n.llvd , . , ,, ,d II.Vm^ 7 """";'', ''-^ '■'""la-ient aii- and lh;,y iMMhln, , h,„| ,,11 oILoh s r.m . .. 1 <. " ''" '/'"'H "•■lliail, valid "" i"'u.....d.,„. .in!^ . V, . ir.:o ,'^ ,::.!:r ••""'•^•"•'^ «..d..,.fon...i,':;;. '"""""I'la.Ml nid.nd nndn ,;h. ' '^ ""•"'• '»^"">■ '"' t"-", n.ay l.„ ■":•. «l.i.|..st„ili,„;, Im. rou.hnr ,„,';, '"' "'••'""'''"K |H ov,.i„,,«„n l,i„ •""I "ve.> HP, I. p,ovi«i,„ . .all I.M 1 '' . ' ?'"*, "'■*•'". 'Ttmd.T thin lu.t: •"""'•'•'•'•I <.rd,Muim.„i JoanvZ- l...r T''^ "''''' »"'.' ""*' "".V ivf-r..„,„ i,. any Ia«. ...|atiM« t.. II... •■ ,H o„." « hall m /'■'"!;'' """' '" "''« "'•'' '"• '" ""v other <" III.- .MMoaiM at ^eiionori.l n J:.,'i I ■' J " '"H-'otor " nieaim ll,„ .„|I.M-',.r ""''"•'■'' ""■an.sau..lli,.,.r of 11,0. ,;..,;r. Vi ''"♦■,;" «'•» vctor th.uvat: tl,„ , ..ml or lM.at „r a..y kin.l Stl.v'r 'w' J H ! "p ., . l^^^l'^ • V ' n ' "';'""":'"> "^''l'. vessel «u< 'la'aiiiniaJH. an.l in..l.,.l..- ..i„.> I,," .!..:.'' ^"r."^' "!".» .'"^'."'i'n Hi., hanuv , or la.:klo ■ ' "'■'"""•="'"'""'"«'* 'to'i appiiit,.„ii,.(,,.M ,-f the 8«'l or vchiei,,. tl » the (3 word "coii.l actor" ineaiiM tl ,.!,: »• 1- ,-■ ' ""HI i;uii.iacror' «liu;t directum ot any railw .y train; the U. Ex. 1!) perHon having or ttkiiK oliarge of ,. . "rgo of ai ves- 10 p.THou in cha xo or h — iii^r tho words "owner," <'iniporte,V' or "cxp'!fter!" 6« KKJII'IH OF AMKUICAN FISMKKMKN iiu'iin till' owncix. iiii|i(iit<'i-.H, nv i-xpnrtiis. if flicro lii> iiKirc tliuii otic in any ciiho, anil inrliiili- |hmhi.ii.s liiwriilly ailing on Ijirir lirlial'- tlio wonl •' itoixJH " nii^iuiM jiooilM, waifN, anil nn'i'clianiliHi-, or ninvalilf rll'iTtM of any kiml. inrimlinjj (Mirria;;i«H, lior.Hi>M, cattl", and oiln-r aniniaU, fxcrpt xvlnro ilnwo IJittiT an- inanifi'Hlly not in- tcntlfd to III" inclniii'il Uy Hit. said word; tiic wind " vvaii'lioiiso " iiifims iiiiy pluco, whctlii'i- lioiiHO, sliid, yard, dock, }iy tl Hsion of the oHenHe, i- nwpect of which the i>enalty of forfeiture is impimed. All thn terms and piovis fai the revenne and the atla f t his act, orof aiiv such law as a fori esaiil, shall receive siici ir and lilieral construction and iiUcrpretalion as will hest insure the protection of nmi'iit of the pnipose for which this .•ict or such law was made, aecordiiijj; to its tine inleiit, meaiiiii;;-, and spirii. 5. The lollowin;; provisions of this act shall apply to all duties of customs imposed by .in.s a 't of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, whetlie" now in force or passi'il ill the iireseiit session or in any fiiliire session of the said I'arliamelil, ti. C ' each and every non-enumerated article which hears a similitude, either in mute <'liar; the 1. .iiierated article w hicli it most rescmliies in inentlonei ipni'iy, or the use to wliii'li it may he applied, to any enumerated artici e with duly, the same ijite of duly shall be payalile which is char^'cd on if I he uiiilicnhirs Ueforn *< . If an.\ iien-eiiuiMi rated ai tide eiiiiali\ rcseiiihles two or move eiiiimerated articles on which ilillerent liiles of duly iire char;,'eal>le, t he duty on siudi non enumerated ariicle shall lie the >.iuie a-< 111 a I on the eiiiimei'jUed artic'e wliicli ii .■i-sciiihleH, paying the hi'j;liesl dlllv. On all ail ides manufactured from It ■o or more materials, the duty shiill he that diifcieiiee of duty) which is charjreil with th 1 CM' more names or il('scrin- chareed lui the article (il Hieie hiylii st duty. i It. If an article he enumerated in the taiitV nmler Iwi ticms, and tliei" lie a diOcreiice of iliily, the liij{ln>si dul\ pravided shall he chartjed lUld collecled thereon. IC Spirits and stnuij; waters, from whatever siihstance distilled or jirepared, luw injr the (lavor of any kind of spirits or strong waters, snhject to a hifjiier duty than wliisky, shall he lialde lo the duty imposed on spirits or Htron;;' waters of which they have the llavor. 11. Inasmuch as disiuites may arise as to whethor any or wliav duty is payahle on liarticiihir ^jonds, Iheiefore when there is no decision m the matter 'ly'aiiy eonipetont trihnnal, or there are decisions inconsisrent with each other, the "governor in ,M)iincil may declare the duty jiayaolc on the kind of j<">ds are exempt from duty; ;iiid any order in council eont,' iw^ sneli declaration ami tix- iii;r sncli duty (if any) and puhlished in the Canada a/.ette, shall, until othervvisB ordered liy Parliament, have the same force and ef;'e< is if such duty had heeii ti.xed and deel.ired hy law ; jiud a copy of the said (razette coiiiaininj; a copy of any such order shall he evidence thereof. Ix!. All duties, penalties, or forfeitures imposed hy any act relatiiifr to the castoms sball bo jiayalilein money, lieiu<>- a Icjinl tender, at' siicii rate us that si I. Hiif of such money shall lie of eiiiial value with the Hritish sovereiiru or jionud sterliiif^; and all Hiich duties shall he jiaid and ri'ceived accordinjr to the wei',dits and measures oi;tab- lislied by statute in that behalf; (2) All invoices of piods shall he made out in the cuireiicy of the country whence the <;i>ods are imported, and shall contain a true statement of the value of such floods; and in compntin ■; the value i.ir duty of such currency, the rate thereof shall ho such as has been ordered and proclaimed from time to ti'me by the jjovernor in council, who is hereby emiioweied to make such order ; and the rate ordered shall be based uprm the, actual vuliie of the standurd coins or currency of .luch country as compared with the .standard dollar of Canada in so far as such comparative \ allies are known; and in ul! cases wherein ii'c value of a currency has aot been proclaimed, or where there is no tixed standard '. alue, or wherein froie any cause the value of such cur- rency has become depreciated, then there shall bo attached to th*> invoice of the goods imported the certiticate of some cmisul resident in such place or country, showing the extent of such depreciation, or the true value of the currency in vhich such invoice is made out, then and there, as compared with the standard dollar of Canada: pro- vided, however, that in cases where the value of a depreciated currency is dependent upon the rate of excl. nge ors London, it shall be optional with t'jo importer, with the consent of collector of customs, to compute the value for duty at the rate of exchange ! liii^ ; and all asiircH o^;tilb• RIOHT.S OF AMKKICAN FISHHRMEN. ••'•rti(i...l l,y III., hank lliion-li whiH, .1 and wliivico (In "'•iIm wcio ('vpoitcd Id ( niwii, aseurioiif at the ti '•"n''ii(i.v vdino JH Ni. d.'K.nnin.'dat ih.' I <'«l,viln.rt.rlillnit.,,.rtI,„l„u.k*aH.il iiiiadii; provi.Ird tiirllmr, II inn^ <>(• (Milrs', niH md not ,.|M-n tn uny r.ad.jUHtrnfnt I i.-r 1) iilMivi- piovidiMl, Hinh latt .V I. 67 mo mid phico wiitdi " at whfii (ho imni •H I'l'i'lilicutt! ciTlilicato nut fonvNiiondiii;; ' valine Ninill !».( linul l^i. In :ill cfisttH wImm ^.!:i"ri:!:'.'J!::.:'''r'i".;"t production „f '• nif..or vain., will, that a.l..pt..v- III Nolaras I ho mime ifccivin;j III,. Nam.' lo ih.: r Maj ■Nfv, .•sh.,;i 1) i.'.H, or from v tl any 1.'.. Til.' t III.' aiiii);:nt of lo conHoli- X.'o.is iiiipin-h'd into ( I'll ^loiii.s diitics pa\ l';''>''''l i.h'r .M.iioii |(i-j ,',|-,| itna.la or oxpoi Icl i||,'.,.,.( payal.h' tl) II,.,. Mj,j,;s,y ^.j,] loiii, and (h.- add M licMiid have h.'. U'-'',v. Jointlv and .si'\ n paid (If a.'ioniniil I '"""•'.•^''.•"11, Ir an. I alio. frmi or, .•on.siitni,. ., ,1,.],, ,i ho linir w I r.'sprct to any li.Mial .sum (if any) hen Hiich diili.'H '"'"■"'"""'■•■xportali,,,! th.Ti'i.f. aii.l lo owner ^i'l in CI 10 NO yiio'ls. and warrani lA iiiiriliiiialil ii'ajini N of III, an- inli'd for I Ni't. am nlac •ossiii.i,' ov.'r a shoal 'm sonic day not hci ""l;"l''"(inilcss (or i h 7, pnrpos.. of I '"■•';'>'•'"• Hand.liank).'xcc|,t hct I'' niiiailin;;-,!!' Ih "Oils on hoard •■•1^.1 until duo I' same ii;.c!il'iiinM; th.'ship ,„• or at '<• tho nnlawfnl nnla.l iiitf of am lio ma. I.' in (hest pan ;h ow !'■ iirri'alof iho vossol ilK.Mlf t|„. cai-yo K" HO an '"• -oiz.'d am f.irf'ite.I • ami if h oil i. V i i " imla.len contiarv to this act shall ''-•-■its,O0,an.l.h.,';;ern V ^ :.;^^^^^ «.'cnr,ly IS .ivon for the pav.nent li .'m f . , V, , ''*' ''^"' '"'" '? 1'"^'' "'• Hatisfa.,t.,ry ;;.«. '»ij;i;;i:;™;;;:;,;;;'E\i:;«';; V,-;*;™ ,.,,,,.. „,. „, .M.i.,.-i,„„„, i. i;,wrnn V ™,';i,im;;,;i'' """" '» '""'•«>■•■ ■■■ ..t ,. „„« .,t c.„t,j\,h.; ". nistom-hoUo ..r . move fr,m,^:h ?..'^ "'" "'"."' '.'avi«a,ti.,n, are' carried p.^S •y the collector or ^ ,er offlcor of t'h'I e? ?P'""«f '> 'U, with ilntial.le ^ooiIh on l.oani, .■nt.'iH luiv place otlu-r than a |.oitof mtiy (nnh'sH Iroiii Htr.N.s of weather <..di her nniivoi.lahio caUHC), Hiieh n lH(eMepl thn^e of an innocent owner) Hhall I.e 8ei/,e ity ttiven for the payment thereol; and, ii ciirity he |,riven within thirty Uiiyx, hiicji sold to pay the haid penally. 5i:i. Ifan.v «..o(lHare nnlawfiilly im|>orted hy land they .shall he seized and forfeited together with the v. hide III or hy which such goo.ls are ho imported or ivmoved. and the hoiMcH or other cattleemph.yed in driiwiiiK aneh vehicle, or in imiiortinijorremov. nifi 8licli ;food,s, ' I « 24. If any jjoodM are iiiilaWfnlly imported on any railwav tliev shall, in like nnin- nor, ho seize, and forfeited, and the car in vvhich such -o.l.l.s were so imported shall bo seized and detached from the train and forfeiteed ny railwav, ami anv oliicer or serviuit eiuplo.\cd l)y any e.\i)rei;s company, who is privy to or aids or ahefs in snch unlaw iiiiportalioii, shall, upon snmmaiy conviction thereof, he liahle to a (im- of not 1 than i:.M nor more than S-JIKI, or to imprisoi.im'nt for not less than tlir - "• ■ ■■""• '■"•■' w-"", "1 K' iMipnsoi.im'nt tor not less tlian tlirce i more thnn twelve nn iiths, or to lioth tine and imprisonment within the sai •in. 'I he master of every vessel eomiiif,' from any jiort or place our of ih. fill OSS months nor id limits. „..,, , . • , r^ ■■■- .' I ■■ I ' ">■• "1 im- Dominion ot Canada, or coast wise, and enfermnany jiort in Camula, whether laden orin hallast, shall go without delay, when such vcss.d isanchored or moored, to the ciislom-h(msf) Idjiceot entry where he arrives, and there make a report in writing to vessel, statiiii; oi the master, the passengers (if any), the nnnihtT leu or III liallast, and if l.iden, the marks and niim- parcel iif goods on hoard, and where the same was laden, for the port or pljice of entry where the collecior or other proper ollicer, of the arrival atiil voyage of snch her mime, (•oiinfiy, ami tonnage, the jiort of ngi>try, the mime coiMiiry of the owners, the inimlier and names of iht ' of the crew, and whether she is ladt Lers of every packaj. and tlie paiticuhiisofany goods stowed loose, and where and to whom coiisi. rued, and Where any and what goods, if| any, have heeii laden or iinla.h-n, or hulk has hetm broken, diinng the voyage, what part (.f the cargo and the niimher and names of tho pas.sengeis winch are inlcmled to he landed at that i>ort, and what and whom at any other port in Canada, and what part of tho cargo (if anv) is intended to he exported in the saim^ vessel, ami what Hiiri.liis stores remain on hoard-a.s far as any of such particulars can ht? known to him. ;,^(). In the case of every vessel hound for any seaport in Canada, from any port out 01 LaiKida, the collector or iirojier oftieer of such Canadian port iiiav cause snch vcs- sel to he boarded hy an ollicer of ciist.mis, d.^t;iiled hy him for such service, at any place within :! marine miles of the anchorage groiin.l, and snch oHicer may de- iiiaml tiom the master or imrser of snch vessel a correct copy of the reiMut inw"ar«ilt'd hy him at the custom house as the ves.sel's report inwards lor comparison with that to he presented hv the master in person. 27. 'llie master or ix'ismi in cliaige of any vessel, ■whether hnlen or in ballast, arriv- ing by inland navigation in any iiort or place of entry in Canada, from anv pla.'o be- yond the limits ot Canada, and having any goods th.'icin (whether anv duty be pay- able on siicli iroods or not) shall go without delay, wh.Mi such vessel i's anchored hx moored, directly to tne .•ustoni-honsc for such jiorl or idaco of entry, and make a re- poit in writing (in such lonn a.s may he ap).ointe(l for that purpose by competent antlioiitv), to the collecI■ «•""•'♦ '"•<' iiiilii.ifti from n- 69 . .^., ". n"' "v.* '•""■1"'^" "<■ liKl't.MMnLr t ... V. Z' i, r:. ". ""^'"««'"-y «li.s..l,ttrKinK of ".■'"''■''■'^tj'l.v .stored in Hon>„ nTam^^^T^ fl'<' «oo,l«, on I.eing 30 Ian,/; , a?e said, or tiK. riwiits or lial,ili,v ^in . /^ V/l '''*^'''r' "* '"'>' *^"«'' «•""'« «« Xe! thn' l.uthoj;ovo,rnori„e.;nn,.i .n-nako^^i K ■*'^>::!^Z^l::^':^^ ""t^^,? V' T'-H'^' - "^''^ »- a>'\ a, t aniendinjr the «anie ^^ ^^^^ "'''^^^^ a"tl salvage act, 1H73 » «>''• it a vessiol )>.it;.,.- 1- ^^ . . ' same liefori! rt'iwrt ■ 1 next opening of th.) cast ■port Nliall in siicli onis otlice. case lie made a.s m •■r:i\- KJe the ion as may 1)0 after the i7 '/'lie -—""HID luiiif, ,■ "v niici uutj !■ adjacent to Canad'i <} whether to or from 70 RIGHTS OF AMERICAN FISIIhRMKN. -..y phMo witl.in or without Canft.ln, to bo a conHtinx trmlo or n coaBtinir voviijre w hm tlnM.H.M.mK <.t tl.iM .v.t. wh.thor mu-h nmn, riv«rH, lukon, or w»t.,rH »Vo? Z «rr;v*^^""' '"?"•'■"[ '•.'■ """ l""l"»*.m of otl.oru.tH or I.iwm, inhnMl vvutnH; .ni.l all carr.viiiK by wat.r, wlii«h is not a cnrryinu ''.v h.m* <.r roast wiMO, shiill hodnom.^.l to bo tiM rZ",!; I'y ' " "'|V'K»"' ♦" «'"l""K'.Iations or toanv provision of this act iio ,1 H1M-I.S.-.I will, by Hu.l. r.-KiilMiio, IS, shall bo m.m/..mI nixl fortVitwl . •"^- I' '*'"' '/'" '''wfiil, II Hsoil.,.rwis..Mnll.oii/ov p|,„.„ out of (!ana.la in anv vessel wh.ch has not been .Inly .•.•gisle.,.,! a.i.l has „',. a .e.^.n.at.M.f H,.ch ""llistV"^^ :«». If an> k.)o.1h an. ..nla.Ien tVom any v..ss..l or v..hiel... or put ont of th.' cnsto^lv of th. .iiasf..r .H- ,.e,son in ..ha.Ke -f III., sa , b..for.. ...port i.i n.a.l.. as r...|ui"Tb-? this ael.ori snrh i....son or Miaster fails to muUe «„eh report, or lo pr... luce snei. of him "le'sb irr ,"'.'. ""V"" 'T''"^.'- '"' :'*"" •"*" ""'•^- ""«"•••'>'<• M-'.'Hti.ms ,l,.mamle.l ot him he shall (or ..aeliNiieli..lh.n«e forfeit lli. sum .if ,«! 1(1(1 ; ami if anv smli .'.....Is are not s„ r..p..rte,l mnl p.o.lnee.l. or if th.. .narks an.l Mi.mbe..s or o.h'.r .ll'i.ripti'm ot any paekaj;,^ ,!„ „ot „m;,,.,. with the report nia.le. nii,.|i j-.khIs .ir paeka-e shall bo sTnlVle';; . i:'*'T''''vr''' '.'"" —■ "•—liiel.. ami ,he a'm.,als .I'.awing the u ,o 8lialMM.(letiiiiie(l until siicli iiinonnl be pni.l. 40. Every importer of any y.io.ls by sea or from any place out ..f Canada shall w.tlmi thr.... .lays .ite.- the arrival of the importing; v.-,ss,.|, ,nak,. ,1m. .mtrv i iw, • Is r„., ,rr"" '• ""'' '"'!'' ''"'/"""•' ""•' ''VO impo.h.rof any Koo.ls imp,,,- .,1b i,' £ . , >' ('h' '" " '''"^■: T"^ "*■'"" """* '""••'•■ • """■■•." Iii'll. within tw.mtv- u ,1 , I I I, 'n:'.''''''' '" "I" ' '"•''"- ''"";'• '""'"' •' ""•> i"^va..lsof such go.xlH, .11,1 l.in.l the Si...... : ill., I ..very i...p..rt,.r ,.( a..y moo.U imp.ni,.,! bv iiilaml navi- o .V I ■ ■■'i"""' '"■ ""l""'"!i"" "f '^""•'' i^ -. I-".l..ce the sa.,,,. to Ihepr, p..r on.cer ami muk,. ,liie ,'nf I V tl.eri',)l. ' ' rJl' ''''';: i"''«'"";"f<'':'i'K aiiyi;r,.o,ls ii.wanis shall .leliver to the e,.|le,tor or oih.^r tin 'n ,.u llrT'ivV', "'\'i"'",'" ^"'' K'""'** "'"'"■i"K »•"' l'l='<'" ••'I'l l. ,>| th,. Iirm or pe.son l.-om wl.,.m the -..o,ls w,.re pnr. hi.H,.,|, an.l a n« r.M, I,'. V • ' "'.*:;"'f''>- "":•■•■"'. "'«"'^'' ♦""I' .'i^ «l'Hll l.e.appoint..,l bN eom- ^. ,' ■ 1 • '■"""!"""«• ' ,"' "'I'"" <•» tho i...p,..to,-,-iu..l, if i..,porte,l b • wiile,", the an.eof t ,e vess, 1 an.l ol th,. n.ast,..', an.l .,f the phi,.,, te which boiin,!. ami of to L .mis "m 'Ih, tV;;-'"' "l'^ w .i:; ^''" '"■"'•'•■""' "".'"'"'■'."""V"""""'"''"' ''"' P."k'W^ 'i..,l th,. i.hiee from pt^^ii ';c!';:f manubninr"'''' "'" "' """' '■"""^^' "•• ""''•'^^"'•" """"^ -" ^'- «--*h, 42. U.il,.ss th,. jro.'-ls are t,> b,. waiohoiis,.,l in th,' maiimT bv this a,t provi,l,.,l the import,.- shi.i, at th,, sii.,,,, time, p,iy ,lown, .>r ciinso to be so i.iu.l, iill ,1, ti.-.V, i a U K ...Is .,nt..r,..l mwi.nls; :iml the collector .,r otIuM- p,„p,.r ol icer sl.iill, iii.ni" i tX t urcpon, .-.ant IIS warnint for the nnlmlin- ,.f such koo.Is, ami jrrant a per t for the conveyiiuc, ot he siime k,.o,Ih furth,.r into Caua,l,i. i7s., re,,,.ir..ri by tl.H.. -tor' mw ,'l, l''''^'"';'j:i"""t''<' ''.V th,. collect,.r for such purpose, there to be kept iit the risk th e.l te.*:;';; Vri"'"'"''"- '""' '^^-l'^'' «;">•'« lH'>.,.t,liily o,.te.,..l within,..,;, n.,mth from tht, ,1a eot their l|,...ijr soc,mv,.y,.,l t,. thcciiHt,mi warehouse, or other api.(.int,.,l olaco t. .to ,:■;':',,«;;? ;" ''\7r^ ami war,.l.ouse renti .Inly piii.l i.t the time 'of sn.ll .l.trv; ,?^.^^ n . '•' ".'''''"■'■' ^?^ *" tl"; I'aynu.nt of ,liiti..s i.ml cl.arK,..s, ami the oVorpIn ! lo . .1 ?n H •''■^^•'""•K'''«V»'« v.'.ss..1'h Ihm, or other chaim.s foi" transportati.m, 8 1 nl bop. ,ltotheow..,.r,.t th,. -oo.ls or to his lawful iv-ent ; in,.vi,b.,l, .il wi. vs tl.a^ u oaso thesanio caiiiiot bo sohl for a «nu, sullbient to piiy ti,.! .lnti.>s an.l cl.'u5.;s if ofl 8u Y, , ,",,,U «l\ ,n'\ ,'"r '■*";^;","1"V'". <"• tl'« cl.i.iK..sif ottorcl for salo for exportation, 811. ■!. fi, Mills shall mil lie s,.!,!, but b,> (l,.strov,.d sl.tn n"y^'''"1^"''l'"J'"'!/!;^f'*^'^1''«^^"''«'l''''"^'''t'-ythor,M.famlw-^^^^^^^^ shall be .vei/,eviHioiHif thiH I. in council, to 'anailii in nny ^l» legiNtry oil t' tlic onstody I'lMjiiiri'd liy produce .sncii in.s drniandt'd i\ Hiicli jjooiIh T di'Ni ri|itjon |>K*' ''y in- tliiii twciity- ardM of Hncli inland navi- 1, or liy liiiKi, lo tlic proper ■cfor or otlior f)nr('iiaN(' and liascMJ, and a ;ind of floods ntt'd l)y I'oni- printcd, and y water, tJio I, and of tliu ■iplion of tlio t" idacd from • tlio growth, forlaudinfj, recoiviug or KIOHT.S OF AMKINCAN IISHERMKN. latlonH and with nikIi sccur.t 71 tliJH net, an tin- jroveri.... 40. Tilt" collector nniv y or precantionN f(n' conipl • liarued with .Inty, or "cnditionalj '" <'.»""cilmay, from time f„f , ... re<,M.re lr„„, ti„ i,„,,„,,,., (.,, ,,om 7 iance with the requirements of inie, appoint. iidmittMiK the miid KoodH to ent y exempted from duty, or or ileeiarnlion, product filch goodft are iiropcrly d ion of invoi ry.Huch furl her proof ,w |,„ ,i ■aninK "'"Nnch exemptions '::,V'''"!:7'r-':''''llH of lading or orl 17. A wrihed and mted for dntv ii« agent) of any goo^ls •xemplihrrefroin, Itetore eeniN neccHNary, l.y o«th llerwi.'t'e, that known to h n.y package of Nvhich the inip.,rtcr.,r I or come pr»j.erly within th I'll. ni:iy he opened and lis ag";>f declarcM th III tliemesenceof;,,,.!, j,,,,,,,,., «\aniiii.(d hy the collect nIuiII also hear tl H. N'o entry, noi le expense of repacking •icror agent, and at the econtentHto henn- II' <»r other proper ollicer e.xpeime ut the importer, \vh goKiN out, of any any \yariaiit for tin I lie partieiiliirs of th w.uvliD.Mi, (,i^ hor.'inart innlingof any goo.U, or for the t tlic particniai.sof t| ^ ''*'i"d pack.igesin niicI Pi'ovided) shall he d eenied valid aking of any th tliere(d" is authorized n' goo is anii le Vessel, or other report (wl padc I entry or warrant cor Here jiny is i iges piiriioriinu' to he th unless •espund with hy I lie deiioininali nor unless th.. goods hace I piired) l,y which tl «iicligo,dsar.w.|iarg..il \viihd eredout of any vessel, or out ( oils, an I with th iity leen properly deseillted ' MiuK' ill the re|.,.rt of e iiiip'ntatioii or entry eh.ir.u^tiM'Hand (wrciimst 'liK^cHarcorrlini' t in siicli entry port or plaeeof eiitrv. 1 !• out of any w.ireli rj'!r,:;:.'''''''''^<-''=-''i-'''y«'-iH.;k::r,ord I vvhi ch fact s III ,'ll such prets. •y yiriiie of am oilse, o i-convoye I into (.'luali I landed or taken w'ifl enriy III' \yarratit not (•(> »]• nor properly descril.lii.rti lOIlt (III legoofls, shall I I heyond l.io "-ipo.hljngwitliti,,, •e i|e,.nied to ho ;";;!,.i'':::::"":-v'-"'.-'v::-s:-.::.;;;:'h:';:;;;;^',;r;!.?;;''';- "■•■-^v;;,;!' fl'Mlid 'p"'n and exainiiM lole witnesses, and il', i any packauc of they slialj I ipoii exanijnat '. Tl "' 'Mi-iiitity jirid yaliic of •«' Nclzed and forfeitcij goods are not .snlijet^t to d ectei Ills stores of yessid nty ; and the inv piihlic cost, hnt in thi^ hill of entry Dice thereof sin ■nl.iti(msas if iniporteil Is arriving in Canaila shall h, lecti iiH nierchandiHc ; Init if tl ■■^nliject to the sa '•;-«;■ the same ti.rieshipinentthMhel irinay iiermit him so to do ■)l. V es.selH entering the (int of A iitnre use of tl le owner or master (h me vessel, the col- ties (ui g(»t(|s therci inapidis may ho V cssels enter n iiiiiioited paid either at t reported and entered, and th iiijl entered at such pi" '"p "'<'(i''"at Hrasd'Or and IJtt ";p«ntofl>igl,yorAnnapoliN le du- i:t. It any Itlace as tin e Hras d'Or shall 1 en which diiti ;<'ods imported hy watei h;'w;;::;''';:'"::'::^;:'''r.-'^-'-'" ''•.■"■; the v( {.■Id valorein or'specilic'or ho'il "r partly hy Wat >e reported <> time, direct. Id .va-e ()f iinporiatioi, l„.fw,.^„ t| cr and partly hy land le payahle, receive d at th value payjihl, •n (Vo 11 Ml . I " port of (hstinatii ifigi |) irr le actual dc|>artiire oltl on damage diiriiiir eX|)orr itio'i in ahateineiit n ia\ in Canada. \vl aii'l rl n) vessel in which they III Niich go.id.s, or in e made in (h,. leichy such goods have I ii'tuiil arrival of tl 10 gO(»(l8 Niich duty may he injid >"ann..r hereinatter provided in the ,1 theret <>i' iH made in due form and proportionate to the d duty hasheen paid tl •••(•onm lessened in nty K'l-eon. a refund of a p it of vessel of the yood such first Ijind !>nd \yliih> they are in t anmge sustained: provided the cl proiierly suh tantiated at tlie first I II m ing as they can 1 C"!>'pletedandcrrlified'hytl " Jt:<'r, whose duty it shall I le examined ort ')4. It (ad valorein,")! 'i.V goods imi.ortcdhyiiiil e coileetor of customs, ciist •e to iissess such d le custody of the Crown or provided also, that siid iindiiig from such as soon after 1 examination he transportatioii, alter tl lecitic, or hoth) are way, "iy damage he allowed wind ee of fho exi.stence or tmction or forced Hale thereof 1 may have originated f nor shall ioin decay, 72 UIOHTH OF AMKWICAN FISHHHMKN (lttiii|in«'MH, (»r nlliiT iiHiHf ' NiHtiiin hcfoK' llir vov.iiic litiiiiiDHici'tl, iiiiil w hK'li iiin.v liuve riiidiK'il the !;<'<"lHmiUt t,. Millihliiinl tlii> unliiiiu.v riskH oC tliti voyiiK»)(»f iinimrtiitioii, iiorNliiill lit' t-Mlin lie iKir hIihII iiii.v allowmu't! lit- 'iiiiulo lor or duV.v nfundwl (or riiHt on inuiorHtiud orniiy imMiii(u('ti!if tli-nnl', txi;i)|il on i)oli-,!ii'il Kii^^ i iron uiul Ciwj- adu pliitcN. luid on nmcIi only to thf «-xt(Mit oJT.O |>rr c.-nl., nor nIiiiII iinv iillowiiiii-« !»« made IVm' HtninMor injnry to any iiucknucH holding liM*>>rcof, and duly Nhall tlicn lio nvinl ami ofdlectwl on nntdi ri-thu'td valuo at an ad vaionMu ra(»< \\ liicli Hhall ho equivalent to tin* rate of iipeitille or Npeeifie and ad valorem duty which nhould havj be«in «. (Heeled np'"i mieh ^oodH if they had not been no dannine»i. r>8. When any venwd iMcntored at the cimtoni-hoino at any port in C^anadn, on board of whicli there are any >joodH on which any duty liaH Immii levied or collected or on ■which any dtits Iiiih lieen (b^ixmiied, and tiiereafter the naid ^^oodHare lout ordostroyod before the Hanie arc landed from such vcMNel, or from any vessel or raiiv part til reof(spoci tying the same), have lieeii so lost or destroyed before the landlnj; of the same, the diiticH on the whole or the part theniif so proved to Im^ lost or destroyed shall, if the samo liiii.e been paid or deiiosiled, be reinrned tot lie oxvner or his anent. Tiil. If any vcmmcI having received r«duc.(i, an. I a. deciaralion of ilie correclne.ss (hereof made as hereinafter provided, the tare according to such invoice shall be deducted from the KIOHT ..| AMKRK'AN FIMHKF MKN. 73 (oraniinOthar I will Cai l,f„||v iM-rfon I r,.Ti ''''':■ '.','"' '".').<'" «"l"mnl.v Hwea^ tiality, fear, luv„r or a«-..,.|m , a,/ M i '1' / '''" "* "" -*"'•' <"»l«^o wiflM.ut pur- t"|..vv..n( all fVaiHl, Muh,MrM«'r,. A, ";,,'' 'j":' ', ^^'" •""', "'i' '"'«• <'n,I.Mv.,r8 •"-•" -'-■•' -y -i-ty i;:.ia;.;;:uKr '8o'i;;;l;7n;:! ';;;.;r «"""^' "'"'"'• •"• "-- A. H., 'Sworn hiifoni im>, tlijs ApiiruiMir for (an tint oiiHe may be.) If^ ." (hh thr case may Ix-.) (lay of '^i^vvi^^-^^f:^^:i:};S^^^^^ con..;...; t,.... «,.... .... <• '^"sio.us may, at, any tin.,., . ir...' ,,? • ,' i i^ ?' "?!''" ?' '"''''•■ '""' "'•' '"i'liHter «lH..h K.,..I. a,.,.raiM.,.^sl.all a,,.. , ii ,' ' .1 Ti,';,'!,?''/.;;''"''' ""•'" '"'.'"'« ''"-V tin.e, t'".-, i..tl..,,.,in,.i|.al n.a,k,.iH . , J J,^ w .m .s,.I,| f.,,. |,.„„„ ......nnrnp- w.n. ..x,...ri..,| .ii,;.,:,iy to Cana.la ' """-^ ^^ln•n.■.■ and .it tl.., li wl,,.,, M.e Hamo ^^'^'\'''^^^nry"^^^ of sn..]. ......Is in tl,., nnnal ;""' ""t 'l'"-aMi, val,,., ..fM.u.l.l; , u ,v .. ..^ i, ' "• "-^ "": ."T"\' ■•^'"l •"•'li"'K-.V er...lit, t"Mn all t..ar,.a„ti„n.s in r..|ati., ,Vh u .ir ■ • . V i?'*^^ ""•' '"" '•""■' "''" I'"'' "I'l'-ar.in.t ,in.l r..,..s.,nal,l,., t., br I , » Hh^^^^ a wl,i,.h M„,y aro pr.s.Mite.l umy asjv.|iii....,l l.y this 8^,.fi„n. '^ "'• ^"" ■^"'<""'t t<. tin, tr.io ami fair market v.ihie, wi;:iul;:':;;,:;.;!;'^:;;:'il;";i;;i^^^ ntoftbec«n„try an.l c.o;,>i,b.,.,.,| ,0 lH-.ipa.t.,- I !(. i,. „!,. V ,•""',' '''•'^^^■'""•k «Iiall Ik, taken "■ la,M, ..niH, inv..i,... nn.l.T wl id . ,,Vv I' "' ' '"'",' ''"' ^■"'"'' "* •■^'"^•' «•""!« "pon th.' .olh...t.,>. or,.nst..n..s, ,n. pi , ! i . ' :'^ 'I m ", ."iV^'"' '"' "^ ""^ '*'"•"'" tben-npon, '1. No .Iclnctinn <.f anv kin.l hI...II i , '"^ .'" ''"',> tli.'n...n. 17>" pnn.|,as..,l tor\ 4 '^ 't u.'n^ o ., 'a'^';?. l'" V 'l"* ""f I'^^vabl., when }vhn.l. a sp....i.^l r..,ln,.tion in, ,.,.;. r. , ' 'w"'''' V""''' <^""'^it.,in.,.l; provi.l,..! tlnif, notb- '•-'. No .kMlnctinn fr.,m the va ,,'';„, i^^,! "".^'"••'f'""^ of n.arket valm^s. "" ')''<'"nt of tin. assn.n,.,! val, • f n'' 1 :',''''=' '" '^">' "voico shall b. allowed H mil ho tl... .ln,y of ,1... e,,s . s .'l ..r"to s, ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^ «1'<:'' "•'="•«" i*^ ""Lie iiiKl i-..nr.s..nrs n<. ,i„.,.,. .),.,., .,,..."'! ^" *" ' f''"t thoel.a. -.■ isfauand r.-asouable oof. ..t;:i.n;i::;;;:;;;;;:i;i::™:,;';;;;:;;-;j^>!f^ j-^y i..v„i,,, »,,.„ „„ „„„i„„„ „„„„„, 74 KIOIITS OF AMKKICAN FISMKIIMRN. DAckliiK <>I'k"<' «x|iort, Tilt' HtiinihirilM or inNtruni<>ntH liy winrli llm colorm lUiil «rn(lfH oIhukup iir« to b« ruK<|, itinl tliH iliiMn to wlij
  • ulilt. tlnTi«in, nIiuII In* wdfctiMl iiiiil furniHliiMl from time to tinif t*> tli« lollttctora of Minh portH of nitry iim nuiy l>t< ni««M'«Hiiry, by tlii' mlnlNtcr of iu!*tomM, in hucIi nntn- n»'r iiM lif luiiy ilt'Kin i«xp(«(liiril ; unit tlin iliM'JMion of tlii' iippriilNi.r, or of tlii« rollfitor ot u pint wliiii' ihiTi- JN no iippralNi-r, an to tim iIunm to wliiili uny NUniir ln'lon«x, iiml tlmdulii'M to wiiii'li it in Hiiliji'it, Nlnill lie liuul lunl lonriiiJ^ivr, nnii'H.s upon iippiiii to t'l' mmiNsioni'r of iiiHtoniM, within thirty iIuvh, niii'Ii ili-rmion in-, witli Ihi- upproviil ofth"' ministi'i, chunK'-il; tin- ihiision of tluM!nminiHMion«'r, with hiicIi upnroviil, Mliall then bo Ann I. 1 1 • 7ll. All ruiii'Jnici', .sirup of NUyur or of nujiar-ciini', nn-hiilo. conri-ntruti-il nii'litilo or ronrrntrali'il iiioIiinni-h, rnti'ii'il usmolusHi-N, or nniliM.-iny oiIhm' nuniK tliun i-uni'-juirn, Mirnpof HUjjiar or of Hiinuriiim'. iih hnlo, coniii'iitrutiil iiu'liitlo, or rouwntrnti'il mo- liiHMi'H, Hhiiil III' Ni'i/.c«l ami forfeited. 77. The value fur ditty on whieh uny ad valoreiu ilntieson MU(;ar, nuduHHi'M, meliido, nirup of Mu^;iir, lU' Mnuareuiu', ^ii up oi' luolaMses or of .Monjliuni, com eiitrated melailo or loneiMilialed iu(daN,HeH, and s.i^iur eiindy, hIiuII, uuIkhs otherwiHe proMiled, be eiil- cnluled and taken, sliall iiiehule the value of the paekan<'H eontainin^ the name, and the Hhippiu}^ and other iluiryeK on Nueh artiileM; ami the valm* for duty kIiuIi b.' Hio value of liie ntu>i\n " free on board," at the plaee or port whenee hist exporti-d direefc to Canada ; :i>id iIh' Kovenmr in eouneil shall hiivo powt-r to deidiiio wli-u chaijjes shall 111" ihi'lnded in Nueli valut^ mo dehned. 7f<. The jL;iivernor in eouneil hIuiII have power to interpret, limit m- extend tho nu'uniu),' of ihe ((inditiouM upon whieh it is provided in any aet imposing; diitien of (MiHtoniN, ilial any arliele nuiy be imported free of duty for speeial purpimen, or for purtienliir objeii,- or intereMtn ; .and to nnike renuhitions either for deelarin;; or detin- injj; what eaMesHhall eoiue within the eonditioiiHof HUeh aet, and to what objeeln or inteieNtM of an analoumm nature, the Maine Hhall apply and extend, and to direct the payment or non-payment of duty in uny sneh eiiMe, or tho remiNMion thereof bv wnvof drawbaek if Miieh duty Iiiih been i>aid. 71). If the importer of un\ ^tooiIh whereon ii duty nil valor«iii is iinpoHed, or the per- son aiu hoi ized to make the deeliiration reipii red with r«i;ard to Miieli jjooiIm, iniikes and HubMerilxH a deelaration liefore the eolliictor or other proper olHier, that be ean- nol, for want of full information, make perfect entry thereof, and takcH the oath in finch cuHes provided, then I he collector or ottleer may eanse siieli jroodM to be landed on a bill of Hi;;ht for the packaj;rH and jiarcelH tlieieuf, by the best descriittion that can lie K'vi and to be Heen and examined by hucIi peiMon and at his expeime, in the lireHcnee of the collector or principal ollicer, or of such other odlcer of the cUHtoiim as shall be appointeii by the said collector or other proper otllcer, and to be ilelivered to such peiHon, on bin deposit Iiim; in t he hands of the collector or oliiccr a sum of money snllicient III the judnineiit of the cidleetor or oflicer to jiay tne duties thereon; and if the importer docs not complete a )ierfeet entry within the lime appointed l)y the col- lector, the money so deposited shall be taken and held to be the duty accrninj; on such goods, and shall be dealt with and accounted for accordingly. H(l. Such sijfht entry may be made us atoresiiid and the ^oods may be delivered, if snch importer or person as aforesaid makes oath or alHrins that the invoice has not been and cannot be jirodnced, and pays to the collector or projier otHcer aforesaid a Buni of money snllicient in the .jndi,'nie'nt of such collector or otlieer to pay the duties on such j,'(iods, and such sum shall then be held to be the amount of the siiid duties. Hi. Exce]it only in cases where it is otherwise ])rovided herein, or by rexniation of tlieKOveriior in council, no entry shall be deemed jierf-et unless a snllicient invoice of the floods to be entered, duly certilied in writiiifi thereon as correct by the person, firm, and corporation from wlimu the said ;,'oo(ls were )Mirchased, has been produced to the collector and iliily attested as re(|uire(| by this act. 8-2. \yitli the bill of entry of any Koods there sluill be luiiduced and delivered to and left w itli the collector an invoice (if the <;()ods, jis provided in Iheni^xt preceding section, at tested by the oath id' the owner, and if the owner be not the person enter- ing such jioods then verilied by the oath of the importer or consi<;nce, or (subject to the provision hcreinalter made) other person who may lawfully make mucIi entry and verify snch invoice in the form or to the elf. ct of the'oath or oaths iirovided or 'to be provided by order in council in that behalf, which oath or oaths shall be written (»r printed, or partly written and partly printed on such invoice, or on the bill of entry (as the case may be), or shall be annexed thereto, and shall in either case distinctly refer to such invoice so that there can be no doubt as to ilsbeing the invoice to which ahroad jdace whe lietbre a H ill siich |di -. The departniei of the iiisi otellstoiiis oaths and and the no iiat(! such name, or I such oaths with the p jMU ted h\ I in such rcM H!>. \o ;,T entry is tli less there b owner, eiMi piiiiited to halfoftlii, sented with by his atto niakiui; the iiotarv piibl , 1»0. >Siicli I lalse Htatem in the s.iine tained in ti, same jienalt oath anil ha . i. » : (ii4 syh » ■onilitioiiH to i-oimtry, iiiit ir they witr* iitrnttMl mo- delivered to xt prcctMliiig |)cr8()ii eiiter- r (Hiiltjoct to cli entry and idc eontiiln n MtiiM* '7' '»y '»•« party iniikinK " und nifii! o»' tl .■ r..n,o„ bHV.r., whoin U I. mud..;' „„.[ tUbiH of I'll t ry 'i".inriiy «n.i vnhie cr iliity of tlie u'»uU therein l>r.>vlde.| by order in poiincil mentioned, itnd HJntll be MJ^ned by ih in the t'ornt or to the erteet of t| " Ml oath provided or to I le xlniil be Nntlleixiit mii|,.hh tl niii.v fitke theoiith rei|iiii,..| bv thi niiry w«y, and xoine owner re^id '"' «';""'^ liiive not 1 n obfaitn-d I >* net : nnd nmh outh the KoodH. or eoiiri-rned in th ent iMit ofCai,,,,!,, j„ ,!„, oiifh of Kneh non reNident owner ( iiflhe fnef (thai! I H«. Tli.'Invoi. id' entry thereol n.unurnet..r.. or prodnet.on tlfreoC. i„ whirl or one o f tl >y pnrehiiNo in the ordi nmnnfuetiirer or prodneerof lane tho "■ '' 'i^itefo fhediienttehtatlon ofll e ol any j{ood, pro.lnr,.,! andib-live leni, .1 th.re be niote than one) eoKnizant le invoii n«.f, if r..(|iiired by tl ownei or.Mieot tl wnerN of Niirl <'' owneiHUnot i|nired by theeolleefor, be aftesteil ■mniilaefnrer or prodneer of niieh .•i« Hietion, allhoiiKh one of the tor an ei.ii- whei en o th Ilia e viiliie Ntateil in Hi,, jnv en exported to Caimil e and the time when tl ,•■'' l"'"l I to ||ii> rollcct eontrailietorv to or at lit of n-y are jMo,siiehyalnebyth..bil|.,f..ntiy,.|,,, , /. .\n,\ oath ie(|iiired under il varianee with r, with the additions f if any) K<">il« may be made in ('.•madii 1 le proyiHioiis of (hiH ait reeeived in any lonrt in ( iiiiiiila. iinneitiil with the ent ■i;;r;,H:;:r;;:,r;i;;"t.:;;'::::;::;;';;;;i'';-;;-r:''--":"-™^ rv of JiixilM uie entered, or if the | wl eetor or II miiiie out of the limits of ( proper omc'r of some oil I't resid.nt there, then liefore tiNMoll ■lien sii.h oath is reiinired to I,.. nni plaif where I hi' liefi r before the maviir or «oo(ls are HJiipp,.,), or b.'for It hi •lea Kiitish eoiisiil, or if tlieie'l ill Hiiih plaei re be no Hriiish ■ea iioiary publi,., and at .1 eyor. or eliief 'erson makinji; siieli oath in ler |iort ; and eat y's possrHsionit 10 inula, if may lie mad rehief mnni'eipalolli.croftl lOllMll, (111 bet I ny other phiee Tl re a foreij^ii lonsiil ilrli lie eommisNJoiier of enstoii l"irtm..nt, and all otlieers hold IH or nthcr of the inside otellsloiiiH ports. hIi.'iII, 1 inn nmliT order in 1 lieison arlin;r as deputy head of tl seryiee in the said depai Mnent, and all d ■oniicil th,. ,;,„k 'of ,.hi,.|- ch.rk "iiths.'ind ivcfive all allirmal ly virtue of tlie iroiii.'c, have fnll ;iii(lioritv t iil.v iippoinfcd inspectors of and tl "iilesmh other and addition'a'l oils and deelarations 1 uoyernorineotinni ,„„y, from time to t y to ailminister all ■eiinired or aiitliorized by this act. nam Hiiel •y til peisoiiH, oliiccrs, or fiinet le, by rejrnlation, appoint or d eirnameof otliee, and in Canjul [1 imtlis may lie viilidly tal naries, as he sees lit, by with tile iirovi II or out of it, as those before \vh po't'Ml 1m iHiid or inland navijrat ken, and may. by an.\ order in eoiineil rel om Hionsot this aet toiiehinu' siieli oatl ax or dispeime in such I. ^nlation »{l \ IS, III or with rejiard to miods im. "•». '"• X' iM.y other claH« of oaneH to be deHiKnaled rson other than tl fiitry is to 1.0 made, shal less there I TiZ"r'h.":!:^''«:'""' •>•• '"'p-rter ..f the sroods of wi allowed to till owne e iittaehed to tlie bill of entry tl I<|' any oath eonii(.,.t(.,l with tin- ,.„( lerein iH'ferred ti ich ry, nn- ''.'.'IT,'.^'"'.''"-'"." '".'!'<"'f''''.<''tlioHaid ti s or I I'l'inted to iraiisaet 1 deelaiaiioii by Mie liillfofthi ^ . _ ;*<'lltey siicli owi aj)- ions in that be- in voice pre- ""^■;r.v p.iblie. wiio shall attest tlM^ame' '''''' '" '" *""" •'"■"''"« "'" f'"' I""»«« "r ii.i-^S;i:nu •;;:!,:";; deeh.n;nm''tb''' '"•; "I'^vr^ "•■" "■ ^'-^ ••« -^"v winfnuy in the sa .,...,:.. J'. ;.'.!. 'V/'-'V' ^'' *-"""'•" ''''''^" ''<■ '''i"'!'- to seizor., ■md fo-f" .,"« tsiined in the oath, anil tl the saiJii- eiicet, ''I'ne jienalties, forfeit le person inakiiij; siieli fal as it such false statement were con- oath and had made such fal res. and criminal piiiiishnients as if h w statement shall be subject to the e had himself taken the also statement therein ; b„t such written declaration may ^ 'I .ill a-; 76 Rir»HT« OK AMKHir\V KI«irih'HMKV Im> ilUfifiixi^d wIMi iiiiili-r iliiM)ir<'c, to iliit|M tniiii tiiii*' tn ttiii*^ \u> r«-|M->ittf tlix |M»iiiiiii|( dl' tliix iirt hIiiiII ciMitltiMif til Im> III)* itiitlii'r, ii>i<'il or iiit«n)ify mIiiiII Ii«i ri't'ovt-rulilif l>y iiii'li iicrMin, hin iiNNiKimor r<-|ir*'N)MiliiliM'H, lor tli« )iri<'t< or on m-coiinl ol' lli« pnrrliiiMt' o|' hihIi koihIh, or iiny imrt x(>)iiinKXi iioti-, or oilier m-ciirily (iuiIi'hm inllio hitiiilH nt an iiiiioi'iMit liolih>r tor villus wiilioiit iiotict'), iiiiuUs k'vimi, or t'xonittMl for tlin |>ri«^e of or on iici'oiiiit: of I lio |iiir('liaH«> of nik^Ii uoikIh, or itii v |)iii't of hiicIi jiric**. 'X\. 1'liit proiliicljoii or |iroiif of llio itKJNtt'ni'it ol uny otiii'r iiivoii;**, uccoiiiit, ilorn- nii'iil or |i»p<>r niiult^ orHi'iit by itiiy pcrxon, or liy lilx aulliorily, wlniii iiri< cliitrKiMl or imiIimviI iii or nifiilioiM'ii iin licnriiiK it ^n-atfr prico llmii Ihitt n«t upon tli(>iii in any niu'Ii invoice hh in ilii< nt>xi prrt't-ilin^ w<<-lion iiifiilion<«l Hliall bi> y>rtm(i /. The I'liJitH^lorH of ciiHtoniH at ail poriM in ('aiiaila nIiiiII retain anil put on tile, after iliily Htaiiipiiiu the Name, all invoieeN of ^ooiU iinporteil at miicIi portH ri>Hpect- tively, of which invoiccH they rthajl j^ive c.ertilieil cupien or exiraclM, vvlieiiever calleil upon HO to lio Ity the iiiiporlei'M, anil MiM'li ciipii'H or exIrnctM so iliily cerliliei! by tli« collector or other pioper iitlltcr, anil bearing the Mtainp of the cnstoni Iioiihc at which they ar» lileil, shiill lie coiiMiilereil iiiiil recei veil hh ailthililic. anil the collector hIiiiII be vntitli'il to ilcinanil for each certilicate a fee of fiO cciiIn be 'ore ileliveriii}; the Maine, but in no ciiHc Nliall an invoice licMhown to or a copy theicof Kiveii to any peixoii other than the naiil iiiiporler, lir an oDicer of ctiHtoiiin, except upon the onler or Hiibpienu of a proper court. iKi. Any appraiHer, or any collector acting dm niicIi, or the perHoiiH to be nelncteil an liereiiiafti-r nieiit ioneil to examine ami appraiHe any ^oollN, if the importer, owner, con»'i>;m'e, or aj;enl is ilihMaliHlieil with the llrnl appraiHeineiit, may call iicl'me him or tliem ami examine upon oath any owner, importer, coiiHinnee, or other person, toiieh- iiiK uny matter or tliiiiy: which hiicIi appraiMcr or collector ileeiim material in ascer- tuiniiijit the true value of any ^ooiIh im|iorteil, ami may re(|iiire the proiliiclioii on oath of any leiteris, accoiintN, invniccH, or other papern or aciumnt-bookH in his poHMeHHion rclatin;; to the same. * 1)7. If any perMiii calleil, as ]iroviilo(I in tho noxt ]»r«{ section, nej^liMitu or re- fuses to atteml, or ilceliiies to answer, or refuses to answer in writing (if reijiiired) to tiny inlerri>;;atorics, or to siili-icribe his name In his ileposition or answer, or to pro- «iiice any sneh papers or aiciumi-books, as pioviileil iiy the next preiMiiliiiij Hei^tlon, •when i'ci|nii'cil so to ilo, he sliall thereby incur a penalty of §.'iO; ami if such person i» the owner, importer, or coiiMijrnee of the li'ooils in iinestiiin, the appraisement which the appraise;- or collector acting as kiicIi shall make thereof Nliall be tiiial anil con- elusive. IW. If any person willfully swears falsely in any such cxamiii.'itiiin, anil he is the owner, importer, or eoiisi^rm.e of the y;ooils in i|iiestion, they shall be sei/.eil and for- feited ; anil all deposit ions or testimony in writiiij; t.iken under either of the two next procedinj; sections shall lie liled in the oltice of the collector at the place where the same are made or taken, there to remain for future use or reference. It'.t. If the importer, owner, consi«;iiee, or ayciit, bavin;; complied with the require- ments of thl^i ai't, is dissatislied with the appraisement made, as aforesaid, of uny sucli ^oods, he may forthwith ;;ive notice, in writ in;;, to the collector, of tuudi dissatis- faction, on the receipt of which notice the colleelor shall select tvvo discreet and ex- perienced persons, familiar with the character and value of the ;;ooils in iiuestion,to examine and appraise tl-.e same, a;;reeably to the finei;oiii;; provisions; and all in- voices, entries, and other jiaiierH ciiniiected with the' appraisement, and all evidence taken liy or before the appraiser or collector of customs actiiiy; as such, and by orbe- lore (tie said persons, shall be I raiismii ied witiioui lieiay lo tiie coinmissioner of cus- toms, who, after due examination of the same, shall dc< idc and determine the jirojier uy Ih* ilewniffd RHJHTi OF AMKKICAN FIMIIKHMKN. ff rut.' immI Hin.Mint .ifiluty |o |n« ito||«.||<.i| nti.l tinhi «„.| i.u i . i i . ,, . ...nH.u.v... u,Mi ,1... .1..,; .h«ii h.. i..v,..;i *::::,':"&."" I'*: . r«i'v " '""" •"•* f.-.. :o Ik. |.iihl hv tl.« r'HrtV«|i„ai.Ml..i w n n. .u . • '?' """"'•' '" nil. i,,,,,, of .„r.,.i.....i 1.., .1..: I .•".* iiii>iit iir II ihi> vul .i|.|.ri.iM...,..M( U...,, ,1 r.M,rK....,»,.rth»M ,\mt nl>« l»v H» |M'r I flit , ur r III' II IMMf, til.' V>l|lll> of II •••••rluin...| In Hiirli N, ,„| „„„ t <.!' I 1... ... I *■ I . ,» • HH« III lii.iliiiiHU, ,„„| ..||,»r«.'.l III hi iliif iiotii'ti til' mil h I'l • I tiiiiki' nil ii|)timUi'iiiciii n H lll'l'i. Ill Hill h ii|iiiiii|...|iii'iit, mIi.'iII, t , 1 1 , ■■ ■ 'iiMii-ii iiiuinr H.lr . Ini l„...„ k1v,.„ ,„ ,,,,„ ,„ „,,.„„ ,,,.,.! • liiiri'il iMHli-rllilnurt who, Hfiwp iiinw .»r U)'aU>('tH to li-Mt I l|IIM>, illi'lir ,1 iMMiiiIfy oI'lilK ,1,1,1 thi U>i. ir ill liny I'ltMK I ho Ir :::.;';!"".'"« "•■ "••«''•«""« wiih.Mu« ru,.; "..v: IH' Villi IHWlM Hcl, iir iiH ilfifriiiiiiril III aiiv mti rifiJN hy 'Jo |M'r .I'll! ••' f'M .iMt.vor.niy K..„.U. ... il„«iiy ,|..t..r,i,ii„.,| i,„,i„r iiiliy Ihi'iiiii, III nr iiiori' I >i ill ^iililltlini III ||„. ,|,,ty IV iKtI.in or i>rl>ll lIlK hlllllK II Mil Niiiil iliify mill iiililiiMiiiiil HiiiM. il f*!' till- invnir or liii|iorl«'r n-l' lull |it.i|M>rly III ii|iml looiu.-lmlf lif lit;i. 'Mil. , -oil I'imi' mill I ho liiir iriiiliM'.'Niil.(,..t "",il KooiIh limy III. «,.l/.|.,| ,„„| |or||.||, ,1 IINKS III IX l{ll>(!ti»tinitty tli« .•ilor imiy, wImm Ii,. ,|,.,.„h lt',.^,„.,lJ,.,H „„. ,| I ■oimiii 1,1 II, m i„.|,„|,' ,1,., Wliyn to liny r. v'llliitioiis to I ii« priiti'ctlon ol j|i>' rnv- '">' *i"i'' «l'l Ill""ii ihiyn ili.i-laro hi iiin anil (Miim'. |o Im. propi-rly ).' iniiili. hv till K"v iiiiy whnl.. pa.'knxf or piiekiiK Wllol,. ol III). yooiU llll>lltloll|.|| •I'^ion t<» Ink.., mnl nmy t,iki<, lor Iho ( siiiiiril. itiiil limy nt <'iH..|imiiii. 1111,1 ilj-iiiiMt |.iirf..| or pmn.j ill imy liill ol' I'litrv, mnl lovvn, .ii'-'-.i. u, tin. on..;:;;;;.';;;:;:;,;;;;;;';,,;;;; ;;;';''''■>■• "•"' "'"y iM.y. wii..,i th..m',nio Vl" r."Hpi...,iv..ly vi.lni.il lor lint; i th. I i l, • , . " ,^"'1"' l•'''■^'W•^ -'•• Iium'H. i.ro '""■ •'•.•i«lif mill ..