IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 2.0 iu 1.8 f 1.25 1.4 1.6 \ "^ 6" ► v] (^ /} ■>i:;;ratulate you most conilHlly upon > our ary, all newspaper writers, and, In fact, all periu>ns who would liavii wlnor hundreds of authorities on thesubjeet, as the reader has on y to turn up the file of Ills itjcal. newspaper to bring all the par- ticulars back to h s mlud. Nu memory however active and extensive could keep traek of the rapid succession of occurrences of every nature an I dlrua wldch. in this ttdegraphic age, form IhH raw material of history. But by this ingenious plan the searchiir III never astray. Instead of psrpleiiug himself and b:>rlng his frirndx. he consults has huttx, and there. If apollUcisn, h» finds the elvcllun of which he diiiired the date; if a business man, the failure, or the rise iu wheat or the pruninlgati oi of the n«w tariff ; If an InsLraooe agent, he is at no loss as to tbe Hre in which he Is interested; if a ttportsman, he can learn whin the great raceeonio utT. in Ane, mucIi a ohmnologlral recoril la invaluable to somt and servic<>able tu all. The subscription la fs, payable yearly or half-yearly, in adviuice. Addreas, 34 Ciiiversity street, MontreaL (KlIOM THE ALBANY SUNDAY PRESS.) The fa'fsjto/ Currtct £cs»(s, a weekly publication by Henry Halliy, M CJnl- versity street, Montreal, Is lui eiotuently valuable enterprise. It tauirijglily reviews recent events, and id a great help to historically Inclined reoddra. (FBO.M THE TOBONTO EMPIRE.) The memory of the average Individual Is seldom able to recsll with aeonracy Information regarding recent events. It is surprising how vague the Ideas of people are as to the exact dale when evenu happened within the preceding year or half year. Processional men often need Just such knowledge, and are fre- quently at a los without it unless a gooJ deal of time be spent in "hunting up" the facts requlreiL Mr. Henry Dalby, a well-known Montreal journalist, U Issuing an Index n/ Current KctHf to obviate this dllHauUy. FUe fn.t Is a complete compendium. Issued weekly, of the occurrences, recorded from every liartof ttie world In the columns uf the newi^papcrs. l^soh entry is brief, but tbegi.tof tlio mntter is there, .and fuller details can be obtaiued by turning to a newspaper tlie, an ea^y performance when one '.laware and Hudson .ailrus', col- lide. ' ,ian. 23. Drowning, Kingston, Unl., W men and 16 teams of horses drowned in a Lake in the backwoods.— Jan 28. ACCIDii.VrS.— t'"n(inn«.f. Dniuth, Minn., wall^ of b irned Opera bousa fall, buraing a number ori>eoplein tlie tuina.— Jan. 29. Eiplo3ion.Brouklyn,iwo gas tanks of Citixena' Gas Company explode. -Jan. 10. Ex|>losiona, Crewe, Bug., laden uf molten steal collapeea, twenty men injured. — Jan. 25. Expludon, Mancliester, Eng., Hyde Colliery, 100 peraons entomberiiou ul town. — Jan. 4. Fire, New Yoilt, Patent Clmr B<>i Mauufaoiurioic Uumpanjr, three g\r\t burned to deatli — Jan. 15. Firet, Purii, the Scbobaitle buildings deilrojed. — Jan. 10. Fireg, Prrnambiico, iieamer "Hteplien 0. Hooper," Calcutta Tor New Vurk, biinied at sea.— Jan. 3. Kirrg, (trading, Pa., paint ibop of Reading Railway Co., fire men burned tod^alh. — Jan. 9. Firti, St. houi3, building of Riehardion Drug Company, loti $900,000. — Jan. 2. Firen, St Loui«c. 2u. AFRICA BAST.— Dares -ali-m, all British Usders flee fhm, situatioa daily growing. worse.— Jan. 3. Ashe Kev. Mr., recen'ly from Bagamovo Interviewed at Loudon, Gng. lie attribute* troubles luOermaii aggie-smo. — Jan. I'i. and (ieimany, Prince lii^marck in ii^-itiidiiig disparages rcjiorta con- ceroiug liniish Niger Company.— Jau. IS. Bill " lor prnieviing Qi-riiaa interests and combatting the slave trade," submitted in Prussian Bundesrath. — lau. 16. PruBsinn Bundesrath approves bill.— Jan. 23. Knglish Misiiiunary named Brooks and IS of hi* followers massacred. —Jan. 19. bigitmoyu, further fighting at, Arabs jubilant over recent victorirs. — Jan. 19. Zanzibar, disasters to the squadron, fever raging amonj; the crews.— Jan. 7. Zanz I'nr, Downer Captain, commander oT Oermaii fla|;Bhip"l.iepiig," ifi09 uf levvr. — Jan IQ. I,iiHi>\ nativt^j of, Apol.jgise for firing on boat belonging to Gnglisl Mnii-of-WHr — Jttil. II. Zmi/.il'Rr. buudred of slaves liberated on New Year's Day.— Jan. 1. 2 iiiAiiiar, C>uveru(>r of Mozambique defeats Konga and returns home. — Jan. II. 7.1'ntibar, Insurgent Iribej of coa attack Oorman mission al Dariee, S. ill, |Kituicu vterinan cons'il at Jan. 21. Sulymab, conflict between native poticeme'i and a parlv of warbuys, 131 of the latii-r slain.— Jan. 23. Latter from Togoland slates that slave trader* art turning their route to the Togo coast.— Jan. 24. Dar-Rs-Salem, engagement take* place re*ultlng In defeat of llie Arabs.— Jan. 2&, Bill brunght up in German Raicbitag, apeecb of Prinee Bismarck. — Jan. 2S. Zanzibar, pecuniary embarrassment of, in consequence of Uerman Rust Africa Company. — Jan. 26. Zanzibar, report Irom Qerman Consul as to riaing at Dar-Ks-^alem and ai to sickness of troops.— Jan. 26. King of Belgium creates an Africian Societr of the Red Crnsr.— Jiin.2R Bill passes second reading in Qetman Iteichslag.— Jan. 2ft. South, Earl Gray issues long manifesto on British policy in.— Jan. 29. Alaska, fnni hHrUliIni ezperieoced by tiadei-j and hunters owing to severe wintrr. — Jan. 31. Alexander Pn)f. William J., appointed by Oniarlo Government toprofes- soNhip ol fiuglish language and literature in 'IJpronlu Uuiversiiv. — Jan. 29. Albani Madame, arrival of, in New Turk.- Jan. 21. Albiini Mudiime, .Miminal, airivnl at, nnd interview with.— Jnn. Ji. Alluniette Inland. Que . Michael Cullelon, fanner, drops dead and m eaten by Itugs. — Jhu. 10. American publiciichuol system. Cardinal Mannings paper upon.- Jan. S. America and Germany, Zanzibar, American sailing vessel lired uii hv German vessel.- Jan. 2.^. American Peace Society at Boston, adopts resolutions of congiatulaii')u to United States, Canada and Great Britain.- Jan. 28. Anarchism, Chicago, Hronek sentenced totwelve yean in Penitentiary. —Jan. 2. Anarchism, Brussels, Oillett sentenced for crying " down with the Aus- trian," when the Queen passed.— Jan. 22. Anarcbiim, Chicago, address by Qott Qraikaa Jan. 2a Anarchism, Chicago, Mrs. Parsons make* her second speech.— Jan. 23. Annam Ring of, death of. — Jan. 29. Annnm, Grand Council elects Bunlay a* King.- Jan. 31. Annexation, Canadian, resolution pa**ed by county council at York, Oi I. —Jan. 80. Annexation of Canada. Chicago, Mr. 1. 1. Moore, merchant of Toronto, interviewed at.— Jan. 24. Aoneiaiioo, Mr. Blair in United State* Senate argue* a* to how it would benefit the French Canadian people.— Jan. 11. Annexation, MaColl, Lilieral M.P.P. for Picion, N.8., publishes an addre** tvowing hiiuself In favor of. — Jan. 12. Annexation, Canadian, Hon. Mr. Laurier sends eircolar to member of liberal party.- Jan. 17. Annexation, Wiiuan Mr., addresses the Linouin Club, Bmoklvn, New Yorkl-Jao. 12. Annexation, Windsjr, UnL, Twomey Mr., newly elected luayor, interi viewed tliereou.- Jan. U. Anti-Semitic Aksociatlon, annual fSte of student* of Berlin, Oennany Jnn. 22. Archaiology, American school of, reeumes Its session at Athens.— Jan. .3. Art, British, London, Bug., important exhibition in Grosvcnor Gallery.- Jnn. 19. Artists, London, Stnli, Parisian artist, denounces WbLtler at tlie Hugnilb Club nsa liar and a coward. —Jan. 2. Asbestos, Bell's Companv, first meeting of, at London, Bng, — Jan. 31. Astroiiutnical, Nice, Asteroid discovered. — Jan, 3u. A t Ilea, N. v., Allhouse Mrs. Emma, in a swoon for twenty-nine da vs. — Jnn 31. AUSTRIA.— Army bill, Herr Von Lisza, prime minister, threatens to resign unle s bill passed by Reicharalh.— Jan. 10 Danutie River frozou solidly distance of 18 miles below Vjeona.— Jan. 15. Death of Archduke Rudolf, drown prince.— Jan. 30. Death ot Crown prince, details as to.— Jan. 30. Arclidii'Kr, Charles Louis Emperor's brother oflicinlly announced n.i fruin Ku'ijinii rcKiinent arrires at Vienna incoiigrataUir their liuncirary culunel tlif Kiuperor Prauiis 4oiC|ili.— Jan. tf. Haiafeld, Socialist OongrftJ at.— 2 Viennn, Socialist leader Bi-cker aod 27 others armtad.— Jan. U. Vien ia, B inquet gi»en bjr tC.n^ror in ho.ior of ,Prino« Aleiander of Batleuburg.— Jan, 19. BMfoiir Mr., number of policemen detailed to protect bim increaMd.— Jan. 9. Bank, Maritime Bank, St. John, N. B, liqiiidalomimy second dirijend to note holilfrii ul thirl; cents on llie ilnllar. — Jho. 22. lUiiks, Ville AUrie Ciink, Hull, Ont , robbed ot $6,000.— Jan. 15 Bi«'.aHr, church al ilamiliaa, lottery at, decUred to he gambling.— Jan. 2. BvUriiix .Sea, H4liinK iu. U liiMl Stuies Senate, Senator Uoare moTH fur papers on the subject. — Jan. 2. BelirinKSrH, seal H-tlieries, .Mr^i. Uiogley present* resolution up<>D, In United Suttcs Hjiiie.— Jan. 21. Belgium, AnnnhUt nnmedGillett sentenced at Bru-iseUfnr crying ''down with llie Austr an " whru Ibe Qmen was passing. — Jan. 22. Bell's Asbeslos Comimny, lint mseliugof st, London, Eng. — Jan. 31. Bi-meullic league, Duke of Ricbmund and Gordon Kccepis presidency of — J.ID. 21. Bismarck's atiemiit to control the Si. -Iumtt' Oazttli London statement (>f .Mr. Greenwood, late principal editor. — Jan. It(. Bismarck Uynostv, article aiipears in oinlepiporiiry review, consisting ol bjt'er attack on Bismarck and liis son.— Jan. 30. Black Sea, severe weather, many wrecks, over 100 seamen low tbeir lirei. —Jail. 8. Blaine Walter, breaks bis leg at Washington. — Jan. 1 1. Mr., // rafiTji.Wnhinsttoi, siiBcial snies he hn aceep'ed position of Secretary of Slate in Gon. Harrison's cabinol.— Jan. 2D. Blasohemy, Bclvidere, N. J., Hiintn. 23. Cattle, B igliih Agriculliiril j >iirnals appeal to Government to cease pre- sent exemption to Canada. — Jan. 5. Cecil Captain, Lord William, resigns from the British Grenadier Guard.s, —Jan. 17. Century Club of London, Bug, gives dinner to Mr. Phtlps, U.S. minis- ter. —Jan. 29. Chamberlain R ght Hon. Jos. and bride welcomed at Birmingham, Rng.~ Jau. 8. Chamberlain Mr. Joseph, speaks on Home Rtile at Birmingham —Jan. 9. UUambeiluiu Jus., M. P., addresses meetiugat Birmiogbam Jan. 23, Obartreiiar, London flrm ofltm Oeneral of the Carth'iijr uf Child labor, Mr*. Amelia Rives Chandler off.TS priie of flOO for beat American essay on.— Jan. 24. CHINA, -American and German tlinlatrn submit proposal to Chineci Gorerumeni for vonuession for constructing railways,— Jan. 5. Famiueand drotight pccvailing in the interior —Jan. 6. Retaliation against Ouitod Slatet, Mr L Mougkow, manager of King, Tye com(utny, interviewed at Ottawa thereon.— ifan. 8. China, Bmiieror of, arrangameDt ot household for, to consist of 600 persons— Jan. 17. Shnnghai, Imperial deoree issued prohibiting further rztcna'o i > f Tientzio Railway.— Jan. IB. Cholera, Malabar coast, violent epldeiiiic at Quiton.— Jan. 2. Civil Service examhialiont Canadian, result of examinations.— Jan. 12. Coal, Boissevain, Man , vein ofeoal discovered at Jan. 16. Coal ex|iurls. Nova Scotia, lor year 1888. — Jan. 11. Coal, Crnierrille, Dak., valuable deposit disoovered at— Jan. 7, Coal mining, Sbeiandoah Hegion, Park Placs, Ceniralia, and all the l.ehigh and industrial collieries shut down.— Jan. 2tl. Combines, .Maixe, Hungaria, collapte of.— .Ian. 4. Combines, silk tinnt, London and Lyons.— Jan. 4. Comet discovered by Prof. Broonsat Smith Ubservalory, Genera. — Jan. 15. Commercial Union denounced at Peterboro, Ont., by Daltoo McCarthy, M. P., and Col. Denison.— Jan. 1'2. Companies, Joint Stock, London, tola( capital of, registered during past year.- Jan. 4. Congo Cganda, Ring Newanga overthrown and (xpelled,his elder brother Kimewa enlliruiied in his place, English and French missions destroyed and converts niassacreA — Jan. U. Connemara Lady, wile of Governor of Blndraf presidency, refuses to lira in Uovernmeul House with her husband.— Jan. 2. Cook Islands, Annexation of, by Great Britain, diieused in French Cham- ber of Deputies. — Jan. 21. Copper, Buroi>ean Syndicate refuMS to b ly any more copper.— Jan. 29. Copyrii;hts, decision by Judge North ol London, Bag., as to copyright ill a newspaper paFagrapn.— Jan. 28. Copyright, Canadian, Deputation from Canadian Copyright Association waits upon Ministers at Ottawa and explains ineir gi;ievanoei. — Jan. 22. Copyright, International Association, annual meeting at Boston. — Jan. 2. Corea, Judge Kenny, American ndvisar of King of Corea, daniea atsla- ment that Rua.-ian protectorate arranged.- Jan. 6. Cornwall, Ont., Weavers brought Ooui Boston by agent for Canada Cotton Comiiany soliei' aisisianoe to return home again.- Jsn. 24. Cossack Colonists, insu-tielions issued by Admiral Branti, Minister of French Marine, to Governor of Obock, relative tu.— Jan. 26. Costa KioR, earthuuakrs in different parti, great destruction of life and piO|ierty. — Dec. 30. Cotions,Canadian mailc,Toronto,adTaaceof'JO percent made on.— Jan.2l. Coun'ies, Council tor united counties ofStormont, Diint'as, aud Glengarry session 0|iens al Cornwall, Ont.— Jan. 23. Gotiutics Council of Hlormoni, Dnndosand Glengarry in session at ComJ wall pass rr«olution in favor of prohibition.— Jan. 26. Crete, Ridonia, Zami Stamatakes, his daiigbtor and soa>in-law miirdered by Brothers Katxolaka. — Jan. 22. CRIMI'S.— Abortion, Toronto, Lily Charlton's inquest.— Jan. 3. Abortinn,Toronto,Ltly Charlton, no bills I'uund against Dr. Valentine end Ally Wilkinson, and true hill against druggist J. 0. Wood. — 'Jan. 26. Absconders, Bologna, cashier of Na'ionil Bink Agency at. — Jan. 26, Absconders, Cleveland, Ohio, Crobaitgh H. 0. — Jan. 7. Absconders, Gliicago, Horner Lewis, of Horner k Co.'s grocery estiiblisliment, arrested al Honlrtal.— Jan. 2. Absconders, Chiragn, Vines TI-cc>iider8,Sarnia,0iit., liickhart FreU. L.,uf Oscoda, Mich-, arrested At.— Jan. l!t. AK^eonders, Toronto, Baroett R. G. I., true bill returned against. — Jan. '23. Absconders, Troy, N. V., Austin Charles, bookkeeper for Bussey and MrLeod, stove fouulry men —Jau. 18. AssnuU, lndianapolis,Hacker George, Anareliisl,9enlenced to 14 yean peniteatiary furatsauU ou liis employer Jutnei Bruca -Jan. 18. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. CRIMES.— Can(inu«ii Boodling, New York, Mcond trikl ofei-Ald Oleiiry eommeocti.— Jan. '1. Bi<;«inj, Whiiby, Ont., Marlin W. I., of Prrieotl, iirrtit of.— J«n. 16. Burglnn htmrd Boitnn A Lnw^-ll %t d Vermont Uentral RHllroAd train al 8i(ibridge 8tation, oundiictor Cliurvli's aicuunt.— Jitn- 3. Burglar;, Boiirnfmouih, Knjr., biirglan fnt<-r home wlifre Count Kalolje, Austrian ainmuwdor, sujuurning, aud itral i,"),000 worth of jewfllety.— Jan. 3. Burglary, Clittonvillr, attempt to rnler railway ataiion of Snngni Bruncli of KHilern Division of Bintoii and .Maine llHilway, watoli- luan roortHlly wouudril.— Jan. 'H. BurglarT, Kngland, lUmslndc near Windsor, countrv hoove of nrrre tarv of Aniiriran Lrgalion, Loudon, eoltrrd, mr «i'lleiy yalued at $3S,(MI0 stolen.— Jan. 31. Cruelty, Rrciuklyn, N. V., M»Uy rcami-n hruinllv irrated liy captain on " 8u|phla JuACliim " Irom Calcutta.— Jan. 12, Defaulters, ludianaix. , John A Moore, iuiiuriini'e ag.'nt.— Jan. 26. Defaulters, Indianafolis, Moore Joneph, a half million .lollar emliei- sler, ienyes for Canada —Jan. 29. Defaullers, New York, Finh James D , formerly nrrsident o( Marine Naiional Bxuk, |irra:dent eoniniutes sentence of— Jsd 28. Defaultem, Ni w York, l>'es Henry S. and Si«;. ner Oeorgc H., arrested at suit ol Cinciunaii, iianiilion and Uajlun Kailroad Comppny — Jan. 26. Defaulters, Pittsburgh, Pa, Voight II. P., former rashier of Farmers and .Mechanics Hank, arrested. — Jan^ 17. Defaulters, Richmond, Va., defalcation of $100,000 discoTered in accounts of Ci'y Collector who died recently. -Jan. IS. Dcfaulteri, Boston, Leighlon, ex-clerk of Courts.— Jan. .3. Defnuitert, Brooklyn, N Y.. Andrea Hy , assistant business manager and adTrrtiding agent of (he Brooklyn Zeitung. — Jan 4. Detaulters, Queen's county, New York, Lord Chan. Manning's con6- del *ial clerk and adriser ol Sheriff's oBioe.— Jan. S. Dttt n, Indianapolis, Moore Joseph A., cffrrenpondent of Connecli- eu. Mutual Life lusuraiioe Company of Hartford — Jan. 24. Defaulters, New York, Marshall Henry P., cashier of Seamaos bank, who died in HoTember, discorerea to be defaulter to extent of $70,000.— Jan. 21. Defaulter, Oscoda, Mich., Bickbart Fred. L., arrested al Sarnia.— Jan. 18. Dynsmile, Spain, Valencia, attempt to blow up palace of Archbishop. —Jan. 14. Forger, Barton Thomas, of Hacclesfield, Gng., arrested at Pbiladel- phia.— Jan. 21. Forgery, Chicago, scTeral arrests for forging fao limiles of labels for Arnold's ink.— Jan. 24. Forgery, Spain, man arreatrd at Madrid for forging Spanish Bonds to the amount of $.500,000.— Jan. 22. Fmuds, RIectric Sugar Refining Company, President Cotterill returns to New York, from Ann Arbor, Mich., and can give uo inloinialioo as to iCr. Friend.— Jan. II. Frauds, New York, electric sugar refining company, cnhlnn pent to Eng- land to have warrants issued against Un. t rieiid and the Howcrds. —Jan. «. Frauds, New York, in the damaire allowance, bureau at the apprais- ers stores in New York.— Jan. 26. Incendiarism, Simcoe, Unl., .NovesHatbew, sentenced to Penitentiary tor life —Jan. 2. Robbery, Chicngo, West side street railiray olundered by eoaductors, —Jan. '23, R' bliery, Ville .Marie Bank, attempt at New York to pari some of the notes. — Jan. 22. Rolibery, Eddy (juerin a/i'ai George Uraham accused of stealing 500,- 000 francs from il>e llauk of France,, at the request ol French aullmis iliea is conveyed to Lyons from London, bound and eloaely guarded. —Jan. 25. Suicides, Miinto Carlo, young man and woman from Lyons kill thcmselvta in hotel at.— Jan. 19. Suicide, on stcnniship " City ot Berlin," Queenstowii to New York, Misstiale tikesrat poison and dies. -Jan 14. Suicide, Murray Bay, Quebec, Joseph Oray hangs himself while insane. —Jw. 21. Snicide, Toronto, Michael Lnrkiu,policeman. shoots himself — Jan. 29. {swindlers, Windsor, Oiitiirio, Frank Aldnrh charged with swindling S. K. Lemon of I'lttsburg ont of $lo,000, seulenoed to gaol uniil eilrf.ditiun papers made out. — Jan- 29. Swindling, Australia, Boord of Queensland Investment C'lDpany in Loudon order.i arrest of four AustraliKn directors, — Jan. 23. Croke, Very Rev. Father James, death of, at New York — Jan. 7. Customs, Canadian flo'ir millers meet at Palmer-ton. Ont, aud pass reso luiionasKing Minister of Ci.sioms to remedy discrimination ag^iinst Canndiah millers in favor of American.— Jan 15. Customs, Canada, rate reduced to $2 |ier 1,000 feet if cut and ready for aliipment r.l date of order iucreaaing dut/. — Jan. 21. Coiloms, Canadian, InslrurlioPi sent to collectors not to issue any mori licenses to American fishing vessels u ider mixfun I'lrradi.— /an. Jft. Customs, ('anadian, five miles of railway between Calais and Prlncetown, Me., oD Hi. (!rolx and I'enoliscut seiiKd,- Jan. 2H. Cualnini, Halifax, Hod. William Ross resigns cWce as eolleclor of.— Jan. Ouatoms, Piigei Hound, Opium and Chinese seiturc on British iloop " Emerald. "—Jan. 12. Customs, St. Jerome, P.Q., leisure of illicit tobacco la large quantities.— Jan. t,t. Ouitoms, Dniled Stales, Canadian Railway cars, orders sent lo Detroit to detain Canadian cars on Oraud Trunk and Michigan Central Companies, until duly |>aid thereon.— Jan. 15. Customs, United States ofhcer at Detroit sloinOeorge Vanalckle, traeher ol music, with valine, on ground Ibat it was iiilringemcnt ol Foreiga labor act. — Jan 16. Cuiloms, U S., (Canadian can, assistant secretary Maynard wriln lo rol- lecloi of customs at DetmiL— Jan. 4. Cuilomi, I nited Stales, (Canadian cars, collector Campeau'i order lus- |>ended at Detroit, Micii.— Jan. 22. vernment addresses protest to United Slates as Greenland fisheries —Jan. 1 Davis Jelf, Junes James H., of Raleigh, N.C., former slave, writes to bii ohi master.— Jan. 2. Defences of (ireai Britain, deputation urges comprehensive scheme upon Lord Salisbury.— Jan. 4. DE!ATlIS.-Croke Very Rev. Father James, at New York— Jon. 7. Archduke Rudolf, Austrian Crown Prince,- Jan. 30. Beecher Henrj', Q.C., ex-Mayor, London, Ont.— Jan. 17. Belcher Rev. Canon, of Montreal —Jan. 23. Carteret M., leader of Swiss radicals.— .'an. 29. Deut Col. John C, brother-in-law of Oeneral Urant, death of, at Carthage, Mo.— Jan. 2. Dolaro Madame Selina, singer, and author of a number of plays at New York,— Jan. 23. Downer Captain, commander of German flagship " Liepxig " at Zao- irbar.— Jan. (0. Di Hurska Madame, famons linger, at Munich.- Jan. 17. Edgarly Mrs. Nancy, aged 104 years, at Wollboro, N.H.--Jnii. 26. Felton Samuel M., president of Pennsylvania Steel Company at Phil- adelphia, Pa.— Jan. .4. GavHzzi father, Italinn patriot, at Rome.— Jan. 14. (iehan Mr., Author.— Jan. 21. Gould Mrs. Jiiy, al New York. — Jan. 13. Hughes Right Rev. Joshua, Bishop of St. Asaph.— Jan. 22. Hnetfer, Francis, Ph.D., English musical critic and writer.- Jan. 21, Holmes Rii'.haid, aged 102, dies at Faimersville, Out —Jan. 25. King of Annam. — Jan. 29. Laihern, Dr. J.S.. at Halifax, N.S.— Jan. 27. Lunge Mr. Louis, C. E., superintendent of Montreal Water W.^rks death ut.--Jan. 9. MacDoiini II A. Q , HU|ierintcndentof Williamsburg canal, death of, at Morrisburg, Onl.— Jan. 27. McMillan Uev. Lniican, Presbyterian minister, at London, Onl.— Jan. ■2ii. McGregor Mr. Donald, of Martintnwn, Glengarry, death of- Jan. 2. MacilonaUl A. P., Dominion contrac'.or at Toronto.— Jan. 22. Mason Camilla TeresH, of Toronto, who eIo|ied with James Anderson, dies al St. P.iiil. Minu., in poverty.— Jan. a. Menzies Robert Stewart, M.P. lor Kisl Perthshire.— Jan. 25. Lieut. Miles of Dnitid Slates sU'amer " ZHnlic" Iroin hayii dies of yellow lever at New Yu.' .-Jan. 14. MonUgiie Col. George, Jimeriyof Black Walch Highlanders, at Halifax, V. S.-Jau. II. Paxton Andrew, ageotof Chicago Oitiiens Leag"-, at Chicago.— Jan. 15. Pellegriue, the caricaturist, known as" Ape," in London, Eug.—Jun. 22. PhiPips George S., joumaliat of New York, death of, at Morristown, N. Y.-Jan. 13. Phillips James 0. H., Shakesperian biographer.— Jan. 4. Quesada. Siianish General.- Jan. 21. Reed (ieurge W., editor and stockholder of Brooklyn Eagle rI Hew Brunswick, N. J.— Jan. 18. Roberts William Lorman, Baltimore, itock broker and society man. — Jan. 4. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. I 4 DBATIIM— r'o«'in"«/. Richnrrli Hit Willinin Riiell, pi.Cbi«r- Juiticc orSuprame Court of Can- ailH, itt OiiKwa. —inn. iti. 8he|Mir>J C. A. B., of Hrm of Lee k' yheprird. book publ^hen, Boitoo, ilrath of.— Jitii. 2A. Von Muiiti, Adminil Oouut, ministfr of Imperial Orrroan Narjr, at Brrlin. — Jrd. It. Ur«ilier, Ud,, •mall lake, burning at.-Jan.'il. Ulphihcria, Point Roiice, in Purtm-iir, furU Utal eaMi in,— Jan. 22. Dijihihrria, Selkirk, Mho., oiilbrrak or,— Jan. IH, Oi|ihtherie, Hungary, r|ii(l«niic at Nh||0.— Jan. II. Ui MurtkA .Miidiiiic 'r, deal' of, nl Miinlcli —Jan 17. DiplutPKiic and C'aS''adois.— Jan. 28. Ciiiied Slates Senate Hgrees In Mr. Gibson's amendment to Diplomatic and Cj'unsularliiil iiniking the title oi miuisiers of France, (Jrrmnny, Ureul llrilain and Russia Ambauadurj.— Jan. 29. Divorce, Oladsloiie ilr., write* article on, in Nituleenlh Century.— Jan. 31. Divorce, Ktiglaud, Mn. Dion Boucicanit, n^e Agnes Robertson, granted divorce.— Jan. 16, Oomiuion Alliance, Montreal, annual meeting of Quebec Provincial branch. —Jan. IS. Dominion Allianoe, metlinc of Ontario Branch at Toronto, (be Montreal platlortn adopted. — Jan. 23. Duel, Cincinnati, Uhio., on itage ofStandard Theatre, between " Running Deer," an Indian chief, and Capl. Jack Crawford, the scout. — Jan. 32. Duel, Prance, between Comudctt, Membir of Chamber of Deputies, and Uhabrouilliiud, editor, fuiigbt at Paris.— Jan. H. Duel, Prance, Kluqiiet M., president ot ('ounril of Ministers, challenged by M. Lawe, member of ciiamher of deputies.— Jan. 15. Duel, France, fi)ught at Paris t>el\veen Henry Itochcrort, editor of I'ln- trantigeunt, and M Li.«8agaray, editor of /,« UaiailU.—i»n. 14. DiifTerin Lord, arrives at Runic, nnd received by King Humbert. —Jan. 7. Dynamite, Hungary Keseoiiaa, 23 cans stolen from.— Jan. 7. Dynamite outrage, Mationey Plane, Pa., bomb explodes on Pennsylvania and Reading Railroad.— Jan. 4. Dynamite gun, iriHl of Zalniske's gun at Port Lafayette.- Jiin. 19. Earlhqiiakt'S, Greece, shocks Idt al Athens, Megara and Arncliuva.— Jan. 22. Kiirlliquak,e, Leith Valley «nd Western Edinburgh, Scotland, shock felt lu.— Jan. 18. EarlhquHke, Smyrna, .'500 houses in Sarabul Valley destroyed by.- Jan. 22. KariliqiiMlie?, San Jose de Costa Riia, sev ere sliocks, several persons killed, uiiich ilamage lo luoprriy.— Jan. 3. R irlliquHke, .St. Denis, KiiinoniHska, sniar; shock at. — Jan. 29. Ku?t Al'ricjin bill H|i|irovfd by coinniiltee ol Ucrinan Ueiiliatag, save tlie clause lor plncing Kasl .Vlrna Cuuipaiiy under couiiol ot i..'Hplain Wissuuinii.— Jiui M. Kapler Islnnd, cission lo Chili discussed in French Chamber of Deputies. — Jan. .'1. ECCLESIASTICAL, IrclMid, ArclibUhup Walsh reads message from the Pope.- Jan. 2. Chicago, excitement over Father D>)wd a denunciation in .Montreal of Illinois Catholic order ul Foresters.— Jnu. W. Education of German Amerirn, Cardinal Meichers direc- ted by the Pope lu prepare report uu the reUiiou ol complaint ol Irish in America.- Jan. 12. Ireland letter Irom Pojie read in churcb-s of Down and Connor sympatbtsing with Irisb people.— Jan. ti. Leeds, Bug., Baptist confercute agrees upoc Union with particular Baptists — Jan. 18. Loudon, England, Bev Mr. Macuiril succeeds Dr. Oswald Dykes at the Regent Square Presbyterian chunb — Jau. ID. Loudon, (.Int., death ol Uev. Duncan McMillan, Presbyterian minister. —Jan. 26. Niagara. Anglican diocese of, Ritualistic movement in, leads to iMrmaiion ol an assuciatiou lot the aufaeience to KTiingclicalisui.— Jau. 31. " aCCLKSIASTlCAL-rMi/iaiMrf. Mknolng Cardinal, Jubilee ol I'ope, lendi a gold medal.— Jan. 10. Montreal, Dowd Father, denounoea Illinois Catholic order ol Foresters. —Jan. 20. Montreal, death of Her. Canon Reloher.— Jan, 2^. New York, Arolibi^hop Corrigan isiuei circular a* to attendance at nieeiingt of .\nli. poverty Society.— Jan. 20. New York, Archbisliup Oorrigan'i letter denounced by Dr. McOlynn, as a groaj piece of im|ier'thoer upon.— Jau H. EGYPT.- Khirioiim threatened with afack from the South, MabdirecalLi dervishes from Suakim to Wady Haifa.— Jan. 16. Mabdi countermands order to Governor of Berber to leave that place with his army tor Upper Nile — Jan. 1.V British secret miialon to Sir Phillip H. W. Currie. assistant private secretary in (>ffl''e ot Sir James Ferguson, under Foreign Secretary, departs on— Jan. 19. ELECTIONS, France, Seine, Boulanger's addre** to the elector*.— Jan. 3. Frunce, Corsica, U. Morellt elected member of French Senate for — Jan. 14. France, Cote* du Nord, M. OlUrier, monarchist, elected Senator.— Jan. 13. France, Seine, Boulanger interviewed at Paris, and is confldeat ot success — Jan. 8. France, Seine, Socialists meet and vote in favor of Boulaagtr.— Jan. 7. France, Seine, Jacques, President of the Council of tlie Seine, appointed by republican congress to oppose lloulanger.— Jan. il. France, Seine, Suleil Orleanist paper slates that party will iapport Itoulanger against M. Jacques.— Jan. 10. France, Seine, Revolutionary section choosing M. Boule lo oppose Gen. Boulanger.— Jan. II. Prance, Seine, Boulanger issue* another manifesto. -Jan. 12. Prance, Seine, anarchists issue manifesto to electors.- Jan. 14. France, Seine, H. Jacques opponent of Oen. Boulanger issues reply to— Jan. 14. Prance, Seine, royalists decide to vole for Boulanger.- Jan 17. Prance, Seine, minifestnes issued fur and against lloulaniier's candida- ture.— Jan. 19. Prance, Summe nnd Charente tufeiieiire. General Monlanban and Dupoiii, both Doulaigists, elected.— Jan. U Frince, lii'iilainjer elected fordistricl of liic Seine.— Jan. 27. France, Cole D'Or, liaray, Repiiblician candidate, elected. — Jan. 27. Prince, mines, municipal authorities re-elect Numa Gilly as mayor. — Jan. 25. France, Seiue, Buulanijer issues letter thanking electors Jan. 28. Catdwell, Election cmsc heard at Montreal.— Jan. 21, Govao, Scotland, Wilson, (iladstunian candidate, elected. — Jan. 18 Ilaldiinand, P.Q., Mou'ague Dr., nominated by canservaiives,— Jau. 15 Haldiniand, P.Q., wrii issued. — Jan. 16. Ilaldiinand, Mr. t;.W. Cotter and Dr. Montague nomioaled. — Jau. 24. Haldiniand Coiiniy, Mr. Collar, liberal candidate elected.— Jan. 30. Hallon, trial of election (leiiiion commenced at Milton.— Jan. 29. Hamilton, Out., Hon. J li. G;b?"r re-elected by acclamation.— Jan. 31. Jolietie, Que., Mr. N( ven liberal candiu.:te elected — Jan. 16. Kansas Legislature rt-elecis Senator Plumb, United State* Senator. — Jan. 22. Laprairie, nomination for local legislature. — Jan. 17. Laprairie, Qiicbic, Mr. Goyette elected. — Jan. 24. London, Eng., lor London County Council.— Jan. 17. Liiiienhiirg, N.S., Sperry John D., elected lor local legislature.— Jan. 17. Mmnejoia, UoM-ie of Kepresenlatives elects Washburn U iit"d {?ta'«^ Senator.— Jan. '^3. Uonireal Centre, Uou. Mr. UcShaue unseated by Jc/ sioa of tbe cjurt. — Jan. 3. I THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. I ILEOTIUN&— ronlinwrf. Montraitl Oantre, Hon. Junei HcSlmna giren > right to kpp^sl.— Jhii so. Nrhrnnkii, Ghm. F. Maoderion rr-el«cled Daited SUtu Henilor.— Jan. 15. Nrw J«ni>7, John Mnrpl arann elrclrd Unitrd Sutfi Sfnalor— J»n. 23. Otinwii, llHjorally, rieeiion of Mr. Ucl.'0oii'»l election, tb« QoTemor U«n- eral called on to appoint a wnrden.— Jan. 14. tJuited Stales, Maine, Ttye W. P., elected Henator.-rJan. 16. United Sutea, Mauaebuaeita legUlatare re-elecU Senator Hoar.— Jan. 15. United Statei, Wilmington, Del., Higgini Anthony nominated for Sen- ator.— Jan. 15. Victoria, B. U , John Orant elected mayor.- Jan. 18. Klectric Hug«r Retining Companjr, panic In ibarei at Liverpool owing to damHging cable deipaich.- Jan. 3. Klectric Augur KeAoing Cumpanv, New Turk, Kvming S-un on the alirged lecrei proceti being no secret at all.— Jan. 4 Kleclrio Sugar Refining Companj, many Kngliih and American stock. bultliTs ruined. How the fraud «aj discorered.- Jan. tf. Klectriis light com|>aDies lorm trust at-St. Loui8.-«-jHn. 0. Klepliant " Tip " presented by Forepaugh to city of New fork.— Jan. 2. Kikhorn.'W. Va., fight beiwei'o miners, five while men and two negroes kilted,— Jan. 24. Blopements, Mason Camilla Teresa, of Toronto, who e|op«d with Anderson James, dies in poTerty at St. Paul, M{nn.— Jan. 9. Elopements, Nice, a London doctor registering as Ur, Sellon elopes with Ida Wilcox, of Bainbridge, N.Y.— Jan. 25. Emigration, Uermany, statistics for 1888.— Jan. 7. Emigration, Quebec Province of, to Uaied Stairs, report of Mr. A. .1. McMillan, special emigration comiuissiun thereuo.— Jan. 3. Emin Bey, capture of, conlirmed by one of Usman Digna's deserting Lieu- tenanis.— Jan. 5. Vmin Bey, Berlin expedition, leadership to lie taken by Dr. Carl Peters, president of the committee.— Jan 4. Emin Hey, Junker Dr., writes to the " Deuluht Woehtnblait " as to Eniio's safety.- Jan. 10. Emin Bry, ./ViKi i'ork World makes arrangements for exploring rx|iedition in search of.— Jan. 13 Rmen Bay, messenger arrives at Sual'im fMm Khartoum, and says Stanley anil Uey are prisouers up the Nile.;-jHo. 23. Emin Uey, Sir Fraocij dn WIntun speaks as to absurdity of Uermans pruoecdtttg wiili expeditiun — Jitu. iX Engineers, Canadian Society of Civil, annual meeting at Montreal.— c>an. 17. England. London, National Liberal Club elects 215 town members and 113 country spi-ecbei us to tluD being a Libt^rHl order.— Jan 2. Euro|ean Prarr, Poiie tlir, rnn^ratulales Rni|irror William, President Carnot, and Bmprror Francis Joseph un recent declaraiiuns — Jan. 9. Execuliocs, Ohio, Senate paued bill that executions shall be by electricity. —Jan. 26. Exports, British, decrease of, compared witb year preceding during Decem- ber—Jan. M. FAtLDRBS, Canada, sratistics for 1888 from OtUwa.— Jan. 1. St Charles, Minn., Seefield Charles W., prominent grain Lealer. — Jnn. 21, St. John, N. B., Maritime Bank, liquidHtors, pay second dividend of thirty ceotii in the dollar to note holdrra.— Jan. 22. Toronto, Abbott & Watson, builders.-^Jan. 23. Tomnto, Onl., Stock Farm Company carried on Valnicy Fuller. — Jnn. 16. ■ Toronto, J." W. Gale & Co., wholesale dry goods nirrcliants.— Jan. 31. JamrstuWD, N.Y., Uavenor k Bros., dry gua^s and general dealers.— Jhd. 16. Montreal, Nathan Kennedy, wholesale cotton trader. — .Tan. 16, Wiuona, Minn., Srafield, (be giain dealer.- Jan. 28. Chloagn, Dr. Chalmer C. Prentice, nf Nnrwalli,Oiti miieni/i. — Jan. 25. Fisheries, Qrrenland, Daniib Gnvernmrnt addresses protest to United States.— Jiin. I. Fishery treaty, Chamber'a'n Joseph, H. P. addresses meeting at Birroing, bam, and spaak* on —Jan. 23. Flour Mills, St. I oule, closed down, with exception of one —Jan. 3. Fold Committee on contract labor at Wasbingimi fina'.ly aicrees nn tax uf 15 on immigrants with a view to excluding iiHUpers —Jan. Fort Benton, Mont. Wolves creating havoc among stock -Jan. 24. Fish and Game Club, Montreal, annual meeting of.— Jan. 12. Foreign Labor Act, Un'U-d States, Drtmit, George Vansickle, teacher of mutio. uf Windsor, Out., stupped fr>m crossing border by Customs officials —Jnn. Id. Foresters, IndenendeDt Order of, apply to S'iperinlt:„.,vDt of insnranre at Otin'va Inr perniisiiun to insurani-e business without making usual deposit wiib guV'Ernmrnt. — Jan. 12. FRANCE, Boiilanger's address to the electors of the department of the Seine.— Jan. 3. Bniilan^ist victories, Somme and Oharcote Inferienre return the General's candidates.- Jan. 6. Boiilnngerism, Sedan,municipal anthoritlesof, send address to Janjuea Committee of Paris denouncing Boulangist intrigues.— Jan. 22. Buiilnnger, The National exposes his private life.— Jan. 2.3. Boiilanaer lien., issues letter thanking the electors of the department uf the Heine.— Jan. 2l ilow Boiilnnger interviewed at Pari?, he is determined lo wait und i liie Uoveiument to art.— Jan 2H. Boulanger, election, views uf newspapers in Frnnce, Germany anil Ku.-siH.— Jan. -9. Boulanger replies to hostile comments of foreign newspapers.- Jan. .W. Bonlanger Gen., interviewed at Paris, expresses preference for Amer- ican constitution.-Jan. 31. Bi'riin correspondents ot Le Fttit Journal anii /,'.4u(9ry ninislry.— Jan. 31. Ciemenciau presides at Paris at mi'eling of Iheextrem" IipI'i, niid cHiiiiunshi3cuileagiie.''as to ousting il« Uurernuieni.— .Imii. 29. Corsica, M Murelli, lepublifean, elected member uf French Semite for —Jan U. Cotes du Nord, M. Ollivier, moaarchist, elected senator. — Jan. 13. Death of M, Leroiix, member of Chamber nf Deputies entaiU an election in the De, artment of the fiord. — Jan. 24. Ducd'Aumale, Premi-r Floqnet informs Senator Kennnit of Govern- ment's iutention to rescind decree of exile against. — Jan. 24. Duel lought at Piiris between Henri Rucbefort, •.litor of I'Inlrann, Sfanl, and M. Lessagarey, editor of Ao fialaUle.—Jaa. 14. Exbibilinn, Pres. Oarnut visits building:), and converges with Belgian Cuniniissiuner.— Jan. IS. Fioqiirt M., president of Council uf Ministers challenged to fight due) by M Lawe, member ol Clianiber of Depuiies.— Jan. 15. laconic tax bill, Cabinet decides not to hasten discuaaion cf.— Jan. 14 I THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS ITKlk,()llk> igiiu Muuih ;hl Fenther pbia, P« — net llirrcon Ic-Uj killfd n.i uf llie jTf ar itomi not to ludcr modiu t to Dniied ', at BirmiDBi nn. 3. y anirrei nn (U|iert— Jan. laa. 24. If, tfachor ol r bj OualuniB insiirnnrc at making iiaual rtment of lbs e leturn the ca« to Jarquea -Jao. 22. 23. he department rait itnd iilloir Oermanj and ipaperg.— Jan. incc for Amcr- •9ri:i eipolled Jan. R. )a'>. 10 IS.— jHn. 11. iiiee.- Jxn. 1 nd annexation u|) bj Buglan or of Biit for Ijower Seine, Terument, now 1" l/pft. and -.III). 29. inch Semite for •.—Jan. 13. tirg entails an anlt of GoTerii- -Jnn. 34^ Br of I'lntrann. an. 14. :es nub Belgian «d to fighldue\ (S. lon cf, — Jan. U rilANCB-Co'daiMd. Income i . bill ivjactMi by eo«mltt«« appoiiiltd by French Chamhfr of Ocpullti.— Jao. 1.V Lkforii*, Tonliaa, Upia of, ■DBOuoeement b/ Minifter of Oommtre*. —Jan. 3. Laaddld* at tha aoutk of tonaal balwaea HL Rapliaal and UanaM -Jaa. t. UghM of HoBoar deeoraliont awarded to foreigDcn.— Jan. 3. MatatUlM, booM In quarliar Belleoiai eollaptM, T II«liaDi killed.— Jan. 1ft. Ifinei, municipal authorillet r»ii by ilriken, aoldlert ieot to iuppre« rloten.- Jan. 18. Orctl'iary garrlkoni In and about Paris being replaced by iroopi known to ba deroted to the —lublio— Jao. 25. Parii, M. Doodeaurille preilu<.. jieatlog of edmnltiee of Royaliit Right— Jau. 28. Paria, H. Clemioeeau nrealdee at another meetinft of the Left, the meeting unable lo aaopi a alngla re«aliitioo unanimoiitly.— Jan. 30, I'arla, riot at election meeting in Avenue Duquetne.— Jan. 30. Parii, duel fooght between Comudett, member of Uhamber of Deputlei, ami Ubabioulllaud, editor.— Jan. 34. Pari*, republican congreff,Jacque(, President of the Oouocil of the Seioe, appointed to op|KMe Boulanger. — Jan. 6. Fyrenea Orientales, violent itorm oeeorj io, miieb damage. — Jao. 1. Seioe, anarchiita iatoe manifesto lo electora.— Jan. 14. Seine, Boulanger Qen, iuuei another manifeito.— Jan. 13, Seine, M. Jaeqoei, opponent of General Boulanger, iisaei reply to — Jao. 14. Seine, revolutionary Kction ehooiet M. Boule to oppoae Qeneral Boulanger.— Jao. 11. Seine, Royaliits decide to rot« for Boulanger.— Jan. 17. Seine, Preemaaoni iMue a pronounciamento agk.° f uoolanger. — Jan. 18. Seine, Bojlangir elected for, by large majority.— Jan. 37. Senate, bankruptcy bill, 34 article! of, adopted.— 14. Senate, baokraptoy bill paaaei -Jan. 17. Senate, M. Leruyer'a addreat on, aeauming the prealdency.— Jan . 11. Senate approve* grand aobcme for uliliaation of Partiiao aewerage.— Senate, approve* (ebemeTorutiliiation ofaewerag* of.— Jan. 18. Southern flood* oiiuae rnormon* damage. — Jan 3. Free Trade, Rngland, Maoeheatrr Chamber of Commerre pa** reiolnlion a* to guuda b ougbt into Oreat Brit tin ainiilur to touae produced there paying duly.— Jan. 7. Fronlenac county, council decide* to petition the Dominion Qovernment tu prohibit sale and manulaolure of intoxicating liquor— Jao. 2ti. Fruit grower* of Nova Scotia adopt resniuiion urging Dominion Oovern- ment to operate Wiiidaor, Aonapolia and Weitcro cuuiiUea railway aa part of Intereoionial syalem.— Jan. 36. Gaelic Uongrea* meel* at Tburle*.— Jan. 23. Gambling Houae, New York, raid on one In Sixth Avenne.— Jan. 3. Uarrottlxg, Kingtton, Mr. Armstrong MeOormick a**aulted.— Jan. 3. Gavaxil Father, Italian patriot, death of, at Rome.— Jan. 14. Qehan, Ur. George, ambor, death of.— Jan. 31. GBRMANV.— Berlin Buene, price* auSer aharp fall owing to rumour* that Biamarik had resigned Chaocellurabip.— Jan. 7. And America, Zaiisibar, American sailing ve*iaoMtoi*terofWar,re*lgn*.— Jan. 2S. Leipsie, Preaident of Superior Court nreigo* on account ofBlamarok'* *tmcture*.— Jan. 18. Prot*lan Laotag, opening of.— Jao. 14. Reicbsug, Africa East, Bismarck disparage* report* eonoeming Britlth Niger Cotiipaiiy.— Jan. 16. Reiehatag, Pai*port regulation* in Alsace LorraiaadiacuMed. — Jaa. 18. Reieli*tag, railway e*timal** dl*cu**ed.— Jan. 18. Ri'ichaiag committee on Bast Africa Bill approve* the meafure, save fur placing Ka*t Africa Company under control of Uaptain Wi**- mann Jan. 28. Reichatag, 8a*t Africa bill brought np *peech of Prince Bi*m*rek.— Jau. 24. Reichatagr, Raat Africa bill paaaa* aecond reading.— Jao. 39. Oilman, W. T., John SliaelT-r, a Bohemlao, who blew up a houae, killlnf four people, is lynched.- Jaa. 8. Glidatooe .Mr. W. B., reception to, at Naple*.— Jan. 2. Gladstone Mr, vinit* Pom|ieil.— Jan. 5. Gladstone Mr. W. B.. and The Pope, Gladttone write* to the Pall MM (iazetle denying onrrevtnei* of TabUVt version of his letter to Marquis de Kiso.— Jan. 8. Gladit.-.s: Mr, Vatican instructs Archbishop of Nanles to visit. — Jan. 14, Gladstone Mr, writes to rector of Na|>les Uolver3itr,expre**ing thank* fur curdial recepliun giveo him.— Jan. 15. Gladstone Mr, rvplie* to a letter lelllog a branch of Irish National League called alter him. — Jan. 25. Gold quart* diacovered on Texanada lelaod. — Jan. 33. Ourdou Geo , New York* Sun puUiihes a Greek'* *U>ry as to bi* death deepatcbed by General Greofell from Siiakim. — Jan. U. Gould Mrs. Jay, death of, at New York.— Jan. 13. Grain Blockade at Baltimore, relief o>. -Jan. 2. Grain Kxcbanga, Winnipeg, annual meeting of.— Jan. 9. Gray County, Kansas, conflict between towns of Oimmarron and Negall* as tu which should be county aeat, aeveral men killed. — Jan. 12. Greece, Vienna Bank grants a luan to Greek OoTernment.^an. 7. Orey Earl, issues long maoifeato en British policy ia Soath AfHoa.->- Jau. 19. Guarantee Company of North America, Aonnai Meeting at Montreal.— Jan. 25. Harbor defence. New York World state* poJrerfol company formed to defend entrance to barbon by meaoa of Pelrulenm.— Jaa. 22. Harriaon General, addrvased at lodianapoUshitoldcoBradeiuf theOraad Army.— Jao. 2. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS \^ Haunted room, room in 8i. Lnuii Uotel whrre Preller was murdered,— Jan. 'i2. BaTerbill, Mail., trouble between Ckneral Srhool Board and tbe French Catholic Parochial Bchcol— Jan. 18. OATTI — Legillroe'ii Genera'. commandinR main arror serioualy defeated at Hurcbie, San Domingo.— Dec. 23 French fleet invited to come and protect Port-au-Prince.— Dee. 23. Utier rout of Uegiilme'i aoldicn, lljpiioliie'a nuccntful troops march- ing on tbe capitul.- DfC. 30. Admiral Luce leares UxjrtI with surrendered American ressel " Hsj'tian Republic."— Jan. 2 Pori-«D-l'rince, critical condition of AojeriuBa resideals at. — Jan. 2. Uen. Hynpoliie, lender of insurrectionary lorces, purchases steamer " .Madrid " l>ing in Erie Kuin, Nf w York.— Jan. 4. Porl-«u-Prince, sleaaiship "'HaTtian Republic" into b; Haitian gunboat " Novelle Voldnigu.' — Jan. 3. Port-au-Prince, United States steamer ■' Zantie " u res at New York from.— Jan 10. Bamana steamer " 9«ginaw '' sails from New York with rifles and cartridges for, not wiibiiandiiig protest of Ha.vtiao Minister. — Jan. lb. Cannibalism in, horrible story tuld hy correspottdent of New York Hiratd.—iAXi. 15. General H^polite purchases stean.sbip "O. W. Clyde " ai Pbiladelpbia to turn into warship. — Jan. 23. Preston, Legitimes represeotattre sajs be has received a cable despatch aunouaiing the tall of ti."''ivo9 and St Marc— Jan. 2U. neaton Mr. Henneker, MP., gives facts and Hgurcs in aajiport of inclusion of America in proposed scheme of C>cean (nnny po:itave.- Jan. 10. Kicks Beach Sir Michael, speaks on Irish education aud local Oorerumeiit for Irish industries at Bristol, Knir.— Jan. 14. Hirsch Baron, scheme of, Rer. Dr. Oottbeil of New York speaks ou.— Jan. \2. Holbrooke, Arts., Gila Benita, cow-boy dres.aed as an Apache Indian. descends on Mexican herders i» employ ot Dun Pedro, killing live. — Jan. 17. Holland, King of, snlfsring from inliatomation of tbe brain, prayers for, oiTered m churches.— Jan. 13. Holland, pamphlet issued by Tindall eondemning the country's defensive orKaniiation on land arid sea. — Jan. 24. Holmes Dr. Oliver Wendell presents bit medical library to Boston Medical Library Association.— Jan. 30. Holme* Richard, aged I0:>, dies at Farmersville, Ont.— Jan. 2.5. Home Rule, Chamberlain Mr. Joseph speaks on, at Birminglinm— inn. 9. Home Rule, Parnell Mr. 0. R, interviewed by Mr. T. P. O'Connor published in New York World— Ua. 6. Honors conferivd upon prominent Canadians, New Year's list.— Jan. 3. Honorable Artillvtrr Company, London, Eng , meeting of, war office reqiiecled to hold enquiry Into i;hflr(i.-8 of insubordination.— Jan. 14 Hudson Ua^ «./omiM)Dy, Sir Donald Smith appointed Governor and Lord Anson deputy Governor. — Jan. iS. Hueffer Francis, Pb D^ English mujicul critic and writer, death of— Jau 21. Hungary, diet of, Army hill. Count Czskey, llie new Minister of Eiluca- tiou, on the necessity of examiuaiimi in lierinan.— Jnn. 11. Hungarian Diet, Army liill, Count Slo|ihcii Kmlozi r.proaclies M Ti^xa ihe ) Prime Minister, lor lack of cainloui luwiirii ilie Kmperor — Jan. 2ti. Hungary, Army bill, immense meeting ol students prote ts against anil advocates the creaiion nfa .N'aiional Army - Jun 21. Hungnry, parliament, scene of great exciteiuenl on discovery nf deteclive'i 111 Strangers gallery.— Jan. 28. Hungary Diet, military bill passes. -Jan. 20. Hungary. Pestli, army bill, rirts in consequence of same passing.— Jan 30 Hungary, C-\!ted Stales consul at Kuda Pesib, Mr. Joseph Black recalled by his "uvernment.- Jan. 30. Hungary, demonstrations made against Premier Tisza for his pro-German policy— Jan. 31. Hungary, Najo, epidemic of dipiitberia II. Hungary, Pestle, Premier Tis^a adlregses a deputation from Hungarian l''iet, and disriiases tlie Kuropean situation. — Ian 2. Hydrop'aobia, Blitabeth, N J., John itorms, death of.— Jan. 18. Illinois Stat* Legislature, thanked by United Stales Senator Cullum for electing hira.— Jan. 29. ImmigraUon, Toronto, Trailea and Labor Council p««» resolutions on — Jan. 18. Immigriition, Ouit^-d States, Bill reported to Hoiue on contract, labor and immigration by Ford Committee— Jan. 19. Immignitioii, Ontario Province of, statistics (or year 1888— Jan. II. Immigrants, Manitoba and Northwest, total number for laa year.— Jan. 2. Immigrants, Duicd Stales. Ford Comniiiiec «i Wasliingion (innlly aurees 00 tax 01 $j with a view to excluding paupers.- Jau. 17. Imperial Federalior, .Mr. W. G. Gladstone, letter of, to i\lr J. Castal) Hopkins, secretary ol Imiierial Fedeiation League.— Jan. b. Imperial Federation League, Ottawa, annual meeting.- Jan. 18. Imiwria, BrilLsb increase ol, during December over year preoedi "5. — Jnn. 8. INDIA— Madras presidency, rsiirnaiion of Governor.- Jan. 2. Manchvorin, heavy llnods accompanied by great loss ol life. Jan. 2. Indianapolis, Hacker George, anarchist, (sentenced to 14 yean penitentiary foTas.-nt undei crime* act.— Jan. 4. OInnmel, collision bciween tbe police and a crowd, many ii^iired. — Jan. 25. Clonakitiy, Father McCarthy convicted and sentenced — Jan. 25. Cloiiakilir, Father McCarthy arraigned for inciting to boycut.— Jan. 24. Clonmel, O'Brien William, arrives at, andis given ovation — Js i. 23- t'omlon Ml T J. MP. lor Tip|ierary, seived with summons under crimes act.— Jan. 2. County CInr , Sr Augustine Fitzgerald accepts oifcr of bis tenants .inittr I Inn of cauipnign — Jan. 6. Crimes Act, Mr. I'aly, proprieior of Connaught Trlegraph, receives tliree Sllnlmllnse^ for luiblishiDg seditions articles.— •fan. 14. Daviti Michael, telegiaiilis to Patrick, ''gaii, that rumours of rupture In-tween himself and Parnell are lies — Jan. 2. Down nnd l^'onnor, letter from the Pope read in churches sjmpatbiz- iiig with Irish people— Jaii (i. Denis K'Ibride, M.I'., Jnmes Cnrew, M P nnd Mr. Tnlly, editor of Ko.-commnn lleral ', sunim'ned lor iucitiiig tenants loaUopt plan of cumi'HJgn. — Jan. 10. Dijlilin, .Mr. S xton, .M P , in'Incted into office ns Lord Mayor — Jan. 2 Dublin. Sullivan .Mr., M.I' , served with summons while addressing Land League meeting. — J-in. 2. Duliliii, Vainlelenr estan-s, evictions on sentences on persons who r. -isii d the sheriff contirme 1. —Jan. 3. Dublin, conditional » r t ol hnlirat corpuf has been grunted for release of Eilwiinl Harrington, .M.l'. — Jan. 15. Dnhlin, Keiimnre F.stnte, Nationalist farmer visited and 'oeateii, and ninde t<. promise to abjure plan ot campaign — Ja i. 13. Dublin, O'Connor John, .MP., arrested lor oHences under Crimes Act. — Jan. 15. Dnnfeiao'y and Fiilcurriigh, County Donegal, tenants arm tbem- Si'lves ind prepare to resist eviciious. — Jan. 2. Diingan.'tiown, Wickluw, evictions on Col Charles Tottenham's estates — Jan. 8. Evi.'ied tenants, Croke Archbishop, donates $50 to fund for relief of. — Jan. 1."^. Fnlrarmgh, evictions on estate of Olipheri concluded, tenant nmred Ciirran and inmates of house aiiested.— Jan. t!. Falcarragh, evictions resumed. — Ja.i. 10. Falcarragh. Kelly Mr., Naiional league organizer, and Father Mc- Faddeu, arrested lor inciting tuuanis to adopt plan of campaign. — Jan. Itf. Finncane Mr., MP. for Limerick sent to prison for intimidating intending occupants of evicted larms— Jan. 2. Harrington Mr Folward. .M P., sent to prison tor publishing reports (.'Onccruing suppressed branch of National League. — Jan. 2. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. . CBitcll Jhh. 2. nilenUKry giooers at .-Jan. 2. t» ttccept- Talionv. — lison oTer- r^d by four ' of amata ageinbles to d sentenced 1 one writes O'BrifO for nn. 24. an ai tended t Uaued for iinth'9 impri- ly injured.— -Jan. 25. Iwycot.— Jan- ion — Ja 1. 23- [umoDB under (f his tenanu raph, receives ,n. 14. iirs of rupture lea 9) mpalbii- ,llv, editor of Kilopl pl'in of Iftvor —Jan. 2 ile addressing prrsona who lied for releaao id Ix-Bien, aad ■t Crimea Act. 13 arm them- B Totlenham'a id tot relief of. tenant na>red nd Father Mc- )f campaign.— ,r intliaidating bllslitng reports -Jan. 2. \RShAtiD.—Oomi»»ed. Harrington Kdward, U P., Exchequer Division of High Court, refuses to confirm oondltiun il writ of kalnai cofpui .— Jan. 2i. rule, Lord Roaeberry epeaka tliereon, at Scarborough, Kng — Jan. 23. Kemnare Barl of, eatate of, lensnls warned by moonlighlera againat departing from plan of cam|>aign.— Jan. 10. Kilbride Denis, M.P. for South Kerry, aummoned to anawer chargea under Crimea Act. — Jan. IB. Kilruah evictloua on Van'leleur ettates. Twenty tenanta arrested for liarrirnding hoiisei — Jan. 9. Kild^re. warranla issued for J. L. Carew, M.P. for North Kddare, and Uenia Kilbride, M.P. for South Kerry.— Jan. 24. offi-ra tenanU on bis eala'e at Cnatlebar, County ITALY.— Continued. Naples, reception to Mr. Oladstone. — Jan. 2. Napli's, Oladstone Mr., writes to rector of Niiples Cnlreraity «xpr«ts- log thanks fur cordial reception given him. — Jan. 15 Paleripo, 24 persona badly Injured by fall of roof. — Jan. 16. Parliament opened by the King— Jan. 28. Posiloppo, great rock alide cauaed by eruption of Mount Vrsuriui. — Home, Lord DufleHr. arrives at.— Jan. 7. Duiforio Lord, presents bis credentials to King Humbert.— Jan. 9. Iinlian Engineer ofBcers disguiacd, arreated at Wangorod, Russia.— Jan. 2. Switzerland, Commercial treaty concluded betwesa.— Jan. 19. •^'^i ^nW.^' f;t"a!irr^ar;,%n'l,;t.ion'^rpa;"-t o? o7. Java, European residenU arming themselves, owing to fanatical disturb- jeaVa back rent.-Jan. 22. ances — Jan. 5. Limerick, Reeves Mr., journalist, committed fur contempt of court- Jesuits eslates, Quebec, Pope decides Laval University shall receive one- Jan. 14 Limerick, David Sheehy, MP. for Oalway, sentenced for violating Crimes' Act.— Jan. 29. Local taxation of, blue book is to, just iaaned — Jan. 2. Londonderry, Members of National League collect clothing for Pal- carragh tenanta.— Jan. 13. Loiiffhrea, a policeman joins the nationalists and denounces bis com raaes.— Jan. 10. Hoiyboroiigh, John Dillon makes farewell address at National Con ventiim— Jan. 16. Uiichellstutrn, two seriiennts belonging to Royal Irish Constabulary join National Leaks thereon al Bristol, Knglaud.— Jan. 14. Irish Land Commission, report of, as to judicial reiits.- Jan. 4. Irving Henry, illness of, in London.— Jan. 18. Isle of Wight, Prince Henry ol Batlenburg appointed governor of.— Jan. 7 ITALT arranges for loan for a hundred millions francs from Germany — Jan. 7. Floods extend lo Basle an I do much damage —Jan. 4. Fliireace, Oiiida raises strong protest agiinsl destruction of historic portions of — J.m. 19. Qovernment decides to augment force on the Red Sea on account of Asehinuir Mission. - Jau. 24. half of the {400,000 voted by the Legislaiure.— Jan. '!3. Jewish race, extinction of, predicted by Baron Hirach, who is Interviewed in Psiis by Aem lork Heraid reporter — Jan. 12. Jewish scheme of Baron Hirach, Rev. Dr. Qottheil of New Tork speaks oo -Jan. 12. Kansas, Gray County, force of men attempts to remove records of County from Cimmarroo, tight ensues and several men killed.— Jan. 12. Kansas Senate passes bill to restrict ownership of real estate to American citizens — Jan. 25. Kansas, Seward County, great distress in, appeals sent to various places lor aid.— Jan. 26. Kingston, Ont., annual meeting of Board of Trade.- Jan. 18. Kingston, Ont, Queen's University, Sanford Fleming, C.M.O., elected Clmncellor.— Jau. 18. Kingsville, Out, Natural Gas struck in paying quantities. — Jan. 23. Kirk Sir John, itttrts from London to Zanzibar on special mission to en- deavor to effect settlement uf dilliculties in East Africa Jan. 19. LABOR. — Labor Commission, Canadian, meet at Ottawa, to consider their report. — Jan. 9. Labor Commission, Canadian, Freed Hr. A. T., appointed chairman in place of late Judge Armstrong. — Jan. 9. Labor Knigbts of, and Miners Union, riot at Seattle, W.I. — Jan. 4. Landslide at the moulb of tunnel between St. Raphael and Cannes. — Jan. 2. Langevin Sir H«ctor, Montreal, reception to, in tbo Drill Hall. — Jan. 33. Leases Grazing, North West Territory, order in Council passed autho- ritmg issuance of leases affecting 3tfG,000 acres. — Jan 17. Lesage Mr. Louis, C.B.,soperioteudent of Montreal Water Works, death uf -Jan. 9. Lonsdale Lord, and party, encountered 100 miles north of Fort Good Hope, a Hudson Bay 'Jo's post on the Mackenzie river.— Jan. 2. Lottery at church bazaar at Hamilton declamd to be gambling.— Jan. 3. LEGAL — Hillbrook, Out, br>'ach of promise, Mrs. Reynolds, widow, sues Mr. Jamieson, 70 year old widower, for $30,000.. -Jan. 17. Death ol Sir Wm. Bnell Richards, ex-Chiet-Justice of Supreme Court of Ciinaila, at Oliawa. — Jan 26. Englan'l, copyright, Jud^e North delivers important decision as to copyriifhi in iiews|ia|H-r paragraph. -Jan. '28. Ireland, Exrhequer division of High Court of Justice refn'}., supeiinteudent of Williamsburg canal, death of, at Murridburg, Uut. — Jan. 27. llnckenxie Sir Morrell, renaured by Royal College of Surgeons, London, Kiig., tor |>ubli8bing book uu late Emperor.— Jhh. 14. MiiiU CO itract Atlantic, Ottawa, the sub-comnjitlee of council upon, meets and considers the qiiestioni — Jnn. 11. Miiinp, Gorernur Burleigh Inaugurated.— Jan. 3. Alai/.e, Hungarian trust, collapse of.— Jan. 4. Unni'liester, Cliamber uf Commerce passes resolutions as to goods brought into (ireal Britain, similar to iho^e manufactured there pnying duly. Jan. 7. M.XNiTUB.V, etaiislirsas toBomeatead and emigration prepared bv Mr. U. J. Krydge;, Land Commissioner \.' Hudson Bay Co.— Jiin. 9. Prrniivr Ui-eenway, at Liberal banquet at Ulcnboru, Man., ileals with ciiargej made by newjpa|iers against the Oovenimonl. — Jan. 'i5. Legislature, re-assrmbling of Huutc, Judge Killam's report as to clinrges agitiiist Ministers reo'ived.— Jan. 31. Manlaugliler, Franire, M Orenoiiille, formerly Govertor ol Senegal, found guitty uf, and Hneo OiA/ francs. — Jan 10. Manning Cattlinal, paper upon American public school aysiti-m.— Jan. 8. lUnning Cardinal, Jubilee uf, Pope sends a gold medal.- Jan 10. Mai'iiinie Pruviocial Qrenge in session at Halifax, N.S.— Jan. 23. UARlll.MiES.—Biiden, Prince Willmm of, betrothed to Princess Marie, niece of Grand Duke of Baden. — Jan. 5. Bueion, Anderson Joseph, brulhcr of Mary Aoderaon, and Barrett Uertm le.— Jan. 3. .M A KRI AG BS-(7oMiiMi«<<. Chicago, Kab'HMSi James S, who forfeiU $500,000 left him Hyhia ancle in case he duoi not marry wiibln fite yean, resolves Is lobmit all applicania for marriage to a compeiitlTaexamiuatlOD. — Jan. 23. Lonti.n, Eng,,Sunley Hon. Bdwsrd, ton of Oorernor QeiierKl of Cxnada, lu Lady Alice Montague, daughtor of Duke of Maocheater. —Jan. 7. Newark, N.J., Paler and Barbara Hahn, arraaled fur violating Statute which pruhibila a man marrying hia step-mother. — Jan. 26. Orleans, Louise, Princess of, betrothed to Prince Alphonao of Bavaria —Jan. 10. Ottawa, Rennie A. H., of Aberdeen, Scotland, to Mtei Miall, eldest daughter of Commisaiuner of Inland Keveniw. — Jan. IT. Patnural Captain, lOrmerly Private Secretary to Marquia of Normanby engaged to Eukley Hia« Blanche, uf Boston.— Jan. 15. Princess Victoria of Pritaaia to Prince Alexander of Battenberg,abao- donmi^nt of. — Jan. 23. Quebec, Bricoiirt Mr., of Ottawa, with Miss Shehyo, daughter of Pr«^ vincial Treasurer.— Jan. 29. McUl^gor Mr. Donald, of Martintown, Oleugarry, death of -Jan. 3. Masuuii', Giirraany, BtD|ieror sends letter of thank.^ with assuraaee of f'Jtiire prui'rction tn Berlin Grand Lod^ of Masun for New Year's congratulation!. —Jan. 30. Massachusetts, State of, places 3 per cent loan upon favorable bMia. — Jan 11. Massowah, Hadab tribe asks fur Italian aisiatance againat Osman Dyne. —Jan. 31. Measles black, Wnw&au, III., 310 cases at.— Jan. 31. Medical, Busion, Dr. Oliver Wendell Hulmea presents his vast medical li- brary to the Busion Mrdical Library AasuCiation. — Jan. 30. Medical, Halifax, death oI'Dr, J. S. Lattaern.— Jan. 27. Medical, Ontario physicians, deputation of, ask Government to reduce duly on surgical inslrunienta.— Jan. 31. Medical, London, Eng., Royal College of Sorgeons censures Sir Monell Mackenzie fur publishing book od late Emperor.- Jan. 14. Medical, Mercer County Medical Society examine a maa with divided, heart.— Jan. 2. Meoiies, Robert Stewart, M.P. for Baat Perthshire, death of.— Jan. 35, Metals, cobalt and nickel. Dr. Kruas, chemist of Munich, suooeeds in decomposing. — Jan. 15. Metal company's shares, fluctuatiuns in, causa excitement on Paris Bourse — Jan. 24. Itfeteorolugy, comet discovered by Prof. Broons, at Smith's Observatory, Geneva. — Jan. 15. MILITARY, Canada, Militia, general orders, changes and appointmenla.— Jan. 4. Canada, arrival of Lanadowne Challenge cap, won by New Brunswick Rifie team at Ottawa Jan. 14. Canadian, Royal Military College Club, annual meeting of, at Mont- real. — Jan. 18. Canadian, Brignde Mxjor Taschereaii returns to Ottawa from Military tour ol inspf ctiun through counties of Cbamplain, Purtoeuf and Quebec— Jan. 24. B'igland, Captain Lord William Cecil reaigns from the Grenadier Guards.— Jan. 17. England, Honorable Artillery Company, meeting of, the war ofBce re- quested to hold enquiry into charges of insubordiuatinn.— Jan. 14. . France, Chamber of Deputies pa'sci recruiting bill. — Jan. 21. France, ordiuury garrisons in and about Paris being replaced by troops known to be devoted lu ihe re,).iblic. — Jan. 25. Gen. Middleton receives MHJor Short's reply to charges mnta agaiiut him by Col. Turnbiill. — Jhu. 23. Halifax, NS., death of Daniel Wilson, a Balaklava hero.— Jan. 19. Hiingnry, army bill debated in diet as to necessity of fxamination in German, speech of Count Cxnky —Jan. 11. Hung iry, military bill passes lue diet.— Jan. 29 Munlagiie Cul. 0>-orge, rormerly uf Black Watch Highlanden, death of, atHilifax, N.S.— Ja i. II. Ottawa, Royal Military College, Col. P*nel,deputyministerof Militia' has advices troiu B'igland tiiat autlinritiea extremely well pleased Willi miiitiiry knowledge pissesied by graduates.— Jan. 18. Quebec, Major Sliurl, ol " B " lialtery, placed undeJ arreit for insubor- diiiatiur.— Jiin. 13. Qiiehe.-, Major Sliort of ■• B " B ittery relea»ed from arrest —Jan. 23. Royal Military Ccllege, Kingston, London .Military corre8|)ondent writes to New York paper, praising cadets frini.— Jan. 14. ■ Russia, lni|>erial Ukase i*der» sliarp sliooiers in army of European Russia shall be doubled. - Jau. 14. Russia, from regiment of wibicb Emperor Fr.ncia Joseph ia Hoiiornry Colonel arrives to cuntfratulate him on lOth anniver- 8ir iniubor- European ri« Jowph b annif re- 4 MIMTAIir— (;oiKiiMMlis, uuu states she can prove her bru- tier's iniioceuui; — Jan. 2U. Meehanicsville. -ila, 17 year old daughter of Ive Weeks forces four of Iter younger siiterv to take poiiuu, two uf whom die.— Jan. 22. MURDRRP-ConHaaed. Montreal, Benson Mrs., prisoner i ifon committed for trial. — Jan. i. Newfoundland, St. John's, man c rdetvd by boys. — Jan. 8. 'Jwen Hound, Unt., Barkness Joseph, a hostler, shot by MoaetMoon, a Saugeen Indian. — Jan. 24. Oilman, W. T., SchaefTer, a Bohemian, who blew ap Jamei Boydoyla's house, killing four persons, is lyncL >.— Jan. B. Scotland, Glasgow, Mary McKeniie stabbed by John Stevenson. — Jan. \ St. Pierre, Miq., Cuonerd Franfoii, a fisherman, two men Xeal and Olivier e./rested.— Jan. 12. Shiiqualak, Miss., four ner. oes killed by manbunten. — Jan. 2. Tilbury West, Wilson Hoi jn, arrest of Benjamin Hcilahon at Oottam, Essex County, Ontario.— Jan. 26. Toronto, Lily Charlton, true bill found against druggist J. 0. Wood. —Jan. 25. WhitechapeI.Eng., arrest of supposed murderer in Tunis.— Jan. 15. Whitpchapel, man giviug bis name as Jack Junes arrested as Jack the kipper.— Jan 20. Wilkcsharre, Pa., McClure J B., paymaster, and Flanagan Hngh, jirisuner believed to in in custody of K'iukerton agents at PbiladeU phiu. — Jan. 6. • National Liberal Club, London, banquets, Dadabhai N.ioroji.— Jan. 22. National Woman Suffrage Association, Washington, openiug session held at.— Jau. 21. Naturalization laws, United States, measure proposed to be Introduced into Uuiigress by judiciary committee. — Jan. 15, NAVAL, Sritish, Suakmi, English cruiser "Scout " sails from Malta for.— Jan. 7. France, deer e issued autborixingcnnslruciion of two ironclad cruisers and tilteen tor)iedo boats. — Jan. 14. dies of German, Downer Captain, commander of flagship "Leipzig," fever at Zanzibar. — Jan. 10. German, Admiral Von Dergoltz appointed chief of German Admiiaf- ty.— Jan. 23. German, death of Admiral Count Von Uoniz, Minister of Imperial German Navy, at Berlin.— Jan. 22. Germany, reinforcements for flret in Samoan waters leave BremeN haveii. — Jan. 23. Great Britain, coDimittei appointed to enqniie into late British man- oeuvres present present rvpurl.— >f an. 3 1. Hayti, Gen. Hyiwlite purchases at Philadelphhk " G. W. Clyde" to turn into war vessel. — Jan. 2.5. Italy, Governmeiil decide! to augment force on the Red Sea on ac- count of AschiouS' Mission. — Jan. 21. Russh places flotilla of war vessel on Vistula river. — Jan, 9. United States, Board of Oflicers appointed to examine plans of repre- sentative Thomas of Illinois for submerging muoiior cruiser, report to Secretary of Navy recommendinjg adoption lo plan.— Jna. 10. United Stales steamer "Zaotic" arrives ai New York, from I'ort-au- Prince, Hayti.— Jan. 10. United Slates, "Atlanta" galls for Purl-au-Prince to reinforce " Galena."— Jan. 19 United Slates Naval, appropriation bill, House committee on Naval affairs .cp.r'« u|>on.— Jan. 25. Nebraska House of R«pi:'9enlatives passes Senate bill as to cons'ltutional license lieiog submitted to a vote of the people.— Jan. 31. iVegro eurranchisemeol, Col. Oates of Alabama speaks on, and states be will discuss question before Ctingress.— Jan. 17. Netherlaids, King of, suffers relapse.— Jan. 12. Newark, N.J., Peter and Barbara Hahn arrested for violating gtatDle which prohibits a tuau marrying his step-mullier — Jan. 2(j. Newfoundland, Fiencli aggression in, i)alby ReV. Saikville, N.U.-Jan 3. Mr., interviewed at New Giiinen,Mr. Armstrong, Governmentlabor agent, killed by natives on Maud of Manoba.— Jan. 2t). New Haven, Conn , nine persons rescued from drowning by Fred. Morris aged eighteen.— Jau. 18. ' New Jersey, big storm raging; several vessels wrecked.— Jan. 7. New Jersey legislature, bill modelled on A'isiralian system of votioir in- troduced.— Jan. 10. •» New So'ith Wales, resignation of .Minis'ry, — Jan. II, New York Stale senate, Irish parliameutary parly, message of thanks from |iresented.-r- an. 15. . ' New York, Caiial Tialtic for 1888, report of superintendent ofpubltc works as to. -Jan. :<. New York, CIcary Thomas cx-.\ld., charged wih b wiling, second trial of coinuienues. — Jan. 21. New York, XMropoliian Museum of Ar', valuable gift of rails, coins el/. hy .Mrs. Joseph M. Dresel.— Jim. 18. ' ' "^•' Now York, supervisory board of city civil service board, Mayor <]raBt asks lor rvsignaiion ol members. — Jan. 31. 19 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS, Nikpira Falls, ({reiit Tall of rock from Horshuo full.— Jan. 4. NiitRara falls, aautber hrrak away of rock at Hortesbo« Palls,— Jan. 1.3, NicaraKUOiSe'eri) earthquake ibocki, MTeral peraons killed, much damage lu profierij'.— Jail 3. Kicarasiia, canal bill patMd by Uaited Slates Mouse of Representalives.— Jan. 6. NIcaraeua Unaal, cnnTentlon between Nicaragua and Costa Rica as to location ol canal signed.— Jan. 18. Nicaragua Canal, Henscal A. U., engineer at Washington speaks on pros- prct ol iis complrtioa. - Jan. ii. North Col., gives a remarkable bill in the Hotel Melropole, London.— Jan. 4. North and South Dakota, Montana and Wniliiugton, United States repub- lican .Seoatu'-s in caucus adopt reioiutiiin to iosisl upon admission as Slates. — .Ian. 31 Norwecian se ■ irs in Western Walsb cuuntr, sulftring end prirations uf. —Jan. 6. Nova Scotia, Chief Ju'tice McDonald appointed auDiinistrator of province during Lii.-Qovernor's absence Jan. IS. Nova Scotia, coal ex|iorts from, fur 1888.- Jan. II. Nuvai!CMtia,-luniher sbippad from. Id 1888, account of,— Jan. 16. Noxubee, County .Mis*., mob law' at, forty negro cabins burned and des- troyed Jan. 18. Obock, inslniriions issued to Qovernor by Admiral Krantz, Minister of Frvncli Marine, as to Cossack Colonists. — Jan. 26, Brien WilliAm, M P., arrest of, in Manoliestrr.— Jan. 29. Odessa, field of ice seven teet thick forms outsidi* sea walls at,— Jan. I], Ukloliama, 600 families driven out by United Stated troops.— Jan. 24. Uhio, Senate passes & bill providing that executions shall be by electricity —Jan. 23. Untario Legislaturv, opening of gession.-Jan. 24. Oniarij legii-lature, bill as to manhood suffrage introduced and Cablne* changes annouocrd.- Jan. .:&. Ontario legislature; commissioner of public works gives statistjeg as to Railways constmcted in the Province.— Jan. 29. Ontario legislatuie, statement by Minister of Public Works as to cost of New Parliamentary buildings. — Jan. 30. Ontario legislature, bills to enfranchise widows and unmarried women and to amend the law of slander, introduced Jan. 31. Ontario Province of, immigrants to, during lait year 1888. — Jan. II. Opium smuggling, Albaiijr, N.Y., several persons punished for smuggling from United Stales into Canada.— .Ian. 18. Palace cars. New York, the Pullman Palace Car Company acquires control of all the piilace car companies in the United States, except tbe Wagner Com^iiy.— Jan. 23. PANAMA CANAL, reports from state. Isthmus unaffected by-collapse of DeLrssep's scheme.— Jan. 3. United Statu Senaie Jommittre on foreign relations report back favorably as to Mr. Gdmond's joint resolution.— Jan. 4. Meeting of bondholders offer H. de Lesseps cbairnianship of new canal •company. — Jan. 7. Vrrsnilles, meeting age. —Jan. 2S. Parnell .\lr. 0. S., interviewed by Mr. T. P. U'Counoras appeun In New York WoW.t— Jan. 6. PARNRLL TIMES, Sluraa. Card, in an interview at Melbourne, states that Paruell letters were offered to Archbishop Walsb before tiiey were offirred to Loudon Timti. — Jan. 10. Oiimmi'sion served upon Hon. J. C. Broderick, warden of Merton College, to appear and purge liimselt of contempt. — Jan. 10. r.. Commission, W. O'Brien, y.t\, discharged with a caution Jan. 16. Commission, cnrresnondence between Hal. Harris and .Mlcbicl Davitt with reference to Innd agitation read.— Jwi. 1 1. Gumraissiou, the SlieWeld Telegraph breach of privilege eaie brongbt bffure the court. — Jan. 18. Commii'sion, evidence ol Farraglier. — Jan. 31. Commission, Farragher deposes Archbiihop Walsh advised bim not to pay rebt.— Jan. 22. Commission, Denis Tobin. member of Kilconaly band of moonlighters, gives evidence.— Jan. 23. Commission, Inspector Rogers testifies to searching house of Mary O'Connor, wcrulary of ba'lies' Land Leagoe, at Athloue, and find- ing letters from Anna Parnell. — Jan. 24. Commission, reading of speeches produced in evidence continued. — Jan. 29. Commission, evidence of Mr. O'Keefe, cashier of Castle Island branch of I lie National Bank.- Jan. 30. Commission, witness O'Connor makes sworn informa'ion that evidence he gave before commission was absolutely false. — Jan. 30. New York, Iri^b Parliam«nlary Fund Association issues appeal to Americans for funds, — Jan: 23. Pasteur M., resigns secretaryship of Paris Academy of Soienoes. — Jan. 10. Patents, Washington, Bate Refrigerating Company v>. Ueo. H. Hammond A Co., Supreme Court of United Slates renders judgment in. — Jan. 21. Paxton Andrew, agent of Chicago Citizens' League, death of,at Chicago. —Jan. 15. Peace Congress, opening of, at Milan, resolution passed condemning TrTpl* Alliance.- Jan. 13. Peace Congtesa, Milan, anarchists decide to foment revolution in Europe in the event of war.— Jan. 17, Peace Society, American, at Boston, adopts resolutions of cong.'atulation to United Slates, Canada and Ureal Brilain.— Jan. 28. Pellegrine, the caricaturist, known as " Ape," death of, in London, Bng.— Jan. 22. Peterboro', Onl., Commercial Union denounced by Dal ton McCarthy, M.P. and Col. Dawsxn.— Jan. 12. Peterboro, Out., town council adopts petition to the Qovernor General in lavor of prohibition.- Jan. 28. Phelps .Minister, banquetted by Kuhihongers' Company at London, Eng. — Jan. 16 Phelps Mrs., wife of United Slates minister in London, i>reaenled with bracelet by Ladt Salisbury and l.,ady Roseberry on behalf of friends. — Jan. 22. Phelps Mr., hanquetled by the Lord Mayor of London. — Jan. 24. Phelps Mr., U.S. Minister of lirtat Britain, banquetted bv Century Club of London, Gi>g — Jan. 2!l. Phelps Mr., American Minister, and bis wife sail from Southampton. — Jan. 31. Phillips Oeorge S., journalist of New York, death ot, at Morrislown, N.Y. —Jan. 13. Phillips Jan.ei O. H., Shakesperian biographical, death of.— Jan. 4. Phillips Mr. Ualliwell, the late, Shakesperian commentator, will of. —Jan. 10. Pictou, N.S., Mr. McColl, liberal M.P.P. fur, publiihn an address avowing himself in favor of Atineialion.— Jan. li. Pittsburg, Pa., storm at, buildings blown down, man. Vi^'S lost. — Jan. 9. Poland, anniversary ol Polish Emeute observ-.-d Willi ti raerous banquets. —Jan. 24. Plioiiograph uiied by Miyort of London and New York, ir exchanging New Year's congraiulatinns — Jan. 3. Pomjieii visited by .Mr. OUdstoiie.— Jun. 5. POPE TIIK, position of, In'er laiionni Arbitration on, Olad^toae Mr., eenila telegnini disclaiming accuracy of the trauslation of his letter. -Jan ■!. And .Mr. Glailslone, who wrilen to Pall Kail G iietle denying correct- ness iif the version in ilie Tablet of his letter to the Marquis de Uiso— Jan. H. Offered Asylum in Madrid by Queen of Simin.- Jan. 9. Congiatiiliites Emperor William, Presi'lcnt Oarnot bimI Emperor Fran- cis Joseph ou dcclartttion »s to Euroia.>ao peace. — Jau. 9. Qui n.i f THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. IS 'ess aTOwinK Pope Tlt«, illneu of.— Jan. 28. Pope Ihe, reatorHlion nfiemporai power of, meetingg at Bruck Salyhurfr, UiieBbruk and olhrr plHces Hdupl rrsoliitions ooniirroning reilricliuD ini|io9id bj lialian Oovernment on Holy 8pa.— Jan. iH. Portugal, Cortes open»d hy Klug.— Jan. 3. Postagr, CJcean Penny. Kenton John llennakpr, M, P., accepts invitation to visit Uoiied Klaie8 to advocate system.— Jan. 2. Poalage, Ucean |>enny, Mr. Henneker Hi-atun. M P., gives Tarts and figures in support ol inclusion of America in pro[)osed sclieme.— Jan. 10. Postal, Money orders, Vniled Siat>'8 House committee reports favorably on bill to inrrenne mHximum amount of international money orders from #70 to $1U0,— Jan. 18. Postage, Uniteil i^iates, Hun. Joliu.Inggart recommends to bis cullcagnes the adoptitin ot n two cent letter postage --Jan. 'i^, Prussia, iliindesratli upproves Gast African bill. — Jan. 2.1. Public Works, Cinada, report of Minister for 18S8 issued —Jan. 23. Leifislalure, the question of Mr. Langelier'semploynieul in tlie .Mani- toba railway matter at Uttawa discussed. -Jau. il. . Montreal Centre case, nnd the retrocession of .MugiBtrate's bill passes its third reading —Jan Legislature, debates on Crown lands. The X I :;3. Presidential election, New York »ForH attacks Cleveland, and maintains Ibe canjidxlu not the party defeated. — Jan 12. Press Winnipeg Club, annual meetin.' ol.— Jan, 14. Printers, Wilkesbiirre, Pa., strike of, on three daily pnpers.- Jan. U. P''oluiicin in Mv irof, parsed hy nounlil'^l council olSiormont, Diiuttas and ttlengarry in Bes.-iou at Ciirnu'Hil, vint. — Jan. 2b. Prussia, Vic ConenpoHlenet ilt V Ktl ot Vienim confijcaled. — Jan. 10. Qnaocrc, Paiiaiim, ea ilii|i'ak«, tuwii of, destroyed.- Jan. 21. QUEBEC. Grand Hotel ticlirme, m<;eting held to form Company for. — Jan. 3. Legislnlure, opening of.— Jan. 9. Legislature, council passes the address without division. — Jan. 12. Province of, Municii-U electirns in. — Jan. 14. Legislature, assembly. Government measures introduced, resolution as to election appeals.— Jan., 1.1. Legislature, Legislative council. Dr. Lavallee expelled — Jan. 15. Legislature, Assembly, Reformatories and Industrial School Bill passed controverted election cases, resolution passed, District Magistrates Court resolutions passed. — Jan. 16. LegiBUtnre, bill toamcid articles 119 and 999 of the Municipal Code, and that respecting commissions of public employes passed third reading. — Jan. 17. Legislature. Mr. Uunamel's bill, on public lands, discussed in com- mitUe.--JfaD. 22. Legislaturo, debate on resolutions with respect of protection of Forests from fire.— Jan. 26. Le^rislature. sale of liquor to minors discussed, Premier .Mercier':: views.— .lan. 28. Legislature, bill for preservation of FoRSts from lire read a third time. —Jan. 29. Legislature, the Quebec Gas charter and Ferry service discussed. — Jan. 30. Debt cnnvorsion act, Dominion Government decides not to di.-allow. —Jan. 31. Legislature, ccjt of coMecling commercial tax discussed. Public accounts presented.— Jan. 31. Queensland Inve.^tment Company, arreU of four Anstralitn directors for swindling ordered by (.londun Bnard. — Jan. 23. Qiicsa'lii, Hpaiiish tieneral, deatli of — Jai 21. U.tlLWAYS. Fiiirli'igtou (load and its uHicials, amicable agreement arrived at. — Jau. 3 Allniilic Avenue Railway Co., Tie-ups lake place-in Brooklyn upon all tilt; lines iy\' — Jan. 2.j. Brandiin, Soiiri" City and Rock Company, notice given of applicatiin to incor|K)nite.— Jan. II. >'an dian Pacific gives notice to applieation !o parliameul for act to readjust and consolidate the capital charges on its entire system. — Jan. II. Canadian Pijcilic nnplies to Railwar Committee of Privy Council for leave to cross .Street London, Ont— Jan. 5. Canadian Pacific, Chatham, Unt., valnators complete their negotia- tions lor riglit of way through the town,— Jan. 22. Ci.nadian Pacific concludes negotiations with Crawford Estate at Windsor, Ont., for securing Water front.— Jau. 25. Canadian Pneific, deli'galion Irnm Nova Scotia and New Brunswick i'lierviewB the Canadian Goierimient in reference to the short Line Itailway question —Juu 20. Canadian Pacific and N. P. aid M. railway bill filed at Winnipeg to restrain lii'ier from operating and continuiu^t; construction of road. — Jan. 31. Cape Breton, deciilon arrived at to build steal bridge across Grand Harrows Bras d'Or Lake.— Jan. 8. RAILWAYS-Centiaued. Caraqiiet railway, crisis in other i »>rs.— Jan. 23. Central Pacific Company declares lemi annual dividend of one per cent, — Jan. 15, Cbicago and Grand Trunk, Traffic liaaager issues orders at to rua- niDg ol Canadian car«. — Jan. 10. Chicago Powerful railwav syndicate organiied to operate in American and Canadian North' West— Jan. 4. Chicago, Kii'wiii/ Age on the year's business. — Jan. 4. Chijguecto, Ma.'ine TraiiS[>ort Railway, meeting of, at Toronto.— Jan. China, American and German .Uinislen submit proposals to Chinese Uovcrnmi'nl for cuiicessiuu fur cunstnii ling railways.- Jaa. 5. Cliina, Tieui<;in Railway, further xieniion of, prohibited by Im- perial ili'cree — Jan. 29. Grand Trunk of Cxnada, protest being S'gned in London,, by shtiehnldeis to Governor t>eneral >«gninst further Uover.iiueut subsidies to com|>eting lines. — Jan. ?iO. Grnnd Trunk k Michii^an Central Gumpanics, orden received at Detroit iliiit all Canadian cars to be detained until duty |iaid tli"ieon.— Jan. Ih. Grand rr>.nk, cliange in oflicial stall announced. — Jan. 31. Herefiirri bianrh, trncklaying completed between Cookshire, Que., and tiiler-iationul Sii'ndary. — lau. 7. Investors in. New Yo-n.^iin gi^es opinion from Capitalists, Bankers and Mercfiants. — Jan. 14. Kingston and Smith's Pails Company, bonus by law .for $25,000 adopted at Snii Ill's Falls.— Jan. 15. Masiir City and Fort Dodge, [a-, Company, defaults on, interest on it* bonds.— Jan. lli. Monlrenl, Portiitnd and Boston Company, annual meeting at Mnnt- treal— Jan. lii. Mnntreai, Portlan'' .iud Boston Railway Company lakes action againrt Canadian Pacific Company fur (1,850,000 for use of Plainlifi's railway. — Jan. 2. Montreal, Portland and Boston Company sues Passumpsic Co. fur (176,000 value of stock. -Jan. 2. New York companies refuse to sign new scale recently submitted by employees— Jan. 11. New York, Central and Hudson River Company, Til|ingha»t James, a.ssi.'itani president, resigns, and is succeeded by Webb Henry Wal- ter.— Jan. 17. New York, meeting of managers, and important resolutions passed by— Jan. 11. New York, meetin;; of Trunk Line presidents ; stringent orders i-isued prohibiti'ig rate cutting — Jan. 22. Northern Pxcilic Railroad Co., sued by United States Government fur six milliou dollars lor limber depredations. — Jan. 4. Nortliern Pacific and Manitoba app,v to Railway Committee of Privy Council to cross Canauian Pu?ii'c Railway at Brandon.— Jan. 4. North'rn Pacific and Manitoba appliet lo Railway Committee for leiive to crojs Canadian Pacific niilruad at .Morrin. — Jan. 10. Pennsylvania, Stiitington nnd New England Railroad Companv ci)tiv>-\ed til the Pennsylvania, Poughkeepsie and Boston liailway Company. —Jan. 1 1. PcnnsUvHnia Railway, earnings ofal! lines running cast and west for IK88.— Jan. 2l. P'lih.di'lphia nnd Reading Co. aunual meeting cf shareholders. — Jan. Iti. Red River Vnlley and Can.idian Pacific, end 01 r.ulwiiv w«r.— Jan ll. Barricaded pulled down, Red River Valley and Canadian Pacific, Privy Council gives permis- sion to crn^s trmks. — Jan. 4. Red Iliver Vnlley nnd Canadian Pacific appiicatin.i before Railway OoMiniitii'e tu cross C P.R a Portiigo ,1a Prairie. — Jan. 10. Red River Portage est njiou track laying resumed.— Jan. 9. Hod Iliver Valley and Canadian Pacific Solicitor for C.P.R. announces to lailwiir con-mission tliat ibe decision as to crossi ig was not satidf.ictory and would be fought out io the Coarts. — Jan. 26. Regulation of, "iVisconsin Slate Senate, bill introduced into.- .Tan! 17. Southern Central. Train sei«d at Freeville, N. Y., and taken to Auburn by I. A. & W. Railway.— Jan. 3. St. Croix and Penub. Reed Orotge W., ediioi and stoclihulder uf liroolilyii h'ui/U, oiei ut New Bruuawick, Nrw » -^'•y— J«n, 18. Regiua. N. W. T., bibcml cunservKtivp a^^oclAlion passes rrsiiliilion cnn- demninii atinckj made b; Wliini|Mg Cutt on Mr. Nicljcilad Fluod Davin, M. I'.— Jan. 4. Roberta William Lorman, Ballimure, stock broker and society man, death of.— Jan. 4. Robbery, Hungary, Reseinize, 23 cans dynamite stolen from. — Jan. 7. Rosw 0' Donovan inlerviewed '\s to blatemeotii in New York Catholic Amo*.— Jan. 6. Ross Hun, William, resigns his office as collector of customs at FInlifaz. — Jan. 22. Royal UUilary College Ulub, annual meeting of, at .MontruHl.— Jan. IB. RUiSIA. Ozariiia siiSering from mental ' .rejsion, utmost anxiety for ber health.— Jan. 3. Budget for 1889 shews surplus. The minister of Finance thetvon. — Jan. 1.!. Bundesralh, East Africa Bill sub .iitted.— Jan. 18. RVSM A— Continue J. Gzariaa alti'Cted with a kind of palsy.— Jan. H. Imiierial Ukuse orders that sliarp shooters in army of European Russia sliall be doubled. — Jan. 14. Kieff garrison iucreased by lour squadrons of Ural Cossacks.— Jan. 22. Ureifenhiigen, late Covernor of Reval, ditmissed from the public serTice. — Jan. 11. iTBO^orod, Two Italian engineer officers disguised, arrested al.^ Jan. 2. Over 200 persons reporlod as having been lost In the snow and f .eo to death during pnst week.— Jan. 4. Piincess Lieven whiltt sleigh riding at Charkolf struck . ,' train and rendered insensible, coachman killi'il. — Jan. !). Places flotilla of war vessels on the Visuila river— Jan. 9. Witbingradske M., (inance minii^ter, to be decorated with order of St. AleiaDder-Ncwski.— Jau. 14. Sackrille Lord, Murcbision letter, statement of Colonel Clarksnn member of National Republican Cnmmiilee of ludiunapolis thereun —Jan. 3. Sackrille Lord, real name of " Hurchisnn " who sent Pomona letter cleared up at Los Angeles, Cal.— Jan. 7. Sackrille incident Murchison letter, hunt for and finding Usgoodby the author of the letter at Los Angeles, Ciil.— Jim. !i. SackviUe incident. Blue book ol official coriespoudcuce issued by British (jovernment. — Jan. 12. Su Cailiaiioes, Cut., naiiiral gas well tnriitdocd. — Jan. 24. St. John, Taylor Mi^. S. A., of Roxl)uiy, Mass., issues writ against Junii'S Willinioj who had promised lo nmrry her. — Jan. 10. St. John, N.B., Board of Trade p.n3He3 rpsoluliun urging Dominion Gover'inient (o require transailHiiiic mail 8t«'aiiiers to make Atlantic terminal point in Canadian port. — Jan. 4. St. Louis, Willinm Keane, deformed news boy, dies, and leaves over $23,- WC— Jan. U. SAMOA, (ieinians suffer naval repulse afte r losing many lives.— Jan. 5. Unille beteween Mataala's army ami German forces Secretary uf titaie at Washingiou receives contiMu.tlory vii-ws. — Jan. 8. Brussels Auid ?ays it (■erraauy helps Tame.^esc it is not surprising that Americans $ide nilh Maiaafa.— Jan. 14. Troiibles in, President Cleveland sends a message lo Congress on the sniijecl. — Jau. 1,5. Rehelliun in, Commander Lenry of American cruiser " Ada'iis" and Consul lilac.tlock are accused by (jenniiu uutvspapers of iusligit- ing rttiellion— Jun 10. Circular seut out bji (Jerman filHcers at Samoa legardini late dis- tnrtiiince ttjere publi.-h>'d by Ilouuliilu JItiitfttii. —Juti. !,*>. German War ships aliiiek .Matnafa' ers, and oiler insults to Americans and Engli'liinen -Jai German iiiinlioat " 0!ga " cciiveys Ex-King fr. — J>n. 23. Reiiitorrenienls for Oeraian Heet leavi' Hrr-itieilniven.— Jan. 23. Briiisli tiuveinnimtdecides to uphold tlit treaiy pieelinlinir Knropean jiowers from atlempling to ohiain doi>iinanee in Samoa. — Jan. 2:. Geruinny's aciion, Senator Edmunds interviewed thereon, at Wash- injftou.— Jan 24. Geimaiiy's aciion. Secretary ilayard interviewed thereon, at Wash- ington. — Jau. 24. Member of Senate furi-ign relation committee explains at Wash- ington that ainendmenis lo the -Consular bill mean that Saiuoau autonomy is to be protected —Jan. 24. Gernianv's aetion. neprepenlative .Morrow of California, chairman of ttie aul>-committee ol the House Comniltiee on loreign aftuirs, ex- preisea bis opinion o' the luatterat Wa&hiugion.--J«u. 2ii. SA.\IOA— C.-n<(..ut./. Lord Salisbiirry has intervi. w with German Ambassador.— Jan 2.5. Oernriany'j actio i, Berlin, Mr. Bayard's implied attack upon German policy cauiies great i'.rilatiun.— Jan. 26. TheOermiii Consul at Apia tells bis side of the story, in olrculsr letter — Jan. 26 Scliooner H. L. " Trem'.n " arrives *f San Princisro from Marshall Islands, a. id gives intormatior as lo Mahetoa, 1:3 deposed Kinir — Jau. 2«. Letter from J. C. Klein at .Vpla gives another story as to the actioos of Germa is.— Jan. 28. Senators Hall, Evarts and Cameron have interview with Mr. Blaine, thnreon — Jan. 28. Diffienliien discussed in United States Senate, siieech by M. Sherman. —Jan. 29. . Seereiarv Bayard says the whole luatter is referred to Congress.— Jan. 29. President of United Slates send.i message lo Congress accompanying addilional correspondence.— Jan 30. Germans declare war against Mataafa- Jej. 31. German officials ^ive notice that all vessels arriving there will be searched fur ariicles contnhand of war. The Apian police force placed under Germ i control. — Jan. 31. Secretary Bayard receives despatch that martial law proclaimed by German consul at Apia.— Jin. 31. San Domingo, revolution iu Norihern part suppressed and participants arrested — Jan. 3. SchultJi Governor vi. Winnipeg. Judgment delivered at Winnipeg. — Jan. 3. Schull:^ Governor, thrown from bis conveyenee at Winnipeg, and breaki his left arm. — Jan. 21 Scotch Mineral Oil Association agrees to continue agreement with An,c- rican companies.— Jan. IH. Scott Act, Ontario County, peliiion for repeal of, deposited with Registrar at Whitby.— Jan. 22. Scott Act, Petition." received hv Department of Justice at Ottawa for repeal of, from Citv of .St. Thomas, Counties of Brant, Wellington. Peterborough, Kent, Frontenac, Lennox and Addingtoii. — Jan. Jl, Seattle, W. T., riot betweeu Knighis of Labor and Miners Unio —Jan, 4. Senegal, Grensville M., formerly governor o(, fminil guilty at I'aris of manslaughter, and lined tiOU francs. — Jan. 10. Seduction, Toronto, Prior Jennetto, of Newmarket, recovers $2000 dam- ages 'rom Ellsworth Charles Lloyd.— Jan. 10. SEHVI A— Arrest of radical members of Servian Chamber of Deputies on suspicion of being implicated in conipiracy aj^ainst King Milan. — Jan, 2. Skiiptschina, revised constitution passed. — Jan. 2. King thr<'aieus to dissolve parliament unless constitution passed as it stood.— Jan. 2. New polilical group being formed at Bolgiade aiming at territorial ertciisiou of.Servia.—Jan. 2. King closes the Sauptschi la — Jan 3. King .Milan rejects Gen. Gruilch's [noposed Cabinet. — .Jan. 11. Meniliers nf .Ministry resign, General Grims consents to form a Cabinet —Jan. 8. Uoyal divorce, arrangement between King Milan and Queen Natalie, by wliieh the lalti-r refrain.^ Iroin further proceedings — Jan 10. Shepard C. A 1)., of flim of I.ce & iSliepnrd, book publisliers, Boston, ileal li of.— Jan. 'l!>. .SHIPPING —Anfriean brig land— Jan. 2. ' Altalza" wrecked at Renews, Newfound- 'Atalnzi" lost near Renews, Newfoundla id Arrival of Captain Biowu at Halifax, N.S. — American lirigaitine ' seven men drowned. Jan. 9 Aiisirinn ship ■' L"rd Warden " from Monte Video to Philadelphia out 108 days, all lu)|ie atiancl'ined— J .ii. l.'i. Britisli ship " .Sir Waller Rale gh' firom Svdnev, N. S. W., Eoes aground at llouloifie. I'"ive ma i drowned. — Jan. 29. .iriiisli 3 earner" Oriam ' from Liveriiool to Hong Kong, wreck of, on Spanish cooit. — Jan. 12. British ateanier '■ Leverington " ran into and sank by British sleaniir ' Lualabft" in the Mersey- Jan 10. Brilish steamship ■' Miinlaiia'' coll des willi Nonh German Lloyds^ sleaincr "Main" off North Pomt, and sinks, chief on^'inecr Young killed.— Jan. 7. Brooklyn, N. Y., Brutal treatment of Malay seamen on stearasliip " Soptiia J:'. -Jim 10. hers, Boston, , Newfonnd- (.wfoumllii id ililax, N.H.— Iftdelphia out BOPS aground wrecic of, on litish ateamc r i-rman Lloyds^ jinoer Young on ateBtnsliip inclion agninat om iul( Tilling aim'v\sn-Cnnii„u'j. .... Canadinn Inland Marine .\f»ocialioo fioubea ita annual meeling at Toronto.— Jan. 10. " Uulf of Quayaquil " from Lirerpool to Valparaiso, anpposed loea of. —Jan. 2. Hallfaz and Boatun, big cut la paasenger rates.— Jan. 7. Undaon Ri»er, itearaer "Nor«ri-h" with tu«c pawea Ne>»»>irg, N.Y., lowing a doien loadi-d barges, most extraordinary event id naviga tloD for lime of year.— Jan. 4. Largest ,mer wrecked off Seclsrga Islands, 100 llres lost.-Jan. 12. Merchant *amen desertera. ngr^ment between Great Britain and Braiil reliili»e ui.— Jan. 25. Otiawa " Eddy" Heel sold to Messrs. D. Murphy k Co., for $32,000 —Jan. 15. Pori-au-Priace, Hartl, aleamahip "Haytian Republic " mn into by Hayiian gunboat " Norelle Voldrago."- Jan. 3 Penrlinelnn, Miips., steamshiin " Sarah " and " H. 0. Warmouth, collide on Pearl River- -Jan, 1. P -nambnco, steamer "Stephen D. Hooper," from Calcutta for New York, burned at sea.— Jan. 3. Si. John, N.U., Board of Trade passes residiition urging Dominion UoTcrnment lo require trajisailantic mail sleamrrs to make AUanlic termintal point in Canadian por'.-- Jan. 4. Steamship " Kgypi," from Queenstowo, to New York, (ire amongst cotton cargo. — Jan. 10. Steamer '• Paris C. Brown " from New Orleana to Cincinnati siuka at Hermitage Landing, Poinle Coupel, Pariili, La.— Jan. 6. Steamer PbyH|ieket sunk by collision with unknown steamer off 8inga|iore, 42 persons drowned -Jan. IS. Silk trade, London and Lyons, syndicate formed in largest 6rma in.— Jan. 4 Bekkim, negotiations between ICngiish and Chinese governments result ill agreement thai Indian Uovernmeol shall have control of —Jan. 7. Bekkim, negoliationa between China and India at astandslill, owing to objections by Thibelana.-Jad. U. Bkeena Kivur, steamer '' Cariboo Fly " returns to Victoria, B, C.,. from exploration on.— Jan. IS. Ulavery, Spain Queen of, lends her support to anti-alavery cruaade. — Jan. 2. Slavery, Zantibar, hundreds of slavea liberated on New Year'a Day. — Jan. 1. Small-pox, New York Stale Board of Health aenda out circular aa to epidemic exiating in aeveral cities in Central New York. — Jan, 29. SmalUpoi, Oberlin, Kan., 31 cases at.— Jan, 28. Small-pox, Onondaga, N. 7., three deaths at the poor houae. — Jan- 31. Hmall-pox, Syracuse, N, T., breaks out at the County Ilonse. — Jan. 28, Smallpox, VancouvcT, B. C, passengers fron Steamer " Premier " refused a landing. -Jan. 12. SmuggliiE Opium and Chinese, seisnre of, on British sloop " Emerald" at Port Discovery Bay.— Jan. 12. Socialism, Vienna. Sucinlist leader Becker and 27 others arrested.- Jail, 14. Socialists, Berlin, arreited for riroulaling seditiona pamphlets,- Jan, 2. Socialist, congreu at Hainl'eld, Aastria, — Jan. 2. Socialism, France, Paria, social als meet and vote in favor of Buulanger for caudid'ile fur llie Seine.- Jan. 7. Smallpox, Lyons, N.Y., epidemic of.- Jan. 2. Smallpox, Vancouver, BC, ateamsliip " Premier," arrives from Seattle with ease on Imard. — Jan. 6. Small pox, Aiclia, Monroe Conniy, epidimic of, raging, autliorities apply 10 tliojtt in Detroit fur nurses.— Jan. 22. Small-pox, Cnrell University, Itliacit, N. Y,, caae at, aiudents ordered to be revaccinaied.— Jan. 18. Small-pox, Denver, Col., epidemic raging at.— Jan. 21, SuialUpox, Delndt, The Health officers ask lo have hank tellers v.icci- nated lo obviate comagion from paper inimey. — Jan. 23. Smiihsunian Institiiiion, Washington, gross irrvgulari;iea cliarged against Dtrecturs.— Jan. 18. Sia>!ggling Opium, Albany, NT., several persons punished for smuggling from United S'ntes into Canada,— Jan. 18, liPAI.N. — Asturia'8 explosion in Oiler colliery, — Jan. 4 Barcelona, dynamite cartridge exploded in house of largeat weaver in City, servant injured, several jiersons ariesled. — Jan. 18. Ma.irid, man arrested for lorging SfMniah bunds lo the amount of «5U0,n00.— Jan. :j2. U:idrid, man about to throw petarJ into'oiBce ol Mioijtor of Justic* arrested — J,.n, 22. Madrid, bomb explodes while audience leaving Opera theatre.— Jm. 5 Madrid, attempt to blow up the Royal Palace with a peiarJ— Jan. 8 Madrid, petard explosions, thrae peraonsarrejUd.— Jan, 17. SPAIN-Coalinaed. Senator Zorilla secures two vessels to raise revolt against the Oiivernment.— Jan 9. Valencia. Attempt to blow up place of Archbishop.— Jan, 14. Queen of, otters Asylum to the Poiie in Madrid. — Jan, 9, SPOUTS.- Carnival, Albany, .V,Y., programme for.— Jan, 3, 6arnival, St. Tauls, abandoned on account of the mild weather.— Jan 8. Curling, St Paul and Minneapolis part of annnal curling contest tor McCTinluck Medal, rvsult or,-Jan, 21. Hunting, Muoireul, annual meeting and election of officers — Jan. Iti. Quoits, Montreal Club, annual meeting of Dominion Club, annual meeting ot. — Jan. 18, Skaticg, Amsterdam, Von V..uschin beats Donoghae,—Jan. 13. Skating, Hamburg, Joseph F, Doiiogbue, of Newburgh, wins ladies' gold cup in Interuatiumtl Skating contest —Jan. 10. Skating, International championship contest at Vienna.— Jan. 1-3. Skating, Amsterdam, rare for amateur half mile akaiiog champion ship ol the world won by Von Vauschin of St, Petersburg,— Jan, 8. Skating, Minneapolis. Twenty mile race for championship of the World between Axel Pal^n ol Norway and Rudolph Uoetz of Milwaukee. — Jan. 29. Skating, New York, Van Upurlland Lake, American figure skating championship won by Mr, Louis Rubenstein — Jan- 30, The ring, Jamen Smith .accepts Mitchell's challenge to box in London with fciUHll gloves fur il600 a iide.— JaU' 31. The ring, Sluckion Range, Philadelphia, Frank Murphy of England beats Jimmy Hagan ol Philadelphia.— Jan, 3. The ring, Toiunir, articles signed between John L. Sullivan and J.ike Kilrain, fur $1U,00 and J'oliee (JazetU bet.— Jan. 7. The ring, W:8cunsin Lpgislature, bill making Prise-fighting a penal offence introduced.- Jan. 24. Trotting, Racine, Wis., tro'.iing horse " Jame? 0," sale of.— Jan, 4. Yachting, New York, famuua yacht "Volunteer" purchased by member of the Seawanhake Yacht Club.— Jan. 23. Springer, Okalanuma, Ma'-ial law, order put in force and squatters de- camp.— Jan. 5, Stanhope Hon. Ed*nrd, British Secretarv of State for war, speaking at Horncaatle, Lincolnshire, predicts hurojieau War.— Jan. 28. STANLEY LORD and Lady,Tor9nto, receptiun to,— Jan. 2, STANLEY H. M., Sir Francis de Winton receives telegram that Stanley's correspondence detained at Stanley Falla, — Jan. 2, Junker Dr., writes to the Veuttehe Woehenblctl, as to Stanley's sarrtv. -Jan. 10. iV'w lork H'or/(4 makes arrangements for exploring expedition into Central Africa,- Jan. 13. British Qoveromeni receives letters from.— Jan, 15. Brussels, letter Irom Stanley to Tippod Tib, received in Brussels,- Jan. 16. Sir Francis de Winton gives bis opinion upon bis where,ib«nts,— Jan. 17. Me-senger arAves a,l Suaklni from Khartoum, and says Stanley and Emin liey are prisoners up tlie Nile.— Jan. 23. STRIKES.— Brakrfnen and yardmen. Lake Krie and Western Railway, «t Lima, Ohio, — Jan. 2, Burlington Railruu"S, New York, girl «lrikers assault non-Union carpet workers — Jan. 29. Cigar makers, Cuba. Ends in victory for workmen. -Jan. 31. Coal dock laborurs at Duluih and West Superior.— Jtin. 3, Coal beaveri;, Dulutli, Hinii., riots at.— Jan. 4. Feather girls. New York, 1000 girls strike in «ionseq>ieuce of Featlier manufncturere combinations Jan, 25. Fiance, Oiiguy, riots by strikers, soldiers sent to suppress rioters.— Jan. 19. Miners, Seatlle, Knights of Labor order general lock-out of the Oregnn Improvement Couipaay,— Jan. 24. Loco, Engineers, Chief Arthur of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineeia inu-rviewed thereon at Cleveland, Ohio.— Jan. 3, Mining, Wriliiigion Coal mines, British Columbia, shut down— Jan. 3. Miners, Victoria, B.C , Wellington mine strike ended.— Jan. 17. Printers, Wilkesbarie, Pa, on ihrei^ daily papers,— Jnn, 14. Q strike, Chicago, seltleuient of — Jan. 9. Seaman. Glasgow, twenty steamers detained at,— Jan, 31. Seamen, Glasgow, the strike from Liverpool extended,— Jan. 29. Seamen, Liverpool, riotous proceedings.- Jan. 2i\ Street car employes, Brooklyn, \.Y,, President Richardson threatens to hire new bands, riot expectsd Jan. 23. 16 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. BTIIIKKS— CondiiMx^. Sirret car rmplnym, Bnwkl/n, bodj nf Henrjr Aditma, sliblemnn, tuuod b^aide itHblfl of Ninth Aveuue Utxf.- Jnn. l!t>. Street car cmployrea, New Turk, tie-up or ear linen, UTagfe asaaull on Peier M. .Soiner;, an Italian.— Jun. 29. Street car fmployea, New Vork, Itrikert remain in aecrel lersiOD, eara on Third Arenue line atopi>ed and amaahed.— Jnn. ?!). Street car emplojreea, New York, band to band tight between atrikera and police in tlie alreela.— Jan. 29, Street car cmplciyeen, ilie road noiif; old emploreea thejr muat return to work or conaider tliemselvea diacharged.— Jan. 31. Street car emploveea, New York, Broadway road aecurea TOO men Id Philadelphia.— Jan. 31. Weavera Union meets at Fall River, Ma ,>y, l^onsiantinoule, municipal authorities without previous notice in.sisl upo levying tax upon printers and piiblisiiers. — Jan. 30, Turkey, liaidar Pasha-I-uiid Railroad ordeied to be sold to German specu- lators.— Jan. 3. Typhoid Fever, Baie St Pnul, Quebec, epidemic of —Jan. 16. UNITED STATKS. -House of representatives, election of president and vice-preBiilent3,resoli'"ion of Mr. Springer of Illinois. — Jan, 2. House of representatives, Nicaragua camil bill passed —Jan. 6. Congresa, Samoan troubles. President Cleveland sends message con- cerning— Jan. ir>. Congress, Samoa, President sends message accompanying additional correspondence. — Jan. 3o. House ot Representatives. Diplomatic and Consular bill debated speech tiy Mr. Mc.Vdiio of New Jersey.- Jan. 12. House, Natiiraliaaiio:, laws, measure pr 'posed to be introduced into Cong ess by judiciary eominiitee. — Jan. ^6 House, Committi'e on Post OIHoes reports favorably on billto increase maximum amount ot interuational money orders from $"0 to $100. —J .in 18. \ '#« THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 17 UNITED STA rBrt— '?on(iiBM«J. I While C»p», Aurora, III , depredalloni *t.— Jan. 11. Houiie, Bill rfporlea l)v Ford comiiiittP* on contract Uboi bimI im- Wliito Caps, North ShIciii V. (I, aMaiill, Join Weljli wlu ohhm arretlot miirrallon.-ijan. IH thiriefn of Ihero.- Jan 17. WiKoii DiiniPi, a licr.) of Biilaklava, Jealh of, at llaliraK, N 3 ~J«n I'.i Win «ii Mr , aicnki at Lincoln Cliil), lirool(l)u N.V , on The OreHter Hall' of the Oontinphi aiiH ilio reiaiioni thaiewlih — Jan. l;'. Winniiwg nminl .-f Trade. Ilt^dniond Mr. Jarocn. electrd pretideut.— Jan mlgra Hoiiie, Bchring lea Aral Htherieo, Mr Dinglpy iircsrnti rrs 'iilioti upon. — Jan. 21. Honiie Commilli'e on Koreigii iitf»ira orJprH frtvorabli' report in to- Kiiro)«'nii parti(i|iniioii in ooiutriiciion ol Hiinniiin Caual. — Jim. -4 limine cnnmiiltef iiii naval aP'nir« repnrLJ ii|ii>n .nival appropriBlion bill.— Jan. r>. lloiiso coiiirailteo on ronuiierco HUtliuriz'.'s fiivoniMe rL'pnrt oil bill H|ipro|iriiiiiiii; SH;").ii(Mi fur con- iiL'iion of meam leinler lor t Lakes. - Jan. W 20. I eat • Wliini|ieg Preu Club, HOimal meeting of.— Jan U. Winnipeg Grain Rxchinge aiinuiil angeling of —Jan. 9, Wlniil|>cg, iniporln and e.xports for IRBA.— Jnn. 10. Honse of Uopre.s. niniives, ,«.t„ign preseiKeirhy l.-.,noo cilizei.s of Uliili ' Winnioeg ,\lar., Gov Schullz i. thrown from hia conveyan-f , and breaki against admission of that terrilory.-Jan. «'. , .... '"' '"" """—'«" •" VVisconmnLegiHJaliire, Hill making prize llgfatiug u |ienal olOnre Intru- diiced.-— Jim. '.M. -Jan. 2'.'. Hi'iiale, fishing in HeliriiiK Sea, .Senaior llonr mnvrj for papers there- 1 on —Jan. 'i. | Senate, Panama I 'iinal, romniillee on fiireiyn relations report liivor ably aa lo Mr Eilmontl':! joint 'cioluiion — Jiip. 4. Senate, Pananin Canal, joint rejoliili'in adopted.— Jiin. ' ' Senate, Senator Uiddlenerger preucni.s re.iolulions ail'ipted In ilie !5 per cent, bo givi-ii on ^ ei[ioried Bgrlculti al riroUucts. — Jan. 8. | Senate, Free lint ol larilfbill diaciissed, debate on Importing free Iresh | fish —Jan. II. I Senate, Tariff Bill, Mr Blair on The French Canadian People —Jan 11. Senate. TaiilT bill, important ninemlment na to ilnty on lumbar carrie>l. — . Senate, Samoan dirticiilty discussed, speech by Mr. Sherman.— Jan Senate disciisaes lirliish cxtradiiion treaty in secret session.— Jan. .10. Senate, Diplomatic bill, amendment raising minislera to rank of ambassaaors expected. — Jan. .11. Utah, petition presented to Uniled Stales House nf Kepre..>entative3 by 13,000 citi?;ens against admission of that U'rniory.—Jan. 'li). Vancouver, B.C., injunction against, obtained by (Tanadinn Pncilic .Vaviga- tion Company, restraining thcni from interfering with docking ol their ships. — Jan, 15. Vesuvius Mount of, eruption and rock slide at Poshloppo -Jan 11. Voters lists for Dominion of Cannda completed in (Invirnini'nt printing olRce, Ottawa.— .Ian. 17. Voting, bill modelled on Australian system of, introduced into .New Jersey legislature.— Jan. U. Walinlak ma.ssacrc, lour negroes killed at Sbiiqimlak, .Miss., by nian- liiinters.-Jan. 2. Wtilkcrlon constitute port of entry for raw tobacco.— Jan. 2'i. Wcju'T.-^ I'nion, Pall fti' ^ Ala^?; , ineetiti}; held, and of increase ot wages detcrniineil ni).>n. — .Ian. 17. Weavers broujiht from Hoslsa 'o Cornwall solicit assistance lo return home again - 'no 24. Western Walsh ct.'only Norwegian settlers in. sulferings and privations of — Jan. 6. VVIitnt and Hour, .Millers As.i(>cialion of SI. Loiii.', Mo. , issues circular a,H to amount of v»h»«t and Hour on hand in six States. — Jan. 17. WHITK Caps — lledford County, West Va., attack upon a farmer, whom they drive from the county. — Jan. 3, Bloomington, Ills., Palse? O'Connell nnd three other men arrested. — Jan. 27. Chicago, Aldermen who cast their vote forelcTated road threatened- — Jnn. 4. Ohio, .\shland County, visit to Jer.imeville to the homes of John and Adam Chrown.— Jan. 25. I'ennsvlvania, Thomas Hague ot Coal Run briilally nsaatlted by.- Jiin.'l'.i. West Rnttan, Danby and Wallingford, Vt., po.^t warning notices on doors of residences of well-known ciiizeus — Jan. 2U. Wisconsin State Senate, Bill for regulation of Railways introduced into — Jan. 17. Wolf hunt at Carthage, Ills., patticipaled in by SOO men and boys — J»a Woives create havoc among slock at Fort Benton, Mimt. — Jan. 24. Wool manufacturers, Canadian, deputation walla on (lovernni' nt and Asks for increase In duty on. — Jan. 2:). Woman SiilTrage Association, Washington, election of officers and clow of Session. — Jan. 24. Woman sutfrage, letter of Mr. Ooldwin Smith to Loudon Timtt thereon. —Jan. 3. WHKCKS —Baltimore, Md., British steamer "Macedonia" hound 'or Hull, Kng , ashore at Craighill channel.— Jan. 10. Austrian Ship " Lord Warden," from Monte Video to Philadelphia out lOH days, all hope abandoned. — Jan. 15. Boulogne, British ship "Sir Walter Raleigh " from .Sydney, .V.S.W. goes a);rounil. Five men drowned.— Jan. 29. Canso, N.S., American Schooner "Bertie Pierce" with cargo of frozen herrings, crew saved.— Jan. 2G. Ca|>e lintteras, " Erin " British steamer from BnUiinore lo Kingston, passengers saved. — Jan. 24. " liuif of (iuayaquil " from Liverpool for Valparaiso. — Jan. 2. Heriniia;;e Landing, Pointe Coupel, Parish, La., atesmer " Paris 0., Brown " from .New Orleans to Cincinnati sunk,— Jan. 5. Hull, Mns.<., Barge ''Bunyan" goes down, crew of four drowned — .Ian. 22. Hull, .Mass., The "Josephine" dashed to pieces, two of her crew drowned.— Jan. 22. Hull, .Mas'., Tug " Morse " goes down, crew saved. — Jan. 22. Mersey, " Leverington ' British steamer ran into and sank by British steamer " Lnalaba."— Jan. 10. Montank Pniiil, L. 1., steamer "George Appnio " from Protridenee for Niirlolk. — Jan. !'. Newfoundland, " Atala/.a ' American brigantmo lost near Renewj, seven men dmwned, arrival of Captain Brown at Halifax, N. 3.— Jan. ;i. New Jersey Coast " Merrlmac " clipper ship, aiscoverea. — Jan. 29. Norih Point, British, steamship "Montana'' collides with North Ger- man Lloyd's steamer " Main," and sinks, chief engineer Youajq killed.- -.Jan. 7. Renews, Newfoiiudlani, American bng " Attalza." — Jan. 2. •'.Snowbird " brigantine of Brunswick, .Maine, Captain ThomM Bennett and 2nd mate George Scott, both of New Haven, Conn., drowned —Dec. 2:). Singa|iure, Steamer " Pbyapckel " sunk by cclllgion with unknown vessels, 42 perjons drowned. — Jan. 15. Seciarga Islands of, large steamer wrecked, 100 lives lost— Jan 12. Spanish Coast, British steamer " Oriam " from Liverpool to Hong Kong.~Jan, 12. Yellow Fever, New York, Lieut. Miles of United States steamer " Zaniic ' ' from Hayti dies. — Jan. 14. York, Ont., resolution passed by County Council against Annexation.— Jan. 10. Zaiuiski dynamite gun, trial of, at Fort Lafayette. — Jan. 1° ill to Increase , $-0 to $100. 18 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. WEBSTER In varioui Styled of Binding, with and without Patent Index. The UtfNt Edition hax 118,000 Words, and a.OOO En K rnvlngH, :)000 inoreWordM and nearly 2000 iiioru Engraving | tliitij fouiiil in any oilier Amern-an Dictionary. It also contains a Biographical Dictionary, giving brief lacta concerning nearly 10,(M)0 Noted Person*. Tu thegv fentureo we have OTJST KIDDED (1885), A NEW PRONOUNCING Gazetteer of the World, costaining over 23,000 Titles, briefly dttcrihing the Countriei, Cities, Towiw, and NuturaJ Featuret of every part of the Globe. WEBSTER IS THE STANDARD Ai. '-. fily with the U. S .Suprenm (Juuil ami iti llie Oov't. Printing Office anil is recoinmenrteil hy the ,St«ii' Siip'ta of Schools in 3tl .Stales, and by tiie leading College Presid>'nts of the United Stales and Canada. THE LONDON TIMKS says: It is the best Dictionary of the Language THK tjUARTFRLY REVIEW, LONDON, says: It is the best pracll. chI Dictionary eitant. THE CALCUTTA ENOLISH.MA.V says: It is the moit imporlant- work of the kind. THE TORONTO GLOBE, CANADA, sayi ; lis plaro is in the very highest rank. THE NEW VdRK TRIBUNE says: It is recognised as the most useful (ixisting " work-book " ol the English language all ever the world. It is an invaluable companion in every 'ichool, and at every fireside' Specimen pages and teslimonial.H sent preprtiii on applicalion. I O. &. C. RIEKHI.VM & CO., riil)lisli«'rs, Sitriiifftlcld, Mass., r..S.A. U (i V If • :j t Ne%v or Seconff-iiaml, of any make ^ BOUGHT, o SOLD > AND » EXCHANGED. ^;^=> Ev'hORYTHIIMr, OlJARANTEEn. • (Sood MachjiQes at Half thirst Ciost. Send for Catalogue deitcribing all Mai^liineN. y / ,/\ / s,^ r r r ,^ WHEN YOU<» ARE* READY I'o order aiiv more / BiisrnDinsra- / — — — \ PLEASE CALL UP N '^. TBX-.EP'HCOnsrE * 230 \ Or ^tnd a Pom ai. ( arii to \ JOHN LOVELL& SON, 23&25St.NicyasSt.Jontreal Best work at tno- APPOINTMENT WANTED. POSITION WANTED as correspondent for any papers NATION AT T^ PFWRITFR F\( HANTF I orjo^rnala of whatsoever character. Am well acquaiut«d ' 1 with the work. les LaSaUe Stre.t. Chicago, III. j g g pioKETT. 11 Scott, Buffalo. N. Y. The Index of Current Events It pubUrheil bv Ueunr Dalby. et 34 UiiiTerilt; Street .Montreal THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Vol. II. No. 8. MONTRRAL, FKHKUAKY 28, 188'.). fuoo I'kii Annvm. ruuLuiiiu WatkLT. FKBHUAIIV 30 any papers 11 acquainud ACCIDKNTS, Drowning, I'ini-I.iiko, Fiillon Cminty, .V Y., 17 liiiiiljcr. (IriverK himI li^hiiiH (IruwtMMl wliilu croaMlri^ tlii; ice.— Feb. A. AvHiiiiu-lieH, Herncsf (>l>crlaii(l, iiituiy Iiouhi'H doitlro^^il tin Kxplosions, Ilarilcnd, Coiin., I'ark ('enlrnl llolel falls down, fifty persond buried. — Feb. IH. Kiploaion, Mineville. Ksiex ('ounly, I'owder M«(tii/.lne of P )rl Henry Iron Co.— Fi'l). li. Firvs, Iturniah.ii:):! Iiuu.iea, nbH/,anr,andle Ilaynin brick work..i at (.'liarlerni. — Fob. 27. Fires, Crillac near Knbrnn, village burned, 'A'lO per:ion8 homeless.— Feb. 25. Fires, Miinchester, Kng.. .Mexican Ive's circus destroyed.— Feb. 2i!. Fires, Far liockaway, I^. I , Wave (rest llolel destroyed. — Feb. 11. Fires, (Juerneville, Calif, town destroyed. — Feb. 20. Fires, Japan, Sliedsiioki, over l.nOU houses destroyed. — Feb. 2. Fires, Japan, Yoka.suka, rtUO houses and three men burned. — Feb. ,'t. Fires, Montreal, I'eck, lienny At Co.'s lounilry and .Mitcdou^ll's elevator.- Fell. hi. Fires, Philadelphia, eslablishment of James Wyeth A Hro., ninniifac- turing chemists. — Feb. 10. Machinery, .\e\v York Tartar (Jompiiny, eentrifnjral machine bursts. killing two and wouniling three men.— Feb. '.i. Poison, .Shelter, Mason County, W.T., J. Hourdeau and two children die from eating poisoned cabbage. — Fel), ii. Railway, Belgium, train near tJociiendaol goes through bridge, 14 per' sons killed and Htty injur' d.— Feb. 1). Railway, Itoyd's .Mills, .Me., train leaves the track and the cars catch (ire, three men kille. Railway, St. (ieorge, Onl., St. Louis express goes through the bridge, 9 persons I'illedand 28 injureil.- Feb. 27. Shipping. London, Kng., steamer " Nereid " collides with British ship "killochan" of Uungcness, and both vessels go down, 24 persons drowned.— Feb. 3. Tobogganing, Brooklyn, cable breaks and car falls 2.'> feet, 2 men and a woman injured. — Feb. 27. ^Ailams County, raid made on saloon and gambling house at Prosser. — Feb.4. Adrianoplc, great Hoods prevailing.— Feb. 23. Afghanistan, exportation of goods from, resumed, no obstacle against the ini|>ortalion ot Itussian goods into the eountrv. — Feb. 10. Afghanistan, Russia notifies England that it woulQ be to the interests of both powers to prevent the Ameer from taking any precipitate steps.— Feb. 0. Afxhanlslan, Russian troops ordered on a hurried march to re-iuforce fron- tier posts— Feb. II. .VfghaniHtan, (ien Knmaroff and stafT arrive at ('binljin on (he Anni> I Diiria. — Feb. 12. Afghnnisian. insurrectionary leader l«hak Kbao being treated wilb great honor at Sainurcand, Russia.- Feb. i'.t. Afgbanislan and Russia, (leu. KaniarofT with strong force arrives at Bokhara.— Feb. 14 Afghnnisfnn, Komarult' General, ordered to attack Ameer's troops if they approach Russian Frontier.- Feb. 22. Afghanistan, Bokhara troops under cummand of the Ameer moving toward Afghan frontier- Feb. 2.1. Afghanistan, Ameer marching upon Russian frontier anil committing cruellies. — Feb. 27. ' Afghanislan, IM.OiKl Russian troops being massed on frontier.— Feb. 2H. .\FRIC.V KAST, Bagamoyo and Dar-Ks-Halcm, Mwanga, rallying all the chiefs in favor of Christianity to attack New King Releiua.— Feb. ^. Trevier Captain, French Naval ollicer, organizing expedition for pur- pose of solving some unsettled problems as lo l,alorlers — Jan. 24, rep. Feb. 2j. Zaii/.ibar, Admiral commanding (lerman squadron issues order stop- ping importation of provisions. — Feb. 2:i. Zanzibar, (ierman Missionaries held captive by Arabs liberated. — Feb. 27. /Canzihar, Lieut. Wolf and other members of Capt. Wissman's staff arrive at.— Feb. 17. Zanzibar, French vessel boarded by commander of British man-of- war, measures taken in consequence. — Feb. 4. Zanzibar, (Jermany temporarily suspends negjiliations for ransom of (ienuan missionaries captured by rebels.— Feb. 5. Zanzibar, Body of Walsire Arabs surround Hultan's Palace, and de- mand suspension of blockade.— Feb. j%. Zanzibar, agent of Fast Africa Company obtains release of Catholic missionaries held by insurgents. — Feb. 8. Zanzibar, insurgents reduce their demands for ran^.m of (jerman missionaries brought close to Bagamoyo, complete anarchy reigning on coast.- Feb. 8. Zanzibar, hitch in negotiations for release of missionaries. —Feb. 14. Anarchism, Chicago, Prof. J. C. Oarside, general organizer and official lec- turer of the national socialistic labor party, repudiated liy Fnglish- speaking socialists. — Feb. 7. Anarchism, Maplewoud, III., meeting of German workingmcn to organize branch of the Anarchist Arbeiter Bund of Chicago, broken U|> by band of women. — Feb. 20. Annexation, Canadian, Mr. Blaine interviewed thereon by Mr. Congress- man Millikeu of .Maine, sec Arw York Herald. — Feb. 12. Appropriation accounts for I88H, Auditor Ocneral'ii report upon, issued at UlUiwa.— Feb. 4. Arkansas legislature, robbery of ballot box in Pulaski County, rcsnlution ofl'ering reward lor tliieves adopted.- Feb. 2. Arkansas legislature, representatives of Pulaski county, resign, and com- mittee on elections submit report in favor of seating the contestants. —Feb. 18. Asliestos, Thctfoid Asbestos Mining Co. applies for letters of incorporation at Queb<:c. — Feb. 24. Atchinoff expedition, French cruiser commanded by Admiral Aubry bom- bards Sugullo, 5 members expedition wounded and others captured. —Feb. 22. Atchinoff expedition. Patriotic League, Paris, resolves to protest against France's treatment of. — Feb. 27. Attica, N. Y., Atthouse Mrs. Emma, completes the thirty-third day of her sleep.- Feb. 5. iflfalo, N. T. TTTK TNDKX OF CrRRENT KVENtS. Atllra. N.Y., Mri. Rmnin Allliuiiif nwiikrni nfltr • thiriy-M\i' ilii^i drfp. KrIIUh (xiraditinn trrni; ri'Jni'lr.l \,y Ihit (TiiIIimI HlAtei Hcnittf.— Feb. I. —Feb. H Aiidilor Uenrntl't rrpnrt nn nppropriitilini iKiuiinl* for INNX pulilmliril nl Ottkw*.- Feb. 1, AUSTRIA, Demh iilCrown I'rlnw, rcinnlna lyinjr m ilnU-.— Feb. I. Deoth of Crown rriiicc, Kinperor JidclroH.ox Holy Kiithrr on iliiilh of I'rincc Kuiloir, anil I'opi' rrpllpx to inriiMit|;i' . -fili.-t. Vienna, D<'»lh of I'riiicc liii'lnll, M'viml pi'ininji iirrmli'il in Cali'H for r<>p«ntini; nimoura tlmi ( luun I'linci' nivt liiaiii'ulii iit llii' ljiinl|d,, ConnleMH I.ari^li, rlaiiglitcr uf Duke Lnula of Bavaria, Kontenceil to perpetnij exile lor pan she plated in the death.— Feb. » lllrgch Ilaron, donates lio.dnn franes yearly to. for n lief of Iradeanieii in danger of linaniial rniu.— Feb. 21. Kalfour Mr., and O'Krien, the fornier defenils hiniiielf in letter (i> 7'lir riniM.— Feb. 11. Baltimore, Lee Wieley, from Virginia, while insane, altaekA Fniniis Valen tine, |)eanut vendor, and kilU liiiu --Feb .'i. Banks, Bank of Beilfird, Virginia, aiispenilH— Feb, IJ. Banks, British Columbia, Bank of. Sir Cliarle.ii Tiipper rliitcil n direitor.— Feb. 21. Banks, Germany, Barmen Urilnni) g\ver tignreg Khowin^ llu'rapiil growth of banking buaincas since IH(i!l.— Feb. 4. Hanks, Ciuinty Oa., ejelone passes over. Thomas Stevens and ."on iiml Mr. and .Mrs. .Meudcrs killed.— Feb. |H. Bavaria, King Otto proves hopelessly in.'ane.- Frb. |m. Bavaria, Prince Ijiiithpold, regent tf, eomlenins Cmmti'SS l.iirisb. d.tiighler of Duke Louis of B-wnria, to perpetual exile for part she played in death of Crown Prince Kiidolph of .Austria.— Feb, i.'). Bavaria, Prince Rupert, eldest eiiii of Prince I.ndwig, niul heir tn Ilic throne, pronounced insane, — Fell, 'j:i. Belgium, Radical congress at Brussels sii|>port.s military eilucalioii, but demands the abolition of the consiript law. — Feb 21. Bell Professor Robert, of Dominion (iiological .Survey, enlerlained at dinner ]iRriy at the Hotel Brunswick, New Viuk - Feb, 2:i, Belle Starr killed at Knhila, I. T.— Feb,:!, Belle Starr, noted female bandit, advices from imliiiu tirritnry siiv her diary has been obtained. — Feb. lU. Belvidere, Ills, Uranil lury returns inliitmenis against, every liipior seller in the city. — Feb. Id. Beresford Lord Charles, dines at Berlin with the Kmperur and Kmpress. — Feb, (i. Bessemer, Wyoming, "Cattle Kale' closes up a ){ainbling house and saves the lives of two gamblers. Bibb Connlv, Ala,, ejcloiie passes over, killing and injuring manv people, —Feb, IS, Binmarck, Article in Contemporary Review, Kmpress Freilerick ileinid all knowledge as to authorship of.— Feb. ti. Bokhara, Ishak Khan and follower.a, Sultan .Miirad Khuii with ;!,noo famil- ies of Alglian Wynegs cross the Irontier and enter the Bnkhnran service, — Jan, IP, reported Feb. I,". Boot and shoe makers and Knights of Labor, moveiuenl in Huston to sever the connection between. — Feb. 'i.'i. IJordertown, i,'.,*.. Female College, all the seniors withdraw on acrnuut of language used by the |uiiicipal liev. W. 0. llowin with rilen iice to the state of morals at the inesent day. — reb. 'il. Boston, " Old Guard " celebrates its tenth birlliihiy. — Feb. ,1, Boston, Parker nu'morial building transferred lo Boston benevolent frater- nity of churches, — Feb, 3. Brassey Lord, reads paper on " Our Xaval position and policy " al I'liileil Service Institution, London, Kng. — Feb, '22. Brewers, Bortholomay, (ienesee, and Rochester cnmpaiiies pass iiilo liands of city of London contract corporation.— Feb. I."). British Columbia fruit growers association formed al Vancouver, B, I,'. — Feb. 2. Jiritlsh Columbia legislature memoriali/.es Dominion and Imperial tliivern ments, urging Victorias chilms as a port of arrival and departure tot Chinese steamships— Feb. Jl. llrltlali eilradiiloii treaty, di«cu>iii(wi in luitei! Stales Henala on nmiion to reinovi' the iuluni.lion of '■rcrecy fiiun the proceedlngi. — Feb. II. Ilruckviile, arrest of Pruf, Kaufman, well kiniwii iniiaiolan, fur furgery.— Feb, 1, llrydges Mr, C. .f., Land CominiMiimcr of lludaon Bay Company, dealli of, al Winni|peg —Feb. III. Bulfalo, N. v., Riverside penitentiary, Inveitlgallon into management being nuide.— Feb i; Bulgaria, M. /auknlf asserts that ('/,ar informed him he had choaen new prince for, but that time not ri|>e to nani'i him. —Feb, J'i, Bulgarian bonda, deitllnga in, forbidden on Berlin Stock K«cbaiige.— Feb 'Jii. Canada Atlantic Slrninahip Cuinpaiiy, annual inectiag at Halifax, N. S,— Feb. ft. Canada Vorili West Land Company, Charles Crcwa elected director of. ~ Feb. M. C.VXADA, PAHLIAMK.NT OF, Addrea« in reply to apeech from I lie throne ailopleil -Feb I. .Senate, report of , Mr, .SiuH'on Jones on South America preaented,— Feb .'.. The appointment of , Mr, Do wdney attacked by .Mr. Lanrlcr, and de- bMiiled by Sir John .Macdiinald,- Feb il. Report of Indian department laid upon the table,— Feb. 7, House, estiinalea for liacal year preaented by Finance ,Minlater.— Feb H, Postage rate, Mr. Ilagg irt announces Ihal it is not the intention of the government at present lo riiluce the two cent, iioslage rate —Feb. 11. House, debale on removal of duly (Ml arliheial fertilizers. — Feb, 12. Kstintates consideri-d. those as lo Law, .Military, ilepartment ot the In- ferior, Inland Revenue and Agricultural department considered,— Feb. 12 lIoiiHe, I ridiibitioii reHoliition of .lamieson introduced and voted away 1)^ its own siipporiers by mistak". The Fei tilizers t|Uealion resiia- cilated and tnri'crt to a vole, and defeated. --Feb, LI, House, debate on rebate on corn, — Feb. 14. House, Debale oil Marine estimates, — Feb. I.^i. House, Sir Uicliaiil I'aiiwrighi's resolution in favor of the Dominion assuming treaty making powers rejecte,) Feb. 17. Mr. Cliipman's appoiutiiient discussed. Bill to amend weights and measures act. Bill respei ting bills of excliaiige, clieijues and pro- missiirv notes. Bill as lo trials of masiers and niHte..i of ships. — Fib, ;ii, . House o( t.'ommons, residiitioii in favor of Home Rule for Ireland given in. Feb. 111. I'ostal department, iliseiission as lo placing post ollieea. — Feb. 211. Motion by .Mr. Kirkpatriik to allow yViiiericaii vessels wrecking privileges in Canadian waters; prohibition, .Mr. Wood's amendmeut carried. -Feb. 21. House in CominiMi'e of supply, volers lists, sei/.ed Canadian Fishing N'essi'ls ill ilfliriiigs St a -Feb. 22, House, .Mr. Davin moves for copies of resolutions forwarded by .North West Council to (ioverument. The Pigeon protection act dis- cussed —Feb. 27. Senate, British Columbia Coast Ucfoncea brought forward by Senator .Mcliinis. — Feb. 2.f . Senate, Bills passed for repealing bills of lading;, to permit the siis[u'nsion of senleuce in tlie case ut first olfences and lor aiueiid- iiig the weigiits and measures act — Feb. 2i». Fishery resolutions inlroiliiceil by lion. .Mr. Laiirier — Feb 20, Pigeon protection bill, motion for consideration of bill in committee passed. The North West debate continued. — Feb 2H. Canadian, .Vmerican League, Detroit, Canadian residents meet and form, — Feb, i:i, Canadian Phosphate Company, report ofissue — Feb. 7. Canadian Women's Knfraiichiseinent Association formed at Toronto. — Feb, I. (Jarriithers .Mr. John, death of, al Kingston, Out — Feb. M. t'allle rates, Kansas, owing lo refusal of ltaitio..