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J pent of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
;... V
And Sold at the Bible and Tract Depositories in Montreal ,
and Toronto ; also in Halifax^ Nova Scoiia,''and St.
JohnSf y- - Brunswick.
n On «■ &
I'orme 1580-1-20
Ailfvt nf the LirUhh and Forekpt Uihh- Sitctrtf/.
And Sold at the Bible and Tract Depositories in Montreal,
and Toronto; also in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and St.
Johns, New lirvnsuuck.
Preface to Family Prayers 3
Notice respecting Family Worship 9
Family Worship for Sunday Morning H
. for Sunday Evening, 18
______ . for Monday Morning 24
. . for Monday Evening 30
. . for Tuesday Morning 34
. for Tuesday Evening 38
, , for Wednesday Morning 42
, for Wednesday Evening 47
. for Thursday Morning 51
. for Thursday Evening 56
„ . , for Friday Morning 60
. for Friday Evening 64
^ . . for Saturday Morning 68
, for Saturday Evening 73
Short PL-ayers for commencing Family Worship 78
Prayers for the Special Reading of the Scriptures 87
Graces or Thanksgivings at Meals 93
Preface to Individual Prayers 99
Individual Prayer for Sunday Morning 101
. for do. do 105
. , for Sunday Evening 109
for Monday Morning 112^
2 Contents,
Individual Prayer for Monday Evening 'J^
for Tuesday Morning i*'
^ . . for Tu-8dny Evening ^20
for Wednesday Morning 124
^ for Wednesday Evening 126
. .. for Thursday Morning 1^^
. for Thursday Evening 1^3
for Friday Morning 1^^
. for Friday Evening 1^9
^ , :,)r Saturday Morning 1^2
. . for Saturday Evening ^^'^
' Prayers before Reading the Scriptures 149
A Prayer to be m.d on entering upon any Particular ^^^
A Pray^rtJ'be'used 'on Commencing the Perusal of
any Particular Book -
TiiK writer of theae Prayers has been engaged for a number
of years in miss^ lary work under different forms. In ]ii«
intercourse wHb persons in various countries through v hich
he has passed, he has endeavoured to lead them to God
through our Lord Jesus Christ ; and in connection with
this, he has pointed out the value of prayer, and urged the
use of it in Families and by Individuals. On the^e occa-
sions he has of-n wished for a little book of Prayers, of
whose Gospel accuracy he was fully aware, in order that
he might put it forthwith into the hands of those to whom
he spoke, or that he might point it out to them v/ith direc-
tions where to find it. This desire has led in a considerable
degree to the preparation of the work now published.—
Many persons require forms of prayer when they commence
tills exercise, and others prefer using a set form at all
times. To meet the convenience of both these the present
manual ha. been drawn up. May God grant that it may
be useful to many Families, and to man/ Individuals.
The Cross of Christ, where hangs all our hope, is prom-
iiiently brought forward in these prayers; and the Sinner,
(for this is the true character of us all,) is led by the words
here placed before him, to humble himself and to confess
hi» guilt and vileness in the sight of God, with penitence
and contrition, and to sue for forgiveness through ♦♦ the
precious blood of Christ." Again, the believer is here led
4 Preface.
^o supplicate the Father of glory through Jesus Christ, to
grant him the Holy Spirit to dwell in him, that he may be
enlightened, sanctified, and blessed. And further, the
disciple of Christ is led to give thanks to the Father of
mercies for all his benefits, and to acknowledge the Lord
m all his ways, seeking that he may glorify him with a
single eye, and in all knowledge and strength. He is here
led also especially to attend to the Holy Scriptures, and to
pray that the Kingdom of God may come, and that his
will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Now he who will thus humble himself in truth and sin-
cerity as a sinner before God, and will earnestly implore
pardon through the Blood of Christ, and who will by the
directions of Scripture, devote himself, soul, body and spirit,
to the obeying of the will of God, under the influences
of the Holy Ghost, will most certainly be saved with an
everlasting salvation, and «hall live with God in glory and
bles .'dness for ever and ever through our Lord Jesus
Christ.— May God Almighty grant that this ^., rtion may
be the happy lot of all who use this manual.
In drawing up these Prayers, it was particularly
kept in view, that they should not be of a sectarian charac-
ter, but be such as would suit the several denominations
of Christians holding correct views of the Gospel. The
author is happy to find that he has succeeded in this object
to the full extent of his expectation, in proof of which he
has the written testimony of several individuals of different
denominations. These testimonies he has thought it de-
sirable to print along with the present edition, that tl)e
adaptability of the Prayers to different Christian denomi^^
nations may be seen, and that general confidence may be
^.,* ..:....p ..^ to ^b** soiiihIih'ss of the sontimonts contained
in them. In givinu these tersti monies, ked for. Judging from several public and private cu-
.umstan<;es, it would seem that the u.e »t the Resnonse
Q Preface.
h more generally approved than might have been supposed.
The desirableness of each individual really and truly en-
gaging i!i the Family or Public Prayer offered up by the
mouth of one, is acknowledged by all ; and on this account
the use of the Response has been favourably looked upon,
as the most natural and useful means of enabling all to
take a part in the service, and also of keeping alive the
attention and interest of the whole. Since the publication
of the former edition, the author has met with a Review
of a work entitled " The Manner of Prayer," written '' by
W. AValfobd." In this treatise, a decidedly favourable
opinion is pronounced in regard to the use of Responses.
The author siys, " The Responsive form of the Litany is,
In my apprehension, well adapted to maintain attention,
by giving, as well to the congregation, as to the officiating
minister, an active part in the service." This testimony
from Mr. Walfokd, who was many years Tutor in the
Independent Academy at Homerton, has the more weight
from the consideration that it is in i\ivour of a practice not
in use by the church to which he belongs.— These Prayers,
however, may, with equal convenience, be used without
the Responses here given, as nothing is easier than to omit
them. When they are omitted, the Leader of the Prayer
should make a short pause at the end of each collect ; and
at this pause it would be profitable for each worshipper to
say in his mind, Amen, should it not be agreed upon to
say this audibly, which certainly would be better.
There is given in the Family Prayers a Collect, or short
prayer, for commencing the worship, which is a mode
practised by many, and it seems to recommend itself. In
this commencing prayer, it will be seen, there is supplica-
♦Jnn and thsmksffi viiiff respectini! the Reading of the Scrip-
tures, vkhich exercise is immediately to follow. It is
Preface. 7
desirable always to pray before reading the woid of Gotl.
Those who wish, can omit this prayer at the begimiiiiii.
The liberty and the taste of each one must be consulted in
respect to this and some other parts of our worship, as we
have no absolute model laid down to us in the Scriptures.
All the Prayers, Family and Individual, it will be seen
are adapted to Christians, true Christians, in doctrine,
feeling, and practice. In the family there may be some
who are not Christians in these three ways, and all the
three are necessary to make the right Christian. What
is to be done in this case? Is the Head of the Family,
or the Leader of the worship to change his phraseology
because of this ? Certainly not. It may then be asked.
Should the not-christran in question use the Amen or
other Res^^onse ? That is for him to consider, and well.
He, and every one ought to pray beyond all doubt ; and
if he cannot with truth, or does not, he will expose himself
to no little danger. May this lead him to take his case to
heart, and may he through the same, as a means, be led to
God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus be enabled
to pray aright in all truth and sincerity. There are, how-
ever, various degrees of standing among the true children
of God, and some therefore can use fuller language at the
throne of grace than others.
These Prayers were written (with a few exceptions) m
the Island of Cuba, in the year 1837, during a Bible Society
visit and tour in that place. It was the author's intention
to revise .'.lem during leisure hours, and to write them over
again with corrections and improvements. His time,
however, having been much taken up, he was hindered
from re- writing them as he had intended. During the spring
of la>*t year, at a time when from the badness of the
weather, and other circumstances, he was prevented from
travoIHnf., ho l«»ok(Ml over tlie Prayers, and resolved to
print thi'm. As tlu« time he had on hand was short, instead
of copying tl)em, they were sent to press at once, putting
the first writing of them into the printer's luinds with very
few alterations. Considering this circumstance, and con-
sidering also the unpleasantness and danger of his position
in Cuba during the writing of these Prayers, the author
feels grateful that his publication has met with so favour-
able a reception.—For this Second Edition he has made
some corrections, and has given in it some additions, and
hopes that the public will find his little work more useful
in its new issue than in its former one. He casts these
Prayers again upon the waters, and prays that after many
days, and chiefly in the Great Day, it may be found that
some good has resulted from them. He will often pray
for those who use them ; and he supplicates their prayers
in return.
Montreal^ January ^ 1840.
* ^
TESTIMONIES given ly favour ov
" Family and Individual Prayers^ for every
day of the Week-:' — placed in the order
Fiom the Christian Guardian, of Toronto, puhllshed under
the direction of the Conference of the Wesley an Metho-
dist Church in Canada.
We have had these Prayers for a day or two only, but
we have read enough of them to be convinced of their ex-
cellence for the purposes designed by the writer. Under
certain circumstances a form of prayer has its use. These
short prayers are marked by the spirit of true humiliation.
They exhibit the emotions of a heart conversant with its
needy condition. Its depravity and sin is confessed, and
its darkness and guilt. Pardon and holiness, wisdom and
direction, strength and consolation, are implored ; and the
•• new and living way," and only that, is used, in approach-
ing the Father for those blessings. The *« Spirit" is hon-
oured in his important offices. The ** Promises" are be-
lieved and pleaded. And all this is done in such a manner
as to suit the multiplied and differing circumstances of
those for whom these helps to devotion are prepared
The style of those we have read is very becoming. God
is not addressed as man addresses man, when something
eloquent is allowable — perhaps necessary. There is a
conciseness and purity not unlike that of the Fathers of the
Beformation ; and there is a simplicity borrowed from the
best of all models — the inimitable " Lord's Prayer." We
are led to address God with the infantile modesty and
earnestness of children, and acquire the conviction, that
the Being whose gifts we implore, is our Father. We
therefore say to Families and Individuals, purchase thes*
helps; their tendency Is beneficial ; and they Jire worthy
of the pen and heart of an honoured servant, whose inces-
sant and hallowed employ, is, to distribute that Word
which tells of One who says, "Him that cometh unto me
I will in nowise cast out."
From the Rev. P. C. Campbell, of the Chtirch of Scotland,
Brockville, Upper Canada.
I received your parcel, and have established a Depot of
the Prayer Books at the Stationer's shop, where 1 have
stuck up one of the advertisements. I have also recom-
mended them strongly, and I hope with effect, from the
pulpit. I am also disposing of copies privately. In a day
or two I intend to write to you. 1 have begun to read the
Prayers over carefully as you requested, but have not got
nearly through. The more I examine them, the more glad
I am to find that they are appreciated, and that they are to
go again to press. I also find that they are composed
with much more care and thought, than the simplicity of
the language would lead one at first to suppose. There is
hardly a word, I should say, not a word, but can be un-
derstood by the most unlettered ; not a petition that can
displease the most fastidious. They are, indeed, what
such collections are not always. Prayers for all denomina-
tions of Christians. — But I shall probably say more in my
Since I wrote to you last I have very carefully read over
your Prayers, both Family and Individual, and can assure
you that my opinion of their value remains unchanged.
They possess in a high degree the qualities of simplicity,
spirituality, fervour, and comprehensiveness. You have
attained the double object at which you have evidently aimed,
of making them at once decidedly Evangelical and Catho-
lic. — The title which announces them to be ^^ for all deno-
minations" may be to their disadvantage in t'je eyes of
some, and these not mere bigots to their own sect, but really
excellent people, who have been led by a well-grounded
dislike of the false liberalism of the age, tu view with sas-
picion all such irenical professions. If, however, such
persons go beyond the tithy I am certain they will find,
that there has been no sacrifice of the wisdom which is
ptire, to that which is peaceable. They are rapidly dis-
appearing out of my hands, and the Stationer's. But as
I told you, the Family Prayers are in greater demand
than the others.
The whole collection, and many peculiar excellencies in
various parts of it, have delighted me much. One thing I
was particularly pleased with, the allusion in the Family
Prayer for Monday Morning to the Sabbath. I have no
doubt you meant it to produce tlie very effect, for its adap-
tation to which I like it so much. How often does Mon-
day morning banish the recollection of the Sabbath ' The
memento in the prayer is very valuable, quite in the spirit
of good George Herbert's beautiful poem on the Holy Day.
You are prepared, I dare say, for my admiring also the
second Individual Prayer for Sunday Morning. I do
admire it, not only in itself, but for the lessors it teaches.
There is great want of prayer for the Church in secret ;
selfishness accompanies us to the throne of grace ; we
forget that we are a " chosen and royal priesthood," and
that as such it is our high honour and privilege, to offer in-
tercesiiims for all, for both the Church and the world.
From the Rev. Dr. Cook, of the Church of Scotland,
My opinion is, that your little volume of Prayers for
Families and for Individuals, will, from the simplicity which
distinguishes it, and its evungelical spirit and sentiment,
prove eminently useful, and I shall be happy to recommend
it to the meuibta's of my congregation.
From the Rev. Willimn Rintoxd, of the Chtrch of Scotland,
Strecf^-vi/Ie, Upper Cuitada.
r*»rmi( in»> (u kjv, that V(»ur little book> havf bt'com*' ».
kind of family liturgy to us. I had given them to my two
elder boys without any particular instructions for the use
of them, and I was greatly delighted to find them reading
them through — praying with them, I am willing to hope,
after their morning and evening chapters. Mrs. R. too
occasionally uses them in the family when 1 am absent,
and approves much of them. I have myself read them,
and read them as the expression of my own thoughts and
feelings at the throne of grace, and have I trust been as-
sisted by them. I have occasionally read forms of prayer
in my retirements ; but I have not any very distinct im-
pression of having prayed with them, as I think I may say
I have done with your prayers, those especially called
Individual Prayers. You mentioned that they had been
written in the course of your missionary journeyings, and
in circumstances of peril, and though myself a stranger to
such scenes and dangers as those through which you have so
often passed, I do know something from short experience
how favorable solitary travel is to communion with God,
and so I can well believe that these prayers were really
prayed. Whether it be from the way I have read them,
or from my not seeing the importance of the responses in
social prayer, as you and many others see it, I have thought
more favourably of the Individual Prayers than of the
Family ones : all of them, however, are the simple utter-
ance of a fervid devotion, and are suitable for the soul
whether it be thirsting after holiness, or the manifestation
of the glory of God in the world through the gospel. In-
deed it seems to me a peculiar excellence of these prayers,
that every one of them embraces a wide range of interces-
sion, thus reminding those who read them of an important
part of prayer, and one that is too little attended to. Could
my recommendation of them be of any avail, I would say, that
those who have not, or think they have not liberty and
enlargement in prayer without the help of forms, may
m*)st profitably use them ; and that those who, from use
or from gracious endowments, are independent of su(rh
aids, may yet find both instruction and excitement f<>r t\w
•"X'Tcise of secret and family prayer in your little volumes.
From the Rev. Edward Denrochr, of the Church of
JUtialondy BrovhviUcy Upper Canada.
Had you not so expressly requested my opinion of your
books of prayer, and any suggestions of alterations, I should
not have thous^ht of presuming so far. I do not think they
can be used faithfully without benefiting materially the
user. I admire much the liturgical responsive form intro-
duced into them ; for as the people should audibly take
part with the minister in the service of the sanctuary, so
should a family with its patriarch, in that of .le household
From the Rev. Henry Wilkes, of the Congregational Churchy
I have perused the little works with which you were so
obliging as to favour me. As prayers for the family and
the closet, they appear to me distinguished by correctness
of sentiment, simplicity of expression, and appropriateness
to the circumstances for which they are designed. All
denominations of evangelical christians might use them, I
conceive, without compromising their distinctiveness.
Undoubtedly many need at the commencement of their re-
ligious course such help as you have afforded ; and though
1 love the childlike simplicity, the freedom from stiffness
and formality, that should characterise extempore prayer,
and moreover prefer it as a general practice, because of its
superior adaptation to the ever varying circumstances of
the christian's lot, yet it appears to me that an occasional
use of a well digested form may not be without its advan-
From the Rev. Dr. Davies, Tutor of the Baptist College,
Having examined your little book of prayers for Families
and Individuals, I consider it suitable, xs to doctrine and
tendency, for the use of any who prefer f«»rnis of prayer,
Jind espectially of those who cannot, without some such
he\[i, coiKhict fjunily worship. I must however add, that
extempore prayer appears to me preferable, as a general
F/orn the Rev. David Lillie, Tutor cf the Congregational
Academy^ Dundas, Upper Canada.
Your pray«!rs I have read with much pleasure, and I
trust not without profit. There is an evangelical simplicity
and fulness in then), w'^h an adaptation to the wants of
those for whom they are designed, and a correspondence
with the prevailing feelings of those who have heen taught
l)y the Sj)iiit, which fit them in my view for eminent use-
fulness. This I desire for them, and if by recommending
them to my friends, or those with whom my opinion might
have weight, I can at all contribute to it, it will give me
pleasure to do so.
From the Canada Baptist Magazine.
To those who prefer using a form, we can recommend
^Ir. Thomson's little volume, for its close adherence to
scriptural doctrines, for its devotional spirit, its simple
style, and pleasing variety.
Ft am the Rev. R. D. Cartirright, of the Church of
England, Kingnton, Upper Canada.
I have rend the volumes of prayers which you so kindly
left with me, and cheerftilly add my testimony to the
scriptural soundness of doctrine wliich they inculcate. I
cannot hut hope that the plan of re?i»on»es by the family
may have a teiidenc^y to keop alive attention, and so increa>e
devotion. Family religion is so essential to social peace,
4hat I cannot do otherwise than wi^h well to every effort,
thi' ol>ject of which is to promote domestic worship : there-
fore I bid mo?,t hrartilv *' (iod speed" to vour littlw volume.
i-if^&li^li^^: ■
From the Rev. John Sthtson, Toronto, President of tht>
Conference of the Wesley an Meihodist Church in Canada.
I thank you for your kiiidnoHS in klmuIIm-^ ttip a copy of
ra«h of your little books on th« sui)iHCt of Individual .nd
Family devotion. I am much pleased with the simple
lanj^uaV. and the evantjelical and truly pious sentimentH
whU!h "characterise both these works. I think the plim
and form of domestic worshi[) which you recommend is
well adapted to enijage the entire fa\nily circle in that most
sacred and important exeriiise ; and I believe by printing
and circulatinjr these works, you will promote the interests
of true piety in the world.
From the Rev. M. WiUonghhy, of the Church of England,
I am glad to see this contribution of forms of Family
Prayers, to the public stock of generally useful publications.
Such helps to devotion are much wanted, and some exten-
sive effort should be made to furnish them cheaply through-
out the country. I have met with many households who
call not upon God, and who— on being urged to obey the
iniunction of the Lord their Creator and Redeemer ta
'♦ prav always," and " in every thing by prayer and sup-
plication with thanksgiving, to make their requests known
unto God"— have pleaded their want of suitable forms.
I am not the less willing, you may be assured, to tender
to you my unimportant commendation of your useful
Manual, because you have adopted the method of responses.
I have long felt the advantage of getting the members ot »
family to join in an audible manner in do aestic worsbipi
From the Rev. W. M. Harvard, Quebec, late President
of the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Chui ch in
As many estimable individuals are restrained from the
regular performance of Family Worship by a discouragnig
T^riM* of their own Innltillty properly to conduct the aam«*,
I cuiinot but h!;il the app^'urauct; of uo Wfll-coinposed a
form of nuund it'onh as that which the Ucv. Mr. Thoinnon
huM !io timely furnished in his unpretendtu" hut truly
valuable manual of devotion I have repeatedly gone
through Mr. Thomstni's book of Pray^^rs, and have greatly
admired it for its fes'vent piety its Scriptural phraseology,
its sound catholicity, and its true Christian morality. Its
spirit of religious loyalty, and ita earnest bieathings for
the universal prevalence of the Gospel of our Lord Jesuii
Christ, are sui;h as to bespeak for it the cordial approval of
every truly Britii^h Chrit;tian, as well as of all who long for
the conversion of the idolatrous and benighted tribes of
mankind ; and I trust its publication will be honoured of
God as an instrumentality by which many may be led to
t/ie throne of f/ruce, that they may ohtuin mercy y and find
grace to help in time of need.