|,..r„..H th..,-..,, . o t . . rt 'Vnt .'i" o"."" " l'"""""'"' ""*' '.''*'"'" Hiinimiilaililiiioii wIumi piil.l ''"""' ""O. himI may Ink., n r.-ii'lpt Tor mieh <'r"wnli.M, ili.'ii,,. ,h;\u"^ H"'"'"."'. ..rnoDlMlonKt. t"u. 'I-Hit vvi.l. in MiiH I a .Va.ZlM, , rvillT^^^^^ '""' "'".'" '"' "'''' '"• "t'"'>-wiH« astli..,,iinisii.ro|',.|i.i ..X^l J \V^^^^^^ .•.•Kiil.it.on in thai |„.|.ait; or K.iniiH.imii 1... „,,pii...i lir,; I'viivi ;:;:':;•;: -' •■ h..v hiku HMin HO ,,„l,l to I ,;. owni.ror i.-rso, , ,f .1 .^^^^^^ <•- nHol„Ul..il r.-vnim l'i.,„| ofth« --■;lH rin. payiii..,,, oniu. ll^MLyZlV^lr'^""' "'"^ "'"' '•'■"'"""'•"• '" "«• '"- -II- i^'''i'X:^>s::::::'^^^^^ •- •""'' "^^ •"^'™-'" '^- I'l"-. "..t .'v Iin„ .-,<) i.rrnn of «n, I, Sim 1 .1 ?^ "'"" any |..irt of tim m.r- "niii.Kovi.ri.or inron„H||,.,i, ,.,'.';,','••''':• ""'>' ",'"'"'• "">; ''-Kiilatii r onl.ir i".i.:wi.kin«iin.i...oi'r;ir..iv::;V;;M'h;:'Hi'^^ i;:;:;;-. -- ap^m^ 'll^^^X^t^ ^^"J-TCii'S^i:^:! ;;^S'^: "•'•' ••'"> .'imv a, v^ i ' . ,' , ' lervaliii'i'l'V •'"'■' ".'"'" ''"''^' "" "'^''' «'""'^. ««• may haJI: / "ii'Inv^n^ri^Vll:?';;;!,'" j::!^;: ■'"•>•. ''"I'V-kI' --" "f H-ch packages tlM' .■onlrol of th ; • isi iiM a , i' '!' ;^ """ T 'V" "''''■'"• «'»"" '"^ «"''J«<'t to sii.hof tluMm iiai'ki aiiiiiii'd and piiMsi'il HH aforoHaiil if;"*'T sent to the t!X opi'iiDil or iiniiackeil .. i •.■'^".y .l""--kafro iii.|iveri'(l .-innuiiij4 wuielioimo shall have hoe a ex* I'.Ukt-il, shall, U rei|ulred by the colle without, examination. or the goods, if lawfully un- or ol cuHtoms, be returned to the custom-house n RIOli I < •! AMI in < AN llMIIKIv'MI N. wl'lilii ■mil iImikuh Miit> Im< liititiiiihftl iiiiliK ImiiiiI, luulfr till' iMrCi'lliirKol' II, > iixiialtjr of ■iiM'lt lioiul ; iirmhlrd, tlnil tli« i it|li-i lor mIhiI! ihc iIim- itiltufiMx iii laiiNliit^ mnii «s. •iMliitifKMi !•> \m iniiili', mill iiiit.V, It' litt •>•>••« iiiiiili|)'<>niMi, |Mi tat li«< ii|M-il. II" I'll'' IhiimI iiifiifloiiKil III till* two ni«kt |>r«<-t>i to l*» iiiitilK liy till- tiii|Mirlilv«< itiotiiliit I'luin I 'I tli<* (k'UmI mniiiiltiill lMM>i|iiitl to tlii< viiliixof tlii' htr|{ tliint <|iii-|iit( ilii* I wi<|vtMiiiiiilliN iinKt iiiiiiih' il'!ili«lv |irfi'i"<> iliity it wiiH to coiiiiily with iitiil fiiltllt ih* niiiiik. .. t. Thi* ((ovoriMir in roiini'il tnity, hy rt tliHihiUKi'il liy iht< oillrxrit ttiiil ihliVKMil in to till* I'liNiody of th« iiii|«>ttrroi' hi>4iiM<-iil, Mtiih KooilMNhiill li« iiiiirkt illri>i>ifil liy mihIi n-unliMioii for t hi' w^riiriiy of th« r«tv« iiu<>, mul hy Miuh olllcir um iiiiiy hi> ttirii-li'il or it|i|Mi|iitci| .or ilnii piir{ioHi', I l.'i. Whi'ii uiiy |nr*ioii Inm iH'ciiHioti to ri'tnovi> from imy |iiirt of I'litry to any otiixr »ort or |iliiii>, liny himmIs .Inly miti-r. il. iinhirh himIi <;ooiIm urn (Oiiluitiril with llii'ir inarkM mill nnnihirx, nluill uivi* ii iiiiiintoi iiilintii* in wiitiiiK, tiiuiii'il by hini, lii'iirlnu ilati- of thttiliiy it Ih iiiiiil<% iiiiil ■•itiiiiiniiiu; tin- like |iiiiiirii- liirM, mill trrtiryin;^ tliiit Kiich kooiIh huvi« hi>i"rt or iilm-i. ut uliiili llii' mihio \vn< |imi|, lltf. 'I Ik- wiiiflHiiiNiiin |iiiiiH iilifiiilv rNliilillMlii'il mill .such immin nf imiI ry iim th«t Kov- ••riKir Ml roiiiicil niiiv riniii liiiii* to tiiiii' ii|i| oini nIihII Ii<< \vmi'lioiiHin;{ iiintM, 117. 'I'lii' inijiorti'i of any ^iioiix intn ( Hiiuilii iiiiin iiilcrthx Hiitiir lor fxportiitioii. oil niviiij{Mriiiity liy hin own liutiil with oiu- Niilllruiii MiTiiiily, lnr lln' «'N|iorliilion of tlir Niniii' niioils, or limy wari'limmo tlic hihiik on (iivii.^ ,>iiirh wcnrity li,\ hin own honil for till' iiiiyiiK'iit of thi« miionnt of ;ill iliilit-H on ..iirli jnooiU, miil tin- |ii'rfoniiam« of III! till- ri'i|iiiii-nii>iitr4 of iIiIh urt vitli ri'^anl lo thi' smiii' ni Htirli poi In or |ilitci*H ui* ilf«)rc,imil, ami in nihIi wan-hoiiM m, uml Miilijmt to mihIi iiiIi-n ami rt'Kiilatiiiim uk iiiiiy b«i from tiini' to tlnn- appoiiiiiil hy tlii-Kovi'riior in loiincil in that hi-half, Ihopnniilty of tli»« Huiil homl to IhmIoiiIiIi- thi« miionnl of tin' duty to which Miihjuct. IIH. During thi' ri'{oo(Im ut any Irontier port on-UNtom hoiiHe, nmler the authority ami with the Hanctioii of the ctiUeetor or proper ollieer of I'lmtoniF* at sneii port or ouHtom-hoiiHe, ami nmler ImmuIm to hix Matisfaetion, ami unliject to Hiieh reji[nlft«;oim an m.iy oe mud" in that behalf by the j^overnor in council, the importer may puiw the gooilH on to any port in any other part of Canada. Vil. No traimfer of the property in goodM warehoiiHeil tthalt be valhl for the piirpoHeii of this act unleNH the traimfer be in wiitinjj Hiyned by the importer or hi« duly author- ized agent, or be made hy prooeHM of law, ami niiless such transfer be produced to the coUei^tor or otlier jiroper otllcer of the proper port and be recorded by him in a book to be kept for that purpose in the cnstom-honse. No such traoNfor of less than a whole package shall be valiil, and no more than three transfers of the same goods shall be allowed before entry thereof for duty or for exportation. liW. Upon any such transfer of goods in warehouse. btiug legally ell'ected, as before provided, the proper iwllcer may admit new security to be given by the bond of the QMw ijwiii.r jti' tli^ iriMulu^ mui !!i!tv' i';iite.±^l ihi^ bii'id •'*v:^** b" tJ'e. it**!**?'*"*' !uiii''ii** :^** anch goods, or may exonerate him to the exteat of the new' security so given ; and thr new the port l';:i. A ii>ti«iim{ iht'r' of; for fh«« |i I'liitrges; the I'olie til t'hiirgi MMIItl'il I 1*1. Tl importer giioiU, w Mold am! nut lie Mil he told II l-r.. Tl I'lMii'i'lIn^ toiim war f.U It '•''|it, liny initial pa riiiiui' lor lor v\iiieh • rtiH tr Ih l'.'7. All III I iiiFom 'iv ii'uiila lit.' lull \l till II lilt, V • '\i||i'i|l|e| " lltrll lia,\ Itle aiKl III I-.-. If I ill till' will ItOltSI', wit from the M Ctttiula, oi lawful per forfiiteil. 1 •-".'. Ail WiMilil be H i:io. The (or tf Miieh in liiiiiil ; u tlte ^atiie il and I'omiiK may, tl )M tend to the ported eatt l:il. Tlte lliiei! sugar •lone and ci til IIIIIV, fro l:W. Dnti wiiri'lioiiMO, l:i:t. Th.' to luiil fron inaniier, am of customs. l:i4. I'nle pi uses of sa carrying, ai warehouse o KoikIh he re proper otJlce laT), The I [^arehonsin^ in any qunn t-aid goods b •irr-:-5*'.v'.P5-f KICMITH OF AMKKU\.N KIMIIHini> N. •I ti, > (Hoiatty IttilK' lili fl i>1i- lillU I «t| th)i I'tiiry of III) iiiniti tlin y fiiuuln linvtt »y I lit' MllliiTN itll li« iiiitrki'il liitiiin I'nr till' mini .or I lint tu itiiy otlii*r llV llMV tlUVt' II till' r)'<|iiiHi- I ttOOllM, Hpt'ci- mil ';immIm lint tl' ill *VI jlil|J{, Ilk)' |iiirl it'll- |tort mill I III' iTi' pjtiil, mill I I ""iivtiyuiice, I'.v UN lli<« m>v- ll'tM. ' <'X|)iirtiitioti, \|iiirliilioii of llin iK\'ll lioiiil 'rt'oriiiiini'it of H or pliu'i'i* tin itioim UH may I', I ho |ii!iiiilty Ih iiri' Niihjfct. lltilMIH IIH tlio to IMJopt, till) w I'll I itrruiiKi'- or li<);iil iUh- luut puytuuiit I lilt iiiiMiorit.' icr wiiri'liouit- t, uutler good tlio uiitliority Hiicli iiort or li rej;iila«.ioim may |iuhh the tliH imrpoHeH I duly author* iiiliici'il to the im ill a book than a whole uodH Hhall be ted, as b«ifore i bond of the ...I i......ij... ..1' 9 givmi ; and 79 II;: iiM^crvvirir' •"-•'•-"-" •"•■ »•— ■•• »"- »•. ,,. . '.i:.^<.;Hl::':lyi:!rir':':;;i'ti!: ;r'lL;;!Tth"'ii"T "-^ •'«'^'««"- - H.-rofj rt,„|. („ ,,,.r„„„ ilM.r,.,,r Vhr, X. r .. 1 "'-' -"try «ml v»«r..hou,h,B to . lirtrK« a (air w,i ..hmi,.. runt \.ii ..,f# ""»'"'ri*H i|„. o..,.Hpi,.r of ih.« war..hoii«. ""«t.Hljnth.,tlM.h,.lf <••"". -'''Wt f . any ivKuUtloi, ,„,„|„ l^' th« govJrilor |* I'i-I. 'I'Ik* i'lllli>..r I .1' i... ." ^..111 iMii niiiiii IM. (iimirin.'d, — «■-,-.•. II KiMMiN Hnaii not .M'':.in;v;::;;:,:;::;c';rLr;.;'j.K'::;;'"^^^ :" V' ""• «"• fi.iiH «ari'ho.i«'. on mhI, ti'mi^ a.. I ... i, *^ '" '*'"'»">' '•"• '.•. ..roihiTilo n.'ii I. ,n :. "':■■"' '"?;'•"■"' ^■"•" - "•'»'• "•t..,,l p,.y„i,'n. or.li.n,., |,.«„llv ,1^. . r. ini , ■ '' ' 'V"'*I'>'K " d..|'.'rrin« eh.. rui.«.' Ior.||.r..,,|n« IM.y.i.. ii^. m! ! , 1" .« ;'; "^^ ...to (Mn,..lu. n..,. I!, J. lor w„r..hoM,.' n,u\ i|„|y di'poMit.'d HmI' i «.'„ in ?.' r*"' '' «""-"- ""-r.'d .mi.'tf tl..> «iir..|iiMi,insror«m'h '...miJ *^ '"Wh .m„| r..«u!aii,Mm k„v. o. I'Mim:^ /oil:;:;:. ;^,:;';;;::j:;!!^;!;;'^';;;7^ wh» -haii an... ,h.. pay , . ,,ii,„ 'I"" whi,.hHh,.li brri'iov,',' II, r ," "*" "" """""" ••'■''">*■ ai'iulMtf •' 'I"""'' ^''.''1.1 V Vi -/:, iv, ;::l.'"'; ■■'•■''.''■■''"'■'H...,,,,,°, < Miiailn, 1.1- ni-,. iifhTwaiiU r..|... ,.!... I i i "I"'!'!!''!!, or olliirvviM' .oiiv ..y...! ,.ni f ro •;? .;.';r.!:;i^:: o/HiliTa;:;. •;;:;;,: j;: ;;-^i"«'-'- -^' '-"-■' p-^ t..., .«,« ""■^«"H' III bou.l, |.iovi.linK«u.l,Hlai lul t/Mi i.r^M ,,^/^ *^ '"">' «"'"' '""' P-'k »'"' "" ••t<' "■liii.Mli.tM.i.n.. in '"'"d, provid..d:m,hr,.Hni„ibe c. my fron, tio... ,., Mn..,. niak.! it^!' tllat p.ir .'"Lr^''^'"'" '" ^"" «-'^'-"""- '" --« --;;>'^:':^^^ ..^«ood. in the !-;". lfS-k:ip;?;;.'r;.^s:l.ir i!::;"^, :;r^:" -"•-'; v-:""- rent snd ex. warehouse or prop,,r place aft. r la lin^«h^^ the same to an.l from a o-s,,oms K"<)ds bo removt.d fr m fh !nbJ« i. *^ '''^'^^ *''" ""P'Tter. Ifaiivsiu"h proper omcer, .h4 ahall ilrs^il'ed and tffl'ted' """""' ''"'''' '" "'^^ ->'&r"«r iJ.), Iho governor in c.mncil mav. from H,„„ ;« fi..,^ „,,,.- ^ , - ^aftriionsiDj. of goodN, eitner for cuin.imV.tiVV.VT.' ? ' '^ ft'-if'i3aiion» for the ex- »n any quantity fiot less tl «,, "'^^""'"""Pf"'". removal, exportation, or Hhip'H 8torn« 80 KUULTS OK AMEUICAN FI8IIKKMKN. wlifii a IfMH weight iiiiiy Im> tlit* liiiluiici* riMiiitinin<; oC tli<' iiii^iiial riiti'v tiit'icDf for wiiri'lirni.si'. I'.U'.. II' all T liny nnntls Imvf 1 ii diilv cntcri'tl, or liitidiil to lit- warrlioiiHcd, or <>n- tt .saiiii' liavi- Imi-ii actually oiiiIn are not .ho (;x- ]lorled or are rramlnlitnt ly re'ianded in or hiiin^hl into Caiiad.i, in (■onlravention uf th'is ill' • • ■ .... . . Be t and of ! liu said I mud, thev .shall he si'izeil and lor lei ted, loi;el her with any ve.s- 1, lioal, or vehiehi in whieli they are so rtdaiided or importeil lliri. ir williin th od appointed liylhe.said hond, there he proilneed loth l)ropi'r collector or ollicer ol' eiistoms the written cerlilicate of some principal oriiocr ol" cn.Htoms or coloniiil revenne at Ihi' place to which ihe ;;oods wen •xporli or it miidi place he u loreijiii country, ol' any Miitisli or t'oreimi consul or vice-coiisnl, resi- dent llicre, statiiii; that llie I'oodH were aetiially landed and lelt at some placo (nain- iiij; it) onl of Canada, an pr ivideil hy the saitl hond, smdi hond shall he canceled ; in case il he ]>roved to the satislaction ol' tilt! projier collector or olliecr of ciistoni.s that the said jjoods have heen lo.st, such lioml may he canceled. IIUI. Any person nial any eniry onl wards of floods from warelioiise forexporta- )ii not heinii, the owner or diily anlln.ri/.ed hy (he owner theieof,or Ihe master of tlm vessid hy which they are to he shipiied, shall, for ca(h oUcnse, foil'cit .^'JlKi. 140. Warelionsed floods may he delivered as ships' stores for any ves.sel of the hnr- don of oO tons or ii)»warils, hoiiml on a voyay;e to a port out of Canada, Ihe pridialih) diivalion of which voyaeeont ami home will not he lessthaii thirty diiys; alsoforaiiy vcHsel lioiiml for and cnjfa<;ed in Ihe diH^p-sca lishi.iii;. pioof hciiij^ lir.^t. inadi! hy alii- davit of the master or owner, lo Ihe salisfactiou of Ihe proper ollicer, (hal the stores art cn.sloms may < delivered a.- necesHMiy and iiiti iided lor the pnijioses aforesaid; provided that the minister of lelill and liinil the kind, niianlMy, and class ol }ioi>ds w Inch may he ips' nioies. .Should siuli stores Ol' any part t hereof lie relamled, sold, or disposed of in Canada withoii! diieontry and payment of duly, such stores shall hi) Kci/.cd and lorfeilcd ,'uid the vessel for '.vliieh i he same wi're iU'li\ ered from warchouso shall he seized and forfeiti'd. l-ll. The master of every vessel hound oiitwai'ds from any port, in i'aiiad.i to a^iy ]>ort or placi its of Canada, It of Canada, or on any voyaj;c to any |ilace 'vithiii or without the liiu- ,isl wise (»■ liv il iiid lia vi";il loll, siiall deliver to I he co lied or or otiHT pr (luer ollict cnl v outwards iiiiilcr his hand, of Ilu' de.-ilitial ion of such vessel, stat- inji; her name, cmiiiiry, and loniiaj;e, t he iiort of rej;istry, the name of the master, the coiiiitrv of the owners, and Ihe iiumher of the crew id liefore any i^oods or ballast ar;i taken on hoard siicli vessel the master shall show I hal all /oods imimrtcd in her, except such as were ii'iiorted for exporlalion in the same vessel, have been duly en- tered, except that tlie jiroper ollicer may issue a si ilfi.'iiinij luder that siieli jj;oods or ballast as may be specilied therein may be laden before the fin iiier cargo isdisidiai'Ked, And before siudi vessel departs the niaslcr shall bring- ami deliver lo the collector cr other proper ollicer a content in writing under his hand of the goods laden and llio names of the resiiective sliiii])ers and cor.sigiiees o'' the goods, with the iiiarkM and immber.s of the jiackages or (larcels of the sanits iitid (-hall make and siihscrihc a dec- laration to the triilli of siicli content as far a.s any of mich particulars cau bo known to liini. 142. Tho master i>f every vessel, whether in ballast or laden, shall, before departure, come before tln^ collector or other pro])er ollicer, and answer all such questions con- cerning the vessel, and the cargo, if any, aiul the crew, and the voyage, as may bo demajided of him by such oilier, and, if iX";iiiveil, sha 11 ike ll IS answers or any of them i)art of the declaraiion made iindei his hand as afincs lid ; and 'hereiiiion tlw collector or other propiT ollicer, if such vessel is laden, shall niaki^ out and give totho master a certiticate '>f the clearaiici? of siiidi vessel for lier iiitendiid voyage with iiier- chandiseora certilieate of her (dearance in ballast, as the case may lie; and if there be merchandiso on board, and the vessel is bound to any port in Canada, such clearance RFOTITS OF AMKHICAN FISirKRMEN. sliiill Htato whotli 81 pf an !::::;' :'i:i::.r'±"^i"" '*-••''■♦ .n.-H.w;,.^i V.in.1 which „f,l„.j;,„„|„,j,„f, mill ill Miicii ciiHc fl '<■'• Hi.' " !>Muliic.w.f r-nnnda. and !f the "TiMiii iiiivc I,,., '11 |ta ^'^i-'i^- ;'-?"-;-. i;:.:;;";:;!r;:;/;:r;;!:;'-"".- I I!. If any vcnscI d II.S arrival. i'/'.:-...-...:;,i.n;;,''';r;;;;: „;;;;;,:;;;\i:;i:;:\r,'r,:,:,' -'• r> • w -o... .. '. H. I li.^ Kov..ri.„r II. r„iiii,. 1 „,iv Uy t^ ,] , ,'.'" *"'"' l'V'"t".v '••■ I'fii.l. ■'.';;|tN ..f tl... two last ,,r......,l ,„ i. ri Is ':', ""'''■''.''■ .'"'"' "">' "'»•"■ >-"<|Mir«- ll.>. nt'liirc a (■ caraiict' is .rii,„t,.,i ,,. " ii.ui.-oi iiilaii*l"ill I- Krai„..,| t,.s|.h voss.i'n l"'' r'";'"'"".^ "I'^Hl.. valiil, an, ," l"-;'l"."' ""»•<■'• <'<'n,.s!..ii,H. * "' ' '""" '^'"•'' «'"f.V is pai,l to tho .■oil,.,.,,,,, or Hinn,. I..p,.x|„,r(;,,i„„ ,,f ,,, , ,.„st ' I i ''"^ '" ""'*'' '■""1 ''"n v,.yan,.,., .s Jiall ,.|,t,, ti,« ;>;>-ii=.iis,.....i(y,i,,.Kin.,;ai,:i";^ •' I'^:/;-;;;:^^^ i'v<- l;.'.-i. n.a.l.. until m„.|, .|n.v is ai t , tli, .• iT T"'^ ■"" ''''''■'' ^"'^'' •'■'f'A- ^In. Id •""I ".■■n.y sinli ,,,r or v,.|ii,.|,. li . , ! ' , !,"' '.•^■^'"' "'-.l""!" >■ "mr.-r of Vimt,, « I'i<'visioii of this .s,.,.fio„ (I,,. ,.,„„,.,. ' '" '"""•'* "' '*"••'' I""', contiarv t .« a|i.|Mal'v ofnot iiM.r,. tii'aii .*t()|l '-"^•j;iu.l, s,„.|, „(r,.,m... " s. < f.ons, shall ui.ur a ,M.naity not exn'..,!!,',,; fr'o( i"'"';- •..•iu^io:";n;;:vH,:;;';s,r^;..i?:.';!7f''''^^ ■... n-omtimoto tim. "" "-1^ -l-y ;M.|...in/ an a.;";"/^; Se Mil: :.::!""'• ^"^ ^'"-""^ corporation or ooi;^ i-;yn,ay., ,,,,,-;:- ^;-.M. p.. ^ H. Ex. 19 '.(} lof ■1,,,. „f.>„, ' ;•''"".>. '"waniHand oiifvviij.^ ^i^njiir^A-yx, tu- 82 RKilirs OF AMi;Ul(!AN KISIIKKMKN. <>t'H|i('rtN, iinil Nil)) II lliii likr iM'iiiilly (III tlii> |iiii'Ni'i' uikI t lif liUi- ri>rl'i'itiin> of the (jimhIm in rji.Hc (if liny miiIiiH' rr|iiiit, iis it' 'lie icimii were iiunli- liy I In- miiisIit; iiiiil till- word " nill.slcr," I'ol' itir |iiii|iii.sch nf this Hcct ion, shllll lie rMiiNli'iicd iiH iiirhl(iin)r till' |iiiiHi'r 1)1' iiny Nlcaiii vcnmi'I ; liiit noihinii hi'itMii cniii iiiiicil chilli |ii't'<'hiih* tiio ctil- It'clor or ]ii(i|irr oIliciT <>t" ciisloins I'ri.in (•.•iliiiiy; iipnn liir iiiiisliT of any Mlciim vcsmiI to iiiiMwrr III! such i|ih'mI iniiN ronri'iiiiiiy; tile vchhi-I, |M.ssi'nnt'iH, fiir;;o, anil rrrw iiM ini;;ht bt' lavN t'lill.s ih'iiiiiiiih il lit' hiiH, il tlir n'|M>rl luul ln'in imiih' hy liiin, or to rxciiijit tht; liiasliT rioiii till- pciiMil irs iiii|ioHt'il hy this act lor I'aiiiirf to answer any niipIi hiicn- tioi), or lor aiiHWrriny; nniiiilv. or lo |iriils Mnhject to tliily, or inal%eH out or iia.sHes or atteinptH to pass throny;!) the ciisioni-lioiise any I'alHe, locked, or frandiiliMit invoice, or in any way attempts to defraud the revi-ntie hy evading tli<' payment of the duly, or of any pr.rt of the duty on any <;ooiIh, such ffoods shall In' sei/t'd and Cor- h person, his aiders and alieltors shall, in addition toany otlu-i and every siit penally or forfeiture lo which he and they may be subject I'm such olleii^e, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be liable lo a penaily of not less than ^Mi and not more than S'JiKI. or to imprisonmenl for a term of not less than one month nor more lli:iu one year, or to bolh line and iiii|irisoniiie!it within Ihe said limit.s, in the discretion id' the court before whom the conviction In had. I.'il. If any jicrson oll'ers lor sale any ^joods under pretense that tln> '^ame are |iro- hibited, or have been unshippi'd and run on shore, or broii;rht in by land oi'otherwiHP W'ilhoul |iay iiieiit of duties, then and in .smdi case all such H;oods (all lion^li not liable to an> dniics nor prohibiied) shall be seized and I'orfi iled. and every person ' H'erl the same for sale Hhall foifeil treble the value id' such the cleclion of the prosecutor, which |)eiially shall be recpverab s, or the penally of.»i-i(IO, at a summary way, before any one or moil' Jus( ices of the jieace : and in defajill of jiayiuent on eoiivie' tioii, the party so oll'cndini; shall be committed to any of Her MaJcMty'.s jails for a id not ex ceeilm!: si xty davi l.'')."i. If any person knowinjily liarbm-s, keeps, eonceiils, purchUNeM, selbior eyeluuijjes any jioods ill(7;all\ iiii]iorted into Canada (whellu'r siieh jfoods are dn'iab. or not), or whereon the diiliis lawfully p'lyable have not been paid, such p.. rson shall, for such idrense, biifeit Ireble the value of the said ;,'oods, as well a.s Ihe^oods ihem- selves. l.'id. If any Iwo or more persons in company an^ fdiinl toj^ether, and they or any of them have any jfoods liable to forl'eimre ii'ider tins act, every such . •••ton hnviiii; knowledije of tho fact, shall be ijuiltv of a misdcneanor, ;ind iiiinishabb ordi iri7. Any person who, by iinv meaus, ]M'ociires or hires or induces any |icisonor (iir- sous to be concerned in the landiuij; or nnshippinj^, or carryingo, I'oiivey a,ny f;;i :.iiln which are prohibited to be imported, or for the landiiifi of which perinissioii ha.s not been granted by the eollector or proper olVieer of custoniM, shall, for every permin so procured or hired or induced, forfeit the snui of Sltld, ]it!*. !f any warehoused j^oods are coueraled in or unlawfully removed from any euHtoins wareliouHc in Canada, such >;oods shall be seized and forfeited, ;!nd any person concealini; or unlawfully removiuff any .such ;;oods or aidiny; or . ttinjisiich eonceal- iiifi or removal, shall incur the penalties imposed o.i jieisons illcfrally imporlinji; or 8inu.'jjilin discovery of the eoncealment or leinoval of such goods, the goods .so do- tallied shall be dealt with in tho same manner as goods unlawfully iniporied or smug- gled into t/'anada. ir>i). If the imiiorter or owner of any warehouKed goods, or any p.'rsou in his em- ploy, by any contrivance cpeiis the warehouse in which the goods are or gains access to the goods exeejtt in the jiresencie of e; with ihe express |>erini8siou of the ])ropt'r olflcer of the cnstonis, such im])orter or owner shall tor every such offense forfeit the snni of .151(10. UiO. If any person by any contrivauco gains aei^ess to banded goods in a vailway car, or to goods in ji railway eai' upon which g(>cds the customs duties have not been j paid, or delivers such bonded or other goods without the express p«irinission of the RlOirrs OF AMKKICAN FISIIKKMKN. ^3 vn'^'^'^::z;:^^^^ -h. ..„. ,.., ,,,,., , I»;i. Ai.v I..TM,, wilfnllv alt.. • r '"".'""'' "•"■';'.'>'» ma.: „„.• .v,.„r. lan.liM- or r.Mnnval of a„v uoihIh li.l i,. rl,' , " ''"l'<"tni.oii o, n.i^l,i|,,,iM« or 1.1.1;:. laiHli„^r. oriviMoval, or in ll lur or rT, '''''V'*''' '" ""l"'rri„t;. nr.shi,,. I...H.S.SM0,, rh. Ma,n.. know ,,.|v ./m . s . , 7, ,7: ' r"?^- "'V'"" ^^'"-'' I'^'-nls or '.aH ..|..,|,.,1 to Nn<' for tl... « n... tio, 1 , , l^ ' '^'"■'' l"'"''l',v, ni,-.l sn.li party Hn..hy....Hsun.lH,.y on i;oan Tuvi^^MZ',^: "■ ^.";''. ■"'" '"I"-' into Canada or within on.- l„,tKu,. ih.MvoC- an. iV . L '""'■!'!'^" '^'i" M'" lin.ilHof I""' an. ..xamin.- In-r .arfro. an.I if ,tnv . .u „". il . '1' '^' '""''^' ""' ^'■'^•*"' '"»«' ".v on l...ar.l. IIumi nm.1, wss.-i with Ii.t nJ ■ ' '"' •".''""."■'' '""- Cun:i,la a.Ml .ar... Hhall 1..- s.-i,..,] ,.,..1 forf.. , .1 an; 'if .." mTT'l^'' ^■''"■''''■' !'"•""'"■<'. -••"•-«, t<. romply with ih.. h.wful .lil-t...ti.nH of so >/.'"■'"■''""'" '" '■''•"«'■ ■••CnHeH ;!-H-:li..n.sa.sar.. pnt t. „ .vs,HTtin^..h si .o'' '"'' ''''■' ,"'" ""'>■ ""«^v.,r«nch i^i' nl;. ^m' i;^.^i;::t,i:r^:n^.:;\;*;;;;r,;:;;;:: ;- ,::;:;-• -v ;-f - «;oat iia..h. ,., ,0. ';";in^ on ...ar.l .,r at'i v.-.v.-.l an.vi h.n- sub- ■iii.v v,.Hs..l or l.oat from whi.l, n ,,Vr o ' ' 7'''>^^^ ^'-anl r'"'' '"• '1''«''-'>.V''. '"• i" wl.i.'h a V n . .l« Hi uT i "" ''"r" ''"V." """"'^ "ve»- i.;'S;"i'"^""^-*^*^""-'"- •-'n---i.aiVha^r;;.j-';;::::!!:,|-;-l-;^^ ;;-';p,-ii"aV;i;rsrir'j^:r;:.;^^^^^^ «.a.o. w.'..VK tho f.,r....asth. ..x,,.„|.Ml. no to ,r< an." Z.l,- '''''''' '" '''*''■" ''••^^" '''i^'" "ii.v pl.Hv. l.ox or .•Ii..,st ... lork,., , , 1,.. L ■■*'••:•'•' an v p-.'-U ..n hoar.i ; an.I ,J «.'nm; Ifany ...o.Ih Ih, f„nn'i ..;.;.' , ' ,.t .r. ?i;. ''",'''1/ '" ""'""' '""•^' "''•'" "'- a'H It any mark. I.wk. or h.-rI nt.o, -m • .0 L '"■>^7'" '.'<' m.,z.-.I ;.n,l forf..il,.,l, away or if hawhways fa.st..n,..l . o vn^ r'h ,, m,?, 'r"'''" '"; ^'-'^^jtly .•onv,.y...| ilh h,sa.ss.M.(, th.. n,ast..r shall f..rf.. t S(J ) ,, 1. "T'"'"' '>' ""' ""'■^t^'' ">• "';';;a.. tin., l,,, pai.l. orHatista..t..,T"'.'nH ^h.' V ■ tw'n'"' ""^ '"' '•'?='*''"'l "MtU K'l.. Th.' ""'"f Mx'ivof. '';'>-lHpwhil..ui,hintlH;iin "'n ;''n,^^^ ;:;.■ ;vil^v';::ri;;; iir:.;::;-;;!^^-' ''"•' '^'"'''' ''''J;^^ ^'■'•^' ^""" any -yu-k o;^ .i:'an:;;;^:,;i:it. ' :::iT%;Ti;;?Si:!:i!r ;;';^ "-'; -• '-»<' - —->..' [';'ts ||„. impr....,si,Hi of a.iv ..„.•!, n,,. k r ••. o ' ' ''' ''*"' '"'W'-"'*^'>Mnt..r- '"^ «M.sf..,ly „r p.,,ss...s.sion juiv -< Vwii 1 ' r • '■' ""' ''■^l''''^''^ f'> Nai.-, (,., has in n.|n,r...l to I,.. stan.p.M as af.,r.vsai,l .MllrU.n hk ^ ^ V"",' '" ""•^' """"' K'""'* ally alhx.Ml, sm-i. j.„,„|s so fals.'lv . • ,1 ., 7 ''',V'' ""' •^'""« ^^'aa <>iit-in- a>'.'l .'vry s„,.h ofn.n- «"^'' "'ary way, h.,for„ any tw,. jnsticeso f )lV, ,. ,. I," / " ' ''*' '•'T"^'"' ''''l'^' "' ••'«""• ninu th,. party so onVn.lil s aU he c n nitn., , ^^'"'"<''V /,'"•' '" '''■'''"'f '>f Pay- Cana.la i;.r a perio.l nor I.^rthan Iw^ rn t ' , uo":!V:la^' i^'T''^'' if ^ ^ 1<'H. II any p,.rsoii countorfoits or falHili,.s ,• Inl . '^* •*"'"'« tw,.|v,. months, any par-er or ,l..cnn>ent r<".iui.V,l n, lor This 'i^^ Z17 '' '" '•"■"'tT'"''''*' '"' '''^'-i"«"<'.l m,ti,rf,Tts , 700- U^./t.",. k^ <^itonu,at, procnrcs snch t'">. or alfirmation h.-r.^hv i4,,i ■,,?,■ .•„?.' .Vi^^ifl^ '" ■•^"•V "'if'- "r .Icclara- 84 RIGHTS <»F AMKUICAN PIHHERMEN. party iiiiikiiiK the ^*llmt• mIihII Iio «"'"> i)f wilful anil corrupt lierjiiry, nriil liiibje to tliH |iiiiiif4liinttii( proviili-il Inr I lint hII'iminh. 170, II liny ptirsoii nviuiri'd by this art (ir hy any otlmr law tr» annwer <|ii(«,Htiiin8 put to liiui liy imv olHiccr of tlx- t'UAtoiris, rff'iiHt'H to auhwor (»r ducH not truly auHWHr Hucli i|Ut'Mlii>iiH, ilic jHTHdii H(i rct'usirm or not truly ariHW^rini; Nurli i|U('fuuiHhuii'nt to whicii ho luiMuutH Huhji'crt, lor- It'it IIm« huiu ol'.^lDO. 171. livery olllrcr and piTHou oni|tli)yed uuder tlu^ authority of any act roliitiii)? to tin' ciillcc^tioii of till' MiVfiiui-, or luidcr llu- din-ction of any otllci-r inllic cuMtoms de- partnimit, or lii'iun an olllcor of Ihn said depart uicnt,,sliairi)i) dm—n-d ami faluMi to !>« duly I'uiploycd lor IIm' prtivcniion of sniuji^xliu^ ; and lu any Huit or information, the avcrint nt I hat Hucdi parly waH.so duly iMuploycd sliill hn HUllicicnt proof Hnm'd in Ihr next prcKcdin^ sci't ion, and any Hlicrill'or Justicf of the jti-acci, or i)i'rnon residing more Mian li» miles from Mio roHi- rti'iicr (d'auy olliitcr of cnstoms and tiicriMinto anijiori/.cd l»y iiiiy collfetor of cuHtoms or Justice of the pi-ai 1 , .nay, up<. ""' Hoods respecliiii; \vhi(di tliere lias lieeii any vicdaJioii of any of the reiinirenients ol' thin act, and may jjo on hoard (d'aiid enter into any vesHel or vehicle of any dcNcripnon whatsoever, and may stop and detain the .same, whether arriving friuii places l(e,\oiid or within the limits <»f {,'anada, and may rummage and search ail parts thereof, for such ;{oods ; and il"an,\ such snoods are found in any such vcssi'l (U- vehicle, the atlh'er or j)ers(m sr) employed may seize and secure siii h vessel or vehicle, tof^ether with all the sails, rii;niiie. tackle, apparel, horses, harness, and all «»ther ippurteiiances which, at the time of smli seizure, heloii;; to or aiM attachiMl to such ves.sel or vehicle, with all j^oods and other things laden therein or thereon, and the .same shall lpe.seize vehicle or conveyance, refiisiu';:; to stop when re- quired to i{uired decliired, when, if admission shall not be friveii, he may forcibly enter; and wheu in eiti (U' case entry shall be n;ade, the oflicer shall search the ju'emises, and seize all {foods subject to forfeiture; these a<'ts may bedoini bv an ollicer of customs without oath or the assistance of a justice of the peace, in places when^ nojustici? resides, or wlien* no justice can be found within tivemilcs at the time of search. 176 If any building be upon the boundary line between (Canada and any foreign country, aud there is reason to believe that dutiable goods ari^ (le|)osite(l or have been placed therein, or carried through or into the same, without payment of duties and iu violation of law, and if the collector or proper oflicer of custoins makes oath before any justice of the jieace that he has icasoii to believe asaloresaid, such collector or ollicer shall have the right to search such building and the premises belonging thereto, 8o far as the same may be within the limits of Canada, and if any such goods be found thereiri the same shall be seized and forfeited; and any merchant or tlm person who shall have been guilty of a violation of the {.rovisions of this section shall be puu- ishable by a iUieof not less than iJ'iOO nor more than §1,000. 177. Upon a))plication by or ,Htiiin8 truly aiiHVVHr 'MlilltIN, .slllill, I HiiliJ(>(;f, for- est roliiMii); to • ciiMfdriiH de- ll fiiktMi tr of i^iHtiiiiis Mllllis (if HUH' liiliitttil |ii'(i|i- V viiiliitiiin of ltd any vii the apidieiitifiii.ifM 85 till rent' Mueh writ sliall i leattoriiey ;r,.,ieralit be I aii iilllcer (d'll iiNtiii revoked hy tl th. 178. Kv le liiiiiiNter of enstoiii •"•iiiiun ill Core" so Imi.r i'het iiiifed to Nome part or partH MS any per.ioii named tlierei 'ler ill the Nam.' eapacity or not o reiiiaiiiH ••ry writ oCaMsiNt or until miicIi writ IH imtliority of Iheai't^ iierel nice^franleil lieloie tl repeal. ;is ifHneli acts had not I I7'.». r Mier the ailtl •y repealed Hhall i u rc|ieah'd. e eoi eiiij uln« into force of thiH not, nndor • III III toree, tiotwithntaudinjf Huch person . „ ph.yed for that'pnri flirt ii'iiu.....] ..:ii. .1 . . ' I lority of a writ of assist l"Xpl"Msed ( ithei lose wit), till at !iny time in the day •,V«peeiaN.riler or appointment or 1 anee any offleer of the eusf. eoiKiirreiiie of the «oyernor i tioii id" th ".'•>M;4lil into any ImildiiiK ,„• otlier pi »y «eiienil reiriilati mis, or any o loiiiieil. H* .Is lialile to toiCeii ort KniiitinK Niieh writ, 'and doors and any chest ure under tl mil IfO. Any olli cer of( s or otln lit act. and i y search for and sei ion, may enter place V itliiii tlic juriHdie- n eil ze and scciiri >acka^'. M for that jiurpi MoofneecNHity, may break any person on bo.ird any yessej or I Mstoins, or person by | •se vehicle enter llllliled ■mjr c',i r boat, wiihih any p,„t in Cai.ad ithori/ed thereunto, may from a l'orei(;i or ,y;ot on) ,)f sm h iiad.i by hind or i open any Noarch any iibini. nayi;raii,m, oraiiy |.ei a, or many vensel, bontor country in any i vessel, boat, or V( hicle,1)r wl miiiiic iiiK lias re.,son;ib|e cause to HuppoM. tiiat tl •oils, or prohil.ited Mooils or any, provided ih i<> may Iia\ >ni •'iitry at the eiist Olht person seiirclied mny hav< ■Non who may liave e come into Canada cer or peiMiiii so ceareli- iood forCcif 1 lie Is or oilers resis Kot out of such yi '<>f*l(t<»: andai l.iiice to such scarcl ••reted about his jiersoiT ; and \vi I. bo.it. y manner oi ly pci'-on \\ ho niiiv I i.orassiHisin so doiiio, shall ilierel N HUliject to rhoevor "■on board ot coiintiy in an llils ni,y Ni|<.|i , noi produce such as I NCiiirlicil, the tllereid': or vehiele, or who may h or may have landed I 'y incur a ly, may be i i\ centered Canada th ';"'■"•','""" I'lHperso,,, and if he denies I roiii or nil a foreiuri l";:^tioiied b, such ollieer, MS lo whether 1 iii.iy ha\ c, and liny such j^ooils arc lonnd nivino- ;iny such moods, or ( ,1 , ,, ,' . " '■",> -"IIIJ HOOI S ;ds. shall be seized a ndlorfei led, anil 1 OOH "i-itlid. That bef upon him on boiiij; ore any person can 1 le shall torlcit treble the val '""V .".ioire the .„» r Ota V,,i'\, ;':':;•;; 7" •"■ Hcarchd. as iilorcsaiil, such p 1,1... 1. <• ., • 'xiiM iiiu Ot Her iMlii •(. some IK. I :.......».. :. .• ' pcai ir bef >10 ll le sees r>o rensonabl le collector or chief olli lie IMHOn n- some police magistrate. Justice of the nIi; any but direct such pii-soii to I cause for search, disid cer of the customs at the ol liaiKe such person ; but if place, who shall, if tiiin H m,i\ It leiiiiile if th and Hched; and if a- female, she si olherwise lu iiiiy such imiiristrat Hiiiiiilde fcniiile iiersoii t IHI. Any ol) thi dii ■e be no female appointed f <'i justice of the urer re(|iiircd to tai lO'l in any particular c inch pea mil not be searched I ce or CO llect purpose, employ and aatli ».y or ot eiis- iseor cases. ori/.e 'cace, or chi(,f olJicer of ci liny person before a poll ipateh and if ai i,\' ofHecr re(|uires iistoiiis. as aforesaid, shall d cause, such iutieerXn.b;,:dr;:i;;r;:;';::;j:;;:;:" 1-1 If 'ii't. or any ot|„,,. ] I'liy Koodsorjtioperty or vel' pay any sum md exeeediu' (•■ HO '.vith all reasonable easonabh* pciice odicer. iw relatiiij; to the- ciist Hhiill be taken t or any pcrsmi duly ;nith subject or lial oms. lire stopped or la 840. do to forfeiture under th m tiik forty-eifiht 1 1S{. Jf ihe enstoin-liousc such ken liy any |iolice or "•11 Jiiiil there dclivi red to th next to the place where tl x'ds and property aiid viddel ea lours afttM- th(^ sat Moper ollicer am le Hiime were stopped or . I'ch m;,„„1s „,. .„.„.„,,,, or peace oU,,.,. roil suspicion that tl ue Were stopped and takei >ri/.ed to receive th Haiiie within y or diicli .shiill "liiiii until and in order t • riy the same to the poli le ;.aiiie have 1 .ffl ■s are stopped or taken by such >een fehmioiisly stol Wise the oil Ml taiiii ,|esty' •Ml nil prodil office to which the olfeiid if the trial oi the •■r is tMken, tl JVC notice ill writing to the col .said olfciider police en, such otHcer lero to rc- iiiid ill Hiich I customs at the jiort ' ins haviiif-- ,so detained tl ector or principal ofticer of Her r :r:;"i:;±»?"v'"?' -. ™h. ..s:^L, iresf to the place where such jroods have 1 <^' with the iiaiticiilarsof th th ciistom-lioiisi tlier )d;ice app.,inted ;';;"";■ «'•"" ••«■ lia.l according to I :iH af orcsaii leeu de- le (•onveyed to and ileposiit'.d in lf*4. I n case any police or iieat convey the same fo tl "•lore prescribed, such oil ecnstoni-ho II w. oil: and ] )roceeding,s relative to cer, haviiiir detained siicl use, or to ^ive notice of h 1 KoodH. iieulectH to ic rec(,ycrable in a sun iccr shiill forfeit the sum <,( polic to c niaoistrate, lary way before ai any o f I l«'r .Majesty's jui Is f( ill default of payment'tl If^"). If any jiersi »r 11 period not exceeding- thirty li I havinj;- stopped the same as ?1II0; and .sueli penalty flhall leaeo or any oinmilted ly one or more Justices of the j le party so oirendi.iji.- shall be i spcretlv i>u whiUever. whether pret •'iwiiy any iroods or openly, and whether witi endi UK to be th vessel, vehicle, or other tl r without force on sii.spi,,i„„_ '.'« '"i-b-ifcd under th I";b'nt authority to 1 IS act, before the s ing which have bi <> owner or not, either >r violence, tak of the otlH IX'i.Mui shall 1 aud <^<'r or person havi lave been siized without d lie ca cs or carries en .seized w detained >.v coin- luiie have been declared I seized the same, or of son '!«(', and without the periniHsion <"' ;sluill be deemed to hv^.XlZ-h"mr^-""''^ competent authority, such to 1.0 guilty of telony. atid «haiVb;i;il^'t:!^.;:;«;ilj:^:<^;Edii.:i^^^ ^^'^•^"'^' 86 RKMITS OF AMERICAN FrSHKKMHN. IHrt. If miy p«rmtn, niiil«r unv pri'tiMim-, plflmr Ity act. ml uH'^iiult, forei», or violrnce, or li.v thri'iits of hiicIi uHHiiiilt, tori-f, or vioU'iici*, in iinv wuy resists, optMiscH, iimli'MtH, or olistiMi'tN any orilcrr ot' (-imtiitim, or any (xTsort acting in IiIh aid or assistaiM'i', in tlu' iiiv .staves, hreaks, or in any way deKtroys any Hoeh jjooiIn, helore or after tin- iii'tnal sei/nri' thereof, or ■^entiles, sinks, or eiits adrift Hiiy vessi'l, or destroys or iiijnrt's a;.y vehielo or iiniinal, liefore or after the seizniv, or wilfully and niali'd or kept, hueh person lieiiijr einivieted thereol", shall l)e adjudged guilty of felony, and ttliall he punisiiahUt aeeui'dingly. l>^7. If any ollii'erof the enstoins, or any persiui who, w ifh tlie eoncnrreiiee of the niiniMter ol ensloins, is employed lor the pievention of smuggling, imiken any eolln- hive sei/.nie, or ih-livert* up, or makes an.\ agreement to deliver up or not to seize any voHsel, hoiit, earriage, goods, or tiling liahle to forfeitnie under this aet, or taken or accepts a promise of any lirihe, giatuity, reeompen.se, oi reward for the iiegleet or ni)n-,ieil'(iriiian<'e of lii.s duty, sindi ollieer or other person sluill he guilty ofa ini.sdt!- ineanor, and, oii eouvietioii, forfeit for every sinh olleiise the sum id' iCiOO, and he iin- (irisoned for a period not less than three luouthsnor more than two yeais, and ho ron- (lered ineapahle of serving Her Majesty in any olHee whatever; and every person w'" gives, orolt'ers or piomises to give, or procure to he given, any hrihe, recompense, reward to, or makes any collusive agr, "meiit with, any such ollieer or person as afoi .!! i i_. 1;. .■ _ .. ._ 1. - I . I. .1 . -. .. . .1 ....: .i. 1 ron- who or _ _ _ , ^ ,...., • person as afore- said, to luduce him in any way to neg!ec! his duty, or to conceal or connive at any act where ly the provisions of this act, or any law lehiiing to the enstoms, tiailn, o' iiavigatioii, might Im evaded, shall lie guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on con- viction, forfeit for every such otleiise the .mum ■• Mi(i, and he imiirisoned for a period not less than thu'e mouths nor more than t\\i ,ns, lf8. All penalties and forfeitures incurreil under this .u^t.or any other law relating l^o. /Ill |ieii(iiiien iiiKl l«u 11 1 1 lll< .-n iiKuii'Mi Miiut-i iiio .'<:i,iii aii^v imiiim ia» leij^iiii^ to the customs or to trade or navigation, may, in addilimi to any other ri'inedy pro- vided hy tlii.-i act or hy law, h< ,irosecuted, sued for, and recovered, with full costs of Huit, in the exchciiuer couit of Canada, or in any superior ('oiirt liaving Jurisdiction in that proviiut' in Canada where the cause of pidseeutimi arises, or wherein thvi de- fendant is served with proi-ess; and if the amount of any such penalty or for'' Itiire does nor exceed •'tcJtMi, the same may, in the I'rovinces of (Ontario, t^uclicc, New ISriins- wick, Nova Scotia, liriti.sh Columhia, Manitoha, ami I'rince Kdward iHlainl, respect- ively, also he prosecuted, sucil lor, and recovered in any <^ount.\ court or circuit court having juiisdiclion in the place where the cause of prosci^iitiou aiises, or where tho del'endiint is served with process. I'ri*. All penalties and forfeitnies imposed liy this act, or by any other act relating to the customs or to tiadeor navigation, shall, unless other provisions he made for therecovery thereof, liesued for, ))ro.scciited, and recovered. with cost, liy Her ^IaJ(^sty'8 attorucy-gei.eial of Canaila, or in the name or names of the cdiiimissiouer of cus- toms, or souie oflicer or ollicers of the customs, or other person or per.sons therennto anthori/.ed liy the governor in council, either expressly or hy general regulation or order, and hy no other party. I'.M). All penalties and forfeitures imposed liy thi.s act, or hy any other law relating to the ciistoiim or to trade or iiin igation, may, in the, l'io\inc.e of t^nehec, he sued for, prosecuted, and recovered, with full costs nf the suit, hy the same proceeding as any other moneys due te cause of |iio,Heentioii or slut did no't ill any eoiint;v in tho |iroviiiee covery of any penuliy or forfeit in iiirt in which any priHei'iit arise III Niieh coiintv. vit that there i.s rea.sJ HatiNtyinit Mich iiemiliy or forfeiiu'r"'*! 'e as aforesaid 1 or siiii IS l»roii;,'lit f.ir fh « ro- Ml to believe thai the defendant' will leave tl may, upon itein^r satistled by uHldn arrest ami di'teinjiiii of the deieiid • c province without place until he bus m other imljie of the sai jlllil'IIICIII xMue a waiiaiit under his hainl and Neal f -r tl !inl ill the I'oi Veil H.Muriiy (lieCoie and to the .saiisfacl iimoii jail of the co.iiitv, dist riet, or Kiveii auaiiist bin '■miiMfor the payment of such | ally, will ion of siii'h jiiilj^e or soiim r.':!. Ill any deelaralioii, in) proM'ciiiinii or unit, it slmll I • oHts, in cftue rmaiit iiml the act or secti Ntiilemeni of claim, or proeeedin«ii >e snlJIcieiit to slate th.' penalty or f llicr particulars; and the a\ th n under which it i live H alleged Io have be,.'ii I'ustoiiis shall be Niiliieient evid ii.v some superior oiliccr of the iiistoms. I'.'l. In .-very prosecution, informatii; lor any penalty or lorfeitnre. or i "iiliiij; to the ciiHtoins or to trad nieiii that the person si'izii I liny such 'I irltiire incurred, incurred, without fur- clice of the fact all i« waM and in an ollj. , . .„ 1 iinlcsN it be c(Mitni(ii«!t«d Hilit, or proceerliiiM; broil<>lit "I'"'" ""•>• b I yiven nndir it under thiH not such penalty or forfcitiii iniviKatioii, Her Majesty, or fh •"• I" any matter re- or upon such liond, shall, if lhe\ titled also to rccoyer full costs ..f suit ; and ail siicl recov "I- tl ose who sue for may be levied on ih le same, be en- tl le same manner as suu.s i til. II is bidiirjht niav lie levied 1 Ji'iods and chattels, lands and t (ivered by jiid,j;rii,'iit ol tl I penalties and costs, if „„t paid lapiiiH ail miltntiiniiKlnm a tioiis and ill like mann '•neiiiciitst f the defendant, in K' court in which the |.rose'ca- '•\,'"^ ''""' 'V payment thereof i lav be cut Kiliiist the pcisoii of flio' defend orced I lll.l. If ant iiiider the same condi 'y in any (iods, whether tl icen done by which such p.u.'alty or forfeil of proof shall li r exported, or whet her any other tl Slid ic on the owner or cl lire would be avoideij, tl I prosecution or suit. iiimant of the ko'hIs, and not on tl eitiire under this ion, and any (jik^s- 'le samo have linf,' ic burden 1!K All vessels, vehid IC party brinj^- "I' any oiiier law ridatin;r to cost Koods, and other thinjrs seized an forfeited iin.ler tl custody of III,, , of a revi shall of any kind learest collector and onis, or to trade or nav i-ation, shall be placed vessel, shall be ret secured by him, or il s»M/ed by lis a(!t, in the d cined and t.ikcii to I tiined oil board thereof until 1 aiiolliceriii cliarjjo •c condeniiicd. with icr arrival in po,.t, .^^^^ ind may be sold, unless th out suit, information, or proceed owner then^ot, or some person on his I lire (Io M^iveiiotiec. in writin.r to tl at tl e person from whom tl lalf, within one niontli iVoin the/laVot iniri ley were si-ized, or tho seiz- i;- m-aicst port that Ik; ehiii ic sei/injrolticcrorotherchief oiljecrof tl' proof that Hiicl i;laiiiiin'd. Any pensoii d r on some other conspicuous pi 1 the |iiiyiiiiMil of lliitfOMtM of tli«< |)rr tlio liiitt poMllo^ of Hm« iiotlrc, iiihIit Mtutioii V(M(, no cliititi III IIm< rliinu; Hi'i/rtl ''*' iliilv Miiiiti', iitnl HtM-iiiily I'm iomIh ({ivni in m nliiiirH will) III!' iHiivimiiiiH of iIiIh net iiml i<( tlii' |iiiiiliii< of tin* coiiil. |iinl liv It-iivfof the i-onrt or uJuiIk« tliiTiiii, III- I'liii-ri'il, Vi»l Any rolliitiir of niitoni^i iniiy, iim niav ul«i> any riMirl or Jmitio Imyinj,' i'oni|Mt> tiMil inniHiliilinii loir.y itml iliirriiiint' llii« Mi'i/.uri', Willi ilu- ini'i^cni ui llii' coIlii tor ut till' |ilitit< « hill- (III- iliings I-. i/til iiri', orili«r iIm' diiiycry ilicri'ol to tiu' «i\\ iht, on till' ili'iMiHii Willi l|ii< colli't'lor in iniMiry of It niimi iil Ii'iinI <'i|nu| to tin- lull tliit> -|iiiii| Vlllnr (.III III' ili'lcnniili'll liv I llf rolliilnr) of I lir lIlillKMHi'i/iil iiiiil till" i'i.lililllli'il ihhIh of llii- |iriirt'i'ilinn« ill III-' ( iiHi- ; luul any Hnni or HiiniN of iiiiinry mo ili-iiimiliil shall Im iiMiiii'iliaii'ly ili'|iiiHiti'il III HiHiii' liank a|i|iiiiiili'il tor Hint |iiir|iiiNi' hs i'iiiii|H'ii'iit iiiiilior- it.y, III the rnilii ot thi< ii'rciM'r-n'iK'ral of t'anaihi, Ihi'ii- In rnnitn mil il lurlriinl in dill' t'oni'Mt- 1 if h a\y or ii'lcii«ril liy onli-r nl llii' miiiitiiT of riiNimim; Itml ill Ti Hoi/iil artii'li'M ail' I'miiliMiini'ii, llir i v\ i|i'|iimiii'i| shall lii' lot I'liii'd. '2i).>. If lilt* lliiii|r hi'I/imI Im< an aiiiiiial or a |ii'i islntlih' ailirli'. ihi' loili'i'lnr at wIiomo poll ihc M'liiii' iM may m-H the tamo -^o as lo avnid tin- rxiiriisn ol' ki'»'|iiii'4 il or I"' |iri'- yt'iil ilH lii'i i.ml ly ih'li'iiiirali d in valm-. Thi- |ir IhoI ^.tnli f-aii- NlinlTl.r ili |il> ""ti hiirli'itil hank to Ilii- cndil of lli.' rniivfr Kiiii'ial of I anaihi, ami hliall ithiih' Ihrjiiilcmi'iil of ih<' nmrl with ii'n|iii t loilii' i iimli'mnalioii of llu' llijnu scj/rd^ in rase |ii.i(|.,.||jnt;M for I'limli'im^allmi hi' lakni in iniirl.or kIihII hi'iomi' ilii- |irii|f- orly iif ll.r MaJiNiy. in ium' Ihi'lhli isi si'i/i'd liri'iiiiirs I'limli'mni'd willniiil |iriirrriliii){it '» ' I : I'li'vidi'il always, tluit llu i.ilh'. im rhall ih-liur ii|i mu'Ii animal or |MTi-.lia- hh iirlii'h' III t hi< rhiimiiiil I lii'iiiir ii|imi hiicIi il; jnn i!i'|ii>sii inj^ w it li liim a miiiii of imniry Niillii ml in tl ,iiiij i the rolliitm' In I''|ihhi'iiI iIii- iIiiI y paiil valnr of tlu« tiling ilaiimd and I hi' iomIh nf any |iiuiii ijiii);* lo lie laki'ii in cmirl lor I lit< rond'inmi- limi III' till' tinny isi'i/.iil. The mmiry so ile|iiiHili'il hIihII he paiil into mihiii' eharli'li'd hank III the I'leilil of I hi' ieeei< -r-Ki'iieral of ('aiiaila, and .shall he dealt with in llni le maimer. IS iilinye |iiiiyii|ed fur ill Ihc ease of I he iirmeeds ut a Male of Miieh ihinu. Mai lie i'liiiils II ■Il iiiiK yilli If imtiee of inteni loelaim hils lieeli Kiyeii. and the yalileiif I. „ , HtM/.ed dues nn) exe I .