(l couiniissioners lo change their decision as to weigliing cattle, rates at all Kansas points miist again be made by car load.— Feb, 7. Celtic Beneht Association, Ultawa, piLssea resolutions denouncing Salis- bury Govenimeut for its treatinent of Win. O'Brien, — Feb, 27, Central Farmers Institute of Ottawa open session at Toronto. — Feb. ."i. Central Farmers Institute, of Ontario, passes resolution that Government grant to Provincial Exhibition shoiiid cease. — Feb, 7. (,'lmnibcrlain .Mr. .lo.seph, reception given at (ilasgow lo. — Feb. II. Cliamhcrlaiu Mr. Joseph, Diiiulee, elligy of. — Feb. 14. I'hamberlnin .Mr, Joseph, .M.P., resigns from Free Land League. Feb, 2.1, Chattauoogo Land, Coal, Iron and Railway Company sells controlling interests to a Boston, New Vork and Philadelphia Syndicate.— Feb, #♦ THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. for lirliiml (I by Nor Hi lion act ilis- perniit 111" lor iinii'iiJ- ('liicaKO, Jfiii Cliriilliinaen, »ri|»'> icir Koiilli'lil iinil CHpliiin Mc'liiMi'k inilvtliiili'l)' iiui|wn>l«it tiiiiii iirtiii' on ilmrK" "I ("rriiiniipii.— Keli. i;. (;iiicuKi>, " ll'lly ' NiinilHy, wi'llkiiiiwn biiiflmll player, makft liii up|ioHr- iiiii'u H« an I'vaiiKi'liHl — Fi'b. 17. CHINA. Ki'<'at iliatrrtii III SliHii|t TiinK, Miiiuliilriii and Uhrn Kiong — V\\). :>. ./Xiiliiii mill Kiiiii);4ii, iii'ri'ml inlllliiiiii mifli-riiiK frniii fitinliii'.— Kub. 1 1. KHiiiiiii' III ('lii'ii Kiiii. Mi.4»ioimrii'ii iittnrki'il. -Ki'b 'i\. \ Itiol III (Jliinir-KiiiiiK'Fiiii, llriliiili liiaii ul-war ilciiMtclinl tu prolnt i lliiiiiih HiibjiilH.— I''»b. 11. I Tiinipiiii, Frriii'b irnopa iitlack vilJiiKei oriL)iiib<'iiitoii(( anil t'liocliii, mill riiiiU' ivU'U. - Ki'li. 7. Kiii|ii'i-s4 lli'ifiMil nil ii'ili'iii|{ iiKiiPH ili'cPMi Hiiniiblin|{ llirvi* K>'i>'rittluiiii or Sir UuIhtI Hurls' iiiicciiturs, ciiliigitiiig till turi'it(n uliiiileii, HDil iiiv|iiii|{ tlii'iii III II Imiiqiii'l — I'lb lil.'. MarriHi^f oC Knipcriir. — Feb. 'i7. I'liippiiwii IiiiliHiin, Furl I'lil, .N'.W.T., cpldenilc of viriiliiil iliiiractir riit{inir Hiiioiitfiit. — ("eb 12. I'liriiilliiii AlliiiiMc, lliiiiiillon. lint., nirrtiUKt of HllinnrD at.— Feb 5. C'levelaiiil I'ri'.Hiiluiit, uiiBociaU'8 liinmcH' uilli law llrni in New Vork C'lly -Fib. 1. (Jlill'-dwrllers Iribi', rriniiiuit of, ilUi'overed Id San Maleo .Moiinliiins -- F«b. .'.. riNililri'd, ilrpiiliilion Irimi] Montreal and Toronto wait on Oiiimiliiiii (joviTiiinriit at Diiiiwa to opposi' rt*eent pli-a iif wnolli'ii maniitiu'- tiircrti, tor iiicmuiril Inrid'on wooiU-n ^ooiIh. -Fcti. I. roiii, .\iiilini(-ili- ('mil ('oiiipiinii'tiiit I'i'iiiwylviiiiiii ili'tcriiiini' 10 rviliicti unt- piil by aliiittio); ilo»ii two diiy.i ciicli Htrk.— Fib. Ji. t'liil, llliiiil Woiiri!', Miiii., rii-li ilisrovcrj ri'pi,ilril in.- Ki'b. i;. t'uiil, di'piitntinn from t'ii|iii>|>1y- ini; Uiiili'd .^tali's Kovt>riiiiieiil mill .'i,oiiil imi.s aiiiiirio iir loni dcliv- | I'rcd at WainoB.— Fib. H. : ('olliers, Wt'lali, nivc notiri' that on Marili llii'V will iliiiiand an aihaiiro in waj^fB.— Feb. 'J-i. I ColliiiK"'ooi|, Out., initiirHl gna riislii'B from biipiisliv in llaplisi C'liinrli •-Fi-b. '.•:.. , I's, stovi- foiindiTS, Maritiiuo I'roviiicps lo imil I'ppi r I'rovincr competition.— Fidi. J.'i. |C'oinraeiTe Clinniher. of London, Knp;., nddre.-sid by Lord .Sili.malia,'' shoots himself in a lit of lempormy iusiinity. — Jan. H reported Feb. 14. Suicide, Toronto, aitcnipted, by George .Vusten, lailo', with prusslo acid. — Feb. 4. Suicide, Vieiiia. Lieut. S/,epeslin/y shoots himself — Feb. 12. Suicide, Wooilsoufille, Ky., .Mrs. Sallie Whitman, pojtmistress, atteinpts. — Feb. 7. Swindling.! iswi'go, .N,V.,Maiiliard Fdward V... of Toronto, arrested for ilefiaiidiiig Jolin K. I'osl ,. miss Dr. l>. W., at WashingUin.- Feb. 21. Brv£ •'.Mr. (".J., Land Commissioner of Hudson Hay ConipMiiy, hi W 'leg.- Feb. 10. tarn. .s Mr. John, death of, at Kingston, Ont.— Feb. 14. Oaceres Rosa .\melia, daughter of president of I'eru. — Feb. 24. Chandler Hear Ailmiral, coromandin); United States Naval Squadron in Asiatic waters at Hong Koni;.- Feb. lo. Cunningham Very Hvv. Dean, of St. I'eter and St. Taul's church, I Elinira, N.Y.— Feb. 4. Dechen Krnest Henry Charles, German (geologist.— Feb. 17. Delamater Cornelius II., founder of Delainater Iron Works, at New York.-Feb. 7. Detwyster Nicholas, member of famous Kuickcrlpocker family, at New York.— Fell. IP. Flood James C, Bonanza King, of California, death of, at Heidelberg —Feb. 21. Fisk .Mary H., writer,and wife of Stephen Fisk, well kmnvn liitleraleur. > at New York.— Feb. 4. Friedrichs UustaTe A., editor of /'iV^jdiir,/ I'ni/tW.i^ at New York. —Feb. 2. Oetieral of Augustinian Order in Home— Feb. 2.^. Heller Michael, snake-bite doctor, at liending, I'a,— Feb. I. Hunt Col. Henry I., (Sovernor of the Soldiers Home, in the district of Columbia.— Feb. 11. Viattimer Sarah J., philanthropist, at Plaintield, \.J.— Feb. 3. Cardinal Ledochow iki, formerly primate of roliind and Archbifhop of Posen.— Feb. ■; Longworlhy 1). H. I . physieiiio, of Hoihesler. N. Y. — Feb. .'i. liorway Cnpt. Charles M., coniniaiidi'i' of Canadian lishery ciuiser, death of. at Sydney,— Feb. IS. Mc/eire Rev. H. N., senior liishop of iMelhodist Rpiscopal chucli south, at Nashville, Tenn.— Feb. 15. Minard Mrs. Margaret, dies at Sparta, Out., aged 100 years, G months Aud 3 days— Feb. 17. Mackenzie Hector, an old officer wjjo accompanied Dr. Rae on the Franklyn expedition, at Winnipeg — Feb. 1. .Merrick Judge \\ illiam M., of the Supreme Court of District of Col- umbia, at Washington. — Feb. 4. Moodie Robert Baldwin. Western representative of Intercolonial Rail- way, at Toronto —Feb. :i. Montgomery Mrs. .Miiria F,, widow of late Geu. Bacon Montgoniery,of St. Jofepli, Mo., at Beverly, Mass.— Feb. 7. Pitra Cardinal John Baptiste.— Fc. U. Prokopios Monsienor. Primate of Greece, at Athens. — Feb. 1 1 . Republican, General Villucampa dies in prison at .Madrid. — Feb. 1 7. Rowland Dr., port physician, at (Juebec — Feb. 22. Hacconi Cardinal Charles. — Feb. 25. Stewart Rev. James, senior Presbyterian Minister in Canada, at Toronto —Feb. 20. Street John W., inventor ot improved cattle car, at Chicago.— Feb. 16. Street Rev. George Charles, Canon of Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Chicago, dies in Florida.— Feb. 3, Young George Paxton, Professor 'nf mental and moral science at University CoUet'e, Toronto.- Feb. 20. Decben Ernest Henry Charles, German geologist, death of. — Feb. IT. Delamater Corneliu.ii H., founder of Delamater Iron Works, death of, at New York. — Feb. 7. Dentists, Chicago Dental Society, annual meeting of. — Feb. 7. Depersty Nicholas, member of faiu< us Knickerbocker fainilv, death of, at New York.— Feb. 10. Detroit. Canadian residents meet and form Canadian American league — Feb. 13. Diphtheria, France, two professors of Pastrur Institution identify the gen- erative microbe of.— Feb. 5. Diptitberia, KingsviUe, Ont.. family of six attacked with disease.— Feb. 4. DIphtberlA, MusKoka and Nipissing disiri-ts, Ont. Provincial Board of Health consldvriog measures to check — Feb 15. DIPLOMATIC— Great Britain and United States. Sir Julian Pauiicefote, permanent Under-Secretary of State for the l-'oreign tiffice, appointed lo succeed liord Sackvilfe.— Feb. 3. Diplonuitie and consular appropriation bill, coiifeiees on, at \V ashing ton, reach an agreement. — Fell. 0. Franc, retalinns between President Cariiot and 1,'ird Lyilon. Ilritish Ambassador, become strained on a point of etiqmlle. — Feb. 18. Great Britain and United States, Lord Siilisbiiry deiiies lliat Sir Julian Piiuncefolle has been appointed. — Feb. K. Grt'Ht Britain and United .'■'states, Mr. I'Mwartls, lirst secretary of lega- tion at Wtishingtoii, sails from England to assuinu cliar^e ol llie atfairs of the leftation. — Feb. li. Gnat Britain and I'niied Siate.s, Dr. J . G. Siliuiiiuin, professor of phil- o..Jop!iy in I'oriiell University, interviewed at llliacu as to vaeiincy at Washington. — Feb. 27. Spain and United Slates, Mr. ll"linont. new United iSiales .Min ister received by tpieen rejxent \i\ Spain. — Fel). 13. Divorce, Carlton Henry Guy, well kiionu AMieric:iu jourualisl, sued by hi.s wife.— Feb. 13. Divorce, France, Boula'>ger applies to Poiie for, on the ground of irregu- larity of ills marriiige. — Fell. .'». Divorce, London, Kng., Aylesbury Lord, begins suit aganist his wife. — Feb. \r,. Divorce, LondiMi, Eiiir., Mr. l/.ard against his wife the actress, Maria Temple, witli Henry ,1. Leslie, proprirtiir of Lyric Tlieaire as co- respondent, results in vcdiet with t.' ,laiua;ies for plaiutitT. — Feb. 14. Dollinger Dr., proeeedinjis at Munich as to congratNlaliu;^ him on the occarrenee of his IKilh birihday.— Feb. 22. Dollinger Dr., oiiginaloiof Old ('alhi>licnioveineiil, ljiinc|uc'lted at .Munich. -Feb. 2S. ilominion Allinnce, (lllawa, uieetini; ofiouucil, report of Kxeciitive Cmn- mittee. — Feb. 8. Domiiiion .\rlillery Association, annual luei.linu^ of, itt tUtawa. — Feb. 21. Doiuiiiion Rille As-oeiiitiiui. I'ttawa, iiiinual meeting and election of (.Hlicers.— Feb. -'o. Duels, Franc". Poet Caliille .Mendes figlils the writer Le lllaue at Paris.- Feb. !i. Duels, France, Deputies Lagiierre mid L^eroix, .i>;lil at I'ari^. — Feb. 3. Duel, Paris, lioeheforl M, challenges M. I'iUitelle, famous French artist, living in London. — l''eb. Ii*. Dynamite. Fiance, Cliarlre^, Three post office officials injured by explo- sion ^ letter box.— Fell. l.^i. KartlKpiiikc, Grand .Metis, Q'le., slight shock felt at.- Feb. .I. Kartliipiake, Kdmonton, \. W. T., slock ol, fell al.— Feb. 12. Kartlupiake. Marion, Ind., slight shock felt at. —Feb. 21',. Kartliquake, .Naples shock of, Vesuvius in action— Feb. 11. Earthquake, Bolton and Manchester, Kngland, shock of, felt at. -Feb. 11. Karthipiake, San Jacinto, San Diago Co., Cal., severe shock at. — Fob. «. Kast Africa, bill adopted by German Bnndesrath.— Feb. 2. KCCLKSrASTICAL.- Chicago, Rev. George Charles Street. Canon of Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, dies in Florida.— Feb. 3. Cardinal John Bajitiste Pitra, death of. — I'eb. 11. Cardinal Charles Sacconi, death of.— Feb. 2.'i. Dollinger Dr., originator of Old Catholic movement, banquetted aj Munich.- Feb. 28. Dublin, Archibishop Walsh speaks to pupils of (."atholic school on the position of Irish Catholic Colleges.— Feb. 10. Elniirn, N. Y., death of Very Rev. Dean Thomas Cunningham, Dean of Si. Peter and St. Paul .1 church.— Feb. 1, England, prosecution of Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Carnarvon signifies his intention of appeal to House of Lords to stop prosecution.— Feb. 23. Georgetown, Jesuits University eelebniles its centeiiiiial.— Feb. 2,3. Greece, death of .Monsignor Prokopios, priiiiale, at Athens,- Feb. 11. llaniiltiin, appointment of liishop Dowling of Pelerboio to dioceso of Htuiiiltou ratified. ^Feb. 12. Hamilton, deputation I'riini church of Luglaud defence Association wiiilsupon Bishop ofXiagara,witli rel'eieuce to Ritualistic practises. -Fell. 2. McGlviiii Dr, at New York, denounces tin' church for perniitling burial of Crown Prince Rudolf with all honors.— Feb. 10. Mi'rrick Rev. Joseph, ilealh ol'.Jat Winnipeg.— Fcli. 24. Mississippi, Mayor R. W. Millsap. presideiit of Capital Stale Hank, Jackson. Miss., siiliscribes .■f,".0.0oo lo liiiihl and enouw college for .Methodist Episcopal church.— Feb. II. .MeZiere Rev. II. .N.. senior liishop of Melliodist Fpiscopal church s.iulli. death of, at Nashville, Tenn.— Feb. l."i. Newman Cardinal, observes HSth anniversary of his birth by celebrat- ing pontitical liigh mass in Loudon.— Feb. 21. New York, CatboliB pilgrimage to Holy Land sails on the " Wivland." —Feb. 21. Klectr Kleclr Klopei Evansvi Evicti( THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. point*'tl ashing , llrilUll 18. ilml Sir of li'gil- ir i'( I'liil- ii vHiiincy 1 Mill isliT m-d liy lii-i III' irri'ijii- lis witV. — [V88, Miii'iiv Ire lis t'o- [ilHitiiiB'.— liiiii nil (lie I at Miinii'li. •iiiivo Cmii- rn.-|-ol). 21. election of !■ lU raris.— -Feb. 3. reiich rtrtist, cd by exi'lo- l.-Fi'l.. 11. t._Fol>. H. ("anon of Feb. 3. imiuiiictted m c school on gliam, Dean arvon signifii's prosi'ciition.— -Feb. 23. ;ns.— Feb. 11. I to diocese of .\99ocifttion istic jirftctiacs. nnilting burial Stiile Hnnk, low collect' for .iBcopiil church •111 by ceUbrat- ihe'WteUod." KC"C(.ESI.\STICAI,.-C'(in(iHi/<'./. Ohio, llishop lioddlo of, stricken with pariilysis at Nice.— Feb. l!t. Ontario, i!ieaii n'Coiiiior. of liarrie, appoiiiliil liishop of.— Feb, IH. Rome, at consi.iiory, .Mimsitjiior Monor appointed Archbishop of Treliizorii. — F<'li. 11. Ronif, I'opi' at liie cinsistory nnniinates for the cardiiialate .Monsi- gniirs .Macchi and Daunibale and the Archbishop of Catania — Feb. 11. Home, papal nllociition on the position of the chnrrh in.thc modern \?orld. — Feb. Kt. Home. l'o|ic and consistory prcconizes new bishops of Detroit .Vaiclu'Z and Wirliila, Ka'isa.i.— Feb. 14. Hiiine, I'oi'O receives letter of sympathy in his trials from United .Stalls bi-liop— Feb. ]^. Home, (Jeneral of Anu'iistiiiian order, death of. — Feb. 2.'i. Scotland, (y'liiiirh of, Karl of llopetown appointed Lord Eligh Com- missioner of — Feb. 20. Toroiiio, jiiilunient ill t'lc case of Ueir. T. W. JelTery, late Pastor of Western .Methoili.-it Cliurcli, liniiiled out. — Feb. 28. Toronto, ileaili ol liev. .lames .Stewart, senior Pnsbytcrian minister, in Canada. — Feb 20, Trial ofilie I!ii;lil Hev. Hisliop King of Lincoln, England, for Hitual- ism,— Feb. 12. Truro. \, H., (ruldcn .fiibilee of Hev. Dr. .McCullough as pastor of First l'\vti'riaii eliiireli celebrated. -Feb. 14. riiited States, Mi'tlmdist eliiiich. Hook Committee increases the salary of bisliojn of foreijin missions. — Feb. 14. Cardinal Levoehow-ki, fiirniirly primate of Poland and Archbishop of ro.. Albert Countv, N'.ii., nomination of candidates for local legislature. —Feb. n;. " Albert County,, Emerson, Ministerialist elected for local house.— Feb. ■.■:). liih'nley, Knglaiul, .Spencer Halfoiir, Gladstonian. elected to House ot Commons. — Feb. 27. Ciirdwell, application made to Queen's Mench, Toronto, for an order subslituiiug iiaiiie of Santuel Stiibbs for that of .Mr. Smith on the record protestinjj agniiist Mr. White's return. — Feb. 9. C)gden, I'lah, municipal elections. Gentiles successful over the Mor- mons.— Feb. 1 1. Haldimand, meciing of conservatives held in Hagersville resolves to prote..i| election of.— Feb, 7. London. Kug., eleciion of Aldermen by the new council, a lady elected — Feb. .-,. Pulaski C'liinly. representatives of, resign in Arkansas legislature, and cominiiltee on elections submit report in favor of seating the contesiaius.— Feb. 18. Scotland, Perthshire, Kinloch, Gladstoninii candidate, defeats Boaz, I'nioni.'it. — Feb. 19. Electric liubt patents, those of Edi.son and Swan upheld against the Hol- lanii and Aiiglo-.Vnierican i'-'''i|, by decision of Court of .-Yppeal, London, Eiig.— Feb. IH. ElecUic, National Electric Light Association, tueeting of, at Chicago, Feb. 22. Elopements, Cleveland, Ohio, Cary Hollin, .\dvertising Agent of Lake Shore ,t .Michii^Mu ."Southern railroad, and wife of P. J, ,Meabs, as- sistant labor statistician, and manager of the liuliislrint Xrii\i. Feb. 22. Klopeinents.SI. Paul, Minn., Oakes .\nies, cousin of (iovernor of .Massnchn- setls, elopes with, and marries Emma Watson, assistant postmistress of St Anihony I'ark.— Feb. I, Emigration, South America, GS steamers in January take 25,000 emigrant to liuenos Ayie--, otlicial returns issued.— Feb. 11. Eniiii lley, leiier received at Zanzibar from Mr. .Mackay, missionary at rsambiiro, ilated Nov. 2i5lli, stating no direct news ot, received. Fib. 4. Greek arrives at t'airo from Khartoum, and tvports that Semisso has taken El ttbeid.- Feb. 9. Kvansville, Mil , lleidel George, disguises himself as a ghost, killed by Tompkiii.'i, a negro.— Feb. 1. Evictions, Ilawarden Estate, Mr. W. II. Gladstone explains,— Feb. 14. Explosions, New Vork, expliwion on New Yoik, New II iven and Hartford railroad between Williams llridge and liedford Park, .lOO persona injured.— Feb. 11. Express rates, New York, agreement signed by presidents of several com- panies re-establishing ihe rates existing In all competitive business prior to May 1st, b^Hi; — Feb, 1, FAILUUES, Hamilton. Ont., Vallnncey E, Fuller, liabilities nearly $1,000,- 000.— Feb 2. .-iirks County, Pa , Sheriff sells ten hne farm?.— Feb. 8. Boston, Olidden ft Curtis, selling agents of Pacific OuanoCompany, — Feb. 8. Hamilton, Out. Fuller Vallency E. — Feb. ."i. Indianapolis, Ind., Sullivan John E., County Clerk —Feb. 1. London, Ont., Speaker Printing ('o.' ordered to he wound up,— Feb, 7. .Morris, .Man., creditors of the town refuse to come to terms. — Feb. Ifi. New York, Hatch Edward, member of Stock Exchange.— Feb, 16. New York, Wyatt C \ , woollen inercliant. -Feb. l(i. Ohio and Western Coal and Iron Com any. — Feb. 9. Ohio and Western Railroad asiiigus. — Feb. 11. Rome, .Marquis Theodiile— Feb. 4. Toronto. Risley and Kerrigan siatement ofall'airs presented. — Feb. 13 Virginia, Hank of Hedford. — Feb. 12. Woods, Hall, .Mass , (Jreat Paeilie Guano Company,— Feb. 8. Farmers, Central Institute of, Ontario, open ses.'ion at Toronto. Feb. ,5. Farmers, Central Farmers Institute. Toronto, Prof. Saunders lectures on agricultural matters.— Feb. li Farmers, Central Farmers liistilule of Ontarii> passes resolution that Government grant to Provincial e\liiiiition should cease.— Feb. 7. Farming, Hirks County, Pa., slierill'selN ten line farms.— Feb. 8. Fertilizers artificial, duty on, discussed in Canadian House of Commons. Feb. 12. Fisk .Mary II., writer, and wife of Stephen Fisk, litterateur, death of, at New York.— Feb. 4. Flood James C, lionanza King, of California, death of, at Heidelburg. Feb, 21. Fort SaskateheH-an, N. W.T., meeting held at, In connecti' n with Railwar terminus of .\lberta and .ViliabiHea liy. ('onipany. — Feb. 4. FRA.NCE, Hoiilanger General, writes to Paul de Hoiilede, president of the I'aliiiiiie league, upon share il look in reieiit election -Feb. ,1. .■\tchiniin' incident, otlicial e.vplanaiioii from French Government. Feb. 27. lioiilanger applies to the Pope for a divorce on the ground that his marriage was irregular. — Feb. .">. Boulanjier General, in an inierview at Paris favors the establishment of a conslitiitiou similar to that i>\ lliiitcil .States. — Feb. 11. Honlanger Cn'neral, interviewed in Paris says if he came into, he could iniliice England to evaou ite Eu'vpi, and thus remove the only ditticulty between France and i:iinlaiid. — Feb. 12. Honlanger, General, .M. Florens slates that Honlanger's attitude at the tunc of the Schnaevel excitement in 1887 left nothiug to be desired.— Feb. 1 1. Honlanger Gen , mind reader, reads hi.s thoughts.— Feb, 2,^). Honlanger Gen , speaks on .VtchiiiolV ineident, at soiree of artists and authors.— Feb. 28. Chamber of Deputies, freedom and secrecy of the ballot, bill passed for.— Feb. 2.'i. (Jhamber of Deputies. The srriili)i ^I'lirnirt.iis.ieineiil bill tabled — Feb. 1. Chamber of Deputies, .«.v»'i'/i .fiirroiiMnsement bill, motion deinan ling urgency for, deleated.— Feb. 2. Chamber of Deputies, election of General Cluseret as member fo Var, contirtned. — Feb. .'>. Chamber of Ueputies, .N'nina tiilly, proceedings against, for llnelling Hiidget Committee, government iiiieslioned regarding delav — Feb. 7. o b J . Chamber of Deputies, grant priority to xcriid'n iVnrrnndisse.meiU bill and decide to consider the bill for the revision ol the constitution oit Thursday.— F.b. 9. Chamber of Deputies, Hiidget eslimates presented by .Minister of Finance— Feb. 11. ('haniber of Deputies. .clause, assimilating to princes any person trying to compass the restoration of iiersoual or diciatorial power for bis oifn benefit, presented by M r. liiuidileux. -Feb. 20. THE INDEX or CURRENT EVENTS. FRANCE.— Conlimied. Olmir.bcr of Deimtios, motion of Mr. Lnffou (o prevent candidate for clmmber Iruni siniuliaiieuiiely coiitegling iwu seats, discussed and referred to a coinmiUee.— Feb. 27. Chainlwr of Deputies. AtchinofT incident, M. SfiUer, minister of Foreign uHairs, declines to discuss same. — Feb. 28. Chamber of Dcpniies. Tonqiiin question, Mr. Andrieux's motiun attacking the cabinet on defeated. — Feb 28. Chartres, three |ost ollice oflicials injured by ^'xplosion of dynamite in letter box —Feb. 15. (irevy cx-president, serious illness of. — Feb. 20. Senate committee of, discusses measure providing that persons publishing slanderous personal statements shall be summarily, dealt with by the correctional tribunal. — Feb. 11. Senate, Scrutin il'urrundiiiement bill adopted. — Feb. 13. Cliateau Chanouceaux, owned by sister of M. Wilson, sold to Credit- Foncier. — Feb. 2. Duel, deputies Laguerre and Lncroix fight at Paris.— Feb. 3. Duels, Poet Catulle .Mcndes lights the writer Le Blanc at Par i.— Feb. ti. M. Fenouillat, .Minister of Justice, resigns.— Feb. 4. M. de Fre^iucel confers with (Jeiieral Houlauger, and it is said offered liiin a sen in the future Cabinet.- Feb. 1. Members of uinisiry send in their resignation to President Carnot. —Feb. 14. M. Menne abandons the task of forming a cabinet, and President Carnot appeals to .\1. Uouvier to form a ministry. — Feb. 16. Ministerial crisis, Rnilical manifesto issued devoted chicHy to denoun- cing General lioulanger.— Feb. 18. 11. Dr. Freycinet declines to join M. .Melinc's Cabinet.— Feb. 18. M. Meline endeavoring to form a cabinet. — Feb. 18. Ministry, .M. de Freycinet summoned by President Carnot to form a cabinet.— Feu. .>0. Ministry, Ur. Freycinet and .Meline interview the president and endeavor to form a combinative cabinet. — Feb. 21. Minisirv, President Carnot signs decree aptioiuting new minister. — Feb. 21. Xew Cabinet, formation of —Feb. 21. Minister of War issues circular reminding French Oflieers and soldiers that political demonstrations by troops are forbidden.— Feb. 0. Paris, rise of the Seine Hoods the suburbs.— Feb. 12. Paris Count of, instructs Count Dillon to sit with central conserva- tive committee. —Feb. 28. Patriotic League, Paris, resolves to protest against France's treat- ment of Atehinoff expedition. — Feb. 27. Patriotic League, Panlde Roulede, president, and other leaders, arrest- ed for signing Atehinoff manil'eslo. — Feb. 28. Patriotic League. The committee meet in Paris, and protest against action ol the Governinent.- Feb. 28. Kadial ante-Bnulanger declaration. Deputies .Vndrieux and Stce- mnckers ilecline to sign.— Feb. 20. Paris, Socialists attempt to boll meeting in the Place Hotel de Ville, Paris, a number arrested. — Feb. 24. Relations between president Carnot and Lord Lytlon, British Ambas- sador, becotue strained on a point of etiquette. — Feb. 18. Senate bill passed providing that press offences be dealt with by correctional police iribunaU. — Feb. 15. Senate, Bill for construction of two cruisers approved.— Feb. 28. Senate and Chamber of deputies ministerial declaration read in — Feb. 2;i. Socialist revolutionary societies, delegates ju'esent resolutions adopted at the wjrkmen's conference at Bordeau.x to Premier Floquet and other ministers. — Feb. lu Giyot DessaigncJ succeeds M. Ferrouillat as Minister of Justice.- Feb. 3. Rin General, placed under arrest for maki.:g =pecch against the government.— Feb. 5. Captain Trevier, French .Vaval officer, organizing expeilitinn for pur- pose of solving some unsettled problems as to Lake Zanganzika, Africa. — Feb. 4. Colonel Zenart's order commenting on action of German authorities in refusing passpcu't to French Army Surgeon to go to Strasbourg to see dying mother, receives attention of Minister of War who orders connnander-iii-ehief to report on the matter.— Feb. 7. Free Land League, Joseph Chambeilain, M.P., resigns from.— Feb. 25. Friedrichs Gustave A., editor of I'iltsbury VaikluK death of, at New York— Feb. 2. Frontcnac, Archibald .McGill appointed clerk of Crown for.— Feb. 19. Fruit growers. British Columbia Association of, formed at Vancouver, B. C— Feb. 2. Funeial Directors Association for Province of Quebec, Annual MeetioB at Mortreal.— Feb. 7. i > b Golician miners employed in Silesian coal pits ordered to quit the ooud- Iry.— Feb. 22. Gaolers, Ontario, Congress of, at Toronto. — Feb. 20. Gas natural, CoUingwood, Ont , escapes from baptistry in Baptist Ohurch. —Feb. 25. GEK.MANy,ariicle in contemporary'revlew on the Bismarcks lorbidden to be published in Germany. — Feb. 1. Banking, linersen Zeiliing tives figures showing the rapid growth of banking business since 18i)5. — ^Feb. 4. Beresford Lord Charles, dines at Berlin with the Emperor and Empress. —Feb. 6. Berlin, Wissman Capt., leaves for East Africa— Feb. 15. Berlin stock exchange, dealings in Bulgarian bonds forbidden on. — Feb. 26. Birniarcks feud with ultra-con^iervatives. Search ordered of offices of Krcm Zritiinfi for niinuscript of article on chancellors conduct of Oeffcken empiiry. — Feb. 2. Bundesrath adopts East African bill. — Feb. 2. Bundesrath. Army px|iei.diture, Bill introduced providing for raising loan of 12,492,304, marks to meet supplementary estimate. —Feb. 28. Empress Frederick leaves England for.— Feb. 26. Geffcken Prof, publication of iudictmcnl against, debate in the Reichstag thereon. — Feb. 5. Geffcken Prof, institutes action against Imperial prosecutor for viola- tion of secrecy in private correspondence. — Feb. 16. Hanover, Province of, Count William Bismarck appointed president ot— Feb. 7. Max Bernsteiu, candidate for ollice of rabbi, sentenced to three months " imprisonment fur drawing blood from christian boy.— Feb. 22. .Munich, proceedings in .Municipal Council as to congratulating Dr. Dollinger, leader of old Catholics, on his 90th birthday.— Feb. 22. Prussian diet votes addition to Emperor's civil list. — Feb. 16. Reichstag, Samoa, White book in reference to, introduced.— Feb. IG. Prussian diet. Emperor's civ'! ''Ht bill passes its second reading. — Feb. 9. Emperor William orticially notifies Prince Alexander of Battenborg that he does not desire bis presence in Berlin. --7eb. 11. English cartoon representing Piince Bismarck us Goliath assailed by the press as Uavid, seized by Gernian authorities. — Feb. 11. Reichstiig, bill introduced providing for loan of sixty million marks for army, navy and stale railways. — Feb. 2. Reichstag, Budget, thi.d reading of. — Feb. 5. Samoiin Consul to be removed lorexcceding his instructions. — Feb. 5. Glace Bay .Mining Association, anuL '.I meeting of, ^at Halifax, N. S. — Feb. 4. Gladstone Mr., and the Pope, Signor Crisp! brings his intluenco to make Mr. Gladstone alter his determination as to calling upon the Popel -Feb. 7. Gladstone .Mr. W. E., arrival of, at Folkestone, he speaks on the Parnel Times cominission. — Feb. 20. Gladstone .Mr., writes to The Timet as to the evictions at Ilawarden..— Feb. 25. Gladstone ^.Mr. W. 11., explains as to evictions on Ilawarden Estate. — Feb. 14. Glasgow, Scotland, conference of liberal and radical Unionists, speech by .Mr. chamberlain. — Feb. 12. Gold finds, Lower California. Special from Euzurdu to San Fransisco reports discoveries.— Feb. '26. Gold, Sib ria. discovered by a peasant near Irkust. — Feb. 28. Grain frosted for seed. Prof. Green, of State Agricultural College, St. Paul, Minn., completes his report thereon. — Feb. 24. Grain FiXaminers, Canada, )iass rcHolution at meeting at Winnipeg, asking Dominion Government to establish separate board for .Mauilooa and Northwest to fix grain standards. — Feb. 15, Granite quarry, Graniteville, .Mo. Five tons of powder exploded in Schneider (piarry. — Feb. 24, Greece, death of .Monsiguor Prokopios, iirimale of Greece. — Feb. 1 . Gunpowder, high railway rates, hardware section of Toronto Board of Trade waits u|ion freight manager of Grand Trunk Railway as to.— Feb. 12. Gun dynamite. United States secretary of war awards contract for, to Pneumatic Dynamite Gun Company ol .Vew York. — Feb. 7. Ilalf-bieeds, St. John, l>akotu,colleclioa of tft.\es resisted, the .Mililia call- oul.— Feb, 15. Hamilton, Out., Wentworth Pioneer and Historical Society hold their, meeting, and adopt couslilutiun. — Feb. 7. Hatcourt Sir William Vernon, in speech at Derby, refers to proceedings of Round Table conference. — Feb. 27. Hartford, Conn., Park Central Hotel falls down through boiler explosion fifty persons buried. -Feb. 18. THE INDEX OF CtTllRENT EVENTS. the ooun- it Church, rbidden to growth of d Empress. Iden on.— of offices of conduct of viding for ry camuate. jate in the tor for viola- ed (iresident three montha ?eb. 22. aulaiing Dr. —Feb. 22. 0. 10. (i.— Feb. 10. id reading. — )f Baltenborg 1. th assailed by ib. U. liUion marks ions.— Feb. 5. ulifax, N. S.— ■nco 10 make ilion the Poiiel the Piirnel Uawarden..— den Estate.— iouists, speech San Fransisco 18. al College, St. iniiipeg, asking .Miiniloua and r exploded in -Feb. 1 . ronio Hoard of Ilk Kail way as cnntrai^ for, to -Feb. 7. tlic Militia call- iely liold their, I proceedings of joiler explosion I Hartford, Conn., Thiier Alexander, engineer of wrecked Park Central Hotel, arrested for niansluaghter.— Feb. 18. Hartington .Marquis of, speaks on Irish matters at Norwich, England.— Feb. 27. Hawarden evictions. Gladstone .Mr., -nrites to TAe Times as to.— Feb. 25. HAVTl.- News received at Paris legation that troops of Legitime have defeated Hii)polyte's forces, and that towns have surrendered. — Feb. 4. French Envoy ordered to present his credentials to Legitime. — Feb.."). Contreres Oin.,— Feb. 12. Indian troubles, .Montana, Flat Heails Indian arming themselves, settlers in Flat Head Lake valley in danger.— Feb. lil. Indianapolis, Ind., Dudley Col, \V. V.. of the Republican national com- mittee, warrant lin-arrest of issued — Feb. 2;). Insanitv, .McAiislervi Feb 7. Insanity, Haltimore, Lee Wieley, a young man from Virginia, attacks Fran- cis Valentine, an old man, and kills him.— Feb. 5. Insanity. Middleton, N. Y., .lohn I'owers, aged II, becomes a m.iniac from theellecl.s otcigaretle smoking. — Feb. 12, IRELAND, arrest of Father McFadden, Father Coveney speaks at Skib- berten upon the death of Inspector Martin, and prays God to strengthen ilielmnd that murdered him.— Feb. 6. Carew James Lawrence, M.l". for North Kildare, arrested in Eastern Division ot Perthshire, for refusing to ttuswcra sumroons for violat. lag tbi Crimes Act— Feb. 19. epidemic of, at Soldiers' Orphans School.- IRELAND.— ConfirtUf.f. Carew Mr., MP., sentenced to four months imprisonment for violat- ing Crimes Act— Feb. 21. Castle Connell, Father Marrman sentenced to imprisimment for offences against Crimes Act — Feb. 2. Condon Mr. Thomas, M. P., sentenced to imprisonment for inciting boycotting —Feb. 7. Crimes Act, Mr. John Morley speaks on, at Newcastle, Eng.— Feb. 4. Downpatrick, carbines stolen from armory.— Feb. 7. Dublin, Kilbride .Mr, .MP, sentenced to imprisonment for breach of Crimes Act — Feb. 8. Dublin, .Mati Harris at meeting of .National League in Dublin refutes Le Caron's evidence, and condemns assassins. — Feb. 13. Dublin, corporation adjourns witlnuit transacting business as mark of sympathy with Mr. O'lirien — Feb. 4. Dublin Court of Appeal refuses to grant order of appeal to William O'biien, against recent sentence ol four months imprisonment.— Feb. 16. Dublin, Archbishop Walsh speaks on the position of Irish Catholic Colleges.— Feb. 10. Dublin, lather Stephens, arraigned for iidvisinj.' tenants on Olph er estate not to pay their rents —I'eb. 25. Donegal. O'Kelley James, .M. P., sentenced to imprisonment for inciting tenants to adopt plan of campaign.— Fell 12. Edinburgh, meeting at, letter read from .Mr. Gladstone, protesting against treatment of .Mr. O'Brien and others.— Feb 20. Ennis, two constables arrested for moonlighting and mutilating cattle. — FVb. 7. Gweedore, murder of Police Inspector .Martin, seven more arrests made. — Feb. 13. Gweedore, iiolice inspector .Martin killed while trying to arrest Father McFadden.— Feb. 3. Gweedore, Father Stephens arrested for advising Olphert tenants not to pay rent. — Feb. 24. Hartiugicn .Marquis of, speaks on, at Norwich, England. — Feb. 27. Home Rule, Dundee, meeting in favor of, attendcil by 20,000 persons,— Fell. 14. Hume Rule for, resolution in favor of, notice given in Canadian House of Commons. — Feb. 10 Kilkenny, riil on aiTv:i| of .Mr. Carew, M.P., several persons injured' -Feb. 2'. Kilkenny gaol, hair and beard of .Mr. J. L. Carew, .M.P., forcibly re- moved — Feb. 22. Killing of Inspector Martin, Irish Patriotic Union, issues political circular upon.— Feb. 25. Kenmare estate, summons served on Mr. O'lirien in Clouiuel gaol f..r illegal S|ieeches on — Feb. 7. Kilbride Dennis, MP., arrested at Leicester, for violating Crimes Act.— Feb. 4. Letterkennv, Father .McFadden taken to, the military charge the crowd— f"eb. 4. Limerick, John Finniteane, MP., and others, imprisoneil fir offences under Crimes Act, released, meeting held in their honor. — Feb. 3. .McFadden Father, removed Irom Gweedore to Londonoerry gaol. — Feb. 0. Members send catilegrnm appeal for funds to Irish national league of America — Feb. 10. .Mr. Morley, in Rrilisli House of (Commons, moves amendment to the address cundemiiuig ailministration in— Feb. 25. OBrien, governor of prison iulorms .Mr. OUrien, he will compel him to dou prison itiiilorin, and in case he refuses food, will ailminister it artificially.— Feb. 1. Ct'llrien declares he will not wear the prison garb. — Feb. I. O'Brien, protests tiy Lord .Mayur of Dublin and others against prison treatnieiu of — Feb. 1. O'Brien ticiitnient of, mass meeting in Plmnix Park, Dublin, under presideticy of Lord .Mayor, denounces. — Fefi. 2. O'Hrieii ordered nourishing food by Medical inspector. — Feb. 4. O'Brien's clothing returned to him by prison ollieials. — Feb. 5. O'Brien, Habeas Cor)ius granted for William O'lirien at Dublin, in order that he may be arraigned in Kilhirney Court. — Feb. 8. ()'Brien, treaimeiit of, .Mr. Balfour defends hlmsi-ll in long reply to a correspondent.— Feb. 10. O'lirien, meeting held in Hyde Park, London, to express sympathy with.— F"eb. 10. O'Brien and lialfonr. The latter defends himself in letter to The Timrs.— Veh. 11. O'Brien conveyed from Clonmel to 'I'ralee, Escort attacked with stones at Clonmel — Feb. 11. O'lirien William, arraigned on summons issued against him for violating the Crimes Act— Feb 12. O'Brien W^ .MP., arraigned for olfencej under Crimes Act, .Mr. Het;ly expelled from the Court. — Feb. 18. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Ireland -Con/mnet/. O'Brien's case resumed, aud he is sentenced to six months iinprisoD- men;.— Feb. 19. O'Brien Wm , removed to GttlwB}- gaol, lui excited crowd witness his departure.— Feb. 21. Policy of Britisli ({'"'ernnieiit dinouueed in resolutions by Celtic BeneKt Association (it (liliiwa.— Feb. 'J". ProceedinRs at round tuble cont'eri'iicc referred to by Sir W. Vernou Hareourt in s|ici lii at Oi-rliy— Feb. 27. Sbeeliy .Mr., Ml'., ii|>|ieal8 against sentence for makinit speeelies at Hallyneety.— Feb 1. Tipperary, riolinu in, 20 civiliuns and 12 police injured. — Feb. 1. Wieltlow, Father (;iaike ane.-itcd for malting speeches tending to excite tlie peopli' id unlawful acts.— Feb. 2H. Irish American {Societies, I'liieagii, decide after a hot debate to have a St. I'alriok's day puraile tlii.s year.— Feb. 17. Iron Manufacturers. Canadian, de|iuiiilii)u of, waits on Ministerof Finance to have duty on niullealde sunip iron incivased. — Feb. 22. ITALY —Chanil)er ''in spy named Schmidt arrested with plans of Italian frontie 'i-b. li. Uudtjet (,'oinniitK iteculti declares if Italy desires to main^ tain her niilitHry i it will be necessary to increase budget by turty miUicui fn, .s. — Feb. 23. Chamber of Deputies, liuil(;et annimiicement. — Feb. 2. Chamber of Depulies,l'rime .Minister CrispescoiTs at ilie I'eace Society. —Feb. 5, Milan, liiidicals attempt to celebrate llie revolt of If JJ.— Feb. 10. Rome, collisions beiweeii police and unemployed working men. — Feb. 8. Prime Minister Crispi resigns. — Feb. 28. Nice, Battle of flowers, I'riiiee of Wales present at.— Feb. 28. Rom", agitation in, I'reniiir Crispi complains to Premier Bismarck that prominent German .'^ociiilists consorted with Frenchmen in causing the agitation. — Feb. IG. Jersey City, .Montgomery street eaves in. — Feb. 4. Japan cinstiimion ot the Fmpire proclaimed by the Emperor in person -Feb. U. Japan, Tokio, Viscount Annuii Moii. .Minister of Education, assassinated by a fanatic. — Feb. 14. Japan and United htiin s, ,«iipplenientary treaty of commerce, auiily and navigation belweeii. aigiied. — Feb. 20. Jesuits University, Cieur^ietovvn. eeleliniles its centennial. — Feb. 23. Journalism, Leslie .Mis. Fiaiik. S'lis lo \V. J. ;\rkell her proprieiary inter- est in her Kngli^h and German illiisiniled papers.— Feb. 23. Journalism, Winnipeg Friv J'rcss piucliases the Morning/ Call.— Vvh. 9. Journalism, Loiulon, ICiig , protest against the publication of New York lliraltis Suiiiliiy e>iition. — Feb. 0. Kansas Legislature. I'eiition from .Valional Anti Horse-Thief Associa- tion, prays fur eniulment ol law to authorize lynching of horse thieves. Feb. 8. Kansas Slate Senate passes bill to prevent trusts, combinations aud j.ools -Feb. 27. Kent,Uliio, .serious liot between laborers engaged in grading new connee- lion beiween tlie I'lttsbmg and Western and the Cleveland and Canton Itailr.iads.- — Feb. 24. Kiel, storm at, causes niucli damage to shipping, and partially floods the town. — Feb. 24. Kingston, Unl. I'l't.tion ]ire.-enled toCi'y Council signed byl214 represen- tative eiti/.eus. u-kiiiL' redueliMii in number of liquor licenses, dis- courteously iiealeii by iilOeinien. — Feb. 11. Kingston, Dnt., street ear shed collapses. — Feb. 17. Klein J()b i C, Ameruan newspaper correspondent, charged with leading the nil ives ol Samoa iii^iuiist the Germans, arrives at San Francis- co. — Feb. Hi. Labor, New York, reient siriUe ol street car employes, circular issued by advanced champions ol labor, as to bribe takers and traitors. — Feb. 15. Labor associations, Pliilad —Feb. 14. pliia, important conference of leaders al. (Jttawa, insurance qncstiun discussed at sitting. — Jjuw Society of Upper Labor Commission Feb. 2. Labor Knights of, and boi.t and shoemakers' movement in Boston to sever the Connect. on bi-tweeii. — Fel). 2H. La I'orle County, Mo., twenty persons attacked with trichinosis. — Feb. 20. Latlimer Sarah J., pliilanlbropi^l, death of, at I'lainfiold, N.J. — Feb. 3. Leather, boot and shoe men ot Monireal go lo Ottawa to protest against {'liaii^e in duty on li le leathers. — Feb. U. Leeward Islands, Soeieiy Group, French authorities express their intention ol taking iiossession ol, but are met Willi deteimined oppusiiion by UStives — Feb. I!". L1£GAL. — France, tribunal in Paris decides ndrtirsely to demand of petl, tioners of old Panama Canal Company for dissolution. — Feb. 4. England, Jos. Dodds, barri.-ter, formerly M. P. for Stockton on Tees disbarred for embezzlement.- Feb. lit. Halifax, Boston, Halifax aud I'rince Kdward Island Steamship Co. brings action lor libel against Halifax JJeralJ Publishing Co.— Feb. 15. Iowa Stale, Supreme Court decides that imiiorlations aud sale of liquors in original packages contrary to law. — Feb. 7. Ireland, Dublin Court of Appeal refuses to grant order of appeal to Wm. O'Brien against recent senlence to four months' imprisonment. -Feb. 10. Kingston, Onl., .Mourhes, Joel F., seed wheat dealer, arrested at Ren- frew, for transactions wiih fanners, enters an action for $10,000 against Police .M:igistriito Fady.— Feb. Hi. Logan, Ohio, Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company files petition in Court, praying loreclosiirc of murtj-'aue on property o( Ohio. Western Coal ami lion ComiMuiy — Fib. l.i. London, England, Electric Light patents, Edison aud Swan's patents upheld against the Holland and Anglo-American British patents. — —Feb. 18. New York, Court of claims gives judgment in favor of Central Pacific Railway in its soils against the United Slates fur witliolding divi- dends.— Feb. 18. New York, Cleveland President, associates himself with law firm. — Feb. 4. Ottawa, .Manitoba Mortgage Company vs. Hank of Montreal, judg- ment delivered in the Supreme Court.— Feb. 8. Paris, Panama Canal Company decided by Tribuual of Commerce to be Commercial Company.— Feb. is. Quebec, Appeal Court, Salvation Army ease, reserved points, and motion for new trial argued,— Feb. 1. Toronto, Cardwell election, applicHtion made to tjiieen's Bench for Order substituting name ol S;iniuel Slublis for lliat ol .Mr. Smith, on record protesting ugninst Mr. White's return, — Feb. i). Toronto, case of the IJiieen icr«iia the Corporation of City of London, Ont., decided.- Feb. 4. Toronto, case of J. Baldwin Hands c Canada, decided —Feb. 4. Washington, death of Judge William Merrick, 'f Supreme Court of District of Columbia. — Feb. 4. Lesseps ,M., illness c)f, at Paris.— Feb. 12. Libel, Chicago, Inspector Bonlicld and Captiun Scliaack sue The J'imen for 3^1,500,000 damages lor eliarging them with corruption, upon which they arc suspended. — Feb. 0. LITERAIIY.— Clement Scott, dramatic critic, lelt legacy of X'10,000 b/ Miss Drew. — Feb. 14. Liquors, Iowa State, Supreme Court decides importation and sale of, in original packages, contrary to law. — Feb. 7. London County Council, election of ofiiccrs. — Feb. 13. London, Out., annual report of School Board. — Feb. 0. London, Out., The tjueen versus Corporation of, case decided at Toronto. -Feb. 4. London, Oni., school bo.ird for l.'^HIl organized.— l'"b. 0. Londonderry Iron Company, annual meeting al Montreal.- Longworihy Dr. 11. II., death of, at Ruchesler, N.Y.— Feb. Lorway Capt. Charles .M., commander of Canadian fishery of, at ^ydney, — leb. IS. Lotteries, Missouri, People vote on constitutional aniendineiit legislature power to establish. — Feb. 11. Lumbermen, CaiiaiU, de|iutation wails on Goveriiineut to have extra duty of $2 per sthii'laid on Canadian cut logs exported to the Slates removed. — Feb. 21. Lumbermen, Ontario Liinibennen'.s Association meets at Toronta,Hnd passes resolution iirotesting against export duly on logs. — Fell. 7. .Mackenzie Hector, an old ollicf r who acconipanied Dr. Rue on the Franklin expedition, death ol, at Wiuniiieg. — Feb. 1. .MANITOBA. — Legislaliire, bill introduced le.-pecting real eslate in Win nipeg, which will decentralize the Torreiis system— Feb. 1. Legislature, bill providing lor railway crossings receives seconil reading.— Feb. 4. Legislature, Railway bill and probate bill passes.— Feb. i;. Legislature, real property act read first time.— Feb. 7. Legislature, real property Act passes its secinid reading. — Feb. 12. Legislature, agreement between .Vorlliern Pacific and .Manitoba rail- roads, bill emboilying -aiue iinro iiiced. — Feb 14. Legislaiure, Attorney General stiiles that govenimenl will assist anv municipality which enters suit against Caimda .\orili West Laiiil tJonipany lor payment ot taxes due. Brandon anil South Western 'tailvvay incorporation bill read third lime — Feb. 2(i. Legislature, Budget speech by treasurer Jones, estimates submitted. — Feb. 25. Northern Pacific and .Manitoba railways, bill relating to, amended contract read third time. — Feb, 20, -Feb, 13. cruiser, death giving m THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. d of pcli, eb. 4. 1 on Tees mship Co. Co.— Feb. lUd sale of api'Cnl to riaonmeul. cd at Ueii- ur $10,000 1l'3 iii'tition ly ot Oliio. Ill's \iatenl8 li imlenla. — iilml I'ftcilic luldmi; divi- 1 law lirm. — utreal, judg- ^uinmercc to 1 i>oinl9, and 13 licncli for .Ml-. Sniitli, ou ty of London, iety of Upper xme Court of Isiie The Timea ruptioH, upon of i 10,000 b/ d sale of, iu li;d at Toiouto. -Kcb. l;i. miser, death ndinent giving liavf extra duty I U) the Slates ■oiito,Hiid passes -Feb. 7. oil the Franklin i\ estate in Win -Feb. 1. tceives second eb. c;. n|r._Feb. 12. d .Manitoba rail- it will assist any onb West Land South Western (1. ites aubniilted.— ing to, amended Marion, Ills., riots and race war 'n consequence of employment of colored men at Weslbrook's tobacco factory. — Feb. 5. MARRIAGES.-lndia, Tilley Lieut. W. T. U, E., son of Sir Leonard, Tilley, to Miss Lena Ameshurv, daughter of surgeon of the brigade. —Nov. lil, reported F-b. J. Duke of Newcastle and .Miss Candy. — Feb. 20. Emp'Tor of China —Feb. '27. London, Kng , Lord William Neville, fourth son of .Marquis Aber- (ravonny, to the eldest daughter of Marquis de Senturee, wealthy iinimeier, at the Ilronipton Liratory. — Feb 1*.'. Ottawa. White .Mi.-JS Isabel, third daughter of the late Hon. ThoiiiKS Wliilc, and .Major John I'ottor', of the Xorlh-West .Mounted police, Ilegiua. — Feb. 19. Paris, Fiance, Untaiio, Bishop of, to Miss Ada Leigh. — Feb. 20. I'l'iiice Henry of Battenbcrg marries the opera singer, Loisinger.— Feb. j:). riiuce Leopold, son of late Prince Frederick Charles, betrothed to Princess ^opliie, sister ol Einptess of Gernmny. — Feb 14. Russia, Czar gives ids consent to nianinpe of his cousin Tlie Grand Duke .Nieliolas to the daughter of Count I(,'uatieff — Feb. 13. Tampa, Fla., Duke of Sutheiland obtains to marry .Miss lilair. one of the ladles wlm aecoinpanied him from Kngland.-Feb. 2H. Toronto, Lindsay George, son of registrar of Toronto, to CoraHetbnne daughter of late .Mr. James Bethune, Q.C., of Cornwall. — Feb. 14. Torquay, Eng., Lonlhird Mrs. George, of New York, to Count de Casu de Agrada. — Feb. U. St. Paul, .Minn., Oakes Ames, cousin of Governor of Massachusetts, to Kmina Watson, assistant poatmislress ot St. Anthony Park. — Fib. 1. Yankton, Dak., Indian Agency, Gertrude Bretlon, seamstress, marries Wellington, a fiill-bloodtd Sioux. — Feb. 21. Masonic, Kiiiji-Kui, Ont., Grand Master Walkem prohibits dancing in Masonii li.ills.— Feb. 8. Meat, American l"at Company, formed in New York, as rival to "Big Four," bent combination iu Chicago. — Feb. 22. MEDICAL— Fiance, two professors of Pasteur Institution identity the generative microbe of diphtheria. — Feb. 5. Sir .Morel .Mackenzie speaks his mind to the London College of Physi- cians. — Fvb. 7. yueboc, Rowland Dr.. port physician, death of.— Feb. 22. Heading, Pa., death of .Michael Heller " Snake-bite doctor.' —Feb. 4, ' Rochester, .V V., Longworthy Dr. H. H., death of.— Feb. 5. j Toronto, West emi physicians form themselves into an association to [ uphold the interests of the profession.- Feb. 4. I Washington, death of Dr. D. W. Bliss.— Feb. 21. ■ Webster County, Ky., strange disease existing, upon which the doctors ' disagree and Iroiu which they run away. — Feb. 4. Merchants .Manufacturing Company, Montreal, annual meeting of.— Feb. Merrick Kev. Joseph, death of, at Winnipeg.— F'eb. 24. MILITARY.— Boston "Old Guerd " celebrates its tenth anniversary.— Feb. 5. Belgium, Radical Congress, Brussels, supports militarv education, hut Qemands abidillon of corrupt law.— Feb. 24. Canada, Dominion Artillery Association, Annual Meetinif of, at lltlawa.— Feb. 21. ' Dominion liilie Association, Ottawa, Annual meeting, and election of ollieers.— Feb. 20. France, Minister of War orders cominander-in-chief to renort on Cid Zenarl's order as to (Jernian authorities refusing passport to French army Surgeon to go to Strasbourg to see dying moiher. — Feb. 7. France, .Minister of War issues circular reminding French officers and soldiers lliat political demonstrations by troops are forbidden.— Feb. France, General Des Boidcs reported na murdered at Tonquin.— Feb. Germany, Berckenheim, Lieut. Von Young, officer of Russian Army coininils suicide at Potsdam —Feb. 28. Italy, Sigiior Uicolti declares before budget committee if Italy desires toinauitain her nulitaiy slrtMigih it will be necessary to increase budget forty million franca.— Feb. 23. Ontario Artillery Associatioii, annual meeting at Toronto. — Feb. r>. Russia, Grand Duke Pladinur ordered by Czar to resign commander- shipof the (juards. — Feb. 2^5'. Millers, Indianapolis, In-I., two hundred in session us to nerlect orffaniza- tioii of millers of the country.— Feb. 7. Millers, Ontnrni, meeting of, at Toronto discusses present rate of duty on Minard Mrs. M .rgaret dies at Sparta, Ont., aged 100 years, C mon .ind I three days. — reb. 17. I Mining, Gold, Purcell J. T., old placer mines discovered.— Fe ! Mines, Carhondali, Pa. Mine of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany settling down. — Feb. ti. .Miners, Plymouth, Eng., miners rescued. — Feb. 12. Miners, Galician, employed iu Sileaian coal pits ordered to quit the couDtr; - Feb. 22. Mining coal, .Monongahclu and Zonghrogbeny rivers. Miners rosuiue 0|>erations at old rates. — Feb. 4. .Mining, coal. Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Company, registration of. — Feb. ij. .Milling, Glace Bay Mining Association, annual meeting of, at Halifax, N. S.— tf b. 4. Mining. Iron, .Marquette, Mich., Gen. Ayerbiiys Pittsburg and Lake Super- ior Company's iron mine for §800,000. — Feb. 13. Mining, Springbill, .\. S, mines shut down on account ofincrcaaed railway freight rates. — Feb. 4. .Missouri, Lotteries, People vote on constitutional amendment giving legislature power to establish. — Feb. 11. Montana celebrates the admission of the territory to the Union as a state. — Feb. 23. Montana, Flat lleail Indians arming themselves, settlers in Flat Head Lake valley in danger. — Feb. IU. Montgomery .Mrs. .Maria F., widow id late General Bacon Montgomery, of St. Josetdi, .Mo., death ot", at Beverly, Mass. — Feb. T. .Montreal, Board of Trade, election of officers. — Feb. 12. .Montreal Cotton Company, annual meelingof. — Feb. 12. Montreal Ice Carnival, eonimencement of. — Feb. 4. .Moodie Robert Baldwin, Western representative of Intercolonial Railway death of, at Toronto. — Feb. 3. Morraonisin. Barnet, Ga., two .Mormon elders caught and whipped.— Feb. 19. .Mormonism, Cheyenne, Wis., .Vorwegian and Swedish converts abandon their faith and assault .Mormon missionaries. — Feb. 18. Morris, .Man., creditors of tl.c town refuse to come to tenia. — Feb. 15. Morocco, Germany, in return for naval station promises to support Sultan in his endeavor to free that country from tutelage of the powers. — F'eb. 23. .MURDERS.— Baltimore. Lee Wieley, from Virginia, while insane, attacks F'raucis Valentine, and kills him — Feb. o. Bertie County, .N'.C, .Mrs. Fawcett, child and two negro women murdered by two uukiiown burglars. — Feb. 16. Boston Joliu GialMim shot by an Italian. — Feb. 3. Boston, Thomas Taylor fatally slabbed by John A. Ross. — Feb. 5. Bradford, Eng., John Gill Barrett, the milkman, re-arrested.— Feb. 5_ Dundee, Seoiland, woman discovered, body mutilated squeezed into wooden chest, arrest of husband, sunposed to be "Jack the Ripper." -Feb. 11. England, Devonshire, Lee exonerated from Babbicombe murder by deathbed confession. — Feb. 2.). Fairburn on the Atlantic and West Ponnt train. Captain John T. Hearu shoots a negro who refuses to give up his seal.— Feb. 4. Chicago. Bradley W. S., shoots his wife and kills himself at the Hotel Cortland.— Feb. 0. Chicago, Tillia Hylander, Swedish domestic, killed by Clark George W., a colored butler, wliu commits suicide. — Feb. 2. Cliicrtgo. MeLellau Miss .Maude, shot by John Dempsey, who kills himself. — F'eb. 5. East Longmeadow, Kceny Isaac, dies from injuries iutlicted on hira by his .Son lieiii Keeny, who is arrested.— F'eb. 1. Fort Smith, Ark. Two white men, two negroes, and two half-breed Indians sentenced to death by U. S. Judge Parker for murders. — F'eb. 2. Hamburg. Dautli, the murdere.' and robber, guillotined.— Feb. 23. .Managua, .N'icaragua, six atrocious murders committed in the same style as the Wliiieehiipel ninrdcrs — Feb. G. .Manitou, Island. Two hall breeds bro'iglil to Canada, Loo charged with murdering Christian Togosh. — Feb. " Meraiihis, Tcnii., Father Asblield. Priest of St. Peter's church, stabbed by crank nanieil Will Reed.— Feb. II. .Montreal, lloldeii William, killed by Luther McGralh.— Feb. 9. New York, Henry <"ordera struck on the bead by his wife Emma Cordera, and killed.— Feb. 22. Ottawa, Kelly .Mrs. Caroline, found dead with deep wound at the base of her skull.— Feb. 23. Philadelphia, Wuniaii found shot in vacant lot, George Frederick arrested.- Feb. 2. Randolph, West Pa, Thomas Foy arrested for assaulting liial.alf- sister and beating her to death. — Feb. 2. Rutherford County, Tenti., George Dunaway murders his uncle and anut.— Feb. 20. Tonquin, General Des Hordes, Fr.Mieh eomuiander.— Feb. 27. Tokio, Viscount Armori .Mori. .Minister ol Education, assassinated by n fanatic— Feb. 14. 10 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. MURDBRS— Con(ini«,;. Upaon, Wis., Julin Hrognn killa hia wife and t^o children, and commita suicide. — F(>b. '20. WestraiiisliT, Out., rami found killed in fence corucr, near the lifih coiice:i3ion. — Ffb. M. Wilkrsbarri'. I'll., i'nviimster McCliiru and his assistant Flanagan, Michiii'l Dizzul found guilty of murder In the lirst degree. — Feb. U. Napancc, Unl., Upera House collapses.— Feb. 7. National Electric Light Association, meeting of, at Chicago. — Feb. 22. National law and order league, Boston, session of, election of ollicers. — Feb. VJ. NAVAL- .'uuericnn, Admiral UreoQ and officers of flagship " Lancaster" hold lite at Nice— Fob. 7. lirilish, commiinder of British man-of-war punished for boarding Fieiiih vessel and taking her into Zanzibar. Order issued by Briiisli Admiral notifying order to the squadron.- Feb. 4. Critish, 11. .M. S. " tliiul' returns to New Zealand alter five weeks cruise luiiong islanils ol the 8onth Seas, after burning villages for improvoked murders ol Europeans. -Feb. 19. British, Lord Hra^sey reads paper on "Our Naval position and policy" at United S'.rvicc Institution, Loudon, — F'eb. '12. Canada, Sons of England in session at Ottawa determine to establish naval reserve corps. — Feb. 11. England, Admiralty oflic al caught and discharged for abstracting valuable documents. — Feb. U. France, bill for Cunstruction of two cruisers approved by Senate.— Feb. 28. Qermanv, fonr German ironclads at Genoa ordered to sail for Samoa immeJiately. — Feb. 22. United States, President sends list of nominations to the Senate.— Feb. U. Uniled Slates, Hear Admiral Chandler commanding Naval Squadron in Asiatic waters at Hung Kong, death of — Feb. 10. Uniteil States warship '' Molinan " leaves Mare Island, Cal., for Pana- ma en rattle to Saiiioa. — Feb. 7. New Hamspliiiv, U.S, Gilinan Marston of Exeter, Senator for interim, when legislature will iiieei, to choose a successor to Senator Chandler. — Feb. 12, New York, dynamite bomb explodes at Stevenson's brewery — Feb. 8. New York, second trial of I'linmas C. Kerr, treasurer of Broadway Surface Railway, for attempting to brj. e aldermen.— Feb. 15. New York Senate, resolution of congratulation to .Mr. I'arnell passed by. — Feb. 27. Nicaragua Canal (\impany, managers say they will begin work as soon as President Cleveland signs bill incorporating company. — Feb. 11. Nicaragua Canal, bill signed by President Cleveland.- Feb. 19. No Man's Land, Kas., Cowboys order citizens to vacate that territory with- in ■18 hours under [lenalty of death.— Feb. 2ii. Nova Scotia, Chief Justice McDonald sworn in, administrator of the Goveriinienl. — Feb. 1. Nova Scotia Sugar reliiiery, annual meeting held at Halifax, N. S.— Feb. 5 Nova Scotia lish harvest, report as to, for year 1888 Feb. G, Nova Scotia Icgishiture, opening of session, speech of Lieut-Governor. — Feb. 21. Ohio Western Coal and Iron ('ompany, Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company files petition in Court at Logan, Ohio, praying foreclosure of morignge on. — Feb. 13. Olivet, .Md., factinnal church tight in which Simon Shore inflicts fatal injuries on Thomas Donohoe, a deacon. — Feb. 4. Oleomargarine, Piilsbuig, v;;"imi produce merchants fined for selling. — Feb 27. Omnibus Territorial bill, Mr. Springer agrees that New Mc^iico shall be expiiiigi-d from tlie bill, and that the two Dakotas shall be admitted as stales upon executive proclamation. — Feb. 1. Onslow Lord, New Governor of New Zealand, banquet to, in London, Eiig- Feb. 10. Ontario Artillery Association, annual meeting of, at Toronto.— Feb. 5. Ontario Cotton Mills sold to .Mr. Edward Ourney, of Toronto.— Feb. 7. ONI'AKIO LEGISLATUliE, motion by Mr. W. R. Meicdiih for return as houses of industry and pauper labor, carried. — Feb. 4. Bill to amend Ontario Factories Act read a second time.— Feb. 0. Mr. Fiencli's annndment of libel bill providing that a woman need not prove special damage, discussion on. — Feb. 7. Voters' lists bill rei.d a third time.— Feb. 12. Public iiicoiints of the province up to Slat Dec, 1888, laid before the legislature, — Feb. 12. Budget introduced by Financial Treasurer Ross.— Feb. 14. Estimates discussed as to supplies purchased from suppo: lers of the Government. — Feb. 21. Provincial exhibition agreed to be continued for another year at Lon- don, Ont.— Feb. '20. Ontario Lumbermen's Association moels at Toronto, and passes resolution protesting against export duty on logs —Feb. 7. Orange Free State and Transvaal, President of, decides to hold conference to discuss advisability of forming federal union of the two states. — Feb, 8, Orange Lodge, Hamilton, Ont , election of oflicers. — Feb. 0. PANAMA CANAL, shares reported in Paris to be a complete failure. —Feb, 4. Company, Paris tribunal decides adversely to demand of petltioncri for dissolution of old company.— Feb. 4. Shares, new issue, subscribed, amounts to 9,000 shares. — Feb, .I. Mr, l)e Lesseps announces that if the «",000 bonds issued through the Banque Parisienne are not taken, the enterprise must be abandoned, — Feb. 0. Leading financial houses in Paris trying to form combination to com- plete the canal,— Feb. II. United States Senate passes bill to enable the President to protect the interests of United Slates in. — Feb. 11. Illness of M. de Lesseps at Paris — Feb. 12. United Stales, House Commilteo on foreign affairs reports favorably on Senate bill lor protecting American interest and citizens of,— • Feb, 15. Large number of laborers discharged from, — Feb. 15, F'ourth drawing of lottery hoi. is lakes place at Paris — Feb. 15. 2,500 men discharged from works at Tavernilla, — Feb. 10. Tribunal of Commerce at Paris decides Company is a Commercial Company,— Feb. 18. Bill to extend franchise to widows and spinsters defeated on second reading,— Feb. 27. Over a tliimsand laborers leave the Isthmus. — Feb. 20, PAIINELL TIMES, Commission, evidence of cliief constable Wilkcnson, Mr. Barton, clerk of the Pearl Insurance Co., Inspector Jackson, and .Mr. Daly, a Galway solicitor. — Feb. 1, Commission, Patrick .Molloy, witness for the y'lracs, arrested for per- jury — Feb. 2. Commi.-ision, continuation of Beach's evidence. — Feb. 5. Commission, American evidence commenced. Beach, military organizer of the Fenians, in 1865, gives evidence. — Fib. 5. Commission, Witness Beach conntiniies evidence, and attempts to prove Irish leaguiu-s are allied to Dynamiters. — Feb. 0. Commission, Beach n/ins le Caroii continues his evidence ; cross- examination commenced. — Feb. 7. Commission. Trial of Patrick .Molloy for perjury resumed at Bow Street Police Court.— Feb. 9. Commission. Beach's evidence as to what occurred between him and EganandSiillivnii at .Milwaukee, denied at .Milwaukee by Joseph G. Donnelly, registrar of probate in that city. — Feb. 8. Commission, Trial of Patrick Mulloy at Bow Street Police Court London, Eiig., commenced — Feb. 8. Commission, Cross-e.xaniiualion of informer Lc Caron afias Beach, continued.— Feb. 8. Commission, Troy, .\.Y., Samuel .Morris contradicts evidence of in- former Le Caroii '//(■(^^■ Beach. — Feb. 8. Commission, Le Caron or Beach, examination of, continued by Sir, Charles Kussell, and concluded. — Feb. 12. Commission, Patrick Casey offers to testify as an independent wit- ness. — Feb. 12. Commission, Matt Harris, at meeting of .Vational League in Dublin, refutes Le Caron's evidence, and coiiilemns assassins. — F-'b. Ui. Commission, trial of Patrick .Molloy for jierjiiry resumed at Bow Street police station. London. Eiig. — Feb. H. Commission, Mr. Loaines. I'ini' ,s solicitor, hands in seven of the alleged Parnell letters, — l'"eb. 14. Commission. Patrick .Molloy pleads not guilty at Bow Street to charge of perjury, and is commitied for trial, — Feb, M. Commission, 7'imf,< solicitor testilies as how Parnell letters were ob- tained and the price paid lor them,— Feb 14. The Times prini.s .Aic .vm//.' of seven of Parnell's letters, also a yiic iimiV.olDavitl's letters,— Feb. 10. Pigott's eviilencc, Mr. Laboiicliere, M. P., in an interview in London, admits paying him X500. — Feb. 10. Le Caron, informer, interview with, printed in London edition of New York //,r.(/./, — Feb. 17, .Mr. Loaines gives thrtlier evidence regarding PariieU's letter-S, and Mr, .Macdoiiald, manager of '/'(m.,v, gives evidence, — Feb, 15. Macdonald Mr , manager of the Timrx, cross-examined as to how he became possessed of the Parnell letters. — Feb. 19. .Mr. Houston, Secretary of the Loyal and Patriotic league, tella how he ohiained the letters,- Feb, 19. Houston cross-examined. Examination of Richard Pigott commenced, —Feb. 20. Mr, Gladstone speaks thereon on hie arrival at Folkestone, — Feb, 2Q. Pile I'o:, Pula Port Post Posti Powt Pre Presu I'riiic I'udd Pure QVEl L L THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENS. 11 isolution inference stiiles — I failure, etilioncri b. r,. tliroHRli must be )n to com- jrotoct the 1 favorably li/.l'llB of. — :b. 15. [Commercial I on second Wilkenson, II' Jackson, jted for per- •h. military ..5. attempts to lence ; croBS- meil at Bo" ween him and by Josepli 0. Police Court (iliiis Beacli, idence i>f in- tinucd by Sir, lf|iondcnl wil- 'ue in Dublin, "-F'b. i:!. ■3unied at Bow I of llie alleged How Street to •1. ■tiers were ob- Icrs. also a fac iew in London, ilition of New ll's letters, and -Feb. IT). eil 113 to how he .,,(r„(., tells how gotl commenced. stone.— Feb. 20. I PAKNELL TI.\IKS.-Con 21. Commission, nermissioii prranted liMsr.^i. Ilarriii^lou and O'Brien the privilepe o( insjieclint! Hies ol' Ui it-ul /f/'ni't, an I tlo- Iri.^htnan, to d- fend tlicmselves. — Feb. *J3. Commission, I'igolt's cross-«.\iini!. .lUon cunlinued and ho declares he dues not think tlie Parucll le.lcr.s genuine.— Fell. 22. Parnellite .M. P's. meet in London and re-aiipoiiil olliccrs for the ses- sion. —Feb. 2,'j. Commission, di;iippearance of Pigott, warrant issued for liis arrest. — Feb. 26. Commission, Pigott's confession of forgery stated in court.— Feb. 20. Conimissiiin, Mr. Loames continues his evidence, Pigott's last letter read.— Feb. 20. Commission, Patrick Egan interviewed at Lincoln, .Seb., on Pieolt.- Feb. 2.;. Commission, .Mr. Parnull goes into llic box and disowns the letter.- Feh. 2U. Commission, resolution of congratulation to .M Senate of State of New York ~Fel), 27. Parnell passed by distance telephone made .Scotch iiction nyninst .Mr. John Waller as proprietor of the Tiinea dismissed. — Feb. !i, Scotch case, reliearing demiinded at Edinburgli by Parnell's counsel. The court by consent dismis.^'S action with cosls. — Feb. 20. Paunccforte .Sir Julian, appointed to succeed Lord Siickville as British minister to United Stales. — Feb. 3. Pennsyiviinia, bill inlroduced nuiking it an otVence for anyone to treat anotlier to inio.viialing drinks— Feb. 'i. Pennsylvania Senate, Saturday lialf-lioliday bill defeated.— Feb. 14. Pern, liosa Amelia, daughicr of Gen. Caceres, President ot, dies at Lima. — Feb. 21. I'clerboro, Ont., voting on liigh license by law results in its adoption.— Feb. 20. Phelps .Minister, and wife, arrive at New Vork from Kngland.— I'eb. a. Philijipine Islands, American ami other foreign representatives at .Miulrid try to persuade Spanish Government to allow greater facilities to •iireigners desiring to invest capital in land in Philippine Islands. -Feb. 18. Phonograph, trial of, in connection with long at .Vew York —Feb. 4. Phosphate, C.madiau Phosphate Company, report of, issued.— Feb. 7 Pilgrimage, Catholic, troui New York tu Holy Land sails on the •' Wie- laud."— Feb. 21. PilHS, .steum and drain, deputation of mannfaclnrers waits on .Minisler of Customs at Ottawa, and asks that duty on be increased.— Feb. 20. Plymonlh, Pa., ccplosiuu at sipiib factory, 10 girls and 1 man killed.— Feb. 25. Pucumonia, Granite, .Monl., terrible epidemic at.— Feb. U. Deliveri allocation on the position of tlie Church in the Modern World. -Feb. 1.-). Pouma, Island of, burning of village of Si for murders of Europeans, by il.M.S. "Opal," which returns to New Zealand after Hve weeks cruise among islands of the South Seas.— Feb. 10. Poland, Posen, Prussian poles hold a meeting, and denounce inohibition of Polish elemeniary schools.— Feb. 21. Portugal, Cabinet resigns. — Feb. 12. Postage rale, Canadian, .Mr. Ilaggart announces in House at Ottawa, that it is not the iuteulion of the ;rovernuient at present to reduce the two cent postage rate.— Feb. 1 1. Postal orders beiwccn France and United Slates, French chamber of deputies approves an additional convciitioii relative to the exchange of.— Feb. 11. Powderly Mr., at Trenton, N.J., says he could prove that employes of Pennsylvania railroad had marked ballots for their einployes. —Feb. l:i. Presidential inauguration, Gen. Harrison departs from Indianapolis to Wii sill iig ton. — Feb. 2."). Presidential inauguration. Gen. Harrison arrives at Washington.— Feb.2i. Prince Edward county, Out., Coiiniy Council passes resolution demanding |.n,hibiUiry liipiur law.— Feb. 2',. I'nddlers, Uirdslior I'a.. Ihooke Iron (,'onipany reduce wages of, meu do not seeni inclined to accept Feb. y. Purcell. J. T ,old gold |ilacer mines discovered.- Feb. 10. QUKBEC, Legislalnre, report pre.sen led of the committee on privileges, and elecliiins as lo Ihe dispuied seat in .Montreal Centre.— Feb. 1. Legislature, agricultural commission, preliminary report brought down. — Feb. 1. Legislature, Bill to re| the lifih clause of Debt conversion act in- troduced. Bill 10 the law as to procedure in railway expro- lU'iaiion cases rejecied.— Feb. 4. Legislature, public lands bill passed.— Feb. 5. Legi-lature. the Quebec Election Act, and the bill to Incorporate the Northern Central Railway discuseed.— Fob. 0. QVEBEC— Continued. Legislature, Mr. Pellctier's election bill discussed.- Feb. 7. Legislature, Controvcrled Elections Act, the premier's amendment! adopted —Feb. 8. Legislature, Legislative Assembly, Controverted Election Act passes, Provineial Fisheries bill passes commillee. Bill respecting presi- dency of Legislative Assembly passes, Mill to appoint Councillors ex oficio Justices of the peace passes, Bill as to suing guarantee companies passes, Bill enabling railways and insurance companies to be incorporated by letters jiatent rend a seconil lime. — Fob, 12. Legislature, Bill to amend the olcclion law, debate resumed.- Fab. 12. Legislature, returns ordered with respect lo the dairy interests of th» province, Bill to amend the election law passed.— Feb. 12. Legislature, Budget int.oduced by .Mr. Treasurer She ;yn. — Feb. U. Legislature, Debate on the costs of the Interpioviiicial conference, .Mr. Pellctier's election bill passed.— Feb. 14. The Leclaire ease discussed, lion. Mr. Lynch exonerated from all blame in the m atter. Plans for embellishing Icgislalive buildings discussed.- Feb. 18. The bill lo amend articles 4653 and 4696 of the revised Statutes of (Quebec, by means of which railways can be incorporated by letters patent, passed. Bill, i.«., the speaker of the legislative Council, passed. —Feb. 19. Report of Committee on Agriculture, Colonization and Immigration motion to concur in same debates, and adjourned. — Feb. 20. .Municipal loan fund, Mr. Leblanc moves for stalement as to exemp- tions. Bill to disfranchise Civil servants read atliinl lime. Annual report of the commissioner of Crown lands presented.— Feb. 21. .Motion as to commutations and missions of sentences. — Feb. 22. LavAVs'->ifJ-Ueii bill passes third reading.- -Feb. 2,'!. Legislation committee considers the bill proposing to provide for ap- pointment of inspector to Building Societies and to amend the law. —Feb. 20. Committee on legislation considers the bill to enable degree of B. A to snflice f^ar admission to the study for tho learned professions. — Feb. 20. House in Commitlee of supply items on administration of justice and Normal school discussed.— Feb. 20. The legislation committee report tho B. A. bill to the house.— Feb. 27« .Motion to have double sessions passed, grant to IJerthier Beet Root sugar factory passed. —Feb. 27. Bill to amend ihe Revised Statutes onLuDati.' Asylums discussed and passes second reading. — Feb. 28. Legislative Council Bill, to amend law respecting (ishing in the pro- vince passes through Committee. — Feb. 2-j. RAILWAYS —Alberta and Athabasca Company, meeting held at Fort .Saskatchewan, N.W.T., in connection with Railway terminus.— Feb 4. Boston and Albany stock, advances on, rumours of consolidation with New York, New Haven and Hartford road. — Feb. 7. Boston and Albany road. United Slates railroad committee reports bill granting authority to increase its capital slock iiy $10,000,000. —Feb. 13. Brandon and Rock Lake Railway, Attorney General in Manitoba leg- islaturc stttes Government refused assistance to. — Feb. 0. Brandon and South Western line, bill for incorporaliun read third time. — Feb. 20. Brantford, Waterloo and Lake Erie, contract signed by the contrac- tors at Braiiiford, Ont.- Feb. 0. Cattle rales, orders issued that owing to refusal ot Kansas Railroad Coninii>sioiiers to change their deel^ion as lo wei);liiiig ealile, rales at all Kansas points must again be made by car load.— Feb. 7. Central Pacihe Railway has judgment given by Court of Claims in iis suits against tlie United States for witholding dividends. — Feb. 18. Chattanooga Company sells controlling interests to a Boston, .New. York and Philadelphia Symlicaie.— Feb. 28. Chicago, linrlmglon and CJuincy railroad report as to gross earnings lor year IHHH.— Feb 12. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, annual meeting of, at New York.— Feb. 19. Eastern Railway Companies bill passes Quebec Railway Commitlee —Feb. 7. Gaspe short line, bill passed by Quebec Railway Coniuiittee.— Feb. 6. Germany, bill inlroduced in Reichstag for loan of sixiy million marks tor army, navy and state railways — Feb. 2. Government, subsidies to, Sir John .Macdonald speaks on, to deputation at Ottawa— Feb. U. Grand Trunk, Board issues in London coTcspondince between .Mr. Gramshaw and Sir Henry Tyler as to Cauudiau management. — Feb. 8. •«f(l by Blorni ill.— Fel(. Jl Liindmi. Kn«r, sU-iiiiu'r " NitchI " cnllidei Willi llrillsli iiliiii " Killo- chiin cil' niiiigpiK'sa, hi:U butli vcsarU |{u Uiiwii, '.!4 (ivrMinjidruwiii'il. — K«b. M. Nnvii Si'iiliHiri>nii|ii(' "Jimie Troop " liial, iiiiil iimster mill U'li iiiiii tlrowritMl. — Vv\t. 'I'i. iSchoiniiT '' (!. II. (Ilivor' aiiiks in C'b('sn|. Siberia, lrknsl,Kolil discoven^d by a peasant near. — Feb. 28. Silver mine, Mnorlield, W. Va., liiseovered by son of a slave formerly located at the Miiorlield, a company organized to develope. —Feb. 2!>. Slniuler. Kriince, cnniniiltee of senate tliscioises measure providing that per.ions piibli.shing slanileroiis personal statements sball be suniniur- ily dealt with by the correct io:ial tribunal.— Feb. II. Small-poi, Syracuse, N.Y., two more deaths at county pourbuuso. — Feb. 3. Small Pox, Micliigan report of .State Koird of Health as to existence of — Fib, 21. Kmnll pox, Piirgal, Out., seriom onthreak.- Feb. 21!. Small pox, liiehardson County, and Sac and Fox, Indian reservations, serious epidemic at.— Feb. 22. Smuggling, New York, John Williams, linen steward on Cunard sleamsliip '• Servia," anesled for smuggling silk. — Feb. 20. Smuggling opium, San Francisco sealing schooners "Walter L. Rich" and " Pathtindcr " seized by Revenue cutter "Uush" in Drake." Bay.— Feb. 2. Sojinlists, Chicago, meeting of English-speaking Socialists held, for the purpose of organizing a '■ Central Educational Society " to agitate principles of Socialiiin.— Feb. 14. Hocialista, Chicago, furniture roakeis addressed by Jens Cbriatiansen, editor of Chic.igo Arhfitrr Zfiliing.—Feb. 26. Socialism, France, Socialists attempt to hold meeting in tbe Place Hotel de Ville, Paris, a number arrested. — Feb. 24. Sons of Kngland, Ottawa, convention of tlieir order in. — Feb. 12. Sons of Kngland in se.ision at Ottawa determine to establish naval re- serve corp.s for Canada Feb. 14. Soudanese evacuate Handoub and destroy tbe town by fire.— Feb. 10. SPAIN, Don Carlos approves scheme for the re-organiiation of his parly. — Feb. 5. Anniversary of the proclamation of the republic in 1873, celebrated.— Feb. II. Madrid, banquet given by Republican club, to celebrate tbe proclama- tion of the Republic of 187a, breaks up in disorder.— Feb. II. Congress, Prime .Minister Sagasia proposes large reduction of army estimates, in order to permit reduction of taxation without revers- ing Free Trade policy. — Feb. 10. SPORT— Hudson River Poultry, Dog and Pel Stock Association, first show opens at Newburgh, N. If.— Feb. 7. Aquatic, Tyne, Bubear beats Norvall in four mile boat race.— Feb. 18. Aquatics, O'Connor the oarsman proposes to Pat Sbeedy to go to Australia under Sheedy's management.— Feb. 26. Baseball, " liillv " Sunday, well-known player, makes bis appearance as an evangelist at Chicago. — Feb. 17. Hasebnll, bill introduced into Illinois house prohibitincplavine of, on Sunduy.-Feb.15. b f / B Billiards, Boston, Jacob SchaefTer challeuges Maurice Daly to a match game for .$1,000 a side.— Feb. 11. Billiards. Chicago, matct between Frank .Maggiolaand Joseph Scbae, fer. — Feb. 24. Bo'iing, Jim Smith and Charley Mitchell sign articles iu London to box ten rounds on April 1st, for $200.— Feb. 10. Hockey, (Quebec, match between Halifax and Quebec teams.— Feb. 28. Ice Carnival, Montreal, commencement uf.— Feb. 4, SPOUT. —Ponlinii'il. New York, Anmleiir Athletic Tnion, Pulfvanlling rnnl«il, H. II. Baxter bieak.n indoor record.- Fib. H. Racing, Sundown, Urant prizj won by llibberl's " Castillan."— Feb. 20. ShiHiliiiit, Kaii«a« Oily. (Inn Club, Jmeph (inilerwood kills M live pigeoii-i straight under lliirliiigliani rules— Feb. 21. Siiowshoe races, .Montreal. — Feb. li. Skating, Dartmouth, N. S., lifteen mile race belwien ll.iwd and Uaiil- law.-Feh. 2.1. The ring, lliiide denosit-' Ci^ to back Pritchard of London to tight Deinpsey for Xinoii n side.- Feb. W. The Ring. Lnndoii. ICug., iirtieli'ii signed for h fight between Jim Siniili aiil J ike Kilrain lor i'l,iMm a side.— Feb. !l. The ring, Charlie Mitchell the pugilist severely injured in Loudon Fug., by being thrown from a dogi-art — Feb. 17. Springhill, N.S., mines shut down in (onseqnenee of increased railway. freight rates. — Feb. 4. Stallion " Moliiciiu " owned by Mr. .McKeen of Terra Haute, Md., death of -Feb. 7. Stanhope Mr , speaks at Brighton, Kiig., on the national defance question , —Feb. 27. STANLEY II. M.. btter received at Zanzibar, from Mr. Mackay. a mission arv in llsambiro, dated Nov. '.'li, slating no direct news ot, received. -Feb. 4. Reported killed in an engugeinent witb natives near Mangaroba. — Feb. IS. Further news of, from Lieut. Baert who arrives at Brusiiela from Stan] ley Falls.— Feb. 22. Nyangnra district rninonrs that Stanley collecting men to make war on tribe-i to northward. — Ja i. 24, repiirled Fob. 2.'i. Colliers, Wales, give notice that on .March 1 they will demand an advat.ce in wages. — Feb. 2.'J. Seamen, (;i\dc Sliipping (Company, men employed by, decide toHCcep 7 per cent, advance. — Feb. 27. Steamship freights, New York, White Star Line declares war agan.. . tiansatlantic lines who are cutting rates. — Feb. 14. Storniont Cotton Company, annual meeting of —Feb. 21. Street John W., inventorof improved caille car, dies at Chicago. — Feb. 16. STRIKES, coke men, Pennsylvania sirise commenced.— Feb. 2. Coke, Connellsvilie, Pa., ended, all mines at work except " Standard," "tjuintown " and " iMaminotli." — Feb. 7. Coke, Penn-iylvania, strike practically ended. — Feb. 0. Cotton weavers, Cornwall. Ont , tlie strikers go to tbe mill, but find- ing their demands not complied with refuse to work. — Feb ^i). Engineers, .Minneapolis .Motor Street railway —Feb 0. France, North extending rapidly owing to agitation of Socialists. — Feb. 14. Glassworkers, Charleroi, collisions between police and strikers. — Feb. 5. Miners, Monongaliela and Youghrogheny rivers, coal miners resume operations at old rates.--Feb. 4. Seamen, Cork. Glasgow, shipping companies concede, advance de- manded. — Feb. 4. Seamen, Dublin, vessels unable to obtain crews. — Feb. 4. Seamen, Gla.sgow, three thousand seamen and firemen out. — Feb. I. Seamen, British ports men freely signiiig articles at compromised rates.- Feb. 18. Street car employes, secret circular issued by advanced champioiu of labor as to bribe takers and traitors. — Feb. 15. Street car employes, .Vew York, virtually ended.— Feb, 3. .Street car employes, New York, the executive committees declare the strike oil'. — Feb. 6. Toronto, laborers on Dominion iinprovenient works. — Feb. 4. Weavers, Cornwall, Ont., two hundred go out, citizens decide not to grant a bonus.- Feb. 14. Stallion " Woodnut " sold by M. D. Halley, of Valligo, Cal., for $30,000. —Feb. 12. Sngalls. bombarded by French cruiser commanded by Admiral Aubry. Five members of A tchinotf expedition wounded and others captured. —Feb. 22. Sunday IhraUi, publication of, in London, denounced from many pulpits. —Feb. 3. Switzerland, extensive land slides at Fleiivier, Neufchatel. — Feb. 14. Switzerland, Oberraalt and Sololhuru, many houses destroyed and several deaths caused.— Feb. 22. Tahiti, schooner 'Tahiti " arrives at San Fr*nei3co, and reports great excileuient prevailing there iu consequence of news from Samoa. — Feb. 18. Tea, New York, 50,000 boxes, valued at $300,000, bought by one customer. —Feb. 8. u THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. TKI/K(1I(AI'IIS, Aii»i iiikI ('iinnilii. AiiHliHliHii culoiiit'ii unite in inri- llnii (.'iiiiikIii III «i'iiilili'li'tr nf l.ync 'I'lioiilri', us riii'pii|iiiiiit('iii, ii'Diiliii ill viMiliit Willi X.^iOiiO dHiiii>K>'i '"■' I'lniiitill- -VA>. 11 Kfrtiiri', i'lirif*. " Tlif Mtininis,'' I'onu'fly in tliri-o nets, by Virtoricn Nnnliiii, )>I(mIiiim'iI iil lliv VHinlt'vilU' Hnil wan n I'ltiUire.- V'vb. II. Ijiiniliiii, Kiiitliiiiil, WiUcin llarri'tt'd new pliiy " Now-a-Dayii " |iri>ilii' ceil III I'riiiiM'.^s' Tlifiiln".— Ki'h. 'iH. Miiiiiiii|i(ilis, Kitic' riHXlun, llic Hc'ln'8ii, liiia severe stroke of npoplexy. -Kcl). II. New V. «ui' Mrs. Ijiin);lry for $i,700 for fiirniHli- tug liilts mill i'IiiiiIh Inr lli|;liliiiiili'i'!i in piny of Mitclielli.— Feb. \tt. St. LoiiiH, Mmv An(lur:«iiii mivrrsi-ly rrilici/.ed by the ucwspiipera. — Keb, ■S.\. \'ientiH, S-iriil) ll«>rnliHr(lt nebievcH eiiornionu b leei'Sif in lier imperaona- tidiiof " I'filipra."— Fell. I:|. Tbi'tlonl, .Vslu'-'ios Milling Co., upplies for letters of incorporntion at Que, bee— Kib. J I. Trade, Kiiulancl, lainl Siili.sbury a'lilresi.N Uliainherof Cominerne, doadon KriKland. as to reviviii of trade. — Feb. 27. Transvaal and tlninne Free Stat' i* ^'ident.s ol, decide to hold conference to ilijjciis.-) advi.iability ut I'orniitii; I'ederiil union of the two states. — — Feb. H. Trichinosis, La I'orte County, Ind , twentv persons attacked with. — Feb, ;!ii. TlirSTS— .Sewer pipes, nineteen of the largest lirnis in United ,Stalea form combination. —Feb. cl. " Dig lour " bi'et eoinhinalion, Anu'rican Meat Company formed in New Yolk HH a rival 1o. — Feii. lij. (las, Chicago, Standard till (./\)nipany obtains control of. — Feb. 2C. Stove founders. .Maritiuiu I'rovinces to meet upper province corapclij tion— Feb. Vi. Windsor glass, Fittsliurg. Pa., importers of lielgian glass infuse to .ioin. aritl trust falls tliroiigh. — Feb ti. Tii|iper Sir Clias , responils lo toast of Hie Colonial empire at banquet to 1j iril Onslow in I. on Ion, Kug. — Feb. 10. Turkey, Sniian exiles .\ri<\ one nf principal sheikhs of Zenien, for inciting Arabs to revolt.— Keb. I<. Typhus Fever, Hungary, epiileniic at Iiolioka. — Feb. 8. Typliiis Itiver, lielgiuni, oullaeak at lliippage near Verviers. — Feb. 22. Union League Club, Chicago, celebnite anniversarv of Washington's birth. — Fell. 22. Unionists, I Liberal and lladical. conference at (ilasgow, speech by Mr. (;iianiberlain — Fell. 12. I'nionist meeting, Urisiol, Kng., breaks up witli cheers for Gladstone. — Feb. 12. UNITEIJ HTATKS (!ON'OUKSS. Hiinon, iiiessiige from President as lo liuw Ihe (letinai) (Icclnraiiun ot war was received, and the Martial proclani.ilion rescinded by Prince iJisniiirck. — Feb. 1. Agneiuent bi'iweeii tlie Creek nation and Ihe United States traosmit- ted by the i*residenl for ralilication. — Feb. .'i. Ministry, Kvans .Senator, ollered Attorney Cenernlship, which he declares vide .\ew \ ink Votnintrciul Adroctite. — Feb. 1. Senate, llritish extradition treaty rejected. — Feb. 1. Senate, Finance Cianniiitee hears evidence Ironi JohnS. Hell, cbief of the secret service of the Treas'ii-y as lo (^uuiiterleits in circulation. —Feb. 7. Congress, Samoa, ollicial minutes of conference held at Washington in I8ti7, wilh ad litioual correspondence sent by President.— Feb. H. House of Hepreseiilutives, jiroposed congress as to plan of arbitration for seitliiig disputes, representative Tonns-liend introduC"£ bill to aiuend ai't so us In iiii'liule Canada. — Feb. 12. Senate, Hriiisli extradition treaiy. discu.ssion una motion lo remove the injunctiin ol secrecy fruin tlie proceedinj;s. — Feb. 11. Senate passes bill to enulile llie President b' protect the interests of United States in Panama.— Feb. 11. Senate, Seal lisherie.s in Heluing's sea, Frcsident trausmits report from Secretary ol Slale ac to. — Feb, 12. Senate, nnval nominalions. President sends down list of. — Feb. 14. St!natc conlirnis the nomination of Carrol Ll. Wright, to be commis- Bioiier of labor —Feb. H. I UNITED HTATESSAMOA.— C..H/(/iri.'./. Senate, bill for protection of Salmon fisheries in Alaiika referred lo foreign relations committee.- Feb. 2H. Siickville ease, further papers sent to Congress, Mr. I'liyanl's letter to Lord Salisbury, his reply, and other eorrespondenee,— Fob. 20. Mr .Morgan introduces resolution, inviting {'arliamenl anil olllcers of the Doniinion to visit the United States and investigate the indus> tries and institutions of the eoiiiilry— Feb. IH. House conimitlee on foreign alfairs reports favorably on iSeiiale bill for proteeting American interests and eiti/.ens of Istliiniis of Panama.— Feb. If). And .lapan, supplementary treaty of commerce, amity and navi, ut(.-iirr<-nce^ { not bh hitherto the daton of piihlication. The fn'Ux ispulilish)'! tniirtiniOMii tiKMitli ; Init to form ft coniplote flit' for llic ycur it in ncccMrJury to |ireservo only the flrst isftue in piich niunth Tlio intoriiipiliato \»»\\cn contain tlie newH of the current month to (late. We have to arknowledge with thanks the receipt of a large number of papers otl'ered in cxchan^^t' for tbr> yfi7f/. As (ho Jfhffx in published prin- cipftUy for ttuMiHo ofiMliturt), anil has to depend chielly upon its coitteni- purariertfor HU[)|)'>tt, it is ubvioutly imposaible for it to indulge in the luxury of an ixulmugi* list. The suhscription is$(t poratiniiin, piiyahie yearly or half yearly in advance. Keiuittanccs shuukl bo mude to HENRY" DALBY, P. 0. Box 8tU, MONTUEAL, Quo. Mil. MaHTIS .T. (luiKiriN, LlllUAniAN oK PaHI.I AMKN T, OttaWH, Wrlttf-t '■ I am KfiidiiiK yon a siiliMfiipUoii for J two coiiicii of ytiur ** /ntlex,*' wlilub will Ih< iiiiist iii«nfiil iiikI whii'h iluHorvt't* iMit'onrRKiMniMit, It you hIII takn pHrtl- oulHr palim lu glvt) ihn iliih.'.-i ntiil ll^urt'tt of eli'utloiiH iind the datett of HpueeheB ot publli! uieTi, with roffit'iiru alxo to thu place itt whioh tho speech wii« dullveied. you will do a vury ^ratuful thing for public people und editors, and I may tuld llbrAritins. Mk. doiiN M. DoANK, SrATR LiiiUAnrANof Ohio, wrftei :— Enclosed plewe find six dollurs, in [myniunt for State Library Mihscrlptton ^lo the "Index of CurroDt Kvciitu " for \ni^\i. I rt'Kiinl it uM u vory vnluablo publlration, and hope tliat you may ntei^i with suchsucccBHiw to w;irrunl its uontlnuani'p, tor It will grow more valuablo ovory year. Mk. I[i;uuikh,uf tiik Bhooki.vx Kntjle, wrltos :— "Icongrntulutc you most heartily upon haviiiK(loiH^i(jooi| ibiiiK.a vttry gtioil thing, in »tartitigth»'" Intivx " enttirprtso. 1 hope 1 may have tli*' Joy of congratulHtliig y^n\ upon your surcessK year Uonce. A man \(illi ImUw on x\\f^ brain 1h one after my own Iteurt. M)' Judgment wan fnrintMl upon Numbor I ; If the iniloxhig Is kept up hs thoroughly in all HubHeiiuent tiumln-rH it will be a great help to us. " SiuCnAiii.ErtTri*i'i:K, Bart , HifiHC(iM.Mis9ir(NKKKonCANAnA, wrllen :— "It fleoniH to tuo to bi- ti very useful publication, and one that will bu vitluablu for reference purponeH." Mu. lU'UK. ABsnciATK KiMroH OK TIIK Pilli.AHRLiMli A IHibV.c Ledger writes :— " Voui huUx U highly appreciated at this otHce, whore it han long been a desideratum." Mu. Coi-wi'iioi'N OF THE "ToKONTo KMPrPT^, wrltfls :— " Allow me to congratulate ycm most conllally upon your admirable /tu/«,r. Thu idea and its execution are alike worthy of all praise." Mu. VAIIKX, "IF TIIK '• NkW-VokK MoHSlNO JoUKNAL," wrltofl .— " 1 ttud the Indkes of ^'reutr value, saving, us they ilo, much viiluablu (Imo in looking up hnportRiit events." (FKO.M TIIK .MOMKEAL OAZETl'K). Mr. Henry Dalby, n well-known and respected journalist of this city, has been for some mouths past publiHhIng a periodical wlilch all persons, whose business donnind» accuracy of date, all sludcnlri of contemporary history, all newspaper writers, and, in fact, all pcrHius who would Imve witldn roach an unfailing aUle-mtinmi-t! as to the chronology of their own tlino. will Und extremely useful. llisentltlcir' Tin Index of Current Ernit.H," and ih publlshctl weekly. Though neceHSKrily brief, the record of each successive noteworhy event Is hulHclenily clear to be no ndstakc as toHs purport. Where fuller information U sought, tho date supplies prompt indication of luindredH of aulhorltlo.t on thcHubjcct, lus the reader has only to turn up the tile of his local newspaper to bring all the par- ticulars back to his mind. No memory however active and extensive couhlkeep track of the r.ipid sutxcssnni of occurrcnci'sof every nature and dime which, in this lelegritphic a^re, form tho raw material of history. Hut by this ingenious plan the Hearcher is never astray. Instead of perplexing liimsclf and boring hit) [ friends, he cmisuIlH lias liulex, umi there, if a politician, he tlnds the eleethm of I which he desired Iln'tlatc ; if a business man. the failure, t)r tho riHo In wheat or tUeprouiulgutionof the new tariff ;if an insuruucu agent, heisatnoloss as ' tu the tire in which ho Is lulerestod ; if a sportsman, he can learn when the great racocomcs oiT. In line, fuch a chroiudoglcal record is invaluable to some and serviceable to all. The subscription is $(i, payable yearly or half-yearly, in advance. Address, M University street, Montreal. (I UOM THE ALIJANY SUNUAV PRESS.) 'the Index 0/ Current KrnilH, a weekly publication by ^Henry Dalby, 34 Unt- verblty street, Montreal, is an eminently valuable enterprise. It tnoroughly reviews recent events, and Is a great help to Ulstorlcally lucllned readers. Pii- / WHEN \ YOU * ARE * READY To order any more PLEASE CALL UP TELEFIiOnsrEl * S30 \ Or semi a VosTAL Caru to / s. \ JOHNLOVELL&SON, 23i25St.NicliolasSt.Jontre3l Best work at rni>- ilurtitu prim'n. APPOINTMENT WANTED. POSITION WANTED as corrospondent for any papers or journals 01 wDatsoever character. Am woU acquainted with the work. H. S. PICKETT, 11 Scott, Buffalo, N.Y. Tbe Index of Current Eventa is publiehed by Henr; Dalby, at 1902 Notre Oa me Street, Montreal. u THK INDEX OF CUUKENt EVENf^. i iapunqx ... ^ . iapwapcM jy S 1 i « IT s s ; ? i 5* 3 J I % 5 - S 1 : " 1 § = 8 i a s ;=. ■ - i f 5 ? r?! 5 3- 1 s r a f, a 8 2" ^ s Xnpiiuw 1 f s i 1 2* 8 J si' t ^'] r ? $ 5 ? 3" 5 s i 9* >4> .^ ; 5 15 3 3 ii I j »• 5 3 § i a f 1 = N $ Q S P ? % I <1 wiip»M i S* K f 1 3 : ? S S 5 f •1 Xapucnx ♦• s M« •-«» .*V •*» iCn • (tM •WB »^ 5 e f : ■> 13 XapuoN 7" 3? 1 3 •1 mt 3 5" s ffssTlsags Xcpjntag j i : S S 1 9 S" » fsfslsag^r pc; X»l>H,i{ f s f -«* ^«if> t^?' "^^ '***' rt w 5 © w f ' i!5 ?i § 5 S f S ? 'I" ? 3 s 2 s; g s a s ; T {Hpumu, % 3 3 1 ^•piaupa.w i«p >n 00 o o i»P\iA CO s Jim -*r sssfs ■jl'sS' to r- 00 o> 00 ir C* (V) ^ 00 J> « M — •-• . — . F-- <3: (0 j=) s i : CO [r- H ; ill CJ) i : s UJ I S! ^ • : : : : : pL, : 1 o i M 3 i O : (0 : o ; ? i 1 i i U » M U I < ft It ^, 1 § 4 a 1 H a S (0 £ J 1 >. ^ o a in 1 ! a at 3 ■a o « s 2; 1 I : ft S 1 ^ .J 1 CO UJ i = 1 1 E " 1 a o 1 1 1 at 1 c o 5^ ' J 1 1 1 o o o : 'c ! oe : tj 2 : '-a O « a il ft CL, 3 a a .S i2 .3 •3 — ^3 t I I "^ M y THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Vol,. II. No. 12. M(»nti;k\i.. a nil I, 4, ihsii. $11.11(1 I'kk Annum. Honi.iiiMiri WiiKLT. MARCH Al))MiiiiK, nrmv IxMii-itiiiK Kuh'uIh, Hrnniiuia nriny mHrohliiK "" Klmr- loiiin. -.^Iiu'cli 7. Alij-ssiniii, '.viir iIitIjiiimI ii){iiiiiHI, In KiiiK Mfiii'lek nr .SImib.— Miircli H ACC'IKKNTS — |)rciwiiin({, Di'iHlur Co., Iiimil.v nl Mf" M.vmi'h, nliip In nil, ilnin Mill ill » mvMinii iifir Ti'iini'ssi'i' rlviT,- Kill J', ie|>. Murcli J. I)rnn'niii;(. Mi'iirii. iwiki' <'lialp.i in Slalr nl' .liilirii 17 ihtkiiiis siiilint; I rtip^i/i'il ill II vritli' Hiiil ilriiM rii'.j. — Mmrli -.'•• j DniHiiiiiK, Mpxicii. I !iki' ('liMp'ilii iii'iir ( jiiiii|<'li Willi liir^i' nuiulH-r iit'cxoiiiditiiiiHti mi bartril. | — .Miinli Jil, hiiiwiiinif, ,Stiiriiow»\ . lliiiT ll»liiii(j liiiiil* •'\Viini|iril, mill twelvi- ocuii- : luinu ilriiwiinl -- >liiri-li '.'ii. E<|>li>Hiiiii4, niiiit'i, liri* >liiiii|i ill c'lillf 1}' kill.'i l'> hiiJ iiijurcH i; jHTSons — Miircli 1.1, I Kx|ih>Hinii, .New Vitrk, ('.xpliHinn in I'lfClrif siiliwity tit Twciily lliir'l direct timl Kil'tli Avfiiiir. — .Miirrli -.'i. , Kx|>lii9iiiii, Uiyiially rollii'iy, Wivxliiim, JO |ii'm>iiH killi'il.— Mnrcli Kl. Kxiilii^iiin, I'iilsliiirt/. I'll , 4 ini'n killnl iiuil ullu'ia I'alHlly iiijiireil liy hiiilcr ('X|>li>.iiiiii .Miiri'li I I. KxplimiiiiH, Itollni'll. Wiirli-iiiliiir^'. 81'vi'ii in'r^iiij kill'il at giiiiponr- iIiT liicliiry. -.March I'J Kircs, llcrHiicr, v Mrs. Hosworlh, niid occupied by ,1. K. Jeiiiier iV lio , niilliners, IJ liieinen huricd — Feb. JH, rep. March 1. Fire.s, I'orllnnd, .N II., , lames Harris Hi Co.'s rolliiiK mill deslrovcd — .March I J. Firea, I'rairio, Hakotn, much il>iniai;e by.— March .'in. Fires, Uuasia, town of riiisk deslroMil, six persons burned lo death. —March li.'. Fires. Siinnysiile, Maiiilidia, alablea oC l>. (iillespiiv — .March :il. Fire, .Ship '• St-tM I." on voyage IVoni Ve\v Vork to .lava, l.ur I at sea.- liep. .March 1(1. Fires, Weedoii, Kngland. Hriliah (»nvernnienl small iirnis storea.— .March J. Fires, WilliaiiHbiirit. Kureka Shoe Mann faoliiring Company, mi ly employees badly injured. — .March liil. Fire arms, \Viniiipe(f. KvaiH W. H.. acci.lentally shot in New Dougla.s House by his companion ('. Ilarkcr.— .March J4. Flooding, .\ilaiilic tiily visited b/ destructive Hood tide, several lionsea wrecked and roiindalions ol others aeriuuslv weakened — .March 2i. Frozen, Prince Alln-rt, X.W.T , Moiiald and John Finlnyaon, of Paris. Ont., ovcriakeii by lili/zard and Irozen to dealli. -March K). I'oiaoniiig. Montreal. Hoyne C. W.. medical sindeni, takes falnl dose of strychnine in mistake for chloral,— .March >>. Hailway. Cotcau l.andiuK. P. I.J , .lolin Ibilliinan, brakesman, crushed to death between two cars. -Mai, h 2:f. Railway, .Mativeto. North. bound passenger train from City ol Mexico on .Mexican National Hnilway wrecked, engineer and lire- man killed. — March _'.'>, Railwfty, Oaklade, Freight train on (/'an«dlnn PiiciHc liuiUvay derailed. — iMarch -4. [ A('Clhl':NTS,-C"H/<«<(.,/. Hailwav, l.iikn ami TienLsin IUilw«v, rosultiiig in many ileatha. — March JT. lUilway. PariK, (Inl,, mixed train on Orand Trunk Ity , lor SirKlfnrd dashcil iiiio bv freight iraiii Iroin llranifonl, .Mra. KliitHbeth l.nw and MnJ l.nw killed, -Manh I. I Itailwny, Itimouaki Fxpress from lliiltfnx, on Intereolonial fly., eol- j lides with special freight train, 4 iiii'ii killed Miiich in, •Slorio, .Vew Hanover (lo., .V,C,, young colored iiiaii kille:i /ly enor* mous liaiUstonea, -.March II', .Mghaiiislm, forces advancing I'liiin Herat a i, I the Kinir of llokliarn pre- paring to attack them - Mnrcii I .\rgliaiiistaii. .\iiieerol', denies that he hn^i any deiigiis against Itnsain. — .March II. AFIIKJA K.VSr —Zan/.ibar, Fig'it takes nlac" between Arabi and Der- niiins, lutler re-occupy Lnpnioyd, llushir .\rib lender wounded. — March ii. Tniigjers, Itritidi channel sipmdron arrives at, to support Kngluad'a cbiims regarding cable and other inatiers —.March lij, Tangiers, two llritiah ironcl.iils sjiil Ironi liibrallar to Join squadron at, -March Jo Uespalches reiiort in-,iirreciion not spreading. (Jerman ('om[iany'H employes coilei't duties in harbor occupieil by rebels.— March Jl. Zan/.ihar. .\rab illiow arrives at. and reports being lired at liy Uerinnn gunboats ami her ijiptain killed.— March il. /anzibar. Hr. Peters secures Mill Somilis to cover the advance of expedition under his coniinaud. — March ti. Zanzibar. Missionaries captured by insiirixeuts release, I on payment oi $.I,0'I0 in ndililion to rainom money, followers ot linsliere retreating into interior. — .March IJ. /anzihar, notwithslaudlDg blockade, arms being iinporteil in large (piantilies. — .March IJ. Zanzibar, <.'a|it. Wissman and l>r Pelers arrive at -.March III. Zanzibar, parly ot 2*0 men land from (lerman man-ot-wnr " .Scli- walbe " and burn Koudulehi, despatch received —.March JH. Algeria, soldier named Perijoie sentenceil lo death in ('ran for Ih.owing ipiid of tobacco in face of (.'ol. Thierry, while being tried for deser- tion. — .March l"i. .Anarchists, Aix-la-Cliatielle, .I anarchists arreste ' at.— March II. AnncMilion Canadian, Wimaii .Mr. Krastiis and Denison ('ol. (leorge, correspondence between, publisheil —.March I. .\rcliitecls, Ontario, meet at T,)ronio,aiiil organize for the pari of secur- ing legislation (o place standard ol entry into professional rnnka.-- March 21, Ark. iiisas Slate .Senate pass act changing election bin- to that I'rameil on Australian system. — .March (J. Asliestos and Antitnony (,'o., Canadian pros|)eetus of, issued. —March .">. Atcliinotf expedition, ollicini Kussian report issued ns to. — .March 5. At<'liinoirexpedition, Czar orders ollicial enquiry into. — \larch H, .\lcliinolVe\peililion, members who were broughl to tjebuslopol allowed to return home, .\tcliiuot)' delnined. — .March "Jo, .Vltanlic city visited by destructive ri,)od tide, several houses wrecked and founiiations of others seriously weakened. — .March JJ. Anslraliaii wheat crop talks short of estiniatetl product (or aeaaon, — .March Jl, AUSTRIA.— (In the alert for trouble in the llalkaiis. troops ordered to be inreadiness on Servian frontier at lliliia -,March It. Ciovernment orders Hannbe Navigation Co. to hold atearners for an emergency. Tugs and barges cunceiitrated to enable troops from .Veasalry to be transported to .Servian shore, riiff Jjunttun Ntan- ilifrrolesls against. -March 25, llaldwin Oelectivp. and /'O'.v who went into (he wilds of Wyoming and -McDowell counties, W. \'a , to break up gang ot distillers, siir- roanded, ami lives threatened. — March l.s. Ihiltiniore, New hospital, I'.'mperor William, of (Jcrmnny, send! cheque for $1J0.— March 27. Hanks, Denver, Col., Mr. .Molfatt, president of First National liank, comi>elled to make ont and pay cheque fur $21,000,— March 2D, THK ]NT»EX OF CUHllENT EVENTS. :;;ij! i^.!i '4 Bank, Ln Kanqiic N'ntioiiiilo. Qiu'hic. IIcjii. l-ii|i>n- Tliihnuiloiiii rr:|irescntatives in Federal founril to oppose passage of New (lernmn .\nti Socialist law.— .March ::o. Behrine Sea closed to all nations, rroclanjalion by Ueoeral Harrison issued.— .March JJ. BebiinK Sea, (piestion discussed in Canadian House of (Jonnnons. - March 2U. Bebring Sea, (pieslion asked in liriti^h House of Commons as to three sealing ships arrested in IHH7.— March JH. , Belgium, Agrici'".;.. ii league feilcraliou adopts resolution favorine inipo- siliuu of import duly upon all a^'rii ullural products. -March -U. Bermuda, entire k"<'>'>^»u ollicers anil lucii of English Kort Cuiiuiiigham desert.— March 14, Hepurled 'JD. Biarritz, airival of Queen Victoria at— .March 7. Births, Princess Irene, wife of I'rince Hiury of Prussia, brother of limpiror. of a son.— .March JO. Bismarck. Dak, opium smuggling trial closes as. — March II. Black Caps, Kingston, (lul., organization formed, secretary notilic? idlers and wife heater.s. — March 14. Bokhara, Kniir of, di'coraled by Czar with the While Kagle. — .March -'.'i. Boodio Trial, New York. Kerr, verdict of not guilly returned. — .March l.'i. Booth .Miss Mary L., cililor of J/ ti r/n r' s /lii:(i. Cianmons, Jt'suii .\ct. Col O'Hrien moves his resolutions, — March Jtj Commons. Ji'suit's f'Istales ..\els. discussion, coiiliuued speeches of Mr Dalton .McCariliy and .Sir .lohn 'I'liompsiHi.— .March J7. Public Accounts (?onimitti'e, militarv elolhiug. F\ idence of Captain Heuiiett, Mr. Wilby and Ll.-Col. Houghton.— March 2H. (,'inuinons, Jesuits Kslales Act, (Jol. II lirien's resolution defeated — .March J8. Senate, .Mr Kirpalrick's wrecking bill defeated, .Mr. Abbott's bill for expropriating laud tor publii- purp()ses passed. — March 28. Si'uate, Railway Ccantniltee. Ottawa and Murrisburg Railway, bill incorporating same deleated.— .March J8. Ciiuimons, Committee of supply, maintenance of Ridean Hall— .March J'.'. Senate. Fishing interests in Hehriug Sea discussed, Intercolonial Railway management debateii. — March JI». Canadian Manufacturers Assiuiation.aniiuiil meeting at Toronto.— .March 7 Canal lolls, C'anadian, Cabinet decides to re-impose last year's rates for coming season. — .March J. Carolina North, Negro cvodus assuming serious asjicct in. — Maich 11. Carolina .North, negro e.vodns from, mass meetings being held lo form cidoui/.ation ol nevMoes in Aikans-is. — .Maicli Is. Cats wild, .Mcl.aiie Mountain. Wyoming County. W. Pa., lour bovs, James and TlHUuas Lcd'tus and lleury and Frank Mitchee attacKed by — . March JJ. Chaujberl.iin Joseph. .MP., in letter to his conslitnents says (■ovcrnnient should present siibslitale for .Mr. (iladstune's rejected bill. — .March JO. Chanibeilaiu Joseph, M.I'., ami Caiiie W. S., MP., alteml local option ineetiug, Loiubm. I')ng., and are hooted by the audience, — .March 11, Charleston, W. Va.. (!en. Cmlfand Pies. Carr lake oath of officer as Gov- ernor, and demand that Gov Wilson give up ofKce, which he de- clines to do. — .March 1. Chignecto .Maiine Transport t'oinpany. prospectus of, issued in London 1 March 18. ('hilian Government issue- decree pridiibiling the inimigraticm of Chines.' but olfeiiiig free passage, board and lodging to Kui-ofaMins. — .March 18. CHIN A. — .Shanghai. Knglish consulate burned by mob, and damage done j to American consulate. — .March -i. I Chin Kiaug. serious outbreak at. British consulate and several other buildings belougiuK to Furopeans destroyed, news brought by steamship" Helgic' loSan Francisco.— .March 'J. t'lii Foo. native soldiers suspected of cmitemplnting attack upon for- eign settlement withdrawn by order of viceroy Le Hune-Chanir March 11, "' ■Ji i m ■gf TIIK IXDEX OF CUURENT EVENTS. 1 119 to trade- ievance dis- I U. Ki'iguaim. — III luolcction al of ciMliiiii lueasurint; uC kviLiliscussiiin spoiideiice. — iniige, ibrowii ilulion ilel'eat- t3 for, discus- •recktd or dis- !seil, CualoliH' 1, North West ■ih21. I i-nqnire into. I liill passes. -- iigsnell passes Hill passes.— irinn Sea qiies- iiis— March 2G, speeches of Mr 17. eiice of Captain -.28. ion defeated.— Vbbutt's bill for eh 28. g Kailway, bill u Hall.— March Intercolonial ronto.— March? year's rates for 11. ig held 10 form bur bov9, James allacKed by. — ivs (lOvcriinieiit led bill.— .March nil local opiiciu nioe.— March II. f ollicer as Hov- 0, which he de- led ill London. — iiiiiih of Ohinea.' nipeans.— .March .tid damage dune III several other ews brought by a I tack iinon for- Hung-Cbang.— CHINA.-Co«(i««<./. Tien Tsin, dea|inieli Irnin. reports niilives have risen on Kwang-S' fronlierand kilh-il l»il Kieiichineii.— Man'i 18. Ciirea, inierviewa bi'ineeii I.i-lliing (!liuii,' and .Mr. D«nny resnll in aiiiii-abie iiiuler.-itaiiiliiiif.--Marrli 2'.i, Chi llai Vii, mis-iimarv IVoiii, Hlales Chine-e have placarded houses of foreign re.iidenlH. nntifying lenaiiH lli.'v will be iiiassacred before long, news brought bysleanier ''.Xrabic" to San Kraiicl.-cn. - March 2,'i. Chinese troubles, .Milwankee. (Jhine."!' .\nilwssador at Washiiigloii sends word (Miinese liovernmenl will insist upon full imleninihcfttion.— March IC. Chinese, labor, (lovornoi of West Prussia in view of scarcity of farm hands suggests iiilroiliii-iion of. — March i;!. Cholera, I'liilippine Island.-', .lull di.illisal Zanibimiir.ii— .March 22. Clesse Anioine. poel of lii'lgiiini. death of. — Mnrcli !i. Cleveland, (lliio, lliinliimilun .lobu. one of original member.^ of Slandard nil i;o . places .>2iin,(iiio in trust, llie income lo bcdevoled to a di./.en charilable iiistiluliona.- -Maicli ;i. Cleveland, Ohio. Lake View renu'lery Associnlion not fie-i bondholders it is urialile to rai.-^e the in'er'-sl on its lionils. — March 7. Collieries, I'itlsburg. I'l., notices po.-ite.l al, notifying ineii iif suspension of si.ic weeks. — March -5. Coal, Anlhracile (Joinpiinies of l'iiiii.-;yh aiiia arrange plan for regiiliiting coal trade during the year. --March 2U. Coal, .Vew Vork, reiMvsenlaiiccs o( great companies meet and reduce prices. — .March 12. Coal, Cumberland (Joal ami ItaiUvay Co., li. (1. Leckie resigns managing directorship. — .March I;t. Coal-I.ake. Onal Dealers Association nii-et at Clevelanii and coplcl mean organization. — Keti. 2-i, rep. .March 2. Colonial Institute, I.oniliin, Kiig.. celebi'alioii of tweiity-lir^t anniversary —.March U. Commercial Union, resolutions fail to pass in United Slates Senate. — March 4. Connecticut I>egislatnri'. House passes bill iirnhibitiiig use of tobacco for smoking by minors iiniler l(i. — .March 14. Contract labor law, Mr. (irace, special agent of United Stales Treasury (leparliiieiit at Niagara fruiilier, lo see it enfiuceil. — .March II. Copper syndicate, France, liiiw they e.xpecl to get rid of their large stock, from Xi'ir i'lirl, II: iiil.i.i I'liris special. —Marcti 7. Copjier al London, Krig., Metal Kxchan^'e doses at C'>U. a fa . of XIV since the previous day, and .t.'2o on llie week. — March .-^. Copper, London. Knpland. large business done in (>. M. lis. (|uoled al £M lo Xal.lils cash. —March II. Copper Syndieale, Loudon. Kng., agents of, fail lo meet engagements, and force sale of l.'io Ions of copper.— .March IH. Corea and Uliiiia. interviews ln'tween Li Hung (Jliang and Mr. Oenny result in aniicablc iiiiiierslanding. — M'Mcli 2;i. t'ornell University, .New ^'ork .\s- iciation. annual dinner of Prof. Oold- wiii Smith, speech of. — March 2h. ('orinth ('anal, work on, siispeiulcil, owing to Paris hnancial crisis. — March 1.1. (counterfeiters, ('onway Co.. Ark.. Martin Thorp and Win (larnef, leaders of exlensi\'e gang, airesled. — .March V. Customs, Heaver Ilarbnr,, sc! ooiier " Win. H. Toye" seized for viola tion of t'usluiiis law. — .March ."". Customs, liooth Hay, .Me., ihilish .Scliiiouer '- (Heaner,' from ."^1. .lolin for .New Vork, sei/.eil lor nou-ciitrv. ---March s. Customs, (iranil .Maiian, N.H., American liiliiug schooner " W. H. Koye" sei/.i-il for landing a dorc without reporting or paying d illy. — .March 20. Clil.MKS. Suicide, !•' ranee, Itochereau .M. I'eiilert, director of Com|iloir d Kscoinple, Paris, asserteil suicide of. — .March 1. Absconders, .New Hriiuswick, \..I., I>c.\ler l-ahvard, (.'epiity post- master. — .March 20. Abscouiiers. t.Miicago, Charlie I'ow. clerk for Sing Kee. Chinese iiierchant, disappears with employer's savings — .Mio-i-li 2."». Absconders. Ni'W Vork, Henry lliinlie brought before .Iiidge Town- sheiid al Halifax, and dischaigeil and rearrested on another charge — March 2j. Higamy, Toronto, Irwin .-Mcxander trieil and sentenced.— March II. OetaiiUer. Lynn, Mass., l-Mgiir Swan, paying teller of .National City Hank, broughl before tJoinini-i>iiuier Halleil. — .March lii. Iiefanlti'is, New Hrunswick. N..1., I'exicr Kdwaril. depiitv po-lmaster- -March 211. Detiinlters. Pliiladelpliia, Craven liotierl. secretary and treasurer o' Philadelphia, Wellington and Hallimore Uailroad Company— .Manh Forgery, .New Vork, Henry llardie arrested at Halifax.— March 22. CRIMES.— Cond'nHi?!/. Forgers, New Vork. Henry llardie brought before Jiidgo Townshend at Halifax, and discharged, and re-arrested on another charge. — March J.-i. Manslauglitcr, Cornwall, (lit , Hogart Wm , ac(|uilted of killing Hull* — March la. .Manslaughter. Harlfnrd, Conn , Timer Ale.x. and lieily Amo.i K., en- gineers al Park Central Hotel, committed for trial to the Supreme Conn. --.March 12. liobtiery, Meiiiiihis. Talbot Charles, clerk of Ciayoso Hotel, who stole $I2'i.iMiu worth of diamonds Irom Fanny I lavenport, pardoned by Governor Taylor, of Tennessee. — March 20. Uohbei-y. Denver. Col , .Mr. .Moffatl, |iresiilent of lirU .National Bank, compelled to make out and pay cheque for $21,lliiO.— March 21i. Seduction. Toronto. John Archibald Watson and .Miss Alice Kirby, jury bring in verdict lor S.">,lioii,_.Marcli 28. Suicide. Vienna, Sigiior Uoniano, a painter of some note, commits sui- cide.— March Vt. Suicide, .Madrid. Ilonald Pousonby, supposed to be Richard Pigott, shoots himself.— March 1. Oofler, I-'migration (Committee, report of, discussed In Hritisli House of t'omnioiis. — March 2o. Cuba, in Spanish .Senate, .Mitiisier of Interior said (Jovernnient had no knowledge of scheme to sell (.'nba lo Unileil Stales— .March 20. (Jusloms, 11. .S., (tgdensburg, Treasury department atlirms a.-tion of col- lection of customs exacting fee on cars of Rome, Watertown and (Igdensburg Railway broughl by ferry steamer. — March :tO. Customs, Vancouver, raid on China Town, seizure of Chinese wino and .Manilla cigars. — March 22. Dairy Commission, wholesale Hiiiler, Cheese and figg Dealers Association of .New Vork petition senate to appropriate $li)0,iiuO for maintenance of dairy commission. — .March 2 1. Dakota, Prairie Hrcs, much damage done by.— .March Uii. Dakota, President nominates Arthur C. .Mallette to be (iovernor, and Lulher li. liichardson to be Secretary.- .March 12. Dakota, deplorable slate of alfairs amongal the farmers shewn by the Fiiriiu .I/-//i(.'.— .March 21. OKATHS.— liarllett Sidney, the .\estor of the Suffolk liar, at Boston.- - .March t>. liooth .Miss .Mary L., Editor of I/dr/:! r's ISiumir. New Vork. — March 3. Bright lU Hon. John, M. P., at Rochdale, Eng.--Miircli 27. Buckingham and Chaiidos Duke of. — .March 27. Clesse Ant (inc. poet of Belgium.— .March 0. (.'oeii Rev. Father, of Woodford, Ireland, agitator of the laud ipies- lioii. — .March ti. Davis Rear Admiral, retired, dies at Washiiiglou.— .March 12. De Gaspc Rev., cure of Levis, (Quebec.— .March 10. Degiiiselle Francis V., (irivate secretary of (Jen. .Monlellot, who was with .Napoleon at St. Helena, at Storm Lake, la. — March :i. Dugas .Mr. Firmiii. ex-M.P. lor Montcalm, ileath of.— .March 18. Erickson .lolin, (.'ivil Engineer, at New Vorl\ --.March 7. Frazer Lonl. Judge ot duter House of .Scotch Court of Session, dcalli of— .March 2.'*. (iladstone Sir Tlioina.s— March .'O. (iiahaiu .Mr. Kelchiim. cx-M P P. for West Ibolings. at Svdnev, (hit. --March H. Hall Samuel Carter, death of— March 18. Howard Dr. li. P . Dean of .Medical Faculty of McCill College, Mon- Ireal, death of. — .March 28. Ileegan Thomas, of Juniata township. Pa., aged lo.-^ycar-. — March 28. .laures .Admiral, French .Minister of Marine. — .March l:t. Kenneilv .Mr. II. ('., editor and publi..her of .Morrisburg. (Int., Courier. — Mai-ch 2u. .McCiirmick Ro.sanna, eccentric woman, dies at Jordan s White Sulphur .■■iprings. Pa.- .March 24. .McKay .Mr. Hugh, prominent citizen of Ib-gina. .March '24. Matthews Justice Stanley, at Washington. —.March 22. .Magiiinis D. .1., actor, at Boston. — .March 18. .Meier .Mr., founder and manager of North (!i>rman Lloyd Steamship Company. — March II. Prince .Moritz of Hawaii —March 2j. Peacock Richard, M.P. for Cordon division of Lancashire, England. — March 2. Rochereau .M. Deuferl, al Paris.— March .'i. SchonvalolI'Cimnl Peter, death of at .St. Pcletsbiirg— .March 22 Illlbach Louis. French novelist. — March li!. Vialo Hev. W. S., of (jnebec— March 10. Wi Hanson Isaiah P., millionaire philaiiihropisl, at Philadelphia.— .Vareli 7. WillioiDson J. V., will of, admitted to prohale at Philadelphia.— M»i'Cb 11, THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENfS. Degiiissellc Francis V., privftlc soorelnry of (Ji'ii. Monlellot, who wiis wiili Napoleon lit St. Heleiiii. iliiuli ut, iii Sinim l.iiko, 1b.— Mmcli :i. Oenmitrk, Kigsilng, HtillritMld's claim, Miiiiuuiiccmint timt liritish Minister lit Athens would act ks arbiiialor between United Slates and Denmark. — March 6. Denmark, Rigaday, committee ofLower advise rililicntion of conven- tion l)et\veen Denniiirk and United States |a>i\ iiliii;; lor aihUialiou ul' claim of 4lr. Itutterlield rgainsi Denmark. — .March 2'^. Denver, Col., James KUnniuan, i(/w.».l;iek the Kisser, Ac., sent to gnol for 18 months.— March 'M. Diphtheria black, (iallitzeii, I'a , i|iii[,ni r oC- -March I'. Diphtheria, Mono (Jentre and Itelcitsey, Unt., outbreak of. — March 11. DIPLOMATIC— (Jemnny, Austria, (^ount Von Walderzer to succicd Prince Henry of Keuss as Ueruian Ainiias.roves of appoinlinent of Sir Julian Pauncelote. — .March U. United States. President sends noniiuatinns to .Senale— March 11. United Stales, President Harrison receives the nionibers of the diplomatic corps. — .March 14. United States and France. Whilelaw lioid. of .\ew York, appointed to be United States .Minister to France.— .March 1:'. United Slates and Oerniany, .Mural Hal.slenil, nominaled liy President as Mioisler lo Germany.- .March JH. United Slates Murat ilalstend as Mini-lerlo lieniiany, nominalion not confirmed by Senate, but it contiinis Loring lo Porlupal, Liii- culn to Great ftrilain, Thurndyke to Russia, Kyan to .Mexico, and Egan to Chili— .March 30. United .States and Great Britain, Lincoln. Robert T., appointed .Minis- ter.— .March 2S. United States, nomination of F. D. Grant lo Auslria-llnnirary sent to Senate. — March ii). Distillers, rebate on grain bront:ht from foieiRn countries. Farmers at Kingston, Ont., iidojit resolution urging Parliament to rescind order-in-couucil jiranling such relate. — .March IL'. Divorce, Gibbons Card., interviewed then on, at lialliinoie, by New Vork HeraiiVs correspondent. — March IG. Divorce, London, Kng., Donegal Marchioness of, brings suit against her husband for cruelty and r. K, M. llunl. .lecrelary olHoanl of Health, Tre"nlon, treats fully ol same. --March 22. Divorce, New Vork, Bishop .Mrs. Helen li. olilains ahsoluledivorceagainsi Washington Irviiif;, the mind-reader —.March 27. Drexel A- J., purchases the Lonella .Mansion at Wayne. Pa., and selects trustees and managers for the Dre.\el Industrial College for Women. —March 11. Duels, Kmperor William refuses to grant [lardon to duellist who shot Dr. Halle —.March «. Duel, Servia, proposed duel at Belgrade between M. Belitnara Kovics, one of the Reireuts, and Nuliokovics. Chief of Slall, pieveuied by ex- King .Milan. — March M. Duel, Count Hoyos, trusted friend of lute Crown Prime Uiiilolph, (iphls anil shoots Count Balta//i. uncle of late liuroness Vetsera. duel fought in South of I'^'aiiee.--. March 27. battle between fiiUov - r victorious, 2 .Malidisl Duel, Paris, .M. ile I. onlay and (ieraull Richard light, wounded, — March 2:!. Tliehuiuer slightly Duel, Rome, llaly,l)e|iuty Cavnlolti ."lightly wounds Signor I 'luvelo, under- secretary of war deparinn'ul,--,March 23, Dugas Mr, Firniiu, ex-.MP, for .Montcalm, dea'h of, — .March \i*. Dundee. Socialist not at. — .March 2 1. Earthquake, Spain, strong shucks feltat Aliaiiia and Grenada.— .March 21!, Karthiiuake, Guayaquil, .several sharp shocks felt at— .March 4. Earthquake shocks in dilferent portions of I'euusvlvania ami Maryland.— March 8. Karthqunke, Italy, slio.k of, at Aiiuila.— March U. Earthquake, Smyrna, shock lelt at.-March 21. ECCLESIASTICAL— Ireland, The Pope, pastoral letlcis read in the Catholic churches express ."ymiiaihy wilh ihe Pope's position. - .March 3. Baltimore, .Md., Cardinal Gibbons receives fiom Pope letter in reply to letter of condolence which Cardinal sent hiin— .March lli. Divorce, Cardinal Gibbons interviewed at Ualliuiore by New York //cr"/d > correspondent. — .March lU. KCCLKSIASTICAL. — roH(/HH,-,/. England, Trial of Right Rev. Edward King, of Lincoln for rilualislic praclices, delendanl's counsel read extracts Iroin Canon law.— .March 12. Ireland, death of Father I'oen, of Woodford, agitator of the land question. — .March U. Kingsion silver jubilee of Su|M'rior of House of Providence celebrated. — March 2;"!. Levis, Quebec, death of Rev. Cure ile Gaspc— March 10. Piqie replies in letter lo Cardinal (iibbons lo one sent by American Archbishops as lo liberty and right of Apostolic .See^^.March .ill. Rome, Father Agoslinii |uva.hes at church of Sail Carlo, riot ensues, many arrests made. —.March 27. Rome, Houib explodes in San Carlo Church, while Father Agostino jireaching. — .March 31. Rome, Pope v.rwt lo the cardinalate Monsignors Hianti, Laiiranzi, Paniiulclli ami Chrislofori. — .March II. Rome, The Pope cdcbrates 7!i|h auniversary of his birth. —"arch 2. Rome, .\merican pilgrims received by ih ■ Pope.— Mrtich IH. Riiiue, Bishop Heave of Washiii._'loii presenls .Miss Caldwell, benefac- Iress ol Washiiigtou lliiiversily, lo ilii' Pope.— .March IG. Quebec, death of Rev. W. S Vialo, of Anglican Church.— .March 10. Sherman Thomas Kwing, son of General Slieriuiin, becomes a member of Ihe .Society of .lesiij. — .March 14. Toronto. Jesiiils. Wilo Rev. Dr., lakes up challenge of Whelan Rev, Father, lo prove thai oalli of Ji'siiiis saoclioned the doing of wrong that good may come of it. — March 3, Toronto, .New Surgical llo.-pilal for women, under control of Anglican sisterhood opened by li shop of Toronto. — March 30. Washington Pniversitv, Pope issues brief approving statutes of. — March 13. Eighty Club. London, Eug., Karl Spencer and .Mr. Parnell, gucsis of — March 8. EGYPT.— Great battle on the While Nib-, Kiniu Pascha defeats expedi- sent against him by Kluilepa .MidiiUah, news brought to Cairo by deserters from Kharioiiiii. --.Marih I. .Messenger arrives at Wady Haifa, and repori ers of Senonssi and Mahdisis al .Sinan, bui chiefs killed. — .March li!. Eiiiin Pasha scores a victory, and kills IIOOO Mahdisl." in the Soudan, news brought lo Cairo by .Malioiuined lleraivi. — .March 24. Victory o( Scnoiissi al Sinan, report conlirmed by ilespatcii received at British Foreign ollice. — March 2,'». ELKCTIO.V.S. — Harnsley. England, Lord Complon, Gladslonian. returned lolhe House of Coninioiis.~-Maiclil2. Chiselhiirsl. N. J., schoi 1 Iriislees. -.March 19. England, Kniield divisions of .Middlesex, Captain Bowles, Unionist Caiididale, relumed— .March 2'.i. England, (iorloii division of Lancashire. Richard Pcacia'k,(iladslonian returned.— March 23. Eiiglaii.l, Ki'iioingion division of l.aiubclli. .Mr. Beaiifov, (iladatunian, clecled. M;.rcli 1,'). llaldinianil, ictiini o( .Mr. ('oiler prolestcd. -March 1 1 . Eleclricily e.xecution.-j by. .Vi'w York, linal experiments by New Vork State aiilhonlies, — ,March 12. Electric Light, Edison Eleeiric Light Co. and United Slates and Westing- house (jom panics, Cmnniissioner of Patents, II tiawa, decides against Edison Company. — .March 7. Electric lighting. .New Vork, U.S. illiiminaling company passes into the control of Wcslinghouse Electric Light Company.'— \larch 20. Emigraiion, announcement made in lirilisli of Commons, that (ioverninent inlends appointing commitlee to enquire inio subject. —March 10. Eniin Bey, Dr. Peleis' expedition for relief of. German Government di c ides lo pieveiil it from proceeding into the interior of Africa — .Miirch 2. Emin Pnslia scores a victory and kills ilooo .Mahdisis in the Soudan, new.s brought to Cairo by .Maliommed Heraivi. — .March 24. Ericson Coast Delence (Company, cerlihcate of incorporation fyled in New Vork, — .March 2,(, Erickson John, the Civil Engineer, death of, at .New York,— March 7, FAILURES,— Boston, Gould Henry A,, & Co., dealers in dyestulTs.— March I . Antieosti Company, meeliiig for voliinlary lii|nidatioii convened at London, Eng. — .March 14. liarringlon. Mass,, Adams Frank W,, proprietor of (Hendalo woollen mills — .March 25. Boslon, (,'umniings E., .4; Co., leather dealers — March 27. Boston, North Chaa. H., ,4 Co , pork packing lirm.— .March 19. Columbus, Ohio, The .Mahoning .National Life Association. — March 0. England, .Mandcville Viscount, eldest son of Duke of .Manchester.— Match li. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. (f inooln for 0111 Canon ,f tlie liind celebmteJ. American Inreli :iO. liol CU311C9, 1- AKostiiio , LniirAnzi, —March 2. 18. ell, heni'fac- I). -Miircli 10. e3 a member Wlielun Rev. iiijT of wrong 1 of Anglican statutes of.— , gUC3l3 of — ;fei\t3 expedi- uglit t'> Ciiiru I ween foUov - 0113, 2 Mahilul ill tlie Soudan, •h 2h. tell received at iiian. returned wle?, Unionist k.lilailstonian CliuUlonian, low Voik State iind Wesling- Lloeide^ against Inai^sefl into the |\lurcli 20. |jonimonii, that re into suhjecl. In tlovernmeiit [ior of Africa — ■ Soudan, news 111! fjlcd in New l— March 7. in djejlulTi.