>^> <#) « ^ 1 o v^. mf J,' 1-v> #: ■.<>• •V*' ■. ■'41/ ' -li .f \ ■ w^- , ,-\ " •"'^ t '■ -Hi IMAGE BVAlIiATION TESl TARGET (MT-3) «. / H 10 121 m ■ II L" |li25|U |I6 Si 6" r< ,.* / ■.•• ■> JS? uCIBOCBS XorpanattMi n WIST MAM STMIT WIKTnt,N.V. usto ^ 4!!S^ 9- t... ^^ V \ CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograplijs) ICMH Coilection de microfiches (monographies) .;.&. ,# 'h' '^h «j'. ^'9/" • ■^r^^ :^ Canedian InstltuM for Historical MicroraprodMCtions / Instltut Canadian da microraproductions hittorlqMaa •^ W: ,1* TiM iMlltHto IIM I i«fM* •!*• > C«toMW< Ml (i.«. 9ftm tfwi MiMor btock)/ CMW #• SOMlMlf ii.#« illlf# 4W MM9 oil flOifVl I pmM HNI/Df IIMHiraiMni/ I tt/ou MifMtrMl«IM Ml ( ' ^ I'omfera eu dt la I oiirici^ fMioffltiOfi MRsy i BMfl OMMttPtf fffOMI f iNlllllfr II M pMit ^m — r t iiw i papi Ion d'iNM rwiMration tpparaitwut ten !• ttiiti. ^■'■, ' '^'' ffinrafi s ■'M □ ColOilMtf SMMl/ NpfivwilMr > MWflOV 00 rOJHW/ r~rKOiwllty «f print varlaf/ L-J QiMlM Mfil* 4t riiiHNMtion □ ContiiMMM p»|iiMtlon/ N tiiMttow cowtiwy D Compfwid un (dm) iiMlM Title on hiidi r tahan from:/ La titra da I'an-tita proviant: Titia pafa of iMwa/ Nfla da titra da la livraton Camion of iiMia/ Titra da depart da la livraiton MMtllMO/ Q4ntriq«M (piriodiquat) da la livraiton r^MdMomtcmttlimtn:/ n^iMtton la m fpllowi: [131. 12-34. L_J CoflMwntairas luppltoantairai: W|iiBka«d pagM play f ila allghtly otlt of focua. TM» itaw it fHmad at tJia radwrtien ratio rtmfcad Mvm/ ^^ ^ Ca doomnant ait f Mmd ail ta«m da rMyetion indiqirf ci-dattoi» ' % VtetorU Untvtft I ty Library TOROMTO . — ■*> ■ , . ■ . -^ ' 0* tffW #flfNMl C^^y WM M IIACpM^ WNR IRv L'M«ii#lalf« 1111114 flit fiffiiMll fiiti in victoria UnlvortUy UWaiV '■ TORONTO. /' '•■.'".■■: ''-'^ piMB (rWlfl ■CHI. 9#fVipMI MMII V9 M C#fMltl#ll M Wfv^pVMi 990199 W Pv^ff99S 9th9r 9rlf ilMl 99|M99 9r9 flV9t |M|^ Wfltll 9 pflflMtf 9f 9l9fl( 9IM 9IIOHtf| 9fl tll9 NMt P999 WWI 9 |MM9S or IIHi9ir9t9d lmpr999lo w . thoN 9bm9lfi ttw 9ymbol -^ (m99nlnf "CON- TINUIO"), or tho 9ymtool ▼ (moonlnf "INO"). ^WWWw99ww^» V^yPN^W* Onii WrfWVfV IVffVpv OT 999: l9 9ymbolo "^ 9yfiioolo ▼ aiffiHIo 9hOOII9 ml9rofl9ll9. 99lOfl l9 »• 9lf nlfl9 "A tUIVfll". It WW. MatM. pl9t99. 9h9rt9. 9t9.. m9y to fNmod 9t dlff9r9m r9du9tioo rotloO. TI1099 too l9rt9 to bo 9ntlr9ly in9lud9d In 9«i9 9Kpo9ur9 9»o fNmod b9flniiln« In th9 upp9f l9ft bond 9omor. loft to right ond top to bottom. 99 m9ny fr9m99 99 «rooulr9d. Tbo foHowfcif dlofronw mu9tr9t9 thd motbod: L99 99rt99. pl9n9b99. tabl99UII. OtO.. 09MVOnt fHm«9 A d99 t9M« d9 r#du9tlon dlff4ronta. • Lor9qu9 lo dooumont 99t wop frond pour itro ^mproduit on un 990I 9ll9Mr . N 99t fllm4 A portk Pfi I'onflo 9up4H9ur t9U9b9, d9 fouobo A 01 do bou'l on b99. 9n pr9nont I9 nombro d'1m9«99 n499999ir9. L99 dl99r9mitio9 illuotr9nt l9 mitbodo. % '■. "i", .- • * 2 ■ V l:, ». . f 32X ''y. I • \ -• ,^-f;t%. ♦.■^^ 'fs^ I- THE UBRARY of VICTORIA UNIVERSITY * Toronto ^*\?' 1 ..Sg5SK%<» m %• f ■ (>*•'■ >* \ .v'^' n *4- ■' f*.-^. y .**» , » 1 , "^^ . ■" / ■■■■ rv'-' •'• '^. -u :4 • « ^^^^^m .^ * / «, # .r if k- .">•■■■ ^ . ■ ^ * 1 , r" ^ •.'■;■.',-■• \ ',- ; . « \ % ,--,v ■ . . \ . • " ■ • ■> I . "■ n \ • \- v;- ■ -: ^ ' ' . ^' ■• 9 r • ,. '• ^ ^. ■' ■■:;■' . •.. ■• ■ • k . 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' '' "^ v*** li 'p' iy* .f? f. 4 f ."if--. ;,: \ ' ^ ^k^" -1 m ^-i-- ■-^ , ^^ , . _.