•^|llll ami the |iriiseeiiliir ehiKisiM |o priiceed iimh'r this net fiim, he shall Imlhwilli emiN," the pimls i.i lie yaliied hy a comiieieiit apjiraiMrr, and if sinh apprainer rortilit's Iheiii to he niidcr tin' Maid value, a Miimniary iiifor- niiitmn, in wrilin;;, may he exliihiled in the name of t lie eolleitor at or iieaii'Ml tiy tin- plae. if s.'i/iire, or in the name of any ollieer ant Imri/i'd thi-nto liy thi- niinm- Im id eilMloms, hefnri' lun Jnslieesof thi< peare, t'liarf,'ill« the arllcles Nci/.i'd as fiir- feiteil under Mome partieiilar act and seelimi tliennf, to he therein rehrred li>, and 00 e Nei/.nre lo appear at a eirlain liiiii' and |ilac»', praying romlemiiat inn tliennf; and the JiiMiiieMsliall I hereupon iNsnc a^ieiieral imli for all per.sniiM elaimiiif,' iiilireMt in the Nei/.nre In appear at a eirlain lime and |il there tn eliiiin tlii> ariieh s Hei/ed and aimwer the iiihirm.ilinii, otherwise snt'li arii will he enndemiied : and a enpy of the nnliee Mhall, at least ei^lil ilayM hefore ihvi time nf appearanee, !>»' seryed iipnii the iiersnii from whoNi' piiMse.sMion Hie ihiii^jM wero taken, nr mIuiII he left at maOiM'd to the liiiildi::t; nr yt'^V'l in u liieli they wero .seized, if ai if tl K'K' ri'mainiliy;. nr al twnpiililie plaees neulrsl ihe plaee nf sei/.nrt , if any peisnn appears to Miiswir the infnrmalinii, the iiistiees shall hear and delemitiie till' mailer In a siimimiry maimer and aei|iiit or enmlemii I lie arliehs. lint if mi person appears, )iid;;meiii nf eomlemnal inn slmll he j-iy Mnii, shall i.ssm en; and I he jnstiees, nn enndfiiina- a warrant to the enlleiMm tn .sell Ihe ynnds; and miicIi t\yn Jiistici'* sll.ill he deemed a eniut, and I'aeli i>( them In he a .iml){i' Iherenf, f"r I hi' purj thi s ael of '■10'. All prn.seeiitloiiM or suits for the reenvery of my of the peiiailies nr fnrfeitiirtiH iiniinsed hy this ael. or any other law ri'lal iliy' In the'eiiNt s, may lie innimeiirei: at any lime w ilhiii throe years after the eaiiMe of prnseeiiiinn m suit arn-e, Imt mil afler- Wlirds ; and the vcmmcIs, yehieles, f-nnds. nr thiiijis fnrl'elled mIuiU he liahle In fnrfeit- ure during the Name perind. tins. Anappealshill lie Iroin a eonyietinn hy any may;iMtrate.judjj;e,Jiistieo or jnstiei's of the peaee iimler this ael in the manner iiroyided hy law t'rnm eimyieiiniiM i ol summary ennviet inn ii I) eiiMtiM It lunyinee ill which the cnnvietinn was had, on tlu< apiiellaiit furnishiiit,' sccniity, hy hoiid nr rccnuni/ancc w ilh twn snrcticM, In ihc satis- faetmn of sneh imij:istrate, jndne, .iimtiee or JustiieM of the peace, to ahidc the event ot Milch appeal. '.'Il'.>. And an ajijieal slijill also lie I'rnni the cxcliei|iier court o'f Canada, Hie Nii|icrior, or case an IS county, am! circuit courts, rcNpectiyely, in ca.scs where the amniinl nf ihe penalty forfeiture is smli tli.'it ilajudnment fnr a like amount were eiven in any t ivil appeal would lie ; and mucIi appeal shall ho allowed and prnsecuted nn like cnnditio... and Muliject to like pidyisions as other appeals from the sauie cmirt in uialter.s of liko amount. I'lamiani iiimisler II Ull\ pnilm ••"inlciiimii lie iiv\ iii'i ( any time w priiiliice fnr <''>|lies III, or IK'ciillMts, leil ■'laiiiiaiil, an •'•'I'lilicM thai h'aiiy costs I iiiiliitment, < 'iidii (iiieiit, (I "'iiy detain Ml 11'' I liil call mini. I I'lliMi V(NI, no t IK riliiiicit il liy ill ritiill rt or u JiiiIk» iviiit; riiiiipo. till' riilli'i'tiir III' i>\\ HIT, nil ill ililt>-|iiiii| iiriiili'il I'lintH ili'il <«liiill Imi ■It'll! iiillliiir- I toi li'iii'il ill ill ritHIt NIM'll r r«)rCi'iIiii'«is llltlH'IK'I'l! ut lit not al'iiT- Ic ti> lort'cit- «• or jiiHtii'fN oiiH ill lasnH liad, (III the |4I I III* NiltlH- U' tim i-voiiti ivi! caso an (' ('iiii(liti(in» .Iters oi" like Humvs or Asn.HtvAs fihukumkn. a'!' 'r!l"::''*'r' '••:'":•"};•" ''Mi.tm- oninrof th« iHHroMlM. il n|,«|| ,„„ | M|)|>i'al l<''''« '»tl.mi,.y.m.,„.pn|_ „^ II. Ill aiiv iiiNojri wliicl "' •'.-r.H-.arv I... him to ,(tvi« uii v.'Nwl, vfliii-jf. kiiinIn, or I hi Ml In II IIIIV ill lpi.M,.,.,linKHh.iV..|M.,.„i„M|i(Mt..,|i 8» .V "•••••irll) (III niiiih '•■Ut »i' iiiiv law ii'liMii,.. („ ,1 "U. «iM- I III' n'.iivi'i'> ol n UII.V mil t iiKuliiNi itny 11)11 II rjiiil i4ii-(|ii>imIi'|| hy rcil rhiiiiiaiil uivi'iHiKll.'i,.,,! ,„ . In iriiiliT anil ilrlivir llii' t| H "' for ii'«(iiriiij{ th,. II 1" Ml"!!!!!!.*, tiaili', fir I I'li.v iMiiiiliy „r lorliit iiniunlii.M. Il xiTiifi •in- iiiidif It "»■ any a|i|M>jtl n on III "•■'■iiriiy. ro h,. a|.|.i..v...| .,1 In ,| ;";«;■• I hrilminaiil ihi.rrol „hall ix.i I. •r .jii'lKiiii'iif, |iiovii|..,| II, Olll Nlll'h llfi'JMJ PiiMi' tlir iji'fiiiiin III' jiiii ,11,1 til , . .'■■■■•* "" II JU'. A I Hull.MI.I „,„„|„ |,„,,i,,.,, "lllH III ijlifsti „f ,1 «lllr||l Nil i||i|i.'n|,.,| (,,„„ I, <• Villi I'l'VlfHI'll "'• 111 iH iiiav orilfi' vi'HMi' Koviiiior in i-mii <• riotiii.. „nil Hi,|,i,,,.( t„„„.|, , II r- X. UoimIh, vi'hii Ji:i. I "' I'loniiN, aliir .ji'iliii'i ""Hi.a.li.i li-in,; s..|i||,v ,,„i;i •'•H. nr I hit I'll ; Imii III any iiimh iIik lti«M liirriitnl III |„. ,|i„. Ill'l mn jKiiijiMi llii'M'iii "lU to llrr .Maji.My loi'il,,. ,,„,,| III' aiii'liiin. '['.K-NIMIIHI'H, Mhall, lm|,'K.Hi| I..' .ill . vVm.:ii;,.,"|; i« iwiHi. aiih'il ,„ I'll,', iiiiK Ih an (III' uiivtriior in ciihim il m o iiiaki' ami iinlaii Mlt'li Ill'l |iHiii.,.,|m, ,„. „ j,| I'"''' 'I I'V lliiHa.l iMiiny oihrr I ifKanl ill iht' I "".V "Ihrr iilanorHyHii'i,, (•„,. ,| I';; iMrtiii t iinlaimro|iir oiiif,.r III .i iinitliali'ly, n| Ii.i lirovi^i.inr, of '^|»o|||■l ilnnoi. anil I''"'""' I'lo'li anil haml itiiy tiini' wiiliii, Ihr ovfr all invo "'""'I, anil ol'all otli,' ll'ioni.sorih,. ,|,„, ,vhi'H' II "«r<'<|iiiii'.l M.io.lo livih l>ili> aciiiiinlM, ami slal iif Ni'i/iii.' .,r ili'i.'ntl.ii I'l' vcai-H 11. 'xt '"l'i'-ol.„rfxlra.'(.|i " Koi„|sim|„,r|.^i: j,||„ Cana.la l.v I IHi'ifilin^r „,„,), H,.i/,i,n. ,||. ,1 • imntHKrihi, lim at liii.i "in, all l».iokM..ra I'fl'ir or t'li'iili.iii ; ami .shall al ';:;"'V' ''"""<'*. or olhi'r hook. VN I ri-oiin "tlirr oilJcT, ami ,i\U,\\ | H.I f, It'.ljr fi.s, ila\ li.iol ■ ■III Iti niak. Ill iii'i'l '''■'.'ill. ■il,. III. I of all m'l laM', im|iorlaiitin ii'ii'in any fniry oi n k,s, .'anli-l),)okM, li'ti II icr nooiU a.s a I •O'Hl, valiii'. o "v.'r iiiMiic.'.s I, III Hiiy |...i,s,in r.'.|iiir,',| „,„|,,,. ,| "ii'said. I I'a.Mm'iii of thf loiamliim a IT- ppi'iirH ri<- «"0(l,S HO M'i/I.ll OI- iK'i'oiint.s, j.'ilj,,.,.^ ,|,,,,..,,„„, or III alio Mill 1 1 '"•'■oiinis, ami Htal..| | II' n.'M |H|...',li,,jr MIM'tioil I <• proilmt' anti hand l\\ Cllll tlliv -Mi;, k ail. pit's or .■Nfracis i,. i ",';.'"■'' I'l'iially ofuot lr.sHll s. •■ash- hook,", h'ftfr-l '"• lopiodiiri' rorinsp..,'iio„ |,„„|, mail., th.-r.'rr.ii ••-oof III any pro.si...nii jnl.,, or any law ri'lalin;,r (,, ,| laii $Wi) nor ninr.. than .*!| ( '''•'I'll;"", lint! if Ml,. j|„|jj I'ormatioii, orsiiii r,'H|.,.,.|ini; l(i(». I's so to ll.l h„ '■•''■lilit's Ihal II I' or . "•'•N^'om.-.ih'.isi.ii, .,r .jml^ni.'nt 'l "iiy s(u/iiro imtiln iimlnr '■■my .'(i.si.s .i| Niilf ''I'f was proh.'ilil onrl hrftii.. w h.ini || lit' ras. "I'li'tiiicnt, or oil nor shall 1 1, (•.•iii.s.' of St i/nrf, iht> t-l has I Wivi'ii (or th II I'll Iriiil or lirnn^'ht. iiiilii (iiii'iit, or oih "■'■ '^"1' "!• pllKSICIlliol "•rson who ni.'i.h' nii.Ii imiaiit shall mil 1 •si'ixiirf hi' liahh't ••' intiMi'd tl "• lli.lkiliy; of ,s,|,.|, t'r suit ,ir proNf.'nti •oiiai'.'.mni ofsmh N.^izni Hiiill not h.' .■iiiitl.'d t Ni'i/.iiri', I h:::;';:;;;-'-;''".'. a:'- ,''.'-'''''-'« <•■•'-... "any a.'tioii, •• ; find if aiiv .'nl tl '•"h'liiitlaiit il o ' f than twfiil I'Niiiiliir, if proh.'ilil >'i7. (, t"l'l,s sh.ill lods .■] I Sllrll p|'(>,s,„'l|f ,v itryfh,',.'..f, h..,|,,,,.,ii„.,| „„; ••scrihcd to h.'' f, loil, 'd ill i-'Ttihcl as afoii'said, ,»■* nor I.I any t'.i.st.s ■ hIkiII "iioro ih.'in Ifii c.'ntN. atin«toilntit'sof I'liH- <■'• any act, r.dat 'h'Siri|,|i,„| ,s||;l|l 1 'I' in III, iiiii\' to. ''••iiiii fht'^ioodsaml '• Ni'i/i'tl ami forf..i|..d K't or st'hi'dnl sft foith in ihi> w and If* li.v which "'•^aml th,. ,1 W ision of ihi' mini n'pi.rt thi.c.a,s,. for the act r if (111' iidlictor d ,'""ds not answi-riiiK simli ^ii'r of .■nstonis, ion .if lilt' coninii 'N il f.xpi'di.'iit, he -■'' " llt'll HIIV VCSSfl v..l.i I ' •'-..Fill,',, .IN pidVIII. '■IN pr.tvidi'.l in (his act 'SNiom-r oi .'iiK- ull '''«''d that IS actor of aiiv I "<''.< Jii>iliti> iif tlii< |m m-f, iih.v tulltilor nl' iitHtotu", Hii; voiiiiiiiNxiiMiiT lor tiikiiiu iilllilitv ilH ill iiiiy riMirl, or imi.v iiDliirv |nililli'. '/ill, AI'hT llu< fxplrutiiin ut' tlii< mttil tliiriv ilit,>M, nr MHtiii>r II llii< |m-imoiimviili-iifn HO itcnlii'M, ihf (•>iiiiiiiHi>loii)*r iiiii.v i'i;;h ilio t'in'iiiMHiiini'i'N of lliiM-HM', mill ri-|Hirt IiIm o|iiiiIiiii uimI ri-ittiniiii'tiilitlloii tliiMt'on lotlia lllltliitirl' of rimtoDI^, 'i'i\. Til)' iiiiiilMtcr iiiitv llH'riii>ii in IIh' iii:itii>i, riHpi'i ilti^ tlin M'l/iiri', ih'ti'tiliiMi, iifiiiillN . or liirri-iiiiii>, iiiol tin- itriiiM (ll'iinv) iipoii mIiji li iIm' iliiiiK Mi'i/it'il iir iU'luiiifd iiiit> Im' I'l'li'iiMt'il, or till- pi'iiiilty or lorlcitiiif rt'iiiitt4>il ; mitl il ilm owiiiT or rluiinaiil of tlii' lliiiiu; m'i/i>il i>i ili Iiiiim'iI, or I li)> pri«oii njlr^i'il lo lm\<> in- I'lirrt'il I lie piMinlty, Hi^iiillfH m wiinnii, lt\ liiiii-.rll'or In-* iinii'l, lii'» uci-fpliiiirf ol' llm tli't'tHloii, III' xliiilj III- lioiiiiii tlici'i'lix, mill lli>' li'i'iiiM ilii'iiMtl' limy he i-iilori'i'il niil cut - rii'tl out, immI III liny ai'lioii, miiII or proriTiliiiK lo ii rovrr itiiy iiiooi-y t'liiiiiii'il liy virtim oT Niii'li tlii'iHioii ihf pi-rNoii iii'ccpliiit; llii< nitiii)< mIiiiII not lie ni lilii-ity lo Mut up Mutt till' tliiiiu Mfi/i'il wan not liitlilo loM«i' tuki'ii witlonit ili-lay. 'i'iW. It' til*' Ma III iIitIhIom III' ai'i'i'pti'il iin liy tliiMiirt pioviilril, iiiiii It' tlic li-riiiiH lliiTi'of III' not lorlhw'tli roiiipliiMl with, tlii' iiiiiilHti'r ol riiNioiiiM may rlrrt I'iilii'r to fiilomi till' itriiiN of ilii' iIi'I'IhIoii or to laKi- pDiriiiliiiKn fill (III- roi ili'iiiiiai ioii if tint tiling N«i/i'ii, or for till' fiifoi'i'i'iiii'i.t of till' prnaily or lorfi'itiiri*. '."Jl. If a tiriii ol till' iIi-i'IhIoii Iii' that tin' I liiii); hiI/i'iI or ili'taiticil In ri'li-amil upon pay iiiriil of a mm in of inonry, ami if miiIi nioiii'V In- iiol palil lorlliw Itli iiftn ini rptiuii't) (if till* iIi'i'Ihioii, iiml if till- laiiilHli'r i-li'rtM to I'liloiri' tlii' ilrriNioii, Niirli llillii; may Im Molil ami till' iii't pi'oi'i'i'ilN iipplii'il to'Mti'ilH payim-iit of hihIi niiiii, iIh' lialiiiiri' (if any) to III- liamli-il ovrr to tlii< pi'l-Holi iMllltlcil llirri-lo. If Mllril Ili't proriM-llM l)i> not Hlltll- oitMit to pay Miu'li Hiim ilii< pi-rMMii ari-rptiiir thr ilrciNloii nIiiiII lt»' liulili" to pay tli« lilt of till' (Irlirii'iicv, ami tin- niiiiii' may lir ri>i'iivi>rril from liim uh ii ilrlit ilim lo iinioi H«>r Ma j.'sty. 'i'ir>. If afti-r m'l't'ptaiu'f of tin- (IcciNion, flii' pi-rMoii ri'i|iiii'i'il tlii'i'i'liy to pay any Hiiin of mom-y an a priialty or lorfi'il iMf, iIihh not fori liw Ith pay I lie huiiii', tin* aiiioiiiit tlicri'iif may In* rrrovi'iril from tiini as a ili-lit iliii- to llii MaJfHty. SiVti, No action, Hint, or procnilin^ Hliall In- rommi'tin'il, no writ nIiiiII Ik- sin-il out iij^aiiiMt, nor a • opy of any |iro( i-ss mitvi-iI upon any oDIci'r of (In- rnNtonm or pi-rHim fiiiploMil lor till- pri'Vi-nlion of siiin;;}j;liii;r an afori'Haiil, or upon any ollii'i-r of rOHtoiii!! for any til 1 11^' iloiii' in tlir rxi-rrlNi- of lim otlii r, mitil one iiioiilli alti-r noi'-i' in \vritln){ linN lirrii ill' I i Ml I'll III lilni, or li-fl at IiIh iisnai plai r of a I mm It-, liy tin- atlorm-y or ti<;i'nt of tlii> party who hiti'inU to niii- out Niirh writ or proriss, in wliicli nollcn Hliall ho rli-arly ami <-Npllritly rontalnril Ihr raiist- of I hr action, tin- name and place of alioilu of the pi-i'Hoii who in lo lii'iii<; sncli action, ami thi- name iind place oi'alnMle of the atfonicy or aj{enl ; anil no <-s iileiice of any ciiihc of miicIi action shall he pioiluced ex- cept ofHiieh an In conlalncd in miicIi notlie, and no verdict or Jnd;;meiil hliall lie ;;ivcii for llii- philiitill, nnloN he piovcs im lln- trial that such notice waw yivcii ; und in il«- fanlt of Hiicli )iriMif, ilie delemlani nIimII receive a veidi/t, or ,jiiilu;iiieiit and cohIn. 'J'J7. Any NMch olllecr or person a^aiuHt whom any action, suit, or proci'eilin;^ in lironi;lit on accminl of anything done in the exirciHe of IiIn ollice, may, within oii« inoiitli alter Niii'h notice, lender ainendH to the parly complaining', or his ayent, anil pli-ail siu-li tender in I par to the action, toHctlo'i- with oilier pleas ; and If the conri or jury ^aH tin- cihc may he) Iind the aincnds NiillUient, jndjiineiil or venlicl Hliall he ;;ivcii for the dcfi-niiaiit, and in Niich case, or In case llie plaint 111' heeiiiiiiH non-sniled, or diHcontiniicH his action, Ki' Jniluineiit Is ehen for the defendant upon demurrer or ill 1)1- cnlil led to lull costs of dclclise ; tliedefenil- itherwiHC, then hiicIi di'leiiilaiil nut, liy leave of the conn In which ihe action is Inonehi, may, at any tune hcfi ifiMiie joiiiei I. I av inonev Into conn as In other actions 'J'JH. Hvery such act ion, suit, or proceedin;; niiist he liroii, till* iiiiKiiint I Im< hiii>iI nut ittim or |)«M'Him •i-rot' i'iisliiiii8 •■•(1 ill writing iriit'.v oranfiit •tiir hIiiiII I>u liner of alioile ' illllllllt of iliu |il'iMliiriiv(>ii iiiiti-Niiiii'il, or ilciiiniri-r or * ; till' ilcfi'iiil- V tillir liffortj brc! whom the on nctfil ii|M)n I to iiion- lliitD I he lU'i'Moij wlio liKJIITH OF AMI i.-r-AN FlMIIKiaiKN. iiiimIk Ihf w-l/iirf III. liiihi,. , thi'i'iol'. 91 !!"Ll!: "il:'!!'":! .'" !!"■ i'"n— ..h.r-i,..r..i„. '• mi livil u, ..rimli,«|,„|» .„ priM-Lwiing „„ ,,,.„„„» ilif ({ovi'iiior lit i-iiMiii II ,., Vlili'il, tiMtkr irmiliifiolu I' niii.v iiiiiii II •••'• to IlitU iiimI |„ II (I) For Hill Willi I Hi iroi i,.|,iiiiia |„ ||,„ („||„^,| li-iiil mill ,.|,„..| In |„„„|, „„,, „,•„„.,, ^1 tijr iiml l.oiiiliti^ „f Mii.h rani iiiliiii.ir lii.ri'lii«fi,.r iiii.iitii.nwl, iiitiMT hi'rxliiiirii'r |»riH !•■ Ill <•« |>lir|iOM>n iiimI iiiHtfcrN mill piiil<..| in liiMiil, ,„„| „|'.4ii,.) Kill, lllili/i', iiriil iillliT irn»| 'Mill MwliiK HN limy Ihi hIimikIi {Vl I'm Ihi' liriiiiilli • "OiBiM- 11, Mun I,.. ,,.,|,M.|| M li.l Ifnilii iiNiiiav Ih> Kt'iiiitiil jKiriiiMoii, mill |i,r nunlm III! t{|(»»« Wl'l>{||| llfnilHll K iiiiil iiiiiikint; of nil iliii iiiK mill ilii'liiMi^. v^|,„, „|| 'M imiil uiH.iln mill uo«MUi.ni,.r..i| » or I'x- (■•I) Ki.rili..lmi„)f « Inn shall IhtimimiI Hllll Ill.W till' Mlllll.' >,||,||| I low(iiii,„«|,«|| )„. n„„|„ (i„ ,„f,. „„ iir ill trill 'I'l'Mxiiiy; with miy i,(i| •'•KMlllli'il III II •itf iriiili., or iiilmiil nnvlKiitton, II \ ram- or i-hiMM'M of ri'slH'i'Mvi-ly, I', oil aii> I'niiiliiloiis wliii h I (0 I ';',";i"i>''.H-iiis..n hi- „,.,.„« to viwi •■»»»■», ami liir nlaxii '•i|MO||.'l| till ijliy. anil wanhoiiMliiy ,ii,i| iMimli |»n«siiiH I hi' rmiaJM, ami umif of tiii\|.|,.|i, ,,,1111 |i;iHMII« tlllOll^l, „„y ,„„|il,|| t||,.,,.„( itU iiortu, ri's|H'iiiiiy III,, h,,,,,.. v„. (■>) I 'or iiKiilniin^ i.r ivsiricii,,;^ ,|„. j, 'K i aii.\ lliiiir or i,„.|,| ,,,. „j| l'ii>ii«lit liai'k iiitti ( KT proilm,. ofmiy whi'ut t.'ik iir titiilii " ""I"" '«o ilavH ultii' nmh «l iiliail '•"<"'< tol.|. KiiHiml,,,,. „„, |„.m,|„, „|,,-„^ or ••' yioiiml, iinil ' Kiowii ill ami tak.Moiif of Cmlai'l ''ii'"i«lil liai'k into ('unail I'li'iKorHiaiifliin:, ,|,.. p„„(,i. i- „r a„v | mil III I (7) F liy aii\ (HOVi'll '1' Nil Wll. aila wiihii, „,,v,.„ ijavHaft ""fo ||||. liiii,.,} siatis to I • r Nil, h hij-Hor tliiilN' '•r r.'HMliitiiiy III,. ,|iimitity to I "* sauii, ami \vi'ii. NO taki'ii i'lirfy, anil thi' iimilit i„ xvliiih (||..,'| in.!i ''';.' ;r,"".'"/'"« ""• ■•'Plxiinti t .,r "• ".o taki II lint III' I • roiinht III at ans mi,. |i I .■ I , ,, , " ' '■' ■• 'I'i'ii Hill •.lull! Ill' lakiii trmn wa'rl w liii li uiiiiiJM ari' to In '•im toi.x.nipMmmhHii I,,. ..stHlilishi'il wari'hoimi.N, ami ri'Knlaliiii' II Illlll riiiiiiviiix Niii'ii ^,u„\h Ili,'r,.c wari'limiMd, tl •Imhimi' ki.|.|ii'i's, thi' ton,, ami noiji. of kiiplii loin, anil tin' aiiimini ,,f /,li !• ",, .■■■.11, Mini III (.') lor I'xtihiliiiy liilH.r liv umMTal I,' llm M.i'iirify iiilitimiH hiil>|,.,.t to is ill Wiiri'limir.|.,'mH| „f VMili'limisii ii'iit III' ||r,'||„,.'( "I'.irnii. «,'iiihoMs,.,iy,„„|^ ,„;,| ,■, ,, |il;iii. iManmlii'i '';«"'"' V'' '•.^' "I'''''"! miliT, t»m t (111^ !■• parly to anotli, r^slmll 'lii'''i''n'lV'r,'.|'l' !• i.'K,il„tin;rlli,.|„,i wliii'hfniiisl II. If ,<,..,.,,„> !• '■ 1 •■■■•, lilt! lllll. " fi.iiispoi'tol KiMiil, ,1, |,„,„| ,r,„„„„„ j,„pf ;r|.s. iiiii. for (>r ( II ) Km' I'Xi'iiiiii iTHiif niiiMJHiii wiinih oiisi.oi- homi f,.,„„ plin!,'>j,H,i|,s fn,iii,|,|,\ as I '•IIINllamI, ifslll'li I'M'lnnlinil'l 111 Ni'wl mill fi)i' ri';j;iilaiiii!'. I'l '|'in« thi- triowth, proil (I-) I'liiiiansli'i H' miuli' (if jiiiiviiiM plimi III' pniviili'il iiii |,v lints iiMU to till' list ,,(• siirli ••Ni'iiijiiimi "•■''. or imuinfai'fiii'H • iiy ait ii'latiiiK to CiiHtoiiiH. ;iiiy m all arliili's i wlirll KiioiIn wliii 1 I iiiav ii aHinati'riiilsii, Canailiaii inannfai'l y Miili iiriliT ill , ncii, ^|,,.,|| |„. , list I I'liinii'i! f.ir that pnrpi . 'i'lly paiil mi artji'l.'s uliii'j ''!'•• ""I iiral pr.j.|ii,f,.,„l|,n.,|i„.|s„t impmti'il iiitoCaiiaclafi 'I'O of 'IK'S, ami, in.N smji inatrrials iian'st rii'iif iliity nf,.|iN|,,iiiH I,, III,,. |i„„, ,1 ami (m yiaiitinj; iiilraulaik of tl inannlai'tnii's) iisi-il sfrrnil to till' ||',.„ H'ri'iii ap- ;{iiHilin« a ii'rtaiii spi'dti li m.'iy havi' ln'i-n i 11- nhiili. „|' |,ait of II (»:i) I' 'iJii'piiinfiiijr 111,' iiim, 'Siini III liiMi ,,!' any s iiHi'il in Caiiailiaii maniitiut xliiiil lii'ilisiriliiii,.,! ii'i' III \\ llrll (1 lawliai'l ( '1) I'm iiiithnri lili' for tl diih with ziiiK till, taking i.f smli Immls ami iiiiini siicli 11* iii'il'miiijinci' of anv j;rm'i' (ir pi'riiii.>simi is • oiiilitimi on wlijcli nil's ; or for "itiires si'i'iiiity as hi' iIi'iium nilvisa- 'I'll 'li«>prii.,'..,',lMofpi.i,altii'Naml forf Niii'h Immi pri'sscil ritliir liv l"i",v. '•' tlii'iiiafti.rr.'latinirto i| f^. ami all liomj.s tat iiinti'd to any pan v, or a"y ii-missioii or .tl iipiin iiiaiiiiiT ciistiiin> •li of iKfii with tlm Ki'iH'ial ii'jiiilalimi or 1 >y s iiiy of till, con lili,, ,|„ tjii'n'.f pi rial mili'i', sliali In part I'l'missimi of Illy iiflH'r I'oiiiliiioii inaili> I'ion ; ami miiH cx- lii'i'iistmnsor lo liaili. ,,r navi iinctimi of till' iiiiiii.siiTofT'nst IS any othiT homl ,'iit|.|,.,| may In- sin'il ami proi'i'i'il,.,! ('•"') l'"or a I iiilo iiiKh-r tliisactiiranyothiT I ciiNimasi.r lo'traili'aml y ofhi.r piirjios,. t'or whi.h liv tl valid ill law, ami iipmi in like 'iw ri'lutiiiK to the iiiili'i iiayiiraiion, n,,, jr„v.,.,„ ■.•KiiljiiimiM; itlM'ino hmviiy ,l,.,dan.,l UHmt,w anyofh.T law rHatin- io the 'IM Hill- ii> ......... •! : ^ 1 no Mi';i.nio,nak..j;,'m.,alr..ir,7l orilir, illlll any mul iiions in anv imitti-r in wlii.'l, | <)i' 111 I'linncil is I'mpi.wi'n d t (•mnpoti'iilfmliim (if lii' d,„.„i,s it mak( I'X- BXtl'llt !iil>tt* , ,. : 4. 1 ■ .1 '"■ -^ '< !ii!i ino iaiiiii ndoirtil diri'ctly ^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 4^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 Li | 2.8 m _ ^ tiS. lit |2.5 2.2 2.0 U IIIIII.6 V <^ /; Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 d. S 92 RIOHTH OF AMERICAN FIHHKRMKN. ••.1 * ' P'Tfii'M Iiail l.tcri H|.i'(iiillv iiiiii'.v\n,itU„K tun, ».,., mi t " he any i.,t...,ho„ ,.( „„l«. ,„« h,.,.]. «.„mIh i„Ca„a.lu. ,....1 that tn....|..rH i. ikV . an, ,' Zh t ..o.i^l. M ,H„f.,.„ o( (•a,>:ulM.„r .•..,.... into i,. uifh tl.-ir ran ia«..^. I. ,J.^ • ...Vn^ 8 ..,1. I...I.-v,..,l tl..r....„: win, r....,.,i t,, „,U.,..l. .an-.H as aC.r.sai I. .'km Jin CO, ,.■ ,,,ay, (r..„. „..., ,„ .i,.,,. a.„l as „.,... „,ay .f..,„ir.., „,ai<.. m.. •!, n^ . io ," Hlnl irn'.l'.T''.; ; r '";'.V l.av.- lu-.. 1 ;';a , . t w;;l.t11.'H,:;'o;;:.^::;.;;;'^,;i'ir^"'''''''- ^^"" ""■ "•- ••'■ '-^'-•■..^;■:l ti^i •J.i-,'. I,, any r..M„|i,ti„„ ,„.|,|,. i^y f|,,. pov.anor ii, ,-,... „.il, nnder this act anv oath thor/,..ltoa.l,.,.,„.st,TtI,o Ha,n<-; an.l hy any s,„>h ,-.-, hti.m, a de..|arat i., v be HnhH nn .Ml torn. Ih in any cas.- whnV an' „aM, is ,v,,„i,.,..l l.v' thi' a.; "^ -.i.i. II,.; ji,.v.'.„..r in .o'ln-il ,„ay hy pn.cJan.alion or „.-.|,.r i,', r,.„i,.'il at anv ti,n« a,..N,'o,..t„n.. to tin.,., prohil.it tl„. .■xn...tati.„, oi^ tl,., .!am !,*,'■ a" vis." ,- h?i,^^i nav,j;at,on of tl.n followin^r jj,„„iv.: a...,s. annnnniti,,,,, ami ^m,, o™ , I t^,rv inK,,.,,v,.rt,Mli.,to.,r.,,a.l.M,s..f,,lini,,,.,vaHi,,«th.-.,,,antitv..f,,,ilta.v<..M^^^^^^^^ ^rr^;:l;iS^l^V^:;;-;;■-;;;;^,=;;-.3:iJ^,;-;l:s-;iH nft-vi!;.,/!'" -7,"'''.'",'"' '," •""""•'I '."'ly «»'i"' .V''="l.v coastinjx ||<.,..,H..,s to British v.-ssels na^l«at,nJr th.. „,la,„l wat.Ts ..f Cana.la aliov." MontiraC an.l n,av .11,.^ , J -i f.e 8li?ir.. ,:, 'Vi ""Vii:al,n^r ,l,„ ,saul wat.i's, an.l not havin^r a ...asti,,.' li,.„n,se 8b.. , on e„t.-r n.fr any port ,n tlu, I)oa,ini„n with snch vsh.,!, p.-iv a f...» of fftv ■, ."ts ions D.ir, li.'ii, to th.i collector on .(a;t, .in;rv an.l -i like f....i.f tiftv ..-.nfo u ^ pi, ;;'.■,?!;:' "■ ''"•'■"'''• ""'^•"■•l ';«'X l.«lon, s,.ch v..ss.O sl,all h. cntercl or c .> n d increase then, an, prov„l,.d also, that, vcss.^ls inor.)lv passi,i.r thron r|, anv of thp Canadian canas, withont hr.-akin- hnlk, shall not he liahh, t..licn .Ps ^ con r^rv, fan ^e !:';!:;•' ,"'■ "'I'^'VI'ir;''- i'"P"rt.^.l. or cxporto.l, carrlcl »r conveyed conrr. ry to .my icjr„i.,ti„n ma.lo hy the, governor in conncil, and all u-oods or vehielnH an. all v..ssels ,„,.U.r the valne of $400. with r..;jard ... which the mmimmM'tro such refr,.lat,.,ns have not been con.pl ie.l .vith? shall he se /J an.l fSt .1 n^^^^^^^ SiKh vessel be of „r ov.-r th,- valne of .§-100, tl,,- master ther.M.f shal brmid, loi; c, m pa|:^^:iSr.:^'tii;::rr '"'" ^^'""""' -^ "" ""^"^^•''' ^^- "•" -ntravJn;;on'*;:r:,;;^jS ~':i6. All general n|gulations .na.le by th.j jrovernor in ocincil under thi? act shall Sr". ":? ^'""V""* "*'!"■ ^'"^ '•''>' "" ^^'''''•'' *'"^ sa,„.hav..be.M, ,,,,". isbe< In heSn ada Gazet e, or f.-on, and after snch later day as inav be ai.pointed f..r th.V, nVnose Tn such regnlations, an.l .lnrin« soch ti.no as shall ho there], ,Vx, n'sse. or ^n t ,,u"be exprcsse.l f,.r that pnrp..se, tb.M, nntil the same are revoked ov ah. rl-d a, a Luch S la iorto a]ri,'\^^;'t"'''",'"''''""'''« 'V'-^" ^"''l' r«SuIation shall be evidence 'of such regulation to all intents and puipoaes whatsoever. nTGIITS OP AMERICAN FISHERMEN. ofticers, fiino- 93 .n!i'!;,.,*K,;r;;.!:„r;:;j,;:;,t «":;';;;!;;.'; r -r - '■• ™.v -p ..r I-;;/""' .;.".;>■ '^kV;;"!" t;:,,:,';: r,r',,r:v:,!";'' •'■ '•""■ ■;■■> ■»" i-- «.o- ...•! ..r „ „„ :i;:;:.'s,rli:: ^^.r^^ii^S? r ' 'i '■■■■ "--^ »-;":i'J:; i;rS ^"UNtwim., or I,.v ini,,„,i nav^ati. „ n.v , r^ T" '':'l""'^'^fi"" if ".u.l.. y 1. 1 wi Inn tJ,.. nniiMof M.o port at w hI th • ■ „'':'' ,''"'' «"""'■* "•"■•■ i'"l".it.',l ,! ,^e any Mn.l.-,.k,..I v..,sh..| jan.l fh.^i, of h,^ V 'i ''/''*' ''''■"""it"'" "'.^ l.v la . or n til.' t „,,« o tl.„ .leparturV of a,,v v "s,. h 1. m'. ;"'' "'">''" ^" '"'* '"" nia.l', a,?,! of^:;;tr ;;i;«to • ; ^::( ;;;;--<- -n ovorpal.. or a,tho.,«.. arror a„. , v iiKiitiiiPSssig iipiiiisiiiipi "I'lMiiiaciiirt'd or wromr if it< n.. i • "^'"^""'i 'ii.,;,i ,' lipiiliiisrs H HIOHTH OF AMKKIf'AN FI8HKRME1V. fDnncil. to itll iiitriitH iitiil iHiriioHCM, itH (iilly iin if tlio art or lliinj< hiid '.»««n don« or l»<'if(iriiirtl liy till" |iritii'ip)il. •J17. Anv ultoriii-y ami iiix<'iit duly tlicifiinto :mllioii/,ciil iis oH'i'i'tiuilly iih it' sinh |irlniii»,il IukI liiiimnlC timr itiMlrunicnl. nnd niiiy tak<>tlit' o;itli licndiy r('i|"i'''"''t ot a (oiiNij^noi' or a>;i'nl, il'iic he »o>;ni/.!inl of Hn- CiictH llii'niii nvtirri'tl ; uiul any iiiHtriiiiii'nt iippoinlint; hucIi utfonmy ttiiit iigi-iit nIiuII hcviilid if in tlio form pre- •rrilifd liy tin- niiniHtcr of niHioniM. 'i-ir*. Any imrtnt'r in iin iniiorporiilct'l t'oinpitny, association, or coparliuTiiliip of pur- Boim, or tlii'ir ailoriiov and a<{fnt. authorizi-d as aloie-aid, may, under ilio nanm and Btyle usually laly their attorney," or words t«i the like etlect, as the case may be, thereunto prefixed, SciiKDri.K.— .Ic/i repealed Huhject to the provkiona made in section S of this act. 1. The act passed in the fortieth year of Her Majesty's reijjn, cl';:iitered ton, find t'utitlcd "An act to amend ani! co.isolidate the aols re.spectiiif? the customs." •J. The act |ia,-iscd in the fort\ -fomlh yearof Her Majesty's reign, cliapterod eleven, and entitled "An act to ameiMl the act, fortieth Victoria, chapter ten, entitled An act to anu'iul and consolidate the acts resiiectiujj; the ciistoniH.'" Analytical index, ituhUnhed hji the cnHtoms department /or use of collectors and officerBo/ CllntOWH, Customs act, 46 Vicloiin, cii]). 12. Ahniidoiied ;;im)<1h: How lU'nlt with A)i.;ti'iii('iit of (bitii-.s: Sio. iiImo, Ki't'iuid ot iluty on goods dii«iiijr(>d by water, &c., on voyage of i'liporlutiiiii .'. Oil Kood» diiniatjed diinu<; coiirsc of transportation liy land Act: Amendnientof 4!) Victoria, cap. 1(1, and its amendinouta , Ki'IH'hI of tbriner, ifcc . Adniinistrator of estate: Mav make entry and talte oath in certain cases , Atlidavit. (Sec Oatli.s.) Allirmation. (Sco Oaths.) . Aiders and aliettors: Concerned in cvadinf; ;iaynii>nt of duty shall, in addition to penalty, &o.,be dcenii'd piiilty of inisdeniea'ior Liability tor conccalinfj or reniovinj? warehouse goods Allowiinco: Wliiit shall lie regarded as an allowance for damage, &o A For tjire or draft to be regulated by governor in council See also Amends: Oflicer, &c., may tender and plead In bar .'.'.'. Animals: Detained for penalty for unlading goods without report, &c , •Seized, may Ije sold or delivered on deposit, &c Annapolis, Nova Scotia : Vessels entering, &c Appeal : From convictions before justice of the peace, magistrate, or judge And from otber courts If lirought by the Crown, not to give security .........'.'......'.'.'.. Apiiraiseini'ut : Of goods damaged by water, &c.,nt— flontipnoil. v'l"".",'"'" "?*> '"H'*"!-'' "« «vi.l..,„,. or.lHrimae *c I«n '.I L r "V'""';'«" ••' '•'■ 'UMlmt. .1 lor .1 It" T' .'^utii[>li'H iiia> lio tuki'ii tor '':;.;:!:r oanr;;":;;;;i^'^^;"""'"" -"p'-'"'--. ■"-' - i>""i'ni.i upon ap. •-.'I'l'lii.i t««x,.„iln.M..i oalii' " " *"""' *" lU «'.ll.rl'.„ ,.ra,,p,„iHj.,i„lM,,l.ml li. .vrVali, ,. „«;.«.;:: rn;H;!t:*j:i!I';i!:,irn'toh;"n:;i"''''':'*'"::r'''^^^ IiiiporttT HIOlll'l A Anil I'lill.v woiiiiiliii ArtiilfM: any." !'.'""r;. .''"."""'"""" "' '"'""""' *'"'■ "'''«ll'-l"u«ly"^wilV MaimJn,iuro.I fioni two or t.ioi,. nial.MialH Iio«- .1 . 1,,., .. • *'■• '""V '»' Imi'lwi Irorii veMHel.. AMHi).'iiit. t May inako eiitr la«Hod kI for "blic auction, unl.isg other- To lie Hiifflcifiit evidence in rertain on in Hint or iiiforiiiatioii that odicr wan oasPB Am to plaee whem any act wi wan duly tiily employed to he Huflicient nriiof BaKca.'o.n'ittster" ■'inlV).:;".'."" """ ','"'"' '" "'" «"'«<'»-iit proof. . "'""''"""^ Pwo'- Bank"? "'"' '^"'••"'^ *" " J"'""'^V tor aiding in unlawf,,! in.portaVio'nV:::::! Cei tiflcate for rates of cxchanae reqniKtd I In wh.e,.depoH.tH are made to credit ot'^receiver^^^^^ Biiuo^nuh'r^i.^'^Sir''*'^'*""^''*^*"'''^^ BilJH of ladinj;: ' " j Master ot veHMel mimt produce . BillH of Hi^'i,;'"'p"';'' ''1^' '•""r""' "" ''"'tireV proof. BI^HotHiKlit: Partumlarsnf, andwheu allowed Bonds Sir?;' ?n^"^"?^^««"« «!^^ delivered will not be PackinT'«aV)7.i!;,\7"Y' '.':"'"•«•■•""<' examined, &c mont'hr:" "'■ '"'P"'^'' ""^"""S «''^^'««- '° benade-for aperiodofiwelve Foi Snotlon. Hubiiao- tion. eo , 87 . 08 |. Mi. 80 '•. 07 . 07 78 80 wi 00 100 i 101 i 108 I. 200 i. 283 {. 180 i. R . I 30 I. 88 |. 2'«^ I. 80 00 121 150 1.50 220 240 247 177 180 195 210 212 162 171 106 24 12 204 205 92 152 28 40 1 1 \ 2 i 70,80 i 137 104 180 187 110 111 112 117 lie 120 1 122 i 125 ■■P M KKHITS OF AMKRK'AN FISHKItMEN. AnalitUcal iniex, pHhlinhMi 6y the niHttm>i ihiwrtmrnt, '• I'lii P" r il«l« lie ijivt'ii i.n (ir xxiioiUlluti fnim wiirvlioiiitf lT|«irl A'llitt xvlili'iirn III liu i'MIU'kIciI .... Iliiw roHln iimv Imi Irvli-il lor miits, Ar., Itroii'^ht tor rnoovaiy uf Moalty vf! Kill' |iii,vMii-ut iircoHtN, .tec, r«i|iiir«il li<.v l>iiiiil III Iw ulvmi on itppxiil i'imiu run viol ion, icis (iovKiiiiii in fiiiiiuil niiiy iiiaku rxuiiliilliiii'* for tnklii|( bomU, iio To III' III Ml' I MiiJiMlv'n iiH'i, »iiil wliBii 111 br ){lvun Form ill, to bo at ilii'i rtloM (if mliilHtor . .. .' Aiii'litor allorni'V ilnly Hiilhmi/.Hil inny (•xi"'iilo, itn . ... Any |>iirtnii'ntoritli(irn« wxecutu without nitmtluu- Inu iianii'4 of tlio I iliiT iiiiiiiiIh^'h Bookn, Ac. : (■oUiTlor or u|i|)nil»«r niit> iwinlro |iroiluotbin of, on o»th I'niibllv for rxI'ilniiiK to proiluri' I'l'itHin For inti'iinu InuHlorN lo Iio kept li.v volluulor ....,..'.'.'.','. To lio proiliii'i'il ll'ii'iinii'fil by tolhtctor r« Muixiir<>ii, ^o ,^l,..., I'l'iuilly on p'Tioim ii-riiHinu, A • firaniliiiu or HiaiiipinK : Of iliitV'piiltl kooiIh ln>l'iiri' lii'liiK i|i-livor«it to inipnrlor Govi'i nor in loiiuoil may niakr H'^ulatioim for liiHiiilinK ituil iiinrkinK duty-' paid (.'oiiiIk anil yooiU i-ntiMi'il for i-xpoitittlon BruniiM ; I'oimlty on piTHonn i-iiiiiitrrliMl inn fiuilillDKH; I'owt'r of iiltli'rr to i'nt«>r, Ad. Ac MaHlir of vcs.ii'l to answer all qiii'slloiis re .'.!!*!!! t)wiM'rs of. to vi'iify entry outwards by oath .!!!.!.'!! Mii.stcrofsli'ain vi'ssi-lsiiiay bi'iiilUd lo answer oneHtloim re piirm'ni'ri>port!! Of ves-ilsfiiiind lioverinjjand bavliiii proir:liited;.'oodson board to be seized ami forf. ited Penally on pm'sons aM.slstlnjr in destroyinji, tliro linjj overboard, *.o., sraus- (iled Kooils 7. . Carriai'fs : Forfeit, 'd if ii„:'d In nnlaw fully import iiij; noods Penalty oi ollliir for diliverin.' or not seizins in ''ortain cuwhs' '.'.'..!'.!'. <;altle: l''orfp:ti<'. if used in nnlawfnilv importiui; goods (ertilleale; ' , Ul baiikH for rate of exelian'.;e, Ac Of eoosnls for valnes of dejireel.ited mr-'neies, &o !!.!!"'. Of register in list lie on lioaid imiantin' "ssol ...JJij Kee of .W cents foreaeli, a ran ted by co ,:t 151 103 104 1.IH 194 103 3(M 2,10 24» 14 344 V47 248 90 V7 1111 314 815 114 2.-11) 1 23 187 ,102 12 12 3H 2 2 95 115 137 13H 142 162 245 48 47 59 02 72 73 77 103 124 134 87 88 ''luiinant: OniiH 01 Altldav conin To liivi KxecntI i)iiA|>a ofgiHid or good AcceptI KcfiiHin CUinm: I'artlonl i;artlcnl For goo< For a nil how to Not III III Not pren Vol Ice ol For gooil Cldurauce : Cerlltlcal I'riialty ( Kei|iiiivii Fin> from CoBsl : (!(Midi CoaMtlng: (b'Vernor Oiivernor See also Oovernor Coin : May In Cdlleclor:' MeaiiH col To recelvi 'I'o ".»cei\ I May iKNiie ■ 'articular May giant May appoi Inudiiig, May reipiii M" open IiiMiines III May jiemii future us Ibity o(, re I>iirtation W hat shall ''"o ;leduct I May lulmiii May allow i May take hi May act ait i May add to May add tc of maniifn May allow u '•'" demand I Invoices Btti May Icipiire Not to reoeli Atteslatiou , Heclaraliou i I '• retain am ' ower to exa Appraisemei i" flic, for li •wearing fa Mia 1 select t^ Ni:dl pay apr ;^jay take gon Ma.\ cause a i May reipiire i ^"', fix nature lor a period 1" giant apei May allow ow •^'»."- nuike refi H. Ex hlOHTa OP AMKRICAN KISHERMEW. 97 «'ii«toni««ot, 48 Victoria, c«p. ». CtrJniant: ''SS-"-;^--ii;'M::j^;iS:ic; *o., MliuMl.'Dai tin b# f.... !•■-.• «..o.lH ..H «XHi„,.t »•„„„ duty 1.0^10 »H,H«j;;l.' "7 ""* """"^^ •1W ('iKuriiui'i' : ""'J, "ow to im (leRcrilimt on entry, Ac (>ii(rt,.»t.. of, (o h« Klv„„ on ilim pntrv outwanl. rio. ty for v««Hel lt,Bvln« without &c •■"•' I'om vbmhIh in certain oiMM Cort'lnK':"""" '" '•""' ""^ »" »•« '"•"".n wlilVm 8 I..«„c,of. Ac — tolli'i'lor: • M..aMi.(-olloctorofcuiitom«, 4o t. inwarda. < warehouae 144 230 234 8S . '".HlfnK. or p.y,uo„t"o'f .Inlv Ar™"" "' ' May r.M,ulre fnrtlmr piw)f of ,;r„,„Vr,.nt,rv'. ''in.\ piMTiiit thewHrehouH niriif ....„i,.„ ...„ _ ilrml ; of entry, 4 20 27 32 J <> I 42 of goods . Duty ()( -- 48 4« 48, re oxHini JHirtatlnn \nmt ■ ■■ 80 li.atlon a„,l a«H«H„„e„t o"f«ood„ .laniaRed inooarseofla. May takt> saniploM .... . "* ''"""'" and warohoiioed, Ac . . f. . . . -■— •••|rii)n 57 S8 SO 6S I 07 I 'owt.r tdoxatniiioon oath H! A 1.. ■ "■"•"»' '»u INilli ^ .wearing falHel v J"'""-^""""' '««I>"«'tio„H or testimony taken i^ri: pe^oni' S !^ nu'f l*"*'"'"' '■*.'"« *" 'M'PraiHO," Ac •""i-'ii piiy appramers iu - — *-'- 70 79, 80 I 81 «2 84 I HO 87 90 O.'S 07 :. 98 '. !»9 . 100 . 103 . 106 . Ill . 11-.' 115 118 119 t8 RI0I1T8 OK AMfiBlCAN KIHHKKMKN. Anatniionl iitdet publUhrd bj/ iht etulomxiU fturtmtnt, 4c. — C'oiitiiiu«d. CntlAma Mt, M Vlrtori*. nap. II Urfllloo. I '^'*^ Collor tor— Colli Iniiad. Mity allow ii'iiiMtuI of gcHnU ftoui uu« waritlsiiiiKi to aniitber, ix tnm tm» wiir«lionHluK port to another uiiittir bond Mm.v kllow kihmU viiIpiimI Io puM to Huotbnr wHrvhoiiiltitf port iiniUr bon4| Ac To i-iitiir triiiiaft'rii III « iMMik kept for th»t iiiir|HMii ,. .. Miiy wliiill or iifM Hmiirlt.v to l>« iilvaii by itit* Iioim! of n«w owner, tbatof oriKliiaHioiiilHr niMy b«i'iiii('«U'U May Hill roriliitv or W»rrlii>iiiitt r«iil, giMM)* in wHrt'hmiM over two y««iti... Mny hIIow liii|iort«r (o almiiiloii put kttuiii wllliotit )iiiviiiiiiit of iliitv ..... .Sulili^i'l to II iii'iiiilty for iiIIomIiiu |iiifiiii'nt of iIiiIIiih Io \if ili I'tii ri>il, Stti ... UimlilppliiK. lunilliiK, anil turryinu "( 1!<> oatb lii'forH urantln)i«'li'»i'anco Not to hIIoh rara or «fbloli-H to leavn port or liiull* wltlioiit piiyiniint of i>x|iort Uiity May pirnill pci'nt to whip nnd clear |{ooila in ui>rt«ln c«m)m May *'M iipmi iiinHlnr to uimwur iiiiratlona r« re|iort uiaile by puraer May ftiiiul liillx of hiniiiutb>n to bu poHli-il up in olltuii of, Ilk .. .. May (li'livt'r to ownttr artii Ii'h hi-I/.i'iI on ili!|ioHit «i|iiiil to viiliii> a>"'. coata .. May HiOl iiiiIiiiiiIh oi pi'iinbHlilit urliilua hcI/.ivI or ilclivttr to owner on ilt-poalt May Hi'll ciioiIh, & r., tor roiiili'iiiniitlon In Cirliiln iiihi^h May rail lor rurtnlii iKXikH, p«p< •■mpt from iliity To report to coiniiilHHbtner of cuatoma all aelzurea, di'tentlona, and pennltlea, anil lorfi'itmi'H liiruirMil. Ar . . Kviilfiicn In iitllilavit or nllirmiitloii may bo iiinitt' iHifortt Krror« iIIhiovi'ioiI while iinpiii'klliK to I°>« reported to, &i; ConiinlnHloiii'r of ciihIiiiiih: May I'baiiKo iloi'lniou of appraiaor M lo vlaaa which au^ar belonga, &c.. In certain caaua. Hum powi'i to liilmiiilHti-r oath and ii'cdIvh ulUrniatlonH, Scv Tot'xaiiiiiiH ri>porl. Sic, iindduvidoreappi'iiacinint by puraona, hiadeciMon to 111' lliial lliiy Hill' for peiialtitm, &o ; Action lo III' tiiknii by. for ifooda miHilcHcrlbcil jih excniiit from duty Colli'itoi 111 jiiiipcr ollii'iir to ri-iiort to, all hoI/.iiich or ili'tcnlinuH, uud peil» liitiiH anil till I'l'lturiH liiciiivi'il May cull for Kviiloiic by iittiilavit re aeiziire*, dctuntionH, pcuullioa, &u ... To report, &c., npoii cvidhiici', &c Company: Takin): Kooda liable to export duty without proper entry, HUl\ject to a pen- alty .... Any trading, may appoiut absent to Hliip and clear ifooda Any partner in, or aiithori/.cd attorney or aijeut titiiy execute bonila, &o Cnnceiilinj: : Smiipiilcdor probibited goodn, penalty for WiiriliouHi' (toodH, ic, aiibjict tOMi'i/.ure, &c ... OooiIh found on board veanid conceuied. to be aelzed and forfeited CoDileiniiiitliin : Of uooitM, tiC, aeized by olliior in cliur^e of revenue veaael Want of notice, not toiitay pro(eedin);ii for . . . Of articli'H Hei/.eil, how to make claim ,ifter pioceeilineH bave coiuineuced .. Security by bond or dcpuHJI niiiiircd f.ir pa,wm'Ui;of contu Of nrticleti Keizcd. ind^iiii'iit by (b'tiiiilt. tor want of claim DepoHii made on articliiH sei/.ed, Ac, to be forfeited Procci'iliniiH for, on relusiu>? minlHliir's ileclHion I'roieediiiKH for, or terms of ileciHiou enforced at election of miniater Conductor: Meaning of the term Subject to a penalty for aiding, &u., in unlawful importations Muat report traina'witb freight Subject to apenalt.v for fiilao report, io Peiiiiity for refiisiiia to .stop wlieu required by an otticer»of ouatoms ConHiuiioe, (See Importer.) ConsigDora : To make verified entry of gooda exported by veaael Uy railway or other land conveyance Penalty for lefusiui! 'ir ueglectiugto make report or entry oatWArdg 110 IM Itt in in 134 137 lar 1M 141 14-i 14A 14fl tJO ISI 163 IM 17« Iflu 180 IM 200 204 205 ■iO« 814 21? 2M 2tB 241 76 88 90 180 217 218 313 230 liO ISO 248 ISS 158 lOA 108 100 201 202 208 204 222 223 4 24 33 33 174 145 146 147 HI(»Hrs OK AMERICAN FIMJIKRMEN. 99 '•luJomii Mt, 48 Vk!tort«. cap. l». ('onmil I lit l.y .I„f3t f'"^ ■••"'»"» l>i<'«iof».| wllbin •< y frxillll""^! ... »rt. ..iv lirUlnh oi i,,n>iaa .y 'l"fi»iilt : '•"•"•""»" '^'•nin •o#rula tliii«.ju,|t. Of.lefmi«H l,.v wh..m(ol».u»l,| Cunl.miH miirknor lirHinU. Ilhlillltv fiif ^jr.in«,.„,.,,,„r,,,,,.,^^^^^^ In aiiv ,«„,rt. '"*"'' I'^x'i"-'*! to c„ll«3t«i uol uot to be nxjeived r^u:.i::.ti::rc;::::;;;;?^,ri"«-^-»--r::::: *lty ''i'''v...«nt.f.^u:: Crown i!i>ii(|h: \yhHiiiai,i„toa.,ty ... cum.ncv ! ''"^^ "'"' '"•*« '"»'•' '" •^•'""in .•«'«fii. ;.....:.!::::. .1 valutt to III) jiiviiii council uoo(I« (•nliie.l liiwiii-,r„f ,...7 ." "'•""■teu at flriit openlnir ^, ,'"'•'»•»'"•'■ '" nearest . .''"' "^ ""'""> '"^ •"''«•■ 'au'I conveyance to bo cnterod »t' ,^_ ';.&.-., Hinup«l,.d nn.l ,to,,ped on HUH,.icion of beulg it'olVn to be taken dctaincil by him to. Da All bon.lHrdo^,,'^""""" ,tn r^'"*'' •'•^' '^'•'" "^ "tl-erwim, <"«t»n.H ...'"'."•''• """ P"!""" to l"' i" 'orm directed by mi„|Vter",;f1 'Mai;*- to ((ooflH : tV" !'<■ "eMtaLri ^ • .'" '■''«'"••'';'' M evidence, < ■< eiitage of daniaire to be «w>ii of ilmwiHick not allowmt Fm v^lii* of paT p*Aln|, •lr*w, Ite., iMt •iliiwol I)«fi>niit •■> '•■'m liniviiii (t Mrhiii* Hiilt U tiroii|{)it. >V(i., rMiitaii iiiity lix flifiirmil iivtxIiMt In < niitlii •'iwcii Huoii (tniniirr«r pn\m«nt of o to, rt apiiralai'mrnt of gmMla T 'nttiiiony Id wrtitnu takan from pi-raoiia awnarluK litlatil^ to \m tllrnl, Ac, l)«rit«nllim : Of veaarl for lirnakint! Hulk, &(^ Of vaaafl, pfimity or mcurlty for «nl«»rlng other port of wotry Of veam'I, pcmilly oo iiiaat*r lor iiiilriif inport, Jto .... Of rraael, Mihlrin i>i aiilmaU, penalty for unlaillug gomls wttboat Nport, or iintniK, jfo Of koimU taken for the Crown, how daalt with Of vnaael, penalty on iiiaater fyr Inarlng without ol<>ar»nc«. ilollvering fiUae content, &n ..■ •■■ •••• ' Of kimhU reinitlnluu In warehouKitlor payinent of iliitlea on Rootla concsatad c r iiiilawfiillv removed Ofveaae!, penalty ou imiater for breaking taatohna, lock.aeal, 4(c.,or aeornt- tng iiootta » Of auap«.' RKeii Ottlcnr callhiK for i. ulNtancn to (lAtaltt vraiaela. vnhlclea, ke., on tMUouabU Mimploiim nol lliilile to pronei'iitioii Pollee oftteer neKlnothiR to eonvny |{ooda detained by him to ouatom-boua* T«i 411 1 n IM W s 7«u4K0 mi MUldeot to penalty Of derendant by arreat. for leavltg ProTtooi>, fto. Of vKKHel, vehicle. giKMla, &.('., lo be reported to vn 143 IM 185 173 171 184 ...» 1B3 21K 2U 230 126 I OH 13 ■-•44 170 04 33U 70 78 242 174 3 1 1 i 12 13 J4 IC 42 45 40 63 57 58 50 60 61 62 AH 1 '< w.mm,«.;3 ■'.'.'"".'."^T.*"'"' •" •••**'''^''««»'.?i'?;wb«„ EntrlMi iiiiiwtnlii: IV lat nnlv ,imv •>" »• .jiHlKiiiPnt: I Hx-inptlonn- ^ >miKoei,tr} «nil take oatt. in c.,i tain casn, [ iii'iit •— ."..-«.i«ur(. ami lorf^Uur* r»r wmidm C'lUt^cCot or ollmr >i(Hi<«.o> .^mKi i '* " ■•-..,.. *••*'*'• "ita?** 74 n-m l<9 IM IM m 137 liV 133 40 4t 41 L 41 . « . Ml. 40 Tt •t •3-M 00 ■••■•• •••••• •• • ••• 137 IISJ lao*. aiT 348 1S7 180 141 144 146 Mi in, 348 M 03 latl 1S3 171 210 2:.'0 226-22H 2.16 237 a4« Ml 81 n TO ee 106, no 111 188 104 311 85 46 OS i 317 313 102 KtOIITM or AMKRirAlf FtiHBSMUf. OaMMB* Ml. M ri«torlA «•». U. Ilartktii Hulk- Ul kimhU niu«t ' UhihU m^y In- • "mi at mmtf ■lii'" (IihhU for li> I"' tni..in .!..»..... T.Miii. 1 *u v*. . O.knU liikt II ont of « irrliiHiM riir mkI r«l»lMl'«l. oM, Ac., Itt M •■lasa MM fiirfi'lliHi ... UuMlHjr of iltHMtii that i« > tii.iil.fw i i>r HoKil III If |i«»ii ufi miirs U fr-iHi Va.L^"/J'" i*«rl|M« nut ■iilliorliMl muBiiiii i-Hlry fwf, (»»«>• >.M-tM<li|.iril tho prapw rau* for >... VvrlHc'l "iitrv fiiiilrrrt ri.mi vMMnl... ' I iiiiv ri'i|iilii' "lltxr tflHuN flit ,, iHvri MwuilnK of th« Ixrni Fur uriint Inn fori Irtwl .iiiU-n .if itltrMl or invnii r« Kof K'>*li""U '>)l'* "' '"'*'"' •••• ••••••>•••••!•■ I'ltr rtiportliii; Hiiil clDitiln^ In I Kriiilii i'M4«t .. i'minnii Uklnii ••'•y wUwl iiiwr-U, t<» Iw »««v« vr«iiiil lii'liig •rniwl «r .i«t !. i UMtniyintt n—" I*, u U or Mtiy I'liiiliifii lioiiw, A<^ , In Im* • •••• Fomii' ■■ : To ■•'iircti fwimlin ....# .... Kluli : ^V^bIi, ni«v li« IiukI" il lifforn I'lUrv Finliirli'ii: VfUHiilii oiiuhuihI III, mity luite warvliuiiwil jinmU M itnrM "■iofniini, *iv : ()ihmI« «iilijt Flour, icitiiliitliiiikrii«|>«i'lliiK Krlninvv III wlili'lt iiiMut 1mi |'*hl ....•#•••••• Ol uoiiiU iiiilitili'ii lii'loii' I'litrv, dc« ... Of kimhU inrrlwl ^ant i.i.khmii hi-iiiK or ii-ino.wl frirni iiUtin aiipotiit)-!) for exHiiiliiiitUiii • • or viHitol iiiiil goiMtx, rori'iif<«rlnuiith)>r lliNii it purtitf entry, •S'tptlnetr. lulu I'liUfi. •• Of uihiiIn iiiiIah tiillv liiiportiMl by Unil / >•■ Of K»o rnilwjtv . ............... l'»i. to lio ilitti I'l'i-irrroni irwiii, for loiilikliiliiu kiihiiIiiU-iI utMiiti. ...,...., Ol KotitlH riiriiil on iioiiril vfiiiii*l, or l«nili-' uoihU Without report, <.e. or ({oo In iHnili'il willimil iloo ••iilry. *i; . •■ Of i!""it, Jkc, coiivKyiwl Wyotnl .-.irt or I'litrv, iiiimlKHi'rllwd, iic or |{<>''i ixol IK'iotlly on pxrHon for lins Inuln liU pim..Mwlun iiomU «lnrt>ltel, > Ji-tKiini, HoiitHiiiii, or wii'i'k. wiitiont i«portinu. Siv. of iriiwn or I'ji'iiiptfd ^omU, nolil without fotry or payment of ilaty Of hIiuiih I'lilrriMl umli'r 'vniMU iiunin* Of umiiU, .mil punaltv,->ri porHon tor f«l»« Ht»t,MinMit In ili'clniallon onentry. or (looiK, niitl ,it>iiitltv, for pri'xfnlinif ritlni- lnvoli;«' or jfiKMlx, lor fiil«i< HWMttrlnif ' or ({ooiIh, for uoii piiviiH'ivl of lulilitionul iliitlnn ■• Of u "»'»■ •''uiiid In piK'kiiKi' anil not inontlouiMl Id IuvoIcm or entry OfiinoilH, fitunilnot correiipomlinKwttli iuvul(;«or mitr.>,orframliilently no- iliTvalucil Of nil Kooiix nnil iiARkiiKPii In I'lilrv, fur will'iilly fiimi' oatli I'lH'kaufN ilflivi'ifd without i".iiiu'limllon to lic'rrturiKid undiT forfidture of pi'iiiilly of liondN, 4r CoUiM'ior or other otlict-r m.bjecl to, for allowing pa.\ni«ul of di'ty to be doferred, &i" •• Of iciHidH i-ntcrril in bo, but not wureliouiu-d, tnkeu out for rxportatton and rt'lundi'd Of uiMidrt ri'iuovt'd without perinlmtlon from rollectoi Sir Of uoodn iid»ndi'd, &i; , in conlravi'iitinn of bond, toiii-th«r wlD- vixmel On parlli'H not niithorlwd for niiikinuoutry outwiiid«fr"Ui wHrchoiim- Of hIiIph' BtorfH di'liverod tVoiii waivlionm) and rtdanib-il without dup uutry, foBi'tbcr with vcHHcl Onnumtiirofvvmiel tor lonvlug without cU'ara.icf, deliverlim fal»« cout«nt, *c Of KO<> ii4 IIM . lli-i l(i7 . 