IMAGE EVALUATIOrj TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 !.l ■- iJlilM I- u 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 J4 -* 6" — ► VI M ^m W /y 'e^. M Photographic Sciences Corporation s. a? ,\ s iV <> ^ ^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 <^ I??* .t me adore ; 'l^hepo are directed by ihy will, And these shall bo for evermore. Teach me to praise thee with my tonjrue. My soul be join'd to those that praise, Let me rejoice where pniife is sung'. And see tlie liirht of David's days. Let Abram's name on earth be bleit To all on whom the sun do rise ; Gather the nations to their rosi. And Isjrael to his sacriilce. JjCt thrones ariye in Jacob's namo For freobom noun lo .sit upon. Let David's kin^rdoni coine again. And all thy son« that 's dead and gone. Givo Josiis Chrif«t a froodly rest In every heart thst owns thy Tsame, With him let every tribe b I Ml make thy wonders known. In death my soul shall rise to thee And bow before thy throne. HYMN XX. WHEN I with saints the banquet join Far from my restless foe. Part of their blessings will be mine, And I, their God shall know. The Lord will cast away my fear, And bid my soul to rise, He '11 call my wandering spirit near And make the f?imple wise. 17 I I 1 m IS HYMNS AND PRAYERS. ilo, for my foet, with stopping-stoncii Will lead my way before. Ho '!1 lead me to the ancient tombs And 1 shall seek no more. Tlio Spirit of the Lord I '11 find And all his servants by. With them ho '11 bless my livingr mind, Nor bid my spirit die. My sonl shall flow with thanks and praise Like to the rising stream, He Ml clothe my sonl with ancient days, And bid my robes be seen. He will enlarge my living breast And strangers will come in. And with the saints he '11 build my rest Far from the deeds of sin. HYMN XXI. •f ! r ! WELCOME my Saviour to my breast With all the griefs thou bore, Thv sorrows are the way to rest Where pain shall be no more. Receive my soul, O Saviour dear. And offer me to God, 'T is through thy blood I 'n drawing near, And washing in thy blood. When angry foes against me rise And in their wrath they swear. Each tribulation makes me wise. Each sorrow strong to bear. t V I HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 10 I MI own thy name whore monarchs reign, Nor will I dread nor fear ; I *m call'd to glorify thy name. To make thy life appear. A thousand tongues shall sound thy praise. To thee the harp be join'd, My soul shall own King David's days. And peace with thee I '11 find. Assembled tribes shall give thee praise That sitt'st on David's throne. And monarchs bow and loam thy ways. That griov'd and wept alone. HYMN XXII. HOW deep, O Lord, the stone doth lie Thou build'st the Church upon. The top thereof doth reach so high To those who 're dead and gone. The living do adore thy name For thou direct'st their dust. Through the deep valleys of their pain They lean upon thy trust : Thou art a God that's present by Our ever needful store, Who teachest where the stone doth lie. That cannot move no more. Thou mov'st our feet to upward rise And let thy paths be seen. Thy name 's a light before our eyes, A field for ever green ! 20 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 'I '■ i'iii Thy love '» a sprinjgr that never dricF, Whose fountain 's clear and deep. For thou the mourner's heart suppUes And comfort'st those that weep. HYMN XXIII. WHAT blessing. Lord, my spirit finds While in the hidden way. My spirit meets a thousand minds Of those who 're pass'd away : Who speak salvation to my soul, Who call the stranger in, Thou mak'st tlie broken-hearted whoU And heal'st the wounds of sin. The Lord doth bid their spirit rise, As suns do rise and shine ; 'Hiese are a light before mine eyes To light this way of mine.. These, these have trod the path before. And bless'd the hidden way ; These, these partake and mourn no more» For these my soul doth pray. O Priest and Prophet bear my mind, (I bear a heavy load,) Grant that my soul your rest may find» With you make mine abode. Blest by the Father and the Son Your deeds of life to see, Let us receive you as you comc» Your nanie is given to me- HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Blest by the living God so kind Whom all the meek adore, With you, my soul a home shall find To part with you no more I HYMN XXIV. LORD, mako my garments clean, From every sinful stain, Thv blood baptiae, thy love redeem, And clothe me virith thy name. My sin *s a crimson die, . A load of guilt to bear. But there are cleansing waters by, A heart, and house of prayer. O Lord, my stain remove. Baptize me in thy blood. And clothe my broken heart with love, And give my soul to God. Oh, give my spirit rest For I am weary here, With woe and grief I feel oppress'd. And tremble in my fear. HYMN XXV. rriHY Spirit as the morning light, 1. Lord, from the opening tombs. Attends me through the weary night ; (With thee great wisdom comes.) Her hands with robes of ancient days, With blessings to restore, Her hands direct to hills of proisc, Her feet, to pin no more. B 21 32 HTMNS AND PRAYERH. :f^^ ii Sho is tho presence of the Lord, With visions deep and strong^. She teaches from the hlcsH'd record. And sings King David's song. She bids tho Fnints in lipht appear. She showa a flowinir broastt She calls my wandering spirit netr With her to build my rest HYMN XXVI. "f |7 HILE life remains, and thou art by, ft That caird my soul to rise, 1 will walk with thee till I die. Or thou asceud'st tho skies I An altar for my soul thou built. And did my hands prepare. To offer offerings for my guilt,— Thy pardon meets me tliero. Thou plac*d thy name in waters deep. And bado my .soul descend. Thou taught'st mine eyes by night to weep, To shun a mournful end. Thine hand oppress'd my living breast With thoughts I did conceal. Thou bad'st me see the saints at r©«t. Their mournful lives reveal. My spiiit 's by thy blessing fed, ^hou hast a living store ; Mv heart is by thy spirit led, — i crave nor thirst no more. UYMN8 AND PRAYRRS. 2j^ HYMN XXVII. HOW slippery are the paths wo tread, (By nature prone to ill). We stray where flocka are never fed. Nor fountains never still. We drink of wine, again wo thirst, (Such as the earth afford). We feed on counsels that are curs'd. And so oftend the Lord. We 're hasteninjr to the bars of death. The grave is deep and strong, *T is there no mortal draws hin breath, Nor praise thee with a song. I Ml wash my robes where blood doth flow, I Ml feed where fields are green, I Ml shun the world, my dangerous foe, And with the saints be seen. My life in union there shall join, IMl shun the sinfnl fold, I Ml live by order, and by liuo. By truths that Jesus told. HYMN XXVIII. THY love 's a garment bright and clean Washed in that blood-flowing stream. Bought by the ofTerings of thy son For every babe and harmlcKs one. 'Tis thou, O Lord, from whonco ho came Who gave thy honor'd son his name, 'T *s thou, who caus'd his heart to bleed. Where shepherds drink and flocks do feed. B 2 I 24 HYMNS AND PRATERS. f i I ' ' 'T is thou thai brought him to the door To comfort and to feed the poor. Thou gav 'st him hfo their needs to feeU And balm to all their bruises heal. Thou mak'st the broken-hearted whole. And hcal'st with love the afflicted soul ; Thou call'st the heart within to move, With melted bowels sing thy love. HYMN XXIX. THINE eyes behold me when astray,. Thou plac'd thy son before. And thou declared he is the way, — He all my faiUngs bore. I plac'd my fcjt by thy command. My soul was safely led, I built no buildings on the sand. Nor crowns upon my head. Thou taught'st my soul that I was dust And bade my tongue declai'e. In thee, alone, is all my trust. And all my comfort 's there. Thou bidd'st my soul inspire to praise For mercies thou hast shown ; To call to mind King David's days. And bow before thy throne. HYMN XXX. LORD, how deep the mystery hes. How easy to explain ; All 's well when thou wilt hear our cries^ And not one breath in vaia. IIVMNS AND PRAYERS. Thy spirit is our staff and stay. Our judge of right and wrong, Our peaceful path, our heavenly way. Our prayer, our praise, our song. Thy word, O Lord 's a fountain deep. Which all her banks o'erflow. Thy heart doth heal the eyes that weep, And saves us from our foe. Thv love, O God 's so skilfully built Tnat none can it deform. Within, there 's pardon from our guilt And safety in the storm. The babos, unnumber'd blessings feel, 'J'heir hearts are meek and low. To these, thou mysteries dost reveal. To these thy bosom flow. HYMN XXXI. OLORD, redeem my soul from guilt, Give me a thankful tongue. To taste the blood so freely spilt. And feed upon thy son. For thou hast made his life my meat Who for my sins did die ; Teach me to worship at his feet. And for his mercies cry. O Lord, he 's risen, may I share The blessings of his tmnb, Mv Lord did die, and slumber there Till the bless'd morn did come. 25 iiiil:ii 1 1 [|:i: i ' ■> ( t 26 HTMNS AND PRATERST. He rose, to God ascending high. Taught as he did before ; Thus did his Christ for sinners die^ And liv'd to die no more. Tliis is the pathway of his f^et Who calls my soul to move ; To make his blood my drink and meat^ And then declare his love. HYMN XXXH. OLORD, direct my feet to tread In the still paths that Jesus led ; Teach me, O, God, till I refrain From actions that are all in vain, O Lord, lift op mine eyes to see Thai Chiist, my Bavionr, is with thee t That Father, SToIj Gho^t, and Son, Lord of the earth, is only one. Teach me with parties to agree. Who all are seen and known by thee ; Teach me contention is in vain. Against my peace, against thy name. I^t me pnnsne the paths of love. So thon direct'st from heaven above ; Thro' love the kindred nations meet And humbly worship at thy feet HYMN XXXm. TEACH me, O God, where I shall dwell. Give mo small portions of thy grace To shun the paths that lead to hell. To dread and fear the doleful place. 1 . . HYMNS AND PIIAYKRS. 37 Altbo' I taste of griefs below. Give me a heart to mourn for thee, That I may thy salvation kuow. That thou may'st send thy son to m: He is an imafce of thine own, And thou hast given to him thy name. And when the son on earth is known. The Lord is known from whence he came. O Lord, receive my heart within And call my limbs to all obey. And let the peaceful day begin Which nevermore shall pass away. HYMN XXXIV. OLORD, may I be taught to fear. My head to bow, mine oar to hear ; Oh, may my heart with opening doors Receive from thy etornal stores : The wine, that from thy love doth flow, Thp milk, my spirit long doUi know, Are sweeter than the honey-comb, And fit my spirit for the tomb. This body is a load of clay Which soon must move and pass away. But life and truth Khali long endure My heart to heal, my soul to cure. Mt mind shall take the stranger in. Who knows wry heart, and feels my eis For thee, my God, I will remove. Give Uioe my heart and drink thy lore 2S HYMN'S AND PRAYERS. ■*i.\ M HYMN XXXV. WHEN I my heart to Jesus give And all my failings own, Mis spirit long with me will live, No more 1 '11 dwell alone. Ko will be with me day and night And all my sorrows *feel» He '11 hear m'y cries, and take delight My wounds and griefs to heal. Ho '11 bear mo, upward I shall rise. The stone ho huiids upon Is where the monrnrul prophet lies. Where Jesus found the tomb. He '11 wash me from my sin and guilt And clothe me with his blood, I '11 know the blood of Jesus spilt. And bow, and worship God. HYMN XXXVI. IORD, ];Iace my feet where I shall stand. J Nor bid the stone to move. And feed mo with thy great command And lot me foel thy love ! The rock of ages wise and strong The builders built upon. Pursuing deeds, were never wrong. And built their peace thereon. Lord, may I in the balance weigh The deeds of former davs, And see thy eon in light this day All crown'd with peace and praise. HTMNS AND PRATERS. 89 place hia feet before mine eyes, The humble clothes he wore. And at his feet I '11 sacrifice. Nor leave his name no more. HYMN XXXVIL BENEATH thy banners. Lord, I '11 feed. And at thy feet I '11 lie, 1 '11 drink the wine thou hast decreed, Nor shall my spirit die. To thee, O God, I '11 upward look For all the crumbs I need, I '11 dread and fear the vital stroke, For mercy I will plead. Have mercy. Lord, upon us still. With lovo chastise the young-. Reveal thy heart, and teach ihy will, Give mo a teaching tongue. Endue me with thy needful owe, I '11 seek thy love to find ; Oh, feed me where the vine doth bear, According to thy mind. HYMN XXXYIU. THY Spirit, Jesus, leads to life Beyond a world of woes. And there shall all my sorrows cease^ Thou wilt my mind compose. But a few steps I have to go Before thy rod I '11 feel. Thou wilt consume my life away, My soul in death conceal. 30 RTMN8 AND PKAYSll». I shall go where the prophets bled, And Son of Man was bound ; Through death I shall their spirit see, Through thee their lives be found. I will lift up mine hand to thee But not profanely swear. That these are living with my God A ad all my hope is there. '*1[ ¥\ HYMN XXXIX. JTie blessings of God to his Son. ON thee shall rains and dews descend. I Ml ever place my name on thee, Thy life on earth shall never end Because thy spirit »s born of me. Why should thy foes arise and speak ? Thou art an image of mine own ; Thou cam'st with love to bless the meek. To build thy rest on David's throne. I *ve bless'd thee with a lasting love ! Thus spake the Father to the So- ; And all that are in heaven above On earth are with this holy one ! He is my name on earth below. . In vain do men against him rise. He *s ever stronger than his foea. And light and truth are in his •y»«. i|i;i!: HYMNB AND PRAYERS* 81 HYMN XL. The blessings of the Son to his people, IN tribulation wise and deep The shepherd makes the flock hb own, He taught the idle eyes to weep, And bow before his royal throne. Jesus, his name shall ever be, A Son, a Prophet, Priest, and King ; A Saviour, Lord, he is from thee, Bless*d is the shadow of his wing. His own, with love, he gathers there, (The Shepherd and the flock 's his own). He doth the royal sceptre bear. His spirit rules upon the throne. He bids his servants all to tell His name is harmless, wise, and strong. He lives beyond the powers of hell. The all- wise Judge of right and wrong. HYMN XLL The Blessings of HumUiiy. OLORD, I '11 seek thy feet and weep. I »11 strew ray tears upon the ground. For thou awoke me from my sleep. Where peace and joy was never found. A blessing at thy hand I crave. Oh, place my feet with Jesus dear. Who gave his life my soul to save. Who bought salvation with a tear. 32 1 t ,1 T i ■ ■; 1 ll ■i ,1 '!':! » i ■ Mi- ll ■ ■ i 1 ' '\\ 1 : , HYMNS AND PRAYERS. In thee, O God, alone I trust, Mav Jesus and thy kingdom come io frame my heart, and mould my dust. Accordmg to that holy one. ^ ' O Lord, take all my fears away, i* or those are i^rarmonts lon^r I Ve worn hear my spirit when I nrtv. lie with me, Jesus, when I mourn. HYMN JVLII. T/ic Blessings of Lore. LORD how tender is thy care Who mak'st my broken heart thine own. 1 or thou art. near to form my prayer. 