//■ Hyslop, Caulfeild & Co. 13 and 17 Kont Street West Toronto f*- Lead all others We are sole agents for the . . Hi Whitworth Beisize Fleet Spartan John Bull V V Also agents for the celebrated Columbia and Western Wheel Works machines I The way to do it is to do it ....on the.... This is the wheel that has carried Johnson to victory teams Model "A" Stearns W© are Agents for such first-class machines as The Remington The Falcon New Hudson American [Rattan Qo Cor. Niagara and nporontO Tecumseh Streets ■ 1 n n • • • ^jf^iQ^ Cyclists' ROAD Guide OF : : : Canada WITH MAP EDITED BY FRED. BRYERS. Entered according to the Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, by W. H. Mihi and Fred Bryers in the office of the Minister of AgricuUtire. , TORONTO: W. H. MILN, Publisher -P': ::|894:: Dunlop Tires DISCOUNT ALL OTHERS Read what the Champion of the world says regarding them : Freehold, N.J.^ Nov, 4, i8gj The American Dunlop Tire Co. Gentlemeti : — / have tried several differ- ent makes of tires this season but Jifid the Dun- lop to be far superior. After having wo7t over 100 Firsts, I do not hesitate to recommend them as the best in the world, > Yours truly, o/c>(^^>;/Avy^*rr£r ANIERIGAN DUNLOP TIRE GO. 36 and 38 Lombard St., TORONTO PREFACE Three years apo I was appointed chairman of .'i committee iA the Canadian Wheelmen's Associatit>n, with instructions to pre- pare and piihlish a r».>ad jf uide of the Dominion. The work of procuring: information waK [allotted to various officers of the Association, a few of whom collected full reports of their districts, hut, unfortunjitely, not sufficient ti> make it worth while to publish a new edition of the Guide Book. A year a^fo, to preserve these routes, they were published in Cycling, and riders ^jenerally invited to send 'in reports of other routes. This invitation was accepted by many, and such a num- ber of reports furnished that it became impossible to devote the sp.ice in Cycling which the subject required, and as many of its readers suggested that the routes be published, it was decided to do so, the "CYCLISTS' ROAD GUIDE" being the result. ALL ROUTES described have been personally ridden over, within the last two years, by those who have furnished the descriptions. THE DISTANCES between the various towns in the Province of Ontario, have been c.irefully checked, and, 1 believe, are correct to within a half mile. THE NAMES of junction points, as well as the beginning and end of each route has been indicated in heavy type. THE MAP has been carefullycompilcd and engraved especially for this book and will be of material assistance in tracing routes. Every place mentioned in the Guide Book has been located on it. THE INDEX is complete and contains the name of each place in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec mentioned in the book and the various pages upon which it will be found. As the routes in the other provinces were comparatively few it was deemed un- necessary to prepare an index for them. Of course, it would have been impossible for me without a great deal of assistance from others, to have collected together the mformation contained in the pamplet and to those who have thus assisted I return my sincere thanks. If you are a stranger and in doubt as to where you will best enjoy a cycling trip, try Canada ; it offers good roads, beautiful scenery, a temperate climate and a hospitable people. FRED BRYERS. Radge Nev Hove I)av"e 0oDd reputation^ and f)ave rapidly increased In popalarit^j and favor . . . C^cle R,epair$ We I)ave a tJ)oroa2f)l^ e<5!;«ipped factory, a 3taff of 3l^Uted mecl)aniC3, and evef% facility for tl)e prompt and efficient execution of all I^inds of repair3 .... Tm H. P. Davies Co 5i ^onge street Toronto INDEX TO PLACES Alihutsforcl. 86 Abcrfoylc, 1 1 Acacia, 34 Acton, 13 Ailolphnstown, 74 Adnre, 20 Addison, 79 Adelaide, 15, a6 Ailsa Craig. 35, 37 Alhcrton, i() Aldboro, 16 Alfred. 53 Alffonquin, 83 Allan Park, 31 Allanford. 46 Allanburg, 61, 62 Alm;i, 27 Amberley, 18, ;8 Ambleside, 41 Amherstburg", 42 Amiens, 15, 37 Ancaster, 16 Ardtrea, 25 Arkona. 26 Arkwright. 45 Armadale, 48 Arnot, 13 Arthur, 11, 28 Arva (St. John's;, 20 Ashley, 12, 13 Atherley, 48 Atherton, 39, 58 Attercliffe, 59, 61 Atwood (Newry), 40 Auburn, 32 Aultsville, 51 Aurora, 25, 66 Avonton, 40 Ay«r's Flats, 86 Aylmer, Q., 83 Aylmer, O., 36, 38,39 58 Ayr, 22 Back River, 85 Haden, (4, 3() Baillieboro, 68 Ball'intrae, 48 Hallinafad, 14 Hallyduff, 67 Htilderson, 78 Balmoral, 59 Baltimore, 69 Barnett, 11 Barrie, 25, 45 Bath, 74 Batiscan, 89 Battersea, 76 Bayfield, 18, 24 Bayham, 39 Bay view, 45 Barriefield, 76 Beachville, 16 Beaconsfield, 85 Beamsville, 9 Beaverton, 48, 65 Belair, 89 Belfast, 40 Belf^rave, 20, 32 Belhaven, 47 Belle River, 42 Belleville, 50, 56, 72 Bell's Corners, 77, 79 81,82 Belmore, 41 Berlin, 14, 33, 31, 36 Bervie, 31 Bcrthier, 88 Bethany, 67 Bewdley, 68 Bic, 91 Billing's Bridge, 79 Birchtown, 77, 78, 81 82 Birmingham, 76 Birr. 20 Bison's Hotel, 83 Blackstock, 56 Blenheim, 17, 57 BJoomfield, 72 Bloominj^^dale, 33 Bloomsbury, 22 BKievale, 38 Blue Bonnets, 84 Blythe, 20, 32 Bobcaygeon, 66 Bond's Lake, 2^ Borda Ploutre.85 Bornholm, 40 Bornish, 18 Bos worth. 27 Bout de L'isle, 85, 88 Bowood, 37 Bowmanville, 49, 56 Bradford, 25 Brampton, 12, 13, 14 Brantiord, 16, 22, 35 Brechin, 48 Breslan, 14 Brewer's ISIills, 76 Brewster, x8 Brickley, 70, 71 Bridgeport, 33 Brighton, 50, 70, 72 Brinkworth, 56 Brisbane, 14, 30 Brittania, 77, 78, 81 82 Britton, 28 Brockville, 51, 79 Brompton Falls, 87 Bronte, 9 Brooklin, 65 Brougham. 54 Brownsville, 36 Brucefield, 20, 24 Brussells, 42 Bryden, 39 Buckhorn, 17 Buflfalo, NY, 59 that i« thoroufhly reliable with a plainly worded guarantee . . . backed by honesty and straight dealing like the Wanderer Lisht, stronKt easy running and handsome; the outcome of eifht* teen years of bicycle buildine • ■ The Wanderer Cycle Co- Cor. Church and Lombard Streets Toronto Cyclists* Road Guide. 2. Huru'ssaii, .^i Htirtord. if). 35 BurtriTsvillf, ji Hurnoyiif. jy, 45 Hurkloii, 50 Hiirnhrae. 56 Miirlin^tot), o ! Burritt s Kapids, 8-i liuxton, 41 Cacouna, 91 CninHvillc, 16 Caledon, la Caledotua, 44, 61 Caindt'ii East, 75 Camilla, i^, 10 Campbcllford, 56, 71 Canard River, 42 Canboro, <<)> 62 Candajiville, 5<) Caiilield, 59 Cannington, 55, (15 Canton, 67 Cardinal, 51 Carlcton Place, 81 Carlton, 64 Carlow, 32, 40 Carrying- Place, 72 Carrville, 64 Carson by, 80 s Cascades, 84 Cashmere, 29 Cassbvirn, 53 Castleton, 70 athcart, 16 Catarac^iii, 50, 75, 76 Cavanville, 67 Cayuga, 59, 61 Centralia, ao Centreville (S. Mon- aghan), 68 Centreville, 75 Chambly, 86 Champlain, 89 Chappel, 4a "hatsworth.ia, 13 Chatham, 23, 29, 41 Charing- Cross, 41 Chelsva, 84 Cherry N'.ilU'y. 74 Cheviot, 20 Chippawa 1 1 ill, 40 Chippewa, 60 Christie's Ci>rnet s.Sj Christina, 29 Churchill, 25 Clt'indeboye. 20, 37 Clinton, 20, 23 Clifford, J7 Claremont, 54 Clarence, 53 Clarksburff, 45 Cle.-irville, ib Coaticook, 88 Cobourg, .so, (yg Codrington, 70, 71 Colborne, 50, 70 Cold Springs, Oij Collingwood, 3<\ 31, 45 Collin's Bay, 74 Colloden, 36 Columbus, 54 Comber, 41 Como, 53 Compton, 88 Conboy, 14 Concord, 64 Consecon, 7a Conway, 74 Cooksville, 10, 12, 14 Copenhagen, 29 Corbett, i8 Cornwall, 51 Cottam, 17 Corunna, 23 Courtright, 23 Cots wold, 27 Courtland, 39, 58 Coteau, 51 Craigleigh, 45 Craigsholm, 33 Crathie, 18 Creek bank, 34 Crossbill, 3a Cri>ul.-ind, 60 CriMiilin, Id Cuinbi-rlanil, 53 Cumnock, 1 1 Currie's, Ji Curry's Hill, 51 Pale. (M Danforth, 63 Dawn Centre (Kulli- erford), 43 Daw St Ml, 79 Dealtown, 17 Decewsville, 59 Dechenes' Crossing, 83 Pelawjire, 26, 29 Delhi, 39. 58 Dexter, 29 Delta, 77 Derby Centre, 87 Derby Line, 87 Dei»cnamb.iult, 89 Deseronto, 73 Dickinson's Landing Donegal, 28 Dorking, 3a, 2M Dorval, 52, 85 Dovercourt, 64 Drayton, 28, 34 Dresden, 43 Drysdale, 18 Dublin, 23 Dumblane, 27 Dundalk, 13 Dundas, 11, 36 Dunkeld, 27 Dunbarton, 49 Dungannon, 40 Dunnville, 58, 6r, 62 Dunrobin, 82 Dunsford, 66 Duntroon, 30, 31. 