m AmmMIm •»!■•■■«■■•■ and l>M|» MMMgi 1100 Wkyiw Ammm, tua* IHW aoi/sor-Mot Mi t Centimeter f 2 3 4 3 6 i |f% l| i i | | yi |l | i i | l ^i|l ^ i|l^i| ^ ^^ ^ ^ 14 5 1.0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15* mm I ^lli tA ■Hi . Ui^ ■4f H BN Ur«CtlieD T O BUM ST fl|i D t(W DS BY (tpaXED INfl^ XMC. '^^ ^^^' ^ ■■:.«(•• t>- is m. cihm Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH V Collection de microfiches (monographles) V. ' k' ■, .,: «* '•'' ■,'■'*' ■■- — -^._.;. • ' ■ ■ ■ y.. ■ • ' ■ . ■ ■;■. ;-.."■-*■■ ■/' CsMdtan iMtltiits for Htoierteel MiefefipvotfiietieM / IniMt-t ceii*dl«i t^H. % ^ ttm IfMtitiiM Hm tvokMinl FMMf««« ff tfM iM«M in ^n WM^M^^v W^ '4" [^C wm nm QtZ. Gomwtw* fWtMNte M/oH paWMlto D D ' %. iRk Oa otlMrilMii Mm or btafc)/ (U. Mtt«<|iM Mmm om iwift) niABrillMtnrtioni/ tt/Mi MiMtratiom Ml ootilMir MMf IRSMrM/ r a Ti#it U raltara Mnit PMt «MMr d> i'oMhi* eu di la I It toNI «to to MMii ilMiriMH« WilMll VK win* WNSRvW llMpam^Mi low ymw ff w m wt ioii MMii, lonqiM €ita Miit totiKli, D :/ TMi Hmn h fNNMtf at tlia radoction Ca doaMMaot att fMM* a« tH. MaM ^—^^i^^^^^A A. ton Qsr ..•^v I iNtat orfOMai/ .\ r^nrOaality of print variat/ L±J QiMlM Mpto 4t I'iMprankm GofttitHiow paiination/ riainatioii tontiwiia n r~~1 InalvdM indtii(a|)/ TMa on haadar talian from:/ La thra da I'an-iHa prewhrnt: □ Titto pap of iSMia/ % Nfi da titra da la liwaiaon □ Caption of iMua/ Titredidtpartdataliwabon ^ f^^n Matthaad/ I I QAniriqMa (p*riodi9M W > da to livraitdn "^ 10X ", UK' ItK ax m . ' ■ ■ ' ' »}f ■^s'" ■ i , . Z - ■ ■ V 12X itx apx MX 21X 32% .<»& ..-'v.. Tb« eoffv flliiMd hm^ hi to tIM 9WI#fOSltV ofs AfdilvMafOntarto r«produtt«d thanks ' Th« liiMfM appMring hari ara th» poaalhia aonaWarHig tha eonditlon of tha ariglilol oomf «n4 ■*• kofping filminf eontroet s^aoHlaatlona. qualltv laglbWty tha Orifliial oopioa ki-pHntad^papar eovoro ara fHmad^ boQiflMiiiig with tho ffont oovar an4 andbig on tho last pa«a with a pHmod 9t HtuatiMod lmpff«a- •ioin. or tho book eovor «vhon approprtoia. Ai o)^ original eopiaa aro fUitiad bagliMilng an tha flr«t paga with a printad or lUuacratad impraa- •ion. and ondlng an tha laat paga with a printed ar niuatrawd impraaalon. Tho laat ra o o r dod frama on aach mi or of ich o •liall eontain tha tymhol — » (moaning "CON*. TtNUlO"). or tho tynihol ▼ imoaning "INO'l. whidiavar appUaa. Mapa. plataa. oharta. ate., may bo Mmod at difliffont raduotion ratioa. Thoaa toe larga to ba ontlraly ineludod in ono axpaaura ara fllmod be g in n ing in tha iippar latt hand f^*Mr. taft to right and top to bottom, aa maip«bmaa af raouirad. Tha following diagranil mustrata ttia method: . . L'aMmplaira fVmA lut raproduH griaa i lo gAneroeito aes AnMvwofOntarla / Lia Iwagaa aolyontoa am M l a piad ii i t aa avee lo ^lua grand ioih. aompto tenu do la aondltion at eo M neima ee i anenipieife immvt •■ ^n 100 eondltiona du aontrat do 1 2 3 ■;••.-. if' 3s Laa animplair ' a o arlglno M a dom lo oouvortiifo on ' papier aat l i hprl w de sent fNmOa anao mm ongo m par lo p r o w iar plat at (MI tarminaht aolt par lb ', dimptaaaien ee dlNwetrotion. aolt par lo a e o o w d plat, aelen lo eaa. Toua lea aimea aaemptoiroe onginoux aant flunea an aommongant per la praniAro page gul aompono wne ampreinto dimpraaaien OM dTiwatrotien et an termlnam per la d amiira pogo qui a o m porto una Un dee aymbeloo aulvonts apparaltra aur la dami*ra imego do ehoque mieroflehe. aelon lo caa: lo aymbolo -*> aignifle "A SUIVKf Mo aymbele ▼ aignifle "FIN". fitonde A daa tpiiii do rOduetien diffdronta. Loraome la dooument eel trop grand pour Mro raproduit an un aeul ottohd, U aat fHmd A partir da rahgle aupdriour gauehe. da gauehe i droito. etdoheutan baa, an prananrle nombro dlmegea ndeaasaire. Laa diagrammea auhrawita illuatrent la mOthodo. ■; 't /,;^ • r-;2 ■■■■ V^3':'"::' 4 5 6 ■- 32% Y 'JCi,'. - <■ ■>■■■'■■■ . '' V^ •.