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/ ff*f' Hoots of Pur
Uni-Sertal Aheiiau Equations.
Bv Gkouo. P.XXOK Yo,.., Unl..;,, C^,,, Toronto, a....,,.
OUJKCT 01. TJJ|.; J'a|.|,,{.
«.W.Vwhen ihei-oot, form a ! . , . ''"""""°'' '"">' ""^ '■"»°''
ae„.ee, ,(s roots, m tlio ordinary Abeliai, .lotnlioii, arc
a*]. Bxi, d^xi , (j«-i
an which the coefficients ,> and , are such that V(- V_ 27.^) is ..f , •
pure Abe an, because ■•« ;« „r„ii i ^ ^>" ^'!? ) is rational, is a
function of eilher^f «« otherj ' ""^ ™°' "' ""^ '='"^'" '» » '"'--I
su.«ct:\f:r™tfr :i'::z:f -'"'- ■?» ^--^«"-« "■= -e.„r,„,K,
-■ion Of pnre n„ JJllr^ ^t^l.t'lH -17^ IT " '^'■'-
then g ven of the neee^.nw .n.ri «: ■ ''""^"^^^ iS ^^-^ 15). A deduction s
™Hicient fon„s of the roots of the Z^Z^^.a I y """""-^ """
tained by two difl-erent tnethods (? 7-83 T ! f, "'' """'■'"= '"" "''-
cient forms of the root, of ,l,„ ■ necessary and sufB-
.he continued p od of any „' "'b ""T,-"' ^'"'"" "' " O"^'- "Wch is
(§4o-§4«). Tilt ; b : ritd for'ir' ^'■'"'°. -'-■■^ -- '»"^
^..e wbich is four times the contitrXlrof':; llZtttttl"
YouNO : Forms, Necessari/ and Sufficient, of the Roots of
pritiies (§47-§57). Finally, from the relation between the solvable irreducible
equation of prime degree )i and the pure uni-nerial Abelian ecpiation of degree
71 — 1, the necessary and sufficient forms of the roots of the irreducible solvable
equation of prime degree n are shown to be determinable for all cases in which
n — 1 is either the continued product of a number of distinct primes, or four
times the continued product of a number of distinct odd primes (§58-§64).
Corollary from a Lino of Kroncchcr.
§4. It was proved by Kronecker that, n being any integer, the primitive
w"^ roots of unity are the roots of an irreducible equation, that is, of an irre-
ducible equation with rational coefficients. We shall have occasion to make use
of the following Corollary from this law : Let w and to' be two primitive n^^
roots of unity, and let F{w) be a rational function of w. Then, if F{7o)=. 0,
F{w') = . For, by hypothesis,
F{io) = 7iw'-\-hiw'-^ + etc. = 0,
whore //, fii, etc., are rational. We assume s to be less than n, and h to be
distinct from zero ; therefore
h-^F{w)} = IV' + h-^iw'-^ + etc. = 0.
Therefore w is a root of the equation ^{x) =z x' + 7r^hix'~^ -^ etc. =0. If
i|/ (a) — . be the equation whose roots are the primitive n^^ roots of unity, w is
a root of the equation 4^{x) = 0. Therefore the equations 4) (a;) = and'4'(a;) =
have a root in common. But, by Kronecker's law, the equation 4- (jc) = is
irreducible. Therefore (p{x) is divisible by '^'(a;) without remainder. This
implies that all the roots of the equation ■4'(ic) = are roots of the equation
^ {x) = . Therefore ^ (?«') = . Tlierefore F{icf) = .
Principles established by Abel,
§5. Let/(a;) = be a uni-serial Abelian equation of the w*** degree, and
let its roots, in the order in which they circulate, be the terras in (1). It is
known (see Serret's Cours d'Algcbre superieure. Vol. II, page 500, third edition)
-!- J. i- J.
that Xi= a; ■\- Ri -\- r; -ir + -R^-i,
Pure Unl-S»:rhd Ahdiun B/uations.
)riimtive ?r'
tind h to be
where E, is a rational function of the primitive .»■ root of nnity ,. an.J of the
known quanffes involved in the coefficient, of 0; un.i, . being any integer I
IS derived f.-on, R, by channi„g ,, into to'. Putti, ° ' '
— — I
a; + i= It; -I- w*R^ 4- w^'R; + 4. w"'-i)'ij;;_j ^ /gx
the . roots of the equation /(.) = are obtained by giving'. •„ ,,^, ,,,,,,.
sively the values 0, 1, 2 „_ i. Therefore nR^ I. the sum of the roots
of the equation; consequently, RJ is rational. An equation of the type
{RJiT'Y = F{w) .3.
subsists for every integral value of ., F{w) bemg a rational function of «, and
of the know,! quantities involved in the coelficionts of 0. As .. may be any
one of the prun.tive .- roots of unity, if the general primitive n- root of unity
)V^f7'. "'y 'TT" " '" ''' '" ^' "^^^"^ ''''' "^ • '^'''« - ^•^"ts of the equa-
tion /(..) = will then be obtained by giving f, in the expression
111 '■
r; + io'R; + io"R.;, + etc. (4)
successively the values 0, 1, 2 n~-l. Abel's investigation shows that
the form of the function F(.) in (3) is independent of the particular primitive
n root of unity denoted by .. Hence the change of .. into uf causes equation
(3) to become j. ^
{R,,Rrr=F{w'), (5)
the symbol i^' having the same meaning for every value of e.
■Fundamental Element of the Ror'
. §6. Because R„ R„ etc., are derived from R, by c.anging w into w\ w\
etc the root or, can be constructed when R, is given. We may therefore call
i2x he fundamental element of the root. Examples of the way in which the
root IS constructed from its fundamental element will present themselves in the
course of the paper.
A Ca-tam Rational Function of the Primitive n- Root of Unity, n being an Odd '
Prime Number.
§ 7. Taking n an odd prime number, there is a certain rational function of
the primitive «". ^oot of unity to, of which we shall have occasion to make
YOUNO: Fuims, Nevcusan/ und SaJjicUul, 0/ titt Jivols of
frequent use. It will bo convenient to describe it hero, and to point out two of
its properties. Let w, ii:\ w^\ ..... vf'-\ u\)
bo a cycle containing all the primitive m'" roots of unity. The number ^ may
bo asHumod to be less than n. With a view to convenience iu printing, the
indices of the powers of 10 in (G) nuiy bo written
1. >^' «. /^ .'"S, e, 0; (7)
that is to siiy, a = X\ fi = ?.^ and so on. Take P^ a rational function of w,
and, z being any integer, let J\ bo what /\ becomes when iv is changed into w'.
Then the function to which wo desire to call attention is
PIP' I*^ P'P'^P
The subscripts- of the factors of the expression (8) are the terms in (7), while
the indices are the terms in (7) in reverse order. The expression (8) may be
denoted by the symbol «^,. From ^„ as expressed in (8). derive ^, by chang-
ing 10 into to', z being any integer. Then
<^i = PlP-.Pi .... PiP^^P,
).= PiP»P;.... ptp^,
^,= PU\Pi.... Pi
PlP.Pl ,
The second of these equations is derived from the first by changing lo into w\
This, since a = ^^ and /3 = ;l^ and so on, causes w" to become w\ and to" to
become < and so on. Hence it causes P, to become P,, P, to become P^, and
so on. Thus the second of equations (9) is obtained. The rest are obtained
in a similar manner.
§8. One property which the function <^i possesses is that ^f has a rational
value. For
.'+.... + r-^ =
— 1
;,— 1
Because (6) is a cycle of primitive w*" roots of unity, ;i'-i— 1 is a multiple
of n. And, since ^ is less than «, ;i - 1 is not a multiple of n; therefore t is a
multiple of n. Put; then
consequently, one of the values of ^; is the rational quantity PJ*-
§'^. A second p.-oporty of U.o r,.,.,ion ,, is that an o,„atioM of the typo
siih.Nist.s for every iiito„ . MiKL ;i -iiHamul-
*'' = ^V(/V/':..../-).
Co.npanng this with the second of eq.mtions (9).
^''creforo ,^.~.s^
Substitute hero the value of A in n n 'Pi
>. >n (11). Ihen ^^^-' = (P.-"/',-^^)''. Therefore
to .. In the .L way we t„ !„ „ i 7 n "''°" '= " "'"'»' """°'- '» ^ -
t»e (10) .ub«i.,« for ov',;. iLg::, ::,:„ ,r '"'^'™ '"'" »■■ """"""^ °f «-
r/ie Crilei-im Slated.
§10. A Criterion of nnre uiii-^pri^l aKaIi^ ■
i:: — :t : "- -^-^--^ -^ r.-. f-. =::;:
integer, let li, be derived from P K„ ^u • . •'^
.. ,. , , . ^iivea iioiii i,?! by changing *<; into w'. Then if /?" i«
rational, and if the terms 7?" /?' «f-> l , "
teims iiJ, , i?, , etc., are such that an equation of the type
Yei'Nfi : Fontts, Ni:t;i>>mir)/ nml Sul)kim(, uf tin liuuts of
(a) HiibsistH for every iiifegml viiliio of 2, an cruiiitioii (5), in whidi tho Hynibol
/''liiis till! hiiiiii! iiit>iinin>; as in (ll), at the Hiiine time subsist in ji; for every value
of/ priuii! to It, the tt values of j-,^^ in (2), itlitained by K'vinji >< succijHsiviMy the
values (I, 1, 2, n — 1, are the rootn of a pure uni-serial Abeliaii equa-
tion, [irovided alwayH that tho e(|uation of the <*"' degree, of which they can bo
bIiovvii to be tho roota, is irreducible.
Proof of the Criterion,
§11. Hero we assume that the conditions Bpeclfied in §10 are satirtfied, and
wo have to hIiow that the n values of j-,^, in (2), obtained by putting s succea-
sively ecjual to 0. 1, 2, n — 1 , are the roots of a pure uni-serial Abelian
§ 12. We will prove that the n values of the expression (4) obtained by
civing t siiccossively the n values 0, 1, 2 , n — 1, are the same, the order
of the terms not being considered, as the n values of x,^i in (2) obtained by
giving a successively the values 0, 1, 2, . . . . , » — 1.
Because vf is a primitive n*'' root of unity, all the «*'' root.s of unity distinct
from unity are contained in the series
W', 10^', w^' ,
1)1 — 1) «
Therefore the two series
ill, *^2 I -« ^3 ) • • • • I Jhi — l>
liey -"so -"36 1 . . ■ . ) J-i[n-\)tl
are identical with one another, the order of tho terras not being considered.
Therefore, also, the two series
J. ' i J.
i. — ' '
■tie I -l^i'i -^Sel • • • • , Jll/i — Del
are identical with one another, the order of the terms not being considered, it
being understood that i?j', Ei^) etc., are the same «"' roots of E^, E.^^, etc., or of
El, E2, etc., that are taken in the series ^1", i?^ , etc. Let the expression (4) be
called Xt+i- The separate members of the expression x, + i are
E;, WEI, to^'E;, etc. (13)
Takine: ,s- with a definite value, let
es = hn -\- c.