1 hy spirit 's with me when alone. Bless'd dews and rains from thee descend. And thou command'st our fields to grow. 1 hy blessings Lord, do never end. 1 he spnngs of life for ever flow. Thou multipli'st thy children dear. And placest grapes upon the vine. Ihy voice proclaims the summer near And all the fields and fruit are thine. The younff. thou dost with caution lead, i he old. thou visit'st with thy care. A he young and old together feed. * or thee, the vine and tree do bear HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 33 HYMN XLllI. The miseries of Sin. LORD, the dark garment long I 've wore, Imprison'd in tho gates of death. Till thou wouldst leave me there no more A prisoner in a sinful earth. The cloud upon my spirit bore. Oh, how I felt ray heart oppressed. My heart within was griev'd and sore. My soul was panting for her rest. I could not find the peaceful shade, (Too weak temptation to subdue), tJntil thy word to me hath said, I *11 save thee and forgive thoe too. My heart rose upward from the tomb. The binding chains I left behind. My spirit did see peace at noon, I sought the harmless prize to find. HYMN XLIV. A release from bonds. MY sins, a heavy load I bore. Thro' fears and doubts my trembling way, Hath led me from the prison door Where many captive sinnei-s lay. A hand of mercy to me came. The Word of God, both wise and strong, Jehovah call'd me, by his name. To rise, and prai:?e him with a eonsr. «!. M HTMNS AxND PRAYERS. To call the ancient harp to rise, To see the crown that David wore, Ho plac'd his name before mine eyed. And bade my spirit sin no more. Ho bade me build again his throne And place the Son of God thereon ; To build a house, 'twas all his own. And honour those who *re dead and gone. HYMN XLY. Covenants with the Lord. fllO thee, O Lord, I Ml make my vow, i On bended knees I '11 pray ; I 'm ready. Lord, to serve thee now ! Prepare for me the way. For why should I stay weeping here 7 My mind is never still ; Sometimes I doubt, sometimes I fear. And griefs my heart do fill. There is a cup of precious wine. And lasting bread in store ; The life af Jesus shall be mine. And I shall thirst no more. His life hath for my person bled To give my spirit rest ; The Son of God was captive led. Who was by God so blest. I '11 imitate his life, and feel With all the strength I own ; And he '11 to me his life reveal, Nor shall I mourn alone. MTMNS AND PRATBRS. S5 HYMN XLVI. A FrayerfoT mercy and theforgivmesa iff tint. COME Jesus, to my panting breast, A load of guilt I feel ; Forgive my soul, * twill give me rest. And all my sorrows heal. I *m but a worm of earth below For thee to look upon ; I »m blind to see the way to go ; O teach me right from wrong ! There is an hour of dark despair Appear before mine eyes. Oh, Son of God, O meet me there. When I lose all my joys. Oh, lend thine arm to bear me up Amidst these woes I feel. And give my heart a living hope ; *T is thou alone can*st heal. HYMN XLVH. Extending love. OLord, the measures of thy grace Are more than human life afford. To us the saints thou dost replace. To us thy favours are restor'd. What blessings. Lord, thou hast in store,. Unto a sinful life unknown ; Thou comfort'st till we ask no more ; So thou dost feed and bless thine own. ■fT^ pi iii ■ .If 36 BYMN8 AND PRATERS. Blest is the man who knows thy will, Wise is the child that knows thy care, Thou bidd'st his wandering mind be still. With love thou com'st and feed'st him there. His tongue reveals exalted praise, IJis heart doth of thy wonders tell ; Thy Spirit blesseth all his days. His soul 's unknown to death and hell. HYMN XLVIIl Submission to the will of God. LORD, all my heart shall thee pursue. Thy word doth light the heavenly way, I '11 give thee honors, all are due. Thou calPdst me from my long delay. I taste the sweets of heavenly care. Thy love unto my soul is known ; Thou gav'st me strength mv guilt to bear. Thou taughl'st mo from the* highest tlirone. No more can I of Jesus crave, ( The holy person of thy will). He came from thee my soul to save. To bid my prayerful heart be still. I cried for p.ll my soul did love. For all on earth mine eyes could see. But all was curs'd from heaven above. Till Christ, my Lord, came down to me. Ho calPd me upward to the skies Where saints in peaceful order shine. Where servants feed upon his love And the whole man becomes divine. i ;:,:,!, HYMNS AND PHAYERS. 37 HYMN XLIX. 77/fi Blessings of God. LORD, bless our peace and give us rest And bid the mind be still, We own thy counsels all are best, Because they are thy will. Oh, why should ill disputes arise, Or sinners dare thy name ? Thy word doth make the simple wise. And the exalted vain. Thou humblest those of high degree, And bringest thy servants near'; Thv l5ve doth daily comfort me. To me the saints appear. Forbid us, now, O Lord, I pray, To rise against thy will. But bless thine house and home this dav. And bid our souls be still. HYxMN L. Go(Ps Procideuce to the Poor. OLORD, in spirit we are poor. Our minds rejoice to hear. Thy weaiy patience doth endure. And Son and saint are near.. With love, we pray, continue slill To teach and feed the fold ; With love, descending from thy will. Like days that w^re ofoUl 38 HVMNS AND PRAYER^, ii:i;,ii !,il| •jN Teach us, O God, the way to rise. The hiiinnn will to fear. For thou art dreadful to chastise, Thougli we are slow to hear. There is a way, direct our foot. The fears ofdeaih to shun, That we may go the saints to meet. Bless and adore thy Son. For thou art God, in Christ, wo know The measures of our grace ; And thou art Prios| and Prophet too. And Saviour in this place. HYMN IJ. The ! 40 ll. m HYMNS AND rilAYERS. Ue '11 make my spirit ten-fold etroiiLf His burdens to endure. His listening ear will hear my song. He doth my failings cure. My sin and guilt do far remove As in his name I trust. He gives me grace to now improve, Hm grace, for ever blest. HYMN LIV. Tlumkafor Tturcy. OLORD, who heard a sinner cry. And measur'd my omplaint ; Who brought thy Son and Saviour nio-h. The Serai and the Saint. ^ Thou fill'dst my soul with wine anew, (I never drank before). Thou gav'st me all thou saw was due ; My God; I ask no more. Thou \st shown me Jacob and his fold. And gave me Israel's name, A thousand trutlis thy word hath told, But none of these are vain. My thank,s. O God, like rivers flow, Thou light 'st my seeing eves ; By thee, O God, 1 Jesus know. Descending from the skies. HYMN LV. ^ir.-r. ^"'P^^n/ for rest. O LtUKD, immortal are my cries, 5,f ^'^:"'^' '-^^^ '"y i^pint cease, %Vhim thou thy pardoning love denies, Ou ..Jiith there is no poacc. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Lord, jjive me patience to endure The load of guilt I feel. Send Jesus down my soul to cure, My broken heart to heal. Oh sin, the pathway down to he!!, Temptation led nio there ; Till I my woo and grief shall tell, JMy hunger and des})air. No wine is given to quench my thirst. Nor doth the flame abate. Till I am humble, and am blest, 1 must my groans repeat. HYMN LVI. Deliverance /rom death, OLORD, thou didst the cord un])ind AUhough the cluiins were strong. My spirit did deliverance find VVlien I confess'd my wrong. Thou drew me upward from the pit, Or from the mire and clay ; And still 't is in my memory yot, That dark, and doleful day'! Thv frowns did like the billows rage, Nor would the seas be still ; There, end the eins of every ago Which are ageinst thy will. I will submit my roving thought And all my heart resign, That all my sins may l)e forgot, And all my heart bo thine. 41 \% HVAIXS AND PRAYERS. Fi m ! !I5 h ■" HYMN LVII. The hope of Salvation. riHASTisEMKNTs, Lord, are justlv duo, \JUy heart within is sore, %^^veepiii^r eyes are flowing too. My soul with grief's run o'er. Is this the v/ages of my sin ? Or teach me, Jesus, why I'hy spirit pours salvation in. And yet my soul must die. Thy life to me is heavenly bread Altho' I 'm sore distress'd, Altho' with grief I 'm daily fed Yet I am hourly blest. Thou lead'st me from temptation's waTs Where sorrows never cease, So I fulfil my mournful days And rest with thee in peace. ^ HYMN LVIII. The Monrner's peace. TIJERE is a rock beneath my feet Which never seems to move ; It n not mire nor false deceit^ It is the pearl of love. The hand of J«vpos placed H ihere r or me to huM tipon^ Upon thi» »tone I make my prater The world '» for ever ^oae. ftYMNS AND PRAtEHS. 43 I on this table eat my bread. And write my lines of praise, Froiu this stone are my children fed With grace of latter days. On this our house to honors rise. To God we give rejiown ; It is our stone of sacrifice, Where God sends blessings down. He 's given to us a living name And bid the world be still, lie 's made our foes to be in vain, Who fought against his will. HYMN LIX. A change of t/iouglit. I'LL call on God while he is nigh. While I the sounding trumpet hear ; My sinful soul is judg'd to die. Before my God I must appear. I Ml haste to pools of Jesus' blood, I Ml bow and wash my garments there, I Ml clothe mv soul to meet mv God, I will the wedding garment wear. I Ml not delay, nor wear my shame. My God above, my heart can see, I 'ni taught I 've sinn'd against his narr My God, I have offended thee. For pardoning ifrarts m hifant'i* ovm, To feed upon the mother'n brpant, My prayer, O God, to thee HJudl riH?, Httvt' mercy, God ! trive me refit i ^ w 1 "" jjii ,ii i . .1 1 44 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. HYMN LX. Acceptance with God. THUS Jesus to my trembling soul \Vith love and mercy did convev I saw thee weep, and made thee whole, JWy blood hath wash'd thy gins away. With garments from the heaven?, anew. My mournful soul will clothe thee o 'er, U mark n«;ht well what thou dost do, t.0 forth, my child, and sin no more. T 've bless'd thee with a robe of love 1 've cloth'd thee with a father's care, 1 wiote thy name in heaven above, 1 hy sorrows have acceptance there. The Son of God hath heard thee mourn, 1 ne J^ ather saw thee in distress^ Hia Spirit call'd thee to return, iiecause thou didst thy sins confess. HYMN LXI. The fear of the Lord. I»LL fear my God and live, Mv sinful heart subdue. And God to me will blessiims give. And forfli my heart anew. Low at his feet I Ml lie, *T is God ordains mv rest. My Father's will 1 Ml not denv. And I Ml by him be blebt. * HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 45 He '11 call my soul to rise He '11 see me weeping there, Have pity on my weeping eyes. And move the griefs I bear. My thoughts shall take their flight When I their woes fulfil. He '11 clothe my spirit with his light, And feed me on his will. HYMN LXn. Salvation through repentance. OGOD, I feel thy love descend, My prayer did upward rise, Altho' my God I did offend. My God did hear my cries. To give renown to Israel's King, And with his spirit share. Be shadow'd by his Saviour's wing, And drink salvation there. My song, a theme of holy praise, Shall to his God ascend, And when I talk of David's days, These days shall never end. Crown'd with great blessings from above. My soul doth upward rise. My spirit Jrinks his holy love, And by his name I 'm wise. HYMN LXni. Submission to the Will of God. MY God, most low I '11 humbly bow, And pray before thy throne. Thou wilt hays nitv on me now- And bless mine house and home. n B mw p '. ^6 riYMNS AND TRAYEAs.^ Let all within my bosom move. And own thy holy name ; Oh,^ all I ask, O God, is love. This blessing in thy name. Pomt out my way with strength lo bea» The heavy load I feel, I '11 spend my mournful days in prayer Till thou my bruises heal. Have pity on my weeping eyes. Look on my mournful home. And let my prayer to thee arise ji To whom my grief is known. Forbid me not, O God, I pray, Nor let me mourn alone, Let kindred see me in this day. And bow before thy throne.' HYMN LXIV. Irv A c^rJJi^ ^^"*^ ^f ^alcailon. rASTE of Jesus and his blood Because I sought his rest. His life it doth my spirit good. Because his soul is bless'd. Why would I drink the filthy stream Where fools their time employ, }r ^^^'^ delight to make me' clean. My life shall give him joy. I *ll daily feed upon his word. And he my prayer will hear, fcweet are the crumbs he doth afford. And still his blessing 's near. HVMN8 AND PRAYERS. 47 Oil, Jesus meets me with a smile, His spirit seems to say. Sit down and monrn with me awhile. And grief will pass awiiy. I '11 feed thee with my flowing blood I Ml make thy spirit strong, I '11 give to thee the grace of God, And praises in thy song. I Ml give to thee a robe of light And teach the reason why. In wisdom I have great delight. For wisdom I did die. HYMN LXV. Mif spirit h'catking holiness to the Lord. OLORD, with fear I Ml write thy name, With trembling give thee praise. Thou bidd'st my spirit to remain And talk of David's days. HYMN LXVI. Providential care. IN paths, O Lord, that thou prepar'st My wandering feet shall run. And I '11 walk safely all my days Until my years be done. I '11 clothe my soul with love and fear For this is thy command, I '11 build my buildings in thy name. And on a rock I '11 eland. I know, O Lord, thy word is sure Unto this heart of mine. And thou wilt make thy promise good Through all succeedinor time. 48 ■ :lil ij. -.; HYMNS AND PRAYKRS. IMr Ihougrhts to thee shall upward ri.o Uh 1- ather, ^ive mine eyes to see. Aj»])ojiit my time to die. ^ HYMN LXVjr. T r^nr* ^^'^ ^'[(^''surcs of Grace. JiAnd iMd Dime eyes to see, ^ ihv woHl alone, is life and Lnace. 