IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 2,8 ill I.I 1.25 1^ yo ™= 2,5 2.2 14. Hill 1.6 V <^ /^ ^ e^. ^^> > '^f^^>f/ 0>M Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4^ iV iV \\ '^^\. 4y\ Wk\ r L'omjiany (;r.!!v,l pvrot-.'riirie displiy unc'er Jiedirecta.)!! (;1 I'roi. .\. Munro r\\-i:>cv oi ihe Mete.)roh»;^u al ; iJure,.a vir' (Jttawa. Tive r.)Li.e «;!' pioeession wiil be s;ai-..!iig nu.n i-ais^uie .louse, jassin;,; Mroa,.":.! i;,\hii)iUi.iii vjUJiinas ;o 'roi5ij)ei-ance Miec:. iheiu.e to Marsh ix(>, v.e.ti'^e ;v.\.Lts, liienre to i'.xiiii i.Kt,viii ^ r(;i;!ii.i'', county. The change is already n-;anifesl to e\erybody. A few years aj'o it was thoiu^ht that Pictou County could not aff(>rd a county tare oftener than once every second year. The success of the Pictou Lxi-iihiiion last year and the still grea'.er success of the i resent cue has however disijelled that idea. Me then referred to the I'mt dis- play, not only oi' stock and agricul- tural proilucts, but of nutnufactured goods, givinj; undoubted evid.ence of the UKiterial prosjjerit}' pf I'ictou County. He coni];;iir;entcd tlie Town of N'ew Cilasgcw on t!ie enterjjvise shown bv its citi/.en;s, eacii man vie- in"' wiiii his nti<:;iibor in doir.f^c all in his power l j make the show a success. .After recountin;:' a fev.- of t'le o particulars in wiiicli tlie far;.;crs of this county excel and some in winch ihey ;:re deficien!; and atJininister- ing Sijne wf.o esome critic isrn, the President closed a \\:ry neat an.d interes in;4 s])eecli. 'i"he second spealicr v,"!S .; J. MACDOl.CAi.l., i:si.)., SI. I'.. referred to tiie imp'ortance 'i' su» h disjj'avs as ai\ cdiuaiin*, nu;diuir. I !e wd tliatthe ayriculturai ex'nb'e:, alii, lufii tiu; exhibition va-; n-a strictly a:\ ay:riculiuia.! or.e. I'id ;;ieai credit t.) I'lctouCo.aind tuisU'd jhat surh ciis;;la\ s ot" our ]i(.;duv;s nji l,t be ot niort: nxqUL rii cci uv\\\:< e in New (ilas;;cnv in future, lie sa;d that as a member if tlie i)oniinion ( io\"ernnieiU i;e woaiii do aii in Iiis iui\V'-''i'i ;'.d'\anttention and clcxicdaniii applause. Several other gentlemen called ui)On who did not re; and after a few remarks b} Donald Fraser, the President c the s]x•a^Ing, by declaring th( hibition oj)en. The following first jnizes we: noiinced at the Secretary'.s offico ji fore going to piess : Doz. Egg.-^, Wm. Eastwood, N. ( lieikshire Eoor, Evan Cameron, Brook. Burk.sli.ire Sow. J. W. Ivoy, Wooi Suffolk Bcja--, J. T. Cookc^ " Sow, Jati. 11. McKenzie. White Chester Sow, with litter, McLellan. Broui'.e Turkey, Alfi(:'(l*l.'faHe!'. Ccninion Tuikej', 11. SiniiJton. Coinino!" (Jcl£e, D. W . Ciilton. I'ckiii I>uc;k?, Alt-x. McKay, N. Li;.fht F.uilmiay, Ih: J. F I^lcB IMaek Spanish, Alpln CiiithoJiii. (rarne Fowl.^, .). 1). MoDonald. I'l'own L<.