— til lonvened at loiidalo woollen (arch 19. jjtion.— March li. Ir Manchester. — FAILURES.— ronf/nr/r.f. France, Tavanda & Co., bankers of I.emaiiB.— .March 16. London, Eng., Mnudeville Lord, heir to Duke of .Manchester, pronounced bankrupt— March 2H. Montreal, Thurston .Mr. J. D., wholesale boot and shoe manulacturer.— .March 29. Mimico, Toronto, Burgess \Vm., dealer in canned goods, arrested at Hulfalo, N'.V., on charge of defrauding his creditors.- March l.'i. New York, Demott k DuranI, stock brokerage lirni.— .March 29. Ottawa, Hrown e.\-Ald., arrested on charge of atleinjiling lo defraud his creditors.— March 22. Quebec, Begin shoe manufaeluring establishment.— .March 10. Quioec Shoe (,'onipany.- March 21. Beading, I'a., Iron Works Conipany.— March 5. Heading, Pa. I riui Works, meeting of creditors, report of committee on appraisement. ^.March 14. ift Leonards. Victoria County. N.B., Iliimilton George V., general trader and luniberinan.— March 22. Toronto, Christie, Kerr k Co., liinilHT lirm.— March r>. Toronto. Itisley and Kerrigan, meeling of creditors, estate ordeied to be sold by aucliou. — .March 5. Toronto, Itisley & Kerrigan, wholesale merchants, stock disposed ot to Samuel Heiijainin k Co. — .March l."i. Farms ctperimental, report upon, to Canadian Govcrntnent— March 9. Farmers, Kingston, Out., adopt resolution urging Parliament to rescind order-in council granting rebates to distillers on grain brought Irom foreign countries. — Marcli 12, Fisheries Question. Canadian Governtnent decides to ri-new the 'issue of licenses to American lishermen under mnliti nr, ;(,//. — March 2.^. Fisheries, renewal of ;«..7h.< ii((;i,;i discussed in Canadian House of Com- mons. — .March 2ti. Fisherie..j, Newfouiitiland, li.^hcrtuen letuniing to Gloucester, Mas^ . from Fortune anil I'lacentia Hays, say cutters |iatrollnig and every port strictly guarded.— .March II. Flood James C , will of, hied at Hodwood City, Calif —March I. Flour, St, Louis, millers of winter wheal holding secret meetings for purpose of forming combine to control the output of Hour. — .March 7. Flour, freight on, Chicago, Burlington and N'oriliern Uoad gives notice at meeting of North-Western ciivision of West Freight Association lo reduce rate on.— Feb. 2X, rep. .March 2. FRAN'I'E. — .•\rmentieres, workmen on strike attack the faclories, soldiers called out —March 7. Academy, I)uc d'.\umale, elected director of— March \H. .Admiral Kraniz nppoinled Minister of .Marine— .Murcli lU. Alsace-Lorraine .Society hold meeting at Paris to dccule whether to give bamiuet in honor of .M. .Viitoinc. llproarioiis proceedings. — March 2:i. Antoine M. recently iiu'iuher of lleiehstag for .Met?., issues farewell address to his coiHlitueuts. — Marcli lii. Autoine .M., enlliiisiastically greeted on his arrival at Paris,-- March 29. Antoine M., professes hostility to Gen. Hoiilanger, since the latter abandoned the Bevanche iiolicy. — .Marcli 21. Autoine .M., banquet given to, at Paris, and he gives advice as to dis- cussions. — .March 22. Boiilaiiger Gen., denounces, at reception at Paris, .M. Tirard for strik. iiig down league of Patriots.— .March :i. Hoiilanger, ollicers ordered not to salute or recognize hini in the Bois, de Boulogne. — March tl. Hiiiilanger Gen., in letter to electors of department of the North announces the circumstances reqiiiriug him to represent tho depart inent of the Seine. — .March 17. Boulangcr, on journey from Paris to Tours, meets with enthiisiiistic greeiings. — .March 17. i Boulangcr, Ministry decides lo'cnte.— .March 29. *§. Cahiuet decides to abandon scheme lor creation of a minister of the ;|i cidonies, — .March 12. 3 Cliamher of I'epnlies, Biippression of the patriotic league, the Govern- ;'.* luent sustained in its action.— .March 2. '^ JJ Chamber of Deputies, Panama Canal. The Government refuses aid to.— March 7. t'lmmher of Deputies, Am testy to persons imprisoned under laws dealing with strikes, ubiic speaking and press olljiice-',, proposal for immediHte discussion negatived. — .March 9. Chamber of Dennties, Duke dWiimale revocation of bsnisliment of, brought liy .M Pellelan. The Governincnt's conduct endorsed.— :;■ Marcli 9. ;5, (.'hamber of Hepuiies. patrioti,' leiigue, (luvcriiincnl authoiizi'd lo J> prosecute leadirs ol. -.M.ircli 1 1, CMmmber of Deputies. deputiiM bdonuing to patriotii league lo be prosecuted, (ieneral lioiilaiiger deliant cliiilleiiges to light duels.— Match 14, FH.\yrE—ConiinHcd. Chamber nf deputies. Patriotic League, M. Laguerre attacks M. Con- stans, .Minister of Interior, exciting scene in the (Chamber.— .March Itl. Chamber of deputies, financial crisi? discussed, motion that Oovern- ment take steps to ascertain who were responsible for crisis, and to make law respected, adopt' d. — .March 21. Chamber of deputies, tho copper collapse discussed, authors of gyndi- cate described as ruined.— .March 21. Chamber of deputies, distribution of sewage of Pans on the plain of Acheres, hill pussed for.- .March 25. Chatntier of depitlie', treasurer, general ilepartmcnl, resolution adopt- ed in tavorof introduction of hill to organize department.— .March 26. Chamber of deputies, Rye, bill pa.ssed doubling import duties on rye, and adding r> francs' per hundred weight lo duly on rye meal.— March 2H. Chamber grants credit of 20,900,000 francs for erection of memorial of revolution. — .March 2n. Chaniher of deputies, slanderous press attack on public officials, bill dealing with, urgency voted for.- March an. Comptoir d'Escomple de Paris, six directors announce readiness to pay on demand all moneys deposited with the company.— March 6. Comptoir d'E-comple de Paris, the Bank of France advances a hundred million fiaiics to. — March H. Comptoir d Escomple, Shanghai branch compelled to suspend until supplies arrive —.March 1 1. Comptoir iriOscomple, Minister of Finance appoints two experts to ascertain exact position of— March II. t'oinptoir iriCscomple, .M. Midland appoiiite I liquidator, a commission nominated to compile statutes of a new Comptoir .National d'Es- comple. — March 19 CiMuptoir d'K-compie, twenty million francs subscribed on condition Bank of France subscribes a million. -March 24. ('oniptoir d'Escomple, Tribunal of Commerce decides there is nc ground for dissiiliition, but nominates provincial administrators, -- .March 24. Comptoir d'Escomple, report of Trustees appointed by Paris Tribunal 01 Commerce, — Marc h 28, ('omptoir d'Escomple directors appear before .M. Friiiet, examinini; Magistrate. — .March ;!0. Copper .syndicate, Socictc lies .Mi'tanx gives notice of its inability to take deliveries of copper fnun the iiiines.— March 19. Deputation from Boulogne visits Bonliinger, and | :eser.ts hiui with sword of honor.- March .'i. Due d'Aumale has interview at Paris with President Carnct.— March 12, Financial crisis, seventy-live inillioii francs taken out from Hank of France, in addition to hundred million francs advanced to Comptoir il'Escompte, — .March Hi. Financial crisis, Financiers meet, .M. Rouvier makes appeal which meets with success.— March 17. Havre, M. Antoine given a banquet at, he protests againts anything approaching dictatorship for France. — .March ,11. Kiiehn M., formerly police inspector at Avricourt, sent to prison for 2 years as a German spy.— Jlarch 2ii. .M. de Loiilay and Gerault Richard hght duel at Paris, former slightly wounded. — .March 'I'A. Newfoundland, deputation urges Pr.'inier Tirard and M. '■ -ii'iev, Frencii minister of fo-eif< ■ .Ifaii; lo deal with iieutrali/.atio ■.;l /'ur- iuglishing season. — .Mir', li a."), (iliiaiiis permission from / in'Miv to tr;.n-ol'er remains of Generals C:.r- iiot and .Marceau to Frauce. — .darcl*. 23. Parts, Bank panic, great meeting of bai.'-ers presided over by .M. Rouvier sils at .Ministry of rioanc. —.March H. Paris, Filter tower inaugurates, I'remier Tirard dclivetcd an oration. — March :U. Patriotic League, Paris, ."1,000 letters seized in the ollices of- March 4. Patriotic league, public pro-iecution at Paris sends to Minister of .liistice an indictment under secret societies law against officers of patriotic league. — .March !t. Patriotic league, .Manifesto, published by MM. Naqiiet, Lnguerre, Laisant and Tiirquct, in which they say " I'arliament is already doomed." — March II. Patriotic League, Paris police search houses of many niembcrs of, committee of liberal union formed, anl issues maiiifesto protesting again it Ca'sarisni and the la licalism which produced it. — .March 15. Patriotic league, police make further searches in residences of mem- bers of. — .Njarcli 17. Patriotic lea(;iie. Senator \aqnet and Deputie.i Lagiierre and Turquet arraigned heforo exaniiniiig magistrate at Paris. — .March 19. Patriotic league, .loiinnil di'i Di-lmis says Guveramcnt abandoned proscciilioti of l)e|iut} Lagiierre,— ,>Iarcl| 25. l^ THE INDKX OF CURRENT EVENTS. $. Clold, Towiismil, Mont., iliscinoiccl in tlip blufl? nn Missouri river.— Maich TA. r.iiiijil.liiv.iiitervipH'ivl on [ntcrsliUi' liiw In- New Vorii TrilDiif. — .M«rcli2.'!. (loiilil Mr. .lay, inUrvit'Wf.l nt St. I.oiiis on the niilroiol siliiiilion. — Miin'h IJ. FRANrE.-C.iH//«w<'./. ticnmo pasfes bill conslitnting il,=cll n higli loiirl jf jiLtilice in ontes of plots Hgriinst Ihc siHlp. — March 'l\i. Hocitii' lies Mi'laiix, M. Moiciiu appoiiiliil Jmliciiil lii|iiiilalor of Itic Hoclt'l}'. — March -I. Vasselofa exhibit of biist.s prohibileil bv l'nri.s Kxhibition iiuthoiitiej, ' "lalitni Mr. KcKhiini. ex M IM'. Cr West HastioR.s, .lealh of. nt Sydney beeause bust of Konluuger in the eolleclion. — Miireb 4. | ""^' — March ;i. Frazer Lord. J ndge of Outer House of Scotch Court of Session, denlli ol- i ^''"'"'■'"•^*'i (Jrand Trunk lladiv.iy issues notice a8 to rates to Moiitrea Miiieh '-'8. '"'Ill Toronto and points east.- -.March Ji;. Freight, Weal Kreijiht Association, Chicago, Ihirlint'lon and x,,|therii '^"■'-''■'';.''o^''-'''»'iit'i''' I'i''l'-'s'9 ''g'l'i'^l ■^"''li'i'i'^ 'olleiyi'iohibillon.- March Road gives notice ot its inteution to reduce rate on fioiir. — Feb. 2H, I ■■■*■ rep. March 2. ! Oreece, Chnndier ofdepnties votes dowry of J.-iton Lord, nu-eting on Irish all'.iirs at Islington, I^ondon, I'liig- March i:i. lives III Federal Ciaiiicil. to oppose passing rk lliriihl interviews .Mii:ister of Hawaiian Islands at \Vasliiiij;ton theieoii.— .March ItJ. Bisninrck Count Herbert, starts for London, the German papers sav to settle the rapprochement between Kngland and Germany —.March ■21. ■ Cliarlotlenbnrg. editor of local paper, .sentenced to imprisonment for libelling Rismarck.— .March 20. Frettoh .Xmbassador's dinner to Lniperor Willi. im. — .March II. Government orders maiuiaclory lor steel rilles to be erected at Spandan. — .March 22. ilainburg, young ollicer in Gerinan navy, son of Kerr Goehel, shoots himself and .Mdlle. opera singer.hisniuini'iala. — .March 22 Duellist w ho shot Dr. Halle, Hnipeior William rel' lo grant tiardon to. -March H. .Monument lo Kmperor Frederick on ballleliebl of Wi eilh, Minp<'i(u William sanclitais the project — Marcli ■\. Reichstag, Artillery, supplementary esiimates for increase and ri - organization of, iliscussed. — .March 1.'). Reichstag, aged woikiuen's insurance bill, liismarck denies he is dy- ing.— .March 2;i. Samoan difficulty, (lovernment issues White book on —March 22. I Snords and rilles in large i|uanlilies ordered by Guvernnieni. March 2.'). United trades guild, central committee of, ri eeived by Finperor Wil- liam, and speaks as lo olijecl ol his Kuropean lour — Maich lij. Zurich, student killed and others wounded while making" bcinbs, many arrests made.— .March 8. Gladstone .Mr. \\ . K., writes letter to candidate at Kensingtnuiuon Gold mines, Santa Clara, Lower Cal,, correspondent of ,San Francisto Kxamiiitr says they are a '• glittering d. liision.'— March 28. GolJ, ^f^^^^'^!','*- »"" '"'"''"' '^"'1"" ordered f. r shii.mcut to London - Gold, Queen's county, N, S., bonanza lead struck in Moleiu Gold Minii.o Coini'atvy « areaji.— Alarcb ii. v m .iiumg II.WTI. — Legilime's forces defeat llyppoliies Army, tow is in .Vorlh captured, Geieral Gabeaii killed, (ien. .N'useree captured. Advic 3 brought by steamer " Andes" to New Vork. — .March <;. Legitime sends tclegiains to I-j)r'o|eaii (.lovermnents aiim inieing rebelliini crushed, iiud demanding ncognitiiMi of his GovernmeDt. — March T. Legitinie's warship, the " D' ssalines" ariives otf (btiiaves and is Hred upon by two foris. The StMithern army bui'iis the ii,\vn of tirand Solincand comnrts outrages on females.-- Ibporl'il Marcli 1.1 Legitime meets wiih success in department of Lartibonile, Army nf .•--ontb captures province of Iron.— reporleil .March 28. Steamer ''Caridute .Miller" arrives at New ^'otk, and reports t| .-ti twelve of Legilime's soldiers lalfu 'u-isdners by Hi) polyte shot i;i public square at (Jape llaytien. — .March lo. Holland. Minister Heemskerk appointed rc'gent, n porlecl nl the Hague.— .March 22. Hullaml, the (Jiieen undertakes temporarily the duties ot regenl— .March Holland, Lower House, Prime minister announces Cabinet decides that the King is incapacitated from cartying on Government, - .^larcli 20, Honorable .\rtillery Company, l.onilon, Eul',. Queen restores lo the com- pany its ancient privileges,— Marcli lH, Horses, C'ainbridge f'ity, .Md.. Lacki-y. ('arnumy .-alecloscs at - .March 22. Horses, " Prince Willies" o» Tieil by (;e()ige .\. Singerly. .if I'liiladelphiii, sold in New Vork for S'.il.Oon to .1, I!. Ilulibard— .March 2."i. Howard Dr. R. P., Dean of .Medical faculty ol .McGill College, .Montreal. death of.— Marcli 2s. Hudson Bay, fur sales, satisfactory prices, L.m.lon. Kng.— .March 27. Hungary. Herr Von Tis/a. prime niini.-ter, Icndered reception by Lil».ral Club at Peslh, and receives an ovalion, — .March l:i. Hungary. Peslh, rioting renewed, loo persons nrresle.l. Prime .Minister Tisza receives full iiowers Irom l'.m|ieror to stop outbreak, — ,\laicli 21. Hungarian diet,' Tisza Premier, arrives, riotous scenes in the Chamber ^ March 20, Hungary Diet, Herr (blean the police lor inl.rfering with students' demonstrations, — March 22, Hungary, Peslh, rioting renewed, military calle.l out, .a.'veral persons arrested, --March 2,"i, Hungary Diet, Lower Mouse, army lull corsid.'r.'.l, against second year's servi.'c for r. j.u-tfd, — Mar.-h 2il, luimigrRnts, New Vork, ten Aral) iminigraiits .^hipped back lo Kurope — March 23. IMPERIAL PARLl,VMI';\'r,-lliiiise .if C.immoiH, Irish .libnte, Mr. Gladstone replies to .Mr. I'hi.iiiberlain. — ,March I. Ireland, .Mr. .Morley's ainen.lment lo the address rej.cle'I.— March 1 Commons, R.ib.'rt Gent Davis, ,M.P.. resigns his —.Mat'eh ( Comiuous, closure carried on the yueeu's speech, — .March CI, Inc Indi J THE INDEX OF CUPRENT EVENTS ■r —Maioh -Miircli23. )ti.— Mai'i'h n( .Sydney lo McmlriMi i,n.-M«rcU < Alexniiili iircli W. il Sivii rri>"- Xe« SuuUi t by puny of uilid.— March ,it I'lirk l>ii- tlif Supicmu ton, lionilun, II jiriisin'cta ot 3, New York L Wiiiliiiijitun f,i3 in Xoi'lli rril. Advic 3 1^ iiniii iMioini? Jlovi'rnmt'ni.— vcs anil i'' Hn-il i.iwii of (iraiiil iMiircli i:!. Ic, Army of i-c.porls II -1 1 polylc shot in ilii> llatriie.— ('gcnl — Miiroli ,.,i.lo» tlml the . Miirdi ■-'(!. ei u> I lie ooni nt- Miircli 22. IMiiliiili.'l|ilii;i, ill J.V lo(;o, Monlri'iili ilnrch 27. lion liy Iiiln'ml Pi'iino Minl^lcr |liR'ak,--.\|auli he I'hiimhei'.— inteileriiig nilh .at'vcnil persons II ngiiinst second lU lo Kiirope.— sh lUhale, Mr. !icd.— March 1. -March l. larch 0. IMPERIAL PARLlAMEN'T.-ron/rn««rf. Commons. Navy, Lord fie( rjfo Ilnmillon aski for Iwcoly-one million ponnds lo be spent on new vessels. — .March 7. 'Ooinnions, Samoa, Sir ./aines Kertfiisoii stales Kapliind has no right to intertere in (he matter.— .March 7. •Commons, Mr. Ilnidlangira motion lo e.\pnn|»i) from Ihe records the particulars of his expulsion from the House in iHSii defeated. — .March H. K.ionimons, .Vrinye.itiniales, Mr. Smnhopesays Dial owinj; In increa.Sca. ipiestion asked as lo three sealing ships arrested in 1H87,— March 2S, Commons, Hriglil Ihe laic lion, .loliii, Mr, Chidstoiie pronounces eulogy upon, — ,Marcli 2H, Lord,s, Karl ("arnarvou's bill |iroviding feu- llie evpiilsion of peers for discredilable coiidiict rejected —.M.ircli 2\. Lords, .lohn Hrighl, Lord Sali.4iury's exordium on,— March 2H, .Morocco Siillan ol, and Knglainl, aiinounceineiit luede lliai Mritish channel squadron gone to Tangier. -.March 111. Samoa, blue book on Samoan all'.iirs issued,— March 20. INDIA,— Cashmere, discovery of plot against Ihe life of iirilisli icsiden', the .Maharajah oilers lo alMlicale,--,March '■>. Cashmere. Maharajah of, ollicial enuuiry onlerel into alleged con spiracy by, lo poisi.n Uritish residen't,— .March 1 1. Incendiarism, York. Pa , incendiaries arrested al.— Mi rcli 20, Indian troubles, Seumidle Indians, alt'ray among, in Ihe Kverylades, eielit Indians killed, -Mnrcli 2, •■ <" J . s Indians. Arizona, Chitachuan, a relndlioiis chief and !,"> warriors iii- Irencl ed, 14 miles north ofSaii Carlo's ageiicv and defying mililarv anthi rities,- .March 2.5, ' ' ^ ^ Indians, Major .McCiibbon, of Indian department, visits Winnipeg, and makes exce'lent reports concerning Imlian*,— March 2,"i, Inland Revenue, nicw Haven, Ct . I l,uon pounds of oleomargarine seized « tactory of N, ,1, .Vatlian ,(; Co. -.March 2.">, Insane, Calico. Lake I'onio. Leopold Laudaner, noted diamond merchant ol I'erlin, arrested,— March .'<. Insanity, Ramberg, Ansiria, family of ,5 per.«ons all insane, prayed contin- uously for three days and nights —.Match 12. Insurance Underwriters Canadian, convention of, at Muntreal.-March ,28., Interstate commerce commission renders decision at Washington in thn case of Ihe .Norlh Wesleru Iowa (train and Stock Ship|ier3 .\S30- ciati'on e,« The Chicago and .North Western Railway Company, — ,Maich 22, Intersiftle law, Jay Gould interviewed thereon, by New York Trihunf.-— March 2,'!, Interstate Commerce Commission at Washington cites (Jrand Trunk Rail- way lor violating law by granting rebates, — March 2ii, Interstate Commerce, commission issues circular calling attention of car- riers loactofCongi ess amending Interstate Coniiuercc Act. —March If. IRKLA.N'h. Clonniel, Tanner l>r,, MP, arrives at.— March ,!, Brilish ('abinet decides to inlroducn al next session of Parliament ijimil piircliase sidieme, and in 1801 Irish Local government bill, — March 2'.i, Clongorry, thirteen tenants evicted from llieir holdings,— March 2R, Cniinly (,'lare, Creagh .Mr., a landlord and his sister tired upon while driving to Churcli, — .March 10, Chiiniberlaiu .Mr,, in letlir to bis constituents, says (iovernment should present substiiiite lor,\lr, (lladstone's rejected bill. — .March 20. Kmigiatioii. Irish >Secretaiy states in House of Commons Ihat there arei.'IK,(i(io unspent ol Parliamentary grant tor emigration from con- gesled .listricls ot Ireland, — ^lilrcb il, Failiii t'.ien of Woodford, Ihe lauious agitator of the land r|Uestlun, death of, — .March *', (Hadslone ,\lr , writes letter lo candidate nt Kensington, Eng., that struggle will terminaie in his favor — .March 14. (iweedore, .McFadden Father, trial of, lor oH'ence under Crimes Act begun,— .March 211. Home liiile, prospecis of, Lord llarlingloii addresses council of Liberal rnionists upon. — .March 22. Letleikentiy. Kallier Slephens. of I'alcan.igh, sentenced lo six inontli.S imprisonment for ollijnces uniler the Crimes act. — .March 4. McCarthy Justin, presides at Nationalist banquet in London, — .March IS, II Urieii Wm , M P . liritish (loverunienl, abandons ide.i of prosecutiop; tor conspiracy. — .March Li. (I'llrieu William, refuses to accept bis liberty on comlilion imposed hy Parnell TninK commission. — ,Maich IH, Olpherl eslates, Iwenly-tliiee teiiaiits trieil for resisting olhcers sent lo evict ihem, and senlenceil to impri,-oumeiil al Knniskillen.— .March II, Qnecnstnwu. Doncgliy Michaid and wih, arrested lor having revolvers and aiiiiniinilion aiiioug (heir baggag" (roin America, — ,March 10, Tanner Hr,, M.P.. arrested in the smoking room of his liolel, London, I-'.ng,— March 1. Tanner Dr., .MP, for Cork, convicleil of violation of Crimes act, and sentenced lo iinprisoiinieiit,- March 7. Tipperary. Mr. (• .Malioney, editor of Ti| ji'rary Xntionnlh'l, senlenceil under Crimes Act for intimidation,— ,\larcb 20, Townarvilly, Coiiniy Donegal, number of tenants evidod by :U)() police- men assisted hy iroops, — .March 20, Walsh .Vr'l. bishop, sends telegrnni to Card. Ilnmpolla. Papal secretary of slac , instancing case of Pigod as proving tliat Parnelliles have been misreprescn(ed at the Vatican.— .March 2, Irish National League, Hritish spies in America, n'solulion adopted urging joint action by congress of I'niled States, ,is to.— March ;i. Iriit/t M'or/'/. decision of .lodges in London, Eug.. iKdds the Laud Leagiio re.-)ioiisible for gt'iieral tendency of its policy, — ,March o. Iron Works, Peiin,sylva'iia, closing down of ridling mills at Naon i and Ijibrallar and III" Keystone rolling mill of Heading, in consequence ol failure of Heading Irini Works, — March ci, ITALY, New Cabinet, Crispi Signor,cliarged with formation of,— March 2. Cabinet, (!ris]ii Signor |)re.seuls lo King Humbert cabinet list com- po.sed ot inemlaM's of llie left, but proposes King enlru.);ie charges in the stale.— March T. Massachusetts I.egishiture liill grauling, municipal Iranchise to women delcaled.— .March \i. ^ D; . „ \i .. , 1 .. _-ii- • !• r 1 .■ .Matthews Justice Staulev, death (if. at Washtnglon. — .March "Jl'. ivorce, .Mctjoinbe Jaines C, millMmairc, applies for, on ground ol • incompatibility of temper.— March 'JP. i Measles, London, Kng., serious epidemic of— .^larch ID. Justice Slanlcy . Matthews dies at Washington. — .March 'J'i. ,iiM.i.,.r i ■ i- .- i i. n .■ . i ■ • in .r , , „ ,,,.■,,, , . „ , , , . ,. .MKDKAL — London, Kng.. licrhaidt Prol.. eminent phvsieian ol llerlin, Lorn on, hng., /«. 1 , , • , ., ('(illcgc, Mniitieiil, dcah or,--M.irch :!H. New York, ex iiresident Cleveland, eeced active inembero bar asso- ,,..,. ,, i- i , i i . ciation.— March 1',!. "'"-"" Mexican Inlcrunlional luipruvciuciu Conipany iidjuoj,,d a Iraiiiluleiit con- New York, Totten Clara sues C. H. Iteid of llollnian House fo'' ,, . "^'.V'.T' ' ',.' '' i , i i ■ „.„ .• .i , $100,000 for breach of promise of marriage.-.Marcli 'i.", ■^'"•'""'> '^''""•■' di-^cusses Lower Calilurnia, and decides lo protect the ,...,,. I ■ , , » ,.. . tronlier. — March n. New \ork, divorce obtained by Mrs. elen G. llisiiop against Wash- ... •■ , .. ,,■ , r i i i i ,..;,i ington Irving liishoo, the niind-readcr.-. March 'ii. .Mexico, two slcan.cis sail Iron. .San l.iego l„r Lusei.ida loaded with ,,,, ,, ,, ,, .,.',, , ,„ niiiiers and 1 rospeclors. Ci.v. Tcures leleiir.iphs the .Mexican Secre- 01 awa, Mrs. Bell r Sir Charles lupper, case concluded, verdict for i,,,.,. „f war lor ad.lilional troous. -.M.ircli I I. defendant — .March lo. •' , • , . r ■ • i i _ ... ,, .....,,., , , ., ,. . ,. ' Mexico (! iveruni'Mil takes slcps to pivveii! iiitrodiicliou of Americ 111 lard Russia, Supreme Court at St Pelersbiirah decides loat Princess llohen- — Martii ' ' lolie. wife of IheSlalthaller. of .Ms.icc-Liirainc, is indebted toliank ... '. , „V , o <■ ■ i , . i- Mexico, Lake Ciialpa, Stale of .lulisco. exeursioii parly ol l< persons drowned. — .Maitli i.'i. .New York, Arcade Uailway, at the suit of J. J. .\stor and others ; Court uf Appeal decides that Arcade railroad law is iiiiconstitiiiinnal i —March I'J. of Commerce in (i,IIOO,ii"M roubles. —.March IH Bcotland, Krazer Lord, Judge of tlnter House Scotch Court of .Ses sion, death of. — .March 28. Toronto, Watson J. A., charged with seducing .Miss Alice Kirhv, jiirv bring in verdict for $0,01)0.— .March 'JH. Toronto, .Morton and Black and Central Hank, M^ister in ordinary holds that deposit receipts cannot be looked uiion as negotiable securities —March it. Toronto, Chancery Divisional Court, action of John A. Macdoiinell to unseat Hon. S. H. Blake as member of law Society dismissed.— March .''>. LITERARY.— Sftiigster .Mrs. Margaret K., accepts position of editor ol JJ(ir/ier'!< Jituaifr. — .March *J5. Lonsdale Lord, arrives at the limnparts Arctic circle, last outpostuf Hud- son Bay Company.— .March IG. Lord's Day Alliance meeting of, at Ottawa, eUction of oflicers.— March Luxembourg, Council of State resolves to invite Duke of Na^siftu to become regent. — March 3J. McCormick Uosanna, eccentric woman, dies at Jordan's While Sulphur Springs, Pa.— .March '24. McKay Mr. Hugh, prominent citizen of Kegiua, sudden death of.— March 24. McMaster University, senate in sessional Toronto.— .March 7. Maidstone, Terre Haute, hid , applied to daiighler of John Kirk, of Bush County.— March 25. Miiit subsidies, Canadian Gazette publishes details regarding.— .March II' Maine Hous- passes bill providing severe punishincnl to person selling bis vote.— .March 7, MANITOBA legislature, real property act pa5.«cd.— March I. Legislature, Hudson Bay Itailway, Ibiir and ii half million giiaranlec act repealed, and act pas.-ed, granting cash bonus of .;;2,oiio per mile passed.— March 2. L egislature. prorogation of.— March MILITABV, Bavaria, quarrel between Princes and Generals, several of hitler ilisiiiis.-cd. —.March il. .Mgeria, Sol lier named I'erlloiesenlcnced lo death in (Iran for throw- ing cpiid cif i.ibacco in face of Col. Thierry while beiii;; tried for de- sertiiM.- -Maicli lo. Bermuda, cniir' enrrison ollicers and men id' Knglish Fori Cunning- hani. descrl.— March 14, rep. 25. British, lluuiirnble .\rlillery Company, (Jiieeii n'slores to the Company ilsani'iciii piivdeges. — .March M. Briiain. WolesNy (ieii. Lord, spe.iks on naliniial defences at dinner nivcn by Voliliiteer .Medical stall' al I. uiduii. Ku.g.— Marjli I. BrilHli, .Mr. Sl:niliope in explaining army csiiMiales in House of (?om- niHiis savs. iliMi owing lo increased proieciion alf.irded llie colonies. Governi'iicni 1 ml jirovidcd for increase in colonial eoiilribulions.— March 11. Cannda, general oicrers as to Long course ceililicales, and changes in Quebec rcgimeiii.s. — March 1. Canidian Parliament, eommillee of piddic accounts, Militia clothing contracts for, discussed. — .March 20. Court of Knipiiry at llalifa.x report with reference lo alleged attempt to blow up dockyard .Magazine— .March '20. I'riiucc, rcipiest mceded lo, by Gerinany. lor |icrmission to transfer reinaius of Generals Carnol and .Marccaii lo France— .March 23. Germany. Govcri inent orders inaniifactory for steel rillcs to bo erected at Spandan.— March 22. Germany, so.odo tworJi of new pallcin and large iiiimbcr of repeat- ing rillcs ordered by Goveriiiuenl. — March 2."i. Germany, artillery, suppleinenlarv csiiniaM's for and re-or- ganizalion of, discusacd in llciclislaj. — .Miircli 15. Gennanv. General Count Von'r, cdiiiiii.iiider of sixth division of Third Army Corps, to succeed C mil Vnn 'Valderziu- as CJnarter- iiiusler General of Imperial .Army— March 2 Hungary. Army bill considered, nioiion iigiinsi second year's service Manitoba March lor vulunieeis lejc ort gage Company, annual meeting held at London, Kng cled. — .Mari'h : arns Prince l!i ni'irek and Count Kalnoky, that Italy, Crispi Sigiior w development of Italian Army must undergo period of imsjignsion.- March U, 3 »)v. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Ily Ijelrolliod Id-ill of Iloft'- riBn Premier, »vy, to Misa ■pl'i [lowe.— I' Snow, a;;i'(l Fuller, to J. r. (Jebl)iu(t.— ke— March 7. iIIhs Yorke — trnal Iti'vriiuu larges ill llie li-ii! to women iaii of Merlin, 20. by suburban iiiM nnJerKoea illy of McCiill raiiiliiU'iil eun- lii iMolecl llio I, loaili'il with Mexiean Secre- AniiTicm lard il IT (lersoii:^ rals, several of ail tor lliniw- ; irieil for ile- I'oil (Juimiiig- llir Comjiany es al ilinner ai.'h 1 use of (\)iii- llie eiilonii'S. nlribiilion-:.— 1(1 ('liant;''S in ililia clothing Ugeil attempt nil to transfer Maith a. lilies to be iiilier of repeiit- case aiiil re-or- ixtli ilivision of cr as (jiiartei- 1 year's service Kiilnoky, thai SUSIiClision.— iULVTAnY-Conliniii'l. llonlreHl, Prince of Wales Itilles Association, annual meeting of.— J, Jl'ireh 12. Prussian, Tmh Anniversary of entry of Count Von Moltke into ftrmy celeluatecl «l lieilin.— .March H. Russia, t'zar in.enseil acainsl Col. .\tcliinoll', commander of CossRck cxpeililion to KasI -MVica. anil orders hiH trial immedihtely on his arrival at (tdesia. — .March 4. . liiissia. officials report lavoia':ly upon invention for applyi'ig rcvolv- j er ol the present lo liarrels of the li.rdan riHes. — .March 21. liiissia. airaiiseuienls for iinny iraiisporlation in case of war com- | plcleil. — .March 2il. I'nileil .Stales, Voiini,'St'» II, N. V , Ueiieral now aiiionc troops sta- ' . lioiied at. — March l."i ' Mlninj;, Diilfrin erold iiiiiic, Halifax Cuiinty, N.iS., sold by Kuction for ' $ll"i,ili)ii. — .March \i. j Mininj.', gold. (Jiiecn's Co., N S , boiuinza lead struck in .Molega Gold Min- j iiig (,'onipaiiy's areas. — .March 2;"i. 1 Mines, gold. Sania (!laia, l,ower Cal , correspondent of San Francisco t^xiimhirr sa,>9 they are a h'itce." — .March IH. Moanshiner.-', Wyoming and McDowell countries ,W. Va., Detective Hald- win and jio»^p .'-iiiroiinded, and their 1 ives threatened. — March IH. .Morocco and F>ig)aMd, aunoinicenicnt made in Hritish House of Commons ' that Hritish tr|iiadron gone to Tangier. — .March 19. Morocco, Kngland demands indininily for massacre and pillage at Fort MacKciizie laetory, at Cape Jiiby.— .March 22. Morocco and England. Siillan ot .Morocco y^wvs satisfactory assurances to all demands o( Knglish (ioverninent. — March 25. MURDER.'" — Calgary. N.W.T.. i^quaw named liosalie found murdered in room over 'I'lirf ('liit> haloon. — .March 1. Boun, Pfeiffer, youth named, killed by a soldier of ilie garrison ; towns- people incen.sed at apathy oi military in the matter — .March :iO. ■ Calgary, Sqiiiiw Rosalie, (Coroner's Jury return verdict of wilful murder against William Fisk. — .March 2. Aogiisia (Centre, N'orton Melcalf, his murderer, VirgilJackson, hanged at I'lica. .\. v. — .March N. (Charleston, S.C, Dawson (.'apt. F. W., editor of the jVficiand Courier, shot byT H. .McDow,a physician.- .March 12. _. ■ Chicago, millionaire Snellman, supposed to be Tascott the murderer, arrested at .N'Hiuiimo, HC — .March 15. ■ France, .Monte ('arlo, ,\1. Grisendoif, son of .Swiss Consul at Cannes found murdered near railroad track.— .March 2ti. Gnelph, Cm., Harvey W. H., shoots his wife and two childifn, mur- derer arrested in Toronto. — .March 21;. London, Johnson, colored cook on schooner, shot by Theodore Noa.— March 27. .MegBnIic, .Morr'son, expedition starts from .Montreal to effect capture I . of the outlaw. — .Mareli 2li. Wiirilii|i " Lily " arrives at Halifax with case of yellow fever on board— March 20. France, Admiral Jaiiiis, Minister of Marine, death of — March In, France, .Vdmiral Krantz appointed Minister of Murine, — ,Marcli lii. France, Torpedo boat founders off Cherbourg, ('aplaiii and fourteen of crew drowned — ,Miirch 22 Cermaii, warships •' dlga," " .\dler " and " Kider " wivikcj at .Samoa. — March 2il. Japanese, $5,01)0,0(10 despatched to France as payment lor last man- of-war ordered. — Miircli '.». United States, Rear Admiral Davis retired, death of, at Washiiigtoii, —March 12, United .States, favorable report on gunboat '■ Voikiown " made by the board at Washinglou,— .March 21. Nebraska Legislature, bill to tax sleeping and dining cars passes both houses-— .March 21. Negro exodus. Vorth Carolina, Emigration .Society organized for forniing coloni/.ation of negroes in .Arkansas. — .\iaicli IH. Negro |troblein, Richmond, Va., Secretary of commoiiwealih, Henry W- Flournov, speaks upon, before Powhatlon Deiiiocraiic Club.-- .March 11. " New Hriinswick Legislature, Franchise bill inliodiued by (Miveinment. — .March 111 .Newfoundland, hanks of, depiitaiion urges Pieinier Tiiaid and .M. Spiiller, French minister of Foreign atlaiis, to deal witti neulralizaiion of, during fishing season.— .March 25. New Jersey Legislature, Australian ballot bill passed by.— .March 27. New Jersey Assembly, Wertz local option repeater bill passed. — March l!i. New.Soiilh Wales, Ministry resigns after defea t on question of protection. — March 6. .New York Assembly, resolutions coiiL'i'alulatiiig Parnellon his vindicalioii from the chaiges of London 7'/-»'.v, adopted, — .March I, New York Asseinhly, bill allowing woiiicn lo vote at iiiuuicipal elections, defeated— .March 25, Nice beauty show. Mrs. Pierie of New >'ork awarded first prize, ^vllicIl she returns lobe devoted lo charitable [lurposes.- March 21. Nihilistn, Russia, circular issued by .Nihilist committee as to apparent in- activity of .Nihilist leaders. — .March H. Nihilists, Rus.-ian detectives sent lo .Switzerland to negotiate for extra- dition of — March 27. NovaScoiia Legislature Franchise bill inlrodiieed by the (Ioverninent. — March 15. Nova Scotia Legislature. House of , Assembly reji els proposition to allow Dominion Government officials to vole at iniinicipal eleclions in Nova Scotia, — ,March 21, Uklahaina Station, lioomers at that point fired upon by regular troops, and further violence expecied, — ,\larch lii (Iklahatna .1. T.. fear of conflict belween troops and boomers bring Gen- eral Weaver and (^aptain Couch lo the scene.— .March 21. Okhahoma Territory, great enthusiasm on issuance of |iriicl.iiiiatioii opening new country.— Alarcli 2H. (Ileomargarine, .New Haven, Cl,, 11,000 pounds of seized iit facforv of .V. J. Nathan is ('o- .March 25. Ontario Association of .Architects organized at Toronto.— .March 22. ONTARIO LEGISLATCRE.— School Hooks, dearness of, discussed-March (i. Debate on the use of the French language in public schools. — March H. Debate on Mr. Craig's motion on the teaching of Kiench in the public schools of the province resumed, motion for return carried. — .March 11. 'I'oronto registership bill strongly opposed, the bill goes into com- mittee.— March 12. Hill to amend anatomy act discussed. — .March i:t. Railway resolutions introduced by Provincial Treasurer. — .Marlli 15. License law, .Mr. .Merediths resolution oii the (Iovitiiui -nt siipporteil on a division. — .March 15. Meredith Mr., challenges Govern neiil policy in three divisions — .March IS. 10 THE INDEX OF CUKRENT EVENTS. I I ONTARIO \,KO{Hh\WR«.—Cnnlinuf.l LnnKungc in srhool.<, Mr. Uraig's want of coafidenoe, motion defcAtrd. — Mnrcli I!'. Ttxt honks ill Schmils. Mowat I'rpmier, doolRpPH llmt Iho edii'-iilion cli'i'iirliiic lit Imia nil ('iiiiiiul iivei loxt liiiiiiis iisi'd in si'|inrnte scbouls of I'loviiici', — .Miiicli 111 llinlwiiy bill iliMiiasuil. — Miircli lio. Iiisiilvciicy bill ot Mr. nriiiimiii, .M.I'. I' , | hs;ImI — .Mnrcli 21. riusiujx ot" s(*jhioii.--.Mrtrcli 'Jl. OpjiiH, Siilimiiiie of, oil Hoiimil cunsl, lliily, iiaiiimPB proleclointe u^pr — MHich i:.. iipiiim i^iiiiigiiliii); trinl closes at lllsmHrvk, Dak.^.Marcli 14. Orange (iraiid Lodge cl Unturio west opens srssiun ut llamillon, (Int.— Miirdi i:i. I'liper nmkeis. KhkI*"'', foiirlien o( the liir|;cst form syndicate to raise |irico.s. — MhicIi -H. l'.UtNKl,l,-TI.MKS.- (;onllni^■siot , I'iHoll eoinmils suicide nl .Madrid — MniHli I. ('oiMiiiision, .Mr. liiiliuiirlicri' f^ives cvideiKe as to Ills dealings with l'ij,'oll. — Miiri-h I. CoMimis^ioii. ic'iiiliiiB 111' articles in /rii/i H'orVi resumed, as to .Mr lluviu's niliiiuii. — Miireli "•. Ciininiisyion, Ci'leniiin, ex-Aincricnn Feniiin gives evidence. — .March 7 Ciininiission, .Mr. Kiiiltrir Harrison writi'.^f protesting against retention of Sir 1!. K. Wehstir in llio t'.ibiiiet.— .March 9. Commission, silling lesiinieil, evi'lence regarding the bonks of the llibemiiiii Kaiik. — .March \'l. Coiiiniission. Lunii Lfiijinc's hooks, evidence as to, Mr. Parnell's pri- vale acroiiiit ordered to he investigated, Mr. CoHV'e, reporter Ironi CniK. iirrestcd by oi'dir ot llie I'oiirl.— .March 12. Mr. I'nriiell liriiifis iiii action against Ihe 7V»i('.i for i.'10n,f)()0,aiid .Mr. I'liniplicll Ins Secretary anollier for L'.'i,ilon. — .March 12. CoinniisHoii, Sonnies Mr , solicitor for The y/mc.*, gives testimony. — MhkIi i:i. I.oril llHrliiigion aiMie.sses a niecling at Islington, London, Eng.— March i:!. lliircoiirt Mir Williiiin Vernon, at meeting at Ely, reads letter from I'lgoll to Sir lliijr ' I'liilders. written in leif.i. oHering to sell secrets ■ ol Iheiilliai Iiei lien I'liriiellites iiml Tories. — .March 14. rarnell Mr. <■ S.. .Ml'. London. Kiig. , great demonstration in his lioiinr ill St. .huiies' lliill. London, Eng. --.March l.'l. New York Asscnililv, icsoliitions congratulating Parnell adopted.— Miiuli 1. Ilniiie Secrel:iry ipieslioned in House of Commons as to action ol Anderson, mi olHi-iiil of the Home oflice.— .March I.'i. I'ateiils. E'iisi'ii Ehotiic Lif.'lil Co. and ITnitod Slates and We.stinghoiis'' CoiiipMiiii's. Cuiiiiiiissioiier of I'alcnis at (Jttawa decides againsl Edison Coiiipiiny. ".March 7. I'aunceforl Sir .Lilian. apiioiiUniint of, as Hriiisb Ministerto I'nited Stales senii-olhcially conlirmed in London. — .Marcii I. PANAMA C.WAL.— Uritish vessel •' Kl Dorado" through from Aspinwall to Chiicre^^, distance of lifleen miles. — .March 7. The Krcncli (loveniment lefiises aid to debate in chamber of deputies — M.iich 7. Company announces in I'aris that fiiriher extension of provisiopal coiilnict lias bein arranged with coniractors. — March IS. i'eacock Uicbard, Ml'., for Cordon Division of Lancashire, England dealh of.- M.iich 2. Persia. Kui-sia diniands the exclusive right to navigate rivers flowing into (.'aspian ."^ea and to build railways.— March ir> . Persia iiinl Itiissia. Persian goveriiiiieiil engages to grant no railway con- cessions wilhont consulting Ku.ssia.— .March 20. I'ciii, Vcri-.igas bridge on ibc Gioga railway swept away by floods.— Marcli 2:1. I'hili|ipine Islands, ,^0() deaths froni cholera at Zamboon/.a— March 22. Pil'irinis, American, received at Komc by Ihe Pope —Marcli IS. Pilprinis .\iiiericiiii, Home, grand dinner in their honor in the American Colleg..— .Maich 1:1. Pilgrims, ..\merican. arrive at Xaples.— .March 2.5. Piltslmrg, Pa , n| roar at the .\caileiny of .Music by anti-Gerinans. — March !1. Plainlield, N.L, holdkeepers le^.de to close up, owing to refusal of Coni- inon Connc.l to grant licenses. — Marcli I. I'CPE. THE, Celciirales 71llh anniversary of his birth.— March 2. lielanil, Pastoral biters read in Ihe ('atholic churches express sympa- thy Willi the Pope's posiiion —.March ,'), Portland. Me, Hoard of Trade banquet, speech bv Jlr. Erastiis Wiman March :iil. Portugal, anti-slavery society formed in Lisbon with King Louis, as pre sidcnt.— .March 22. IS offer of Philadelphia postmaster' Postal, Philadelph:;.. Eie' ' ship.— March .'6. Postal, ITnited Siaies, informs member of Congress parttsan- sliip would nni led miiricient caube for removal of poet- maslers, n.lf \V. .1— March 211. I'lincc Edward Island Legislaliir.', opening of, speech from the throne,— Maich 14. Prohibiiion, Wannmaker Postmaster Oeneral, interview thereon, at Phila- ilelpbia, Pa— .March 17. Providence, It I., Ilepiiblicinn Slate convenlion re-nominalps Koyal I". Tall for liiivernor, Imt on his refusing nominales Herbert \V, Ladd, of Providence. — .March 2I. Prussian Ciovernmenl grants O.OOO.nid marks to aid in construction of canal connecting the Elbe and Trave rivers— March III. Prussia, Weal, governor in view of scarcity of larm bands suggests intro- duction (d'ChiiieBe labor.— .March l;i. Prussia, Diet refni-cs lo sanction propo.sed partition of Schleswig-Holslein. — March 2.'). Prussia East, Vistula overllowa its banks, and bridge at Lnblen destroyed — March 2.'>. QUEHKt; LB(ilSl>ATPIlE.— Ibidgel, want of confidence resolution de- feated —.March I. House in (jomndltee of supply. — March 2. Council of public inslMitlion, correspondence relating to resignalioa of members niuvrit for, appointment of Forest rangers in Gaspe dis- cus.scd.— March 4. Public accounts committee, examination of M--. W. E. Lockwood com- nienceii. — .March 4. Tho Piovincinl boundaries, explanation from Hon. .Mr. Mercier, — Marcli fi. Mr Taillon denies charges in I,' Kh'cl'ur against Ihe Ross-Taillon ministry, Lnnalic .\sylum's bill di.scusscd. — .March 7. Pieniier's resoliilions iis lo railway grants to Provincial roads. House in comniitt" eo( sii|iply, Desjardin's nonconhdence motion delealed, Hi 1 respecting the executive adiuinistratiuii of the law passed. — March H. Want of confidence, motion of Mr. Ik^anchamp defeated, committee of supply vote on repalriatiou. — March '.1. Lockwiaid investigation resumed, .Mr. Cook, advocate, examined.— March y, II. .\rhor day discu.ssed, Monlreal magistrates' salaries discussed, The 8. A. hill llie dcbale resunieil. — .Maich II. \j'HliKli III- charges commission, lesnniption of.— March II. Mr. Li-blanc's vole conilemning Ihe (iovernraent defeated, Hndget considered, .Mr. Taillon's vote of want of confidence defeated. — .Match 12. Hills ameuding law respecting interments and disenterments and grants lo railways read a lliiid lime. — March 12. \i' Ulrrliiir charges, Mr. Pacaiid of \,' l;'lrrfiur testifies.- .March 12. Lockwood case, Messrs. liivard and Taclie testify. — .March 12. Hej'ort of committee on Iloss-Taillon. L'AV^r^ri/r charges rlisciissed, " Le Dictionnaire dn Laiigagedes noinbrcs " discussed.- .March l.'<. Coniniiitee on \i'Elednir charges, Mr. Wlielan, contractor, givca evidence. — March l.'i. The [I'/'JUrleiir charges, .Mr. Pncaiid's refusal to answer questions discussed, The H. A. bill passes the Asseinnly. — March 14. L'AV.r/fi/r charges, special comraitue meets, .Mr. Whelan examined. — March 14. [/ h'Irrliiir charges, conimillee resumes, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Blanche! and Mr. ('harlehois give evidence. — .March l.''i. Committee of supply, grant for colonii'.ation purposes discussed. lU'port of Uoss-TaiUou L /■'Irrfmr, s|iecial committee presented. — March l.'i. Travelling expenses of members of the Government, want of confi- dence motion defeated.- Marcli Hi. .\griciiltiirnl schools discussed, agricultural schools report of Agri- cultural comniission as to, discussed, ex-ministers make declaration as to I,' Elirieiir charges. — Marcli If). Ross-Taillon Commission on y.'A/cc^'«r charges, bill toappoint, passes the Assembly.— March l!i. The.lesiiils Grant (piestion by .Mr. lioberlson, (iovernment expendi- liire on land surveys discussed, //AV*'c/r7/r charges, commission bill thrown out, — March ID. License bill, .Montreal, passed, the Lockwood case vote passcd.-March 20. The I!. A. bill rejected.— Marcli 21. Prorogued. — March 21. RAILWAYS —Conference of State railroad commissioners and Inlerstnle coininerce cDinuiissioners at Washington, safety appliances on Kreighl cars discussed. — .March 7. Arcade Kailway, New York city, (lonrt of Appeals decides in suit of J ,1. Astor anil others that .\rcade railroad law is unconsiitutional. -March 12. THE INDEX OF CUKRENT EVEXTS. 11 phia poBltnftitfi' ngro?!! parltaRn- vmoval uf poat- m the throne.— oroon, lit Philii- linalfs Hoval ('. erhert W.'Ladrt, ronslrurtiun of 1 1!). I suggests inlro- U'Bwig-HolBli'in. ubicn doBlroypit e I'l'soliiticin ile- tH to reaignmion TB ill GHspi' dis- [jOckwood com- . Mr, Mercier, — ho Ross-Tnillon 7. Mill roiids, lloiiflfi muliondcleaied, le law passed.— led, committee of ■ate, examined.^ lisc'ussed, The H. ii n. ItfpatHrt, liiidgft enie defeated. — enterments and 3.— March 12. aich 12. largoB discuBsed, scd.— March IS. ontraclor, givea insvver questions rcli U. holan exnmined. n, .Mr. Blanche! posps discussed. lee presented. — it, want "f conli- report of Agri- lake declaration oappoint, passes rnmcnt expendi- coiimiission bill ' passed. — March ■s and Interstate appliances on jiH'liles in suit of ncuu:tii[uiioiml. RAILWAVS.— ro»//iiH<./. Rrockville and Weslporl, seizure of rolling stock made by Grand Trunk Itailuay — March II. Ciiiiaila Alleiilic ilecldcs to extend its line Irum Olen Robertson to lla»ke.~liiii.v on (MtiiHii river. — March II. (Jaiiadiiiii I'iiiilie I'ill pii-sin llailHiiy t'onimiliee of Ciiuadian House lit Coiiiiiuiiis.- .\|iircli 22. (;,inailiau I'lieille, (iiielph brmieli, cil.v of (iiiilpli pa<.M>s by law li raise .i|H|iiOii Biiioiiiil lur making brunch reiiiaiiiing unpaid.— March Cape Hretoii line, eciiilriiel fur eoiiKlriicliun of bridge across (irand .\arrinv.4, awarded to .Messrs. •SiiiuuH .V Klalcr, piieo J52.'i,UiO.— Muleh M. t'arai|iiei railway, meeting in Loiidmi, Kng.— March 28. (Jliiea;rci. Hiirliutrlon anil (Jniiicy t.'unipany, report for 1888 issued.— March 111. Cliicago division of WiiliuHh railway sold to purchasing committee for .•5;.'t,.'ino,niiii.— ,Miireli 1 1. I'liicngii. Milwaukee. Mild .Si I'hiiI lioad aunoiiiireH reduction of livi eeiiis per loO piiiiiiil.H uii wheal mid Hour In ui .Miiinrupulis to Cliiea^'n.-. March H. Chignccto Murine 1,'iiuipiiiiy. prii.-peeliis i.^siiediii I,iiiiilen — .March IH Cliigiieclo t'enipanv. cable lii.iu l.oiition, Kng , Miys issue a cum- plelc yiiciess, sliiiri.< teiiig i|UiiHd al n pri iiiiiim.— .>!arch 21. Cnliirado and I'.ieilic Cnuipaiiy, arlicles of iucurporation filed al l)enver.--M«rcli 2;'. t.'iiniberlaiid I'oal and Uiilnay Coiupany, It. (i. Lcckies n-signs iniiuaging direi-tor.-liip. — March \'i. Iliiliilli and \Viniiipe|r (^iinpany, bill ciinfnming land to, in North .Min- nesota deteated in Mninesiila rienate.^.Marcu 20. Frciglil .\geni.s iiieel at Toronto and deciile as to prices for the yeai. -MHrch22. (iraiid Trunk cited by Inlersi.-ite ciiuiiMence coiuniission at Washing- ton for viola'ing law by ^raiiiing rebates.— .March 2t). Grand Trunk is-iies untiieas to gram rates to .Montreal from Toronto and points ea^i.--.Miireli 2ii. (iratiil Triiiik, Allreil, iiui , niuuicipal council votes bonus of $i>,nou tor new Vaiidreuil and I'rescoU line. — .March '.'. Hudson May, .Maniiobi legislature repeals 4j million guarantee act and losses act gniniin;; cash bonus of |J2.0(1II per mile — .March 2. luteriiiiiional and tiieat .N'oitliern, .laydoiild and Russell Sage resign Iroin the direeloiale .il lueeliiii; at I'alestuie, Tex. — Feb. 18, report- ed March 2. Jay (iould interviewed al St. laiiiis on the siiuation. — March 12. Kingston Street Cur purcliiised by Folder ISri.s. — March 12. Kingston, Smiilis Kails and IHtawii I'oiupany, by-law granting $2n,- iiUii passed in Ihelownship ot Le<-ds and Lansdowne. — .Maridi 12. Kingston. Siiiiihs I'.ills and (Miawa Cunipany. by-law granting sub- sidy piis.-ed intSoutli Crosby Township. — March 2. .Miiiiitiiba mikI .North W esurn iiniilied by A tlnrney (ieneral of Manitoba of ilie iiiientiitn nt tluvernnient to repeal Act a^ to selling lands of the conipauy.— .Marci^ 4. Metisiiies pass the railway coniinilteo, Dttawa. — March 12. Northern I'licilic railroad bill passes euiuiiiittee at ttltawa. — March 1.5, Xortliern l*arilie and .M.mitobi, loan ne^Ktiated with New York syndicaic lor six inillions in bonds ot the road. — .March 18. Norlherii I'arilic secures control ot Wisconsin Central. — March 2'.i. New Vork and Northern Railroad and .New Vork and New Kngland Road, SMidiciUe lornied tor conibiniog the woikiiigof both.. — .March 7. Ontario legislature, resolutions introduced bv I'rovincial Treasurer.— March \:>. Ottawa and'.Morrisburg inilwav, bill incorporiiting, defeated in Senate Railway eiiininiltee. — .March 2,"^. Quebec and bake .St. .lolin liiiilway reduces its Ire ght tariff by 8 per cent. — March In. Rome, Waic'tdwn and llg'Icnsbnrg. action of collector of customs exacting tee on cars broiijiht in Cgdensbnrg by ferry steamer, itihrmcil by r.S. Treasury depaitiiieul — .March 30. Russia. Train on Transeaspian railway w reeked, owing to removal of rails by robbers. — .March II. i^liip railway I'roni C.enrgian May to Toionio, scheme presented by .Mr. Kivas at Tnronto Huiird ot Trade— .March Ki. Teniiscouata radwiiy, £,')0.nii(i investment mortgage debenture bonds otliredon London market by Armstrong .V Co.. — .March it. Teniisconala Railway, Town Council ol Kiascrville, P.Q., decide to pay bonus of 5;2.'i,oi'iil io.~ .March 7. I'nion Tacilie men siiirt from lintte .Mont to liold .leffcrson Canon, and Northern I'acilic men start from Helena lor sniiie place.— March 5. Valley railway ol Canton, Dhio, sold to New Vork capitalists.- March, Warned of recent nn.enduiiMits to Interstate Commerce Act,— .March 8. JlAILWAYH-Con/ini/.'./, West Virginia Central Road, Emmons Blaine elected vice pie.ident with heail(|uarters at Baltimore. — March I.'. Reading, I'a., Scott Fiaindiy rolling mill, the new pipi' mill and forge of the faded iron works closedown. — .March 12. IHiodc Island Si'nate pas-es resolution re-subniilliiig picdi.bitory amend- ment to the people —.March 1.1. Iliicherean M. Deitfert, death of, at I'aris, France.— .March .".. Kossa. O'llonovau issues circular addresseil tii"|iisli revolutionists," Roasa intervieweil by AVic I'r.ii- ./hk/h.i/, - .Marcli j;i. Rouiiuinia, Late i'lTsident ol <-haiiiiier ol I )epu ties receive .i Iciter threaten- ing the destruction ot chamla'r by duiauiite — .Mmcli H. Roumiinia, I'rincc Feidinaud, King Charles' iieplcw, | roclaiiiied Crown I'riuce of— .March 2ii. RUSSIA, Czar imensed against C'ol. Atchinolf comuiauder of Cossack expedii ion to Kiist Afriia, and orders his trial itniueaiately on hi« arrival at (Idessa.— .March 4. Atchinolf es|H'dition, C/ar orders ollicia I iinpiiiy into. - .Maich .'<, Nihilism, St. Petersburg, eiiciilar issiii'd by Nihilist committee as to .ipparent inactivity id their leaders- March !'. Transeaspian railway train wrecked, owing to iciiiovmI ot rails by robbers. — .March :i. Arrangements for army liausportalioii in case (d' war completed.— March 2U. Narrow escape of Czar and ('zariua w bile travelling Iroiii St. Peters- tiiirg to Gatschina, atory published by .Voc Vi.iki'i TuilihiK March 27. New four per cent, eousolidaied st. Salt trust, operators in llntchinsoii, Kas., receive propositions fioni Knglisli ' salt triiat.— .March 21). SAMOA and (iermany, Stiiebel, hirmcrly consul general at Copenhagen despatihed to rephice (iermaii con.-nl Kiia|ppe recalled.— .Mai cli 2. ' Truce declared between Ocrinan consul and .Matiiala until alter Mer- liu conl'crence. — .March ■!. Humour current in .Naval circles al Kiel that conllict las tiikeii place between Aniericau man ol war and (■ iiiniu corvette "(ib'ji" Match 4. Sieaniship '' Zeulaiidia " arrives at San Flanei^<.o and reports things ipiiet. German consul made repealed ovi rtnres to .Matinita looking towards concliisiou of peace — .March hi. Sir James. Ferguson spiaks upon, in British House of t'oninious, ami states Kngland has no right to iiiteileie in the ipicotion.-- .Mai'ch 7. An American Warship said to have been blown up with all hainls by (icrman Frigate *' Olga."— .March M. ' Koliert Louis Stevenson, ilie novelist, w riles from llaw.-iii. eonimeiiting vigorously upon ihe h'gli haiidccl aciioii ol Gcimuus in S oiioa — March !i. Rumour of engagement between rniteil .Sintcs mai.-ol war ■' Nipsic " and Germau "Olga" denied. ..March II. Tasmania, federal council in llobart adopts address ui the (Jmeii as to conduct of Germany — Feb. 7, reported .March 10. British residents warned to leave Saadain, (lerinan Admiral having aouoiinced Ins inteniion to bonit>ard the place, despatches to Gei'^ man papers.— .March 18. Blue book on Samoan allairs issued in London. Kngland. —.March 20. All i|Uiet. Sainoau Tinim resumes publication repi ried by ('apt. C .N. Schoonmaker of V. S. Steamer '■ Vain'alia " iimler ilatc ioid February. — Reported .March 2.1. German (ioveinmcnt.reciuest John C. Klei", the join nalist. be arrested at San Francisco and returned to Apia, to be tried lor murdemus assault. — March 2!i. Terrilic hurricane, American and Gcitnaii war.-li ps destroyed March 211. Snngster Mrs. .Margaret K,, accepts position of editor of Harper's ll,i:,iiir —March 25. Scarlet fever, l)ela|iere Township, Dak., Kpidemic con mittiug great gea— .March 14. Schleswig, Holslein, Prussian Diet refuscj to aanction partition of— March 2.''>. Schouvaloir Count Peter, deaili of, at St. Petersburg. —.March 22. Sealing' schooner " Wulfharrivca at St. John's, .Newlbnudland with 28,000 seals.— .March 20. 12 THE INDEX' OF CURRENT EVENTS. Selkirk, Mnn., (lovornnr SpIihIiz otTtTs one-fuiirth ,o( hit* Innd as a jjran* Sninllpox, [jOudtm, (int., (irahiini Mrs., tiikcn ill wiili.— .Mtmh 1. in Hill (j( III) liD^pitiil.— Mrtrch 7. ' | Sm.illixix. Snulhw(»l.l, iwo more doatlis nmir frum — Miirrli U, HKKVIA, Kinj; Milan ulxlicatcrt tho throne. — Manli »;. ^niUKfflinjj, Hiftmarrk, I>ak , Opium wmtijjruli'iK 'r"*l t'Insos. Mitrcli M. Tin* icKonis tfrant to ihi* young Kinj; to see hi8 mother Hi'AI.V —San Sfhiutinn, gucuu Viftoria^iui'oU Qultu Uogont (Miriitimi.— Kx-(^ri(H'n Xiilalic — March 7. March 11. Pnuhiniiiiion hy ri'^.'nl.-* as to iht-ir policy.— March 7. I Spftnish Senate, Cubn. Ministor of Interior aaii! Oovprnment hml noknow- Servic- hcM in (Mth-'ilnil ut M.-l^'ra |e in honor of HCeos^ion of Kinj; j ledtfe of schenie to h»'II t'uiHi to (Tnjted State-* — Mtirch JO. Ah xarnler.— March 17. ; Spii*^ liritirth, in America, rertojuiion adopted hv Irish N'atioinil League Kx pienner (f traslnnine arinniincca ht> will publish Irno roasons fori nrjfirit,' action hy cMi^nvss of I'niud Siaies as lo --.March :t. Kinj: Milnns aliilication,— .Miirt'li |!», Kin^^ Ali-xatxier p <|misIs hi^ niotlier Kx-t^iicen N'atulie to n*nmin away IVoni Scrvia — Mar 'h 'Si\. i>elKrade, l'a>i-liie. irtmi " t'n'm Nas-sau to Italtiniore drivpn asliore halt n mile ri'Mlli ol Dam N'eck lite saving station Virginia coast, si.v lives lo.>l. -March II. Antwerp, steamship '* Indiana" run into hy unknown schooner, strtvinjr hole in port how above water line, — .March !!;». Itiin|ue'' K. L. Peiun^nW " uf Portland, Maine, wrecked in Chctiapenke liay. supposed loss of crew of lit men. — .March lil. Ilooih Hay, .Me., !trili-h schooner "tJleauer" from St. John for New Vnik seized lor non entry .--. March s. I>riti>li steamer "Sultan'' trom New ( irteans al)andoneck Terrace" wrecked at (iiiam Island, news i'roii^'hl to S ni Krnneiseo by Aineriean nnssionary steam packet Mnnun-j ,s7.//-.-.\lareh 'iW. t'ompa^Miie (it'inrale Trans ilUnlitpte of Paris decides to support moviincnt in prevent Allantic liners from tniversiu); the Newfoun- dland cod lisheriifH. —.March l."p. (lerinan bark ■'.Ii)baune Aiij;usto" from Mo<)dyville lost, crew arrive at Valparaiso. — March Jn. (Jerman b.inine " Lcoiiidas " lost on (Jooihvin Sand^. — rep. March 1 \- Meit-r .Mr.. foniHlei and mana^'er ol North tit nuan Lloyd Steamship Cianpariy, death of, --Miircli I \. \orwe^:ian bark •■(hvar » »dd " from Itrunswick, (la., for Ibi^'nos Ayri's, abandoned a( ^-ea, crew arrive at St. Michaels. — .March liO. New sieanier " ("ity of Paris " buill l>y 'I hompson of Clyde Hank, for the Inniaii Company arrives at iiiverpool.— .March 'IX. New York, sleauiei.-; " Alask.-*" and "Aurania" arrive after race across the ticean.— .Marcti ;t I . SIMlliTS, Aquatics, () (Nnnior \Vm., of Tcnmio^dereaiH tJaudaur Jjtcob, ot Si. Louis, Mo., over llirti* niile coiir.'^e ot Alunnula tJreek. March ;!. Aouatics, Ainerii-an cup, Karl of Ihmraven interviewed in Lomlou, Kug, as to his }acht and conUiUons of proposed contest.— March L'H. Aqualics, University boat race, Kn^rland, Cambridge won by four lengths.— March :m. Unse ball, ('hieago and all baseball clubs sail from t^n'>:iis- town for New Vork — .March -N. Itase ball. Mi.ssoiiri House refuses to order engrossment of bid tti prohibit playing on Sunday.— .March V-^. Ches.i, New York, loin naiiieiit, Weiss wirn frtnn I>. ll. Itaird, IJnrn fri>m J. W. Itaird, Tsehyorrn frir'l from I'olloek, anit LeipseliMl/. trom IttUTitte. — March 'i.\*. Fishing, monster pike t teet long and 'js pounds wei'^lit captured at nuMiih ot Perelionea river, I.*ake St. John — .March J.'). Fishing. I'aradise Chdt ol Aiiu'lers of New York purchaaes 70,000 aens i>f Korcsl ami oil troul lakeu in various parts of the country. — March i:t. Ktanball, Montreal Club, annmil meeting of. held. — March '1\). ■ Kilraiit Jake, sails trom .New York for Knghiinl. March I:!. Lacros-ic. Montreal, annual meetings ol Ueavrr, Ued Siar and Itoini- nion clubr^ held. — Marcli JlK Ibicing. Lt?icoln Spring UM'eling, Lineolnshiie handicap of inno sons won by Jardiin''rf " Wise Man. "-.March -7. Racing, Lim'oln, Spring meeting Italthyany stakes won by Lord Dmllcy s " Poem." — .March IT). Kacing, Liverpool Spring nn'ctnig. Prince of Wales, plati' won by Hamimmd s '* Aintree."— .March JH. Racing. Liverpool Spring meeting. Sefton Park plale won by Mr. Clnhlwick's " Harbclte."— March i'.i. Ibieitig, Liverpool, (Jriind National stec,di' chase, " Frigate " wins. — .Maii-irJ!!. Racing. I)erby Hunt meeting, Mevonshire haiulicap hurdle race won by Tonans!— Mareh liit. Skating, Iliilitax. N. S., Laidlaw defeats l)owd in ten mile race,— Mareh 1.1. Springiield. Ml., coloreil people decide to erect moiiiiinent to .\brahan (Istcnd. steamer " Coimlcss (d Flanders " run inlt) luid sunk. 1 1 per- i Lincoln and sohlieis of late war.— March II. ,''.,,.,,,." - .. V 1 . T 1 1 . STANLKY, H. M.— I'rivate letters from Xan/.ibar report liim to be march- ',.■ ■• .S . . 1„M,1 ,,„ v„v„-o frnn, N.nv \ jmU ,. . ,.v« l,«rno,l .il le.i, , ■ ,„„,„.,,^ ^,„^, ^.„„^^ „f Alrini.~-M,.,ch ■1\. I'lL'W lailili'tlMl Iti.) JiiDi-ll'i). — rt']i(U'U'u .\lar<'li 111. " .Shiii.ia, ( lt;iri|M.- " I'elcr (iodcllrcy,' one other bnrquo and STKIKKS, Fniiice, workmen lit Ariuenlk-rei on sirike iiltnck the fHCtoiiea ;.eveii foasiurs wreckeil. — Mnreh '_*II. '""" ' ■r Schooner " Ailveiiiure '' from .^entile, \V. T.. nriives at I'ort Kvche, Alaska, alier drifting; lor two inonlhs. — .Miireli 21>. Sitniander. Noiwe^ijui liar.jiie ''tleean*' Ijurned, (^iptain Taraldseii and iio.v kdled. -M;ircdi i;, Si'nnisli sii'iim.-r " liennid " willi .'"^t'nidsh mililarv expedition on board lost i>iri'liili|i|.iiie Islainls. -Maieh i:i. !^|>aiiish Mail sieamei' "Mindanua" tannic tiy eollision with K{)ani:«h steaintr " Visayiis" whieli airives at .Manilla. — .Maioli M. Sti'umer " Oeoilan " on Lake Chapala, near Unadelajara, Mexico lonntlers with laij;.' iinmlu'r ol' exi-ursitMilrits on board. — .March 2d. Wleamer " Coloniib)" picka n|i bodies id two sailoia ou rait, and later oil lar^e (|nanliiy ol' wieckM;re. — .Marcdi 'IW. Sleaiiiboai '■ Kill von KiiU ' ol' N'i'w .Icriey (,'entral liailruiul destroyed iiy lireal iCli/.iibelb. .V. ,I.--Marcli ;t. Turtinto, schooner " .Mor^in^' i^Iar " lirst vessel in port. — March 24. Slavery-Aiiti. I'ortngil. .society t'oriniid iu Lisbon with King Loiiid as pro- Milelil — .March '11. ISlave Irnde, resolution iolo])ted by Mrili.-Ii House of Uonimons declaring (liivernineni should aseerlaiii whether powers are willing to meet in conl'creiice toiliscMs.s the .|'iesiioii. — .Mjtrcli 2*1. Socialism in .\nierica. ChicaKo, lecture by Judge (irinnell at the Ken- wood Club. — .Maich li;. tiociHiiiiin, (iermiinv, Kerliii Vnlk' Zriiuiiu suppressed by (iovernment. — March IH. SliOB, Kinpt .Menelek ol, dccl.ues war agaicsi King .lolin of Abyssinia. — March :i. Silver, WesI Kiid iS.hi'r Mountain Mine, at I'orl .\rthnr, splendid streak found on driL workin Smallpox, Kiiigal and SouihivoM, (Int., I C11S03 aiiosilion of export iliily upon, lejeeteii — March Iti. Hwilzerlanil, llcriie, three more sliiilcnts arrested tor complicity in the nmuul'acliire of honihs. -March W. 8wil/.erlanil. Ziiricli, estalilishnieni lor mauiiraetiire ol hoinlis discovered. 'I'wo Itiissiaiis arresteil.— Miiich l!i. Bwilzerlaod, Keilenil ( imncil reconiinends to I'Hrliament the adoption of a credit lor lorlilyiiii; Si. (iolharil. --.March IX. Sydenham, (Int., dynaniiic (iiitrajte at .Methodist parsonage.— .March 20. Daltiinoie, Morris .Miss I'laia, cancels her engagcnienl in consequence of sickness. — .March 'Jl. Tamnianv Society, .Vew Vork, Cleveland ex. president, elected a incinber. --March JO. . Telegraphs, heriiiiida and Halifax, I'ostmaster (innoiinces in llritisli House ol IJoniinons (loveriiment will lay cflhlc. -.March -I. Theatrical, .New York, lloiieicaiilt .Mr Ilion married to Tliorndyke Misn Louise. — .March 7. Anderson Miss .Mary, liy direction of her physician, cancels her lialii- more cnganeiiieiit.--. March l.i. Lnngtry .Mr.'.. Hiitlering from acute tonsilitis, and cancels her engage- ment at New York for icmainder of week. — .March 14. London. Kiig., Love .Miss .Malal, inysterioua disappearance from the Oaiely 'riieatie. -March •JO. IjOndoii, Kng., l.roiigliton Miss Phyllis, action for hrcacli of promise ajrainst ViseonnI Haii^'Mii, conipruinised.— March 'JH. London, I^n^^, .Mala'l Love, young (jaiety Thealre actress, foiiiid in , .•• Unbliii.- -.March '22. ■', Ma);innis 1). ,1 , actor, death of. at lioston. — March IN. \ .New York, Laiit^trv .Mrs., reported niariied lo .Mr. (lehbard. — .March 5. Paris, " liellc .Mainan ' hy Sardoii and lies Landes produced at the Uyinnasi. --.March 1.1. I'ittsliiirg, l*a., uproar at .\cadetny of .Music hv aiiti Uermans. — March !i. Tinplale, American consiiiners syndi 'ate olt'ers to purchase all tinplate works in .South Wales. — .Marcli If*. Tin ore, I'ecos County, Tex., discovery iil. -March 2S. Submarine Teiecniph Co accepts oHer of Ihiiisli (lovcrnincnt for pur- chase of that Company';' cables. --.March 'X>. Toronto, schooner " .Morning ,'^lar " lirst vessel in port- .Marcli 114. Tramps, Kairhniy, .N.h , publicly tlog|;ed for impudent and boisterous con- duct. — .March 'I'l. Treasury dcpartmenl, Wasliinglon, Tickciier (ieo, C,, ol Hlinois, appointed assistant secretary.— .March '.i. .^TRUSTS, Flour. .St. Louis, .Millers of winter wheat holdinp- secret meetings j; for pur|iose of furniiiig combine to control the output ot Hour.— -V;;, .March 7. ',^; American Preservers Associali'Ui of jellies and preserves comes lo ';, grief at Philadelphia— .March l.'i. '} liindiiig twine, buys up most of the twine in Minneapolis. --.March II. ,i|. lirili'-h Parliainenl.'il in lloii.w ol Conimons. — .March I.'',. ^ Lake Coal Dealers Associal ion meet at Clcvclainl and complete a >.' coiubination.- Feb JH. rep. .March ■-'. ',: Cranges, Florida, formation ol. being |,ushed in New Vork,— March 21 t Paper makers, Kn;;laud. fourteen ol the largest form Hyudicatc lo raise prices. — March JO. Salt, operators in Hutchinson, Kas., receive propositions from Knglish salt trust. — .March 20, 'S Sugar, New York sugar trust raises prices of all relined sugar cent 'V a pound. — .March b",, > Tinplate .Vmerican cousuineis syndicale olffrs to purchase all tiii- :~ plate works in South Wales —March l."i. iWephone, Frederietoii and St .lolin, N,H. , eoniieetion made between — .March ;i, upper Sir Charles, arrives at .New York, and interviewed there.— .March 1 .'IJupperSir Charles, High Coiuniissioner, report of, issued at Ottawa — ■'*" .,!arcb 1>. Turkey, Cousianlinople, meeting breaks out among portion of i^udsacks nttaehed lo Alclnnotl's expedition. — March 17. IMIbacli Louis, French novelist, death of.— .March 10, Underwriters, Canadian, conveiilioii of, at Montreal. -March '.'M. UNITKI) STA I'K.S and (.anada. The lailiirc of excursion proposal, Mr, Krasliis Wiman inlcrvii'wed Iheieon by .l/,ii/ and A'l/, ir,<» of New York— .Maridi I, (yabinet, President sends noiniuiitifUis to the Senate.- Nhtreh .') , (iabinet ounliriiied by the Siuale,— .March fi. Cabinet, President signs commission of all the nieinbers, and they are formally inducted into oltice — .March 0. ('ougress House, Commercial Union wilh Canada, uiolinu carried as lo appointing ciiinmissioueis lo assunilalc import ilulics when (*auada is ready, March, I, Presidential iiiaugnraiion, lieiieral Harrisons inaugural aildress. — March 4. .Senate, Commercial rnioii wilh Canada, n'.-otntions fail to pass. — March 4. Senate, presidential nominations for diplonialic service -March II. Senate, special coinmittee on relations with (.'anaila ju'oposcd and elected, — ,March 12. Senate, Louis Kiel, pajiers in the case of presented and laid on the table— .March 12, .Senate, Presideul sends nominaliinis of Assistant Secretary of Slali', exaiuiuer of claiiiH lor ih,> deparlineiit of siale. ami a>sislant secre. tary of the intcrioi.- -.March i:i. Senate, cominiltce on interstate coniineii-e meets at Washington, and makes ai-rangements for pursuing invesligaiiou ot Canadian trans))ortation matters, .March 10. .Senate, nominations by President of F. D, (Jrant, J. C. .New and Selgiman Ihos,— .March 20. Senate, nominations of Calkins for conimissionersliip of (ieneral land ollice, William ,M ,Meieditli ul Illinois lor public printer, and .Morat llalstead. .Minister ol tfcrmany. .■•eni in by President- .Maicli 22. Senate refuses to coutiriu nominaiion of .Mural llalstead as .Minister to (lennany. but conlirms L,>ring to Poi tiigal. Lincoln lo (iieal Kriiain, Thorudyke to liussia, liyau to .Milmco, and Kgiiu to t.'hiii, .March ;U(. Direct ta.x bill, vetoed by President Cleveland. March 2. \'irgtiiia West, decision of .Supreme t?ourt as to ttovei-unrship— March 12. Yirgiiiia West, tioveruiu'ship, Supreme Court at Charleston decides that old tlo\ I'mor shall hold ollice till legislature meets, — ,Marvli lo. \\'ales, Peiihryu t'ardi;;ansliire, altii'-k by mob on piilicfineu an,l eiiier geucy men serving tithe ilistraints. many men injured, --.March 2o Wananiaker, Postmaster (ieneral, on prohibition, interview at Philadel- phia. Pa,- .March 17. Washington University, liishop Kcane presents .Miss Caldwell lo the I'ope.- ,March lii, Washington University, Pope issues brief, approving statutes of — March LL W.'ishington, riot by Pennsylvania troops in, -,Marcli ,'i. Weavers, strikes among, in .^la^sachllsetls, weaving th- pa it men ts ol',o miles shut down. — ,\laich 1 1. Weavers, Cornwall, I iiil, strikers decide to return lo work,- -.March Itb Weavers' Kxecullvc comuiittee. Fall It i\er. .Mass., decides to reject pro- position of state arbitiaKU'S. — .March l'.. Weavers, Fall liiver. .Mass., vole to continue strike, several more mills shut down, — .March 21, Weavers, Fall Uiver, Mass, ISlrike cuds —.March 27. Weavers, strike of, Cornwall, settlcn.ent of,— March 20. Westphalia, Diet of, sends pelilion lo (Ionic Sei retary to permit (logging ot relraelory inmates ol workhouses.- .March 22. Will at and lliuir. Milwaukee and Si. Paul railroad announces redueiion ot' live cenis per loo puiinds Irum .Minneapolis to Chicago, — ,\laicli H. Wheat, Chiciigo, a'.'gi'cg, lie of transactions in very heavy sales of, may inn away up into tens of millions ol bushels,- .March 12, While Caps, (ieoigetown, (liiliirio. ,Mr, Crowe, an alleged wife-beater, Hogged liy the gang — .Mareh 7. Willinmsoa Isaiah V., millionaire philanihropis!, death of, at Philadel- phia.— .Ma. cli 7, Wiman Mr, Krastns, interviewed ng lo failure by Congress to vote the sum necessary to eutert;tin the members ol the Canadian Dominion and Provincial Legislature, in New Yi'rk .I/.k/ anil /■,>/, rc,«,(, — March 1, Wolseley (Ieneral Lord, speak-' im Ihitish .National defences at dinner given by volunteer medical stall at Loudon, Fng. — .Maieli I. WKKCKS. — liangor, liriiish slii|i "Vandalia'' from Perth ,\iiihoy for London sunk by collision with unknown steamer. — .March 7, British steaiuer ".Sultan" from .New Orleans abaniloiied in sinking condition.- .March 2. u TiiK Index of dtinhENT events. h' ^P WIIKCKS. -Cniilinii,;!. CiiiiHilMiii n |>ii*«i'i li>r|{i'i|iiHiitily ot HreckBgi-.— Murcli ■j:i. 1,'itiii' Kljitli'ry, lli'iliHli iinniiii' " I'cirt (Ijiiluii " Inim Liverpool for I'liKi'l ScMiiiil.— Miircli II. (Mu'iliiir^', Kfi'iiih iiirpcilo hnitl fninilers, citptiiin Htiil fourteen of crew ilidwru'il. Miirrli 'J'i. t)niitti!i — reporli'l Mnrct) 11. l-liinil 111 (Niiiiiiiti, liritisli niiiniif-wiir ".Siilliiii."— Mdit'li 7. Norwi'^iiin liink ''(irvHr (Itlii " Irntii llniiiswick, (Jii., for lliu'iitis Ayi't'!<, iiliiiiitliiiii'il III si'ii, I'li'w iirrivp 111 Ht. .Miijiiieln — Miirch 'in. (iKlt'iitl. .^tPiiiniT " ('tiiiTilfH.t of Flamlvrd " run into ami 8iiiik, 14 iier- SUMS (irowiifil.— .March :io. I'liilippiiH' hliiiiiN,'iiMiiT •' I'reinin " with Hpiinish militiiry oxpoili- tioii nil Imtirtl liHi. — .Mtirch IM. l'hili|ipiiit' IhIihmIs, .Spiiriinh HlfiiiniT " llcims " on Jan. 30. China iiilviffs 111 San KniiKM.tco hriii(? pfuiiculiirs. — Marfh lli. Hiiinoa. I'liiii'il SiHirs anil Ann'rliitn tvariihlp-i wrecked in a hurricane. — .March 'I'.i. SHiiion, (icrinaii Dark ■' I'cler Uoilelfroy," one other bark and seven coasU'is— .March 'ill. Spanish mail plonmcr " MIndanoa " sank by colliaion with Spanish aUaincr ■' Vi.-ayii.s " which arrives at Manilla. — .March ao. \'irj:inia rnast, Anierican hark *' A^ncii llHrtou " from Nassau to Italiiiiiiirc driven ashiiie Imif a mile north of Uam Neck Life-saving .^talion. si.x live.-i losl. — March 1-1. Windsor, lint., IVny .(aineii, plasterer, K»ing to Detroit with tools sent back by cii>t(mis ntlii-er. — .March I'J. Yellow fever, Halifax, Hiilish Warship" Lily " arrives at, with case on board. — .March 2li. Vellow fever, Kio .laneiro, abatement of epidemic— March 22. Winian Mr. Kinsius. speech of, on ('iiminercial Union at Hoard of Trade baiKinel, I'onlaml, .Mc— .March 'Ml. Wissman Capt. and I'eters Dr., arrive at Zanzibar. — March 31. THE SPECIAL FEATURES OIF THE YOUTH'S COMPANION For the year, incliiih- SIX SKUIAL STdUIKS, and UNK HUNDRED and FIFTY SHdKT STOlilKS, lully illustrated. ALSO TALES OF ADVENTURES, U.M'STKATKU .SKKT( HES OF TRAVEL, HUMORllUS AKTIULES, SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL ARTICLES, IIOt'SEHtlLD ARTICLES, line Tlioiisanil Anecdolos, timely Editorials on the leading i|iic3tious of the day. and a whole page each week for the little ones. THE C02vII=j^I», THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. Pen Drawiog & lap Etching. <., V V »••«■»»*»■»»-*•■*»•■*■ WHEN \^^ YOU * ARE *» READY \ 'I'o order any more ^v BiDsriDinsrO" PLEASE CALL UP \ V \ V Or send a I'lisiAI. L'akh Id JOHNLOVELL&SON, 23 i25 St. NicliulasSt., Montreal Boat work at ino- APPOINTMENT WANTED. POSITION WANTED as eorrespondent for any paper or journals ot whttsoever character. Am well acquaintei With the work. H. S. PIOKETT, 11 Scott, Bufifalo, N.l TIIK mnKX op ClfRhENT P.VRNtf^. 15 I. J < z .(.V ED. It for any papers •,; n well ncquaintec ,t, Buffalo, Nl I PC O en w O CO o 1=) o CO , 0« I All(»lll|l4 I 88 AUIIUJMII.I, SB A1I|«,I11X ~ tt AU|ii«j||l| I, 08 ' JT ? s §* 5" 3* M s §" ST r ¥ ? 3r ^ 3? f "sT s i Yli s I* f'ii-'s' I 2* i ifi A«|l|lU|^ ► f Avt>i).tnt|.f, " ei" AI!|>II^U|i>).V\ CI jtupitdnj, II ^6 i Xtipttjilii I, AU|ir(9ll|>.l,\V ■^ M <0 § 3 i S S R S s ?. J « ?! s f F g s s ? ? f ^ 8 3 S cl S c S ? r* O 6 <3i CI <0 O k') T 8 s 5 3 'i u ?r 5 3 3 fj S 2 s i i S 2 2 s ft I ?■ s' ?I I— — II iR ?. Si V. a 1^ - ■fir f a I ?? ?i s 3' h- to ?, « S S? 3 ^ V-j s § s S I; A'uiWdll,!, A'uplM'lV Avpanius i ?; ?i if I2 9 3 *2 P5 f S" GO ! 00 "f Z S3 S3 ■ 2 [i a » c i '- '^ % ^_ CO ^ S5 © in t^ iB t a. r (0 tal o S IL U to w u o M < U ^ tt " n "I a a> a 1; tio — P-. o s S - _ ^ » U =4 >-? fi \^ V:, tH 01 ai:tATi»)e,»Sa'-i 16 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. » s i i*; a WHO SUBSCltlBK TO THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS." Tlie " Iiiili'x 1)1' (iiiiTont Events" is much appreciated not (iiily l>y the picss of Caiiaila and tlie Unite jiapers iive well kunu n to keep admirable indexes of their own, yet find it advantageous to subscribe to the Inkkx (IK Cinii!i;xT Evknt^*. We have the honor to include among oui' siibscriliers, Her Majesty's Privy Council fur Canada ; also, Sir John Macdonald, G. C. B., Premier of the Dominion, Sir Hector Langevin, Minister of Public Works, Sir A. V. Caron, Minister of Militia, the Hon. (!, E, Foster, Minister of Finance, the Hon. Macken- zie Biiwell, ^Minister of Customs, tlie Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Secretary of S', the Hon. .rohn Costigan, Minister of Inland I'evcniic, the Hon. John Haggart, Postmaster (leneral, the Hon. John Carling, Minister of Agriculture the Hon. C. H. Tapper, Minister of Afarine and Fisheries, the Hon. Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization Quebec, the Hon. Boucher de La Bruere, late speaker of the Legislative Council, Quebec, the Hon. Lieutenant Governor Jiciyal, Mr. I'jastus Wiman, the Ibm. Minister ol I'ulilic Wnvks, Tiirontci. 'i'he t.iiira'.ian of Parliament, the House of Commons Heading loiiim and the Librarians of many of the Provinces of the Dominion and States of the Union suhseribi' to the Index. The leading bankers (including the ]?ank of Montreal), brokers, lawyers and hotel keepers of Canada, and many clergymen also keep the Indcr on lilc. What is thought of the fude.v may be gathered from the numerous entirely unsolicited expressions of approval sent in by well known public men, of which the following are specimens : Mil. .Maktin fl. (ntiFPiN, l.iiiKAniAN OK Paui.iamknt, Ottawii, writes > 1 iiin HeiulinK you a stibMcription fur two eopicH of y»)iir " Jmlcx,*' which will bo iiiobt iiHofiU 1111(1 wliiuli duHervt'S oiiroiirii^oliKMit. if you will Ctlko partl- cillnrimiiia to nive the ilaten ami lijiuri'rt of elt'iMioiiH mid the liiitos of speeches of public men. with reference also to the place at which the speech was dolivereii, you will do a very grateful thing for public people ami editors, and I nu\y add librarians. Mh. John M. Doane, Statk I. iiiAiiiAxof Ohio, writes ;— Enclosed please And six dollars, in payment for SUtt« Llhrary subscription to the "Index of Current Events " for 18lt!i. I regard it as a very vuitiable publication, and hope that you may meet with suehsucceasas to warrant its continuance, for it will grow more valuable every year. Mh. I!KHHiES,or Bkooklvn Eaylt, writes -.—''I congratulate you most heartiiynpon having done a good thing, a very good thing, in starting the "/«(/***■ " enterprise. 1 hope 1 may have the joy of congratulating you ujiou your successa year hence. A man with Iiitifx on the brain is one after my own heart. My judgment was formed upon Number 1 ; if the indexing is kept up as thoroughly ill all subsetiuent numbers it M'ill be a great help to us. " SIKCIIARLKsTCITKII, BAHT., HlOHCu.MMI8SIO.NEItF01lCANADA, writes :— "It seems to me to be a very useful pubticatlon, aud one that will be valuable fo reference purposes." Mu. Blrk, Associate Editoh of the PiiiLALiELriiiA I'nblic Ledger. writes :— " Your Index Is highly appreciated at this oflice. where I has longbeen a desideratum.'* Mr. Coi.oriiorN ok iiie "Toronto EMriKE, writes ;—" .Vliow mo to congratulate you niO'Jt cordially upon your udiuirable Imif^x. The idea and its execution are alike worthy of all praise." Mr Vadkn, of the " New- York -Morn Jot rnai.," writes .—" I Hud the Iniiicea of great value, saving, as they do. much valuable time in looking up important events." Mr. Will A. Woodward, Ukc Skc. M.vss. Press Aj^sociation. writes :-- Enclosed please lind subscription for one year for " Index of Cilrren. ^^veiils.'- I have examined the specinion sent ine with much intprest and do not hesitate to commend it as an invalnabie assistant in the newpaper olhcp. The amount of time and lahor it is calculated to save, cannot be compeusuted by oneliuniked times its subscription rate, C'liiiiiiicrii'inn with Viil. II No. I tlif cliitc-^ given in tlie Index are tlip Ri'liiiil ilalea of the oot'iirrcnues ; not iij foriiierlv tlic date:i of piililiciition. The Iwhx ispiihli^heil four tiiiie.'iii iimiitli ; but to foi'iii acoiuplcle tile for tlie year il is neeeMt^ary to preserve only the tirst issue in caeli luonlli The iiiloriiieiliiite issue,-* euiilaiii (ho news of the ouiront month to ilate. We liave to acknowledge with Ihauks the n'ec.|il ot a large niiniln'r ot papers oll'ereil in excliange lor tlie //I, /ir. As llie hijex is piililislied prin- eiiially for tlie iLse of editors, anil has loilcpcnil cliietly uimn its eontenl- poraries for support, it is obviously impossible for il to indulge in the luxury of an exchange list. Tliu subscription is^G perainiuui, payable yearly or half yearly iu ttdvanco. Itouiittanoes should bo uiiide to HENRY DALHY, P. 0. Box 804, . Montreal, Que. The table showing the fluctuations of the stock market will be found on page 15. The Index of Current Events U publllhod by Henry Dilby, at 190a Notre Oao) Stroot, Montreal. THE nttiuvn, writes i "/ik/iv," whlcli I will tnke imrtl- 08 ot speeches of •h WI19 dollvorml, a, aiiJ I m»y mU -KncloseJ ploaae o ibo "InJcx of )U insy meet with If valuable every ;ra(ulalo you most rtluj!thi'"/«rfM" tuu your gucceasa y own heart. -My up as tburoudbly !an ADA, writes :— ^111 be valuable fo I A Piibtir /.tdffer^ rt' t has long been ;— " Allow me to 1-. The idea and • miles .—"1 Bnd .Inie in looking up lOiATios, writes :-- t Curren. Kvents.'' do not lipsitate to The amount ot by one bumked tile Index are the Jutes ol' jnu acoiiiplcU' tir-it is,->iie ill omront niontli hirife iMinilier ot pnlilisln'il prin- iiii its coiiteiil- indulge ill the m- halt' yearly INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Vol. II. No. 16, MONTREAL, MAY 4, 1889. (6.00 Fir Anmiiii. PuRLIglllD Wkiklt. NTHKAI., Que. stuck market APRIL IbysslniH, King John, reported death of, — April 3. AbysaiDia, KiDg Johu, death of, confiriued.— April 4. Abyssinia, Italian Prime Minister, in Huiiae of Cummons, itatea effect of King John's death on Italy's position.— April 5. AOCIDENTS.— Drowning, Victoria. B.C., thirteen Indians drowned by capsizing nf small schooner. — April I. Drowning, Alabama, Midland, five laborers drowned by upsetting of boat on Uhattahaoches river, Ga. — April 17. Drowning, Kingfisher, Kas., settler named Qordon caught in quicksand and drowned.— April 12. Drowning, Midland, Jeffrey H. B., Little Robert, Meredith, and An- derson J. P., drowned while going from Midland to Victoria Harbor' Ont — April 30. Drowning, St. Ann's, P.Q., .^oe Sagala, well known fisherman and hunter.— April 30. Drowning, 8'. Paul de Chester, four men, Oagn6, Roberge, Boisvert and Hince, ( rowned in River Nicole'. — April 18. Bleclricity, ti.' omen, Riley and Brown, l:i|led while taking down tele- graph wires.— April 18. Explosions, Anthracite Coal Min<>s, 12 miners injured. — April 7. Explosions, Durham, Brancepeth colliery, five persons killed.— Apri 24. Explosions, France, Calais, boiler of dredge bursts, killing seven per- sons and injuring seven others. — April 29. Explosions, New South Wales, Erin pit at Castrop, 26 persons killed —April 10. Explosions, Thiefblan Bothsohild'a colliery, 6 persons killed.— April Fires, Ashland, Wis., Aurora mine in Uogebic range.— April 30. Fires, Auckland, New Zealand, U.S. Mail steamer ■' Mariposa," fire in hold.— April 24. Fires, 3iarrits, British Club House destioyed.— April 15. Fires, Boston, freight bouses of Boston and Lowell division of Boston and Maine Ry. destroyed.- .\pril 9. Fires, Brooklyn, Buchanan and Lyall's tobacco factory.— April 12. Fires, Forest, North Adams and South Hadley, Mass., large quantities valuable timber destroyed.— April 2?. Fire, Ind 'a-Surat, hundreds of houses ■'•istroyed.- April 7. Fire, India-Surat, 16,000 persons rendered homeless, despatches re- ceived in London, Eng.— April 9. Fires, Leola, MuPherson County, Dakota, destroyed by Prairie fire.— April 2. FireD, Lingwick, Que., house of Ludger Visana destroyed, Mrs. Visana buraed to death. — April 14. Fires, Helbonrtie, Bfjou Theatre burned.— April 22. Fires, MilwAukee, Margaret Ki-.lein and three children burned to death.— April 2. Fires, Mount Pleasant Village, Dak., nearly destroyed.— April 2. Fires, Nanticooke, Ont., Charles Moore fiitaily burned.— April 14. Fires, New York, New York Central Railway stores, Fairhank's refinery Vanderbilt elevators destroyed, damage three million.— April 19. Fires, Ottawa, Dubi's Hotel on Chelsea road, destroyed.— April 18. Fires, Patrick 'County, Va., fifty farmers burued out by forest fires.— % April 17. if Fires, Ptnirie, Dakota, great damage and heavy losses.— April 6. - Fires, Prairie, Sully Cd., letter received by Mayor of Chicago, stating 25 residences, 48 barns, 650 sheep, and many horses and cattle de- atroyed.— April 8. Fires, Quebec, two storey factory of Joseph Lalibert6 destroyed —April Fires, Stanbridge, P.Q., business portion of town de8troyed.--April 25. Lightning, KentvUle, N.S., John Uchofield and Son, killed during tbuoderstomi, and bouse wi«ek«d,— April i 1 . ACCIDENTS— CofKinuoJ. Railway, Brooklyn, Beecber Rev. Dr. Edward, rnn over by railroad car.— April 3. Railway, Decatur, Louisville and Nashville railroad, three men killed and several wounded in collision. — April 4. Railway, Oreen River, The Canadian Pacific Railway express runs into freight train.— April 24. Ra'lway, Hamilton, Out,, St. Louis express jumps the track, many persons killed and injured, several cars burned. — April 27. Railway, Hochelaga, P. Q., Joseph Wright, employee of Canadian Pacific Railway, run over by locomotive —April 8. Railway, Jersey Ci'.y, N.J., Boboken car No. 145 struck by engine at Orove street crossing, four men severely injured. — April 9. iwtilway, Joliet, collision between passenger and freight trains on Chicago, Santa Fe and Oalifornhi Railroad, three persons killed. — April 10. Railway, Lorenzo, III., Hughes and Converse, conductor and engineer of freight train, arrestedT— April 19. Railwt -, Toronto, Robert Fleming, of Brampton, lawyer, killed at Straonan avenue crossing. — April 13. Railway, West Point, Va., Freight train on York River branch of Richmond and Danville Railroad, wrecked, four men killed. — April 6. Railway, Winnipeg, Man., Frank Peters crushed to death on Cana- dian Pacific Bj.— April 8. Shipping, Otter Island, steamer ''Everett" sunk and five persons drowned. — April 18. Storm, Atlanta, Ga., wall falls down killing firemen Leach and Howell and several others.- April 24. Storm, Crescent Bay, Thompson Mrs., killed b^ large tree falling on '~' : Mr. knocked senseless. — April 4. her, Thompson i Suffocation, Port Huron, Mich., James Olemms and Slapban Porter suffocated in vat o< Mineral Bath Co.— April 9. Sunderland, Eng., platform gives way during laying of cornice stone of Reformatory by Marquis of Hartington.— April 17. Afghanistan, Gen. Resenbach, governor of Turkestan, reports tranquility to prevail along frontier. — April 8. Affleek Mrs., widow of Capt. John Affleck, death of, at Halifax, N.S.^ April a. AFRICA.— Nyanza and ITsagara, Missionaries there safe, news received by English Church Missionary .Society — April 1. Congo State Government receives report on the explorstion of river Zomain, an affluent of the Congo.— April 5. Congo, four hundred troops sent to Arnwbeim, letters received at Brussels.— April 27. West, British expedition destroys chief town of Wendeb tribe on Sulymale river and releases 3,000 slaves, despatches received. — April 24. Zanzibar, Rev. Messrs. Taylor, Edwards and Hooper, captured Chief Bushire, released on payment of ransom. — April 27. Zanzibar, German imperial commissioner assumes supreme comma* over mainland, at Zanzibar.— April 6. Britisl. Central Af.-ican Co., established in London. — April 11. Albany Sseninp Journal sold to proprietor of Albany Expreii.— April 3. Alien contract labor law, collector of customs at Niagara 8ii3|iension Bridge recommends U. 8. District Attorney to proseeute Michigan Ce' -ra. Grand Trunk nud West Shore railways for violation of Al sn . •■ -act labor law.— April G. Msaoiani, 140, h. 'ir failing to report for service in German army. — April 4. American Bell Telephone v. >., John i Hudson elected president.— April 2 . Andover, N. Y., rich strikes of oil made. -April 8. Arctic seas, exploration to, Everest Hon. y . W,, Count de Sanivilla and J. Young leave on trip of exploration to Arctic seas.— April 15. Argentine Republic, premium on gold reaches 64 per cent. — April 9. Astronomical, Prof. Holden, of Lick Observatory, gives an approximnle orbit by Prof, Scliuiiert, of the comet discovered oo March 31st by Mr. Barnard April 9. i THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 1 H '! Atlanta, Oa., Tiolent storm, M\ of wall killing Bremen Leacb and Howell and several others. — April 24. Australia, Uelbourne, Dillon John, M.P., addresses a monster meeting at. —April 30. AUSTRIA.— Emperor pnrchnses Majerling estate, owned by late Crown Prmce liudolpb, tlie >. 1iiig to be turned into a nunnery. — April 10. Empress attacked by insanity, riimourB of, desire of Emperor to abdi- cate in fitTor of hianei'hcw — Ai)ril 14. Vienna, serious rioting arising out of strike of traincar drivers — April 20. Government serves notice upon tram wny companies that themselves and other property will be sequestered unless reforms promised their employes be completed by Mny 16th. — April 30. Ayre Bon. C, member of Legiblative Council ot Newfoundland, death of. —April 12. Bankrupt, London, Gng., Lord Francis Cecil, second son of Maiquis of tJxeler.— April 9. Banks, Anoka, Minn., First Nationalist bank closes its doors. — April 6. Banks, Montreal, Bank of, declaration of dividend of Hve per cent, straight. —April 24. Banks, Yokohama specie Bank declares dividend of 20 per cent, per annum —April 5. Barley, Canadian, The Brtweri Journal announces result of expert's test. —April 24. Baraum, Hon. W. H., chairman of National Democratic Committee, death of, at Lime Rock, Conn— April 30. Bate Mr. V. T., ex-Mayor of Ottawa, death of.— April 9. Battenburg, Prince Alexander of, having furnisheii sat'sfaclorT explanation to the Emieror of Ansliia on tiie subject of bis marnage, receives permission to take up bis residence at Oral!!.— April 10. Batter^by .Mrs. llnnnab, largest woman in the world, death of, at Philadel- phia. — April 15. Bavaria, King Otto, demented .Monarch, 41st anniversary of his birth cele- brated at Munich. — April M. Belgium, Brussels, Boulanger attends soiree at deputy Somyre's resi- deme. — April 10. Belgium, Brussels, Boulanger Gen., present at soir6e given Mr. Somyte. — April U. Belgium, Boulanger, Qovernment decides to send second note to Boulanger that be will not be allowed to conspire against France. — April 19. Bennington, Ya., liquor raids result in closing of hotels.— April 12. Berlin, Unt, chief of police instructed to ring town bell at9 p.m. every evening, and arrest all children under IS years of age found on streets after that hour.— April 9. Births, Sweden, Crown Princess gives birth to third son. — April 20. Blizzard, Harrisonburg, Va., great damage done. — April 6. Boulanger and party leave Brussels for England. — April 23. Breach of promise, New York, Tollen Clara, gets vcrdifilof $16,000 against C. H. Reed, proprietor of UofTman House, for breach of promise. — April 2. Bright John, late, V. S. Senate passes resolution expressing sorrow at death of— April 1. Bright, John, M P., Rochdale, committee decide to erect bronze statue of. —April 12. British Columbia, Provincial Parliament, business of session ended. — April 5. Bucket shops, Toronto, Priestman bucket shop case, prisoners discharged. —April 18. Cambridge, Duchess of, death at London, Eng. — April 6. Canada Asbestos and Antimony Company, petition granted by Justice Stirling, London, Eng., lu wind up. — April 15. Canada North West Land Company, meeting at London, Kng., Thomas Skinner elected as chairman.— April 16. CANADA, PARLIAMENT OF.-Dommons, death of Hon. J. H. Pope, announced by Sir John Macd. ild.— April 1. Public accounts committee, Mr. lleury ISmytli examined. — April 2. Sir Richard Cartwright and the last loan, tsiimates debated, immi- gration —April 2. Senate, Mnrrisburg and New York Railway incorporation I'M thrown out— April 2. Committee on Railwava and Canals, bill to compel Toronto Tele- graph, Telephone aua Elec'ric Light Companies to put their wires underground thrown out. — April 3. Commons, Franchise Act nmendraent hill, stormy disrussion, bill read a serua>l time, Committee on bill, Lowri>' divorce bill thrown out. — April 3. Senate, Behring Sea proclamation, discussion of.— -April 3. Commiin.^, I'opc laie lion. Mr , enbigies jironounced upon. — April 4. Senate, Commercial Union, Senator Wark moves resolution on. — April 4. CANADA, PARLIAMENT OP.— Continued. Canadian Pacific Railway bill and estimates considered. Bill amend fisheries act read second time. — April 6. Commons, im|iortation offish in bond for subsequent exportation, dis cussion on, Canaiiian Pacific Ry. bill passed in committee, combiues bill referred to committee on banking and commerce. — April 9 Commons, bill to amend Fisheries Act passes third reading ; Franchise bill passes second reading ; Postal Act passes second reading ; Cus- toms Act amendment bill considered.— April 9. Commons, last loan discussed. Sir Richard Cartwright's want of con- fidence motion lost. — April 10. Commons, Cape Breton Ry. discussed, estimates, bouse in committee on — April U. Commons, estimates for Inland Revenue, Post Office and Dotiinioa Lands considered. — April 12. Commons, Mr. Clarke Wallace's bill on combines before committee.- April 12. Commons, Toronto Board of Trade bill passed ; Northwest Territt ries bill to consolidate and amend acts respeciing, read first time; gercrnl inspection act bill to amend. read Krst time Divorce bills, Bay tell Wand, Midc'leton and Lowry passed. Summary convictions act bill to amend : and expropriation of lands bill for, passed. Frani bise bill passed, i'ost office bill passed. — April 15. Commons combines bill reported by committee on banking and com- merce.— April 16. Uommons, customs laws defence by Hon. Mr. Bowell, Mr. 'folter'S amendment defeated.— April 10. Labor Commission, two reports of, laid before Parliament.— April 16. Commons, steamship subsidies considered. — April 18. Commons, extradition bill discussed. Bill to amend Inlanc Revenue act iiasses, also General Inspeciions Act amendment bill, ilso loans to Mennonite Immigrants hill, Copyright act discussed.— April 20. Commons, British Columbia coast, defence of j milk bill amen Hr. Robillard.— luse. — April 23. discussed.— April Let thrown out. — pan; and railway disposed of. The lotion.— April 30. ling immigration discrimination in 8. ire-arms ; bill in- jol. — April 9, nseawortby ships —April 15. 1 16. April 3. d to liigh Court -April 8. uslrioB of Penn- ng restoration of Irish plans of April 21. list, death of — Iville shoots one )erg of persons cm VA.—Sficrplary Blaine recoives despatch from Charles Denby, 0. S. .Minister to (Jhina, relttiivo to anti-foreign riots at Ching-Klang on February 6. — April (i. Chinese exclusion, Won-Kwang-PrI, formerly of Chinese Embassy at Washington, advocates the expulsioa of every American in the service of China. — April 8. Cholera, Philippine Islands, epidemic of, l,nOO fatal cases.— April 17. Cholera, Hog, West Liberty, Va.. outbreak of- April 6. Cochrane Ranch Company gives notice of intention to increase capital slock from $;50,000 to $400,000.— April 12. . Cohoes, .V.V., Democratic riot at municipal elections. — April 5. ;Coke, Pennsylvania, movement on foot to form trust. — April 4. vSCoUieries, Northumberland, Eng., nine roasters refuse 10 per cent. ^ advance in wages demanded by colliers.- -April 7. 'flCollieries, Wilkesharre, Pa., 16 collieries resume work. — April ."i. Congo. Stale Government receives report on the exploration of River Zoniain, an affluent of the Congo. — April 5. Cremation, Kerbn police decide it to be illegal, and incineration of corpses is forbidden— April 6. Crescent Bay, terrible storm, Thompson Mrs., killed by a falling tree, and Thompson Mr. knocked senseless. — April 4. CIUMES.- Bigamy, Belleville, Ont., Joseph Douglns sentenced. — April 1. Absconders, Bavaria, Count Papfheim absconds to America- — April 10. Absconders, St Paul, Minn . Pmith Walter B., teller of Second National Bank, arrested at St. Louis, Mo.— April 15. Absconders, Neenah, Wis., Theodore Paepke, city treasurer.— April 23. Absconders, Sandwich, Mass , Samuel Fessenden, treasurer of Cape Cod Canal Company— April Ifl. Arson, Listowel, Ont, five buildings fired, three persons arrested. — April 15. Counterfeiters, Deseronto, Ont., Frank Conirer arrested at. — April 2. Defaulters, Uillier Township, Out., John Yuung, treasurer, short in his accounts. — April 29. Defaulter, Neenah, Wis., Theodore Paepke, city treasurer. — April 23. Defaulters, New York, Harvie committed for extradition at Halifax.— April •!. Defaulters, Montreal, Lapierre Chas., accountanLof City Hall.— April 18. Defaulter, Sandwich, Mass., Samuel Fessender, treasurer of Cape Cod Canal Company. — April 19. Dynamiting, New York, Labor unionists arrested, charged with blow ing up Stevenson's brewery on Tenth Avenue. — April 6. Embezzlers, St. Paul, Minn., Smith Wnlter B.. teller of Second National Biuik, arrested at St. Louis, Mo— April 15, Embezzlement, Toronto, Roland Gideon Israel Burnett found guilty.— April 18, Forgery, Venezuela, nephew of Guzman Blanco, ex-President of Venezuela, arrested while trying to escape to United States,— April 5. Robbery, Chicago, police officer Woodville shot ../ burglar,— April 9, Robbery, Enst Liverpool. Ohio, residence ot Robert Mcl'.ane broken into, McBnne nearly killed— April 8. Robbery, Hungary, S'.il, wine store keeper, crushed tc Ueath in wine press by robbers. — April 7, Robbery, Indian Head, Manitoba, attempt to rob the C.P.R, and Dominion Express Company's office of a large sum of money,— April 6. Robbery, Rat Portage, Chief of Police, arrested for stealing furs from Hudson Baysto'e — April 27. Robbery, Somerset, Pa,, 12 members of gang of desperadoes captured. — April 30. Robbery, Toronto, Frank Carson of Detroit snd Frank Parker of Galveston, two noted American thieves, arrested.- April 2!i, Cn.stoms, II. S,, Erhiirdi Joel R,, appointed by President collector of customs at Now York —April 5. Cinloms, U.S., New York, extensive scheme of smuggling carried on by AlUrd i Snl^, of Paris and Fifth Avenue, unearthed by Special •Treasury Agei t Simmons. -April 5. Cvclmie, Long Lake, N.W T., much destruction, several houses and barns blown down, — April 7. Cyclone, Norfolk, Pa , immense amount of damage— April 6. T'.mirvmen, Ottawa, convention of, meet at.— April 9. ; Dukotn. Prairie fires, great damage and heavy losses —April 6. I DiiytoiM Ohio, natural gas turned into pipes —April 19. i DEATHS— Cambridge Duchess of, at London, Eng— April 6. Aflleck Mr- , wiuow of Capt. John Affleck, duatu of, at Halifax, N.S. I -April 11. DEATHS-ConriniMrf. Ayre Hon. C, member of Legislative Council of Newfoundland.— April 12. Bate Mr. C. T., ex-Mayor of Ottawa.— April 9. Barnum Hon. William H , chairman of National Democt.'rtic Com- mittee at Lime Rock, Conn. — April 30. Beardy Chief, of Cree reserve, Duck Lake.— April 18. Brinkmann Dr., Bishop of Monster.- April 16. Chevreul Michael EugAne, distinguished French chemist.— April 9. Chmic Mr,, ex-Senator, death of, at Quebec —April 27. Don Sebasticn LerdoTo Tjada, ci-Prcsident of Mexico, at New York. —April 21. Douglas P. D., assistant secretary department of Interior, Ottawa. — April 20. Dunsmnir Hon. Robert, President of the Council at Victoria, B C — Ajiril 12. Ely Marquis of, in Italy.— April 3. Farwell Leonard J., ex-Governor of Wisconsin, at Granite City, .Mo —April n. Fielding John A., soldier of 1812, dies at Laurens county, aged 1 10 years, — April 15. Higgins Moat Rev. Andrew, Bishop of Catholic diocese of Kerr — April 30. Kennedy Rev. Benjimin Hall, Regius, Professor of Greek at Cam- bridge, Eng— April 7. Hatch Major General, an old hero of the civil war, at Fort Robinson, Neb.— April II. McDonald Rev. Angus, of Prince Edward Island. Martell M., head ot great distillery firm, at Connac— April 2. Milton General, Irish Nationalist, and on staff of New York HeraH, death of, at New York, — .\pril 10. Ouseley Rev. Sir Frederick Arthur Gore, professor of music in Rng- land.— April 8. Pierre Rev. Dr. Bradford, Methodist divine, at Newton, Mass.— April 15. Plater Count, death of, at Kilchberg.— April 24. Pope Colonel, of British regulars —April 13. Po|ie Hon. J. H., Minister of Railways at Ottawa,— April 1. Princess Eugenia, sister of King of Sweden. -April 23. Rosa Cari, musical director, at Paris, France.— April 30. Smith A. I., secretary of defunct Winnipeg Cai/.— April 19. Taylor, Rear Admiral W. R., at Washington, — April 14. I'slier John P., secretary of Interior under President Lincoln, death of, \\ University Hospital, Philadelphia.— April 13. Von Sailer Dr., formerly physician to late Emperor William — April 0. Vrooman Henry, prominent lawyer of California. — April 7, Wagener Frederick William Hermann, German statesman, death of. — April '23. York Lionel, stone contractor, drops dead in Toronto. — April 13. Dillon John, M.i* , addresses a monster meeting at Melbourne, Australia —April ,10. DIPLOMATIC— Germany and Rome, Emperor William oppose.'; Bis- marek'a proposal for appointment of Papal Nuncio, at Berlin.— A|.ril 20. Pauiicefote Sir Julian, B-!tish Minister to Washington, arrives at .New York,— April 21. Whitelaw Reid,lJnited States minister of Prance takes oath of office- April 18. Distillers, Dublin, syndicate of, formed, .Tamieson's refuse to join — April 5. DIVORCE —Count Pestitich of Vienna sues for separation from bis wife on the ground of adultery. — April 12, London, Eng . Boiicicault .^cnes, applies to Divorce coui't for enforcement of payment of alimony from her late hnshaiid Di-n lloueicault,— April 9, London, Eng., Dion Boucicault's appeal against order enforcing dismissed. — April 16 Douglas P, D.. assistant secretary of Department of Interior, death of, at flttawtt— April 20. Dumont Gabriel, arrives at Winnipeg from Batoche, and in interview says claims of half breeds must lie settled by Government. — April 24, Dunsmuir Hon. Robert, President of the Council, dies at Victoria, BO — April 11, Dynamite gun " Vesuvius," preliminary trial at Philadelphia, — April 4, Earthc|niike, Cairo, slight shock at, — April 'i'i. Earthquakes, Greece, violent shocks in Bpirns. — April II. Earthquakes, lUyti, great damage at Port Depaix —March 2H, ri p 'Vnril THE INDEX or CURP.r^T EVENTS. I l!i r i;i! Kiirthquake, SwilzsrUnd, sharp shocks —April 30, East l.iTcrpool, Uhio, McBane Robert, nearly killed by bnrglara.— April 8. KCCLESIASTrCAL— Brempton, Ont., Rev. Mr. Dobbin, Presbyterisn Minister, tried and tilljy 'exonerated.— Aprils. Bmotlbrd, Ont., Pradtnttnian Synod of Hamilton and London meet at— April 8. Brinkraann Dr., BiAhop df Munster, death of.— April 16, Catholic congrewossembloj at Madrid. — April 24. Krigland, Kennedy Rev. Benjnmin Hall, Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge Uniyereity, dcalb of.— April 7. Higgins Most Rer. Andrew, Bishop of Catholic diocese of Kerr, death of,— April 30. McDonald Rev. Angus, of Prince Edward Island, death of.— April 30- Newton, Mass., Pierce Rev. Dr. Bradford, Methodist divine, death of.— Apri!19. Ottawa, Diihaniel Archbishop arrives from Rome.— April 9. Qiebec, Presbyterian Synod of Montreal mid Ottawa meet at. — April 16. Rome, Mgr. Ferrata, Papal ffiincio at Brussels, succeeds Mgr. Agliard as apostolic deicKaie for India, Mgr. Aglinrdi acts as Parml Nuncio at Municii in jiIhcc of .\Igr. Ituffoscilla, who is ill. The Archbishop of Perugia succeeds Mgr. Feratta as Papal Nuncio at Brussels.— April 17. Toronto, Transfer committee of General Conference of the Methodist Church, meeting of — April 4. EDINBURGH. — Parnell Mr, three meetings protest against conferring. freedom of city upon. — April 22. Edinburgh town council agrees to confer freedom of city on Mr. Parnell. -April 23. Egan Patrick, Irish National Leaguo request Mr. Parnell to appoint com- mittee to enquire into couduct of. — April 9. EGYPT.— Messenger to Suakua from Khartoum brings letters from Slaten Bay and members uf Catholic Mission, also supposed head of Ras Alula Abyesiniau general. — April 9. Egypt, Nile falling rapii'ly April 5. Port Ilalaib, force of Soudanese attack and defeat party of Egyptians from Suakim. — April 20. Battalion of Egyptian troop and two gun-boats start to re-capture Halaib.— April 22. Cairo, earthquake shock at. — April 22. Soudan, uprising of Dervislies, Italian government rejects proposal of English guTerumenl to join forces to suppress uprising.- April 30. ELECTIONS.— Birmingham, Eng., Lord Randolph Churchill declines to become candidate for vacant seat. — April 2. Birmingham, Ene., Roseberry Lord, speaks at public meeting in favor of Liberal candidate.— April 6. Birmingham, Bright John Albert, Liberal unionist, elected to succeed bis lather in representation of Ctntral Division. — April l.'i. Birmingham Central, Eng., correspondence beiween Mr. Joseph Cham- beilain and Lord Randolph Churchill.— April 19. Chicago, Municipal, considered to be illegal in consequence of deci- sion of Supreme Court of the .State. — .*i>ril 8, Chicago, .Municipal, collapse of proposed scheme to cleclare election illegal.— April 8. Cohoes, N.Y., Democratic riot at municipal elections. — April 5. Compton County of, H'rohibitiunists meet at Johuyille and name two candidates, Mr. Ives and Mr. Munro. — April 22. Ctokshire, Rufus Pope choscu as candidate by Lrfoeral-Conservative Association.— April 25. Cottonwood Falls, Mrs. Minnie Morgan elected Mayor and other ladies members o( c(juncil. — April 2. England, Rochester, Hugcssen Mr., Gladstonian, returned.— April 16. Municipal, Chicigo, Cregier (Democrat) elected Mayor.— April 2. Odkalousa, Ks., female candidates successful at municipal election —April 2. Ely, Marquis of, death of, in Italy. — April 3. Kinigrants, Bremen and Ilambuig, 5,300 sail for Niw York. — April II. ''.migrants on steamer " Noorland," which collided olf i;cachy fleaf', an which put into Southampton for repairs, forbidden to land. — .'\pril 8. j'i.-iigralion, Great Britain, President of Local Government Board moves in House of t^ommons for, and obtains select committee of enquiry into. — April 4. Rmin Pasha, Arabs arrive at Stanley Falls, and re|)orls Stanley andKmin heard Irom in February, as marching on Zauaibar, advices received at Brussels —.■\pril 4. Emin Bpt, Sir Francis DeWinton, pi'eiy M. Perry befor", d«iit in the )>lii-n>ite commission, Boulanglst trial, M. Oambun, Frei cb Ambassador at .Madrid, examined. — April 19 V.rsnilles, banquet at, Boulanger's speech read by Deputy Laguerre. — Aiiril 14 ViTsailles, MM. Laguerre and Hcrisse arreated on leaving Boulan- glst banquet. — Ajiril 14. Wiirrants is-ued lor arrest of General Boulanger. Count Dillon and M. Rochefort.— April 10 Fri'ighi .^gentsi, Bethlehem, Pa., meeting of agents of several railroads and reduce lotts on anthracite coal.— April S. Gary, D.ik., sand blizzard rages at.— April i. OEH.M.WY.— Alsatians, 140, lined for failing to report for service in Ger- man Army— April 4 li'Tlin, Volhs Ztiting, proprietor of, receives permissioa from Oovem- n.ont to resume publication. — April 9. Bismarck issues order dctining respons'bilities of commanders of war-hips with respect to req'iesta of consuls abroad. — April 18. Cremation, Berlin (...!;''" ■'"cUo it to be illegal, and incineration of corpses is forbidden. — April 6. Emperor opens at Berlin, exhibition of appliances for prevention of accidents — April 30 Papal Nuncio' at Berlin, Emperor William opposes Prince Bismarck's proposal for. — April 20. Prince Bismarck returns thanks to Central Manufacturers' Associa- tion for birthday congratulations. — April 2. Pattkamer Dr. Von, summoned to Herrenhaus by German emperor, as a mark of renewed ccntidence.— April 3. iieichstag. Naval Secretary refers to loss of warships at Samoa, and .speaks as to situation there —.Ipril 3. Reichstag adjourns until May 7.— April 12. Schellendorf Count Von. retires from ministry of war, and is suc- ceeded by General Verdii Du Vernois— April 10. Socialists, Berlin Courts decide that all the recent dispersions ot Socialist meetings by the police were illegat — April 5. Stuttgart, statues of Prince Bismarck and Count Von Moltke uu- vtiled. — Apr-' (ilujcester, N.I., Pu. . room^, gambling houses and unlicensed saloons closed by the Mayor.— April 16. Golil, Franklin Cuunly, Va , discovery of. — April 23. Gold, Argentine Republic, premium on, reaches 64 per cent.— April 9. Grain vessels, Kingstou, Ont., first fleet arrives at. — April 17. Greece, Epirus, violent earthquakes reported in.— April 11. Harrisonburg. Va., blizzard causes extensive damage.— April 6. JIawaii, bark " C. W. Bryant" seized by Government at Honolulu for smuggling opium.— March 23, reported April 13. llAVTt.— Commission appointed by Legitime visits Hipnolyte, who ex- presses himself pleased with terms submitted.— April 3, Hayti, PortDepaix, earthquake, great damage done by— March 28, reported Apnl 12. Hayti, heavy fighting between St. Marc and Oonaives.— March 28, reported April 12. Legitime gains great victory over Hippolytes forces on March 30th, reported in Le iloniteur, official organ of Haytian Government. — April 4. Captain of steamer "Caroline Miller" arrives at New Tfork, and re. ports that Legitime's forces burn town of Petite Riviere, on 7ih instant. — April 23. i Ilickson Joseph, General Manager Grand Truuk Railway, gives his views on the question of esisiing freiglit difficulties to reporter of New York Tiinei, — April 11. ; Hog Cholera, 'West Liberty, Va., outbreak of —April G. ' ll.ilhi-id, parliament, Regency asked for by Prime .Minister -.\pril 2. H'llliui'l. pArlmmeut agrees to the appointment of a regency.— April 3. llomcT, lon-a. Mar-^haU sent to make oviction.s from river lands met by armed mob of settlers and driven from the Held. —April ,5. Hungary. Diet, Army bill adopted by Upper House.— April .'j. Hungary. Southern, visited by terrib'e slorra demolishing many houses.— —April .'^. liiiniiiry, Szil, wine store keeper, crushed to death in wine press by robbers. I -April 7. Hungary, famine raging at Blezewoag and Bistritz, hundreds dying. — April 19. Illinois legislature, Lower house, Illinois and Michigan canal, bill passed for widening and deepening. — April U. Illinois House passes Anti-trust bill.— April 18. Immigrants, 400 strolling musicians arrive in New York from Europe. — April 3. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT.— Commons, Naval proposals of first Lord cf the Admiralty approved —April 1 Commons, Naval proposals. .Mr. Childer's motion against financial method rejected. — .\pril 4. Commons, Manitoba guarantee of Bonds to Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway, Baroa De Worms replies to question of .Mr. Beckett. —April I. Commons, Immigration, President of Local Government Board moves for aud obtains select committee of enquiry into. — April 4. Commons, Vacciaation, commission appointed to enquire into Vacci- nation Acts.— April 5. Commons, Scotlanil local Kovernmeiit for, bill providing ror,introduced by Lord Advocate. -April R. Commons, Scottish home rule, motion for, rejected.- Ajiril 9. Commons, bill as to courts fixing rents, and as to arrears introduced by Mr Crilly, MP. for liorth Jlayo, aud rejected. — April 10. Commons, Solicitor General for Ireland denies that Marquis of Lon- donderry intends to resign office of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. — April 10. Commons, sugar convention bill introduced by Baron Henry de Worms.— April 11. Commons, Ireland, circular sent to Irish police to collate all secret information rega.rding the doings of members of National league, debate on.— April 12. C}mmon3 budget introduced by Chancellor of the Exchequer. — April 15. Commons, Spirit drinking in India, motion of Samuel Smith, M.P., censuring government for [)ermitting, carried. — April 30, Lords, Earl of Morley, Liberal, elected chairmen of committees.— April 4. India, Mr. Crawford, British Commissioner of central division of Bombay presidency, dismissed. — April 17 India, spirit drinking in, motion of Samuel Smith, H.P., in British House of Commons, censuring government fur permitting, carried in Bri- tish House of Commons — April 30. Indians, Dumont Gabriel arrives at Winnipeg from Batocbe, and in inter- view says claims of Half-Breeds must be settled by Ooverament.— April 24 Indians, Guthria Oklahoma, rising of, on account of boomers. — April 23. Indians, Chief Beardy of Cree reserve, Duck Lake, death of — April 18. Indian 'Troubles, 8i. Paul, Minn., arrival of Gabriel Dumont in Saskatche- wan district causes commotion. — April 15. Indians, Moresley Islands, Kve seamen of schooner " Koderack " killed by Indians, schooner reaches New Duugeneas, W.T.— April 2. Indian troubles, Gabriel Dumont addresses bis old followers at Batoche. —April 9. Interstate Commerce commission begins bearing case against Grand Trunk Railway at Washington. — April 4. Interstate Commerce commission. Chairman of, rules in the case of the Chicago and Atlantic Railway, that a road has no authority for making a higher rate over a connecting line than the one actually made by that line. — April 5 Interstate Commerce Commission summons officers of railroad companies 'n middle and Eastern Slates to appear before commission on Mar 3 -April IS. Interstate Commerce Commission decides at Washington that Grand Trunk Railway must obey law' a provisions.—Apnl 20. Iowa evictions, Fort Dodge, 17 river land settlers, charged with conspiracy, arrested— April 5. IRELAND— Dublin, Mr Kilbride's appeal against conviction of offences under Crimea Act heard, conviction confirmed.— April 4. Dublin, O'Biien's appeal from sentence heard, sentence reduced.— April 10. Dublin, Libel suit, Stokes against Dublin /r«cman's,/ournairesultsin verdict lor plaintiff— April 10. Falcarragh, 13 families again evicted.— April 20. Falcarragh, Conjbeare Mr , .MP., summoned to appear before Court ou charge of conspiring to oppose the law. — April 22, Father .McFadilen's prosecution, .Mr. Gladstone writes that Qorern- ineut has incurred very grave responsibility. — April 19. Funicane Mr., M. P., sentenceon, under Crimea Act confirmed, on ap- peal.— April 9. Harrison, a student .jf Balliol College, Oxford, arrested for supplying food to besieged tenants.— April 17. {I 6 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. . , .-I 111 mElAHC—Conlinuetl. Harrison Prof, committed for trial for assisting btaicged tensoti at Gweedora.— April 18. Home Rule, Hallsbur; Lord, speaks at Bristol, and defends course pur- sued bj his government.— April 23. Lansdowne's Marquis of, estate. Forty tenants receive notices of eviction.— April 13. Londonderry Marquis of, intimates bis desire to resign viceroysbip.— April 9. Londonderry's Lord, resignation announced by bim at banquet at the College of Physicians, of Dublin.— April 27. Luggacurran.Mahar Rev. John, served with summonses for offences under Crimes Act. — April 1. Nenagh, Father Morris and Father Cunningham scutenced under Crimes Act, they appeal.— April 10. O'Brien °nlerii libel suil, against Lord Salisbury, for remarks made in spee ii Watford viie London Weekly Deapaleh.— AptW 14. Olphei estate, evictions on.— April 13. Olphert evictions, all evicted persons become re-possessed of their homes. — April 15. Plans of British Government concerning, Chamberlain .Mr. Joseph M. P., speaks at Birmingham concerning.— April 24. Skough, PiltowD, National demonstration held at, crowd charged by Hussars.— April 21. Sentences upon Mr. Cox, M.P., forEnst Clare, and Mr. Tuty, editor of Roscommon Htrnld, under Crimes Act, reduced upon appeal to six weeks each. — April 5. Sheehy Mr., M. P., sentences on, under Crimes Act reduced on appeal to one term of live months. — April 9. Sheehy David, M. P., for South Galway, confined in cell, and placed on bread and water diet, tor refusing lo perform menial work id ; rison. —April 13. Vnndeleurand Clare tenants, Sir Charles Russell consents to act as arbitrator between.— April 9. Vandeleur's estate, tenants on mediation of Sir Charles Russell accept oB^r of reinstatement on payment of years rent less 2 per cent — April 16. Irish National league request Mr. Purnell to appoint a committee to eoquir into attitude recently assumed by Palricli Kgan. — April 9. ITALY —Deputy Costa, a Socialist, sentenced to impris./iiment for being concerned in recent street riots. — April 5. Chamber of Deputies, death of Ring John of Abyssinia, Prime .Minister makes statement as lo Italy's position.— April 5. Jamaica Railway System, sale of, by Colonial government to American syndicate —April 3. Japan railway company receives permission from P.'esident of State to double the line between Mens and Omyn — April 5. Japan, Yokohama specie bank declares dividend of 20 per cent, per annum. — April 5. Jenkins Rev. E. E., conferment of degree of Doctor of Laws a: Queen's Uoiversity, Toronto.— April 24. Kennedv, Rev. Benjamin Hall. Negius professor of Greek at Cambridge, Bfng.— April 7. Kingilon, Ont., Exhibition of fine arts OienedbySir Charles Tupper.— April 2. Kingston, 0:it., first fleet of grain vessels arrives at.^April 17. KingsviUe, Onl., Petroleum discovered at —April 6. L.-VBOR. -Unionists arrested in New York charged wilh blowing up Sievcnson's brewery on Tenth Avenue, -April 6. Liibor Cummission, Canadian, two reports laid before Parliament.— April 16. Labor, Knights of, Toronto, General Master Workman Powderly addresses crowded meeting in Shaflsbury HhII.— April 1,5. Land Corporation of Canada, application granted at London, Eng, by .iiistice Stirling 'o reduce capital. — April 15. LEGAL.- England High Court of Justice, petition presented to wind Canailiitn Asbestos and Antimony Cumpany— April 5. Boston, Lawton Hannah R, oblnins verdict for f20,I85 against Bostoi and Maine Railroad for injuries received in collision.— April 16. California. Henry Vrjoman, prominent lawyer, death of.— April 7. Ireland, libel suit of Slokes ngninst Dublin Freeman's Journal results in vfril (:\ for 1 liiinliB.— April 10. London, Kng.. Barnes .\n);lo-Auuric.Tn troupe, Mr. Ledger, proprietor of the A/,,. X!00 verdict for pUiintilf for libel.- April 8. London, Euk , Women on London County Couiitil, judges of Superior Court decTiire ihem inelpiblc.— .\pril 13. London, Eng . Canada Afbeslos and .Vntimony Company, petition granted by .lunice Stirling to wind up— .April 13. LEO AL— Continued. London, Eng., Land Corporation of Canada, application granted by Justice Stirling to reduce capital. — April l.'i. New York, injunction procured by Western Union Telegraph Co., against .Mayor and Board of Electrical control of New York vacated by Court.— April 12. ' New York, Tolten Clara, gets verdict of $15,000 against C. H. Reed, proprietor of Hoffman House, for breach of promise.— April 2. Nova Scotia, Supreme Court declares wholesale license clause of pro- vincial law ultra t'lCMof local legislature.—April 16. Philadelphia, suit brought by heirs of late Dr. Scott Stewart, to upset legacy, for establishing hospital of Methodist Episcopal Cburch con- cluded in favor of Trustees of Hospital —April 8. Libel, London, Kng., case of Barnes Anglo-American troupe vi. Ledger, nro- prietor of Kra, results in verdict for PlaintiS i;,TOO.— April 8. Libel, New York Russell Harrison, son of President Harrison, arrested in office of judge for libel on Ex-Governor Crosby. — April U. Libel, (I'Bnen enters action against Lord Salisbury for remarks made in speech at Watford, London Weekly Deapalch.— April 14. London County Council, Women declared ineligible to sit on board, by Judges of Superior Court —April 13. Long Lake, N. W. T., destructive cyclone at, several houses and barns blown down.— April 7. Lonsdale Lord, Philadelphia Enquirer publishes details of bis travels.— April 6. Lonsdale Lord, arrives at San Francisco.— April 23. Lumber operators, St. John, N.B., meeting of, held, to discuss Lumber Ins- pection Act —April 6. Luxembourg, Chamber of Deputies, message of Duke of Nassau, accepting the regency, read and assented to.— April 8. Luiembonrg, Duke of Nassau, new regent receives enthusiastic reception. —April 10. Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau takes oath of office.— April 1 1. Magog Textile and Print Company, meeting of, at Montreal, Company or- dered into liquidation.— April 8. Mails, Canadian, British government office issues official notice that con- tract with Allans terminated, and that all Mails to go via New York.— April 16. MARRIAGES.— New York " Captain " James Ellis of Salvation Army to " Staff Captain" Alexandria Leeds.- April 4. Providence, R. I., Fedora King Leviess marries George McLeod, son of a mechanic. — April Hi. Uarsball, Minn., worst-wind storm ever experienced.— April 3. Martell M., bead of griat distillery firm at Cognac, death of.— April 2. Massachusetts, amendment to constitution prohibiting manufacture and sale ofintoxicating liquors defeated.— April 22. MEDICAL, Germany, Puttkamer Dr. Von, summoned to Herrenhaus by German Emperor, as a mark of renewed confidence.— April 3. Germany, Dr. Von Sauer, formerly physician to late Emperor William, death of.— April 9. Kingston, results of Royal Medical College examinations.— April 1. Mexico, Congress opens.— April 1. .Mexico, four of the men arrested, on charge of being implicated in the derailment of President Diaz's train, shot— April 12. Mexico, Don Sebastian Lerdo De Tjad.i, ex-president, death of, at New York-April 21. Millers, Oatmeal Millers Associaiion of Ontario disbands.— April 18. MILIT.\RY— Germany, 140 Alsatians fined for failing to report for service in German Army. — April 4. England, Field Battery of Hon. Artillery company celebrates return of its guns from Woolwich bysupperin London.— April 11. Germany, Schellendorf Count Vcn, retires from ministry of war, and is succeeded by General Verdis du Vernois.— April 10. Hungary Army bill adopted by Upper n.)t -e )." Ti t.— April 5. Quebec, Pope Colonel, d,!ath of.— April 13. Russia, Artillery officers arrested for plotting against Czar.--Aiiril 22. St. Johns, Que , ('ourt.'Iirtial in cose of Priva'e Wells, of B conipnny school of infantry. — ,'ipril 21, United States, Dynamite gun, Vesuvius, preliminary trial at .•.lii.oJel- phia.— April 4. Milton General, Irish nali inalist,and on slnfTol New York Herald, death of, at New York —April 10. Milwaukee, Margaret Knlein and three cljihlren burned to diMil).— April 2. Miners in four pools aloi.g Mononptthela river, excepting those cn^|'loyr ellow countrymen named Cugiiano on Temiscouata railway —April 18. ! Ruatan Bay Islands, Rev. Henry Hobson, wife and young girl, natives I of Jamaica, murdered by Joseph Burns. — April 16. Savannah, Ga., Prince Law, negro, on .Springfield plantation, kills hh \ four year old child as a sacrifice to the devil.— April 11. ; Titus County, Frank .Shubze arrested for murder of J. R. King, farmer ; wife and cnildren on December 10, l.SSS.