From, the Rev. Dr. Black, of the Church of Scotland,
1 have examined, with some degree of care, your interest-
ing little volume entitled *♦ Family and Individual Prayers
for every day of the week ;" and I have no hesitation in
expressing my conviction, that it appears well calculated
to aid the devotions of all, and particularly of those who,
anxious to commence the performance of the sacred duty
of family prayer, are afraid to commit the devout aspira-
tions of their hearts to their own language. Those who
are thus t- r.-?t( I may, v ith much profit, take the assistance
whicl ;.,-iX vii. jable manual aifords them, in acquiring that
simplicity and becomingness of expression which should
characterize all our addresses to the Almighty.
The Individual Prayers will serve not only as models,
but may awaken in the pious those feelings of affection,
confidence, and submission which, in themselves, tranquil-
lize the mind, and reward us in the duty of prayer with
the consciousness that *'it is good for us to draw nigh unto
»: .
The importance of Family W«»rslup is very
great, in respect to individuals, families, and
communities. Every thing, therefore, that is
done to make this exercise more general, or that
is calculated to lead to its more profitable per*
formance, is of advantage. The present tract
contemplates these objects. Many are hindered
from attempting this family duty from timidity
or an inability to conduct the worship in a pro-
per manner. The forms here given, and the
general directions, will be of service to such
persons. They may also perhaps be of more or
less service to those who are already in the habit
of periorming this duty.
Some persons are in favour of extemporaneous
prayer, and others prefer the use of forms. It
is not material which plan is followed, if the
understanding and the heart are properly engaged.
Perhaps the occasional practice of each in turn
would be the most profitable.
To those who use forms, this little Manual is
presented, in the hope of its being useful to
them : — and it is off'ered also to tliose who follow
a dilferent practice in general, slioidd they be
inclined to the occasionjd use of a form.
Family Worship.
.J^ P/"^*""'! ''«/ « 8r"^en, and the reading of one
t7t^,T '^l ^'-'y ^"'P*' '''^' (<"• t^o. if they
are short,) wiU not occupy more than about
fifteen minutes, except in two or three instance"
This small portion of time in the morning, and
tl^ sarne m the evening, might, one would Aink,
be easily secm-ed in every family. And where
things arc not so arranged, there would be ™
gieat risk m saymg, that those who will not thus
pve one ha hour daily to the worship of God
n. the r fomihes, will be certain losers, even in
worldly things, to a much greater amount tlnn
what they gain by this half hour which they wS
by L " ''""""' ^°^' ""' ^ ■>«<»
Conecl"?„ iv, '^^^^^T^^ at the end of the
Collects, in these forms, by the members of the
fami y generally, will conduce, it is bidieved to
fix the attention of all in the service, which
avowedly is for all, and in which all are Lposed
he S' of^'"" """ P"""" ""'y -P--es
the woids of the common or general prayer of
all, there is a danger of the rest being less atTen
ive than when all are called upon^to put ,m
their petitions m turn with their own lips. Tlo '
however, who think otherwise on this point can
emit the responses here given altogether; or
they may use instead of them, the fpproDriate
response of "^,„.».. at the end'of earXt
.aktofrh*'™'?- '""r* "''y ••« °™i«ed for
sake of abbreviation when wished, or on account
of inapplicability to the family.
Sunday Morning. \\
FatJier, for other Head of the Family) — Let US pray.
[All kneel.]
Father. — Almighty God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and with our hearts.— O God,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bible.
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a portion of
it at this time : may we listen attentively to thy
words, and may we receive much instruction
from them, concerning the redemption of man
through the Lord Jesus Christ, and concerning
all thy commandments- O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word more than we
have ever yet done: and hasten the time when
thy word shall be diffused through all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of all mankind.
—Mercifully hear us, O Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Family — A men.
[All seated.]
[The Scriptures will now be read according: to the order and
extent agreed on. In coramencinf,', the reader will say, '• The por-
tion ot Scripture for this tuorninjr, is the chapter of the Book 0/
;. W here singing is practised, the psalm or hymn will come
next in • der to the reading of Scripture. The following i)raver
will then be used, and the whole may be concluded by the Lord'*
prayer, and doxology.]
Father. — Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Father — Almighty God, Father of the uni-
verse, God of mercy and love, most graciously
look down from on high upon this lamilv here
A 2
•, -
Family Worship.
assembled to worship thee together on this thy
holy day. O Lord our God, be pleased to shine
on us with the light of thy countenance whilst
we offer up our united prayers to thee at this
time at thy throne of grace.
Family — O God our Father, most graciously look on
us, and give us thy blessing at this time in waiting upon
Father, — O Lord God, we draw near to thee
as sinnerSi for such we ever have been, and such
we now are. We are alienated from thee, O
God, yea we are corrupted and vile before thee,
both in body and in mind. We are truly guilty,
O Most Holy God, and we are righteously con-
demned. Yet, O Lord, O God Almighty, thou
art Merciful, as well as Holy and Just, and thy
Mercy thou hast gloriously manifested to this
guilty world in the gift of thy Beloved bon Jesus
Christ. Through Him, O Lord God, through
Him alone, we come unto thee, and through his
blessed name we implore thee to have mercy
upon us. Lord have mercy upon each one of
us now here before thee in this family, have
mercy upon us, through Jesus Christ our only
Family.>-^0 Lord God, we are all sinners, and guilty,
and condemned before thee. Have mercy upon us, we
beseech thee, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Father, — O God of mercy and salvation, we
praise and we adore thy glorious name, for the
forgiveness of sins through the atonement made
for us in the sufferings and death of the Lord
Jesus Christ. O God, we adore thee for offering
to us individually, this Forgiveness, this Rewis-
Sunday Morning,
«ion of our sins, and this Absolution from our
guilt and condemnation, through the all precious
and atoning sacrifice of thy Beloved Son, the
Saviour of sinners. In that atonement, O Lord
God, we believe, and in all its blessed effects
according to thy faithful word of grace and of
promise. Forgive us then, O our God, all our
bin, and wash us clean from all our guilt, and
make us stand before thee, pure and holy,
throuo-h this most precious and atoning blood.
Famih/.—O God of mercy, wash us from all our guilt
atid make us clean and pure before thee, through the all
precious atoaement of our Blessed Redeemer.
Father.^0 Lord our God, pour out thy Spirit
on us in Jesus Christ our Saviour : pour out thy
Spirit richly upon us on this thy Holy Day.
We thank thee for the weekly return of this day
of rest and of religion : and we praise thee that
thou hast preserved us through the week that is^
past, and hast favoured us again to see the light
of thy day of holiness. O may the sacred day
be wholly thine, and be entirely devoted unto
Family.— O Lord, we praise thee for this sacred day.
O may it be wholly devoted unto thee.
Father.— O Lord, enable us to arrange all our
concerns on this day, in such a manner that vye
may reap the greatest advantage trom it, m
spiritual and in eternal things.
Farnily.^O Lord, u^rant us this grace, we beseech thee.
Father.-O God our Father, we bless thy
name, for the private leisure and opportunities
which we have individually enjoyed this morning
for waitini? on thee in prayer, m readi!5g, and in
^ a3
Family Worship,
meditation. O Lord, give us thy blessing
through these exercises in which we have been
engaged in our retirement before thee, and let
gracious answers be given to our prayers and
our supplications.
Family — O God, we thank thee for the opportunities
we have had individually this morning for waiting on
thee. Graciously answer our prayers and our supplica-
Father — O Father of mercies, we bless and
praise thy most gracious and merciful name, for
not only giving us these private opportunities of
waiting upon thee, but for giving us also this
present opportunity of waiting on thee together,
and of raising our united family voice in thanks-
giving: unto thee, and of making our common
supplication at thy throne of grace. To two or
three, and to every company of thy people
gathered together, and worshipping thee with one
heart and voice, thou hast been pleased to give
an especial promise of thy favour. Thou, O
Lord Jesus our Saviour, and our God, thou hast
promised to be thyself present in such a com-
pany. O now fulfil thy gracious promise unto
us, our Saviour: be thou with us indeed, and
may we each of us know that thou art here, and
taste that thou art gracious.
Family.^'Lov^ Jesus, thou hast graciously promised to
be with a few assembled in thy name. O be with us now
and richly bless us with thy grace. *
Faiher,-^0 God our Father, thou art very
abundant in mercy and goodness, thou hast not
only granted us private and family opportunities
of waiting on thee, hut fhnn haH<^ alao '« ^^-^
Jovmg kindness given us opportunities of assem-
Sunday Morning,
bling with the great congregation of thy people
on thy day. O Blessed Father, may it be our
delight to go up unto the House of God, and to
join ourselves to thy flock. O prepare our
thoughts and our hearts for waiting on thee in
public on this thy day. When we go up to thy
house of prayer, and when we join with thy flock,
save us, we beseech thee, from the distractions
to which we are exposed, and concentrate all our
thoughts, feelings, and affections in thee, O our
God, that we may truly and acceptably worship
thee, and may glorify thy great and adorable
Family. — Blessed Father, we adore thee for the privi-
leges of private, family, and public worship. O be thou
with us, and pour out richly thy blessings upon us, in thy
house of prayer, on this thy day.
Father, — Almighty Father, bless, we beseech
thee, thy flock with which we assemble from
week to week upon thy day. May all who
are united to this flock be true and faithful dis-
ciples of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ:
may they rest all their hopes of forgiveness on
the atoning blood of the Lamb; and may all
their life be devoted in love to the obedience and
service of him who died for them, and redeemed
them with his own most precious blood.
Family Bless, O Lord, all the flock with which we
assemble, and may we all glorify thy name in the atone*
ment and service of thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ.
Father, — Almighty and Everlasting God, pour
out thy blessings abundantly, we earnestly entreat
thee, upon thy servant whom thou hast appointed
him, we implore thee, thy Holy Spirit, in rich
Family Worship.
measure, that he may glorify thy name, in that
important and responsible station in which he is
placed. O may his own soul be saved, and the
souls of those who hear him : may he have at
length an abundant entrance into thy kingdom
and glory ; and may he have many souls, saved
by his instrumentalit , for a crown of joy to him
in the day of Christ.
Family. — O God, greatly bl»;ss, we pray thee, him whom
thou hast jjlaced to feed us and lead us iu thy khiiidujn.
Save him, O God, and all his tiock.
Father. — O Lord our God, graciously look on
all thy people in their assemblies on this thy day
throughout this land and throughout the whole
world. Bless the pastors, and bless the flocks ;
and may all grow in grace, and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. IMay
they all honour and glorify thee in personal
holiness, and by shining and giving light in the
Fumihj.—O Lord, give thy blessing unto all the churches
of the saints, in this land, and throughout all the world.
Father. — Ever blessed and most gracious God,
send abroad thy Gospel, we beseech thee, over
all the earth. May all nations hear the glad sound
of mercy, and a an early period. Remember
thine Ancient People, and fullil all thy promises
to them- Lord, send thy Word speedily into
every country, and in all the languages of men.
And send, O God, we entreat thee, thy Messen-
gers of Salvation to the North, and the South,
and the East, and the West, and into every
country, nation and kiiH'douv throughout this
dark and evil world, O stir up all thy people
to pray, and to make great muI zealous exertions
Sundmj Morning,
given us. ivwy ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^9 it
Kinedora come, my wm "^ . , .
!: in hPaven •' and mav our doings in this ser
eternity. ^^^ for others, and
Fami/y.— Lord God, hear «" ou j. ^ ^
kLUnd now, O God of ?--' J^,
, i..^.* o^nin frmn the dead, the Lora jc»u»
Sri^arsfellherd "of the sheep, through the
Family Wmship.
blood of the everlasting covenant, — O make us
perfect in every good work to do thy vill, work-
ing in us that which is pleasing in thy sight,
through Jesus Christ : to whom be glory for ever
and ever: Amen.
Family — Amen, and Amen.
Father, — Let us pray.
[All kneel]
Father, — Almiglity God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and with our hearts. — O God,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bible.
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a portion of
it at this time : may we listen attentively to thy
words; r,nd may we receive much instruction
from them, concerning the redemption of man
through the Lord Jesus Christ, and concerning
all thy commandments. O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word more than we
have ever yet done : and hasten the time when
thy word shall be diffused through all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of all mankind.
— Mercifully hear us, O Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Family — Amen.
[All seated.]
[The Scriptures will now be read according to the order and
extent agreed ou. In couimeucinji,'-, the reader will «ay, " Tlie jior-
tiou of JS vripture for this eveuiii[< in the chapter of the Book of
." Wliere giuging' is practised, tlie psalm or hrmn will come
next in order to the reading of Scripture. T\\e following' prayer
will then 1
prayer and
and of
the do
which 1
fill oui
in prai
for th^
and sir
and maj
this day
hold I
been !
by his
for ev
we ha
we tl
Sunday Evening,
will then be used, and the whole may be concluded by the Lord'i
pfayer and doxology.]
Father,— i^Gi us pray.
[All kneel.]
Father,— O Lord God of grace and of mercy
and of peace, we unite together this evening at
tlie close of thy holy day, to give thanks and
praise to thy ever gracious name, for all the
blessings of thy providence and of thy grace
which this day thou hast bestowed upon us. O .
fill our hearts with gratitude, and open our lips
in praise, that we may give glory to thy name
for thy manifold loving kindnesses and tender
mercies thus bestowed upon us poor unworthy
and sinful creatures.
Family O Lord God of mercy and love, we adore
and maijnify thy name for all thy goodness bestowed on U8
this day in thy providence and grace.
jPa^/icr.— Merciful God, compassionately be-
hold us, we beseech thee, for we are indeed un-
worthy and sinful creatures. All our life has
been sin, and we are greatly degraded before
thee. O look c" s in Jesus Christ : cleanse us
by his Blood from all our guilt ; and bind us up
for ever in thy Covenant of Redemption, that
we may not perish, but have everlasting life.
Family.— O Lord, we are guilty and degraded. Wash
us in the Blood of Christ, and give us eternal life.
Father. — Our Father in heaven, may our souls
truly profit by all the spiritual exercises in which
we have been engaged on this day of thine. May
we thereby be assimilated to thee, and be made
partakers of the divine nature.
F-mily O Lord, give us thy blessing with all the
Family Worship*
religious exercises we have this day been engaged In, and
may we be made partakers of the divine nature.
Father, — Almighty God, be pleased, we be-
seech thee, to maintain upon our minds, and upon
our hearts, all the instructions, and all the im-
pressions, we have this day received from thy
word, and by thy Spirit. O let us not forget
these instructions'^: O let not these impressions
be effaced, nor become weakened : but may the
instructions received be fully confirmed in us,
and be rooted and grounded ; and may the im-
pressions made upon us become stronger and
Family — O Father, most graciously seal upon our hearts
all the instructions and impressions which we have this
day received in waiting upon thee, that through them thy
name may be glorified in us.
Father, — O God of our salvation, let the grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon us, through
all the means of edification we hav' enjoyed
throughout this day.
Family. — Amen .
Father, — O Most Merciful Father, may the
love of God be confirmed unto us, and may we
be enlarged therein abundantly, through all the
means of edification which we have enjoyed
throughout this day.
Family. — Amen.
Father, — O God of all Grace, may the com-
munion of the Holy Ghost be graciously vouch-
safed unto us, through all the means of edification
which we have enjoyed throughout this day.
Family. — Amen,
Father, — Must blessed God, hear, we beseech
Sunday Evenir^g.
tliee, all the prayers offered up by the Hock with
which we this day associated. O let these
prayers be accepted ip thy sight, through the
holy incense of the Redeemer's sacrifice, and his
all prevailing mediation on our behalf; and may
visible answers to these supplications be perceived
by us in due time, and in thine own way, to the
glory of thy most holy name, through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
Family.— O thou hearer of prayer, listen, we beseech
thee, to the supplications of the ttock with which we this
day associated, and give us gracious answers through our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Father,— O Lord our God, may every disciple
of Jesus Christ with whom we have this day
associated in our worship and services be greatly
blessed with true and abundant edification, coni-
fort, and salvation, through the exercises in
which thev have been engaged, and may they
all grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our
Lord a^d Saviour Jesus Christ.
Family O Lord, abundantly bless all thy people with
whom we have worshipped this day.
Father,— LoviX God of mercy and compassion,
have mercy, we beseech thee, on all present in
the congregation in which we assembled, who
know not the only way of salvation through the
Lamb that was slain, or who live in vice and
wickedness, or who remain in a state of indiffer-
ence about the great concern of their souls and of
eternity. O Lord, arouse them by the instruc-
tions, reproofs and warnings which have this day
"r^.iniiofi \^^ \\M^\r pars- and mav thv Holv Spirit
by these means, or by others, speedily bring
2S Family Worthip,
them from darkness to light, even to faith in our
Lord Jesus Christ, and to a life of holy obedience
to their Saviour, that they may obtain everlaatmg
Family O God have mercy on all in our congregation
this day who are strangers to thy grace, and make them
now to turn unto thee with all their hearts.
Fa^A^r.— Almighty and Most Gracious Father,
bless abundantly, we beseech thee, with thy
Spirit thy servant who labours among us, and
administers to us the Gospel of thy grace, recon-
ciliation, and peace, through our Lord Jesua
Christ. O enlarge his heart, and strengthen him
in the Lord, that he may greatly glorify thee in
his holy calling and service. O Lord, enable us
continually to pray for him, and with all earnest
desire, and let our prayers and supplications on
his behalf be visibly and abundantly answered.
O our God, give to him a gracious blessing
through means of the labours and exercises of
this day in which he has been engaged.
Fomi/y.— Blessed God, enrich our Pastor with thy
Spirit, and grant him the light of thy countenance at the
close of this day.
Fa^Aer.— Almighty God, may all the flock of
which we form a part, duly listen to and obey
thy servant placed over us for our instruction
and guidance, and whom thou hast commanded
to watch for our souls, and to give a solemn
account of them to thee in the final day. O
Lord, preserve us from impeding, thwarting, or
hindering him in his solemn labours, and in his
enaeavours lo piusuui U3 aw pcuv-ts. n. ^-^ —
Christ at his coming and glory. O lei us yield
Sunday Evening,
ourselves up to him in the Lord with all humility
of mind before thee and before him. May he be
faithful to us as a Pastor, and may we be sub-
missive to him in the Lord Jesus Christ, accord-
ing to the instructions oi' thy holy word.
Family.^0 our God, enable ur. to yield ouweWet up to
thy holy authority and commandment in attenduig to thy
•ervant whom thou ha«t given us to instruct and guide ua
in thy kingdom.
Father.— O Lord our God, may that flock and
that congregation for which we have now been
praying, be wholly thine. O may we be all
sanciitied unto thee in Jesus Christ in our bodies
and spirits which thou hast made and redeemed.
May we continually increase in individual and
collective holiness, and in knowledge of thy
blessed word, and may we shine and givt light
to all around us. O may many around be en-
lightened by us, and be joined to us, and be
saved with an everlasting salvation.
Family.— O God, may all this flock and congregation
be wholly thine in Jesur. Christ, through f^ith and love,
and may many be joined to us here below, and in the ever-
lasting mansions of heaven.
Father,— Go^ Almighty, bless all thy people
and all the ministers of the gospel of Christ.