;ho Hynibol
tvcry vuliio
!.ssiv(My till)
sliiiii t'(iua-
hey can be
tisfiufl, uiid
g a Hucccs-
ial Abelian
btained by
I, the order
btained by
ity distinct
risidered, it
, etc., or of
3sion (4) be
Piin Uni-Saiu/ AUliun J'Jfjiiufioiis. ^31
whore /, and .are whole numbor.. and . i.slos. than .. Then, putting ( = c, the
separate n.onibers of the oxpre.sMi.m j-^^, are • » B ' <^. "lo
"nXnr;'"^:; T''"- ''^'--^--■'^;'="-"/^;; that is. the scoond,H,M,naltothe(.+ ir'tennin(ia). Again, if •>. = ,/. + . where
'/ and . are whole,., ..„., „ i« ,«,, ., 7^ = 7^ Also, because
c.s = f,n-hc, w''=w'". Therefore »-«'yi;,;=,„'"/r -„."/'■.; .i ,i • i
tonn in (H) is e.ual to the (. ^ i).- tern. iJ^tS); al" l 'n.:!: ^ IT """^
Lot now s and a be two distinct value, of s, both less than u; and let '
»•«+ 1 = «•»+ 1 . "nd a-;+ , = a-^^ , .
By what has been proved, the nun.bers . and . are determined by the equations
e* = fm + r, la = iJn + z,
h, ..,,,1 ^„ ,,ei„g mulliplc, „r „. Ji„t, ,i,„„ , „„d , „,, ,|i,|.„„, „„,, „
■o«, ..■ and . mu,t l,„ din'oa.nt. Ilonco, a. ..,„ n„. ,hr„„sl, i„ „ vLi,,",
to'.I;;o'"f ''■".""'"' ■■"" ""■°"*="' "' " ""'"'"'■ '^""■""y "1"»l. in .ome order!
§13. From (5), i?,^ =ARf,
at =B,Rf,
where A,, B,, etc., are rational functions of tc'. Thesn valueq of 7?^ »^ ..
substituted in (4), cause that expression to become ^" ^^" ''"'
^o" + w'R: + w"A,R: + w^'BX 4- etc. (15)
Let the n values of the expression (15), obtained by putting t successively equal
lo u, 1, J, . . . . I ,j — 1, be *
''li '2>
• . . /
I 'n
Then, u being a whole number,
4 = ''e + U-b,R: + ?<,«c./ij; + 4- „y» -lV;r r, T.-
• • • • . ^ e'-*'e }
rl = «, + ^.-1^,72;+ M,-=c.,7?^+ . . . . + y:^^iif^
Young : Forms, Necessary and Siifficknt, 0/ (he Roots 0/
where a,, h,, etc., are rational functions of w'. Therefore, if S„ be the sum of
the V*'' powers of the terms in (10), S^ = nu^. liecause a, is a rational function
of w% we may put
na^ = J/ -f hw' + kiv^' +.... + /'m)<"~^'", where g, h, etc., are rational.
But, by § 12, the n values of the expression (15), obtained by giving t successively
the values 0, 1, 2, n — 1, are the same whatever value, making ic' a
primitive h**" root of unity, be given to e. We may therefore substitute for iv',
in the expression for na^ or S^, any one of the primitive Ji*" roots of unity
w, to", v;'\ . . . . , w\ (17)
Therefore S^=(j-{-hw + Jcid^ + etc.
= g + hio" + hw^' + etc.
=z (J -\- hw' -\- hii?' + aid.
mS^ =m(j + ?i {w + 10' + etc.) + k{ic'^ + w'" + etc.) + etc.,
m being the number of the terms in the series (17). Consequently S„ is a
rational and symmetrical function of the primitive n^^ roots of unity. Hence,
by Kronecker's law, referred to in § 4, *S'„ is rational. This implies that the n
terms in (16), which have been shown to be identical with the n values of x,+i
in (2) obtained by giving s successively the values 0, 1, 2, . . . . , 71 — 1, are the
roots of an ecjuation of the n^^ degree; that is, of an equation of the ?i*'' degree
v/ith rational coefficients. Let this equation be /{x) = .
§ 14. In accordance with the proviso in 5 10, let the equation /(a-) = be
irreducible. It is then a pure Abelian. For, taking rj, r^, etc., as in § 13,
n = nf ■}■ R^ + ARt+ • ■ ■ ■ + <^e^/'
A + Fji: + g,r: + . . . . + HX'
r'r' = Ke + LM + m,r: +.... + qm:
where ^,, D^^ F^, etc., are rational functions of ic^. Multiply the first of equa-
tions (18) by /*,, the second by Ji\, and so on, the last being multiplied by I^;
then, by addition,
■ Kn + kA + .... + h>"r' = (kK + hD. + .... + hK) ^
+ {K +hK-[-.... + hL,)R^
+ : ; ^
Pure Uui-S'-nal Abcliun Equations.
Let the n - l quantities, h,, I;, etc., be determined by the n - 1 equations
KA, + /.■,(?, + .... + IM^ = ,,,2«J^,
Then 7,^,, + /,,. + ^to. = (/,,/^,f + Z- Z>. + . . . . + /,A; )
or, putting 7?'; for J^T?;-, and so on, ' ' '
Kn + /!v? + etc. = {h^El+ z- A + .... + Ik)
+ ^'^^i?:^+^^-4+.... + «;'»--4_... (19)
«y § 12, a. +, -.-- .,^„ where r. = hn + c. When . = 0, c = 0. and when . = 1
c = e-, therefore " ^ ,
a-, = a|:^ -7+ Iit+ K+ etc. = r„
''""^ ^'^ = «•«' + ! = Iit+ iifli^+ w-'-^Iit + etc.
Therefore (19) may be written
K^i + hA + etc. = {hM+ etc. ) - 7?; + a-,.
But e may be any number that makes ..« a priuntive n^" root of unity, and (17)
IS the series of the primitive ^^"■ ,-«ots of unity. Therefore
a-2 = { RJ— (7,j/?.y 4- etc. ) } + h,x, + Z^rf +.... + .Vt? " ^
= li^o"— (Mo~+ etc.) }+Ji,x, + l'A + + ^,a-?-i
= I i?o — (7<,i2; + etc. ) ! + 7*,xi + A-,:r? + .... + /^^n -i ^
where 7/^, ^„ etc., are what K becomes when to^ is changed into'«,, j.«, etc and
ThP t'f v!'' n-'' ^' ^""""""' ^'''" ^''' '^ '^^""S^^ ^^*° "'- "'^ ^t^- -»d so on.
Iheiefore, by addition, m being the number of the primitive n^h ^.^ts of unity
mx^ = p + qxi + tx\-\- + vxl-\
where p, q, etc., are rational and symmetrical functions of the primitive «^"
roots of , ty, and therefore are rational. Hence ., is a rational function of .,.
Therefore the equation f(x) = is a pure Abelian.
§ 15. It is also uni-serial. For, by what has been proved,
234 YouxG •• Furm-i, Necefiftarj/ ami Suficienf, of ihc Booix of
e.r, denoting u rational function of x,. But, from the form of x,+, in (2), since
Bt= ^iHt, and Et= B,r}, and so on, we pass from x, to x, by simply changing
/(•; into icRJ- The same change transforms a-j into x^. Therefore
a-3 = 6xi = d'^xi .
In like manner x,= 6h;, and so on, till ultimately 0"x,= x,. Thus all the
roots of the equation f{x) = are comprised in the series
x„ex„e'x,, e"-w
Pure Abelian Equations ok Odd Prime Degrees.
FmiUmmtal Ehmmt of the Root; the Root Gonstmcted from its Fundamental
§ 16 We confine ourselves to pure Abelians of odd prime degrees, because
the irreducible quadratic is always a pure Abelian. Let n be an odd ^prime
number, and let the primitive n"' roots of unity be the terms w, io\ w\ etc.,
forming the series (6). Take ^, as in the first of equations (9); then, if R, be
the fundamental element (see §6) of the root of a pure Abelian equation
f{x) = of the n"* degree, it will be found that
R,^Al^„ (20)
yli being a rational function of xc.
§17. From A, as expressed in (20), derive R,, R„ etc., by changing ic
into ?i'», w\ etc. By § 5, the root of the equation f{x) = is
R^-\-Rt+ R;+....+ Rl-i' (21)
To construct the root, we have to determine the particular «*'' roots of Ro, Hi,
etc., that are to be taken together in (21). When iv is changed into w% let A,
become A,, as ^i becomes ^,. Then
R, = A':^,.
Therefore R: = w'A,^;, ^ (^2)
.(/ ])eing an n»^ root of unity. In proceeding to make R: definite, we may first
make <|); definite. By (9), ^ ^
Purf Uni-^erial AheUau Equntiom.
to'' being an ;■ . oot of unity. Let
A' p" p^
bo determinate; then, b, taking ^ ^ii,: Z'.^ nnir,. wo get ,f with ^
determinate value 0^"- {P\P\Pi ... p ) "
Let us now consider d.,". Bv ^9^ >/)» hoino. ..,. ti> . ..
TA ^y \^v), w Demg an u'" i-oot ot unity,
^di appeal in (23), they have ah'eudy been made definite We
»; beh,, „„ „.» root Of unity Became . i. pH„e to „, the „-, ten,.
) tv * w , -J/i*" oro +V»/% «^ _ • . .
to' , w'\ ?«",
- - r -" », tuu n~i terms
«> , are the same, m a certain order, with the terms
, 10 . I herefore the term8
to, 10% to", . .
Pj, Pfx, P'^ P^
may be taken to be the same, in a tertaln order,' with the terms in (23) They
;= iPtPi.PL .... P^,y. (24)
Having thus determined ^, we can make M^ definite by taking ..•' in (o,^
equal to unity for every value of . in the series 1,2 , >, Tf. ^^^ ^ "^
5 = .^*^ (25)
Re = A^;
A. rega,* 4. we have B, = A;^,. But, by § s, ^. = P;.. Thet-efore ^f has
a rational value. Consequently d has a rational value. In (21) ,„Wtute
the rational value of H;. and the values of if, bJ. etc., given in (25). and the
236 Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
root is constructed. In other words, the expression (21) is the root of a pure
uni-serial Abelian equation of the «- degree, provided always that the equation
of the n'^ degree, of which it can be shown to be the root, is irreducible.
Necessity of the above Forms.
& 18 The root a-, of the pure Abelian equation /(.r) = of the n'^ degree,
n an odd prime, being assumed to be expressible as in (21), we have to show
that its fundamental element 11, has the form (20). and that RJ, R:, etc., are to
be taken as in (25), while /?t receives its rational value.