— April 6. i West Farms, Mass., Joseph King, shot by Edgar King, his eldest son | who commita suicide. — April 19. Musicians, N'ew York. Four hundred strolling mueicians arrive from ; Europe —April 3. National Home Reading Circle Union, meeting at Lord Aberdeen's house, 1 London, E:ig, to form.— April 13. i N':ition«l Rtform Association in session at Pitltbiirg, Pa. — April 23. 1 -V.WAL. — Britain naval proposals of first Lord of the Admiralty approved ' by House of Commons. — April 1. i American. English Naval Manoeuvres report of Committee to British Admirally"received at Washington, Admi.-al Sir Arthur Hood inter- 1 viewed thereon.— .April 8. British, Duke of Kdinburgh Coramander-ir-chief of Mediterranean j Station offers to float British warship ■ Si.ltan " wrecked on island , of Comino— April 10 British cruiser ■' flapid " sails for Samoa —April 2. British man of-«ar " Calliope," which f scaped destruction in Apia' Bay, arrives at Sydney, N. S. W.— April 4. British, Mr. Childcrs mo ion in House of Commons ngainst financial ; method of iinviil. proposals rejected.— .April 4. England, Nnvnl .MancBUvres, official report of Committee to British A'lmiralty issued.— April R» ' Germany. Corvette "Sophie" sinrts from Zanzibar fur Samoa.— I April 5. I German crMiser ' Habithl " and the gunhoa; ' Wolf " tile put in] i-eadiness to proceed to '^amoa— April 4. i Germany cruiser ■■ Sparter" and corvette " A'exan'r'ne " ordered to I Samoa.— .1 pi 11. I NAVAL— CotidnuKiI. Germany, Samoa disaster referred to, by Naval Secretary in Reichstag —April 3. Germany, loss in Samoa, Imperial order issued in relation to tlie loss of officers and men. — .April 4. Germany, Bismafck issues order in which be defines the responsibili- ties of commanders of warships with respect to requests of consuls abroad.— April 18. German, '■' Olga " stranded at Samoa, arrives at Sydney, N.S.W., for purpose of repairing damages.— April 1}. Government of New Zealand places steamship " Hinemoa" at dispo- sal of Admiral Rimberley.— April 2. Russia, Vice-Admiral Tcbikatcheff submits to Ciar report on con- dition of.— April 9. Samoan disaster, news of, brought to San Francisco by steamship " Alamede."-April 13. United States, navy pay office at San Francisco ordered by Washing- ton authorities to forward to Samoa by steamer " Zealandia " all mail addressed to naval officers at Samoa.- April 3. United States, committee appointed to recommend auitable site fur navy yard on Pacific Coast select site on Puget Sound, W. T.— April 0. United States, death of Rear Admiral W. R. Taylor, at Washington. —April 14. United States, non arrival of Samoa at Monongahela, causing mea- sures at Washington.- April 22. United States, disaster at Samoa, Secretary Tracey's letter to Admiral Kimberly.— April 27. New Brunswick Legislature, bill passed to incorporate a ccmpaoy to build railway from Harvey to Salisbury.- April 10. New Brunswick Legislature, St. John and Portland bill for union of, intro- duced into Legislature. — April II. .Vewfoundland Legislature, Manhood suffrage bill passes its tbird reading in House of Assembly.— April 13. New South Wales Assembly decides in favor of fiied salary to members. — April 10. New South Wales Governmeat proposes to abolish all spooific duties and to impone direct taxation in their stead.— April 10. New South Wales, Rabbits, Sydney Committee reports on, discovery of .M. Pasteur to exterminate rabbils.—April 10. New York State Assembiy, The Caxton Ballot Reform Bill passed.— April 9. New York assembly, excise commission bill passe by. — April 3. Nihilist, Vitna Russia, arrest of.— April 2. Nihilist, Zurich, 13 more arrests made, three prisoners escape.— April 2. .Mhilism, Meyer arrested at Constantinople and sent '.o St. Petersburg.— April 14. Vihilism, Zurich, Russian Indy employed as a governess in family resid- ence arrested and charged with Nihilism.- April 15. .N'orfolk, Va., Cyclone doing large amount of damage.— April 6. Oatmeal Millers Association of Ontario disbands.- April 18. Oil, Andover, N. Y., rich strikes made.— April 8. Oklahoma, Amarron River rising and doing much damage.— April 12. Oklahoma, conflict between boomera-catilemcn and Chickasaw police at the ford at Chisholm, several killed —April 17. Oklahoma, Fitzpatrick Prof F. A , returns to Kansas City, and states not more than one third of territory tillable.— April 18. Oklahoma, B. R. Groom, laud owner in Northern Texas, says one-fifth of land in newly opened territory is good.— April :'3. Opium smuggled, Sau Francisco, heavy seizure made.- .April 22. . Oregon improvement Company declares dividend.— .April 18. Ouseley, Rev Sir Frederick Arthur Gore, ] rofessor of music, death of, in England— April 8. P ANAMA.-Canal Works, distressed condition of negroes, British Cons'Jl distributes bread amongsufferers— -April 9. Lottery drawing takes place in Paris.— April 15, Liquidators inform shareholders re-issue of unsold lottery bonds would realize 12,500,000 franc!.— April 10. Civil Tribunal at Paris orders liquidation to compensate discharged employees.- April 19. Paris, Tex , riot at City Coutcil, Ma;orand Aid. Allen summoned and fined. — April 9. Parnell .Mr., Edinburgh, three met n^sj rotest a;;ainst conferring freedom of city upon,— April 22, Hirnell Mr, C. S , Edinburgh own council agie to c: n'er freedom of tl.e li^y on —April 23. I I I I THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. I m: PARNBLIj TIMKS, commisBioD, Sir Cbnrles RiiSRell oprni case for tte Parncllitlcs.— April 2. Comiiiii.sior. Sir Charles Russell continues his speech —April II. Conimissiun, 8ir Charles Russell concludes his speech. — April 12. ''ummisjioii, Molloy Patrick T., witness for Ttmef, convicted of per- jury at London, Eng.— April 15. Commission, Mr. Purnoll begins giviug evidence —April 30. Libel action, statement of claim for XlOO.OnO delivered.— April IG. Parn»ll Mr. C.S., elected honorary life member of Natioual Liberal cli b.- April 3. Pituncefo eSir Julian, British Minister IQ Wnshiuglon, arrives at New Turk- — . pril 21. Pearl fiihirics. Western India, dispatch nnnounces failure of, owing to pre- valence of cholera. — April 0. Pennsylvania, industries of. nddress by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, at Harris- burg, Pa.— April 8 Persian Government ce'' o Russia the districts of Kelat and Kadira — April 9. Persia cedes to Russia the frontiers at KahitHnadir.— April 15. Petroleum discovered at Kingsville, Ont.— April t!. Petroleum, Pittsburg, Pa., has another bear raid, values broke nearly three cents in two hours.- April 22. Philadelphia, explosion of gas in new sewer, streets torn up.— April 2. Pilgrims American Catholic, reach Jaffa from Isiuailia. — April 7. Pittsburg, Pa, big landslide on seiond avenue.- April 2. Plater Count, dies at Kilchburg.— April 24. Pope the, and the English speech of Cardinal Lavigerie at charity meetinK in Algiers Cathedral, dispatch to London 'timeaXTom Pans.— April 17. Pope lion. J. H , death of, at Ottawa —April 1. Prince Edward Countv, shortage found in Treasurer's books, new treasurer selected.— April 3. Prussia, Bobnsack. several buildings fall into river Vistula and occupant' drowned.— April 6. Rabbits, New South Wales, Sydney committee reports on discovery of M. Pasteur to ei terminate rabbits.— April 1'). RAILWAYS, Chicago and Atlantic, cbainnnu of Interstate Commerce Commission rules that a road has no authority for making a higher rale over a connecting line than the one actually made by that line. —April 5. Africa. British Central African Companv established in London.— April 11. Canadian Pacific make connection with Michigan Central Road. — April 22. Canadian Pacific, reduction of rates on hardware and grocers' sup- plirs between Montreal and London. Ont.— April 26. Cape Breton road discussed in Canadian House of Commons. — April 11 Chicago, Hudson and Delaware, Qrand Jury find two additional indictments against Ives Stayner and Woodruff fur over- issue of 7,100 shares of stock.— April 5. Claim of Pennsylvania railway against Philadelphia and Erie Co. for $650,000, and against North Central for a like amount, on account of joint guarantee of the Alleghany Valley railroad decided by Judge Arnold against Pennsylvania (Company.— April 6. Collector of customs at Niaj. Qermany, White book issued, in which Bismarck censures Consul Knapp'a conduct.— April lO- Ourernment of New Zealand places ateamship " Hinemoa" atdisposal of Admiral Kimbcrley.— April 2. Mnlieloa deposed, King apolngizea, and Emperor William decides he may be liberated.— April 30. Naval disaster, news brought to San Francisco by steamship " Alamede. "-April 13. Navy pay ofllce at San Francisco ordered by WaBhingtnn aulhorities tu forward to Samoa, by steamer " Zealandia," all mail addressed to naval ulllcers at Samoa. — April 3. Saskatchewan Inatllule, Perry A. B., superintendent of N. W. Mounted Police, appointed president ol. — April 2. Scheliha Baron Von, at New York, gecur 'S his papers as an American citizen.— April 2. Scotland local government, bill providing for, introduced by Lord Advocate iu British House of Commons. — April 8. Scottish home rule, motion for, in British House of Commons rejected.— April 0. ticott Act repealed by I2iconntiea and 2 cities in Ontario, and one county In Nova Scotia.— April 4. Servia, Chamber cf Deputies,Ministerof War asks for$3,0C0,000 to continue work on fortifications round the cily. — April I. Servia, Uovernment decides to fortify town of Serajevo at cost of $2,000,- 000.— April 22. Sirvia, Milan ex King, becomes a monk ot Jerusalem. —April 22. SIIIPPINU.- Indian schooner, which left Port Angeles, lost in gale with all handa— April 1. " Carrie Duyle " Briliah schooner annk in colliaion witb steamer "Noordland ''—April 7. Danish Steamer " Oiinmark '' abandoned by her crew passed by Inman line steamer " City of Chester." — April 8. " Danmark " steamship, 42 of the crew arrive at Lisbon on steamer "Missouri."— April 21. " Danmark " steamship, 331 people from wreck arrive at Philadelphia on steamship " Missouri." — April 22. "Danmark" Captain and engineers officially certify as to condition of engines. — April 27. Murrell, captain of steamer" Missouri," appointed Knight of order of Dannebrog by King Christian of Denmark, for rescuing passengers and crew of" Danmark."— April 27. Kniigrants on Steamer " Noordland," which collided off Beachy Head and put into Southampton for repairs, forbidden to land.— April 8 Mail steamer " Princess Josephine " in collision witb unknown barque. - April 6. Newport, R. L, steamer "Conaoicut" running to Jamestown runs ashore on rocks — April 12. Norfolk, Va,, unknown vessel goes ashore, all on board drowned, and vessel goes to pieces.-t-April 17, Quecnstown, new steamer " City of Parib" arrives at. — April 24. Schooner " B. F. Poole ' from Providence to Baltimore asbbre near Sea Tack Station, Pa. Schooner " Kmma F Hurt" of Boston, ashore south of Cape Henry light. Schooner " Andrew John.son " from Baltimore to Itio aground near Vork River. Schooner " G. W. Covington " capsized in Hampton roads. — April 7. Sloop "Revenue" of Athens, N. Y., sunk by steamer "Drew." — April 11. South Pacific, wrecks reported American ship " Red Cross " at Bara- tonga, American ship" AdaUwen" atUoara, Britiibship "Suakim' at Aitutaki, repoited — April 2. Spain, heavy galea reported off coast, and several wrecks reported. —April U. Sieamer" Danmark" aighted by " City of Chester" in the Atlantic deserted.— April 13. Steamer "Everett" sunk at head of Otter Island, and five persons drowned. — April 18. Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal capitalists form company and ac- quire steamers to ply between Montreal, Toronto and UhicHgo. — April 1. Wricks on Lower Chesapeake and Potomac caused by storm, see " Wrecks."- April 8. Silk cultu^i^t, state convention of, held at Wichita, Ka. — April 11. Small pox, Nanticoke. Ph., smallpox spreading in. — April 10. Smallpox, Nanticoke, Pa., Arthur Evans stricken with disease, great anx ioty exists. — April 17. Smith A. J., sccretiirv ot defunct Winnipeg Call, death of.— April 19. Smith Rt. Hon. W. H., government leader in Hritish Hnniie ot Commons banquet given to, iu London, Kngland, by merchants and bankers. —April 10. Smugeling, Hnwai, bark " C. D. Bryant '' seised by government at Hono- lulu for smuggling opium.— March 23rd, reported April 13. Smuggling, New York, extensive scheme carried on by Allard k Sons of I'aris and No. 304 Filth Avenue, unearthed by special Treasury Agent Simmons.— April S. Smuggling Opium, San Francisco, heavy seizure made.— April 22. Snails, shower of, at Tiffin, Ohio. — April 18. Snow storm, Staunton, Va., severest storm for thirty years.— April a. Socialism, Qermany, Berlin Courts decide that all the recent dispersions o Socialist meeting by the police were illegal.— April S. Socialism, Italy, Deputy Costa tentenoed to imprisonment for being con- cerned in recent street riots.- April 6. SPAIN and China, government reAises Oblna's request for permission tu establish conaulatea in Manilla and at other points In tbe Pacific. — April 9. Valencia, dynamite petard exploded In a church.— April 19. SPORTS, baseball. New York, Teamssrrive homefrom England.— April 6. Aquatics, International Yacht race. Lord Dunraven agrees to sail his new yacht for cup — April 12. Aquatics,Sydney,N.S.W.,Searle, oarsman, deposits forfeit for matches withTeemer and O'Connor for championship of world.— April 24. Jumping, Meredith Stanley jumps from Cincinnati Southern railway bridge over Kentucky river.- April 11 Lacro.4se, Council Of National Amateur Lacrosse Aasooiatiou meets at Montreal. — April 12. Lacrosse, Ottawa Club, annual meetingof. — April 3. Lacrosse, Toronto Club, annual meeting ot. — April 3. Racing, Leicester. Eng., Exuelsior Breedem foal stakes won by Bay filly " Bcna. " — April 5, Racing, Northamptonshire stakes won by Lord Howes "Claymore." —April 3, Race-go-as-you-please, Pittsburg, Pa., close of.— April 13. Racing, City and suburban handicap run to day.— April 14. Racing, San, Francisco, Pacific Derby "Czar" wins.- April 23. Riding, four officers wager they can ride on horseback from St. Petersburg to Paris in 46 days.— April 9. Ring, Prize fight between Reddy Henessy of Brooklyn, N. T., and Jack Gallagher of Fort Worth, Texas.- April 6. The ring, Woodford County, Attorney General Hunt writes State Attorney Kennedy of Woodford County, calling attention to press reports of prize fight, and urges speedy steps for indictment of all concerned. — April R. Yachting, annual meeting of St. Lawrence Y'acht Club, Montreal. — April 6. Yachtlnir, Queen presents cup to Royal Cork Tacht Club to be com- peted fer, at Queenslown. — April 24. STANLEY H. M.— Arabs arrive at Stanley Falls, and report Stanley and Emin Pasha beard from in February, as marching on Zansibar, advices received at Brussels. — April 4. Royal Geographical Society receives letter from.— April 5. Sir Francis De Winton, president of Kmin Bey Relief Committee, doubts tr. S of story brought to Stanley FhII.i by Arabs.— April S. Lei;, 'rom, read at meeting of Royal Geographical Society in Lon- li^ fing.— April 8. Despatch to Brussels from Zanzibar says rumour that Stanley marching on Zanzibar Is an Arab invention. — April 9. Positive information received by British Foreign Office that Stanley had second meeting witb Emin Pasha and defeat army of Khalifa. — April 23. Stanley Meredith, jumps from Cincinnati Southern railway bridge over Kentucky river.— April 11. Stanstead, Que., Malvern Jdr.. J. S., accidentally shot and dies from effect. — April 3. Staunton, Vn., seve^st snowstorm prevails known for thirty years. — April 8. STRIKES.— Carpenters, St. Louis, go ont.— April 1. Alleghany, Bessemer Steel Works at Dnqiiesne, Pa., eighteen colored non-union men arrive, and are compelled to return home.— April 23. Carmen, Vienna. — April 21. Dock workers, Marseilles, 1,000 strike, suspension of work general — April 1. Farmers, New York, work resumed at terms demalided. — April 2. Joiners, Nurnberg, serious riot as result of loekont declared by master joiners against striking employees. — April 8. Dock worters, Marseilles, auiborities place guards at the offices — —April U. Miners, Monongahela river miners in four pools, excepting those em- ploynl hi llduicr aud liobirts, resume work.— April 8. I 10 THE INDEX Of CURRENT EVENTS. BTRlKSS.—CoHtinutd. Street milways, Ijondon labor nKltatora urging Knglish cnr driTPra to turtnulate deinanda upon thoir amployera, and orftanize genaral ■trike tucDforce them. — April 30. Stntt ear, Mlnneapolii, condueton and engiuMri on Motor line itrik*.— April 11. Mlnneapolii, Street Uai- Oo. itatea it will more can when Mayor can furniih adequnte police protection. — April 16. MinneapollB, Street ear, Berloua rioti take place. — April 21. Street cari, Minneapolis, tracki torn up and other work of destruc- tion carried un.— April 31. Street Gar Company, St. Paul men at work on cable line on East Serenth street strike for adranoe in wages.— April 29. New Vork, painters and farmers go ont.— April 1. Rochester, street car, conSicis between striken and polioe.— April 6. Tramway, Edinburgh, men make demands and threaten strike.— April 24. Sugar convention bill introduced into British House of Oommons by Baron Henry de Worms.— April 11. Sugar, Vienna, rise of price. — April 16. Sugar, Clyde market, eicited sale in.- -April 18. Sunderland, Eng., platform gives way during laying of oomer stone of re- formatory by Marquis of Hartingtoo. — April 17. SUICIDE— liondon, Eng., Her. Charles Sydney Hiird, lately of Palmer- ston Unitarian Chapel, Boston, kills himself by taaiDg opiiun April ^ Attempted, Brooklyn bridge. Patrick Carroll, shoemaker, jumps Into East river.— April 23. Easion, Ta., Jacob Sanot, eminent commander of the Hugh de Payne Commandery Knight Templars, bangs himself. — April 8. Frnuce, Henri Rocbefort's son commits suicide at Bona —April 37. Quebec, Creighton Mr., manager of Bank of Montreal. — April 13. Vienna, Countess Josephine Radetzy shoots herself. — April 1. Williams lieoriie, steerage passenger on steamer " Sarnia," jumps overlioard. — April 11. Sweden, Crown Princess gives birth to third son.— April 20. Sweden, Princess Eugenia, sister of King, deatii of. — April 3^. Sweden, Rufus Mngce, D. S. minister, raporta effect of tariff laws on price of food. — April 23. Switzerland, sharp shocks of earthquake at. — April 30. Melbourne, Bijou theatre burued. — April 22. Tea, Yokohama, first consignment ot new tea arrives at. — April 5. Telegraphs, France and China agree to connect China and Tnnquin telegraph lines, and thus establish communication between Saigou and Pekin. — April 11. Telegraph, New Vork, ininnction procured by Western Onion Tele- frapb Co., against Mayor and Board ol ulectrical control of New ork, vacated by Court. — April 12. New York, poles cut down by order of Mayor,— April 16. Telephones, American Bell Telephone Co,, John E. Hudson elected presi- dent, — April 2. Telephones, England, proposal to consolidate three leading telephone cumpanira into one organization. — April 6. Tennessee Legislature, Dorilch election bill passed by. — April 3. THEATRIC AL.— Anderson Mary, leaves New York for England.— April 2. liarnes Anglo-American troupe receives verdict against Mr. Ledger, proprietor of the Era, for £300.— April 8. I'aris, French version of Phillips' "As in Looking Glass," under title of " Lena," produced by Sarah Bernhardt, at Variety Theatre,— April 17. Rochester, Edwin Booth taken seriously ill while playing " Othello," at Lyceum theatre. — April 3. Tiffin, Ohio, shower of snails at.— April 19. Toronto, block paving coijtraotora suspend work. 600 nen thrown out o work. — April 18. Toronto, Queen's University, conferment of degree on Rev. E. E. Jenkins —April 24. Trade and commerce, United Kingdom Consul General Waller reports revival of. — April 23. Train George Francis, fasting of, at New York,- April 24. St. Louis gas. Standard Oil Company buys. — April 23. TRUSTS.— Coke, Pennsylvania, movement on foot to form trust — April 4. Dublin, Jaraieson's refuse to join, — April 6. Sugar, New York, all companies in trust assign to three individ;ials to dodge the law. — April 15. Sufiar retiocries, big jump in stock at New York on report that C aus Spreckles, sugar king, hart been won over by trust. — April 11. Whiskey, Dublin, formation of. -Aprils. I TRUSTS.-Con(in««<<. Whiskey, George W. Kidd, of New York, wholesale liquor dealer, gon in to break the trust.— April 18. Mr. Clarke Wallace's bill as to, before committer of Canadian Hoim of Commons —April 12. UNITED STATES CONQRES.S.— vSenate, Bright late Mr.^hn, resolutioi passed expressing sorrow at death of.— April 1. Senate, nominations sent by President to Huitou to be Treasurer of U.H Robert, Asai Treasurer at New York ; Warton, AssiatHnt Secrotaij ofStAte i Shields, Assistant Attoriiey-Ueneral ; Uradfoid, Uovernu; of New Mexico.- Aiuii I. Usher John P., Secretary of Interior under President Lincoln, death ol at University hospital at Philadelphia. — April 13. Vaccination, Commission appointed in British House of Oommous to enquire Intd Vacciuatiun Act.— April &. Venezuela, nephew of Guzman Blanco, ex-presi lent, arrested for forgery while trying to esca|>e to United States.— April 5. Wagencr Frederick William Hermann, German statesman, death of.— April 23. Waller Consul General, ot London, Eng., reports general revival of traUit. and commerce in United Kingdom.- April 23. Waahington Centennial celebratiuD, United States.- April 29-30. Welland canal opens for navigation. — April 16. White Caps, Indianapolis, Warwick and Dubois counties, encounter witb John Lan.iford, supervisor of Madison Township, VV. T. Mastersun, of New Burgh Hugged. — April 11. Whitecaps, Milton, Out., John Hame, alleged to be one of Georgetown) Wbitecaps, committed for trial.— April 8. i>inni|)eg, Everett Hon. A, W., Count de Sainville and T. Young, leave od trip ol exploration to Arctic aeas.— April 16. Woman's Safflrage. Goldwin Smith writes Timrt thereon.- April 10 WRECKS.— Argyle race rocks, Indian schooner which left Port .\ngelei lost with ere*?.- April 1. " Carrie Dingle," British schooner, sank in collision with sleamei " Noordlana." — April 7. Carter's creek, schooner ' Oolnmbia F. 0." snnk. — April 8 Cheaapeake, schooner" Caroline " broken up on Cove Point Bar, Schooner " W. P. Snow," for Baltimore from Patuient wrecked near Milestone Creek Two unknown vessels ashore in Battle Creek.— Aprils. Coan river, schooner " William Coburn " and sloop" Amelia Gowart ashore. — April 8. Danish steamer ''Danmark "abandoned by her crew, passed by Inman line steamer " City of Chester." — April 8, " Danmark " steamship, 42 of the crew arrive at Lisbon on steamer " Missouri."— Aprrl 21. " Danmark " steamship, 36'. people from wreck arrive at Philadelphia on 3teamshi|> " .Missouri." — April 23 Hooper's Island, Chesapeake Two sloops ashore on Eastern aide.— April 7. James River, Captain Eijah Benson and his two sons of Portsmoutb capsized in oyster sloop, and drowned.- April 8. Newport, H. I., steamer " Couanicut " running to Jamestown rum ashore on rocks.— April 12. Norfolk, Va., nnknowu vessel goes ashoie, all on board drowned, and vessel goes to t.ieces.— April 17. Ononcocer Creek, steamer "Helen" of Eastern Shore Steamboftjthe Company ashore.— A nril 7. Shooner " B. F. Poope " from Providence to Baltimore ashore nesJjOve: Sea Tack Station, Pa Schooner " Emma F. Hart " of Boston ashore south of Cape Henry light. Schooner " Andrew Jobnson from Baltiiiore to Rio aground near York River. Shooner "G W. Covington " capsized in Hampton roads. — April 7. Scott's Creek. Thirty vessels ashore. — April 8. Sloop " Revenue "of Athens, N. Y., sunk by steamer "Drew." April II. Smith's Island, Chesapeake. Eleven boats ashore. — April 7. South PacilicAmerica' ship "Red Cross" at Rara-onga, Americat '"bllC ship "Ada ttwen " at Onara, British ship "duakim" at AltutakI —Reported April 2. Spain, heavy gales off coast, and several wrecks reported. — April lltork Yocomico river, vessels ashore, sloop " Addie," pungy " Hummiiii Bird," sloops " Lillie Dale" and " Dove, " pungy "George, schooners" Martha Washington" and " Thomat J Parks."— Apr; 8. Yellow fevei , Sanford, Pla., case appears at.— April 22. Yellow fevd', Santos and Rio Janeiro, raging at, British steamshii ■ " Pin': Branch " at Baltimore from Rio Janeiro reports— .\pril Z Yorke Lioojl, stone contractor, drops dead in Toronto.- April 13. lldl bill 8Ul (id Wc Tor ITet Jo It Jou cage Pre. man tlie.s thcii Indi iiicli Com ei of P Hon. zie I Seer Jnlai Gene heE he ] 3uet fPu iousi nany Jnior .ibrai irary, librar .ibrar rariai ;, Ric * -i 9l«Bttle liquor dealer, gni litUz orOKDttUiaD HoiJi I IkIc Mr. ^obn, reaoluti ril 1. »u to be Treasurer of C.H rlon, AHsist'iiil rti'crclKft eral i Brndl'oid, Uovcrno T THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 11 WHO SUBSCRIBE TO THE " INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS." Tlio "Index of Curreut Events" is much appreciated not only by the press of Canada and the United States, but also by the public men of both countries. Its list of Hubscrilxjrs includes such great newspapers as- the Phila- delphia Ledger, the Bcstou Transcript, the New York World, the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Brooklyn Eagle, the Toronto Empire, the Cleveland Leader, the Chicago Herald, the Cincinnati Pod, the New York Morning Journal, the Chicago Daily Neivs, the Indianapolis Journal, the New York Star, the Troy Budget, the Chi- cago Staatfi Zeiivng, the New York Nation, the Troy Press, the Washington Star, the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and many less known but important newspapers. Some of these pujiers are well known to keep admirable indexes of their own, yet find it advanttigeous to subscribe to the Index of Current Events. We h-ive the honor to include among our subscribers, Her Majesty's Privy Cooncil for Canada ; also, Sir John Macdonald, G. C. B., Premier of the Dominion, Sir Hector Langevin, Minister of Public Works, Sir A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia, the Hon, G. P2. Foster, Minister of Finance, the Hon. Macken- zie Bowell, Minister of Customs, the Hon. J. A. Chupleau, Secretary of State, the Hon. John Costigan, Minister of Inland Revenue, the Hon. John Haggart, Postmaster Cieneral, the Hon. John Carling, Minister of Agriculture, ;lie Hon. C. H. Tupper, Minister of Marine and Fisheriesi he Hon. Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization uebec, the Hon. Boucher de La Bru^re, late speaker of ERstern Shore Steambonfthe Legislative Council, Quebec, the Hon. Lieutenant ui Baltimore ashore neafcovernor Royal. Mr. Erastus Wiman, the Hon. Minister loner" Andrew Johnson If Public Works, Toronto. The Librarian of Parliament, the ada.— Aprii 7. llousc of Commons Reading Room and the Librarians of ",' *■ . ,,n „ nany of the Provinces of the Dominion and States of the ik by steamer " Drew."- •' IJnion subscribe to the Index. Among the well known ublic librariana who subscribe are, Mr. J. C. Ilurlbut, Jbrarian of the American Geogi-aphical Society, New- reeks reported— April 11 fork, Mr. W. A. Bordwell, Librarian of the Brooklyn Li- irary, Mr. W. H. Brett, librarian of the Cleveland Public ibrary, Mr. F. P. Jordan, Librarian of the Public School .ibrary. Battle Creek, Michigan, Mr. W. T Peoples, Li- rarian of the Mercantile Library, New-York, Mr. Robert . Rich, Librarian of the Public Library, Portsmouth, N. laident LIdcoId, death ol prll 13. House of OommoDi to lent, arrested for forgerj AprU 5. n statesman, death of. 9 general reTiral of trade 123. es.— April 29-30. conntic'S, encounter with »n«liip, W. T. MttStersun, be one of Georgetown lie and T. Voung, leave oi 15. et thereon.— April 10 er which left Port Angelei in collision with steamtii snnk.— April 8 up on Cove Point Bar, ! from Patuient wrecked Teasels ashore in Battle td sloop" Amelia Cowarl her crow, passed by Inmao I. rive at Lisbon on steamer ■eck arrive at PUiladelphi« ashore on Eastern side I two sons of Portsmou Ipril 8. aing to Jamestown rum te, all on board drowned, ashore. — April 7. at Kara-onga, America' Miakiin " at AitutakI Lddie," pungy " Hummini Dove,' pungy " George, Thomai I Parks."— Apr: April 22. ng at, ciritish steamshii Janeiro reports. — April 2: uronto. — April 13. H., Mr. J. P. Dunn, Librarian of the Indiana State Library, Indianajmlis, Mr. F. W. Vaughan, Librarian of the Social Law Library, Boston, the Libarian of the Philadelphui Li- brary, Mr. John M. Doane, Slate Librarian of Ohio and Mr. William H. Eagle, State Librarian of Pennsylvania. Tho leading bankers (including the Bank of Montreal), brokers, lawyers and hotel keepers of Canada, and many clergy- men also keep the Index on file. What is thought of the Index may be gathered from the numerous entirely unsolicited expressions of approval sent in by well known public men, of which the following are specimens : Mb. Martik J. QBirnx, Libbariaa or Parltamixt, Ottawa, writet lam sending you a subaorlptlon for two copies of your " Indtx," which will be moet useful and which deserves encoursKenient. If you will take parti- cular pains to giTe the dates and llgures of eleetlons aud the dates o( ipMohe* of public men. with reference also to the place at which the speech was deUvered, you will do a very grateful thing for public people and editors, and 1 may add librarians. Mr. John M. Doane, Stati LiUBABiANof Ohio, writes :— EiicUmmI please Bnd six dollars. In payment for State Library subscription to the " Index of Current Events " for 1889. I regard it as a very valuable publication, and hope that you may meet with such Buccessaa to warrant Its continuance, .or it will grow more valuatle every year. Mr. Herbies,ofthb Brooklvk Eagle, writes :— "I congratulate you most heartily upon having done a good thing, a very good tbiug, In starting the " Index *' enterprise. I hope I may have the juy of congratulating you upon your success a year hence. A man with Inilex on the brain Is one after my own heart. >l f judgment was formed upon Kamber I ; it the indexing Is kept up as tborougbij in all subsequent numbers It will be a great help to us. " SibChablksTui'Per.Bakt , lIuiuCoHaissioaBBroKCANASA, writes:— " It seems to me to be a very useful publication, and one that will be Tsiuablefo reference purposee." Mb. Burk, Associate Editor op the Puii.Aj>EI.rRiA Public ledger writes :— " Your Index is highly appreciated at this office, where it has long been a desideratum." Mb. CoLOonouH of the "Toronto Empibb, write* :—" Allow me to ongratulate you most cordially upon your admirable Index. The Idea and its execution are alike worthy of all praise." MR. Vadkn.ofthe "Nkw-Yokk Mornino Jocrnal," writes;— 'Ittiid the Indicet of great value, saving, as they do, much valuable lime In looking up important events." Mb. Will A. Woodward, Rec. Sec. Mass. Press Association, writes :- Enclosed please Bnd subscription for one year for " Index of Current Kveats." I have eaanined the specimen sent me with much Interest and do not hesitate to commend It as an invaluable assistant in the newpaper office. The amount of time and labor it Is calculated to save, cannot be compensated by one hundred times its subscription rate, Ounimencing with Vol. II No. I the dates given in the Index are the actual dates of the occurrences; not as formerly th 3 dales of publication. The Index is published four times a month ; but to form a complete file for the year it is necescary to preserve only the first issue in each month The intermediate issues contain the news of the current month to date. The subscription is $6 per annum, payable yearly r)r half yearly in advance. licmittaoces should be made to HENRY DALBY, P. 0. Box 864, MONTBEAL, Que, I i IS THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. c/3 as; o a z t— « .-J O o cc; CD w o CO s Ms? I isfl^p" jp i3*3|| i 1 i la j!!! ^5 jH^?^ , OB i«|Hunqx iSSssSTssssasIsI lass i i las? i3s ,81 jC«p«nx ! ! r- -I M "f w uo to » M ^' O <» O "^ O Q o t- i i«^ It- t fo 5i^oQ : 00 tr« to : o AVPUOM («pjm«8 ,81 Xvpuniu of" ivpK^n.i, i(wpiiOK ■<»Pl-'4 Xvpunq r, iCvpnopoA Xupwnx Xvpuopf S i 15 = 38 jS^ -S ! t S ^ o w ^ O S ; S ■ ¥« S * jffi i?? " ^i ^ In E: x'^3r^*f«? Y M m to -r i^ 'X^'' Sum* ■I trt 3i o irt « — •* go P- « N <0 O O O 'i 6ft M rc r- ^ C^ (D O I ?9 '* 2? ; 40 P^ (T ; » ^ « ; '# 3) ?* 4 S> ; « S o -• ?t 3D S'asl'sJfsi' »o M Q »Q cT-^ t : trt ^ A 74 « M '^ ; ; 00 •f a» M fO -^ (O 3 » 3 3 e« 3 •4 ?4 w) o A -^ ^ Ji M « -H y> C-l 00 o c^ (T o o r«m io^ : cf, yj n ■S' ffi't- lo ."o '^ "O o c^ i : f ««■*«« f a> j-i '5 M ■* ; i' • 5 S S 5 Is nis^^ H' •» *B (** •CM Htai ; if>Biii >*• ; * *« **" • "***»* ''*"t»-4» ^«>M> ; m lO t- rt r- M — -« — o to -• c --.JTt- :5?M :5«^55cS3S3 :?53l : o : T>» M Q iQ p- « : w-n e«» : « ^i ^o ; o > CO t- o w^ : — ' «o > 'o 00 »- OT : (o o t ^ e» oTm ^5 oQrt » - : — • cm© o 'STtS -^ : « o o Sh2 :fS^98S-322S : : : : P4 00 Mil £S The Index of Uurrenl ETcnti is published by Hemj Dalbj, at 1902 Notre Dame iStreet, Munlreal. Vol,. II. THE IMDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. r Vol,. II. No. 20. MONTBEAL, JUNE 6, 1889. f8.M Pm Amdm. Pt'iiMHiiin Wimii.Y, MAY A bjesinla, n. Drowning, St. Andrews, N.B.,Binkingof sloop off Hardwood l8land,8ii men drowned.— May .t. Drowning, Vicksburg. Miss., nine negroes drowned by upsetting of skifl— May 19. , , , u Explosiona, Havana, Cuba, a woman, two daughters nnd colored boy burned to death.— May 20. Esplosion, Pittsburg at Torus, new mines of tlie Chartier's Coal Company, four Hungari».na killed.— .May 12. Eiplosions, Wales, Out., boiler of engine on Grand Trunk Railway explodes seriously injuring man named Macintosh and others.— May •iS. Fall of wall. New York, two men killed by fall of wall at 15i Spring Street.— May 13. !"ire-prms, Saltcoats, .Man., John Patton kills his nepliew accidentally with a gun.— May 14. I" ires, Abingdon, Balmoral, Mr. William's house burned, four children burned todeath.— May 2, Kircs, Ayltner, Unt., pork packing establishment of Walker & Marlett.— .May 12. Tires, Danville, Vt., twenty-three buildings destroyed, loss $50,000.— May 10. I'ires, Edinburg, Vt., barn set fire to by a boy Charles Parouta, who is burned to death,- .May 27. I'ires, forest, Belleville, Ont , much damage done by.— .May U. Fires, forest, Minnesota and .Northern Wisconsin, immense amount of damage done. — May 4. Fires, forest, .Vorthern Wisconsin, fires raging, many towns surround- ed.— May 10. Fires, Ualicia, Podhajee, 000 houses, n church and synagogue des- 'royed, 12 corpses recovered. — May 28. Fires, Hamburg. Amerioiin steamer "Rugia" from New York, cargo of cotton takes lire.— May 8. Fires, HaveIockCorner8,Kings County, settlement destroyed.- .May 2G. I'ires, Hillhani,Ind., WieseraannMra. 0., house destroyed, two children burned to death.— May 0. Fires, Japan, Yokoto, 1000 houses destroyed.- May 3, reported May 29. Fires, Jersey City, Academy of Music takea fire.— May 14. ACCIDE.VTH.— CoH^iHi/'./. Firea. l,lver|iool, Steamer ■ England " from .Sew Urlennaarrivet with cargo of ciitton on lire —May ^2. Fire, Liverpool, steamer '■ Servia" nrrlvei at, with cargo on flr*.— May 28. Fires, Montreal, Warden King A Son's Foundry partially deitroyed. — May 7. Fires, " Parkhurst" Lmi'lou steamer, arrive.^ at Rio iln Janeiro with cargo on lire. .Vuw.i brought to Ijuuonstuwn liy luman liner " City of .N'uw York. "—.May 2!» Fires, Qiiihec, store on Allan's steamship wharf destroyed.— May 37. Fire, Ijueenstown, Spanish steamer '' Gniilianus" arrives, with cottOD in fore ami main hoMs burning. — .May 18. Fires, Russia, slei'ping ear on railway lietween .St, Petersburg and Warsaw deslroyeil ; nurse and cliild burned to death. --.May .11. Fires. St. Boniface, .Man., Royal Soap worka comploti'ly destroyed. — .May 2:i. Fires, San {•'raneisco, Russian Churchdestroyed — .May 22. Fires, ,St. Sauveur, Quebec, 7nii houses destroyed, .Major Short sad Sergt. Walleek killed.— May 10 Fires. Trenton. I'iclou, N.S.. Ilopkiua .Mrs., house of, burned, youngeit child aged 2 years roasted alive. — May 12. Fires, Virginia lieaeh. Princess Anno County, Va , resilience of Rot. F. (.;. Clarke, pastor Loudi,n liriilge llaplist Church, .Mr. Clarke, two daughters, son and niece ileslroved.— .May 24. Fires. West Cliester, .\. V., dwelling oT Watson liownes destroyed, five persons burni'd to death. — May 7. Fires, Winnipeg, .Nickel Plate factory, Jewish Synagogue and other liiiiidiuKs destroyed.— May 5. Fires, Worcester, .Mass., Theatre destroyed.— May 10. Flood, Johnstown, Pa., bursting reservoir submerges the town. — .May 31. Floods, Bohemia, 4.'', persons lost their lives tlirougli Hoods. — May 2H (jas, Baltimore, (Irani .lo.sepli l).,niid wite, of Jelferson Democrated Association, found ileinl in bed.— .May .10. Lightning, Kidgeway, Pa., .Mrs. W. .McNail and four children killed by.— May 11. .Mining. Miildlepori. Pa., Raskatoon colliery, ten miners killed in at- cendiug cage. — May i). Mining, .Mertliyr, Tydvil Wales, roof of colliery falls in, killing one miner and entombing 58 others— .May 23. •Mining, Wilkesbiirre, Pa., bucket containing ton of rock falls trom top to bottom of Petlibone shaft, six men crushed. — May 24. Kailwiiy. Austria, train from Wiesliadcn to Vienna conveying Empress of Austria and suite, while being shunted at Frankfort, leaves the rails. — -May 22. Railway, Belleville, Ont., Madoo train on (Jrnnd Trunk line dashed into l)y timber train, twenty persons injured. — May 18. Railway. Bull Station on llou.satonic railway. Two freight train collide, engineer Blood nnd brakeman Olds killed.— May 28. Railwav, Central Vermont between l!iixl)U''y and East Granville,Conn. freight train breaks a|iart, 15o hogs killed. — .May 3. Railway, Cleveland, Ohio, collision on Valley Railway, two persons killed anil four injured. —.May 8. Railway, Corbyville, Out., Mndoc train run into by freight train, ten persons injured. — May 1.8. Railway, Bailey Station, Col., Charles Lapnian, fireman, killed by freight engine running olf line.— May 13. Railway, Buxton, Out., Joseph Beachanl, while driving across track, cut to pieces by express train. — .May 10. Railway, Dorval. P.IJ , three freight trains collide on Grand Trunk Railway, terrible wreckage and loss of property.- May 17. Railway, .Madawaska, Out., Meek W., bookkeeper of Kingston and Pembroke .Mining Company, kilhd.— .May In, Railway, .Maynard, (Jhio, freight train on Cleveland, Loraine and Wheeling railroad goes through abridge into a creek.— .May 3. Railway, Nashville, Tenn., 17 men,— 2 whites and 15 negroes— killed while putting ont fire of bridge on .N'ashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railroad.— .May 19. . THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. I f! ili 1!) ACCIDENTS.— Condniifc/. Railway, Orinsby, Pii., wreck on l'iltsbur(;, VirKinia iinil Clmrleston Railroad, rcsiilis in injury to I'iglit workmen, two fatally.— May Ili. Railway, O.'igocil .Station, Ottawa, Amlrcw Matllimvs, lirnkoman on I'rescott and Uttawa brancb of C.lMv. kilb'd wbile coupling cars. —.May 11. Rtiilway, Russia, sleeping car between .St. Teterburg and Warsaw destroyed liy li.e, nurse and cliild Lurned to death. — .May 31. Railway, Sullivan, Mo., Westbound train on St. Louis and San Fran- cisco railway wrecked, forty-live persons injured.— .May '.'.1. Railway, Toronto, I'reigbt train crashes into duelpli train. — .May T2. Reservoir bursting, Littleton, .N'.Il., considerable damage caused by. — May 22. Shipping, Gloucester, N'.J., ferry boat " Pearlcss" collides with ferry boat " J. S. .Schnltz," injuring seriously Flora Jackson and .Vnnie Quinby. — May lii. Shooting, Peoria, III., Miss Jessie Hening accidentally shoots herself dead.— .May 1. Shooting, Lazaire, Uellechassc, P. Q , David Labrie killed by accidental discbarge of a gun. — .May .'>. Storm, Austria, lioskowitz, eight persons killed by lightning. — May 17. Storms, Austria, Vienna, 3 persons killed ; Raekourlz, n children killed; Zin^, ;10 ;'ersons killed.— .May 18. Storm, Chamberlain, Dak., lightning strikes residence of .Mr. Dorscy, Killing bis ten year old sou. — May L"). Storm, Danv'.lle, I'.i., J. U. I'enn's tobacco factory blown down,G men killed.— .May :!0. Storm, Fairlmvcn, Conn., si.\teen men injured by being thrown from building blwwn down by storm.— .May lo. Storm, Potomi.c Valley, twenty-live men at work on railroad trestle swept into the water, and wreck of bridge falls on them. — .May 10. Storm, Sunbridgc, Ont., son of Jlr. Thomas Smart killed by lightning. —May 20. Storm, Tacoma, W.T., new bolel blown down, .^ persons killed and others injured.— .May 111. Tornado, .Martinsburg, West V^ ., destruction on Potomac river ; two men killed by falling of a barn. — .May HO. AFRICA EAST, Captain Wi.'isman has severe engagement with Chief Busbire's forces whose camp he captures. — .May ti. Bnjaymoys, Ca|itain Wisstnan in a report reports troubles of mis- sionaries. — .May 1, reported May 27. Congo Stale, reports from state Armohinii district, now ur.der direct innuence of Congo Slate Government, reported .Nlay J.'^. Zanzibar, Fever committing ravages among crews of English and German vessels. — .May 70. Anarchists. Lombardy, land agitation fomented, houses ransacked, troops called out.— May 17. Anarchist, conspiracy discov.rod at Sneca, Spam. — May 13. Anarchists, -Milan, 17 arrcbted for inciting tumults at Gallarate. — May 23. Ancient order of United Workmen, seventh Annual conclave of the <^rand legion of, in Shaftesbury Hall, Toronto.— May 21. Ancient order of Hibernians, session of, at .Vew Vork. — .May 1-4. Annexation, Dr. Jnniieson of Mountain, Ont., replies to Mr. Shiblev of Pro- vidence, R, I.— May s. Arbitration treaty, England and I'liited States. Emile Laveteye pnblishes ap|>eal to Mr. Gladstone to take lead in promoting. —.May 2H. Artists, Ontario Society of, exhibition at Toronto. —.May 22. Artists. Ontario society of, annual meeting at Toronto. — May 2^. Australia, Hallarat, immense meetings held at, in t'avor of Irish Home Rule.— May Iti, AUSTRIA.— Moskowitz, eiglit persons killed by lightniu^.—May 17. Reichsralb, Catholic Congress of Vienna. Premier Von Taale states Congress was purely private, and would not allect friendly relations between Austria and Italy.— May IG. Disastrous storms, IS persons killed near Vienna, house collapsed at Rackonrtz, killing ;i children, at Ziuo Ho jiersons killed.— .May 18. Socialists, government ollicially warned by Germany that German Socialist ngil!' ng among .Vustrian miners.— .May 27. Bank of .Montreal, annual statement.— .May in. Banks, Quebec. I.a Hancpie .N'ationale, Annual .Meeting and re-election of ollicers.- May 22. Banks, Savannah, .Mo., Saving Bank, failure of. — .May 29. Banks, Scranton, Pa.. City Rank, vice-president George A. Jessiin, arrest- ed.-May 2r,. Bannatyne Hon. A. G. H , death of, at St. Paul.— May 18. Baptist Home Missionary Society, Boston, closing session of "Hth Annual Meeting, election of otiicers. — May l.s. Barry Mrs. Lenora, general investigator of Women's work in the Knights of Labor, interviewed at Cincinnati as to her visit lo the SoutL.— May 2. Bavaria, Queen Mary of, mother of King Otio, death of, at Munich.— May 10. Baviiria, Munich, newspaper confiscated, and editor arrested for publish- ing scandalous ouiliiary article on Queen .Maria. — .May 21. liEHlil.N'G SE.\, British llagsliip"s '■ Swiftsure" and '' .Vmphion" sent to Sitka with olders to cruise in Bebring Sea. — .May 27. British warships to sail from Victoria, B. C, on June 15. Macdonald, Sir John, interviewed at Montreal thereon.- May29. Revenue cutter " Rush " loaves San Francisco for. — .May M. Denial in Uritish House of Commons that men of war ordered from Pacific station to Behriug sea.- .May ;w. Secretary Windom signs the sailing orders of the revenue steamer ■' Bear" designated to assist in protecting the Alaska seal fisheries. —May :il. Revenue cutter '' Rush " sails from San Francisco to protect Aiuerican fishery interests. — May 24. Belfast, foundation stone of Albert bridge laid by Prince Albert Victor of Wales.— .May 22. Belfast, new dock opened by Prince Albert Victor of Wales.- .May 21 Belgium, Chamber of representatives. Prince .Mnnster Heernaert strenuously denies that government was plotting the ruin of citizens through agency of police. s|)ies-vote of conlidence passed. — May 21>. Belgrade, rioting at, ex-president Garasbawine's house attacked, 3 rioters killed and a momber wounded. — .May 27. Belgrade, lOi) arrests including ex-Prenue.- Gaiashawiue for riot. — May 30. Helleisle, straits of, tjuebec Board of Trade decides that no sailing vessel should pass by the straits before lirst of July. — .May 27. Bennington, Vt., Hotels, after a barricade of four weeks, open. — .May 9. Bi-Metallic currency, Britain, Lord Salisbury receives deputation thereon. —.May :il. Hinbs, Princess Beatrice, wife of Prince Henry of Battenburg, of a son.— .May 20. Bishop Washington Irving, mind render, death of, at New Vork.— May 13. Bisbo]!, Irving, inquest on, at New York. — May 2a. Bishop Irving, New Vork, verdict on iiupiest. — .May 30. Boehiii Joseph Edgar, sculptor, created a baronet. — .May 2.t. Bohemia, llooil.s. ■l.'i persons lose their lives. — .May 22. Bonner Hugh, appointed chiel of New Vork fire brigade. — Slay 21. Bonlanger, .Max O'Rell interviewed thereon, at London, Eng. — .May 19. Bourne Mills Corporation Fall River Mass., decide to adopt plan of profit sharing with the operatives.- .May 22. Brazilian parliament opened by Emperor. — .May 4. Breweries. Newark, N.J., two more breweries added to the syndicate. — .May 15. Breweries, New York. English syndicate purchases brewery of George Riugler !i Co.— May 14. Breweries. North-Wciit territory, twenty-four closed by order of Inland Revenue department. — .May 24. J Breweries, St. Paul, .Minn., English syndicate buy tip all breweries iu.— May 22. Bridgeman Laura, made famous by Charles Dickens in his American notes dies at South Boston Asylum.— .May 24. Bright Right lion. John, will of, sworn to iu England.— .May 24. Brooklyn Bridge, trustees decide to double trafiic facilities.— May 14. Brigands, Sofia, five brigands hanged. — .May hi. Burns George, created a baronet. — .May 24. ("nbinet meeting, Washington, three cabinet ofticers, Blaine, Wiiooiu aaJ Proctor, tender their resignalioiM to^President, il certain changes not made. — .May 21. California, severe earlhcpiake shocks felt in several parts.— .May ID.J Campbell Lord Walter, third son of Duke of .\rgyle. |deatli of, in South Africa.— .May :i. Canada, Parliament of, prorogation. — May 2. Canada, United Stales Senate t'ommission on traile relations with, arrives at Los Angelos, Cal. — .May 14. Canadian Asbestos and Antimony Company, W. J. Spooncr appointeJ ollicial li(|uidator. — .May 15, Canals, St. Lawrence, instructions issued from Ottawa as to Saturday and Sunday opening and closing hours.- .May 30. (.'arnegie Aiidiew interviewed in London on the effects of the protective tarill'.- .May 20. Catholic Congress, Vienna, close of. — May 2. Catholic Ccuigress of Vienna. Premier Von Taafe states in Reichsrath that Congress was purely private, ami would not alVect friendly relatioiu between .Vustria and Italy. — .May 10. Catholic Knights of America, Supreme Council of, meets at Chattanooga, Tenn.— May 14. Catholic Knights of America, Coleman James 1)., of .Vew Orleans, elected Supreme President.— .May IH. Cattle, consumption among, at William Dalmage's farm at Camden, Out. -May 14. IL THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ^ Olmnnil Island, eRrtliqimke prolonged ahock of, felt. — May 30. Cliicajfo, monument erecterl in honor of jiolicemen killed by anarchist bomb in 18Sti unveiled.— .May 30. Chicago Himrd of Trade vntos to (iiscontinuu furnishing quotations to all persons, except niember.4 of tlie boanl.— May 14. Clilcago, Insane Asylum, investigation into. — May \3. Chiciigo, drainage bill passes Illinois Senate. — May 22. CHINA, Che Foo riots, damages arising out of, settled, Knglish and Am- erican Hag relioisted. — May 17. llong Kong, heavy storm at, immense damage caused. — May 21i. Chinese Exclusion Act, Supremo Court of U.S. aflirras validity of the law. —May 13. Cholera, India, 1000 persons die within a week in the Ganjaw district.— May 24. Cleveland, ex-pre.«idcnt, banquet to, at New York by Young .Men's Demo- cratic Club. — May 27. Collieries, I'ittston, Pa., railroad and coal companies order their men to resinne work on full time. — May 21. Commercial t'nion, Wiman Mr. Erastus, address of, at Harmony Hall, Ot- tawa.— May 4. Cougo, Conference at Berlin, Prince Leopold of Belgium proposes interna- tional conference to complete the work. — May 7. Conservative convention, Montreal.— May 29. Cook County, 111., Insane Asylum, investigation into affairs of—May 13. Consumption among cattle at William Oulniages farm at Camden, Ont, -•May 14. Conductors, railway, twenty-first annual convention opened at Denver, Col.— .May 14. Cotton .Manufacturers, .■\ugusla, Ga., convention held at, and permanent organisation formed, — .May 1. Corea, Veko, riot in con.sequence of execution ot Hoker ipielled by the .Military, April 13.- Reported May 11. Corwith Nathan, well know citizen of Chicago, dcatli of — May 21). Cotton, Jol\n I!., of Lewislon, .Me., appointed by president as-i.slant attor- ney general. — .May 2'.>.' County Councils, Kngland, decision in Lady Sandhurst case. — May lli. Robbery, Newcastle, Del , five negroes and seven whites wliipped. — May 12. Crete, Greece annexation'to assembly of the Island adopts resolution in favor of — May 27, Customs, Canadian cars, deputation waits nnon Secrcliiry Windoni at \Vashingt brouglU against Hisliop Fallows — Jlay 3. i Abortion, Toronto, I'nnbar Katie found dead, wcnuaii luinied Wrifrht j arrested. — .May 31. Absconders, Tacouui, W. T., McCormick J. R., disappears, wiih over $,")0,0iiO.-.\lay ."i. I .\bscouders, Toronto, Shaw Charles .-V., nmriager of Toronto Opera House, goes to New York. — .May II. .■\bsconders, liallimore, Thonuis McGatchin who stole $.-^',000 from Unlimited Oil '\)nipany arrested In .lacksonville. Fla. — .May 20. .\bsconders, (Utawa, lirown \V. E., ex-aldermau arrested at .Massena Spring, N. Y.— .May 20. Defaulters. New Haven, Coini., liradlcy John C, cashier of .Merchants National Hank.— .May 2,'i. Forgery, Windsor, tint., Henry dottleib, Chicago lawyer, arrested, and consents to go back to Chicago without extraililittn. — May 20. Robbery, Cliicago, I'ost Ollice vault entered and 8ii registered letters stolen. — May 20. Robbery, Shcnaud, Miss., Langlade stage mail robbed. — May 21. Robbery, train oti Milwaukee and North Western railroad at Heaver, Wis., nmn walks through the train with revolver and compels ims.sengcrs to yield up valuables. — .May 20. Crotiin Dr. I', II., body of, foinid in C licago. — .May 22. Customs, Cainidlan, Spanish river i .ill of Moiles liros, renu)ved from. Detour sei/.ed for iluly.— .May 27. Cyclone, Lackawanna Valley, I'a., great damage wrought.— May 20. Iianville, Va., Venn's tobacco factory blown down, men killed.— May 30. Corwith, Nathan, of Chicago— May 20. DEATHS —Campbell Lord Walter, third sou of the Duke of Argyle, in South Africa.— May 3. HaiMialyne Hon. .\. G. I!., at St. I'aid.— May l.-i. liavaria, t^ueen .Mary of', mother of King Gtto, at Munich,— May IC, Uishop Washington Irving, mind reader, at New Vork,^May 13. DEATHS,-(7onrinu«li{,— Kniglils of, Barry .Mrs. Lenorii, general investigator of women's w>rk in the Knights of Labor, interviewed at Cineinnali as to her visit to the South— .May 2. Land Syndicate purchases 5o,000 in Niululk County, Va., and Cuirituck and Camden Counties, North Carjiina, for farms — May 14. LEGAL. — CliiCHgo, Bishop Samuel Fallows, of Reformed Episcopal Church, sued by National Union Building Association ou bond as to John Fairbanks, treasurer of association.— .May 3. Brooklyn, Dent Rev. Father Francis sues Bishop Ryan of Biilfalo and others for libel.— .May IT). Chicago, Carter divorce case, verdict returned in favor of -Mr. Carter —May 22. Cobourg, Ont., Comnee and IHuclfunitn i» Canadian Patitic Railway bearing of — May 20 LEGAL.— C'tinfiH'/ff. Compton County of .Magistrates, Court established in to be held at Megantic— .May 27. Cotton Jolid B., of Lewiston, .Maine, appointed by president assistant Attorney General. — .May 21i. Ireland, O'Brien Patrick, .M. P., brings action for libel against London Timet, Liverpool Courier and Thomas Wallac.e Russtdl, M. P.— May 10. Ireland, Keller Rev. Canon commences action against Mr. Balfour, Irish Secretary, for^slander.- .May 15 London, Eng., Court of Aiipeals decides in Lady Sandhurst's claim to sit on London County Council. — .May 10. London, Kng., Canada Shipping Company, judgment with costs against, for £2,400 loss upon grain cargo to Dublin. — .May 7. London, Knghind, Greenwood c. St. James' (liKftle,imy discharged, unable to agree.- .May 21. London, Eng., Mackenzie Sir Morell, brings libel proceedings against .Mr. Slcinkoft and the Timen, for imblishing letters produced in Greenwood case. — .May 23. .Montreal, Jesuit Fathers us. Toronto .)l cers'stalioned at St. Petersburg.— May 12. United Siales, Sumlay parades. President Harrison issues proclama- tion forbidding —May 21. Miller A ttorney-Genrral, accepts place on Siiprem* Bench of United Stales, made vacant by dealli of Justice Matthews —May 21. Millers, The Huron, North Grey, Welliugton and BruceMillers Association hold meeting at Lislowel, 'Ont , and adopt plan of campaign to gain prolection.— May 21. .Mural, Princess of, claim indeninily from Italy of 51,000,000 tire for con- fiscated eslale, of King Joachim.— .May 31. MURDERS.— Blair, La., merchant nameil Melarck shoots his wife, two children ,xnd himself. — .May 2. llallyinaiia, Ireland, Lawlor John II., manager of Ballyinaniv branch of Bank of Ireland shot dead on road.— .May 31. Baussier, Havre, chemist charged Willi poisoning his employer acquit- ed at Rome.— .May 25. Chicago, Dr. P. II. t'ronin's body found. — May 22. Chicago, Cronin Dr., Detective Daniel Coiighlin arrested on suspicion May 27. Chicago, Cronin Dr., P. 0. Sullivan and Frank Woodriff indicated. — .May 2h. Chicago, Cronin Dr , Trncii says Patrick O'SuUivan makes full con- fession and gives names of those concerned.- May 28. Chicago, Cronin case, man named Mack supposed to be driver of the white horse, arrested. — .May 31. Chicago, Cronin Dr., clothes of murdered man found.— .May 31. Cincinnati, Blane A. J , chemist, shoots wife, d.Hughter and himself. — .May 12. Cosia Rica, Hubbs Rev .Mr., Baptist minister, wife and child, living on Peand of Ruatun, murdered, shipwrecked sentor from Jamaica arrested. — May 20 Galveston, Tex , Weyer Judge ll.'nry, J. P., of Galveston county, W. T.Allen and Charles Janeman arrested for murder of Richard Fleischig in 1884.— .May J8. Indianapolis, Shrodeu John, grocer and saloon kee]ier, cms his wife's and his own throat.- May 15. Jefferson, Allen Mrs Sarah E., shot by her husband who kills himself. -May 17. Liverpool, .Maybiich Mrs-, arrested on charge of jioisoning her husband with arsenic. — -May 18. Liverpool. .Maybrich -Mr , inquest on commences.- .May 28. .Maidsloiie, Out., 'I'lioinas Johnson (ciduied) arrested ai Windsor with beating his ch.M May J.jluHon to death,— May 21. Nhunidiis, Tain., Ward George, shoots and kills his wife and himself. —May 13. Mountain Home, Pa., .Sophia Everett, aged eleven, killed by Jeffrey Harrison, aged eleven.— May? (izark. Mo, Bill Walkm', Dave Walker and John Malthews. the three liaM knobbers, executed for miirler of Chaiiei Green and William Edens in .March, 18^7.- .Nfay 10. Rainy River, Man., Ilumphivy Keller, found murdered near Rapid River.— May 21. Sillery, P.ti , bidy of unknown man murdered, found a. Bridgewater cove.— .May 23. SpriiigfieUI, .Mass., Smith James Heclii>, local editor of lli'iiuliliciin, shot by his biolher-iii-law Royal B. Stiirlevant. — .May 13. Toronto, Charlton Lily, by ab uiioii. John (). Woods arrested a Hutfalo.— May 0. Victoria, li. (.^, Chines'- girl in a house of prostitution murdered by her lover,— .May 12, Washington, .\el,-oii C.dbfil. hanged for murder of Piiilip Wentzell. — May 17. Murphy Mr. Edward, of Montreal, apjiointed senalir for division of Victoria Canada.— .May 30. Vational Liberal Club, London, Eng , annual meeting of.— May 7. Valional Liberal Club, Parnell Mr C. S.. elected a life member.— May 7. ': H ! ;: \1 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. '1: ; NAVAL.— Great Britain, Naval defence bill (lasses Ita accood reading in House of Commons.— Mi»y 7. British bill pussea Committee stage in Commons.— May 13. BritisL, Commander of flngsljip '■ Swiflsure " dies at E^quimnult.— A.'ay 20. Britial), Naval defence bill ] asses tbird reading in Commons.— May 20. British man-of-war "Surprise '' runs ashore at Syracuse alier colliding with and sinking the steamer " Neaiii."— May 2G. British tlagsbips Swiftsure and Amphiou sent toSiika with orders to course in Hehrlng sea.— May 27. British man of war " Surprise " Hoated otf IsUiud of Syracuse.— May 27. Defences bill pusses second |readiiig in British House of Lords.— May 27. France, Prince George of Greece joins French Navy. — .May 21. United States, Farcpihar Ciiptaiu, of the " Trenton," arrives at San Francisco from Samoa with shipwrecked sailors, and sends despatch to Secretary of Navy.— .May 2u. United States, warship '■ Charlestou," arrives at San Francisco from Santa Barbara, naval ollicers report as the '■ Ciiarleston." — May i:i. United States, private trial trip of new Government gunboat " Petrel " built by Columbian Iron Works at 13allimure.— May 9. United States steamship " Thetis " sails from Tacomn, W. T., for Sitka. Alaska.— May 2.h. United States revenue cutter ''Paish" leaves San Francisco for Behring sea.— May 20. United States secretary Windom, signs the sailing orders of the reve- nue steamer '• Bear " designated to assist in protecting the Alaskan seal fisheries.— May 31, New Brunswick Cabinet, result of meeting of the Government and of the party caucus.— May 4. New Brunswick, N.J., fight between railway men and brickmakers at Sawyerville brickyards, two men killed, several injured, — May 4. Newfoundland lobster fisheries, British Government State in House of Commons, they will support British subjects, provided they do not interfere with French treaty rates.- May 7. Newfoundland, riot feared inconsequence of British resident, being pro- hibited from setting their nets in best fishing grounds.— May 21. New South Wales, Sydney, Dillon, Deasy and Esmonde, Irish Home Rule advocates, arrive at. — May 11. New York Fire Department, Hugh Bonner appointed chief.— May 21. New York legislature, adjournment of —May 17. Noble Hon. Guy C promii.ent lawyer of Vermont, dies at St. Albans — May 21. " Nyassa, Soutlitin Lake de[>utHiion of missionaries waits upon Lord Salisbury, protesting ngaiujt suirfuiier ol, to Portugal. — .May 17. O'Brien, William, M. P. decliuei to testify before Lord Aberdare's com- mittee on prison rules.— May 2i(. Oil Exi hanges, Pittsburg, Pa., confen nee committee meet and decide to ree.oinmond dealings in future. — May 7. Oklahoma, Guthrie Mayor, prevented by mob from laying out proposed slieets.--.May 2. " Omaha Town Site Company, action by Rolierl Shields, deciih d in his favor by Unili'd States Supreme Court, damages $22,(100,00".- May 2.!. Orange. Grar.d Lodge of British North America, Goderich, Out., opening of session at. —.May 2k. Oregon and Trans-Continental Cotu;any3, Judge Barrett temporarily .enjoins the company from issuing ten millions ol new stock. ^.May 13. Drt'gon and Trans-Continental Company restrained at Portland, Oregon, from issuing new preferred stock. — May 17. Oshinia Island, Volcanic eruption destroys more than half the on the island.— April i:i, reported May 2H. Panan;* Canal, bonds issue of abandoned.- .May 2"> Paris, count and countess de, Silvtr wedding of, celebrated at Sheen House, Eng.— .MaySO. IP, iris Exh bition, three men arrested for sliouting " Vive BoulaRger."— May 6. Paraguay and Boliva, conflict imminent, Brazil preparing loaid Paraguay. °— M.y 13. rarnell Mr. C. S., elected life member of National Liberal Club.— May 7. Parnell Mr. C. S., Edinburgh Municipal council, confirms resolution gra iting freedom of city.— .May S. parnell M . C. S., M.P., presented at London with address, by deputation from Irish municipalities, congratulating him on disproving tb^ oal imnies.— .May 23. j. PARNELL TI.MES.— Commission examination of Mr. Parnell concluded, -May 1. Commission, Parnell's cross-cjamiuntion, as to his denunciation ol outrages.— May 2. Commission, cross-examination of Parnell, as to his dealings with William O'Brien. — May 3. Commission, Parnell admits deliberate misstatement of .facta, to House of Commons. — May 3. Commission, Parnell makes personal expbiuation as to hia admission to deceive House of I'ommons. — .May 7. C'ommission, close of Parnell's cross-examination.— May 7. (,'ouimission, Walsh Archbishop, goea in the box.— May H Commission, Father Egan givesevidence.— May 15. Commission, Mr. Harrington intimated by secretary, stepa will be taken to force him lo pay fine of £.""0.— .May 17. Commission, O'llrien William, gives ovidem-e. — May 21. Comtnisaion, D'Brien William. MP., cross-examined.- May 22. Commission, the missing land league books announced to be in pos- session of a limrs witness.- .May 2'^. (,'onimission, Biggar Mr. M. P. in tlie box.— .May 20. Commission, .\rtliur (I'Conuor, .M. P , gives evidence.— May 30. I.'ommissiou, Mr. f) Connor, M. P. Mr. Justin McCarthy, .M. P', and Mr. George Lewis give evidence. — .May 30. Libel suit on application of defendant's suit postponed until Novem- ber.— May 30. Peace movement of (.Jhristian churches against militarism, London, Bng., demonstration at St James' Hall.— May 19. Pelham George 1!., architect of Government Buildings, Ottawa, death of at New York,- May 2. Persia, Renter Baron, obtains concessions from National Bank of Persia and to work the coal and other mines.— May 8. Persia, Shah of, leaves Teheran for Russia. -May 12. Persia Shah of, arrives at St Petersburg —.May 23. Pliiladeiphia, Insane hospital, warrant issued lor arrest of keepers Devlin ■ and William, forassault and battery upon patients.- May 22. Pittsburg, Pa., Hoods do great damage and cause losa of life.— May II. Pope declines to nominate Polish and Russian bishops at Consistory.— May 18. Pope in allocution protests against Italian legislation, denonncea proposed monument of Gregory Bruua, and refers to recent Catholic con- gress.— .May 21. Portugal. 0|iorto, dynamite bomb esi loded at door of civil governor'^ huuse. — .May 2.-1. , Postal, Chicago, Post oiKce vault ente'fed and 60 registered letters stolen. — .May 20. Prison rules, Lord Aberdare's Committee on, William O'Brien. M. P. declines to testify before.— .May 20., I!.\!LW.\YS, Canadian Pacific, annual meeting of, at Montreal.— May 8. Boston, freight handlers in Fiichburg railroad yards decide to demand increase in wages.— .May 22. Canadian Pacific, new lino through Maine wilderness, Lebois to Brownville, Pioneer train stopped by caterpillars. — May 19. Canadian Pacific, hearing of (."omnee and Maclennan suit against, at Cob.fUrg. Out.— .May 2u. (.'anadian Pacific applies toironsiiry department, at Washington, to be bonded a common carrier between ports of United States —May J4. (Canadian, investigated by United States Committee on Canadian relations. — May 2.'). C lignecto ship railway, pUm of work submiltel by engineer and others to government at Ottawa.- May 30. ("hicago and Atlantic, Volney C. Malott, appointed receiver.— May IS. Cleveland, SI. Louis and Kansas road, construction work comea to a standstill by failures of contractors to meet obligations to aub-con tractors — May 13. Conductors, twenty -first annual conventiou opened at Denver, Col. —May It. Delaware, Lackawana and Western Railway Co., action brought against, by Isaac B. Felts, to recover possession of coal lands in Scranton, Pa —May 2. Erie road cuts the local rate on corn from Buffalo to New York.— .May 10. Hereford railway troubles. John P. Noyes, Q.C., appointed by Quebec Government commissioner to enquire into —.May. 2. Iron Ore freighta. Western agenta decide to reduce rate on iron ore fro« Lake Porta to Pittsburg —May 22. .Northern Pacific complete arrangements for operating the'Wigcousit Central on a traffic agreement —May 2, THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. , MP .l.-Miiy n. deciile to Lebois to 19. agaiual. *t And RAILWAY8.-CoM(i««frf. New York, diiiariii (mil Wislcrn ItnihuHd C'oinpiiny iHaut'S bonds for $100,00n,0«o sfiiirid lij- 11 iniiiit!UKis to Ibe McrcanlilL' Tnial Com- pany. — May iT. Omaha lUilmad <'o. coinpU'te.^ nvnngetneiit with <.^ri*gOQ Railway Navi|;aii>>(i (yonipaiiy t" ciiiiiH'ci ih« two lint'H. -May 2i». Pennsylvania ruihviiy iliivclors ilcciiln to iasiie nearly }>7,UO0.0O o' new stock. —M'ly « Pittslon. Pa., railroad ami cial cnnipaiiies order their men to resume work on full time,— May l!l. I'rusaia, Vei^ht rales on all lines rediu-eil by (iovcriimeut, to alleviate arising; li'iim ileanh ol loal — May In. ^egina and Long Lake railroad, anaiiKementii completed iu fiuglnud for biiildinn. -May lu, Kichmond and Invcriass, .Municipal Council of Inverness, N.3., votes If 10li,0UU liiinus lowiirds conslrucliim ol.--May 'J. Kock Island ifives notice, it wiiiild meet rales of Chicngo, Burliagton and Nurlliern betsveen Chicugo and St. Paul. — May 111. Siberian Kailvvay scheme, approved by Kussian special commission. — May 2. ijoutheru PaeiHc, Annual ivporl ul' issuesfor I.hhh. — .May 2i). Union Pacific ('■)., I'lcsiilcnt ll.irrison appo'nts John K. Plummer, George E. Leightoii, Jes..^e Spaiildiiig and Kufus H. Bullock to be Oovernmenl directors — May II. U. H. Board of llaiLi ay Comnii.ssioners, decide that Central Hudson cease the discriniiniuion in favor of certain tirma in Rochester and against firms in liuH'iili) engaged in produce business —May 27. Wabash railway, east nl' Mississippi river, sold at Chicago to agents of Wabash Weslcin Purchasing t'dininittee.— .May If). Western Railroad and Hoard of Trinle, Interstate commerce commis- sion resunies bearing at Chicago. --.May JS. K«ed Andrew, inspector general of Royal Irish Constabulary, made a knight —May 24. Reid Whitelaw, farewell dinner at .New Vori', from gentlemen connected with Trtl'iiUf.-Mny A. Heuter Baron, obtains concession fro'ii Xaiional Bank of Persia to issue, bank notes for twice the nmoiint of BauK's capital. — .May 8. Rice Mr Allen Thorndike, iienly appointed I'. S, Minister to Russia, death ■)f, at New York.— .May liJ. Rtchmo'd Agricultural .Society, Spring Horse show opens. — May 'I'l. Rochefort Henri, iiinl Pilotcl the artist, IVjicas between, in Regent stieet. London —.May It'. Rogers Major A. B, discoverer of Kicking Horse Pass, death of at Waterville, .Minn.— May 5. Koyal College of .Music, London, Kiig., Sainson Kox donates X'4.'J,U0O to.— May 22. Royal Society of Canada, liiial biisincss meeting. — May 1». Royal Society of (.'anada, opening of wcek'.s meeting. — .May 7. RUSSIA, St. Petersburg, arrest of oHiccrs connected with peaceful political revolutionary society. -May 2. St. Petersburg, conspiracy lo assassinate the Czar discovered among military officers. — .May 12. Siberian Railway scheme, approved by special commission.— May 2. Conversion loan, liciihschilds arranged for in conjunction with the Dlsconto (Jesellschaft group. — May 11. Czar issues ukase, placing)|on the market second series of 310,4!)S,000 gold roubles four per cent, consolidated railway bonds. — May 14. Large number of arrests iiiade at ,St. Petersburg, .Mos(M)W and Crons- tadt.— May 15-lti. Ignatielf Gen., appointed Assistant Minister of Interior — May 27. Odessa, two enormous bombs found beneath streets alongside which Royal visitors usually j-ass on their way to the palace, — May 27. Ryan Hon. Thomas, death of. at .Montreal. — May 2:1. Byerson Rev. Egerton, founder of school system of Toronto, unveiling statue of at Toronto.— May 24. Salisbury Lord, speaks at meeting ol Primrose League, London, Kng., and says alliance between Parnellites and Gladstouiana slowly break- ing.— May 21. Salt, English Salt L'nion, Wellington Hurl of .Michigan and Cbas. Burger of New York, on behalf of American merchants enter into an alliance with. — May 2;"). SAMOA. Knappe Dr., late German consul, arrives at Sydney, N. S. W. with latest news. — May 5. Conference, Prince Bismarck gives an audience to commissioners who desire neutrality of the Islands.— May 7. Farquhar Captain, ot the " Trenton " arrives at San Kranciaco with shipwrecked sailors from Samoa, and sends despatch to Secretary of Navy.— May 20. Conference, Germany accedes to demands of United States commis- sioners tu restoreKing Malietoa. — May 21. SAMOA,— 6'onfinuerf, Conference at Berlin comes to agreement upon all the questions al issue. — May 22. Admiral Kimberley succeeds in stopping hostilities for the time being Mataafa and Tamaaese agree to truce pending confereiH'e at Berlin, reported May 27. Admiral Kimberley leporla to U. 8. bavy department that natives disbanding and peace prevails— May 27. Conference, Sir K. .Malet, Mr. Uasson and Herr Holslein complete draft of protocol —May 27. Conference commisaioDers agree to questions at issue and draw up a protocol. — May 31. Saxony, Koenigstein, powder magazine struck by lightning, and explodes. —May lU. Schleswig, authorities of, refuse to rescind decree expelling certain German- Americana from the Islands ot Amtun and Fohn 111 the North Sea. May 4. Scott Act, counties of Oxford, Lambton and Middlesex reject the mea- sure,— May 9. Scotch, Irish congress at Columbia, Tcnn., adopt plan lor uermMiient organizatiLd ofSculcl.-iriSu >! America, and elect Robert Bonner, President. — May 9. Scutch local government bill read second time in British House of Com- mons. — May no. Sea Serpent, Philadelphia, Capl Smith, of .Steamer " British Princess'' from Liverpool, reports seeing monster on May 4 in lot 44. long 42, 4U.— Reported May 14. Servia, Pau .Servian plot discovered at Boaina, numerous Russian intriguers arrested. — May 24. Shanty-men, Algoma, riot among, atNorth Bay, three men killed, traveller arrives in Toronto and gives particulars. — .May 'A. SHIPPING, "City of New York," arrives at Queenstonn, making the quickest passage on record from New York. — .May '^. Belleisle, straits of, Quebec Hoard of Trade decides that no Siiiling vessel should paaa by the straits before first ot July —.May 27. Boston, Captain Josiah Lawlor with Huns Hansen sail for Kraiice in sailboat " Never Sink," 3G feel long — .May 20. British Steamer '• German Emperor " from London for Hillmit ran into Hritish steamer '• Beresf'ord,'' from Hartleypool for Bombay on Good win sands, thirty persona drowned. — .May 20. British -ship "Attimore" from Sydney, .V.J.S. W., fur San Franiisco. wrecked at Nerai in the South Pacilii:. — Reported^.Vay l,"i. Britiah steamship '' Aberlady " strands near.Cape Lookout. N. C., crew saved. — May lit. Canada, oider-in-council passed as to fees to he exacted from all ves- sels navigating inland waters of Canada, when entering cm clearing at any port above Montreal.— .May 24. Cleveland, (Jhio, master of schooner "Sophia .Mincli " lined Icm- me ploying alien on board as ollicer. — .May lb. Cunard Steamship Company and Oceanic .Steam Navigation Ciimpaiiv secure contracts to carry the outward British mails. — .Mav :jj . Halifax, N.S., Canadian cruiser "Vigilant" seizes Gloucester schooner " .Mattie AVinship" about two miles off Cape North. —May ;!1. Hamburg, American steamer "Riigia-' frimi .New Vorl cotton takes hre. — .May 8. Hamburg-American line's new turn screw steamer arrive; burg tiom her trial trip.— .May 7. Lake Ontario, three barges laden with lumber ashore at Puiiit I'eier light.— May 28. Lake Ontario. " Havaria" ashore at Gallos Islands all lives siippused to be lost,— .May 23. Liverpool, Steamer "Servia" arrives with cargo on lire. —.May 2H, Liverpool steamer " Eunland from New Orleans arrives with cargo of cotton on Hre. — .May 22. .Magdalen Islands, Dutch whaler broken into pieces by storm —.May lit. .Missouri steamer arrives in London, great ovation given Captain .Mur rell.— May 18. Montreal, Steamship ■' Cynthia ' from Glasgow sunk by S. S. " Poly- nesian " of Longue Pointe, eight of the crew drowned. — .Mav 2'2. Newfoundland coast, two French fishing vessels, the " Elia ' and " Qualre Fr^res," lust with llCt men. — Reported .May 21. Owen Sound, newsteel steamship " .Manitoba " constructed for Cana- dian Pacific Railway, launch of — .May 4. " Parkhurst " London steamer arrives at Rio de Janeiro with cargo on fire. News brought to Queeustown by Inman liner " City of New York."— May 29. cargo of at ll.'tm- \ 'i \ ; 10 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ( ! »')' .1 SIlIPPlNO.-CundHw^J. QuoeiietuwD, " Cil.vuri'nris" nrrives afler journey ol'S Uiiya, 'i'J lioiira, lOmdmton.— .May i-'. Hi. a ndri>W9,, aluup aiiiks ofl' llurdwuud Island, six iiitMi diownt-d. —May 4. 8c'li(iuncr " Wlllk' PHrknian '' uf I'nrtsmoiitli riuiii duwii mid sinks tisliinu aoliounoi- '■ C'hain|H>iii "--May HI. ■Slrauier " Augusta ViclDila " iit llaiiiliiir^ Packet lini' arrives at New Vin'k, making tlie fastest trip ever made aeruss tlie Allantie. — May IH Kteainsliip " Ksealona " t'niui Mediterranean ports K>>es ashore at the Platen, Si. Croix Hay, (Jnebee May JO. Htcamaliip •■ Alaska •' liunnd li> San Kraneiseo from l'n)(et Sound, wrecked nil' A-loria, Oregon —liepcute. I May HI. Steamc-r " t'ity of Pari."* " arrives at .New York from Liverpuul, having made cjuiekost fiasiiage on record. — .May H. St. Law reiiee (.-analn, iuslriu'lion-* is.sued til Ottawa as to .Saturday and Sunday opening and elo.. Lacrosse, Torontos beat Shamrocks. — .May 2-i . London, Eng., Vachting, Lonl Dunraven's yailit. tl Valkyrie." sails her inuiden match. — .May 'J'J. Kacing " Czar," the phenomenal '.^ year (dtl riiiining colt, owned by Theodore Winters of California, dies of Pneiinioiiia.- -.May Ki. Racing, Jockey club warns Lord James Douglas olf .Newmarket course for defaulting ib bets. — .May .'to Kacing, Kingston Park, great jubilee slakes won by General Byrne's amphiun. — May 10. Kacing. Newmarket, hrst spring meeting. Two Thousand Oiiinea stakes.- -.May i. Racing, -Newmarket. Kng.. One Thousand Guinea stakes -won by Viuer's " -Nuuthe."— .May 3. SPORTS.— fon(i«u«i/. Uaeing, Newmarket atakca, Uiike of Portland's Donovan wins,— May 2 'J. Winnipeg, Palersou, N. J., .Steve Brodie jumps over Passaic Kails.— May ^0. , Vacbiiiig, Lord Unnraveu objects to New Vork V'acht C'lub'a reply to his ehalleuge. - May '.'. Vachting, LondiMi, Kng., " Valkyrie " beaten by "Irex" and '■ Var- ana."— .May JH. STANLKV II. W., Hoyal (leogniphical Society at London. Sir Francis de Wiiitou, president of Kmin Bey relief coniinillee. speaks and pri'dicts early return of Stanley.- May 12. Steel, Basil- process, Hewitt Aluabam .S., interviewed Ihereon, at Niw Viuk by New Vork ll,r,i/.l. — S\ny II. Stock Kxchaiige. .New Vork, olticinl aiinoiinceiueut made that no more qiiolations distributed by slock indicators or tickers.— May ill. .Stokes Professor, created a baronet. — May 21. STRIKF.S— Italian laborers ou ScUuykill and Lehigh Valley Kailruad at t'ressona, Va.— May 2. Ironworkers, McKcesporl, Pa , two ihoiisund employees of welding deparliijent of National Tube Works strike lor advance of 10 per cent wages. — .May Hi .Masons. Bi'rlin, 2,000 masons struck lor shorter hours and higher pay. —.May 20. ■Miners, Austria, 10, olio miners at Saar, .Viistri^c, have struck.-- May '24. .Miners, Belgium, strike in Serainy dislrici extending. — .May 2;>. Miners, Germany, 5000 strikers meet at Bocbiim. and resolve to insist iipou their demands, (Jouncil of .Ministers. Prince Bismarck presiding, consid,'r the strikes. — May u. .Miners. Gelsenkirchen West iiot. numlier of shops wrecked. — .Mayo. .Miners, Gelsenkirchen, Westphalia, miner killed and many persons injiireil during. -.May :"» .Miners. Westphalia, Military in, disturbed, district veiidorced. coiiHict in Ksse.x, :! uicn killed and ;"• woiiinled. — .May .s. .Miners, Brazil, liid , I'lUiferriice between coal operators and miners delegation ends with operatois' relusal In arbitrate Ilu- ilill'erence. — May ir,. .Miners, Germany, miners a' Mulheini iipd Ibtisberg join in. Delegates at Bo>'liiiiii aiiaiidou demand tor higher wages, but insist iipim reduciioii of hours. Kinpp issues notice protesting against illegal action of miners. - .May In. Miners, Germiiiiy, mines at Dortmund, Ksseu and Hochiini deserted. Krupp and other works compelled to stop maniilactiire of rails. — May 10. .Miners, Germany serious conlhcis bitweeii troops ami strikers.— May II and 12 .Mining. Germany, coal mine owner an.l .--Irikiug niiiiei.s appoint com- mittee to Confer and ari.iiiL'e .seiileiiieni ( Iciulers of strike at Dortmnrul, raided l)y poiice and Icllera and money Hei/.eii— May 211. Minora, Itaidwood, 111., (iov. I'M'er, authorizes Illinois National iluard to protect properly ami persons eiidnnnered hy riot.— May 27. Miners, Stantoriville, III, .SherilV lliTnler.son telegraphs for ro-inforco- mentsas not untieipaii'd.— .May 21. Miners, .Silesia, riotiri|{aMd pil.a demolished. — .May 17. Miners, ."^pain, delofjation iVom (ierman strikers committeo visiting all the chief towns in ."^pain. — May 2!). Millers, Westphalia, eneounter near linicket lietween the troops and strikers, H miners killeil. several wounded. — May 10. Millers, Westphalia, Ilerr Weber, president of liockiiiu strike com- mittee, arrested for makiiii? an inlhimatory speech, — May,2.|. Miners, West|dialia pitmen resume work —May 31. Minors, Y'orkshiremioers threaten lo strike unless employers concede an advance in wages. — .May 13. Oninihus drivers, Kome. Italy. — .May 27. Peasants, Milan, conllict hctwcen strikers and military, one peasant killed and eight injured.— May 20. Plasterers laborers, 'I'onuito, demand an increase of two ami a half cents an hour, and go out on strike. — .May IH. Railroad Coal -Miners, I'iltsbnrg district, coiniironiised. —May M. Shipidng employees, Allan and Anchor lines yield lo demand of strikers. — .May U. Street Car Drivers, Prague, Company yields to demand of employees. —May 10. Shipping liremeu. Liverpool Steamer •' City of Chicago " detiiiiied in consecpience.- .May K. Steel Workers, Alleghany, Va., works carried on by non-union men, number of rails turned out. — .May U. Street Car drivers, St. Paul, .Minn., men agree to go back to work on reduced wages.- May 3. Tramcar employees, Pra<,'uc, company fined by municipal authorities X1,000 for cessation of traffic caused by the strike. — May 27. Tramway drivers, Prague, lines at a standstill. — Hay 21. Women employed in rice liehls. nt .Medinna, Italy, bakers shops pillaged, troops called out.— .May 2 1. Suez Canal, direciors recommend annual dividend tor 1880 of 38 per cent.— .May 22. (Sugar Bounties and United States, government discussion in Uritisli House of Commons.— Hay 10. Sugar Merchants, Trieste, conference of Austria and Hungarian mercdiants, adopted urging (iovernnieut to withdraw from Loniloii sugar bounties convention. — .May I'l. SUICIDE.— Dallas, Te.x., Rice Mrs., kills herself with siryelinine.— May 3 Ottawa, Sherwood .Mr. Edward, e.\-deputy sherilV of the county of Carl ton, shoots himself.— .May 11. lialtimorc, Schorr Rev. II. (i., assistant rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, shoots himself.— .May 27. St. Vmcent de Paul, P.Q., Louis Lahaise, a convict, hangs hiiMself.- May -t. Sinvarrow Islands, commander of Itriiish cruiser •' Rapid " hoists Rritish flag over.— .May M. Sumatra, war renewed between thi' Dutch ami .Malays, natives attack the port of Atclien, but are repulsed with loss of lijo killed. — .May l.i. Swiss confederation, e.veculivej council of Heme forbids exhibitions of hypnotism.— .May 20. Switzerland, Uermim Booksellers, arrested at Zurich, against whom false information bad been given by Socialists.— .May 31. Switzerland, Spiessback, land slide destroying villages, forests and cattle. —May 1.'). Switzerland, Bundesrath order expulsion of Russian suspected of making bombs in Zurich. — .May 7. Tea, V. S. Consul Crowell at Amoi. China, reports as to tea from Amo Oolong.— May 7. TELEGRAPHS.— Canadian Pacific Railway u. Western Tnion Telegraph Company, argument heard before Supreme Court at Ottawa.— May 8. Halifax, Bermuda cable, copy of contract presented in British House of C'ommons.— May 7. Halifa-x, liermuda, cable contract for, approved by British House of Commons. — May 10. TELEORAPII,'^.— Coii/iHKf,/, Halifax, liermuda Cable Co., issuing X120,000 sterling 4 per ctnt. debentures.— May 2H. New York, Western Union ami Postal Telegraph Companies, order issueil reducing long distance rates, and sliglitly advancing short distance rates —.May 3. Tennyson Lord, starts on cruise in Lord Brassev's yacht "Sunbeam."— May 23. THEATRICAL.— Easlon, Pa., Lotta has a fall on the stage of the Opera House.— May 3. Jersey City, Academy of .Music catches lire.- .May 11. LcMidun, Eng., Opera Comique, Massauet's new opera " Esclamonde" pidiliieeil. — .May 10. .Now Vork, Kaiiny Davenport niarrried to Melbourne .McDowell, lead- ing man in her dramatic company. — .May I'.l. Toronto, Edwaril Stowe of .Vew Hrleans, one of the members of I laverley-Clevelauil minstrel troupe, playing at "The Grand," shoots at (/'leveiand, the manager. — .May 2-1. Watson .Mra. Charles T., death of, in .Vew Vork.— May 4. Worcester, Mass., Theatre destroyed by lire. — .May IG. Tolstoi Count, Russian Mini-sterof the Interior, death of.— .May 7. Toronto Hoard of Grain examiners and Arbitrators, Order in Council passed limiting powers of. — .May 2!). Toronto University, Senate meeting of and conferment of ilonoarry degrees. -May :'7. Trance, Boston, Palton.Miss Kate, taken for dead, and preparations being made for funeral— .May 21. TRUSTS.— Copper, failure of the conference despatch from Paris to B.iston J/rr'ihl.—iUiy 4. Flour, English Syndicate attempting to purchase great Hour mills o America. — .May 22. .Meal, American .Meat Ciunpany, and .\merica cattle trust, make con. tract, hv which the former will handle entire produce of cattle trust —May 18. Omaha, Chicago live stock pool breaks.- .May 7. Turkey, .Vrnienian Village attacked by Kurdish (Jhief, promiaent men seized and burned to death with petroleum, ilespatch dated.- .May 0. Turkey, .Montenegrin frontier, Christians reported to bo massacred by Turks. -May 17. Turkey. .Sultan sends envoy to Berlin to thank Kniperor William fcr his aupi'Ort of Turkey's Eastern jiolicy.— May II. Universal Peace Union, -New York, twenty-third anniversary opened. — May 13. U.VITED STATES.— .Senate Committee on trade relations with Canada leave Chicago for San Francisco. — .May 2. Senate Comnnssion on trade relations with Canada arrives at Los Angelos, ('al. — .May 14. Senate Committee on Canadian relations commences investigation at Tttcotna, W.'f . — May 2."i. .Senate committee on Canad.i arrive at Victoria, B.C. — .May 27. Senate Committee on Canada arrive at Seattle, W. T., and hold session — May 23. University Federation, Toronto, an injunction served to restrain the Federation of Victoria Colh-ge to Ttu'onto University. — .May 2. Victoria University, senate ofj meets at (.^oburg, and considers federation with Toronto University. — .May II. Vo.cauic eruption, Oshima island, half the houses destroyed.— April 13, reported May 29. Vondooism, Louisiana, arrest of white and negro men and women.— .May 29. Waisaw, .V.C, struck by Cyclone, considerable damage dene.— .May 2. Watson Mrs. Charles T., reader and actress, death of, in Nev York. — May 4. West Heaver Silver Mining (.'ompany, share list opens in Lon.'.on, Eng.— May 0. White Caps, .Mount Auburn, la.. Farmer's barn burned down, several per- sons fatally injured. — May 3o. WImaii Mr. Erastus, speaks on Commercial Union at Harmony Hall, Ottawa.- May 4. Wiman Erastus, the Dominion Statistician at Ottawa answers some of Mr. Wiman's statements.— Miiy 7. Window Glass Workers Association issues order that all foreign glass workers coming from the United States be blacklisted. — .May 10. Winnipeg, .McMillan Col., appointed to succeed Treasurer Jones. — May fi. Wurtetnliurg King of, insists upon return of Baron Savage, bis American adviser.— .May 3. i 12 THE INHEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. • 1^ Wuttemburg, Kmporor William writes to King Cbnrltiii, Rjvisliig him no' to permit tb« return of Baron 8nTBgi>, lila American TaToritp.— May 15. WRECKS. Astoria, Hrpgoii, alcnnisliiii " Aliiskii" bound to San Francisco from ruRPt Hound —l{('|.i)rtiil May HI, Cape Lookout, N C, Itritish stenmsliip " Abcrlady" strands near, crew shvimI— May 13. (loodwin .Snuds, llrilish slennipr " (iorninn Km|ipror," from London for Hilboii, mil into the Urili.ili slpiiincr " IkTi'sfonl " from Ilnrtlpy- |)Ool fur liomliiiy. thirty |icrHnu-i drowufd.— May 20. Lake Ontario, three barges laden with lumber, ualiorc at I'oint Peter light.— .May 2H. Lake ( inlario, " liiivaria" ashore at Uallos Islands all lives supposed to bo lost. — .Miiy 'J'.l. Magdalen Islands, Butch whaler broken Into pieces bv storm. — May i;i. .Montreal, steamer "Cynthia" sunk by steamer "Polynesian" oil' Longue Pointe, 8 lives lost.— May 22. WRKCKS.—ronliniinl. Neirai in .South Pacilic,;ilritisli ship " A ttmore'' from Sydney to Sao Frani'iai'o.- Koporlcd .May LI. .Vewfduudland, two Frcucli li.sliinK vessels, the " Elia" and " Ijuatre Fri'rM," lost with Hi"! nicu.— Kcporlud May 21. I'bilon, St. Croix Hay, Quibee, .sti'um.^hip " Kscalona," from .Mediter- ranean piu'18, goes ashore,— May 2o. Hue/. Canal, llritisli steamer " .Vyaul/.a" from Cardilfsunk by lirltbh sliamer "Curfew," from .Swansea —May 23. Wriglit William, LL.D., professor of Arabic In UnWersily of Cambridge death of— May 23. Young .Men's Christian Association, Urange, N.J., annual conference at.— May 2, Young .Men's Christiau A.tsooiation, Philadelphia, 28th international convention opens. — .May 8. Zetland, Garl of, appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.— May 29. /■ *»•'»»•»-•*■•*-*»■'»-■*» WHEN YOU* ARE* READY 'I'o order .iny more B 1 3Sr ID I IST O- PLEASE CALL UP TELEFHOITEl ■■'■■ 230 Or Kiul a Postal Card to JOHNLOVELL&SON, \ 23&25St.NicyasSt.Jontreal \ PlO if 1-^ \, ii Pen Drawins & lap E THE immx OF THE (^uiirent events. 13 h o o a CO o o o o w le oe AtipHjini.i, ec Alili-Jlip.l.W AKps.m.i, OS .Ciip.inms ttsal'|3^'|g::sg5;g|' g5g| \ j^ag^sI^Hgsn 'agg a'wi'I.IjI €8 ' Xii|M.ini|,|, .<1I|.<.>U|MA\ IE A'ljpuni.T, OB A"\r|moiv; 81 Ai;|uiniis AK PS.II1I|J, Ai.'p«,.iipo.v\ »j Xiiptionx ei Xwpuniv , II 01 .««p|.l..I O I A'i!p!).iimx 8 A'ltpS.Hip.l^V i . "f ^■i *i lic CI t" !• O M I'' ti *I iXi Cl t ^ p- tA o « ■!• M ; I- -. 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CI fo X t- CO '-c o C1I- t- : ; -f : : *r -t "J t o -j i- ct — *r x w O -^ o O ; ri CI = ; .-H o -o X i'- Oi CI w o c> ; ; -t* ; ; 'T fO ."O -r Oi ci o ci c — ■ ci x ?i r; ci I - X X X : I : CI I" : co «p so c-i t- 1- ■C — . in Cj CO ro M : ; ; O co ; r- Ci w 'O O = : -«*« ; 2" '" ; t" : ci ■> ; c: .*o X -i X X CD o M CO X t- CO w t~ ci r- . : : co -f f ..o 1 1- m m t- -.d n — i.o x co . .- -. ^ — .. -. . , — .^ n« ._-.». -^ « . . ; -r M cj -r « ri -r Ci CI (O ci -o — c^ X ' f-« to cj M CO ca o 1- ^ o '.D X I- c; e-i *.D o '^t-.S-*! • : : :t X t X X CD : : « x r- ci r£ »n ci t- i- : : co •*< : co .-o cd ..^ m cb -J ci -h o x cd ; : lo c: ; ro CI o : ; o *» x t- oi ci '.d o o ; ; ■^ co : v co co ■»}« ci ci cd m cd « o oo ■''??***'** »?-»MHO : c; .■■"i oi I- X ci CD o cj CO o I-- ^; o o ^ r- I; : : co ^ o co oo cd m i.o t-- --d ci — i- x cd — CD X t- Ol Cl -.D O O : : ^ ."O « ^ CO CO ^ Ol ?1 CD CI tD -< CI X - in ji CO CO CI o I oc -r. r: ci'i- X c. %b — ci'co cj t ci i m — •!- i- I : .-o fo "j* co .-o cd'o "^'cd --d -- c;"in oTcd -hocd :i-c-. ricD-o : :-i'coci»rcofO'rasc»cDC)3>-5ciao CD — • O Cl C'l CO CI O t- - 14 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. .4 I I ALBEMARLE HOTEL. ki'hoi'kan i'lan, Broadway, Fifth-ave. & 24th-8t., New York. (JIAKlSdN MlM'AHK.l JANVRIN & \A^ALTER, Proprietors. HOTEL KAATERSKILL, Catsklll Mountains, New York, Lkrgeitnml Finest .Mouutuln llolol In Ihu nurM. Ii'uvoiui'iilM niid ".ililitlniml utlniclluiiH. U. ,>t. A. W K. IIII.nilKTtI, I'riipH ASTOR HOUSE, Broadway, New York. On tlir Kiiro|H>nn I'Inii. | Kooiiim ^I.(K> mid I'pwanlN. Tim nccoiniiHHljiti.iim of fli.-' Astol' will ho f.mnil (iryl-clims In every respect Klevator runiuni; nlnUl mid day. F, T. KKITII, Maimger. F. J, AI.LKN, rriiprlelor. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, KDWVItM M, KOTII, OINOINNATI, OHIO. Oil iho Kuropeuii |i[an. J^nuikiliiii mul himvIco inmuriiitHod. Every modarn ln)|iroveiiieiil. Kouniit, f 1 00 por iliiy iirul iipwunU. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 0|t|MINlltt I<|-HI1«I <'lMltnil I>cit<>(. NEW YORK. Six liuDilred ritoiiiBHt 91 a diiv juhI upuiirds. lle^tuiiratitKai muderato prloei Uaooauk to and riuiM lliiANiii'KNraii, I>ki'ut Kill:!:. W. I>. t:'<, »M per nay. Al.lli:itT MANWKM., I'roprli'loi . i( THE BATES INLIANAFOUS, IND. » Rates, 82.50 to ?,").uo per day. I.OI'IN KKIItOI.I), Proprlelor. PARKER HOUSE BOSTON. K. T. OSIiOKN, MniiHger FOREST CITY HOUSE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. He»l locullim 111 the city, iind the only hoti'l fioniliio "n Ihe park. Nearest to publie hnildinus, opcr.'i hoilbe, ehnrfheM, etc. street ears puss tile house to all parts of the (.dly, suhiirhs lliid depot.s. Kates, .^I'.-'si and Jlil per day. TKUKII.I. .V INtiKRSOI.I,, I'mprletom. Eiiroprnii Plan. !10() Kooiiis. l!(l.(M» anil rinvard.s per day. L'afe of unsurpassed excel leiiee. Private dining rooms for dinner parl'ee. G, O. ri'NC'UARO Si CO,, Proprletorn. FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL, Madison Square, New York. The largest, hesi appoinlrd and newt liheially miinat'ed hotel in the elty with Ihe most deliijhtful and eenlriil loi-a,ioii. Condueted liy IIITCIICIMJK li.Mtl.lNG & opens .liiiie ^.'itli, ClIARLKS A. O.VKKS, New York Olllee, 14,", Hroailua.v, Room 39. The Index of Current Events U published by Henry Dalby, at 190a >fotre Uamo Street, .Montreal. Tho Pnm rEL, Iverjr modern TEL, )dorato priest N, Mnimgnr. •k. ops, £_■ I3t nod mill rotlttotl UN, Mnimger THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 16 USE piirk. Nearest HH tlu' houHO to i-itay. ,, Proprtetorit. >TEL, )lul in tho rlty, iirnjuiiMjK, TEL~ ihe West. Itot'atloM in the L, l*i'oprl(^tor. lunndalioiis for TtB oui:)ino, I, rruprlDtor. TEL ly, Kooin 39. The Oldest and Largest Roller Casting Estab. Ilshmem In New England. , *_♦ ■gS 'TABIilsilBXJ 18BS • 1^® MANI'I-ACTI'RI'.RH ni' . rinters' r\ollers ciin-l I'Vollt'i- (£,oiti positions, Np. 148 CONGRESS STREE1 , BOSTON. WEBSTKR In various Styles of Binding, with and without Patent Index. TWO MILLION READERS Are A great many tu claim tor mu' jMiblkHtion, but il I* iindoiibtedlj true that Ha niiiny rtnil TNt YOUTH'I COMPANION wor; wi'ok It liiu n worM Willi' ri>|iiilntiiin, niiil iH.wiit nil uvrr llii* gU)\x' wliert' llii' KiikIiiiIi Ii«iik'>hR« In 9|iiikcii iir rt'Ail. Tli« ri'Aiun Inr Uk \nrgv ciriMilnlioii Ik I'uiiikI In III exceptinimbli* vaIiip, It \» nAviny* n\U', ])uro, viitcrtAiiiiiig nnil liiittiictlrr. Its InHiiciicu upon growing boyH Anil k'tI' (^Ar liArilly ha omTVitimAleil It la remi'nibrrfil Bircctloimtoly by lln'lr ;mront8 who rrnil It ii gi'npratlon Ago. Till! Subacription prlre of Tin (Jomi'anion ia $1.7,'i ii yciu. iiicl'i'ing the four liullilAy nunibora, lor (,'lirialniAK, Now Vi'Ar's,BA8t(M', HO'lTlmnKagiving ■II tliu lllustrHti'il Wi'i-kly Supplrmonta, Anil tlio Annual i'ri'mium Mat with 500 llluatrAtioni. AUdreaa, Tin YuUTH'a Compamon, lloatoD, MAaa. Tho LntPst Kdltioii Ims IIH.OOO WorrtH, nml :<,000 En irravilig8,--300() inorrWonls nml iicnrly 2(100 iiinrt' KiiKriiviiiKN iliiiii fiiiiiiil ill niiy olIiiT Aiiiprican Diuliuimry. It hIho contiiioH a Itioi^rupllloal lllotlonnry, Hiving 'irit'l' lactH cunceriiinn ncurly 10,000 >'«1('EIK; FILE. The Koch Patent File, for piosorviiig nowspapers, Miigaziuea, and pAmphleta, has been recently improved and price reduced. Hubacrlbera to the St'iKNTiKic Amkrica.v and ijriiNTirii' Amirii'an Hiii'im.iiiiiint cAn bo aupplied for the low price of $I.SO by mAil, or $l.'i.'> at the oDice of this pAper. Heavy board aidea; inacri|ition ".SCIENTIKIO A.MERICAN" in gilt. NeceaaAry for every one who wisbea to preaerve the paper. Addreii MUNN & CO., PubliHherfl Scikntikiu Amkkican. THE SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE YOUTH'S COMPANION For the year, include Sl.\ HEIUAL STORIES, and ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY SHORT STORIES, fully illuatrated. ALSO TALES OF ADVENTURES, ILLISTUATKH SKE'H HES OF TRAVEL, HU.\IOROUS ARTICLES, SCIENTIFIC AND HI.STORICAL ARTICLE.S, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, One Thousand Anecdotes, timely Editoriala on the leading ipicationa of the day. and a whole page each week for tho little onea. THE coi ii'-A.iTionsr has won a place in the home life obtained by no other paper, and ia read every week in nearly Hall a Million familioa. With its Double Holiday Numbera at Thaukagiving, Chriatmas, .New Year's and Eaater, its Weekly Illuatrated Supplementa, its Hne paper and beautiful picturoa, no other weekly literary paper cAn Approach it in value. It ia really a $2.50 paper for only $1.75 a year. Every subscriber receives tlio Supplements and Double Holiday Numbers, and tho Annual Premium List with 500 Illustrations, Addre8.s, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION BOSTON, MASS. I IG THE TNDKX OF GURIIENT EVENTS. I 1: I A WHO SUBSCRIBE To THE " INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS " The "Indux of Current Events" is iiuu'h a]Ji)ivci:itr(l not only by the press of Caniulii and the United States; but also by the public men rnscribe to the iNur.x OF CuuKKXT EvENi's. We have the honor to include among our subscribers, Her Majesty's I'rivy (.'ouncil for Canada ; also, Sir dnhn Macdonald, G. C. 1!. I'remier of the Douunion, Sir Hector Langevm, Minister of Public Works, Sir A. I'. Caron, Miinster of Miliiia, the H(ju. (1. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, the Hi.m. Micken- zie Bowell, Minister of Customs, the Hon. .1. A. Cha]ileau, Secictary of State, tlw^ Hon. John (.'oslignn, Minister ot' Inland Keveinie, the Hon. .John Haggarl, I'ostuiaster, ( ieneral, the Hon, •loliii t'arling, Minister of Agricidture, the, Hon, C, H. Tnpper, ^Minister of Marine and Fisheries, tho Hon. Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization Quebec, the Hon. Bonclier de I.a Bruere, late speaker of the Legislative I 'ontieil, Queliec, thi: IIuu.\iteiiant Covernor Koyal, Mr. Erastus Winiaii, the Ibiu. Miiii:.ter of Public Works, Toronto. The Librarian of Parliament, the House of (.'omPMiiis Reading Uooni and the Librarians of numy of the Provinces of the Donunion and States of tlu^ I'nion subscribe to the Indr.r. Among the well known publi(' librarians who stibscribe _are, Mr. .1. C. Hurlbul, Librarian of the -American (leograi)hica! S()ci(^ty, Xew- York, Mr. AV. A. Bardwell, Lilnnrian of the P>rooklyn Li- brary, Mr. W. H Brett, librarian »! the Cleveland Public Library, Mr. F. P. Jordan, Librarian of the Public Schonl Library, Battle Creek, Mi^ higan, Mr. W. T Peoples, Li brarian of the Mercantile Library, New York, Mr. Robert E. Ricli, Librarian of the Public Libiary, Portsmouth, N. H., Mr. J, P. Dunn, Lilirari; d'the Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Mr. 1". \V. Vaiighiin, Librarian of the Social Law Lilirary, Pioston, tht^ Librarian of the Philadelphia Li- brary, the Librarian of the Providence Public Library, the Librarian of the Free Publii' Library, San Francisco, Mr. John M, Doaue, State Librarian of Ohio, Mr. William H. I'^.gle, State Librarian of Pennsylvania, Mr. "M. Cham- berlain, Litirarianof the. Boston Public Libraiy, and Mr. A. W. Wlielplay, Librarian of the Cincinnati Piddic Library. The leading banki'rs (including the Baidv of Montreal), brokers, lawyers and Imtel keepers of Canada, and man}' clergymi'u also kee]i the lixicr on (ile. What is thought of the hidc.v may be gathered from the numerous entirely unsolicited exyiressions of approval sent in by Well known jiulilii' men, of which the following are si)ecnncns : .MK, M.MITI.N ,1, (ilUFFIN, I.IIlUAlll.XN (IF ^AR1,IAMK^T, Oltnwn, wlilPfl. I iiiii ^piulin}; you a subsi'i-iplion for two copies of your '* Iiiflt'j-,^' wliioli will III- most tiftt'i'ul ;iiul which .it','»ervt'H .'iicoui-llgouicnt. If yoli will take p.trti- ciilar pains to jiivo thi' »lato;< ami )it;ur.'.»» of eloctious ami the ilatos of »pccohi-a of public moil, Willi rcftM-ciico also In iho ph'icc at which tlio spcch was (Iclivcred, y.ui will .1.) a very grateful iliiug for public peoph- aiul editors, and I may add librarians. Ml;, .loiiN M. OoANK. SrAiK l.iituAuiANof Ohio, writes :— Enclosed please find Bix dollars, in payn" t for State Library subscription to the " hidi'x of Curicnl lOvcuts " for ISSll I re^'anl it a.s a very valuable publicnti\'S.) .l.llRNAI ." wiHcs :— " I Hud the ht'tict's of great value, saving, as thoy do, much valuable time in looking np importaiil evcni.s." Mil, Wii.i. A. Woinn-Ai:i>, Ui',. , Si:c, .Maki, Piii;»s Associathi.v, writes; F:nclo.icd p|c;(se tlod subscription ftr (Uie ye-ir *'or ' nniex of Cn.-.'eut Kvents." I have I xaoiined eie sp.'ctncM s."lt me with much interest ami do nol hesitate to conilCfui it as an i'lvauudile ah^lslant in the newp;e»^r oHice. The amonnt of time and labor it is calcu'al^d to save, ciinnot Ic c( ni'ieuiiatcd by one liundrcd limes iis BUbicriplion rale CoipiiiiMiLiii}; witli Vol, I' No, 1 111!' .l;iit'« f;voii in llie Index an' ■ Ik' iic:ii; '. 'liiioH of till' occii 'e'loo.. J no, us fo'iiicrly t!io ilulcs of |lllillicil''o'', Tlic Indcr isiiiil)li,slK'il four liniciii inoiitli ; lull I '.Mm aconiplete file lor tl'" year it i.s iicci'ssnry to prenerve only llic first iHmic in eai'li nil. ..til Tlie i .1 niii'ilinti' ifsiic.s contnin tlio lu'w.s of (lie oiirrcnt iiioiilli to ilate. The subscription isJO perautnun, payab'j yearly or half yearly in advance. Uemittiuioi's should be mad.' >' HENRY DALBY, P. 0. Wos. %i'i, Montreal, <^eu. I Htiite Libnuy, I of till! Social iiliul(!l[)liia Li- c Lihrary, tlic Kninciseo, Mr. [r. Will ill 111 II. Ir. M. Cliiiiu- ry, iiiiil Mr. A. 'ul)lic].il>rary. (if Montreal). Ja, and many lored from tlio ap})roval sent ' fulluwiii'' are IT, OttnwK, writd". r •' //If/rj-. '' whicll rim will tiikf p.irti- lalosof spocdu'S of .'t'cll U!IS llc)iV(M-.Ml, ors, ami I may add : — Knolosed ploaao lo the "Index of S'ou iii.iy mool with ort' vnlimbio evi>ry i^jriuutiUo yomnoHt iuliiiKllic" luilex" poll your su.'coas i\ iiyown heart. .My 111) .18 thoroughly I'AN.tDA.writi'a:— ill lie valuable for lA I'ublir t.rilger rolt lian loi));bopii — " Allow m« (() 'J'ho idea nud wrltoB:— "Itliid timt in looking up rlAT'ii.v, writen: <:n--.-ciit Kvelilp." ill iiMt lie«ii;i;e to c Tlie amount of d by one hundred tlio Index mo l.v t!ic (luton of onii ftcomplote iamie in onrfciit niiitilli or imlf yearly UREAL, Qeu, THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Vol. II. No. 24. MONTIIEAL, JULY G, 188!). $(!.ll(l I'KII Anni'M. Pi'lll.lNIIKIi WkKKI.V. J II MO. Aliyssinia, .MHssiiwnli. Itnliaiifi Aliyisiniiin cliief, ilisiimi 1,01)0 o lilti lullowcis, anil o^cii|i} Iviieii uUliuul rcsislaiiee, (lespatt'li re- ceived — Jui.e u, Aliysjiinia, .Missionary loiters In the Anti-Slavory Siirioty, in l. Fires, forest. .Minnesota, iminen-e aiuounl of damage. — .liine l.'l. Fire, (iiinnell. Iowa, big lire at. burning gieat part of town.- Juno 13. Fires, forest. Wasbiiigton Territory, doing niiicli diiniage in. -.Iiine 17 Fires, Idaho .Minos, Grass Valley, Cal., Fra:ik ('arter, jun., killed. — .liine 3. Fire, Johnstown, I'a., twenty destroyed in lirsl ward. — Juno 24. Fires, London. (Int., narrow oscajie from destruction, owing to cross- ing of' eieetiic iigfit and lelegiapli wiles. — Juno .'^. Fires, (Itrnburg, cotton mill dostroyeil, several woiknion killed, — June 0. File-, Oldham. Springlield co'lon mills burned. — June 27. Fires, Paris, France, llie Vieiix Cheiie in the line DWiihoiirg, the largest fiirnitiiri' store in Kiiro|io, deslroyoil. — .liiiie 21. Fires, Seattle, W. T., business ]iart of town destroyeu. — June li. Fires, Stevi-n>!ioinl, Wis., St. J. lines' Hotel burned. The clerk, ('has. Oalball, and two o" the girls, .Maggie Ueilly and .Nettie, missing. — J line ,1. Fire, Vancouver, W T., four blocks in business portion of town, an old Catholic church and the gaol destroyed. — .Iiiiie 22. Floods, Allen County, Kansas, great dainago. — ,liine \H. Floods, Clinton, l'|ipor Ked Kiver, Ark., Mrs. Emerson and seven children drowned.— June 15. Floods, Franco, Uar-lo-r>uc, rivers overllow. many bouses undermined and destroyed. — June 21. Flood, Uniontown, Kansas, and llelletown Hooded by bursting of dam several lives lost. — .luiie !'!. Floods, Walnut, Kansas, groat damage caused by, Mrs. (iraliam and babe drowned. — June 15. Iliirricano, Germany, lleiclieiibach, great loss of life and property. — June 5. Hurricane, Hong Kong, causes loss of 10,it00 lives and groat dainago lo iiroperly. — June 4. Lightning, Cincinnati, two sons of Lowe Emerson, cirriage killed by ligiitniiig.— June 14. Litrhliiiiig, Silesia, live persons in procession killed by. — June 17. Mining, berry Hill coal mine at llaiiley, Kngland, caves in, hundred millers entombed. — .luiie 3. Mining, Newcastle, N.S.W., seventy miners ontombod in a pit, all rescued bin two.— June 22. Milling, Wilkosliarre, I'a., Hollenback and llellman vein mines cave in.— June 12. Hallway, ll.imilton, (Int., iiupiest into cause of accident at Junetioti cut, im 2Hlli April, coiioluded. — ,Iiine In. Ilailway, Ireland, train cniilainiiig .Methodist Sunday School wrecked near Arniagli, 7o persons killed. — June 12. Railway, .Vriiiagh, Ir.dan 1, verdict of manslangh tor brought in against live railway employees. -Juie' i\. Railway, ,\rniiigh, Ireland, railway employees chargeil with causing disaster commitleil for trial.— June 21. Railway, Itatavia, Ohio, passenger train from Fortsinoiith to ''inoin- niiti, on l.'iucinnati, (ieorgi'lown and I'ortsmonlli Railway, goes down with tresile, fourteen persons injured, some falallv- Juno 2H, Crooked liayon, Ark., train on St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Rail. road strikes a cow, .S. C. Siatlbrd, express iig. nt, killed, and others injured. — June 20. Ili'.ilwiiy, Latmbe, i'a , triple collision of freight trains on I'ennsyl- vaiiia Ibiilroiid, torty cars wrecked, seven persons killed. — Juno 2li. Railway, .New ('u.ntierlaud .liiiictic ", I'a., second section of mail train .No. 7, bound west on I'auhandlo rai'road wrecked, two killed, eigh' injured. —June 19. I ^1 THE INDEX OF CUERENT EVENTS. h 11 i •ji i AOCIDHNTS-Condniie,/. JfiiilHriiy, New lliivcn, Conn., limilrd exprrss wliicli left Boston iil 1) a.m. vift Hoslon and Albany road ditched tlirougli spreading rail three ijcr^iims killed, sevei'al wuuiuled. — June 29. 1! ftilwiij'i I'rate Mines, Ala., train on rcmd of Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railway Company strikes a cow and is htirled down etnbiinknient, Waller liearliy and Henry MeAuliiy, carpenters, killed, olherf .n- jured.— June 18. liailway, PittsliurR, Cincinnati and St. I.oiiis Ry., gravel train collides with passenger train, killiiij; Cluis. Roilgers, and lalally wounding Wni. lirown. engineer. — June II. IJailwiiy, Siifar Notch, I'a., Westbound train on Lehigh Valley Road wrecked througlj, liteuking a.xle, 10 jiassengers seriously injured. — June 10. Shippinp, Quebec, small sleniner sunk liy the " .Montreal," Miss Emily Wheeler drowned.— Jun" ii. AFRICA.— Gerni--is proclaim active hostilities against Insurgents, north of 'laganiozo. — June I, So h Comniissiunership, Sir Hercules Robinson definitely retires from. — June .'I. South, Cuvernorship, Sir Henry Loch ap]ioiuted to hold with high coninii^siotiershtp. — June 24. Kirn district, Italiuii troops occupy, nnuoiinoeraent made by Premier Cris]ii in Italian Cliamber of deimties.— June 6. Kast African Company recalls their agent.— June 12. Easl, Pangain advices from, received at Zan/iiiar that Arabrf have re- jected Capt. Wissmann's terms and that attack is imminent. — June 22. Agrarian congr^'Ss opens at Paris, France. — June 10. Albany, Mo., cyclone, H. P. Williams, Syear old child of, and Mrs. Crispin, killed.— June 21. Algoma, diocese of. Parry Sound, Ont., meeting of Diocesan Council.— June U. Alien contract law, European professors for new Catholic University, Geo Ilepburne, solicitor of U.S. Treasury, is of opinion proposed engage- ment would be violation of the law.— June 4. Alien contract labor law, Washington. Secretary to the Treasury replies to Secretary of State, on representation of liritish Minister, that law must be enforced.— June 18. Alien, Contract labor law, Thousand Islands, .Mr. Taylor, M,P., imerviewed at Ottawa on feeling aroused — June 21. Allen County, Kansas, Hoods cause great dannige. — June 18. Amalgamated association of iron an J steel workers at Pittshurg, commu- nication received from Homestead Steel Woiks, employees objecting to Carnegie's scale.— JutiC 12. American Kxecutive Co., Chicago, license of incorporation issued to eje- cute jiersons sentenced to death. — June 10. American Home Missions, Saratoga, N.V. The C'rd atuiual meeting opens. — June 5. American Medical Association, Newport, R I., fortieth meeting, opening of. — June 25. American Seed Trade A.ssociatiim, annual convention at Washington. — June 12. Anarchism, Switzerland, Itiisaia, (Jennany and .Austria send identical note to Swiss Government, ailvising it to deal more severely with anar- chists and socialists. — June 13. Anarchists, Gerninn, Uerlin, Dr. Adler and llerr liiets-chneider, editors of O'lfichhrit, fined. — June 27. Aosta Duchess, gives birth to a sou at Koine. — June 22. Arkansas City, .\rk., cyclone diniolishes churclies and residences, and kills two persons, and itijures others.— Juie 8. Armenia, Kurds continue atrocities in. — June .'». Armenia, Turkish atrocities in, Lord S.disbury in House of Lords repudiates all re8|>unsibility for.— June 28. Arthur, late Pre>idenl, Chester A., inoninnent to, in cemetery, at Albany, N.V., ;:nveiled.— Juia' l.'i. Ashnry Park, N.J., renewal of race war.- June 27. Aslron(uny, Lyn, .Mass., Mitchell .Miss .Maria, noted astronomer, death of, at L.\ n, Mass.— June 'M. Austin, Tex., in an at.empt to arrest a while man by cidored constable (our white men and two negioes killed, and a dozen fatally injured — June 14. AUSTRIA.— Government suppresses Socialist paper G!ficlilieil.—J»De 21. Kladus, riots by striking miners, maty buildings wrecked and housej fired.— June 22. Vienna, delegations received by Emperor Francis Joseph who ad- dresses theui and prays for the peace of Europe. — June 2.3. Second strategic railroad from Haven to .Miskoleg, Austria, commenced. — June 24. Austrian Delegations, Count Kalnoky makes speech to show peace of Euro| e not endangered.— June 25. Balfour 'Ir., in speech at I'ortsmonth, deals with Irish Land question. — 0. Balfour Mr., at a banquet given by Constitutional Union, denounces appli- cation of Federal principle to British emi»ire — June 19. Bank, (/'aspian Bank, with ca|iital of 5,000,000 roubles, established a Mciseow. — June 12. Bank, Clay County, Cas., bank assigns. — June 10. Banks, .Mirclianis Bank of Canada, annual statement of, issued. — June U, Banks, .Montref 1 Bank of, annual meeting of, at .Montreal. — June 3. Banks, (Quebec itauk, anninil meeting of, at Quebi'C. — June 3. Bunks, Toronto, Central liard< liquidation case, amount of remuneration to liquidators decided by Master in ordinary. — June 2o. Bankruptcy, London, Fug., Mandeville Vi.-count, proceedings in Court, payment deferred until after Duke of Manchester's death, — Juuo 27. Baptists, Toronto, district Banlist Association, session of. — June 21. Baptist Church Eastern Association, Shcrbrooke, k'.Q., annual convention —June 13. Baptist German, Harrisonburg, Va., convention at. — June 12. Baxter A. E., of .Vew York, appointed U.S. marshall for northern district of New York —June 12. Bavaria, disastrous Hoods in.— June fi. Beecher Rev. Willi.ini Henry, death of, at Chicago. — June 23. Behring Sea, Unitetl States revenue cutters ordered to seize all vessels engaged in illicit killing of seals ride New York llerall. — June 17. Behring Sea, Secretary Blaine and Sir Julian Pauncefote hold conference at Washington on controversy. — June 25. Belgium, Chamber of Deputies, .M . Jansen accuses the ministry of inciting agents to provoke disorder at .Mons.--June 13. Births, Aosta Duchess of, at Rome. — Juno 22. Bishop Washington Irving, New York, grand jury finds indictmen:^ against. Doctors Irwin, Ferguson and Hance perform autopsy. — . uue 10. Bosina, fighting between Turks and insurgents at Novi-Bazar, — June 10. Bosnia and Herzegovina, revolutionary manifet.t'j distributed, throughout warning the people that Austria moving to annex them.— Jinie 11). Boulanger, Laguerre Deputy makes a sjieech at St. Andrew's Hall, Lon- don, Eng., to arrange lor banquet on July 14, utmost disorder pre- vails. — June 2G. Brazil, liberal mini.«lry formel in. — June 10. Braail, telegraph cable from Brazil to United States, government declares I ciuicession granted to Henry Cntnmins lapsed.— Jniu' 10. Breweries, .Vewark, .\.J. The English Brewing Syndicate secures control j of the llatlautiru! brewery. — June 5. Breweries, .Newark, .\.J., Frank J. Kastntr's brewery sold to synilicate.— I June 14. ! Brewery, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Vassar Brewery sold to English Syndicate I — June 23. Brotherhood of United labor, (Chicago, meeting of organising committee, I plan "f goveruinent decided upon. — June 15. Brotherhood of engineers, charter of division 97 at St. Louis suspended by ' chief eegiueer Arthur. — June 8. Brown Levi W., ot Ohio, appointed U.S. consul general at Glasgow.— June 15. Bruno, statue of, unveiled at Itonie, with imposing ceremoui( • -June 9. Bucket sho|i3 bill, Albany, N'.V., Governor Hill signs. — June i.. Bucket slnqis. New York, suspend opcralicuis.- Jniu' 12. ; Camliria City, Pa , three members of Fourteenth regunont arrested charged with insulting wonu-n. — June 17. Cameron Gen. .,imon, dies at Lancaster, Pa.— June 20. CainidM company, meeting of, at Loinlon, Eng.— Juno 28. Canada, United Slates S'liale connnillee on relations with, St. .'mil '. .Minn , witiies-es examined at.— June 10. Canada, United .Slates Senate committi'c on rele,' .,a with, St. Paul, Minn., .Seuolur Hoar, tbairmiin of the committee, interviewed.— I June 10. i THE INDEX or CURRENT EVENTS. ■Ifiehlieit.—Jttae 21. ri'uckc'd anil liuiiaral ;i8 Joseph who ad- — June 1!3, i\udtria,cuuinienccd. > to show pence of I 1 Land qiiestion.- ^n, denoiincea appli- 1 (line 19. ibli's, eetablislied n I )f, issued. — June II, l'hI. — Junes. June 3. I of remuneration to e 20. wedings in Court, iter's death,— Juuo cf.— June 21. , annual conrention ine 12. it iiorlliern district me 23. o seize all vessels //era/:/.— June 17. )te hold conference ministry of inciting finds indiclmen;^ j lerform autopsy.— Bazar —June 10. ibuti'd, througlioiit X them.— June I!), iiircw's Hall, Lon- disorder pre- verument declares luue 10. te secures control lid to syndicate.- uglisli .Syndicate ui/.ing committee, ouis suspended hjr al at Glasgow,— loiiit ■ -June i). June ».. eginieiit arres(fii w'itli, .St. .'iiiil Willi, ,St. I'niii, :e, interviewed.— Canada, United States Senate committee on trade relations, .Minneiipolis^ .Minn., se.asion held at,— June 11. Capetliilony, Sir Henry Lock accepts govcrnorsliip of. — June 22. (,'urbuiliU'r.i' Muster Association, Saratoga, annual convention opens. — June 25. ("asliniere Sir Lopol Griffin, proposes to colonize with Englishmen as ii bulwark to Indian Empire. — June 18. Cattle, amalgftmution of cattle and fresh meat interefils of the C. and Jose|ih Ka^inian Company, of New Vorl:, and Juhn bell and Sous Ld., of London and Liverpool elfected — June 10. Cecil Lord A. 1'., noted Evangelist, drowned at Ailolphustown, (Int.— June 12. Chicago, l)(iil;i AVnulays before Citizens .\s30ciation details of a plan to defraud the county out of more than aquaiter of a million dollars, iu taxe3.--June 11. CHINA. — Hong Kong, hiirrieane causes loss of 10,000 lives and great damage to properly. — June 4. Liichow Upper I'angtrye destroyed hy lire, 10,000 persons killed.— ■May 10, reported June 13. Cliiiiese exclusion, Solicitor Hepburn gives opinion to U.S. .Secretary of Treasury that nothing in thelinv to prohibit the landing of Chinese laborers merely to pass through the territory of United Stales in transit. — June 24. Cigar Trade, Naiioiial Assembly of, convenes at .Vew York. — June 11. Clan-na-Gael, Archbishop Feeliaii of Chicago given instructions by the I'ope to declare the Clan-na-Gael in opjiosilion to the Church. — June 23. Clan-na-Gael, Chicago, Camp 20 disbanded.— June 25. Clanna-Gael, Pope's condemnation of, attirmcd, Lon Ion Stait'tiinrs Home corresjiondent. — liine 28. Coal, anthracite, t^antnore, X.W.T., Dominion Government notified of dis- covery of, by .Mr. liinkerholl'.- June 20. Coal, iMonongahela coal operators decide to consolidate and form one gigantic coniiiany, — .lune 2H. Coal, New York, agents decide to advance prices five to fifteen cents a ton on July 15.— June 2G. Colby Gardner Ii., death of, on train, near Monmouth lieach, .S'.J.— June 20. Col'jmbiis, Ohio, Rep'.iblican State convention renominates J. 1!. Foraker for governor on second ballot. — June 26. Comet, liarnard I'mf. of Lick llhservatory, Cal., discovers faint new comet in Andromeda,— June 24. Congregational Union, llraiiifoid, Unt., opening of annual meeting. — June C. Connecticut Legislature, House defeats the bill giving women the right. to vote on (piestions pertaining to the sale of inlo,\icating liiiuors. — June 4. Connecticut Senate sustains governor's veto of secret ballot bill —June 13. Cunneclicut House concurs with .Senaie in the adoption of secret ballot bill.— June 21. Co-opirative Congress in session at Ipswich.— June 10. Co-operative (joiigress condiiniis the .Sugar coiiveiilion,— June 1 1, Corea, Dear Island in, occupied by Itiissia as a coaling and naval depOt,— June 23. Crops, Long Island, locusts doing much damage to crops.— June 10. Crete, Greek Government acting as peacemaker between warring factors — June 13. Crete, I'orte sends six Syrian battalions to.— June 14. Crete, lierlin A'/ykv / '»»,'/ says Emperor William has dissuaded the I'orle from ceding IJrele to Knglaiid, and has advised Sultan to cede the Island to Gieeee.— June IS). (;iete annexation of, danger to England discussed in Itritisli House of Lords.— June 24. CIUMH.— Absconders, I, oiii^eville, Mireaii L. II., reeve of the county and ex-mayor of ilie parish, — June 4, Absconders, linden, postmaster at Koeiiigslwek named Veniier ab- sconds with large sum to ,\ineriea, — June 2,'). Absconders. New York, Deltaiin Charles, defaulling cashier of National Hank, sentenced. -June 24. Ui'faullers, Kingston, Hums lb".'. R. T,, deputy posimaster, arrested for embez/.leiiient.- June 24. Defaulters, I'hiladelpliia, Wright George A., treasuier of Utder o( Toiiti, warrants lor his arrest issued,— June 28, CRWIE-Conliiiuf I, DefauUers, .Sail Coat,s, Man,, Urqiihurt, express agent, 13 charges brought against. Cominiileil lor trial.- June 25. DefauUers, Toronto, Harnett Holanil Gideou Israel, for ap|iropriating securities of Central Hank. — June 20. Defaulters, Winoipeg, ex-chiel McUobie goes to St. Paul, Minn , with Firemen'a fund. — June 13. Embezzlers, Kingston, Burns Rev. R. T., post office embezzler, sen- tenced.— Juno 2G. Embezzlers, Lawrence, Kansas, Woodruff Fraik L., late assistant postmaster, arrested for eniliezzlement.— June 15. Uobbery, Postal car on Intercolonial liy., between Shnbenacadie, N. .S., and Windsor Junction. — June 12. Scutlling, The '* (jjylfe" case, prisoners tn be leleased from prison next .May, despatch received at Uttawa from Colonial ollice. — June 4. Swindle, G(dd liriek. Sin Francisco, Coombs, S.C., victimised lor $8000 by two adventurers.— Juno 24. Crops, Hungary, wheat reported fail, and rye and barley better than in i8IS,S.— June 5. Cuba, in the Spanisli Cortes, Scnor Itecerra, .Minister of the Colomes, re- nlhrins that United Slates government has made no proposition for jiiireha-ie of. — June 21. Customs, Huiralo, Morgan W. J., editor of Buffalo Cumiii-rcial>,:rlisfr, appointed collector for district. — June 27. Customs, Canadian, Winnipeg, horses team of, brought by man named MeCowati across boundary line, seized. — June 24. Customs, (,'anada, spruce logs, order-in-council at (Jitawa, as to exemp- tion from export duty. — June 10. Customs, France, officers arrested for complicity in scheme to defraud tho Government. — June 4. Customs, Germany, Vosges department. Custom House officers and smug- glers, desperate affray, girls killed — June 5, Customs, Halifax, N,S,, schooner " Warrior," from Boston, seized for hav. ing on board one barrel of oil not on manifest.— June 18. Customs, North Sydney, Cli., French schooner "Deux Sa'urs" seized for smuggling liquor. — June 18. Customs, US,, Railway Freight Car Truck, Treasury department at Washington decides pair of trucks imported into .Morristown, N,V. , are subject to duty. — June 24. Cyclone, Arkansas City, Ark., cyclone demolishes churches and residences, and kills two persons and injures others. — June 8. Davis .Mr. Willia-n, well-known contractor, dies at Ottawa —June 10. DE.\THS.— Richaud .M., governor general of French Indo-Cliina.— June 5. Bakeraan .Mr,, eminent English engineer, wlio had charge of extensive works in Buenos A\res, — June 10. needier Kev. William lleuiy, at (Chicago. — June 23. Brompton .Mr. F., late general manager of Great rt'estern Railway, dioa at Eastwood, Out. — June 4. Cameron Gen, .Simon, dies at Lancaster, Pa. — June 26. Cecil Lord A. P., drowneO at Ailolphiislown, 0,it. — June 12. Coliiy Gardner 11., on Ir lin near .Monmouth Heacli, .N, J. —June 20. Cole Louis .M, gi'iieral ticket agent ol Baltimore and Oliio Itailway. —June 4. Davis Mr. William, well-known contractor, Ottawa. -June 10. Delielb-feii He Lt.Coloiiel, paymaster of nth and 6th .Military di.^lricts, Canada, death of, at Longueiiil, P.y. — June 3. Galiriel Arshiiii, full-blooded .Monlaguais Indian, at Pointe des .Moots, P.y.