IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 l^|2i 1^ Kg I.I lUUu 1.25 |l.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 V] t. - ,1. ' -i a- ■.-,-■■ ^■\ %'■... •^. .• "^ i i - - ^ .r / ■>!!,'^y-' \\ ' ' '■ > f OrriCERS AND COMMITTKE OF MANAGEMENT, QUEBEC JAIL ASSOCIATION, Establish ecTMa y, 1829. Patron — His Excellency^ Lienlenant General Sir Barnes Kemptj G, C, B, and G. C //. Administrator in Chief, President — The Honorable and Right Rever- end Charles James Stetvarty Z>. D, Lord Bishop of Quebec, Fice- President — William Smith Sewell, Esq, Sheriff' of Quebec, Treasurer — Mr, R, Haddmi, Secretary — J, Charlton Fisher, L. L, D, COMMITTEE. MESSRS. G. C. Allsopp^ Haddan^ R. Bart ley, Dr. \bthRgt, Hale^ Jeffrey Burton, S, J, .. Hamilton, James, Christie, R, Harhness, Revd, Dr. Cochran, Hon A, W. Hornsby, Capt, R, A, Coffin^ James Mountain,, Ven.Archd. Coffin, John Patton, William Coghlan, Revd. J. Primrose^ Hon. F. W, El gee, Capt. R* A. Seivell^ W, S. Fisher, J. C. Sewell, Revd, E. W. Frost, Town Major Siayner, T, A, Gore, Manly Symes, R, Grasett, H, Junr, Trigge T, Wanton^ J. '1 n ( 80C1 lENT, neral ;. //. ever- Lord Esq. K Dr. chd. FIRST JNSIUL REPORT OF THE QUEBEC JAIL ASSOCIATION, A year having elapsed since the formation of the ** At- flociation for promotini; education, industry, and moral improvement amon^ the prisoners in the Jail'* of this Diiitrict, — the Committee of management think it ri^^ht to l:iy beforo the members of the Association and the public, a brief statement of the objects to which their attention has been directed during the past year, of the manner in which their funds have been applied, and of their pre- sent situation ; and in doinp^so they entertain a Vope, that by shewing: that they have not laboured a1togethe< in vain, they may awalcen an interest in their exertions among those whose support they have not yet enjoyed, and may persuade those who have joined and assisted them to con- tinue their countenance and aid. The promoting of education among the prisoners being one of the principal objects of the Association, the Com- mittee have caused a School to be kept in the Jail and House of Correction, in which the prisoners have been taught the common rudiments of education under teachers both English and French employed and paid by the Com- mittee. There has been no want of alacrity among the prisoners in availing themselves of the^eans of instruc- tion,— -their attendance has been even more regular and their conduct, as reported by the teachers, in general more orderly than might have been expected ; and many of them have made remarkable progress in reading and writing. The Committee have also obtained a collection of suitable books, which they have distributed in the different wards of the Jail, and have encouraged the prisoners to occupy their unemployed time in the perusal of them ; and they are happy to believe that mnny of the prisoners have thus employed, innocently if not beneficially, hours that would otherwise have been spent in idleness, in viciouf and de- basing con ver-na spirit of order and regularity ha» been introduc- ed and maintaiaedt and the general demeanor of the pri- soners, visibly improved. It if only by these great means, of promoting education and industry among the pri8onor»,that theCommlttee have ever hoped to attaia the important object of improving their moral condition and character, and leading them into tbe way of reformation. The Committee are not san- guine enough to hope that by their exertions during the past year many offenders have been thoroughlif reformed ; but they do bope and believe that some have been sent back to society with a determination to change their course of life; — and that even the more hardened, while they are taught that a Jail ii no longer a place of mere idleness and ease, have been brought to better feelings and pur- poses, by finding that their reformation and welfare are Mill objecta of interest to those who enjoy a better lot.