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Compny, ,h,p St. Ai,^i, ^„cA,s tlie wind blowing fp'in li.e south; at leni;tii a sudden calm eutued, but the motion of tke w aves coi^tiniied veryliiiih- At day bienk ihefog which had till then sur- rounded us, disappeared, aiidvie.saw tlieshoreat the dis- tance of about tin or twelve mile«. Tlic calm rendered, the sails useless, and the high' waves would not allow ns to have reco'jrse to the uars f the current, therefore, carried us ra|iiilly towards the shore Wc Ihoniiht oui selves lost, wlien kappily a north ncslcily breete spiang up, by the help of which we got out of out periious situation. Soon, lion oroi', n new storm arose, which was atain interrupted hy a calm ; and at last, on the Is^ of Novemlier, alter mncli unniciy, and still more .-navailing labour, aur ship was oust on shore ad hem terriliiy sluikrii, and was balf lull of water. There was, however, no possiliility of sav- ing her ;we theiel'ore want uushoi'e, taking with ns iheguns, ■nuskets, ammiinilipu, apJ every other article whicli we thoueht we might find useful in our dcsiiliite state. Our first care when landeil, was to clean and loa 1 our fire-aims, as we had every inunieni reason In expect a visit irom the Datives, against whose cupidity and savase jury we had no other security than our resolution This being done, we made two tents with our sails, an. The mate, accoinpuiied hy four hunters, had giuie on hoard, for the purpose ol taking down the tackling from the ship. 'I hey bad taken a burning match with them, theie being slill a few gnns le^t in the brig. The captain, standing near lier gave the neccssaiy orders, while I had the ehnige of wnlcliing the motions of the enemy and gnarding nur little camp. Our tent was occupied by Mrs. Itulugin (\\xv captain's wile ), an Aleootrkian. from Kailjak, a woman o> the same nation, myself, and two native.s, >iho hail joined ns wiihont- any invitution. One ol them, a fen (elder), invited me to his hnt, which, he Said, was not tar off; hut prudence re- strained me t'l "in accepting this invitation. I endeavoured to inspire him with a friendly feeling towaiils us, ami he promised ttiat he woujd not injure us and wouhl also en- deavour to prevent his rounirynieu from doing so. In. the mean time, however, 1 was informed the Kot^jn^bes* were carrying oti'our stores. I enliei^teU oni peoil« to h- ai with them as much as possible before tlie\ ))roceeded to hostilities and represented to the toeu the impiopriety of the conduct of his party, and begged him to induce Iheni to desist. Bnt as we could not converse freely, it teok m- some tiuie to convey my seiitiuients to liim, aad in the mean wliile the question was decided without our interfc ence. Our people began to drive tlie savages away, and they in return pelted tliera with stones. As soon as I was infunned of tills, I rushed out of the tent but nt the same moment our hunters fired, and I was piereed in the chest witli a lance I run b»ck for a musket, and on comine out again saw the man who had wimniied me; he held a lance in ona band, and in the other he had a staii« which he hurled at my head with audi violence as to maki)nie ttagitt' 'o the ground; I iirei',' bowever, and he tell down dead. Tlie savageaaooD look In fliglit, leaving two dead behind, and rxMyiiigone dead and a grrat many wonndid with them, '^n our side there were tew who had iiorrecelved some linit or other, with the ex- ecptien of those who had lieea on hoard. Oar captain had been slabbed In the hai.k A great many linres. cloaks, an 1th tliick forests, and to low that atltigh water * This is the name of one of the American tribes, the Russian hnnlers, howavar, bestow it on all the nations if this coast. wmm mmm -c: 11 would he overflowed; it was, consequently in no way ailapted loroiir purpose. The captain therefore colleeied us together, and litformed ns, tint hynext spring the Com- pany's slilii Kaljak would toiidinpim this coa.st, in