*• j:__-_-_-. _■ ■-..._. . ^ . ,;■■...;/ ■ .. - . ;4: ;,,■;■. , ■' „ ; "•. .,. « m ( ■ « R A Y N I \ AX IDYLL 10 VAOARir. ^^^%^h^^ »Y 1^' A U Y It U M U V TilM I4»U9 Oltb. M>»xuA«;»irAfM. THM Tarrriqoiiii, <|Ui44J nO^».tlV'« ULIV4 fftlllN, AHII OrilllM »0«)U» TiiK NriiuK rLri!(ti M\i«rwviii>. THMHM VUf.UHHM iJf XIMIVrUIIM. A •■KKst.vuM. TIIK TMfu urvtaMiirMk rum mitoLv»ut a uammmm'. THB WnXW ton m lAT I AM lOOX. VO«ra« WotllBK't fTOBTt JAMOICtT AMU AVBMOIl: A fHltOAOflllO lUllaUl, / j^ > 1 i • t I i 1 I. iAUHi\)K vuiiLta/ityo uousa, JLlJSrUHCLKAE. CANADA* 1.*,'*, *#*%< \ I*' «i -T * "t T I T i ■I -. • ; r^ ■ * • \ • i 1 • ' « /. w ■■ ff ; - 1 ■ ■■- A ■ / . * - . : . . ' . ■ Ir , ^" ^^'^^-y^iiik • fe- " • » • J' * - • , "■ * ^*# r BATON! AI t.wmlifm ^ 1^ t AiTillk. brook. ^0^ Upon ForgtiVili-M. J^ZT"-^ ^ «<*^ ijWlttg to Ik. •Mth wli«« It U krrflr. •»!«• WM mTolot of toftncM In twttt Lortrff. A tUIoo opon tM. Will of tht wWU toa^ r j^ blUow tiuabUi oa Uio tliHnking •hot •,- SpMkiM mm! •!&)» ll wlil«p«». H fl <> .* H. Jf « ■■V i l^ - o ,<0 :*',.«jii €> ^ «• f't V H » » I ■• V. • JR 4 ro N , Absorbed la boIm and blaoknM* f Son of mutingt ll^by art Cboa aigMOad aa tba Iai( ipaut wava V>w watblag froma Mlltary M« In attar loneUnaM f Thy form ii green : Bat colored Uka tha ripe letvae of tha biU^ With joy aa4 •orrow | ' What kaa marked thaa to ? --t Ara there ao pleaiaree fbr thea aad no lolace. But midat theae glooma aad wild dediTitiai f' Great pines moan hara, and baawood deeply dyed The hemlock hange in an imporerithed gloom, •tormamook tha eaUen precipiaa. Cbean^aitoiaa woo thaa. Bring thy harp away. Claada diadaa tha hiUa. And tkata an tkmighli floaf down la diadama Budiaat upon tha bvaw ooAtaaplattTa, ' «* l^aoi all Ood'a doinga. h^] , />t CM!a laait work lobtt fai manral t ' VfiaAM draamiag toiek a lyia aagalicalf : I bosk in tha iranii loatra af Hit works. ;-",±^ ■ ^d^a^^^aB aaw^a s^aw. ^aai^ft^a^Hvp ar^wawaa^a w A tiMottaagaad witsaM that He Urar, Ha Uvat I Thara !a s Ibot&n on thooe fookt by night ; 4.WMMtoriiig tank upon Ih^highMOit kill,, t^ - ABdiathoblaflatT^M* r; ., • J ■ ^ .»'' r^^-i^^T'^i^T^^ifejSir? " ;.^«*aslSa5^ ■ .=P3H1: , .'J i'-^. I ' 1 court r.ot now ih. W*"^ ,,,„ , Th..iot«f«h«i;«»«"'«»'*- Ma.t doubt Wd'»r;.p«nd.«c. wltk 7 tko't.. And m»y » «" *"" ^j »nd nobto. Rayon- v ♦■ ,„thi.wad-«>.a.«*«.«ottjc.ch««^^^^^ Weapon. m.y be d.fcn..ve.nu th. The Und. or »«lor to M.«m. 1 »K« -ten of oroffered kindneM* D^pUe the comfort, that p«t«n to Ufc. . . ?;;rWe..edne.,tb,cordiaU^ ^ .'Jfii ..S* ' • f \ n %t ' BA toy. Thy form thjr Un^amwita thy pmnA ewUnr , BtUay a dignity that^pMha no idler. Widi of the mirk may not thow •rr'^tf* fall ? 8uppoi«« aome j^ava rataraaa may havs riddaa Lika aloudv pialu mountad on itormy Wait t What of U i 'Tia tha lot of many men» And ahould ba borna maakly without oomplainL Vfhm, My Wand— and yat I eannot eaaae to pri»«ii ; My aympathy my love. If thy proud barb Midat contaat aUrn, by advaraa apaar haa (kllen j If thorn of unreciprocated lova Haa pierced— ia rankling— Or if loved one loat ^^ Cold aoUtttda ia not a aoTareign b^lm. CooM whare the lovaly dwell, and love bnca mora. ,; . tiaifom, flinllea, though angelic, now ttnre ma nol. Tha baauilAil havt bean-^the amiable. And lit n life with lovelineaa and goodnaat. As if an ImoMHrtality had Taniahed, Wbara ara they now f Thate white diarupted focka, thU tree-hid 8wolti,hoana in atorma, now liaping low on bed And, beaat, bird, insect various^ charm me avar,^^ A— P'i /: vA i*V^; m- ••-+- f" '^_;^ri ^*-j» r'jp'fi^-'" '^^,w,: ff It" •» *^^> >»J- '.