45 Durham, i', 31 Dutton, ,<;7 Dwyer Ilill, 77 We are not liars! Neither are we given to blow and bluster when we say there Is no finer machine in existence than the No. 2a ** Quadrant '' We speak the truth We assert it as a fact and without fe r of contract ic« tion that nearly overy miaker of repute to-day has adopted in sonne form or other "Quadrant" ideas and "Quadrant" improvenments — yet are our '94 pat- terns distinctly in advance of all, for our "tubular bracket," "patent split crank," and "system of lap brased joints" are all no^ and have not yet bee«t copied. " There are no machines extant which possess ^ superior advantaj^es to the "Quadrant" cycles and tandems. — 77;^ Cyclist (Eug.) '•' ; Canadian Representatives: * • . QarroII, f|cKenzie & ^o. . . London, Ontario Cyclists' Road Guide, Eagle, i6 Eastwood, i6, i8 East Herkeley, i3 East Oro, 25 East Tilbury, 41 I'.ast Toronto, 6^^ Eastinan Springs, 81 Eastman, 86 Eden, 34 Edengrovc, 27 Edmonton, 12 Eglinton, 25 Egmondvillc, 23 Egremont, 1 1 Elginburg, 76 ElginHeld, ao Ellengowan, 27 Ellsmero, 63 Elmira, 34 Elmville, 24 Elora, 27, 33 Elsinore, 46 Enniskilleii, 56 Ennismore, 66 Epsom, 47, 54 Eramosa, 14, 30 Erie, 59 Erin, 30 Essex, 17 Everton, 30 Exeter, 20, 24, 33 Fairbank, 64 Fallowfield, 77, 79, 82 Falls of Niagara, 9, 60 Farnham, 11 Farquhar, 33 Farran's Point, 51 Fenella, 6g Fenwick, bi Fergus, 11, 33 Ferguson Falls, 81 Fernhill, 37 Fin gal, 16, 29, 57 Fleetwood, 67 Flesherton, 13, 31 Forest, 26, 35 Forfar, 77 Formosa, 41 Fort Erie, ^g, 60 Forthill, 6i' Foxboro, 56, 7a Frankford, 72 Franktown, 77, 79 Erankville, 79 Fraserville. 68 Freelton, 11 Freeport, 34, 36 Frostviile, 86 Gadshill, 28 Gait, i(), 36 Cambridge, 48 Gananoque, 51 Garden Hill, 67 Garnet, 44 Gatineau Point, 84 Georgetown, 13, 14 Glantord(Mt. tlope) 44.61 Glenannan, 20 Glen Buell, 79 Glencolin, 36 Glen Morris, 19 Glenora, 73, 74 Glenville, 75 Glen Walter, 51 Gobies, 19 Goderich, 18, 23, 24, 32. 40 Goldstone, 34 Goodwood, 47 Gordon, 42 Gore's Landing, 69 Gourock, 19 Gowanstown, 39 Grafton, 50 Granby. 86 Grand Bend, 18 Grand Metis, 92 Gravenhurst, 25 Gravesend, 29, 38 Granworth, 77 Greenock, 21, 31 Green Point, 73 Greensville, 1 1 Grecnway, 18 Grimsby, 9, 62 Grondines, 89 Guelph, II, 13, 14, 19. 27, 30 Guysboro, 39 Hagcrman's Corners- Hagersville, 44 Hamilton, 9, 11, 16, 36, 44, 61 Hammond, 28 Hampton, 56 Hanover, 31 Harley, 35 Harpley, 18 Harriston, 27, 39 Harrow, 43 Harrowsmith, 75 Harwood, 69 Hastings, 56, 70, yr Haveland, 1 1 Hawkesbury, 53 Hawkestone, 25 Hawthorne, 8i Ha;y, 33 Heidelburg, 32 Hensall, 20 Hespeler, 19, 34 Highland Creek, 49- Hillhurst. 88 Hillier, 72 Hillsburg, 30 Hilton, 70 Hintonburg, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82 Hochelaga, 85, 88 Holbrook, 21 Holland Landing, 25. Holmpsville, 23 Holy rood, 40 Homer, 9 Homing's Mills, 30 Hudson, 53 Cyclists' Road Guide. H umber, 9, 64 Iliiinberstone, 58, 6a Hull. Q.. 83. 84 Hyde Park, 15 Ida, 67 Indian River, 55 IngersoU, 16, 24, 34 International Bridge Inverary, 76 Invermay, 45 lona, 57 Ironsides, 83, 84. Iroquoifi, 51 Isle Verte, 91 Jackson's Point, 47, 48. 49. o4 Jackson, 46 Jamestown, a 2 Jarvis, 39, 44, 59 Johnston's Mills, 18 Jordan, 9 Kamouraska, 91 Keith, 43 Kelvin, 21 Kemptville, 80 Kenilworth, 11 Kentbridge, 19 Kertch, 15, 35 Keswick, 47 Kettleby, 66 Keyser, 26 Kilsyth/4,s Kincardine, 18, 3^,38 King, 65 Kingsbridge, 18 Kingston Mills, 76 Kingston, 50, 51, 74, .,.75.76 Kingsvile, 43 Kjntail, 18 Kintore, 24 Kinloss, 31, 40 Kinlough, 40 Kippen, 20 Kirby, 67 Kirkton, i.4 Kirk's Ferry, 84 Lachine, 52, 84 Lachrevrotiere, 89 Lakefield, 68 Lambeth, 16, 20, 26, 29 Lambton Mills, 10, 12, 14, 64 Lanark. 78, 81 Lancaster, 51 Langford, 16 Lanoraie. 88 Lansdowne, 51 L'Orignal. 53 Latona. 1 1 La Valtrie, 88 Lawrenceville, 87 Leadbury, 42 Leamington, 17, 43 Lemonville, 47 Lennoxville, 88 L'Epiphanie, 88 Levis, 9 Lindsay, 55, 66, 67 Lin wood, 32 L'Islet, gi Listowel, 28, 32, 38, 39 Little Metis, 92 Liverpool Market, 49 Lloydtown, 66 Lobo, 15 Lochalsh, 38 Lombardy, 78 Londesboro, 20 London, 15. 16, 20, 29 Long Hill. 83 Longueuil, 86 Longue Pointe, 85, 88 Lorette. 89 Lome Park, 9 Louiseville, 8g Louisville, 29 Lucan, 20 Lucknow, 38, 40 Lyndhurst, 77 Lynn's Corners, 21, 35 Lyn, 51 M acton, 32 Magog, 86 Maidstone, 17. 41 Maitland, 51, 83 Mallory's Corners 70 71 Mallorytowii, 51 Malvern, 48 Manchester, 65 Mandamin, 46 Manilla, 55, 65 Manotick, 80 Maple, 65 Maple Grove, 37 Maple Hill, 31' Maple Valley, 30 Marden, 11, 27 Marieville, 86 Markdale, 13 Markham, 48, 63 Marsh villa, 58 Maskinonge, 89 Masonville, 20 Matane, 92 Maxwell, 31 Mayfair, ag Mclntyre's Corners, 24 Meaford, 45 Medina, 24 Melbourne, Que., 87 Melburne, Ont., 29 Menie, 56 Merlin, 41 Merrickville, 78, 82 Merritton, 9, 61, 62 Merivale, 80 Metcalfe, 79 Meyersburg, 71 Midhurst, 45 Mildmay, 37 Cyclists' Road Guide, Milford, 74 Millbrook, 67, 68 MilU's Roches, 51 Millhaven, 74 Milliken, 63 Milltown, 50 Milvcrton, 28 Minnesing, 45 Mitchell, 23, 3,?, 40 Mohawk, 22 Molesworth, 38 Montague, 78 Montmagny, gi Montreal, 1521 84, 85, 86,88 Moray, 18 Morganston, 70 Morpeth, 17 Morrisbank, 38, 42 Morrishurg, 51 Morriston, 11 Moslx)ro, 14 Mount Forest, 11 MountVernon, i6, 35 Mount Elgin, 34, 35 Mount Salem, 38 Mount Hope, (Glan- ford), 44, 61 Mount Albert, 49 Mount Healey, 61 Mount Pleasant, 67 Mt. Bridges, a6 Murdock, 11 Murvale, 75 Myrtle, 65 Nairn, 37 Nanticoke, ^S Napanee Mills, 75 Napanee, 50, 7^, 75 Napperton, 37 Nelles' Corners, 59 New Dundee. 22 Newmarket, 25, 47 New Durham, 35 Newark, 35 New Hamburg, 37 Newbliss, 79 Newburg, 75 New Sarum, 39, 57 Newcastle, 49, 67 Newcombe's Mills, 70 71. 72 Newport, Vt., 87 Newry, (Atwood), 40 Newton villc, 49 New Germany, 60 Niagara Falls Town, _ 9. 60 Niagara on the Lake , 9> 60 Nile, 40 Norval, 13, 14 North Hamburg, 14 North Bruce, 18 Norwich, ai, 35 North Seneca, 44, 61 Norway, 48, 49 Norwood, 56 North Glanford, 61 Norham, 70, 71 Notre Dam -^du Port- age, 91 Nottawa, 30, 31, 45 N. Gower, 80, 82 N. Augusta, 82 N. Wakefield, 84 Numogate, 79 Oaklands, 22 Oakville, 9, 10 Oakwood, 55 Odessa, 50 Oil City, 43. 44 Otl Springs, 43, 44 Oldcastle, 17, 41 Oldfield, 23 Oliver's Ferry, 77, 78 Omemee, 55, 67 Oneida, ^4 Orangfe villa, la, 28, ^ 30.33 Orchard, 11 Orillia. 25, 48 Orono, 67 Orwell, 39, 58 Oshawa, 49, 54 Ospringe, 30 Ostrander, 34 Ottawa, 53. 77, 78,7^ 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 Oungah, 23 Owen Sound, 12, 13^ 45.46 Painswick, 25 Paisley, 27 Palmerston, 27 » ^9 Palmyra, 16, Paris, 19, 22 Parker, 27, a8 Parkhill, 18, 35 Patillo, 42 PefFerlaw, 55 Perrytown, ' 7 Perth, 77, 7h Peterboro', 55, 66, 68 Petersburg, 14, 21, 36 Petherton, 1 1 Petrolia, 43, 44 Phillipsville, 77 Piche, 84 Pickering, 49, 54 Picton, 72, 73, 74 Pike's Creek, 42 Piles Branch, 89 Pine River, 18, 38 Pine Orchard, 47 Pitt's Ferry, 51 Plainville, 69 Plantagenet, 53 Poole, 28 Poplar Hill, 15 Port Credit, 9 Port Talbot, 16 Port Elgin, i8 27,45 46 Port Albert, 18 Port Stanley, 20, 29 Port Dover, 2 1, 44, 58- 59 Port Lambton, 23 . Port Bruce, 29 PortBurwell, 29, 34 38 c. Cyclists' Road Guide. Point aux Trembles, 88 Point du Lac, 89 Point Fortune, 53 Pointe Claire, 51, 85 Pontjpool, 67 Pont Rouge, 89 Port Perry, 47, 54, 56 65 Port Hope, 50, 67, 68 Port Colbtirne, 62 Port Dalhousie, 62 Port Robinson, 62 Portland, 77 Port Elnisley, 78 Portneuf, 89 Pottageville, 66 Prescott, 51, 80 Preston, 19, 36 Priceville, 31 Princei n, 19 Prospect, 77, 79 Proton, 13 Puslinch, II Ouebec, 89 Queenston, 9, 60 ^ueensville, 47 Raglan, 54 Ravenshoe Station, „ 49.54 ^ Rainham Centre, 58 Ramsey's Corners 81 Reaboro, 5/;, 67 Readinfj, 30, 33 Reaford, 55, 67 Reed's Corners 15, 35 Renton, 39 Repentigny, 88 Richntond Hill, 25,65 Richmond, Ont., 77, Sj, 82 mond. Que., 87 Ridgetown, 57 Ridgeway, 58 Ridgreville. 61 Rigaud, 3 ' Riniouski, 91 Ringwood, 47, 48 Riversdalc, 31 Riverston, 11 Riviere du Loup, 91 Roche's Point, 47, 48 Rockford, 13 Rockland, 53 Rtxrkton, 36 Rockwood, 12, 13 Romney, 17 Rosa, 71 Roseneath, 70 Roseville, 22 Rossmount. 68 Rothsay, 27 Rouge, 49 Rougemont, 86 Routjd Plains, 21 Russelldale, t,\ Rutherford (i);i\vn Centre), 43 Ruthven, 17 Ryckman's Corners, 44» 6i Salford, 34 Salmon Point, 74 Sandwich, 42 Sandford, 54 Sandbanks, 73 Sandhurst, 74 Sarnia, 15, 23. 44, 46 ~ R( 86 Sault au Kecollet, 85 Scarboro, 49 Schomberg, 66 Scotland, 21 Seaforth, 23, 42 Seagrave, 65 Sebringville, 23, 40 Seeley's Bay, 77 Selkirk, 58 Severn Bridge, 25 Shakespeare, 14, 22 37 Shannonville, 50 Shanty Bay, 25 Sharon, 47 Sheddeo, 57 Sheffield, 36 Shelburne, 13, 30 Shephardton, 18 Sherbrooke, 87 Sherkston, 58 Simcoe, 21. 22, 39, 5H Singhampton, 30, 31 Smithville. 62 Smith'8 Falls, 78, 79 Sombra, 23 Sonya, 65 Southampton, 18, 27 46 South Dummer, 55 South Cayuga, 58 , South Monaghan ! (Centreville), 68 South Gloucester, 71) South March, 82 South Stukley, 86 j Spencerville, 80 | Springfield, 10, 36, 58 Springbank, 18 Springville, 68 St. Anne's, 51, 85 St. Anne de Stukley. 