108 . lUtt i. i. Ill ;. 127 ISH I \U I. 137 . 130 ;. I 140 . 143 \. 148 . HIOIIT* OK AMr.NIC4!f riNHKNIf KN. OmImm mi, it VutviUi, i-^p. n. 'If I*, • IIH' iHllI I "f moiii t li, '•rK.'iiiU n.i liK'iirrrd til IaIm Iuv*|i'« '" V" 'r?."* "••^ PMfOn. .MM ii«Ma •urieM hiUU'a," 14 til gOMl* la iH)itt«>lh«. ut 4i«r« with •'••nlralMRtlgi^i^' «HI. mI • raw'iB .,,,, ,,,,,, ' liniti I.hI ....... • l'»t p.m».«».«nit g(n«t, h»v« l«eii AmiihI ■' rmiMMril III t'..r«H|iirini«« •II Imiiimi I I" U.. iiinilrinnmnrnaleliK M . 1 1 fBH . . . I II. Ib, «ri«r,| Mini ctomlamnii,! ■ ' ■ ••• -- "Hiiiid t'.mMliiu ■ KktR ; i'.riHH.. bk.i.gi,;;;.;;;;:,';;::"?:'"!?""^-" •" "•"•"m- {■'of ("lint • If VIH., Ki.iKltiK Cii.t,,,,,, ,„«, !,,■„; I'llrMlt.. nirtiui, .»i,|,„. . by .ifldMi ii .mruH :, '•" ' '"i.iri.iii« w,t„ r..«.T»ii,.„, If "L iMi^r, L'iiii mI'v t.'l'""/'"'" "' '''".v lu .'•rtiila iNM*, *'■< 'I i"r«■ ■^;. „ '«.Mm;;i'T.\n'«i;:.ui:';' '"• '""""'^« -^ «""-'* i^""!.- Mux nl!ii,"'';' »l'l",»'-f-. lo''»l or Dniiilnlim ;. „iTi..';:';;:„i:,::::'r *""' '■•'«r«-. .i.aii i- t»'r po n«i| I Ml iin« Ing thrniigb miiinti y - liioliidtHl r* vitiM* of >uK«r! with WFltt.... .1 •,■"-■■• — " »>!"> IHIIIIIH, OCC Mm ■ ■ ■ ' M»\mHk.Mi.K,ilH,|„,,,r,.wur,.|.o,M,,r.ui \i ■, • »ii»iii ill iHHin »«•» in lion.! niien connitctwl with no* KimmIii . rHKgctii, ito ((Mirfii _ ■ vo flfiirt'lilDii by day or nloht 37 Mav ,,.K„|.,,„ .ll-tilb..tinu of p^aaltlo,. io.: and r M'lv imikV riKnlai'lon. forll &r In cihiik'H— Contlni i. May makp retxnlallmiH for^ , , ,, Appoinllni; imrm iiiiii pliicia of iMitiv aiul wftr«'li4)U«liiK ami bomllng \uti\n. ami rcHpictina niun\n aii<\ vrHKclH |iHHHiim tin) i'iiiiuIh, Imumi'*, v«hic,leH, ami travelers' bH«({8^[t^t•olllillu luoipa-tHUij; tliroii(tli C'ln- af splilta, wine, and malt liiliiorf- •■ ...... KxciiiptinK pi(»lnce of ^valn or tlmlitr giown In Canada tiom duty In ccrtaiii rttHPH ■■■ •• AiithorlziiiK appointment of waieliiiiiRea lennlatin); ■ecurlty to lie taken tViinikeepeiB of, forma and iiuidltlcinHriiUJeut to rent or litoOHe fee, &i Kxtemlinc time for clearina waielioimid ^loi.dH, and for trannport of boniled jioortH from one port to iiiiotlur, &(: HcKiiliitiii;; fornirt trnn»fi'rrlni.' j;oo(Ih in lioml (Section. Subsec- tion. Kxtnipliiij! nootlM from diuy aa Ihiiik the (iriiwth, protliice, or mavu- faetiire of Ne^^ fonndhiiid, \i: ifaeture to the free TriiiiHt'eiiind certain mateiliils tor (^iinadlau nianut llHt, oi' crantlnu (lni\vliHport, &c Grinding: Of wheat, maize, or other .'rain In bond Gauae ; .Allowiiiice foi-, to be il\ed by the i.'(>verni>r in conni'il Gi npowdei' ; Governor in council may iiroltibit exportation of Holiiliiy, statuloi y : Xo jjoods to be unladen on, except in curtain cases Home consumption : Goods in wan-house for, &c., to bo finally cleared within two years or sold Quantity of L'oods to bo taken out of warehouse nt one time lor Goods entered lor waieho.ise hut not w tually deposlli .1 in, may bo taken' for. Horses Forfeited if used in unla. fully iniportinj; irooda • And liiirness used in carrylnjj fortuited goods to be forfeited Importation : By vessel, when goods may he unladen, &c of goods. Miu-it he iit a regular poit of I'Utry Of goods, must not be carried past custom house on jjair of I'orloituro Of goods by vessel, and entering other than a port of entry, to be foi felted. Goods Ib'feited if uidawfully imperted liy land Goods forfeited if iinlawfnlly imported by railway Of goods at one port intendi-d fur another, how dealt with In tran.sit to other ])oits, how dealt with Of goods by bind, particulars of teport Of gooils bv vessel not registered Within what time entries shall be made Not corrrsponiling with repo'l, eonveved beyond port of enlry, inisde- .scrilied, or uuiiulhorized. iVc-., to bo forfeited Governor in council nuiy make legulaticm* legulating or restricting the importiiMon of spirit.s, wines, and malt liquors Of goods tinu>. how ' <"'v'-> in ot lwcl\(( nioiitliH Sio ■alser .'.!'!!'..' book*, &c , aiibject to" non-payment of additional du- leexaiiiluation ing onti ie« lo be made lor a period ''h^.^rinS?;'' "•■ "-■'-'« .-"t^r^rorfronx.ewaro; ''";:,;:!;:« ;i:;n^,;;!i^',::.;r " """"•" """'• ^-^ • p"- «"«"«'• "-oti-er May alian.N.n pi-ikajfi'M for diit\ lo pi'v wanlioii O'llK of ;; May appoint aKont lo ..hipaiid clear cooila" rware- v|H,,jHe r. n, .ui.l otberVxpona.:, of ImViilVpinR; iandin^:aml oar Slioiilil report t Oath of I Iiiiprisomiien Of vUr';;o';:^r^!!^;^-t;^::i.;S^ or m.n payment „l p,.„altv, on conviction" .;M.>;;;r?:."r"." :":I';":;':';":':.«""*'" no,M-]M,nde;i ca;a,--.i;:;-witho>,t ^■"?s:zSi:iii[t:.!::x^^ peiialts iiopoxed tor ivfiiHlnfr to aN.^ist <;f police o(H,.er for iion.p.iy,„,.„t of p'enaliv' I>..r Information : imii.rnunf. I ersona makiii- seizures, not liable to. ..!:;.. Av, Nvrment tlmt officer waa duly employed to be .s.imcient proof of u-i'TI "',','!"• '■'""""""■'■I' oil U hat hhall boMiilli( ' certain Suit, ic. bnmi-iit nmi'!;'fi^"H- '^'- "••"'•'"''""'""i t'T^it^mis ;:::; u,..|. ,oi.ed iJrXiiiitia j^ ;.!' b^io^i:.^ ;:i'^;^!;!;;l' '"""^ • •■ • • I«Hpee^.^.,«^„,,,,,,,^jj,,^,,„^^;-:-^-^-;.:_.j....^ Id triinsit : ^f^j:i^^7,:!^^^',::z;'t''''^ 'Z '^^u:>':%oS^^^:^'' "■'^" '•'» -^ -"y. &o . agned by party iron!' Parh(iibir»of.require.loumiikii,ir"entVv Col ''.tor may reqiibv f,„ ther pi oof byproduotion of lo be produced to the collector P'wutUOM ot Invoices l)m\Tlnck*?, II "'"''. '■"'"'■ ""•>■ "" "'''l"'l t" I'V collector mIde.rL''''"""'' '" """''■■^^- "' ■"«"»fHct."e, if d'ednctedfromVtobe < HuHed, mnat be produced be.,,. V.e;;it Vntry: except in certain To be atteste.1 on oat li by ownerof '.^oods I 'rtv ■nafn?"*'''''l','''''>.'" '"'■"'^■'^ t" l>e received &c >>t.\ .u.king or antbon'ziujj faUe, cannot recover any ' Siibaeo- tloD. goods I'roof of ( (vrtfff'w.*"""-'^ ""•' "''^'i •'>■ •^^"iiei-tor' : : ■ : l^ertlHed conie.'i nr evfruot- t ■ »>•■ j»vM any i)art or price of i 88 , W . M f. ) 97 I. WJ . 102 llU 112 114 117 ., 118 . Il!> . 120 . 124 . 134 lEO 107 214 241 247 24 i:>3 151 100 Iti7 174 1st 187 21(1 171 172 103 104 108 206 213 88 32 33 74 161 41 41 . 4(> . 40 60 , 70 . 71 80 . 81 ,. 82 i. 83,84 :. 88 . 92!., 93 .. 04 : . 95 . 98 .. 214 .. 58 .. 4 ,.. 106 RIGHTS OP AMERICAN FISHERMEN. Anatjflieal indeje, piihHuhfd by the f^miomx department, «fo. — Continned. CuHtomN act, IS Vtotorla, oap. 12. 8<Vc , for reciiviTy of peniiltleM, ic Hay IxHiiH wiirniiit for arn'Mt of ilofenilaiit iibmit to leuvc province , 'Security to be uiven to MatiilHotion of, for paviiif^nt of contH, io '. May ordor delivery of articles mdzcd to owner on deiioilt. &.<.■ .' JuMtice of peace to ho a Judue in certain cases Appeal from conviction Ixforn, &c .Security ulvon for rcHtoration of )(-c./ve!able before one or more '. . . . Proceedings before two .fustices of the peace in certain cases. Notice to parties, &c Iklay issue warrant to collector to sell goods for condemnation Appeal from conviction before . Evidence by aHldavit or alllrniation may be made before LnudinK: Of (joods by vessel, hours and |)lai:es app the sub- vernor In oounoil maV prohibit oxpomtlon of.'.' m: r ^r;;::.— Ir.Tl-:;!;:';: Or.. Bra. dor ...n rep„n un ision of coninilsBioner, witi. a.,.. „i .i- ■ Ilm.1. ...:.:" """'■""' '^'"' »PPi"vaI of r« clasHing of suKara; fVbe' Mbv ;l!.«i' '""I'"""! "f "r"0(1« tak.,n for iiu, C'rown ''Si^f^r:: 1'«tribul.o„ of penalties,- ic:.™;.;! ivmiasio To lion of penalt'tmaid HS(:ril>ed, aH l.emR <:x.'nii)t from" duty.' I)..f. Mi ;, e "'•"••"K 1" ciMtaln rases of, how pun- „„„„ "^"P'lne laws, deenii'd guiitv FaKs.. st.U,n.w.t in «oIe■^u VmVnVaVion; p:,„i«i,abin an ; 'yr^^o^iS"!!^'' a,^evaBion of the » MisfleKcription • Of i/efor ■ Nntfl . ^ '* ''•^' a^'li^vit o'- Hfhimation n W For purpose Of deferring duty, not to be accepted .: *1in4'"' *'"'. ^!^;': "'^"'1 «« ^"> <■«'»«'». t« l*" >na.le in writing wit Want of; not to siaV 'pVocpedin.r Clain Ut iiiteiit to claim where valu in salt) hv nn«>tmn ♦,. U-, i. n a certain ^'"?- ?nnf '.'!^'' '"'; «''■"'."•""«''"" t" l-e posted up "and wii'eVV ' 8 not presented within one month' from, /n':iK.nent^'d;fauU: 'O'-s not exceed $100 .. ' 'iiittie piibiic. oflS^SSs;^^^"^'^^"!"'^-^''^^-'- Numbers,' Arr'""*^' ""*•' '^''"'''" '""ends and plead such teudVr in bar " ' " g^aoE. I 8ub,«o- 141 142 14U IM 16.1 165 166 174 2PI5 86 130 64 7a 77 52 65 75 104 : I 140 I 177 I 195 i 212 213 217 220 221 222 . 228 224 6 7 86 89 219 126 198 199 200 •-•03 eos 212 I 226 227 I 115 141 I 230 244 .. 248 .. 14 153 168 ' ..-_ 187 ... 238 ... 217 76 I... 77 1.... 331 ... 195 1... I 108 BI01IT8 OF AMKHICAN FISHEHMfiN. ^M4y(iit Collm'tor may rt'iiniit) .'iirtlier miooI by Of oiiH or iiiorB witneratJH rHi|iiirtM<. »» proof for guotla loat or deitroyed b«- foi « ImiiiIUik De<'luvati<>n aa to dntlnctbm uf tare from (fril on oat li of importer, &<> Auy of ownitra. itnportori*, in:., coKuixant of fai'ta may take Inviiii'oa to lie atti-Htcil, &v.., by owni-i iind miii ri'HJiJi'iit invnBr, Scv . . May bt< tiiknn by curator, nxf'outur, admluiHtiutor, or (iHsiuucc, In curtain i)H(Mmi-i>t, &o Writion ilitrliirationa may bo iliHpeuaed with liy governor In vouuoil lu cer- tain oaaea Govi^riior in council may nlirr form. &c ... Collector or appralaer may examine upon penalty for falae re value of gooda, Penalty for falno re vulimof koihIs Korfcituio of all parkajseH .ind aooda on entry for falae Atlidavit by niaater or owner re ships' stores Master of vessel to make ilocl.iration with vepiiit outwards Master of vessel siiall, if required, answer i|->estions under declaration Owners, shipperv, or consitiuors to'tfivu verified entry for eooda export«(l by \i!8sel ' Owners, shijipers or eonsiKnora to give veritied entry for i:ooda exported by railway or other laud convey auco ". Declarfition required by iijient uiakinjj entry outwarda False swearing to be pei.|ury, lialiillty for.i To be made liy olHcer, that reasuna tie cause is given for aoa'ch, 4io Collidor orotlicer to make, on senrcliiiijj certain buildings, Scu Aftidavit to be nip.'l'< for arrest of liefeiulant about to leave province, &o. .. Uecluration reijuired in suit, &o., for recovery of penalties, aud furfuitures. Aftidavit of clauuant to accnmpauy claim after proueedintrs for coudemua- tion have conimeuced Evidence l)y allidavit to lie furnished iu certain cases or by affirmation. Governor in council may, liy regulation, require oath oi d'eclHration in cer- tain cases Affirmation may bo made Instead of o;ith In certain cases, punishment for false statement Required of cousiftnee, niav be taken by atto"noy or a^ent Obstru-.tinji : Officer iu searchiii;; for guui^^K'B'l fjoods, liability for Punishment for obstructiuu otHcer, &c Officer: Means officer uf customs Of railway or express company, subject to a penalty for aiding in unlawful importations May biiaril vessel within .1 miles of anchorage .'..' May demand bills of lading anil ask questions May open anil examine suspected paciiages, &c May permit lauiling of goods from wrecked or straudcd vessels before entry, &c May grant permit for conveying gooiis farther into Canada if required May convey goods to warehouse in default of entry or paymont of ilntv May open and examine packages, contents unknown to iiiiportir, &c." . ... May open and examine packages not corresponding with report, entry, &c. Duty of, re examinatiou and assesment of damage to goods .' Authorized, may administer oath to witness re gooda lo.st or dcst.'oyed be- fore landing Duty of rf' deduction, for value of jpackages .'. May allow goods to be landed on bill of sight on deposit sufficient to cover duty Bonus to, for dilligence re goods taken for the Crown May brand or mark duty-paid goods To grant permit certifying that duties have been paid for removal of goods. May allow owner to sort, repack, aud take samples of goods iu warehouse . . . Mav allow reniiivp,! frr.ii) nr.e. -jsTBhi-.ijijR t". Hiir-tlirr, or from one wsrehous- ing port to another under bond, &c May allow goods entered, to pa.s8 to another warehousing port, under bond. To enter transfers in a book kept for that purpose tkxitluu. 4 r IK M M 04 ae «7 70,80 82 Ha 81 K.^ 87, 8H 90 00 01 06 08 100 140 141 142 145 146 150 169 173 276 192 193 201 210 8ubae«- tlOD. 232 238 247 180 186 24 26 28 31 3S 42 i- 43 . 47 48 |. 55 I 58 j] 72 I. 79,80 i' 105 ; 114 115 ;. 118 I. 110 '; 120 . 121 I. on. Subae«- tlOD. 4 77 40 88 06 fi7 ■ •.'■.. 9, HO 82 H3 (5 1 W » ]!!!!!!!!! » !!!!!!!!!; n ... w 18 ...: 19 lO ,1 .2 ,5 i9 '3 6 I 19 I 3 .......v. 1 I 2 I « j 7 ! io !'..• 6 ' 4 RIOHTS UP AMERICAN FI8HKRMRN. 109 Cuntomii Mt, 4a VIotorl*, o*p. 12. Officer— ContlniiiMl. Joieq.ilref.oiM„m»terofv«,«.l«„t,y mitwardi Manfiof v.«»eltoi»Di.wer«lla.iHHtlonHlv report by F..rl,lture of gdwi, iajnied without perml«Hiiin of ' " ' ^ withoiit peSSu Zn^pZer ''''''»">"< KO"''" fr,„„ bonded railway oar May board veHHol foilnifhi.verlnK ami' brlliB to nort" May bounl and have free ■(.•«og« to everv3l ,? v ..li May b.. «tatl.me,l on board any »h1p '^ ' '^"'"'"'' Power of, to er.ter buildings yariii' " '"' ""''" 5^""''^ IJow Hearoh shall be niadii by ' UiirallnnofwrltofassfHtanieKrantedto rowe.- to search persons, &o . wnce &fllu„'«,r„°n*'y '"'' "^^"hing without r'eMonable" cause gljng^-aTrsfir^ofTet'j'eliu-et^^^^ Authorized may sue for penalties, lo ' '"''^ boarKirr^ifal i^"«rrc' "^ I)iHtributlon of seizures, &c' May call for certain books, papefs""ic"reV«"lV..";<;i Noil " ■' '" '?.t3"'f..!!',"«::" iV""-?'.v U. act. from persoSs-t-rans.oVin-. ",;.■.; others, their acts ZmUnkng ! .\[T.]'!''T.\^''''''^''^^^^ businessfor Onus proband! Of due entry on whom to lie . packHp.sr""' ''" ^''^"' ^' "« •"> persons" ■ciaimi\.«::;;:: V,m'iIT*I! "°^ •tnf'W'n, may be opened, &c . Deductions for value of, not illowe Entered on bin of sight may be" l[at.ed-.examined,-&c SMJttOD. in 123 |. 12fl 127 128 1° 134 '■'. 137 |. 188 I 140 . 141 I. 142 14S |. 140 1 . 148 ... ISl 157 ' 169 180 168 16S 166 170 171 172 178 174 175 176 177 179 ISO 181 181 186 187 189 198 at exfnse of Im- whole ,oods n^e^ltnii^.rlirl^^^L^'Iji^" "^^^^T'^^^^i^^^-:^-^:^^^ «nd distlnct-par^Cor ase a certain nu'nil] I not mentioned on Oooda inenUoiied iiouse, dec ."."."".!"■■ • "^l^'fcd, be leturucd to custom- May be abandoned for duty 103 lOG 107 100 no 111 124 135 141 SolMee- Hon. 213 214 218 226 227 246 113-197 198 31-47, 48 41 48 S6 59 71 79 110 KIOHTS OF AMERICAN FIHIiEKMEN. Analp'it^l iHdfjr, imhliitkrd hy tkt cMitom$ depttttm.Mt, if-o,— Continued. CuRloms Art, 40 VIctttHs, cap, 12 BectloD. I loo. PkckAKHM— ( onlliiiKMl. Kx|iiii'ti'(l t'ruiii warfliiiiiNfl inuiit»Ki«« witli tinlry Inward* I'ntiHlty I'ui nlttiriiiti. tlcfttcliiK, ici'., iiiHrkii on May l>i> bioki-n oiikii In ceruin r»m'« Packing : No ilediistion allowed for olmiKmi fur atraw, twine, coni, paper, cord- Idk. wirlug. or riitllnii, i&c., iiNi'd In Partner: Anr, niHy i>x«cnt« bontU, im., without ni«""f"l'0" ;.V.« I itc. if uoods. esHel, &c , ka.'.'. «l"-o In «u,t fr , in tin, «<^vorai'V)nrts' ed . .'"' '° l«"vo province wh«n 8 '"cr!»vn "T' '^"^it»re8;'wh.it "Hhail he ■<• l^iown to recover fiill <--.i.to .,i- ....:. P.o.eo„torchoo.l:y?o^U^rf&[^„,i„i-„Vt„e,aini;^o: 8«otloD. 8ub«««. (Ion, IM 3M 1 ...... ... 1 • •■ ■4} (0 lift 1S8 IM im IM 181 Ui 183 183 184 i 4 17 31 22 28 76 103 119 no 117 . 120 . 142 . 143 j. 14(J 162 163 166 I 230 239 205 213 224 154 157 163 173 180 106 173 I 188 . 189 . 100 . 191 . 102 . 193 194 . 196 . 197 . 190 206 . i 112 IIOHTS or AM. r.IOAN FIHHKRMKN. .tnalgHeal itula, ftHhllihrd ky Iht rutU. it$ dt/pnrimmt, .fr, -t'onllnneH. Oualom* act, 48 Victoria, o«p. 19. l'n»»»i«'iitioii— ('ouMiiiumJ. I.tiniutlihi »rtlnir< fur brlnicliig. lev .Iiiilrfmnnt kIvod lor cUlnmnt }'iinliihiii«ut : Cilmliiil for fnliiH cttw Unttlon on cntnr For . iiimtKrr'ltlnii or uhIdk voiintarreit p«|MH«, *o... Ko' fHhitiiweiirlnK >• I ^. refuiliiK or uot tnity iin«w«irlnK Uwrul quMtloot KortrtkiiiK nwH) NfliK*iit in nolmiin ninrniAtiui. Piin«r of vniikvl To furiiUli ofllopr boarcllna »««im port Rl inn, or home ronsuiiipllon To bo Hpocirtwl for Kooili" nxportwl by veiwel Al«> by rijUway or other land I'onvnyaiice Map be n-qiilrod of f{oiHU«xpiirt«d forntatlatlcal Information Queen : IViinlsy on porNonH n-funinK toi^itiat whnn called In name of the .... QuxHttoiiii : MuHtnr of vcHUfl to aiiHwer nil ro-CHi«o. ntrle» ontwarda toanawerall Matitrr of ateitni vt'Mnfl may be called to anawer f« reporta made by pnrrcr Car to be detachwl from train ami forfeited If uaod In unlawfully import- Ins good* - ■ • • ■ OoodH iiriivini; bv, niny be atored In Hufferanoe warenouae ('oiidui;tor of triilti with fiolKht to report. PartliMilar )f entry outwardH by •.••■• Liability ,r KuininK accoaa or deliveHng gooda without permit from bonded car R«oelvergnner«l ; butlee of cnatoraaniuat be paid to DepoHitH niutio lor delivery of articles aelzetl to be paid to Bank in which ilepoHitsare made to credit of, must be chartered Receiver of wreck, ttiithorl/.ermit may be granted for removal of duty-paid goods from port of entry to another ■'••• (Quantity of goods that may be taken out of warehouse at one time for HtatlNtical Inlorination may be ii'(|i.;reil re removal of goods, &c (loods forfeited II removed uulawfuUv, and aU goods of same importer lia- ble Of goods liable to forfeiture, penalty on persons assisting In, &o Rent: And other charges on giwda taken to warehouse for want of entry, &c., to bo borne by the owner Goods over two years in warehouse may bo sold for Sco Of warehouse, hi ileveiiiir : Ni t plo li.iyiii. Colli 1(1. lllV.ijl I>iitv pll I'liiJil \ I li OlMi ei>. < Kemilil; (id lit jiom lfo>»ll\ : I'll lliiiiiiniilje: ( H'l-^l I Hon: Hale: "f COndH. • •fiii'odi Ofgil.uU cirneU , Oi pi, kiij <»r-ii,„ui oiiliiiiliH: Aliiv be t iiinistei , M '\ lie III h'-nl: I'liinltv Oeairlii 01 lessels Ollliei ciil IiiiiHenii (hi MUHiiJci I'ottllM tl' I'liHir of o „ I'liiiilly on Bociiiity ; J'lvi'ii for I Til lie givi 1 CIllillH illlll I'ydrf.Mll _i>li| ll l|l|I|( 1" lie tiivei o, •Ppeal... 001/11 r. H: or :.onds cii '•''•I'lllMllti Olii \e.sM|.| I Of LoocUi A- or loihU III I mills, Sid OfyiioiiN I, ,11 J'or v|i,|iiti„i 01 !.'iioiIh Hill I"' L'linds tin entry Of yoo.ls no iii'.'70 .HS tM IH8 TM W 161 41 183 ISS 145 14(1 148 174 142 1(13 ISO Iftl 24 32 33 j 146 I leo '■; 14 I 204 j 205 1 8ft 208 53 54 56 58 78 240 241 38 1134 116 135 148 158 43 123 134 69 ;i 234' 25 I. •:!tJ j. 27 . 28 . 29 I. •#•*••«««• • •• • • ■ • ■ 8m. 170. 180 iiUlUTH oV AMKRIOAN PIHIIKHMKN. Ciimonm »vt. 46 Vl. |„rl«, wp. 13. R«p«.t»(nw.ir.U(„iiiln,„,|. ^'n^^pt:;^i:ii^^^:!:j^t in^:,v i\'^ — •• „ W.:'rr;:;^r:;yr.::;l;;^ *- ::• Ki>|Hiiu mil w^iliU' • "• "ii»iu«r.. '}r:;^.:;v:;r' """""' "• '—•■ '-".« «.'... v...«„ 4.C.. w.„.„..t j£i:::i:..M7X^^^^^^ Ki;!;?'~— ^^^^^^^^ ••■' .:..«»;^i:^:?;;;^:;!!:i-v;r;:i;':::r^j:;&^ yl y.M.ilH fill,.,, „„ ,1,, (•„,„;, """• '" "•"'••"••. imit l.l-ou,...UolMloi j'r^::tvK^:^r;^; *-■--'■•'•' •^^ corZy''^"ZZ ,<■■'.. ed «"»<.»»,., ,„.,tot MiijiuH nmj, b. ,J,| looffliow con- '"n!:;.!;'!:rri^j;:;:!'™'- "■ -■•...al^.r. una ,Upo..a or «. .„...cte.l by 01 vCHielH. voblolpd, 4;|... oil Hiisniclmi y::;::!;iZ'' "-'■'"-■■ '-^ ""~™«,.u.i.i;;.iv,;,r,i.i;,.i. Soon, ;;';•', •' "" ""'^■'"■'■'"' •^•a.^UlUK Wit..„„tu;a«onnUe"rau«o N.'ii,.|ii,HMijrb.oiiL'iiti.rth,;c.owi"i a. Ex. 19 8 118 86 4^:. 20 1 2.' ... ■ 23 ... 24 ., 80 . . 811 1.. 80 44 — 48 m 63 1 76 80 98 i .... U4 IMOHTH OK VMKIIICAN KI«IIF.RMKN. (■,,.1 it .11 I til Vii'liirla. I'lip ly. fcHllOll. „.,„ |l«Ul(M-l>— I'lllllillllt'cl, or tt ••• (Hr..r.H"I •••' 'I ''"« •'"' "'^•'" "• "■"> '" ""'"'"'••""'"' Of ^!"«Un.. • iVl.' iV V»> >"'•'"• .•r.V.ill*. jmt ; U . liTn ..i.r.'.l "f .1. I>ri' -1 W I w!Mr.^fl.V... I,; *r,l linn. •Hirhim.. Hli.l .»l..l..l..l wHLoul |.«>mrDt of of'I.'iV.ir'.''.r"M"i f.;.... •■.i..i.;.;..HMi.'.r....i'.iir...in« i.iii;-mry i..««Mi.:: i Of »•«..>.. oiii I «t until* ml iriiM.N.il lioiii m.ri-li.H'»- mHl nil otlmror i o'^ll^.'iThh'Kllor,..: hnri... .,■....: *.;.;■ ».«i in v.;„v;yh.«;H».hii,:'' iitiiu iir I'i'iiiiivliiu u l". Iliilili to fiiiffliiir'- — ■ • ■ ' ■;._uL'_/r orvl«;.T,Vn'l .•«"«.. f..M.ia l.nM-il»« 1« Brllt»h *•!.« wUb o«iito«b«ii4 ^ liwiilii nil limril . j Ofui»'>t'n'"i iiHi'xeiiipr mill. "Illy ■ ',•'•''''/' .t^L"'\ ( fv-M.! rl.l'l.. c....a-. A,..,t..Ur.|i..rl.'ato.om..il»»loi«rofciwtcm«... (JrllZI If .III.I.T WiiO viilii.. f..i „.,n-...iii|.ll»"c., «IU. r.KUl..tl..ii. j BliPiltl: lll»I>ow«'• .'xportea by vi-h»»1 Or liv mil win .>!■ .illnT Inn. I c.invc.viinctt ■ • • ;■■■_••.••■• V* vI-iiHltv I..I i.f.iHinK ..r iu'Kle.lUi« to nmke i-poitmia entry outw.nU Sblp'i Ht.iri'i": q;u?n;i";'ot>i;!aH'u;!.'rLy-..«t..k,.noia«fwi;«:i;on;;>« glKnotui«'«: Kon.i .ii, f.ii .iitiv ..i; li"ii«l BlaimliliiinK; ()t tir hwIuo Iu b.iua ^^ Y;f»Ml'»'^ 'or imii.u tiil»t» Involcp. penaltv, anil foi IVilnro ■ • oSi'ir*''- Hill.. «.«."'';■;'«"""'*; oE!'nM.Mit: ;r:.v^;i;i:. Nvfiiiiy . i-im.NV,i ft^Hii-Vun^hoii^; iob^'u om"."H,.t.-.i«t.-i..Hl,,l.,..l.MMmMl.ni|.l..>.'.ll..rpiev..utlouot {;r";'::mnr,i:;;lJ:!:a;;c«\,n:;;:;iHon^ cutlon • • Powtiol' iilll.er t.i Hcnrrli p.r».ins lor %ilin.llv w.m i.linK liny perH..u .■niploy.a t;.r pn^veutUm "«••-•••; 8pirlt.-,''&.'. : (i..v.Ti,..r In.co.in. ilmiiy ui.ik.. v«Kul'iitioni» regnlutinK or re8trlot- iiiK iiiiportiitionnof. .... •;•■,•;••,•.". 8- amp .?f nMt..n!l.m;H« : K...,uir,.l on crtlUeU oople. or extract, of Invoice. . . ^'^"ifi'itv Uia eoodi! bpforp belnc diliverod to importer •. ••■••i,-,-";'i,'.iv ' Governor iif council may make rcc.ilatiu.m for branding and marking duty. tiiriil II 11(1 L'DixlHi'UltMi'.l for export at ion • ■ v ' "1 ' ,l'«V V"'" K' .'i i. .... \1 „..i„,.n.-i an.l f,.ml«lied bv minister of customs. ... Sut^S holii'lay: N.'.B.VodH to be unladen on, except in certam ca««s ^Gov:,*„":rin™un;irmri'y appoint sutTerance wharves. &o.. to avoid injur.. KepoitH, inward oi"ouVward, may lie made bv purser I« or!;:;;::;::;.;.;;i to «... i«i ...-i *-- -''• •■•k"' :"".:'."."r.'.'".'.'".°''.'^.' im i^-- ofi;:;b;t«.«;;:i-iM..M.i,.:;ini.iam^ ^h::\ uo I4»| IM 164! m KVi IM I ••••».. tM 187 m 178 , in imL IM i... J0» ao5 814 ' at? I 91H m I m ! 141 I 14S 14* lit BO i 139 140 Wl 248 I ,, iii'-iao I 1 1 163 ' IM ! Iftft I 188 1 171 173 17a 180 IHO 220 230 10 »3 114 230 75 16 S3 161 Ill>'w- • *»••••• <»f U.M..II. iti.lwlr,, f,,.,„ .|„„„»u^ v,T, ■^r ;;«:r::;.. - "• • "-^-. -p, o..n..„, ....... HUnilAiil. fur un.lltv X. I 1^ 1 . . ;i .^ -:;'^:i:Mr HS^^^^ j';r nth "rz^:;: j:.;::^ v..:;' 1;;;':: ! v;;!, .r;'^''''-?"' "n.r..i« •r^!.:.i:"::^::,'^!::'^,;:i7"'-'i-^'"'-^ «-.! ''Cv"^?^--^^^^ T»ri'. '".<<» i«' luod "V Kovcriior In ((nincll ^ sj;:Z?"' '"'■♦"•'"-«"•«»-' 'O- governor !ucouaoU ttLivrl!''' '""'"'""''''♦■•«'«"•• ■••^"■■:::::^ •"••■- l;to)Mitylii li.md, Imw T.ikiii|owiiit'lioiiHef,,f,vuiil (iti.i.i,.. . , . Tn .'r'-'r' ","»' '"' ''--""V" .1 • "'•^' •'" ""■''• ""'» "' ""t worth the pni,j,ii„;':;;;:i;,!i;;!' '*'-''. *i-.'"»yb.;H;;ia;«K,pj,iy^ I Valne:'""'" "'"' '"■•''^Iture. ... .*"_'""" ^>' K-'v^nu.r in council, iubjecVto w;;!.;is!!;i.r;:;^!'T!^-te^'''>'"f-tn;" •'«.Lal.bedeen.ad«fa.r„,Hr.etvalJe;foradVilore«d„,y--ii 8 It u TS 7« 77 iai.»0 IS 171 10(1 IRt ! IKI ! I»4 i KM ao7 aifl I an ml 09 1« '•••••••», '•••»•»••• ••••••• • •• •••• , ••••••• •■• •••» • •••••• ■•••••• ••••••• ■ •••• 137 IS7 30« 343 02 Ml 70 77 13-230 04 i M 330 1 "a 13t 131 131 133 330 43 03 10 20-30 3.1 50 165 133 134 163 I, 335 i. 10 48 .. 63 .. 67 !.. 08 L. 116 lilOIITH or AMMM'AN riNllKIIMRN. CmI»««* arl, 40 VhlurU, «••(.. U. Itu«. V»i> -mlliMHiinlr^ ,if hilHufiiturr, Inf.irm |Htrt of f»lr H«Mk«t« A».| I,. ,. ,.r il. .« I.>. U i.iil aliii >i il .1 III im lithrM, tr < tlim I'llWPI llf TwiiiINi < |nM III . ■ .. . ...... Ali|>rill««'iH. Ml I.* |» 1« IIM l>v »ll nil 111 !i. |i hi _'iL..._l' Ati .liii> lit rii«» "t Mil i»'m»tiiii't..ii. MUiitii, Willi riirmilNn* mr mm- lliMIIKIll ■ , t'Mllifltii iim.v |m> viiliiM wit fnii'fi-a |w*r mil • UmihU I i'ipii flit lilt* l'ii>f nviililliu (i nim m , ■• luiil, *•• — . , . , 1 ||„||„«| ll.l, In ill' ■ ■ ' ■' UlLllllllt ilM-l V .1 .- -I..I...I . »>liril i.ilu It ills " TkIm-uIviIII" li'M"l lll»«fll» MlniiDlli'itt iiiliHiinliiiii iti.H I" ii'ij.iIhmI rf v.iliii' of tiiMi.l. • \i' Arilili'UM'UMJ, iimj l>. ili|l»iM.ii III liwiMi iMi .t.|i».li •••iii.ilid vuliM iiml Vriiiii' III liny pri«»r«iilltm ur »iill, iiwy W l.tW in iiny v«iiBly, *i' Vi'IiIi'Ik Mwuiliiaof III- tirin >i*ln VM-wtiKl It- ■ •Hi. M 'iMly, tiilM llml I'lilrv i>t|,,|. .\r |Ii4 il III iiiiliiwfiil iiMit rtiiHiiliK III In< ««>Iii«mI, a ■■ Aiilvliiu I'N I Hi'l Willi yii.HU !•> 1. 11.111 .11 ••ii'„ wlilllll.* ill|i»lltlV . . .,•• . ,-. Fiiifi'ilnl fii* • Mii\ lii< uliit'i.' ' iiml ilil.iliii'il'.li i.i'lilfliill . . OIllnlKltll'll i HIHV lllll 111! iiMhIm . ■ •• ■• ■ IVimiii* III I'hit.Mi' M-ruiliiu li»»i<»|iwl ."iri — •• •' I'llWl'l liril. ■ . I- 111 H'llll'll IHTHilIU III l»ll\ •• ■ IViwiimiirtiiiim II, . iiM> Wijii.-dll'ii. il/c^miiUiilMiB .•••Vi'l' Smiitf.il.'.l itii.l ..linii.ml on m»*|ililulii»r Im liiu mi»l««ll »« U. Uki-ii lo piiiu«U uiiUiv III ••■I'liiy ■, , , I'liiiuiiiiiiiii fill iit.Hii .n liiu. A <•.. liiruif III iifit'r iiKijiir.' ;•,•;, H..U. «l nn r... r. li.'.l, III I iilHi iii'tl If mil rhiliiiiMl wHhln tt cerlnlii lliimi ii.iiii'i. iit'ii.iiiii ii'r twmlly FiiiUmUiI til li. —i.M In |ii|i.llr 11.11 It ii, iiiili«miiliii « !'•• 'iiri'< I- 'l ■ ...... Hil/,in>' i.r ili'luillnii I. I'll"' I'Ji.'lliil III ll'i' fiiiiiiiil-."!'!"!''' lit •iiitli>">» Siiliti rt 111 •I'U .in fiir liiiiiiiilinill.il to Willi ri'KiiliUliiU* Mi'iiilnu iif llif iKHii ■ Ainvli./ »li. 11 (!ii.«lmiiii\ 111" iiiila.i«n. Af ••...• ■••• ••■.■•,■■•• KnililMii I. 111! fill iiitiilii'i iliiiiiii iiiiilnf tnlry.i«t«'p|>l Inwrlnliit'iWfii Hiilij n iiiM-l/iiii', Ac, li»r tiitiriint oiliir iliimi* puit of ti»i« Atilvli>;{ liN iiil'ii'l ii'»iiiii'iiiii I I '.1- iiiliiiifo Mimt.i> 111 |>n>ilin'. liilU III' lull , ' iii'Ctiiii. with ri'iiiiit I'iMi;illv "Il iiii't I fii iiiilni 'miiiil, A.' ■ Jlti\ lit' liiilii.'iK '1 1 ' |iii*t"*' itliii lilt. An ....... (iiiiiiU uni villi liv. In liiiii-.ll m mil' r iiurf*. ke jlimlii Ml i.ttln'i i.f li .M- lUlil III milk.. IT I 111 I II lOiitlUCtl .... (Iih.iIh iimv 111' liiiiili'il II wi. rki'il I.I- HI I mill. 'il •■ Mvi. MO k iiinl |i.il-liiilili-iiiilil.« limy b'' I l-ij • •■•• liiilioitliii! iiiiitl III' r,-ilm.r.'«|iiiii'llii;: willi •I'pml of Siirpliii Kill 1 It I'f llilili' III limy, iiiiy bo WiHi'lumiieil ....,..•......••• 1U« I'Mii'iiii.; .XiiiiiiIKili*. N •"! Iti 'I'liU'iiim (.'ii'iii Hnii <1 Or 5iT,- hi iiii::t!i!-i! III! -..rt"iW".'nf rKj»alr!!»ff, *«■. ■'■ ..-«< ■> = C'liiTvlii.' Kiiiiiln mill ifliiiiiltMl lu cuiitruveuilon of bond, to be «i-ize im 40 41 4^ 4H 50 51 Si 60 137 i;ig 140 f »»»>*t*» HUIUTH .,1 AM^;lM(^^V HM||KUMH.V. 117 '!..). '!» »» I M M I" 'iml. (.•I f->r. ((,..( I, rtli. wUh giiii«, 'I.. I •I <' i^llllIM n W.I „„,| l,„»^ , Olll. .r ,..*, I„ .,„,(. , ,^,,,,, ^^^^ »wl.r .11?' «'*• ".'•* '"" '"' '""^•"l-H. « Kr«f.,•rr,.,,.r,^;. r;|:;7;:;'';;';'7;'''«'"»«^ t.,m. l|m,M.f«rrlVH|.„,.|.,.p,.,,,,,, :,,;,,*'••' > r«tuiiirtl ill ,.';;-in«n..M-,.;;:.;^;,i.,:':':,,:i;!;;;:;-' iiiii,i,„i,u,i„(„t,„rii»n.i-.,ru,HMUi„ ,':";i-^' « M.., 1... U.;,:i;;,;,:,';!;,'.';,;,'j;.' "■""' •■•■ ^"''' •"'■ "'".v""".. ..r .i,,, »■: *.;• ,."^1 ''i.-n n.Ml'.;.|aM.| . I !IIm"V."' 'il. l.''"''! '"," ''['^"'"! r'.rilii«V..r'fo;-"i »;ii"it lir tiu; III 'I IK* I I UN IIM '/DU •ill . •Hi I.. I'M v'2i ... -■■■"> •.. .Ml» ' I .•|J 4.! ■■ 4.1 *» ■ ...... •3 W Km III) III IKI .. ...." li- IIM I 120 I 131 I «ai las ' \u iw la? I-JH iL'it .;; i;ii»-'.':ii) i I i:ii)-i:;iii i 131 I . 133 L 133 j l?t i i:ii I ;; 1.I7 . .;;■■■ i;t;» .J *4 ri iJ 118 RIGHTS OF AMKIMCAN FlSil KK'MKN. Anahjlkal ukIji, pxthUithed by Ihe iimtomi deimrlmoil, iVc— C'dnMmn'tl. CuHloiiiR act . 4(1 Vic'toriii, ciip. 1'.'. a .1 .. RnllMC- aoctlon. I ,,„„^ Wori'liniiMi' — (',ii,;iiiiii' ilr^liiiyiiiK li.v llro, Ac, iiiiyJionil In whlcli wizen or f.irlcilrd uciiMlsnir (li'iMisitrcl ■ .... Vor imllMiiiziiiK .n.|M.iiiliiMlil "f waiilmiiKiM, U'cnlatiim HiTUiit.v t» be tiiki'ii I'liini Uifpi'iH (if, loriiiH anil (•oiiilitiniin MiiUjcct to, rent or Uci'nso f.T, \r , ■•, , Kcir cxiriiiiinii liiii<> T'li' ilriirliia warriMUHril ttiioiln, &u - Kiir ict;iihiliiij; I'linu lor tiaUHl'i'i linj,' liiinil.H In lioml .... Wan art : , , , I, II liiiiiliiiL' '.:cMicl« to l)i> waiilii iiNcd or duty piil'i ... (liMiiU iiiiliidi II « it limit, xliiill 111' I'm Ceil I'd l'ai(i('iilai'H III, iiiiimI ioi'H'H|iniiil Willi n'|iiitt . • Sliijiliiiiu', m olio r iiiiiHt roi n Hiimni « itii entry iiiwaidrt Slilppiii'^, to i;ivi' iiHi'ic III' at-inl and rt'siilrnii' of owner Wrl)ilit.'< ami iiirasmi's : Ai'ioidinu lo wliicli diilii'H niiiHt liecolli'cti'il AllowaiKi' I'm-, lo Ui' iKed liy j;ovoi'nor i'l I'ouni'il • ■Wheal : Mav lie •iioiiiid in liond Vi'" WltneHM: uiiili ol'one or iiioie leiinired aH iirool' for j;i..idH lost or dentroycu no- fore liiiiiliiin Wrei'1< ; floods niav lie landed (roni vi'MHel.'*, lielore entry, &c Deriliel. llotHaiii or .jetK'.ni. Hoods, Hiilijeel to duty.. I'eiially tor nut ri'ii.irlinj; hiuIi j;oods, Ac Writ of assislanei' : ■ Idiv.- olitalnalile. Ae. ,. •• Kxi.'itini:, to ri main In lone ■•• Powers civen I'm' elleelive searcliiiiji liy day or nijtht, Yard: j'ower of nlllier to enter, &v, •••■ HO I .9 ; l.W 1 ISO ! 161 IHO •jan 8 a;io 9 •j;tu 10 ♦2 44 I 48 140 180 12 1 64 i:io-2;io 1 88 88 I.. 60 61 .. 177 I7H 1 170 1 178 ! No. ."). *s;/- L. West to j]fr. Bmjnnl Washtngton, Ihrcmher 7, ISSG. I have, &c., L. S. SACKVILLE WEST. I luclosiire 1 in No. ,'>.").] Jctinij diircnior Lord ./. ^'. lliissdl lo .Ur. Sidiihone. IIai,i1''a\. Nova 8f(rri,\, Of/o/w-'.O, 1886. Siu: With ivI'oriMiei- t" voiirtol.-ui'iii'lii'' inos-;M!;<' oftlic -".'il AnouHt, iuiil to viuirilH- pati'li (iftlio 'J.')!!! i.r Aiioiist, niiirki'd Si'> -vt, traiismit tiiio- cdiiv nt a ilisimtcli hoiii Hit Miiii'stvV cliiirooiratrain's ut Wasliinot,,,,. with a nate fioni .Mr. I'.;.yanl, (•oiiiiilinnin; of tho action of llio ciistoin.s oIU.it at .\la«ilali-M Islamls with r.'I.Mvni:. to th<- AiinTi- can hsji.'iv schooinT Mascotti'. 1 iiavi' the honor to forw.-inl iu'ii'Wiiii -i f<>l>.v. <>.' ;■>" apinovi'i! iiiiuiitt' of tlic jvrivy c of inniiiH' and tLsheries on the .s 1 have, &(;., oiini'il i.f ("a)!.",i!:i, i^inbinlying ii report of the niiiiistor] lllljl'ct. A. G. RUSSELL, (ioieral K WEST. I„bfr ".(», 1886. iiul to Miiir ills- pMtcIi iVimi Hi't I ■(1, coiiipliiiniii?] (■ t') the AiiiiTi- h ii fojiy of ii'ij oF till' iiiiiiistor UUiUTS OK AMKKK'AN FISTIKRMEN. (Iinl(miir»'2 in No, .W.] lli'l>ort nf a n ttiliiiiiiixiKilor III' Hiv i mniilli;' of Ihfi Irninrnhlr II,, p »'»('7 ,-„i,i,'il, n,,,,r.mui hi/ A<« inrll'' 119 ">l fh Tim coiiiinitffn «iC tht^ mi ""•'■""""" '" 'o.n.nlj;,,- ,a„a,U, on the mh ,la„ vf nvtohn-'iim U\ A ivy CI. mini Imvo IiimI mnlo "KiHf nil. I a .lM|,,,t,|| oCth.. -r.tli A,|.,nwf I I'oiisidfijitidii ii I,.], ri'tary ri);lii hiiii inuii of fliB - '•'• ••m.-s. tiaiiM Miiiii.ir ,.„py „,-,i I,.,,,,,, ,.,.,7„, ,, iralili' tli(> m'c- aittiiiii ('(■ Hi,. (.||. "Hiiii; a null. IVoiii Ml'. S lisliii ri ^K'l.iM „nir..r at Mandal.'ii l,HlaiMl> '■"•ri'liir. Hasanl, cun •r .Mai. "' i'iiiii:-*l«'r of .•naiiiir and I ascot ic will 1 icfclcluc to the A "^I.V .S Ml 111- l|>lailiiii;r ,,f llio iicriciin serves thai Mr. Ituvaid. in 1 slii'ries. to vvlioiii the corn I III .'IISO III pOMSCSsioil of tl lis note to 111,. Kritinli -<|ioiideiiee was referred, . ran lisliiii;,' scliooni r Mascot was til, re I Iireateiied liv tlie tool. tain l.ait for lisiiin'-or tak,. a | t. le aliiilavit of Aie.\. 'J'. \^,,.I iiiiistcr at Wasliiiint oil, .savs : le, who .■iitei,..l J',,it Amherst, .Ma.'i'l em," master of thn Ameri- I'lisloiiis olliclal witli seizure of his v^ ah'ii Isl; nd And I far as if loiii a re|iort of the ciist ri'iales i.st tor tl to III "Ills ot)ii-,.r ,11 .M:nr,i„i,.„ isl,,,„i. 'I'l le c,iiii|ilaini made hv tl ise III point, is In'ivto a le minister slates that Captain V le mashr of tl d'tl ' wariiim ireaty (d ls[, i„. i,.,,! acheiii [Mel'; "Hexed. It appears t liar no ■s.-id if h,. atti'iiiptod I copy ,,f which, MO iiNcitfe round S 4(X- aml was, m additi jnf iHdiern] w.as s,"rveil uiih a printed take lish, hilt, on tl lo riKht to hiiy hail or i.i ship m,.,',. n "i-med hy the,Mdh'ctortliat iimhTthe ill wliii hv II si •'• '•"iitniry, th." eolh-etor p..iiited out to'l e was not forhidd,'ii to le coiiv,.ntionof l,s|H, he. as a l'nil,.,I.St ■ iishore lishiiiK-, and (d' the pjai lini on tiKMdi.iit ilie phu Notwitlisiandini,' tl e.sso pointed out to him lies tisherinaii. had tl 68 iiy:ht to |ipe;irs!li,il Capiain X'a.diein [M,d waniiiiM" and th,. p,.rsonal ex wast,,.. ,Mau,lal,Mi Islands len, and upon his retiiin lot lelll] dill j;,.iip tll.'eoni daiialion .d" I h die.'t, ir, it ••l.'iiily an ille.r.al aiM. 1 'rm.MJ th,' c(dl.(tor that I itry ami att.'mpt Jn hire Tl le niiiiistiir flirt h.'roliserv.'sfhat tl lie was not intertered with hv tl le could not i;.'r Dllecfi .Stales lisli.'riiicn t*| of the Majr, pinj,' m.'n,'aml it w al.'ii Island le ri-ht of lislii iec,(iiv,-ntion of 1-ilM. will!,' ji s, does not confer 11^' in coinnioii with iiritish lA . For this, ■ants to I'nited poll them p I siil.j|.,ts on th,. simrt iiishort!, ,,r s,'elvin'A llle ri;;lils o| tis a;rainst p.issild,, acts of the hitler kiml iivih-^^cs (d' Iran in.' or of sli I p. tiiiii Vachein [ M, Ka(li,.rir] With reference to i| •Mpitalify yjuar.inie.'il under tl mid not ai,'ainsf fishing IIS wain.'d l>v th criHihMit would i-eco le remarks of th,. ci'donial e coll. ('tor. le tr.'aty, that C ti. 'N at the plac.'s wlu'ie tl mm, ml tiiat sp.-.'ial insf seiivtary that " |[,.r Majestv'.s ( iip- lov- ic inshore lisln-ri 1"^I.S to tin. riiiied .Stall's I eonyention, and wjirniii:; them tlmt ishii.-rioMs should he issn,.,! to the antliori sneriiii'ii, .'a es lias 1)1 111,' tlii'ir .ilteiil ■en ■iranteil l,y th,. conv,-nt ion of iird to I'nit.Ml .States lishino- v.vssids," il ;o action contrary thereto mav II ion to till' i>rovisioin of tliiit lions issued to coll winch i-raiit to IJnite.l .s-ates I "iiliMi Island.s, and of c^rt ect.us of ,Mistoiiis ri'citi. i| le minister staf.'s that th he taken in re- le arli.les of the M winch iiisirnctioiis t his ri ishernicn the ri^ht to t;il ti cin.iilar instnic- ■nri,)n of l-d.s. ke lish upon th,' shore .d" the le CO port shows him to he f ll.'cf nn ,. n-ts ,,i;;l.,. ..,.|.t, ,,n.alM-,ido; and Xow.;,,; ndfand or in i|iiestion had n aihhtion to this, il imiliar with. and the import .)f which wa,s md.'r.'.l (o vi-,it .M,i.r,| tent (if their pow,'i le eomnianderof ih,. (is le.: Islaiiils. juiil ,..xoi,i i.Mv prot-etion stoamer LaCanad Tl le minister, in \ i.-w of t iiec'.s.sary to seinl fun her s licsc instructions. T II' eoniiiiil tee, eonciiri ■ i" ii pccial (M'der; in fully to eollecfor.s there, t printed ami om!, ,hie.s not di 10 line le ox- •eia it moved to ir.insmil ;i of state for the cd I I he forejroiiii^r I'l.p <."l>y h.Te..f. if approve.l, i,, tiie rij,'ht lionorahl id vise that yonrexc(.llenev bt All wl oiiies 1. the i:tary ich IS res ipeclfully snlmiitt I'd for yoiir excellency's approval. .JOHN- ,J, M( GEK Chrk, r iri/ < 'o,(nvil. [Incliwiirc ;! in N,,. .-,,",, | Mr. I'oinchaud to tlu' Mi„hlfrof Muiine ai,d Fi,l,n-i,.. CcsToM-Ffor.si.;, ^[A^,^.\I.I.;x Isi.a.vds. dii I 'vplied.ou recei, t "m ■, . f . • ' ''■''"" ""'■"f'''"''' ^'i'" with .si-i/.nre ^^^^^,,1 , uittupt. M,.M-otte,ntorniatMmin,-onvcr. Particulars per mail Tit the e. iiies- •«o in Iho l!iiti,sli opy. Til,, master' a name is Alex. McEacliern. "(See Doc. No. 00, pa-o 147.) 120 UiailTS OF AMERICAN FISIIERMKN. PartiinliiiH; On mriviil of tlm (•.•ii)tiiiii I himvciI him a " \viiniiii>{" piirHoiiully ; in- foriiiril liiiii lilt coiiicl not liiiv [ (!) hiiitl '.'i H|ii|> i-icii. I Hiiy tliin to III! Aiiiciiciiii Urdu rmtM>. Ili-triiMi, iiowovrr, toiiiii'; went iip lli« coun- try to liii'f, iiut <'oni(l nor liiii' ii ni'.ii. I Haw liiiii tuid iMcn uo n|i, anil on liis rctnrn In' tolil tnt^ lio coiilil not liiri<. I .s('. Iiini. ill- atli'inlcd iialilMillinj;' at >cvt'n Islanils, Itnniinion. I t'oninl iliin out Hincf. I ili-ny Inivin^ haiil 1 ivoiilil srizi^ liini il' hr oltf aincd i.uit JiJniHull or crow. I tli(< ti-rni, Init il Mnii« tin- captain or owiu'i's to n>o it, as •*: Hcrvcs tlieir mciininii; to make the r port ^oi«l. I pailii'niarly .simv, id jiiin w I c, [iv K'av, Av., a> per treaty in my hands then. 1 thinli I waM very h'nient willi liim and all American lishernien ciilliiifj; In-re, iiiiow- iaji tlndr pri\ ile;ieH. I treated them ho };entIonnuily that 1 am nnrpri.sed to liear he nmtht the almvo in- acctirate rved niinnt(! of tho privy ((nincil of ( anada, fiirnisliinj; the report asked for in ynnv tiispaich of the Ist Seplemher last, n sneetin^i the ;ille;:;ed nnriiemily treat nn'Ot of l he llnited .States li:di- injj; Ni hiioiMM- Ikatlierin luin;i rec|niri i| to report to the eojiictor "f cn-tonisat Shel- bnrne, No\a .Scoli.i. wlicn seeixinu, i hat harbor for .>lu llcr. I lieu ai>(( fo draw yon r at tent inn to thi^ stati-mciit of the captain of the 'I'error, ap- peinhd to the aliuve oidcr in itoinn'il, whiuli at and rowed liim to the t H'r lip the harho.. '» In-Nt olllcer (d'the Terror took tl owu, where the c a. m. rather than (h«t!iiii I cim- dui, uud ttMiii^r ,1 |,„rt ill Canada i ler Hcctioii 'i't of the customs act Htrict eiilorccment of tl ic(|iiired to immediatelv n^port every vesscd eii- liccoiiie a necessity in v States (ishiufr vessels w pri\ile;.-cs. ,'i'M'''".'.'l" ''•,", ''■' r''""'"''" ""■Vlilled States tisl |)ort at the customs, iiiid the lew id'the illcfrai t,.,i,i,, tran.sact lien eiitorii iuih; vessids has ions carried rou: dicss liiiu to ohserve the cust vessels, ami in almost 'ceii mailediirin^r the pres-iit .season I oiiis re,:.ulatioi; every instance tr.icealde I .? Otiier vessels as well as tl. tain ni.ike, of the United „,„,,„ „„„,, in the Hostim (.M.is.sachu.sittsl ller,.ld ,**. which, it is |iroper t ose of the United .Slates, I latcN lishin;,' sch y iiioceedinj. eompiaiiit.< of heiii^ »y captains of Uuitec. o a refusal or iie(;Iect ion ip- o slate, are enforced iii ciewith a letter wiirteii l»y C ineirs thereon made in III' the 7| 'I'l I Hiilisiiiiieiil issue of 1 1 •'•Andrew Hiirnham, which appeared li instant, and also the editiiii;il com- ninisier l.ilieves that the slat e paper referred t "late, and as .ipplJed to oti nieiits ni.'ide liy Captain Mliil ports, received liv t 'ler ve.s.sels are siilistant ia ted \>v t tisl lerics protect iii;i scrvi y the (isheiy depiitment ) relli'ctiiiiis 111 M lie, the I rom the dili'er ke are strictly ac- wei kly liiiaidiiii;- ro- .Secretaiy n.iyaiil, eh.ii nmister. thereroie resiiecit ■'■lit c.-iptaiiis . n;.|i;jed ill th Cjipi.iin of the Rattler as I'mw y mihmits tli.it the llle facts a.i stated hy ( icf.riziiij,^ the trealiiieii't extended to tl itriantahle and niifi iemlly I I"' committee concur iu tl I'P'ain Qiiioh .. ..,,1,1 Collector Att wood y, IN not merited. 10 iu view of ami advise that voi proM'd, to the riiiljt 1 ir excellency 1 le ITpcirt of the ;u:tiui minister of m.iriiie and (isheries Colnilies le moved to tran.smit a copy of this moi.ihlc Her Majesty's nmnte, if ap- All uhich principal secretary m' ,siale for th ■ respectfully submitted f )r your excellency's approvjil JOIh\ J. McOEE, f'ltrk, I'liri) CoiiiicH. [rni'I.isiuo:) in >f(,. 50,] fKxtriu't from the Boston Uernld of October 9, 1880.] ss lacioiis ''""i.l-;,,'':!rl" "".""^\il.linKn;:s!rn;oCrve "/; -^ -'■■■ ''''^:''-":l';"''i| imrdsiiipsfiH- now down T( 'ill A,,,;...; .. .■ 1- ■■-, ifiinircments ii | ( iilttnin l^iiltjlrji to Mnjor SiUon, Siir.i.iiritNK, Siplnithrr'.W, IHHrt. Silt: I Im>« to iickiunvlcd^;!' tlif rc<'t'ii)t of your Ifltt-r of llif •.•7lli iiiMtaiit, Rijiii-HtinK tlio cinMuiistitiiccH coKiu!i',t)Ml witli tlin liourilin^ of tlir vcnmcIm Kiittli^r, Julia uinl Klli'ii, iiinl Sliiloli. Ill tlit( ( it^(^ of fli«^ RiittlfT, h\w oiiiiio into Slii'lliiiriH' Hiiiltor on tlio cvonitiK of \\w 4tli Am),'u.sI at () o'clock. Slio It. iii^ iit hoiiic iliHljiiii c from wlurc \ wiih aiidiorcd. aiiil It liciiij; too roiijrh to Mcinl my Itoai so far, 1 li.ctl a iimxkit siijiial for her lo roimil-to, wliicli .slic iliil, :iii«l caiiic to an aiiclior alnii;isi(li' of my vcmmcI. 1 linn sent I lie cliict (idlccr to lioanl licr; lie nportcil slic put in for ..iicitcr , The captain was then tolil liy tlie cliicf ollieer to re|iorl his vessel hefore he saileil, ami tliat he must not jet his liicn on slioie, and lliiit lie wunld leave tw o men, w li » inc al- ways armed, on hoard to seo that he did no' oMnTwise liieak the law. Ahoiil midiii.i{I I the ca|il;iin hoi.-ited his sails to leave port, tliereliy evadiim the cnstonis law iei|niiiiijf liini to repoit (for wliiidi I rcl'iM' yon to section :i."i of the cim- tonis act), and disrc;iai |>. in. Heinj; some disiance IVom me, 1 tired a idank niHHket shot to roniid her to. When she amdiond I lioarded Ih;. and the capiain reported tliat he came in for water. I told him to report hi!" vessel in the iiK'niiiiK, as ii was then after customs hours, and that he must not let his men ashore, ai.d that I would It-ave two mei; on his vessel to sfe that my instnudions were carri'd out, at d to see tliat he did not otherwise hreak the law. In the morning, at H o'clock, I called for the c.iptaia to f;o to the cnstom-hnnse and told him his men could j;o on and take water white he was re|iorlin^, so that he would he all ready to sail when he retnrned, which they did, and he sailed at noon. In th(( case ol" the ShUoli, she came into the harlior jilionr (i ji. m. on the iUh of Atifiiist, at Liveriiool, am a niKnsil was tiled in her case the same as the others. \Vhen she anchored I 1 irded her, iind the captain reporled she was in fur wiiter. I told him it was then toi iatc to reiiort at the cnstonis till morniiie, and that he mnst not allow his crew e shore; also that I wonhl leavi^ two miMi on hoard to see tliat he did nol otherwise break the law, and that my iiisiriietinns wcie carried out. In the morniiifi- I called for the cai>tain, when lakinj; the .Inlia and Ellen's cipta' i ashore. When there I told him, as I did the oilier, that his men could i^o on lakilij; water while he was leporlin;;-. so that lie could sail when he retiu'iied, and not he de- layed. This they did not do. 1 have reasiii io know that it was not water this vessel cann in for, as several of tl le crew lived there, a 11(1 it was for the jinrpose of lettin;; his ashon III not for taking waler, that he jiiit in. He afterwards eiiiiu led six li.irrelsof wi.ter, stall nt; that they weiu .soiir, and tooled all day tilliiij; tlieiii, delaying' the tiiiii', that he mi,tj;ht «et his crew on shore. I refused to allow his iM'ew on siiore for any other purpose than to take water, after eompleiiiifi which, the weatl cr heiiif;- tine, 1 ordered him to 8ea in tb le eveniiii:. The lis that were tired were not inteiulert to make them come-to quickly, hut as a si;jnal for iliem to either ronnd-to or show their ensieii. After the Shiloli s:iiled the h.irlior master infoinied nie ihat she landed two men at the moiilli of the harlior, 7 miles down, liefore she reporicd. and the eveiiinjr she sailed she called after dark and picked them up. In many cases it is an iiiidersiood ihiiie between the eii]itains and crews to let the men ashore aiid ihen niaki^ out lliev have deserted. In all eases where a vessel puts in for ehelter the captain repor Is, and the iet see rh.,r the law is not violated, ;i;s many of iliose ves suh lilt into till) h.trhi'r and make taking water ami sei kiii!>- shelter an excuse either to "^ ''«'''yi"K f»r the ^^^Now^.h.t tlio.var.. nof ullow..., ,.ll ,1... pnvil..„i.