§19. By (3), zbehi, any integer,
FH being a rational fimction of lo. And equation (5) subsists along with (3) ;
that is, e being any whole number prime to n,
Give z here successively the values 1, /I, a, etc., these terms being the same as
in the series (7). Then
i?i= BJif,
Ri= CM,
£,, C,, etc, being rational functions of to*. Therefore
where G, is a rational function of io\ and
i=0 + e;i + ^a + + 0.
From the nature of the series (7), = %-\ and . = X"-. Therefore .X = d.
In like manner, each of the n - 1 separate members of t is equal to Q. Ihere-
fore « = (n- 1)0. Because (6) is a cycle of primitive «»»> roots of unity, in
other words, because ^ is a prime root of n, and = r-, i« P^'i"^/ ^« ";
And n- 1 is necessarily prime to n. Therefore whole numbers h and k exist
«uchthat /t< = &n+l.
he same as
Pure Uni-Serud AMian Equaliom.
Foy very integral value of . let (7..^)^ bo written pU then, putting i- for
Hence, by puttmg c = 1 , and taking <^, as in (9),
Thus^the form of the fundamental element in (20) is established. Also, when
J^l = A{PlPiPl , , , , p^y ^
'^^-^^yi:^^,I^=A^. This is the first of equations (25). Since.
r^Zri^''""^ to . let . = .. Then, from (.). becauL i = „ H
Therefore, giving . i„ (24) the value ,.. Itt= A J. This is the second of equa-
tions (26). 1,1 hke manner we can show that all the terms E;, Jtf , . . ,{'
are to be taken ae in (25). It has only to be added that sf mult bl token ivitl
Us^ational value, because, by |5, uRJ is the sum of the root, of the equation
Sufficiency of tJw Forms.
§20. We here assume that ff, has the form (20), that RJ is rational, and
*!' ta l2f obtataeTb'"'" " '° *'''■ ""' "° """'^ '° *"" "^^' ">= « ^-1"- of
3:,+ , m (2), obtamed by giving s successively the rvalues 12 „_,
are the roots of a pure uni-serial Abelian equation of t'he'n- 'deVr^e pr';
vded always that the equation of the n- degree, of which they are the roots
is irreducible. /„ ,ke first plac. 4 has been taken rational. /„ ,/„ njt
Phee. an equal.on of the type (.,) subsists for every integral value of . n'
lthV::ies^^'"^''"^°'"•, ';,""' r " ™"^^'-- '-^^ '» ^--"^-
m me seues 1, 2, ,n~l. Then, by (25 j,
{R,PT-f= {AAr%^^^r)\ (27)
But 01 is the expression (8). Therefore, by § 9,
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
F{iii) being a rational function of w. This makes (27) an equation of the type
(3). Next, let s be a multiple of n, in which case it may be taken to be zero.
{l{.}{T')"=:Iif. • (28)
Since /?„' is rational, (28) is an equation of the type (3), Therefore, whether a
be a multiple of n or not, an equation of the type (3) subsists, hi the third
place, the equation (5) subsists along with (3) for every value of e that makes
ic' a primitive /t"' root of unity. For, let z be a multiple of n; it may be taken to
be zero. Therefore
7?^ = BJ, and /(>; = l .
Therefore /*! ,. ^- ,.-
{liJK'Y^liS. (29)
But, equation (28) being regarded as (3), (29) is (6). Next, let z not be a mul-
tiple of n. It may be taken to be a number in the series 1, 2 ,n — 1.
Then equation (27) is (3). But, in (27), z may be any number not a multiple
of n, and ez is not a multiple of n. Therefore we may substitute for z either
C2 or e. Thus we have
{r,rt'Y ={AAT%<^,^rY.
{R,,R7'Y = {A,,A-'){^,.^7'V . (30)
But, equation (27) being regarded as (3), equation (30) is (6). Therefore,
whether 2 be a multiple of n or not, equation (5) subsists along with (3). Hence,
by the Criterion in §10, the n values of x,^^ in (3), obtained by giving s suc-
cessively the values 0, 1, 2 n—\, are the roots of a pure uni-serial
Abelian equation.
Particular Valms of n ; tlie Pure Abelian Cubic.
§ 21. When the equation /(a;) = is of the third degree, taking ;i = 2, the
series (7) is reduced to the terms 1,2, and the equations (25) become
i?i = A, {P\P,)^ , Rl = A, (PIP,)^ .
Also 7i'i = ^o'o- Therefore
a-x = ^o'^'o + A,{PiP,)^ + A, {P,Pl)K
Pim Uni-&n„l AMhm E,jm)iom.
A4,. _ 0, tho equation ivnnl, it, second term. Then, putting
■ii = A\Ai'P^ and i,, = A'At^p,
§ 22. Let the pure Abelian cubic of which :r, i,, the root be
Becau.e ^, i. „ rational function of the priu.itive third root of unity
and *^.Zlt%Z'l
' ""' '■ '"';:« ™';;,":f , .';;';"«'■''- W, =1^ + 3A Therefore
Va' + r^) = e(.!3c.V_3. -^1
Therefore v(- V_ 27,.)= 18,(4.+ ,,„,).
^/, /•;, I and m are rational. Putting
^~ {P -\- ^rn' -\- lOlm)*
_ 2 {P + 5m^ + lOlmf
f^+5m=+2;m '
(36) becomes
or, putting
9 =
p -|_ 5mi -I- 2(m
P + 5m> + 2tm '
F{w) =p + q^z + V(//2 + hs/z).
Pure Uni- Serial Abtlimi Equations. 241
The value of . given above confon^s to the type (33). for it can be changed into
Hence the general rational function of the primitive flfth root of uuitv falls
under the expression for a, in (32). ^
§ 26. The writer may perhaps be permitted to refer to a paper of hi. entitled
jf: r^oT ll^t ^'T"'' ^T' !''''''-'' ^^"^'h'appearedtthi!
mmu, vol. Ml, ^a. 2. ABsumnig llmt l|,e ,|i,hitic to I,e solved Im. l,v J,.,-
he proved, in the ...tiole referred to. tlmt it admit, of algebraical solution o„l, i
16 -fl5^^~
P =
q =
16 + £>
When the coefficients are thus related, take ?i a root of the equation
X* ~ Bx^ — 6x* + 5x + 1 = 0.
= — - .
(lG + i?^X^. + l)(;2^1j»
then the solution of the equation (38) is
n = e^ + aQ^ + Xa'Q^— U'dK
This form of the root may at first sight seem to have no affinity with the
^^^n 'T\' '"' " '^ — nication which was laid before' tr 1^.
Soc ety of Canada at .ts meeting in May. 1886. and which is to appear nfhe
orthcommg volume of the Transactions of the Society, the writer has 2wn
the essential identity of the two forms. ""^^
The Pure Uni-Serial Abefjan Quartic.
Necessary and Sufficient Forms of the RooUi.
root AV;»i^'^'"^ ^ = ^ + 1 as in (33), the necessary and sufficient forms of the
roots of the pure uni-serial Abelinn quartic are the expressions „,. „„ «,, „, t
^ \%
YoiNc; : Forwn, NarHsurii ornl SvffiaUnt, of the Hoots of
(.T2); the rational expressions p,q,h,e being subject to the solo restriction
that they must leave the equation of the fourth degree, which has a,, «,, 04
and «;, for its roots, irreducible. There is thus an intinuite relation between the
pure uni-serial Abelian of the fourth degree and the solvable irreducible equa-
tion of the fifth degree. This is only a case of u more general law. If 2n + 1
be any prime number, and if the forms of the roots of the pure uni-serial
Abelian of degree 2/i have been found, the necessary and sufficient forms of the
roots of the solvable irreducible equation of degree 2n + 1 can be found.
^Wffl>iitl/ of the. Forms (32).
§28. Here an eciuation of the fourth degree /(x) = is assumed to be a
pure uni-serial Abelian ; and we have to show that its roots are of the forms
tt,, ua, (Xj, a,, in (32). The roots of the equation /(a:) = 0, in the familiar
Abelian notation, are
X,, ea-i, e^a-i, 0'xi. (39)
Because xi is the root of an irreducible quartic, its form is
where P is clear of the radical V Q. Another root of the quartic is P — V Q.
This is obtained from x^ by changing the sign of V ; and, by changing the sign
of V<2 in P— VC, we return to P-\- ^/Qor x^. Hence P — ^Q must be
the third term in (39). Therefore
6»Xi=P — V9-
In passing from a-, to %x^, let P and Q become P and Q respectively; then
Oa.i=P + vg';
therefore eVi=P'-V^.
In running through the series (39), the root of the equation /(ar) = undergoes
all its possible changes. But, from the expressions that have been obtained for
a-i, 0J-1, O'jci and 0'xi, P can take only the two values P, P', and Q can take
only the two values §, Q. Therefore each of the expressions P and Q is the
root of a quadratic equation. Hence the only radicals occurring in Xi are
square roots. But, when square roots are the only radicals in the root of an
equation of the fourth degree, its root must be either
y> + Wv+V(/+'"V*)
^ ii
Pun' Uni'Strial AMian lujuatiom.
th/; '■ ^"' /r'^ "u ^"''"^ '■''^'"""^- ''"J'^''^^"' ''■ P"««'ble, tlavt a-, is of the (ir«f, of
the forma (40); then either •^-mei. oi
or f'^i = /'-V. + V^.-.flV,=^, + V.+V^ = .-.,
or <'-^i = ^'-^^«--V/.-.0'x. = ;>H-v.+V/ = ;ri.
But the equation /(.) = o, being a pure Abolian, is irre.lndble, and therefore
cannot have equal roots. Therefore .. i. not of the Hr.t of the forms (40).
IS therefore of the second. Consequently we nmy put
a-, = y> + /.V.S + V(/ + wjV-v) I
Oa-i =y, — /.V.v + V(/--»V«) I
6V, =p-}- /cx/h — V(/ 4- »j^«) [
6\ =/» — /.V* — V(/ — »»-v/») J
change tha causes a:, to become fl^., must transform 0V, into a-. We can now
dete.-nnne the expression V(/ + »V.) n.ore definitely. To pass from .r, to Z
we change the sign of V. and take the resulting radical ^{1- m^s) w U tt
posmve sign. In order that these changes may cause Q., to become 6'.. the
changes must admit of being made on .,. lu other words, the ^dic^
tt n7or?;^*^' ! , ' "'' °''"'' "^ *^^' '''^••'» '" •^•" •»"«* ^^« expressible in
tei ms of the radicals m a-. . Therefore we must have
s/{l - ms/a) = (c + (Ws) + (^ _ ,v*) V(/ + »V«) ,
c, d, gr and r being rational. Therefore
?-«,V.= (c + rfV.)«+(^_,V.)»(^ + ^^,) + 2(c. + rfV.)(^_,V6V(?+.«^.).
Hence (o + dVs){ff - Ws) must be zero ; for, if it v.ere not, ^{1+ mV^) would
be a rational function of ^s, which would make ., in (41) the rlt of a quad-
ratic. And ff - rs/s cannot be zero, for this would make
and therefore, by (41), 0^, would be the root of a quadratic.