* la RA YON. , I Mcmlth una rrpono nojotirn in thin ' t •' ' ■ - ■ ■ • -^ -•■ .'"^ ^' / " ■ \ • ■■ • , • to / ^,■1, -: «* ■_ », • . I' • ■ # . •■. " ■- 1. ; ■ 1 .■ \ ■ ■ . -, ■" . ' ■ • •■ , .-.•"'■ .-^ ;. *■ -. ' ■ ' ■. ± : .•-.;:-:■ -.r'.. - ■■;'■ ■ ■■ .. '- ; TSf .' ■ » ■ . . ^ * /*• • \ ■ 1 ■ . ■ . •', '■'■.■. .9 . ' - .-■. • , ' ■'- ■ ■— r ■- ■■•y 1 * '' "> >•. . j; ■ 1 ^SoikMi^i^A.. ■' ~L-' 1 , ' '^H'" * f R A Y N J- AN IDYLLIC VAGAET. LAY U. 4^^^^^^^^^^^ tt ;. AwAXi Ion* harp, •wwt toltce of my wdneM.^ Vibrate with praii©— the golden day is forth. Wake pceana glad to Him who made the day. Created light And luna with light diTerae, Varied in tint, and each lupremely perfect Wondroui efflux. O glorioua Creator. Deep myateriea that hide beyond the cloudi. Elude UB now. Bnt a great future dawni. Bona of explanation where |he queaU Ofllfcanddeitlny wiUbereeolfed. ^ Lo ! whfit InTeterata klndnesa— Urban comet. With Lormi*f gltefW daughte«Mix-n»y •«▼•»• Come to compel me from my lone retreat. Here where I hide to woo forgetfiibieaa. .\ ■T^ V. -••<: » ; ■ vi\ m ■ M ■•1 ■n ;? I*--! ■■.■?!».; \ / • 1 • .i 1 i I • \ • ^«tcMim«. W n A TO n, MInatrtl. behold a b«vy of gUd faetf . TrembU I They c-oma for conquest ibaolutt. -— IftfinoibUi, th« Bard. VMyofv* , Invlndblen f Alwtyi *~p«rhtpt Ml ^^ Y«t, lovelittM ia eloqumiC fipttk* to the heart. Weloome, O fkj lad Jit Bjr hMrt^ Thcat (ktr out i greet yon. Entice ' by the fkr muaio of theae rocka. Each ia peculiar, individual, charming, i' ,. Excuaa me, girla, for I muat introduce you. To the myiterioua Harper of the rooka AdeUa, proud but honeat-^U a prinoeaa ; What raven ringleta thoae (kir ahouldera klatlng I Aurella ruby^crownad, with witching glancea, And roawite Upa meUilluouf with aong. Emily— orba of deep detecting hasel, Diatingijiah^, racy, treaaea richly brown. Now ae« and not admire anoh lorelineaa ! fltella— O tr«mu]6ua atar of eve, enahrined In chaateat aplendor, heavenly, exquiaita. n I .ii-M.d„sL:^^-^Jjiif^iiikL. *4W»«i5fft. • ■trs E«5!W»» ' ■"f ■'! .% II ■ matok. Mood* U pUtoon lmm«iM .od .M..».l«. J,^ tho^ «.« bu. .r« "•» "«r •«•» "»• ' t,^^;^ b>«^ .If w«U« «» WWl"- B^bUatiW „,.Ulul,-«io.. ».. .Srlf. -d Min.t,.l. .Uik. th. t-nrf-a h«p. X u,,. ,h. b..K.. good- TW.. w»~>»«- Wm indt th« twl and ^ tht pri»«id bird. # • 1. t* 4' ^.^•C-" I I I. 1 It..: . j'w ».»»*'','•'•'■? i^UjJfT' '..^ ' f ■ - -wy H MA ion Aur^ia, OttT tympathlM ar« precious Tlify are p«iif U. By «t «ward«4>>aot at rmaaom~-«ol«l7 On mnii, B4t w« judg* of th« dMorvinf By innatA mutlon— •omething in our bo«om«, laatructiftK ua m by a hlddao pre«eUa««. And prompting to kind acta— th« overlloir Of p«nt up pity. Peril imintn«nt Strongly attracU ua, nervra ufkraaptotiva Of advantltioua inaqualitioa. '' To rueful avenuea of pain and apualor. We come with liopeful pledgoa and ralit^* Wa miniater to gtief and diacontant. To thoaa whoaa daya are irkiome. and the glor; ' Of time oppreaafd with ahadow and eolipaa. Il ia proud luxury to ae«k and atdccour. With winning worda, with oarai awUt winged and glowing. JMTo oome for reaeua.and with kind aaaault Would hraak tha hermit chain of aoiit^de. And lead th^ aoUtary back to lift. « Rayon. BjmpAthiaa are awaethealeraTf^Ted ai^d prioalfta * Beautifiil Tiaion of riohgolden treaa^, < i. And MijtCot liquid radniioa richly blue. Had not my haart h^ buried deep and cold, ' // > In a brief pMt;lJtf(g|itiiotgasa unmoored. f^ lA I 11 A YO^. A*-, fotdtn !?»