87 St. Anne de la Par- ade, 89 St. Barthelemi, 89 St. Basil, 89 St. Catharines, 9. 61, 63, 63 St. Cesaire, 86 St. Clement's, 32 i St. Cuthbert, 88 St. Dominique, 51 St. David's, 9, 60 St. Fabien, 91 St. Flavie, 91 St. Genevieve, 85 St. Jacob's, 34 St. John's (Arva), 20 St. Joseph, S3 St. Mary's, 1^, 24, 40 St. Michel, 91 Cyclists' Road Guide. j St. Roche, 91 ' St. Thomas, 16, 20, , St.VincentdePaul.86 ; StafFordville, 34, ^59 Stanstoad, 87 Stayner, 45 Stevensville, 60 Stirlinp, 56 Stittsville, 81 StoufFville, 47 Stockdale, 7a Stoncy Creek, 9 Strabane, 11 [ Stratford. 14, 22, 23, 28. 37 Strathroy 15, 18, 26,37 Strathallan, 22 Strathburn, 29 Sullivan, 11 Summerstown, 51 Summerville, 10, 12, Sunbury, 76 Sunnidale, 45 Sunderland, 55 Sutton. 47, 49, 54, 55 Sydenham, 76 Talbotville. 16, 20, 26 Tamworth, 75 Tara, 45 Tavistock, 22 Tecumseh, 42 Teeswater, 20 ; Templeton, 84 I Tempo, 16, 20, 26 [ Terrebonne, 86 Teviotdale, 27 Thamesford, 16, 24 Thamesville, 29 Thedford, 35 Thorold. 9, 61, 62 Thorndale, 15 ThornhiU, 25 Thornbury, 45 Three Rivers, &9 Tilsonburg-, 34, 58 Tincap, 79 Tiverton, 18 Toledo, 79 Topping, 28 Toronto, 9, 10. 12, 14 25, 48, 49, 63, 64 Toronto Junction, 10 12, 14 Trafalgar, 10 " Tralee. 28, 32 Trenton. 50. 71, 72 Trois Pistoles, 91 Trudell, 41 Tyendenaga, 50 Underwood, 18 Union, 20 Union ville, 63 Uptergrove, 48 Uttoveter, 35 Uxbt dge, 47, 54 Valient yne, 54 Valois, 52, 85 Vandreuil, 51, 53 Varna, 24 Varney, 11 Vaucluse, 88 Verchoyle, 35 Vereker, 43 Victoria, 12 Victoria Corners, 54 Vienna, 34 Virgil, 9 Virginia, 47 Vivian, 48, 55 Walbridge, 72 Waldemar, 28 Walkerton, 21, 27, 31 4» Walkerville, 42 Wallaceiown, 16. 57 Wallaceburg, 23. 43 Walton's, 42 Washago, 25 Wanstead, 4 WardsviUe, 29 Warkworth, 70, 71 Warner, 62 Warwick, 15 Washburn, 76 Waterford, 22, 37, ^i> Watcrloo.Ont. 3a. h Waterloo, Q., 80. 87 Waterville, 88 Welcome, 49 Welcome, 67 Welland, 59, 62, 63 VVellandport, 59. 61 Wellington, 7a Wendovcr, 53 West Monkton, 40 West Montrose, ^^ West Flamboro. 36 West brook. 50 Weston, 64 W. Osgoode, 80 VN'heatley, 17 Whitby, "49, 65 Wicklow, zo Wilfrid, 55 Williamsford, 13 Willow Grove, 44 Winchelsea, 24 Windsor, 17, 41, 42 Windsor Mills, 87 Wingham, 20, 32. 38 Winona. 9 Winterburne, 33 Winthrop, 42 Woburo, 48 Woodford, 45 Woodslee, 41 Woodstock, 16, 19, 21 22 Woodrow's Corners 73 Wooler, 70, 7a Wroxeter, 42 Wyoming, 35, 43, a6 Yamachiche, 89 Varker, 75 Yarmouth Centre, „ 39.' 57 York, 61 Youngs Point, 68, 74 Zephyr, 49, 54 We l^^anufacture absolutely the best line of Jerseys Sweaters Stockings Etc. To order, In any color or club design Quotations and disoounts given to clubs Descriptivs Cataiosue on application The H. P. Davies Co 8 1 Yonge Street Toronto Cyclists' Road Guide. g Niagara Falls to Toronto. MILEAGK TOWNS. HOTELS. Falls of Niagara ..ParksicU; Inn. 2 Niagara Falls Town American. 3 St. David's (a) C Thorold Welland. 15 Merritton . 25, 15 St. Catharines Grand Central 7 Jordan., 6 Beamsville Mrc. Couse. 5.5 Grimsby Mansion. 5 Winona 5 Stoney Creek 8 51.5 Hamilton Royal. 7 Burlington 6.25 Bronte 5 69.75 Oakville (b) Oakville House. 5.5 Lome Park Hotel Louise. 2.5 I'ort Credit « H umber Nurse's. 5.5 91.25 Toronto Walker. A Riirhf hand — East. St. David's 3.3 Queenston 6.5 - Niagara (on the Lake) . . . Long's ; 3.5 Virgil 5 Homer 3 St. Catharines Grand Central. 10 Cyclists' Road Guide. NIAGARA FALLS TO TORONTO— Cr7////////^ St. Thomas Grand Central. 7.5 Fingal McCall's. 5.5 Port Talbot 5 115.25 Wallacetown Ontario House. 6.75 Eagle 4.5 i| Aldboro' ' 6.25 ,■ Clearville Wiley's. 3.25 Palmyra Cyclists' Road Giiidi'. 17 IfAMILTON TO WINDSOR— Cfl«//«//.' Delaware Jarvis. 15 Christina 1.3 Melbourne Kobb. \ May fair () Stiathburn «) Wardsville 4 (\ishmere 10 Thamcs\'ille Union. ') Kentbridf^e .\ Louisville 55 Chatham Garner. Leave London by Richmond street and York street bridge to Lambeth, thence south-west to Chatham. Thrt road is first-class gravel to Wardsville, from that to Thamesville sandy and rough, then good clay to Chatham. Fingal to Port Burwell. ' Finjral McCall's 7 Port Stanley Fraser. 4 Dexter 5 Port Bruce 2 Copenhagen 2 . 5 Gravesend 7.5 28 Port Burwell 30 Cyclists' Road Guide. FIN'CIAL TO PC^Iir nv RWKJ J. -Co/,iif/itfif, South i)^ miles, thence east to Port Stanley over good gravel, then east on Lake Shore road ; gravel and sand to Port Hurvvell. Fair riding and fine scenery. Guelph to Collingwood. ■ mili:a(.k. towns. hotels. Guelph Royal. 3 . 5 Eramosa 4 Everton 2 .5 Ospringe 4 16 Brisbane 4.5 Hillsburg 4.5 Reading 4 29 Orangeville Paisley 6 Camilla 9.5 ^4.5 Shelburne Royal. 6.5 Horning's Mills 6 Maple Valley 7 64 Singhampton 5 Duntroon Black's. 3 Nottawa 5 77 Collingwood Grand Central, North-east from Guelph to Brisbane, thence north to Readmg and N.E. to Orangeville over fine gravel roads. From Orangeville to Duntroon rough an(' hilly roads of clay, sand and gravel, thence fair gravel to Collingwood ; fine scenery and fair wheeling in dry weather. , Erin is 2}4 miles east of Brisbane. >. Cyclists' Road Guide. 31 Kincardine to CoUingwood. Mil.EAOE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Kincardine Royal. 7.3 Bervie 5 Kinloss 3 75 Kiversdaie ;; . 75 Cireenock 7 27 Walkerton Hartley. ^.75 Maple Hill J. 5 Hanover Reid. 3 Allan Park 3 • 5 43-75 Durham Middaugh. 5 Bunessan 5.5 Priceville Commercial, 4-75 59 Flesherton Flesherton. S.5 Maxwell Commercial. 75 75 Singhampton 5 Duntroon Black's. i Nottawa 3 88 CoUingwood Grand Central. lollow Durham road east to Greenock, thence east 2 miles, north i){ miles and east to Singhampton, tiience east 2)4 miles to Hurontario Street and direct north to CoUingwood. The greater part of this road is good gravel with some hills east of Walkerton and hejavy ones east of Singhampton. The general grade of the road is down hill towards Lake Huron. 32 Cyclists' Road Guide. Waterloo to Listowel. TOWNS. HOTELS. Waterloo Zimmerman. Heidelburg St. Clements Crossbill ... Linwood Macton Dorking Tralee 5 Listowel Queen's North-west four miles, thence to Crossbill, from which point proceed west one concession, then north to Macton and north-west to Listowel. Good gravel to Crossbill, thence clay to Macton and gravel to Listowel — one or two hills. Mil -EAGE 7 • 5 I •75 4 5 4 •5 3 5 3 75 5 7 3 Goderich to Wingham. MII.EAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Goderich Albion. 6 Carlow McDonagh's. 4 . 5 Auburn 6.25 Blythe 6.5 Belgrave Queen's. 5 28 . 25 Wingham Brunswick. North from Goderich and east to Carlow, thence east to Blythe and north again to Wingham, all good gravel with a few small hills. Cyclists' Rood Guide. 35 Orangeville to Berlin MII.KAOE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Orangeville Paisley. ') Reading ).3 Craigsholme 7.5 21 Fergus Commercial. >, Elora Dalby. 7.5 W. Montrose. . 2.5 Winterbourne .] Bloomingdale j Bridgeport 2 43 Berlin Walper. Direct south-west ; good gravel to Fergus, thence still south-west over roads only fair gravel — some places rough and stony — to Berlin, quite a number of small hills — beautiful scenery. • Mitchell to Exeter. MII.KAOE. TOWNS. . HOTELS Mitchell Hicks. G.5 Russelldale 2 . 5 Farquhar 6.25 Hay 1.25 16.5 Exeter Commercial. From Mitchell proceed south-west to Russelldale, thtnce via Thames road west to Hay and south one iile, all good gravel. 34 Cyclists' Road Guide. Hespeler to Drayton. MILEAGE. TOWNS. UOTKls. Hespeler Commercial. 5 . 5 Freeport 4.5 10 Berlin Walper. 2 Waterloo Zimmerman. 5 St. Jacobs 5 22 Elmira O'Donnell. 7 Creekbank 3 Goldstone 4 36 Drayton Royal. From Hespeler proceed west over sandy roadi thence north and north-east over good gravel tcl Creekbank, and north-west over clay and gravel to| Drayton. Some hills but easily rideable. ' IngersoU to Port Burwell. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Ingersoll Atlantic. 4 Salford 3.5 Mount Elgin 4 Ostrander 2.5 14 Tilsonburg Queen's. 3.5 Acacia 1 . 3 Eden 3.5 Staffordvilie 5 Vienna 2.5 30 Port Burwell ,.. Good gravel road to Tilsonburg, from which pointi there is considerable drifting sand, but sidepaths arej frequent and good ; few hills. Cyclists^ Road Guide . 35 Ailsa Craig to Wyoming. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Ailsa Craig Queen's. j.5 Parkhill Franklin, S.5 Thedford 1 1 . 