Follow with thy gracious blessing all the exercises
and services of thy flocks tliis day, in our own
land, and in every place. O bless every individual
congregation of thy saints, pour out thy bpirit
on thy whole church, and hear on our behalt
the prayers of all thy faithful people. Send
forth thy word to the ends of the earth in every
language, anu senu
^^..i. »ho Prpnphprs of the
Gospel to beaeech men of every nation, ana
Family Worship.
kindred, and tribe, to be reconciled unto God
through his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and
Family.-^O Lord bless all the congregations of thy
saints, pour out thy Spirit on all thy church, and may the
Gospel sound through all the earth.
Father,— O God our heavenly Father, let the
instructions and impressions of this day have an
especial effect upon us through all this week.
On every day of the week may we glorify thee
in love and obedience, and may we joyfully look
forward to the return of thy Holy Sabbath.
Family Blessed Father, guide ns and shine on us
throughout this week, and may we rejoice at the return of
thy Holy Sabbath.
Father, — O God of all grace, who carest for
thy people by night and by day, graciously watch
over us and bless us through the silent watches
of the night, and may we awake in health and
strength in the ensuing morning, and in peace
and joy with thee, our God and our Father.
Family O our God, give thy blessing to each of us
during the night, and in the ensuing morning, and for
evermore, in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Father, — Now unto God and our Father, be
glory, for ever and ever : Amen.
Family. — Amen, and Amen.
Father, — Let us pray.
[All kneel,]
Fa^^m— Almighty God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence.
Monday Morning.
to worship thee together as a family. O g ve
us thy Spirit, that we may woreh.p thee with our
understandi..gs and with our hearts.--0 Ood,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bible
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a Portion ol H
at this time : may we listen at ent.ve ly to thy
words, and may we receive much instruction from
them, concerning the redemption of man through
the Lord Jesus Christ, and concerning all thy
commandments. O Lord awaken us and all thy
people to study thy word more han we have
ever yet done : and hasten the time when thy
lord shall be diffused through all this dark world,
and be found in the hands oi all mankmd.-Me -
cifully hear us, O Father, and graciously bless
us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Family. — Amen.
[All seated.]
[See the I)ireo,tioi«KiTen in the Uth page, respecting the Beading
of the Scriptures, &C.J
Faiher. — Let us pray.
[All kneel]
F(riA«r.— Almighty and Everlasting God, in-
.nirP «3 we pray thee, with an earnest dcMre to
ai iru'nTo tLt'everlasUng Sabbath of blessed-
"le^s, where thy presence for ever d-^l e h, .hed-
dinsi happiness and joy upon all who behold the
li2t of 'thy countenance. Th s rest and eterna
tl O Lns
tlirougliout this Empire : and let us in our na-
tional capacity be instrumental in advancing ti»y
cause, through that intercourse and influence
which thou hast given us with all the nations ot
the world. May the objects of our national pur-
suit ever be thy glory, and the best interests ot
all mankind. ^ ,
Fami/v— Bless, O God, our Queen, our Governor, and
our country. Cause thy glory to bhine among us, and may
we afford light to all nations.
Father.^Godi and Father of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, bless, we earnestly entreat
thee, thy church which thou hast purchased unto
thyself by the atoning sacrifice of tliy Beloved
Son. Enlighten, sanctify, unite, and enlarge thy
church day by day: and may thy Kingdom
come, and may thy will be done owex a i the
earth ; and hasten, we beseech thee, this blessed
expected period, that thy name may be glorihed
on earth as it is in heaven.
Family.-^O Lord may thy Kingdom come, and may
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Father.^0 God of pity and of tender mercy,
look upon all that are in affliction and distress
of whatever kind, v h all thy compassion and
love. Sustain ihem, O God, relieve and deliver
them, and with all speed, according to the riches
of thy mercy and goodness. And give unto us,
O our Father, very grateful hearts for all thy
benefits which we enjoy ; and may we compas-
sionate the distressed, and prove blessings unto
them according to the grace and the meaus waic.
thou hast given us.
c 3
38 Family Worship*
Family.— O Lord, pitifully look upon all who are in
affliction, and make us thankful and benevolent.
Father.— And now, O our Father and our
God, our whole hope and trust is in thee. We
are altogether guilty, bat do thou take away all
our sins through the blood of the covenant, fill
us with thy spirit in Christ Jesus, enable us to
walk before thee in holiness and righteousness
all our days : give us thy peace in life, and m
death, and finally bring us to those mansions
which thou hast prepared for thy peojile redeemed
out of this fallen world through our Lord Jesus
Christ: Amen.
Familt/.— Oar Father in heaven, guide us through lite,
bless us in death, and crown us with everlasting blessed-
ness: and unto thy name be all the glory for ever and
ever: — Amen, and Amen.
Father.— Lei us pray.
CAll kueel.]
F«^'^.t^r.--Almighty God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and with our hearts.— O God,
we adore thee for giving us the Hob' Bible.
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a portion of it
at this time: may we listen attentively to thy
words, and may we receive much instruction
from them, concerning the redemption of man
through the Lord Joius Christ, and concerning
J t
Tuesday Evening.
' i
all thy conr.nandments. O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word more than we
have ever yet done : and hasten the time when
thy word shall be diffused through all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of all mankind.
—Mercifully hear us, O Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Family Amen.
[AH seated.^
[Sec the Directions fifiven in the I8th pajfe, respecting the Readinif
of the Scriptures, &c.i|
JPcf^^er.— Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Fa^Acr.— Almighty Father, God of Light and
Truth, we desire again to give thanks to thee
for that holy book which thou hast given us for
our instruction. We thank thee for the present,
and for the many opportunities we have of read-
ing thy holy word. O give us grace ever to
read it with all attention, and with an earnest
desire to know thy great name, and to learn thy
holy will. And may we not be hearers only of
thy word, but may we stir ourselves up very
diligently to keep thy holy commandments, and
to conform ourselves to all the directions thou
hast been pleased to give us, as thy creatures,
and as the disciples of thy Son Jesus Christ.
FrtwiVy.— O Lord, we thank thee for the holy scriptures.
O enable us diligently to attend to this sacred book.
Fa^^er.— Blessed God, give thy Spirit to all
who read thy word, that they may understand it
.y(^l^. nnd do thou nnforce on them the necessity
ofvicldingthemsclvca entirely up to its guidance.
4^ Family Worship*
O God, grant that thy word may be more read,
and more appreciated by thy people than it has
ever yet been. May thy word be more read m
all churches, more read in families, and more
read by indi;idaals. Lead all, O God, to whom
thy word is accessible, to give heed to it, as that
book by which they shall be judged at the last
day, and from which only they can learn the way
of escape from thy wrath, and gain everlasting
life And, O God, send forth thy word to all
nations in every tongue. Bless the efforts mak-
ing for this end, and crown them with great and
^^ Faii/v -O G*od, bless all who read thy word. Lead
ail toTeaci it t^ whom it is accessible; and send it speedily
to all nations.
J^a^er.^ Almighty Father, thou art the God
of our life, and the length of our days. In thee
alone we Uve and breathe and have our being.
Give us understanding, O God, and grace to
perceive and to recognise thy hand as ever up-
holding us, and as ever bestowing on us thy ben-
efits O Lord, thou hast sustained us this day,
and all our life long. We thank and praise thee
for the continuance of our life through this day,
and we thank thee for the health of body and ot
mind which we have enjoyed: we bless thee
for our food, and our raiment, and our shelter,
for all the blessings of society and friendship,
and for our sweet domestic comforts. O Lord
our God, thou art the giver of all, and to thy
name be all the glory and the praise. ^
Family.— '
and lav UP treasure in heaven ; and day by day
™av our hearts get more attached to spiritual
r<[ raven" thifigs; and may we truly n,oice
aay o'j'ur'faU.tr a^d »et our affection, greatly on th.ng.
that are above. i^„,«/1
p„,w-0ur Father in heaven, be pleased
thif ett^'ng io bless all our friends united to us
bv v^U u ties of relationship ; and ever give u
llL ST H of true friendship. May we love all
'-!',7d .:. nn^ do them good as opportunities
:;;a"y offeT; ;nd keep us from injuring any one
w i
Family Worship,
in any of his concerns, under whatever temptation
we may be placed. Bless all who have helped
us and done us good in any way, and bless all
who pray for us, and let their supplications be
heard on our behalf.
Family. — O Lord, bless all our friends, and make us
friendly unto all. Bless those who pray for us, and gra-
ciously hear them on our behalf.
Father, — Almighty God, prosper, we pray
thee, thy glorious cause upon earth in the king-
dom of thy Son Jesus Christ. May thy word
run and be glorified in every language, and among
all people, and kindreds, and nations. Bless all
the Pastors who feed and lead thy people, and
arm with thy grace and power all who are
preaching the Gospel in ungodly regions : and
let thy kingdom come, and let thy will be done
on earth as it is done in heaven.
Family, — Almighty God, prosper thy cause, and let thy
blessing be upon all thy ministers and all thy people, and
be thy name glorified in all the earth.
Father, — All Gracious Father, pitifully look
this evening on all who are under pain, affliction,
and distress, and graciously come to their relief.
May their trials and distresses be overruled for
thy glory and for their good ; and especially may
they be led to thee for help through thy mercy
in the Gospel of Christ, and may their souls be
everlastingly saved.
Family. — Graciously, O Lord, look on all in distress,
and give them thy blessing.
Father. — Almighty God, we would now
unitedly commend ourselves to thee for thy pro-
we lie down in sweet peace with thee through
* temptation
have helped
ind bless all
lications be
and make us
r US| and gra-
r, we pray
in the king-
ly thy word
sand among
}. Bless all
people, and
11 who are
Bgions: and
yill be done
ise, and let thy
tiy people, and
itifully look
n, afHiction,
their relief,
verruled for
)ecially may
1 thy mercy
leir souls be
all in distress,
ivould now
for thy pro-
i.7i -
Thursday Morn. «
our Lord Jesus Christ, and in peace with all men.
Grant, O Lord, if it be thy will, that our sleep
may be refreshing, and may no harm befal us ;
and in the morning me we awake and arise
in health and strength of body and mind, resolved
to serve thee more than ever in newness of life
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Family. — Almighty Father, may we lie down this night
in thy peace, and awake in thy favour in ,nv Lord «.esu8
Father, — Father of mercies, and the God of
all comfort, we commit the keeping of our souls
into thy hand now and for ever ; and may we at
length partake of the fulness of joy and of the
everlasting pleasures that are at thy right hand,
and purchased for sinners by our Lord and Sa-
viour Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever
and ever : Amen.
Family. — Unto God and the Lamh be glory for ever and
tver : Amen, and Amen.
hee through
Father, — Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Father, — A eighty God, maker and ruler Oi'
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and with our hearts. — O God,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bible.
Bless us, we prav thee, in reading a portion of it
at this time; may we listen attentively to thy
52 Family Worship,
words, and may we receive much instruction
from them, concerning the redemption of man
through the Lord Jesus Christ, and concerning
all thy commandments. O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word more than we
have ever yet done : and hasten the time when
thy word shall be diffused through all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of all mankind.
—Mercifully hear us, O Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour,
Familv Amen.
[All seated.]
t See the Directions jnven in the 11th paffe, respecting the Reading
of the Scriptures, &c.3
Father,— luei us pray.
[All kneel.]
J^a^^er.— Almightv God, the Father of all the
families of the earth, look graciously down upon
this familv, we beseech thee. We approach thy
mercv seat together as a family, to humble our-
selves before thee, to give thanks to thee for thy
manifold mercies to us, and to supplicate thee
with one voice in the name of Christ for the
blessings of thy grace and thy providence, be
pleased, O God, to give us a right spirit of prayer,
and a right disposition of heart towards thee.
May we ever approach thee with deep hiumlity,
duly impressed with a sense <^f our woeful coii-
ditiou, and full of the liveliest gratitude towards
thee for the redemption uf our soids from misery,
and for the blessed hope thou ha.ow forU, benevo-
lence towards all: O give us, O our God, o be
most earnest imitators of thee as dear chUaren
'" SiS^G^'d, grant u, grace to see .hee in all thy
admSatious. and to be imitators of thee as dear children
in Christ Jesus.
Father ^Uosi Blessed Father, at the approach
of evening, and when we lie down in our beds,
enable us w remember thereby the n.ght of death
and of the grave ; and may we be stirred up by
this remembrance to prepare ourselves more and
more for that time to which we dady approach.
S Lord, we adore thee for the blessed hope thou
hast given us in death, through the death ot our
Lord Jesus Christ as a sacriBce for our s.ns. On
this sacrifice, O Lord, n.ay "-^ ^^f /^ . hv?h^
hopes of pardon ; and may we be da.ly led b> thy
Spirit to live a life of repentance and humd ty,.
ot- holiness, righteousness, and benevolence, that
we may approve ourselves as the cnuareu ul
Thursday Evening.
Family. O God, we thank and praise thee for the hope
In death which thou hast given us. O may we live iu
faith aud holiness before thee.
Father.-— O our heavenly Father, graciously
grant that our sleep this night may be sweet and
refreshing to us, and may no danger come nigh
our bed, or our dwelling. May we lie down in
sweet peace and joy in God through our Lord
Jesus Christ; and when we awake, may this
peace and joy come first, and fresh, and full, to
our hearts, and may all our soul glow with love,
and gratitude, and praise to thee for this peace
aud jov, and for all our heavenly prospects.
Family Most Gracious Father, bless us with refresh-
ment this night, and with thy presence as we lie down and
as we rise up.
Father. — O Lord, condescend to regard each
one in this family with thy special favour. May
thy servant at the head of this family act as a
true servant and imitator of Christ in his rule
and care respecting all those placed under his
trust in this fanjily, and may thy handmaid, and
the children, and the servants of this fanriily, all
act according to the directions of Christ in their
proper places to the glory of God. We pray for
the blessing of God to be on all our neighbours,
friends, and acquaintances, and may we ever act
in true friendship and benevolence towards them
Family O Lord, give thy blessing to each member of
this family, and to all our neighbours, friends, and acquain-
Father.— O God, be merciful to the poor and
to the distressed: be merciful to the ignorant
and the vicious : bless this nation, and all that
Family Worship,
are in authority in it: bless thy Church as a
body, and bless every individual member of it :
bless thy servants in the ministry : and send thy
salvation to all nations, by thy word, and by thy
messengers : and let thy glory in Christ speedily
fill all the earth.— Merciful God, hear and answer
all these our petitions, through our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ : Amen.
Family.— O Lord, have mercy upon all men, and hear
and answer all these om- petitions, through our Lord and
Saviour Jes.us Christ : Amen, and Amen.
Father Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Fa^^er.— Almighty God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and witli our hearts. — O God,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bible.
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a portion of
it at this time : may we listen attentively to thy
words, atjd may we receive much instruction
from them, concerning the redemption of man
through the Lord Jesus Christ, and concerning
all tliy commandments. O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word more than we
\,uxia pvpi* vpt Hnnp ? fitid hnsteu the time when
thy word shall be diffused through all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of all mankind.
Friday Morning,
— Mercifully hear us, O Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Family. — Amen.
CAU seated.]
tSee the Directions given in the 11th page, respecting the Read-
ing of the Scriptufes, &c.3
Father. — ^Let us pray.
tAU kneel.]
Father. — O Lord God, most pure and holy,
how shall we sinful and corrupt creatures come
before thee ? O Lord, our hope is in thy merc^ ,
through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Through
his blood we have redemption, even the forgive-
ness of sins, according to the riches of thy grace.
O God, may a very deep impression of our obli-
gations to thee for our salvation be ever engraved
on our minds, and may this spirit be manifested
in humility, and gratitude, and in holiness of
heart and of life.
Family. O Lord, ever fill us with a deep sense of our
obligations to thee for the redemption of our souls.
Father, — Almighty God, maintain on our
minds a constant sense of our fallen, degraded,
and corrupt condition, and may we be deeply
humbled before thee on account of our vileness,
our ignorance, our weakness, and our proneness
to evil. Merciful God, deliver us, we beseech
thee, from our corruptions, and in no manner
let them prevail against us, but may we subdue
and crucify them day by day according to thy
holy commandment. We rejoice, O Lord, before
thfio. in the blessed Drosoect of beine finally
delivered, and fully and eternally from all our
corruption."* and all their effects. Lord, do
Q2 Family Worship*
thou indeed deliver us, and give us a glorious
victory and triumph through our Lord Jesus
Famihi —Lord have mercy on us in our corruptions,
„„d gTam us at length a glorious deliverance through our
Lord Jesus Christ.
i^a^/^er.— Gracious Father, we thank thee anew
for thv Holy Word which thou hast given us for
our instruction, edification, and comfort in thy
kingdom. We thank thee for the present
opportunity we have had of reading it together
at this time. Be pleased, O Lord, to instruct
and build us up in thy ways by what we have
now read : may we not be hearers only ot thy
word, but may we carefully keep thy holy law.
Give thy blessing, O God, to all who have read,
or are reading thy word this mornmg as a iamily
like ourselves : and soon may the time come
when thy word shall be daily read in every
family over the whole world. „ , ^ , ,
Falily.-Oy^v Father, we praise thee for thy holy word :
O bless us and all who read it.
Father— O Lord, graciously send forth thy
light and truth to all mankind. Pour out a
spirit of prayer on thy people, that they may cry
day and night unto thee on beha f ot the dark
plJces of the earth. O Lord, arise and have
mercy on them. Be merciful to thine Ancient
Israel long wandering among the nations, and
graciously visit them with thy salvation according
to thy word. Stir up and send forth thy servants
: ^ . u^..o f^ oil nciHons. and DOur out thy
Spirit abundantly on all thy ministers already
labouring in Satan's grounds, and grant them
Fridai/ Morning.
many captives day by day. May all thy servants
be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, and
mav the work of the Lord prosper in their hands.
Family.^O Lord, send forth thy light and truth and
blel abundantly all thy servants labouring m the w.ld fields
of this world.
i^a^Aer.— Our Father in heaven, fill us, we
beseech thee, with continual and lively gratitude
for all the goodness of thy grace upon us, and
for all thy gracious providences day by aay.
O Lord, we praise thee, for thy mercies to us all
in the hours of the past night, and vve bless thee
for our health of body and of mind this morning.
And now, O our God, be very gracious to us
through all this day : O keep us from sin, and
preserve us from every danger : make us faithful
and diligent in all our duties, and may we do
every thing with the purpose of pleasing Jesus
Christ our Lord and Saviour. , „ ,, ,
Familu -Our Father, we thank thee for all thy good-
nees to us in the night. O be with us all very m.rc.fully
throughout this day. ^
Father—Gmcious God, bless all our friends
and all thy people ; and hear all *e.r prayers on
our behalf. Have compassion on the afflicted
and on the poor. Be merciful to all who are
living in vice, and to all who are ignorant of the
way of salvation, and bring them to the know-
ledge of the truth that they may be saved.
Jlily-O Lord, bless our friends, and all thy pe^K
be merciful to the afflicted, and the poor and bring those
who are astray to the knowledge of salvation.
Fa \. \\%s of
thy salvation both here and hereafter. .ve thy
blessing, O God, to the Governoi o^ , ;;s land ;
and bless all persons in authority hc.c, and over
the whole empire. May true prosperity abound
in this nation, and may we prove a blessing to
all the world.
Family. Great Sovereign of all, bless our Queen in all
her concerns ; bless our Governor, and all in authority :
and may prosperity abound all over this empire.
Father.— O Lord, may thy kingdom come
with power and great glory : Amen.
Family. — Lord Jesus come quickly and rule over all the
earth : Amen, and Amen.
Father — Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Father. — Almighty God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and with our hearts. — O God,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bible.
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a portion of
it at this time : may we listen attentively to thy
words, and may we receive much instruction
from them, concerniig tlfe redemption of man
throucrh the Lord Jesus Christ, and concerning
all thy commandments- O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word more than we
Friday Evening,
have ever yet done: and hasten the t' me when
thy word shall be diffused tnrough all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of all mankind.
—Mercifully hear us, Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Clirist our Saviour.
Faniily. — Amen.
[All seated.]
