m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IIIM III 2.5 - m |||Z2 111 m "^ - lis lllllio mm 14 III 1.6 V2 i9 VI ■el /}. 0%. A // /|- Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (71i) 872-4503 ^. »•, I 4th. The peat when cured on the improved plan is free entirely from dust, and so hard that it can be readily sawn like wood, and can be handled with as little care as coal. r>th. The fuel obtained by this process is worth in the market twenty-five per cent, more to the con- sumer than the present value, and will be to the manufacturers the same saving both as to nuality and weight. The results of numerous experiments, practical as well as scientific, go to show that peat in its rudely prepared state, goes far towards answering these requirements, and vrhen solidified, it is for all pur- poses superior. The number and variety of machines and devices which have been invented, patented, or attempted to be used for these purposes are astonishing ; and although all have agreed that such results were prac- ticable, few have actually arrived at anything like a satisfactory method of preparing it ; and none, until recently, so far as we are aware, have arrived at that complete success which is essential to the profitable and universal introduction of an article of this character. A process has, however, recently been discovered by which peat may be converted into a solid dry fuel 6 in good shape ami at modcrato cost, and has been demonstrated to be beyond a (|ue8tion a success. By this process the Company will be enabled to turn out at least one hundred tons of dry peat per day, and ready for shipment in three weeks. The enormous expense of all machinery hitherto used in utilizing peat has been the chief or sole cause of the article not being produced at sufficient low cost to compete favorably with w^ood and coal. This Company is formed for the purpose of manufac- turing peat in the township of Godmanchester in the county of Huntingdon, distance from Montreal 47 miles, being four miles from Port Lewis, on the St. Law- aence, affording every facility for shipping purposes. The peat bed is of a superior quality, being equal to any as yet discovered, and comprises 500 acres or there- about, averaging from 10 to 18 feet in depth of pure vegetable matter, capable of yielding 3000 tons of dry peat to the acre, and can be manufactured at a cost of one dollar per ton, allowing ample for contin- gencies. The inventor of the machinery for both purposes is secured by letters patent for the United States and the Dominion of Canada. The capital stock of the Company has been fixed at pi" or CO th pa R fo al th in in $r)0,000 in 5000 shares of ten dollars eacli, an^ thoy purpose disposing ot* sufficient number of shares in order to have the works in full operation early in the coming spring. The inventor and oi'iginator of this Company gi es the use within the township of Godmanchester of his patent right to the Iliuitingdon Peat Company for the Royalty of thirty cents per ton, of 2000 pounds each for the first year, being lower than any other shall be allowed to use the same — and for the following years the Royalty to be 50 cents per ton, and the said inventor to have two hundred and fifty paid up shares in the said Huntingdon Peat Company.