a harbour not mure tlian sixty-Hve miles dlstulit from the spot where we then were, to which hailiour he proposed tliat we should immediately jirocerd .As there was neillier li.iy nor river marked on the chart nhicli could impede our jonrney, he titonglit ItnilKlii he very speedily aceomplishfd ; and ihat while tiie savnges were engiiged in plundering the vessel we should have nothing to fear from them, sinie they could de- rive i:o advantage Irom annoying us. \Ve all, therefore, nnaiilmously replied, •' be it as you propose, we shall not disobey you." Thus WR entered upon our march, each of ns armed with two imiskels, one pistol, a qunnllly of ammunition besides three barrels of powder and some provisions which we car- ried Willi n». I'levionsly to o,ir depnrinie, however, we hiid taken care tojipike the guns, destroy the mn-kets, and throw them, together wlih the remaining gunpowder, pikis, lialehets, and other iiun loo's, into the sea. We crosed » river in our boat, and after advanring about twelie miles through tlie forest wc stopped for llie night, and having set our watches, lassed it without being disturbed. In the morning we continued our route, left the lbiest,and again approached the coa.st, where we hailed, in order I- clean our fiie-aims y\hout two o'clock p.m. w> were overtaken by two savages, one of whom was the toen who had visiieil us on our til si landing. They i;ave us to under- stoiiil that Ijy 1. Ilowing the co4st wohoiild meet with many iinpedinieiit.s, both from its simio-ilies and from llie rocks, ol wiiieh latter they leporlcd, lliat some were inipas- able. Ihiv also showed us a hentru track tli'roogh the forest, whiihthey advi.>ed os to (ollnw, a'ter whiih thev prepared io leave u.s. Hetbie their dep«rttire, bowever, 1 endeavoured to jjiie themo more fo'inidable Idea of the power of our fite mnis. by filing with a liHe ata mhuII ting marked up on u houid, ai adisluuce of IVO feet The ba 1 pierced the hoard wiicre I hurt marked it, and tlie'sava|:es, alter having cxuniincd the aperture and measured the dis- lance, de)iurted- Diirinp the night a violinl stoim arose, accompanied by run anil snow : and tlie bad weather continuing Ih'dnvh the lollowingdny, we were obliged to i-.nil in a cave tilt it was over. Dining all this time we wlere beset hy the savages, who Ireqiiently rolled stones ii|Hin us fiom the top ol the hill. The weathei clearing up the next morning, we pursued oiir journey till we reached a slreain of some depth, which we followed OB a beaten palli, in the hoi>e ol meeting with a shallow phfl where we mitht lord it. Ton srds evening we arrived at a large iiut Theiulialiitantshnd left, hut a fite ivas still burning near it, and it cnilalntd a largt supply of dried kishntclies (a species ol salmon), und opposite (o it poles weie fixed in tlie water fur the purpose ol fishing. We li'ok twenty-five of these fish, lor which we left about six yards of heads liy way ol payment ; after which we en camped for the ni(;lit, ahoni 20o'yBrds licin it in Ihe forest III the inoining we perceived iKit we were ^ boat wis ek'rftM aldugYiy the chfrent and came at one period so mar the opposite stun', that all o>'r people in It were wonnded by ilie dart' and arrows wlilcli the savages threw at Ibem : bat fortiwatdy tlie car* rent look an opposite direction, ouil they succeeded in land- ing on our side at tlie moment when the boat began to link ■Those in Ihe small boat, however, all fell into the hands of these treacherous barbarians, who, justly supposing Ihat llM muskets whicli had been in Ihe l^oatmuti, have liecors- 'tMto less by the wci, now crossed «ve|MMi'V aHacf"" We ■ oil our part, intreiiehedVt||l%%4iw* ks ctfrikistaqceai would admit. Aiteiy.