IS zero, and therefore
V(? - »« V*) = (ff- WsW {f + mVs). ^^.^.
By comparing the first three of equations (41) with one another, it appears that
he change which transforms Vil+^Vs) into V{l-m^e) V('-^V.)
tobecome -V(/H-mV«). Consequently, from (42),
— V(/ + nl^/s) = {g + yV*') V(/ - ?« Vs) . (43)
Hence c -f- d\/«
244 Young : /iwtw*, y, ts,^, ami Sufficient, (rf the Rootn of
From (42) aud (43),
^- A = - 1 .-. V" = ~'^~ ' (44)
By 8(nmriii;; both siden ^^^ (43) and equating the j/arts involving the radical V*.
li(// ' — ni(] + j/' + r"*).
Therefore, by (44), 2j/f/=^ 2>» (1 + */»).
... Z = ^ (! + «).
Substitute in the first of equations (41) this value of Z, substituting at the same
time for >^ii its value in (44). Then, writing 2 for 1 + {jj and '* f"r -' , and
Thus the necessity of the forms in (32) is established.
Suffickncy of the Formn.
§ 'P"" We now take a,, Uj, a^, ug, as in (32), subject to the restriction that
ihe quu .lO ec^i tion of which they are the roots must be irreducible, and we
hav*^ to show that this equation is a pure uni-serial Abelian. The radical
i^{hz—hy/z), which occurs in a,, is not found in that form in a,. But, keeping
in view that 2 = e* + 1 ,
V(/»2-/lV2) = ^^^^^V(/*2+W2). (45)
It is obvious that the expression
^ _ 5V2 + ^^^^ V(^2 + hs^z)
is a rational function of the expression
p + q^/z + v/(7<2 + hy/z).
Therefore Oj is a rational 1 unction of oj; and the equation /(a:)— is a pure
Abelian. That it is uni-serial may be thus shown. To pass from oj to Cj, we
change the sign ofv'z, and take the resulting radical \/(//^ — hy/z) with the
positive sign. Let these same changes be made on a,. The result, by (45), is
V2 + I
p + qVz —
's/(/i2 — h»fz).
And this again, by (45), is equivalent to
p -)- qy/z
s/{hz + hy/z),
/*»*/e Uni-Serial Aheli l^intions.
which, becouse 2 = » • -f i , ia
/■ + Qs/z- s^(hz + h^z),orai.
nence. in pn«.sing from a, to «,. we pass fro/n «, to «,; ami in hko manner it
may l.o shown that the same chnnges of the radicals carry us from a, to «, and
from«3 back to a, ; consequently the pure Abelian equation /(x) = is xxni
serial. ^
Tlie Funx4 + ic'xj = (x, - X,) -I- w (a-, - X3) .
But, by what was proved above,
a-i = i? + qyfz + 'sf^hz + /j^z),
a:< = P + ^-v/z — V(/<2 + h>^z) ,
»*3 = i> — g-^/z — V{fiZ — /tVz).
Therefore, by (46),
R\ = q»s/Zy
2Rl = v'(/»2 + ^Vz) + ws/{hz - h^/z).
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Hoots of
Therefore, keeping in view that 2 = e* -}- 1 , and making use of the relation
\/{hz + h>^z)\f{hz — /iVz) = he/>/z,
4Ri = h\^+l){we — iy
B, = qV
4i?3 = /t»(e»+l)(iw + 1)»
§ 32. It may not be out of place to observe that, in (47), ^1 is not presented
in the form in which it is a fundamental element of the root of the pure uni-
serial Abelian quartic equation f(x) = 0; that is to say, it is not in the form in
which 7?o. ff, and R^ can be derived from it by changing w into xc^ , 11? and xo^
respectively. Tn fact, by changing xo in U^, as given in (47), into v?, we should
obtain -^ W((? -f l)(e + 1)»; whereas, by (47), R^ is 5V or q\&-\- 1)^ The form
of i?j, in which it is the fundamental element of a^root of a pure uni-serial
Abelian quartic, will be determined afterwards.
The Problem of the Necessary and Sufficient Forms op the Roots of the
Pure Uni-Serial Abelian Quartic Solved from Another Point of View.
The Fundamental Element of the Root.
% 33. The necessai'y and sufficient forms of the roots of the pure uni-serial
Abelian equation of the fourth degree may be found in another manner ; namely,
by making use of the principles laid down in § 5, so as to determine the funda-
mental element R-^ of the root. Let to be a primitive fourth root of unity.
Take any rational quantities, h, c, d, m. Find the rational quantities, p, q, r, s,
by means of the three equations, equivalent to four linear equations, .
p + q + r -i- s =d^ , 1
p — q -\- r — 8
Then it will be found that
(t»+ c»)'
. r) + w{q- s)=z -^^-jL
Ri = p -{■ qiv -{• ru? + f>^i-^-
Pure Uni-Serial Ahelian Eqmtiom.
The Boot Comtructed from its Fundamental Element.
into !o .1' ""' f ' " " ^''^' '''''' ^-- it ^0. i?. /?3 by changing -.
nto n,o ^«^ «,3 ,espectively. But, since each of the expressions EIrI etc has
our values for g.ven values of B,, R,, etc.. we must settle what lu of "^
expressions are to be taken together in order that
Iil+R\+R\+Rl (50)
may be the root of a pure uni-serial Abelian quartic. From the two equations
R, = {p __ r) + w(q~s)=. '"'.(*_+^)'
Bs={p~r)~w{q~s) = ""l^bz^l ,
i?ii?i =
Then, because R, = p + q + r + s = d\ take i?| such that
^0* = ^. (52)
Finally, because R. = p-q + r-s = -^,^^ , let Rl be such that Rl is posi-
111 b'fthe'roTl" """' ^i'. etc. being thus determined, the expression (50)
ntv^. , f ' P"'' "'''•''"'^ ^^^^'^" e^^'-^tion of the fourth degree
provided always that the equation of the fourth degree, of which i cin be
shown to be a root, is irreducible. ^" ""^
Necessity of the Above Forms.
equali" /^:;r:;Tyi5" '^ '' '"' ^'^^^ °' ^ ^'--^ "-^-^^'-^^^ ^^^^^- ^-^ic
^^ = Bli-RJ+RURl, (53J
and what we have to make out is that R, has the form given in (49), and that
R. and i?j are related m such a manner that the equation (51) subsists while Ri
IS essentia ly positive. When we say that R, has the form given inVL itl^
understood that,., ,, . and . are determined by the equations (48) ^ ^'
§36. Because Fiw) in (3) is a rational function of w, we may put
F(w) = (6 + cw)~\
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
h and c being rational. Therefore, from (3), taking 2=2,
Thei-efore, by (5), taking e = 3,
R] ={b — civ)-^Rl
Therefore Ri = {b' + c')-\R,Rs)h
.-. i?, = (6^4-c^)-'(i?x/?3)i
But ^1 is a rational function of iv. We may put i?, = < + tm; and i?3 = < — t^o,
t and T being rational. Therefore R1R3 is equal to the positive quantity f + t*.
Therefore, from the second of equations (55), R^ is positive.
§37. Because b -f cw and i?, are rational functions of w, we may put
{b + cw)-Uii=d + ko,
d and S being rational. Therefore, from (54),
R,= {{b + cw)-'R,\' = d^—h'+2dSw.
Since R^ is rational, d6= 0. And 8 must be zero; for, if it were not, d would
be zero, and we should have R^ = — h^, which, because R^ has been shown to be
positive, is impossible. Therefore
(6 + cMj)-»i?i = d)
{b — cw)-'Rs = d)
Therefore also
Therefore i?3^r'= {d{b + cwy\-^d{b' + c')}\
From (3), RgRr^ is the fourth power of a rational function of w. Therefore
{d{b^ + c*)P is the fourth power of a rational function of w. Therefore
±d{b' + c') = {g + kwf = g'-L^+2g7cw,
g and k being rational, the double sign on the extreme left of the equation indi-
cating that it is not yet determined which of the two signs is to be taken.
Hence gJc = 0. Therefore ±d{b^i- c^) is equal either to g^ or to — T^. That
is, d{b'^ + c^) is the square of a rational quantity, with the positive or negative
sign. Hence we may put
(i« + c«) = wW,
m being rational and 10^' having one of the two values 1,-1. Substituting for
d in (56) its value now obtained,
A =
mV {b -f- cto)'
m'w^ [b — cwf
Pure Uni-Serial Ahelian Equations.
But id" is either 1 or - 1 . In the former case,
In the latter case, ttj»* = ?«2. Then
^1 =
ni' {bw — cf
6' + c«
an expression essentially of the same character as (57). Therefore (57) is the
universal form of R^. From (57),
m' (6 — era)-
6' + c'
Therefore R^R^=m\ Hence, from (55),
»-(6a_|_c7- (58)
Let 72„ when so expressed that it is the fundamental element of the root of a
pure uni-serial Abelian quartic, be
^1 = y + 2'w + »W + ^w^ = (y — r') -f «; (5' — s') ,
y, j', r' and s' being rational. Then
Ri = p' + civ? + / + sV = (y + ,^) — (5' + 5.') .
Therefore, by (57) and (68),
(y + '•')- (?' + «') =
(6^ + cf
And, by §5, R; is rational. Therefore, c^ being f;ome rational quantity,
y + ?' + r' + ^=d^ (60)
The equations (59) and (60) for the determination of /, 5', /, .' are the same
as the equations (48) for the determination of ^, g, ,-, s. Therefore
y = ^), fi=.q, ?•' = ?•, s' = s.
Hence 7?i =^ + ?«> + m* + sw\
which is the form of the fundamental element in (49). And, by §34, in con-
structingthe root x^ from its fundamental element,^ having assigned a' definite
character to 7?^ we then, knowing that RJi, is equal to m^ selected the value
of 7?|so as to make R'iRl equal to m. Hence the necessity of the form of A
in (49) and of the relation between the roots R\ and R\ indicated in (51) is made
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
good. At the same time, because Ii\R\ = m , R\B\ = m?; therefore, by the first
of equations (55), Ii\ is positive.
Sufficiency of the Forms.
§.38. To prove that the above forms are sufficient, vsre have to show that the
conditions specified in §10 are satisfied, it being assumed that the equation of
the fourth degree, of which the root is given in (53), is irreducible. The first
condition is that Rq must be rational. This is satisfied by the first of equations
(48). Tlie next condition is that an equation of the type (3) subsists for every
integral value of 3. It will be enough to consider two values of z, namely, 2
and 3. Because
Ri=p + qto + riv^ + sio^ z=: {p — r) -\- w (q — s)
and Ri=2^ + qid'+r + «?«« = (^j + r) — {q + s),
we have, from the last two of equations (48),
r,rt' =
-j (i + civ)-* = (6 + cw)-*.