— June 21, Gilbert John, veteran actor, at Boston, — June 17. Gray Hon. J hn Hainillun, Justice of Supreiue Court, at Victoria, HC— JiiiieS. Hayes Mrs, Rutherford H., wife ofex-l'resideut Hayes, dies at Fremont, Olilo-June 25, Hunter Dr, .lames B, well-known siirg , and editor of New V,irk M,'iiriit Jount'i/, dies at .\ew York. — lune In. Keeiiaii Jim, sporting man and backer o( Jake Kilinin, death of, at SoiniTville,- June Iti. Lamouiagiie Lt.-Col. I). A. G,, of Oth .Military district, at .Mo.itreal,- June 10, Lange-iii Rev, Edmond, Grand Vicar of R, C, Duicese of Rimoiiski. — .lune 2. Mitchell .Miss .Maria, noteil aitrouoiiier, at Lyii, .Mass. — Iiine 30. Myers Gen. A. C, lute qnai ter-master ot Ciurederate army, at Wash- ington.— June 26, THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ^ T)EATl\S.— Continued. I'liUi Cnrlintii, siuK'"'', "t Paris, France.— June 28. I'liwi'U Waller Kice, M.l'. lor West Ciirmarlhonshirc, death of.— June 'JO. Triucesa Eugenie Ksterliiuy, at V'ienna. — June 12. Hteplien>. ciipt. iif steiitmr " Peruvian," dies on voyage from Halifax, X..S.— Ue|'"rli;il June HI. Swinliurne .Mr., Ibrmerly II, M Slmiley'.s assistaL ''■■alli of, at the Lower Congo.- .\liiy .1, reporleil June 27. Decatur, 111., Mooils lireak tliroiigh four levees, ami ilo great deal of dam- age. — June 12. Dental A,ssoeintion of Knslcrn Ontario, annual meeting of, at Cornwall, Unt.— June IH. Depcw Olmnneey M., interviewed in New York, a.'! to his visit to Washing- ton iiml the relaiionship between ('resident Harrison and .Mr. lilaine. — June 2H. Diphtheria, .Steinnay seltlcment, L. I., e|iideniic of.— June "i3. DIPLOMATUl— United Slates and Italy, I'orter .Mr, presents his creden- tials to King lliinilierl. — June U. Turkey. Anieriean Minislcr arrives at Constantinople.- Juno 21. United Stales and Germany, Picsident appoints William Walter Phelps.— June 2<'>. Vienna, Aiidraasy Count, resigns from Hungarian delegation. — June 24. Divorce, London, Darliishire Francis, applies for divorce from his wifei neiing under the name of Agnes Hewitt, fur adultery with George liaird.— June 18. Dominion Women's t'lirislian Temperance Union, Toronto, second annual coiivenlion ol. — June 11. Duel, Augiisline. Te.vas, lieiili I'nlk, jun., and Goorge Andry, figlit duel Willi Honie knives, I'olk killed.— June II. Earlliquake, lirest, violent shook, — June 7. Earthquake, New liedlord, .Mass., distinct shock felt at 10,.3,") am, — June 7. East African Company recalls their agent. — June 12. Karthqiiake, Nashville, Teiin,, slmek felt at. — June ,'5. Earthquake, SusanviUc, Cal., severe shocks fe't at. — June 27. ECCLESIASTICAL.- I!ay of CJuinte, Methodist conference meeting at nelleville. — June ♦!, Algoniii, diocese of, Parry Sound, (Int., meeting of Diocesan Council. — June 1-4. llaplist convenlion at .Sheibrooke, P.Q, — June 1,1. Itaplist German, llarrisonluirg, Pa , convenlion at. — Jii;ie 12. Chicago, IJeeeher Kev. William Henry, death of. — Jui*e 2:1. Chicago, Clan-na-Gael, Arehbishoji Keelian receives instructions from the Pope 10 declare sociely in opjiosilion to the cliiirch. — June 2:t. Cleary Must Kev. James, It. C. Bishop of Kingston, (Int., nominated to be Hishop of diocese of Waterford and Lismore.— June 24 Ireland, Presbyterian Cliurch of, assembly of, at Belfast. — June 3. London, dnl., .Methodist conlerence.— June C. London, Eug., ('ardinal .Manninj; n-ceives into U. (.'. church Rev. Mr. Townseiid, recently iirineipal of tl.vlord .Mission, at Calcutta ; also six former clergymen of Anglican Church.— June HI. London, Kngland, Melhodist new connection, annual conlerence. — June 10. London Methodist confercm-e decides to join movement in favor of an Ecumenical ctinf'Tence in America in l.SDl, — June 12. Montreal, diocese ol, opening id Synod — June 18. Montreal District Metliodist conlerence at .Sherbrooke, stationing coinnultee completes its laijors,— .lune 4. Natchez, Kev. Father 'fhianas lleslin, consecrated bishop ol, at New Orleans.-- June IK. .\'ova Scolia, .Methodist confiTence meets at Liveritool, \.S.— June 19. Ontario Uiocesan Synod, opening of, at Kingston, tint. — .lune IH. Paris, Caiilinals' bats presented to Archbisliops of Paris, Lyons an'' Bordeaux, by Piesidi'iil (.'ariiot. — June II. Pope, the, Barcehuia Ijisbop id', instructed to prepare an Asylum in Spain for the Pope. -June :'.'). Hichiuond, \'a,, liev. A. \'an ile N'yver, vicar general of dioeese elevated to Bishopric. — June 3. U'liiouski, P,(^ , l.angevin llev. Edinoud, Grand Vicar of U. C. diocese ol Itimoiiski, dialli ol.— June 2, Sherbrooke, P,(,J,, .Montreal conlerence of .Methodist t'hurch of Can- ada opens its sixlli annual session.— June il. Toronto .Xnglican Synod, opening of — June II. Toronto, Bishop Lewis of, declines eliargi' of Chaidaincics in Northern ICurope. — .ftllie 2"i, Toronto, district Baptist Assoeialioi , session of. — .lune 21. Edinburgh, Lord Provost ol, refuses to coiilet freeduni of the city to Par- iiell.— June IJ, EGYPT. — Debt, conversion of, discussion upon, in French Chamber of deputies. — .lune 4. Preference debt of. Great Britain and Germany ratify proposition for conversion of.— June 7. Egyptian debt conversion scheme, abandoned in con.sequence of England declining to giiaranlee the evacuation of Egypt as demanded by France.— June 2i), ELECTIO.NS.— Ireland (;ork. (■'onth East Division, John Mornngh, Home rule relected without opposition to House of Commons. — • June 3. France, Campaign opens with meeting at Montmnrtre..— June 17. France, Ivez-sur-.Seine, Houlaiiger, Laguerre, .Vaquel and Laisant head tlie |iidl in tnunieipal election. — June 16. Fi'iiiice, Piiy lie lloiiie, M le Giiay eleeled senator.— June 15. Germany, Apeiiradei'i Sclileswig elects German deputy for lirst time since Cnion. — June 25. Germany, .Met/,, Lanique llerr, elected to lieicbslag.- June 27. Lennox, (Int,. t'oiiM'rvatives ol, meet at .N'aptinee and nominate Dr. W. W. Meacliam for Ouliirio legislature. ^Jiinc 17. Electric Sugar relinery frauds, .N"ew York, llowaid William E, convicted of grand larcoi y and sentenced.- Jnie 21. Engineers Loco,, brotherhood of. Chief .-Xrlliur declares himself at secret meeting of deputies opposed to strikers, — June 1, reported June ■!. Engineers, Anieriean, Leamingion. Eng,, Wellesley Kt. Hon. Arlliiir, Speaker of House of Commons, welcomes them. — Jiii.e 10. Engineers, American, London, Eng,, Institute of Civil Engineers give reception to,- June 13. Engineers, brotlierliood of, (diarter of division 1)7 at St. Louis, suspended by Chief Engineer Aithiir. — Jure 8. Engineers, locoiuoiive, .\loiicton, N,B., conveiuion of. — June 12. Erie Canal. Maeedon, break in new luck. Irallic suspended.— June 20. Failures, .Montreal, Claxtou T. J., & Co., manufacturers' agents and im- porters — June 22. Failures, titlawa, Brown W. E., true bill found against, for fraudulently dis|Kising of his pro|ierty, — June 17. Failures, St I'aul, Eureka Improvement Company makes an assignment. —June 2G. Failures, Versailles, l^onn,, Woollen Company. — June 21. Fisheries, .Vewl'ounilland, Ca|itaiu Delaney ofsteamer " Volunteer" reports nil quiet along French shore, Lobster and Cod lisliiu'ica good.— June 24. Fisheries, instructions received from Ottawa to release the ".Maltie Win- ship," iipou U. S. consul Phclan giving security for her value. — June 4. Foresters, High Court of Cuuailian order, London, Ont., tenth annual meeting of.— June 1 1. Foresters Canadian lli(;h Court, meeting of, at London, Out., election o ollicers.— June 14. FRANCE. — Cabinet considers favoiably request of American residents to hold public cell bration in Paris on July 4. — June 6. Angouleme, lioulangist meeting announced to be held at, iirohibited by the authorities, citizens arrested for protesting against prohibi- tion. — June II. Anguiileme, trial bigiiii ol .MM. Deronlede, Lasaint and Laguerre, (or resisting nuihorities when they forbade Bo.ilangist uieeling.— June II. Augoulenio. Mr. Deronlede and other BoiilangisIs released pending lur- tber proceedings.— June I'.. Angouleme, Boulangists arrested, trial of, begun.— June 20. At gouleme, trial ol Herouhde, Laguerre and Laisant for r'oling com- pleted.— June 24, Angouleme, sentencea pronounced upon M..M Heroulcde and Laguerre. Governnienl lodges appeal to liavejudgmeut set aside and cases reliied,— June 2.'). lliii-le Due rivers overllow many uuderiiiined and destreyed. -June 21. Beziers, rival meetings held by .supporter! of the Government ati 1 friends of Boiilaiiger, hand to band light ensues. — June 23. Boulanger Gen., letters from, to lioulangist .Vational committee seized by police in 'loiise of .Madame Boulon.-June II. Bonlangir Geii. writes as to how lioulangist documents were obtain ed I'V authorities at Paris— June I'''. Boiilanger'.s peuaio'' stopped at request of Senate Committee.- June n'ncli (Mmniber of lify proposilion for |iH'ncfi of Kn^Iund [It a3 di'iimiitlL-il by I Juliii Mornugh, 30 of Cummoiis.— !.— June 17. t'liiiiil l^iiijant lii'iid —June 15. li'piit)- for first liino ij;.— June 27. • unil nuiniiiatr Dr. 17. illinm E , convicted 'S liiiii?c'lf lit secret 1, re|iorleil June 4. ■ Rt. lion. Arlliiir, — Jiihe 10. ivil EiiKiiieers give t. Louis, suspended -June 12. ended.— June 20. era' iigeuts and iin- ist, for fraudulenlly uikes an assignnient. ' V'oluiUeer" reports Ml lislieries good. — ;e the " Miiltie Win- ly for her value. — Onl., tenlli nnnnal on, Out., election o nierlcnn residenis to ne fi. e held ut, proliiliiied [ig against jiroliibi- nt and LnguoiTe, for hingist nieeling. — released pending lur- I.— Juni' 20. iaiit for r'oting com- M Derouledo and hlguieut set aside and lined and destrejed. tlio (iovernnieni au 1 .'S.— June 2;i. iVatiiinul coniniittee June 11. i^umenLs were obtuiu- ite Couunitlee. — June THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. VaA^CE.—Conliiiiie.t. Oil tmhor of deputies, Kgyptian debt, conversion of, discuFsion upon.— June 'I. Cli:onber of depiiiies, I.eU's annual anu'udnient to suppress ilie credit fur the enilm-isy at the Vatieati lejeeted — June 1. Chamber of deputies, llayii policy of Uoverniinnt attacked liy M Faure.— Juiu^ 4. * Chamber of Deputies, Feiiy .M., speaks on educational and religions matters. -June U. Chamber of de|uities, debate on edueational budget in Chamber of Deputies, Kx I'remier Ferry speak.'i. — lane 0. Chamber nf de|Uiiies, eiluc itiuiMil liudfrel, dirieussion on, continued, Count .\ibert Dutiien makes attack tai e.\-l*reniier Kt-rry. — June H. Chamber of lepulies, debate on suppression of llotdangist meeliiigs, uproar in the Chamber.— June 11. (Miiimber of Deputies, (ioblet .M., comments on Mr. Ferry's speech of Oth insl. — June 1 1. ('haniber of Deputies, Paiiama ('anal relief liil! introliiced. — June Kl. ChanibiT of deputies, .N'lival ironclails, JI. lioche iin.ves that house I .ants credit for li|.").uno francs to complete.— June IS. Cnamber of deputies, Foreigni rs' diildien bom in Fiance, bill con- cerning same passed. — lime 19. Chamber uf deputies, niemljt'rs of the Right issue manifesto declaring they are aggrieved at actio i uf Uepubliean majority in the Cham- ber.— June 2:1. Chamber of depntii-s, war budget passed. — June 2 1. Chamber of drpiities, artesl of .M.M. l.agnerre and I,ai.-ant, (piestiun a>ked iipun. produces strene in Clianiln'r. — June .Ij. Chaniber of deiailies, Fanania Canal Company, bill fur relief Of a|. proved by.— June 2il. Customs officers anesleil for complieily in scheme to defraud the Government. — June 4. Electoral c.inipaign opens with IJoulangisl meeting at Montinartre. — June 17. CJilly N'uina fined for libelling .\I. Sallis, leaves France to avoid arrest. — June 1;. Iii.~ieu.v, proposed Boulangist meeting at, prohibited by the authorities. —June ;<;. l.ilerary congress at I'aris, scene of disorder caused by Boulangist partisans.— June 27. Napoleon I'rinee Victor, writes letter endnrsing the statements ex- pressed in manifesto of members of the Right in the Cliamber of de|inties. — June 2."). I'aris, Society Mobiliere frauds, .M. .Meyer, I'arij, financier, sentenced to imprisonment. — June 21. Paris e.\hibilii,:\. Lord I.yfton's a', ^i-e, Radical and Upportunisl deputies sign address ..toncrating Lngland from any malevolent de-ign, — .liine 5. I'aris e.\liibition, absence of Lord I.ylton, 2.'iO members of Fi-eneh Chambered deputies sign resp uise to memorial sent by members of liritish House of Commons.— .Iiiiie il. Paris, (labinen, strike of, decided upon at meeting presided over by deputy. — June 12. Paris, Directors of certain newspapers charged with insulting Chief .Magistrate sentenced to leniis of imprisonment. — June 8. Pans, Flencharl ('aptaiii, of the War olliei', High Court orders arrest of, fur implieaiion in liuuhingist plot. — JiineH, Paris, Reicher .M., one of attaches of .\liui,itry of War, arrested fur implication in liunlangist plot— June .H. Senate furwards to Public prosecutor reimrt on case of Gen. lioiilan- ger. — Juno la. Seriate coinmiltee to enquire into charges against iJoulanger com- pletes its woik — June 21. Henite adopts bill for the improvemeiil of harbors ol Cherbourg, liresl and Tuiilun. — June 21. Veisailles, meeting of Slates Generals loo years ago coinnieniurated. -June 20, Freights lake, drop of, despondency at Chicago. — June 21. FryeG., uf Maine, appointed U.S. eunsul general at llalilax.- June Kl Gambling, St. l.ouis, twenty nine "tj,, horse " games raided and seventy- live arrests made. —June 22. Genesee Valley, N.V., Cuba reservoir, committee appointed to esarain* same, report dam perlectly safe.— June 11. German Maptisls, Harrisonburg, Va., annual meeting. — June 11. GEIi.M.W v.— Reiehenbaeh, hurricane and waterspout cause great loss of life ami pruperly.— June Ti. lli'rlin, .Shah of Persia arrives at. — June 0. llerlin. Emperor and Shah attend military review.— June 11. Merlin, editors of fileirh/wif, Dr. Adler ami Herr iJrets-cliueider fiiii'd for bring anarchists. — June 27. Dresden. .Military review before the Emperor and king of Saxony. — June IH. (iastien, niuniiinent to ['imoeror Williain First unveiled at. — June 17. Internalional labor congress, consent withdrawn to send rejiresenta- tive to Heme. — June 2i;. Loipsic district, Federal council issues decree relieving state of siege. — .Itine 27. Makes demand upon France for cumpeiiHatiun for arrest of alleged spy named Lechiner near lielf'ori. — June I'J. M.tsuns. 12,001) leave llerlin aiui go to seek work in the country. — June 8. Russia, memorial handeil to Emperor William hy General Count Voii Wiildersee, setting forth the lact that Russia arming her troops. — June 4. Vosges Ueparlnient, Custom House oflicers and smugglers, desperate alliay, girl killed. —June .'>. Gladstone .Mr , .Smithainptun, enthusiastic reception a*. — June o. (jiadstoiie .Mr., addresses libera! meeting at Weymouth, and admits con- diliuii ttt' Ireland unprnved. — June 8. Gladstone .Mr W. E., addresses enorinoiis uieeting at Redruth, Cornwall. — June 11. Gladstone .\lr. W. K , addresses large meeting at Plymouth on Irish ques- tion. —June 14. Gold, Grantsdale, Missouri County. .Mont., gold find by James Quick- bonner in (iold Creek. — June 12. Good Templars, Grand Lodge of Canada, Toronto, annual session opened. — June 25. Grosse Isle telegraph cable laid and goes into operation. — ./tine 9. llalilax, \. S., celebrates 1 lOtli anniversary of its settlement.— June 21. Halifax (;ity Couucil decides .Vlderman Smith forl'eils his seat by accept- ing payment from city for legal services. — June 2."i. Ilanlan Kd., oarsman, arrives at San Francisco from Australia. — IiineD. Hanover, ilellerbeck, crowd becomes unruly at races, four persons killed. —June 12. Hanover, linheek. students at Technieal school rebel at being forbiddrn to visit beer gardens. — June liJ. Ibiiite, .Maine, lighting belweei. I'rench and Italian navies occurs, troops seat to c|uell the disturbance. — June 14. Hayes .Mrs. Rutherford li., wife of e.\- President Hayes, dies at Fremont, Uliio. — June 2."». 11 A VTI.— .Minister at Washington receives to the ell'ect that war ended by abdieatiun of Leiritiine. — June 1. France policy ol guverumeiu attacked by .Mr. Fame in chamber of deputies.— June 1. American nian-of-war •' Kear.-nge" suddenly ordered to.— June 14. Legation at Washington receives cable advice that all trannuil, and reports of llyppolite's success laUe.— June 15. llypoliie Gen., arrives at ("ape llaytien with his staff, preparatory to rejoining bis army, i'lfurinatiun received by steamer "Delta" arriving from Port ih' I'ai.x at .Vew York.— Juno 23. Hodson George, English milliuiiaire mill owner, buys Lincolnshire estate of .Marquis of Ripon, paying XXiU,iiOn. — June 2iJ. Holland, king of, has serious relapse. — Jui'i 20. Hulyuke, .Mass., ciiiial bank gives way, cii .sing collapse of Cabot mills and loss of $10 1,000.— June 11. Hudson Hay t.'onipany, meeting of, at London, repurt presented. — June 24. llungarv, G"Veriimeiit fnrliiils huhling of any demonstralion at theRavan- iiza .Monastery oil ilie aninver.-ary of the battle ol Kossova. — June 25. Hungary, wheat crop rejiorted fair and rye and barley better than In 1838, — June 5. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 5 1)1 I' w N! Impcrliil PolrriUicin lenpiip, Tupper Sir Cliuili'S fUKgests, rit mcttiiig iil |j(inrtv.'?i, K!>(f , )M)i(]iiif7 ft conveiitioi). — Jtiiip 22. IWrElilAL PAIiLIAJIKMT.- CcmnKina, Secret Seryice momy, Brad- liiii)iirsni(ilii'ii iij reiliite llie vult rijieinl.— June 4. Commons, I'HrenU nliu Bend cfaililren out to beg, bill putiialiiDg Bitnie imasrtl.- June 19. Coniirons, Irclnrid evIclioiiB in, motion by Mr. Ellis in tavor of arbi- trution mJi ctcd.— June 21. Ci mmuns, iiyriculiurMl bill passed to committee of the whole. — Ju"^ 24. Oiminionsi, Irish driiinnpe bill paiised to second reudinfr. — June 24. Coniinons, Heme ciinferenee, iiiiiuide ut Lord Salisbury, debate thert on. — Juiie 25. Coiumiins, eniiilojment of rhildren Mil passed.— June 26 Common?, Iri..ih sup| Ij bill arrnngid not lo be tiiken up till July l.'). — June 2(i. Lords. European war prnspecls diceussed. and the danger to England by Htinixjition of Crete dii^mi.'^ised. — June 24. Lords, Land Transfer bill passed by majority of nine.— June 25. Lord, Turkish atrocities in .\inienia, Lord Salisbury repudiatea all responailjility for — June 2H. INDIANS.— (ioviinor ot Minnesota advised from Mora, Minn., thai Ch'p- [ewa Indian? al .Mille Lues massacre six whites Swedes. — June Ki. Arlea. Flat [lead reserve, Sherilf lleybarn and hai.d lioin .Mis- souri c(uuiiy tu arrest thiee Indian murderers have a battle, two Indians killed. — June 2."j. Chippewa, three companies of regular tnjops leftye Minneapolis, Minn., for .Mttra scene i>t ouirajjes — Jutie 14. Mille Lacs, troops sent to scene of outbreak return to Port Snelling. trouble at an end — Jine IK. Pointe des Mnnta. I' Q., '.= briel Ar.-hini, full-blooded Jlontagnais Indian, death o(. — June 21. Standing rock settlement in Dakota, Sitting Bull interviewed and says he never aiuned a treaty and never would. — June 17. Sierra .Madre Muunlains, two Tbite men killed by Apache Indians.— June 11. Insanity, Cambria, one McGinnis shoots ShcrifT Hamsay who goeg to arrest him, A. ItoUins, and is shot by lilaise. — June 28. Insanity, Elk llorne, Man., farmer .VIcDermot hangs biniself after shooting his wife —June 2.'i. International Labor Congress, Germany withdraws her consent to send a representative to Berne.— June '20. International Workingmen's Society, re-organization of, resolved upon at Latin Workmen's Congress at Naples.- June 26. Interstate Commerce law, Chicago, live railroad oHiciais indicted for illegal discrimination. — June I. Interstate commerce commission directs proceedings against Minueaiiolis, Sault Ste. Marie and Atlantic Railway for making discriiniuating rates. — June 20. IRELAND. -Belfast, Nationalist meetini?, letter read fr m Mr. Gledstone rallying the Protestants.— June fi. Corn Unicju Defence Conmiitiee ol Dnlilin declares dividend of thirty per cent, on its investments in and nuimigement ol boycotting; farms.— June 3. Cork, meeting announced to protest against evictions on Ponsonby estate, lo be addressed by William U Briun, prohibited by authori- ties. — June 2y. Cork, O'Brien William, .M.P., and others arrested for speaking a; prohibited meeting, riot < nsues, the police liies. — June 2U. Kviclions in, mot'on by .Mr. Ellis in British House of Commons in favor of arbitration rejected. — June 21. Gladstone .Mr., addresses Idieral meeting at Weymouth, and admits condition of Inland improved.— June .s. Home Itiile, Gladstone Mr. W. E.. adjiesses large meeting at Ply. mouth.— June 14. Knockrea, Kailier Crotiy announces that church closed by order of Bishop D'Dwyer.— June I j. Land question, Balfour Mr., in speech at Portsmouth, deals with.— June 0. New Ross, meeting to protest against prosecution of Canon Doyle addressed by Mr. T. 0. Sullivan.— June 21. Ponsonby estate, several families evicted, six arrests made.— June 21. Ponsonby estate, evictions continued, arrests maile, mot) dispersed.— June 22. Presbyterian Church of, Belfast, General Assembly of —June 3. Ponsonby estates, woik id' eviction reauuud. — June Is. Vonghal, nine familii'S evicted. — June \'J. Youghal, O'Brien Willmiu, M.P., speaks on plantation scheme Juue 27. Irish drainage bill passed to second leading in British House of Com- mons — June '24. Irish National league of America, President issuea circular postponing meeting of league. — June 3. Irish Societies at Chicago meet and determine to throw over the (3lan-na- tiael societies — Jane 3. Iron and steel workers, amalgamated associalinn of, Pittsburg, communi- cation received from Homestead Steel works, employees objecting to Carnegie's ?, ale. —June 12. Iron and steel works, Vallejo, Cal., English Syndicate subscribes $10,000,- 1100 to establish —June I'J. ITALY.— Chamber ol Deputies, Italian troops in Africa occupy the Rern district, announcement by Premier Crispi. — Juue 6. Chamber of deputies, African credits, motion to reduce credits do- fi'iUed by govertiment— June 17, Prince Louis .Napoleon resigns his comiulssion In Italian army.— June 7. Rome, Bruno, statue of. unveiled with ini|tosing ceremonies. — June 9. Senate, rariliiMl I. avigerie's mission. Premier Crispi speaka upon. — June 28. Senate, Gernuiny and .Switzerland, conflict between, Premier Crispi speaks upon.— June 28. Trieste, editor and staff of Italian Irredentist paper Independent, arrested — June 12. Japan, Satow Mr. II , id the Imperial Commissioners, sent out by Govern- ment of Japan to collect iiilorniaiion relative to dill'erent systems of government, arrives at Ottawa and interviews several members of adnii nisi ration. —June 21. Jesuit Act, Toronto, convention opens. — .liine II. Johnstown, alarming prospects from bad sanitary state. Queen Victoria sends message of sympathy. — June 8. Johnstown, Pa, under iitilitary rule. — June 12. Johnstown sullerers, Cork, Ireland, |iublic meeting of sympathy held and subscription list started. — June 14. Jones Point, N.Y., serious riot between colored men and HuDgarians. — June 23. Kingston Cotton Mill, annual meeting of stockholders. — June 25. Lake freights, drop of, despondency at Chicago. — June 21. Latin Workmen's Congress at .Naples resolves upon immediate reorgani- zation of International Workingmen's Society. — June 27. LEGAL.— .Montreal, P.Q., Pagnuelo Mr. S., Q.C., appointed Judge of the Su|ierior Cinirt.— June 4. Breach of promise, London, Eng., Dozen V'isct., settles tircich of pro- mise suit with Phyllis Broughton, by paying Jt2,50il and costs. — June 2.">. Phiglaiid, Mackay Mrs,, brings action for libel against Manchester Kmiiiiner and London I'.clio, in slating her mother was a washer, woman. — June 25. Halifax, .N.S., breach of promise case Campbell against Fotoher com- promised. — June 1 1. Ottawa, Aver J.C, X Co., of Lowell, Mass.. enter claim against the Government amounting to over $124,000 for damages. — June 10. Queljec, Vice-Admiralty Court, suit lor damages by owners of wrecked steamer ■' Cynthia" against owners of ateamsSip "Polynesian," — June 10. San Francisco, suit entered by Houston David H., against city and county for estimated value of an Alta California grant dieded to Ferdinand .Macliina, in 1813. and including large part of best lesi- dence portion of IM43. — June 2ij. Te.xas State of, against Southern Pacilic Railway Company, suit decided at Austin in tavor of the Stale.— June U. Victoria, B.C., Gray Hon. John Hamilton, Justice of Supremo Court — Jane 4. Winnipeg, applicaiion of Mrs. Schultz, to restrain city from Issuing tax certilicales lo laud sold belonging lo her, refused. — Juue 21. Leprosy, Bombay (hizelle says brigadier general of British army siationed in .Madras, attai^ked.— June 2.'i. Leprosy, London, E ig.. Prince ol Wales, at meeting to erect memorial lo Fattier Daiinen, slates leper engaged in business atone of London's meat umrkcts.— Juue 19. Ligoiiier, Mo., cyclone does much damage.— June 10. Lincoln Mr., American minister to England, banquet given in honor of, by judges, at .Miner Temple, London —June 26. I ^ ). ill lldusc of Com- L'irciilnr piislponing F over the Cliin-ua- iltslmrg, communi- inployeea objecting subscribes $10,noO,- :a occiipj' tlic Rcrn ; B. I reduce crediu de- talian nrmy.— June eremoiiies.— June 9. ispi apeaks upon. — ;en, Premier Crispi paper Inileiiendent, sent out by Govcrn- I ilillerenl systems of vs several mcml)crg ate, Queen Victoria sympathy held and and Hungarians. — 5.— June 25. ne '-'1. immediate rcorgani- — Juno 'iT. )ointed Judge of the lettlep lireiich of pro- £2,500 and coats. — against Manchester other was a waaher. gainst Fiitcher com- r claim against the imagi'a. — June 10. owners of wrecked Sip •' Polynesian," — I., against city and ia f;riint deeded to ■ge part of best lesi- way Company, suit 11. of Supreme Court 1 city from issuing tax ed. — .lune "Jl. lilish army tiiationcd to erect memorial to )a at one of London's given in honor of, by THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Lislei-Kaye Sir John, Canailian Ooremment conies to favorable conclu- sion of hisolfer to pureha.sii land in .N'orlliweat.— June \i. liOCiisIa, Limit Island. iloinR mucli ilamaxe to cropH. — .luiie 10. Lumber, liillevdie, Out., (inai jam of saw logs, lireaks up — June 7. Lunilier, Canadian (iovernmcnt proposes to United States authorities removal of import and export duties upon.— June 2T, Luiiatici, Clifton, Tex , Oleaou II. D , sets Hre to his house and jumps into the flames. — June T.t. Lynching, Corydon, Ind , James Devine and (/'liarles Tennyson charged with shootiiig James Leinay and niece taken from ga' 1 and hanged. —June i:i. Lynching, llelcnwool, Tonu., mob breaks into gaol, takes out Lloyd and Ileyuolds, douiile niiirderers. and han)^s tliein. — .liuio i.'l. Mails, Sydney and San Francisco. New South Wales (Joverunient decides to continue contract lor carrying for a year from next .November. — June 'il. M.VHUI.VGKS.—Wiishington. Justice Grayof tl.H. Supreme Court and Miss Jeauuette .Matlliews, daughter ol llic late .Mr. Justice .Matthews. — June 4. Berlin, Prince Frederick LeopoM and Princess Louise of Solileswig; solemniied.— June 21. Iloheiizollern, Prince William of, to Princess .Marie of liourbon, at Sigmaringen.-Jiine 27. London, Poriland Duke of, to Mi-« Dallas Yorke.— Jure II. Prince Albert Vu-lor, uldesl .son of Prince of Walei, allianced to Prin. cess Victoria of Prussia. — June 2«. Princess Louise of Wales, olde.-t daughter of Prince of Wales, betroth- ed to the Karl of File.— June 28. Mason Capt. John, delenibr ut New Kngland, in 1C37, monument to, un. veiled, on Pequot lliil, .Mystic, Conn. —June 2ti. .Masons, Germany, 12,00) leave Berlin and go to seek work in the country. — June 8. M.ister Carbuildcra' Association, Saratoga, annual convention commences. — June 25. Medical, American Medical Association, .Newport, Il.I , opening of fortieth meeting. — June 2.i. .Medical, Madslone, Sedalia, .Mo., successful experiment on Dillon, by Dr. Small— June 22. Medical, .New York, Gninil Jury linds indictments against Doctors Irwin, Ferguson and H.ince, « lio iierform aulopsyon tlie body of Washing ton living Bishop. — June 10. Meat, amal^iiniatioii of catlle and fresh meat interests of the C. and Joseph Kastmau Coiiipniiy of .New York ai d Juliii Bell .^i Suns, Limited, of London, Gl.i-gow and Liverpool, ellecied.— June 19. .Medical, .Nt'W Yoik, Hunter Dr. James B., well-known surgeon, and editor of New York Mc^licul ./oiirnal, dies at New York. — June 10. Medical, Uulario .Medical Society, Toronto, ninth annual nieetiug, — June 5. .Medical, Ontario Medicil Association, close of convention, election of titlieers. — June tj, Methodist conference, Hay of Quinte, meeting at Bidleville.— June G. Methodist conference, London, Out., election of ollii'ers. — June 0. .Metliodist, new coiiiiecttoi, aiiiiiial conference at London. — June 10. .Methodists, Nova Scotia, Metliodiat conference meets at Liverpool, .\.S. — June 19. Mexico, City of, roof of Mercil market falls burying nearly forty persons. — June 14. .illLITARY, Canada, DeBellefeiiille Lieut-Col , paymaster of .lib and lilli Mi'itary districts, ibvilli of, at Loiigiieuil, P. (J. --June 3. Austria, second strategic railway coinmenced (rom liaveii to .Miskoleg Hungary. — June 24. Canada, Kingston lioyal Military College, closing exercises of — Juno 27. Canada, Dominion Government come to decision upon conllicting claims of London, Siralford and Windsor for military camp for No. 1 district.— June 11. Canada, Laiaontagne Lt. -Col. I). A. G , death of, at .Montreal.— June 10. Canada, London, Out , formation of six company b.ittalions of infan try ordered.— June 11. Canadian, Manitoba, 'ilsi llittalion organized with companies at St. James, Kildonan, .S.lkirk, .Sprini|lield, Stonewall and Woo.llands. — June II. MILITARY— Cont.flHdi/. Canadan, new decree issued, prohibiting any deputy minister from holding command or other such responsiblu pusitiuu in miliiary corfis. — June 12. Kngland. volunteer equipniout fund, Prince of Wales subscriboa JtlOO and writes Idler ap|iroviiig of Lord .Mayor's •opeul. -Jnue !i. Germany, Emperor and .Shall attend review at Herliii. — June 1 1. Germiny, memorial handed to Kinperor VVillium by General Count Von Waldersec setting for the fact that Russia arming bur troops. — lune 4. Germany, review at Dresden b' fore the Emperor and King of Saxony, —June IH. Germany, Leipsic district. Federal council issues decree relieving state of siege. — June 27. Italy, Prince Louis .Napoleon resigns commission in Italian Army. — June 17. Montenegrin army to be organized and put in readiness for service.— June II. Russia, stralegic railways and new forts, new loau for, proposed by (tovernmeut. — June 24. Riisso Servian military conviuit'on, proposed concliiaiou of, by Russian minister to Belgrade.— June 14. Servia, regents rej, ct Russian propusals for miliiary convention. — June 19. Switzerland, repeating ritles for army, council of Berne decides to borrow m iiiey to purchase. — June 24. Turkey scuds si.K Syrian battalions to Crete —June 14. Unit, d St. ites. Boston .Miliiia obtains leave from Lord Salisbury to vi.sit Kuglaud. — June 14. United .Slates, .Minneapolis, .Minn., three companies of regular troops leave for .Moran for scene ol Chippewa Indian ontrat'es. — June 14. United .Slates, Cambria Cily, Pa., tliiee members of Fourteenth re- giment ariested charged with insulting women. — June 17. United Stales, Potomac, Society of the army ot, twentieth annual reunion of, at Orange, N.J. — June 12. United .States, Col. Pcrchnient commnnding fourteenth regiment receives orders from Governor Beaver to report witli his regimen at Johnstown. — June 4. United States troops sent to outbreak of Indians at .MiUc Lacs return to Port Snclling, trouble at an end. — June 18. United States, Washington, .Mvera Gen. A. C, late cpiarter-mnster of confederate army, death of.— June 20. United Slates, Cameron Oeii. Simon, death of, at Lancaster, Pa.— June 26. .Millers National Association, New York, convention of — June ti. .Mineis, coal. Berry Hill coal mine, Hanley, Kngland, caves in, 100 miner enlombi'd. — June 3. Miners, coal. Wesierii Penn-ylvania, executive committee deciles to order general strike. — June K!. .Mining, Id ibo mine, (irass Valley, Cal , Hre breaks out in, Frank Carter, jiin . killed.— June 3. .Mining, coal, .Mouongilela coal operators decide to co'.solidate and form one L'igantic e'iiiipany.~-.liiiie 2.S. .Mining, Newcastle, N..S.U'., seveiily miners entombed in a pit all rescued but two.— June 22. .Missions, Anieric.m Home, .Suiatoga, N. Y. The 03rd annual meeting opens. — June 5. Missouri. Governor Francis sitriis ilie Newberry bill as to saloons. — June 19. .Mitchell Miss .Maria, noted astroiiomist, death of, at Lyn, .Ma.-s. — June 30. Miititreal diocese of, opi'uiiig of .Synod — June 18 Montenegrin army to be organi/.ed an 1 imt In readiness for service.- June II. .Montenegrin Government demands satisfaction from Turltey fur raids on Albanian frontier. — June K'l. .Morgan William J , editor of Hiilfalo Commercial Aitvcrtiser, appointed collector of customs for district of Hnlfalo. — June 27. .MURDKllS, licli.'iuin, .Marchioness De (Jliasteler murdered in her bed at Chateau Boulhai.v at .Mons.— June li. Aberdeen, .Miss., Wesley Clark and Harrison Blackburn, colored, hanged for murder of Major Pat. Ilamilloii in DecembiT last. — June 12. Auburn, N, v., KcumuliT, Ihe lliilfilo iniirdircr. Judge Day adjourns Court to hear evidence as to the ell'cct ol electric current on the human body.— June 25. I l{' §1 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. iWVAmni^-Coiitinii,,!. Cap Si. Iki'iicc, 1' Q., I'crnior Ni'ljon, iiive9ti(;iilirii doso'l, Klzoiir l!('iiiiiM' coniiiiiiU'il Till' Inul.—Jiiia' I.",. Clmllium, Onl., liiMir Kmiik, slabbiMl by I'ark Au(;iislU3, killing him InatBDtly.— June 111. Ohicagi), Ci-onin, Jdliii .Mo38 of Camp So. 21 of Cliui-iia-Gai'l, givi'K I'viilcnci'. — Jiino H. Cliicnpo, Croiiin laHt", ariost of Jnmcj Miiran.drivcidf an Wr. wiifigoii. -June IP. ('liira(;ii, ("roniii vi\»v. ('(iroiipr's Jury, vcrilict iif.— Juno II. Cliicano, Croiiiii cmi', Sullivan anv.-;lei].— JuTii' 1 1. .Mriti)KifH-rM(//i«r,?. New Viiik, Kniipi'' Hca Siini'vilii, iniii'ilcriT ('Miiitllo- IJ'iiigalll coiniaiu .■iiiit'i'h' HI Ilif 'renili-J. — .I'lip' i;i. (Ulawa. Iimly uC iiiruiU cliilil roiiiiil in clo.jpl at lion-^u (in ciirin'r iif (.'tiuiral Mii'l r.riiljfi- s'ri'vtrf. — Jiiiu- .''». riilladt'lpliia, Wiiilclii.),' .Mi^., hangi'il lur puiHiining licr linBliaiiil aii'l two cliiltlrcn.— .Iniic *J5. It^iiny Itivci'. .Man , Jiilindtun,niiii'>li'i'C'r n\ Keller, riiwiid hangii.g In a ll'vii.— Jane :i. ■SiriTii Mailri' .M(iuntaiM.<, IWci while men killed liy A|iaclie Indiana. — .June II. Oi'diiin, Winnipe);, llarke uliiiy Delaiiey, br.ivid-i 'M. slabbed and killed by W. It. euni'l, and reiiniinled.- Jane IH Chicngii, L'loiiin Dr., letter Inim .loliii Kilzjierald, I're-idenI Irish .N'atiiinal Leni;neiil' .\meriea. In I'. W. Dunin' of I'ekin, 111. — June II. Chieaifi), (,'riiniii Ur., liarke arrested at Winnipeg. —June HI. Chicagii. Cronin Or , Manmev and MeDnnahl di.seharned.— .laiie 17. Clneagd, Criinin, He. I Win. IC of Weiiiera I'liidii Telegra|di (!d., refuses to obey iirder nf (Jrand dnry td prednee inessa(,'es.— Jane 18. Cliicagd, Crnniii, true bill foMinl against .Mania liarke.— June 10. ('liicagd, Cronin Or., Cdoney .Mitdiatd being bmked for. — Jane ID. Chicago, Cronin Dr., Kahn's grocery clerk arrested. — .Inne 20. Chicago, Cronin hr, llnrke broiighl before Jadge Pnm, at \Vinnipeg and lemandeil. — June '.'I. .Staples.— .Inne lii. Topeka. Ks.,a man and his wife nimdered by a burglar who l.s cniighl. — Jane M. Victoria, B.I'., llueiig .A. II.. e.nid ■innen murderer of Chinese girl, hangs himself in his cell. — June in. Vinceniies, li.d., Selh .Marr.iy shoots ami kills Ins wife ami son's wife, and coinmils saieide. — .Inne l.'t. Wilkesbarre, I'a,, Michael IJisctlo alias lied-Nosiil .Mike, innrdeivr of J. lirainard .Mc(.^lute, paymaster, a;;d Hugh KLinagan, hangeo.— June J'l. Windsor, Out., I,yman William, bralally iHsanlled by colored man, Henr\ William dies. — June IH. Cliiiago, Cronin, lirooks (Icorge K., says he saw llie Irnnk contiiining Naiional Assia'iation ol l' Aniericiiin, lioslon, sessional Mas-achn- Cronin's body taken from i arlson collage. — June 2'J. setts .\ssocialioii iinnilg.imattd with.— Jane Jo. Chicago, Cronin, I'alrick Ciainey alias " the I'o.\ " arreslcil at Fraiik- Hjfl [,„j June 2:1 " .N'.W.Mi.—liritish, steel torpedo depot ^hi|i " Vulcan ' launched at To' ts- mouih. — June 111. Chicago, Cronin, cxlrndilion |iroceedings ngainst Ijurke commenced at Winnipeg.--, lane 2.'). Chicago, Cronin, liollnilker (I. II., managing editor of Omaha U'/nih- /iniit, i\i Kansas Ciiy, .Mo., declared Cronin is not ilead. — ,liim' 2(J. Chicago, Cronin, Spellman Kdward, the IV'oria distiller and distiict otlicer of Chiii-na-dael, examined. — Jane 28. Cliicagd, Croiiii:, memorial meeting held at. — June 2."^. Cleveland. 0., Liielh Olio, the lii year old .sini of Henry l.iielh, a Ciernmn cabinetmaker, confesses he miirtlercd .Maggie ThompSdn, P year old g.rl. — June in. Palton, (ia., Fields ,S. K., State Senator, shot and killed by his step son Dennis Taylor. — June 12. Delaware .Station, (*nt , man named Carter, peddler, innrdered years ago, discovery dl crime. — .lane 14. Fergus Cunnly, live persnns found in a river in .Mnnlana, all aliot in llie back. — Reported June 21. France, ViUe .N'nuvellc, a rejected suitor munlers a farmer's daugh- ter, the father and iiidllierand a man servant. — .lime 10. (Jresham, .\eb.. LeavitI Kli/.iibttii an. I Cardlina found at their home with tla-ir lliroals cut. — .Iiiue Iii. Jleleiiwood, 'I'enn., mob breaks into gnnl, ami takes out Lloyd and Reynolds, doubU- murderers, and hangs lliein. — June l;t. Holyoke, .Mass., Rrennan -Mrs. .Michael, under arrest on suspicion of poisoning her son. — June 27. Ijangtoii, Out., Rolirer John, ageil 12, shot by Davis aged 14 —June 19 Liverpool. .Maybrick case iiu|ueat. — Jane ."i. Liverpool, Maybrick .Mr., coroner's jury relnrns verdict of wilful mur- der, against .\lrs. .Maybrick. — .Tiiue tj. Liverpool. Eiig., M.iybrick .Mrs., given hearing on charge of poisoni ng her husband.— Jiui" 12. Liverpool, .Maybrick case, Mrs. .May! rick commitletl for trial. — June 13. London, Kng., fallicr of a girl biculisi stabs to death her manager. — June 21. London. Kiig., mulilaPd trunk found in Thames at llorseley Downs. the '• Jack the Ripp r '' scare revived. — June I. London, Kng.. Jackson Kli/.abuth, body lonnd in Thames, iik ntilied as. — Jane J.O. Meriden, N.I!., Freeman liUeian, kills his niolher, .Mrs. Daniel Freeman also John .Morgan. — .lime II. Mexico, Lieut. Trevill of the .Mexican Army shoots and kills Senor Don lie La Lnz, captain of poli I .lii.ire/. I'asco Del Norte. — .Itine ,s. Mille Lues. Indi.iii.s niassMcre sis .Swedes, tlovernur of .Mimiosutaadvised from .Mom, Sliun.— June l:i. Ibitish, Scolt Rear .\dmiral, in an inlerview niainbiins all the big gnus priu-tically usidess in action. — June Is. Ilriiish warships " Hellero|ihon " and "I'ybilcs" arrive at Halifax, N.S., from llermiida.- June 111. Spain, Warship "I'az" founders olf Cape Trafalgar — .luiie 10. rolled Slates, ailverliseinents issued by .Vaval departmenl Washing- ton for tenders for conslruction of two steel cruisers of :!,iain tons dis[daeemeiit. — June 14. I'niicil Slates, man (if-«'ar " Kearsiige " suddenly ordered to llayti —June II. I'niled Slates •Sleamship " Nipsic " slarls from Samoa, for San Fran- cisco, under convoy of the "Alert." — June 2-t. France, Ironclads in construction, .M. Roche moves llait bouse grants credit liir !i|."i,oo(l francs lo complete. — June 18. .Vc w Hampshire Legislature, (ioialell David II.,elecb'd governor.- June ."i. . NewSoiiib Wales (iovernmenl decides to Cdnliniie for 11 year from next November contract for carrying mails between Sydney and San Francisco. — June 21. Niagara, Graliam's barrel boat on trial trip smashed to pieces.- June 2!). Nicaragua Canal, stockholders hold their annual mcelingal Denver, Col. —June 211. Oddfellows, Canadian order of. in session al Tdrnnld.— .lane LI. Oil, Kentucky Oil and Gas Company, of Louisville, Ky., and the .Soulliern Oil anil Ripe Line agri'C to cotisolidaie. — June '.•8. Oniarid diocesan synod, opening of. at Kingston. Onl.— June 18. Untario .Medical Society, 'I'oronio, niiilli .\iinual meeting.— June .">. Ritnamii canal, Paris, meeling of 4o(t sharidiolders decides to send commis- fidn to Panama immediately to inspect canal works. — June M. Panama ('anal ndief bill inirodiieed in Fiencli Chamber of Deputi-'S. ,liine Ri. Panami Canal Company, bill for nlief of, approved by French Chuinlicr of dcpiilies. — June 211. Paris, France, Agrarian congress o|ieiis at.— June 10. PAK.NKLL Tl.MFS, commission. Ivlward Harrington e.xamined.— June IS. Commis-ion, O'Connor Mr. Tlioin is P., e.viiiniued. — June 20. Commission, Kenny Joseph Kilward, M.P., gives oviileiiee.— June 2,'i. Coinmis.-ion ,Se\toii Mr. M P.. appears as wiiiiess. — June 27. Libel siiil, ap|ieal against poslponeinent ol trial dismiss'd with costs — Iiine 17. Parncll .Mr. C. .S , Lord Provost of Fdinbiirgh refuses lo confer freedom of city upon. — June Ri. Paslenr'.- experiments, arrival of his represeniulives at Rlymonlti I'nuii .\ustralia and charge Unit .M. Pasteur's Idlers were opi ncd b_\ Pro viucial aulhoriiies — June 2U. THE INDEX OF CURKENT EVENTS. unt'iini tiiniiiiils i-^L' (Ml c(ir:ii'r "f lior IiiisIhuhI mi'l nil haiigiig li> 11 |.iiclif liiiliaiu.— 1 k\\M li)- W- I'- :ii- will) is i'aiii,'lil. (if Cliiiicic nirl, il'e mill sou':* "'ifu, Milic, niiinlci'i' ol' iiinHiiii, liM-.i}!''"- — ,1 li_v cipUiriMl iiiuii, ?si(in lit Miis-iicliii- liuiiiclu'il 111 I'o' '-'■ intiiiiii nil ll'^' '":•! ' nirive iil lliiUliix, tiir — Jiiiii' in. .liiirmiciil Wiisliiii};- i-iiii(T:< of ;!,(iiii' 10113 ly (inlcicJ to ll".v'' ini.ii, for i^.io l''i'i'"- 1 crovcnioi'. — li"»' ■''• fcir 11 yciir I'roiii next H'U Sjiliif)' iiii'l ^»" to picC'CS. — JiH •' '"■•■ cliiigut Denver, Oil. -Ill lie K!. •., iiml llie Siiiillicni -June IS. iiiij; — June 5. ■ules to sem\ coniniis- | irks.— J ine .'t. iiimlier of lle|illti'!S.— I liv I'reiicli (,'lmiiilicrj Piilli Ciirlnttii, nell-knmvii siiijjer, dies nt I'nrifl, Friinco.— Juno 2B. I'emisylviiniu, viiie.; uii iiineiiiiinent to stiite ('(jii.-itiliilion |iruliiliitilig snlo mill inmiiiriieiure iil' iiiiii\ie.iiinif ilriiik. — June IH I'er-m, liii.^.-iiii, ri pdrlcd ireiily ii;iiile iielncen Unrein iiiul I'erniii during llie Sliiili s vi^il, fur leiii]iiiriiry iiiiiie.xiitiun of Norllierii I'ersiii to lliis-iii in certiiin eiise.^. — June M. I'ir-iii. Siiiili iif, iirrives nt Merlin. — June (1. rersia, Sliili of, arrives at lla' llajfiie.— June '-''2. I'eivia, Shall ii(, iirrivi .s lU llrussel..(.— June '.'4. IVlers I'r , ex|ieiliiiiiniif, eiilla|ise<|Uwiiig to ex|ie(lillon amiinji the Sjinalisj; ; — JiliiP ^1. I i'elriiU'uni, New \i>rV. tl'irry on the tniiiket, the nil ^nes up many poiiit.s. anil then (li'eliiies.— Juno 2-t. I'lielps Will'iini Waller, mrivej lU .\eiv York wilh .Sanioaii treaty, ami i.< interviewei].— .lime 21. i'lielpj William Waller, appointed by U. S. l're.~ident, minister to (ier- many.- June :'(>. i I'oisotiiii;;, Qiieliee, Deselia'np^ Mr , wife and six ehildreu re>iiliiip, near St. Limis till KiilP, piiisiineil Iran cream. — June IJ, Pope the, reo)K'ns the j^ates of the \'atiean anil resumes his reeeptiiuis. — j Jane 12. I'npe, Hnreeldiiii, liishup of, insuucted to prepare an a.iylmn in Spain for the I*iipe.— .[line 2;"!. rurtiijiHl, ("limiilier of Pepiilies pusses liill exempliiic wine from exporl duty, aulliori/.iiii; llie payiiienl tif boiiiilie.s tu wiiie growers, tuul exemptiuo; line liniii'lies In m laxatimi fur five years. — .luiie 1-1. I'iirtii(.Ml, I'arliiiment presents llie Niiij; with .»;T."iU,iUMi as a token of love and loMilly.— .Iiiiie 17. I'ostftl, (/rtnaiht m d .lapan, e- nveiitinii fur exehanj^e of money orders con- eluded. — ,riiiie 27. rosliil, llaiuillou, (Inl., s'lit I iileied liy Canndiati Postnmstor General against (Jreal .Viiiih U'esiein Telegraph Company, for infringing right of (iuvorumeiil lo deliver letters.— June 20. rotoniac. Society uf t!,e Army of (i range, \. J., an mini reunion. — .fiinc 12. I'.iwell Walter llice, .M.l'. lor West Carmarlhoushire, death of. — June 2G. I'resliyterians, Canailiiiu, general assembly at Toronto.— June I'.i. Printers, Denver, (Job, Inlernatiouul Typographical convention at. — June lis. Prohibition, Pennsylvania votes on nniciidnient to state constitution.— June IH. es llial bouse grants Bitiice war, Asbury Park, .V.J., renewal of- June 27. UAILW.VVS, lialiimore. Cole l.oiiis .\I., general ticket agent of Haltimore and tlliio Hallway, death of.- .(iiiie 4. Adiroinhick railroad sold to Delaware and Hudson ('anal ('onipany. — I line 10. Alehison, To|ieUa and Santa I"e road announces its withdrawal from Interstate t'onimeree .A'Soeialiun — June 2i'. Austria, eon.^lrueliun of second stralegic road from Haven to .Misko- leg, -Vustriii, euuimeneed. — ,Iune 2-1. Mioiigliluii .Mr. 1''., late gen" m.iniiger of Great Western I'ailway, dies 111 K.istwoud, Out. — June 4 Canadian Pueilic, new short li le to St.,Iolin, X. II., opened. -.luiie 2. Canadi-in Pacilie, .\ew Sou Hue opened.— June it. Cainidiaii I'ueilie railway rt-rsu.^i the Queen, arbiiriilion eommittee iis- seiiibhs at .\ieli .Vrruii Iluiise, Dallioui,ie.— Juiie 21. Canadian I'aeilic liaiiwuy mid Toronto, city of, rielegulion apiiears belore l!a Iwuy ('umiiiiitee of Privy Council, at Olliiwa.— Jiii <; 20. Chicago to .Montreal, eoiiiemplaied lake and rail export ruiiie via Ijiike .i iei.igaii falls ihruiij^h. aeeunliitg to Cliieagu Tnwa. — June 12. Chicago, live ollieials ind.eleil under Interstate Coniuieree law, for illegal iliscriiui.iation. — June 1. Chicago, gi.neral height ageiils ol the Viirlli Western divisiuo of the We-;te:u Kreighi .Assuci iiioii iiieei, and jiopojiit cuinniiUee to sub- mit propositiun of .Soil line I,) restore ' :e Tarilf lo mamigers of Lake Superior lines. — -luiie .'!. examined.— June ln.| —.lime 20. pvideiiee,— June 2.'i. ss— June 27. lismiss'd with costs.] UAlLWAYS-f'o,i/i„H,-,/. Didagoa Hay railroad, stiaridudders hold meeting in Ii'iiidon, nnil residve to rcfisl any allempt on the part of Porlugal to take the woik out of the Company's liamU. — June 27. Dela.'ou liny, men enipluyid on eonslruction make ready to resist at- tempt of Portuguese iiuthorilies to seize the work. — June 27. Dehigo.i Hay, ilespaieh from Durban, says Governor of Delagon Hay bdegraph that decree cancelling railway concedsiuii rescinded. — .liine 2^. Ill higna Hay, despatch received in Iiondon, by manager, who stales Por ugiiese have torn up railway, and lireil ou Kiiglish eitgiiieer, and in.ikes demand on Loid .Salisbury 'or inlervenliun — J rie 211. iNniver, Cul., arliides tor consolidation \\\\ jiiopo.-ed Denver and Slate Line ItHilroail with I!io Grande and Western, liled. — June 27. Duliilh, South Shore and Albiulic road aiiiioiiiices cut for tliroiigli freighl Iriiin lioslon unit Xew Vork to head of the lakes.— June 20. Kiuployees, delegates from Hrolherhood of loeumolive tireuieii, the broiberhood of railway brakeinen aud tlio swilelimen's assoeialiun at t'hicago form eoiitederaliun. — June 4. Freighl ear truck, V . S. Treasury Department at Washington decides jiair ol iriieks iniporled into .Morristoivn, .N.V., are subject to duly. — .Illlle 21. I'"rei^ht rates, Vationa! despatch freight line announces new rates via the .Nurihern Lake route aud the Kastern Duliilli and tlmahrt, — June 2."). Freight rales, Cliicigo, general freighl agents of N'urlli Weslern lines biil lo induce Lake Superior mules lo advance rates.— June o. Giorgiu Piicilic railroad, last spike driven. — .Iiiue 18. Iiiterslale comnierce, euininission directs proceedings ag'iinst Min- neapolis, Saiili ,Sie Marie and Allaiitic Itailw.iy for making dis- er nil ilia ling rale.(.— ,Iiine 20. .Montana aud Canada railroad com[)auy incorporated in .Montana. — June 20. Xorlhern Pacific road, work begun on the connecting link of track uniting terniiniis of its leased Hue, the Wiiiconsin C'lnilral and llie system at Ashland. — June 21. North West Central '{allway Company, annual meeting at Ottawa, election of ollicors. — Jniie 'i. Oregon and Transcontinental and Oregon Railway and Navigation Couipanicg, annual elections !>f. — Iiine 17. " Soo " line reduces rales on all rail trailic from seaboard to .St. Paul. —June 21. " Soo " line, announces another sweeping reduction in the westbound nil rail rate from the Atlantic to .Minneapolis and St, Paul. — June 24. Soiitbern Pacific Hailrond company complete negotiations for pur- chase of Oregon linilway, reported in Portland, Oregon.- June 24. Sunday labor, di'^eiissed by .Mr. Iliekson of the Grand Triii.k and .Mr. S|iieirof the Chicago and Grand Trunk iu Ihe Chicago Uiiilii-mj Timi's. — June 17. Switzerland, railway from Alpnneh to summit of .Mount Pihitus open- ed.— June t. 'J'elegraphing from moving trains, test at Ilaleigh, .V.('., of process invented by Hayliis Cade, a li.i|ilisl preacher, on Italeigh aud Gaston railroad.— June IH. Trauseonlinenlal Association, Sonlhern Pacific Railway gives notice of wiihdrawal from. — June A. Wabash and all ils properly turned over by Receiver .McXuliy in Cliieiigo to purchasing company. — June 2:i. Winnipeg and .Siiiili 10 isli in Railway lo connect Winnipeg wilh Diiliiili eninnii 'cod.- June 27. Pilioile Island, liflli ain,',.diuc it to the constitution, the prohibitory aniend- nifMit repealed. — June 2o. Riidiaud M., governor-general of Freiieh ludo-China, death of. — June "i. Rinnerpest, Hciheiniu, raging among eatile. — June 17. Robinson .Sir llereules, delinitely retires from comiuissionersliip of S luth .Afriia -.Iiiiie .'1. ,,, . ,, , , I .,.,,., , , liusier, Ind., tnii ehiMren ea'eii b, wolves. — Inuell. (.liicago, .Milwaukee and , SI Paul Rail w.iv makes iiiorigage lu ruit,,! , ,,,, .. ", , . , . ,.,,,, ., , ,, , ,. ^, " .„ ,, ... , , , "^ , Kussa O Diinovaii. sun o(. ag.iinsi P.iiiiek Sarsh. Ill l,'a;sidv, for libel, ds Mules Irusl Coiiipany ol rla.i,iiiin,iioo — J.iiie I'' ■ ' es to confer freedonil ■s at Plymonlli rroiiil s were opened \<) Pro-] misled at .\ew ^■urk.— .Iiiiie IU. Rossu. ODoiiovan and Wilber llendriekson of I'liilrl Irhhimui arre-led 111 Xew Vork fur libel on I'alnek .Sarslield Ca^'sidv. — June 20. (.'oiigu. Iluntingiton (J. P., siibsi ribes #.",110,0110 as tesiiiuo lial lo King Leopold's work. — June 20. Congo, Xe"" Vork //(•/■ f/r/'.« Paris cable^'ram savs ; Congo Coinuier- ; ,, . ,,, , ..,, ..,,,,.,,, . ,. . ,' , , . , ,, , ,.'. , i Roumanian ( liamb.T ol 111 lies. Gold sbindard ol currency apurovil ut. eial ami liiililslnal I (iliipany euiilplele preliiuinilly sliiily of pru 1 —June II. ^ <' jecled Coigu railway from .Miladi lo .Siauley P0...I - -Juu,; 21). n^yal A-rieiiliuial sli iw, Wnidsor, ling., op uing of. -June 21. i I 10 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ^r m RrySIA, tJmcnnr, rnrty-onn gtiidenU arroated for siiiglnK Pulidh putrioUc flonga.— June 5. Urniiil Diiku I'ltiil Alpsnriilrovitch ac ompnnii'il by his bcthruthed make aliitp ctitry liil'i St. I'l'tcrsburif. — .liiiiii Ifi. Hhiili K viail, rrporti'd Irciiy nmili' liiiwccii Itiissiii Riid I'crsln for tem- |ipt.s the biw tuibidilInK bi'irfl tiitlic ibroiip to marry pcrsuoa not niilnbiTs 1)1 (Irlliiidiix Cliiik clinrfh — Jiinc 21. OciMipic.s Dear laland (Jurca a» coalInK and naval dopot.— June 23. New loan proposed h\ (iiivcinincul liir biiililiu); >lralrnic iailway,< and new forts.— June 2'1. Ovi!rtnri'.< to Tnrki'y lor convention lo cnaurp Turkish nculralily in ca«o of war rejected, see Colojn- (lii:i:lle.—JniM 2.'i. Samoa confiM-enee, Americiin coinnn.i.sionora reci'ive iiidiruclioiis from Mr. IJlaine in relation to the protocol.— June i:t. Samoa, lierlin correspondent of the Tiimii learns that Americaiig emerge from tlin conference with Hying colors.— .lane l.'). Samoa, Girnuiu papcr.-J hlami' the (iovernnient for «ilhh(ddin>; the pro- visions of the treaty.— .June IM. Samoa, I'belps William Waller arrives at Now York with treaty and is interviewed — June 21. San Francisco, David II Houston eii'ers suit ajrainsi ci'y and eouuly fi)r estimated value ofan Alia (Jalilnrnia Kiaul, inchulini; lai(;e pari ol the beat resident portion of city. — June 'Hi. Schwalka Lieut, arrives at Dening, N. M, details and discoveries as to cave and clilf dwelliTs in (Jlidmiihua. — June H Sea serpent, (iuysboro, N. S., seen by party of lady tourists out boating.— June 26. Seed Trade Association, Ainerlean, Washington, annual convention at. — —June 12. Servia, Russia, Archbishop .Michael of lielgrade Imparts to M. Risiich Russia's proposals regarding Servia, with a warning he must not hesitate to comply with ihein. — June 10. Servia, Russian minister to lielgrado proposes conclusion of liusso-Servian military ctuivention.— June 14. Servia, Vienna, TiiijliUut has informniion from Belgrade that plot o.iists in imlace to dethrone young King Alexander, and proclaim Triace I'oter Karagorgivitch king. — June 12. Servia, Kx-prcmier (Jarashanine and family flee to Samlin. — June 18. Servia regents reject Russia's proposals for military convention.— June 10. Servia Government circular denies recent alarmist rumours us to foreign policy of Servia. — June 20, Servia, Police seize the otlice In which circular w;(S printed inciting Slans and Servians in Austria to revolt. — June 20. Servia, Krujevatz, King Alexander lays foundation stone of monument to] the Servians who fell at Kossovo — June 2.S. Shah of Persia arrives at Brussels. — June 24. SUIPPI.VG, Aspy Hay, N. S., steamer " IJessie Morris" from Montreal for Sydney ashore. — June 3. "Alaska" American lishlug .schooner at Halifax asks customs per- mission to ship a crew, lolleclur lelegraplisUiIawa lor ioslruetloiis. — June 20. Atlantic service, Ander.-Jon Mr., makes arrani;Ptneul3 with Donilnitni Government, and returns to iMiglantl to tuiike necesc-ary liitauclal arrangei:icnl-.— June lit. " Attmore " steel ship bound fr'mSvdney to San Francisco strikes reef olf Fiji island, on night of April 22ud, advices received at Han Francisco.- June 8. Bixwers Mills, steam barge '•Anglin" sinks in Rideau Canal.- June 12. Hritish steamer " Danish Prince" from Swnn.sea for Monlrenl coast guards at Skilihereen, Ireland, pick up tlie log hook— June 4. Brockville, Out , ferry boat coUapiCS, Mr. U. (J. McFall drowned. — June 30. " Brazod " American barque from Newcastle, N. S. W., for Hong Kong wrecked "iOO miles from .Sandy IJape, Australia.— June 22. SHIPPING— ron. Duck's Island near Kingston, jiropeller " t'anada" with wheal from I Duliilh for Montreal goes ashore.— June H. ' " (iylfe " case, prisoners to !«• releaseil Irom pristm next May, despatch received at iittawa fi'ian eoloidal olliee.— June 4. Ilali>ax, .\. S, schooner "Warrior" from MostiMi gidzed by customs (or havinit on board one barrel of cdl not (ui inanif St.— Juno 18. " Iloboken " schooner anhore on PIdgeon Island. — ,litne 2t). Ijiverpoid, Union seann'u and firemen go on strike. — June .'I. " .Marina " steamship from Hamburg lor Ni'W Vork wrecked at Schii- lan— Juiii' 20. Ma-JsaebusettH coast, wreckage washe(l aiJliore supposed to be h'oin llrilish steamship "Victoria" due at 1( dlitnore from Periiambuco. — June 20. " Mattie Winship," instructions i.asued from Ottawa to release the ship upon U. S. Oonsul Phelau giving security lor her value.— June 4. .Mersey, aleamer "Kansas" eolllili's with datd' steamer " Leslris," both vessels hailly danuiged. — June l.'i. Muros, Spain, lirilish steamer "St .Mark " from Genoa for Knglish port fotiiiders. — June 111. "New Kra ' briganllne of St John. N. R., crew of, lands at Lockport and reported llieir vessel loundered yeslerd ly night — Jtitie 2.S. North (Jennan Lloyd Steamship Comtiany decide that their steamers sliall not call at Soutl:ami*l(m. — June 21. Nortli Sydney, G. li . schooner "Rojal Home" lowed into pint by schooner ''Noith American" much damaged by 9(|iiall ulf Cape North —June 24. Ninth .Sydney, C, It., French schooner "Deux S.euri " seized for sninggling licpior.- June IH. Pacitie Mail Steamship Company's steamer " Granada " from San Francisco for Panama, ashore sixty miles south of Miuzanilla. — June 24, Port Arthur, Ont., Capt. Green of .American steamer "Calumet" releases schooner "Annie" M. Ash ashore on Kaministiqula bar has steamer seized and lined $400 by order of Minister of Customa. — June 5. Portsmouth, Eng„ steel torpedo depot ship "Vulcan" launched at Portsmouth. —June 13. Prescoti, Out., tug boat " McArthiir " belongingto Collin s R'ly Ilaft- ing end Forwarding Company seized for not reporting inwards and outwards. — June 12. Schooner" liallic " of Princetown arrives at New Helford, Mass.. while at Sam Hay, Santa Dommgo, live soldiers came down and fired shots at the schooner. — June 21. Spanish v\'ai'shi[i " Paz " founders olf Cape Trafalgar. — June 10. I'liree Rivers, tjiie., bateau laden with passengers hurled over St .Maurice River, six passeogers drowned. — June 22. " Trial " schooner Irom Halifax to Dover goes ashore near Marr's Head, crew rescued. — June 29 Two Harbors, Lake ,Su|ierlor, sleanishi|i " City of Cleveland " and schooner " John Martin " ashore and badly damaged.— Jitne 19, Quebec, suit lorilHinages taken In Vice-Aiimiraliy Court by owners of sleanishlp " Polynesian.''— June IC. Vineyard Haven. .Ma-s., evidences of great marine disaster washed ashore. — June 'Ih. Willie Fish Point, steamer " N'orlliem Star" of Norlhern .Steamship Coiniiany, comes in collision with Bteamer "Cliarles J, Shellield.'' — June 14. Shooting, Toronto, Dickson William, O. T. R. detective, shoots John —June 13, Sioux City, la., visiieil by distructive storm of wind and rain, several houses destroyed. — June 21. Smallpox, Rio Janeiro, .Santos, epidemic creating terrible havoc — June II. .Socialis's, Switzerland, Hiindesrath leplies to the National Rath that llierii are no l' rounds for coniplainis by foreig'i iiowers that Socialista are allowed loo much freedom In .Switzerland. — June 21. Canadian Minister ot Cusionis decides that foreign ships must comply ! Socialists, Swllzerland, guveriimenl appoints pernianent public prosecutor with section of shipping acl as to producing shipping m.iolers cer. to strengthen control of llie police over inoveineiits of relngees.— tificate before ship cleared, — June II. I June 20. Cape Henry. Pa., Cniled .States ship "Constellation" aground Somalis, Dr. Peter's expediiion collapses owing to epidemic among tlie reported by Signal corps station Norfolk, Pa. -June l^. 1 Souialis. — June 8. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. n c It wreck.— wlii'iit I mm II)-, ilfspiileli hy (Mislonu -Juno IH. iw 3. kill III Hc'liii- (l lo tie fiD'ii I'triiiiinlii'i'ii. >1CI19C tlif sliil" ic— Jmiu' 4. i-r " LeilrH," r Knxlisli I'lnl s at I.ocUl'iirl -Juno -■■^. tlinir ateiiimTS 1 into iiiirt t>y 9(i\iiill oir Ciii".' ■a " soi/.iil f"r dn " frniii Smi ■ Miu/.anillii. — er " Cftliimet" iininisliqiiiii biir ler ul Custoius. IftiinclicJ at in 3 li'iy Unft- iig inwaiili lunl 1, MftSB.. wliile ijwn and fiitMl -June 10. urluii over St near Mnrr'a levelanil " and -June I'J rt by owners of isaaler wailieru|>odili()n for the pureliaEic ot, — J nne 21 Madrid, Ijueen (Jhrisliiia axeeiidii in an army lialoon.-Junu 28. II ill li|{hlin|{, ('arolina, Kloreiice, lilteeu liiilU ii<ionslii|i from Harvard— June 2G. llicycling, Townshend Knoch, riilis I'rum lioalon to rorllaiid on a tiicyele in a single day —June 2:i. Lacrosse, .Miinlreal beaten by lltlinva at Ottawa. — June 8. liiuTosse, Sliaiiirocks beat Toronlu's at Moiilieal— June fl. iiacrosse, Coinwiills tn-at Toronlus at Tor nto. — June 21*. Ottawa canoe saiiitig race lor club challenge cu|i won by " Musette." —June 20. Pri/.c ring, KilrainSnlllvan, Governor of Louisiana issues {iroclama- tion prohibiting. — June 2U. Racing, Ascot, Ascot II gli Weight plate won by " Fix."— June 21. Itaciug, Chicago, American lierljy won by Spokane —June 22. lliicing, controvcr.-y between Sir (Jeorge Cheiwynd and Lord Durham as to turf irregularities settled. — June 21. liaces, Montreal Ikl-Air Jockey Club track opening races. — Juno 29. liacing. Ascot, Prince of Wales stakes won by "Donovan,'' Ascot stakes handicap v\on by " Lord Lome," gold vase won by " Morglay."— June IH. Itiicing, Ascot, Uoyal Hunt cup won by "White Legs," Ascot, Derby stakes won by " Morglay." — June 19. liacing, Ascot, gold cup won by " Trayles " Prona memorial stakes won by " Love-in-iillene.i8," new biennial stakes won by "Lord Lome," St James' I'alacc stakes won by " I'ioncer."— June 20. Itaeiiig, Hanover Uellerbeck, crowd becomes unruly, lour persons killed.— June 12. Ilacing, Oaka stakes at Epsom won by L'Abbesse de Jonare. — June 7. Trotting, Cedar Uapids, la., Axtele trots a mile In 2.21ij, breaking record tor three year olds. — June 20. Yachting, Kastbourne, brigger yacht " Paradox" launched. — June 6. Yachting, LimJon, Kng., " ValUyrie" U'ateii by the •' Ilex." — June :i. Yacht racing, Sandy Hook, N. J., race between the " Shamrock" and the " Katunii." — June ;"). Yachting, Duuraven Lord, in interview at London, Eng., speaks in high tenns ol his yacht " Valkyrie."— June 2o. Yachting, l^ueeiistuwu regatta, the "Valkyrie" wins.- June 17. Stanley II. .\l., advices from Zanzibar say l.'lter received from regarding Stanley. Sir Francis de Wiiiton interviewed thereon in London. — June Kl. Stanley II. .M., letters dated .March 10 received at Zanzibar from Ijiji stating Stanley met 'I'ippo Tib— June l"i. Slate dcpariment, Washington, desig laies .Morton, Rose & Co., of Lon- don, its t).inkera in that city.— June 20. Stephens Capt., of steamer " Peruvian " dies on voyage from Il.ilifax, N.S- — Uiported June 1',). Slink K.'icliange, .New York, Ticker service resuineil. — June G. Sturm, elcciric, Danville, Ills., house ul Fred .Maguire struck, and house of Joseph Lairu destroyed— June 20. STRIKKS, Bakers, Toronto, for increased wages.— June 3. Ilelgian Red Star Sicaniship companies employees, London, Eng. — June 14. Cabnien, Paris, strike decided upon at meeting presided over b> Deputy liasil.v — June 12. (/'ab drivers, Paris, strike ended.— June IH. t'icriiei.lcrs, Halifax, N. .S.— June 18. tar drivers, llochcster City, and Uriglit .Street, llrooklyn employees' strike declared oil'.— June 4. Chicago, Chief Artliiir of llroiherhood of Locomolive engineers declares himself opposed to.— June i. MTIilKKS.— (,'»H<(;iMo/. Coal miners, Western Pcinsylvania executive committfc decide! lo order general strike.- June l.'l. Dock laUirers, (ilasgow, llreenock, llvlfait and Londonderry, niBii Join niovemeiil. — June 0. Dock laborers, (ilasgow, strike for an increase ul a half penny per hour. — June H. Dock lalau'ers, (ilasgow strikers stop and set fire to a van in which piovsions being carried lo imported laborers in Anchor line sheds. — lime i:i. Firemen on steamers crossing Itritlsh ClianncI, iteamert unable to sail.— June 5. Firemen, .\iitwer|i, lied Star Steamship Company grants Increase of wages mill sirike ends —.lime I'.i. (ilasgnw, riot di'pirsed hy Police, ringleaders arrested.— 17. Laboring men, Johnsliiwn, Pa.— June 20. Miners, lluhemia, not at Kladiis, geiularnies lire and kill two and Hound iwelve.— June 20. Miner', Ksscx, eighteen niiners sentenced lo Imprisonment for rioting, — June ,'i. .Miners, Austria, riots at Kiadus, many buildings wrecked and hotisei tired.- June 22. Miners, l.liiiois, deapateln'S lo l^lilcago describe the pitiable cnndition of the strikers and their lainilies.— June 2-1. Mners, Westphalia.— June 25. Mountain miners and cokera from (!allit7,in westward.— June 29. I'itlshurg, Pa , (Ireeii lluinestead plant of Carnegie A Co , no agree nient reached with workmen's conlerence commiltee, strike decided upon.— June 21. Saw mills, llaiigiir. .Me., men in (lould and Hastings^aud S:eriis and ('o's mills join men out on strike.— June 24. Seamen, Liverpoid, I'liion seamen and hreinen go on strike.— Juno 3 Seaiii"ii, Liverpool Eiig., crew nf steum T ''City of .V.vv York' strikes on ordei Iroin .'^eaiiiiin's I'liion.— June 12. aeani'Mi, Liverpool, shipowners refuse to grant advance in wages (leniandeil. — June IH. Seamen and hreinen, Clyde work resumed on owner's terms.- June 28. Seamen, London, Kng., resunie'work -June 20. Silver .Miners, Kiissia, Ural silver miners tire houses of nanagcrs of number of tactories at Kkaterinbiirg. — June 3. Steamship stokers, Antwerp— June 14. Steel plant workers, Carnegie and Co., strike against scale proposed by the lirni declared on, at meeting ot amalgamated workmen. — June 2'J. Textile workers, llriinn, .-Vustria, eleven thousand strike for higho wages. — June It. Tianisters. Duliith, 400 on strike. — June 13. Tram car employees, Cardilf, strikers ua ag forcible means to prevent running of cars. — June li. Traill car employees, (Cardilf men return to work. — June Ij. Turin, riot at, many arrests made. — June 12. .Suez Canal Compiiiiy, Paris, annual meeting of. — June.'). Sugar, Clyde market prices advances I) pence, on reports that America had bought lifiy thousand tons. — June 4. SUICIDE. Halifax, N. S., William Lucas, formerly soldier in East Devon- shire rej^imeut.^Juue Arkansas City, man who says his name is Thompson, and ex-post- master of Chicago, cuts his throat on train. — June 2H. U.'wlliii; Creeii, Ohio, Frank James, charged willi atlem(iting to blow up Mrs. Williams' house, hangs himselt in gaol.— June i;i. Kbi Home, .Man , fanner .McDermot hangs himself after shooting his wile. — Jnlie 2'i. tiasne. Que, '/ilbert Mr. Philip, jumps from steamship ''Admiral "and is driiwiieil — .June 13. llalif.ix, N. S., ILutie Conrod, aged 19, blows her brains out at Lau- raiiceiowu.- J iiiii- '4. India lapolis. Wind Patrick A., president of the Irish American Kepi.bliiMii t.'li.b, puisuiis himsell at siip|ier table.— June 111, .Martinsville, Inil , Olds W. A., proniiiieiil mi'inbcr ol Knights of Pythias, sliools himself. — Jine 21. New York, (.'.niiill i lloiigill', murh.rer ol Francesca Sanevito, hangs hilns. II III Ihe roliibs.-,lune 13 N'. w Vnrk. Ill- Ciiuieev (Jul. Deniis, one of ilie lenders of Fenian inva- sion inio iJaii.iila. iries to poi.-im hiiiHelf.— June l.'i. Niagara l-'alU. l.uly ciiniiiiiis suicide at .N;ai,Mi-.i Hi /er gate — Juno 14. Uniiiitonii, Ky., Koilgers Martin, the town inarshall, cuts his throat anil li.lis dead. — Juiie2K. Victoria, li. C, llneiig A. II., ciinili inred murderer of Chinese girl, hangs himself in his cell. — June 10. Wallace, N S., Forshuer .Vudrew-, fitnucr, drowns himself.— June 15. P; i :i|i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1^ IM :^ m IIIM 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — — ► V} ^ /}. % '<5. -^ .> o /, ^/ 7 M Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY 14580 (716) 872-4503 I ^ ^ c?. \ i< 4 12 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. r ■ Sugar conTention, co-opcratiTe, Congress, London, Gng., condemns same. — June 12. Siisanville, Cal., Earthquake shocks felt at.— June 27. Swinburne Mr., formerly H. M. .Stanley's assistant, death of, at the Lower Congo. — May 3, rcporled June V. Switzeiland, Berne, Council of, decides to borrow l(),000,nno francs with which to ]>urcliase repealing riHes for Swi-s Army.— June 24. Switierland, expulsion of llerr VV liolg( niuih, Cerninn yoUve inspector Uennan gorcrnment notifies Swiss authorities they reserve the right to lake action, — June 11. Switzerland, Russia, Germany and Austria send identical note to Swiss government, advising it to deal more severely with Anarchists and Socialists. — June 13. Switzerland, Bundesrnlh decides to create permanent public prosecutor's department, and to streughten government's control over fon-igLcrs. — June 15. Switzerland, Hundesralh, in reply to enquiries by the .Valional Rath, denies that there are any grounds for complaints by foreign powers that socialists are allowed too much freodum in Switzerland. — June 21. Switzerland, Government appoints pirnmnent public prosecutor to stren);then control of police over refugees. — June 25. Switzerland sends reply to Germany's note on the subject of Herr Wohl- gemuth's expulsion.— June 17. Switzerland, Germany, Wohlgemuth aSiiir, King Kumbert's offer to mediate, aecep ed. — Ju:ie 20. TELEGRAPH, Rrazil to United States, Brazilian government declares concession granted to Henry Cummins lapsed — June 10. Grosse Isle, cal)le laid and goes into ojieration. — June 9. Telegraphing from moving trains, test at Raleigh, N. C, of process invented by llaylus Cade, a Buptist preacher, on Raleigh and Gaston railroad.— June 18. Germany treating with Itelgiiim, in regard to laying a cable from Osteno to Portland, Miine, rii/p Paris Tniips. — June 17. Ilonidiilu and San Francisco, San Francisco Evening I'oil says one million dollars subscribed for. — June 18. Western Union Telegraph Company declares quarterly dividend of IJ per cent. — June 12. Telephone, American Bell Telephone Co. declares quuterly dividend of S3 per share and extra dividend of $ii per share. — June 12. Texas State of, against Southern Pacilic Railway Company, suit decided at Austin in favor of the State. — June 11. Thames, mouth of, severe gale at, does much damage. — June 10. THEATRICAL, Gilbert John, veteran actor, dies at Boston.- June 17. Berlin, Opera House, dress of premiere ballerina takes lire, and she is seriously burned. — June 23. England, emidoyinent of children bill in British I'ouse of Commons parsed. — June 20. Highlands, N. J.. Neil Burgess the actor seriously burned by explosion of gasoline. — June 24. London, Eng., Agnes Hewitt sued by her husband Francis Darbishire for divorce.- -June 18. Timber, spruce logs, oriler-iu-Council pa.ssed at (Ottawa sustaining deci- sion uf Treasury Bnard as to loss of, certain size being free from export duty. — June 10. Tobacco, trust formed of $25,000,01)0, which takes in all plug tabttcco manufacturers in United States,— June 13. Toronto, Anglican Synod, opening of.— June 11. Toronto, Trinity College, convocation, Dr. Bourinot has honorary D. C. L. ci>nferre. ve in.— June 12. i]icp from Issuing id. — June lil. rotest circulated iharles Dilko on to call special [owing industry's im Montreal for iFrnnciaco airiloa : m — x ^ « t^F^tr. o-f-tcaoc OS i : *" Q SL* .:_ 5*** • I • '" ^ • <^'e'» « '.b a ao JEHpiiiinx : :ir:MwaocDt-^oo — it^ o o .-'i w x *c « :»*i-icrr--t«c— too : ff-1 ; X iO "t ri t^ '5 'O — o ^ « j> ^ :0 : I-^Mec^CJMt-?^'^ — MOO 61 : : ■«f "* Ti Qc opr- : : : — m c ^ ir «■! • : »o o : 'J' M X 1^ « . o 1- ; r- ^ N CD o : *! ^ f « X r- I" ^ 3j : ir: o » if> m ,^t-f-.iniot- '©i- :r-— :«0^ ; XupjiJ - — : CI t- e*» (O ; M :— :h-tf*«ri:,rtifi — — — :xr- .£u[itt4iiqx z\ U XBpsanx : « : m -t '£ ic t. -^ X O X' '.ff O r- »— CI CD •—* t- — ^ 'X" — " c t- a r- ^ i«-e«»^t-fse {!!«■«» nratoMr'n'- AVpUUIV Atipjn)vig inpHJ S?'m irt ^ m w rt"* : 9 Xnpsanqx Xvi>jn!)vs c. t- o c* ts ' H tn c t f M ; • t-toHfMPfa^H ©: « '^ ■" ^ -.; in : X »- ir; ?■» — « : en Sntiirday, PARKER HOUSE BOSTON, European Flan. SOO Rooms. $1.00 and Upwards per day. Cafd of unaurpaaacd excellence. Private dining rooms for dinner partii's. K. O. PUNCIIARI) « CO., ProprteUirs. TREinONT HOUSE • o ih: I c A. a- o . « THE "PALACE" HOTEL. JOHN A. RICE & CO. Priooa, * to $5.00 por day. 8pi clal ratea niiule by tbo week. Rniii aingle or en suite, with or without baths. MRS. .lOHN A. RICE, Manaiter. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, EDWARD N. ROTH, CINCINNATI. OHIO. On the Kurni>ean plAii. I./)cation mid servtoe unsurimsscd. Every modorn Improveinmit. Kodiuii, 91.fi0 por day and upwanU. ALBiON HOTEL, MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO. The best dollar a day honso on the continent. Fine roonts ; gooil servici', every convenience. Centrally located for railwaya, stcanibuals and street cars. JOHN UOLDERNICSS, Ploprletor. THE PALMER HOUSE, TORONTO. Corni'r King and York streeti. Spi'clally adapted fir Coniinercial men 12.00 per day. J. C. PALMKK, Pruprlelur, Alao Kerby llu.isc, ltrantft)rd GRAND UNION HOTEL. 0|i|H>slt« Clraiid Central Doiwt, NEW YORK, Slxlinndred rooms at 91 a day anil upwards. ]ie-t-iurantsatmoilerato prices, IlAOU,tUE ro .VXD KKOM UltA.SU CKNTK.VL DEI'OT KKKK. W. D, OARRISON, MaiutRPr. C3r n. J^TSr Xy XZOOTJESJL., Broadway, cor. 31st-8t., New York. 03Sr THE ETJILOI=E7^3Sr I=I_iA.2Sr HENRY MILFORO SMITH A SON, Props. THE! DETROIT, MICH. Loeateil comer Griswold and Congresa-atreeta. Newly furniahed and refllted througliouL. RatcH, »a per Day. ALBERT MAXWELL, Pr«s the house to all partft of the city, suburbs and depots. Katva, ^'2.50 and #3 per day. TEKRILL & INO£RSOIX, Froprletors. FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL, Madison Square, New York. The larffOftt, host appointed and most liborally managed hotel In the cUy, with the nioat dolltfhLftil and central loi-Ation. OondueUHl by HITCHCOi;.-!., DAULlNii & CO., who llrat opened It to the publlo. THE wfN^SOR HOTEL, DENVER, COLO. Largest and most Elegant B^otel in the West. BUSH & MOKSE, Proprietors. jiL.xy j^ TUL s £3: o XT s £:, Washington-st., Boston. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Three hnndred roonin. I'rivate parlors, batlif, etc. Hcsl location in the city. A BtUlly llrst-cliuta house. j;ko. It. HALL. I'ruprlutoi-N. TJJ>ffC3-'S HOTEBJLi, On thi' KuroiM'aii IMnn. Head of Stat^-st., Boston. Oroftlly entartit'il and iniproveil, Hud iu)w olTcru supcrlur aoconnnodatlonH for both liidti'S and geutlenion. I*jutud for the pei-uliur cxoellt'iirn o| its cuisine. J. K. \VllIi*l*Lb:, t*roprltitiir. TOWER HI LL HOTEL AM> COTTAOKS. NARRAGANSETT PIER, R,I. NeiiHoit IHHII oiK-tiH *liin«' '^5(li, CHAllLKS A. OAKfc:»S, New Yoik UIHce. U!i ISnMtlway, Itoom 'MK TEL, Every modern TEL. nodernto prtoea, ON, Manager. rk, rops. Blied and i-cflltcd >RN, Mnnngxr, USE, 1 park. Nearewt FiM ttiu houBti to ir day. L, Proprietors, ITEL, otel In Uio city, lllTCIlCOu.i, TEL, he West. Incallor. in tfip l*rnpri«ttii'H, imnndatlons for i, Proprletiii'. TEL ay, rouui 'MK The Oldest and Largest Roller Casting Estab- lishment In New England. S^ *— -EJSTABIilSHEJXD 1859 • ^^? WJIiD & STEYEl^S. SIAMiri'ACTVReRS OP Is rinters' I'^ollers aqd Koller (©,ompositior|s, No. 148 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON. W^KBSTER In various Styles of Binding, with and withou^ Patent Index. Tlie Lat«8t Edition lias 118,000 Words, and :{,000 Ku- graviugs, — 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings tlian found in any other American Dictionary, it also contains a Uiographical Dictionary, giving brief facts concerning nearly 10,000 Noted Persons. To these features we have CTTJST J^1DT):E2JD (1885), A NEW PRONOUNCING Gazetteer of the World, coc'aniing over 25,000 Titles, hriefly detcrihing the Coimtries, Cities, Towns, nnd Naturul Features of every part of tlie Olobe, WEBSTER IS THE STANDARD Authority with the tJ. S. Supreme Court and in the (lov't. Printing Ollice, and is rocommended hy the State Sup'ta of Schools in 30 States, and by the leading Collrge ['residents of the United Slates and Canada. THE LONDON TIMKS snys: It is the lieat Dictionary riiig(lcltl, MUH.S., U.S.A. WHEN YOU * ARE * READY To order any more PLEASE CALL UP Or send a Postal Card to ^\ JOHN LOVELL& SON, \ 23 425Sl.NicyasSt., Montreal ^^ nest wcirk at mo- >-^ dorute pi'lou. rm THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ^ i siiliillilli>.atloii. Till' Index in published four tiineHa month j Imt to form acomplutc lilc for ihe year it is neceanory to preserve only the first issue in om:li month The i ...iniotliate issues contain the iiew.s of the current montli to date. Tho subscription is 86 per annum, payable yearly or half yearly in ttilvanoc. Rouiittancos .should be mailo to HENRY DALBV, P. 0. Box 86-1, Montreal, Qeu. 'Ihe Index of Current Events is published by Uenry Oalby, at l'*H Notre Uuiue Street. Montreal. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Vol. II. No. 28. MONTUKAL, AUGUST 8, 1889. $6.00 PlB ANKUM. PuBMSIIID WlKKLT. -" I ttllil 1 luokiiitj up Index arc dated uf ;al, Qeu. JULY Alo'ssinm, Chief D.-hpti neijiiMl liy Uiis AIniilnoii Koing to a conference to which hiltcr huil invileil li ni. Dehcli's purtisuuii join the force of King Menili'k, lulviccs received. — July 'J7. ACCIDK.NT.S.— K.xiilosion, Munsler, \Veal|ihiilia, liiboriUory ol Dr. Koenig, ether retort bursts, Dri. Krieke unil liuemerliHue latally injured, and two otliers burned. — July 4. A8|divxiiiiiiin. liincolii, Neb., four men lose their lives in a cesspool eniieiivoriiJg to recover a watch — July 17. liiilloon, Miinchei>ler, Kng , I.ennoi, Hssisliint of Iliggins, the [larachu- tist, killeil hy ciillii|iie of ImIIoou, — July lii. CircuM, .Millbrd. .Muss., Feiiia ut Ihislol's circus give way, six hundred people tall with a cnish, several persons injured. — July 17. Cyclone, Ilungiiry, Trans.vlvania and liukovina, cychuie sweeps over hundreds ol persons killed, several districts completely ravaged.— July 28. Drowning, linltimore, steamer " Tolchesler " strikes little boat in the liarb'r causing death to John liietz, .Mary Wiener and .Mary Kult.— July 28. Drowning. India. Laukhana, 40 persons drowned by flood,— July 9. Drowning, Norway, .Menominee liiver. Miss i.izzie Karrell. .Miss Anna MeCaive of (llaprre, and Mrss Alice .McCiilan, Escalmna, drowned by being swept over the Kails. — July ;-{l. Drowiii ig, Ottawa, Joseph lioiven arrives on raft belonging to (Cald- well A Co., from t he Upper Uttawa, and re|iort8 six men drowned on journey. — July 17. Drowning, Pittsburg, I'a., Red I'ond, a body of water, at corner of Centre Avenue and Soho Street, sweeps barriers, drowning John Daly and Andrew .McGregor. — July II. Drowning, Zanziliar, Dr. Schnelekopf, surgeon in chief of Capt. Wissman's expedition, drowned. — July 27. Electricity, Kingsville, Ont.. governor on electric light machinery at .Matlawa Hotel lies oH and kills William Layman.— July 2."). Explosion, Anderson, Md., stick of dynamile fed into threshing machine, three men lorn to atoms and their teams killed. — July 30. Exploaion, llyeres, France, machine gun explodes on training frifato " Couroune," eight persons killed and sevenicen injured.— July HI. Explosions, Pennsylvania, cave occurs in Hyde Park over vein of Central mine, followed by explosion, John Williams and liohert KiiherU killed.— July 21. Explosions, Port lilanchnrd. Pa., explosion of gas in shaft operated by Penusylvania Coal Company, three miners burned latally.— July 23. Explosions, Ridireway. Pa, explosion in grinding department of Eagle Valley tannerv hies I he bui'diug, one striker cremated, six others badly tjiirned.— July 111. Explosion, Topeka I'ass. boiler of switch engine on Union Paeihc KaiUvav explodes, hreinan James Duttun and engineer It. T. Secord fatally hurt.— July Hi. Falling building, Chicago, Cornelius Ferdinand, blacksmith, and family, and Cliarles liiick, laborer, and faniilj killed by hilling of hiiilding at corner of Oakley Avenue and Twenty-First street.- July 2H. Fires, Itakersfield, Cala., town nearly destroyed, loss $1,250,000.— July C. Fires, liiocknayviUe, Pa., Eagle Valley Tannery burned, and John Striker burned to death.— July 1'.). Fire, Chicago, Anglo-American provision company's warehouse de- stroyed, six tiiemen overcome by smoke.— July 1 1. Fires, China, Luchow, 8,000 dwellings destroyed, 1,200 persons perish iu Haines and 400 others killed, advices received at San Francisco. —July 2;t. Fires, Constantinople, 200 houses destniyed.— July IH. Flies, Diirango, Colorado, almost totally destroy .'d.— July 1. Fire, Fort Wayne, .Md., French brewery the property of C L. Canti- levre destroyed — uly 10. Fire, Ciermany, Lu onbnrg, loss of 12,000,000 marks.— July 1. Fires, 'ierman. Ubbendorf, village of, destroyed by lire.— July 7. lire, killed and live others injureil. — July H. Shipping, Augustine Creek, Savannah, (la, steamer "St. Nicholas" runs into closed drawbridee, ilemolishing forward part ot vessel, killing two women and injuring 'M men and women. — July 2U. Storm, Ti>u8ville, Pa , much property destroyed. — July 3. Admiralty, Hritish Klrst Lord of Adndralty in House of ('ommons speaks as to Iho construction of warships during the present reign.— July 2>. AFRICA.— African conference at Brussels initialed by England and Cicr- many.— July 0. Zanzibar, Tippoo Tib and his son go toSaadani for purpose of bring- ing over his people who are being sold as slaves.— July H. Zanzibar, (Countess Blucher opens second Military hoB|iilal for treat- ment of Oernian soldiers — July 11. Pangani shelled by German gunboats, despatch from Zanzibar. — July 10. Tanga, German warshi|>s shell the town and land their men. — July 10- Tanga bombarded and occupied by (iernians.— July 1 1 . Oflicial report of Uernian military operations in published. — July 22. Zuit (Jraff, African traveller, arrives at Iiarlment at Washington, snva Bni/.il is anxious to secure in United Stales a niaiki't lor its .sugar.— July 2ii. Breweries, Denver, Col., two of largest breweries purchased by the symli- cale. — July 8. Breweis who have not sold out to Engli-h Syndicate reported in New York lo be combining to protect themselves against the Svudiciite. —July 22. Breweries, Palerson, S J., English Syndicate purchases live of tho ^i^ breweries for $2,:mii,(ino.— July 25. Breweries, Omaha, negotiations completed for sale of all tho breweries to European Syndicate for $l,,5iio,ni)n.— July 31. Bribery, Sau Francisco, Creighton D.J , ex-State Senator convicted cjf Jury bribery two years ago, arrivesat San Francisco and surrenders to the police. — July 15. British Columbia, Board of Trade at Its annual meeting decides in f-i'or of reciprocity.— July 10. Brotherhood of Aniorienn Railway Bnikeman of Canada and Uiiiird Stales in session at Ottawa. — July 25. Butler (Jen. B. F., speaks at Colby College, Watcrville, Me., on anne.\:i- tion.— July 3. Canadian Anllinicite (Joal (Company's land, reported sale of, to Brilisli hyndicate conlimied.— July 15. Canadian eonvenliou. New York. — July 2. Canadian Electric (Jas Improvement Company of Halifax, N.S., seeks in- corjioration. — July 19. Canadian Press Association, annual meeting at Toronto.— July 18. Railways, Emperor decides to issue edict for construction of Liinn- Cliow railway, Vuiiquis Tseng appuiuied general director of Chinese railways.— July 15. Canadian Syndicate to secure mineral and other properties i'l Caniida registered in London. /Jug.— July H. Canmore, B C, Government decides to lay out town site at Canmore, B U. —July 22. Cardiff, (!lal?ione Mr. W. E., presentation of freedom of city of.— Julv i!. Calasanqiia Manufacturing Company, Allentown, Pa., wiiges of cmplo\ie9 increased lo per cent.— July 6. Catellier .Mr. L. A., appoiuled Canadian Under-Secretary of State.— June 13. Central Nail Company of Wheeling, West Va., chartered.- July 29. Chickasaw, Indian naiion, cowboys on cattle ranch of .Mrs. (Jriler niM sheep niiii'h of .Mexican, killing several hundred fheep. De.speiine light expected, several marslialls gone to arrest Jierpetrators— July Chicago, aliens. City Council passes ordinance depriving aliens of llie right to serve the city in any capacity.— July 2. China, Yellow river bursts its banks in Syan Tung, loss of 'ifc and I'lu- perty incalculable. — July 26. Cholera Asiatic, Philippine Islands, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, apprised of an oulnrcak. — July 26. Cholera, Asiatic, Waverlcy, Ohio, case reported there by two doctors.— July 2. Cholera morbus, Johnston n. Pa., epidenjic of.— July 4. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. t'll \iy tlio pyiuii- Iccides in f'/nr , N.S.. seeks in- )f Sliitc— June Cbiirchill Lord |{iincl(il{ili, Wiilsiill, s|h.'iiIuu >ui Imperial liian uf X100,IIOI),U()0, to emiblo tenants to buy their holdings.— July '.W. Clan-na-(iael, Joseph .Medhill of (!liicaKO writes Rarl of Aberdeen, reCut- ing ilie Ijohdon i'lmrt insinuation that sl|;uers »(' Illinois! addrra-ies to Jlr. Uladatuiic were Irishmen members of (JIan-ua-liael.— July 18. Cltn-Nrt-(iael, New Vork, members of Cronin faction hold secret session in Vanderliilt liolid.— July 21. Clan- Na Gael, Luke Dillon returns from New York to Philadelphia, having failed to induce Sullivan members to agree upon date for ciiiivention or upuTi suecesaor to I'atrick Kgan.-July 'l'.\. Coal, Anthracite, report of sile of (!iinadian Anthracite Coal Companj'B land to liriii^h syndiiale confirmed.— July 15. Coal, Truro. N .S., tivo seams of good bard coal discovered within six miles of Truro — July 2!l. Coliimhns Christopher, numltor of bishopi petition the Vatican to canon- ize, 0.1 Hntiiversarv ol discovery of America.— July !*. Cornel, Prof. Brooks, director of Smith's Observatory, New York, dis- covers a new comet.— July 7. Common scold, Jersey City, Itrady Mrs. Mary, convicted of being.— July 11). Confectioners, National Associati' n of, meets at Chicago and oilers a reward for detection of adiilteralion. — July 2. Congo, telegram from Governor Geiural of Congo states that English steamer "Loiilaba" from Liverpool ascends the Congo as far as Maladi.— July 4. Consular U. S. appointments, Ooode K. 0., of Maine to St. Stephens, N.U., anil A. I). Samson of Kansas to St. John, — July 1. Contract labor law, New York, Secretary Windom rejects the oiler to compromise the judgment against Holy Trinity church, .N'cw York. - July 2. Contract labor law. Secretary sent over by English firm to lake the place of iin American in its branch house at New York, Secretary of ilie Treasury decides he must return to Kngland — July 27. Contract labor law, acting Secretary of Treasury department, Washington, writes Collector of Customs at Cape Vincent, N.Y., to be cautious in administering the law. — July 28. Corca, Gibson-Heron, wife of Rev. David Gibson Heron, falsely reported to hare been sentenced to death for teaching doctrines of Christianity. —July 2.3. Costa Ricaeanal trouble, despatch from Panama says Costa Rican troops marching on Nicaragua. — July 4. Costa Hiee and Nicaragua, Sfn"r Zeledon, Minister from Costa Rica to United Statxis, a ives at Washington, and denies leports of trouble over Nicaragua -anal.— July ii. Cotton .Manufacturer', representatives from Lancashire and Yorkshire meet at .Manchester and decide to run on half time for one mouth. — July 12. Cotton Spinners, Council of Unittd, Manchester, meets and resolv. all spinners to reduce their production by one half for a momu. — July 9. Cotton, Texas cotton crop, lirst bale of this year's crop reaches Houston, Texas.— July 23. Cotton Spinners, England, two-thirds reoch an agreement to run on half lime for a month.— July 2G. Crete, Russian cruiser ordered to.— July 12. Crete, three British men of warordered to.— July 13. Crete, Turkey prepares to send several battalions to, in eonscijucnce of tbreau?ued rising of the people.— July 20. CUKTE. Insurgents seize the towns of .Namos and Cidonia— July 22, Risings threatened at Sphukia, RetiraOj Niilatu Hud Sidera. — July 26. The Turkish Council decides not to send a squadron to Crete nor to take active measures for the repression of the revolt.— July 27. Turkish Government resolves to seud new commission to, also eight battalions of troops.— July 30. Two French men-of-war ordered to proceed to.— July 30. Turkish Governor M. Sartuisky recalled .-July 30. M SpuUer, the French Minister of Foreign affairs, intimates to M. Delyanne, the Grecian .Minister to France, that France is disposed to support solution of Cretan crisis in favor of Greece.— July 31. Mussulmans burn over a hundred houses in a village near Caura. The insurgent leaders have appealed to Greek for assistance.— July I 31. Whole island said to bo in revolt with all the principal towns In full posscsaiou it tbe insurgents.- July 31. ' CRIME.S. — Bigamy, Charlotte, N.C., Isalwlla Davis arrested for i .'ing live hu.sbauds —July 4. Absconders, Chippewa Falls, Wis , Nrwald L. J., well known dealer in horses, ilijapiH'ars with $70,000.— July 10. Absconders, f'olebrooke, N.ll., Williams KImon II., disappear!, leaving $MO,000 worth o' aceeptaiicea liehiiid him.— July 10. Absconders. Kaiis ' City, Mo., Polster K K , lessee of the Terra Cotia Lumber C'nmpnnv's plant, giass to Canada leaving his accuunta IJ!JO,000 short.- Jiily 23. Absconders, .Montreal, Narbonne Napoleon, accountant of Water do purtluent. — July 10. Absconders, Wichita, Kas., Paul F.dward, caibier of Pacitic Express Company, disappears. — July IG. Boodler, liHllstiui .Spa, NY., session of Court of Oyer and Termnier for trial of ex-.Md. Arthur .McQuade of New York.— July 9. Boodlers, Bnllastin, N.Y., McQuaTiUon scandal, dies at New York.— July 27. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. |: DKATm.-CmlinHe.l. Motlier Thpre«a, licad (if the onlor or our Liiiiy of Lnri'tlo iitTuronto. -July 1. Norqimv lion Mr., ('i-|)r»iiiicr of Munilolui, 3, liiti'rutfur, wife of W. W. Piigb, jtin., of New Orli'BiiH. — July J'i. St'vmour KiTci. J., miiniiKiT of Anu-rloHn AUunilnum Cunipnny, a t'indliiy, Olii ■ July i:i, Bniltli Kglx 1 iitngiers, at PatcliuKUS, L. I., largo landowner.— July 7. Tje Jiimc'!* (I, |iuliliyti. — July I. Disappearance, Toronto, liowdon Wm., of Qrand Trunk lUilway.— July 2b. Distillery, lllne Island. Rritlxh Syndicate in Chicago purchases land, huildinirs and hriek hel(ni);in(r to Wahl B:os., to convert same into model diatillery.-Jiily in. Divorce, Chicago, Carter divorce case, motion for new trial overruled. — July 15. Divorce, Cliirngo, Mary Oottschalk, resident of Pennsylvania, obtains di- vorce from her husband. — July 21. Divorce, Dtlawa, notice of applicatitui by Emily Walker, of Iliimillon for an lulmeut of marriage with .VHreil Percy >Valker, on the grounds that at the time of marriage they were both minors. — July 10. Divorce. San Franeiaeo, t!nl., new trial in theSlmron divorce case refused in Supreme Court of (;alll'oruia. — July 17. Dogs, Kennel Club, London, rules if ears cut, dog not eligible for show. — July 11. Dominion .Millers Association, Toronto, annual convention opens.— July 9. Duel, Astoria, Oregon, John Rolot nml Jidm W. Lucas tight duel with pistols, LucBS receives fatal wound.— July 2. Earthquake, Arran, Inland of, shock tell. — July 17. Earthquake, Farmington, Me, shock felt at.— July 7. Earthquake. Japan, I.^lund of Kiou Sioii, dreadful earthquake, town of Ku- mamalo destroyed.- July 29. Earthquake, Memphis, Tenn. , slight shock felt —July i;». Earthquake, Russia, town o( Ujarkcne in Semirethinsk, one half of town destroyed —July 12. Earthquake, Russian province of Prjevalsk destroys 167 houses and wipes out a village. — July 30. Earthquake, San Francisco, heavy shock felt at —July 31, ECCLESIASTICAL.- AfricaSoulh, Goodyear Archdeacon, death of, at Magibi.— July 3. Baltimore, Roman Catholic prayer boak authorized by third plenary council, completed and idaeed in hands of publishers.— July 7. Biddeford, Me., Harrington Rev Father, assistant priest of St. Mary's church, arraigned in Municipal Court, charged with assault and bat- tery. — July .30. Columbus Christopher, Bishops and others petition the Viiican to canonize, on anniversary of discovery of America. — July i). Contract Labor Law, New Vork, .Secretary Windom lejecis the nlTer to compromise judgment against Holy Trinity Church.— July 2. Corriitan, suminoued by Toutdf to Rome, vide Ho le correspondent of '>'lir Timm. — July 1. Davenport, la., Rev. Monroe Drew, Presbyterian minister, compelled to leave the city.- July 14. Germany, Empress Augusta Victoria joins the Roman Catholic church.— July 13. IJalifax, Danaher Rev. Father, parish priest of St. Joseph's, dies.— July 24. Jerusalem, M(rr. Fava, Bishop of Grenoble, France, accepts Pope's offer of Patriarchate of Jerusalem.- July 23. Kingston, Ont., Presbytery of, electa Rev. M. W. Maclean modciator' —July 3. , Et't ;LKSIAHTI('AL.-6'(,n(i/iM^.i London, Kiig , Wesleyan conference, opening of —July 23. .Manitoba llapMst conveiiliim. Rev. J. W. Whitman, of Kmerson, elected president. —July 10. Manitoba, Firnt aiirpiublagp of the Cathtdic clergy of the Ecclesiasti- cal province held al St. Ilonllace.— July Iti. Masliam, Ottawa, Faure Rev. Father, parish priest, dioi. — July \!i. Ma.'ikintuig^, I* Ij., Alihe lloia, death of— July ;). Montreal, Harel Rev. Abln' Telesphore, I)D., chancellor o( the Arch- bishop of .Montreal. -July IH Nashville, Teiin.. Kean Hishop. rector of Catholic L'niversily at Washington, interviewed aa to Pope's probable ■'ueressor.— July 17. New Vork, Arehbishop (Nirrigun suniiioued to Rome to explain Ins eiuuluct, see New Vork /'rein.— July 17. Ottawa, Lutheran SynocI, Canada, district of, concluded at.— July 31. Ovi'rbrook, Pa, Coreoran Very Rev. James A., dies at St. Charles Rorroinnie Seminary.— Ju'y lU. Philadelphia, Sherman Thimias Kwing, son of General Shemian, receives tiual orders of the priesthood. — July 7. Rome, Pope receives the Spanish ambassador and alludes to his pos. siltle departure friuii Rome. — July 1. Rome, the I'o|k' in a secret consistory refers to Premier Crispi's speech -July I. Rome, Cardinal Lnvigerie selected by Pope as hia successor ei',/e Rome coriespondent fudrjifritfnrf Ik'ige. — July *I. Rome, I'ope gave a four hours' reception to Cardinals and Diplomats al Rome —July 1.5. SpringHelil, Ohio, Lewis Rev. W. T, death of.— July lU. Toledo, Ohio, suspension ol Rev. Dr. t^uighv, formerly of St. Francis de Sales church, by llishop Gilmour, ol Cleveland, not approved at Rome.— July 25. T(U'onto, liishop Walsh, of London, Ont., elected at Rome Archbishop ofToronto.-July '24. Torimto, Mother Theresa, head of the order of our Lady of Loretto at Toronto, death of —July 1. World's Sunday School Convention opens in London, Eng.— J uly 2. ngburg, citvof, freedom of city conferred upon Mr. C. S. Purnell M P — Jiily 'Jo. VPT. — Anpon, engagement takes place bi'tween forco of Egyptian troops under command uf Col. Wudehouse and a body of dervishes —July 2. Arbu, Sibel, pass, Egyptian troons under C(d"nel Wadehousc occupy jtass and check march of the Dervishes. — July 13. English and Egyptian troops sent to drive the dervishes beyond the frontier, four iield guns sent to .\ssouau. — July It. Frontier, British government taking measures to protect, statement by .Mr. .Sianhope in British House of Commons. — July in. OrentMl (ien., arrives al Assouan, sheiks have expressed loyally, Kgyptiaus ca|iture Bimban, Egyptian picket kills eleven dervish foragers. — July 10. Khartoum, news from, received a' Assouan from Dervish prisoners live nuns anil t.vo priests reported alive al Khartouiu. — July 12. tldicial estimate of the number of the invaders uiiiler Nadel Iinin given by Mr, Siuuhoiie in llritish House of Commons. — July II. Pangani, Wissmaun Capt., attacks Ara'j forces at, despatches ncciu'd at Zanzibar.— July t'. Kondan, Col. Woodhouse's cavalry oceupv camp of enemy and find it deserted, sharp engageiiient with the Dervishes follows, advices ri'- ceived at Cairo.— July 'J. Three battaliiuis of British infantry and squadron of Hussars ordered Irian (.lairo to Assouan. — July 9. Wodehousc Col., C(untnander of Kgyplian troops, sights dervishes moving northward from Arquin. — July 7. Col. Wodehouse telegraphs he is greatly hampered by prisoners. Two guns taken abaudmied by Dervishes.— July 15. Advices from front slate General GrenfcU has assumed command — July Hi. Gen. Greufell sends messengirs to Nad-EI-Jumi, with proclamation suinmoniiig him to siimuuler; the messengers beaten, and Xad-il- Jumi reads proclamation toassembleil Dervishes.— July 16. Government notilies French (lovernnient that hitler's refusal to accept the conversion scheme will cost Egypl yearly i;2u0,000.— July ih. Gen. Grenfell's despatch containing reply of N«d-EI-Jumi to Ilio general's demand fur surrender read in Uriliah House of Comiuoiis —July 18. Assouan, eight hundred more British troops start for. — July 20. Reconnoitring party sent out from Wady Haifa find Dervishes under NadEI-Jumi occupying gooil position — July 20. Conversion scheme, French government gives final refusal to asseut to.— July '20. Advices from Assouan say re-inforcemcnts have been summoned to Khartoum and Dongolu.- July 22. •WfflSftP uijjp4i'njiniillun!i h'Hviiin ih<' horiii's of Ml of ihiir niinihcni. NiinihiT uf Uurviahcs C't)itiirctl, Col \Vo(it'houi(t'"H report fcfivfti. — July il. Tuaki, iiilvic'i'B t'roiii, tlmt LiiMil. HiiKulliir, Willi ilclafhtni'nt of KByi>- tmn I'HVitlry tiinl t'Oiiipaoy of I lih rc^iiiii'iit dcfrut l>i*r- vijlii'8 Koiilli uf Aiialii. — July :il. El.KC I'lONS.— Fmiici', llnis^y, 81. Lpgro, Uen. Auiilaiiger elected DU- irict (loiiiu'illor.— Jul) i, Uiiriiiarthi'iisliin-, Moricun Mr., OlHdsluniHn, returned to Uritish Ilouie of (7iuiiiiiuii:4. - July 17. Dover, Ku({ . Wynclli.iiii Mr., relurueil unoppmed — .luly 13. Frmiie, llouliiiit;i'r, Dillon aiul Kiieheluri issue iiuinifiiito torlectnrs. — July 21. France, lloulanger only carrie.s twelve cantons out of 451 contested. — July M. Met/., Failnr Delles, a Catholic, and member of the Protester, parly elccled ineniber of the KeichstKK — J"'}' '-■'■ Maryleliiiin', lionlnoi^ Mr , Conservative, relumed to British House ol Cuninnuis. — July III. Klectrieily, Edison's I'ateni)*, Oilawa Minister of Jiialiee (grants the appli- eatin I'aicii'S.— July 21. Electricity, execution hy. Keniniler case, New York, Thomas Edison gives evideuc. — July 21J. Electricily, executions hy, Kemmler reference. New York, eleclrieal sub- way, cominissiiuier (iilibon, John \V. Noble uud Alexander .McAddie (;ive t'vitlence.— July 15. Electricity executions by, Kemmlcr case, I'clerson Dr. Frederick, (fives evidence, — July lU. Electricily, pxecuiions hy, Kemmler case, Gerry Elbridge T., gives evi- dence, — July 17. Eleclricily, Niagara Fall.<. Col, Hamilton obtains errant frnni Ontario (!ov- erniucuitosel up electric generating machine under thu Falls,— July 20. Elo|M!mcnt, Abbeyvillc, Ala., Holland .Mrs. Lillie Q., elo|)es with Charles Lee. a negro.— July 17. Emerson Hon. (i. H,, death of, in Newfoundland —Reported July 20. K.-.. Harbors, I'.S., Captain Malinn recommendi approprliiliona for llull'a harbor, Tonawaiiila liurbur, .Niagara river, Wilson harbor and Alcott harbor. -July 17. HAYTI.— Douglas Frederick, appointed to be minister resident and Consul General of riilted Slates to.— July 1. Great Britain nolilies Il.iyii nut to molest British ahipa visiting in- surgent iHirta— July 12. Leiriiime arming young women to Hght, letter from Port au Prince dali'd June 20 arrives at New York— July 11. Lieut. Thurston concludes his enquiry into charges made by German.Ti that assistance was given .Maiaafa by British Consul at Apl.'\.— July 0. Port-au-Pi,.... , Hippolyte aiisaultH outer works, city in a stale bor- deri;ig on (rcnzy, Ktler to New York 7'ime«.— July 7, re|)orled July 10. Port-au-Prince Hippolyte hurled back into interior from outwork', and again advances on city. Arcabial strongest fortress captured. —July 10. Port-an-Prince, Hippolyte endearort to take Fort La Coupe, and Is defeated by Legitime. — July 18. Hippolyte attempts to take Port-au-Prince on llth July, and ia re- pulsed, news brought to New Y'ork by Atlas line ateamer "Alene." -July 22. Admiral Gherardi reports from Port-au-Prince. — June 10, reported July 23 Baltle east of Port-auPrince, on 17th inst., Hippolyte driven from his position. iSteiimer '• Prince Frederick," from Port-au-Prince, arrives at New York willi new.^. — July 2li. High School .Masters ol Ontario, convention at Toronto.— July 31. Hocking Canal, Sliarpe'a Dam at Sugar Grove near Lancaster, Ohio, burets, doing much damage.-- July 20. Hops, London, Eng.. pocket of this season's si Id.— July 23. Horses trotting, Louisville, Ky., L. L. Dorsey's stuck of, sold.— July 20. Horse thieves, Albuquerque. N.B., Deputy She.'ilf Lawson organizes pos.-^e, and gives chase to band of horse thieves, battle takes place and leader of thieves shot dead, and Deputy Sheriff receirea serious wound.— July 20. Hudson Bay Company, London, meeting at, several objections to report presented.— July 9. Ilungarv, Trnnsyh aniii and Biikovina. cyclone sweeps over, hundreds of persons k'lled. several disiriela completely ravaged.— July 28. Illinois Sleiim Company purchases large tract of land adjnining its .South Chieago rolling mills, and will erect a plant in which will be em- pli>yed 2.000 additional men.— July 30. Imperial Federation League, Tupper Sir Charles, elected a member of Executive Council.— July 31. Imperial Federation, Sir Charles Topper's scheme, Hon. M. Bowell, Minister of Customs, and Hon John Curling, Minisleruf Agriculture, discuss same al Ottawa. — July 4. Imperial Kederalion, Salisbury Lord, speaks on, at Mile End, London.— July 16. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT.— Commons and Lorda, Delagoa Bay railway con<;essiiui, blatements by Sir James Fergiisson and Lord Salisbury. -July 1. Commons, debate on suppression of Nationalist meeting at Cork.— July 1. Cmnmons, Prince Albert Victor, Queen's message respecting allow- ance, to read.— July 2. Commons, Samoa, Sir James Fergiisson denies England has agreed lo retire Irom her position ns one of three protecting powers — July 2. Commons, provision for Prince Albert Victor and Princesa Victoria oi Prussia referred to aelect committee.— July 4. riUH THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. London.— IMI'KltlAI, I'AliLIAMKNT.-t'ondUM^./. (^minidiii, Uojsl granlii, coniiniltoe of 23 iiipiiiIhtii K|i|ioiiiUMl. — July !l ('i>iiiriiiiiiii, title " lliini>ral>li' " ITnilor Seorctiiry for coloiiie* B«yi, no iii'W rr|{'il>ilii)n iniiiiiMl with ri'trnril In.— July II. Cnnmiona, Kgyi'lion friiii'iiT, .VIr Slmiliop*. Scon-lary cil Smto for wnr, ainlsa Kuvt'riiint'nt (nkiiiK nicniiiiri'a lo iiroiict.— April 10. Conimoufi, motion Ki*'"R llii' (lovurnmrnt D'limiiiliiK tiniu of I'Hrlia- niont «c'ct'|iiet).— July 11. Commoin, S ■ odi luciil (fnvonimi'nt liill, Mr. Iloworlh's motion lo omit (rev fdJCrtlion diOHe cIi'IchUmI.— July 11. Common!), Kitrpl.Mr Shinlinpi- Kivca olllciiil rallmiilpof the number of llie iiivii(lVr.< of Kujpl uu'li'r .N'liilel liniu. — July II, Commont, Svotcli locitl goveriimenl bill pHi.'et commilte<< stage.— July 111. Conimoni, Kfrypt, Hon. Kilwaril Slanliope rend eommun'oiition from Oun. Oronli'll conntuiliig reply of Niid-elJunii lo (ieneml'H di'iuHiid for lurrender.— July 1m. ConimoMg crunmillee on rovnl (frnnH, Rl linn. W.II .Smilh intimiitea to f'oriiniiit4'e tiuit ^(iviTnnv ut iiol inclnied In ti^tt'c In iirnpn..iMl tluil no grnuta sliiill \><- unilc to g'-nu'l cljiMnn of tlii' Ijuien nuLside llie direct line of 9Ucc,'ii»iou to llie thnuie— July HI. CommonK, llnly mid KrHiiee, Hllitude of llritiiin in eme of wiir between, Mr IjiilMHictiere i|iie8tiniis |{nveriniient tlirn'iui. - July IK. Commona, Wesiern Aiialralinn bill withdrawn by UoTernnicnt — July 22. Commons, Maritime conference, Sir James Pergii.«on states no Hnal lirogranuui' for, yet been a){ruid upon with Anierican government. —July 22. Oominoiia, Kirni Lord of Admirulty Kpenlci as to the conatructiou of war shi|i8 during; the pnnenl leign.— July 22. Commona, re|Kirl ol comiuiliee on Hoyal Urunts laid on the table. — July 22. Commona, niilwiiyi in Ireland, il 1100,000 granted for const.uction of. —July 2:t. Commona, Uoynl (zrnnia, repnrt of I'ltrliumentary oommlttee on, de- bited, ,\ir l.itlinuehere jiropoxea hi.'< anieudment. — July 2.^. Commons, Ili>yHl jrrHnt.'), Mr. Liibouchere a motiona to adopt bis sub. alltute for the lloyal grama iiunmitlee rejected.— July 21). Coinniiins, Itoyal grants bill, Mr. Morley's amendment defeated. — July 2a. Cunnnona, Royal grants bill paesea its llrat reading without a diriaion. —July 30. Coumions, Rnval gr«nta bill passes its acoond rending— July 31. Commona, Ontario boundary bill rend n second time.— July 31. Conmiona, Ontario llnnndnry Hill read third time. — July 31. Lorils, Ausiralia Western, bill grnnling Hume rule, constitution to, passed — July 11. Lorils, Ontario Itnundary Rill passes all its stages.— July 20. Uoyal grants, liritiali {tovernmenl accepta propoaal by John .Morley for increase.! allowance to I'rinci' nf Wales, enalilin); him to proviile marriage porliona for his cliililren, be aiibatitnied lor pinpoaed Bliccial gianta— July 18, India, Indus river overflowed, 40 persona drowned at Laukhana, despal- chea received. — J uly 9. Indiana|H)lia, Ind., Silviition Army barracks, attempt lo blow up with powder.— July !p. Indian affairs, U. S. Senate committee on, arrives ut Juneau, Alaska.— July 21. Indians, Culville agency, .Steven.^ County, Washinpton Territory, Indians burn eight aqirire inilt-aol hay laid in, and tlirealen livc..^ nla'-tllers, teleginm received by Coinmiaaiouer of Indian iiilairs, Waahiugton. —July 27. Indians on Devil's Lake reservation, N'nrtliem Pakota, refuse to accept lands in severalty us contemplated in general allotment Act of IH.-*?.- July III). Indiana, Red Lake, (Miippewa, cnnimiaaion snccessfiil, and Indians cedo the greater portion of their ri'aervatinu. — July 10. Insanity, (k'dar Creek, W. T., Roland Jnhiison, religious maniac, kills his wife and children, and slioota himself,— July 15. Insanity, Rlizabeth, N. J., epiden.ic of.— July 2. Insurance Companiea, (>l:icMjro, State Altnrncy guea to recover penalliea lor not takinir lUil license.'t, Juiliie Clilliird deiliues to grant rule lo compel companiea to produce their books. — July 24. International K.xpoiution, New Vork, .Mayor Grant inviles live hundred prominent men to cunaidcr the adviaability of holding exhibition in 1H'.I2.— July n. Iiilerimtioiiiil Labor Congress postponed by Swiss Rnndesrath until the Spring. — .Inly HI. InkTuational Lulior ('ongrcsa, I'aris, pii-a aeries nf resoliitinn< deuianilini,' a universal uia.caka lui new Irish lA-ague. — July 13. Dublin, Timoiliy llealv, .M.I' , pn'sidc.sat meeting of National L"agne in Dublin, and speaks on withdrawal of Harnell and his colleagues from commission —July Hi. Dublin, Winstaiiley Aro James, a Proiestant, and Parnellite, unanim- ously nominated to Iw Lord Mayor for 1890.— July 1. Father (;ovency of Dnninanway, Londim S/'n8enm of Science adopt resolutions urging Queen lo visit Ireland.- July 23. Irish .National League, New Vork, meeting of Municipal Council, John Devoy atlMcks .Michael Davitl.— July 10. Rome, negotiaiiona in prngress between the Po'>« and the Italian Premier Crispi looking to a reconciliation between the Vatican I and the (ieiie'ral —July 15. i Iron Mills, Philadelphia rolling mill As.sociation and Amalgamated Assu- ' eiation agree on wage schedule.— July I. , ITALY.— Cnni, Krench lieniinant arrested by authorities for sketching forts of llie haibor. — .Inly 29, Legislative elections. Ministers hold council in Rome, and decide to i post one thcin in view of the present straiued situation in Kurope. I -July 22. 8 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 5i.. vi 1.1 Jiipan, Olmn PitiR nnA Ping Viipnft ilislricis llnodid by liuretinjr of water ii|if Ellen llitc, owners of Dam held re.^iponsible — July ('.. .lohnstown. N.Y., eloud burst iil, fifty persons drowned.— July 9. Jones Mr. W. C, editor of Pnris, Onl., Star '/ ri( H'f >', death of.— July C. Jonrneynien I'luniliers and (iaJ and Seiimliltc i-s Laborers' Utiion of New Voik decide to wiihilniw Ironi Knights ol Labor —July ;il. lis of Hyderabad, death of— July 7. 1, rules II dogs ears cut, dogs not eligible for show.— Jun(J Sir Siihir. Kennel ('lub, li July II. Knights of Lalpor, Chicago, meeting of the Kxreuiivehonrd— July Hi. Knights of Labor, Chicago, circular issued lieariiig signaliueH ol principal olhcers with the object of forming an alliance.— July 17. Knights of Labor, Australia, charter grained by e.\ieulive eonitnittee in Chicago to the tirst district assembly of the order organized in Australia.— July '22. 1 Knights ol hibor, nirmingham, Ala., Trades Council eliminates knights 1 from the orgaTiizatiiJii.— July 'JH. | t thts of labor, Cliicii(!0, .Mr. I'owderly's explanation of the board's nmnageinenl of the order unaniinoisly approved by meeting.— July 21. Knights of Labor, Chicago, executive board decides to issue a call for money to aid striking miners tf liraidwood. III., district.— July 22. Knights of Labor, Chicago, board lini,;40,niiO lor loss of cattle decided ii] favor of defendants.- July II. Chicngo, llorton Judge, decides the law rei|uires n written coinplitint in every case of arrest by the police.— July >*. Chicngo, Divorce, t'arter divorce case, new trial r.dnsed. — July l.'i. Chicago, Hell Telephone Company against Telephone Com- pany, final decree tendered by Judge lilodgett in I'edcial Court. — July 24, Chicago, Insurance companies slate attorney sues to recover jienal- ties for not taking out liccises, Judge Ciillord declines to giuut rule to compel companies to produce their books.— July 24. Divorce, (Chicago, Mary (iottsehalk, resident of I'enusylviinia, obtains divorce from liei biisband. — July 24. Divorce. San Francisco, t'ala., Supreme (^tmrt of California, new trial in Sharon divorce case retiised. — July 17. Ireland, Dubli", .Mairistrate Fitzgerald obtains dainiiges from A'rcc- mnn'n .hmni'il i\ni\ l.rinsler LcuJer, for libel in dubbing him an " invineilile." — July 24. Ireland, Limerieli. .Matthew Harris against Irish riHi'S for libel gets verdict ol .fl.uO''.- J„ly 11. Little liock, Ark., suit filed tiy .lay (lould in V. S. court, to recover $42.'i,ooo from Liitle Kick," .Missouri Kiver and Te.\at itailroiid.— July 24. London, Fng , Privy Council, case of town of .St. Jolins, P.Q., and Central Vermont liailn-ay as to the right of the inuniciiialiiy to tax railway bridi.-" iirgued. — July 12. London. Kiig . niliien Williiiin. .Ml*., against Lord Salisbury, action for libel, uiiil of, begins. —July I'l. London, ( I'lirien W.. Ml'., against Lord Salisbury for slander, verdict Utr defendant —July 20. London, (t'lh'ien W, M.I'., against Lord Salisbury fiir libel; D'Hrien applies for a new trial.— .Inly 3\. New York. Ives Henry t*. and .Stayner George II., proeeedlngs to secure releii.^e ot. by a writ ot h'llnnn ff>r/>n.'< fri'ni prison where held (HI an order (or arrest in a civil suit for .•f2. "ton, (KM) iiroiight by Cincinnini, Hamilton and Dayion Itailroad Cumi'iiny.— July :jl. LEGAL.- (7«n/im(,(/. Ottana, Lynch Hon. W. W., appointed to Superior Court Bench for Pidviiice of tjnebec.— July . ■. St. .l.iliii, .V. Il.,Suprenie Court inrourns further hearing of case against -Mr. Ellis, M. P., for contempt, Ki consider points raised by his coun- sel—July ,">. San Francisco, Probate (lourt, Hlythe Thomas H., the Iftte, trial con- cerning pro|KTty of, commences. — July l,">. Trenton, N.J , vicechaneellor Van Fleet h(dds that a woman's mar- riage to her step grandson is valid.— July 2ti. Lethbridge,Sir lioper, .M. P., resigns his seat in Hritish House of Conimons, for North Kensington.— July 4. Lightning, Jidinson's .Siaiinn, Pa., an iron lank, containing 2ii,nnn giillons of oil struck and ignites the oil which Hows into the creek. — July 2. Lumber, meiHing of litniber merchants at St. John, N-lt., protests against policy of New Hrunswiek government — July 2"). Lunatics. .Minniapolis Slate A.sylum, at Rochester, ofilcial investlgatioti brings out snameliil tales of brulaliiy. -July 1. Liindy's Liine, battle of, The Liindy's Lnne Historical Society keep ".'illi anniversary of latlle of. — July J,^). Lntheraii Synod. Canada district of, conclude'! at Ottawa.- July ;il. Lynching. Cheyenne, \Vy , Kate Maxwell noted ''Catile Queen," and James Averille, luislinaster at Sweet.>ater, Wy., lynched by cow- boys for cattle thieving. — July 22. Lynching. Kelly, N B . two Mexican cattle and horse thieves hanged by party of cow boys —July 22. Lynchini.', Lafayette. La., Felix Rev, negro who had l-ained his wile, lynched, warrants issued to arrest tw.-nty-six pers(»ns implicated.— July :i(). Mails, Ciinailiiin .Mlantie mail service undertaken by .Messrs. Anderson of London, signed at (Ittawa — July Hi. MARHIAtJRS, Chicago, Foster Ibui. Geo. E., Canadian Minister of Fin- ance, to Mrs, Addle C. Chisholm, well-known temperance worker and lecturer. — July 3. Chicago, Emmons Blaine, engaged to Anita McCormick, second daughter of the late C. H .MctJortuiek, of Reaper lame. — July If). Br.\ce Prof. James, MP. south division Aberdeen, to Elizabeth .Vslilon' dauuliter of ex-Hlierilf Asbton of Lancashire.- July 23. Fitzniaurice Lord Edmund, encaged t(» be married to Miss Fitzgi raid, well-known tirieutal scholar. — July H. London, Eiig., Deiiilo L;nd, eldest sou of Earl of Clancarty, to Bella Belton, notorious variety artist. — July 12. London, Eng , Puleston Sir J(din, daughter of, to Ashurst Morris, at Chapel Royal Whitidnill.- July 2. L(anlon. Eng., II. H. II. Princess Louise of Wales to the Earl of Fife. -July 27. Itegina, Boiirinot Dr., cleik of the tlouBe of Commons, married to Miss Cameron of Regina. — July 2. Trenton. N'.J.. Vice-I'lianeelhir Van Fleet holds that a woman's mar- riage to her step-grands'Ui is valid.— July 211. Mason Dr. (". ('., grand conmnmder of Knights Templar of California, death of.— July 15. Masonic. .Marion, la., injunction issued against Grand Lodge of Iowa, restraining them tioni putting into ellect legislation referring to ('erneaii bodies. — July 29. Masonic, llwen S(Min(l, it., imetifg of Grand Lodge. — .Inly Hi. Masonic. Wasbington, (% riieaii S'utiisli rile, Harrison Dignian, .M \\'.0..M, of mnso'is of disiriit of C'liinibia, issues edict warnnig all members to witlidriiw from ('t rn'.-an body. — July 27. .Massowah, Italian (iovernmeut orders that a battalion leave .Massowah and occupy ..\smani — July .'10. MEDK^'AL, Munsler. Westphalia, Drs. Frieke and Boemerhnne fatally in- jured by bursting of etier report in Dr. Koenin's laboratory. — July 4. New York, Dr. Jolin .Me.M"rney. mysterious disappearance of.— July 4. South Carolina .Medical Suciety, Dr. .McDow, slayer of Captain Davv- son.'at Charleston, S.C, expelled.— July 18. Washington, Ibiiniuond Dr. W. A., iutei viewed as to resul s of his elixir of youf' — June :il. Zanzibar, Dr. Selinehkopf surgeon-in-chief of Capt. Wissman's expe- dition, drowned. — ,luly 27. Metlakalitla, William Dunenn arrives at Victorni, I! ('., from Alaska, and reports as lo the eoii(liti(ni of .Metliikahlla. — July 17. Mexico, ciiy of, Juarez, ex-President, anniversary of death celebrated by Libeials by grand procession lo the cemeleiy.— July IH. Mexico, Sassily Souvra, Custom House collapses and three men killed — July 22. MILITARY, Canadian, St. Johns. P. (}., .'■.th district milita-y camp at, inspection by .Sir Fred .Middletmi. — July I!. British. Eg'.pl. thrie battnli.uis of Driiisli inhinlry and squadron of Husoars ordered Iruin Cairo to A.ssouan. — July «. THE INDEX OF CURRENT BARENTS. MILITAKY.— Con d to lioh' llii'inselves in readi- ness for active service in K^ypt. — July II. Britain, nine hundred and fifty nienibiTS of Conniinglit rangers sent to Malta to ri.'placi' troops sent to Kjtypt — June 1'-'. British troops, Kftd start for Assouan. — July 20. Bulgaria, at Oennriscli, near Adrianople, Unssian agents collecting soldiers who desert from Bulgarian army.— July 'JO. Dominion Rifle Association executive of, meet at Ottawa to arniope for coming tneeting. — July ;io. France. Minister of War orders Col. Vincent to he placed under arrest for pnhlisliing evidence given in Senate Conit in Cien. Boulanger's case.— July It!. Krance, armv hill cnmiielling Seminarists to undergo years militarv service, t'Lamher of Deputies agrees to Senates amendtiients to bill. —July H. France, review of troops held by I'res. Carnot at Longchamps, I'aris. —July 14. Uertiiany, army contractors at Berlin, named Hagemaun and W'allack sentenced lor bribing paymasters. — July .'). Geruumy, French exhibition, Ibrbiddeu by Kmperor to visit.— July 9. Uermiin, Zan/.il)Hr, (.'ountess Btncher opened second military hospi- tal tor treatment of tjerinau soldiers.— July II. German, ollicial report of operations in Western Africa published. — July n. Germany, VoTi Srhellendorf General, in 9)>cech at Koenigsberg, said all fears of war groundh-.i.J.— July -4. Germany, (ioverimient decides to ask for e.vtra ("-edit for the army to be demoted exclusively to artilhry branch i>f the service. — July :iO. Italy, GoverntncMit orders that a battalion leave .Mntsowah and occupy Asmara— July :io. Italy, French lieutenant arrested by aulhiuilies lor sketching forts of the harbor k. — July I, Alrici. Kast, .Neilscni, olhcer of Kast Africa Company, noirdi'ivd by Chief Bushiri, Wissnnm Capt., oilers reward for his arrest. — July 27 . Bastroph, Te.xaa, Cedar C'reek, colored. Judge Orange Wickes shoots All'. Litieu in court, and precipitates tearlul conllict.— Reported July 22. Bad River Station, Wis.. Fuschs Joseph, murders his !■< venrold bride. -July IK. rii-tuingliiiin. Ala., Duncan Kev. Henry, who poisoticfl his wde and eloped with .Miss lioldser, captured at Daltou.— J'lly t. Boston, While Di- William B., medical eleclrician. shoots his wife and commits siiiente.— July 13. Bright. Out., iMennuiiite t.'liiireh near, child cremated by person un- known.— July 17. liiilliilo, .N.V., Mc.Vulty Henry Harney, an aimless man. murdered by Patrick Doyle, a one armed man —July s, Calnary.Maii .Fi-k William, charged with miirderiiigan Indian wotnau ttainil guilty of inanslaugfiter. — .Inly 11. Carthage. N.V., Fred. Farr, engineer on the Carihage and Idoroiidack Railway, shools ami kills his wife and commits suicide. — July Jl. Cedar (Jreek, W.T , .lohiisun Roland, kills his wife and children, and shoots hinnelt - ,luly \'i. Charleston, Dawson Col., acijiiiilal of Dr. McDow. — July I. t'liicago, Cronin, Burke extradition case resumed al Winnipeg.— July .i. Chicago, Cronin, application tnade through Sir Julian I'anncelote, British Ambassador al Washington, to Dept. of Justice, Ottawa, .'ir extradition of .Martin Burke —July 4. Chicago. Cronin Dr., Hurke extradition case al Winnipeg, further hear- ing and iidjourninenl. — July (i. Chicago, Cioniu Dr., letter found at Niagara Falls, piirpurliiig to bo written by peisoii who has assisted in the killing atid had conituit.- ted suicide.— July li. Chicago, Cronin. .Niagara Falls, letter discovered at. — .liily 7. Chicago, Cronin, man arrested at Albert l.ia mine siippiised tn tie t'ooney,- .Inly H. Chieairo. Cronin Dr.. Burke case called on. and adjourned until to- morrow peremptorily. —July H. Chicago. Cronin Dr., -ipecial secret meeling of the executive cummiitee of the Citizens' .