«a,',;(aj(liit.:. .».ioc,ves ia a lliiT"'' opposite to our posiljoe him, nnd would only im- pede our fll;;ht; we therelore took leave of our ri\ing coin- panioii, and piocreded onwards for some oistsnce At length wc encamped in a convenient spot in a hilly nan of the forest. Now that our immediate danger was over, we began to retleet on our horrible silnnlldn. Our poor captain in pa' tieular, who had iost a w ife w lioin he loved more Ihau him- relf, sofleied an anguish heyond descripliou. \i e could not conceive whence all Ihe savages we had seen could have eonie, and liow they could possilily be Ihe inhahilanis of those few linls. But we afterwards learned that they hail assembled from all pans ol Ihe coals lor the purpose of in. teicei'tingns, and Ihat there were ami'Ugsl them above filtv of tlia upon ui on lur being cast on shors. Some had come even troui Cape Giewllv. in47-2i'lat Diuingthe Olh.lnth, and llih,it laineil inceiiantiy, and we wandered about the hills, scarcely knowing wieie, but only anxious to hide onrsti'es liom tlie natises, whi.ni we dared not meet in such unfavourable weather, our fireaims having lirrome periectly useless. WesiiflTerril dreudiuUy liuui hriiiger. and were compelled to leed upon fpi ng cs, thctoUs of our heo our furs and. musket covri a. At last, lioweirr even llie.se wreielied means tailed likewise, ami we again ap- proached the last nieniioncd liter ; hut discovering two liul.< and feaiii.g lo encouiilrr the savagis, the wealher being still wei, we again retieated into the forest, where we passed the night. On the ll!tli,our last morsal of bread being con- sumed, and the quantity ol sponges lound not proving tiiffi. cieni for sixteen men. we killed our laithlpl rompeuioo, a dog, and shared his flesh amnngil ns. Our nistros had now arrived al such a pitch, that our captain resigned his com- mand inio my hands, with the appfoliation ol the whole crew, declar III! liinif' If unable lo conduct ns any longer. On the ISth the rahi continued. On the Uth the wea tliei cleared up, and we resolved to attack llie two huts which He had noticed We found Iheru deserted by all their inmates, exreot a lad about thirteen v ears ol age, vvlip was a prisoner This lad inioimed us that ilie own is o^ these huts had hastily crossed the river on not c ng our footmarks. Alter taking twenty-five dried fish tor eacli man, we agsin retreated to the woods We liarl nut proceehnnld. eis. The wounilsof our two men proved slight; and we reniai.icdon lids spot for two daya,iu order to recruit our strengli: Finding it impraeticahle to reach the harbour this season, having nomi^ans of crossing the river, we resolved to follow the stiei.ni upwards, lill we should teach » conveuieni spot fur fishing, " hi i weinieodrd lo intreiich ouiselves for the winter; a'ler v.. a we mighf act according lo ciici hMiances. Tills march wes a very laboiiaus one, for wr were f'requentiv compelled to leave Ibe liaoka oi the river op acconui o< tlie thick under wood and ni;:geil precipices with which lliev were lined; the rain, moieover, was incessant.. AHer scveial daysj umey, our progress in a straight line did not exceed twenty wcrsts We wiNre fnitonatia enough, however, to meet ucegshinaljy w,Hli spme of the Bativet foiling In their boats on the river, who consented to sell ns a lew fish fcr beads and other triflea. Al laat, worn ,oiit with laligue and hiingei, we r-aehid two huts, and neees.sily again. compel- led us to mske a forced purchase of lisli, as tliu bilu.liitanlS' were at first unwilling to sell ni spy, alleging tliot the high ' water allowed the fish to pass ovei' Ike fi|>nie woUt .which tbey had laid acioss tlie rlvei, and readi red llieui scarce. V'e encamped at a short diiia^ie, and on thS' foliowiai muriliig were inrprised by the arrival of two of the nalivesr I ^•^. .^ ':n J^: *l-i •»■>:"' r '^'^^,., :-.