3 29.5 Poorest Franklin. 7 Uttoxeter 35 Kertch 35 Reede's Corners 45-5 Wyoming Commercial. South one concession and direct west to Parkhill, fair sand and gravel, thence west and north one con- cession, sandy to Thedford, being very bad at Aux Sables river. From Thedford to Forest, fine gravel ; thence to Kertch, clay, with gravel the balance of 'he route. Brantford to Aylmer. MII.KAGE. ' TOWNS. HOTELS. Brantford Kerby. 7 Mount Vernon 1.75 Burford Barnea. 5-5 Harley 4 New Durham 3 23.25 Norwich Brown's. 2.25 Lyne's Corners 2.25 Newark 6.25 Mount Elgin 3.5 Verchoyle 36 Cyclists' Road Guide. BRANTFORD TO AX hUKK- Continued. MiLEAGE. TOWNS. IIOTKLS. 3 . 5 Culloden 2 Brownsville f) Springfield 2.5 Glencolin 3.5 55 Aylmer Brown. Take Brantford and Woodstock gravel road to a point i]4 miles west of Burford, then turn south-west following road to Norwich, nearly all good gravel. Leave Norwich by Main street going direct west to Verchoyle, then south to Brownsville, good and fair gravel. Proceed two miles south from Brownsville then west to Springfield, very poor sand ; thence to Aylmer, heavy sand, clay and gravel, some parts unrideable. Hamilton to Stratford. MILKAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Hamilton Royal. 5 Dundas Collin's. 3.25 W. Flamboro 6 Rockton 3.75 Sheffield 6 24 Gait Baker. 3 Preston N. American. 5.5 Freeport 4.5 35 Berlin Walper . 7 Petersburg 3 Baden Baden. Cyclists' Road Guide. 37 IIAMII/rO\ TO STRATFORD -Conihiifr,/. MILKAC.E. TOWNS. HOTKI.S. } New Hamburg Commercial. 6.5 Shakespeare 7.5 63 Stratford Commercial. Leave Hamilton by King street west, following main road to Dundas, thence through Main street of town under G. T. K, tracks to Bullock's Corners and west to West Flamboro, turning north on Waterloo road to Berlin. The road thus far is somewhat hilly but good gravel and macadam— splendid scenery. From Berlin to Stratford is very fine gravel, with a rolling grade Clandeboye to Watford.. * MiLKAdK. TOWNS. HOTKI.S. Clandeboye j 75 Maple Grove j 7.75 Ailsa Craig Queen's. j Nairn 2 Bowood 4 Fernhill 4 Amiens 6.5 27.25 Strathroy Queen's. z Napperton ^0 39.25 Watford Dominion. South and west to Ailsa Craig and thence south and Iwest to London and Sarnia road at Amiens, then west 1 '2 miles and south to Strathroy. Then direct west to Watford ; fairly good gravel nearly all the way. 38 Cyclists' Road Guide. Listowel to Kincardine. MILKAOE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Listowel Arlington. 7 Molesworth 6 Morrisbank 4 Bluevalc 4 2T Wingham Brunswick. 12 Lucknow Cain. 6.5 L(jchalsh 5 Amberley Knifer's. 4.5 Pine River . . . . , 7 56 Kincardine Royal. Proceed directly north-west on Main street and town line over fairly good gravel road— sandy between Wingham and Bluevale— thence again west over county line, rough, stony and somewhat hilly, with some clay, to Amberley, and north on Saugeen road Alymer to Port Burwell. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Aylmer Brown. 6.5 Mt. Salem 2.5 Gravesend 7-5 16.5 Port Burwell ....<•• South four miles, then east two and one-half miles, and south two and one-half miles, on good gravel, to| Gravesend, then along Lake road, sand and gravel, to Port Burwell. • Cyclists' Road (iuiiiy. 39 St. Thomas to Jarvis. III.IAC, F. TOWNS. IKiTKLS. St. Thomas Grand CentraL 4 Yarmouth Centre New Sarnm 5 Orwell J. 3 II Aylmer Brown. , Bavhatn ] Stafford vi lie 5.5 (iuysboro 6.5 Courtland 7 38 Delhi Stoddard. 3 Atherton 7 48 Simcoe Battersby. 4,3 Renton 5.5 f,8 Jarvis Commercial. I'ine gravel road (Talbot street) to Bayham, thence lay road to Guysboro, with good gravel to Delhi and eavy sand thence to Atherton and poor gravel to imcoe ; blue clay to Jarvis, excellent in dry weather. Harriston to St. Mary's. ' |lILI A(iE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Harriston Collison. |6 Palmerston Zilliaux. 12 , Bryden 13 5 Gowanstown .... 15.5 Listowel Arlington. 40 Cyclists' Road Guide. HARRISTON TO ST. MAR V'S-ro;///;//^/. MILKAOE. TOWNS. HOTKf-S C Newry (Atwood) 5.5 W. Monkton 5.5 Bornholm 3 37.5 Mitchell Hicks. Walkerton to Seaforth. |milkage. towns. hotels Walkerton Hartley. 6 Formosa 3 Ambleside 3 Belmore 43 ''Cyclists' Road Guiiic. WAT.KKR'rON TO SKAFOH TH Contifitwd. MII.KAC.K. TOWNS. HOTKI.S. 6.25 Wroxeter 4.5 Morrisbank., 1 . 25 Jamestown 5 . 29 Brussels American. 6 Walton's 2.5 Leadbiiry 2 . 5 Winthrop 5 45 Seaforth (Jueen's. Take Durham road west to town line, thence due south over fair gravel and stone to Brussels and south- west to Seaforth, the latter part of the road much improving. Around Essex. MILKAGK. TOV^'NS. ., ■* . , HOTELS. Belle River . .., 2.5 Patillo 2.5 Pike's Creek 5n3 Tecumseh 7 Walkerville 2 17 Windsor Crawford. * Sandwich Stuart's. 2 Chappel..,. Chappel's- 8 Canard River 3 . Gordon I 37 Amherstburg., Lake View. Cyclists' Rami Guidi. 43 AUorXI) V.S'^KX — CoiiliinuJ. Mll.KAClK r(J\VNS. IIOTKLS. 7 V^ereker 5 Harrow y Kingsville Mettawas. 8 C6 Leamington Scott's. From Helle Kiver to Pike's Creek the road is rough and sandy, thence to Windsor fair gravel. From Windsor take the river road, which is poor sand, clay :iiul gravel, but has some nice sirlepaihs. Amherstburg 10 Kingsville mostly clay, thence good gravel to Learn - iiif^ton. Wyoming to Wallaceburg. MILF.AOK. TOWNS. IIOTKLS. Wyoming: Commercial. ) Petrolia Tecumseh. 5 Oil City 5 Oil Springs Cameron. I9 Dawn Centre (Rutherford) 7 Dresden Westcott. 6 Keith 1^) 41 Wallaceburg Hill's. Proceed direct south to Dawn Centre, thence west miles and south to Dresden, then west on north lide of River Sydenham to VVallaceburg. Oravel and [ood to Petrolia, then clay to Dawn Centre ; from Jawn Centre roads improve and arc built of gravel, py and sand. 44 Cyclists' Road Guide. Sarnia to Oil Springs. MILEAOE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Sarnia Belchamber. i6 Petrolia Tecumseh. 5 Oil City 3 24 Oil Springs Cameron. Take the " Plank Road " south-east from Sarnia 1 for H}4 rniles, thence east on loth concession to I Petrolia and south over county road to Oil Springs Gravel to Petrolia and clay the balance ; no hills. Hamilton to Port Dover. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Hamilton Royal. 4 Ryckman's Corners 3 . 5 Mt. Hope (Glanford) .... 3 N. Seneca 3 13.5 Caledonia Leach's. 4 Willow Grove 3.5 Oneida 2 Hagersville Lavvson's. ' 3 Garnet 3 Jarvis Commercial. 9 38 Port Dover. Orchard Beachl Leave Hamilton by James street south, thence 00 electric R.R. to mountain's brow and easterly tol Mountain View hotel and south-west to Port Dover, Stone road to Caledonia and stone, gravel and clay la Port Dover. Returning, enter Hamilton via Johij street. Do not on any account coast the mountain. Cyclists' Road Guide. 45 Fort Elgin to Barrie. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTKI.S. Port Elgin American. () Burgoyne 3 Arkwright 3.3 Invermay 1.5 16 Tara Queen's. q Kilsyth 7 32 Owen Sound Paterson. 9 Woodford Lemon's. 4 Bayview Hartford. 5-5 50-5 Meaford Paul. 5 Thornbury Rever . I Clarksburg .Globe. 8 CraigTeigh 3 705 Collingwood Grand Central. 3 ^ Nottawa 5 Duntroon Black's. 5 83.5 Stayner Queen's. 5. 3 Sunnidale TO Minnesing 5 Midhurst 5 109 Barrie Queen's. Good gravel roads from Port Elgin to Owen Sound, with several turns and only a couple of hills. On leaving Owen Sound take Bay street, thence north a block and east on Meaford gravel road to the bay shore, which follow to Collingwood. There are no hills of consequence and the view is very fine, showing the Blue Mountains on one side and Georgian Bay on the other. From Collingwood the roads consist of a good deal of clay but are very fine riding. There are some stretches of gravel, but this part of the road is essen- tially a dry weather route. 46 Cyclists' Road Guide. Sarnia to Watford. MILEAGK. TOWNS. HOTELS. Sarnia Belchamber. (J Mandamin 6 Wyoming Commercial. 3 . 5 Wanstead 9 27.5 Watford Dcminion. South-east on plank road ore mile, thence direct east over 4th line to Watford. Good grcivel and no hills. Owen Sound to Port Elgin. (SECOND ROUTE.) MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Owen Sound Paterson. Jackson Johnson's. 6 Allenford McCarroll's, 3 Elsinore 5 Chippawa Hill 2 Southampton Teahan's. 4 26 Port Elgin American. Leave Owen Sound by Christies Hill, going direct west to Chippawa Hill, thence south to Port Elgin Good gravel with some hills for the first ten miles, then only one or two small ones. Fine scenery. t Cyclists^ Road Gti'ule. 47 Newmarket to Port Perry. MII.KAGE. TOWNS. • HOTELS. Newmarket Forsyth. 