« they one onjo.v.wl. i, i„ an ontruRe I Hill, Ac, THOMAS QIII(J|J:Y, (ioverumiiit Crinter Tviror. ifti ■111 till' cliiff iiin^;, DtlnT- iii c'liiiiiiiny 111 vt'sst^l aii- r(loin-li<>ns(>, , Tli.^ fni)- Sl-il t'l lIllNO. r|i(iii| on tliu liiiiU inUHket iiiii !c|H)rtt'(l i)i, •(« ii was liiit I would t, ai (1 to Hee iisloin-liniise ;, so tliat he 'd at noon. 1 thf l»th of itlliTS. in t'lir wattir. mikI tliat lie Itoard to see canii'd ont. l(Mi's rapta' 1 ;'o on taking id not lif de- an several of , and not for Ntatiiii; that le initiliti >;et |Mise than to uin to sea iu iin-.cUly, l>ut I two men at iijr she sailed I) let th»i men •i pnts in for shore, as the lUe liis l)oat!i , after which s lie requires when in for of 1 liDse VfS- 'X(!nse either ' to iret goods |Ini'l«)Biir« 5 In No. 56.) .»//•. Jllwood to Ihv Coiinnisxionn- of CnMlomx, Ollnwa. W. H. A'J'TWOOf), ('ollertor. |I>icluRur«6 in No. 5 o. 5(1. ./ Fisli,rm(iii\<* Tiile.—Tlw foil (Kxtiurt IVoMi the Montreal Gazette oCxtohiT Ui, | HH«. veys a diU'ereiil iiiipre-s.-si owiiio letter which a on to many staleiiients tliat 1 Pl»oar8 in the JJoston Herald con- ' So much has lieen writt in Canadian war ifi .Miand printed al)ontt coliiinns jind ujve your mi rs. and the indijrnities pur on them. 1 wisl lavei apjieared on the sniiject ; ex pel ienees of America n lislieriiie from lioston for Noith li ders an insight into tin- ofh do or how th.' law would' I ly oil the Kith.liiiu 1 yon won I )f tl men open your The lirst land sijijited le interpreted. I n tei III Kit: was While Ilea ler side ot the story. I sailed not knowinj.- j„.sr what the cn'tt.'rs would '■iired ||i(. ,.„ast with fear and anxiety 'l.Jind iiiimedi.itelv i ilowlet, cutter and 1^ , ,, , •'*'.. .ifni [iiiiiiri ht, ahead. [ rushed to the de.k, found immauded hy ("apiaiii l.owr th ries cjiine lioui jiloft, 'Ciit,- y, iiearin:;' iis rapidiv el, whiili proved to he tli At ti we were staudiuK inshore. She'iioisted her lla.'s to' let ns < ' "•...."diately -ahont ship/ and put to .sea to"Vt me of siy;htiuLt the inijjht he placed Know wh.ir she was, Muisn n the jiri/e-list of tl •Mil of her wav. fi III C'aiiso, ex[ieetinir t luirsnrjiri.se, found Coll. H:i coul .r M o receive iptures We liiially head tear we >u«l Nist i in re}>ard 'o the tliri in a courteous jiiii .is] ......r-led the cutter Conrad, and asked the captain fo iis '.■•."'l''l-.'n.t,and wliat privil..,r,,, in,,,,, „e had. I u..,!', lie as far as .ere we put in at I'orfc ructions iiiid .oi'e 111 a few monieiit learfy way, that hi iHsiired IIS that if we foil s and y;et iiie a nrintei .lid nol have them alioard w.is ;ilisweied, to see (hat the la >\ th em we would lie n eopy of the renid jji receivinjr ii.structions from tl w was not viidated. hut not to niiioicslcd : that h IS, which he did, can.se niiiieces.sarv lliert and entered iii.\ v lector, who diii all in hi iij captain, tl auks to him, I innoyance. After «'ssei, payiujr-r. cents. I found a very pica.saiit j-ct our next port of land s (power lo relieve mv mind here we .ilso reported and w went to the custoiu-hon.se ■iii.'ui ill thecol- oiiiis was 111(1 m.ikeiiNconifortahle. S ere well treated. From there 124 UKJUTH or AMKUICAN KIHUKUMKN. wn went to Miil|M'((m', wlioin wt- fiiiiiiil umirlicr i{*'iirlii'f. uiiil liiiil si'vcial iiitcrvifw m uii li I lit- i-iiiiiniitiHli'i', Captaiit Lmvrv, wli'iiii 1 toniHl ii i|iiii-t, JiimI, uml miitlcinaiilv olllcii. Mysi'i*M plain that at hiicIi tiim-n wi- hail no ri^ht to rfinuin in liaihnr. At no tiini> is tlun- innch wuifi to Npari< on tht< bar, iiiiiL it in it coininoii iM'i'iii'i'i-nro lor vchscU to ^rminil in uoinji in or mil. anil that koiih' iliil tjiiioli wiiM iliii' to ij^niiraiii'i- of till' rhamn'l nr (•an'li"Nnf'•"« nnili'r way, in aNinall ami iiowilnl npai r. limliP'; I woiilil not liavii room, I ilioppcil oiir Htiirboanl amhoi. That not Imlilii lit tim nihor, ami it bioii^ht im up all riu;lit ; not innrh in lliiN to point to as an oiitra;;o or daiinsel to ^ro to sea as any imiii who walks a (leek, and when he ordered the lleet to Mea he went himself, aiiii I know he would not Older a vessel to leave harbor if there was any daiiKir of loss of life or property. We rejiorted at CaHsniiipete. and wen- treated the saint) as at all otiior ports we tonehed at. If our vessels would attend to reportiii;; at the eiistoni-house, ttii^ same as tli"y do in onr ports, no trouble would be met witli. "If we had liee (isli it would );ive the Cauailians moiiio reeoinpeiise for what our fiHliemien want, viz, the ri>;lit to f;n anywhere and everywhere, use their liarborH, ship nun, j;et provisions, land and nieiiil our nets, buy salt and b.»rrels, and ship our catch lioiiio by rail or Hteiiiner wilhout, expanse or amioyaiico, the same as wo have heretofure. "If we had had tliat |irivilej.;e this year, myself and vessid would have been ig.'i.OOO better ain, the ( JovcniMieiit, and evirytliin;; else wlieii they knew they con hi do it with imi>unity, and that the men they were lalkiii!; to could" not re- sent it b,\ word or blow , were looked after sharp, and were not e.vtended the courtesy tb:'t was shown so many of us. " In the interest of lair play. I could not help writin;; you and askiii;;- yon to {j;ive this to "our readers, if not taklnji up too mm h of your valuable .(laee. Very respeel fully 'BosTox, fMohirii, lS6ti: '•NATHAN F. HI.AKi;, •I'lilititUi Sclinitucr Andirw /hintlioni, of Jiostoii No. i)t. iSir L. Went to Mr. liayard. VVashingto?!, Ifeeemher 7, 1886. Sir: I iiiii iiistfiictcd b.v the Hiirl of Iddi'sloii^ii to coiiiiiiuiiiciite to j'oii the inclosed cop.vor a dispiitcli, with its iiu losuics, tVoiii the ofiicer atiiiiiiii.sreiiii;^- tin- ItoVi-i'iuimmiI ol (Jaiiinhi, expie.sHiiij;' the re;:teb of the Bouiiiiioii (loveinnientiit the action of the captain of tiie Canadian cut- KKHITS OF AMKRICAN KISlllIRMKN. 125 wa« uii.|j.r.lH,M.t.o„ „t Slidliiin.o, N„va H.-oti, tJ>at \e«H«l I Imve, &c., L. 8. SA(;KVILLIi WKST. pn II (Inclomiro I In No, 67.) ^o«n/, Wow«or /.ord ./. a. lim^eU to Mr. Stanhope. u,,, .11,,... ,, , , "'^'"'AX, Nova HroTiA, r>(7.)fcn '7 ifHW nvy .onnril of CunHa. .•x,Hvssi„« l/;.. V7m( '''''''•'' "".'""" '■'■ "'» i« .•.■.i.tMin „C.|,„ (;a„,.,lian .uifr 'IVn ,• i.M ,' .,.'?, <';p"'"|"'"" "t H... ....(i..,, of IJi.it.Ml .S,,„..H lishi,,^' -iH.on.M M;,,i , i ' .r ; '« ""' 'f'"';-' "^fil.-s llu;r (r ,|,e porMnrin, ii.fVaclion ,.r the ...m.mhs ,v«VhM,,n: * ••"l"''^tor ot cn»U>ms ,u t|.„t \" Ji.i;;;;:,:.:"""" ^•"' " """>' •"■ ^'- <"•-'-• - — n to n.. M:o.,.ty. ......1... at 1 lirtvi', Ac. A. IJ. KUSHKFJ., (itiural. fIiiclo«uii>2 1n No. .')7.1 lieporl of a vomtniltie of the honorahle Ihi- i»-i,;, rn„»,.n /v> n eeUeney t,e aU.n,,i.,ratur of t,. 'f"'"T Uintaut, !"<-f"nti..n ,.t S1h.I1m,,m,^"n ..s!,ir\v' ,„'.'! ;r «-"-""•'•, M.SS., was „„„„r' l»"<^""nho Cana.li;,,, (^.v on , ' m,,, r j.^^^ 1\' ''''t'l''"'.'!- "-."I "■•.h-r tho ^nrvvil- I'oiHful l|,„ Unit..,l Htat'.s llaK ""' ^''" '"''^"'" "* "»^ ^l'"'"" «'i"'e8 with. All liDiirlatf.rjK.wcv.r thi, (I . ! L " • . • . , ••■'Ii"'.st was coiiipli,,,! Qnijiloy a,aiM n-.,n,^t^ tl U t I ^1™ ,'^^^ "'^'^ r'"' '"''' ""^ *'^'l""i» <^'i^'l'\V 1 m.in.nv.-n.l th 1 a ' a, n^ mZ i... 'rr, ''"" ';"■ '""l''' "''"'" ^■'H-f'^in was in p„ssas.si„„ „f tho rnsto r. tl in i 1 ,r, " "''" "''''""'" ^'^"•'■"" in .,1*^ vv i""' ''" "'" '"■'^'•'•f''''.V of «fat« l„r lli. col, „ 7 All oi wL.cL is lespeellully submitted for your oxccllency's approval. JOHN .J. McGEl], Clvik, rrivi/ Councih II.-COHIIKSPONDKNCK HKTWEKN TIIK DHPAIITMKNT OF STATE AND THE I NlTEi) STATKS LH(JATI()N IN LONDON. No. 58. Mr. Bayard to Mr. I'helpii. No. 289.] hKI'ARTMF.NT OF STATE, WaHliittgton, May 11, 1880. Sir: With ref'oreiicM to your t«il«'jjrniii of tlui lUh instiuit, in rouard to tilt' flsiu'iies question, I tninHmit to yon lu'iewitli a copy of a note which I UihlivHHed to Sir Lionel West yeMtcrday on tlie snbject. 1 am, &c., T. F. BAYAKD. 1 [luclottiire.) Mr. Ba.vftrd to Sir L. West, Mny 10, IHoli. (For inoloHiire, nee No. 4, p. (5.) No. 55>. Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps. No. 303.] Department of State, ]yashinytoH, May 21, 1886. Sir: With refi^rence to n»y instrnction No. 289 of the 11th instant, transniittinjjf to yon a copy of my note of tho 10th of this month to Sir Lionel West, Her Hritannic Majesty's minister at this capital, concern- in}; the fishery question, I now inclose for your information a copy of a furtlier note on the same subject, wliicli I addressed to Sir Lionel West yesterday, inclosiiifr also a copy of tiie report of the United States con- sul- (general at Halifax, which is referred to in my note to Sir Lionel West. I am, &G., T. F. BAYARD. [Inclognre.] Mr. Bayard to Sir Lionel West, May 20, 1866. (See No. 6, p 10.) KIOIITM OF AMKKU AN UnmkuMKN. 1 1 mil nil I.. Su. -i with No. ,iu3.| 127 No. HV. 1 Hilt: Xh iiistiiiifr.l I Ml. I'hrlan ti, Mr, I'ortti. I'NlTKt) Statkh' C'onhii.atkOknkhai,. Ilalijux, Mail l.i. ("Ni rciMirt, Ciiiy ,„„| ,.11 IV Cm I Iv. till ilic ('tii-rH utiil y nil x^iii^r t'niiii th»< liniiitnildK H«cr»!liMv of NfiUi- i o» tln< AiiMiinin Hi'liiMiiiiT Diiviil .1. AiIiuiin I |lll.(<'«'lllllKH (•(lll'lMI'tl-ll with I II iici'Ndiiiiiir hi . ,. ". *• ir^iP>illlll i|> hiiiiNiliMviii', I |,.n IfiiliCax for Mt. .I.i)"i Miiy I iiH li.v .itiiiitil iiiiivi ,if til M' Hi'i/iiru llllltlllllll Htl'lltU- M IMimo '""' ' '• ''»l*''ii liai'U fit Diuliv, wh I ,„,„..,., tlu» I.iiiiMliiwrm ill niKJiy Murlior. Slioiily iil .-HvliiK I jiiinii'il rliiii till- vi'Mmil |ir..r.'i..||.(l. uimI riiiiiiil hi.r .tiii'JHiii'd ill,,,, f Liiii"il(i\viu', Jormiillx triiiiNf.'riiil ti y alter my luriviil Ciiptuiii Smtt, oi the of Ditfliy to Im« hi |iort ton •i:«. UM till' .olli'i'tor iiil'iii'iiii'il nil', of vi,)liiiiiic tl H lilt of I'-^-A tliK iii-niilty li.'iMK 9IIMI. Hi, „,ilil If tl 11' IIIM- il not I'laliiii'il hy th<* miiiUtiT of IInIii'iIih 1 iiH Mtnii wuH |iaii| anil tlu' vmm- inoinini;, in onli-r to «!•( nt thf faits i '" " ••Ijiitiir iimUIii),' him to fiirn i« won III ii'liMiNo hir. On ih*> lnilowi Ho r«'plit'il vinlially that tl tain Mcott'M iiiMloily. I tl ',' '••"I tionwilh thi'N»«i/,iiii., I mlil. I nil' a cojiy of thu chaiKi'N anaMmt tl I'MHI'I paNil'll out Ot llil pimst'MNJ I'll iiililii'Hsi'il Capti.iii .Si;iitt It SI" ;;\r.it,nK fully ami H in.all^r.Wh ^^M !, t^^^^'' ^ M^'S fa n.'il tl;.i« v.'hm.I, (A I'opy maik.'.I A aftaili.'il.) poHfiinio, wii, '•••< . i( a nott) In' VCHWtl. iiui wiiHHjjaiii in (Jap- rominimit iitioii aHkiny liim to ' .V he lie. III. Captain Srott ii'p|j..|| hy nl (Kt'ply attaihcil maiki'il H) Tlu' rt'l iTiiiK nil' to tlit> (It'piity ininiMtcr of list whiih 1 hail a rinlit to ha\ ima; of Captain Scott to ^iv.. ihJM inforniat ni<', hill an imlimiily to thi' iiaf •', «'viui'l • 'OIIH to went on hoinil and found th.i't fhi. pi a;iaiii.tt tliii Hihooiiir wan Ncived on tl it'iii'xt nioinlin; I hi'ttnl le vi'NNt'l. nails what I suppoKi'd to he a ■MS waH MiMved l.y artKinj,' to ihi, niasi with iloi H(di merit, was viHiliji'. 1 ii'i|m'Mtiil pt'inii wanant or summons; no pail of wiiiih, .'xcept the in- oo IT to take down thlN pioifss no tluit I MHion from the piison in eh from its conteiits wlnitofl liiNed ; and liuhl here I may remark tl euMeM were iharned atfaiimt I his . , , , ■, ,.. ""•«<■ of the iiUht read, and, it lioMHihle, ascertai lai it MeeiiiH a Ntran w'lve aparty wilha proieHN to appear ami detend and tiiose inlereKfed in liiH (noteet or till llNp.TliiiH Ihe luuiess thllH nerved. The t till I, aiiii, II IloMHiiiie, jiMcertllin veHsel. My ■vqueHt wiiM ro- ),'e eonr.He of firoeedlire to and then piohihit that party •eet to that Hiiit, from Heeinir rei|iieiit eliaiiKeH as to the ciiNtodiaim of a Hint, ion and defense in respeet, to tliat suit, f i.vsleiioiis, seeret, and ni explained move nts of th their refusal to Het forth any of the alleged oH se oHieiais, and iijj^iavatiiiji iiim'H idiargL'd to the veitsel, wii» moat All ti.e p.irties ,„ the eontrovorsy were on th« ground, ami waiitof kiiowIedLr« conlil A r Tl '"f "''^'■'*,'^<''.,'"«< oil the eontrary every effort was made to eoiieeal it I JK' [a. ts I.I this ease, as 1 ol.taiiied them from Captain KiniiPy. nr^ ns follows- |- navid Adams eniered Di^liy H.y .„, NNNdn.Llay evenin^^r\ MavMH".r Her ....■It.. „i„.|,..r I- „|.|„,„,,, ,|„|, ||,i» ,„;,„ Kill, l„„l |„„,„i„.,, ,, "l tl L S ,. « tied In course, hut ran aground, and while in this positiim she was^ vos^.i .;;!'• ;;;:;;. .S; '" "''^'•"V'l'^t »"■ '"^'i "r.i.'--'^ f..... captain sco ;! ea "h Mie vosHi I, ami inimediat< ly proce«ded to carrv out, Mie nr.ler ,....1 f......,i ........ i...,. ':- - ^"•'n^'i'^^lmi.^n.rth^V'r'.^'''' "'"^' 77" '^^ '•"•'"'^'^ ''^'>i'^"t;ir;iay;: " Thi s f V. in ;,i t 1 •';"'*«'*»"■"« 'H'<1 bronght to the hehooner a new otfieer who Ll h . In T^"'J""' returned to the Lansdowne. The fourth visit to the veV 8el biought Captain Scott, who, m the uaiue of the Quceu, seized llorOu Saturday 128 MIQIITH or AMKKICAN KlMIIKUkKN. m'irtiliivt iliM viiMi«, DRiiMt|,>, liir jC'.jimi i)it'rliiit(, t^qiiitl lo i|'.)7U.:t.t, fur vlolntlon of n (•••rtain roiivi-ntion Inh tw«« rli« Tlilnl, Kinu of Ointt llriliiin iiml IrxlitiMl, of Iho onit purl, mill tin* (IhIiihI HialfM of Anitrit ii of tln' oiliir |)uil, iiiiiitf on tin- 'JfnU liity of Oi toltxr, A. 1>. HIH, mill lor vlolnnon of ilii< a-t oi l'iitlliiiii«>iit ofOn'itt HrilnlM una Iri^luiiil, iiiiiiIm anil puMwil In tli» tlftv-niiitli yi-itr of lh«> rclKii of IiIk Itim M-tJfNiy, 0<'ort;« ilii* I'liii*!, KiiiKof iImi Ifnittil KIiikiIoiii t yoiii. In mlitr tion to (li« iiliov)>, mi iirtlon Iniw lit-cii iiiHllliiii>i| Id iIi« viriMMliniiitltv court »t llitl- ifiix til liavii ilir voHNitl iinil vurm) loifxiMtil. Tint <;liiiri(c4 uri' (I) llitt nIih vinliktml tlii^ ti'initv of HI8; (V) tliitt nIi>' vloliti>'il ilm pr iviHJoimof ilui iii;t .VJ, Ui'or^n ih«> Tlilnl : (It) ili^itxliit violittoil till) provUioiH of I'liitn 01' (il of tliH (/III nil tit iti'lH of H70. liiui cli'iptcr '.^:i of ilin im;Ih of (junuilii, H71. AUoumiit wuh iiiHlitiitKil liii(iKl>> Uu tUliinu vlllimi< ■•ltU< out a rorpiralion, aiiil, no fiir iin I oiilil li'iirn, iiml I niaili' niixcIiiI ini|iilry, tin* Inirlior In not ilt'lliiKil, iiinl till' pnutiii'ii Iiiih Imtii lliul only vi'mhi'Ih liaviiit; Iminiiii>nn at i>i)('iy itlltrt'l'll III tlltl ('llHli,.''lllMIH"<, Till* l'<-l!ori|N of lllc otlll'H will hIioW, Hllll til" I'ollfl'.tOr Hit wimiI in ami out iIih Inty ut Iilt'.ioiiii- ami wi-rc iii'vir ii'i|iili'<'il to ri'piirl II In vrry pliiin tliiit tliin Niilt wai not iiHtiliili'il to vimlii;ali' tlic l.iw, un tlm vt-HNcI NvaN not aiiprHliiimU-il on that rliiir|{n, but iiiHtitm-il to annoy ami liaiiiii our tUliiTiiiiMi. 'rimotlii'r iiiitH an* for violatiii|{ tim tn^iiy of Mis, ami Ht>iintfN imi' •\\i\ not coitci'al her mmm nor ntti-inpt to oouuual bnr iininu. (:t) Slir ilid mil n-|>ort to I In- custom- Iiouho ut Ui^by, leoauiM! nIiu diil not enter the harlior of l)i;;li<, lint only iJi){liy H.isin. (i) Sim piinliiiscil twclvo Wiuitdsof tlsb for bait iu british wuturii forileHp-mia tUb- log, uml not to tisli ill Hiirh waters. I uiii, nir, your obudient iturvnut, M. H. IMIHLAN, Coiitul-Utneral. (IiicliiHiiro 1 with Mr. Pliolun'ii No. 32.) .Ifr. Philan to Captain Scott. COXSULATI'; (iKXI'.KAr- OF THE UviTED STATI'.S, HaI.IFAX, hiijbil, J\oia HLotin, May II, 1880. Captain Scott, FiHherif Offim', CommaniiiiKj S. S. f.auHiiowne : Silt: It liiiH lici'ii been liroii'^ht to my knowlcil^n that "rtiiin otflcors iiiirt mon of tbn S. S. Liiiisditwim lioiirdcd the Amcricriiii .schoomir David J. Adams on tho coast of Nova .Si'oliii, iiml liy forcn toidt tlicridVnm I he niiister iind crew of said >cliooMer, and that llieHaid American (iliooiicr, l>av'id.f. Adams, is now in your possession and eiistody. aiwl held liy yoit as coitiniumlur of tbe Cunudiun tnuritie police u;ruiii.st the owuerHumi master thereof. Therefore, it, liecomcs my diitv, as consul neimral of the Uniltid States for ilie mnritiine proviiKies, lo ask yon to stat« in writiii;;, fully and specilically, with as litlln delay h8 possilile, why you detain Miicb veniiel, and rcluae to restore ber to tbe lawful owuers aud luaster. I am, &c., M. H. PHELAN, ConBul-Uentral United States, rotiirnAd »« 129 UUiUTH or AMKRHAV KIMIIKMMKX (lMlM«n t »tib Mr. 1'friM.B , So la | NIK ; I .1,,. ,„ r..,...i,.» of vo.„ |.,t...r ..I" il.i I • , "' """'" '*"""• "'"* "• »'««• 'iiMl..r liHtiii.n..ii. n'«iM'rl..« mi Oituwi* tor aii iMww».r, lu I «„, HrUi'» «'h.. Moil. M. II. I'liri.AN, f'on»HlaeHertil j„r tht I tittril Slaht. ,.,,., '* A. HCOfT •tp'ain L0mmmnHin,j ih,- Marin, I'olu^, i)t enter the I llulMiira a wItK Mr, IM.bUu'ii No •> ) ,. ,, , , '''"""" "■' '■"'""" '" "-'.v. "/'** Ihvid ./. ^rf.|«,. T H:;r;::S:c:;r ?^''' "^^^^ --- -= """""""' ""• lUifiiy. 3/rt^ IV, iHHii. I J ""» >" IM'I III '"""»«'••* <''»i.M..i,iu.|it ii|Hiii thutr AI-DKN KIWKV, M>iHl,r hnviil .1. .t,lai,i». (•W hi'ld hy tlif Doiiij "•'•iMi- Diivi.l .1. AiliniLs, of iil till' I Allien K iiil< ••"ipl.iiii ami ',viMir|.ri.s,.i,t iM'ni,,,.,t,i„i, / >( P'w and H;ilfli undiT oath a- ; oi-cuiiutliiii, N.aiii.iii; rit niiiM, of ({joiirestor, Mhnh. I. ( ixty-MJx ri')'j«f,.r. () for Kas(|i(.iti M(',,r,, i P"it. Ml'., on til., foil iiHl.'idftlii. David .J. Ad l/.iMl ijitaiii Wlii'd liy Cilpr. .IfMsi- I ii'ii- iiili'd .Stilt. 'N iiat is li.T ton- Hank (nil •<• \Vi' lisli.d 1 'aitoiioialKHit th.. Kitlidavof Ai.ril "^^"'■-f M- '..v. Ai.ril I-.', and I'wiM. \V.. I.'tl (iloiu-,.N(|.r, M last. \V arrived at Kant- ii'd lit HiHlport, Mi-.,tlial"l >>v .si.v.r.il days; .say alioiir iwidv.. .1 ,'"t liait and piocMMled to'th i<':iili|iiartiT,s at tliis si-a ;«in« a i'i'iHimI station i.vs, and set oiu for ,iii,i Nini of III,. y,.ar f,,,. Unjt j,,,,"! ,''^«|..M;t niiderwav tli ii'rin,.n'N •• a^ain l,.(t 1 dav of II) reason wc-.mi! | not ,r,.f ,„it "n an, I taek..,! with '■n.. ii ill till' f.ir.-no. ;in.'lioiiiij;otf or or about Hear Isl VV( I' next nioiniii^ was on aeioiint ,>r tin till. I N'ot I "i>tin, Niiy about t x'ln^'sati.sliiMl with th,. phic an,. Thi laile,! ip mill's liirtli \V( ■I" wi! layi-d we sliilfeil fiirtl llltf Mboilt .1 o',;lo,;k. \V,. tl xiiiother part of the b nil aii(dior,.,ltli,.io niitil r» oVl 'i.vot Fninly. Slnntlvaft th,. I _ till' haihor, which Sl'en boat i.'^in and anchoi ler lip iiii'k, j{ot !"'n «ot under v.ay and started t I'd until Kridav iiiorii- 'Hniii;; towanl ploved t,) b,. lh« Mt «n' .VI! ir,)t und,>r way a boat f st,'aiiii.r l.'i.iui «o out of tht! basin int( •Dili till) .st,>.iinor lyin.r ,»■ I'oinin lis and we continin-d ,»iir I'mir D K- Tim boat caii«lit up to ns wl msniOFi Sol vice, \v ",>iiiiv,.,.ntaiU'horaL'eof tl •u as we wi're boforo w '^uiliil from, and t he niitrht. TheotH H. Ex. 19 9 vt'h.scl s name and tonnage ; capta itMi wo wer,' about a iiiilo and a half t er on board tlio boat nuked tm wl I' Haw the roiu lere we in H name and 'nvnor's, and 180 RIOIITN or AMr.KlC?AN »iMMKNMKN whitt w« WKr<- III. >■ i..< .mmI if wt* li.iit Min bnU tn. KcoftviiiK mi> rofily (i*i*|>iiitii's) tlm Ixiniruwoil Mvkiit. Ww^UllriiiHliiiimlfMiiitir I'li.ir* it.iltl %»•• tjol Into Ht, ( i....r»(««'« L'hi»"»»l (iIm'.v <(illml), »tii| '{rtMinilKtl «t low wnter. uml lti«-ru ri.ini»lin«l i»jtiMi.ir«l«Hl hv lli.' iiMnn lioil i»fnl ortlpff »»r tli« |,iin«Ml..wiM', wlt.i »«-t»rrlMtl «Mir ^finwl, 'I'ltx i.mi>«T. ••» iMinrilli-jj w(i»i uriiM'il m^ii. •iilil thai Ik- wrt"* <»i'i>'«l ••> '.'iM'''*''! *♦'•••« to iwim'h tli« \twwl, wlilrh llif> ilhl •»* ••imihin oil iMMinl liiMl .^iMitiiiiiulli. liithlit/llM' vi'iwmI mi.l ili4t •iiMiM' III rrliiu wiw Ih'Ikw tu tli« li'»l»l. »'i'' *" »ti»wt'Htl lliiil IIm'v wi'ri' tiiifliiv" iilil. lilt' itlWiiT of •,«ii>iilowiin iiml ImmiI -I'lMriifil lo ilu'lr iiUI|i. Ahfiwiinl'* ilii> i.iiiimhn* III* ImkH iMHinl*-!! ii» for iIp ihlnl »liiu', iumI linninlif ini o«ln'r oflliiT, whom I iiiiilnrotiiiMl wn* «'i»|>Iiimi hiikln, who hIno ••iiirrtil holil himI »'x- HiiiiiKil Hm- hiTiliiu, uimI Ihi'ii rtiiiriMil to ihilr viit»«l, Auiilii for thi'fonrili tlni«< ihi< miiiii' odltt rx iiml rn-w of thi- I.uiomIowio" ImhmiIi'iI iim, who ItifoniKit imlhut wt< woiilil h«- hi'ltl li<'i«> ihfHUUM' o»»lt»T lo hrhiuonr vi'HKol tn Kluhv mill to iiiiihor m* m-iir ii* |iiM(iihli< In ih.' «fi'iiiiii«r l.jiiiHihiwin-. w hli 1» orih-r w.' iiIm'>»iI. Thin wan tli.- iiioriilii.^ of Miv 7. Thw ihik of oiir v.«- Ni'l ('ap''**" ''^''"" ""'•' •"' li'"> •'••/•■'I ""• ill thti giifiir* iiiMiiK. 'I'lmn Ciijiliilii Mrott tiotilli'il UN ihiit ui' iiii({l;l jjo on ihori' lo tin' Amrrltnii i-oiimiiI, itml hhIiI nt' ^uiiilil i»f oiiri' rt'lnrn with l,i»n»ilowiif iiml ihr wh r Huvlil J. AihiiiH to St. lohti, N, H. W'»' riMiinini'il on hounl oiirow n v i-nwl ilnriiiu I hat iilut;t iiimIit fhiirK" o( I) * i» iinniil nn^n (if till LmiNdowiii'ii cri'w. Hittiiriluv iiiorninn ••wrly "H of iim iiihI our raiiliiiii, with thi' I'xci'iition of ihii'i' '.r onr nun, wi'ii- oiih-riMl on lionnl ilm l.uniilowno. \V«« wiiri< thioi tiiki'ii to Hi. iiihn iiml wt-iit on njiorn, mionliim to thf orili«r of lln> ninlit iiii'vl- oiiH lo ({oon '...If. Our riH-tiiiii look thi« |iiip. rn iiml iirllrli'H hi-Imminji lo ihi> n.riil J. AihiiuH V .th hiMi on Mlmri', Onr vi'«ni'1 wuh lowi'd lo Si, .lohn tti Hit" muiio tlim' 'unl faNti'iitMl to till' l.iiimilowiif with lUiuiii iiililf, hotli Ivinu ul. lht« wliiirf at St. John. Tho vi'Hm'l wrtM tliiTi'on Siimlav* nioiMJiiK, wIumi t wnn iiilonix-il liy un olllri-r of th« Linmihnvni' that ihnv wiii' ;'oini{ to ii'inovf hxr to l)l){li,v. I wiin tolil thai I coiilil rftuin lo DIkI.v in tin- \i'i*m«I il ! rlnrnf, or othirwimi ink" out my iitMHonal •■rtVcU iMiil that of th<« iii'W. Tlio Laimihuviir ami onr vi'usfl thin h-fl Sf. .lohn. On \Vi. J. Allium* ami ilt^miimlfil hi up. (Jui'Ntlon. ("uptiiin, tln'ri' l.i u thui«i' that yon comKaUil the nanio of your vuhhi'i iiy taking riinviiH or liv nthiT nmam* of i!ovi>rinn thf nuiiio on tin- Hlurn of tlm vi'hh««I f Ciiptaiii Kiiim-y iinswi'i-H llmt h»' iliMilim thi« ihurun ; It in not true. I mivnr con- ciMih'ii nor atti'iniitiMl lo comwil thu iiaiiio of th" vkmhiiI. Dill yon I'vi-r lUh or uMiMiipt to lUh In Hritmh wiiIkih iliirinx thm hhuhou r Captain aiiHWi-rH that hi>ni. I'lseiiKK. •lo.sK.ni Hkni.ky. CAIA'IK CdOK. Sworn and subscribed bt-foro no .it Diuby, Nova Scotia, May i:i. leHH. "■ ' Cotmd-Uenfral, Uiiihd /States. # f ! III. I...<,i. , Kill, ;^, I . , CaNAIMAW IItBaMKN I.AMniHiW.VK fii r.i.lv c. vtMir|..ii,.r„r th. ini. .. . . '""**• """ '"'• '■*^'- ""•••rtiig .1 ,Hm ror,.tl..,r flm,, |..«,.i m.r.Z " •'""'"•'"" "» ""■ '•")". m.I ,fH,„r.. for I tiMi, -Ir, your olMulimr ..rvuiu. I'. V. Hion Thf Hon. M. II. I'liKi »x, ' "'''"'" "'"' ^'''*'"* ' 'ki'autmi;nt uv Mtatk, un^ No.^li; .rS:r:;LM,Srrs'";r;i^"- '''^ -^ ^"•' '•^'' "^->. N... l.Ml, ...Mv IMM.-Ii"./ ,1 I ,;j^^ '"•"«•' '»» <-o.n.„o,.M bill T. F. HAYAUI). (iDoltMare.j ■^^|•. Hayftrd to Mir I.. W.-h., May -i!*. HH,i. (8„^ y,,. ^ _ .) ir iihovi' Ufar No. 29.i.J No. 01. .V •. /V»t'//w ro Jf>-. liayard. LwhTion of tjie Unitkd States. I'ls lordship oriillv in vi.io s i. f. vU^u- '.. i V- 1, "''"'•^' l»'««^'»^««i to ' have, &c., E. J. PHELPS. 132 UIGUTM OF AMKUICAN FFHIIKKMKN. (Iiioloduro wltli Mr. PhclpH's No. 'M.] Mr. I'liiljtH III l.'ird h'liHiherii. LKC.XTION UI TIIK rMTKI> S T ATKrt, L)iiili)ii, .luiie'i, If^rid. My L(HU>: Hiiuc tlio convfrHiitUni I liinl tlm honor i lioltl with your h)nlshi)>, on thf nioniinn of th<' VJitth iiltiiiio, I liiivi' rcrcivctl fniin mv tlif Hciziirc of Ihi- Diivid J. Adttinx, nnd ilic coi rcspoi''.; 'ic.o bi'- t\vt"-ii Ihf coiiMiilgcUi liil iiinl the coIoiiimI iiiithoiiticM in irft-rcnct' thiTrto. Thi^ rcporl of the i i>nHMi-;;ci. nil iind Ihi- rvidrnrt' anncxi'd toil apjioar fully tosns tain the point Niiliniiitcd to your lonlHliipin tlif inttrvii-w ahovn r h-rrtid lo,tourhin>{ tin- Hciznrt' of thiH vtsiicl hy tin- (,'anadian oIlicialH I d o not nndi'iN tainl it to iMM'lainifd liv liic Canadian authoiitit's that tins vt-ssel /(Ml had htcn cnnaurd or ^«.'a>t int"ndiii>j to fn]u;ani' in fisliin}; within any limit pro- wl hiliitcd liv the titaty of lry, in that ) cc, a day or two hcl'oic, a small (piantity , prim puUy relied ssels ha\ e for forty years been acciisti o f^o in and out of the bay .It pleasure, and have never lieeii rciiuircd to send ashore and report wluui they had \w business with tlu^ poit, and made no lanilini; ; and that no seizure had ever before been madi; or (daimei'. a;iaiiist them tor so doinji. Can it lie reasonably insisted under these circumstances that by the .smhh'ii adop- tion, without, notice, of a new rule, a vessel of a friendly nation shoiihl bo seized and forfeited for (loinj>- what all similar vessels had for iso loin; a jieriod been aUovved to do without iiiiesliiin .' It is siiflicienlly evideiil that the claim of a violation of the ciistoins act was an afterthon<;ht. brouuht forward to ^ive whatever added strength it niijiht to the jirii cipa ini on which the seizure liaii been mad( lieciiri inji, I lien, to the only real ■1" sti- I'HH ill Wllil'll re was iiiiKlc sKVii Sciitia, iitity (tf l)nit lie coilrttriic- ninr, anil in Itriiaiii, that ■ iMort'i'diii;; lly, that tlio iililc to Sici- lian I'llsldlllH ■V. Hnl this v 1(1 jniiiii- I'Vfii it well •it, iindt^r the iii-iiiMisc rcii- ', and would payUHMit of loint of fact. I'l had iiiovrd t, or coininu- .. ll appears loiitics tlii'ic It of the liay (Ui they hail ll fvcr Itcfori' i iict was lui t to the juiii- cl is to 111' for- iwfiil lishiiii;, ic iiitcrpicti ll 1 i'iif,''au,i'd ill U'posi' wliat- tiT. W lift Inn' thin ])ioliilii- lUirons (!onsi'- • buy ii ni'W.s- idont, to 1 .nd tiic. flood, (^r ,■ sli[iiilatii)iis i, whose ports ircuuistaiici's, HIGIITN OF AMHUICAN FISl IKUMEN. If a vi'HMfd In not t iii.u:. not (ll "iKHKi-d in (iNhiint nI i<'d to he lawful :v:s.;''iii''''.'-»^'''''Mf«''"pi.H..,i iH.n.ay in;; ;;,;;:.;, :;-:^::::.^ :-;-••;';:■•. Hii.,,^ i'jUi'A. hilt not pni'i'l "'"; '■^■'■'1 ••iifiml thr port i'l not foiiil iir nii'il ll lolii-hoiisi lasi' a II, .XV innc H' riio.it iniiocnit v IS till ( haviiiji: •I"', thon;;!, fh,. iiihaliit >od. I)ii( M,,t coal. (SI ic iiiav 133 in lish. 'ranii. |»iiir "iiliin till- intcidiitiim oft! vcs-cl ill (|iicH»ioii is I no other hii.sin lints arc desirous tit sell it l.ilion of th,. (reatv le treaty. If if | low seized for liiit ll NN) to report heiHeif to tl 'c .said till liiiK. hIii! Would e eiis- extreiiie than tl ""I iNely to he insisted on. I reiil •se aiee\triti lie ei|i ilalh I am lent ion .so narrow, ;ind llted to the hijrl, ,.„„, le one relied |||„,„ {,, jj, l"''>*i'ii'icd that yimrh.rdship will IM casH. ply that no Olio of I.I ne instances of vio- leni IS more in Its result upon rellccH roil It MO niir.-asoiiahle .ind soiint cnr with me tli.it seems to me i|, •••tiiiM parties who entered that I "•■''"'iny iinil well-settled nil. siiili .salutary ass lie treaty must li 's iipplicalde to ill iiilo this treaty '•"Mslriieil ill ai'iord HI-. I- not to l,e attrih- !'l ler id't T en oives w.u to li s'ance mii.st conslan,!y fi,i| ,,f , nice with thoso without, le whole doi'il ic intent, or rail I'll flic attendant '"'■III will he taken tinr„ti I'itten instriiiiieiits, w hicl ■',"■"; l",'n."se. I{y these ■rulVs't'i ic intent. icr IS only used f„ ;iscertain tl ll tl ^, ,. fiiiiiinstaii "sthc literal meanini. ,,f |>U', and will I f'lcsitiiation of rl I Milt „ .,,11 , •• "■' "'"ii; III ai ""ill.v understood or intended poll these .trineiplrs (i| an i.solaled e| le considered ii ;iu.se IS often slm tics, and the olijeet i 'ii'wn no; to he the niemi- I connection n yiew ■sceiii iloiilitfiij. It uisl ruction the niea toileliiie and protect the I'el "iiiK of till 'salieatyoffriendshipaMdnotof I iNse in i|iiestion doo8 ati\ necessary annoyai I'" toestahlishasy.steinid nnJUH of the iieople of tl lostility. Its olijeift national i ill t' ne. It should I non-intercourse or tl le two coiinrries in tli oiiiity and of m.iritiin, 'I'l ifi'it of the piirpoises t Ills l"n;;,n|,.,| j, ;, |,,„,., ,..^ f intci '• .|uil;,nMl in y lew of t lioy we ■<''iiirseaiid ii.sa^r,..aiidit,s"restrict ijeiier,il rules of int w.is lese or- •>' desif,ri,,.,l t •yci', as ciiip|o\ (., \isioiis()ftl " me clear that 111 o ser\ e, lie treaty II I lie treaty, mi.a e words '• (oi lints, and were not ■intended 11 no other purposi ions considered lo other purpose what- ::!:.'-}i''"i'--- - r,;, i;;;e;;s/::!"M:;? 'r ';::::!;?:! ;;;:•'! ^'v:.v: iiadiaii ports foi to pleyeni t| the t ice and friendly int innocentand mniually I c entry of Ainerii iiiid especially Let cicoiirse cnstonijirv |i,.t iciielKial pnrpo.scs, oriinn I'loyiiiccsor their inluihil. ■m hshiiij. yesselsinio Ca- ileye, IS the CI "cell the I'nited .S ween all cces.sarily to restrict court of Just ic ii.striiction tlrit fiHes and (Jicat M ciyilizeil maritim Kiiild he p] I ilaiii. latioiis. ;iced upon this Ileal ■"^'ich, 1 cannot Iiiif I l>llt o\ en wore it conceded that if tl y hy any cnlijirhtcn,,,! ii'tcinatiiuial oik, , I'lf'l l>y the letter ( present ca.s(f. < It in dcalii roil) iiivii IC treaty w ii;' with 'IS a priyjite contract, instead of Th i^ctteettothc intent, that woiihl letion „|,o„ it ,„i„.|,f ,i„;, j^^^;,,. I <• intcrprotjition of tn not he decis ai: lainp- pioceeds upon hioad till inical effect of jusi interests. cr and uties he t ween n;it ^■"ids, hnt what is tl r coiisiderat mils in their intercourse with ions. Tl ive of tho each other i"i harsh iiiiad so unfiiendl le sovcreii con.soiiant to the d ,11 powers. I submit tl IS lecii accustomed either t i.in authorities is not suidi as 11 y, so niiiiecessary, and le history of Mritisli ilipl '••yernnicntofrh. Iiiited St'at, o accord or t oniacy. and no pt o siihniit to. It er .Ml 'Jiiiity, to your so iriitatin|r Jcsty's (ioxeriiineiit Th ideation in .iiiy acti >uld find no precedent lese yicin) t'uiincil to make Slid to t" lets (in siihsiai loyisions of the treaty, A tte: 11 r- and con- to ]iio\ido 1 re Jill ."•)thatit shall bo law'fulfor His M '«ulafions and to jri\ ■•'vcinor of \ewfoii,i,ii,.,,„i O Sllcil ( "'licr persons "as shall tlic cariyinj.' into eft •ct tl '".'/. i lorizeil to d ler pniyides as fo|| "If If shall and may be lawful f. court. b.\ tl iii'inu lo lish, eaty) shall bo "■'■ mi" any such !«ay ••ire last >i- h; mentioned for the pnr| rbors of his Hritii au.v fi.slicrni, Miie M "ii;'liasiiii.- woo,l and ofobf o.se of shelter and ni of (he said IJnitcl States to on- tM'sty s dominions in A nevertheless t o such restrii't iiiiin.n- water, and for r<'p.iiriim' daniaijes t ions as may b e necessary to no other juirpose what iiierica as icrein and of prevent .such fisher ever, suhiect men of tlu> 134 RIGHTS OF AMERICAN FISIIKRMKN. miiit riii««.l statt'H from tikkiii«. .Ir.vii.K, ..i«;nriiiK HhIi mi the nahl bays <.r i.ul.o s or in aiiv ..tli.T inaiHHT wliiit.-v.T iJ,us\un th. sai.l i.nvil.'o;.-H liy t\w mu\ tr.|.itv aii.l tliiH uct ivh,.iv.m1 to Ih.-iri, luwl as sl.all lor tliat |...r|M.s.- 1... imiM>s..l hy an nr.lrr or on ."rs t(. I)r fn.Mi til. If to tiiiH' ina.l.' I.v His Ma.jrsly in coun.il iin.lcr tlio aiillioritv ol tlim nci anil I.v anv n-nlalioiis wliicii NJiail U>' issn.'d l.y th.- governor or |..>rHo-i oxitimh- iiiHtl t»icc..V«o">'n.or in any sucli parts of His Maj.-sty's .lonimK.ns ir. Aini-ru'a, unilfr or in iiursnancc of any siidi an ordt-r in ronncil as alorfsaid. It fnrtln r nrovidi'H IS lollows: •■'Ilia I il anv person or p.-rsons npou r»M|uiHition nnule by tlu>>;ov.-nior ol Ncwtonml- liind or tiic n.Msoii .■x.-Hsinn tin- om,nilat u.ns or direetnn.s Nvhieh shall be n.adeoruiNen fol the ex.-eulioii of any <.t the purposes ot this ael ; every sueh p, rs..n s(. refnsin;; ..r otherwise olfeudin;; ae;aiust thisaet shall forfeit the 8llin'of£'J(l(», to be recovered, A e." , , ,• , i ,>»• It will be be iieiveived from these extracts, and still more clearly In.m a pe usal of the entire act. that while recitiny; the lan-na::e of the tr.'aty in resped lo the pur- i.oKcs for which American Hsheii.ien may enter Uritish ports, it provides no foileiimv or penahv'for anv such entrv unless a.a ompani.Ml either (1) by hs!.in« or prepMiin- to lish within lh.-"p«"l'''"l«'«l limits, or(-i) by the infVinyemeni of restricliuus that may be imposed bv ..rders in council lo prevent sindi tishinir „r the .'.ryiii;- or em inij of (iBh, or the abi.se of privile-es reserved by the in^aty, or (:i) by a refusal to depart from the bavs or harbors upon iiroj.er re(|nisilioii. It thus plainlv ai.pears that it was not the intention of I'arliamenl, i or its nn.fer- HtandiiiK of tin- freatv, tliat -mv other entry by an Ameri.an lishins vessel into a Uritish port should be'refjarded as an infraetitm of its provisions, or as allordin- tlie basis <>t pniceediiiiis against it. ,. , i No other act of I'arliaiiient fof the carryiiii; oiii of this treaty has evr ..cen passed It iMunneccssar. to point out that it is not in the power of the Canadiai: I arliament toenlar-e or al.'. rthe inovisions of ihe act of the Imperial rarliament, or to>:ive to thi' trean either a const Miction or u k'Kal effect not wananteil by that act. Ibil uii'til the effort which I am inforaied is -now in progress in the Canadian 1 ar- liament for thep.assa-eof a new acton the siibj.'cl. introduced since the sei/ures un- der consideration. I do not understand that any statute has ever been enacted in that Parliament w lii'ch attempts to kIvc any different construction of effect to tlie tii 'Vty from that jrjven by the act of r.l> Geoi;,'e III. . ,,>•,,. i , Theonlv provincial statutes which, in the proceedings a.^ainst the David J. Ad-iJ •«• that V. ssel .:as thus far be. n chai.!;cd with inlrinj;in^' are the colonial acts ot Irtl. , . 1H70. and IrtK?. ^\ s iherefore fair to ))iesumc thai (here are no other colonial acts applicable to the c: .se, a d T know of li'.ne. , . ,. • i. The act of IhliH. anion- other provisions not material to this discassion, provides for a f,.rfcitnre of foreign vessels " found lisliinjr, (.r prcpariiiii,- to tish, or to have been fishiii-. in Hritish waters within three marine miles of tin- eoa.st." and also pn.vides a neni.lfvofs.llilia-.ainst a master of a foreign ve.ssel within the harbor who shall fai to answer .jiieslions put in an examination by the anthorilies. No oth-r act is by tins .statnt.^ de(dare(l to be ilh-al ; and no other penalty or foiMeitniv is (.loyided lor. The very extraordinary pr.. visions in this statute for fa.ilitatiiiH loiteitures and eiu- barrassinn- defens. , or appeal from them, not material to the present ca.se, would, ni a proper occasion, deserve very serious attention. . ,. . Theact of l-ri;? has no application to the case, except upon the iK.ml t.f thoomissioii of the vessel to report to the customs ollicer already considered. It results, therefore, that at the time of the seizure of the i.avnl. . \ lams and othci vessels there was no act whatever, cither of the JJriti.-h or colonial i.arliainents. wiiich made th.v purchase of bait by tho.se vessels illen;j,l. ,.r provided for any •""•it- ure penalty, or procceilinjis against them for such a transaction, and even if siicli purchase could be leoarde.l as a vi.dation of th.at claus.' of i he treaty which i.s lelicl on no law existed under which the seizure coiihl be ,jusi Hied. It will not be c(.i.- tende.i that .■usrom-house authorities or C(.loiiialconits can seize ;iud (M)iidrmn vcs,sel,>, for a breach (.f the stipulations of a treaty when no legislation exists which anthori/.es them to take coir,iizance of the subject, or invests them with any .)ur:sdicnon in the premises Of thisobvioiis coiudnsioii th." ("ana.liau authorit ics seem to b.', quite aware. I am inlbrmed that siiw.'th.' s.-izures tli.'y have pressed ..v are i.n'ss.n- 'li'-'-K ' J ''; (>j,„.„,j,„,, ,,,,,.ii.,,,H.nl in uHich haste au act whiidi is .lesiij:ned for rhe list tune intlu hist..rv of thele}-i.slati..n nn.hr this treaty to make the fads upon whiidi the Aiian can vessels have been seized illef-al, and to authorize proceediii-sa{?auist them then- for. tlioomisHiou RIGHTS OP AMERICAN FJSIIHRMEN. I35 il;;:^i::;::;r.:i;;!;j,.;l;T;;r;;i;::;i-t: f'i™;^^^^ ;n ::!k:=!:;;i "'iirr :::,,ts: i ?-' -j .^-nii...,.,, a.l.ln..ss,..l I.y tlH. IJri.i.l, A.lnurJ v\, aS ■• W O^ •>'at..s,„.,,i..M of M ...I.-.h "iival fn.,.,..s„n ,h,. Norfi, An... i'u, n -t ■;,./. '7; ''''^-'''''''''.''''^ "'''• ^'")'-stv'« i«"'"f lo II..- fon.i;;,, ..ni,..!, . . ' tl , ;. s . , ' ''''":•'•'[''•" ""• -'"'"HiHl .iHl.urt- 1H7(), ii. .•i..<.o|.,|i.|..... with t . .' . "".^^<'""""ly to Vi...).A toiLinii,,. , c ti. .."...■" ' . .■.r»,:f,'i;;:l;'!;;:'r;i;;;;;;:;;;;';';;.;;|,;7;i;;:''';;:«i^ »,„ii,„„m. £;.. ,M.-.„,, .., . ,„,'„' s,:,,;;;;;.:;;,:; ;;,: *;tr l';:;,,!:;;a,r;;;- ;-«; as lo tl„. pi' tlif^ ves.scl.s t.m|)i.(v...i iiy tl...... I.S ....,pl.,v,.,i i,v th.M.. •' ' ^"" ''••»'''-''«l"""l">;r instructions to g.M...,al or('a..a.la as foll.lws ''""'"'''>' «"' '^1 «"-^>"tnr.y, wn.f. to the\rov«rMor- ol.ti..,. in;, water, ...i^h't 1„. uarra.. -.Tvil.^thM. ■/%'•'' T '''""''• '""' "f l)on.„l f. Stat., that it s.m...,s to tl."... .. .^x , ..'i .>'m».1 .. '^".1' "^^y'' Gov..r..,.,ont feol mav 1,.. r,,,s..rv',.',l t.. British si.l.jects'.' SDiirco to the f'()V('rnoi--;.onoral, the fol- An.i ,n a si.l,s,.,,ne..t l..tt..r fV.„„ th., hh..... lo\M.in' lai)oii,.,j^,. ,., „„,.,] . r.'...ai,. with H..r AIaj.^st ■•.(.■ ....,.? •. H H . ' ""' ""',"'"" •"'^^•■'' =""«* wo.il.l iiial«. its..ira i.artv to t ,.. J/. 1 V ^'"'^ "" '''"''''•■ f" "'li''. this ....mitrv bIy..osv\vitl. which t^lL^o dl^hVs ::;" al^^^^elr- ^^ '" "" ^'"■"""•'■^'"i<>" anclreaiona' fto,n tha;'\i:^;:C; i:;;i;^;;;^,-;^';-!;:>j^^ or a..y .,im..-....t rn.e Gov..rn.i„...t. "^'" '"'"Pte.1 or san..t., so taias I can as.ierfai.i, 1. i.'y;ii)iin(l I learii.o- before the Halifax Fisl .fth lis a s.'izn.e of an Aiiieric IH.i-ehaseofl,aif,or..f.:„y„thersn))j,l .(..ies Co.miiission i.. ic< an ies. 77 this (|iiestio.. was 136 KIGHTM OF AMKP.ICAN FISHKKMICN. •liHcUNNt'il, mid no ciiMti could lii' iirodiict'd ot'i'iiy mik'Ii condi'iiiiuition, VcsHdls Hliiiwn to have liciMi ni'iii.-iiint'd wcrti in all (mmcs iKlJiid^fd nuilly, I'ltln-r of tiHliinj{, or pns- paviiii; to tlsli, within the inoliiliitcd limit. And in tlin caHc of i !io Wiiitti Fawn, triiMl In ilir adnii.alJv (imrt ot'Xt'W Uriins-virk lu'l'orr .Indy Ha/cn in HTi*, I nndfr.stand It to have '.ifcn ijl^iinitly held I'. at llin pnri'haHi' (d'liait, nnletH proved to have Ix-un in pri'<>:;i'alion tor illi'^jal liHliiiiH, wan not a violation of the Iri'Mty, norof iiiiy oxiMt- iuii law, and all'ordfil no ground lor pi-occcdinjrH an'aiiiMt tlic vt nni'I. lint I'vi-ii wt'i'c It |ioMsil>lc to jiMtiiy on lln'parl of tin- Canadian anthoriticH t)i<« ailoplioii of a coiiMlrncliiin of the tiraly cut indy dillVrcnl from tliat wjiiidi has always ht'iflofort' prevailed, and to decdan^ tlioMc ai'tH criminal which have hillicrto lieeii re- garded as innocent, upon olivioiiN ^ronndH of reason and justice, and upon coniniori iirinciples of comity to the United States (iovern-icnt, previous iii>tiee HJionld have lieen uiven to it or to ihe Aiiievican lishe'incii of the new and strinneiit instructions it was inteny an aniied crew to Difjliy, Nova Scolia. 'I'liat, in I)i;;liy, the paper allejfed to lie the le'j;al precept lor tlie capture and detention ol the vessel was nailed to her mast in sindi manner as to l>rcvent its contents liein;;- retid, and the reiiuesl of the captain of the David .). Adams and of the I'liited States coiisiil-i;encial to lie allowed to dela( h the ..".it from the mast for the purpose of learning- its eonteiits was ]iositively refused liy the proviiudal (illicial ill char;;e. Nor was thel'i.itcd States consiil-Meneral alile to learn from the coiiimander of the I,ansdovne the nature of tlic complaint anainst the vessel, and his respectful a|)plitatioii to th . etfect was finitUss. From all the circiiiiistaiices atlendin;^ this case, and other recent case." like it, it seems to iiic very iil>liarent that the seizure was not made for the purpose of enforcing; any rijfhf ov reiliessiii};; iiny wronj;'. As I have Ixd'ore r<'inurked. it is not jiretendi'd that the vessel had heen eiijia<;ed in lishin;r, or was intendiiiii to lisli in the ]irohiliited waters, or that it had done or was iiitciidiiiii to do any other injurious act. It was jtrocecdinj; niioii its iei;nlarand lawful Inisiiicss of lisliin^f in the dceji sea. It had received no re(|iiest, iiiid of course could have disrej^arded no re(iiiest. to depart, and was. in fact, (lepartiii<^ when seized; nor had its master nd'used to answer aii,> iiue.s- ti(ms put liy the authorities. It had violateil no existing; law, and had incurred no penalty that any known statute imposed. It seems to me inuossilile to csc.ipe the conclusion that this and other similar seiz- ures were made liy the t;anadian authorities for the deliherat.' imrpose of har.issint; and emliarrassin^- the Ameiiean lisliin:; vess(^ls in the pursuit of tludr lawful emi)loy- nient. And the injury, which would have heen a si-rioiis ont\ if coinniitted undi-f a mistake, is very much ajiyravated by the motives wliiidi aiipear to have proiiqifed it. I am inslriuded hy uiy Ciovenimcnt earnestly to \>rotest ;^aiiist these pro(^eedinj;s as wholly uiiwarrantert'ect. adi' liv lioatH Till- Adams idtia, across tlKiiii i-xpla- Micil crew to Iiii'c.ipt lor lanni'r as to ill .). Adams '.it I'rom the I" proviiK^ial rn I'rojii the sst'l, ami liis '•■ like it, it oC enforcing; t i>n'tciidc(l o ))rohiliiti'd act. It was sea. It had depart, and cr an,> qncs- incurrcd no similai' sciz- i)t' liar.issint; ^i'lil iMn])loy- tcd luidi-r ii pronqifcd it. pr(i(ti'fdinj;'s Mt with the er Majesty's •icaii iishini; ■(1, ami that Ami I am *ty's Gciveni- i/.eiis in the tion, or sah? morica. It is to he inadian jioo- lu treaty iif ada into tlie ii'iensihiein primiph Mates were NJmph ' i'seIC, iind ot'ijie not he eoereed h tiation ihat, had tion now is, not ,JM>t ecMisirneiion, . 'l'he(;overninei «l'fni, .umnot ,|,.nhi that it will ,e .../riV'vf ^'''*'^' ''•"'''''''• '"''^l I'H-n.llv Hpin , an,l .eels every eontidenee , a 1 „ er . ; „? I '"'^ ' r-;ns::f-^i-;s;::; 138 UIGIITM OF AMKUICAN I'lSHKIlMKN. Bivtmctioii, \vlii(;li liiist liitlit^rto Immmi S(mIi'Iii.v«mI liom tliii .soiiunvliat iKittiiiiiloiis ri'liitiiMis of llu< CiiiiaiUiiii iiiitlimitU's t(»w:iitl.s a lioiivi'iitioii to Mliifli tlu'v . It' not actual or M'sponsiUIr paitit's. I am, «S:('m T. F. UAVAltl). |Im'li>Hiiri>. 1 Mr. HiivMiil to Sir I.. W.hI, .Jiiim' II, I--- '. ' '^'•<' N". i:'. !'• 1''-' No. (;;i. Mr. lini/anl to Mr. I'lieli)n. No. ;{LM».| pKI'MriMKNI Ol' 8TATK, Wiisli'nifiton, •hint' IH, 1SS(}, Sib: Witli rolVrciu't' to im'viouH cotrcspontlt'iicc coiictriiitiji tli«' lisli- oiirs (HU'stion, I tiansinit to you lit'ivwitli a copy of a ilispalcli Irom our coiisiil at llalirax,iii r('latit)ii" t(t the n't-t-iit iiistitictious to ("aiiadian of- flt'ials coiKMMiiin}; Ainorit'iirt tinhiiiji vosseln. I am, vS:('.. ^, ,.,^ T. V. UAYAHl). I Iiiflosiiro. I No. H.-). ] Mr. rhtliiii to Mr. I'orlir. I'nmtkd Statks ("onsii.atk-Oknkhau lluUfitx, .fiiiie ir.. IHrti. I Hi'f. ivctl .Imic IH.] .'^11!: Iliavo tin- honor to n'liort (hat I sfiit with disimtcli No. m;{, diitfd Miiy'JT, 18H(1, a ,v coniiiariii;; thi^ circnlarH that iiio tw.) last i>aranmh))H in IliotirHt cir.-ular issnid aiv'.siiicK.-n ont and the loUowin^- Mnl.stitnlcd in lit'ii thtMoot: '•Haviiij; ictfii'nco to the above yon arc n(infst<'(l to Inrnisli i-vciy lornirn fiHhing Vfs.st'I, hoat, or lisli.iiiian Connd within three marine niil.H I'roni Hhore witii a eojiy of the iniriiiiKi iiielo.sed herewith. It any li.siiinf;- vessel or boat of the United States is fonnd fishini;, or to have heen lishinn. or preparin;; to lish, or, if hoverinn within thii thn-e-niiie limit, does notdeiiart within tweniy-fonr hours after reei'ivin-; siieh wani- iiiK. you \Nill jihK'e an oHieer on hoard siieli vessel and at once teley;raph the fads to the (isheries department at Ottawa and await instrnelions." . ,. • IsverythiiiK alioul sliip|(inj; eiews, pnrehasiiifi supplies, and trading is cr.ininated iu the t'onlidentiiil eirenlar. '"'"'*•=•' M. M. I'HFXAN, f'.