1 liy word is law to me. Lift up mine eyes to see thy name J. each me thy Jdngdom 's come. When I have poaco, and glories rise, 10 crown thy bleedmg Son. ^'"ahH* h''" ^''- ""f^" *^'« ^''^^^^<^ vaiu And bioken m their cause, - A !w/"'f "','^'* T ^y ^'^^^ of thine And jud^red me by thy laws. Give me a tongue to give thee praise. A heart to understand. Tin- love, O God, doth never fail, !• or Jove IS thy command. HYMN LXVHf. URD where thy flocks are daily fed. And he green pastures gently grow. Let me by thy kind hand bl led, i^iit me tiiy heart and bosom know. Have pity on my weeping eyes, A Shepherd's hand t long have sought, To thee I did put up my cries, ^ iiut thou my woes hast not forgot. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 49 I feel, O God, descending^ love, The truth of all thou didsst reveal, (Jorne from thy windows far above To all my sighs and sorrows hoai. Thou mak'st my heart and conscience whole. And heal'st me from my wounds and scai-s. And with thy love thoucloth'st my soul, And lead'st my mind among the stars. The sons of light do comfort me, Thou bidd'st their ancient soul to shine. And these are lanij)'; of iijiiitfronj theo To lead and guide those i'eet of mine. HYMN LXIX. Hope in Glory. OH, living sister of my breast Who lead'st my feet from long despair. With thee my spirit now doth rest. Thou art the fruit the vine doth bear. The tree that Jssus planted hero No more for ever will decay. His life is like the spring so clear AVhich blots our sins and stains away. His life is bread with all that 's good. His name on earth 's the bearing vine, His life he 's given me for my food To strengthen this frail life of mine. Oh, long be his remembrance known, Lona: niay 1 tread tlie blood-; it ■ O Lord, with watchfulness and prnvor, I '11 at thine altons {still attend, 'J'he Shepherd's hand will feed mo there. Day after day will ^race descend. liYJVlN LXXVJ. 'The Salibath Day. OLORD, for me my rest 'is built, Form'd by thy sacred hand ; The way is clear tluough blood that 's spilt. The stain is on our land. Behold the seals that clos'd the heart By wisdom rent in twain. And all that Jesus set apart Will never clorfc ajrain. lie j^ives our eyes the lijrht to see, lie puts our foes away, And we a - debtors. Lord, to thee.. For offerings of this day. Thou form'd the heart an equal square. By wisdom and by line. And saint, and jg^race, and Saviour 's tliere, Tlie measures of our tune. The kingdom, and the heavenly throne ^ Where God the Father reigns ; For Jesus made the heart liis own And bought us with his pains. HYMN LXXMJ. Ilum'dlty of the Ihought. OLORD, a humble heart 1 feel. But have a broken mind, Yet thankful thou do^.t not conceal The grace for mo design 'd. !/■ HYMNS AXD LAYERS. ..Mqv I pursue until the last. Whilst living breath I draw, For bread thou 'st given to an^ps i)ast, Bless'd Gospel and good law. May I with love embrace thy Son, And give him praises due, "Twas he at first that call'd to come, And strengthen'd to pursue. Oh welcome, death, my nature flees, I can't endure the storm ; But blessed are the hearts of these Which broken, do no harm. Though tribulations, anguish, rage. The truth can ail endure ; I '11 seek the bread of every age. The fountains new and'puro. HYMN LXXV III. Finding acceptance wUk God. WITH thee my spirit ilnds a placo Who bid the waters rago, Tbou heal'st mo with the oTl of grace. And light'jrit by every age. Ky prayer, mv lami) I find in trim, 'T is fiird with holy oil; My spirit saith, oh, leave t!iy sin. Oh, sell the barren soil. -Nor gather from the frnilless tree, ^^ The branch the Saviour eurs'd IVill never yield sweet joy.j to ihoe, But perish in tlie dusu" 1) '2 5S * hi! 'I It 56 HYMNS AND PRAVERy. T foel a peaceful union made, A covenant in my sonl, i hear the welcome sentence said,— Again thv heart is whole. HYMN LXXIX. The chastlsemcnis of the Lord. LORD, thy chastisement 's deep and sore^ But mine aiHiction 's blest ; Oh, that thy love may give me more, Till all my heart 's at rest. Lord, bless'd is thy chastising hand, Inspir'd by deeds of love ; Thou dost to me sweet counsels lend. And blessings from above. Thou call'st my spirit home to thee From wandering far astray, Bodi Son and saint have died for me To mark the bleeding way. My sinful heart must all resign. My sacrifice must be Submission to this will of thine. Which binds and conquers me. HYMN LXXX. The healing presence of the Lord. THROUGH bruises and deep wounds I cry» My sins do pierce me through ; Although my spirit has to die I know that death is due. The Lord doth in the balance weigh, His judgments all are just. And all my life must pass away. My thoughts return to dust.' HYMNS Ax\D PRAYERS. Thiia I receive of heavenly care, A mansion of mine own. The hand of God hath plac'd me there. Far from this world, alone. He h my sliepherd, and mv trust. My pasture, and mv care. By him my nature all* is blest. And all assembled there. HYMN LXXXI. The measures of the Lord. OLORD, unbounded is thy grace. How deep thy measures are, Thou brin^'st thy servants to this place, And mak'st their garments fair. Thy Son arises from the tomb Who hath to Israel shone, His presence to our house hath come,— 'J'he dwelling of his own. The Father's hand is spread abroad The wandering thought to find, And here we hear the calls of God According to his mind. The Son and saints assemble here To light our darkened skies, To us, God's presence doth appear To make us just and wise. HYMN LXXXH. The want of knoicledge. LORD, at thy footstool long^I cry. With groans do I repeat my prayer, That I may not in darkness die With sin and mjilt to rlnfhrt »«« *u^,^ 57 58: HYMNS AND PRAYE^RS. w t ■ iSP.: ii ! Lord, thy pity now I crave, Miiio eyes my wounds and bruises Bee^ Send nie thy Son my soul to save, iluvo pity, Lord, and comfort me, 1 languish, and my life decays. My days are shortened to a span. A restless mind fills up my days. My bread 'a the miseries oV man.. O Lord, I 'm thirsty and distressed. The world cannot my prayer fulfil ,-. Forgive me, that I may be bless'd. And drink the mercies of thy will. HYMN LXXXIIL The unbounded mercies of God. • OLORD, how great thy mercies are^ Unbounded is thy love, How often thou repeaf^st thy care, Bless'd from the heavens above. O Lord, may thou- our offerings own,. And teach us we are frail. Nor leave us. Lord, to mourn alone When death and hell prevail. Awake our eyes to see our shame And count the deeds we do. And with thy love blot out our stain^ And mal&e our siais but few. It is thy love and heavenly care Dark sinnere to redeem,' To wash our souls hi deep despair,, Ami. make our garments clean- HYMNS AXD PRAYERS. HYMN LXXXIV. Lore between God and the Church. OGOD, I feel the strengthening cord Which binds the twain in one, A sweet communion with the Lord, A blessing from thy Son. Spare not my soul in sin and death. In rightoonsness chastis^e, AithoujLrh I have a groaning breath, 'T will make my spirit wise. Although mine eyes are taught to weep My sins upon me bear. There is a Son my soul to keep, A Saviour from despair. Although by nature prone to ill. And all my faults are known, There is a blessing in thy will, A God, mv soul to own. IIYMN LXXXV. The dangers of sin. WHEN all my foes are still My tempting thoughts may reign. My deeds transgress the Father's'will, And bring his Son to shame. Tho' troubles may abound ^ And clolho mj heart with fear, 'T is in distress a Saviour's found, h\ mourning, God is near. The mourner's heart is bl»??!is'd With mercy and with care. These are the'hours that load to re«t, The Son and saint art* iherts 59 60 HYMNS AND PRAYEKS. !■ i '! :J'' If I with sorrow mourn. And put my mirth away, A Saviour doih to me return. Ho 's with me when I pray. HYMN LXXXVl 7'Ae ways qf temptation. WHEN all around is joy and peace. And I 've no sorrow for my sin, Oh, then the Shepherd's care doth cease, Disguis'd temptation doth come in. My heart hath then an open door. My tongue is then to folly prone. My mourning soul is heard no more. The Lord hath left my heart alone. He doth all iu the balance weiofh. And saith, O man, the evenhig 's come, How hast thou honor'd mo this dav, Or who has bless'd the deeds thou ''st done ? Thi8 night will I destroy thy rest, And thy companions all shall flee, By me, alone, thou canst be blest, And thou, alone shalt honour me. HYMN LXXXYU. The bitter waters of despair, OH dark, and deep, and bitter stream, Unpleasant to my taste ! With thee my soul is often seen. My share is not the least. Thou wast with Jesus on the tree. With thee doth hell abound. And death is hand and hand with thee. My soul thy ways huth found. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Thou cloth'st me with a clouded sun. Thou bind'st my soul in prayer, Thou criest aloud the end is come, Thy hand is hard to bear. Thou bidd'st my spirit all to feel Which saint and sinner bore, And death to me thou dost reveal, And thou canst do no more. HYMN LXXXVIIi:. The Spring of living hope. MY spirit from deep waters rise. Baptized in the stream Which makes the hearts of sinners wise, Their spirits new and cl'^an. Oh, may the gulph for ever flow Which Jesus passed throug^h. It 's where the fairest flowers grow, And they are fruitful too. 'T is where the Lord the heart doth trj'. The balance true and just, *T is where vain hope alone doth die. And glory turns to dust. The idle pride which sinners wear, (No kindred to the Son), Like dust and ashes vanish there Before his kingfdom come. HYMN LXXXIX. Thanksgiving. LORD, how shall we declare thy love, Or make thy goodness known. Thou call'dst the poor from low estate, And own'd them for thine own. 61 62 IIVMNS AND J>RAYERS. ■ ■li k,M. We cannot half thy proodnoss telf Nor half tliy love declare. Who fed the uiournful witii thy lovo- And brought salvation there. Thou fill'dst a flowinjr cup with joyv Thy pleasure to express, And bade thy people eat in peace. And did our union bless.. Unnumber'd lights compass'dus rou»d Our offerings to prepare, The harps clear voice in praise arose, VV^ith joy we prais'd thee there. HYMN XC. Prayer. OLORD, be mindful when we crj'. Be near to hear us weep ! And, when we down at evening lie. Be near us when wo sleep. Chastise, O Lord, our sore disease. Command our pains to flee, For all are bound by thy decrees, They bow and worship thee. Lord, clothe the heart that is so poor, The tongue is weak to move. And these that tremble at the door. Lord strengthen with thy love. Stand in the midst, O God, we pray. When we to praise rejoin. Be with us on the Sabbath Day, For power and glorj- 's thine. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 63 HYMN .\CJ. The biossinff, ARISE my soul, cast oft' thy fears, And put tlie dread of foes away. For wise are thy succeeding- years. To call the wandering and the stray. The stone the Lord in wisdom laid The skilful builders did refuse, The same this day 's become our head, And is salvation to the Jews. The wisdom of all ages past Our God, the Father, doth reveal, The first he gave will be the last. And will immortal glory seal. My spirit tastes the heavenly love, My soul is by chastisements clean. My sins from me do far remove. Mine angry foes no more are seen. HYMN XCn. The voice of mourning. LORD, in my listening ear I hear a mournful cry. Where will, O Lord, the lost appear, Behold their spring i.:* dry. I hear of Israel's name On restless billows tost, I hear their mother groan in pain, Mourning her children lost. My heart is form'd in prayer, And secretly I groan. To see the plane v/here Israel v.'cre. Where Jacob dwelt aloiia^ $' p1 64 IIVaiNS AND PRAYERS. tff^ 11 ''I ' 1 4\ 1 :i.;^ ifl :;i ; : ; i V?; ; :i !■ . 'H I worship in distress ^ Until tho fold is seen, Vv'hoic God tho wanderincr trih:-s will bless With ^rarinents new and clean. HYMN XCflJ. The paths uf Wisilvw. ALL wisdoui's wuvs ure meek and mild. The Srivionr's mind, the iather's child ; K'lr horn the tiocks that arc astray i-jho takes her own and comes aw'ay. Hor eyes are like the morning star, fc^ae li^rhts her children irom alar ; And us the j^loiyof the East, She feeds the greatest and the least. Hhe is a bride r.nd motlier dear, VVith her, direction doth appear, Salvation and eternal rest Are flowing from lier loving breast. Her springs are clear, her pastures green. With her the bearing vine is seen, The.^Shepherd and his flocks are there And gather where the vine doth bear. HYMN ACIV. The hope of glory. WISDOM, thy ways are ever blest With thee, the flocks of Jacob rest. With thee, did David build his throne. Worshiped his God, and dwelt alone. Thy bosom 's like the morning sun. But never old with deeds thou 'st done, Thy presence is for ever new. Thy voice direction just and true. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. G5 Thy sj)irit 's wine to my despair. Thou writest my song and form's! my prayer. J fie souls of ajres are with thee, • ' ^ * They're milk and wine and bread to me. My hope doth in thy bosom rest iJrido to my soul for ever blest, Forsake me not, I ask no more Till all my troubled 3'ears are o'er. HYMN XCV. The blessings of Faith. OLORD, the terrors of thy word Do make my soul to fear. My heart doth tremble for the Lord When I his sentence hear. Awake my soul in haste to see The pillars of thy poaco. There is a rest prepar'd for thee Where praises never cease. Thy rest is in Jehovah's name Thy bread and wine is there. From thence Messiah's spirit came Thy crimson sins to bear. In blood hath Jesus made thee cleaa And g-ave to thee his name, That in thy life thy love be seen The balm of all his pain. The pillars are the deeds of jrrace. His rest doth upward rise, My spirit leave the sinful place, With Jesus in the skies. JG HVMNS AND PRAYERS. ,w !h !i- 1 HYMN XCVl. 77/c atoncvicntfor Sin. ORD, at thy feet a sinner liea iliis spirit groaning there, lie looks to thee with weeping eyes For mercy and for care. Til is mortal body he resigns As but a form of clay. And to thy bosom he inclines To take his guilt away. lii.3 flooding tears, his weeping eyes, His deep and mournful groans, Pursue thee upward to the skies. And for his sin atones. His spirit feels descending love, His soul doth say 1 'm free, JMy prayers to God' do rise above, And he doth comfort me. HYMN XCVn. Dcir from Heaven. LORD, with the blessings of -le tongue Thou water'st and thou feed'stthe young, And thou employ 'st their peaceful days In deeds of glory and of praise. Thy covenant 's sure, thy seals are strong, And peace, for ever, is their song ; Their house, their home, their fields are blest, With dews, and rains, and peace, and rest. HYMXS AND PRAYERS. Thou hast ordainM they shall increase, W ti .1" ^^n^^^^'" to them thy name. With them Messiah lives again. And David's mind and throne is here. And Jesus doth their judge appear ; It s a livmg Saviour's voice, n hich bids his children to rejoice. HYMN XCVIII. Time to come. THE Lord 's before us in the way, His hand doth gently lead. He calls the flocks that* are astray 1 where the shepherds feed. Plis soul doth water with his love And cloth 'st his own with prayer • A^Tu-]'^ ^'^^^ ^^«"^ heaven above. And bids us enter there. Ho bids us drink eternal peace. And feed upon his will, He bids our praise to never cease iiut all our foes be still. He gives us cups of precious wine riis spirit to enjoy. To build our house'by rule and line. And every hand employ. To sing his praise by every tonn-.,p, % every tuneful string,' His name bo known, his praise be sung, t>ur Uod, our Priest, our Kinn-. ^ c 67 6S HYMN'S AND PRAYEas. ii^^ til i rv HYMN XCIX. Cheering Grace. OLORD, thy love doth mo releaso- From tumults far abroad, And thou dost give my s])irit peace, And favours from my God. Lift up mine eyes, O righteous King, Thy loving name to see, And give my soul an angel's wing That I may fly to thee. Give me a blessing from thy throne Which never will decay ; Clothe me wiih garments of thine own Which never wear away. Thou, like a shepherd, brought me home When I was far astray, • And with the favours of thy throne Hast bless'd my soul this day. Ill >iii HYMN C. The gathering of IsracL. OLORD, thine arm is far abroad Thy love to gather home. It 's like the boundless love of God Unmeasur'd and unknown. Prepare a way for Israel's feet, 7'he portals of the skies Is where the Lord will Israel meet^ And bless his sacrifice. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Receive his mind, his age is clear. And as the rising sun Good Jacob's Saviour will appear, His dawning day has come. And Abram*s blessings are our own, His spirit 's nigh at hand ; His name on earth shall dwell alone. His mind possess the land. Hi-^ children like the dew increase Which overspreads the field. And with a never-ending peace Shall all his griefs be heal'd. HYMN CI. Remembrance. LORD, whore the willows clothe the strcara And the deep waters gently run, The spirit of thy Son is seen, And there the feet of Israel come. Where shaded from the scornful eye There thou dost place their wearj- febU And Israel's God is ever nigh Where Abram's otf!:;pring love to meet. The spirit of these ancient days Now at our home and gate attends. And Jacob's mind, with solemn praise. To Israel's God again ascends. Now we find favour in his eyes Who did the days of Israel see, And to our prayer, with good replies, He seude his mercies where we be. 69 r 70 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. ii!i HYMN CII. The Star of hrael. OLORD, the morning of our days Is love thou didst to Israel bear ; Thou didst direct and bless his ways. Thy heart was tender to his prayer. He had a Saviour in his breast, Thy law vvas written in his mind. His footsteps and his life were blest. And there my soul doth mercy find. Thou form'st the heart and entor'st in As builders do thy temple build. The door excludes the deeds of sin Till with thine own thine house is fill'd. There doth thine ancient kingdom rise. Within the breast is David's throne, Thy word is Judge thou great All-wise, Thy Spirit tries the heart alone. HYMN cm. The covenants of IsraeVs God. HOW pleasant. Lord, thy covenants are. How sweet thy children sing, Because the crown of David 's there. And Jesus is their king. These, these are spirits from the tomb, Who long have laid asleep. They came, and are again to come To those that for thiiu weep. HTMN« AND PRAYERS. "Thv ancient name 's a living stone. And Abram's altars were Where Abram ofFerM up his own. And gave his substance there. * Thou art the living God this day Who mak'st our paths so clear. Who putt'st the dark'ning clouds awav Who seaPst thy covenants here. * * Whose covenants, like the morning star. Are joy, and health, and peace ; With bounding blessings from afar, Thy love doth never cease. HYMN CIV. Abraiii's blessing. GOOD tidings from a heavenly throne, God's love to Abram came ; " And so Messiah meets his own To bless them with his name. No light that from the heavens shone Can darken Israel's (Jays ; Messiah, David's name did own. And God received his praise. Hi.^ covenants never will remove Because they 're writt'n within ; But God withholds the .« ever)- human mind. 73 I.t 74 HYMNS AND PRAYER8. ft The Saviour's heart is living there Cloth'd with a flood of woes. Mourning in secret and in prayer. To save his thoughtless foes. HT^N CVIII. The river side. OLORD, I see the blood-made stream. Where Jesus strangers taught. Where Jesus made the conscience clean With bread he dearly bought Ho gave his life a sacrifice For my soul to atone. Me sought my soul with weeping eyes And died for me alone. Oh, now I 'm near the river side Where blood doth freely flow. Here I put off my selfish prido And sink my sins below. Like to a millstone in ihe sea. In Christ*s baptizing pool My partial love departs from me,. And heaven receives my soul. HYMN CIX. Moral virtues. WHEN I the rules of life observe Which keep my spirit clean, I 'm with the flocks that daily feed On pastures fresh and green. Mv joys of life are never old, Nor doth my bread decay ; My spirit drinks the holy wine. The blessiHjrs of the dm.. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. My evening's rest is blest with peace. No guilt attends me there, A wall of safety 's round my rest. My morning 's bright and fair. The rising sun directs my way. My stepping-stones are peace. Temptation 's mantled from mine eyes, My theme doth never cease. HYMN ex. A religious life. WHAT fear attends me all the dav, Cloth'd with a shepherd*s care, ' 1 hourly seek the hidden way. And place my feet by prayer. Still seeking for s(9me pastures green Where Israel's flocks do feed ; For precious stones t' were never seen» A shepherd's hand to lead. An evening's rest, my soul to know Whene'er my glass is run, A path that I may shun my foe, And rising joys to come. A cradle, like an infant's rest. Or in his arms to be Who feeds me daily on his breast, And loves to comfort me. HYMN CXI. The end of sorrow. WHEN God doth make a sure decree, And seals his covenant with a seal, No viper's poison tongue can be, Nor wounds for God and Christ to heal. 75 p , 76 1IT5INS AND FRAYERS, *i -1 Bless'd with a morning's. Sabbath's aun. With joy we see the gilded .si»ies. Nor dread deep sorrows iiioro to eonio» No cloud to veil the suns that rise. The harp'^s sweet voice do fill the ear. Our hearts rejoice to hoar the sound, We 're sure the day of David 's near. The songs of Israel do abound. Our spirits join the angels' praiwe. Our souls rejoice to hear them t^ing. We know we 've found Messiah's dny«- And biing our oflcrin^s to our king. HYMN CXTI. The measures of grace. OLORD, we know our morning 's clear. For stars of glory do arise» Good Israel doth to us appear As stars of glory in the skies. With blessings thou hast markM his naino» And bid the nations round him see. Thou hast redeem'd him from his pain. And cloth'd hi:3 name with grace from thee. Behold, the tribes together join, Mark'd with the seals of lasting love» And Israel is a fold of thine Cloth'd with new blessings from above. His springs do like the fountains rise. His Jordan doth her banks o'erfiow. Thou h^t wiped sorrow from his eyep» And Israel doth his Saviour know. HTMNS AND PRATERS. His flocks are feeding by the stream, A shepherd's love doth feed the younjr. And Jordan keeps their garments clean. Sweet praises do employ their tongue. HYMN CXllI. Inquiry for the favours of the Lord. IORD, v/hen the shadow of thine hand iDoth cloud my morning sun, Mv footstep 's dark, my lamp decays, \Vhen will thy presence come ? Temptations tlirong about my feet, A band of inward ibes ; Thev teach me with a lying tonguo VVhene'er my day doth close. Hast thou forbidd'n the sun to rise ? Oh Saviour, tell me why ! Thy breath hath blasted all my joys. And bid my soul to die. Thou bidd'st mine eyes in silence weep. My heart refuse to groan Until thou dost some Zion find, Where thou dost dwell alone. Where IsraePs tongue is heard to say. Come home my son to rest ; For hero the Lord hath plac'd his name. And here his servant 's blest. HYMN CXIV. The waters of life* LORD, from thine heart doth wisdom flow,. From thee a darkened sky ; 'T is from thy voice we terrors hear. To tliee for refuge fly. 77 ?* 'i! I' 78 HYMNS AND PRATERS. When thirsty as the child can bo We Jean upon thy breast ; When in the tumults of the earth We cry to thee for rest Although, O Lord, the fountain 's deep Where wisdom is the spring-. Thou feed'st the simple at thy breast, Thou giv'st the lost a king. Thou giv'st the flocks a shepherd's name, Thou lov'st to hear them pray, 'T is thy delight to quench their thirst, And bear their griefs away. O Lord, unceasing is thy store. The banquet thou hast made ; And Israel will return to thee, The bottom stone is laid. Thy word, alone 'b a wall around His city and his throne. With him, alone, doth wisdom dwell. She marks him for her own. HYMN CXy. Life beyond sin. OLORD, I in thy presence find A life to me unknown. Blest is the man who drinks thy love, Who dwells with thee alone ! His morning 's clear, his stars are bright, He sees a rising sun. In safety he doth place his feet. Nor dreads his years to come. HTMN8 AND PRATiSHB. 79 Thine arm *s the pillar oi m '■' st. Blest are. his evening ua f-* No storm can move his still x . ^/Ose, Nor can he dread the tor^i'S. The Lord hath marked him for his own, The seal of life he wears ; Cloth'd with the garments of the blest. He counts away his years. HYMN CXVI. Tke Sinner's liopc. OLORD, thy love can make me clean. Chastisements keep me so. And thou canst join nio to the fold Where Son and sain^ I '11 know. Thou lines of wisdom can afford^ And with a teaching tongue Blot out my sins and give me peace. And clothe me with the )"oung. And place my lips to wisdom's breast Where I her voice shall hear. So when she dees me in my pain She Ml pity every tear. O Lord, I 'm born to honor give. And glorify thy name ; Have mercy, O my God, I pray, Nor let me die in vain. HYMN CXVH. A Morning Song. TO thee, my God, mine offerings rise,. Thine altar 's thy decree. And as the morning light appears So is our nrace from thee. m 80 HIMNS AND PBAYER8. Our morning stars to suns increaae. Our evenii g light to day. And as a lump before oureyea Thy life directs our way. ' Immortal is thy word within. ^ And heavenly rest is there. For tiiere the .sacred altar ytandf, The hill of humble prayer. The heart enlarges as we feed. As plants do upward grow ; And !iow the starry morning come* Of rest on earth below. HYMN CXVai. livening joys. OLORD, my soul in still reposo Diinks in the sacred wine, My pillar never will remove l3ecau(»e the soul is thine. West is the mansion of the just, It is a sure decree, No want of blessing 's ever there, No want of heaven can be. Temptation 's from her glory fled And pride hath lost her crown. Humility, with royal guest, Doth heaven and god renown. Wisdom, triumphant on the throne. Assumes the royal name. She feeds her chifdren at her brenst And makes temptations vain. UTMNS AND PRAYERS. 81 HYMN CXIX Meditation and prayer. OLORD, how still the valleys are. No mountain echos with the sound ; How secret is the place of prayer. No human voice doth there abound. In secret, reading thy decrees, With lonesome sighs to these fulfil. The soul doth bow on bended knees And humbly mourns to know thy will. The spirit, still as secret thought, A thousand cares direct the move. Still feeding on the crumbs we 've got And trusting in a father's love. 