^;j;ho;'ii,-:. t.'as. \V. Fia>.ei mMtm mvA 'I'm. im;-.'"nu la- ;,f uotiuclion shi lliii li'xl au:i Ciuii (lull, liiid a v rril; dva lly apptarauce. l>(ic;s.- A hir,\liii', wil'U'r, )('-■'■. o ()Ccii;.iy .1 sj'.a:;.' iu fv' r -r on;- ;i 1 iv."'-' I I ll;. '■ I'lit \v!i(.a\' nc.-.t do ■ I., I', i^ lO Ci)i!l-.' fi;,'!!!. Stock. '["ntT ■ il■.l^ luTLar-s n 'v. a I'.ii'.T sho'\ ofs'.orV in t':;s ' 'i liiity diiiit -Ml] I'arai hurv^s w^ii.' i^'t •■■..a' I 'lose sh<)'>vp :,!. I ;,;':)'.• ; .\n i:ii>,-r':i;ii;' ■•"HUT of t'lc \'.\\ OMICLG nON EXTRA. GROUNDS, OCTOBER 12, 1881. •. Bell was listened to with -attention and closed amid loud use. ,'tial other gentlemen were 1 upon who did not respond, after a few remarks by Mr. Id Fraser, the President closed pea^Ing, by declaring the Kx- on open. : foHowing first prizes were aii- 2(1 at the Secretary'.s ottice just be- oiiig to press : . Egg'-^, Wm. Eastvood, N. (i. lahn-Q Eoor, Evan Cameron, McL. vsliire Sow. J. W. Ivoy, Woodbutn. oik Boa--, J. T. Cookc^ Sow, Ja^i. 11. McKenzie. ite Chester Som', with litter, J. W. i Ian. iii'.e Turkey, AlfiedVraHei'. inion Tuikej', 11. Sini^jton. uno!> (icl£e, D. \V. Cnlton. in I>UL-k?, Alt'x. McKay, N. (i. It iMjilunay, Dr. J. F I^IcDonald. ,'k Spanish, Alpln Ciiithohu. le Fowl.^, ,). 1). ]MoDoimld. wn Loghorii,-:. t.'as. \V. Fia>.er. . im;-.l"nu i.t- ;,f uotiuclion N!ifcarauce. j ! ;s.--A hiiAlin; wil'U'r.ic-'-. of (!iv.;s ' .1 sr.a::.' ill iViial dfl'ie Coiiit. i louse. ! ivs':;t.s -in a>lniii-,;!;;0 > ;), ..iluuii < • ;i 1 io'-' L'l li'.i '■ I'lil \v!i'jri' nc.l year's '. is iO COiJl-.' fi;,'!!!, I Grand show of Jewelry, etc., at East- wood's. Perh.M'S the most attractive display in the Exhibition Euildingis Mrs. R. Simpson's show of fancy A\ork. It contains some manels of needle work. TitK display of Nova Scotia Minerals ly iSIr. I). M. Fraser occupied a prominent ]ilace on the second flat. His collection of ores is not easily surpassed. These of the late J. W. Jackson formed the nucleus to which Mr. F. has made valuable additions, A. & J. W. Fkaskk show a fine set of harness and the saddle which took first prize at theDominion Exhibition a'Jlalifax. R. GRANT & C O. DoiiH buy shoddy, hut or- der your clothimj from R. GRANT & CO., Where you will get them made from the best SCOTCH, ENGLISH and CANADIAN GOODS in a stylish manner and at :Rea,EcrLa,"ble Prices. A Good Fit Guaranteed or — no Sale — New Glasgow, Oct. 12. i88i. Thk fruit tables ])rove this ],ounty need not be ashamed of her orchards. Tlie collections of William iinrris, Town CUit, Thomas A. McDonald, of iHuham, aicK R. A. WALKER. EXHIBITION. Come and see our grand display of • • I 1 — ¥a.\\ Goods — ■ Udliam Laurence, of were particularly i.:>;(;[jsii DRESS CU~)0DS. line. MANTLES, ULSTERS, • SACQUE- CLOTHS, Mr. .losei)ii Vauxmadeagool CARPET.S, SCOTCH TWEEDS. : ii.i:iiu>'r oi" v I'^r •.