•«••, hnvw lOM won ♦ ,J(^\U, Wt U bunt Oib bffMt «ii4 ^i$^4^ tluUI WMmll. Ttt, UtuHnf Iroop^flotid ifVAliiiirli of b#ftiit7» Wh«lM« y(iu>i ill* miniitrcl of tli« clilfa, A \%%Tywt,jU^, rttlrlng, unohtrutivti f Wh%> fun •tlraet you — m« • p«rfoct itrAng*?, icbnttd by tbtt« ef «K« ftml fo«miiii •!?«•» t Mjrtttrirt art megtiftln. Btit on Urbfta Matt rt tt tb« ontti o( our rudt intrusion. J^dno. Tbit troop In bert tcr pititeii ■torm and cupttir*. ' tn • ▼nnquiibcd wt Ittd forth in tilktn chtltit. \ AUhta. * . Mutt wt forct tntrtnot at tho gttt liittorlc } Tbt gateway of that putt which limlta you } Wt know that paat is noble, und wo dream Proud dreamt and food. But why should thty be dreamt } Come, we will blush with you and we will sigh. Over the history of brilliant days, - And love and loTelinett not aU immortal. f i I Ml ,>lv ,.>' I e »!- — ~ '■ ■ -^ «■! '.-^ "\1 - ■ • ■*.■ / V * J , i 1 .?' ■ 1/ m . \ .iwjl%, t .t V- . • t I ( • ' '% k % ^ It '\ MA ton. A wild r«M« (V«|ir«iil In lh« cUwjr mom I intttU war« Iht Mtl lo liatM lo mjt •^OtJ, And if nat Joyous woulU you Mr* to Imm f « Rtff Wt liotllfttrl low U Iha Irvmuloua gloAmhif ImImI of b«itl«t, pUlntt df brt ^ of AritiMltMp, TMl4tf UmwnU, anfi J|l|F>na of RtHtMi^f fcffWP I fiiog BOW Agftin (hoM (UtUtt wUa and twttt. For «!••. AUtui*. rautl I will« «y Wp i Nw<^ hold thy ptMt ^1 follow in th« ttUiiuiM ofthyhMrt, To U|t thftdow of t*i«r f*Ufl7 which U of mf tool t ptrti O'er the p««ka otttmry whtteneio, wooda of tender brown. Behold how toft and floating, thoeo light! come down, 4n mecitges of kindncie, in oompeneeting lofO. iva teem to catch the rapturt of the pof* ^!ffect oiii'ee above. glowin||)iilhi admit )u Co a temple of delight. And on their peaka emptUared reeta the to^ lees dome of night. * I. euwir W - ' 1fBf"-« ^^ 1^ M It 1 i r o J^ V ^^ On of«k»'«*« H»«ln»a tinil otlAtmit •ncf tttttH w ills t Oa ttpUnat.pwV'* ^***» ^"^ '"^ - Attd th«r# tlw •Hl«W ipfftH llbfi lilt^ Uttsha within iU bank. Ofty wiDi thu (llttlnn bo*Ui tUl tport ttpol Its J«w«l«* ^^ Uk<« to iklm. O what tnchtntiiig lo*«UnoM. what Iniioc Aftd mUrtb t ^ But alM fat tho Mourity of aU thil ta of AUKm. Wtet Mint dlitlngaUhM ihU ehMrmlng vi i Aoyofi. Th© fll* li «•«•*» Ktthgmy and the l»h« 1^1 ^ Kl«n named Tirap* chtnn«U the etem hilU» ■ llifough which tho torrent lleroth bureU awif . ft %r«AT mean thoee eUfttlng WWtptrt f Uitrt | ate no (bee »rear. Suehlliele! The shield* wo t*k*fc—tho (klchlon— the epetr. 8oma rumour of a danger outapaeda the toaa- \ f ' :sr i--4 4 . «y ;«; f' •tt- ■ h/. ^Tf'./i, .'^■'i* »f ^ t t I*'' i I ■J-^Ml, • • 'f\ ?1 ** r- Vv^ ^■-vi:.^: K. ♦i ' '-'^'^l "^ Boautf fofKoU h( r w iilih of curU, and " blunhinx cluck!* turn piily. " , Httvo wo ii4 1 el ;i to. nun —perchance in ttm'jUMli dread f The Vale i^* r. uJWBWW«»«s«ai . -^^'^ ■ * r ^'.li'-' M^ UN/v 'nU'I r- R A Y N t AN IDyLLIO VAGARY. LAY JJh «^^w^S/S/ l^b-' m'^j Bayon, 8wRBT Frieiids, bythoicel never lifted spear. But in defence of life and right I armed. And to protect our sacred homes I fought. Who could do else,' and then what scenes ensue. Hard- to forget. And, Edna my gay girl. Your playM innocence* must now atone. A merry heart like ydujs that laughs at strife, . Is guiltless of the attitude of wrong. And may you never witness ills so bitter. The outwalk terrible of lawless greed. . AUKea. Surely thpse fears were but imaginationi, ' '■":-^'-'; Bayon. ■ ■' ' ;'' Indeed, Althea, no. For stealthily, % ^,.