(6» + c7 (6'-j-c')-
Hence an equation of the type (3) subsists when 3=2. Again,
-^8 =i' + qi(^ + rw^ + siv = {p — r) — w{q — s).
m? (b -\- cwf
{p — r) + w (q — s) —
{p — r) — w {q ~ s)
b' + c^
»l' (6 — CM))"
6' + o» ■
R,Rr'=m-*{h-\-cio)\h — cw)-*.
Hence an equation of the type (3) subsists when 2=3. Consequently an
equation of the type (3) subsists for every integral value of 2. The third co7idi-
Hon is that equation (5) must subsist along with (3) for every value of e prime
to 4. As we may leave out of view values of e greater than 4, we have only
to consider the case in which e = 3. Also it will be enough to consider the
cases in which z is equal to one of the numbers 0, 2, 3. Let s = 0. Then
equation (3) is ^1 = \ F{io)\Rl = F{w).
But R^ is rational. Hence, changing to into w",
Also Rl=Rl Therefore
Ri = Firv')=i{F{iv'^)]Rl.
Pure Uni- Serial Abelian Equatiom. 251
NelV taT-? 't " """■ "''°" '="• '^'l''""™ (^' -I'™" »'»»« will, (3).
SSQXX,, let 2 — 2. Then equation (3) is e v a
ThP..f . • ''■ Ii^^-\FHVlil
Iherefore, changing lo into id\
Therefore /^] = ..' { /'(-^) i /?|,
t«' being an n*" root of unity. From (61) and (62),
foremi^f^t!3T;'"'? Therefore ^(.3) = ,_,,. There-
tore {F{w)}{F{w^)] is equal to the positive quantity g^ + h\ Also from the
manner in which the root .. was constructed in ^ from its ^^^Zl^::,
element. 7?,Z?|= „. Therefore (^7.3)^ is positive. Also, in constructing the
root, m was taken positive. Therefore w' is positive ; that is, ^o' = U There-
fore, from (62). 11]=. [F{r^)\Iil (63)
But, equation (61) being (3), (63) is (5) ; so that, when . = 2, equation (5) sub-
sists along with (3) Finally, let. = 3. Then equation (3) is
^ . . ^""^ = '?'^^^' (64)
gi being a rational function of w. Therefore
Therefore j3\ _ , . r,?.
.« being one of the fourth roots of unity. From (64) and (65),
But in the same way in which the product of F(:^o) and F{v^) was shown to be
pos.tive^,,y can be shown to be positive. Also {RJi,)^=m. Therefore
(^ii?3) - m . Hence u/ must be positive. Therefore «/ = 1 , and (65) becomes
. ^f = ?8^|. (66)
Equation (64) being (3), equation (66) is (5). Hence, whether . be zero, or 2
or 3, equauon (5) subsists along with (3). Thus all the conditions specified in
Li «rrA , ' ' ""'' ^^ '^" ^"^^™" ^" §1^' -^ *« the root of a pure
uni-senal Abelian quartic. ^
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sujfficient, of (he Roots of
Identity of the Residts Obtained by the Two Methods.
§39. It may be well to show that the results obtained by the two methods
that have been employed for finding the necessary and sufficient forms of the
roots of the pure uni-serial Abelian equation of the fourth degree are identical.
In (47) wo have expressions for /?i, i?, and R^ as determined by the first
method. What we need to make out is that these are substantially the san.e as
the expressions for /?,, R^ and R^ obtained by the second method. By (48),
Write -^ for
r> m' (6 + root of unity, w' a
to", to'\ w"'' , w"'"- "I
w\ W« , vo*" ,
tO^*, t/;^*',
, 10°
be cycles containing respectively all the primitive .»>' roots of unity, all the
ZT^riT "[ ""'^' "^' '' °"- '^""^^ *h« --bers forming the series
67) be all odd each of the cycles (69) consists of more terms than one. Should
the prime number 2 be a term in (67), say b, the last of the cycles (69) would
be reduced to the single term < which it will be convenient to xegard as a cycle
haTf is'l'tr'' 1 f' r '""• '" ^''^ ^^" '='' '' ^^y be assumed
n «7 r. "': '^'" '' '"'^ '° "^ '' ''"-'''^' ^" the numbers ., t, etc.,
m (67) which are odd primes. The numbers ;i, h, etc., are prime roots o/ ., /
e.c., respectively^ Take P, a rational function of ,, and, . being any integer
Jet P, be what Pi becomes when 2 is changed into ^tf^ Put -^ & '
-* 3 ■* fl ■* fit jTfl
In the case when one of the numbers in (67), say ft, is^2, the last of equations
(70) is reduced to F = p .
Then if E be the fundamental element of 'the root of a pure uni-serial Abelian
equation /(x) = of the n»' degree, it will be found that
, ^. . ^^ = ^i' (*'^r .... XiF^), (^2)
^1 being a rational function of w. ^
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Rootn of
The Root Constructed from its Fundamental Elevient.
§41. From 7?i, as expressed in (72), derive Hq, R^, etc., by changing w
into w", w^, etc. By §5, the root of the equation /(x) = is
R^ + /?; + /•'; + ....+ i4-i. (73)
To construct the root, we have to determine the particular »t"' roots of R^, 7?i,
etc., that are to be taken together in (73). When lo is changed into iif, lot
-^1) 4'ii '^ii ®tc., become A,, ^,, i^*, etc., respectively. Then
R.=A^,{^:A\ XUF!,)\
therefore E~: = w'AJ^^",,^:, .... Xt,F%f ]
id being an ?t"' root of unity. Let the integers not greater than n that measure
n, unity not included, be
n,y, etc. (76)
For instance, if n = 3 X 5 X 7 = 105, the series (75) is
105, 35, 21, 15, 7, 5, 3.
The n"' roots of unity distinct from unity are the primitive n*** roots of unity,
the primitive y* roots of unity, and so on. For instance, the series of the 105*"
roots of unity distinct from unity, containing 104 terms, is made up of the 48
primitive 105*" roots of unity, the 24 primitive 35"' roots of unity, the 12 primi-
tive 21** roots of unity, the 8 primitive 15*" roots of unity, the 6 primitive 7*"
roots of unity, the 4 primitive 5*" roots of unity, and the 2 primitive 3'' roots of
unity. The general primitive n*" root of unity being z«', give -d in the second
of equations (74) the value unity for every value of z included under ^e. Then
/^; = ^,(.:,il Xl,Ft,f. (76)
Taking any other term than n, say y, in the series (75), since y is a factor of n,
let yo=. n. Then vf is a primitive ?/*" root of unity. Hence, since rif is the
general primitive w*" root of unity, all the primitive y*" roots of unity are in-
cluded in w*°. If ti/, in the second of equations (74), be vf when z=-v, let it
have the value w'" when z ■=■ ev . Then
Rl = «;'M,„ {re..^l, X'„,F!,,f. (77)
Form equations similar to (77) for the remaining terras in (75). In this way,
because the series of the «*" roots of unity distinct from unity is made up of
the primitive «*" roots of unity, the primitive j/"' roots of unity, and so forth,
all the terms 1, 2 ,n — 1 are found in the groups of numbers represented
Pure Uni-Serial Ahelian EqtiaHona. 255
by the subscripts ., .., etc., with multiples of n rejected. Consequently, in
deternnning /.>;, /?.;, etc., as in (76), (77). etc., we have determined all the terms
, — J. '
Substitute, then, in (73) the rationaUalue which /?„^an be shown as in 5 8^'!
possess, an the values of the terms in (78) as these "are determined i:(;:).\7'7)
etc and he root is constructed; in other words, the expression (73 shall be
he root ot a pure uni-serial Abelian equation of the «- degree, provided always
that the equation of the .- degree, of which it is the root, is ineducible.
Necessity of the Above Forma.
/(x) of the n*" degree ,s expressible as in (73), and we have to prove that
Its fundamental element B, has the form (72), and that the terms in ('T) Ll ^
be taken as in (76), (77), etc., while lij receives its rational value.
§ 43. By (3), z being any integer,
Jfi = {F{w)\Ef,
Fiw) being a rational function of w. And equation (5) subsists along with (3) :
that IS, w' being the general primitive n'^ root of unity, ^
4. = {F(w'),Iif.
Taking 2=1, R^=B,Rp,
B. being a rational function of w' . In like manner, taking z = X
the'tt".' ' 'f '■'"""''"" '' "' ''^ '"^^ ''^y '' ^- ^« «howa that each of
the terms in the series
^,.-, ^^'' ' ^""^ ' ^e,\ , i?,;,.-s
is the product of i?. -- by a rational function of w\ Therefo
where F, is a rational function of w', and
rf = Y =, GJi,
/?„^i»-0" = //«/?;
YouNCf : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
where (?,, H^, etc., are rational functions of itf, and
(8 2)
From (79) and (81),
where Q^ is a rational function of vf, and A is the sum of the terms d,h, ...
that is, by (80) and (82),
A = (J«(s-l);i'-» + T*(<-l)/i'-« + +/i»(i -!)/<;»-».
Because i/3 = «=isa, and the prime numbers h and s are factors of n distinct
from one another, h is a factor of a. Hence 6 is a factor of the first of the
separate members of the expression for A in (84). In like manner & is a factor
of all the separate members of the expression for A except the last. And it is
not a factor of the last. For, assuming the prime factors of n in (67) to be all
odd, since the last line in (69) is a cycle of primitive i"* roots of unity, h is
prime to h. And h — 1 is necessarily prime to b. And /3 is prime to h, because
/3 is the continued product of those prime factors of n which are distinct from ft.
Hence /3*(ft — 1 )/«'-=' is prime to ft. The conclusion still holds if h is not odd,
but equal to 2 . For, in that case, k—l and ft — 1 = 1 ; so that
^{h — !)¥-* = !5\
Now, /?' is odd, because /3 is the continued product of the odd factors of ??. Hence
/3* is prime to ft or 2. Whether, therefore, the terms in (67) are all odd or not,
every one of the separate members of the expression for A in (84) except the
last is divisible by ft, but the last is not divisible by ft. Hence A is prime to
ft. In like manner A is prime to each of the factors of n. Therefore it is prime
to n. Therefore there are whole numbers m and r such that
w? A =.rn-\- 1 .
Therefore, from (83),
(< . . . .)-(/??, . . . .) ;-. . . . (/2j;-. . ^.). =(g»./2,.)7i;;.
For any integral value of z , let {B"^) " be written P; . Then, putting A
Q^R't^ R'tAj^'xB the continued product of the expressions
l-* er -r erft • • • • J^eth' ■) i
I pi"-- pi"-'
Pure Uiii-Strial Abelinn Equafion'i.
therefore, by (70), »r , , , i
Thus the form of the fundamental element in (72) is established. Also, it was
rrrtToTth'' ^"^^^;;'V^^--' -1-. ^---e. l>y §^- nf4 is the sum of
which estabhshes the necessity of the forms assigned to all those expressions
which are contained under lij. It remains t(, prove that the expressions
contained under i?.;, |. or y being a term in the series (75) distinct from n, have
the forms assigned to them in (77).