4 Pine Orchard 7 . 5 Lemonville 3 . 5 Ringwood Button's. 2.5 17.5 Stouffville Mansion. 3 . 5 Goodwood <^-5 27.5 Uxbridge Queen's. .f .5 Epsom 5 37 Port Perry Oriental. Leave Newmarket east by Gorham street to Pine Orchard, thence south 5 miles and east 2^ miles to Lemonville ; south again 2% miles and direct east to Stouffville. Road mostly gravel, a few hills, a little sand and some clay. From Stouffville follow the Stouffville gravel road north-east to Uxbridge, then south-east to Port Perry — few hills. Newmarket to Orillia. (VIA BEAVERTON.) MII.KAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Newmarket Forsyth. 4 Sharon 2.5 Queensville 7 13.5 Keswick and Roche's Pt. . 2.5 Belhaven '^f.^, 21.5 Sutton and Jackson's Pt. Mansion. 5 Virginia.. 48 Cyclists^ Road Guide. NEWMARKET TO OIULIAA- Conii/inrcf. MII.UAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS, 1 1. 5 38 Beaverton Hamilton. 6 Gambridge 3 . 5 Brechin Oberend's. 9 Uptergrove 3 Atherley Gaudaur's. 2 . 5 62 Orillia Orillia. r.eave Newmarket by Huron street east to first concession, thence north to Keswick, nearly all good gravel with a couple of sandy hills, thence east and north over first-class gravel to Beaverton. From Beaverton follow Centre road to Orillia, one sand hill and a little corduroy, all the rest good. Roche's Point is three miles north-east of Keswick and Jackson's Point two miles north of Sutton, both pleasant summer resorts. Toronto to Sutton. (VIA MARKHAM ) MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Toronto Walker. 4 Norway Warren's. 7 Woburn 2.5 Malvern 3 Armadale ... 2.5 19 Markham Franklin. # Ringwood Button's. «f Ballantrae Jt Vivian Cyclists' Road Guide. 49 TORONTO TO SUTTON— C-5 45 , 10.5 5 6 95 , TOWNS. HOTELS. Toronto Walker. Norway Warren's. Scarboro Highland Creek Kellar's. Rouge Dunbarton Liverpool Market Seeker's. Pickering . .Gordon. 28 Whitby Royal. Oshawa Queen's. Bowmanviile Bennett. 48 Newcastle Royal. Newtonville Welcome 50 Cyclists' Road Guide. TOIIONTO TO Kl\Gii>T{)S—Co;,/i;/neif. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. 3.25 66. 75 Port Hope Queen's. 8 Cobourg Dunham. 9 Orafton 3 Wicklow 5.5 Colborne Brunswick. 9 ior.:?5 Brighton Central. 11.5 Trenton Grand Central II 123.75 Belleville Queen's. Cf Shannonville 1.5 Milltown.. 3.3 Tyendenaga 9 146.75 Napanee Paisley. 1 3 Odessa Queen's. 6 WestbrooK' 4 Catara(iui 3 172 75 Kingston British American. Leave Toronto by Queen street to the Woodbine race track, there turning north-east on Kingston road — good gravel though hilly — to Whitby, some clay at Duntroon and sand hill east of Pickering. From Whitby continue over fair gravel (with some sand), to Bowmanville. Several of the hills between Toronto and Bowmanville are steep and crooked and should not be coasted. Take right fork of road 4 miles east of Bowmanville. Good roads thence to Colborne, and very fine roads, with only one or two short stretches of middling roads, straight into Kingston — all gravel and macadam. Cyclists^ Road (luidc. 51 Kingston to Montreal. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Kingston Brit. American. 12 Pitt's Ferry 6 Gananoque rnternational. 9 Lansdowne 9 Mallorytown S Lyn 5 49 Brockville Grand Central 4.5 Maitland 7 Prescott Daniel's. !S Cardinal 5.5 74 Iroquois 7.25 Morrisbiirg Windsor. () Aultsville 2 . 5 Farran 's Point 4.25 Dickinson's Landing. ... Kyan's. 5 Milles Roches ^.^ 107.5 Cornwall Rossmore. 4 . 5 Glen Walter 6.5 Summerstovvn 6 Lancaster McRae's. S Curry's Hill 9 140.5 Coteau 8 St. Dominique Trottier. 10 Vaudreuii Serre. 3 St. Anne's Charlebois. 7 Pointe Claire Duchesnea 52 Cyclists' Road Guide. KINGSTON I'O \U)\TliEAl.-Co>//if/n,',l. MILEAOK. TOWNS. HOTELS. 2.5 Valois 2.5 Dorval 2 . 5 Lachine Harvey. 9 185 Montreal Balmoral. Leave Kingston by Ontario street to the barracks, crossing the long bridge and following the river road, fair macadam to (lananoque ; thence east over good road for three miles, then only fair to Lyn, and lint into Brockville. From Brock ville follow the River road which is very fine riding and presents beautiful scenery to Dickinson's Landing, where take the canal bank to Cornwall. Leave Cornwall by Water street to Montreal road to Vaudreuil. This road as far as Summerstown is heavy and low and is somewhat iin- ridable after rain, thence on to Curry's the roads are somewhat better, but all of clay, then fair sand to Coteau, gravel to Cedars and rough clay to Vaudreuil Cross the Ottawa to St. Anne's by railway bridge, from which place to Pointe Claire, road is rough, then perfect gravel and macadam, to Montreal. Montreal to Ottawa. MILEAGE. 9 2. 5 2 5 2. 5 7 2 TOWNS. HOTELS. Montreal Balmoral. Lachine Harvey. Dorval Valois Pointe Claire Duchesneau. Ste. Anne's Charlebois. Cyclists' Road Guidi'. 53 MOXTIIEAI. TO OTTAWA- CV;//^/;;«,-,i'. MILEAGE. TOWNS. * HOTEl-S. 3 Vaudreuil Serre. 7 Como > Hudson Mrs. Amsbury 10 45.5 kigaud Chevrier. 9 l*oint Fortune Seguin. 14 Hawkesbury McManus. 5 73.5 L'Orignal St. Denis. 2 Cassburn 9 Alfred Roileau. 6 Plantagenet Wilson. 7 97o Wendover Rouleau. 6.25 Clarence 3.5 Rockland Langevin. 6. -'5 Cumberland Windsor. 6 St. Joseph Lauzon. 9 128.5 Ottawa Russell. Follow St. Antoine street to Lachine road, thence over fine macadamized road to Pointe Claire and to St. Anne's (rough road) , cross river on railroad bridge to Vaudreuil, from which point to Rigaud the clay roads are fair only in dry weather. From Rigaud to to Pointe Fortune is good, then sandy and rough to Hawkesbury at the head of the L.cng Sault rapids. At L'Orignal leave the river, taking a rather rough road to Alfred and thence to Plantagenet, coming again to the river at Wendover, from which point to Ottawa the roads are good, with some very fine stretches. The whole route is undulating, there only being two or three hills of any consequence. 54 Cyclists' Road Guide, Pickering to Sutton. .MII.KAOE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Pickering Gordon's. 5 Brougham 4 Claremont 1. 5 Sand ford Zephyr Shepard's. 5 Kaveiishoe Station 6 39 Sutton and Jackson's Pt, Mansion. Take I3rock road north to (^'lareinont, then jog west taking fourth concession for 15 miles, turn to third concession 3.^ miles north of Sandfield, then north to Zephyr and north again 2}4 miles, west 2 '3 miles and north to Sutton — nearly all fair gravel ^v^th some clay and sand — rather hilly in some parts. Oshawa to Sutton. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Oshawa Queen's. 6 Columbus 2 . 5 Raglan 6.5 15 Port Perry Oriental. 5 Epsom 4.5 24.5 Uxbridge Queen's. 6 Victoria Corners w" 6 Vallentyne Cyclists' Road Guide. 55 OSIIAWA TO iiVTVO\-Co;/ii/iitfi/. MM I \(1K. TOWNS. HOTELS. 5 Wilfrid i . 5 Peflerl.'iw 4 Virginia 3 52 Sutton Mansion. Take Reach road (f»ravel and some clay) north to I'ort Perry, thence west to Uxbridge and north on l^ruck road to Wilfrid ; here turn west and north to Sutton over good gravel road. Some hills and rough road between Uxbridge and Wilfrid. Sunderland is four miles south-east of Vallentyne — two good hotels. Sutton to Belleville. MII.K.\ ■Port Dover to Niagara Palls. MILEAGli. TOWNS. HOTELS, Port Dover Orchard Beach. s Jarvis Commercial. Erie 3 Balmoral. I Nelles' Corners 2 . 5 Decewsville 2.5 21 Cayuga Campbell. 6 Canfield 4 Canboro 1 Attercliff e 6 43 Wellandport 4 . Candasville 9 56 Welland Fraser. 6o Cyclists' Road Guide. PORT DOVER TO NIACJARA FAlA.S-Cof/lwtted. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. 3 Crowland 8 Chippewa 3 Falls of Niagara Parkside Inn. 2 72 Niagara Falls American. Leave Port Dover north-east over Hamilton static road to Jarvis, thence east over Talbot road, jogging N.E. at Balmoral to Attercliffe. From Atterclilte follow river road, north bank, to Welland (the road on south bank of river from Wellandport is sometimes better), thence east to Crowland, from which point follow river road again to Chippewa, thence north over gravel road and through Queen Victoria Park to the Falls. Road is all clay or clay-loam, except, last four or five miles, but in midsummer is excellent riding. There are no hills of consequence. . Fort Erie to Niagara. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTEL.s. Fort Erie I International Bridge 7 Stevensville. . . 1 New Germany. 