-.'.'.'s.'.'/ 'Ji'Dcrtil. ti)iii«nvliat IIIVlMltioll M oliiniiiiitcd UIOIITS OF AMKUICAN FIShKUMKN. [lui'loNiiiv Willi Ml. I'li..|i»irn, N., M., I Von/iil,nli,il iinnlur No. :i7|. 131) (;rMT(>M« IlKI'AIII.MKM, III: Til.' ti..vni,iii,Mii ..ri|„. riiin.l Siitl.h 1 iilltr Mil 11 7, |K-|(;. Ill '.'.">, IhiIIi iiir II ■•«ivi', iiikI iiiiii'li- ;i(i, I iii^iiiK l>.v iiitlii-11 li'i'iniinilcil hi (id,, H |<'ii tiviit.v, allniii,,!, iH..|ill,.,l .„ li.ll I'lllfr.l Sliil IvlM.iVII „H III,. |1h|iiI> Ill'til'lv., „r II Amicii.; I. \\| ••H mill (Jifiil lliiiaiii. .>,i. 'Mviiiy |ii(i\ ision of tl H< WllHlli||J{. '• •imviiitioii lii'twirii III,, I'liilcil Sliii,,, C K'HilH, tjillrlcjii cs liiuc aii ',"■'' '" '.' '"lion tlio v'Dili D.'folMT. MM ItiiVN. Iiai'liiii iIk- iiiIi.'iImI iiiil< M II ll'NiMcllll;; III,. |j|„.|t^ ,.| K 1111(1 ■recks, 111' IiIh M •|'<'I III hikl', .li-v, mill ,.„,,. ij^i lillllll l»v llic iwt'i'ii lhi. Iii^h iKiitniitii llliililiir Mllii.sly'Nili.iiiii il I'll I'l'l'liiiii niaHlN, ■'liiill lia\r I'lircvii K jiiiitiiN ili.'ii till, iiili.ijiji iHiiiH ill Aim .na, j| I •> a|L;ri.|>il to lal<.' ii;<|i ,kf,.v..iv Uiiiil nil II '■"I" II "illi llii-Niil.|.,.|M„r|,j^ lliii mis ,>/• till- Mdiil (riiiiril Sial .'Mi'ikU I'liMii (iij... I,•a^ (,, ||„. | I'M part III' thf Miiiiilii^ni ,., llllllir MaJi'st.V, till* |il..Tt\ «•" ItiiiiiillaiHi. I'liiiit II taiM<-an Islainls mi tl mm ol' .\r\\r,Hiii(||aii(| lirli .M.i^ilaliii I ii'^aiil CaiM. ,;a,v to tli,- (/iii,,„„i iNlaiwl Nlfiii a'lil iiiii'llii.|'ii inasl 111 .I..I III V nil III). iiiilf'. .iiiil mIho I. II llir ci.aMtN, l.avN, llail hiMitli.iii |.,,,|H| ,,f |,al,iail(.i. I ". oil till' slmii.H 111 III iil'oiN. anil iii'.Kh, I'tiiiii Ml. Ill) '•IMT Mill III wailll.V itlllrlilljlvly al..||.. || o ami tlinmuli tli«- .Sii,ii|m i,i |!,.||i, ,„| of till' CMlllsiN MK'ii nIuiII iilso |iaM> III '• i'i;;lilN nC III,. ||ii,|m,i,'.h U,iy ( H" Coasl, Willi, Mil jl-cjllili,.,. l„,i\ hai'l aroKi's. ami ■"•iil'i'il, ami III' III I'ks 111' i.v, liin liiiill ""ip'iii.v ; ami that ilii. A • vci, t, 'V< r. Ill ill V ami iiiii.iisli )„ .,iiv ol'tl II' wiiillii'i'ii jiai'i ol' till' I <• iiiast .il Laliiador; Inn iiaNi (iC .Vi-arniimllaml I III' ri'.'Hi fiislii ,. iiisi'lil. il l,a\H, MO Sllllll a8 till- M.lll liTI'llllli ill <• .'■•■Itli'il. i( shall m,| he lawmi ('„,• n,,. „,,j,i or any |iiiiiiiiii ih iiiii' smli iHiriliiii NO Mi'||i,.,| haliilaiiiH, |irii|ir|,.| WJIIlOllf |l||'\|ll ll^lirrilli'li til ill '^ III' OIS. (11 |lllSN('SNIirN of III,. ,r| Aii'l I 111' I'mli'il .SialvH h(.|..liv iii'i''«l l>v Ih,' iiihaliiiaiitslhtri'iit !■* iiKi'i'i'iiii'iit I'lir Nui'li |iiir|,i,,„. with II ••iiii' llsli at !■ in- 1''"'" • foii'vcr iiiiv lilii'i-tv iiiili'M 111 aii.voC I hi' coaHls. has to lak", ihy, or inni ii,.,| olori. I'liin I'li'fks. Ill' harh 1 on III' wiiliiii II M'll ioiiN ill Aim'ii,a,iiiit iii.-lu(lnl\vlt hin Ihi'ai lliiit till' Aiiii'iir.iii li.^h(,i IHirpoM. iil'Hlh.lt,.|' ami of i ■s oC his Hiiianiiii' Maji'st s '.s il Hi'n iiiaiiiif iiiniii- taiiiiii^r watm, ami tor iK'n .shall hi' ailiiiili p.'iiriii- ilaiiia);;i's|||,.n ni, of imiri'ia sti'irtiniiH aH mav hi' i I'liilhi r |iiii'|iosi' wh.iti'vci. lint | '■-imiitioni'il limits; |.riiNii|,.,|,'||„wi'v,M' |il to.iitci smh ha.vsor haihois inr t]u^ f-im,' w.iiFil, ,'111,1 of oh- III- II 'iiiy inaiiiii' ■ '■•■••ssary III pii'M'iii ilH'ii lakiii'Ml •,v shall 111' III lll'l' Sllrll II- ( ;i'tioii is also lall.Ml toihr t.ilhiuiii M'ap. Ill of Ih,. ,,,.,^ „,' iMjH, ,.||iiih,,|..,^ All aii:iil V<'SS,'1.S I-')" Any <•!' lll'l' .M.iii'stN for. I lati'vci' ahiisiiii; ihi. jn-ivil i.viii;;, or cm inn; (jhi, ||,,'r,.in 'K"s hi.r,.|iy riMcrvi'd lull ti iirovisioiis of I hi' ai'l of I he I'aili »'<)iiiiiiiNhioii, ,1 oilhuT of l|,.r Majesty's — '■ s navy, iiiiisiiiK -'hkI lii'in;;'in Ih II acl ri'S]ll',,'li||;r liMhillj, |,y (•,„.,. jj. anient of II •I'OIl'Clillli tl, II,, M,.,i,.,sty'., „|,1 >*'" <1 ofiii'i'iof lll'l M ii.'ivy, seryiiij.,111 lioalil of any vessel M ol Canada for purpose ol af- e w.iiei of any \ i hel ajesty'siiavy, lishei i|eits eii;r|,;^,.(| in the lisl loyeil ill III,. ,s,.|.xi ""i^'iii;; lo or in ih,. .\' > ilifii •I'l.'i. Nherilf, niafilstiate. iroll 'O.I III of any ship, \esse|, or 1 waters) wiihin th lar il ol proteeliii;:; the ij^l si'i'viee of I lerie.s, or illlV eiiliiiiii;-!- . "isiipemliaiy i.iiiMi.strall'iiii hoard lie IJo\el iiineiil of ( le'ii's, or any nllieer of f| 'iiinida ami luii- isl ler person duly eiinunissimicl f,,.- t|,nt , loat wiihi imiil.i, and stay on Imai iiie miles of any of ih iiy li.'iihoi in Canada, or lio\ lie enstonis of Caii- iiirpose, may himiii harl (;<) " If .sni'h siiiji. vessel,! liiir, II tl so ho\erin;,r for tu,'iil\.fiii,r I lis loiiM as she ma r hoat he honnd elsewhei e etiasts. i.ay.s, creeks, or h •■iiii^' (in Miit- y leiiiaiii within sneh plat- aroois 111 ami hall 'e or ilislaiiei •'lipart,.'inyoiieofsiich(.llii'eis(.ii loiiis after the maNtershall h oiiiiniie wiihiii such vessel, (ir hoat into "•■nil loiichiii^- Ih,' , pori and search I lelsoiisa .ileahoyeincntii ive hecii lei|iiir('(l trill y aiiswi'i till and licr caryo, and d may III lii;{siicli slii| voya;;!'; .-iiid if the inasler or persi lay also examine fh,. „, 'I'i'li siiij,, vi'ssel, or ho.'it he I id Killed,, ,,(• (',.,,i,.,,i fstions pill 111 him in smdi ex nasler upon 111 ill I'miiiiiand shall not, liiit miiiation he shall (brfeit S.IOd to I lave I •I'l'ii »isliiiif;(i., Mriiish wat I'.'iys, cieck.H, or ha ;'i'i;>;!ii._ or not navigated according to the h. w^ of t| II loiiiid lisliiiii,', or prcpaiiii;; to lisl I, and have I wilhoiit a I lioi • ■is) within three imirii H of (.'anada not imdiided will to •^mh shi| leense, or after the expiial ion of tl e miles of any of the ei and if II) I, or KilslH. nil the ahove-irienlloiii'd limi; I, vessel, or liimt, ami tlio taekl H' periol nanii'd in tl last li (■I) o I hereof shall lie forfeited' lens,) J. ranted All !<•, ii«:j4m«, iipparel. fnriiiinre, .sliires, and •lire, storei •'V aiiv ofli :::::i\-:^r]':;T:'u: ;:::ii^::"^.:";<' •■- <-••<"■. -««!•■«. apparc, r ti'«(i lialde lo forfeiture under tl Nllll II r.-i or persons iiieiiiioned in tiuj lis act. mav I iiriii- PpoNiiiH liny onieer or |ier,soii in tl second scition of this act ; and 'V .seized ;ini! Hciiired Illy; or ;ilieltin iiy other other persoii iiilty of a iiiisd'enieaiior, and •'Very por- r aid- "<)t exceeding twoyeaivs, fxeention of his duty niider this act, .,. „i„- uiiy opposition, .shall forfeit .'rl-'IKl, and shall "l'<>" eonvictionhe liable to inipriHon.nont fCa term 140 RIGHTS OK AMKHICAN FI8IIKHMHN. IIiiviiiK ivfiTciiit' ro tliH iiIkhi', yon hw nM|iu fiirnUli any fonlun tlitliiiiK v»»». wU, liiiiifx, nr (inln'riiuMi found within tlin*' ur(»iin«' niiltM of'tlic Hliori', « itliin yonr U- iiirt, widi 11 |iniii('il coMy of iIm< " wiiiiiintf " ln<'l«i»i'«l liinwilli It itiiv llnhiiiu; vi- w\ or lioitl of tin- I'nifiil St.ift'M '\H tiMiiid lixliinu, nr to Inivt' Imtii li'.liln^, or |iri'|i;niin{ to IIhIi, or, if liovi>rin(( within llii' tiirfi' inih' liinii, ihitH imt -t'oiir honrx ul'tcr rfci-ivinit '.uch " witrninji,'' yon will |ilt'ii«t> plari- im olllft'r on Woiiril HUrh vi'MMi-html III once t*'!i'jjrii|th the Iui'In lotlif lisiii-i ii-Hi|i-|iiirtiiii>iit at Oilikwu .'iml inviiit iiiHtriu^tioiiN, .), .KlIIN.-SON. i'ommiDiiiiHiir ul' l^iiHiomit No. 04. Mr. lUuitti'd to Mr. I'lirljis. No. .'!<)!►. 1 Dkpak iMKN'i OK Statk, \V((Hliin!ftoii, -hilif 2!>, ISSt), SiK': I ti'iiii.siiiit to you, lii'itwifli. copies of tin* Pn'sitU'iil's iiU'HMi.i;t» of tin- 24tli iiislimf, to the S»'iiiitt'. icliilivc to ,s«'i/un's ami (IctciitiouH of Aiiicrifiiii vt'MSfls ill ("aiiadiiiii watcis. i iiiii, &,{'.., T. K. ILWAKI). |IiuloMiU(« With No. ami.— S«nttt>j Kx. Duo. No. H", Kortyiiiutli (JoiijjieHii, Hint noHMiou, 1 MiHuaiif t'loin tlio I'nuiih III i)t' thf United Stulrn, tr iiiHiaiitiiiii, in ri-Hinninr to Sviinle riMolu - tioii>i of M'lii lu,(/i(/ ,/((/(/ Ml. l-i-'ii, <( rr/iorl o/' tin SnTiiiirn of Slair reUcii-v t<> •li(ii KuliitinliH iiiid oidpred to lie |)rlnto, HSI, toiicliiiiLj ;iII''j[im1 .Hi'i/,iir(H iiii'l il 'tiiiitioiis of vi'h>i;'I.s of tlu^ lliiitoil Stutos in Itriti.sli Xortli Ainnriciiu watiTn, I tiMinnit Iut ^\vitll ;i n-port of tlm Si«ir()tiiry of .Sfiitf, witli ai'('iMii|ianvin<; iiapcrH. (iKOVEK or.EVKLAXD. EXKCUTIVK Mansion, U'linlniHllnii, .full/ •,>■!, Irt"<(i. To the I'renident : Rivspoiiiliiiij; to I III- .ii'roiiipiiiiviii;^ rusoliitioin, i>f tlic ri'spiictivi' 'latcs of May U> am! ■Inly 111, !"<-'). alopti'il by tin' .Si'iia t>of fin IJiiiiril States, a'ld which wen- ift'i'iicd liy till' I'rc.HidtMit to this DcparttiiiMit. tln^ niKlcrsJLriii.d, .SiMa't^tary of Start', h;is the honor to reply : 'I'liat tile list lii'ri'iiiito appmidi'd yjivi's all thi' liases of sci/.iire or dutciitioii of Viiicri- caii vcssi'ls ill foreii;ii ports siiic-e .Faiiiiary I, US i, of wliiidi t.lm D.^partm mU of .statt* has lu^mi iiifonni'd : and. as it, will he ohsiM'ved, no orher (•.is "s of siio'.i sniziire or de- tiMitioii li.'ivti occir.red than those in thi' jiorts of the Doniinioii of Canada, and under tlio alle!j;(Ml antlMritv of the olftcials of that Goverii'iioiit. All of the vessels so seized or detiiinod were vessftl.s Iicon.s"il for llshinu; under tin* laws of the United States. They have all been released Hxeeptin;;' the sehooaer David ,1. Ad iins, of Gloucester, Mass., whieh is still held in custody ar, l)ii;iiy, Xova Sc'oria, her owiiei" not haviny; 8ony;ht to proenre her rtdease hy j^ivinj; houd. The i>ei'iod for which each vessel was ihsiained and the terms upon which thoy were rcspeetively relea.seil ale .staled in the appended list. Instantly upon recidvinii; authentic in format ion of an a.llejj;ed seizure from 1 lie owners of the ves.sel.s or their agents, or from the consular oltieers of the I'nited States in Canada, this De[)artineiit j^ave instructions to the United States cnmalar offi<'ers to II IInIiiiik VIM- hill yotir U- Inhiliit ^'*' *>'\ pri'iiiinn^ lit t Wfiit> •lour II llOIII'll HIKtIl I ii mill II wait 's iiu'UHi.jje ilrtciitioiiH s'('(i(j/(' riHolu re l<) ifi:urc.. to !)(> prIntDil. 1(» ami . Filly till States ill iry <>l' Sfati', VKLAXD. »r(».ITH OK AMKHK'AN KIHUKHMKN. 141 .Miiji-Hr « iiiliiintir at till 'ii-inii.l, rr|iri.H«'iitati iiihI whi'ri'vnraii ImI' iiif iiiitiitl ibr iDiiiiM-riHat " ••iipltal, ralli IIWIM'I'M III itrd ■•' "1 1 liu.,;;-,,. 'm,; ;':;i',; z^r'TT<^.:"-'''"!^-rt!::::s ••« for r.Mli,.,,, H,„| ,„.fii|iatl nSl:r;:l^':! '=1 «"'• "-'"tui.. r,. in tioii' «|III-H(i.l|| |,v t|„ N iimlur loiivfiiijiit ""Hill l.v (|„. law III I'" ii«htMof oiii„it «lvi-ii of ||, *'«li»ii HiKi tbeir MUH IIIKJ CMII- ||||..|„„. pioCl'SMJOIlal Nt' 11 if IV i( .!-'- K^ '...'i ii; m::,";;:;; :r;r,^^!::";':.""«'^' ••■• '"'-'-ui.m "1 (iC two «,„ltl|.|||./.| I At a I III- y '»'■ riiila.|.,||.l„a. auclM " V'' •'"' <''lllil.l.M„ < "•'I ill iliM law^Mr. ( «';rf r.-taiM,.,| l.y tin. I iiHii liavn liHHiowfil il < x-iiifiv..; aii.i Hiii,.,.,i,',.".j;,7|, ;;,'. '|'Vi>riiiiiiiif, III, i<'ii<'ar..(i,l loiisiiliTat ;;™.,..,,M,,,,:;;;«vy^,»Si:i;;" I CIIMI' M i<>iiii|.,iiitii»Mj|ii!iii„„r '"'i.i. ill I III. nam.. I, r II '.'''" '"Illllll'llll'll ill tlltl y iiiNt iiifNo «ciii|,.. itiioi-NiMiil fliM law ill ;:"}!""'"" -^^ Miir Klia.M. | .». A.I "'•'•.-tiiiitiallv H «<'lint..r fill' rh.. ari..,„..v l>;"i«lify, w|,i,.|, «^,„ ,„,.,i, <>» that v(.,s(..,.| I M aJ.'Mtv III vi«.' mliMiralty ,„,irf at MaliT /......„ a.,, lain, i,r.a«ain,H. ,|,..„,.| II X', \ "■ "iHII'-. <'o|.y j^ I fc ' , ' till, JIUJII '••'itfliiy III ...,||, oc ,v|,i,.| OVU li'-iviiiito a|.|ii.|i,|,.,| „»• tl "■y Kiiii'ial of III,, |(,„„j - ■ lit It'iiKth till. alli-...| """ii'-r Davi.l "•<"iii|.laiiit Hii^i,,., |,v .1,, 1..., th I'otI {I'diiikIh Citr tl W.'l •iirri'iitiy with n ,,, ,1 ■ , , " • • "in.., (■( ". "'IS IVpaitiii.Mitanil ,|,„ jj IfHI" I'VDIlts, COni'SIMIIKl '•'•N'Mziir.. aii.|,j,.,,.,iHoii M nnuHWrof th.. {'ui,,.,! stat •;lii'« han Im.;;iiii hikI nfinh ininiNtiM' at tl liijiNty's (;.ivi.|iiiii,.,||, til ol ■^ ill I, nil. I. (II at: I till. ( ■< Nfill iiro(...|.,i:;,,| '"*.''"l'i'ah aii.l aUo I,.., nuhiM iiiHl..rti..atvaii.| '""."i''H. \vhi,.(, u\X' IllOinrllt •'^'iii Natis('acli(r\ ., , iiitLiiniiiiMial law an. l' till. I lllal\lll^r ili'sciiii,., •"•••iKii oil! ,(■ II,,,. i> "«iiition ami ,.nlor iiw.saiiil (•(iiiiiiincial vV<>«M| lila.inii. ; ■ ■■ "If "III u; It :i . nil. Mil, II, I.. ,1 I •■ > "nimrrci fli.' NHznre«aii,l .lr,..n , , ' . , . '•■ "'•'";'."""""'" ^^ I'lifioiis o( Aimi' Vlliji <.i|lp||. Nl.fl ii« this „orn.>,|,..,„h.„c,., nhh-h i ^"•••'..|it iiM.taally J„h| ami I '•I'llll'lll (if Olll' iisa;{.s.i||„,t|, --M;i;;:';v::;:i;:;;:!;r;;:;r;:;;-;:;;( if i.s l.i.|i,.v...l iiiiiHt 7"""ii..s ami I li..ir lnhal.it •ll'llt tl •h • '■"iiiimiiiicat.) its,Miiit..nt '"Its, III,. llll.l.Tsi^r ","""/' I'l'-. ami, fh.-nifoi N""!! liMiiiinatH i »» "..lli.l llof, |,„ iittii.iis ivf,,r,.,,,i („ (•(iiii S II "'■'I is iiiiaMi. ID ,• '.!'? I"r::'"! '"<''""l'lHi. status, I Kf.s|M.ctllllly HUbillittlul. I>|.:i'.vHTMKNT OF I'alil.li. with the pnl.ii,. i„t >'-.lity (With a „.tt.... tVom ^ViMLl;n'l::'l.S;;SSXl^ir,^l;:'- '"« ' May Id ami ,,,•,< ict'crrt'il ati', 1ms tlin on of Anu'ri- iiir of .stato (iziii'i. or ili'- I, anil nmlor <^ iimlcr thi> 'Gloucostor. not hiiviii;;- uli tlioy wero n1lii. owm.f.s n(l .Stati's in ill" offii'ers to No. 1. AN80y fj. McCOOK, n., (K AMKKICAN FIMHKRMKN, .Ni>. W. In riiK MRNArr. or thk IfxrrKn Nr,\iKH, Jullf ll', l^Mt). Htnnlvml, I'dnt tli<« I'ritililMiit tif tht> Ifiiitcit HtittMi« lio n«<|iiimtt«i|, m) r'ur ii>4 In III** i>|»ln- Ion it iiii».v nut li« ii nnUtttnt with tin- iinlilii- InifiHHt, in tnl'min tin- Hi |K>|iin'tiniMit ol Mfni.- iii ri«niiril to ilif Kxi/nvrt »r tli'ttiilHin in imv rori'l«n |>oiNot'iin.v Aun'rinin vftit-lN mi .Iminmv I, l^*^)), and tin* pri'ifxt oiiillrniil 1 aiimv' tor wiii'li Hul/nrt', iumI nlliorri^iioiithnt"' ri-iiitlnu to tln< miiiiik, anil vvhiit illortK liavf ln'i'ii inaili- to |iiociii'i' iwlnwx for wneh «ii't ri'«'iirrt'nr«' ilmffot", Atti^Bt: ANMON <1. McCOOK. }*rvrrinry. No. :i. lAnl of .Imtrivitn _tlihlny remeU nfitnl h>i Ihi^ aiifhoritirH of «'anH(la in the ifvar IHfM, VmmoI. Hum* port. MMtfr. HdIimI. Wh«r« mI»«4. I • l>i»vlcl .1. Ailmii* NiwIiiirviMMl, MiiHH Alilmi KhiinN Miij 7 DIkIiv, N. S. tElIrt M. KoiiKlity KtMin.lmiik. M« ... Winn ii A. l»oii«ht.v M»y 17 Kiitjilililowii, C. H. {City J'oliit Uiiotli llrty, Mb .. . Htfitlioii K«<« 111 liiinil. \'i>n*«l ntlll In iMMtmly. t RitU'itMi'il .liui« lU. Hull, #:i.4UU. I'riK I «illimi4 lor rviulMtloii. : KnleaMil mi paymeDtuf $4UU, •lU'Keil ttiit*. Lint of Amencnn Hthiiig vnHHel» de^^^inml by the anthoritiei of Canada in the year HWtl, VaueL Homtport M alter. * .Toioph Stiimy Kwitfx, Mmb i • Mttttlww Kauuy Until, Mo J Uurewurd i Kiimtx, .Maiia | MoDonud .. Date. Relaiuied. April 24, IBM, lit linditeik ' Apr. 'J5,1886. July 3, itivB, atCauno I ' Dftalnpil 24 hoiirii. No. 4. [Inrloiiiro A.i No. 47".!. Ill tho vico-ii(linirtilty ((Mirt at HiiUrax. UKR MAJK8TY TIIK QtTKKN, Fl.AINTin', against TllK HHir OK VKS.SKI, Kl.I.A M. Dof'illTY AN1> lIKIt CAlKiO. DkKKNDANTW. Aetioii for forfcitiiro of the said vphwI and h«'r caijjo for violation of a (;<«n eoM- vontion hftwcfii 'lis late .Vlajt'sty Ueorjif tiie iiiini, ivinj; oi mo uniti'd ivin};doin of (iivat Uritaiii and Iri'laiid, of tlit- oiif |iart, and the irnilcd States of Aineviea, of the other part, made v'.'iiini'fl'.e reii'!! i.'f hiM hite Majesty (Je'Tue the Tl'.ir'!, Kini; of the I In i ted Kingdoin of (ireat JJriiain iiiid Ireland, hi iiig chapter :W of the aets of the said last- iianieil Parliament, nittde and passed in the said year. Also, for forfeitnreof tho said .f RrOIfTS OK AMKRrrAK H,S||K»MK.V. ^«tH (iikI h. rrarj{.. for violnll 148 l>"iiiiiiiiiii i»r «'iiiiii,( I'Mi nr,.h,,,,t«r«| of U„. „,.,,„f „„. ,,„,„ iintili< iiiiit |iiinM(| III th lUMIlK ,1 t|,„ ,• ,1, , , ■ " •"' "'"'ii' iiiiti liiinMd II till* v,.nr Iwim .... I r i ' ' ' ' '"•' !«««Mi !-7i). itii.i „f • liiipu'r «;| <.| rha mill i> nil. I .1., I ... I '/""" """ M'liuul. Mii-I tliii irn f».( M»«i..- ..I A " "■ iimilf iiiiil MiKi,|.,| „f I.oihI |li( will, ll I'Mi'iiiU Irmii ( run '•it|v..r. Ill ,.„„„„„„ «itt, fl,,..,,,},),,,,,^,,,-, •VHi-v kind II •iiuiif, „f thl. „„.| |;„it„,i lIliK "»|"' K'l.v to fill. Uu pun lit lilt, mnitliciii liHlilltHhllif Mii|,.,H. til. ,,..:'• '''/'';''«'V''''''l'H..I. ,ul.|V,nMMlii.3 MMVMi.t III,. .M„K.l.ll..|| IhIuiiiI iin'iiii (.^JaiiiU, oil tl 'oaMt of Niwidiii iilluiiil .Moiiiit .lot loilli iiixl III (ill I I > oil 1 1 m; mill iiIhii oil rh <'Hi.f Ul\ III »hn t/!li||,o|| i..,| < wi'Ht.Tii uiiil iioiili, r,, oiMfH, 1,4. », hurl Liihl> ::r':;i;;:;;;:;;:;i':v'-';:'- '--■=;.-»■:;:.: Hill I ii'i.k.< I I till loin »n.vor„x.liiMvi, rlKlit^i.f f . I, i„V, ''"'''''' "'"V"" f"".l"''"-. l.o.vi.vi.r to ...•n HiM.i.i.i ,1,0 iiiit.. iii..;.,vVor ::.:', I In:'?.;:;.?,; r"' "'"' "!•• •'^'""^'"'" "^ -r' '•'iH uii.l irirkM 01 III,. Ho„ili,.|.„ ,„,r /• ;. "' "'V'i''*'' '.'" '"'V ' ' "'" •"ii.i.ft||.,| |,i»r- -.iH'ul.l !..■ H..trl,.,i i, .iioiii.i . o ;''••,':*"•" '7' '" •«' •>• H".v i.or.,01, .li,.r.rf "iirh iH.iiioii «„ -..tii...i ...i.. "»"i"" lorriioHHhi HmIiitiiumi to iliy iiii.l iiir,. (IhI, at , ' '• I, ^Moiiin I lit 10 jiwtii tor tl„, u,.i,i II 1 ."•' "" «o'ii iiii'i •.M.I. poll ,01, HO m..ll|.,| Witooill pi- . I. I IH Lr . 0. ^'"''^";"" »"' '''y ail.l ,.|„|. ilHl, ;»""tM. I.ropiii.toii., ..r|H,H«|...orJon I. ui u , I , : *■ •"!V',J"!n",""' with Hi. inh I iH.'il toii.v,.in„v |j|„.,.iv n,..,..., I „•.""' "'" •"'i'l l'nit..( StiiiitJi thiTi'liv lub- re- roof Majesty Ki.iu (J.-orKi, tl... Tlii .1, lu- „«..";. ■?H.r. *''"; "'/'V '"'K" "f ''i-* lute '.»tli liuv ofK. i rTr i« 7 ^''*' '!"'.'"''' •^^"'•'« "'" AiiH-riia." ^ of tin, a^K o • t ^Z r^. f Z,nt nV" 'V' ^'1"'"\ '^'''^ '""''". '""V ' < tb..r.,i«„ of her i,n,Z,tM,«/vM *'"'■''' J'' "'*' »''i>'''«li "i"l thirtv-1 HritaiiJ' -V' I-land umn;^uS\.i E^.^n'';r II'm '^""^" '^'"«"' Sfotia. ami New Hriinswi.W ■.„,! .1. ."^ ' .. .^" '"^^ '"' !'»« """"'ii of Ca niilf, ami Ixmiik (-liaptcr 3 '■'■* -lirHt yvMHot Hco.ia. and n;:^- Hrn'„::;i;k";;;;:f t*;::: «:":,r;',fi:' ni 'i'' ;^"" ";']•""• '"'"^-""i^ ^;^ ;j-w.Mi,- ,vhieh «aid a.t i. citj ^^^ w.;U';rfc;i^/K5r=;;^:s:} isliiiij; Ity fori'lyn vchhi'Ih." Ami in M,?. fhi-f,- *• "V/ "■" ' "' *.•"""" i"<' ucr resiH'ctlnir n...... Vic.oi i,ra certain other . , 4i ^i' '^'h '.' I. V'??."* ''^^^ '•>'" "* "*"' '^'''= ' >' 'In- .^clM of tho 8aid I^iriiainent of Can uH u .J "* ,^ '"""'''- '"^i"« 'I'.'Pt.T . ,f ;'"'t tnrtl.er to amend th. ac reMpSi'i iiMlVim ''1!:'//'^^ ''"•^'^'■''' ,'"■*"« '"•"'^l««i "Au •'• 1 liiit t u^ Naid conveni ion ,i„.i .1. 1 " liiim.-nt made am pu.sMed in iMi 1 "'<' ^jr.' ^«frl)or of .St. Anne's, sitnate in the <»J .St. Aiim,'«, all hereinafter d lion ot the (lorn r with iiM outlei to thl- <•!. nty of V^ct,.!-! Uay of St. A thv ! f<;\ inc.' of iiueH, and jiIho the .said Hav "" "■ ^-^^-"i"l"l 'S-lS^o^Sii^Zte ^S n« B,'£^a£S3!^i 14t RIONTl or AMKKiCAN riAHKKMRIf. of till' Ifiiltt'il KtiiKiloiM ••) Vlriorln, t^iH'iiMir III.' I'm III >»ii>l Iri'litnit, Mit'l MOM >*f llcr )lit|)*iit> Uitit InrliKln*! or Iviiiuiiii rliiii |>itt ili« <>rM iiiunl i>f .VxwfiMiiHllitiMl, mimI w ilit' N«m fuiiita). l«iMt,aiiil I'riMii till' «niil f»\»^ in llic (jtiii|Hiii UIhimU, dh iIic itliiir<-ii MuuiUI< liiilt'lliiiicly iilot.^ iliit roniit. 7. i'liHi Mix Maitlalii|) KtU M Ooiiulily, wlH'rixiftmi' Wurr>-M A Ihiiit^hly, wliii wm liol II llltlltlill Imiiii Hitlilt'i't iif lli'i Miiji'Mly, MMH III' U Miitnlcr, In i» I'tinilull nllll* vf Vt*M- •itl mil iiiivluiiiril iti i>)irthii|{ III th*' luHnofdri'tit Itiititlii itittl IrtliiiMl, nr iitiiiruiitg tn III)' InWH ofCiiiiiiilii, liiit MUM mill U It ii||i|i III *'iit I 'ill It'll Hliitm nl Aiiit*ririt iiv.iM»uy, l»y iicrMiim rt'«liltim In ami Ih-Iiiu i-iM/i'iih hI I|i.< I'liiii'il Htiiti'N III' .tiiicrlrii, hImti' Ihi' Miiiil "hill nr vt'^uwl wiih ImiIIi itiiil iiinilli'il, itml iIim autlil ■bi|Mir vi'HM'l Kllit M, liiiiiulil> »>iHiil llii' litiii* lii'ti'iiiMlh'r imntlnm'il Ihi'iim)! himI prrtiilllril III ritiiy nil llm lUlicrJ) » iimli-i uiiil In |iiir«iiiitM •• of tlif hi in nl tli<' ITniiiiii tthllfN itf AliU'rli'il, l»i|il uilK ••li((ll|ti'il III lIlP iM'nM'CilMnli nf tlii' IUIiitIi'M iiiiiI nil i( llnh- IliK viiyiitti', mill witN iii'il IM wtllioilt It llri'iiMf In lltli nr illiv lli't-lini' ^vltutMii'vt'r in lllltt lii'litilt llnill llli' Unvtriiimiil nf (iiliililil nr nf NnVH Sinlhi iimltir lllr ittlltllti'ii of Cnil> Rilii nr nf Nnvii Niiiliit in lliitl lii'liiilf. ". lli-lMi'i'ti Ihr liiili mill ITlli ilityNiif Miiy, |H«r» mid luiy nml liiirlmr nf Ml, Auim-'m iifnii'Niiiil will m iliii-i< iiiuriim iiiilr-< nf Mil' Hlinr" nf niiiil li.iy iiiul liiirlmr 'if Hi. Atim''N, mill wjtliiii Miri'i' iiiIIi'n nf tlii> l'nU'«lH, li.iNN, iTcrKN, mill litirli'il'N III MinHi' iinlMniiiH nf Mli' ilniniiiiniiN in AllM'iH'ii nf llir Mil- |iiii|in> piir|MMi'M nl kIii'IIit III M'paii inu ilmniiKi'H, nr of |iiii'rlia->iii;; wmul nr itf nlitaiiiiiiy; wiilir, cmiM'm'y in Mir iirnvixiniiN nf ilic Miiiil rnn vi'iilimi mill nf tilt' Nuiil irvrral lU'tH, ami tlii' Nitiil M'UHi'l i;ila M. |)nii^lit\ ami Ih'i' iiirt;ii \vi'ii« tlii'rrii|inii Hri/.nl witliin lliri'i' iiiariii)' iiiilt'H nf Mir i-na»t nr Hlniirinl Mil' nil ill liiiv 1111(1 liiirlior nf .St. Aiiih^'n Iiv I (mill Id Mi'Aiili'y and i.ai, liiin (i. raiii|ilii'li, nlllci'rM nf tin* I'liHtniiiN nf Omnidii, iim Im'i.ii; lialilo In Inrfi'it- uri' fnr till' liii-arli nr vinlatinii nf Mn- Haid cnnvi'iiiinn ami of llii< Maid ii'vi-ral ik'Im, !l. Till' Kaid Wari'ii A. I tnii^lily, Mii< iiiaNti'r nf llii< N'tii! Nliip nr vi-hni'I Klla M. DniiKlily. mid \\\<- ndlii'rH and rri'w nl' ilii' Niiid sliipor vi-hni'I Klla .M, Dnii^lity, did, lii'lvM'i'i. Mil- liitli and ITtli diiyii nf .May, l*"* said run vi-nt mn and hi-I nut and I'l riti'd in Mil' Hiiid liiHf paraunipli JKri'nf, llsh fnr li.sli and taki> lixli, ami did dry mid ciiri' IImIi, and wi'ri' prrpariny in li^ii w illiiti tlii^ ini'.'Uiiiijj nf tin' said foiiM'iitinn, and III I III' said hi- VI' I'll I arlM lii'i'i'inlii'fni't' nii'iiliniird, rniitraiy In Mir prnvisinim nl tlii> said cnnvi'utinn and nf tlin said ailH, and Mii' Hiiiil vrssi'l l''lla M. I)nnu;lily and lirr carKo well' Mirt'i'iipnii Hi'ixi'd, witliin tlii'i'i' niariiii' mill's nf tlii' cnast nr slinri's nf tlm said bay and liiulinr nf St. Aiini''M, by Dnniild .MrAiiliy an. I Laiirlilin (i. ('anipln'll, nlliiiirs ot till' riistniiiM nf Canada, an bi'iii;; liiibli' tn fiirffitnie fnr violatiuh »f iho Httid en vt'iitiiin and nl Mn' said si' il iirt.-^ III. Till" -aid Wainn A. DniiKlily, Mii' masti'r nl Mm said ship nr vpssi-l Klla M. l>niinliiy, and tin' nUicrrH and I'li'W of tlii' said ship nr vcssrl Klla .M. l)nn;;lity, w(^i'«i bi'twi'i'n till' said Ititli and I7tli days nf Mm> , I'^Hii, and Miilisi'i|ni'ntly, in tlm said sliiji or VIM.S1I Klla .M. Dniif-lily in Mif bay and Inirbnrnf .St. AiiiH''siilnii'suid, and while In- and llii'y werr within ;? niariiit' milt's d in iitiil a»t ui iNmtfhty of Inn Niif t'oiivnuMn iiirKii witM buy mid h of Mlt» CIIH Nitid cnnvt 1:1. iil'tV buy mid h •' imirinn id' till' doiii Mil' ilniiiiiij '111' iiniitm Kilt mid n 1 "us fniind 'III' said I'oj ^'^iiMoii am Seofia, i "• *'iiiia(|,i, 118 >!iiil s.'vi'ral n I '■ iJiirjii-r •^llilj sllij, yp yj '"I'l « hile ho ( iiiiiritit! miles n 11. Ei mciHi i>\- \MP.mwAw rwHrmiwi. '-ah or v,..,..i„„ or th.„..^.:.s:r.::f!.:.ni.*",s wUhhi .1 omrhi.. ,„ii t>y l»>-tinli| M. \ •n'Iiiu !iitli|r MuJoNty Qimmmi Viotoriu, not inc^lndtMl in Mi« liiiiitH h\hwi- lidd imd dolin-'d in tin- «iud iir.st article of th" miili luMoof, lish fur linli, t!ik« (isli, and dry and euro n»h, and worn nn^narinn to HhIi witliin the uieaninK of tho saiil convontiini and of MitJ Manl mov- «rai a.tH. and tho HaiiJ v»'hhc1 Ella M, DooKlity and Iht i-ar^o w.-re tlierenpon «eizfd, within :} nnirint! niilt-M of the cimsU or hKivvh of the waiil I'rovinee of Nova Siotia, by Donald McAuley and Lanehlin G. Canipliell, oHieerH of the enstiMOHof Canadii, n» lie- inn llalde to forfeiture for Ijreach or violation of the said •onvontioii aiul of the sanl several acta. . ., , . ^i Ifi. Dnring the months of April and May, I88(i, the said Warren A. Donnhty. the nuister of the said m1m|- -r vMsel Ella M. Doughty, and the olHeers and crew ot tho said ship or vessel Eila M. Dotijrhty, were in the suid ship or vess,! Ella M. iJ.Miulity, and while he ami they and the sanl ship or vessel Ella M. l)< ^hty were within :i nnuine miles of the eoastM, oays , creeks, and hnrliors of the Vn nee ot Nova Heotia, hein« a portion of the dcnninions in America formerly ot his !iit< Mnjesty King George the Third, and now of Her Miijesty (^neen Victoria, not inch ted within the limits specitied and defined in the said first article ot the said convenuini set ont and recited in the tirst pani^raph hereof, preparinn to lisli within tin* nnMnin>{ of the said con- vention and of the several acts herelnltefore mentioned, ccnitrary to the i>iovisions of the said convention anil of the said several acts, and the said vc.sm I Ella M, l)on|a;hty and her cargo were ttierenpoii seized, within :{ miles of tlie (oastsor siiorcs ol the said I'rovincei ehalf of Her Majesty the (Jueen, cliiims the comh'mnaticni of the siiul ship and her < hi ;io and her ;;iins, aniinnnition, tackle, apjiarel, furniture, and "dores ior violation of the said convention and of the said several acts. WALLACE GRAHAM, 6'o'ici'or for thv AlUinuihiiinvi-ul of Canada. No. 06. Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps. Uo 37ii.l Department of State, ^ U«s/(/«//^oH,jH/i/30, 1880. Sir: Notwithstanding- the express hmfjuajie of Article 1 of the con- veiitiou between tiie United States and Great Uritain, eoneliuled Oclo- uer 20, 1818, by which it is [trovided that tiie inhabitants of tlie two contracting; countries "shall have forever in common * * * tlie liberty to take tish of every kind "on certain (;oasts therein described, and, as part thereof, " on tlnit i)art of the southern coast of Newfoun.l- laiid which extends t'roin Capo Kay to the Raineau Islands t)n the wesl- crn arid northern coast of Newfoundland ; from the said Cape Kay to the Quirpon Islands, on the shores of the Majidalen [slunds, and also on the coasf, bays, harbors, and creeks from Mount Joly, on the south- ern coast of Labrador, to and through the Straits of Belle Isle, and tiience northwardly imh-tinitely along the coast, without prejudictN however, to any of "the exclusive rights of tiie Hudson Bay Company,'* 1 have to day receivetl the sworn statements of the captain of an American tishing- vessel, the Thomas F. Bayard, ot Gloucester, Mass., to the etfect that he lias been hindered of his lawful rights, so expressly secured by the convention referr-^d to, " to take tish of every kind" lu the harbor of Bonne Bay, on the western coast of Newfoundland and ...:•;. ;i>jj>o.l '.jniitM liereinbefore stilted; I inclose a copy of the affidavit and likewise of the formal notice re- ceived by the master of the Thomas F. Bayard from the customs ofiicials at Bonne Bay, whereby, to avoid the seizure of his vessel by the local au- KIOHTS OF AMERICAN FISHERMEN. ^, . 147 co^';:;^l:!:::;^^;/a-,^«»^-h-^ of the American schooner Ma. of Hkj threat „f the cS. . n dUs ' Port Zi:'"'; ^'>"1'^^"-^ ^'^ ^"«^ I«laii(lH, to seize hi\s ve.sNel hIu.iiI I « Jf, ! "'^^"''^:•■^^^ "' f-'j«* Magdalen though tho^eisla.ulHarrexnZ v/irJ^^'^^^ obtau. freMh fish for bait,a . wherein the liberty fJre S to Hkl h T'^^^f ^ ^"^' '^"''"'*««i '" ^'o region cure,] by the eonventi^irj 1818 ""^ '^''*^'^' ''"'*> '« ^''I're^siv 8e fo.- .Kse as bait, and the sa.ne S^bi^S^i^ r" ''''" ^'*" ^■''^'^'' ««'' Majes y'« CJovernn.e..t, nc.tably by ,^0^? V >;''''^:f *"''?' ^'>' ^*^' tary ot state for the colonies, in his d sm i? '^^/V'"''^^*'' ^''*'» «'-«re- Kove.nor of Newfonn' ''^ ^^l''«»' Vou of Iti'P'csentati^es, FortvsKMr ."''"* (^^^^- ^^'"•- N«- «*, Hcnise this mail.* ' ""'^^ '"■^^'' <-""«reNs, second session) sent yon by «t=t^'Z"!b;;!;g;rat;!-^:(i:!;;;r^S^^^ secretary of r'«l>ts, and recpiest that sn h i ./.n .V-^^ " f''ese ii.tractions of treaty tl-e Newfoun.ll!.n-^"^'*l to to the lawful pursuits of A. npri-. I?. . '^ '"'""■''"*'** o^" «''<'»' «io„g8 i'if lordship that re. nf,,4rf^^ tle'Z^' a'"I ..Vou will also notif> «els an.l their owners in H cases tfn^^^ "'"""^•^ ^y the ves- claimed on behalf of the suttereiN so soo^fol ,'' ^'"' "'^traction will be ascertained. «uu .rtis, so soon as the amount is accurately I am, &c., T. r. BAYAKD. [Inclosureg.J siou (jnlt^^^iM Sr. "uio: "' R^l'^e^eutatives, Forty-sixth Congress, ...cond 1. Kx. Don. 7 ^'HT ';.",,ni.t,.a li,.r.nviili). " *"•' ^"">'-8'x'" Congress, ^.-cond ses- ,,,;.^^AI.^V; oo..>.,r. .o Mr. Bayard, Boston, Jnly .., 18H6, with inc.o.nr... .See No. ^'o. 351.] No. C(i. Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard. r 7 IjEGATION op the [Jnitpti S'lAri^T^c ^'.v me to Lonl d e e ih W M i'^'lT ^'"''''"''^^ ''^^'^W' ofa note sent 'trtairs, u.Kler date of ie^^k^^^^^^^^^^ for fore gu temher I, oil till' Hiihjfct of the ('aiiiuliaii I'lHliorii's. 1 rt'itivcdiilHo on tlic Itith of AnKiii^t, liiHt. from Lord Roschcry, thou roi«lKti socro- tary, a copy of a iwit. the Manm Hnhjeit, (hiti.l Jiilyy:?, IHrtli, luldrcHMtd hy hiH Lord- Bhip, thr-ufjli the Uritiuli iniiiiHtcr a'l WaMhiiiKton, to Mr. Hayanl, the Serrftary of 8t!ito of the I'nittd ."States, in iicjily to a notf troni Mr. Bavard to tin- British niiniHt«»r of May 1(1, iind alwo Ic mine addruii.sid t(< Lord Rosudjcry iukUt date of Jiino 'Z. The retireinent of LonI Uimeliery from otTic- immediately after I received hi.s note, pre- vented a eontinnaiHi- of llie'disfUNsiim with liim. And in reHiiininji the .'luldect with yonr lordHhip, it nuiy he proper to refer l)otli to Lord KowelieryV note and to your own. In doinnHo I repeat in Huhstaiiee eonsideralionn cxpreHsed to you orally in ro- cent intervie\v.s. . .. ,i r» -j Mv note to Lord Rombiuv was ((mtlned to the diseuHsmin of the ease ot the Uavid J. Adunm, the onlv Hci/nre in ref.renee to which the detailn had then heen fully made known to me. The points prcHenled in my note, and the ar|;umeiits in .support of them, need not he repeated. No answer iw attempted in Lord Ronehery's reply. He declineH to dineuss tlie queH- tioiiH involved on the ^;roun.;s now pendin>< have heen brou^'ht to a cou'elu.sion,'Her Mnjcstv's Government tlo not feel justiUed in expressing; an opinion upon theiu, either 'as to facts oi* the legality of the action taken hy the colouial au- thorities." ,..,,. 1 . 1 And your lord.^hip reiiiiirks, in your note of August '24, " it is clearly right, accord- ing to practice and precedent, that such di()loiiiatic action should be suspended pend- ing the comphition of i he judicial in(iuiiy." This is a proposition to which the IJniied States Governmeut is unable to accede. The sci/urcH complained of are not the acts of individuals claiming private rights which can be dealt with only by judicial determination, or which depend upon facts that need to be ascertained bv judicial inquiry. They are the acts of the authorities of Canada, who jirofes.') to he acting, and in legal ellect are acting, under the author- ity of Her Majesty's Government. In the rejiort of the Canadian ministor of marine and tisheries, 'which is annexed to and adopted as a part of Lord Rosebery's note, it 's said: . „,„.,., . i "The colonial statutes have received tli sanction of the British rovereign who, and not the nation, is actually the party wiih whom the United States made the con- vention. The olHcers who are engaged in enforcing the acts of Canada, or the laws of the Empire, are Her Majesty's officers, whether their authoriiy emanates directly from the Queen or from her representative, the governor-general." The ground upon which the seizures complained of are principally justihed is the allcation ti.at the vessels in question were violatin;? the stipulations ot the treaty between the United States and Great Britain. This is denied by the United States Goveinment. The facts of the transaction are not seriously in dispute, and, if they were, couhl lie easilv ascertained bv both Governments without the aid of the jndii^ial tribunals of either, and the question to be determined is the rrue interpretation ot the treaty as understood, and to be administered between the high ccmtracting parties. The proposition "f Her Majesty's Government amounts tothis, that before the United States can obtain consideration of their complaint that the Canadian authorities without just itication have .seized and are pi'«>cet'ding to eimtiscate American ves.sels, the result of the ])roceeding8 in the Canadian courts, instituted by the captors as the means of the seizures, must be awaited, and the (lecisit)n of that tribunal on the in- ternational (jncstions involved rms<)f a treaty may' be for the courts to which they resort to adjust. Questions between n.'iti'ons as to national riurhts secured by treaty are of a very difl'ereut character and must be solved in another way. RIGHTS OF AMERICAN FISHERMEX. 149 COIII6 u party t.. such proiuu, I m^ or fn 11 J ' , ^^'''/^ "*' " «'v.TeiK„ po vV,r T Im « her country for wln.t i c iE't ' ^^ "T": ^'-'rr '" "."•>' ^"^ '" '^h^ 'o r 'h c^ II" anthontiesof thatc.Mu.frv. ° ^''" ^'"'"t"'" "^ treaty Ntii.ulatio.,« by the " I'k., ,„a„,„.r await fl,„ .Imii.ioi.s of tho ';,*.'! "•''P;'*=t.''. if is to H.'r Maj..,stv'M}o tile treaty, or \vh<*th.,r it is int.Mieither in tlie report of th., C'MUu ,,.!• '' **"P''"'"''l that none sueh ex st e d aLt ...^s thereto app^n;-;;7" f ^^er m t.. actof Parlian.ent(n9Geo I„ e g«lity^.f^hes!:S;:s:''''' '" the report of the Canadian n.inister to justify the le ^S^X^f.^.^'.M^^.UV 160 RI0HT8 OF AMERICAN FIHHERMEN. tho BritiMh luiuister bv Mr. Uivyanl, the Secretary of State will doubt'^sa make such reply an may hjmmii to fiiin to b« called for. In varidiiH ntlior iiiHtaiicoH Aiiirriciui v«h8«*1h hav« been mhed or driven away bv the provincial authorities wheu not engaged or pro}K)8ing to engage In any illegal em- plovniont. ■ , . , 1 Some of thewe cawM are isiinilarto that of tho AdaiuH, the vi-nscIh having been taken poHHi'HKion of for iiiirchasing bait or Hiipplii-H to bn nm.'d in lawful tlnhiiig, or for al- leged technical broach of cUMtoni-hoiiHe i-cgulationH, where no harm w»« either in- tended or coMiniitted, and under cinMimHiaiucH in which for a very long time Huch regnlationH have liccii treated an inapplicable. In other casen, an arl)itniry extenwion ot the three-mile limit Hxed by the treaty has been announced mo us to include within it portionw of the high nea, HUch an the Bay of Fundv, the Hay of Chaleur, and other Mimilar waters, and American lisherniea have been pr'eventeil from lishlng in thone places l>y threatH of Hcizure. I do not propose at IhiH time to iliscnss the ((ucxiion of the exact location of that line. Hut only to protest against its extension in tlie manner attempted by the provincial authorities. To two recent instances of interference Ity Canadian olhccrs v.ith American fishor- nu'n, of a somewhat ditfercnt character, I umspeciiilly instrnctcfl by my (lovernment to ask your lordship's nttentiou, those of the schooncis Thomas F. Ibiyard and Mascot. These vessels were proposing to lish in waters in which tho right to lisli is expressly sncureil to Americans by the terms of the treaty of IHlM ; the Inrmer in Honne Bay, on the northwest coast of Nowfounilland, and the latter near the shores of the Mag- dalen Islands. For this i)urpose the Bayard attemi>ted to i>urchasc bait m the ])ort ot Honne Hay, having n^ported at the cuHtom-house iind announced its object. The Mascot made a similar attempt ut Fort Amherst in the Magdalen Islands, and also di'sired to take on board a pilot. Both vt;ssels were refused iicrinission by the authorities to purchase bait, ami i\w Mascot to take a pilot, ami were uotilicd to leave the ports within twenty-four hours on ptMuilty of seizure. They were therefore compelled to depart, to break up their voyages, and to return home, to their very great loss. I append copies of the aftidavits of the masters of these vc -sels, stating the facts. Your lordship will observe, upiui reterenco to the treaty, not oidy that tiie right to fish in these waters is conterred by it, but that the clause prohibiting entry by American hshcrmen into Canadian port's, except for (tertain specitied purposes, which is ridied on by thoCamidian (ioveninicnt in the cases of tlie Adams and of some othiir ves- sels,'!, as noapplication whatever to the ports from which tlie Bayard and the Mascot were excluded. The <resent time inopportune for that purpose, and greatly to diminish the hope of a favorable result to such an effort. Not tho least of them is the irritation produced in the United States by the course of the Ciiuailian Government, and the belitd' thertdiy engendered that a new treaty is attempted to he forced upon tho United Sruics Govcrnmeiu. It seems appaieut that the questions now presented and the transactions that are tho subject of )iresent complaint must be considered and adjusted upon the pro- Tisions of the existing treaty, and upon the coustruction that is to be given to them. make siicb KIGHT8 OF AMERICAN FIHUKKMEN. lyj •Iirtlcult,, .1,1,1 can ,loul.tl..MM 1,^ ,irr vn i ''*' *"'" «»<«"trioii. ought not t,. b« A'< It UKiH-arM fo 11... I. : . • . at tins ti.ue, but mny hereafter be itbl.. to propone an oiirlin,, for such a. "..i . .. ' E. J. I'M E LPS. (lucloMir.. No. 2 with Mr, I'h,.lp8'« No. 351. J "i. l«^'i. ^ ■^- "^- '«V'o;', o^iwr of vmUms, daud July llNiTEi, States ok Amkhica, tommonurallh of Mamichiisettt ■ «a{l.M wit iap..n,„t t,, timle from /om^^^ ^"'f.'''l •^t'.t.H; th.t she '.«!lu-.l o„ fh.3 i.orthwi.st coast of ^^SwX /^ Zu '\/'"''* '"'■ ''•''''"'»■ We ^tat.nj,. to tho fol|,.etor hat . , r is « ..'! " i ""'•.'''l-rto.l at th.-cmt.. , 1,. , se H-rv,..! ,„„ „.i,h th., n..tir./l m'.;,o' ap' ; 1 1'^^^ '""• T''" '•-H-ctor im.iuHiateTv w. •.„,.. a .-opy of the Canadian W.'r M ',h '^"U,-"'' ,"'/'' ''^ '''"'•'"^ '^- ^ hail -'•'f the treat.v of Irfls. This 1 show,, i, m, , ' J^^''' '^''"'•l' <'<'nfaiiK-,l the, clause n«l..t ..m!...r the ti.at.v there s ^'o ' "^ snbsHmvh; '""^ i'""'""' ^'"*»' ^ '''^'l »'"« «>mcial,.l„t,v t„ p.M-form an,l wonl.l not p.'nnit me ' '■'''''•^' '^"^ ^''^^ ''*" ^ud an ij.qS:uVt^,:;r;^;lr;^i^.:s^^^^^^ tl.reafs ,11 the notice an.l the actio of riici^. *';,■?';.'''':'''■'' "»' ''>' ''""«••" "^ "'eso ecM,..,l to my vessel by the treaty I it ocl ii ' r»^^^ »''^^ ''i^^^^ !"H.ses ami .lama-es have inured to said veHs, iL ^V''""'""*^'" '^"'.V '^^- 1 ^'-W great ...« warned otTsai.l coast and sai.l iCl^^S'^Uirile'iiS^.;::!::' '?; -^ JAMES McDonald, Commonwealth of Maksachusktts. Suffolk as: CHARLES G. CHICK, 'fuxtice of the I'eace. i Indosiiro No. 3 with Mr. Pl.elpg's No. 351.] Mr. Taylor to Captain McDonald. i^iii: I am liort is I am instructed to give you notice tl. u h ^**'''''' ^^^'' "^"'^ ^''^' ^'^«<^- i„ viol.otion of tlic- tH ry o|Mirtttl»>iiH, within :» niiUiH of tht' (MiiintH of ihix colony, will he in fnrthi'r violation of the t«t'ui8 of Haid convttntion ami Uwh. I am, «Jto., N. N. TAYLOR. Offivtr of CuHtomi, Capt. Jamkh McDonai.d, Schooner Thomai /•'. Rayard. i.^olomii'o Nu. 4 with Mr. rimlim'n No. <15t | Smtvn utalimnit of Alerandtr MiEachtru, mantir of ihr M.aitcot, dalcil Jitlif 27, IHHCi. Statr ()!■• Mashacimskith, Co until of lixHe.jr: (}r,<>iTi;.HTKU, ./!(/(/ -JT, If^-T). B« it known thai on Hit- "iTIh dii.v of .Inly, in the year of our F^oid 18H( , liifor- me, AiuMni I'liTNonN, a notary jnildif. dnly loinnUNHiont'd iind hwoi n, and A. I)., 1 weni into Port AmherHt, Mandalen Inlands, lorthe par- poHe of hnyin^r liait, hot a« Hoon as I went aHhore 1 \va.s nn-t hy the enstmn honne orti- v,\i\U, who forhid me from mo doinj;, staling they wonld ^ei/e my vesnel, and I had no right to enjoy any privilejjeH In re except to j;el wood and water. 1 IntornnMl Inm that I wanted to iako a i)ilol ho I conld Iind a «i)ot where I was infcvrmed the llshing •was nood. HeaLsosaid if I shipped such pilol or lai<'. in port ovor twenty-fmir honrH ho wonld s(M/,e mv vessel. * [SKAI..J ALKX. McEACHKRN. Before me. AARON TARSONS, N. I'. No. 07. i't/r. Porter to Mr. Phelps. No. 4 14. J Depautmkn'I' of State, Washiiigto)!, September 2!>, 1886. Sir:- I tninsiuit to you herewith, for your iiit'oriiiatiou, ii copy ol' Mr. Bayard's note of the 'j'M instant, to Sir Lionel West, eoncernins: the re- ported aetion of the cnsfonis ottieers at Sheej) Creek, in the Straits of Canso, in threatoniiifi' tii«i American tishiny schooner A. II. Crittenden M itli seizure if she took ii; ^v.iter. Also a copy of Sir Lionel West's re- ply to said note. I am, &c., ,1AS. 1). POKTKR, Aeiing iSecretary. (Inclosnro. 1 1. Mr. Havard to Sir L. West, Sept(Mnlier a:{, 1HH(5. 2. Sir L. \Vest to Mr. iiuyard, Sonteniher '25, 188n. (See \o. 40, p. 47.) (See \o. 41, p. 48.) RIGHTS OP AMERICAN KISFfERMEN. Mr. Phelpn to Mr, liaynrd. 153 °* ^'J , _, I^ROATION OP THE UNITED STATES am- ll,..v.„ f"^""' "'"""•'■ '-MH««. |lta«,iv..,io'",S2...J by Z- thlr H ''li"';;;, ;; 'la:;,.!";:",;"; ■; "'"•> ""■ » ""'« ■■™iv«i flsheiies. ilp», Sil<: I Iiiiv.. 111,. 1 KoiiKlUN Okfick, Ociobtir 11, Iri^^^i. will I..- ivturn...! iis niilv .ls pl'ssibl!- '^'"""*'.v « <-v.-n„ne,.t mui that an uiiHwor I have. iVc n>DE8LEIfJH. Xo. CO. 3/r. /^aj/rt>v/ fo Mr. I'helpx. No. 434. 1 ,» J Dkpahtmknt op State, l>n.n,., Nov,; S,","i!'. ' ""'"' '''■• '■'*'^''' "' 'I'" ''^"■'""- "I' Shel- 1 am. &c., T. F. BAYAKD. [Iui:iogai'p.] Mr. BayanI to Sir Lionel West, October 19, lH8,i. (S.e No. 44, pa^'o.->5>.) No. 45 -'.j No. 70. i¥r. Bayard to Mr. Phelps. M the Department of State, Washin leaving licr until s that his eipiipments wereexeJiisivelv fordeeps(>a tlshiii);, and that he had made no etVort whatever to aiipioach the shore, that his olije(rt was exelusively to lliid shelter. The Hue, however, beiiij,' im- posed jiiineipally throufih the ur},'eney - that the deposit re(|uired to release the vessel be reduced. lie was told in reply that the miiiisti'r declined to reduce the deposit, bill that it mi}rlit be made at Halifax. Mr. riielan at once deposited at Halifax the $400, and telejjraiihed to Captain Landry that he was at liberty to jjo to sea. On the evening of October 11 Mr. riielan received a tvlefrram from (Jap tain Landry, who had already been keptfoiirdays in the port, stating that " the custom house otlicers and ('aptaiii Quigley " refused to let him go to sea. Mr. Phelan the next morningcalled on the collector at Halifax to ascertain if an order had issued to release the vessel, and was informed that the order had been given, " but that the collector and ca|)tain of the cruiser refused to obey it, for the reason that the captain of the seized vessel hoisted the American flag while she was in custody of (Canadian ofiicials." Mr. Phelan at once telegraphed this state of facts to ♦ he assist- ant commissioner at Ottawa, and received in reply, under date of August 12, the announcement that "collector iias been instructed to rclciise the Grimes from customs seizure. This department has nothing to do with other charges." On the same day a dispatch from the commissioner of customs at Ottawa was sent to the collector of customs at Halifax re- citing the order to release the Grimes, and saying " this [the customsj department has nothing to do with other charges. It is department of marine." The facts as to the flag were as follows : On October 11, the Marion Grimes, being then under arrest by order of local officials for not immediately reporting at the custom-house, hoisted the American flag. Captain Quigley, who, representing, as ap- peared, not the revenue, but the marine department of the Canadian administration, was, with his "cruiser," keeping guard over the ves- 1 n (-1 1r\j-1 about an hour afterwards the flag was again hoisted, whereupon Captain RlOriTH OP AMERICAN FI8IIEKMKN. 