§44. Since yv = n, and y is not equal to n, y is the continued product of some
fthtt fof". 7' "':.\ '"' "'' '' *'^" '^"- ^^' ^' ^' «^-' b« the factors of
n that are factors of ^, wh.le />, «f, etc., are not factors of ^. Because yv=.n = h3,
andi,snotafactorof,;,^,isafactorof.. Let . = «i, then ./3=:i. The..!
fore w"^ =z to'"" = lo".
Therefore F„^ = /;
;. In like manner .r„, = A'o. And
SO on as regards all those terms of the type F^, in which -f or b is not a
measure of y. Hence, putting eo for . in the second of equations (74), and
separating those factors of ^ that are of the type 1%, from those that are not,
^- = «^'^-(^W....)^(>r..^I„....)^ (86)
^' being an n- root of unity. We understand that f/, Xf, etc., are here taken
with the i-ational values which it has been proved that they admit. The con-
tmued product of these expressions may be called Q, which gives us
When e is taken with the particular value c, let «/' become ^«^ and when e has
the value unity, let lo" become w". Then
Because equations (3) and (5) subsist together, and «,« is included under <
Yoi'NO : Formal, Necenmry and SiipUnt, of th Hootn of
wliero /.•, is a rational fuiictioii of /r, and /•„ \h what k^ bocoinea by changing to
into w\ l\y putting a = i in (a^),
Ji^ - A,{tp'A\ . . . . XtFtf.
Taking this in connection with the second of equations (87),
In like manner, by putting c for r in (85), and taking the result in connection
with the lirst of equations (87),
iJUf7'f= »t"(^,„Jr")$(i^7'^ . . .) " \{rc..^7/'){^l.,^7r) . . . .}". (90)
From (89) compared with the first of equations (88), and from (90) compared
with the second of equations (88),
l', = w"{A„Ar')Q{Fi"\. . .fm.r\ Therefore, because «t= «,
W^<.^7'^f^/v, and y is not a multiple of b, v is a multiple
of h. Therefore vjS is a multiple of i/3 or n. Therefore F^~ is a rational
function of «■" [n \i\ra ~''
where i^, is a national function of ,k. in'Mko
^ being what, M, booonios in .
his gives us
,. • , - "™"ios in passing from //•'• to //• lUr a ,
this last .Mjnution into „■'. This irivos ,.« * ^^ '''*' •"'" '"'""'go "" ''"
Jquutions (8 7) becomes
which IS the form of 7?;, in (77).
Sufficiency of the Forms.
§«. Here „e «„„,„ ,h„^ j,^ „„, „„ ,„,.,^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^
unkeri., Abelian equaHonVf the ^ del e Z"; r' '' "" '■°"' °'' " P"-
which lias a rational value- and hv I, ,u- ,J- "'' wot of i?,
rational value. /„ ,;,„ J^ j;:^ ™ ,1°^ "r .1" '" "'''' "" "'* *i,
"'4';:r t T::::::^^r'':^-r. ,, . .. e„uati„r:
-.' ^^ - --. P0«.. e? a ^a«ol;\:,arilr.I: J^^ ^
260 Young : Forms, Necessary and Stiffident, of the Roots of
rational quantity. In like manner A7« is the n"' power of a rational quant'^y,
and so on. But
Since each of the quantities i^/^, X^„ etc., is the n"' power of a rational quantity,
let their continued product be Q'\ Q being rational. Then
R.= {A.Qni>:.^l ). (94)
Again, because zl^ is a multiple of n, Ff^ is the n*" power of a rational func-
tion of w. In like manner Xf'^ is the n^^ power of a rational function of lo,
and so on. Let {Ff'^Xf" ....)= iWf »,
Ml being a rational function of lo. Then
R['=^ Ar\F^^'. . . .)(,7''-'^^'^ . . .)
From (94) and (95), ^
RzJii' = {AAT'Y{QMr'r\{rz.^7'')[^lA'7'') ....}. (96)
From the structure of the expression ^„ ^,,^-' is, by §9, the s"' power of a
rational function of tv". Therefore, because sa=:n, ^l^^j" is the ?i**' power of
a rational function of n\ In like manner i'l^^T'-' is the «*>• power of a rational
function of to, and so on. Therefore, from (96), B,Rr' is the n^^ power of a
rational function of lo. This establishes equation (3) when a is the continued
product of some of the prime fectors of n, but not of all. It virtually estab-
lishes equation (3) also when z is prime to n, because this case may be regarded
as included in the preceding by taking the view that the factors of n which
measure z have disappeared. Thus, whether 2 be a multiple of w or be a mul-
tiple of some factors of n, but not of others, or be prime to n, an equation of
the type (3) subsists. In the third place, an equation of the type (5) subsists
along with (3) for every value of e that makes 10' a primitive n*" root of unity.
For, let z be prime to tj. It is then included in e. Also, since z and e are both
prime to n, ze is included in e; and unity is included in e. But, from the
manner in which the root was constructed from its fundamental element, i?; is
determined as in (76). Therefore we have the four equations
R;^= A,{^l,^l, ....Fl,f,
li = A,,{^:,,^i ^/,
Pure UniSerial Ahelian Equations.
'■>d (ff„ffr')-= (^„4-')(*„A--)- .... (F,„Fr,-)' .
Because i^,,^--)'. „„d „,h„ eorresponding expressions have been shown to be
a„„nal toeUons of the pri„,itive „•» root of unity „, the two eo.,ationr(97
correspond respectively to (3) and (5). If . be not prime to „, and yet not a
multiple of ,., it may be taken to be ev, where v is equal to -"- , ,j being one
"fvet'Ct I°f "'l"™!''^' .<"^"-' f™" ". «"1 «■ being the'general primi-
means of (76), we can now, by means of (77), obtain the pair of equations
iB„,Br'r=z (4„^7")(*„„$r,")
where ,o' represents any one of the primitive n'- roots of unity. Because such
multiple of „, It may be taken to be zero. Then the equation corresponding to
(^j IS, (^1 being a rational function of iv,
i -^c' = qiRi ; or, since 2 = , i?; = ^1 .
But BJ is rational. Therefore ,, is rational. Therefore ,, = ,,; in other words,
q^ undergoes no change when tv becomes «^^ Also 4 = Iif= g^. Therefore
since i?;=i, 4 = ?e/?J,
Tattion f.^ T'l" ;°""PT'"^ '° ('^- ^^«-^-«- -batever . be, the
equation (5) subsists along with (3). Hence, by the Criterion in §10 the
xpression (73) is the root of a pure uni-serial Abelian equation of th; .-
The Pure Uni-Serial Abelian of a Degree which is Four Times the
Continued Product op a Number of Distinct Odd Primes.
Fundamental Element of the Root.
nrim^'^' ^^ ''"""' '"^"'"^ ""' '" '^' '""^^^"'^ P''^'^"*^^ of the distinct odd
prime numbers, ,, * j j
Take !' 'I' I- m
262 Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
such that n = sa = tr = = i/3. Let w be a primitive n*" root of unity.
Then w" is a primitive fourth root of unity, lo" a primitive «'" root of unity, and
80 on. Let
be cycles containing respectively all the primitive s*" roots of unity, all the
primitive t'^ roots of unity, and so on. Let P, be a rational function of >r, and,
for any integral value of z, let P, be what P, becomes by changing iv into of.
We can always take P, such that P^ shall have the form of the fundamental
element of the root of a pure uni-serial Abelian quartic ; that is, P„ may receive
the form of B, in (49) as determined by the equations (48). For, because P, is
a rational function of w,
P^=a-\- aiw + a^n^ + + a„_iio"-\
the coefficients a, «,, etc., being rational. Therefore
■Pm = a + ajw" + a^w^'" + etc.
= (« + «4 + etc.) + w^ (a, + fls + etc.) + ic"^ (a^ + etc.) + to^'- (a, + etc.) .
This may be written
Pm=/+fw^ +/"«'''" +/"<«'•". (102)
All that is required in order that Pi may be a function of the kind described is
that P^ in (102) be of the same character with E^ in (49). That is, we have to
make /=p, f = g^f>^ ,., f" = s.
By means of these four linear equations, the necessary relations between the
quantities a, ai, a^, etc., can be constituted. Having thus taken P^ subject to
the condition that P„ shall have the form of the fundamental element of the
root of a pure uni-serial Abelian quartic, put
■vL = P*' "p>i''~'p'>:
o-A' •
P..-^ 1
F, = Pi
-» Si ■* fl
Pure Uni-Serial Abelian Equations.
Then if R, be the fundamental element of the root of „ n • •
equation of the n- degree, it will be found that '"" """""'^ ^'^^^"^^
A being a rational function of 7,;. ^^^^^
The Moot Constructed from its Fundamental Element.
. , §f • ■^''°"' ^''i' '^s expressed in (104) derive /? P . i. ,
into .00, .,3 etc. Then, assuming tha the roo nf fll' " " ^^ ''^""^^"^ "^
equation /(«.) = Q of the «- degrfe is ^"'' ""^■^'"''^^ ^^elian
wh™.e to do in o^!:^^ [,, ^i;^;;; ^^^^^^ ^
By §8. *, is the «•'. power of a ™.il , <'»«)
*: « the „.. power o^i™.!:," ::t'''t vi' ^''""'"■■^' ^=-- - = ".
-ons ^;, J-S. etc., i. the „.^ powe'o Tationa "T' T' °' *^ ^"P-"
or the »a.e ta, .Uh the fLa^enW "r: oTI" ^^^ „^ft' '"''"- ^' "
AbeUan quartie, />. is ;ho fourth nowerof •, rn.lL l •""■" im.-serial
« = 4« , /7 is the „- power of „ raZn^f ?•? ''T'"''- '''""•'"''>'■'=■ =»™
^ the „. power of a rationa, tT^^^^^' ^''T "'"' ^''"^' '''
Sfio T at tur. , 4"«i", and li„ has a rationa value
^ § ^0. Let the „„„hers .,ot o.ceedi^g n that „,eas„re „. unilr^o. ;„,„,,,
n . '*' y- etc.
For instance, if . = 4 x 3 x 5 = 60, the series (107) is ^'''^
ThP t. , . ''■^^'20.15,12,10,6,5,4,3,2.
Ihe w*" roots of unitv distinof f.-^r^ •.
of ™ity, the pritnitive ,- ots oZrir.T """' "i^ -' '"^ P™'*'™ "" -'»
the fifty.„i„e »» roots o( u„ ty dilt „ fr^ T' ^" '"'"'"°^' "''™ » = ««■
roots of „„ity, and the eigh prt "ve 30 " ""' 7" ""° ""'"" P'™'"'« «»'^
tive 20". roots of unity, a'd th ^ p ■ „!»- 1" ""?' T" '"^ ^■«'" P™'"
pnmitive 12- roots of uuity aud thTT ''"''^' '"■* *« four
two primitive 6- roots o u„i y .1 "J f'""'™ ■»" ■■oote of unity, and the
the two pri„,itiye 4" roots of tmit; a„d JT """"'"' °" """' »' "■'■'^. -•!
unity, and the two pnm.tiye 3" roots of unity, and
264 Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
the primitive 2'' root of unity. According to our usual notation, let Pz,^z, etc.,
be what Pi, «?)i, etc., become when %o is changed into «o*, a being any integer.