^ ,- ■y. /'■4.; , ii^Cf '■%N> y ■ify I 1 i who, alter tome general conTriiaCon, desired to know »he- Ihei we were noc iiicliucd lo rainuiu Aiiiih (Mis. Uiiliigin) I Wr. B. inslanlly uflcred lii» lutt cluak, and every one of ii> (adding some jmrtf hl« clothei.wi-ioonfurnieil acousidcialile f.heap, wliich wc clieirlully off. red or iliu mnsuni oi liie im- luttiinute c») live, lint the navaurs . iltlcd on Iiuviii).' Idui inAskcKin addition, dcchirins liial l,..,r cuiintrvnicn uoiilil lnal|>aii wiih hci lor a luuer|jrce. Not wisiiint; lo ^l^e■ Itlieman ali»oliilpni|iun eil hir in a boat, till will.in liitienor I twenty fHth.inis ofns, -a here we ifiain hepun LarKainiug lor I her. irwotilil be in \ain to atteni|.t a dr>c'ii|>tion ol thi- Itnsoliij! scciice. The uiifoi Innate coii|ile weie nicllcd into I tear>, and their c< uvulsive solis almost lieprived tbrin ol ut- Iteraiite. Wc a'«o wept j and none but the u (eelint na- ■lives icniained unmoved. 'Hie Indy lold lier huband ;hal lihe bad been liiiniauely and kindly treated, that tlie other prisoners were also alive, and now at tiie mouth ol the ri lathe mean lime li.e natives | ersisted in their iie bland ol lour nmskets ; and finding us unyelding ii-oner hack aga n to the p|ii ositetliuie, Mr. Itnhi::iii, upon tills, assumlnt the airoi t coiiiniander, ordered me p-'rem[itniily to deliver up the nuskcis In vain d.i(t I iii|ie the inipi hey ol' such an act, kepiesintaiing that having but one serviceable musket lor kacb man h It tin- giving up oi to ii.Hiiy v«hlcli vviiild be ini. niediatey employed auain-t us w nid lead to our ce tain des- IriK'tion. He persisted in his ilemand til tic men all de llared that tlic> vtould not se, aiaie llieinselvea t'loni their liuskets ut any price. Id thnsdi t' iniiniiig we all felt leep- [lor th< distrv-s it' the poor man ; but when It is consisler I th.'t our lives or liberty were at Mukc our condiici nill be kdged leniently. After this sad event v.e pursued our lurney lor several days lill we were si udcnly stopped by a Euvy tall ol snow i and as llii-ie was no appearance of its ]clting speedily we be hvftn lo clear a si ol, and collect ma. rials to build a hoi.se r. siding In the mean time n Icmpora- huts. We const:iutl> s.iw bouts with unlives on the river ; nd one day, a youth, the ton ol a li.iii Willi two other hen, landed with his canoe and paid us a visit. He told iih liat a hut was not far off and «n onr oflVrIng t" send one ol r men with iheui, foi' ikc purpose of puichu-iig irovlsioiis Ley seemed highly please •, exidelhig no doubt to ohtuiu hoiher prisoner ; bii in this II. «y were ilisappolnled : the |ian went with them, but the vi.ung Toen was detained as a Dstage till his lettnn. He ranie but;k empty handed, fur le savages, whom he lu.d fei.nd to ti.e nrmber ot six men nd two women woubi nut «< II Ihni any thing. Iiavii g thns fees cheated by these savujtes, we now detniKd Ih in ai Id dispatched six oi our men, aimed with ninskc's in their lat to llir hut. vilieiice Ilie\ toon leiurin d with all tI.e lisi. fiey could tiiid in U. ^^ e iheittia.lc toii.e i»esiiit& to our L'isoneis and dltnd.-.sed li.eni (cm ulier an oiu niiiii aoughtus ninety aalhiuns loi which He | aid him with co| ■ ■r bottoms. I A few days alter this we entered u| en ciir new huhitati- J ; it was a square hut, with senliy boxes nl the angles, ton a'ter we were again ^ihil^'d by the young 'I'oen, oiii riglibour : we asfed him lo sell us .stnie fi h, hnl iicdviii^ ■ rude ansuir, wc |Ut him under an est, d.elaiirg hat hi lould not he released till he hud liirni>li< d us, »illi out |nter staie, rii.— four hundred salmons, and lour hla-den caviar. He n. : dit.patchcd his oiupuniens, ^0 returned to him twice in the ouise of >he we k, hold J sec etcon crenc'fi "i;lt him. At last he usl^cd us lor a Rsage 'or his boa's, vOiicli being granted, we soon saw Jrleen boa's, containing ahcut sctenly people ol both S:es, going down lie river: these people sloii rctiiincdlo with ibe a tides rii|uired We a so cbtuliiuu of them a It sufficiently large to cany sis | eisons. We t en dii- l-ed the young man, after presenting liiin with a apolcd Haekei ami a lew clothes ^\ c iieqi.eiitly sent oui boat Up the river, and wheiever ^ found any t!sh in the huts, seized upon them as lawful One day, wIkh i.tir boat was absent on one of these msions, we had oieusion to stop several boats Itill at sa- jes, who wee rowing in the sane direction. As soon as Ihaat returned, we allowed them to proceed j tbey dr- ;. I, however, saying that us our boat ba.l taken away r lisb, they hart no fuiilicr business. 