-^-:J: •■.i^^ * I ,^,^r^.^!|.j-^.;^5^ .. "^.S 20 ♦ R A YON. A troop iiwept down upon our peaceful hamlet. Invasion unprovoked. And E;lna, no^v Some battle aonga may pleaae you. Thbbs*! a canyon that pierces the mountain bigh, Deep in its cutting it darkens the sky. / And roaring and torn at last sparklii'^ anO^pib,/^.- ,_| Is the torrent that onlors the lake of the vale. -0%^. The eagle— oh makes it a gory neat, When it filches the lamb from its timorous rest ? But the wolf— \| th» wolf a beast of prey ? Up-up-anJ report from that evil day I » This night— is it sullen or gusty or blUck ? No stars in the heavens, of rain no lack ? Not so, for it blooms in the fair full moon. In the^splendor of heaveti in the glory of June. But destruction whoops and the passage is woe. Up-up-quickly arm— 'tis the tramp of the foe I And porish accjwst if thou fear to blond . Thy life Witt the dust for a righteous end. Edna. ~" ' *^ O tli4e are fearful words l Is war so awful ? Rayon, a/y thoughltful Edna, there is very much things most dreadful and deplorable. RAYON, Swift rollB ihoio'tr. A;;aln we Htcm tho O'.iBot. BiglUl, beyond me. italk* tho awful pa«tt Tlii pale moon b hixh o'er tho vile of Kftthgaf, l>08e giant hilU h^tho in the soft falling ray ; And phantom like c^mcs on my gnzo an I look. The gleaming white rock p4ak of Mariadnook. Oh» Mariadnook. art thou culm in (hU-nf^it? Shall thy stern cliffa not move at the horrible sight. Shall thy high peak uplift nobly glorious as ever. While thy torrent runs rod with the life of Edcver ? One cloud pearl dissolves in the azure on high. Lake Lola embosoms* the earth and the sky. Soft slumber the forests embathod in dim lifht. , Nq I nothing shall startle the neaco of this night; But louder than murmurs of summer shrunk rills A struggle pulsating drifts down from the hills, Where the swift rushing Mcrothon Ilin's split rock Kobes thinly in mist-as it flees from the shock. Fair valleyi protected by mountains profound. So strongly, impregnably belted Ground, With picturesque Lola in native array : JHow lovely how charming, vale of Kathgay^ / / t I ■■ ■y ' 1 li • n BA YON, . What foemen can leize thee what horror {mpind, O generoua valley, while atrong htUa dolcnil ? See ahield Mpreadtng Lola aubllme in denpluy, EnchantiDg «nd winning tweet yakpfKathgtiv. Huih-fell on my ear from yon ateep wood a aoutui? Again-* tie a wind of the night, that haa wound Afar mongst the hill-topa, and apending ita flow, Anon it will aink in the green w now from the htmlct, at once al the rock, HoUiin« down in thj ci.urgo with ahuricane ahock. lidfVtr the prompt. ui. i» bofort- him, Tdliana-tliey tii;ttt-but a ihieia ria«» o'm hica. A whoop on thfi m^ht, a deamon-like apring, T'l » ^p '^r '»n^ >h s ^M-n-t anH kwiI^ falc.iion dng. A cliach oil tiiJ *.i^>.---. •* -l*-'"*" »«.» t»»u tidu. O .Uorottt, thy atreaijn with Htraiine vigor i» dypd. A whoop from the'hilU. a roar from the wood. Why 18 it, calm valor what meaiw it, brightf- Tue apear U in ppiua, tno awilt falchion npcd, The green earth behind ua liea groaning and red. Who now like a acowlof the heavens sweeps past. And the strong as the leaves ofUte autumn are cast? A id the valiant as dry leaves of autumn are blown? "lis Roland, the towering, he strides on alone. In midst of the battle, who, dominant ever, In thick of the struggle ? vehement Edever. Ho meets the invaders, the rampant are quelled, •Ejhe troop of destroyers at vantage are hpld. # s, * -.»