vQ 7 V M IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 IA£|28 ||2.5 ■a IE 1.1 Ui us 11.25 Its IIM 1.8 U III 1.6 III Hiotographic Sciences Corporation '^ o ^<^ ^> <^1* . <^A 6^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 ^ ^^U <^ signifia "A SUIVRE", la aymbola y signifia "FIN". Mapa, plataa, charta, ate., may ba fllmad at diffarant raduction ratloa. Thoaa too larga to b(i antiraly includad in ona axpoaura ara fllmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand cornar, iaft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha mathod: Laa cartaa, planchaa, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra filmia i daa taux da rMuction diffiranta. Loraqua la documant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul clichA, II aat f llmA A partir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa, •n pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcaaaaira. Las diagrammas suivanta illuatrant la mAthoda. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ .•■•?tj W', '■'■•' •"«'^:-«^ij«^*' r-^ yOOillKfG0(ym^^ X))(X)6a6()K)6QPC)K)9())Oi()i(}Q& o A N D T O L O R D B E % ^ ^ ON THE P E A C E M:•:vK•^^>KX}K>>•>•)K?«:}^<>KX>:(:^S3^(XX>K)KXX)KX)K)K:)KX^ ''Nte. ■;i^!n [Price One Shilling.] . . i ■ J. -•■I.'. ti -A .r-r r ^ »1 '-i i ^ ►^ t . t^ "O" -* -',■: k o A N D E T O LORD B * * *, O N T H E PEACE. When Kings the Sword of Juftice firft lay down. They are no Kings, tho* they poflcfs the Crown % Titles are Shadows, Crowns are empty Things, The Good of Subjects is the End of Kings. Defoe. By the Author of the Minijler of State, a Satire. ,,>'•/, ;, >• ; V ■-■'! LONDON: Printed for H. Howard, oppofite the Union Coffee-houfe in th« Strand, and by the Pamphlet- fellers of London, Wedminlter, (^c. MDCCLXII. ^•"W ,. 1. 1 c I ) h I (' ■■; 1 »4 * - .71 C) /- .'4. c> J 4 » f »- V • *v . . » '.i I . ■':i. ^ r: . y I '..... ; ,. ■ ■•v . • •■•.... ;t.i ■; .'i; ; i * T * • • •"• ■ .'- - • (s) '.i I . 'li : I o A N D T O E. LORD B * * *, O N T H E P E A C E I. HAIL England, darling ifle of heaven ! To you is ev'ry blefling given j All eminent you {hine : For war, for ufeful arts renown'd, With juft applaufe the world has own'd, Has own'd each blefling Thine. B II. C ( « ) n. Tlio' fevcr'd from the world befide, Thy ft ate provokes the Gallic pride. To crufli thy liberty ; ; • ;^ Tho' oft repuls'd, like Titan's race, Unhcedful of thcff part difgrace, ^ ' 4 I'hey point their darts at ThcC in. o \ J ^ L O Agiln fucccfs has deign'd to fmiler^ Again has conqueft crown'd your toil. Upon the land and ippi?:; ... i : Then be like Jove, exert your power. Now ftrike therii in the Tucjcy ho\|r ; They ne'er TKall rife again." ^ " IV. This, this is every patriots voice. This would make evtry heart rejoice, Who love their native, land ; But oh confuficn Hark.! .the crovyd,, Of Scottilli ll.ives for Pence aljud, , , . Implore with cap in hand. o r: • i ( ■■ * »~ . «* -•- V. \ (r) V. .1 ' Ye venal miniftcrial elves, . t : ' ' Who'd rob your country, for your fclves. Or let our foes inflavc us ; - - < Rejoice, rejoice, the Deed is done, ' The glorious work is all your own, "■ ■ ■ And heaven alone can fave us. - • . '• - VI. • ' *Tis done and hark ! throughout the nation, How rumour bawls the proclamation, That Peace again is coming j -• Ad'tju ^'cllona's glorious lay, • -^ . • " Adieu to conqncft's bud huzza, - - *' '■ To ligluing, piping, drumming^ •• ' - -'• VII. No more of war a 'different fcene, More foft, more lullirig and ferene. Invites the mufe to foar : .- ^ Now Peace muft fpread her ample wing ; Of that the mufe intends to fing. And Caledonian pow'r. VIII. i (s) viir. // To you flic fings — to you my Lord- No venal Briion, on my word, But Ertg/ijb, bold and daring, ; Unplac'd, unbenefic'd her lays, She fcorns to fing a Traitor's praife, To England's caufe adhering. IX. If here and there in my dcfign, ; / Your Lordfliip finds an erring liney Be candid not fevere j . , ; j-; For oft the Pegafean deed, Without a curb, will ftretch his fpeed, And run the lord knows where. X. But now the profpe - .. . . XXVIII. A >d no'v, my Lord, Ml takci my leave, This humble tribute you'll receive, Nor think I mean to flatter; But han.o; excufes 'tis the beft & That I could pay — and for the reft Youifelf may judge the matter. XXV A, ( »5 ) XXIX, Ye friends to England, and her caufe, tier glorious liberty and laws, Ltt difcord now give way ; Behold the tuneful band combine, The Fiddle, Flute and Bagpipe join, To hail the coming day. I*; XXX. And here (and then I'll quite conclude) The Mufe with prophefy endu'd. One thing muft needs declare ; As time around his courfe fhall roll, The B — nn — t high upon a p — le. Shall fhine I on T — mp — e B- FINIS.