1 enueavoiireii Lake them unlersiand, iliat having been dilven lothis [ by tlieir cruelly, we bud no oilier lesoiirce for the pre la'ion of our lives, than seizing upon their stores. I asur- lieni, however, that we would conleni ourselves with k we could lind up the river, if they would leave us iin- Isted ftir the winter, nor wouM we ever, in si.ch case, lour boat downward!. 'I his diplcmatlc point hav.ng 1 agriie-l to, iVe renained ii;::!:>tuibcd duiirg the whole ', and in possession o. obiindanre ol food, ng inforn.fd that the savages were gathriing In larjje MS at the mouth of the river, am prci aiingtn obs met Irogress along the coasi In ev. ly poHible mui.iiei, it was V<) to hi'll'l another lioal, wiili wiiicli ve niighl, In the llg spring, ascend the river as high as possible, una Iheu iig towards the south, endeavour to reach tI.e river ( a- |«, alwut which the natives are lets barharoi i. The IvasdiflicBlt, bnt itwascxeciiledi and we only waled I weather to enter upon our haurdoiii exptdition, \ when an event oci^erl which froitrated the wbels •( our piiin. Mr. Bulunin resided hit command; and having embark- ed in onr bouts, we lA our barr.ick on the 8th of (.'ebrnary I hliU, and sailed dow! the r ver. We stopped at the same spot where, the ye* bcfoie, Mrs. Hnlngin ban been pro. duredtoi.s We nu| ck'aily preeeived the object of our captain ; but so grealfvas our compassion foi his sufferings, lliiil wu silently ieslg.«d o> rselves to the dangers to wliich he was about to exp.se us. lleie we were inirsted by an old man, who i resented us with an Mk.it (a water light basket ma. e & blanches), full of a species ol runi ..f witch maiin.-rs lirew a kind m acid liquor. He showed l.imsell very attont ve, ami offered to pilot down iherver, t. navigation of wlilcli was rather intricate, on airoiint olthe many trees that were in it: w.' accep ed his ofler and he aequ tied himself honourably. Having reached a small island, he ordered us to come t.., »nrei, thereioie, to take us through a rarruw channel, where we sboiild be sale. W e had nothingleft but lo trust to his honour, and we neie not disatipoinied. Wereachel the mouth of the liver in safety, anU landed on a hi ot opposite an Indian vil- iBce, Hereoiir guide, whose n.ime was lj rs. H. and her companions into capth I ly. We immediately s. i/ed her togetlier vvitli a young man an I, havingfusteiied logs of woo.l to their i eel, we declared that they should leiiiain our prisoners lill onr people W'cre restored to lis Soon alter the woman's husband inad(> his api earanee, ani assured us that they were not among then:, having been al ott d lo another irlbe ; hut that he would go in seai eh 01 them, and bring them to us In fourdays, if we would only promise not tokdl his wife in the interval We now iutrcaclird ourselv es on a neighhouiing bill ,' and about a week altera number of savages appeared on the on the opposite shore of the ilver, expressing a wish to en- ter into tieaiy with us. 1 immedi&ti ly w nt down to the water's edge, attrnjcd by seveial'oi onr people. An el.'cr. ly man, messed in ilie European style, appeared »s the loa- der ol ilie opp^si e party, amungstwioin was Mrs. II. She ImmeJiutely lold us that our ' SI, who would, wilhoni t'e least doubt, liberate, nnd tend III on boaro two veuels. now lying in the hay of bl. Juan oe Fiiia. As to Ihe other pris'Uen, she said, they wer d spei cd anil. ng the Ir b't n the vicinity I t led or seme ei lo«l0| all their gunpOvtder, and some dificiilty In ricapin( Willi thert livei. Tbcjr iKed, iberefors, ^ stfvUltHBMi^^''' being Inteicepied by another trilie, thtf west allSl^v prisoners and {^i|iwaAMM|1lM (OMt- , , „ . A t the ted ar^MBI bW/, /- tl(r Mptar 4Mrn