'T is here the deepest fountains rise. And meditation's long-known way Do make the secret thoughtful wise ; Their eyes first ser* the dawning day. HYMN CXX. Direction. STRAIGHT are the paths that lead to the© On whom depends our rest ; Our judge, from whom there 's none can flee. Without whom none are blest. Lord of the earth, the sea, pnd skies. Of all the living race ; Without thy presence none are wisd, Nor rest without thy grace. Direction is a blessintr. kind. And from the source of love. Without which every soul is blind, Nor «:ee the way to move. r 82 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. I': Tho inner temple of thy grace That bid the seas to roll, Is where we find a resting place. And stillness in the soul. HYMN CXXI. Immortality. IF I could sit on David's throne And place his crown upon my head, I 'd rather dwell with Christ, alone. And see the mountain where he bled. If kinnrs and thrones I could command. With princes to my footstool bow, 1 "d rather see the promis'd land Which is decreed for Israel now. If I could build a throne of gold, And sway the sceptre far abroad, I 'd rather speak of truths untold, -4nd see the wonders of my God ! If I the mountains could remove, Or still the raging of the sea, I 'd rather drink redeeming love. For this alone can comfort me. HYMN CXXII. The effects of Grace. THE Lord hath bless'd us as his own, Nor hath ho tak'n the lion in, Of justice he hath built his own, Ho 's sitting there to judge our sin. This land wa? chosen for his feet By him who lights the morning skies, ^4nd here hath he ordain'd to meet The meek, tho humble, and the wise. m HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 83 He it hath made a sure decree. He here hath plac'd his royal name. He 's sworn our king and judge to be. To judge the scornful and the vain. The Lord is jealous, with a frown. He doth the righteous balance hold. His burning presence has come down To weigh and try the drossy gold. The earth shall burn, the stubble smoke. The Lord in judgment will appear ; By night my slumbering eyes awoke. My spirit did this sentence hear. HYMN CXXIII. The fruitless vineyard. THK walls \^re strong, the trees were green. The banks o'erflooding with the stream, The flocks were shaded by the txees, The shepherd's care was over these. By night I heard the tempest rise, 1 woke and saw the darken'd skies, I heard the flocks most loudly ciy. Because there was no shepherd nigh. The trees which had the covert made Were naked, and the leaves decay'tl. The vine which had the cMsters boro Had wither'd, and it was uo tiore. The streams were dry, the banks were bare. There were no sprii;;^' nor pastures there ; The shepherd and Jio Hock did part, ^nd left me with a broken heart. 64 HTMNS AND PRATEKS. HYMN CXXIV. The sandy desert. HOW oft we seek and nothing find, In disappointments beaten way ; How distant are the joys we see, AW secret in the coming day. Still treading on the rolling sand. Our feet are weary, never still ; The joys do flee that we pursue. They 're shadows on a sandy hill. So is my heart with prospects vain Cloth'd with dark garments cf my time ; How long my spirit wears the veil. To know, my God, these joys are thine. I have no covert from the sun. Nor springs of joy to quench my thirst, 1 Ml set me down and mourn alone. Without a Saviour none are blest. HYMN CXXV. A Song of Thanhsgimng. TO thee, O God, my praise shall be. To Christ, the Son and God, to thee ; We see thy wisdom and thy ways AxQ worthy of our noblest praise. Thou dost from binding cords release, Thy spirit gives the humble peace. The judge that on our spirit bore Has vanished, and he is no more. Thy wisdom made his throne decay. Thou blest us with a brighter day. Thou didst the stumbling stone remove, Awii cloth'd our spirits with thy love. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. &5 To thee our thanks shall freely flow. Thy name we 've seen, thy love we know. Thou cau3*d our earth and lust to rise By oiT'riiigs and by s'^^ fiice. HYMN CXXVI. The Wonders of the Lord. THOU caus'd our sliunbcrmj? dust to move. Thy word became our morning ^^ong. No thought could stand against thy will. No judge could still the praising tongue. Our banner rose, and others see The power and glory of thy word. And songs of praise were writt'n to thee. Our dust awoke to praise the Lord. Thou didst upon the desert smile. Thou built a mansion for the poor ; Thou bad'st the barren sands to yield. Be fruitful, and to cease no more. Thou blest our tables with a crumb. And cloth'd thine altars with thy grace ; Through grief thou mad'st our garments clean To give thee glory in this place. Thou mad'st our foes to humbly bow. The judge's sentence to be vain ; Our stumbling stones thou didst remove. And made our footsteps clear and plain. Our oiFerinffs did to thee ascend iiecause thou hast our altars blest ; It pleas'd thy mercy and thy care. To still the storm and give us rest. F •St I 1^ 86 HYMNS AND PRATERS. 'I! B" HYMN CXXVII. Stillness. OLORD, how still the waters are. My wandering thought 's at rest. My spirit hath a shepherd's care And I 'm with mercy blest. Thou bad*st the beating tempest rage. The stormy winds to roar, And then thou didst my griefs assuage Bade them to rise no more. Thou bound the serpent with a cord And bade his tongue be still. The lion that defied the Lord Is conquer'd by thy will. The forest ceas'd that mournful noise Which did my spirit join. And now I taste a thousand joys,— The sacred oil and wine. HYMN CXXVm. The beginning of life. TO thee, O Lord, lift up mine eyes, To thee direct my prayer ; O let me drink a thousand joys. And bless me with thy care I O lead my soul to pastures green Where shepherds feed their own ; And wash me in the living stream Descending from thy tlirono. Oh, that my lamp may not decay, Bright morning stars nrisc ; That 1 may see the heavenly way Through all the darkest skies. HTMNS AND PRAYERS. 87 That I may feel thy warmest lovo My mournful grief to join. And harmless as the turtle dove May all my heart be thine. HYMN CXXIX. Seekiriig rest. HOW sandy were the paths I trod. The fields were bare, the springs were dry, My feet were in a trackless road. Nor herds, nor flock, nor shepherds nigh. The streams before were dark and deep, A lonesome valley passing through ; For friendship, how mine eyes did weep, How restless did my feet pursue. Dark disappointment led my way. With sighs and groans, and constant prayer; How clouds did shade my brightest day. The streams o'erflooding with despair. My hope was like the leafless trees. No herb nor plant were fresh and green ; My mourning soul was like to these. No fruit were on the branches seen. HYMN CXXX. Weary life. TEMPTATION cross'd the beaten way. My lamp decayed, and was dim ; My sacrifice I could not pay. How mournful is the end of sin. No leading star before me rose. My spirit saw a setting sun ; No friend iny spirit could compose. Still dreading weary steps to come. F 2 il 88 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 1 . III! m ' >" ■'i'ii! fi "lii My feet did like the drunkard's slide. Temptation led me far astray ; A curse to me because of pride. Oh, how I stumbled in the way I No thought above my grief could rise. No invitation from despair Could light my dull, unseeing eyes. Nor could my tongue reveal my prayer^ HYMN CXXXI. Prospects of peace. OUR peace we at a distance see But troubles now are where we be ; It is by God's descending grace We feel our griefs, and run the race. Lord, teach me who inspires to move I Or, is it thee gave birth to love ? To place our conscience on thy name, A prize by virtue to obtain. O man, deceiv'd in thine own heart, Thou hast from me an equal part. And all that do my name pursue. In peace and trouble have their due. In trouble, there is nothing lost. The prize is won, we pay the cost ; And to be sober, and be wise. The sinner often falls to rise. HYMN CXXXII. Pursuing virtue. LOI' I > of my soul, how long 's the race t What lofty mountains rise ! How oft my spirit b^i'^ks for grace, And mourns with weeping eyes.. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Why doth my spirit never fail To call upon thy name ? Oh, why doth darkness so prevail, To give me grief and pain ? This path before thy birth was made, 'T is life's salvation way ; ■*T is where the cost for joy is paid And night doth shade the day. 'T is ordinations brightest star. The birth of heavenlv love, €ome unto man from (jod afar To every sin remove. HYMN CXXXIII. The mourning of the servants of the Lord. LORD, how thy servants mourn, Their eyes do weep to see The end to which children are born, A life of vanity. The deeds they do prepare As lifeless stubble burn. As chaff is blasted in the air, Their joys to earth return. They seek for deep distress. The pit that bums below, A joyful life do they profess. But drink their cups of woe. How false their treasures are. How soon the race is run. Their joys are blasted in the air. And there 's no fruit to come. 89 i K -sisjir*-" 90 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. -i" J- 4 i I. M HYMN CXXXIV. Th end of sin^ or the proceeds of a wicked lift. WHEN Death's pale hand appears, Tlie volume I have made Doth clothe my soul with trembling fears,, I 'm troubled while I read. My deeds I now must weigh Held in my trembling hand. How restless is this mournful day. My building 's on the sand. The balance tries the gold. The judge of life appears, Mv mornings I have vainly sold, And lost my youthful years. My hope in life has fled And loft me in despair, I languish on my dying bed And find no comfort there. HYMN CXXXV. Hearing the word of the Lord. OLORD, how deep thy secrets are. The treasures of thy grace. Are deeper than the deepest seas, Seal'd in the hidden place. Thv word is loud as thunders roar floard from the stormy skies. By thee th6 earth's frail pillars move, 'By thee the dead do rise. The trumpet, slumbering eyes awake, ♦. The soul with trembling fear. Unto thy* word with groans reply; . And answer with a tear-* . HTMN8 AND PRAYERS. 9h W My spirit all my sins do see Directed by Uiy word. And like a helpless infant cries For mercies from the Lord. HYMN CXXAVI. Receiving Faiths FROM whence, O Lord, thy presence came, To wake mine eyes, and give me paiu ; There is a balm the wound to heal. Thy heart, in secret, doth reveal. Why should my heart in gTi f atono For stolen pleasures I have known ? Or why am I endued to cry For what thy pleasure could supply ? Or why didst thou my spirit raise To mourn, and give thee lasting praise ?" There is a cause by man unknown, A sun that ne'er by nature shone, A rest conceal'd within the breast That 's never known till we' 're oppress'd. There is a path our eyes ne 'er see Till wo 'ro directed, tord, by thee,' For it is by thy calls we move. Mourn for our sins, and drink thy love. HYMN CXXXVn. Descending, or the Visitations of the Lord. Clolh'i) with the mantles of the skies Thy garments, Lord, are made, Of shading elouds that fall and risd Like to tlio changing shade. 4^ ^^^}h I IMAGE FVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 40 2.0 1.8 14 1111.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 A ^.% %hL S i<^.4 ^/4. c^. ^v^ A Z -b iV 6^ 'r>* ^1]* M. .^^ r. 92 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. P- l■:.^ Some days we feel the scorching sun» On our spirits to bear. At other times we 've changing moon» Like to a changing air. Sometimes bewildered in the night, As blind as blind can be, At other times have morning li^ht With hearts that 's praising thee. No thought can move thy chastening hand. No tongue direct thy ways. No monarch can thy mind command. Nor worlds correct thy praise. All bow before thy heavenly throne, Each chang-e is with a cause : And ever}' change thy name doth own. And all explain thy laws. HYMN CXXXYUL The fulness of time. LORD, in thy ways we plainly see Thy turning hand, thy sure decree ; And when we know that we are dust. Our all in all in thee we trust. By thee fhe cloudless suns do rise, Thou spread'st thy garments o'er the skies. And like a veil that 's spread between . No more thy name nor heart are seen. By thee the bursting thunders roar. At thy command they »re heard no more ; The storms enrage the restless seas Till thou command'st a calm to these. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Our restless thoughts will never cease Till thou command'st a lasting peace ; These are the measures of our days 7'ill all the soul doth join in praise. HYMN CXXXIX. Absenting grace. LIKE to the circuits of the sun So Lord, thy grace doth go and come ; And, as the evening to the day Thy presence comes to flee away. There *s not a virtue we command. All power is in thy giving hand ; And as by law the orbits move. So is the order of thy love. Man is of virtue unpossess'd. In the same hour thou seest it best ; At thy command his spirit mourn To fit the house for thy return. Why should my feet incline to slide In paths thou hast to me denied ; Oh Jesus, teach mine eyes to see That wo both fall and rise by thee. HYMN CXL. MY mother 's sick, oh, will she die ? My father mourns, and bows his head, The children round the bed do cry. Till one doth say, dear mother 's dead. My father wanders all alone. He seeks, no comfort can he find ! Children *s without a mother known. And orphans have a mournful mind. 93 f,"' ' 84 , HYMN S AND ) PR A TEKSv By mother wp were fed with care, Her hands did make the clothes we wore; Oh then our griefs were Hght to bear, Our dearest friend is now no more. Her hands from clothing she withdrew And laid thoin on her lifeless breast. Our mornings were for ever new. But now wti 're troubled where we rest. Tlie bed seems lonesome, and we dream That we sometimes can mother see ; Our father, too, in teare is seen ! O father, dear, we niouru for tiiee ! ■}\ Oh father, see, thy orphans cr}'. We have no mother in our home ; Oh father, why did mother die And leave her children all alone ? My father 's sick, how slow he movcis. His eyes are plac'd upon the «rronnd ; Oh, how his orphans father loves. Oh, how our hearts to him are bound Has father gone to his sick bed, Oh, sister, dear, I '11 run and vsco ; He 's been to us our daily bread ; Father, our comfort 's all in thee. Oh, if thou diest and Icav'.st us here, Through all our years our lots to mourn-. Thou knowest we have no mother, dear,, And this p,roud world poor orphans scorn. HYMNS AND PRATERS. 