\ssoci iiioiiheld. and decide to liiiiil to prose- cute the iniirdereri. — Inly \>. Chicago, Cronin Dr., Burke extradition at Winnijieg, Charles J. Carlson identities Burke —July :i. Chicago, Cronin Dr., Burke's extradition ordered at Winnipeg — July 10. Chicago, Cronin, Judge Horton r> to issue writ of l,,ilna» cur/nia lor release on bait 'if John F. Beggs. chief ollicer of camp 20, Clanr na-Gael -.Inly 12. Chicago, ('roiiiii. San Francisco, Cal., .Maurice Walsh arrested.— July 14. Chicago, Cronin, .ludge llorion refuses senior Guardian Beggs appli- cation for writ ot liiihriix (■i:r/'M<.— July 10. ( liicago, Croiiiii, another apidication liir release of John F. lieggi on bail relii.sed.— July 17. Chicago, (.'nniin, Hurke extradition tnafter, papers received at De- partment of Justice, Ottawa, from Winnipeg,— July IT. Chicago, Cronin, application at Winni|ieg by .Martin Burke's counsel for writ of (■' rlmrmi granted.— July 2:i. t'liicago, (Jroiiiii, suspects arraigned before Judge llurtoii, all the prisoners except Coiiglilin say they are ready for trial.— July 2,'i. Chicago, Cronin, liiirke case at Winnipeg, the full court asked that u rule releasing Burke be made absolute, — July 25. 10 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ill MURl. inn.— CoHtiuiie.l. (Jliicii,,(i, Croiiiii. DwyiT William, slri'it lardrivcr, iiii'iiiioneii in cou- m-i'iiim with, luiiiiid ai Kcllv's Hotel, Wust Toronlo Junction.— July '.'ti. C"liica;;(i, Ccdiiin. ilii- fivosn.-i|H'i'l3 arrnlKneci. anil all plend not K"i''y i O'Siilliviin's iiitiirni'.v iiiaki s niotiniit'or clmngpofivHwc— July '-'». Cliica({o. t>Ml. -July II. Delroil, .Mich , .Munis Ciawnird lloslli-r, kiilcil by an unKuoun niiin from a Imggv at the corner of licaubier and Maciinib stivets.— July j;!. Uelndt, llich., Woldick William, in hiiicmI nnv in sahmn. kicki'd to dentil, two nun Joiiii Cuok and Tboiiias Kiusyth iiiicsted.- July '-'7. Kdgertiin, tlhio, llr.idly lliriiin mmileis hi..^ wife and Mi. Xcwman, (aiiuiT, bis laiini-iii-favv, ami thin .-hm.t.-i liinscll. - July '1\. KIk Towiishi|i, (.'lii.McMi Cuuiiiy, la.. Wl•^^y KUis. 11 years old, iiiui- ders bis father iind r^tep-mother. — July 'J4. Geneva, N.^ . Kb anor O'Shcii, miiiderer John Kelly, hanged at t'anandaij^iia.-'July 10. Kdgelield C'oiinU . S.C . Khniuii l.'ev K. K. alia.-- John Vehhle, ]im-Io ot'.Aribiir . 'Strict cbureh (colmed), Pittsburg, Ta., tinested fur iniir der in l.s.Si:,— July li Lafayette, l.a., JMli.v Keys, wliu luuideieil his wife, taken from jxaol and lyncbeil.- July 11. Lexinntiiii. (Iklalioma, I'ity Mur-hul Henry Simon; shot dead diiriiiK an iilteieattini by Kianeis 1. .luues -July:!i|. 1/iberty Ciiiiuiy. negro child killid by its |iareut.H as a sacrilice. — l!e- |iiiileil , I Illy 'J4. Lilth' Kail-. Minn., Frank Kich. tlie murderer .Albert Hidlow banged -July i:i. Liver|ioiil. M^iybiiek James. Irue bill relumed against .Mrs. I'Moience Klizabeih Ma\briek. — July 'JT l,iver|i(jid. .Mavbriik .Mis. Khueuce, ariaigned bir trial for murder of her hu.sband. — .inly .11 Lntidon, Castle .\lley. Whiieehiipel woman supposed to be aiiutlier victim III .lack the i;ip|ier July !i;. Lonihin, Kiig . allempted minder and niutilatitm daugliier — July Is. New York. I'lmrh's (iiblin and Ferdinand Caiolin sentenced lt» be hanged - July 2:t. Oklahoma. Ibiltou Uoberl, lleputy I'nitcd .Stales ininsbal. shot ileail by Lee West. -July 11. Uiveiisboro'. Kan . Frank .Morris liilally slablnd by lieu. Hates at a baseball uialcb.-- July 'Jl Uxlord, N.J , Hollinshire .Michael, his murderer .Michael llulak hanged at Helvidrre, .S J. July lii. Quitman, .Miss., Taylor John, execiiliim of negroes I'rince Fleiuingand Kicliard Jiitdan. innrdereis — July 3. .Mount I'leasaiit. Fla . Frances Cooper, colored, poisons three negm women who dine with her, and tnie dies — July !». Palonse City. W T., Johnson I! I)., kills bis wife. \4 year old son. V MUHl)KllS.-Co;i/in«eJ Taney eniinly, MisBoiiri, liiindrcdfl of men in arms, in search of Miles boys Hilly and Manuel.— July ». Toronlo. Smith James, killed by Hugh McKay.— July 8. Toronto, llecinr McDonald murdered in lusuuc Asylum, by Barker I'orter. a lunatic— July 17. Wallace. .N'..M., Moore Deputy Sherilf, shot dead by Joseph Cbacha, a small po.\ attendant ordered to quit the town.— July 26. Waw.saw, Ind.. Dunks .Mrs. Martini, arresied for murdering her tiflenn iiHuilhs old child, and her husband Daniel Dunks arrested for being Mccessiiry. — July "Jtl. Whilechiipel, inquest. — July 18. Whitechapel, Castle -Alley, FngliFlimau arrested for. — July 19. Whitechapel. William lirodie suspected "Jack the Itipper " arraigned belore police magistrale and remanded.— July 20. Whitechiipel, William lirodie, who confessed while intoxicated to being the tnui'ib-rer. discharged Irnni custody. — July 27. Whiiiirg .Station, Lake County, bodies of three unknown men, one 1 olored and two white, found, each with bital wound on the back of the III ad.- July 2-1. Musie.t M la wa,arr.tngenicn Is completed bireslublishunutof college of music in atlilialion with the Londnu, ICngland, f'ldlege of .Music. — July 22. N.i Is. Ci'iiiral Nail Company of Wheeling, West Va., chartered. —July 2!*. N'l'ional Conleciioners .Association meets at Chicago, and oH'ers a reward for convii'tion of adulteration. July 2. .Vational Ivlucatioiial .Association, Nashville, Tenn , session of. — July 18. .NAVAL. France, Knintz .Admiral, .Minister of .Marine and Colonies, de niiiTids liom Flench t.'hambcr of deputies extra credit of UU,000,000 francs for navy, — July li. liiitish, (.'reb', three British men-of war ordered to.— July 13. lirilish (loveriimenl accepts lenders lor construction of 17 vessels on The Clyde. Ly ne and .Mersey. — July Is. Ilritish. inniorcd cruiser ■' Aurora " shifis her plates in a heavy sea, and ships so nimdi water that she becomes helpless.— July 2D. lii itish Wiirshii) •• Siilt;iii " raised at .Malta — July 2(1. France. Chamber ol deputies, .Sdmira! Kraiilz. .Minister of .Marine, declares the need ol several new warships.— July ii, France. Chamber of Deputies approves bill (iroviding for credit of .' franc- lor building warships — July 15. France, ivMi Fieiich i>. Newlouiidlaud annevation, f!ev Doclor Howley, Apostolic I'relecl of .Newfiiundland, interview 111 in London by Fall Mall liuirltr — July 12. Newpiui, Ky . tmir men claim to be mayor -July 10. .Vew South Willis, Legislative .Assembly passes bill providing for payment of lis members. — .Inly .'tl. .N'icaragiia. desjialch from I'linaniH says Costa Kican troops marching on Niciragimm eonseipience of t'osta Itica canal Irnuble. — July 4. .Nicaragua Canal, .S'uo- /eledoii. Minister fioin Costa Kictt to United SlMlis, arrives at Waslnngtnn and denies report of trouble between Costa liicaand .Nicaragua. -July n. year old daughter, and commits suicide.- July li. I'ittsbuig, I'a., .Moselev Mis. Flniiia, shot bv Kicluird Lewis ber I Nihilism. Merlin. I'oliee deliver iiii student siis|a'cled of being a Nihilist to lioarder. who also shoots Kmiline Mveis her .sister.- Julv n. j ""-'"" '""l""'""'^-''"l.v I:.. Fittson, Fa., Creahan poisoning case,,-oroiiers impiesl, Kdward (ilvnii ^'"'^"">' """ *''' ' "-I"''"""'' "'' M""!'"!"'. i"'''"!' of-July .1. and wife charged with causing denlli of bitters niolber for the |iiii- I Xorlhern Ameiican .Sail Company Ides articles ot incorporation in Secre pose of securing insurance money. July 11 * **' '-■ "O I St John's, Nenloundland, Sillars .Aichibahl, merehnril. bis |iiirlner William Farnell hanged tor his niui'der.-Ueported July 22, St. Louis, .Mo., Davis Lillie. inmate of a brothel, shot by Daly James T.. gambler, who shoots bimsell.- July li). San Francisco, mongolian shot by fellow highbinder. — .liily l.'i. San Francisco, 'I'l Lung, Chi: ese sewing niiichinc operator, fatally shot in back by Ahlluen. — July l."i. Shelbwille, Ind . (larvin .Mrs. .Mollie, attacked and killed at her house by Charles Sullies -July !i. Somerville. .Mass , Smilli .Mrs. (^itlieilne, and her son Thomas, shot dead by Augustus Kosenberg. — June Ft. Star Cily, Ark , Hunter Jo,se|ih, a planter, four children of. poisoned by arsenic being placed in their food.— July 1(J. taiy of Slate's iitticr, .MImi'iy. .N. V -July lit. Norway. Imperial yacht Willi Lmperor William on board, arrives at Sta- vaiiger.— July '-'< Nova Scotia, (lov.Miiment loan, the si.'lDo.noo (our percent, loan to run thirty years I li.en at from IJ to I.J percent, preminm. — July 17. Oil springs, throw's Nest I'ass.. 71 oil springs discovered at.— July 30. nil. Vanciuiver, disi oxered in centre of city. — July 17. Oklahoma, new co«d of seltlers resolve themselves into opposition to cily iiilmin slraiion and issue call for new election, (ieneral Slerritl commanding ihprl. of .Missouri leaves for dkhihoma.— July 12. Ontario, bonmhirv 1. 11 passes all its stages in British House of Lords. — July 20. Ontario Boundary Mill, read second and third lime in British Uuuae o( Commons.— July 31, THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 11 1 search of Hilea ^lum, by Barker 09epb Cbacba, a y 1!G. leriiig her tifloen rrested for being -July 1!». |iper " Hrraigued ' intoxicated to iiwwn luen, one I lid ou tbe back r college of iniidic Music. — July '^2. rtcrcd.— July 29. I oHera a reward ion of.— July 18. ml Colonies, de iJil of 1)0,000,000 July 13. of 17 vea3>;l9 on < in a heavy aca, .-July 20. lialcr of Marine, iig for credit of Crclc— July :)0. irrcsli'd, charged I Itind their men. July 1. irrington, on the lion " near Cape sentence at two French, detacli- >li(ire tomainlHin jlolif I'relecl of Mall (luirlte.— ing for payment ps miircbingun We. —July 4. Rica to United trouble between 'ing a Nihiliat to uraliou in Secre- 1. arrives at Sta- ent. loan to run im — July 17. at.— July -M. to opposition to , (ieiieral Merritt a.— July 12. use of Lords. — British Uouae ot Panama ("iinni Co., French Senate cmimittcc approves bill lor relief of. — July (i. Panama (^iinal relief bill adopted by French senate. — July 11. Panama Canal Ilondhobler, the civil Triluiiuii ni Puris deeidea the com- pany cannot cunipcl owueis of loitiry bonds to pay outatanding in.""uiled revising officer lor district of Iberville, P. Q —July l:i. Pennsylvania, Ilyile Park. Pa., cave occurs in Hyde Park, explosion fnilows in which John Williams ami lioberl Itiiberls arc killed. — July 24. Persia Shah ol, Lomlmi, arrival in, — July 1. Peru, Grace, liiitish boinllioldirs eun\r"ct with Peru, first seven clauses approved by Peruvian chamber of Deputies,— July 18. Pernvia. anniversary of indepeii' celei rated at Lima, — July 28, Petroleum, New York, Hurry in llie market.— July 22. Pie General W, A., death of, at .Monrovia, Ala,— July 7, Pittsburg. Pa., riot among Italian laborers, one killed, another mortally womidid — July :iO, POPE, The gave a four hours' reception to Cardinals and Diplomats at Home.— July 1.5, Kean Itisbt'p, rector of Catholic Hniversity at Washington, intervieweil at .N'ashville, Tcnn., as to I'ope's pniliable successor,— July 17. Negolialions ill progre-s between the Pope and tin- Italian Premier Crispi Uioking to u reconciliation between the Vatican and tliecpilri- nal. — iluly 1.5. Spanish Government fnrhifia demonstrations calculated lo encourage the Pope to ciaiie to .S|.ain in the event of his leaving Koine. — July •20. Spain replies lo a telegiain from the Vatican that the Pope is granted an Asylum in Valencia. — July a. Austria through Cardinal Galinibertl prevails upon the Pope to remain in Koine, viJe Vienna correspondent of London Tiiiwt.— July 12. Prince Hisnmrrk, through Dr. Von .Schloeier, the Genunii repre- sentaiive at the Vatiei.n. dissuailes the Pope from leaving Koine, despatch lo Loniion t'/ouH(c/< .— July 2J. Postal, Milwaukee, extensive theflsof registered letters reported.- Jnly20. Press t oclation, (Canadian, anniiHl nieeling at Toronto.— July IH. Prince i^dward Island, Senator Curvell appointed as Lieut-Governor to succeed Lieut-Governor .Macdonald.— July 12. Prlncelon, lintler county, Ohio, village nearly demolished by .storm.— July 14. Proctor P.' •ssor R. A., the late British Government gives widow pension of illuo a year.— July 12. Pugh Eliza Loftiis Philliiis, litleratenr, wife of W.AV. Pngh, 'iin., dies at New Orleans. — July 2ti. Pythias Knights of, Grand Lodge of Chatham, Ont., election of officers.— July 3. Race conflict, liaslr iph Count.v, Texas, brought about at (Jednr Creek by colored Judge Orange Wickes, shooting and killing Al '. Lellen, a while mail, in Court.— lie|iorted July 22, RAIL\V.\ Y.-', Haltitnore and Ohio decide to make their tanlTfor corn and wheat on the basis of 20 cents Ir.mi Chicago to New York.--July 3. Canadian Pacific Railroad offera to compromise the dilference Ixtwcen itseK and the Southern Pacific, rumoured in Chicago,— Jni,, 2ii. Central Vermont and St, Johns. P. Q., case as to the right of the municipality to t«' railway bridge, heard belore Privy Council, — July 12, Chesaneake and ( ihio Railway, Missra, Drexel, Morgan .4 ("o,, of .Vew ^'i.rk, becuine the owners of 100,000 shares of common slock of. — —July 22. Chicago, Transcontinental association, at meeting of, diapnte between Soiuhern Pacific and (Janadinn Pacific compromi.sed— July 31. Chicago and Alton fined .^200 by chairman Abbott of Western States Passenger .Vssociatii n for violating agreement reducing rate to $2ii from Chicago to Denver.— July 8. Chicago and Alton road, one of great trunk lines negotiating for pur- chase of. — July 18. Chicago, Interstate Railway Association meets with 28 roads repre- senled, committee appoinied In persuade (Chicago anil Alion and Denver, F'lrl Worth and Te.\us Itoails lo consider their nillidinwal. —July 0. Chicago, presidents of lines in Interstate Commerce Railway Associa- tion meet anil au'reo to .idvance rates from Peoria and .St Louis to St Paul. -July 10. China, Emperor decides to issue edict for eonslriiclion of Lung-Chow Railway. .Maripiis Toeng appointed general director of Chinese rail- ways.— July ;5. Colunibiis, Hocking Valley and Toledo railway announcement made Ihai ilelaiilt (ui inlereslon .O per cent, bonds ilue Seplimber Ist will be made.— July 2U. Congo Railroad, two million dollars voted by Belgian Chamber of Deputies. -July 23. Congo. Belgian senate, sanctions credit asked by government for. — July 27. Delngoa railway, arrangements made to extend road to the frontier ot Portuguese possessions in Africa — July 20. Delui/itii Bay railway concession, ata'ement by Sir James Fergiiaaon anil Lord Salisbury in British Houses of Parliament. — July I. Deliigua Bay, Purtiignese governmenl agrees to Lord Salisbury's pro- posal to submit the Delagoa Bay ipieslion to arbitration. — July 2, Delagiia bay, Portuguese directors resign.— July 2, DeliiL'iMi hay. Semir Gorney, .Minister of foreign affiiira, speaks on, at Ll^boll — July 4, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western gives notice, it will come into association Willi Tiiiok Line Associaiion.— July 11, Denver and South Park niad sold under foreclose to represenlativea of old elockhiilders. — July IT. Einigiaiit pool, Baltimore iiiiil Ohio, Oiilnrio and Weslern, and Dela- ware, Lackawanna and Western railroads join the [lool, — July 17, Krieiind .Niagara Railway with Camulian Southern Railway Company, iMilice given that Union is an acconiplislied fact, — July 20. Furl Wayne to Chicago, new line to be constructed —July 30, Great .\inthern Railway, P.(j , election of new Board of Directors — J.ily 22, IiUirsiale Ceinnierce Railway Association, Chicago and Alton ind- ruad V iilidiawal of, presidents of other Kiin.siis City hues auihiu-izcd 111 take aei on hi prolect their inlerests,— July 11. Inteisliile Cnmuiene Railway Assoeiiiiion, commit lee confer at Chi- cago with \ ce-Pie-ident Harris of the Biirl'iiitnn and .Northern in rereriiice to .N'.r li-\Vesiern sitiialion,— July II, Interstate ('lUnuiei re, li^iilwiiy Associaiinu, (.'liicago. discussion of ilispiiie beuveen .Sninlierii I'licific and Canadian Pacific on the sub- ,jecl ot ililh'lenlials, — July 2;>. Iieland, lliilish llniise of Commons grants jEtiOO.OOO for constriiciion ol.- July 23. Kingston and Pembroke, connection made at Harrowsmith, Out., between il and Taniworth Railways. — July 20. Lak" St. .loliii, .MaipiieU, l'.(,l , pnriicui of .Mr liehinger's stone ipiniry gives way, and falls into river liaiiscaii, carryiiig away lliree plat- form curs and ripping up ruilv.ay line— July 20. 12 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. I ;1 UAILWAYS..— Confi/iHf'c/. Lftkc Hlioro anil Nickol Plato rondi ifi»o notice at OliioiBO that they will rt'iliice r.ili's on all Krnin and its |ir»ilucls iin the basU of 20 c(M)t9 a hiuulriHl ponndn Chiciino to \t!w York. — July 15. Lcland, Slanlcird and C. 1'. Ilnntingtiin decide to withdraw the Siiutlicrn I'acilic Uailroad frciin Ti'xad. — July H. Little Kixk, Miasnuri Ilivor and Texas liailroad, unit lilod in U. S. Court at Little Kock, Ark., by Jay Gould, lo recover $4:!5,00ll.— July 24. Manitoba and Northwestern Rati > ly passes from owners to unknown purchasers. — July 24. Mattnwa, J. (!. liailev, E., and pnrtv go north to ilalihnrton to be^in the survey of the new lino projected bj the Urand Trunk. — July 13 Miillaid rente connoclin(r Windfnr with Queen's and Shelbiirno eoun- ti"j. nieetinir held at .Slielburne, N. S., addressed by Preiuier 1' 'eld- ing an J others. — July 24. Montmorency and Charlevoix Railway, first throngli train runs.— July 2:). New Jersey CentnJ, quarterly dividend of Ij per cent, declared. — June 8. New York, joint cominitteo of the Ka^tern and Western Trunk lines and rejiresentalives u* .New Kngland railroads meet and agree upon a lariir. — luly 11. New York, Lake Erie and Western announces reduction in rate of corn and wheat from Chicago.— July 10. New York Central (/'onipany make arran(reinenls with Toronto, Itulfiilo ami llaniiltou lioad for running powers from the Falls to Toronto. — July 2it. New York, trunk line. pns9enper npcnts fninie an ngrpemenl for main- taioini; rail rates, in whieli llie.v assured the steannhip companies that they will give them as low a rale on immigrant business as they can obtain from out-^ide aiuirces. — July 31. Northern Colonization railroad, Montreal, election of officers. — July 4. Northern Pacific .1- Manitoba railway notify Manitota (iovernment that they have deposited .■*!i')tt.l)()o, bein;r purchase money for Red- River Valley Koad and Portage extension. — July 2. Northern Pacific and North West Central Railwav, scheme to parallel Canadian Paeilie line on ft)Ot, Oakes .\lr. T. V., presittent of the Nurlhern Pacific Koad, interviewed by New York r/mci. — July 1. Northern Pacific, heavy lanil slide near Miles City, .Mont., covers 500 leet of the track. — July 22. Pennsylvania railroad announces a reduction of 50 cents a ton in the rates of coal from the mines to Chicago.— July Hi. Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan railroad, Messrs. Morton, Rose & Co., of London, offering for subscription $2,500,oOU 6 per cent, first mortgage bonds of.— Jtdy 30. "Soo" line decides to re-itoro a portion of late cut in all rail^weet- bound freight rates. — July 2 Southern Pacific and Crnnd Trunk, Towne Mr. A. N., vice-president ol Southern Pacific, publishes in pamphlet form his viewy on the sidijeet of Cunndian Pacific competition.— July .')1. Trnns-continental Association's ses.^ion. Cliicfigo, devoted to Southern Pacific Railway's notice of «iihdiawal — July 23. Vandrenil and Preseott Road, turning of first sod at Rignnd, Que. — July !ii. Reciprocity, British Columbia Hoard of Trade at its Anniuil Meeting declares for it. — July 10. Registrars, Quebec, session of provincial registrar^?. — July 3. Rhode Islaiul stale senate passes license bdl from the House with sevcra' aineudmenls. — July 24. Rome, infoinmtion received of an attempt to he made to blow up the Vatican and Quirinal with dvnamite, both places doubly guarded. -July 27. Roumania, Czar protests against Roumanian (iovernment pushing forti- fication works ri !'• lierlin Knirz Zfiliini/. — July 0. Russell Sir ('hnrles, .M. P., and Mr. Ascpieih, M.P., address political meet- ing at Hainpstead, London. Kng. — July 20. RUSSIA, l)j irkend in S"mircthinsk one half of town destroyed.— July 12. France, a definite offensive and defensive alliance concluded between, see \'ienna A/lff/rmriuc Xtitiiiit/. — Jtdy 2t>. Mupnlman, government allocates large tract of land to Musulnuin population or the Kabard,di. — July 22. Province of Prjevalsk, earthquake destroys 107 houses and ttiiu's out a village. — July 30, Ruthven, Out., well of natural gas set alight— July f). St. lionif'io'e, Man , subsiilence of larnl on river hank facing Catholic hos- pital sinks fourteen feet.— July 14. St John, N. M , Carnival, opetung cerennniies. — July 22, Salisbury Lord, at .Mile Knd, I, (union, speaks on Imperial Fedi'ralion and the Irish cpiestion. — July lij. Salt, Norlhi'rn .Xinerican Salt (lomnany files nrlielei of incorporation in Secretary of Slate's oliice, .\lbany, .N'. V.— July lu. Salt Trust. Wheeler E. D ,of Manintree, .Mich., interviewed nl .Milwaukee, Wis.— July I,-). Salt Union issues circular offering shares a' d debenture bonds of Ameri- can company to I'^^lish share ami debenture lu>lders, — July 10. Salt trust, representatives of, meet at Fith Avenue Hotel, New York.— July 11. Salt, American Salt Company, lists opened in London and New Yoik. — July 22. Salt, American Salt Union, Warsaw, N.Y., to be made beadquartcrs, news received with didight.— July 22. Salt Trust, Uurt W. II , President of .North .\merienn Salt (!ompany, returns I ) .Saninaw, Mich., and stales tlial the organization of the company as proposed is iiMlefinitely postpiuied. — July 31. Salvation .'uniy. Indianapolis, Ind., attempt to blow up barracks with powder. — Ji ly y. SAMOA. (Jennnn gunboat " Wolf" leaves Sydney, N. 8. W,, to take back King .Malietoa — July 4. Sir James Ferguson, in British Mouse of Conimo'is, denies that Eng- laiiil has agreeii to retire from her position as one of tlie three pro- tecting powers— July 2. Famine in ; letter from King Mafnafa to Mr. Kleix printed in Now Vcrk If.-iV,/.— July 20. Scold common, lirsey (My, Brady Mrs. Mary, convicted of belng.—July IG. Scolt .\ct, E gin County, repealed. — July 3. School .Masters High, of Ontario, convention, at Toronto. — July 31. Sea Mini, Lake Winnebago, Wis., sea lion eleven leet long captured. — July 2 '2. Scaling, Victoria, B. C, schooner "Wanderer" arrives at "Sand Point" with catches of several British sealing schooners totalling .'i320 skins .-July 24. SERVl A, fifty iinssian officers pass Uraila Roumania on the way to Servia, reporO'd at N'ienna.— July H. Military Coiiiicil decides to arm 30.000 men of the third levy, — July 13. Bclgraile, eight Russian ofiicers arrive at. — July l."). (iovernment ])repiiring to arm second reserves. — July 10. Milan ex-King, in address at Belgrade, disavows any intention of interfering with existini; rri/inir. — July 24. Brigands, eom,iany of gendarmes have fighl with marauders in the mountains, five of the robbers and Iwo gendarmes killed, — July 25. I Ex-King .Milan and Regents Beliinarkovich, (iriiics and Ristics confer I together at Prnnja .Servia on the dynastic queslion. — July 31. Alexander King, anointed at Belgrade by the .Metropolitan and other I ecclesiastics. — Jnly2. Hewer Pipe Trust, Pittsburg, Pa., in difficnlly, not able to make any money assessment. — July 27. I Seymiair Fred, J , manager of American Alluminum Company, dies at Findlay, Ohio.— July 13. Shah of Persia, London, arrival of. — July 1. Shah of Persia ariives at Paris. — July .30. Shelton Prof Edward M.. of .Manhattan. Kas , appointed, by Department (f Agrieultiirc, Washingion, in.slniclor in Agriculture to Queens- land (jovernment, Australia.— Jniy 111. SlIIPPI\(i— Canada Shipping Co., action against, bv Louis Mever at Baliiniure f,,rf lo,oiJ0 for loss of callle, decided in favor of Defen- ' dents. —June U ; Aden, French steamer " Anadyr" bound from Marseilles for Yokohama sunk in collision with French steamer •* Oxiis." — July II. Aiigiisliiie ('reek, , Savannah, (ia., steaii.'T " St. .N'icholas " runs into closed drawbridge, ileiuolishing forward part of vessel, killing two women, ainl injiiriiig 2.-^ men ami Winnen. — July 20. Behriiip Sea, .\merican schooner '• liiish '' seizes Briiish schooner " Black Diamond " in Beliring sea, British schooner " Triumph '■ i brings news lo Victoria, ]iV. — July 2S. Beliring sen. capture of "Black Hianiond," steamer "Dora" brings first ili'tailed news of capture lo .-'an Francisco. —July 30. Boston, fishing schooner " Edilli Emery" arrives with only three of her crew if 111 men, others went in boat to tend trawls aiid did not reluri. ~ jiilv 10. Bramble ' v Strait. American ship " Rosie Well " from Newcastle ,N.S. W., 'r Singapore wrecked. —July 20. Briiish Oove i.nieiil accepts lenders for constrnclion of 1" ves.sela on The Clyde. Tine ,imiI .Mersey —July l.s. Canadian Atlantic mail service undertaken by .Messrs. Anderson, of liiuidoii, signed at Oiiawa. — July 10. Caiiso. (ioveriinienl despalcli boat from .Sable Islaml brings crew of thelmri|ue" Feardon" of \uW| on, Wales, wrecked on the Island.— July 'in. ; (Ja|«' Breton " Mattie Wiiiship " ornioucosfee. Mass., fisliing sclmo. ner seized for fishing within lliree inle limii semi- wi-,.I lollepart- iniiit of Jnslice that nodefeiice can be olli'ied -July 12. Cleveland, Ohio, schooner "Kale Winslow " sailed into port wilh Iwo » CinMilian males, coiilraiy to the statute. The Customs lined j owners ji34U.— July 24. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 18 It Milwaiikoe, lis i>r Aiiiori- -Jiilj li). Ni'W Yolk.— New Yoik.— Iimrlers, news lilt (liimimny, i/.iition u( lliB :il. jiirmika with ,, to take back riloa tliiit KiiR- Ihe thri'O pio- irinted in Now I'ing.— July IG. -July rtl. \g ciiiitured. — '•Siiiiil Point " tolalliMg ti'SiO t wiiy to ISfrvirt, levy.— July 11!. 10. iiy intinlion of amuilerii in tlio iill.'il.— July 25. Ill Rislios confer ,-Jiily :tl. )lilnn and otiicr Ic to make any jmpany, dies at by noparlmi-nt lluir to Qiieens- Lduia Mover at hivor uf L)efen- os lor Yokolianift Iv 11. hulii.<" runs into sill, killing two Hiiiisli schooner ■r " Triuniph '" ' Dura" brings Illy ;«. ■ith imly three of awU and liid not from Nenciisilo I of 17 vessels on srs. Anderson, of d lirinirs erew of 1 on the Island.— ., fijhinc selion- . V.— ! !•' I>e|iurt- uly VI. Ho |poit wilh two e Cualonis liued Smi'PISO.-C'o/KiniK./. Conjfo, TcleRnim from (lovfirnor General slates that Encb-ih steamer " Ijiiuhiha " truin Liiverpool aiccids the Congo as fur as .Mittadi. — July l. Diiminiiin government arrive at agreement wilh Mr. Anderson rea- jiecling |)n)|iosed fast line steainHhip service. ^July 2. East (ireenleaf, Mier ri ivi cl at New London, ('onn., from whaling fchooner ".Surali W. I'linl " ilaled June 2H. says a boat's crew in coniniand of male John Kliarp lost while fast to a whale which "sounded. "—July 'ii. " Ktrnria" steamship, t'iu' by Jury conducted by the passengers. — July U. Gloucester, Mass , schooner " Golden Hind '' arrives wiih two men of French sehooner "Georges'' picked up on June Kt ulf Sable Island. -July 11. Halifax, " Ida May," American ,i. .Slanil"r, ' 'Hrii n, Salisbury case, verdict for Lord alishnry.— July 20. •Slander, (1'lliien W , M. P., against Lord Salisbury, O'lirien applies for ft new !;ial.--Jily HI. Smallpox, New York steamer "Weslerlaud" detained in niiarantinc. — July 17. Sninll |Mix, lIulTalo, Newton Slick, employed by i'alace Car Company in cleaning out ears, stricken and reniovd to pest house —July 13. Liverpool, boarding house keeper lined b r furnishing bogus seamen Hniith KK'herl Tangiers, large landowner at I'alchogue, L. I., death of.— to While Star Line steamer. — July 1. ( July 7, Los Honues, " Mars " Ked Line steamer from New York to Laguaza Smuggling, New York, Maria Vincenz (Muari ('arrnclieni, arrives on tolallv shipwreeked, but erew saved.- Julv ii. I steamer " Neveslria," her bustle found to contain large quantity of ,, ,, ., .'., . , ,, I, ,. . 1, ■ 1 , 1 I 1 jewellery —Julv 2!). " Mailai sleiinier from (iilborne tor Auckland strikes on rocks and ., . ,. „ . , " . , c . ,, ^ , . , sinks. luirser Larsen and cook diowned.-Jiine 1, reported July 8. , ^iK'ialism, Pans, Internslional Socialist Congress opened at.-Jiily 15. Malia, Uritish warship "SiilUin" raided.— July 2ii. | Socialists, Swiss, decide to sinda protest to the liiindesralh against llio Mariiiiette, .Mich , propelh'r "Smith Moore " collides with propeller ' "ilane Pritchard," and sinks, crew saved. — July 13. Mntnne, P. Q., st< anier " Leinuria '' from Havana ashore making wttier. — July 10 "Mattie Winsliip " seized off Sydney, C. R . for illegal fishing, Gover- nor-General approves recoiunieudatiou of .Minister of Fisheries lor Bettleinenl.— July '^3. Middlelon Heel, liiiiish bark "Mallsgate" from Newcastle, N. S. W., for San Fra.^ciseo wrecked. — July 30. Missing baroiie " .Mary P. liiichiu," information reaches Philadelphia , from Lonilon through Lloyds that the " Uilchin" arrived at .Monte- video on May 2ih1 under the name of the " Kissan."— July 'ICi. Montreal, Kingston and Montreal Forwarding Company's barge j " Eva " sunk at tlie wharf lluclielaga — July (i. \ Montreal 'rransportatiou Coni])any, steamer "John Gnskin" of King- | stem, seized for liavini; repairs done in United Siaies and not report- ing to Cnstomi.— July Hi. New lledf'ord, Mass., whaling schooner " Franklin'' arrives wilh the crew ot sieamer *■ L(>reii/.o 1). Hiiker " from Point Antonio, Jamaica, for Boston, burned at sea. — July 'I'l. | New Iledfbrd. Mass., barque ".Mary Friizer" abandoned at sea. Capt. ' LMohinn arrives Irian Fayat,and describes loss of live men oil Island ol Flures.— July 23. New York, Paeihe .Mail Sleanishiii Company notilies Transcontinental Assoeialioii, that unless the subsidy troin increased they will cut rates and I :;ke all the freight they eau t;el.— July 2i). j New York, new turn screw sleiiiusbip " Coliimhia " eoiiipletes her; maiden passage IVoni Southampton in ti days, 21 hours, 37 minutes from the .Needles.- July 2ii. j New York, steamshiii " ('olunibia " arrives, having coi>ie from South- , anipton to Sandy Hook in tl days, 21 hours, 23 niiiiuies.— July 27. New Ynrk, steamer " City of Paris" arrives at Siiiuly Hook light ship, having eonipleied journey in ti days, 23 hours and lu niinnles. —July 31. j New Yoik, steamer" Westeiland " detained in ipinrantine. — July 17. ' Nova .Scotia, barque "Harriet Campbell " of Weyniouih abandoned on May 31st, while oit voyage from .Moxille to liiieims .\u'es, the Clew reseie'd by Norwegian baiqiie '• Adelphiue " and landed at Sydney. — July IH. I Old .Man Island, two miles south of Cutter Harbor. Spanish steamer " Kdioirdo " from Koslou strikes on Island and lills with water. — July 21. I (irliMiville, Minn, sleamship, " F. D. Cnderwood " destroyed.— July 13 Palawan Island of British sieamer " Alliia Craig " from llolio fur' America strikes a nek and lills with water. — July 20. "Ponteeoroo" bark, outward bound from Quebec to Glasgow, goes ashore on Beauiuiiiil shoals. — July I. Quebec, Norwegian I'liiijiie " Priiiee Ki'gene" arrives herewith two lislierinen .Nicholas l'liill|>ot and Juliii Luck picked upon the banks. —July 17. San Francis,'o, survivors of whaling barque " Liltle Dliio " arrive and state the vessel stnick near i'oint Hope during seveic snow-storm. -July 31. Sieamer " Kniele " of Boston .oeizod for landing liquors at Campohello, ' N.B., nilhoiit reporting.— July lU. St. .Marys, Mo.. Ainlior Line sienmer ''Crystal City" reported to have j Buuk in Mississippi river. — July U, | action of the i*rocureur-General in regard to German refugees. — July IS. SPAIN and Great Rrilnin, extradition treaty of 1878 Istwcen, amended by adding clause to inelude persons charged with indecently assaulting girls under sixleen years of age —July 26. Po|ie. Governinent forbids denionslraiiims eatculated to enconrago the Pope to conio to Spain in the event of bis leaving liuiue. — July '20. SPOUTS- Aquatics, Henley Regatta, Psoltn, American champlua beats HIackmore. Knglish sculler, in diainond scull race. — July 3. Aquatics, Henley regatta, Kug., race for diainond sculls —July 5. Baseball, Owensboro, Ken., a litrht ensues on decision of umpire Ben Bates who fatally slabs Frank .Morris.— July 21. Baseball. New York, Washington at Washington, the police raid the " bleaehini; hoards " and arrest five persons for gambling on tlie game, — July 30 Bicycling, llagerstown. Ind , tenth annual meeting of American wheelmen closes — July 4. Hexing, Chicago, boxing match for benefit of Braidwood strikers degenerates into a prize liglit — July U. Bullfig, Is, Paris exhibition, stopped by the police. — July 9. Carniva St, John, N, B., opening ceremonies.— July 22. IJilliards, Paris, Kiigene Carter beats M. Viguaux, champion, at game of cushion caroms. — Jiiiy 22, Cricket, England, geiuhinen of Kent defeat Pbiladelpliia team.— July 21). Cricket, London. Eng , Metropolitan Cricket Club plays the American eleven.— July 22. Lacross", .Montreal, the Shamrocks defeated by the Coruwalls. — July 13. Lacrosse, Oltawas beat Shamrocks at Gllawa. — July 1. Lacrosse, .Montreal beats ('oruwall team at Cornwall, tint. — Julv 20. Lacrosse, Ottawa's defeat Tonnito team.— July 20. Lacrosse, Stateu Island team beaten by .Montreal team at .Montreal. — July 27. Lacrosse, Toronto team bents Slinmroek team at Toronto — July 27. Racing, Goodwood, .Steward's tup won by James' " Dog Rose.'' — July 30. Racing. Goodwood, Chesterfield cup won by Legb's " Veracity." — July 31. Racing. LeiccBler summer meeting, Portland stakes won by " Riviera," Appleby plate won by Needles. — July 17. Racing, Saiulown Pork, Eclipse stakes for 1,000 sovereigns won by " Ayrshire. "—July li). Racing, .Newmarket, Cheslerlield stakes won by " lleaiima." — July II Ring, Sullivan. Kilinin, Governor Lowry of .Mississipjii forbids light an I olleis reward for ilieir arrest. — July 2. Ring, Snllivaii-Kilrain hglit takes place at Riclibnrg, .Marlon County Miss, — Inly 8. Ring, Nashville, Tenn., .Sullivan and Johnson released on writ of llabeiis Ciupus, reward issued for arrest of Kilrain by Governor Lowry of .Mississippi,— July II. Ring, Nashville, Teiin., Sullivan John, nrresled on a n'quisition from Governor of .Mississippi. — July 1 1. R'ng, Sam Smith challenges Sullivan to fight iu Europe for X'1,000 a aide— July U. 14 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS r: I lit " Puriidox " biiu.y bciilen,— " Viilkjiie " wins,— July 31. Hiinuiil rigiitta over (Jlyile ' Irex " Bl'OKT.S-r,„,^inHr/. UiiiK. KilruinSiillivnM fl'.'lil. Piirvia. .Mi»s., nidirs «n(I ftboltora appear III ciiiirl hihI nil' lioiiiiil nver. — July IM. Rinir, Ni'w V.irk, wnriHiils tiir iirn-iil of Oliartus MitclieU and Michael Onniivii)! iipplicil tnr. — July IH, Rintt. I'u'vIh. Miss., SulliviiiiKiirnin fiplit, Kich 0. U ., i.uo Jiimii'^on J. T., (.r Liiudinliile Cuuuty, urrfsUvl on thiiruB of nU'itiug. — July l.V Tlic riiiKil'idiHimpulls, lud ,|irize flglilers picnic ends in a disgraceful sci'iic.— July 21. TlH" Ring, New York, Snilivnii Julin I,., arnslid al the Vniulerbilt Iloiel, oil rei|iiisilioii Iroin (ioveriior of Mississippi. — July 31. Rowing. Hi'iirle anil ()'(;o'inor iiieel ill Slur and Oarler Uuti'l, Rlch- moiiil, mid iirriiiige lueliniiniiries for nice.— July 17. ' iwing, London, Heiirle and d'Coiinor meet al Albirl Hall, to make tiiiiil iirrarigi'nii'nts.— July H. Trolling, (ili'iiville.dliici, " Ciiy," fiimoii3 black (iclding, trots a mile in 2.1 1^ liciiiinf; liia n'cord. — July 10. Trolling horses, Louisville, Ky., L, L. Dorscy's stock of, sold at lligiiltuiirs stock taiin —July 2!l. Water Wiilking, I'lof. Oldrieve walks from Pemberlou to Roston. — July 21). Viicliting, Cinque Port Yacht races, July -i'. Yiicliting, London Y'liclil Club, repatla, Yachting, London, .M:>d Monk ('tub, course, the Yarana wins. — July ,'!. Yiichting, Uotlisay, Scolliinil, "Valkyrie" beats ''Yarana; and " Marjorie" over lifly mile course. — July 2. Viiehting, Uoyal Clyde Uuj;attii, The Valkyrie wius.- July 8, Yacliiing, .St, Lawre,. Yacht Olub rice for Vice Coniiuodoro's cup won by Lnlii. — July 0. Yachting, Kingstown regatta, llic " Zaraiia " beats the " Valkyrie," — July 17. Yachting, Marble Head, Mass., annual races of Eastern Yacht Club. —July 15, Yachting, New York Yacht Club resolves not to put up special cup for competition in a match nice with llie '' Valkyrie." — July in. ■Spring Valley, 111., Coal Co., 150 employees occupying tenement houses served with notice to quit.— July 22. Standerd (Jil Company, siivs the Xi w York W'orht, has bought up all the white lead companies in the United Stales.— July M. Slanlty II. .M., West Africa, advices from, coiiliriu reports as to shocking, privations endured by.— July 1. Steel ami Iron trades, Chicago, hnn patents an invention which eompelent judges say will revolutionize steel and tin industry. — July 21. Stock Kxchange, .N'ew York, quotations members ilceide to send prices lorwtird through the Cold and Stock reh'gnijih company, imme- dialely upon transactions laUing place. — .Inly 24. Storm, Ashlanil, Wis., severe damage, 7UU,U00 feet of lumber blown oil' the dock into the liay— July 27 Storms, Chicago, all kinds of pro|ierly suffer, total loss in excess of a mil- lion dollars.- July 27. Storm, Croiislierg, Waiertown, S. J , wind storm wrecks the village, two children reported killed. — July 7. Storm, Kvansville, Ind., great damage, persons nearly killed by electricity, -July 14. Storms, I'ayetleville, Ark., several n'sideiices. and livery stable of Kell and llagen destroyed, residence ot Tliomns Holland blown to pieces. — July 28, Storm, Hamilton, ( Int., severe thunder and rainstorm, loss estimated at $41,1100.— July 1. Storms, Haverhill, Mass., trees iqirooted, fences Icvellid, houses unroofed and blown dowu — July 30. f' Jausas Ciiy, O'Connor Hannah, aged 2 years, killed by lightning. -July 15. Storms, .Morristown, Minn., two large barns demolislied and other buildings unroofed.— July 25. Storms, Newark, N.J , great destruction of property, immense dam at West- held back of Scotch Plains collapses. — July 30. Storm, Peshtigo, Wis., windstorm dues much damage to buildings and crops— July 18. Storm, Princeton, Huiler county, Ohio, the village nearly demolished. — July 14. Storm, Switzerland, Hearus, iron bridge and portion of railway destroyed, man killed. — July ID. Storms, West Virginia, damage and loss at Little Kanawha Valley, Little Tygarl Valley ami other places. — July 18. Strawbonrd makers of Uuileil Slates unite in trust uujer name of The American Straw Board Company.— July 24. STIIIKKS, 91 reet employees, Dululli, strikers attack Iho police compelling them to lire. Two strikers kil'ed and several woiiiiilcd — July •!. linkers, Ilriiiin, increase of 30 p*>r cent, in wages demaii'l"d. — July 2. Hakers, Herlin, collapse of strike, — July 22, Breslau, trial of strikers al Berlin results in conviction of 32. — July 25. Carnegie sieel works, train bringing non-union men stopped at Hoiue- «liad, P.i, and men preveiiled enlerin.' woiks. — July 11. Cari enters. Payne, give notice of an iiiieiition to strike unless their demanils for an incieu le in » ages are cnneiiled.— July 25. Coal lle.ivers. I'lilii h Docks, demand fur increase from 40 to 50 cents per hour— July 2'i. Coal heavers, .Suiierior, Wis., Lenigh Coal Company heavers walk out and refuse to bundle coal at less tliaii fifty cents an hour. — July 18. Coal Heavers. West Superior, Wis. The strikers drive men from work on barge " Iron King"— July 111. Compositors, New York, men c i Ifenild, Sun, Time, and H'nr/i strike rather than submit to reduction of ten per cent wages.- July ^ '. Ciunposilors, Niw York, dispute hi'tween Typograiihieal Union No. C, .New York, and iliree nioriiiiig papers settled. — July 30. Iron .Mills, Philadelphia /tolling Mill Associiiiioii and Amalgamated Associiition agree on wiige sclicdnle. — July 1. Miners. Briiidwoitd, HI.. Knigiils of Liihnr, e.xi'culive board at Chicago decides to is-iic call fnr nioiiey to aid sirikers. — July 22. .Miners, Dortmund, leaders of rioters senteuced to terms of imprison- ment.— July 2. Miners, Porlniiind, meel'ng lo discuss renewal of strike degenerates into a tiglil, which is stopped by cavalry who arrest riiigleaderg. — July 17, Miners, (Jeiilz district, autliorities at Vienna recive infonnalion that striking miners are conspiring lo blow up public buidinus and resi- 'leiice ol mine owners and iniinagers. The Coveinmi-nl takes pre- cautioTis and arrests eiglil of ihe agitators. — July 2!i. Miners, Oerniany, Voitsherg district, become general, military kept in retidiness to quell any disturbance.— July 17. Miners, Liohen Styrid, nil small tradesmen and civic fire brigade make common c ,se with strikers, a reign of terror prevails,— July 18. Miners, coal, .Vltoona, Pa., 40 miners representing 14,000 meet and de- cide not to enter into general suspension but call out all working under district prices. — July 8, Millers, coal, llniiihvood coal region. Ills., the sheriff summons fmnnr to protect 75 miners who sign agreement lo resume work. — July 1 1. Miners, Kangley near Streator, III., riotous proceedings on behalf of riot strikers, on workiiiL' miners. — July 28, .Miners, coal, Lellici, Tenii., lOon miners resume work.— July 8. Miners coal, Saar iniiies. workinen on strike owing to the dismissal of delegates who attended miners conference. — .Inly t). Miners, coal, Streator, 111,, decision to settle by arbitrator. — July 9. Moulders, (iali, (. t., moulders oiganize and demand a uniform rale of wages. — July i>. Nail makers, Staffordshire strike for advance in wages.— July 8. Riveters, Clyde shipyards compromise with their em|iloyers and lock- out withdrawn, — July 11. Shipbuilders, (Jlyile, notice of lock-out given to force strikers to return to work —July 9. Sailors, Liverpool, Ihe men accept the lermsof the emidoyers,— July 12 Seamen, Liverpool, strikers decide by ballot to continue the otrhie un- til the companies grant tlieir demands. — July 8. Shoe shops, North Adams, Mass., strike settled, all shops to be union, men go to work. — July 8. Silk oiiiTHtors, Paterson, N. J., strike against reduciion of wages. — July 18. Spinners, .Austria, si.t tlioiisand at Uriinn resume work. — July II, Sieel works, Carnegie. Phipps it Co , at I loniesiead Pa , the town in the possession of the sirikers. a hnndreil Pinkerlon men arrive.- July 12 Steel workers. Iloniestead, Pa., conference held between amiilgamaleil olliciiils. and the fiim of Ciirnegie, Phipps A Co. arrive at a virtual settlement of the tniiible. — July 14. Triimway employees, Cardiff, rioting and arrest of several rioters, — July 1, Weavers, Jaegerusdorf, 4000 strike. — July 8. Weavers, Zurttan, at liruiiu, Austria, obtain the advance they desired. —July 13. Sugar, Magdeburg sugnrring collapses.— July 12. Sugar, Trust, New Yoik, heavy ileeline in cerlihcates — .fiily 12. Sugar trust, St. Joseph, Mo., reliuing company absorbed by and closes down forihree years — July 10. Sugar, Mnizil, consul Arinsirong at Rio Janeiro, in report to State Depart- ment at Washington, says Brazil is anxious lo securo in Uuiled Slates a market fur it^ sugar. — July 20. 1^1' THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 16 men friini work 1, mililaiy kopt Irikers to ri'turii veml rioters,— ice they ilesiicd. SUIOIDK, HiijDiine, lliidaon l^nmily, N J., Miss l,>(ini MionveiiiH Rtlcinpts, to cruciry liirsell while Miitli'riiig Croiii reiiKioiij iniiniii. — July4. Chieii|;i>, iiticinpled l)y Jniiics Smith, fniiiKl guilty of ci'iiuiiially «s- siilling nil H yi'iir olil girl.— July il. Ooipeiilmgoii, IJoiint Spnrre shoots hiiiiselt'.— July 23. Oerniiiiiy, Aetoii Lnily, sis'er ol Geriniin ftmbiissmlor, nl WKjhingtoii, drciH lis lierst If. — July IH. Oiielpli township, Dysion Isimc, jiromiricr.l liirnier nnd director of (iiieipli Kilt Stock ( lub, ImiiKs riimsell.— July '12 Jnckaon (Jciuiily, Weal I'n„ Misses Anneitu iii.d Miriam Hoggs, sisters, coniiiiil aiiieide liylakini.' arsenic.— July IM. Miinicli, (lount Waldenmr Von Hluiiienlliul, Kussian military at'acheo sIkiois hinisi'll. — July l.'l. New Viirk, Waters Dr. John W., lakes poison. — lulyR. lirnisiown, I' t^., Carley James, n (arracr, commits snicide, whilst insane. — July 1. Ottawa, liohaon Miss, daughter of late ("nptain Rolison, shoots herself wlide in slate ofmenlHl aberralioii.— July 29. ' TalouBe (j'iiv, W. T., Ji.'inson li. 0., shoots himself after killing his family —July 13. Itoekl'iinl, 111, Siiaemilch Mr. and .Mrs. Oeorpe, aged over 7,5 yearsi [ jump inio llie river and arc drowned —July 111. Steamer " .MonlreHl " near Sorel, I'.Q , man unknown jumps over- board. — July G. Toronio, Orr Mrs. William, cuts her throat.— July 12, Toronlo, l.illie Kelly, nrreslcd for being drunk and disorderly, hangs herselt in her cell.— July 27. Yonnjfalown, Ohio, Mrs. John Medrcgor, deserted by her husband, drowns herself in a creek. — July IH. Sunday School (Jonvention opens in London, Eng — July 2. SWITZKltliANl), (iovernmcnl decides to establish embassies at London and Si. I'eterslinrg. — June 13. Germany, the reply of Swiss Bundesrath received at Foreign ofTicei iierlin,— July It. liiindesralh postpones International labor congress at liernc until the spring — July 15. Genrns, Iron bridge and portion of railway destroyed by storm, man killed —July Hi. Socialists deciile to send a protest to the Bundesrath aealnst the action of the I'rocurcur General in regard to (Jerman refugees. — July 18. Government expels large number of N'ibili-ta, French Anarchists nnd (lernitin Socialists residing at Geneva without regular papers. — July 2i!. TEI.KGltAl'llS, Mackayliennett.and French Cable Companies amnlga- niale, reported in Halifax. — July 8. United Stales, rale fixed by Government at one mill per word instead of one cent.— July 11, Telephones, France, (yhamberof deputies adopt bills for purchase of.— July 10. Telephones, Rell Telephone Company against (Irishman Telephone Com- Iianies, hnnl di-cree rendered by Judge Hlodgelt in Federal Court, Chicago.— July 24. Terminal Ciiy Company, Mmiled, sale of a block of inii.noo shares of the company's treasury slock in London, Kiig — July 19. Texas fever, Cherokee stri|i, opidemic among cattle.- July IC. Te.xas fever, Indian lerrilory and Oklahiima. calllenien report it to be plaving havoc nmong the cattle. — July 29. THEATRICAL, London, Eng., Sara Bernhardt n|ipear3 as Lena Despnrd, at Lyceum Theatre. — July 9. Title '■ Ilonoratile,'' colonial under secretary, in lirilish House of Commons savs Colonial olliee issued no new regulations regarding use of, — July 9. Trades and Labor Council, Toronto, annual election of officers, etc. — June 19. Trades Council, liirminghani, Ala., eliminates the Knights of Labor from the orgaiii/.ation. — July 28. Tripoli, (iovernor of, issues decree abolishing slave trade.— July 4. Tlil'ST.S, (ias, CJIiicago. English syndicate endeavoring to purchase gas trust's plant. —July 12. Labor Congress, Paris, resolutions passed calling upon Governments to oppose — July 22. Mills, Minneapolis, Engl'sh syndicate combines to purchase several if the largest mills.- July 11. THUST.S.-t'on//n;-ir./. I'aper maniifaciupTS, English Syndicate completes arrangcmenta for pioposed comliii..iiii«8 gs ^ ee XwpH.mi <«|'iioW i i=;S§f sisss IsSfi i^l? i jfl3^^si5S;;f2a 1^3 ; ; : 'rt c ^r -r M 5 ; ; o to • -- oT*- <« — i^ m o : : : x ?i t n — m co -f ?i ci Ji x • s t; • t! 3 *:; 2 :e f^ '-o i : c -• og : 1- — 1- m 1- 10 : I-- M « 2 : eo^'^ : *•■ : ^ti 3^itr ^ t^n-ot^-? : : ac' «' : T^o VT 1 1- — * ^ jj 1- ; -x ^ : -- X o I - o r- m •£> 10 : : 00 — : cp -r. ^t 'O -r m ri x x f r -r ; o -.D OD '^ — ?i -J 5 o : r T « • « t^i m -^ ri ri 'j « o -< ?^' » ! b- o ; ':5 O) — -r ^t — » V, t- -t X ro • t c*S ; fS r* T* ^ I?. M !a — -o —• d ■» ■ *-(B>«| »-H» • '*t -n —m >l H' mi 4m ■ «•-»* • !Q ■*■ rr 5 3: t*' 'o ; t- — irt e 4 -r M ! 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JOHN LOVELL& SON, \ \ 23 &25St.NicyasSt., Montreal 18 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. WHO SUItSL'UlHE TO THE " INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. w Tho *' InikiX nf Current Events " is niiicli n]i]in!eiiit(;d not unly by the ihchm of Camulii and tliu I'uitud Status, H., Mr. J. P. Dunn, Lihmriiin of tho Iiuliana Statu Library, ^^ ' Iiiiliunaimlis, Mr. F. \V. Vall,^'llan, l.ilirarian of tiiu Social Law Liiirary, Boston, Mr. .laiiicH U. Itarnwnll, Librarian of till' rhilaiK'l|ihia Liiirary, tiio Liimirian of tliu Troviduniic riil.lic! Lihrary, tiui Liljiarian of lliu Ereu I'uldii; I-il>mry, San Franci.sco, Mr. Jolin M. Doaiiu, Statu Liiaarian ul but also by tho public men of both countrius. Its list ofjOl'io, Mr. William H.Eglu, Statu Librarian of Tonnsylva- subscribers includes sueh great as the Pliila- ""*> ^'''' ^^- Clianibcrliiin, Librarian of tliu Ho.ston I'lildic deljibia Z,<'(/r/rr, the Hostdii 7'n«?i8f/-(y, the New York ''''"''''y- Mi- A. W. Wlieli.lay, I.ibrariiin of the Ciiieiu- W'orW, the Cincinnati Evquhrr, the Jirooklyn J'Jiujle, tlio | ""'' l'"'j'ii= l-il'imy and Mr. CIS. Tilliiighart.State Libra- Toronto Emiiire, the Clevelaiul Ia'auIci; the (.'idcago ''''" "''^^i"*'^"^'l'"»i'ttf. The leading bankers (ineludiiii,' the Herald, tho Cincinnati Poc^, jhe New York Morning' ^^^^^^^ "'" MmitiViil). brokers, lawyers and liot(d keepers of Journal, the Chicago Daily Newn, tho Lidiannpolis ^'" '""'''' "'»' "liuiy clergymen also keep the /;(«^;.« on file. Journal, the New York Slav, the Troy Ihidjd, the Clii- ca^jo UtautH Zdiuvij, the New Y'ork Kation, the Troy Press, the Washington Star, the Chicago Tnter-Occan, and many less known but important newspapers. Some of these jiajiurs are well known to keep admirable indexes of their own, yet find it advantageous to subscribe to the Index of Cuuuknt Evknts. We have the honor to include areong our subscribers, Her Majesty's I'rivy Council for Canada; also, Sir John Maedoimld, G. C. B. Premier of the Dominion, Sir Hector Langevin, Afinister of Public Works, Sir A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia, the Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, the Hon. Macken- zie Bowell, Minister of Custom.", the Hon. J. A. Chajileau, Secretary of State, the Hon. ,)olin Coitigan, Minister of Inland Iteveime, tho Hon. J(>hu Haggart, Postmaster, General, the Hon. John Calling, Minister of Agriculture the Hon. C. H, Tupjier, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, the Hon. Commissioiier of Agriculture and Colonization Quebec, the Hon. IJoucher de La Briieio, late sjieaker of the Legislative Council, tiuebec, the Hon, Lieutenant Governor lloyal, Mr. l^rastus Wiinan, the Hon. Minister of Public Work.s, Toronto. The Librarian of Parliament, the House of Commons Heading Iloom and the Librarians of many of the I'roviuces of the Dominion and States of the Union subscribe to the Index- Among the well known public librarians who subscribe are, Mr. J. C. Hurlbut, Librarian of the American Geugrajjliical Society, New- Y'^ork, Mr. W. A. Bardwell, Librarian of the Brooklyn Li- brary, ]\Ir. W. H Brett, librarian of the Cleveland Public Library, Mr. F. P. Jordan, Librarian of the I'ublic School Library, Battle Creek, Michigan, Mr. W. T Peoples, Li- brarian of the Mercantile Library, New-York, Mr. Jlobert E. liicli, Lilirarian of the I'ublic Library, Portsmouth, N, What is thought of the Indix may be gathered from tho numerous entirely unsolicited ex|iressi()iis of apjuoval sent ill by well known public men, of which the following are siieeimens : Mil. MaIITIX ,I. (lllTKKiy, I.lllllAIlIAN MK TAIILIAMKNT, Oll.lWd, wrIll'H lain MMiilIni; jdii u »iilmcTl|itinii fcr Ivvo I'.ii.i.ii i.t y.iiir '•linh.r," wlilvli will lie inoKl UHI'lul llllll Wllirh ill'MITVi H (Mil'iiUinflTlliMll. If yciu will liikii piiiil- culur imlii« 111 ((hi' lliii iliilivi iiml ll«iiri'» iif oliu'lloiix uiiil llns iIhIiik .if ^imhtIuib i.f pnlilic men. Willi iiifi'ii'lici' iilwi to lIlB iiliim lit wliluli tliim|iui'cli w.m ilflhuri'il, jciii will ilciii very uratenil thing for public peoplu mid fUlturs, iiiul I iiiny iiilil lllii'ai'tiitm. Mil. .Iiiii.M M. DiiANK, St.vtk I.iDiiAitiANof Ohio, wrlton :— Enoloncd plonso niiil i-lx iloliam, ill p.iyinuiit for SUitu Library eulwcrliilioii to tho "liiilox of Curreut KvHiiti* * for iHsll. I ri'Kiiril It a» a very valilalilc pulilli'atlon, anil hope tint you may nioi'l wllh RuchBucuoaiiiuilo warrant it.i euiilliiuancii, tor It will grow nioif valuable overy year. .Mil. IIl:ni(lKH,i)h-TliK Hum IK I.Y.N EaijU\ wrlteB :— "Iconnratulatii heartily upon liavliit! done a Kood thing, a very good lliliiK, In marting the" //ird.r " enturprUe. I hojie I may have Uie joy of congratulating you upon your sneeiw a year hence. A man with //nA r on tho brain i» onu after iny own heart. .My uilgmenl wan formed upon Number 1 ; if the iiiile.vliig Ih kept up ;u thoroughly hi all HiibHeijnent iiumtiern it will be a gre;it help to us. •' SlItC'llAltl.KK'ri ri'KU, HaIIT , lllllllCii,MMls«lllNi;ilKillt('ANAllA,wrlteil: — ItHeeniKlome ti) be a very useful publlcatlou, and one that will he valuable for rcferoneo pnrpiiaeh.** Mil. UciiK, AKHriciAri: Kiiiniit op riir. Pun. MiKi.riiiA f'lilillr l.rili/, r wrIleB :— '■ Your liiilej:li highly appreciated at this olhcc, where It liiu long been a deslileratiim." .Mu. Cciujiiiorx OF TilK "TimiiNTo K.mi'IKE, wrltea :—" Allow me lo ingralul.ite you most cordially upon ) our admirable /m/cx. Tho Idou and Its execution are alike worthy of all praise." Mil Vaiik.n.iif Tin: "Ni:\v-Viiuk .Moiixivo .Jdcbsal," writes .—''I flnd tho Intlicen of great value, saving, jm they do, much valuable time in looking up important events." Mu. Wll.l, A. WlKlDWAKIl, I{l:c. Si:( . MAB.S. I'llKSS AsSdCIATlilN. writes : Knoliised please lind subseription for one year for " Index of Current Kvenls." 1 have examined t lie speejnien sent ino with niucliint -rest and do not hesllale ti. eommend it as an invaluable assistant in tliii newpaper olliee. The amount of lime and labor it Is ealculated to save, cannot be compciiMited by one hundred times Its subsciiption rate, Ciiinnienciii;; willi Vui. II No. I llic ilalo.i f;ivoii in tlio Jwhx are till' iictiiiil ilutcs of tlio ocoiii'i'oiici's ; nut ll^^ foniierlv llie iluics ul' |lllllllcullllll. Till' Index i.^piibli.-ilii'il I'oiir tiiiiesaiiiuiilli ; Init t(i form ftcoin|ilele I'jle fur llie year it is iioi;e.-<.'r <|»'<'i'lu'8 livi'rinK tlii< bnll. — Aug. •i. Kiam, Aiin>i|inlia, Itniiml ilill, bnir kills and eiila a brryiiiK- — Aiij^. I. Di'dWiiiiiK, l■ Dniwniii;.', ZiiugliHl, .N 11 , .Mr:i. MncMiircliy, llii' wife ol Arrliilialil MHcMiinliy, |iriiii'i|iiil liall. — Aiii( 7. K.TpliHliin, Kill kli'y a Miil'i, Vn., miiiinK blast exjiludes, Michael Dance and olIiiTa kilii'd.— Aii({. 22. KspliMion. PoiiiHii, IliiuKary, uf dyuamilo cartridge, 5 pi-rsiiua kille'l- -Auk. i:i. Expiosiiiii, Krii', I'a , online iila Lake Hliore frciglil. aiid.f.'iO,lioil worth III propt'i'iy ili'siroyed liy explnsinu iil'iiil lank. Kugincer Loftua ami Sialion Master Keiini'dy injiiri'd.— Aug. 2:!. ' ExpiosiiMi.Oaiusville, Texas, tjcruggs ftWhaley'sfluurmillat, nrecke'l by -Aug. 21. Exiilosiun, IIcsipIit, Onl., at R. Forbes Companv's Woollen .Mills, Mr. Weaver ami .\lr. lluelter seriously hurl — Aug. H. Exploiiion.Olypliiinl, I'a., (ieneral Superinlendi'ut Nicoll, jun., of Dela" wiire & ilud.sun Canal Co., and 4 wurkmen killed by, lu .Shalt No. 2 at.— Aug 22. Explosion. .St. LamhiTt, P.Q., explosion on Grand Trunk traia, death of express messenger Kodgers. — Aug. 2. Explosion, St. Louis, Mo., several [iiTsons injured by ex|do9ion of hii'Works at'Utallon of .Siej;!' of ."■'eliiislopol. — Aiij?. 7. Explosions, Sliangluii, China, of boiler on sleamer, killing :ii) perious. — Aui{. I!). Explosion. South Towanda. I'a., boib-r bursts in factory of Godehar- les & Do., at, seven killed, others injured. — Aug 27. Fire, Allena, Monl., forest lires cause immense daiiuige.— Aug. 19. Fire, Auciisier Township. Ont , .Mrs. Adaius, aged 76, burnt to death. —Aug. 1. Fill', Hulli'lo, L. H. Croiker's steam yacht burnt, three of Mr. Crocker's children lose their lives, ami one badly liuriil.— Aug. 7. Files, Cliicago, liurlon building gulled, two men killed. — Aug. 14. Fire.s, Danbury, Conn., three mure eases of iueendiarism occur. — Aug. a. Fires, Idaho, heavy limlier tires in Wood Kivereouniry. — Aug. 1. Fin, Mellakatla, Wiu. Diiiicau's sawmills destroyed by.— Aug. 2H. Fin s, Miles City, great prairie lires. — Aug. 15. Fire, .Mount Forest, Out , Veomin's .Mills, and bridge over Saiigeen Itiver deslroyed.— Aug. 4. Fire, Nanaiino, H.C, Kast Wellington Colliery on lire at Aug. 24. Fires, New York, nine persons lose their lives by burning of tene- ment house. — Aug. I'J. Fire, I'rnli .Mines, ol Tenne.sFee Coal, Iron and By. Co., shaft No. 1 on lire.— .Vuif. 2. Fires, liipley, Uhio, damage to the exient of $200,0110— Aug. 2. Fire, .Si. Catharines, Onl., I'hci'nix and Empire Hour mills ol .Sylvester .Nelson al, deslroyed by ; duiioii.;i; over .*10il,iiU0 Aug. 2:)." Fires, Spokane Falls, San Franei^■'o Norlhern I'aeilic depot, I'aedic hotel and other buildings deslroyed. — Aug. 4. Fire. Spring City. I'a., .•\merieaii Wood I'wper Company, works de- stroyed by lire, oue man killed, four injured, damage $'JU,OOU.— Aug. 31. Fire, Tecnnigeh,Unt., house of Rector Robinet destroyed by, loss $8,000. — Aug. 20. Fires, Tonawando, N.Y., 3,000,000 feet of lumber destroyed in Golkin yards, loss $70.ili 0.— Aug 20. Fires, Trackce, Cal., cast end ol town destroyed, loss $7j,UO0.— Aug. 13. A00IDENT8.— 6'aii«iiu, John Neil, Ja*. O'Urlen, Hrodie .Morris, andolheri killed bv falling sli'.es —Aug. 22. Mining liiiayinas, .Mexico, eight Mexican miners and two AinTican volunteer rescuers killed by tire early in July, announced.— A Jg, Ki. Poisoning. St. i'aiil, .Minn., one hundred plckniukcra pulaoned with ice cream.— .\ug. IH. Railway, Hroekville, tint., collisiiin at, enirineer Win. Kmery.Sl. of Albans and eonduclur lliraiu Sloddard of Norlhlield, killed. — .tug. :)0. Railway, Forest I.fiwn, S.V., "Stub" train wrecked by fast eipreii; tiin'e killed, in^iiy injured. —Aug. 10. Railway. Knoxville, Ti'nn. Triin on trial trip on Knotville, (!umb"r- land (lap and Louisville Railroad leaves and runs down trestle; several killed and others lalall) injured. — Aug. 22. Railway. Liuroln, Neb., passenger train ou U. and S.R.R. derailed, IR badly injured.— Aug Irt. Railway, Petroleum, W, Va.,two trains collide near, four killed, about twenty injured. — Aug. 23. Railway, I'illsburi^. Pa., train leaves traek on Western PennayWaniua R R , killing :i, injuring many. —Aug. liS. Railway, Russia, I'eichouglao, eight carriages smashed, several per'- sons killed. — Aug. 1. Railway. SlianKikin, Pa., fn'ight train on Philadeliibia It Reading line bleaks ihruugti culvert al. Tweuly cars wrecked, sereral injured.— Aug. 22. Itaiiways, .South Uelhlehem, Pa , engine dashes into caboose on Li'higli Valley railniad, killing William Garren, and fatally injuring brakeman Mark Cliristniau. — .-Vii.'. II. Railway tunnel at CiimberlHnd Gap, iC;- , knocked in.— Aug. 8. Railwav, Waiertown, N Y,, Itaruiim s circus injured by, at, loss about 5,.lo,oilii.— Aig. 22. Railway, Weston, Neb., on Union Pacific Ry., freight train drawn by two engines wrecked, engineer .Milclull killed, and switchman Conklin' fatally bun.- Aug. li. Ilsilway, West Shore train ou Delawan' A Hudson Ry. runs oBT the track; Tliuiiias (y'oiinir, uf Albany, killed.— Aug. 2 ScaH'olding. li'ision. falls seveniy It^et, Patrick E. White andSlev Wallace killed.— Aug. C. Sliooiing. KI Itoriido, la., L. F. Wisuer, banker, accidentally shot by bis sou — Aug. 21. SI ting. TiH'oiito, .Mrs. Sarah liigigan fatally shot by a man on the island, shooting s'lipe.— Aug. 1. Storms, AuslriH, several parts of, visited by bail storms, many killed. — Aug. 21. Ai'RICA and I'lrtiigal— " Zaive," Porlugiieae gunboat, arrives at QiiilM- mane, on jiine 4. with stiff of offiii'is to I'oim an expediiion to Lake Xyasiia. ;u lu aeijiiirf iil Iho Mlnck IiiiiiiihikI. -Auk. '"' t^rhiioiiiT '' Hliti'k DiHmniicI, " nplr.i-il >j,r V (4. eultiT " Ruth," tHlls into llif Imilior (il Vioiur it, lid -Aiik .'I, Rritliih squadron ot I'hcIHc •tnllon gori to prutpct Ilritlib ibliii.— Aug. 4. Arnm ol Ihr " HUrk Dinmond," Hcllngiecrplar; Wharton InlerTiewed Ihrrpon, at Waihiiigion — Aug. A. " HInrk Dinmiind, ' Frank lli' crl, owner, arrivcuat Victoria, B.(),,*nd Mtalcii onlers ^iviMt lo cuiiiitinM nl'iictiting vohcIm. — Aug. 7. Report of Oaptain Slu'piirrt, (vimnianding n'renui" airanicr "nu Inlcrnignli'il as to iKguliaiioiiii wiih Waililugiiin (ioTirnrnint Hs to. — .Aug. 'ii. Hrlturca in, Senator W. I'. Krj« eiprruea hiariewi upon, at Aiiguula, Me.— Aug. 2tf. Hrandy. San r'ninci^o, Cul., nuinlHT of nipilnliHia meet rnmmillee of (Irapr (irowein Aaaoeialloii, ami agreu to urganne ciinipan} kuow'< aa (JnliloriMH llrHiiily riiion. — Aug •• Hritiah (Jnlumhla, Hun. John Kolxon twurn in aa Premier, at Victoria.— Aug. 3. Drodie Sieve Jiimpi the Pawtiicket Pall*.— Aug, 11. Hiickner Hon. Jamii* f , who nerved with diallnctlon during the war, dentli i(, lit l.iiuiniaua, Ky — .Vug. \ Ilulgarin, reported pnicUronlioii nl lliilg»riau Independence— Aug. 14, CHlpdonlan Association, Toronto, Nurih Auiiiiciin t'liiled ('onvenllim of, at.— Aug. '.".'. Calil'irnia Hrandy Union, nuniher of capllnlists meet at .Sun Francisco, Cnl., and urgxiiize the Inrnmiliin of llie ciiiiipiin} '.— Aug. :i Canada Uo-(lperative Ooloniuition Co, Depiirinieni of Indian HfTiiira at IMlawa receives nnlivc ol loiinnlioii ol. — Aug. 7. Oars, l/'anndian, not lo lie taxed, Secrelarjr Wludoui instruct! the collector ol Customs at Oulroit — Aug. 4, Catholic Total Abstinence Knion of America, nineteenth annual convon- lion convened at Cleveland, Ohio — Aug. 7, Chantaiiqua assembly, opening day of.— Aug. 7. Chaplin Mr., appointed President of Hoard of Agriculture of Rnglund.— Aug. 14. Cherokee Legislature, large majority of Downing pariy'i candidiit^ elected.— Aug. 5. Chicago, Police oflicer Fryer of the Deaplainea street station shot and killed lu street light.— Aug, i*. Chicago, extensive ruid oii gambling houses, l.'.^ persons arrested.— Aug 17. China, vice-roys of Fiikien and Chekiang issue prorlitmationn against the drowning ol female cliililren, advices received. — Aug. .0. Uloud-burst, Columbia, S. C. immense diiniiige.- Aug. 17. Columbia Iron Co., Lancaster, P«., increiLie price per Ion for puddling and other wages in proportion. — Aug H. Contracts, London, C. P. U. China mail contract approved by House o Cominoiia. — Aug. 17. Cotton .Maniifiicliiringpniiierty of Full Hiver, .Mass , ayndiciite representing foreiifn capital makes an olfer to purchase. — Aug. .'}. Crawford .Mr. Robert Wigram, director of the Hank of Enghind, death of. — Aug. b, CRETE. —Island in a stale of anarchy.- Aug 1. Hultan of Turkey determines to suppress the insurrection.- Aug. 2, Sailor bebnging to an Italian mau-oi'-war shut by .Mussulmans at Ciinea.— Aug. :i Turks attack and disperse a body of insurgents near t^anea.— Aug. :t. Egyptian troops occupy .Surras, J.OOI) of Wud-el-Jami's followers sub- mit. — Aug. 5. Gn'ck Government send.^ circiiliir note tn the powers, demanding thiit they lake action to restore order in Crete. ^Aug. li Fight al Ileraclion between .Moslems and Ubristians, ten killed on each side and many wounded. — Aug. <>. Insurgents attack delaclunent of soldiers, Armenian and Mussulmans voluuteers go to the rescue, und sharp Hglit ensues.— Aug. ii Chftkir- Pasha, Turkish aiuhassador at St Petersburg, stated to have been appoinleil fiovernor General — Aug. 8. Porte decides lo increase forces in Crete to HO.OOO men. — Aug. 20. The Porte refuses demands of Cretan commission. — Aug. 23. CRIME.— Abduction, Buffalo, N.V., Scliwinn Lavina S., heiress, abducted by her mother's alleged paramour Obas. A. Boeck.— Aug. 1. UKIMB.-roa/MnadL Absconders, lloatnn. npiwn fl P., of pmbarraaard llrm of Hrown, Miees \ (lurk, buven |lii. city - Aug « Abaeoiiders, Kenturky, Tale, delaultiiig State Trraaiirer, arrested at Aliiliiiiiia -- Aug. () Absconders, (Jneliec, Leo .MInnea, arnaied at Albany, N Y. — Aug. .1. Absconilrrs, Cjiietu-c. (leinve Meunlvr, arretted at Albany and bruuirlit lo .Montreal. -Auk II. DelHiiliera, Kentucky, Talc, abscondiiig Stale Treaaiirer, arretted at Alaliiiiiiit. — Aug. Ii. nefaiilter Philiiilelphia. Jonea William, emplovee of K II. Il'ilhr * Co oiiblisliera, a well known Imok couiioiimeiir, iihorliige $in,iioo. Aug! Delnlratlon, Hoslon, J Higgint einlieizlea $H,noo, diiiolret Arm of II W. iilinii k t;o.--Aiig 1 1 Foigery, Alb»ii\, N.Y,, Leo Minn.a, arreaied on a warrant foi forgery Hi l.juiliei' loM'cure posilion Willi iiiauranre iiuiiiMiiy. - Aug .'i. Korgeriej, Minneapolis, .Minn., Colliiui Knink ,1 , lawyer, turg, a to tin- HUM I of $2i,T.oiiO Iroiii Jobii S lllHiatlell.— Aug li. Forgery, New Vork, Allen Prea K. S , of lorti .Secoml Sireei and timiiil Slreel Ferry llnilroad, nrn .iied lor loning cerillicalea of the niilroairs slock loralioui 7iio shans.- Aug. 7. ForgiricH, Toulouse, Fiance, eximaive lorgiries of l,00i| Iranc noiea dlncnvered, a niinilier ol pirsoiis ainsled Aug. 7. Homicide, Glii'iil. an epileplic kills ihiee and ihingerously Wounds SI vend oilier iniiial' s of liospilal HI.- Aug -'.i. U.dibrry, ('liip|ie«H FhIIs, Wisconsin C'enliul passenger tniiu lubl up and nblied by a fingle nimi — Aig. H. Mr. George llarrliiy shot ai, iii,.| naiii kii, wn as Holibeiy, I liireiice Criek, i 'nt robls-il by twii lui'ii. — Aiig ,*!. Ki'bbcrv, Cieviisse, I'ol , Itiii Grande Wi ulern ".Mndoc * lielii lip b) irniii robbers. .\iig. il llobbirv, Forlli Worth mid Henvir n,ail rain held up by six masked men belwieii IJIicjvnue and Th.-ouh.- Aug. 4. Uoblsry, Mail' in, .Mo., two niHskiil men enier the Si. Pain sleeper HllHched lo re«r ol Wabiiab Western Express, huh jjo Ihioiigli all the iiavelleis. -Aug. I. Sliooliiig, Cnloied llibllellowa Lodge, Wilaon John slioola George Joliiiston, Lee Itiiy, ami .VIexaiidei Tlionm.^ — Aug. li. SwiU'llers, .Sew York, Crawliiid .Siiniiel tiakley iiliiii Dr. A. Beniley exposed in Itosioii //( ni/./ - Aug. :i. Swiiiilling, .Viw York, Ebeii S Allen, ex-presiileiil of ForlySeeond A GiMUd.M. Railwiiv. seiiieuced lo lourteenyears lor over issue ol „i(,ck value jillili, OIK),— Aug. 111. Thefi, Hroekville, Grand Trunk, mail bags for Ottawa cut open and registered h Hers nbsiracled at.— A ■ .^7. Cruelty, Siiibenville, llhio, Siriker John, tiued and impriaoned for horrible cruelty to his children. — Aug. I. CUSTG.MS,— Canadian cars mil to be taxed. Secretary Windom instructs llie colleclor of t^istonis at Oeiroil.— Aug 4. Cnnudian, (Jlmlham, Dm, sieainer " W. F. .McCnie," sei/.id for liiiidnig goods willioin reporliug oulwurds or inWHrds.— Aug, 2. CanadiHii, Hmiiillon, Oiii , seiaurc of l,3Ji bags and 7,> Imirels of MuacovHibi sugar.— Aug. 2. CHuadinn sliooks, decision of Treasury depHrlmenl, Washingion on —Aug. 2. ' CnuHdiiiii, Saiilt St. .Marie, Ferry steamer " J. L. Ueckwilh, ' seized by ('aUHdian ollicml.< lor coiisling.— Aug. 1. Canada, refii..>)' ail niKakrd If Hi. I'hiii gliM'i'tr i»l II" iirl, ill Hhockfirord, Ua -Aug. t Itiillin .Mr. .JuniPi, wIioIc^kIk mi-rchnnt, tl MunlrvNl. — .\iig. J.l, UntH'IlK (JiipiHiii .). H , .M.I', for llii'hi'livii intv — Aug. :i. I.Kiillaw (iiHirge, ruilwiiy |irunioti'r, on hii Urin ut llulaikm Luke.— Aiitr «. MiK'I'lii'riioii lli'nry, Judge of the Ooiitily of Orny, dlea at Uwen ^ln|llll. — Aug t. Mct'iinni'll llrv K., Haptlal pinncrr mliiilonary, at Ottawa.— Aug. 2. MiiioHia <'ii:i|iiiiil Uillinni, Hi NHpli'*. — Aug •). M"iiimil, Virnr Ui'iH'inl licv. KailiiT .Milli-r die*.— Aug, l.'t. I'liilippovii'h (li-uiral, iht- I'liiiipirriir nf lloalna.— Aug. .t. I'.\iil hVlix Kri'iii'li wrili-r hiiiI dimihiiiAi, ilimlli of.— Aug. 4. |{ii'liHrd-ou Jobii A , »l Aiiii'irly iii'Hr l.oniliMi. — Aug. 4. Slu'i'r dcnrgi', Wfll known jiMirtiHli!"!, ut N''«' York,- Aug. IS. WiiikiiH I'liHrb'H .\ , ilii'mrii'Kl iiiHiiiigi'i, ul lliii'oiiiu, ,V V. — Aug. 32. Dpnnmrk, l'o|ii'iiliugi-n, t'liu I.'/.hi uihl l'/,iinua vinit,- Aug. 11, DII'UOMATIU.— Ituaala aud Japan, in'H'.y belweeu algn«d at Tuklo.— Aug. H. Divorci', Ni'W York, raai'of Klack ri. Klmk uunulUd— Aug. I.'l. Duel, <'n|inrl, Avoydl'a, l,a., CImrlio Ariiioi.r aud bia I'nllicrin law lli'iiry Duciiti- Mglit, tbu foriiivr acvcri'ly and the latter iiiottally injiiri'il — Aug 5. Duponil (ii'iicral Hi'iiry, gunpowder manufacturer, death of, at Wllniing toil, Di'l.— Aug. H. Kxrilu'iiiki', Klollion, (Iri'dv, licavy HlinikH of, il" iliiinage at. — Aug. 20. Kiirlbi|imki', llerzguvina, aevcri" .-liocka frit.- Aug 17. KHrilii|U>tki-, KhiMuoiik, ItiDmia, illii jH'opli" buruiil alive al.— Aug 2iia Angi'log, t'ala., severe Khock of, at.- Aug. 2H. KCCI.K8IAHTICAI.— Ottawa, llev. F. McCunnell, Iluptiat pioneer ininiaier —Aug 2. Ilordinux, ili'alh of of — Aug. l.\ Halifax, I'reiibylcry of Halifax, Preahyiflriana at.— Aug. 31. Monireal, OiiiigUa (Miiiroli, foiiiidaiion atone of, laid by Uir Donald Hiuiib, K.C.M. O., Ml'.-Aug. ;il. Monireal, iwiitlon uf Louia Aroiiaon et al. fi^r order toeatahliah Jewjab C'lntiri'gatiou in. granlcd by Judge I'agtiiiido al. — Aug. 2H. Ottawa, KefiirnicJ Kpiacopal Synod idcci tlieir oHIcern. — Aug. 17. Hhockellbrd, .M<>., liev. FatluT iliiniinil, pioneer prieat uf Mianouri deatli ol. — Aug. 4. i Hiani, King of, grants use of royal pulaco to American I'reabytcrian I Miaifiiiu— Aug. 2H. I Vicloriii, HO , Davie Hon. Tbeo., Atturney-Qeneral, elected overDr Milne, majority 111. — Aug. 21. VVestphulia, Arcbbialiop of Cologne atoned by antl-^/alholica — Aug 1,5. Killlorial National Aaaociation, Detroit, annual convention of, at.— Aug 27. KUVI'T— flcn. (Irenfell engngea Ibe Dervi'bos neni'Toiiki and completely riiuti'.i litem. Miid-t-l-Jiinii lite Deivi-b leniliT. killed. -Aug. .1. liiikiT .Sir Sainiiol, wrilea lo Liuiilon nn ili't'eiit of Wndel-Jiiini, niiiin- liiitiing the ueeesrftly o( oceiipyiiig Doiigola and llerber. — .Aug, .*>. Orenfell (ieii,, retitrna to ('airo, Cavalry in pursuit of the one Kiuir who survived Ibe Imllle.— Aug. *J. Tdski, iloetimenis found in llie alandoned camp of Wiid-. Virginia, Geo, \Vm. .Mnhone and Col. Cntnphell ('. Slemp nominated lor (ioveriior mid Lieut. -Uovcruor respectively by Kepublican con- vention.— Aug. 23. Electneity, Aniericaii Kleetrie Liu'lit As'n, fir^t session o( tenth ciiiiventiuu in se.^sion at Niagara Falh. Oul. — .\iig. T. EiiineiiitiediaHntiinniea. Kdiiiliiirgli publishers bike aelion against 0. Seiib'.er of New Viirk for piililishiiig elieiip leprint of.— Aug. IH. Englewoiid, 111., town put under military diseioliiie, in con.iec|UencB of murderous assaults, highway robberies and burglaries.— Aug, 4. Kieciilion, giillloilnn, St l*irrr<', Mii|upluu, Noel, a French flslierman, executed liy, at.— Aug. 24, Sieciiliiii, New Vurk, Faokanham, Nolan, Lawli and Karnlln hanged al — Aug 2.1. Riecutive ll.'alth Dllleer*' AHoeialion, llrickvllle, Out., miwling uf, at, lor appotiiiiueul of ultleers. —Aug. 31. Kwart Sir William, M.I', tor Northern Dlvlaion of UelfiMt, dealU of.— Aug. 2. FAILUUK.S. liMlon, W. f Jobnion * Uo., leather dea!«ri.-.Ug. 1. Iloilon, American Dreaied HeefC'u. uf.— Aug. lo, Uo4ion, .Mitclnlosh John S., asslgna at i llabilillet |I00,000, — Aug, Hrocklon, N.V., Vandemark T. .k W,, varn and woolen gouda mi lu- laelurera, asHign ; liahililies $2^.0iiO — Aug, H. Dedhiini. Mass., Siei'te Kilward and Clark Ainaiia (Krown Steow and Clark), wool dealera. Hie jH'titlou ou baiikriiplvy. — Aug, 21. Dundee and WuoUstuuk, 111., Hall A. P., merchant, liabilities llOtt.OOO, -Aug. 14. Hainillon, Out , Kay Kleelrie Light Co assigns —Aug, 7. Iiiiliaiiapolis, lli'ialiir and Western railroad placed ir the hands of a receiver. — Aug. II. Kansas i;ity, KingUon, I'eake Jk Co., dry goods, liabilUiea $!)0,OOJ.— Aug. \fi. Pliiladelpliia, Crowlher Divid, A Son. varn utu/.'iiu&" aolsed by rereaua cutter " .M Lane, "—.Vug. 2. Fleming Mr. Sanlord, eleclvd president of Ottawa Art A.isoclatlun — Aug. 2. Floods, Johnstown, bodies of ten more victims recovered — Aug. n, Floyd (^"oiinty, Oa., prohibition defeated by majority of iJflO, — Aug. 0. Plui, Oliarleaion, rtV Va, virulent epidemic of, prevailing at, over 30 died — Aug, 2.1. Fever, Texas, ruging among cattle, hiindreils of, die daily— Aug, 2H. Forester', Order of, the High Court asieiubled at iloiirueinouth grant! demand ol Loyiil Cuiirta of America to establish subsidiary High Court in llial country. — .Vug. 7. Foresters, .Mi inenpolis, subsidi try High Court of A. O F, votes to sever couneeiioti w ilb High Court of Knglaiid, on aicoiiut ot lalter insist- ing U|>ou adniissiou ot colored men to the Order. — Aug. LI. FRANCK, Aiigoueiiie, riots ai. Haria Appeal Court conlirms sentences imposed upon M. De Itoiilede and .M. Laguerre. — Aug. 7, Boiilah,;er issues a deelaraiioii tliat aeeiisatinns against him are infa- mous slanders —Aug. II. IlonlaigiT lien., trial of, iiegins before High Court ofSt^nato Aug. 8, Iloulaiiger, Senate Court linds liuulanger guilty uf conspiracy Aiiir i:i. ''■ Hoiiliitigcr defended by General du Baruil ul Uonapartist banquet Aug, 1.;. Bouliinger presented with address by 500 people at London Auir 18. ■■ Honlanger Gen , suspended of Legion of Honor —Aug. 24. Biijae ('apt,, I'oinierlv ini'nilH'r of lioulaogers staff, arrested in Paris on charge of being Gerniau spy.— Aug, 7. Deserters, seven tliou.^and French deserters leave Genera for France —Aug. 14. Paris, Com .mot, French statesman who died in 182:), remains ri ived tl iilaeed in tlie Panlheon. — Aug. 2. Pari", remains of (Jiiriiot, .Marceau, d'Aiivergue and liaudin deposited in the Pa; iheon. — .Vug. 4. Paris, Caiirobert Madame la Mareehale, death of. — Aug. G. Paris, mail named Hnuiiingre senlenei'd for selling diplomatic dooii- tuent- lo (ierni in agents wliile an employi'e of Danish .VLnisirv in Palis.— .Vug, li. Paris, .\nieriean and English deputations wait on President Carnot -Aug, 11. Paris, Comic de Paris publishes the preface of the history of bia lather's life.— Aug. 13. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Hi FRANCE.— CollMnHl•(^ Paris, Count Dillon and Henri Uoclipford, nocompliccs of Boulanger, found guilty of conspiracy np^iiiust Slate. — Au^. M. Parij, iScrippa American workingmen place wreath on statue of Kepublic.-Aug. 14. Paris, M Carnol bampiets ir),000 people.— Aug. 18. Paris, M. Tliierse, Houlangist, Deputy, arrested at meeting for inter- fering wiih police. — Aug. 27. Second l)allols for niHinia'r.^ of Counc'ls (Joneral taken. .M. Laguerre Hiiulaiigisl leader, elected at l.u Uoclu lie.— Aug. 4. Fronde, the historian, writes on Home lliile. — Aug. 1. Gas, Port Colborne, Ont., I)ig flow of natural gas near, estimated at 1,200,- OiiO feet per day. — Aug. 2(J. Gas, Toledo, llhio, city ol)lain.s land at Van Buren, and strikes a yield ofi twenty million feet of gas per d ly. — .\ug. 7. GERMANY. Kaiperor William of, arrives in the Downs. — .\ug. 1. Berlin. Emperor Kraneis Joseph visits — -\>ig. I-. Socialism, Berlin police suppressing meetings convened to hear reports from delegates to I' iris lalair congress - Aug. 4. Strasburg, Emperor Wdliam visits.— Aug. 'IL Naval frauds, privy councillor Kruger arrested in Berlin. — Aug. .O. Gold, Arrow liock, .Mo,, gold discovered in paying (piantities.-.Viig. I. Guldwiii Smiih inierviewod at Winnipeg on I'rench School i(Uestiou in Toronto. — Aug. H. Ilaban Rev. '■"nther James, senior priest in Diocese of Toronto, death o(, — Aug. 9, Halifax, N. S., carnival, opening of— .\iig ,5. Halifax, N, .S,, .Military and Naval demonstration. — .-Vug, 0. namilion, Ont , summer Carnival opens —Aug, 19. Harrison President, in speech at Bath, Me , promises to promo'e rebuilding of American mercantile marine — Aug. ir>. HAYTI. Cold-blooded .uurders cianmitted by order of rival commanders, despatch to .New Vork Times received dated Port-au-Prince July 2Hth.— Aug, II, Hippolyte and Jean Jumean on July 2Sth attnck Port-au-Prince but are routed, ad'-:^ j received by llaytian consul at New York. — Aug, - Saletron, Hippolvte lands 1000 men, report brought by steamship " Creorge W (5lyde " to New York.— Aug. ». Steamer " dzimia " arrives at .N'ew York and reports that on July Mth General Giradi, Hippolyle's commander, look Fort Toussaint I'Oii- verlure, but in endeavoring to get into Port au-Priiice the troops ambuscaded. — Auj;. 2. Healy Rob«'rt, old and well known citizen, and ex-priest, dies at Ana- mosa, la. — Aug. \). Honolulu, insurrection reported by "SS. Alameda," at San Francisco. — Aug. 10, Horses, Ontario (iovernment issues commission to Dr. Bryce to proceed to Kent and Lambton counties, and take evidence bearing upon out- break of contagious disease among horses. — Aug. IJ, Hungary, Biida Peslli, summer mameiivies, many soldiers of recinient of IrissarD lelt unconscious upon the Held from overwork. — Aug. 5. Ice, mine discovered in Idaho — Aug. 20. Idaho, Boise City, constitutional committee closes, — .\iig. (!. Immigrants. England, Couimittee a|ipoiiited by Parliament make a report, — Aug, it. Immigrants, New York, passengers by sleamsbip " England " lodge com- plaint as to their treatment, with secretary Jackson of emigratioi) board. — Aug, 2, IMPERIAL PARI.IAMEN'T —Commons, Dr. Tanners sentence under Crimes Act, Mr. Sexton moves aiijourument to consider same. — Aug. 1. (\)nimoiis. Royal grants bill passed. — .\og. '>, Commons, anti-slave crngress in Brussels, Sir James Ferguson gives information thereon. — Aug. .5, Ccmimon?, Dongola and Ber'ier, Mr. .^mi'li s,ays England has no inten- tion of occupying. — Aug. li. Commons, Irish estimates. .Mr. llHrringti.'i attempts to assault ,Mr. Biilloiir, but is ivsiraineil. — ,\iig ,'*. Commons, Mat tliews. Home Secretary, denies that Parnell's leltera tampered wilb— Aug. I.'), Common.s, Irish Secretary's salary, motion of ,Mr. Sexton to disallow rt;-*cled,— Aug, 21, GommoRS, Ireland, debate on Irish prisons.— Aug, 2.'t, Lords Secretary of Stale for India announces resignation of ruler of (^aslunere, and formation ol native council. — .\u}<. 27. Lords, I'oyal (irniils bill discns.wd. Lord i^alisbiiry denies the existence ot any agreement with the Queen.— Aug. ti. Royal (Jiiiiiis hill passes the Coininitiee stage. — Aug. 2, Tithes Bill witli'Irann. — ,\iig. 10. Ireland, Irish estimates. Law charges voted after last debate.— Aug. it' Incendiarism, Danbury, Conn., three more cases of, occur — Aug, 3. IncendiariBin, Winnipeg, Georgen P. Vance.s,a lawyer and leading citizen arrested for setting lire to building occupied by Mrs. Young. — Aug, 5. Ice trust. New York, collapse of.— Aug, .1, India, Cashmere, ruler oi Msigns, and nfttive council formed. — Aug. 27. Indians, Northwestern Indian Commission gets the consent of the Gull Lakers, a band of Chippewas dwelling about the original seat of the Chippewa Government nl (iiill Lake— Aug. 7, Indians, Standing Rock, Dak., the final council held with all the chiefs but Gall ai:d Running Antelope. — Aug 4, Indians, Standing Rock Agency, Dak., linal council held at, — Aug. 0, Iowa State Republican Convention nominates Hutchison for Governor,—. Aug. 1,'J. IRELAND, .Vrlhiirstown, Wexford, charge preferred by the Government against Canon Doyle and others, of holding illegal meetings, aban- doned, as witnesses refuse to la* sworn,— Aug, 5, Clonakelly, Win. O'Brien and Jami'S Gilhooly put on trial at, for holding proclaimed National meeting.— Ang. 23. ClonaKcliy, Wm O Brien and J. (lilhooly, .M P.'s, .sentenced respec- tively to two months and si.x weeks iniprisonmeut for holding pro- claimed meetings. — Aug. 21!, Dr. Tanner, sentence on, ,Mr. Sexton moves adjournment of House of Commons to consider same. — .Aug. I, Home Rule, Fronde, the historian, writes on. — Aug. 1, O'Connor Jihn and Condon T, J., ,M.P,'8 for Tipperary, released from prison. — .\iig 21. Knock, 40,0110 persons visit the shrine,— .\ug, IG, Skibbereen. Linen tnanut'at Inrcrs established at, — Aug, 24, Irish, Sunday closing bill, Card.ial ,Manning expresses his approval thereof. —Aug. 4, Iron workers. Pottsville, Pa,, Iron and Steel Company, wages of employees advanced 12 per cent,- Aug, 3 ITALY, capture of .Mrs. Geo. Pend!oton Bowler of Cincinnati, by bandits, news received via Bar Harbor. — Aug, ,5. Parliament, sudden prorogation of.— Aug. 2, Japan, floods caused by overflowing of river Chiku Go in Fu Kuo Ka Ken, |>articulars of loss given in Japan 6«.-<«« — Aug, 8. Japan, riot between two factions of Chinese coolies at Sang Kong, 900 rioters cajitured, — Aug. 5, Jesuits' Estates Bill, Quebec, the Governor (Jeneral receives the deputa- tions, and refuses to interfere with the act, — Aug, 2, Jutland, serious epidemic of typhoid fever. — Aug, 17. Kentucky, State treasurer, election of, Stephen II, Sharp, of Lexington elected, — Aug, 6. Kilrain Jake, arrested at Ocean View, Va, — Aug. 5, Labelle Captain J. B., M,P, for Richelieu County, death of.— Aug, 3, Labor Day,— Aug, 31. LEG.AL, Coboiirg, Coiimee and McLennan i',«. Canadian I'ai-ihc Railway Judge Armour gives verdict in favor of Plaintiffs,- Aug. 1, Owen Sound, Out., Macl'herson Henry, judge of toiinly of Grey iieatli of — Aug, 4. Quebec, " Polynesian," '•Cynthia" collision, trial commences in Vice-Admiralty Court.— .\ug. 20. Toronto, death of Charles L. Ferguson, of the law firm of Ferguson Ferguson & tl'Brien, at Toi .;ut on trial at, for sonteneed reapeo- ut for lioUliiig pro- nment of Ilouae of '. 1. rary, released from \»g. 24. if approval thereof. wages of employees ;iMnati, by bandits, Ho in Fu Kuo Ka -Aug. 8. It Sang Kong, 900 ceives the deputa- . 2. »rp. of Lexington 1 of.— Aug. 3. n Pacific Railway -Aug. 1. (oun(y of Grey al commences iu firm of Ferguson, \!^g. i:i. ill, Vii., to receive at Niagara Falls. ', Hon. .Mr. Smart, iTvicwcd ihereou, \»g. 14. lincc of Moutcnc- -Aug. 7. r. Ferguson, M.I'. uiicof I'arliamcn- ii> of .Mduli'ni'gri) ilcuiiiiizcd at Si. —Aug. 2. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ) MEDICAL, Elixir of Life, Washington, D. ('., Dr. Vf. A. Hammond experiments with il, wonderful results attained. — Aug. I Cincinnati, Ohio, Dr. Koborl Longfellow conducts successful experi mciits with Dr. Itrown-Sequard's i'lLiirof Life.— Aug. 9. Chicago, experinionis with Klixir of 1 ife, startling eBccts— Aug. 11. St. Loiii?, Dr. Sliiiw, in examining Hiown-Seqiiard Elixir, discovers existence ot bacteria. — Aug. 14. Brown-iSequaril F.lixir, liirniingliani, Ala.. Dr. Loclistcin fatally ex- periments wilh.—Aiig. l.'i. Montreal, Dr. Brodeur makes ex|iei'imcats with Bronu-Scquard Elixir -Aug. 19. Shamokin, Pa., experiment with Lite Elixir causes death of ten persons. —Aug. lij. Uerchanlis' Convention, Hamilton, third session at.— Aug. 21. Mexico, San .luan Wiloa, prisoners , ifined at revolt, the troops shoot twenty.— Aug. 7. MILITAKV, I'suda, Pestli, suninur uiamvuvre.*. many soldiers of regiment of Hussars left uiic*inscious upon the tield frimi overwork. — Aug. 5. Berlin, Frnjieror William and Emperor of .\u3lria witness smokeless powder sbani-fiKht — Aug. 14, Canada, Pope Lt Col. F. .\l., appointed to brigade mi\jurskip of East- tern Townships district.— Aug. 1. England, Emperor William rvviews 2ii,000 troops at Aldorshot.— Aug. 7. Halifax, N.S., successful demonstration.— .-Vug. U. Kingston, the Dominion Government offers ji:),'>,O0U towards con- struction ol Drill Hull at. — Aug. 2''. Montreal, P.tJ , R. A. hold tweiity-lirsi annual [irize nieeliug. — .Vug. 13. Montreal. Six Fusiliers I!. A. hold twenty-lifth annual meeting — Aug. 17. Ontario, RiHes .Vssociation, election of ollieers al. Walker match, shooting tor ut. — Aug. '.'7. (IMawa, Doiuiuion li. A. alter .Snider rilie sight regulations. — Aug. 19. Philippovieli General, the conqueror of liosina, death of —Aug 5. Servia, War .Ministry onlers all three of the riilitary classes ofServia to nuuler.— .\ug. '.'. Stanley Ihm. K.. gazetted A. D. C. to tlie Governor General.— Aug. ■J I. Tuiki-li lesiMves, eiglity tliousaiid ealleil out. — .Vug. 2. Cnitel Siaie> War (Jtliee decides tn S'i|iply army with smoi.eless l^iw'ler.— .\ug. 2.'t. Millers, IVt'rlioni, (• it , meeting of millers iliseuss the working ol th'; duties on llou' an, I wheat.— ,',ug. U. .Miners. D;irliiuu iniu'TS ;iioept ten per cent, ullereil l,y ilie owners.- .\uji. 2. Mining, .'Xs-inihoia, N'.W.T.. Stair (.'oal Mine Ji .MMii'ifacturing i.'ouiiiaiiy (l.imiu'l) iuoiirporate.l with capital of S.'el'i.oDii.— .\ug. 2:i, Mining, Xova Scotia, l:!.i;2i', ounces of goM estimated to have been mined at, in si.v ni mtiis preceding — Aug. 2S Minintr, I'ratI mines of Tennesfcc Coal Iron and Kail way (,'o.. slialt .\o. I on lire. — Aug 2. Missouri, lliiu.^eol Dehgates jmisscs the Scott Ele\ uted Railroad Hill.— —Aug. :!. Missions, Washington, D. tJ., report forwarded that .Vii.ericnu missions in Cliina and Corca are fruitless. — Aug. 1 1. MURDKRS, Brodick Bay, Heoiland, Rose Edwin, an English tourist, found murdered on the tioaifcll —Aug. :!. Brooklyn, Luoa C. W., stabbed by one of three burglars, Benson, Quinlan and McElwain — Aug. 21. Chicago, Snell Mrs. Henrietta, oO'ers reward of $50,000 for arrest and detention of Tascott William B., supposed murderer of her husband. —Aug. 1. Chicag,>, Croaiu, Burke pleads not guilty of murder —Aug. 9. Chicago, Cronin trial, Burke identified as lessee ofCarlston Cottage —Aug. 2. Chicago, Cronin, Burke taken from Winnipeg to Chicago under a very strong escort. — Aug. 3. Chicago, Cronin Dr., trial of prisoners on charge o," opened at. — Aug 26. Chicago, Cronin Dr., Gus. Klahere, a witness in against prisoners accused of, nearly assassinated. — Aug. 27. Chicago, Ills, Col. Duncan shoots Ed. Bennett at colored barbers' picnic. Island Park, and is killed by the mob. — Aug. 5. Cleveland, Ohio, Berg Charles, while creeping under circus tenti struck by showman and killed. — Aug 8. Corvallis, Mont., dead bodies of OIlie Jones, his wife and two other persons found shot in the back. — Aug. 7. Fergus, Ont., Ualey Patrick, .who stabbed Miss Ellis ot Garafraxa, arrested.— ADg, i. HVRDERi^.-Coniitweit. Johnstown, I'a., McCormack James, shot and killed by Harry Moyer —Aug. 5. l-alhrop, I'al, Judge Terry shot by Deputy Marshall Naglc.— Aug. 14 Lathrop, Cal., Field Judge, warrant issued against lor killing Judg« Terry. -Aug. 15. Liverpool, Maybrick .Mrs., sentenced to death —Aug. 7. Liverpool, Maybrick James, will published —Aug. 11. Liverpool, Maybrick dcaUi sentence fixed to be carried out on Aug 26.— Aug. 12. Liverpool, Maybrick, remission of .Maybrick seutence petitioBcd. — Aug. IJ Liverpool, .Maybrick, liftytwo M.P.'s sign memorial requesting com- mutation of .Maybrick sentence.- Aug. 15. Liverpool, .Maybrick Mrs. Florence, sentence of death commuted to penal servitude for life. — Aug. 22. Louisville. Ky., Jim Turner, shot dead by one of the Howard's in ihe Court House. — Aug 5. Lumens, .Mu , Howell J. S., murderer of .Mrs. Hall and three children sentenced to be hanged.— Aug. G. .McOann .lohn, a teamster, shot and killed bj his Btepsou, James Dolan — Aug. G. McDowell County, W. Va., widow and two daughters criminally assaulted and killed. — Aug 9. Megantic, Morrison Donald, preliminary examination at Sherbrooke.— Aug. 9. Penn., three men murdered in coal mines. — Aug. 17. Toronto. Hicks James, dies troni poisoning, Charles Cole and Arthur Hicks arrested on suspicion. — Aug. 7. Toronto. Hicks James, his sister Mrs. Sarah White arrested lor, — Aug. ^<. .Musiciil, Ottavv.i. Canadian College of .Music established. — Aug, IT. .VAV.VL.— British, inspection of Heel at .Spiihead by Emperor of Germany —Aug. :;. British Squadron ol Pacilic slaliun goes to protect British ships iu BehringSea. — Aug. 4. British, great review at I'orl.-muulh — Aug. ,1. j British, " Ilk, ck Prince " and '■Invincible" come into collision off Spilhoad, and boUi much damaged. — Aug. G. I Germany, t'apt. Wissiuanii's expeilitiou,elevi.'n naval ollicers sail Iroin Berlin /.anzibar to j'lin. — .\ug. .''i. I Germany, frauds. Privy t'ouncillor Kruger arrested in IJeiliu.— Aug 5. , Halil'av. .V..S., successful denmnstatiou. — Aug. G. 1 II. M.SS. ■'Touruiiliue" and '■ P.ila les " at Mo.itieal. — Aig. ,'l. 1 (Juebee, II. M. ,'^. '■ Bellcroph'in " and " Pylades " arriveat city. — Au^', l;i. i .St. Peters! iiH';;, Russian Gov. order conslruclion ot ten large iro'i- I clads.--Autr I'.i. I .Vcw Brunswick, .V.l., Raritau river dv.rllows its banks and stops Iho caiii'.l nnd all factories. — .\ug 1 Xicaragua .Mail .Sieaui Navigation and Trading Company. Denver, incor- porated at —Aug, 22. I .^i'lilisls, Russia, eiglily arrested n' Koll.— .\ng. 5. Oil, Terrc llaute, Md., second line well struck.— Aug. 1. Pacilic Postal Telegraph Coinpair", aiurinl iiieeling ol, ludd al New Voik -An^r- 7 Panama Caniii;('ompany,M. Brunei the liqnidutoriuf. nu ■ the shareholders that a financial syndicate has taken the wlio'e a uoiut of the new [ lottery bonds.— Aug. I. Pearls, Albany, Wis,, pearls dis ov-Ted iu cliui shells taken from sugar ! -Aug. 8. i Persia, Shah leaves Pari'. — Aug. 9 Persian, Bagdad, chcdera rcji rt'd ra„'ing al, and at Bussorah.— Aug. Jt. Philadelphia I'uiversal Peace Union petition pco,ile of U.S. to ado|it a national relief fund.— Aug. 19. Photographic Association. Torjulo. Canadian, sivth annual c nivenion of, at.— Aug, 21. Plymouth, Mass., iiaiioual monument in honiu- of the Pilgri u Faihers unveiled.— Aug. 1. Portugal and Africa, '■ Ziive" Portuguese gunboat arrives at Quillim.vue on June 4, with slalT of ollieera to form an expidilion to Lake Nyasaa, news received al Wajhingtoii from U. S. Consul to Mo'.ani- bique.— Aug, I). Postal, great rediiciioin on pircel pjii rates iu Canada addressed to United States and Newfoundland, to co:nneuoo .Sqit. Isi, notitied — Aug, 23. Pottsville, Pa., Iron an 1 Ste.d Company, wages ol emp'o,ees ai? meed 12 per cent.— Aug 3 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Prince of Wftles receives irit'iidly anonymous letter, XIU, 000 enclosed. — Aug. lit. Prohibition, Llojrd county. On., defeated by majority of 600.— Aug. 6. Pugilism, Purvis, Misa , J. L. Sullivan sentenced to 12 months imprison- ment.— Aug. 17. Pyat Felix, Firnch writer and dramatist, death of.— Aug. 4. QUEBKC, Lord Stanley entertains Sir Somors Vine and oBicera of Citadel. -Aug. 10. District Magistrates Cjurt Act disallowed.— Aug. 12. Queen Victo'-!h presents Bismarck with portraitof herself.— Aug. 20. RAILWAVa.— Brockville, Westport and Sault Hte. Marie Railway, McMi- chael Mr. C, B., solicitor of a syndicate of American capitalists, attends at Ottawa, and makes a thorough inspection of the road. -Aug 7. C.A.R.R. notify Cbauliere mill owners of reduction of 25c per l,i>00 (t. oflumbir. to \>'W York —Aug. 17. C. B. & .V. R.R. cut rnlcs to g:'. Ring, 8an Francisco, Geo. Lablache b als Julin Derapsey at, for purse of.^.'i,50ci aujchanipioasbip of America.— Aug. 27. Regatta, Grand Truuk Railway Club, aiiuiial, of.— Aug, 31. Ring, Sullivan John L., surendured to MiijiT^iippi officers. —Aug. 1. Ring, Kilrain Jake, arrested at (.'ccau \'U-w, Va.— Aug, T). Ring. Killaloe, Ont., fight between George Kno and Michael Connors. —Aug '}. Ring. Jake Kilrain arrested at IJaltiniorc — .Aug. U. Ring. Purvi;, .Miss., J. L. Sullivan tried Icn- Kiha p tight.— Aug. 12. Sparring, San Fianeisco, I'al. Killen arnsied while -jivii-g an exhibi- tion —Aug. 7. Toronto, Caledonian Convention sports open al.— Aug. 21. HTANIiF.Y 11. M., .VfW Vork ll^raLI, special from 'Aiim.Wnw. says Stanley coming ilown the coast with Eniiu Paslia and l:i,oiio men.— Aug. a. Stanley II. .M., beard from.— ,\uj. 13. Hianstead I'laiu, P. Q , Slanstead Live Slock K.Khibilion, lliird annual eibibitiou of. — Aug, 28 Storms, Missouri Valley, twenty persons killed by ligbining, damage to crops, etc., $500,000.— Aug. IJ. StorniJ, Spain, great hurricane sweeps over .•^outh of, doing much damage, —Aug. 17, Storm. Watkin's Glen, New York State, terrible damage done at.- Aug. 2 STRIKERS, Cokers, Pittsburg, Va., 1,20" cokers join the ranks.- Aug. 2. Coke, CounellsviUe, Pa., strikers marclionJimtown works ot Schoon- maker k Co., and drive the men from work.— Aug. .">. Coke, ConnelsviUe, Pa., the McClure and J. .M. .Schuonmaker offer the men an advance of 6 per cent.— .\ug. H. Coke workers, Pennsylvania, strike made general, over 1 1,000 men idle —Aug. 7. Coal, Pennsylvania, ended with victory for the men— Aug. 9. HTRIKKRS.-Cone3: 3: — =S"--2.*.S.- SS"' ?0' sr" — ; ij-^artKMa- o o '?. li : oi ; tr- o — J> 5 ic i** 4» o : Oi X 4- X ; -1 : tD —' O L-< ri vT. i» *. — ; 4keoc'tc«c>t>;a. .t; ; c; it; «: ff-: oojux^Sc-ioto; .(kOJj *■ .^ — : : — : cc to'. V : -I bc -^ +- w u* ^ ; : *. : : 3 o (?> m : at' -i U«— M-1»-4*U . t-w^';~ij>-*.»- . ThiiriidHy I fie t3 H- (j: t J -1 lo to jk w w w w at . . . o 5* tc — ov x oi o . : : u ^ — . c u» *- .^ . o" «; 9' o c 10 w -1 ** *- tc -J O" tc r> : : : o y «o o ;*> -1 co w ; ; ; -j w» ;j' w w 4* w : • C' tc — 1 t<^ U ^ W ^ *^ • ^ ' X M _ .- .- , ._ _ - CI o Oi o o tNt u; --1 1^ - ?j 10 ^ -1 * Ci o ■ ~ - c5 w : MoniUy B Tue>idiiy 6 o» c--^ -^ u ic 06 w w« w "i ^ K — : : "'.Bt'i-^-riJ?.*^.^^- ,5-; ''i.^ ;f.'.5 ^' i *2 : : s — r. ic — ' -I ■ r. — : : ic *. : s : — -i : SHLurtlav 10 00 w — • ci u -'I t-i c^ ** w w w *. w i:t : cj w "I w — t-; w * c-i c< w X : 4- — : : © ^ r. i-s — -I X r. 3 i i : u jT : 3- c — i ; ; ^1 »- -I « ic u X CD 4. ; : : -I -1 : 4^ v" ■■.■' w : Momiiiy 12 *^-^^i;:HI!I*.J?^.^^: :^l ; — r. li — -4 X c: c — r. : tc 4- 4. c :;• — ^1 : -4 © -1 -j: to tc X -^ 4- - 3D : X -■ r. 4. w 4. *- ; . s.-l*_.j--, ,ti-s,..;-i -(._y^|3_ . -.-.p*.^ — >i-_'^^_ c — r. i-i — ~r X r. r : c". r- 1 ■: 4- *- © -• — -1 '• ; -1 - -1 %: 1 c 1 i r. ,? 4- ; x ;o x :,- x 4- w 4» « : o.i-iA-to-fc;-jL-t»--,..--.i- --1 ...a»-,..r - : : ; -1 vl : 5; ■ : X u' •— >r. u -J ic ^ ■*- w w w -r ;.■ VI ; : ^ r. o; — -i : - 1 3 — : 3 ic liT ^ S i " -; * I ^Aiy -I ic c — t-^^^w ■;: /Ti^ta^ii i : : ^ '*-" -^' "" * -.^ '-■ ^-^x^^i | 3^i oc tc *-* C". ti --i ic '.; 4- to w i; '• w : ■ : • ■- -1 u: — — i x — i c — a: ^ 1,; !!u 01 i ui i ».i -nl .i- ic -1 (s; 'C.^ ^ t^i «; -J- E u w ; U" : : : : — = — x ic x o 14 tc -1 .^ a ? — = to = ^ 2' OD w — C! li -1 ic 50 ^ w w u: : W i'' • ■ © — -I w — -1 00 -I c : c 3 i-c *r ol 3 o< ': -j : 4- ic -J 14 © [.i jc «o tj- 4. ^ -4 : >»> h. : : .'^1 — . li ic c. ic l? o i^- ■ ;. -r- -? _. r^- ji r. : r^ : 1 X -g 14 4- u: • o« • :C 4- .(» O W> — ' -1 _2I '_ Thursday 22 Flid»y _a3_ Siitindny 24 Moiiilay 26 Wcdiieadair 28 Thumday 29 c-. u; I- o ic -I tc c A- w w u; o w ;j' ■ ■ . 1-^ , f. -t = • rrw-iW — i'W — U'J-W'-.j'c:.*- — ; ; : v.*'^ci4i*.r — *.■ ■ li 4* 4^ o 01 — --I : • X -J ■*: -I w X c ■ Friday 30 Saturday 31 !> 9 ffl H3 w 00 O o c:) o CO :2 c^ o a o > ► — < O !S GO L THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS, ALBEMARLE HOTEL. KlHOflOAN I'l.AN, Broadway, Pifth-ave. & 24th-st., New York. (MADISON S(iUAIlK.I JANVRIN & WALTER, Proprietors. HOTEL KAATERSKILL, Catskill Mountains, New York, Lnrgeataiid Finest Muuiituiii Hotel ii) the world. Hatei) of board niodorate, W. F. PAKiG, .MuiiHKXr. Kaaterakill P.',)., Ureeiie Co., New York WEST END HOTEL, SKAStON OF 1880. Cottages and Itcslaiiraiit open Siitiirday, ,Iiine Hli. Hotel opem June 22nd with iliiprovemeiita and additional atirai'lloim, U. M. & W. K. IIILDKKTH, Propii ASTOR HOUSE, Broadway, New York. On tlie Eiiroppaii I'lun. | Kuoins Ijll.OO and Upwnrd.s. ' aliikkt maxwell, proprietor. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, KDWAIin N. KOTII, CINCINNATI. OHIO. On the Kuropeiu) plan. I.rf)cation and survlco unsurpiiiwed. Every modero Improvement. Uoonis, *1,50 per diiy and npwurdi). GRAND UNION HOTEL. <>|i|ioHlt» Oraiul Central l>etH>t* NEW YORK. Six hundred ro. (iARItlSON, Manager. C3r FLJ^T»S T^ HOTESILj, Broadway, cor. 31st st., New York. 0]sr THE EXJi?.o:PE^3sr FXjA.nsr HENRY MILFORD SMITH A. SON, Props. DETROIT, MICH. I.orated corner Griswold and CongreHS-streets. Newly f tirnlHlied luul rellttcd Ihrougimut. Kates, Sx per nay. K. T. OsnOKN, MaiiHger, The BueoininiHliitioiiH of tlii! .\8tor will be found lirst-elaas in every rospeet Klovalor ruunmg nl;:lit und day. F. T. KKll'll, MttuUK«r. F. .1. .VLLKN, Proprietor. i( THE BATES I) INDIANAPOUS, IND. Rates, $2.,')0 to $5.00 per day. LOUIS KEinOLI), Proprietor. PARKER HOUSE BOSTON. Eiiropcfln Plan. 300 Uooins. Ijfl.OO and Upwards jier day. Caftt^l frniitin>; on t\w park. Nearest to public buiUUnwH, opera house, rliurrhea, etc. Street eara paw* the huude to uU part^ of thu city, suburbs and depots. Katua, $l*.54> and $:t pur day. TKUKILL & IN4;KRS0IX, PniprletorB. FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL, Madison Square, New York. The largest, best appointed and most libfrally niMiiancd hotel in the rity, with tlie most delightful and eentra! lovaii|H'Hti I'lan. Head of State-st., Boston, flreatlv onlar^rd and iiuprove.l, Htnl imw ofViTrt superior aeconimndatlons for both liulies hikI guntU'inen. Noteil for the peeuliar excellence ot iu cuisine. .1. K. W11II*I>LK, Proprtetor. TOWER HILL HOTEL AM) C'OTTAOKS. NARRAGANSETT PIER, R.I. N4MIHOI) IHH\) npiMiH ihliK' '.jrilll. CUAIU.KS A. OAKES, Ne\% Voik omce,.14a UroaUway, Uuoui 30, 10 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. '(■■. I TO ADVERTISERS. HOW TO GET TUI3 MOST SEttVICK FOIl THE MONEY ! The Advertiser wbo would b« williii({ to piiy twonty-Bve cents for every family who could be •' educated " up t" tlie value of Ilia goodit would thu* devote $3,OUU,UU0 to educate the U.diW.ilOt) tauiiliHS wiiioli umke up llie 60,000,000 people of the Uiiiie 1 States. This sum would do the busiiieis thoroughly in a year, for it ij Mutlicicut to pay l<>r the iiHi'i-iiou of a full column in every issue of efery publication, and for rcsctling the innttcr, making it new in every iii:,UU0 to carry out. $100.— The Advertiser who sends his advertisements, asking for the best service possible for one hundred dollars, will often get from five to fifijr per cent, more service for his money than he would had be required us to tell him in advance exactly what service we would promise ; for \.'hen an estimate has been given its plan and speciHoations must, in a general way at least, control the advertising to be done. It ties the Agent's hands, and prevents his giving his patrons lo-lifi a better service than he could have promised yesterday, because yesterday the opportunity had not presented itself : fo-inorrow it may have filiated! Some publications are used most economically on contracts for a simile issue; in others, iiiscr- tiim for a month may be had as cheaply as for a single week ; but in fur- nishing an estimate in advance, if the Agent attempts to go iii'.o details, bis correspondence becomes voluminous and the adverti^Jer confused. $2.')0. — Prepare a small advertisement and send with check for $250, or any other sum. The practice of asking the Agent to name his papers in advance compels him to mime such as are well known, otherwise there is reason to suspect tiiat his judgment is liiased ; — mid tlie Uat iM/iers do not like to have their ratex quoted be/ow their gchedule. $500. — Leading newspapers, especially the leading AgricnUnral news- papers, freqiienily issue large special editions (of twenty, fifty, one hnndred. or even five hundred thiui.-iand co|ties). and solicit advertisement orders from US, on terms which would often be aecepteil by our patrons if lliere was time to invite altentioti to the matter ; bui the quesi ion must gen- erally be decided before tliere would lie time to write and receive a reply, and often the case cannot be fully stated within the limits ofa letter. $1,000. — If we are given authority to insert advertisements to a limited amount, in such iiieiliiims as oiler inducements wh ch seem to ns specially fav*)ratile. we shall not abuse the confidence reposed in us. aiul shall render statements of wbalever is done (it anything) from day to day. When tritiited with the placing of an advertisement, we are put upon honor, and are bound in honor to give the best service possible tor the money to be used. $5.000. — One of the most successful Advertisers we ever bad always ordered his advertisements in this way, " Gel the best service yon can for me for $5,000,'' leaving every detail to us. We were thus enalileii to say to a Publisher, if you put this in at a large rediiclioti from your rate it will he no criierion for further tran-actions. It wrt.s a siirurise to fiini ourselves -JO often able to cotilraet for the insertion of that particular advertisement lit half rates, in papers which would not permit us to <;/.', t their oolumus at a peony's devia'ioii from their printed schedule. The advertising rates of one New York paper are double those of another which has twice the circnlaiiou ot tlie first. Similar discrepancies are not uncommon. The advertisement entrusted to ns to be idaced in accordance with our judgmentoften does double service l^rhalf the money. A dollar for twenty-live cents. The Oldest and Largest Roller Casting Estab. lishment in New England. s-^ ♦ ■EST^BIilSHEJD 1B59 ♦• in9 WJkD c\i STEYEI^S. !»I.4TSII-''ACTlTReRtt UF L rinters' rsollers oqJ rVoller (,c ,m tile. Journal, the New York Star, the Troy Bvdijd, the Chi- 1 What is thought of the Index may be gathered from the cago HtaatH Zeitvng, the New Y'ork i\'ah'o»i, the Troy i ""'"^rous entirely unsolicited expressions of approval .sent Frees, the Wa.shington S/ar, the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and »" ^y ^^'<''l known public men, of which the following are many less known but important newspapers. Some ofi^P'^'^""''"'' • these jiajiers are well known to keep admirable indexes of I, '*'"■ ^!"""' •'■ "'"►'■•in. i.nmAuiAN .,►■ i-mu.hmf.nt, oiiawa. writ,.« their own, yet lind it advantageous to subscribe to the Index of Cuuuent Events. We have the honor to include among our subscribers, Iler Majesty's Privy Council for Canada ; also, Sir John Macublle ineii. with refiTc^nce aim) to the jilaee at which tlio«i»«-eh w:w ilellvereil, yon will do a very Kratoful thing for piiblio people and cdllors, and I may IlirariaiiB. ■Mil. .loiiN M. DoANK, Sr.VTK l.iiiKAHiAS of Ohio, writos :— Euclo<6(l please flnd kIx dollnrn, In payment for SUlte Library BubBcrlptlon to tbe " nidex of CnrreDt Kvents " for IHH9. I reuard 11 aa a very valuable publication, and hope that you may meet with micbBUci't'Biiaato warrant Its continuance, for it will grow more valuable every year. .Mil. Hkkhik»,i)P the niliiiiKl.vx Eai/lr. writes :— "1 coniiralulale you miwt heartily upon having done a good tiling, n very g I thing, in Btartiiig the" /)»;«" enterprise. 1 lioiw I may have the Joy of congratulating yuu upon .vour buci'ciih a J , , . -,. . year hence. A man with /ii'/ij- on the brain i» one after my own lieart. My Secretary of State, the Hon. Jol.n Co.stlgan, Minister of ludgmcnt was formed upon Numlier I; it the indexing i» kept up >« thoroughly ill all subsequent numbers it will be a great iielp to us. " I SlllCHAlll.K»rnfI:il,UAIlT., lll(lliCll.M.lll.S«l,)NKIlFllBCA!»AnA,Wrilef> : — Itseem.stomi^ to bo a very useful publication, and one that will be Tbiuable for reference purisises.'* .Mu. Bl HK. AssorlATE KllITOU OF TIIK I'll ll.AHKI.l'lllA PuHic I.cilgi r writes :-" Your Intlcx Is higlily appreciated at this offlce, wbcrelt has lougbeen ft desideratum," .MH. CiiUfl 'liiiN our admirable /nifrj'. Tlie idea and its cKecution are alike wortliy of all praise." .Mil Vaiik.n, ok thk ■■ Nkw-Vokk .Mohnixc) .JoiKXAL," HrlteH :— '■ I tind the hidim of great value, saving, m they do, much valuable lime in looking up iinporlaiit events." Mil. Wii.i. A. Wo.inwAitn. Ki-:i'. Sec . Mass. Pukss As<(K1atios, writes : Knelo>*eii please limi subsrriiition for one ye;ir for " index of I'nrrcnt Kvents." I have examined tbe specimen scut me wttii much interest and do not hesllate to comniend it as un invalualile assistant in tlie newpaper otilce. The amount of time and lalior it Is calculated to save, cannot be compensated by one hundred tunes Its subscription rate. Coiniin'iinin^ with Vol. II No. I llie iliilos {rivpti in llio [ii'lex lire the lU'liiiil (hues of the occurrences ; not lis foriiuTJv the ilate.-i of imhhcalioti. Tiie Iiiilex is |mt)lisheil four tiiiiosii mouth ; but to form nooinplple Hie for the yeiir it is necessary to preserve only the lirst issiie in eaoli muiith The ...e.ineiliutc issues coiiliiin tlie news of the current niontli to little- Tlio iiub.-;criplion is 8') per annum, payable yearly or half yearly in advance, llouiittanees .sliuuld I/l- made to IIENUY DALBY, P. 0. Box 81)4, Montreal, Quo. Inlautl Bevenue, tlie Hon. John Haggart, Postmaster, General, the Hon. John Carling, Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. C. II. Tiipjicr, Mini.stcr of Marine and Fisheries, the Hon. Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization Quebec, the Hon. Boucher de La Bruere, late .speaker of the Legislative Council, Quebec, the Hon. Lieutenant Governor lloyal, Mr. F.iastus Wimaii, the Hon. Minister of Public Works, Toronto. The Librarian of Parliament, the House of Commons Beading Rtwiu and the Librarians of many of the Provinces of the Dominion and States of the Union subscribe to the Index. Among the well known public librarians who subscribe are, Mr. J, C. Hurlbut, Librarian of the American Geographical Society, Ne\v- York, Mr. W A. Bardwell, Librarian of the Brooklyn Li- brary, Mr. W. H Brett, librarian of the Cleveland Public Library, Mr. F. P. Jordan, Librarian of the Public School Library, Battle Creek, Michigan, Mr. W. T. Peoples, Li- brarian of the Mercantile Library, New-York, Mr. liobert E. Rich, Librarian of the Public Library, Portsmouth, N. I'be iDdexof Current Events is tmblished by H«nry Ualby, at ltlu2 Nutre I>auic> .Street, Moutreal. y L te Libriiry, till! Sociiil .ibiiirian of I'ro villi! act' lie Libmry, iibrariftii of I'ennsylva- stoii I'liljlio .111! Citiuiu- Stiite Libra, loluiling tho :1 kei'i>i)rs of inJi'X Dii till). ri'il from the [iproviil sent "ollowiug are , OtI.iwft, writP* " imlrr," whieli lit will liikii pnvtl- loH (if ^iweclu'H t>f oh WiiH )li)llvt)r(Mi, rii, anil I laay uilil —Enclosed please lo tUe "liiiWi of oil may moot with >rc valuable every liraliiliileyounioiit irtlnpll Iniiix" poll your siicecHrt a iiy own heart. My t upaa thoroutihiy CANAnA.wrlteii:— rtU be vitlnable for IMA rvUii- l.filg bodies recovered lo date.- Sept. 2i. CliH slide, Quebec, inquest on dead resumed, complaints as to lack (il ecerK.v. >lc, etc— .Sepl Jt. CliHslide, Quebec, nia^s ineetiiijf of cilizens censure Ooverninent, Joe Kemp rescued aficr t days burial.— Sepl. 24. Quebec, Joe Kiiup. vicliin of Clilf slide, dies, angry spirit manifested by citi/ens of. — .Sept. '2;"), Clilf slide. Quebec, jury return verdict censuring Federal Oovern- inent and city corporation. — Drouiiiiig. Full River, liv - persons drowned at, tliroiigb overlurning of boat.— S pi. n. Drowning. Lake Krie. pleasure yacht wrecked in, nine persons drowned — Sepl. 17. Drowning, Montreal, Adolplie I'errcaiilt, at Lacbine. — Sept. 8. Drovviiinir. Deliver, ('oK, ten miners drowned by Hooding of White Asb mine.— Se|it. U. Drowning. St. .loscpli, Russell Co., two men named Pariaeau drowned whilst boating on the Ottawa river.— Sep. I. Eleclriciiy, New Vork, Henry I). A., supe'inlendent of construction of Kast River Electric Light Company, killed at, by electric shock. — Hep. 2. Electricity, New York, J. Muly roasted to death by live wire. — Sept. la. Electricity, New York, two men knocked off pole hy current, and killed at— Sept. 21. Explosion, Antwerp, great lire in cartridge factory, extinguished, 200 lives reported lost. — .Sept. 8. Exidoslons, Antwerp, estimate of loss by recent cartridge factory explosion 3."i,000,0U0 Iraiics.- Sept, 10. Explosion, Antwerp, full extent of damage made known, 35 persons killed.— Sept. 12. E.xplosion, liraddock. Pa., furnace in Tliomp.son'a Steel Works ex- plodes, ialally injuring iiuuiy iiersons.— Sept. 2ij. Explosions, Ciessuna, Pa , powder mill explodes at, killing two men. —Sept. 20. Explosions, New Hamburg, Ont., boiler in engine house of H. tloiiri'ig mills explodes, killing one person and causing much damage. — Dec. 14. Explosion on II. .M. S. " .\jiix "— Sip. t. i Caihondale, III., boiler explodes killing "i persons. — Sept. 9. 1 Explosion, Dublin, bomb exploded on Siuilti-Harry's property, destroy- ing otticea ami other biiililiiigs. — Sept. 8. * 1 Dymiinite, Fairmont. W. Va., cartridge explodes on railroad between Fairmont and Clairmoiil, killing two men and iiijuriui_' oiliers. — Sepl. 8. ; Explosion, Mo-gantown, W. Va., Kiii.wi4, iiiul pnu'liiinid IVfiMluni to nil fiilu iiif^ liii ctonmlns nfUT Novi'IiiImt- Hcpl. Jl. 8lii|i|iinK. Sliiroccu, {'n\A (if .Spitiiinli ihip, ilcieil by Muura uflT, dira truiii t'Hi't'la uf ill usage, — St-iit. '1^). Liinl HHllAbiirjr artiria icIt'ifrHiii lo Sultan of Horucco advialDg repara- tion to ypaiu fur Itill' iiuiilnit. — Hvpt. ill. Cnpt. WisBtnnn reporta that expurtaiioD of alarca In hia territory baa alopiwd.— 8<'pl M. Agricultural Aasuciiition. KhiThrookr, KuDtoru Tiiwnaliipa Agricultural AsHoriHtion niei'iiuK of, nt .Slu'rlimoki', Cj — Si'p. :i. Amerirti, all imtioiis of, cxrcpt Sun l)t)mingo, couEtcnt to ptirticipate in InlcrnHtinual Coii({ri'«!i n< Wiialiingtou.— Si'pt. U. Aaneiniion of Canada discuasi'd by V. S. JSvnatu Commit Ice nt, — Sept. II. Aati-alcobol Congrcsaat I'liris rerommenda to allgovfrnnipnta prohibitory dutica on alcohol, and I'liiuplion of lea and colfcc from duties. — Sep. 2. Anti-Jeauit qii^atior Mr. Chaplcnu, at (Itlcrburn Park, I*. CJ.— Sep. B. Anti-Jeauil Question, Privy Council rcfuae to refer Jesuit estate case to Hupn'tne Court. — Sept. 12. Art, Uheiraa, France, Madnine I'oninicry of, giurcbnaea Millet'a "Gla- neuacs " lor pipsentation ti the Louvre.— Sept. 21. Athens, apread of cholera reported at — Sept. U. Auatria, heavy anow throughout country. — Sept. I!), jialtimore, Md , celebration of defence of, held. — Sept. 9. BKHUI.VO SKA, schooner " Minnie " nirives at Victoria after bei g ceizep July 15, and sent to Sitka by the •' Kush." — .Sep. 2. Schooner " Lily "arrives at Vicioria, reports hoarded by U.S. Kevoniie cutter " Hush," a;)3 sealskins conhscaled, and schuoner irdeied to Sitka.— Sep, G. Oflicinl Report of Capt. Shepard commanding cutter " Ilush " received at Treasury, Washington. — Sept, 12. Bell Telephcme Co. accept the act allowing Increaae of Block lo $12,- 1)00,000.— Sept. 12. Berlin, complaint laid against American Consul by merchanta of.— Sept. 10. Births, Mra. Sncll, of Idaho, gives birth to six children.— Sept. 20th. Bonding, Washington, D. C., Articles H.')4 and '.KI8 of Customs regulations relating to triinsportation in bund amended at.— Se|>t. 21. Boston, American merchanta give evidence belbre Senate Committee reciprocity with Canada wanted, — Sept. 12. Boston, merchants clamour fur reciprocal trade with Canada before Senate Committee.- Sept. 13. Brewers, Aniericnn brewers coiuhinc for pr-iteetion against Knglish beer eyndicate, capital $10ii,000,liuO.— Sept. 14. BrItiab.SS. " Vertumnua" wrecked off Ft. Lookout, L. I., crew saved — Sept. 18. Canada, Ottawa, meeting of Equal Rights Association of, endorse .Mani- toba (Joveinment's action regarding se|iarale school" and French language.— Sept. 18. Cayuga, Indiana claim $5,000,000 damages against State of New Vork.— Sept. 23. Chamberlain Joseph, at Hirniingham. advocates for Ireland equally with England and Scotland deiioinimitioual endowment for etliicatioiuil Iiurpoaes,— Sep. 2. Champlain, Uudileralield, Eng.. Joseph (Chamberlain, in speech nt, predicts continuance of union between Liberal Unionisis and Conservatives, until agitation on separation of Kcgland and Ire- land was killed.— Sept. 17. Chamberlain, HuddersKeld, Joseph Chantherlain adviicates formation of new iiatiuualist parly lo ell'ect iiiterniil refornis in Ureal liiitain, — Sept. 18. Chapleau Hon J. A , at Uiterburn Park, speaks on Jesuit Estates question. —Sep. 5. Charlotlelown, Battery of P. E I.-ilnnd look first pri/.c in artillery com- petition at Groi^se Island, Que.— Sept. 18. Chicago, Ladies of, form association to i>rosecule gamblers of. — Sept. 20. Chicago, two English syndicates close purchase of U.S. industries for $50,000,01)0 at.— Sept. :)0. China, Government of, meditate mensun's of retaliation against United Slates for exclusion of Chinese.— Sept. 24. China, Province of Canton, rich tjold mines discovered in.— Sept. 27. Cholera appears in Bagdad and Western Persia. —Sept. 18. Churchill Lord L., speaking at Maeti\ nllelh. Wnles, opposes Welsh home itiile, and disesiablishnieni of Welsh church.— Sepi.,S. Cigarmakers, International Cigarmakrrs Union sit at, New Vork. — Sept. 17. Cornwall, annual fair opens.— Sept. 13. Cotton. IShickburn, cotton spinners resolve to dcsiioy cotton corner in.— Sept. 24. Cotton, estiniated cotton reairve in England reported iliort by 30,00il bales.— Sept. 28. Cotton, Liverpoid, niasler and operative cotton splnncri stlenipt lu break ('ottiMi, Liverpool, cotton corner ecillansea.— Sept. 3(1, CRKTK, Turkish troops occupy Seliiiua.— Sep. l. Athena, papers slate (hat the Porte has granted deroanda of Cretans. -Sept. ii. Porte sends 40.0(0 anil warships to giianl. — Sept. II. ring by working half lime during month. — Sept. \i. Governor of, lanishes lour Chrialian.".— Sept. 14. Greek (loveniment send protest lo Porte against nieHanres adoiited by Chaker Pa>ha, governor of.— Sept. 17. Arrest of Chnsliana by Turks still continuing.— Sept. 18, ('hrialiana maltreated ty Tmka flee lo mouiitnina. — Sept. 25. (iieek (ioveinmi'ut aend gun boat to, for protection of leaders of Insurgent tJomniii tee. — Sept. 25. (!RI.ME. Abiconders, Montreal. Napoleon llrilloii, traveller for Messrs. Hoiirgeau and lleiron, ah^conda. — Sep. 2. Atlenipled murder, .May's Landing, Mra. Roy Hamilton sentenced to ten years penite-ntiary for assault. — Sept. 19. Burglary, tiuebec, (Jardinal Taschereaii's palace burglarized. — Sept. 18. Conspiracy, New Vork, Mra Swinlon and her son Joshua iMann arri igned lor grand larc; .ly hy Robert Kay llaniillon.— Si'p. li. Enilie/,/.lenienl, Winnipeg, Sproulu, acting Chief of police at Rat Portage, iirresied for emliej/.lement— Sept. 10. Rape. .Montreal, strongevideiicein favor of Ilenneaay and Mulcahy In Rolierts rape case given. — Sept. 12. Letter stealing, .Mui, trial, Postmaster Boucher found guilty of stealing a legislered leiter.— Sept. 17. Letter stealing, Montreal, Postmaster Hoiicher senlei'ced to seven years penitenliary lor .ilealing decoy leiiers.— SepI, 24. Letter stealling, Montreal, St Jean acquilied — Sept. 4. Rape, Montreal, a verdict of guilty returned in Mulcahy case. — Sept, 13. Rape, .Montreal, M. .Mulcahy sentenced to 14 years penitentiary for assault on Miss M. Roberts.— Sept. 24. Uobbery, Helton, Paciti: Express car robbed of $10,000 at.— Sept. 19. Post Olhce robbery, Montreal, St Jean aeqiiitled.— Se|i. 5. Crofter, Immigration, J. (>. Colmer, C.M.O,, sect, to High Commissioner's j ofliie, London, Eng., arrives at, to visit Crofter seltleinentin North- weat.— Sept. 23. Cuatoms, collector of Customs at Cape Vincent, N,V., ordered lo remit dutica on cost of re|iairing Canadian SS. "St. Lawrence."— Sept. 11. David L. 0., M. P.P., Montreal East, gives hia annual address lo his con- sliluents at .Montreal.- Sept. y. DEATHS, Deirv, Catholic Riahop of— Sep. 1. Allen rev. John, .Montreal, Chaplain of St, Vincent de Paul peniten- tiary.— .Sept. 29. Beale J., ex-Surgeon (ieneriil of US. Navy. — Sept. 25. Bombay, India, Catholic Ai'clibishop of. — .Sept. 2H. Benninidon, VI., Hon. A. E Tou/,alin, Piesidenl oi' C. B. and N. W R. R., dies at— Sept 13. Clarke ex-Allorney General of .Manit, ba, bursts blood-vessel on (JP.R. Railway near .Medicine Hat. — Sept 13. Collins Wilkie, novelist, at London, — Sept. '23. Cambria, Duke of, dies. — Sept. 2li. Cook Eli/.a, at Winilileilon, Eng., poetess.— Sept. 25. Cox Samuel Sullivan, .Member of Congress lor New Vork. — Sept. 10. Frtidherhe General, at Paris. -Sept. 29. Furnie, the libreliiat, at London.— Sept. 23. Gooilerham Wni., at Toronlo. — Sept. 12. Genet II. W., of Xew Vork ward politician.- Sep. 6. Jiiilge Jaiiiea dies at Halifax. — Sept. 'JO. Lowell Hon. Williani, Auburn, Me.— Sep. IJ. Mackarneas, Rl. Rev. I. F. liishop of (Ixlord, dies.— Sept, 17. Monaco, (Jharles III., prince of, dies— SepI. 11. Paine I , celebrated American marksnuin, dies nt Paris — Sept. II. Payson J. W., author, dies at Hjile Park, .Mass.— Sept. 18. (jiieen of Long Island dies.— Sept. 15. Rae Jaeksoi , ol Montreal. — Sep. 7. Sand, .Maurice Dudevant, painter and litcrateur, son of Georges Sand. —.Sep. 5. Savary Charles Joseph, at (Ittawa, nienilier o( Legiim of Honor, ex- deputy .Minister of Justice, e.\-I)ir clor I nnk ol Lyons, ex-edilor /,ii Vitiiiitiii, Ac. — Sept. II. SUawalter Samuel (;., o( Dayton, Ohio, of blovd poisoning, caused by an injection of the Elixir of Lite.- Sep. 2. ,. Commissioner's iMiieniin Nurlli- Irdered to remit vrence."— Sept. 83 to his con- Taul pcniten- R. and N. W jlood-vi'ssel on ork.— Sept. 10. lept. 17. -Sept. 11. 18. U purges t^aml. of Honor, cx- s, I'x-eilitor l.u ling, caused by |)KATII.S.-r.-H(.>ii(.7. Moliiaftino Canlinal, dies ill lloine — Sept. 21. Smith lion. Siilrir,\, (%iI]i)im({ — Sijit 27. SiiDtle lloii, Mr. Juslioe, «1 Tlirw (livers.— Sop. il. Sti'viMiAoii, I'. S., president of Ihu New llriiuswick Railway, at Mont- real —Sept. S. VatiKhaii Kred S., at Montreal, raptain in lloyal Hcoti. — Sept. 0. Diphtheria appears in Toronto.— Si'pt. 24. IJiplumalic, Oerin.iny and Ignited Stales, Mr. I'helps, new It.iS. minister, prt^dent.H bid cn'. Divorce, Klark ease, .Ni^w York, (Jraiid Jury of, liiid indielinents airninst J. A. Flack, W. I,. Kliick and .Mrs Itayinund, ilc, elc— Sept. 24. KarthipiakeK, Franci, western. — Sep. .'>. Kartliq'iakes, Walki-slmrre, I'a , iiliarp shock fell at.— Sept. 10. KCUIiKSI ASTK'.VIj, Kruiiee, Minister of Jii.»tici" issuen circular renilndin({ bi:al Provincial Synod close session with debate on Jesuit ques- tion Sept. 11). iMoutrcal, ll.C. Archbishop of, appoints 18 euros.— Sept. 30. Montreal, lilteen ap|ioiuliiients made in R C. archdiocese of. — Aug. 2:1. Ordiiinlion by Archbishop Fiibre at St. Pa rick's, Montreal.— vSep. 1. (Quebec, Father Paradis suinmoiicd to retiiri, from Itome. — Sept. IH. Home, .Mgr. Zigilara proiiouiieed probable successor to Leo XIII. — Sept. I(i. Koine, Piipe sends protest lo French government against tneasurcs aiiopled lo prohibit clergy fr-un taking part in elections — Sept. 17. Rome. The Pope expresses displeasure at Catholic dissensions in Canada, re|ioried.