■■■'.' - ' ' ' - , ' THE WONDBBPTJL WORKS OF GOD BY MAN, AS PISP^.AYED IH TH« iasterfaPfc A LECTURE, .<^: DEUVEBED AT TOBONTO ANI. la^EWHEBB ]<;^EV 4 BY JOHN DAMP. /^ PRICE, lai GENTS. TORONTO: tHOMPSON A CO., PBINTERS AND POTU8HBR8, KINO STBIW. 18 58. J \4^ -Sj- te* ^t->%.«4^J^^i|^j* 4KiA .f^: ^ . i^ \i'M J- , .J - - < ^.UlM g-p •v^(-490 ^A -■^'^ V ,li^^Bi r^ 1^*^ ? J. ^j/^hrsNcPil^JHjj £/A4n8 ^^s^j^ ■whLJvidnMki'iliiH^iuH msjBi -d*^: ■ X' LEOTTJRE o« nm YA&TNBS8 OP ONE MILLION UNITS. Ladiu and Qsntlmibn,— The objeot of the Leoton for this even- ing ie to ezpldin the taetnem of One IfiUion Units, nnd refeienoe will be made to Aetionomy, Methematiee, and other scienoeii and a diaplay of the wonderftil tvorki of Ck>d by man. Abo to exhibit a diagram of One BfillUm Unite,^ whioh has been pa^niied by his Exoelleney the Ooremor Qeneral of Canada. The age in irhioh we Uto is a progiessiTe ono ; progression is the order of the uy. Whatever art or scienoe we tarn oar eves npon, whether meehanies or mathematics, astronomy, geology, physiology or phrenologv, they ali are on the progressive soale ; almost every day we have bronght before as new diseoveries and inventions^ and from all olan^ -^ ^^ of It may be Well said, time works many ohanges in man and in things, and it is onivevsally aeknowlettoed that we live in times of infinite importanoe. If we eany oar thooghts naok to the great Exhibition of 1851, we shall remember that there the mind was almost overpowered with the arts and soienoes of sll elsssss of men, and Arom all nations, and firom that day down to the present time, the machine has been moving onwardk and onwaids, and iHll oontinae to do so to the end of time. - On bdidding saeh an edifioe of glass and eanning workmanship— the magnifleent exte- rior of the pohioe, and the oostiy works of man within— one was impelled to say, wAol m mam, f and, M>hat iahenoi able to dot Two vOnr impor- tant qaestions. First, then, what is man r A qaestion whioh tho wiiMst of heathen phiksopluas have not been able to explain. Vfhai i$ manf Mjm is a wwrid <^ mystery in himsdf. Ifan is a machine of the most exqiddte worionanship. How symmetrieally and how wall is each murl adapted to every other. Who designed the phm f . The great I AM I who is the great aiehiteet of heaven and earth. Who was the maker of thip rnaddne I God— ^ho made all tidnas — the great Bnilder of heaven aii§euth. Who set the maehine in motion ? dod^Hvho is the great first moving power tk aH tilings in heaven and eartb-^*' He breatheainto man tho breath of life and he became a livins sonL" Who is the pr sss r r t y of this machine 7 Qod I ** The veiy haiii of oar head are all mmibend." *(He that keepeth Israel nOither slamberath nor deepeth, Ibr iik Him we »»• '] & Bt« Mid inoT* and have oar b«ing." The maohine ia of aveh a natuM, ihal BO improTtmant oould bo made when il lint oame from the handa of ill Maker. What b man f Man ia the maatenieoe of Ood'a oreation — p o aaa aln g 246 bonea, 446 mvaolee, nenrea, ffeah, Teioa, heart, arteriea^ and tbout 20 milliona of porea. A heart whioh performa iti work under •11 oirramatanoea of paih^ tnmble, and diatreaa; and neror atope to reel Bl|ht nor daj. The queation oonld only ha?e been anawered bj Him thai made na, who ia dirine. The aweet ainger of