|- \v'k-ii tin.- i,>'ioI,s , \\ui' ovjr I JO '. (',:!<.. 'I'iifi- ■ iia-. I' n -viY !)ccn • ^!ion of sioi-'v in I'lis ''i liiity. The irrl I'arai IioT'^-s wiie li^it -.eroirl lo shvii :,!. I ;..'it'.» ; /. i-f.-iiii',' '•■'iiu'rof tlu' r,\h"''l'i>'i SiiKi'.r. sfiow of Siiropshire Downs. Tounsend's prize winners were also on exhib tioa. The sheen (if Mr. ]. Scoit l'"raser and Mr. R. Patterson of llogct:. Hid deserve special notice. Fi Vv !■ U!- Di: ri.A i'.-Evci\l.o('y .ncimirod the di;!");ay of flower -liown by >h-. Mc-,. 1 'on't lall lu ste tluni .-;iis. T.-wnsenJ, .\'. G. and MoKt nzie D. O. CUMMINGS, ul Ktjv'.s I.ii,iri>i. show .-.c ir.e pi|.,3. of Cumm'ng Pros., has commence:! busi- ness on hi> own accmnit on Provost .Stieet, Tii:. sii;;v, of A)c■l^^.ir(■s is very line. .\e\v Glasgow, where he is prepared to take . , I • r I 1 •, . M.. ' !,,, orders for the liif-'erent kinds of I'oods in Anion:' die chief exlnbitors are Air. ..olin , . ,. ix ' r ,^ • i ■ "■ „„i, '' , . his line. Don l forijet to 'jwh him a call. .Mc'.toniid. M. Rive, Mr. T. J. t.'oo^. ol Moiint I'lt.isaut and IL 'I'ouiiseid of ~ lirook-ile I'arm. k^x^ .A_A.. A^^ oi'.; Ui!vctU)ii ol I'roi. .\. Miinro iJ'.irj..;! iti ( )ii;juM. ''iij rni.t.: .>J' pioccs.sion wii! b- s-aii.;ny- i';u.n i'-n^tiu.' .louse, j.a.ssin;.; MicKi.;.! i.whibiiiini viUniiMis in 'i'or.ij)L.T.-!PCL' Mit.(.;. liu.'ii'.c lo Marsii ivoa ;, i'r')\i.^t, Aieutan, .\rthi- indv-, I.e.), VJ i'iliVLts, liii'lirj." to a^':t>m(^ (;i;>i.:.!v, ;i ;i (.(iui ,;; ; !c >.'.]'.[ til it tiiv ;n:ru'U!!.i:;;(i i;\'ii! ill!, ilii ; t.i\ is lo coin-.' fiolil. lilt.' '■.\Iii'!i:ti():i ( WoiMi.'s th;s M(V,;iii!'.- ['rt\sc.l'a.\.i a Si cTi;,' (),' sccir,- i!.^ <: v.vr;.; i^u;-i!y cn:,agcil ia"i:;^ii"ii.i; orcKjr (vit •).'" <:■ .iihisloa. a'.ul by te!i o'cjo. k lii^ :^/oiiiKls and buiidiir,!; bi';.(an lo ari.vaia;.- a neat atid or-'L-rl}- .si,aiu.'. -V i'i^^}riiici.! jirocessi')!"! of ji:J;.i,c.s t!i'.':! b.:j^aii to jiour :h.roai;-h thebaic who |.ro(,cetlci.l to \icv»- tl-.e sh. v/ with iinj)art!a! cyjs an.l to settle the late of aspifir.i; ooinjietitC'rs. Tne fir.^t sjicalcevwas 1). C. Frasev, Kso., I'residenI; of the New (.ilasc'ow Agricultural Society, wlio I)er.c. ('id, ;.:V'-'''^ credit t. i'i(lou'!d tiusied that sM;h di-;;>ia\s of our | HH'ue;> •;:!; l,t ivO (it ll!0!'.; UXtlU'. m OC< UiiXiM (.' in Sew { .\:\>:()w iti Aiture. i'c saiti treit a-; a uii mber of tin; i K;;:i;!-.i.>n ("t(;\-ern;ueiu !"]e wouK: i!o ah in iiis !o ad\an'. e our ililLfesUi in this way. A. (.:. ;:i;i,!,, i;::n.. ;,!. i>. ;> , said iiial the large gathering was luv niislakabie evident, e of intt rest l>oth on tht jiart ol i'r')aioters and contii- butor.-i. it :s !',eecs?>ary'eat iri!ere:-t slnaild be dt\e b) t!ie \iS!iO'-s to deri\e t!ie utino.