I See the Directions triven in the ' ' ' "i page, respecting the Readin»r
of tlie Scriptures, &c.3
Father,— Let us pray.
[All kneel 3
Father,— Lord God Almighty, the first and
the last, and the only living and true God, ever
impress our minds with thy presence, and more
especially when we come before thee in suppli-
cation. O Lord, give U3 grace to pour oui our
hearts and souls to thee in prayer, and let our
, .rayers come up before thee as the evening m-
cense through the sacrifice of our Lord and Sa-
viour Jesus Christ.
Family.— O Lord, give us grace to pray, and accept our
prayers, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Father,— Blessed God, thy hand has been
around us all the day long, and therefore no evil
has befallen us : thy hand has fed us this day,
and we have lacked no good thing : and thy spi-
rit has taught us and upheld us in the midst of
many snares, temptations, and dangers. Glory
to thy name, O God, for all thy goodness to us
through this portion of our time, and glory be
to thy name for all thy goodness to us in all our
uast life. _ . „ ,
' Famj7y.— Glory to thy name, U Uod, for oil toy gooa-
jiess to us this day, aud iu all our life.
66 Family Worship.
Ffl^Aer.— Father of all, pity, we beseech thee,
all the poor, and graciously supply their wants
from day to day according to thy goodness.
Make us very thankful for our supplies and
abundance, and give us grace to pity and to re-
lieve the needy around us according to the nie^ps
thou hast given us. Graciously regard, O God,
all widows, all fatherless children, and all or-
phans ; and give thy support to the aged and
infirm. Have compassion also on all who are
in sickness, or who are enduring pain in body or
in spirit. O make us thankful for our health ot
body and of mind, and let us diligently serve
thee in all the members of our body and with
all our faculties, that thy great name raay be
glorified in us.
Family.— O Lord, pity and relieve all that are m pov-
erty and distress, and make us thankful for our health and
all our blessings.
Fa^Ae-.— Gracious Father, bless all thy people
this evening, and give them thy presence in their
family and private devotions.
Family.— O Lord, bless this evening all thy peo4)le every
jPa^Aer.— Almighty God, be very gracious this
evening to all who are near and dear to us by
whatever tie. O may they all worship thee this
evening in spirit and in truth, and may thy
presence manifestly be with them, and may the
light of thy countenance shine upon them.
Family.— GvAcum^ Father, bless thib evening with thy
sweet presence all who are dear unto us.
Father,-^ hXmighXy God, let thy Spirit be
givpn to all thv neople, and more abundantly
Friday Evening.
from day to day, that they may alUive to thy
praise, and honour, and glory, by aboundmg m
every good work, and increasing m the know-
Zll of God. Have mercy, O God. upon all
he heathen, upon thine ancient people, and upon
aU ^ho know not God and obey not our Lord
Jesus Christ. O let the gospel be preached
sp;edil- throughout all the earth, and let multi-
tudes every where be converted unto God.
Bless all th/servants the pastors of thy churches
and bless all the Evangehsts who are carry ng
the gospel into the enemy's grounds. Let thy
people be fed and nourished, and may Satan fall
like liehtnine to the ground.
Pamfr-Graciou, Father, bless all thy people, and aU
thy Masters : may grace be on all .by chureh, aod da>ly
may it increase.
Fa(er.— Father of mercies, into thy hands we
now commit ourselves for the silent watches of the
nieht. Gracious have been thy dealings with us
heretofore in the hours of rest. Renew unto us.
our Father and our God, thy loving kindness
during this night. May our sleep be sweet, and
niay no evil befal us ; and in the monung may
weUake refreshed, and in full health of body
a 'd of mind ; and may thy name be g'o'' fi«d '"
us bv day and by night, in time and in eternity.
VaLvv -Blessed rather, let thy gracious presence b^
,rrs rtlroagbout all this night, and in the morn.ng may
we awake in thy favour and love.
Fa^Aer.— Almighty God, grant unto us ever
to Member the ^ighU death, af Jh . mornmg
of the resurrection. We bless thee that Christ
SLusdied, and was buried, and rose from the dead
Family Worship *
on behalf of this guilty world. In his sacrifice,.
O God, is all our trust. We are guilty and
corrupt, but the blood of Christ cleanseth from
all sin. O Lord, wash away all our sins in the
blood of Christ, and deliver us from our corrup-
tions by thy Spirit dwelling in us, and present us
at length in thy presence, in perfect purity, and
with everlasting glory : Amen.
Family Almighty Father, he merciful to us in life, and
in death, and in the great day of judgment; and may we
obtain mercy in that day through our Lord Jesus Christ :
Amen, and Amen.
Father. — Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Father. — Almighty God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and with our hearts. — O God,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bibk^
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a «iortion of
it at this time : may we listen att* ntively to thy
words, and may we receive mtiii iustructioa
from them, concerning tne redeinption of man
through the Lord Jesus Chrst, and concerning
all thy commandments. O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word nore than we
have ever yet done: and haste'- th^ time when
thy word shall be diffused throigh all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of ail mankind*
Saturday Morning,
— Mercifully hear us, O Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Family. — Amen.
[All seated.]
[See the Directions >? iven in the 1 1th page, respectingr the Reading
of the Scriptures, &c.3
Father, — Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Father, — Almighty Father, vm fall down be-
fore thee, and approach thy throne of grace, O
enable us, we entreat thee, to make our suppli-
cations in the sinvplicity of our hearts, and with
all truth and earnestness. Fulfil unto us at this
time, our Father and our God, all those gracious
promises which thou hast given in thy word for
the encouragement of thy children in drawing
near to thee in prayer.
Family.— O father, may we truly worship thee with
our lips and in oui' hearts, and may thy presence be with
Father, ---'We com^ to thee, O Lord, in the
name of Christ, our only Mediator and Inter-
cessor with thee. In that atonement made by
thy Son Jesus Christ Tor guilty meHi, we place
all our trust for thy ^avour here, and for thy
favour hereafter. ^Ye confess cursed es guilty
before thee, anc io our shame : but do thou, O
God, wash away all our sins in the precious
Blood of Christ "; ^ud do thou also vouchsafe to
give us thy Hcly Spirit, that we may lead a life
of sobriety, righteousness, and godliness, to the
honour and |^!ory of thy name through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
:M lA!^
70 Family Worship^
Family. ^O God, we trust In thee through Jesus Christ.
Sanctify us to thyself in him, we earnestly heseech thee.
Father We unite our voices together, O
God, in thanksgiving unto thee this morning,
for thy kindness and mercy to us all, during the
night that is past. By thy favour we have all
been preserved in safety during the hours of
darkness, by thy favour we have enjoyed sleep
and are refreshed, and by thy favour we again
behold the cheering light of day. Truly, O
Lord, thy visitation sustains our life, and m
thee we live and move and have our being.
O Lord, since we so evidently live by thee in
every respect, grant we beseech thee, that we
may live entirely devoted to thy service, and that
we may glorify thee in our bodies and in our
spirits which are thine.
Family — O Lord, we all adore thee for thy blessings to
us during the past night, and for thy kindness to us this
morning, and we desire to live entirely unto thee m all our
Father Gracious Father, be with each one
of us this day in all our outgoings and incom-
ings, and enable us to live throughout the day
as the servants of Jesus Christ should live, not
doing our own will but the will of him who died
for us, and who redeemed us by his precious
blood. May our whole concern this day be to
approve ourselves to our Bles ed iMaster and
Redeemer, that we may thus glorify thyself in
him. May we grow in the knowledge oi our
Master^s will this day, and may we grow in his
favour. O let not the name of Christ be dis-
honoured by any of us this day, but may we
Saturday Morning,
adorn the doctrine of God our Sariour in all our
Family Most Gracious Father, enable each one of us
this day to abide in Jesus Christ, and to bring forth much
fruit, to the praise and glory of thy name through him.
Father O Lord our God, enable us this day
rightly and faithfully to attend to the several
duties which df'^'^lve on us, according to the
work which th«u i> st assigned to us respectively.
May we all be ui "^ent and faithful, and may we
yield unto thee, not a constrained but a willing
service. Wherein we are ignorant of our duties,
do thou instruct us ; and may we have due do-
cility to receive instruction from every quarter,
considering all as sent by thyself for our good.
Wherein we are weak and insufficient for our
duties, do thou most graciously strengthen us for
them. And in those things in which we are
easily led away and overcome through tempta-
tions of any kind, do thou enable us especially
to watch against them, and may we stand strong
in the Lord.
Family.— O Lord, do thou graciously instruct us, and
strengthen us, and watch over us this day in all our ways,
that thy name may be glorified In us.
Father.— -Onv Father in heaven, we pray thee
to bless this day thy servants who in thy provi»
dence are the heads of this house. May they
have grace to act in all things in a manner cor-
responding to the prominent situation in which
thou hast placed them, and may their conduct
be an example to all this family. In all their
instructions, their commands, their reproofs, and
their admonitions to those placed under them,
i, v.,..-
_ o
72 Family Worship.
may they remember that they have a master
in heaven, with whom there is no respect of
persons. Enable them to rule with all gentle-
ness, and with all firmness ; and may thy blessing
be on them in all the concerns entrusted to their
""^/^JmiZy.^Graciously be pleased, O God, to bless thy
servants at the head of this family, and may we all yieW
to them that attention which respectively becometh us as
the disciples of Jesus Christ.
jPa^Acr.— Bless, O Lord, our native land.
Guide, and direct, and bless ourflf ^n : may
she glorify thee here, and be glorified with thee
hereafter. Bless also, we pray thee, her Minis-
ters, and bless the Governor of this country :
bless the Legislators general and loca,l, and all
persons in authority throughout this nation.
Grant, O Lord, in thy goodness towards us that
True Religion, Knowledge, Righteousness, and
Plenty may prevail throughout the empire.
FawiZy.-Graciously. O God, bless our Queen, the
Governor of this country, and all in authority throughout
this nation.
Fa^y^er.— Bless, our God, we entreat thee,
all our relatives, all our friends, all our acquam-
tances, and all our neighbours.
Family — Amen.
Father.—We pray thee, O God, to bless all
thv people; and may it please thee speedily to
make known thy salvation among al nations, in
every family, and to every individual.
Family. — Amen.
Father. -Show thy compassion, O Lord, we
beseech thee, to the poor, to the ignorant, and
Saturday Evening.
n aster
ict of
) their
less thy
ill yield
th us aa
to the distressed ; reclaim the vicious, have
mercy upon all ; and may thy kingdom come,
and may thy will be done on earth as it is done
in heaven.
Family Amen.
Father.— 'O Lord our God and Father, most
graciously look upon us all, we humbly beseech
thee. Keep us throughout this day in thy fear
and in thy favour: may we serve thee in all
things with a single eye and a single heart;
may our thoughts and our hopes be in heaven,
and finally may we be brought to thy eternal
kingdom and glory, through Jesus Christ our
Lord and Saviour: Amen.
Family. -^O Lord, condescend tokeep us in holiness and
rii^hteousness throughout the day ; and finally do thou
bring us all to the eternal mansions of glory, through Jesus
Christ our Lord and Saviour : Amen, and Amen.
Father,-— 'Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Ffl^^er.— Almighty God, maker and ruler of
the universe, we come into thy sacred presence,
to worship thee together as a family. O give
us thy Spirit, that we may worship thee with our
understandings and with our hearts.---0 God,
we adore thee for giving us the Holy Bible.
Bless us, we pray thee, in reading a portion of
it at this time : may we listen attentively to thy
words, and may we receive much instruction
from them, con^rning the redemption of man
r 3
74? Family Worship,
through the Lord Jesus Christ, and concerning
all thy commandments. O Lord, awaken us and
all thy people to study thy word more than we
have ever yet done ; and hasten the time when
thy word shall be diffused through all this dark
world, and be found in the hands of all mankind.
—Mercifully hear us, O Father, and graciously
bless us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Family. — Amen.
[All seated.]
[See the directions ffiren in the 18th page, respecting the Reading
of the Scriptures, &c.J
Father, — Let us pray.
[All kneel.]
Faf/«er.— Our Father who art in heaven, at
the close of this day we present ourselves before
thy throne of grace. In the name of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, we come into thy
presence. May thy Holy Spirit especially dwell
in us whilst we wait upon thee, that we may
humble ourselves under thy mighty hand, that
we may be full of gratitude and love for thy
mercies, and that we may have peace and joy in
thee through our Blessed Redeemer.
Family.— Our Father in heaven, graciously grant us
thy Holy Spirit whilst we wait upon thee together this
Father.— Lord, we thank thee for all Ihy
goodness to us throughout this day. Thou hast
sustained us all the day long, thou hast protected
us, thou hast supplied our wants, and hast be-
stowed on us many blessings and comforts.
Make us, O Lord, truly thankful to thee for all
Saturday Evening,
Ihy mercies, and for all thy benefits ; and may
we be truly sensible of our undeservingness.
Famihj — O Lord, we adore thee for all thy mercies to
us this day, and confess ourselves unworthy of the least of
thy benefits.
F«^^.— Blessed God, we thank thee for en-
abling us in any measure to attend to our duties
this day as the servants of Christ Graciously
be pleased, O Lord, to follow with thy blessmg
all the labours and occupations in which we have
this day been engaged. , . ^ . ,.
Family. -^O God, if it seem good m thy sight, prosper
the labours in which we have this day been engaged.
FaMcr.— Almighty God, we confess before
thee, that all we do is done in much ignorance,
and in much weakness, and is intermixed with
much sin. Forgive, O Lord, all the sins we
have committed this day of whatever kind, take
them all away, we beseech thee, through the pre-
cious sacrifice of thy Son Jesus Christ, and may
they never rise up in judgment against us. U
be pleased, our Father, to grant unto us this even-
ins a sweet sense of thy forgiveness.
Familv.—O Father, graciously forgive us all thesms
we have committed this day, and grant us the sweet sense
of thy pardon and love.
Father,— O thou searcher of all hearts, enable
each one of us this evening, individually and
alone, to examine ourselves with all closeness,
and sincerity, and godliness, as to our thoughts,
our feelings, our words, and our actions during
the day. May we scrutinise with all godly se-
verity every motive of action we have had, and
may we try ourselves, not by the standards of
Family Worship*
men, but by the holy law of God. Lead each
one of U3 to see how far we are wanting when
tried in this balance, and may we feel that godly
sorrow which we ought to feel on account of our
many shortcomings and transgressions. May we
all see our daily need of being washed in the
blood of Christ. Wash us therein, Lord, this
evening, and may we lie down in peace with thee
through the atonement of pwr Redeemer, and
may we have joy in the Holy Ghost.
Family O Lord God, lead each ooe of us most closely
find sincerely to examine all the motives and all the actions
of the day. May we s3e our need of waslnng in the hlood
pf Christ. O wash us now therein that we may be clean,
And may we have peace and joy in the Holy (jrhost.
Father.-^W^ pray, O Lord, this evening, that
thy blessing may rest on all our relatives, on all
our friends, and on all our neighbours, and ac-
quaintances. Forgive them the sins of this day:
lead them all to the Lord Jesus Christ ; and may
they be blessed in him here and hereafter.
Family. — Grant, O Lord, thy gracious blessing in
Christ Jesus unto all oujr friends connected with us in va-
flous ways,
Pather.-^O Lord, vouchsafe this evening thy
fibundant blessing to all thy people, to all who
pall on thy name in Christ Jesus out of a pure
heart. May grace and mercy and peace be upon
thein all. May they grow in grace, may they
be united in one he^rt ^nd soui, and may they in
^U things adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour.
B0 pleased to gi£^nt, O Lord, that the number of
thos^ who love thee in the Lord Jesus Christ may
flaily £^nd abundantly increase,
Saturday Evening,
Fami7y.— Grant thy rich blessing, O God, unto all thy
people, and may their numbers greatly increase.
Ffl^A^r— Have pity, O Lord, we humbly be-
seech thee, on this dark, and ignorant, and sintul
world. O let the light of the glorious gospel ot
Christ shine forth and enlighten all nations.
May thy Holy Word be translated into all Ian-
guaees, may it be put into the hands of every
individual, may all be taught to read it, and may
thy Holy Spirit be poured down m an ample
measure in all lands, that so thy will may be done
on earth as it is done in heaven.
Familv.—O Lord have mercy on the world at large, and
send forth thy light and truth to aU nations, that thy name
may be glorified from the rising to the settmg sun.
Father.^Vity, O Lord, the poor, and the dis-
tressed around us, and every where ; and most
graciously come to their relief in thy holy time
and way. Make us, O God, who have received
so many mercies, make us hourly thankful to thee
for all our enjoyments, and may we see them
all coming from thy hand ; and in humility, and
gratitude, and joy, may we partake of all thy
benefits. Ever remember, O God, thy numerous
and tender promises to the fatherless, to widows,
and orphans ; and let the aged experience thy
goodness. . ,. ^ -„„„
Familu.-O Lord pity all who are in distress of any
sort, and make us truly thankful for aU we enjoy.
Father.-^Aiid now, our Father and our God,
into thy most gracious hands we commend our-
selves through the silent hours of the night.
Guard us all from every harm, we besech thee ;
grant us refreshing sleep during the night: in
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Short Prayers,
health and strength of body and of mind may
we awake in the morning of thy holy day; and
may our first thoughts on awaking, be thoughts
of gratitude and devotion and love towards thee.
Family.— Onr Father, grant us thy gracious blet^sing
through the night, in the morning, and for ever and ever.
Father — ,0 Lord, hear us, forgive us, and
bless us, for our Redeemer's sake: Amen.
Family — O Lord, hear us, forgive us, and bless us, for
our Redeemer s sake : Amen, and Amen.
SHORT PRAYERS for commencing Family Worship,
which may be used occasionaUy instead of the one general
Collect to be found in each Morning and Evening
Bervice.^See Preface, page 7,
Father, — Father of mercies, we adore thee
for all thine arrangements of wisdom and good-
ness for the benefit of thy creatures. We adore
thee for appointing a day of rest and of holy re-*
ligious exercises. We thank thee, O our God,
for the return of this sacred day, and for all the
temporal and spiritual blessings which we this
morning enjoy. We bless thee that thou hast
now gathered us around our family altar, that
we may offer up to thee our united morning sac-
rifice. O God, we bless thee for giving us the
Holy Scriptures, and we thank thee for the pre-
sent opportunity we have of reading thy word
together. Be pleased, O Lord, to open our un-
derstandings that we may comprehend thy word,
lind may
lay; and
rds thee.
s blet^fjing
and ever,
US, and
ess us, for
ae general
re thee
d good-
e adore
holy re-
ar God,
' all the
we this
lou hast
ar, that
ing sac-
: us the
he pre-i
y word
9ur un-
r word,
Sunday Evening — Monday Morning, 79
find may we be deeply impressed with all that
thou wilt now set before us from thy holy Book.
— I'our out thy Spirit graciously upon us in all
our worship at this time, and bless us evermore.
Family — Amen.
Father — O God of the Sabbath, We fall
down on our knees before thae this evening in
worship and adoration. O give Us thy Spirit
that we may \^orship thee in spirit and in truth,
and give us all the blessings thou bestowest on
thy children* Great are our mercies, O God,
and great are our privileges. O grant us grace,
we earnestly beseech thee, that we may walk in
some measure corresponding to thy grace and
goodness with which we are favoured. Bless
us now, our Father, in reading thy holy word
together as a family. Give, we pray thee, a
portion of heavenly instruction to each one of us
from thy Book whilst we read it. [Let thy
praise and glory be sung by us with melody in
our hearts.] And pour out on us a spirit of
prayer and true devotion.
Family. — Amen.
Monday morning.
Pather — O Lord God of Holiness and Truth,
who dwellest in everlasting blessedness, and
whose desire is to see all thy creatures blessed
and happy, look upon us, O God, we beseech
thee, and make us happy and blessed in thine
'■■•wi' I
♦ I
- i
Sh(yrt Prayers.
own self, and for evermore. — Blessed be thy
name, O Lord, for all the spiritual benefits which
we yesterday received from thy 1 and, on thy
holy day. O Lord, grL-it unto us to live under
the influence of these spiritual things throughout
this whole week on which we are now entered.