larael, when oontem- plating himaelf, oonolndea— •< I am fearAilly and wonderfnllj made ; mar- ymtkm an thy wwka, and that my aonl knoweth right well." What i$ mmf Mania«-to diaoover all arte and aoienoea— to iiiyont all maoninea— to oonatroet all inatrnmonta, bnildings, &o. If we take tho •eienoe of aatronomy ; the utronomer, Vith hia powerful teleaoope, ia able to diaoover worlda whioh have never yet been aeen by tho naked eye of man. Thia adenoe, ainoe the 16th oentniy, haa made great headway. In t)M daya of Ptolemy, and ap to the fifteenth oentaiy, it waa believed that oar darlh wan a fiztare. Ptolem/a hvpotheab waa that thia globe of oon waa a fixture, and the aan, planeta and atara were revolving round it ; but in the flfkeenth oentuir, Oopemieua, wha waa a ixild and ori|^4 g«niua, ptroeived thai the olumay and unnatoial ayatem of Ptobmy oduld, not aeoount for^ the motiona aiid appeaianeea of the eeleatial orba. u Ptolemy'a •vatem be oorreoty then we behold the aun, that miehW luminary, flying thnnigh boundleaa apaoe at the rate of 24 milliona of nulea every hour, or 607 nulliona of milea every dn. Again, the phnet Uranua would move round ^ globe al the rate of 446 mUliona of n^ilea every hour, or more than aeven milliona of milea every minu^, or one hundred and twenty- ihiea Ihooaand aiz hundred and aeventyfaeven milea in a moment Again, if PtolemVa hypolheaia be true, we have other bodiea moving round thia globa al the rate of 14 hundred milliona of milea in a aingle aeeond, or the interval of tkne whioh the pendulum of a oommon olook takea in moving ftom one aide to the other. Again, if Ptolem/a ayatem bto true, then we baiMda the aun, whieh ia 18 hundred thonaand timea hrger than this fl^obe, fevolving round Ihia globe every day. Therefove, Oopemieua adoptod the Pjrlhagorean ayatem, whioh ayatem had been believed five aan diud^y eaw before Ohriat. With a bdd and daring hand he daahed the emliiUiiie oiba of Ptolemy into pieoea j awept away hia oyelea and tpiefeiai;:^hMed Ihe nu, Ihal mighty Inniinaiy, in the oentie of the , nMMBj lonoived the earth from ita (|aieaeent atate, ael it in motion liifqp Ikt iegieM «f the finBimflnt, u^o^ •" ■■' •■. ; . - ';. - • ' ./.■ '''' ' '. • ' ' r ' ■ ' • ■• t,J£L^i£>ju 1i* nj»''4.i*flX,'i-W>iitaS-eAi!/^'*lfc-w!,,^B r "-^a&xs^i^Tyi .< ■ 7' iMj Mbt. This IhMfT WM •link TiolMllj ommmA kj IIm Ohweh. OopttBieulaidUiafooBdalioiiQfaUklMdboovtikiwUtllkiift been nuidt iinM in thk Mimee. It wm afUrwMds ablTAipvOrltd I7 III* diwQtwiM of CUUko, K«pl«r, — i d l. H^ydfaM, Bujfgmt Oiirifel| Mid with the poworAd t«lMoopii whioli ther i«t«Bt«d, tktj ««• ablt It ■M the MtaUitM of Japitar, the phM« of Vcniu, tho moti on th« Suu This mtom of Oopenuena wm itill mon oonflnn«4 bj tM ilhMtriou M Ihao Nowtott, in iLo jmx 1666, in tho 84th ywr of hit mo. Oontta* pomiy wtth Nowton wore Hooke, Flamiteed, Helley, Btmy, Boener, Bieher, Floard, end othera, end then Mlowed Sir Wm. Ilemohel end hie wm Jemee Hereohel end J. Sonth. Sir Wm. HeiBohel with hie powerftil teleeoope mede meny dieooreriee end etiended our viewe of Ood'e won- derfnl work. In the heerene, in Mtfeh 1781. he diaeorered e new plenei bejond tiie orbit d Selam, whieh ie now eelled Urenve. And fkom th« deya of Henwhel down to the preaent time, thia aoienee hea been prog^ea- aiTo. The Serl of Boaae, by meena of the lerge end powerfU teleeoope he haa Utely ereeted, liee nuide menT diaooToriee in the heeTena. Whiik b men not able to do ? Hen by hia mind ia eble to walk amoogat the ateia of heeyen, end ezekim, ** die heeyena deobre the gk>iy of CkM, end