^t advan- tage fronuhe r,>dn!riiion. No bet- ter [)rooi'coi;ldi be giveii of die i;..- l.(;rtanee of (,in- ngrieuiiura.! i::t(. rests tlian li)e ef.orts constaiuly ptit forth to nni;r(;\e 'die method and .-.ucee^s v)l farming, lleihvl not dt.sire to intrude upon tlie auihence. No time or excuse is [.'wcn liere ibr a iecUire on ie..uters agvicuitiu-al, hut il is of imi)orlancc 10 consider tile pri.)per use may be maCe of lau Ii an exhibition. It is not nieivly as a _pku:e vdiere |;:-;/:e money may be secured. It is rather an educational agency, by which tiie iarnicrs not only improves hiiviself but also in's neighbors. Profound discontent is what Sijme men re(iiurc. .Most men must be convinced tl;at their s\'stem is wrong, and so th.oroughly satisfied of this lact that they will set about to change it. No jealousy sliould be awakened by such displays, but rat'-'er a mutuallv helnfid solf-f, i'l'.:; i::i!iil-,',- (irtMru- ..|. w'fn tlit i ;-ii).sj I, iwxiovi'i- I '.O'. I Sr.v'K. 'filer- l1^l^ |u.'ii.aps n •v<: a i.ii- r >iiii". iifs'.o.l^ in ;'i::i ' '< iiuty. j il:;ia .111 1 :a!i!) Iio:-..-, Uiiv' ii,;t •-.■•.■i lIiDse s!ii)'.\ n ;.t ' I;.:;!'.* ;. I An iiii'T.'-ah''; ■■■'iiuT of i'a- ['.\h I \vr..s (i!.cu|iii'i! l.iy l-lcv. ; r. l'aUi.T-.(iti Io;;'.i''ii (it st.ii'- ai)! j--'in.:i',^ nrvl Si.n I nasi (itiiTT v".uv:>^.■a.•<. I MrhSKS. !. W. ('arni cIku-' •'. Co i .in iitUTxCtivt.- (.iis;.lay (>r -.lii] s iii-i.le..-.. ; N!i>iSi;;s, 'i'lvanris C''M'.ify i^ *.':>'■ I 1:1" (.■I'^ciNi.'iy ;'.na froicy Maris ",;i-i ver I an;i in lis .irrau .,i'iu(.'nt vasa uvcLl v i On'!", of t:ie ] ivttitsi faiicy :inicf.s ■ j lii'/'tu'ii is a llijv'.er s'.airl, ii,a:lL' hy '^'\'. Mcliitosh, New ( ilas^MW, froin coilcctc^l al I-ittlf Harl)()ur.;;^. C'limmiii'^^ lims. s'low of j iL'.ro an:l Mr. .■\n;;us (iraai's vlooi i .-^huUeis were a.hriiroJ liv evervhod v. Rr..\i) A. C. Beli's a'lvcrli.semen i inneiii yourself accord in;_;iy. Woiaa'NS. — The samples sIio-a . Messrs. KtMT i!t Sons of .Middle Rive nniversally admired. The display tlie Rocklin .Mills was al.-o very tine. Gl.ass. — .\ centre of interest second iloor is the stand of the Nova (llass Company, v.iiicli is Vicll covere j.;HtaM-in;^ rows of lani);s, Jaiiterns, ney's, golilels, tumblers, &c. Don't fail to see iMr. Idce's disp] Photographs. Additions will be ni ;; C:: Tu'.;!'. ::: v. n-w^.-"** • 1..V -«.» » . ■ !- liC'.- t.» !iii ; .111 wiivif iK'.-.t \\-,u\ (;i;.\l)l .''. .v ;;i.o i sli<;\v by Mr, N is u. coin-.' fjoin. . [,,hii McDomld of Miollc liiv-r. Tlur..- " \ ■ .•>;'!■" a fair billow ol" v.'>t.'\voi;',s. : iuinil;>ir oi'L-iifv r '.|. \v'i.'ii tin ]'<■! >'..■. '^ ' \yXiovcvlX)X '_ ! ^•|.^,lls. ■n.\'iisi:u', N. C.nialMeKtii/ie -- ■ - ■ ! o; K'jy'^^ Isl.iij.i. -iliow >(\\\u liin' pi.L.s. '"K. 