95' How pale our father seems to be. Oh brother, dear, he cannot rise. My sister, now he calls for theo. As helpless as a child he lies. Come children to his dying bed And hear dear Father leave his young ; Oh brother, see, he 's almost dead. He hardly now can move his tongue. Sister, take father by the hand. And bow thy head his voice to hear,' Oh, how I crave to understand His voice, too weak to reach mine ear. Oh sister, what does " .her say ? ' Tis hard because 1 want to know ; He tells me he must go away And leave us in this world below. Farewell, dear father, and adieu,. My father and my mother 's gone. Our mournful days are known to few,- The orphan's garments we Ml put ou. As sheep without the shepherd, lost, > As leaves are scatter'd in the air. We 're on the waves of trouble toss'd ; Our garment 's mourning and despair. HYMN CXLI. The Blesslngg of Faith. LORD, from thy presence fur abroad i We find no comfort, nor no God ; . But faith inspires our hope to rise, TCovkuow thv will i:> lo cha;sti,>;e,. ij-\ f'-^m^ V' • i ^i W HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Although the painful rod we feel We know in thee is power to heal ; Altho' we 're on rude billows toss'd Tiiere 's not a soul from thee is lost. Although the storm appears our foe Thy faith is still our compass thro* And when wo find the peaceful shore Our griefs are past and known no more. Wise are the measures of thy love, Thou visit'st us from heaven above ; Not willing mortals here to leave Until we own thy power to save. HYMN CJ^LII. The Inheritance of the Lord. OLORD, thy name 's a hidden deep. Thy will is unforeseen. Thou art where ancient prophets sleep. Where David's voice hath been. Thou art with Jacob in his rest. With the Messiah's calls, Thou art v/here Abram's name is blest, Where Babel's tower falls. Thou art where monarchs draw the line And where the poor do cry ; The heavens, the earth, the seas are thine, . When to be born and die. . And where the weary saint doth tread The footsteps of thine own ; And where the painful martyrs bled * To honour tliee alone. i! HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Thy mind is present with us now And all our way foresees, And thou hast sworn the proud shall bow And woi-ship thy decrees, HYMN CXLIII. The paths of life. OLORD, thou art our life and light. To us a daily sun. To thee thou call'st the soul to bow. And point'st our paths to run. Thou writ 'st upon the living mind And print 'st thy memory there, And thou art still our morning light. Our every evening prayer. Thy ways are secret in thy breast Until thy love reveals The ways of safety, and of peace. As thou dost loose the seals. Thv mercies are a crown of peace, A diadem to wear ; Thou lead'st the weary home to rest. And mak'st their passage clear. Thou blessest ev'ry morning sun Which hath on Eden shone. And with the blessings of thy love Dost thou protect thine ovvn. HYMN CXLIV. The horrors of sin. WHEN first our morning suns arise Cloth'd with a garm&ijt of disguise. We see no danger nor no fear, The sinnar^s way is pl?in and clear. 97 fPf fT"?H I ,,* ^9S HYMNS AND TBAYEB«. But soon the sting of guilt we find To pierce the heart, and clothe the xnindt And vile temptation's pleasant tone Is but a sigh and dying groan. So sinners find the hidden way To be a dark and sunless day. Until the doleful night appears And life doth vanish into tears. Oh that mine eyes may clearer see My heart continue as I be, Altho' my steps with fear are slow They Ml save me from a hell below. HYMN CXLV. The invitations of life. OLORD, thou dost direct our ways. And with a shepherd's care ; For thee we spend our thoughtful days In watchfulness and prayer. And with a tender father's love Thou lead's! us through the day ; And through the night, from heaven above Dost thou direct our way. Thou feed'st us with the crumbs of bread And mak'st our paths so clear. We are by thee to fountains led Of waters deep and clear. thy Son Thou giv'st us pleasure in tl Which never will decay, ;Still leading on to joys to come Which never pass away. iwm HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Thou piv'st us joys both new and old And David for our king. Where Jesus doth the balance hold The flocks for ever sing. HYMN CXLVI. The afflictions of thz mind. "IlfHY did the thorn and thistle grow? ft Why doth the stormy tempest blow ? 'Why did a tempting voice arise To touch mine ear or blind mine eyes ? . Ts there no power in heaven above To save the world with heavenly love 1 Or why is not my spirit wise ' Without the cost of sacrifice ? Why doth my spirit often mourn vStrayfrom right paths and then return. Or why doth not my shepherd see Tliat paths of life are best for me ? ••Or why doth death subt^'ie my frame And still my breath witii d}-ing pain. With dying groans and panting breath Give up this body unto deathi ? Why cannot I my morsel find Without a grievM and troubled mind ? HYMN CXLVII Replies to the inquiry/. ADMIT, my bread should have no ta^te. Or we should drink who have no thirst. How could our pleasures be increas'd . Did we not taste the bitter first ? i*' ■■1.;: ■;;'... ^ ^^^^K!':' «|i;.. H 'H ^B;l' 'PP i ^^^Hi. W ' ■k 100 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Or what could reason teach the mind Admit there were no erring way. What could we seek for or could find Were there no paths that lead astray ? How could we know a Saviour's voice If every tongue did well agree, Or could my spirit more rejoice If mourning ceas'd to visit me ? All, all is wisdom in a line All serve to make my reason clear. Both day and night a change of time, So doth my God to me appear. Our sorrow is a virtue blest When we the mournful hour improve, On trouble God doth build our rest, It is the merit of his love. HYMN CXLVIII. A prayer for 2cisdom. LORD, at thy feet as dust I lie. Upward I dare not look ; 1 know that I am born to die. And I thy laws have broke. I 'm in thy mercy bound to trust. My spirit cannot flee ; My soul can offer sinful dust And cry aloud to thee. Lord, thou hast giv'n me life and breath, A body and a mind. Hast set before me life and death. And as I seek I find. ^ HYMNS AND PRAYERS. And now a crumb of bread I cravo From wisdom's holy hand ; Thv word my mournful soul to save, A rock wheroon to stand. HYMN CXLIX. The blessings of life. WISDOM, the dearest bride of life, Stands mourning at the door, She calls me with uplifted hands To come and sin no more. This world doth show a harlot's breast, She 's near the gates of hell ; And with a gilded, golden hand, invites me to rebel. How pleasant do appear her ways. She says her feet are clean ; But sha a sinful heart conceals, And all her flocks are lean. But wisdom, with a lonely cry, lavites my spirit home ; S!ie 's rich in mercy and iu grace. She sits upon a throne. Her flocks are in green pastures fed. Her springs are never dry. She pardons all my former guilt. She 's with me whore I lie. Her arm 's the pillow of my, I at her breast do feed, Her bosom flows with milk and wiiio^ With all the joy,=i I need. 101 Iff- lllll 102 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. HYMN CL. The mcrdcs of God to the afflicted. OLORD, why did the river rise, Or springs of love so freely flow ? Thy listening ear hath heard our cries, Thou sent thy mercies down bolcw. Why do the waters taste so sweet. Or streams which heaven do afford ? O Lord, thou mad'st thy will our meat. And fed us with thy holy word. "Why hast thou made the hedge so strong The wall no lion can subdue ? No idle tumult stills our song. The portal 's open to pass through. Thy love and mercy never ends. Thy holy care doth still chastise. To us the prophet now descends. Thy spirit comes to make us wise. There are no measures to thy grace. Thou mak 'st the fountain deep and clear Thy holy arm is round this place. And thy salvation 's flowing here. HYMN CLI. The footsteps of the icise. WITH constant care I place my feet. My paths pursue with holy fear. By wisdom's hand I 'choose my meat. And drink of fountains deep and clear. With watchful care I leave the sand, And shun the pit of mire and clay ; I seek a rock whereon to stand. And pray the Lord to lead my way. Nor tal*ry at the serpent's den Where hissing adders oft I hear. For these are in the breast of men. And there, doth Satan oft appear. m UYMN8 AND PRAYERS. 103 Wlieno'er the stormy tempest blows I bow my head, and then resign, And so 1 pass my angry foes. And these, my friends, are paths of mine. HYMN CLII. The blessings of righteousness. OLORD, thou 'st made our paths so clear, Our footsteps simple, wise and plain ; We know thy mercy. Lord, is here. And we rejoice to know thy name. In wisdom thou dost draw the lino And lond'st thy hand to lead tlie way. Thou moasur'st every moment's time And grant 'st us blessings day by day. Thou lott'st us see beyond the stream And mark'st the narrow passage through ; In trouble thou dost make us clean. And blessest all our mourning too. Thou bring'st bless'd wisdom near the fold, Dear stranger at the gates doth stand ; She 's bless'd to us that were of old. She comes with a baptizino- hand. HYMN CLIII. The Shepherd's lore. OH, mercy, from the heavenly throne Why hast thou to our v/orship come ? Thy name is to our judge unknown. In one, the Father and the Son ! Thou lend'st to us a giving hand Which led thy Israel tJirough the atonn. Whose bread by day v/as tliy commruui, Whose rest by night was in thine urui. o 2 m ■ 104 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. We know the banquet of thy love, And as the flock do know the fold ; This day assembled to improve Nor idle offerings to withhold. Thou feedest with the lines of grace Within our walls thou giv'st us peace. We 're as the flock before thy face Whose blessiujrg never, never cease. HYMN CLIV. Direction. jll, muy our praise and mourninjof join,. 'And aii our oflbrings be sublime ! May wisdom's hand direct our ways. And heaven and God receive our praise ! May watchfulness and care attend Lest we some little one offend ; May we possess a humble mind. In every trouble be resign'd. O may we use a bridled tongue The pit of enors long to shun. And trim our lamp with constant fear As wo tii3 voice of wisdom hoar. May not one day be spent in vain. Still breathing to Messiah's name ; That he may each temptation bind. Bind up the heart, and heal the mind, HYMN CLV. Promihniial facoKi's. OLORD, how sure the stones are laid To place our feet upon ; How clear the line of wisdom 's drawn TI:e favours of thy Son. *l HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 105 Why doth the trumpet speak so loud If love doth not attend ? Or why doth thy directing hand A line of mercy lend ? Why didst thou strong temptation bind If it is not thy will, Or why do we the trumpet hear Which bids the storm be still ? Thou bind'st the lion with a chain. The serpent 's erring tongue Is in our ears an empty noise. And still w)iere praise is sung. With the bless'd covenants of the East Thou seal'st us to thy name. Thou call'st salvation to our home. And with Messiah reign. HYMN CLVI. Forethought. ON thee, O Lord, I fix mine eyes, Who fram'd the earth and spread the skies ; These are the order of thy love. Nor kings nor councils can remove. The rivers thou ordain' d to run In humble circuits go and come ; Assembled in the flooding sea. Lord, these are works ordain'd by thee. What circling thoughts attend my mind. Bat in the midst thy grace I find ; There wrote a dear Redeemer's name, A Son, that from thy bosom came. 106 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. • r. ':ih I [hf. Although my wandering thoughts abroad Seem lost to know their centre, God, Thy love and mercy gathers home These wandering subjects to thy throne. Shall I, O Lord, forget thy grace, Or yet our flock their feeding place ; To thee, O God, each thought shall rise, Thou altar of my sacrifice. HYMN CLVII. Humble praise, COULD my thoughts thy love express. Thy preservation and thy care. My tongue should move thy name to ble My all, my God, shall centre there. When I by parts thy wisdom see. The wonders of thy guardian name. Thy love, my God, doth comfort me. Who am, without thee, all in vain. When I behold the worlds above. The circuits of the moon and stars I see no mortals can remove V/iiat thou ordain'st, thy will declares. O Lord, givo me a heart to praise, A tongue prepar'd to speak of thee The winders of thy former days, llecause again these days shall be. Withhold not from my broken heart The oil v/hich ever heals my pain. Nor let thy grace from me depart Le&t-I should cease to praise thy name. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. HYMN CLVIII. Precaution. WHEN troubles rise, and foes repeat With breaths of ill design. With iron cords to bind our feet, Then shall this lot be mine. Prepar'd the fetters to receive. The binding cord to try, With pationco, in affliction grieve. When angiy foes are nigh. But when the Lord's anointing word Shall heal my troubled mind. My soul shall triumph in the Lord, In him a friend I '11 find. 'T is not by words of angry flame I shall my foes subdue. But in the Lord's eternal name That binds and conquers too. HYMN CLIX. Vicioiij. LORD, when thy presence I behold, The lofty hills to move ; A God that was not bought or sold, The sacred God of love. He, who led Israel through the sea At Horeb's mount he fed. His mind is Sinai unto mc, — He that through Jordan led. He, that gave Canaan's fruitful soil To chiidf en of his own. Doth all my tronbles reconcile ; He is my God alone. 107 u\ 108 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. j . When foes against his name appear And give my spirit pain. Then is his just salvation near Who Israel's foes hatli slain. And with a strong unconquer'd arm He sends his word abroad. Free from injustice and from harm, A wise and jealous God. HYMN CLX. Ancient tiiith. COULD we the paths of Israel find *T would be a blessing to our mind. And God his mercies would restore Which now are lost and known no more. Remember how good Israel rose. And how the Lord subdued his foes ; And how the waters did divide. And plac'd him on the peaceful side. The Lord to Israel shepherds gave His soul to keep, his flocks to save, And prophets, as a lamp of light, Were Israel's watchmen through the night. Where is the church that 's so endued. Which other paths than those pursued ? Where 's the Messiah of their care Who now prevails by word and prayer. The churches now in pieces part ! A broken mind, a bleeding heart. Is now our portion and our lot, Since Israel and his God 's forgot. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 109 HYMN CLXI. Restoring grace. LORD, we 're naked, and are poor. No diadem we wear. We wonder as the lost, astray. Without a shepherd's care. Oh, how we for a Saviour cr}% As children wanting food ; We have no staff whereon to lean. Nor know the way that *s good. There is no Moses in our eyes. No Saviour's feet we see ; We pray for mercy from thy throne. May David rise for thee ! Oh, bless us with Messiah's hand, Let us our shepherd know ; Those stars of light refuse to shine Which conquer'd Israel's foe. Lord, bless us with thy heavenly care, With thy restoring grace ; And we, chastisements will receive. And bow before thy face. O Lord, there 's mercy in thy love. And pardon in thy breast ; Remove our sins, O God, we pray. And give our spirits rest. HYMN CLXn. Human glory. THE Lord inspires and we fulfil. He gives us grace to clothe his name, He bids our action to be still. For man, alone, is all in vain. 110 HYJJN'S AXD PRArERS. i 1 « ' »' It is God's gldry when we rise. And when the bosom feels LmpressM To speak of .iieasures just and wise, Point out the paths that lead to rest. To bless the Lord, aaJ give renown, Is human glory, and our theme To speak of blessings that came down, To bless the h«art and make us clean. To own the Eord ih all we do And place his name before ' ur face, Then sacred wisdom to puisne. And glory in the dieeds of grace. HYMN CLXIII. Wisdom alone. RELrEv'D from snares, the evil twine. Nor cords nor fetters on the feet ; She with her hand divides our time, And from her spirit gives us meat. She makes our footsteps plain and clear. We *11 bless her with the royal name. She as the parent doth appear, As one that hath from heaven came. We Ml give her glory, peace, and rest. And build her name below the sun ; As children love the mother's breast,- So will we praise this humble one. She brings her talents from the East„ And as the morning sun doth rise Wer mercy shines Usponi the Ibast,. lElkkuu^^iBJiwdhdax^^iiifi liass'crj:^. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Ill HYMN CLXIV. Distant from the Lord, HOW desolate the deserts are. These trackless paths that I pursue*;. My spirit finds no shepherd there, The blessings of the Lord are few. Oh wandering thought, where wouldrt thou go, My soul, what dost thou seek to find ? Still not content without a foe To trouble and convict the mind ? The chilling hand of cold derpair Doth lead thy spirit on this way. Till thou dost meet a Saviour there,. A stranger on' this mournful day: With bleeding Wbunds,, on thorns thou trod. And dash'd thy feet against tlie stones, God made for thee this painful road. To hear thy spirit uttter groans. Plere God deprives thee of thy rest Which thrones and kingdoms do aff jrd ; *T is where the soul was never blest. The end of those that curse the Lord. HYMN CLXV. A Prayer for Mercy. OLOUD, the pain my spirit feels Is more than I with patience bear,. My wounds nor bruises never heal. No shepherd hears my mournful prayer.* Mv kindred are as flocks astrav, They see my wounds but cannot heal,. They *ro helpless as the tomb this day ;i fflow unexQre.sfiv'd.'s, the saitti Ufiial*. ft'^: ■ III.' I;'! NIS; 112 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Lord, thou art God, and thou alone. And thou canst feel this inward paiu ; Let every si(rh for me atone. Let every groan be to thj' name. Thou canst my sinful guilt remove, There is no help, but Lord, from thee, Forgive me, and a sinner love. Lead me to where thy blessings be. HYMN CLXVL The merits of a Saviour. LORD, in a thirsty land 1 found the living spring. The lofty mountains did remove. And Israel saw their king. An angel's voice we hear Descending from on high. The stepping-fctones in peace are laid, See where the diamonds lie. A shepherd's hand to feed Is naked in our eyes. An altar, near, doth upright stand ; The mount of sacrifice. The field with pasture 's green Our hope doth plainly see. And streams of pleasure gliding still Our watering place to be. HYMN CLXVn. Moving by direction. jrp IS homeward, reason guides my way, JL My shepherd and my care. He did the raging waters still. And plac'd his pleasure there. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. For him the pastures did arise, And glory fiJIM the stream ; The vines are planted by his name. Oh see, the grapes aro green I These are the sinner's great reward Who givew to God his due ; His feet in paths of safety tread. Nor foes his paths pursue. His. soul is passing o'er the stream. How clear the waters are ! Direction from Mes.-'iah rose. And joy and peace is there. HYMN CLXVHI. Messiah's chosen place. OH. how the Jews of Zion boast. And for her daughters mourn. And though her glory hath been lost Her blessings do return. Oh, rnay we know the appointed plac^ And where the ark doth rest ; * The unbounded treasures of his grace. Which ancient Zion blest. Whh joy behold the assembled flock To where his love doth rise. His name alone the chosen rock. The place of sacrifice. That we may bless the feeding hand Which doth our sins remove, That every heart may understand The blessings of his love. 113 :' % *. I 5 I If i i: i ■ 114 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. HYMN CLXIX. The 'pastures of the Lord. FROM theo our blessings do descend Who bidd'st the pastures grow, From thee, alone, the springs arise. And streams of freedom flow. Thou call'st thy wandering children home, And dost increase their store ; Nor dost thy blessings now refuse, A portion to the poor. Thou bidd'st the lonely desert yield, t The woodlands to become A humble vale, a feeding place, A vineyard to thy Son. His little flock doth gather there Sweet clusters from the vine, .And with a humble song of praise Sav all and all are thine. HYMN CLXX. The glory of God. LORD, friendship, mercy, love, and care, Is the event of mournful prayer ; To thee our sentence doth arise Who with thy mercy dost chastise. Thou mark'st the footsteps of our feet. Thy name doth bless us when we meet. And thou in mercy dost ordain A day of joy when we complain. Thou dost in love and care increase. And through deep sorrow form our peace ; Thy name doth give the weary rest And frees the soul that is oppress'd. HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 115 For mourning thou dost give us praise^ And when we 're lost direct our ways, And giv'st us hope in years to come From God the Father, and the Son. Thou mak'st us rich with grace and love. Thy name descending from above, Thou dost chastise and make us clean And lead'st us through the troubled stream. To where the little flock is blest With peace and glor\% joy and rest. HYMN CLXXI. The Lord's blessing. LORD, bless'd with -care, we humbly bow Before thy high, exalted throne. Confess- our sins with humble fear. And all thy gentle favours own. Thou mark'st the paths that lead astrav. Forbid our feet to walk therein. And shew'st to us the appointed place Where thou forgiv'st the deeds of sin. 'Thou call'st the saint and Saviour near. At thy command their souls attend ; The sinful, who despise thy word. Thou with strict justice dos't offend. Oh, why should we forsake thy law Or shun the paths which thou hast blest. Or murmer. Lord, against thy name. Who dost chastise, and give us rest ? HYMN CLXXIl. The Revelation of God. "Y hearts unseen, unfathom'd deep, .Oh, could my life thy measures know ; In thee mine eyes are taught to weep. From thee do endless pleasures flow'.f I f f ■• i ti • ; 'U M'- 116 HYMNS AND PRAYERS. Art thou the mystery of the Lord, A secret, crowns cannot reveal ? Art thou a vohirne of record Of which the fatlier keeps the seal ? Mysterious life is hidden there, For wisdom keeps the openintj door 7 In thee the fruitful vine doth bear, ^nd sin doth cease and be no more. Oh, is my spirit with the Lord ? Or dare my tongue presume to say That life 's to me a«eal'd record, ■ -4nd all 1 have one ehortenM day. Tho Lord is life, and hope, and fear, I am his, but nothing is mine ; ^4 nd every day which doth appear Reveals the measures of my time. HYMN CLXXIIL The AiTTi of the Lord revealed. SMALL are the measures I receive -According to my thirst, My Saviour meets me when I grieve. So when I mourn I *m blest. This life *s to me a hidden store, I 've little in my trust. Drink what I have, and thirst for more, For this to me is best. Had I the #orld at my command Or could I still the sea. More bless'd td me 's a Saviour's hand Ha 's all and all to me. RTMNS AND PBATEIia; My hope in him *8 a lasting Btort And my redeemed trust Xteth give me tiir I aak no more. When I »m with pardon West HYMN CLXXIV. The place qf resL T ORD, at thy footstool down I lie, . MJAb humble servants be, I cease to mourn, I cease to cry,w When life I give to thee. When thou my measures dost % And teach thine eyes to weep ; I in the grave in secret lie. To sin I ever sleep. But oh. I hear the trumpet sound, When God the heart prepares My spirit leaves the slumbering ground And all thy sorrow bears. HYMN CLXXXVH. Restoring Faith. OLORD, I languish in distresa. Like one lost in the wildemeaa ; My soul did like the infant cry Without thy mercy I shall die I Mine ear did hear a joyful sound, A spirit rising from the ground ; The sound I lov'd. the voice I knew. It gave me hope and courafre too. ■£-^ w r« 126 HYMN8 AND FRAYER8. il^ r? ^ 1: .' ■ I saw, descending from the skies. Some angel likeness call to rise. And I, unwilling to refuse. Could not my soul from life excuse, A path I in the desert saw, I heard the spirit talk of law, ♦ I thought, before me Moses stood, With Christ, the image of all good : I ceas'd my mourning in surprise. For these both came to light mine eyes. HYMN CLXXXVm. A Prayer for God's continuing merof* OLORD, wilt thou the stone remove. Our unbelief, that hinders love ? Our hardness caus'd the spring to dry. And thou thy favours didst deny. Remove, O Lord, the stumbling-stone. And we will trust in thee alone ; And as thou feed*st us from above Will we increase our faith and love. Remember when our flocks WQre bless'd. The people free that were oppress'd ; And when the young and old were joined In spirit, practice, and in mind. Again, we pray these days restore, Bo we *11 not chide nor part no more ; And thy bless*d name with reverence see. With one accord resign to thee« HTMN8 AND PRAYERS. HYMN CLXJCXIX. The privilege of practice. OH, may our prayer an offering be. And may our griefs atone. When we *ve by sin offended theo Make thy displeasure known. Continue, Lord, chastisements stilly Correct us by thy grace. And let our practice be thy will. Our souls from foes release. All might and power is thine to do. On thee our souls depend ; Rend every darkening veil in two. Let us thy word attend. Keep us from wild temptation's ways. For those alone are free "Who have a tongue to give thee praise, A heart that '^s join'd to thee. HYMN CXC. The measures of time, OLORD, direct our paths, and bo A lamp amidst our way. And when we mourn, look up to thee. And for thy favours pray. Keep us, O God, from idle words. Nor as the foolish do. Despise the Book of thy records. And hate thy mercies too. Save us, O God, when foes are round. And when temptations smile. Let *s feel the cord bv wliich wo*re bound To Christ, thy darling child. 127 1^9 irtMNS AND rRAYERS. H: Wi: ill'ii "if I i . *. H ,; ( Let not the darkness overspread That vrils uh from thy name. But, ha the flof k by shepherds fed. Oft meet with thee again. Altho' thy smiles thou may's! remoT* Our hope and faith lo try, O God revisit with thy love And when we mourn be nigh. HYMN CXCI. Gladness of tfie heart HOW fiwet t, how pleutant, arc these jfty» The kingdom doth afford. When neither lime, nor moth destroys The blessings of the Lord. How deep, O Lord, the fountains are. The springs do never dry ; When thou direct 'st the heart in prayer Thine ear is ever nigh. How everlasting is the bread Which doth from heaven descend, Unmeasur'd joy 's whfere those are fed Who do thy word attend. The heart doth oft thy bounties yield To fill the listening ear. The lame rejoice, the blind are heal'd, Alone, salvation 's here. HYMN CXCII. The blessings offricndship, IF 1 am unto Jesus join'd I am the sinner's friend. The poor in me will comfort findf Aod love will vnevor end. UTMN8 AVD PRATKnS. Who visits with the balmv cure B\\t Christ the holy one', Whose heart is clean, whose spirit '« pnw. But God '8 redeeming Son. Oh, may I to his heart be joinM And have my portion there ; Uh then I '11 have humble a mind. And strength my grief to bear. . When sinners mock me, and abus©. I still their friend will be, A^ ?®^ ^^^^ scoffers will excuse, And make my spirit free. He still will trim mv lamp by day. And in the needful time, ' ' My foes will find me in the way. And see this heart of mine. HYMN CXCIII. A time qf love. IITHEN I receive the bounteous care ft ITiat God and angels do afford Then will my soul have bread to spares. And bless the tables of the Lord. There 's nothing we can call our own,. 1 he Lord doth give to give again ; By this we make his blessings known, By giving, glorify his name. ilia love 's an everlasting stor«». His mercy, fountains deep and clear, VVe drink, never to thiret no more, Wacn God in mercy doth appeui-. 12» 130 HVMN8 AND PRAYERS. M\ \l^ IS * n r M :' His hand is like the shepherd's care, His tender heart doth gently load, With patience doth our failings bear, And kindly doth his children feed. He moves aloud the lisping tongue To give him glory, thanks, and praise ; He lends his ear when praise is sung. And moves the mountain from our ways. He bids the little hills to flee. He makes our passage clear and plain, He *s ever present where we be, Aud marks us with his holy name. HYMN CXCIV. The cowforts of life, HOW stable, Lord, my heart doth feel Whene'er I know thy Son is nigh. What mysteries doth thy word reveal, How needful doth thy word apply. 'T is not in man to form his ways, Nor a bless'd action to repeat ; Nor can a sinner sing thy praise Until he worships at thy feet Thy pardon is a cause to sing And calls the soul to upwards rise, Borne upward on an angel's wing. We hate our sins and love the wise. Wisdom's the oiFspring of thy breast. The heart and action of thy Son, Our peace and pathway home to rest. Our wisest choice, the only one. HTMNS AND PRAYERB. HYMN CXCV. Or JIS^V'^J^ ^^ ^^^'* MouTS. xhc^.