— "Whatever good results have ensued, the Committee feel that they could not have been attained without the cordial co-operation of the Sheriff and his officers in the Jail,— and that they are in an especial degree to be attributed to the separation of the females from the male prisoners, and the placing them in a separate huilding fitted up at the public expense, and under the superintendence of a our ; for courts of umerous y Bpacies Jail has ig a pu- ny cases olion to insistent ns of ad - nongtbe tence of spirit of e profits tbegra- lave fur- a conKi- feniales, ive been itroduc- the pri' Jucation tee have proving ig them not san- the past ed i but nt back lurse of liey are idleness nd pur- *are are riot.— tee feel cordial Jail,— ributed Boners, up at ;e of a A, t. matron. The Committee 6nding that the public monies allotted by the Legiilature for the support of the House of Correction did not allow of any provision being made for the salary of a matron, but feeling that the employment of such a superintendant for the female prisoners was not only necessary to the effectual maintenance of good disci- pline, but was due to public decency and good morals,did not hesitate to provide for this expense out of their limit- ed funds ; and they feel it due to Mrs. Hall, the person at present employed by them in that capacity, and wha liaA also acted as teacher to the female prisoners^ to acknow- ledge thus publicly the diligence, firmness,di6cretion,good temper and good principles by which her conduct has in* variably been marked. The Committee have also to ac- knowledge and applaud the readiness with which at their instance the Jailer gave up a shop which he bad kept, (as his predecessors had done,) in the Jail, and from which he had derived considerable advantage. In consequence of the insufliciency of the public appro- J)riation for the House of Correction, the Committee lave been under the necessity of furnishing several suits of clothing to the prisoners ; and while they regret the un- successful result of the application which they made to the Legislature for reimbursement of this expense as well as of the expenditure they incurred for the salary of a ma- tron — they still more regnt that no farther provisioT4 has been made in the public appropriations of this year, for these objects so indispensably necessary to the comfort of the female prisoners, and to the maintenance of decen« cy and good order among them. They at the same time represented to the Legislature the necessity of providing an enlarged and suitable building for establisy; ng such a system of Penitentiary discipline and labour as' rr a^y efTec* tually serve I he purposes of punishment and retormation, which the law has in view in the confinement of offen- ders ; and they have the satisfaction of stating that through the active and zealous exertions of the members for the Upper-Town, an appropriation has been granted by the Legislature for obtaming Plans and Estimates of a suitable Penitentiary for this District. The condition of the children of prisoners, — a condition even more afflicting to humanity than that of actual or« phanage, because more excluded from the ordinary sources of charitable relief, has engaged the anxious at- 4 tention of the rommiUc*. Severnl children hare, from time to time, hern brought to (he Gaol with their parentH for urant of another UHylnin ; — some of these, whone pa- rents vrere protertnntH, have been taken into charge anpoBed of have been sent to and havo punctually attended the National School. The Committee, however, lament that the low state of their funds has pre- vented them from carrying these exertions to the extent that was reouired ; — they still more deeply lament that no other asylum can be found for the innocent ofTifprinf; of parenttt, who themselves may not in all cases be guilty, than the precincts of a Jail ; and they trust (hat public attention being culled to the subject, they may receiye increased support from public benevolence in aid of their exertions on behalf of children thrown into so deplorable a Situation. The Committee having early establiKhed a system of weekly visits to the Jail by two of their members, have thus been enabled to follow up more cFosely and assidu- oiisly the different objects of their attention ; they have inquired into the wants, the complaints and grievances of thn prisoners , and have been instrumental in procuring reliefer hastening the