6 Chippewa 3 18 Falls of Niagara Parkside Inn. 2 Niagara Falls Am.erican. 3 St. Davids 3 . 5 Queenston 6.5 33 Niagara Long's. North from Fort Erie to International Bridge and west to Stevensville — all good gravel, thence north to Chippewa — gravel and clay loam, thence north through Niagara Falls I'ark and along river to Niagara Falls town, north and west to St. Davids, then nortli- east to Queenston and along the river to Niagara. 'o' • • • Cyclists' Road Guide. 6i Dunnville to St. Catharines. MIl.KAdK. TOWNS. HOTELS. Dunnville Mansion. 7 Attercliffe 6 13 Wellandport () Fenwick 3 Ridgeville 1.5 23.5 Fonthill 4 . 5 Allanburg 4 Thorold Welland. 1 . 5 Merritton 2.5 36 St. Catharines Grand Central. East on Robinson road to Atterclifte and Welland- port, lyi niiles beyond which branch north-east on Canboro road to Allanburg and north along Welland Canal to St. Catharines — roads clay and clav loam with sand around Fonthill. Hamilton to Dunnville. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Hamilton Royal. 4 Ryckman's Corners 2 N. Glanford % 1.5 Mt. Hope (Glanford) ... .Dominion. 3 N. Seneca 3 13.5 Caledonia Leach's. 5 York 1.5 ' Mt. Healey 4 . 5 Cayuga Campbellr 15 39.5 Dunnville Mansion. Leave Hamilton via James street to the top of mountain and take Port Dover stone road to Mt. Hope 3nd clay to Caledonia, thence on east bank of Grand River to Cayuga. Road from Caledonia all clay— fair riding in fine weather, but some parts are quito hilly. 62 Cyclists' Rood Guide. , •.-_ Dunnville to Srimsby. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Dunnville Mansion. 7 . 5 Canboro' 3.5 Warner 7 Smithville Adkins. 6 24 Grimsby Mansion. Take Dunnville road north and north-east to Can- boro', thence via Smithville road to Smithville — one mile heavy sand, balance good clay — no hills. This road is very crooked and tourists should frequently make enquiries. From Smithville take main road north-west two miles, thence due north to Grimsby — a fairly good road but with some stony places. W(dk down the mountain into Grimsby. Port Dalhousie to Port Oolborne. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Port Dalhousie 4 St. Catharines Grand Central 2 . 5 Merritton 1.5 Thorold Welland. 4 AUanburg 2 . 5 Port Robinson 4 Welland Fraser. 7 Humberstone I 26.5 Port Colborne O'Neill's. Take bank of new canal to St. Catharines — clay- then stone road to Thorold then south along clay rond to Humberstone, then gravel to Port Colborne— heavy grade between St. Catharines and Thorold. Cyclists^ Road Guide. 63 St. Catharines to "Welland. A better route than the preceding (if one does not wish to seethe numerous locks on the canal) is to take St. Paul street west from St. Catharines to top of hill near G.T.R. station, turning south-east past Decew's Falls, then jog west half mile and direct south to Welland. Distance 12 miles. Toronto to Markham. (SECOND ROUTE.) TOWN^s. HOTELS, Toronto Walker. East Toronto Danforth Ellesmere Milliken Hagerman's Corners Unionville ; Markham Franklin. Leave Toronto by Gerrard street to Jones avenue, thence north to Danforth avenue and east to one mile beyond East Toronto ; here turn to left and follow road to Unionville ; turn east just before entering Unionville. Roads are good — pavements to Danforth avenue, then sand (with good side paths) 1 miles, then gravel, after which clay roads for 4 miles, then good gravel to Markham — no hills. MILEAGE. 5 2 3 5 4 I ■^5 I 25 2 5 IC 64 Cyclists' RuaU Guide. Toronto to Weston and Return. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS Toronto Walker. 5 Dovercourt 1 Carlton 4 Weston Eagle. 2.5 Lambton Mills Scott's. 2 . 5 The Humber Duck's. 5.5 20 . 5 Toronto Bloor street west to St. Clarens avenue, thence north and west to Carlton and north-west on Weston road to Weston. Good pavement to Carlton, then poor macadam — one hill. Returning, cross bridge at Weston and take road on west sid(^ of river, re-crossing river before reaching Lambton, then cross river and climb hill at this pomt, taking first through road south to lake shore rond turning east into Toronto. Fair roads and good side paths— all down hill from Weston. Toronto to King. MILKAGE. TOWNS. MOTEL.'^. Toronto Walker. 5.5 Fairbank 7.5 Concord 2 . 5 Carrville ^ Cyclists' Road Guide. 65 TORONTO TO KHiC—Co/iii/ii/nf. Mil 1 ACE. TOWNS. MOTELS. J . 5 Maple 3 23 King lUoor street west and St. George street to Daven- port road — asphalt ; thence west to Bathurst, north to St. ('lair avenue, north-west to Fairbank and north to Carrville, jogging east 6 '^^^ miles north of Fairbank — clay. From Carrville i '4 miles west and then north into King — all gravel. Richmond Hill is 4 miles east of Maple and Oak Ridges 4 miles east of Kmg— good gravel. Whitby to Beaverton. Mir.KAGE. TOW.N-S. HOTELS. Whitby Royal. 5 Brooklin 4 Myrtle 5 Manchester 2 16 Port Perry Oriental. 7 Seagrave 2.5 Sony a 6 Manilla 5.5 Cannington Queen's. 10 47 Beaverton Hamilton. Take Whitby and Port Perry gravel road north to Port Perry, thence by Simcoe street north-east to county line at Seagrave ; continue north over hilly gravel road to Cannington, thence north-west over Cameron gravel road to Beaverton. All good wheeling. 66 Cyclists' Road Guide. Aurora to Schomberg. MILEAGE, TOWNS. HOTELS. Aurora Lemon's. 5 Kettleby 4 Pottageville 4 Lloyd town I 14 Schomberg Proceed up Yonge street to first cross-road, thence west three concessions and north half a mile to Kettleby, thence west to Lloydtown and north to Schomberg — fair clay loam and some sand, a few hills at Pottageville. Lindsay to Peterboro'. (VIA BOBCAVGEON.) MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Lindsay Benson . 10 Dunsford 12 22 Bobcaygeon Read. 12 Ennismore 9 43 Peterboro' Grand Central. Take Verulam road, clay and gravel, north and east to Bobcaygeon, thence south along county line to bridge at Pigeon Lake and east to Ennismore, thence south-east across Chemong Lake and over good gravel road to Peterboro'. A pleasant excursion may be taken by steamer from Bobcaygeon to Chemong Park, 5 miles from Peterboro'. Cyclists' Rutui Guidi'. 67 Newcastle to Lindsay. Mil. I \,lifturi/. MIl.KAr.K. TOWNS. HOTELS. 6 23.5 Seeley's Bay 5 Lyndhurst f) Delta 3 Philipsville 4 Forfar 4 Portland 5.5 Granwortli C Oliver's Ferry Coutt's. 7 67 Perth Hicks. 12 Franktown Dominion. 6 Prospect 2 Dvvyer Hill 7 49 Richmond Reilly's. 5.5 Fallovvfield O'Meara's. 5 Bell's Corners Brown's. 3.5 Britannia Charles. 1 . 5 Birchtown Barnes. 2 . 5 Hintonbarg I 16.3 OttaTva Russell. Follow Ontario street to barracks and cross Long bridge (Royal Military College and Fort Henry on the right). Turn left, following the Rideau to Seeley's Bay ; then follow main gravelled road east and north-east through villages to Oliver's Ferry, thence north to Perth — hilly and stony — from which point east to Richmond is a dirt road with some clay and sand ; some stretches of it, however, being excellent. From Richmond take Richmond macadam road to Ottawa. 78 Cyclists' Road Guide. Merrickville to Oliver's Ferry. MH.EAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Merrickville 6 Montague 6 Smith's Falls Wardrope. 7 Lombardy 4 23 Oliver's Ferry West and north-west to Smith's Falls — fair wheel- ing most of the way — thence south-west to Lombardy and north to Oliver's Ferry. Fair stage road— some- what sandy. • Lanark to Smith's Palls. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELt;. Lanark 5 Balderson 5 Perth Hicks. 6 I'ort Elmsley 6 22 Smith's Falls Wardrope. Direct south from Lanark to Perth— fair clay road — thence south-east over rough clay and gravel road to Smith's Falls. Ottawa to Brookville. Ottawa Russell. I Hintonburg 2.5 Birchtown Barnes'. 1.5 Britannia Charles. C^'ciisis' Ruad Guidd. 79 OTTAWA K) lMinCKWl]A.K-Cou/i/it/,if. MILEA(iK. TOWNS. HOTELS. S . 5 Bell's Corners Brown's. T Fallovvrielci O'Meara's. 5.5 19 Richmoiul Reilly's. ■9 Prospect 6 Franktown , . Dominion. 8 Numogate 4 46 Smith's Falls Wardrope. 7 Newbliss 5 Toledo 2 Frank ville 6 Addison ^ Glen Buell 4 Tinccip 4 77 Br ockville Grand Central . Good macadamized road south-west to Richmond, then clay, sandy and stony west to Franktown and south to Smith s Falls, thence south-west to Toledo and south to Brockville. Mostly macadam and good wheeling — no hills of consequence. Ottawa to Prescott. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Ottawa Russell. 