*■ .4i-^ A .'• \ 24 ^ vi r jyr. What cor.3 falU in.no at the iitroke of tho bra.a. Roll, lo.r an tho mivm of M T.ih'. iwift wuvo? «oar dp nobly itrikq, yo firm few of tho dell. There tho loader tho Chief of tho enemy fell. • Shall he coni as tho acourgo of a tempest again f. PJaver ^0^0, never more-tho oggrewor is .lain, laleda, thy atrong apeaf is fallen forever. Wfcirrietor above him ii leaning ? Edevor. Now vainly I aid thee, O friend of my life, Taa arm of u clumijion falls in tho afrife. * Alureth, the kind one, O heart of my heart, Do [»oe thyarmnervdess, yos dropping apart. A crag of Kedath thou didst stand in this hour. . And thp torrent of baitlo broke full in its power. ' And the torrent of battle fell baqk in this night And it roared and it foamed from thy helmet of right O stream of the canyon, O stony wild brook. Coming down from the sullen ridged Mariadnook With a glut of the brave over bank thou aft swolen Incrussative surfeited blocked by the faUen. Gh hasten— evanish the sight that I see. ^ 'Ihy frame was it ahdr and thy nam victory? ' :/ ..:-:\-- 13 n A y v. In U rbt3 7 yot ?— B it w'ur? I » Ihjr b-O't * Ilai the plumo o(thy helm turned ttnUlf from it now! Fidever, no helmet htin dropt ftro-n thy head, Thynpear U not.duUud by thu blnid it \\\* »\vj I, Thy faqo han not turn'd ffom the fiioo of thy fob ; A^ now in tho m )m mt of trt'a:n^)h brought low I • ■ Son of might, thou hast die I as the valiant Mill die While thy Aerco foem«n full, while thy strung foemcn fly Thou art gone as a hurricane spent in its dash»— A sweep ani a pathway announced by a crash ! O torrent of Moroth, proud stream of the plain. Now bur^t forth in J3wj\s un<*ulliod again ; For the hour of the strife, for the contest is over, ^ And golden winged peace unmolested may hover. Oh, lake of the valley, cool stream of the hilU The mifsion of gladness resume and fulfil : Alas, for thoy can not ! The strife miy bo o'er, But a shadow has fallen to lift never more. ;,.^,_; , ' Edna. , . Think you. Hj.v ft;i3 ! so very like a ronaanse ! I » ■ Irene, Such i^wmberaiell ! How bitter, oh howbittar. What senseless fools msn arc, to kill each other / '•f, ».^, •^^ «•-'.*•.. »-^ * ■■•".. ^0f '. F' M' ^ CV 30 HA YON. "T , ..... ■. >»& Fi»f jtrtoH or j^lirr 5 •» I with |ifHvfi i: curt ; Yii. (Itj^w a rapier, if nyeJ nhouU ba, And lift) und liberty demanded ll* Rftyon. E ln/ -■■ -^m^ -j>^"- -^f^ *"8P'"^afc "" -#.> B AY ON J AH IDYLLIC YAQAEY. I AT IF. JSayon. You toagk •m«I^*»»* *>-»•» / ; r , 'T ^,.^^:^ -, . ,,-,,, ^ ii Md^oji. ' ' **»• «««oo«y of iooi^i ar«. J?, r^l^f'T'' ?/l '^^^ '**" •^"^•^'•^ d*PPi<5a>orid? ri»»l I .ho«ld h*.e •lub.r.no^ of .p»,iii. ^' • .. A tfrnptthfltio hfe. but •ver Jnyoui. • ^opeful and light midiMIm*'. ppprw-TT^ c«4„«,, 7 Pk3rful-..d tr«.tMj„ U. g,,^. of H.rr That off.kip cquLUa for confjfplMUon -^ I. ehi. not tr«,«.ure lo„t fdr mo and other,. Propfd by Ood'. kind pro.id^nci. in h.f ,. ' U it not .anihiA* to th^ .^d ayound wrK '• And thiu ao ti^uoUy I rally joL Yo. yott I .ad. moping like .oine .ulky boy ! Mmt thora b^ .omething •tiu/to humble ui f 8 ,m. h.ng to bump the lofk/pate of prid^, TUl It bethink iuelf and dr^p tho.e eye. 7 Noir. Harper, cheer u. | li[u,io-.,^en tad. Bear, chaar within it ; cheir tho' wearing .able.. BayonJ Eina. I'll note thia lectori on my tabled. I orhap. your pUyft,! railety i. Io.t On one enamored with cild lonelinew, xNT .V irthele., my yvniii .eek their .olace to muiic a. an •oho of Ad daji.' ^"^ i^ '*;*j / It ■ K A T K . Maw I «U ••» •■'<»•• "" !