the Urmament aheweth hia handy work," ** Dey unto dey vtterath apeeeh, end night onto night ahjjath knowledge "~« The heeyiBne deelere hia righteonaneaa end ell p4|l|'M« kia glory"— <*The heeyena, eyen the heejene ere the Lord'e, b)a| the eerth hrai he giyen to the ehikben of men "— ^< Chreet end meryelloea ere thy workai LtMd Qod Abnighty." Whet b men not eble to do f With hia mind he ia able to look into the bowela of the eerth. By the aoienoe ol geology we bete eeen wondeifU dJeooyeriee mede, end atrange aeoreta bronght to lights By inyeatfgating the atrate of the ee^,- we heye gold, ailyer, eopper, iron, end we may aey, eyery meteriel for onr nae. ** T^s eerth bath ne riyen to toe ehildnn ^ men." l^vaiyhile the eateonomer ia beh\-^^ ^ iwr iuj^^it^ AssrE:. pi' T^irrsiai,* j'JfTK: h' ri^i.Hi^jSjig^^'::.:??"^^ 'r^-r , ■ : '■ f Wt ■ • J^tMBM liM Miwtd, •Ithough w« xui$ have • fldat IdM of lit grgilai. Ml whM w* My MM NMtfum, than Um mind bMooMt WmI In ili TMrtMa or ill nagnitndo. Man, how«v«r. m aoon m h« oomoa to hiniMll, noka fpr a plan lo alrtogtlMn kb uilod and to^nabie hia to oonprakoad mm rnOUm wUtt. B«t what ia thia numbar, gr^al aa it ii^ to kighar «una wkiak olWn ooear in tke aoienoe of matkamatioa, aooh ai aextilliocw, aoplilliono, ooti U iona In order tkal wo may appreoiato th« Mianoe of matkamatlaa, lat na tako a numbar of 67 figuraa, [821,087,664,S21,987.664,821,087r 064,821,987,654,821,987,654,821,087,064,821]. Thai ia to aay, 821 nonnilUona, (or 821 mitliona of milliona of uillioM of milliona of milli«M of milUona of milliona of milliona of milliona) 987 thouaand 664 ootilUona, 821 khouaand 087 aoptUliona, 664 thoaaand821 w»Ullioiia. 087 tkoMaad 664 qointrUUona, 821 thouaand 087 qnadrilliona, 654 thouaand 821 tril- liona, 087 thonamd 658 billiona, 821 thouaand 087 milliona, 664 thouaand 821. Let UB anppoae the vaat number whioh we hare numerated to be yean, and tken eomparo thorn to eternity (if we may be alkm«d tho exprenion), we find no ooropariaou whatovor. We may take a drop of water and oompare it to the ocean, or one grain of aand to thia globe ; or tke twiligkt to tke full aplondor of the midday aun, but we oannn were empl<^ in oonnting one miUumi and were to count one every aeoond, it wmdj take kim 28 dayi befoia k« wouM be able to perform kb taak, wolfing 12 konra per day. Suppoae one million of men atanding ride by ride in a ftraii^t Une, aUow- ing tbree feet for each man, thb line would make 668 milea, or a line reaohing from Toronto to New Yoric, or from Tu% ooalainlBg on* hudrad vnlli ; Um krgor aqiMM eontaini tmi UMOiMid i ud Uii dnjgnm bOBldM 100 of Ui«M aqtiuM, nwkiiig ton haodrad UkooiMid or one mil- ' titm. It b baliorad Uiat Ui»d«eim«rprinoip|« will bo gononJIv •do^bd. Tho inon«7 of Oanada ii to b« oa thb priaciplo ; it b mnenl all thnmgh the Staiti' It b aaUmated that the population of the world at th« pr»> aent Ume b obTen fanndred miUbna or abren handred timaa tha nanbar in tha diagram. If a man wara ampbjad to ooont tha popnbtion of tha world, ooonUng onaparMm averr aaooad^ and working twalra hoon a daj, it woold taka Um 60 jaan. If wo taka tha naUonal dabt of England at eight hundred milliona of aoTereiona, and a man were aet to eoant that nnmber, ooanUng one eTOty aeoond of Ume, and woiking twebe hoam a daj, it would take 111^ jean before the taak ooold be oompbted. Svoh fketa help to aaaiat the mind to oomprehend one millbn nnita. A mfftumf aa great aa it ia, only oonnta aa a unit In the aoienoe of aatronomy. What grMt diaooreriea have been made in thb eeienoe, and itill ara making np