3.5 Billings' Bridge 8,5 S. Gloucester O'Connor's. S 20 Metcalf York's. 5 Dawson 8o Cyclists' Road Guide. OTTAWA TO PRESCOTT-CV>////««,'r/. Mir.KAGK. TOWNS. HOTKl.S. 3 W. Osgoode 12 40 Kemptville Burrill. 8 Christie's Corners 7 Sponcerville 10 65 Prescott Daniels. Leave Ottawa by Bank street, south-east to Met- calf, thence west to Dawson and south 1}^ miles beyond W. Osgoode. Here turn west to road between railway and Rideau river, which follow to Kemptville, thence southeast to Prescott. Road macadam for 20 miles, then mostly clay with some rough, sandy and stony parts. Many nice foot-paths— a number of hills Ottawa to North Sower. MILEAGE. TOW.V.S. HOTKl.S Ottawa Russell. I Hintonburg 5 Merivale 8 Manotick McCarney 's. 8 Carsonby 4 26 North Gower Ferguson's. Richmond road to Hintonburg, thence south to Manotick and south-west to North Gower — macadam to Merivale, clay and sand loam, somewhat rough beyond. Cyclists' Road Guide. 8i Ottawa to Eastman Springs. VIMiACfE. ' TOWNS. MOTELS Ottawa Russell 5.3 Hawthorn Graham's. J. 5 Ramsey's Corners ♦ ' 14 Eastman Springs Dominion. South-east from Ottawa, follow main road — mac- adam—to Hawthorn, clay and sand the balance, only rideable in dry weather. Ottawa to Lanark. MII.EAOK. TOWNS. HOTELS. Ottawa Russell. I Hintonburg -'5 Birchtown Barnes'. 1 . 5 Britannia Charles'. 3 5 Bell's Corners Brown's. 6.5 Stittsville C.P.R. Restaurant. 14.5 29.5 Carleton Place Mississippi. 10 Ferguson Falls 4.5 44 Lanark ... Richmond macadam road to Bell's Corners ; here branch west to Stittsville, thence north 2 miles and west to Carleton Place, thence west round Mississippi lake to Lanark. The road from Bell's Corners is sand and clay loam, somewhat stony in places. Hi Cyclists' Road Guitfc. Ottawa to Lake Constance. MILEAOK. TOWNS. IIOTKLS. Ottawa Russell. 1 Ilintonburg 2 . 5 Birchtown Barnes'. 1 . 5 Britannia Charles'. 8 South March 6 ,19 Dunrobin Richmond gravel road to past 6ih milestone, tlicna west over clay road to S. March and north-west ovxi ^'ood dirt road to Dunrobin. Lake Constance is about ^ miles north of South March and a half mile east oi road. Ottawa to Maitland. MILEAGE. TOWNS. IIOTELiS. Ottawa Russell. T Hintonburg 2 . 5 Birchtown Barnes'. 1 • 5 Britannia Charles'. 3-5 Bell's Corners Brown's. 5 Fallowfield O'Meara's. 5.5 19 Richmond Reilley's. 7 North Gower Ferguson's. ^3-5 Burrit's Rapids 5 44.5 JVIerrickville 12 North Augusta Cyclists' Road iiuiilt'. .S3 O'i TAVVA TO MAITLAND- Conthiued, \:il.l .\».i:. TOWNS. IIOTHI.S. Al^oii(]uiii 3 CiS Maitland I'lithinoiid gravel road to Richmond, thence south- si to Nortli Gower and south- west to Unrritl's Kapids ; west to Merrickville and south to Maitland. Road to Merrickville from Kichniond is sand and clay ;,iin, thence clay loam and gravel to Maitland— a iiiber of hills and road only good in dry weather. Ottawa to Aylmer, P. Q. Ottawa Russell. Hull Bison's Hotel Dechene's Crossing 9 Aylmer Mrs. Ritchie's. Follow Wellington to Bridge street, thence across Hull, taking first turn to left and follow the river lie macadam all the way — slightly up grade, -3 Ottawa to Templeton. Ottawa Russell. Hull .,. Ironsides Long Hill i- §4 Cycli.'^ts^ Road Guide. OTTAWA TO TEMPLETON-av///;/«.'"^ MARITIME PROVINCES. Edmunton to St. John. MILEA(iE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Edmunton 35 Grand Falls Grand Falls. 30 Aroostock Junction 15 Andover 40 Woodstock 55 Fredericton Queen's. 75 260 St. John Royal. Take the Maine post road on the west side of the St. John River — hard clay with good gravel stretches at Grand Falls — to Fredericton, from which point the road is well kept gravel to St, John. Very fine scenery along the river. Fair hotels throughout the tr.p in any of the villages. St. John, N.B. to Halifax, N.S. Mileage. towns. hotels. St. John Royal. 50 Sussex 48 Moncton Brunswick. 29 • Dorchester 94 Cyclists' Road Guide. ST. JOHN, X.B,, TO HALIFAX, ^,^.- Continued. MILaAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. 13 140 Sackville | 9 Amherst Amherst. 20 Springhill Junction 45 Londonderry 19 Truro Prince of Wales 17 Stewiacke 4 Shubenacadie 10 Elmsdale 7 Grand Lake 8 Waverley 8 Bedford Bellevue. 5 Rockingham St. Elmo. I Three Mile House 3 296 Halifax Halifax. North-easterly to Moncton over hard gravel road; thence easterly to Amherst — clay and sand — fair to good riding. From Amherst to Truro, south-east, is heavy sand, then good clay to Grand Lake and fine gravel thence to Halifax, Yarmouth to Annapolis, MILEAGE, TOWNS. HOTELS. Yarmouth Queen's. 4 Hebron 8 Metaghan ., > 24 Little Brook 12 Weymouth ''-'■■ ■ ■ ' *• Cyclists' Road Guide. 95 YARMOUTH TO A'iiNA.l^OlAS-ContiuurJ. MII.liAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS, 20 Digby Short's. 4 Bear River Goodiven's. 5 Clementsport t 89 Annapolis American, Steam.^rs make regular trips from St. John, N.B, to Annapoiis — 40 miles. The road from Yarmouth follows the shore of Bay Fundy to Digby. thence round Annapolis Basin. Hard beach gravel all the way, making a beautiful run. Annapolis to Windsor. MILEAGE. . TOVVN.S. HOTELS. Annapolis American. T) Roundhill S Bridgetown Revere. 5 Paradise J Lawrencetown , . . <"> Middletown American. 4 Wilmot 3 Kingston 5 Auburn 2 , Aylesford . 3 Berwich Thorndyke, 3 Waterville 9 Kentville Porter. 7 Wolfville Boyal. 3 • Grand Pre Dunedin. 96 Cyclists^ Road Guide. A N X A PO r.IS TO W I N DSO R -- Continued. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. I Horton Bridge 7 Hantsport Wall's. 7 84 Windsor Victoria. Main post road, hard gravel to Bridgetown ; then by centre road 2 miles north of Bridgetown to Ber- wick, good clay ; again striking main road as far as Hantsport, from which take the Bog road to Windsor. The centre road runs 2 miles north of all the villages between Bridgetown and Berwick, but the direct road is very heavy sand. Wolfville to Cape Blomidon. MILEAGE. ♦ TOWNS. HOTELS. Wolfville Royal. 3 Port William 3 Canard 3 Canning Baxter's. 4 13 Blomidon First-class hard gravel road to Canard, then slightly sandy, but good riding to Blomidon look off, from which point can be seen the home of Evan- geline (15 miles distant) Minas Basin and the old farms of the Acadians — a beautiful trip. \: Cyclists' Road Guide. 97 Wolfville to Grand Pre. MILEAGE, TOWNS. MOTELS. Wolfville Royal. 3 Grand Pre Dunedin. Fine gravel road easterly. At Grand Pre will be found the home of Evangeline, the old well and tree still being pointed out to tourists. Yarmouth to Halifax. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Yarmouth Queen's. 30 Barrington 36 Shelburne 36 Liverpool 26 Bridgewater Clark's. 1 2 Lunenburg King's. 25 Chester Lovett. 20 Hrhbard's Cove ID Margaret's Bay 20 215 Halifax Halifax The " Southern route " by the main post road is good hard clay vviih some sand to Lunenburg, from which point to Halifax is first-class gravel. It is hardly as good a route as via. Annapolis and V\ind- sor, and lacks the advantage pos.sessed by the other route, .of proximity to railways. The Atlantic ocean is however in full view the whole distance. gS Cyclists' Road Guide. Windsor to Halifax. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Windsor Victoria. 6 Newport Station Gibson's 4 Martin's Corners II Mount Uniacke i6 Bedford Bellevue. 5 Rockingham St. Elmo. 2 Three Mile house 3 46 Halifax Halifax. Main post road north-easterly, good gravel to Martin's corners, then fair clay to Bedford, and fine gravel to Halifax. n MANITOBA AND N.-W.T. Winnipeg to Selkirk. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Winnipeg Leland. 5 Kildonan 6 Parkdale 7 Lower Fort Garry 4 23 West Selkirk Donhoue's. Go straight from Winnipeg via Main street north to Selkirk — one road, and no one could miss it — a l^'ood clay road but not passable after a shower. At Selkirk, is a historic church and graveyard, as it is here all the old first settlers are buried. At St. Paul's, two miles further on, is an Indian Industrial School, carried on by the Episcopalian Church. At Lower Fort Garry is a stockaded fort yet used by the Hudson Bay Co. At Selkirk is a Lunatic Asylum and the Government Fish Hatcheriee (the largest in the Dominion). A trip further north to the Indian Reserve might be interesting, especially if the tourist could arrive about the time " treaty money " was being paid. lOO Cyclists' Road Guide. Brandon to Moosomin. MII-EAGK. TOWNS. HOTELS. Brandon Grand View. 8 Kemnay 8 Alexander Commercial, 9 Griswold 9 34 Oak Lake Leland. 