155 (}riiii to .wy.';i'i,"i,'!;"„;:,';;i; """ """ ""• '■"""■'"'-"• ■ "■"•.- .-ma.,! r,ui u„,u.r mad... """ " ''"'I'""" '" ""■'■' '!"■ II"" li.Hl Ihwi ■rJvi'A'T,.''.!!',','.'''''' m"'"'-' ' """' !"■'" ' '" '""i»i'l'T Willi , ,|„. |,.„, (lovenlmV'rr.' '''''' '"" '"' '"-"^^''t'"! ''.Vyou to Uor .via.j.sr,v'« trnmrl!!' u\"'' ^"'*'^-^' •'1''^^^'""'* whato.m- between the United States of luunanitv, L we T a" vihIkih-p nr nfrfnw of wciitbnr [ii«lii('n frmn tlin Und with tlin rrlutloii iir iiMrwiiml coiiihiion i>r tli<>«N ou bnnnl, H'-iiiriliii|{ tit tlnOnwii of tlinir own oMintry ; thut vesiwln un th«>ir vt»vuui» with- out iiioh'Ntutlon. Ill tliiH ni**', tlirtt of tiM' <'rw»le, Mr. Wlu»tttoii, in tlie Ueiue FianfaiM «t Etranfjtra (IX, .'J4r>), uiid Mr. L«'Kiiie (I Op. At. (}#mi., !W), Ixitli vmi ni'iit puUlii'iniM, iiiivv oppiii«MiM tliut ti veM.s«'l ciiriifd l>.v Htif.ss of w«'ittlu>r or thu-vi] into a loifij^ii port i.s not wiihjfi't to tlu' liiw iit smli port; anti thJH wuM NiistiiiiuMl U.v Mr. Uatfii, tlu' unipin'of tlicc,onuiiiN.Hion to whom Ww claim wuh rt'tVr'-iMl (U«'p, Cum. of |H.l.i, 244, 24.1): 'I'lif niiiiiiripitl luw of Knulrttiil | ho lu'^nhl] ciiiiiot niifliorl/i'ii imi);iNirii(f to vlojiiti" thif liiw of niiiioua l».v iiivitilinK witli an itrnifd foirn tlm vewifl of h frii-tHll.y imtion tliiit Hhh < oiimiiltcd no oHVunw, itml fon'ilil.y ilisHolvlnpc tln< mlationN wliii-li, liy tlu* liiwN (if IiIh (•(iiiiitr>, tlio (■iiptuin in lioiind to |irctt«rv(' iinil cnfiircc on lionrd. Tlicw* rinhtH, Minn tioiicd liy tlm luw- of iititionN, vi/„ the rij;lit to niiviuiitc il cfiin mid to wck HJndU'r in i'ii»« of diwtre»M(iid(litr iiiutvoiditldc cln-numtiuK-cH, iiimI to rctuin over tliH xliip, liiT ciirKo, and puHstMiuciM, tin- law of Ikt country, nnrnt lio rHNp<d by all n^llons, for no in.lcpcndtnt nation would MuUniit to llit-lr violation. It IH prop«'r to state that Lord AHhluirton, wlio «'oii(liH't«Ml tli« coiitro- vtirwy ill it.s diploniatic; Htau«' on tin' British side, diii not dtu- eral rnle the ]»ropoNitioiis ut' Mr. Wolistfr. Uv nifivly qmvs'tioin'd the Hpplicabilit.v of tiii> nih' to the caHO of tht^ (.'rt'olc, Nor haM thti prin- ciple' evor luM'ii iloiibtt'd iiy eitlior Ih'r MajoHt.v's Oovcrnnientor the (lov- eninient of the Unite*! Staten; wliile, in (!a.se.s of vessels driven by storm on inhospitable "'»asts, both (loveninients have assertetl it, HometinieH by extreme meiismes ol redress, to secure iinlemnity for vessels snt!er- h\g miller such circiimstances from port exactions, or from injuries in tliort, ami was there under pressure of Cajitain Quigley, against the opin- ion originally expressed of the collector, subjected to a tiiieof i40(» with cos.s, and detained there, as 1 shall notice liereafter, until her voyage WU8 substantially broken up. I am conlident liiir Majesty's Govern- ment will concur with me in the opinion that, as a question of inter- national law, aside from treaty and other rights, the arrest and deten- tion under the circumstances of Captain Landry and of his vessel were in violation of the law of nations as well as the law of humanity, and that on this ground alone the fine and the costs should be retumled and the parties suffering be indemnitied for their losses thereby incurred. • V \>i not iTieievant, on such an lasue as the present, to inquire into the official position of Captain Quigley, "of the Canadian cruiser Ter- BI0HT8 OK AMKUICAN KlHIIKKMBir. P<»t into ll... niu osiM n ^n it^ ^'^ n^^ ''"• «"»ll«'«l"» nl tii« be advi8nl of tlu' iS. «l»'' •'««"« timt tlim (J,.v„riim,.„r hI. | a. I'T^nt,?!';!;: a!,;:^*?:'::;^'"' ^•;;'^«- '--«<•"'• A,.a that n..lre«., SiiliiiiPi s^^:tS-,^;,!^;;;zi:;i;;:;;^s^z:K':fr-i!^^ ^Ss:s,;:^^n;rs;K.;;;t';!^S:;^''''^'''--'-^ 'lii'cxttMs >ii of that ii,r|,t .r,wi i«.. V • "'"^f-, V"^ ''»V(' Hhand m all (he \var.s<<>i- tlf... tron.tht. M mnu" Of- V^^^^^^^^^ '"" ' "".'' """""■" .i"«ti«« l'"v^ .-xchH ,• no iniited wit!'. .'y our own act ^y,. havo relin„„isliL-.l o,.r litl,/ Un" t-ti eoriBt::u, we shoulii .U.iibtiess ii s;r?Jis!^:".i:';. "•;■"'• , ""Vii,.-;;;,;;^;;;,-;;;';^,^ ■atioii (which must bo' admitted live made partition of oiu itaiii foiccd iits to a He , or we have no right to bo independent); and pu- it lfi« RinilTH or AMKRIfAN- riHIIRRMKIf ••n nnl MrUinly \m cmiMtMlMl th«t tliOM n|ipri*iMl«mii iiltriiiKx«l our rl||hu <»r kavh li»w iHiM to llriiMin, Our riglila. tlifn, w* n»t iii\«|li)iitpil Uy thia arititriitliMi, iiiort pariti'iil«rly mm wk Intvn ktt|ii iiii uur rUitii frtiiii ilm toMiiiiMiMKniPiit of tlin s»itr, mmI •aNiKtifii till- nti«>tii|it of lirmr Hriinin to «ioiit(it> im fnim ih» iiaiiariMi, im uii« of ^h• eRiiM«> Itritiiih iiiiiiiMtnr in the CAM' «»l tin- Kv«'r«'tt Hfi't'li', of wliii'li a copy in li«*i<«to tinncxcil, t)iii4 ''tun. Huvy in coniiuon," tidltl liy riti/tMiM ot tli« (Jnii«'M in tliti liNht>rteN, tln-y wt'ii' to '»(!ontiniiit to i njoy " inHl»»r ilu* pri'luniiniry iirtii^lcM uf 178*<, UH well HM HMilcr tlio fruity ot |i«iu:f of l7H.'i; ittnl tliiN right, »m h riglit of cntnuirt* in tlntMu wtiti>r.<«. wak r«'iM*rv«Ml to tloMn, tliungit witli t-iMUiiii liniitutionH in itn nH*>, Ity tin' tri'tity of I.SIH. i mi^ht hcit^ iontcnt niyM>lf Willi noticing tliut tlit' triMity of IHIH, iii>rfin rt'(;itlnK » |>rin(',i|>l«^ of th» law of niitionH im wt'tl kh nitifying a rijitht iirt^vioitNly |>(iMMUMM«>iliNrnMK«Ml. At pr'-ni'iit it ix Hnlllcicnt to nay tliat tin' plariii); an artncU crniNcr at tli«> niontli of a liarbor in wliicli tht; tJnitiMl Htaton llHhing vm- baIm ar»> iM-cnstoincd and an* nitltli'd to M»'««k Mli«'lt<'r on iln-ir voyagej*, MiK'h crnisfr li«-iii^ antliori/rd to arrest and boaid our llMhin^ ncshcIh iu't>li'nH tln^ ilMh- fi.'"'i HO allV<'t»'d, itM «'oiiH«'(|m'iuM'H arc far rcacliiiiK I'lid dcstrnctivi', it in not iHU'csMiry Uvw to aijjiiic. FiNliiiitj: vcsnidH tinly irariy proviHions i-nonjjii lor each particular voyage. If tlicy arc detained Heveral dayn on tlit^r way to the ItNliiii/; liankn tlit^ \enture ix broken up. The arrcHt and detention of one or two operates iipoiniil. They (;annot as a elasH, with their limited capital and resources, allord to run riHks so ruinous. Hence, rather than subject thetnselveM to tnuii the chaiiecN of sntlering the wroiij-s intli«'ted by ' 'aptain (iuiKley, »* of the Canadian cruiser Ter- ror," lui s(»nie of ilieir associiitcH, they lui^^lit prefer to abandon their just claim to the shelter consecrated to them alike liy huinaidty, aneieiit tith', the law of Uiitioiis, and by tieaty, and fiice the gravest peril and the wihlest seas in ordi-r to reach their lisliiiij^' (grounds. Vou will there- fore represent to I ler .Miijesty's (loveriimcnt that tin* plartiiij,' (!aptaiii Qui^dey in the harbor of HhcllMinic to iiitliirt wionj^'s and humiliation on I'liitetl States tishcrinen there seckinji; shelter is, in contici'tion with other metli<»ds t»f annoyamte nnil injuiy, expelling I'liited States llsli- ermen from wateis, access to which, ot threat imp'Mtaiice in the pursuit of tiieir trade, is pledKc*! to them by (ireat liritain, not merely as un uni'it'Ut ri^jht, but as part of a system of international settlement. It is impossilile to consider su<-h a state of tliiiij^s without t,'rav««, anx- iety. You tian scarcely represent this too stronjfly to Her Majesty's (lovernment. It must be remend)ered, in considerinjj this sy.stem, so imperiled, that i1m< preliminaries to the article of 17H'J, iifterwards ad(»pted as the treaty of 17.s;{, were ncfjotiatcd at Paris by Dr. I'"'ranklin, rei>resentinj? the Ignited States, and Mr. Uicliard Oswahl, reiucsenting Lord Shel- bunie, then e(»loiiial secretary, and aft«'rwards, when the treaty was tinally aj;ree't»'rWiMM. WcM.t/ , r.V, wntin o- 1'^"*"" "*'«'' '<"VK»'itio..s which '"•■'•'•or, would iM IVh u , w I . :.. J ' '" ^'"•"\' ■• ^''^ ^''"""'i'"' «^r-iM.r l»«)rf ot entry on tho coast; th.- N.Vf m iml i'.. 1'"' ^'"' ""'•^' "nh(.,„. ItwaMonVl sinJ ., ""^'•" f *' KovH-nriMMiKs to the wost m-oKn,tio.,H an . « . nf^.^^ ^.l ^n^^''^ "" l'^'' ''•"'^"'' ''"" ^»"' coa.|,a,ativelv «n. ill as i. . . - '^ "'''*' **^ '"'^^ to operate. Vet tionoverito^s •r;!r"::\s:;h^ tiators was n.ainlv uiv n Vn Ift'K^^r '''f<'""">' <•»' the ne-o- Ironi the profH.rtv of eK '"'*'' '''"•^'♦*« t""'^' "^'tliiMK «tate. the .ee n. ^r ^^:^^::^^::!^ixz:^n^ ^^^ 160 RIGHTS OF AMKRICAN FIMIIKRMEN, Blanc, aiul l)et\veen tht»t island and the Ainerioan an.nd are productive of advantage to her people. Yet, in defiance of the most solemn obligations, in utter disregsird of the facilities and assistances granted by the United ^' ites, and in a way esi)ecially irritating, a de- li 1 rate plan of annoyances and aggressions has been institulod and plainly exhibited during the last fishing season — a plan calculated to driv»- these fishermen from shores where, without injury to others, they [)rosecute their own legitimate and useful industry. It is impossible not to see that if tlie uiifriendly and Uiijust system, of which the cases now presented are i)art, is sustained by Iler Majesty's Government, serious results will almost necessarily ensue, great as is the desire of this Government to maintain the relations of good neigh- borhood. Unless Her Majesty's Government shall effectually check these aggressions a general conviction on the [)art of the people of the United States may naturally be apprehended that, as treaty stipulations in behalf of our fishermen, based on their ancient rights, cease to be re- spected, the maintenance of the comprehensive system of mutual com- mercial accommodation between Canada and the United States coild not reasonably be expected. in i^horetiy m iHlands iHt name. H was ex- irtierity, imiuious, its terri- in hirg'^ a system ^eaties of There- ksion the idoubted i ours by hing ".nd the most listances ug, a de- ilod and dated to ers, they system, Majesty's eat as is id neigh - ly cheek le of the )uhitions to be re- ual com- ;es COL Id ItHiUTB OK AMKKICAN I'n;oMteni|)hitiouof«o(nihi I'lNHKUMEN. 161 ' -press the vHrni^r IhI I l^J'K M.:"!''^'?''^' " •'-'"'t'"" -^^ ='nair« iue.bare meus,,ros to avit ils p.Is^hi^r'' '''"^^''''''''*"''^ ^'" ^"k« i»' --1 t^l; ;;n>mo;i;;n?iX.^l!- ,;;- )^^--7^io.. ..■ pea,., and good Will •statesMuu. (,haig,Ml wi f , /r.' . '' ^^> ^ •'"'^ >•>» to represent to Thn mentthe necessity ,,f,fV.;'''''"'?''''f''''' '*^' "^'r MH)estv\s A,,vn,,f ia ;^:.s--^ ' wate;:oi' tiiL in^Sprii';;;- ,s fuX; t ^^iii;i;^;;;;^'!;^i:^v;.;-;|^.. down the ,., ,.• ,., ^.„,, "lent in thiHconntrv i.nd I, 1 iw "»'"'*'•'.> aronsed m.icli respi.f citod popular -.nu,!.: ' a m i ' ^'^S K "'*' ^'"r**^ <'^' ->".^ J .^x: extraordi„;.,.va,„l nnwam , , '" f- ""i>;>f' ^>'<' ^<' ^'ceonnt (or ^o I'.y that ,>rti<.ial. I iunst s , OS h ";"' ," ''"'^^"'■'•^- ="'«' «'Ie .1 <; war is hauled ,h,u „ iJv er ei n r ^l^i^ ^/'T' '^^^*^«'<' "« ^M i^e Hie twentieth <-hi.pter ,,f ||,e V • F ' ''''" *''*' <"'"f«'«'nfh seefi 0, of nne ,n sneh eases' is hnll'dow;^:^ m:::!^'' '' ^''« ^- '"^^•' «^'^^^"il^ .i-;U';x :"i::i^.r;s ;;. ir.,::;:;;;;,^;:; :i;"- "•- <-» «>■ -..i, .... i. aa- «hich from time to time are liable f^npn-.r^-'^"^".'^- ^^'"^ ^"tish flair •ina 1 now assert th-^t ;f 0...1 ""*' "-narged with such rrponiorif^ f er being inn,rn. ' f , wo nld'nrw ^T'"""^*'' this (V^S;^^^ Hi'tain, but would at()n[4\Z mnHv^ ""'-^ ^^^'^ comj.laiut from Great t'ons, aii.l aTiytl,i„K savor n"nf^,h„ ""-''"' '™ «'«»' -i'"! friemll, L i ai", sir, your obedient servant, '^ ''^P-^'- I-^in-ARD J. Phelps, Esq., &c ^- ^'- BAYARD. H. Ex. 19 11 162 HICJHT8 OF AMKKICAN KISHKUMEN. No. 71. Mr. Jiityard to Mr. Phiips. No. 402. 1 Dei'AUTmknt of Statk, ]V(if flag, wliieh I refused to do ; upon wh.icb. he came on board niy vessel with eight men, aud asked who gave the authority to hoist that flag. I replied that I took the authority nivself. He then said, "Well, I'll haul it down myself," RIailTS or AMKHICAN l■■ISIIEItME^f. Igg ALIiXANDKK X* LANDRY Wj. iimrk. ' J. Warukn W0N80.V. • MA88ACHU8KTT8, ESSKX, 88 : Personally appeared Alcxaudor Lun.Jrir .... i . Novkmbkk 13, 1886. atatement before be. *"'' ^""'''^ ""^^ '»»'»« oath to the truth of the above AARON PARSONS, Xotary Public. III.-MlSCfclLLANKOUS. SKLKITIONS FROM CORRESPONDENCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE WITH PARTIES INTERESTED IN AMERICAN FISHING VESSELS MOLESTED IN CANADIAN WATERS. Xo. 72. McHsm. Cmh'uui ami McKenney to Mr. Bayard. ITelogriun.) PoiM'LAND, iMe., April 1>. [Received April D.) Haviiij; several tishing vessels ready for tiie Bunks, we desire to know if they eaii call at (Janadiau ports for men and be protected in 80 doing'. CUSH1N(^ & MoKENXEY. Xo. 73. Mr. Bayard to Messrs. Gushing and McKenney. [Tek'gram.) State Department, April 9, 1886. The question of the right of American vessels engaged in fishing on the high seas to enter Canadian ports for the purpose of shipping crews may possibly involve construction of treaty with Great Britain. I ex- pect to attain such an understanding as will relieve our fishermen from all doubts or risk in the exercise of the ordinary commercial privileges of friendly ports, to which, under existing laws of both countries, I consider their citizens to be mutually entitled free from molestation. T. F. BAYARD. No. 74. Mr. Woodbury to Mr. Bayard. Boston May 21, 188G. [Received May 24.] Sir : In behalf of Jesse Lewis, esq., I inclose a statement by him and the crew of the D. J. Adams of the damages inuring to them by the seizure of that schooner by the British authorities netir the Gut f^-f Annapolis, and her detention at Digby, for an alleged violation of the 164 RICIHTS OF AMERICA X FISHEKMEN. Ifir, «re ''two«„i s iM.n.I m/ ,u ; ;'^ "''!' ''"'^ '"fornuMl him that thm,' of cn8to,n« act other than 8ei/»R • h '' '5' '"^,^"" >''^ f'"' vioh.ti,),, «•*?)>'. The eharoo in this •( s ' .( .h , i" ' •!' "•"^^"'"'^ '"""^'- '^t 29, Canada customs «,,t, chap l' iss'{ ', ' '^ '""'•''■ «e<:tlon8 LT, and personally, and is for h ,k k ;\ hJ^! ;,, /'" ';^'!'''' «"if "ff^inst <-aptain Ti.e infornuition 1 ha eS, te .T " ^V.""'^*''"''*' "«*, IHID." rested son.e nnles tro.n tl e to '„ ■ h'-'' '\^'"i^,t''« Adan.s was ar- wne by an ar.ne.l boat, she HnL O^^tT^ '?^'''^'^ '"^'» t''« '^'^"s- a!,'ainst a head tide fron. an nc ( i^f i5 ^""•*' ''*^'.\^'"«' ""* ">'' t''« ffnt jond J)ij,by, and was in the > ^30^^^^^ -.'/"' '"^ *' "" "'" '^"^"' ^»«- l)>ffl)y. No sei/nre was n.ade bv nv p if^ Y ^'""'" "O'"'"'"'.! into master controlled tlie veM^^ ...i ?i ' '*"«to'"-l">»se otHcer whilst the ••ffnorance of any such ;,?ot;il^;":^^T'"'•' '"^^1«r «'« ■" I'Su ul Ji;a,n which I cite above, a d K^ ^''ounds except the tele- able o be more definite. Mr uUs V h,^.,'' l^''^]^''"' '''i'^ "«'t .vet bt^eu security for ,M,sts to e.iabie bin to nVo r "'' 'VV'"'*^'"*'^' '''^^ ♦nrnisLl fourt apiinst the libel « 'v « Iv.l I!''*' '' '''^^^"'^^ *" ^''^ admiraltv .ad been lately extensive :;,; Z^V?''' ^^ ^'^l^- «''^ veSl I'Hleed, as it is in the novv.^r < • h ' . ''^ '''^-^ "» "'^^'i'>-^ to bond her anrt .n-er, it would t ^o 1,^"/;, I'lL'^'^'^^ V"'''^ ^^ ««'^« •'•^'' > '^r need to find security befo eT eoul 1 ^ r!-" "'''^^'"""""t I'e would ot the provincial authorities-out ftVSi *". '■'^'''' ''"^ «^" ^''« ''ands The ordy cause of sei/ure -.vmlr !f '""'^'.Iiinsdiction. «on.ewhere alon^ rhe'S^./^'^^i^^^'-^.f^- -naster T '>-«"^ "-t» «'g"ed has not discoverear(d ./. .,,,,„».. inrrv ^s , ; ' 'T'"' ''" '""^ '"'""Hf, worth .iS- V h, '"'T ''■*"''^' ^""••"' «'! fliuf fi :i. ,"".?'-'. fli'it the *-, tl .It one dory and oars were ir,,rH «i -' V, '^."7'^' ''"' '•' "v«'r r, -"> ....u oi^iiui inn barrels wore worth «'.-,• tint,.,.,.,! ■""";' """^ ^ator-casks, :> barrrtU .in,! irJi msmmmmmm 188(»; tli.it I have nil d J U \f„rr,.ir i' •*..'"'"''"'•' "* the voya-e from 1,„J^ ?ha m^r;^^^-'^" ' ^i^"' •>'«<&. :r;;^i;;^;:;:^,rr'' r -?-'• '-te ir Jr inaimvtravelinKoxnensesradvifenn, LL.-' ; ' '^"'' n'hniraty court are Si-2dn - "rwa: tor'; Ki ^^^^^^^ JlS." '"""•™"^ '""« «^'^" ^ '»- P-»-b.'e1eial '•-ere wason board I'ccf^pTs^^^ttW.""' '" '''•""""^'"•' ^^'--. forty years; that JESSE LEWIS, COMMONWEALTri OF Ma.S8ACHUSETT«, Essex, aa : Personally appeared the above-named t„,„„ , . Gloicestki!, J/«j/ Id, 1886. Bel-ore ;„':;^ '""' """-^'"'^''l to be trlTe ^ '*"' ^^'''''*' ^"-^ "« ""^^^ '""dared the above WILLIAM W. FRENCH. JiiHtice of the Peace. [IncIo,ure No. , with Mr. ^yoodb^ry•a letter of May 21. im.] nepositions .kowi,,, nationalit, of the crew of the DaVul ., . A.an.a. I .leclare and say that I a.n a native of Gloucester, mI^!"'''''''"' """' ''' ''''■ I declare and siv th..f t .. ■ • ALDON KINNEY. -hi oon.t4t;V^^^^;^;:^of the United States; that I have tished iron. I .leclare and sav thit r .,.n „ .• ... ISAIAH ROKERTS. Au.erican ,.„rt,s fW two yclC ^ "*"*'"" °* ^"^"^ S-^'a. -ul have been fishiuj; fro I declare and say that I an. a native of Hre.e, Me. '^''""' ''^^'^^'^'«''^^««- I .l.dare and .say that I an, a native of Bath, Me. '''^"^'' '''''''^• I 'l-'are an.l ..,,v that I .m a native of Bren.e, Me. '''"'^ '''''^^• I .leclare and say that I an. a native of Booth Hay, Me. ''' ""• '''''''''''■ I «loclare that I an, a native o^ ^f r .^ „ JOSEPH BOUCHER. can ports durin. the l",reight yea/s.^^'"''^"' ^- ^- ' '^"'' ' '^^^e fished from A,neri JOHN BROWN. 168 UKniTS OF AMKRUAN FI.SUKKMKN. I ili'cliii-)' tlii.t I inn It iiativo of Nurway, uuil huve tUliml t'roiti Aiiiorivitii porto for till' IiiNt HfVDii c»r i'ij{lit vi'iirH. IKANK AKNKSKN. I ilci^litrc tiiiil Nii.v tlmt t inn a niitivc of Ht. (ii-uiK*), N. It.; Mutt I ltav<> IIhIiii(1 from Auit'rii'uii portH for tin- litnt H)>viin ycitrM. .lOSKl'll IIKNLKY. I Niiy that I itin ti iiiitivi- of lierniaiiy ; thnt I liavn IIhImmI from Amorinin |iortN for till- IllHt livi< Vt'lllH. VUl'A) FIMCMKK. I ilccltiro tliitt I itni It niitive of Ht. Qeorge, N. li. ; tlmt I hiivetlHlMMl from Amt^ricaii ports {'or till- liiMt ttcvi'U vear». 8AMUKL HOOPKK. C'OMMONWK.AI.TIl Ol' Ma8«ACHI'MRTT.H, KnHi'x, t» : Glouckstku, Mini H, HHi. Sovcirally Hub^oriliert iiiul sworn to before rni'. VVn.I.IAM \V. rilKNCH. •/iisliceof Ihv I'eace. I (leclaro iiml muv tlmt I wan lioni in Maim', ami ttni a citizi'ii of tin' Ifniti''! Siat»>M. CALVIN I'OOK. No. 75. Mr. W'ooilbury to Mr. liai/ard, Boston, May '2J, l«8t). |lU'ceiv»Ml Miiy 24.J S[rt: In tbo matter of Mr. LtMvi!s''8 stafeineut oftl.iinu^os incurred by the seizure of tiu- D, .). Adains, I yesterday traiisinitted some |)ai)er8 sent ino froui Gloucester, j)erlia]>8 without as mature consideration as theyslionld have received. Mr. Lewis's claim to the lish caufjht, as I take the law to be, is that of owner, but the law makes his owuership a trust to dividt? amotty the sharesniiu their share of the net proceeds of the fish when received by him. The master and crew appear, claimiiif>' their loss by the breaking up of the trip. This is their own adventure, and 1 must not be considered as their counsel in this matter, nor as in any way sanctioninjj their statement as to their citizenship, residence, &o. J have to-day from Gloucester the -iHcial fact that the custom-house at Digby have seized under the sections referred to in the telegram tptoted in my last, to- gether with a reference to sectiotis which make this seizure for a $400- peualty a lien on the vessel. I learn Mr, Meagher, the counsel of Mr. Lewis at Halifax, is in town, and lioi)e to see him within a day or two for consultation, and will ad- vise the Dei)artment of our views as to that; meanwhile we are hardly ripe for any step of reclamation. I beg you to believe that Mr. Lewis and myself wish to conform in our action to the wishes and policy of the Dei»artment, and to rely on its generous efforts to protect his propi-rty. I am, i^c, (JIIAS. LEVi WOODDUity, CouHfiel at lioHtonfor Mr. Lcicifi. M |M>rt» for tNKSKN. InIiii(1 tVoiii IKNLKY. II iMii'tt tor [MCIIEK. II Auitiricttii lOOPKR. 18. H.i«. thv I'vace. t<'(l States. ; i,MM>K. ay 24.] •urred by le |)ai)erH 'ration as i}?ht, as I iwiuTshii) proceeds diking up aiisi. „u.u.,. of .ol.oo.er Jenni. an,l .Inlia, of East,,.,,. I then Miiid to liim. .< i^- 1 - .. . - *' "^ P"'" •"y vess..! b„t con .1 .o/ LI". ;^'' '''f""-'"':*' '"<' tlmt ho coul.I I.! -... ...„ .„ „... ^vessel lH,tc.;ni,i;;;t;:rvr'nh:aranS''"^ ^'l^ ''" '"'"''' allow . no to enter off ..sh herring I an. liable to t; , re "ami /,"'«",«"'•• '<> '"•", "Jf I I.ny one barre I then went on boar.l n.y ven^elZl HtS'e d'lbr iS"' "'""■""^- " ^-" l';.te '.n^' ''^"" •^"""' *" *^^« '^'1 Ja.v of Ma,, 18.fi. [I. s.] GEOKGE H. HAVES, 170 RIOIITH OK AMKKICAN FIflilERMF.N. I IncliMurc No, 3. | aiatnHfnt of Arthur t'arrl4, mate to tht tckoontr Jennie and Julii.. Th«< .riMiiiii' iiikI .Iiiliii Nitiloil IViMii K,tHi|»or», Mik.v 17, for l»i;(li.v, N. H., uirlviiiK tliore about 10 o'elui'k of tti« iiioi-iilii)( noiiic(liiii({ in it ; tluMi tlin-w it lin<< itliniinl, w> )> ' ii i .Niiti itoiilttiitloii. Ill' tlii'iiiiHkiMl, "Wliiit uri< >on ilo)ii){ Ik-m'T" I uiimwiti'iI, " '.) I itrit iM'i'i' to Itiiy hi'irinu." lli* llu-n uMki'd iid', if I iliil not know wi< wen* violnting the liiw. I HiHWi>riil for l>i){li\, to ri'tnrii to KiiMlport wIumi wn liti l)i)(liv. Ih' tli«rk. I tolil liiin to unk tli<> ciiptiiin anil tie >vonlil toll liiiii. Till- I'oM ctor tlii'ii Halil, " I warn von not to Iniv lu'rviiiK." AIMlilH M. h'AKUIH. SulmoribiMl and Hworn to lii'foro nm thlii*i(itli day of May, tHHii. [I.. M, 1 ' «ii:t)K violiitliig w wt< w«r« i3liMtr)>(l for uptaiii. I Itikftl tllA iiiii itiiil lie 'AKUIH. I'KH, 11 rublie. Hiul Julia, t of Ditcby ivit of the 'AKK18. I'KH, H I'ublic. RIOHTH OP AMKHK-AN FI8IIKKMKN. No. 7M. 171 l/r. WiUinm 11, .lnr,Uin to M,. Ilaynrd. >Hv,Mu, o,,,,orf„„it.v, fur Imvjnu /n »m I hn . '*' "■''•'!'"^«''' ""W ;-''ir«oor,H.r.l.u.i;,^l,nitan.l ■! m , '^^•"'■"•' •' •'^''''•''* ''•''i'' tlH' Hd.„,„ of t Im. VOH..H, an, Helm w I 1 f" '"* l''"''''^""''^ "l-iit '••• HUHfuiMMl l,v o. r JvS^^ ""'V''^ '" "^''''^v is this: (!„„ i-e "frnct our «;»ptai..H t " ""^ violutiMl tl.Hr lawn, a.id «„ i„. New HruNHwick. II,. had 7 km- ,, i. 1 V '" "'''T '"'*' "^ ^'*^- A.i.lrewH, of trouble he ^u^^^LatS^^'l^^^X}'^^-^ '7/ '••''"^' "''''"» VVM. H. JORDAN, Secretary American FMting Union (f'trm 0/ Jioice li: Jordan). J, 188(5. I the affl- Jiilia, of 11, will be stious in- B reports reatinent leavor to lARl). No. 7!). Mr. Steele to Mr. Bayard. Voiirs, tnil.v, &c., fJEO. HTEr:LK, innKh'nt American Fishery Union. I'.MTKD States okAmkrica. Hist lie t of MaHHachme'tlB : flni'loHiirp Xo. I.] .i.'«:t;z::-ji;^ t,,!;'i,s:i;;,,'S'6s; s™!j;':;;K;'r^i.f it: 172 Rioirrti or amkkica.n fihiikkmkn. •tllti« lor. to i^iitdr my vnwwil for |iiir|M*M-ii of piirtiliiMliitf itttil nxporl- 1 iiii iiii"lv«t my tuiimrx himI ixliiiit uw to itii ••iitry, khvIiiu my |m- Mm w«»ri« of no if'i'iMiht, ( uiikxil wliy, itml Htiili')| | hml u iHtrnilt to' toMih ittid tnnln irooi tln« I'liilinl Mfut«x tiMtliiiritifH itt (Jloii(i'n|il htiil no iMiKiticaitiii t\wm< wnfiTM, iitnl that >»Im» would Im< iwi/cil Uv llin Cuiniiliiiii fttilliiMitit'x \f xlif wint li«T«' wliim ill ittiT mini' into port, tmnn tiiUH ri'fn'fil nil Diitry, I r«*turni'il to niv vcmmoI iiimI Ii It tin' poii. I iirrlvi'fl In ()loiHM<«ffr, Miwm., VIuv 'if*, M^tl. I furthiT miy tin' ' ilunni){i< to my voy- «»{<' Itml low huN iK'.'ini'il to tlm owntt»»<«l, Knwn A Jonlun, of r tli« ln'llcf tlmt lin* liiwM of t}n, 18Hrt. IVrHoniilly iippcui'il Aluxamlcr Hiiim*, ami ni:ti|i< n.itii to tho truth of tin' uhov« fltati-nnwit. iit>forit im-, ["KAt,. I A A HON I'AKMONH, Soiurij I'uhUe, [lovlnaiird No. 3. 1 I'lrmit or /ice/MS to toiivli and li^idi. UnITKK STATKH ok AMKKICA, DlrtTltlCT (»!' (il.()I( KMTKH, I'orl of O'.oueeiiter, .Ipril 'Hi, l-^iSt). IN'lminxion In In-rtiliy Krantt'd to A. IlaiiiM. nniHtcr of tint si-hoom-r nann-d tini Annie M. .lordan, of (tionccHtcr, liiudcn '.•l,-,'!, finiM, which m-hoont of MasMHclinMfttM.on tho Ith day of .lanmiry, IHiti, to tcnudi and IradiMit any foreign port or place dnriiiK her voyage prenently to he nmde. (tiven under my haml und wal the duv and year above mentUmod. I>. S. I'RKSSON, Collntoi, \ ■rilOfflcer. Surrendered June 1, 188(>. No. HO. Mr. Steele to Mr. Bayard.. (iLOUOESTER, Mass., Juhc 5, 1880. fRecei 'Hi Jane 7, J Sir: I take the liberty to write to you in rej^'iird to tho present re- lation of Atnerican Usheries witii Enjfhind and her provinces. I first (^'isire to call attention to tlie reciprocity treaty of 18.54, dnrinj? which the Government paid flsliernian a l)ounty of $4 per ton, wliieh was in assistance to us, ami helped in part offset the remittance of duties (»n foreij,'n tlsit during that period. Duriiifjr tlie treaty of Wasliington, which exjtired by limitation, we received no bounty from our (rovcrnment, that havini?'been al .shed in 1H()(J, and we felt the effect of tiie second reciprocity treaty more than the one covering the years 18.">4 to 180(5 inclusive. MOUTH OF AMKKR'AN FlHMKIiMK.V. ^^'Y^^^^ nM...r -•uM'.p';,:';:;;;:;;;;!.;'';,:;;;;^^^ '"r "•--• • '"-^ •' >' pasH ..•faliiitoiv iMmsiiiJ Vl... I . '' """'»•"•"", I'lif if ihJH U>M*, V ,,„..^„, ,„ ii.it ,,"•'' 'm... 7;'^"'«'"» •!<«.« not M.M. (it to puriat.nK fl.o I..Mi„ , a ,\o,, ''''!''''''''"' ""•' '"<"P"I.I.. otai '" " ;• "'•'"' "i!'' I'iH MS a I „ :s nil ''''* "'J'! <''•'""'*"•. ports ,f «'>«'l. rn.at.v with Knj,;/,....!/ • ' "''"' *'"'^ ^^■*' ■^'"•"''' «'"t.T ...to a,.otl,or t-- '-'>-.i:;l!.:::;;'i:'^;;.i;.:?::;:^:^;;!'^ - -> -<• ^i. n...a...,.o...at. VV.i tl.aj.k you for fiir.MMl.i, r 1 ' ' V''*^*'"^ <'n.id..<;t. t**ro,rs at rl.i trial . u ' '^. :' '^Z;' I'' '*";'^ "'V'- ^"^' ""'ivi.lual i„. a8.noimlivi,|„alo„^w,t to bo n ,, ,^.. L "/'"'"•'''t.v <'o'nt at Halifax, tins ..atuie ii, fo.vij.. c,..,rtH """'"'"*'•' '" »'**'"' H'^' btinlon of caaen of ted 'f^^^niZ'^^S:^^^^^^ «<-tof t,.« t;.,. ward: aftMv|,avoalroa;;^^^^^^^ ;>...• vossols without ,v..,n| t i.e, i" a , rooVnl '" "f "i'"'^ ^" '»'«.V <»» )Nv..e.-.s horo. instruct ThHi- ...Vs ,,./!. thioc uuh-s iVou. tho .shores. te^f;;i^:^:p:it:^^:!;:;[^|;- -^^^ .h. at ha..<. to,... p4 on;;:^^';hr:t;!n;uvh.:;'"" ^'f-'^-ario.. a,u,.,ividiu, of the to the chauces of cai.tl i' •^i^Th;^-'!^-'^ thoir po.t., cl^l.flS elMieu who n,ay lawfully fish with If- h ' '"'"/ »-^'«> sail of u.acker- '.'•"t, and on who,.. Can ul a.Tia ^dev^ r ^''^ three-n.ile •■•nit:- ti i;.sxir w;^i^r sSiit^;?; ^^^ ^^^»"'' ^i^^ s^ s 174 RIGHTS OF AMKRICAN I'ISIIKUMKN. ill a prize court f We siro content to live by tlio three imlo limit hou- b.stly coiistnu"! ; Imf the (loveniiiieut siioiihl protect iih in our lawful 8i(h* of it, and s(>cure to ns an iione.st construction (»f the treaty (ihiuse. Tiiia extract from a letter in the Boston Herald of J mm I, LSSO, writ- k 1 from Oap.. Breton, sh ..s the aniniut) of the provincials: Tliffo Amiu'icaii iiuickin*! mMncif* passed throiij^h thi> straits tliis iiioriuiin Ito.iiul fur Nortli Hay. Tlicy will l>o closi'jy wati-lit'il b;' thf IItt amlfiistoms i>lHt;iirs. Tho iiioit'ty mi a si-iziirt- would aiMoimt to at lt>ast :$\.',000, and cvt-ry pfrsoii in authority on till' coaHt litis aNX'iko ni;{lits thinking; how ho can niakt< an arrost of soniti iiiilueky Yankut' lishcrniaii. If :inllici(Mit ground is jri von t lioro is not a doubt but ' °liat st>izurton fresh ami salt tisli the Canadians would stop their overt acts and bebrough.t to a realizinj{ sense of the commercial rights of nations, quicker than any other way. The fact is Canada ''as nothing whatever that she can compensate us with, ior the privilege of the markets of the IJnitetl States free for her tish. Canada is fighting from business motives and nothing niae, and if she succeeds in bullying the United States into any a,(reement by which she can bring in her tish free, said lish unta.ved and bounty fed with fishing grounds in close proximity, while we are heavily taxe«l, it would not take more than t»'n or twelve years to wipe out the Atlantic fisheries. As well to allow Englisii men-of-war to enter our ports and destroy our vessels and other property, as for is to see the humiliating spectacle of our fishing industry passing ruder the control of the English flag, through the default of our CJovernment, an industry that all other Gov- ernments allbrd imple [U'ote<.tion. IMy own per.scjual. experience as o^nev of twelve fishing vessels; an experience in this business, on this coast, in the (lulf of St. Lawrence, on the Newfoundland coast, and on the (h-and and Western Haidis, directly and indirectly since the year 1848, proves to me conclusively that in what I have here written I voice the sentiments of every man in the fishing business, whether owner or fisherman. I an), respected sir, vours, very respectfully, GEO. STEELE. No. 81. Mr. Bayard to Mr. Steele. Department of State, Washhufton, June 7, 1886. Sir: I have to-day received your letter dated the r»th instant, ac- companied by thoaliidavit of the master of the fishing schooner Alice M, Jordan, of Gloucester Mass., alleging the refusal by tho collector of customs at the port of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, to allo\v the entry of said vessel, -sea fishing. KIOIITS Oh' AMKKICAN FlSMKKMKN. (JR0R„B 8TKKLE, lOs,,., aioucester, J/«... '''• "' '^'^VAKD. No. 82. /Vr. Hayard to Mr. Stieh Dki'aktment «)!.' Sta ri-; Sill: I In lye received your lotlei- of views upon tlu, present -relation of A and herproviiKies." Yoiirdi.s(MKssionot'tlie consideration. W'aHhiiKjton, ,/inie H, 1,S.S(J. .'unoa, ^Mvin^r ,it len;,^tli your meru;an fisheries with IynH.ntofaIlfl ive will 1)0 ( nv without niolestatioi <> secure lacl la ws I, iind no t Tort to t) '"«• O.I the part of those charired 'i^nt,'lits under treaties and' lilt end has I)(.(m I or will be I am, i^c. if*^d wit.i the adminisiralion of tl U) (iEoru^E Steei.e, Ms(i., Ghu veittet', Mass. T. F. liAVAUI), No. 83. Mr. Bayard to Mr. Jordan. I)ei»aim'ment of State Sib: Your letter of Mu> ifi. ;. f . ^VnHhington., June 8, 1880. portion of it S ^'^ ^^l:r^rr'''\r'''''''''^^ '"»» that St. Andrews, New IJrun.swick o s ii' .i^ . .V""''''^''?" "*" »'»' ^^^''t ^>t' But it i.s vorv dear tl,' t ^ , A •, , '^1 ".'* " ■"•l""lly ■"•ciiw. 176 RIGHTS OK AMKRICAN FIMHKRMKN. tiun, ill like iiiiUiiuM* tlii\v oxpeut tliuir citi/.eii8 and coiiiusel tlitMii,'\vlu'n within fbroiKii Jurisdiction, to obey strictly tlic laws and roj,'!!!!. tions tluTo ill t'orco, and to alistain from any rtvsort to Tohm' as a icinedy for 8Ui)i)0!sed injustice or irregularity. It i.s tlic purpose an, 18S0. | l{eeei\ ed June L'S.] IJEAU Smi: 1 write for infonnatioi! as re,i;ards the seizure of my ves- sels the schooner David .1. Adams, by Canadians. WMiat I want to know is what is to he EPARTMENT OV STATE, Washington, June 30, 1880. Sir: 1 have your letter dated the 2()th instant, stating the severe loss to you occasioned by the summary seizure by th ^ Canadian authorities, in Annai)olis Basin, Nova Scotia, of your tishing schooner, the David J. Adams, which, as you say, is all the property yon i)ossoss, and con- stitutes your "only support." It is proper that I should inform you that the demand was made upon the Cxovernment of Great Britain for the release of the vessel, coupled with a notification that that Government would be held answerable for all loss and damage caused by her seizure and detention. Your case commands my sincere sympathy, and e^'er since it was brought to my knowl^idge lias had the constant consideration of this Department and of the consular officers of the United States in the Dominion of Canada. ^^;;^:|ri|£^.".i UKiMTS OF AMKRICAN FI8HKRMEN. 177 r. 1)0 ^^^i^^'ZLy^^^^ - -0..-t wiM. Mr too .v.mr privat.. inhM-Js. in fl,;!;,;,,;;!;:' ''^'"■' •^'"•'"•I'l"' tMkn. to pro- ■sn.-ncd I,v vou |,v vaso,, oV I, s • . ■".' '"" '""' *"''">' ■^'»«- More than one voar m I ? loi" .vonr iCMnninalioii. ■"«• 'H.,we<.n tl.Mlovnnn ..ts ,";;.?. n^ '""^^''''r •"i'^"n,l,.,sran.l- »•'"' ^V"<»'>-.s <.r Itritisl. Nor.l/ A „;<;■- ■.;'!'' l/''^' <■,«<'« in the t.rrifo- -y m-tidos o,„M. ...oary of wrmni;; •;!';;; jun!' ';:;"["""" "" '"^' "^''- t-. an,l rhoi. p..oport, lu; lm,S' n^/ i;"'^:;;'''-'' -^«-' «-l ••ncev- «'<"'"sols ,,r.vailv,l, and u.y oU -t s fn V ho f n '^^ ''"r,'^'""- '^••^' >th.. •i^lrr^lH;!,^:-!^;^^,!!^---' i" ^^;-'n;oy....... or an .heivjnst Ioss«5s to wh.cii thcv may bo unl iw • L ^^ "' '/'"^ **'*>'^'^ '^'"l t' '■ all ;U;j;.....sor...oi,nC.LnJ-l;;^i:;i^.;^^^ -!.«o;rt:n:^;^';-^^^^^^^^ «tnic .on (.r la, us and tr..ai,^sl,vtwoi^ r/^^^ "'•"" '' '"«!'"to'l <'ou- * '=1 I slndl soon bo onablo.l o s^c ,r >'' ul ^'/''''''''''i''^^' ""«! ' ^'-ust enu-c Iron, n,<,l,.station those/ An .,t,isI.o,' ''^*'''''^ ^''t'^ ^nd •>l; ».s of thoir Govcuninenfr s H n . in ' r '^^'"' "^'^•V'^W' tlie Capt. Jesse Lewis, ^'- ^'' J^AYAKD. 17H IMGIITH OF AMKKICAN FIHIIKKMK.V. No. HO. Mr, Wilhtrd to Mr. Itnyard, |T.li'j:iuiii.| I'oKTLAM), Ml;., Juhj .'{, l.SSfJ. I K('(u>ivi'(l .Iiil.v 4.] \\\' liiivr iiH^t'ivtMl tlic following (lis|»iitcli from Slu'llmnii', Nova Scotia, to (lii.v, viz: ('nHhiii<; liitanlcil liiHt iii^lil H milcN tVoiii ciiHloiii-lioiim-. Hi'(iiii;lit here hci^^imI to-ility. (Jli)0'j;«'i »<'<'kiiiK ''iiit loiil not n'|i(irt'.n)r lU ciistoin-liDiiNt'. lliiviMiot h(iiijortiny. Please give iu- strnctioiKs. GUSHING & McKENNBY. No. 88. Mr. Woodbury to Mr. Bayard. Boston, J»<.V 7, 188(5. [Received July lO.J Sii: : I forward twelve aflidavits of respectable iishermon of Glouces- ter !a.\iu^ the fcuindatioii to sliow that tlie (Janadiau authorities have this year, without notice, radi(;ally reversed their administration of laws toward Anierican bait biiyeis and others. That tiicniby some of our Hshermeii have been entrapped and seized is well ivuown to you. I re- tain a duplicate .set, for use in case a suit is brought for a penalty of $400 ajj^ainst an assumed master of the 1) J. Adams, which the customs au- thorities alle^je has l)een incurred. 1 have sent these 'u the expectation that, iu the varying phases these Canadian assaults' mr cnmnu'r(;e assume, tiiese facts may be useful to the I)('])aTtment, if not in the matter of the 1). J. Adams. I have, &c., CHAS. LEVI WOODBURY. RIOHTS OF AMERICAN FIHIIKKMi-N. 179 I'miloaiire No. 1.) I Fniiik FosNm', (if (Ji ...,,. ,. fo,l';'iVil'';;::,;?v;';.r'i,?'::r;;? ':','■;" ■ "i'.' "-. -, „.,„„„ „ , FRANK FOSTFIi. AARON I'AK.SONH, ■ Noltu'ii J'liiili,-. [riirlosuro \o •> I Anno^AJ.^an..; .,.., n,.„..r,^;': ',;:;;' "'"' ••<•"«^ v./: Can.,,, Cupo No.,;. ,(,;;/• at! Zt^HlJLON TARR. AAROV PARSONS, ^'olury i'uhlic. IIiicIoHuro Nt. 3 JOHN COLLINS. AARON TAKSOXS, yolary I'iibHa. flncloaurd No. 4.] 180 RIGHTS OF AMKRICAIf FISHEHMKN. 8h(>1biiriHs LiNCdiiih, Cniiiitry IlurlMir, White HimiiI, ('iiu.io, Lit IIiivc, TJv«>r|)ool, Kitim- b«rry lliirltor, SmiiiM, lJriir;;i'tii\vii, C'liiiiiiitteiown, Miiiu'iicrk ; iitul t'livthcr h(i,vn not. LL. H.j JKSSF I.KWIS. AARON I'AKSONS, Xotnri) I'ulili' I Itnli'.^urc Ni J, (Ifori^f il. M;il 1 ill, t>\ I ilnllit st.^c, ('iililllliPiiw call !l 111' .M:|>'<,lilii|r*i'l IH, ill llli' I llilcil Stiiti'N III' AHM'i'i'a, on mv Miy I iiiii a liNliiiiiiiiii, iitiil in t\u' niiirNc ni' my Ciiilin;;- iliiriii;; lln- Iuh! "J.! Ncn * Ilavi- ciilfiri niiin\' pliid'H aiiii imrtH in Novii Sc(»tj;i for tlir iiiii'iioM' 111' liiiyinn '"i'* ''• '•'' "«>'il ''v tin' viss.-l I *vih on in tlin ilt'f|i-.sc.i lisii- cry. I firrtliir nay w« wt^rc alunyn IVtU'ly iiilnwid to iiiiiilia.sf u Iiat liait wi- waiitci!, ami bi'l'tifc lliiw yt'iir I ni'ViT Jii'aril of or Ixin-w nii iiisiiinci' wIiitc sinli vcsmi^I lyiiiLj to or ancliiirinj; witliin;;- tin- tlinfiiiiii' limits ol" fin- (loiist I'or hiicIi |ini|iii.st'M was ri'i|iiii'i>il to ri'|iiiri at flif ni-aifs' i-iisti)ni-lion>.' or (o make I'liiry ilurt', or was warni'il oil'. I have lit'fn in at tin- I'ollowinn iiliict'.^on that coaist viz: hijiliy, ISiirr Islainl. Tiiskt't Imlanil, I'nliniiit. !larri!ii.'lon, .lolin's !>laiul, SJicjlMinn', Li\fi|>oiil, Margaret May. Do- vvr, i'liiNiirrt , C'lt'.s Ilailiiir, iNaar's liarlior, Liscomli. Wliiti' Haven, ('ape Canso, St. Peter's Itav, Loiiisliiir};, .liitliiine, Sviliiev, St. Anni^H liav ; ami t'liiilier Nass not. [L. 8,] ' ' ' ' tii;o. II. MARTIN, AARON PARSONS, .Sotuv;/ I'lihlif. i^iu'losnre No, 6.] I, Janu's T. Simii.son, of Gloucester, Common wealtli of Mnssaehnsftts, in the United States of Ameiiea, on my oath do say I am a lisherman, and in tlie eoin-Ke of my eall- inj; diirtny; the last fniirteen years have entered many iiiaeesaiiil ports in N'ova Seotin for the piiriiose of hnyiiiji liail to lie used liy the vessel I was on in the deep-sea tishery, I further say wc were always freely allowed to purchase what liait we wanted, and bi'fore this year I never heard of or knew an iiiHtaiici! when^ such vessel lyiii;^ to or aiK^horinj; within tlie three-mile limits of the coast for such purpose was reimired to report at the nearest custom-house, or to make entry there, or was warned olV. 1 havo been in at the following places on that coast, viz: l)i;4lty, L'aiiipohello Island, St. Andrews, Uliss Island, (j'raiid Maiiaii, Heaver Island, St. Mary's Hay, Varmontli, Capo Nc^iro, SheUiiu lie, Cape I. a Have. Saiiihro, White Head. Canso, St. Peter's Hay, Arichat, Loiiisliiirj'', Svdnev, St, Anne's Hav, Port Hood; and further savs not. [L.s.] ' ■ ' ' .JAM KS T.SIMPSON. AARON PARSONS, yotari) I'lihlic. [luclosuro Xo. ".] I, Simeon McLoiid. of (ilnucester. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in the United States of America, on my oath do say I am a lisherman, and in the course of m> call- ing; during; the last fourteen years have entered many placesaiid ports in Nova .Scotia fertile imrposeof buyinjf bait to be used by tlie vessel I was on in the iiiako n "■" 1"'>'1'<'W wa.s n.iiiiiv.l to THOMAS JONES. AAKON 1 -ARSONS, JS'otan/ /'ublio. fluolosiiio No. 10. J 1 ilspisiiiiiiiiii SCOTT UEVER. AARON PARSONS, Xotari/ I'lihUc, rini'losiire No. U.) 182 lUOIITM OK AMKRrCAN FIHIIKUMKN. I I'lirflii'r xtiy w" wiTt* ithvit,V'« fn-oly iillnwi^il ti» |iiirrliimi< what Imlf wi< wiiiitcil, aii«l iM'I'ort' this yi'iir I iicvfr ln-iinl nt' nr kin-w an iii.' llirffimlo liriiirH ol' tli )iii, III' til iiiuki* ciitry tlii'ii-, or whh wiiiimmI olt', I Intvi) iHtKii ill lit ilii< I'lilliiwlii^ |)liii-i-H nil tliiit I'iMiHt, vl/, ; (iniiiil M.iiiiiii Isliiml, lli^liy, lliu-r IhIhiiiI, St. Miiry's li^kv, (irciMi ('i)\ k, Yfiriiioiilli, Slu'lliiirih'. I.ivrr)iiiiit. ('olo llitrlior. Dovi'T, Arii'liiti, CiiiiNo, II 'ili'inii', SI. .Viiim, Syiliii'v; hihI riiilli>-r hiivh not. |i.>. 1 ' KDWAUl) CAMII,LI<>N, Sihimiirr Sylri'Mlir, AAK(hN I'AHSONH, llnolomiro Nn. I'.'.j I, .li'llVry r. (ifirnir, ol viliiiii'CHtcr, (Niiiiiiioiiwi'iiltli of M.tHsiirliiiscIlM, in llii> Kiiitt'il Btiiti'N lit' AiniM'icti, nil my oiitli iln nay I nm ii liNlu'riiiiiii, iimi in tlii^ i!iiiir.si< nt'iiiy ralN iii^ iliiriii).; tlio last tinirtoMi yi'iirs liuvivcntfi'iHl inaiiy (ilurrM iiiul jinitH in NnvaSi-otji for tin- |iiii'|i()n.Mit' liny in;; liiiit In lii' iisimI liy|tlii' vi'uhuI 1 w.is nil ill till! (li'.'|i-Mi'a ll-(ln>ry. I flirt lii>r siiy wi- witc iiiwayM iVi'i-ly uil'iwtHl In |iiircliaHi> what liiiit \vi< wanti'il, anil iH'Cnii- tliis year I nrvcr liraril of or km w iin iiiHliinrf w ln'io miu'Ii vr.sscl lyiii;; In or uiiclinrin;; witliin I lio tliii'f-inilf limits nl' tiii< iniiMt t'nr .sni'li iiiir|io.Hi< was r<'i|iiiri'il to n^jinil at tlii' iii'jiii'Ht I'liMrniii-liiniHc, nr In maki' entry t ln'i'"', nr was wariicil nil'. I liiivc lii't'ii in at flic rnllo\Ni 111,' jilart'snii tlial ina.st, vi/, : M. .VihIii-wm, Nrw hniiiHwick ; St. .Inliii, New MiisiiHwirk ; l>iKl>y, Yai'iiinnlii, HarriiiKl'm. Slicllnirnr, |,i vrrinml. Ln Have, I.iiiiriilnir;:, Halifax, Dnver, Aricliiit, Ciin.so, l!»'ilri|iii'. St. Aiiiii', Sydney, I'nrt lionil, l.oiiir^liiir;;, ('liarldltetdwii, SniiiiH, (iuor^etown ; ami I'nrtlier savn not. [I- H.l .IKFFKIOY 1'. (JKUUOIU. , AARON I'AKSONS, , yotiliil t'uhlir. No. 81>. Mr. WiUard to il; . Bayanl. I'DIIILANP, Me., Ji//j/ 7, 1 8S0. [lloceivcdJuly !», 18S().| Dear Siii: We \vir('«l yoii tlio iiarficiilar.s of flic sci/iirc of our dchooiuT Gt'orjiV W. ('U8liiii;;>' by the ('iiinulian authorities. As yt^t wo have lu) reply to onr qiuvsti(Ui as to what \\v .».houl() tlo in the matter. We sujiposc, however, thai you are yivin^ it tiie eonsiileratioii that it deserws, and that we shall hear from you when you have reached a satisfaelory eonclusioii. This vessel we kept tied to the wharl' three weeks, and only allowed her to "() after we uuderst.iod you had arranged masters and that our vessels could iiave all the privile<^es that we accoidcd ti. theirs. It seems that everylicdy here so uiulerstood it, and this is the cause of so many of our vessi-ls callint;' at Nova Scotia iiortsfura week jiast. They iiotily us that we can have tiie vessel by the payment of a line amouiit- inji to about s<0()(), and that she is not lield for a violation of the treaty of liSlS. but for \iolation of (MistoniN i-e,<;ulations. This is jilaiiily only ti i)rete\t,as they forl)id our ves.>e ol' enterinj;' and pisr- ehasinji' supplies, as we understand their law, by the readiiiy, it applies to vessels in the coastinn- trade, but if it applied to tisliermeii there has been (Uily a teehnical violation, and where il can be plainly shown that there was no intent to evade the laws they ouyht to release the vessel, as our Goveruineut did in the case of the sidiooner Sisters, which was held fur gross ignorance on the part of the skipper. The captain of this RlOirrs OK AMKRIf-AN HM„ERMKN. v.'NsH has hn-r. yvlimy hi,j, .,,„| urifil tUv |.ivs..|,f |,.|„ ,„.^.,.,, ''■•' III flifirpnirMfur thirfv «t<-|| lIlC i||Hi,|«. of )t IMlMtOIII I 183 .v«*iirM. II ml IOI|N(« " .u.....i,;Hv;K::;z;':";;r,i;;;':"."'';' ""';' i'- «..i -„ ; HffMiis Mnif fi lilt «'\..|MMir own vrssi'isl lii'ir |>|)ii<*.s, (Iri M'.V ill*' ll.'f,.n,lilM'l| fii I,.,, v«' IIS into l.-ftiiij,-' (Im.|ii I liivi'MottMijoynl, iiiir it • "H lM.ini..n in tl claiiis. "lit IVoiii ||,.|«., and hcsKi <» pinciiif hail and i isjM-aivf the llNliin>r 'hm'.v cvt'iy.'f hait i'x wf tiir- tion tiu^ U'liilc \v«« think that II '••^i'nn^with tlHMisandsonu,m.|s<.r.:a!t wi^do noi ihiiik tl '<•>'<' iiic niaftcis which p«'ttyi.iiildo/iiitr that this! i<'Miiit<' riino and am. 'r?' '^'l '"'f •" ''aith that wonM I und wi'iiivofilM. o|»iiiion that tl ■ mcrnniciiMias for ih,. last attention and has involve the (J,,v policy. { nv lish like tl (<', tor thrrc may he a nipt iiM matter requires more f| liive stood I wen ty years. •iiM ordinary ••ninienl far more than ir could | I'tiirc iit any time that miyh't •■nnen are -eitin^r ,„t„ a |,.„| ( '.V jMirsiiiiiu^ ;l viooi Ken.e...He,| to hardship and p,;i|,;i.,,^^^ oils men H'lolly within our c«.ntrol I veryhody's opinion is entitled t I'iiiiM' of mind, and csitate to do most any »,.sl (}ov W«» think that c«»iirse t() pni'siK o some \vei;,'|ir, and \ve venture to iMiiment that, inasinuel «""• l»«'partnient oii-ht to teh-rapl only a tetihn.cal violation of I iiH the v<'ssels seizedliave 1 l»'i llie Domii vessels <.n the same terms tl <'iistoms laws, that tl lioti »*'«MI <,'iiiltv of tin irs. If they refuse to d givm him by (,'onir, lilt our (Joverniii <> this, then the Presid ••'.vonyht to release the «'Mt has always released IKfCNS, should jrjv,. th <'iit, with (he po wer iliately issue' his pn,chnnai;:i!:, :;;';' ""^'T ^'"'^ he should immo nertaiiiii..rt.