^ ^^y ^*^"^^h *»a^h blessed been When David and thy Son did feed. And that again we shall be clean Thou hast by ancient days decreed. A resurrection sure shall be And sinners to the Lord restor'd. The yvandoring shall come home to thee. And feed in pastures from the Lord. Why should we faint, and chide, and fea^. JJr yet dispute about the way ? The spirit of past time is near, The Lord is present here this day. Where are the barren sands we know Or yet the desert of distress. Where is our Jordan to pass throuffh On every day the Lord doth bless ? Nor are our offerings counted vain, ^ehold our Sabbaths, how they move. And by Messiah's holy name Our days are lengthened to improve. ^ ^. ^ HYMN CXCVI. OGratUude to God for continuing favours, H. could my soul a word afford 1 hat would give honours to the Lord. My heart should like the fountain flow, io count the favours that we know. In sorrow, God is present by. His Son and spirit both are nigh. And by the wisdom of his word He doth our sorrows all record. 131 ii : i ¥ i 13^ IIFMNGhAKD PRAYERS. r I- ■ Hi9 word is ri^ht, his balance true, 11(9 gives to every kind their due ; He doth chastise us by his name, lie wounds the heart and heals our pain. . UnwoHhy, Lord^ our offerings be To rise so high as come to thee. But thou hast come with pardoning grace To heal our sorrows in this place. HYMN CXCVn. Receiving mercy, . ORD, by the turning of thy hand We feel our sins, and understand ; Our frame is but a mould of dust. Still travelling on, and seeking rest Our mind *s a spirit, 't is unseen, Tho' constant washing, never clean ; Nor imperfections cease to rise. Or causes, the* thou may chastise So is our spirit ever known. By sinning, and again atone, . All these are mercies. Lord from Ciee, - Descending down to where we be. Affliction, Lord, to us is blest. As we peruse the paths to rest. And when thou dost our sins make kno^K'Xk Thou dost prepare us to atone. HYMN CXCVni. Affections to God. MY heart, my God, 1 give to thee, I prfiy my sinful lust subdue. For me they are too wild and strong, Peceitful». and they 're tempting too. HVMNS AND PRAYERS. Lord, teach the passions of my mind I o humbly bow before thy name. And tho' my sorrow 's deep and sore i-»et wisdom come to me again. Lot me receive her jnrivinff hand. Let me, O God, her footsteps see. And as an infant seek her breast. Who feed'st the flocks abroad for th©6. And when I 'm weary, find her rest ! My soul, pursue her name alone : teho doth baptize and make us clean. With all her heart she loves her own, HYMN CXCIX. OT r^ryVi^ ?^^'^ ^"^"^ of power. l^UKD, thy providence we see, Ihme arm in wise and stronff. We are too frail to speak of thee bo oft wo 're in the wrong. As parents hear the infant cry So let thy love descend. Thy power aiul might are ever riffh As we on thee depend. ' Lord, lead us from the scoffer's way 1 hat we thy truth may find. And bless our frrieved souls (his day 1 hat have a troubled mind. O Lord, we pray, forsake us not, But still our sins chastise, Wor let our sorrows be for/rot Who grieve with weeping eves. 133 134 HYMNS AND PRAYERS, 1-. ¥ f f ). ri i» ' ,. t ■ There 'a not one moment to delay, Nor idle hours to spend, Thou eall'st us and wc must away And on thy word attend, HYMN CC. The blessed favours of the Lofd* LORD, as we live, the more we see That goodness doth abound from thee ; It is the wisdom of thy hand To well perform thy great command. Thou dost, O Lord, the heart inspire With wh it thy spirit doth desire. For thou dost cause the heart to feel ne truths thy sphit would reveal. With love, thou dost our faults excuse When wo do not to act refuse. But when we 're proud and think we 're Vise, Thou dost our failings all chastise. We 're born, O God, thy name to fes^r, Thy will obey, thy name to hear ; "To lean upon thy' gathering arm, And trust thy mercy through the storip. »T is not in us thine heart to know. How thon dost rule events below. Until we do both hear and see That all and all 's ordain'd by thee. HYMN GCI. SiippUcaiion. TTn WORTHY, Lord, we find we are I) Of thy protection and thy care ; But thou, O Lord, dost ever see The soul that doth incline to thee. HVMN6 AND PRA/TERS. 155 I We pray for pardon and for love, For thy direction when we move ; And for thy blessings where we rest Who 're ever mournful till we' are blest. Lord, if thy love continues still Our flowing cup with joy to fill. Our thanks, and praise, and prayer, shall be An offering from the heart to thee. Remind us. Lord, of favors past. Thy love be with us till the last ! Thy mercy be our lasting store Till we shall sleep and be no more. HYMN ecu. Hmiiility. BEFORE the throne of God I bow And all my thoughts are still, Mv prayer is all for wisdom now, For my Redeemer's will. Without his favour I am lost And dark'uing clouds arise. My ^oul on the wide ocean toss'd, Or in the desert cries. Mourning must ever be my lot. My nights be floods of tears. If I by Jesus be forgot Through my succeeding years. •^O heaven, and earth, togetlier join, My lasting friend to be ; Xord, grant the measures of my tim^ And I '11 bo taught bv thee. ^ .12' B« . 136 MTMNS AND PRAYEB8* M .."^ f' Jf ' ' ■ # 'v ..'■ • ' i^^;•■i |i':> i t..' :'i rf(. HYMN CCIII. The comforts of hope, LORI>, let my morninjr prayer arise As minors through the darken'd skies ? This world ^s a tumult, as the cloud Where li^htnin^s flash, and thunder loud^? With beatinor storms the tempest roll I So are the horrors of the soul. Save us, O Lord, from long doTO I ever shall be blest. Bless'd is the shepherd of the fold Where love and truth do reigit. Where love to God surpasses goMt Where children praise his name'. Where songs of honour loud are svaig To fill the listening ear, Where God doth bless the praising;^ tOBguet And where the saints appear. And where our bless'd forgiveness teigiw. Unbounded powers of loVe, Our foe subdues, our foe regatfit To hope in heaven above. ^i m 142 HYMNS, AND PRAYKAS. , } ■ HYMN CCXIII. Turning to the Lord* WHEif I a harden'd heart could feein And vengeance in my breast, When I could not my wrath conceal I had from God no rest. He placed my sins before mine eyes And bade my spirit-move, Mv soul from where the sinner die» Witliout Messiah*^ love,. My^pul was with the call impressed And now mine eyes can see, There is a way that leads to rest. From sin, my God, to thee, Hope, like the springy, did quench my Ibirat,. And did abate the flame. And for forgiveness I am bless'd And turn to god again. HYMN CCXIV. The Gospel of Truth, UNERRING flame, O sacred lightr That from the heaven of heavens came I Thou art to me my soul's delight, A blessing from Messiah's name. Thy virtue *s like the purging stream. And as the flame, for ever burns ! Thou mak'st the soul and body clean* By thee the soul to God returns. Thy presence is for ever new. Thou visit'st in the Father's name* Thou dost chastise and heal us too* The soul from sin thou dost regaisL RTMNS AND. PRATERS. 14? Thy name on earth shall never cease. As harmless as tho dovo doth fly, Thou hast come down to form our peace. To teach us that tho kingdom *s nigh. From God the Father, and the Son, Thou spread'st thy shading wings abroad,, Thou art for evermore to come, A blessing from the throne of God. HYMN CCXV. Receiving the Tvu(hm. Bless'd sister of my troubled raihd f Thou dost the Son and saint adore ; With thee the name of God I find, Bride to the lamb for evermore. The Church doth lean upon thy breast And love thee as the mother dear. Thou art from God for ever blest. Nor queens on earth like thee appear. Of wine and oil thou art possessed. The body of G^d's holy Son, Thy spirit long hath been distressed Still waiting for the time to come. Till babes should rise to honour thee From morning till the setting sun. Till unto them thy soul should be Time past, and present, and to come.. Until the human voice should rise. Until our souls should thee adore. Until the simple should be wise A^ praise thy name for evermortu 144 HTMN8 AKO PRATKIIS. r ii ■ ,, .ii Oh, blessed be our morning sun, \yhieh rose, and in our darkness shonet For this is truth that was to come. We Ml love and bless her as our own. HIMN CCXVl. The measvres of the mind, THE heart *s a book we little know. Nor art nor science read it through. The measures that it doth contain While unimprov'd, to us are vain. They *re like a space we cannot see, *T is where the stores of nature be ; As where the dead in secret lies Till God doth call our life to rise. 'T is through the heart God doth reveal The mysteries that tlie heavens conceal, 'T is in the heart he writes his name And sets his seal to there remain. He in the mind implants his love And gives us light from worlds above. The saints and angels visit there. It is to man the house of prayer. His song of thanks, his theme of praise, And the best measure of his days. HYMN CCXVII. The heart revealed. OH, what a volnme *s in my breast. Unnumbered measures it contaiB, Altho' this day I may be blest. This time will never come again. There are no lines of science there. To me unknown 's my daily bread. My praise doth cease, and mournful pTBYer* ?^ T7 es^/« ^f i-. .K M^A IITMM8 AMD PRATERll. Mjr heart to me is God*« command When I 'm directed !)v his grace; He moves the deeds that 's on the sand And lets me see that empty place. As walls decay and turn to dust. So is our nature when alone, But when in God J put my trust. My Saviour and my sins are know^% Why should my heart by science ike. Or exaltation clothe my name ? Nature »s a vapour in the skies, Without my God my nature 's vain. HYMN CCXVni. The Sanctuary of the Un-d, MY Saviour hath a humble mind And spotless j^armenty doth he wear. In him a goodly heart I find ; Oh, that my spirit centred there ! Within the bosom of the Lord Is God the Father's dwelling plac€|. There he salvation doth record And gives the measures of his grace. And as the morning sun doth shine To light our natural-seeing eyes. So are the measures of our time When Jesus in our hearts doth rise. His sanctuary »s ever there. And there wo bow before the throne. There doth Emmanuel form our prayer. And there the Father»s name h known/ 145 140 HYMN« AND PRAYERS. Wi «) >', ; There every spark of nature *s good When man his heart doth understand. Arid all his heart is washed in blood, Chastis'd by God's most secret hand. HYMN CCXIX. Man known to himself. OLORD, how many parts 1 feel. Hard is thy sentence to endure. For mercy I to thee appeal ; Make all my einful nature pure ! The life of Christ *s a cleansing streaiHt And as the spirit loves the Son, Baptize my heart and make me clean ! My nature* all before thee come. O Lord, thou gave to man his name, O Lord do not hii3 heart despise ! Thou hast done nothing that 's in ain. Before thee all my nature lies ! All griev'd and wounded, sick and sore, As children bow their heads in prayer ; My spirit cannot rise no more, Without direction and thy care. Dear Shepherd of mine all within, The word that from the Father came Hath wash'd my heart and made me clean. And now there is no part in vain. HYMN CCXX. A prayer to be delivered from sin. OH sin, thou art my bitter foe, Distressing to my mind ; Affliction 's in the way I go. My rest is haid to find. ll'' HYMNS AND PRAYERS. 147 ^nd sorrow *s in the paths I tread My steps are weak and slow. My spirit *s hungering to be fed, My soul is thirsting too. I feel my feet with fetters bound, It is with pain I move, I seek for that I 've never found, Unceasing, pardoning love. I cannot keep my footsteps clean. So prone to mire and clay ; How loud I cr}% O God redeem, Remove my sins away I HYMN CCXXI. Removing from sin. OLORD, how dark my footsteps are. How hard my feet to move ! I find in vain is all my care Without unceasing love. How like the lost I walk astray. My danger is unseen ; My sins do cloud the fairest dav. My faults do stir the stream! How can I lift mine eyes to thee. Or on thy love depend ? Thou often-times hast pardon'd rae, As often I offend. O Lord, prepare a cup of guilt, I 'II drink my sorrows in. Thy Son for me his blood hath spilt, But I remain in sin. 148 nTMl«S AND PRATERS. :k ]■ ■■ Oh, could my wandering feet' remoTf From the dark paths 1 trod. So I mijrht drink redeeming love. And bless and praise my God. HYMN CCXXII Light from heaven^ or the love of God. OLORD, a guilty heart I feel, A living soul within Is praying to thy name to heal, Thy love to move my sin. My guilt is more than I can bear. It bears upon my mind, And there is deep conviction there, A hell of woes 1 find. My spirit doth my weakness own. Before thy throne I stand To hear the sentence of thy throne. And bow at thy command. My sins arose, like mountains stood. Thou gave me light to see That thou alone artbless'd and good. And fate depends on thee. My sins arise, from choice I make Direction of mine own ; And when I do thy word forsake 1 mourn and crv alone. HYMN CCXXII I. The peace of tfte penitent mind. OLORD, to thee I '11 pay my vows Who mak'st my passage clear, Mv sinful soul before thee bows, T.iy pardoning love to hear. HYMNS AND PRATERS. The cloud doth now in pieces break The darkness of my day, And as I do my sins forsake I see the lighted way. But oh, my feet I move with fear. The guilt of sin I dread ; Lord, thine angry voice to hear Are coals upon my head ! 1 have a living soul within Which doth rejoice to see The gate, where I may shun my sin, And drink my peace with thee. HYMN CCXXIV. Experimental Songs. 1KN0W the Day of Judgment 's ni^h When I must stand before my foes. And with the word of God comply By whom my spirit first arose. To drink the sorrows of my sin Is judgment that is justly due. For that, my heart should feel within, And own the sentence just and true. The blood of Jesus flowing there. His life to mingle with mine own, My soul his holy cross to bear Where I for all my sins atone. To taste his flowing, precious blood. As well as all his bruises feel. Cry for salvation to my God, And say, O Lord, these sorrows keal ! K 149 ;1 i lit t i 11