release of several who could make out cases of real hardship or unjust detention. In laying before the public this statement of what they have done or attempted, the Committee are actuated by no wish to magnify their exertions or claim any merit. They feel and know how little has been effected com- pared with what yet remains to be done. They desire n(» praise nor other reward than the increas- ed support of the public to the objectsof the Association, — theencouragemeni of education, industry and moral im- provement among the prisoners. They wish to press these important objects, upon the consideration of the benevo- lent and well-disposed persons who may not yet have joined the Association ; upon all they wish to press the necessity of continued and extended support. — Their funds were lately at so low an ebb, that the Cotn- mittee were deliberating upon the necessity of dissolvinsj the Atiociation, when they were relieved and enabled to ntimw her libJ rator oj ul the o inuclj a 1 be^ heir la] laterii urninhi fsupp^ rovidij risoiie t wilt taustec e obje hey ur niltee :|)resen work V ^ J Qud G t^e» rrotn r parentH rhoiie pn- firge anchools which have been befs^un, and of )rovidin^ us tar as possible? for the relief of the children of trisouers,— these and other objects oi incidental expense, i t wilt be seen by the subjoined statement, have ex- lauflted the ordinary fund^ of the Association ; but if (hey e objects (a» tlie Commitlee trust it will be acknowledged hey are) worthy of an enlightened benevolence, the Com- nittee will rely with contidencc upon the result of the present appeal to the public, for further aid in (he good 'work which they desire to pur>ue. Jiy Order, . J. CHARLTOX FISHER, i , Secretary. Quebec, May Hth, 1830. at they ted by merit, ^d com- They ncreas- tion, — ral im- s these enevo- t have '88 the ■Their Coni' olvinfiT led to W: LIST OV DONATIONS AND ANNUAL HUDSCRIPTIONS » f TO THB QUEBEC JAIL ASSOCIATION. u 5 5 5 £» «* i>. Archhpld, Rev. Geo. DonaiivHt 15 Adanu),!. H.Dy. Cy. Geul. 5 Andrews, Wm Mr. 5 Antrobui»,Edind. Esq.O 5 Atkinson, El. Esq, 5 Anderson, Uedley, '* 5 Anderson, John, 5 Anderson, Anthony, Bayfield,Capt. R.N. Donation J I Berihelot, M. Esq. Bell, Francis, •* Bartley, John, Dr. Idth Regt. Black, John, Mr. U Bignell, John, Esq. Burroughs, Edw. ** Burrage, Rev. R. R. Burton Saml. Judge, Bolton, James, Esq. Bacquet, Donation^ Budden. W. Esq. ** Baird, Ebenezer, Cochran, A. W.Hble.O Do. Donation, 10 Coghlan, Revd. Jas. 5 Coffin, John, A. C. G. 5 Coffin, Jnmes A. C.G. 5 Cary, Thomas, Mr. 5 ( aldwoll, John Hble. 5 CringnM.rhos. Esq. Donation, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . Jnn £. CodviUe.John,Mr. Cairnes, Robt. •* Christie Robt. Esq. Douglas, Thos. '' Douglas, John, Mr. Douglas, J ameH,'* Douglas, David, ** Davis, Robert. ** Durette, Francis Esq.O Do. Donation , Dunn, Mrs. Robert, Dunn, Capt. Thomasi Duchesnay,Chs. Esq. Donation, Dumou1in,Miss, Duval, J. Esq. Don. Desbarats, Edw. Esq. Eliot, Major, Elmhurst,T Mr. Den. Freer, Noah, Esq. Froste, Thomas," Donation, Fraser, J. M. Esq, Fisher, J. C. '' Gore, Manly, *' Do. Donation, Grassett, H.J. Esq Do. Donation, Gibb, Duncan, jr. Esq. Donation, Gowen, Ilujd. Esq. Gordon, ThomaB, Esq. Grenier, jMiss, Grout, John, Mr. 1 VAL» i. D> 50 50 6 5 5 5 5 6 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TI0N8 9 4 NNVAL, £• 9, D* 5 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 q.O q- 1.0 .0 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 1 [) ) ) ) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 JSKVAL, £, 8. D. 5 5 10 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 Gray, Mrs. Hale, Hble. John, Do. donation, Hale, Edward, lisq Hale, Jeffrey, *' Harknes?, Dr. Revd. Haddan, Robt. Mr. Haddan, Alexr. *' Holt,Cba8. A. Esq. HaniiUon,Capt.A.U.C. Donation, 15 Heriot, Lt. Col. Don. Hawkins, Alfred.Esq. Horan, Gordian, Mr. HiiofyH. S.Esq. Don. Hunt, James, *• Mall, W. A. *« Irvine, Mble. James, Jones, Jobn,jr. Esq. Kempt, His Excelly. Sir James, Do. Donation, Kemble, Wm. Esq. Ladies* Bazaar Dm, 25 Logan, David, Esq. *-®gi!fe» Thomas, ♦* Leather, John, ** Lagueux, Et. C. *< Donation Lawrencd, Mr. Don, Leaycraft, Jer. Esq