May we esteem every day the Lord's, and on
every day of the week may we walk with God.
Gracious Father, bless us now in our worship-
ping thee as a family. Enlighten and edify us
in reading thy word, [let us sing thy praise with
melody of heart,] and give us true devotion in
Father.-^God Almighty, at thy command the
sun rises in the morning, and at thy command
it goeth down in the evening, and the shades of
night cover the earth. It is likewise by thy hand
of power and benevolence that man awakes with
the dawn, is strengthened all the day long for
his work, and at the close of his labours and his
toil has the night and the bed of refreshment
prepared for him. O Lord, how manifold is thy
goodness ! — Fill us, we beseech thee, this evening,
with lively emotions in contemplating thy provi-
dences and their application to ourselves, as a
family, and as individuals : and tune our hearts
to ofler up to thee our thanksgivings with the
warmest devotion of gratitude and love. — Bless
us, O Lord, in reading that holy book which
thou hast given us, to enlighten our eyes, and to
Tuesday Morning and Evening, 81
guide us to all thy truth. Let thy word power-
fully impress us, and may we follow ail thy hea-
venly directions, and be brought at length to
thine everlasting abode through Jesus Christ
our Lord.
Family. — Amen.
Father — Almighty God and Father of all,
graciously look down from hea^ ua upon us thy
poor unworthy servants now kneeling before
thee. O Lord, we come into thy presence to
give glory to thy name, and to implore thy fa-
vour. Pour out on us, we beseech thee, thy
Holy Spirit that we may have grace and strength
to wait on thee acceptably as a family this morn-
ing. Open our understandings, O Lord, whilst
we read thy holy book, and may we receive
into our mmds and souls the doctrines and pre-
cepts contained in those portions of thy word we
may now read. Pour out also thy Spirit upon
us, O our God, in our prayers, and supplications,
and thanksgivings, which we olter up to thee, in
this our morning sacrifice. O Lord, hear this
our commencing prayer, and answer us in it in
thy great mercy and benevolence, thiough our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Family. — Amen.
Father' — Father of mercies, at the close of
this day we come near before thee, to give thanks
Short Prayers,
to thy most holy name for all thy bounties. O
give us grateful hearts, that we may unfeignedly
praise thee, for it is truly in thee that we live
and move and have our being. Give us grace
to listen to the truths of thy word which we are
now about to read, and may we be nourished
and fed by what thou wilt at this time bring
before us. And when we have finished our
reading of thy word, may a spirit full of prayer
and true devotional feeling be given unto us,
that we may wait on thee at the throne of grace
to thy glory, and to the satisfaction and edifica-
tion of our own souls.
Family. — Amen.
FaMcr.— Almighty and Eternal Majesty of
heaven and earth, and of the whole universe, we
bow down before thee, and we humble and abase
ourselves in thy divine presence. We are thy
crcatuvijs and the wonderful workmanship of
thy lu ids, and should ever have glorified thee
in our soul and body which are tliine. But, O
Lord, we confess with sliame that we have re-
belled against thee, and dishonoured thy name,
in all our life, and in all our ways. O enter
not into judgment with us, O God: have mercy
upon us, and forgive us, and grant us thy Holy
Spirit, and everlasting life, through Jesus Christ
our Saviour We adore thee, O our God, that
we are allowed to worship thee : and we praise
thee for the instructions of thy holy word.
Grant us now thy grace, we beseech thee, to
Wednesday Evening. — Tkui sday Morning, 83
read the holy Scriptures v'«th all attention, and
to worship tliee in spirit and in truth, in our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Family. — Ameji.
Father. — Almi«^hty and Most Merciful Fa-
ther, we desire this evening to present ourselves
before thee as a Christian family, and to bow to-
gether in unison at thy throne of grace. Graci-
ously behold us, O our Father, for we come to
thee in the name of Jesus Christ, Compassion-
ate our weakness, our ignorance and our way-
wardness, and give us grace and strength to
wait on thee at this time according to thy will.
Give us, O Lord, a spirit of prayer, [let us sing
thy praise with cheerful hearts,] and may thy
word be opened to us at this time whilst we read
and attend to it in this our evening service.
Keep our attention alive whilst we wait on thee,
and let the hght of thy countenance shine upon
us for the Lord Jesus' sake.
Famili/. — A men.
Father. — Almighty and Everlasting God,
maker and governor of all, in heaven» and on
earth, and over the whole universe, behold us
before thee, this morning, and compassionate us
ill thy great goodness and mercy. We are sin-
ners, O Lord, and guilty before thee: but
through thy mercy to this sinful world in thy Be-
loved 8on Jesus Christ, we venture to thy throne
S/iort Prayers,
of grace. O give us, we beseecli thee, the spirit
and disposition which ought to characterise poor
pardoned rebels, and who are involved in igno-
rance, corruption, and weakness. Our only hope
under our miserable circumstances, is thy mercy
and thy grace. From thy mercy seat, O God,
thou dost pour out richly thy blessings upon all
who truly seek thy face in the name of Christ.
O Lord, pour out now thy Spirit upon us whilst
we read and hear thy blessed truths of revelation
in the holy scriptures ; and pour out all the bless-
ings of thy Spirit upon our souls in our worship
that we may be strong in the Lord.
FamUy. — Ameo.
i^a^/ier.-— Almighty Father who seest and
knowest the hearts of all, give us grace this
evening, we beseech thee, to come into thy pre-
sence with all sincerity of heart and soul. Give
us strongly to feel our absolute need of thy mercy
and grace, and to see our entire dependence on
thee in all our ways, by day and by night. And
give us to understand how good thou art, and
how readily thou bestowest on us the best of
blessings. Truly, O Lord, as a Father pitieth
his children, so dost thou regard all who truly
love thee. O may we indeed love thee, and
may we greatly desire, and earnestly seek after
thy favour, as our life, our health, and our sal-
vation. O shed on us thy blessings whilst as
a family we draw near to thee with one heart
and one voice. Teach us from thy holy word,
Friday Morning and Evening, 85
and shed riclily on us thy hlessings, through Jesus
Christ oui' Lord.
Family Amen,
Faf^er.— Almighty God, the hearer of prayer,
thou hast encouraged us to draw near to tliee on
thy throne of grace. In the name of thy beloved
Son Jesus Christ, and animated by thy permis-
sion and thine invitations, we venture into thy
presence, sinful and guilty though we be, for
Jesus Christ who died for us ever liveth before
thee to make intercession for us. God Almighty,
grant us the true spirit of prayer. May we be
truly sensible of our wants, and earnestly may
we seek all our supplies from thee. May we
be full of gratitude, and dve heartfelt thanks-
givings to thee for all thy benefits, and may we
be filled with deep humility and contrition before
thee. O Lord grant us now a gracious blessing
from the holy scriptures, and full access to thee
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Family Amen.
Father.— O God Almighty, we thank thee for
this renewed opportunity of drawing near before
thee, to read the holy scriptures, and to worship
thee as a family. Give us grace, O God, to ap-
proach thee with solemnity, and let not our fie-
- so mprcifnllvande'raciouslv
disposed and arranged my lot. By thy great
goodness, O Lord, I have been born of Christian
Sunday Mornimj,
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parents and in a Christian land, and have been
brought up in the fear of the Lord, and tauglit
the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus
Christ. Thy Spirit, O God, has begotten me
from the dead to the Vope of lift: in Christ, and
thy Spirit thou hast condescended to give me to
lead me in the ways of truth and righteousness.
Also by thy good hand upon me, O Lord, I am
favoured with great and precious privileges in
thy kingdom. This day I enjoy thy holy Sab-
bath, here this morning I enjoy retiremt'ut and
access to thy throne of grace, and on ihivS thy
day I am allowed and honoured to wait on thee
in the great congregation of thy servants, and to
enjoy the benefit of all thy ordinances.
O bless me, my Father, bless me, I beseech thee
on this thy sacred day. O let me have fellow-
ship with thee and draw thou very near to me
in the richness of thy goodness and mercy and
love. Bless me, O my God, in this my morning
address and supplication, and bless me graciously
at every time on which I may pour out my pri-
vate petition? before thee this day. On every
such occasion may I find that God is with me,
and that my prayers are acceptable in thy sight.
Bless me O my God, in all my meditations, —
when I meditate on thee, on the redemption
of Christ, on all my duties, on all my state,
and on all my prospects ; and feed my soul
on all these occasions with the bread of life
which shall make me to live for ever. Bless
me also, O my Father, in all my communica-
tions with thy people to-day, whilst we speak
of the glory of thy kingdom and talk of thy power,
Individual Prayer,
whilst we build each other up, and mal e to thee
our united supplications. And, O do Jiou bless
me, my Father, in the great congregation, when
I meet with thy flock and join with thy people in
thy public worship and service. In all these
blessed means of grace with which, O most
gracious God, thou hast favoured me, in all of
them may I wait upon thee, and serve thee, and
worship thee, and adore thee, with all sincerity
of heart, and with all solemnity and fervency of
soul. And, O God, remember, O remember^
thy promises, given in the richness of thy good-
ness and grace, to all who truly seek thee : O
remember thy blessed words of promise, O God
of truth and righteousness ; and fulfil all these ta
me this day in dews and showers of blessedness^
whilst I wait on thee and seek thee in all the
means of grace with which thou hast favoured
me : and thus, O God, may thy name be glori-
fied in me as a disciple of thy Beloved Son Jesus
Father of mercies, graciously look down this
day on thy whole church. O give Hght, holiness,
unity, and extension to thy church. Bring in
the fulness of the Gentiles, and ex^lt thy people
Israel according to thy word. Shower down,
O Lord, thy blessings on thy servants who min-
ister in holy things ; make them all faithful, and
give thy rich blessing to all their labours. O
Lord, on this day may all thy people be greatly
built up, and may many poor sinners be brought
irr\ f fiio anrl T»oi«mQnpiii- I'oiwintnnc'P. Tjord. let thv
kingdom come, and let thy will be done on eaith
as it is in heaven.
Sunday Mornitig,
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Lord God Almighty, hear these my suppli-
cations, which are the supplications of my whole
heart and soul. O be merciful to me a poor sin-
ner : wash me from all my guilt in the precious
blood of Christ : give me thy Spirit that I may
be delivered from my corruptions : and O God,
manifest thyself to me and bless me above all I
have asked or can think of, and all through and
for the sake of thy Son, thy Beloved Son, the
Lord Jesus Christ : and unto God and the Lamb
be glory for ever and for ever : Amen.
Almighty God, Creator, Redeemer, and Re-
novator of the world, this is thy holy day, the
day which thou hast given and appointed to
commemorate the creation of this world and its
redemption, and the day which thou hast espe-
cially consecrated for the conversion of sinners,
and for building them up in all knowledge of
thyself and in all hoHness of life. Give out, O
Lord God, this day, give out from thine infinite
fulness all grace unto all thy people. May thy
whole church be watered this day and be nour-
ished and cherished y the power of thy Spirit
working on the whole, and working on each in-
dividual member of the Body of Christ. Mer-
cifully consider, O God, the low estate of thy
Church, in its ignorance, its weakness, its un-
sanctitiedness, its divisions and contentions, and
in its small extent among the nations of the
^ 'f,
106 Individual Prayer,
earth, and in the fewness of its memhers. O God
of all goodness and grace, thou art righteous,
but thy church is guilty. Thou wouldest have
had thy church full of knowledge and strength,
fully sanctified to thyself, and completely united
in one body, in one heart and soul, and thou
wouldest have had thy church co-extensive with
the whole world and all its inhabitants. But thy
church has neglected thy injunction to publish
thy word and to preach the gospel in all the
world and to every creature; thy church has
neglected thy command to be perfectly jomed
together in one body, and to do all things in love ;
and thy church has neglected the means which
thou hast provided for its edification and strength,
and for its sanctification and glory. O Lord
God most merciful and gracious, forgive, O
forgive thy church in all its indifference, its ne-
glects, its ungodliness, its disobedience, its strifes,
and in all its sinfulness. And cast us not oft,
O God, but remember thy great and precious
promises which abound in thy holy word in fa-
vour of the church of thy Beloved Son Jesus
Christ. Arise, O Lord God, in the glory of
thy strength, to save and to exalt and beautify
thy church. O pour out thy Spirit, and very
richly, on every member of Christ : stir up thy
people to pray most earnestly for thy Spirit, stir
them up to seek after the knowledge of thy wiL
in the Holy Scriptures, stir them up to all holy
obedience to thy will in all things : may they all
hunger and imrsi ariur rigun:wi«.-'»c=.-j «!-• —
filled with the spirit of unity and godly love.
O most holy God, be pleased to grant that on
Sunday Morning.
tins thy day, a spirit of prayer may be poured
out on all thy church, in its several congregated
bodies and in every individual member. O Lord
God, may the prayer of thy church this day be^
the effectual fervent prayer that availeth much ;
and O may it indeed avail to the very speedy
and glorious enlightenment, sanctification, unity^
and universality of thy church. Fill thy temple^
O Lord, with thy glory, and may thy glory fill
the whole earth.
Almighty and most gracious God, O regard
most mercifully this day all thy Ministers who are
devoted to thy service in thy kingdom. O Lord,
fit and strengthen them for their holy and blessed
work. May the Gospel be preached by them very
clearly and faithfully ; may the saints be built up
by them, and may many sinners be converted.
Be present, O God, this day in every assembly
congregated in thy name. May all thy people
be nourished and strengthened by the truth ; and
may the careless, the unbeliever, the erring, the
luke-warm, and all the wicked be duly warned
and be led to fear and to seek after the Lord
with all their hearts and souls.
O most merciful God, since it is thy will that
all men should be saved and come to the know-
ledge of the truth, do thou greatly stir up all thy
church to seek the extension of thy kingdom,
and to labour diligently and powerfully to make
known thy salvation in every country under
heaven. Glory be to thy name, O God, for
what tho!i liHst H-lreadv wront'^ht in these our
days. O Lord, bless all Missionaries, and may
their numbers greatly increase.
Individual Prayer,
And now, O Lord my God, be pleased to look
upon thy poor imwortliy servant bowing at this
time and in this spot before thee. He has been
making supplications for thy church, and thy
church ever would he consider most near and
dear unto him, and he knows that in its pros-
perity he shall prosper. Lord, hear these prayers
for thy churcii, and answer them also, O Lord,
for me, even for me. May I be a true and
proper member of the body of Christ, fiUing up
duly and ftiithfuUy the part thou hast assigned
me in thy kingdom.
O my Father in heaven, very graciously re-
gard me this day, in all its pai s, and in all its
duties and services. Grant me thy Spirit in
private prayer, in the reading of thy holy word
alone, and in meditation on thy word, and thy
salvation, and on all thy ways concerning me.
Give me thy Spirit, O God, in all my family and
social intercourse this day, that all may be ac-
cording to thy word, and all to edification. And
bestow on me, O my God, and in an abundant
manner, thy Holy Spirit when joining in the
great congregation to worship thee. There, O
Lord, as every where, may I worship thee un-
feignedly and in all earnestness as a poor re-
deemed sinner, and there let me enjoy thy blessed
fuvour. And let thy favour be on thy servant
who ministers, and on all the congregation.
O Lord my God and my Fatiier, vouchsafe
uie on this thy day and for evermore tliy spiritual
and eternal mercies through the Lord Jesus
Christ. Father of glory, shine on me, O shine
on me, for Christ's sak*) :
to look
at tliis
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s pros-
le and
ling up
sly re-
i all its
iirit in
Y word
md thy
ng me.
ily and
be ac-
in the
lere, O
lee un-
t)or re-
i Jesus
D shine
Sunday Evening, 109
Almighty and Ever Blessed Father, I bow
down before thee, at the close of this thy holy
Sabbath, to give thanks to thee for all thy good-
ness towards me during this sacred portion of
time. Blessed be thy name for the appointment
of this day, and blessed be thy name for all the
favourable circimistances in my lot and condition
which enable me to enjoy the benefits of this
appointment. O Lord, I thank thee, for the
health of body and of mind wliich I have this
day enjoyeping thee
Ling of tliy
from thee a precious blessing through these
110 Individual Prayer,
means of edification which we have enjoyed to-
gether on this thy sacred day. May our love to
thee and to each other be enhirged by these
benefits of thy grace, and may we also be moved
with love and pity towards all men.
• Gracious Father, let the word of thy grace
published to me this day and to many with me,
be profitable, not to me only biu to all who heard
these truths of tliy salvation and of thy kingdom.
O God, may a plentiful iiarvcst of gospel fruits
spring up from these seeds of thy grace thus
scattered around. May all thy people who were
there be edified ; and O, grant that many poor
sinners may be converted and brought mto thy
kingdom. i , • i
Bless in like manner, O God, thy word which
has proceeded this day from all thy servants in
every place ; may there be great buildings up
thereby in thy churcli, and may there be great
joy in" heaven and earth over repenting sinners.
And grant, O Lord, that the richest blessings of
thy grace may rest on thy servant by whose la-
bours I have been favoured, and on all thy true
and faithful servants who have administered thy
word this day. May thy Ministers, O Lord, be
ever in the advance in all things in thy kingdom,
that thus they may go before thy flocks and con-
duct them aright in the heavenly road.
Most Holy Father, follow wi.h thy blessing,
I earnestly beseech thee, my readings in thy word
to-day, and all my meditations tliereon. O let
^ij.r wjr>,.fon| lu%v and. j'-iiide be my study and my
delight at all times T and graciously grant me
great increase in the knowledge of the Scriptures.
)yed to-
i* love to
IV these
Q moved
ly grace
tvitii me,
bo heard
)el fruits
ace thus
dio were
my poor
into thy
rd which
rvaiits ill
(lings up
he great
^ sinners,
essings of
vhose la-
thy true
tered thy
Lord, be
and con-
thy word
n. O let
v and my
grant me
Sunday Eveiiing,
O Lord grant the same blessings to all who have
read thy word this day.
Father of mercies and the hearer of prayer,
hear, I beseech thee, the voice of my supplica-
tions to thee this day in public, in the family,
and in private. Thou, O Lord, searc)iest all
hearts, and thou, O my Father, knovvest that I
seek thy face in prayer in all truth and sincerity,
for thus thou thyself hast taught me to seek thee.
O Thou who art the faithful God, be i)leased to
fulfil all thy blessed promises unto me as given
in thy word to all who earnestly desire and seek
thy favour. O Lord, 1 have sought, and I do
seek thy favour, through thy Beloved Son Jesus
Christ. For his sake, O Lord, forgive all my
iniquities which are many and great, and till me
with thy Spirit unto eternal life.
Merciful God, look graciously this evening on
all thy people who have been hindered from
waiting on thee in the great congregation : and
be pleased to make up unto them by other
means and ways what they have thus been de-
prived of. O Lord, pity all the afflicted in all
th(ur various distresses, and may all these their
trials lead them to God througli the Lord Jesus
Father of all goodness and consolation, I thank
thee, ii\\\ praise thee, and adore thee for the
peace and tlie hope and the joy which thou givest
me in the gospel of Christ. O Lord, let me
abide for ever in thy love and favour. And now,
O my Fatlier and my God, sweetly bless me this
night, and in the evening of death and for ever
and ever, through the Lord Jesus Christ: Amen.