— Sep. 7. Rome, Pope decides not lo leave —Sept. 8. Smith Mr. \V. H. pays i."J2,(>()0 for building anew church al Portsea, Eiig.— Sept. 24. Toronto, liisluni \Viil.i>osc Hun. Mr. .McLean, Provincial .Secretary .-Sept. I.''!. Dundee, Conservatives relraiu from opptsing Uladslonian nominee. — .Sept. 20. Dundee, J. Long, liberal, elected to House uf CuuimoDS for.— Sept. 2S. KLKCril)\S.-f.oi'.nu«7. London, Hun. H. Chaplin re-eleeled to Parliament.— .Sept. J7. .Montreal, ('mirl of lievi.'W iiuweat Mr. Ila/inei, ininislorial member of l.egislativi- AsHeinb'y for .lidi.'llB (louiUy.— .Sept. ;! t. New Jersey, (len K. 11. ( iioiiiinaled for (lovemor ol —.Sept. 17. Santa Ke. .N.W , Coiistiiiiiional (Nnivenlion al, refuse to pcnnit incur- poralioii of woman siiU'rage— Sept. 10. Trenton, N J., Lion Ablajti uoniinated for gorrrnor. — Hepl. 10. Electricity, Kansas City, Mo, National Asauciatiun of Kire Kuginceri denounce overliead wires— Sepl. 24. Kmanci|ialioii. twenty-seventh anniversary of Pres. Liucoln'seniancipalion priielamalioii.— .Sept. 2.1. Kiigiiieering, .Montieal, Amer.can .Mining Kngineers visit city —Sep. 5. Kiig'aiid, great exeiienuuil in court circles over aggressive domination of Prince llinryof llattenburg — .Sept. Hi. Kxecutions, Morehend, .Minn., Thus. Urown, lor murder of policeman Bull. -Sept. 20. Kxliibilions, .Montreal, Horticultural Society o|a'n annual Flower and Fruit show, at.— .Sept 17. Fixhibitioiis, Hochelaga Fxhibilion, Montreal, o|H'ned.— .Sipt. 20. Kiliibilions, Turunto, great exhibition opened by Sir J. McDonald.— Sept. 10. Exhibitious, Toronto, indignation caused by dancing at.— Sept. 11. Fairs, tlllawa, (leiilral Canada Fair opens at.— Sept. 7. FAIU'RES, lloston, Douglas Axe Co. Liabiliiies between $500,000 and $1,000,000.— .Sep. t). Halifax, N S., Nei.l, While k Co , of, liabilities 1(100,001).— Sept. 17. New Yiirk.T. H. Mnsgiave, stock operator,IiHbililiea Jltayioo. — Sep, .3 New York, Pagensloclii'r .1 Co., pelrolenm exporlers, liabilities $:I00- (Hio — iSept. 2ii. Toronto, Campbell llros., of St Albani WanI, lumber merchants. — Sep. 5. Vieiiiiii, Diibell fi .Sous, famous iiphohlerers.— Sep. 4. Famines, Albania, inhabitants of, raid villages in search of food.— Sept. 8. FRANCE, Hunlanger claims right lo Im' tried by conrt-marlial — Sep. 5. Itoulanger inrornia Creal Prilnin, that il successful in his political projects, he will establish liee trade in France.— Sept. 8. lioulnnger addresses eleclors of Monlmatre.— Sept. 111. Dragnegnan, M. Cleineiiccau in speech furiously attacks M. Ferry's policy. — .Sept. lit. Editor of Viieanle Imprisoned and fined fur purloining court docu- ments. — Sep. 4. Election. Prelect of Seine refuses to accept candidacy of, to Chamber (d Deputies from inembets ol party. — Sept. II. Eieetious. llonlaiigiT reported elected — .Sept. 22. Kleciions, reliirus from ."i.lti electoral divisions show election of 217 Republiians and l.'j:i anti-Republicans. Re-ballots necessary in ItjU ilis'ricts — Sept. 2S. Elections, Ijiiiilanger states that he has no hope of majority in New I'bamlier of Deputies.— Sept. 24. Paris, I ieelions. Cunstitution and Goveiument greatly sustaiiicd by resiili ol — Sept. 21. Kleciions, The Herlin .National X'iliin;/ crilicises French. — Sent. 24. Eleelions, ,M. (ioblet abandons contest for seat in Chamber of Depu- ties.— Sept. 2'i. Flections, Paris, iiiiinieipal commission decide that votes cast lor Huulant;! r in .Moniinartre are null and void —Sepl. 2il. Elections, Ex Pies (Irevy .-laica elections will give France a more stable governineiil. — Hi'pt. 27. Eleeliun», lioulangei issues address to electors of Monlmartre Sept. 28. Forniaiion of a new army corps for district of Rheims begun. — Sept. 17. Flench forces in Savoy inspected by Minister of war.— Sept. 18. (ireut exeilement in, overcoming elections. — .Sejit. III. liovernnient leport on crops shows 7,100,000 hectacres sown with wheat lliis year.— .Sept. III. Paris, lii-Melallic IJongtess opens at. — Sept. 11. Paris, Ealalclie stale lliiit (ieimany will place army corps in liclgao Irontier.^.Sept. 12. Paris Exiiibition, inlrodiiction of bull lighting unsiiccesslnl. — Sejii. 1.^ Interiintional Exhibition, I'aiis, I'res. Carnut distributes awards at.— Sejii. 2S. J.e Hi/iiro and Trmjui in appeal to Cimservatives point out that country will not ci.dnre lioiilaiigism or Roynlisni. — Sept. 2B. Paris, (iladslone visits International Exhibition at, speaks enlhusias. tically ol America. — Sept. 7. Paris, a session ot Hi-metnllic Congress, Duna Horlon defends Bi- metallism.— Sepl. la. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. I J VHAtlCK—Conlinurit. I'arit, l,f I'flit Journal iKTiiiirlr ikltAcki M. Olenipnrraii— Hppt. IT. Pari*, I'cillcB Tribmml cif, tiwa M. I,>jnivi'iii", meiiit»'r <'liiiiiilM-r iif Drpiltirn, li'J.') Irnnr) Fur ki'i-| . Kiiiiil>liii)( liiiiiif. -Si'pl II Pnrln, hr I'riil ■Iniirnnl iiC, »Hjfii c> iirilry ii lircil i>f jiri'ti'iit cliiunlier of (lnputipH Hiiil will rli'cl iipw iiicmiIhts— Mrpt. l!t. Puriii, nt mcelltiK (if M. TliU'liHud'i •iippurtiTi ^tvM cunlllcl with l)(iiili.->'//(' announces incorf oration of Juggins Rafl Co., with capital ol $,il.ii,ono. — Sejit. 21. Journalistic. Chicago, reporleil that 7imiJ of, will pass into .Mr. W. II. Smith's hands —Sept. 'i'.i. Joiirnalisiic, Monlreal, sale of /,<■ Ciiua^lteu and ('u.liiiilriir to .Vr. Tarli , announced.— S pt. 2f>. Joiirnalisiic, A>ie i'uik /iiii/;i (IrajHr siispenOed pnblicniioti.— Sipi. 24. Journalistic, Toronto, publiialion ot the llirliinilrr resiinieil. — .Sept. 2T. LAIUIR, Congress, .Montreal, Land iiiestioii ilisiUisseil. — Sep. ."i. Labor Congress, .Moiitreiil.enudenins iiiaiiiial training system propiiseil by Ontario .Minister nt KducHlion. — Sep. 5. Labor Kniglils ol, Doniitiioii frades and Labor CongresM, sessiin of at .M.uitrcal. opened by Aid. RoUa ul.— Sep. it. Labor, eiL'lK cotton nulls in Preston and toiiriei n in lilnckburn shut down. — .Sejit. 'S>'. Quebec, all city corporation workmen discharged.- Sept. 10. LEGAL, lirilish Columbia, appoinlinents In, Vale district, WW Spiiiks, .N'ew Wesiminsler, W. N. Hole, Cariboo, Hon. C. F. ('ornwall.— Sept 19. Gtlawti. Clias. .Mctiee, adiiiinistrator of Spaiks Ksiate, enters suit iii Kxclienui r INiurt (■.«. liovernnient to recover j;|i. 0,000 worth of pro- perly. —Sept. 2n. Montreal, Judge Taile orders nuns of Hotel Dieu lo appear in com' as witnesses. — .Sept. 21. Montreal, S iperior Court of, aivards .i;12.0nO damages to Mesirs. .Miirrat and R.mkiii again.-t tlie G.'I.Ii — .sse|it. '23. Montreal, Jesuits. Mull case, the Mni/'x appeal in JeHiit libel suit from Judge Loranger s decision brought belure Court ol Appeal.^ in. - Sepl. 20. Montreal, Jesuit ,l/'(i/, argnineni opened, Hon. .Mr. Lafliiiiniie. IJ.C. tor .l/i(i7, conti nda that Je.-.uits' body is civilly dead, etc., etc.— Se|)t. 2(1. Montreal, Jesuits .Vi/iV case, appellants' argument concluded.- Sept. 27. Literary, .Mr. Gladstone presents Irec library lo town of HawardcD. - Sept. IH. London, Lord .Mayor Isaacs elected for en-iiing year.— Sepl. 28. London, police ol, raid Craubourue Club.— Sept. 21. ]■ L. Ulfting «t lairn iiF iha 11- Hull' |irn. IimI hjr con- ililre*M-i lijr }ni|iniliy tu mp(ii)ii from (1 Ti|ii'criiry UriniPi Act, piprrntiun to Iinlii'i' lit llii' (11 |ii'i8iinii. — drowned.— r I'riilislniii iliii' $:i:(iiiiin (I I'litiri' iiini iriint of $ilO|- (inat ('uniniii- ri'|i(irl Act in I'nvj' Ciiumil. Juggins Itiift K, Ml. \Y. II. Ii, Vr. Tiirli , -,Sf|it. 24. -Sept. 'JT. stem i)ro|in3t'(l f.^rt, scssi.m of icKliurn i^lint , in. rt' S|iink3, Ni'W HlL-Si-pl I'.i. piiHTS suit in wurili ul pro- ipviir in coin' gi'S to Mciii'^*. I lilii'l aiiit friiin Appi'Hl... in.— Mr. Lnllitiiinii'. ■lili, UU'., i'lC.— cluiti'd.— Sept. lliiw«rd«o.— 28. TIIK INDKX OF I'L'ltlJKNT KVl-NTS. l,'iiiiii»nii, nn.iiilhorvH tmndt nf Hlntoof !,i)iil»liinii, loenlcnt of jM«n|ni)Oi \ MUItDKIIf^.— (IriMnwonil, .\ll<« .tuenly twotif^roi-) rci , Ky , Anii'rI'dii II inmiio b oictjr opfnj iiiinuul Ciinrtnllon,— Hclit. ■]•;. .MHodonuld .Sir John, nnri'llt itiilne of Col. Willlittni vt Port tlojie.— Hep. i. Mdxli niild Sr Joliii. nit'ivi a liiinil)iin« prcii'ot I'runi Lord I.iuiidownv, ViLiriiy i)f Inilm .S>pi. ill H I. kiiniic .Sir Mown I, pri'ionli'd with fivcdoni of I'ily ol .Sun Rcino — Sctil, IH. Miiit'lnlen I«lnn '•. Rri'At ilr>iU|[lit terislnittpd — Hcpl 17. Muuiiohii, DiKiiil .MiI.iMin, .\|.l'. I'nr Hen lis, iippuiniiil .Minijii-r of Edni'iiliun -Hcpl. 10. M iiiil(i)>u, I' M eliMi'i Rnniiiil •(■•isioM nt, huh i>iHe^ of Ir rid 'lacovored dur- ing piim 3 \eiirH.— J^epl. '.I .Miivliriek cliildren ml iptcd liy weiillliy C'>ii;ili' iii I.nnl in. -.s,'|it. .). MKhK'AI.. SevviiKlle, Eiig.. ill ennferenee of lliiil.sli I'liiiriniiceiiliful Ajjo- fintiun, i'roleiiior Seebulil sliuWfi prejonce of nrsinic in gljceiliie. —Sept. 11. yiieliec, senii nnniml meeting of lioiinl of Oovcmori of College of I'liymriiius ineel.— i^ept. JD. St. Ilyiiiinihe, I'.tj.. t'liimdii, ineilicnl priidilioners of, form Cliirnr- giciil .'^iieieiy -Sepl. 'J4. Ilcfdlt (if IiiiUdIs liir Miiiiiiutin (.'ouncil of Pliysiciiiiu and .Surgeons. — Hept. .11. ,\|i.\ie(i, niiniveraiiry of liiile|nMiden(''' celeliniled.— S'pi. 1(J. .M' xicti, great wiilir»|oiil liiirsls. killing .'eieiiil persniij.— .Sept. IM. .VII.ITiAllY. I), million ISille A.-sn , (iuveninr (ieninil'j pri/.e won by I'limle lliirna ul Vieloriii liilles, .Minilreiil — .Sept. 0. Auoliiii, Anieluke I'lederii k H|ipoinled to conmiaiid of liflli army idrps (if. —Sept. 17. ('niro, cnlerie tever nppenri in the gnrriion nt. -Se|il. 17. Kiigliiiid, Miijiir lleneral Ure-ifell arrives in K igland from Cairo.— Sept. |.^. Kniiu-e. (!'riiiiiiy, .Vii-'tria, Italy and Russia hold grand Rutnmu null ivre.'^. — Se|ii. :;.| lit pliuoliiig— SepI i. Biuoklyn. niillinimire K. \V. l).'iiii'ei(l, I'iiailler A atholie, nn unfortiiiiiile, luurdered by aome per-on iinkii'iwn.— .'-ept .",. Pi'ii.'ocoln, rill., I'ul eitn:ii rahehild shol hv I). Sle'eiian at.— Sept. ■-■a. NAVAL, I'hiladelidiia, l'.S.,crni 1 u Niagara Fa s, Walter Canipliell swims through whirlpo ,1 rapids,— Sept. l.eige, Biilganau (iovi rninent place orders at, for JJ.noo Rerdan rifles V, o . . r and J,UOtl,niiO cartridges.- Sept. 8. ... ,[,' ,,..,, , ,i.- i ■ . r . ',,,',, , ■■ ,. . „, , North West, Lord Stftiiliv In speech at \\ innipeg prophesies great future Miiiitrenl, Ciielph cadets visit —Sept. 20, for.— Sept. 2-1, ' Miinieh, Kiri men disabled by sunstroke during military manoouvres. I v^va Scotia, great wind storm sweeps over. causing much ilan)nge.-.Sent. — Sept. >). jg (Jrienlaliat Congress opened at Stuckliolm by King (iscar.— Sept. '.' Ottawa, new U,S consul, R. K Lay, iiirives at.— .Sept. i:i. Pugilism, St, Louis, T K Jaekson killed by E. Aliern in pri/.e fight. — tk'pt. 10. Quebec, Province of, Pierre Ayolte, proprietor of Trijlurimi, committed for publishing seditious article concerning the administration of lavr.— Sept. 5, QIJBiJEC, oflicini f/n.-rfr'annmnces composition of new council of agricul- ture and Ansand Manufactures. — Sept. 8. Annexation of St. .Siiuveur to city confirmed -Sept. 27. Catholic Board of Public Instruction decide to reduce grant to Clas- sical colleges, by 10 per cent,— Sept. 2C, ept IHiawa, Major Todd declines colonelcy of Governor General's fool guards —Sept. 111. I'arid, Minister of war inspects si.ith army corps. -.Sept. 19. (Jueliee, Artillery competition opens at Isle of Orleans.— Sc|)t. 10. Hohtak, India, great religious riot at, many killed.— Sept. 11. Hussia, large forces of, army massed in Armenia. — Sept. 9. Servia, reserre forces disbanded. — Sept 13. friiiida,l,;niutiny amongU troops at, 24 killed. — Sept. 11. Turkey, 100,000 Manser repeating rifles ordered to be ready in a moDtb.— Sept. 6. Mii.nesota. 4,0ti0|000 acres in, opened for settlement — Sept. 13. Ni-uns, Tiironto, four Presbyterian missionaries leave for China— Sept. 23. «. tmonism, Report uf U. S, Commission on subject of Mormonism t Citizens Ball to Lord and Lady Stanley -Sept. 10. given, sirongly condemning the evil— Sept. 27. I Premier Mercier asks French to unite for common welfare— Sept. 11. ih i t ' 11 • 1! 1 f! :1 i ^ 9 THE INDF.X OF CURRENT EVENTS. RAILWAYS, (.", B. ,,1 nr?. froniCliicngo ;o St. P«ul.— Si'pt. l:t CP.R. lels contract for 700 miles of now road ii North- Wist. —Sept. I 11. I Concord R. R., stockliolderjof, rntify consolidaiioii wiili liostou, Con- cord arid Monlroal K. R.— ai'pi. 10. I Dulnili, 8. Sliure R R. announce uigge-it cut in Ka^ti'in passenger^ rates of season.— Sept. 10. Eiislern R. lioiids declare to arrange willi the I'reiglil .\^sociation for 1 tariff lietween .-eiibouril and St. I'lUil.— .Sept. 10. [ G T.n. i-5ue ordi rs for laying of doui'e track between Hamilton and Toioiilo.— Sept.24. Oriind Trunk, rumor llmt G.T.R. will connect Halifax and St. John, circulated.— Sept. .'0. | Ilamillon, <>nt , Finance Oomniittce appoint deputation to oppose tiiquest of (i.T.R. to I onstruct spur line connecting old Northern \ and .S.W li.l;. and (.i.'l'.li. running Eiisl. — .Sept. 'J'i. Miickev Syndicate reported to (mec piircliased C. W. and .\1. R. R. , price of lonirolliiig interest Sl,"17,000.—Sei>t. :2. Montreal, Mr. T, O. Sliaughuessy appointed assistant president of j C.l'.R.— Sent. .". | Mieldgan Central and Grand Trunk R. R. clerks ordered to reside ft' Petroit.— Sept 2f. Mi-souri. Pacific, Ex-Pres. Strong accepts presidency of Missouii Pncilic R.R. Co. -Sept. 26. New HnanciHl .«ebeme of N. P. R.R. provides for a blanket mortgage of $l(;0,000,Oii0.— Sept. 17. Uliama. Neb., reported .^t, that employees of Union Pacific and labor organizations hive lonued into Brotherhood "f R. R. employees. — oept. 19. Paris. R.R. Congress selling at, recommend hard steel for rail pur- poses. — Sept. 22. PUnri for Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo, registered.— Sept. 35. sweeping rcducti 'n in rates SHIPPIXG. Lewis, Oel , schooner " W. 0. Snow " lost in great gale with crew.— Sept. 12. Allan S.S. Co. refiise to tender for new Canadian mail contract — oept. 2J. Auckland, N'.Y., .S.S. " Waenui " convoys (.'apt. and ciew of found- ered Urilish S.S. •' Gavstou " to. — Sept. 13. British S S. '■ Vertumnus " wrecked off Point Lookout, L 1— Sept. 17. Cape Vincent, collector of Cu.sfoms denies that Thousand I. .S.S. Co. have violated contract labor laws. — Sept. 2ij. Capt. Smith reports stranding ..f .S..S. ".Montreal" to be accidental. -Sejit. It. Cliathara, .V.B., collector of Customs seizes Glasgow schooner " Delhi."— .Sept. l.T. Clevelan 1, Ohio, three bodies recovered from wrock of yacht " Leo.'— Sept. ['J. Liverpool, munic'iial authorities of vote eSO.OOO to erect depots for storage of pet'oleiiin. — Sept. 12 Morocco, "i./anish vessel plundered by natives off coast of. — Sept. 17. New York. S.S-. ■• Teutonic" and "Ciiy of New York" start on Ocean race from. — Seju. 18. Prescott, S>. "Rothesay" collides with tug " .Moira," tea men drowned.— Sept. 1 1. S.S. " Etruria" makes passage from Queenstown to Njw York iu days, 1 hr.— Sept. 8. Queenstown, Ireland, S.S. " Teutonic " arrives at, from New York, makintr |iassa;re in days 8 hours.— Si-pt. 24. Washington, I 'apt. of" D. A. Small" accused of terrible cruelties to his men.— Sept. 11. Slavery. Cardinal Lavigerio proposes formation of Independent National Comnuttee on slavery ({uostion.— Sept. 14. Slavery, English and Italian Government sign anti-slaverv convention. —Sept. 18. Quebec Central n.R. apply for further extension of H years to com- Smuggling. Mr. Cornellier, Q.C, appointed bv Canadian Government to pleie line to .Maine bour dary.-Sept. :.:. j invesiigate smuggling of American whisliey into Car.ada.-Sept. 2,>. Qiieboo, Cliambre do Commerce np|. rove of South Shore RR. scheme. Snow on Ml Wisliin'lon — Seiit \3 -Sept. 24. ' ' .,.„..,,.. Rail for the first 5a miles of the G. X, W. RU. unloaded at Montreal. — So|t. 18. Socialism, ('liicago, Socialist convention takes place at.— .Sept. 20. SPORTS.— .\quatic, London, Tliames, Searl Henry G., Australian Sioux Ciiy, la., offices of S. C. and .V. I! R., agree for transfer of, freight "with .M.P. and .Manitoba companies— .Sipl. 27. Thompson's Sjiring.s, Denver and Rio Grande train robbed. — Sept. '24- ; TilehlurgR. U fhow "i lercent. earned in rtock for vear ending Sept. :;i .— Sept. l.'l. " ■ ' , Toronto, nimur thai N. C, R. R. bouglit In I'.P.R.-Sei.i. 1.. Toron'o, mail cUrks of Canada R I!, me'l ai. to cirgiuize society. — , Sep.. IJ. Ricl.niond County, F.xhild'ion o]eneI.— So; •. 20. Riot, Polk Co. .Minn., in factional figlt bpiwii n I'leiicii and German Calliolics. (.'hurcli of St. Joseph burnt h\ fi riiier. — Se, t. 23. j Riot; Wdniinglon, Del., race riot between Irishmen, Poles, and .Slaves, rriincis .1 R. .Jaiilvnvi-ky a Hungarian shot dead, an Irishman, Owen Kavaimgb. siabbeil. — Se|it. 7. Rockaw.iv BiacI,, imexpettid tidiil ware causes great destruction at.— ■ Sept Rockwood, Auiumn show, opened by Lord Lansdowne.— .Sept. 20. RUSSIA, Cziir apjiroves of increase of Eastern R R. rolling stock.— Sep'- II. Entire Bench of Riga judges arrested for using German language. — Sept. 10. Gov prohibit purchase of cattle by German tiaders, with German money— Sept. 13. Twenty students arrested as Nihilists at Rieff, Rufsia. — Sept. 20. Reported that Government's receipts for fiscal year 1883 exceeded expenditure by 30,000,000 roubles.— Sept. 23. Chief of general staff of, advocates laying of railway on Western frontier.— Sept. 26. 8 Louis, C. R- Pope, new English consul, arrives at— Sept. 23. 8AM0A, Ring, Malietoa restored to power.— Sept. 15. Bcience, American Association for advaacemenl of, closed convention at Toronto.- Sept. 3. Scotland, scheme announced for construction of canal between Edinburgh and Glasgow, capital £7,000,000.— Sept. 11. 8ARNIA Queen Nathalie warned by Regents not to attempt to establish residence at Belgrade.— Sept. 5. Mr. McDonul, British vice-consul at Neisch, arrested in Westaken for brigand. — Sept I'i. Odessa, ex-Queen Nathalie, of Servia, officially received at.— Sept. 17. M. Cbristicli dismissed from the diplomatic setTice, by Serrian Got- krnroent.— Sept. 20. Odessa, ex-Queen Nathalie, departs for Belgrade.— ^pt. '^0. champioo. beats O'Connor William, in sculling ra.^lch for champion- ship of World.— Sept. 7. Aquitic. Londoi, Searle defeats O'Connor on Tliames course. — .Sept. P. .\ipii'ics. I. MiiloM, Searl offers to row (J (joiinor ag liii lea- £l,oOi.l.— Se|it. 12. Ai|iiaiic. SI. .Jolins, first R^'galta of St. Johns Yacht Club held.— —.Sept. 7. Ai|ii.ilie. Pt. I'hiiie, P.Q . -'.Minnie A. " defeats '■ Lula" iu opeusailiuj; race at. and wins Vice-Coinniodore's cap.— St-pi. 14. Aliilelics, one liiiiidred entries tnade for annual meeting of Athletic Association of Canada. — Sept 2,'i. Baseball. .Montreal. Coinwalls defeated tiy, at, five to two — Sept. 21. Baseball, Montreal, Shamrocks defeat Ullawa four to tliree — Sept. 1 1. Lacrosse, Montreal defeats Toronto team al.— Sept. 7. Lacrosse, Montreal. .Shamrocks defeai, four to two. — .Sept. 2'*. Lacrosse. Ottawa, Cornwall defeats, 3 games to one. — .Sept. 7. Montreal, .\iitum'i season of M. Hunt Club opens.— Sept. 4. Racing, Montreal, Belair Jockey Club hold .\utumn mceling.— Sep'. 24. Racing. Montreal, second dayof Belair Jockey Club, Autumn meeting. —Sept. 2G. Racing. St. Ledger stakes won by " Douovaa." '• .Miguel " second. — Sept. 10. Racing, England, Portland, plate won by ''Galloping Queen'' — Sefit. 13. Sculling, Montreal, O'Connor arriTes from England.— Sept. 30. Shooting, Ottawa, the Macdoiigall match and the Gizowski Cup and British Challenge Shield, shot for. — Sept. 2. Shooting, Ottawa, Canada Dominion of, RiHe .Match.— Sept. 4. Sianley Lord and Lady, lea^e Ottawa for Manitoba. — Sept. 18. STANLEY H. M, Marches towards Momtaza after lighting unfriendly, tribes.— Sept. 11. Reported failure of, to make headway west of Lake Victoria, Nranr.a -Sept. 12. STORMS, Atlantic City, great gale still continuing at, great damage done.— Sept. 12. New York, Tery high tide rises, storm causes much havoc in.— Sept. 10, New York, terrible accounts of wreckage and loss of life, r«iuU ul great late storm, reported at.— Sept. 15. fftt gale with II conlract — ew of lounil- . I-Si'pl. 17. qJ I. S.S. Co. be accidental. [ow schooner F stonm yacht 'ct (lepols tor ist of. — Sept. rk " start oil r«," ten men jw York iu uni New Vork, ble cruelties to nilent Niitioiml ?iy convention. (iuvcrnment to ,ailn.— Sept. 25. Sept. 2n. i., Australian 1 for champion- imcs course.— 1 111!' Xl,O0ii.— t dull hel.l.— ill opensailin;; of AihU-lic .0 — Hepl. 21. inc.— Sept. 1 1. • to two. — Sept. Hepl. 7. neeting.— Sep'. meeting. el " seconJ.— ig Queen • — wpl. 30. wski ("up and 5epl. 4. 18. ig unfriendly. loria, Nyan?.» great dftmage yoc in.— Sept. f lile, result ot THE INDEX OF CUKRENT EVENTS. STORMS.— C'o«/iH.-<-/. New York, reported that oyster planters of, sustain loss of $2,000,000 by late storm.— Sept 10. E«3t Coast, immense damage done all along east Coaat by tides. Number of vessels ashore, summer resorts suffer severely.— Sept. Thirty vessels rejiorted wrctkod asnore, etc., on East Coast, during storm.— Si'pt. 12. Pablo Beach tornado passes over, causing great damage.— Sept. 23. Valley Fulls, Kan., heaviest rain storm for year occurs, railways damaged, .1 personS'lroHued.— Si-pt. l.j. Atlantic City, high tide breakes into dozen buildings, causing terrible stampede for life.— Sept. 12. STRIKES.— liiuuh'U dock laborers, great demonstration in Hyde Park. — Sept. 1 Bibb Co , Ala., Negroes of, refuse to work for whites — Sept. 21. Bl.ickburn, Eug.. employees iu live cotton mills resiinic work.— Sept. Dockmen, Liverpool, Eiig.. men en-.ployed on Grain ami Flour laden ships strike for increase of one shilling per week.— Sept. 3 Gall, Out., strikers iniuoiildiug shop of .McGregor fi Co. destroy boies of — Sept. 12. London Dociiyiird stiikirs compel i 'en working at Albert Dock to cease work.— Sept. 2. London, Hums to contest Dundee as labor candidate.- Sept. H. London, Dock lab. rers resolve to continue, new terms proposed. — Sept. 8. London, several companies express willingness to accede to employ- ees' demands. — Sepi. y. London, Dock e.nipanies refuse to depart from terms offered to strikers. — Sept. 0. London, strikers resume work at advanced w iges on 35 wharves — Sept. 9. London, strikers meet, John Hums denounces organize 1 workingraen of America.— Sept. in. London, Cardinal .Mnniiinij's proposals for settlement I'onsidired by companies. Burns again addresses hi.- followers. — .Sept lo. London, Dock directors 'liscu~.s payment o( heavier dues, and ship- ment ef doeknien by shippiuv.— Si'pl. 11 London, .lohn Burns ill, .strikers still resolute.— Sept. U. Lindon, Dock strike over, directors of companies accept Card. .Man- ning's compromise— Sepi . 12. London, Lord Mayor states men will resume work on Monday —Sept. 13. London, Xew .Slii|Mting Co. briiij^ action against Dock Com- panies of, for deienlioii of mail .SS. '■ Ruapehu."— Sept. 0. L 'ndon, dock laborers resume work, — .Sept. 1.1. London, Biirus and Tilleilsit^n agr,em'>nt, settling dock strike.— Sept. 15. London, severe encounters between strikers and blacklegs. — Sept. IG. London, conference between Cardinal Maiming, Lord .Mayor, and Dock directors on alliiudeof strikers — Sept. l.S. London, Lord Brassey consents to act as arbitrator in matter of lightermen's grievances — Sept. Ui London, stevedores of E. India (locks strike again.— Sept. 23. London, stevedores of E. India Kocks resuui.' work.— Sept. 25. 25. New York, reported at International Cigarmakers Convention at, that during past ten years I'io strikes o''curicd in trade.— Sept. 21. Pennsylvania coal miners return to work.— Sept. 14. STUIKES —CondnueJ. PittshuriT, Pa., Alleghany Bessemer Steel Works al, live hundred men strike against new scale of firm.— Sept. 2. Quebec, .Vavies on Bale dcs Chaleurs U.K. cease to work for arrears in pay —Sept. 21. Rotterdam, of Dock laborers —Sept. 20. Windsor, it., an unknown man and wuinaa commit suicide. — Sept. 20, SUICIDE— Cohiirg, Out., John Emerson in gaol on charge of forgery hang- himself. -Sept. 1, (Jonstantinople, Van llass, director of Ottaman bank of. kills himself, -Sept. 11. France, three iisters Panama Canal fadiire.— Sept. li. New York, Fetter .Mrs Kale, saturated lier clothing with oil, drank a pint of it, and set herselt on lire. --Sept. 5. .Niagara F.ills, Brodie Sieve, pill under bail for attempting to commit by swimming Falls.— Sept. 7. (Jdessa, tiMcherof, commits suicide, his wife kills her live children and herself— .Sept. 20. S.vilt Current, .Manitoba, remarkable meteor seen at.— Sept. 20. TELEGRAPH -Couuecting Canadian Pacihc with Mackay-Bcnnett cable system— Sept. 5. Western Ciiioa rates between New York, Boston and Philadelphia advanced.— Sept. 1. Western Union Telegraph Co. declare dividend of Ij percent, revenue for (piurter SI. 750,001). —Sept. n. Telephone stations in Paris seizeil by tioverninent.— .Sept. 2. Remington I'apet (Jo.'s .Mills, Watertowu, N.Y,, sold lo German syndi- cate for SI,H"0,ono.— Sept. 2. Toronto, ei-.Miiyor .Manning buys Brewing and .Malting Co. of, for $150,- 0(1(1.— Seiit. II. Triple Alliance, Rire Blind, socialist i I Ke/onin'i- of Rome, declares that mainteiianc of triple alliance is necessary for peace of Europe. — Sept. i;», Turkey. Sultan orders meeting of Cabinet to suppress disorders in Armenia — Sept. !'. Turkey, lluilyl to be etpialized.- Sept. 27. Vacciaatioi, twenty-seven passengers from S,S. "Circ.issian " landed at Grosse Isle, Que., for ,uon-compliance with quarantine vaccinatioa regulations.- Sepi, 1 1, Warner General declines Presidents tender of commissiouership of pen- sions, —Sept, 18. Williams Cidonel, statue at Pent Hope, unveiled by Sir John Macdonald. —Sept, 5. Wills, Montreal, rev. Abbe Ronsselot leaves hir^-e fortune to numerous R.C, Institutions.- Sept. 23 Winn'peg, Governor General received at. — Sept. 2.1. I World's Fair, Xew York Committee offers '820,000 prize for plan of live principal buildings —Sept. 0, World's Fair, Chicago, Executive Committee of decide to increase capita stoek to $10,000,000.— Sept, 18. Worlds Fair, New York, site for, chosen.— Sept. 20. Wyoming Valley, Va., great land cave iu occurs, affecting 30 acres, 1,500 men thrown out ol employment.— Sept. II, Wycoraing, Slate Convention, adopts female suffrage clause.— Sept. 21. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. i ii •.V \\ o E- o CD o PC o o CO 525 ffl oe Tt-B ^ SB ^ •^'■'l'i'"l< ] Aii|)jn]tis ; t-lw-nM ^>rr5-r : ^ ; .^ 'X -r t - (-- tfi c; : tr : I™ ; lo o ir; -^ M O *.D ; c ■ Ci I- Tl M I- ._.--.-.,„_, , . .»■-*> -tf, FI X. a i l W I lO cvj i~ •«i' X rc t~ Cj ^ O PI tc X (^ irj i.-^ ?i T f) c* r; r- — »n o ic ■* m o r- — « o i^ C- 1^ i-i w i- — o : tfi : . in CO CO 'Xi — « CO o « »— c-i '^ : ■^ : : rt fo CO T o M I- N -J -H M OQ Cl X X M f ^ M -f M - ; — c I- c I- M rc I- --^ i - ; *-»« -i'">J: ) :^i M M O c: :C -^ -J* ' o ■M t- n « — CO a II — : C iO -r C-1 O ■£■ -- C t- ; t- M n t- -H O - !-*r :o^-^'«^5'«^T?: :-r i^TS" : «rt r- ■ -*l • ■ Hei-.- .•»«-«?)— rK-«X MfXr-^K ^«i'«.i--»,u :s ;:: L: :r 5 fJ '^ ^ ':9j . .^^~e,_,-,..rt:— *^, . ■ ->ji ■ rmf -tj'- — -B,' »-« ; ua*f w . il -C. .-x.>r ^K.x . T,.. 1^1 ,f. , . ■tt.-'^-MI-W -W -.I-r c7 SI II .(1!|>B.11I1MAV oi 6 Xwpuon 2 XKp.inius 9 A'wpiM I T"^ i Aiip>.iiui.r, CO t- -' irt o : -r c" r- : ;r i i$'.r,-T -r -M I- ci *^ : CO » i -T •»■ — -t I- CO -^ : ci 1- M (O — r^. 00 . ic X '.o ov -r X o trt -- ci X '.c cc I - o ift tX) "^ X :r-— 'iftOiCTcoo'-— ot"~t-Mrf:t- — o iC .'-. CI -^ oi m 'J f *; X ci-r. I- — c^t---o ; : t o -r cc .*o 'T c- CI t- rt '^ — r^ X) • L:»/r:»^ Pjwrrf/ -«erM . • -T!t-<^|-fr. w t»4a . . :-tXkftCj-fOC; t : Itr-r — 'xc»c:c;Oxx : u- ;r: -t c". 'X o a. ■»*• t: C) X (^ — in om T C^ x • r- — m = "^ in M c 'X — c t- r) I- CI ro I- t— c ; T re r; -r V. : — U^ P r. If* rp r -■ .-^ Tf -T — -y I- CO ; If: c^ C CO ^■. re •* c: CI r- n (C — ' .-O «-*: it -^r»t-( THE INDEX OF CUREENT EVENTS. REAOY. RAPID k RELIABLE EIRE ESCAPE. J )hii Lovell, p iltlislier of tlie Dominion Directory in 1871, a a cost of over $80,000, now issues the PROSPECTUS OP LOVELL'S GAZETTEER AND HISTORY OK ItVKlir COUNTY, DISIRICT, PARISH, CUV, TOWNSHIP, TOWN, Vll.I.Adli, ISLAND, LARK AM) RIVKR IN THE EIGHT PROVINCES OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, IN ELICVKN VOLUMIiS. Subscription lo the Klevuii Vuluim'B.bounil in lull ('lulli, Clllt »,.:' no Ontario or Quebec, 2 Vols, eai'li, with a Map 12 nli New llrunswifk or Nova Sooiia, willia .M.'ip 11 W) Manitoba or liritisb I'olinuWa, with tt Map 60 I'rinte Kilw nril Island or Nortbw cat TcrritoricB, with a Map. Klevunth Volume, It will contain n concise History of the Doniiulon of Canada, l':i|{ht Itcuutilul .Mapx, List of Lakes, Ulvcru, Post Offices, &c 20 03 EACH PROVINCE, AI.l'HAUKTICALI-Y AUUA.NdKl), WILL UK CO.Ml'LKTK IN ITXKLI'. liiu/nl fifo, size. All the roliimeti to he Umml itni/onn iii/itit t'fotfi, (Hit, Tlio object of the work is to rIvu, from the lips of the oldest inhabitants, or from other sources, a history of over in,uoo counties, districts, parishes, t. IM. & W. K. IIILUUKTH, Propa ASTOR HOUSE, Broadway, New York. On tlic Eiiroiicnii I'laii. | |{iiis ^1,00 niiil IJpwnnN. Tlie accontniiHljitioiis nf tJicAstor will lie found lh>t-clmeft. £levalor running iii;:lit iinil day. F. T. KKITII, Mun:iK«r. F. .1. ALI.KN, Prnprletar. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, KDWAllU N. IIOTII, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Oil tlio Kuropofiii plan. Location and atsrvice unHurpassed. Every modern improvement. HouinH, ¥1.50 per day and upwardH. GRAND UNION HOTEL. ()p|M»4lte lH. Iter'tHnranta at motlerato prices. DAQUAUK to AJiU FItU.M UBANU CKNTUAL 1-»K1'0T fukk. W. 1». r. K. T. OiiHOIlN, Itlanuger. "THE BATES," Iin)IANAFOUS, INS. Bates, t2,60 to $5 00 per day. LOUIS REIBOI.U, Proprietor. FARKER HOUSE, BOSTON. Europonii Plan. 300 Kuuni.s. Ijtl.OO and rewards per day. Caf6 of unsurpassed excellence. Private dining rooiuH for tlinner partit>8. K. O. PKNCIIAUII & CO., PrnprleUirii, FOREST CITY HOUSE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Best locaiioii in the city, and the only Initol fronting on the park. Nearest to public buildings, opt-ni hoiisi', cburclies, etc. Strei>t t-ars pass the house to all parts of tlio city, suburbs and depots. Kates, 9i.'.r>o and $3 per duy. TEKKII^L. & INAU1.IN(> & CO., wliotirst opened it to tho public. TREMONT HOUSE, BOSTOlSr TIIK "PAI.Ai'i:" IIOTKI.. JOHN A. RICE & CO. Prices, S3.00 to S.I.OO per day. Siwcial rates made by tlio week. Kooina sli)({lu or en suUn, with or without bailiu. MKS. JI>IIN A. KICIC, Managnr, ALBION HOTEL, THE WINDSOR HOTEL, DENVER, COL. Largest and most Elegant Hotel in the West. BUSH & 3IOKSK, I'roprictor.s. MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO. The best dollar a day hniise on the continnit. Fine rooms ; gootl stTvtce every convenieuee. Centrally located for railways, slfaniljoats and street cars. JOHN lIorUKUNKSS, Piuprletor. THIR FALNER HOUSE, TORONTO, Corner King and York suocta. Specially adapted for ('oniinerctal nioii. S'-i.OO iM'rday. J. V. rAI.M!*:U, IMoprii-tor. Also Kerby House, Urantford. Washington-st., Boston. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Throe hundred room-*. I'rivato parlors, baths", etc. Hv.h\ location in tho city. A strictly lirst-ciass house. K, Proprietor. TOWER HILL HOTEL AM) COTTAt;i:S. NARRAGANSETT PIER, R.I. StMlHOil lH8t> npuiirt (liiiio '/Jotli. CIIAIILKS A. OAKK.S, New York Olllce, 145 Uroadway, Uoom 30. H 12 TUT? INDEX OF CUKRENT EVP:NTS, fl' „ r ill^ WHO SUliSCKlBE TO THE H., Mr. J. P. Dunn, Libiaiiivn of the Indiana State Library, liuliiiniqicilis, Mr. F. W. Viiiinliiin, Librurian uf tiio Social " INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS." , Library. I5o.ston, Mr. Jan.,. G. J!arnwel),Librarian of tliu I'hilailuljthia Library, the Librarian of iho I'roviileiice The "Index of Current Events" is much appreciated not only by tlie press of Canada and the United States, ,,,,,, ,,. o. ^1 ^. T^ r ► r Ohio, Mr. VVilliaui II. Ey;lu, State Librarian of rennsylva but also by the public men of both countries. Its list of ' " •' Public Library, the Librarian of the Free I'ublic Library, San P'rancisco, Mr. John M. Doane, State Librarian of suUscribers includes such great newspajiers as the Phila- delphia Ledtjtr, the Boston 'I'raiiscript, the New York H'oi'W, the Cincinnati Enquirer, tiie UrooVly!' ^"^h, tiie Toronto Etn-pire, the Cleveland Leader, the Chicago Herald, tlie Cincinnati Pod, the New York Morning uia, Mr. JI. Chaniberlaiii, Librarian uf tlie Boston Public Library, Mr. A. W, Whelplay, Libiariun of the Cincin- np.d Public Library and Mr. C.B. Tilliiighart,Slate Libra- rian of Massachusetts. The leading bankers (including the Bank of Montreal), brokers, lawyers and hotel keepers ot , . .1 ,.1 • rv -J »' ^1 T 1- r Canada, and many clergymen also keep the //k/cx on file Journal, the Chicago Daily AeiVK, the Indianapolis j n^ i Journal, the New York Star, the Troy Budijet, the Chi- cago Staata Zeitung, the New York Kation, the Troy Press, the Washington Star, the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and many less known but important newspapers. Some of these jiapers are well known to kee}) admirable indexes of their own, yet find it advantageous to subscribe to the Inukx of Cukuent Evenls. We have the honor to include .among our subscribers. Her Majesty's Privy Council for Canada ; also, Sir John Macdonald, G. C. B. Premier of the Dominion, Sir Hector Langevin, Minister of Public Works, Sir A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia, the Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, the Hon. Macken- zie Bowell, Minister of Customs, the Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Secretary of State, the Hon. John Costigan, Minister of Inland Eevcnue, the Hon. John Haggart, Postmaster General, the Hon. John Calling, Jlini.iter of Agriculture the Hon. C. H. Tui>per, Minister of Jlarine and Fisheries, the Hon. Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization Quebec, the Hon. Boucher de La liru^re, late speaker of the Legislative Council, Quebec, the Hon. Lieutenant Governor Itoyal, Mr. Erastus Wiman, the Hon. Minister of Public Works, Toronto. The Librarian of Parliament, the House of Commons Beading Itoom and the Librarians of What is thought of the Index may be gathered from the numerous entirely unsolicited expressions of approval sent in by well known public men, of which the following are specimens : .Mil. Mahti.n J. Oiiii'KiN, LiBiiAKiAN (IF I'Aiii.iAMEVT, Ottiiwa, Writes 1 KM) Kt^iiiliii^ you II HiihHcrlptioii for two (M)pifi4 oi your ** Imlex,*' which wUI .•! usefia and which ilosttrVLd uiicoiirHtjfriuMit. If ynvi will take pitrti- culur [pai.'Mlo ^Ivo tlic tlale.-i mul ti^urt-sof olcotiuiis an.l the tlates uf siHteehett of puhlie lueu, villi reference aUo to the place at which thettpeech was delixereil, yuu will tloa \')ry grateful thing for puljlie people and editors, aail 1 may aUd librarians. .Mil. .loiiN M. DoANE. State l.iiiUAKiAXof Ohio, writes ;— Enclosed please fllul six dollars, ill payment for State' Library subscription to the ■'Index of Current Events ' for Imsil. 1 regard it as a very valuable publication, and hope that you may meet with suchsuceessas to warrant Us cuutlnuaiice, for It will grow more valuable every year. .Mk. IlEUlUEH.OF THE BuooKl.YN Eaijle, writes ;— "I congratulate you mnpt heartily upon having done a good thiiig,a very good thing, in starting tlie" Inilij: " enterprise. 1 hope I may have the joy of congratulating you upon your success a year hence. A man with Imh'j- on the brain is one after my own heart. .My judgment was formed upon Number 1 ; if the indexing is kept up as thoroughly in all subsequent numbers it will be a great lieti* to us, " SlIlClIAllI.KS rt I'l'Kll.liAIlT , II Hill Com MlSStlP.VKll Full CA.NAnA, writes:— It seems lit me to be a very useful publication, and one that will be vuluable for reference purposes," .Mil, 111 UK, AsSIKlATK EUITDK (IF THE rillLAIlKLI'HlA /'l(Wic ledger, writ(fs ;— " Vtmr Initcx U highly appreciated at this ollice, where it has long been a desideratum," Mil. CdliU'iK'iN <"■' THE "TolloNTO E.MI'IRE, writes :—" Allow mu to codgraiulale you most cordially upon your admirablu Jmkx. The idea and its execution are ;iilke worlhy of all praise," .Mil. VaIIEN, (IF THE "NKW-VokK MdllMNIl JllfllXAL," writes .—'■ I lind the Inilicen of great value, saving, as they do, much valuable lime in looking up importaiit events," .Mil. Wii.i. A, W(ii)i>\VAiii>, Uec, Se(, .Mass. I'iiess Association, writes : Biclosed please lind subscription for one year lor " Index of Current Events," 1 fcave examined tlie specimen sent me with much interest and do not hesitate to commend it as an invaluable assistant in the newsp;iper otiice. The ainuuiit of . . ti«ie and labia- it is caleulaK'd to save, cannot be coiupensated bv one hundred many of the Provinces ol the Dominion and States ot the i t»».sitssubscriiitioiirate, C'liniiieiiciii^ Willi Vol. II No, I I lie dull'!* jriveii In tlie Index arc the aoliiiil cliHi's ol' tlie o.;ciirreiii;es j not ii.< foniicrly tlie dates of piililicatioii. The Inilex is piiiili.-heil I'oitr tiinesii iiiutilh ; Imt to form uooiliplele lllf tor the year it is iieces.liould be made to llE.NJtV DALMV, P. u. Box m\, JIo.NTRKAL, Que. Union subscribe to the Indrx. Among the well known public librarians who subscribe are, Mr. J. C. Hurlbiil, Librarian of the Amerii'an Geogriiiiliical Society, New- Y'ork, Mr. W. A. Bardwell, Liiirarian of the Brooklyn Li- brary, Mr. W, H Brett, librarian of the Cleveland Public Library, Mr. F. P. Jordan, Librarian of the Public School Library, Battle Creek, Michigan, Mr. W. T Peoples, Li- brarian of the Mercantile Library, New-Y'ork, Mr. Bobert E. Bicli, Librarian of the Public Library, Portsmouth, N. ibe liulexuf Current Events Is published by lienry Ualby, at 11)02 Notre liaine Street, Hlontrcul. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Vol. II. No. 40. MONTRKAL, NOVEMBER 7, 1889. $l'p.llfl I'KIl Annuh. PcBLtBllKI) VVgKKt.T. writef*: — viiluiible for itblic Ifdycr, liiLb loiigbeuu -"1 Hiul I luukiiit; up Iiiiiex arc liutcs uf I a (;uinj)k't(' St ifiniie ill rent nioiilli liulf yearly EAL, Que. OCTOBER. Abyssiniii, Itiilian tjovernment declare protcctorftlo over— Oct. 14. ACflDK.VTH.—Cliff.Slide, Quebec, Kltctrur condemns jiity'a verdict on iiccident, in condemning corporation of. — Oct. 2. Cliff slide, Quebec, city Bttorney Hon. jMr. Pelletier makes motion to annul jury's verdict on late accident. — Oct. 10. Karlliquiike, Central, Hants, N. S., severe shock of, felt at.— dot. 23. Electricity, New Y'ork, line man killed.— Oct. H. Klectricilj-, New York, line man J. Feeka falls into network of live wires and is roasted to death. — Oct. 11. E'eclriciiy, New York, coroner's jury in case of lineman Fcel^'s death by, condemn present system of conducting electricity .—Oct. 29. Kxplosion, Colliery, Langdon, Eng., seventy miners entombed at.— Oct. 1'.. Explosions, Loudon, Out., boiler in Dorey'a mill explodes, .1. Ross killed, great damage. — Oct. 10. E.xplosions, Montreal, dynamite explosion in city kills one man, injures many, and causes great destruction to property .—Oct. 24. Explosions, New Orleans, S.H. " Corono' bursts her boiler, killing 18 persons, near. — Oct. 3. Kxplosionii, Tunis Bav, S.S. " Ville dc Brest " bursts her boiler, .'> per- sons killed.— Oct. is. Fires, Cleveland, Ohio, grocery house of W. Edward & Co., loss $125,000.— Oct. 9. Fires, Forest, Mission Creek county, .Minn., reported n blaze.— Oct. 16. Fire, Koenegsberg, Docks at, destroyed, enormous damage.— Oct. 2H. Fires, New York, Brooklyn Tabernacle at.— Oct. 13. Fires, St. Kauveur. Quebec, money for sufferers by late lire distributed. —Oct. li. Floods, Japan, great floods in, cause immense loss of life and property. —Oct. -1. Flood John.'town. Pa., organization for searching for victims of late Hood formed at.- Oct. 2:t. Flood?, Jura and France, .severe floods, great damage in.— Oct. 1 1 Floods. Pi. Petersburg, H. .Neva rises, .tniimping lowest part of city.— Oct. '-'.i Floods, Tyrol, much damage caused by, in — Oct. K). Jumping, Trenton, N. J.. Peynaud leaps from tour 1.5u ft. high, and is killed.— Oct. 1. Natural Gas, Bradford, four [lersons roasted by natural gaa.— Oct. II. Uailioad, Gibson, Neb, collision of Burlington K U injures .io pas-, sengers severely. — Oct. Iti. I Hailwiiy. Incline R.l!., Cinein:iati, Ohio, many jiaioengers killed and wounded at. by fall of cars 300 ft —Oct. 15. Hailroads. Post Qunsurtz Posen, passenger and freight collide, killing 5 persons. — i.'ct. 4. Kaihvay, Patnis, tireece, fifteen persons killed bv>ollision of trains at. -Oct. 2,S. Railway, Savon, France, pilgrim train, with 500 passengers, collides with another train, several killed, many injured,— Oct. 25. Shipping, Fredericksburg, SS. " Quinte, " of Deseronio .Vavigation Co., burned, many passengers injured.— Oct. 23. .U'RICA, German K. A. Co. reports loss up to Jan. 1, 1S89, of 2,034,540 marks.- Oct. 7. Brussels, Royal decree issued in, in favor of American mission in Congo to evangelize the natives of. — Oct. 10. Africa, Solar expedition leave, perSS. '' Pensacola."— Oct. 16. French Gov impose prohibitory duties up to 100 per cent, on imports to their possessions on Gold Coast. — Oct. 17. Zanzibar, Sultan of, gives written promise to British Consul that all childien born in bis domains after Jan. Ist, 1890, shall be free.— Oct. 19. Congo State, governor of, reports that 80 chiefs have recognized his authority— Oct. 19. I'ngangelo, EcclMiftaMcal Jesuit miaeionarieB expelled from.— Oct. 21. shall couliiiual y wear iini- ri'iiorl on seizures in. -Hcl. -Oct. 2.-,. AFRICA.— C<-n^«i/e,/. Zanzibar, Caiit. Wissman defeats chief Bushirc with heavy loss in.— Oct. 26. A.MERICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION.— Chilean and Argentine Refinblic dclegalea express ilis.satisfactioii at election of .Mr. Blaine as President of International Contrress.- Ocl. 3. Approves of union of Central States.— Oct. 22. American, Report, New York, llrmhl of. atnles Blaine will ask llayti, San Domingo and Cuba to enter C Stales.- O.'l. 16. Arctic I'Xploralion, party of Artie Circle explorers hi'ard from iit Winnipeg —Oct. 27, Art, New York, .Milan's picture the " Aiinidua " purchased lor .^loii.ono by American .irt Association arrives at.— Oct. 13. Athcn.s, Princess Arphio arrives iit.— Oct. 25. Austria, decree i.ssued that atatc ofliciald of, form on and off duly.— Oct. 21. Bchrinp Sea, Commander of " Rusli " make 14. Births, Bcndersvillc, Pa., Mrs. Bender, of four cliildreu at.- Brazil, Yellow fever reported to he raging in. — Oct. 2.^. Brussels, board of trade resolves to hold a Belgian exhibition in London — I Oct. 23. Bulgarian Government of, arrange for loan of 1 l,000,0oo.— Del. 7. ' Canada, Deputation of Americana reach.— Oct 13. j Chamberlain in speech at Newcastle, Eng., taunts Home Rulcr.i wilh I making no effort to meet dissenters in nrgumeiil. — Ori. 2. ! Chicago, Clan-na-Gael conspirators hold session lu. — Ocl. 4. Chicago, Statue of La Salle (French explorer) unveiled at.— Ocl. IJ. j Chili, law enacted abolishing import liiily on tools, etc. — Ocl. I.H. China. Red River declared open for trade.— Ocl 10, China, arrangements for establishment of new medical .service for army and navy made —Oct. 24. China, Yang-Tse-Kiang Valley, China Ram deslrovs rich oollon crop of. -Oct. 27. Chinese. Victoria, B. f.' . .Minister of Inlerioi in spi h al, favors Chi- nese iminigralion. — Oct. 26. Cholera, reported that Asiatic choleni has come in S E Europe. — Oct. 2. Confederate Bonds, English Imldi'is of Conlederale bonds i iideavor to obtain some return for them.— Oct. 4. CRETE, Insurgents attack Turkish troops.— Oct. 4. Reported lliat Sultan will grant amnesties to mimi Report timt Turkish Government of, alluwcd tri confirmed by LhH'Ioh 7'nnrs. — (K'i. 7. .Natives of, repulse Turkish troops, killing oilier.— net. Il' Coiillicis between Turks and nulives of, continue. -Oct. 14, Four Turkish battalionaof Infaulry revolt in.- Oct. 17. Five hundred fugitives lake refuge iii Syria Iroin. — Ocl. 22. Porte forbids ilispatch of Ci|iher telegram? from —I 'el. 24. McLeod ariesled at. in— Ocl. 6. pillrtgc, etc. CRIME, ndullery, I'hicago, rev. J. McLeod ariesled at, on charge o( adultery and bigamy.— Ocl. I. Assault, Earl of Galloway charged with assaulting a liltle girl.— Oct. 4. Assault, London, Earl of Galloway acquitted.- Ocl. II. Faction Fight, PineviUe Ry., Turner and Howard factions have a severe fight at, one man killed, many injured. — Oct 23. Fraud, New York, Count de Vermont, a noted swindler, arrested on charge of forgery.— Oct. 3. Gambling, London, principal members of Cranbournc Club, found guilly of gambling, and lined— Oct. 3. Kidnapping, New York, J. Fitzpalrick arrested lor sending men to Isthmus of Panama.— Oct. 1. Poisoning, St. John, N.B., Mrs. .MacRae poisoned wilh candy, also attempt on Uvea of two clergymen.- Ocl. .3. Poisoning, St. John, N.B., Win. McDonald arrested on charge o being perpetrator of lute deaths by poisoned candy.— t)ct.fl. Poisoning, St. John, inquest continued in poisoned candy case, strong evidence against .McDonald elicited. --Oct, 10. 1 s THE INDEX f,ENT EVENTS. iiiii'iii ; ■; i M !i ji I '-.l J'l n CRIME.— t'ondwii'-/. Rane, Wake, N. I'., H. C I'lical. Kiillier lloyle, senten for HSfaiiK on Mi»» Wliillaker. Shooting, Slii'ibrookc, iriiil of l> .\l( Lean, for sliooti to kill, oponeil at.— Oil. !'. Dakota, H. IjCgiHlalurc ol, voti' fin 1'..'^ senators.— Oct. Iti. Dakola, N., 2(i,ooO iwoiilo reporloii di'.-itituto in —Oct. 'ii>. I'KATIIS, l)u|ir<' ,1 , ani'niini'iil Kroncli artist, at I'ari.i.—tlct. 7. Deiilcsdorl I'roli'ssor, the leli'ljratiil lunacy upcclaliat.— Oct. [i. Kil/.gcralil llanin, lliililin— Oct. 111. (iaston .Mi'liiiKUc, Krcncli painter.— I'd, ('•. lioocli .Sir 0., fiiuiciiia ciiginiM'r, at LiMnUm, Knglanil. — t'ct. 1,5. Ilardisty Senator, Winnipeg, Man , at.— (Id. ir>. l.ovin anil .Mehille, Kurl nt', at l.oinlon.— Oct, 'I'i. .McNair \V. \V., fa jmnd explorer, at l.uinlon, Knglauil.— Oct. l.'i. Morris lliin. .\., at Toronto. —Oct. JH. Munich. Hr. Von Sleilchel, Cathiilic Archbishop of.— llct. 10. (lakes lion. Iv K., M.P. for l)lgliy.--tlct. 10, (Irkney Karl of.— del. 22. Portugal. King of. al l.i.sbon.— (Jet. I!i. Kanisav Alex., manager of Stiiniiaril Life Ins. (!o., of I'anaiia.— del. "7. Tandy T., lien. Freight Agent of (i.T.R., at Montreal, —I M 1. Tnrner Hon. Senator, at lliiiiiilton.— lid. 111. Vnil J. A., I'D, Hisliop of Kansas, dies. —Oct. 0. Workman 'I'lios.. iiroinincnt citizen of .Montreal.— Oct. n. fierliy, Kng , 1-ord Uerby in siieeeli at, endorses Mr. (iladstonc— (Jet. '14 Diplnheria, Carlioudale, I'a., epidemic of malignant diphtheria breaks out in.— lid. fi. Dipkaiiatie, I'aiiucefote Sir Jiilinn, British .Minister to U.S., arrives at .New York.-liel. l.'i. liivorce. New York, U. It. Hamilton takes action to obtain divorce from his wile who ligiired in recent assault scandal. — ()d. :i. Karlhipittke, Miiyleue, Turkev, lighthouse wrecked, with loss ol life at.- Oct. 27. ECl.' LK-. New Y'ork, F^piscopal Convention a', appropriate $40,000 for colored people in South.— Oct. 14. New York Episcopal Convention discuss revised hymnal.— Oct. 14. New York, Protestant lOpiseupal Convention refuse to accept report of conference committee, recoinmendiug changes in book of short otlices.— Oct. 2:i. New York, I'onvcniion ado its cano i on deaconesses — Oct. 24. ECrLRSIASTICAL-Coa/inuei/. New York, high and low uhurch faction* of Protestant Episcopa Con.ent'oii at, disagree over proposed revision of Book of CommonI Prayer. -Oct. 25. New York, Protestant Kfiiicopal Convention closes at — Oct. 29. Ohio, Rev, W. A. Leonard, DD, consecrated as Uisbop of, at New York.- Oct. l:i, Ottawa, census of attendance at Protestant churches taken, niimliir 7,:t28.— Oct. 14. Ottawa, Baptist Convention held at. — Od. Ii>. Otiawo, Baptist Convention discuss t'hurch and Slate. — Oct. 18. Ottawa, Baptist Convention cUwes. — I let. 22. Palermo, Italy, Prime .Minister ("rispi states in speech at, that Gov- ernment must not lie dictated to in any way by the Pope. — Oct. !.*►, Pope .(ends congratulatory letter to U. C.'s of .\nieriea, on centennial of establishmeni of Mrst .See in countiy.— I let. 16. IJuebee, Cardinal Ta.^chcreau confirms .'tOd children.— Oct. .1. Rome, (Convention between \'atican and Russia signed at.— (Id. 10 Koine, Pope receives letters from Pres. ('arnot, thanking him for hi.; neiiiralily in French elections. — Oct. HI. lioine, Prussian Envoy to Vatican discusses I'ope's departure from Rome with liim.— Oct. In, Rome, h'rioniifi of, declares pilgrimages to Vatican are becoming political demoaslriitions. therefore illegal. -I let. 2H. Russia, Governor of, concedes Vatican's demands, 7 Russian bishops to 1h' appointed.— Oct. 27. St. Paul, Minn., Synod of PresbUerian ("hurih of, opens at— Oct. 2o Toronio, iMelliodist Church, scale of appropriation discussed, com- mittee appointed for various works of body, hnaiicial standing announced.— Oct. H. West Port, Oat , .\rchbishop lUeaiy cxcoininiinicates woman at. — Oct. 2'.i. Winnipeg, Anglican Synod closes at. — Oct. .10. Educational, Springlield, .Ma.-s. Fieiich Protestant College dedicated in —Oct. 21. Educational, Wyclille t'ollege, Toronio, annoiiLced that Divinity degrees will in future be given from.— Hd, 11. Ediicalioual. Montreal .\uniial Convention of Protestant teachers of Pro- vince of Quebec held al. — I'd. 24. Ediieational, Montreal, Doininion Conference proposed al session of school teachers, drawing in schools ilisciis>cd. Confcieuce closed. —Oct. 25. Educational. .Montreal, Protestant Teachers Convention discuss Cana- dian llisloiy, sensational literature denounced. — Oct. 25. Egypt, Cairo, report cd\|iervisli advance from Oindiiriuan received St.— Oct. 2y. KLKCTIII.VS, Pari,-:, Chamber of Deputies oflieinlly announced that, will be coiniiosed of :h;2 liepiiblicans, and 20,') members ol oppcsition. — Oct. I.. Brighton, Knglanif, .Mr. Lodor (rnionist) elected for. — Oct. 25. Bnekinghainsiiire, N. Eng, Capl. K. H. Verney, iJladstonian, returned for.— Od. 12. Helena, .Montana, returns from every county but one show Republi- cans to have .18 tneiiibers of Legislature, Democrats :)2. — Oct. 16. Jolietle, Q, Bazinet. Liberal, and I'errault, Conservative, nominated for Legislalure.— Oct. lH. Jolidte Co., P. (J., .Mr. Ba/.incl, Liberal, elected lor Legislature. — Oct. 2:!. Montana, new State of .Montana goes Democrat. — Oct. 0. Nairn, Scotland, Rcay liberal returiied for 2,571 v ites. — Oct. 7. Peterborough, Eiig,, .Mr, .Morton, Gladstonian, reti.rned for.— Oct. 7. Quebec, writs tor Jolietle election issued. — Oct. 6. Richelieu, political campaign in county of, opens, speeches by Hon, ,1. A. Clmpleau and others.— Oct. :i. Richelieu P.Q , J. A. .Massue returned for.— Oct. 18. Richelieu, P.Q., Liberals select .Mr, H. Ueauchemin as candidate for county —Oct. i:. Victoria, BC,,Tlio3, F;arle to House of Commons for.— Oct. 2tl. Electricity, execution by, Mr, Edison addresses letter to Paris .Academy of Scienc. recotnniending attei native currents for. — Oct. Lt. Eleetricity. Auburn, .\.Y,, Pemmler sentenced to execution by electricit\ , -Oct. 14. Electricity, London, Eng , experiments to light cily of, to be tried on a gigantic scale.- Oct. 22. Electricity. .Nashville. Tenn., order that all street railroads be run bv electricity.— Oct. 2!l, Electricity, .New York, Board of electrical control announce that in exam inaiioii of wires 4Uil cases of dangerous defects in insulation dis- covered. —lUl. 12. THE INDHX OF CUfiUKNT KVKNTM. int Epiicopiv i of OomDionl -Oct. 29. i)|i of, at New (akon, nmulitr -Ucl. IS. I III, llial Gov- I'Diic— Ot't. I.'' I, oiiri'iiti'Uliiiil Del. ;i. I at.-Oel. in ling bin) for Ih.t ili'parturo from ,n aru hi'Coming Uussian bishops ens at.-Hcl. 2" iliscusspil, coni- iiiiioiiil slnnJing cs wuninn at. — ego ilccliiateil in Uivinii.v dcgrcis I U'.Hcllfl'S i)t Pio- iiMl 111 r;i'.porl of aectarian schools.— Oct. Ui. Exhibitions. Sherbruoke, Minister of Agriculture cancels f 2 Ooo grants fur, —Oct. 4. fAlU'RES, Hamilton, Ont, T. Boggejs, manufacluier, it fns, liabilities $130,000.— Oct. 4. Philadelphia, lleston A Erben,wood dealers, liabilities $400,000.~Oi.t 29. Famine, Current hinnd. Belle Isle Straits, people of, reported starvingow- ing to hsiiing lailure.— Oct. 2ij. Fisheries, Halifax, American fishing schooner "I). Adams" confi.caled at, for violaiinj.' Irciiiy ol IKlH.-— (Jet, 28. Floods, Austrian Tyrol, cause great Uamage. —Oct. 15. Forestry, i'hilndelphia, American Foreslrv Congress hold annual meeting at,— Oct. in. FRANCE, Boulanger leaves Euglund for Isle of Jersey.— Oct. 7. Election, Belvillo, M. Rochford asks electors of, to plump him against the dictorial beliavioiir of the Oovernment.— Oct. 3. Elections, Paris, Boulangists, M.\I. Dcroulee and Costellin attacked and beaten in.— Oci. 3. (ioveroinentof. decide to prosecute Itinnifi^/rkinl for stating that war olUce funds were used in elections. — Oct. 1. Paris, Times says for time Boulangisiu is vanquished, but may appear again.— Oct. 6. Paris, new statue of Republic placed on Place de Nation, — Oct, IiJ. Boulanger requests .M .M. D.MOuled and Naquot not to visit him at Jersey. — Oct. \1. Cabinet expel .M. Laisant (Houlangist) from army.— Uct. 19. Conservative leaders in, decide not to recogniie Republic— Oct. 12. Council of war decide to incieuse strength of si.ct, 27. liERMAXV, estimated loan to Reichslat; to he 2riO,oiio,ooo marks —(.let. 4. Berlin, lianquel given in honor of I'lincess .Sophie— Oct. 14, Berlin, Czar visits.— Oct. II, Berlin, Ciar leaves city suddenly. — Oct, 12 Berlin, Count Von Wahlerell, chief of army stall', says (iermany is not anxious for war, but can meet should it come, — Oct, 31, Dentz. police notify Count Dillon to leave.— Oct. 24, Disputes English right to isles of .Manda and Patta,— Oct, II, (iovernment of. decide to make Oct. Isth, Emperor William'.: birlhilay, a Oerman national holiday. — (^cl. 14. Grant of r20,0nil,000 marks asked for eslabli.shment of ten new army corps for, — Oct. 9. Kiel. Sliipbnilding yards obtain contract for building four ironclads for Government ol'.— Oct. Iti. Reichstag of, opened.— Oct. 22. Kcichstag of, re-elect Herr Von Kevet?.ow president.— Oct. 24. Prussia Bundearath of, adopts the permanent Socialist bill.— Oct. 24. Prussia Bundesrath of, creates Court of Ap|ical with eleven judges on bench.— Oct. 25. Gladstone Mr. \V. E., delivers great speech at Southport on Irish and election question.— Oct, 23, •jiadatone Mr, \V. E., speaks on favorable condition of working classes of to-day at Chester— Oct. 2ti, Ulasgow, Scotland, advices from, announce Hclvauce of 2s. in Middles- borough and Scotch pig iron— Oct. 24, Hamilton foundation stone of new public library laid at.— Oct. Hawaii. American (iovernment Intriguing to obtain possession of.--Oct. 9. H lyli, (ieiil. Ilippolyto elected president of. — Oct. 17. Health Congress, Rrooklvn, N V., Convention of Health (Congress closes. -Oct, 23, Indianapolis, Ind , agent ot English Syndicate completes purchase o\' Jlaii'B Schniidls ami l.ieher's bieweries.— Oct. 15, IndiaiH, massacre, Sonora, Te\., two companies of .Mexican soldiers slaughtered by Vaki Indians -Oct. 10. Indians, .Minnesota, Chippeua Indians sell llieir preserves to t'niled States. —Oct. 9. Inilians, tittawa, Iw'o chiefs of six nation Indians arrive at, and request abolition of council system, — Oct. 23 IRELAND, Co. Clare, laborers of, lorm Laborers League —Oct. I. Cork, Canon GriflinoJ, condemns statemeritsniadi? by T. Ilealy, .MP., that teiiiinciatlon by B.ilfour of Irish Calholic I'niversity scheme was a blow lo consvdiUation of British [lower ai Vatican. — Oct. 1. ("osts on Irish side ot Parnell Triif case published.— Oct. .5. Dublin, .New Viceroy, Earl of Zetland, sworn in, at. — Oct. U. Dublin, Nilion (lists meet in Dublin and establish Tenants Defence League.— Oci. 24. Perth, Sir K. Churchill in speech at, admits obligntiuu of Oovern- niciit lo pnrsie a (.eneroiis policy towards.- Oct. 7. Iron, dlasKow, .ScoUaud, big advance in pig iron reported from. — Oct. 10. Italy Governineut refine to receive \V . EtI'endi as Turkish ambassador. — Oct, 18. Italy, Palniero, Premier Urijpi in speech at, declares European peace assured — Oct. lU. JESUITS ESTATES —Text of resolutiona passed by Protestant Council of Eliication published.— Oct. 1. Division of the $4iiO,00n made known— Oct, 24. .Mo:itreal, Dallon .McCarthy, M.P,, arrives in.— Oct. 7. Halifax, N.S , Presbyterian Synod of amend Dr. Burn'.s motion on — Oct, 8. Montreal, Daniel .McCarthy, .MP., speaks at, appeals for one nation- ality, treats on French language in .Manitoba and revision of con- stitution.— Oct. 9, yiiebec. Premier .Mercier speaks on conslitulionality of Act, Rights of Province of (Jiiebec, etc.— Oct. !>, Quebec, Premier .Mercicr replies to IJishop of t^iiebec concerning resolulions of P. C, of P. I on, and the 41119,0110.— Oct. 19. Horel, P.lj., great meeting held at Puce, Riel rebellion and Jesuitism iliscussed.— Oct, II. Toronto, equal rights meetint; held at— Oct. lo, Jews, several thousand expelled from Russia, leave England for Argentine Republie.-tut. 4, Joiirniilislie, Herlin, editor of Ihirinniisrli, /, iliiih/, sentenced to niontha iinprisonmeiit for reprinting insiilling arliele on Empress Frederick. —Oct. 4, Journalistic, Liiiidon, Hug, , proprietors of Miiiiii;/ fi,i;,i;l nnd Fimncial 'J'imi.i of, arrested on charge of extortion.— Oct. 10. Journalistic. Montreal, J.n IJihliul/iii/u,- sues Ak Jurtice for $25,000 dam- ages for libel— Oct. 14. Judicial. Nova Scotia, Judge Smith, of Supreme Court of .N'.S., resigns.— Oct. 15. Kingston, People's Pulitieal Party organized at.- -Oct. 29. LABIIR, Hanover, proprietors of great worksat Lengeu concede advanc I ol 10 per cent, lo employees. —(.tcl. 11. j London, two thousand women workers hold meeting with object 01 improving their eoiidilion. — Oct. 7, Rome. Pope reipicsts Cardinal Manning to supply him with informa- tion regarding existing religions between workmen nnd employers in England. — Oct. lo. Labrador, report that people of, are atnrving, conhrmcd.— Oct. 17. LEGAL —Jesuit }fiiU case, Montreal, supplementary factum filed by .Mr. J. J. Curran in. — Oct. 8. Montreal, Judge Delorimier in Aggie Ashlon case decides that the mother has right ol custody of her own child,— Oct. 9. Montreal, cloistered nuns exempted tnun a|ipeariiig in (!onrt by Justice .Mathieu, in " La Banqiie Ville Marie vs. Hotel Dieu " case at.- Oct. 24. Montreal, judgment of S.'iOO damages given against J.c Monde at, for styling Mr. Noyes an orangemau.— Oct, 30. .Montreal, §800 damages awarded to .Morse e'i.'..\llan SS. Co. for deten- tion of cattle in I8S0 by latter.— Oct. 29. .Montreal, Hon. J, A. Chapleaii sues Hon. F. X. A. Trudel for $50,000 j , damages for libel.— Oct. 25. TIIK INDEX Of CURRENT EVENTS. ■ i LKUM.— L'vnltiiiirl. New Vork, H|>|>lJcation of Wpatrrn t'nionTel. Co., tolmve injunctloni ri'SimluiiiK liimrj of cli'ilriiKl control tor iulcilerence with wirei, rctiised \iy Judge liigriiLnm.— Oct. IB. (Jiit'ln'c, JuiIkc liousc rcAisi'a lo grant njotion setlinK aside |mrt of vi'rdicl ou liiiL' clitl ciiiii»iro|p|ie.— Uct. 'i\. Winddor, Dr. AikmHn (.uniniinct'S suit H|{iiinst Judge lloni fur fitlae iui|iriaoiiiueut, claiininK $riii,(i(ju.— Oct. I. London, com|>itiiy lonni'd in, to I'rict tower of Kiffel plnii. — Oct. 21. AliiuiloliH, Winnipeg Sun of, stales reason of Mr. I'renilcrgast's redigna- lion a.") I'rovincial .Sccreiarj^' of .Manitolpa, due to failure lo get apiudprialion lor French clerk a|i|ioiute(l li^ Inin — Oct. ;!.'i. MariliUie ronlerence, Wasliinglon, L> V , llritisli delegates object lu coni- lirebensivenes.s of progranuue of.— Oct. 17. irARKIAUGH.— Paris, Prince of .Monaco to Dncliess do Richelieu at,— Oct. 30. Vienna, Archduke Leopold lo Princess Blanche of Castile.— Oct. '^4. Athens, t'lown Prince of Oreece lo Princess Sophie of Prussia at.— Oct J( Paris, the ujarriaKc between Prince Mural and Miss (Jaldwell to Ije abandoned — » let. ;il. .MEDIt'.VL.— Ilustiin //rr«/(/ exposes more bogus ilipioina doctors.- Oct. .! .Montreal, Oovernors of the Oeueral llospilal oppose Kinalganuitiou Willi Hojal Vicioriii Hospital— Oct. 3. .Monlreal, I. aval and Victoria faculties aiimlgtiniated. -Oct. {>. .Montreal McOill College, Kacuitj- «( Vclerinary Science established in.— Oct. i'i. Avrlh Amirieiin Hivicif for October publixlies article on facility with which medical degrees are obtained in I'nited States— Oct. 1. Meiico, .i^.'.riuu.duu north of debt bonds stolen Ironi Treasuiy of— Oct I'.i. Mexico, lost Ouvernmeut bonds found. — Oct 2'^. MILlT.UiV - .Moulival, Connecticut .National Ouard visit city — Oct. 'J. Bavaria, cavalry of, anued with lances. —LIct. 12. tieneral liieaiinonl, the eniincut Belgian engineer, denounces new U.S. Zalinski dynamite gun,— Oct. 'JT. Germany Budget presented to Ueichstag increases army vote l.Ki,0(in,. UDU marks,— Oct. Ti. Italian Government order dO,imii),000 einokeless powder cartridges. — Oct, Iti. Kingston, liillu Association of, hold annual meeting at Barrielield ranges.— Oct. 17. Ottawa, Sir A, P. Caron stales thai Cadet Corps if nnconneeted with schools will not be recognized by Ouvernmunt.— llct. 'MK Quebec, B. Battery defeat A. Battery, manual shifting competition, tune -is seconds.— Oct. ■!. Kicbnioud. Vii,, Lord Wolsey notihes (iov. Lee that ho will attend unveiling ot Lee sIKtue at,-- Ucl, I-. Swansea. Kng., Oen. Orcnfell gives reception at, Hcl, IJ, Switzerland, Uiitiijit ol, appropriates D,OUO,iiOU marks lor renewing army rilles. -Oct. 29. Mining, American .Mining Kngineers visit Monlreal.- Oct. 5. Minnesota, starvation amongst settlers of, reported --t>et. Tl. Mississippi Valley, wheat growers ol, organize coni|iany with $'iO,000,UUO capital, —I Id 'i'A. .Mouluna, State ol, white population of, repoi ted lo be ITiVi'W. Indians 1,^,- uiio,- Oct. 2>'i. Montrei.l, uiiniial luieting of Dominion Klour and .Meal examiners, oUicers appoinled.- Oct. %>. .Montreal, by-law auihoriziiig million dollar loan passed by city council of.— Oct, Jl, .Montreal, .Mcdill I iiiversily, late Mr, Workinan beipa'nlhs $1211.(1110 to Oct 14. Ml' RDEK— Chicago, (."ronin, '>27 jurors ctcnsed,- Oct. 1. Chicago. Crouin, hxing of jury orden.'d, new detelopments in case, adiliuonal arresH made, — Oct. 12. Chicago, Croiiiu, three new suspects arrested at.— Oct 12. Chicago, IJiouiii, many true bills found against jury bribers —Oct. 14, Chicago, t'ronin trial, jnry bribery brought lo light,— Oct. IG, Chicago, Cronin, M, Slotteuberg arrested as one of jury bribers.- Oct. 10. Chicago, Cronin trial, break in Grand Jury reported, BailifT Hanks make.^ remarkable conlession. — tict. 17. Chicago, Ciouiii trial, eleven jurors secured. — Oct. lu. Chicago, Cronin trial, alleged plot to rescue Burke and Conghlin, — Oct, ly. Chicago, Cronin trial, Heggs tells story of murder, — Oct, 21, MURHKK,— t'onrinufc/. Chicago, Cronin, jury Impanaelled, trial begini.— Oct. 23. Obicago, Cronin, ojiening speech by Mr. Longeuecker, State nttornty details motive of crime. — Oct. 24. Chicago, Cronin, bold move on part of State authorities, teitiinony given— Oct. 25. Chicago, C'ronin, Winnipeg Free I'reaa publiahes account of murder given by llelfer, fellow prisoner with Burke. — Oct. 25. Chicago, Cronin, strong evidence brought against prisoner. -Oct, 3(1. Chicago, Cronin, Mr. Conklin tells how Cronin was lured to bis death. Kvidence corroborated by a reporter. — Oct 'iS. Chicago, Cronin, Ulan-na-Uael methods detailed by members of camp No. 211.— Oct. 2y, Chicago, Cronin, members of camp .Vo. 20 detail how secret com- mittee was appointed.— Oct. '.v. Dubuque, In., W. KIkiiis confesses to have killed bis father and mother. — Oct. 21. Florence, Ariz., live Apache Indians .sentenced to death —Oct, IM. Hamburg, Ocrmany, woman killed. Jack the Kipinr style —Oct. 17. Hamburg, Oerinany, mutilated body of girl lound.— Oct 2;i. Morrison trial, Slierbrooke, opening day of, prisoner pleads not guilly to all charges, dillicully in liiiding a jury— Oct. I. Ml gantie, .Morrison trial, Sherbrooke, I'lJ. , bitter feeling manifest at, counsel for prosecution tries to hreak down defence, — Oct. it. .Megantic, .Morrison trial, .Sherbrooke, case for Crown closes, Crown adjourns at rei|iiesl of prisoner's counsel.- Oct. 4. .Mecantic, .Morrison trial. Lake Megantic, P y , defence commenced. — Oct. 5, .Megantic, Morrison trial, prisoner's council pleads his case,— Oct. 7. .Megantic, Morrison trial, Sherbrooke, I'tj , verdict of nianslaughler with recommendation to mercy returned against prisoner, — Oct. y. Megantic, .Morrison trial at .Sherbrooke, prisoner sentenced to Id years penitentiary by Judge Brooks— Oct. II. St John,! N.B., Maciee candy poisoning case, coroner's jury return verdict of wiiliil murder.— Oct. HI. Whilechapel, Jack the Ri|iper sends letter to Wliitechapcl vigilance committee, announcing another murder for IHth inst — Oct 14. .N.WAL.— Court, Monlreal, on wreck of II. .MS. "Lily,'' reprimaufls Capt. Kussell and Isi Lieutenaiil Hewitt, and dismisses tliein troin ship,— Oct. 3. Disasters, I. of Anglcaca, H,.M,S. gunboat '• Knterprise" wrecked oil, —Oct. 7. Kiel, il. MS "Anson" goes ashore at. — Oct, II. Lord Chas, Beresford appointed lo command of H.M.S. "Undaunted.' —Oct. 27. New Vork, discovered thai bottom of monitors Meantonomali and Tenor, are decaying in dock at .New Vork.— iict. 14. New Brunswick, Hon. G. Turner, .M.P., resigns his seat.— Oct. 12. Newfoundland, new rock under water discovered oil South Coast of, - Oct. 13. New Guinea, I. of Diuneia, Sir W. .McGregor and 22 men have desperate light with natives of.— Oct, 15. .New Guinea, advices to London detail massacre of Rev. Mr. Savage bv natives of,— Oct. 30, .Mew Vork, Ueuiocratic Convention ol, meet and favor tariff reform. — Oct. I. Niagara, Pan, Americans entertained at, by Mr, Winian— Oct. 14. Nicaragua, canal ditlieulties regarding construction of, settled —Oct. In Night Schools, Montreal, Premier Mercier petitioned by deputation of workingmen on subject of Free .Vighl Schools.— Oct. 7 .Vorth-West I'crrilories, Kegiua, J. .McCarty in N. W. Assembly moves (or dralt of a |ietitioii to Dominion Governmi'iit lor repeal of dual language aeelion. — Oct. 18. North-West Territories, .Montreal, L' Ktendard denounces abolition of French language in .V.W.T— Oct. 25. .Vorlh-West Territories, petition presented to North-West Legislature, asking permission to manufacture beer in N,\V.T— Oct. 25. North-West Territories, Reginn, Mr. Coyley's motion to abolish dual lan- guage in N.W.T. carried by .N. \V. Assembly at.— Oct. 2rt. Ontario, Language qnestion,.Minister of Education issues order thatfingliah shall be language of instruction. — Oct. 21. Ontario, booksellers of, pass resolution endorsing Canadian Copyright Act. -Oct. 31. Ottawa, ex-Alderman Adam of, suddenly disappears. — Oct. 24 Ottawa, K.xclieiiner (.'ourt of Canada opens at. — Oct, 1, Panama Canal, M. Pruuet, liquidator of canal, announces that il is for sale, —Oct, 16. !3. State Attorney iies, teitiinuny III 111 munlei- iner.-Oct. Sd- 9 lured to hn 8. mbcrs of camp w secret coiii- Wit fallier auil -Oct. 1«. j-le— (let, 17. ct. 'Jll. .er pleiids not t. I. i|^ nitiuifeat ut. -Uct. :i. closes, Crown ' comnieuceii.— ;a9e.— (Jet. 7. f mKnslHiigliler isoner. — tJcl. y. ntenceJ to lH er'3 jury return liiiprl vigilnnCB t.— Oct 14. y,'' reprimandH isses them Iroin ) " wrecked "tl. 'Undaunted.' utunoniul) and let, Vi. iitli t'oaat of. — have desperati' .Mr. Savage liy Inrill' roloriu. — ot. 14. •d . -(let. In deputation of nbly moves for repeal of dual s aljolition of St I legislature, Oct. -15. dual lan- ct. M. Jer that English lian Copyright •24. hat it is for:iaIe, TIIK TNDFA' oF CT'HIiEKT KVKNTS. I'AIIN'KM.-TIMK.S — Oonitnis.iiiin, l.nndon, .Michael Dantl aildresneH, str'ed he i:jiuil a Fuiiian now, owing to changed coiiditionri. — Oct. 24. Oommi9Hion, London, Michael Oavitt in addreHrt hefnre, telU why he established Land League to aluili'di lanilliirdiKrn.— Oct. 'i'.i. Commission, London, Michael Davitt conclude.'i his speech before. — Oct. :ti. I'liiladi Ipliia, Korestry Congress at, elect Hun. ILU. Joly as vice-president. — Od. Ki, I'iltsburg, I'a , barb wire, manufaiturers of, increase price of wire 5 per cent. --Oct. I'.i. I'oisoning, Woodbury, N J , twenty people in boarding house at. — Oct. 15. I'ORTIIU.M,, King of, reported dying. —Oct. 18. Uiike of Uragan/.a issues proclamation assuming reins of power. — Oct. 19. Chiiinlier of Deputies, Wi Oovernment supporters and M members of opposition elected. — Oct Jl. Death of the King.— Oct. Id, i'ortugal, l-'uneral of King of Portugal takes place at Lisbon. — Oct. -7. I'ork, Sawyer and Wallace, lirokirs of New Vcirk, obtain injunction restrtiiuiug delivery nf Oclnber pnrk mi Hoard ot" Trade. — Oct. 4. Postal, Wa.shingUin, 1>.C., iniilual amiiigenienls iniide for transmission of article-! tlii'ough Canaditui and V S nmils.~Oct. ^Ti. Postal, Wasliingtou, D (' , conlereiue of post olhee inspectors held at objecl to adiipt better means lo ilelecl Iraud - Oct. ■_':). Prussia. Government of, suliinil bill In Itiinde.sratli, iiuthori/.iiig loan of J4li,0»0,00« marks— Oct. II. (jUKBKt! — Oovernment of. appiiiul .Mr t'loran to examine the jury system. — ttct. 1. Kederal (lovernment decide to close .Marine llosiiitnl.— Oct. 'i'.f. Premier Mercier liims.'lf insulieil by remarks made at labor congress, that he was fishing tor voles.— Oct. 7. Premier .Mercier orders extensive report on loll gates aud bridges — t Oct. \1. I Premier Mercier eelelirates Ins UUli i.iilliday -mi. H'.. KAILWAY.S. - Hiivaria, liiU subniiited In doulib- Irnek on all single track railways in.-- Oct. ti Cirand Trunk, Hun P. Sniilh director id (i T li. resigns— Oct 'J. Guatemala and Panama Canal Cn. sign contract for construction of railroad eatablisliing commiinicalion between Atlantic and Pacilie Coasts across Guatemala. — Oct. ^4. Interstate Uapid Tram Co placed in hands of a receiver— Oct. li. London, Kng., syndicate lo bridge Itivcr St. Lawrence at tjuebec, and run railway to Hello Isle Straus, lornied in.— Oct. 'J.i. London, directors of G.T.U. bold meeting in.— Oct. i'.i. Monlreal. rumored that C.P.U. will lake over Greiit Western It It. from St. Jerome to .Wiminingue.— Oct. 2. New Vork, Jav Gould decides to eiilircly re-couslruet the Manhattan l-;ievaled U.K.— Oct. ^H. New York, reported that Vanderbilis will take dv.r llie Chicago and Alton IMt.-Oct. 2'.i. Nicolet, VXl, meeliug lield at, to discuss South Shore l!.U scheme. —Oct. Jii. Nicolel, PJ^. eouvenlion held iil, to urge on (liivernnieiit the exten- sion of lulircolouial along south shore from Pi. Levis to Mont- real. -I let 2ij. Northern Pacific li.R. authorizes issue of $llil),iii)o,oUO new 5 |ier cent, bonds.— Oct. 17. Ottawa, Kit. Commillee allow .N'orthern Pacilie to cross CPU. at i'oi'lagi' la Prairie. — net. 4. (Jtlawa, liailroad Commillee of I'rivy (Council give several important discussions. — t)el. 111. iKIiiwii, airiin^emenls niiide for laying of lirst 30 miles of the Montreal and Wesleru R.K.- Oct. Jil. Shanghai, China, stab-d that collapse of railway scheme, due to Kreueti iiilluence. — Oct. li:!. Switzerland, concession applied for from Government of, for under- ground railway of .liinijfrau mounlain. — Oct. 2Jt. liUHSlA.— .A'""'/ Viemici slates that if Germany wishes for peace, she Hhoiild cease to tolerate Austrian lutritjues in liul;;aria.— Oct, 11. Noi'iil IVcrnvrtiillirms trien Isliip of Russia aud Germany.— Oct, 15. Staled that revenue for iss'.i is ;: 1,000.0(10 roubles in excess of e.\pcn- diluie.— Oct, 21. Batoum, Russian warship sank at, cr'iw lost.— Oct. Ifl. SAMOA. -Public meeting held at, to elect a King.— Oct. 14. .Samoa, battle between forces of Malietoa and Tainasusa take place in.— Oct. l,'.. St. Louis, .Mo., English Syndicate secures option in Elevator Co. of.— Oct' 4, Saxony, Goveroment of, det-iih- to admit VMimeii In privileges of ihe Put- versitiea.- Oct. lo. Servia, Governmeol of, alHilisb their own consulships In Uerniany — Oct. ■»■» Servia, Kx-kiug Milan expresses great eonlideuee in regents —Oct 1. KX'King .Milan telegraphs h, regi'Uls of, asking that (jueen .Natalia should bi' granted an interview with her sou.— Oct. 12. Ex-King .Milan denies a desire lo resume power in — tJct. 14. SHIPPING.— liritish .S.S. "Earnmoor" founders, heavy loss of lil'e.-Oct. 3. Ilaltimore, Carl Graves and L. Loder, survivors of S .S. " Eariimor," tell how they suslaineil lite by caunibali-im.— Ucl. 2,'' Itrilish. SS. " llolan " from Calcutta lo Liverpool founders at sea, 33 lives lost.— Oct 2H. Behring Sea, Louis Itloss, Pres. of .Maska Commercial <'n., slates that 30,(100 skins were stolen in, by pirates.— ( let. II. Collision S.S. " tieograpliiipie ', collides with ".Nova Senlia ' and is lost— Oct, I Ciillyhniik. .Mass, schooner ''t^uilp'' lo^l near, rrew drowned. — Oct, n; Halifax, " Gengriipliiipie " eidlisinn, '.'apt. of " Miiiuie Swift" Kdl story of leriible cruelly —Oct. !l. Lake Erie, severe .storm on, causes much wreckage. - t)ct 23. .Messrs. .Mlau issue coulrarls for building nf three addilioniil treighl steamers tor Cuuadiiin seivtce — Oct. ll». New Vork,SS. " 'I'eiitnnia ' aud "(Miyof .New Vork' slart on ocean race Mom. —Oct Hi. Ocean race, SS. "Teutonic " defeats '' ('ily i,f .New Vork " on West- ern '.np.— Oct. 12. Ottawa, Collector of Customs refuses lo allow .\tneriean fishing schooner at Cliarlottelowu lo purchase sails unless absolutely necessary for homeward voyage. — Oct, 1. Valencia. Itrig " /iileika ' wrecked nlf, ereiv ilr.oviieil, - Oct. ;i, Washiiiglon. I*,t^, Marine Confi'reiici , iiia-tlifinl ainf colnred lights approvi'd of by —I let. 2.'. .St Valier. P (,^., SS, " Canopur " goes ashore at. — Oct. 2. .Spain, Papers ol, comiiieuting on Interiialionii'i .AmiTliaii C'niigress express hope thai .Spanish Anuuican Republics will not allow them- aclves lo be made salellilies of hy I'S— Oct. .'1. Spain, Madrid, a number of stalesmen, generals, etc, arrested in gaiubliiig house. — Oct. 1*. SPORTING.- Shooting, .Montreal, great lelegrapliic Hhnniiug match conies olf at.— Oct. 7. liicycliiig, Peoria, Ills., fastest mile record of .\meriia nmde liy R. .Myers at time 2 iniii. 13 sec.-- Oct. 14. Poiitball, Montreal. .SIm rbrnnke defeat Capitals at, and win Interme- diate cliaiupioiiship. — Oct. 12. Lacrosse, Montreal, Crescents of, defeat Independents of (Quebec, and win Provincial chanipioiislii|i. — Oct. 10, Racing, London, objeclioii lodged against awarding (!/,arwiteh stakes lo " Primrose Day,"— Oct. bi. Racing, Loudon, Lug. objection againsi " Primrose Day " wiiiuer of Czarwilch slakes overruled. — Oct. I'.i. Racing, .Newmarket, Eug, .Middle Park Plate won by " .Signorina." —Oct. it. RACING.- Cambridgeshirejstakes von by '' Laureate '— Oct. 23. Sculling, Loudon, Malterson beats liubear at. —Oct. 14. STANLEY .M. 11— Rriissels, /iclrfni.lnh'i' ll'liji pulilishes account of his return to African coast.— Ucl. 23. lierlin, news received al, of explorer's arrival at .Mpwapwa, — Oct. '23. /an/.ibar, .Mr. .Sleplieiis, Ni-w Vnrk fl>'t'li\ri'ii in Oivnr III' Will kiiiKHicn's iliiy (if H lioum.— del, II. Brinlol. KiiK I iHliiiriTH t«l<»ii to rcpliuT Cm gm itriken «re Honed.— —Oct It. OtmrliToi, Id'lKi'im, l»ii iIiiiihhiiiI nml tnincrn. — Orl IM. Cheninil/., worslcil workcrH uf — (Pel, jj. Denver, I'll)., ili'li'tc>(l<-K of InliTiiHlioiiiil I'mllierliooil of I.ocomotire tin'nien vole in fHvtiur of leili'inlioii of lnl)or, iil.— I'd, W Denver, Col, Chief .\riliiir of llnillierhood of l')n(tineer» oppni.'H feileriilion — lid. :ii> Durhiini, Kni; , niiiier!< of .Silkiworlli rolliery.— Oel. ID, Hnmhnru, Hock men.— (k-t. Id. Firemen of SS. '■IhiibrU" strike —Oel. 13. Fmnce, cohI miner* of, emleil,— Oct. 31' Leni", Kmnre. .'l/ion eon) niinem in.— Del, 12, Lena, I'mnce, 'I.lioii eniil niiiier;) itt, lroo|H •tent.— Del. 1.1. I.iiiiiliin, .V Tminwiiv t'onipanie* ol, eoiieede u limirs per diem to men -Del. 11. NewBrlt, NJ.. ItHkeri of -Ocl. II. rillaburn, I'll , nioiililers, lor menine of |0 penenl. — (let. 10, Ritilronil, minera nn Ifiiie ile Cliiileiir UK. resiiine work —del. '2'.t. llHilronils, gwilelimen of l.iinisville, N.i^livilli' iind WL-ieonsin CnnI r II U 's, for inereiise ol vvui/ea — Oel. JJ. Toledo, switchmen.— Oct. 11. Sl'ICini,. Ilriuhl Sir Willnim T, Ilobertion, killi himicir, at. -Oct. fl. Swilwrliind, Council of Mmte for (-Hnton of Fribonrg vole $'i,'iSrt,nOO to foiiiiil Ciilholic l'niver»ily.— Oct. 6. Temperiinie. .MiiilreRl, Jiith annuel Convention ol W, C. T. V openi et I 111. J. Teniperiince, N I iikolii, prohlliiiion curried in. — Oet, (I. Tieonilero|;ii, t'e'.miun of l.iiril llowo found «t. — Oct. 10, Toronto, .'(n- .i of I'olice (aininiHsioners adopt liy-law reipiiring iiewabo)'" to lake out lieeuee, and proliihiling girls froui •elling pajH'ri on »lreet».-Oct 15 Toronio, .Mr Milock, .M.I' , reelected vlce-(!h«ncellor of UnlTertlijr of, — Ocl. IH Toronto, .Mr l.iiurier, in dpeech at Keform Club of, eupreises wilb llmt English iind Kreneli Ciinadlani knew each other better.— Oct. 1 Triple Alliiinie, Oermiiny, I'luitr /-/.-y,/ slates refusal of Uultau olTnrkey to join I'riple Alliimce — Oct J'l. Troy, N V , nwnl Kreiicli Convention held at,— Oct. 14. Topper Sir CImrleii, vi.^iis Spain. —Oct. 14. United Sinles, \V.nhin({ton. P. C., Blaine and Wiiidom ipiarrel over reliilioiirtiif r.S iiiiU .Mexico.— Oct. It. .\eliin,' Secreliiry ll:itcheMer prohibils landint; of Chinese launrtrymcn in I'S. -Oil. Jii. Wiisliiiifriiin, DC .Vegro preachers adiise their nice to move luoro South iind West.— Oct. JO. Washington, D C., preliminary meeting of tlio Maritime co:ifercnce held lit— Ocl, Hi Wilkestinrre, l*a., hrst American convocation of Orand Oomniandery of America and Ancient Highta of Malta takes place at.— Oct. 15. WKBSTKR In various Styles of Binding, with and without Patent Index. I'lie TalcNl KdiUoii liii» IIH.OOO WunU, nml a.OOO Kli- grUvllIgH,— :)01'0 iiiiirt Wor.l.f ftihl nearly 2000 more Engravings limn fiiiiiiil in any nllier Aiiieriunn Dictionary. Jt alw contains a ItioKl'tipliical l>ictioimry, giving briel facts concerning nearly lU.OOO Noted I'crstni^. To lliese featnrcB we liave CrUST JiL.lDT>-ErD (1885), A NKW PKONOUNCINO Gazetteer of the World, lontftining over 2,'5,000 Titles, liricjiy Jfscrltiing the Countries, Citits, Towns, anil Aatunil Feiitiircsnf every part of the Globe, COMPANION picture:s. Another lianil''oiin' reiiiimler ol tlic oiiiitiiiiu'd eiili'r|iri3c of The Yoi'th's Companion', (lie favorite family paper, ha-" come to un in llie form of B Colored Aiinouiu'emeiU Canl, prinleil in fonrlceii colorn. It i» foliloil in the centre, nml lias on eitlier cover comtmiiion pictiiren, SpriniJ is reprenentpil by n lieaiilil'iil maiilen wlio in reluriiinj; through the fielils, her liamls lilleil with trniliii}; arlmtiiM— that delicate spring flower which ^tohh ho pleMifiilly in many lociilitie.-^. On the companion page, the farnier'.M ilaiighler is picinreil comin;; Ihroniih the harve-i'r. This beautiful Canl is only an imiicalion of the great enterprise of The Companion which has made it n National Family pajHT, with more than 4H0,000 siibscnlxTs. Nowhere can there he oblaiiied so much entertainment and instruction for so little money. (Only $1.75 a year). If you subscribe now yon will receive the imper fiee to Jan. 1, 18110, and for a full year from that date. The piiblislieis ollei to send sfieci- men copies and this Colored Announcement Card free. Address The youTH's Companion, Boston, Mass, WEBSTER IS THE STANDARD Authority with the U. S. Supreme Court and in the Gov't. Printing Office, and is recommended by the Slate Sup'ta. of Schools in 36 Stales, and by the leading College Presidents of the United States and Canada. THE LONDO.V TIMES says: It is the best Dictionary of the Language. TllK yUAHTEI'IY REVIEW, LONDON, says : It is the best practi- cal Dictioimry extant. THE CALCUTTA ENGLISH.MAN says: it is the most Important work of the kind. THE TORO.VTO GLOBE, CANADA, says: its place is in the very highest rank. THE NEW VOUK TRIBD.NE says; It is recognised aa the most useful existing " word-book " of the English language all over the world. It is an invaluable conipaniou in every school, and at every fireside Spei'imen pages and testimonials sent prepaid on application. U. & C. MEKItlAM & CO., Publishers, Springrfleld, MasH., U.S.A. t?r' k— - THE INDKX OF CUItKKNT KVKNTH. 5), )rld, A^aturtil Iting Office, lies, and by |a. Language. best practi- Imporlnnt the very ao3t useful bid. Iry fireside O to O 00 o o CD ;2: W EH (•pnllKIJ, • ^ ' ^ •£ !5 -" '^t-i • -■ •»• ~« '^ o •* — M — i '^ . . > . •! "1 - y ?i rf ; 'J -• o « 'f ri « — -tf I - 66 as AtpHH AH|ti4.IMI|,|, ee Xiipw.mti.r, ,81 ~ XMOM*tll|t.t.\\ , 01 xif|w.M>r :S' 19 I ;!^ ;:3i^5?i'5 ]z^7^^'^^n^i \ S j m3 -Si'sn M M M ^ ■?» ri J fl -tf •-* M i) « M « "»* « f1 S ?i 'i I M QO M ?^ M ^ 5^ ?■* ^ M U : tn S -•-*»'W 1>*-l* ; t* : t 'i o ri ~. 3* I 10 5 . c ri — n — -p : : ; : c ^ ** *' ^ I .ox : t- f I .-.^ I- -. 3 * • I - ; o o : -r f I o ; ; :; t a t » ?i .^ i* -• ; J : t.T t -* "5 : M jv ^ : — « 1-^ « : a o -^ "* -* '# i 1 1- ; o 5 ; t ?i S ; — ct- |Qt.1mi-"S ; f j i!s3'as«?!3s'n'l2 3:2si5s iwl AHpilolV Xii|uii|<'S ~ II : I- ; M i — M ^ : I (p o n ?. o r> -r n -^ : : r- : t-j c m -* rt ; ; ; i T ji -j m r^: i- — 5 ; : I- : "f '30 — M -, ^ ; iM ift s M '« -^j ?» t m : : : I* : O - O t f I O ; <— C 00 ?> -^ M r^ I- ■-< ; '. : *j : « X o M .rj : : : j — : — n n o fi : : : v : I - ; t.T ; lO -t f » ; : . O «. ; i - — ri i - -^ ; : ; •*• lor-i^Tqp iMJi^* : : to o — c*o : -t m i : ; lo ;i- — ».)S i-i**-'* ; : s * j^ I- ?i : •- ;^ ; : :* -f -T ! : I- : ^! ^f o : 10 ?i : ■?» t.1 ^ ro I- : ;C ; t fi o t- ; o i» ; 'j m ro t- — o MM J T >. ?l t- ?t '^ ' M ID rt « M «*■ Ji rt t- -■ '^ : m T) • (- -H ; s ^ tj- ci ; s I- >?n- ?i ro I- — o T CO ci rt m ^ o ri I- — c ; fo ao 00 M ?i t-o A ri — : -f : '- !,•> ^i .-o M -f j> -M 1 - : •« : M 1) •^.- M o 5 ri - : ■■) : -^ o' M ri ri -r o T 1 1 - ; -.^ : fo z> .?i:i.,...nj, ; rit : M X — o r. -r : m i- x : « i- m ?* ?i 1- : I- ; 10 o lO -r ri ^ ! — ^ I- : I- M « I- — ^ : M X "^ i-^r^ I'. c> -r .?> • lo x : 1.1' 06'Vi'^'ro r-' ; 1- ■-• .n o 10 -f ?i c 'a : o I- ; t- n en I- — ■ I.— M « •* 5 ? I I - i» ?■! m lo — • ri ■?! o -t ; ?i -r « fo M f o 71 1- n "i ; w « s ?i f 5 in -^ M ri c -*• : t"! -t CO « r: ^ ; M I- ?j .0 ; rf; "ti ; -r rt o M ro M * c ?i 1- ri -.i — M .0 • '■!•■ ; ^ci-ci ^— •»*«i-.w-« , -i» ■««•-. K : X lO : M M : -J- — -M .-^ : ■ ^ : -i .o : ^ r*. ; fo « ; -t £ r 1 1- ; -c : ^^ to : Ci 11 o !•', M ^^ "c — M ~i - -»• '- ?i o ^ — ^■S o^ : '"^ 3 r'S^ 3— t-'^ B-; ^ E,i ^ fc J! a : : : : : : : E 2 ■ 4 rn a g8 .S.A. I THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. f l|* i ' If I iV TO ADVERTISERS. UOW TO GET THE MOST SERVICE FOR TUE MONEY ! The Ailvcrli^Jcr who wotilil l)i! williiij; to ii:iy twenty-five cents for overy tsiraily who could be '' ejiictiteil *' up tu the vrtliie (if liis floods would tlius devote $:i,OO0,oii0 to cduciile the I2,ollii,iinO families which ni-ike up the (10, 011(1,000 people of the I'uiled Stilted. This sum woidd do the busiiie- tlioroughly ill ii yenr, lor it i.s siillicieut to pay fir the iiHcrtion of a fin' culunin ill every is.sue of every imhliciilioii, and for icsetliii^,' the nmtler, nmking it new in every is.-iiie of eiicli sepiiriite piililicaliou. We will receive and e-tecutc the contract. $10. — We devote all necessary care to phicing small orders for Adverti- sing:— even the smallest! Time is saved by sendin;; check with the order. Often the .\dvertiser is not possessed of snilicient tnl'ormation on the subject to enable him to judge of the merits of an estiinate fa advertising, and he decides by the footing's of Ihe ligiiies whether lii' will or will not do the work. Yet Ihe eslimale binds the Agent, and makes it improper lor him to make any varialion in its specilieiitioiis, however much bis judg- ment may point to material changes which ought lo be made. This is specially liable to be the case when Ihe ordei comes a considerable time after the eslimale was made. $,Mi.— If yon are in the habil of occMsioimlly inserting a small ailver- tiseinent in a tew papers, iiivesling a few dollars, and carefully noting ihe r'Sult, we desire you lo make trial of our Aovertising llurcan, sending us the adverlisemeui and the money, leaving theseleclion of Ihe papers to iis and judging of Ihe siu'viee vendered by results rather than by nami'S, circn- lalion claims or prices. To make up careful eslimalescalls for much work. It diH'S ooi pay to make them indiscriminately bir every applicant. lf| such eslinialesas are asked for were always given. Ihe Ailverliser who, wished lo expend !?."iO would Ireipieuily tind himsell in iiossession o( the I scheme wliicb it would cost 5>.'>U0 or possibly .■^.■•,000 lo carry out. i SIOO.— The .Adverliser who sends his advei tisemenis, asking for the' best service [lossible for one hundred dollars, will often get from live to I lifty per cent, more service for his money than be would had be reipiired i us lo lell him in advance e.vadly what service we would |iroiiiise ; fori when an estimate has been given its plan and sjiecihealious must, in a ' general way at least, control the advertising to be done. II ties the ' Agent's hands, and prevenls his giving his patrons lo-.hni a better service | than he I'oiild have promised yesti'rday. because yesterday the opportunily | had nol presented iiself : lu-mnrrun- it mni/ Imrr /i.ixs, ,/,' Some publications are used most economically on coiitracis lijr a single issue ; in tiihers, inser- lion for a nionlli may lie had as cheaply as bir a single week , but in fur- nishing an estimate in advance, if the .\geiit nltempls lo go in'.o delaiU, Ilia correspondence becomes voliiniinous and the advertiser confused. I S'J.IO. — I'reiiare a small iidverlisemeni and send with check for J2,"iO, or any other sum. The jnactice of asking the Agent lo name his pa|iers in advance com[)els him to n.'inie such as ate well known, otherwise there is reason to suspect thai his juilgment is biased ; — mi. I tin limi iiii/nrn Jo nol Iikt' hi /I'lir Ihi'ir liitru 'juutcil /if/oir l/n'ir nc/icliilf, $1110. — Ijcailing newspapers, especially the leading Agricultural news papers, fivcpieiiily issue large edilioiis(of twenty, HIty, one hundred or even live hundred ihousand co)»ies). and solicit adverlisemenl oniers from us, on terms which would ofien be accepted by our patrons if there was time to invite attention to the matter ; but the ipieslion must gen- erally be decided belore there would be tinie to write and receive a reply, and often the case cannot be fully slated williin the limits ofa letter. $1,000. — If we are given niilhority tu insert adverli.seinenis to a limited amount, in such mediums as olfer indiicenienls which seem to us specially favorable, we shall not abuse the conlidence reposed in us, and shall render slatenieiits of whatever is done (if anything) from day to day Wlien Iriislr.l with Ihe placing of an advertisemeiil. we are luit upon honor, and are bouiiil in honor to give the best service possible for the money to Ije used. i $.'i,000. — One of the most successful Advertiseri we ever had always ordered bis adverlisenieiits in this way, " Gel the bes" service you can for ' rae lor S'',000," leaving every detail to us. We were thus enabled to say to a Publisher, if you put this in at a huge reduction from your rate it ' will be no criierioii for further transactions. It was a surprise to Hud (Uirselves so often able to contract for the insertion of tliat particular advertisement at half rates, iu papers which would not permit us lo ijifcr their columns at a penny's deviation from their priiiled schedule. The advertising rale of one .\ew Vork paper are double those of another which has twics the circulation of the Hrst, Similar disoremiucies are ugt uncommon. The advertisement entrusted to us to be placed in nctordauce with onr judjfment often does double service for hall Ihe luoiiey. A dollar fiir twenty hve cents. ' The Oldest and Largest Roller Castinfl Estab- lishment in New England. s^-! — -♦• •HISTABX jISI3:E3i3~~ 1859 ♦ sr^?? Wlia:) c\ STEVENS. (* * (a (( L,, rinkTs' hVollers ai]il rVollor (6 oinpo.-^itioi^s. No. 148 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON. IT PAYS ADVERTISERS TO KEEP POSTED. pays for a book of more than 200 pages tievoted to Newspaper Ad- vertising, and containing Infor- mation valuable alike to experi- enced and Intending advertisers. pays for a year's subscription to PRINTERS' INK, a Journal no ad- vertiser alive to his own interests can afford to be without. Issued twice a month and con- taining articles bearing on every branch in advertising ; in fact the trade Journal of American adver- tisers. A sample copy will be sent for Five Cents. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & COS Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York, << THE INDEX OF CUllRENT EVENTS. ig Estab- u WHO SUIiSCiai'.H TC riiK INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS." -♦ r-S TON. to sts Bry he 9r- snt l\l, The "Index of (Jmi'cnl Kvcuts" is iniicli iiiiiJicciiitcd not only by the jiress of Ciiniidn :uid tlic United Stiitcs, bnt alsi) by tiie ]iublie. men Dl'lidtli countries, lis lisl of .subseiiber.s inehides siicii i^reat ne\vs]iiiiieis :is (be I'bilii- delplliil Z<'(/(/rr, Ibe Itiislon Traiincriiil, tbe New \'uik World, tlie Cincimiiiti J'JikiuI nr, tlie llrudklyn Kii'itc, tbe Toronto Jviiijiiic, l!ie CU'veliind Lvader, t!;e l,'lii(ii,i;o Hcndd, tbe Cineinniiti I'oM, tbe New York MuniiiKj Juuriittl, tbe Cliii;a,L;o Da'tli/ Nnr.\ tbe lnib:inii|iolis Journal, tbe New York ^7((/•, tbe Tnjy Bndiicl, tlie Clii- Ciigo Staatu Zcitwnij, tbe New York A'ali^m, tbe Troy Prexx, tbe ^Vasbin},'ton ►S7(t?', tbi^ Cbiciiy;o Inter-Oce(jus to subscribe to tbe InDKX of CultllKNT EVKNTS. Wo luivt^ tile llollor to include anionj^ our sidiscriber.s, Her Majesty's I'livy Council for Canada; also, Sir dobn Alacdoiial'l, (!. C. i>. Premier of the Dominion, Sir Hector baui^cvin, iMiiiister of rublie Works, Sir A. 1'. Caroii, Minister of Militia, tbe Hon. (r, E. Kostei', Minister of Finance, tbi^ Hon. Macken- zie Ijowi^U, Alinisterof (Justonis, the Hon. .1. A. L!ba]>leau, Secretary of State, tbe Hon. Jobn Costij,'an, Minister of Hilund lieveiine, llu^ Hon. .Jobn Haj,',t,'art, Postmaster General, tbi^ Hon. Jobn Carling, Alinister of Aj,nir;ulliire, tbe Hon. C. H. Tiiiijicr, Minister of Marim^ anil Fisheries^ the Hon. Commissioner of Ai,'riculture and Colonization Quebec, tbe Hon. lloiicber de l.a Bnierc, late sjn-aker of the Legislative Council, (.tiiebec, tbe Hon. bicuteiiaiit (Joveriior Itoyal, Mr. Krastiis Wiman, tbe Hon. Minister ot Public Works, Toronto. Tbe Liiiiariaii ol I'arliament, tbe House of Commons Peadini; lioom and tbe Librarians of many of llie Provinces of tbe Uominion and States of tbe Union suliscrilie to tbe Index. Amo"? tbiiWell known public librarians who subscribe are. Mi. ' C. Hurlbiit, Librarian ol llu' ^American (Jeot^rapbieal] Soci<> ■ New- York, Mr. W. A. HardwcU, l.ilnariaii ol'llie Brooklyn Li- brary, Mr. W. H Uri!tt, librarian of the Cleveland Public Library, Mr. F. P. Jordan, Libraiian ol tbe Public School Library, liattle Creek, Miclii;i;aii, Mr. \V. T Peoples, Li- brarian of the Mercantile Library, New-York, Mr. Pobeil E. Rich, Librarian of the Public Library, Portsmoutli, N. H., Mr. J. !'. Dunn, Librarian of tbe Indiana State Library ndianapolis, Mr. F. W. \'aui;lian. Librarian of tbe Social Law Library, lloston, Mr. .lames V>. ruirnwell, Librarian of till' I'biladelpbia Libiaiy, tlic l.ibiariaii ol'llie I'rovideiice Public Library, the Librarian of tbe free rulilie Library, San Francisco, Mi. .lobn M. Do.ine, .Slate Librarian of Ohio, Mr. W'illiani II.Fule, Slate Librarian of Pennsylva- nia, Mr. M. ( 'liamb(^rlaiii, LibiaiNMi III' llic ISosloii Public Library, Mi. .\. W. Wbrlplav , Liliiaiiaii of ibe Cincin- nati Public Library and .Mr. C.I'.. Tilliiinliarl, Slate Liloa- rian of Massacbiisclts. The leadiiii; liaiikcis (incliiiiiiii,' tlie liank of Montreal), brokers, lawyers and liolcl keepers of Canada, and many clerL;yiiieii also keep ihr //m/< c mi tile. What is Iboiinlil of the liidi.r may lie nalbeicd I'riiiii tbe numerous entiridy unsolicited cxpiessiniis of approval sent in by well known public men, of wliicb tbe followin,:^' arc speciniims : .Mil. Maktin .1. (ntri'i'ix. Liiikaumn hi- I' m;i.i amkm. oii.iwm. wriii'i r ;un si'iiiilnj; yoii ii HiiliHiTiptipii fm- Iwtt I'dpii'ii ol yniir '* Itiitrj-,*' whii-li will 111' ni'isl iisi'fiil aiiil wliirli ili'siTV.-fi i'iii'(iiir:iti«'ini'iil. If vtiii will liikf |i;irli- Ulll.'ir|>.lillHl<) ;;JV0 I lie lllllrri unit liuiiri'snri'lci'liolis Mtlll I III' ilalt'S nf spi'i'l'hi'H of t'Mlilic iiuMi, Willi riir.'ii'tici' uUn In till' pliin' ;it. uhii'li llii's|ii>i<('li Wiis ili'livi'ii'il. y III will ill) ;i viM-y ^riilrriil iIiIiik t'nr piililii' [ii>n|>lt. iiixl i>illltii-s. anil 1 iiiiiy iiilil iilii';iri;iiiH. Mi:. .Ion N .M. lloANK. Si' A I'K l.liilCAItl ANitI' Oliiii, \v rill's : Mnclo^fil pli'flHii Hint i4i\ iliilliiis. ill jiiiyiiii'iil. I'lir Stiilo l.ilir;ii'y i^iibscriiilioii lo iIk' "Index nf Clini'iit Kvi'iitM '■ for l.ssil. I ri'i^riril it :i.s it vi'ty Yalii;ilili> pii' ligation, a nt'i li.i|ii> tlial ynii may nii'i'I with sin'lisiu'fi'd^ii.^10 warranl il^ i-iiininnaiiri', lor il will ^r..\\ iiiuri' valualilt' I'vrry jwir. .Mil. ni:ltlllKS,iir I Ills ItllnoKI.VN An;//.', wrili's :-"! I'liiicrallltalc you iiicst In'artity ii[)on liavini'ilnin' ;i ^; I lliiii^'.a v<'r\ ^fnml lliiiii;. in slarl iiij; llic" hnh.r" I'litiTprisi'. 1 hop!' I may liav,' till. ji.y ol confjiallilaliniiyHii upon joiir hiutcs.^ a yi'ar lii'iii'i'. .\ man Willi linlii- on tin' tiraln is one afti-r my own ln'arl. ,My juilKlni'iil was for I upon NiiliilK'r I : it tin' Imli'xili): is lii'pl ll|i as llioriill),>lily juiill snlisi'qiii'iil, nunihrrs it will In- a >:rral li.-tp to us. " Sili('iiAlii,i:sl'ii'i'l:u.liAiir . It n.M l.',.M:i,. imirAN Mi A. wrili's: — It si'i'uistiinii' to tic ;i viiy iisc'l'iit piililii-;ilioii, and itiat will 1..' viilii.ililu for ri'frri'iu'i''s." Mil. Hi HK. AsMot'iAli; l-:iilnil: s sliotilil he iiitKie lo 1IMNI!V h.ALKV, P. (». liiiX iSllI, ..Miii\TiiK.\i . (^ac. TJie Index of Cut-rent Kveiiis is piihllsliuil liy Uenry Diilhy, Munlrual. 10 THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. i I iW ALBEMARLE HOTEL. 1:1 ItOl-KAN ri.AN, Broadway, Pifth-ave. & 24th-8t., New York. (MAiusoN ,s(,ir.\i!i:.i JANVRIN & WALTER, Proprietors. HOTEL KAATERSKILL, Catskill Mountains, New York, l.Drgeet mill Fiiient Mountiilii Hotel in t]w \vorIWAUI> N. UOTII, CINCINNATI. OHIO. On the Kuropean plan. i.^citllon niul t^tM-vii'o untiurpusfied. Kvery moiIerD Improvement. UouniH, 91-50 pur day and upwardn. GRAND UNION HOTEL. OppoHlM liriiiitl ('<>iiir}il Uoptitt NEW YORK. Six hundred rooiiioat SI ;ul:iy i iid upwiinU. KeHtnunmts at moderate prices. RAUUAIJK T() and FUOM (.lUAM>*«;r.NTllAI, Dlll'OT KKKK. W. I». aii I'laii. { Kimiiiis litl.OO niiil Upwui'ds TIii> at'coniiiMMliilinns of tin- .\f*ttc will lir fimml lirst-cltisg In every respect Eleviilur running iiii([*(*i'ilcx»-i-llriif.-. I'rivalf (liiiiiiji roniiiH l. IM'NCIIAItU AL' «'(>., PiiiprletolH O JFL .A. I^ 13 XI O "T* :ES H., Broadway, cor. 31st st.. New York. OIsT THE ETJI^i.OFTiJ.A-IN' FJ-.Jf^l\i and i?.t per day. -IFICKII.I. A: IN:KS4>l.l.. rrnprletort*. FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL, Madison Square, New York. Tlie lareesl. best aphniiilei) aii., vili) lil>l opi'll.^.l il 1..|l|e liMbliiv Till': '• rAi.Ati; • iiotki.. JOHN A. RICE & CO. Vrtees, !?;l.oo lo .*fr,.mi pei- liay. Speeial ral.-s niatle by llii; week. ICooinH ningle or <« tmitr, with or wilhonl ballis. >II!S. .KMIN A. ItK'K, MHilllK«r ALBION HOTEL, MARKET SQUARE, - _ - TORONTO. The bf>Bt dolhn- a day Innise nn the cmitlin'nt. l<'iiio rouiiiH ; ^ooil Hervlee every i-OMveniom-f. Centiully IniattMi Itir rj.lluayH. HteainbuHtH and street oars. JOHN IIOI.ItKKNKHS, rinpiltttur. THE FALMER HOUSE, TORONTO. Corner Kin« anil York streets. Specially ailaiiteil lor r'oinnierelal inen^ f'J.llll perilay. .1. C. I'.VI.MKU. ■>riiprlvU>i'. .VIsii ICerby ll.iuse, llraillfonl. THE WINDSOR HOTEL, DENVER, COL. Largest and most Elegant Hotel in the West. UUSH & niOUSIO, l'i-oi»rict«(rs. .A.13.A.3VES XXOXTSES, Washington-st., Boston. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Tliroe luintlretl rooms. Priv.-ili- jtailors, ballis. ete. Hesi joralion in the ,.lty. AHliiellylirst-elasshonse. <.i:«». l':iii'npeai) riiiii. Head of Stato-st.. Boston. Great Iv oiilarjjed ami inipin\ed. and now nili is f^npeiinr aeennnnodathmB for both hidieii and ^eiitleinen. Nuted I'ui the peeiili.iv l ilH eninitie. .1. K. WHirri.i:. rropiletur. TOWER HILL HOTEL AM> <'<>TT.\rop8, ished and refitted )KN, Manager. I>USE, 11' pitrk. N«tiieftt lans tlif house to .1^, I'i'opiietorM. t>TEL, iiti'l in tliu city, iiirciitjouK, t>TEL, the West. T £1 £3, N. ■ t I men lost tlieir lives in recent blizzard in. — Nov. L'O. Electricity, Harris Henry, of New York, kiUeii by shock of— Nov. :i(1- Electricity, Providence, U. I., lineman T. .McCiirtliy killed by live wire. — Nov. 2.'). Explosion, Boehune, Russia, explosion in Konstanliec petrolenm pil.S' 14 workmen killed.— Nov. 27, Explosion, linidford. Pa., of natural gas. kills two persuiis — Nov. 2.'. Explosion, Dnyton, Ohio, natural gas killing 2 chilJrcn, injuring many people. — Nov. 20. Explosion, Diiquense, I'a., boiler in Steel Works at. killing 2 men — Nov, 2U. I Explosion, Friedrichsshuette, Silesia, in dynaniile factory, 20 killed. — I Nov, 3. [ Explosions, Hunan, Gernuiny, eight person.s killid, twenty-eiglit injured by explosion in licnul I'uwder Kadory at. — Nov .4 Explosion, Ilazelton, Pa , fire boilers explode in Pardee & Co.'s coal mines, killing :) men, — Nov, ii. Exjilosion, Oil City, Pa,, tliree men killed and niueli property dam- aged by explosion of nitro-glycenne at, — Nov. 'MK E,vplosion, Parkensbure, \V. V,, fly wheels enntrolliug machinery in Parkensburg Mill Co. explode, damage jlO,OOii. — Nov. 2,"i, Explosion, Philadelphia, terrihe e.vplosion occurs in Wylie & Wal- lace's chemical works at, killing 3 men. — .N'ov, I i. Fall of belfry ai Olaliiiyfaln. Mungary, killing six persons, — Nov. Itr Fall of building, Glasgow, fall ot a ^ahlc wall kills over ,"iO girls and I women iti Templetoo's Carpel factory. — .N'ov, 1. Glasgow, tweutv-uine bodies recovered Irotn I'Uins (if carpet factory — I Nov. 3, ■ Fall of building, Olahnyfalu, Hungary, belfry falls, killing six persons at,- Nov. 1,'j, j Fire, liahleiisville, N. Y., Seneca Hotel at, loss 5;j,"iii,l)n(i,— Nov, 20. Fire, lioston, great blaze in, destroys matiy business houses, los^ , $10,iiU'i'iOU.— Nov 27. i Fires, Bo.,oa, loss in great lire estimated at,— Nov. 28. ! Fires, Chicago, large building in Fifth .Vveniie desliiiyed, estimated damage $33,il(J0, — Nov. 3u. Fire, Elmore. A.-:,in.boia, coal (ields in, reported on lire, some 20o feet ' de^ii. — .Vov. i7. t Fire, Leechburg, Post Oiricc and inuny buildings destroyed at, loss $110,000. — Nov. 26, Fire, London, Westwood, Baillie .V Co , iron works deslroved by, loss §250,000.— Nov. 1, Fire, Lynn, Mass., square mile of business portion of, destroyed, loss $10,000,000.— Nov. 2(J. i Fire, Lynn, Mass., $30,000 subscribed for sullerers from late tire in,— Nov, 211, j Fire, Philadelphia, Jannoy fc Andrews, loss $200,000. — .Nov. 23, Fire, St. Eleuro Co., four children burnt to death. — N'ov. 10, ! Fires, Toronto, Triil/t building damaged by, to extent of ,$100,000, — I Nov. 2il, I Fire, Williamsburg, N. Y., Hector Iron WorKs in, damage $250,000,— ' Nov. 25. Flood, Alton, Ont,, mill dam bursts at, carrying away several mills, two persons drowned N'ov. 12, I Floods, Johnstown, Pa,, flooded again. — Nov. H, I Mining, Butte, Mont,, nine men sulVocated, — .Nov, 23. Mining, Westphalia, Germany, 2,"iO miners (entombed in) rescued.— 1 Nov. 25. Rauban, Germany, twenty miners burned by collapse of mine at. — Nov. 13. Poiaoning, ('ity of Mexico, poison accidentally ndmlnistcred to inmates of Belem Hospital in, kills four persons.- Nov. 21). ACCIDENTS.— CoaO'-iuei/, liailwav, Old Colony steamboat train in collision with switch enoine of .New York, Providence and Boston Road at Providence Rhode Island, two killed, — -Nov. 30, Railway, Easton, Cal,, passenger train on N. Ford road collides with a freight, 3 men killed, — Nov. 1, Railroad, Vauilrenil, P,y , George Robinson, G, T, R. conductor, falls off bridge at, and is drowned— Nov. 22. Shooting. , Montreal, Capt. Ducbene of schooner ''Albany" shoots himselt, — .Nov, ,'i. AFRICA,— Statement that Lord Salisbury protested against German pro- tectorate on coast of, denied in London. — Nov. 4. Lord Salisbury protests against German protectorate on East Coast of— Nov. 3. Wiseman's expedition encounters G,0li0 .Mafitcs, and repulses them with loss. — .Nov. 4. Zanzibar, report of massacre of Dr. Peters forwarded from, — Nov. G. Transvaal, great drought reported in. — .Vov, IL Lieut, (iordon. leader of Portuguese expedition, announces submission of chiefs ot .Masboiialund tribes to Portugal. — Nov. !). Zanzibar, German East Co. of, restore warehouses, etc., claimed by Sultan of.— Nov. 9, Guinea, reported that tjiieoa war ended in favor of Portuguese.-. Nov. ID. Tunis, many prisoners and soldiers killed in revolt amongst convicts in Laylonlule prison at, — Nov, 22. London, .Mr, .McKinnon receives a letter of thanks from Emin Pasha acknowledging receipt of relief fund, — Nov, 20, London Timis says .Stanley and Emin Pa-:lia will enter British African (j'o '.s service,— Nov. 27. 'fajoroh ruler of, signs treaty for suppression of slavery, — Nov, 27. Uepcirted that Major Wissnian's next undertaking will be an expedi- tion to arrange niatieis in I'sanibaia.— Nov. 29, Lord S^ilisbuiy orders British .Minister at Lisbon to protest against Portuguese annexation of territory north and south of Zambesi R — .N'ov, 20. Lisbon, Tapers of. severely condemn Salisbury's attitude on African allairs.^.Vov. 27. Agricnlture, (Juebec, Council of Agriculture advise closing of Richmond College— Nov. 23,, Richmond, report of movement to establish College of Agriculture at. — .Nov, 3. .VUiertii, cattle from, bring a vury high price in English nnirket. — Nov. I, Anti-Jesuit agitation, Ottawa, Col. U'Hrien addresse." Orangemen at, The Jesuit Act coinleinned, — Nov. 5. Armenia, .Moiissa l)ey,kuidish chief, charged with outrages on Christian in, imprisoned, — Nov. 19. Armstrong Engineering and Shipbuilding Co. decide to increase lapiliil stuck to .t'l,00ii,iioo. Sir W (t. .-Vrmslroiig in speech defends llie 1 10 ton guns, and denuunees the governor test as imfair. — Nov, ,, Astronomical, Warner observatory, U.S., .Mr. Swift of, discovers a new comet. — Nov. 10. AUSl'RALI A,— N, S, Wales in reply to Governor's speech in opening Parliament bouses adopt address, hoping for federation in. — .Nov. 27, AUSTRl.'V Ilungaiy, llerr Jokal before Diet advocates closest union with .■\iistria, — Nov. 2'*", Vienna, Nugg Beckskerek, encpiiry on large number of sudden deaths in Hungary, prove 3-^ poisoning cases. — N'ov. 23. Republic accepted by all the provinces of, Papal benediction confer- red on new (loverument. — .Nov. 24. New Government adopts the old ttn^, France recognizes Republic— Nov. '29, l>om Pedro, ex-Emperor of Brazil, ^rrives'.at Lisbon.— Nov. 29. Baltimore, Premier Mercier addresses R. C. Congress, dwells on affairs in Canada, annexation, states the general sentiment to be in its favor, —Nov. 11. Banks, semi-annual seltlenient day ot Bank of England, — Nov. 1. Barnum, London, police refuse to allow Barnum's parade on eve of Lord .Mayor's day.— Nov. 2. Bavaria, Government of, decide to readmit the clergy of Redemptorist order. — Nov. 15. THE INDEX OF CUERENT EVENTS. Ill BEIIRING SEA.— Victoria, sciilcrs of, present Lord Stanley wiili iiddresa showing tlieir wrongs. — Nov. -t. Birminghiim, Eng., Liberal Unionists and Conscrvnlivcs meet to discnss lalter'a claim to additiorial jtarlianK'ntary claim for borinigli of. — Nov. 4. lirixham, Devon, statue commemorating landing of VVillinni of Orange unveiled at. — Nov. 5. liKAZIL.— Great revolution takes place in. — Nov. 14. Don Pedro n'plies to Government order, stating he will resign I'irone and leave for Kuiope. — Nov. lii. Declared a Kepublic, Kinperor Don I'odro deposed. — Nov. 17. Kevolullon in, accomplished. Minister of Marine shot, Don Pedro reported us a i)rime mover in his own deposition. — Nov. 21. Provisional Gov. of, issue decree proclaiming universal sull'rage in. — Nov. 21. Belgium, Brussels, Anti-Slave (Jongress opens in.— Nov. IH. Brussels, Anti-Slavery conference at, decid.'a that territorial questions are out of its competency. — .Nov. 2.'{. Brussels, British plenipotentiaries suluuit to proposals of anti-slavery con- gress at, for suppression of slave trade on the seas. — Nov. 20. Bulgaria, St. Petersburg, Cziir in interview witli Bulgarian ambassador presses his right to select bead of Bulgarian Government. -Nov. H. Calgary, acti'in taken by T Kde against Commissioner Ilerchmer of N. ■\V. M. P. for .$5,000 (assault).— Nov. '.i. Canada, P.Q., Provincial Government decide to test rights of Federal authorities lands in. — Nov. 2. Canada, L. A. Cattelier appointed Under Secretary of Slate at. — Nov. 29. Chicago, last batch of breweries in, reported waiting purchase by Ki]glish syndicate for $4,350,Oim.— Nov. 2G. Chicago, natural gas discovered near. — Nov. 13. Chicago, sixteenth annual Convention of \V. C. T. U. held at. — Xuv. 8. China Government of, refuses to grant a concession for.telegrajih line from Siberia to Pekio. — Nov. 21. CliU' dwellers, S. Colorado, ruins of habitations of cliffdwellers discover- ed in.— Nov. 23. Coal, Pittsburg, Coal Cos. of, reduce jirice of coal delivered at New Orleans 4 cents per barrel (unprecedented), — Nov. 26- Coal, Sharbot Lake, Ont., rich find o(, near.— Nov. 23. Coal, Philadelphia, price of advanced to $2 per ton by Schuylkill shippers. —Nov. 2. CRETE. — Outrages in, continue, three Christians arrested. — Nov. 4. Lord Salisbury receives despatch from British Cou.sul in, stating that accounts of outrai,'es were exiiggeratod. — .Nov. 4. Troubles in, settled, trade resumed. — Nov. 8. Sultan of Turkey grants aninesly to insurgents. — Nov. 15. Constantinople, trial of Mussa Bey, for maltreating christians in Crete begun at.— Nov. 23. CKIME.— Bigamy, Montreal, case of 11. Melbourne opened at.— Nov. 4. Arson, Paris, Ky., business premises of T. 11. Waller at, burned by incendiaries, damage if 20,0U0. — .Nov. 3U. Amsterdam, N.Y., D. Carmichael, business man of, steals $110, 000. — Nov. 12. Bigamy, Windsor, Ont.. William Ware convicted of.— -Nov. 21. Dynamite, Jackson, Mich., [uisoners attempt to blow up jail at, with' — Nov. I'j. Defaulter. Conshohocken, Pa., Cashier Cresson, of Tradesmen's .National Bank, defaults Willi j;:io,iiO0.— .Nov. Forgery, London, lOiig., E. .\. llolfe, a journalist, sentenced to 10 years penal servitude for forging a bill of exchange. — Nov. 20. Forgery, Si. Paul, .Minn., F. Quesnel arrested for forgeries anioiinting to !S15,000.— Nov. 23. Gamblin';. New York, police raid on the Louisiana, Little Havana and a German lottery. — Nov. 30. ' London, .Mr. Labouehere apeaks'un the London scandals in connection with telegraph boys— Nov. 14. London, Press of, comment freely on late scandal-, strongly urging wholesale exposure uf per.s lis implieated. — Nov. 20. London, Prince ot Wales insists on London scandal being exposed if n"cessary. — .Nov. 21. London, Mr. Parke, editor of the North London I'rcsf, arrested for libel in conueclion with Cavendish Square scandal. — Nov. 23. Outrages, (lornwall, Out., gang of desperadoes commit extensive out- rages.— .Nov. 2.1. , Train robbery, Choclou, Indian Territory, Missouri, Kansas and Texas III!, express robbed or.J.')0,000 by ten men.— Nov. 24. Trail', robbery, Berwin Station, F. T , tifteeu masked men rob South bound Santa Fe train of !?3ii,(i00 at.— Nov. 20. Cuba, (iovernineut of, award building of new water works with an Ame- rican lirni for $2,00u,000.--.Nov. 22. Customs seizure, at Quebec, of three whisky smuggling schooners. — Niiv, 15. DEATHS— Martin Colonel, M.P. for Rimuuski, Que.— Nov. 4. Blackford Lord.— .Nov. 2'i. DEATUS—Coiitinuc'l. Earl of .Mounteashell.— Nov. 13. Jellett Ex-County judge R. P., Pielon, Ont.- Nov. 21. Molfatt (.'ii|it. Joseph, al Cleveland, by drowning.— Nov. 30. Pendleton, F.S. ex-.Miuisler, al Brussels.— .Nov. 23. Rogers Geo., of the St. Mar.v Fouiid''y, at Montreal.— Nov. 30. Rev. Mother St. Louis, Superioress uf Good Shepherd Convent, Que- bec. — Nov. 4. Warnibrnmii, Silesia, Adolphe Henselt, faninus pianist, at.— Nov. 8. Dulnth, great fraud in real estate discovered $337,000 lictitioas trans- fers exposeil. — Nov. 5. ECCLESIASTICAL.— Baltimore, Archbishop Satalli, Paiial delegate to (Catholic Cenleiiniiil, arrives at.— Nov. 3. Baltimore, R. Ciithulic centenary celebrated at.— Nov, 10. Biiltiinnre, .Md, Cnlholic Centennial, Premier .Mercier eulogizes on Archbishop Carroll, delenils Jesuit Estate. Act, etc., etc. — Nov, 12. Balliiuore, .Md., Iluiiiel Dougherty op.'iis C^Mliolic Congress with speech on liKlepeiidence of Holy See. — \u.\ l^. Baltimore, Md., tliilholie Congress, I'lomier .Mercier's address on im- partiality of French Canadians, Ueatmeiit of Protestants and Catholics. — .Nov. 12. Baltimore, ("atholic Congress at, closes.- Nov. 12. Chicago, Seeoiii! Aniiiml (Jiuiference of Church of God in C. J. con- vened in Chie.igo. — Nov. 10. Halifax, N. S.. .\rchbishop OBrien of, advocates congress of English- speaking li. Catholics, .slating tliat future of Church of Rome is ill English-speaking Catholics' hands.— Nov. 20. Kansas Oily, si lenly-liist auniiul meeting of .Missionary committee of the .Methodist E|uscopal Church held at.— Nov. 13. London, England, Slnii'lar.l sttys General Hiinniond'3mi.«sion to Vati- can will be coiiHned to church matters in .Malta.— Nov. 28. .Montreal, Itev. E. Owen, of St. Bariholoinew's, resigns, on account of dispute on surplice qiiestii'U. — Nov. 24, Montreal, .Miss Wood, niece of Rev, Edmund, takes the veil.— Nov. 21 New York, Presbytery of, decide for revision of Presbyterian form of faith,— -Nov. 4. Ottawa, prominent members of St. (Jeorge's C account of chanting of " Kyrie."— Nov. 3. Church withdraw on Philadelphia, Archbishop Ragan of, supports rights of Catholic writers to criticize faults of priests.- Nov. 15. Rome, papers iif, state that Piqie in view of his early decease has asked to be interred in Biisilica. — Nov. U. Rome, Special to London from, states that appointment of General Sinmions as British envoy to the Vaiican is regarded as lirst step towards renewal of ollicial rehilioiis between England and the Vatican on Irish question,- Nov. 1. Rome, Gen. Sir J.L, A. Simmoiids, British envoy to Vatican, arrives at. — Nov. 23. Romp, Jesuits in, resolve to recall members of their order from Brazil. —Nov. 2!). Rome The Civilita Ciilliolicii denies iis stalemeiit that Vatican had piill'ist schemes of Government to infringe Papal See.— .Nov. 3. Rome, the Pope orders that the lu'operly uf all cardinals who die having no relations, shall be bequeathed to the Propaganda.— Nov. 20. Rome, reporled that the Vatican will create a Palriarchate in Egypt, and un Apostolic Prefecture in the AynmlHgas— -Vov. 21. Toronto, Diocesan Jubilee celebrated at.— Nov. 21. Toronto, Anglican Jubilee closes at,— Nov. 27, Toronto, Ont , eighth aiiunal Convention of Baptist Congress of America held at.— -Nov. 12. EDUCATIONAL.— University ol Pennsylvania adopt modified form of co. educational system.— N^ov. 5. Washington, 1). C, dedication of Catholic Dniversity of, takes place lit.— Nov. 13. Baltimore, .Mrs. C. Donovan of, presents $100,000 *o John Hopkins Iniversity, to tbund chair of English literature.- Nov. 8. Baltiniiire University, R. Catholics of America raise $50,000 to endow a chiiir in, to memory of Father Matthew.- Nov. 10. Manitoba, University of, establishes seven new professorships.— Nov. 10. Montreal, movement to endow Faculty of Applied Science in McGiU College (cost $10»,i)UO).— Nov. 27. St. Paul Man., Indian Industrial School handed over to Church of England authorities.— Nov. 20. EGYPT.- Prince of Wales visits Cairo, inspects troops, Freucb press jealous, -Nov. 2. Reiorled that Osma Digna is collecting troops to advance north,— Nov. «, Suakiin, Bnggnrns ravage country, slaughtering and doing much damage, — Nov. 27. fov. 30. Uoiivenl, Qiie- , lit.— Not. 8. lictitiuua trans- iiil (Ic'logiite to 10. r I'ulogizt'B on , etc. — Nov. 12. Uongrcsa willi lidilress on im- rolestnnta and jii in C J. con- eas of English- cti of liome ia •y committee of nission to Vati- >v. 28. I on account of veil.— Nov. 21 jterian form of h withdraw on Catholic writers rly decease has nent of Oeneral id as lirst step ilaiid and the 'atican, arrives Jer from Brazil. X Vatican had I.— .Vov. 3. liiials who die Propaganda. — cliato in Egypt, iv. 21. St Congress of ified form of co. :rsity of, takes 1 John Hopkins IV. 8. 50,000 to endow irofessorships.— ;ience in McGill ir to Church of I, French press ivancc north.— lud doing much THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. EIjEOTIONS. — state Elections, great victorv obtained by democrats. — Nov. 4. .J Birmingham, Eng., Conservatives of, discuss their relations with Liberal Unionists, and decide to insist on larger representation. — Nov. Brome, P.Q., a prohibitionist meeting held at, succeeded by an Equal Bight one, former refuse lo be identified with latter.— Nov. !». lirome Co., I'.Q , (!onservalives of. elect .Mr. 1{. N. England as tbeir candidate. — Nov. M. Brome Co., P. Q., ('onservatives of hold meeting, and condemn Mercier's Baltimore spoeeh.— Nov. 10. Brome, P.g., E. S. .Millimore presides over Liberal meeting, lina appeals to electors made.— Nov. 27. Brome Co., I'.Q., Mr. England (Con.5ervative) returned for, by major- ity of 1H2 votes.— .Vov. 29. Brome Co , P.Q., .Mr. Uiiffy on his defeat —Nov. 20. Compton County, P.Q., Liberal-Conservative Association elect their otiicers. — Nov. 22. England, Mr. Glailstone states that if elections were held in England, a Home Rule majority of 103 would be returned.— Nov. 29. Fredericion, N.B.,. Scott Act sustained in, tor fourth time, majority 68. — Nov. 27. Germany, Social Democrats nominate 102 candidates. Nov. 27. New Vork, Sixth Congressional District. Turner C. H., to House of Representatives.— .\ov. 30. N. Dakota, G. Pierce elected U. S. Senator for.— Nov. 20. Rimouski, Que , L. N. Asselin, Conservative, and A. Tessier, Govern- ment su|)|]orti'r, nominated.— .Vov. 27. Rimouski, Le Coiirricr 'In Cnnmlti jirotests against means taken to return .\lr. Tessier for Rimouski Co., condemning appeal to religious sentiments of electors made by Government. — .Nov. 3(1. Toronto, West York Convention endorse .Mr. .Meredith ns their leader. —Nov. 21. W. .Middlesex, Ont. John Morgan, Conservative, nominated to oppose Hon.G. W. Ross.— Vov. 27. Electricity, New Vork, current curried through tclei.hone roasts horse knocks nuin senseless. — .Nov. 4. Electricity, Vew Vork, grand jury of, return presentment e.'. Electric Light compuMies of, lor tearing up streets promiscuously. — .Vov. 29. Elevators, London, Company formed with cipilal of $2,.'J00,000 to buy grain elevators of Chiarty' — Vov. 22. Chamber of Deputies, M. Fcrrail moves a grant of 750,000 francs to assist striking miners — .Vov, 25. Chamber of Deimties invalides electi(m of M, Arnault, — Nov, 20. Chamber (tf Deputies, bill brought before, proposing tax on ever- foreigner residing in, etc.— Nov. 27. Election Bureau of, invalidates election of Boulanger and M. Naquet. —Vov, 22. Havelaque, .Mr. Goblet in speech at, states that real struggle of future would be reform of taxation. — Nov, 0, Isle of Jersey, liouhuigist meeting held at. — Nov. 11. Paris, Leon Hay, in speech at, favors conciliatory policy between Church and State. — Nov, 8. Paris, reported that total number of visitors to Exiiibition at, was 25,000,000,— Vov, 0. Paris, great exhibitiim closes, — .Vov. 19. Paris, Papal Nuncio in, instructed by Vatican to favor adhesion by Catholics to Conservative Republican party. — Vov. 20. Paris, .M. Clemenceau, that revision commission was not competent to annul Boulanger's candidacy was invalid, Bureau decide otherwise. —Nov. 27, Paris, f ur|ilus in Budget for 1888 announced to be 40,000,000 francs, — Nov- 20, Senate votes a navy credit of 58.000,000 francs, — Nov. 20. Freemasonry, Quebec, Grand Master of, removes edict pronounced against Grand Lodge of England. — Vov. 2. GKRMANV— Emperor William visits Sultan of Turkey, at Constantinople. -Nov. 3. Budget, Committee of Reichstag approve foreign oflice change and formation of new mining st'iff in Alrini, and a new colonial ilejiart- meut.— Nov. 8. Berlin, foot and mouth disease amongst cattle assumes si'rious pro- portions near. — .Vov. 18. Berlin, .American Thanksgiving dinner held at U.S. Minister Phelp'a r''sidence, — Nov, 27, Vinety-one social democrats put on trial at Elberfeld for belonging to secret societies, — Nov. 10. Reichstag of reject the motion to rescind the law regarding importa- tion ol cattle,— Nov, 10, Reichstag of, hold debate on Colonial policy of, Socialist bill accepted —Vov, 20. Reichstag of, grants a|ipropriation for defensive purposes in W. Africa.— Vov. 20, Gladstone W, E,, atSouthport. England, condemns Government for caus- ing plan of campaign and other evils. — Oct. 23. Gladstone Mr,, London, rumor that Mr. Gladstone will not contest his seat in Parliament.— Nov. ;23. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. I i\ I I i.( V \:' r- {'■ Glasgow, boom in pig iron mnrkut cullnpBcs — Nor. 14. Guntemiila, deapatchea atntc that leader of iin^urreelioiilsls and his aons were shot by order of Pres. Berrillos.— Nov. 2. Guatemala, minister in Washington denies that revolt took place in Oualemala.— Nov. 3. Guinea, Venezuelans attack Hritish residents of Callao, after inflammatory speeches on boumlary question. — Nov. a. Guineas Sir Edward, gives i;2Ml,000 for erection of dwellings for laboring poor in London and Dublin. — Nov. 20. Harvard, Mass., .Mr. Boiirinot, clerk of Uanadian House of Commonsi addresses students of, on political lelalions of U.S. and Canada. — Nov. 8. Hatfield, McCoy feud, Milton, W. Va., great bloodshed reported, troops called out*. — Nov. 1. Havana, Cuba, Government of, award coutracts for new water works to American firm for $2,000,000.