Lampson, Wm. *• Lindsay, Wm. Senr. Donation, Mouotain,yen. Arch- ' deacon f Do. Donation^ 10 Montizambert,L.Esq.O 5 Melvin, Robt. *< Methley, Richard, «* Morrison, Charles/* 5 5 5 5 5 6 3 9 2 6 5 5 5 5 Kt 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Ansval* £» s, D. Mountain, Miss M. Massue, Louis, Esq. Martin, Miss, Mill8, William, Mr. Macnider, John, *' Morrison, Wm. ** Mann, Mr. Sheriff, Musson, John, Mr. M*Leod, John,*' Donation, 2 6 Nichol & Wood, 5 Neilson, Samuel, Esq. 5 Oliva, Thos. C Esq. Donation, Prirarose.Hble. P.W.O Patton William. Esq. Patton, H. N. *« Panet, Charles, ** Prior, Joseph, Mr. Petry, Frederick, Mr. Petry, William, *• Painter, Mrs. Do. Donation, Paine, Thomas, Mr. Penn, Richard, Esq. Pozeiy George, ** Donation, 10 Parker, Doctor, R.A. Donation, 10 Power, William, Esq. 5 Phillips, John, Mr. 5 Pemberton,Wm.EsqO 5 Quebec, Lord Bi< shop of, 5 Do. Donation, 10 Quirouet, R. Esq. 5 Rowley, Doctor, 5 Ross, Robt. P. Esq. Richardson, Chs. ♦* 5 Rennie James, <* 5 Sewell,Honble. Chief * I ■' 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 •■< A a;: AnsvAL. Justice, o Do. Donation^ 1 Sewell, W. S. Esq. Do. Donation t Sewell,Revd. E. W. Sewell, R. S. M.Esq.O Smith, W. Esq. Don, Sutherland, Dan. Esq - ■ (( Symes, Robert, Do. Donation f Simpson, Alex. ** Simpson, Mrs. Don. Scott, Wra. F. Esq. Smith, Charles, *» Stuart, David, R. ** Stewart, John Hble. Stewart, Chs.G. Esq.O S, D. 5 5 10 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 ^ o 5 5 £.8,0. Scott, Robert, Mr. 5 Shaw,Jo8. Stowe,EsqO 5 Saunders, James, Mr. Donation f 5 Stott, Thomas, Esq. 5 Thomas Trigge, '* 5 Thomson, John, Mr. 5 Trinder, Henry, Esq. 5 Torrance* Benjamin, Donation f 5 Wl te, James, Esq. 50 Wickstead, A. B. Mr. 5 Woodbury, E. 5 Walker, Wm. Esq. 5 WiUan,T. W. '• 5 Yorke, Lt.-Col. Don. 15 Young, John, 5 CONTINUATION, Of Annual Subscription and Donatiims, since Oct, 29th y 1829. Annual, ;; Annual, £. s, D, G, C. Allsopp, 5 Revd. G. Archbold, Donation, 1 5 An Arbitration, 2 10 Black, James, 5 Burke, William, Don .0 2 6 Blake, Miss, 5 Chandler, K. C. Don .0 5 6 Couper, Lt.-Col. 5 Coghan, Mrs. Don. 6 Cowan, Wm. 5 Cash, Don. 1 3 Davis, Mrs. 5 £. 8. D, Daly, Dominick, Esq. 5 Devos, Mrs. Durnford, Col. Don, Dorion, Peter, Fisher, John, Fisher, Mrs. Eraser, John, , Donation t Ferguson, Archibald Forsyth, Jas. Bell, Fargues, Doctor, Gore, G. A. Donation, Gore, Miss, Gore, Lt.-Col. 5 1 1 6 5 5 5 5 5 ,0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 ^MVAL, ' • s, a. b 5 5 5 5 [) 5 5 ) 5 5 b 5 r 5 r 5 5 15 t> 50 1829. 8. D, 5 1 6 50 50 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ' Annual. ij, s. D. Ginger, Wm. 5 Hanby, John, Don, 2 6 Hornsby, Capt. R. A. 5 Howard, G. 5 Howard, J. Don. 10 Heydon, William, 5 His Excellency Sir James Kempt, Second Dmation, 10 Kerr, Mr. Justice, 5 Kerr, Jas. H. Esq. 5 LeliAvre, Roger, 5 Langlois, Peter, 5 Lyons, Doctor, 5 Lemesurier, Henry, 5 Donation^ 10 Leblond, Jacques, 5 Leblond, Joseph, 5 M*Dona!d, William, 5 Marshall, Miss, 5 Pike, Miss, 5 Parant, Doctor, 5 Pelletier, P. 5 Panet, B. A. 5 Panet, Mrs. 5 Panet, Philip, 5 Quebec, Lord Bishop 5 5 5 Annual, of, Second Donation ^ 5 Ryland, H. W. Don. 10 Ryan, John, 5 Russel, Henry, Stayner, T. A. Stayner, Mrs. Don. Stuart, Andrew, Stuart, Hon. Jas. Don, Sheppard, W.G. Don. 5 Shaw, Robert, 5 Stilling, William, 5 Donation from the shipwrecked Sea- men^s Fund, Sax, William, Sims, J. J. Skey, Dr. Ins.of Hos. Donation y 1 Tfigge, Mrs. Don, Temple, Capt. 15th. Regt. TaschereaUrMr. Jus- tice, 5 Tremain, Benjamin, 5 Donation, 1 Voyer, Jas. 5 Wulffe, Lieut. R. E. 5 5 11 3 11 3 5 5 5 5 W > H (f) H - ^ hfjNq (t U S ** (D 2 ^ ?. A O -^5* !3. (D O (6 M^ •-• _^ — >J3 Zo?> CD S S- 2s S. g p. CO <• (^ (D •• g. o P p :j oq 2^ S.gB (D P ^ B s p s <| (D OB gS^' > e • « ' s . ^ c ! "0 . • 2* . *i ' . *% • •>• < • : S' : ^i : B . ' p : I « -3 • • 3; 2 S" ' • B * . o • r*- • • 1 oq o S &0 o-ojg S (D « ^. « g o 0)3.0 8 Q O) 3or-3' c-3. o s o o 5-? T3 £^0 09 ^ V) O ST.- S) B & W O oq • *«• CD • ■< oq 9-0 oJP iP o !X. =^" 5* **" oq « « : UD • Hi •Ml too iM« iO „ § JS SJS O) OOO O Or tot »(»> • 4^ UtO o O © Or O OOO • 09 M (D P as© ?.B p^cn Hi Qd o P -i 3 S ©5 55-g 3 3 S S p C 3 a«s:SL CO » c 3 CD Mr w w M «) CI9 ^ W en O) O tov CO go o