1 1 2 Individual Prayer,
\ i .;
Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth, and
of the whole universe, into thy holy presence I
come, to worship thee, the God of my life, and
to adore tliee, tl»e God of my salvation. O God,
thou who seest all things, and know"st all hearts,
grant me to come hefore thee under the solemn
impression that thou seest me and knowest me
altogether. No one can deceive thee, O God,
and no one can impose on thee as worship and
prayer that which is not, for thou triest the in-
ward thoughts, and thou judgest the hearts of all
who come hefore thee. O Lord God, give unto
me, I earnestly heseech thee, a true and right
understanding of these things, and grant me
grace most reverently and solemnly to draw near
into thy presence, and may I worship thee with
all my heart and soul according to thy command-
O Almighty God, open my understanding that
I may comprehend somewhat of thee, as thou
hast displayed thyself in tliy works, in thy provi-
dence, in thy word, and in thy great salvation
wrought out for mankind by thy Son Jesus Christ.
O may my delight be to contemplate thy great
name, and to give thee glory : for this end thou
didst create me, and for this end thou hast re-
deemed me, O set my heart and sonl upon thee,
my God, and fill me with thy love. Whom, O
r.ikiul \xAvi\ \ in lipjivf'n hut thee, and whom have
J on earth but thee ? O dwell thou in me, and
^jHible me to walk continually with God,
Monday Morning,
Most Blessed Father, what sliall I render unto
thee for the redemption oi my soul from perdi-
tion, and for the glorious hope which thou ha8t
given me of enjoying in thy presence everlasting
holiness and felicity. Lord, raise my soul in the
contemplation of this wonderful subject, enlarge
my understanding of it, and till me with lively
gratitude to thee, for what thou hast wrought for
me, and for what thou hast promised to do for
me, in time and in eternity.
O God most holy, as a poor creature redeemed
by Jesus Christ from the awful nature and dread-
ful consequences of sin, may I hate and abhor
all sin in every form, and may I flee from it,
fearing its entanglements, and defilements, and
consequences. O keep my heart ever right with
thee, and may I be so imbued with a supreme
love of holiness, that sin may find no resting
place within me. May I flee from it, may I resist
the devil, may I cleanse my hands and purify my
heart, may I draw near and nearer unto God ;
and, O God, do thou draw n^-^'-er and nearer
unto me, and dwell in me in ah wae riches of thy
O Lord my God, I feel on every hand my own
insufficiency, my weakness, ignorance, and way-
wardness. I have no might to stand against the
snares and temptations with which I am assailed
and surrounded. Help me, O Lord, give me
thy Spirit, O my God : let no temptation be too
great for m^e, but ever afford me power to over-
come to the praise of the glory of thy grace
within me.
Father of mercies, in whose hand is my life
Individual Prayer.
and my all, 1 praise thy name for tliy mercy and
thy goodness to me through the night that is
passed, and for the blessing of health of body and
mind which I this morning enjoy. O Lord, 1
beseech thee to be with me throughout this day.
May my only purpose all tlie day long, and in
every thing, be to glorify thy name: may tliy
Spirit dwell in me to enable me to do so, and
may I have full instruction from thee in all cases
as to what is thy will concerning me. Strengthen
me, O God, and lead me not into temptations,
but deliver me from evil.
Gracious God, be pleased to bless all my re-
latives, and friends. Have mercy, O Lord, on
the afflicted and the poor. Pity the aged in their
weakness, console the widow in distress, and be
the guardian of the fatherless, and the orphan.
Bless this place and neighbourliood, and all this
nation with all its rulers. Bless thy Church, O
God, and extend it over all the earth, that thy
name may be glorified from the rising to the set-
ting sun.
Merciful Father, take me now into thy hands,
keep me from sin, and may I walk before thee
in faith and joy through the Lord Jesus Christ,
tliroiigh whom do thou bless me now and for
evermore : Amen.
Almighty God, my heavenly Father, with the
deepest reverence I desire to come before thee
jr, with the
before thee
Monday Evening.
nercy and
it that is
body and
> Lord, 1
: this day.
ig, and in
may tliy
io so, and
n all cases
all my re-
Lord, on
ed in their
!ss, and be
lie orphan,
nd all this
[:hurch, O
li, that thy
to the set- '
thy hands,
)ef'ore thee
sus Christ,
iw and for
this evening, for thou art ever to be had in reve-
rence by all who aiiproach tliee. I desire to ap-
pear before thee also, O my God, with my soul
full of gratitude and love, from a sense of all thy
goodness to me, and all thy loving kindness, and
tender mercy.
Blessed be thy name, O Lord, for thy gracious
preservation of me during all this day. Through
thy goodness to me, I have been kept this day
in life, and in health and strength of body and
mind, through thy mercy no accident nor dangc*r
has befallen me, by thy Spirit thou hast guided
me, I trust, in thy fear all the day long, and by
thy grace have I been enabled to act in integrity
and uprightness as in the presence of God, walk-
ing by faith and not by sight, with my affections
on things above, and rejoicing in hope of the
glory of God.
And now, O my Gotl, mercifully pardon all
the sins I have committed this day, and all my
guilt : and graciously take me under thy safe
protection through the night. O let no evil be-
fal me, may my sleej) be good and refreshing,
and may I awake in full health on the returning
day, with my soul impressed with a lively sense
of thy goodness, and moving me to give thanks
and praise to thy most holy name, for it is in
thee altogether I live, and move, and have my
O Lord, mercifully guard this house through
the night from every danger, and may thy bless-
ing be upon every individual in it for time and
for eternity. O God, enable me sincerely to love
all those with whom I dwell, and may I conduct
Individual Prayer,
^ \
myself towards them with all lowliness of niiiid,
and with all heavenly wisdom, earnestly seeking
at all times to please, serve, and do good to each
and all, in the true spirit of gospel benevolence,
in inntation of the blessed example of my Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ.
O my heavenly Fjither, I pray thee to bless
all my dear relatives and friends, and neighbours,
and actpiaintances. May they all be partakers
here and hereafter of the blessings of the glorious
gospel of Christ, and may they siiow forth the
praises of him who has called them out of dark-
ness into his marvellous light. O Lord, make
us helpers of each other's faith and holiness, and
comfort in Christ, by our mutual prayers, and by
our godly counsels and walk.
Almighty God, do thou bless all this nation ;
may it be exalted in righteousness, and be a
light to all the surrounding nations, and to all
the world. Bless the Sovereign upon the throne,
and enable her to imitate thee hi all her govern-
ment. May her Ministers be ever guided to the
best measures for the good of tlie country ; and
may all Judges and Magistrates and Teachers
be greatly blessed of God, that they may prove
a blessing to all this community. And, O Lord,
have mercy on the poor and the afflicted.
Father of Glory, bless the Church of thy Son
Jesus Christ sojourning in this evil world, and
let its light gloriously shine forth. Have mercy,
O Lord, on all the dark parts of the world, and
send them heavenly light. Pity the seed of
Abraham thy frie.id, and fulfil unto them all the
promises of thy word. Let thy Spirit richly
of niiiKl,
{ seeking
d to euch
my Lord
3 to bless
3 glorious
forth the
of dark-
>rd, make
iness, and
:s, and by
is nation ;
and be a
and to all
[le throne,
r govern-
jed to the
itry; and
lay prove
, O Lord,
)f thy Son
i'orld, and
ve mercy,
^orld, and
e seed of
Tuesday Morning* 117
dwell, O God, in all thy Ministeri, that they
tnpy be faithful in preaching Christ, and in
exemplifying the holiness of the gospel. And
stir them up to the sanctification of thy people,
and to the extending of thy kingdon^ over all
the world*
Blessed God, I praise thee for thy holy word
and beseech thee daily to instruct me from it.
Enlarge my views thereby of that salvation which
thou hast wrought out for sitmera in thine infinite
compassion and wisdom. O imbue my mind
with this glorious subject, and fill me with a
lively view of thy mercy in rescuing my soul
from guilt and perdition, and for giving me the
hope of glory. O Lord God, may the eyes of my
understanding be enlightened that I may know
the fulness of tbe hope to which thou hast called
me : and O God, may this hope at len<[^th be
gloriously realised by me in thine eternal »bode
in heaven.
Ever Blessed Father, O keep me this nighty
and for ever. Whether I sleep, or wake, may I
be thine ', and evei* may the light of thy coun-
tenance shine upon me, for the sake of the Lord
Jesus Christ: Amen.
Father of light and of glory, I adore thy name
for the high privilege of coming into thy pre-
_ '.~. j„ f\ 1.4. 4.1.:. .1, — .i-K! rt - .1.
eiii au uie k asjucu la piu^er. \j lut luv; tiiiiwi uii mis sui/Jt'Ci
irit richly I as I ought, in all its greatness and blessednes)**
118 Individual Prayer.
Thou art the King eternal, immortal, invisible,
the only wise God, the maker and ruer of the
universe. Yet thou, O God, most glonous in
Sy, thou condescendest to allow poor s.n-
S tl come to thee, and thou givest them an
and ence. Nay, thou hast encouraged us o draw
near to thee by tha most friendly and fatheily
rnvTtaaons. tL« hast said that th«u art the
hearer of prayer, that none ever sought thee in
vafn; thou^ialt said that as a father pitieth his
Ihld ren, so dost tho.. pity those who tear thee ;
and thou hast told us to cast all our cares upon
thee assuring us by thy faithful word, that thou
carest for us". O God of love, what can I say
to and for all these things ? Lord, I am ashamed
IXe thee, when I thfnk on all «- condescen-
sion, and love, and goodness, and that I W
been so little affected by the same, and have so
little believed thy words, and so little attended
to thy We^««d ■'^^^ 8^'''='''"* encouragements
given me that I might come to thee, and pour
Tt all my heart and soul before thee, as asm.
to a father tender and powerful. Now, O Lo d
I come, and would ever hereafter come, and « ith
increased faith and love and confidence. O give
me the whole spirit of prayer, and give me all
*\tfXreted,'-thou hast taught me what
is the manner of access to tliee, tliat it is, and
nus be, only in the name of Jesus, who died for
Ms guilty world, and made atonement tor men
bv the shedding of his own most precious blood, |
„i.j wJ.« now lives at thy right uanu as a gfoa. ^
nd mediator, to maki
high priest, intercessor,
(r of the
ji'ious in
loor sin-
them an
i to draw
art the
t thee in
tieth his
ar thee ;
les upon
that thou
sail I say
it I have
d have so
and pour
', as a son
, O Lord,
, and with
. O give
ive me all
it me what
t it is, and
ho died for
nt for men
ious blood,
I as a great
)r, to make
Tuesday Morning,
intercession for every poor sinner who repents
before thee, confesses his sin, and implores for-
giveness through his all meritorious sacrifice.
Lord God, I repent before thee, my sins are be-
yond number, and I am altogether vile. Lord,
have mercy upon me for the sake of Christ;
Lord forgive me through his atonement ; Lord
grant me thy peace ; Lord grant me thy Spirit ;
Lord, grant me eternal life ; and all through the
accepted atonement of thy Beloved Son .Jesus
Christ, my Saviour, my Lord, and my God.
Almighty God, bless all who humble them-
selves before thee, and seek mercy, and follow
after holiness. O bless thy whole church, and
all thy Ministers, and every saint in thy kingdom.
Beautify thy church, O Lord, with holiness,
knowledge, unity and love: and extend thy
church till it fill all the earth. Lord, hear all the
prayers of thy church for poor me, and maVe me
a living, active, profitable member of the oody
of Christ.
Merciful God, instruct the ignorant, reform the
vicious, strengthen the weak, bless the poor, pity
the distressed, and be the father and the friend
of all; and teach me, O Lord, ever to strive af-
ter a holy imitation of thee in all things.
O my God, bless all who are near and dear to
me by every and whatever tie ; give them life
eternal, and bless their lot in this evil world, and
may we all at length meet in heaven. O may I
love and serve my friends, and all men, as oppor-
tmiities offer, with good will, as doing service to
the Lord. O give me the true spirit of bene-
& 2
Individual Prayer,
O Lord my God, I now enter on the business
of this day, praising thee for thy great goodness
to me through the night, and imploring thee to
enable me to walk entirely in thy ways all the day
long. May I have a good spirit towards all men
with whom I have intercourse, may I be faithful
and wise in all my transactions, and may my
affections be in heaven.
Almighty God, now hear these my poor prayers
according to thy word, and bless me as thou hast
spoken, in the Lord Jesus Christ ; Amen.
li" .",:
Father Almighty, maker and governor of all,
I adore thee in thy out-goings of the mornings
and the evenings. How glorious art thou, O
Lo^d, in all thy works. O that my eyes were
directed, and cleared, to see thee in them all, and
that I might be led to adore thee in them all, as
I ought to do. O fill me with the highest sense
of thy wisdom and goodness in all thy works, and
in all thy arrangements.
Blessed be thy name, O God, for the return
of the evening. The sun has gone down at thy
command, and thou hast drawn the curtain of
darkness over all. Blessed be thy name, O God,
for the rest thou preparest for man after the la»
hours of the day. Blessed be thy name for the
gweet sleep which thou causest to fall upon us
for our refreshment and restoration. O may thy
goodness herein be seen and felt by me, in my
Tuesday Evenirig,
:hee to
:he day
ill men
iay my
ou hast
r of all,
hou, O
es were
all, and
1 all, as
st sense
rks, and
3 return
n at thy
irtain of
r the la»
\ for the
upon us
may thy
, in my
lying down and in my awaking. Tune my last
thoughts at night, O my God, and my first
thoughts in the morning, to praise thee, and to
adore thee ; and may I rejoice in thee through
Christ, as my own beloved heavenly Father, and
mv God. , , . ,
Lord God Almighty, I thank thee, with my
whole heart, for all thy mercies and blessmgs
vouchsafed to me throughout this day. O that I
could see more clearly and extensively all thy
goodness to me day by day. O Lord, anomt my
eyes with heavenly salve that they may be open-
ed and enlightened to behold thee the Father of
glory in thy eternal arrangements, to behold ihee
in the glorious sacrifice and government of tlty
Son Jesus Christ, and to behold thee in thy Spi-
rit sent forth to all the ea th, and as especially
dwelling in those who fear and love thee m the
Lord of salvation. Most Gracious God, enlighten
me, and enlarge me, in all the glories of thy
O God Almighty, greatly enlighten and sanc--
tify all thy Church. For this blessed end, O
God, may 'thy Ministers be illuminated with su-
perior light and grace, that by their fulness they
may shed forth their light upon others, even upon
all whom thou hast given them as the flocks of then-
respective care. May their minds be thus filled
with gospel heavenly knowledge, and freely may
they communicate what thou freely^gi vest them.
Also, O God, may their hearts be most right with
thee, may their aftVctions be wholly anrl truly
set on things above ; and from the abundance i.t
their hearts, may thev Pour out spirituui lluu;>i»
\\\ -
^ -■•
,■ «■
Individual Prayer,
to their people, with such a hetavenly savour, as
to make all that hear them to perceive aud to
apply to themselves the things divine which they
communicate, and to relish them as the sweetest
odours. And grant, O Lord, unto thy servants,
on whose ways, by thy arrangements, so much
of the prosperity of the church depends, grant
unto them, O God, all discernment and power
to regulate every step of their conduct, in holy
imitation of the steps of Christ, that they may
truly be patterns to their flocks to follow after
them in all things. O Lord God, fill all thy
servants with a most earnest, sedulous, desire to
approve themselves in all things as the Ministers
of Christ, and to give no offence in any thing
lest their ministry should be blamed, and thus be
hindered in its good effects, but may they fully
approve themselves unto Christ and to his church,
by the word of truth, by the power of God, and
by the armour of righteousness on the right hand
and on the left. Thus, O God, enable thy shep-
herds to see, to feel, and to act, to the glory of
God, to the edification of thy church, and to the
enhancement and brilliancy of tliat unfading
crown of glory which thou hast promised in
Christ to all the good and faithful shepherds of
thy flock.
O Lord God, build up day by day, and
strengthen ki faith and holhiess every true mem-
ber of the body of Christ. Have mercy, O God,
on all the nominal members of thy Church. O
Lord, alarm them, and make them to see their
dangerous and awful state, and convert them into
•uhI aud true and fruitful branches of the livin
! I
Tuesday Evening,
ivoiir, as
e and to
aich they
so much
Is, grant
id power
;, in holy
hey may
low after
11 all thy
desire to
my thing
d thus be
hey fully
s church,
Grod, and
[ght hand
thy shep-
glory of
nd to the
mised in
iherds of
day, and
rue mem-
, O God,
urch. O
see their
them into
he living
vine. O Lord, send forth thy gospel to tlie
places to which it has not yet come. May the
blessed proclamation of mercy speedily be heard
over all the earth, and by every individual. Let
the ^^,w and the Gentile flock together into the
house of God. Bless thy servants who are la-
bouring in Satan's kingdom, and make them daily
to conquer, and to deliver captives out of his
hands, and prosper them in destroying his usurped
power. May Satan fall like lightning to the
ground, and may the sway of Jesus soon extend
over all the earth, that blessedness may abound
in it to the glory of God.
O God Almighty, bless this nation, and make
it a great blessing to all nations. May our
Queen and her Ministers, and all our Governors
and Judges, and Instructors, have thy especial
blessing, for the good of the whole community
in which thou hast placed them as conspicuous
members, that they might glorify thee in the
good of all, and that in doing so they might
themselves receive a conspicuous crown of life,
according to thine arrangements of distributing
thy gifts acccording to the good pleasure of thy
will, and in thine intiuite wisdom and beneVolence.
Lord God, pity all who are suHering from pain
and want. Bestow on me the true spirit of
gratitude and benevolence, and let me glorify
thee in a right spirit towards all men.
Father of glory and of love, O hear these my
supplications in Christ: pardon my sins which
are many and grievous : deliver me from my
corruptions : fdl me with the Holy Ghost : and
bless me for evermore : Amen.
124 Individual Prayer.
O God Almighty, tl.e Fatl.er of mercies, I
adore thee for the returning light of anotlier day.
Biessed God, how graciously has thy hand been
upon me in the night watches. No danger has
cLe near my bed, none near this house, nor
upon anv individual in it during the silent Imui^
of the night. Glory be to thy name, O God,
for the same, for thou alone hast protected ns all,
and to thy name let us all give glory for thy
gooduessJ-Blessed be thy name, O gracious
Father, for the sweet sleep I have enjoyed, and
for the sweet refreshment 1 now feel, and foi
my health and strength of body, niiud, and soul.
O Lord my God, what shall I render to thee
for thy numerous mercies, and constant benebts,
and comforts. Lord God I render mysol to
thee, in soul, mind, and body. O may I this
day, and ever, glorify thee in all my members
and faculties, and in all my ways, at all lines,
and under all circumstances, for thou. Lord God
Almighty, hast made me and redeemed me, thou
presen-cst me day and night, and thou givest
ne grace upon grace. O Lord give me more
grace additionally every day ot my lite, and
then this life is over, O give me the crown of
everlasting life and glory which thou hast promis-
ed to those who love thee. ' , , .,
O God, my heavenlv Father, it is only bv tliy
Spirit dwelling and working in me that 1 can
....II.- c. «. t.. nlease thee. O then give m^
'*"'" -'".""-■ ' - -1 11 : o (his dav,
thy Sp
it, O mv God, to dwell in me
H'cies, I
ler day.
[id been
iger has
use, nor
it liours
O God,
:d US all,
for tiiy
y^ed, and
and for
\nd soul.
r to thee
nyself to
ay I this
idl times,
iord God
me, thou
)u givest
me more
life, and
crown of
^t promis-
dy by thy
hat i can
give ir>
this day,
Wednesday Morning,
to teach mo step by step what is thy will
concerning me on every hand; and give me
power to do readily, faithfully, wisely, and cheer-
fully, whatsoever I know to be thy will concern-
ing me. O Lord, let me never hesitate about
doing thy will, and let me never do it grudgingly
and of necessity, for thou acceptest only a cheer-
ful loving service. Lord God, enable me, by
thy Spirit, to render thee such service this day,
in every thing that comes before me ; and let a
sweet sense of thy presence and thy love be on
me all the day long.