to tha preaent Ume. If we take the aim, that mightj lominarj wnleh , enKghtona oar daj; all animated beinga rcjoioe at hia praaenee, millbna of inaeot tribea awako and aport in hb beama, the birda aalnte him with their oonoerta, yea, erery thing that braathea feeb the eflbot of hb infln- enoe— man watohea for Uie jnomlng and rejoioea at Ita approaoh | traly the light ia iweat, and a pleaaant thing it b for the eyea to behold the ann. He diao givte oiroobtion to the aap in treea — he eavaaa the bbaaoma and laaTea to ahooi, and the flraito of the earth to ripen to a golden harreat for aapplying the wanta of man and beaat. Where b the mind that ean oontempbte thb mighty himiiiary whioh b the eanib of light, and oolor, "and heat, without ezobiming— « Behold He bath done all thinga will." Let va oonaider Uie taat d&anoe thb ann b flrom na-^o leaa than 06 milliona ct miba : 06 Umea tbe diagram.'^ In ordw Uiat we mat hate a better vndentanding of thb diatanoe, we will anppoae a oannon ball lea?- ing the month ci the eannon, and flring at the rate of fire hvndr^milea an hoar, aa it b oideabted to do, it woald take twgity-one fmrp and two handred apd forty-five daya before it woald reabh the ann. Or aa^one a ateam loeomoUve to 89t oat in the direotion of the aan, and to BO at the lata of 480 miba every day, it woald reqaire 647 yeua befon *: Ob loeomoUve ooald reaoh the aan. The San'a dianMter b 880,000^ miba, ita oireamferenee b two milliona aevon handred and aizty-lbgw thoonod aiz hundred miba, and yet thb b only one ann oat of myriadi perinna that are fiyingthroogh boaadleaa apaoe. The li^tthatwa roottva mm day to day oomea from the aan in leaa than nine nunv^ of Ume, ao that Ucbt trnvda mora than ten milliona of miba in a minnte, or woald go ^l^t UnMifMind oar earth while apenon b ooanUng one. It b not to be wondfrad thai Uie aan appeam ao nnall to aa,* aeeing ita iqimenae dia- ' jsalU'j. wsMu?. • ^ ^' . ftoB o«r Mrih, 7«i ill •plrador it raoh lliat wo «MiBoi bekoM U wMi tlM "^v*^ m Lil w tkm ** Oit« thanki nolo tk« liord, lo kite tiMl mad* gTMl ughti, for hb moroy eadaroth forvror." B«l Boi ooly liAvo wo tho ran ; wo haro tho moon, which if tho nenratt plnaot to OS. tho Aftronomor, with hb poworAil tolooooDo, is able to too mMinlniM and plains, ooTorna and ioaolatod rooka, hilU and plaina of alttoal OTOiy ahapo on tho fkoo of tho moon. Tho moan dbtanoo of tho moon turn oar oarth b 287 thooaand milos. The Earl of Room, with hb lai|EO tobaoopov haa boon ablo to oonflrm tho opinion of preooding utrono' man, and haa .made manj diaooToriea. Timo woold niil mo to ipoak of Man, Jnpitor, Morowy, Vonna, Saturn, Voata, Jnno, Cowa, Palba, and Unnns. Tho bat namod b eatimatod to bo 18 hundred milliona of milea ftom oar oarth. To roaoh the noareat point of ita orbit, a oannoo ball, flying from tho oarth in that dirootion at tho rata of five hundred milea an lioar, would raquiro a period of 890 years. ** Oome and see the worka of Qod, ho btomble iiii Hb doing towards tho ohildren of men." " The hsaTons daokio Hb righteousness, and all tho people see Hb gloiy." We again take into oonsideration tho nearest fixed star, whioh star b oaloulat^ to bo BO leas than twenty billiona of milea tjnm our earth ; that one billioil^ b no bsi than tea hundred thousand milliona ; and that had Adam oom- maooad eounting a billion aa soon aa ho waa oroated, and oontinued oount- iog down to the present Ume, oounting two every seoond, and working night and day, and rested only one day OTory , four ^ears, (whioh will be leap^ y«Br), be would not haTO counted one billion