Then, from (104), l^^ = A^.^P^n^^M Ft^) ^ ^^^^^
Therefore /?; = idAlPl,.^lMr .... Fl^ " 3
y,^ being an n"' root of unity. The general primitive n"' root of unity being 7t«,
give v^ in the second of equations (108) the value unity for every value of z
included under e. Then ^
i?; = A(Pr.^L^;,....n)". (109)
Taking any number y distinct from n in the series (107), since v/ is a factor of n,
jgt y^-ra. Then nf is a primitive y*"^ root of unity. Hence, since i^' is the
general primitive n"' root of unity, all the primitive y'-'^ roots of unity are
included in iif\ If ^d in the second of equations (108) be t^" when z^v, give
•? the value nf" when z—ev. Then
7?;„ = i6--^„(P^„^:„
The expression P„. having the form of the fundamental element of the root of a
pure uni-serial Abelipu quartic, it is understood that, in (110), P;,™ or P,r,m
is taken with the value which it has in the root
of a pure unl seriid Abelian quartic; and consequently, when v is a multiple of
2, ^o^-must have the value unity. Form equations similar to (110) for the
remaining terms in (107). In this way, because the series of the w"> roots of unity
dib inct from unity is made up of the primitive n*'' roots of unity, and the primi-
tive 2,*'' roots of unity, and so on, all the terms 1, 2, . . . . , n- 1 will be found
in the groups of numbers represented by the subscripts c,cv, etc., when multiples
of n are rejected. Consequently, in determining P; , P.T, etc., as in (109), (110),
etc. we have determined all the terms
i I
, Rn-l'
Substitute, then, in (105) the rational value of Po", and the terms in (111) as
these are determined by the equations (109), (110), etc., and the root is con-
structed; that is, the expression (105) is the root of a pure uni-serial Abelian
equation of the n*^ degree, provided always that the equation of the n"' degree,
of which it is the root, is irreducible.
P^n-e Uni-Serial Ahelian ^nations.
Necessity of the above Forms.
exclusive of ,^. The terms ,r ,.■" «. ■ ''i' "" ""'" <=»™ponding roots
all the primitive .-» roots of ^^, \ 7.:^ ZtT "' "' "'*' """' '°'"«
9 0^. llie general pr m tive n^^' mr.^ ^e -x , .
leaving distinct residues^hen I ,1?/;: ' '""^^^" ' ^-^-^-sof .,
form multiples of s are rejected, can be found of the
.being a whole number. For, «i„ee »=,, the ,- l terms
"+'•^ + 1 («-.) "• There-
are primitive „•» roots of unity. This implies that ther,
e are s—i values of ^
YouNO : Forrrifi, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
in (112), zero included, which make w'"'+^ a primitive »*" root of unity. Let
two of these values of g be gi and g^. Put
■ become, lo"-- but bv
Therefore, from (117) and (118),
a,.6- + «.«:- + etc. = u„r" + ,,,.- + etc. (no)
^«" («i - «,) + «;-' {a, - «3) + etc. = .
P^ieTtha'f '/'' "'"^^^"^^ ^'-^'^' ^'^-«^' etc., must all vanish. This im-
plies that «„ «, „^_^ ^,3 ^^ij ^q^^^, ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
^'^" = «„ + «,(«,' + .„^^4. etc.) = .„_,,. ^j
Thus 7, . clear of .. m like manner it can bo shown to be clear of all the
i',.^^--..g what ^. become, when «, « changed into «-. These are the equations •
§M. From what has been established, it follows that It has the form of
he fundamental element of a pure uni-serial Abelian auartic." ZZ § al
h s requtred ,n order that B may have such a form is that the equa In
(114) should 8ub8,st, and that i?] should have a rational value. By 85 IccT
.a the fundamental element of the root of a pure uni-serial Abelia' oquZ !?
the »". degree, B; has a rational value. Therefore III has a rational va.ue.
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
§56. In the very same way in which (83) was established, it can be proved
that JfUJ^CK': .... /O =)" • • • • (^'V ..••)■"= QelfJ, (121)
where Q^ is a rational function of w', and
A = m»-|-a«(8—l);^'-»-fT'(<-l) /*'-'+ +^'{b— 1)/^;*-'. (122)
Because ?« is the continued product of the odd factors of »i, ??»" is odd. But
each of the expressions s — 1 , ^ — 1 , etc., is even. Therefore A is odd. There-
fore A is prime to 4. Again, because m is the continued product of the odd
factors of n, it is a multiple of h. And, because sa =-h^, <7 is a multiple of h.
In like manner t is a multiple of h. In this way all the separate members of
the expression for A in (122) except the last are multiples of h. And, by the
same reasoning as was used in §44, /?^ (i — 1)//"'' is not a multiple of h.
Therefore A is prime to h. In like manner it is prime to s, t, etc. Therefore
it is prime to n. Therefore there are whole numbers v anu ;• sucii that
v A = rn + 1 .
Therefore, from (121), ^
7C(iC". . . )''{iC'- . . .)^. . . . (i?j; . . . •Y={Qimii:- (123)
For any integral value of z, let i?; be written P;. Then, by (103), putting
A-^ for Qlir,, (123) becomes
Therefore B^ = A^P^l^M ....Fi). (125)
But P„ is the same as R'm. Therefore, by § 54, P„ is of the form of the funda-
mental element of the root of a pure uui-serial Abeiian quartic. Therefore the
expression for i?i in (125) is identical with that in (104), and thus the form of
the fundamental element in (104) is established. Also, it was necessary to take
i?o with its rational value, because, by § 5, nRg is the sura of the roots of the
equation /(a-) = 0. And equation (124) is identical with (109), which estab-
lishes the necessity of the forms assigned to all those expressions which are
contained under R^ . It remains to prove that the expressions contained under
pj;, _ or y being a term in the series (107) distinct from n, have the forms
assigned to them in (110). The details to be given here are very much a repe-
tition of what is found in §44; but, to prevent the confusion that might arise
Pwe UnirSerial AUlian Equations.
of n of wl,ich „ i. a ™,;,,^ L ':J '■ ^°' •■ '■ "'"■■ "•" ""= '"'<' f-'»-
i» a facto. Of „. Let . = „,, tle„ ^ = t " ,e eLl' V !:7 "/Z; ''
»«".- ^,. = X., and «, on as .ga.d, a,, tho. te™/':f-thtt, ^ f'
- "" ^ or * i, an odd factor of „, but not a factor of ,. Hence, putting I
for . ,n ,ho .econd of equations (108), and separating those factors of li^ that
are of the typo F^, from (h«e that are not,
^:; = .'A,WJr^...)■(p::.*?„....)^
tieir continuedZdtt:; t^td" T"' '"^^ """" ""' »= '" ^ "'
Because 7v^ is the fundamental element of the roof nf o
equation of the ««• degree eauation !^ ^.1 v P"'' ""'-'""^^^ ^^«^'^»
-^ is included in W ^ ^ \'"^ ^'^ '"^^'^' ''^''^''> ^'^^-> because
where ^, ,s a rational function of w, and Z- is whnf 7- i
into .^ By putting . equal to unit; "(10^ """ '^ ^'''^"^^"^ ^
^''i" = A, (P„"|0j .... 7P|)i^
Taking this in connection with the second of equations (l 27)
Young : Forma, Neaissarij and Sufficient, of the Roots of
In like manner, by putting c for e in (109), and taking the result in connection
with the first of equations (127),
{n,„RZ^Y=unA,A7'')Q{Fr^'- . . .Y\{P7..P7D{rn.^7,'') . . . .}"'. (130)
From (129) compared with the first of equations (128), and from (130) com-
pared with the second of equations (128),
and l'„=icr{A,A7'')Q{I^V'' ■ • -f \{PT.n.P7r){¥o^,^7J'-) ■■••]
Exactly as in § 44, it can be shown that
(/„ being a rational function of the primitive ?«*" root of unity w"^. Also, it has
been proved that P^ is of the form of the fundamental element of the root of a
pure uni-serial Abelian quartic. Therefore, by (3), {PcvmP^Y is a rational
function of the primitive fourth root of unity w"*. Therefore, because n = 4»i,
{PTvmPm'")' is a rational function of the primitive n"' root of unity w". Put
{PT.mPT^'^f = q'c- (133)
Again, exactly as in §44, F,„ ' ^q'J, (134)
q'J being a rational function of ic°. By (132), (133), (134), and other correspond-
ing equations, the second of equations (131) becomes
h, = io^{A,„A7^)Q{q,qlq'J..,.). (135)
In like manner, from the first of equations (131),
/.i = i«»(A^r"')<3(Mi'?('----).
<7i, q[, etc., being what q^, ql, etc., become in passing from w" to iv. It may
be noted that this assumes that we are entitled to change equation (133) into
/■ Dm TJ— t)m\» -^ „/
K-l^^vm^m ) — qi-
vt_ in_ m^ '.11
The warrant for this lies in the fact that the roots Pl^ , Pj"^ , Pg^n , or P,5i . Pim . Psm i
were taken with the values they have in the root
Pl+Pi + PL+PL
of a pure uni-serial Abelian quartic. This being so, the equation
corresponds to equation (3), while (133) corresponds to (6), and, by §5, equations
of a
' 3m »
Pure Uni'Serial AheUan Equations.
(3) and (5) subsist together. In Z- l.u the, n n . •
into re. Therefore " ^ ^"'"""^'^ '"^ §^' ^« ^^n change .«
By comparing this with (135), »/=,„<« Thn..nP *u ^
^ ;. -«^ . Iherefure the first of equations (127)
l»ecomes /> " _ aaA ^,t. ■ v^-'V
-™e „.4u^o^ ;;ici:,r ;,;r;i:r'r '° ""
which IS the form ofiC in (110).
Svffioicnnj o/thr. Forms.
pure „„«erial Abelian equaio„'„f ,,'",' ""P""'"" (•»•'' '« '^^ '«»' of a
For y, „-._,, !- ° r ' * """"" *"• """'-^ """S-l value of ..