Most Gracious Father, grant me this day to
act towards every individual with whom I have
any dealings or conversation, in the spirit of
truth, justice, and benevolence. May my only
object be thy glory, and according to thy com-
mandment may I love all T\ien, as they are made
after the similitude of God, and especially may
I love those who are reassimilated to thee in
Jesus Christ. O Lord, make me a light and a
benefit unto all with whom I have communica-
tion ; may I reflect thy light upon them in the
gospel of Christ, and may tb':y glorify thee in the
day of thy visitation.
Almighty God; be pleased to illuminate thy
whole church as a body, and illuminate every
individual member of it. Let thy Ministers be
clothed with knowledge and righteousness. O
Lord, pity all the dark places of the earth, send
them the heavenly light of thy word, may the
gospel of Jesus Christ be speedily preached to all
nations, and may Jew and Gentile be converted
unto God. Bless, O God, this nation, und
126 Individtial Prayer.
make it a blessi.ig to every nation arouml and
over all the earth. Glory to thy name, O God,
for thy favours to this nation : O lot us reflec
upon all lands that light thou l'a«\ S>^" «"^J
never let the hght that .s m us be darkness to
any. Bless o.u- Queen, and all in au honty,
miy they all be tndy thy Ministers, m.n.stern>g
"Shteou^ly aecordini to thy -"--.f T"!;; •„
Most Gracious God, remember all who are in
poverty and supply their wants, relieve he
Iffictel deliver those who are led captive by the
Sil a^d may the evils ofthis world be reduced
dav bv day by the prevalence of the faith and the
Siofth'e golpel of Christ. O Ur^ Jt
thy kingdom come, and let thy wdl be done on
n^liSgh^'pSrcondescend to accept of
thete m? thWv-g^ -^ »» ^df fa^S 's
cations. Not in my own name ^o I a*k this
blessiuK, but in the name of Jesus Christ only
and alone, for he sitteth at thy right hand as a
plctai^d a Saviour, he pleads tbe merU^" £
death for sinners, and none who come »nto U^ee
through him shall be rejected. O Lo.a 1 ton
fess myself a sinner before thee a 1 g nl y a. J
corrupt, I come ""t- th«e.tl"»''S'' -["Crk and
wash me in his blood, give me ^'Y J^P""' <""i
preserve me unto everlasting lite : Amen.
Father of mercies, and God of my life, I bless
and J'lL thy name this evening, tor thy merci-
md and
5 reflect
us, and
Kness to
10 are in
eve the
e by the
1 and the
Lord, let
done on
Lccept of
le suppli-
ask this
irist only
land as a
eritof his
unto thee
rd I con-
;uilty and
as Cliiist,
pirit, and
ife, I hless
:hy merci-
Wednesday Evening,
ful and benevolent care of me throughout this
day. I thank tliee, O God, that no accident has
befallen me, and that I have enjoyed a full
measure of health and strength during the day,
and thus have been enabled to attend to the
various duties which in thy wise providence thou
hast laid upon me. Give tliy blessing, O Father,
to all the work of my hands and of my mind this
day, and may thy great and blessed name be
glorified in all. Forgive, O Lord, I beseech
thee, all my sins in all my duties this day, for
alas, in every thing I come short of thy glory.
Pardon mv transgressions in all my ways through
all the period of my life. Wash me, O my
Father, from every stain in the all precious
cleansing blood of Christ.
Most Gracious God, I adore thee for thy love
and condescension in permitting a poor, ignorant,
weak, and wayward sinner to come before thee
in prayer. O the value of the sacrifice of Christ
which has procured this introduction for us into
the presence and the favour of God ! O grant
me. Almighty Father, more fully to comprehend
thy love to sinners, and thy salvation provided
for them. O may the love of Christ be shed
abroad in my heart, and may I be filled with the
Spirit of God. O Lard, may the eyes of my
understanding be greatly enlightened, may I
know what is the hope of thy calhng of nie m
Christ Jesus, and may I comprehend the riches
of the glory of thy inheritance in the saints, and
be filled with all the fulness of God in Christ
And now, O my Father, I would lie down this
128 Individual Prayer*
nidit in full peace with thee, the God of peace,
for tliou hast given me peace throngh the recon-
ciling blood of Christ, and hast united me to
thyself, having forgiven me all iniquities, and
hnving promised me thy eternal rest and peace
in the heavenly mansions of joy for ever and
ever. O blessed be thy name for evermore thou
.God of my salvation, of my hope and joy.
Gracious God, may it please thee to keep m&
in perfect safety through this night, if such be
according to the order of thy good and wise
providence, and may my sleep and rest be
pleasant to me, refreshing and strengthemng.—
O Lord God, pitifully look on all who may pass
this night in pain and affliction. Alleviate their
distress, O God, in thy compassion, if it be thy
will. Give them patience in their distress ; and
especially do thou sanctify them by thy wise
visitation, and may they be led to humble theni-
selves before thee, and to seek mercy in Christ ;
and may thy people in their afflictions glorify
thee by patience, and grace, and holiness.
O my heavenly Father, I give thanks to thee
for the eracious continuance of my hfe and health
from day to day, and I give thanks to thee for
my food, my clothing, my shelter, my knowledge,
my friends, my comforts, and my hopes, i ity,
O Lord, all who are in poverty, and fail ^>t '"^y J»*
these many blessings which thou hast so liberally
bestowed on me. Give me, O my Gc)d, a heart
of tenderness and sympathy for all who are m
nnvwise distressed, and may I promote their re-
lief as thou mayest enable me. Kver tuitil tny
promises, O Merciful God, to the fatherless, the
Wednesday Evening.
■ pence,
» recon-
. me to
cs, and
d pea(;e
VQV and
)re thou
:eep md
such be
nd wise
rest be
[lay pass
ite their
t be thy
»ss; and
hy wise
le them-
5 glorify
s to thee
nd health
thee for
8. Pity,
of any of
i, a heart
lo are in
their re-
fulfii thy
jrless, the
orphan, and the widow, and deal graciously with
the hoary head under inlirmities.
Merciful God, have pity upon the wide world
lying in darkness and in sin. Hast not tiiou
given thy Son Jesus Christ to be " a light to
lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people
Israel ?" Wliy is it then, O Lord God most
righteous, why is it that the great body of tlie
Gentiles are yet unconverted, and tliat thy Peo-
ple have still the veil upon their hearts ? Arise,
O Lord, in the glory of thy strength, and fuliil
thy promises : lighten all the Gentiles, and make
Israel glorious. (^ send speedily to all nations,
thy holy word, and send thine evangelists to
preach Christ to all the kindreds of the earth.
Be merciful, O God, to thy Church, and to thy
Ministers, that they may flourish in thy strength,
and that thy name may be rapidly carried by thy
people over the wide world. — Thou, O God, hast
richly favoured this nation. O ma.y it richly ben-
efit all nations, and never prove a stumbling block
unto any. May our Queen, and all our Rulers,
Magistrates, and persons occupying a conspicu-
ous influential position in society, be true disciples
of Christ, much imbued with thy Spirit, and may
they prove the means of great and lasting bless-
ings to all this community.
Bless, abundantly. Most Gracious Father, all
who are connected with me by the various ties
of life. May I be very conscientious and faithful
in all my relative duties, doing every thing, in the
first place to please thee, and doing every thing
unto all in the spirit of love, sympathy, and godly
benevolence. Hear all the prayers that are
) '
■•*.. .■ •
130 Indkidml Piayer.
offered up for uie by my friends, and by all thy
f X O load thyVoplero pray much or ea^^^^
other, mu<;h for the pro.spen y «t /wn, and mucli
fni- the salvation of the world.
'"O God my God, and my Fathe.-, Ij-oud nov.
commit the keeping of my .oul and body to thee
as to a faithful Creator and Redeemer. O let
"ot S^tan ever get an "'Ivantage over m^. by
night or by day, let not the world ^e "1e me >»
anv shape, nor let me be deceived wiU. the co.
"JtSof my own heart O Lo«l, deliver me
from all 'vil, and present me at la.t betore tny
Irence with exceeding joy, through my Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ: Amen.
Almighty God, thou hast by thy poww f*"
pelted tfe larkness of the night, and the l.^h of
day now shines forth. How great, O G«<1' '» ^ny
nower and how great is thy goodness. Thou,
?) God art light, and in thee, there is no darkness
2 Si O grant me more and more to see thee
'n Vhv ff and glory, and daily illuminate me
Z fftru-e knowulge of thy ch-acter and -y^^
that I may continually adore thee, foi thou ait
adorabirin thyself and ill all thy manifes at.ons.
O God how great is thy love, and how signally
has^ Uiou displayed it towards the human race,
in ilin» them in their lost condition, andm giv-
ine up tiiy Beloved Son to die tor us, iiiav «c
JgU be delivered from thy wrath, and might
Thursday Morning,
^ all thy
for each
[id much
)uld now
y to thee
. O let
r me, by
de me in
I the cor-
eliver me
efore thy
my Lord
)ower dis-
he light of
Grod, is thy
s. Thou,
o darkness
o see thee
minate me
• and ways,
jr thou art
[)W signally
uman race,
and in giv-
IS, iiiai »v V.
, and might
enjoy thy eternal favour. O Lord, grant me
every day to perceive thy love more and more ;
and not oidy thy love to mankind may I under-
stand, but also thv love to me in the redemption
of my own sinfulsoid, by leading me to the cross
of Christ for pardon, and by giving me thy Spi-
rit that I may follow after holiness. O Lord,
fill my soul with all gratitude, and may I manifest
the same by word and by deed, seeking in all
Jiings to know how I may glorify thee, and
how I may adorn in all my ways the doctrine
of God my Saviour. .
All Gracious Father, besvow on me thy Spuit,
that I may love thee with all my heart, and with
all my soul, and with all my mind, and with all
my strength. Thus may I live a godly life^,
seeing thee, loving thee, trusting in thee, and
adoring and praising thee continually.
Blessed Father, enable me also to keep thy
commandment of love towards all my fellow
men. May I love my neighbour as myself,
entering into his feelings and wishes, and in all
things doing towards him, what I would wish
him to do towards me. O Lord, give me the
true spirit of benevolence, and drive from me the
spirit of selfishness. May I be a brother, and a
servant, and a benefactor to all m> leighbours,
and to all with whom I am in anywise related
ivnd connected ; and towards all mankind may I
have a true brotherly feeling, praying for their
g^od for time and for eternity, and using such
-neans for promoting the same as thou shalt put
wilhiii my reach.
Merciful God, send thv salvation forth unto
1 32 Individual Prayer,
all mankind. Stir up tliy people to propagate
the gospel in all parts of the world, stir tliem up
to pray for the dark nations of the earth, and to
use great exertions to carry thy salvation unto
all. Glory be to tliy name, O God, for what
thou art now working for the extension of thy
Kingdom. O bless all thy servants engaged in
making inroads into Satan's domains. Power-
fully guide them and strengthen them by thy
Spirit, and may their success be great in thy
name, and to thy glory.
God of compassion and tender mercy, grant
me to be an imitator of thee in all tender
sympathy with my fellow-creatures in affliction.
May my prayers for them ever be in true
earnestness, and may I ever be disposed to aid
them in their distresses. O God, in whose hand
is the earth, and the fulness thereof, graciously
afford thy help to all who are in poverty ; and
in thy pity, O God, come to the relief of all who
are a pain and sickness, or trouble of body or of
mind. O Lord, grant that afflictions may be
sanctified unto ail who are under them for their
everlasting welfare.
Almighty God, may thy rich blessings rest on
this empire. Bless all ranks and conditions
among us according to our respective need, and
according to the measure of thy grace which
thou metest out in heavenly wisdom. The
Queen and her Counsellors, our Legislators, our
Governor, our Magistrates, our Instructors, and
all in piithority and influence, do thou bh'ss, and
all the higher, middle, and lower ranks of society.
May true rehgion, true knowlerlge, and true
Thursday Evening,
them up
, and to
ion unto
x)r what
n of thy
raged in
by thy
t in thy
;y, grant
1 tender
in true
tjd to aid
ose hand
rty ; and
if all who
ody or of
may be
for their
rs rest on
leed, and
ce which
m. The
[itors, our
:'.tors, and
bless, and
:>f society,
and true
morals be the portion of all, and may all abound
in them.
O my Father, now hear my earnest undis-
sembled prayer, that I may walk in all things to
please thee this day, seeking thy will and thy
glory, and not my own. May I speak the trutli,
do righteously, and show humanity and benevo-
lence in all my duties, and business, and inter-
course, and let my treasure and my heart be in
heaven. May my sins which are many he for-
given, and grp"tly may I love thee. Dwell in
me by thy Spirit all the days of my hte, and
finally bring me to the eternal mansions of
glory : and to thy name only and alone shall be
all the praise for ever and for ever : Amen.
Father of mercies, and God of all comfort and
consolation, into thy holy presence I come this
evening, to give thanks and praise to thy Ever
Blessed Name, for all the mercies, benefits, and
blessings which thou hast bestowed upon me
throughout the day now drawing to a close. O
Lord God, thy hand has been upon me from the
morning until now. By thy goodness I have
been sustained in life through all the hours and
moments of the day, for it is thy visitation alone
that sustains me, and the breaths of life I draw
moment after moment are thy breathings within
me. O Lord my God, how wonderfully am I
inndi:. ! hniv wciiiihu fullv am I niescrved ! Unto
— — — - ^. i_
134, Individual Prayer.
thy name, and to thy name alone be the glory
for all I am, and for all I enjoy.
And thou, O Lord God Almighty, thon art
the sustainer also of my spiritual life m Christ
Tesus. Thy Spirit within me keeps me m the
taowledge and the faith of Christ as my only
Saviour Snd Mediator who interposed with God
on behalf of the world, and on my behalt, and
who gave his life a ransom for sinners to save
them from perdition, and to put them in posses-
sion of glory and blessedness everlasting. Ever-
lastine praise to thy name, O God, tor tne
Semptln of my guilty.soul, andfor the hope of
glory which thou hast given me. O let me hye
by faith, and not by sight ; let my affections be
set on the things that are above, and not on the
hngs of this evil world. May God dwell m
me Say by day by his Holy Spirit, and daily may
T wal^ with God, and bring forth the fruits of
righteousness : and, O God, may thy peace
which passeth all understandmg keep my heart
and soul continually; and may I be strong in
the Lord, and in the grace that is in Christ
''bv thy good and poweiful hand upon me, O
mv God, have I this day been preserved from
falling, and mercifully hast thou preserved me
from the wiles of the devil, and froni the snares
of this ungodly world. Almighty God, I give
slory to thee for thus preservmg me from my
Bowerful foe, and for sustaining me in the midst
Sf mTne enemies. O Lord God up to this hour
^,.^ \,,.y.* ^o «Vi*ulm0- ill thee, and in thy
Son Jesus Christ, though exposed every hour to
Tliursday Evening,
3 glory
1011 art
! ill the
ly only
th God
ilf, and
to save
Fcr the
hope of
me live
tions be
t on the
Iwell in
ily may
fruits of
^ peace
ly heart
Drong in
I me, O
ed from
rved me
e snares
I, I give
Tom my
he midst
his hour
id in thy
r hour to
dangers of a fearful kind, for Satan is constantly
going about to deceive and destroy the flocks of
Christ, and this world is all over enchanted
ground, and full of snares, pitfalls, and death :
yea also our own hearts deceive us, and would
betray us into the hands of our enemies. Lord
God Almighty, how consoling is it to thy poor,
timid, and helpless flock, that thou the shepherd
of Israel slumberest not nor sleepest, and that
thou our defender art more powerful than our
adversary. Yes, O God, thou art all powerful,
thou art our helper in the time of need, and our
Glory be to thy name, O God, for thy merci-
ful preservations of me in all times that are past.
And now and henceforth, O my Father and my
Ood, graciously regard me and keep thine eye
ever upon me. Oh let not Satan get an advan-
tage over me at any time, nor in any thing ;
may I ever resist the devil, and do thou com-
mand him in thy power to flee from me. —
Mercifully also preserve me, O Lord, from the
entangling dangers of this evil, dark, and deluded
world. O God, enable me to flee from all evil,
and from tiie very appearance of it : enable me
to turn away from all darkness ; and preserve
me, O God, from every delusion. Merciful
Father, grant me grace and power manfully and
constantly to fight the hard but good fight of
faith ; and at length, O my God, crown me
with victory and glory in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father, forgive all the sins of this day, and
grant me a full pardon of all my guilty life,
through the blessed sacrifice of Christ. Father,
J 36 Individual Prayer.
.^.\t\^ tViP Holv Ghost and with power,
'-0 gS 12 *;:nriKi> a„d extend
■t £' tie Ministers of Christ be like the.r
ehe poor ; -^rrrcyl^K-rt^^^^^^^
t:lXr « J CoS about salvation : and
""aiusirblt. O God, all who are near and
*"^if orn"£td God of love, I now
W Graciously to watch over me through
Sg " blerme i the morning and bless mo
for ever and ever in the Lord Jesus Chust.
A, ,ghty ^^£^^X^ ^^^
and bless thee. '"* '^ ^^^Jg ,|,ee for the
'^'TiS^/fJ. enjoyed in the night
ihe^rand tor thy goodness nv prosevvug n.c
i x:x:v
d may
:e their
s of the
ted and
•e living
)n: and
' extend
lear and
nake me
lich thou
i:ayv;rs of
ers of all
?, I now
J through
I bless me
i Christ:
Friday Morning,
adore thee
behold the
je for the
II the nigiit
serving mc
from evils and dangers in the siours of darkness;
I bless thee for the health of body and soundness
of mind which I this morning enjoy : and adore
thee for all the blessings with which I am sur-
rounded. Glory be to thy name, O God, for
the arrangements of day and of night which in
thy wisdom and goodness thou hast ordained for
the glory of thy character, and for the welfare of
thy creatures who inhabit this globe. O Lord,
give me eyes to see thy divine arrangements in
this, and in all the structure of this world, and
in all the administrations of thy providence, for
all thy works praise thee, and should stir up thy
saints to bless thee.
And now, O God, as I enter upon a new day,
and a new period of my existence, I draw near
to thee, to beseech and implore thee to be my
Father and my God of a truth this day. May I
truly begin the day with God, may I walk with
God all the day long, and may I close the day
with God. In thy fear may I constantly be,
ever may I enjoy thy divine favour, and may
all the members of my body, and all the faculties
of my mind be employed exclusively in serving
honouring, and glorifying thee, in whom I live,
and move, and have my being.
I thank thee, O my God, for having fed me
all my life long until the present time. By tliy
gracious providence my tal)le has been furnished
day after day, and I have never lacked food
convenient for me. O God, give me, I beseech
thee, a grateful heart and thiuikful lips at the re-
membrance of all thy goodness tovvrirds me in
my supi)lies and comforts ; and meal !)y meal
138 Individual Prayer.
may I praise thee for tl.y bounties "Wi a heart
abounding in grotitnde and hum.l.ty. O Lord
Kive me this day mv diurnal bread, that my body
may be sustained in health and strength : and
give me, O my Father, my dady portion o t e
bread of life, that my sonl may be nourished and
strengthened : and, O God, in all my heart and
soul may I glorify thee all the day long, accord-
inff to thy holy will concermng me.
This day, O my Father, let me adorn the
doctrine of God my Savionr, as a poor redeemed
sinner. Guilty, O Lord, and depraved, andde-
filed I am in all my ways. Let me constantly
remember this my true """'^i':";"' *'".\'"*y. ^^i
ever humble before thee, and in the sight ot all
around me. Give me, O ^ord, continually to
see the rich merit of the saenhce of Christ which
avails to the justifying and cleansing of such a
sinner as I am. c. • •» tu„«. t «,..■.»