8 Koutledge lo 52 Virden Balmoral. 8 Hargrave 10 70 Elkhorn . . , . . . . Cavanagh. 13 Fleming. . . 9 92 Moosomin Queen's. Little more may be said about this road than that it lies almost paralell with the railway track and is well travelled, affording good wheeling the full distance. The soil is clay with slight mixture of sand and gets into wheeling shape very soon after even a heavy rain. Virden, a nice Manitoba town, built mostly of stone, is by all odds the best midway stopping-place. Winnipeg to Portage la Prairie. MILEAGE. TOWNS. IKJTELS. , Winnipeg. Leland. 4 St. James 15 Deer Lodge Chadwick's. 15 5 Silver Heights 2 St. Charles .'. 5 12 Headingly Royal Arms. 5 St. Francois Xavier 6 Pigeon Lake Cyclists^ Road Guide. loi WINNIPEG TO PORTAGE LA FRAIRIK- Co /i^n/ued. MILEAGK. TOWNS. HOTELS, 7 30 Baie St. Paul r6 Poplar Point 10 High Bluff. 7 63 Portage la Prairie Albion. This road is always good except after a rain or in the early spring. The road is a heavy clay and gives the tourist a glimpse of the variety of Manitoba scenery. Leave Winnipeg by Portage avenue which goes straight through to Portage la Prairie and follows the old Assiniboine Trail. At Silver Heights, 5 miles from the city is the Manitoba residence of Sir Donald A. Smith, and here are to be found a herd of buffalo — the last of that noble race to be found in Manitoba. Sir Donald also has some fine Highland cattle and Hereford's. Headingly, St. Francois Xavier and Pigeon Lake, can be seen by keeping right on the same trail. When going through Baie St. Paul, after going over the third bridge, take the trail to the left ; this leads towards the river and the river will be followed in and out for 3 or 4 miles and lead out to Poplar Point ; keep the same trail for High Bluff until you con'ie to where the trail apparently divides, going three directions — take the middle trail. From High Bluff" to Portage la Prairie is considered the finest piece of road on the trip. This trip is full of interest to the tourist and he will have to keep his wits to go the shortest way, but he can hardly get lost as he is between the railroad and the Assineboine River all way. The scenery is nicely varied with riding along the river curves through the bush and again out on the wide proirie. 102 Cyclists' Road Guide. Winnipeg to Emerson. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Winnipeg Leland. 9 St. Norbert 15 St. Agathe Oliver's Stopping Place, 16 40 Morris Commercial. 7 St. Jean Baptiste Parenteau's. 9 Letellier Parent's. 9 65 Emerson Russell. This is a clay road all the way through and is well travelled. Except after a rain it is exeellent wheeling the whole distance. Starting from the Leland House, Winnipeg, turn south on Main street across the Assiniboine and down River avenue and Pembina street. Follow the electric car track as fer as the Pembina school, turning there to the right, and by taking this tr.?.il it will lead right out towards the river and to St. Norbert. From here on, the read runs between the river and the railway track and the scenery is very pretty. Around St. Agathe the road is more apt to be cut up. With the roads in anything like their normal condition, Morris can be reached by noon and the tourist is sure of a good meal at the Commercial. The road from Morris to Letellier runs along the track, sometimes on one side and sometimes on the other. After leaving Letellier cross the track below the elevator and take the first good trail running to the left (towards the river), and this leads right to the bridge crossing the river to Emerson. From Emerson to Pembina, N.D., is only about three miles and is a good road. Cyclists' Road Guide. 103 Portage la Prairie to Brandon. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Portage la Prarie ■ Albion. 8 Burnside 8 Bagot 10 26 McGregor Stanley House. 8 Austin Duncan's. 8 Sidney Sidney House. 8 Melbourne 8 58 Carberry Western House. () Sewell 8 Douglas New Douglas. 6 Chater 6 87 Brandon Grand View. Follow Saskatchewan avenue west as far as Mc- Culloch's, take the trail to the right and go direct west again over a good road. This is one "trail" and follows almost parallel to the railway track clear through to Moosomin. After passing McGregor the road to Austin goes through the sand hills which are practically " unwheelable," as the machine would sink up to the hubs in the soft, yielding sand. From Austin to Sidney the road is fair but sandy, and from Sidney to Carberry is again through sand hills. As the road leaves Carberry it is light, but after getting past Sewell is much better wheeling and improves until Brandon, " the wheat city " is rgached. The tourist is advised to board the C.P.R. at Portage and stay on board until Carberry is reached, as on this road there would be a lot of " get off and push." 104 Cyclists' Road Guide. Calgary to MacLeod. MILKAGE. TOWNS. HOTKLS. Calgary Royal. Fish Creek Pine Creek Dewdney Queen's. 40 High River High River. Mosquito Creek I ) o MacLeod MacLeod. Take the MacLeod trail, which is fair level riding to Dewdney, and then rather hilly, but good and hard. The farmers are hospitable and the scenery grand a number of little creeks are crossed, but railway bridges are convenient.. Calgary to Langdon. MILE.\GE. TOWNS. HOTELS Calgary Royal. 28 Langdon North-east and south-east by Blackfoot trail — rather hilly, but good road. Calgary to Twin Bridges. MILEAGE. TOWNS. HOTELS. Calgary Royal. 9 . 25 Twin Bridges West on the North Morley trail— a little hilly at the start but further on level, and all good roads ; fine scenery and trout fishing on Bow River. Port-:' Hmmesvije Johnsoi^a'jrUIl, K L-^^b^/ "^ f RusklldaiitfBTRAVrlDKg OAll)" -ancfowi'CIaiiford ^, |VaI.LS of NIAGARA ^UUFFALO ■ [^ ^ '^' ^'■', MIsvlllc » r . W. MorndaU MANUFAOTUflln Of TM« . . . Harndcill fiiCY,C(e WcDd Rim 165 ©ucrn Street Ca.st Toronto J. W DAVIS WILL 8. ZILLER Davis Bros. DIAMOND MERCHANTS ■V JEWELLERS M»NurAOTuntns 130 and 132 YONQE STREET OF THt CiNTURY Road Clus Baoois TORONTO Laforce's New Tire Requires no wires or cement The only tire on earth that will fit any style of rim. Is the easiest riding tire on the marltet Be sure and see It. The Laforce Pneumatic Bicycle Tire Co., Ltd. 52 Wellington St. West, Toronto O^WOJOX jaqsjiqnd 'NHIU H 'M Am>uO|M-|UJS8 uinuuv ■'^d OO'ltt OINOUOX ' lAV VNIOVdS 69B AHVxauois NOSNieOU -Q -\ OINOyOl IS HOUPHO |8> NCIUniN]0iIIH3 HOnOWlVHM T "d VPVUTBO io \isuAnop ,s}8!'|oX3 'Aaiwou '^H3jjq ai|X .. ois/n3A3 SuipiBOA }ou Aq au!|aei|W> ^o ejnsvaid am ^o |vap }Bo,i9 yf ff ssiw noA Ofuojox ''Y8 eSuoA LSI •ja^oduii pun ejo||Ux ojg ^ s^^^Q y ^ «='" aum»ai»!o» silUOlIUfl ^uKm noA j) an m^im ^* ^ s^caiunuimoa 'Ajio om ' ' 9IDA0IQ epis^no Autjui joj puv sqn|o A»!0 aq^ ||B joj ^^"U 8.4av40dui| pua sjonvx ■:t^>i I : uoiJn^uao ^amo jo Ajv^ejaos aq) vuojii. pauietqo aq Aviu jiaa Ao^ ua|}ti3||dda >o lujoj >|UBia ■(/ooa "og/ ?900 sj»g vay^O '6 •jvg uo panvjBua fijn;u30 duDfVM fo a^vp tffim 'jvg puv aBpvg qn/Q ai^j. mitm pa:tuasaju si'iuvojiddv am '(00'S$) ^^Z "0!:iD!f!Ui /o fuaui ■hvd am puv 'jvg puv adpvg jo'/ uoifvojiddv uodp -g 'sfivp OS "."/?."" apvui aq uoifvo/iddv ssa/un pamofiv saun:fuao Ofj 7 •0^3 'ijSjuif '^»^s 'aMji /o paifsju -jn/ aq js/jw /oojd fiJo}ov/s!fVS 'auo/v apvui // ■a/qissod uaqm fiuvdu4oo uj apvut aq ;s/jw/ saun:tuaQ -g 's^uiod uaamfaq sujvj:^ /o Buiifv:} ou .'too/ uo JO laaifcnn apvm aq ^snui aouvtsjp aji^uj g 'pamojiv yvydsv jo }fOVJi oyy -p •sjnoif gi pamoi/v aq nvqs saipv-f •sjnoif pi pamoi/v ew//; pasdv/a ivn^oy 'g •qn/Q aif} /o sa/nj ai^j. 07 Buipjooov sajjui QOl Oujpu fiq diqsjaquiaui jo/ H/ijvnb ^snui uawjaaij/^ "j •dnjsjaqwauj jo/ ajqiBifa ajv uam/ad^m jnajvwv hy 7 8N0liVin03U QNV S3inu vavHYD JO The Planet UNSURPASSED IN . . QUALITY OF MATERIAL STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION SUPERIORITY OF WORKMANSHIP Planet Cy^'^ Works 69 Queen St. East Toronto . . , MoLEAN & BULLEY, PROPS FAOTORV AND OfflOt : WRITE FOR OATALOQUE . , , ..BRANTrORD. ..CYCLES.. Are Kivinx universal satisfaction and are receiving; flattering comment from every quarter THF ^C\A BRA/NTFORDS.. Int: y^ /^i^E BEAUTIES Then ride a Brantford nanufactured by.... Tha COOLD BiCYCLE CO.. LTD. BRANTFORD -i J ssnddng IBJ3U90 tan 40t pues Sufseqdjnd 9JO|dq Sim psdsui o; ;ou jibj qsiuij puis 9\^^g *X:^i|Bn5 40J passBdjnsufi DJUOaOB l^iim lim^ 0ui)t t^ Suiiuuft apcT^ Awoi|9 spi^O uiei|SuiuiJig IID 0» •0®