>•"• *"'' '"""T mTdliTiL. *«. "«»- ••«. «*•» """ ""'"••• VloU I-8U.M •» «»'. word, lond •P«>'«»- No whUpM ftom «ky Hp*. "•» ♦^•P»» "*• ' F.ta w«t thou. b«.lim«nt of t«li»l ih«««M. Xo„ly «d g.«.ful " Ih. Wto* W*^ WI' ■ £»luUiM M "ft »«'« to *• »lo»ml"|. . Tkou «i h«.. Viol., br At tok. rf t<*^ ThT couchli. mW-t tb. muimu,. of lu btook. ThI g,«n of thvloH m«g. .-bo.o». Jb.*- 8...t ».pi« •". 'b. .u"h.« •«•»'••;.,, 8l.«.. lot.U..t : th. pur«t m«.nb«n,. .blnln,. FriJ o»« tb.. : tb, .l.b«l tin" "!«"'"«',„„ ^. pUlnU« btook u.0.0 low '»•»'"*,'"•";"' Tb. wbippoor-iU .tog .«. «• 'hr •""•'•"'"«' TUl U>. mon. b«.ih. .«d «J tb. .mg. "«»»- H«. ww" A. .l«nont. «mh.H .ith w.cpigg. ■ i J . • • ,» J "A M '■ ""T^ • »^ l!)*i^p?- '^^'j«^K'»ar ^tp^ - * , %*' M MAtON. J Thn* (kf— Bttt moamtnf hu Hi ••iw'niiry IfUUt cU«p rtcMM*. ttnablttrb«a Mclaaion. W« fyvipAtlilM w« tlili. VkA w wM vttp, W«r« UMTS th# Inif Milutlop. MluUry. And wiM to b« inclutg«4. Bh^^—Uit on* lo«t« Wm glorifl«a by !«▼•. No ! Mtr tr wia tb«r« 1a llM^wkli wgffkl km t^nat. Nw •© lottly, >!■ iiiti i^iii of RUanaiitl ThcM fond ImAfinAUoii In proud triumph, flpr««dt oir«r lUb th« mirifv of Ito charm,— And thu« it ought to b«. But wh«i Ood wyi. If in* {§ thy \or^ on« ; if found worthy, thoa Alio shall M« lh« Joy of my r«d0«m«d, Th«n nil th« glory of th« etrth aac«nd«. And thtnea no mmntle drup«« I Uk not tynpathy,— — Bor can rctlil It, Warm from the hearts and lips of of loveliness. Even if convinced by chsrmiog eloquence. My purpose of retirement shakes not. Many, My friends and my compeers were slain in bsttl«« Then (MM stroks more-and hop* fell down a bsgg at. Pardon me sir, and grant some moments grsc*. To woo you or to win ws eams not hithfr» But tinply is « ^oop of rescutrs. f . < l> t it MA tow. w>..ii f« •»-»i«^» «'*»''• •**"* •»i^ •«••*•'*''• Aft |o« . ki»»llhit W>»*» ^^'^^^^^ **'"*** lit«lUlif /wouia.uh*torut.uUyo«? Cmi Wii« •?•#- Y-. b..mlng van., eouia you win .w..» W«N Yit. lUyon. pardon hcf . tHe wWy ttltt. Eana p«h«pi It not iiUlMbU. ^ And mi«hl not provt * tftiiurc. If •»»• wtft. - 1 II YOU 1itT« lott t cKtrmtiig one •» •nR«^' iJaY. htf In He.v'en. rejoic*. bt comfoflta. . Mayon. 8uppot« llitt I h«y« lo.t not ono bat thwo. pl^u.. A-a many fcknd.. Wouia you aU oryj^ Jjaa jott thf w wim ? Ye., -peek to u. In riddlee I '■ ■ , * ► . \' ■ . .■ . I. ,mr- ^.- . . vf' \. \ \ ' "-^^^ \ / * VK ■n It- I' V \ ' ^ ■ ,^ ' *^' ~f; ^••«. It MAtOir. Scvrn oi ui are btfore )-0u, aimed complete M'ilh youth with lovelinela with chatrful hcaid* With virtue eminent—a gulden chaplet. , But wo are here to iVce ]^o^, not to win Or to be won oven by a winfomie chief. We are acquotnted with yon bj report. While what you aee of ua ia all you know. • That you arc young and noblcV— tho' eclipaed— Availa not to inspire our youthful hopea. And to be plain-quite plhin-of idl theae aeven» 'I'hore arp two chuncoa, and but only two. Two of ua will bo wed to-morrom Three Hare each a lover and acceptd lot\ And only two?: remain. And of tlU two, There i« a aingle chance for you — nd m'Mre. Urban. Rayon» lelect a girl : the fair are fickl^e. Emily, _But we are not. Yet youmay cbooae ai^ongstoii. • ■ . . • Bayon, . . ^-^ . \ . 