^oii-r;:;: Vetjr:;;':' rr- f t r r - -^ -■
rational function of the primitive fouM, J.S'f" ; °'""' P"™"- »f "
proved, exactly a, in §44 that w' the T """"°" "' "' ^'"O' " «'■' be
»•» power of : ratioL.'f:f„:i„?:;': ; 'i:rf:tT v' "■■''" '- ^"^
expressions. Therefore ii! fi-- i. n,„ ii, "'""' otter corresponding
»e aMj,bce. „e have tofh'o ' h r '""" "' " ""''"""'' '""""o- ■>'"■ I
correspon'ding equat 3, Ir fet "Ar^"'"""-* - W -^-'ts for every
Also, since . and . are bo h pll I „ """". \ "l " '» ""'- ^d'-^ed in .
eluded in .. But, from th 7 Zr „ whil';: ^ " ^^ ""' """^ " ■■"■
f„,„l . , , ■ ^° ■'»°' ""^ constructed from its
fundamental element, />•; is determined as in (109). Therefore
272 Young : For)»'<, Necesaani and Snffinertt, of the Roots of
/?;= A (/':«?>: ....^1)",.
Therefore (/^/?r') "' = (^.^rO (/'m/V/f (>«4'"'
and {nj^7'f = (^..^r')(/'«-n^''f (^'-'/'^
Because (P, P^')^and other such expressions have been shown to be rational
fun.'tions oMhe prinutive n'»> root of unity, the two equations (106) correspond
respectively to (3) and (5). If z be not prime to n, and yet not a multiple of
n, it may be taken to be .v. where « is equal to ^- , y being one of the terms
in the series (107) distinct from n, and u- being the general primitive »'•' root of
unity. Then, just as we obtained the pair of equations (136) by means of (109),
we can now, by means of (110), obtain
{l^Ji^^^f = (^.„^r"') (P.m^rf . • . • I (137)
{lUJ^*'f = (yl„„i7"')(/^c.mPr."')^ . ■ • . )
where .•« represents any one of the prinutive «'" roots of unity. Because
(P p-'"f and other such expressions have been shown to be rational functions
of The primitive n'" root of unity, the two equations (137) correspond respectively
to (3) and (5). Finally, should z be a multiple of n, it may be taken to be zero.
Then the equation corresponding to (3) is
5i being a rational function of w . Or, since z = ,
But lit is rational. Therefore q, is rational. Hence, if q, be what q, becomes
in passing from ^v to ^.^ ?. = q. Also 4.= Bj = ./.. Therefore, since Pj = 1 .
which is the equation corresponding to (5). Therefore, whatever .be, the equa-
tion (6) subsists along with (3). Hence, by the Criterion in § 10 the expression
(105) is the root of a pure uni-serial Abelian equation of the n degree.
Pure (/ni-Seriat Abtlinn lu/itutiwi^.
Ror-VAnM.: Ihukwcwuk KytfATioxs ok Puime DEanm-.s.
l^vo.uf ,t bo not a pure Aholian. tho uocoHHury and siiffi.-iout Co rms of itt ! "
can. by .noann of the ,.robIe.ns solved above, be doter.nine /„ / T-l
u^eif/u the contmmd product of a numUr of distinct prime, or four fL i product of a number ,^ distU^t odd prim,.. ' ''""' ''""' '^"
§5y. It ,s kriowu that tho root of tho equation is of the form
where k is rational ; and t" ^^n-i, (j.^g^
^^>'^''»' ^»-«. (139)
are the roots of an equation of the n'" decree that is of „n n r
rational coefficients. Let thi« equation be ^ (. = T e plrorti. T
/(-) = may also be expressed in the form ' " "'""''""
Where «!, i,, etc., are -ational functions of // ^ ^
exp.,.„„ (HO, „..o ..can. „,,„, .r:!r\.!t;r: (u™xr°
Thereforo li=a,n'. l,.,.„ce, since ». i, „ rational function of ft /, i, '
mional funct.on ot S,. The expression ft is tl„.s the root of l^e It
eates the degree of the equation, and is therefore our " wh le" iS O T
- quantities involved rational,, in the coefficients of he euattn A.) -t' g,ve„, after Abel, what are the two hJ^nZi.7,7l
p':;:::;;^;. "iz '"- -"' "-^ "-"^ '--"o- -^^^^
pioDierae propose, doit pouvoir se mettre sous ces dpnv fnrmoa
^nt encore trop g,„,r.|es, e'est-Vdire qu-eLTrenJerlT sZZtr
etj a, t,ouve dabord que parm, Icsfonctions re„fermces dans lu forme ^2) » [the
Young ; Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of (lie Roots of
same as (138)] "celles qui satisfont au problfeme propose doivent avoir la pro-
priete nonseulinent que les fonctions symetriques de R^, R^, etc., soient ration-
nelles en ^, B, C, etc. (ce qu'Abel a remarque), mais aussi que les fonctions
cycliques des quantites Ri, R^, etc., prises dans un certain ordre, soient egale-
ment rationnelles en ^, B, C, etc. ; en d'autres termes, I'equation de degre ft — 1 ,
dont Ri, R2, etc., sont les racines, doit etre une equation abelienne. J'entendrai
toujours ici par equations abeliennes cette classe particulifere d'equations reso-
luble qu'Abel a considerees dans le Menioire XI du premier volume des CEuvres
complUes, et dont je supposerai les coefficients fonctions rationnelles de A, B, C,
etc. En designant par Xi, x^, x„, des racines prises dans un ordre deter-
mine, ces equations peuvent etre dofinies soit en disant que les fonctions cycliques
des racines sont rationnelles en A, B, C, etc., soit en disant qu'on a les rela-
tions, Xa = 0(xi), a-3 = 6(a-j) , -Tn = ^ K-i), a-j = Qx^,
oil (a-) est une fonction entiere de x dont les coefficients sont rationnels en
A, B, C, etc." In saying that the y. — 1 (or, in our notation, the n — 1) terms,
i?i, i?2, etc., are the roots of an Abelian equation, Kronecker must be understood
to assume that the equation 4) (x) = , which has the terms in (139) for its roots, is
irreducible. As a matter of fact, in the most general case, which includes all
the others, the equation «^ (a;) = is irreducible. But in particular cases it may
be reducible, and then it is not an Abelian. In a paper by the present writer,
entitled "Principles of the Solution of Equations of the Higher Degrees," which
appeared in this Journal (Vol. VI, No. 1), it was proved that when the equation
^ (a:) = is reducible, it can be broken into a number of irreducible equations,
^i(a:) = 0,'4'2(a;) = 0, ^,{x) = 0,
each a pure uni-serial Abelian. Hence, for a detailed discussion of the
problem we have now before us, we should require to deal not only with
the general case in which the equation 4) (x) = is irreducible, but also with
the several, cases in which equations such as •4'i(a;) = 0, •^^{x)=.0, etc.,
can be formed. But since, as has been stated above, the particular cases are
included in the general, we shall confine ourselves to the problem of the neces-
sary and sufficient forms of the roots of the solvable irreducible equation
f{x) = of degree n, when the subordinate equation ^(x) = of degree n — 1
is irreducible, and is therefore a pure uni-serial Abelian ; it being understood
that n — 1 is either the continued product of a number of distinct primes, or
four times the continued product of a number of distinct odd primes.
Pure Uni-Seriul AheUan Equations.
Form of the Hoot.
§60. The solutions of the problems investigated in the precedinir mrt of
the paper have furnished us with the necessar/and sufficient'for n I oo
o he pure un.senal Abelian equation ,(.) = o of degree .- i. Let this
»'l. n, 'a. .... , /•,, Vg. ^l^^\
It Will be found that the ter.s 4, 4, etc., in (138), which are the same, in a
cei^a,n order as 1^[, /.- , /^ . etc., with multiples of n rejected from the sub
scripts, are given by the equations
4 = A^{rtry„..
H; = A, {.[ri .... rlf
^nnl^^ t\^«"bscripts of the factors of the expression for JRjAr^ are the terms
er es 'I ' '';^"'"" ^" *'^ ^"'"^^ ^" (^^^) "^ --rse order. Because t"
Necebsitt/ of the above Forms.
§61. Here, »ssumi„g that the root of a solvable irreducible equatio,, of
tZTiuir'^'""" " '" <''"■ "" ""^^ "> *- ">»' ^.'. a'. ■='-. have the
§62. In (138) Itf is an «■> root of J}„ one of the roots of a pure uni^eri-,1
Abehan equation * (.) = o, the series of whose roots is contained in (13;). Zt
Young : Forms, Necessary and Sufficient, of the Roots of
El may be any one of the roots. This implies that if the roots, in the order in
which they circulate, are
El, B^, Ba, . . . • . Rti ^,y ^*'».
the change of B^ in the system of equations (141) into BH will cause J?; to
become B^, and B^ to become B; , and so on. In fact, by exactly the same
reasoning as that used in establishing the Criterion of pure uni-serial Abeli-
anism, it can be made to appear that the n values of the expression (138)
or of (140) obtained by taking the n values of B^ for a given value of Bi, and
X i,
taking at the same time the appropriate values of i?; , B^ , etc., as determined
by the equations (141), would not be the roots of an equation of the n^^ degree
1 J.
with rational coefficients unless Bj couid replace i?; in the manner above indi-
cated. In like manner, by changing 7?i" in the system of equations (141) into
B^, jR;^ becomes Bj, and so on. The principle can be extended to all the
terms in the series
b;,b:,b: b:,b;.
§63. Let, then, the system of equations (141) be written
Bi = a'Jif, bI = b'Jif , etc. ,
e being a general symbol under which all the terms in the series (143) are con-
tained, while ai, hi, etc., are rational functions of B,. These equations give us
(BtBl^Bl .... B%B'„B./' = gM,
where G, is a rational function of B^ , and
t = e-\-eX + ba+ ... . + e = (n-^l)0s=(n-^l)r-*.
Because /I is a prime root of w, (n— 1) X""* is prime to n. Therefore t is prime
to n. Therefore whole numbers h and 7c exist such that
ht = 7m + 1 .
For every integral value of z, let {B",,)" be written r,;.
for G'^M, j^i ^ j^ (^j^.^,«_^ __ ^,,..^^)i.
Then, putting Aj^
Pure Uni-Serial Abelian Equatmi^.
Because /•„ is simply another way of writing R%, and the terms B„ li, etc are
the roots of a pure uni-serial Abelian, it follows that /•„ /•„ etc, have the forms
of the roots of a pure uni-serial Abelian. By putting e, then, in (148) succes-
sively equal to 1, X, a, ..... 0, the ti- 1 terms in (146) are obtained with the
forms assigned to them in (145).
Sufficiency of the Formal.
§64. We here assume that the terms forming the series (146) are taken as
m (145), and we have to show that the expression (140) is the root of a solvable
irreducible ecjuation of the «»•> degree ; provided always that the equation of the n"'
degree, of which it is a root, is irreducible. Because the terms forming the series
(146) arc aken as in (145), the system of equations (147) subsists. Therefore, by a
course of reasoning precisely similar to that used in an earlier part of the paper to
show that the r> values of the expression (2), obtained by giving .s- successively the
V!».'!>i,i 0, 1 , 2 , , « — 1 , are the roots of an equation of the «*» degree, it can
; ov.' :.,e shown that the n values of the expression (140), obtained by taking the n
values of i2,~for a given value of R^, are the roots of an equation of the «'»'
degree, that is, of an equation of the «»•> degree with rational coefficients.