'I'iicr liri< |u.'il.aps 11 'VM- l)(.'cii | - — >'n>" ..fs'o.X iii riis '■. liiiiy. ';'lu- TiK, slu;^ of ^Aycvihires is very iiiio. al :aiin !i.,iv.s «.iv not .-.■<.-oi)\ \.> Ain..i::; ;lie cliiof cxliilnlors are Mr. .'.n\m .!i.)-M at lialif..;. Md )<.iiiiri. M. U;vc, Nlr. T. J. C<.o!^. of MoMii rit.s^aiit anil II. 'rou)!:^!.'. d of i;ifi>--t;ii'; .•..nuTcf I', f IM,-. ■!-,.., I lirook^.te l-arni. (.■ujiii'i! l.iy l\fv. ; r. l'atlt.T-.()t."-. i.'"l. FiM-; .K'r:--fys ut-ic shi'w n by Messrs'. H. T 'wn^^aiil. I", joiit's ainl T. (Jaiitbjyi EXHIBlT:0!i Ail['!0UNGEiV1Efir. D. C. CUiN^iViiNGS, of (.'miini'iij; liros., lias coninienced busi- ness ..11 Ills own account on I'rovost Street, .New (_;iasg:o\v, where lie i:; yuei-.ared to take orders for the liil'erent kinds of goods in his line. Don't forget to j^ivc him a call. « _ .*.* ♦• ♦•♦* ot St, lb- ;n)j I'-'iii. :r.^ and Sniili .-ifa llt'r v"Jlio^,':I,■s. I J ^,. , , , . [ lit'Ti'KKThe disyjavof butter we tliink ..■^k:-. ,. .^ .' .'. Co ma.l- j is uut second to ihat'at 'tiie Ocnninion K\- activt.' ui>;lay of v!ii|:s iiii.le..-.. i liil».tion. Mrs. Towiiseiui's derst-y InUtt-r • _.„ ^ yt-ilmv ns j.;oid, stii:ck us as beinj.; i^articu!- -•- /- .• (. , ■ ' 7 a''."y !hn;. The <.)f tliose shcAviiii^liie I r J ft keiy ;',iia frMicy Marcs •va-; ver}- fine iis arraa\,fnKnt vasa niol..I (jfncat. : of the ]r-.ttitst fancy articl'.s on ox- 11 is a fiijv", or staii'i, u.ade l)y .Mrs. L-[iit()sli. New ( ilas^ow, from shells I'd at f.itile [[nrjjour. s;;^. Cammin'.^ lims. show of fi;nii- nd .Mr. .Airbus (iraal's vl.iors and I s were a'.imired bv evervbodv. I 1) A. C. I>eii's advertisement and | yourself accord in;_;iy. ,i.i"NS. — The samples sho'^ai by . Kerr & Sons of Middle River were ally adndred. The display from cklin Mills was al.-o very line. ss. — A cenlre of interest on the iloor is the stand of the Nova Scot'^ Jompany, \\hicli is vi ell covered with iv^ rows of lamps, lanterns, chim- ^oblels, tumblers, ivc. 't fail to see J^Ir. Rice's dispday of raphs. Additions will be made to '.i'M-. ■'■■ •'. other e\lra •aiii] les we were not aide to ohtatn. m TO coRHfc. mm store iroz^ . TATHN 1" MEDIC INKS, FINE CUiAl^S, AM) TOBACCOS, F^AiNTS:AMDOSLS. CHOI ESI TEAS FROM 30CT.S. TO 45CTS. THE i;i(k;i:st kxhibition in TOWN AT EASTV^OOD'S. DON'l' FAH- TO SEE IT. #io«**;*ai C ted. A quantity of Oats Straw, for which cash will be paid on delivery at the works of the Nova .Scotia Glass Co., (Limited.) HARVEY GRAHAM. Sec'y & Treas. New Glasgow, Oct. 12, 1881. New G'ixsgow, Oct. 12. Thds. CaEtlej ^ Co., KlOHOri^EfffS & HFiDSTGNES. I^M^orts some of the best Good Stock of I"E35;S^011S M4EBI.E & SEASITJ Supplied at reasonable prices by J. TREEN. New Glasgow, Oct. 12, 1881. Goods in their line in the Dominion. See there stand in centre aisle of Exhibition Building. ■ i .. :.:li\ :Z:i.. NEW Glasgow, n. s.