> n. .'.li ,.....*..„. pertaining' to the (isl fiom the provii I'lom here th ices '<;;;«;H,imdl_hattVomtlielstdayofA •iiii l)elandedin the CnitedSt iiise in all matters 'i«iist no (i.sh sooner revoked. Thee'lect of this eiiee, such dectree (o i emain in force six ifcsaiid none exported months, unless wouhl be to hHii!; them t ire aliiiost whollv dependent in tlieir llsli, and withoiii tl o terms very (| II iek, as they >oii our market for the d I Of the hoiion f the old I) 'i<'e-«|uarlers of the peoj)h 11^ privile^^. N(,vu Scujt isposilion of Tl and they have I t'liiocratic party som.thi >a IS almost helple en made so hv tl en^iif-ed in this l.u ii^" must be (lono. J>ast. We iindeistaiid that tl le acfio siness are Democrats. lit •IS of tln^ Jl«'piibli( '•'ill eapital..itt of this ni itter, but lere are those that vvoiihlmaniif iiiis in the (•an ea.sily he haiidi.Mppcd b\ I'epartment It IS too serious a tl llCtll ic po- uny-, and they vii-.oroiis action in this matter I Asa faithful defender of the faith tl nli'i"!'*: *""''•'■""• **"<>^''""liich we 1 >y your \su( lese many years, we pray that we li've lonoht brouo-ht to a success- ease do not leave this iinportantniatrert ftieatly obij we h «e if you will let us I. o iissjstaiits, and yon will Tl aud it .lye any rights which Canada is bonnd l respect y(»u will i>iv( Vours respectfully, & us a reply in i'n]] wr •.■.•!] iveii to the papers for jmbljcat 'cal it as coiiiidential loa. K. G. WILLAKD. 184 ItlOIITM OV AMKKK'AM FIHIIKItMKN. No. W). Mr. lUniaril t» Mr. Willant. hHl'AlU MKNT HI' St A IK, Wimiiimjlini, •hiiy {>, IH,S<>. Hiu: Your tclcgmiii of tho M, iiml .voiir l«'lf«T ol' tlio 7tl« liiHtuiit, Mtiitiiiix III*' Nfi/ur«' lit SiH'Iltiinii', No\;i Siotin, hy tlif loc.il iiiitlinritit'M ol' iliiit pii.t, ol' till* wcliooiM-r (u'(up' \V. CiiMliiii;*, wnr «|iil.v i«Tt'ivr«|. Holnrt' tlu' r«'«'»'ipt of eiflu'r, iiowm of thin Mrizuro liiid Ihmmi rt'coivi'il by tliis Dt'iiurtiiiMit mihI iiinhitit iiiMriiirtidiis Ihi'l lu'tii Ni-iit li> flu' con- Hill ;^('iift ill ill lliililiiv to piiKftil In .Slii'lltiiiiK* iiimI olitaiii lull kiioHl- 0(lut> of all till' facts iiimI inakr full import to tliiM Dcpattiiuiir of tlir cause i»f Micli Nclziiic, ami tlic iiattMi' nl tlic cotiiplaliit upon which MUch procci'diiiy: wen- ftiiiiHlcil. Ill the altsciiccof siiih aiitliciiti.; infiiriiiatioii it is iinpnssiMc for this licpiiriiiiciit to take any actitm. oi lo yixc yoii advice As the coiilciits of yiiiii' tc|c;{iam and Idler disclose, ,\oii are well a\var«' that ipiesiioiis me now pendinjjr iM'tween this (ioveininent and that of (heat Miitaiii in relation to the Just detinitioii ot the rijiihls of Ainencan llshinjj; vessels in the teiiitorial waters of IWitish North Aiiu-rica. 1 shall relax no ilfort to arrive at a satishictory solution of the I here in ton-e. For all unlawliil di'privatioii of property or . No. 1)1. Hon, Mr. llontcUe to Mr. Bai/aril. [Tuletsraiii.l llOUSK OF Hia'UKSIONTATIVK.S, 'hill/ 1(», 18S0. 1 have Just reiu-ived u dispatch from lOaslport, .Me., statin;-- that American boats alter herring for sardines at St. Andrews, New Mriins- wick, were driven away last ni^ht !>y the Dominioii cruiser Middieton, and it is announced that no Anierician boats will be allowed to take her- ring for any purpose, i earnestly invoke the immediate iittention of the iJepartment to tins matter. C. A. li JUTELLK. RIOHTH OF AMrRFfvAV rimiKUMKN. No. U'J. Mr. Ilayanl to Hon. M,'. lloiiUH,'. 185 tliiit A If Sir: I |,„v,, j„„, M.,.,.iv,.,| ,v<»ii h.i.l iKlispar.li iKMii V\»H\ IH.I'AUTMUNT Ol^ STATK, 'Ittlji |)j, is.su. >oiir»rl..yriiiii of flti8,|„ri., Mat i'vwuii loiHimliin-Mat «f. AihI P«»H, M<'., fhal .\ by flic I) AlIM' ivwN. .N.-u MiiiiiMvvicI, ';"'"'"•" V'''i"'«T .Mi.h|l..|oi..wiil, Hi»^ niciicaii hoafN aft«>r II way '*. Wt'KMllivj'il iiM.iiraii Ih.uIm will Ihm.IIow,.! . I """ '''"•'"' "•"< ' And to HiiM voa iovni . . . '^.V '•^"'"'^ ''"• ""> P'.r, o.... to On fiM- jd ,,r .hi,,, i;,.m ,yoii iiiv„k,. ilio iiiiiii,MlJul«> alt with >S«'iiaioi Mill,., oi M •'I'll.. I, oi ihJH l).'iMiia,„nt. >'Hinill..,l at this l»,'|,a.fii„.|if tlin-at oi ii, It'll "'" r'?';rri:;':"/ ""^''"'' .i.n.i dr,.wi '• i«'|»i,'M.|,tatioii oi II.,. i,||,.j.,.,| ,1 iicats to III,, <^'iiiia,la and tiic vi\ WiKs III In. pes (lijii („,.,! «^oiniii,.i,.,i,| int. 'I, •Mills,. l„-t Wf, ■/•'lis ol til,' I'i,if,.,| Stat.'H. ii>* iilt.nti.Mi to III,, all,.",.,! II lil'ltisll Nllltji'ct N III |iiiitt' Had,' would I ij^t*'! on the .siiltjc'i r iMii ifi'iciij'i. with u r '••''''•^•••''''•^'•''»"iII^«ainaddl■3^^^^^ 'ojfiiizt'd iind h'^^iti. If >iiti.Nh initi< wii nu'ivial ri;;lit,s. it a issiMt iiiat.'iiall.v III all Hin-I I ( fJiNc ait< |tro«Mii,',| and ( <'<-iiiiiU' ami lull s{\\\ UM's of alh'-.'d \iolationof oiwaidnl to tli •■";«'llt.S0f all III.. f;„.| roiii- •>* in each aili.lavits. "'"*''' ^" "'"'^ l»<«|MitnHi,i a,n.n.paiii,.,r Uy ^i^^^^^'^t^^nZS^^ '^^''": "t would .„'i|.,.. tho iiijnml parti,..,. "' ""^''' '"' '""• '"' '•Imiii lor .oiiip.'iis.ition l.y I hav»;, v\te., T. F. HAV.MM). No. m. Mr. ^iaijard to Mr. Woodb ury. I>i:i'AR'I'mi<;nt of Hta'ik, Wos/iituffon, ./nil/ |;{, i,S8(i. Bni: Vonr l,.tf,'|. ,|at,.,| |„h - „,„ , '"■"/""//'"", '/"/// I.'J, 1880. ri'.-m.'.l, and shall l,,- u<^ ' ;^ Hi mi!;; ''""'r'" "^'j'"^' '"^ '— ' will. (Claims for .Mmip,- isa( , n .,, vj, \1' '^'i^ '" <'i»iiiH'«,iioa ofthis nsa;,,, l,y tho CaiiaS;;:.;;,:; 7^:^'^"' "'" •""''"'"' l"-^<'>'tioa 1 am. lSto ' I am, &c., T. F. 15AVARI). ^:mfr^ * WM' ^ A^c IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) #. // .v*% m< ij. 4^ A 1.0 I.I 1.25 bim 12.5 ■50 "^^ niiH Z li£ ill 2.0 1.8 U IIIIII.6 V. <^ /i ^;; -^^1 c^. c^^ *J^ .^.^' ^i^ ^^ O^; w Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ r^o ^ iV 186 RIORTS OF AMKRICAN- FISIIF.RMKN. No. 91. Hon. Mr. Jioutclh to Mr. .'in yard. HC)U5!K OF RePRKSI'.NTATIVKM, WoHhinnton, Jvhj 11, ISSG. [RciH'iv.d July 5.] Sir: Ac^Uuowlcdpint; rcwipt of your letter of i;nii instant, Ntatinff that the view prcsfiiti'd by me will receive «lue w the deponent to purchase lish caught and sold' by Cana- dians for canning. The afHdavit shall be placed on file for reference. Yours, i&c, T. F. BAYARD. July n.] it, Ntiitiiiff I, I lu'^ to (port, H«?t- liscr .Mid- inv Briin8- rorwardod L'ELLE. of Maine, 1 rows, N. B. 1 lilancliard 1 at St. An- laiiie along- H owned, I ot take any ished to get 1) American ni in Heines, Middleton of whom I lion left me tliout hav- ili ironi the imtport. 5ALKAM. IJTT, the Peace. 5, 1.886. lidiivit of ^ ordered li.ser Mid- y" Captain by (Jaua- rARD. RfOHTS OF AMERICAN FI.SHFRMEN. l^J No. m, Mr. Woodbufif to Mr. liayard. Sir • I have Hw, I ^!"''''"*'7' '^" -^ -•'' '•'''^'- ' ^^^'^'^'^yo<^ .Tulv 2f).] colonial secretary, 1878 I^.'is" -^ \'^v .".fT r '" '^"" "• ' '■"'^'' ^'^"'"''' "'"' reque.stinfr lii.n ti) aseerfii , ..t H : . i ^J" '"V ""'"«f<''- •"• I^«»'.don iawofN,/;tb„ndS^:?; .;^^^^'X^^^ approved, and tlie tm. v i\J,lut}i- '^'^'^ *'* '"^'^ f<» 'oreij^Mier.s had been only instance o tb^' ki, Z^n^^i"'''"\ ,"""." 'l'"* '""'• ^^^'""^ ''^ ^he ktiowledffe. Capr ain McDon .-^I. ^''^^ l^'''' ''^'-^ ^^'"*' t" "»y treaty par iSarhl^^^t^^^ f'"'^ V^' -^««'o'".dland, .4e by CIIAS. LEVI WOODBURY. [Inclosnres.] he!;S^!f' "'''""''•' '* '"■• "''^■'"•'•- «'""->'ter, MasH.. July .s, 1881). (Piinted [IncIosiirH ].] Coplain James McDomlil to Mr. lioijard. SiK : The schooner Thomas F B.vird of r^ . CJ^oucestku, ./«/,/ 28, 188«. part owner, sailed fron, Glo « sh-f^ut"^:,.? ..^'^'I^ff^^ "V'??^'' ^ ''"' "'«^^'^'- ''"^ trade pennit. .My Hnpply of I.ait , ee .inTr ll?., . f^^''' \^^'^l'\ ^vith Hcnse and Bay, on the northw^st c^st of Ne vfo "„?'^"^ ^^^ P-'t of ^onne of bait on .Jnlv i'i. Direetlv on •. . .I ;. } ' *"^t''" Pi'rp*we ol proenrin-r 'i supply lector and stated niv o St was' o v ,".'/ '"iV'^r^ 'V' ^^'' «"«tom.hon,se to tlu/ioU immediately «ervedll^,,on'mLrnotk.e 4dfi ti^ln;^^ "?f, *'°^'*'?*"^ "*" *''« P«rt, presence of n.y vessel in the po.t ^^^'A^^^^^^:;;^::^'^^^^^ 188 RIOIITS CF \MKiaCAN F'lSHEHMEN. ol I'^H im.I nUo w.irii.-d im not U, l.iiy liiiit. IIuviriK » «-«.pv of tlio Ottiiwn oirou- larol Alar.h ;, ihhi;, wnh nif, ! pr.Hliic.l itanil iviul to tliiM-oll.-ctor tins trcitf ycliiiise -itlMT.' i.nril.'.l, and iM},Minl with liinilluit I Inid tlu- iirjitv liKlitKx'onic in Imro. His n-itly \vaM. m hnlmtiin.i', lli.it In- nniNt iMiforni liis dntv and |.i«'V<'nv nn- from iMivinjr .all. 1 ntnincd to my vc^Md. and, fVaiin« I Mmnld !>.■ M.iziMl if I I ^dit l.ai't or tiHli.-niiI( 'imno, N. S., witli mv vcNm-l, o;i tin* iit'fi-riioon of July V.', Hiiil w.iit 10 tlit« cnNloiii-lioiiHf utnl icpoittMl. One of my crow wt-iiton Blioro wilhoiit Hiitlioiity and filled to n-inni iit riinht; moiiih of fcli« cVbw tlioiiKtit lie liiid dimiTted and iri;ra>{Mt \w rt'tiiriii'd tlm next moniiiiK. Tlic noxi moiiiiii;; tlii< ((dicitor, Mr. Yoiiii)r, cumiMiii lioardiind d»Mniindt>;' my pap^rH (cliarKiii;; Mil- with sliiin.iiij; 11 iiiiiii). I ;;avf llicm to liiiii, ami In- kept thi-'in until l().:{(t o'l'l.i.k tliivl •■vc, wlicii \w irturn.d them to nu-. Am I was nil r- ndy to Hail tliat iiioiniu^, it dt.'tain»il tlif vcNHtd two ("J) duyn in that port, as the next day was Sun- day . DANIKL M'DONAM). MASsAC'iii'sKrrrt, Enxtx, hh: Al(It;sT (i, IHHIi. Personally appi'Mrcd I). McDonaWI, and made oath to tlicahovi-. Hetorf ni»-. ['-. f^. 1 AAUON I'AUSC.VS, A'o/rtn/ I'lililic. No. 101. Mr. I'ressoH to Mr. Bayard. CUSTOM-HOUSK, (iLOUCESTER, MASS., Collector's Office, Auf/unt 10, 188(5. [Kccieivcd August 11.] Sir: III reply to yotir telcffiam of oth instant I inclose iithdavits of Captain (hinnin}>iiani, of schooner Rattler, and liis ])as8onger and crew, in relation to tlieir '•reatinent jit Sbelburne, Nova Scotia, on jfoing in there for shelter on 3d instant. Very res|)ectfully, &c., T). S. PRESSON, Collector. llncloRure.) Affidavit of Captain Ciininiighani, of the aohooner Eattler. I, AnsiUHtns V. (.'niininjjhivm. master of tho scliooner Rattler, of Gloucester, being duly Hworii, i'''T.- i,,,,,,., „, '"•;i«".;""|i ...I ni"^Z "Z :^;Z"f''''""'"'\"' il...»r . .i™ ;i::n:lr-;,:7;;;-::;'^i; £i 'r™" t':;;.;-;\ii.v;--^ I" ....| I,..,. ,;,i„. I,!:.;,',',"";; ;, t,;;:. ;'',',',,';;,!;,■;.'■;,:■' "■ "'■•■"■■"™ »i.i, ,i,e v,™.,. ,..„„. tol.rim.i,„i],i„c..rl iiclM,- ■,,'''''■' >!"";i»h..r,-l„,.,.i.-i. All„,v ,li„m ^'i<:iV;.-.ri;^;;i;:-'::: ''•^•-'-^^^^ ' ' "-'- V]«'" ^'^"•'' «■"!.- i. ■' N, :rr!, "T^.:";V".!'"V''"' --* -iH-w a voM^el arriving at ller.jlM.,,i,waHto,a..vetl,atCa,a;ii :,,/, ;^ At .la> lighh we got i.n.ler way ami st , • , I' """"^ »•• American (iNJiermen - '-nr more armed ...... eau.e'o;:;:.;: j" ^t^l,^ ';:';;;-• iV"' '''-'f— " H'-mett H- M. I went on hIm.iv with I. t.-nant li ■,.,,. t, i ^l'«"lbiiriie about l.,ii. ..•,.|,„,k A w.„.d.w,.. after ln,,ui,ing,,f, '.;;,'•! !;''^ <'iiten,l ,„„, ,,,..ar,,l ,|,„ v,.,s«el. ' '""" " "'" "' ^*''" «"y oliarge.s against me. ''II my ivMirn to the vim..,,! *i... k ' fnteie.l H„. 1 1 ..\, •"<." .llloweil to (IrjMii . I ^»o,il, slate that when we lirnt was nnmole«ted. Hailing at h t , n ' r ' ;T''' ""f"'"'' '"^^ "'"■"<' "»'"■-. a , S .uternationa. courtesy that ^^^'^^'a'!^:: C^^Z:';:^^^^^^^ ■''<..& I, LawHon C. Ri..), of Canton X V ^' "' ^'^^^'^^^"•'^M. Captain Ci,.,ningl,am', .l.dep,,L and^say'thaKeXv "". 'r"' "*''""•"'"• '^"»l<'r with iiarn ih true in every pariiciilar. ^ "^ ^""'''"vestui-inient of Captain Cunning- Massachusktts, Esbcjc, 88 : LAWSON CARTER RICH. or,';Kf ■;: s„r,*- '■■■ '■"•■ « •".< I-. c. K,c„ a„, „„.,.*rro i'::., Before mo. [L. S.] AARON PARSONS, Notary l'nhUo. AVo. William Howie, Frederiek Hin.,i . /.i i r • 1'f.t, John Hart, .John Low vann'SrV^ ,'"','''' ^owry Charles Hart, G, Mart,,, Guthrie, „f ,1h, ,.J\,^ sh on m^^^h^ O'Xeil, Jan.. lVv, statement of Chaplain Cnn..ingha.ni;';*ru^in'!;::r;l;ii:a -^ "'"^ » Wm. JioWIK. FuKi). IJkook.s. ClIAIir.KS LuWHY. CiiAiu Hart. GK01i(, VlJJKIiT. Massachusetts, Essex, ss: "^^"^ ^' ^^^''^- JBctore me. [r.. S.I AARON PARSONS, Notary r tbUo. Jons Low IM.\. AIcLi. Alkx. O'Ni. Jamk.s Lkv Maktin Gu eorge Vi- iiige, and ho above lilK. :an. :n,. AXGE. TIIUIK. 192 RlOnXS OF AMERICAN FISHKHMP.N. No. 102. Mr. Prenium to Mr. llai/nrri. <'i'Hi""M lloi'si;, .,.T(}..|.ltMili;ii(l,,".>r Mti-i'^i) ti- uo into M„. n„.v ot i;iml...|r,. (I'o.t IJani.l) to till water. :. tk .lu. w.iv .W flu- bav,' lou! or liv,.mili.Hli(Mn la.nl. was met o.v tin- Cttna.lian scinw n. - )•;. F. Coi.m.l ui.iomcbr ciinuMMi In.ar.l, tool- niv na nam.- of v.-sh..|. tonini«.., nu.UH f ow<.<,r, A/ ., .uni or- der.".! nn- not to ;;.. into Uii.v of Cl.a is. Hr ,v1mo In.nisli.-.. n,*. nti, .. prim. ,t '' -I'm • '"*:• "■';•> ♦"t"*!'"l<>i''^«''>nMit writt.'ii tlH'r.M.n: " Don t (inter tc- Uayvf t'liiihiM-s, .N •" '» Att.^rtliis waininjj; I put to n.-a, ami was .il.JigH.l to l'o aonji»< >o TV. ^n p p/t .' ohtMin a Nnpply ..f water Cor ne of my • af vSt. I"'.'!', «4tl' !•»»>() t« IH'i< oj t!i(' llrtV, iira'l ; iniodlcer !r, &■ ,, Htiil or- l>rini. .1 •' '.viirK- 'lliilMTH. N. '\" •sri P. K. I., 10 |: f.f Ui;.ji:orel, no;H of lit loast MKKOX. JJ/rtifc>'. iml, do depose |>:ilticiil;ir. . l'(.)\VKLL. r SMITH. U8T 13, 1886. iTt Smith, and SONS, .V. P. RHHIT8 OP AMKKICAN KISFfKRMKN. — ir»a t«Hn*f tin. |,„il„„- of I'oit !•>...! I . f'xiu^'^H h'-;.;"';!|;;,|\,';;,'l'';^;;';;'- a^jain.t tl.i« i„fYa.fio„ of "•'"»'<"' «iv."n lol.in. t a !,J ,' ', :"""•*'!•'• 'it tl.is .a,Mfa a, f. '>',;|;;;^< .uuMlian <,m,.ial.s aUovI. Zu,; "' '•' ''" """'"■'•antr.huuion ;;> iMvv.;.t u7!:;;;^a^;;:;;;:;:;;':|;;;;;;'' ;;••;'••- ^i.ouM ,,.. ..,,.., toHhwiti. our vi.mmH. «„p,^.,,, j„ H,,.;; :""''^""" ""<« '"H.mm,.||.v .•o„.lMr. iu^^^nZ ^*' ^- i;«KN«<»N, lOsq., T. K UAVAiil). Collector, (UoHviHter, Muhh. No. 104. Mr. Ba,j.ri ,„ ,„,,.,, e,,,^,,,^ ^^ ,,^^._^^^^ Department of State ^•'••"i"^' tl t'tontirof^,^^; H ' •'''''*/'''^"*'^'''' •<*'of J.ilv last con ""«« <'o,„M,„„i,..,f,,, to , "] . ' ^' •*!>»l'ni.', Nova S.u.tia, which was nV '.It her Unta.M.ic M jes y J ;' , l!;;:.^;''' ''^'^ ^ '"^ve't< in, rn you the 'Master,.,- the Oitvl'ni -.r !..•." ^ '''"^ "'•'<'*^ '«'l>lv, allemrur H, I ;"^' I»Hrt of tlurcrew J, ' 1. La^,; ^^\^^^ anthorith..s, a.ul by a ml "' qtH'stioM was 8iaKsequ ., tiv -S • .o ''."■^''"'' '^^ 'f*''« f'at the vessel It appears fro,,, this r" ,|y th ' i "" '^'V'^ *'^' ^^''O- or iufrm^i,.^ the treaty w;^a^;"l;;^''^^S'H^ ^^olatingthe tinhin^ laws so le aHe,.atio,, is the faih.re f r",*!.: J '/' V'" ^'"'';^' ^'"^ "''^^ the ul.it,o„s applicable to any vessel iesnrH..!f "l>««'ve the e„sto,us reir- inc^it.,.^yvitl, the shore. ^ Hsortin^. tea port of entr.y,a,„l commf- watc;hthe:^l,^;;;f:';;.X^S'oftLf ""li'Y ^^'" •- '-tructe-. Wooilhxmj to Mr. Bayard. Boston, Ofltofter 1 <> istjn rw • ,^ Herewith pleas. Lnl th affi;,'-?; J/^^ '^^^ ^«^-»^er 13.J >in schooner I'eail XelsonV I W Komp, of the H. Ex. 19 .13 steward ; M. k'g -■..Old, ca«hje. ol bank, relative to 194 RIOHTS or AMKKICAN FIHUKRMBIf, llui ilrti'titloii of tluU wImmiiht Ht Ariihiif, tuiti tlw «• xartioii or a tMmit or'i«ll'(M> h.v rlir aiirlioritifM tiN tin* <-otHlitiiiii for Imt rrln»M«'. Whut MHt- \\U' h|i« lmr. Tliw only vUiimt' iiiikIi; wan thai a part ul lnr cn-w liail goiH' aslioii in the uinht ami r«'tuiiMM| in tln> nionnni,'. Tin- paiticN intcr«-Hi«<| in lici, hflit-vini,' that »h<' r\Hci!!>n n'JVrnil to wan in viohition of hiw, anil of their rights an Anu-rican citi/.tMiH in rall- UiK lit tiM' port of a iri nation, in .ntivNM of wcailn'r, r«'iH|M' CnittMl Statrn, ami that lln> «laniaK"H whi«ii iav«( aiiMcn to thftn by t»»^ ilh'Kiil mMznrr, ilfttMition, and exaction may n« r*»i;nbnrH«'«l to tlinn. I have the honor, &l',, en AH. LKVI VVOODHIUY. Ti. OWNKH. I*. H.— Tlip owihth have trariMniittiMl dnplieates of tlu'se atlldavitM to the conHiil at Halifax, for hhv la^fore the Ottawa anthoritieM, for remiu- 8ioii. [InvloinreNo. 1.] Affldarlt of Cuptain Kemp, of thete.hnomr I'earl Xehnn. pRAiii, Nki-mon, U. S. a., IHntriitof MaMnu-hiiKillii: I, Miinloik Koiii|>, nfl'ioviiuot.iH II, in MiiHMiulitim-ttH, acitiwii of thu irnitcil Stattm on my oath iloHii.v : I'lmt I was miiMttT anil pint owiht of tlii> Milioonor IVinl N'-'Ihoii' a voHN.'l ol 111.. i:nit»'il Stdf.'N liiily li.niH.'d , IHH!, f,,,- tlu, iiNl„.,i,.H, atul hol.linu a ptMiiiit to toiiili unit tnult' (liiriiij^ tin' cxiHtcncH oC huIiI lici-nso. I CiirflH'r Nuy that fli«^tTi'»v of Kiiid vrmci witd sliippiMlon \v«hiim at I'rovincetown and HoHt.Mi loni tlMhinm voyiiKis to lln' (•niiid Hunks, mid rutiiiii to I'l-ovinccfown for di«. Siiid Hcliooimr, with IlceiiHc mid pmnit as (iloiVMaid, siiiicd Mav '^.t iHHd from I'rovintctown, and in Imr pasmin;,. |„„,u« toiudit-d at Ari< Imt, ('apt! Mrffi'ii I'lilvcii 111 tht'n. by Htr.-Ms of w.-aflmr. Hiiilnl l.y tho wind from limik (^ii.'io, mid blowinif ticMha hravy M'a inniiiiiK and fo«f,'y, iiiadi- I'oint Mi.liaiix, !» inilcH Iron. Arhliat? iho v.'HHid wiiM dfip; li.T doritH lloiiti'd on dt-i k in Ii.t he wain! ; wind hi.in« alioitt wtsnt I (MiiKdiidiMJ to iiiako a hiirlior and wait for liitirr Wfutlicr and wind I an- ••liort'd the v.'ss.l in Aii.liat, llarliorat 11 p. ni., S.-pf,.inl.fr 7, Irt-d, I hji.'t l„„t a man on tli.< (Jiand Hanks, iiaiii<>d .laiin-s Hainpson, who lndoiiKfd to Arii hat and I wanted to land hin .(iVctN, if flu, (•nHtinns oIUci'im would allow nut to. Sonic of mv crow iMdoiiK-d in that iH^ijiJihorhood. VVilliani Hahiiio, inv cook, and nine otlu'ir ot tin- vv>-w took 1.. ats oil' tli.- deck and went ashoin without ankiiiK' my pitrmiitNion I 8aw Mk'Iii, Inii had iiovcr known that was any objt'ction. I had bocn in thin and other Brili.sh North Aincrican port.s lr.(|ii.'ntly, and' wifimsNud tlio laiidin;r from my <»wii and other veM.sel.s' crows, but never before heard mucIi landing wiih illeiral or im- proper. ThoMe men took nothiii;,' from the vessel with theiu nor carried away anv- thliiK but the clothes Miey wore. •' From the time I left I'rovincetown I had been into no port any where. Next inorninK', after my arrival in Arichat, al Hi o'clock, f went aslnne to enter at tho fMiMtom-hoiiMe, and liiind it close.l. I called at 1) o'clock and it was not oiieii. I went auain at, 1 o'clock, and found the collector opcniiif; the oHice door. I made the regular inward lepmt to him, and reiiiiested permission to hind the i lollies of .James .Sam))S(>n, who had been lost from my veHsel on thetiraiid Hanks. He told li.e he had sent a man lor me. After 1 ),'ot there 'his man canu^ in. The olllcer was IwddiiiL' mv papers and told the man to yo back and take . harge of the vess<'l. I asked him why he held my papers; ho replied, he sei/.cd her because I had allowed my men to "o ashore betore report injrut the cu.stom-honse; that all he would tell me' was, ho siud bo wouhl telejrraph to Ottawa and lind out what to do with me ; and he did tele-,Mapli immediately. About uo'clork p. m. the collector roceiv;'d an answer, and told me to de- posit f^OO and the VHspel would be released. The collector would not allow me to lanil this dead man's clothes until after I had paid the .S'JItO line. I «ave the clothes to the shoii-keoper to bo jjiven to Sampson's widow or friends. I camo out of Arichat about 11a. in. ou the 8th of September, IHffi, haviiifr bought there one bushel of po- tatoes with the collector's penult and arrived at I'loviueetown September 11, l«a(i. I i or' n it(*|kiHit Whtit Ntiit- Im'cii iitiiihlit •T rn'W liiul II n'fVrnil to i/i'iiN in rall- i»'iH|M'xiu;ti(>ii iiitiy HUH'UY. anidiivitN to ■H, fur riMiiiti- RIOHTM OK AMKKHAN KIMMKKMKN. Uiiif«-il8tnt(m, r IViiil \"1hihi, and lioiiliii/i{ II I'roviiict'towii iviiKH'ttivvii for I May '^.t, imi, Hr('t, tiixl lili)\viiif{ troin Aricliat. 1(1 lii'irij; alioiit wiiiil. I an- I hail loHt a • Aiiclmt, and , Some of my id iiiiio otlit'i-*' iiy pot'iiiiH.sion. en ill tlii8 and \il\U)i from my I illtgal or iiii- itid aw ly any- wlicrc. Nnxt i> filter at tlio * not open. I '. I ma;raph : told me tode- )t allow me to ,vo the elotlu'H out of Aricliat I bii.shol of pe- er 14, l«H(i. I 196 r^ ^;:^:^:-«- no. . ...... , , .^ ^____ MUHIJOCK kj;mi'. .n.n.md« o«,h ,o ,||. fore^oii:;." "" '*"" ''^"' ''»>• "» H«,,,t..MilH.r. Lh.,', whu^lLSK •lAMKH tJM'Foien, (Inolimiira So. 2.) «r<'«.iii.n« from >*al,rii.lii,',,k'; ;'"'''•■ ' Vl^"'"' P'"-f '- «aid voy ,' . jV'i' ""'^; Hf,'^;/ '"■^' l""l"'Ne Imr for repairs in, .«.»■. . ""'. '"n"».\menr, of er.nv'H I < aUo depo^eH that th,. erew of i I . i. ' "j;''""« " iHl NerioiiH dis,iMt«r the alliaiit deehii-.-H fli,.» !(•*> » .. ■«« na.a " ' '•>' "'- ' '•» ".*"--:v::i:":;;;i:i;:, n;;,'^-. n*;;; t ,;;;::- MF:NRy COOK. [Inclimiirc No. ,i. j .W.IW7 0/ »•///«.« /;„ft,„„. «,„, „^ ,,, ,,^^,, ^.^,^^^^ ot September, 18d,5, Wil!iam STnn J". .'^.''i.^ !'*.«. "' Ma-ssaehimetts, this 27th .Z'r • • •• ■> --^iis oy mo uuiy sworn, (IcpoHes and'sav's m 196 RIOHTfl or AMKklCAN nmiKWMKV. IbMl in* ■I'rM'tl iM vtmk ^n ll>« M'li«Hm»r !'• »t\ Nflntw, i»f I'rttvlnrriowtt, of whi 'U Mnr- aui'lt KfiHit WHO miMttr, iliirtitK m »U»,»i»i{ wtynKt. in Ui<> Oruiiil »• •rik«'.r NVw rotMiilluiiil Milr««irt IIm- ("ri-*.!.! h«l,i-ii{ii**N«iti , ilmi li.< ■.|il|i|H Ih> t|liirhiMt(«*«l In I'lnvinrfiuwn, In «< t lint on till) iKMiifMiirtl |. . i|ilH|N*rr IIi-*mIi| vfMil . m ..nntcrtil ii»triM . ni.l v%uh A Iiiiiv* wft iinil ,1 n>i< K lt»K. niMi wliilf »»! ihf «(Mi>it of <'iiih> Mr-fon, .N. f,. ilin wlm' li»>lnj; nlill iilifHil Mllli l\ 11, nnil ll >• vf»wl iniifr «Hti.ai<>n, {'itfil.tMi Ki'Hin, wiilinnt iH-fiirit ••i«|»i»«t>iin!f tin V niji-niinn tu" run fur llml ImriHtr. •mltii.l lur ihl«t Arlihut. N,fi. ArrlvM.jj rlii k- iiImmIi || .iVtock «.» IIm< nielli «f ^ptiMnlMi 7, Ix^ll, nnil huvln^ nin l.niii! th,' \,'>mf\, iIm> nmunr Wiiil nln« oihti.. of tlin crrw {••»» 'In- vi'wj Aii'l want ii"lMiri', wlifri' he iiml iIm- otlMTH rnnulni-il the n- o rioik (luie furi-niKtn it < nttonm nmnr iiimh< iilintnl tli<< iViirl Nflxon Hint wij'.tl In-r iM-i-iinni', im ln» il-ihin-il, iln i-n-n <.iiil lnnili'il In foi«> iln< v.wtK. oun ri'iiortfil »o iIm< i nmonilnniM' ; Unit iiftir (lit- niptulr Imd |miiiI h lin« iiffmi ilm VfUM'l WHM ni'xt nli'iiHid, imhI •mijiil wHh i.ll Iht i i.-w on Imh ril f.rt.tis port, win'rf tiny urrlviil Htpii-nilHT 14, l-wl, timl w.n- In ri< nil inilil ntf In fiiii unil iIin- vhiiri{i*'t Tin- nniitnl I'lirtli.T ilKpuM'i! \w h»it not prior to th« iilKlit of •nitt^riuK Arlrhwt b«at) tin- laplaiii xii.v iiii.MliInK aliniit iiitof thr iri-w, who Innl Imhiii lout OH tliti Oritiiil HiiiikM, Hint UlotiKfil i Arleliat, or i.imr tlinrn, nok- for any otupr ob- ject. ' lti« iiIno ilfpom-M Unit niltlHT In'.nor, iim li«< IikIIi-vi h, niru, nor huil ho or tln-y uii^v kno«;. iiimI State ol MiiNmnliiiw'ttM, at wkiil I'rovlncn- jowii, thin v'Tth .lay of H.-pti'i ihcr, I^Hii, Moh.h N. (Jillord, .•iiNhi..rof thi- Fir>it National Ihiiik, in l'rovini;.town alori'Naid, anil who hniiiK l.y in«< iliily hwoiii, .1.-|ioi«.„ anil «a,\»tliat In- piiiil, ou tin- onl.-iH or i Inikii of IE A 8. Cook, a tirin { NiiniH to— lUs.iy Saniimiin jiT;i 7l» Ali'xiiinli-r Cuiilo ll;i 70 Ji-Uny Lainh y I ir» f.'^ Cyprian Hiianil .,.,. 171 !»5 Hi'inio {;ar.lo 80 41 William Holiin 170 «0 Alfri'il Langli«y 7; 4a ) Ii'iiry I iiioiiK I'JH :vJ KniynWio A. C, LUboj \ln VJ Diinian McKai- ;i7 40 AlliiTi Koltin ....... IW WG William Homlrot ll'J 44 liiMiry Krianil l:i:i OH Aiiilri* w KraziT U7 70 01. tho ir.lh of Si-pt..mlM'r, IpiHtl, atnl that nanii'Mof thi- p.THoiiH thiiM paid all appi-ar an cnnv on tht! «hippinK aitich'Hof tiin McliooniT l'iit of *1.'(I0 by the master of the Aiiierieaii tisbiug schoouer I'earl Nelson, under the eoinimlsion ot the eustonis r»f whi'ti Mnr* ^'cWfiMMllllitllll I vt>it«ii| III itim : ilmt (itt \ IimI with ■ »».. iliM «ti(iii ly timnnU hi^r I mil lor that HI IIm< itiKliiof t ollii'in of |||« I'll till' rfii of llll> |lll|l> Vill|{ t»»ril iIh' iVurl fliri' till' VI'MH*. riiiK Arirhut r|Min<>ii| IiiikI who llltit iHtUll any otiit*r ob- I'll who hdiilfd nor huti hi< or of niiy hiw or t ilAIUNO. K)IM>, of Cuntomt, r tho port of (kill I'rovliicit- 'irst Nitlloiiul , ll<>pOM<*n llllil <'ll||t|lOM"l of if (lubiiig ve«- IIH I'J 1)7 40 ..... I'M U6 111144 i:w OH 117 70 nil appotir UN town, MJgiuxl lU'tii'li'rI. •OIU>, L'athier. KOIM), of Cuiitom$. KIOIITM or AMEBICAN FIHIIIMIIV. I97 cr.w or ,h. jvurl ^vUo! Cr;^\^;^,^;^^^^ I.MMli.,;of the Tli« vhm^ will Ik. i»n.M«Mi»i. »«f!!r*'/y. '''V'''*'""' ''•»''»•♦•• fo-UH liuliU, f„, ,,r,.ttch oHni 'nK,r„ ,;'','.' ;; »'••"«'' l^', ,;•";; ',:..;rr:r;'';;;,':,T;;;;:;,'V; ■■•; v-'"" "''-'I^-. «IM l.rnitf tl,..,„ lull,,,,, , ill,, .„,'v'' '*','"'':" '"'"'"I ' '■i,.|„ltv, wiiHi,,.,- .1,,,, (i„„.,,„;,.„, i „v : „ ,i i "'' , , " "•'!'" <"■'<■ i"i".- 1 ;;;:;";,:;,.;^i;:r^"-" "- ■ «'-"". ''•;,i .r;:::;,::,,;";:';!;;.:;; „ ., <'Ho- «thhm:, aiilt™,';,:,;.::!;'';:,' ,:i;;;;:': ';.:;',;':"«,,;-,;|7" -,-i".i ".. ■. r ,„.,„„ '" .,'«m,ii.v .i,„.i„„ „„. .1.1* wii;;.;;';;,;;:,"!. "';,'"■• " '"""'"•" '■'"'■'"" '■<"•«' It .8 V.,,. ra,.e for ,. i>,.i,iH., v„„.,i ,„ ,„.i,;':t:,,„„, ,., ,„„ ,„„„ ATK, 1"), 188(1. by -siiiulry '■ AriK'i'icaii lie customs No. 108. Mr. fhiyayd to Mr. Sferlc. DKPAItTMKNT OP Sta" " ""^" '" --tscaiiun uy the local authorities^ the DolniS.r •- *^ » 198 UHUITS OF AMEUICAN FiSHKRMKN As you are well awaro, a coriMtructioii lias been placed by the iJo- iiiiiiioii aiitlioiiries upon the laii«uant' of the treaty of 1818 between the United Stati'.s and (Jieat Hiitain under wliicli they iiave assuMied to exeliMle Aiiieri<'an tishin^,' vessels from entiaiic*' into eeitain described territ(U ial waters of Canada tor any other than the three objects in the treaty aientioned shelter, repairs, and to obtain wood and water— and have insisted that the words '' nnd tor no other purpose whatever" were to be riyidly eutbrced accitrdiny to the strart letter. This positiou, 1 nceil not say to you, is not accepted by the United States, but is repelled and denied, and that this Department is now en- deavoriufi to secure such a Joint interpretation of the treaty in (piestion, consideied in ( onncction with thesubsc<|ucnt icfiislation byiircat liritain and the United .States crcatiu}- ccaiimercial li^-his in the citizens of both countries, as will enalije (uir vessels, wlieijMTen}ia.«;ed in lisliin;;' or not, to enter the established ports of entry of iJritisli North America and purchase lawful merchandise of any character in open uuirkei. The United States hav«' no diplomatic intercourse with Canada, but conduct all such matters directly with the imperial (Jovern.nent, through its niiuister at this capital or through our own minister at St. .James. This creates circundocution and delay which is nnav<»idable. It is my obje<^t to relieve the (piestion of the rights of imr tishermen from all uncertainty, and to obtain such a conceded, unambinious, and clear detinit ion of their rights and duties in Canadian port.-^ and waters as will enable them to pursue their legitimate business with certainty, and in this duty I am lutw engaged. It would be well for you to state whether the vessels so sent to pur- chase herring are to be manned and fitted out so as to be able to take tish or to trade only. When 1 have received your answer on the last point I will at once endeavor to obtain a plain response to your reasonable question, and will communicate a rei)ly at the earliest practicable moment. Kespectfully, &c., T. F. BAYARD. No. lot). Mr. Steele to Mr. liui/ard. Cloucestek, Mass., October 2o, \8m. [Keceivef^ Oct. 27.J Sib: I have the pleasure to acknowludge the receipt of your letter dated October 20. My original impiiry referred both to vessels under license and to those sailing under a register. Your letter satisfies the impiiry as to those licensed for the fisheries. We still desire to be informed as to whether vessels under registry of the United States will be allowed to enter at Grand Manan and other ports, and load and export herring to the United States. Such vessels will be maniieJ by a sailing ;rew, on wages, aiul not by a fishing complement of sharemen, nor will they carry the fishing gear which such vessels UvSe when tishiug under a fisuiiig liccMise, The fishing interests, I assure you, ai)preciate the courtesy of your oiler to procure thi.s inforniatiou seasonably fur them. 1 remain, &c., GEJ. STEELE, President of the American Fishery Union. y the \)o- 'tweeti t'ae SSIIMH'd to cd I'cts ill the afcr — iuid •ver" were he United Is now en- <|ue8tioii, ■atliritain Ti«ol liolh ii;;' oi' not, leriea and nada, but t, through . .JanieM, fisliennen uoUvS, and lid waters certainty, nt to pur- le to take ill at once 3tion, and YiVRD. )ct. 27.J )ar letter isiry and other ifl not by ltin<>: gear ■ of your Union. IV.-EXTENSIUN 0¥ CERTAIN FISHING RIGHTS UNDER THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON. No. 110. r Srnat., Kx. I),„,. No. ,T.', Ko,iy.„in,i, CongreH., first . .ssion.) lM-Oi!MATI<,S lihL.rn C TO r/lF iAriv^^^^^ ?J.\ "';^^^-'^^i' -^ H8(i, ItWllTS CSDEU Tul/n^Kn^ol/'i^i^i!}}:^/;^^'' CKliTAlN FISIIINO JA. ..HV 1, ,8«e.-R..„d and referred to the Committee on .'orei«n K.-Uuion« an., ordered to be printed To the Senatk : Executive Mansion, GROVER CLEVELAND. Washington, January 12, 1886. To the President: In compliauco with the resolution of the Senate of Jainnrv ^ i«8fi of the irnite.nsta ' on Ma- t '^^ "* ^'"^ operations „f citizens inaticuiulerHtan.li,,' reaehe v t , ^ M .' / - /^'"'''■"''"' "■"*'''''^' '"'^ '»'• "i 'I'plo- dnri..« the c.,,Te„t;!,sIn*lM! season '"''^^""l'""" "* *»'««« operations shou 1,1 take phic-e con;m!:;;itCifo':S;I,:l?'t;;;hi,r^ FoI],.winK out the Vim't, , rive ,;v'''^ h''"'""'.' " '•"" "'"'""'' i-fortance. scribe,! wa.s ne«, ,i! ', | ! "^^^^ ' ^ ' ^ ",':'" "'" •'^t«">">'-.y/"-i:'''"S<"nent above ,le. snail Of resjicfuvclv ri'ide.sciited cii'itMr..,! vviti. fi, 1 • 'I.'..- !»Liiain 199 200 KIGHT8 OP AMERICAN FISHERMEN. and HritiHli North Atiierini. Th« tMuu^ int.TesfH beiiiir intiinafelv related to other flion, and tiH> tulI.^Ht JatJtii.le of uxj.r.-ssion on both sides Hhonhl l»e permitted. Respectfully submitted. Department of State, January 12, 1886. T. F. BAYARD. AGREEMENT HPym^^^^^ JL'.V.liJlH''^^ ^'^'-^''^^S AND GREAT BRITAIN KE: 8PEC1ING HIE FISHERIES. CONCLUDED JUNE 22, 1«85. NOTICE. By direction of the President, the undersigned, Secretary of State, hereby makes known to all whom it may cSnceri. that ti temporary diplomatic agreeme..t has been entered into between the Government ot the United btates and the Government of Her Britannic Majesty in relation to the fishing privileges which were granted by the fisherv mTS" ?i- ''^ l'^'''\y *'ft^^'^^" the United States and Great Britain of May 8, 18< I, whereby the privilege of tishing, which would otherwise have tenni.iated with the treaty clauses on the 1st of .July proximo may continue to be enjoyed by the citizens and subjects (')f the two countries engaged in tishing operations throughout the season of 1885. Ihis agreement juoceeds from t! iCur ;i. Mr. W.;Ht to Mr. lia.v/tn '. J '4' '"' Pre«ule„f.s proclamation, .faimar.v ru, iHrt"). IHMTi 201 l.-.;Vr. H'e«<';, weMjor«»//M,H of March 12, 1885. (Memorandum. — Confldontlal. 1 oiUl.: f:t'<;Pju!v";::t'' fr..;:?.^^ '' Wnslnu^to,. or m^ ..n expire lesfs some a^'reenifnt cai bn .■ . f . '^ ^** '"'^^ '" «o"«equence, un- These vcvs.st.ls will l.avx^b"e, tttt , t , t fJ ^^'"^^^'V'i '"'« '>'"»'"ion. made all their „s„al ana , re,,," /' t . ! ^^'ir"'««^'^''i''ff and have tJon in the autn.n... If um Ith.-s . "'"' '^ "'' ""^" ^^s tennina- nninieipal antho.ities i V a ,1 1 w n "< '"!'f '""^^'h- the ,,rovincial or and to con.pel such ve.s, e Ls 1 .u ,' /:;• '".r^^ "Pon their striet rij^hts, considerable hanlslup Cl. u o<- • 1 - /T?^ ^^''^^^^'"'^ ^■'•*^'" «^''i"f.' of bitternes.s ^Mij^endrnV ot 1, ti l<^r\' ^''/'l^ «^"^'''S and a feeling of both Govern.nentstl. avert ' "'' '^ '" ''^'^'''>' t»'^' interest piil^tS:iiJa;''Sir(;!;;^::;;;;j:;j;x;l;^^^^ "^^r' ^"^" '^-^■^•^ — which the elause. nn«l be , eff^.r ' ! T'^ ^^'"1 **ff^«^''"«"t nnder 1886. '^ "^ '" ^"^•'^ extended until the 1st of January, at!f r Ke:;;;''ti:n:^i:;^'^.::;:;i^;^^i5r^ --'<^ . . ^''"^'^''X'/^^w, April 22, 1885. acquainted yj^-,; mv'i^i^'l^rr n^^l"" ''''''^ '" — sation, accompanied your pers-onal T^tt^^. 1 rch '"'"' "•^■"«^^""^"'» ^^hich' Several informal talks T hnve ha.l ^tth^'Cr \. t 202 RIGHTS OF AMKRICAN FISHKRMKN, einlMHlyuifr the icsuUh. If this Huits, I shall Im^ hapjiy to couHrm the urriiiiKiMiH'iit by an ('xehuiiKt' of notes jit your mrly convoniiMice. I iiin, my (U',ir Mr. West, very sincerely vo>ir.s, rp. .,..,., ' T. F. IJAYARI), The Hon. L. s. Saokvillk Wkst, Hm. .MKMOBANDTJVI. The leffiNlation ijassetl »)y the (Joiijfress of the United States, ant of iVrarch 1, 1H73, for the execution of tlie fisiiery artielew of tiie treaty of \Vashin;,'toii, has been repealed by th(^ joint' resolution of March .{ lH.S;j, tlie repeal t<. take elfeet duly 1, ISS",. From that date the enecfs ot tlie h.sheries articles of t.ie treaty of \V;tshin«rton absolutely deter- mine, so far as tlieir execution wiihin the jurisdiction of the" United States is eoncjerned, and without new legislation l)v ('on;?ress incMlifvinjr or postponiu}; that repeal the Executive is not e.onstitutionaliy coinjie- tent to extend the reciprocal fisheries provisions of the treatv bevond the 1st of July next, the date fixed Uy the action of Con^fress/ Mr. West's memorandum of March 12, 188,"), sufjjjests the mutual practical convenience that would accrue irom allowiuff the flshinsf ven- tures commenced prior to July 1, 188,-), to continue until the end of the season for fishing,' of that year, thus preventin;-- their abrupt termina- tion in the midst of fishing operations on the 1st of Julv. It has been, moreover, suKfjest*'*! on the part of the Province of New- foundland and of the Dominion of Canada, that in view of the mutual benefit ai.d convenience of the i>resent local traftic, consisting of the jmrchase of ice, bait, wood, and t-eneral ship supplies by the citizens of the United States engaged in fishing from the inhabitants of the British American fishing coast, the usual operations of the fishing season of 1885 should be continued by the fishing vessels belonging to citizens of the United States until the end of the season of that vear, and that the local authonties of Newfoundland and of the Dominion of Canada, in a spirit of amity and good neighborhood, should abstain from molesting such fishermen or impeding their progress or their local traffic with the in- habdants incidental to fishing during the remainder of the season of 188o, and all this with the understanding that flu President of the United States would bring the whole question of the fisheries before Congress at its next session in December, and recommend the apimint- ment of a commission in which the aovernmentsof the United States and of (ireat Britain should be respectively represented, which commis- sion should be charged with the consideration and settlement, u})on a just, equitable, and honorab'e basis, of the entire question of the fishing rights of the two Covernments and their respective citizens on the coasts of the United States and British North America. The President of the United States would be prei)ared to re(!ommend the adoption of such action by Congress Avitli the understanding that in view and in consideration of such promised recommendation there would be no enforcement of restrictive and jjeiial laws and regulations by tue authorities of the Dominion of Canada or of the Province of New- foundland, against the fishermen of the United States resorting to Brit- ish American waters between the 1st of July next and the close of the present year's fishing season; the mutuai "object and intent being to avoid any annoyance to the individuals engaged in this business and traffic, and the irritation or ill-feeling that might be engendered by a 11 ( fll^ RIGHTS OF AMERICAN FISHERMEN. 203 can be ^iven to the preHs. ' ^''- ^^*^'^ '""' "'>«elf; which 3.— J/, UV«/\ niemomndn ofJum 13, 188"). IMrnioratiila.] 4.— il/r. Bayard to Mr. West, June 19, 1885. (ConfldfiDtlal.) Depaktment of State, Mv Hts-aw \fr> w. T Washington, June 19, 1885. Boniinion and he B, Lh I n i, ''"T'''^ ^ '« acceptance by the features of n.y rneLra du„, rS m?''"' 1>^»^>»«^« of the general rangemct respec S U.e sl^iri^s^ with llu? «, temporary ar- on their side that the " agr'e ne it 'hT« hi«. »"« erstanding expressed stances attording prospecX nSi.^w?,. ZV\ '''T^'^ ^^ ""*'^"'" **'''^"'n- that the airangen.ent tLiScm.fP n L 1 •■ 'T."!"'""'"*'"" "^' ^"^^''-V ^1 inulerstan.ling^harthe PrSu^ Y"Vy l>e reached "with the whole question c.t 1 rtisiZ 'LVf re (-nn- "'^ ^'f "' ^'^"'^' ^""^ *'>« Deceniber, and recoMunend tl ^nm^.^*' ^^ "^ "'^ "^'^^ session in the GovernuK^nts of e Unih^ T^^^^^^ commission in which respe(!tively represented w w h a'^^ "" '''" "^"^^'^ ^*" ^''« ^^'"^^^^ States wS ziui^s i.;';.; ^j'tiiest tfit^!^:? """ ^ "'^^^^ r'"-^--» on lw>ti! sid<>s- «.u! H "'"^*>t latitude <)i expression and tr«^i.tn.nnt "unulation (If i„,v iiioasur , wlif..h h * ? counties, the recoiu. «a,y .„ a,.ai« llKVsreXw„:, ^ 'ee ^'„""',';l"w^b'i;'/f ''' "'"'■'" '""'<"'; «.eb reo„,„„,..„„„,i„,„ eo„,d not fanTol^;'/^;^;.'',',-;./:: SStS 204 RIOHTS OP AMERICAN FlflllSKMKN. hri/'T*'"r' '*"'»•''•'*'*• f*»«tah^ limits to the pnmoH.iIs to be brought forwanl •» tlu. suK^cst.Ml ,.o,nM.iM.sion on bH.alfof Htlu ,mrtv I Ik.|m.v« HiiHMfutornrnt wiU b« .sutisfm^torv to you, .umI is , , bo* pU'a.o.i to be mfon„..,| at th« .arheHt day |M-.,.:ti,.abl o f y, ,r u Z^^^^^^ o; ti.e uiulovHtmuhun o„ b,.balf of British North AtmvL ; ,u . 1 v t ,8 H..n,.h, .;x*.hanKi> of not,.. an,l n.emoran.la th« aureomn \v b .V m Lmw.'toT;''"'"/"'"'^''''^ tho President to mak« th. rosu , 1 1 X AlCitrj'a^^^^^ '"^'"^'"•* "' ^''" "'*''"'*^' "" ^"'^^ '^'•'<''^'' A-nerican Nen'uuT ^''" *'"""' *" ^''' ""^'' ^''" '''*''''''■'' ''"''''''"^' *""'' •^'"'"' «'l)««liont The Hon. L. S. Saokville West. ^' ^'* *^^^^"^- 5.— Mr. Went to Mr. Bayard, June 20, 188.1. [Conlidential,] liKiTisii Legation, ^*'««/"■H'/^>«, »/?/Hc 20, 1885. I-'. ;^'f '^"' '^A^''^«»: r bosr to arknowlnlfjc the rect'lpt of your conhdential not,- of y.stnday s ,I.to, <.on,-..r„i,rK H'o propo'scMl te m o I r{r!il''f'''yi'^ n-spc.<.,in^r tlu.li.shnivN,xvhi(hI an, anthonz.=' "'''••1« I liaiHl.Ml to yon on tho l.'Uh Si'liu. ?"'''''" •^■"" "'"•""•"•''. tl't' ac(!eptant.e by the l)on.ini<»n and tlu l.ntKsli American coast provinces of the ffcncral fyatnrcs of yonr abovc-nientioncd n.einorandnm, with the niulcrstan.lin- expressed ,m, aflbnli'n.;'. !;'V''*; "^f^^''"*"!t »"•« l""^'" '^nive.1 at nnclePcirJumstancos attoHlinf. prospects ot nej^otiation for the development and extension of rade b.Uween the l)nite•"'» ^'''»' ''^ive no Ob ec- of April 21 '"''^''" ''" ^'"''"'"'''^ ^'^" *'*'' ^'!""' ''^' •^'""•" "'t^'"«randnm n«\"i;!!l!''"V'''"f T f" "^^'"t'^^te this agreement, Karl Granville states, as 1 ha\e already had occasion to intimate to yon, that it is on the dis' Zt "n"; 'If '"."' 'I'^' ""^ ''i' ''' t^'"M>orary one, ami that its conclnsion nvl t f %" '^ t«> prepulice any ;;laini whidi may be advanced to n o e satiNfactory eqinvalents by the colonial governments in the coarse ot the ncfrotiation tor a more permanent settlement. Earl (hanvillo further wishes .ne to tell yon that Her Majesty's (Jovernment and the colonia {-overnments have consented to the aiTanf,UMnent solelv as a mark ot -ood will f. the (lovernment and peoi.le of the United States, and to avoid dihculties which mi^ht be raised by the terminaticm of the hslu.ry articles m the midst of a fishing season; and also the ac- ceptance ot such a moK1'AUT!V1KNT OI' StATK "!" ««a .*?oo.l will „f our re^iunVt he (S^^ ^"^^ 't I>r<»;M..,ls fro,,, the ,. this United States. Pereeivi, ^ th ei u ' ',"""^' '" tl'<> waters of tie o;.r respective Vru^.^l^Uilllt: T^^;':^;^^^^ betw^Ji:;^ corresi)(),„l«,„ce o,i ti,e subiect I s I ■ m ''^''^*:"^'"t'^, 'i« «^<)ntai„ed in our bodied i.. our "H.,.ora,,Sd'th. CO .rZw'; r'". ''''\ '^^"•^'^""♦'"t ^8 e„ thus concluded : and ,)ul)lic .oiiw...rr' ''''''*'*' between us and as few days by the' P.esiC! ""'""''^^'"" ^o that effect will be ^ive,! !,; a Uieni'li^vSllt;'"'"' ^" '«' ^'"^ ^"^^ •'•^'-t consii«lt'v«'lo|.tmiit uiMi«'xt««iiMi..ii of tnule »etw».«Mi tl H iriiitnl ShitoM uikI Iti-itJHli North Arm-rini"; Mmt I not only had no ohjcrfion to .siirh iiti iiiMU'iMtiuulinu, hut, in tuet, r«j(«roihoo«l unU IntiTcouMi', iinro|M»sals to hti brouj^ht forw'ani in the su^^geMtcd roniiiiiNNiod will of our ri'spective O'overn- meiits, and solely to avoid all ■ """i. "vo..,.; and slum.s of the Unito HHfp^no,^ "f ^i . * ^'^ HOH-coa^^ts shores of the IJnito.l Stutt" in.l ot^ .. ^ .?.i^^ the .said sea-coasts and n^.eru.moni^U^:^t^::T'^ '''^ '^''^y '•-^rve.I exclnsively for "Article XX." 208 HIOIITH OF AMKHfCAV HMIIKHMKK. JiiiH', IM4.'' ^"'•''•' '•* ^''^ »'t''«'.V of thv mil of "Akth'lk XXI." "Ahtiolk XXII." cord...! b.v-ArticI J Xl\ «t.V,UMHtutod Unite! States to L V ".'n ."^^^^^^ rrl'."M '• •' "'•'' ^•'•v^rn.n.nt of th. for th« privik.^es a TO hi i.i ' "'"J^"""?; ^^»")«^'*ty in return Article XVIlh.fisV v., !/','';V^^7^ "' ^'"' '^"'^•"' Htatcs nniler «ai' ^''" '^"'te-l States shall have been I'iven!" ' "'"" ^^'"''*' '"•'"^'''^ '''t^'«' «uch award "Article XX III." be ininuMl by th.' Preshlenf of LV //..;/ i u.\" ^'"" ^'''''''''ssioner shall Majesty, anil a th rd? ,t Pr d /^^^^^^^ •*'";''>• "«'" '^'itannic Britannic Majesty con ,iv >u...« "\ ^•""r ^^"^^'« '""^ "«r not havt been S( na e v ifVi.. '".•"«♦;".*' t''"'«' ('onunissioner shall when this artlde S n.ke' X.! ';^:n j;^ ll^; "'""''!^ ''"'" ^"^ '''^^e named by tho Keoresentnfiv ..V ' . ^'ic third conunissioner shall be Austria an tlommissioner hereinbtfovep. V Fe, brn^^ *»'""''•' '" f»'^^ "'H«,ner of three nwM.t s n ' 'J f "; cl s n t^ 'IPPoiuunent, the period date of the happeninL/of'tire lacaluT''^'"' «>e.n,M,aIcuIate.l from tho have been r.^CeHv^ y n^^^^^^^ '' ' •■"■ '>''^ «^onyenient period after thev t'-'b- -a caret^Hy e^anlL^^mlridlTtlil^S;^^ BIORTt OF AMKUKAX ITSIinifKlf. 209 >K iiiiiU>r that Un' (■otiiinoii ■iiiy mit- ill flir Miiiiie UN till' (Nmii- (»r tlii^ flth of «il« XXXIII (' I'll' iiiliiiKi »r«'.'«'iv«'»K»"« uot tu Jhimum: .s ar dj. in favor of tl.« H..bi..«tM of JJ.-r HHtum.u, ^1!)!^^ v '' ' "'"* CHrr>iiiif Kiiiiit.Ml III fuvorof tlui mihiKctM of lU'r nritum ! \i .i U.'pr V,. f IM. dtiz. .,. of fl,« tf„if..,| Hhifm of tho »« ^.f .,»,,; 1* , "AiiTioLE xxxn." XVIir'lo'Vv V Th'* 'r'"' •«'•' ProvlHloHH ,i,ui HtipulaHonH of'Artlc....M At..«rf.,u to t,.r,ni„uf( tl.o ahov., redri r .|e of l.« S "' tion, oil tl.o I«t ,|uv of July, imn • ' "^-^ '" ''"*"« toth.it of il.,r IJiitamii,. AriUstv «. 1? . / ^*'^^*''' "' ^'"*''i«a the lHtdav,,f Ji V SH^^^ ^ ' '^^'' '"" ♦'^l>»«'"n.l t«rmiuate on b^ .eby warnod ri?.u Unl^; the' i vd U^Slu^ /h^ li"'^f «^-'^- -« urtides of the Treaty in nu..«ti,.i, Iv i * i '*^ ^^*' "'"'''« "'<''f»''l next; all AnuMunu lis ™'n^H^^^^ ""^ '''« ^«<^ «layof.r,dy i)«iH' at theCity ,,f vCX'n to // r'P theni^elves accordingly, of Onr Lord or.e t mimtn S ^ m^^ '''')'" '{'^"""ry, in the ydr Independence of hTSed Stl^^^^^^ ""•' •*'?''*>' "^^^ »"•! of the ninth. ^^''^ *^'"'*"' ^'* America the one hu.;dred and [SKAL.] By the President : Frkdk. T. Fbelingiiuysen, iivtrttary of atate. O CUESTEK A. AUTUUR. WlVDrOtlKMlt it to iHi|i«iK«: •iitU'r tlilM • of Ortiimlti «»n.y i>K|H)rt utwU'i and iMII't lilltli'M thv \hhUhI liiHlcr thiM »« riijht of fct iiii,v time iiiiIh in ttiH lie Domiii- i>f Artlc»MK I Colony of Muiul J»ai- lie Uiiif«.«| t»«elr Imwm •»>' IttA- to all not ill I 1 1 of HilUl Hiitaiiiiio StHt«M of V itl