of unita— when wo think of theae things may we not say, " Who by searching can find out Qod." or with Job, " Is not Ood in the height of heaTon," and, " Behold tho height of the aUrs, how high thoy are,"—" Look now towards heaTon nd tdlthe stara if thou art ablo to number them." If an haa mado gr«at dbooreriaa in boundless space ; but we fear not to any that there will yet be atill greater dbcoveriea made in the acience of Astronomy. We haYe men night and day watching the moTomeuta ofthe heavenly bodies with their powerful telescopes, and we believe, could they apply ten thousand limea the power to their teleacopea which riiey now have, that they would behold worlds upon wo^lda, auna upon aunai flying through boundleaa space, which have never aa yet been aeen by any mortid eye ; no eye but the omnbcient eye of God, who made diSNB and auataina them in Uieir orbiu. If knowledge b power, and we believe it ia, power to command, povrer to novo, power is the moving principle of all things. Man poa- seases tbb power more or less, and if thb power b employed in contem- plating the vntrks of QoA in creation, providence or redeknption, may we not expect the help of God t fi>r that •« He b strong in power, not one who Aiieth." *« Happy b the man tiMt flndeth wisdom, and the man that g^Btteth understanmng.*' ' ^ he dbgram will assist us in fbrming an idea of the neat number of ,rs whioh passed trough the Genend Post Oflioe in England, in the ' 18M. w hich n u mb er w is e s timat e d at no l e m then 4 T» millioBf , or \ >- . Tiir ^T J^ , \ >- V 470 liai«i Um (UamiB. Aln from Q«Mria to R«T«latk», w* hAv« «d^ IhiM millioM 660 IhoMAod 480 l«ttora, or abo«l Uitm Md »-hdf Umm tho dia(|Tmai. Tho inhdftlluli of-Ohina v am»d lo \f abital 800 MUlkMi^ IboM df Hindottan 180 milltooa, and thoM of SoglMd only abovl 80 milUoaa. It hM bMB alaiwl that in th« lut tM jmn tbiM hun kM* Undod at Nmr^ York ftom Koropo naarlT on« miUUMi tmifpnutei Tko «wr bolweao Bnglaad and Fmnoo, from 1808 to 1816, maUng 18 jrwm, Mil Kncland alooo, 1,160 nUliooa of fg^da atariing. 8ha ralaad bj kua 888 milliona, bj tazaa 771 miUiona, making on« tbooaand ona bwMlrad nnd flftv-nina timaa tke diagram. Whara u tha tnan wbo poaaaaaaa % mind, abia to andantand tba great nnmbar of 1,169 millioaaf I amrarw by aajing, we bave no man of tbia mind. But tbe diumm will f^irtbar . aid and «iiiat m in forming an idea of ita taatnaat. From tbe birtb of our Sayionr, down to tbe year 1882, only 67 tbooaand 818 mUliona 628 tbouaand 200 aeoQnda bava elapaed. Wbat ii mMi 4* 'Ma td-do f He ia able, by tbe belp of MatbemaUea, to meaanro tbe iiNrering Pyramid of Egypt, wbooe top reaobea to the olouda. and frboaa foundationa odter nearly 14 aorea of knd. Tbia pyraibid baa boon eatiniated at aix taiilliooa of tona. Tbe atonea would be' anfficient to build a wall round tbe wbole of Franeo, wbiob wall would be 18 bundred milea Jong, 10 feft bigb, and one foot in tbieknem. Tbe pyramid la Are bundrod and aixW f««t bigb, about one bundrod and aoTenteen fdit bigb^ than St. Paura in London. It ia mid tbat aome of %be atonea of tbu pyramid are about tbirty feet long, mueb reaemUiiM tbe Btoooa in tbe anoient temple of Jeruaalem, wbiob atonea we are Um by Joaophua, wore flfty feet long, twentT-four feet bigb, and aixteen feet in tbiokneaa. Some of tbe atonea of tbia pyramid aro oorered witb hiero- glypbioB, and it atanda aa one of tbe tbree wondem of tbe world. Man ia able, with the power that Qod baa giren bim, to truTerao and meaauie tbe mighty ooeana which belong to oUf earth, and even meaaurjMbe eartb on