IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4£s dy. Ua l/.. 1.0 I.I 1.25 UilM WLi ■50 ""^^ IffiSHI ^ 1^ l[|2.2 ^ b£ mil 2.0 u ■Uuu 1.8 _U ill 1.6 6" j^. V]

:> /A 'W '/ Photographic Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 1458C (716) 872-4503 »^ ^•\ :\ signifia "A SUIVRE ", la aymbola V signifia "FIN". Mapa, piataa, charts, ate. may ba fiimad it diff arant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antiraiy inciudad in ona axpoaura ara fiim a pritoner. We are informed that he was taken yesterday, in the town- ship of Stukely, in comimny with a nun named Celestine Parent, of St. Pie, a servant of C. Drulet's, and or- dered to accompany him, by a party of men, four ot Colonel Knuwiton's militia, who banded them over to ihe charge ol a detachment of Miuitquoi Volunteers, and by them they were at once brought into town. They «V3re making the best of their way to the States, under the guidance of an In- dian, who also has been brought into town with them. They •re said to have been 7 days in the woods, and are wretchedly worn out with fatigue and exhaustion. It is nut quite so easy now to crukS the line either way, as the rebels could wish. Will the iV. Y Hxpress still continue sure that Col Weather- all was defeated ut St. Charles, and that Montreal accounts • re not trustworthy. The inmates gf the Montreal Gaol would tell quite another story. transaction. In the meantime, there is no reason to doubt the correctneis of the above information. We subjoin all that we find of interest in Kingston Chroni- cle. We learn from Cobourg, that Ebenezer Perry and hit brother, Peter Perry, Esq. together with Wilson S. Conger, Esq. have already proceeded with a strong volunteer party to Toronto, to join the Royal Standard. Those gentlemen have bten long known as reformers of the first water. It is now gratifying to observe, that notwithstanding their reforming notions they are true and loyal men. Detence of Kjnuston.— On Wednesday last on the arrival of the startling intelligence from the seat of Government, that Toronto was in danger of being attacked by the rebels — the Magistrates convened in the Court House where a larg* con- course of the inhabitants assembled, and prompt meawrMwere adopted for the protection of Kingston. The town was divided into four sections, and a strong patrole headed by a Magistrate perambulr'.ed during the night— these precautionary steps have since been continued -and we are now happy to inform the public that the Block Houses, Nos. 3 and 4 are to be placed immediately in a state of defence by the Commandant of the Garrison, and placed forthwith under the care of Lieutt. Harper and Clarke, of the Royal Navy, who are to have a strong and efi'ective Marine Corps under thei.' command. Colonels Markland and Raines have called out their ret- pei tive corps, viz ; the 1st and 2d Regiments of the Fron- tenac Militia, A letter received in town, wrinteu in Toronto just as the "^ eller was leaving on Wednesday evening, states that Mr. ^ ijiift' Jarvais' beautiful residence in the vicinity of the city was then in flames. Extracts from a Letter dated Cobourg, Dec, 7. *' On Tuesday niglit a Courier arrived here post haste from Toronto, with orders for the Volunteers to proceed iminediatly thither. Aljout £00 fioiii this place, Port Hope, and the ad- joining county, left this day fur active service. The last ac< counts from Toronto, are by the Bteanier Traveller, which arrivtd here last night, on her way to Kingston for stores, aims, artillery, &c. Last ni(.Lt the Western mail was taken as It was going into Toronto, and destroyed by Mackenzie ; aid the mail made up at Turonto for below, was also taken, a lew miles below that city. ■' All the leading refunuers of Toronto, Bidwell, Baldwin, &c. are under Rrms with the Government |)«rty. •> Two Schooners with about 200 men have arrived at Xj- runto, from Niagara and Hamilton. " Mackenzie's party is variously ttated, it is said that he has 500 blacks, besides a large nnmbcr of Indians." [So much for rumor.] *' Since the Volunteers left this to-day, accounts have been received by two fanners that numbers of Mackenzie's party are in ambush between this place and Turonto, waiting for them, and that this infuriuation was given to the volunteers when they met them, so that they luicht be on their guard. This, 1 have no doubt is the case, at the last stage that arrived here was stopped and the trunks of the passengers opened and GLORKILS NEWS FROM UiM'ER CANADA:— RE- ' PORTED 1)1 FEAT AND DISt'ERMON OF THE REBELS UNDE'l M'KENZIE AND LOUNT. ! Halt-past Two, P- M. \ The Upper Canada mail lias just come in. We have re- ceived only the Kingston ( hronicle of Friday, which contains searched, but nothing taken, nothing Itter from Toronto. " ^ "chooner Iruni some part of the Slates with several An endoiseuient on the Mail Way Bill, by the Kingston hundred rifles on board for Mackenzie, was lakeu the other Post-master, is in this words: ■ day going into Toronto." " The Cobourg Mail just arrived. The rebels are defeated— An Extra from the office of the Toronto Patriot, announces 25 killed — several pnsonei^ nut a Constitutionalist hurt. ' that the house uf Dr. Hurne, was burned under the inspection A private letter received by a gentleman in town, written, of McKenzie who ordered the same process on the property of •1 we are informed, from . Toronto, and mailed ai Cobourg, Sherifl' Jarvis ; but General Lount would not allow it in re- confirms the above account, with the addition, that the rebel turn for a personal favor conferred on him by the Sheriff, force was totally dispelled. Col. M'eils was taken prison*., and his house plundered of Another letter from Cobourg which we have lienid read, the whole of his plate. Col. Cameror. and his son have alto nnd which it dated December 7th, state* that a schooner had fallen into the hands of the rebels. Sheriff Jarvis and Mr. just been seized with some 3U0 or -lOO new rilles on board, Canierun, with a small party, had a skirmish with a detach- de tilled for the use of the rebels. The mail from the west- ment uf the rebels, one of the latter whs killed and two ward. It is added, I ad been stopped and rilled, the night wounded. before. Messis. Bidwkll, Uolph, Small, and tiALDWiN, me I Dr. Morrison, who filled the different ofTices o' Adjt. Gen. nieiitioned in it, as having givin in their adhesion to tlie Paymaster General, Sp;, and Physician to the fori:et, and the government and taken arms in defence of Toronto. The notoiious Kennedy have both been made prisoners in McKen- liilenl news however, is not given in this letter- zje't dwelling house.— The Printing establishment of McKen- Wt arc Sold (hat 2!v,)!hi.r letter fiuni Cobourg makes t!ir. sie, r.-as t:;!isii i«a.sf l-.y the authorities, i'le hsi its number of rifles taken in the schooner to bo 800.— The next company with SO other ruflinnt robbed the wesurn mail mail may'be oxpecled^ to bring full imrtitulais of the whole within a few miles of Toronto.