'i Fdr your amuaement, point my preference Mongat all ap radiant ? Witchea Juat blindfiild m«': The ftrat on^ caught ahall be the pink of all^l For I admire you each", but love not either. Edna. Refuae ua ? But you aha^nt ! and ^e the two, Myaelf and dear Irene. Now I bethink me : Irene's a treaaure trove -'— TU give hier to you I' .■•I *^ y ^^ 33 R A 70 y I'll help her to dig up thit fVoion heart. 8he in the bird, iweet pigeon tromihiu*. To flutter in your bosom and innpire it. Edna, yon we too generout. I TcVinqtiiell All claim flctioioua for your lako. If mirth Has pow«T to buoy the sorrowful and float The languid life from ehadow into iunnhine, Yau shall be his. Now Rayon, como with ua. f!dna, . ' , Ye» for the bri lil rings its merry changoe • ^ Tomorrow, and wo want you. Co.Ti3-dalight ut. Jiaifou. Eshained by importunity I yield. — *- Where are those silken cords ? But now lead on. -'' J " "■•■ • •'. . . .l-^- / Enier Bertram. " ' / Oood Friend, is that not Rayon, whom I Me Moving down the declivity w-ith a troop Of laughing 'girls ? Yes— I could pick him out ■ Amongst a thousand. I must te'.l you of him. The night when that fierce clan invaded U8."\ And iome-ou^ bravest-fell, he was distinguished By acts of valor beyond all the otheri. Successor to Bdever, he now holds The marshaling of the Gan. But sad indeed, His wife of scare a year, loved idolized, Presented him with twins. But joy fell, dashed /> ^^>^""* * „■* ^r■ IX :• ■:'r-' ji: :. 'P". ::Vj? ■ '.•'ii- '* T^'-' '■■■•^ \j\^ ^^.W'^'\' ' " ■>' ■•■ ■■■■■■ " ''*■ ■ "'. "'•'■;..■ (,;;-'i ■ ■■■■,...>. -'-'-'-.'* ■•■ -1 14 %A7 N. n,lB.t h«d..t .ono« Kor within . w"k v12m him of .11 .Kr... A h.«y .1..™ Oppr....d him. W in 1o«11».m h. ..«gh.- Th.h.Jlngofhl.«.ft«w. For«oloog« •• Wonld h. i»ruk. of kindly i..t.tcoot... Unlc «m. lucky joyou. gW .hJl win h.m. Which will b. fortun.te ftortt.« w«U. A. * miMnthrop. or a .tupld hwrmit. W. shdl Uiiient him »nd wpott hU tort. , - (Trtam. .. .' Th. gtal. h.T« tM.«l him tm h. w.ot wlA a™ ' And B^. » both tim. «a lo« .« poUirt. Moth belied*". ^ »•" ""^ 'L i^idd Com. with S t and ««»»i" »» •«> ^* *"'*^- ATomo««r .aghfTwUh ih.t tt w«. lUyorf.. H^^t m«.t choo.e .nd woo—nd ma, be Jd t«l And h. U not invulnerable q«'*»- • . /* ' ) * '^'TS^'', • I? I V ^ ■» 4 i l.^ we«k •ought — ger ) Mured, in hinit II, . ; ^ kMi. It with them > tre potent, r bint, lie bridal. re Rayon'i. / V )ar cUn, may be jilted s are sterlingt I' \ ■; , ' I^IOW. ' / ■t*?i, ■nm ^^H [ ^. ^^Mi "iii'*^m ^ - - >■ a « ' .-s 'l 'l ill il i ^ ;^ :t * 5 ■ ' 1, ■ , ■■•if ■ •* , - » ■ H 11 ^ • ' - *■■ •■• . ■- • ■■ ^ .. ^ •/-. ' if I;-— •• ■••f-*^-»...,.,....j^,,,v .,.::...,■._. ■„„, • , , . . ,j j 1 '■■.'...■ . .- • . -■,■.- " , i w , ■■■* ; .7-I-' . ,■-•...■ ■ • '-. ■• ;■ .• : ■-■-. ■ ■■ ■• '■ .. , jVt ■ ■ V '-'K • V , "■■..' ■■ . ij - '. .•■■-•' r,',A .■'■.■- - .- ■ - 'i^ , .,«.. ■# ft • . • ■ ' , ' • ■■ • ' -.. .^ ■ • .'^ .,^---^'. ""-:^>> i ' ■•■.' ... • ■ . ... • ■ ^ ! fl 1' i 1 '. ■ ■ ', ■ -^1 ■■•'■■..■ - ,- , • ' . ■ .,. ■,. ■..' 1 - . !• i' " , •■ • , ' ■ ■ ' , . * ■ ■ ■• • ''.'■■' / . [ !!(■ 1 1 ' ■ . . ' , - ■ ■ » ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■V 1 y •■■■■■■■ . % i i ' « -.'■.' ■■.■.,' I Ij '■......- . , , . -l-'.^i's;- 1 j / 1 ( ■> ■ ■■•■ . ' . '■ " - . ■■--.■■." ■ ■ t :. ,,•■■■■ - ' ■ ■■<■•'••. 1 < : i X • - :'■■ • 'n' J-- ■ ■ ■ ~- ■'.; . ■ ''"*'' — <— ,' '■' ' . -' 4, ■ '.'...<■ ': '■■ ":■-'-. JH '■■■•'■ "■ '■■'\''' .'•■'■•.■'■'" '"'■'■■' '■':■,■, ~^""7~-~r~.- , . 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