.nk .^.^"^ '/a M 2! ^ S gffi tu P* K> > ;>- f? 5 s^ ^ 1— c t2 p ^ •** K 1= H ^ ^ O ^ o s -^ o t— ( Cd > d a ^^ a H<1 ? s ^ «^ w ^5. 1— t o k 1-1 t 00 (^ a « ^x to o e*K W '^^ t— ( o tu t^ w t QC <^ 55 5<3 ^«W*AbV^ * PROVINCE OF LOWER-CANADA. COUMT OF ^IFFE^ILS, In a Cause Between ARCHIBALD DENNY, JOHN SHEA, and WILLIAM HAMILTON, (Defendmitu in the Court belmi',) Appellants, (ind DAVID HAIIVHC, (Plaintiff in the Court beloir,') REtiPOD/DENT. Respo.\de\t's Case. TTlIE Rosponilont 'mstitutcd in llu- Month olMannaiv, IS18, an action iiv I'.u- Conrl. .•)f Kind's Bench for the Di^^tricl of Qufluv. ni/iiiiist ArchibaUl IX'nny, ono of llu- ApiH llaiit^, for ll.e recovery of a smn of t 7(10. Mr. Denny bcin- about to leav.' the l^mlnte, t he Um process in the cause was a cfipiiis ml risp<»i(lt)idinii founiled on anatlittavit ol debt ot lOUU ancl upwards— The other two Apiielhuits in this cause, Mr. Shea and Mr. Ilainihon, became bail to the Sheriff lor Mr, Denny. 'I'lie coitdition of the bond is the usual one, tlitit " It the said Ardiibald Def.iiy, WiU'aMi Haniilton or John Shea, or any or either of them, " on or before the first day of Ajnil then lu-a, in the said Court of King's IJencli Ibr the Dis- " trict of Quebec, according to the course id jiractice of the said ("ourt should, in the s:iid " suitor cause, put in or cause to be put in, Special bail or bail to the action of the said David " Harvie," or " If the said Archil)ald Dennv, in default of such Special bail, or bail to the action aforesaid, " on or before the said (irst day'of April, should surrender himself or be snrrendrn-d by the said " William Hamilton and John Shea, into the custody of the Shcritldf the District of Quebec *' for the time being, in discharge of his bail to the said Sherilf, or " If the said Archibald Denny, William Hamilton and John Sliea, or any or either them, on " or before the first day of April, ahoulil well and truly pay and satisfy unto the said Davitl llar- " vie, the sum of ,C'rm, of the subsequent term of June, and a great portion of the term of October having elapsed without Special bail be- ing put in to the action or any other of the conditions of the bond fuUilled, the Hcsponde.-.t moved the usual rule on the Slieril!', and on the l!)th of October obtained an assignment of the bond. A judgment was subsequently pronounced in the cause for a sum of fCiO 10 11, sterling, which, by a seizure made in the progress of the suit, was reduced to ,l\J^8 t 4, currency. in the month of November, 1818, the Appellants refr,'-;ing tn pny this money, an action was brought on the above bond by the Respondent against the Appellants, for the recovery thereof. _ By ^4 '■Sl 4 tl nMDiiin ul liOi'ii), -111" t" tlic said SUcillV had not done. . A In the iudctiicnt together ^vith the taxed costs had been fully 4 That tlu> sum inentioned in tlic juciRmcni vog paki and Ltisfied unto the said Respondent. To this plea a general ans^ver was filed by the Respondent. The cause was inscribed on the roll of cnqHiles. 1 .1...1 tl.pv Imd fidfdledany oneof theallprnativos con- The Appellants did not '^^^^Vl^;^:;^^^^^^^ nlr that the n.a.ulunt .n the taine.l in\\.o condition, /'-Vl-'' ^ ^.J !, ''" vndered, nor that the nu.ney lm- .^.^l^'i . j^^'' i"/ u^ct, but tT.at no actual surrender as reqmrcnl took place between hnn and the ^>' .'.r^,' ;,,,„• jer is settled by the rules ol nrac i,.-. ol the by thl bond (the form and "«""^! " ;V", , ,,, thorelbre, held that the sau\ obbg.uon re- ^•"'■' Its S't^S-; and cr(:uuu.d the Appellants to pay to the Respondent th.. ::r:,J;2^W:currency,wUhin.restHndc.,sts. It is from this judgment that the present appeal is brought. Quebec, 20th July, 1819. ■n plead, cbfc, for Jihclmrge ifoifsuid. ;> HUITCH- •d liiin to J, whicli been fully itives con- luiu in the •(>!» paid — Dcleiiiliint LMStuniling IS ieq\iii'ed i