Fill me, O God, with thy Spirit, that I may
reioice in thy salvation all the da) , and that I
X bring forth the fruits of the Spirit in a 1 my
words, thoughts, and deeds. O lead me not into
temptation, for great is my weakness ; and deliver
me, I pray thee, from the evil one in all Ins
snares, and malice. Enable me to P»t "»;''«
whole armour of God : may I strive mightily to
stand, and by thy grace may I stand fi""'^ «^^-
fast, and unmoved in the grace of God and ot the
Lord Jesus Christ. i ,„ i
Almighty God, thou hearer of prayer, hear, I
, . .1 - *1. „,...«. r„..u anfl «llItnllC'ltlOUS ot all
,hv church on my behalf. A nd, O God, do thou
bidld up, enlarge, and beauiify thy chnrch upon
Friday Evening,
I heart
y body
I : and
of the
ed and
\vt and
►rn the
and de-
may be
lit of all
ually to
it which
f such a
t I may
d that I
n all my
not into
d deliver
1 all his
it on the
jrhtily to
n, stead-
nd of the
r, hear, I
ous of all
, do thou
rch upon
earth, that it may more nearly resemble thy
church in heaven. Illuminate thy church, unite
all thy people as one lovely family, may all
abound in holiness and peace, and may the
vi^hole earth speedily become the fold and the
flock of Christ.
Gracious Father, have mercy upon the igno-
rant, the thoughtless, the foohsh, the vicious, and
the deluded of mankind, and deliver them from
their thraldom. Pity, O Lord, the poor, and the
afflicted, and the disconsolate, and display to them
thy good hand, and fill them with gratitude and
with grace.
Most Blessed God, set and keep all my affec-
tions on things that are above ; may my treasure
sensibly be in heaven ; and may all 1 do this day
be appro vv?d in the great day of accounts, through
the merits and compassion and love of my Re-
deemer snd my Judge : unto whom be glory
everlasting : Amen.
Almighty and Affectionate Father, thou rulest
the whole universe, and thou dwellest in the
hearts of men to lead them and to comfort them.
How wonderful, O God, is thy character ! and
how wonderful are all thy ways !
O Lord my God, thou hast created me, and
thou hast redeemed me : dwell in me, I beseech
thee, and work in me all the good pleasure of
thy will % never icave mo nor iorssive me i anv«
finally bring me to the everlasting mansion*
<■. ••'
140 Individual Prayer,
which thou hast prepared for those who love
'V God, every day instructs me of my sinful-
ness, my weakness, my i^morance, and my cor-
ruptions. Be merciful to me, O Lord, m ^-
{.ard to all my ways this day; enter not m to
iudi?ment with me ; forgive me through tiie
blood of Christ; and most graciously ook on
lue henceforth, and let thy grace prevail in me,
that I may indeed be lioly and may partake ot
thy Divine Nature. O Lord, I hunger and
thirst after righteousness : remember thy pro-
mise, and fill me with thy grace here, and with
thy fflory hereafter.
Almighty God, I beseech thee, to arm me
more and more day after day against the snares
and wiles of the devil. May i powerfully resist
his attacks and devices, and do thou command
the tempter to flee from me, according to thy
promise. O God, give me grace to watch against
the delusions of this evil world, and let me not
be overcome nor entangled by them. Preserve
me also from all the evil lurkings of my own
corrupt heart, my sinful body, and deceitful
mind ; arm me with all self-denial, and gjve me
powerful control over my spirit, mmd, and body ;
and grant that my whole outward and inward
man may glorify thy name in Jesus Christ my
*^0 Most Blessed God, who art full of good-
ness, grant unto me to be filled with thy spirit
of ffoodness, and may I show forth the same
under all circumstances in which 1 may'""
And may all the fruits of the Spirit abound
Friday Evening,
I love
y cor-
in !-
it into
[h tlie
>ok on
in me,
ake of
r and
y pro-
d with
m me
jr resist
to thy
me not
ly own
;ive me
irist my
►f good-
ly spirit
le same
J placed.
>ound in
me, that I may approve myself now and in the
day of judgment as a u-ue and faithful disciple
of Jesus Christ. Let my constant endeavour
be, day and night, and in all things, to put on
Christ ; and O may Christ be continually mag-
nified in me, and may his love and his peace and
his joy fill my heart and soul through all my
pilgrimage ; may I die rejoicing in the Lord, and
may I rise to glory, honour, and immortality at
the right hand of God with Jesus Christ my
Lord and Redeemer.
Lord God Almighty, powerfully aid me with
the grace of thy Spirit, that I may walk continu-
ally as in the sight of God, in strong faith, in
love, in humility, and in blissful hope of the crown
of righteousness ; and at the same time may I
be lively, animated, and active in all thy servi'^es
appointed me in this dark world, doing thy wiU
always with courage and with cheerfulness, under
the full assurance that thy name is glorified by
my walking with wisdom and energy in all thy
ways, and that my poor labours shall not be in
vain in the Lord.
O thou Hearer of prayer, be pleased to hear
the constant unceasing prayer of thy whole
church on my behalf. And, O God, do thou
bless thy church greatly with light, love, and
unity ; and enlarge it on every side until ii fill
the whole earth according to thy promise. O
Lord, grant that I may be a useful member of
thy church in the sphere in which thou hast
placed me, with all knowledge, diligence, and
O God, the Father of the fatherless, and the
142 Individual Prayer.
husband of tl,e wulow, remember tby cha'ge, and
fulfil to then) all thy gvac.ousness. O let tlie
needy ever find relief in thee, and may I mutate
dtv example; have compassion on all who are
distressed in mind, body, or circumsta-.ces : and,
O blessed God, speedily heal th|s diseased, dis-
tempered, and miserable world, by tiie light, and
the balm of thy salvation. • f„.
My heavenly Father, I pray t ns evenmg for
all my Relatives, Friends, and Neighbours, and
beseech thee, to hear their prayers for me.
Bless all the inhabitants of this place ; may I do
good to them as I may have opportunity, and
may I ever possess the spirit of love towards all
men, for all men are formed after the similitude
"^ And now, O my God and my Father, I am
come to the close of this day, and am about to
Tedown and to sleep : O protect me and bless
me during the hours of night, and may these
"mbfems^of death and the grave remind me o
the same; and grant O God that 1 may be
ddy fitted by thyself for a happy death and a
glorious resurrection : and to thy name, O
Cher of glory, be glory everlasting through
Jesus Christ : Amen.
Most Blessed Father, in the name of thy Son
Jesus Christ, the only Mediator, i come ue....
t W I bow my knees, O Lord, in thy presence
Saturdfi->f Morning,
^e, and
let tiie
v\\o are
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3d, dis-
fht, and
nng for
irs, and
for me.
lay I do
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md bless
ly these
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[thy Son
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in token of reverence and humility : enable me
also to bow down in my heart before thee.
O my Father, thou knowest that I come to
thee only and solely through the atonement
made for sinners by tliy Son Jesus Christ. For
his sake, O Lord, have mercy upon me : O
have mercy upon me, for the sake of thy Scm
Jesus Christ, my only refuge, my only Lord
and Saviour. I confess myself a sinner before
thee, O God, in every way. I am a sinner m
Adam the head of our guilty and polluted race,
and I am a sinner in myself: and O how often
and how grievously have I sinned against thee.
O Lord, enter not into judgment with me, for
in thy Jght no one can be justified. But look
upon me, I beseech thee, in thy mercy, and m
thy compassion and love.
Glory be unto thy name, O God, for thy
great love toward our fallen race. Blessed for
ever be thy holy name for sending thy Son
Jesus Christ to save this lost world. And I
thank thee, O my God, for casting my lot ma
land where the gospel of Jesus Christ is made
known, and is freely accessible unto all. I adore
thee also, O my Father, that whilst thousands
reject this gospel to whom thou hast offered it,
yet thou hast made me by thy grace, in some
measure to listen to it, to understand it, and to
rest in it, as all my hope, and all my salvation.
Not unto me, O Lord, not unto me, but unto
thy name alone be all the glory.
O Lord, I adore thee, for having, as 1 trust,
1 J ..:«.^ in fh Lord,
ills me,
it thee,
^ord, I
and I
on me ;
[ in me
and be
Ly long,
'ps may
r which
[fie, but
jrod my
my in-
Saturday Evening,
Set a watch upon my mouth this day, O
Lord ; keep thou the door of my lips ; and let
not my heart incline to any evil thing. Enable
me to tliink and feel towards all .icn, and to
speak and act respecting them, as I could wish
tiiem to do towards me, agreeably to thy most
holy commandment. Keep me, O Lord, this
day from grieving thy Holy Spirit: keep me
from quenching thy Holy Spirit: and O taice
not thy Holy Spirit away from me. May thy
love be truly within my heart this day : may I
trust in thee with all confidence, through the
blood r.** Christ: may thy peace dwell richly
within me : an([ may I be filled with comfort and
joy in God my Father, and in Jesus my Re-
deemer. In all the duties that devolve upon me
this day, enable me, O Lord, to be diligent and
faithful ; and may it please thee to grant me thy
gracious blessing to accompany me in attending
to them all. In my success and prosperity, may
my rejoicing be in thee ; and in my disappoint-
ments, trials, and adversities, may I also rejoice
in thee. And O grant me, under all circum-
stances, thy presence and thy help ; and may
the light of thy countenance ever shine upon me,
through Jesus Christ .jy ^.iviour: Amen.
O Lord God Almighty, I bow down before
thee at the close of this day. Enable me, O
God, to approacli thee with the deepest reverence,
iind with lively feelings of gratitude and love.
>i 3
I» TV: •'
146 Individml Prayer.
Glory be to thy name, O my God, for having
sustained me in life through another day. I
thank thee, O Father, for the health and strength
of body and of mind which I have enjoyed from
thee. I bless thee, for protecting me Irpm dan-
gers, and give thanks to thee for the food and
the eon.forts which I have received during the
day from thy hand. Truly in thee I live, and
mov and have my being, and thy visitation
^"oToXJhe" searcher of all hearts give me
grace to understand my ways, and to know my
transgressions. In every portion of my time
I sin against thee, and come far ^ho'-' «[ fy
glory. This day I have sinned against thee .
1 have done things which I should not have
done, and I have neglected things which I should
have attended to. O Lord, have mercy upon me,
c t me not off from thy favour, and take not thy
Holy Spirit from me. ,
O God, I bless thee for providing a way by
which sins may be forgiven, ami thy avour
enjoyed. Glory to th.y name. O God, that Jesus
Christ gave himself a ransom for sinners and
that he everliveth to make intercession for them.
Through him, O Lord, 1 approach thee, through
him 1 implore the forgiveneas of my sms which
are manifold and aggravated, and through Inin 1
beseech thee to grant me thy peace, and the
light of thy countenance.
Gracious Father, may a sense of my own
weakness and siiifiduess lead me to true I ■..m-
watcbiuinesti uver mybfu, liiut i "-"j — *-^^
1 from
n dan-
)d and
i)g the
e, and
ive me
ow my
' time,
of thy
: thee :
t have
)on me,
not thy
way by
it Jesus
srs, and
)r them,
s which
h him I
md the
ny own
le y "imi-
i earnest
fall into
Saturday/ Evenmg,
sin. May I walk humbly and circumspectly
before thee every day of my life. May I fear to
offend thee ; may I hate every thing tliat is sinful ;
and may I flee the appearance of evil. Strengthen
me, O Lord, for I am weak ; guide me, O Lord,
for I am ignorant : may thy Spirit ever be within
me, and may thy right hand be upon me.
O Lorci, I thank thee for keeping me in some
measure in thy fear this day. I bless thee for
having enabled me to set thee before me in my
variouh duties, and to seek to honour and to
glorify thy name. Not unto me, O Lord, not
unto me, but unto thy name, be all the honour
and glory. O Lord, I lament, that with these
desires, I come so far short of thy holy w'M :
alas, O Lord, when I would do good, sin is oU^a
present with me, and brings me into subjection.
But, O Lord, thou knowesfc all things, and
knowest that the desires of my heart are only
towards thee. O my Father, forgive all my
sins, I beseech thee, through Jesus Christ lay
Son, and sanctify me wholly to thyself through
thy Spirit dwelling in me.
O Merciful and Gracious God, be pleased to
bestow upon others, the same precious blessings
thou hast bestowed upon me : and fill me with
gratitude, thankfulness, and humility. God of
compassion, let all the poor, and all the distressed
be ever before thee ; and have mercy ui)on the
wicked, and turn them to thyself through Jesus
Christ. Oh! let thy Kingdom come: gather
the Jews, and gather the Gentiles into the fold
of Christ: and let thy will be dune on earth as
it is in heaven.
14-8 Individual Prayer,
Father, into thy hands I commend myself this
niffht. To thee, O Lord, the darkness and the
light are one. Thou, the keeper of Israel,
slumberest not nor sleepest. Watch over me,
O my Father, through this night, and graciously
preserve me from every harm. Be pleased, O
Lord, to grant me quiet and refreshing sleep
through the silent hours of the night. May my
thoughts, O Lord, be on thee when I lie down ;
may my thoughts be on thee should I awake in
t',^ night watches; and when I awake m the
n»orning, may my first thoughts turn to thee.
Prepare me, O God, for thy day approachmg.
and bless me when it comes with a double mea-
gure of thy Spirit.
O Lord God, how precious is thy favour:
what a bbssedness it is to He down in peace with
thee ; what a happines-s it is to awake in the en-
loyment of thy smile ! Glory be to thee, my
God, for having cast such a lot for me, in thy
Son Jesus Christ Through his atonement and
his intercession I look unto thee, and hope in thy
mercy. That good work, O Lord, which thou
bast begun in me, be pleased to continue, and to
increase until the end ; and at the coming of
Christ, may I be presented before his presence
with exceeding joy, and be crowned with ever-
lasting glory. Thus, O Lord, fulfil unto nie thy
rich^nd gracious promises to poor sinners through
thy Beloved Son, my dear and glorious B#.
ileemer? Aniisn,
Before Reading the Scriptures. 149
If this
id the
r me,
Reading the Scriptures.
> thee
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1,0 my
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in with
I thank
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, and am
»ading it.
I Father,
whilst I now read and study and meditate on
these thy divine communications to mankmd. O
communicate them to me, 1 beseech thee, even
to my understanding and my heart. Enlighten
me, sanctify, strengthen, and comfort me in thy
holy word, and fit me through thy truth for
glorifying thee on earth and in heaven. O hear
me my God, and graciously answer me through
Jesui'Christ thy Beloved Son, who died lor sin-
ners, and who ever liveth to make intercession
for them : Amen.
O God Almighty, I adore thee for this Pre-
cious Book. Pardon, O Lord, my neglect of it ;
and grant me now thy gracious blessing in
Reading and Studying it, to the glory of thy
name in my Instruction, Sanctiiication, and Sal-
vation, in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer :
Almighty Father, be pleased, I beseech thee,
to enlighten and instruct me, to sanctify and
comfort me, and to animate and strenghten me,
through the Reading of thy Holy Word, at this
time, by thy Holy Spirit sent down from heaven,
through and for the sake of thy Beloved Son
Jesus Christ, my Saviour, my Lord, and my
God: Amen.
O Lord God Almighty, forgive all my neglect
of thy Holy Word, and enable me now to read
a portion of thy Sacred Book with much atten-
tion, and with great profit, for the Lord Jesu*
sake: Amen.
. "I
Prayer respecting
Almighty Father, thou hast commanded thy
people to acknowledge thee in all their ways,
and thou hast promised to direct all their steps.
I come therefore, O my Father, to set thee oe-
fore me in this matter which I am about to
undertake ; and I beseech thee to remember thy
gracious promise, and to fulfil it to me ab' n-
dantly on this occasion.
O Lord, be pleased to instruct me fully in all
parts of my duty in this concern. O save me
from ignorance herein, and from all the evil
effects thereof. Enable me, O my God, to use
my best endeavours to instruct myself in the
duties of what I am now called to, that I may
have a full conviction on my mind that ignorance
cleaveth not to me by reason of my neglect of
the means of instruction within my reach.
Graciously also, O my Father, preserve me
from slothfulness in these duties on which I now
enter in thy name. Thou knowest the natural
indolence of man, and how often I have trans-
gressed by yielding thereto. Be pleased there-
fore, O my God, to stir me up to activity in these
duties, that my conscience may not condemn me
respecting them.
Preserve me, O Lord, in an especial manner,
from wilfully transgressing in any matter in these
drJies. O God, enable me to watch, and to pray,
and to strive herein, that so by thy grace I may
have a conscience void of offence — in thy sight,
manded thy
their ways,
their steps,
set thee oe-
m about to
member thy
me abi ri-
fully in all
O save me
all the evil
God, to use
yself in the
that I may
it ignorance
' neglect of
preserve me
which I now
the natural
have trans-
sased there-
ivity in these
iondemn me
jial manner,
itter in these
and to pray,
grace I may
n thy sight,
Particular Objects.
O my God, — and in the sight of those I am
connected with in this concern and charge.
Most Blessed God, O do vouchsafe to me a
right understanding, and a sound judgment, and
energy of mind and of body, for serving thee,
and for glorifying thy Most Holy Name in this
matter. Forbid it, O my God, that I should in
any wise dishonour thy name in this thing ; but
grant me thy Holy Spirit that I may adorn herein
the doctrine of God my Saviour ; and may all
my actions be, and so appear, before men in this
undertaking, that I may greatly glorify my
Father who is in heaven.
O my God, may my soul be truly clear and
untainted in all this matter, and may I be kept
from tainting in any manner the souls of others.
Grant also, O Lord, for thy great goodness' sake,
that my soul may acquire profit through this
concern, and holiness, and peace, and joy ; and
may all and every thing I do herein, greatly
redound to the honour and glory of thy adorable
and blessed name, for ever and for ever.
O my Father— my Father— most graciously
hear these supplications, and answer them, for
the sake of Jesus Christ, my Lord, and my
Redeemer : Amen, and Amen.
Almighty God, source of all Knowledge, to
Prayer respecting
tion I stand in need of, for the life tliac now is,
and for that which is to come. Vouchsafe to
me, O Lord, all that knowledge which I require
for enabling me to glorify thy name, in the state
in which thou hast placed me, or in the state
thou mayest hereafter place me in. Shut out
also, O Lord, from my eyes and thoughts, the
knowledge of every thing that might lead me to
sin against thee, and endanger my own peace
and my salvation.
I thank thee, O my God, for all the knowledge
thou hast already communicated to me. Forgive
my neglect and abuse of this knowledge, in all
respects wherein I have so done; and let not my
soul, O God, nor the souls of others be injured
by this neglect and abuse. And grant me, O
my God, henceforward to make a right and a
godly use of all the knowledge which by thy
grace I enjoy, or that I may attain unto in future.
Be pleased, O Lord, to grant me that proper
desire which thou wilt approve of, for an in-
creased measure of knowledge. Let me not shut
my eyes against the light thou affordestme : but
let me desire a continual increase of knowledge,
viith the view of glorifying thy name the more
by every light thou wilt give me.
Thou hast now, O God, in thy providence put
this Book into my hands. O grant me thy Holy
Spirit to guide and to direct me in the reading
of it. My mind, O God, is entirely in thy hands.
O save me from harm, and guide me to what is
good by the Book now before me. Shield me,
O my God, from imbibing any errors which
this Bool may contain, and guide me to a right
//I M
i «i! l ' i ii. ij yM '*' ' **iWa "" *-w
Partienlar Ohjects,
J > 'i
compreliension of all that ia true, and holy, and
useful in it. Grant also, O my Father, that the
truths I may be led to by this Book may make
a firm impression on my memory, and on my
heart, that so they may prove the means of en-
abling me to serve thee more than ever I have
yet done. O Lord, most graciously grant, that
all the knowledge I may attain to through this
Book may be employed in promoting my own
true and best interests here and hereafter ; and
may this knowledge likewise prove, through thy
grace to me, the means of bestowing present and
eternal blessings upon others.
O Lord my God, for the sake of thy Beloved
Son Jesus Christ, my only Mediator and Advo-
cate, vouchsafe me an abundant answer to these
my sincere and earnest supplications : and to thy
name be glory, both now and for ever ; Amen,
and Amen.