— Nov. 23. Hawaii, R. Wilcox, leader of insurrection in Hondula, acquitted.— Nov. 2;t. Hicks-Beach Sir M., in speech at Bristol, upholds fusion of Conserva- tive and Unionist parlies. — Nov. |:(. Hungary, Government of, purchase 10,000 taverns throughout counly for school houses. — Nov. 12. Immigration, Atlanta, Convention of Knights of Labor propose presenting a hill to Congress, restricting immigration. — Nov. 20. Imperial Federation meeting in London. — Nov. IB. India, London, report that Lord Harris will succeed to the governo ship of Bombay. — Nov. ,5. India, Bombay, Lord Harris appointed Lt, -Governor of — .Nov. 21. India, American missionaries in, complain of tax levied on their salaries by British Government — Nov. 12. Indians, Ottawa, .Miss F. Mereale, an Indian lady, appointed to deparlmcnt of Indian affairs (first such appoinimeui ever made). — Nov. 22. Ingersoll, Ont., Sir R. Cartwright, in speech at, criticizes Equal Rights agitation. — Nov. 12. IRELAND, Cork, Tenants Defence League established in.— Nov. 4. Mr. Balfour at Cabinet Council presents to Lord Salisbury a draft of a land scheme for demanding $10,000,000 to deal with disaffected parts of. — Nov. 29. Belfast, Ireland, /feics Letter publishes an apology to .Mr. Sexton, and pays him jCOOo damages. — Nov. 25. Belfast, statue of William HI unveiled at.— Nov. 16. Dublin, Appeal Court confirms sentences on Father O'Dwyer and seven others. — Nov. 4. Parnellitc party collect £20,000 in Australia.— Nov. I. Rev. Dr. O'Reilly, of I. N. L. L. of .\uierica, hands over collection made in America £8,000. — Nov. 1. Slated that Pope abandoned his attempt to pacify Ireland, as clergy there resisted him.— Nov. 27. Iron, Glasgow, prices of warrants in Pig Iron market rise from .573. Id. 'o .583. 9d.— Nov. 4. ITALY.- .M. de Loncle in Xixme Steele states that Italian (Jovcinment held 811,000 troops in readiness to invade France anticipating a Houlau- gisi victory in electoral campaign. — .Vov. 5. Parliament of, opened by King Humbert— Nov. 25. Rome, decree issued ordering an investigation into the municipal Hnances of. — Nov. 9. Japan, London Ilernld states the good prospects of En^lan 1 entering on treaty relations wiih Japanese Knipire. — Nov. 4. Jeffersonville, Indiana, Union League at, burns an effigy of Pres. Harri- son.— Nov. 12. JESUIT ESTATES, Montreal, Premier Mercier pays over the i5ilOO,iioo.— Not. 5. Alleged discovery of a letter from Hon. Mr. Chupleau, saying he was ready to settle the Estate question in a quiet way. — Nov. 20. Mr. Chapleau denies that he ever communicated wiih the Jesuit Fathers on Estate question. — Nov. I'.i. Premier .Mercier asks Mr. Chapleau's leave to publish hitter's letter on question of. — Nov. 21). Ottawa, Ae Canada blames Jesuits for University troubles in Montreal. Nov. 24. Hon. Mr. Chapleau denies existence of a letter written by him on question of settlement of. — Nov. 29. Hamilton, Ontario, Presbytery of, resolve tliat Jesuit question must be lested.- Nov. 20. JUDICIAL— Quebec, Chief Justice Sir A. Siuurt resigns.- Nov. 15. Montreal Bar of, unanimously favor selection of Mr. Justice Johnson as Chief Justice. — Nov. 21. Quebec, Hon. J. BInncbet appointed to the bench Nov. lU. Kakabeka FalU, with water right, sold to American parties.— Nov. 15. Kansas City, three lar|,'e breweries in, sold to English syndicate.— Nov. 12. Kingston, Out., (lelegate.s to .Municipal reform Convention at, instructed to vote for abolition of exemptions under 700 (excepting Govern- ment anil uiuiiieipal properly, etc.).— Nov. 12, Kingston, (int., .Mr. Wiman speaks at lengthon trade relations between U.S. and Canada. — .Nov. 23. Kingston, Out., Gas Co. and Electric Light Co. of, anuilgamate.— -Nov. 23. Knights of Labor, Atlanta, Ga., general convention of, opens at.— Nov. Labor, London, L. Gas Light Co. admits 700 employees to share of pro- Hta— Nov. 16. Denver, Col., Locomotive Engineers refuse to adopt plan o( federa- tion. — Nov. 2. Langpviu Sir Hector, in article in A« Drapeau, points ont advantages to federaliou of llje Empire.— Nov. 2. ^KGAL— Monlreal Seminary sued by city to recover |8,088.07. — Nov. 2. Bloomington, III., Supreme Court of State of, decide in of city 1.1. Mrs Washhiii no nf .Salvation .Army, establishes rinlit of cities to protect tliemselves against alleged objectionable |)raclices ul Salva- tion Army. — Nov. 26. London, Eiig.. (^ou't of Queen's Bench at, refuses to grant Sir C. Russell'.s luuiion asking to set aside decision of the lower courts postponing liliel suit rs llie Times.— Hoy. 12. London, Lord Knstcni lakes action against editor of North London J'resn lor arlieles connecting him with recent scindals. — .Vov, 20. .Montreal, action of Judge Diigas vs. /<« Monde for $25,000 damages commenced. — Nov. .'i. Moutieiil, Appeal in case of Nuns of Hotel Dicu, from decision of Mr. Justice .Maihieii appointing a commissioner.— Nov. (i. New Y.UK, Juilgc Duniels (in case of People r.i. North River Sugar Refilling Co ) decides that the sugar trust is illegal.— Nov. 8. Ottawa, decision in case of Royal Electric Light Co. of Montreal, to annul Edison Co.'s patent for incandescent light, given against former. — Nov. 27. Qiieliec, H. McFarlane, contractor, asks suit against Baie des Chaleurs R.R. Ior.ii4l7,000.— Nov. 23. Slierbrooke, case of Hon. J. G. Robertson, plainlitrDs. Hon. G. Irvine to reeover 46 prior lien bonds of Quebec Central R.R. due to him -Nov. 1. Waterford, Ireland. .Mr. Redmond, editor of Netva, sentenced to 3 mouths iiiiprisunineiit lor intimiilaiion.— Nov. 29. Leewaril Islands, Sir V. M. Smith, governor of, visits Ottawa with object of esiablishiug closer relationship between Islands and Canada —Nov 1. London, Gas Light Co. of, admits 700 of its employees to share profits.— Nov. 'tU. London, Lord Mayor Isaacs installed in office. — Nov. 9. London, Hon. J. Wliitehend, cx-lord mayor of, made liiironct. — Nov. 3. Loudon, jirospectiis of Canadian Dead Meat Co. issued in capital $300- 000,-Nov. 23. ' London, Union men in Export Docks refuse to work unless company's perinanont workmen join Union. — Nov. 4. London, Eng.. syndicate of French capitalists offer £200,000 for Her .NIajesty's theatre iu. — Nov. 22. Lome Marquis of, al Dundee, Scotland, points out advantages of Central Govcruineiit,— Nov. 4. .MARlilAGES— Royal, St. Petersburg, betrothal nf Czarwitch to Princess .Margaret of Russia, staled at. — Nov. 5. London, Eng., betroUial of Princess Maud to Czarwitch reported Nov. 25. London, Eng., Lord Fitzmaiirice to Miss C. Fitzgerald of New York —Nov, 23. .Marriage between Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria to Princess d'Alen(;on abandoned. — .Nov . 22. Me.\ieo, Chiiintier of Deputies elect .Senor Romero as president — Nov. 1. Mier, Me.\., battle between .Mexican troops and custom guards occura at lifteen persons killed, two lynched. — Nov. 8. ' MILITARY— Montreal, suggestion by miirksinen of, to establish a Domin- ion rifle leiigu". favorably received tliroughont provinces — Nov. 2. Germany, Reichstag adopts bill tor organization to two new army corp.s. — Nov. 20. Germany, (iovcrnuient of, ofler 1,000 marks yearly to sharp shooters volunteering for Africa.— Nov. 23. Italy, Government of, order 40,ii00,000 smokeless gunpowder cart- ridges.— Nov. 27, THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. .—Nov. 15. ftle.— Nov. 12. I at, instructed pting Ooverii- tioiis between gamiite. — Nov, ipens at.— Nov. ) share of pro- >lan ot fedora- ad vantages lo 3.07.— Nov. 2. in cftiie ol city i^ht of cities to dices ol 8alva- o grant Sir C. e lower courts North London Is.- Nov. 20. !5,000 damages decision of .Mr. th River Sugar -Nov. 8. of Montreal, to , given against ie des Clialeurs Hon. G. Irvine R. due to liim. lentenced to 3 awitli object of and Canada. share profits.- Jt.— .Vov. X capitiil $300,- ess compHnys )0,000 for Her gcs of Central tch to Princess ch reported.— of New V'ork. ;cs3 d'Alenijon mt— Nov. 1. irds occurs at, lish a nomin- ees — Nov. 2. wo new army ihnrp shooters ipowdnr cart- mUthKY.-Conliniicd. Russia, (iovernnient of, form 1 Hying morlar artillery parks, 2 Held and 2 local mortar parks, and a new corps of frontier guards.— Nov. 2!). Russia adapts Lcbcl rifle and smokeless powder for army — Nov. ft. Winnipeg, Dominion Court of Revision at, decides that mvn serving in Infantry .Schools mav vole ou question of income qualilicatiun. — Nov. 21. .Mining, Randolph, New York, ricli silver vein slruck, also gold, ot Salis- bury, N. C— Nov. It). Moncton, N.B., .Marine Prohibition Convention at, declare prohibition neces.sary. — Nov. 11 Montana, Republican Toole elected as Governor.— Nov. 4. Montreal, Bailiffs' Assdciation petilioii Superior Court that 5 of petitioners members be disiiualilied. — Nov. 1. Montreal, million dollar by-law for harbor improvements put down for amendment. — Nov. 4. Montreal Street R. R. Co. decide to issue new stock.— Nov. 6. Monlieal, P.Q , V,\»i%. TWbault speaks on future of French Canadian race and Rinnan (Jatholic (,'hurcli at.— Nov. 10. Montreal, Harbor Police (after 40 years existence) disbanded.— Nov. .TO. Monireiil, members of Ciiy Council slart on Western trip tendered by C.P.R.-Nov. 29. Montreal, night schools opened in.— Nov. 27. Mormonison, Mcl.cod, .Man., leading elders from Salt Lake City visit.- Nov. 18. .Mormonism, Suit Lake City, women take uaths to avenge blood of Prophet Smith.— Nov. 2:i. MURDER, CliicaRo, Cronin,jury Wibcr disappears.— Nov. 1. Chicago, Cronin, Burke identified as man who rented Carlson cottage. — Nov. 2. Chicago. Cronin trial continued. Burke supposed tube the mysterious J. li. Simonds, and visibly uifecled bycvideuce elicited. — \ov. 2. Chicago, Cronin, Kennedy refuses to defend Burke, Crouin's friends meet —Nov. 3. Chicago, Cronin, .Mr. Baker arrives at, with valuable evidence against linrke. — Nov. 4. Chicago, Cronin, witness Spellman contradicts bis former staleiueut regarding the murder.— Nov. 4. Chicago, Cronin trial, Alei. Sullivan discharged on $25,000 bail. — Nov. 9. Chicago, Cronin trial, Chicago, G. Klalire testifies concerning tin bo-x, blood-stained elollies produced in court.— Nov. 11. Cnicago, Cronin trial, Mr. Iloerbal testifies to lutvingseen Dr. Cronin enter the Carlson cottage, and heard sounds of great struggle. — Nov. 12. Chicago, Cronin trial, past history of (Uan-na-(iael, evidence declared incompetent by Judge .McConnell, prosecution closed, — Nov. 13. Chicago, Cronin trial. Dr. Cross gives a new story of the murder.— Nov. 14. Chicago, Cronin trial, defei'ce on (alibi method), o|iened, attempts to disprove idenlilicalion.— Nov. \^. Chicago, Cronin trial. Dr. Croniu's clothing and surgical case dis- covered ill sewer.— Nov. 8. Chicago, Cronin, continuation of the enquole, interesting evidence given liy a reporter, outline of proposed defence shown. — Nov. 10. Chicago, Cronin, the llohoken witness arrested, the defence charged with tampering willi .Mr. Hoertel.— .Vov. 22. Chic'igo, Cronin, President Harrison's name introduced, evidence still equivocal, prosecutor called as witness fur defence. — Nov. 19. Chicago, Cronin trial, prosecution closed.— Nov. 2(j. Chicago, Cronin trial, Dr. Cronin's knives shown in Court, .State Attorney LongenecUer commences summing up — .Nov. 29. Chicago, Cronin Dr., State .\ttorney General concluded his address for prosecution, .fudge Wing opens for defence.— Nov. 30. Chicago, Cronin Dr , ex-Judge Longenecker conciudes his address to jury.— Nov. 30. Chicago, Frawley, whole family of Frawley murdered.— Nov. 23. Dnrango, Col., Did Il'.itch, cliief of Pintes Indians, and his mother. — Nov. 13. Graud Rapids, farmer Weslbrook living near, brains his wife, son and three daughters, and cuts his own throat.— Nov. 3. Giielpb, Ont., Harvey trial, several witnesses swear lo insanity of prisoner. — Nov. 1. Guelph, Harvey the murderer sentenced to death, to be hanged on 2l)lli inst.— Nov. 2. Guelph, Minister of Justice declines to recommend commutation of death sentence of Harvey.— Nov 25. Guelph, Ont., W. H, Harvey, murderer, executed at.— -Nov. 29. Guelph, Ont., inquest on remair.s ol Harvey at, official expert eiecu- tioner recommended.— Nov. 29, MURDER. -Continued. Lctingion, Ky., Cols. Swope and Goodloe kill each other at.- -NoT. 8. >St. John, Grand Jury bring true bill on. McDonald in candy poisoning eiise.- Nov. 23. Toronto, tiunale inmate of Insane Asylum kills another.- Nov. 5. Yuma, Ari/.inia, Sheriff Reynolds and deputy, killed by their Indian prisoners on route to jail.— Nov. 3. Mowatt lion. Oliver, addresses electors c' iVestLambton on religious and French school question, — Nov, 9, .Musical, Italy, fiftiethanniversary of Verdi's first opera celebrated through out.— .Nov. l(j. Nanaimo, li C, suicide of Peter Cameron at.— Nov. .30. .NAVAL, Ollawa, order issued by Council setting aside part of Ksquinialt harbor for use of British war ships only.— Nov. 3. London, new cruiser "Blake " launched at.- Nov. 23. Rio Janeiro, two British war ships ordered to, — Nov. 24. U..S. Navy to be supplied wiih Brown preamalic powder and new smokeless powder. — Nov. 26. U.S. cruiser ''(^arlesfon" accepted by Government. — .Vov. f. Navassa Riots, Baltimore, U.S. cutter ".Ewiug " arrives at, bringing pris- oners and details of Navassa riots. — Nov. 1. Navigation, Mr. Tjrrell of tlie "Albert" denies that Hudson Strait's passage is impracticable.— Nov. 18. .Vew Orleans, defalcation of *400,000 in "baby" bonds discovered. Nov. 1. New York, State Elections, Democrats gaining, admitted by Politician that Gov. Hill will be the next democratic candidate for President —Nor. 6. New York, municipal authorities of, pass by-law prohibiting street music, —Nov. 7. Norihwest Assembly introduces bill to disfranchise in election of mayors and councillors from those who are in arrears for taxes after Dec. 1. —Nov. 4. North West Territories, Regina, strained relations between Lt.-Governor Royal and .N. W. Assembly reporied, — Nov. 1(>. .Voltiiighaiii, Eiig., Conservative Conference held at. Lord Salisbury states that Gladstone's separation schemes were making no headway, also stales he would not support the 8 hour bill. — .Nov. 2ii. Nottingham, Eng., Conservative conference at, approve of Lord Salisbury's social prograniine. — Nov. '27. t)il advances to 112, highest point reached in 4 years. — Nov. 8. Oil, boring for petroleum in Gaspd commenced. — .Nov. 4. Oniarici, Toronto Mail stales tliat Provincial Government will dissolve Legislature.— Nov. 3. Ottawa, great orange demonstration held in. — Nov. 5. PARNELL TI.MES— London, Sir Henry James, in speech before Parnell Commission, strongly cunilemns Parnellism. — Nov. 5. Commission, London, SirH. James in speech before, declares that vast sums in bauds of Irish leaders had not beenaccouuted for.— Nov. 19. Commission, argument on behalf of Times concluded.- .Nov. 21. Commission closed. --Nov. 22. Parnell Mis., mother of Nationalist leader, reported to be in a destitute condition in. — Nov. 15. Parnell Mrs , publishes a letter calling attention lo her destitute state Nov. 2U. Philadelphia, public meeting to express sympathy to sufferers, by Russian Political Exile system, held at.— Nov. 2(5. Portugal, Ijueen of, gives birth to a son. --Nov. 15. Portage la Prairie, Man., at opening of Lansdowne College, Attornev Gen. .Marten says separate school system will be abolished.— Nov."l2. Postal, proposed to extend a free delivery of letters to all cities in United Stales having 5,000 inhabitants. — Nov. 9. Poslal. reported that .Mexico Government will introduce phonographs into its post otlice.— Nov. 21. Postal, US., chief P.O. inspector Rathboue iaaues his annual report, show- ing arrest during year of 801 persons for offences against P Nuv. 20. Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I., alleged shortage in Provin- cial Crown Lands Department reported from.— Nov. 2G. QUEBEC— Senator Ross's will found unsigned in an old portmanteau estaie left to F. Ross.- Nov. 1. Citizens of the Uanlieu protest against annexation with.— Nov. 1, Premier Mercier receives Papal Benediction from Rome.— Nov. 2. Premier Mercier returns from Baltimore, says bis speech there on Anuexutiou was misreprescnied. — Nuv. 13 GO,OOU gals, of American smuggled whiskey seized at.— Nov 15, Government enroll 41 additional Justices of the Peace.— Nov. 4. Extensive whiskey smuggling in, reported by .Mr. Cornellier .Nov. 21. Phenomenally low tide at, grounds all vessels.- Nov. 18. Pteiuier Mercier at Moatreal speaks on liimouski election.— Nor. I(j, THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. 1 ■! i t 1; M-l if. ; n ?! 11 '.'■ '( t'"! QUKBEC — Oontinurl. S. B. Cormier appointed IiegislatiTO Uoiincillor for Kcimcbrc dirUion. —Nov. ■-'3. Repiiliition of workinitmen ask Premier Mercii-r for iilglil sclmola in. — Nov. '^7. Ore»t slorm in, ciiiijiM raiicli dAinage, leuvui llic city in darkness.— —Nov. ■>!. HAILWAYS.— Chicago, lieport from, Btalcs tliiil control of C. I. II. It. sccnreil by Vanclcrbilts. — Nov. 4. Atuiiison, Topeka A .Sunn Vi< Railway Co., and auxiliaries, mori- gnae by, for $150,Oi)0,niiO to Union Trust Co. of New York, regis- tered at Toposka, Kansas.— Nov. AO. Car blockade over, on (/M'.K. — Nov. 13. Chicago, new trip rates in grain adopted by Hoard of .Murine t'nder- wrilera of, between Chiragii and ports on Lake Michigan. — Nov. 1. Chicago and N.W. declare semi-annual dividend of .1 per cent — Nov. .','■>. Fast .Mail service from Chicago to Pacilic Coast inaugurated on Burlington li.ll.— Nov. l.'i. Great scarcity of height ears on Canadian and American lines reported. — .Nov. 2. CI. W. II. coTnniei.ce a span bridge over R. .Vicolet, length 2,808 feet, height from water 'JG feel. — Nov. .'!. Harrisburg. charter issued to Wilkesbarre and Williamsport R. II. Co. at, caniial$l,(iuii|OOii.— .Nov. 213. Montreal, freiglit car blockade coiiliiines on many line.«, particularly G.T.K.-Nov. .1. New Vork Iligli K. R. ollicial slates that N.Y.C and H. li.ll. will con- tribute *77:"j,0(JU to World's Fair of 189i.— Nov. 1. New York, application if Uochester and Luke Ontario U.R., to dis- continue W(uk on its roaii during winter, refused by New York board of U.K. cornmissioner.j. — Nov. 13. Xew Yiuk, .1. King re-elected president of F.rie II. R., Hoard resolve to pay li per cent on income bonds — Nov. 2i). Nicolel, Que., meeting of delegates for construction of South Shore R.ll. takes place at.— Nov. 2. Ohio (city of), notice served liy R. R- lines entering, ihat all oil ship- ments must be delivered 10 store hotiees in barrels. — Nov. 2(>. Ottawa liovernnient grant land to Manitoba and Southern R.R. and Coal Co., in Turtle .Mountuina.— Nov. 23. Persia, Shah of, orders construction of road from Meslied to Janian. — Nov. n. Santa-Fe, soulli bound train wrecked at, four |iussengers killed, many injured. — Nov. 3. St. John, N.H, Intercolonial R.H., conductors, etc. brbidden to accept tickets issued by Halifax and St. John agei. of C.l'.l!.— Nov. 1. Sale of Forth Worth R.R to Union Pacilic R.R. announced. — Nov. 26. Three Rivers, P.Q , reported that Basses Lanienlides R.R. sold to N. Pacihc f.r.'?7.-|,oiin.-Nov. Hi. Toroiiio, iliisiiee (iait gives judgment in favor o( (l.T.ll., in action lakcii bv town of llamillon 10 prevent a iuncliou being formed between'll. and N.W.Il.R. and G.W.R.R.— Nov. 4. Toronto, G. T. R. ^efu.^ell special rates for Merchants Day.— Nov. 16. Reed Sinator, elected at Wasliiiigton for speakersliip of House of Repre- sentatives —.Nov. 311. Ronmania, Parliament of, opened by King Charles.- .Nov. 27. RUSSIA. — Prince Louis Na|ioleon obtains commission as major in army of— Nov 4. St Petersburg, .Vr.wic Vremiin of, criticizes Lord Salisbury's tjiiildliall speech. — Nov. II. Government of, abolish Provincial I'ouucil of nobles of Baltic pro- vince.— .Nov. 211. Merchants of, declare that Buglish and German competition in Persia has ruined tlieir trade. — .Nov. 29. St. Laurent. Man., half-breeds of, hold meeling and condemn proposed abjlition "f separate scliouls and dual language. — .Vov. 12. St. Louis, lirst session of .National Silver iJonvention lielil at.— Nov. 20. St. Louis, iMo., Knglish syndicate [luiooases 18 breweries of, for $2,500,000. —Nov. 29. Salisbury Lord, at Guildhall —.Nov. 9. Salt Lake City, startling disclosures made by ex-members of .Mormon Church m court at— Nov. 1,5. Salvation Army, Swi^3 Government prohibit meetings of — Nov. 3. Samoa, natives of, submit dispute regarding election of King to powers (Berlin Conterence). — .Nov. 23. Servia, plot discovered to depose King .Mexnnder. — Nov. 25. SHIPPING. — .Meyer Head, Ireland, British SS. " Qiieensmore " sinks off crew saved", cargo valued at .'>.532,0(N') lost. — ■'Vov. 8. Kureka, Cal., schooiiei "Fidelity" lost near, captain and 8 men drowned. — Nov l(j. ; SHIPPIN().-(7,mfin«n/ " Germania '' barque, report of coroner's jury at Long Branch or loss of —Nov. 311. Long Branch, coroner's jury on loss of barque " Germania," report of —Nov. 30. Liverpool, lire on S.S. ''Alaska" destroys SOD bales of cotton.— Nov. 16. .New Vork, SS. "Santiago" arrives from Nassau, making quickest passage on record, 3 days, 7 hours. — Nov. 15. Oregon, tug " Fearless '' wrecked oft coast of, six persons drowned,— Nov. 20. HS. " Rdilh Gadden" founders at sea— Nov, 23. Yokohama, SS. " China '' goes ashore at. — Not. 23 Servia, Czar writes to Kx-Qiieen Natalie expressing sympathy, and recog- nising her as tjueeii of Servia. — Nov. 4. Silesia, Socialists of, decide to enter candidates for Reichstag. — Nov. 12. SMUGGLING —Royal Oak, .Mich., II. Uiirand, famous opium smuggler, captured. — .Nov. 1. Canadian smuggler returns $2,500 to Government per fivangelist Moody. — Nov. 4. SPORTING.— Derby, Eng., 0. S. Maston's nursery won by "Ox eye. "— .Nov. 14. tooiball, Brooklyn, .V.Y'., the Adclphi Academy beats the Columbia Grammar School in hist game of International Scholastic football series for the season.— Nov. 30. Football, .Medea, Pa., Princeton's Reserves vs. Shortledge Medea Aca- demy. — Nov. 30. C. V. R.R. sue " Le Trappeur and Le Canadion " snow shoe clubs for $560.00.— Nov 21. Racing, Clifton, N.Y., races at.— Nov. 30. Racing, Manchesier, Kug., November handicap won by "Fallow Chat" Conservalor second —.Nov. 23. Racing, ,Manhatinn Club Track, Thomas beats all previous records on 15 mile iraek, time 1 lir. 27 min.— Nov. ,30. Racinj;, New Orleans, winter meeting of New Louisiana Jockey Olub at.— Nov. 311. STANLKY II, .M — Letters receiveil Irom, state he expected to arrive in Mpwapwa this month. — .Nov. 3. Eniin Hey, relief committee receive letter from, with account of his discovery of Kiniu Pa^^ha, etc., etc — .Nov. 3. New York lleniUl sends e.xpedition to meet, e.^cortcil by Capt. Wissman. — .Nov. 12. Emin Pasha, relief committee order Capt. Wissman to despatch a caravan to relieve. — Nov. 13. Arrives at .Vipwapa bringing news of Fjmin Bey, Mahdi defeated, missionaries in danger. — Nov. 20. Reports that he has discovered a large extension of Lake Nyassa. — Nov. 20. Captain Wissman receives a letter from, giving account of his march. —Nov. 21. Writes the history of his past year's work to .Mr. .McKinnon.— Nov. 23. .Mr. McKinnon receives another letter from. — Nov. 26. iMtoni, French mission caravan meet explorer at. — Nov, 26, Great need of clothing reported by Nelson,— Nov. 27. Sells his forthcoming book to Sampson Law Co., of London, for £40,1100 sterling.— Nov. 29. SfOR.MS. — Denver, Col., disastrous snow storm does much damage and cuis olf R.R. coniinunication. — Nov. 2. Colorado, many cow boys and thousands of cattle frozen to death by blizzard. — Nov. 9. Newburne, .N. J., hurricane nearly demolishes town. — Nov. 21. Prince Edward Island, several schooners wrecked olF, coast of — Nov. 29. Snow, New .Mexico, raging for 3 weeks, many lives lo^t, railwavs blockaded, etc., etc. — Nov. 5. Tolsom, .N..M , three men frozen to death in, bliz'/.ard at.— Oct. '28. Slowe .Mrs. H. H.. authoress of '• Uncle Tom's Cabin," becomes hopelessly dememed. — Nov. 20. STRIKF.S.- Antwerp, of dock laborers. -.Nov. 3. Bristol, Eng., 7,500 dock and lightermen at. — Nov. 27. Bristol, Eng , doekmen accept .Mayor's offer to arbitrate, — Nov. 29. Clyde engineers resume work. — Nov. 29. England, demands of striking bakers acceded to by master bakers — Nov. 16. (ilasgow, Scotland, steamer hands at. — Nov. 12. Glasgow, Scotland, 12,000 Clyde engineers. — .Nov. 26. London, Lightermen of, decide to strike for advance in wages. — Nov. London, another strike of dock laborers narrowly averted by dis- missal of non-union men and sdoption of 6d. rates, — Not, 4, IrRDch on loss mnla," report of cotton.— cing quickest as drowned. — hy, anil recog- [j.— Nov. 12. urn smuggler, ler fWangelist " Ox eye." — the Columhiii lastic fuotbiiU ge Medea Aca- )w shoe chibs 1 by " Fallovr iou3 records on a Jockey Oliib id to arrive in account of hid irteii hy Capt. to despatch a hdl defeated, ake Nyassa. — of his march. on. — Nov. 23. 2(5. London, fur diimagc and izon to death Sov. 21. Mist of — N'ov. lo-it, railways Oct. 2a. nes hopelessly -Xov. 29. tcr bakers vages. — Xov. rted by dis- >rov. 4. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. f STRIKES.— Con!),28H,U7H.— Nov. 9. Congress, Senalur Reed elected spraker of House of liepreaentntives by Republican Cougre.-s at. — Nov. HO. Turner C. H., election to Congress.- Nov. 30. Washington, Keef, Senator Vest's committee on dressed beef resumes telling at.— Nov. 30. Washington, D.C, .Senator Farrell announces his intention of intro- ducing bill to aliolisli Civil Si-rviee examinations. — .Vov. 2,1. Washington, I). C . T. ,f . .Morgan, coinmissinnerof Indian atfairs, stales that reservation sy.stem must cease and Indians Ix'come .American citizens.— Nov. II. Washington admitted to Union.— Nov. 11. Veneznc hi, repdrl received at Washington of revolution in Venezuela, on Oct. 20 Nov. Hi. Winian Eras'us, adtlresses Yoinig .Men's liberal club. — Nov. 1. Winnipeg, N.W. Assembly resolveii in, to ask C.P.R. to issue passes for immigration purposes.— Nov. 9. Wool, Pennsylvania, Wo(d Orowers' Association adopt resolutions jiro- testing against classif\ ing of wool as raw material. — Nov. 2(i. World's Fair, New York, suliscription on .Nov. 2nd .^■/,00J,Hll. — Nov. 3. ?^^»s.^».»»^«^»**» WHEN YOU * ARE * READY J'o orJer any inoti; BinsriT Tisra- PLEASE Call UP ^v Or send a Postal Caru to \ JOHNLOVELL&SON, 23 & 25 St. Nicliolas St., Montreal. Pll if 4- i ^ Th« Imlex uf Cuvrent Kvents is publishetl by Hunry iJiilby, Montreal. THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. h i 1 iii I' (I !-1 cn o o a s o o o 00 o fi H m OB AHllSnilll.) \\ I'* «S J lo o ; J M • ; '-' o oo 1 ci ! m -J" *^ : t— : (i o 'X> 4" ?i is O 1 M ■»)» •■< I m t^ M i^ "88 O p O rO tO ig * t; M ^« ; -r M o »- — o X c ii3S?3S;;s^5 : M « "1" Oi M to -- -f ^ o o I- T-i -^ CO M CO -^ 51 ri t- n I- -■ CO X — mom in :.ri- tcvjocom ixt-coiocitot-Tpo rot— c^ioo ••Tc^ 'I—— "300 ■^ — cot--Ho^-''rn COCOCO'^'^iC^OT^W^CO X Tj- to oi o 'o : o X : ^ oi I- •-*• «-• cfi X CO o CI MtHM-*f : -o^Ni-Bci-^-ieiJ axiai ' H u n* • htw^m foco .ifj-fCi^r--tacoi-- :^'<*< •^ c^i CO : CO CO CO 'I*' oi c) c ri CO ■ co x . , _, ffi in m ic o 1— ^ CO Cs CO CO r— OO t- CO lo - ■ •' M'.'^u: r w r M rm r I CO 'n X in '-0 xi o X co r i — f f- oi -.n co »n ci to ; •*• ^h ■«*• : ic -t : o '.o .">■; x o t- ! — 't fOt-^^ino'^j'Tf'M t— ,oxai'.o--cot--«o j-'^wco ;coco ifj, citocjco ;cox Awp[.iji CO in en m '-0 r-- oi X c»i«c»;o ; Ciit*.; mil I '-f" ^it-^^-wHa AUpt..llHlJj "MO'-in'^ ro r- — • »n o 9 Xwpaoupo.w •XO — -Ht--tl'-^00C»tfOX!aj <0 = "^ hClC l-^OXOll- — COt^ — O-^TfCIC ^^ in HNin •£> a> -' a ro t- t^ in o ■v ^ ci ■^ — ' ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; CO CI '.0 ; in ii ■"if : ci -f : o t/: ci o"© x'-j -^ ■»*■ t-— 'OXCJ-tOCl ;t-.-.o :VCiCO :C0?0 ;f03SCji-C|-Xi— -mx iL-ax-cit^T^a* ?>^ - I -w-c^-a ^ o t— in i-- oi ^ X -f CO o I— c> --6 X o — co ci io co in o co "o ^ ro ci — ■ ^- ci oi o i- to o -f r, i-«ino^'*cioi.--HOxrococicot- — o — •tcJMCi^:foco-tajci,^c1-.Oi— coQo -W • -l-T'^W CI lO . in 'O -r t- : o o — ' r«ci-ei ji i-i»'-wi Itt-inm-TOxin ts a i)S Soo t* — 10 X c-1 — fO — -^ tr O 00 C. « c-1 rl i" « o — -u a- w « a i e 5 = : — r- CI C-. O I- CT o _ ; -^ iT, CI CO d :o — " CO -^ -tw - i»T«-tti-l«rnji-Wr-C?L',a Vdlii. o«uli, Willi ii.Miip I'i 60 " Now iSriiiiHw!,'k or NovHHfoIia, wlthft M(»p 11 TtO " MiinttolMor ItrltlHli Coluiiililn, wilh n .Mh| li Ml *' I'rinreKflwfti-tl IhIhiuI or Nt»rtliwent'r*!rrit(irle«, with n Map. '* Klevutith VnliillH\ It win ,',,iilHili II fitiiL'i?*,* tllMtnry of thn DoDllllloii of i'iiiihUii, Kilthl lliillltllill Milpn, I.lnl of l.ukei'. lilvi'ru. I'cwt oH'h'i'H. Sc 20 Oil KAcii pRoviNcii, ,vi,i'UAm'.ri<) vi.i.v .vuiiAstJKu, WILL »••; «!0»irl,KTK IN ITHKLI-'. Itnijiil 8i'o. Ai:r, Alt thv t'lthim''-^ lit In- hmnti iiiitj'nnn in full t 'loth. Hilt, Tlio ohJiMit oi tlio work lt» to ffivii, from the lipn of tho ol,I„!*l inlmhltaiilH, or froiuot]):>r Houroen, ahirttory of ovur ll),ii(iOcountltiH,ilislrii'ts,pariHht'H, t«>wtiKlilp!i, uitios, lowiiri ami vlllaKiii^, with iltiacriptlouti of inorti than .'I.DIlll liiIan.iH, laki'H aiut rivern, In nie Donihiion of Caiuuia. JOHN I (IVII l„ I illisl.n. MosrRKAi.. Oct., 1H8II. Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia. America nnil Artemis are tlie hi-jfiiniiiii: ami I'liiliiii; ul' tho socniid voiiuni' nl' Aiileu's MiinirnW (Jyclopoiliu, which, cvtMi better than tlio llrst, fiiitils ihi^ proiiiistis of tlio imhliMhcr's iiriis- poctiis. It is a really haiiilsniiii' vuliiinr nt' (140 iiaj^cs, ha ■Mnroeen hiiiilino, iiirno type, piuriiscly illustrated, ami yet snlil. for the price o)'S5 eents ; eloth hindiui; only (iO cents — postpaid- Lariie diseimnts even t'nnn these prices are allowed to early sub scribi'is, ihe price liciiio grr 'ually advanecd as tlu' work progress es ; particulars sout mi re(|uest. The Manifold (Cyclopedia is, in ni;niy ways, unlike any other Cyclopedia. It und.n•takl^s to present a survey of the entier circle of knowledoe, whether of WORDS or ofTHINti.S, thus conibiniim the clmractcristics of a CycUipedia and a Dicrtionary, inclndino in its vocabulary every word which has any claim to a place in the En^ lan^u:i);e. Its form of publication is as nniipie as its ]ilan — the " Ideal Edition " its publisher calls it, and the jiopular verdict seems to .sustain his claim. It certainly is deliohtfully convenient. It will not be strsage if this proves to be the great popular cyclopedia. It certainly is worthy of examination by all .searchers after knowledge. The publisher sends a specimen volume on receipt of price, to be returned if not wanted. John B. Alden, Publisher, New York, Chicag, or Atlanta. READY. RAPID k RELIABLE FIRE ESCAPE. The Best, Safest and Quickest Means of Empty- ing School and other Dormitories in Case of Fire. The accoinimiiyinj,' eiit cxhiliits the tjs.sontial fuiiturtis of the eoiitriva".i'(', wliieli iiniy lir inlnpliMl thither to the iiitinior or to the cxtciior of u Iniililiiii,', but preferably to the latter, SI) as to eicatc no dran^'lit for Hume or smoke. (J r reiPii'seiil the Moor, or, as in the present ilia).;ram, plat- I'orins, which may u.ssnme llic form of an (aiiamuiitul bal- eoiiy. These platforin.s are seeiircil to llic walls by suit- able briiekuts e c. Two vertical sliaft.s /' ]iass thronijh the .^^ ^l^.& llooi'.-i or .staijini,' tVoni the rnof lo the ^'rouml ; ij ij are cir- cular openings which ullcrnale IVoni mie side to the other at vnvh Mucccicilinif landing;. The landiiii,' to be placed before a wiii(h)\v al every story. The shaft to tlu^ left of/, ami wliicli i.s secured to the iie.xt plattorm above (not shown in the figure), in firmly, not wilh the hamls, but with the legs and arms, and the person slides down the shaft to the next landing below, regulating with ease, by the jnessttre of his liinUs, the rajiidily of the descent. Inventor and Patentee, 5cv. A5THU? JOl^ES, St. Mary's College, MONTREAL. io THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. ' l^i u "TO ADVERTISFRS. ITho Oldoat and Uarqeat Roller Caating E«iab- How TO ciKT Tin: MOHT HiAiXwi: Foij Tin: MONKY! MHhment In New England. Tin* AilvortiHtM* wli» wmilil In willing to imy iwcnly-tlvf ocnti tnr every riifuily wlmi'Diihl lit> " (•iIhimIi'iI " ii|> in die viihir ttt lii^ \iniu\H wniihl tliiH di'VdlH :^t,i>Oil,i)iiii Id iMliK-iiti* tliH ri,noii,(iOit tiiiiiillLM which iiitikc up llin t;iKO(io,oiii) piMiph* lit lht> I'liiit*'! Htiiliw. ThiH Hiiiik wiiiilil|ilii iho huHinemi (tiuroii^chly in ii y\'nr, tor it in xuiiicjtMit Id )Mty hir tlit* intcrlion of ii fitU L'uldiiiii in fvi'ry lt48iH' oT (>;i>i'y piihliciuioii, iitnl lor n-^ctlin^ ihf*iiiiitu*r, nrnkinj^ it new in t-vrry iii-iiio ut eacli Hcpiinilit piihlicuiion. Wt> will recfivr Hhtl oxornio tlic tMuilnu-l. $\Vi. — \Vu fh'voK* III! ni'ct*!l<' lor ttdvt'rlisiuKi { Hnd he dfcidi'H hy ihe toolin^H of llie h^iircs whclht-r In* will or will not du the work. Vet the c.'tliiniiti* hinds Ihi! A^ent, and nntkcn it irnpnipi-r tor hill) Io nttike any variation in its spcriticiitions, howeviT nnii'li his judK> uii'iit may point to nialciial cliaiigt s uhicii on^ht In he nnide Tliitt IH specially liabh' lo he the niso when the order eonics a eonsideinlde time utter the esliniate wkh nnide. $r>u.— It' you ar<' in the hahil of oeea-iionally inserliri^^ ti -iinall tidver- tiHenieiit in li tew paper:!, inve^lin^ ii lew dollars, ami earerully noting the retinlt, we desire yon lo nnike tnut of our Advertising Ihireaii, sending Ui the Hdvertiseineni and the nhiney, leaving tlieseleelion ot the pa|H-rs lo us undjudtfinj^ ot'the siTvice vendered !»>• resulls nilher ihiuihy nanu'.s, eireu- lation elainM or pnees, Tu make up earetid estiinalesealls tor nimdi work, it does not pay lo make ilieui indiseriiniiiiitely lur every applieant. It tiueh estiiniites as are asked lor were always jyiven. the Advertiser who widh^tl to expend li^.'iO wiiuhl tVeipu'iiliy Imd luiiiscll in possession ut the scheme wliieh it would cost ^i.'iOU or pu.ssd>ly .';^."»,ooO Ut carry out. $100. —The Advertiser wlio sends his advei tiseinentn, a^kiu^c for the best service possible for oru' hundred dollars, will ol'ieii ^Jet troni live lo tifty t'^'r cent, more service hir Ins money than he would had he rei|nired U8 lo tell him in advance exactly what s<'rvire we would promise; for when an enlimate has been given lis plan and speeitifations must, iti n general way at least, cotilrol the adverlisin;; to be done. It ties the At;ent'.H hands, and prevents his jfivini,' his patnins /u-fn/ a better service thftii he could have pr()iui.-*ed yi'sterday, because yesterday the opptu'tnnity liad not presented ilself : h»-ntondence becomes Vtduminoiis and the adverti.-er confused. $'Jr»0. — Prepare a small adverli.sement and scud with ehet'k lor i^^j.'iO. ov any other sniu. The practice ofaskiii'.^ the Ai^cnt, to nam * his papers In advance compels him to naun^ such as ate widl known, otherwise there is ruason to suspect that his judj^ment is biased \—iniement orili-rs I from u.s, (»n terms which would ufien Im- aecrpteti by our patrons if there was lime tn invite attention tn ilie uuitler ; bui the (iiii'>iioii itiust gen- erally be decidt.'d hotore there would be lime tn write and receivi' a reply- and often the case cannot be tally slated within the limits of a butler. $1,0(J0. — If we are given aiilhonty to insert adveriisements lo a limited amount, in such mediums as otier inducements which seem to us specially ffivorftble. we shall not abuse the contidencH reposed in us, and shall render slaleinents ol whatever is done (if anylhing) tVom day to day. When (r«.»(^(^./ with tlie placing u\ an advertisement, we are put upon honor, ami are bound in honor to give the best service possible tor the money to be used. $5,U00.— One of the incist snccesslul Advertiser-< we evi-r leu) aUva\s ordered his adverli>emenls in this way, " (iel the best service ynu cnii (or me tor $5,U0t>/' leaving every detail to u-t. We were thus enahled lo say to a Publisher, if you put this m at a large reduelioii from your rate it will be no criierit » for liirther tninsaetiiuis. It was a surnris'* io lind ourselves so often able |o eoritraci for the inseriio" of that parlicubir advertisement at half rates, in papers which wonl. I not permit us \o cjlrr their columns at a penny s deviaiion fioin their printed schedule. The advertising rate of one N'ew Vork juipcr aie doi ble those of another which has twies the eircwlaliou uf the tirst. o'nii'..r discrepancies are not UDcomniun. The advertisement entrusteii to us lo be placed in accordance with our judgment ottcu does double service tur half Ihe muuujr. A dollar lor iweuiy-live cents. -E3STABXiXSHE3X) 1850 • r^ Wild) c\ STEYEIS^, MANl'I-ACTI'KHltM nV p-inttTs' Wolli'i's oiiil WolliT (^onpositior|s, No. 148 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON. IT PAYS ADVERTISERS TO KEEP POSTED* pays for a book of more than 200 pages devoted to Newspaper Ad- vertising, and containing Infor- mation valuable aiilte to experi- enced and Intending advertisers. pays for a year's subscription to PRINTERS' INK, a journal no ad- *ertisor alive to his own interests can afford to be without. Issued twice a month and con- taining articles bearing on every branch in advertising ; In fact the trade journal of Ameirican adver- tisers. A sample copy will be sent for Five Cents. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & COS Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. i Tllt^, INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. Vol. II. No. 48. MONTURAL, JANUARY 0, 18'.H). ${\,00 Vv.n Anni'm. DKCRMHEIJ ACCIDKNTS.— Asphyjiiiilion li.v kh!>, Klgiii, lllinuH, Juliti Slii|.lc'liin, ACinVKStH.-CiittliHiiel. Abysiiiiiin, Ariliili), King McmlU iickI (jin'cii Tiiiln iri)Wiii'il N"V. .1 Ucpoiiid Di'c. Jll. Kail in iniikiriit lii){h iiir JiiTiip, Ni'W Urli'itna, l-ii., Iliipliili' I'l')' ami |>I'I|I|'I'SI0IIU|, llil H. — Dl'f. i. KhM, WiiliTvilh', Ml'., wiixlil fidin t(iwii clock in Uiilliiiian I'liiiicii liills nil "r({iiii, clc, iImiiih){i' $1ii,IMiII. — i)i'c. 'i. wile iiiHi ifmndHiiii— l»i'c. 'i. Knilinif nl iiinlilih);, Sm olcilmvig, lliiii(tiirj|miniir fiicliirj- ci)llii|Hi'8 at Aspli.vxNi, lU'lliichcin, IViiim!, Joii.'s .1 I', iind i'.ilincr W. li., ol, K l,iilcil, iimn.v (HIums iiijuici. -Dec. fi. llHiiiiiir, (mm lildwiiiu out khs in ri)iiiii. — Dec. Jil. i KIrc, Ani8lcnl'iiii, lliii> i .Siiiusc Imincil ilown.— Dec. D. AMniiyxiii, Dcwiii .Mr., SvraciiHc, N Y.,Hainli Kcinciclt iinil IJlmrliittc j |.'iic, lltliluc»aU'i, Virniniii. Uii ilvwiiicr (loilcgo (ledrnred by.— Tliiiiiipsiin, liy ((113 — Di'c. 'iil. i i)ic :iii. Aspliyxiu, .Sail i'"mnci!« ill ami (Hi (^olimilaii ilclgiiUdanmgctl lo Dci'ilcai ciJiiiily, Missiiini, milliicali il iiy giis in tlicir 1iccIi(m.iii,-I>(C. c.MciiI ii(>:;ri,tHMi, — Dec 'Ml. -'■'■ l'"ire, ilriHiMyii, Hil (Mnlli tacl.iij iil Williiim lliirshcr A Co. dcstroycj, Attpliyxia, Sail Prancincn, ("aplaiii rreeiiiaii, surveyor lor I.loyiN, ami i io.'ia $.''>(VWii-— Dec JT. K. K. ('alliiii, (jiain in.Hpcclor, Biiiolliereil in hold of Hrilisii uliip [ Fire, lliillalo, N.Y , Kxclmii«e elevator destroyed l.y.diiraHge $'i25,OiK). — Dec. I.'i. Fire, Deiroil, Teldcii .Scliool liiirneil, several selmliir.H fatally injured.— Dec. ID, Iloilinit, Kokonio, Indiana. John Starke, larmcr, left liy attendant in , |,.|,,,. |,,,,r„|, Mieliiiian, the Kinney Home damaged liy, one gnejt liolliath.lHiiled to death. --Dec. 2V. ' killed.— Dec. 1'. k j< t, Drowning. Auxnata, Me., .Maruaret, daii({liter of .Miiior D.Iv Michaeln. -Dec. 1. DroHiiini;, Maro Island, California, tiiiee sailnr.s and a nc\v,-ec. ,1. Drowning, Wcrdeii, llheniali, rnisaia, three men drowned whilst skuting.— i>c ' Durham."— Dec. W. llurnitiK, lloutlion, III , llenriMey S'uniiel, from his clothed igniting wliilst in liiiicy drcsH coHtiinie.— I)e(;. 'Jt. Drowiiinir, Wilkealiarre, Thomas liauclier drowned iiy cap.-iizing of lioat.— Dee. lit. Kleciricity, Miniieapidi^, Minn., coroni'r'M jury on liodiiH of vieliiiH ol lire III 'I'fi/iiiiii iillice ni liininciid thai idcciiic wiles lie laid nndir- ^;roiiiid. — Itec. ."». KIcctricity, New York, I'cIim- ("lan.'i«eii, employed liy Norlli New York lii^lltin^; t'o,. Uilli'd nil wires.- -Dec. il. lOlectricily, Toledo, Uliio, Dalloii Kdwardi loreinan ),'aii^,'. r ol Lake Shore Itailway, by wire —Dec. is. I'llcpliaiii keeper in llarniinrri eirciH j^ored to death \\ his cliarj^e. London, Kii(;. — Dec. :i. ICxphwioii, Aahevillc, Nnrlh ("arolina, William dates an I '.ewis I J ill h- rie killed, and oiliers injured liy explnsiou of gasuineier nl (ii\ nl - Dee. il. lvx|ilo.siou, Ilelmese miiiea, Spain, large number of niiiiers killed and injured liy. — Dec. Kl. I'lxplosinii, liiitier, I'a., nilro-j^lyceriue exidndinn at lliiller Tnrpedn Coinpaiiv'8 MH^a/.iiie, tiictory demnlislied, Iwn men killed. — Dec II). E.vplosion, Cidfax, lioiler at Calhoiin'd biirsta, killing .S persons mid injuring many other.s. — itec. .^. Kx|ilnsinn, tHiicagn, explnsiou of sawdust in Horn liros.' furniture taclnry fatally injures tun yniing men. — Dee. .^. Explosion, Dallas, Texas, several jiersons killed, others injured, by bursting of mold ai the .Masher .Miichine ("ompaiiy's works.— Dec. 2H. Kxplosion, I'Mmore, Miclii(;aii. Iioiler in Nell' I! os.' mill hursts, killing one and iiijiirinij three others. — Dec. '!<>. Kxplosion, Marion, Mil., iiniler at tln\eriior .l.ieksoM's mill liursts. WiUiiim Kennis killed, many others seriously iiijuieil. — i>ec. .^. Kxplosion, .Newark, N ,1., ainmoniii pipes eotineeted with pati'iit ice niachine in brewery of tjlias. Tiely cxplmles, causing dainage $1110,000.— Dec. ;). Kxplosion, New IMiiladelpl.ia, Ithio, cyli'idei inii-sts ia rolling mill at, killing one and injuring aunther.— Dec. Jd. Kxploaions, North Claioiidnn near Warren, I'a., three •rlyierine nonja. zincs owned by the Kock Glycerine t'o., John ixiiehii and .Mr. .Mc- Kay, blow up, loss S10ii,000.'-Dec. l.^. Fail of bridge, Wiliiitmsport, one man killed and others injured by.- Dec. 27. Fall of tree, Frazer River Road, Vancouver, B.C., four young men killed by, whilst sleighing.— Dec. 2ii. Fail from window, Zanzibar, Emin Paslia critically injured at.— Dec. 6. Kire, Detroit, Mich., wine stores of Kiigeiie I.eliu'uf destroy ed, loss :j;2.'i,iioii.— Dee. 2. Kite, Detroit, Mich., residence of ex mayor 'fhompsoii dcslioyed liy loss $7,'i, 1)011.— Dee. I. Kire, KmsI Tiova. Mich.. Miner House llnlel, damaged by; two iiieii names niiknown, burned to death. — Dec. fi. Kire, Knrlli Worth, Texas, (!olloii Congress at, destroyed, loss fl.'iO,- (100.— Dec. 2:!. Kire. Kreidtoii, Out., Ilninau t'atliolic church in. damaged by, loss JS.oOll.-Dec. 17, Kire, (Iratrath, I'nissiiiii Silesia, ehiiiidelier falling in ball riimn ignites dresses ol two ladies who are burned to dealli.- Dee 7. Kire. Iliiiiilinldi. Kaiisa.-, Hour mills of l.indsey k Robinson destrnyed III. Loss Jliin.iiiin. Dec. 7. I'ire, llnpkiiiloii, New llmiipshli'e, barn ol .Messrs. E. Dodge burned, Iwo men killed, loss fj'i. (lull. --Dec. hi. Kire. lliirnn Inwii, Theii'inre (iidss, his 'wife, eight chililren and a \isi;nr liiirncd to death in lire ot their residence. — Dee. 2P. Kite. Havana. Cuba, fniir thnii-anil liarrcks of coal oil burned.- Dee, 21. Kire, Indianapolis, Indiana, the Indiana Wlieel Works destroyed by lire, Inss S-I(tii,(«"i.— Dec. I:i. Kire. Inverness, (,'ue., (!niirt liaise destroyed by. — Dec. 9. Kite. Ivory dale near I'iiicinnali, 'i'lmmas Kmery .V .i.".,iio(l.— Dec. In. Kire, Kansas t'ity, .Mo.. Western tSasli and Door Company's premises and stock tl.ntiaged liy lire, damages 5iHO,()(J0. — Dec. 3. Kire, Kingsmn, dnl.. John .Madden and wife burned to death in lire of their ilwidliug. — Dec. "i. Kire, Knobminslcr, Missouri, Western Brick Works at, destrnyed, estimated ilamnge i.7,"i,oilo. — Dee. 1. Kire, l.aiieaster, I'eiiu., .Spnkc works of Downey Bros., and naibrclla- haiidle lactorv of .Samuel Downey, destroyed by, loss l,Ouu,— Dec. 17. Fire, New Y'ork I'resbylerian lIo:ipilnl injured by. — Dee. -'0. Fire, New We.sliiiinsler, li.C, wooden bnildin):; oeeupied by Ibe Columbian I'riiilin); Co., I.yal ,^ Co,, ,'^ialioi,ier,i, Widleuden 'Uros,, groeer.-i, and olber.i, deslroyed, los.t !.iM,ii()il. — Dee, 27, Fire, North Tro;- \ erinoni, KaHlinan .Mailjine (Hinipany's and adjai eiil buildiui^s ilestioyed, dauniire *l:,nno. — llec. 'I'i. Fire, Omaha, three ebddreii perish in deslrnetiiin (d' Mti. Ii. Seliip'.- bouge.— Dec. -'li. Fire, I'etrolia, I'nt,, Main, .\r>;,ib'. and Fairview streets destroyed bv. loss between »i.s."i,niio anil >lo",o"o. — Dee. J.'. Fire, Philadelphia, oil and varni.^h deparlnieni ol'Tlionias l'oller,Sons & Co,, od eloth manuliietory, dania}.'ed toe.xtent ol :ji,s,uin». — Dee, J7. Fire, I'biladelphia. Si.xlh Imlepeiidiiit (.'Inislian ClnMeli destroyed iiv. loss .-i.l.nno,— Dee. Jl. Fire, I'bibidelphia, I'a,, bakery of (instave dross eonsuna'd by, ,\|r3. Ciustave aiul four ehiblrrn burned lo di-jilh, — Dee, '1. Fire, I'hilaihdphia, three story buihlinj; on Seeond and llunliajjilon Streets liurned d-.iwn, nine people biirnid lo death, — Die, J, Fire, I'ittsbarg, I'a,, Ihe .MoniiU},'alii la House deslroved, loss $1(111,000. -Dee. a. Fire, Pnllnnm, Chieafco, old town uf I'Mllmaii, now pari of t'hieapo, nearly eonstnned.— Dee, -t. Fire, IJuiney, Illinois, Miller l!oi.'er Cnieker and ('audy t'oinpany ^■ laetory destroyed. Dannini- ;^.■.ll.nllll, Dee. II, Fire, Koek liiver near t'leveland, tlliio, barn of D, IV Hells liiiiued, loss #28.0110, — Dee, 2-1, Fire, San i-'ranei-eo, M, Itrnalins ('liureb and adjoining; businily iiijnred.-.Di'e. 21t. Ilaituais. (Jteenbur;:. I'a., express train on I'enii ytvaui,: K' H reeked at. seveial injurid,— Dee, t. liailway, Lanty's, I'eiina., I'oroiierV jury on boiiy (d'eiigineer Mnsiilv. killed 111 aeeiilent on 21st inst , return verdiet ot matislaugbiir against engineer and eondiu'tor ol eollidia^ treight train, — Dee. .*:' , Railwav, Little Kerrv, .\ .1.. train runs into open, tlirie men driiwne"l. — Dee, M. IJailwav, Washington. D I ' . wai'L^on -Iruek b\ p.-Hsitig tr.iin. I men kilhd, I injiiied ljadt\, •iiile l,.i pi r aiie.^ted tor maiislaugble,. Dee, II. 1,'ailway, While Sulphui Spiinu's, West \ iiirinia. aeildent on I'le^a- peake A; Ohio KailHay, ti u pia>nns killed, till' in iiiiiin il - Dee 2 llailHav, Wilkea-b.l-.,:-, I'.i.Mis Mn.ine T oii|,l.,.|l ani IVij m.ou Limit killed oil raiiiia\ ei., -iuL' D. .■. -1 V 1,'MiUvay, WlIKi -bam-, I'liiu.i,, llr. i- miii out ot a pal I v ot l'',,|al;.li i ' run o\er and killed on ladway iiaik, D-a-. |ii. Al''l;l('.\.— Kiiiin I'aslia. /anzibar. serionslv iiiiuiid bv fall f.niu win 'nu, -Dee. r., Fevrier (' plain, .\lrieaii explorer, .-irrival of, at Mo/.ambiipie, npoi |..,I -Dee. 11. Major ."^lUpft I'inlo riealb'dby l*orlip,;uese ( lover:llln'nl in eiimi lia'iie Willi llrili^h Dee. 27. M"zaiiibiipir, ('apt. Fevrier. Aliiean explorer, arrives .il. repnrtr.l I lee. i;. I'liiTs Dr.. ilespatelii's received in laindun. faig,, froiii l.ii'iiii t 'riedinian bom .Addo in liirnei Kuval, dated .\ov.2,s, I'l.utainii.u as>nraliees ot salety ot expedllion,— Dee. :M, Si-ilah, two Vn h missioimncs and tlieir e-eort ol ei-Ll (li.clv^ dered.- lieporle.l Dee, ill, Siaulev's mission, lell us f|,.ni l,'illlen;llil W . d. Sl.lils reeiiiel 111 llab'tax.- Dec,.-.. Zanzibar. ."Stanley II, M,. arrives at. — Dei', il. /anzibar, Dr. I'elers a id l.'eutenant Lied in iiiii|evplorei-. stat"il to b.' dead— Dee 2. Zanzibar, liiishiri's biiee route. I liv Lieulena'it Sihiniilt wiili -onie lo-- of life. Dee S. Ziiizibar. Sultil'l of, deeoraled Willi (Iran. I Cross of SI. Mieliml and Si. (leoige,- Dee li'.. King Sewaiiga subdues rebellion against bis aui'ioi iiy. Die, Is, Swazeland, of two Knglish and one I'l.insv.iil iioi.inon aeeepti'd bv natives of — Dee. 12. Fire, Trinidad, Colorado. I'tiited Suite-, livery stable, loss r^M\mK~ _^|,„|.„ |i,|„,,,i,,, ^f^ renewal „t lease lo Abiska roniiueivial Co, lelus.d by r.S, I'nder Secretary of Treasure- Dee, Is, .\,MKKI('A, I'an-Amerieaii Conlerence, Wasbingloii. del.ali. on report of committee on rules.— Dee. 2. I'uu-Amerieim Congress visits New York as Kiiesls of the eity.- Dec. Hi. Aiiieric.ui (leological .Society, New Vork, election of ollhers at —Dec. 2il. .Vmerieaii iisocielv of Naluialisls, New Vork, election of otlieers at. Die Fire, Swaledale, Iowa, business part id town destroyed by. -Dec 2o, Fire, Sydney, New South Wales, the whirves of the New / ISleumsbip Company with stores destroyed. — Itec. 2.'i. Fire, Toledo, Iowa." Western College biiraed down, loss Sil.'il',"'"' — Dec. 21). ire, Trill Dec. 17 Fire, Vicksbiirg, Mississippi, .SHitzer, Xewiirlter ,i^ Co.'s. Ile.i ;> Jackson's, Lewis llros.' stores des|r.i\ed by, loss Sb'.ii,iil'ii.— Dec. 21. Fin', Villa Lerilo. .Mexico, Tliealie burned, two lives lost.— Dec. 27. Fire. Vineeiiiies, Indiana. IIi-ll-.\rinistiad Sewei I'ipe Works, htss $27,- Uilii, -Die. 17, i'irc, Virginia, Clnisi i;p -copal Clinnli p.-irlially wieeked by Dee. 22, .\^llt,lnd Company, nearly w bole of, bouglil up by an fji^lisit -\ tiilieai.' . Fire, Waterlowii, Wis., TremonI House bums and ,1, D. .Moey's reporled. — Dee. I. wagon works, loss 5;7.-i,iinil.— Dec. i. ' ,\,viionoiiiical, Ceneva, N. V,, in w comet difcovi led l.\ I'rolessor brooks Fire, Weslporl Harbor, Mass.. residence ol Coinniodoietirinnell of the ' ot ■ Dee. 2.-i. U.S. iiav.\ iiesirou.,t by,— D. c, I'.i. Fire, Yii/oo Cilv. .Missl^,-ippi, 'iti/.i ns warehouse. Cdoo bales ol AISTIMA.- Vienna, dynamite I'oiispiraey lo n-sMs.-iniile HungaiiaM cotton and seve'n lieiglil ears borne. I, h.-s 5^,127. i'Oo,_ j), ,,. -js. I'liioi. .Mini.-lcr 'I'lszii, iliscovered by police,— Dee, 2. Fli od. Jobnslonn. I'a., Woodvale and Lincoln St btidges over river llungiiiy, Vienna, Lower House of lluiigiirhin Disl., I'lime Minisli r Comnmngh swept awav— Dec b^. Ti.-/a. in liiulijil debate, lepuiliates inlenlion lo resign.— Ili e. 2. Floods, Seeriimenio Itiv^r, Hooding of, causes gteal danaige in Call- llni.gai.v, diet, on second linllol all tl.e Ocrmau candidates lur lornia.--Dcc. U. elected.- Dec. JU. bursl.J, dcxjilini,' limiili'il iit^'ijd,. .-« ill, ciilciiiliiiif,' II liny kill,',| l.v idcMl.-|),.c, :i, mijiTliiiX liinl'iT 'mI)(I;iIIm I'dM.I ill i"iv nil. I Michi- I'll. Wilson, lii-i- irltl (MIS lir'',^, .i^'llIoll Ivilk-u' Iv.illi,: K'liilio.'i.l Muilll'l !■ Mllyic !.. I lll;ill>l:lll^'hli !■ Iniin- lii'i'. :i' ■ iiii'u (Iniwiicl. Hi.' ti'.iiii. I Mini l.M..-l:llli;llli' . l.llMl KM ('!!■ -M- iiimI - h,., ■: mil l;rl'j:,„,ii V III I' Jill:. II I < r.iiiii w in'i.w , l.i.|iii', i-i'|.iii i.-,i ill iMllli liiriii' ill, ll'|..i|-|r.| 111'lll.'.l .111 -.■■'. l-l.llllliliiliL; .■i-l,l (in. i, . i-i I't'.-.'i \ I'll III iliil.'.i 111 I..' rtilll -..llli' I,..;. Mil'llil. I nil. I jl..-. IS. .ml ir.ivt'riinr.-i '.>. lil'lH. il liy .' nil ll'|inrl .iC r llic I'ilv. THE INDKX OF CUKIIENT EVENTS. iii.-liic. ■.'.:, ■CIS III. |lin .■'ll SVllllilMl.', i'S.>;nl' llniiiKy ' llllllpiliiiii inin Miiii.sti r -li.c. J. mliiliilfs lur Ai'sriiiA.— r„«//„i„7. ViiMM.ii K.'iclisliMlli, l!.i.l;;i'l iiilrn.liu'c'.l in, — |)i-,-. :!. Vi.iiiM, \n'li,|iik.' Cliiiilcs L.iiiis a|i|iiiiiiii. I |iiii.iiivi' ll.'.^.ni. ~ lii'iv hi. l;;i!liiii .re, liif r.iiniiiissiiinoi'-i «|i|iniiiti'i| liy innyiir In r.Miniinr I'.i' viiiini|.i Illy ili'iiiiiliniMiiK, ivilli II vii'w III I'l'iiiii' nf cvpi'ii.! r. |i c. I. K.iiiiii (liv.'ii I! , ii|.pni'iliinMil ii.s i'iiiiiini...,. iSmiiiIc — 111 c. 111. Ilk (;. P., U.S. Mlliini..y liir Kintiini Miihi;;iiii, ivsi;riis.— Dri'. J I. U ■,:;);■,< .liiliii I'".. ai'.|iiilli'.l nu fliiiiL'i' iif iiiiiiiliT nf Dr. Croniii iil L'liiiiiir.i — 1).T. hi. *= lU'l^'iiiiii. l!rii. IriK nf llnusi' ori'Dniiniiii.'i), in l.'i'lnii' nl Tnriiiiln iiipiirrs 111.' I'lihliral ol' Camulii ami llic I'nik'il .Siali's — ' 111'.-. :;. Ik.iirki' .Mnilin willi I'ali-ii'k (• Sullivan an.l Dniiii'l ("iiii|,'lilaii iniiiiil ^-iiilly nl ili'i- III 111-, t'r.iiiiii 111 ('liiia;;n, anil si'iiii'iii.'i'.| in inii.i i.^ninni'ii'l Mil'. -Ui'i'. hi. I!l;.\/.ll,.- {''ri'iirli waisliih ili'sjiiili'lii'.! lo.— Hit. 1. .Mr Spiill.'i'. .Miiii.-iiiT III' l''iini(rn alliiiii), sliili'..; in ('lianilii'r "I H.'iniiii'.v, ! I'miH, llii' I'l'iiviiii'inl (Invi'inni.'iil will In' ii'ciijrniziil of Kiiiiici. ' whi'ii il lia-i iiliH'i'il iisill in iii|il.. malic rclali.iLS wiili l''rcncli ' aiuliorili.'-.- -Dec. 2. I M.iioii ill- I'.'iii'il.i. Iliaziliiiii Miiii..i|i.r lo Kn^'laml, ilisnii.'<3cil from ! iliploinalic s.'ivicc of cvpi-c.-i.^innji lio.ililc lo llia/ilian Kipiililic -j hcc. .-.. I I'nii.-i, Miiiii.ipal Ciiiiicil cnifriiilnla'cs llic new licpnl.Iii' H.c.i;. | The I'l.i' iiiini..lci' rccu^'iiizci llic rni\ i.-ioiial dm. inmi'iil.— i I '.'I,', i;. II. .Ill Tcilio's iicc-iiint of his ilcllii'iiiicinciil.- Ilco. S. j r.iiiiil ilKii tfivcs his vi'i'sioii lit of icvnliiiinn. S.c iii'wsi.aiici'; Hcc. 11. ■ M..ii.iii of Mr. M.iiiriiii in U.S. Sciialc I'm- r ci.jrnili.iii of I'nilcil Slnl.s of hi'.i/.il falls ihrnii^ili loi'Hnnl of ipionim. — lice. Jo. . |i.'. IV.' .Ini.'.l. is^iic.l. liaiiisliiiic cv-Kiiiii.'nii' jinm j-eili'i, iiijreilier wilh oihci' I.I Itnval liiinily; Sciialor .Ma'iino coiiliscalcs Crown ! properly ami wiilnliaws money (,'raii(.— Her. :;!. I llio .laiicirn. .Marlial Law ilcer.'eil. -lice. 2ii. I l.'epnrlcl conlisc.ilioii of e.\ Kmpcr.irs cslales ami personal proper'v < li.'iiieil. — Dec. ^':i. I Hi.w.r II. .)., of Kansa-, a|ipninlcil a-s.icinic .Inilt;e of Snprcini' Coiirl liv I'liiicl .sinics.— jlec. I. Ill-own K.\ I'rcasni-or, resignalioii of, lU'ccplcil li\ .Manilolia (Invcrnnioiil.— I Ice. 'J. Hiilgaria, I'rnvi.-ional ("nimiicroial a,;i'c.-iii.'iil wilh, lo coninicncc .Innv. Ii an.l I'onlinnc for iwii years, sicne.l liy (ircal llniniii. -Dec. :i.i. " ' ) Camolian, Oitawii, Police .\iirlh-\Vi-sl .Moiinleil, conlrol of, Iransfcrrcil lo Minislcrof Itailways, liy Oiilcrii Coiineil.— Dec. P. rami. 111. I'arliaineiil of, Seiiiile, Major Cliarlis A. li.iiilt.iii, of Shell Itivcr .M. mil. ilia, appoini.-il lo, vice II. in. Dr. Kclinli/ appoinicil l.iciil.-' (loviTiior of .Maiiitnlia. — Dee. In. i I'arliani.-ni nf, S.niite, ,1. A leiiu'licnil, (J (;., nf (",\ ilppnllllcil in. vice il.iii. S.'lialor llarilesly ileceaseil.- Dec. lo. " " ' ('ana. 1.1. iinioii li.'lween I'niieil Siales ami, ailvoealcit liifoi-e Scnaie fom niin.'c ol U.S hy I'lrasliis Winiao an.l niliers. -Dci;. :iil. Ciiiisn, N.S., ii'lc;;-|-apliic ciminiinicaiion lielwccii, am! .M.inlrcal coinpleleil hy CA' I!. Co.— Dec. 17. Cheney A ('.. his iippnininieiil as il.'le-aie to liiici'n.itiiiiial M.iriiic Con- l.rcnce, se... SS. Inli'riinlinnal .Mnriiie Cniilerciicc. Cill\.\ --Till' Chinese .Minister jn'olcsls to Washinclon iitjiiiiist rcslrii- liiiiis upon Cl sc iiiiniii:rali I'niieil Sialos.— II. c. 1. Nankin.,', iiil.iml nml .M, ilin.lisi mission ai, ileslrnveil by in. .lis. rcporicl. -Dec. 7. ... Ciliz.'iis' l,ea;.'m', .Mnnlical, iiiei'linf; iif._|)ec. IJ., Marion Coiiiily. T, ss.'c, C.ial .V ,MiiieriiI Linil lo value of s-J,-'r> . mill iiiii-c'liaseil liy |.;n^li.,|i symliculc— D. c. P. C'lckerell Cnl. John, re clecmi rresiil.-n! of .Vew V..rk I'resa Cliih.— Dec. Colby lion. Jlr, ei'clis icclcclioii ,it S .tuIMiI (.'oiiii'iMjciit on hi.s iplmis- 4ion III raliiiM'l.— Ilei'. j. (/"olliy lion. C. (J, ro-clccleil for Slanslcml.— Dec. l.s. Colninlius Cliaisloiilier, I'oi.c pelilioiieil liy cij-lil hnmlreil priests anil liiy- inen lo canoiii/.e. -Dec. 1 "('iiniliiiii'3," Akron, l'ollcry,.lli(' Akron .<: ('anlun Slonewar.' .■\Keiicy to incliiilc ci;;lil hniiiti'cil pottery niannfactnres cslalilislieit. — Dec. I. I 'omliinc-:, Coal, .MiirioM Coiiniv, Ti-nnessec, cniil ami mineral l.iml piir cljiiseil III, hy I'lnKlish syiiilicale lor .'^;,i^-',llllO. — Dee. P. Ciimliiiies, copper .symlic.ile torincd in liOinlon.— Dec. .^. Coml'ii.i's, (iliisH, .''<\ raeiise, I'liiicI an.l l-'rniiKlin (jlass companies ami llio ('l.v lie (iliiss Com;. liny consul iiliilcil nnilcr name ol the Umled (Haas ('ninpany. — Dee. I.'l. (.'niiiliini's. Iiiimlnii, Kn..'.. symlicnle fnrnierl Willi capitiil of $IO,Oiili,llOO to liny nut l!rill^ll c.irpei n.aiiiil.icliiicrs. — Dee. J 1. Coniliini's, wheels, Wiipiikniiela, II., W li.'cl Trnsl Willi enpilal stock of $:',iiliil,nii(i I'l'jjrisleieil. — Dee. Coiiiliiiies, Weyan.l anil Viiiin^ llrcwciy, Ciiicinnali, ami the Crescent llrewerv, .■Viirora, In.liiina, IioiilMii, nml oplin isnii tiw Inewcries in Tnleii.i,' (lliio, ohiaiiicil liv K.ii;li.-li svmliealc, tor ;*:i, .:J''.,iilli).— Dec. Iil. ... ••Coinlimes" (See also Trusts). (^oniniereial Travellers' A.-sociatioii of ('iinaila, Tnrnntii, ipiarterly incct- ing nml el.'clion ol yllicers ill.— Dee. 7. ('unimereial Travellers' Associiilioii of Caiiaiia, Toinnlo, scvcntcenlli animal nicelin^ of. — Dee. JT. Copyriiilit, lioslon, Inlerimlioiial ('..pyriLiht A^socialinn, lull now before C'ln^'i'i'ss approve. I ai aiiniini nieeiitijx ot, at — D.'c. ::o. Corliin \V. K., vice-presiil.i.l ami inana^cr of I'.S Cninmereial nml Trail- iiifX Co., arieste.i for tVamliilenl issue of notes.- Dee. 17, ( 'orea, allenipteil assassinali..ii of.— Dec. IS. (.'otion, Dumininn (iri'V Cntlon Associstioii, .Monlreal, iiicctin;,' ot. — Dee. I'J. ('onuliliii D.i'ii.'l H-itli I'atri.'k (I'Snllivaniiii'l Martin I! inrke, foiinil (inilty nl niiir.lei- nf Dr Crniiin ol Cliie. ^.i, ami scntcnceil lo [lenal servi- tll.l.' Inr lite. Dec. 111. CliKTK.— Iniiiirjr.'nts who Iiiive 'j:iven np their arms .'imnistie.l liv Snltimt — Dec. P. ('i;i.MI';s. — llnruliiiy, Cl.'velnn.l, James Wells s.'iitciice.l ti' ten years in penili'iitiaiy. Dc. I. A'lseoiiilin^', Sniiili D.ik.ita. Tnrii.'r (1. De.vter, fals.'ly r.-pn seiilinn himsell as a^iiil l..r ilie ('iti/..'iis l.ite .\ssnci,iliiiii i.| Chernki.'e, la., aliscoiiils with many Ihoiisaml ilollnrs of preininms. — Dec. :iil. Arson. Vesper, Wiscniisiii, luniber yaril ^l' Henry .Sherry .t Co. iles- trnye.l. hiss. t^-J,"i.noo.- Dee. 'JP. Ilankiiif,', returns, Ciiicinnali, (I., Means Win , presiileiil. anil l)e- Canip John 1'., viee-|.resi,li'nt nl die .Mitrnpnlitaii Hank, eliar|;eit Willi sw-earin^ In false statcin.'iils of tlie bank's eomlKion in IHH7 iiciinittej.— Dec. 'in. IliCHniv.llallimorc, llernliarl .i/m> Da^jwalt D.ivi.l .\., iirresteil for.— . Dee," IS. 11 loillers, ChieajTo, Mack .M. K, cs-secrclary of Arcannm HnililinB liiian ami llom.'Stca.l .\ssoei'iiijii, I'cpnrLeil missing willi 5>T,r)il.l. — Dec. IS. Iliiriilarv, llnerne, Ti xis. safe of County Treasurer's ottice roblieii of .-iiLiini).— Dee, IP. liiirt'lary, Kosinskn, Mississippi, safe of W. Carter ami J. D. Lee. rilleiriiy, between Ijjii.noo ami Jj:;,oiiii taken.— Dee. hi. lliir^'lary, .Meilia. I'a., l'''ricK I-'. II pkins .sentcnccil to live years liartl labor. — Dec. J. Ilnrnlary, .Shiekskeniiy, I'a , liai-ilw.ire store of \. W. Campbell ritleil,— Dec. •!. linnillcrs, I'liilaili'lpliia, I'a., Diiniaii, I., presiilent of (Jiiebec (/'ity Hank, liavini; been uiissmg several UilJ's, icmoveil troni ilireclorttle. -Dec. i;t. Coiis|iiiiiey, (^ineiiinali. Win, Means nml J. U. D'Canip of the lute Melrnpnliiaii Hank, trial ot, for eoiispiraey to violate I'liiteil Stales Itankiiig l.iiw, npenc.l in Sni.reme Cniirl. — Dec. ii. C.inspiraey 1.1 il.'l'raml, l'itisbiir„', I'nrt.'r .Mil.'riiii'ii W. II, ciinviclt'l 111 1 eiviiig iiiniiey til settle ill. -gal liipior selling — l)..'e. 31, Coiispiriiey to rob, Denver, ('olorailo. ex-liient, of Police James Connoraiiil .lames .Mai'sluill ol Kansas City seiilenccil lo iinpiison- nieni of two years anil line of $1,01111 each for coiispiruey lo rob Kio (Iruiiilc irain in April. — Dec. 11. Mefiilcation, llloomiiigloii, Ills., W. II. I'"iirsnian. broker nml iiiouey lemler, ilelalcaiioiis'of, aseerlaiiieil at iJlM Mlilt). — Dec, ii, I'lnibe/.'/.leinenl. Ili.igl.ainpioii, .N.V., lleiiiniiii;;way K. Ii., ilrn^ririsl am! privap' banker, iibseonils, leaving ileliciencies of over »7"i,oOU. — Dee. T. Mnibe/./.lcment, Mount Vernon, Imliana, K, .M,, siiperinteinleiit of Wiitei works at, arrest. '.I o.. cliarg.' ot einb.-/./.liii); .#l,TPtl —Dec. '-Ii. Kinlii'/.zh nieiil, \\ aihiiiKli.ii, Kitivaril ,*y. — ihv. <». Kiircery, linirMlo, Win. FiiriKill' airi'sli'il lor (iii(,'ini; \v.i\ onli'is nn llic City Tri'asiiter. — I)('r. ti. Fdrppry. Cincinnati, It. 'J.'i,- 000.— N'o^-. 5. Foi'ppry, New Vmk, Clm l''un[r, for^jer and delanltif. al'seouds.— Dec. 22. Foi'!;(-t'y. \ew Vork, (^orbin II. R , vicp-president and nntnniier of Ibe II. .S Conitneiei.i! ami Tiadini; Co., ai i.>ti d lor liandideni issue ul notes. — Dec. 17. Forjfory, Tidedo. Dbio. Clias. S(dner. ]iroiirieliir(d' Siindiiy II nil Jtiwii yv^jf'.f, aiTesled lnr. — Dec. Is. Fraud, Sail Lake Cilv, .Mayor .\iinslron)j;inil .sevi'ral ollieers ai ii'sled for.— Dec. I.s. Fraudulent tratlinj;, (Jreeuvide, l'[i[ier Cartditia, Ne.x .1. 'P., e.vteiisive luercliaiil, anvited fur. — Dec. '.'l. (iranil larceny and fii-,'ery, Wasiiinijlon, .Siloolt C Iv, iiidiiMeil by grand jury lor. — Dec. 2ii. I/yncliio);, liarnwell, eight nPj;roes acciis"d olrnnnh r lyiuliid.— Dec 1!H. Manslaughter, New ^'ork. rieree ('h;is, \\ , sn)'erinlcndent of lamps ol the Mrnsh Kleelrie l,i^'hl Ciun|iauy i:i New Vork, indieied lor oian- 8laui;liter of Henry llarr's ot .in cKcliic shock Iroin a lani|i lui .\uv. 7lh last.— Dei'. JT.' Mauslanchler. I'onieroy, (lliio, ItaddilV .liiims II.. loimd ^'uilly ol murder (pf Louis 11. ("ulterdl. — Dec. -'i. (tutrafrp. Ttu'onto, Midu'W .lames, arresleil for, tui infant dan;ihter ol Henry Chislujlm — Dei-, .'i. rerjury, .Xilama. (ieorjjia. .Mel'oiil (ileii, a wiliie on irial id' (!eo. Kddleniati forinuider, sentenced to N veai-.-. ..ii[>ii>i>iiiiii'ut tor.-- Dee. I'.i. Prison breakin;;. Kinyslon, Ihil,, live cn.v els escape Inun peniten- tiary.— Dec ~."i. Robbery, U;iii:;'s Slalion, Te.xas, train on .\nLi. l.i Ihaneh ol Sania Fe. line held np.-Dee. 20. Uiibbery, lierwyu, .■\rillore, I. T , the Saiile Fe K.xpress messenper bnariled bv tram robb-r- wlio e.illecl j;.lii.iuia. Nov. 'Sti, reported in The .V.)'."ir.„V./.— Dee. I. Smnstglini-', llalilax. KIsler .lolin, i| I'row llailior. lined .j-iraey to bribe the jury in Cioiiin ca.-c— Dec. 21. Thelt, liidfalo. N.V., liapst K. F., treneral delivery eleik in I'osI Ulliee ut, heinjj airested lor, pleails ^:iiilty to lie Ii of h-iler-. — Dec 2tl. Theft. S.iu Aii-jeh), live ai.Mi enter express utiee and take .jT.Oiio from safes.— Dee. la. Theft, Frbana, tthio. lliekney Naac (eonduclor) iind Iletiy. Uanisay and Clark (brakem<'iii on N.V., I'eiiu. \ (tliio iiailw.iy, airested lor robbery (d' ireipht ears on. -Dee a. Theft. Denver. Colorado, Wuudward .luseph. inaillM'; clerk, arrested for stealing letters amouiilinj; to i;|,2uii — Dec. 2."). Theft, Nevison W. W . cunh'-'-pi to Ihefi of paekajre of ■ti'.'ino missing from otiice of I'niieil Slate.- Kxj.ress Co.. since l^.si.- Dee, .'i. Trains, wrecking, Walnsh. In iiaim. William Mir pii-i, a;^,d i 7, con- fesses to atteinpliii;; to wreck train. — Dee. 17. Cuba Island ot, resulniioii anthori/.iip.x presideni ot Cnited Slates to iipjro- tiale with (iover lor of .S.-aiii for C't ililisluie-nt ul republic '»«,— D>e. 21. De l.aeoiir .1. I,., prumineiii mason and ex-tnasiiier ol Kuard ol Fdncalion. in Canrien, .\-.J Dee. 21. Dillon .losei-h It. of the lte|.iililieiin Slate lOxeeiitive Commiliee u| l-'inance of Tennessee, at .Nashville,- Dee, lo, F( ersier ,'!■. ,\m^iisI'is, iiiaii:i;;er vi' ilie Ihir;^ 'riealre, Vienna, - Dee. Fi rsvih Kev. Waller, well-known I'reslpviei inn luiiii.-ier, in ('hica^'u. -bee. :;o Fox .lo.-eph C... A..M.. proli'sso- olCi\il To|iof:iaphieal I')ii;;iueei iiie; al l.iiluyelle Col'e^'e, Fusion, I'a. — lice. 2il. Fiaser Duiiiild, ex-.\l.lM'. ol I'iclou Coniiiy, N.S.- Dec. 12. Kn e/e II S., LI, D.. proles-orof i la.-sics al I'niveisily of .Miehi'^'an in Ann Aitior. Dee, 7. Creeii T. (' .siuiior .J ndj.'e of ."Supreme t.'onrl of West X'u-^a'i da, — Dee, i, Havenii'M'r Heeior C., presidenl of tlio llavcnieyer Siiyar Kclimny Va>. cd' New Vork, at Fans, —Dec. 14, lliglup Stale sii|ieriiitpndpiit, ut Laiicastpr, I'a — Dec. 13. •lell'rey Dr, Itenben, lia]ilist n.inisler, in New Vork.— Dec, 14, .lobnson Oliver, anli-slavery advocate, at Hrtioklyn-— Dec. 10. Ixar 'lyi Count, Aloys Karolyi ile Nany, Karolyi formerly Austrian ambassador to Cjlreal lailiau and Cermanv, at Farssbiu'i;, Ilnn^ary. -Dec, 27. Keidv Wairen I!,, cashier in United Stall's Treasury Department, ia Iteading, I'a,— Die. 20. Kendriek Itev. .1, It , president of Vassar College, al Poughkeepsie, N,V.-Dec. 11, Kennedy Harvey, pnuninciil sharebroker on Wall slrept.— Dec. 3. Lord ,Mis, Seolt, .sister of .Mis. Harrison, at Wasliin).'lon. — Dec. 10. Mackay Charles, LL I)., aiilhor and jonrnali-^l, London.— Dec. 24. .MeAllen \. K. F., retired (iarrison Artillery Cafilain, .MoiitreiiL— Dee, l.s. .Ml Farland Ifobt. W , attorney, of (), Kentucky.- Dec. 15. McD-nald J.. manai;er of London Tiiwu. — Dec. lU .Ml llviene Spencer, of (Chester, Pa, director of the Delaware .Mutual Safety Insurance ('o,. at Philadelphia. — Dec, I,'t. .MoUenbaii.ser Henry, musical composer, al ISrooklyii, — Dec. ;il), Mun U .liidjje ,\inbruse. Ill New Vork.— Dec. 14. .Moses Lieulenani-Cul. l.-aae, retired broker, Civil War Teleran,al .Vew Vork.-Dec. la. Nichols Clias. Henry, of New Vork, euiinenl idiysician and medical superintendent al IJIoninin^rilale Imaue .A.sylum. — Dec, lli. O'llara. '■ oldes! man in II! noi.s," at ape of 1 10. at Chicago.— Dec. 24. Olsen Kdward, Ph D , ex-Prolessor ofCieek In Chicago University, in lire of /'/■//■"».■ ollice.— Nov. :iO Perkins Henry, m .nacer and Irei.anrer of House of Itefngp, and pro- minent eil zen ol Philadelphia.- Dec. 2M. Pey iiaiid llaplisie, Ihe high diver, al .New Orleans, La. — Dec. 2. Plunkelt ('apt.. M P. lor Cik dislricl.— Dec li. Polfrey (ieneial I'. W.. war veleran and historian, at Cannes, France. -DJc. li. Pomeroy ,1, .1,, rev. Dr, of (.'enlral I'r. shi terian Church, at Cliatiibers- bnrg, Penn — I aa- I, Prime liev, Frederick, ineiimbenl of All Saints Chi: eh, Kingston.— Dee, 10, Itathliiaie ,(. II, PasI Supreme Chancillor and founder of Knigbta of V^ thill, al tiiiwa, Uliin-— pe^. y, THE INDEX OF CUKRENT EVENTS. UK'S, Fmnce. ClmiiibtTS- lvil|,'Sl()ll.— f Kiiiglita of DE\T\lS.—ConliiiiieJ. Iliiliile William N., formerly presideiil of the I'enn. N'litioniil Bank of I'itlsburg, lit New York— Dec !•. (lowers Maior.lohn I)., Lexington, VIrginiii, sulieitorof tlio Chesapeake & Ohio llailroail— Dec. 2. Uomnndt (Jharles 11. Von, formerly iirolessor of Modern Langnages ill Uiilgiii (^'olIeL'e, ami recently ot the Stale Departnieni, Washing- ton, at ."St. Martin',^, West Iniliea.— Dec. '.ill Sawin (ieo. W., niatlieinatical instrnetor at Hardwood College, at lioston.— Dec. J!). Searle Henry, chain|>ioii sculler of the world, at Adelaide. — \)ec. 9. Shelley Sir I'ercy Florence, son ofpoetl'ercy liys.shc Shelley. — Dec. 5 Sniilli Edward Clarence, principal of Uiiijhy Academy, New York, at same eily. — .\'ov. :I0. Smith Hon. II. L , owner of the Denver Oil Work:", at Boston. — Dec :w. Smith 15. S.,of Connecticut National Guard, at New Haven.— Dec. 4. Steele Samuel Andrew, e.\-mayor of Vonngslown, Q.— Dec. 12. Stevens Robert J., V S. Consul, at Victoria, liritish Culuiubia. — Dec, 2,5. Towusend Jnhn I'., president of Union Club, New York.— Dec. 0. Twigg liishnp, of Alleghany City, Tenn., at .^Itoona, I'enn.— Dec. 7. Tyler .Mrs. Robert, daughter-in-law of late president Tyler, at .Mont- gomery, Ala.— Dee. 2!". Vonalwens llerr, vice-president of the llavnrian Chamber,— Dec. 2G. Williamson A, F., chief of Criminal Investigation DepMrtmenl of the Metropolitan Police Force, London, lOng. — Dec. !>. \V. Ditmau Jos. .r., removed from jTesidcncy of tjuaker City Bank, Philadel- phia, I'a., on sus|iicion of having absconded with bank assets.— Dec. l."!. Dominion Evangelical .Alliance, Toronto, election of oflicers at.— Dec. 5. Dory Simon, elected president of the .New York,Susi|uehanna and Western Railroad.— Dec. 28. Dual Language, .Manitoba, Euglish speaking Iloiuau Catholics denounce projiosed legislation abolisliing teaching of French in public schools. -Dec. 27. Duel, Pesth, Count Karolyi and Count Lnzaro light at. — Dec. ,S. Duel, Pamona, Cal., Harry Lucas and Herbert Priestley light at.— Dec. :!. Karthoiiake, Aci Reale, Sicily, many persons killed through shock of,at. — Dec. 21). Ivirth(pnil. Camden West, .Iirsey Presbytery oli Ses-ion.— Dec. I. Casgrain rev. Abbe, Pres, of Freneli Seciion of Royal Society of Canada, leaves on Eiiro|iean tour.— Dec. l.'p. (Jhri.Jioplnr (Joluiulius. eight hundred priisis ami laymen peliliou tlie Pope to eaiiouize. — Dec. I. City of .Me.vico, Archbishop Laba.stida, Gulden .Jubilee of. celebrated. -Dec. .-'. Clevehiud, annual meetiug id' Baptist rniini of,— Dee. .-<. Cleveland, annual meeting idlMuo Sabbath Association.— Dec. lii. Cleveland, Baptist ministers coiifereucc al.— Dec. 1. Clevelauil, conveniion ol llie Episcopal Church 0|eMS— Dec. 2. Cleveland, Daniel W. Harri.-on and Benson S. Ilarrelt e.\conininuica',ed from Woudland .\venue Preslnlerian Chureli. — Dec. 1. Cleveland, Deaconesses address in First .Melhodist Cliiireli by .Mrs. S. !■:. Graves, the Mrst Oeacoiiess appointed for ceulcnies.— Dec. !. HudsiMi, (I., Nineteenlh District Sunday School Conv( ntiiui.— Dec. i:'. Inland. Derry, Dr. tI'Doherly appointed bi,.;liop of.— Dec. 2.t. Mauches er, Eng., Liberal Federation al. adonis resolnlions in favor ol disislalilisliment ol esliiblished Church in'Wales.— Dec. :i. .Montreal. Protestant Miiii^leiial .Vssoeialion, lourth annual lueeting and eh.'clicn of ollieers cd'. — Dec. '.>. .\ew York, Refurnied H|iiscopal Chureli, .'■i.vleenth anniversary of eftaldi.''liment of, celebrated at.— Dee. 2. I'hiladelpliia, hll;-ai.\lh anniversary of Bishop White I'raver Societv. —Dec. 22. Pittsburg, In the contest as to siipriinaey of convent id' .Ml. .Si. I'rsula, tlic Pope decides in favor of Sister .Mplionse.— Dec. 10. ECCLEStASTICAL.-C'on/i««f(/. Pitisburg, Bishop Twigg of Roman Ufttliolic diocese of, at Altoona, Pa.— Dec. 8. Hom.', Archbishops of Paris, Lyons and Prague receive cardinals' hats — Dec. 30. St. Paul, Minnesota, Rt. Rev. John Stanley of St. Paul; Rl. Rev. James JlcGoldrick, of Minneapolis; and Rt. Kev. Joseph B. Colter of Winona, consecrated Roman Catholic bishops.— Dec. 27. Satolli .Mgr., reaches Cork.— Dec. 5. Satolli, Archbishop of, visits England.— Dec. 9. Toronto, Cleary Archbishop of, preconi7,ed.— Dec. 30, Eclipse of Sun.— Dec. 22. EDUC.VTIOXAL.— Mexico, City of. Association of Teachers formed for .Mexico. — Dec. 1. Holland, La Hague, government bill ado|ileu lor grants to denomina- tional schools and abolliion of free education, except for paupers, — Dec. li. Washington, proposal in Republican caucus to celebrate discovery of Ameiica by foundation ot National University in capital.— D?(i. 4. New Haven, Connecticut, appropriation of lf;!n,000 for provisioii of free schools for children. — Dee. C. New York, Hebrew Educational Fair opened.— Dec. 9. Night schools, Montreal, city grant in aid of, raised from .jil,500 to S:i,OI)0. — Dec. 13. tjuebec, Letter from Cardinal Tascherenn commending night schools read in churches.— Dec. l.*). Normal Schouls, .M uiireal. Mr. L. 0. David, M.P.P., withdraws from School Cominiltee. — Dec. I. Toronto. .Minister of Education approves of the supply of free text books in public schools.— Dec. 9. Trenton, N. J., Slate Teachers convention at. — Dc 2i;. Coiled States. New York Board of Education adnpt report recom- mending teacliing ol French and (icriiian in piibl''> J'diools in cer- tain gradrs — Dec. 1 1. Wilkesbarre, Penna,, the Liuzerne County Teacher.^, .^.nnual sesson of.— Dee. 10. EGYPT, Cairo, advices from South report ruling by Malidi.- Dec. d. Egypt, the corvee abolished throughout and land tax substituted. — Dec. 13. ELECTIONS.— Bronie County, Que., England R. N., Conservative, elected for. — Dec. 2. Sianstead, Vn\h\ Hon. Mr., issues address to electors of, on his admis- sion to (jabinet. — Dec. ,'), Sianstead, Que,, Colby Hon. C. C, rc-cleited.- Dec. 18. ELECTRICITY.— Mooreslown, N. J., ilium. r'te.l by electric light for first time. — Dec. 'i. New York, Peter Claus-en, employee of .North New York LighlingCo., killed ou wire-'. — Dec. 9. New York, Coroner's jury on body of Henry Harris of, killed by wires on Nov. .'tOih, censure Biitish Electric Li^'lit Company. — Dec. 11. Clias. W. Pierce, superintendeul of lamps of Uie British Electric Light Company in New York, indicled for mauslaiighler in causing death iif lleiirv Harris by an electric shock from a lamp on .Nov. 7lh last.-Dec. 27." Exeeutioas by, Rochester. N.Y., the general term of the Fifth depart- ment decide I n ease of Keinmier that executions by, are legal and eon.., by umjority of lull.— Dee. 2. EPIDEMICS.— Bagdad, cholera raging at.— Dec. in. Bagdad, outbreak of cholera at, following lines of Tigris a'lU Euphra- tes, reported. — Dee. 12. liipblheria, .Vberdeen and Sioux Falls, S. !)., many deaths reported from.— Dec. 2i;. Dublin, typhoid lever prevalent ill.— Dec. '23. and MePherson counties, ■South Dakota, diphtheria very pro- valeiit ill lins-ian selt'emenls al. — Dec. 2.">. Inllueu/.'i St. Petersburj; ot jharp troji. — Dec. '. '^epideiuic in Russia siib-id'.'j iin I.'r in 1 1 vi.:o THE INDEX OF CURRENT EVENTS. u Kl'IDK.MICS.— CoHdHuci/. Inlliioiizii, I'aris, iiiHiicnzn siutikIs to. — Dec. in. Intluenzii, lielgiiini, o( Aiitwcrii, llicepidi'iiiicmiiiiifi'sts ilsilf in. — Pec. Kl, Infliicii/.ii s|piTii(i3 to (iertiiHiiy.— Dec. 13. Iijfliieu/.ii s|>reh(ls lo llie Unileil -Stiites.— Dec. 18. lulliienzii, .Majcnee, Alsace, entire Cieiinun gHnisoii |ii()9trale with. — Dec. 2-:.. KunsnH, lioj; ciuileni prevalent in. — Dec. 11. SIhtIIjoio'i Mns.s., (Ii{ilitlierin very |nevMlent at.— Dec. 11. iVunticello. 111., Dipjillieria widely ^jpreadingat. — Deo. 4. Pari.i, two liniidred eases «( (ever ie|nirled Irom. — Dec. ID. iricnrlel lever and diphtheria, Campbell Cuniily, H. D., nnnieruiis oii II. K. k (/'., buol and shoe merelmnts. Liabilities estimated at .$2.".,000. — Dec. 4. Toronto, M.K'farlaiie& Son, Contractors. Liabilities esiiinaled atover .«il8ll,()n0.— Dee. 2. Toronto. Tlnanson Wm., k Co., Hardware firm. Liabililiis estimated al $7ri,«li(i.— Dec. 1. Wliiliiey's Point, New Vork, Hemingway E. B., banker and general dealer. Lial.ililics about S10,(mii.— Dec. 9. Famine, iiiinor county, Dakota, over 300 lamilies perishing from destitu- tion. — Dee. !i. Famine, Kiissia, Volga, Province of, failure of crops threaten famine.— Dec. 13. Federation of Labor, lio.ston, Vicomtc de .Meanx, .Minister of Agriculture and Commerce of I'' ranee, addresses. — Dec. II. Federation of Labor, Huston, adopts resolution against employment ol children under II years ol age. — Dee. 13. Federation of Labor, Boston, adjonrnmeut of session of. — Dec. 14. FUANt'E.— Clmuiber of l)e|ailies, Jl. Spuller, minister of Foreign affairs, states that the new Brazilian Provisional (iovernment will be recog- nized by France, where it has iilaccd itself in diplomatic relations with the French aulhorities. — Dec. 2. Clemenceau urges union of all parties for inaiiilainance of Bepublic. —Dec. 0. Montaban, Hoiilauger and Revert, election for invalidated by Chamber of Di'pnlies.— Dec. ">. Jabuzol .M., Paris, election of, as Boiilangisl representative sustained by Chamber of Deputies.— Dec. 3. Paris, election of ,M. Jolfriu declared Invalid by the Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies. — Dec. 4. Paris, elections of Dr. .Mery, lioulangist, and of M. Naquet declared void by Chamber of Deputies. — Dec. 17. Paris, election of .Mr. Laur, Boulnngisl, declared void. — Dec. 18. I'aris, Bill of amnesty fur Boulnnger and his supporters rejected by Chamber. — Dec. 18. Senate, liill introduced by .M. .Marcel Bartlie for snlijeetion to the Correctional Tribunal, menibers of the press libelling ministers and others— Dec. 3. Farmers' Alliance, St. Louis, the Farmers' Alliance and the Farmers' and Laborers' Union agree to confederate. — Dec. 5. Fisheries, United Stales, bill |irolectiiig lishing by foreign vessels within three leagues of coast line of United States introdneed into Senate — Dec. 4. Fry Cyrus J ,;-.i:pointcd Marshal forSouih Dakota. — Dee. 19. fSaicna, Lake Memphremagog, rich vein discovered on shore of. — Dec. '13. Gas, Redlield, Spink County, S. D., natural gas discovered al, in great volume. — Dec. 28. Gas, St Louis, St. Louis Gaslight Company concern acquired bv Laclede Gaslight Company for $4,Oiio,iiO{i. -Dec. 24. George Henry, Philadelphia, addiess to Baptist MinisteriHl Conference on " The iieligious Aspects of the Single Tax." — Dee. 23. Uladstoiie W. E, al .Manchester, Eng.— Dee. 2. Goschen Charles G., sou of Chancellor of Imperial Exc hange in Montreal on return Ironi trip with Vice-ltegal parly. — Dec. 1. GEIi.MA.NY. — Berlin, cable messages received in, express belief that Dr. Peters and Lieut. Liedniannare dead. — Dec. 2. Alsace, three hundreil and forty-eight Alsatians im|irisoned for attempting to evade military duty by emigration. — Dec. 10. Berlin, two hundred miners in Treasury coal mines in daar district petition Knijieror to raise wages beyond starvation price. — Doc. ■!. Berlin, Socialists Committee on .Socialist bill reject clause on expnl« sion declared essential by Government. — Dec. I. TllK INDEX OF CUliliENT H VENTS. GEI!MAXV.-Co.,//h«-.J, liiTliii, lit'ii'hsliii,'. liill iiiti'()ilucT<'>ic<', and .sfiiU-iK'cd lu various Icrnis uf iiiiprisoniiu'tit, llu' ii'sl iicciuiili'd — Dec. :;il. l'"niiil(ruc. ij. drain lleeeivers' Association, .Minneapolis, inau^'nratittii of,at. — Dec. 'Id. llainian Kdwaril, of Troy, appointed by (ioveriior Mill commisslonur of Works.— Dec. 17. Hardy ilori. .Mr., .Minister of Crown Lands, Tcaonlo, ri'ports ilhninntiun m losses by tire in Unlariu. — Dec. li. llayli, rnQiored disalleelioH wiili llippoltye's fjovernrneiit ollieially denied. —Dec. 7. Jleald l.'lnn. .M., resij^os presidency ol .New York, Kns(inelianua & Western Kailroads. — Dee. J.s. Hebrew Labor I'liion of the United Slates Ibnned in New York. — Dec. 'J.'i. llenialile, .Maitland. N.S., valuable seam of red discovereil near. — Dec. 5. Historical Association, American, Wasliington,,-ixtb annual meetnig of. — Dec, 2K-3I. Jlollauii, Amsterdam, Hotel Suisse destroyed by lire. — Dec. |i. Holland, La Hague, Ch.iniber abolishes tree .Stale education except for paupers, and subsiiinted grunts in aid to denoininationul scbools. — llec. ti. Hovey (luvernor's, address on soldiers' riglits to pensions in Cleveland J.ra.lrr.—lh'C. ;!. Hudson Hay Co., lUooniinglon, Ills., aefnicutions of tbcir agent Fursman ascertained to be $t4:!,UU0.— Dec. 0. Idaho, bill to admit, as a Stale, introduced into Senate by Jlr. I'latt.— Dec. U. Hidia, liouibay. Native (longress formulates demanil for popular electoral representation.— Dec. 'J7. Indian itiglit Association, I'liiladelphia, seventh annual meetingof. — Dec. 17. InterDaiional .Marine Conference, Cheney A, ()., President .Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, ai>poinled delegate from Nicaragua. — Ueported Dec. 2. IliKLA.ND, I'ublisher of the Munsler sentenced to two months' imprison- ment for reported meeting where boycotting advocated. — Dec. 4 ArnniKli, letter from the I'rcniate to Convention at, approving Tenants' League. — Dic. VI. Castle Aunell, Limerick Nationalist demonstration proclaimed. — Dec. 22. Dublin, new nniseum completed. — Dec. 2."i, Dublin, Zetland Karl of, the new Irish viceroy, enters Dublin in state. —Dec. II. (Jalway, William O'lirien, .M. P., released from jail.— Dec. 20. Iron red hematite, six loot seam of, discovered, at Torbrook, Annapolis, N.S.— Dec. 27. ITALY. — Home, Signer Crisiie, Prime .Minister, Ferrori. in Chamber of De|iutie9, declares the enleii'li' curdiaU reply to .Signor to exist between France and Italy. — Dec. tj, Fratalivri, anarcliisl, sentenced to 1.') years imprisonment for throw- ing bomb into Chamber of IJepnties. — Dec. 21. Jacobus Jcdin Wesley, appointed United States marshal for Southern District of .New York. — Dec. 17. .Iapan,tax upon Christian churches removed by (iovernment.— Dec. 1. Jal'im, Yokohama, .Ministry reconstructed, chargeil with introduction of Kuropean methods into legal and administrative systems.— Deo. 2.'i. JKSUITS KSTATK.S.-Torunto, .Mr. Clark Wallace, .M.P., (irand Master of Uraiige Order, on the Jesuit Act and incorpomliou.— Dec. (i. Jewish .Ministers' Association, New York, senii-annual conference. — Dec. M. Johnstown, charter for new city of, issued by Governor Beaver.— Dec. 1!'. JUDHMAL.— New York, I'etterson Justice, relireiuent of — Dec. 1. .Montreal, Johnson Judge, appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, vice Sir Andrew Stuart resigned.— Dec. 10. Dttawa, Stuart Sir .\udrew. Chief Justice of Superior Court, resigua- \ion ol.— Dec. 10. tjuetiec, (laguc J. A., e'x-.M.P.P. for Chicoutimi and Saguemiy, ap- P'jiuted Judge of Superior Court of tjuebec— Dec. 10, Washington Judge liraver of Kansas elevated lo Supreme Court ot. —Dec. 4. Kingston, Out., waler rates in. reduced 25 p.c. — Dec. G. Karolyi Count, lights duel at Pesth with C(nint Ln/.aro, — Dec. !'. Karolyi Count, Aloys de Nagy, Karolyi formerly .Vustiian ainbaiisudor lo (ireat llritain and (lermany, kiile'* whilst hunting — Dec. 27 Kennan (iecuge, representative meeting at Philadelphia resolve lo raise testimonial lo —Dee. II. Knight Tempbirs, Clevelano Oriental Coinmandery No. 12 Knight Tem- plars, ;i'.iih annual iiisia'lation.— Dec. 2. Kun/.e John, found giiilly ot inanslaiighter on ii diclment for murder of Dr. (;r(inin of Chicago, ind sentenced lo :i years in penilentiary. — Dec. I(i. Labor, American, Fi'deialion o ', Boston, session of, opened at.- Dec. 1". Lawson Ciiillemio, appoinlme' lot U.S. slates consul ai Halifax appioved by Queen. — Dec. .'i. Lay It. (i., appointed consul g. ueral of United States at Ottawa. — Dec. 4. LKGAL. — Albany. Nov. 20. Thomas Plait removed from the ipiarantinc commissiouership by decision of Court of Ap|ieals. Nov. 20, repoited .V. P. Ilio/i/.- Dec. 2. lirnnswick, claim ol alli'j;eil le|.'itiinate children of late Duke of Hrunswiek liy (.;'ollnIes,^ de (.,'ivry tit his landed and per-onal esiates dismissed, and that of the King of .Saxony and l)uke of Cumberland upheld.— Dee. 2'i. Kan Chiiie, Wi.scoason, Telephone (.lompany sues for injunction against the Kan Claire .Street Itailway Cmnpnny. and the Sprague Klectric Kailwiiy ami Motor Company, on irroiiini tlieir operations interlere with those of Plaiiitilf company.— Dec. I.'I. Klizaheih, New Jersev, (ieiieial .M. Drake, publisher ol Daily Lrtnter found guilty on indicimenl of libel. — Dec. 10. Helena, .Montana, lesl action commenced against .State Auditor Keniiey, lo eoni|iel him to the mileage and /vr i/c m allowance of memheis. — Dec. 10. Indianapolis, liriish Klectric Lighl Coinpany m. Fori Wayne Jenney Klectric Light t'ompany, defendant company injoined Irom infring- ing dt)td)'e taisiness pateiiteil l»y plainlil! company. — Dec. 21. .lury system, United .States, Maine Jurists lavor adoption ol Austra- lian system.- Dec. 7. Libel, .Manchester, Kng., .Mackay c,«. Manchester KjniiiiiiirA\v\ Times action for. settled by apology of defendant to Mrs. J. D. .Mackay. — Dec. .I. Libel. .Montreal, Ducasse r.i. Page, in last case of Judge l^hampai^ne, decides that though none but writer and addressee know of con- tests of libellous letter, aclit)n for dama;;es lies. — Dec. 12. London, Kiig., U'IMen Wm. v». Lord Salisbury, molion for new trial of, dismissed. — Dec. 2H. iVontreal, action of J. Ii. Monierof /.<■ PrU Vniinni/ against K. D. .■^hallow of A.' Miiiiiti'ur ilu Cnmmn-vi; for tiamages for misrepresen- tation, dismissed. — Dec, II. Montreal, lirowne Stewart t'.i London k Glasgow Insurance Co., action jl2ti,o00 for commission inleresl. — Dec. 0. Montreal, (Jrtgory rx. Lawrence Hague, the .Montreal Stock K.xchauge Court ol Keview at .Montreal upholds dec.sion of Court below com- pelling Hague to spend to Plaiutilf .•;2,,')0o.— Hec. 4. Montreal, .Society of Jesus rs. .Mail, motion by Defendants for leave to amend pleadings. — Dec. ij. .Monlreal, Walbank W. .McLea, architect, vs. Protestanl Hospital for Insane at Verdun, action for cost of plans, etc., dismissed. — Dec. 4. Madame .Nelson, etpiestrienne, cs. Northern Pacilic Railroad Company, action lor bodily injuries settled for $11,000. — Dec. 7. New York, Stewart Cornelia .M., deceased, relict of late .\,T. Stewart, contest over will of, amicably adjusted. For terms see the Wudd. — Dec. 12. New York, United States, nnish.'i: .Mount Morris Klectric Light Com- iiaiiy I'.t. .Mayor Grant and others. The (/'oininissioner of Public Works declared by the .Supreme Court entitled lo cut dangerous and defective wires.— Dec. LI. New York, assignment and juilgmcnt conferred by Payne, .Sleek & C'o., liquidating jewellers, to preferred creditors declareil void by Supreme Court. — Dec. 2. Ottawa, Chagnon e.i. Nurmand, Sitpreme[Conrl dismis.'es appeal from (lecision ol Ijueen's lieucli, inllicting p'einilly of $100 for corrupt cleclortil practices. — Dec. 4. Pittsburg, Cameron Jt Coal tlotnpany. Pennsylvania, receiver appoin- ted of, under mortgage held by (,'etitral Coinpany of New York.— llec i:i. Kailway contracts, Madison, Wis., lyhippewa Valley and Superii-r KaiUvay l/'oinpauy m. (./'Iiicano, .St. Paul, .Miiineaptdis k llniaha liailroad Company, atiil the Cliiea^'o, .Milwaukee .\£ .St. Paul liail- road Company, contract between companies litigating vtiiiltMl by Supreme Court ot Wisconsin, on ground that it was for lobbing ser- vices.— llec. .'1. Hi. John,, Urowii m. St. John Duilij Tetii/niiih Co., verdict for plaintilffor I'lOO.- Dec. il. Silver mine claim, Yoiiiigslown.O., the mining suit, Peter !.. Kimber- ley, of. Sharon, against Charles D. Arms of Yoiingslown, settled by agreement. — Dec. :i. Toronto, city auditor, comptroller and treasurer, restrained by Injun c lion from iiaying expenses of entertaining tiie delegates to the Pan- American Ojugiess in Kansas. — Dec. 2. THE INDEX OF CUKEENT P:VP:nTS. LEGAL.— CondHw/. Toronto, Queen ij. Freeman, known as the Tea Trnders' Company, conviction ct' niagialnites for infringement ut' Lottery Act sustiiined. —Dec. 21. United Hiiiles, D. I. Brewer, of KnnsiiR, appointeil by President insociate judge of llie Supremo Court ol the United IStiues.— Dec. 4. Winnipej;, Iludsuu's Buy Company im. Imperial Biiuk. hill filed to reslrain hiiuk fniru dealing with, $374,0(1') of Company's honds lillegeil to have heeii ohtained by fraud. — Dec. 4. Lentil Otto, found guilty at Cleveland, Ohio, of murder In first degree of .Maggie Thompson in .May last — Dec. 27. Library,New York, Board of public library trustees, meeting of,at. — Dec. .3. Licpior Legislation, North Dakota, I'rohibiiion Act passed to operate from Jidy 1st.— Uec. li). Lockout, Bristol, Kng., ten thousand bootmakers locl. Moussa Bey, charged at Constantinople with murder, arson and pillage in America, acipilited. — Dec. 2. .Monssa Bey and family exiled to Segriil.— Dec. 0. Mowatt Hon. Oliver, at Woodstock, Ont., addresses his constituents. — Doc. 3 . .MURDERS.— Butler, Missouri, United Slates, .Marshall Willis lIioI by Whitlet attempting to arrest Pierce .Morgan, a moonshiner.- Dec. 4. Allania, Cia., Woodward James F., a leading merchant, shot by un- known as.4allant. — Dec. 26. Baltimore, Henry Jones found guilty of murder In liist degree of Thomas .V. Foster, eight othersofmanslanghter, two not guilty and not proven as others Indicted. —Dec. 23. Balllmore, Md., George S. Kay found guilty of murder of .Nayasse — Dee. 2. Chicago, Cronin, further evidence addnccd for defence. Address of Judge King continued, — Dec. 2. Chicago, Cronin Dr., Mr. Donahue, counsel for O'Sullivan and Kiinze commences speech for defence. — Dec. 4. ' Chicago, Cronin, Mr. Ilynes for prosecution begins his address — Dec. .'). Chicago, Cronin, Wm. II. Ilynes opens his speech for prosecution — Dec. .'). Chicngo, Cronin, .Mr. Forrest addre.=se3jury for defence Doc. 0. Chicago, Croniii, cinitiiiualkui of .Mr. Forrest's address for defence — Dee. II). Chicago Ooniii, State Attorney Loiigeneeker replies for State and the (Jonrt charges jury who retire. — Dec. 13. ' Chicago, Cronin, Jury retire to consider their verdict.— Dec. 13. Chicago, Cronin veiillcl, John F. Be^-gs, not guilty; John Kiinze guilty of maiishiui.'liler. piiiiisliiiieiit 3 yen rs In p( nitc'ntlarv ; Daniel Coughliii, .Martin Bonrke and Patrick b'Sulllvnn, guilty of murder, punishment penitentiary for life. — Dec. IG. Cincinnati, Ohio, Bridget IKrni's murdered by Jolin Smith.— Dec. D. Cleveland, Otto Leuth arraigned for murder of .Maggie Thompson. Dee. 2. Cleveland, Ohio, Otto Lenth found guilty in first degree of niurderof .Maggie Thompson, in May last. — Dec. 27. Cohiuibtis, 0., W. Fred. Pettli, Methodist minister of Shawnee, .Mo. arrested on charge of poisoning his wife. — Dec. 5. ' ' France, .'Vancy, Danga arraigned at, for mnrder of Sulzerand others. —Dee. 1. (Ileus Falls, .N.V,, Harvey Hodge sentenced to death for uinnlcr of his wife. — .Nov. 3. Glohe, Arizona, Nahdiez, an Apache Indian, for murder of Lieutenant Seward .Mott of the Tenth Cavalry, in .March, 1887 hanged. — Dec. 27. Henry Comity, Ala., George Brown, wife and tlin'e children puisoiied by Porter Irwin.- Dec. .'f. L'Anire Gardleii, Can., Ford Williain, kills his wife and attempts to kill his daughter ami liissisler-iu-hiw. — D.'c. 23. .Mellviile, .v.. I., John Knox arrested on suspicion of murder of .Annie Borden.— Dec. il. New Vork, Terrala .Antoinette, killed in woods by Amanda Bngmoto. —Dec. I. New Yolk. Chirl< dipt. John, found guilty of murder of Jolm Cnrly in second degree. — Dee. 11. New York, JngigoShikiik sentenced to death for murder of (,'ontaro ill Fibrnary last. — Dec. Ii!. .New Verk, Salley William, foMiid guilty of murder In second ol Benjamin llntlon.— Dee. is. .N'iles, ("lilo, (.,'harles Shelnr kills wife and three children, an 1 then C'imnilts sulelde.— Dec. 22. Parentiim, Pa., Rnttet .Mrs , murdered by burglars — Dee. 2.3, Phihidilphia. .MeClall'erty John, found guilty of murder of Patrick ll.iggerty. — Dec. 19. Jt. Joliii, N.B., .McDonald Wm. J., arraigned for murder of .Wr.<. Cath- erine Macrae. — Dee. 7. Si Louis, (;a.sper Clls|iy shoots John Anson and his daughter, and then commits suicide. — Dec. 7. St. Louis, Giieiiiher Geo. .\., by his son. — Dec. 17. Somerset, Ky., IIii!,Mi Kllioit murders Carter Hayden, .Mrs. Kaster and daughter, and Robert Elliott.— Nov. 2il. Music Teachers" Association, New York, first annual meeting of. [)ec. 2ti 28. National Fishery Association, Annual Meeting of, at Boston.— Dec. 4. legree THK INDEX OF CUKKENT EVENTS. oii'l others, nim-iler of nmnler of lliirch. 1887 on puijoneil iiltompij lo ul .\nnie ila liiigiiiolo. Joliii Curly • of I'oniaro oiiil ilegi-oo lull lliOtl of I'ii trick ' Mr,^, Catli- igliior, iimi NAVAL.— United Hiales, Ciipl. h. O. Slieppurd, tlS.R.CS. of the '• Hiisli," ii|ipoiiit>'(l cliirf lit llic Ri'vciiui' .Murine .S'rvlce.— Die. Hi. Ainerletin Kvolntinii Fi(|Uiiilritn ariivcv at I.i.-ilion. — Pee. '2'.'» Ijishnn, Multic Heii, Kiissia ODinnn'iiccs iH'W naval (ort »ni. — I'im'. 'j:i. NcwIoiimiIIhimI, new nnnistry of, toririt'ulili(' uiKler name of Unileil Slate.-' of Ceniral .\iner iea— Dee. 4, .Nin-lli Dakota. Itisinarck \. P.. eonventinri of Ije^isltitnre. — Dee. ."!. North Dakota I..i'i;i;s.tek) elinrges erneliy in I'lsnline eon- veitt at I'lKstMU'ir. I'a. — Dee. f.. (I Doherly Dr., »|ip(iinleil liiphop of Derry, Irelami,— Dee, '.':i. Ohio, .Soliliet'R' aiul SalliHs' Nome, i.'oliiinhns, anioial report of, toilgeii ttitli tlovernor. — Dt-e. '1. (Irhiiiilo Smith (icneral. appninled prcsiih-nt of the l^ineinnati, Maltiiiiure and dhio Sioitli Western liaiUvay- Dee. 24. tt'SnIlivan I'a'riek. \\\\\t .Miiriiii l;onrke imo Daniel Conjxhlin found |i;iilly ol murder ol Dr. Crnnni of Chnauo, and .sentenei d lo imprisonment for life— Dee. Hi. I'tinwa, Lay II. (1., appointed I'. S Consul Cicneral at. — Dee. 1. Tans, t'ouite de, take.s up liis resideiee at .Sinwe Mouse, f lu'kin^liani - Dee. III. I'lirkes .'^ir Henry, at .S\duey, lui Aiistialian I'edenilioii In e lo. "AUNKLL r.S, at Notiin;;ham. Kiifj. - Dee HI. 1' iriK II (!. S., at Xottinnhaui, Kn^. — Dee. 17. Teahody Captiiin W. \\'., apiioiiiled v iee presidi'iil loid ^ii'iieud niiiiia;:ei ol ihe llallimore and tlliio i^oiilli We.-ieni l!.iihv:iy - -Dee J I. Pedro Doin, e\-emperor of Ilrji/.il, lia niched hy priiehiniation.— Dee. -1. Peter.-J Dr., and liientenant Ijiedniaiin, .\lriean e.xplnrei'S, repiuied in /an/ilmr, to he dead.- Dee. "J. I'eitill \V l''ied.. Mi' ininisier, iiiie.sied at ('(dnnilius, (I., on el'iiree nl niurdi'iiiiir his wife. — l)ee. .'». IViiiMsiei .Mr. .In-iiee (New Vor:> i, letiies fr.un jndieial Meneh.-- Nnv. :iii. Piulii .Majnr Serpa. leeulled hy I'uilngnese (iovernnenl, in respiuise to IJrilish demand. — Dee. -7. I'ilislinrg. I'a, rrsidine Convent at. the .Vim nf Keuniare (Mi.<.s Ciistaek) I 'ieadinsr Teiniin.xl Itill, I'liilndelphia, amended and passed by conmiou charges ernelty in. I couniil of- -Dec ;;i;. I I!AIL\VAYS.-Con(i«w^r/. Alenimiinie. Rapid Transit Company incorporated with capital of Jf.ymn.iNio. — Dee. 'y.>. .Me.vlean Coiilineit)il llailwMy suli-iidi/.i'd liy Ihe (lOfemnient to extent of S-'.ilui per kilo over dislaiict ol l.Sllii mih>s —Dee. i. ,\ew Voik, liielnnon 1 and Danville, prusiitency of, aeeepled by Mr. .I.ihn II. .\1.. run. -Dec. 10. Noirishuvn, I'eiiusyl vanei. Selinylkill Vitlley (taitrond C'iin|iany. and Ihe I'liiholelnhia and Heading Kailroad Company, decision iu favor of the 1! linj; Co.- -Dee, 2. Norlliern I'aeilie linihvay lalduced into legislature. Dee 'jn. 'relinunlepie Ridlioad, .New .Mi-.\.co. loan lor, pl.ici d in (tcrmanv.— Dee, Walhiildiiig Valley llailinad (hniipany ineor|ioi-aled. — Dec. l.t. Washiiiglon. Interslaie Cciiaineice Cummissioo, conipliiint laid before, by the New \'iirk I'murd nl Trade aod 'rr:iiisporialion.againsI ihe Pcni - s\ l\ ania lluli-eiiil Compauv , the I'iit.^tinrL'. I'"t. U'a\ ne and C'hit-ag. Pertngal. Lisbon, riiiniiuretl revnliitioiiaiy tnnvenienl said In be cansid lo snet-ess of (he revnliitinii in Itia/.il, utliciiilly denii'd - Dec. 2. Portugal. Lisbon. Mritish opposiliiui to Porlugnese iiseiudeney in .Murslinn aland resented at. — Dee. 1. Piutcry ('enlral, under iiiinie of .-Xkron .t Canton Stoneware .\genev. established al .\kron.— Dec. 1. Press Club, New York. (.!oI. Jidin Coekell re-elected preiident ^ Dee. 2 Pieslon Charles M.. of Rondent, uppoinu-d sn) erimeiulent of banks for I'niled ."stales.— Dee. J.'l. RAILWAYS, V. II. li D.Riiilway take liver the Indiiiiiiipolis Decatur, ami Western Ry., i.xieinling Ironi Indianapolis lo Dicainr. Ill —Dee. :i Canso, .N S., C.P.R. liiiilnay Co. eein|ilete telegraph eoniinuniciuion between .\lonlreal and, N S — Dec. I-H. C.P.R., lralli(- relnriis fiir week ending Nov. :'0 s;.tl2.oo0, as agaius! $:illl,IMM) in eorrespniidiug week of IKH.t.- Dee 4. Chicago, .'\ininal coulereuce of lliiilw-iiy Passenger and Freight Con- ductors' .Mutual Aid and lieiietit .-Vssociation ai. — Dec. 2. Chicago, Pi'i-lirigion and Nnrlherii road annoniice reduction ill rates to comn enc ' .Ian. 1. — Dee. 2.H. Chicago. Milw lukee and St. Paul Railrnad reduce passenger rates.— Dec. 30. Chicago, Western .Slates Passengers' Association decide to advance easllionnd pjisscngers' rates from Dec. fa. — Dec. 4. Cincinnati, I'alliniore and Washingtnn Kailroiul r.--oi-giini-/.ed with capital of S'-i-i'lio.oiiO, under name of the lialliinore und (_ihio South Western Railway.— Dec. 21. Columbia, S. (!., Receiver appointed under niorlgiige to F. W. Ruuud, of the South Carolina Railroad. — Dec. 5. Hudson Hay Railway liles bill against Ross and others liir injunclion iigaiiisl dealing with, ^374,0011 ot Plaintiff Company's stock alleged to have been procured I ' I'raiid. — Dec. 3. Lobbying eonlraet, eouli.ccts between litigating companies in tlie of Chippewa Yiilley and Superior Ruilway Com: anv v.i. Chi cago, St. Paul, .Minneapolis and tlniaha Railroad Company, and the Chicago, .Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Coni|iauy, vuided In Supieme Court of Wiscousiii, ou ground that it was lor lobbying Bcrvicca.— Dec. ;i. Itimiutski. Ml-. Tessier eh-cted as Nationalist representative for. — Dec. 4. Riot. .lessop, near S.ivannah, (ia., race riot al. — Dec. 2ti, Riot, Nashville, Tenu., race riol at — Dee. 2iJ. Itl'S.SlA, Siberia, Rnssiuii eililnr, under name of having escaped frein mines at Silieriii, arrives at Vaneonver, H. ('. — Dec. 4, Kieff. Pi-dvihce of, twenly Catholic churches closed by order of (Jov- ernor. — Dec. Is. Several olhcers arresied for eomplii-itv in a plot againsl the C/.ar. — flee. f-s. .Salvation .-\riiiv. headiiiiarters of, in London, Kng.. deslroyed by lire. — Dec. 2. Samoa, .Malieto lecoguized as king of, bv Crea'. Kuropean Powers. — Dee. 23. SaniKiud Henry W., of New- Ymk. appointed principal examiner of land claims -iiid contesis in the Ceiieral Land ollice of Uuiied Slates, vii e R. I). (Irahani, resigi e.l. — Dee. 2.'*. .Scbulr/. Lieutenant I lovernor, Confederation medal awarded by Dominion (i-ivernnicnl to — Die. 11. .■Scotland. Dundee, William .\rrol of (ilasgow, co'istriictor of the Forth and Tay llridges, presented with freednm of city.- Dec. 23. .Scrvia, e.x-king .Milan interdicted by ServianCabinet from public speaking. — Dee. -t. Shelniore Wni. IL, appoinlment as pension agent, at Philadelphia, con- firmed by .Senate. — Dec. 12. Sbeppard Capt. L.(i.,oflhe ";Rush, "appointed cliief ofthc U.S. Revenue Marine Service. — Dee. lli. SIllPPINIi. liiilfalo. meeting nf manajrers of the Lako Carriers — Di-c. .5. Rrigatiline Rocks, NY., SS. '■ liattie linker" lest on.— Dec 20. Cape Horn. liritish ship '■ King Robert " deslroyed by tire. — Dec. .I. Cheboygan. Mieliigiin, despatches from, report wrecks of Ihe '' Troja," '•Queen " and " Wfiitney " ou Cray's Reef.- Dee. f. Chincotengne Light, Virginia, ferryboat "Croton" burned at sea. Nov. 30. Collin Rock, Columbia River. Cregon. British ship " Clan Ken/.ic " sunk by Cnion Pacific steamer " I iregon." — Dec. 27. IVigby ("lit, .N.S., schooner '•Lernie" wrecked on, Captain Charles Porter and a sailor drowned— Dec. 27. Havre, France, .S.S. " Prinz Willielni 1." rundown by unknown vessei tioat with thirteen of i-rew missing. — Dec. 20. Holyhead, Wales, banpie " Tenley (Visile," eleven diowned.— Den, 18. ^' ^^ 10 THE IN'DH.v OF CUIUiKNT KVENTS. Sllll'I'lXti.— roH'iHK../. 'sTAN'I.KV II. M., roiii'lioi lliiKuma.Mi.-Dciv 1. lliMUr Kmitr. liiiiUli ..-lianM'r ■■ Am ii," ami i hinijc .-irMiii.'r ■ Kimik Anivi's ill Z.inzihiu-, — Dec. li. pin'' iiiciiilmiiiii Hl.-DiT I ,,, , VnMiinii wrili's li'lliT ol onntjniliilMii.iii In— Her, li. |>lf iif V\ ifhl. Ill'ili^lll .all'millT '■ Cllililv " nillilli'- W llh llir •■ i^lc ul ,i . ■ . ■ . n- i i 1 II r ■.,■ I 11 .1 C.U.iM.V II Clniilv' »Mi,k, i:'.|,n>m,Hi,„..M,^.. ji, r, JO, sn>l!\l>, Ausm,,, Iradir l.y .-»..«• fnr .In l,m.r..-ll,r. ■- I iJ l.nki' Oiiliiiiii, Ihi' " lOric Sli'Miiil " Insl nil. -I'l'i'. 1. I'acilic S.S. '•(Iliiiri " rrniii Viiiiii inSiiii Knini'isrii iniikri jniii ii''\ ill I'J i)ii\i« II liDiirti, bi'iilin^ lrHii.^-1'tii-itu- rt-i'unl I ilav il liuiii>, -- Dri'. II. I'lii'l iiii l!a.-i|iic', Frciii'li liarijuc •' .\M);rlic|iii' " lulallv « ici ki'il ii''~ I'lim'l HcMiiiil, SS, " Mi.'lii(.';iii '• Hiii'k.'il ull .111' l!"ck. iNi-. II. Saintvi, liill fur n'lifl "if j^iilli-n'r-* in urcrU n: riiihd .stji'i'>' iin ii nt war " 'rr'Miiiiii " ami " \'aiiiliilH. " iiiiil t-lraiiiliiiL' o! SS. " Ni'|ijiir Ml Maii'li la.Hl ul, iiiirniliici'il iiiln Sniali' lij- .»riia!cii II. ill. I'.'i'. .'i. .Swil/.iTlaiiil. fnln)>iill\- I'lir niiiiiiii:; stcallli'l' lu Ka-I .\tlira .■^illi.siiti/.i'ii liv Sni.j- M Ii-ralli - I i.e. ;. \\'asliiii|ri«'n, iiiaiiin' I'linH'i'rtici* al. lii'C. I. ViU)ilitltl i'ilv, lll'i' , Iliri'C S\M'i|r.<]iilit|'s wa^linl nvi'lliiiiil'il I'lulll sifalll scliiHiMi'V '■ KariUniic," anil iIiiph iinl. - Hit. 'J.".. Sliii'tli'll W. <' . lit' Waii'riiiii, la., apiiiiiiilcil (■a>liiiT In Sir|:«iiiii (it Ainixil lliUisi* lit lli'|iicii, ali,-i'iiiic|,<. Icaviiij; .li'lalra' ■ , l^'.iil.iiiin.- I >it I. iSik'iill ('. (!., iiiilii'i. .I'.'iiiil .Inn lit' Wa.-liiii/iiiii tin i;imiiiI laimiv mill fiiidi'i'}'. -'^'f. ". ISilvi'r ('iiiiia},ri'. Ml", l-i'i-i-li. ilii-.'cinnif ilii- Mini, Wii.sliiiiu'lnii.iwpri'fsi's liin vii'ws nil, 1(1 rcpniicr nl llic riiili'il I'i'cs.s : tict- t'li'vclaiid At*/. A /■. — I Ice, :>. Slavt'i'V, Irallic in. rc^mliiliniis nl'siippicssinii nl', (li..((ii.-S((l iil lirns.-cls. Sec SS. Hclnnim, lliiini((l.i.- Kec. 'J. Sot'ialisiii, ("arlsrliiK". Heir (iiilii'iifli'ln. piililic |iriisi ciilur nl (iiaiiil liiirliv nl liinlcn, (l( (laics liiiii.ii'll a sncialisi — Dec. Jl. Sni'iiilislM, (ii'Miiany. cnniiiiini'c nf IJi IcIhIii^' (>;i siti'ialisl liill r' jfcl, claM.^c (.11 ('.\piil.aMli (•Iii( il I'ssi-iiiial l>\ (iMiiiiiiiii'iil.— lice 1. Sniilli Dakiila. Kri Cuiis ,1 , appninUil iiiai^lia! nl'.- -Di'i. In. Spain, Madrid, laiiiini' iiiilii'ipalrd Irnin I'atliirc nl (-r(i)>8. — Dec, (V Spiiiii('r.i. I''. ill lliv( I'. Mii.>(-.. N'alidiial .Mule Spinners' .V.ssiii-ialinn nf .■Viiicr- ica rniiiM il al.-IKc. I.'i. Sl'dUTS. H.i-iliall, l!,i.,i|i.ii, Mas-.. Iliirvic Kicliiinlsiin signs willi tlie lins- l.iii I'liicis' l.catrMc t'lidi. ^ ll.'c- I. Ilasiliail. I'li'ii'laiid, .\niuial Mrcliiij; nf Clcvcliiiid llasidiall Cliili ill. -n.i- :;. Itisiduill. Indiaii.-ipnlis. liCiiunii* 'rcatil. I'lial'lcs Milli-r nl' ( 'allliai I'mi- Inicls In play l(ir — l*cc J. Ha,scliall, New Vnik, (Mlicrl lluilicld si(riis «illi Ihc New Vnik L'luli nl' llie Naliniial I'laieis' l.ea._'iie.— |lee. Lli;. Cidiriii'iiiii, lain slni'in.s daiiia;;i' Satila l''i> and .Sniillicrii rncitie liiiil- ttay lines In cMeiit nl TlJiiii.nilii and j> I, '111,110(1 lespielively,- Dcf, S»- liiis .\ni:(dns. Calil'nrnia. .Vidian Vineiy deslrnyi'il liy lireaking n' Levi n I. OS .Viipdo* rucr, diiin.i);e .iiioo,ooii —I) c, 'Jil. l,ake Uiilariii sivepl liy sevral liiuu's wieekeil. — Dee. 4. I'lescnll, Ariz., iiniiicnse (liiiiiii);e dime liy heavy raliialnrins.— Hee 111, S.ldii. lenillle lypllnnll s»eep> is|.illd;n'', (■■■pinleil. Um'. 1. .■>liae.i-e. .Vew Vnik. Iiiini nl' I'enple s S'r'el lia Iw.iy ('ninpiiny "leielled liv, ajiisliinl siiperinUMideiil t'liarl'-s A. .Midinlls killed.— Uec. J(l. sri;il\l'',S. ilrisP'l, Kii..;., Il.iek l.ili.a-.Ti' sli-ike sellled li> ennipininise. llee, 1. |lel(,'iiini, strike nl' miners ends. I>ie. 'JO. llerne, Swil/.erland. printers sirike Inr liitrlier wiitfes.- Dee. 12. I'nik, Inland, railway pniter.s iin sirike me wurk on euneessinn nl their deinaniU.- Dee. Ill Dnrlniiind, i;eriiiai:y, ("ill mine ili lectins ennecde eliiiins nl .sliikers. Dee i:!. Kssen, eiuil miners Irnni Itnekliiirii. (ielsenkerehen aid Dnrlmiiiid Weslpliiilia, resnive Id .sirike. — Dee, li. l.niidnn, Kii^'., I.nril Mayor Isiiaes and Cardinal Manninp; aj;ree In niedialeiii enal pnrlerH' strike, — Dec, II. l.imdnn. Kiitr.. (iiisH inkers,, SOnnt.— Dee. M. l.niiilnr.. Kii^,. Ihrealeiieil (;aa .stoker-' sirike ad.lnsled. Dee. IJ. l.niiisvill" .\: 'IVrre llaiile and Kvaiisville and liUlianit|mliii rHilioitds, trei;;hlmeti on strike. — Dec. ISO. .Milinii. Vew llampsliire. strike ot ('iniiloy 'es of Varney A Iiimc, shoo miiiinlaelnrers, ended liy eoneession ot higher nayes. — Due. 'J I. Mnmai^'iiliehi Valley, miners resume work.— Dee. 'j:i. i^avannali. (!a., slevedine.s on .strike ill. — Dec. 11. Sugar lielinin^', I'liiladelphiii, ('laiis Spreekle's Uelineiy willi plant ni nvL'r .Si.'l.oiiO,iino npeiied.- Dee. H. Sugar ('iiinpHuy, Aiiiericaiii Kansas, |irojecled su^jar swindle e.vpn.sid.— Dee. 1-J. Sugar. Tnpokii, Kansas, Kingnmn ("niinly Suijiir l-'uin|iany inenrporaled wilh capital of .»,M)i',ooll — I'ee. J I,' SL'ICIDK.— As|diy.\iation. Hales 10 S , law slndenl of Walerlown. Mass,, liv iMniing the gas liilie inloliis mnulli, — .Nov, 30, Alhauy, N v.. Alhii ,1 li., e.\-l'(isl (.'"ice ollieial,- Dec, 17, liaseliall, I'liiliidelphia, K. I. Ililalinntz eniilracts In play Inr National : |liiighain|iton, N.V i -wey Ai son. well-tn-dn.l'ariiier.--Dee. 'J.'i l.eairne iiexi \ear. — Dee. J. lii'X iig. liosion. New Ijiiiid'iii. (^piin , (leorge Dixon ii negro heats l-;iigene llninhaidver. -Dee JV. li'vi g. Hinges, lighi liiiHeen .Smilli and Slaviii wiinliy .Smith.— lire. J,;. nnxiug, Htdiot\en, III netil for Toiiini} Kelly the Hurley l!iiiiliiin. — Dee lioving. New Vnik, 110 poiiiid ehaiiipinii-lii|i nf New Vnrk, wnn \i\ .Malt in tiglii helweiii him and .Icrry Karnell. — Dee. 'Jll. Hn.xing. .Sullivan .1. 1. , eniilraeis Willi Harry .Miliier to lio,\ in two of, his Iheiilres Willi .Ine Lawsnii t'nr Sj,l,*)n per weel..— Dee. ."i. Hexing, Hnsiuii, lighl weight halile lielweeii ,\lr, Me.Vniilh' nf WiUiama- liurg, .^.^'., iiiid .Mike Daly of Meii.i^or, ,\Ie , drawn. — Dee. .^. i'liixing. I'enria, HI., \llileiie .Assnciaiio'i of niiike up purse for Sal- horn .t.laeksoii to lighl there -Dec, II, linxing, I'arvis, M'ss. Kilriin iwlio a|i|ieiileih fined SJIIO for a.s.sanli liiid tialteiy. the jiirv throwing out ciiniit I'nr prize ligliiing.— Dee. 11. lloxing, Stiitiilurd. Conn.. .Vnsliii CiidKins heals Mike Ciishing in light for .^l.oon atier Jl ronii Is.—Dce. 17. Cliens, luiawa, Intermilional lonrney lietweeii Canada and the United Siaies wnn liy .Vinericans.- llee. 1*2. ('mliiiL'", .Montreal, anntial nieeling fijr clcclinn ol ollieers of ('iirling CUili ai.-^Dec. |.|. K.iolliall. I'rinicioii, N. 1., 10. A. I'ne re-elceled captain of t'niversils' eleven. — Dee I. Itiicing, New Vniii. .Natin lal^'l'idlting Associalinii, nieeling nf, at.— Dec. .'t. I'Meiiig.New V.irk, New Vnrk Tr.iltini.' Niiiinnal A-soei:ilin-; of, Hoard ol kevieiv considers llie Nel-_uii-.\lagiiun dispute, ailjounicU cou- ^')u;>i(iu III Kelirimry.— Dec. 5 •nnklyn, Slewarl .Mrs. lici twite ul suiierinteiidont o' the N. n Vnrk Central Coinpani. - Dec J.s. Chesley, (lorseley t!en,, nf lOl.-inore, Out,, iiricslcd for liaiid, cotuinils suicide at.— Dee. 1 1. Chicago, Haker James, of I'ittsliiirg, I'u.— Dec. -1, I'Miireiiee, Ariz , three out of live Imlians sentenced to be hanged coin- mil suici'ie ill their cells. — Dec. *!. Laiehwooil, Iowa, Munroc Dr., cnmmits, after filially wounding his witi'. — Dec. 'Jl. Lowell, Mass.. Nichols Mis.s Sarah K.— Dec. ■J.'i. Washington, liowea Kraiiklin H., nf I'liiludelpliiii, cmiuont lawyer.— Dee. 14. Hartford Cniinly, North t'arolina, Hrill (^apt. A. (leorge.— Dec. 1). Ilespeler, Out., .McKenzie Alexander, eiit.- his throat. — Dee. 11. l''all liiincaster, V., Charles L. Crippon, liy lea|iitig through hedrontu window.— Dec. I'J. Kalamazoo, Mich., .Mills Mrs., wife of Keclor of St. I, tike's lOpiscnpa CImreli at.— Dec. 2. Lawrence, .Mass., (inodwin .lolin, of (loodwiii Hros., uierchiinls, liy drowning. — Dec. 11. Leavcnworlli, Kansas, Taylor Dr. S. V. — J)ec. 3. Milwaukee, ychattenberg August, secretary ot School Hoard. —Dee. 7. New Vork. .''tewarl S. .\., of Newark. N.J. , liy as|ihyxiiuing himself Willi );us from ii liedrooui jet. — Dee. 4. riiiladelphia, Lyons Angiislus T., foundry foreman.— Dec. Kl. J'lllslMirg, I'a., Clialfy WiUiain H., Iiroker. — Dec. 'Jl. rrovidenee, Kliode Island, Joseph Stoll, jiweiler.— Dec. '.M. Miiini ViTiioii, ,Miclngaii, William .Maje- eoiniuils, alter killing his daughter and grauddiiughlcr. and uiortallv wounding Ids wife— fee. M. II I'tlcilil- liilil' civ, K.c. ,;ii- isliiruis.— Ui'i kVMV rntiii'iiriv li.iil.s K.llnl.- •«Hll|MiHlllSl', - ).T. I J. l\ fulii-i.^sii'ii ill' IS 111 aliikrrs. iihl Diirtiniiii'l iiiiiij; M^^ri'c ti> \W. IJ, [lulid miU'uitilH, y & l.iiiir, sliufl Willi jil^llll li| Mill' <'.\|'IISl'(l.— y iiicutiiornli'il riown, Miisi., 7. lice. ■.>r.. the \i K Vurk ami, iMiiiinils 111 liiiiigt'd c'oin- woimJIiig Ilia '111 liiwycr.— -Hoc. (I. Dr.. :i. ^'ll lll'lil'llnlll 'nc'ri I':pi.-;i'iiliil ini'ii'liiiMls, hy imrtl.-— Di'c. 7. lltill^ llilllrll-lt' ■c. Ui. IM. •r killiii^r liis liiii wile.— TIIK INDKX OF CUliUKNT KVKNTS. 11 SUICIDKS.-CoiiOnHfV. Nilc.n, Otiin, ('lmrli's.Slii'lnrconimit.'<,nrU'r murdering liil wife mid ihrco cliildirii.— Dt'c. 'M. St \,jr|iliC. (i. Ki'iiin'ily, liiiiigs hiiiisrlt ill lioH)iiiiil,— n<'r, '.1. Wnsliiiiglnii, (liiHcrii 1!. l''iiiiikliii. Iii« vir.iinil i'\-|in'.-iiili'iil nl' ilic I'liil- aili'l|>liiii iiimI l!i'uiliii)( llii li'oiiil Co.' -Di'i'. II. Swilzi'iliiiiil, lli'ini'. Ki'iji'iiil .\^H('iiililv, .M. I,iiiii.< Hiii'lidiini'l of Ilii- (.'iinliiii lit VmikI, iiii.ll'r. U.Wi'lli iil'lliiit 111 .Xrciiii, 1 li'i'li'il ri'spi'i'tivi'lj l'ri'i. iniTi'iHi' iiriliiiiii'v i|iinrii'il_v ilimli'iiil uf 1.1 pi'r wiit. li.v ;( piT n'lil. — Dri'. 1 1. (Jntiiiiiiinii'iilinii ot, liitwi'i'ii (-1111911. ^'.^^., iiiiil .Miiiitiriil coinpleli'il by (MMi, IJo.-Di'i'. 17. TIIK.ATIilCAI..- ChiiiiKii, Ancliloriim cipi'ncil.- Dir. Ii. 'riiiiniiis .\rtliiir I,., 'ippiiinli'il iJnviTiior uf lUnh — Di-i'. I!>. Ti'.-sier .Mr., i'I''t't''il 'i-' .\iiiioiiiili.-t rt'pri'.ii'iitalivt' I'lir KItiioiiski. — Di'C. 4. Tiiiile I'riiti'i'timi, ii.JSin'iiiiiiiii lur prDli'itiuii nl wlinlciiile ilry gooils liH'r- rliiinls Inriiii'il liy Hotinl ol I'liulr. Mmitrt'iil.— DfC. 3. TlillST.'^.— .St. I.niiis. till' (Jiiii'k Mi'iil .Siiiii' ("oinpiMiy tliri'iitciu'il liy Hi'c- ri'lMiy 111 Muti' with ttilli.iiuwiil nt ilu'ir riiartrr iiiilr:(s llicy wiili- itraw Iroiii Irii^l.-i or i-niiiliiiii's to tix prii-i's. — Dt'i'. :i. \Vii-liiiigliiii, liill-i prnliiliitiiig. iiitioiliii'i'il iiilo .Sriiiito. — Di'C. -t. Tiirki'y, ('oii'itanliiiopli', .Moiissii I'.ry, rliiii;;iil willi iiiiinli'r, ar.Hon anil [iillagi' ill Aini'riia, iiri|iiitlril— Di'c J. T«i(;g lli-ihoii, of lliiniaii CiitliMlic Dinri'sc of I'iti.-jI'iirg, cicalli of, at .\ltiioiiii .Spring.-*, I'll.— Di'i'. !^, UXITKD STATK.S.. (%iIiiiii1mh. Natinnal Silirr ('ciiivi'nlion. report of .Iiidgi' \V. II. Wi'.il, (lliio, di'ligiili' to. siiliiiiliii'd to (lovi'riior Koru- k.T.— Iii'c. J. for iTporl si'i* ('Irvtlaiid /-. if-/- /.- Drr .'I. I'liil.i'Irlpliia. ruinkriiptry lidl, Mr I,- .1. Toi ri'y rxplaii ,i provisions nf, III Hoard ol Traill'- -lii'i'. I. ("ivil .Si-rvii'i' I'oiiiiiii.-^sion. ai\lli n-porl ol .-nil to I'n'.-idi'iil — Di'C. 1!, CollD^li-ss, opi'lijllg llf. — Drl'. '1. (.'ongri'ss, nii'ssagi' of I'ri'siili'iit Harrison to.- DiT. I'. Coiigri'ss, Hi'iiator Dolsli introdiii'i'S lull t'ur toriilifatiims and otlu-r ilrli'iii'i'S.— Di'c. I. CoMgrrss, si'li'i'I coniinitli'i' on ri-Ialioiis with ('an.nla I'onliiit.i'd for pri'si'iit si'ssiiiii. ■ Di'i-. 1. ( -oMgri'ss, siaiiiliiig roniniilli'' s on .'in-oiinU. on riirolli'd liitls, and on rnli'9 appointt'il by spi'akrr. Dro :<. ('onirri'ss. Iliiaisliorn I'l. .1-, of Iowa, appoiiitril ra.-liii'r lo si'rgi'anl at iirnis, iiisli'ad of Silrotl.— D. r. i V. Congrrss iiiljotiins lo Jan. i:.— Di-r IS. lloiisi' ('otiiiiiiltri' on \Va\ •; and .Mi-aii- roniiiu'iiri' -iittiiij^s on laritf. ~ D.i'- y: IIXITKI) STATK.S-C.oi/.HH-i/. Si'iiatc, ri'Hilniion by;Hi'nalor SliiTnian in ravornrsi-ltli'iiiint of IntiT- national di-pali's liy iirbilraliou ri'lericd lo Uonimilti'i' ou Koivig Itilations.— Dei'. H. Hi'iiale, Ki'di'ial eli'elion bill iiitroilnri'd by Si'nator l'liandli'r,--I)i'Clil. Seiiiiti'. on ii'port of Kinani'i' ('oniinitli'i', Ilir bill to provide for iirgaii- i/.alion of.Suiiiinal llaiik with ledii capital iliaii ;]>'>ii,niiii |io.ilponeil.-' Die. 10. Si'iiati', bdl by Mr. Kvarts, providing lor (Jaadrii (!enteiini«l pelehrB- lion ot i.'uliinibii.-t' diseoveri ol .\iiu'rii-a laid on lable. - Dee. 10. Si'iiite, serviee and disabililj bill introdMied by Mr. lug i IN. - Dee. II, iSenaii', Mr lireen li. Ilaiini as eotnnii'si.iaer of pensions, Messrs. Win, II. Slielniiri' and fra ik ('. hoiel.ind as pen-ion a({.'iin at I'liila- delpliia and .N'ew Vork respeelivilv, appuinlnieiil eniliiiiH'd by. — Dee. IJ. Senate, QU'idro-Ceme'inial Connnitlee ap)tointi'd.— Dee. I'J. .Senate, mi niolion of .Mr. Iliiiterivurlli, llie liallol-b,i\ eoiiir.iel alleged III be l.iiged was relerred to a seleet eointiiillee.--Dee. I J. Senate, bill i»roviilliig for negro eiiiigratioii to foreign ioiintrii'.s iiilro- iliii'i'd by. — Dee. l'.'. Senate, bill for pnblicn'inn of Agrieiilliiral lieporls for departmental n-ie agreed to, — Dee. Iii. Senate, appropriations for I'nblie rrinling and for Ilie Iji'nsiis liiireail passed.— Dee. 17. Senate, extiadiliuii treaty willi Kngland laid before, by President.— Dee. 17. Senate, inotion of Mr. Mor^oin for reeogniliiri of lloiled .stales of liia/il falU tbroiigli for «anlol a unoriiin.— Dec. 'Jn. ,S< nate t'ohiniillee on <*atiiidiaii allairs, lu'iislns Wiiiian and otliers e-\aiiiined beture. — Dee. ^i". Washington, (ieiirpe Wasliingloii, iiiangiinitioii of. as lirsl president I eoniineinoraled.— Dee. 1 1. Wasliin^ton. CiHirl of elainis, report ol" .Attorney (leneral .Miller on i-l.iiins lib d iiinler Kieneh Spoliation Aet. lleporled Dee. .''i. Washington l>.(' , ({(iveinors ol the .Stalesand rerrilories, eonvenlioii of. — Dee. lo. \\'asliingtoii, Siati'.s Tax I'oniiiiission. meeting of. I>ee. I'J. Wa-iiiington. Attorney (teneral Miller's annual r*'poii, synopsis of. See I'liiladelplna /.I ././ci-.— Dee. Hi. Washington, the I'lider Seeretary of Treasury rel'nses lo renew leaso ol .Alaska Sea lislieries lo .Ala-ka t-.nine reial Co —Dee. I.s. Washiiiglon, for list of niiiiei', iliplnmatieaiid isiilar appoint nients, see Clevel.ind /.e,/,A ;■.- Dee. Jl. I'tali, liobertson I!. S., of Indiana, and Alviii .Sa'indi'rs of Nebraskll, appointed I'lali eommissioneis. — Dee. I'.i. I' bill, Thomas .Artlinr I. , appointed governor of --D.'c. In. Vi'iie/.iu'la restores import duly on eorii, riee, ele.— D.'e. i: Kansas ('ily, .Mo., City Conneil exlends area of eily by addiliiin of Iwenty-twosqiiare inde-i of eity territory. —Dee '■'. Walker (lea, Kraneis .\., eleeled presidenl of the liilernatiiin il Copyright Assoi'tatioii, at annn.-il meeting of, at lai-lon. Dee, I'.o. •■ "' l!e|ne.^<'"l"tivi's. Demoeiaiie, eaiieas ol, meeting of.-Dee. 'J ' vv„|erwav Comniis.Moners, Cbieau'o, lirst eleeli. board ol. - Dec. I:;. House of liepreseiitatives, nessage ot I'lvshlent llarri.smi In.- Dee. :i. j „|,i.,„. ..orner in all wheat in | rovinee of Manitoba seeiiie.l l,v the Hgilvi.i ll.iiHe ,.| llepresi'iilalivis, I'll iiniitiee nil Hides iippomti'd by Speaker .Mdlinn Cnnip.any, n ported. Dee. '.M. to lonsist ol: The Speaker. VIe.ssrs. MeKiiiley, Cannon, Carlisle and Wiman Krastns, on union of Canada and I'niled Stales, before .Senate Uandall. — Dee. :t. I Conimitlee in Washington-* -Dee, ;:il. House of l!e|iri'.sentaiives, eiimmitiee appointed to iiivesligale ! Workshop and faetories, Hinted .Stales, aniinal re|ii rl of Siaie lnspe,'|or; iieeoiinis ol .Seige.iiii at Ann,- iiecessiiaied by defauli of Ca.-hier I for ternisofsee Cleveland /...n/./-.— Dee. 11. Sileiill.— Dee. .'i. I Voiiii^stown, bill for ereetioii of public buildings intiodneed into HoiiM' of llepieseiilalives, report of speeial coinniissiiin on .Sileott's Seiiale I \ Seiiali-r Slierinan-~Dee. :i. Iraiids. - Dee. I I. Zanoiivilk', bill for erection ot pnblie binl, lings intro. lined into Seniilo House of IJepreseiitalives, bill by Ihower repealing tax on tobaeeo by Seimlin Sherman. Dee. ;;. relerred to ( ommillee ol wass and means. - Dee. IJ. ,,,.,. ,., , ,. , , . , - ., ,. I, . , 111 . 1 II M II I- 1 I .■ W a laeeOlark. 'i.l'., at loninlo, delivers address on t le .lesiiit .\et iiml llonse ol 111 presenlatives, bill inlPidueed by .Mr. .Melxiidev regnlalmg . , ' ' colleciiiinof Cnsliims.-Dee. IC. " incorporation,— Dee. li. Semite, bill prohibiting lisliing by foreign ve-sels williiii three leagia's Wheat, Manitoba, of wheat of ten Dee. .1. ol coast line ot I'lnled .Slates iiiiroilin-ed into Senate.- |iee, 1. Wholesale Diy (ioods A-sociali, tir-i a al iiiei.|iii)j of. at. — Senate, Trusts, bill lor illegiili/ii g trusts iiitriuliiceil by .Sen.itors Dee .:. Sherman and Ueagaii and (leorge. — Dee. -1. Woodsloek. Out,, Hon. Oliver Mowal at— Dec. ::, Semite, resolution by .Mr. Voorhces, on larill laxatinn, laid on table. - Wool, Washington, National .\ssociatioii ol tliowers ol, in flbbell House "'•e. 0. I __ I),.,.. -1. Senate, resiilntion niovid by Mr. IMind.. and agried lo lor return aa | ||„,/,/'., /.•„„-, Wasliington, bill inl rodiiee,! inloSenale bv Senator Inglifi, to the securities by limid ol toreign corpora I ions given by i iiiployees I ,„ „i,| ,||„| ^,.,.,1^. i|„. commeinoraiion ol ihe liiotb anniversary of in the I'lliees ol the .snli-treasiiry at New i ink,— Dec. .>. Chaneerv of .\iiieiiea. Dee. .'i. Senate, bill lo adiuit Idiiho as a Slate iiiliialiiceil by .Mr. I'latl — Dec. I TIIK INDEX OF CUniJENT KVENTS. :^ o -< o O o w O o w AuiH in, I, oe <"! H Aii|i.iiints AM|),J.-I : ofi All(ltl.llll|,|, ~ ce A'h|MIo|\; IS , 81 Attll4.fll|).l \\ A)I|M*^-«f ■ ■< w *» ■'« : . « t- in I- -J ; 00 : go ti i- — — : -r — « ; • o C t .-v) -N ; o : O 00 iJl I- M ; t- —• O z T. -Si X) : o I- — t- — '- <; Tc -^ : : m — » - — lO = ; :■) M © "O — O Xt Ci t • ; : t- — © : M M~, r- v © » ;t I- : o ^' ; « M ro ft ^» to ifi o •.*>■» oo ; fW'-M J ;iH«->«^M : : •* ^^S xT^rT^'^'o 5? '•^•^w" : I- n iri © ; CO 71 © o — • o X ft i- C't m I - — © « : f ■-• : : eo co ro m ft ?■! i- m w -^ ."o oo ; j> I- h- ; I- I- — :^ — i c X ri ; — o © : C"; ri c in ^ o X ft I- ; o o I- ; — ' X I— X x- X : : r i — to ■ - - I - ; I— ; <-« OD I— X) ,£> jt -" ". 7- 1 — to ■ -" X < - ■JO : :o : © tft — © X ft "- M ro •- ^ © -« : (J I- ..-5 1- .- ; i-, o I- fo r» '■Ti-i" :'£''^i^'5'td CO M : lo -^ x> : -f fO r» ; to — © X ft I- fi ; I- -^ © ; - © 'O ■© lO I- r- c X — ■ I- o X — c : T -H X I- - ri u-. © -» »-v) M © to -• © X ft t' ■M ; I* — C -^ - o lo •© : 'i* I- © I - © <_• CO X ft — : -r -< t- : - ?i O © ; m CI © ift »-• O X ft to ?» . i» -. ^ • > r tA "^ "-T '- 1- . ■— — X . ft ?» n ■© — I- i- - ri lO © ^ ro M : -J .— © X : -J CI M I- •-« © — ; -r : : : f to •<- ft x -h © © ft •© — . ^ : f : ; ; m co co ro ft m i - m ■© .-■ m 5 • •** "• 2 S j i:5 "3 TP Xj ^> => © ft •* -- "I* : V — CO ft CO CO fO ro ft M I- -M © — ' CO X : 'f ft :o /. f -r i.-; X a- — o © ft ; —• •© ; I* — CO ft ro .-0 M .*o ft CI I- ci -^ • fo ij ; ?o X : : CO "T ic ft "- ^ ft X ft : o •'P ; -r -- : , CO CO CO .-o ft CI © —I -^ \n ^ ■ COftCO X'T'OOj. uuTi wijjjito^^ -^er ; -r ^ x ft .-o .-o r ."O ft 71 1 - —i ■© — . m to -IN "(Bl ^ ft X CI © , .-0 I AiriMiiPN ei AH|)ri.llll)J, AlI|W,.1lp.l.\\ Aii|imn,i, e.-i 0-, ^Hpimiy ■ClIM.ll))(tS* n <■) ; I- r- r^ CI — X I- ! ft M CI .J- — • X *-- O ; CO CI c '■© — « a X : © r t CO I- -^ © r ■© 'o : X i- : — — X o : X M Ti -^ — zj r I ti-; © : CO CI ; I© « © X : '© ci fo t- -^ o : -r ft : . 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