wbiob we lire and moTO. \ The Paoiflo Ooean, wbiob la tbe'largeat in tbe icnown world, ia eatimated to meaaure eighty milliona of aquara mika. or eighty timea the diagram, Tbia ooean oontaina more milea of water then there i^ dry land oter the known world, wbiob only eovera forlf-oine milliona of aquare milea. Then we have Uie AUantio Ooean, wbiob moat of na have had an opportunity of aeeing and orooaing. TUa oeaan oon« tuna 26 mUiona of aquare milea— 4be Indian Ooean 18 milliona of aquare milea—^be Southern Ooerin 26 milliona of aquare milea — ^tbe Noraieni Ooean 6 milliona — the Mecyiternmean 1 million, making a totd of 140 milliona of aquare milea of water, wbiob ia more than three timea tb4^ quantity of dry land upon Uie fao9 of the g^obe. We are led from the preoeding renuurka to oonaider the wonderful workf of Him, " Wbo bath meaaufed the watera in the hollow of Hia band, and meted out Hmtou with a apan, and oomprebended tbe dust of tbe ImrUi iua meaaure, and weighed the mountaina in aoalea, and the biUaina balance : that stretobeth out the Heavena aa a ourtain, and apreadetb them out aa a tent to dwell in." " Alao lift up your ^ea on high, and behold wbo bath created these things, ihat bringetb out their boat by ntonbtr, He \ ;■ •?! '»*^ M'Mi" ^jfei„ .i«.*'**X»u:^iliJt( *» •■..:.■■■, -8 ■:.■.:■:• _.-; ■ • oalleUi them aU by names of the graain«iB of hia might j for that He ia BtroDR in power, not one faileth,''^ « Haat thefu not knownrhaat thmi not heard, that the ewlaating God the Itfrd , the Creator rf the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither ia wearyTmw is no aearohingof Hia nbdentanding." " The Heaveni. eren the HeaTena, are the Lord a, but the earth hath he given to the ohUdren of men. that men would praiae the Lord for hia grodnew, and for Hb ponderful works to the ohil^of men." "Qpe generation shall piaisa thy works to another, and shdl declare his mighty aots." Our time |s short in this life to praise God, for every year, it is said that 26 millions of our fellow-oreaturea die and pass into eternity. Our Ufo is a dream, Oar time as a stream OUdeiB swiftly away. And the Aigidve moment reAises to stay. ^me like an ever rolling stream, | , Bears all its sons away, ^ey fly forgotten, 'as a dream Xnes at die op«ning day. Let U8 "Redeem the time, because the days are evil,"— "All thy works shall praise thee, Q Lord, and thy saints shall bless Thee,"—" When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon wd *he Stan, which thou hast ordained, what is man that Thou art mindful of him. " Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy huids; Thou hast put aU things under his feet.»' We mav weU say, "The Unes we fallen unto us. in pleasant places, yea, we have a goodly heritage, — • "Thine, O Lord, is the greatneg? and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the Majesty, for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine--Thine is the kingdom, Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all— both riches and honor come of Thee, and Thou reignest over all, and in Thy hand is power aiod might, and in Thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all^now therefore, our God, we thank Thee an^ praise Thy gtorious name." " For Thou hastoreated all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created." " For of Him, and through Him, andtoHim, ate all things, to whom be gloiy for ever. Amen. Davenport Road, February 18th, 1858. r €» ( -ik. ..-iigaaeag^ g$ 4 u . ^t "^-?; .?CJ ' wt 'l [i^^:^ ■-j4*-B*^- -. 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